from dataclasses import dataclass |
import re |
from operator import itemgetter |
import torch |
from torch import nn |
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union |
from transformers import BertPreTrainedModel, BertModel, BertTokenizerFast |
from transformers.models.bert.modeling_bert import BertOnlyMLMHead |
from transformers.utils import ModelOutput |
from .BertForSyntaxParsing import BertSyntaxParsingHead, SyntaxLabels, SyntaxLogitsOutput, parse_logits as syntax_parse_logits |
from .BertForPrefixMarking import BertPrefixMarkingHead, parse_logits as prefix_parse_logits, encode_sentences_for_bert_for_prefix_marking, get_prefixes_from_str |
from .BertForMorphTagging import BertMorphTaggingHead, MorphLogitsOutput, MorphLabels, parse_logits as morph_parse_logits |
import warnings |
@dataclass |
class JointParsingOutput(ModelOutput): |
loss: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None |
logits: Optional[Union[SyntaxLogitsOutput, None]] = None |
hidden_states: Optional[Tuple[torch.FloatTensor]] = None |
attentions: Optional[Tuple[torch.FloatTensor]] = None |
syntax_logits: Optional[SyntaxLogitsOutput] = None |
ner_logits: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None |
prefix_logits: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None |
lex_logits: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None |
morph_logits: Optional[MorphLogitsOutput] = None |
class ModuleRef: |
def __init__(self, module: torch.nn.Module): |
self.module = module |
def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): |
return self.module.forward(*args, **kwargs) |
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): |
return self.module(*args, **kwargs) |
class BertForJointParsing(BertPreTrainedModel): |
_tied_weights_keys = ["predictions.decoder.bias", "cls.predictions.decoder.weight"] |
def __init__(self, config, do_syntax=None, do_ner=None, do_prefix=None, do_lex=None, do_morph=None, syntax_head_size=64): |
super().__init__(config) |
self.bert = BertModel(config, add_pooling_layer=False) |
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.hidden_dropout_prob) |
self.syntax, self.ner, self.prefix, self.lex, self.morph = (None,)*5 |
if do_syntax is not None: |
config.do_syntax = do_syntax |
config.syntax_head_size = syntax_head_size |
if do_ner is not None: config.do_ner = do_ner |
if do_prefix is not None: config.do_prefix = do_prefix |
if do_lex is not None: config.do_lex = do_lex |
if do_morph is not None: config.do_morph = do_morph |
if config.do_syntax: |
self.syntax = BertSyntaxParsingHead(config) |
if config.do_ner: |
self.num_labels = config.num_labels |
self.classifier = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, config.num_labels) |
self.ner = ModuleRef(self.classifier) |
if config.do_prefix: |
self.prefix = BertPrefixMarkingHead(config) |
if config.do_lex: |
self.cls = BertOnlyMLMHead(config) |
self.lex = ModuleRef(self.cls) |
if config.do_morph: |
self.morph = BertMorphTaggingHead(config) |
self.post_init() |
def get_output_embeddings(self): |
return self.cls.predictions.decoder if self.lex is not None else None |
def set_output_embeddings(self, new_embeddings): |
if self.lex is not None: |
self.cls.predictions.decoder = new_embeddings |
def forward( |
self, |
input_ids: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, |
attention_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, |
token_type_ids: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, |
position_ids: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, |
prefix_class_id_options: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, |
labels: Optional[Union[SyntaxLabels, MorphLabels, torch.Tensor]] = None, |
labels_type: Optional[Literal['syntax', 'ner', 'prefix', 'lex', 'morph']] = None, |
head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, |
