09-22-09 - Version 5.1.10 |
- Fix for BUG |
09-16-09 - Version 5.1.9 |
- The driver has been OSGi-ified. The bundle symbolic name is "com.mysql.jdbc", see META-INF/MANIFEST.MF to see |
what interfaces we export. |
- Fixed BUG |
5.1. |
- Fix for a variant of Bug |
metadata. |
- Fixed BUG |
CommunicationsException, it tries to build a friendly error message that helps diagnose |
what is wrong. However, if there has been no network packets received from the server, |
the error message contains bogus information like: |
"The last packet successfully received from the server was 1,249,932,468,916 milliseconds ago. |
The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago." |
Now the error message states that it has never received any packets from the server in this |
scenario. |
- Added a new option, "queryTimeoutKillsConnection", when set to "true" will cause timeouts set |
by Statement.setQueryTimeout() to forcibly kill the connection, not just the query. |
- Fixed BUG |
will now always fill in the "PORT" (using 3306 if not specified) property, and the "HOST" property |
(using "localhost" if not specified) when parseURL() is called. The driver also parses a list of hosts |
into HOST.n and PORT.n properties as well as adding a property "NUM_HOSTS" for the number of hosts |
it has found. If a list of hosts is passed to the driver, "HOST" and "PORT" will be set to the |
values given by "HOST.1" and "PORT.1" respectively. This change has centralized and cleaned up a large |
swath of code used to generate lists of hosts, both for load-balanced and fault tolerant connections and |
their tests. |
- Fixed the ResultSet side of BUG |
statements. The other cases of this bug were fixed when "useLegacyDatetimeCode=false" became the default. |
- Fixed Bug |
the vendor error code is not hard-coded to 1265 as in the bug report, because the server returns different |
error codes for different types of truncations, and we did not want to mask those. |
- Fixed Bug |
row in the result set, or before the start of the result set if the result set is empty after the deletion. |
- Fixed Bug |
data. |
- Fixed Bug |
to failure when attempting to suspend/resume/commit from different logical XA connections. |
- Fixed Bug |
- Fixed Bug |
when there are parameters as part of the UPDATE clause. Statements of this form can not be rewritten |
as multi-value INSERTs so they are rewritten into multi-statements instead. |
07-16-09 - Version 5.1.8 |
- Fixed BUG |
streaming result sets are used. |
- Modified/fixed test cases using UnreliableSocketFactory. |
- Fixed BUG |
throw Exceptions when at least a single load-balanced server is available. |
- Fixed BUG |
byte array; allowing system default encoding to be used causes auth failures |
on EBCDIC platforms. |
- Fixed BUG |
capture handshake protocol. |
- Fixed BUG |
being set, which leads to a NullPointerException when calling executeBatch() and |
rewriting batched statements into multi-value or multi-statement statements. |
- Fixed BUG |
from global blacklist. |
- Fixed Bug |
- Fixed some quoting of substituted parameter issues in localized error messages. |
- Added a version check around getting the variable 'auto_increment_increment' for |
servers < 5.0.2, which quiets down a warning message that the driver would log |
when connecting to MySQL-4.1 or older. |
- The driver will automatically disable elideSetAutoCommit and useLocalTransactionState |
if it detects a MySQL server version older than 6.0.10 with the query cache enabled, due |
to Bug |
- Fixed a performance regression (Bug |
was present. |
Fixes include an improvement to token searching in the statement, and the ability for the driver |
to rewrite prepared statements that include "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" into multi-valued inserts as |
long as there is no use of LAST_INSERT_ID() in the update clause (as this would render |
getGeneratedKey() values incorrect). |
- Fixed Bug |
thus causing memory leaks for long-lived statements, or statements used in tight loops. |
- Fixed issues with server-side prepared statement batch re-writing caused by the fix to Bug |
Rewriting of batched statements now works the same between normal prepared statements and server-side |
prepared statements. |
- Fixed Bug |
- Fixed Bug |
- Fixed Bug |
- Fixed Bug |
- Fixed Bug |
- Fixed Bug |
- Fixed Bug |
- Fixed Bug |
Unfortunately, because the server doesn't tell clients what TYPE the auto increment value is, the driver can't consistently |
return BigIntegers for the result set returned from getGeneratedKeys(), it will only return them if the value is > Long.MAX_VALUE. |
If your application needs this consistency, it will need to check the class of the return value from .getObject() on the |
ResultSet returned by Statement.getGeneratedKeys() and if it's not a BigInteger, create one based on the java.lang.Long that |
is returned. |
- Fixed Bug |
- Fixed Bug |
- Fixed Bug |
DatabaseMetaData.getExportedKeys() throws exception |
- Fixed Bug |
EscapeProcessor |
- Fixed Bug |
statement parser |
- Fixed Bug |
wrong value for column length |
- Fixed Bug |
ends with "values". |
- Fixed Bug |
NullPointerException. |
- Fixed Bug |
to StatementInterceptor |
- Support use of INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARAMETERS when "useInformationSchema" is set "true" and the view exists |
for DatabaseMetaData.getProcedureColumns() and getFunctionColumns(). |
- When "logSlowQueries" is set to "true", and the driver has made a connection to a server that has suport |
for the SERVER_QUERY_WAS_SLOW flag in the protocol, the query will be logged if the server indicates the |
query has passed the slow query threshold. |
- Added new property, "maxAllowedPacket" to set maximum allowed packet size to |
send to server. |
10-22-08 - Version 5.1.7 |
- Fixed BUG |
implemented in RandomBalanceStrategy and BestResponseTimeBalanceStrategy. |
Added new property, "loadBalanceBlacklistTimeout", to control how long a |
server lives in the global blacklist. |
- Fixed BUG |
strategy. |
- Fixed BUG |
when handling connection exceptions. |
- Fixed BUG |
stored procedures that are defined as NO SQL or SQL READ DATA when failed |
over to a read-only slave with replication driver. |
- Fixed BUG |
streaming result sets. |
- Fixed BUG |
- Fixed BUG |
columns and is opened with CONCUR_UPDATABLE, don't throw SQLExceptions when |
checking updatability due to access permissions, instead return |
CONCUR_READONLY from getConcurrency. |
- Fixed BUG |
server-side prepared statements enabled. |
- Fixed BUG |
URLs did not have the same behavior as "plain" connections. The behavior we use |
is the implementation in java.lang.Object, load-balanced connections just happened |
to be using a java.lang.reflect.Proxy which required some custom behavior in |
equals() to make it work the same as "plain" connections. |
Note that there is no *specified* equals contract for JDBC connections in the |
JDBC specification itself, but the test makes sure that our implementation is |
at least consistent. |
- Fixed BUG |
did not take effect in certain circumstances. This also fixes related bugs BUG |
- Fixed BUG |
a java.sql.Time. |
- Fixed BUG |
logic wasn't accounting for the ","s in the column size. |
- Fixed BUG |
column names to be used, and isn't congruent with ResultSetMetadata.getColumnName(). |
By default, we follow the JDBC Specification here, in that the 4.0 behavior |
is correct. Calling programs should use ResultSetMetaData.getColumnLabel() to dynamically determine |
the correct "name" to pass to ResultSet.findColumn() or ResultSet.get...(String) whether or not the |
query specifies an alias via "AS" for the column. ResultSetMetaData.getColumnName() will return the |
actual name of the column, if it exists, and this name can *not* be used as input to ResultSet.findColumn() |
or ResultSet.get...(String). |
The JDBC-3.0 (and earlier) specification has a bug, but you can get the buggy behavior |
(allowing column names *and* labels to be used for ResultSet.findColumn() and get...(String)) by setting |
"useColumnNamesInFindColumn" to "true". |
- Fixed BUG |
- Added connection property "useLocalTransactionState" which configures if the driver use the in-transaction |
state provided by the MySQL protocol to determine if a commit() or rollback() should actually be sent to the database. |
(disabled by default). |
- Use socket timeouts for JDBC-4.0's Connection.isValid(int timeout) instead of timer tasks, for scalability. As a side effect |
internally, any communications with the database can use a timeout different than the configured timeout, but this isn't currently |
used. |
- The number and position of columns for "SHOW INNODB STATUS" changed in MySQL-5.1, which caused the |
"includeInnodbStatusInDeadlockExceptions" feature to not show data about the deadlock. |
- Implemented support of INFORMATION_SCHEMA for DatabaseMetadata.getTables() (views there are available as "SYSTEM TABLE"), and thus |
also made INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables available via DatabaseMetadata.getColumns(). |
- Fixed BUG |
send the "CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS" flag to the server when it connects if the connection property "useAffectedRows" is set to "true", |
which breaks JDBC-compliance, but currently there is no other way to get correct return values from the server. |
- Fixed BUG |
- Fixed BUG |
the default value (null), uses the platform character set, which works for ISO8859_1 (i.e. "latin1") passwords. For passwords |
in other character encodings, the encoding will have to be specified with this property, as it's not possible for the driver to |
auto-detect this. |
- Fixed BUG |
or nanos in timestamp values, but if they're stored as strings, historically we try and parse the nanos portion as well. |
Unfortunately we -interpreted- them as micros. This fix includes correcting that behavior, and setting the milliseconds portion of |
such TIMESTAMPs to a correct value as well. |
- Fixed BUG |
using TreeMaps to get case-insensitive comparisons (required for JDBC compliance), but they can be slower than hash maps, so using the |
approach Alex Burgel points out in this bug seems to help. |
- Fixed BUG |
value, and use that. Beware that using "cacheServerConfig=true" will cause us to cache this value, so new connections won't see changes |
that are applied via something like "init-sql". |
- Fixed BUG |
- Fixed BUG |
created with Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS flags. |
- Using autoGenerateTestcaseScript=true now logs all statements, regardless or not if they cause errors when processed by MySQL. |
A "clock" value (millis since epoch) was added in the comment that is pre-pended with the idea that it can then be used |
when post-processing output to sequence things correctly for a multi-threaded testcase, or to replay the test case with the |
correct think times. |
03-06-08 - Version 5.1.6 |
- JDBC-4.0-ized XAConnections and datasources. |
- Fixed BUG |
doesn't properly handle ReplicationConnection |
- Fixed Bug |
return correct column names if connection character set |
isn't UTF-8. (There was a server-side component of this that |
was fixed late in the 5.0 development cycle, it seems, this |
is the last piece that fixes some loose ends in the JDBC |
driver). This fix touches *all* metadata information coming |
from the MySQL server itself. |
- Fixed MysqlIO.nextRowFast() to only attempt to read server |
warning counts and status if talking to a 4.1 or newer server |
(fixes a hang when reading data from 4.0 servers). |
- Made profiler event handling extensible via the "profilerEventHandler" |
connection property. |
- Fixed Bug |
throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds when setting the last parameter to null when calling setNull(). |
- Added SSL-related configuration property "verifyServerCertificate". If set to "false", the driver won't verify |
the server's certificate when "useSSL" is set to "true". |
When using this feature, the keystore parameters should be specified by the |
"clientCertificateKeyStore*" properties, rather than system properties, as the JSSE doesn't |
make it straightforward to have a non-verifying trust store and the "default" key store. |
- Fixed ResultSetMetadata.getColumnName() for result sets returned from |
Statement.getGeneratedKeys() - it was returning null instead of |
"GENERATED_KEY" as in 5.0.x. |
- More applicable fix for the "random" load balance strategy in the face |
of node non-responsive, it re-tries a *different* random node, rather |
than waiting for the node to recover (for BUG |
- Fixed BUG |
over the DST switchover, as the hours end up being the same when sent as |
the literal that MySQL requires. |
Note that to get this scenario to work with MySQL (since it doesn't support |
per-value timezones), you need to configure your server (or session) to be in UTC, |
and tell the driver not to use the legacy date/time code by setting |
"useLegacyDatetimeCode" to "false". This will cause the driver to always convert |
to/from the server and client timezone consistently. |
This bug fix also fixes BUG |
code that can be switched on by "useLegacyDatetimeCode" being set to "false" as |
a JDBC configuration property. For Connector/J 5.1.x, the default is "true", |
in trunk and beyond it will be "false" (i.e. the old date/time handling code, warts |
and all will be deprecated). |
- Fixed BUG |
"stick" to hosts that were down when the connection was first created. |
We solve this problem with a black list that is used during the picking of new hosts. |
If the black list ends up including all configured hosts, the driver will retry for |
a configurable number of times (the "retriesAllDown" configuration property, with a default |
of 120 times), sleeping 250ms between attempts to pick a new connection. |
We've also went ahead and made the balancing strategy extensible. To create a new strategy, |
implement the interface com.mysql.jdbc.BalanceStrategy (which also includes our standard |
"extension" interface), and tell the driver to use it by passing in the |
class name via the "loadBalanceStrategy" configuration property. |
- Fixed BUG |
automatically when statement that created it is closed. |
- Added two new connection properties, "selfDestructOnPingSecondsLifetime" and |
"selfDestructOnPingMaxOperations" designed to control overall connection lifetime |
(useful to reclaim resources on the server side) for connection pools that don't have such a |
facility. |
The driver will consult the values of these properties when a ping is sent, either through |
calling Connection.ping(), issuing the "ping marker" query (any query that starts with |
"/* ping */"), or when using JDBC-4.0, calling Connection.isValid(). |
If the connection has issued too many operations, or is too old, the driver will |
throw a SQLException with the SQLState of "08S01" at the time of the ping, which |
will cause the connection to be invalidated with most pools in use today. |
- Fixed issue where driver could send invalid server-side prepared statement |
IDs to the server when the driver was setup to do auto-reconnect as the |
connection could get set up enough to start sending queries on one thread, |
while the thread that "noticed" the connection was down hasn't completed |
re-preparing all of the server-side prepared statements that were open when |
the connection died. |
Potentially fixes cause for bug 28934. Potentially fixes other possible race |
conditions where one thread that has created a connection "shares" it with other |
threads if the connection is reconnected due to auto-reconnect functionality. |
- Fixed BUG |
non-public class com.mysql.jdbc.CachedResultSetMetaData. |
- For any SQLException caused by another Throwable, besides dumping the message or stack |
trace as a string into the message, set the underlying Throwable as the cause for |
the SQLException, making it accessible via getCause(). |
- Fixed BUG |
getGeneratedKeys() when "rewriteBatchedStatements" is set to "true", and the |
statement has an "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" clause. |
- Fixed BUG |
method doHandshake when encoding doesn't contain ASCII characters in the "standard" |
place (i.e. ebcdic). |
- Fixed issue where META-INF in the binary .jar file wasn't packed correctly, |
leading to failure of the JDBC-4.0 SPI mechanism. |
- CallableStatements that aren't really stored procedure or stored function calls can |
now be used, for tools such as Oracle JDeveloper ADF that issue statements such as |
DDL through CallableStatements. |
- Fixed BUG |
until connection was closed. The internal prepared statement is now held open while |
the result set is open, and closed by the result set itself being closed. |
- Fixed BUG |
- CommunicationExceptions now carry information about the last time a packet |
was received from the MySQL server, as well as when the last packet was sent |
to one, in an effort to make it easier to debug communications errors caused |
by network timeouts. |
- Reverted a change to DatabaseMetadata.getColumns() from 5.0, where |
getColumns() would report NULL for COLUMN_SIZE for TIME, DATE, DATETIME |
and TIMESTAMP types. It now reports the column size, in the |
DatabaseMetadata implementations that use "SHOW" commands, and the |
- Fixed Bug |
ResultSetRow, which can lead to failures when unpacking DATE, |
TIME, DATETIME and TIMESTAMP types when using absolute, relative, |
and previous result set navigation methods. |
- Fixed BUG |
timeout, even if connection is actually valid. |
- Fixed BUG |
"UNKNOWN" for GEOMETRY type. |
- Fixed BUG |
thrown for ResultSet.getTimestamp() when not positioned on a |
row. |
- The ConnectionLifecycleInterceptor interface now has callback methods for |
transaction initiation (transactionBegun()), and completion |
(transactionCompleted()), as reported by the *server* (i.e. |
calling Connection.setAutoCommit(false) will not trigger |
transactionBegun() being called, however the first statement |
which causes a transaction to start on the server will cause |
transactionBegun() to be called *after* the statement has been processed |
on the server). |
- Fixed Bug |
values for month/day of TIMESTAMPs when using server-side |
prepared statements (not enabled by default). |
- Fixed BUG |
ReplicationConnection. Notice that we implemented com.mysql.jdbc.Connection |
for ReplicationConnection, however, only accessors from ConnectionProperties |
are implemented (not the mutators), and they return values from the currently |
active connection. All other methods from com.mysql.jdbc.Connection are |
implemented, and operate on the currently active connection, with the exception of |
resetServerState() and changeUser(). |
- Connections created with jdbc:mysql:replication:// URLs now force |
roundRobinLoadBalance=true on the slaves, and round-robin loadbalancing |
now uses a "random" choice to more evenly distribute load across slave |
servers, especially in connection pools. Connections that are configured |
with "roundRobinLoadBalance=true" no longer set the failover state, |
as it's assumed that we're not attempting to fall-back to a master |
server. This fixes BUG |
10-09-07 - Version 5.1.5 |
- Released instead of 5.1.4 to pickup patch for BUG |
from 5.0.8. |
10-09-07 - Version 5.1.4 |
- Added "autoSlowLog" configuration property, overrides |
"slowQueryThreshold*" properties, driver determines slow |
queries by those that are slower than 5 * stddev of the mean |
query time (outside the 96% percentile). |
- Fixed BUG |
queries that are wrapped in parentheses incorrectly identified |
as DML. |
09-07-07 - Version 5.1.3 RC |
- Setting "useBlobToStoreUTF8OutsideBMP" to "true" tells the |
driver to treat [MEDIUM/LONG/TINY]BLOB columns as [LONG]VARCHAR |
columns holding text encoded in UTF-8 that has characters |
outside the BMP (4-byte encodings), which MySQL server |
can't handle natively. |
Set "utf8OutsideBmpExcludedColumnNamePattern" to a regex so that |
column names matching the given regex will still be treated |
as BLOBs The regex must follow the patterns used for the |
java.util.regex package. The default is to exclude no columns, |
and include all columns. |
Set "utf8OutsideBmpIncludedColumnNamePattern" to specify exclusion |
rules to "utf8OutsideBmpExcludedColumnNamePattern". The regex must |
follow the patterns used for the java.util.regex package. |
- New methods on com.mysql.jdbc.Statement: setLocalInfileInputStream() |
