import plugins { id("") id("junitbuild.shadow-conventions") } description = "JUnit Platform Console Standalone" dependencies { shadowed(projects.junitPlatformReporting) shadowed(projects.junitPlatformConsole) shadowed(projects.junitPlatformSuite) shadowed(projects.junitJupiterEngine) shadowed(projects.junitJupiterParams) shadowed(projects.junitVintageEngine) shadowed(libs.apiguardian) { because("downstream projects need it to avoid compiler warnings") } } val jupiterVersion = rootProject.version val vintageVersion: String by project tasks { jar { manifest { attributes("Main-Class" to "org.junit.platform.console.ConsoleLauncher") } } val shadowedArtifactsFile by registering(WriteArtifactsFile::class) { from(configurations.shadowed) outputFile = layout.buildDirectory.file("shadowed-artifacts") } shadowJar { // // exclude compiled module declarations from any source (e.g. /*, /META-INF/versions/N/*) exclude("**/module-info.class") // // prevent duplicates, add 3rd-party licenses explicitly exclude("META-INF/LICENSE*.md") from(project.projects.junitPlatformConsole.dependencyProject.projectDir) { include("") into("META-INF") } from(project.projects.junitJupiterParams.dependencyProject.projectDir) { include("") into("META-INF") } from(shadowedArtifactsFile) { into("META-INF") } bundle { val importAPIGuardian: String by extra bnd(""" # Customize the imports because this is an aggregate jar Import-Package: \ $importAPIGuardian,\ kotlin.*;resolution:="optional",\ * # Disable the APIGuardian plugin since everything was already # processed, again because this is an aggregate jar -export-apiguardian: """) } mergeServiceFiles() manifest.apply { inheritFrom(jar.get().manifest) attributes(mapOf( "Specification-Title" to, "Implementation-Title" to, // Generate test engine version information in single shared manifest file. // Pattern of key and value: `"Engine-Version-{YourTestEngine#getId()}": "47.11"` "Engine-Version-junit-jupiter" to jupiterVersion, "Engine-Version-junit-vintage" to vintageVersion, // Version-aware binaries are already included - set Multi-Release flag here. // See for details // Note: the "jar --update ... --release X" command does not work with the // shadowed JAR as it contains nested classes that do not comply with multi-release jars. "Multi-Release" to true )) } } // This jar contains some Java 9 code // (org.junit.platform.console.ConsoleLauncherToolProvider which implements // java.util.spi.ToolProvider which is @since 9). // So in order to resolve this, it can only run on Java 9 osgiProperties { property("-runee", "JavaSE-9") } }