package testsuite.simple; |
import java.sql.Connection; |
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; |
import java.sql.ResultSet; |
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; |
import java.sql.SQLException; |
import java.sql.Statement; |
import java.sql.Types; |
import java.util.HashSet; |
import java.util.List; |
import java.util.Properties; |
import java.util.Set; |
import testsuite.BaseTestCase; |
import com.mysql.jdbc.StringUtils; |
public class MetadataTest extends BaseTestCase { |
public MetadataTest(String name) { |
super(name); |
} |
public static void main(String[] args) { |
junit.textui.TestRunner.run(MetadataTest.class); |
} |
public void setUp() throws Exception { |
super.setUp(); |
createTestTable(); |
} |
public void testForeignKeys() throws SQLException { |
try { |
DatabaseMetaData dbmd = this.conn.getMetaData(); |
this.rs = dbmd.getImportedKeys(null, null, "child"); |
while (this.rs.next()) { |
String pkColumnName = this.rs.getString("PKCOLUMN_NAME"); |
String fkColumnName = this.rs.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME"); |
assertTrue("Primary Key not returned correctly ('" |
+ pkColumnName + "' != 'parent_id')", pkColumnName |
.equalsIgnoreCase("parent_id")); |
assertTrue("Foreign Key not returned correctly ('" |
+ fkColumnName + "' != 'parent_id_fk')", fkColumnName |
.equalsIgnoreCase("parent_id_fk")); |
} |
this.rs.close(); |
this.rs = dbmd.getExportedKeys(null, null, "parent"); |
while (this.rs.next()) { |
String pkColumnName = this.rs.getString("PKCOLUMN_NAME"); |
String fkColumnName = this.rs.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME"); |
String fkTableName = this.rs.getString("FKTABLE_NAME"); |
assertTrue("Primary Key not returned correctly ('" |
+ pkColumnName + "' != 'parent_id')", pkColumnName |
.equalsIgnoreCase("parent_id")); |
assertTrue( |
"Foreign Key table not returned correctly for getExportedKeys ('" |
+ fkTableName + "' != 'child')", fkTableName |
.equalsIgnoreCase("child")); |
assertTrue( |
"Foreign Key not returned correctly for getExportedKeys ('" |
+ fkColumnName + "' != 'parent_id_fk')", |
fkColumnName.equalsIgnoreCase("parent_id_fk")); |
} |
this.rs.close(); |
this.rs = dbmd.getCrossReference(null, null, "cpd_foreign_3", null, |
null, "cpd_foreign_4"); |
assertTrue(this.rs.next()); |
String pkColumnName = this.rs.getString("PKCOLUMN_NAME"); |
String pkTableName = this.rs.getString("PKTABLE_NAME"); |
String fkColumnName = this.rs.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME"); |
String fkTableName = this.rs.getString("FKTABLE_NAME"); |
String deleteAction = cascadeOptionToString(this.rs |
.getInt("DELETE_RULE")); |
String updateAction = cascadeOptionToString(this.rs |
.getInt("UPDATE_RULE")); |
assertEquals(pkColumnName, "cpd_foreign_1_id"); |
assertEquals(pkTableName, "cpd_foreign_3"); |
assertEquals(fkColumnName, "cpd_foreign_1_id"); |
assertEquals(fkTableName, "cpd_foreign_4"); |
assertEquals(deleteAction, "NO ACTION"); |
assertEquals(updateAction, "CASCADE"); |
this.rs.close(); |
this.rs = null; |
} finally { |
if (this.rs != null) { |
this.rs.close(); |
this.rs = null; |
} |
} |
} |
public void testGetPrimaryKeys() throws SQLException { |
try { |
DatabaseMetaData dbmd = this.conn.getMetaData(); |
this.rs = dbmd.getPrimaryKeys(this.conn.getCatalog(), "", |
"multikey"); |
short[] keySeqs = new short[4]; |
String[] columnNames = new String[4]; |
int i = 0; |
while (this.rs.next()) { |
this.rs.getString("TABLE_NAME"); |
columnNames[i] = this.rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); |
this.rs.getString("PK_NAME"); |
keySeqs[i] = this.rs.getShort("KEY_SEQ"); |
i++; |
} |
if ((keySeqs[0] != 3) && (keySeqs[1] != 2) && (keySeqs[2] != 4) |
&& (keySeqs[4] != 1)) { |
fail("Keys returned in wrong order"); |
} |
} finally { |
if (this.rs != null) { |
try { |
this.rs.close(); |
} catch (SQLException sqlEx) { |
} |
} |
} |
} |
private static String cascadeOptionToString(int option) { |
switch (option) { |
case DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyCascade: |
