library_name: hivex
original_train_name: AerialWildfireSuppression_difficulty_9_task_2_run_id_2_train
- hivex
- hivex-aerial-wildfire-suppression
- reinforcement-learning
- multi-agent-reinforcement-learning
- name: hivex-AWS-PPO-baseline-task-2-difficulty-9
  - task:
      type: sub-task
      name: maximize_preparing_non_burning_trees
      task-id: 2
      difficulty-id: 9
      name: hivex-aerial-wildfire-suppression
      type: hivex-aerial-wildfire-suppression
    - type: crash_count
      value: 0.09166666939854622 +/- 0.18317377972526547
      name: Crash Count
      verified: true
    - type: extinguishing_trees
      value: 8.949999886751176 +/- 12.562137901097202
      name: Extinguishing Trees
      verified: true
    - type: extinguishing_trees_reward
      value: 44.75000040531158 +/- 62.81068995864626
      name: Extinguishing Trees Reward
      verified: true
    - type: fire_out
      value: 0.3500000022351742 +/- 0.4114586818171751
      name: Fire Out
      verified: true
    - type: fire_too_close_to_city
      value: 0.975 +/- 0.11180339887498947
      name: Fire too Close to City
      verified: true
    - type: preparing_trees
      value: 652.12500230968 +/- 512.4888000138135
      name: Preparing Trees
      verified: true
    - type: preparing_trees_reward
      value: 3260.6250272393227 +/- 2562.444032266141
      name: Preparing Trees Reward
      verified: true
    - type: water_drop
      value: 65.37499959468842 +/- 34.89231000298373
      name: Water Drop
      verified: true
    - type: water_pickup
      value: 64.99166650772095 +/- 34.92349427276053
      name: Water Pickup
      verified: true
    - type: cumulative_reward
      value: 3682.374974441528 +/- 2239.4285326262125
      name: Cumulative Reward
      verified: true

This model serves as the baseline for the **Aerial Wildfire Suppression** environment, trained and tested on task <code>2</code> with difficulty <code>9</code> using the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm.<br><br>

Environment: **Aerial Wildfire Suppression**<br>
Task: <code>2</code><br>
Difficulty: <code>9</code><br>
Algorithm: <code>PPO</code><br>
Episode Length: <code>3000</code><br>
Training <code>max_steps</code>: <code>1800000</code><br>
Testing <code>max_steps</code>: <code>180000</code><br><br>

Train & Test [Scripts](https://github.com/hivex-research/hivex)<br>
Download the [Environment](https://github.com/hivex-research/hivex-environments)