and getLocalInfileInputStream(). |
setLocalInfileInputStream() sets an InputStream instance that will be used to send data |
to the MySQL server for a "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" statement |
rather than a FileInputStream or URLInputStream that represents |
the path given as an argument to the statement. |
This stream will be read to completion upon execution of a |
"LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" statement, and will automatically |
be closed by the driver, so it needs to be reset |
before each call to execute*() that would cause the MySQL |
server to request data to fulfill the request for |
If this value is set to NULL, the driver will revert to using |
a FileInputStream or URLInputStream as required. |
getLocalInfileInputStream() returns the InputStream instance that will be used to send |
data in response to a "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" statement. |
This method returns NULL if no such stream has been set |
via setLocalInfileInputStream(). |
- The driver now connects with an initial character set |
of "utf-8" solely for the purposes of authentication to |
allow usernames and database names in any character set to |
be used in the JDBC URL. |
- Errors encountered during Statement/PreparedStatement/CallableStatement.executeBatch() |
when "rewriteBatchStatements" has been set to "true" now return |
BatchUpdateExceptions according to the setting of "continueBatchOnError". |
If "continueBatchOnError" is set to "true", the update counts for the |
"chunk" that were sent as one unit will all be set to EXECUTE_FAILED, but |
the driver will attempt to process the remainder of the batch. You can determine which |
"chunk" failed by looking at the update counts returned in the BatchUpdateException. |
If "continueBatchOnError" is set to "false", the update counts returned |
will contain the failed "chunk", and stop with the failed chunk, with all |
counts for the failed "chunk" set to EXECUTE_FAILED. |
Since MySQL doesn't return multiple error codes for multiple-statements, or |
for multi-value INSERT/REPLACE, it is the application's responsibility to handle |
determining which item(s) in the "chunk" actually failed. |
- Statement.setQueryTimeout()s now affect the entire batch for batched |
statements, rather than the individual statements that make up the batch. |
06-29-07 - Version 5.1.2 Beta |
- Setting the configuration property "rewriteBatchedStatements" |
to "true" will now cause the driver to rewrite batched prepared |
statements with more than 3 parameter sets in a batch into |
multi-statements (separated by ";") if they are not plain |
(i.e. without SELECT or ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clauses) INSERT |
or REPLACE statements. |
06-22-07 - Version 5.1.1 Alpha |
- Pulled vendor-extension methods of Connection implementation out |
into an interface to support java.sql.Wrapper functionality from |
ConnectionPoolDataSource. The vendor extensions are javadoc'd in |
the com.mysql.jdbc.Connection interface. |
For those looking further into the driver implementation, it is not |
an API that is used for plugability of implementations inside our driver |
(which is why there are still references to ConnectionImpl throughout the |
code). |
Incompatible change: Connection.serverPrepare(String) has been re-named |
to Connection.serverPrepareStatement() for consistency with |
Connection.clientPrepareStatement(). |
We've also added server and client prepareStatement() methods that cover |
all of the variants in the JDBC API. |
- Similar to Connection, we pulled out vendor extensions to Statement |
into an interface named "com.mysql.Statement", and moved the Statement |
class into com.mysql.StatementImpl. The two methods (javadoc'd in |
"com.mysql.Statement" are enableStreamingResults(), which already existed, |
and disableStreamingResults() which sets the statement instance back to |
the fetch size and result set type it had before enableStreamingResults() |
was called. |
- Added experimental support for statement "interceptors" via the |
com.mysql.jdbc.StatementInterceptor interface, examples are |
in com/mysql/jdbc/interceptors. |
Implement this interface to be placed "in between" query execution, so that |
you can influence it. (currently experimental). |
StatementInterceptors are "chainable" when configured by the user, the |
results returned by the "current" interceptor will be passed on to the next |
on in the chain, from left-to-right order, as specified by the user in the |
JDBC configuration property "statementInterceptors". |
See the sources (fully javadoc'd) for com.mysql.jdbc.StatementInterceptor |
for more details until we iron out the API and get it documented in the |
manual. |
- Externalized the descriptions of connection properties. |
- The data (and how it's stored) for ResultSet rows are now behind an |
interface which allows us (in some cases) to allocate less memory |
per row, in that for "streaming" result sets, we re-use the packet |
used to read rows, since only one row at a time is ever active. |
- Made it possible to retrieve prepared statement parameter bindings |
(to be used in StatementInterceptors, primarily). |
- Row navigation now causes any streams/readers open on the result set |
to be closed, as in some cases we're reading directly from a shared network |
packet and it will be overwritten by the "next" row. |
- Setting "rewriteBatchedStatements" to "true" now causes CallableStatements |
with batched arguments to be re-written in the form "CALL (...); CALL (...); ..." |
to send the batch in as few client-server round trips as possible. |
- Driver now picks appropriate internal row representation (whole row in one |
buffer, or individual byte[]s for each column value) depending on heuristics, |
including whether or not the row has BLOB or TEXT types and the overall |
row-size. The threshold for row size that will cause the driver to |
use a buffer rather than individual byte[]s is configured by the |
configuration property "largeRowSizeThreshold", which has a default |
value of 2KB. |
04-11-07 - Version 5.1.0 Alpha |
- Bumped JDBC Specification version number in jar-file manifest. |
- Re-worked Ant buildfile to build JDBC-4.0 classes separately, as well |
as support building under Eclipse (since Eclipse can't mix/match JDKs). |
To build, you must set JAVA_HOME to J2SDK-1.4.2 or Java-5, and set |
the following properties on your Ant commandline: |
com.mysql.jdbc.java6.javac - full path to your Java-6 javac executable |
com.mysql.jdbc.java6.rtjar - full path to your Java-6 rt.jar file |
- New feature - driver will automatically adjust session variable |
"net_write_timeout" when it determines its been asked for a "streaming" |
result, and resets it to the previous value when the result set |
has been consumed. (configuration property is named |
"netTimeoutForStreamingResults", value has unit of seconds, |
the value '0' means the driver will not try and adjust this value). |
- Added support for JDBC-4.0 categorized SQLExceptions. |
- Refactored CommunicationsException into a JDBC3 version, and a JDBC4 |
version (which extends SQLRecoverableException, now that it exists). |
This change means that if you were catching |
com.mysql.jdbc.CommunicationsException in your applications instead |
of looking at the SQLState class of "08", and are moving to Java 6 |
(or newer), you need to change your imports to that exception |
to be com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException, as |
the old class will not be instantiated for communications link-related |
errors under Java 6. |
- Added support for JDBC-4.0's client information. The backend storage |
of information provided via Connection.setClientInfo() and retrieved |
by Connection.getClientInfo() is pluggable by any class that implements |
the com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4ClientInfoProvider interface and has a no-args |
constructor. |
The implementation used by the driver is configured using the |
"clientInfoProvider" configuration property (with a default of value |
of "com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4CommentClientInfoProvider", an implementation |
which lists the client info as a comment prepended to every query |
sent to the server). |
This functionality is only available when using Java-6 or newer. |
- Added support for JDBC-4.0's SQLXML interfaces. |
- Added support for JDBC-4.0's Wrapper interface. |
- Added support for JDBC-4.0's NCLOB, and NCHAR/NVARCHAR types. |
nn-nn-07 - Version 5.0.9 |
- Driver now calls SocketFactory.afterHandshake() at appropriate time. |
10-09-07 - Version 5.0.8 |
- Fixed BUG |
and/or NullPointerException when the batch had zero members and |
"rewriteBatchedStatements" was set to "true" for the connection. |
- Added two configuration parameters (both default to "false") |
* blobsAreStrings - Should the driver always treat BLOBs as Strings |
specifically to work around dubious metadata returned |
by the server for GROUP BY clauses? |
* functionsNeverReturnBlobs - Should the driver always treat data from |
functions returning BLOBs as Strings - |
specifically to work around dubious metadata |
returned by the server for GROUP BY clauses? |
- Fixed BUG |
via reflection, causing connections to always seem "bad". |
- Fixed BUG |
versions 5.0.25 and newer, since earlier versions didn't consistently |
return correct metadata for functions, and thus results from |
subqueries and functions were indistinguishable from each other, |
leading to type-related bugs. |
- Fixed BUG |
and NUMERIC will return a precision of 254 for server versions older than |
5.0.3, 64 for versions 5.0.3-5.0.5 and 65 for versions newer than 5.0.5. |
- Fixed BUG |
ClassCastException. |
- Fixed BUG |
the connection character aren't retrieved correctly in |
ResultSetMetadata. |
- Fixed BUG |
connection property "noAccessToProcedureBodies" has been set to "true". |
The fix involves changing the behavior of "noAccessToProcedureBodies",in |
that the driver will now report all paramters as "IN" paramters |
but allow callers to call registerOutParameter() on them without throwing |
an exception. |
- Fixed BUG |
for servers with version >= 4.1. |
- Fixed BUG |
contain SCOPE_* or IS_AUTOINCREMENT columns. |
- Fixed BUG |
"padCharsWithSpace" is set to "true". |
- Specifying a "validation query" in your connection pool |
that starts with "/* ping */" _exactly_ will cause the driver to |
instead send a ping to the server and return a fake result set (much |
lighter weight), and when using a ReplicationConnection or a LoadBalancedConnection, |
will send the ping across all active connections. |
- Fixed Bug |
PreparedStatmentWrapper delegates to wrong method. |
- XAConnections now start in auto-commit mode (as per JDBC-4.0 specification |
clarification). |
- Fixed Bug |
throws NullPointerException. |
- Driver will now fall back to sane defaults for max_allowed_packet and |
net_buffer_length if the server reports them incorrectly (and will log |
this situation at WARN level, since it's actually an error condition). |
- Fixed BUG |
capitalization of type names is not consistent between DBMD.getColumns(), |
RSMD.getColumnTypeName() and DBMD.getTypeInfo(). |
This fix also ensures that the precision of UNSIGNED MEDIUMINT |
and UNSIGNED BIGINT is reported correctly via DBMD.getColumns(). |
- Fixed BUG |
"jdbc:mysql:loadbalance://" weren't doing failover if they tried to |
connect to a MySQL server that was down. The driver now attempts |
connections to the next "best" (depending on the load balance strategy |
in use) server, and continues to attempt connecting to the next "best" |
server every 250 milliseconds until one is found that is up and running |
or 5 minutes has passed. |
If the driver gives up, it will throw the last-received SQLException. |
07-19-07 - Version 5.0.7 |
- Setting the configuration parameter "useCursorFetch" to "true" for |
MySQL-5.0+ enables the use of cursors that allow Connector/J to save |
memory by fetching result set rows in chunks (where the chunk size |
is set by calling setFetchSize() on a Statement or ResultSet) by |
using fully-materialized cursors on the server. |
The driver will will now automatically set "useServerPrepStmts" to |
"true" when "useCursorFetch" has been set to "true", since the feature |
requires server-side prepared statements in order to function. |
- Fixed BUG |
containing leading one-line comments is not returned correctly. |
As part of this fix, we also overhauled detection of DML for |
executeQuery() and SELECTs for executeUpdate() in plain and |
prepared statements to be aware of the same types of comments. |
- Added configuration property "useNanosForElapsedTime" - for |
profiling/debugging functionality that measures elapsed time, |
should the driver try to use nanoseconds resolution if available |
(requires JDK >= 1.5)? |
- Added configuration property "slowQueryThresholdNanos" - if |
"useNanosForElapsedTime" is set to "true", and this property |
is set to a non-zero value the driver will use this threshold |
(in nanosecond units) to determine if a query was slow, instead |
of using millisecond units. |
Note, that if "useNanosForElapsedTime" is set to "true", and this |
property is set to "0" (or left default), then elapsed times will |
still be measured in nanoseconds (if possible), but the slow query |
threshold will be converted from milliseconds to nanoseconds, and thus |
have an upper bound of approximately 2000 millesconds (as that threshold |
is represented as an integer, not a long). |
- Added configuration properties to allow tuning of TCP/IP socket |
parameters: |
"tcpNoDelay" - Should the driver set SO_TCP_NODELAY (disabling the |
Nagle Algorithm, default "true")? |
"tcpKeepAlive" - Should the driver set SO_KEEPALIVE (default "true")? |
"tcpRcvBuf" - Should the driver set SO_RCV_BUF to the given value? |
The default value of '0', means use the platform default |
value for this property. |
"tcpSndBuf" - Should the driver set SO_SND_BUF to the given value? |
The default value of '0', means use the platform default |
value for this property. |
"tcpTrafficClass" - Should the driver set traffic class or |
type-of-service fields? See the documentation |
for java.net.Socket.setTrafficClass() for more |
information. |
- Give more information in EOFExceptions thrown out of MysqlIO (how many |
bytes the driver expected to read, how many it actually read, say that |
communications with the server were unexpectedly lost). |
- Setting "useDynamicCharsetInfo" to "false" now causes driver to use |
static lookups for collations as well (makes |
ResultSetMetadata.isCaseSensitive() much more efficient, which leads |
to performance increase for ColdFusion, which calls this method for |
every column on every table it sees, it appears). |
- Driver detects when it is running in a ColdFusion MX server (tested |
with version 7), and uses the configuration bundle "coldFusion", |
which sets useDynamicCharsetInfo to "false" (see previous entry), and |
sets useLocalSessionState and autoReconnect to "true". |
- Fixed BUG |
eats character following '/' if it's not a multi-line comment. |
- Fixed BUG |
runs to end of statement, rather than end-of-line for ' |
Also added support for ' |
- Don't send any file data in response to LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE |
if the feature is disabled at the client side. This is to prevent |
a malicious server or man-in-the-middle from asking the client for |
data that the client is not expecting. Thanks to Jan Kneschke for |
discovering the exploit and Andrey "Poohie" Hristov, Konstantin Osipov |
and Sergei Golubchik for discussions about implications and possible |
fixes. This fixes BUG 29605 for JDBC. |
- Added new debugging functionality - Setting configuration property |
"includeInnodbStatusInDeadlockExceptions" to "true" will cause the driver |
to append the output of "SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS" to deadlock-related |
exceptions, which will enumerate the current locks held inside InnoDB. |
05-15-07 - Version 5.0.6 |
- Fixed BUG |
leading to stored procedures not being able to return results. Thanks |
to Don Cohen for the bug report, testcase and patch. |
- Fixed BUG |
BlobFromLocator.getBytes(). |
- Fixed BUG |
stored procedure parameters declaration causes NumberFormatException to |
be thrown when calling stored procedure on JDK-1.5 or newer, as the Number |
classes in JDK-1.5+ are whitespace intolerant. |
- Fixed BUG |
new, more exact metadata during the execution of the server-side prepared |
statement that enables this functionality, which the driver ignored (using |
the original metadata returned during prepare()), causing corrupt reading |
of data due to type mismatch when the actual rows were returned. |
- Fixed BUG |
procedure parser, and thus metadata about them can not be created, leading to |
inability to retrieve said metadata, or execute procedures that have certain |
comments in them. |
- Give better error message when "streaming" result sets, and the connection |
gets clobbered because of exceeding net_write_timeout on the server. (which is |
basically what the error message says too). |
- Fixed BUG |
account 00:00:00 as a legal value. |
- Fixed BUG |
misleading error message. |
- Fixed BUG |
sets materialized from cursors. |
- New configuration property, "enableQueryTimeouts" (default "true"). |
When enabled, query timeouts set via Statement.setQueryTimeout() use a |
shared java.util.Timer instance for scheduling. Even if the timeout |
doesn't expire before the query is processed, there will be |
memory used by the TimerTask for the given timeout which won't be |
reclaimed until the time the timeout would have expired if it |
hadn't been cancelled by the driver. High-load environments |
might want to consider disabling this functionality. (this configuration |
property is part of the "maxPerformance" configuration bundle). |
- Fixed BUG |
of this fix, you can now use /* */ and |
client-side prepared statement emulation. |
If the comments happen to contain parameter markers '?', they will be treated |
as belonging to the comment (i.e. not recognized) rather than being a parameter |
of the statement. |
Note that the statement when sent to the server will contain the comments |
as-is, they're not stripped during the process of preparing the PreparedStatement |
or CallableStatement. |
- Fixed BUG |
rather than byte[]. |
- Fixed BUG |
are "binary" (blobs, bits, (var)binary, java_object) have extra 7 bytes |
(which happens to be the _binary introducer!) |
- Added configuration property "padCharsWithSpace" (defaults to "false"). If set |
to "true", and a result set column has the CHAR type and the value does not |
fill the amount of characters specified in the DDL for the column, the driver |
will pad the remaining characters with space (for ANSI compliance). |
- Fixed BUG |
"SHOW VARIABLES LIKE" which is very inefficient on MySQL-5.0+ |
- Added configuration property "useDynamicCharsetInfo". If set to "false" |
(the default), the driver will use a per-connection cache of character set |
information queried from the server when necessary, or when set to "true", |
use a built-in static mapping that is more efficient, but isn't aware of |
custom character sets or character sets implemented after the release of |
the JDBC driver. |
Note: this only affects the "padCharsWithSpace" configuration property and the |
ResultSetMetaData.getColumnDisplayWidth() method. |
- More intelligent initial packet sizes for the "shared" packets are used |
(512 bytes, rather than 16K), and initial packets used during handshake are |
now sized appropriately as to not require reallocation. |
- Fixed issue where calling getGeneratedKeys() on a prepared statement after |
calling execute() didn't always return the generated keys (executeUpdate() |
worked fine however). |
- Fixed issue where a failed-over connection would let an application call |
setReadOnly(false), when that call should be ignored until the connection |
is reconnected to a writable master unless "failoverReadOnly" had been set |
to "false". |
- Fixed BUG |
when the driver thinks a result set isn't updatable. (Thanks to Ashley Martens |
for the patch). |
- Driver will now use INSERT INTO ... VALUES (DEFAULT) form of statement |
for updatable result sets for ResultSet.insertRow(), rather than |
pre-populating the insert row with values from DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() |
