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import csv
import json
import sys
import os
import shutil
import datetime
from dateutil.parser import parse
from random import random
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
from amlsim.account_data_type_lookup import AccountDataTypeLookup
from faker import Faker
import numpy as np
def days_to_date(days):
date = datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(days=days)
return date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
def get_simulator_name(csv_file):
"""Convert log file name to the simulator name
:param csv_file: Transaction log file name
:return: Simulator name
elements = csv_file.split("_")
return "_".join(elements[:4])
def get_name(acct_id):
return "Account" + str(acct_id)
def get_bank(acct_id):
return "Bank" + str(acct_id)
class AMLTypology:
"""Suspicious transaction and account group
def __init__(self, reason):
self.is_sar = False # SAR flag
self.main_acct = None # Main account ID
self.reason = reason # Description of the SAR
self.transactions = dict() # Transaction ID, attributes
self.members = set() # Accounts involved in the alert transactions
self.recorded_members = set() # Accounts that have already been recorded. Avoid duplicates
self.total_amount = 0.0 # Total transaction amount
self.count = 0 # Number of transactions
def add_member(self, member, is_sar):
if is_sar:
self.is_sar = True
self.main_acct = member
def add_tx(self, tx_id, amount, days, orig_acct, dest_acct, orig_name, dest_name, attr):
self.transactions[tx_id] = (amount, days, orig_acct, dest_acct, orig_name, dest_name, attr)
self.total_amount += amount
self.count += 1
def get_reason(self):
return self.reason
def get_start_date(self):
min_days = min([tx[1] for tx in self.transactions.values()])
return days_to_date(min_days)
def get_end_date(self):
max_days = max([tx[1] for tx in self.transactions.values()])
return days_to_date(max_days)
class Schema:
def __init__(self, data, base_date):
self._base_date = base_date = data
self.acct_num_cols = None
self.acct_names = list()
self.acct_defaults = list()
self.acct_types = list()
self.acct_name2idx = dict()
self.acct_id_idx = None
self.acct_name_idx = None
self.acct_balance_idx = None
self.acct_start_idx = None
self.acct_end_idx = None
self.acct_sar_idx = None
self.acct_model_idx = None
self.acct_bank_idx = None
self.tx_num_cols = None
self.tx_names = list()
self.tx_defaults = list()
self.tx_types = list()
self.tx_name2idx = dict()
self.tx_id_idx = None
self.tx_time_idx = None
self.tx_amount_idx = None
self.tx_type_idx = None
self.tx_orig_idx = None
self.tx_dest_idx = None
self.tx_sar_idx = None
self.tx_alert_idx = None
self.alert_acct_num_cols = None
self.alert_acct_names = list()
self.alert_acct_defaults = list()
self.alert_acct_types = list()
self.alert_acct_name2idx = dict()
self.alert_acct_alert_idx = None
self.alert_acct_reason_idx = None
self.alert_acct_id_idx = None
self.alert_acct_name_idx = None
self.alert_acct_sar_idx = None
self.alert_acct_model_idx = None
self.alert_acct_schedule_idx = None
self.alert_acct_bank_idx = None
self.alert_tx_num_cols = None
self.alert_tx_names = list()
self.alert_tx_defaults = list()
self.alert_tx_types = list()
self.alert_tx_name2idx = dict()
self.alert_tx_id_idx = None
self.alert_tx_type_idx = None
self.alert_tx_sar_idx = None
self.alert_tx_idx = None
self.alert_tx_orig_idx = None
self.alert_tx_dest_idx = None
self.alert_tx_tx_type_idx = None
self.alert_tx_amount_idx = None
self.alert_tx_time_idx = None
self.party_ind_num_cols = None
self.party_ind_names = list()
self.party_ind_defaults = list()
self.party_ind_types = list()
self.party_ind_name2idx = dict()
self.party_ind_id_idx = None
self.party_org_num_cols = None
self.party_org_names = list()