inputs_embeds: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, |
output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, |
output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, |
return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, |
compute_syntax_mst: Optional[bool] = None |
): |
if return_dict is False: |
warnings.warn("Specified `return_dict=False` but the flag is ignored and treated as always True in this model.") |
if labels is not None and labels_type is None: |
raise ValueError("Cannot specify labels without labels_type") |
if labels_type == 'seg' and prefix_class_id_options is None: |
raise ValueError('Cannot calculate prefix logits without prefix_class_id_options') |
if compute_syntax_mst is not None and self.syntax is None: |
raise ValueError("Cannot compute syntax MST when the syntax head isn't loaded") |
bert_outputs = self.bert( |
input_ids, |
attention_mask=attention_mask, |
token_type_ids=token_type_ids, |
position_ids=position_ids, |
head_mask=head_mask, |
inputs_embeds=inputs_embeds, |
output_attentions=output_attentions, |
output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, |
return_dict=True, |
) |
extended_attention_mask = None |
if attention_mask is not None: |
extended_attention_mask = self.get_extended_attention_mask(attention_mask, input_ids.size()) |
hidden_states = self.dropout(bert_outputs[0]) |
logits = None |
syntax_logits = None |
ner_logits = None |
prefix_logits = None |
lex_logits = None |
morph_logits = None |
if self.syntax is not None and (labels is None or labels_type == 'syntax'): |
loss, syntax_logits = self.syntax(hidden_states, extended_attention_mask, labels, compute_syntax_mst) |
logits = syntax_logits |
if self.ner is not None and (labels is None or labels_type == 'ner'): |
ner_logits = self.ner(hidden_states) |
logits = ner_logits |
if labels is not None: |
loss_fct = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() |
loss = loss_fct(logits.view(-1, self.num_labels), labels.view(-1)) |
if self.prefix is not None and (labels is None or labels_type == 'prefix'): |
loss, prefix_logits = self.prefix(hidden_states, prefix_class_id_options, labels) |
logits = prefix_logits |
if self.lex is not None and (labels is None or labels_type == 'lex'): |
lex_logits = self.lex(hidden_states) |
logits = lex_logits |
if labels is not None: |
loss_fct = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() |
loss = loss_fct(lex_logits.view(-1, self.config.vocab_size), labels.view(-1)) |
if self.morph is not None and (labels is None or labels_type == 'morph'): |
loss, morph_logits = self.morph(hidden_states, labels) |
logits = morph_logits |
if labels is None: logits = None |
return JointParsingOutput( |
loss, |
logits, |
hidden_states=bert_outputs.hidden_states, |
attentions=bert_outputs.attentions, |
syntax_logits=syntax_logits, |
ner_logits=ner_logits, |
prefix_logits=prefix_logits, |
lex_logits=lex_logits, |
morph_logits=morph_logits |
) |
def predict(self, sentences: Union[str, List[str]], tokenizer: BertTokenizerFast, padding='longest', truncation=True, compute_syntax_mst=True, per_token_ner=False, output_style: Literal['json', 'ud', 'iahlt_ud'] = 'json'): |
is_single_sentence = isinstance(sentences, str) |
if is_single_sentence: |
sentences = [sentences] |
if output_style not in ['json', 'ud', 'iahlt_ud']: |
raise ValueError('output_style must be in json/ud/iahlt_ud') |
if output_style in ['ud', 'iahlt_ud'] and (self.prefix is None or self.morph is None or self.syntax is None or self.lex is None): |
raise ValueError("Cannot output UD format when any of the prefix,morph,syntax, and lex heads aren't loaded.") |
if self.prefix is not None: |
inputs = encode_sentences_for_bert_for_prefix_marking(tokenizer, sentences, padding) |
else: |
inputs = tokenizer(sentences, padding=padding, truncation=truncation, return_offsets_mapping=True, return_tensors='pt') |
offset_mapping = inputs.pop('offset_mapping') |