(which results in a "SHOW FULL COLUMNS" on the server for every result |
set). If an application requires access to the default values before |
insertRow() has been called, the JDBC URL should be configured with |
"populateInsertRowWithDefaultValues" set to "true". |
This fix specifically targets performance issues with ColdFusion and the |
fact that it seems to ask for updatable result sets no matter what the |
application does with them. |
- com.mysql.jdbc.[NonRegistering]Driver now understands URLs of the format |
"jdbc:mysql:replication://" and "jdbc:mysql:loadbalance://" which will |
create a ReplicationConnection (exactly like when |
using [NonRegistering]ReplicationDriver) and an experimenal load-balanced |
connection designed for use with SQL nodes in a MySQL Cluster/NDB environment, |
respectively. |
In an effort to simplify things, we're working on deprecating multiple |
drivers, and instead specifying different core behavior based upon JDBC URL |
prefixes, so watch for [NonRegistering]ReplicationDriver to eventually |
disappear, to be replaced with com.mysql.jdbc[NonRegistering]Driver with |
the new URL prefix. |
- Added an experimental load-balanced connection designed for use with SQL nodes |
in a MySQL Cluster/NDB environment (This is not for master-slave replication. |
For that, we suggest you look at ReplicationConnection or "lbpool"). |
If the JDBC URL starts with "jdbc:mysql:loadbalance://host-1,host-2,...host-n", |
the driver will create an implementation of java.sql.Connection that load |
balances requests across a series of MySQL JDBC connections to the given hosts, |
where the balancing takes place after transaction commit. |
Therefore, for this to work (at all), you must use transactions, even if only |
reading data. |
Physical connections to the given hosts will not be created until needed. |
The driver will invalidate connections that it detects have had |
communication errors when processing a request. A new connection to the |
problematic host will be attempted the next time it is selected by the load |
balancing algorithm. |
There are two choices for load balancing algorithms, which may be specified |
by the "loadBalanceStrategy" JDBC URL configuration property: |
* "random" - the driver will pick a random host for each request. This tends |
to work better than round-robin, as the randomness will somewhat account for |
spreading loads where requests vary in response time, while round-robin |
can sometimes lead to overloaded nodes if there are variations in response times |
across the workload. |
* "bestResponseTime" - the driver will route the request to the host that had |
the best response time for the previous transaction. |
- When "useLocalSessionState" is set to "true" and connected to a MySQL-5.0 or |
later server, the JDBC driver will now determine whether an actual "commit" or |
"rollback" statement needs to be sent to the database when Connection.commit() |
or Connection.rollback() is called. |
This is especially helpful for high-load situations with connection pools that |
always call Connection.rollback() on connection check-in/check-out because it |
avoids a round-trip to the server. |
03-01-07 - Version 5.0.5 |
- Fixed BUG |
(specifically cias variants of existing character sets), and inability to override |
the detected server character set. |
- Performance enhancement of initial character set configuration, driver |
will only send commands required to configure connection character set |
session variables if the current values on the server do not match |
what is required. |
- Fixed BUG |
- Fixed BUG |
statements gives different behavior than when using client-side prepared |
statements. (this is now fixed if moving from server-side prepared statements |
to client-side prepared statements by setting "useSSPSCompatibleTimezoneShift" to |
true", as the driver can't tell if this is a new deployment that never used |
server-side prepared statements, or if it is an existing deployment that is |
switching to client-side prepared statements from server-side prepared statements. |
- Fixed BUG#23304 - DBMD using "show" and DBMD using information_schema do |
not return results consistent with each other. (note this fix only |
addresses the inconsistencies, not the issue that the driver is |
treating schemas differently than some users expect. We will revisit |
this behavior when there is full support for schemas in MySQL). |
- Fixed BUG#25073 - rewriting batched statements leaks internal statement |
instances, and causes a memory leak. |
- Fixed issue where field-level for metadata from DatabaseMetaData when using |
INFORMATION_SCHEMA didn't have references to current connections, |
sometimes leading to NullPointerExceptions when intropsecting them via |
ResultSetMetaData. |
- Fixed BUG#25025 - Client-side prepared statement parser gets confused by |
in-line (/* ... */) comments and therefore can't rewrite batched statements |
or reliably detect type of statements when they're used. |
- Fixed BUG#24065 - Better error message when server doesn't return enough |
information to determine stored procedure/function parameter types. |
- Fixed BUG#21438 - Driver sending nanoseconds to server for timestamps when |
using server-side prepared statements, when server expects microseconds. |
- Fixed BUG#25514 - Timer instance used for Statement.setQueryTimeout() |
created per-connection, rather than per-VM, causing memory leak |
- Fixed BUG#25009 - Results from updates not handled correctly in |
multi-statement queries, leading to erroneous "Result is from UPDATE" |
exceptions. |
- Fixed BUG#25047 - StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCaseRespectQuotes() isn't |
case-insensitive on the first character of the target. This bug broke |
rewriteBatchedStatements functionality when prepared statements don't |
use upper-case for the VALUES clause in their statements. |
- Fixed BUG#21480 - Some exceptions thrown out of StandardSocketFactory |
were needlessly wrapped, obscurring their true cause, especially when |
using socket timeouts. |
- Fixed BUG#23303 - DatabaseMetaData.getSchemas() doesn't return a |
- Fixed BUG#25399 - EscapeProcessor gets confused by multiple |
backslashes. We now push the responsibility of syntax errors back |
on to the server for most escape sequences. |
- Fixed BUG#25379 - INOUT parameters in CallableStatements get |
doubly-escaped. |
- Removed non-short-circuited logical ORs from "if" statements. |
- Re-worked stored procedure parameter parser to be more robust. Driver no |
longer requires "BEGIN" in stored procedure definition, but does have |
requirement that if a stored function begins with a label directly after the |
"returns" clause, that the label is not a quoted identifier. |
- Reverted back to internal character conversion routines for single-byte |
character sets, as the ones internal to the JVM are using much more CPU |
time than our internal implementation. |
- Changed cached result set metadata (when using |
"cacheResultSetMetadata=true") to be cached per-connection rather |
than per-statement as previously implemented. |
- Use a java.util.TreeMap to map column names to ordinal indexes for |
ResultSet.findColumn() instead of a HashMap. This allows us to have |
case-insensitive lookups (required by the JDBC specification) without |
resorting to the many transient object instances needed to support this |
requirement with a normal HashMap with either case-adjusted keys, or |
case-insensitive keys. (In the worst case scenario for lookups of a 1000 |
column result set, TreeMaps are about half as fast wall-clock time as |
a HashMap, however in normal applications their use gives many orders |
of magnitude reduction in transient object instance creation which pays |
off later for CPU usage in garbage collection). |
- Avoid static synchronized code in JVM class libraries for dealing with |
default timezones. |
- Fixed cases where ServerPreparedStatements weren't using cached metadata |
when "cacheResultSetMetadata=true" was configured. |
- Use faster datetime parsing for ResultSets that come from plain or |
non-server-side prepared statements. (Enable old implementation with |
"useFastDateParsing=false" as a configuration parameter). |
- Fixed BUG#24794 - DatabaseMetaData.getSQLKeywords() doesn't return |
all reserved words for current MySQL version. The current fix/implementation |
returns keywords for MySQL-5.1, and doesn't distinguish between different |
versions of the server. |
- When using cached metadata, skip field-level metadata packets coming from |
the server, rather than reading them and discarding them without creating |
com.mysql.jdbc.Field instances. |
- Fixed BUG#25836 - Statement execution which timed out doesn't always |
throw MySQLTimeoutException. |
- Throw exceptions encountered during timeout to thread |
calling Statement.execute*(), rather than RuntimeException. |
- Added configuration property "localSocketAddress",which is the hostname or |
IP address given to explicitly configure the interface that the driver will |
bind the client side of the TCP/IP connection to when connecting. |
- Take "localSocketAddress" property into account when creating instances |
of CommunicationsException when the underyling exception is a |
java.net.BindException, so that a friendlier error message is given with |
a little internal diagnostics. |
- Fixed some NPEs when cached metadata was used with UpdatableResultSets. |
- The "rewriteBatchedStatements" feature can now be used with server-side |
prepared statements. |
- Fixed BUG#26326 - Connection property "socketFactory" wasn't exposed via |
correctly named mutator/accessor, causing data source implementations that |
use JavaBean naming conventions to set properties to fail to set the property |
(and in the case of SJAS, fail silently when trying to set this parameter). |
- Fixed BUG#25787 - java.util.Date should be serialized for |
PreparedStatement.setObject(). |
We've added a new configuration option "treatUtilDateAsTimestamp", which is |
false by default, as (1) We already had specific behavior to treat |
java.util.Date as a java.sql.Timestamp because it's useful to many folks, |
and (2) that behavior will very likely be required for drivers JDBC-post-4.0. |
- Fixed BUG#22628 - Driver.getPropertyInfo() throws NullPointerException for |
URL that only specifies host and/or port. |
- Fixed BUG#21267, ParameterMetaData throws NullPointerException when |
prepared SQL actually has a syntax error. Added |
"generateSimpleParameterMetadata" configuration property, which when set |
to "true" will generate metadata reflecting VARCHAR for every parameter |
(the default is "false", which will cause an exception to be thrown if no |
parameter metadata for the statement is actually available). |
- When extracting foreign key information from "SHOW CREATE TABLE " in |
DatabaseMetaData, ignore exceptions relating to tables being missing |
(which could happen for cross-reference or imported-key requests, as |
the list of tables is generated first, then iterated). |
- Fixed logging of XA commands sent to server, it's now configurable |
via "logXaCommands" property (defaults to "false"). |
- Fixed issue where XADataSources couldn't be bound into JNDI, |
as the DataSourceFactory didn't know how to create instances |
of them. |
- Fixed issue where XADataSources couldn't be bound into JNDI, |
as the DataSourceFactory didn't know how to create instances |
of them. |
- Usage advisor will now issue warnings for result sets with large numbers |
of rows (size configured by "resultSetSizeThreshold" property, default |
value is 100). |
10-20-06 - Version 5.0.4 |
- Fixed BUG#21379 - column names don't match metadata in cases |
where server doesn't return original column names (column functions) |
thus breaking compatibility with applications that expect 1-1 mappings |
between findColumn() and rsmd.getColumnName(), usually manifests itself |
as "Can't find column ('')" exceptions. |
- Fixed BUG#21544 - When using information_schema for metadata, |
COLUMN_SIZE for getColumns() is not clamped to range of |
java.lang.Integer as is the case when not using |
information_schema, thus leading to a truncation exception that |
isn't present when not using information_schema. |
- Fixed configuration property "jdbcCompliantTruncation" was not |
being used for reads of result set values. |
- Fixed BUG#22024 - Newlines causing whitespace to span confuse |
procedure parser when getting parameter metadata for stored |
procedures. |
- Driver now supports {call sp} (without "()" if procedure has no |
arguments). |
- Fixed BUG#22359 - Driver was using milliseconds for |
Statement.setQueryTimeout() when specification says argument is |
to be in seconds. |
- Workaround for server crash when calling stored procedures |
via a server-side prepared statement (driver now detects |
prepare(stored procedure) and substitutes client-side prepared |
statement), addresses BUG#22297. |
- Added new _ci collations to CharsetMapping, fixing |
Bug#22456 - utf8_unicode_ci not working. |
- Fixed BUG#22290 - Driver issues truncation on write exception when |
it shouldn't (due to sending big decimal incorrectly to server with |
server-side prepared statement). |
- Fixed BUG#22613 - DBMD.getColumns() does not return expected |
COLUMN_SIZE for the SET type, now returns length of largest possible |
set disregarding whitespace or the "," delimitters to be consistent |
with the ODBC driver. |
- Driver now sends numeric 1 or 0 for client-prepared statement |
setBoolean() calls instead of '1' or '0'. |
- DatabaseMetaData correctly reports true for supportsCatalog*() |
methods. |
07-26-06 - Version 5.0.3 |
- Fixed BUG#20650 - Statement.cancel() causes NullPointerException |
if underlying connection has been closed due to server failure. |
- Added configuration option "noAccessToProcedureBodies" which will |
cause the driver to create basic parameter metadata for |
CallableStatements when the user does not have access to procedure |
bodies via "SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE" or selecting from mysql.proc |
instead of throwing an exception. The default value for this option |
is "false". |
07-11-06 - Version 5.0.2-beta (5.0.1 not released due to packaging error) |
- Fixed BUG#17401 - Can't use XAConnection for local transactions when |
no global transaction is in progress. |
- Fixed BUG#18086 - Driver fails on non-ASCII platforms. The driver |
was assuming that the platform character set would be a superset |
of MySQL's "latin1" when doing the handshake for authentication, |
and when reading error messages. We now use Cp1252 for all strings |
sent to the server during the handshake phase, and a hard-coded mapping |
of the "language" server variable to the character set that |
is used for error messages. |
- Fixed BUG#19169 - ConnectionProperties (and thus some |
subclasses) are not serializable, even though some J2EE containers |
expect them to be. |
- Fixed BUG#20242 - MysqlValidConnectionChecker for JBoss doesn't |
work with MySQLXADataSources. |
- Better caching of character set converters (per-connection) |
to remove a bottleneck for multibyte character sets. |
- Added connection/datasource property "pinGlobalTxToPhysicalConnection" |
(defaults to "false"). When set to "true", when using XAConnections, the |
driver ensures that operations on a given XID are always routed to the |
same physical connection. This allows the XAConnection to support |
"XA START ... JOIN" after "XA END" has been called, and is also a |
workaround for transaction managers that don't maintain thread affinity |
for a global transaction (most either always maintain thread affinity, |
or have it as a configuration option). |
- MysqlXaConnection.recover(int flags) now allows combinations of |
XAResource.TMSTARTRSCAN and TMENDRSCAN. To simulate the "scanning" |
nature of the interface, we return all prepared XIDs for TMSTARTRSCAN, |
and no new XIDs for calls with TMNOFLAGS, or TMENDRSCAN when not in |
combination with TMSTARTRSCAN. This change was made for API compliance, |
as well as integration with IBM WebSphere's transaction manager. |
12-23-05 - Version 5.0.0-beta |
- XADataSource implemented (ported from 3.2 branch which won't be |
released as a product). Use |
"com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlXADataSource" as your datasource |
class name in your application server to utilize XA transactions |
in MySQL-5.0.10 and newer. |
- PreparedStatement.setString() didn't work correctly when |
sql_mode on server contained NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES, and no characters |
that needed escaping were present in the string. |
- Attempt detection of the MySQL type "BINARY" (it's an alias, so this isn't |
always reliable), and use the java.sql.Types.BINARY type mapping for it. |
- Moved -bin-g.jar file into separate "debug" subdirectory to avoid confusion. |
- Don't allow .setAutoCommit(true), or .commit() or .rollback() on an XA-managed |
connection as-per the JDBC specification. |
- If the connection "useTimezone" is set to "true", then also respect timezone |
conversions in escape-processed string literals (e.g. "{ts ...}" and |
"{t ...}"). |
- Return original column name for RSMD.getColumnName() if the column was aliased, |
alias name for .getColumnLabel() (if aliased), and original table name |
for .getTableName(). Note this only works for MySQL-4.1 and newer, as |
older servers don't make this information available to clients. |
- Setting "useJDBCCompliantTimezoneShift=true" (it's not the default) |
causes the driver to use GMT for _all_ TIMESTAMP/DATETIME timezones, |
and the current VM timezone for any other type that refers to timezones. |
This feature can not be used when "useTimezone=true" to convert between |
server and client timezones. |
- Add one level of indirection of internal representation of CallableStatement |
parameter metadata to avoid class not found issues on JDK-1.3 for |
ParameterMetadata interface (which doesn't exist prior to JDBC-3.0). |
- Added unit tests for XADatasource, as well as friendlier exceptions |
for XA failures compared to the "stock" XAException (which has no |
messages). |
- Fixed BUG#14279 - Idle timeouts cause XAConnections to whine about rolling |
themselves back |
- Added support for Connector/MXJ integration via url subprotocol |
"jdbc:mysql:mxj://....". |
- Moved all SQLException constructor usage to a factory in SQLError |
(ground-work for JDBC-4.0 SQLState-based exception classes). |
- Removed Java5-specific calls to BigDecimal constructor (when |
result set value is '', (int)0 was being used as an argument |
in-directly via method return value. This signature doesn't exist |
prior to Java5.) |
- Moved all SQLException creation to a factory method in SQLError, |
groundwork for JDBC-4.0 SQLState class-based exceptions. |
- Added service-provider entry to META-INF/services/java.sql.Driver |
for JDBC-4.0 support. |
- Return "[VAR]BINARY" for RSMD.getColumnTypeName() when that is actually |
the type, and it can be distinguished (MySQL-4.1 and newer). |
- When fix for BUG#14562 was merged from 3.1.12, added functionality |
for CallableStatement's parameter metadata to return correct |
information for .getParameterClassName(). |
- Fuller synchronization of Connection to avoid deadlocks when |
using multithreaded frameworks that multithread a single connection |
(usually not recommended, but the JDBC spec allows it anyways), |
part of fix to BUG#14972). |
- Implementation of Statement.cancel() and Statement.setQueryTimeout(). |
Both require MySQL-5.0.0 or newer server, require a separate connection |
to issue the "KILL QUERY" command, and in the case of setQueryTimeout() |
creates an additional thread to handle the timeout functionality. |
Note: Failures to cancel the statement for setQueryTimeout() may manifest |
themselves as RuntimeExceptions rather than failing silently, as there |
is currently no way to unblock the thread that is executing the query being |
cancelled due to timeout expiration and have it throw the exception |
instead. |
- Removed dead code in com.mysql.jdbc.Connection. |
- Made construction of com.mysql.jdbc.Field (result set metadata) |
instances more efficient for non-string types by not doing |
character set initialization, or detection of type changes due to |
temporary tables. |
- Removed redundant code in com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO. |
- Removed work done for BUG#14652, and instead loosened synchronization |