self.party_org_defaults = list()
self.party_org_types = list()
self.party_org_name2idx = dict()
self.party_org_id_idx = None
self.acct_party_num_cols = None
self.acct_party_names = list()
self.acct_party_defaults = list()
self.acct_party_types = list()
self.acct_party_name2idx = dict()
self.acct_party_mapping_idx = None
self.acct_party_acct_idx = None
self.acct_party_party_idx = None
self.party_party_num_cols = None
self.party_party_names = list()
self.party_party_defaults = list()
self.party_party_types = list()
self.party_party_name2idx = dict()
self.party_party_ref_idx = None
self.party_party_first_idx = None
self.party_party_second_idx = None
def _parse(self):
acct_data =["account"]
tx_data =["transaction"]
alert_tx_data =["alert_tx"]
alert_acct_data =["alert_member"]
party_ind_data =["party_individual"]
party_org_data =["party_organization"]
acct_party_data =["account_mapping"]
party_party_data =["resolved_entities"]
self.acct_num_cols = len(acct_data)
self.tx_num_cols = len(tx_data)
self.alert_tx_num_cols = len(alert_tx_data)
self.alert_acct_num_cols = len(alert_acct_data)
self.party_ind_num_cols = len(party_ind_data)
self.party_org_num_cols = len(party_org_data)
self.acct_party_num_cols = len(acct_party_data)
self.party_party_num_cols = len(party_party_data)
# Account list
for idx, col in enumerate(acct_data):
name = col["name"]
v_type = col.get("valueType", "string")
d_type = col.get("dataType")
default = col.get("defaultValue", "")
# Transaction list
for idx, col in enumerate(tx_data):
name = col["name"]
v_type = col.get("valueType", "string")
d_type = col.get("dataType")
default = col.get("defaultValue", "")
self.tx_name2idx[name] = idx
if d_type is None:
if d_type == "transaction_id":
self.tx_id_idx = idx
elif d_type == "timestamp":
self.tx_time_idx = idx
elif d_type == "amount":
self.tx_amount_idx = idx
elif d_type == "transaction_type":
self.tx_type_idx = idx
elif d_type == "orig_id":
self.tx_orig_idx = idx
elif d_type == "dest_id":
self.tx_dest_idx = idx
elif d_type == "sar_flag":
self.tx_sar_idx = idx
elif d_type == "alert_id":
self.tx_alert_idx = idx
# Alert member list
for idx, col in enumerate(alert_acct_data):
name = col["name"]
v_type = col.get("valueType", "string")
d_type = col.get("dataType")
default = col.get("defaultValue", "")
self.alert_acct_name2idx[name] = idx
if d_type is None:
if d_type == "alert_id":
self.alert_acct_alert_idx = idx
elif d_type == "alert_type":
self.alert_acct_reason_idx = idx
elif d_type == "account_id":
self.alert_acct_id_idx = idx
elif d_type == "account_name":
self.alert_acct_name_idx = idx
elif d_type == "sar_flag":
self.alert_acct_sar_idx = idx
elif d_type == "model_id":
self.alert_acct_model_idx = idx
elif d_type == "schedule_id":
self.alert_acct_schedule_idx = idx
elif d_type == "bank_id":
self.alert_acct_bank_idx = idx
# Alert transaction list
for idx, col in enumerate(alert_tx_data):
name = col["name"]
v_type = col.get("valueType", "string")
d_type = col.get("dataType")
default = col.get("defaultValue", "")
self.alert_tx_name2idx[name] = idx
if d_type is None:
if d_type == "alert_id":
self.alert_tx_id_idx = idx
elif d_type == "alert_type":
self.alert_tx_type_idx = idx
elif d_type == "sar_flag":
self.alert_tx_sar_idx = idx
elif d_type == "transaction_id":
self.alert_tx_idx = idx
elif d_type == "orig_id":
self.alert_tx_orig_idx = idx
elif d_type == "dest_id":
self.alert_tx_dest_idx = idx
elif d_type == "transaction_type":
self.alert_tx_tx_type_idx = idx
elif d_type == "amount":
self.alert_tx_amount_idx = idx
elif d_type == "timestamp":
self.alert_tx_time_idx = idx
# Individual party list
for idx, col in enumerate(party_ind_data):
name = col["name"]
v_type = col.get("valueType", "string")
d_type = col.get("dataType")
default = col.get("defaultValue", "")
