from configparser import ConfigParser import networkx as nx import numpy as np import itertools import random import csv import os import sys #### Utility functions parsing values def parse_int(value): try: return int(value) except ValueError: return None def parse_amount(value): try: return float(value) except ValueError: return None def parse_flag(value): return value.lower() == "true" class TransactionGenerator: def __init__(self, confFile): """Initialize transaction network. :param confFile: Configuration (ini) file name """ self.g = nx.MultiDiGraph() self.num_accounts = 0 self.degrees = dict() self.hubs = list() self.conf = ConfigParser() self.seed = int(self.conf.get("General", "seed")) np.random.seed(self.seed) random.seed(self.seed) self.factor = int(self.conf.get("Base", "edge_factor")) self.prob = float(self.conf.get("Base", "triangle_prob")) self.default_max_amount = parse_amount(self.conf.get("General", "default_max_amount")) self.default_min_amount = parse_amount(self.conf.get("General", "default_min_amount")) self.total_period = parse_int(self.conf.get("General", "total_period")) self.alert_ratio = parse_int(self.conf.get("General", "alert_ratio")) self.input_dir = self.conf.get("InputFile", "directory") self.output_dir = self.conf.get("OutputFile", "directory") highrisk_countries_str = self.conf.get("HighRisk", "countries") highrisk_business_str = self.conf.get("HighRisk", "business") self.highrisk_countries = set(highrisk_countries_str.split(",")) self.highrisk_business = set(highrisk_business_str.split(",")) self.tx_id = 0 # Transaction ID self.fraud_id = 0 # Fraud ID from AML rules self.fraudgroups = dict() # Fraud ID and fraud transaction graph self.types = {"fan_in":1, "fan_out":2, "bipartite":3, "mixed":4, "stack":5, "dense":6} ## Pattern name and model ID def generate_degrees(self): self.degrees = self.hubs = [n for n in self.g.nodes() if self.factor <= self.degrees[n] <= self.factor * 2] #### Highrisk country and business def is_highrisk_country(self, country): return country in self.highrisk_countries def is_highrisk_business(self, business): return business in self.highrisk_business #### Account existence check def check_account_exist(self, aid): if not self.g.has_node(aid): raise KeyError("Account %s does not exist" % str(aid)) def check_account_absent(self, aid): if self.g.has_node(aid): print("Warning: account %s already exists" % str(aid)) return False else: return True #### Pickup account vertices def get_account_vertex(self, suspicious=None): """Get an account vertex :param suspicious: If True, extract one only from suspicious accounts. If False, extract one only from non-suspicious accounts. If None (default), extract one from all accounts. :return: An account ID """ if suspicious is None: candidates = self.g.nodes() else: candidates = [n for n in self.g.nodes() if self.g.node[n]["suspicious"] == suspicious] # True/False return random.choice(candidates) def get_hub_vertices(self, num): """Get account vertices randomly (high-degree vertices are likely selected) :param num: Number of total account vertices :return: Account ID list """ # if suspicious is None: # candidates = self.g.nodes() # else: # candidates = [n for n in self.g.nodes() if self.g.nodes[n]["suspicious"] == suspicious] # True/False # candidates = [n for n in candidates if self.factor <= self.degrees[n]] # degrees = [self.degrees[n] for n in candidates] # probs = np.array(degrees) / float(sum(degrees)) candidates = set() while len(candidates) < num: hub = random.choice(self.hubs) candidates.update([hub]+self.g.adj[hub].keys()) # candidates.update(nx.ego_graph(self.g, hub).nodes()) return np.random.choice(list(candidates), num, False) def get_account_vertices(self, num, suspicious=None): """Get account vertices randomly :param num: Number of total account vertices :param suspicious: If True, extract only suspicious accounts. If False, extract only non-suspicious accounts. If None (default), extract them from all accounts. :return: Account ID list """ if suspicious is None: candidates = self.g.nodes() else: candidates = [n for n in self.g.nodes() if self.g.node[n]["suspicious"] == suspicious] # True/False return random.sample(candidates, num) #### Load account vertices from CSV file def load_account_list(self): fname = os.path.join(self.input_dir, self.conf.get("InputFile", "account_list")) idx_num = None idx_min = None idx_max = None idx_start = None idx_end = None idx_country = None idx_business = None idx_suspicious = None idx_model = None with