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Please cite our following papers if you use the data set for your publications.
@misc{AMLSim, author = {Toyotaro Suzumura and Hiroki Kanezashi}, title = {{Anti-Money Laundering Datasets}: {InPlusLab} Anti-Money Laundering DataDatasets}, howpublished = {\url{}}, year = 2021 }
EvolveGCN: Evolving Graph Convolutional Networks for Dynamic Graphs
Scalable Graph Learning for Anti-Money Laundering: A First Look
**Important: Please use the "master" branch for the practical use and testing. Other branches such as "new-schema" are outdated and unstable. [Wiki pages]( are still under construction and some of them do not catch up with the latest implementations. Please refer this instead.**
# AMLSim
This project aims at building a multi-agent simulator of anti-money laundering - namely AML, and sharing synthetically generated data so that researchers can design and implement their new algorithms over the unified data.
# Dependencies
- Java 8 (Download and copy all jar files to `jars/` directory: See also `jars/`)
- [MASON]( version 20
- [Commons-Math]( version 3.6.1
- [JSON in Java]( version 20180813
- [WebGraph]( version 3.6.1
- [DSI Utilities]( version 2.5.4
- [fastutil]( version 8.2.3
- [Sux for Java]( version 4.2.0
- [JSAP]( version 2.1
- [SLF4J]( version 1.7.25
- [MySQL Connector for Java]( version 5.1
- [JUnit5]( version 5
- [Mockito Core]( version 4.0.0
- [Byte Buddy]( version 1.11.19
- [Byte Buddy Agent]( version 1.11.19
- [Objenesis]( version 3.2
- [Mockito Inline]( version 4.0.0
- Python 3.7 (The following packages can be installed with `pip3 install -r requirements.txt`)
- numpy
- networkx==1.11 (We do not support version 2.* due to performance issues when creating a large graph)
- matplotlib==2.2.3 (The latest version is not compatible)
- pygraphviz
- powerlaw
- python-dateutil
# Directory Structure
See Wiki page [Directory Structure]( for details.
NOTE: (October 2021): `bin/` folder has been renamed to `target/classes/`
# Introduction for Running AMLSim
See Wiki page [Quick Introduction to AMLSim]( for details.
## 1. Generate transaction CSV files from parameter files (Python)
Before running the Python script, please check and edit configuration file `conf.json`.
"input": {
"directory": "paramFiles/1K", // Parameter directory
"schema": "schema.json", // Configuration file of output CSV schema
"accounts": "accounts.csv", // Account list parameter file
"alert_patterns": "alertPatterns.csv", // Alert list parameter file
"degree": "degree.csv", // Degree sequence parameter file
"transaction_type": "transactionType.csv", // Transaction type list file
"is_aggregated_accounts": true // Whether the account list represents aggregated (true) or raw (false) accounts
Then, please run transaction graph generator script.
cd /path/to/AMLSim
python3 scripts/ conf.json
## 2. Build and launch the transaction simulator (Java)
Parameters for the simulator are defined at the "general" section of `conf.json`.
"general": {
"random_seed": 0, // Seed of random number
"simulation_name": "sample", // Simulation name (identifier)
"total_steps": 720, // Total simulation steps
"base_date": "2017-01-01" // The date corresponds to the step 0 (the beginning date of this simulation)
Please compile Java files (if not yet) and launch the simulator.
sh scripts/
sh scripts/ conf.json
## 2.b. Optional: Install and Use Maven as build system.
On Mac: `brew install maven`
If you already have a java installed, you can run `brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies openjdk` because brew installs that along with maven as a dependency.
If you choose to use Maven, you only manually need to fetch and place 1 jar file (MASON) in your `jars/` folder and then install it using the command shown below. If you do not use Maven, you will have to place all the dependency jar files listed above as dependencies in the `jars/` folder.
If using Maven, use the following commands to install the MASON dependency to your local Maven repository.
mvn install:install-file \
-Dfile=jars/mason.20.jar \
-DgroupId=mason \
-DartifactId=mason \
-Dversion=20 \
-Dpackaging=jar \
Please compile Java files (if not yet) (will detect and use Maven) and launch the simulator.
sh scripts/
sh scripts/ conf.json
## 3. Convert the raw transaction log file
The file names of the output data are defined at the "output" section of `conf.json`.
"output": {
"directory": "outputs", // Output directory
"accounts": "accounts.csv", // Account list CSV
"transactions": "transactions.csv", // All transaction list CSV
"cash_transactions": "cash_tx.csv", // Cash transaction list CSV
"alert_members": "alert_accounts.csv", // Alerted account list CSV
"alert_transactions": "alert_transactions.csv", // Alerted transaction list CSV
"sar_accounts": "sar_accounts.csv", // SAR account list CSV
"party_individuals": "individuals-bulkload.csv",
"party_organizations": "organizations-bulkload.csv",
"account_mapping": "accountMapping.csv",
"resolved_entities": "resolvedentities.csv",
"transaction_log": "tx_log.csv",
"counter_log": "tx_count.csv",
"diameter_log": "diameter.csv"
python3 scripts/ conf.json
## 4. Export statistical information of the output data to image files (optional)
python3 scripts/visualize/ conf.json
## 5. Validate alert transaction subgraphs by comparison with the parameter file (optional)
python3 scripts/validation/ conf.json
## 6. Remove all log and generated image files from `outputs` directory and a temporal directory
sh scripts/