; Parameters for transaction graph generation and input/output file names [General] ; Random seed value seed = 0 ; Minimum individual transaction amount default_min_amount = 50000 ; Maximum individual transaction amount default_max_amount = 100000 ; Total number of simulation steps total_step = 720 ; Minimum initial balance min_balance = 50000 ; Maximum initial balance max_balance = 100000 ;; Account opening and closure date ;start_day = 0 ;end_day = 720 ;start_range = 30 ;end_range = 30 ; Default transaction model ID default_model = 1 [Base] ; Accounts with larger degree than this threshold will be selected as alert accounts degree_threshold = 10 ; High-risk business types and countries (comma-separated) [HighRisk] business = "" countries = "" ; Input file and directory path [InputFile] schema_file = paramFiles/schema.json directory = paramFiles account_list = accounts.csv alertPattern = alertPatterns.csv is_aggregated = False ; Output and intermediate file and directory path [OutputFile] directory = outputs transactions = tx_simple.csv accounts = accounts.csv alert_members = alert_members.csv counter_log = tx_count.csv diameter_log = diameter.csv ; Output file for visualizations [PlotFile] degree = deg.png wcc = wcc.png alert = alert.png count = count.png clustering = cc.png diameter = diameter.png