to solve a number of deadlock issues in BUG#18719, BUG#18367, BUG#17709 |
and BUG#15067. New strategy basically makes Connection instances threadsafe |
and thus shareable across threads, and anything else threadsafe, but not |
necessarily shareable across threads due to JDBC API interactions that |
can cause non-obvious behavior and/or deadlock scenarios to occur since |
the API is not designed to be used from multiple threads at once. |
Therefore, unless external synchronization is provided, clients should |
not allow multiple threads to share a given statement or result set. Examples |
of issues with the API itself not being multi-thread suitable include, |
but are not limited to race conditions between modifiers and execution and |
retrieval methods on statements and result sets that are not synchronizable |
such as ResultSet.get*() and traversal methods, or Statement.execute*() closing |
result sets without effectively making the driver itself serializable across the |
board. |
These changes should not have any effect on "normal" J(2)EE use cases |
where only one thread ever uses a connection instance and the objects created by |
it. |
- Use a java.util.Timer to schedule cancellation of queries via |
Statement.setQueryTimeout() rather than one thread per potential cancellation. |
A new thread will be used to actually cancel a running query, as there's potential |
for a cancel request to block other cancel requests if all run from the |
same thread. |
nn-nn-07 - Version 3.1.15 |
- Fixed BUG#23281 - Downed slave caused round-robin load balance to |
not cycle back to first host in list. |
- Disabled use of server-side prepared statements by default. |
- Handle YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format of timestamp in |
ResultSet.getTimeFromString(). |
- Fixed BUG#24840 - character encoding of "US-ASCII" doesn't map correctly |
for 4.1 or newer |
- Added Implementation-Vendor-Id attribute to jar manifest per request |
in BUG#15641. |
- C3P0 >= version 0.9.1 passes non-proxied connections to |
MysqlConnectionTester, thus it began throwing ClassCastExceptions. |
MysqlConnectionTester now checks if it has a plain Connection and uses |
that if possible. Thanks to Brian Skrab for the fix. |
10-19-06 - Version 3.1.14 |
- Fixed BUG#20479 - Updatable result set throws ClassCastException |
when there is row data and moveToInsertRow() is called. |
- Fixed BUG#20485 - Updatable result set that contains |
a BIT column fails when server-side prepared statements are used. |
- Fixed BUG#16987 - Memory leak with profileSQL=true. |
- Fixed BUG#19726 - Connection fails to localhost when using |
timeout and IPv6 is configured. |
- Fixed BUG#16791 - NullPointerException in MysqlDataSourceFactory |
due to Reference containing RefAddrs with null content. |
- Fixed BUG#20306 - ResultSet.getShort() for UNSIGNED TINYINT |
returns incorrect values when using server-side prepared statements. |
- Fixed BUG#20687 - Can't pool server-side prepared statements, exception |
raised when re-using them. |
- Fixed BUG#21062 - ResultSet.getSomeInteger() doesn't work for BIT(>1). |
- Fixed BUG#18880 - ResultSet.getFloatFromString() can't retrieve |
values near Float.MIN/MAX_VALUE. |
- Fixed BUG#20888 - escape of quotes in client-side prepared |
statements parsing not respected. Patch covers more than bug report, |
including NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES being set, and stacked quote characters |
forms of escaping (i.e. '' or ""). |
- Fixed BUG#19993 - ReplicationDriver does not always round-robin load |
balance depending on URL used for slaves list. |
- Fixed calling toString() on ResultSetMetaData for driver-generated |
(i.e. from DatabaseMetaData method calls, or from getGeneratedKeys()) |
result sets would raise a NullPointerException. |
- Fixed Bug#21207 - Driver throws NPE when tracing prepared statements that |
have been closed (in asSQL()). |
- Removed logger autodectection altogether, must now specify logger |
explitly if you want to use a logger other than one that logs |
to STDERR. |
- Fixed BUG#22290 - Driver issues truncation on write exception when |
it shouldn't (due to sending big decimal incorrectly to server with |
server-side prepared statement). |
- Driver now sends numeric 1 or 0 for client-prepared statement |
setBoolean() calls instead of '1' or '0'. |
- Fixed bug where driver would not advance to next host if |
roundRobinLoadBalance=true and the last host in the list is down. |
- Fixed BUG#18258 - DatabaseMetaData.getTables(), columns() with bad |
catalog parameter threw exception rather than return empty result |
set (as required by spec). |
- Check and store value for continueBatchOnError property in constructor |
of Statements, rather than when executing batches, so that Connections |
closed out from underneath statements don't cause NullPointerExceptions |
when it's required to check this property. |
- Fixed bug when calling stored functions, where parameters weren't |
numbered correctly (first parameter is now the return value, subsequent |
parameters if specified start at index "2"). |
- Fixed BUG#21814 - time values outside valid range silently wrap. |
05-26-06 - Version 3.1.13 |
- Fixed BUG#15464 - INOUT parameter does not store IN value. |
- Fixed BUG#14609 - Exception thrown for new decimal type when |
using updatable result sets. |
- Fixed BUG#15544, no "dos" character set in MySQL > 4.1.0 |
- Fixed BUG#15383 - PreparedStatement.setObject() serializes |
BigInteger as object, rather than sending as numeric value |
(and is thus not complementary to .getObject() on an UNSIGNED |
LONG type). |
- Fixed BUG#11874 - ResultSet.getShort() for UNSIGNED TINYINT |
returned wrong values. |
- Fixed BUG#15676 - lib-nodist directory missing from |
package breaks out-of-box build |
- Fixed BUG#15854 - DBMD.getColumns() returns wrong type for BIT. |
- Fixed BUG#16169 - ResultSet.getNativeShort() causes stack overflow error |
via recurisve calls. |
- Fixed BUG#14938 - Unable to initialize character set mapping tables. |
Removed reliance on .properties files to hold this information, as it |
turns out to be too problematic to code around class loader hierarchies |
that change depending on how an application is deployed. Moved information |
back into the CharsetMapping class. |
- Fixed BUG#16841 - updatable result set doesn't return AUTO_INCREMENT |
values for insertRow() when multiple column primary keys are used. (the |
driver was checking for the existence of single-column primary keys and |
an autoincrement value > 0 instead of a straightforward isAutoIncrement() |
check). |
- Fixed BUG#17099 - Statement.getGeneratedKeys() throws NullPointerException |
when no query has been processed. |
- Fixed BUG#13469 - Driver tries to call methods that don't exist on older and |
newer versions of Log4j. The fix is not trying to auto-detect presense of log4j, |
too many different incompatible versions out there in the wild to do this reliably. |
If you relied on autodetection before, you will need to add |
"logger=com.mysql.jdbc.log.Log4JLogger" to your JDBC URL to enable Log4J usage, |
or alternatively use the new "CommonsLogger" class to take care of this. |
- Added support for Apache Commons logging, use "com.mysql.jdbc.log.CommonsLogger" |
as the value for the "logger" configuration property. |
- LogFactory now prepends "com.mysql.jdbc.log" to log class name if it can't be |
found as-specified. This allows you to use "short names" for the built-in log |
factories, for example "logger=CommonsLogger" instead of |
"logger=com.mysql.jdbc.log.CommonsLogger". |
- Fixed BUG#15570 - ReplicationConnection incorrectly copies state, |
doesn't transfer connection context correctly when transitioning between |
the same read-only states. |
- Fixed BUG#18041 - Server-side prepared statements don't cause |
truncation exceptions to be thrown when truncation happens. |
- Added performance feature, re-writing of batched executes for |
Statement.executeBatch() (for all DML statements) and |
PreparedStatement.executeBatch() (for INSERTs with VALUE clauses |
only). Enable by using "rewriteBatchedStatements=true" in your JDBC URL. |
- Fixed BUG#17898 - registerOutParameter not working when some |
parameters pre-populated. Still waiting for feedback from JDBC experts |
group to determine what correct parameter count from getMetaData() |
should be, however. |
- Fixed BUG#17587 - clearParameters() on a closed prepared statement |
causes NPE. |
- Map "latin1" on MySQL server to CP1252 for MySQL > 4.1.0. |
- Added additional accessor and mutator methods on ConnectionProperties |
so that DataSource users can use same naming as regular URL properties. |
- Fixed BUG#18740 - Data truncation and getWarnings() only returns last |
warning in set. |
- Improved performance of retrieving BigDecimal, Time, Timestamp and Date |
values from server-side prepared statements by creating fewer short-lived |
instances of Strings when the native type is not an exact match for |
the requested type. Fixes BUG#18496 for BigDecimals. |
- Fixed BUG#18554 - Aliased column names where length of name > 251 |
are corrupted. |
- Fixed BUG#17450 - ResultSet.wasNull() not always reset |
correctly for booleans when done via conversion for server-side |
prepared statements. |
- Fixed BUG#16277 - Invalid classname returned for |
RSMD.getColumnClassName() for BIGINT type. |
- Fixed case where driver wasn't reading server status correctly when |
fetching server-side prepared statement rows, which in some cases |
could cause warning counts to be off, or multiple result sets to not |
be read off the wire. |
- Driver now aware of fix for BIT type metadata that went into |
MySQL-5.0.21 for server not reporting length consistently (bug |
number 13601). |
- Fixed BUG#19282 - ResultSet.wasNull() returns incorrect value |
when extracting native string from server-side prepared statement |
generated result set. |
11-30-05 - Version 3.1.12 |
- Fixed client-side prepared statement bug with embedded ? inside |
quoted identifiers (it was recognized as a placeholder, when it |
was not). |
- Don't allow executeBatch() for CallableStatements with registered |
OUT/INOUT parameters (JDBC compliance). |
- Fall back to platform-encoding for URLDecoder.decode() when |
parsing driver URL properties if the platform doesn't have a |
two-argument version of this method. |
- Fixed BUG#14562 - Java type conversion may be incorrect for |
mediumint. |
- Added configuration property "useGmtMillisForDatetimes" which |
when set to true causes ResultSet.getDate(), .getTimestamp() to |
return correct millis-since GMT when .getTime() is called on |
the return value (currently default is "false" for legacy |
behavior). |
- Fixed DatabaseMetaData.stores*Identifiers(): |
* if lower_case_table_names=0 (on server): |
storesLowerCaseIdentifiers() returns false |
storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers() returns false |
storesMixedCaseIdentifiers() returns true |
storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() returns true |
storesUpperCaseIdentifiers() returns false |
storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers() returns true |
* if lower_case_table_names=1 (on server): |
storesLowerCaseIdentifiers() returns true |
storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers() returns true |
storesMixedCaseIdentifiers() returns false |
storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() returns false |
storesUpperCaseIdentifiers() returns false |
storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers() returns true |
- Fixed BUG#14815 - DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() doesn't |
return TABLE_NAME correctly. |
- Fixed BUG#14909 - escape processor replaces quote character |
in quoted string with string delimiter. |
- Fixed BUG#12975 - OpenOffice expects |
DBMD.supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility() to return "true" |
if foreign keys are supported by the datasource, even though |
this method also covers support for check constraints, |
which MySQL _doesn't_ have. Setting the configuration property |
"overrideSupportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility" to "true" causes |
the driver to return "true" for this method. |
- Added "com.mysql.jdbc.testsuite.url.default" system property to |
set default JDBC url for testsuite (to speed up bug resolution |
when I'm working in Eclipse). |
- Fixed BUG#14938 - Unable to initialize character set mapping |
tables (due to J2EE classloader differences). |
- Fixed BUG#14972 - Deadlock while closing server-side prepared |
statements from multiple threads sharing one connection. |
- Fixed BUG#12230 - logSlowQueries should give better info. |
- Fixed BUG#13775 - Extraneous sleep on autoReconnect. |
- Fixed BUG#15024 - Driver incorrectly closes streams passed as |
arguments to PreparedStatements. Reverts to legacy behavior by |
setting the JDBC configuration property "autoClosePStmtStreams" |
to "true" (also included in the 3-0-Compat configuration "bundle"). |
- Fixed BUG#13048 - maxQuerySizeToLog is not respected. Added logging of |
bound values for execute() phase of server-side prepared statements |
when profileSQL=true as well. |
- Fixed BUG#15065 - Usage advisor complains about unreferenced |
columns, even though they've been referenced. |
- Don't increase timeout for failover/reconnect (BUG#6577) |
- Process escape tokens in Connection.prepareStatement(...), fix |
for BUG#15141. You can disable this behavior by setting |
the JDBC URL configuration property "processEscapeCodesForPrepStmts" |
to "false". |
- Fixed BUG#13255 - Reconnect during middle of executeBatch() |
should not occur if autoReconnect is enabled. |
10-07-05 - Version 3.1.11 |
- Fixed BUG#11629 - Spurious "!" on console when character |
encoding is "utf8". |
- Fixed statements generated for testcases missing ";" for |
"plain" statements. |
- Fixed BUG#11663 - Incorrect generation of testcase scripts |
for server-side prepared statements. |
- Fixed regression caused by fix for BUG#11552 that caused driver |
to return incorrect values for unsigned integers when those |
integers where within the range of the positive signed type. |
- Moved source code to svn repo. |
- Fixed BUG#11797 - Escape tokenizer doesn't respect stacked single quotes |
for escapes. |
- GEOMETRY type not recognized when using server-side prepared statements. |
- Fixed BUG#11879 -- ReplicationConnection won't switch to slave, throws |
"Catalog can't be null" exception. |
- Fixed BUG#12218, properties shared between master and slave with |
replication connection. |
- Fixed BUG#10630, Statement.getWarnings() fails with NPE if statement |
has been closed. |
- Only get char[] from SQL in PreparedStatement.ParseInfo() when needed. |
- Fixed BUG#12104 - Geometry types not handled with server-side prepared |
statements. |
- Fixed BUG#11614 - StringUtils.getBytes() doesn't work when using |
multibyte character encodings and a length in _characters_ is |
specified. |
- Fixed BUG#11798 - Pstmt.setObject(...., Types.BOOLEAN) throws exception. |
- Fixed BUG#11976 - maxPerformance.properties mis-spells |
"elideSetAutoCommits". |
- Fixed BUG#11575 -- DBMD.storesLower/Mixed/UpperIdentifiers() |
reports incorrect values for servers deployed on Windows. |
- Fixed BUG#11190 - ResultSet.moveToCurrentRow() fails to work when |
preceeded by a call to ResultSet.moveToInsertRow(). |
- Fixed BUG#11115, VARBINARY data corrupted when using server-side |
prepared statements and .setBytes(). |
- Fixed BUG#12229 - explainSlowQueries hangs with server-side |
prepared statements. |
- Fixed BUG#11498 - Escape processor didn't honor strings demarcated |
with double quotes. |
- Lifted restriction of changing streaming parameters with server-side |
prepared statements. As long as _all_ streaming parameters were set |
before execution, .clearParameters() does not have to be called. |
(due to limitation of client/server protocol, prepared statements |
can not reset _individual_ stream data on the server side). |
- Reworked Field class, *Buffer, and MysqlIO to be aware of field |
lengths > Integer.MAX_VALUE. |
- Updated DBMD.supportsCorrelatedQueries() to return true for versions > |
4.1, supportsGroupByUnrelated() to return true and |
getResultSetHoldability() to return HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT. |
- Fixed BUG#12541 - Handling of catalog argument in |
DatabaseMetaData.getIndexInfo(), which also means changes to the following |
methods in DatabaseMetaData: |
- getBestRowIdentifier() |
- getColumns() |
- getCrossReference() |
- getExportedKeys() |
- getImportedKeys() |
- getIndexInfo() |
- getPrimaryKeys() |
- getProcedures() (and thus indirectly getProcedureColumns()) |
- getTables() |
The "catalog" argument in all of these methods now behaves in the following |
way: |
- Specifying NULL means that catalog will not be used to filter the |
results (thus all databases will be searched), unless you've |
set "nullCatalogMeansCurrent=true" in your JDBC URL properties. |
- Specifying "" means "current" catalog, even though this isn't quite |
JDBC spec compliant, it's there for legacy users. |
- Specifying a catalog works as stated in the API docs. |
- Made Connection.clientPrepare() available from "wrapped" connections |
in the jdbc2.optional package (connections built by |
ConnectionPoolDataSource instances). |
- Added Connection.isMasterConnection() for clients to be able to determine |
if a multi-host master/slave connection is connected to the first host |
in the list. |
- Fixed BUG#12753 - Tokenizer for "=" in URL properties was causing |
sessionVariables=.... to be parameterized incorrectly. |
- Fixed BUG#11781, foreign key information that is quoted is |
parsed incorrectly when DatabaseMetaData methods use that |
information. |
- The "sendBlobChunkSize" property is now clamped to "max_allowed_packet" |
with consideration of stream buffer size and packet headers to avoid |
PacketTooBigExceptions when "max_allowed_packet" is similar in size |
to the default "sendBlobChunkSize" which is 1M. |
- CallableStatement.clearParameters() now clears resources associated |
with INOUT/OUTPUT parameters as well as INPUT parameters. |
- Fixed BUG#12417 - Connection.prepareCall() is database name |
case-sensitive (on Windows systems). |
- Fixed BUG#12752 - Cp1251 incorrectly mapped to win1251 for |
servers newer than 4.0.x. |
- Fixed BUG#12970 - java.sql.Types.OTHER returned for |
BINARY and VARBINARY columns when using |
DatabaseMetaData.getColumns(). |
- ServerPreparedStatement.getBinding() now checks if the statement |
is closed before attempting to reference the list of parameter |
bindings, to avoid throwing a NullPointerException. |
- Fixed BUG#13277 - ResultSetMetaData from |
Statement.getGeneratedKeys() caused NullPointerExceptions to be |
thrown whenever a method that required a connection reference |
was called. |
- Removed support for java.nio I/O. Too many implementations |
turned out to be buggy, and there was no performance difference |
since MySQL is a blocking protocol anyway. |
06-23-05 - Version 3.1.10-stable |
- Fixed connecting without a database specified raised an exception |
in MysqlIO.changeDatabaseTo(). |
- Initial implemention of ParameterMetadata for |
PreparedStatement.getParameterMetadata(). Only works fully |
for CallableStatements, as current server-side prepared statements |
return every parameter as a VARCHAR type. |
- Fixed BUG#11552 - Server-side prepared statements return incorrect |
values for unsigned TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT and Long. |
- Fixed BUG#11540 - Incorrect year conversion in setDate(..) for |
system that use B.E. year in default locale. |
06-22-05 - Version 3.1.9-stable |
- Overhaul of character set configuration, everything now |
lives in a properties file. |
- Driver now correctly uses CP932 if available on the server |
for Windows-31J, CP932 and MS932 java encoding names, |
otherwise it resorts to SJIS, which is only a close |
approximation. Currently only MySQL-5.0.3 and newer (and |
MySQL-4.1.12 or .13, depending on when the character set |
gets backported) can reliably support any variant of CP932. |
- Fixed BUG#9064 - com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.ParseInfo |
does unnecessary call to toCharArray(). |
- Fixed Bug#10144 - Memory leak in ServerPreparedStatement if |
serverPrepare() fails. |
- Actually write manifest file to correct place so it ends up |
in the binary jar file. |
