bioclip / examples /
ksmehrab's picture
Move model to device to avoid error
de9dae7 verified
history blame
10.3 kB
Do zero-shot image classification.
Writes the output to a plaintext and JSON format in the logs directory.
import argparse
import ast
import contextlib
import json
import logging
import os
import random
import sys
import numpy as np
import open_clip
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torchvision import datasets
from tqdm import tqdm
log_format = "[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] [%(name)s] %(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=log_format)
logger = logging.getLogger("main")
openai_templates = [
lambda c: f"a bad photo of a {c}.",
lambda c: f"a photo of many {c}.",
lambda c: f"a sculpture of a {c}.",
lambda c: f"a photo of the hard to see {c}.",
lambda c: f"a low resolution photo of the {c}.",
lambda c: f"a rendering of a {c}.",
lambda c: f"graffiti of a {c}.",
lambda c: f"a bad photo of the {c}.",
lambda c: f"a cropped photo of the {c}.",
lambda c: f"a tattoo of a {c}.",
lambda c: f"the embroidered {c}.",
lambda c: f"a photo of a hard to see {c}.",
lambda c: f"a bright photo of a {c}.",
lambda c: f"a photo of a clean {c}.",
lambda c: f"a photo of a dirty {c}.",
lambda c: f"a dark photo of the {c}.",
lambda c: f"a drawing of a {c}.",
lambda c: f"a photo of my {c}.",
lambda c: f"the plastic {c}.",
lambda c: f"a photo of the cool {c}.",
lambda c: f"a close-up photo of a {c}.",
lambda c: f"a black and white photo of the {c}.",
lambda c: f"a painting of the {c}.",
lambda c: f"a painting of a {c}.",
lambda c: f"a pixelated photo of the {c}.",
lambda c: f"a sculpture of the {c}.",
lambda c: f"a bright photo of the {c}.",
lambda c: f"a cropped photo of a {c}.",
lambda c: f"a plastic {c}.",
lambda c: f"a photo of the dirty {c}.",
lambda c: f"a jpeg corrupted photo of a {c}.",
lambda c: f"a blurry photo of the {c}.",
lambda c: f"a photo of the {c}.",
lambda c: f"a good photo of the {c}.",
lambda c: f"a rendering of the {c}.",
lambda c: f"a {c} in a video game.",
lambda c: f"a photo of one {c}.",
lambda c: f"a doodle of a {c}.",
lambda c: f"a close-up photo of the {c}.",
lambda c: f"a photo of a {c}.",
lambda c: f"the origami {c}.",
lambda c: f"the {c} in a video game.",
lambda c: f"a sketch of a {c}.",
lambda c: f"a doodle of the {c}.",
lambda c: f"a origami {c}.",
lambda c: f"a low resolution photo of a {c}.",
lambda c: f"the toy {c}.",
lambda c: f"a rendition of the {c}.",
lambda c: f"a photo of the clean {c}.",
lambda c: f"a photo of a large {c}.",
lambda c: f"a rendition of a {c}.",
lambda c: f"a photo of a nice {c}.",
lambda c: f"a photo of a weird {c}.",
lambda c: f"a blurry photo of a {c}.",
lambda c: f"a cartoon {c}.",
lambda c: f"art of a {c}.",
lambda c: f"a sketch of the {c}.",
lambda c: f"a embroidered {c}.",
lambda c: f"a pixelated photo of a {c}.",
lambda c: f"itap of the {c}.",
lambda c: f"a jpeg corrupted photo of the {c}.",
lambda c: f"a good photo of a {c}.",
lambda c: f"a plushie {c}.",
lambda c: f"a photo of the nice {c}.",
lambda c: f"a photo of the small {c}.",
lambda c: f"a photo of the weird {c}.",
lambda c: f"the cartoon {c}.",
lambda c: f"art of the {c}.",
lambda c: f"a drawing of the {c}.",
lambda c: f"a photo of the large {c}.",
lambda c: f"a black and white photo of a {c}.",
lambda c: f"the plushie {c}.",
lambda c: f"a dark photo of a {c}.",
lambda c: f"itap of a {c}.",
lambda c: f"graffiti of the {c}.",
lambda c: f"a toy {c}.",
lambda c: f"itap of my {c}.",
lambda c: f"a photo of a cool {c}.",
lambda c: f"a photo of a small {c}.",
lambda c: f"a tattoo of the {c}.",
def parse_args(args):
class ParseKwargs(argparse.Action):
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
kw = {}
for value in values:
key, value = value.split("=")
kw[key] = ast.literal_eval(value)
except (ValueError, SyntaxError):
# fallback to string (avoid need to escape on command line)
kw[key] = str(value)
setattr(namespace, self.dest, kw)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help="Path to dirs(s) with validation data. In the format NAME=PATH.",
"--logs", type=str, default="./logs", help="Where to write logs"
"--exp", type=str, default="bioclip-zero-shot", help="Experiment name."
