File size: 9,564 Bytes
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import os
import pickle
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from dev.datasets.preprocess import TokenProcessor
from dev.transforms.target_builder import WaymoTargetBuilder
colors = [
('#1f77b4', '#1a5a8a'), # blue
('#2ca02c', '#217721'), # green
('#ff7f0e', '#cc660b'), # orange
('#9467bd', '#6f4a91'), # purple
('#d62728', '#a31d1d'), # red
('#000000', '#000000'), # black
def draw_map(tokenize_data, token_processor: TokenProcessor, index, posfix):
print("Drawing raw data ...")
shift = 5
token_size = 2048
traj_token = token_processor.trajectory_token["veh"]
traj_token_all = token_processor.trajectory_token_all["veh"]
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.3, right=0.7, top=0.7, bottom=0.3)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
scenario_id = data['scenario_id']
ax.scatter(tokenize_data["map_point"]["position"][:, 0],
tokenize_data["map_point"]["position"][:, 1], s=0.2, c='black', edgecolors='none')
index = np.array(index).astype(np.int32)
agent_data = tokenize_data["agent"]
token_index = agent_data["token_idx"][index]
token_valid_mask = agent_data["agent_valid_mask"][index]
num_agent, num_token = token_index.shape
tokens = traj_token[token_index.view(-1)].reshape(num_agent, num_token, 4, 2)
tokens_all = traj_token_all[token_index.view(-1)].reshape(num_agent, num_token, 6, 4, 2)
position = agent_data['position'][index, :, :2] # (num_agent, 91, 2)
heading = agent_data['heading'][index] # (num_agent, 91)
valid_mask = (position[..., 0] != 0) & (position[..., 1] != 0) # (num_agent, 91)
# TODO: fix this
for shifted_tid in range(token_valid_mask.shape[1]):
valid_mask[:, shifted_tid * shift : (shifted_tid + 1) * shift] = token_valid_mask[:, shifted_tid : shifted_tid + 1].repeat(1, shift)
for shifted_tid in range(token_index.shape[1]):
valid_mask[:, shifted_tid * shift : (shifted_tid + 1) * shift] = token_index[:, shifted_tid : shifted_tid + 1] != token_size + 2
last_valid_step = valid_mask.shape[1] - 1 - torch.argmax(valid_mask.flip(dims=[1]).long(), dim=1)
last_valid_step = {int(index[i]): int(last_valid_step[i]) for i in range(len(index))}
_, token_num, token_contour_dim, feat_dim = tokens.shape
tokens_src = tokens.reshape(num_agent, token_num * token_contour_dim, feat_dim)
tokens_all_src = tokens_all.reshape(num_agent, token_num * 6 * token_contour_dim, feat_dim)
prev_heading = heading[:, 0]
prev_pos = position[:, 0]
fig_paths = []
agent_colors = np.zeros((num_agent, position.shape[1]))
shape = np.zeros((num_agent, position.shape[1], 2)) + 3.
for tid in tqdm(range(shift, position.shape[1], shift), leave=False, desc="Token ..."):
cos, sin = prev_heading.cos(), prev_heading.sin()
rot_mat = prev_heading.new_zeros(num_agent, 2, 2)
rot_mat[:, 0, 0] = cos
rot_mat[:, 0, 1] = sin
rot_mat[:, 1, 0] = -sin
rot_mat[:, 1, 1] = cos
tokens_world = torch.bmm(torch.from_numpy(tokens_src).float(), rot_mat).reshape(num_agent,
tokens_all_world = torch.bmm(torch.from_numpy(tokens_all_src).float(), rot_mat).reshape(num_agent,
tokens_world += prev_pos[:, None, None, :2]
tokens_all_world += prev_pos[:, None, None, None, :2]
tokens_select = tokens_world[:, tid // shift - 1] # (num_agent, token_contour_dim, feat_dim)
tokens_all_select = tokens_all_world[:, tid // shift - 1] # (num_agent, 6, token_contour_dim, feat_dim)
diff_xy = tokens_select[:, 0, :] - tokens_select[:, 3, :]
prev_heading = heading[:, tid].clone()
# prev_heading[valid_mask[:, tid - shift]] = torch.arctan2(diff_xy[:, 1], diff_xy[:, 0])[
# valid_mask[:, tid - shift]]
prev_pos = position[:, tid].clone()