open(fname, "r") as rf: reader = csv.reader(rf) ## Parse header header = next(reader) for i, k in enumerate(header): if k == "num": idx_num = i elif k == "min_balance": idx_min = i elif k == "max_balance": idx_max = i elif k == "start_day": idx_start = i elif k == "end_day": idx_end = i elif k == "country": idx_country = i elif k == "business_type": idx_business = i elif k == "suspicious": idx_suspicious = i elif k == "model": idx_model = i else: print("Warning: unknown key: %s" % k) aid = 0 for row in reader: num = int(row[idx_num]) min_balance = parse_amount(row[idx_min]) max_balance = parse_amount(row[idx_max]) start_day = parse_int(row[idx_start]) end_day = parse_int(row[idx_end]) country = row[idx_country] business = row[idx_business] suspicious = parse_flag(row[idx_suspicious]) modelID = parse_int(row[idx_model]) for i in range(num): init_balance = random.uniform(min_balance, max_balance) self.add_account(aid, init_balance, start_day, end_day, country, business, suspicious, modelID) aid += 1 self.num_accounts = aid print("Created %d accounts." % self.num_accounts) #### Generate base transactions without attributes # def add_base_transactions(self): factor = self.factor # the number of random edges to add for each new node prob = self.prob # probability of adding a triangle after adding a random edge seed = self.seed # seed for random number generator g = nx.generators.random_graphs.powerlaw_cluster_graph(self.num_accounts, factor, prob, seed) for src, dst in g.edges(): self.add_transaction(src, dst) print("Added %d base transactions." % g.number_of_edges()) #### Add an account vertex and a transaction edge def add_account(self, aid, init_balance, start, end, country, business, suspicious, modelID): """Add an account :param aid: Account ID :param init_balance: Initial amount :param start: The day when the account opened :param end: The day when the account closed :param country: Country :param business: business type :param suspicious: Whether the account is suspicious :param modelID: Remittance model ID :return: """ if self.check_account_absent(aid): self.g.add_node(aid, init_balance=init_balance, start=start, end=end, country=country, business=business, suspicious=suspicious, isFraud=False, modelID=modelID) def add_transaction(self, src, dst, amount=None, date=None): """Add a transaction :param src: :param dst: :param amount: :param date: :return: """ self.check_account_exist(src) self.check_account_exist(dst) self.g.add_edge(src, dst, key=self.tx_id, amount=amount, date=date) self.tx_id += 1 #### Load Simple Transaction Patterns def load_simple_patterns(self): """Load simple transaction pattern file :return: """ types = ["cycle", "fan_in", "fan_out", "path", "dense"] csv_name = os.path.join(self.input_dir, self.conf.get("InputFile", "patterns")) idx_num = None idx_type = None idx_accts = None idx_min = None idx_max = None idx_start = None idx_end = None with open(csv_name, "r") as rf: reader = csv.reader(rf) ## Parse header header = next(reader) for i, k in enumerate(header): if k == "num": idx_num = i elif k == "type": idx_type = i elif k == "accounts": idx_accts = i elif k == "min_amount": idx_min = i elif k == "max_amount": idx_max = i elif k == "start_day": idx_start = i elif k == "end_day": idx_end = i else: print("Warning: unknown key: %s" % k) for row in reader: if "#" in row[0]: ## Comment continue num = int(row[idx_num]) pattern_type = row[idx_type] accounts = int(row[idx_accts]) min_amount = parse_amount(row[idx_min]) max_amount = parse_amount(row[idx_max]) start_day = parse_int(row[idx_start]) end_day = parse_int(row[idx_end]) if pattern_type not in types: print("Warning: pattern type (%s) must be one of %s" % (pattern_type, str(types))) continue if accounts < 3: print("Warning: number of members (%d) must be 3 or more" % accounts) continue for i in range(num): amount = random.uniform(min_amount, max_amount) day = random.randrange(start_day, end_day) members = self.get_account_vertices(accounts) if pattern_type == "cycle": self.add_cycle_pattern(members, amount, day) elif pattern_type == "fan_in": self.add_fan_in_pattern(members[1:], members[0], amount, day) elif pattern_type == "fan_out": self.add_fan_out_pattern(members[0], members[1:], amount, day) elif pattern_type == "path": self.add_path_pattern(members, amount, day) else: print("Warning: unknown pattern type: %s" % pattern_type) break #### Add Simple Transaction Patterns def add_cycle_pattern(self, members, amount, date): """Add cycle transactions :param members: Transaction