"--workers", type=int, default=8, help="Number of dataloader workers per GPU."
"--batch-size", type=int, default=64, help="Batch size per GPU."
choices=["amp", "amp_bf16", "amp_bfloat16", "bf16", "fp32"],
help="Floating point precision.",
parser.add_argument("--seed", type=int, default=0, help="Default random seed.")
args = parser.parse_args(args)
os.makedirs(os.path.join(args.logs, args.exp), exist_ok=True)
return args
def make_txt_features(model, classnames, templates, args):
tokenizer = open_clip.get_tokenizer("hf-hub:imageomics/bioclip")
with torch.no_grad():
txt_features = []
for classname in tqdm(classnames):
classname = " ".join(word for word in classname.split("_") if word)
texts = [template(classname) for template in templates] # format with class
texts = tokenizer(texts).to(args.device) # tokenize
class_embeddings = model.encode_text(texts)
class_embedding = F.normalize(class_embeddings, dim=-1).mean(dim=0)
class_embedding /= class_embedding.norm()
txt_features = torch.stack(txt_features, dim=1).to(args.device)
return txt_features
def accuracy(output, target, topk=(1,)):
pred = output.topk(max(topk), 1, True, True)[1].t()
correct = pred.eq(target.view(1, -1).expand_as(pred))
return [correct[:k].reshape(-1).float().sum(0, keepdim=True).item() for k in topk]
def get_autocast(precision):
if precision == "amp":
return torch.cuda.amp.autocast
elif precision == "amp_bfloat16" or precision == "amp_bf16":
# amp_bfloat16 is more stable than amp float16 for clip training
return lambda: torch.cuda.amp.autocast(dtype=torch.bfloat16)
return contextlib.suppress
def run(model, txt_features, dataloader, args):
autocast = get_autocast(args.precision)
cast_dtype = open_clip.get_cast_dtype(args.precision)
top1, top5, n = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
with torch.no_grad():
for images, targets in tqdm(dataloader, unit_scale=args.batch_size):
images =
if cast_dtype is not None:
images =
targets =
with autocast():
image_features = model.encode_image(images)
image_features = F.normalize(image_features, dim=-1)
logits = model.logit_scale.exp() * image_features @ txt_features
# Measure accuracy
acc1, acc5 = accuracy(logits, targets, topk=(1, 5))
top1 += acc1
top5 += acc5
n += images.size(0)
top1 = top1 / n
top5 = top5 / n
return top1, top5
def evaluate(model, data, args):
results = {}"Starting zero-shot classification.")
for split in data:"Building zero-shot %s classifier.", split)
classnames = data[split].dataset.classes
classnames = [name.replace("_", " ") for name in classnames]
txt_features = make_txt_features(model, classnames, openai_templates, args)"Got text features.")
top1, top5 = run(model, txt_features, data[split], args)"%s-top1: %.3f", split, top1 * 100)"%s-top5: %.3f", split, top5 * 100)
results[f"{split}-top1"] = top1 * 100
results[f"{split}-top5"] = top5 * 100"Finished zero-shot %s.", split)"Finished zero-shot classification.")
return results
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
if torch.cuda.is_available():
# This enables tf32 on Ampere GPUs which is only 8% slower than
# float16 and almost as accurate as float32
# This was a default in pytorch until 1.12
torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = True
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = False
# Init torch device
if torch.cuda.is_available():
device = "cuda:0"
device = "cpu"
args.device = device
# Random seeding
# Load model.
model, preprocess_train, preprocess_val = open_clip.create_model_and_transforms(
model =
# Write datasets
params_file = os.path.join(args.logs, args.exp, "params.json")
with open(params_file, "w") as fd:
params = {name: getattr(args, name) for name in vars(args)}
json.dump(params, fd, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
# Initialize datasets.
data = {}
for split, path in args.datasets.items():
data[split] =
datasets.ImageFolder(path, transform=preprocess_val),
results = evaluate(model, data, args)
results_file = os.path.join(args.logs, args.exp, "results.json")
with open(results_file, "w") as fd:
json.dump(results, fd, indent=4, sort_keys=True)