- Added "createDatabaseIfNotExist" property (default is "false"), |
which will cause the driver to ask the server to create the |
database specified in the URL if it doesn't exist. You must have |
the appropriate privileges for database creation for this to |
work. |
- Fixed BUG#10156 - Unsigned SMALLINT treated as signed for ResultSet.getInt(), |
fixed all cases for UNSIGNED integer values and server-side prepared statements, |
as well as ResultSet.getObject() for UNSIGNED TINYINT. |
- Fixed BUG#10155, double quotes not recognized when parsing |
client-side prepared statements. |
- Made enableStreamingResults() visible on |
com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.StatementWrapper. |
- Made ServerPreparedStatement.asSql() work correctly so auto-explain |
functionality would work with server-side prepared statements. |
- Made JDBC2-compliant wrappers public in order to allow access to |
vendor extensions. |
- Cleaned up logging of profiler events, moved code to dump a profiler |
event as a string to com.mysql.jdbc.log.LogUtils so that third |
parties can use it. |
- DatabaseMetaData.supportsMultipleOpenResults() now returns true. The |
driver has supported this for some time, DBMD just missed that fact. |
- Fixed BUG#10310 - Driver doesn't support {?=CALL(...)} for calling |
stored functions. This involved adding support for function retrieval |
to DatabaseMetaData.getProcedures() and getProcedureColumns() as well. |
- Fixed BUG#10485, SQLException thrown when retrieving YEAR(2) |
with ResultSet.getString(). The driver will now always treat YEAR types |
as java.sql.Dates and return the correct values for getString(). |
Alternatively, the "yearIsDateType" connection property can be set to |
"false" and the values will be treated as SHORTs. |
- The datatype returned for TINYINT(1) columns when "tinyInt1isBit=true" |
(the default) can be switched between Types.BOOLEAN and Types.BIT |
using the new configuration property "transformedBitIsBoolean", which |
defaults to "false". If set to "false" (the default), |
DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() and ResultSetMetaData.getColumnType() |
will return Types.BOOLEAN for TINYINT(1) columns. If "true", |
Types.BOOLEAN will be returned instead. Irregardless of this configuration |
property, if "tinyInt1isBit" is enabled, columns with the type TINYINT(1) |
will be returned as java.lang.Boolean instances from |
ResultSet.getObject(..), and ResultSetMetaData.getColumnClassName() |
will return "java.lang.Boolean". |
- Fixed BUG#10496 - SQLException is thrown when using property |
"characterSetResults" with cp932 or eucjpms. |
- Reorganized directory layout, sources now in "src" folder, |
don't pollute parent directory when building, now output goes |
to "./build", distribution goes to "./dist". |
- Added support/bug hunting feature that generates .sql test |
scripts to STDERR when "autoGenerateTestcaseScript" is set |
to "true". |
- Fixed BUG#10850 - 0-length streams not sent to server when |
using server-side prepared statements. |
- Setting "cachePrepStmts=true" now causes the Connection to also |
cache the check the driver performs to determine if a prepared |
statement can be server-side or not, as well as caches server-side |
prepared statements for the lifetime of a connection. As before, |
the "prepStmtCacheSize" parameter controls the size of these |
caches. |
- Try to handle OutOfMemoryErrors more gracefully. Although not |
much can be done, they will in most cases close the connection |
they happened on so that further operations don't run into |
a connection in some unknown state. When an OOM has happened, |
any further operations on the connection will fail with a |
"Connection closed" exception that will also list the OOM exception |
as the reason for the implicit connection close event. |
- Don't send COM_RESET_STMT for each execution of a server-side |
prepared statement if it isn't required. |
- Driver detects if you're running MySQL-5.0.7 or later, and does |
not scan for "LIMIT ?[,?]" in statements being prepared, as the |
server supports those types of queries now. |
- Fixed BUG#11115, Varbinary data corrupted when using server-side |
prepared statements and ResultSet.getBytes(). |
- Connection.setCatalog() is now aware of the "useLocalSessionState" |
configuration property, which when set to true will prevent |
the driver from sending "USE ..." to the server if the requested |
catalog is the same as the current catalog. |
- Added the following configuration bundles, use one or many via |
the "useConfigs" configuration property: |
* maxPerformance -- maximum performance without being reckless |
* solarisMaxPerformance -- maximum performance for Solaris, |
avoids syscalls where it can |
* 3-0-Compat -- Compatibility with Connector/J 3.0.x functionality |
- Added "maintainTimeStats" configuration property (defaults to "true"), |
which tells the driver whether or not to keep track of the last query time |
and the last successful packet sent to the server's time. If set to |
false, removes two syscalls per query. |
- Fixed BUG#11259, autoReconnect ping causes exception on connection |
startup. |
- Fixed BUG#11360 Connector/J dumping query into SQLException twice |
- Fixed PreparedStatement.setClob() not accepting null as a parameter. |
- Fixed BUG#11411 - Production package doesn't include JBoss integration |
classes. |
- Removed nonsensical "costly type conversion" warnings when using |
usage advisor. |
04-14-05 - Version 3.1.8-stable |
- Fixed DatabaseMetaData.getTables() returning views when they were |
not asked for as one of the requested table types. |
- Added support for new precision-math DECIMAL type in MySQL >= 5.0.3. |
- Fixed ResultSet.getTime() on a NULL value for server-side prepared |
statements throws NPE. |
- Made Connection.ping() a public method. |
- Fixed Bug#8868, DATE_FORMAT() queries returned as BLOBs from getObject(). |
- ServerPreparedStatements now correctly 'stream' BLOB/CLOB data to the |
server. You can configure the threshold chunk size using the |
JDBC URL property 'blobSendChunkSize' (the default is one megabyte). |
- BlobFromLocator now uses correct identifier quoting when generating |
prepared statements. |
- Server-side session variables can be preset at connection time by |
passing them as a comma-delimited list for the connection property |
'sessionVariables'. |
- Fixed regression in ping() for users using autoReconnect=true. |
- Fixed BUG#9040 - PreparedStatement.addBatch() doesn't work with server-side |
prepared statements and streaming BINARY data. |
- Fixed BUG#8800 - DBMD.supportsMixedCase*Identifiers() returns wrong |
value on servers running on case-sensitive filesystems. |
- Fixed BUG#9206, can not use 'UTF-8' for characterSetResults |
configuration property. |
- Fixed BUG#9236, a continuation of BUG#8868, where functions used in queries |
that should return non-string types when resolved by temporary tables suddenly |
become opaque binary strings (work-around for server limitation). Also fixed |
fields with type of CHAR(n) CHARACTER SET BINARY to return correct/matching |
classes for RSMD.getColumnClassName() and ResultSet.getObject(). |
- Fixed BUG#8792 - DBMD.supportsResultSetConcurrency() not returning |
true for forward-only/read-only result sets (we obviously support this). |
- Fixed BUG#8803, 'DATA_TYPE' column from DBMD.getBestRowIdentifier() |
causes ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when accessed (and in fact, didn't |
return any value). |
- Check for empty strings ('') when converting char/varchar column data to numbers, |
throw exception if 'emptyStringsConvertToZero' configuration property is set |
to 'false' (for backwards-compatibility with 3.0, it is now set to 'true' |
by default, but will most likely default to 'false' in 3.2). |
- Fixed BUG#9320 - PreparedStatement.getMetaData() inserts blank row in database |
under certain conditions when not using server-side prepared statements. |
- Connection.canHandleAsPreparedStatement() now makes 'best effort' to distinguish |
LIMIT clauses with placeholders in them from ones without in order to have fewer |
false positives when generating work-arounds for statements the server cannot |
currently handle as server-side prepared statements. |
- Fixed build.xml to not compile log4j logging if log4j not available. |
- Added support for the c3p0 connection pool's (http://c3p0.sf.net/) |
validation/connection checker interface which uses the lightweight |
'COM_PING' call to the server if available. To use it, configure your |
c3p0 connection pool's 'connectionTesterClassName' property to use |
'com.mysql.jdbc.integration.c3p0.MysqlConnectionTester'. |
- Better detection of LIMIT inside/outside of quoted strings so that |
the driver can more correctly determine whether a prepared statement |
can be prepared on the server or not. |
- Fixed BUG#9319 - Stored procedures with same name in |
different databases confuse the driver when it tries to determine |
parameter counts/types. |
- Added finalizers to ResultSet and Statement implementations to be JDBC |
spec-compliant, which requires that if not explicitly closed, these |
resources should be closed upon garbage collection. |
- Fixed BUG#9682 - Stored procedures with DECIMAL parameters with |
storage specifications that contained "," in them would fail. |
- PreparedStatement.setObject(int, Object, int type, int scale) now |
uses scale value for BigDecimal instances. |
- Fixed BUG#9704 - Statement.getMoreResults() could throw NPE when |
existing result set was .close()d. |
- The performance metrics feature now gathers information about |
number of tables referenced in a SELECT. |
- The logging system is now automatically configured. If the value has |
been set by the user, via the URL property "logger" or the system |
property "com.mysql.jdbc.logger", then use that, otherwise, autodetect |
it using the following steps: |
Log4j, if it's available, |
Then JDK1.4 logging, |
Then fallback to our STDERR logging. |
- Fixed BUG#9778, DBMD.getTables() shouldn't return tables if views |
are asked for, even if the database version doesn't support views. |
- Fixed driver not returning 'true' for '-1' when ResultSet.getBoolean() |
was called on result sets returned from server-side prepared statements. |
- Added a Manifest.MF file with implementation information to the .jar |
file. |
- More tests in Field.isOpaqueBinary() to distinguish opaque binary (i.e. |
fields with type CHAR(n) and CHARACTER SET BINARY) from output of |
various scalar and aggregate functions that return strings. |
- Fixed BUG#9917 - Should accept null for catalog (meaning use current) |
in DBMD methods, even though it's not JDBC-compliant for legacy's sake. |
Disable by setting connection property "nullCatalogMeansCurrent" to "false" |
(which will be the default value in C/J 3.2.x). |
- Fixed BUG#9769 - Should accept null for name patterns in DBMD (meaning "%"), |
even though it isn't JDBC compliant, for legacy's sake. Disable by setting |
connection property "nullNamePatternMatchesAll" to "false" (which will be |
the default value in C/J 3.2.x). |
02-18-05 - Version 3.1.7-stable |
- Fixed BUG#7686, Timestamp key column data needed "_binary'" |
stripped for UpdatableResultSet.refreshRow(). |
- Fixed BUG#7715 - Timestamps converted incorrectly to strings |
with Server-side prepared statements and updatable result sets. |
- Detect new sql_mode variable in string form (it used to be |
integer) and adjust quoting method for strings appropriately. |
- Added 'holdResultsOpenOverStatementClose' property (default is |
false), that keeps result sets open over statement.close() or new |
execution on same statement (suggested by Kevin Burton). |
- Fixed BUG#7952 -- Infinite recursion when 'falling back' to master |
in failover configuration. |
- Disable multi-statements (if enabled) for MySQL-4.1 versions prior |
to version 4.1.10 if the query cache is enabled, as the server |
returns wrong results in this configuration. |
- Fixed duplicated code in configureClientCharset() that prevented |
useOldUTF8Behavior=true from working properly. |
- Removed 'dontUnpackBinaryResults' functionality, the driver now |
always stores results from server-side prepared statements as-is |
from the server and unpacks them on demand. |
- Fixed BUG#8096 where emulated locators corrupt binary data |
when using server-side prepared statements. |
- Fixed synchronization issue with |
ServerPreparedStatement.serverPrepare() that could cause |
deadlocks/crashes if connection was shared between threads. |
- By default, the driver now scans SQL you are preparing via all |
variants of Connection.prepareStatement() to determine if it is a |
supported type of statement to prepare on the server side, and if |
it is not supported by the server, it instead prepares it as a |
client-side emulated prepared statement (BUG#4718). You can |
disable this by passing 'emulateUnsupportedPstmts=false' in your |
- Remove _binary introducer from parameters used as in/out |
parameters in CallableStatement. |
- Always return byte[]s for output parameters registered as *BINARY. |
- Send correct value for 'boolean' "true" to server for |
PreparedStatement.setObject(n, "true", Types.BIT). |
- Fixed bug with Connection not caching statements from |
prepareStatement() when the statement wasn't a server-side |
prepared statement. |
- Choose correct 'direction' to apply time adjustments when both |
client and server are in GMT timezone when using |
ResultSet.get(..., cal) and PreparedStatement.set(...., cal). |
- Added 'dontTrackOpenResources' option (default is false, to be |
JDBC compliant), which helps with memory use for non-well-behaved |
apps (i.e applications which don't close Statements when they |
should). |
- Fixed BUG#8428 - ResultSet.getString() doesn't maintain format |
stored on server, bug fix only enabled when 'noDatetimeStringSync' |
property is set to 'true' (the default is 'false'). |
- Fixed NPE in ResultSet.realClose() when using usage advisor and |
result set was already closed. |
- Fixed BUG#8487 - PreparedStatements not creating streaming result |
sets. |
- Don't pass NULL to String.valueOf() in |
ResultSet.getNativeConvertToString(), as it stringifies it (i.e. |
returns "null"), which is not correct for the method in question. |
- Fixed BUG#8484 - ResultSet.getBigDecimal() throws exception |
when rounding would need to occur to set scale. The driver now |
chooses a rounding mode of 'half up' if non-rounding |
BigDecimal.setScale() fails. |
- Added 'useLocalSessionState' configuration property, when set to |
'true' the JDBC driver trusts that the application is well-behaved |
and only sets autocommit and transaction isolation levels using |
the methods provided on java.sql.Connection, and therefore can |
manipulate these values in many cases without incurring |
round-trips to the database server. |
- Added enableStreamingResults() to Statement for connection pool |
implementations that check Statement.setFetchSize() for |
specification-compliant values. Call Statement.setFetchSize(>=0) |
to disable the streaming results for that statement. |
- Added support for BIT type in MySQL-5.0.3. The driver will treat |
BIT(1-8) as the JDBC standard BIT type (which maps to |
java.lang.Boolean), as the server does not currently send enough |
information to determine the size of a bitfield when < 9 bits are |
declared. BIT(>9) will be treated as VARBINARY, and will return |
byte[] when getObject() is called. |
12-23-04 - Version 3.1.6-stable |
- Fixed hang on SocketInputStream.read() with Statement.setMaxRows() and |
multiple result sets when driver has to truncate result set directly, |
rather than tacking a 'LIMIT n' on the end of it. |
- Fixed BUG#7026 - DBMD.getProcedures() doesn't respect catalog parameter. |
- Respect bytes-per-character for RSMD.getPrecision(). |
12-02-04 - Version 3.1.5-gamma |
- Fix comparisons made between string constants and dynamic strings that |
are either toUpperCase()d or toLowerCase()d to use Locale.ENGLISH, as |
some locales 'override' case rules for English. Also use |
StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase() instead of .toUpperCase().indexOf(), |
avoids creating a very short-lived transient String instance. |
- Fixed BUG#5235 - Server-side prepared statements did not honor |
'zeroDateTimeBehavior' property, and would cause class-cast |
exceptions when using ResultSet.getObject(), as the all-zero string |
was always returned. |
- Fixed batched updates with server prepared statements weren't looking if |
the types had changed for a given batched set of parameters compared |
to the previous set, causing the server to return the error |
'Wrong arguments to mysql_stmt_execute()'. |
- Handle case when string representation of timestamp contains trailing '.' |
with no numbers following it. |
- Fixed BUG#5706 - Inefficient detection of pre-existing string instances |
in ResultSet.getNativeString(). |
- Don't throw exceptions for Connection.releaseSavepoint(). |
- Use a per-session Calendar instance by default when decoding dates |
from ServerPreparedStatements (set to old, less performant behavior by |
setting property 'dynamicCalendars=true'). |
- Added experimental configuration property 'dontUnpackBinaryResults', |
which delays unpacking binary result set values until they're asked for, |
and only creates object instances for non-numerical values (it is set |
to 'false' by default). For some usecase/jvm combinations, this is |
friendlier on the garbage collector. |
- Fixed BUG#5729 - UNSIGNED BIGINT unpacked incorrectly from |
server-side prepared statement result sets. |
- Fixed BUG#6225 - ServerSidePreparedStatement allocating short-lived |
objects un-necessarily. |
- Removed un-wanted new Throwable() in ResultSet constructor due to bad |
merge (caused a new object instance that was never used for every result |
set created) - Found while profiling for BUG#6359. |
- Fixed too-early creation of StringBuffer in EscapeProcessor.escapeSQL(), |
also return String when escaping not needed (to avoid unnecssary object |
allocations). Found while profiling for BUG#6359. |
- Use null-safe-equals for key comparisons in updatable result sets. |
- Fixed BUG#6537, SUM() on Decimal with server-side prepared statement ignores |
scale if zero-padding is needed (this ends up being due to conversion to DOUBLE |
by server, which when converted to a string to parse into BigDecimal, loses all |
'padding' zeros). |
- Use DatabaseMetaData.getIdentifierQuoteString() when building DBMD |
queries. |
- Use 1MB packet for sending file for LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE if that |
is < 'max_allowed_packet' on server. |
- Fixed BUG#6399, ResultSetMetaData.getColumnDisplaySize() returns incorrect |
values for multibyte charsets. |
- Make auto-deserialization of java.lang.Objects stored in BLOBs |
configurable via 'autoDeserialize' property (defaults to 'false'). |
- Re-work Field.isOpaqueBinary() to detect 'CHAR(n) CHARACTER SET BINARY' |
to support fixed-length binary fields for ResultSet.getObject(). |
- Use our own implementation of buffered input streams to get around |
blocking behavior of java.io.BufferedInputStream. Disable this with |
'useReadAheadInput=false'. |
- Fixed BUG#6348, failing to connect to the server when one of the |
addresses for the given host name is IPV6 (which the server does |
not yet bind on). The driver now loops through _all_ IP addresses |
for a given host, and stops on the first one that accepts() a |
socket.connect(). |
09-04-04 - Version 3.1.4-beta |
- Fixed BUG#4510 - connector/j 3.1.3 beta does not handle integers |
correctly (caused by changes to support unsigned reads in |
Buffer.readInt() -> Buffer.readShort()). |
- Added support in DatabaseMetaData.getTables() and getTableTypes() |
for VIEWs which are now available in MySQL server version 5.0.x. |
- Fixed BUG#4642 -- ServerPreparedStatement.execute*() sometimes |
threw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when unpacking field metadata. |
- Optimized integer number parsing, enable 'old' slower integer parsing |
using JDK classes via 'useFastIntParsing=false' property. |
- Added 'useOnlyServerErrorMessages' property, which causes message text |
in exceptions generated by the server to only contain the text sent by |
the server (as opposed to the SQLState's 'standard' description, followed |
by the server's error message). This property is set to 'true' by default. |