inputs = {k:v.to(self.device) for k,v in inputs.items()} |
output = self.forward(**inputs, return_dict=True, compute_syntax_mst=compute_syntax_mst) |
final_output = [dict(text=sentence, tokens=[dict(token=t) for t in combine_token_wordpieces(ids, tokenizer)]) for sentence, ids in zip(sentences, inputs['input_ids'])] |
if output.syntax_logits is not None: |
for sent_idx,parsed in enumerate(syntax_parse_logits(inputs, sentences, tokenizer, output.syntax_logits)): |
merge_token_list(final_output[sent_idx]['tokens'], parsed['tree'], 'syntax') |
final_output[sent_idx]['root_idx'] = parsed['root_idx'] |
if output.prefix_logits is not None: |
for sent_idx,parsed in enumerate(prefix_parse_logits(inputs, sentences, tokenizer, output.prefix_logits)): |
merge_token_list(final_output[sent_idx]['tokens'], map(tuple, parsed[1:-1]), 'seg') |
if output.lex_logits is not None: |
for sent_idx, parsed in enumerate(lex_parse_logits(inputs, sentences, tokenizer, output.lex_logits)): |
merge_token_list(final_output[sent_idx]['tokens'], map(itemgetter(1), parsed), 'lex') |
if output.morph_logits is not None: |
for sent_idx,parsed in enumerate(morph_parse_logits(inputs, sentences, tokenizer, output.morph_logits)): |
merge_token_list(final_output[sent_idx]['tokens'], parsed['tokens'], 'morph') |
if output.ner_logits is not None: |
for sent_idx,parsed in enumerate(ner_parse_logits(inputs, sentences, tokenizer, output.ner_logits, self.config.id2label, offset_mapping)): |
if per_token_ner: |
merge_token_list(final_output[sent_idx]['tokens'], map(itemgetter(1), parsed), 'ner') |
final_output[sent_idx]['ner_entities'] = aggregate_ner_tokens(parsed) |
if output_style in ['ud', 'iahlt_ud']: |
final_output = convert_output_to_ud(final_output, style='htb' if output_style == 'ud' else 'iahlt') |
if is_single_sentence: |
final_output = final_output[0] |
words_index = parse_index(inputs['input_ids'], tokenizer)[0] |
for idx, w in zip(words_index, final_output[0]['tokens']): |
w['idx'] = idx |
return final_output |
def parse_index(input_ids: torch.Tensor, tokenizer: BertTokenizerFast): |
input_indices = [] |
for batch_idx, ids in enumerate(input_ids): |
sentence_indices = [] |
current_word_indices = [] |
for idx, id_value in enumerate(ids): |
if id_value in [tokenizer.cls_token_id, tokenizer.sep_token_id, tokenizer.pad_token_id]: |
continue |
token_id = input_ids[batch_idx, idx] |
token = tokenizer._convert_id_to_token(token_id) |
if token.startswith('##'): |
current_word_indices.append(idx) |
else: |
if current_word_indices: |
sentence_indices.append(current_word_indices) |
current_word_indices = [idx] |
if current_word_indices: |
sentence_indices.append(current_word_indices) |
input_indices.append(sentence_indices) |
return input_indices |
def aggregate_ner_tokens(predictions): |
entities = [] |
prev = None |
for word, pred, start, end, idx in predictions: |
if pred == 'O': prev = None |
elif pred.startswith('B-') or pred[2:] != prev: |
prev = pred[2:] |
entities.append([[word], prev, start, end, idx]) |
else: |
entities[-1][0].append(word) |
entities[-1][3] = end |
entities[-1][4].extend(idx) |
return [dict(idx=idx, phrase=' '.join(words), label=label, start=start, end=end) for words, label, start, end, idx in entities] |
def merge_token_list(src, update, key): |
for token_src, token_update in zip(src, update): |
token_src[key] = token_update |
def combine_token_wordpieces(input_ids: torch.Tensor, tokenizer: BertTokenizerFast): |
ret = [] |
for token in tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(input_ids): |
if token in [tokenizer.cls_token, tokenizer.sep_token, tokenizer.pad_token]: continue |
if token.startswith('##'): |
ret[-1] += token[2:] |
else: ret.append(token) |
return ret |
def ner_parse_logits(inputs: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], sentences: List[str], tokenizer: BertTokenizerFast, logits: torch.Tensor, id2label: Dict[int, str], offset_mapping): |