self.party_ind_name2idx[name] = idx
if d_type is None:
if d_type == "party_id":
self.party_ind_id_idx = idx
# Individual party list
for idx, col in enumerate(party_org_data):
name = col["name"]
v_type = col.get("valueType", "string")
d_type = col.get("dataType")
default = col.get("defaultValue", "")
self.party_org_name2idx[name] = idx
if d_type is None:
if d_type == "party_id":
self.party_org_id_idx = idx
# Account-Party list
for idx, col in enumerate(acct_party_data):
name = col["name"]
v_type = col.get("valueType", "string")
d_type = col.get("dataType")
default = col.get("defaultValue", "")
self.acct_party_name2idx[name] = idx
if d_type is None:
if d_type == "mapping_id":
self.acct_party_mapping_idx = idx
elif d_type == "account_id":
self.acct_party_acct_idx = idx
elif d_type == "party_id":
self.acct_party_party_idx = idx
# Party-Party list
for idx, col in enumerate(party_party_data):
name = col["name"]
v_type = col.get("valueType", "string")
d_type = col.get("dataType")
default = col.get("defaultValue", "")
self.party_party_name2idx[name] = idx
if d_type is None:
if d_type == "ref_id":
self.party_party_ref_idx = idx
elif d_type == "first_id":
self.party_party_first_idx = idx
elif d_type == "second_id":
self.party_party_second_idx = idx
def days2date(self, _days):
"""Get date as ISO 8601 format from days from the "base_date". If failed, return an empty string.
:param _days: Days from the "base_date"
:return: Date as ISO 8601 format
num_days = int(_days)
except ValueError:
return ""
dt = self._base_date + datetime.timedelta(num_days)
return dt.isoformat() + "Z" # UTC
def get_tx_row(self, _tx_id, _timestamp, _amount, _tx_type, _orig, _dest, _is_sar, _alert_id, **attr):
row = list(self.tx_defaults)
row[self.tx_id_idx] = _tx_id
row[self.tx_time_idx] = _timestamp
row[self.tx_amount_idx] = _amount
row[self.tx_type_idx] = _tx_type
row[self.tx_orig_idx] = _orig
row[self.tx_dest_idx] = _dest
row[self.tx_sar_idx] = _is_sar
row[self.tx_alert_idx] = _alert_id
for name, value in attr.items():
if name in self.tx_name2idx:
idx = self.tx_name2idx[name]
row[idx] = value
for idx, v_type in enumerate(self.tx_types):
if v_type == "date":
row[idx] = self.days2date(row[idx]) # convert days to date
return row
def get_alert_acct_row(self, _alert_id, _reason, _acct_id, _acct_name, _is_sar,
_model_id, _schedule_id, _bank_id, **attr):
row = list(self.alert_acct_defaults)
row[self.alert_acct_alert_idx] = _alert_id
row[self.alert_acct_reason_idx] = _reason
row[self.alert_acct_id_idx] = _acct_id
row[self.alert_acct_name_idx] = _acct_name
row[self.alert_acct_sar_idx] = _is_sar
row[self.alert_acct_model_idx] = _model_id
row[self.alert_acct_schedule_idx] = _schedule_id
row[self.alert_acct_bank_idx] = _bank_id
for name, value in attr.items():
if name in self.alert_acct_name2idx:
idx = self.alert_acct_name2idx[name]
row[idx] = value
for idx, v_type in enumerate(self.alert_acct_types):
if v_type == "date":
row[idx] = self.days2date(row[idx]) # convert days to date
return row
def get_alert_tx_row(self, _alert_id, _alert_type, _is_sar, _tx_id, _orig, _dest,
_tx_type, _amount, _timestamp, **attr):
row = list(self.alert_tx_defaults)
row[self.alert_tx_id_idx] = _alert_id
row[self.alert_tx_type_idx] = _alert_type
row[self.alert_tx_sar_idx] = _is_sar
row[self.alert_tx_idx] = _tx_id
row[self.alert_tx_orig_idx] = _orig
row[self.alert_tx_dest_idx] = _dest
row[self.alert_tx_tx_type_idx] = _tx_type
row[self.alert_tx_amount_idx] = _amount
row[self.alert_tx_time_idx] = _timestamp
for name, value in attr.items():
if name in self.alert_tx_name2idx:
idx = self.alert_tx_name2idx[name]
row[idx] = value
for idx, v_type in enumerate(self.alert_tx_types):
if v_type == "date":
row[idx] = self.days2date(row[idx]) # convert days to date
return row