- Fixed BUG#4689 - ResultSet.wasNull() does not work for primatives if a |
previous null was returned. |
- Track packet sequence numbers if enablePacketDebug=true, and throw an |
exception if packets received out-of-order. |
- Fixed BUG#4482, ResultSet.getObject() returns wrong type for strings |
when using prepared statements. |
- Calling MysqlPooledConnection.close() twice (even though an application |
error), caused NPE. Fixed. |
- Fixed BUG#5012 -- ServerPreparedStatements dealing with return of |
DECIMAL type don't work. |
- Fixed BUG#5032 -- ResultSet.getObject() doesn't return |
type Boolean for pseudo-bit types from prepared statements on 4.1.x |
(shortcut for avoiding extra type conversion when using binary-encoded |
result sets obscurred test in getObject() for 'pseudo' bit type) |
- You can now use URLs in 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE' statements, and the |
driver will use Java's built-in handlers for retreiving the data and |
sending it to the server. This feature is not enabled by default, |
you must set the 'allowUrlInLocalInfile' connection property to 'true'. |
- The driver is more strict about truncation of numerics on |
ResultSet.get*(), and will throw a SQLException when truncation is |
detected. You can disable this by setting 'jdbcCompliantTruncation' to |
false (it is enabled by default, as this functionality is required |
for JDBC compliance). |
- Added three ways to deal with all-zero datetimes when reading them from |
a ResultSet, 'exception' (the default), which throws a SQLException |
with a SQLState of 'S1009', 'convertToNull', which returns NULL instead of |
the date, and 'round', which rounds the date to the nearest closest value |
which is '0001-01-01'. |
- Fixed ServerPreparedStatement to read prepared statement metadata off |
the wire, even though it's currently a placeholder instead of using |
MysqlIO.clearInputStream() which didn't work at various times because |
data wasn't available to read from the server yet. This fixes sporadic |
errors users were having with ServerPreparedStatements throwing |
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundExceptions. |
- Use com.mysql.jdbc.Message's classloader when loading resource bundle, |
should fix sporadic issues when the caller's classloader can't locate |
the resource bundle. |
07-07-04 - Version 3.1.3-beta |
- Mangle output parameter names for CallableStatements so they |
will not clash with user variable names. |
- Added support for INOUT parameters in CallableStatements. |
- Fix for BUG#4119, null bitmask sent for server-side prepared |
statements was incorrect. |
- Use SQL Standard SQL states by default, unless 'useSqlStateCodes' |
property is set to 'false'. |
- Added packet debuging code (see the 'enablePacketDebug' property |
documentation). |
- Added constants for MySQL error numbers (publicly-accessible, |
see com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlErrorNumbers), and the ability to |
generate the mappings of vendor error codes to SQLStates |
that the driver uses (for documentation purposes). |
- Externalized more messages (on-going effort). |
- Fix for BUG#4311 - Error in retrieval of mediumint column with |
prepared statements and binary protocol. |
- Support new timezone variables in MySQL-4.1.3 when |
'useTimezone=true' |
- Support for unsigned numerics as return types from prepared statements. |
This also causes a change in ResultSet.getObject() for the 'bigint unsigned' |
type, which used to return BigDecimal instances, it now returns instances |
of java.lang.BigInteger. |
06-09-04 - Version 3.1.2-alpha |
- Fixed stored procedure parameter parsing info when size was |
specified for a parameter (i.e. char(), varchar()). |
- Enabled callable statement caching via 'cacheCallableStmts' |
property. |
- Fixed case when no output parameters specified for a |
stored procedure caused a bogus query to be issued |
to retrieve out parameters, leading to a syntax error |
from the server. |
- Fixed case when no parameters could cause a NullPointerException |
in CallableStatement.setOutputParameters(). |
- Removed wrapping of exceptions in MysqlIO.changeUser(). |
- Fixed sending of split packets for large queries, enabled nio |
ability to send large packets as well. |
- Added .toString() functionality to ServerPreparedStatement, |
which should help if you're trying to debug a query that is |
a prepared statement (it shows SQL as the server would process). |
- Added 'gatherPerformanceMetrics' property, along with properties |
to control when/where this info gets logged (see docs for more |
info). |
- ServerPreparedStatements weren't actually de-allocating |
server-side resources when .close() was called. |
- Added 'logSlowQueries' property, along with property |
'slowQueriesThresholdMillis' to control when a query should |
be considered 'slow'. |
- Correctly map output parameters to position given in |
prepareCall() vs. order implied during registerOutParameter() - |
fixes BUG#3146. |
- Correctly detect initial character set for servers >= 4.1.0 |
- Cleaned up detection of server properties. |
- Support placeholder for parameter metadata for server >= 4.1.2 |
- Fix for BUG#3539 getProcedures() does not return any procedures in |
result set |
- Fix for BUG#3540 getProcedureColumns() doesn't work with wildcards |
for procedure name |
- Fixed BUG#3520 -- DBMD.getSQLStateType() returns incorrect value. |
- Added 'connectionCollation' property to cause driver to issue |
'set collation_connection=...' query on connection init if default |
collation for given charset is not appropriate. |
- Fixed DatabaseMetaData.getProcedures() when run on MySQL-5.0.0 (output of |
'show procedure status' changed between 5.0.1 and 5.0.0. |
- Fixed BUG#3804 -- getWarnings() returns SQLWarning instead of DataTruncation |
- Don't enable server-side prepared statements for server version 5.0.0 or 5.0.1, |
as they aren't compatible with the '4.1.2+' style that the driver uses (the driver |
expects information to come back that isn't there, so it hangs). |
02-14-04 - Version 3.1.1-alpha |
- Fixed bug with UpdatableResultSets not using client-side |
prepared statements. |
- Fixed character encoding issues when converting bytes to |
ASCII when MySQL doesn't provide the character set, and |
the JVM is set to a multibyte encoding (usually affecting |
retrieval of numeric values). |
- Unpack 'unknown' data types from server prepared statements |
as Strings. |
- Implemented long data (Blobs, Clobs, InputStreams, Readers) |
for server prepared statements. |
- Implemented Statement.getWarnings() for MySQL-4.1 and newer |
(using 'SHOW WARNINGS'). |
- Default result set type changed to TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY |
(JDBC compliance). |
- Centralized setting of result set type and concurrency. |
- Re-factored how connection properties are set and exposed |
as DriverPropertyInfo as well as Connection and DataSource |
properties. |
- Support for NIO. Use 'useNIO=true' on platforms that support |
NIO. |
- Support for SAVEPOINTs (MySQL >= 4.0.14 or 4.1.1). |
- Support for mysql_change_user()...See the changeUser() method |
in com.mysql.jdbc.Connection. |
- Reduced number of methods called in average query to be more |
efficient. |
- Prepared Statements will be re-prepared on auto-reconnect. Any errors |
encountered are postponed until first attempt to re-execute the |
re-prepared statement. |
- Ensure that warnings are cleared before executing queries |
on prepared statements, as-per JDBC spec (now that we support |
warnings). |
- Support 'old' profileSql capitalization in ConnectionProperties. |
This property is deprecated, you should use 'profileSQL' if possible. |
- Optimized Buffer.readLenByteArray() to return shared empty byte array |
when length is 0. |
- Allow contents of PreparedStatement.setBlob() to be retained |
between calls to .execute*(). |
- Deal with 0-length tokens in EscapeProcessor (caused by callable |
statement escape syntax). |
- Check for closed connection on delete/update/insert row operations in |
UpdatableResultSet. |
- Fix support for table aliases when checking for all primary keys in |
UpdatableResultSet. |
- Removed useFastDates connection property. |
- Correctly initialize datasource properties from JNDI Refs, including |
explicitly specified URLs. |
- DatabaseMetaData now reports supportsStoredProcedures() for |
MySQL versions >= 5.0.0 |
- Fixed stack overflow in Connection.prepareCall() (bad merge). |
- Fixed IllegalAccessError to Calendar.getTimeInMillis() in DateTimeValue |
(for JDK < 1.4). |
- Fix for BUG#1673, where DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() is not |
returning correct column ordinal info for non '%' column name patterns. |
- Merged fix of datatype mapping from MySQL type 'FLOAT' to |
java.sql.Types.REAL from 3.0 branch. |
- Detect collation of column for RSMD.isCaseSensitive(). |
- Fixed sending of queries > 16M. |
- Added named and indexed input/output parameter support to CallableStatement. |
MySQL-5.0.x or newer. |
- Fixed NullPointerException in ServerPreparedStatement.setTimestamp(), |
as well as year and month descrepencies in |
ServerPreparedStatement.setTimestamp(), setDate(). |
- Added ability to have multiple database/JVM targets for compliance |
and regression/unit tests in build.xml. |
- Fixed NPE and year/month bad conversions when accessing some |
datetime functionality in ServerPreparedStatements and their |
resultant result sets. |
- Display where/why a connection was implicitly closed (to |
aid debugging). |
- CommunicationsException implemented, that tries to determine |
why communications was lost with a server, and displays |
possible reasons when .getMessage() is called. |
- Fixed BUG#2359, NULL values for numeric types in binary |
encoded result sets causing NullPointerExceptions. |
- Implemented Connection.prepareCall(), and DatabaseMetaData. |
getProcedures() and getProcedureColumns(). |
- Reset 'long binary' parameters in ServerPreparedStatement when |
clearParameters() is called, by sending COM_RESET_STMT to the |
server. |
- Merged prepared statement caching, and .getMetaData() support |
from 3.0 branch. |
- Fixed off-by-1900 error in some cases for |
years in TimeUtil.fastDate/TimeCreate() when unpacking results |
from server-side prepared statements. |
- Fixed BUG#2502 -- charset conversion issue in getTables(). |
- Implemented multiple result sets returned from a statement |
or stored procedure. |
- Fixed BUG#2606 -- Server side prepared statements not returning |
datatype 'YEAR' correctly. |
- Enabled streaming of result sets from server-side prepared |
statements. |
- Fixed BUG#2623 -- Class-cast exception when using |
scrolling result sets and server-side prepared statements. |
- Merged unbuffered input code from 3.0. |
- Fixed ConnectionProperties that weren't properly exposed |
via accessors, cleaned up ConnectionProperties code. |
- Fixed BUG#2671, NULL fields not being encoded correctly in |
all cases in server side prepared statements. |
- Fixed rare buffer underflow when writing numbers into buffers |
for sending prepared statement execution requests. |
- Use DocBook version of docs for shipped versions of drivers. |
02-18-03 - Version 3.1.0-alpha |
- Added 'requireSSL' property. |
- Added 'useServerPrepStmts' property (default 'false'). The |
driver will use server-side prepared statements when the |
server version supports them (4.1 and newer) when this |
property is set to 'true'. It is currently set to 'false' |
by default until all bind/fetch functionality has been |
implemented. Currently only DML prepared statements are |
implemented for 4.1 server-side prepared statements. |
- Track open Statements, close all when Connection.close() |
is called (JDBC compliance). |
06-22-05 - Version 3.0.17-ga |
- Fixed BUG#5874, Timestamp/Time conversion goes in the wrong 'direction' |
when useTimeZone='true' and server timezone differs from client timezone. |
- Fixed BUG#7081, DatabaseMetaData.getIndexInfo() ignoring 'unique' |
parameter. |
- Support new protocol type 'MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR'. |
- Added 'useOldUTF8Behavoior' configuration property, which causes |
JDBC driver to act like it did with MySQL-4.0.x and earlier when |
the character encoding is 'utf-8' when connected to MySQL-4.1 or |
newer. |
- Fixed BUG#7316 - Statements created from a pooled connection were |
returning physical connection instead of logical connection when |
getConnection() was called. |
- Fixed BUG#7033 - PreparedStatements don't encode Big5 (and other |
multibyte) character sets correctly in static SQL strings. |
- Fixed BUG#6966, connections starting up failed-over (due to down master) |
never retry master. |
- Fixed BUG#7061, PreparedStatement.fixDecimalExponent() adding extra |
'+', making number unparseable by MySQL server. |
- Fixed BUG#7686, Timestamp key column data needed "_binary'" stripped for |
UpdatableResultSet.refreshRow(). |
- Backported SQLState codes mapping from Connector/J 3.1, enable with |
'useSqlStateCodes=true' as a connection property, it defaults to |
'false' in this release, so that we don't break legacy applications (it |
defaults to 'true' starting with Connector/J 3.1). |
- Fixed BUG#7601, PreparedStatement.fixDecimalExponent() adding extra |
'+', making number unparseable by MySQL server. |
- Escape sequence {fn convert(..., type)} now supports ODBC-style types |
that are prepended by 'SQL_'. |
- Fixed duplicated code in configureClientCharset() that prevented |
useOldUTF8Behavior=true from working properly. |
- Handle streaming result sets with > 2 billion rows properly by fixing |
wraparound of row number counter. |
- Fixed BUG#7607 - MS932, SHIFT_JIS and Windows_31J not recog. as |
aliases for sjis. |
- Fixed BUG#6549 (while fixing #7607), adding 'CP943' to aliases for |
sjis. |
- Fixed BUG#8064, which requires hex escaping of binary data when using |
multibyte charsets with prepared statements. |
- Fixed BUG#8812, NON_UNIQUE column from DBMD.getIndexInfo() returned |
inverted value. |
- Workaround for server BUG#9098 - default values of CURRENT_* for |
DATE/TIME/TIMESTAMP/TIMESTAMP columns can't be distinguished from |
'string' values, so UpdatableResultSet.moveToInsertRow() generates |
bad SQL for inserting default values. |
- Fixed BUG#8629 - 'EUCKR' charset is sent as 'SET NAMES euc_kr' which |
MySQL-4.1 and newer doesn't understand. |
- DatabaseMetaData.supportsSelectForUpdate() returns correct value based |
on server version. |
- Use hex escapes for PreparedStatement.setBytes() for double-byte charsets |
including 'aliases' Windows-31J, CP934, MS932. |
- Added support for the "EUC_JP_Solaris" character encoding, which maps |
to a MySQL encoding of "eucjpms" (backported from 3.1 branch). This only |
works on servers that support eucjpms, namely 5.0.3 or later. |
11-15-04 - Version 3.0.16-ga |
- Re-issue character set configuration commands when re-using pooled |
connections and/or Connection.changeUser() when connected to MySQL-4.1 |
or newer. |
- Fixed ResultSetMetaData.isReadOnly() to detect non-writable columns |
when connected to MySQL-4.1 or newer, based on existence of 'original' |
table and column names. |
- Fixed BUG#5664, ResultSet.updateByte() when on insert row |
throws ArrayOutOfBoundsException. |
- Fixed DatabaseMetaData.getTypes() returning incorrect (i.e. non-negative) |
scale for the 'NUMERIC' type. |
- Fixed BUG#6198, off-by-one bug in Buffer.readString(string). |
- Made TINYINT(1) -> BIT/Boolean conversion configurable via 'tinyInt1isBit' |
property (default 'true' to be JDBC compliant out of the box). |
- Only set 'character_set_results' during connection establishment if |
server version >= 4.1.1. |
- Fixed regression where useUnbufferedInput was defaulting to 'false'. |
- Fixed BUG#6231, ResultSet.getTimestamp() on a column with TIME in it |
fails. |
09-04-04 - Version 3.0.15-ga |
- Fixed BUG#4010 - StringUtils.escapeEasternUnicodeByteStream is still |
broken for GBK |
- Fixed BUG#4334 - Failover for autoReconnect not using port #'s for any |
hosts, and not retrying all hosts. (WARN: This required a change to |
the SocketFactory connect() method signature, which is now |
public Socket connect(String host, int portNumber, Properties props), |
therefore any third-party socket factories will have to be changed |
to support this signature. |
- Logical connections created by MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource will |
now issue a rollback() when they are closed and sent back to the pool. |
If your application server/connection pool already does this for you, you |
can set the 'rollbackOnPooledClose' property to false to avoid the |
overhead of an extra rollback(). |
- Removed redundant calls to checkRowPos() in ResultSet. |
- Fixed BUG#4742, 'DOUBLE' mapped twice in DBMD.getTypeInfo(). |
- Added FLOSS license exemption. |
- Fixed BUG#4808, calling .close() twice on a PooledConnection causes NPE. |
- Fixed BUG#4138 and BUG#4860, DBMD.getColumns() returns incorrect JDBC |
type for unsigned columns. This affects type mappings for all numeric |
types in the RSMD.getColumnType() and RSMD.getColumnTypeNames() methods |
as well, to ensure that 'like' types from DBMD.getColumns() match up |
with what RSMD.getColumnType() and getColumnTypeNames() return. |
- 'Production' - 'GA' in naming scheme of distributions. |
- Fix for BUG#4880, RSMD.getPrecision() returning 0 for non-numeric types |
(should return max length in chars for non-binary types, max length |
in bytes for binary types). This fix also fixes mapping of |
RSMD.getColumnType() and RSMD.getColumnTypeName() for the BLOB types based |
on the length sent from the server (the server doesn't distinguish between |
TINYBLOB, BLOB, MEDIUMBLOB or LONGBLOB at the network protocol level). |
- Fixed BUG#5022 - ResultSet should release Field[] instance in .close(). |
- Fixed BUG#5069 -- ResultSet.getMetaData() should not return |
incorrectly-initialized metadata if the result set has been closed, but |
should instead throw a SQLException. Also fixed for getRow() and |
getWarnings() and traversal methods by calling checkClosed() before |
operating on instance-level fields that are nullified during .close(). |
- Parse new timezone variables from 4.1.x servers. |
- Use _binary introducer for PreparedStatement.setBytes() and |
set*Stream() when connected to MySQL-4.1.x or newer to avoid |
misinterpretation during character conversion. |
05-28-04 - Version 3.0.14-production |
- Fixed URL parsing error |
05-27-04 - Version 3.0.13-production |
- Fixed BUG#3848 - Using a MySQLDatasource without server name fails |
- Fixed BUG#3920 - "No Database Selected" when using |
MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource. |
- Fixed BUG#3873 - PreparedStatement.getGeneratedKeys() method returns only |
1 result for batched insertions |
05-18-04 - Version 3.0.12-production |
- Add unsigned attribute to DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() output |
in the TYPE_NAME column. |
- Added 'failOverReadOnly' property, to allow end-user to configure |
state of connection (read-only/writable) when failed over. |
- Backported 'change user' and 'reset server state' functionality |
from 3.1 branch, to allow clients of MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource |
to reset server state on getConnection() on a pooled connection. |
- Don't escape SJIS/GBK/BIG5 when using MySQL-4.1 or newer. |
- Allow 'url' parameter for MysqlDataSource and MysqlConnectionPool |
DataSource so that passing of other properties is possible from |
inside appservers. |
- Map duplicate key and foreign key errors to SQLState of |
'23000'. |
- Backport documentation tooling from 3.1 branch. |
- Return creating statement for ResultSets created by |
getGeneratedKeys() (BUG#2957) |
- Allow java.util.Date to be sent in as parameter to |
PreparedStatement.setObject(), converting it to a Timestamp |
to maintain full precision (BUG#3103). |
- Don't truncate BLOBs/CLOBs when using setBytes() and/or |
setBinary/CharacterStream() (BUG#2670). |
- Dynamically configure character set mappings for field-level |
character sets on MySQL-4.1.0 and newer using 'SHOW COLLATION' |
when connecting. |
- Map 'binary' character set to 'US-ASCII' to support DATETIME |
charset recognition for servers >= 4.1.2 |
- Use 'SET character_set_results" during initialization to allow any |
charset to be returned to the driver for result sets. |
