import java.time.LocalDate import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong USER_DIR = System.getProperty('user.working_dir','.') + '/' DATA_DIR = USER_DIR + "outputs/" TX_CSV = DATA_DIR + "tx.csv" CASE_CSV = DATA_DIR + "case_accts.csv" PROP_FILE = "" println "Start loading transactions from " + TX_CSV counter = new AtomicLong() batchSize = 100000 cache = [:] graph = case_file = new File(CASE_CSV) case_set = case_file.readLines().toSet() // create schema mgmt = graph.openManagement() // vertex schema mgmt.makePropertyKey('acct').dataType(String.class).make() mgmt.makePropertyKey('name').dataType(String.class).make() mgmt.makePropertyKey('city').dataType(String.class).make() mgmt.makePropertyKey('state').dataType(String.class).make() mgmt.makePropertyKey('country').dataType(String.class).make() mgmt.makePropertyKey('address').dataType(String.class).make() mgmt.makePropertyKey('sar').dataType(Boolean.class).make() mgmt.makePropertyKey('start_day').dataType(Long.class).make() mgmt.makePropertyKey('end_day').dataType(Long.class).make() // edge schema mgmt.makeEdgeLabel('edgelabel').make() mgmt.makePropertyKey('tkey').dataType(String.class).make() mgmt.makePropertyKey('orig_addr').dataType(String.class).make() mgmt.makePropertyKey('bene_addr').dataType(String.class).make() mgmt.makePropertyKey('amount').dataType(Float.class).make() mgmt.makePropertyKey('date').dataType(String.class).make() mgmt.makePropertyKey('tid').dataType(Boolean.class).make() mgmt.makePropertyKey('alert').dataType(Boolean.class).make() mgmt.commit() mutate = { -> if (0 == counter.incrementAndGet() % batchSize) { graph.tx().commit() } } addVertex = { def acct, def sar -> if(!cache.containsKey(acct)){ name = acct city = acct + "_city" state = acct + "_state" country = acct + "_country" address = acct + "_addr" v = graph.addVertex("acct", acct, "name", name, "city", city, "state", state, "country", country, "address", address, "sar", sar) mutate() cache[acct] = v } } setProperty = {def placeholder, def label, def key, def value -> cache[label].property(key, value) mutate() } getDays= { def date -> return date.toInteger() } // for each line in csvparsed, build the vertex and edge line_counter = new AtomicLong() reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(TX_CSV)) // Column index DEFAULT_INDEX = -1 orig_idx = DEFAULT_INDEX dest_idx = DEFAULT_INDEX transactionID_idx = DEFAULT_INDEX amount_idx = DEFAULT_INDEX date_idx = DEFAULT_INDEX // read the header line = reader.readLine() fields = line.split(',', -1) for(int i=0; i "tkey" since "key" is protected value in namespace cache[orig].addEdge("edgelabel", cache[bene], "tkey", transaction_ID, "orig_addr", orig, "bene_addr", bene, "amount", amount, "date", date, "tid", transaction_ID, "alert", "") mutate() days = getDays(date) START = "start_day" END = "end_day" orig_start = cache[orig].property(START) orig_end = cache[orig].property(END) if(orig_start.isPresent() == false || days < orig_start.value()){ setProperty("label", orig, START, days) } if(orig_end.isPresent() == false || days > orig_end.value()){ setProperty("label", orig, END, days) } bene_start = cache[bene].property(START) bene_end = cache[bene].property(END) if(bene_start.isPresent() == false || days < bene_start.value()){ setProperty("label", bene, START, days) } if(bene_end.isPresent() == false || days > bene_end.value()){ setProperty("label", bene, END, days) } } } graph.tx().commit() g = graph.traversal() numV = g.V().count().next() numE = g.E().count().next() println "total vertices added: ${numV}" println "total edges added: ${numE}" g.close() graph.close() System.exit(0)