def get_party_ind_row(self, _party_id, **attr):
row = list(self.party_ind_defaults)
row[self.party_ind_id_idx] = _party_id
for name, value in attr.items():
if name in self.party_ind_name2idx:
idx = self.party_ind_name2idx[name]
row[idx] = value
for idx, v_type in enumerate(self.party_ind_types):
if v_type == "date":
row[idx] = self.days2date(row[idx]) # convert days to date
return row
def get_party_org_row(self, _party_id, **attr):
row = list(self.party_org_defaults)
row[self.party_org_id_idx] = _party_id
for name, value in attr.items():
if name in self.party_org_name2idx:
idx = self.party_org_name2idx[name]
row[idx] = value
for idx, v_type in enumerate(self.party_org_types):
if v_type == "date":
row[idx] = self.days2date(row[idx]) # convert days to date
return row
def get_acct_party_row(self, _mapping_id, _acct_id, _party_id, **attr):
row = list(self.acct_party_defaults)
row[self.acct_party_mapping_idx] = _mapping_id
row[self.acct_party_acct_idx] = _acct_id
row[self.acct_party_party_idx] = _party_id
for name, value in attr.items():
if name in self.acct_party_name2idx:
idx = self.acct_party_name2idx[name]
row[idx] = value
for idx, v_type in enumerate(self.acct_party_types):
if v_type == "date":
row[idx] = self.days2date(row[idx]) # convert days to date
return row
def get_party_party_row(self, _ref_id, _first_id, _second_id, **attr):
row = list(self.party_party_defaults)
row[self.party_party_ref_idx] = _ref_id
row[self.party_party_first_idx] = _first_id
row[self.party_party_second_idx] = _second_id
for name, value in attr.items():
if name in self.party_party_name2idx:
idx = self.party_party_name2idx[name]
row[idx] = value
for idx, v_type in enumerate(self.party_party_types):
if v_type == "date":
row[idx] = self.days2date(row[idx]) # convert days to date
return row
class LogConverter:
def __init__(self, conf, sim_name=None, fake=None):
self.reports = dict() # SAR ID and transaction subgraph
self.org_types = dict() # ID, organization type
self.fake = fake
general_conf = conf.get('general', {})
input_conf = conf.get('temporal', {}) # Input directory of this converter is temporal directory
output_conf = conf.get('output', {})
# self.sim_name = os.getenv("SIMULATION_NAME")
# if self.sim_name is None:
# self.sim_name = general_conf["simulation_name"]
self.sim_name = sim_name if sim_name is not None else general_conf.get("simulation_name", "sample")
print("Simulation name:", self.sim_name)
self.input_dir = os.path.join(input_conf.get('directory', ''), self.sim_name)
self.work_dir = os.path.join(output_conf.get('directory', ''), self.sim_name)
if not os.path.isdir(self.work_dir):
param_dir = conf.get('input', {}).get('directory', '')
schema_file = conf.get('input', {}).get('schema', '')
base_date_str = general_conf.get('base_date', '2017-01-01')
base_date = parse(base_date_str)
json_file = os.path.join(param_dir, schema_file)
with open(json_file, "r") as rf:
data = json.load(rf)
self.schema = Schema(data, base_date)
# Input files
self.log_file = os.path.join(self.work_dir, output_conf["transaction_log"])
self.in_acct_file = input_conf["accounts"] # Account list file from the transaction graph generator
self.group_file = input_conf["alert_members"] # Alert account list file from the transaction graph generator
# Output files
self.out_acct_file = output_conf["accounts"] # All account list file
self.tx_file = output_conf["transactions"] # All transaction list file
self.cash_tx_file = output_conf["cash_transactions"] # Cash transaction list file
self.sar_acct_file = output_conf["sar_accounts"] # SAR account list file
self.alert_tx_file = output_conf["alert_transactions"] # Alert transaction list file
self.alert_acct_file = output_conf["alert_members"] # Alert account list file
self.party_individual_file = output_conf["party_individuals"]