input_ids = inputs['input_ids'] |
predictions = torch.argmax(logits, dim=-1) |
batch_ret = [] |
for batch_idx in range(len(sentences)): |
ret = [] |
batch_ret.append(ret) |
for tok_idx in range(input_ids.shape[1]): |
token_id = input_ids[batch_idx, tok_idx] |
if token_id in [tokenizer.cls_token_id, tokenizer.sep_token_id, tokenizer.pad_token_id]: continue |
token = tokenizer._convert_id_to_token(token_id) |
start_pos, end_pos = offset_mapping[batch_idx, tok_idx] |
if token.startswith('##'): |
ret[-1] = [ret[-1][0] + token[2:], ret[-1][1], ret[-1][2], end_pos.item()] |
continue |
ret.append([token, id2label[predictions[batch_idx, tok_idx].item()], start_pos.item(), end_pos.item()]) |
words_index = parse_index(inputs['input_ids'], tokenizer)[0] |
for idx, w in zip(words_index, batch_ret[0]): |
w.append(idx) |
return batch_ret |
def lex_parse_logits(inputs: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], sentences: List[str], tokenizer: BertTokenizerFast, logits: torch.Tensor): |
input_ids = inputs['input_ids'] |
predictions = torch.argsort(logits, dim=-1, descending=True)[..., :3] |
batch_ret = [] |
for batch_idx in range(len(sentences)): |
intermediate_ret = [] |
for tok_idx in range(input_ids.shape[1]): |
token_id = input_ids[batch_idx, tok_idx] |
if token_id in [tokenizer.cls_token_id, tokenizer.sep_token_id, tokenizer.pad_token_id]: continue |
token = tokenizer._convert_id_to_token(token_id) |
if token.startswith('##'): |
intermediate_ret[-1] = (intermediate_ret[-1][0] + token[2:], intermediate_ret[-1][1]) |
continue |
intermediate_ret.append((token, tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(predictions[batch_idx, tok_idx]))) |
ret = [] |
batch_ret.append(ret) |
for (token, lexemes) in intermediate_ret: |
possible_lets = set(c for c in token if c not in 'ืืืื') |
final_lex = '[BLANK]' |
for lex in lexemes: |
if sum(c in possible_lets for c in lex) >= min([2, len(possible_lets), len([c for c in lex if c not in 'ืืืื'])]): |
final_lex = lex |
break |
ret.append((token, final_lex)) |
return batch_ret |
ud_prefixes_to_pos = { |
'ืฉ': ['SCONJ'], |
'ืืฉ': ['SCONJ'], |
'ืืฉ': ['SCONJ'], |
'ืืืฉ': ['SCONJ'], |
'ืืฉ': ['SCONJ'], |
'ืืฉ': ['SCONJ'], |
'ื': ['CCONJ'], |
'ื': ['ADP'], |
'ื': ['DET', 'SCONJ'], |
'ื': ['ADP', 'SCONJ'], |
'ื': ['ADP'], |
'ื': ['ADP', 'ADV'], |
} |
ud_suffix_to_htb_str = { |
'Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3': '_ืืื', |
'Gender=Masc|Number=Plur|Person=3': '_ืื', |
'Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3': '_ืืื', |
'Gender=Fem|Number=Plur|Person=3': '_ืื', |
'Gender=Fem,Masc|Number=Plur|Person=1': '_ืื ืื ื', |
'Gender=Fem,Masc|Number=Sing|Person=1': '_ืื ื', |
'Gender=Masc|Number=Plur|Person=2': '_ืืชื', |
'Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3': '_ืืื', |
'Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=2': '_ืืชื', |
'Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=2': '_ืืช', |
'Gender=Masc|Number=Plur|Person=3': '_ืื' |
} |
def convert_output_to_ud(output_sentences, style: Literal['htb', 'iahlt']): |
if style not in ['htb', 'iahlt']: |
raise ValueError('style must be htb/iahlt') |
final_output = [] |
for sent_idx, sentence in enumerate(output_sentences): |
intermediate_output = [] |
ranges = [] |
idx_to_key = {-1: 0} |
for word_idx,word in enumerate(sentence['tokens']): |
if word['lex'] == '[BLANK]': |
word['lex'] = word['seg'][-1] |
start = len(intermediate_output) |
if len(word['seg']) > 1: |
for pre in get_prefixes_from_str(word['seg'][0], greedy=True): |
pos = next((pos for pos in ud_prefixes_to_pos[pre] if pos in word['morph']['prefixes']), ud_prefixes_to_pos[pre][0]) |
dep, func = ud_get_prefix_dep(pre, word, word_idx) |
intermediate_output.append(dict(word=pre, lex=pre, pos=pos, dep=dep, func=func, feats='_')) |