members :param amount: :param date: :return: """ num = len(members) for i in range(num): src = members[i] dst = members[(i+1) % num] self.add_transaction(src, dst, amount, date) def add_fan_in_pattern(self, src_list, dst, amount, date): for src in src_list: self.add_transaction(src, dst, amount, date) def add_fan_out_pattern(self, src, dst_list, amount, date): for dst in dst_list: self.add_transaction(src, dst, amount, date) def add_path_pattern(self, members, amount, date): for i in range(len(members)-1): self.add_transaction(members[i], members[i+1], amount, date) #### Add Dense (multiple fan-in/out) Transaction Patterns def add_dense_transactions(self, src_list, dst_list, limit=None): pairs = list(itertools.product(src_list, dst_list)) if limit is not None: limit = min(len(pairs), limit) random.shuffle(pairs) pairs = pairs[:limit] for src, dst in pairs: self.add_transaction(src, dst) #### Load Custom Topology Files def add_subgraph(self, members, topology): """Add subgraph from exisiting account vertices and given graph topology :param members: Account vertex list :param topology: Topology graph :return: """ if len(members) != topology.number_of_nodes(): raise nx.NetworkXError("The number of account vertices does not match") nodemap = dict(zip(members, topology.nodes())) for e in topology.edges(): src = nodemap[e[0]] dst = nodemap[e[1]] self.add_transaction(src, dst) def load_edgelist(self, members, csv_name): """Load edgelist and add edges with existing account vertices :param members: Account vertex list :param csv_name: Edgelist file name :return: """ topology = nx.MultiDiGraph() topology = nx.read_edgelist(csv_name, delimiter=",", create_using=topology) self.add_subgraph(members, topology) #### Add transaction set of fraud groups based on AML rule def load_aml_rule(self): """Load AML CSV file :return: """ csv_name = os.path.join(self.input_dir, self.conf.get("InputFile", "amlrule")) idx_num = None idx_type = None idx_accts = None idx_individual = None idx_aggregated = None idx_count = None idx_difference = None idx_period = None idx_rounded = None idx_orig_country = None idx_bene_country = None idx_orig_business = None idx_bene_business = None with open(csv_name, "r") as rf: reader = csv.reader(rf) ## Parse header header = next(reader) for i, k in enumerate(header): if k == "num": idx_num = i elif k == "type": idx_type = i elif k == "accounts": idx_accts = i elif k == "individual_amount": idx_individual = i elif k == "aggregated_amount": idx_aggregated = i elif k == "transaction_count": idx_count = i elif k == "amount_difference": idx_difference = i elif k == "period": idx_period = i elif k == "amount_rounded": idx_rounded = i elif k == "orig_country": idx_orig_country = i elif k == "bene_country": idx_bene_country = i elif k == "orig_business": idx_orig_business = i elif k == "bene_business": idx_bene_business = i else: print("Warning: unknown key: %s" % k) ## Generate transaction set for row in reader: if "#" in row[0]: ## Comment continue num = int(row[idx_num]) pattern_type = row[idx_type] accounts = int(row[idx_accts]) individual_amount = parse_amount(row[idx_individual]) aggregated_amount = parse_amount(row[idx_aggregated]) transaction_count = parse_int(row[idx_count]) amount_difference = parse_amount(row[idx_difference]) period = parse_int(row[idx_period]) amount_rounded = parse_amount(row[idx_rounded]) orig_country = parse_flag(row[idx_orig_country]) bene_country = parse_flag(row[idx_bene_country]) orig_business = parse_flag(row[idx_orig_business]) bene_business = parse_flag(row[idx_bene_business]) if not pattern_type in self.types: print("Warning: pattern type (%s) must be one of %s" % (pattern_type, str(self.types.keys()))) continue if transaction_count is not None and transaction_count < accounts: print("Warning: number of transactions (%d) must not be smaller than the number of accounts (%d)" % (transaction_count, accounts)) continue # members = self.get_account_vertices(accounts) for i in range(num): ## Add fraud patterns self.add_aml_rule(True, pattern_type, accounts, individual_amount, aggregated_amount, transaction_count, amount_difference, period, amount_rounded, orig_country, bene_country, orig_business, bene_business) for j in range(self.alert_ratio): ## Add alert patterns self.add_aml_rule(False, pattern_type, accounts, individual_amount, aggregated_amount, transaction_count, amount_difference, period, amount_rounded, orig_country, bene_country, orig_business, bene_business) def