self.party_organization_file = output_conf["party_organizations"]
self.account_mapping_file = output_conf["account_mapping"]
self.resolved_entities_file = output_conf["resolved_entities"]
# Copy the diameter CSV file if it exists
dia_log = output_conf["diameter_log"]
src_dia_path = os.path.join(self.input_dir, dia_log)
dst_dia_path = os.path.join(self.work_dir, dia_log)
if os.path.exists(src_dia_path):
shutil.copy(src_dia_path, dst_dia_path)
def convert_acct_tx(self):
print("Convert transaction list from %s to %s, %s and %s" % (
self.log_file, self.tx_file, self.cash_tx_file, self.alert_tx_file))
in_acct_f = open(os.path.join(self.input_dir, self.in_acct_file), "r") # Input account file
in_tx_f = open(self.log_file, "r") # Transaction log file from the Java simulator
out_acct_f = open(os.path.join(self.work_dir, self.out_acct_file), "w") # Output account file
out_tx_f = open(os.path.join(self.work_dir, self.tx_file), "w") # Output transaction file
out_cash_tx_f = open(os.path.join(self.work_dir, self.cash_tx_file), "w") # Output cash transaction file
out_alert_tx_f = open(os.path.join(self.work_dir, self.alert_tx_file), "w") # Output alert transaction file
out_ind_f = open(os.path.join(self.work_dir, self.party_individual_file), "w") # Party individuals
out_org_f = open(os.path.join(self.work_dir, self.party_organization_file), "w") # Party organizations
out_map_f = open(os.path.join(self.work_dir, self.account_mapping_file), "w") # Account mappings
out_ent_f = open(os.path.join(self.work_dir, self.resolved_entities_file), "w") # Resolved entities
# Load account list
reader = csv.reader(in_acct_f)
acct_writer = csv.writer(out_acct_f)
acct_writer.writerow(self.schema.acct_names) # write header
ind_writer = csv.writer(out_ind_f)
org_writer = csv.writer(out_org_f)
map_writer = csv.writer(out_map_f)
ent_writer = csv.writer(out_ent_f)
header = next(reader)
mapping_id = 1 # Mapping ID for account-alert list
lookup = AccountDataTypeLookup()
us_gen = self.fake['en_US']
for row in reader:
output_row = list(self.schema.acct_defaults)
acct_type = ""
acct_id = ""
gender = np.random.choice(['Male', 'Female'], p=[0.5, 0.5])
good_address = False
while good_address == False:
address = us_gen.address()
split1 = address.split('\n')
street_address = split1[0]
split2 = split1[1].split(', ')
if len(split2) == 2:
good_address = True
city = split2[0]
split3 = split2[1].split(' ')
state = split3[0]
postcode = split3[1]
for output_index, output_item in enumerate(['account']):
if 'dataType' in output_item:
output_type = output_item['dataType']
input_type = lookup.inputType(output_type)
input_index = header.index(input_type)
except ValueError:
if output_type == "start_time":
start = int(row[input_index])
if start >= 0:
output_row[output_index] = start
except ValueError: # If failed, keep the default value
elif output_type == "end_time":
end = int(row[input_index])
if end > 0:
output_row[output_index] = end
except ValueError: # If failed, keep the default value
elif output_type == "account_id":
acct_id = row[input_index]
output_row[output_index] = acct_id
elif output_type == "account_type":
acct_type = row[input_index]
output_row[output_index] = acct_type
output_row[output_index] = row[input_index]
if 'valueType' in output_item:
if output_item['valueType'] == 'date':
output_row[output_index] = self.schema.days2date(output_row[output_index])
if 'name' in output_item:
if output_item['name'] == 'first_name':
output_row[output_index] = us_gen.first_name_male() if gender == "Male" else us_gen.first_name_female()
elif output_item['name'] == 'last_name':
output_row[output_index] = us_gen.last_name_male() if gender == "Male" else us_gen.last_name_female()
elif output_item['name'] == 'street_addr':