- Use charsetnr returned during connect to encode queries before |
issuing 'SET NAMES' on MySQL >= 4.1.0. |
- Add helper methods to ResultSetMetaData (getColumnCharacterEncoding() |
and getColumnCharacterSet()) to allow end-users to see what charset |
the driver thinks it should be using for the column. |
- Only set character_set_results for MySQL >= 4.1.0. |
- Fixed BUG |
eastern double-byte charsets correctly. |
- Renamed StringUtils.escapeSJISByteStream() to more appropriate |
escapeEasternUnicodeByteStream(). |
- Fixed BUG |
exception. |
- Auto-convert MySQL encoding names to Java encoding names if used |
for characterEncoding property. |
- Added encoding names that are recognized on some JVMs to fix case |
where they were reverse-mapped to MySQL encoding names incorrectly. |
- Use junit.textui.TestRunner for all unit tests (to allow them to be |
run from the command line outside of Ant or Eclipse). |
- Fixed BUG |
for moveToInsertRow(). |
- Fixed BUG |
still doesn't return all types for *BLOBs *TEXT correctly, so the |
driver won't return those correctly. |
- Fixed BUG |
- Fixed regression in PreparedStatement.setString() and eastern character |
encodings. |
- Made StringRegressionTest 4.1-unicode aware. |
02-19-04 - Version 3.0.11-stable |
- Trigger a 'SET NAMES utf8' when encoding is forced to 'utf8' _or_ |
'utf-8' via the 'characterEncoding' property. Previously, only the |
Java-style encoding name of 'utf-8' would trigger this. |
- AutoReconnect time was growing faster than exponentially (BUG |
- Fixed failover always going to last host in list (BUG |
- Added 'useUnbufferedInput' parameter, and now use it by default |
(due to JVM issue |
http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/bugParade/bugs/4401235.html) |
- Detect 'on/off' or '1','2','3' form of lower_case_table_names on |
server. |
- Return 'java.lang.Integer' for TINYINT and SMALLINT types from |
ResultSetMetaData.getColumnClassName() (fix for BUG |
- Return 'java.lang.Double' for FLOAT type from ResultSetMetaData. |
getColumnClassName() (fix for BUG |
- Return '[B' instead of java.lang.Object for BINARY, VARBINARY and |
LONGVARBINARY types from ResultSetMetaData.getColumnClassName() |
(JDBC compliance). |
01-13-04 - Version 3.0.10-stable |
- Don't count quoted id's when inside a 'string' in PreparedStatement |
parsing (fix for BUG |
- 'Friendlier' exception message for PacketTooLargeException |
(BUG |
- Backported fix for aliased tables and UpdatableResultSets in |
checkUpdatability() method from 3.1 branch. |
- Fix for ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception when using Statement.setMaxRows() |
(BUG |
- Fixed BUG |
read correctly. |
- Fixed regression of Statement.getGeneratedKeys() and REPLACE statements. |
- Fixed BUG |
result set is not updatable. |
- Fix for 4.1.1-style auth with no password. |
- Fix for BUG |
DatabaseMetaData.getImported/Exported/CrossReference(). |
- Fix for BUG |
bad function 'VResultsSion'. |
- Fix for BUG |
are not checked for updatability correctly. |
- DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() should return Types.LONGVARCHAR for |
- ResultSet.getObject() on TINYINT and SMALLINT columns should return |
Java type 'Integer' (BUG |
- Added 'alwaysClearStream' connection property, which causes the driver |
to always empty any remaining data on the input stream before |
each query. |
- Added more descriptive error message 'Server Configuration Denies |
Access to DataSource', as well as retrieval of message from server. |
- Autoreconnect code didn't set catalog upon reconnect if it had been |
changed. |
- Implement ResultSet.updateClob(). |
- ResultSetMetaData.isCaseSensitive() returned wrong value for CHAR/VARCHAR |
columns. |
- Fix for BUG |
- Fix for BUG |
DBMD.extractForeignKeyFromCreateTable(). |
- Fix for BUG |
- Fix for BUG |
number of parameters + 1. |
- Fix for BUG |
column name when there are duplicate column names in SELECT query |
(JDBC-compliance). |
- Removed static synchronization bottleneck from |
PreparedStatement.setTimestamp(). |
- Removed static synchronization bottleneck from instance factory |
method of SingleByteCharsetConverter. |
- Enable caching of the parsing stage of prepared statements via |
the 'cachePrepStmts', 'prepStmtCacheSize' and 'prepStmtCacheSqlLimit' |
properties (disabled by default). |
- Speed up parsing of PreparedStatements, try to use one-pass whenever |
possible. |
- Fixed security exception when used in Applets (applets can't |
read the system property 'file.encoding' which is needed |
- Use constants for SQLStates. |
- Map charset 'ko18_ru' to 'ko18r' when connected to MySQL-4.1.0 or |
newer. |
- Ensure that Buffer.writeString() saves room for the \0. |
- Fixed exception 'Unknown character set 'danish' on connect w/ JDK-1.4.0 |
- Fixed mappings in SQLError to report deadlocks with SQLStates of '41000'. |
- 'maxRows' property would affect internal statements, so check it for all |
statement creation internal to the driver, and set to 0 when it is not. |
10-07-03 - Version 3.0.9-stable |
- Faster date handling code in ResultSet and PreparedStatement (no longer |
uses Date methods that synchronize on static calendars). |
- Fixed test for end of buffer in Buffer.readString(). |
- Fixed ResultSet.previous() behavior to move current |
position to before result set when on first row |
of result set (bugs.mysql.com BUG |
- Fixed Statement and PreparedStatement issuing bogus queries |
when setMaxRows() had been used and a LIMIT clause was present |
in the query. |
- Fixed BUG |
contained values that needed to be escaped (they ended up being |
doubly-escaped). |
- Support InnoDB contraint names when extracting foreign key info |
in DatabaseMetaData BUG |
(impl. ideas from Parwinder Sekhon) |
- Backported 4.1 protocol changes from 3.1 branch (server-side SQL |
states, new field info, larger client capability flags, |
connect-with-database, etc). |
- Fix UpdatableResultSet to return values for getXXX() when on |
insert row (BUG |
- The insertRow in an UpdatableResultSet is now loaded with |
the default column values when moveToInsertRow() is called |
(BUG |
- DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() wasn't returning NULL for |
default values that are specified as NULL. |
- Change default statement type/concurrency to TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY |
and CONCUR_READ_ONLY (spec compliance). |
- Don't try and reset isolation level on reconnect if MySQL doesn't |
support them. |
- Don't wrap SQLExceptions in RowDataDynamic. |
- Don't change timestamp TZ twice if useTimezone==true (BUG |
- Fixed regression in large split-packet handling (BUG |
- Better diagnostic error messages in exceptions for 'streaming' |
result sets. |
- Issue exception on ResultSet.getXXX() on empty result set (wasn't |
caught in some cases). |
- Don't hide messages from exceptions thrown in I/O layers. |
- Don't fire connection closed events when closing pooled connections, or |
on PooledConnection.getConnection() with already open connections (BUG |
- Clip +/- INF (to smallest and largest representative values for the type in |
MySQL) and NaN (to 0) for setDouble/setFloat(), and issue a warning on the |
statement when the server does not support +/- INF or NaN. |
- Fix for BUG |
appears in non-escaped input. |
- When emptying input stream of unused rows for 'streaming' result sets, |
have the current thread yield() every 100 rows in order to not monopolize |
CPU time. |
- Fixed BUG |
keyword 'set' in character columns. |
- Fixed deadlock issue with Statement.setMaxRows(). |
- Fixed CLOB.truncate(), BUG |
- Optimized CLOB.setChracterStream(), BUG |
- Made databaseName, portNumber and serverName optional parameters |
for MysqlDataSourceFactory (BUG |
- Fix for BUG |
- Backported auth. changes for 4.1.1 and newer from 3.1 branch. |
- Added com.mysql.jdbc.util.BaseBugReport to help creation of testcases |
for bug reports. |
- Added property to 'clobber' streaming results, by setting the |
'clobberStreamingResults' property to 'true' (the default is 'false'). |
This will cause a 'streaming' ResultSet to be automatically |
closed, and any oustanding data still streaming from the server to |
be discarded if another query is executed before all the data has been |
read from the server. |
05-23-03 - Version 3.0.8-stable |
- Allow bogus URLs in Driver.getPropertyInfo(). |
- Return list of generated keys when using multi-value INSERTS |
with Statement.getGeneratedKeys(). |
- Use JVM charset with filenames and 'LOAD DATA [LOCAL] INFILE' |
- Fix infinite loop with Connection.cleanup(). |
- Changed Ant target 'compile-core' to 'compile-driver', and |
made testsuite compilation a separate target. |
- Fixed result set not getting set for Statement.executeUpdate(), |
which affected getGeneratedKeys() and getUpdateCount() in |
some cases. |
- Unicode character 0xFFFF in a string would cause the driver to |
throw an ArrayOutOfBoundsException (Bug |
- Return correct amount of generated keys when using 'REPLACE' |
statements. |
- Fix problem detecting server character set in some cases. |
- Fix row data decoding error when using _very_ large packets. |
- Optimized row data decoding. |
- Issue exception when operating on an already-closed |
prepared statement. |
- Fixed SJIS encoding bug, thanks to Naoto Sato. |
- Optimized usage of EscapeProcessor. |
- Allow multiple calls to Statement.close() |
04-08-03 - Version 3.0.7-stable |
- Fixed MysqlPooledConnection.close() calling wrong event type. |
- Fixed StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in PreparedStatement. |
setClob(). |
- 4.1 Column Metadata fixes |
- Remove synchronization from Driver.connect() and |
Driver.acceptsUrl(). |
- IOExceptions during a transaction now cause the Connection to |
be closed. |
- Fixed missing conversion for 'YEAR' type in ResultSetMetaData. |
getColumnTypeName(). |
- Don't pick up indexes that start with 'pri' as primary keys |
for DBMD.getPrimaryKeys(). |
- Throw SQLExceptions when trying to do operations on a forcefully |
closed Connection (i.e. when a communication link failure occurs). |
- You can now toggle profiling on/off using |
Connection.setProfileSql(boolean). |
- Fixed charset issues with database metadata (charset was not |
getting set correctly). |
- Updatable ResultSets can now be created for aliased tables/columns |
when connected to MySQL-4.1 or newer. |
- Fixed 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE' bug when file > max_allowed_packet. |
- Fixed escaping of 0x5c ('\') character for GBK and Big5 charsets. |
- Fixed ResultSet.getTimestamp() when underlying field is of type DATE. |
- Ensure that packet size from alignPacketSize() does not |
- Don't reset Connection.isReadOnly() when autoReconnecting. |
02-18-03 - Version 3.0.6-stable |
- Fixed ResultSetMetaData to return "" when catalog not known. |
Fixes NullPointerExceptions with Sun's CachedRowSet. |
- Fixed DBMD.getTypeInfo() and DBMD.getColumns() returning |
different value for precision in TEXT/BLOB types. |
- Allow ignoring of warning for 'non transactional tables' during |
rollback (compliance/usability) by setting 'ignoreNonTxTables' |
property to 'true'. |
- Fixed SQLExceptions getting swallowed on initial connect. |
- Fixed Statement.setMaxRows() to stop sending 'LIMIT' type queries |
when not needed (performance) |
- Clean up Statement query/method mismatch tests (i.e. INSERT not |
allowed with .executeQuery()). |
- More checks added in ResultSet traversal method to catch |
when in closed state. |
- Fixed ResultSetMetaData.isWritable() to return correct value. |
- Add 'window' of different NULL sorting behavior to |
DBMD.nullsAreSortedAtStart (4.0.2 to 4.0.10, true, otherwise, |
no). |
- Implemented Blob.setBytes(). You still need to pass the |
resultant Blob back into an updatable ResultSet or |
PreparedStatement to persist the changes, as MySQL does |
not support 'locators'. |
- Backported 4.1 charset field info changes from Connector/J 3.1 |
01-22-03 - Version 3.0.5-gamma |
- Fixed Buffer.fastSkipLenString() causing ArrayIndexOutOfBounds |
exceptions with some queries when unpacking fields. |
- Implemented an empty TypeMap for Connection.getTypeMap() so that |
some third-party apps work with MySQL (IBM WebSphere 5.0 Connection |
pool). |
- Added missing LONGTEXT type to DBMD.getColumns(). |
- Retrieve TX_ISOLATION from database for |
Connection.getTransactionIsolation() when the MySQL version |
supports it, instead of an instance variable. |
- Quote table names in DatabaseMetaData.getColumns(), |
getPrimaryKeys(), getIndexInfo(), getBestRowIdentifier() |
- Greatly reduce memory required for setBinaryStream() in |
PreparedStatements. |
- Fixed ResultSet.isBeforeFirst() for empty result sets. |
- Added update options for foreign key metadata. |
01-06-03 - Version 3.0.4-gamma |
- Added quoted identifiers to database names for |
Connection.setCatalog. |
- Added support for quoted identifiers in PreparedStatement |
parser. |
- Streamlined character conversion and byte[] handling in |
PreparedStatements for setByte(). |
- Reduce memory footprint of PreparedStatements by sharing |
outbound packet with MysqlIO. |
- Added 'strictUpdates' property to allow control of amount |
of checking for 'correctness' of updatable result sets. Set this |
to 'false' if you want faster updatable result sets and you know |
that you create them from SELECTs on tables with primary keys and |
that you have selected all primary keys in your query. |
- Added support for 4.0.8-style large packets. |
- Fixed PreparedStatement.executeBatch() parameter overwriting. |
12-17-02 - Version 3.0.3-dev |
- Changed charsToByte in SingleByteCharConverter to be non-static |
- Changed SingleByteCharConverter to use lazy initialization of each |
converter. |
- Fixed charset handling in Fields.java |
- Implemented Connection.nativeSQL() |
- More robust escape tokenizer |
nested escape sequences (see testsuite.EscapeProcessingTest) |
- DBMD.getImported/ExportedKeys() now handles multiple foreign keys |
per table. |
- Fixed ResultSetMetaData.getPrecision() returning incorrect values |
for some floating point types. |
- Fixed ResultSetMetaData.getColumnTypeName() returning BLOB for |
TEXT and TEXT for BLOB types. |
- Fixed Buffer.isLastDataPacket() for 4.1 and newer servers. |
- Added CLIENT_LONG_FLAG to be able to get more column flags |
(isAutoIncrement() being the most important) |
- Because of above, implemented ResultSetMetaData.isAutoIncrement() |
to use Field.isAutoIncrement(). |
- Honor 'lower_case_table_names' when enabled in the server when |
doing table name comparisons in DatabaseMetaData methods. |
- Some MySQL-4.1 protocol support (extended field info from selects) |
- Use non-aliased table/column names and database names to fullly |
qualify tables and columns in UpdatableResultSet (requires |
MySQL-4.1 or newer) |
- Allow user to alter behavior of Statement/ |
PreparedStatement.executeBatch() via 'continueBatchOnError' property |
(defaults to 'true'). |
- Check for connection closed in more Connection methods |
(createStatement, prepareStatement, setTransactionIsolation, |
setAutoCommit). |
- More robust implementation of updatable result sets. Checks that |
_all_ primary keys of the table have been selected. |
- 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ...' now works, if your server is configured |
to allow it. Can be turned off with the 'allowLoadLocalInfile' |
property (see the README). |
- Substitute '?' for unknown character conversions in single-byte |
character sets instead of '\0'. |
- NamedPipeSocketFactory now works (only intended for Windows), see |
README for instructions. |
11-08-02 - Version 3.0.2-dev |
- Fixed issue with updatable result sets and PreparedStatements not |
working |
- Fixed ResultSet.setFetchDirection(FETCH_UNKNOWN) |
- Fixed issue when calling Statement.setFetchSize() when using |
arbitrary values |
- Fixed incorrect conversion in ResultSet.getLong() |
- Implemented ResultSet.updateBlob(). |
- Removed duplicate code from UpdatableResultSet (it can be inherited |
from ResultSet, the extra code for each method to handle updatability |
I thought might someday be necessary has not been needed). |
- Fixed "UnsupportedEncodingException" thrown when "forcing" a |
character encoding via properties. |
- Fixed various non-ASCII character encoding issues. |
- Added driver property 'useHostsInPrivileges'. Defaults to true. |
Affects whether or not '@hostname' will be used in |
DBMD.getColumn/TablePrivileges. |
- All DBMD result set columns describing schemas now return NULL |
to be more compliant with the behavior of other JDBC drivers |
for other databases (MySQL does not support schemas). |
- Added SSL support. See README for information on how to use it. |
- Properly restore connection properties when autoReconnecting |
or failing-over, including autoCommit state, and isolation level. |
- Use 'SHOW CREATE TABLE' when possible for determining foreign key |
information for DatabaseMetaData...also allows cascade options for |
DELETE information to be returned |
- Escape 0x5c character in strings for the SJIS charset. |
- Fixed start position off-by-1 error in Clob.getSubString() |
- Implemented Clob.truncate() |
- Implemented Clob.setString() |
- Implemented Clob.setAsciiStream() |
- Implemented Clob.setCharacterStream() |
- Added com.mysql.jdbc.MiniAdmin class, which allows you to send |
'shutdown' command to MySQL server...Intended to be used when 'embedding' |
Java and MySQL server together in an end-user application. |
- Added 'connectTimeout' parameter that allows users of JDK-1.4 and newer |
to specify a maxium time to wait to establish a connection. |
- Failover and autoReconnect only work when the connection is in a |
autoCommit(false) state, in order to stay transaction safe |
- Added 'queriesBeforeRetryMaster' property that specifies how many |
queries to issue when failed over before attempting to reconnect |
to the master (defaults to 50) |
- Fixed DBMD.supportsResultSetConcurrency() so that it returns true |
- Fixed ResultSet.isLast() for empty result sets (should return false). |
- PreparedStatement now honors stream lengths in setBinary/Ascii/Character |
Stream() unless you set the connection property |
'useStreamLengthsInPrepStmts' to 'false'. |
- Removed some not-needed temporary object creation by using Strings |
smarter in EscapeProcessor, Connection and DatabaseMetaData classes. |
09-21-02 - Version 3.0.1-dev |
- Fixed ResultSet.getRow() off-by-one bug. |
- Fixed RowDataStatic.getAt() off-by-one bug. |
- Added limited Clob functionality (ResultSet.getClob(), |
PreparedStatemtent.setClob(), |
PreparedStatement.setObject(Clob). |
- Added socketTimeout parameter to URL. |
- Connection.isClosed() no longer "pings" the server. |
- Connection.close() issues rollback() when getAutoCommit() == false |
- Added "paranoid" parameter...sanitizes error messages removing |
"sensitive" information from them (i.e. hostnames, ports, |
usernames, etc.), as well as clearing "sensitive" data structures |
when possible. |
- Fixed ResultSetMetaData.isSigned() for TINYINT and BIGINT. |
- Charsets now automatically detected. Optimized code for single-byte |
character set conversion. |
- Implemented ResultSet.getCharacterStream() |
- Added "LOCAL TEMPORARY" to table types in DatabaseMetaData.getTableTypes() |
- Massive code clean-up to follow Java coding conventions (the time had come) |
07-31-02 - Version 3.0.0-dev |
- !!! LICENSE CHANGE !!! The driver is now GPL. If you need |
non-GPL licenses, please contact me <[email protected]> |
- JDBC-3.0 functionality including |
Statement/PreparedStatement.getGeneratedKeys() and |
ResultSet.getURL() |
- Performance enchancements - driver is now 50-100% faster |
in most situations, and creates fewer temporary objects |
- Repackaging...new driver name is "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", |
old name still works, though (the driver is now provided |
by MySQL-AB) |
- Better checking for closed connections in Statement |
and PreparedStatement. |
- Support for streaming (row-by-row) result sets (see README) |
Thanks to Doron. |
- Support for large packets (new addition to MySQL-4.0 protocol), |
see README for more information. |
- JDBC Compliance |
- Fix and sort primary key names in DBMetaData (SF bugs 582086 and 582086) |
- Float types now reported as java.sql.Types.FLOAT (SF bug 579573) |
- ResultSet.getTimestamp() now works for DATE types (SF bug 559134) |
- ResultSet.getDate/Time/Timestamp now recognizes all forms of invalid |
