"""Base Task class.""" |
import collections |
import os |
import random |
import string |
import tempfile |
import cv2 |
import numpy as np |
from cliport.tasks import cameras |
from cliport.tasks import primitives |
from cliport.tasks.grippers import Suction |
from cliport.utils import utils |
from cliport.tasks import primitives |
from cliport.tasks.grippers import Spatula |
import pybullet as p |
from typing import Tuple, List |
import re |
class Task(): |
"""Base Task class.""" |
def __init__(self): |
self.ee = Suction |
self.mode = 'train' |
self.sixdof = False |
self.primitive = primitives.PickPlace() |
self.oracle_cams = cameras.Oracle.CONFIG |
self.pos_eps = 0.01 |
self.rot_eps = np.deg2rad(15) |
self.num_blocks = 50 |
self.pix_size = 0.003125 |
self.bounds = np.array([[0.25, 0.75], [-0.5, 0.5], [0, 0.3]]) |
self.zone_bounds = np.copy(self.bounds) |
self.goals = [] |
self.lang_goals = [] |
self.obj_points_cache = {} |
self.task_completed_desc = "task completed." |
self.progress = 0 |
self._rewards = 0 |
self.train_set = np.arange(0, 14) |
self.test_set = np.arange(14, 20) |
self.assets_root = None |
self.homogeneous = False |
def reset(self, env): |
if not self.assets_root: |
raise ValueError('assets_root must be set for task, ' |
'call set_assets_root().') |
self.goals = [] |
self.lang_goals = [] |
self.progress = 0 |
self._rewards = 0 |
self.obj_points_cache = {} |
def additional_reset(self): |
if 'bowl' in self.lang_template: |
self.pos_eps = 0.05 |
if 'piles' in self.lang_template: |
self.ee = Spatula |
self.primitive = primitives.push |
if 'rope' in self.lang_template: |
self.primitive = primitives.PickPlace(height=0.02, speed=0.001) |
self.pos_eps = 0.02 |
def oracle(self, env): |
"""Oracle agent.""" |
OracleAgent = collections.namedtuple('OracleAgent', ['act']) |
def act(obs, info): |
"""Calculate action.""" |
_, hmap, obj_mask = self.get_true_image(env) |
objs, matches, targs, replace, rotations, _, _, _ = self.goals[0] |
for j, targ in enumerate(targs): |
if len(targ) == 3 and (type(targs[j][0]) is float or type(targs[j][0]) is np.float32): |
targs[j] = (targs[j], (0,0,0,1)) |
if not replace: |
matches = matches.copy() |
for i in range(len(objs)): |
if type(objs[i]) is int: |
objs[i] = (objs[i], (False, None)) |
object_id, (symmetry, _) = objs[i] |
pose = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(object_id) |
targets_i = np.argwhere(matches[i, :]).reshape(-1) |
for j in targets_i: |
if self.is_match(pose, targs[j], symmetry): |
matches[i, :] = 0 |
matches[:, j] = 0 |
nn_dists = [] |
nn_targets = [] |
for i in range(len(objs)): |
if type(objs[i]) is int: |
objs[i] = (objs[i], (False, None)) |
object_id, (symmetry, _) = objs[i] |
xyz, _ = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(object_id) |
targets_i = np.argwhere(matches[i, :]).reshape(-1) |
if len(targets_i) > 0: |
targets_xyz = np.float32([targs[j][0] for j in targets_i]) |
dists = np.linalg.norm( |
targets_xyz - np.float32(xyz).reshape(1, 3), axis=1) |
nn = np.argmin(dists) |
nn_dists.append(dists[nn]) |
nn_targets.append(targets_i[nn]) |
else: |
nn_dists.append(0) |
nn_targets.append(-1) |
order = np.argsort(nn_dists)[::-1] |
order = [i for i in order if nn_dists[i] > 0] |
pick_mask = None |
for pick_i in order: |
pick_mask = np.uint8(obj_mask == objs[pick_i][0]) |
pick_mask = cv2.erode(pick_mask, np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8)) |
if np.sum(pick_mask) > 0: |
break |
if pick_mask is None or np.sum(pick_mask) == 0: |
self.goals = [] |
self.lang_goals = [] |
print('Object for pick is not visible. Skipping demonstration.') |
return |
pick_prob = np.float32(pick_mask) |
pick_pix = utils.sample_distribution(pick_prob) |
pick_pos = utils.pix_to_xyz(pick_pix, hmap, |
self.bounds, self.pix_size) |
pick_pose = (np.asarray(pick_pos), np.asarray((0, 0, 0, 1))) |
targ_pose = targs[nn_targets[pick_i]] |
obj_pose = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(objs[pick_i][0]) |
