longsim-base / backups /dev /metrics /map_features.py
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import torch
from torch import Tensor
from typing import Optional, Sequence
from dev.metrics import box_utils
from dev.metrics import geometry_utils
from dev.metrics.protos import map_pb2
# Constant distance to apply when distances are invalid. This will avoid the
# propagation of nans and should be reduced out when taking the minimum anyway.
# Off-road threshold, i.e. smallest distance away from the road edge that is
# considered to be a off-road.
# How close the start and end point of a map feature need to be for the feature
# to be considered cyclic, in m^2.
# Scaling factor for vertical distances used when finding the closest segment to
# a query point. This prevents wrong associations in cases with under- and
# over-passes.
_Polyline = Sequence[map_pb2.MapPoint]
def compute_distance_to_road_edge(
center_x: Tensor,
center_y: Tensor,
center_z: Tensor,
length: Tensor,
width: Tensor,
height: Tensor,
heading: Tensor,
valid: Tensor,
evaluated_object_mask: Tensor,
road_edge_polylines: Sequence[_Polyline],
) -> Tensor:
"""Computes the distance to the road edge for each of the evaluated objects."""
if not road_edge_polylines:
raise ValueError('Missing road edges.')
# Concatenate tensors to have the same convention as `box_utils`.
boxes = torch.stack([center_x, center_y, center_z, length, width, height, heading], dim=-1)
num_objects, num_steps, num_features = boxes.shape
boxes = boxes.reshape(num_objects * num_steps, num_features)
# Compute box corners using `box_utils`, and take the xyz coords of the bottom corners.
box_corners = box_utils.get_upright_3d_box_corners(boxes)[:, :4]
box_corners = box_corners.reshape(num_objects, num_steps, 4, 3)
# Gather objects in the evaluation set
eval_corners = box_corners[evaluated_object_mask]
num_eval_objects = eval_corners.shape[0]
# Flatten query points.
flat_eval_corners = eval_corners.reshape(-1, 3)
# Tensorize road edges.
polylines_tensor = _tensorize_polylines(road_edge_polylines)
is_polyline_cyclic = _check_polyline_cycles(road_edge_polylines)
# Compute distances for all query points.
corner_distance_to_road_edge = _compute_signed_distance_to_polylines(
xyzs=flat_eval_corners, polylines=polylines_tensor,
is_polyline_cyclic=is_polyline_cyclic, z_stretch=_Z_STRETCH_FACTOR
# Reshape back to (num_evaluated_objects, num_steps, 4)
corner_distance_to_road_edge = corner_distance_to_road_edge.reshape(num_eval_objects, num_steps, 4)
# Reduce to most off-road corner.
signed_distances = torch.max(corner_distance_to_road_edge, dim=-1)[0]
# Mask out invalid boxes.
eval_validity = valid[evaluated_object_mask]
return torch.where(eval_validity, signed_distances, -EXTREMELY_LARGE_DISTANCE)
def _tensorize_polylines(polylines):
"""Stacks a sequence of polylines into a tensor.
polylines: A sequence of Polyline objects.
A float tensor with shape (num_polylines, max_length, 4) containing xyz
coordinates and a validity flag for all points in the polylines. Polylines
are padded with zeros up to the length of the longest one.
polyline_tensors = []
max_length = 0
for polyline in polylines:
# Skip degenerate polylines.
if len(polyline) < 2:
max_length = max(max_length, len(polyline))
[[map_point.x, map_point.y, map_point.z, 1.0] for map_point in polyline],
# Pad and stack polylines
padded_polylines = [
torch.cat([p, torch.zeros((max_length - p.shape[0], 4), dtype=torch.float32)], dim=0)
for p in polyline_tensors
return torch.stack(padded_polylines, dim=0)
def _check_polyline_cycles(polylines):
"""Checks if given polylines are cyclic and returns the result as a tensor.
polylines: A sequence of Polyline objects.
tolerance: A float representing the cyclic tolerance.
A bool tensor with shape (num_polylines) indicating whether each polyline is cyclic.
cycles = []
for polyline in polylines:
# Skip degenerate polylines.
if len(polyline) < 2:
first_point = torch.tensor([polyline[0].x, polyline[0].y, polyline[0].z], dtype=torch.float32)
last_point = torch.tensor([polyline[-1].x, polyline[-1].y, polyline[-1].z], dtype=torch.float32)
cycles.append(torch.sum((first_point - last_point) ** 2) < _CYCLIC_MAP_FEATURE_TOLERANCE_M2)
return torch.stack(cycles, dim=0)
def _compute_signed_distance_to_polylines(
xyzs: Tensor,
polylines: Tensor,
is_polyline_cyclic: Optional[Tensor] = None,
z_stretch: float = 1.0,
) -> Tensor:
"""Computes the signed distance to the 2D boundary defined by polylines.
Negative distances correspond to being inside the boundary (e.g. on the
road), positive distances to being outside (e.g. off-road).
The polylines should be oriented such that port side is inside the boundary
and starboard is outside, a.k.a counterclockwise winding order.
The altitudes i.e. the z-coordinates of query points and polyline segments
are used to pair each query point with the most relevant segment, that is
closest and at the right altitude. The distances returned are 2D distances in
the xy plane.
xyzs: A float Tensor of shape (num_points, 3) containing xyz coordinates of
query points.
polylines: Tensor with shape (num_polylines, num_segments+1, 4) containing
sequences of xyz coordinates and validity, representing start and end
points of consecutive segments.
is_polyline_cyclic: A boolean Tensor with shape (num_polylines) indicating
whether each polyline is cyclic. If None, all polylines are considered
z_stretch: Factor by which to scale distances over the z axis. This can be
done to ensure edge points from the wrong level (e.g. overpasses) are not
selected. Defaults to 1.0 (no stretching).