values that have been set to all zeroes by MySQL (SF bug 586058) |
- Testsuite now uses Junit (which you can get from www.junit.org) |
- The driver now only works with JDK-1.2 or newer. |
- Added multi-host failover support (see README) |
- General source-code cleanup. |
- Overall speed improvements via controlling transient object |
creation in MysqlIO class when reading packets |
- Performance improvements in string handling and field |
metadata creation (lazily instantiated) contributed by |
Alex Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes |
05-16-02 - Version 2.0.14 |
- More code cleanup |
- PreparedStatement now releases resources on .close() (SF bug 553268) |
- Quoted identifiers not used if server version does not support them. Also, |
if server started with |
used as an identifier quote, otherwise '`' will be used. |
- ResultSet.getDouble() now uses code built into JDK to be more precise (but slower) |
- LogicalHandle.isClosed() calls through to physical connection |
- Added SQL profiling (to STDERR). Set "profileSql=true" in your JDBC url. |
See README for more information. |
- Fixed typo for relaxAutoCommit parameter. |
04-24-02 - Version 2.0.13 |
- More code cleanup. |
- Fixed unicode chars being read incorrectly (SF bug 541088) |
- Faster blob escaping for PrepStmt |
- Added set/getPortNumber() to DataSource(s) (SF bug 548167) |
- Added setURL() to MySQLXADataSource (SF bug 546019) |
- PreparedStatement.toString() fixed (SF bug 534026) |
- ResultSetMetaData.getColumnClassName() now implemented |
- Rudimentary version of Statement.getGeneratedKeys() from JDBC-3.0 |
now implemented (you need to be using JDK-1.4 for this to work, I |
believe) |
- DBMetaData.getIndexInfo() - bad PAGES fixed (SF BUG 542201) |
04-07-02 - Version 2.0.12 |
- General code cleanup. |
- Added getIdleFor() method to Connection and MysqlLogicalHandle. |
- Relaxed synchronization in all classes, should fix 520615 and 520393. |
- Added getTable/ColumnPrivileges() to DBMD (fixes 484502). |
- Added new types to getTypeInfo(), fixed existing types thanks to |
Al Davis and Kid Kalanon. |
- Added support for BIT types (51870) to PreparedStatement. |
- Fixed getRow() bug (527165) in ResultSet |
- Fixes for ResultSet updatability in PreparedStatement. |
- Fixed timezone off by 1-hour bug in PreparedStatement (538286, 528785). |
- ResultSet: Fixed updatability (values being set to null |
if not updated). |
- DataSources - fixed setUrl bug (511614, 525565), |
wrong datasource class name (532816, 528767) |
- Added identifier quoting to all DatabaseMetaData methods |
that need them (should fix 518108) |
- Added support for YEAR type (533556) |
- ResultSet.insertRow() should now detect auto_increment fields |
in most cases and use that value in the new row. This detection |
will not work in multi-valued keys, however, due to the fact that |
the MySQL protocol does not return this information. |
- ResultSet.refreshRow() implemented. |
- Fixed testsuite.Traversal afterLast() bug, thanks to Igor Lastric. |
01-27-02 - Version 2.0.11 |
- Fixed missing DELETE_RULE value in |
DBMD.getImported/ExportedKeys() and getCrossReference(). |
- Full synchronization of Statement.java. |
- More changes to fix "Unexpected end of input stream" |
errors when reading BLOBs. This should be the last fix. |
01-24-02 - Version 2.0.10 |
- Fixed spurious "Unexpected end of input stream" errors in |
MysqlIO (bug 507456). |
- Fixed null-pointer-exceptions when using |
MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource with Websphere 4 (bug 505839). |
01-13-02 - Version 2.0.9 |
- Ant build was corrupting included jar files, fixed |
(bug 487669). |
- Fixed extra memory allocation in MysqlIO.readPacket() |
(bug 488663). |
- Implementation of DatabaseMetaData.getExported/ImportedKeys() and |
getCrossReference(). |
- Full synchronization on methods modifying instance and class-shared |
references, driver should be entirely thread-safe now (please |
let me know if you have problems) |
- DataSource implementations moved to org.gjt.mm.mysql.jdbc2.optional |
package, and (initial) implementations of PooledConnectionDataSource |
and XADataSource are in place (thanks to Todd Wolff for the |
implementation and testing of PooledConnectionDataSource with |
IBM WebSphere 4). |
- Added detection of network connection being closed when reading packets |
(thanks to Todd Lizambri). |
- Fixed quoting error with escape processor (bug 486265). |
- Report batch update support through DatabaseMetaData (bug 495101). |
- Fixed off-by-one-hour error in PreparedStatement.setTimestamp() |
(bug 491577). |
- Removed concatenation support from driver (the '||' operator), |
as older versions of VisualAge seem to be the only thing that |
use it, and it conflicts with the logical '||' operator. You will |
need to start mysqld with the "--ansi" flag to use the '||' |
operator as concatenation (bug 491680) |
- Fixed casting bug in PreparedStatement (bug 488663). |
11-25-01 - Version 2.0.8 |
- Batch updates now supported (thanks to some inspiration |
from Daniel Rall). |
- XADataSource/ConnectionPoolDataSource code (experimental) |
- PreparedStatement.setAnyNumericType() now handles positive |
exponents correctly (adds "+" so MySQL can understand it). |
- DatabaseMetaData.getPrimaryKeys() and getBestRowIdentifier() |
are now more robust in identifying primary keys (matches |
regardless of case or abbreviation/full spelling of Primary Key |
in Key_type column). |
10-24-01 - Version 2.0.7 |
- PreparedStatement.setCharacterStream() now implemented |
- Fixed dangling socket problem when in high availability |
(autoReconnect=true) mode, and finalizer for Connection will |
close any dangling sockets on GC. |
- Fixed ResultSetMetaData.getPrecision() returning one |
less than actual on newer versions of MySQL. |
- ResultSet.getBlob() now returns null if column value |
was null. |
- Character sets read from database if useUnicode=true |
and characterEncoding is not set. (thanks to |
Dmitry Vereshchagin) |
- Initial transaction isolation level read from |
database (if avaialable) (thanks to Dmitry Vereshchagin) |
- Fixed DatabaseMetaData.supportsTransactions(), and |
supportsTransactionIsolationLevel() and getTypeInfo() |
SQL_DATETIME_SUB and SQL_DATA_TYPE fields not being |
readable. |
- Fixed PreparedStatement generating SQL that would end |
up with syntax errors for some queries. |
- Fixed ResultSet.isAfterLast() always returning false. |
- Fixed timezone issue in PreparedStatement.setTimestamp() |
(thanks to Erik Olofsson) |
- Captialize type names when "captializeTypeNames=true" |
is passed in URL or properties (for WebObjects, thanks |
to Anjo Krank) |
- Updatable result sets now correctly handle NULL |
values in fields. |
- PreparedStatement.setDouble() now uses full-precision |
doubles (reverting a fix made earlier to truncate them). |
- PreparedStatement.setBoolean() will use 1/0 for values |
if your MySQL Version >= 3.21.23. |
06-16-01 - Version 2.0.6 |
Fixed PreparedStatement parameter checking |
- Fixed case-sensitive column names in ResultSet.java |
06-13-01 - Version 2.0.5 |
- Fixed ResultSet.getBlob() ArrayIndex out-of-bounds |
- Fixed ResultSetMetaData.getColumnTypeName for TEXT/BLOB |
- Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBounds when sending large BLOB queries |
(Max size packet was not being set) |
- Added ISOLATION level support to Connection.setIsolationLevel() |
- Fixed NPE on PreparedStatement.executeUpdate() when all columns |
have not been set. |
- Fixed data parsing of TIMESTAMPs with 2-digit years |
- Added Byte to PreparedStatement.setObject() |
- ResultSet.getBoolean() now recognizes '-1' as 'true' |
- ResultSet has +/-Inf/inf support |
- ResultSet.insertRow() works now, even if not all columns are |
set (they will be set to "NULL") |
- DataBaseMetaData.getCrossReference() no longer ArrayIndexOOB |
- getObject() on ResultSet correctly does TINYINT->Byte and |
12-03-00 - Version 2.0.3 |
- Implemented getBigDecimal() without scale component |
for JDBC2. |
- Fixed composite key problem with updateable result sets. |
- Added detection of -/+INF for doubles. |
- Faster ASCII string operations. |
- Fixed incorrect detection of MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET, so sending |
large blobs should work now. |
- Fixed off-by-one error in java.sql.Blob implementation code. |
- Added "ultraDevHack" URL parameter, set to "true" to allow |
(broken) Macromedia UltraDev to use the driver. |
04-06-00 - Version 2.0.1 |
- Fixed RSMD.isWritable() returning wrong value. |
Thanks to Moritz Maass. |
- Cleaned up exception handling when driver connects |
- Columns that are of type TEXT now return as Strings |
when you use getObject() |
- DatabaseMetaData.getPrimaryKeys() now works correctly wrt |
to key_seq. Thanks to Brian Slesinsky. |
- No escape processing is done on PreparedStatements anymore |
per JDBC spec. |
- Fixed many JDBC-2.0 traversal, positioning bugs, especially |
wrt to empty result sets. Thanks to Ron Smits, Nick Brook, |
Cessar Garcia and Carlos Martinez. |
- Fixed some issues with updatability support in ResultSet when |
using multiple primary keys. |
02-21-00 - Version 2.0pre5 |
- Fixed Bad Handshake problem. |
01-10-00 - Version 2.0pre4 |
- Fixes to ResultSet for insertRow() - Thanks to |
Cesar Garcia |
- Fix to Driver to recognize JDBC-2.0 by loading a JDBC-2.0 |
class, instead of relying on JDK version numbers. Thanks |
to John Baker. |
- Fixed ResultSet to return correct row numbers |
- Statement.getUpdateCount() now returns rows matched, |
instead of rows actually updated, which is more SQL-92 |
like. |
10-29-99 |
- Statement/PreparedStatement.getMoreResults() bug fixed. |
Thanks to Noel J. Bergman. |
- Added Short as a type to PreparedStatement.setObject(). |
Thanks to Jeff Crowder |
- Driver now automagically configures maximum/preferred packet |
sizes by querying server. |
- Autoreconnect code uses fast ping command if server supports |
it. |
- Fixed various bugs wrt. to packet sizing when reading from |
the server and when alloc'ing to write to the server. |
08-17-99 - Version 2.0pre |
- Now compiles under JDK-1.2. The driver supports both JDK-1.1 |
and JDK-1.2 at the same time through a core set of classes. |
The driver will load the appropriate interface classes at |
runtime by figuring out which JVM version you are using. |
- Fixes for result sets with all nulls in the first row. |
(Pointed out by Tim Endres) |
- Fixes to column numbers in SQLExceptions in ResultSet |
(Thanks to Blas Rodriguez Somoza) |
- The database no longer needs to specified to connect. |
(Thanks to Christian Motschke) |
07-04-99 - Version 1.2b |
- Better Documentation (in progress), in doc/mm.doc/book1.html |
- DBMD now allows null for a column name pattern (not in |
spec), which it changes to '%'. |
- DBMD now has correct types/lengths for getXXX(). |
- ResultSet.getDate(), getTime(), and getTimestamp() fixes. |
(contributed by Alan Wilken) |
- EscapeProcessor now handles \{ \} and { or } inside quotes |
correctly. (thanks to Alik for some ideas on how to fix it) |
- Fixes to properties handling in Connection. |
(contributed by Juho Tikkala) |
- ResultSet.getObject() now returns null for NULL columns |
in the table, rather than bombing out. |
(thanks to Ben Grosman) |
- ResultSet.getObject() now returns Strings for types |
from MySQL that it doesn't know about. (Suggested by |
Chris Perdue) |
- Removed DataInput/Output streams, not needed, 1/2 number |
of method calls per IO operation. |
- Use default character encoding if one is not specified. This |
is a work-around for broken JVMs, because according to spec, |
EVERY JVM must support "ISO8859_1", but they don't. |
- Fixed Connection to use the platform character encoding |
instead of "ISO8859_1" if one isn't explicitly set. This |
fixes problems people were having loading the character- |
converter classes that didn't always exist (JVM bug). |
(thanks to Fritz Elfert for pointing out this problem) |
- Changed MysqlIO to re-use packets where possible to reduce |
memory usage. |
- Fixed escape-processor bugs pertaining to {} inside |
quotes. |
04-14-99 - Version 1.2a |
- Fixed character-set support for non-Javasoft JVMs |
(thanks to many people for pointing it out) |
- Fixed ResultSet.getBoolean() to recognize 'y' & 'n' |
as well as '1' & '0' as boolean flags. |
(thanks to Tim Pizey) |
- Fixed ResultSet.getTimestamp() to give better performance. |
(thanks to Richard Swift) |
- Fixed getByte() for numeric types. |
(thanks to Ray Bellis) |
- Fixed DatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo() for DATE type. |
(thanks to Paul Johnston) |
- Fixed EscapeProcessor for "fn" calls. |
(thanks to Piyush Shah at locomotive.org) |
- Fixed EscapeProcessor to not do extraneous work if there |
are no escape codes. |
(thanks to Ryan Gustafson) |
- Fixed Driver to parse URLs of the form "jdbc:mysql://host:port" |
(thanks to Richard Lobb) |
03-24-99 - Version 1.1i |
- Fixed Timestamps for PreparedStatements |
- Fixed null pointer exceptions in RSMD and RS |
- Re-compiled with jikes for valid class files (thanks ms!) |
03-08-99 - Version 1.1h |
- Fixed escape processor to deal with un-matched { and } |
(thanks to Craig Coles) |
- Fixed escape processor to create more portable (between |
DATETIME and TIMESTAMP types) representations so that |
it will work with BETWEEN clauses. |
(thanks to Craig Longman) |
- MysqlIO.quit() now closes the socket connection. Before, |
after many failed connections some OS's would run out |
of file descriptors. (thanks to Michael Brinkman) |
- Fixed NullPointerException in Driver.getPropertyInfo. |
(thanks to Dave Potts) |
- Fixes to MysqlDefs to allow all *text fields to be |
retrieved as Strings. |
(thanks to Chris at Leverage) |
- Fixed setDouble in PreparedStatement for large numbers |
to avoid sending scientific notation to the database. |
(thanks to J.S. Ferguson) |
- Fixed getScale() and getPrecision() in RSMD. |
(contrib'd by James Klicman) |
- Fixed getObject() when field was DECIMAL or NUMERIC |
(thanks to Bert Hobbs) |
- DBMD.getTables() bombed when passed a null table-name |
pattern. Fixed. (thanks to Richard Lobb) |
- Added check for "client not authorized" errors during |
connect. (thanks to Hannes Wallnoefer) |
02-19-99 - Version 1.1g |
- Result set rows are now byte arrays. Blobs and Unicode |
work bidriectonally now. The useUnicode and encoding |
options are implemented now. |
- Fixes to PreparedStatement to send binary set by |
setXXXStream to be sent un-touched to the MySQL server. |
- Fixes to getDriverPropertyInfo(). |
12-31-98 - Version 1.1f |
- Changed all ResultSet fields to Strings, this should allow |
Unicode to work, but your JVM must be able to convert |
between the character sets. This should also make reading |
data from the server be a bit quicker, because there is now |
no conversion from StringBuffer to String. |
- Changed PreparedStatement.streamToString() to be more |
efficient (code from Uwe Schaefer). |
- URL parsing is more robust (throws SQL exceptions on errors |
rather than NullPointerExceptions) |
- PreparedStatement now can convert Strings to Time/Date values |
via setObject() (code from Robert Currey). |
- IO no longer hangs in Buffer.readInt(), that bug was |
introduced in 1.1d when changing to all byte-arrays for |
result sets. (Pointed out by Samo Login) |
11-03-98 - Version 1.1b |
- Fixes to DatabaseMetaData to allow both IBM VA and J-Builder |
to work. Let me know how it goes. (thanks to Jac Kersing) |
- Fix to ResultSet.getBoolean() for NULL strings |
(thanks to Barry Lagerweij) |
- Beginning of code cleanup, and formatting. Getting ready |
to branch this off to a parallel JDBC-2.0 source tree. |
- Added "final" modifier to critical sections in MysqlIO and |
Buffer to allow compiler to inline methods for speed. |
9-29-98 |
- If object references passed to setXXX() in PreparedStatement are |
null, setNull() is automatically called for you. (Thanks for the |
suggestion goes to Erik Ostrom) |
- setObject() in PreparedStatement will now attempt to write a |
serialized representation of the object to the database for |
objects of Types.OTHER and objects of unknown type. |
- Util now has a static method readObject() which given a ResultSet |
and a column index will re-instantiate an object serialized in |
the above manner. |
9-02-98 - Vesion 1.1 |
- Got rid of "ugly hack" in MysqlIO.nextRow(). Rather than |
catch an exception, Buffer.isLastDataPacket() was fixed. |
- Connection.getCatalog() and Connection.setCatalog() |
should work now. |
- Statement.setMaxRows() works, as well as setting |
by property maxRows. Statement.setMaxRows() overrides |
maxRows set via properties or url parameters. |
- Automatic re-connection is available. Because it has |
to "ping" the database before each query, it is |
turned off by default. To use it, pass in "autoReconnect=true" |
in the connection URL. You may also change the number of |
reconnect tries, and the initial timeout value via |
"maxReconnects=n" (default 3) and "initialTimeout=n" |
(seconds, default 2) parameters. The timeout is an |
exponential backoff type of timeout, e.g. if you have initial |
timeout of 2 seconds, and maxReconnects of 3, then the driver |
will timeout 2 seconds, 4 seconds, then 16 seconds between each |
re-connection attempt. |
8-24-98 - Version 1.0 |
- Fixed handling of blob data in Buffer.java |
- Fixed bug with authentication packet being |
sized too small. |
- The JDBC Driver is now under the LPGL |
8-14-98 - |
- Fixed Buffer.readLenString() to correctly |
read data for BLOBS. |
- Fixed PreparedStatement.stringToStream to |
correctly read data for BLOBS. |
- Fixed PreparedStatement.setDate() to not |
add a day. |
(above fixes thanks to Vincent Partington) |
- Added URL parameter parsing (?user=... etc). |
8-04-98 - Version 0.9d |
- Big news! New package name. Tim Endres from ICE |
Engineering is starting a new source tree for |
GNU GPL'd Java software. He's graciously given |
me the org.gjt.mm package directory to use, so now |
the driver is in the org.gjt.mm.mysql package scheme. |
I'm "legal" now. Look for more information on Tim's |
project soon. |
- Now using dynamically sized packets to reduce |
memory usage when sending commands to the DB. |
- Small fixes to getTypeInfo() for parameters, etc. |
- DatabaseMetaData is now fully implemented. Let me |
know if these drivers work with the various IDEs |
out there. I've heard that they're working with |
JBuilder right now. |
- Added JavaDoc documentation to the package. |
- Package now available in .zip or .tar.gz. |
7-28-98 - Version 0.9 |
- Implemented getTypeInfo(). |
Connection.rollback() now throws an SQLException |
per the JDBC spec. |
- Added PreparedStatement that supports all JDBC API |
methods for PreparedStatement including InputStreams. |
Please check this out and let me know if anything is |
broken. |
- Fixed a bug in ResultSet that would break some |
queries that only returned 1 row. |
- Fixed bugs in DatabaseMetaData.getTables(), |
DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() and |
DatabaseMetaData.getCatalogs(). |
- Added functionality to Statement that allows |
executeUpdate() to store values for IDs that are |
automatically generated for AUTO_INCREMENT fields. |
Basically, after an executeUpdate(), look at the |
SQLWarnings for warnings like "LAST_INSERTED_ID = |
'some number', COMMAND = 'your SQL query'". |
If you are using AUTO_INCREMENT fields in your |
tables and are executing a lot of executeUpdate()s |
on one Statement, be sure to clearWarnings() every |
so often to save memory. |
7-06-98 - Version 0.8 |
- Split MysqlIO and Buffer to separate classes. Some |
ClassLoaders gave an IllegalAccess error for some |
fields in those two classes. Now mm.mysql works in |
applets and all classloaders. |
Thanks to Joe Ennis <[email protected]> for pointing |
out the problem and working on a fix with me. |
7-01-98 - Version 0.7 |
- Fixed DatabaseMetadata problems in getColumns() and |
bug in switch statement in the Field constructor. |
Thanks to Costin Manolache <[email protected]> for |
pointing these out. |
5-21-98 - Version 0.6 |
- Incorporated efficiency changes from |
Richard Swift <[email protected]> in |
MysqlIO.java and ResultSet.java |
- We're now 15% faster than gwe's driver. |
- Started working on DatabaseMetaData. |
The following methods are implemented: |
* getTables() |
* getTableTypes() |
* getColumns |
* getCatalogs() |