if not self.sixdof: |
obj_euler = utils.quatXYZW_to_eulerXYZ(obj_pose[1]) |
obj_quat = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, obj_euler[2])) |
obj_pose = (obj_pose[0], obj_quat) |
world_to_pick = utils.invert(pick_pose) |
obj_to_pick = utils.multiply(world_to_pick, obj_pose) |
pick_to_obj = utils.invert(obj_to_pick) |
if len(targ_pose) == 3 and (type(targ_pose[0]) is float or type(targ_pose[0]) is np.float32): |
targ_pose = (targ_pose, (0,0,0,1)) |
place_pose = utils.multiply(targ_pose, pick_to_obj) |
if not rotations: |
place_pose = (place_pose[0], (0, 0, 0, 1)) |
place_pose = (np.asarray(place_pose[0]), np.asarray(place_pose[1])) |
return {'pose0': pick_pose, 'pose1': place_pose} |
return OracleAgent(act) |
def reward(self): |
"""Get delta rewards for current timestep. |
Returns: |
A tuple consisting of the scalar (delta) reward. |
""" |
reward, info = 0, {} |
objs, matches, targs, replace, _, metric, params, max_reward = self.goals[0] |
step_reward = 0 |
if metric == 'pose': |
for i in range(len(objs)): |
object_id, (symmetry, _) = objs[i] |
pose = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(object_id) |
targets_i = np.argwhere(matches[i, :]) |
if len(targets_i) > 0: |
targets_i = targets_i.reshape(-1) |
for j in targets_i: |
target_pose = targs[j] |
if self.is_match(pose, target_pose, symmetry): |
step_reward += max_reward / len(objs) |
print(f"object {i} match with target {j} rew: {step_reward:.3f}") |
break |
elif metric == 'zone': |
zone_pts, total_pts = 0, 0 |
zones = params |
if len(self.obj_points_cache) == 0 or objs[0][0] not in self.obj_points_cache: |
for obj_id, _ in objs: |
self.obj_points_cache[obj_id] = self.get_box_object_points(obj_id) |
for zone_idx, (zone_pose, zone_size) in enumerate(zones): |
for (obj_id, _) in objs: |
pts = self.obj_points_cache[obj_id] |
obj_pose = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(obj_id) |
world_to_zone = utils.invert(zone_pose) |
obj_to_zone = utils.multiply(world_to_zone, obj_pose) |
pts = np.float32(utils.apply(obj_to_zone, pts)) |
if len(zone_size) > 1: |
valid_pts = np.logical_and.reduce([ |
pts[0, :] > -zone_size[0] / 2, pts[0, :] < zone_size[0] / 2, |
pts[1, :] > -zone_size[1] / 2, pts[1, :] < zone_size[1] / 2, |
pts[2, :] < self.zone_bounds[2, 1]]) |
zone_pts += np.sum(np.float32(valid_pts)) |
total_pts += pts.shape[1] |
if total_pts > 0: |
step_reward = max_reward * (zone_pts / total_pts) |
reward = self.progress + step_reward - self._rewards |
self._rewards = self.progress + step_reward |
if np.abs(max_reward - step_reward) < 0.01: |
self.progress += max_reward |
self.goals.pop(0) |
if len(self.lang_goals) > 0: |
self.lang_goals.pop(0) |
return reward, info |
def done(self): |
"""Check if the task is done or has failed. |
Returns: |
True if the episode should be considered a success. |
""" |
return (len(self.goals) == 0) or (self._rewards > 0.99) |
def is_match(self, pose0, pose1, symmetry): |
"""Check if pose0 and pose1 match within a threshold. |
pose0 and pose1 should both be tuples of (translation, rotation). |
Return true if the pose translation and orientation errors are below certain thresholds""" |
if len(pose1) == 3 and (not hasattr(pose1[0], '__len__')): |
pose1 = (pose1, (0,0,0,1)) |
diff_pos = np.float32(pose0[0][:2]) - np.float32(pose1[0][:2]) |
dist_pos = np.linalg.norm(diff_pos) |
diff_rot = 0 |
if symmetry > 0: |
rot0 = np.array(utils.quatXYZW_to_eulerXYZ(pose0[1]))[2] |
rot1 = np.array(utils.quatXYZW_to_eulerXYZ(pose1[1]))[2] |
diff_rot = np.abs(rot0 - rot1) % symmetry |
if diff_rot > (symmetry / 2): |
diff_rot = symmetry - diff_rot |
return (dist_pos < self.pos_eps) and (diff_rot < self.rot_eps) |
def get_true_image(self, env): |
"""Get RGB-D orthographic heightmaps and segmentation masks.""" |
color, depth, segm = env.render_camera(self.oracle_cams[0]) |
color = np.concatenate((color, segm[Ellipsis, None]), axis=2) |
hmaps, cmaps = utils.reconstruct_heightmaps( |