return "CASCADE"; |
case DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetNull: |
return "SET NULL"; |
case DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyRestrict: |
return "RESTRICT"; |
case DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNoAction: |
return "NO ACTION"; |
} |
return "SET DEFAULT"; |
} |
private void createTestTable() throws SQLException { |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS child"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS parent"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS multikey"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cpd_foreign_4"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cpd_foreign_3"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cpd_foreign_2"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cpd_foreign_1"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fktable2"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fktable1"); |
createTable("parent", "(parent_id INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (parent_id))", "INNODB"); |
createTable("child", "(child_id INT, parent_id_fk INT, INDEX par_ind (parent_id_fk), " |
+ "FOREIGN KEY (parent_id_fk) REFERENCES parent(parent_id)) ", "INNODB"); |
createTable("multikey", "(d INT NOT NULL, b INT NOT NULL, a INT NOT NULL, c INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (d, b, a, c))"); |
createTable("cpd_foreign_1", "(" |
+ "id int(8) not null auto_increment primary key," |
+ "name varchar(255) not null unique," + "key (id)" |
+ ")", "InnoDB"); |
createTable("cpd_foreign_2", "(" |
+ "id int(8) not null auto_increment primary key," |
+ "key (id)," + "name varchar(255)" + ") ", "InnoDB"); |
createTable("cpd_foreign_3", "(" |
+ "cpd_foreign_1_id int(8) not null," |
+ "cpd_foreign_2_id int(8) not null," |
+ "key(cpd_foreign_1_id)," |
+ "key(cpd_foreign_2_id)," |
+ "primary key (cpd_foreign_1_id, cpd_foreign_2_id)," |
+ "foreign key (cpd_foreign_1_id) references cpd_foreign_1(id)," |
+ "foreign key (cpd_foreign_2_id) references cpd_foreign_2(id)" |
+ ") ", "InnoDB"); |
createTable("cpd_foreign_4", "(" |
+ "cpd_foreign_1_id int(8) not null," |
+ "cpd_foreign_2_id int(8) not null," |
+ "key(cpd_foreign_1_id)," |
+ "key(cpd_foreign_2_id)," |
+ "primary key (cpd_foreign_1_id, cpd_foreign_2_id)," |
+ "foreign key (cpd_foreign_1_id, cpd_foreign_2_id) " |
+ "references cpd_foreign_3(cpd_foreign_1_id, cpd_foreign_2_id) " |
+ ") ", "InnoDB"); |
createTable("fktable1", "(TYPE_ID int not null, TYPE_DESC varchar(32), primary key(TYPE_ID))", "InnoDB"); |
createTable("fktable2", "(KEY_ID int not null, COF_NAME varchar(32), PRICE float, TYPE_ID int, primary key(KEY_ID), " |
+ "index(TYPE_ID), foreign key(TYPE_ID) references fktable1(TYPE_ID)) ", "InnoDB"); |
} |
public void testViewMetaData() throws SQLException { |
try { |
this.rs = this.conn.getMetaData().getTableTypes(); |
while (this.rs.next()) { |
if ("VIEW".equalsIgnoreCase(this.rs.getString(1))) { |
this.stmt |
.executeUpdate("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vTestViewMetaData"); |
this.stmt |
.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS testViewMetaData"); |
this.stmt |
.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE testViewMetaData (field1 INT)"); |
this.stmt |
.executeUpdate("CREATE VIEW vTestViewMetaData AS SELECT field1 FROM testViewMetaData"); |
ResultSet tablesRs = null; |
try { |
tablesRs = this.conn.getMetaData().getTables( |
this.conn.getCatalog(), null, "%ViewMetaData", |
new String[] { "TABLE", "VIEW" }); |
assertTrue(tablesRs.next()); |
assertTrue("testViewMetaData".equalsIgnoreCase(tablesRs |
.getString(3))); |
assertTrue(tablesRs.next()); |
assertTrue("vTestViewMetaData" |
.equalsIgnoreCase(tablesRs.getString(3))); |
} finally { |
if (tablesRs != null) { |
tablesRs.close(); |
} |
} |
try { |
tablesRs = this.conn.getMetaData().getTables( |
this.conn.getCatalog(), null, "%ViewMetaData", |
new String[] { "TABLE" }); |
assertTrue(tablesRs.next()); |