output_row[output_index] = street_address
elif output_item['name'] == 'city':
output_row[output_index] = city
elif output_item['name'] == 'state':
output_row[output_index] = state
elif output_item['name'] == 'country':
output_row[output_index] = "US"
elif output_item['name'] == 'zip':
output_row[output_index] = postcode
elif output_item['name'] == 'gender':
output_row[output_index] = gender
elif output_item['name'] == 'birth_date':
output_row[output_index] = us_gen.date_of_birth()
elif output_item['name'] == 'ssn':
output_row[output_index] = us_gen.ssn()
elif output_item['name'] == 'lat':
output_row[output_index] = us_gen.latitude()
elif output_item['name'] == 'lon':
output_row[output_index] = us_gen.longitude()
self.org_types[int(acct_id)] = acct_type
# Write a party row per account
is_individual = random() >= 0.5 # 50%: individual, 50%: organization
party_id = str(acct_id)
if is_individual: # Individual
output_row = self.schema.get_party_ind_row(party_id)
output_row = self.schema.get_party_org_row(party_id)
# Write account-party mapping row
output_row = self.schema.get_acct_party_row(mapping_id, acct_id, party_id)
mapping_id += 1
# Avoid duplicated transaction CSV rows in the log file
tx_set = set()
cash_tx_set = set()
# Load transaction log from the Java simulator
reader = csv.reader(in_tx_f)
tx_writer = csv.writer(out_tx_f)
cash_tx_writer = csv.writer(out_cash_tx_f)
alert_tx_writer = csv.writer(out_alert_tx_f)
header = next(reader)
indices = {name: index for index, name in enumerate(header)}
num_columns = len(header)
tx_header = self.schema.tx_names
alert_header = self.schema.alert_tx_names
step_idx = indices["step"]
amt_idx = indices["amount"]
orig_idx = indices["nameOrig"]
dest_idx = indices["nameDest"]
sar_idx = indices["isSAR"]
alert_idx = indices["alertID"]
type_idx = indices["type"]
tx_id = 1
for row in reader:
if len(row) < num_columns:
days = int(row[step_idx])
date_str = str(days) # days_to_date(days)
amount = row[amt_idx] # transaction amount
orig_id = row[orig_idx] # originator ID
dest_id = row[dest_idx] # beneficiary ID
sar_id = int(row[sar_idx]) # SAR transaction index
alert_id = int(row[alert_idx]) # Alert ID
is_sar = sar_id > 0
is_alert = alert_id >= 0
ttype = row[type_idx]
except ValueError:
attr = {name: row[index] for name, index in indices.items()}
if ttype in CASH_TYPES: # Cash transactions
cash_tx = (orig_id, dest_id, ttype, amount, date_str)
if cash_tx not in cash_tx_set:
output_row = self.schema.get_tx_row(tx_id, date_str, amount, ttype, orig_id, dest_id,
is_sar, alert_id, **attr)
else: # Account-to-account transactions including alert transactions
tx = (orig_id, dest_id, ttype, amount, date_str)
if tx not in tx_set:
output_row = self.schema.get_tx_row(tx_id, date_str, amount, ttype, orig_id, dest_id,
is_sar, alert_id, **attr)
if is_alert: # Alert transactions
alert_type = self.reports.get(alert_id).get_reason()
alert_row = self.schema.get_alert_tx_row(alert_id, alert_type, is_sar, tx_id, orig_id, dest_id,
ttype, amount, date_str, **attr)
if tx_id % 1000000 == 0:
print("Converted %d transactions." % tx_id)
tx_id += 1
# Count degrees (fan-in/out patterns)
deg_param = os.getenv("DEGREE")
if deg_param:
max_threshold = int(deg_param)
pred = defaultdict(set) # Account, Predecessors
succ = defaultdict(set) # Account, Successors
for orig, dest, _, _, _ in tx_set:
in_degrees = [len(nbs) for nbs in pred.values()]
out_degrees = [len(nbs) for nbs in succ.values()]
in_deg = Counter(in_degrees)
out_deg = Counter(out_degrees)
for th in range(2, max_threshold+1):
num_fan_in = sum([c for d, c in in_deg.items() if d >= th])
num_fan_out = sum([c for d, c in out_deg.items() if d >= th])
print("Number of fan-in / fan-out patterns with", th, "neighbors", num_fan_in, "/", num_fan_out)
def convert_alert_members(self):