A tensor of shape (num_points), containing the signed 2D distance from
queried points to the nearest polyline.
num_points = xyzs.shape[0]
assert xyzs.shape == (num_points, 3), f"Expected shape ({num_points}, 3), but got {xyzs.shape}"
num_polylines = polylines.shape[0]
num_segments = polylines.shape[1] - 1
assert polylines.shape == (num_polylines, num_segments + 1, 4), \
f"Expected shape ({num_polylines}, {num_segments + 1}, 4), but got {polylines.shape}"
# shape: (num_polylines, num_segments+1)
is_point_valid = polylines[:, :, 3].bool()
# shape: (num_polylines, num_segments)
is_segment_valid = is_point_valid[:, :-1] & is_point_valid[:, 1:]
if is_polyline_cyclic is None:
is_polyline_cyclic = torch.zeros(num_polylines, dtype=torch.bool)
assert is_polyline_cyclic.shape == (num_polylines,), \
f"Expected shape ({num_polylines},), but got {is_polyline_cyclic.shape}"
# Get distance to each segment.
# shape: (num_points, num_polylines, num_segments, 3)
xyz_starts = polylines[None, :, :-1, :3]
xyz_ends = polylines[None, :, 1:, :3]
start_to_point = xyzs[:, None, None, :3] - xyz_starts
start_to_end = xyz_ends - xyz_starts
# Relative coordinate of point projection on segment.
# shape: (num_points, num_polylines, num_segments)
numerator = geometry_utils.dot_product_2d(
start_to_point[..., :2], start_to_end[..., :2]
denominator = geometry_utils.dot_product_2d(
start_to_end[..., :2], start_to_end[..., :2]
rel_t = torch.where(denominator != 0, numerator / denominator, torch.zeros_like(numerator))
# Negative if point is on port side of segment, positive if point on
# starboard side of segment.
# shape: (num_points, num_polylines, num_segments)
n = torch.sign(
start_to_point[..., :2], start_to_end[..., :2]
# Compute the absolute 3D distance to segment.
# The vertical component is scaled by `z-stretch` to increase the separation
# between different road altitudes.
# shape: (num_points, num_polylines, num_segments, 3)
segment_to_point = start_to_point - (
start_to_end * torch.clamp(rel_t, 0.0, 1.0)[..., None]
stretch_vector = torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0, z_stretch], dtype=torch.float32)
distance_to_segment_3d = torch.norm(
segment_to_point * stretch_vector[None, None, None],
# Absolute planar distance to segment.
# shape: (num_points, num_polylines, num_segments)
distance_to_segment_2d = torch.norm(segment_to_point[..., :2], dim=-1)
# Padded start-to-end segments.
# shape: (num_points, num_polylines, num_segments+2, 2)
start_to_end_padded = torch.cat(
start_to_end[:, :, -1:, :2],
start_to_end[..., :2],
start_to_end[:, :, :1, :2],
# shape: (num_points, num_polylines, num_segments+1)
is_locally_convex = torch.gt(
start_to_end_padded[:, :, :-1], start_to_end_padded[:, :, 1:]
# Get shifted versions of `n` and `is_segment_valid`. If the polyline is
# cyclic, the tensors are rolled, else they are padded with their edge value.
# shape: (num_points, num_polylines, num_segments)
n_prior = torch.cat(
is_polyline_cyclic[None, :, None],
n[:, :, -1:],
n[:, :, :1],
n[:, :, :-1],
n_next = torch.cat(
n[:, :, 1:],
is_polyline_cyclic[None, :, None],
n[:, :, :1],
n[:, :, -1:],
# shape: (num_polylines, num_segments)
is_prior_segment_valid = torch.cat(
is_polyline_cyclic[:, None],
is_segment_valid[:, -1:],
is_segment_valid[:, :1],
is_segment_valid[:, :-1],
is_next_segment_valid = torch.cat(
is_segment_valid[:, 1:],
is_polyline_cyclic[:, None],
is_segment_valid[:, :1],
is_segment_valid[:, -1:],
# shape: (num_points, num_polylines, num_segments)
sign_if_before = torch.where(
is_locally_convex[:, :, :-1],
torch.maximum(n, n_prior),
torch.minimum(n, n_prior),
sign_if_after = torch.where(
is_locally_convex[:, :, 1:], torch.maximum(n, n_next), torch.minimum(n, n_next)
# shape: (num_points, num_polylines, num_segments)
sign_to_segment = torch.where(
(rel_t < 0.0) & is_prior_segment_valid,
torch.where((rel_t > 1.0) & is_next_segment_valid, sign_if_after, n),
# Flatten polylines together.
# shape: (num_points, all_segments)
distance_to_segment_3d = distance_to_segment_3d.view(num_points, num_polylines * num_segments)
distance_to_segment_2d = distance_to_segment_2d.view(num_points, num_polylines * num_segments)
sign_to_segment = sign_to_segment.view(num_points, num_polylines * num_segments)
# Mask out invalid segments.
# shape: (all_segments)
is_segment_valid = is_segment_valid.view(num_polylines * num_segments)
# shape: (num_points, all_segments)
distance_to_segment_3d = torch.where(
distance_to_segment_2d = torch.where(
# Get closest segment according to absolute 3D distance and return the
# corresponding signed 2D distance.
# shape: (num_points)
closest_segment_index = torch.argmin(distance_to_segment_3d, dim=-1)
distance_sign = torch.gather(sign_to_segment, 1, closest_segment_index.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1)
distance_2d = torch.gather(distance_to_segment_2d, 1, closest_segment_index.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1)
return distance_sign * distance_2d