[color], [depth], self.oracle_cams, self.bounds, self.pix_size) |
cmap = np.uint8(cmaps)[0, Ellipsis, :3] |
hmap = np.float32(hmaps)[0, Ellipsis] |
mask = np.int32(cmaps)[0, Ellipsis, 3:].squeeze() |
return cmap, hmap, mask |
def get_random_pose(self, env, obj_size=0.1, **kwargs) -> (List, List): |
""" |
Get random collision-free object pose within workspace bounds. |
:param obj_size: (3, ) contains the object size in x,y,z dimensions |
return: translation (3, ), rotation (4, ) """ |
max_size = np.sqrt(obj_size[0] ** 2 + obj_size[1] ** 2) |
erode_size = int(np.round(max_size / self.pix_size)) |
_, hmap, obj_mask = self.get_true_image(env) |
free = np.ones(obj_mask.shape, dtype=np.uint8) |
for obj_ids in env.obj_ids.values(): |
for obj_id in obj_ids: |
free[obj_mask == obj_id] = 0 |
free[0, :], free[:, 0], free[-1, :], free[:, -1] = 0, 0, 0, 0 |
free = cv2.erode(free, np.ones((erode_size, erode_size), np.uint8)) |
if np.sum(free) == 0: |
pix = (obj_mask.shape[0] // 2, obj_mask.shape[1] // 2) |
else: |
pix = utils.sample_distribution(np.float32(free)) |
pos = utils.pix_to_xyz(pix, hmap, self.bounds, self.pix_size) |
if len(obj_size) == 2: |
print("Should have z dimension in obj_size as well.") |
pos = [pos[0], pos[1], 0.05] |
else: |
pos = [pos[0], pos[1], obj_size[2] / 2] |
theta = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi |
rot = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, theta)) |
return pos, rot |
def get_lang_goal(self): |
if len(self.lang_goals) == 0: |
return self.task_completed_desc |
else: |
return self.lang_goals[0] |
def get_reward(self): |
return float(self._rewards) |
def add_corner_anchor_for_pose(self, env, pose): |
corner_template = 'corner/corner-template.urdf' |
replace = {'DIMX': (0.04,), 'DIMY': (0.04,)} |
corner_urdf = self.fill_template(corner_template, replace) |
if len(pose) != 2: |
pose = [pose,(0,0,0,1)] |
env.add_object(corner_urdf, pose, 'fixed') |
def get_target_sample_surface_points(self, model, scale, pose, num_points=50): |
import trimesh |
mesh = trimesh.load_mesh(model) |
points = trimesh.sample.volume_mesh(mesh, num_points * 3) |
points = points[:num_points] |
points = points * np.array(scale) |
points = utils.apply(pose, points.T) |
poses = [((x,y,z),(0,0,0,1)) for x, y, z in zip(points[0], points[1], points[2])] |
return poses |
def check_require_obj(self, path): |
return os.path.exists(path.replace(".urdf", ".obj")) |
def fill_template(self, template, replace): |
"""Read a file and replace key strings. |
NOTE: This function must be called if a URDF has template in its name """ |
full_template_path = os.path.join(self.assets_root, template) |
if not os.path.exists(full_template_path) or (self.check_require_obj(full_template_path) and 'template' not in full_template_path): |
return template |
with open(full_template_path, 'r') as file: |
fdata = file.read() |
for field in replace: |
for i in range(len(replace[field])): |
fdata = fdata.replace(f'{field}{i}', str(replace[field][i])) |
if field == 'COLOR': |
pattern = r'<color rgba="(.*?)"/>' |
code_string = re.findall(pattern, fdata) |
if type(replace[field]) is str: |
replace[field] = utils.COLORS[replace[field]] |
for to_replace_color in code_string: |
fdata = fdata.replace(f'{to_replace_color}', " ".join([str(x) for x in list(replace[field]) + [1]])) |
alphabet = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits |
rname = ''.join(random.choices(alphabet, k=16)) |
tmpdir = tempfile.gettempdir() |
template_filename = os.path.split(template)[-1] |
fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, f'{template_filename}.{rname}') |
with open(fname, 'w') as file: |
file.write(fdata) |
return fname |
def get_random_size(self, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, min_z, max_z) -> Tuple: |
"""Get random box size.""" |
size = np.random.rand(3) |
size[0] = size[0] * (max_x - min_x) + min_x |
size[1] = size[1] * (max_y - min_y) + min_y |
size[2] = size[2] * (max_z - min_z) + min_z |