input_file = self.group_file
output_file = self.alert_acct_file
print("Load alert groups: %s" % input_file)
rf = open(os.path.join(self.input_dir, input_file), "r")
wf = open(os.path.join(self.work_dir, output_file), "w")
reader = csv.reader(rf)
header = next(reader)
indices = {name: index for index, name in enumerate(header)}
writer = csv.writer(wf)
header = self.schema.alert_acct_names
for row in reader:
reason = row[indices["reason"]]
alert_id = int(row[indices["alertID"]])
account_id = int(row[indices["accountID"]])
is_sar = row[indices["isSAR"]].lower() == "true"
model_id = row[indices["modelID"]]
schedule_id = row[indices["scheduleID"]]
bank_id = row[indices["bankID"]]
if alert_id not in self.reports:
self.reports[alert_id] = AMLTypology(reason)
self.reports[alert_id].add_member(account_id, is_sar)
attr = {name: row[index] for name, index in indices.items()}
output_row = self.schema.get_alert_acct_row(alert_id, reason, account_id, account_id, is_sar,
model_id, schedule_id, bank_id, **attr)
def output_sar_cases(self):
"""Extract SAR account list involved in alert transactions from transaction log file
input_file = self.log_file
output_file = os.path.join(self.work_dir, self.sar_acct_file)
print("Convert SAR typologies from %s to %s" % (input_file, output_file))
with open(input_file, "r") as rf:
reader = csv.reader(rf)
alerts = self.sar_accounts(reader)
with open(output_file, "w") as wf:
writer = csv.writer(wf)
self.write_sar_accounts(writer, alerts)
def sar_accounts(self, reader):
header = next(reader)
indices = {name: index for index, name in enumerate(header)}
columns = len(header)
tx_id = 0
for row in reader:
if len(row) < columns:
days = int(row[indices["step"]])
amount = float(row[indices["amount"]])
orig = int(row[indices["nameOrig"]])
dest = int(row[indices["nameDest"]])
alert_id = int(row[indices["alertID"]])
orig_name = "C_%d" % orig
dest_name = "C_%d" % dest
except ValueError:
if alert_id >= 0 and alert_id in self.reports: # SAR transactions
attr = {name: row[index] for name, index in indices.items()}
self.reports[alert_id].add_tx(tx_id, amount, days, orig, dest, orig_name, dest_name, attr)
tx_id += 1
sar_accounts = list()
count = 0
num_reports = len(self.reports)
for sar_id, typology in self.reports.items():
if typology.count == 0:
reason = typology.get_reason()
is_sar = "YES" if typology.is_sar else "NO" # SAR or false alert
for key, transaction in typology.transactions.items():
amount, step, orig_acct, dest_acct, orig_name, dest_name, attr = transaction
if (self.account_recorded(orig_acct)
and self.account_recorded(dest_acct)):
if (not self.account_recorded(orig_acct)):
acct_id = orig_acct
cust_id = orig_name
sar_accounts.append((sar_id, acct_id, cust_id, days_to_date(step), reason, self.org_type(acct_id), is_sar))
if (not self.account_recorded(dest_acct)):
acct_id = dest_acct
cust_id = dest_name
sar_accounts.append((sar_id, acct_id, cust_id, days_to_date(step), reason, self.org_type(acct_id), is_sar))
count += 1
if count % 100 == 0:
print("SAR Typologies: %d/%d" % (count, num_reports))
return sar_accounts
def org_type(self, acct_id):
return "INDIVIDUAL" if self.org_types[acct_id] == "I" else "COMPANY"
def write_sar_accounts(self, writer, sar_accounts):
for alert in sar_accounts:
def account_recorded(self, acct_id):
for sar_id, typology in self.reports.items():
if acct_id in typology.recorded_members:
return True
return False
if __name__ == "__main__":
argv = sys.argv
if len(argv) < 2:
print("Usage: python3 %s [ConfJSON]" % argv[0])
_conf_json = argv[1]
_sim_name = argv[2] if len(argv) >= 3 else None
with open(_conf_json, "r") as rf:
conf = json.load(rf)
converter = LogConverter(conf, _sim_name)
fake = Faker(['en_US'])
converter = LogConverter(conf, _sim_name, fake)