if not 'ื' in pre and intermediate_output[-1]['pos'] == 'ADP' and 'DET' in word['morph']['prefixes']: |
if style == 'htb': |
intermediate_output.append(dict(word='ื_', lex='ื', pos='DET', dep=word_idx, func='det', feats='_')) |
elif style == 'iahlt': |
intermediate_output[-1]['feats'] = 'Definite=Def|PronType=Art' |
idx_to_key[word_idx] = len(intermediate_output) + 1 |
intermediate_output.append(dict( |
word=word['seg'][-1], lex=word['lex'], pos=word['morph']['pos'], |
dep=word['syntax']['dep_head_idx'], func=word['syntax']['dep_func'], |
feats='|'.join(f'{k}={v}' for k,v in word['morph']['feats'].items()))) |
if word['morph']['suffix']: |
entry_to_assign_suf_dep = None |
if word['morph']['pos'] in ['ADP', 'NUM', 'DET']: |
entry_to_assign_suf_dep = intermediate_output[-1] |
intermediate_output[-1]['func'] = 'case' |
dep = word['syntax']['dep_head_idx'] |
func = word['syntax']['dep_func'] |
else: |
dep = word_idx |
func = {'VERB': 'obj', 'NUM': 'dep'}.get(word['morph']['pos'], 'nmod:poss') |
s_word, s_lex = word['seg'][-1], word['lex'] |
if style == 'iahlt': |
if len(s_word) > len(s_lex): |
idx = len(s_lex) |
else: |
idx = min([len(s_word) - 1, s_word.rfind(s_lex[-1])]) |
suf = s_word[idx:] |
intermediate_output[-1]['word'] = s_word[:idx] |
elif style == 'htb': |
intermediate_output[-1]['word'] = (s_lex if s_lex != s_word else s_word[:-1]) + '_' |
suf_feats = word['morph']['suffix_feats'] |
suf = ud_suffix_to_htb_str.get(f"Gender={suf_feats.get('Gender', 'Fem,Masc')}|Number={suf_feats.get('Number', 'Sing')}|Person={suf_feats.get('Person', '3')}", "_ืืื") |
if func == 'nmod:poss' and s_lex != 'ืฉื': |
intermediate_output.append(dict(word='_ืฉื_', lex='ืฉื', pos='ADP', dep=len(intermediate_output) + 2, func='case', feats='_', absolute_dep=True)) |
intermediate_output.append(dict(word=suf, lex='ืืื', pos='PRON', dep=dep, func=func, feats='|'.join(f'{k}={v}' for k,v in word['morph']['suffix_feats'].items()))) |
if entry_to_assign_suf_dep: |
entry_to_assign_suf_dep['dep'] = len(intermediate_output) |
entry_to_assign_suf_dep['absolute_dep'] = True |
end = len(intermediate_output) |
ranges.append((start, end, word['token'])) |
cur_output = [] |
final_output.append(cur_output) |
cur_output.append(f'# sent_id = {sent_idx + 1}') |
cur_output.append(f'# text = {sentence["text"]}') |
for start,end,token in ranges: |
if end - start > 1: |
cur_output.append(f'{start + 1}-{end}\t{token}\t_\t_\t_\t_\t_\t_\t_\t_') |
for idx,output in enumerate(intermediate_output[start:end], start + 1): |
dep = output['dep'] if output.get('absolute_dep', False) else idx_to_key[output['dep']] |
func = normalize_dep_rel(output['func'], style) |
cur_output.append('\t'.join([ |
str(idx), |
output['word'], |
output['lex'], |
output['pos'], |
output['pos'], |
output['feats'], |
str(dep), |
func, |
'_', '_' |
])) |
return final_output |
def normalize_dep_rel(dep, style: Literal['htb', 'iahlt']): |
if style == 'iahlt': |
if dep == 'compound:smixut': return 'compound' |
if dep == 'nsubj:cop': return 'nsubj' |
if dep == 'mark:q': return 'mark' |
if dep == 'case:gen' or dep == 'case:acc': return 'case' |
return dep |
def ud_get_prefix_dep(pre, word, word_idx): |
does_follow_main = False |
if pre.endswith('ืฉ'): |
does_follow_main = word['morph']['pos'] != 'VERB' |
func = 'mark' |
elif pre == 'ื': |
does_follow_main = word['syntax']['dep_func'] not in ["conj", "acl:recl", "parataxis", "root", "acl", "amod", "list", "appos", "dep", "flatccomp"] |
func = 'cc' |
else: |
if word['morph']['pos'] in ["ADJ", "NOUN", "PROPN", "PRON", "VERB"]: |
does_follow_main = False |
else: does_follow_main = word['syntax']['dep_func'] in ["compound:affix", "det", "aux", "nummod", "advmod", "dep", "cop", "mark", "fixed"] |
func = 'case' |
if pre == 'ื': |
func = 'det' if 'DET' in word['morph']['prefixes'] else 'mark' |
return (word['syntax']['dep_head_idx'] if does_follow_main else word_idx), func |