assertTrue("testViewMetaData".equalsIgnoreCase(tablesRs |
.getString(3))); |
assertTrue(!tablesRs.next()); |
} finally { |
if (tablesRs != null) { |
tablesRs.close(); |
} |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
} finally { |
if (this.rs != null) { |
this.rs.close(); |
} |
} |
} |
public void testRSMDIsReadOnly() throws Exception { |
try { |
this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT 1"); |
ResultSetMetaData rsmd = this.rs.getMetaData(); |
if (versionMeetsMinimum(4, 1)) { |
assertTrue(rsmd.isReadOnly(1)); |
try { |
this.stmt |
.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS testRSMDIsReadOnly"); |
this.stmt |
.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE testRSMDIsReadOnly (field1 INT)"); |
this.stmt |
.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testRSMDIsReadOnly VALUES (1)"); |
this.rs = this.stmt |
.executeQuery("SELECT 1, field1 + 1, field1 FROM testRSMDIsReadOnly"); |
rsmd = this.rs.getMetaData(); |
assertTrue(rsmd.isReadOnly(1)); |
assertTrue(rsmd.isReadOnly(2)); |
assertTrue(!rsmd.isReadOnly(3)); |
} finally { |
this.stmt |
.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS testRSMDIsReadOnly"); |
} |
} else { |
assertTrue(rsmd.isReadOnly(1) == false); |
} |
} finally { |
if (this.rs != null) { |
this.rs.close(); |
} |
} |
} |
public void testBitType() throws Exception { |
if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0, 3)) { |
try { |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS testBitType"); |
this.stmt |
.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE testBitType (field1 BIT, field2 BIT, field3 BIT)"); |
this.stmt |
.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBitType VALUES (1, 0, NULL)"); |
this.rs = this.stmt |
.executeQuery("SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM testBitType"); |
this.rs.next(); |
assertTrue(((Boolean) this.rs.getObject(1)).booleanValue()); |
assertTrue(!((Boolean) this.rs.getObject(2)).booleanValue()); |
assertEquals(this.rs.getObject(3), null); |
System.out.println(this.rs.getObject(1) + ", " |
+ this.rs.getObject(2) + ", " + this.rs.getObject(3)); |
this.rs = this.conn.prepareStatement( |
"SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM testBitType") |
.executeQuery(); |
this.rs.next(); |
assertTrue(((Boolean) this.rs.getObject(1)).booleanValue()); |
assertTrue(!((Boolean) this.rs.getObject(2)).booleanValue()); |
assertEquals(this.rs.getObject(3), null); |
byte[] asBytesTrue = this.rs.getBytes(1); |
byte[] asBytesFalse = this.rs.getBytes(2); |
byte[] asBytesNull = this.rs.getBytes(3); |
assertEquals(asBytesTrue[0], 1); |
assertEquals(asBytesFalse[0], 0); |
assertEquals(asBytesNull, null); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS testBitField"); |
this.stmt |
.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE testBitField(field1 BIT(9))"); |
this.rs = this.stmt |
.executeQuery("SELECT field1 FROM testBitField"); |
System.out.println(this.rs.getMetaData().getColumnClassName(1)); |
} finally { |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS testBitType"); |
} |
} |
} |
public void testSupportsSelectForUpdate() throws Exception { |
boolean supportsForUpdate = this.conn.getMetaData() |
.supportsSelectForUpdate(); |
if (this.versionMeetsMinimum(4, 0)) { |
assertTrue(supportsForUpdate); |
} else { |
assertTrue(!supportsForUpdate); |
} |
} |
public void testTinyint1IsBit() throws Exception { |
String tableName = "testTinyint1IsBit"; |
createTable(tableName, "(field1 TINYINT(1))"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO " + tableName + " VALUES (1)"); |
Properties props = new Properties(); |
props.setProperty("tinyint1IsBit", "true"); |
props.setProperty("transformedBitIsBoolean", "true"); |
Connection boolConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); |
this.rs = boolConn.createStatement().executeQuery( |
"SELECT field1 FROM " + tableName); |
checkBitOrBooleanType(false); |
this.rs = boolConn.prepareStatement("SELECT field1 FROM " + tableName) |
.executeQuery(); |