add_aml_rule(self, isFraud, pattern_type, accounts, individual_amount=None, aggregated_amount=None, transaction_freq=None, amount_difference=None, period=None, amount_rounded=None, orig_country=False, bene_country=False, orig_business=False, bene_business=False): """Add an AML rule transaction set :param isFraud: Whether the trasnsaction set is fraud or alert :param pattern_type: Pattern type ("fan_in", "fan_out", "dense", "mixed" or "stack") :param accounts: Number of transaction members (accounts) :param individual_amount: Minimum individual amount :param aggregated_amount: Minimum aggregated amount :param transaction_freq: Minimum transaction frequency :param amount_difference: Proportion of maximum transaction difference :param period: Lookback period (days) :param amount_rounded: Proportion of rounded amounts :param orig_country: Whether the originator country is suspicious :param bene_country: Whether the beneficiary country is suspicious :param orig_business: Whether the originator business type is suspicious :param bene_business: Whether the beneficiary business type is suspicious :return: """ # members = self.get_account_vertices(accounts) members = self.get_hub_vertices(accounts) ## Prepare parameters if individual_amount is None: min_amount = self.default_min_amount max_amount = self.default_max_amount else: min_amount = individual_amount max_amount = individual_amount * 2 if aggregated_amount is None: aggregated_amount = 0 start_day = random.randint(0, self.total_period) if period is None: end_day = start_day + self.total_period else: end_day = start_day + period ## Create subgraph structure with transaction attributes modelID = self.types[pattern_type] ## Fraud model ID sub_g = nx.MultiDiGraph(modelID=modelID) num_members = len(members) total_amount = 0 transaction_count = 0 subject = None # Subject account ID if pattern_type == "fan_in": # fan_in src_list = members[1:] dst = members[0] subject = dst if transaction_freq is None: transaction_freq = num_members - 1 for src in itertools.cycle(src_list): amount = random.uniform(min_amount, max_amount) date = random.randrange(start_day, end_day) sub_g.add_edge(src, dst, amount=amount, date=date) transaction_count += 1 total_amount += amount if transaction_count >= transaction_freq and total_amount >= aggregated_amount: break elif pattern_type == "fan_out": # fan_out src = members[0] dst_list = members[1:] subject = src if transaction_freq is None: transaction_freq = num_members - 1 for dst in itertools.cycle(dst_list): amount = random.uniform(min_amount, max_amount) date = random.randrange(start_day, end_day) sub_g.add_edge(src, dst, amount=amount, date=date) transaction_count += 1 total_amount += amount if transaction_count >= transaction_freq and total_amount >= aggregated_amount: break elif pattern_type == "bipartite": # dense bipartite src_list = members[:(num_members/2)] dst_list = members[(num_members/2):] if transaction_freq is None: transaction_freq = len(src_list) * len(dst_list) for src, dst in itertools.product(src_list, dst_list): amount = random.uniform(min_amount, max_amount) date = random.randrange(start_day, end_day) sub_g.add_edge(src, dst, amount=amount, date=date) transaction_count += 1 total_amount += amount if transaction_count > transaction_freq and total_amount >= aggregated_amount: break subject = max(sub_g.nodes(), key=lambda # hub vertex elif pattern_type == "mixed": # fan_out, dense bipartite, fan_in src = members[0] dst = members[num_members-1] src_list = members[1:(num_members/2)] dst_list = members[(num_members/2):num_members-1] if transaction_freq is None: transaction_freq = len(src_list) + len(dst_list) + len(src_list) * len(dst_list) for _dst in src_list: amount = random.uniform(min_amount, max_amount) date = random.randrange(start_day, end_day) sub_g.add_edge(src, _dst, amount=amount, date=date) transaction_count += 1 total_amount += amount for _src, _dst in itertools.product(src_list, dst_list): amount = random.uniform(min_amount, max_amount) date = random.randrange(start_day, end_day) sub_g.add_edge(_src, _dst, amount=amount, date=date) transaction_count += 1 total_amount += amount for _src in itertools.cycle(dst_list): amount = random.uniform(min_amount, max_amount) date = random.randrange(start_day, end_day) sub_g.add_edge(_src, dst, amount=amount, date=date) transaction_count += 1 total_amount += amount if transaction_count >= transaction_freq and total_amount >= aggregated_amount: break subject = max(sub_g.nodes(), key=lambda # hub vertex elif pattern_type == "stack": # two dense