# prev_pos[valid_mask[:, tid - shift]] = tokens_select.mean(dim=1)[valid_mask[:, tid - shift]]
# NOTE tokens_pos equals to tokens_all_pos[:, -1]
tokens_pos = tokens_select.mean(dim=1) # (num_agent, 2)
tokens_all_pos = tokens_all_select.mean(dim=2) # (num_agent, 6, 2)
# colors
cur_token_index = token_index[:, tid // shift - 1]
is_bos = cur_token_index == token_size
is_eos = cur_token_index == token_size + 1
is_invalid = cur_token_index == token_size + 2
is_valid = ~is_bos & ~is_eos & ~is_invalid
agent_colors[is_valid, tid - shift : tid] = 1
agent_colors[is_bos, tid - shift : tid] = 2
agent_colors[is_eos, tid - shift : tid] = 3
agent_colors[is_invalid, tid - shift : tid] = 4
for i in tqdm(range(shift), leave=False, desc="Timestep ..."):
global_tid = tid - shift + i
cur_valid_mask = valid_mask[:, tid - shift] # only when the last tokenized timestep is valid the current shifts trajectory is valid
xs = tokens_all_pos[cur_valid_mask, i, 0]
ys = tokens_all_pos[cur_valid_mask, i, 1]
widths = shape[cur_valid_mask, global_tid, 1]
lengths = shape[cur_valid_mask, global_tid, 0]
angles = heading[cur_valid_mask, global_tid]
cur_agent_colors = agent_colors[cur_valid_mask, global_tid]
current_index = index[cur_valid_mask]
drawn_agents = []
drawn_texts = []
for x, y, width, length, angle, color_type, id in zip(
xs, ys, widths, lengths, angles, cur_agent_colors, current_index):
if x < 3000: continue
agent = plt.Rectangle((x, y), width, length, # angle=((angle + np.pi / 2) / np.pi * 360) % 360,
facecolor=colors[int(color_type) - 1][0],
edgecolor=colors[int(color_type) - 1][1])
text = plt.text(x-4, y-4, f"{str(id)}:{str(global_tid)}", fontdict={'family': 'serif', 'size': 3, 'color': 'red'})
if global_tid != last_valid_step[id]:
# draw timestep to be tokenized
if global_tid % shift == 0:
tokenize_agent = plt.Rectangle((x, y), width, length, # angle=((angle + np.pi / 2) / np.pi * 360) % 360,
linewidth=0.2, fill=False,
edgecolor=colors[int(color_type) - 1][1])
plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
fig_path = f"debug/tokenize/steps/{scenario_id}_{global_tid}.png"
plt.savefig(fig_path, dpi=600, bbox_inches="tight")
for drawn_agent, drawn_text in zip(drawn_agents, drawn_texts):
# generate gif
import imageio.v2 as imageio
images = []
for fig_path in tqdm(fig_paths, leave=False, desc="Generate gif ..."):
imageio.mimsave(f"debug/tokenize/{scenario_id}_tokenize_{posfix}.gif", images, duration=0.1)
def main(data):
token_size = 2048
os.makedirs("debug/tokenize/steps/", exist_ok=True)
scenario_id = data["scenario_id"]
selected_agents_index = [1, 21, 35, 36, 46]
# raw data
if not os.path.exists(f"debug/tokenize/{scenario_id}_raw.gif"):
draw_raw(data, selected_agents_index)
# tokenization
token_processor = TokenProcessor(token_size,
print(f"Loaded token processor with token_size: {token_size}")
data = token_processor.preprocess(data)
# tokenzied data
posfix = "smart" if else "ours"
# if not os.path.exists(f"debug/tokenize/{scenario_id}_tokenize_{posfix}.gif"):
draw_tokenize(data, token_processor, selected_agents_index, posfix)
target_builder = WaymoTargetBuilder(num_historical_steps=11, num_future_steps=80)
data = target_builder(data)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = ArgumentParser(description="Testing script parameters")
parser.add_argument("--smart", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--data_path", type=str, default="/u/xiuyu/work/dev4/data/waymo_processed/training")
args = parser.parse_args()
scenario_id = "74ad7b76d5906d39"
data_path = os.path.join(args.data_path, f"{scenario_id}.pkl")
data = pickle.load(open(data_path, "rb"))
print(f"Loaded scenario {scenario_id}")
main(data) |