checkBitOrBooleanType(false); |
this.rs = boolConn.getMetaData().getColumns(boolConn.getCatalog(), |
null, tableName, "field1"); |
assertTrue(this.rs.next()); |
if (versionMeetsMinimum(4, 1)) { |
assertEquals(Types.BOOLEAN, this.rs.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); |
} else { |
assertEquals(Types.BIT, this.rs.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); |
} |
if (versionMeetsMinimum(4, 1)) { |
assertEquals("BOOLEAN", this.rs.getString("TYPE_NAME")); |
} else { |
assertEquals("BIT", this.rs.getString("TYPE_NAME")); |
} |
props.clear(); |
props.setProperty("transformedBitIsBoolean", "false"); |
props.setProperty("tinyint1IsBit", "true"); |
Connection bitConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); |
this.rs = bitConn.createStatement().executeQuery( |
"SELECT field1 FROM " + tableName); |
checkBitOrBooleanType(true); |
this.rs = bitConn.prepareStatement("SELECT field1 FROM " + tableName) |
.executeQuery(); |
checkBitOrBooleanType(true); |
this.rs = bitConn.getMetaData().getColumns(boolConn.getCatalog(), null, |
tableName, "field1"); |
assertTrue(this.rs.next()); |
assertEquals(Types.BIT, this.rs.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); |
assertEquals("BIT", this.rs.getString("TYPE_NAME")); |
} |
private void checkBitOrBooleanType(boolean usingBit) throws SQLException { |
assertTrue(this.rs.next()); |
assertEquals("java.lang.Boolean", this.rs.getObject(1).getClass() |
.getName()); |
if (!usingBit) { |
if (versionMeetsMinimum(4, 1)) { |
assertEquals(Types.BOOLEAN, this.rs.getMetaData() |
.getColumnType(1)); |
} else { |
assertEquals(Types.BIT, this.rs.getMetaData().getColumnType(1)); |
} |
} else { |
assertEquals(Types.BIT, this.rs.getMetaData().getColumnType(1)); |
} |
assertEquals("java.lang.Boolean", this.rs.getMetaData() |
.getColumnClassName(1)); |
} |
public void testGetPrimaryKeysUsingInfoShcema() throws Exception { |
if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0, 7)) { |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 int(1) primary key)"); |
Properties props = new Properties(); |
props.put("useInformationSchema", "true"); |
Connection conn1 = null; |
try { |
conn1 = getConnectionWithProps(props); |
DatabaseMetaData metaData = conn1.getMetaData(); |
this.rs = metaData.getPrimaryKeys(null, null, "t1"); |
this.rs.next(); |
assertEquals("t1", this.rs.getString("TABLE_NAME")); |
assertEquals("c1", this.rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); |
} finally { |
if (conn1 != null) { |
conn1.close(); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
public void testGetIndexInfoUsingInfoSchema() throws Exception { |
if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0, 7)) { |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 int(1))"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX index1 ON t1 (c1)"); |
Properties props = new Properties(); |
props.put("useInformationSchema", "true"); |
Connection conn1 = null; |
try { |
conn1 = getConnectionWithProps(props); |
DatabaseMetaData metaData = conn1.getMetaData(); |
this.rs = metaData.getIndexInfo("test", null, "t1", false, true); |
this.rs.next(); |
assertEquals("t1", this.rs.getString("TABLE_NAME")); |
assertEquals("c1", this.rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); |
assertEquals("1", this.rs.getString("NON_UNIQUE")); |
assertEquals("index1", this.rs.getString("INDEX_NAME")); |
} finally { |
if (conn1 != null) { |
conn1.close(); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
public void testGetColumnsUsingInfoSchema() throws Exception { |
if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0, 7)) { |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 char(1))"); |
Properties props = new Properties(); |
props.put("useInformationSchema", "true"); |
Connection conn1 = null; |
try { |
conn1 = getConnectionWithProps(props); |
DatabaseMetaData metaData = conn1.getMetaData(); |
this.rs = metaData.getColumns(null, null, "t1", null); |
this.rs.next(); |
assertEquals("t1", this.rs.getString("TABLE_NAME")); |