return tuple(size) |
def get_box_object_points(self, obj): |
obj_shape = p.getVisualShapeData(obj) |
obj_dim = obj_shape[0][3] |
obj_dim = tuple(d for d in obj_dim) |
xv, yv, zv = np.meshgrid( |
np.arange(-obj_dim[0] / 2, obj_dim[0] / 2, 0.02), |
np.arange(-obj_dim[1] / 2, obj_dim[1] / 2, 0.02), |
np.arange(-obj_dim[2] / 2, obj_dim[2] / 2, 0.02), |
sparse=False, indexing='xy') |
return np.vstack((xv.reshape(1, -1), yv.reshape(1, -1), zv.reshape(1, -1))) |
def get_sphere_object_points(self, obj): |
return self.get_box_object_points(obj) |
def get_mesh_object_points(self, obj): |
mesh = p.getMeshData(obj) |
mesh_points = np.array(mesh[1]) |
mesh_dim = np.vstack((mesh_points.min(axis=0), mesh_points.max(axis=0))) |
xv, yv, zv = np.meshgrid( |
np.arange(mesh_dim[0][0], mesh_dim[1][0], 0.02), |
np.arange(mesh_dim[0][1], mesh_dim[1][1], 0.02), |
np.arange(mesh_dim[0][2], mesh_dim[1][2], 0.02), |
sparse=False, indexing='xy') |
return np.vstack((xv.reshape(1, -1), yv.reshape(1, -1), zv.reshape(1, -1))) |
def color_random_brown(self, obj): |
shade = np.random.rand() + 0.5 |
color = np.float32([shade * 156, shade * 117, shade * 95, 255]) / 255 |
p.changeVisualShape(obj, -1, rgbaColor=color) |
def set_assets_root(self, assets_root): |
self.assets_root = assets_root |
def zip_obj_ids(self, obj_ids, symmetries): |
if type(obj_ids[0]) is tuple: |
return obj_ids |
if symmetries is None: |
symmetries = [0.] * len(obj_ids) |
objs = [] |
for obj_id, symmetry in zip(obj_ids, symmetries): |
objs.append((obj_id, (symmetry, None))) |
return objs |
def add_goal(self, objs, matches, targ_poses, replace, rotations, metric, params, step_max_reward, symmetries=None, **kwargs): |
""" Add the goal to the environment |
- objs (List of Tuple [(obj_id, (float, None))] ): object ID, (the radians that the object is symmetric over, None). Do not pass in `(object id, object pose)` as the wrong tuple. or `object id` (such as `containers[i][0]`). |
- matches (Binary Matrix): a binary matrix that denotes which object is matched with which target. This matrix has dimension len(objs) x len(targ_poses). |
- targ_poses (List of Poses [(translation, rotation)] ): a list of target poses of tuple (translation, rotation). Don't pass in object IDs such as `bowls[i-1][0]` or `[stands[i][0]]`. |
- replace (Boolean): whether each object can match with one unique target. This is important if we have one target and multiple objects. If it's set to be false, then any object matching with the target will satisfy. |
- rotations (Boolean): whether the placement action has a rotation degree of freedom. |
- metric (`pose` or `zone`): `pose` or `zone` that the object needs to be transported to. Example: `pose`. |
- params ([(zone_target, zone_size)])): has to be [(zone_target, zone_size)] if the metric is `zone` where obj_pts is a dictionary that maps object ID to points. |
- step_max_reward (float): the maximum reward of matching all the objects with all the target poses. |
""" |
objs = self.zip_obj_ids(objs, symmetries) |
self.goals.append((objs, matches, targ_poses, replace, rotations, |
metric, params, step_max_reward)) |
def make_piles(self, env, block_color=None, *args, **kwargs): |
""" |
add the piles objects for tasks involving piles |
""" |
obj_ids = [] |
for _ in range(self.num_blocks): |
rx = self.bounds[0, 0] + 0.15 + np.random.rand() * 0.2 |
ry = self.bounds[1, 0] + 0.4 + np.random.rand() * 0.2 |
xyz = (rx, ry, 0.01) |
theta = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi |
xyzw = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, theta)) |
obj_id = env.add_object('block/small.urdf', (xyz, xyzw)) |
if block_color is not None: |
p.changeVisualShape(obj_id, -1, rgbaColor=block_color + [1]) |
obj_ids.append(obj_id) |
return obj_ids |
def make_rope(self, *args, **kwargs): |
return self.make_ropes(*args, **kwargs) |
def make_ropes(self, env, corners, radius=0.005, n_parts = 20, color_name='red', *args, **kwargs): |
""" add cables simulation for tasks that involve cables """ |
length = 2 * radius * n_parts * np.sqrt(2) |
corner0, corner1 = corners |
increment = (np.float32(corner1) - np.float32(corner0)) / n_parts |
position, _ = self.get_random_pose(env, (0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) |
position = np.float32(position) |
part_shape = p.createCollisionShape(p.GEOM_BOX, halfExtents=[radius] * 3) |
part_visual = p.createVisualShape(p.GEOM_SPHERE, radius=radius * 1.5) |
parent_id = -1 |
targets = [] |
objects = [] |
for i in range(n_parts): |
position[2] += np.linalg.norm(increment) |
part_id = p.createMultiBody(0.1, part_shape, part_visual, |
basePosition=position) |
if parent_id > -1: |
constraint_id = p.createConstraint( |
parentBodyUniqueId=parent_id, |
parentLinkIndex=-1, |
childBodyUniqueId=part_id, |
childLinkIndex=-1, |
jointType=p.JOINT_POINT2POINT, |
jointAxis=(0, 0, 0), |
parentFramePosition=(0, 0, np.linalg.norm(increment)), |
childFramePosition=(0, 0, 0)) |
p.changeConstraint(constraint_id, maxForce=100) |
if (i > 0) and (i < n_parts - 1): |
color = utils.COLORS[color_name] + [1] |
p.changeVisualShape(part_id, -1, rgbaColor=color) |
env.obj_ids['rigid'].append(part_id) |
parent_id = part_id |
target_xyz = np.float32(corner0) + i * increment + increment / 2 |
objects.append((part_id, (0, None))) |
targets.append((target_xyz, (0, 0, 0, 1))) |
if hasattr(env, 'record_cfg') and 'blender_render' in env.record_cfg and env.record_cfg['blender_render']: |
sphere_template = os.path.join(self.assets_root, 'sphere/sphere_rope.urdf') |
env.blender_recorder.register_object(part_id, os.path.join(self.assets_root, 'sphere/sphere_rope.urdf')) |
matches = np.clip(np.eye(n_parts) + np.eye(n_parts)[::-1], 0, 1) |
return objects, targets, matches |
def get_kitting_shapes(self, n_objects): |
if self.mode == 'train': |
obj_shapes = np.random.choice(self.train_set, n_objects) |
else: |
if self.homogeneous: |
obj_shapes = [np.random.choice(self.test_set)] * n_objects |
else: |
obj_shapes = np.random.choice(self.test_set, n_objects) |
return obj_shapes |
def make_kitting_objects(self, env, targets, obj_shapes, n_objects, colors): |
symmetry = [ |
2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi / 3, np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2, 2 * np.pi, |
np.pi, 2 * np.pi / 5, np.pi, np.pi / 2, 2 * np.pi / 5, 0, 2 * np.pi, |
2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 0, 2 * np.pi / 6, 2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi |
] |
objects = [] |
matches = [] |
template = 'kitting/object-template.urdf' |
for i in range(n_objects): |
shape = obj_shapes[i] |
size = (0.08, 0.08, 0.02) |
pose = self.get_random_pose(env, size) |
fname = f'{shape:02d}.obj' |
fname = os.path.join(self.assets_root, 'kitting', fname) |
scale = [0.003, 0.003, 0.001] |
replace = {'FNAME': (fname,), 'SCALE': scale, 'COLOR': colors[i]} |
urdf = self.fill_template(template, replace) |
block_id = env.add_object(urdf, pose) |
objects.append((block_id, (symmetry[shape], None))) |
match = np.zeros(len(targets)) |
match[np.argwhere(obj_shapes == shape).reshape(-1)] = 1 |
matches.append(match) |
return objects, matches |
def spawn_box(self): |
"""Palletizing: spawn another box in the workspace if it is empty.""" |
workspace_empty = True |
if self.goals: |
for obj in self.goals[0][0]: |
obj_pose = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(obj[0]) |
workspace_empty = workspace_empty and ((obj_pose[0][1] < -0.5) or |
(obj_pose[0][1] > 0)) |
if not self.steps: |
self.goals = [] |
print('Palletized boxes toppled. Terminating episode.') |
return |
if workspace_empty: |
obj = self.steps[0] |
theta = np.random.random() * 2 * np.pi |
rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, theta)) |
p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(obj, [0.5, -0.25, 0.1], rotation) |
self.steps.pop(0) |
for _ in range(480): |
p.stepSimulation() |
def get_asset_full_path(self, path): |
return path |