bipartite layers src_list = members[:num_members/3] mid_list = members[num_members/3:num_members*2/3] dst_list = members[num_members*2/3:] if transaction_freq is None: transaction_freq = len(src_list) * len(mid_list) + len(mid_list) * len(dst_list) for src, dst in itertools.product(src_list, mid_list): amount = random.uniform(min_amount, max_amount) date = random.randrange(start_day, end_day) sub_g.add_edge(src, dst, amount=amount, date=date) transaction_count += 1 total_amount += amount if transaction_count > transaction_freq and total_amount >= aggregated_amount: break for src, dst in itertools.product(mid_list, dst_list): amount = random.uniform(min_amount, max_amount) date = random.randrange(start_day, end_day) sub_g.add_edge(src, dst, amount=amount, date=date) transaction_count += 1 total_amount += amount if transaction_count > transaction_freq and total_amount >= aggregated_amount: break subject = max(sub_g.nodes(), key=lambda # hub vertex elif pattern_type == "dense": # Dense fraud accounts subject = members[0] # Hub account dsts = members[1:] for dst in dsts: amount = random.uniform(min_amount, max_amount) date = random.randrange(start_day, end_day) sub_g.add_edge(subject, dst, amount=amount, date=date) for dst in dsts: nb1 = random.choice(dsts) if dst != nb1: amount = random.uniform(min_amount, max_amount) date = random.randrange(start_day, end_day) sub_g.add_edge(dst, nb1, amount=amount, date=date) nb2 = random.choice(dsts) if dst != nb2: amount = random.uniform(min_amount, max_amount) date = random.randrange(start_day, end_day) sub_g.add_edge(nb2, dst, amount=amount, date=date) else: print("Warning: unknown pattern type: %s" % pattern_type) return ## Add the generated transaction edges to whole transaction graph sub_g.graph["subject"] = subject if isFraud else None self.fraudgroups[self.fraud_id] = sub_g ## Add fraud flags to account vertices for n in sub_g.nodes(): self.g.node[n]["isFraud"] = True self.fraud_id += 1 #### Account and Transaction CSV Output def write_account_list(self): fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.conf.get("OutputFile", "accounts")) with open(fname, "w") as wf: writer = csv.writer(wf) writer.writerow(["ACCOUNT_ID", "ACCOUNT_BALANCE", "DATE_OPENED", "DATE_CLOSED", "COUNTRY_CODE", "ACCOUNT_TYPE", "suspicious", "isFraud", "modelID"]) for n in self.g.nodes(data=True): aid = n[0] prop = n[1] balance = "{0:.2f}".format(prop["init_balance"]) start = prop["start"] end = prop["end"] country = prop["country"] business = prop["business"] suspicious = prop["suspicious"] isFraud = "true" if prop["isFraud"] else "false" modelID = prop["modelID"] writer.writerow([aid, balance, start, end, country, business, suspicious, isFraud, modelID]) print("Exported %d accounts." % self.g.number_of_nodes()) def write_transaction_list(self): fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.conf.get("OutputFile", "transactions")) with open(fname, "w") as wf: writer = csv.writer(wf) writer.writerow(["id", "src", "dst"]) for e in self.g.edges(data=True, keys=True): src = e[0] dst = e[1] tid = e[2] writer.writerow([tid, src, dst]) print("Exported %d transactions." % self.g.number_of_edges()) def write_alert_members_list(self): def get_outEdge_attrs(g, vid, name): return [v for k, v in nx.get_edge_attributes(g, name).iteritems() if (k[0] == vid or k[1] == vid)] fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.conf.get("OutputFile", "alert_members")) with open(fname, "w") as wf: writer = csv.writer(wf) writer.writerow(["alertID", "clientID", "isSubject", "modelID", "minAmount", "maxAmount", "startStep", "endStep"]) for gid, sub_g in self.fraudgroups.iteritems(): modelID = sub_g.graph["modelID"] for n in sub_g.nodes(): isSubject = "true" if (sub_g.graph["subject"] == n) else "false" minAmount = '{:.2f}'.format(min(get_outEdge_attrs(sub_g, n, "amount"))) maxAmount = '{:.2f}'.format(max(get_outEdge_attrs(sub_g, n, "amount"))) minStep = min(get_outEdge_attrs(sub_g, n, "date")) maxStep = max(get_outEdge_attrs(sub_g, n, "date")) writer.writerow([gid, n, isSubject, modelID, minAmount, maxAmount, minStep, maxStep]) print("Exported %d alert groups." % len(self.fraudgroups)) if __name__ == "__main__": argv = sys.argv if len(argv) < 2: print("Usage: python %s [ConfFile]" % argv[0]) exit(1) txg = TransactionGenerator(argv[1]) txg.load_account_list() txg.add_base_transactions() txg.load_simple_patterns() txg.generate_degrees() txg.load_aml_rule() txg.write_account_list() txg.write_transaction_list() txg.write_alert_members_list()