assertEquals("c1", this.rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); |
assertEquals("CHAR", this.rs.getString("TYPE_NAME")); |
assertEquals("1", this.rs.getString("COLUMN_SIZE")); |
} finally { |
if (conn1 != null) { |
conn1.close(); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
public void testGetTablesUsingInfoSchema() throws Exception { |
if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0, 7)) { |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t1-1`"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE `t1-1` (c1 char(1))"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t1-2`"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE `t1-2` (c1 char(1))"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t2`"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE `t2` (c1 char(1))"); |
Set tableNames = new HashSet(); |
tableNames.add("t1-1"); |
tableNames.add("t1-2"); |
Properties props = new Properties(); |
props.put("useInformationSchema", "true"); |
Connection conn1 = null; |
try { |
conn1 = getConnectionWithProps(props); |
DatabaseMetaData metaData = conn1.getMetaData(); |
this.rs = metaData.getTables(null, null, "t1-_", null); |
while (this.rs.next()) { |
assertTrue(tableNames.remove(this.rs.getString("TABLE_NAME"))); |
} |
assertTrue(tableNames.isEmpty()); |
} finally { |
if (conn1 != null) { |
conn1.close(); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
public void testGetColumnPrivilegesUsingInfoSchema() throws Exception { |
String dontRunPropertyName = "com.mysql.jdbc.testsuite.cantGrant"; |
if (!runTestIfSysPropDefined(dontRunPropertyName)) { |
if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0, 7)) { |
Properties props = new Properties(); |
props.put("useInformationSchema", "true"); |
Connection conn1 = null; |
Statement stmt1 = null; |
String userHostQuoted = null; |
boolean grantFailed = true; |
try { |
conn1 = getConnectionWithProps(props); |
stmt1 = conn1.createStatement(); |
stmt1.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1"); |
stmt1.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 int)"); |
this.rs = stmt1.executeQuery("SELECT USER()"); |
this.rs.next(); |
String user = this.rs.getString(1); |
List userHost = StringUtils.split(user, "@", false); |
userHostQuoted = "'" + userHost.get(0) + "'@'" + userHost.get(1) + "'"; |
try { |
stmt1.executeUpdate("GRANT update (c1) on t1 to " + userHostQuoted); |
grantFailed = false; |
} catch (SQLException sqlEx) { |
logDebug("This testcase needs to be run with a URL that allows the user to issue GRANTs " |
+ " in the current database. You can skip this test by setting the system property \"" |
+ dontRunPropertyName + "\"."); |
grantFailed = true; |
} |
if (!grantFailed) { |
DatabaseMetaData metaData = conn1.getMetaData(); |
this.rs = metaData.getColumnPrivileges(null, null, "t1", null); |
this.rs.next(); |
assertEquals("t1", this.rs.getString("TABLE_NAME")); |
assertEquals("c1", this.rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); |
assertEquals(userHostQuoted, this.rs.getString("GRANTEE")); |
assertEquals("UPDATE", this.rs.getString("PRIVILEGE")); |
} |
} finally { |
if (stmt1 != null) { |
stmt1.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1"); |
if (!grantFailed) { |
stmt1.executeUpdate("REVOKE UPDATE (c1) ON t1 FROM " + userHostQuoted); |
} |
stmt1.close(); |
} |
if (conn1 != null) { |
conn1.close(); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
public void testGetProceduresUsingInfoSchema() throws Exception { |
if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0, 7)) { |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp1"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE PROCEDURE sp1()\n BEGIN\n" + "SELECT 1;" + "end\n"); |
Properties props = new Properties(); |
props.put("useInformationSchema", "true"); |
Connection conn1 = null; |
try { |
conn1 = getConnectionWithProps(props); |
DatabaseMetaData metaData = conn1.getMetaData(); |
this.rs = metaData.getProcedures(null, null, "sp1"); |
this.rs.next(); |
