""" |
This training script can be run both on a single gpu in debug mode, |
and also in a larger training run with distributed data parallel (ddp). |
To run on a single GPU, example: |
$ python train.py config/train_sort.py |
Based on nanoGPT by Andrej Karpathy: https://github.com/karpathy/nanoGPT |
Modified for a learn-to-sort experiment by Jacob Bayless |
""" |
import os |
import time |
import math |
import pickle |
from contextlib import nullcontext |
import numpy as np |
import torch |
from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP |
from torch.distributed import init_process_group, destroy_process_group |
from model import GPTConfig, GPT |
import json |
out_dir = 'out' |
eval_interval = 2000 |
verbose_log_interval = 250 |
log_interval = 1 |
eval_iters = 200 |
eval_only = False |
always_save_checkpoint = True |
init_from = 'scratch' |
wandb_log = False |
wandb_project = 'owt' |
wandb_run_name = 'gpt2' |
dataset = 'openwebtext' |
gradient_accumulation_steps = 5 * 8 |
batch_size = 12 |
block_size = 1024 |
n_layer = 12 |
n_head = 12 |
n_embd = 768 |
dropout = 0.0 |
bias = False |
learning_rate = 6e-4 |
max_iters = 600000 |
weight_decay = 1e-1 |
beta1 = 0.9 |
beta2 = 0.95 |
grad_clip = 1.0 |
decay_lr = True |
warmup_iters = 2000 |
lr_decay_iters = 600000 |
min_lr = 6e-5 |
backend = 'nccl' |
device = 'cuda' |
dtype = 'float16' |
compile = False |
config_keys = [k for k,v in globals().items() if not k.startswith('_') and isinstance(v, (int, float, bool, str))] |
exec(open('configurator.py').read()) |
config = {k: globals()[k] for k in config_keys} |
verbose_logfile = os.path.join(out_dir, "verbose_log.txt") |
performance_file = os.path.join(out_dir, "perf_log.txt") |
random = np.random.default_rng() |
meta_path = os.path.join('data', dataset, 'meta.pkl') |
print(f"Loading meta from {meta_path}...") |
with open(meta_path, 'rb') as f: |
meta = pickle.load(f) |
stoi, itos = meta['stoi'], meta['itos'] |
char_to_token = meta["char_to_token"] |
chars_to_skip = meta["chars_to_skip"] |
def encode(s): |
encoded = [] |
skip = 0 |
for char in s: |
if skip: |
skip -= 1 |
continue |
else: |
skip = chars_to_skip[char] |
encoded.append(stoi[char_to_token[char]]) |
return encoded |
def decode(l): |
return ''.join([itos[i] for i in l]) |
def str_array_to_sorted_array(output_string): |
template = '{{"values": {}}}' |
array = np.array(json.loads(template.format(output_string))["values"], dtype = np.uint16) |
array.sort() |
return array |
def generate_validation_list(max_int = 99, |
force_list_length = None, |
max_list_length_chars = None): |
if max_list_length_chars is None: |
max_list_length_chars = int(np.floor(0.5*block_size - 2)) |
max_random_length = int(np.floor(0.5*max_list_length_chars)) |
if force_list_length is None: |
list_length_ints = random.integers(0, max_random_length) |
else: |
list_length_ints = np.min([force_list_length, max_random_length]) |
random_shuffled = random.integers(0, max_int, |
size = list_length_ints, |
endpoint = False) |
shuffled_str = np.array2string(random_shuffled, |
max_line_width = max_list_length_chars*2, |
separator = ',').replace(" ","") |
shuffled_str = shuffled_str[:np.min([len(shuffled_str), max_list_length_chars - 1])] |
shuffled_str = shuffled_str[:-1].strip() |
if shuffled_str[-1] in [",", "\n"]: |
shuffled_str = shuffled_str[:-1] |
shuffled_str += "]" |
sorted_str = np.array2string(str_array_to_sorted_array(shuffled_str), |
max_line_width = max_list_length_chars*2, |
separator = ',').replace(" ","") |
input_line = "(" + shuffled_str[1:-1] + "): [" |
correct_output = sorted_str[1:-1] + "];\n" |
return (input_line, correct_output) |
def score_performance(model_output, |
correct_output, |
output_terminator = "];\n", |
blank_separator = "_", |
list_separator = ","): |
errors = 0 |
model_output, _, _ = model_output.partition(blank_separator) |
if output_terminator in correct_output and output_terminator not in model_output: |
errors += 2 |
correct_output, _, _ = correct_output.partition(output_terminator) |
model_output, _, _ = model_output.partition(output_terminator) |
correct_output = correct_output.split(list_separator) |
model_output = model_output.split(list_separator) |
min_length = np.min([len(correct_output), len(model_output)]) |
length_error = np.abs(len(correct_output) - len(model_output)) |
errors += length_error |
for entry in range(min_length): |
if model_output[entry] != correct_output[entry]: |
errors += 1 |
return errors, errors/float(len(correct_output) + 1), len(correct_output) |
def evaluate_performance(model, |
force_list_length = None, |
max_list_length_chars = None, |
output_separator = "): [", |
output_terminator = "];\n", |
list_separator = ","): |
input_line, correct_output = generate_validation_list(force_list_length = force_list_length, |
max_list_length_chars = max_list_length_chars) |
max_new_tokens = len(correct_output) + 10 |
temperature = 0.0001 |
start_ids = encode(input_line) |
x = (torch.tensor(start_ids, dtype=torch.long, device=device)[None, ...]) |
y = model.generate(x, max_new_tokens, temperature=temperature, top_k=15) |
model_output = str(decode(y[0].tolist())).partition(output_separator)[-1] |
error_abs, error_rel, correct_length = score_performance(model_output, correct_output, |
output_terminator = output_terminator, |
list_separator = list_separator) |
return(input_line, correct_output, model_output, error_abs, error_rel, correct_length) |
def log_performance_verbose(model, iter_number, |
n = 10, |
verbose_log_file = None, |
performance_log_file = None): |
max_list_length_chars = int(np.floor(0.5*block_size - 2)) |
max_random_length = int(np.floor(0.5*max_list_length_chars)) |
force_list_lengths = np.linspace(int(np.floor(0.2*max_random_length)), |
max_random_length, |
n, dtype = np.int64) |
errors_abs = [] |
errors_rel = [] |
with open(verbose_log_file, 'a') as log_file: |
log_file.write("\n\n_____ {} ______\n".format(iter_number)) |
with open(performance_log_file, 'a') as perf_file: |
perf_file.write("{}:".format(iter_number)) |
list_length_total = 0 |
best_rel_error = np.inf |
worst_rel_error = -np.inf |
worst_abs_error = -1 |
worst_list_length = -1 |
best_abs_error = -1 |
best_list_length = -1 |
for n_ind, force_list_length in enumerate(force_list_lengths): |
input_line, correct_output, model_output,\ |
error_abs, error_rel, correct_length = evaluate_performance(model, force_list_length = force_list_length) |
errors_abs.append(error_abs) |
errors_rel.append(error_rel) |
list_length_total += correct_length |
if(error_rel > worst_rel_error): |
worst_rel_error = error_rel |
worst_abs_error = error_abs |
worst_list_length = correct_length |
if(error_rel < best_rel_error): |
best_rel_error = error_rel |
best_abs_error = error_abs |
best_list_length = correct_length |
with open(verbose_log_file, 'a') as log_file: |
log_file.write("\n\tINPUT: {}\n\tEXAMPLE: {}\n\t OUTPUT: {}\n\tERRORS:{} / {} ({:.2f}%)\n".format(input_line, |
correct_output, |
model_output, |
error_abs, |
correct_length, |
error_rel*100.0)) |
with open(performance_log_file, 'a') as perf_file: |
if n_ind > 0: |
perf_file.write(",") |
perf_file.write(" {} / {} ({:.2f}%)".format(error_abs, correct_length, error_rel*100.0)) |
with open(performance_log_file, 'a') as perf_file: |
perf_file.write("\n") |
print("ITER {}: total score is {} errors / {} ({:.2f}%)".format(iter_number, |
np.sum(errors_abs), |
np.sum(list_length_total), |
100.0*np.mean(errors_rel))) |
print("\t Best: {} errors / {} ({:.2f}%)".format(best_abs_error, |
best_list_length, |
100.0*best_rel_error)) |
print("\t Worst: {} errors / {} ({:.2f}%)".format(worst_abs_error, |
worst_list_length, |
100.0*worst_rel_error)) |
ddp = int(os.environ.get('RANK', -1)) != -1 |
if ddp: |
init_process_group(backend=backend) |
ddp_rank = int(os.environ['RANK']) |
ddp_local_rank = int(os.environ['LOCAL_RANK']) |
ddp_world_size = int(os.environ['WORLD_SIZE']) |
device = f'cuda:{ddp_local_rank}' |
torch.cuda.set_device(device) |
master_process = ddp_rank == 0 |
seed_offset = ddp_rank |
assert gradient_accumulation_steps % torch.cuda.device_count() == 0 |
gradient_accumulation_steps //= torch.cuda.device_count() |
else: |
master_process = True |
seed_offset = 0 |
ddp_world_size = 1 |
tokens_per_iter = gradient_accumulation_steps * ddp_world_size * batch_size * block_size |
print(f"tokens per iteration will be: {tokens_per_iter:,}") |
if master_process: |
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) |
torch.manual_seed(1337 + seed_offset) |
torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = True |
torch.backends.cudnn.allow_tf32 = True |
device_type = 'cuda' if 'cuda' in device else 'cpu' |
ptdtype = {'float32': torch.float32, 'bfloat16': torch.bfloat16, 'float16': torch.float16}[dtype] |
ctx = nullcontext() if device_type == 'cpu' else torch.amp.autocast(device_type=device_type, dtype=ptdtype) |
data_dir = os.path.join('data', dataset) |
train_data = np.memmap(os.path.join(data_dir, 'train.bin'), dtype=np.uint16, mode='r') |
val_data = np.memmap(os.path.join(data_dir, 'val.bin'), dtype=np.uint16, mode='r') |
def get_batch(split): |
data = train_data if split == 'train' else val_data |
ix = torch.randint(len(data) - block_size, (batch_size,)) |
x = torch.stack([torch.from_numpy((data[i:i+block_size]).astype(np.int64)) for i in ix]) |
y = torch.stack([torch.from_numpy((data[i+1:i+1+block_size]).astype(np.int64)) for i in ix]) |
if device_type == 'cuda': |
x, y = x.pin_memory().to(device, non_blocking=True), y.pin_memory().to(device, non_blocking=True) |
else: |
x, y = x.to(device), y.to(device) |
return x, y |
iter_num = 0 |
best_val_loss = 1e9 |
meta_path = os.path.join(data_dir, 'meta.pkl') |
meta_vocab_size = None |
if os.path.exists(meta_path): |
with open(meta_path, 'rb') as f: |
meta = pickle.load(f) |
meta_vocab_size = meta['vocab_size'] |
print(f"found vocab_size = {meta_vocab_size} (inside {meta_path})") |
model_args = dict(n_layer=n_layer, n_head=n_head, n_embd=n_embd, block_size=block_size, |
bias=bias, vocab_size=None, dropout=dropout) |
if init_from == 'scratch': |
print("Initializing a new model from scratch") |
if meta_vocab_size is None: |
print("defaulting to vocab_size of GPT-2 to 50304 (50257 rounded up for efficiency)") |
model_args['vocab_size'] = meta_vocab_size if meta_vocab_size is not None else 50304 |
gptconf = GPTConfig(**model_args) |
model = GPT(gptconf) |
elif init_from == 'resume': |
print(f"Resuming training from {out_dir}") |
ckpt_path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'ckpt.pt') |
checkpoint = torch.load(ckpt_path, map_location=device) |
checkpoint_model_args = checkpoint['model_args'] |
for k in ['n_layer', 'n_head', 'n_embd', 'block_size', 'bias', 'vocab_size']: |
model_args[k] = checkpoint_model_args[k] |
gptconf = GPTConfig(**model_args) |
model = GPT(gptconf) |
state_dict = checkpoint['model'] |
unwanted_prefix = '_orig_mod.' |
for k,v in list(state_dict.items()): |
if k.startswith(unwanted_prefix): |
state_dict[k[len(unwanted_prefix):]] = state_dict.pop(k) |
model.load_state_dict(state_dict) |
iter_num = checkpoint['iter_num'] |
best_val_loss = checkpoint['best_val_loss'] |
elif init_from.startswith('gpt2'): |
print(f"Initializing from OpenAI GPT-2 weights: {init_from}") |
override_args = dict(dropout=dropout) |
model = GPT.from_pretrained(init_from, override_args) |
for k in ['n_layer', 'n_head', 'n_embd', 'block_size', 'bias', 'vocab_size']: |
model_args[k] = getattr(model.config, k) |
if block_size < model.config.block_size: |
model.crop_block_size(block_size) |
model_args['block_size'] = block_size |
model.to(device) |
scaler = torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler(enabled=(dtype == 'float16')) |
optimizer = model.configure_optimizers(weight_decay, learning_rate, (beta1, beta2), device_type) |
if init_from == 'resume': |
optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer']) |
checkpoint = None |
if compile: |
print("compiling the model... (takes a ~minute)") |
unoptimized_model = model |
model = torch.compile(model) |
if ddp: |
model = DDP(model, device_ids=[ddp_local_rank]) |
@torch.no_grad() |
def estimate_loss(): |
out = {} |
model.eval() |
for split in ['train', 'val']: |
losses = torch.zeros(eval_iters) |
for k in range(eval_iters): |
X, Y = get_batch(split) |
with ctx: |
logits, loss = model(X, Y) |
losses[k] = loss.item() |
out[split] = losses.mean() |
model.train() |
return out |
def get_lr(it): |
if it < warmup_iters: |
return learning_rate * it / warmup_iters |
if it > lr_decay_iters: |
return min_lr |
decay_ratio = (it - warmup_iters) / (lr_decay_iters - warmup_iters) |
assert 0 <= decay_ratio <= 1 |
coeff = 0.5 * (1.0 + math.cos(math.pi * decay_ratio)) |
return min_lr + coeff * (learning_rate - min_lr) |
if wandb_log and master_process: |
import wandb |
wandb.init(project=wandb_project, name=wandb_run_name, config=config) |
X, Y = get_batch('train') |
t0 = time.time() |
local_iter_num = 0 |
raw_model = model.module if ddp else model |
running_mfu = -1.0 |
while True: |
lr = get_lr(iter_num) if decay_lr else learning_rate |
for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: |
param_group['lr'] = lr |
if iter_num % eval_interval == 0 and master_process: |
losses = estimate_loss() |
print(f"step {iter_num}: train loss {losses['train']:.4f}, val loss {losses['val']:.4f}") |
if wandb_log: |
wandb.log({ |
"iter": iter_num, |
"train/loss": losses['train'], |
"val/loss": losses['val'], |
"lr": lr, |
"mfu": running_mfu*100, |
}) |
if losses['val'] < best_val_loss or always_save_checkpoint: |
best_val_loss = losses['val'] |
if iter_num > 0: |
checkpoint = { |
'model': raw_model.state_dict(), |
'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict(), |
'model_args': model_args, |
'iter_num': iter_num, |
'best_val_loss': best_val_loss, |
'config': config, |
} |
print(f"saving checkpoint to {out_dir}") |
torch.save(checkpoint, os.path.join(out_dir, 'ckpt.pt')) |
if iter_num == 0 and eval_only: |
break |
for micro_step in range(gradient_accumulation_steps): |
if ddp: |
model.require_backward_grad_sync = (micro_step == gradient_accumulation_steps - 1) |
with ctx: |
logits, loss = model(X, Y) |
loss = loss / gradient_accumulation_steps |
X, Y = get_batch('train') |
scaler.scale(loss).backward() |
if grad_clip != 0.0: |
scaler.unscale_(optimizer) |
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), grad_clip) |
scaler.step(optimizer) |
scaler.update() |
optimizer.zero_grad(set_to_none=True) |
t1 = time.time() |
dt = t1 - t0 |
t0 = t1 |
if iter_num % log_interval == 0 and master_process: |
lossf = loss.item() * gradient_accumulation_steps |
if local_iter_num >= 5: |
mfu = raw_model.estimate_mfu(batch_size * gradient_accumulation_steps, dt) |
running_mfu = mfu if running_mfu == -1.0 else 0.9*running_mfu + 0.1*mfu |
print(f"iter {iter_num}: loss {lossf:.4f}, time {dt*1000:.2f}ms, mfu {running_mfu*100:.2f}%") |
if (iter_num % verbose_log_interval == 0) and master_process and (local_iter_num > 0): |
log_performance_verbose(raw_model, iter_num, |
verbose_log_file = verbose_logfile, |
performance_log_file = performance_file) |
iter_num += 1 |
local_iter_num += 1 |
if iter_num > max_iters: |
break |
if ddp: |
destroy_process_group() |