assertEquals("sp1", this.rs.getString("PROCEDURE_NAME")); |
assertEquals("1", this.rs.getString("PROCEDURE_TYPE")); |
} finally { |
if (conn1 != null) { |
conn1.close(); |
} |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP PROCEDURE sp1"); |
} |
} |
} |
public void testGetCrossReferenceUsingInfoSchema() throws Exception { |
if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0, 7)) { |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS child"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE If EXISTS parent"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE parent(id INT NOT NULL, " |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE child(id INT, parent_id INT, " |
Properties props = new Properties(); |
props.put("useInformationSchema", "true"); |
Connection conn1 = null; |
try { |
conn1 = getConnectionWithProps(props); |
DatabaseMetaData metaData = conn1.getMetaData(); |
this.rs = metaData.getCrossReference(null, null, "parent", null, null, "child"); |
this.rs.next(); |
assertEquals("parent", this.rs.getString("PKTABLE_NAME")); |
assertEquals("id", this.rs.getString("PKCOLUMN_NAME")); |
assertEquals("child", this.rs.getString("FKTABLE_NAME")); |
assertEquals("parent_id", this.rs.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME")); |
} finally { |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS child"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE If EXISTS parent"); |
if (conn1 != null) { |
conn1.close(); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
public void testGetExportedKeysUsingInfoSchema() throws Exception { |
if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0, 7)) { |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS child"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE If EXISTS parent"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE parent(id INT NOT NULL, " |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE child(id INT, parent_id INT, " |
Properties props = new Properties(); |
props.put("useInformationSchema", "true"); |
Connection conn1 = null; |
try { |
conn1 = getConnectionWithProps(props); |
DatabaseMetaData metaData = conn1.getMetaData(); |
this.rs = metaData.getExportedKeys(null, null, "parent"); |
this.rs.next(); |
assertEquals("parent", this.rs.getString("PKTABLE_NAME")); |
assertEquals("id", this.rs.getString("PKCOLUMN_NAME")); |
assertEquals("child", this.rs.getString("FKTABLE_NAME")); |
assertEquals("parent_id", this.rs.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME")); |
} finally { |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS child"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE If EXISTS parent"); |
if (conn1 != null) { |
conn1.close(); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
public void testGetImportedKeysUsingInfoSchema() throws Exception { |
if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0, 7)) { |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS child"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE If EXISTS parent"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE parent(id INT NOT NULL, " |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE child(id INT, parent_id INT, " |
Properties props = new Properties(); |
props.put("useInformationSchema", "true"); |
Connection conn1 = null; |
try { |
conn1 = getConnectionWithProps(props); |
DatabaseMetaData metaData = conn1.getMetaData(); |
this.rs = metaData.getImportedKeys(null, null, "child"); |
this.rs.next(); |
assertEquals("parent", this.rs.getString("PKTABLE_NAME")); |
assertEquals("id", this.rs.getString("PKCOLUMN_NAME")); |
assertEquals("child", this.rs.getString("FKTABLE_NAME")); |
assertEquals("parent_id", this.rs.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME")); |
} finally { |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS child"); |
this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE If EXISTS parent"); |
if (conn1 != null) { |
conn1.close(); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |