{ "003234408d": { "penguin": { "9": "1. The penguin is sitting on the ground with its beak pointed downwards toward the surface.\n2. The penguin is bending forward, pecking at the ground with its beak.\n3. The penguin is lying on the ground with its body stretched out, facing forward.\n4. The penguin is lying down on the ground with its head slightly lifted from the surface.\n5. The penguin is resting on its belly with its head lowered to the ground.", "16": "1. The penguin is pecking at the ground, shifting pebbles around with its beak.\n\n2. The penguin is stretching its neck forward, about to interact with another penguin.\n\n3. The penguin is sitting still, pressing its body against the rocky surface.\n\n4. The penguin is turning its head sharply to the right, observing its surroundings.\n\n5. The penguin is waddling up the rocky incline, maintaining balance with its flippers.", "21": "1. The penguin is facing forward while standing still on the rocky surface.\n\n2. The penguin is bending down, appearing to peck at the ground or adjusting something beneath.\n\n3. The penguin is lying down with its head slightly raised, observing its surroundings.\n\n4. The penguin is settled in a nest-like area, arranging pebbles with its beak.\n\n5. The penguin is lying flat on the rocks, resting with minimal movement.", "29": null } }, "0043f083b5": { "sedan": { "2": null, "7": null, "11": null, "15": null }, "bus": { "2": null, "7": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "0044fa5fba": { "giant_panda": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "005a527edd": { "ape": { "5": "1. The ape is grasping onto foliage with its hand while looking upward. \n2. The ape is raising its hand to its mouth and appearing to vocalize or chew.", "11": null, "16": null, "25": null } }, "0065b171f9": { "giant_panda": { "5": null, "11": null, "19": null, "27": null } }, "00917dcfc4": { "zebra": { "4": null, "7": "1. The zebra is standing still with its head slightly lowered, appearing relaxed.\n2. The zebra is leaning forward, extending its head downward while walking slowly.\n3. The zebra is facing left, with its neck and head turned toward the wall.", "12": "1. The zebra is standing still, facing forward with its body in a relaxed posture.\n\n2. The zebra is nuzzling another zebra with its head, showing direct interaction.\n\n3. The zebra is walking forward, showing motion with its legs moving toward the ground.", "15": "1. The zebra is extending its neck toward another zebra, possibly to nuzzle or interact.\n2. The zebra is standing still, with its head slightly tilted to the side.\n3. The zebra is turning its head to face the group, showing interest or alertness." } }, "00a23ccf53": { "shark": { "5": null, "11": null, "25": null, "30": null } }, "00ad5016a4": { "airplane": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "01082ae388": { "leopard": { "2": null, "13": null, "14": null, "23": null } }, "011ac0a06f": { "ape": { "4": null, "17": null, "23": null, "27": null } }, "013099c098": { "giant_panda": { "4": "1. The giant panda is standing on its hind legs and leaning slightly forward.\n2. The giant panda is sitting down and looking forward, facing a rocky area.", "6": "1. The giant panda is standing on all fours, facing downward, as it appears to overlook a stream.\n2. The giant panda is crouching down with its head close to the water, appearing to drink from the stream.", "9": "1. The giant panda is standing on all fours while facing forward.\n\n2. The giant panda is lying on its back with its paws raised in the air.", "14": null } }, "0155498c85": { "person": { "9": null, "15": null, "18": null, "26": null }, "motorbike": { "9": null, "15": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "01694ad9c8": { "bird": { "2": null, "6": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "017ac35701": { "giant_panda": { "5": null, "13": null, "21": null, "28": null } }, "01b80e8e1a": { "zebra": { "2": null, "5": null, "7": null, "9": null } }, "01baa5a4e1": { "frisbee": { "4": null, "11": null, "19": null, "25": null } }, "01c3111683": { "whale": { "8": null, "15": null, "20": null, "28": null } }, "01c4cb5ffe": { "person": { "8": null, "14": "1. The person is skiing downhill, leaning forward, and using poles to maintain balance.\n\n3. The person is standing on the slope, facing downhill, and observing the skier with one arm raised.", "24": null, "32": null }, "snowboard": { "8": null, "14": null, "24": null, "32": null } }, "01c76f0a82": { "sedan": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "plant": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "01c783268c": { "ape": { "3": null, "11": null, "24": null, "30": null }, "person": { "3": null, "11": null, "24": null, "30": null } }, "01e64dd36a": { "cow": { "4": null, "7": "1. The cow is stepping forward with its front leg extended and its head lifted high.\n\n2. The cow is lying on the ground with its body stretched out and head resting down.\n\n3. The cow is standing upright with its head turned to one side, as if observing its surroundings.", "8": "1. The cow is standing and facing forward, appearing to rise from or lower to the ground with its front legs bent.\n\n2. The cow is lying flat on the ground, resting with its body fully extended.\n\n3. The cow is sitting upright with its hind legs folded beneath it.", "13": null } }, "01ed275c6e": { "giraffe": { "3": null, "7": "1. The giraffe is extending its neck upward and appears to be reaching toward the tree branches above.\n\n2. The giraffe is leaning its neck against the tree trunk while keeping its body angled towards the right.", "11": "1. The giraffe is standing upright with its neck extended, appearing to reach towards the leaves above.\n\n2. The giraffe is bending its neck downward, pulling leaves from a tree branch with its mouth.", "14": "1. The giraffe is standing still with its neck extended upwards, appearing to reach for leaves on a tree.\n2. The giraffe is leaning against a tree, turning its head sideways towards the foliage above." } }, "01ff60d1fa": { "lizard": { "6": null, "16": null, "22": null, "29": null } }, "020cd28cd2": { "person": { "5": null, "8": null, "19": null, "20": null } }, "02264db755": { "fox": { "8": null, "13": null, "22": null, "27": null } }, "0248626d9a": { "train": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "02668dbffa": { "frog": { "5": null, "8": null, "18": null, "23": null } }, "0274193026": { "skateboard": { "3": null, "10": null, "15": null, "20": null }, "person": { "3": null, "10": null, "15": null, "20": null } }, "02d28375aa": { "fox": { "5": null, "13": null, "19": null, "32": null } }, "031ccc99b1": { "person": { "3": "1. The person is stepping forward while gesturing with their hand.\n2. The person is holding a microphone and speaking, looking towards another individual.\n3. The person is leaning back with an arm raised, appearing to react to someone nearby.", "7": "1. A person is turned towards another individual, appearing to engage in conversation while gesturing with their hands.\n\n2. The person is holding a microphone and speaking, with an attentive posture.\n\n3. The person is touching their chest with one hand while observing those around them.", "10": "1. The person is standing with hands at their sides, facing another person directly in conversation.\n2. The person is holding a microphone with one hand while gesturing with the other hand.\n3. The person is standing upright, holding a cup in one hand.", "13": "1. The person is turning their head and gesturing with their hand towards the others.\n\n2. The person is holding a microphone and gesturing with their other hand.\n\n3. The person is standing with one hand on their hip, facing forward." } }, "0321b18c10": { "elephant": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "12": null }, "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "12": "1. The person is sitting on the elephant, holding onto a strap in front of them with one hand.\n\n2. The person is seated on a wooden seat on the elephant, grasping the side rail while leaning slightly forward." } }, "0348a45bca": { "fish": { "5": null, "13": null, "18": null, "33": null } }, "0355e92655": { "boat": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "16": null }, "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "16": null }, "paddle": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "16": null } }, "0358b938c1": { "elephant": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "15": "1. The elephant is submerged in water with its trunk lifted and spraying water upwards.\n\n2. The elephant is sitting and raising its trunk to spray water into the air.\n\n3. The elephant is standing and extending its trunk forward towards the water surface." } }, "0368107cf1": { "person": { "5": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "0379ddf557": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "14": null, "25": null, "27": null }, "person": { "4": null, "14": null, "25": null, "27": null } }, "038b2cc71d": { "lizard": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "16": null } }, "038c15a5dd": { "hedgehog": { "9": null, "13": null, "18": null, "30": null } }, "03a06cc98a": { "giraffe": { "3": "1. The giraffe is bending its neck downward while grazing on the ground.\n\n2. The giraffe is extending its neck upward to feed on foliage hanging above.\n\n3. The giraffe is standing upright with its neck slightly angled, maintaining a steady posture.", "6": "1. The giraffe is bending its neck downward, as if inspecting something on the ground.\n2. The giraffe is stretching its neck upward towards the foliage, likely trying to reach higher leaves.\n3. The giraffe is walking forward with its head slightly raised, moving through the area.", "11": null, "17": "1. The giraffe is extending its neck upwards, reaching towards the branches above. \n2. The giraffe is actively stretching its neck toward the tall structure to investigate the foliage. \n3. The giraffe is bending down to nibble on the leaves of a nearby bush." } }, "03a63e187f": { "lizard": { "6": null, "16": null, "24": null, "31": null } }, "03c95b4dae": { "elephant": { "4": null, "7": "1. The elephant is walking along the riverbank, swinging its trunk and stepping forward.\n\n2. The elephant is standing still with its trunk lowered, facing the water.\n\n3. The elephant is turning its head toward the other elephants while moving its legs.", "8": "1. The elephant is walking forward while facing the riverbank.\n\n2. The elephant is standing still with its head slightly turned to the right.\n\n3. The elephant is swinging its trunk toward the ground while lowering its head.", "16": null } }, "03e2b57b0e": { "lizard": { "7": null, "12": null, "18": null, "23": null } }, "04194e1248": { "lizard": { "3": null, "15": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "04259896e2": { "lizard": { "9": null, "11": null, "23": null, "27": null } }, "0444918a5f": { "truck": { "5": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "04460a7a52": { "lizard": { "3": null, "17": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "04474174a4": { "ape": { "7": "1. The ape is climbing up the rock with its arms extended forward.\n2. The ape is sitting on the rock, facing away, while leaning against the surface.", "15": null, "22": null, "29": null } }, "0450095513": { "snail": { "6": null, "8": null, "17": null, "21": null } }, "045f00aed2": { "tiger": { "7": null, "15": null, "20": null, "32": null }, "others": { "7": null, "15": null, "20": null, "32": null }, "person": { "7": null, "15": null, "20": null, "32": null } }, "04667fabaa": { "parrot": { "2": null, "16": null, "18": null, "32": null } }, "04735c5030": { "cat": { "2": "1. The cat is playfully pouncing forward with paws extended.\n\n2. The cat is attentively looking upward while stretching its back legs.", "7": null, "8": "1. The cat is stretching its front paws forward while lying on its belly and playing with a string.\n2. The cat is peeking over the edge of the furniture, holding its head low against the surface.", "15": "1. The cat is standing upright on its hind legs while reaching up with its front paws.\n\n2. The cat is resting with its head down and eyes closed, showing no active movement." } }, "04990d1915": { "truck": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "12": null }, "sedan": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "12": null }, "bus": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "04d62d9d98": { "skateboard": { "3": null, "9": null, "11": null, "15": null }, "person": { "3": null, "9": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "04f21da964": { "monkey": { "2": null, "13": null, "19": null, "32": null } }, "04fbad476e": { "parrot": { "4": null, "10": null, "25": null, "29": null } }, "04fe256562": { "truck": { "2": null, "6": null, "11": null, "16": null }, "motorbike": { "2": null, "6": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "0503bf89c9": { "hedgehog": { "7": null, "13": null, "19": null, "27": null } }, "0536c9eed0": { "cat": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "054acb238f": { "owl": { "5": null, "14": null, "21": null, "32": null } }, "05579ca250": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "9": null, "18": null, "23": null }, "sedan": { "2": null, "9": null, "18": null, "23": null }, "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "18": null, "23": null } }, "056c200404": { "toilet": { "4": null, "9": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "05774f3a2c": { "ape": { "7": "1. The ape is sitting upright with one arm resting on the log, looking forward.\n2. The ape is lying down on its side, with one leg stretched out and relaxed.\n3. The ape is holding onto the larger ape's chest while looking up.", "11": null, "21": null, "27": null } }, "058a7592c8": { "train": { "5": null, "6": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "05a0a513df": { "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "05a569d8aa": { "cat": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "15": null }, "mouse": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "05aa652648": { "ape": { "5": null, "10": null, "14": null, "24": null } }, "05d7715782": { "sign": { "2": null, "8": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "05e0b0f28f": { "mouse": { "3": null, "11": null, "15": null, "20": null }, "person": { "3": null, "11": null, "15": null, "20": null } }, "05fdbbdd7a": { "umbrella": { "3": null, "4": null, "6": null, "11": null } }, "05ffcfed85": { "monkey": { "9": null, "12": "1. The monkey is hanging from a branch with one arm while reaching for leaves with the other.\n\n2. The monkey is crouched on a branch, extending its arm to grasp nearby foliage.", "20": "1. The monkey is hanging from a branch with its arms extended upward.\n\n2. The monkey is swinging through the branches, reaching forward with one arm.", "29": null } }, "0630391881": { "tennis_racket": { "7": null, "12": null, "17": null, "26": null }, "person": { "7": null, "12": null, "17": null, "26": null } }, "06840b2bbe": { "snake": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "068f7dce6f": { "shark": { "2": null, "16": null, "22": null, "31": null } }, "0693719753": { "turtle": { "7": "1. The turtle is pushing its front foot forward while leaning slightly downward on the rocky surface.\n2. The turtle is extending its neck forward, appearing to peer closely at something ahead.", "12": null, "19": null, "23": null } }, "06ce2b51fb": { "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "11": null }, "paddle": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "06e224798e": { "tiger": { "2": null, "16": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "06ee361788": { "duck": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "06fbb3fa2c": { "eagle": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "0700264286": { "cow": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": "1. The cow is standing on all fours, slightly tilting its head downward, as if investigating the ground.\n\n2. The cow is standing still with its head slightly turned away, appearing to be in a resting posture.", "15": "1. The cow is standing with its head lifted, facing forward and slightly turning its body.\n\n2. The cow is leaning forward, pressing its head against the side of another cow." } }, "070c918ca7": { "parrot": { "5": null, "14": null, "20": null, "32": null } }, "07129e14a4": { "parrot": { "7": "1. The parrot is perched on a shoulder, leaning forward and opening its beak as if calling out.\n2. The parrot is standing upright, facing forward, and holding its crest feathers raised.", "17": "1. The parrot is raising its head and appears to be vocalizing while gripping a surface with its claws.\n\n2. The parrot tilts its head to the side while maintaining a steady grip with its claws.", "20": null, "28": null }, "person": { "7": null, "17": null, "20": null, "28": null } }, "07177017e9": { "motorbike": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "14": null } }, "07238ffc58": { "monkey": { "9": null, "16": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "07353b2a89": { "sheep": { "4": null, "11": "1. The sheep is stepping forward with its head slightly turned to the right, seeming ready to move further into the pen.\n\n2. The sheep is actively bounding forward, its legs stretched mid-air as it propels itself toward the center.\n\n4. The sheep is pressing against the gate with its body angled, pushing its head through an opening to the other side.", "16": null, "24": null } }, "0738493cbf": { "airplane": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "075926c651": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is holding a microphone to their mouth and standing still.\n2. The person is seated and playing a piano with their hands on the keys.", "6": null, "9": null, "12": null } }, "075c701292": { "duck": { "2": null, "17": null, "20": null, "29": null } }, "0762ea9a30": { "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "07652ee4af": { "skateboard": { "7": null, "13": null, "19": null, "20": null }, "person": { "7": null, "13": null, "19": null, "20": null } }, "076f206928": { "zebra": { "5": null, "6": null, "13": null, "16": null }, "person": { "5": null, "6": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "077d32af19": { "train": { "4": null, "8": null, "11": null, "15": null }, "person": { "4": null, "8": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "079049275c": { "mouse": { "7": null, "13": null, "18": null, "25": null } }, "07913cdda7": { "train": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "07a11a35e8": { "ape": { "7": "1. The ape is sitting and inspecting a piece of food held in its hands.\n2. The ape is seated and leaning slightly forward with its hands resting on the ground.", "17": "1. The ape is sitting and holding a piece of food with both hands, bringing it towards its mouth.\n2. The ape is crouched low, using its front limbs for support while observing its surroundings.", "22": "1. The ape is sitting and holding a piece of food in its hand while bringing it closer to its mouth. \n2. The ape is moving forward on all fours, with its front arm extended in a crawling motion.", "30": "1. The ape is sitting and holding a piece of food, bringing it closer to its mouth.\n2. The ape is standing on all fours, looking attentively at the other ape." } }, "07ac33b6df": { "ape": { "4": null, "8": null, "15": null, "22": null } }, "07c62c3d11": { "parrot": { "7": "1. The parrot is pecking at the red ring with its beak. \n2. The parrot is flapping its wings while balancing on the perch.", "11": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "07cc1c7d74": { "snake": { "9": null, "13": null, "21": null, "26": null } }, "080196ef01": { "hand": { "3": null, "16": null, "25": null, "31": null }, "lizard": { "3": null, "16": null, "25": null, "31": null } }, "081207976e": { "hat": { "5": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "081ae4fa44": { "shark": { "6": null, "9": null, "15": null, "21": null } }, "081d8250cb": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "9": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "sedan": { "2": null, "9": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "082900c5d4": { "duck": { "3": "1. The duck is paddling vigorously with its feet as it navigates the water.\n\n2. The duck is floating calmly on the water, facing forward without much movement.\n\n3. The duck is splashing water with its wings as it skims the surface.", "7": null, "10": null, "17": "1. The duck is paddling steadily forward, creating small ripples behind it.\n\n2. The duck is gliding smoothly on the water with its neck slightly extended.\n\n3. The duck is dipping its head momentarily, sending sprays of water around." } }, "0860df21e2": { "frisbee": { "9": null, "17": null, "18": null, "27": null } }, "0866d4c5e3": { "bird": { "3": null, "6": "1. The bird is pecking at the ground, repeatedly moving its beak through the soil.\n2. The bird is flapping its wings rapidly while perched on a branch.\n3. The bird is hopping forward with small, quick movements.", "10": "1. The bird is pecking at the ground with quick, repeated motions.\n\n2. The bird is fluttering its wings rapidly while hovering above the ground.\n\n3. The bird is hopping forward with small, active jumps.", "13": null } }, "0891ac2eb6": { "person": { "3": "1. The person is standing upright and stretching their arms above their head.\n2. The person is sitting on a lounge chair and adjusting something on their lap.\n3. The person is reclining on a lounge chair and reaching towards a nearby table.", "6": "1. The person is walking away from the camera, straightening up.\n2. The person is sitting and reaching forward to adjust something on the ground.\n3. The person is standing and adjusting an umbrella with one hand.", "10": "1. The person is bending forward while adjusting a beach umbrella.\n\n2. The person is sitting on a lounger, facing forward with legs extended.\n\n3. The person is crouching next to the water, leaning sideways with hands on the ground.", "14": null } }, "08931bc458": { "skateboard": { "5": null, "14": null, "21": null, "29": null }, "person": { "5": null, "14": null, "21": null, "29": null }, "others": { "5": null, "14": null, "21": null, "29": null } }, "08aa2705d5": { "snake": { "7": null, "11": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "08c8450db7": { "toilet": { "5": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "08d50b926c": { "turtle": { "4": null, "14": null, "23": null, "31": null } }, "08e1e4de15": { "monkey": { "7": "1. The monkey is sitting on a rock and turning its head to look to the side.\n\n2. The monkey is climbing the rock and looking upwards.\n\n3. The monkey is sitting on the bench and reaching out with one arm.\n\n4. The monkey is standing on a rock and climbing upwards with its hind legs.", "12": "1. The monkey is walking across the top of a wooden structure with a steady gait.\n\n2. The monkey is perched on a rocky surface, looking intently upward.\n\n3. The monkey is climbing onto a ledge, gripping the rock with both hands.\n\n4. The monkey is sitting on a stump, watching the activities around with a slight tilt of its head.", "19": null, "31": "1. The monkey is climbing vertically up the rocky surface, using its hands and feet to grip the stones.\n\n2. The monkey is jumping to the next rock ledge with its legs stretched out.\n\n3. The monkey is sitting upright, turning its head to the side.\n\n4. The monkey is crouching low with a forward lean." } }, "08e48c1a48": { "cow": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "08f561c65e": { "giant_panda": { "2": null, "10": null, "18": null, "30": null }, "person": { "2": null, "10": null, "18": null, "30": null } }, "08feb87790": { "sheep": { "5": null, "9": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "09049f6fe3": { "mouse": { "2": null, "12": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "092e4ff450": { "snake": { "4": null, "10": null, "24": null, "28": null } }, "09338adea8": { "whale": { "8": null, "10": null, "21": null, "32": null } }, "093c335ccc": { "frisbee": { "4": null, "11": null, "14": null, "24": null }, "person": { "4": null, "11": null, "14": null, "24": null } }, "0970d28339": { "ape": { "5": null, "12": null, "25": "1. The ape is reaching out with one arm, grasping a nearby branch firmly.\n\n2. The ape is using both arms to swing forward, extending its legs behind.", "30": "1. The ape is sitting and facing forward, appearing relaxed in posture.\n2. The ape is extending its arm to touch or grasp the branch beside it." } }, "0974a213dc": { "giraffe": { "3": "1. The giraffe is bending down with its head lowered, reaching towards the ground.\n\n2. The giraffe is facing downward with its neck bent, bringing its mouth close to the ground.\n\n3. The giraffe is standing upright while looking straight ahead.", "6": null, "12": "1. The giraffe is bending its neck forward and reaching toward the ground. \n2. The giraffe is leaning its head sideways and nuzzling against the other giraffe. \n3. The giraffe is standing still with its head slightly raised and facing to the side.", "16": "1. The giraffe is bending its neck forward, appearing to nuzzle or interact playfully with the next giraffe.\n\n2. The giraffe is stretching its neck towards the first giraffe, engaging in a mutual physical interaction.\n\n3. The giraffe is standing still while facing a tree, seemingly observing or sniffing the bark." } }, "097b471ed8": { "cat": { "2": "1. The cat is lying on its side with its head slightly lifted, gazing intently forward.\n\n2. A cat is sniffing and inspecting a textured brush object nearby.", "7": "1. The cat is stretching its front legs forward while resting on a surface.\n2. The cat is leaning forward, sniffing or inspecting an object in front of it.", "10": null, "17": null } }, "0990941758": { "giant_panda": { "8": null, "13": null, "25": null, "26": null } }, "09a348f4fa": { "lizard": { "7": null, "11": null, "16": null, "26": null } }, "09a6841288": { "duck": { "5": null, "6": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "09c5bad17b": { "airplane": { "5": null, "8": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "09c9ce80c7": { "giant_panda": { "8": null, "14": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "09ff54fef4": { "fox": { "4": null, "9": "1. The fox is crouching low with its head downward.\n2. The fox is in a pouncing posture, leaning forward with its paws extended slightly.", "15": "1. The fox is crouching low to the ground, peering forward intently while sniffing the surface. \n2. The fox is standing with its head turned, appearing to listen intently to sounds coming from the left.", "23": null } }, "0a23765d15": { "skateboard": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "12": null }, "person": { "3": "1. The person is jumping off an elevated surface with arms spread wide.\n2. The person is bending forward and appears to be preparing for a jump.", "6": "1. The person is performing a skateboarding trick by jumping onto the ledge with one arm raised for balance.\n\n2. The person is skateboarding forward with knees bent and arms extended outward for balance.", "9": "1. The person is landing on a skateboard with one foot while extending an arm for balance.\n\n2. The person is leaping into the air with knees bent and arms raised, preparing to land on a skateboard.", "12": "1. The person is mid-step, appearing to balance or prepare for movement with arms extended.\n\n2. The person is jumping over a box while extending arms outward for balance." } }, "0a275e7f12": { "elephant": { "5": null, "8": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "0a2f2bd294": { "motorbike": { "3": null, "6": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "0a7a2514aa": { "cat": { "4": null, "6": null, "12": null, "14": null }, "lizard": { "4": null, "6": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "0a7b27fde9": { "parrot": { "2": "1. The parrot is leaning forward while perched on a branch, facing a hand that is approaching it.\n\n2. The parrot is standing calmly on a person's hand, facing sideways and looking around.", "11": null, "16": null, "27": null } }, "0a8c467cc3": { "fish": { "7": "1. The fish is swiftly gliding forward while its tail gracefully undulates with the motion.\n\n2. The fish is drifting sideways, gently waving its fins to maintain balance.", "16": null, "23": null, "26": null } }, "0ac8c560ae": { "person": { "4": null, "7": "1. The person is sitting upright while holding onto the elephant's back with one hand, keeping balance.\n\n2. The person is crouching forward on the elephant, using both hands to stabilize themselves.", "11": null, "16": null } }, "0b1627e896": { "boat": { "5": null, "6": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "0b285c47f6": { "mouse": { "3": null, "8": null, "14": null, "24": null }, "hand": { "3": null, "8": null, "14": null, "24": null } }, "0b34ec1d55": { "ape": { "4": null, "13": null, "21": null, "26": null } }, "0b5b5e8e5a": { "sedan": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "16": null }, "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "0b68535614": { "rabbit": { "2": null, "13": null, "24": null, "26": null }, "hand": { "2": null, "13": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "0b6f9105fc": { "rabbit": { "6": null, "10": null, "20": null, "33": null } }, "0b7dbfa3cb": { "cow": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "0b9cea51ca": { "whale": { "2": null, "10": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "0b9d012be8": { "camel": { "2": null, "12": null, "18": null, "33": null } }, "0bcfc4177d": { "truck": { "4": null, "6": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "0bd37b23c1": { "motorbike": { "3": null, "9": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "0bd864064c": { "eagle": { "7": null, "11": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "0c11c6bf7b": { "deer": { "6": null, "10": null, "25": null, "31": null } }, "0c26bc77ac": { "crocodile": { "9": null, "13": null, "20": null, "26": null } }, "0c3a04798c": { "duck": { "2": null, "7": null, "11": null, "14": null }, "fish": { "2": null, "7": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "0c44a9d545": { "tiger": { "9": null, "17": null, "18": null, "32": null } }, "0c817cc390": { "hedgehog": { "5": null, "10": null, "19": null, "26": null }, "dog": { "5": null, "10": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "0ca839ee9a": { "ape": { "3": null, "14": "1. The ape is lying on its back while resting and looking upward with its eyes open.\n2. The ape is snuggling closely to the larger ape, with limbs resting on its body.", "20": null, "32": "1. The ape is lying on its back while tilting its head to the side and resting its arm across its chest.\n2. The ape is nestled closely, nuzzling against the side of the larger ape while observing its face." } }, "0cd7ac0ac0": { "rabbit": { "3": null, "8": null, "16": null, "23": null } }, "0ce06e0121": { "parrot": { "4": "1. The parrot is leaning forward and pecking gently at an object.\n\n2. The parrot is gripping a branch and using its beak to interact with a nearby hand.", "14": null, "20": "1. The parrot is perching on a wooden branch while leaning forward with its beak touching an object.\n2. The parrot is being held by a hand and is flapping its wings vigorously.", "26": "1. The parrot is pecking at the edge of the branch with its beak.\n\n2. The parrot is flapping its wings while holding onto the branch with one foot." } }, "0cfe974a89": { "turtle": { "6": "1. The turtle is walking steadily forward with its legs pushing firmly against the ground.\n2. The turtle is on its back, wriggling its legs and trying to flip over.", "14": null, "23": "1. The turtle is walking forward with its head extended outward.\n2. The turtle is on its back, moving its legs actively in the air.", "33": "1. The turtle is extending its front leg while moving forward over the ground.\n2. The turtle is on its back, wriggling its legs and attempting to right itself." } }, "0d2fcc0dcd": { "zebra": { "4": null, "9": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "0d3aad05d2": { "parachute": { "6": null, "12": null, "14": null, "20": null }, "person": { "6": null, "12": null, "14": null, "20": null } }, "0d40b015f4": { "person": { "3": null, "10": null, "24": null, "30": null }, "snowboard": { "3": null, "10": null, "24": null, "30": null } }, "0d97fba242": { "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "dog": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "0d9cc80d7e": { "person": { "2": null, "3": "1. The person is walking towards the bus, holding a strap over their shoulder.\n\n2. The person is standing close, looking in the direction of the bus with their hands relaxed by their sides.\n\n3. The person is standing and facing towards the bus entrance, appearing to watch the activity.", "4": null, "7": "1. The person is facing the bus entrance, stepping forward with a slight lean.\n\n2. The person is standing near the bus entrance, looking upwards towards the first person.\n\n3. The person is adjusting a strap across their shoulder while facing away from the bus." } }, "0dab85b6d3": { "lizard": { "7": null, "9": "1. The lizard is gripping a hand, using its legs to stabilize itself as it climbs slightly upward.\n\n2. The lizard is positioned on a flat surface, angling its body as it starts to move sideways along the edge.", "15": null, "20": "1. The lizard is resting on a hand with its legs hanging down and holding onto the fingers.\n2. The lizard is climbing on a vertical surface, with its body curved and legs gripping firmly." } }, "0db5c427a5": { "train": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "0dbaf284f1": { "cat": { "3": null, "9": "1. The cat is stepping forward with its head lowered, sniffing the ground.\n\n2. The cat is sitting upright while playfully batting at an object with its paw.", "12": "1. The cat is leaning forward with its body slightly poised as if examining something closely.\n2. The cat is crouched with its head lowered, appearing to investigate the floor.", "16": "1. The cat is leaning down and sniffing the foot in front of it.\n2. The cat is crouched down and nudging at the metallic base with its head." } }, "0de4923598": { "others": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "0df28a9101": { "turtle": { "6": null, "9": null, "19": null, "21": null } }, "0e04f636c4": { "frog": { "2": null, "11": null, "14": null, "20": null } }, "0e05f0e232": { "lizard": { "7": null, "12": null, "23": "1. The lizard is curling its body actively while its tail is coiling around.\n\n2. The lizard is pressing its body against the ground while extending its legs outward.", "27": "1. The lizard is flicking its tail while moving it from side to side.\n\n2. The lizard is crawling forward, pushing through the substrate on the ground." } }, "0e0930474b": { "sedan": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "16": null }, "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "16": null } }, "0e27472bea": { "turtle": { "5": null, "10": null, "18": null, "28": null }, "hand": { "5": null, "10": null, "18": null, "28": null } }, "0e30020549": { "parrot": { "4": null, "8": null, "16": null, "25": null } }, "0e621feb6c": { "lizard": { "7": "1. The lizard is pressing its body low to the ground while moving forward towards the other lizard. \n2. The lizard is raising its hind legs and pushing off the ground as it climbs over a leafy branch.", "13": null, "20": "1. The lizard is lying flat on the ground with its head raised, appearing to look forward.\n\n2. The lizard is positioned upright on the stone, with its body slightly arched and tail extended upwards.", "33": null } }, "0e803c7d73": { "hand": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "12": null }, "knife": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "12": null } }, "0e9ebe4e3c": { "truck": { "3": null, "7": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "0e9f2785ec": { "person": { "4": null, "8": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "umbrella": { "4": null, "8": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "0ea68d418b": { "airplane": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "others": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "0eb403a222": { "hand": { "2": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "knife": { "2": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "0ee92053d6": { "person": { "4": null, "8": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "0eefca067f": { "giant_panda": { "4": "1. The giant panda is sitting upright while holding bamboo and eating it with its mouth open.\n2. The giant panda is lying back and holding a piece of bamboo close to its mouth.", "13": null, "14": null, "25": null } }, "0f17fa6fcb": { "duck": { "6": null, "11": "1. The duck is gliding smoothly across the water with its head facing forward.\n\n2. The duck is splashing water with its webbed feet while moving energetically.\n\n3. The duck is paddling through the water, creating ripples as it moves ahead.", "25": "1. The duck is gliding smoothly across the water with its beak slightly forward.\n2. The duck is paddling forward while splashing its wings against the water.\n3. The duck is bobbing gently on the surface, adjusting its head to look around.", "28": null } }, "0f1ac8e9a3": { "frog": { "5": null, "15": null, "25": null, "28": null } }, "0f202e9852": { "parrot": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "0f2ab8b1ff": { "dolphin": { "3": null, "12": null, "24": null, "30": null } }, "0f51a78756": { "sheep": { "6": null, "13": null, "19": null, "24": null } }, "0f5fbe16b0": { "raccoon": { "9": "1. The raccoon is lying on its back, reaching upwards with its front paws towards the table leg.\n\n2. The raccoon is leaning forward, extending its nose towards a wire on the ground.", "17": null, "23": "1. The raccoon is lying on its back, extending and waving its front paws upwards.\n\n2. The raccoon is crouching forward and reaching out with its paw.", "27": null } }, "0f6072077b": { "person": { "4": null, "5": "1. The person is sitting on a motorcycle, turning their head to the side while resting an arm on the bike.\n\n2. The person is seated on a motorcycle, leaning slightly forward with hands resting on their thighs.\n\n3. The person is holding a camera up to their face, focusing and taking a photograph.", "8": "1. The person is sitting on a motorcycle, looking to their right while resting an arm on the handlebar.\n\n2. The person is seated on a motorcycle, smiling and facing slightly forward with one leg crossed over the other.\n\n3. The person is holding a camera up to their face and appears to be taking a photograph.", "14": null } }, "0f6b69b2f4": { "rabbit": { "9": null, "15": null, "22": null, "32": null } }, "0f6c2163de": { "snail": { "5": null, "9": null, "15": null, "22": null } }, "0f74ec5599": { "giant_panda": { "9": null, "10": null, "23": null, "30": null } }, "0f9683715b": { "elephant": { "2": null, "7": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "0fa7b59356": { "duck": { "4": null, "14": null, "18": null, "30": null } }, "0fb173695b": { "person": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "paddle": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "hat": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "0fc958cde2": { "owl": { "3": null, "8": null, "15": null, "21": null } }, "0fe7b1a621": { "parrot": { "2": null, "10": null, "21": null, "30": null } }, "0ffcdb491c": { "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "101caff7d4": { "giant_panda": { "3": null, "6": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "1022fe8417": { "person": { "3": "1. The person is holding the reins and steering the carriage.\n2. The person is sitting back in the carriage, holding onto the side with one hand.\n3. The person is clapping their hands while facing the procession.", "7": "1. The person is holding reins with both hands and steering the horse-drawn carriage.\n2. The person is seated and waving with one hand towards the crowd.\n3. The person is turning their head and looking towards the carriage.", "13": "1. The person is holding the reins and steering the horses while sitting on the carriage.\n2. The person is standing on the carriage and facing forward while holding a fabric or banner.\n3. The person is seated on the carriage, resting hands on their lap and looking at the crowd.", "16": null } }, "1032e80b37": { "giraffe": { "4": null, "7": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "103f501680": { "fish": { "9": null, "11": null, "22": null, "26": null } }, "104e64565f": { "elephant": { "5": null, "8": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "104f1ab997": { "person": { "4": "1. The person is leaning forward and extending their arm towards the boat.\n2. The person is gripping the side of the boat and pulling it closer.\n3. The person is raising a camera to eye level with both hands.", "7": null, "9": "1. The person is leaning over and inspecting a small boat while holding an object in their hand.\n\n2. The person is crouching and reaching towards the inflatable boat, actively adjusting or securing something.\n\n3. The person is standing upright on a platform, holding a phone with both hands as they type on it.", "16": "1. The person is standing with hands on hips, facing towards the water.\n\n2. The person is leaning forward over a boat, appearing to reach out with their right hand.\n\n3. The person is holding a camera with both hands and looking towards the water." } }, "106242403f": { "person": { "2": null, "8": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "10b31f5431": { "person": { "3": "1. The person is walking on the sidewalk with arms relaxed by their sides.\n2. The person is riding a bicycle, gripping the handlebars, and pedaling forward.\n3. The person is leaning low while riding a skateboard, holding onto a camera with one hand.", "10": null, "18": null, "27": null } }, "10eced835e": { "giant_panda": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "110d26fa3a": { "shark": { "5": null, "13": null, "14": null, "21": null } }, "1122c1d16a": { "parrot": { "9": null, "17": null, "24": "1. The parrot is gripping onto the hand while tilting its head upward.\n2. The parrot is being held up and it flaps its wings slightly.\n3. The parrot is leaning back with its tail feathers pointing downwards.\n4. The parrot is perched calmly, peering over its shoulder.\n5. The parrot is climbing up the cage bars, using its beak for support.", "33": null }, "person": { "9": null, "17": null, "24": null, "33": null } }, "1145b49a5f": { "rabbit": { "7": null, "17": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "11485838c2": { "giraffe": { "5": null, "6": "1. The giraffe is stretching its neck downwards, nibbling on a leafy branch. \n2. The giraffe is arching its neck upwards, inspecting the roof structure. \n3. The giraffe is leaning forward, sniffing the ground area closely.", "11": "1. The giraffe is stretching its neck upwards and reaching towards a rooftop.\n\n2. The giraffe is leaning its head towards the other giraffe, appearing to nuzzle its neck.\n\n3. The giraffe is lowering its head and nudging the side of the nearby giraffe.", "15": "1. The giraffe is extending its neck upward and reaching over a barrier.\n\n2. The giraffe is lowering its head and interacting with another giraffe at close range.\n\n3. The giraffe is standing still with its ears perked up, observing its surroundings." } }, "114e7676ec": { "surfboard": { "6": null, "15": null, "21": null, "33": null }, "person": { "6": null, "15": null, "21": null, "33": null } }, "1157472b95": { "parrot": { "7": "1. The parrot is tilting its head sideways and pecking at the branch.\n\n2. The parrot is standing upright and flapping its wings slightly.", "10": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "115ee1072c": { "cow": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "1171141012": { "turtle": { "7": null, "12": null, "14": null, "26": null }, "person": { "7": null, "12": null, "14": null, "26": null } }, "117757b4b8": { "snail": { "8": null, "11": null, "25": null, "33": null } }, "1178932d2f": { "person": { "8": null, "11": null, "23": null, "26": null }, "motorbike": { "8": null, "11": null, "23": null, "26": null } }, "117cc76bda": { "whale": { "3": null, "12": null, "18": null, "31": null } }, "1180cbf814": { "fish": { "5": null, "10": "1. The fish is gliding upward while its fins flicker gently. \n2. The fish is darting forward with rapid movements, its body quickly swaying side to side.", "23": null, "32": null } }, "1187bbd0e3": { "cat": { "4": null, "6": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "1197e44b26": { "giant_panda": { "6": null, "17": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "119cf20728": { "hand": { "3": null, "12": null, "24": null, "28": null }, "lizard": { "3": null, "12": null, "24": null, "28": null } }, "119dd54871": { "lion": { "5": null, "9": null, "22": null, "24": null } }, "11a0c3b724": { "mouse": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "11a6ba8c94": { "skateboard": { "3": null, "17": null, "18": null, "29": null }, "person": { "3": null, "17": "1. The person is crouching down while holding a small object close to the ground with their right hand.\n\n2. The person is stepping forward with their left foot and extending their left arm forward in a walking motion.", "18": "1. The person is crouching down while attaching something to a skateboard.\n2. The person is stepping forward with one leg extended, holding a skateboard in one hand.", "29": "1. The person is crouching down and adjusting the straps on rollerblades.\n2. The person is performing a skateboard trick, balancing on one leg with the other leg raised." } }, "11c722a456": { "turtle": { "2": "1. The turtle is swimming horizontally, lightly paddling its flippers in a slow gliding motion.\n\n2. The turtle is moving upward towards the water\u2019s surface, using strong strokes of its flippers.", "15": "1. The turtle is swimming forward with its limbs extended beside its shell.\n\n2. The turtle is gliding through the water while tilting its head slightly upward.", "19": "1. The turtle is swimming forward near the surface of the water, moving with its front flippers extended outward.\n\n2. The turtle is swimming with its head facing forward and its flippers actively paddling.", "29": null } }, "11cbcb0b4d": { "zebra": { "4": null, "9": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "11ccf5e99d": { "plant": { "5": null, "6": null, "11": null, "16": null }, "person": { "5": null, "6": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "11ce6f452e": { "person": { "4": "1. The person is standing with hands on hips, looking toward the horse.\n2. The person is holding reins and directing the horse forward.\n3. The person is standing inside the cart, gripping the railing with one hand.", "6": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "11feabe596": { "rabbit": { "7": null, "8": null, "15": null, "20": null } }, "120cb9514d": { "person": { "4": null, "17": null, "18": "1. The person is embracing another person with both arms wrapped around them.\n2. The person is holding a snowboard vertically while engaging in a hug.\n3. The person is hugging another person tightly with their head resting on their shoulder.", "32": null } }, "12156b25b3": { "surfboard": { "2": null, "13": null, "18": null, "26": null }, "person": { "2": null, "13": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "122896672d": { "skateboard": { "8": null, "13": null, "21": null, "28": null }, "person": { "8": null, "13": null, "21": null, "28": null }, "others": { "8": null, "13": null, "21": null, "28": null } }, "1233ac8596": { "dog": { "3": null, "8": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "1239c87234": { "lizard": { "8": null, "11": null, "24": null, "30": null } }, "1250423f7c": { "elephant": { "5": "1. The elephant is sitting on its haunches with its trunk extended forward.\n\n2. The elephant is standing still with its head slightly turned.", "8": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "person": { "5": null, "8": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "hat": { "5": null, "8": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "1257a1bc67": { "snake": { "7": null, "12": null, "22": null, "29": null } }, "125d1b19dd": { "giant_panda": { "3": null, "12": "1. The giant panda is climbing on a tree branch, with its body leaning forward and reaching out with its paw.\n\n2. The giant panda is balancing on a tree branch, facing forward, and holding onto the branch with its front paws.", "23": "1. The giant panda is climbing a tree, wrapping its paws around a branch and holding on securely.\n2. The giant panda is standing on a branch while reaching forward, appearing to move towards another branch.", "30": "1. The giant panda is climbing a tree trunk while gripping onto the branches with its paws.\n\n2. The giant panda is balancing on a branch while facing downward." } }, "126d203967": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "14": null, "25": null, "33": null }, "person": { "2": null, "14": null, "25": null, "33": null } }, "1295e19071": { "airplane": { "5": null, "7": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "12ad198c54": { "skateboard": { "6": null, "11": null, "14": null, "25": null }, "person": { "6": null, "11": null, "14": null, "25": null } }, "12bddb2bcb": { "frisbee": { "3": null, "13": null, "15": null, "22": null }, "person": { "3": null, "13": null, "15": null, "22": null } }, "12ec9b93ee": { "giant_panda": { "8": null, "16": null, "22": null, "27": null } }, "12eebedc35": { "bird": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "132852e094": { "fox": { "4": null, "8": null, "12": null, "18": null } }, "1329409f2a": { "fish": { "5": null, "16": null, "23": null, "30": null } }, "13325cfa14": { "person": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "umbrella": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "1336440745": { "mouse": { "9": null, "14": null, "19": "1. The mouse is stretching its body upward while sniffing the air.\n\n2. The mouse is reaching forward and pushing its head through an opening.", "32": "1. The mouse is pushing upward on the bedding with its front legs and sniffing the air.\n\n2. The mouse is pausing and peering toward the spinning wheel." } }, "134d06dbf9": { "cat": { "5": null, "8": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "135625b53d": { "parrot": { "7": null, "8": null, "18": null, "23": null }, "hand": { "7": null, "8": null, "18": null, "23": null } }, "13870016f9": { "cow": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "16": null }, "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "16": null } }, "13960b3c84": { "giraffe": { "4": null, "7": "1. The giraffe is extending its neck and turning its head towards the left.\n\n2. The giraffe is moving its head downward, possibly reaching for something below.\n\n3. The giraffe is bending its neck, with its head lowered and oriented to the ground.", "10": "1. The giraffe is lowering its head toward the ground while extending its neck forward.\n\n2. The giraffe is standing upright, facing left with its neck fully extended.\n\n3. The giraffe is bending its neck downwards to nuzzle or inspect the ground closely.", "16": null } }, "13adaad9d9": { "giant_panda": { "7": null, "12": null, "25": null, "33": null } }, "13ae097e20": { "giant_panda": { "7": null, "10": null, "19": null, "31": null } }, "13e3070469": { "zebra": { "4": null, "8": null, "10": "1. The zebra is lowering its head and grazing on the grass.\n\n2. The zebra is turning its head while moving forward, appearing to interact with another zebra.\n\n3. The zebra is walking steadily, lifting its front leg in mid-step.", "15": null } }, "13f6a8c20d": { "fish": { "2": null, "13": null, "19": null, "21": null } }, "1416925cf2": { "truck": { "2": "1. The truck is moving forward while receiving a stream of material from a connected chute above.\n\n2. The truck is actively processing and directing chopped material through an elevated chute towards another vehicle.", "5": "1. The truck is positioned to receive and collect chopped material being discharged from a harvester.\n\n2. The truck is actively releasing a stream of chopped crops through its chute towards the receiving truck.", "9": null, "16": "1. The truck is being filled with a stream of harvested crop material from an adjacent machine.\n\n2. The truck is operating a large chute to transfer harvested crops into the bed of another truck." } }, "142d2621f5": { "person": { "3": "1. The person is stepping away from the motorcycle while turning their body slightly to the side. \n2. The person is leaning forward, grasping the handlebars of the motorcycle with both hands.", "6": "1. The person is striding through the mud, preparing to approach the motorcycle. \n2. The person is bent over, gripping the motorcycle handlebars and pushing forward.", "8": null, "11": "1. The person is bending forward, using both hands to grip the handlebar of a motorcycle in the mud.\n\n2. The person is grasping the rear part of the motorcycle, leaning over it, and appearing to exert force." }, "motorbike": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "145d5d7c03": { "giant_panda": { "5": null, "12": null, "23": null, "28": null } }, "145fdc3ac5": { "lizard": { "4": null, "10": null, "23": null, "32": null } }, "1471274fa7": { "person": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "14a6b5a139": { "fish": { "2": null, "17": null, "21": null, "27": null } }, "14c21cea0d": { "monkey": { "6": null, "11": null, "18": null, "27": null } }, "14dae0dc93": { "person": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "umbrella": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "14f9bd22b5": { "tiger": { "6": null, "16": null, "25": null, "26": null } }, "14fd28ae99": { "parrot": { "9": null, "17": null, "18": null, "28": null }, "hand": { "9": null, "17": null, "18": null, "28": null } }, "15097d5d4e": { "parrot": { "6": null, "13": null, "18": null, "25": null }, "hand": { "6": null, "13": null, "18": null, "25": null } }, "150ea711f2": { "whale": { "9": null, "11": null, "21": null, "33": null } }, "1514e3563f": { "earless_seal": { "7": null, "13": null, "22": null, "29": null } }, "152aaa3a9e": { "raccoon": { "9": null, "16": null, "24": null, "30": null } }, "152b7d3bd7": { "giant_panda": { "6": null, "12": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "15617297cc": { "surfboard": { "8": null, "11": null, "24": null, "32": null }, "person": { "8": null, "11": null, "24": null, "32": null } }, "15abbe0c52": { "skateboard": { "7": null, "13": null, "17": null, "22": null }, "person": { "7": null, "13": null, "17": null, "22": null } }, "15d1fb3de5": { "owl": { "2": null, "12": null, "24": null, "26": null }, "cat": { "2": null, "12": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "15f67b0fab": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "16": null, "21": null, "30": null }, "person": { "4": null, "16": null, "21": null, "30": null } }, "161eb59aad": { "cow": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "giraffe": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "16288ea47f": { "duck": { "5": "1. The duck is resting its head on its back with wings tucked in while lying in a container.\n\n2. The duck is dipping its head into the water as it floats in a tray.", "15": "1. The duck is leaning forward while grooming its feathers with its beak. \n2. The duck is resting in water with its head turned back.", "19": "1. The duck is flapping its wings vigorously while sitting in a container.\n\n2. The duck is dipping its head into the water and splashing droplets around.", "26": null } }, "164410ce62": { "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "165c3c8cd4": { "person": { "3": null, "7": "1. The person is walking toward the motorcycle while carrying an object in their right hand.\n\n2. The person is standing beside the motorcycle with one hand resting on the seat.\n\n3. The person is standing with arms crossed, facing the other individuals.", "12": "1. The person is walking forward while holding an object in their left hand.\n2. The person is striding briskly forward with both arms slightly bent.\n3. The person is standing still with hands clasped behind their back, observing their surroundings.", "15": "1. The person is walking forward while talking to a person seated on a motorcycle.\n2. The person is walking away with both hands holding a shoulder bag.\n3. The person is standing with hands clasped behind their back." } }, "165c42b41b": { "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "motorbike": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "165ec9e22b": { "person": { "6": null, "9": null, "16": null, "22": null } }, "1669502269": { "person": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "16763cccbb": { "ape": { "4": null, "12": null, "17": null, "20": null } }, "16adde065e": { "cat": { "3": null, "9": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "hat": { "3": null, "9": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "person": { "3": null, "9": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "16af445362": { "airplane": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "16afd538ad": { "parrot": { "2": "1. The parrot is pecking at a reflective surface while tilting its head downward.\n2. The parrot is leaning forward with its beak open, appearing to peck at its reflection.", "10": null, "18": null, "22": null } }, "16c3fa4d5d": { "sedan": { "3": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "16d1d65c27": { "monkey": { "8": null, "14": null, "22": null, "31": null } }, "16e8599e94": { "giant_panda": { "2": null, "17": null, "20": null, "27": null } }, "16fe9fb444": { "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "11": null }, "motorbike": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "1705796b02": { "train": { "3": null, "8": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "1724db7671": { "giant_panda": { "7": null, "8": null, "14": null, "20": null } }, "17418e81ea": { "shark": { "8": null, "10": null, "20": null, "31": null } }, "175169edbb": { "ape": { "6": "1. The ape is leaning forward, showing its back, while pressing down with its hand.\n2. The ape is lying on its back with arms raised, gripping a stick.", "11": "1. The ape is standing and bending its upper body down, reaching with its arms toward the other ape. \n2. The ape is lying on its back, playfully using its legs to push against the standing ape.", "19": "1. The ape is standing with its back turned, seemingly stationary.\n2. The ape is lying on its back with arms raised, clutching a branch above it.", "26": "1. The ape is leaning forward and appears to be inspecting the ape lying down.\n\n2. The ape is lying on its back with one arm raised upward." } }, "17622326fd": { "lizard": { "9": null, "10": null, "20": null, "29": null } }, "17656bae77": { "elephant": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "17b0d94172": { "airplane": { "3": null, "5": null, "7": null, "8": null } }, "17c220e4f6": { "giant_panda": { "8": null, "12": null, "19": null, "32": null } }, "17c7bcd146": { "train": { "5": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "17cb4afe89": { "tiger": { "5": null, "11": null, "23": null, "29": null } }, "17cd79a434": { "squirrel": { "8": null, "11": null, "21": null, "27": null } }, "17d18604c3": { "plant": { "5": null, "6": null, "13": null, "14": null }, "person": { "5": "1. The person is sitting and carefully trimming a bonsai tree with both hands.\n\n2. The person is standing with arms crossed, observing the activity.", "6": "1. The person is working on a bonsai tree, using hands to trim or adjust its branches.\n\n2. The person is standing with arms crossed across the chest.", "13": "1. The person is seated and leaning forward while interacting with materials on the table.\n\n2. The person is standing with arms crossed, observing someone working at the table.", "14": "1. The person is actively shaping a bonsai tree with both hands.\n\n2. The person is standing still with arms crossed, observing the surroundings." } }, "17d8ca1a37": { "owl": { "3": null, "8": null, "19": null, "26": null }, "person": { "3": null, "8": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "17e33f4330": { "monkey": { "3": null, "15": null, "24": null, "29": null } }, "17f7a6d805": { "snail": { "5": null, "12": null, "14": null, "26": null } }, "180abc8378": { "owl": { "6": null, "11": null, "21": null, "29": null }, "person": { "6": null, "11": null, "21": null, "29": null } }, "183ba3d652": { "motorbike": { "2": null, "8": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "person": { "2": null, "8": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "hat": { "2": null, "8": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "185bf64702": { "zebra": { "3": null, "9": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "18913cc690": { "train": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "1892651815": { "camel": { "8": null, "13": null, "25": null, "28": null } }, "189ac8208a": { "giraffe": { "3": "1. The giraffe is standing with its body facing forward and its head turned slightly to the side.\n2. The giraffe is extending its neck and reaching up towards a higher spot with its mouth open.", "7": "1. The giraffe is standing still, with its head raised and looking towards the tree branches above.\n\n2. The giraffe is extending its neck forward and nibbling on the foliage from a raised platform.", "8": "1. The giraffe is standing still, observing its surroundings.\n\n2. The giraffe is reaching up and grasping hay with its mouth.", "11": null } }, "189b44e92c": { "zebra": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "18ac264b76": { "skateboard": { "3": null, "11": null, "14": null, "26": null }, "person": { "3": null, "11": null, "14": null, "26": null } }, "18b245ab49": { "penguin": { "4": "1. The penguin is standing upright with its wings slightly extended to the sides.\n2. A penguin is leaning down with its head lowered towards the snow.\n3. The penguin is sitting on the snow with its head bent downwards.\n4. A penguin is standing with its head turned to the side, showing its back.", "5": null, "9": "1. The penguin is flapping its wings energetically while facing forward.\n2. The penguin is leaning its head downwards towards the snow.\n3. The penguin is sitting on the snow, facing left with wings folded.\n4. The penguin is standing upright and facing downward towards the snow.", "14": "1. The penguin is sliding forward on its belly across the snow.\n\n2. The penguin is bending down and pecking at something on the ground.\n\n3. The penguin is standing still, slightly tilting its head to the side.\n\n4. The penguin is waddling towards the others with small steps." } }, "18b5cebc34": { "mouse": { "6": null, "8": null, "15": null, "23": null } }, "18bad52083": { "parrot": { "5": "1. The parrot is pecking at the rim of the metallic bowl with quick, repetitive movements. \n2. The parrot is balancing on a wooden perch while grasping it with its claws.", "10": null, "22": "1. The parrot is pecking into a metal bowl while facing forward.\n2. The parrot is standing on a wooden perch and grasping it with its claws.", "30": "1. The parrot is tilting its head and opening its beak wide as if vocalizing. \n2. The parrot is gripping the wooden perch and leaning forward while slightly shifting its balance." } }, "18bb5144d5": { "lizard": { "2": null, "11": null, "18": null, "33": null } }, "18c6f205c5": { "person": { "2": null, "9": "1. The person is holding a paddle and paddling vigorously in unison with others in the boat.\n\n2. The person is seated while rowing intensely with a paddle in the water.\n\n3. The person is standing at the rear of the boat, steering with a long oar.", "11": "1. The person is standing at the front of the boat, holding a drumstick and beating a drum rhythmically.\n\n2. The person is seated, rowing vigorously with a paddle in sync with others.\n\n3. The person is seated in the boat, paddling energetically with a strong forward motion.", "17": "1. The person is vigorously paddling in a rhythmic motion, coordinating with others in the boat.\n\n2. The person is actively rowing, using a paddle to propel the boat forward with synchronized strokes.\n\n3. The person is energetically paddling, moving in unison with teammates to maintain the boat's speed." } }, "1903f9ea15": { "bird": { "3": null, "6": "1. The bird is flapping its wings while turning its head slightly to the left.\n\n2. The bird is perched upright with its beak pointed forward, appearing stationary.\n\n3. The bird is slightly hunched forward with its wings relaxed by its side.", "12": null, "16": null } }, "1917b209f2": { "horse": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "12": null }, "cow": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "12": null }, "person": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "191e74c01d": { "deer": { "4": null, "13": null, "15": null, "27": null } }, "19367bb94e": { "fish": { "6": null, "17": "1. The fish is swaying its tail fins and gliding forward through the water.\n\n2. The fish is gently lifting its head upward while propelling forward with its fins.\n\n3. The fish is darting swiftly across the water, moving in a diagonal direction.", "21": null, "26": null } }, "193ffaa217": { "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "19696b67d3": { "cow": { "5": null, "8": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "197f3ab6f3": { "giant_panda": { "2": null, "16": null, "20": null, "31": null } }, "1981e763cc": { "sheep": { "9": null, "16": null, "24": null, "30": null } }, "198afe39ae": { "surfboard": { "5": null, "11": null, "19": null, "24": null }, "person": { "5": null, "11": null, "19": null, "24": null } }, "19a6e62b9b": { "monkey": { "6": null, "13": null, "14": null, "20": null } }, "19b60d5335": { "hedgehog": { "8": null, "15": null, "24": null, "28": null }, "hand": { "8": null, "15": null, "24": null, "28": null } }, "19c00c11f9": { "surfboard": { "2": null, "9": null, "16": null, "21": null }, "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "16": null, "21": null } }, "19e061eb88": { "boat": { "2": null, "5": "1. The boat is cutting through the water with its sails fully extended, maintaining a steady course.\n2. The boat is maneuvering closely behind the other, adjusting its sails slightly to catch the wind.", "10": null, "14": "1. The boat is catching the wind, with crew members actively adjusting the sails using ropes.\n\n2. The boat is maneuvering while several crew members are coordinating to brace against the wind." } }, "19e8bc6178": { "dog": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "19ee80dac6": { "surfboard": { "9": null, "10": null, "20": null, "26": null }, "person": { "9": "1. The person is balancing on a surfboard, riding the wave forward.\n\n3. The person is lying on a surfboard, paddling with both arms.\n\n4. The person is on a surfboard, using their hands to steer while positioning their body.", "10": "1. The person is riding a wave, balancing with arms extended.\n2. The person is lying on a surfboard, paddling with both arms.\n3. The person is lying prone on a surfboard, watching the wave ahead.", "20": "1. The person is surfing on a wave, standing with bent knees and arms extended for balance.\n\n4. The person is lying on a surfboard, paddling through the water with both arms extended forward.", "26": null } }, "1a25a9170a": { "cow": { "3": null, "11": null, "19": null, "29": null }, "person": { "3": null, "11": null, "19": null, "29": null } }, "1a359a6c1a": { "sheep": { "4": null, "8": null, "17": null, "27": null } }, "1a3e87c566": { "frog": { "3": null, "12": null, "15": null, "23": null } }, "1a5fe06b00": { "bus": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "1a6c0fbd1e": { "skateboard": { "3": null, "9": null, "15": null, "22": null }, "person": { "3": null, "9": null, "15": null, "22": null } }, "1a6f3b5a4b": { "bike": { "4": null, "6": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "sedan": { "4": null, "6": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "hand": { "4": null, "6": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "1a8afbad92": { "zebra": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": "1. The zebra is galloping forward with its head slightly lowered, dust kicking up behind its hooves. \n2. The zebra is running with its legs stretched out, maintaining steady speed alongside the group.", "13": null } }, "1a8bdc5842": { "parrot": { "7": null, "12": "1. The parrot is facing forward and gripping the rope perch with its feet while looking upward.\n\n2. The parrot is lifting its head while biting and gripping a chain with its beak.", "19": null, "25": null } }, "1a95752aca": { "duck": { "7": "1. The duck is opening its beak wide towards the hand holding a piece of bread.\n\n2. The duck is raising its head and reaching towards the hand with the bread.", "13": null, "14": null, "21": null } }, "1a9c131cb7": { "ape": { "5": "1. The ape is leaning forward and reaching down with one hand toward another ape.\n\n2. The ape is lying on its back and is playfully grabbing at the air with its arms.\n\n3. The ape is sitting with its arms resting on its knees, observing the others.", "17": null, "23": "1. The ape is leaning forward onto another and reaching out with its mouth open.\n2. The ape is lying on its back with legs raised, grasping another ape with its arms.\n3. The ape is sitting against the wall with its right arm raised to its mouth.", "30": "1. The ape is crawling on the grass while facing downwards with its arms extended forward.\n\n2. The ape is bowing its head and sniffing or investigating the ground closely.\n\n3. The ape is sitting against a wall while resting its chin on one hand." } }, "1aa3da3ee3": { "sheep": { "2": null, "12": null, "15": null, "20": null } }, "1ab27ec7ea": { "deer": { "2": null, "5": null, "6": null, "9": null } }, "1abf16d21d": { "turtle": { "7": null, "9": null, "14": null, "24": null } }, "1acd0f993b": { "frisbee": { "3": null, "17": null, "22": null, "33": null }, "person": { "3": null, "17": null, "22": null, "33": null }, "dog": { "3": null, "17": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "1ad202e499": { "lizard": { "8": null, "17": null, "24": null, "27": null } }, "1af8d2395d": { "airplane": { "3": null, "13": null, "21": null, "31": null }, "parachute": { "3": null, "13": null, "21": null, "31": null }, "person": { "3": "1. The person is free-falling with arms positioned closely against the body while skydiving.\n\n2. The person is free-falling with one hand raised outward as they skydive.", "13": null, "21": null, "31": null } }, "1afd39a1fa": { "hand": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "12": null }, "motorbike": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "1b2d31306f": { "lizard": { "3": null, "16": null, "19": null, "28": null } }, "1b3fa67f0e": { "airplane": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "1b43fa74b4": { "owl": { "2": null, "11": null, "17": null, "25": null } }, "1b73ea9fc2": { "parrot": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "1b7e8bb255": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "7": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "hat": { "4": null, "7": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "1b8680f8cd": { "tennis_racket": { "3": null, "9": null, "15": null, "25": null }, "person": { "3": null, "9": "1. The person is swinging a tennis racket overhead, preparing to hit the ball.\n\n2. The person is running towards the net, holding a tennis racket.", "15": "1. The person is preparing to serve a tennis ball, lifting their racket overhead with one hand.\n\n2. The person is standing with a tennis racket raised, ready to receive a serve.", "25": "1. The person is running across the court while swinging a tennis racket.\n2. The person is bending forward and preparing to receive the ball with a focused stance." } }, "1b883843c0": { "person": { "4": null, "7": "1. The person is pedaling a bicycle while holding the handlebars, mouth open possibly indicating talking or breathing heavily.\n2. The person is leaning forward while pedaling a bicycle, gripping the handlebars with both hands.", "8": null, "13": null } }, "1b8898785b": { "monkey": { "3": "1. The monkey is hanging from the beam with both arms extended and swinging its legs back and forth.\n\n2. The monkey is sitting on top of the beam and looking around, steadying itself with both hands.", "12": "1. The monkey is swinging from a horizontal bar with one arm extended downward.\n\n2. The monkey is perched on a vertical post, gripping it while looking around.", "22": null, "27": null } }, "1b88ba1aa4": { "giant_panda": { "5": null, "16": null, "20": null, "32": null } }, "1b96a498e5": { "ape": { "7": null, "13": null, "15": null, "20": null } }, "1bbc4c274f": { "fish": { "3": null, "9": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "1bd87fe9ab": { "train": { "2": null, "4": null, "7": null, "11": null } }, "1c4090c75b": { "whale": { "7": null, "13": null, "25": null, "28": null } }, "1c41934f84": { "elephant": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "1c72b04b56": { "lion": { "6": null, "12": null, "21": null, "28": null } }, "1c87955a3a": { "crocodile": { "3": null, "9": null, "16": null, "24": null }, "turtle": { "3": null, "9": null, "16": null, "24": null } }, "1c9f9eb792": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "16": null, "19": null, "33": null }, "person": { "2": null, "16": null, "19": null, "33": null } }, "1ca240fede": { "train": { "3": null, "6": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "1ca5673803": { "tennis_racket": { "5": null, "17": null, "18": null, "33": null }, "person": { "5": "1. The person is standing near the boundary, slightly bent forward, preparing to receive a serve with a tennis racket in hand.\n\n3. The person is in a serving stance, holding a tennis ball up with one hand while swinging a racket back with the other hand.", "17": "1. The person is preparing to serve a tennis ball, holding the racket overhead with one foot stepping forward.\n\n3. The person is standing with hands on hips, observing the tennis court ahead.", "18": "1. The person is swinging a tennis racket upward, preparing to hit a tennis ball.\n\n3. The person is standing with arms relaxed on either side, facing forward.", "33": "1. The person is swinging a tennis racquet forward with both hands, preparing to hit the ball.\n\n3. The person is standing with a tennis racquet held low, watching the court attentively." } }, "1cada35274": { "duck": { "6": null, "17": null, "24": null, "28": null } }, "1cb44b920d": { "eagle": { "4": "1. The eagle is lowering its head and leaning forward over the nest.\n\n2. The eagle is stretching its neck upward while resting on the twigs.", "16": null, "24": "1. The eagle is lowering its head and pecking at something in the nest.\n\n2. The small eagle is tilting its head upwards with its beak open.", "26": "1. The eagle is leaning forward and lowering its head toward the nest, appearing to inspect or engage with something.\n2. The eagle is standing upright with its beak open, facing forward as if calling or vocalizing." } }, "1cd10e62be": { "leopard": { "3": null, "11": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "1d3087d5e5": { "fish": { "9": null, "13": null, "21": null, "30": null } }, "1d3685150a": { "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "8": null, "11": "1. The person is walking forward while holding something small in their right hand.\n\n3. The person is walking forward with arms at their sides, looking straight ahead." }, "sign": { "3": null, "7": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "1d6ff083aa": { "person": { "5": "1. The person is crouching down and looking towards a shelf filled with books.\n\n2. The person is reaching out with one hand towards the top of a chair.", "7": "1. The person is bending forward and looking intently at the books on the shelf.\n\n2. The person is holding a book in their right hand, slightly extending their arm downward.", "11": "1. The person is crouching down and looking towards the bookshelf.\n2. The person is reaching forward with one hand toward the bookshelf.", "17": null } }, "1d746352a6": { "cow": { "3": null, "5": null, "6": null, "9": null } }, "1da256d146": { "giant_panda": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "1da4e956b1": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "16": null, "20": null, "30": null }, "person": { "2": null, "16": null, "20": null, "30": null } }, "1daf812218": { "rabbit": { "7": null, "13": null, "15": null, "20": null } }, "1dba687bce": { "mouse": { "7": null, "13": null, "25": null, "30": null }, "hand": { "7": null, "13": null, "25": null, "30": null } }, "1dce57d05d": { "zebra": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "14": null } }, "1de4a9e537": { "bear": { "4": null, "7": null, "11": null, "14": null }, "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "1dec5446c8": { "surfboard": { "7": null, "10": null, "23": null, "32": null }, "person": { "7": null, "10": null, "23": null, "32": null } }, "1dfbe6f586": { "ape": { "4": null, "12": null, "14": null, "25": null } }, "1e1a18c45a": { "earless_seal": { "8": "1. The earless_seal is lifting its front body while facing downward with its rear flippers elevated.\n\n2. The earless_seal is lying flat on the ground with its head raised slightly.", "12": null, "23": "1. The earless seal is sitting upright with its head lifted and facing forward.\n\n2. The earless seal is lying down with its front flippers extended outward.\n\n3. The earless seal is lying on its side with its head turned upward.", "30": null } }, "1e1e42529d": { "cow": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "1e4be70796": { "elephant": { "5": null, "9": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "1eb60959c8": { "rabbit": { "4": null, "8": null, "11": null, "15": null }, "hand": { "4": null, "8": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "1ec8b2566b": { "parrot": { "4": null, "13": null, "20": null, "28": null } }, "1ecdc2941c": { "snake": { "7": null, "15": null, "18": null, "30": null } }, "1ee0ac70ff": { "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "1ef8e17def": { "truck": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "11": null }, "hand": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "11": null }, "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "1f1a2a9fc0": { "person": { "3": null, "6": "1. The person is holding onto the reins and riding a horse in an upright position.\n\n2. The person is standing with their arms at their sides, facing the direction of the horse.", "8": "1. The person is holding onto the side of the chute, watching intently.\n\n2. The person is riding the horse, leaning slightly forward with one hand raised.", "12": null }, "hat": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "1f1beb8daa": { "dolphin": { "2": null, "10": null, "18": null, "24": null } }, "1f2609ee13": { "parrot": { "4": null, "14": null, "18": null, "32": null }, "hand": { "4": null, "14": null, "18": null, "32": null } }, "1f3876f8d0": { "monkey": { "7": null, "12": null, "15": null, "23": null } }, "1f4ec0563d": { "person": { "3": null, "12": null, "18": null, "20": null } }, "1f64955634": { "bear": { "4": null, "6": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "1f7d31b5b2": { "sedan": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "umbrella": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "1f8014b7fd": { "others": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": "1. The person is reaching over the log, extending an arm towards the ground.\n\n2. The person is bending over the log, looking downward with an outstretched arm.\n\n3. The person is adjusting their cap with both hands while slightly turning.", "17": null } }, "1f9c7d10f1": { "shark": { "2": null, "13": null, "20": null, "28": null } }, "1fa350df76": { "sedan": { "2": null, "9": null, "11": null, "15": null }, "bus": { "2": null, "9": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "1fc9538993": { "skateboard": { "7": null, "16": null, "22": null, "32": null }, "person": { "7": null, "16": null, "22": null, "32": null } }, "1fe2f0ec59": { "leopard": { "6": null, "12": null, "15": null, "20": null } }, "2000c02f9d": { "skateboard": { "8": null, "12": null, "18": null, "29": null }, "person": { "8": null, "12": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "20142b2f05": { "shark": { "6": null, "15": null, "20": null, "28": null } }, "201a8d75e5": { "shark": { "4": null, "10": null, "19": null, "25": null } }, "2023b3ee4f": { "snake": { "3": null, "15": null, "20": null, "26": null } }, "202b767bbc": { "truck": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "14": null }, "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "14": null } }, "203594a418": { "leopard": { "5": null, "16": null, "23": null, "31": null } }, "2038987336": { "crocodile": { "5": null, "12": null, "18": null, "24": null }, "duck": { "5": null, "12": null, "18": null, "24": null } }, "2039c3aecb": { "person": { "2": null, "7": "1. The person is standing still with one hand in their pocket, watching the approaching parade.\n\n2. The person is raising a hand as if waving or signaling towards the parade.\n\n3. The person is facing the parade with both hands at their sides, standing on the edge of the road.", "11": "1. The person is walking along the street with hands in pockets and looking straight ahead.\n\n2. The person is walking casually on the street while holding something in one hand.\n\n3. The person is standing still with arms crossed and facing the parade.", "15": "1. The person is walking forward with arms swinging slightly at the sides.\n\n2. The person is standing still with hands in pockets.\n\n3. The person is looking towards the street with arms at rest by their sides." } }, "204a90d81f": { "snake": { "4": null, "9": null, "14": null, "20": null } }, "207bc6cf01": { "rabbit": { "5": null, "11": null, "14": null, "26": null } }, "208833d1d1": { "deer": { "8": null, "14": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "20e3e52e0a": { "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "2117fa0c14": { "parrot": { "8": null, "14": null, "24": null, "28": null }, "hand": { "8": null, "14": null, "24": null, "28": null } }, "211bc5d102": { "parrot": { "5": null, "10": null, "16": null, "20": null }, "cat": { "5": null, "10": null, "16": null, "20": null } }, "2120d9c3c3": { "sheep": { "2": null, "5": null, "6": null, "11": null } }, "2125235a49": { "turtle": { "9": null, "13": null, "22": null, "30": null } }, "21386f5978": { "motorbike": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "2142af8795": { "snake": { "2": null, "11": null, "15": null, "24": null } }, "215dfc0f73": { "plant": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "217bae91e5": { "surfboard": { "4": null, "15": null, "25": null, "33": null }, "person": { "4": null, "15": null, "25": null, "33": null } }, "217c0d44e4": { "hand": { "5": null, "9": null, "16": null, "21": null }, "earless_seal": { "5": null, "9": null, "16": null, "21": null } }, "219057c87b": { "ape": { "3": null, "13": null, "15": null, "26": null } }, "21d0edbf81": { "sign": { "3": null, "9": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "21df87ad76": { "person": { "4": null, "8": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "21f1d089f5": { "elephant": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "21f4019116": { "sheep": { "2": null, "12": null, "22": null, "27": null } }, "222597030f": { "bike": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "13": null }, "hand": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "222904eb5b": { "boat": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "16": null }, "person": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "16": null }, "paddle": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "16": null } }, "223a0e0657": { "surfboard": { "3": null, "14": null, "19": null, "31": null }, "person": { "3": null, "14": null, "19": null, "31": null } }, "223bd973ab": { "airplane": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "14": null } }, "224e7c833e": { "zebra": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "225aba51d9": { "sedan": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "2261d421ea": { "giant_panda": { "4": null, "10": null, "24": null, "33": null } }, "2263a8782b": { "person": { "6": null, "13": null, "18": null, "28": null }, "snowboard": { "6": null, "13": null, "18": null, "28": null } }, "2268cb1ffd": { "eagle": { "3": null, "8": null, "19": null, "22": null } }, "2268e93b0a": { "cow": { "2": null, "5": null, "6": null, "10": null } }, "2293c99f3f": { "raccoon": { "9": null, "13": null, "18": null, "32": null }, "person": { "9": null, "13": null, "18": null, "32": null } }, "22a1141970": { "sign": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "22b13084b2": { "person": { "2": null, "17": null, "22": null, "26": null } }, "22d9f5ab0c": { "snail": { "7": null, "10": null, "24": null, "30": null } }, "22f02efe3a": { "rabbit": { "3": null, "13": null, "17": null, "23": null } }, "232c09b75b": { "lizard": { "7": null, "11": null, "19": null, "25": null } }, "2350d71b4b": { "tiger": { "8": null, "13": null, "24": null, "32": null }, "person": { "8": null, "13": null, "24": null, "32": null } }, "2376440551": { "frisbee": { "8": null, "16": null, "20": null, "31": null } }, "2383d8aafd": { "eagle": { "5": "1. The eagle is bending down and using its beak to adjust the twigs in the nest.\n\n2. The eagle is standing upright, turning its head to observe its surroundings.", "9": null, "16": "1. The eagle is leaning forward with its head down, appearing to inspect the nest material closely.\n2. The eagle is slightly crouched, peeking over the edge of the nest, and facing outward.", "24": "1. The eagle is bending forward, inspecting and arranging sticks in the nest with its beak.\n\n2. The eagle is crouching low, with its beak pointed downward toward the nest." } }, "238b84e67f": { "giraffe": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null }, "bird": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "238d4b86f6": { "sign": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "11": null }, "bucket": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "11": null }, "toilet": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "23993ce90d": { "parrot": { "9": null, "17": null, "20": null, "29": null } }, "23b0c8a9ab": { "surfboard": { "6": null, "12": null, "17": null, "23": null }, "person": { "6": null, "12": null, "17": null, "23": null } }, "23b3beafcc": { "parrot": { "4": null, "15": null, "17": null, "27": null } }, "23d80299fe": { "giraffe": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "14": null } }, "23f404a9fc": { "truck": { "3": null, "6": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "240118e58a": { "hedgehog": { "5": null, "14": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "2431dec2fd": { "ape": { "2": "1. The ape is sitting with its back facing the camera and is holding its paw close to its body.\n2. The ape is leaning forward while walking on all fours.\n3. The ape is turning its head to the side while moving forward on all fours.", "12": "1. The ape is crouching down with its back facing the viewer, showing a hunched posture.\n2. The ape is standing upright, slightly leaning forward, with its arms hanging by its sides.\n3. The ape is sitting on the ground with its legs bent and arms resting on its knees, gazing to the side.", "25": "1. The ape is reaching forward with an arm, touching the ground. \n2. The ape is crouched with its back turned, remaining still. \n3. The ape is sitting and clasping its hands in front of its body. \n4. The ape is standing upright and looking towards the left.", "28": null } }, "24440e0ac7": { "others": { "3": null, "9": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "2457274dbc": { "mouse": { "3": "1. The mouse is lying down with its body tilted, relaxing against the surface.\n\n2. The mouse is stretched out on its back, extending its legs and tail.\n\n3. The mouse is nestled in the bedding, keeping its body low and close to the ground.", "15": null, "19": null, "32": null } }, "2465bf515d": { "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null }, "dog": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "246b142c4d": { "sheep": { "6": null, "15": null, "20": null, "29": null } }, "247d729e36": { "dog": { "4": null, "7": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "2481ceafeb": { "parrot": { "2": "1. The parrot is looking forward while pressing its beak against the mirror.\n2. The parrot is facing the mirror and leaning slightly towards it.", "8": null, "18": "1. The parrot is pecking at its own reflection in the mirror.\n\n2. The parrot is tilting its head and gazing closely at the mirror.", "26": "1. The parrot is pecking at its reflection in the mirror.\n2. The parrot is perched, bending forward, and facing the mirror directly." } }, "24866b4e6a": { "dolphin": { "7": null, "8": null, "17": null, "22": null } }, "2489d78320": { "giant_panda": { "2": null, "12": null, "24": null, "32": null } }, "24ab0b83e8": { "ape": { "7": null, "11": "1. The ape is sitting and looking downward while touching the ground with its hands.\n2. The ape is crouching with its back facing upward, remaining still.", "23": "1. The ape is walking forward while lowering its head, showing a concentrated posture.\n\n2. The ape is moving sideways with its back partly turned, engaging in a stride.", "31": null } }, "24b0868d92": { "tiger": { "4": null, "16": null, "24": null, "30": null } }, "24b5207cd9": { "person": { "4": null, "8": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "24ddf05c03": { "bike": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "13": null }, "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "250116161c": { "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "7": "1. The person is standing on the train tracks while looking to the right.\n\n2. The person is standing with arms crossed, facing towards the train.\n\n3. The person is walking along the train tracks with hands in pockets.", "11": "1. The person is standing and watching the approaching train with crossed arms.\n\n2. The person is walking along the track next to the train while holding a phone to their ear.\n\n3. The person is standing on the track and checking the track ahead while holding a document." } }, "256ad2e3fc": { "person": { "7": null, "11": null, "23": null, "29": null } }, "256bd83d5e": { "parrot": { "9": null, "10": null, "21": null, "30": null } }, "256dcc8ab8": { "cow": { "9": null, "13": null, "21": null, "27": null }, "person": { "9": null, "13": null, "21": null, "27": null } }, "2589956baa": { "fox": { "2": null, "10": null, "16": null, "24": null } }, "258b3b33c6": { "airplane": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "25ad437e29": { "boat": { "5": null, "8": null, "11": null, "14": null }, "person": { "5": null, "8": null, "11": null, "14": "1. The person is sitting on the boat, gripping the handlebar and looking ahead.\n2. The person is seated on the boat, holding onto the boat's side and facing outward." } }, "25ae395636": { "deer": { "6": null, "10": null, "20": null, "28": null } }, "25c750c6db": { "turtle": { "3": null, "10": null, "15": null, "25": null } }, "25d2c3fe5d": { "giant_panda": { "2": null, "15": null, "24": null, "28": null } }, "25dc80db7c": { "hand": { "2": null, "9": null, "11": null, "14": null }, "knife": { "2": null, "9": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "25f97e926f": { "turtle": { "9": null, "15": null, "18": null, "32": null } }, "26011bc28b": { "ape": { "7": null, "10": "1. The ape is sitting upright while facing forward.\n2. The ape is sitting with its arms crossed over its knees.\n3. The ape is lying on its side, facing away from the others.", "18": "1. The ape is sitting upright, facing another ape, and appears to be in close proximity without engaging in obvious physical actions.\n\n2. The ape is sitting with its arms crossed, slightly leaning towards the ape beside it.\n\n3. The ape is lying on the ground with its body stretched out and appears to be resting.", "22": "1. The ape is sitting close and nudging the other with its shoulder. \n2. The ape is leaning forward, resting its head on its hands. \n3. The ape is lying on its side with its head turned away." } }, "260846ffbe": { "eagle": { "6": null, "12": null, "25": null, "28": null } }, "260dd9ad33": { "sedan": { "2": null, "4": null, "6": null, "8": null }, "bus": { "2": null, "4": null, "6": null, "8": null } }, "267964ee57": { "truck": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "14": null }, "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "2680861931": { "hand": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "cat": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "268ac7d3fc": { "person": { "7": null, "10": null, "20": null, "33": null }, "lizard": { "7": null, "10": null, "20": null, "33": null } }, "26b895d91e": { "person": { "2": null, "4": null, "6": null, "8": null } }, "26bc786d4f": { "boat": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "26ddd2ef12": { "earless_seal": { "3": "1. The earless seal is moving forward with its head slightly lowered in the water.\n\n2. The earless seal is floating upright with its head raised above the water surface.", "14": "1. The earless seal is lifting its head above the water surface while stretching its whiskers forward.\n\n2. The earless seal is floating with its snout slightly raised above the water, and its eyes open.", "24": null, "31": "1. The earless seal is propelling itself forward through the water, using its flippers to create a gentle splash. \n2. The earless seal is partially submerged, lifting its head above the water and gazing intently ahead." } }, "26de3d18ca": { "surfboard": { "5": null, "10": null, "16": null, "20": null }, "person": { "5": null, "10": null, "16": null, "20": null } }, "26f7784762": { "fish": { "3": null, "14": null, "18": null, "30": null } }, "2703e52a6a": { "giant_panda": { "2": null, "13": null, "18": null, "32": null } }, "270ed80c12": { "duck": { "5": null, "10": null, "22": null, "26": null } }, "2719b742ab": { "parrot": { "9": null, "17": null, "19": null, "32": null } }, "272f4163d0": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "12": null, "19": null, "33": null }, "person": { "4": null, "12": null, "19": null, "33": null } }, "27303333e1": { "sedan": { "4": null, "8": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "person": { "4": null, "8": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "hat": { "4": null, "8": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "27659fa7d6": { "frisbee": { "4": null, "13": null, "25": null, "31": null }, "person": { "4": null, "13": "1. The person is jogging forward with one arm swinging back and forth.\n3. The person is standing still, holding a phone to their ear with one hand.", "25": null, "31": null } }, "279214115d": { "turtle": { "5": null, "17": null, "19": null, "28": null } }, "27a5f92a9c": { "zebra": { "4": null, "7": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "27cf2af1f3": { "deer": { "2": null, "10": null, "19": null, "25": null } }, "27f0d5f8a2": { "person": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": "1. The person is performing a dance move with one arm bent and the other extended forward.\n\n2. The person is dancing with both arms bent at the elbows and legs slightly apart.\n\n3. The person is dancing with one leg lifted and both arms bent, facing sideways.", "11": null } }, "28075f33c1": { "crocodile": { "4": null, "10": null, "24": null, "30": null } }, "281629cb41": { "zebra": { "5": null, "8": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "282b0d51f5": { "cow": { "3": "1. The cow is lowering its head and starting to charge forward with determination.\n\n2. The cow is trotting, lifting its front legs energetically as it moves.", "6": null, "13": null, "14": null }, "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "282fcab00b": { "bird": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "28449fa0dc": { "monkey": { "2": null, "13": null, "21": "1. The monkey is reaching out towards the extended tool held by the person, engaging actively with its hand.\n\n2. The monkey is pushing its face against the perforated board, peering through the holes.", "29": "1. The monkey is reaching out with its right hand towards the human hand outside the cage.\n\n2. The monkey is climbing up the wall of the enclosure using its arms and legs." } }, "28475208ca": { "giraffe": { "5": null, "8": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "hat": { "5": null, "8": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "285580b7c4": { "fish": { "2": null, "16": null, "19": null, "31": null } }, "285b69e223": { "tiger": { "4": null, "11": null, "16": null, "22": null }, "dog": { "4": null, "11": null, "16": null, "22": null } }, "288c117201": { "surfboard": { "7": null, "12": null, "16": null, "22": null }, "person": { "7": null, "12": null, "16": null, "22": null } }, "28a8eb9623": { "monkey": { "6": "1. The monkey is climbing on the bicycle with its front limbs gripping the handlebars.\n2. The monkey is perched on top of the bicycle seat with its back slightly arched.\n3. The monkey is sitting on the bicycle frame, facing outward with its head turned.", "11": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "28bf9c3cf3": { "lion": { "2": null, "14": null, "22": null, "29": null } }, "28c6b8f86a": { "rabbit": { "7": null, "14": null, "22": null, "32": null }, "hand": { "7": null, "14": null, "22": null, "32": null } }, "28c972dacd": { "person": { "6": null, "9": null, "19": null, "20": null } }, "28d9fa6016": { "boat": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "28e392de91": { "monkey": { "3": null, "13": null, "15": null, "26": null }, "dog": { "3": null, "13": null, "15": null, "26": null } }, "28f4a45190": { "parrot": { "6": null, "11": null, "14": null, "21": null } }, "298c844fc9": { "horse": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "12": null }, "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "12": null } }, "29a0356a2b": { "monkey": { "2": null, "12": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "29d779f9e3": { "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "29dde5f12b": { "airplane": { "2": null, "6": null, "9": null, "12": null }, "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "9": null, "12": null }, "motorbike": { "2": null, "6": null, "9": null, "12": null } }, "29de7b6579": { "dolphin": { "6": null, "8": null, "19": null, "27": null } }, "29e630bdd0": { "giant_panda": { "2": null, "10": null, "19": null, "20": null } }, "29f2332d30": { "skateboard": { "6": null, "10": null, "18": null, "24": null }, "person": { "6": null, "10": null, "18": null, "24": null } }, "2a18873352": { "dog": { "3": "1. The dog is walking forward with its tail raised.\n\n2. The dog is sniffing the ground while crouching low.", "7": null, "8": "1. The dog is running through the grass with its tail raised.\n2. The dog is crouching low to the ground, moving forward with its body close to the grass.", "11": null } }, "2a3824ff31": { "airplane": { "3": null, "5": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "parachute": { "3": null, "5": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "2a559dd27f": { "plant": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "person": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "hand": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "2a5c09acbd": { "cow": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "11": null }, "person": { "4": "1. The person is reaching out with their right hand to touch a calf.\n2. The person is crouching down while looking forward.", "7": null, "8": "1. The person is reaching out an arm to touch the side of the cow standing nearby.\n\n2. The person is crouching down and looking towards the cow while possibly holding something.", "11": null } }, "2a63eb1524": { "hat": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "2a6a30a4ea": { "ape": { "3": null, "8": null, "18": null, "21": null } }, "2a6d9099d1": { "skateboard": { "9": null, "13": null, "23": null, "27": null }, "person": { "9": null, "13": null, "23": null, "27": null } }, "2a821394e3": { "person": { "3": "1. The person is walking along the platform towards the train.\n2. The person is standing next to a vending machine, gesturing with one hand on their hip.\n3. The person is facing the vending machine, reaching towards it with one hand.", "7": "1. The person is walking towards the train while adjusting a strap on their shoulder.\n2. The person is standing still, reaching for items inside a vending machine.\n3. The person is walking away, holding a small object in their hand.", "9": "1. The person is standing still, looking towards the approaching train.\n\n2. The person is reaching out with an arm as if pointing towards something in the distance.\n\n3. The person is holding a phone or similar device up to their ear as if speaking into it.", "12": null } }, "2a8c5b1342": { "mouse": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "cat": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "2abc8d66d2": { "bear": { "4": null, "9": "1. The bear is lowering its head towards the water, appearing to search for fish. \n2. The bear is wading through the shallow water, moving steadily.", "11": "1. The bear is leaning down and gripping a fish with its mouth near the water's edge.\n2. The bear is stepping forward and lowering its head toward the water.", "16": null } }, "2b08f37364": { "eagle": { "7": null, "11": null, "15": null, "25": null } }, "2b351bfd7d": { "hedgehog": { "8": null, "13": null, "23": null, "32": null } }, "2b659a49d7": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is standing with one arm extended, holding a lead rope while guiding the animal forward.\n2. The person is raising one arm, gripping a rope, and appearing to signal or manage the movement of the animal.", "5": "1. The person is walking forward holding the rope attached to the bull.\n\n2. The person is gesturing with one hand raised while stepping backwards.", "6": null, "10": "1. The person is standing still with hands on hips while facing forward.\n\n2. The person is holding a rope and leaning slightly back while facing the animal." } }, "2b69ee5c26": { "skateboard": { "5": null, "8": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "person": { "5": null, "8": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "2b6c30bbbd": { "rabbit": { "4": null, "11": null, "22": null, "32": null }, "others": { "4": null, "11": null, "22": null, "32": null }, "person": { "4": null, "11": null, "22": null, "32": null } }, "2b88561cf2": { "lizard": { "6": null, "13": null, "18": null, "24": null } }, "2b8b14954e": { "giant_panda": { "9": null, "17": null, "19": null, "32": null } }, "2ba621c750": { "shark": { "3": null, "11": null, "18": null, "22": null } }, "2bab50f9a7": { "fish": { "9": null, "12": "1. The fish is swimming forward with its head slightly tilted upward.\n\n2. The fish is moving its fins while facing downward towards the ground.", "23": "1. The fish is swiftly swimming forward, curving its tail to propel itself.\n\n2. The fish is gliding horizontally, gently moving its fins to maintain stability.", "26": "1. The fish is gliding upward with its fins spread wide, moving in a gentle arc.\n2. The fish is hovering slightly and fluttering its fins while facing forward." } }, "2bb00c2434": { "parrot": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "2bbde474ef": { "sedan": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "13": null }, "person": { "2": "1. The person is standing with both arms raised and fists clenched, facing forward.\n\n2. The person is standing with hands on hips, facing the car.", "7": null, "10": "1. The person is gesturing with their right hand near the car while standing slightly turned to the side.\n2. The person is standing with their hands clasped behind their back, facing forward towards the car.", "13": null } }, "2bdd82fb86": { "surfboard": { "5": null, "9": null, "19": null, "27": null }, "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "19": null, "27": null } }, "2be06fb855": { "motorbike": { "2": null, "7": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "hat": { "2": null, "7": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "2bf545c2f5": { "duck": { "7": null, "11": "1. The duck is standing upright with its head lifted high, facing forward.\n2. The duck is wading in the water with its head slightly lowered.\n3. The duck is huddling closely next to another duck with its body partially in the water.\n4. The duck is leaning forward as if moving towards the grass.", "22": null, "26": null } }, "2bffe4cf9a": { "sheep": { "4": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "2c04b887b7": { "fox": { "5": null, "13": null, "19": null, "23": null } }, "2c05209105": { "ape": { "2": null, "16": null, "22": null, "30": null } }, "2c0ad8cf39": { "fox": { "7": null, "13": null, "22": null, "27": null }, "hand": { "7": null, "13": null, "22": null, "27": null } }, "2c11fedca8": { "airplane": { "2": null, "4": null, "7": null, "8": null } }, "2c1a94ebfb": { "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "2c1e8c8e2f": { "whale": { "3": null, "14": null, "23": null, "29": null } }, "2c29fabcf1": { "parrot": { "3": null, "7": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "2c2c076c01": { "tiger": { "2": null, "10": null, "19": null, "27": null } }, "2c3ea7ee7d": { "airplane": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "13": null }, "others": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "13": null }, "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "2c41fa0648": { "truck": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "13": null }, "sedan": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "13": null }, "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "13": null }, "bus": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "2c44bb6d1c": { "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "2c54cfbb78": { "crocodile": { "5": null, "12": null, "19": null, "31": null }, "person": { "5": null, "12": null, "19": null, "31": null } }, "2c5537eddf": { "person": { "7": null, "12": null, "19": null, "25": null }, "snowboard": { "7": null, "12": null, "19": null, "25": null } }, "2c6e63b7de": { "surfboard": { "4": null, "8": null, "15": null, "23": null }, "person": { "4": null, "8": null, "15": null, "23": null } }, "2cb10c6a7e": { "tennis_racket": { "5": null, "17": null, "23": null, "29": null }, "person": { "5": "1. The person is holding a tennis racket and preparing to serve by tossing the ball upward.\n\n2. The person is crouching and getting ready to receive serve, with knees bent and hands poised.", "17": "1. The person is swinging a tennis racket and preparing to hit the incoming ball.\n\n2. The person is crouching slightly and watching the ball closely.", "23": "1. The person is swinging a tennis racket downward with both arms.\n\n2. The person is lunging sideways while preparing to strike with a racket.", "29": "1. The person is raising a tennis racket high above their head, preparing to hit the ball.\n\n2. The person is lunging forward and extending their arm to reach for the ball." } }, "2cbcd5ccd1": { "tiger": { "5": null, "14": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "2cc5d9c5f6": { "shark": { "6": null, "17": "1. The shark is swimming forward with its mouth slightly open and fins spread.\n\n2. The shark is turning slightly with its body curved and tail swaying.\n\n3. The shark is gliding sideways and banking to the left.", "24": null, "33": null } }, "2cd01cf915": { "deer": { "4": "1. The deer is facing forward with its head raised and antlers prominently displayed.\n\n2. The deer is standing alert, looking into the distance with its body oriented to the right.", "13": null, "20": null, "29": null } }, "2cdbf5f0a7": { "giant_panda": { "4": "1. The giant panda is walking forward with its head facing downwards.\n2. The giant panda is leaning forward, appearing to inspect the ground ahead.", "6": null, "9": "1. The giant panda is sitting upright while pressing its front paw against the ground near a tree trunk.\n2. The giant panda is walking forward while lowering its head slightly toward the ground.", "15": null } }, "2ce660f123": { "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "2cf114677e": { "lizard": { "4": null, "13": null, "19": null, "21": null } }, "2d01eef98e": { "duck": { "6": null, "14": null, "21": "1. The duck is lowering its head and pecking at the grass.\n2. The duck is flapping its wings while standing still.\n3. The duck is turning its head to face the group nearby.", "30": null } }, "2d03593bdc": { "boat": { "2": null, "9": null, "12": null, "14": null }, "person": { "2": null, "9": "1. The person is gesturing with one hand while speaking animatedly.\n\n2. The person is holding their chin with one hand and appears to be listening attentively.", "12": "1. The person is holding a phone to their ear with one hand.\n\n2. The person is gesturing with their hand, as if explaining something.", "14": "1. The person is holding a phone to their ear, appearing to be in a conversation.\n\n2. The person is touching their head with one hand, possibly adjusting their hair." } }, "2d183ac8c4": { "shark": { "3": null, "14": null, "22": null, "27": null } }, "2d33ad3935": { "dog": { "3": null, "9": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "2d3991d83e": { "lion": { "4": null, "9": null, "18": null, "20": null } }, "2d4333577b": { "person": { "2": null, "10": null, "20": null, "31": null }, "snowboard": { "2": null, "10": null, "20": null, "31": null } }, "2d4d015c64": { "hand": { "3": null, "7": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "knife": { "3": null, "7": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "2d8f5e5025": { "frisbee": { "5": null, "8": null, "15": null, "21": null } }, "2d900bdb8e": { "eagle": { "6": "1. The eagle is perched on the wooden post while looking forward, with its head slightly turned to the side.\n2. The eagle is ruffling its feathers and adjusting its wings, suggesting readiness for movement.", "11": null, "21": "1. The eagle is perched on a fence post, facing forward with its body upright.\n\n2. The eagle is perched on a fence post, standing with its back turned.", "28": null } }, "2db0576a5c": { "penguin": { "8": null, "15": null, "22": null, "32": "1. The penguin is walking forward with its flippers slightly extended outward.\n2. The penguin is standing upright with its body facing forward." } }, "2dc0838721": { "parrot": { "2": null, "14": null, "18": null, "28": null } }, "2dcc417f82": { "surfboard": { "7": null, "13": null, "14": null, "21": null }, "person": { "7": null, "13": null, "14": null, "21": null } }, "2df005b843": { "person": { "8": null, "10": null, "19": null, "27": null }, "snowboard": { "8": null, "10": null, "19": null, "27": null } }, "2df356de14": { "hedgehog": { "2": null, "17": null, "23": null, "28": null } }, "2e00393d96": { "hand": { "3": null, "4": null, "6": null, "9": null } }, "2e03b8127a": { "duck": { "3": null, "16": null, "25": null, "28": null } }, "2e0f886168": { "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "2e2bf37e6d": { "hand": { "8": null, "15": null, "18": null, "32": null }, "lizard": { "8": null, "15": null, "18": null, "32": null } }, "2e42410932": { "train": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "2ea78f46e4": { "rabbit": { "5": null, "17": null, "20": null, "27": null } }, "2ebb017a26": { "turtle": { "6": null, "14": null, "22": null, "30": null } }, "2ee2edba2a": { "skateboard": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "person": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "2efb07554a": { "leopard": { "7": null, "10": null, "20": null, "23": null }, "person": { "7": null, "10": null, "20": null, "23": null } }, "2f17e4fc1e": { "train": { "5": null, "7": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "2f2c65c2f3": { "ape": { "4": null, "9": null, "12": null, "22": null }, "hand": { "4": null, "9": null, "12": null, "22": null } }, "2f2d9b33be": { "lizard": { "7": null, "13": null, "15": null, "22": null } }, "2f309c206b": { "mouse": { "9": null, "16": null, "21": null, "28": null } }, "2f53822e88": { "surfboard": { "5": null, "12": null, "18": null, "22": null }, "person": { "5": null, "12": null, "18": null, "22": null } }, "2f53998171": { "zebra": { "3": null, "7": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "2f5b0c89b1": { "skateboard": { "3": null, "16": null, "23": null, "26": null }, "person": { "3": null, "16": null, "23": null, "26": null } }, "2f680909e6": { "surfboard": { "5": null, "15": null, "23": null, "31": null }, "person": { "5": "1. The person is rotating backward while free-falling through the air.\n\n2. The person is crouching on a board, gliding smoothly through the sky.", "15": "1. The person is mid-air, extending both arms and legs outward, possibly freefalling or maneuvering in the air.\n\n2. The person is standing on a board-like object, with one arm bent backward, appearing to balance or prepare for movement.", "23": "1. The person is extending their arms and legs while falling freely through the air.\n\n2. The person is standing on a board, adjusting balance with arms outstretched.", "31": "1. The person is extending their arms and legs outward while free-falling.\n\n2. The person is standing on a board and maneuvering through the air with their arms bent forward." } }, "2f710f66bd": { "parrot": { "3": null, "11": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "2f724132b9": { "cow": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "2f7e3517ae": { "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": "1. The person is walking forward with one hand resting on their hip.\n\n2. The child is holding an adult's hand while walking alongside them.\n\n3. The person is walking alongside and slightly behind the child." } }, "2f96f5fc6f": { "surfboard": { "2": null, "9": null, "11": null, "19": null }, "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "11": "1. The person is paddling on a surfboard with arms extended forward while lying prone.\n2. The person is lying on a surfboard with arms outstretched, preparing to paddle through the water.", "19": null } }, "2f97d9fecb": { "airplane": { "3": null, "8": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "person": { "3": null, "8": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "2fbfa431ec": { "hand": { "5": null, "9": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "2fc9520b53": { "monkey": { "5": "1. The monkey is sitting and facing forward with its arms resting on its knees.\n2. The monkey is crouching and peering over the edge with its hands on its knees.\n3. The monkey is sitting upright and looking forward with its hands clasped together.\n4. The monkey is bending slightly forward, gazing ahead with its hands on its lap.\n5. The monkey is reaching out towards the person with its arm extended.", "10": null, "23": null, "30": null } }, "2fcd9f4c62": { "whale": { "7": null, "14": null, "19": null, "28": null } }, "2feb30f208": { "bear": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "2ff7f5744f": { "mouse": { "4": null, "10": null, "18": null, "25": null } }, "30085a2cc6": { "elephant": { "2": null, "7": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "30176e3615": { "giraffe": { "2": null, "5": null, "7": null, "9": null } }, "301f72ee11": { "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "3026bb2f61": { "snake": { "9": null, "12": null, "24": null, "33": null } }, "30318465dc": { "lizard": { "3": null, "12": null, "17": null, "24": null } }, "3054ca937d": { "lizard": { "6": null, "15": null, "22": null, "28": null } }, "306121e726": { "elephant": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "3064ad91e8": { "monkey": { "9": null, "13": null, "23": null, "31": null } }, "307444a47f": { "snail": { "9": null, "13": null, "25": null, "28": null } }, "307bbb7409": { "train": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "30a20194ab": { "snake": { "3": null, "8": null, "16": null, "23": null } }, "30c35c64a4": { "ape": { "6": null, "8": null, "16": null, "22": "1. The ape is sitting upright, facing left, while observing its surroundings with a calm posture.\n2. The ape is crouched down, seemingly grasping at or inspecting the grass with its hands." } }, "30dbdb2cd6": { "boat": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "12": null }, "dog": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "12": null } }, "30fc77d72f": { "sheep": { "2": null, "11": null, "19": null, "24": null } }, "310021b58b": { "giraffe": { "3": null, "9": "1. The giraffe is standing still and observing the surroundings with its head up.\n2. The giraffe is walking forward, swinging its neck slightly from side to side.", "12": null, "17": null } }, "3113140ee8": { "ape": { "6": null, "9": null, "16": null, "22": null } }, "3150b2ee57": { "owl": { "9": null, "14": null, "25": null, "29": null }, "hand": { "9": null, "14": null, "25": null, "29": null } }, "31539918c4": { "fish": { "2": null, "10": null, "20": null, "31": null }, "frog": { "2": null, "10": null, "20": null, "31": null } }, "318dfe2ce2": { "owl": { "6": null, "10": null, "17": null, "22": null } }, "3193da4835": { "snake": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "319f725ad9": { "deer": { "4": null, "17": null, "19": null, "33": null } }, "31bbd0d793": { "sedan": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "322505c47f": { "rabbit": { "2": null, "15": null, "25": null, "33": null } }, "322b237865": { "cat": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "322da43910": { "airplane": { "4": null, "8": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "3245e049fb": { "bike": { "2": null, "4": null, "7": null, "9": null }, "person": { "2": null, "4": null, "7": null, "9": null } }, "324c4c38f6": { "leopard": { "7": null, "12": "1. The leopard is standing on its hind legs, pawing at the surface of the mirror with curiosity.\n\n2. The leopard is cautiously stepping forward, glancing directly at its reflection in the mirror.", "24": "1. The leopard is pressing its paw against the mirror while facing it closely.\n\n2. The leopard is standing still, facing the mirror and looking at it directly.", "27": "1. The leopard is standing on its hind legs with its front paws pressed against the mirror, inspecting its reflection closely.\n2. The leopard is walking past the mirror, glancing sideways at its reflection." } }, "324e35111a": { "leopard": { "7": null, "13": "1. The leopard is crouching low to the ground with its head turned slightly to the side.\n2. The leopard is standing upright and looking forward, with its head slightly raised.", "19": "1. The leopard is opening its mouth wide, displaying its teeth.\n2. The leopard is crouching low, gazing intently forward.", "27": "1. The leopard is opening its mouth wide, displaying its teeth prominently.\n\n2. The leopard is crouching low while facing forward, appearing attentive." } }, "3252398f09": { "giant_panda": { "6": null, "10": null, "15": null, "27": null } }, "327dc4cabf": { "giant_panda": { "9": null, "13": null, "19": null, "33": null } }, "328d918c7d": { "earless_seal": { "8": "1. The earless_seal is lifting its head while opening its mouth wide.\n2. The earless_seal is flicking its tail side to side.", "14": "1. The earless seal is lifting its head and leaning back slightly while resting on the sand.\n\n2. The earless seal is lying down with its tail flippers positioned outward on the ground.", "18": null, "28": null } }, "3290c0de97": { "plant": { "5": null, "9": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "3299ae3116": { "lizard": { "8": null, "10": null, "21": null, "31": null } }, "32a7cd687b": { "fox": { "2": null, "13": null, "14": null, "25": null } }, "33098cedb4": { "cow": { "4": null, "5": "1. The cow is standing still while being held by a person at the head area.\n3. The cow is standing with its rear facing outward and showing a motionless stance.", "10": "1. The cow is standing still while being held with a rope by a person in front.\n3. The cow is facing sideways with its head turned slightly towards the right.", "12": null }, "person": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "3332334ac4": { "fox": { "5": null, "16": null, "19": null, "32": null }, "hand": { "5": null, "16": null, "19": null, "32": null } }, "334cb835ac": { "person": { "5": null, "11": null, "17": null, "29": null }, "snowboard": { "5": null, "11": null, "17": null, "29": null } }, "3355e056eb": { "lizard": { "3": null, "11": null, "25": null, "29": null } }, "33639a2847": { "duck": { "6": null, "10": null, "21": null, "31": null } }, "3373891cdc": { "deer": { "3": null, "16": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "337975816b": { "hedgehog": { "3": null, "10": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "33e29d7e91": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is making a fist and gesturing forward with their other hand.\n\n2. The person is pointing with one arm extended and bending slightly at the knees.", "9": null, "10": "1. The person is performing a dance move, with one leg raised and arms bent, as if in motion.\n\n2. The person is holding a microphone and leaning slightly forward, appearing to speak or sing.", "16": "1. The person is raising one arm and appears to be mid-dance move with a bend in the knees.\n2. The person is standing upright, facing forward with arms relaxed by their sides." } }, "34046fe4f2": { "parrot": { "2": null, "9": null, "19": null, "28": null } }, "3424f58959": { "dolphin": { "7": "1. The dolphin is swimming forward with its body streamlined and dorsal fin above the water.\n2. The dolphin is emerging from the water, with its head and part of the body visible above the surface.", "13": null, "24": null, "32": null } }, "34370a710f": { "train": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "343bc6a65a": { "lizard": { "7": null, "10": null, "25": null, "26": null } }, "3450382ef7": { "owl": { "6": null, "11": null, "15": null, "22": null }, "person": { "6": null, "11": null, "15": null, "22": null } }, "3454303a08": { "tiger": { "6": null, "11": null, "23": null, "27": null }, "person": { "6": null, "11": null, "23": null, "27": null } }, "346aacf439": { "monkey": { "3": null, "13": null, "21": null, "26": null } }, "346e92ff37": { "monkey": { "8": null, "17": null, "25": null, "33": null } }, "34a5ece7dd": { "ape": { "7": null, "11": null, "16": null, "21": null } }, "34b109755a": { "camel": { "8": null, "16": null, "18": null, "30": null } }, "34d1b37101": { "skateboard": { "3": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "34dd2c70a7": { "eagle": { "7": null, "15": null, "21": null, "26": null } }, "34efa703df": { "rabbit": { "2": null, "10": null, "22": null, "32": null } }, "34fbee00a6": { "hedgehog": { "3": null, "10": null, "15": null, "26": null } }, "3504df2fda": { "person": { "2": null, "8": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "35195a56a1": { "mouse": { "7": null, "8": null, "14": null, "27": null } }, "351c822748": { "leopard": { "3": null, "11": null, "21": null, "33": null } }, "351cfd6bc5": { "parrot": { "5": null, "12": null, "19": null, "28": null } }, "3543d8334c": { "fish": { "7": null, "11": null, "24": null, "28": null } }, "35573455c7": { "sign": { "4": null, "9": null, "12": null, "14": null }, "toilet": { "4": null, "9": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "35637a827f": { "person": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "357a710863": { "sedan": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null }, "bus": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "358bf16f9e": { "person": { "2": null, "8": null, "10": "1. The person is holding onto a tree branch with one arm and reaching upward with the other hand.\n2. The person is crouching on a branch and appears to be balancing with both arms outstretched.", "15": "1. The person is holding onto a tree branch with one arm while reaching upward with the other.\n\n2. The person is crouching on the branch with both hands gripping it, stabilizing themselves." } }, "35ab34cc34": { "monkey": { "2": null, "11": null, "21": null, "29": null } }, "35c6235b8d": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "cat": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "35d01a438a": { "person": { "7": null, "12": null, "24": null, "28": null }, "snowboard": { "7": null, "12": null, "24": null, "28": null } }, "3605019d3b": { "bear": { "5": null, "8": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "3609bc3f88": { "truck": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "360e25da17": { "boat": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "person": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "paddle": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "36299c687c": { "train": { "3": null, "6": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "362c5bc56e": { "tennis_racket": { "2": null, "17": null, "20": null, "27": null }, "person": { "2": "1. The person is serving a tennis ball with a raised racket and fully extended arm.\n3. The person is preparing to hit the incoming tennis ball with a slightly crouched posture.", "17": "1. The person is swinging a tennis racket with both arms extended, in preparation to hit a ball.\n\n3. The person is standing upright, holding a tennis racket, and appears ready to receive a serve or return a shot.", "20": "1. The person is swinging a tennis racket while taking a step forward.\n2. The person is standing with legs slightly apart, holding a tennis racket as they prepare for the next move.", "27": "1. The person is stepping forward and swinging a tennis racket with both hands.\n3. The person is extending their arm and preparing to hit a ball with a racket." } }, "3649228783": { "surfboard": { "5": null, "8": null, "14": null, "24": null }, "person": { "5": null, "8": null, "14": null, "24": null } }, "365b0501ea": { "cow": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "15": null }, "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "365f459863": { "parrot": { "8": "1. The parrot is tilting its head downwards, using its beak to peck at the edge of the brick surface.\n\n2. The parrot is standing upright, stretching its neck forward while adjusting its feet in a slight walking motion.", "10": "1. The parrot is extending its wings slightly while pecking at the brick surface.\n\n2. The parrot is turning its head and flapping its wings briefly.", "24": "1. The parrot is playfully gripping the edge with its beak while fanning its tail feathers widely.\n2. The parrot is tilting its head attentively, watching its surroundings with keen interest.", "28": null } }, "369893f3ad": { "hand": { "6": null, "16": null, "18": null, "28": null }, "snake": { "6": null, "16": null, "18": null, "28": null } }, "369c9977e1": { "rabbit": { "3": null, "10": null, "24": null, "28": null } }, "369dde050a": { "zebra": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "sedan": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "36c7dac02f": { "duck": { "3": "1. The duck is sitting calmly in a container, with its head slightly lowered.\n2. The duck is standing in water, extending its neck upward with alert posture.\n3. The duck is partially submerged in water, actively splashing by moving its wings.", "17": "1. The duck is resting in a container with its head lowered and facing forward.\n\n2. The duck is standing still with its beak pointing downward.\n\n3. The duck is sitting in a container, facing sideways with its beak open.", "19": "1. The duck is lying down in a tray of water with its head turned slightly to the side.\n\n2. The duck is vigorously flapping its wings while standing in the water, creating splashes around it.\n\n3. The duck is dipping its head into the water and splashing droplets around.", "28": null } }, "36d5b1493b": { "camel": { "3": null, "11": "1. The camel is nibbling on a bush with its head lowered.\n\n2. The camel is stretching its neck forward to graze from the vegetation.", "25": null, "30": null } }, "36f5cc68fd": { "parrot": { "3": null, "7": null, "8": null, "14": null }, "dog": { "3": null, "7": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "3735480d18": { "snake": { "9": null, "12": null, "24": null, "29": null } }, "374b479880": { "fish": { "5": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "dog": { "5": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "375a49d38f": { "ape": { "8": null, "16": "1. The ape is sitting and resting its hands on the ground while facing forward.\n2. The ape is standing slightly bent forward and reaching toward the ground with one arm.", "24": "1. The ape is sitting down, facing forward, and observing the ground intently.\n\n2. The ape is leaning forward and appears to be crawling with its head lowered toward the ground.", "30": "1. The ape is crouching and grasping a thin stick with both hands. \n2. The ape is lying on its side reaching toward the ground with one arm extended." } }, "375a5c0e09": { "tiger": { "6": null, "17": null, "22": null, "27": "1. The tiger is walking forward with its tail slightly raised.\n\n2. The tiger is lying down on the ground near a fence." } }, "376bda9651": { "person": { "7": null, "9": null, "18": null, "22": null } }, "377db65f60": { "fox": { "4": null, "9": "1. The fox is crouching close to the ground and sniffing the base of the tree. \n2. The fox is extending its front paws onto a raised surface, reaching upward with its body.", "17": null, "21": "1. The fox is turning its head toward the ground while nudging something with its nose.\n2. The fox is stretching its body forward and pushing with its hind legs as if climbing over an obstacle." } }, "37d4ae24fc": { "horse": { "2": null, "6": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "37ddce7f8b": { "dolphin": { "2": null, "14": null, "25": null, "27": null } }, "37e10d33af": { "giant_panda": { "5": null, "13": "1. The giant panda is lying on its back, opening its mouth wide while biting a bamboo stick.\n\n2. The giant panda is sitting upright, holding a bunch of bamboo stalks with both paws and eating.", "22": "1. The giant panda is lying on its back, clutching bamboo with its paws and chewing on it leisurely.\n\n2. The giant panda is sitting upright, grabbing a bunch of bamboo branches and pulling them towards its mouth to eat.", "33": "1. The giant panda is lying on its back while holding a bamboo stick with both paws and bringing it towards its mouth.\n\n2. The giant panda is sitting upright, holding and munching on a bunch of bamboo leaves with one paw." } }, "37e45c6247": { "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "toilet": { "3": null, "7": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "37fa0001e8": { "person": { "5": null, "11": null, "24": null, "28": null }, "snowboard": { "5": null, "11": null, "24": null, "28": null } }, "3802d458c0": { "mouse": { "7": null, "10": null, "14": null, "23": null } }, "382caa3cb4": { "cat": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "383bb93111": { "cow": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "388843df90": { "fox": { "6": null, "14": null, "18": null, "30": null }, "hand": { "6": null, "14": null, "18": null, "30": null } }, "38924f4a7f": { "owl": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "38b00f93d7": { "duck": { "3": "1. The duck is extending its neck forward and pecking towards the snow-covered ground.\n2. The duck is standing still with its head slightly turned, observing its surroundings.\n3. The duck is touching its beak against the body of another duck, possibly interacting with it.", "7": "1. The duck is stepping onto the snowy bank, lifting its foot while gazing ahead.\n\n2. The duck is standing still on the bank with its neck extended forward.\n\n3. The duck is lowering its head toward the ground while remaining close to the other ducks.", "8": null, "16": "1. The duck is pecking at the ground with its beak.\n2. The duck is standing upright, flapping its wings energetically.\n3. The duck is stretching its neck forward, towards another duck." } }, "38c197c10e": { "person": { "3": null, "8": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "dog": { "3": null, "8": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "38c9c3d801": { "giant_panda": { "5": null, "16": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "38eb2bf67f": { "bird": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "38fe9b3ed1": { "person": { "2": null, "16": null, "25": null, "31": null }, "snowboard": { "2": null, "16": null, "25": null, "31": null } }, "390352cced": { "fish": { "4": null, "13": null, "25": null, "32": null } }, "390c51b987": { "cow": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "390ca6f1d6": { "snail": { "4": null, "8": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "392bc0f8a1": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "person": { "4": null, "6": "1. The person is crouching low on a skateboard while speeding downhill, gripping the board for balance.\n\n3. The person is standing on a skateboard with legs apart, maintaining stability while moving.", "10": "1. The person is crouching low while steering a skateboard down the road. \n3. The person is standing on a skateboard and balancing with steady feet.", "15": "1. The person is crouched low, balancing on a skateboard with arms outstretched while riding downhill.\n3. The person is leaning forward, pushing off with one foot on their skateboard while riding down the road." } }, "392ecb43bd": { "sedan": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "3935291688": { "sheep": { "2": null, "11": null, "14": null, "23": null } }, "3935e63b41": { "whale": { "5": null, "10": null, "23": null, "29": null } }, "394454fa9c": { "person": { "3": "1. The person is gripping the harness handles tightly with both hands and smiling, leaning slightly forward.\n\n2. The person is adjusting the control lines with one hand and watching the direction of the para-glider.", "13": null, "18": "1. The person is holding onto the parachute straps with both hands while sitting in a harness.\n\n2. The person is gripping the parachute lines with both hands and leaning slightly back.", "31": null } }, "394638fc8b": { "ape": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "39545e20b7": { "hand": { "4": null, "17": null, "22": null, "26": null }, "lizard": { "4": null, "17": null, "22": null, "26": null } }, "397abeae8f": { "parrot": { "5": null, "14": null, "22": null, "29": null }, "hand": { "5": null, "14": null, "22": null, "29": null } }, "3988074b88": { "sedan": { "2": null, "6": null, "9": null, "12": null }, "person": { "2": "1. The person is standing with arms crossed while leaning against a wall.\n2. The person is inspecting the car engine with a tilted head.", "6": "1. The person is standing with arms relaxed by their sides, looking towards the vehicle.\n\n2. The person is leaning forward, inspecting the open hood of the car.", "9": null, "12": "1. The person is standing with arms crossed, observing the scene.\n\n2. The person is leaning forward and inspecting the interior of the car." } }, "398f5d5f19": { "shark": { "2": null, "8": null, "14": null, "20": null } }, "39bc49a28c": { "parrot": { "3": null, "13": null, "25": null, "31": null } }, "39befd99fb": { "lizard": { "4": null, "11": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "39c3c7bf55": { "frog": { "6": null, "13": null, "18": null, "33": null } }, "39d584b09f": { "sedan": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "39f6f6ffb1": { "monkey": { "3": null, "11": null, "21": null, "33": null } }, "3a079fb484": { "person": { "7": null, "10": null, "17": null, "24": null } }, "3a0d3a81b7": { "surfboard": { "6": null, "13": null, "18": null, "20": null }, "person": { "6": null, "13": null, "18": null, "20": null } }, "3a1d55d22b": { "zebra": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "3a20a7583e": { "plant": { "5": null, "7": null, "12": null, "16": null }, "giraffe": { "5": null, "7": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "3a2c1f66e5": { "leopard": { "3": null, "8": null, "17": null, "21": null } }, "3a33f4d225": { "hedgehog": { "5": null, "13": null, "19": null, "32": null } }, "3a3bf84b13": { "rabbit": { "5": null, "11": null, "18": null, "23": null }, "person": { "5": null, "11": null, "18": null, "23": null } }, "3a4565e5ec": { "lizard": { "3": null, "8": "1. The lizard is gripping a large caterpillar with its mouth, holding it firmly.\n\n2. The lizard is watching intently, its body poised towards the center of the scene.\n\n3. The lizard is maneuvering beside the larger one, extending its neck forward.", "15": null, "20": "1. The lizard is grasping a worm with its mouth, appearing to pull it closer.\n2. The lizard is moving toward another lizard, its body angled forward and head raised.\n3. The lizard is pressing its body against a small log or stick on the ground." } }, "3a4e32ed5e": { "earless_seal": { "6": "1. The earless seal is lying down with its body stretched out on the rocky surface.\n\n2. The earless seal is sitting upright with its head lifted and facing forward.\n\n3. The earless seal is upright and emerging from a rock crevice with its front flippers spread wide.", "10": "1. The earless_seal is lying still while stretching slightly along the rock surface. \n2. The earless_seal is arching its back and lifting its head upward. \n3. The earless_seal is moving forward while pressing its body against the rock.", "20": "1. The earless seal is lying still on the rock surface.\n\n2. The earless seal is lifting its head upwards and vocalizing.\n\n3. The earless seal is raising its front flippers and arching its back.", "33": "1. The earless_seal is lying motionless on the rock surface.\n2. The earless_seal is raising its head upwards and vocalizing.\n3. The earless_seal is extending its flippers forward, preparing to adjust its position." } }, "3a7ad86ce0": { "frog": { "8": null, "11": null, "23": null, "28": null } }, "3a7bdde9b8": { "dolphin": { "2": null, "13": null, "25": null, "28": null } }, "3a98867cbe": { "person": { "4": "1. The person is standing with arms by their sides, appearing to be waiting or preparing for an action.\n\n2. The person is holding a jump rope in both hands, standing still.\n\n3. The person is standing upright with their arms at their sides, appearing focused on the activity ahead.", "5": "1. The person is stepping forward with arms slightly bent, preparing to move further.\n2. The person is holding a rope in one hand while balancing on one leg.\n3. The person is adjusting the rope in their hand while walking confidently.", "9": "1. The person is crouching with one knee on the ground while raising one arm forward.\n2. The person is kneeling and stretching one arm outward toward the floor.\n3. The person is standing upright with one arm raised and the other arm by their side.", "15": "1. The person is crouching with one hand on the floor, preparing to rise.\n2. The person is extending both arms upward while leaning slightly forward.\n3. The person is kneeling with one arm stretched forward, reaching out." } }, "3aa3f1c9e8": { "parachute": { "3": null, "9": null, "15": null, "26": null }, "person": { "3": null, "9": "1. The person is gripping the aircraft's landing gear tightly, preparing to release and jump. \n2. The person is freefalling with arms and legs extended outward in a skydiving position.", "15": "1. The person is extending their arms and legs outward as they descend.\n\n2. The person is positioned with arms outstretched, securing their grip on the skydiving equipment.", "26": "1. The person is freefalling with their arms and legs spread wide apart.\n\n2. The person is holding onto a rope while extending their legs downward." } }, "3aa7fce8b6": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is holding a phone to their ear while looking forward.\n\n2. The person is holding up their hand to shield their eyes from the sun.\n\n3. The person is standing with hands on their hips, facing the truck.", "6": null, "10": "1. The person is holding a smartphone or camera above their head and appears to be recording or taking a picture of the truck.\n\n2. The person is holding both hands to their head, appearing to adjust or hold a pair of sunglasses or a hat.\n\n3. The person is standing with arms at their sides, seemingly observing the scene in front.", "13": "1. The person is standing still, facing the trucks.\n\n2. The person is raising both arms to hold a camera up to their face.\n\n3. The person is leaning slightly forward while extending an arm toward the truck." } }, "3aa876887d": { "elephant": { "5": null, "7": null, "13": null, "14": null }, "person": { "5": null, "7": null, "13": null, "14": null }, "bucket": { "5": null, "7": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "3ab807ded6": { "umbrella": { "5": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "3ab9b1a85a": { "horse": { "2": null, "7": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "3adac8d7da": { "monkey": { "9": null, "16": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "3ae1a4016f": { "elephant": { "5": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "3ae2deaec2": { "person": { "7": null, "11": null, "21": null, "31": null } }, "3ae81609d6": { "person": { "3": null, "10": null, "14": null, "26": null }, "motorbike": { "3": null, "10": null, "14": null, "26": null } }, "3af847e62f": { "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "15": "1. The person is bending over and gripping an object with both hands.\n2. The person is grasping the head of an animal and maintaining a steady hold.\n3. The person is reaching forward and placing a loop around the neck of the animal." } }, "3b23792b84": { "lion": { "6": null, "13": null, "15": null, "25": null } }, "3b3b0af2ee": { "deer": { "5": "1. The deer is standing with its head raised, appearing to be looking toward the people behind the fence.\n2. The deer is lowering its head toward the ground, as if foraging or sniffing.\n3. The deer is turning its head to the side while moving slightly forward.\n4. The deer is bending its hind legs and is crouching close to the ground.", "10": "1. The deer is standing upright while gazing forward.\n\n2. The deer is bending its head down towards the ground as if inspecting something.\n\n3. The deer is lowering its head close to the ground, appearing to nuzzle or graze.\n\n4. The deer is turning its head back, possibly observing its surroundings.", "17": "1. The deer is standing still and facing forward, with its head raised and ears alert.\n\n2. The deer is leaning forward, lowering its head towards the ground as if inspecting or grazing.", "22": null } }, "3b512dad74": { "parrot": { "5": null, "8": null, "15": null, "21": null } }, "3b6c7988f6": { "cow": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "person": { "4": "1. The person is running forward with bent knees, appearing to be in motion.\n\n2. The person is sprinting and twisting their upper body slightly to the side.", "6": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "3b6e983b5b": { "deer": { "9": null, "10": null, "20": null, "32": null } }, "3b74a0fc20": { "fish": { "9": null, "14": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "3b7a50b80d": { "leopard": { "9": null, "12": null, "25": null, "29": null } }, "3b96d3492f": { "parachute": { "7": null, "15": null, "22": null, "28": null }, "hand": { "7": null, "15": null, "22": null, "28": null } }, "3b9ad0c5a9": { "deer": { "2": null, "11": null, "19": null, "22": null } }, "3b9ba0894a": { "snail": { "2": null, "12": null, "25": null, "30": null } }, "3bb4e10ed7": { "eagle": { "2": null, "10": null, "19": null, "23": null }, "person": { "2": null, "10": null, "19": null, "23": null } }, "3bd9a9b515": { "giant_panda": { "7": null, "12": null, "17": null, "25": null } }, "3beef45388": { "cat": { "4": null, "7": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "3c019c0a24": { "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "3c090704aa": { "skateboard": { "5": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null }, "person": { "5": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "3c2784fc0d": { "deer": { "6": null, "10": null, "15": null, "20": null } }, "3c47ab95f8": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "8": null, "16": null, "24": null }, "person": { "2": null, "8": null, "16": null, "24": null } }, "3c4db32d74": { "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": "1. The person is walking forward with a slight lean while carrying a bag over one shoulder.\n\n2. The person is stepping up onto a bus with their face turned slightly towards the entrance.", "15": null } }, "3c5ff93faf": { "tennis_racket": { "6": null, "13": null, "25": null, "28": null }, "person": { "6": null, "13": null, "25": null, "28": null } }, "3c700f073e": { "duck": { "3": null, "11": null, "23": null, "30": null } }, "3c713cbf2f": { "sedan": { "2": "1. The sedan is drifting sideways, creating smoke from its tires as it skids around the corner.\n\n2. The sedan is accelerating forward, approaching a bend in the track with its front wheels pointing slightly outward.", "6": "1. The sedan is drifting around a curve, creating a cloud of smoke from the tires.\n2. The sedan is speeding straight on the track, leaving skid marks on the asphalt.", "9": null, "16": null } }, "3c8320669c": { "surfboard": { "5": null, "16": null, "22": null, "29": null }, "person": { "5": null, "16": "1. The person is crouching on a surfboard, maintaining balance while riding a wave. \n2. The person is lying prone on a surfboard, paddling with both arms in the water.", "22": null, "29": "1. The person is surfing on a wave while crouching and balancing on a surfboard.\n2. The person is standing upright on a surfboard while navigating through the wave." }, "hat": { "5": null, "16": null, "22": null, "29": null } }, "3c90d225ee": { "dolphin": { "4": null, "17": null, "18": null, "31": null } }, "3cadbcc404": { "hand": { "2": null, "6": null, "11": null, "16": null }, "motorbike": { "2": null, "6": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "3cb9be84a5": { "ape": { "3": null, "10": null, "15": null, "21": null } }, "3cc37fd487": { "person": { "4": null, "6": "1. The person is vigorously pedaling a bicycle with the head slightly lowered, maintaining forward momentum.\n\n2. The person is cycling energetically with both hands gripping the handlebars and the body leaning slightly to the right.\n\n3. The person is bending forward while pedaling a bicycle, with the hands tightly gripping the handlebars.", "10": null, "13": null } }, "3cc6f90cb2": { "elephant": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "3cd5e035ef": { "lizard": { "8": null, "11": null, "22": null, "27": null } }, "3cdf03531b": { "snake": { "3": null, "13": null, "23": null, "31": null } }, "3cdf828f59": { "turtle": { "7": null, "13": null, "21": null, "32": null } }, "3d254b0bca": { "lion": { "4": null, "13": null, "23": null, "32": null } }, "3d5aeac5ba": { "person": { "8": "1. The person is seated in a harness, facing forward and smiling broadly while holding onto straps.\n2. The person is raising one arm triumphantly while seated in a harness, gripping the overhead straps tightly.", "11": "1. The person is seated in a parachute harness, holding onto the harness straps while smiling.\n2. The person is gripping the parachute lines with both hands above their head.", "25": null, "27": "1. The person is grasping the harness straps and smiling while paragliding.\n2. The person is holding onto the harness straps with both hands while paragliding." } }, "3d690473e1": { "ape": { "5": "1. The ape is sitting on the ground with its head turned to the side, observing its surroundings.\n\n2. The ape is crouching down, facing forward, and appears to be resting.", "12": "1. The ape is looking upward with its mouth slightly open and resting on its limb.\n\n2. The ape is turning its body slightly away, with its back visible.", "25": "1. The ape is tilting its head upward with wide-open eyes, as if observing something above.\n\n2. The ape is sitting with its back turned while leaning slightly forward.", "31": null } }, "3d69fed2fb": { "bus": { "5": null, "8": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "3d8997aeb6": { "bird": { "5": null, "6": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "3db0d6b07e": { "train": { "4": null, "7": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "3db1ddb8cf": { "sheep": { "3": null, "16": null, "22": null, "29": null } }, "3db907ac77": { "giant_panda": { "4": null, "15": null, "22": null, "28": null } }, "3dcbc0635b": { "skateboard": { "7": null, "13": null, "14": null, "26": null }, "person": { "7": null, "13": null, "14": null, "26": null } }, "3dd48ed55f": { "tennis_racket": { "6": null, "12": null, "19": null, "23": null }, "person": { "6": null, "12": null, "19": null, "23": null } }, "3de4ac4ec4": { "dog": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "3decd63d88": { "fish": { "4": null, "15": null, "20": null, "27": null } }, "3e04a6be11": { "snake": { "8": null, "17": null, "21": null, "33": null } }, "3e108fb65a": { "sedan": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "bus": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "3e1448b01c": { "raccoon": { "6": null, "13": null, "19": null, "23": null } }, "3e16c19634": { "crocodile": { "2": null, "11": null, "25": null, "30": null } }, "3e2845307e": { "turtle": { "2": null, "5": null, "6": null, "8": null }, "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "6": null, "8": null } }, "3e38336da5": { "sedan": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "others": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "3e3a819865": { "rabbit": { "8": null, "10": null, "25": null, "29": null } }, "3e3e4be915": { "person": { "4": null, "9": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "3e680622d7": { "giant_panda": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": "1. The giant panda is moving forward with its head lowered, sniffing the ground.\n\n2. The giant panda is standing on all fours while looking slightly downward, appearing to examine the surface in front of it.", "13": null } }, "3e7d2aeb07": { "parrot": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "3e7d8f363d": { "snail": { "9": null, "11": null, "24": "1. The snail is extending its eyestalks while moving forward over a pebble.\n\n2. The snail is retracting its body slightly into its shell, showing minimal movement.", "30": null } }, "3ea4c49bbe": { "ape": { "2": null, "8": null, "15": null, "26": null } }, "3eb39d11ab": { "fish": { "4": null, "17": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "3ec273c8d5": { "zebra": { "4": null, "6": null, "11": null, "16": null }, "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "3ed3f91271": { "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "3ee062a2fd": { "giant_panda": { "3": null, "12": null, "20": null, "30": null } }, "3eede9782c": { "tiger": { "7": null, "10": null, "20": null, "31": null } }, "3ef2fa99cb": { "owl": { "6": "1. The owl is standing upright with its head slightly bowed forward.\n\n2. The owl is perched, head turned to the right, as it gazes intently in that direction.", "10": null, "21": null, "30": null } }, "3efc6e9892": { "horse": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "15": null }, "person": { "2": "1. The person is adjusting a bridle on the wall, reaching up with one hand.\n\n2. The person is walking forward while holding onto a horse's lead.", "5": "1. The person is holding a rope while gesturing toward the stables.\n\n2. The person is walking forward beside a horse.", "8": "1. The person is reaching towards a stable door with their right hand while slightly leaning forward.\n\n2. The person is walking alongside a horse, maintaining an upright posture.", "15": "1. The person is holding a horse bridle and reaching towards a stable door.\n\n2. The person is walking alongside a horse, maintaining a steady pace." } }, "3f0b0dfddd": { "elephant": { "3": null, "8": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "person": { "3": null, "8": "1. The person is extending a hand forward towards the elephant while sitting on a fence.\n\n3. The person is holding a camera up to their face, appearing to take a photo or video.", "12": "1. The person is leaning forward and extending a hand towards an animal.\n3. The person is standing with hands on hips, facing away.", "15": "1. The person is extending an arm over the fence towards the animal while seated and looking in that direction.\n\n3. The person is standing with hands clasped behind their back, facing away." } }, "3f0c860359": { "person": { "4": "1. The person is standing at the front of the boat and grasping the side, appearing to steer or guide the direction of the team.\n2. The person is standing while holding a large drum, likely keeping rhythm for the rowing team.\n3. The person is actively paddling in unison with the team, contributing to the boat's movement.", "6": null, "8": "1. The person is standing at the front of the boat, clapping their hands above their head.\n\n2. The person is rowing vigorously with a paddle, facing forward.\n\n3. The person is seated in the boat, paddling in unison with others.", "14": "1. The person is standing upright, holding a megaphone and appearing to shout instructions to others.\n\n2. The person is gripping a paddle with both hands and rowing vigorously in the boat.\n\n3. The person is firmly holding a paddle and engaging in synchronized rowing with the group." } }, "3f18728586": { "raccoon": { "8": null, "15": null, "25": "1. The raccoon is pressing its front paws onto the ground and leaning forward. \n2. The raccoon is moving its head downward, appearing to sniff the grass.", "26": null }, "person": { "8": null, "15": null, "25": null, "26": null } }, "3f3b15f083": { "cat": { "2": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "3f4f3bc803": { "deer": { "2": null, "12": null, "16": null, "26": null } }, "3fd96c5267": { "airplane": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "16": null } }, "3fea675fab": { "airplane": { "3": null, "7": null, "8": null, "16": null }, "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "8": null, "16": null } }, "3fee8cbc9f": { "person": { "2": null, "8": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "3fff16d112": { "leopard": { "5": null, "17": null, "20": null, "32": null }, "hand": { "5": null, "17": null, "20": null, "32": null } }, "401888b36c": { "ape": { "7": null, "11": null, "18": null, "23": null } }, "4019231330": { "tennis_racket": { "5": null, "10": null, "19": null, "20": null }, "person": { "5": null, "10": null, "19": "1. The person is swinging a tennis racket, preparing to hit the ball.\n3. The person is standing near the net, facing the incoming ball.\n5. The person is sitting on a chair, leaning forward slightly.", "20": "1. The person is swinging a tennis racket forward while approaching the ball.\n\n3. The person is standing still, facing the net and holding a racket in a ready position.\n\n5. The person is seated and reaching toward a nearby bag." } }, "402316532d": { "person": { "2": null, "11": null, "16": null, "23": null }, "snake": { "2": null, "11": null, "16": null, "23": null } }, "402680df52": { "snail": { "3": null, "13": null, "23": null, "27": null } }, "404d02e0c0": { "fox": { "2": null, "8": null, "15": null, "20": null } }, "40709263a8": { "plant": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "4083cfbe15": { "skateboard": { "3": null, "8": null, "19": null, "21": null }, "person": { "3": null, "8": null, "19": null, "21": null } }, "40a96c5cb1": { "elephant": { "3": null, "9": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "40b8e50f82": { "giant_panda": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "13": null }, "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "40f4026bf5": { "fish": { "6": null, "8": null, "15": null, "25": null } }, "4100b57a3a": { "skateboard": { "6": null, "9": null, "19": null, "26": null }, "person": { "6": null, "9": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "41059fdd0b": { "giant_panda": { "8": null, "10": null, "18": null, "30": null } }, "41124e36de": { "lizard": { "6": null, "11": null, "16": null, "26": null } }, "4122aba5f9": { "person": { "2": null, "15": "1. The person is balancing with bent knees while snowboarding across a rail.\n\n2. The person is standing upright on a snowboard, preparing to slide on the rail.", "16": null, "23": null } }, "413bab0f0d": { "cow": { "3": null, "7": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "4164faee0b": { "monkey": { "2": null, "15": null, "25": null, "32": null } }, "418035eec9": { "snake": { "9": null, "15": null, "24": null, "28": null } }, "4182d51532": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "9": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "418bb97e10": { "surfboard": { "3": null, "8": null, "16": null, "24": null }, "person": { "3": null, "8": null, "16": null, "24": null } }, "41a34c20e7": { "person": { "4": "1. The person is standing upright with arms at their sides, facing forward.\n2. The person is bent over, with arms reaching downwards as if examining or picking something up from the ground.", "7": "1. The person is standing with knees slightly bent and arms extended forward, appearing to maintain balance or prepare for movement. \n2. The person is crouching low with one knee near the ground and arms bent, as if preparing to spring forward or take off running.", "10": "1. The person is running with a bent arm, appearing to move quickly forward.\n\n2. The person is walking away while slightly leaning, with arms in a relaxed position.", "15": "1. The person is running forward with arms swinging back and legs off the ground.\n2. The person is crouching forward while reaching towards an object on the ground." } }, "41dab05200": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is holding straps and leaning forward as if preparing for a movement.\n\n2. The person is gripping a control handle with one arm raised, appearing ready to initiate an action.", "16": "1. The person is running down a rocky slope while preparing to take off with a parachute.\n\n2. The person is airborne, gripping parachute lines and hovering above the slope.", "24": "1. The person is paragliding with arms slightly apart and legs bent in mid-air.\n2. The person is suspended in the air holding onto paragliding handles.", "29": "1. The person is gripping the parachute cords tightly while swinging their legs forward in mid-air.\n\n2. The person is holding onto the harness and descending rapidly with their legs extended." } }, "41ff6d5e2a": { "truck": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "13": null }, "sedan": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "420caf0859": { "zebra": { "3": null, "4": null, "6": null, "9": "1. The zebra is walking forward with its head lowered, appearing attentive to the ground.\n\n2. The zebra is standing still, facing left, with its ears perked up.\n\n3. The zebra is grazing, with its head bent down towards the grass.\n\n4. The zebra is trotting alongside another zebra, maintaining close proximity." } }, "42264230ba": { "bucket": { "2": null, "8": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "toilet": { "2": null, "8": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "425a0c96e0": { "airplane": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "42da96b87c": { "parrot": { "4": null, "11": null, "18": null, "28": null } }, "42eb5a5b0f": { "snake": { "9": null, "10": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "42f17cd14d": { "cow": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "42f5c61c49": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "10": null, "23": null, "28": null }, "person": { "4": null, "10": null, "23": null, "28": null } }, "42ffdcdee9": { "person": { "4": null, "12": null, "18": null, "31": null }, "lizard": { "4": null, "12": null, "18": null, "31": null } }, "432f9884f9": { "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "43326d9940": { "lion": { "7": null, "12": null, "18": null, "25": null } }, "4350f3ab60": { "lizard": { "6": null, "8": null, "17": "1. The lizard is partially inside a structure, peeking out with its head slightly elevated.\n2. The lizard is actively crawling forward, with its limbs extended and head turning slightly.\n3. The lizard is peering from the entrance of the structure, remaining mostly hidden.", "20": "1. The lizard is peeking out from behind a small structure, its head slightly angled outward.\n\n2. The lizard is crawling forward on the sand, moving its legs rhythmically.\n\n3. The lizard is nestled under the edge of the structure, with its body positioned to remain partially hidden." } }, "4399ffade3": { "camel": { "4": null, "8": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "cow": { "4": null, "8": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "person": { "4": null, "8": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "43a6c21f37": { "lion": { "2": null, "11": null, "14": null, "20": null } }, "43b5555faa": { "ape": { "2": null, "10": null, "20": null, "26": null } }, "43d63b752a": { "person": { "4": null, "15": null, "23": null, "28": null }, "snowboard": { "4": null, "15": null, "23": null, "28": null } }, "4416bdd6ac": { "parrot": { "4": null, "5": "1. The parrot is grasping the bars with its feet while leaning forward.\n2. The parrot is perched upright on the bars, facing straight ahead.\n3. The parrot is bending its body downward with its beak near the bars.", "9": "1. The parrot is climbing the cage bars with its beak open.\n2. The parrot is standing upright and facing forward without any visible action.\n3. The parrot is perched backward with its head turned to the right.", "12": null } }, "4444753edd": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is jumping mid-air with arms slightly bent and legs together.\n\n2. The person is riding a unicycle, leaning slightly forward while pedaling.", "7": null, "10": null, "12": "1. The person is crouching down, extending one arm forward.\n2. The person is leaning forward, preparing to jump across the gap." } }, "444aa274e7": { "hand": { "7": null, "12": null, "18": null, "23": null }, "lizard": { "7": null, "12": null, "18": null, "23": null } }, "444d4e0596": { "owl": { "4": null, "9": null, "16": null, "25": null }, "person": { "4": null, "9": null, "16": null, "25": null } }, "446b8b5f7a": { "giant_panda": { "5": null, "9": "1. The giant panda is leaning forward with its head down, appearing to nudge or sniff the ground near a wall.\n2. The giant panda is seated with its front paws extended towards the other panda, seemingly reaching or playing.", "10": null, "14": null } }, "4478f694bb": { "motorbike": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "44b1da0d87": { "train": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "sedan": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "44b4dad8c9": { "hat": { "5": null, "8": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "44b5ece1b9": { "parrot": { "9": null, "16": null, "24": null, "30": null } }, "44d239b24e": { "person": { "7": null, "10": null, "16": null, "25": null }, "motorbike": { "7": null, "10": null, "16": null, "25": null } }, "44eaf8f51e": { "ape": { "3": null, "16": null, "20": null, "31": null } }, "44f4f57099": { "cow": { "2": null, "8": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "44f7422af2": { "crocodile": { "6": null, "12": null, "25": null, "28": null } }, "450787ac97": { "parrot": { "2": null, "16": null, "20": null, "27": null } }, "4523656564": { "cat": { "4": null, "8": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "4536c882e5": { "surfboard": { "6": null, "12": null, "19": null, "29": null }, "person": { "6": null, "12": null, "19": null, "29": null } }, "453b65daa4": { "mouse": { "3": null, "14": null, "20": null, "32": null }, "hand": { "3": null, "14": null, "20": null, "32": null } }, "454f227427": { "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "45636d806a": { "frog": { "6": null, "14": null, "23": null, "31": null } }, "456fb9362e": { "giant_panda": { "3": null, "7": null, "8": null, "14": "1. The giant_panda is leaning forward, wrapping its arms around another panda's back.\n\n2. The giant_panda is playfully pushing against the side of another panda with its head.\n\n3. The giant_panda is sitting back while munching on bamboo with its front paws." } }, "457e717a14": { "surfboard": { "6": null, "12": null, "16": null, "22": null }, "person": { "6": null, "12": null, "16": null, "22": null } }, "45a89f35e1": { "rabbit": { "4": "1. The rabbit is standing still, facing towards the other rabbits with its body slightly angled.\n\n2. The rabbit is partially inside the cardboard box, with its head extending out as it looks forward.\n\n3. The rabbit is crouching and leaning into the side of the cardboard box, touching it with its head.\n\n4. The rabbit is sitting next to the box, facing the wall and turning its head slightly towards the box.", "11": null, "20": null, "27": "1. The rabbit is standing still facing the camera, appearing alert with its ears perked up.\n\n2. The rabbit is sniffing the ground with its head lowered towards the floor.\n\n3. The rabbit is pushing against the side of the box with its front paws.\n\n4. The rabbit is actively hopping forward, leaving the box behind." } }, "45bf0e947d": { "sheep": { "4": null, "9": null, "15": null, "19": null } }, "45c36a9eab": { "camel": { "4": "1. The camel is raising its head high and braying audibly into the air.\n\n2. The camel is steadily walking forward while swaying its body from side to side.", "11": null, "15": null, "25": "1. The camel is stretching its neck forward while appearing to vocalize loudly.\n\n2. The camel is standing still, with its head lifted slightly upward." } }, "45d9fc1357": { "shark": { "8": null, "9": null, "22": null, "30": null } }, "45f8128b97": { "person": { "7": null, "15": null, "25": null, "30": null }, "others": { "7": null, "15": null, "25": null, "30": null } }, "4607f6c03c": { "person": { "3": "1. The person is pedaling a bicycle while leaning into a turn.\n2. The person is standing still, watching the scene ahead.\n3. The person is walking along the edge of the ramp.", "5": "1. The person is riding a BMX bike, accelerating while gripping the handlebars tightly.\n2. The person is standing still with their arms by their sides, observing the scene ahead.", "9": null, "14": null } }, "46146dfd39": { "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "4620e66b1e": { "frog": { "2": null, "11": null, "14": null, "26": null } }, "4625f3f2d3": { "bird": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "462b22f263": { "sedan": { "2": null, "8": null, "13": null, "16": null }, "bus": { "2": null, "8": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "4634736113": { "dolphin": { "6": null, "13": null, "21": null, "31": null } }, "463c0f4fdd": { "rabbit": { "6": null, "13": null, "19": null, "26": null }, "hand": { "6": null, "13": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "46565a75f8": { "motorbike": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "hat": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "46630b55ae": { "bike": { "3": null, "5": null, "6": null, "8": null }, "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "6": null, "8": null } }, "466839cb37": { "sheep": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "14": null } }, "466ba4ae0c": { "duck": { "7": null, "10": null, "23": null, "28": null } }, "4680236c9d": { "penguin": { "4": null, "10": null, "18": null, "31": null } }, "46bf4e8709": { "sedan": { "2": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "46e18e42f1": { "sheep": { "3": "1. The sheep is running forward with its head lowered slightly.\n\n2. The sheep is moving briskly with its ears perked up.\n\n3. The sheep is trotting with its head turned slightly to the right.\n\n4. The sheep is galloping with its head raised upwards.", "6": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "46f5093c59": { "sheep": { "2": null, "17": null, "23": null, "29": null } }, "47269e0499": { "dog": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "472da1c484": { "lizard": { "4": null, "13": null, "17": null, "23": null } }, "47354fab09": { "eagle": { "5": null, "13": null, "22": null, "30": null } }, "4743bb84a7": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is walking past the bus while carrying a bag in one hand.\n\n2. The person is standing still with arms crossed.\n\n3. The person is holding up a phone, likely taking a photo or recording a video.", "7": null, "10": "1. The person is walking past a parked bus while facing forward.\n\n2. The person is standing still, crossing their arms, and facing slightly to the side.\n\n3. The person is holding a mobile phone to their ear, appearing to be in conversation.", "12": null } }, "474a796272": { "frog": { "4": null, "14": null, "20": null, "31": null } }, "4783d2ab87": { "zebra": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": "1. The zebra is standing still with its head lowered, appearing to graze or inspect the ground.\n\n2. The zebra is walking forward with its head raised and facing away.\n\n3. The zebra is standing with its head turned slightly to the right, observing its surroundings.", "16": null } }, "479cad5da3": { "rabbit": { "2": null, "17": null, "19": null, "33": null } }, "479f5d7ef6": { "cow": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "47a05fbd1d": { "giraffe": { "5": null, "6": null, "13": "1. The giraffe is stretching its neck upward to browse the leaves on a high branch. \n2. The giraffe is moving its head down, grazing close to the ground. \n3. The giraffe is stepping forward, appearing to nudge another giraffe with its snout. \n4. The giraffe is browsing on a bush, tilting its head to reach more leaves.", "14": null } }, "4804ee2767": { "dog": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "4810c3fbca": { "dolphin": { "3": null, "15": null, "21": null, "32": null } }, "482fb439c2": { "rabbit": { "6": null, "11": null, "19": null, "24": null } }, "48375af288": { "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "484ab44de4": { "airplane": { "3": null, "8": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "485f3944cd": { "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "4867b84887": { "mouse": { "2": null, "10": null, "14": null, "21": null } }, "486a8ac57e": { "snake": { "3": null, "13": null, "24": null, "31": null } }, "486e69c5bd": { "leopard": { "8": null, "14": null, "25": null, "31": null } }, "48812cf33e": { "snake": { "3": null, "13": null, "15": null, "21": null } }, "4894b3b9ea": { "frog": { "6": null, "13": null, "21": null, "26": null } }, "48bd66517d": { "squirrel": { "7": null, "15": null, "19": null, "31": null } }, "48d83b48a4": { "zebra": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "4918d10ff0": { "cat": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "4932911f80": { "person": { "4": null, "10": null, "14": null, "26": null }, "motorbike": { "4": null, "10": null, "14": null, "26": null } }, "49405b7900": { "deer": { "6": null, "16": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "49972c2d14": { "frisbee": { "4": null, "10": null, "19": null, "25": null }, "person": { "4": null, "10": null, "19": null, "25": null }, "dog": { "4": null, "10": null, "19": null, "25": null } }, "499bf07002": { "airplane": { "3": null, "6": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "sedan": { "3": null, "6": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "49b16e9377": { "person": { "6": null, "15": null, "21": null, "30": null }, "snowboard": { "6": null, "15": null, "21": null, "30": null } }, "49c104258e": { "lizard": { "2": "1. The lizard is gripping a large piece of prey with its mouth and pulling it along the ground.\n2. The lizard is crouching low and extending its front leg forward, appearing to prepare for a movement.", "13": "1. The lizard is gripping a large worm in its mouth and pulling back slightly while positioning itself.\n\n2. The lizard is raising its front legs and lunging forward, its head tilted towards the ground.", "16": "1. The lizard is holding a large worm in its mouth while facing forward.\n\n2. The lizard is crouching close to the ground, looking directly ahead.", "24": "1. The lizard is grasping a worm in its mouth while creeping forward across the surface.\n\n2. The lizard is opening its mouth wide and facing the other lizard." } }, "49c879f82d": { "sedan": { "5": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "giraffe": { "5": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "49e7326789": { "sheep": { "7": null, "17": null, "25": null, "29": null } }, "49ec3e406a": { "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "dog": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "49fbf0c98a": { "person": { "3": "1. The person is bending forward while standing in the water.\n\n2. The person is holding onto another's arm during the flood.\n\n3. The person is clinging closely to someone's arm amidst the water.", "8": null, "12": "1. The person is wading through the water while bending down slightly.\n\n2. The person is holding a leash and moving forward with a dog.\n\n3. The person is walking against the current, holding an object close to their body.", "14": null }, "dog": { "3": null, "8": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "4a0255c865": { "ape": { "6": "1. The ape is lying in a hammock with its arms stretched upward, gripping the edges.\n\n2. The ape is resting with its back against the hammock, reaching one arm outward to the side.", "14": "1. The ape is lying on its back with arms extended upward while relaxing in the hammock.\n2. The ape is climbing onto the hammock with its arm reaching forward.", "18": "1. The ape is hanging upside down while grasping the fabric tightly with its hands and feet.\n\n2. The ape is holding onto the edge of the fabric with one hand while extending its other arm outward.", "32": "1. The ape is curled up and appears to be resting or sitting upright with minimal movement.\n\n2. The ape is reaching out and gripping the edge of the hammock with one hand." } }, "4a088fe99a": { "cat": { "2": null, "8": null, "13": null, "16": null }, "dog": { "2": null, "8": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "4a341402d0": { "rabbit": { "2": null, "11": null, "20": null, "31": null } }, "4a3471bdf5": { "elephant": { "2": "1. The elephant is reaching up with its trunk grabbing leaves from a tree branch.\n\n2. The elephant is lying down, gently rolling its body from side to side.", "7": null, "11": null, "16": null }, "giraffe": { "2": null, "7": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "4a4b50571c": { "skateboard": { "3": null, "9": null, "18": null, "26": null }, "person": { "3": null, "9": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "4a50f3d2e9": { "truck": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "sedan": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "4a6e3faaa1": { "fish": { "4": "1. The fish is hovering near the bottom with its fins extended outward, maintaining a stable position. \n2. The fish is actively swimming forward with its tail moving from side to side.", "14": null, "19": null, "32": null } }, "4a7191f08a": { "surfboard": { "7": null, "10": null, "14": null, "26": null }, "person": { "7": null, "10": null, "14": null, "26": null } }, "4a86fcfc30": { "rabbit": { "5": null, "15": null, "23": null, "27": null } }, "4a885fa3ef": { "parrot": { "4": null, "9": null, "18": null, "22": null } }, "4aa2e0f865": { "tiger": { "3": null, "14": null, "21": null, "29": null } }, "4aa9d6527f": { "rabbit": { "5": null, "10": null, "25": null, "32": null } }, "4abb74bb52": { "zebra": { "3": null, "7": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "4ae13de1cd": { "bike": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "12": null }, "person": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "4af8cb323f": { "giant_panda": { "2": "1. The giant panda is pushing off with its hind leg while appearing to move forward.\n2. The giant panda is leaning forward and sniffing the ground.", "6": null, "10": "1. The giant_panda is resting on the floor with its front paws stretched out as if lying down.\n\n2. The giant_panda is moving forward, pushing itself ahead with its paws.", "17": null } }, "4b02c272b3": { "turtle": { "7": null, "12": null, "19": null, "29": null } }, "4b19c529fb": { "parrot": { "4": null, "8": null, "13": null, "16": null }, "hand": { "4": null, "8": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "4b2974eff4": { "snake": { "4": null, "17": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "4b3154c159": { "duck": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "16": "1. The duck is lowering its head into the water as if searching for food.\n2. The duck is swimming with its neck extended forward and body partially submerged." } }, "4b54d2587f": { "dolphin": { "6": null, "14": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "4b556740ff": { "owl": { "3": null, "13": null, "17": null, "23": null } }, "4b67aa9ef6": { "snake": { "6": null, "16": null, "18": null, "33": null } }, "4b97cc7b8d": { "cat": { "3": null, "6": "1. The cat is standing with its head turned, appearing attentive to its surroundings.\n\n2. The cat is poised on its front paws, actively scratching or pawing at the wall.", "12": "1. The cat is standing with its back facing forward, appearing to observe something ahead.\n2. The cat is crouched low, appearing to inspect the floor closely.", "16": "1. The cat is standing on the carpet with its tail raised, facing towards the right side of the frame.\n2. The cat is poking its head out from behind a corner, appearing to be peering or looking forward." } }, "4baa1ed4aa": { "truck": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "4bc8c676bb": { "bus": { "3": null, "9": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "4beaea4dbe": { "leopard": { "5": null, "14": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "4bf5763d24": { "elephant": { "5": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "person": { "5": "1. The person is sitting on the elephant's back, holding onto its head with one hand.\n2. The person is standing in the water beside the elephant, using their hand to rub the elephant's side.\n3. The person is crouching on the elephant's back, holding onto it with one hand.", "6": "1. The person is sitting on an elephant, leaning forward with hands resting on the elephant\u2019s head.\n\n2. The person is standing in the water, using both hands to scrub the elephant.\n\n3. The person is crouching slightly, reaching out with one hand touching the elephant's back.", "12": null, "17": "1. The person is sitting on the elephant while holding onto its head with both hands.\n\n2. The person is crouching beside the elephant and appears to be scrubbing its back.\n\n3. The person is standing and reaching out towards the elephant with one hand." } }, "4bffa92b67": { "snake": { "2": null, "12": null, "14": null, "22": null } }, "4c25dfa8ec": { "plant": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "4c397b6fd4": { "turtle": { "9": null, "13": null, "18": null, "27": null } }, "4c51e75d66": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "12": null, "14": null, "24": null }, "person": { "2": null, "12": null, "14": null, "24": null } }, "4c7710908f": { "parrot": { "6": null, "12": null, "20": null, "29": null } }, "4c9b5017be": { "lizard": { "7": null, "11": null, "19": null, "31": null } }, "4ca2ffc361": { "train": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "4cad2e93bc": { "fox": { "5": null, "8": null, "15": null, "27": null } }, "4cd427b535": { "fish": { "6": null, "11": null, "14": null, "17": null } }, "4cd9a4b1ef": { "shark": { "4": null, "12": null, "22": null, "28": null } }, "4cdfe3c2b2": { "shark": { "2": null, "11": null, "20": null, "30": null } }, "4cef87b649": { "giant_panda": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "4cf208e9b3": { "person": { "2": null, "10": null, "21": null, "29": null } }, "4cf5bc3e60": { "boat": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "13": null }, "hand": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "13": null }, "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "4cfdd73249": { "mouse": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "4cff5c9e42": { "rabbit": { "6": null, "15": null, "18": null, "32": null }, "dog": { "6": null, "15": null, "18": null, "32": null } }, "4d26d41091": { "sedan": { "3": null, "8": null, "13": null, "16": null }, "plant": { "3": null, "8": null, "13": null, "16": null }, "bus": { "3": null, "8": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "4d5c23c554": { "parrot": { "9": null, "14": null, "24": null, "29": null }, "person": { "9": null, "14": null, "24": null, "29": null } }, "4d67c59727": { "tiger": { "5": null, "10": null, "15": null, "20": null } }, "4d983cad9f": { "ape": { "2": null, "10": null, "20": null, "26": null } }, "4da0d00b55": { "ape": { "2": null, "10": null, "18": null, "20": null } }, "4daa179861": { "elephant": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "4dadd57153": { "sedan": { "2": null, "7": null, "9": null, "15": null }, "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "4db117e6c5": { "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "14": null }, "bus": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "4de4ce4dea": { "giant_panda": { "9": null, "16": null, "21": "1. The giant panda is lowering its head and nudging against the log with its mouth.\n2. The giant panda is sitting upright and chewing on bamboo with its mouth open.", "27": null } }, "4dfaee19e5": { "rabbit": { "8": null, "10": null, "25": null, "29": null } }, "4dfdd7fab0": { "person": { "2": null, "11": null, "18": null, "23": null }, "snowboard": { "2": null, "11": null, "18": null, "23": null } }, "4e3f346aa5": { "cat": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "12": null } }, "4e49c2a9c7": { "turtle": { "3": null, "5": null, "6": null, "9": null }, "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "6": null, "9": null } }, "4e4e06a749": { "giant_panda": { "6": "1. The giant panda is sitting and eating bamboo with both paws while facing upwards. \n2. The giant panda is laying down and biting into bamboo scattered on the ground.", "10": null, "20": null, "30": "1. The giant panda is sitting back while holding bamboo and bringing it to its mouth.\n\n2. The giant panda is bending forward, sniffing around the scattered bamboo." } }, "4e70279712": { "sedan": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "person": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "bus": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "4e72856cc7": { "person": { "2": null, "7": "1. The person is sitting on a motorcycle with hands resting on the handlebars.\n\n2. The person is standing with their hand on their hip, looking towards the distance.\n\n3. The person is riding a motorcycle, leaning slightly forward while navigating.", "10": null, "12": null } }, "4e752f8075": { "rabbit": { "9": "1. The rabbit is pushing against the wall with its front paws, attempting to climb upward.\n\n2. The rabbit is burrowing into a cardboard box, using its head to nudge the contents around.\n\n3. The rabbit is hopping across the floor with its ears perked up.\n\n4. The rabbit is lying still, with its body tucked against the wall.", "13": "1. The rabbit is standing on its hind legs and sniffing the air near the drain.\n\n2. The rabbit is crouching inside the box while nudging the cardboard flap with its nose.\n\n3. The rabbit is sitting still, twitching its nose as it observes the surroundings.\n\n4. The rabbit is nuzzling against the floor, seemingly exploring the surface with quick movements.", "21": null, "29": "1. The rabbit is sitting still in the corner facing the wall.\n\n2. The rabbit is sitting inside the box with its head peeking out.\n\n3. The rabbit is moving forward with its head lowered towards the ground.\n\n4. The rabbit is resting still against the wall, facing forward." } }, "4e7a28907f": { "train": { "3": null, "4": null, "6": null, "8": null } }, "4e824b9247": { "tiger": { "2": null, "17": null, "21": null, "32": "1. The tiger is crouched low, appearing ready to spring forward, its muscles tense with anticipation.\n\n2. The tiger is playfully batting at the paw of the larger tiger, its head tilted to the side.\n\n3. The tiger is cautiously stepping forward, sniffing the ground with curiosity." } }, "4e82b1df57": { "ape": { "8": null, "16": null, "25": null, "26": null } }, "4e87a639bc": { "leopard": { "6": null, "16": "1. The leopard is playfully nudging against the side of another leopard with its head.\n\n2. The leopard is raising its head and looking attentively at the surroundings.\n\n3. The leopard is lying down while observing the area ahead with a steady gaze.", "19": null, "27": null } }, "4ea77bfd15": { "snail": { "2": null, "12": null, "18": null, "22": null } }, "4eb6fc23a2": { "giant_panda": { "9": null, "15": null, "25": null, "32": null } }, "4ec9da329e": { "boat": { "3": null, "8": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "person": { "3": null, "8": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "paddle": { "3": null, "8": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "4efb9a0720": { "fish": { "2": null, "12": null, "25": null, "30": null } }, "4f062fbc63": { "motorbike": { "3": null, "8": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "person": { "3": null, "8": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "hat": { "3": null, "8": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "4f35be0e0b": { "toilet": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "4f37e86797": { "giraffe": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "14": null } }, "4f414dd6e7": { "skateboard": { "8": null, "10": null, "23": null, "29": null }, "person": { "8": null, "10": null, "23": null, "29": null }, "others": { "8": null, "10": null, "23": null, "29": null } }, "4f424abded": { "giant_panda": { "8": null, "17": null, "19": null, "33": null } }, "4f470cc3ae": { "lizard": { "6": null, "11": null, "19": null, "20": null } }, "4f601d255a": { "fox": { "5": "1. The fox is lying on the ground with its head resting on the grass, appearing relaxed.\n\n2. The fox is standing with its body angled forward, as if preparing to leap or chase.", "8": "1. The fox is lying flat on the ground, with its head resting and body extended.\n2. The fox is standing and tuning its body slightly, as if attentive to something nearby.\n3. The fox is swiftly moving across the grass with a steady gait.", "18": null, "21": null } }, "4f7386a1ab": { "turtle": { "6": null, "10": null, "19": null, "21": null } }, "4f824d3dcd": { "bear": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "4f827b0751": { "lizard": { "5": null, "12": null, "14": null, "20": null } }, "4f8db33a13": { "rabbit": { "4": null, "16": null, "24": null, "32": null } }, "4fa160f8a3": { "giant_panda": { "7": null, "14": null, "21": null, "27": null } }, "4fa9c30a45": { "rabbit": { "3": null, "9": null, "16": null, "28": null } }, "4facd8f0e8": { "cat": { "3": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "mouse": { "3": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "4fca07ad01": { "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "motorbike": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "4fded94004": { "camel": { "3": null, "17": null, "22": null, "31": null } }, "4fdfef4dea": { "bike": { "3": null, "5": null, "10": null, "12": null }, "person": { "3": "1. The person is riding a bicycle downhill, leaning forward with both hands gripping the handlebars.\n\n2. The person is cycling on a mountain path, standing upright on the pedals while looking ahead.", "5": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "4feb3ac01f": { "horse": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": null, "13": null }, "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "4fffec8479": { "dog": { "4": null, "8": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "500c835a86": { "person": { "3": null, "12": null, "22": null, "31": null }, "snowboard": { "3": null, "12": null, "22": null, "31": null } }, "50168342bf": { "hand": { "9": null, "13": null, "24": null, "33": null }, "lizard": { "9": null, "13": null, "24": null, "33": null } }, "50243cffdc": { "turtle": { "4": null, "10": null, "23": null, "30": null }, "person": { "4": null, "10": null, "23": null, "30": null } }, "5031d5a036": { "duck": { "5": null, "15": null, "23": null, "30": null } }, "504dd9c0fd": { "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "50568fbcfb": { "deer": { "7": null, "11": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "5069c7c5b3": { "sheep": { "5": null, "17": null, "23": null, "27": null } }, "508189ac91": { "skateboard": { "8": null, "14": null, "24": null, "27": null }, "person": { "8": null, "14": null, "24": null, "27": null } }, "50b6b3d4b7": { "zebra": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "50c6f4fe3e": { "bike": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "15": null }, "person": { "2": "1. The person is riding a unicycle with hands extended forward, maintaining balance as they move.\n\n3. The person is standing still with both hands placed on top of their head.", "7": "1. The person is balancing on a unicycle while gripping the seat with bent knees.\n\n3. The person is standing with raised arms, appearing to adjust something near their head.", "8": "1. The person is pedaling a unicycle while leaning forward, navigating around a corner.\n3. The person is standing still with hands resting on the sides of their head, watching the scene intently.", "15": "1. The person is performing a jump on a bicycle, lifting both wheels off a platform.\n3. The person is holding up a camera and taking a photo." } }, "50cce40173": { "eagle": { "8": null, "14": null, "20": null, "33": null } }, "50efbe152f": { "person": { "2": null, "15": null, "20": null, "30": null } }, "50f290b95d": { "duck": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "bird": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "5104aa1fea": { "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "hat": { "4": null, "7": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "5110dc72c0": { "person": { "8": null, "17": null, "22": null, "33": null }, "snowboard": { "8": null, "17": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "511e8ecd7f": { "mouse": { "2": "1. The mouse is leaning into the bowl and nibbling on the contents inside.\n\n2. The mouse is stretching its body across the bowl, sniffing at the food.", "9": "1. The mouse is leaning over the edge of the bowl and nibbling on its contents.\n\n2. The mouse is perched on the rim of the bowl, actively sniffing and surveying the surroundings.", "18": "1. The mouse is eating from the bowl, with its head lowered towards the contents.\n2. The mouse is standing on the edge of the bowl, with its front paws inside, facing the inside.", "22": "1. The mouse is leaning over the bowl, peering inside, and reaching downward.\n\n2. The mouse is perched on the edge of the bowl, nibbling at something within." } }, "513aada14e": { "dog": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": "1. The dog is leaning forward with its head turned slightly to the right, facing another object or animal.\n2. The dog is standing and facing forward with its head lowering slightly as if inspecting something.", "16": null } }, "5158d6e985": { "parrot": { "9": null, "17": null, "22": null, "30": null } }, "5161e1fa57": { "turtle": { "4": null, "15": null, "21": null, "31": null } }, "51794ddd58": { "truck": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "15": "1. The person is riding a bicycle, pedaling forward on the sidewalk.\n\n2. The person is standing upright, holding the handlebars of a bicycle while looking forward." } }, "517d276725": { "sedan": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "16": null }, "dog": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "16": null } }, "51a597ee04": { "bike": { "2": null, "3": null, "4": null, "6": null }, "person": { "2": null, "3": null, "4": null, "6": null } }, "51b37b6d97": { "airplane": { "4": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "51b5dc30a0": { "truck": { "3": null, "9": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "51e85b347b": { "person": { "2": null, "15": "1. The person is sitting on a motorcycle with both hands gripping the handlebars, leaning forward slightly.\n\n2. The person is seated on an ATV, holding the handlebars with both hands, facing forward.", "24": null, "33": null }, "motorbike": { "2": null, "15": null, "24": null, "33": null } }, "51eea1fdac": { "giant_panda": { "4": "1. The giant panda is lying on its back and chewing on bamboo.\n\n2. The giant panda is raising its paw above its head, brushing against the foliage.", "12": null, "19": null, "20": "1. The giant panda is lying on its back with its front legs raised upward, one paw holding a bamboo stick.\n\n2. The giant panda is resting on its back, with its head turned slightly to the side, surrounded by scattered bamboo." } }, "51eef778af": { "turtle": { "2": null, "7": null, "9": null, "15": null }, "hand": { "2": null, "7": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "51f384721c": { "tiger": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "521cfadcb4": { "hand": { "2": null, "15": null, "24": null, "31": null }, "lizard": { "2": null, "15": null, "24": null, "31": null } }, "52355da42f": { "bear": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "5247d4b160": { "tennis_racket": { "9": null, "16": null, "25": null, "32": null }, "person": { "9": null, "16": null, "25": null, "32": null } }, "524b470fd0": { "person": { "9": null, "14": null, "23": null, "32": null }, "snowboard": { "9": null, "14": null, "23": null, "32": null } }, "524cee1534": { "hand": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "motorbike": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "5252195e8a": { "cat": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "squirrel": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "5255c9ca97": { "fish": { "7": null, "10": null, "17": null, "20": null } }, "525928f46f": { "bear": { "5": null, "9": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "526df007a7": { "duck": { "7": null, "12": "1. The duck is bending forward with its beak close to the ground, as if pecking or searching for food.\n\n2. The duck is stepping forward with its neck slightly extended, appearing to move in a specific direction.", "18": "1. The duck is lowering its head toward the ground while walking forward.\n2. The duck is standing still with its body facing forward.", "28": "1. Duck is pecking at the ground with quick, repeated motions.\n\n2. Duck is flapping its wings while stepping forward in a coordinated motion." } }, "529b12de78": { "sedan": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "52c7a3d653": { "duck": { "3": null, "10": null, "18": null, "24": null } }, "52c8ec0373": { "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "14": null }, "sign": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "52d225ed52": { "skateboard": { "3": null, "9": null, "13": null, "16": null }, "person": { "3": null, "9": null, "13": null, "16": null }, "hat": { "3": null, "9": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "52ee406d9e": { "owl": { "4": null, "12": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "52ff1ccd4a": { "parrot": { "3": null, "9": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "53143511e8": { "giant_panda": { "7": null, "12": null, "22": null, "27": null } }, "5316d11eb7": { "bird": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "53253f2362": { "fish": { "2": null, "11": null, "25": null, "28": null } }, "534a560609": { "train": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "5352c4a70e": { "tennis_racket": { "2": null, "12": null, "18": null, "29": null }, "person": { "2": null, "12": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "536096501f": { "cat": { "2": "1. The cat is stretching its body forward with its tail raised high.\n2. The cat is extending its front paw outward, appearing to reach for the object in front.\n3. The cat is crouched down low, facing away.", "6": null, "9": "1. The cat is sitting upright and looking towards a cage while lifting its front paw.\n\n2. The cat is standing on all fours and facing away, with its tail raised high.\n\n3. The cat is lying down on a blanket with its head slightly uplifted.", "16": "1. The cat is sitting upright and looking slightly upwards towards the cage.\n\n2. The cat is sniffing the ground with its nose close to the floor.\n\n3. The cat is lying down on its side while resting on a blanket." } }, "536b17bcea": { "turtle": { "2": null, "10": null, "24": null, "29": null }, "hand": { "2": null, "10": null, "24": null, "29": null } }, "5380eaabff": { "fish": { "6": null, "11": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "5390a43a54": { "parrot": { "9": null, "13": null, "21": null, "32": null }, "hand": { "9": null, "13": null, "21": null, "32": null } }, "53af427bb2": { "person": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "15": null }, "motorbike": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "53bf5964ce": { "ape": { "4": null, "15": null, "18": "1. The ape is holding a piece of food and bringing it closer to its mouth.\n\n2. The ape is reaching upwards with its arm towards the food held by the other ape.", "27": null } }, "53c30110b5": { "sedan": { "5": null, "9": null, "12": null, "16": null }, "hand": { "5": null, "9": null, "12": null, "16": null }, "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "53cad8e44a": { "monkey": { "4": null, "10": null, "18": null, "23": null } }, "53d9c45013": { "person": { "4": "1. The person is extending their right arm forward while wading in the pool.\n\n2. The person is raising their right arm as if to catch or signal something while standing in the water.\n\n3. The person is holding onto the pool ladder with both hands while partially submerged.", "7": null, "10": "1. The person is treading water while facing forward and moving slightly with their arms.\n\n2. The person is splashing water around them using both hands.\n\n3. The person is sitting on the edge of the pool, extending their legs into the water.", "15": "1. The person is extending their arm forward while standing in the pool.\n2. The person is reaching out with both arms towards another person in the pool.\n3. The person is climbing out of the pool using the metal ladder." } }, "53e274f1b5": { "ape": { "5": null, "11": null, "14": null, "27": null } }, "53e32d21ea": { "hat": { "4": null, "8": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "540850e1c7": { "person": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "540cb31cfe": { "snake": { "4": null, "10": null, "18": null, "28": null } }, "541c4da30f": { "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "541d7935d7": { "parrot": { "2": null, "15": null, "22": null, "23": null }, "hand": { "2": null, "15": null, "22": null, "23": null } }, "545468262b": { "giant_panda": { "2": null, "16": null, "21": null, "26": null } }, "5458647306": { "fish": { "7": null, "13": null, "18": null, "23": "1. The fish is gliding smoothly upwards with its fins gently undulating.\n\n2. The fish is hovering near the bottom while fluttering its fins rapidly.\n\n3. The fish is darting sideways with swift, sharp movements." } }, "54657855cd": { "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "547b3fb23b": { "lion": { "6": null, "16": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "5497dc3712": { "dolphin": { "6": null, "11": null, "14": null, "26": null } }, "549c56f1d4": { "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "54a4260bb1": { "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "19": null, "24": null }, "lizard": { "5": null, "9": null, "19": null, "24": null } }, "54b98b8d5e": { "person": { "5": null, "13": null, "19": null, "26": null }, "motorbike": { "5": null, "13": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "54e1054b0f": { "sedan": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "54e8867b83": { "camel": { "6": null, "12": null, "22": null, "29": null } }, "54ebe34f6e": { "person": { "7": null, "12": null, "24": null, "31": null }, "snowboard": { "7": null, "12": null, "24": null, "31": null } }, "5519b4ad13": { "leopard": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "551acbffd5": { "ape": { "7": null, "9": "1. The ape is sitting on a log while holding onto it with both hands.\n2. The ape is crouching near a log with its arm extended forward as if reaching.", "16": null, "26": "1. The ape is climbing over a large log with its limbs extended forward.\n2. The ape is crouching beside a log while reaching out with its left hand." } }, "55341f42da": { "person": { "6": null, "16": null, "20": null, "33": null } }, "5566ab97e1": { "tiger": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "16": null } }, "556c79bbf2": { "owl": { "3": null, "10": null, "16": null, "20": null } }, "5589637cc4": { "surfboard": { "6": null, "12": null, "25": null, "33": null }, "person": { "6": null, "12": null, "25": null, "33": null } }, "558aa072f0": { "rabbit": { "9": null, "10": null, "23": null, "31": null } }, "559824b6f6": { "sedan": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null }, "bus": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "55c1764e90": { "ape": { "5": "1. The ape is lying back while clutching a piece of straw with its hand.\n\n2. The ape is gently reaching towards the smaller ape with its arm extended.", "13": null, "25": "1. The ape is resting with its eyes closed, lying down on a surface.\n2. The ape is holding its hand to its mouth, possibly inspecting or eating something.", "31": null } }, "55eda6c77e": { "ape": { "9": null, "17": null, "25": null, "30": null } }, "562d173565": { "ape": { "6": null, "9": null, "18": null, "22": null } }, "5665c024cb": { "train": { "3": null, "9": null, "11": null, "16": null }, "person": { "3": null, "9": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "566cef4959": { "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "8": "1. The person is riding a bicycle, gripping the handlebars while slightly bent forward.\n2. The person is cycling steadily, maintaining a low posture over the bike.", "12": null }, "hand": { "3": null, "7": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "5675d78833": { "giant_panda": { "5": null, "13": null, "14": "1. The giant_panda is bending down, reaching forward with its front paws against a log.\n2. The giant_panda is sitting upright, holding its front paws at its chest.", "25": null } }, "5678a91bd8": { "parrot": { "2": null, "17": null, "21": null, "30": null }, "person": { "2": null, "17": null, "21": null, "30": null } }, "567a2b4bd0": { "owl": { "3": null, "12": null, "24": null, "28": null } }, "569c282890": { "squirrel": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "56cc449917": { "eagle": { "2": null, "8": null, "19": null, "22": null } }, "56e71f3e07": { "monkey": { "7": null, "8": null, "17": null, "27": null } }, "56f09b9d92": { "owl": { "9": null, "16": null, "24": null, "30": null } }, "56fc0e8cf9": { "lizard": { "6": "1. The lizard is arching its back and stretching its front legs as it begins to move forward.\n\n2. The lizard is gripping the hand with its claws and slightly pushing its body upward.", "10": "1. The lizard is resting with its body stretched out and appears calm.\n2. The lizard is gripping the hand firmly, while its head and tail are slightly elevated.", "18": null, "25": null } }, "571ca79c71": { "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "57243657cf": { "others": { "2": null, "13": null, "19": null, "23": null } }, "57246af7d1": { "sedan": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "57427393e9": { "truck": { "5": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "574b682c19": { "giant_panda": { "8": null, "15": null, "18": null, "31": null } }, "578f211b86": { "parrot": { "3": null, "16": null, "20": null, "32": null } }, "5790ac295d": { "cat": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null }, "squirrel": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "579393912d": { "leopard": { "9": null, "11": null, "24": null, "33": null } }, "57a344ab1a": { "whale": { "5": null, "17": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "57bd3bcda4": { "squirrel": { "7": null, "11": null, "21": null, "31": null } }, "57bfb7fa4c": { "skateboard": { "3": null, "11": null, "19": null, "23": null }, "person": { "3": null, "11": null, "19": null, "23": null } }, "57c010175e": { "monkey": { "7": null, "15": null, "22": null, "29": "1. The monkey is sitting on the ground while reaching out with its left hand.\n\n2. The monkey is sitting upright with its gaze directed to the left side, holding onto something with its right hand." } }, "57c457cc75": { "parrot": { "5": null, "11": null, "22": null, "31": null } }, "57c7fc2183": { "parrot": { "7": null, "8": null, "17": null, "26": null } }, "57d5289a01": { "bus": { "2": null, "5": null, "6": null, "9": null } }, "58045fde85": { "hat": { "3": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "motorbike": { "3": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "person": { "3": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "58163c37cd": { "fox": { "4": null, "12": null, "16": "1. The fox is leaning forward and seems to be watching intently over the others.\n2. The fox is raising its front paw, reaching towards the other while staying low.\n3. The fox is crouching down with its hind legs bent as if preparing to spring.", "24": "1. The fox is standing with its mouth open, looking downward as if communicating with the others.\n\n2. The fox is lying on its back, reaching upward with its front paws towards the standing fox.\n\n3. The fox is lying on its side, raising its head slightly as it looks towards the others." } }, "582d463e5c": { "rabbit": { "7": null, "17": null, "22": null, "29": null }, "hand": { "7": null, "17": null, "22": null, "29": null } }, "5851739c15": { "parrot": { "8": null, "16": null, "24": null, "29": null } }, "585dd0f208": { "monkey": { "3": null, "4": null, "6": null, "8": null } }, "587250f3c3": { "monkey": { "3": null, "13": null, "20": null, "26": null } }, "589e4cc1de": { "hand": { "6": null, "13": null, "20": null, "31": null }, "squirrel": { "6": null, "13": null, "20": null, "31": null } }, "589f65f5d5": { "dolphin": { "4": null, "10": null, "25": null, "29": null } }, "58a07c17d5": { "monkey": { "7": null, "11": null, "20": null, "27": null } }, "58adc6d8b6": { "airplane": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "58b9bcf656": { "person": { "5": "1. The person is holding a leash and pointing forward while walking beside a dog.\n\n2. The person is walking forward, holding a leash, and guiding a dog alongside.", "7": null, "10": "1. The person is standing with hands in pockets, observing their surroundings.\n\n3. The person is holding a leash and guiding a dog forward.", "15": null }, "dog": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "58c374917e": { "deer": { "5": null, "6": "1. The deer is lowering its head and nudging a rock with its nose.\n\n2. The deer is stretching its neck downward and sniffing along the ground.", "12": null, "15": null } }, "58fc75fd42": { "cat": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "5914c30f05": { "giraffe": { "4": null, "8": null, "11": null, "14": null }, "person": { "4": null, "8": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "59323787d5": { "shark": { "5": null, "11": null, "14": null, "24": null } }, "5937b08d69": { "elephant": { "4": null, "8": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "594065ddd7": { "truck": { "5": null, "8": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "595a0ceea6": { "bus": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "14": null } }, "59623ec40b": { "person": { "4": "1. The person is stepping forward while extending an arm outward.\n\n2. The person is standing upright with arms slightly out to the sides.\n\n3. The person is taking a step while turning their head.", "5": null, "8": null, "15": "1. The person is bent over with one hand outstretched while leaning forward energetically.\n\n2. The person is stepping sideways with one arm extended as if in mid-dance move.\n\n3. The person is bent forward with hands on hips, engaging in a rhythmic motion." } }, "597ff7ef78": { "fox": { "5": null, "10": null, "18": null, "25": null } }, "598c2ad3b2": { "hand": { "6": null, "15": null, "21": null, "27": null }, "lizard": { "6": null, "15": null, "21": null, "27": null } }, "59a6459751": { "giant_panda": { "3": "1. The giant panda is sitting down, facing forward while resting its front paws on a tree branch.\n\n2. The giant panda is walking forward with its front paw extended onto the tree trunk.", "15": "1. The giant panda is sitting and leaning forward, appearing to be inspecting the wooden surface closely.\n\n2. The giant panda is cautiously stepping forward along the log, its head lowered as it advances.", "19": "1. The giant_panda is sitting upright, grasping a tree branch with its front paw.\n\n2. The giant_panda is climbing over a log, extending its front legs forward as it moves.", "31": "1. The giant panda is sitting while facing downward and is touching its face with a paw.\n\n2. The giant panda is walking along a wooden beam with its head down and back legs trailing behind." } }, "59b175e138": { "person": { "4": "1. The person is lifting a camera and looking through the viewfinder.\n2. The person is striding forward with their arms extended to the side.\n3. The person is stepping sideways while turning their torso.", "9": "1. The person is holding a camera up to their face, capturing a photo.\n2. The person is standing with arms outstretched, performing a choreographed move.\n3. The person is playing a brass instrument, blowing into it while holding it with both hands.", "12": "1. The person is holding a camera and looking through the viewfinder.\n2. The person is stepping forward while extending their arms out to the sides.\n3. The person is bending slightly forward, stretching their arms outward.", "15": "1. The person is holding a camera with both hands, aiming it forward as if taking a picture.\n\n2. The person is bending sideways, extending one arm upwards while balancing on one foot.\n\n3. The person is bending their torso sideways while lifting one leg to the side." } }, "59bf0a149f": { "tennis_racket": { "4": null, "16": null, "22": null, "26": null }, "person": { "4": null, "16": null, "22": null, "26": null } }, "59d53d1649": { "parrot": { "9": null, "12": null, "21": null, "26": null } }, "59e3e6fae7": { "whale": { "2": null, "12": null, "22": null, "26": null } }, "59fe33e560": { "deer": { "2": null, "16": null, "24": null, "33": null } }, "5a13a73fe5": { "cow": { "2": "1. The cow is lowering its head and moving toward a person's hand while interacting with a bucket.\n\n3. The cow is raising its head with its mouth slightly open.", "7": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "5a25c22770": { "snake": { "5": null, "12": null, "14": null, "23": null } }, "5a4a785006": { "sedan": { "2": null, "6": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "5a50640995": { "duck": { "7": null, "10": null, "22": null, "28": "1. The duck is standing still with its head raised, facing forward.\n\n2. The duck is walking with its head slightly inclined forward.\n\n3. The duck is standing upright with its body slightly turned to the left.\n\n4. The duck is casually sitting with its neck extended upward." }, "person": { "7": null, "10": null, "22": null, "28": null } }, "5a75f7a1cf": { "person": { "4": "1. The person is holding an umbrella above their head with the right hand and facing towards the road.\n\n2. The person is clapping their hands while standing with feet shoulder-width apart.\n\n3. The person is holding an umbrella with both hands while standing still and looking forward.", "9": null, "12": "1. The person is raising an arm while waving at a passing vehicle.\n2. The person is holding an umbrella, with both hands gripping the handle.\n3. The person is clapping with hands raised above shoulder level.", "16": "1. The person is clapping with both hands raised in front of their chest.\n2. The person is holding an umbrella upright with both hands.\n3. The person is waving with one hand extended upward." } }, "5a841e59ad": { "parrot": { "4": null, "13": null, "22": null, "28": null } }, "5a91c5ab6d": { "lizard": { "6": null, "12": null, "15": null, "22": null } }, "5ab49d9de0": { "person": { "3": null, "8": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "5aba1057fe": { "giant_panda": { "5": null, "14": null, "20": null, "30": null }, "person": { "5": null, "14": null, "20": null, "30": null } }, "5abe46ba6d": { "train": { "3": null, "7": "1. The train is advancing on the tracks, smoothly passing through the station area.\n\n2. The train is stationed, with its machinery actively adjusting above the track infrastructure.", "9": null, "11": null } }, "5ac7c88d0c": { "parrot": { "9": null, "17": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "5aeb95cc7d": { "truck": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "sedan": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "5af15e4fc3": { "duck": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "12": "1. The duck is gliding smoothly through the water, creating gentle ripples around it.\n\n2. The duck is splashing energetically, causing water to rise and fall around its body." } }, "5afe381ae4": { "boat": { "5": null, "6": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "5b07b4229d": { "person": { "2": null, "3": null, "4": null, "6": null }, "motorbike": { "2": null, "3": null, "4": null, "6": null } }, "5b1001cc4f": { "lizard": { "7": null, "16": null, "18": null, "28": null } }, "5b1df237d2": { "rabbit": { "7": null, "12": null, "19": null, "28": null } }, "5b263013bf": { "sedan": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "sign": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "5b27d19f0b": { "frisbee": { "8": null, "16": null, "21": null, "33": null }, "person": { "8": null, "16": null, "21": null, "33": null } }, "5b48ae16c5": { "plant": { "2": null, "6": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "giraffe": { "2": null, "6": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "hand": { "2": null, "6": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "5b5babc719": { "shark": { "2": null, "17": null, "24": null, "31": null } }, "5baaebdf00": { "fish": { "2": null, "14": null, "23": null, "28": null } }, "5bab55cdbe": { "lion": { "5": null, "16": null, "20": null, "32": null } }, "5bafef6e79": { "sedan": { "4": null, "9": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "5bc77844da": { "lion": { "8": null, "10": null, "21": null, "33": null }, "person": { "8": null, "10": null, "21": null, "33": null } }, "5bd1f84545": { "owl": { "7": null, "10": null, "24": null, "31": null } }, "5bddc3ba25": { "squirrel": { "5": null, "16": null, "19": null, "33": null }, "dog": { "5": null, "16": null, "19": null, "33": null } }, "5bdf7c20d2": { "frog": { "2": null, "10": null, "18": null, "30": null } }, "5bf23bc9d3": { "monkey": { "9": null, "10": null, "23": null, "29": null } }, "5c01f6171a": { "squirrel": { "7": null, "10": null, "18": null, "23": null } }, "5c021681b7": { "cow": { "5": null, "8": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "person": { "5": null, "8": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "5c185cff1d": { "sheep": { "2": null, "15": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "5c42aba280": { "snake": { "4": null, "10": null, "24": null, "28": null } }, "5c44bf8ab6": { "parrot": { "8": null, "15": null, "17": null, "26": null } }, "5c4c574894": { "monkey": { "4": null, "11": null, "19": null, "20": null } }, "5c52fa4662": { "person": { "3": "1. The person is leaning forward and clapping their hands rhythmically.\n\n2. The person is raising one arm and singing along energetically.", "6": "1. The person is leaning over with hands placed on their knees, looking downward.\n\n2. The person is standing upright with one hand partially raised, appearing relaxed.", "10": "1. The person is holding a drink and gesturing energetically with one hand.\n\n2. The person is clenching one fist and raising it above their head, while the other hand is positioned near their waist.", "11": "1. The person is bending forward and gesturing with their arm while interacting with the crowd.\n2. The person is standing upright, raising one hand high above their head as if waving or gesturing." } }, "5c6ea7dac3": { "horse": { "5": null, "7": null, "12": null, "16": null }, "person": { "5": null, "7": null, "12": "1. The person is standing beside a white horse, holding its reins with both hands.\n\n3. The person is mounted on a brown horse, holding the reins and looking forward.", "16": null } }, "5c74315dc2": { "shark": { "8": null, "17": null, "23": null, "27": null } }, "5c7668855e": { "cat": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "5c83e96778": { "giant_panda": { "7": null, "13": null, "21": null, "26": null } }, "5ca36173e4": { "plant": { "4": null, "7": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "5cac477371": { "person": { "5": null, "9": "1. The person is raising both arms in the air while standing on the roadside.\n2. The person is jogging alongside the cyclists, holding a camera with both hands.\n3. The person is riding a bicycle, leaning forward with both hands on the handlebars.", "10": "1. The person is enthusiastically waving a large flag with both hands raised high.\n\n2. The person is holding a small flag aloft in one hand while cheering energetically.\n\n3. The person is cycling forward, leaning forward with both hands gripping the handlebars.", "17": null } }, "5cb0cb1b2f": { "elephant": { "4": null, "8": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "5cb0cfb98f": { "parrot": { "6": null, "13": null, "17": null, "20": null } }, "5cb49a19cf": { "rabbit": { "2": null, "11": null, "16": null, "24": null } }, "5cbf7dc388": { "earless_seal": { "6": "1. The earless_seal is raising its head and nudging against the other seal.\n2. The earless_seal is bending its body and pressing against the first seal.\n3. The earless_seal is lying still on its side, without visible movement.", "14": null, "22": null, "26": "1. The earless_seal is tilting its head back and opening its mouth towards the sky. \n2. The earless_seal is arching its back while pushing its front flippers against the rock. \n3. The earless_seal is lying still on the rock with its body stretched out." } }, "5d0e07d126": { "train": { "5": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "5d1e24b6e3": { "sedan": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "11": null }, "hand": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "5d663000ff": { "fish": { "7": null, "12": null, "19": null, "20": null } }, "5da6b2dc5d": { "snail": { "2": null, "13": null, "18": null, "31": null } }, "5de9b90f24": { "train": { "3": null, "5": null, "6": null, "10": null } }, "5e08de0ed7": { "parrot": { "7": "1. The parrot is perching inside the cage and facing forward.\n\n2. The parrot is leaning forward and looking directly ahead.", "16": null, "20": "1. The parrot is perched inside the cage, facing slightly away.\n\n2. The parrot is biting a stick while standing next to it.", "26": null } }, "5e1011df9a": { "bear": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "5e1ce354fd": { "giant_panda": { "6": null, "12": null, "16": "1. The giant_panda is sitting upright and nibbling on a piece of bamboo.\n2. The giant_panda is leaning forward, appearing to inspect the ground closely.\n3. The giant_panda is turning its head to face another panda while standing.\n4. The giant_panda is lying on its side, resting its head on the ground.\n5. The giant_panda is standing on all fours, looking over a bush.", "23": "1. The giant_panda is crouching and using its paw to touch the ground in front of it.\n2. The giant_panda is moving forward with its head lowered and nose close to the ground.\n3. The giant_panda is facing downward and pushing against the ground with its front paws.\n4. The giant_panda is reaching out with its front paws toward the ground, appearing to lean forward.\n5. The giant_panda stands upright with its back to the camera, showing its back." } }, "5e35512dd7": { "ape": { "4": null, "10": null, "19": null, "29": null } }, "5e418b25f9": { "person": { "3": "1. The person is crouched over a bicycle, gripping the handlebars while looking forward.\n\n2. The person is pushing down on one pedal, with the body leaning slightly forward on the bicycle.\n\n3. The person is seated on a bicycle, holding the handlebars while slightly turning their head to the left.", "9": null, "11": "1. The person is seated on a bicycle, pedaling forward with bent knees and leaning slightly forward.\n\n2. The person is cycling with both hands gripping the handlebars and is in a forward-leaning posture.\n\n3. The person is on a bicycle, actively pedaling while looking ahead with a stable grip on the handlebars.", "17": null } }, "5e4849935a": { "ape": { "7": null, "10": null, "14": null, "23": null } }, "5e4ee19663": { "sedan": { "4": null, "7": null, "13": null, "16": null }, "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "5e886ef78f": { "hand": { "4": null, "6": null, "11": null, "15": null }, "knife": { "4": null, "6": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "5e8d00b974": { "frog": { "2": null, "10": null, "25": null, "32": null } }, "5e8d59dc31": { "frog": { "6": null, "11": null, "25": null, "26": null } }, "5ed838bd5c": { "zebra": { "4": null, "7": null, "12": "1. The zebra is standing upright while looking towards the water and facing forward.\n\n2. The zebra is turning its head to the side while keeping its body still.\n\n3. The zebra is bending down with its head lowered towards the water, appearing to drink.", "15": null } }, "5edda6ee5a": { "snake": { "5": null, "17": null, "21": null, "27": null } }, "5ede4d2f7a": { "duck": { "2": null, "8": null, "17": "1. The duck is flapping its wings vigorously while pushing forward against the other duck.\n\n2. The duck is extending its wings wide and pressing against its counterpart with its beak.", "23": null } }, "5ede9767da": { "parrot": { "2": null, "10": null, "16": null, "21": null } }, "5ee23ca60e": { "bird": { "4": "1. The bird is standing on a rock, facing towards the water.\n\n2. The bird is pecking at the water while partially submerged.\n\n3. The bird is flapping its wings while positioned near the edge of the rock.\n\n4. The bird is leaning forward, dipping its beak into the water.", "6": "1. The bird is standing on the rocks, looking alertly at its surroundings.\n\n2. The bird is bending its neck forward, appearing to peck at the water surface.\n\n3. The bird is flapping its wings vigorously above the water, with droplets flying around.\n\n4. The bird is perched on the stone, stretching its neck upward while remaining still.", "8": "1. The bird is standing on a rock with its neck extended upwards, surveying the surroundings. \n2. The bird is wading in the shallow water, peering down into the creek as it searches for prey. \n3. The bird is flapping its wings energetically while taking off from the water surface. \n4. The bird is stepping forward into the creek, dipping its beak into the water.", "11": null } }, "5eec4d9fe5": { "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "umbrella": { "3": null, "6": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "hat": { "3": null, "6": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "5eecf07824": { "frog": { "7": null, "11": null, "22": null, "26": null } }, "5eef7ed4f4": { "horse": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "13": null }, "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "5ef5860ac6": { "owl": { "5": "1. The owl is perched with eyes closed, pressing its talons against a branch.\n\n2. The owl is perched and looking forward with its eyes open, slightly turning its head.", "10": "1. The owl is leaning forward while opening its beak wide, appearing ready to call out or catch something.\n\n2. The owl is perched while turning its head to the left, looking alert and observant.", "17": "1. The owl is holding a piece of food in its beak while standing on a perch.\n\n2. The owl is perched upright while looking ahead with its wings folded.", "23": null } }, "5ef6573a99": { "sedan": { "4": null, "8": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "5f1193e72b": { "tiger": { "2": null, "7": null, "9": null, "16": null } }, "5f29ced797": { "sedan": { "5": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "5f32cf521e": { "ape": { "6": null, "11": null, "18": "1. The ape is grasping a branch with its left hand while pulling it closer to bite the leaves.\n\n2. The ape is climbing a tree, using its arms to reach and hold onto the branches above.", "20": "1. The ape is sitting and holding a branch with both hands, inspecting it closely.\n2. The ape is climbing up a tree, using its arms to pull itself upward." } }, "5f51876986": { "sedan": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "5f6ebe94a9": { "train": { "2": null, "7": null, "9": null, "15": null }, "sign": { "2": null, "7": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "5f6f14977c": { "motorbike": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "5f808d0d2d": { "person": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "5fb8aded6a": { "person": { "8": null, "12": null, "21": null, "28": null }, "snowboard": { "8": null, "12": null, "21": null, "28": null } }, "5fba90767d": { "sedan": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "bus": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "5fd1c7a3df": { "cow": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "13": null }, "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "5fd3da9f68": { "cat": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "5fee2570ae": { "monkey": { "7": null, "11": null, "22": null, "31": null } }, "5ff66140d6": { "lizard": { "6": null, "15": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "5ff8b85b53": { "leopard": { "5": "1. The leopard is walking forward with its head lowered towards the ground.\n2. The leopard is lying on its side, reaching out with its front paws while resting.", "15": null, "20": null, "26": null } }, "600803c0f6": { "mouse": { "9": null, "12": null, "19": null, "30": null } }, "600be7f53e": { "bird": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "6024888af8": { "parrot": { "7": null, "9": null, "22": null, "30": null } }, "603189a03c": { "boat": { "5": null, "6": null, "13": null, "16": null }, "person": { "5": null, "6": null, "13": null, "16": null }, "paddle": { "5": null, "6": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "6057307f6e": { "mouse": { "2": "1. The mouse is sniffing around and exploring the area with its nose.\n\n2. The mouse is lying on its back, stretching its limbs slightly.\n\n3. The mouse is turning its head away from the others, possibly surveying its surroundings.", "12": "1. The mouse is actively inspecting a metal object with its nose close to it, suggesting interest or exploration.\n\n2. The mouse is lying on its back with legs partially lifted, showing a relaxed or playful posture.\n\n3. The mouse is moving slightly backward, possibly repositioning or interacting with its surroundings.", "23": "1. The mouse is sniffing near the metallic object while positioning its paws forward.\n2. The mouse is lying on its back with its front paws extended upward.", "29": "1. The mouse is positioned on top of another mouse, actively exploring with its head oriented down.\n\n2. The mouse is lying on its back, extending its limbs outward while showing its belly." } }, "6061ddbb65": { "giant_panda": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "606c86c455": { "person": { "6": null, "16": null, "24": null, "27": null }, "snowboard": { "6": null, "16": null, "24": null, "27": null } }, "60c61cc2e5": { "shark": { "4": null, "9": null, "16": null, "28": null } }, "60e51ff1ae": { "lion": { "3": null, "13": null, "15": null, "27": null }, "person": { "3": null, "13": null, "15": null, "27": null } }, "610e38b751": { "ape": { "7": null, "10": null, "14": null, "27": null } }, "61344be2f6": { "ape": { "7": "1. The ape is sitting and bringing its hand to its mouth, seemingly engaging in grooming or eating. \n2. The ape is reaching towards a piece of fabric and pulling it, interacting with an object nearby.", "16": null, "21": null, "30": null } }, "6135e27185": { "sedan": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "14": null }, "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "614afe7975": { "skateboard": { "5": null, "9": null, "18": null, "26": null }, "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "614e571886": { "penguin": { "9": null, "14": null, "25": null, "30": null } }, "614e7078db": { "boat": { "2": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "person": { "2": "1. The person is steering the boat with one hand and looking forward.\n\n2. The person is holding onto the seat back with one hand and looking towards the water.", "9": "1. The person is sitting and steering the boat with both hands on the wheel.\n\n2. The person is sitting and resting their hands on their lap, facing forward.", "10": "1. The person is gripping the steering wheel and guiding the boat forward.\n2. The person is sitting upright, looking ahead, and holding onto the side of the boat.", "17": "1. The person is steering the boat by holding the wheel with both hands and sitting down.\n\n2. The person is seated, facing forward and leaning slightly back, with one arm resting on the boat." } }, "619812a1a7": { "bike": { "5": null, "6": null, "11": null, "15": null }, "person": { "5": null, "6": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "61b481a78b": { "cat": { "5": "1. The cat is nuzzling into the side of the larger cat while staying close.\n\n2. The cat is lying on its side, stretching its front paws forward and gazing upward.\n\n3. The cat is stepping forward with a lifted paw, looking toward another cat.\n\n4. The cat is lying down with its head turned back, sniffing the air near the curtains.", "8": "1. The cat is resting on the floor while curled up beside another cat.\n2. The cat is lying on its side with its head raised, appearing relaxed.\n3. The cat is walking forward with its tail up and approaching an object.\n4. The cat is standing with its back arched while facing away from the camera.", "10": null, "17": null } }, "61c7172650": { "parrot": { "8": null, "14": null, "20": "1. The parrot is perched on a swing, flapping its wings energetically.\n2. The parrot is climbing the cage bars, gripping tightly with its claws.", "24": null } }, "61cf7e40d2": { "horse": { "5": null, "7": null, "11": null, "16": null }, "person": { "5": "1. The person is walking while holding the reins of a horse beside them.\n\n3. The person is standing still with one hand resting on their hip.", "7": "1. The person is leading a horse by holding a rope and walking forward.\n\n3. The person is standing and holding onto a cylindrical object with both hands.", "11": null, "16": "1. The person is walking forward with arms relaxed by their sides.\n\n3. The person is standing with one hand on their hip, looking in the direction of the crowd." } }, "61da008958": { "sedan": { "3": null, "8": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "61ed178ecb": { "train": { "2": null, "5": null, "7": null, "8": null } }, "61f5d1282c": { "boat": { "4": "1. The boat with ID 2 is slicing through the water as its paddler vigorously propels it forward, creating a trail of splashes behind.\n\n2. The boat with ID 3 is swiftly gliding, with its paddler executing strong, rhythmic strokes to maintain speed and direction.", "6": null, "8": "1. The boat is cutting through the water with precise paddle strokes.\n\n2. The boat is moving swiftly forward as the paddler rapidly propels it with both arms.", "14": "1. The boat is swiftly paddling forward, splashing water as it navigates towards the group.\n\n2. The boat is maneuvering to the side, utilizing sharp paddle strokes to change direction rapidly." }, "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "61fd977e49": { "others": { "6": null, "13": null, "16": null, "22": null } }, "621584cffe": { "monkey": { "3": "1. The monkey is turning its head to the side and lifting its paw towards the other monkey.\n\n2. The monkey is crouching low and reaching out with one hand towards the ground.\n\n3. The monkey is lying on its back with one leg extended outward.", "15": null, "22": null, "31": "1. The monkey is reaching out its arm and gripping the back of another monkey.\n\n2. The monkey is climbing over the back of the larger monkey and peering forward.\n\n3. The monkey is crouching and leaning downward, extending its arm toward the ground." } }, "625817a927": { "snake": { "3": null, "17": null, "23": null, "27": null } }, "625892cf0b": { "sedan": { "2": null, "8": null, "11": null, "14": null }, "bus": { "2": null, "8": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "625b89d28a": { "horse": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "629995af95": { "camel": { "3": null, "13": null, "14": null, "23": null } }, "62a0840bb5": { "mouse": { "5": null, "16": null, "21": null, "30": null } }, "62ad6e121c": { "airplane": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "62d6ece152": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is holding a microphone and singing into it while standing on stage.\n2. The person is clapping their hands above their head while facing the stage.", "7": "1. The person is holding a microphone in the left hand, appearing to sing or speak to an audience.\n2. The person is standing and playing a guitar with both hands.\n3. The person is adjusting or handling the neck of a guitar with the left hand.", "10": "1. The person is singing into a microphone while holding it with one hand and gesturing with the other.\n\n2. The person is walking across the stage while holding a drink in one hand.\n\n3. The person is carrying a guitar on their back while walking forward.", "12": "1. The person is singing into a microphone while standing upright on stage.\n2. The person is gesturing with one arm raised, facing the singer.\n3. The person is holding a guitar by the neck with one hand while standing." } }, "62ede7b2da": { "cow": { "2": null, "6": "1. The cow is standing still, maintaining a steady posture.\n\n2. The cow is lowering its head and sniffing the ground while taking a small step forward.", "10": null, "16": null } }, "62f025e1bc": { "squirrel": { "2": null, "17": null, "23": null, "30": null } }, "6316faaebc": { "truck": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": "1. The person is extending their arm out of the truck window, appearing to reach or point towards something outside.\n\n3. The person is riding a bicycle, pedaling forward with both feet on the pedals while gripping the handlebars.", "15": "1. The person is leaning out of the truck window, resting their arm on the edge.\n\n3. The person is riding a bicycle on the sidewalk, facing towards the road." } }, "63281534dc": { "airplane": { "2": null, "13": null, "19": null, "26": null }, "person": { "2": "1. The person is crouching inside an airplane doorway while preparing for a jump.\n\n2. The person is gripping onto the airplane's structure while getting ready for a skydive.", "13": null, "19": "1. The person is freefalling through the air with arms and legs extended outward.\n2. The person is descending in a skydiving position, facing downward with legs slightly bent.", "26": null } }, "634058dda0": { "others": { "7": null, "11": null, "18": null, "23": null } }, "6353f09384": { "hedgehog": { "9": null, "11": null, "20": "1. The hedgehog is being held in both hands while staying still.\n\n2. The hedgehog is perched on the ground, facing forward, with no visible movement.", "29": null }, "person": { "9": null, "11": null, "20": null, "29": null } }, "6363c87314": { "person": { "3": null, "12": null, "23": null, "28": null }, "snowboard": { "3": null, "12": null, "23": null, "28": null } }, "636e4872e0": { "mouse": { "6": null, "13": null, "25": null, "33": null } }, "637681cd6b": { "rabbit": { "7": null, "14": null, "20": null, "26": null } }, "6376d49f31": { "earless_seal": { "2": "1. The earless seal is resting with its body curled and head tilted downwards.\n\n2. The earless seal is lying on its belly with its head lifted slightly, facing forward.", "17": "1. The earless_seal is leaning forward, touching the other seal with its nose.\n\n2. The earless_seal is lying on its side, facing the other seal while resting.", "21": "1. The earless seal is leaning forward and touching another seal with its snout.\n\n2. The earless seal is lying on its side while facing upward towards another seal.", "26": null } }, "6377809ec2": { "duck": { "7": null, "11": null, "24": null, "32": null } }, "63936d7de5": { "truck": { "4": null, "7": "1. The truck is pulling a cable taut, with its tracks moving forward to provide traction.\n\n2. The truck is being pulled, with its wheels rolling backward as it is dragged along the ground.", "10": "1. The truck with labeled ID 2 is pulling another vehicle using a thick cable attached at its front.\n\n2. The truck with labeled ID 3 is being pulled backward as the cable attached to it is under tension.", "17": null }, "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "639bddef11": { "crocodile": { "7": null, "13": null, "14": null, "22": null }, "person": { "7": null, "13": null, "14": null, "22": null } }, "63d37e9fd3": { "owl": { "2": null, "10": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "63d90c2bae": { "train": { "3": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "63e544a5d6": { "snake": { "5": null, "16": null, "25": null, "29": null } }, "63ebbcf874": { "knife": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "63fff40b31": { "ape": { "4": null, "17": null, "21": null, "30": null } }, "6406c72e4d": { "boat": { "3": null, "4": null, "6": null, "9": null } }, "64148128be": { "bike": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "person": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "hat": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "6419386729": { "giant_panda": { "5": null, "13": "1. The giant panda is lying on its side, extending its front paw forward while resting.\n\n2. The giant panda is perched upright, leaning towards the other panda with its paws slightly raised.", "14": "1. The giant panda is lying on its side, resting its head on the ground with its front paws stretched out.\n\n2. The giant panda is leaning forward, positioning its head near the ground and extending one front paw as if reaching or sniffing.", "25": "1. The giant panda is leaning forward with its head down, appearing to inspect the ground closely.\n\n2. The giant panda is facing another panda, extending its head forward as if sniffing or examining something." } }, "643092bc41": { "fox": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "644081b88d": { "shark": { "3": null, "10": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "64453cf61d": { "ape": { "2": "1. The ape is sitting with its back against the fence, lightly tapping the ground with its palm.\n\n2. The ape is reaching forward with one hand, appearing to grab at something on the ground.\n\n3. The ape is standing upright and extending its arm toward the person beside it.\n\n4. The ape is crouching low and looking toward the group, with both hands resting on a metal pole.\n\n5. The ape is on all fours, stepping forward with its head slightly tilted.", "13": "1. The ape is sitting down with its back leaning against the fence and its legs stretched out.\n\n2. The ape is standing upright and facing forward with its mouth slightly open.\n\n3. The ape is climbing the fence with both arms extended upwards gripping the wires.\n\n4. The ape is reaching through the fence with one hand touching the wooden surface behind it.\n\n5. The ape is crouching low to the ground while looking upwards.", "20": "1. The ape is sitting on the ground while holding onto the fence with its right arm. \n2. The ape is facing forward, standing on all fours, and appearing to walk. \n3. The ape is reaching up with its left hand while standing upright and looking up. \n4. The ape is pulling on a chain with its right hand while leaning towards the fence. \n5. The ape is squatting on the ground with an upright posture, facing forward.", "32": null } }, "644bad9729": { "skateboard": { "5": null, "8": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "person": { "5": null, "8": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "6454f548fd": { "snake": { "5": null, "11": null, "24": null, "30": null } }, "645913b63a": { "tiger": { "9": null, "11": null, "25": null, "29": null } }, "64750b825f": { "deer": { "9": null, "11": null, "19": null, "27": null } }, "64a43876b7": { "duck": { "4": null, "9": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "64dd6c83e3": { "bear": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": "1. The bear is lying on its back, with its head slightly raised and front paws relaxed beside it. \n2. The bear is sitting upright, leaning slightly forward with its gaze directed at the ground.", "12": "1. The bear is lying on its back and stretching its head backward.\n\n2. The bear is sitting upright and leaning forward toward the bear on the ground.\n\n3. The bear is moving its paw slightly while lying down." } }, "64e05bf46e": { "umbrella": { "2": null, "8": null, "12": null, "14": null }, "bucket": { "2": null, "8": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "64f55f1478": { "giant_panda": { "2": null, "11": null, "14": null, "20": null } }, "650b0165e4": { "lizard": { "2": null, "12": null, "20": null, "27": null } }, "651066ed39": { "giant_panda": { "6": null, "16": null, "25": null, "29": null } }, "652b67d960": { "skateboard": { "8": null, "11": null, "21": null, "31": null }, "person": { "8": null, "11": null, "21": null, "31": null } }, "653821d680": { "fish": { "6": null, "15": null, "25": null, "29": null } }, "6538d00d73": { "person": { "3": null, "10": null, "22": null, "29": null }, "snowboard": { "3": null, "10": null, "22": null, "29": null } }, "65866dce22": { "camel": { "3": "1. The camel is standing with its head lowered and facing forward, appearing prepared to move.\n\n2. The camel is moving its head slightly upward as if inspecting its surroundings while standing still.", "8": "1. The camel is standing while tilting its head to the side, facing another camel.\n2. The camel is standing upright and appears to be leaning slightly forward.", "14": null, "21": "1. The camel is leaning forward with its head lowered and appears to be pushing against the adjacent camel.\n2. The camel is raising its head upwards while shifting its weight onto its hind legs." } }, "6589565c8c": { "camel": { "3": null, "10": null, "16": null, "26": null } }, "659832db64": { "snail": { "8": null, "17": null, "24": null, "31": null } }, "65ab7e1d98": { "frisbee": { "6": null, "16": null, "19": null, "27": null }, "person": { "6": null, "16": null, "19": null, "27": null }, "dog": { "6": null, "16": null, "19": null, "27": null } }, "65b7dda462": { "sheep": { "4": null, "14": null, "25": null, "33": "1. The sheep is lying still on the ground with its legs extended outward.\n\n2. The sheep is lowering its head towards the ground, as if inspecting or sniffing the surface." } }, "65bd5eb4f5": { "deer": { "8": null, "14": null, "20": null, "33": null } }, "65dcf115ab": { "bus": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "65e9825801": { "fox": { "7": null, "13": null, "24": null, "29": null } }, "65f9afe51c": { "hand": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "15": null }, "bird": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "65ff12bcb5": { "turtle": { "6": null, "13": null, "24": null, "33": null } }, "666b660284": { "turtle": { "9": null, "10": null, "18": null, "32": null } }, "6671643f31": { "shark": { "5": null, "13": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "668364b372": { "person": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "66852243cb": { "airplane": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "6693a52081": { "camel": { "8": null, "15": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "669b572898": { "ape": { "7": "1. The ape is bending down while pressing its hand onto a piece of fruit on the ground.\n2. The ape is using both hands to gather and bring food towards its mouth.", "16": null, "20": "1. The ape is sitting while reaching out its left hand toward scattered food pieces on the ground.\n2. The ape is crouching down with its head turned towards another smaller ape nearby.", "30": null } }, "66e98e78f5": { "sedan": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "13": null }, "person": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "670f12e88f": { "lizard": { "4": null, "16": null, "21": null, "29": null } }, "674c12c92d": { "train": { "2": null, "6": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "675c27208a": { "lizard": { "9": null, "12": null, "22": null, "33": null }, "snail": { "9": null, "12": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "675ed3e1ca": { "hedgehog": { "5": null, "12": null, "14": null, "26": null } }, "67741db50a": { "boat": { "4": null, "6": null, "11": null, "15": null }, "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "11": null, "15": null }, "paddle": { "4": null, "6": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "678a2357eb": { "elephant": { "3": null, "5": null, "7": null, "10": null }, "sheep": { "3": null, "5": null, "7": null, "10": null } }, "67b0f4d562": { "earless_seal": { "6": null, "13": null, "18": null, "28": null } }, "67cfbff9b1": { "monkey": { "2": null, "13": null, "21": null, "28": null } }, "67e717d6bd": { "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "11": null }, "motorbike": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "67ea169a3b": { "truck": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "11": null }, "bucket": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "67ea809e0e": { "hand": { "2": null, "16": null, "25": null, "30": null }, "lizard": { "2": null, "16": null, "25": null, "30": null } }, "681249baa3": { "parrot": { "4": null, "11": null, "22": null, "26": null } }, "683de643d9": { "rabbit": { "8": null, "12": null, "20": null, "33": null }, "person": { "8": null, "12": null, "20": null, "33": null } }, "6846ac20df": { "motorbike": { "4": null, "7": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "6848e012ef": { "fox": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "684bcd8812": { "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "13": null, "16": null }, "hat": { "3": null, "6": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "684dc1c40c": { "horse": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "685a1fa9cf": { "sedan": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "686dafaac9": { "fish": { "4": null, "8": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "68807d8601": { "boat": { "5": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "6893778c77": { "sedan": { "3": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null }, "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "6899d2dabe": { "parrot": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "68a2fad4ab": { "fish": { "9": null, "17": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "68cb45fda3": { "duck": { "4": null, "11": null, "19": null, "28": null }, "dog": { "4": null, "11": null, "19": null, "28": null } }, "68cc4a1970": { "plant": { "5": null, "8": null, "13": null, "14": null }, "person": { "5": null, "8": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "68dcb40675": { "parrot": { "4": null, "17": null, "22": null, "27": null } }, "68ea4a8c3d": { "surfboard": { "3": null, "16": null, "18": null, "33": null }, "person": { "3": null, "16": null, "18": null, "33": null } }, "68f6e7fbf0": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "hat": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "68fa8300b4": { "monkey": { "5": null, "12": null, "24": null, "33": null } }, "69023db81f": { "hand": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "knife": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "6908ccf557": { "bird": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "691a111e7c": { "earless_seal": { "6": null, "11": null, "23": null, "31": null } }, "6927723ba5": { "giant_panda": { "4": null, "16": null, "24": null, "33": null }, "person": { "4": null, "16": null, "24": null, "33": null } }, "692ca0e1a2": { "bear": { "3": null, "9": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "692eb57b63": { "dolphin": { "2": null, "11": null, "21": null, "26": null } }, "69340faa52": { "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "13": null, "16": null }, "umbrella": { "2": null, "7": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "693cbf0c9d": { "lizard": { "4": null, "12": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "6942f684ad": { "hand": { "5": null, "8": null, "12": null, "16": null }, "knife": { "5": null, "8": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "6944fc833b": { "snake": { "4": null, "16": null, "22": null, "31": null } }, "69491c0ebf": { "person": { "2": null, "5": "1. The person is bending forward and reaching down towards the water with both hands.\n\n2. The person is standing with hands at their sides, facing the water.", "10": null, "14": null }, "dog": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "695b61a2b0": { "bear": { "2": null, "9": "1. The bear is sitting with its head turned to the side while resting its body against a mesh surface.\n2. The bear is lying on its side with a paw raised, appearing relaxed and inactive on the ground.", "11": "1. The bear is sitting and looking downward while resting its head against a vertical surface.\n2. The bear is lying on its back with its mouth open, lifting its front paw upward.", "14": null } }, "6979b4d83f": { "earless_seal": { "5": null, "14": null, "24": null, "27": null } }, "697d4fdb02": { "rabbit": { "7": null, "10": null, "15": null, "22": null } }, "69910460a4": { "snake": { "7": null, "11": null, "19": null, "30": null } }, "6997636670": { "hand": { "5": null, "14": null, "25": null, "29": null }, "lizard": { "5": null, "14": null, "25": null, "29": null } }, "69a436750b": { "parrot": { "2": null, "8": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "69aebf7669": { "rabbit": { "4": null, "11": null, "18": null, "32": null } }, "69b8c17047": { "surfboard": { "8": null, "14": null, "19": null, "30": null }, "person": { "8": null, "14": null, "19": null, "30": null } }, "69c67f109f": { "surfboard": { "7": null, "16": null, "18": null, "28": null }, "person": { "7": null, "16": null, "18": null, "28": null } }, "69e0e7b868": { "parrot": { "5": null, "14": null, "25": null, "31": null }, "hand": { "5": null, "14": null, "25": null, "31": null } }, "69ea9c09d1": { "earless_seal": { "9": null, "15": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "69f0af42a6": { "cat": { "5": null, "9": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "6a078cdcc7": { "lizard": { "5": null, "8": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "6a37a91708": { "airplane": { "3": null, "4": null, "6": null, "8": null } }, "6a42176f2e": { "raccoon": { "7": null, "14": null, "24": null, "26": null }, "person": { "7": null, "14": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "6a48e4aea8": { "sedan": { "3": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "6a5977be3a": { "lizard": { "4": null, "14": null, "20": null, "28": null } }, "6a5de0535f": { "ape": { "3": null, "16": "1. The ape is standing upright while reaching forward with one arm.\n\n2. The ape is climbing onto the back of the other, using its hands to grip.", "22": null, "28": null } }, "6a80d2e2e5": { "person": { "5": "1. The person is extending their arm upward with poise, demonstrating a graceful posture.\n\n2. The person is leaning backward with one leg extended, maintaining balance in a dynamic dance move.\n\n3. The person is seated and observing the performance with their body angled slightly towards the dancers.", "6": "1. The person is raising one arm straight up while standing upright and looking slightly downward.\n2. The person is leaning forward with an outstretched arm and one leg extended behind, as if in a dance pose.\n3. The person is sitting while watching the performance.", "10": "1. The person is extending one arm straight upwards and maintaining an upright posture.\n2. The person is bending forward with one leg stretched back and both hands resting on the floor.\n3. The person is standing still, facing the scene with arms relaxed by their sides.", "16": "1. The person is extending one arm upward while twirling with a raised posture.\n2. The person is leaning backward gracefully with one leg extended outward.\n3. The person is stepping forward while facing the couple, holding an object near their hips." } }, "6a96c8815d": { "giant_panda": { "3": null, "11": null, "24": null, "31": null } }, "6a986084e2": { "toilet": { "3": null, "9": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "6aa8e50445": { "sedan": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "16": null }, "person": { "2": "1. The person is walking with a hand on their hip, facing forward.\n2. The person is standing with arms crossed, watching attentively.", "5": "1. The person is walking forward with an extended arm, touching the car's hood.\n2. The person is standing upright with arms crossed, facing the scene.", "8": "1. The person is leaning forward and wiping the car hood with a cloth.\n2. The person is standing with arms crossed, observing the scene.", "16": null } }, "6ab9dce449": { "rabbit": { "4": null, "11": null, "17": null, "21": null } }, "6abf0ba6b2": { "lizard": { "5": null, "17": null, "18": null, "27": null } }, "6acc6049d9": { "dog": { "3": null, "8": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "6adb31756c": { "fox": { "4": null, "12": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "6ade215eb0": { "hand": { "5": null, "8": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "bucket": { "5": null, "8": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "6afb7d50e4": { "mouse": { "2": null, "12": null, "17": null, "24": null }, "hand": { "2": null, "12": null, "17": null, "24": null } }, "6afd692f1a": { "parrot": { "6": "1. The parrot is walking forward with its head slightly tilted downward.\n\n2. The parrot is spreading its wings while facing to the side.\n\n3. The parrot is resting flat on the ground, facing forward.", "10": "1. The parrot is flapping its wings rapidly while hopping forward.\n\n2. The parrot is pecking at the ground actively.\n\n3. The parrot is perched on the ground, preening its feathers with short, quick movements.", "20": null, "31": "1. The parrot is rapidly flapping its wings while hopping forward. \n2. The parrot is pecking the ground with short, quick motions." } }, "6b0b1044fe": { "sedan": { "3": null, "5": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "6b17c67633": { "dolphin": { "9": null, "15": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "6b1b6ef28b": { "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "6b1e04d00d": { "tennis_racket": { "8": null, "10": null, "24": null, "27": null }, "person": { "8": null, "10": null, "24": "1. The person is crouching forward and holding a tennis racket while looking towards the court.\n\n3. The person is standing upright with arms resting at the sides while facing the fence.", "27": null } }, "6b2261888d": { "bear": { "2": null, "9": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "sedan": { "2": null, "9": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "6b25d6528a": { "dolphin": { "2": null, "10": null, "15": null, "24": null }, "person": { "2": null, "10": null, "15": null, "24": null } }, "6b3a24395c": { "rabbit": { "4": null, "11": null, "15": null, "20": null }, "person": { "4": null, "11": null, "15": null, "20": null } }, "6b685eb75b": { "hat": { "3": null, "8": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "6b79be238c": { "cat": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "11": null }, "hand": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "11": null }, "dog": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "6b928b7ba6": { "cow": { "2": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "hat": { "2": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "6b9c43c25a": { "parrot": { "8": null, "16": null, "22": null, "32": null }, "hand": { "8": null, "16": null, "22": null, "32": null } }, "6ba99cc41f": { "sedan": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "6bdab62bcd": { "zebra": { "3": "1. The zebra is bending its neck and lowering its head towards the ground, displaying a grazing posture.\n\n2. The zebra is standing upright with its head raised, facing forward and attentive.", "5": "1. The zebra is lowering its head and grazing on the ground.\n2. The zebra is standing still and facing forward, appearing alert.", "10": "1. The zebra is lowering its head to graze while standing on all four legs.\n\n2. The zebra is standing upright, facing forward, and holding its head high.", "14": "1. The zebra is lowering its head and grazing on the ground.\n2. The zebra is standing still with its head raised, observing its surroundings." } }, "6bf2e853b1": { "giant_panda": { "9": null, "14": null, "21": null, "26": null } }, "6bf584200f": { "rabbit": { "4": null, "12": null, "16": null, "27": null } }, "6bf95df2b9": { "skateboard": { "3": null, "10": null, "19": null, "27": null }, "person": { "3": null, "10": null, "19": null, "27": null } }, "6c0949c51c": { "turtle": { "6": null, "10": null, "24": null, "28": null } }, "6c11a5f11f": { "truck": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "6c23d89189": { "person": { "2": null, "4": null, "6": null, "9": null } }, "6c4387daf5": { "toilet": { "3": null, "8": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "6c4ce479a4": { "hand": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "6c5123e4bc": { "hand": { "5": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null }, "knife": { "5": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "6c54265f16": { "zebra": { "3": "1. The zebra is running forward with its legs fully extended, kicking up dust.\n\n2. The zebra is walking with its head lowered, facing the ground.", "7": null, "9": null, "14": null } }, "6c56848429": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "8": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "person": { "2": null, "8": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "hat": { "2": null, "8": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "6c81b014e9": { "plant": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "umbrella": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "others": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "6c99ea7c31": { "dog": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "6c9d29d509": { "bear": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "6c9e3b7d1a": { "squirrel": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "12": null } }, "6ca006e283": { "train": { "2": null, "9": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "6caeb928d6": { "crocodile": { "3": null, "15": null, "20": null, "26": null } }, "6cb2ee722a": { "fox": { "6": null, "16": null, "22": null, "31": null }, "hand": { "6": null, "16": null, "22": null, "31": null } }, "6cbfd32c5e": { "deer": { "8": null, "14": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "6cc791250b": { "lion": { "2": null, "9": null, "18": null, "26": null }, "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "6cccc985e0": { "zebra": { "4": "1. The zebra is facing forward, bending its head down to drink water from the pond.\n2. The zebra is standing still, facing slightly to the side while observing its surroundings.\n3. The zebra is walking forward, moving away from the water while keeping its head lifted.", "9": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "6d12e30c48": { "hand": { "3": null, "17": null, "21": null, "31": null }, "snake": { "3": null, "17": null, "21": null, "31": null } }, "6d4bf200ad": { "person": { "7": null, "10": null, "19": null, "30": null }, "snake": { "7": null, "10": null, "19": null, "30": null } }, "6d6d2b8843": { "truck": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "6d6eea5682": { "leopard": { "7": null, "13": null, "21": null, "30": "1. The leopard is facing a mirror and appears to be examining its reflection with its head slightly raised.\n\n2. The leopard is walking forward, looking ahead with a steady gait." } }, "6d7a3d0c21": { "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "6d7efa9b9e": { "tennis_racket": { "8": null, "17": null, "23": null, "27": null }, "person": { "8": "1. The person is raising a tennis racket overhead and preparing to hit a tennis ball.\n\n2. The person is standing upright while holding a tennis racket by their side.", "17": null, "23": "1. The person is jumping with arms extended upwards, possibly preparing to catch or hit something above.\n\n2. The person is standing and holding a tennis racket, appearing ready to engage in a game or activity.", "27": null } }, "6da21f5c91": { "eagle": { "8": "1. The eagle is leaning forward and pecking at the nest material.\n2. The eagle is raising its head and opening its beak wide.", "16": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "6da6adabc0": { "lizard": { "7": null, "8": null, "19": null, "25": null } }, "6dd2827fbb": { "toilet": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "6dd36705b9": { "truck": { "5": null, "9": null, "12": null, "14": null }, "bucket": { "5": null, "9": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "6df3637557": { "lion": { "4": null, "16": null, "25": null, "30": null } }, "6dfe55e9e5": { "lizard": { "4": null, "9": null, "15": null, "21": null } }, "6e1a21ba55": { "sign": { "2": null, "7": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "hat": { "2": null, "7": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "6e2f834767": { "lizard": { "2": null, "15": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "6e36e4929a": { "hand": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "knife": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "6e4f460caf": { "boat": { "4": null, "8": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "6e618d26b6": { "giraffe": { "3": null, "5": null, "6": null, "9": null } }, "6ead4670f7": { "rabbit": { "4": null, "16": null, "19": null, "29": null }, "hand": { "4": null, "16": null, "19": null, "29": null } }, "6eaff19b9f": { "boat": { "9": null, "15": null, "24": null, "26": null }, "dolphin": { "9": null, "15": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "6eb2e1cd9e": { "person": { "4": null, "17": null, "25": null, "27": null }, "snowboard": { "4": null, "17": null, "25": null, "27": null } }, "6eb30b3b5a": { "horse": { "5": null, "9": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "6eca26c202": { "horse": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "11": null }, "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "6ecad29e52": { "hand": { "2": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "others": { "2": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "dog": { "2": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "6ef0b44654": { "zebra": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "6efcfe9275": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "11": null, "19": null, "31": null }, "person": { "2": null, "11": null, "19": null, "31": null } }, "6f4789045c": { "earless_seal": { "3": null, "15": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "6f49f522ef": { "cat": { "5": null, "8": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "6f67d7c4c4": { "frog": { "2": null, "14": null, "19": null, "28": null } }, "6f96e91d81": { "rabbit": { "6": "1. The rabbit is standing upright on its hind legs facing a person and raising its head toward an extended hand. \n2. The rabbit is sitting with its body facing forward and its head tilted slightly to the right as it looks at an approaching hand. \n3. The rabbit is crouching down and pressing its nose against the ground, as if sniffing or investigating the surface.", "12": "1. The rabbit is standing upright on its hind legs, reaching its nose toward the person.\n\n2. The rabbit is sitting stationary, facing another rabbit and gently nudging its nose forward.\n\n3. The rabbit is moving forward with its head lowered, appearing to sniff along the ground.", "17": "1. The rabbit is sitting upright with its ears perked while facing forward.\n2. The rabbit is crouched down, appearing to nuzzle the ground with its nose.\n3. The rabbit is moving forward with its head lowered and showing its back.", "23": "1. The rabbit is sitting upright, extending its ears while facing a person's hand.\n\n2. The rabbit is huddled down with its body leaned forward, observing the person nearby.\n\n3. The rabbit is resting with its head down, facing away from the camera." }, "person": { "6": null, "12": null, "17": null, "23": null } }, "6fc6fce380": { "dolphin": { "6": null, "14": "1. The dolphin is emerging from the water with its dorsal fin fully exposed.\n\n2. The dolphin is gliding smoothly at the water's surface, its fin cutting through the water.", "18": "1. The dolphin is emerging from the water and extending its head towards the person holding the fish.\n\n2. The dolphin is gliding just below the surface, its body curving smoothly through the water.", "32": null } }, "6fc9b44c00": { "zebra": { "2": null, "7": null, "13": "1. The zebra is standing still, observing its surroundings with minimal movement. \n2. The zebra is stretching its neck and nuzzling the hay rack to pull down strands of grass.", "15": null } }, "6fce7f3226": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "9": null, "19": null, "22": null }, "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "19": null, "22": null } }, "6fdf1ca888": { "monkey": { "3": null, "12": null, "15": null, "24": null } }, "702fd8b729": { "dolphin": { "3": null, "14": null, "20": null, "31": null } }, "70405185d2": { "person": { "5": null, "11": null, "18": null, "32": null } }, "7053e4f41e": { "fish": { "2": null, "10": null, "20": null, "30": null } }, "707bf4ce41": { "cat": { "2": null, "6": null, "9": "1. The cat is sitting upright, facing forward, with its attention directed ahead.\n2. The cat is lying down with its back turned, facing away from the viewer, while its head remains down.", "13": null } }, "7082544248": { "hand": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "708535b72a": { "truck": { "3": null, "8": null, "11": null, "15": null }, "person": { "3": null, "8": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "7094ac0f60": { "squirrel": { "5": null, "12": null, "20": null, "30": null } }, "70a6b875fa": { "fish": { "3": null, "10": null, "21": null, "31": null } }, "70c3e97e41": { "frog": { "2": null, "11": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "7106b020ab": { "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "16": null } }, "711dce6fe2": { "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "bucket": { "5": null, "9": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "hat": { "5": null, "9": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "7136a4453f": { "person": { "6": null, "14": null, "24": null, "27": null }, "snowboard": { "6": null, "14": null, "24": null, "27": null } }, "7143fb084f": { "lizard": { "5": "1. The lizard is extending its front legs upwards while its tail stretches behind.\n\n2. The lizard is curling its body and raising its head slightly above the surface.", "10": null, "23": null, "27": "1. The lizard is extending its body upward, gripping onto a hand.\n\n2. The lizard is resting against the container, its body slightly twisted." } }, "714d902095": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "13": null, "15": null, "25": null }, "person": { "2": null, "13": null, "15": null, "25": null } }, "7151c53b32": { "fox": { "3": null, "10": null, "17": null, "25": null } }, "715357be94": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "13": null, "18": null, "28": null }, "person": { "4": null, "13": null, "18": null, "28": null } }, "7163b8085f": { "camel": { "4": null, "11": null, "16": null, "21": null } }, "716df1aa59": { "hand": { "7": null, "12": null, "14": null, "22": null }, "lizard": { "7": null, "12": null, "14": null, "22": null } }, "71caded286": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "8": null, "18": null, "25": null }, "person": { "4": null, "8": null, "18": null, "25": null } }, "71d2665f35": { "deer": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "71d67b9e19": { "others": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "bucket": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "toilet": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "71e06dda39": { "rabbit": { "2": null, "17": null, "22": "1. The rabbit is nibbling on a piece of lettuce with quick bites.\n\n2. The rabbit is nudging a leaf of lettuce with its nose from the side.\n\n3. The rabbit is lowering its head to chew on a piece of carrot.", "27": null } }, "720b398b9c": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is standing and observing the people in the boat while gesturing with one hand.\n\n3. The person is holding a paddle and appears to be preparing to row or adjust the boat.", "5": null, "8": "1. The person is gesturing with their arm pointed towards the boat while walking along the shoreline.\n\n3. The person is stepping into the boat, holding a paddle in one hand.", "15": "1. The person is walking along the shoreline, slightly crouched with a hand reaching toward the water.\n\n3. The person is standing on a boat while holding a paddle with both hands." }, "paddle": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "720e3fa04c": { "monkey": { "6": null, "10": null, "19": null, "24": null }, "ape": { "6": null, "10": null, "19": null, "24": null } }, "720e7a5f1e": { "monkey": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "721bb6f2cb": { "boat": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "13": null }, "person": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "13": null }, "paddle": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "722803f4f2": { "bird": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "72552a07c9": { "tiger": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": null }, "lion": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "726243a205": { "sedan": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "728cda9b65": { "airplane": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "728e81c319": { "bear": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "72a810a799": { "fox": { "7": null, "12": null, "23": null, "29": null }, "hand": { "7": null, "12": null, "23": null, "29": null } }, "72acb8cdf6": { "parrot": { "7": null, "15": null, "23": null, "32": null } }, "72b01281f9": { "giant_panda": { "2": null, "17": null, "24": null, "27": null } }, "72cac683e4": { "bike": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "16": null }, "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "16": null } }, "72cadebbce": { "owl": { "8": null, "15": "1. The owl is closing its eyes and stretching its neck forward slightly.\n\n3. The owl is pecking at the nest, pushing debris away with its beak.", "25": "1. The owl is sitting upright with its eyes closed, resting against the tree trunk.\n\n3. The owl is lying down in the nest with its wings tucked in and eyes open, gazing forward.", "33": "1. The owl is closing its eyes while remaining still on the branch.\n3. The owl is lowering its head and appearing to nestle into the ground." } }, "72cae058a5": { "ape": { "2": null, "14": null, "23": null, "27": null } }, "72d8dba870": { "person": { "9": null, "12": null, "18": null, "26": null }, "penguin": { "9": null, "12": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "72e8d1c1ff": { "person": { "3": null, "8": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "72edc08285": { "giant_panda": { "3": null, "13": null, "25": null, "28": null } }, "72f04f1a38": { "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "731b825695": { "surfboard": { "5": null, "9": null, "14": null, "23": null }, "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "14": null, "23": "1. The person is carrying a surfboard while walking on rocky terrain.\n3. The person is standing still with a hand raised towards their face." } }, "7320b49b13": { "lizard": { "9": null, "15": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "732626383b": { "airplane": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "13": null }, "person": { "3": "1. The person is raising an arm with an open hand, appearing to wave.\n\n3. The person is walking forward with arms relaxed by their sides.", "5": "1. The person is leaning slightly forward and raising an arm as if gesturing.\n3. The person is walking briskly past with hands in pockets.", "8": null, "13": null } }, "732df1eb05": { "snake": { "5": null, "13": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "73329902ab": { "monkey": { "7": null, "12": null, "14": null, "24": null }, "ape": { "7": null, "12": null, "14": null, "24": null } }, "733798921e": { "person": { "3": null, "13": null, "17": null, "22": null } }, "733824d431": { "snail": { "2": null, "13": null, "16": null, "27": null } }, "734ea0d7fb": { "airplane": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "735a7cf7b9": { "fox": { "5": null, "10": null, "17": null, "21": null } }, "7367a42892": { "cow": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "7368d5c053": { "giant_panda": { "5": null, "14": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "738e5a0a14": { "turtle": { "3": null, "13": null, "21": null, "33": null } }, "73c6ae7711": { "person": { "5": null, "8": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "dog": { "5": null, "8": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "73e1852735": { "sheep": { "4": null, "12": null, "16": null, "24": null } }, "73e4e5cc74": { "hand": { "5": null, "9": null, "19": null, "23": null }, "snake": { "5": null, "9": null, "19": null, "23": null } }, "73eac9156b": { "ape": { "6": null, "9": null, "17": null, "23": null } }, "73f8441a88": { "elephant": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "15": null }, "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "7419e2ab3f": { "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "74267f68b9": { "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "747c44785c": { "truck": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "12": null } }, "747f1b1f2f": { "hand": { "3": null, "8": null, "19": null, "23": null }, "earless_seal": { "3": null, "8": null, "19": null, "23": null } }, "748b2d5c01": { "person": { "4": null, "9": "1. The person is sitting on a chair atop the elephant, holding onto the chair's rail with one hand.\n\n2. The person is seated directly on the elephant, holding the rope in a relaxed manner with one hand.\n\n3. The person is standing across from the elephant, reaching upwards with a hand as if gesturing or pointing.", "10": null, "17": null } }, "74d4cee0a4": { "person": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "11": null }, "umbrella": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "74ec2b3073": { "train": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "16": null } }, "74ef677020": { "hand": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null }, "knife": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "750be4c4d8": { "person": { "3": "1. The person is walking forward while holding onto a bag with one hand.\n2. The person is gesturing with one arm extended towards another individual.\n3. The person is standing and appears to be holding an object with both hands.", "6": "1. The person is walking forward with arms slightly apart.\n2. The person is holding a small device and aiming it upward.\n3. The person is raising a hand and pointing towards the sky.", "12": "1. The person is holding an object close to their body with both hands.\n2. The person is mid-stride, walking away from the group.\n3. The person is stepping forward while carrying a bag in one hand.", "15": "1. The person is standing still with arms by their side, facing forward.\n\n2. The person is bending forward, adjusting something on the ground.\n\n3. The person is crouching and extending an arm toward the ground." } }, "75172d4ac8": { "bird": { "4": null, "9": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "75285a7eb1": { "dolphin": { "3": null, "13": null, "25": null, "29": null } }, "75504539c3": { "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "12": null } }, "7550949b1d": { "motorbike": { "3": null, "5": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "7551cbd537": { "leopard": { "4": null, "8": null, "19": null, "20": null } }, "75595b453d": { "boat": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null }, "paddle": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "7559b4b0ec": { "bus": { "3": null, "7": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "755bd1fbeb": { "truck": { "3": null, "7": null, "11": null, "16": null }, "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "756f76f74d": { "frisbee": { "5": null, "11": null, "24": null, "31": null }, "person": { "5": null, "11": null, "24": null, "31": null } }, "7570ca7f3c": { "others": { "2": null, "10": null, "22": null, "27": null } }, "757a69746e": { "eagle": { "8": null, "12": null, "19": null, "32": null } }, "757cac96c6": { "giant_panda": { "6": null, "14": null, "25": null, "26": null } }, "7584129dc3": { "fish": { "2": null, "12": null, "15": null, "24": null } }, "75a058dbcd": { "airplane": { "3": null, "7": null, "8": null, "16": null } }, "75b09ce005": { "knife": { "2": null, "9": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "75cae39a8f": { "ape": { "9": null, "12": null, "19": null, "33": null } }, "75cee6caf0": { "tiger": { "3": null, "13": null, "21": null, "28": null } }, "75cf58fb2c": { "bird": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "dog": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": "1. The dog is gripping an object with its mouth and tugging at it.\n2. The dog is facing the other while pulling at the same object with its teeth.", "16": null } }, "75d5c2f32a": { "person": { "3": null, "17": null, "23": null, "28": null }, "lizard": { "3": null, "17": null, "23": null, "28": null } }, "75eaf5669d": { "hand": { "3": null, "6": null, "11": null, "16": null }, "others": { "3": null, "6": null, "11": null, "16": null }, "dog": { "3": null, "6": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "75f7937438": { "ape": { "3": null, "13": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "75f99bd3b3": { "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "hat": { "3": null, "7": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "75fa586876": { "cat": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": "1. The cat is standing with its body facing outward and tail raised, showing its back while stepping forward. \n2. The cat is crawling under a blanket with its head partially covered and tail exposed.", "11": null } }, "7613df1f84": { "mouse": { "5": null, "11": null, "16": null, "23": null } }, "762e1b3487": { "hand": { "2": null, "9": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "knife": { "2": null, "9": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "76379a3e69": { "tiger": { "9": null, "16": null, "18": null, "27": null }, "dog": { "9": null, "16": null, "18": null, "27": null } }, "764271f0f3": { "bird": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "764503c499": { "sedan": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "11": null }, "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "7666351b84": { "person": { "3": null, "8": null, "11": null, "16": null }, "hat": { "3": null, "8": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "76693db153": { "sign": { "2": null, "3": null, "4": null, "7": null } }, "767856368b": { "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "14": null }, "bus": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "14": null } }, "768671f652": { "fish": { "6": null, "15": null, "19": null, "30": null } }, "768802b80d": { "monkey": { "6": null, "11": null, "22": null, "30": null } }, "76962c7ed2": { "dog": { "2": null, "5": null, "7": null, "12": null } }, "76a75f4eee": { "person": { "6": null, "12": null, "18": null, "26": "1. The person is crouching and appears to be holding onto the doorway of the aircraft.\n\n2. The person is seated, securing equipment onto their legs while facing outward.\n\n3. The person is holding onto another individual, ready to jump out of the aircraft.\n\n4. The person is sitting back with arms relaxed, looking outward from the aircraft.\n\n5. The person is positioned near the doorway, leaning slightly toward the opening." } }, "76b90809f7": { "snail": { "8": null, "12": null, "19": null, "32": null } }, "770a441457": { "boat": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "person": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "paddle": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "772a0fa402": { "turtle": { "9": null, "12": null, "19": null, "31": null } }, "772f2ffc3e": { "duck": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "774f6c2175": { "parrot": { "5": null, "13": null, "20": null, "27": null } }, "77610860e0": { "cow": { "3": null, "4": null, "7": null, "8": null }, "dog": { "3": null, "4": null, "7": null, "8": null } }, "777e58ff3d": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "6": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "hat": { "4": null, "6": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "77920f1708": { "lizard": { "3": null, "11": null, "14": null, "25": null } }, "7799df28e7": { "squirrel": { "6": null, "9": null, "21": null, "24": null } }, "779e847a9a": { "sheep": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "77ba4edc72": { "truck": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "sign": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "77d8aa8691": { "fish": { "4": null, "16": null, "24": null, "27": null } }, "77e7f38f4d": { "owl": { "5": null, "11": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "77eea6845e": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null }, "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "7806308f33": { "giraffe": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "16": null } }, "78254660ea": { "train": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "7828af8bff": { "deer": { "2": null, "12": null, "18": null, "31": null }, "person": { "2": null, "12": null, "18": null, "31": null } }, "784398620a": { "cat": { "3": null, "5": null, "6": null, "8": null }, "squirrel": { "3": null, "5": null, "6": null, "8": null } }, "784d201b12": { "hand": { "3": null, "9": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "motorbike": { "3": null, "9": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "78613981ed": { "ape": { "6": null, "17": null, "21": null, "30": null } }, "78896c6baf": { "duck": { "3": null, "5": "1. The duck is lowering its head into the water as if foraging for food.\n\n2. The duck is stretching its neck forward while gliding smoothly across the water.\n\n3. The duck is swimming with its neck extended and slightly turned, moving forward in the water.", "10": "1. Duck is lowering its head and dipping its beak into the water.\n\n2. Duck is arching its neck forward, appearing to nudge the water's surface.\n\n3. Duck is gliding smoothly across the water while keeping its head low and aligned with its body.", "16": null } }, "78aff3ebc0": { "frog": { "7": "1. The frog is sitting upright with its right front leg slightly raised in the air.\n\n2. The frog is resting flat with both front legs spread out beside it.", "12": null, "14": "1. The frog is extending its front legs forward while raising its body slightly off the ground.\n\n2. The frog is resting with its legs tucked beneath its body, remaining still.", "23": null } }, "78c7c03716": { "bear": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": null, "15": null }, "person": { "3": null, "7": "1. The person is crouching and reaching forward with one hand extended towards the bear.\n\n3. The person is bending over and facing the bear, with hands positioned near the body.", "9": "1. The person is kneeling and reaching down toward the bear, appearing to interact closely with it.\n\n3. The person is bending over, observing the bear while maintaining a cautious stance.", "15": null } }, "78d3676361": { "horse": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "11": null }, "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "11": null }, "sign": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "78e29dd4c3": { "tiger": { "6": null, "12": null, "17": null, "25": null }, "person": { "6": null, "12": null, "17": null, "25": null } }, "78f1a1a54f": { "leopard": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "79208585cd": { "lizard": { "2": null, "12": null, "25": null, "29": null } }, "792218456c": { "fish": { "7": null, "10": null, "17": null, "25": null } }, "7923bad550": { "frog": { "4": null, "12": null, "16": null, "22": null } }, "794e6fc49f": { "motorbike": { "4": null, "7": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "796e6762ce": { "frog": { "4": null, "13": null, "20": null, "28": null } }, "797cd21f71": { "rabbit": { "2": null, "9": null, "14": null, "21": null } }, "79921b21c2": { "leopard": { "3": "1. The leopard is looking to the side while being gently held by a person.\n\n2. The leopard is leaning slightly forward, its head lowered as it remains under the person's arm.", "9": null, "14": null, "26": null } }, "79a5778027": { "ape": { "8": null, "10": null, "23": "1. The ape is hanging from a structure using both arms, with its body suspended in the air.\n2. The ape is climbing a vertical pole while gripping firmly with both hands.", "32": null } }, "79bc006280": { "owl": { "9": null, "14": null, "19": null, "33": null } }, "79bf95e624": { "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "12": null }, "motorbike": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "79d9e00c55": { "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "79e20fc008": { "skateboard": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "79e9db913e": { "parachute": { "7": null, "14": null, "20": null, "33": null }, "person": { "7": "1. The person is gripping the paraglider lines and looking forward with focused attention.\n\n2. The person is raising their arms outward while controlling the harness with both hands.", "14": null, "20": "1. The person is gripping the handle of the parachute harness firmly with one hand.\n2. The person is holding and adjusting the parachute controls.", "33": "1. The person is gripping a handlebar tightly with one hand while holding a rope with the other, suggesting control and maneuvering.\n\n2. The person is suspended underneath an open parachute, indicating that they are paragliding or parasailing." } }, "79f014085e": { "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "79fcbb433a": { "monkey": { "6": null, "13": null, "14": null, "27": null } }, "7a13a5dfaa": { "ape": { "5": "1. The ape is sitting down with its head lowered and arm resting on its knee.\n2. The ape is lying on its back with its limbs slightly raised.", "14": null, "20": null, "29": null } }, "7a14bc9a36": { "sedan": { "3": null, "8": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "7a3c535f70": { "person": { "3": null, "9": null, "12": null, "16": null }, "dog": { "3": null, "9": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "7a446a51e9": { "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": "1. The person is pushing the motorcycle forward with both hands while leaning their body into the motion.\n\n2. The person is sitting on the motorcycle, gripping the handlebars tightly with both hands.\n\n3. The person is assisting by holding onto the back of the motorcycle with one hand while looking towards it.", "12": null } }, "7a56e759c5": { "sedan": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "7a5f46198d": { "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "7a626ec98d": { "boat": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "16": null } }, "7a802264c4": { "giant_panda": { "9": null, "15": null, "19": null, "33": null } }, "7a8b5456ca": { "leopard": { "8": null, "17": null, "19": null, "28": null } }, "7abdff3086": { "tiger": { "6": "1. The tiger is nuzzling its head against the side of another tiger.\n\n2. The tiger is walking steadily forward, its head tilted slightly downward.\n\n3. The tiger is moving forward, glancing to the side with its mouth slightly open.", "10": null, "16": "1. The tiger is walking with its mouth open, showing its teeth.\n\n2. The tiger is standing with its head slightly lowered in a threatening posture.\n\n3. The tiger is roaring with mouth wide open and teeth visible.", "24": null }, "person": { "6": null, "10": null, "16": null, "24": null } }, "7aecf9f7ac": { "snake": { "6": null, "11": null, "16": null, "26": null } }, "7b0fd09c28": { "hat": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "7b18b3db87": { "ape": { "8": null, "15": null, "23": "1. The ape is hanging upside down with one arm gripping a bar while swinging its legs.\n\n2. The ape is swinging forward with both arms extended, reaching for a bar.", "27": null } }, "7b39fe7371": { "person": { "5": null, "12": null, "17": null, "25": null }, "motorbike": { "5": null, "12": null, "17": null, "25": null } }, "7b49e03d4c": { "hand": { "7": null, "17": null, "19": null, "28": null }, "snake": { "7": null, "17": null, "19": null, "28": null } }, "7b5388c9f1": { "owl": { "7": null, "12": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "7b5cf7837f": { "parrot": { "5": null, "12": null, "22": null, "27": null } }, "7b733d31d8": { "owl": { "7": null, "10": null, "22": null, "32": null }, "person": { "7": null, "10": null, "22": null, "32": null } }, "7b74fd7b98": { "camel": { "9": null, "12": null, "19": null, "33": null } }, "7b918ccb8a": { "snake": { "6": null, "8": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "7ba3ce3485": { "motorbike": { "4": null, "6": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "7bb0abc031": { "raccoon": { "8": null, "13": null, "24": null, "32": null } }, "7bb5bb25cd": { "ape": { "3": null, "15": null, "23": null, "31": null } }, "7bb7dac673": { "boat": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": null, "15": null }, "sign": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "7bc7761b8c": { "parrot": { "2": null, "9": null, "16": null, "28": null } }, "7bf3820566": { "train": { "4": null, "8": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "7c03a18ec1": { "horse": { "2": null, "9": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "7c078f211b": { "parachute": { "5": null, "12": null, "17": null, "23": null }, "person": { "5": null, "12": null, "17": null, "23": null } }, "7c37d7991a": { "cat": { "3": null, "5": null, "7": null, "10": null } }, "7c4ec17eff": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "10": null, "15": null, "21": null }, "person": { "2": null, "10": null, "15": null, "21": null } }, "7c649c2aaf": { "fox": { "6": null, "11": null, "20": null, "30": null } }, "7c73340ab7": { "elephant": { "2": null, "5": "1. The elephant is scratching its side against a tree trunk while moving forward slightly.\n2. The elephant is walking through the grass with one front leg lifted, appearing to follow the first elephant.", "9": null, "13": null } }, "7c78a2266d": { "ape": { "4": null, "13": null, "23": null, "27": null } }, "7c88ce3c5b": { "eagle": { "6": null, "11": null, "20": null, "27": null } }, "7ca6843a72": { "ape": { "8": null, "11": null, "22": null, "29": null } }, "7cc9258dee": { "cow": { "3": null, "6": "1. The cow is moving forward with its head lowered, pushing through the grass with purpose.\n2. The cow is standing still while slightly turning its body, adjusting its posture.", "13": "1. The cow is grazing, moving its head back and forth across the grass.\n\n2. The cow is bending down, pulling at the plants with its mouth.", "14": null } }, "7d0ffa68a4": { "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "dog": { "4": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "7d11b4450f": { "zebra": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "7d1333fcbe": { "dog": { "5": "1. The dog is lying down with its head raised.\n\n2. The dog is walking with its front left paw lifted.", "9": "1. The dog is standing still with its mouth open and facing forward.\n2. The dog is walking away with its body facing toward the trees.", "13": null, "15": null } }, "7d18074fef": { "bus": { "3": null, "7": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "7d18c8c716": { "hand": { "3": null, "8": null, "11": null, "16": null }, "knife": { "3": null, "8": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "7d508fb027": { "ape": { "8": "1. The ape is sitting upright and facing forward, with its back turned to the camera.\n2. The ape is leaning forward and reaching out with one hand.", "17": null, "19": null, "29": "1. The ape is sitting upright with its back facing outward.\n2. The ape is climbing with both hands gripping the back of another ape." } }, "7d55f791f0": { "ape": { "5": null, "15": null, "18": null, "32": null }, "person": { "5": null, "15": null, "18": null, "32": null } }, "7d74e3c2f6": { "sheep": { "7": null, "8": null, "19": null, "20": null } }, "7d783f67a9": { "lizard": { "5": null, "9": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "7d83a5d854": { "deer": { "4": null, "11": null, "19": null, "23": null } }, "7dd409947e": { "leopard": { "5": null, "17": null, "23": null, "33": null }, "person": { "5": null, "17": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "7de45f75e5": { "deer": { "3": null, "11": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "7e0cd25696": { "parrot": { "4": null, "12": null, "14": null, "22": null } }, "7e1922575c": { "cow": { "4": null, "9": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "person": { "4": "1. The person is swinging one leg over a large animal while maintaining balance with their hand.\n3. The person is standing still and observing the interaction in front of them.\n4. The person is leaning forward slightly while holding onto a metal rail.", "9": null, "13": "1. The person is leaning over a railing while reaching out with both hands.\n3. The person is standing still, holding the railing firmly with one hand.\n4. The person is extending a hand towards the animal, making a gesture of feeding or petting.", "17": null } }, "7e1e3bbcc1": { "lizard": { "9": null, "14": null, "19": null, "32": null } }, "7e24023274": { "skateboard": { "6": null, "15": null, "23": null, "32": null }, "person": { "6": null, "15": null, "23": null, "32": null } }, "7e2f212fd3": { "cat": { "3": null, "8": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "7e6d1cc1f4": { "parrot": { "8": null, "14": null, "20": null, "30": null } }, "7e7cdcb284": { "fox": { "7": null, "12": null, "17": null, "22": null } }, "7e9b6bef69": { "train": { "2": null, "5": null, "7": null, "8": null }, "sign": { "2": null, "5": null, "7": null, "8": null } }, "7ea5b49283": { "elephant": { "4": null, "6": "1. The elephant is stepping into a muddy area with its back facing towards the view.\n\n2. The elephant is bending its trunk downward toward the ground.", "8": "1. The elephant is stepping into a muddy puddle with its tail lifted and ears slightly flared.\n\n2. The elephant is positioned near the edge, facing away, with its side visible and not displaying any distinct action.", "12": "1. The elephant is wading into the muddy water, its tail swinging as it splashes.\n\n2. The elephant is reaching forward with its trunk, curling it towards the ground as if exploring the dirt." } }, "7eb2605d96": { "bike": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "15": null }, "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "7eb26b8485": { "squirrel": { "2": null, "11": null, "23": null, "32": null } }, "7ecd1f0c69": { "sedan": { "4": null, "8": null, "12": null, "14": null }, "plant": { "4": null, "8": null, "12": null, "14": null }, "person": { "4": null, "8": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "7f02b3cfe2": { "person": { "7": "1. The person is riding a motorcycle and leaning to the right while navigating a turn.\n\n2. The person is riding a motorcycle, maintaining balance and steering through the curve with their body angled.", "12": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "7f1723f0d5": { "giraffe": { "3": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "7f21063c3a": { "others": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "7f3658460e": { "bear": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "7f54132e48": { "monkey": { "2": null, "12": null, "15": null, "21": null } }, "7f559f9d4a": { "hedgehog": { "6": null, "11": null, "15": null, "26": null }, "hand": { "6": null, "11": null, "15": null, "26": null } }, "7f5faedf8b": { "airplane": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "7f838baf2b": { "cow": { "2": null, "14": null, "21": null, "29": null }, "person": { "2": null, "14": null, "21": null, "29": null } }, "7fa5f527e3": { "sedan": { "5": null, "7": null, "11": null, "15": null }, "motorbike": { "5": null, "7": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "7ff84d66dd": { "frog": { "4": "1. The frog is sitting with its body upright and legs folded beneath it, facing forward.\n2. The frog is positioned with its body low, legs splayed outward, and appears to be looking directly ahead.", "11": "1. The frog is sitting upright, facing forward with its front legs outstretched and pressing against the surface.\n\n2. The frog is crouching low with its body flattened and head resting on the surface.", "14": "1. The frog is sitting upright with its body elevated on its front legs, facing forward.\n\n2. The frog is lying flat on the surface with its front legs tucked close to its body.", "22": null } }, "802b45c8c4": { "giant_panda": { "8": null, "17": "1. The giant panda is climbing up the tree trunk with its front paws extended upwards.\n\n2. The giant panda is resting its belly on a branch while hanging on with its hind legs.", "24": null, "26": null } }, "804382b1ad": { "surfboard": { "5": null, "12": null, "21": null, "33": null }, "person": { "5": null, "12": null, "21": null, "33": null } }, "804c558adb": { "hand": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "804f6338a4": { "camel": { "3": null, "16": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "8056117b89": { "lion": { "3": null, "13": "1. The lion is walking towards the open gate on the ground, facing the metal structure nearby.\n\n2. The lion is sitting upright inside the metal structure, looking straight ahead.", "15": null, "26": null }, "person": { "3": null, "13": null, "15": null, "26": null } }, "806b6223ab": { "sedan": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "others": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "80b790703b": { "crocodile": { "8": null, "16": null, "18": null, "28": null } }, "80c4a94706": { "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "dog": { "3": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "80ce2e351b": { "raccoon": { "6": null, "15": null, "23": null, "27": null } }, "80db581acd": { "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "dog": { "2": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "80e12193df": { "ape": { "5": null, "12": null, "15": null, "25": null }, "hand": { "5": null, "12": null, "15": null, "25": null } }, "80e41b608f": { "owl": { "6": null, "10": null, "22": null, "31": null } }, "80f16b016d": { "giraffe": { "2": null, "7": "1. The giraffe is stretching its neck upwards and moving its head towards the hayrack.\n\n2. The giraffe is walking forward with a cautious step and tilting its head slightly to the side.", "9": null, "16": "1. The giraffe is walking forward with its head slightly raised.\n2. The giraffe is standing with its neck extended, appearing to observe its surroundings." }, "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "9": null, "16": null } }, "81541b3725": { "cow": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "15": null }, "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "8175486e6a": { "boat": { "2": null, "9": null, "11": null, "14": null }, "hand": { "2": null, "9": null, "11": null, "14": null }, "paddle": { "2": null, "9": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "8179095000": { "cat": { "8": null, "15": null, "18": null, "32": null }, "snake": { "8": null, "15": null, "18": null, "32": null } }, "8193671178": { "mouse": { "9": null, "12": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "81a58d2c6b": { "ape": { "7": null, "12": "1. The ape is standing and facing away, appearing to walk forward with slight motion in its limbs.\n2. The small ape is crouching forward, holding onto the grass with its hands.", "15": "1. The ape is walking forward with its head lowered and body oriented to the side.\n2. The ape is crouching low with its front limbs extended forward on the ground.", "27": null } }, "81aa1286fb": { "hand": { "4": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "hat": { "4": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "81dffd30fb": { "hand": { "5": null, "6": null, "11": null, "16": null }, "knife": { "5": null, "6": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "824973babb": { "lizard": { "4": null, "13": null, "14": null, "25": null } }, "824ca5538f": { "leopard": { "4": null, "16": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "827171a845": { "person": { "5": null, "15": null, "25": null, "30": null } }, "8273a03530": { "raccoon": { "4": null, "9": null, "17": null, "26": null }, "person": { "4": null, "9": null, "17": null, "26": null } }, "827cf4f886": { "sheep": { "4": null, "6": "1. The sheep is stepping over a branch with its front legs while moving forward.\n\n2. The sheep is standing still, facing right, with its legs slightly apart.", "9": null, "16": null } }, "82b865c7dd": { "giant_panda": { "7": null, "11": null, "23": null, "27": null } }, "82c1517708": { "bear": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": null, "13": "1. The bear is walking forward along the shoreline with its head slightly lowered.\n\n3. The bear is standing still, facing another bear, with its body slightly turned." }, "fish": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "82d15514d6": { "ape": { "3": null, "9": null, "14": null, "23": null } }, "82e117b900": { "lizard": { "6": null, "14": null, "20": null, "26": null } }, "82fec06574": { "giant_panda": { "2": null, "10": null, "15": null, "25": null } }, "832b5ef379": { "parrot": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "hand": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "83424c9fbf": { "fox": { "7": null, "14": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "8345358fb8": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is standing still, facing forward and holding a bag in their left hand.\n\n2. The person is stepping onto the platform while carrying a bag on their shoulder.\n\n3. The person is entering the train with their back partially turned.", "4": "1. The person is walking towards the train door while carrying a bag over their shoulder.\n\n2. The person is stepping out of the train with one foot forward, holding a strap with their hand.\n\n3. The person is exiting the train while talking on a phone held to their ear.", "7": null, "11": "1. The person is standing and appears to be stepping forward while holding a phone with their left hand.\n2. The person is walking with a backpack and is facing slightly away.\n3. The person is holding a phone to their ear with their right hand and standing still." } }, "834b50b31b": { "whale": { "6": "1. The whale is gliding smoothly forward, moving its pectoral fins outward.\n\n2. The whale is rolling slightly to one side, adjusting its orientation while swimming.", "15": "1. The whale is gliding forward with its tail moving side to side, propelling through the water.\n\n2. The whale is raising its pectoral fin, creating a sweeping motion as it turns slightly.", "21": "1. The whale is diving downward while flipping its tail upwards.\n\n2. The whale is gliding forward with its fin extended to the side.", "26": null } }, "835e3b67d7": { "person": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "836ea92b15": { "parrot": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "837c618777": { "crocodile": { "6": null, "8": null, "14": null, "25": null } }, "838eb3bd89": { "monkey": { "6": "1. The monkey is seated, clapping its hands repeatedly.\n\n2. The monkey is sitting while looking forward attentively.", "10": null, "20": null, "26": null } }, "839381063f": { "dog": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "839bc71489": { "monkey": { "4": null, "17": null, "25": "1. The monkey is lying on its side with its legs pulled in and appearing to rest.\n\n2. The monkey is sitting upright with its head slightly tilted, seemingly watching something nearby.", "27": null } }, "83a8151377": { "frisbee": { "2": null, "14": null, "22": null, "26": null } }, "83ae88d217": { "tennis_racket": { "8": null, "10": null, "21": null, "28": null }, "person": { "8": null, "10": null, "21": null, "28": null } }, "83ca8bcad0": { "person": { "7": null, "15": null, "24": null, "32": null }, "frog": { "7": null, "15": null, "24": null, "32": null } }, "83ce590d7f": { "giant_panda": { "5": null, "17": null, "21": null, "33": null } }, "83d40bcba5": { "duck": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "83daba503a": { "person": { "2": null, "10": null, "19": null, "20": null }, "snowboard": { "2": null, "10": null, "19": null, "20": null } }, "83de906ec0": { "ape": { "8": null, "12": null, "20": null, "33": null } }, "84044f37f3": { "lion": { "7": null, "15": null, "24": null, "29": null }, "dog": { "7": null, "15": null, "24": null, "29": null } }, "84696b5a5e": { "person": { "4": null, "9": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "hat": { "4": null, "9": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "84752191a3": { "sedan": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "847eeeb2e0": { "dolphin": { "9": null, "14": null, "20": null, "30": null } }, "848e7835a0": { "zebra": { "4": null, "9": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "84a4b29286": { "fox": { "4": null, "11": null, "24": null, "31": null } }, "84a4bf147d": { "person": { "2": null, "4": null, "6": null, "11": null } }, "84be115c09": { "dolphin": { "3": null, "13": null, "14": null, "22": null } }, "84d95c4350": { "fox": { "7": null, "15": null, "21": null, "31": null }, "hand": { "7": null, "15": null, "21": null, "31": null } }, "84e0922cf7": { "surfboard": { "6": null, "11": null, "17": null, "24": null }, "person": { "6": null, "11": null, "17": null, "24": null } }, "84f0cfc665": { "sedan": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "8515f6db22": { "person": { "8": null, "17": null, "21": null, "27": null } }, "851f2f32c1": { "bird": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "852a4d6067": { "surfboard": { "2": null, "9": null, "14": null, "24": null }, "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "14": null, "24": null } }, "854c48b02a": { "hand": { "5": null, "7": null, "13": null, "16": null }, "bird": { "5": null, "7": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "857a387c86": { "person": { "9": null, "11": null, "18": null, "26": null }, "snowboard": { "9": null, "11": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "859633d56a": { "giraffe": { "3": null, "8": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "85a4f4a639": { "ape": { "5": null, "13": null, "19": null, "24": "1. The ape is sitting calmly with one arm resting on its knee while its other hand gently holds onto the smaller ape beside it. \n2. The smaller ape is looking upwards and extending one arm towards some nearby vegetation." } }, "85ab85510c": { "tiger": { "8": null, "13": null, "22": null, "30": null } }, "85b1eda0d9": { "bear": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": "1. The bear is lowering its head and sniffing the ground attentively.\n\n2. The bear is standing upright, stretching its neck while peering through the foliage.", "15": null } }, "85dc1041c6": { "umbrella": { "4": null, "8": null, "12": null, "14": null }, "hat": { "4": null, "8": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "85e081f3c7": { "camel": { "4": null, "11": null, "16": null, "23": null } }, "85f75187ad": { "sedan": { "3": null, "7": null, "12": null, "16": null }, "bus": { "3": null, "7": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "8604bb2b75": { "cow": { "4": null, "7": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "860745b042": { "tiger": { "2": "1. The tiger is walking along the edge of the pool with its tail raised and body facing forward.\n\n2. The tiger is stepping toward the pool while looking at the water.", "8": null, "16": null, "27": "1. The tiger is stepping into the pool with its front legs immersed in the water.\n2. The tiger is walking forward with its head lowered, moving toward the trees." } }, "863b4049d7": { "sheep": { "3": null, "15": null, "23": "1. The sheep is standing and facing forward while its head is bent slightly downward.\n\n2. The sheep is standing still with its back facing the camera, showing no visible movement.", "29": null } }, "8643de22d0": { "hedgehog": { "8": null, "14": null, "23": null, "28": null } }, "864ffce4fe": { "owl": { "9": null, "15": null, "20": null, "28": null } }, "8662d9441a": { "lizard": { "3": null, "10": null, "21": null, "31": null } }, "8666521b13": { "hand": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "12": null }, "knife": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "868d6a0685": { "dog": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "869fa45998": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is leading a horse forward, holding its reins with one hand while walking alongside.\n2. The person is guiding a horse by holding onto its bridle and moving in step with it.\n3. The person is sitting on the horse, holding the reins and maintaining balance as the horse moves.", "6": "1. The person is leading a horse by holding its reins while walking alongside it.\n\n2. The person is smiling and leading a horse by holding its reins while walking.\n\n3. The person is seated on a horse, holding the reins with both hands.", "9": "1. The person is walking alongside a horse, holding the reins steadily in both hands.\n2. The person is guiding a horse gently by holding the reins and walking forward.\n3. The person is seated on a horse while maintaining balance with both hands on the reins.", "16": "1. The person is walking beside a horse, holding onto its reins with one hand.\n\n2. The person is walking alongside a horse while maintaining a light grip on its reins.\n\n3. The person is seated on a horse, holding the reins and guiding it forward." } }, "86a40b655d": { "owl": { "3": null, "13": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "86a8ae4223": { "dog": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "86b2180703": { "lizard": { "4": null, "12": null, "23": null, "29": null } }, "86c85d27df": { "dolphin": { "3": null, "17": null, "20": null, "31": null } }, "86d3755680": { "tiger": { "3": null, "12": null, "17": null, "21": null } }, "86e61829a1": { "lion": { "8": null, "11": null, "20": null, "27": null } }, "871015806c": { "giraffe": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "16": null }, "person": { "4": "1. The person is pointing upward with one finger towards the giraffe, looking at it closely.\n2. The person is sitting in another person\u2019s arms while looking upward.", "5": "1. The person is holding a small item up toward a giraffe's mouth while looking at it.\n\n2. The person is sitting in a carrier, facing the giraffe while being carried by another person.", "9": null, "16": "1. The person is reaching up with their arm extended toward the giraffe's mouth.\n\n2. The person is sitting in a carrier and looking upwards in the same direction as the older person." } }, "871e409c5c": { "frog": { "5": null, "13": null, "19": null, "30": null } }, "8744b861ce": { "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "8749369ba0": { "monkey": { "7": "1. The monkey is climbing on a person, leaning forward with its paws gripping onto the shoulder.\n\n2. The monkey is crouched down, inspecting the ground with its head lowered.", "17": null, "23": null, "27": null }, "person": { "7": null, "17": null, "23": null, "27": null } }, "878a299541": { "parrot": { "5": null, "11": null, "19": null, "25": null } }, "8792c193a0": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "9": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "8799ab0118": { "duck": { "5": "1. The duck is paddling forward with its beak slightly open and neck stretched ahead.\n\n2. The duck is diving its head under the water, creating ripples around.\n\n3. The duck is gliding smoothly on the surface with its wings slightly raised.", "8": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "87d1f7d741": { "squirrel": { "4": null, "10": null, "25": null, "28": null } }, "882b9e4500": { "giant_panda": { "6": null, "14": null, "19": null, "29": null } }, "885673ea17": { "skateboard": { "5": null, "14": null, "22": null, "26": null }, "person": { "5": null, "14": "1. The person is running quickly down the street with both arms bent at the elbows and slightly raised.\n3. The person is standing upright and appears to be walking forward with an arm extended downward.", "22": null, "26": null } }, "8859dedf41": { "horse": { "5": null, "8": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "8873ab2806": { "boat": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null }, "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "887a93b198": { "rabbit": { "3": null, "11": null, "19": null, "29": null } }, "8883e991a9": { "train": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "8891aa6dfa": { "sheep": { "2": null, "7": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "8899d8cbcd": { "person": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "11": null }, "bus": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "88b8274d67": { "crocodile": { "2": null, "17": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "88d3b80af6": { "bus": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "16": null } }, "88ede83da2": { "rabbit": { "8": "1. The rabbit is lying down quietly without engaging in any noticeable action.\n2. The rabbit is in motion, appearing to be hopping rapidly across the floor.", "15": null, "24": null, "30": "1. The rabbit is resting with its eyes closed and its ears upright. \n2. The rabbit is crouching while facing downward with its back turned." } }, "88f345941b": { "tiger": { "6": null, "17": null, "19": null, "28": null } }, "890976d6da": { "sedan": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "8909bde9ab": { "sedan": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "8929c7d5d9": { "lizard": { "3": null, "17": null, "24": null, "28": null } }, "89363acf76": { "fox": { "2": null, "13": null, "16": null, "27": "1. The fox is standing upright with its head turned to the right, alert and attentive to its surroundings.\n2. The fox is crouched low, intently sniffing the ground.\n3. The fox is sitting back on its haunches, raising its front paw as if to maintain balance.\n4. The fox is walking forward, head down as if tracking a scent trail." } }, "89379487e0": { "turtle": { "3": null, "8": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "8939db6354": { "lizard": { "6": null, "16": null, "18": null, "30": null } }, "893f658345": { "ape": { "3": null, "9": null, "17": null, "21": null }, "person": { "3": null, "9": null, "17": null, "21": null } }, "8953138465": { "parrot": { "8": null, "14": null, "21": null, "32": null } }, "895c96d671": { "frog": { "9": "1. The frog is resting its body on the ground while facing forward, with its eyes open.\n\n2. The frog is partially hidden under the wooden structure, peering out with its eyes visible.", "15": "1. The frog is positioned with its body partially turned and appears to be looking intently forward.\n\n2. The frog is nestled under a wooden structure and is facing outward without significant movement.", "19": null, "27": null } }, "895cbf96f9": { "dolphin": { "8": null, "13": "1. The dolphin is swimming diagonally while arching its body, turning its head slightly to the side.\n2. The dolphin is facing forward with its mouth open, appearing to move its flippers outward.\n3. The dolphin is diving downward, with its tail fin angled upward.", "20": null, "31": null } }, "895e8b29a7": { "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "898fa256c8": { "deer": { "3": null, "8": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "89986c60be": { "person": { "6": null, "11": null, "12": null, "20": null }, "others": { "6": null, "11": null, "12": null, "20": null } }, "89b874547b": { "giant_panda": { "6": null, "17": null, "21": null, "33": null } }, "89bdb021d5": { "turtle": { "7": null, "10": null, "19": null, "22": null } }, "89c802ff9c": { "sedan": { "2": null, "8": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "89d6336c2b": { "frisbee": { "4": null, "10": null, "23": null, "30": null } }, "89ebb27334": { "sheep": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "12": null } }, "8a27e2407c": { "bike": { "3": null, "9": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "person": { "3": null, "9": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "8a31f7bca5": { "sedan": { "4": null, "9": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "hand": { "4": null, "9": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "8a4a2fc105": { "dog": { "3": null, "8": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "8a5d6c619c": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "8a75ad7924": { "whale": { "9": null, "11": null, "19": null, "28": null } }, "8aa817e4ed": { "airplane": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "8aad0591eb": { "whale": { "5": null, "13": null, "24": null, "33": null } }, "8aca214360": { "person": { "9": null, "17": null, "23": null, "31": null } }, "8ae168c71b": { "bus": { "3": null, "9": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "8b3645d826": { "hand": { "2": null, "8": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "knife": { "2": null, "8": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "8b3805dbd4": { "parrot": { "6": "1. The parrot is facing forward with its head slightly lowered as if observing something ahead.\n\n2. The parrot is using its beak to hold an object while keeping its head turned to the side.", "17": "1. The parrot is facing away, displaying its back with its head turned slightly to the side.\n\n2. The parrot is holding an object close to its beak with its foot while appearing to inspect or nibble at it.", "21": "1. The parrot is perching calmly and turning its head to the side. \n2. The parrot is holding a metal bar with its beak while gripping it with one paw.", "33": "1. The parrot is turning its head while maintaining eye contact with its surroundings.\n\n2. The parrot is gripping a piece of material with its beak and adjusting it." } }, "8b473f0f5d": { "giant_panda": { "5": null, "12": null, "23": null, "26": null } }, "8b4f6d1186": { "rabbit": { "7": "1. The rabbit is raising its front paw while sitting upright.\n\n2. The rabbit is facing forward with its ears perked up, remaining still.", "17": null, "18": "1. The rabbit is sitting still with ears upright, showing a forward-facing posture.\n2. The rabbit is crouching, with its body slightly tucked and ears perked up.", "31": null } }, "8b4fb018b7": { "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "7": null, "9": null } }, "8b518ee936": { "dog": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "8b523bdfd6": { "skateboard": { "6": null, "13": null, "17": null, "24": null }, "person": { "6": null, "13": "1. The person is executing a skateboard trick, with the board flipping underneath them mid-air.\n\n2. The person is standing and watching the skateboarder, with hands loosely by their sides.", "17": null, "24": null } }, "8b52fb5fba": { "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "8b91036e5c": { "earless_seal": { "3": null, "11": null, "15": null, "22": null } }, "8b99a77ac5": { "tennis_racket": { "7": null, "17": null, "20": null, "31": null }, "person": { "7": "1. The person is standing with a racket and preparing to receive a serve by slightly bending their knees.\n3. The person is extending their arm forward, appearing ready to toss the tennis ball for a serve.", "17": "1. The person is standing still, holding a tennis racket and watching their opponent.\n3. The person is in a ready stance, slightly bent forward, preparing to receive the ball.", "20": null, "31": "1. The person is holding a tennis racket and bending forward slightly, appearing ready to serve the ball.\n\n3. The person in the distance is walking casually toward the court, with one arm slightly swinging." } }, "8ba04b1e7b": { "sedan": { "3": null, "9": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "sign": { "3": null, "9": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "8ba782192f": { "ape": { "6": "1. The ape is sitting upright, touching its chest with its right hand while looking to the side.\n2. The ape is crouching, holding its feet with both hands and facing forward.", "10": null, "21": "1. The ape is sitting upright, resting its arm on its knee and gazing sideways.\n\n2. The ape is crouching and looking downwards with its head tilted slightly forward.", "30": "1. The ape is sitting and raising one arm as if to scratch its chest.\n\n2. The ape is sitting and looking ahead while resting its hands on its knees." } }, "8bbeaad78b": { "cat": { "5": null, "8": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "hand": { "5": null, "8": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "8bd1b45776": { "person": { "7": null, "11": "1. The person is extending both arms outward while seated in a paragliding harness.\n\n2. The person is gripping the straps of the paragliding harness with both hands.", "21": null, "29": "1. The person is gripping control handles while seated in a harness, legs extended outward.\n2. The person is holding onto support cords, maintaining balance with a seated posture." } }, "8bd7a2dda6": { "ape": { "4": "1. The ape is sitting upright and looking forward while resting its arm on its knee.\n2. The ape is sitting and looking upward, reaching out with one hand.", "10": "1. The ape is sitting upright while looking straight ahead with a relaxed posture.\n\n2. The ape is nestled closely, leaning against the larger ape while looking upward.", "16": null, "22": null } }, "8bdb091ccf": { "dolphin": { "5": null, "10": null, "18": null, "33": null } }, "8be56f165d": { "horse": { "5": null, "7": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "person": { "5": "1. The person is standing and moving their arms in an expressive gesture toward the horse and rider.\n\n3. The person is riding a horse and holding the reins while guiding the animal forward.", "7": "1. The person is walking forward with one arm extended toward the horse.\n3. The person is seated on the horse, holding onto the reins with both hands.", "13": "1. The person is holding the skirt with one hand while stepping forward on the ground.\n\n3. The person is riding a horse, holding the reins, and leaning slightly forward.", "17": "1. The person is holding a fabric and swaying it to the side.\n\n3. The person is sitting on a horse and adjusting their posture." }, "hat": { "5": null, "7": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "8be950d00f": { "giraffe": { "3": null, "8": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "8bf84e7d45": { "turtle": { "5": null, "17": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "8bffc4374b": { "turtle": { "3": null, "4": null, "7": null, "10": null } }, "8bfff50747": { "tennis_racket": { "2": null, "10": null, "22": null, "33": null }, "person": { "2": null, "10": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "8c09867481": { "owl": { "7": null, "10": null, "16": null, "25": null } }, "8c0a3251c3": { "camel": { "5": null, "10": null, "25": null, "26": null } }, "8c3015cccb": { "lizard": { "8": null, "14": null, "20": null, "31": null } }, "8c469815cf": { "sedan": { "3": null, "9": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "bus": { "3": null, "9": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "8c9ccfedc7": { "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "8ca1af9f3c": { "lion": { "6": null, "10": null, "14": null, "23": null } }, "8ca3f6e6c1": { "horse": { "2": null, "7": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "sedan": { "2": null, "7": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "8ca6a4f60f": { "giant_panda": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "8cac6900fe": { "bus": { "4": null, "8": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "8cba221a1e": { "turtle": { "5": null, "11": null, "25": null, "29": null } }, "8cbbe62ccd": { "owl": { "5": null, "11": null, "20": null, "28": null } }, "8d064b29e2": { "airplane": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "8d167e7c08": { "train": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "8d4ab94e1c": { "cat": { "3": null, "6": null, "13": null, "14": null }, "hand": { "3": null, "6": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "8d81f6f899": { "monkey": { "7": null, "17": null, "22": null, "28": "1. The monkey is showing its back, appearing to be at rest with minimal visible movement.\n2. The monkey is opening its mouth wide while its paws are resting together near its face." } }, "8d87897d66": { "sedan": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "12": null }, "bucket": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "8dcccd2bd2": { "lizard": { "6": null, "14": null, "20": null, "29": null } }, "8dcfb878a8": { "rabbit": { "3": null, "12": null, "19": null, "25": null } }, "8dd3ab71b9": { "sedan": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "16": null }, "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "16": null } }, "8dda6bf10f": { "airplane": { "3": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "8ddd51ca94": { "monkey": { "5": null, "12": null, "18": null, "30": null } }, "8dea22c533": { "person": { "2": null, "12": null, "19": null, "29": null }, "snake": { "2": null, "12": null, "19": null, "29": null } }, "8def5bd3bf": { "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "hat": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "8e1848197c": { "person": { "4": "1. The person is holding papers in both hands and looking to the side.\n\n2. The person is leaning over a railing, unwrapping an object with both hands.", "7": "1. The person is holding a booklet and writing on it with a pen.\n\n2. The person is leaning over a railing and tearing a plastic bag open with their hands.", "10": "1. The person is leaning on the railing with arms crossed and holding papers.\n\n2. The person is bending forward while extending a wrapped item over the railing.", "11": "1. The person is holding a stack of papers with both hands, slightly tilting them forward.\n\n2. The person is leaning over the railing while holding a shoe with both hands." }, "others": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "8e3a83cf2d": { "giant_panda": { "2": null, "6": "1. The giant panda is walking forward with its head lowered, seemingly exploring the ground.\n\n2. The giant panda is climbing upwards on the log, stretching its front paws towards the top.", "10": "1. The giant panda is hunched over, inspecting a log with its nose close to the surface. \n2. The giant panda is standing upright on its hind legs, reaching up towards a branch with its front paws.", "16": "1. The giant panda is crouching low with its head tilted, nudging a branch with its nose.\n\n2. The giant panda is climbing up a log, gripping it with its front paws and pushing its body upward." } }, "8e478e73f3": { "dog": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "8e98ae3c84": { "zebra": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "8ea6687ab0": { "ape": { "7": "1. The ape is extending its arm towards a hanging rope, gripping it firmly.\n\n2. The ape is lying down, remaining still.", "11": "1. The ape is holding a rope with one hand and leaning back while sitting upright.\n2. The ape is lying down on its side with its body fully reclined.", "18": "1. The ape is reaching upward with one arm while grasping a rope.\n\n2. The ape is lying down, resting its head on its arms.", "31": "1. The ape is showing its teeth while touching the chain link fence with its left hand.\n2. The ape is reaching out with its right hand towards another ape's hand." } }, "8eb0d315c1": { "cat": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "14": null }, "mouse": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "8ec10891f9": { "sheep": { "7": null, "8": null, "18": null, "22": null }, "person": { "7": null, "8": null, "18": null, "22": null } }, "8ec3065ec2": { "penguin": { "3": null, "16": null, "25": null, "29": null } }, "8ecf51a971": { "surfboard": { "7": null, "10": null, "16": null, "23": null }, "person": { "7": null, "10": null, "16": null, "23": null } }, "8eddbab9f7": { "giant_panda": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "13": "1. The giant_panda is crouching down, facing forward, with its head close to the ground near a wooden ramp.\n2. The giant_panda is standing upright, walking forward next to the ramp." } }, "8ee198467a": { "ape": { "5": null, "14": null, "19": null, "24": null } }, "8ee2368f40": { "duck": { "5": null, "16": null, "19": null, "30": null } }, "8ef595ce82": { "lizard": { "7": null, "9": null, "17": null, "25": null } }, "8f0a653ad7": { "lizard": { "3": null, "9": null, "14": null, "22": null } }, "8f1204a732": { "ape": { "5": null, "13": null, "17": null, "21": null } }, "8f1600f7f6": { "duck": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "8f16366707": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "8": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "person": { "4": null, "8": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "8f1ce0a411": { "sedan": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "12": null } }, "8f2e05e814": { "cow": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "8f320d0e09": { "sedan": { "3": null, "8": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "8f3b4a84ad": { "cow": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "11": null }, "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "8f3fdad3da": { "boat": { "2": null, "7": null, "13": null, "14": "1. The boat is paddling forward, propelling through the water with strong strokes on the right side.\n\n2. The boat is angling to the right as it moves, navigating through the stream with controlled steering." }, "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "13": null, "14": null }, "paddle": { "2": null, "7": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "8f5d3622d8": { "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "8f62a2c633": { "snake": { "9": null, "17": null, "22": null, "27": null } }, "8f81c9405a": { "elephant": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "16": null } }, "8f8c974d53": { "fox": { "6": null, "8": null, "13": null, "19": null } }, "8f918598b6": { "owl": { "5": null, "6": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "person": { "5": null, "6": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "8ff61619f6": { "person": { "4": null, "9": null, "12": "1. The person is holding onto a bus handle while standing by the door.\n2. The person is walking across the street with their head slightly turned.\n3. The person is leaning against the bus window with their arm extended inside.", "16": "1. The person is stepping off the bus, turning towards the sidewalk while holding a bag.\n\n2. The person is walking across the street, holding a bag in one hand and keeping a steady pace.\n\n3. The person is leaning out of the bus doorway, holding onto the handle as they look outside." } }, "9002761b41": { "horse": { "5": null, "6": null, "11": null, "14": null }, "person": { "5": null, "6": null, "11": null, "14": "1. The person is riding a horse, holding the reins with one hand, and leaning slightly forward.\n\n3. The person is sitting upright on a moving horse, grasping the reins with both hands." } }, "90107941f3": { "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "90118a42ee": { "dog": { "2": "1. The dog is bending forward and sniffing the seat while standing on its back legs.\n\n2. The dog is facing forward with its head held high, gazing through the car window.", "8": "1. The dog is leaning forward over the seat, appearing to inspect something in front of it.\n2. Another dog is sitting upright and looking straight ahead through the window.", "10": null, "14": null } }, "902bc16b37": { "airplane": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "903e87e0d6": { "crocodile": { "3": null, "9": null, "18": null, "23": null } }, "9041a0f489": { "train": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "9047bf3222": { "plant": { "2": null, "3": null, "4": null, "6": null } }, "9057bfa502": { "ape": { "2": null, "9": null, "19": null, "25": null } }, "90617b0954": { "boat": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "16": null } }, "9076f4b6db": { "mouse": { "9": null, "16": null, "20": null, "27": null } }, "9077e69b08": { "others": { "2": null, "9": null, "16": null, "26": null }, "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "16": null, "26": null } }, "909655b4a6": { "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "13": null, "16": null }, "toilet": { "2": null, "7": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "909c2eca88": { "snake": { "9": null, "15": null, "25": null, "31": null } }, "909dbd1b76": { "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "11": null }, "lizard": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "90bc4a319a": { "others": { "3": null, "15": null, "22": null, "23": null } }, "90c7a87887": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "8": null, "13": null, "16": null }, "person": { "4": null, "8": null, "13": null, "16": null }, "truck": { "4": null, "8": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "90cc785ddd": { "boat": { "2": null, "8": null, "11": null, "16": null }, "person": { "2": null, "8": null, "11": null, "16": null }, "paddle": { "2": null, "8": null, "11": null, "16": null }, "hand": { "2": null, "8": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "90d300f09b": { "parachute": { "8": null, "12": null, "24": null, "31": null }, "person": { "8": null, "12": null, "24": null, "31": null } }, "9101ea9b1b": { "toilet": { "3": null, "9": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "9108130458": { "lion": { "5": null, "10": null, "14": null, "21": null } }, "911ac9979b": { "monkey": { "2": null, "8": null, "15": null, "26": null } }, "9151cad9b5": { "truck": { "3": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "hand": { "3": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "9153762797": { "hedgehog": { "3": null, "13": null, "18": null, "30": null }, "person": { "3": null, "13": null, "18": null, "30": null } }, "91634ee0c9": { "boat": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": null }, "sign": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "916942666f": { "lizard": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "9198cfb4ea": { "snake": { "8": null, "14": null, "21": null, "27": null } }, "919ac864d6": { "giant_panda": { "7": null, "16": null, "21": null, "27": null } }, "91b67d58d4": { "earless_seal": { "7": null, "14": null, "18": null, "31": null } }, "91bb8df281": { "shark": { "3": null, "11": null, "17": null, "22": "1. The shark is swimming forward with its mouth slightly open.\n2. The shark is gliding smoothly, maintaining a straight posture.\n3. The shark is turning slightly, with the dorsal fin angled downward." }, "person": { "3": null, "11": null, "17": null, "22": null } }, "91be106477": { "parrot": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "91c33b4290": { "parrot": { "9": null, "16": null, "24": null, "31": null } }, "91ca7dd9f3": { "mouse": { "5": null, "10": null, "14": null, "23": null }, "hand": { "5": null, "10": null, "14": null, "23": null } }, "91d095f869": { "leopard": { "5": null, "13": null, "23": null, "29": null }, "person": { "5": null, "13": null, "23": null, "29": null } }, "91f107082e": { "owl": { "2": null, "15": null, "21": null, "27": null }, "person": { "2": null, "15": null, "21": null, "27": null } }, "920329dd5e": { "lion": { "5": null, "15": null, "22": null, "29": null } }, "920c959958": { "lion": { "6": null, "12": null, "14": null, "24": null } }, "92128fbf4b": { "frog": { "7": null, "10": null, "16": null, "23": null } }, "9223dacb40": { "snake": { "3": null, "12": null, "19": null, "21": null } }, "923137bb7f": { "bike": { "2": null, "5": null, "7": null, "10": null }, "hand": { "2": null, "5": null, "7": null, "10": null } }, "9268e1f88a": { "person": { "6": null, "13": null, "20": null, "30": null }, "snowboard": { "6": null, "13": null, "20": null, "30": null } }, "927647fe08": { "person": { "3": null, "13": "1. The person is laughing energetically, with their mouth open wide and head slightly tilted back.\n\n2. The person is leaning forward slightly while maintaining eye contact with the other individual.", "14": null, "27": null } }, "9276f5ba47": { "turtle": { "3": null, "8": null, "19": null, "22": null } }, "92a28cd233": { "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "7": null, "12": null } }, "92b5c1fc6d": { "person": { "5": null, "10": "1. The person is free-falling with arms bent and legs extended backward while skydiving.\n\n2. The person is performing a controlled fall while extending both arms and facing forward during a skydive.", "15": null, "20": "1. The person is arching their body and extending their arms and legs outward in a freefall position.\n\n2. The person is hovering mid-air with arms bent, looking forward while stabilizing in freefall." } }, "92c46be756": { "hedgehog": { "6": null, "16": null, "24": null, "31": null } }, "92dabbe3a0": { "duck": { "4": "1. The duck is preening its feathers with its beak, tilting its head toward its back.\n\n2. The duck is gliding smoothly across the water, facing forward.", "7": "1. The duck is swimming forward with its head slightly dipped as it navigates the water.\n2. A duck is paddling through the water, facing slightly to the side.", "12": "1. The duck is swimming forward with its head slightly tilted upward.\n2. The duck is calmly floating on the water while facing forward.", "17": null } }, "92e3159361": { "lizard": { "7": null, "12": null, "23": null, "28": null } }, "92ebab216a": { "parrot": { "4": null, "14": null, "25": null, "31": "1. The parrot is lying back and gripping a finger gently with its claws. \n2. The parrot is extending its wings slightly upward while being held." } }, "934bdc2893": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "11": null, "23": null, "29": null }, "sedan": { "4": null, "11": null, "23": null, "29": null }, "person": { "4": null, "11": null, "23": null, "29": null } }, "9359174efc": { "lizard": { "2": null, "13": null, "24": null, "27": null } }, "935d97dd2f": { "zebra": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "935feaba1b": { "sedan": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "bus": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "93901858ee": { "leopard": { "2": null, "8": null, "15": null, "20": null } }, "939378f6d6": { "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "939bdf742e": { "cow": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "person": { "4": "1. The person is reaching over the fence with both hands extended forward.\n2. The person is turning their body while raising an arm upward.", "7": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "93a22bee7e": { "zebra": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "93da9aeddf": { "horse": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "13": null }, "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "93e2feacce": { "person": { "7": null, "17": null, "21": null, "32": null } }, "93e6f1fdf9": { "elephant": { "5": null, "8": null, "13": null, "14": null }, "person": { "5": "1. The person is swimming forward in the water with their head above the surface.\n\n2. The person is crouching on a rock, watching the scene below with hands resting on their knees.", "8": "1. The person is partially submerged and moving through the water with arms visible.\n\n2. The person is crouching on the edge, using one hand to hold onto the rock while watching the water.", "13": "1. The person is submerged in the water, leaning forward while extending a hand toward the elephant.\n\n2. The person is crouching on the rock, watching and facing the elephant in the water.", "14": null } }, "93e811e393": { "eagle": { "7": null, "17": null, "22": null, "30": null } }, "93e85d8fd3": { "mouse": { "4": null, "11": null, "18": null, "30": null } }, "93f623d716": { "fish": { "2": null, "14": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "94031f12f2": { "hand": { "2": null, "6": null, "11": null, "14": null }, "hat": { "2": null, "6": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "94091a4873": { "raccoon": { "4": null, "13": null, "25": null, "31": null }, "cat": { "4": null, "13": null, "25": null, "31": null } }, "94125907e3": { "bear": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "9418653742": { "bear": { "3": "1. The bear is lowering its head towards the ground, appearing to sniff or investigate the area close to the water's edge. \n2. The bear is standing upright on its hind legs with its front paws raised, facing forward.", "6": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "941c870569": { "sign": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": null, "13": null }, "bus": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "94209c86f0": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "13": null, "22": null, "31": null }, "person": { "4": null, "13": null, "22": null, "31": null }, "others": { "4": null, "13": null, "22": null, "31": null } }, "9437c715eb": { "squirrel": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "9445c3eca2": { "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "9467c8617c": { "dog": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "946d71fb5d": { "horse": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "person": { "3": "1. The person is sitting upright on a horse, holding the reins while guiding it forward. \n3. The person is standing and holding a rope, appearing to lead or control an animal.", "6": null, "10": "1. The person is sitting upright on the horse and holding the reins steadily with both hands.\n\n3. The person is riding the horse, tilting slightly forward to maintain balance as the horse walks.", "14": "1. The person is sitting upright on the horse, adjusting their posture with hands on the reins." } }, "948f3ae6fb": { "monkey": { "3": null, "15": null, "19": null, "28": null } }, "9498baa359": { "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "94a33abeab": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is walking forward, slightly turning the head to the left.\n2. The person is stepping forward with the right leg while looking to the left.\n3. The person is standing still, facing forward, and holding a small bag in the left hand.", "6": null, "8": "1. The person is stepping forward with one leg raised, appearing to participate in a dance.\n2. The person is twisting their body slightly to the side while lifting a foot in a dance move.\n3. The person is holding their arms out and stepping sideways in a rhythmic dance motion.", "12": null } }, "94bf1af5e3": { "snail": { "5": null, "11": null, "19": null, "20": null } }, "94cf3a8025": { "boat": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": "1. The person is standing still, facing towards the water and observing the scene ahead.\n\n2. The person is sitting on the jet ski, holding onto the handlebars, ready to steer.", "15": null } }, "94db712ac8": { "skateboard": { "5": null, "12": null, "25": null, "27": null }, "person": { "5": null, "12": null, "25": null, "27": null } }, "94e4b66cff": { "giraffe": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "94e76cbaf6": { "hedgehog": { "6": null, "12": null, "21": null, "26": null } }, "950be91db1": { "surfboard": { "3": null, "8": null, "14": null, "23": null }, "person": { "3": null, "8": null, "14": null, "23": null } }, "952058e2d0": { "sedan": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "15": null }, "bus": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "952633c37f": { "others": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "14": null }, "hand": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "952ec313fe": { "bird": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "9533fc037c": { "person": { "2": null, "8": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "dog": { "2": null, "8": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "9574b81269": { "bird": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "9579b73761": { "lizard": { "5": null, "14": null, "19": null, "30": null } }, "957f7bc48b": { "deer": { "4": null, "10": null, "23": null, "31": null } }, "958073d2b0": { "lion": { "3": null, "13": null, "16": null, "26": null } }, "9582e0eb33": { "plant": { "2": null, "5": null, "6": null, "9": null } }, "9584092d0b": { "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "95b58b8004": { "ape": { "2": null, "10": null, "18": null, "20": null } }, "95bd88da55": { "shark": { "5": null, "14": null, "20": null, "32": null } }, "95f74a9959": { "giant_panda": { "9": null, "17": null, "23": null, "33": null }, "person": { "9": null, "17": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "962781c601": { "monkey": { "9": null, "13": null, "21": null, "31": null }, "hand": { "9": null, "13": null, "21": null, "31": null } }, "962f045bf5": { "lizard": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "16": null } }, "964ad23b44": { "truck": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "967b90590e": { "snail": { "5": null, "13": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "967bffe201": { "bird": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": "1. The bird is swooping down towards the ground with its wings spread wide.\n\n2. The bird is standing still, with its head tilted slightly upward.\n\n3. The bird is flapping its wings rapidly while rising into the air.", "12": "1. The bird is standing on the ground with its wings folded against its body.\n\n2. The bird is in the air, flapping its wings energetically as it takes flight.\n\n3. The bird is soaring through the air with wings spread wide, gliding smoothly." } }, "96825c4714": { "zebra": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": "1. The zebra is galloping energetically across the open landscape with its legs fully extended.\n\n2. The zebra is racing forward with its head held high, mane flowing in the wind.\n\n3. The zebra is sprinting swiftly, leaning slightly forward to increase speed.", "12": "1. The zebra is galloping forward with its legs stretched out in motion.\n2. This zebra is sprinting with its body arched and legs pushing off the ground.\n3. The zebra is running with its neck extended and hooves lifted mid-stride." } }, "968492136a": { "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null }, "hat": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "9684ef9d64": { "toilet": { "3": null, "7": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "968c41829e": { "motorbike": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": null }, "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": null }, "hat": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "96a856ef9a": { "person": { "8": null, "16": null, "24": null, "32": null } }, "96dfc49961": { "ape": { "9": null, "17": null, "24": null, "32": null } }, "96e1a5b4f8": { "deer": { "9": null, "13": null, "21": null, "27": null } }, "96e6ff0917": { "dolphin": { "2": null, "13": null, "18": null, "27": null }, "person": { "2": null, "13": null, "18": null, "27": null } }, "96fb88e9d7": { "train": { "2": null, "7": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "96fbe5fc23": { "skateboard": { "6": null, "13": null, "14": null, "21": null }, "person": { "6": null, "13": null, "14": null, "21": null } }, "96fc924050": { "elephant": { "4": null, "9": null, "12": null, "16": null }, "person": { "4": null, "9": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "9715cc83dc": { "person": { "4": null, "15": null, "19": null, "32": null }, "snowboard": { "4": null, "15": null, "19": null, "32": null } }, "9720eff40f": { "parrot": { "4": null, "17": null, "24": null, "33": null } }, "972c187c0d": { "dolphin": { "2": null, "15": null, "19": null, "31": null } }, "97476eb38d": { "giant_panda": { "8": null, "14": null, "18": "1. The giant panda is lowering its head to grasp a piece of bamboo with its mouth. \n2. The giant panda is holding a bundle of bamboo with its paws and bringing it towards its mouth.", "30": "1. The giant_panda is climbing onto the pile of bamboo leaves, using its front paws to steady itself.\n\n2. The giant_panda is sitting back while lifting a cluster of bamboo leaves to its mouth, appearing to chew with its jaw moving rhythmically." } }, "97659ed431": { "surfboard": { "9": null, "15": null, "20": null, "28": null }, "person": { "9": null, "15": null, "20": null, "28": null } }, "9773492949": { "person": { "4": null, "7": "1. The person is playing a guitar while standing on stage. \n2. The person is holding a microphone close to their mouth and appears to be singing. \n3. The person is bending forward and playing a drum set.", "13": null, "15": null } }, "97756b264f": { "hand": { "4": null, "6": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "knife": { "4": null, "6": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "977bff0d10": { "hand": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "16": null }, "paddle": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "97ab569ff3": { "skateboard": { "5": null, "9": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "97ba838008": { "dolphin": { "4": null, "16": null, "23": null, "29": null } }, "97d9d008c7": { "surfboard": { "7": null, "11": null, "18": null, "27": null }, "person": { "7": null, "11": null, "18": null, "27": null } }, "97e59f09fa": { "hand": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "knife": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "97eb642e56": { "cat": { "4": "1. The cat is looking intently forward with its body facing slightly sideways.\n\n2. The cat is standing upright while eyeing a toy on the floor.", "9": "1. The cat is stepping forward while sniffing towards the other cat.\n\n2. The cat is standing with its head turned, looking back at the first cat.", "10": "1. The cat is standing with its head turned slightly towards the other cat, maintaining a stationary posture.\n\n2. The cat is sitting with its front paws grounded and facing the other cat directly.", "14": "1. The cat is walking forward with its head lowered, sniffing the floor as it approaches the other cat.\n\n2. The cat is standing still with its head turned slightly towards the approaching cat, observing its movements." } }, "98043e2d14": { "boat": { "3": null, "7": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "981ff580cf": { "fish": { "7": null, "14": null, "22": "1. The fish is swimming forward with its fins flaring outward.\n2. The fish is darting sideways, maneuvering close to the surface.", "31": null } }, "983e66cbfc": { "hand": { "5": null, "8": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "984f0f1c36": { "skateboard": { "8": null, "14": null, "24": null, "30": null }, "person": { "8": null, "14": null, "24": null, "30": null } }, "98595f2bb4": { "person": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "16": null } }, "985c3be474": { "rabbit": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "9869a12362": { "turtle": { "3": null, "13": null, "21": null, "26": null }, "person": { "3": null, "13": null, "21": null, "26": null } }, "986b5a5e18": { "lizard": { "2": null, "10": null, "21": null, "31": null } }, "9877af5063": { "sheep": { "6": "1. The sheep is lowering its head and nudging the tree stump with its nose.\n2. The sheep is standing with its legs slightly apart, looking ahead without movement.", "11": null, "18": null, "33": "1. The sheep is leaning forward with its head lowered, inspecting a tree stump closely.\n2. The sheep is standing still with its head raised, looking around." } }, "98911292da": { "lizard": { "6": null, "13": null, "20": null, "31": null } }, "9893a3cf77": { "bear": { "4": null, "7": null, "11": "1. The bear is walking forward with its head lowered, moving through the forest underbrush.\n2. The bear is sitting still, facing outward, with its ears perked up, watching its surroundings.", "16": "1. The bear is lifting its head and pushing through the branches in front of it.\n\n2. The bear is crouching low and pulling on the branches with its snout." } }, "9893d9202d": { "sedan": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "98a8b06e7f": { "monkey": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "98ac6f93d9": { "fox": { "6": "1. The fox is standing with its body facing forward and appears to be sniffing the ground.\n\n2. The fox is lying down on its belly with its head lifted and mouth slightly open.", "9": null, "16": null, "25": null } }, "98b6974d12": { "person": { "5": null, "8": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "98ba3c9417": { "hedgehog": { "9": null, "17": null, "25": null, "27": null }, "person": { "9": null, "17": null, "25": null, "27": null } }, "98c7c00a19": { "duck": { "4": null, "6": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "98d044f206": { "elephant": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "98e909f9d1": { "leopard": { "2": null, "8": null, "16": null, "22": null } }, "98fe7f0410": { "parrot": { "4": null, "11": null, "18": null, "27": null } }, "990f2742c7": { "motorbike": { "4": null, "6": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "992bd0779a": { "camel": { "5": null, "11": null, "19": null, "27": null } }, "994b9b47ba": { "ape": { "4": null, "9": null, "17": null, "22": null } }, "9955b76bf5": { "train": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "15": null }, "sign": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "997117a654": { "skateboard": { "6": null, "16": null, "18": null, "29": null }, "person": { "6": null, "16": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "999d53d841": { "skateboard": { "3": null, "13": null, "16": null, "20": null }, "person": { "3": null, "13": null, "16": null, "20": null } }, "99c04108d3": { "crocodile": { "8": null, "14": null, "21": null, "30": null } }, "99c4277aee": { "sedan": { "5": null, "8": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "99c6b1acf2": { "boat": { "3": null, "9": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "99dc8bb20b": { "duck": { "4": null, "13": null, "23": null, "33": null }, "person": { "4": null, "13": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "99fcba71e5": { "person": { "3": null, "9": null, "15": null, "26": null }, "snowboard": { "3": null, "9": null, "15": null, "26": null } }, "99fecd4efb": { "cow": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "12": null }, "hand": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "9a02c70ba2": { "horse": { "3": null, "8": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "zebra": { "3": null, "8": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "9a08e7a6f8": { "tiger": { "2": null, "11": "1. The tiger is walking forward with its head lowered and eyes focused ahead.\n\n2. The tiger is lying on the ground with its body curved around the base of the tree.", "19": "1. The tiger is walking forward with its head low and eyes focused ahead.\n2. The tiger is reclining on the ground with its front paws stretched out.", "29": null } }, "9a2f2c0f86": { "monkey": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "14": null } }, "9a3254a76e": { "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "12": null } }, "9a3570a020": { "deer": { "9": null, "17": null, "23": null, "28": null } }, "9a39112493": { "camel": { "8": null, "16": null, "22": null, "32": null } }, "9a4e9fd399": { "parrot": { "8": null, "14": null, "21": null, "33": null } }, "9a50af4bfb": { "rabbit": { "8": null, "14": null, "19": null, "27": null } }, "9a68631d24": { "monkey": { "6": "1. The monkey is bending over and appearing to inspect or interact with a smaller monkey in front of it.\n\n2. The monkey is sitting while leaning forward, facing the ground with its arms resting on its knees.\n\n3. The monkey is standing on all fours and appears to be moving its head toward another monkey.\n\n4. The monkey is sitting upright with its back against a surface, facing outward.", "10": null, "14": null, "25": "1. The monkey is crouching aggressively with its mouth open wide, displaying its teeth prominently.\n\n2. The monkey is walking forward on all fours with its head lowered.\n\n3. The monkey is sitting with its body turned towards the ground, using its hands to touch the surface.\n\n4. The monkey is standing upright, leaning slightly against a surface with one arm raised." } }, "9a72318dbf": { "bird": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "9a767493b7": { "frog": { "9": null, "10": null, "21": null, "30": null } }, "9a7fc1548b": { "zebra": { "2": null, "9": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "9a84ccf6a7": { "lizard": { "5": null, "9": "1. The lizard is gripping onto the rock with its claws while arching its back upward.\n\n2. The lizard is extending its legs and climbing up the rock surface.", "17": null, "25": null } }, "9a9c0e15b7": { "dog": { "3": null, "6": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "9adf06d89b": { "parrot": { "6": null, "10": null, "14": null, "27": "1. The parrot is facing the mirror, leaning forward with its beak slightly open as if interacting with its reflection.\n2. The parrot is standing upright, turning its head towards the mirror while its wings remain closed." } }, "9b22b54ee4": { "dog": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "9b473fc8fe": { "frisbee": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "dog": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "9b4f081782": { "monkey": { "2": null, "12": null, "22": null, "26": null } }, "9b997664ba": { "monkey": { "5": null, "13": null, "25": null, "30": null } }, "9bc454e109": { "camel": { "5": null, "15": null, "18": null, "32": null } }, "9bccfd04de": { "elephant": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "person": { "5": null, "6": "1. The person is standing still with arms down, looking at the elephant.\n\n2. The person is holding a stick in their right hand, looking upward at the elephant.", "10": null, "17": "1. The person is reaching down to grab a bunch of leaves from the ground.\n\n2. The person is standing still with their head turned towards the elephant." } }, "9bce4583a2": { "hand": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "cat": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "9bebf1b87f": { "eagle": { "2": null, "15": null, "20": null, "24": null } }, "9bfc50d261": { "giant_panda": { "7": null, "13": null, "20": null, "33": null } }, "9c166c86ff": { "boat": { "2": null, "9": null, "12": null, "14": null }, "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "12": null, "14": null }, "paddle": { "2": null, "9": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "9c293ef4d7": { "ape": { "2": null, "8": null, "16": null, "25": null } }, "9c29c047b0": { "motorbike": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "9c3bc2e2a7": { "umbrella": { "5": null, "8": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "9c3ce23bd1": { "person": { "4": "1. The person is standing in front of the net, holding a hockey stick, ready to block or save a puck.\n2. The person is moving towards the net while gripping a hockey stick with both hands.\n3. The person is gliding forward on the ice with a hockey stick, appearing to chase or intercept the puck.", "5": "1. The person is intercepting a puck with their stick.\n2. The person is skating forward while holding a hockey stick.\n3. The person is preparing to swing their hockey stick towards the puck.", "9": "1. The person is crouching and guarding the goal with a hockey stick in front of them.\n\n2. The person is skating towards the puck while holding their hockey stick low.\n\n3. The person is standing on the ice while holding a hockey stick with both hands.", "16": null } }, "9c404cac0c": { "boat": { "3": null, "13": null, "21": null, "26": null }, "earless_seal": { "3": null, "13": null, "21": null, "26": null } }, "9c5180d23a": { "crocodile": { "2": null, "12": null, "17": null, "23": null } }, "9c7feca6e4": { "surfboard": { "5": null, "9": null, "17": null, "26": null }, "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "17": null, "26": null } }, "9caa49d3ff": { "parrot": { "7": null, "13": null, "18": null, "31": null } }, "9cb2f1b646": { "lizard": { "8": null, "11": null, "18": null, "27": null } }, "9ce6f765c3": { "sedan": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "15": null }, "dog": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "9cfee34031": { "lion": { "9": null, "15": null, "25": null, "31": null } }, "9d01f08ec6": { "snail": { "4": null, "13": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "9d04c280b8": { "cow": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "12": null }, "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "9d12ceaddc": { "frog": { "7": null, "14": null, "23": "1. The frog is crouched low, pressing its body against the ground as it faces forward.\n2. The frog is slightly elevated with its head raised, appearing to be looking ahead.", "26": "1. The frog is positioned with its body tilted sideways, appearing to crawl forward with legs stretched out behind it.\n\n2. The frog is nestled beneath a structure, remaining still and peering outward with its eyes prominently visible." } }, "9d15f8cb3c": { "hedgehog": { "6": null, "13": null, "23": null, "26": null } }, "9d2101e9bf": { "parrot": { "2": null, "11": null, "23": null, "26": null } }, "9d407c3aeb": { "sheep": { "3": null, "6": null, "13": "1. The sheep is climbing steadily uphill with its head slightly lowered, focusing on its path.\n\n2. The sheep is leaping upwards, its front legs reaching forward as it propels itself over the uneven terrain.", "16": "1. The sheep is standing on a rocky slope, facing downhill with a steady posture.\n2. The sheep is stepping forward, lifting its front leg, and moving along the slope." } }, "9ddefc6165": { "snail": { "3": null, "17": null, "20": null, "28": null } }, "9df0b1e298": { "umbrella": { "2": null, "9": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "9e16f115d8": { "snail": { "5": null, "10": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "9e249b4982": { "sedan": { "3": null, "9": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "9e29b1982c": { "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "9e493e4773": { "hedgehog": { "4": null, "15": null, "20": null, "31": null }, "person": { "4": null, "15": null, "20": null, "31": null } }, "9e4c752cd0": { "bear": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "12": "1. The bear is lowering its head towards the ground while grasping a stick with its front paw.\n2. The bear is sitting on the ground, tilting its head slightly upward." } }, "9e4de40671": { "hat": { "2": null, "9": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "9e6319faeb": { "horse": { "3": null, "7": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "person": { "3": null, "7": "1. The person is holding reins and leading a horse through water while facing forward.\n\n2. The person is seated on a horse, looking forward, with both hands grasping the reins.", "12": "1. The person is holding onto a rope and guiding a horse through the water.\n2. The person is riding a horse and gripping the reins while moving through the water.", "17": null } }, "9e6ddbb52d": { "sheep": { "2": "1. The sheep is lowering its head and grazing on the grass.\n\n2. The sheep is walking forward with a steady stride.", "6": null, "10": null, "12": "1. The sheep is walking forward with its head slightly lowered, facing left.\n\n2. The sheep is standing still, facing left, with its head raised." } }, "9eadcea74f": { "leopard": { "7": null, "12": null, "16": null, "25": null } }, "9efb47b595": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is standing and moving their arms up and down rhythmically.\n\n2. The person is holding a bottle and extending their arm forward.", "9": "1. The person is standing upright and clapping their hands together while smiling.\n2. The person is lying down and has their arm extended across the floor.", "13": "1. The person is standing with a joyful expression, gesturing animatedly with both hands.\n\n2. The person is lying down while slightly lifting one arm, appearing at rest.", "15": "1. The person is standing upright and appears to be in a playful stance, moving slightly side to side.\n2. The person is lying on the floor, partially propping themselves up with an arm." } }, "9f30bfe61e": { "horse": { "3": null, "5": null, "7": null, "12": null }, "cow": { "3": null, "5": null, "7": null, "12": null }, "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "7": null, "12": null } }, "9f3734c3a4": { "monkey": { "5": null, "14": null, "25": null, "27": null } }, "9f5b858101": { "fish": { "5": null, "12": null, "24": null, "29": null } }, "9f66640cda": { "others": { "3": null, "11": null, "19": null, "22": null }, "person": { "3": null, "11": null, "19": null, "22": null } }, "9f913803e9": { "parrot": { "4": null, "12": null, "25": null, "27": null } }, "9f97bc74c8": { "dolphin": { "8": null, "16": null, "19": null, "33": null } }, "9fbad86e20": { "owl": { "6": null, "12": null, "24": null, "30": null } }, "9fc2bad316": { "lizard": { "8": null, "10": null, "20": null, "33": null } }, "9fc5c3af78": { "giant_panda": { "2": null, "9": null, "14": null, "24": null } }, "9fcb310255": { "cat": { "3": "1. The cat is stretching its neck forward and opening its mouth as if to communicate with or groom another cat.\n2. The cat is lying down with its head facing forward, appearing calm and relaxed.", "7": "1. The cat is lifting its head and nudging against the other cat's neck with its nose.\n\n2. The cat is staying still, turning its head slightly away from the nuzzling cat.", "8": "1. The cat is lifting its head while opening its mouth as if vocalizing or communicating.\n2. The cat is lying down, facing slightly towards the other cat while keeping a relaxed posture.", "11": null } }, "9fcc256871": { "sheep": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "9fd2fd4d47": { "whale": { "8": null, "16": null, "19": null, "28": null } }, "a0071ae316": { "bird": { "3": null, "7": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "a023141022": { "horse": { "2": null, "4": null, "6": null, "8": null } }, "a046399a74": { "airplane": { "3": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "a066e739c1": { "fox": { "4": null, "12": null, "15": null, "22": null } }, "a06722ba82": { "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "bucket": { "4": null, "7": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "toilet": { "4": null, "7": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "a07a15dd64": { "skateboard": { "5": null, "15": null, "22": null, "32": null }, "person": { "5": null, "15": null, "22": null, "32": null } }, "a07b47f694": { "duck": { "4": null, "17": null, "20": null, "29": null } }, "a09c39472e": { "ape": { "2": null, "9": null, "19": null, "22": "1. The ape is sitting upright while looking ahead and resting both hands on the ground.\n\n2. The ape is opening its mouth wide and touching its own face with one hand.\n\n3. The ape is standing and moving forward, pushing through the vegetation with its body." } }, "a0b208fe2e": { "giant_panda": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "a0b61c959e": { "skateboard": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "a0bc6c611d": { "leopard": { "7": null, "12": null, "19": null, "32": null } }, "a0e6da5ba2": { "bird": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "a1193d6490": { "airplane": { "2": null, "8": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "a14ef483ff": { "elephant": { "2": null, "7": "1. The elephant is walking towards the river, swinging its trunk from side to side.\n\n3. The elephant is moving forward, reaching out with its trunk toward a person standing nearby.", "9": null, "13": null }, "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "a14f709908": { "eagle": { "6": null, "10": null, "18": null, "31": null } }, "a15ccc5658": { "horse": { "3": null, "7": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "hat": { "3": null, "7": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "a16062456f": { "sheep": { "6": "1. The sheep is standing still with its head lowered towards the ground.\n2. The sheep is bending forward and grazing on the ground.\n3. The sheep is walking forward with its head slightly raised.", "8": "1. The sheep is standing still and facing forward with its head lowered slightly.\n\n2. The sheep is bending forward with its head down as if inspecting the ground.\n\n3. The sheep is walking forward with its head raised and legs in motion.", "18": null, "21": null } }, "a174e8d989": { "elephant": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "a177c2733c": { "snake": { "7": null, "13": null, "18": null, "24": null } }, "a17c62e764": { "horse": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "12": null }, "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "a18ad065fc": { "lizard": { "5": null, "13": null, "15": null, "22": null } }, "a1aaf63216": { "cow": { "5": null, "6": null, "11": "1. The cow is walking forward with its head lowered.\n\n2. The cow is lying down, facing the camera with its legs tucked beneath it.\n\n3. The cow is standing still, facing the camera with an upright posture.", "15": "1. The cow is stepping forward while lowering its head slightly.\n\n2. The cow is bending down and nudging the ground with its nose.\n\n3. The cow is slowly turning its head to the side while standing still." } }, "a1bb65fb91": { "camel": { "2": null, "13": null, "16": null, "21": null } }, "a1bd8e5349": { "person": { "4": null, "5": "1. The person is pedaling a bike uphill while leaning forward.\n2. The person is cycling past a trail marker, slightly angled as they maneuver.\n3. The person is gripping the handlebars and adjusting their bike's direction.", "10": null, "13": null } }, "a1dfdd0cac": { "frog": { "6": null, "17": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "a2052e4f6c": { "plant": { "5": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "a20fd34693": { "cow": { "2": null, "9": null, "10": "1. Cow is lowering its head and nudging the ground with its nose.\n2. Cow is standing with its legs slightly bent, appearing to brace for movement.", "17": null } }, "a21ffe4d81": { "whale": { "6": null, "8": null, "18": null, "21": null } }, "a22349e647": { "lizard": { "2": null, "13": null, "19": null, "33": null } }, "a235d01ec1": { "leopard": { "8": null, "17": null, "18": null, "32": null } }, "a24f63e8a2": { "leopard": { "9": null, "15": null, "24": null, "28": null } }, "a263ce8a87": { "skateboard": { "7": null, "10": null, "20": null, "30": null }, "person": { "7": null, "10": "1. The person is reaching upward with both hands towards a tree branch while standing on tiptoe.\n2. The person is standing upright, holding the side of a building with one hand.", "20": null, "30": null } }, "a29bfc29ec": { "tiger": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "a2a80072d4": { "parrot": { "3": "1. The parrot is pecking at an orange round object on the surface.\n2. The parrot is resting with its wings slightly spread on the surface.", "9": null, "17": "1. The parrot is pecking at and nudging a blue object with its beak.\n\n2. The parrot is gripping a white ball and rolling it forward with its beak.", "26": "1. The parrot is walking forward towards a small orange object while extending its neck.\n\n2. The parrot is leaning down and pecking at a small silver ring on the ground." } }, "a2a800ab63": { "dolphin": { "8": null, "11": null, "24": null, "30": "1. The dolphin is arching its back and moving downward through the water, creating a smooth glide.\n\n2. The dolphin is flicking its tail upward, propelling itself forward with a burst of energy." } }, "a2bcd10a33": { "giant_panda": { "7": null, "13": null, "18": null, "31": null } }, "a2bdaff3b0": { "sedan": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "a2c146ab0d": { "train": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "12": null }, "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "12": null } }, "a2c996e429": { "sedan": { "5": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "bus": { "5": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "a2dc51ebe8": { "camel": { "7": null, "17": null, "23": null, "31": null } }, "a2e6608bfa": { "lizard": { "4": null, "14": null, "17": null, "23": null }, "snail": { "4": null, "14": null, "17": null, "23": null } }, "a2f2a55f01": { "boat": { "4": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "paddle": { "4": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "a301869dea": { "others": { "9": null, "13": null, "25": null, "33": null }, "hand": { "9": null, "13": null, "25": null, "33": null } }, "a31fccd2cc": { "skateboard": { "6": null, "16": null, "19": null, "26": null }, "person": { "6": null, "16": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "a34f440f33": { "ape": { "3": null, "13": "1. The ape is lying down with its eyes open and mouth slightly ajar.\n\n2. The ape is standing upright and bending slightly forward, facing another ape.\n\n3. The ape is lying on its back with legs raised and mouth open.", "18": "1. An ape is looking upwards with its face turned toward another ape.\n\n2. The ape is sitting and reaching out both arms toward the younger ape in front.\n\n3. The young ape is standing and holding onto the fingers of the larger ape.", "31": "1. The ape is sitting upright, clasping its hands together in front.\n\n2. The ape is seated with one arm extended, interacting gently with the smaller ape.\n\n3. The young ape is reaching upwards, touching the extended arm of the larger ape." } }, "a35e0206da": { "whale": { "4": null, "15": null, "24": null, "32": null } }, "a36bdc4cab": { "crocodile": { "2": null, "14": "1. The crocodile is biting into a piece of meat and tearing it apart. \n2. The crocodile is moving forward, lifting its body as it advances. \n3. The crocodile is resting on the ground without apparent motion. \n4. The crocodile is opening its mouth wide, facing another crocodile. \n5. The crocodile is moving its head downward, appearing to lower its jaw.", "20": "1. The crocodile is biting onto a piece of meat, holding it tight with its jaws.\n\n2. The crocodile is pushing itself forward with its legs while leaning downwards.\n\n3. The crocodile is twisting its body and tail, maneuvering back towards the river.\n\n4. The crocodile is opening its mouth wide, displaying its teeth upwards.\n\n5. The crocodile is resting still, its body relaxed on the ground.", "32": null } }, "a36e8c79d8": { "airplane": { "3": null, "5": null, "7": null, "12": null }, "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "7": null, "12": null }, "hat": { "3": null, "5": null, "7": null, "12": null } }, "a378053b20": { "owl": { "5": "1. The owl is opening its mouth wide while keeping its eyes closed.\n2. The owl is standing upright, facing forward with its eyes open.", "12": null, "16": null, "25": null }, "hand": { "5": null, "12": null, "16": null, "25": null } }, "a37db3a2b3": { "duck": { "4": "1. The duck is stretching its neck forward, dipping its beak into the water.\n\n2. The duck is standing still while flapping its wings.\n\n3. The duck is gliding smoothly on the water, creating small ripples.", "7": null, "10": null, "12": "1. The duck is lowering its head and nibbling at the leaves on the ground.\n\n2. The duck is fluffing its feathers and shaking its body briskly.\n\n3. The duck is gliding smoothly across the water and paddling its feet." } }, "a38950ebc2": { "deer": { "7": null, "17": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "a39a0eb433": { "giant_panda": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "a39c9bca52": { "parrot": { "5": null, "12": null, "21": null, "32": null }, "hand": { "5": null, "12": null, "21": null, "32": null } }, "a3a945dc8c": { "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "a3b40a0c1e": { "monkey": { "5": "1. The monkey is reaching out and pulling leaves towards its mouth, while gripping the branch with one hand.\n\n2. The monkey is clinging to a branch with both hands, looking upward.", "10": null, "18": null, "25": null } }, "a3b8588550": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is gesturing with their hand towards the horse, appearing to communicate with the rider.\n\n2. The person is standing still while holding a basket with both hands.\n\n3. The person is clapping with both hands raised.", "5": "1. The person is standing with one hand touching the horse's neck.\n2. The person is holding a rectangular object with both hands and looking forward.\n3. The person is clapping hands above their head.", "9": "1. The person is walking forward, past the horse and rider. \n2. The person is standing still while holding a floral arrangement. \n3. The person is clapping their hands together.", "16": null } }, "a3c502bec3": { "rabbit": { "4": null, "14": null, "21": null, "27": null }, "others": { "4": null, "14": null, "21": null, "27": null } }, "a3f2878017": { "giant_panda": { "4": null, "15": null, "18": null, "27": null } }, "a3f4d58010": { "giant_panda": { "3": null, "12": null, "25": null, "33": null }, "person": { "3": null, "12": null, "25": null, "33": null } }, "a3f51855c3": { "fox": { "6": null, "11": null, "14": null, "20": null }, "dog": { "6": null, "11": null, "14": null, "20": null } }, "a4065a7eda": { "rabbit": { "9": null, "12": null, "22": null, "28": "1. The rabbit is sitting close to the plate while facing toward it.\n\n2. The rabbit is nudging a piece of lettuce with its nose.\n\n3. The rabbit is crouched down, leaning slightly forward and looking at the lettuce." } }, "a412bb2fef": { "lizard": { "2": null, "11": null, "19": null, "29": null } }, "a416b56b53": { "plant": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "umbrella": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "a41ec95906": { "sedan": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "13": null }, "person": { "2": "1. The person is raising one arm while stepping forward.\n\n2. The person is walking with arms at their sides, looking towards the vehicle.", "6": "1. The person is standing outside, touching the vehicle with one hand while looking straight ahead.\n2. The person inside the vehicle is sitting and looking out through the windshield.", "8": null, "13": null } }, "a43299e362": { "snake": { "8": null, "12": null, "19": null, "27": null } }, "a4757bd7af": { "horse": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "person": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "hat": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "a48c53c454": { "ape": { "9": null, "15": "1. The ape is sitting with its head tilted downward, appearing to be in a resting position.\n\n2. The ape is examining its hand closely, while leaning forward with focused attention.", "23": "1. The ape is sitting with its head bowed forward and its eyes looking downward.\n\n2. The ape is grasping an object with both hands while closely examining it.", "32": "1. The ape is sitting upright with arms folded across its chest, facing forward.\n\n2. The ape is using both hands to gesture towards the other ape while facing it directly." } }, "a49dcf9ad5": { "ape": { "2": "1. The ape is standing and looking forward while its body is slightly leaned.\n\n2. The ape is seated on the grass, facing towards the larger ape and holding something in its hands.", "9": "1. The ape is walking forward with its front arms supporting its movement on the ground.\n\n2. The ape is sitting on the grass, observing its surroundings with both arms resting by its sides.", "18": "1. The ape is walking forward with its body lowered and facing downward.\n\n2. The ape is sitting on the grass with its arm extended toward the ground.", "21": "1. The ape is walking forward on all fours, facing towards the tree.\n2. The ape is sitting on the grass, holding something with both hands." } }, "a4a506521f": { "parrot": { "4": null, "15": null, "23": null, "26": null } }, "a4ba7753d9": { "fox": { "3": null, "12": null, "23": null, "28": null } }, "a4bac06849": { "zebra": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "12": null } }, "a4f05d681c": { "sedan": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "12": null }, "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "a50c10060f": { "snake": { "3": null, "12": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "a50eb5a0ea": { "fox": { "6": null, "9": null, "15": null, "27": null }, "dog": { "6": null, "9": null, "15": null, "27": null } }, "a5122c6ec6": { "ape": { "7": null, "11": null, "19": "1. The ape is sitting and scratching its head with its right hand.\n\n2. The ape is holding its head with both hands while sitting upright.\n\n3. The ape is standing upright and leaning against a vertical surface.", "22": "1. The ape is sitting on the ground with one arm raised, appearing to scratch its head.\n\n2. The ape is standing with one hand gripping a metal bar while looking forward.\n\n3. The ape is partially hidden behind a structure, using its hands to hold onto the edge." } }, "a522b1aa79": { "bird": { "4": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "a590915345": { "turtle": { "3": null, "11": null, "20": null, "28": null } }, "a5b5b59139": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "8": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "person": { "2": null, "8": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "a5b77abe43": { "snake": { "7": null, "16": null, "23": null, "29": null } }, "a5c2b2c3e1": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "8": null, "12": null, "14": null }, "person": { "2": null, "8": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "a5cd17bb11": { "person": { "6": null, "13": null, "24": null, "32": "1. The person is airborne, rotating in a spin while gripping ski poles.\n\n3. The person is positioned with arms raised, likely observing or signaling." }, "snowboard": { "6": null, "13": null, "24": null, "32": null } }, "a5da03aef1": { "monkey": { "5": null, "10": null, "21": null, "28": null } }, "a5dd11de0d": { "person": { "6": "1. The person is extending their arms and legs outward while free-falling.\n2. The person is gripping the harness and stabilizing themselves mid-air.", "8": "1. The person is gripping tightly onto a harness while descending through the air. \n2. The person is extending their legs and spreading their arms outward during the fall.", "15": null, "22": null } }, "a5ea2b93b6": { "skateboard": { "7": null, "9": null, "14": null, "25": null }, "person": { "7": null, "9": null, "14": null, "25": null } }, "a5eaeac80b": { "surfboard": { "2": null, "15": null, "18": null, "29": null }, "person": { "2": null, "15": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "a5ec5b0265": { "shark": { "7": null, "12": null, "19": null, "26": "1. The shark is gliding smoothly alongside the seabed with slow tail movements. \n2. The shark is swimming steadily forward, heading toward the diver. \n3. The shark is ascending slightly upward with relaxed fin motions." }, "person": { "7": null, "12": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "a5f350a87e": { "ape": { "7": null, "12": null, "24": null, "32": null }, "person": { "7": null, "12": null, "24": null, "32": null } }, "a5f472caf4": { "plant": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "hand": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "a6027a53cf": { "leopard": { "6": null, "13": null, "19": null, "31": null }, "hand": { "6": null, "13": null, "19": null, "31": null } }, "a61715bb1b": { "parrot": { "6": null, "13": null, "25": null, "33": null } }, "a61cf4389d": { "lizard": { "6": null, "10": null, "16": null, "23": null } }, "a61d9bbd9b": { "giant_panda": { "5": null, "12": null, "20": null, "33": null } }, "a6470dbbf5": { "eagle": { "5": null, "9": null, "15": null, "27": null } }, "a64a40f3eb": { "person": { "4": "1. The person is standing upright with arms at their sides, observing the scene.\n\n2. The person is facing a motorcycle, bending slightly forward with hands near their pockets.", "5": "1. The person is gesturing with their right hand while standing and facing toward another person.\n2. The person is standing still with hands in their pockets, facing toward the left.", "9": null, "11": null } }, "a653d5c23b": { "skateboard": { "7": null, "14": null, "24": null, "27": null }, "person": { "7": null, "14": null, "24": null, "27": null } }, "a65bd23cb5": { "ape": { "6": null, "13": null, "19": null, "21": null } }, "a66e0b7ad4": { "frog": { "6": "1. The frog is stretching its legs backward and pushing against the pebbles beneath it.\n\n2. The frog is extending its front legs and nudging a nearby object with its snout.", "11": "1. The frog is lying still on the pebbles with its limbs spread out.\n\n2. The frog is climbing the plants with its front legs gripping the stems.", "18": "1. The frog is pushing its hind legs against the ground and extending forward.\n2. The frog is extending its legs upward and leaning towards a plant.", "30": null } }, "a66fc5053c": { "cow": { "2": "1. The cow is walking steadily across the road, its tail gently swinging.\n\n2. The cow is standing still, its head lowered towards the ground as if grazing.\n\n3. The cow is facing forward with its head slightly tilted to the side.", "6": "1. The cow is striding forward across the path, swinging its tail rhythmically as it moves.\n\n2. The cow is standing still, its head slightly turned towards the other cows, watching intently.\n\n3. The cow is walking slowly towards the camera with its head lowered and ears perked up.", "10": null, "15": null } }, "a68259572b": { "person": { "6": null, "11": null, "23": null, "31": null }, "others": { "6": null, "11": null, "23": null, "31": null } }, "a6a810a92c": { "tiger": { "3": null, "11": null, "14": null, "24": "1. The tiger is standing upright on its hind legs with its front paws raised above its head.\n2. The tiger is standing on its hind legs with its front paws reaching towards the other tiger." } }, "a6bc36937f": { "sedan": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "a6c3a374e9": { "turtle": { "9": null, "11": null, "23": null, "28": null } }, "a6d8a4228d": { "surfboard": { "7": null, "12": null, "18": null, "32": null }, "person": { "7": null, "12": "1. The person is lying on a surfboard in the water, facing the beach.\n\n4. The person is leaning forward on a surfboard, paddling with their hands.", "18": "1. The person is lying on a surfboard, extending an arm forward while paddling through the water.\n\n4. The person is leaning forward on a surfboard, using their arms to paddle.", "32": null } }, "a6f4e0817f": { "deer": { "9": null, "15": null, "21": null, "33": "1. The deer is facing downwards, nudging another deer's side with its head. \n2. A deer is standing close beside another, facing forward without any significant motion. \n3. This deer is lifting its head towards the others, showing an active stance. \n4. The deer is walking towards the left, moving with noticeable steps. \n5. The deer is lowering its head towards another deer's back, appearing to sniff or nuzzle it." } }, "a71e0481f5": { "giant_panda": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "a7203deb2d": { "giant_panda": { "5": null, "8": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "a7392d4438": { "lizard": { "6": null, "12": null, "18": null, "24": null } }, "a73d3c3902": { "parachute": { "3": null, "17": null, "25": null, "26": null } }, "a7491f1578": { "sheep": { "7": null, "10": null, "15": "1. The sheep is bending down to graze on the grass.\n\n2. The sheep is nudging another with its head.\n\n3. The sheep is standing still, looking forward.\n\n4. The sheep is stepping forward with its front legs extended.", "22": null } }, "a74b9ca19c": { "fish": { "2": null, "17": null, "24": null, "30": null } }, "a77b7a91df": { "giant_panda": { "6": null, "10": null, "18": null, "22": null } }, "a78195a5f5": { "sheep": { "7": "1. The sheep is nudging forward into the flock, lowering its head slightly as it moves.\n2. The sheep is standing still, facing the flock, with its head turned slightly to the side.", "10": null, "18": null, "20": null } }, "a78758d4ce": { "parrot": { "7": null, "15": null, "22": null, "26": null } }, "a7e6d6c29a": { "plant": { "2": null, "9": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "a800d85e88": { "train": { "2": null, "3": null, "4": null, "7": null }, "sedan": { "2": null, "3": null, "4": null, "7": null } }, "a832fa8790": { "fish": { "5": null, "14": null, "23": null, "31": null } }, "a83d06410d": { "fox": { "2": null, "9": null, "19": null, "27": "1. The fox is crouching while extending its right paw forward.\n2. The fox is lying down with its head raised, sniffing the grass.\n3. The fox is lying on its side with all four legs pointing outward.\n4. The fox is standing with its back arched, facing the ground." } }, "a8999af004": { "ape": { "4": "1. The ape is sitting and facing downward while looking intently at the grass.\n\n2. The ape is crouching and looking straight ahead with a focused gaze.", "12": null, "20": "1. The ape is sitting on the ground with its head slightly turned to the side and appears to be touching a dog's nose with its face.\n\n2. The ape is walking on all fours with its back facing the viewer.", "28": null }, "dog": { "4": null, "12": null, "20": null, "28": null } }, "a8f78125b9": { "tennis_racket": { "8": null, "17": null, "25": null, "27": null }, "person": { "8": null, "17": null, "25": null, "27": null } }, "a907b18df1": { "frog": { "5": null, "11": null, "16": null, "25": null } }, "a919392446": { "parachute": { "5": null, "13": null, "14": null, "22": null }, "person": { "5": null, "13": null, "14": null, "22": null } }, "a965504e88": { "person": { "3": null, "9": null, "12": null, "14": null }, "lizard": { "3": null, "9": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "a96b84b8d2": { "hand": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "a973f239cd": { "bear": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": null }, "others": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": null }, "hand": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "a977126596": { "rabbit": { "4": null, "17": null, "23": null, "30": null } }, "a9804f2a08": { "snake": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "15": null }, "dog": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "a984e56893": { "parrot": { "2": null, "7": null, "11": null, "14": null }, "plant": { "2": null, "7": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "a99738f24c": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is standing and holding a paddle vertically with one hand.\n\n2. The person is leaning forward and reaching out with one hand toward a seated rower.\n\n3. The person is sitting in the boat and holding a paddle in both hands, facing forward.", "7": "1. The person is walking forward while holding a paddle in one hand.\n\n2. The person is stepping onto the platform while reaching toward the boat.\n\n3. The person is gesturing with one arm raised, directing attention towards the boat.", "8": null, "16": null } }, "a99bdd0079": { "rabbit": { "3": null, "8": null, "19": null, "24": null } }, "a9c9c1517e": { "sheep": { "3": "1. The sheep is walking forward with its head slightly lowered. \n2. The sheep is standing still with a slight bend in its front legs. \n3. The sheep is turning its head to the left while standing. \n4. The sheep is grazing by lowering its head towards the ground.", "4": null, "7": null, "8": null } }, "a9cbf9c41b": { "camel": { "2": null, "12": null, "17": null, "26": null } }, "a9e42e3c0c": { "lizard": { "3": null, "10": null, "19": null, "25": null } }, "aa07b7c1c0": { "turtle": { "4": null, "10": null, "21": null, "33": null } }, "aa175e5ec7": { "sheep": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "aa1a338630": { "person": { "2": null, "8": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "hat": { "2": null, "8": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "aa27d7b868": { "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "hat": { "3": null, "6": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "aa45f1caaf": { "dog": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "aa49e46432": { "sedan": { "4": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "aa51934e1b": { "fish": { "8": null, "15": null, "18": null, "32": "1. The fish is gliding smoothly to the left, its fins rippling gently as it moves.\n\n2. The fish is hovering in place, opening and closing its mouth rhythmically." } }, "aa6287bb6c": { "sedan": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "sign": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "bus": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "aa6d999971": { "skateboard": { "5": null, "15": null, "22": null, "28": null }, "person": { "5": null, "15": null, "22": null, "28": null } }, "aa85278334": { "train": { "5": null, "6": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "person": { "5": null, "6": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "sign": { "5": null, "6": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "aab33f0e2a": { "ape": { "6": null, "16": "1. The ape is sitting and holding food close to its mouth while appearing to eat.\n2. The ape is upright and looking up toward the other ape.", "18": null, "27": null } }, "aaba004362": { "parrot": { "9": "1. The parrot is perched while turning its head to the side.\n2. The parrot is standing upright and opening its beak.", "11": "1. The parrot is turning its head slightly to the side while standing on the wire surface.\n\n2. The parrot is leaning forward with its beak slightly open as if vocalizing.", "24": null, "33": null } }, "aade4cf385": { "duck": { "5": null, "13": "1. The duck is climbing out of the water with its body tilted forward.\n2. The duck is flapping its wings vigorously while remaining in the water.\n3. The duck is swimming forward with its head above the water.", "24": "1. The duck is climbing over a fellow duck, pushing its body upward with its wings slightly extended.\n\n2. The duck is dipping its head into the water, creating small ripples around its beak.\n\n3. The duck is flapping its wings vigorously while treading water.", "28": null } }, "aae78feda4": { "bird": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "aaed233bf3": { "parrot": { "4": null, "11": null, "20": null, "28": null }, "hand": { "4": null, "11": null, "20": null, "28": null } }, "aaff16c2db": { "tiger": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "ab199e8dfb": { "motorbike": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "hat": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "ab23b78715": { "duck": { "2": null, "8": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "ab2e1b5577": { "earless_seal": { "9": "1. The earless seal is raising its head and chest, appearing to bellow vocally.\n\n2. The earless seal is lying prone, extending its head forward while sniffing the air.\n\n3. The earless seal is arching its neck upward, turning its head to the side.", "13": "1. The earless seal is raising its head upwards and stretching its body.\n\n2. The earless seal is moving forward, propelling itself with its flippers.\n\n3. The earless seal is turning its head to the side while sitting still.", "22": null, "30": "1. The earless seal is arching its body upward while lifting its head with an open mouth. \n2. The earless seal is resting its head on the rock, turning slightly towards another seal. \n3. The earless seal is raising its head and facing another seal directly." } }, "ab33a18ded": { "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "bucket": { "2": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "ab45078265": { "monkey": { "7": null, "14": null, "18": null, "32": null } }, "ab56201494": { "mouse": { "4": null, "11": null, "24": null, "31": null } }, "ab90f0d24b": { "frog": { "6": null, "16": null, "20": null, "30": null } }, "abab2e6c20": { "tennis_racket": { "2": null, "10": null, "20": null, "27": null }, "person": { "2": null, "10": null, "20": null, "27": null } }, "abb50c8697": { "duck": { "3": null, "7": null, "8": null, "11": "1. The duck is swimming forward while surrounded by fish in the water.\n\n2. The duck is gliding calmly on the water, holding its head up." } }, "abbe2d15a0": { "ape": { "7": null, "16": "1. The ape is lying on its back and raising a foot in the air.\n\n2. The ape is reaching forward with its arm, touching another ape's side.\n\n3. The ape is sitting upright, looking toward the apes on the ground.\n\n4. The ape is holding onto the arm of the ape beside it while resting on the ground.", "19": null, "27": null } }, "abbe73cd21": { "lizard": { "4": null, "13": null, "14": null, "22": null } }, "abe61a11bb": { "person": { "6": null, "16": null, "23": null, "30": null } }, "abeae8ce21": { "leopard": { "6": null, "10": null, "19": null, "25": null } }, "ac2b431d5f": { "fish": { "5": "1. The fish is gliding forward with its fins fully extended. \n2. The fish is swimming steadily while gently undulating its body. \n3. The fish is darting to the left, abruptly changing direction.", "13": null, "17": null, "23": null } }, "ac2cb1b9eb": { "surfboard": { "6": null, "9": null, "19": null, "20": null }, "person": { "6": null, "9": null, "19": null, "20": null } }, "ac31fcd6d0": { "sedan": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "11": null }, "sign": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "ac3d3a126d": { "giant_panda": { "2": null, "12": null, "23": null, "30": null } }, "ac46bd8087": { "skateboard": { "6": null, "14": null, "25": null, "29": null }, "person": { "6": null, "14": null, "25": null, "29": null } }, "ac783ef388": { "hedgehog": { "2": null, "14": null, "19": null, "31": null }, "person": { "2": null, "14": null, "19": null, "31": null } }, "acb73e4297": { "rabbit": { "3": null, "13": null, "19": null, "27": null } }, "acbf581760": { "parachute": { "2": null, "13": null, "18": null, "23": null }, "person": { "2": "1. The person is free-falling with an open mouth and arms extended outward.\n2. The person is skydiving with arms out and maintaining a close position behind another person.", "13": null, "18": "1. The person is skydiving with arms spread wide and mouth open in excitement.\n2. The person is skydiving with arms extended forward and supporting another person from behind.", "23": "1. The person is skydiving with an open mouth, holding arms outstretched horizontally.\n2. The person is skydiving closely behind another person, with arms extended and maintaining a steady position." } }, "accafc3531": { "truck": { "4": null, "6": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "acf2c4b745": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "8": null, "11": null, "14": null }, "person": { "4": null, "8": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "acf44293a2": { "cat": { "3": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "hand": { "3": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "acf736a27b": { "parrot": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "acff336758": { "fox": { "5": null, "12": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "ad1fe56886": { "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "ad28f9b9d9": { "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "10": "1. The person is standing with their back turned, facing another person while gesturing with their hands.\n\n2. The person is facing forward with arms slightly bent and appears to be talking to another person.\n\n3. The person is leaning forward, reaching towards a surface or object with their hands.", "13": null } }, "ad2de9f80e": { "frog": { "2": null, "15": null, "18": null, "33": null } }, "ad397527b2": { "bear": { "3": null, "7": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "ad3d1cfbcb": { "truck": { "2": null, "7": null, "9": null, "12": null }, "sedan": { "2": null, "7": null, "9": null, "12": null } }, "ad3fada9d9": { "snail": { "5": null, "16": null, "23": null, "26": null } }, "ad4108ee8e": { "cow": { "5": null, "15": null, "24": null, "26": null }, "person": { "5": null, "15": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "ad54468654": { "bear": { "2": null, "5": null, "7": null, "10": null }, "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "7": null, "10": null } }, "ad573f7d31": { "cat": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "hand": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "ad6255bc29": { "surfboard": { "6": null, "17": null, "23": null, "30": null }, "person": { "6": null, "17": null, "23": null, "30": null } }, "ad65ebaa07": { "giant_panda": { "7": null, "13": null, "16": null, "26": null } }, "ad97cc064a": { "plant": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "person": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "adabbd1cc4": { "snake": { "8": null, "14": null, "23": null, "32": null } }, "adb0b5a270": { "ape": { "7": null, "14": null, "25": null, "27": null } }, "adc648f890": { "monkey": { "3": null, "12": null, "18": "1. The monkey is crouching and reaching forward with one arm extended toward the ground. \n2. The monkey is bending its head down while bringing a paw close to its mouth.", "23": "1. The monkey is lying on the ground while stretching its limbs outward. \n2. The monkey is walking forward with its head lowered, focusing on the ground ahead." } }, "add21ee467": { "rabbit": { "9": null, "12": null, "20": null, "26": null } }, "adfd15ceef": { "rabbit": { "8": null, "14": null, "23": null, "28": null } }, "adfdd52eac": { "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "dog": { "2": "1. The dog is energetically moving forward with its head lowered and tail raised.\n\n2. The dog is stepping forward, lifting its front paw, and focusing on the other dog.", "7": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "ae01cdab63": { "monkey": { "6": null, "12": null, "18": null, "33": null } }, "ae0b50ff4f": { "hand": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "ae13ee3d70": { "snail": { "2": null, "14": null, "22": null, "29": null } }, "ae1bcbd423": { "shark": { "7": null, "11": null, "19": null, "27": null }, "person": { "7": null, "11": null, "19": null, "27": null } }, "ae20d09dea": { "ape": { "3": "1. The ape is lying on the ground while looking forward with its head resting on its arms.\n2. The ape is observing closely with a steady gaze, leaning forward slightly.", "15": "1. The ape is lying down on a bed of straw, facing forward and resting its head.\n\n2. The ape is sitting upright, inspecting its surroundings with a partially open mouth.", "18": "1. The ape is lying on the ground, resting its head on a surface while facing forward.\n\n2. The ape is leaning forward and observing the younger ape closely with its hand resting nearby.", "28": null } }, "ae2cecf5f6": { "cow": { "2": null, "5": null, "6": null, "8": null } }, "ae3bc4a0ef": { "parrot": { "5": null, "16": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "ae499c7514": { "truck": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "11": null }, "sedan": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "ae628f2cd4": { "leopard": { "6": null, "8": null, "19": null, "24": null } }, "ae8545d581": { "bike": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "14": null }, "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "ae93214fe6": { "parrot": { "6": null, "8": null, "18": null, "22": null } }, "aeba9ac967": { "giant_panda": { "3": null, "12": null, "22": null, "29": null } }, "aebb242b5c": { "lizard": { "7": null, "12": null, "15": null, "27": null } }, "aed4e0b4c4": { "bear": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "aedd71f125": { "crocodile": { "3": null, "10": null, "23": null, "31": null } }, "aef3e2cb0e": { "skateboard": { "7": null, "16": null, "20": null, "29": null }, "person": { "7": null, "16": null, "20": null, "29": null } }, "af0b54cee3": { "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "umbrella": { "5": null, "9": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "sign": { "5": null, "9": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "af3de54c7a": { "eagle": { "8": null, "13": null, "22": null, "30": null } }, "af5fd24a36": { "lizard": { "5": null, "9": null, "18": null, "24": null } }, "af8826d084": { "horse": { "3": null, "5": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "person": { "3": "1. The person is riding a horse, guiding it up a rocky incline, while holding the reins steadily.\n\n3. The person is riding a horse through the water, maintaining balance as the horse advances.", "5": "1. The person is riding a dark horse and gripping the reins as the horse moves through shallow water. \n3. The person is mounted on a white horse, guiding it through the water while holding the reins.", "10": null, "15": "1. The person is riding a horse on rocky terrain, guiding it steadily forward. \n3. The person is riding a horse through shallow water, maintaining balance while holding the reins." } }, "af8ad72057": { "person": { "6": null, "16": null, "18": null, "32": null }, "snowboard": { "6": null, "16": null, "18": null, "32": null } }, "afb71e22c5": { "duck": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "11": "1. The duck is swimming forward with its head slightly submerged in the water.\n\n2. The duck is diving into the water with only its tail visible above the surface.\n\n3. The duck is paddling smoothly with its head held above the water." } }, "afcb331e1f": { "train": { "4": null, "8": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "afe1a35c1e": { "fox": { "6": "1. The fox is standing alert, with its head raised and ears perked up, as if observing its surroundings.\n\n2. The fox is crouched low to the ground, front legs bent, and appears to be ready to pounce forward.\n\n3. The fox is lying on its side, with legs extended in a relaxed posture.", "13": "1. The fox is walking forward with its head slightly turned to the side.\n2. The fox is crouching low to the ground, appearing to observe something closely.\n3. The fox is lying down with its head raised, watching the other foxes intently.", "14": null, "21": null } }, "b01080b5d3": { "owl": { "2": null, "17": null, "22": null, "31": null } }, "b05ad0d345": { "boat": { "4": null, "7": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "hand": { "4": null, "7": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "paddle": { "4": null, "7": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "b0623a6232": { "sedan": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "b064dbd4b7": { "person": { "3": "1. The person is running swiftly along a path with arms bent and focused forward.\n\n2. The person is leaning forward holding an umbrella over their head.", "6": null, "12": null, "14": null }, "umbrella": { "3": null, "6": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "b06ed37831": { "person": { "3": null, "9": null, "11": null, "14": null }, "paddle": { "3": null, "9": null, "11": null, "14": null }, "hat": { "3": null, "9": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "b06f5888e6": { "bear": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": "1. The bear is moving through the water, with its head above the surface and its body partially submerged.\n\n2. The bear is seated with its back turned, facing away and appearing to lean slightly into the water.", "11": null } }, "b08dcc490e": { "dog": { "2": "1. The dog is trotting forward with its head lowered towards another dog.\n2. The dog is paddling through the water, creating ripples around it.\n3. The dog is turning its body while splashing water with its tail.", "5": "1. The dog is standing near the pool edge, with its attention focused forward, as if observing another dog.\n\n2. The dog is actively swimming towards the pool edge, using its front legs to paddle through the water.\n\n3. The dog is wading in the water with its body partially submerged, looking towards the poolside.", "9": "1. The dog is leaning over the edge with its front paws extended, appearing ready to jump into the pool.\n\n2. The dog is climbing out of the pool, with its front legs on the edge and its body partially out of the water.\n\n3. The dog is standing in the water, facing away and holding its head above the surface.", "14": "1. The dog is standing still and facing the pool's edge, observing the water.\n\n2. The dog is actively jumping into the pool while extending its front legs.\n\n3. The dog is wading in the water, creating splashes with its front paws." } }, "b0a68228dc": { "elephant": { "3": null, "7": null, "8": null, "12": null }, "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "b0aece727f": { "skateboard": { "7": null, "8": null, "15": null, "20": null }, "person": { "7": null, "8": null, "15": null, "20": null } }, "b0b0731606": { "cow": { "5": null, "8": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "b0c7f11f9f": { "raccoon": { "5": "1. The raccoon is leaning forward and sniffing at the ground, its nose close to the dirt.\n\n2. The raccoon is nudging the fence with its nose, pushing against it with curiosity.", "12": "1. The raccoon is sniffing the ground while moving along a wooden barrier.\n\n2. The raccoon is peering through a fence gap and extending its head forward.", "23": "1. The raccoon is lowering its head and sniffing the ground as it moves forward.\n2. The raccoon is peeking under the fence, pressing its nose slightly against it.", "33": null } }, "b0cca8b830": { "skateboard": { "7": null, "13": null, "23": null, "28": null }, "person": { "7": null, "13": null, "23": null, "28": null } }, "b0dd580a89": { "owl": { "5": null, "13": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "b0de66ca08": { "mouse": { "7": "1. The mouse is lying on its back with its paws raised, appearing relaxed.\n\n2. The mouse is burrowing its head into the bedding material.\n\n3. The mouse is standing upright, facing forward, and sniffing the air.", "10": "1. The mouse is lying on its back with paws up, showing a relaxed posture.\n\n2. The mouse is climbing over the bedding while facing forward with its tail extended.\n\n3. The mouse is approaching and sniffing the metal object with its head lowered.", "20": "1. The mouse is lying on its back, stretching its legs outward.\n\n2. The mouse is nibbling on a leaf, pulling it closer with its paws.\n\n3. The mouse is turning its head towards the left, appearing alert.", "29": "1. The mouse is lying on its back with its paws raised, appearing relaxed and inactive.\n\n2. The mouse is leaning forward, grasping a green object with its mouth.\n\n3. The mouse is moving forward with its head lowered, appearing to sniff the ground." } }, "b0df7c5c5c": { "snail": { "4": null, "8": null, "11": null, "15": null }, "dog": { "4": null, "8": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "b0f5295608": { "bird": { "3": "1. The bird is perched on top of a structure with its body facing forward.\n2. The bird is reaching inside the cage with its head lowered as if inspecting the contents.", "9": null, "11": null, "15": "1. The bird is pecking persistently at the top of the structure.\n3. The bird is hopping along the edge of the structure while flapping its wings." } }, "b11099eb09": { "giant_panda": { "8": null, "17": null, "19": null, "30": null } }, "b132a53086": { "snake": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "b1399fac64": { "penguin": { "2": "1. The penguin is standing upright and facing the human, showing its back and flippers slightly lifted.\n2. The penguin is sitting on the ground with its back towards the camera, tilting its head upwards.", "13": null, "21": null, "32": null } }, "b13abc0c69": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is holding a long pole with both hands and appears to be pushing or steering it.\n\n2. The person is holding a camera with both hands and looking through the viewfinder, possibly taking a picture.", "7": "1. The person is holding onto an oar and pushing it through the water.\n2. The person is holding a camera and aiming it forward, possibly taking a picture.", "12": null, "16": "1. The person is standing in a boat and vigorously rowing with both hands.\n\n2. The person is seated in the boat, holding onto the side while looking outward." } }, "b1457e3b5e": { "hedgehog": { "3": null, "12": null, "19": null, "27": "1. The hedgehog is sniffing the ground while moving forward slowly.\n2. The hedgehog is curled up and remains stationary on the gravel." } }, "b15bf4453b": { "sedan": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "14": null }, "bus": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "14": null } }, "b179c4a82d": { "zebra": { "2": null, "9": null, "13": "1. The zebra is sitting down with its legs folded beneath its body.\n2. The zebra is standing upright while facing forward.", "15": null } }, "b17ee70e8c": { "surfboard": { "2": null, "12": null, "18": null, "29": null }, "person": { "2": null, "12": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "b190b1aa65": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "9": null, "11": null, "16": null }, "person": { "4": null, "9": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "b19b3e22c0": { "parrot": { "3": null, "12": null, "16": null, "30": null }, "hand": { "3": null, "12": null, "16": null, "30": null } }, "b19c561fab": { "deer": { "3": null, "10": null, "20": null, "26": null } }, "b1d1cd2e6e": { "giant_panda": { "3": null, "7": "1. The giant panda is lying on its back while holding bamboo with its paws and biting it.\n\n2. The giant panda is leaning over, grasping bamboo with its mouth facing the first panda.\n\n3. The giant panda is sitting while chewing on bamboo and pressing it against its body.", "9": "1. The giant panda is lying on its back, holding bamboo with its front paws and bringing it to its mouth.\n2. The giant panda is crouched down, facing the giant panda on its back and reaching towards it.\n3. The giant panda is grasping bamboo with both paws while sitting upright.", "11": "1. The giant_panda is lying on its back while holding a bunch of bamboo with both paws and chewing on it.\n\n2. The giant_panda is crouched down, facing the other panda, and appears to be nibbling on some bamboo.\n\n3. The giant_panda is sitting upright and grasping a handful of bamboo with its paw, bringing it towards its mouth." } }, "b1d7c03927": { "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "13": null }, "dog": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "b1d7fe2753": { "parrot": { "4": null, "14": null, "22": null, "30": null } }, "b1f540a4bd": { "giraffe": { "2": null, "8": null, "10": null, "16": "1. The giraffe is extending its neck forward, appearing to investigate the area in front of it.\n\n2. The giraffe is turning its head slightly to the side while keeping its body still." } }, "b1fc9c64e1": { "cat": { "5": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "squirrel": { "5": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "b1fcbb3ced": { "person": { "6": null, "11": null, "24": null, "29": null } }, "b220939e93": { "duck": { "2": null, "6": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "b22099b419": { "parrot": { "5": null, "15": null, "19": null, "26": null }, "hand": { "5": null, "15": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "b241e95235": { "bear": { "4": null, "8": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "b2432ae86d": { "fish": { "9": null, "13": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "b2456267df": { "skateboard": { "7": null, "15": null, "25": null, "32": null }, "person": { "7": null, "15": null, "25": null, "32": null } }, "b247940d01": { "rabbit": { "2": null, "9": null, "15": null, "26": null } }, "b24af1c35c": { "monkey": { "6": null, "13": null, "18": null, "31": null } }, "b24f600420": { "giant_panda": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "b24fe36b2a": { "surfboard": { "2": null, "12": null, "15": null, "27": null }, "person": { "2": null, "12": null, "15": null, "27": null } }, "b258fb0b7d": { "earless_seal": { "2": null, "16": null, "24": null, "32": null } }, "b26b219919": { "motorbike": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "16": null } }, "b26d9904de": { "horse": { "2": null, "9": null, "12": null, "16": null }, "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "12": null, "16": null }, "hat": { "2": null, "9": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "b274456ce1": { "giant_panda": { "9": null, "14": null, "22": null, "30": null } }, "b27b28d581": { "truck": { "2": null, "5": null, "6": null, "10": null }, "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "6": null, "10": null }, "bus": { "2": null, "5": null, "6": null, "10": null } }, "b2a26bc912": { "snake": { "8": null, "9": null, "22": null, "29": null } }, "b2a9c51e1b": { "giant_panda": { "8": null, "11": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "b2b0baf470": { "fox": { "7": null, "13": null, "20": null, "25": null }, "hand": { "7": null, "13": null, "20": null, "25": null } }, "b2b2756fe7": { "zebra": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "b2ce7699e3": { "fish": { "2": null, "15": "1. The fish is darting forward with swift tail movements, creating ripples in the water. \n2. The fish is gliding smoothly, rotating its body slightly to change direction.", "21": null, "27": null } }, "b2edc76bd2": { "monkey": { "7": null, "12": null, "16": null, "25": null } }, "b2f6b52100": { "giant_panda": { "8": null, "11": null, "19": null, "32": null }, "person": { "8": null, "11": null, "19": null, "32": null } }, "b30bf47bcd": { "person": { "3": null, "14": null, "23": null, "31": null }, "snowboard": { "3": null, "14": null, "23": null, "31": null } }, "b34105a4e9": { "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "b372a82edf": { "rabbit": { "5": null, "9": null, "14": null, "23": null } }, "b3779a1962": { "cow": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "b37a1d69e3": { "shark": { "4": null, "8": null, "14": null, "22": null } }, "b37c01396e": { "fox": { "4": null, "16": null, "18": null, "27": null } }, "b382b09e25": { "lizard": { "2": null, "10": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "b3996e4ba5": { "ape": { "6": "1. The ape is sitting upright and holding onto bars with both hands, facing forward.\n\n2. The ape is crouched low, gripping the bars with its left hand and looking downward.", "10": null, "23": null, "32": "1. The ape is sitting upright and gently rocking back and forth.\n\n2. The ape is reaching through the bars and pulling them inward." } }, "b3d9ca2aee": { "leopard": { "6": null, "16": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "b3dde1e1e9": { "lizard": { "8": null, "17": null, "21": null, "32": null } }, "b3eb7f05eb": { "bird": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "b40b25055c": { "fox": { "2": null, "7": null, "9": null, "14": null }, "cat": { "2": null, "7": null, "9": null, "14": null } }, "b41e0f1f19": { "horse": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "16": null }, "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "16": null } }, "b44e32a42b": { "giraffe": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "16": null }, "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "16": null } }, "b4807569a5": { "truck": { "3": null, "7": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "b48efceb3e": { "deer": { "4": null, "12": null, "16": null, "23": null } }, "b493c25c7f": { "monkey": { "9": null, "13": null, "18": null, "31": null } }, "b4b565aba1": { "fox": { "4": null, "8": null, "19": null, "20": null } }, "b4b715a15b": { "ape": { "5": null, "17": "1. The ape is bending forward and reaching toward the ground with its hands. \n2. The ape is crouching and looking ahead while leaning slightly forward.", "19": null, "26": null } }, "b4d0c90bf4": { "giraffe": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "16": null } }, "b4d84bc371": { "sheep": { "4": null, "16": null, "25": null, "33": null } }, "b4e5ad97aa": { "skateboard": { "7": null, "15": null, "21": null, "31": null }, "person": { "7": null, "15": null, "21": null, "31": null } }, "b4eaea9e6b": { "skateboard": { "7": null, "12": null, "14": null, "22": null }, "person": { "7": null, "12": null, "14": null, "22": null } }, "b50f4b90d5": { "leopard": { "7": null, "14": null, "25": null, "26": null } }, "b53f675641": { "person": { "7": null, "12": null, "14": null, "23": null } }, "b54278cd43": { "tiger": { "6": null, "10": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "b554843889": { "person": { "6": null, "10": null, "17": null, "22": null } }, "b573c0677a": { "lizard": { "5": null, "10": null, "23": null, "32": null } }, "b58d853734": { "tiger": { "6": null, "14": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "b5943b18ab": { "dolphin": { "4": null, "11": null, "24": null, "28": null } }, "b5a09a83f3": { "giraffe": { "3": null, "4": "1. The giraffe is walking forward with its neck extended.\n\n2. The giraffe is standing still, looking towards the horizon.", "6": null, "11": "1. The giraffe is walking with a forward stride, its head facing the brush.\n2. The giraffe is standing still with its head raised and looking straight ahead." } }, "b5aae1fe25": { "bird": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "b5b9da5364": { "cat": { "4": null, "8": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "b5eb64d419": { "truck": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "14": null } }, "b5ebb1d000": { "horse": { "2": null, "7": "1. The horse is standing still with ears perked forward, showing alertness.\n\n2. The horse is lowering its head, actively grazing on the grass.\n\n3. The horse is bending its neck downward, nibbling at the vegetation.\n\n4. The horse is walking forward with its head down, searching for food.", "12": null, "14": "1. The horse is standing still with its head facing forward, seemingly observing the surroundings.\n\n2. The horse is lowering its head and grazing, moving its jaw as it chews on the grass.\n\n3. The horse is bending its neck down and nibbling on the grass.\n\n4. The horse is standing close to the other horse while looking towards the ground." } }, "b5f1c0c96a": { "train": { "5": null, "6": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "b5f7fece90": { "rabbit": { "9": null, "12": null, "21": null, "30": null } }, "b6070de1bb": { "ape": { "2": null, "14": null, "24": null, "28": null } }, "b60a76fe73": { "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "12": null }, "dog": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "b61f998772": { "hand": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "motorbike": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "b62c943664": { "truck": { "3": null, "7": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "b63094ba0c": { "leopard": { "5": null, "10": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "b64fca8100": { "person": { "4": "1. The person is standing near a metal barrier, resting a hand on it.\n\n2. The person is driving a bus, gripping the steering wheel with both hands.", "6": null, "12": "1. The person is adjusting the metal fence with both hands.\n\n2. The person is sitting in the bus driver's seat, gripping the steering wheel.", "15": null }, "bus": { "4": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "b673e7dcfb": { "giraffe": { "3": null, "8": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "b678b7db00": { "skateboard": { "9": null, "16": null, "21": null, "27": null }, "person": { "9": null, "16": null, "21": "1. The person is walking forward with arms slightly raised, appearing to approach someone.\n\n3. The person is bending forward with knees bent, appearing to prepare for motion.", "27": "1. The person is bending down while gripping a skateboard with one hand.\n\n3. The person is riding a skateboard down a ramp with arms slightly bent." } }, "b68fc1b217": { "frog": { "7": null, "13": null, "23": null, "32": null } }, "b69926d9fa": { "train": { "2": null, "6": null, "13": null, "16": null }, "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "b6a1df3764": { "frog": { "4": null, "12": null, "21": null, "28": null } }, "b6a4859528": { "person": { "5": "1. The person has one hand on their hip and is observing the scene ahead.\n2. The person is standing still with hands in pockets, looking towards the right.\n3. The person is bending forward, examining the branches of the bonsai tree.\n4. The person is holding a camera with both hands, ready to capture a photo.", "7": null, "12": null, "15": "1. The person is standing with hands on hips, observing the tree.\n2. The person is looking forward, appearing to listen attentively.\n3. The person is reaching forward with one hand, interacting with the tree.\n4. The person is standing with arms relaxed, looking at the person reaching for the tree." } }, "b6b4738b78": { "person": { "4": "1. The person is reaching out with both hands towards another person while kneeling.\n2. The person is standing upright, facing forward, and holding an object in their left hand.", "7": "1. The person is sitting and reaching out with both hands towards the other individual.\n\n2. The person is standing upright and looking forward with a slight tilt of the head.", "10": "1. The person is seated and reaching forward to adjust the clothing of another person in front.\n2. The person is standing and looking down while having their clothing adjusted by another person.", "14": "1. The person is seated and extending both arms forward, appearing to reach for or offer something.\n2. The person is standing upright and grasping a piece of clothing with one hand while facing forward." }, "bucket": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "b6b4f847b7": { "camel": { "3": null, "13": null, "15": null, "23": null } }, "b6b8d502d4": { "parrot": { "7": "1. The parrot is pecking at an object on the floor with its beak.\n\n2. The parrot is inspecting a shoe by nudging it with its beak.", "9": "1. The parrot is facing another parrot while leaning slightly forward.\n\n2. The parrot is pecking at an object in front of it with its beak.", "15": "1. The parrot is leaning forward and appearing to be ready to nibble or inspect something closely. \n2. The parrot is facing another bird, seemingly engaging in pecking or nudging interaction. \n3. The parrot is crouching with its head lowered towards a shoe, possibly inspecting or pecking at it.", "25": "1. The parrot is leaning forward and nipping at a surface with its beak.\n\n2. The parrot is gripping a small object with its feet while tilting its head downward.\n\n3. The parrot is extending its beak and pecking at an object in front of it." } }, "b6bb00e366": { "fish": { "4": null, "13": null, "24": null, "32": null } }, "b6d65a9eef": { "owl": { "2": null, "10": null, "18": null, "28": null } }, "b6d79a0845": { "frisbee": { "7": null, "11": null, "18": null, "26": null }, "person": { "7": null, "11": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "b6e9ec577f": { "cow": { "3": null, "5": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "horse": { "3": null, "5": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "b6ec609f7b": { "frog": { "5": null, "15": null, "21": null, "29": null } }, "b6f92a308d": { "eagle": { "6": null, "10": null, "21": null, "30": null } }, "b70a5a0d50": { "tennis_racket": { "4": null, "17": null, "22": null, "33": null }, "person": { "4": null, "17": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "b70c052f2f": { "sheep": { "6": null, "10": null, "18": null, "22": null } }, "b70d231781": { "train": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "b72ac6e10b": { "frisbee": { "8": null, "15": null, "21": null, "32": null }, "person": { "8": null, "15": null, "21": null, "32": null }, "dog": { "8": null, "15": null, "21": null, "32": null } }, "b7302d8226": { "elephant": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "14": null } }, "b73867d769": { "person": { "2": null, "12": null, "15": null, "20": null } }, "b751e767f2": { "whale": { "8": null, "16": null, "22": null, "28": null } }, "b76df6e059": { "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "12": null, "14": null }, "knife": { "4": null, "6": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "b77e5eddef": { "person": { "3": "1. The person is extending an arm forward as if reaching or gesturing towards something.\n2. The person is pressing a button on the dunk tank apparatus.", "6": null, "10": "1. The person is bending forward while extending an arm to touch a circular target.\n\n2. The person is standing upright and holding a ball with one hand, appearing ready to throw.\n\n3. The person is standing behind a mesh enclosure and holding a ball in front, with a raised knee.", "15": null } }, "b7a2c2c83c": { "plant": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "b7bcbe6466": { "fox": { "4": null, "14": null, "22": null, "27": null }, "hand": { "4": null, "14": null, "22": null, "27": null } }, "b7c2a469c4": { "rabbit": { "2": null, "14": null, "23": null, "26": null } }, "b7d69da8f0": { "eagle": { "3": null, "9": null, "18": null, "23": null } }, "b7f31b7c36": { "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "7": null, "9": null } }, "b7fb871660": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is sitting down and looking toward the person standing nearby.\n\n3. The person is standing while using both hands to interact with an object in front of them.", "3": null, "4": null, "8": null }, "hat": { "2": null, "3": null, "4": null, "8": null } }, "b82e5ad1c9": { "bird": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "b841cfb932": { "eagle": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "b84b8ae665": { "hand": { "2": null, "10": null, "23": null, "33": null }, "snake": { "2": null, "10": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "b85b78ac2b": { "eagle": { "7": "1. The eagle is perched on a metal beam, scanning the surroundings with its head turning slightly.\n\n2. The eagle is perched lower on the structure, flapping its wings briefly while staying balanced.", "14": null, "22": null, "29": "1. The eagle is perched on a metal beam with its wings folded and facing forward.\n\n2. The eagle is perched near an antenna, turning its head to the left as if observing its surroundings." } }, "b86c17caa6": { "giant_panda": { "3": null, "14": null, "25": null, "26": null } }, "b86e50d82d": { "hat": { "2": null, "9": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "b871db031a": { "duck": { "3": null, "5": null, "6": null, "11": null } }, "b87d56925a": { "elephant": { "2": null, "6": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "b8aaa59b75": { "others": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "12": null }, "bucket": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "12": null }, "motorbike": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "12": null }, "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "b8c03d1091": { "tennis_racket": { "4": null, "17": null, "20": null, "32": null }, "person": { "4": null, "17": null, "20": null, "32": null } }, "b8e16df00b": { "turtle": { "2": null, "10": null, "14": null, "21": null }, "person": { "2": null, "10": null, "14": null, "21": null } }, "b8f34cf72e": { "giant_panda": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": "1. The giant panda is sitting upright, reaching out with its paw and gripping a thick branch. \n2. The giant panda is crouching, playing with a small log by pushing it with its paw.", "15": null } }, "b8fb75864e": { "others": { "7": null, "13": null, "19": null, "20": null } }, "b9004db86c": { "rabbit": { "4": null, "13": null, "14": null, "25": null } }, "b9166cbae9": { "truck": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "14": null } }, "b920b256a6": { "penguin": { "3": null, "11": null, "21": null, "30": null } }, "b93963f214": { "tiger": { "5": null, "13": null, "25": null, "26": null } }, "b941aef1a0": { "whale": { "3": null, "5": null, "7": null, "11": null } }, "b94d34d14e": { "cow": { "5": "1. The cow is walking out of the barn, heading towards the open area with its head slightly lowered.\n\n2. The cow is stepping out of the door, moving forward while facing the open barn entrance.", "6": null, "10": "1. The cow is strolling forward with its head slightly lowered.\n\n2. The cow is stepping out of the doorway, tilting its head slightly to the side.", "15": "1. The cow is walking forward with its head held low, displaying a relaxed gait.\n2. The cow is stepping through the doorway, extending its head outward." } }, "b964c57da4": { "hat": { "2": null, "8": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "b96a95bc7a": { "turtle": { "9": "1. The turtle is extending its head forward, appearing to reach toward the pile of greens.\n\n2. The turtle is positioned close to the greens, actively biting and consuming them.\n\n3. The turtle is standing near the dish, with its head raised and looking around.", "17": null, "25": null, "27": null } }, "b96c57d2c7": { "cat": { "5": null, "12": null, "19": null, "21": null }, "snake": { "5": null, "12": null, "19": null, "21": null } }, "b9b6bdde0c": { "others": { "4": null, "11": null, "20": null, "32": null } }, "b9bcb3e0f2": { "person": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "hat": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "b9d3b92169": { "parachute": { "3": null, "12": null, "21": null, "26": null }, "person": { "3": null, "12": null, "21": null, "26": null } }, "b9dd4b306c": { "fish": { "2": null, "12": null, "24": null, "28": null } }, "b9f43ef41e": { "train": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "11": null }, "sedan": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "11": null }, "bus": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "ba1f03c811": { "person": { "5": null, "8": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "ba3a775d7b": { "giant_panda": { "3": null, "15": null, "22": null, "32": null } }, "ba3c7f2a31": { "shark": { "2": null, "13": null, "14": null, "21": null } }, "ba3fcd417d": { "leopard": { "8": null, "11": null, "22": null, "30": null } }, "ba5e1f4faa": { "sheep": { "3": null, "9": null, "15": null, "27": null }, "person": { "3": null, "9": null, "15": null, "27": null } }, "ba795f3089": { "dog": { "3": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "ba8a291e6a": { "dolphin": { "4": null, "8": null, "17": null, "20": null } }, "ba98512f97": { "airplane": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "bac9db04f5": { "person": { "4": null, "10": null, "18": null, "32": null }, "snowboard": { "4": null, "10": null, "18": null, "32": null } }, "baedae3442": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "16": null, "25": null, "27": null }, "person": { "2": null, "16": null, "25": null, "27": null } }, "baff40d29d": { "rabbit": { "2": null, "14": null, "25": "1. The rabbit is leaning forward and digging into the snow with its front paws.\n\n2. The rabbit is sitting and inspecting the toys nearby with its head slightly lowered.", "31": "1. The rabbit is looking towards the snow-filled tray while sitting upright.\n\n2. The rabbit is leaning over the edge of the tray, appearing to investigate the snow with its head lowered." } }, "bb04e28695": { "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "11": null, "16": null }, "hat": { "2": null, "7": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "bb1b0ee89f": { "boat": { "2": null, "9": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "bb1c770fe7": { "lion": { "3": "1. The lion is sitting alertly, gazing into the distance with ears perked up.\n\n2. The lioness is lying down with its head raised while observing its surroundings.\n\n3. The young lion is crouched low, appearing ready to pounce with focused attention.\n\n4. The lion is striding forward with a steady gait, turning its head slightly to the side.", "13": "1. The lion is lying down with its head facing forward, showing a relaxed position.\n\n2. The lion is reclining with its mouth slightly open, looking alert and observant.\n\n3. The lion is lying on its side, lifting its front right paw slightly in a playful manner.\n\n4. The lion is standing upright and facing away, displaying its back while moving forward.\n\n5. The lion is sitting up straight and looking towards the right, with its ears perked up attentively.", "19": null, "25": null } }, "bb1fc34f99": { "skateboard": { "7": null, "11": null, "14": null, "27": null }, "person": { "7": null, "11": null, "14": null, "27": null } }, "bb2d220506": { "person": { "3": null, "11": null, "18": null, "31": null }, "snowboard": { "3": null, "11": null, "18": null, "31": null } }, "bb334e5cdb": { "giant_panda": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": "1. The giant_panda is crouching forward and sniffing a pile of bamboo.\n\n2. The giant_panda is standing with its head tilted toward the other panda, appearing to observe or interact.", "15": null } }, "bb337f9830": { "hand": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "12": null }, "dog": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "bb721eb9aa": { "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "bb87ff58bd": { "skateboard": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "person": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "hat": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "bb89a6b18a": { "person": { "4": "1. The person is holding up a small device, possibly engaging with it using one hand.\n2. The person is leaning forward slightly, gripping the handlebars of their bicycle.\n3. The person is standing over their bicycle, holding the handlebars with both hands.", "6": "1. The person is holding up a phone, pointing it towards the cyclists while taking a picture.\n\n2. The person is seated on a bicycle, gripping the handlebars with both hands.\n\n3. The person is leaning slightly forward on a bicycle, maintaining a steady grip on the handlebars.", "10": "1. The person is holding a phone up and appearing to be taking a picture or recording video.\n2. The person is straddling a bicycle while gripping the handlebars with both hands.\n3. The person is standing over a bicycle, holding the handlebars and looking forward.", "14": "1. The person is holding up a phone, taking a picture or recording a video.\n2. The person is seated on a bicycle, holding the handlebars and looking ahead.\n3. The person is leaning slightly forward while maintaining their grip on the bicycle\u2019s handlebars." } }, "bbaa9a036a": { "owl": { "4": null, "13": null, "14": null, "25": null }, "person": { "4": null, "13": null, "14": null, "25": null } }, "bbb4302dda": { "parrot": { "3": null, "15": null, "25": null, "26": null } }, "bbd31510cf": { "train": { "4": null, "9": null, "12": null, "14": null }, "sign": { "4": null, "9": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "bbe0256a75": { "duck": { "6": null, "17": null, "23": null, "33": null }, "others": { "6": null, "17": null, "23": null, "33": null }, "person": { "6": null, "17": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "bc141b9ad5": { "giant_panda": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": "1. The giant panda is lying on its back, playfully kicking its legs in the air.\n\n2. The giant panda is sitting upright, leaning forward slightly as if observing something ahead.", "15": "1. The giant panda is lying down with its head lowered, facing downwards, as if inspecting the ground.\n\n2. The giant panda is sitting and leaning forward with its head slightly turned, appearing to be resting or observing." } }, "bc17ab8a99": { "tiger": { "6": null, "9": null, "19": null, "22": null }, "dog": { "6": null, "9": null, "19": null, "22": null } }, "bc318160de": { "deer": { "7": null, "12": null, "21": null, "32": null } }, "bc3b9ee033": { "train": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "bc4240b43c": { "cow": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "others": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "bc4ce49105": { "elephant": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "bc4f71372d": { "parrot": { "5": null, "7": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "person": { "5": null, "7": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "bc6b8d6371": { "monkey": { "3": null, "14": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "bcaad44ad7": { "earless_seal": { "3": null, "10": null, "17": null, "22": "1. The earless seal is raising its head above the water while resting its front flippers on the edge.\n\n2. The earless seal is swimming forward, creating ripples as it moves through the water." } }, "bcc241b081": { "bus": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "bcc5d8095e": { "horse": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "bcd1d39afb": { "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "bus": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "bd0d849da4": { "whale": { "8": null, "16": null, "24": null, "32": "1. The whale is gliding smoothly forward, propelling itself with graceful tail movements.\n2. The whale is arching its back as it ascends, creating a sweeping motion with its flippers." } }, "bd0e9ed437": { "lizard": { "7": null, "11": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "bd2c94730f": { "shark": { "7": null, "15": null, "21": null, "32": null }, "person": { "7": null, "15": null, "21": null, "32": null } }, "bd321d2be6": { "motorbike": { "2": null, "5": null, "7": null, "9": null } }, "bd3ec46511": { "boat": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "bd7e02b139": { "horse": { "5": null, "8": null, "13": null, "14": null }, "person": { "5": null, "8": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "bd96f9943a": { "deer": { "3": null, "14": null, "18": "1. The deer is leaning over a trash can with its nose close to the surface.\n2. The deer is bending forward with its head down, as if grazing on the grass.", "32": "1. The deer is lying on the ground while facing a container.\n\n2. The deer is standing upright, facing sideways with its head turned slightly." } }, "bda224cb25": { "dog": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "bda4a82837": { "cat": { "2": null, "6": "1. The cat is reclining and looking towards the other cat while resting its body on the ground.\n2. The cat is sitting upright, facing the other cat, with its tail extended outward.", "13": null, "15": "1. The cat is grasping and wrestling with the other cat using its forepaws.\n2. The cat is holding down the first cat while leaning forward, pressing its body against it." } }, "bdb74e333f": { "monkey": { "6": null, "13": null, "25": null, "30": null } }, "bdccd69dde": { "motorbike": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "bddcc15521": { "deer": { "8": null, "10": null, "18": null, "27": null } }, "be116aab29": { "sheep": { "6": null, "13": null, "19": null, "22": null } }, "be15e18f1e": { "leopard": { "3": null, "12": null, "19": null, "23": null } }, "be1a284edb": { "penguin": { "9": "1. The penguin is sitting upright and facing forward with a slightly arched back.\n2. The penguin is bending forward with its beak close to the ground, appearing to inspect something.\n3. The penguin is lying down with its head extended forward and its body resting on the rocks.\n4. The penguin is sitting low in the nest while turning its head slightly to the side.\n5. The penguin is lowering its head into the nest while maintaining a crouched posture.", "11": "1. The penguin is bending forward, poking its head into the rocks, possibly searching for something.\n\n2. The penguin is waddling forward with its beak pointing slightly downward.\n\n3. The penguin is lying still on the rocky surface, showing minimal movement.\n\n4. The penguin is seated upright, shaking its head from side to side.\n\n5. The penguin is walking steadily, flapping its wings gently as it moves.", "18": null, "26": null } }, "be2a367a7b": { "hand": { "5": null, "16": null, "18": null, "30": null }, "lizard": { "5": null, "16": null, "18": null, "30": null } }, "be376082d0": { "shark": { "4": null, "12": null, "17": null, "24": null } }, "be3e3cffbd": { "bird": { "2": null, "3": "1. The bird is grasping the perch with both feet while facing slightly forward and holding a stable posture.\n2. The bird is leaning toward the cage bars with its body turned to the side, maintaining a firm grip on the perch.", "4": "1. The bird is standing on one leg while slightly rotating its head to the side.\n\n2. The bird is perched on a branch and looking intently towards its companion.", "6": "1. The bird is perched with its head looking slightly towards the front, gripping the cage bar securely with its feet.\n2. A bird is standing upright while facing forward, appearing calm and stationary within the cage." } }, "be5d1d89a0": { "deer": { "2": null, "12": null, "19": "1. The deer is steadily walking across the uneven woodland terrain.\n\n2. The deer is craning its neck forward, appearing to investigate the foliage ahead.", "31": null } }, "be8b72fe37": { "person": { "2": null, "15": null, "21": null, "29": null }, "snowboard": { "2": null, "15": null, "21": null, "29": null } }, "be9b29e08e": { "sheep": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "bea1f6e62c": { "bear": { "4": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "bea83281b5": { "cow": { "2": null, "6": null, "9": null, "16": null } }, "beb921a4c9": { "sedan": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "bus": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "bec5e9edcd": { "person": { "2": null, "16": null, "22": null, "27": null }, "snowboard": { "2": null, "16": null, "22": null, "27": null } }, "beeb8a3f92": { "turtle": { "2": null, "11": null, "19": null, "20": null } }, "bf2232b58d": { "plant": { "3": null, "7": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "hand": { "3": null, "7": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "bf28751739": { "lizard": { "2": null, "10": null, "14": null, "26": null } }, "bf443804e8": { "duck": { "2": "1. The duck is resting in the tub, preening its feathers with its beak.\n2. The duck is standing upright, flapping its wings energetically.\n3. The duck is nestled in the tray, moving its head gently back and forth.", "15": "1. The duck is resting with its head tucked under its wing, slightly shaking its feathers.\n\n2. The duck is bending down and dipping its beak into the container, likely foraging for food.\n\n3. The duck is stretching its neck forward and poking at a pile with its beak, possibly sifting through it.", "24": null, "30": "1. The duck is resting in a container with its body lowered and looking forward.\n\n2. The duck is standing upright, facing forward with its neck extended.\n\n3. The duck is sitting in a tray, facing outward with its head slightly raised." } }, "bf461df850": { "rabbit": { "5": null, "13": null, "15": null, "22": "1. The rabbit is lounging comfortably with ears perked up, occasionally twitching its nose.\n\n2. The rabbit is hopping forward with quick, decisive movements.\n\n3. The rabbit is stretching its body upward on its hind legs, actively sniffing the air." } }, "bf5374f122": { "hedgehog": { "6": null, "10": null, "22": null, "27": null } }, "bf551a6f60": { "person": { "4": null, "13": null, "24": null, "32": null }, "snowboard": { "4": null, "13": null, "24": null, "32": null } }, "bf8d0f5ada": { "zebra": { "3": null, "7": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "bf961167a6": { "cat": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "bfab1ad8f9": { "penguin": { "4": null, "13": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "bfcb05d88d": { "dog": { "3": "1. The dog is standing in the shallow water with its head slightly lowered, appearing to be observing the flowing stream ahead.\n\n2. The dog is wading through the water, leaning forward with its body angled toward the stream.", "8": "1. The dog is wading through the water, facing forward with its legs immersed in the stream.\n\n2. The dog is advancing through the water, showing its back while moving towards the flow.", "10": "1. The dog is bending down, sniffing the water surface with its head lowered.\n2. The dog is standing in the water, facing forward and preparing to step ahead.", "17": "1. The dog is lowering its head toward the water as it appears to be inspecting something.\n\n2. The dog is standing with its legs in the water, facing forward while appearing ready to move." } }, "bfd8f6e6c9": { "boat": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "paddle": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "bfd91d0742": { "snail": { "4": null, "12": null, "17": null, "21": null } }, "bfe262322f": { "train": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "c013f42ed7": { "duck": { "4": null, "11": null, "18": null, "28": null } }, "c01878083f": { "giant_panda": { "9": null, "15": null, "22": null, "26": null } }, "c01faff1ed": { "tennis_racket": { "7": null, "13": null, "20": null, "32": null }, "person": { "7": "1. The person is lunging forward and swinging a tennis racket upwards.\n\n2. The person is positioned to strike a ball, swinging a racket with both hands.", "13": null, "20": null, "32": null } }, "c046fd0edb": { "tiger": { "4": null, "10": null, "15": null, "17": null } }, "c053e35f97": { "train": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "c079a6482d": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is seated upright on the horse, holding the reins confidently as the horse moves forward.\n\n2. The person is gripping the reins loosely while turning their head to the side, appearing to converse with another rider.\n\n3. The person is gently directing the horse to a stop, maintaining a steady posture with one hand on the reins.", "6": "1. The person is sitting upright on a horse, holding the reins with both hands.\n\n2. The person is seated on a horse, leaning slightly forward while grasping the reins.\n\n3. The person is riding a horse that is standing still, holding the reins loosely.", "11": null, "16": null } }, "c0847b521a": { "elephant": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "c0a1e06710": { "skateboard": { "5": null, "9": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "c0e8d4635c": { "dog": { "4": null, "6": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "c0e973ad85": { "elephant": { "4": null, "9": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "person": { "4": null, "9": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "c0f49c6579": { "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "c0f5b222d7": { "train": { "4": null, "6": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "c10d07c90d": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "12": null, "23": null, "31": null }, "person": { "4": null, "12": null, "23": null, "31": null } }, "c1268d998c": { "cow": { "5": null, "6": null, "13": "1. The cow is standing still with its head turned slightly, appearing to observe the surroundings.\n\n2. The cow is walking forward, swinging its tail gently as it moves.", "16": "1. The cow is standing still, facing the camera with its head slightly lowered.\n\n2. The cow is walking forward, lifting its legs purposefully as it moves across the field." } }, "c130c3fc0c": { "deer": { "2": null, "17": null, "25": null, "33": null } }, "c14826ad5e": { "person": { "4": null, "10": null, "24": null, "31": null } }, "c15b922281": { "snake": { "3": null, "16": null, "23": null, "32": null } }, "c16f09cb63": { "parachute": { "3": null, "16": null, "23": null, "33": null }, "person": { "3": null, "16": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "c18e19d922": { "whale": { "4": null, "17": null, "21": null, "32": null } }, "c1c830a735": { "sedan": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "bus": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "c1e8aeea45": { "leopard": { "8": null, "13": null, "24": null, "31": null }, "person": { "8": null, "13": null, "24": null, "31": null } }, "c20a5ccc99": { "fox": { "2": null, "14": null, "25": null, "27": null } }, "c20fd5e597": { "parrot": { "6": null, "14": null, "23": null, "29": null } }, "c219d6f8dc": { "eagle": { "7": null, "13": "1. The eagle is soaring with its wings fully extended, gliding smoothly in the air. \n2. The eagle is perched on a rock, scanning its surroundings with keen attention.", "16": null, "21": null } }, "c2406ae462": { "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "15": null }, "dog": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "c26f7b5824": { "lizard": { "4": null, "15": null, "21": null, "28": null } }, "c279e641ee": { "bear": { "4": null, "6": null, "13": "1. The bear is stepping forward with its head lowered, inspecting the ground.\n2. The bear is walking towards the right, its head slightly raised.", "15": null } }, "c27adaeac5": { "dolphin": { "2": null, "17": null, "20": null, "31": null } }, "c2a35c1cda": { "hand": { "4": null, "8": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "knife": { "4": null, "8": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "c2a9903b8b": { "ape": { "3": "1. The ape is holding a twig and appearing to inspect it closely with its hand raised. \n2. The ape is sitting and has a twig resting on its back while staying relatively still.", "17": "1. The ape is sitting while holding its hand up to its mouth, appearing to chew or inspect something.\n\n2. The ape is standing upright, brushing its body to remove bits of straw.", "20": "1. The ape is sitting while raising one hand to its mouth.\n2. The ape is standing upright and turning its head to the side.", "33": "1. The ape is holding a thin branch or stick with one hand while appearing to inspect it closely near its face.\n2. The ape is sitting upright and appears stationary, gazing forward with bits of straw on its back." } }, "c2b62567c1": { "skateboard": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "person": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "c2b974ec8c": { "dolphin": { "4": "1. Dolphin 1 is gliding smoothly through the water, propelling forward with steady tail movements.\n2. Dolphin 2 is positioned slightly beneath, close to Dolphin 1, moving fluidly while maintaining proximity.\n3. Dolphin 3 is dipping downward with its dorsal fin visible, adjusting its trajectory in the water.", "7": "1. The dolphin is gliding smoothly through the water, its dorsal fin slicing through the surface.\n\n2. The dolphin is twisting its body, playfully rotating beneath another dolphin.\n\n3. The dolphin is swimming forward, its tail fin propelling it gracefully through the water.", "9": null, "16": null } }, "c2baaff7bf": { "giant_panda": { "2": "1. The giant panda is lying on its back with both front paws raised above its belly.\n\n2. The giant panda is sitting upright, facing forward, with its front paws resting on the ground.", "7": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "c2be6900f2": { "person": { "2": null, "17": null, "25": null, "31": null }, "motorbike": { "2": null, "17": null, "25": null, "31": null } }, "c304dd44d5": { "rabbit": { "7": null, "16": null, "22": null, "32": null }, "person": { "7": null, "16": null, "22": null, "32": null } }, "c307f33da2": { "giraffe": { "5": "1. The giraffe is extending its neck forward and reaching toward the leaves being offered.\n\n2. The giraffe is bending its neck downward and nibbling on the grass on the ground.", "9": null, "12": null, "15": "1. The giraffe is extending its neck and using its mouth to reach for the leaves being offered.\n2. The giraffe is lowering its head and nibbling on the foliage from the ground.\n3. The giraffe is moving its head forward, aiming to grasp the hanging leaves mid-air." } }, "c30a7b62c9": { "train": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "c3128733ee": { "monkey": { "3": null, "9": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "c31fa6c598": { "giant_panda": { "3": "1. The giant panda is walking forward with its body slightly angled, showing its side as it moves.\n2. The giant panda is sitting on a log, facing forward, with its head slightly lowered.", "10": null, "23": null, "32": null } }, "c325c8201e": { "giraffe": { "5": null, "9": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "c32d4aa5d1": { "skateboard": { "9": null, "11": null, "22": null, "30": null }, "person": { "9": null, "11": null, "22": null, "30": null } }, "c33f28249a": { "eagle": { "6": null, "12": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "c34365e2d7": { "lizard": { "4": null, "13": null, "24": null, "33": null } }, "c3457af795": { "sedan": { "4": null, "7": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "c34d120a88": { "frisbee": { "9": null, "15": null, "22": null, "27": null } }, "c3509e728d": { "person": { "3": null, "8": null, "13": null, "14": null }, "dog": { "3": null, "8": null, "13": null, "14": "1. The dog is wading through water, pushing its snout downward.\n2. The dog is playfully jumping, creating splashes in the water." } }, "c35e4fa6c4": { "lizard": { "8": null, "10": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "c36240d96f": { "parrot": { "6": null, "12": null, "17": "1. The parrot is pushing a blue object forward with its beak.\n\n2. The parrot is investigating a corner by nudging a blue object.", "24": "1. Parrot is bending forward and pecking at the floor.\n2. Parrot is slipping through a narrow gap while moving forward." } }, "c3641dfc5a": { "duck": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "c37b17a4a9": { "rabbit": { "5": null, "15": null, "20": null, "32": null }, "hand": { "5": null, "15": null, "20": null, "32": null } }, "c39559ddf6": { "snake": { "4": null, "10": null, "21": null, "33": null } }, "c3b0c6e180": { "giant_panda": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "c3b3d82e6c": { "rabbit": { "5": "1. The rabbit is sitting in a litter box and actively nibbling on hay.\n\n2. The rabbit is lying down near a bowl, with its ears perked up, appearing to observe its surroundings.", "17": null, "23": null, "29": null } }, "c3be369fdb": { "zebra": { "2": null, "7": null, "9": null, "12": null }, "giraffe": { "2": null, "7": null, "9": "1. The giraffe labeled 2 is walking on uneven terrain, carefully lifting its legs over stones.\n\n2. The giraffe labeled 3 is extending its neck forward, appearing to survey the area ahead.", "12": null } }, "c3bf1e40c2": { "person": { "4": null, "6": "1. The person is raising one arm above their head while standing still.\n2. The person is lightly hopping with one arm lifted in the air.\n3. The person is raising an arm while slightly stepping to the side.", "12": null, "14": null } }, "c3c760b015": { "earless_seal": { "3": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "c3dd38bf98": { "snake": { "2": null, "9": null, "15": null, "21": null } }, "c3e4274614": { "giraffe": { "4": null, "7": "1. The giraffe is striding forward with its neck extended, as if reaching for something ahead.\n\n2. The giraffe is resting on the ground with its legs folded underneath, remaining still.\n\n3. The giraffe is playfully nudging another giraffe with its head positioned sideways.\n\n4. The giraffe is lowering its neck to touch noses with the nearby giraffe.", "8": null, "12": null } }, "c3edc48cbd": { "skateboard": { "3": null, "11": null, "18": null, "29": null }, "person": { "3": null, "11": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "c41e6587f5": { "hand": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "knife": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "c4272227b0": { "elephant": { "5": "1. The elephant is walking forward with its trunk slightly extended, appearing to explore the ground.\n\n2. The elephant is standing still with its trunk pointing downward, facing toward the other elephant.", "9": "1. The elephant is walking forward with its head lowered, showing a playful demeanor.\n\n2. The elephant is standing still while gently nudging the smaller elephant with its trunk.", "10": null, "15": "1. The elephant is walking forward with its trunk swaying slightly.\n\n2. The elephant is leaning its head downward, appearing to nuzzle against the other elephant." } }, "c42917fe82": { "person": { "4": null, "7": "1. The person is riding a bicycle, leaning slightly forward with hands on the handlebars.\n2. The person is cycling, standing up on the pedals with their left arm extended backward.", "8": null, "15": null } }, "c438858117": { "surfboard": { "4": null, "11": null, "25": null, "29": null }, "person": { "4": null, "11": null, "25": null, "29": null } }, "c44676563f": { "fox": { "3": "1. The fox is crouching with its body lowered on a thatched roof, appearing to investigate something at its feet.\n\n2. The fox is balancing on all fours while standing on a raised surface, looking downward.", "16": null, "25": null, "30": null } }, "c44beb7472": { "leopard": { "4": null, "10": null, "22": null, "30": "1. The leopard is climbing over another leopard while looking downward.\n\n2. The leopard is lying on the ground, facing forward with its head slightly raised." } }, "c45411dacb": { "truck": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "12": null }, "sedan": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "12": null } }, "c4571bedc8": { "sedan": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null }, "motorbike": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "c46deb2956": { "parrot": { "8": null, "14": null, "25": null, "30": null } }, "c479ee052e": { "others": { "7": null, "16": null, "18": null, "28": null } }, "c47d551843": { "lizard": { "6": null, "12": null, "20": null, "30": null } }, "c49f07d46d": { "turtle": { "4": null, "16": null, "25": null, "30": null } }, "c4cc40c1fc": { "cow": { "4": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "c4f256f5d5": { "lizard": { "4": null, "8": null, "18": "1. The lizard is extending its front legs and crawling steadily forward.\n\n2. The lizard is turning its head slightly to the side, as if sensing its surroundings.\n\n3. The lizard is pressing its body against the surface, maintaining a low profile while adjusting its stance.\n\n4. The lizard is positioning its body upright, with its tail curving downward.", "26": null } }, "c4f5b1ddcc": { "fox": { "6": null, "15": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "c4ff9b4885": { "frog": { "2": null, "13": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "c52bce43db": { "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "7": null, "9": null }, "others": { "2": null, "5": null, "7": null, "9": null }, "dog": { "2": null, "5": null, "7": null, "9": null } }, "c544da6854": { "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "12": null }, "motorbike": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "c55784c766": { "person": { "6": "1. The person is snowboarding down a slope, crouching slightly with arms bent for balance.\n\n3. The person is seated on a snowboard, using hands for support while facing uphill.", "14": "1. The person is snowboarding downhill with arms slightly outstretched for balance.\n5. The person is sitting on a snowboard, gripping the edge with one hand.", "23": null, "32": null }, "snowboard": { "6": null, "14": null, "23": null, "32": null } }, "c557b69fbf": { "parrot": { "5": null, "13": null, "23": null, "31": null }, "person": { "5": null, "13": null, "23": null, "31": null } }, "c593a3f7ab": { "elephant": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "c598faa682": { "person": { "6": null, "17": null, "22": null, "26": null }, "snowboard": { "6": null, "17": null, "22": null, "26": null } }, "c5ab1f09c8": { "snake": { "9": null, "14": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "c5b6da8602": { "person": { "5": "1. The person is standing at the front of the boat, gesturing with one arm raised high.\n\n2. The person is paddling energetically in rhythm with others on the boat.\n\n3. The person is standing with both arms extended, possibly coordinating the paddlers.", "7": null, "12": null, "14": "1. The person is standing at the edge of a boat, facing forward and holding a paddle vertically. \n2. The person is standing upright, looking over the rowers, and holding a stick horizontally. \n3. The person is standing on a platform, facing the water, with hands on hips." } }, "c5b9128d94": { "truck": { "2": null, "9": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "c5e845c6b7": { "sheep": { "6": null, "13": null, "18": null, "21": null } }, "c5fba7b341": { "lion": { "4": null, "8": null, "15": null, "27": null } }, "c60897f093": { "elephant": { "5": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null }, "person": { "5": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "c61fe6ed7c": { "bear": { "3": null, "8": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "c62188c536": { "plant": { "5": null, "9": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "c64035b2e2": { "leopard": { "3": null, "13": "1. The leopard is opening its mouth wide, showing its teeth, and facing forward.\n2. The leopard is turning its head to the side and looking towards another direction.", "16": "1. The leopard is opening its mouth wide while looking forward.\n2. The leopard is sitting and facing to the right.", "25": null } }, "c69689f177": { "ape": { "8": null, "15": null, "25": null, "31": null } }, "c6a12c131f": { "person": { "2": null, "3": null, "4": null, "7": null }, "motorbike": { "2": null, "3": null, "4": null, "7": null } }, "c6bb6d2d5c": { "mouse": { "5": null, "17": null, "18": null, "27": null } }, "c6c18e860f": { "ape": { "5": null, "12": null, "14": null, "27": null }, "hand": { "5": null, "12": null, "14": null, "27": null } }, "c6d9526e0d": { "ape": { "3": "1. The ape is crouching forward while facing the ground.\n2. The ape is reclining on its side, appearing relaxed against the grass.\n3. The ape is holding a stick upright with both hands while sitting.\n4. The ape is positioned facing forward and clasping its hands together.", "17": null, "19": null, "32": null } }, "c6e55c33f0": { "cat": { "2": null, "9": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "c7030b28bd": { "sedan": { "4": null, "7": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "bus": { "4": null, "7": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "c70682c7cc": { "rabbit": { "6": null, "17": null, "24": null, "30": null }, "person": { "6": null, "17": null, "24": null, "30": null } }, "c70f9be8c5": { "boat": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "14": null }, "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "c71f30d7b6": { "tiger": { "3": null, "11": null, "18": null, "30": null } }, "c73c8e747f": { "leopard": { "3": null, "13": null, "22": null, "31": null }, "tiger": { "3": null, "13": null, "22": null, "31": null } }, "c760eeb8b3": { "snake": { "6": null, "11": null, "14": null, "25": null } }, "c7637cab0a": { "sheep": { "2": null, "9": null, "14": null, "22": null } }, "c7a1a17308": { "dog": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "c7bf937af5": { "duck": { "3": "1. The duck is flapping its wings rapidly while moving forward through the water.\n2. The duck is dipping its head under the water, creating small ripples around it.\n3. The duck is paddling its feet energetically, propelling itself towards the left.", "7": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "c7c2860db3": { "tennis_racket": { "2": null, "14": null, "21": null, "31": null }, "person": { "2": "1. The person is standing with a tennis racket, pausing before making a serve.\n2. The person is crouching slightly, preparing to receive or return a shot.", "14": "1. The person is swinging a tennis racket with one hand, directing it towards an incoming ball.\n3. The person is crouched slightly, preparing to return a shot by stepping forward.", "21": "1. The person is holding a tennis racket, preparing to hit a ball with a forward stance.\n2. The person is swinging a tennis racket, engaging in a serve or return action.", "31": "1. The person is lying on the ground, extending an arm towards the tennis ball. \n3. The person is standing and swinging a tennis racket forward." } }, "c7cef4aee2": { "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "c7ebfc5d57": { "shark": { "5": null, "12": null, "21": null, "28": null } }, "c813dcf13c": { "person": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "c82235a49a": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is climbing onto the wooden structure while supporting themselves with their hands.\n\n2. The person is wading through the water, reaching forward towards the structure with an outstretched arm.\n\n3. The person is swimming towards the structure, keeping their head above water and arms moving forward.", "7": "1. The person is leaning forward, gripping the side of the wooden structure while standing on it.\n\n2. The person is shoulder-deep in the water, lifting their arms upward to support the structure.\n\n3. The person is submerged in the water, both arms extended as they push against the structure.", "12": "1. The person is standing on the edge of the wooden structure, leaning forward and holding onto it with both hands.\n\n2. The person is wading through the water, reaching out toward the floating group.\n\n3. The person is swimming in the water, moving both arms forward.", "17": "1. The person is leaning forward, extending their arms to grasp the edges of a wooden structure.\n\n2. The person is raising their right hand above the water, possibly gesturing or preparing to hold something.\n\n3. The person is swimming, with their head above water, moving toward the wooden structure." } }, "c82a7619a1": { "turtle": { "9": null, "14": "1. The turtle is swimming forward with its legs outstretched, propelling through the water.\n2. The turtle is extending its neck and appearing to inspect the area in front.", "23": "1. The turtle is extending its front legs and appears to be swimming forward against the water current.\n\n2. The turtle is swimming with its head thrust forward and legs paddling in an aquatic environment.", "26": null } }, "c82ecb90cb": { "earless_seal": { "9": "1. The earless_seal is lifting its head upwards and looking around, appearing alert.\n2. The earless_seal is turned towards the first seal, appearing attentive to its actions.\n3. The earless_seal is lying still, resting on the rock surface.", "13": "1. The earless seal is sitting upright with its head lifted, facing forward.\n\n2. The earless seal is lying on its side with its head raised, looking upward.\n\n3. The earless seal is resting on its stomach with its head down, showing its back.", "24": null, "28": null } }, "c844f03dc7": { "horse": { "5": null, "9": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "c8557963f3": { "cow": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "c89147e6e8": { "fish": { "7": null, "10": null, "20": null, "28": null } }, "c8a46ff0c8": { "sheep": { "2": null, "10": null, "19": null, "25": null } }, "c8ab107dd5": { "bird": { "5": null, "9": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "c8b869a04a": { "sedan": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "motorbike": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "c8c7b306a6": { "person": { "4": null, "7": "1. The person is leaning forward and gripping the handlebar while cycling.\n\n2. The person is pedaling a bicycle with a crouched posture.", "8": "1. The person is cycling while looking back over their shoulder with an open mouth.\n\n2. The person is pedaling a bicycle, leaning forward with hands gripping the handlebars.", "13": null } }, "c8c8b28781": { "tennis_racket": { "5": null, "15": null, "25": null, "33": null }, "person": { "5": null, "15": null, "25": null, "33": null } }, "c8d79e3163": { "duck": { "9": null, "12": "1. The duck is bending its neck downward, pecking gently at the water's surface.\n\n2. The duck is stretching its head forward and quacking loudly.\n\n3. The duck is flapping its wings vigorously, splashing water around.\n\n4. The duck is dabbing its beak into the water, creating small ripples.", "22": null, "32": "1. Duck is paddling forward through the water with a slight turn of the head.\n\n2. Duck is diving its head below the surface, causing ripples around it.\n\n3. Duck is flapping its wings energetically, splashing water around.\n\n4. Duck is tilting its head upwards while opening its beak." } }, "c8edab0415": { "skateboard": { "3": null, "8": null, "19": null, "22": null }, "person": { "3": null, "8": null, "19": "1. The person is leaning forward with arms resting on a railing while facing a crowd.\n\n3. The person is standing with one arm raised, gesturing towards the audience.", "22": "1. The person is standing with arms raised, appearing to be clapping or signaling towards the crowd.\n\n3. The person is walking forward, holding a skateboard by its trucks with one hand." }, "others": { "3": null, "8": null, "19": null, "22": null } }, "c8f494f416": { "giraffe": { "5": "1. The giraffe is standing still with its head lowered and neck extended towards the branch.\n\n2. The giraffe is reaching up and extending its neck towards the branch, appearing to graze on the leaves.\n\n3. The giraffe is standing upright with its head turned slightly to the side, observing its surroundings.", "8": null, "13": "1. The giraffe is stretching its neck to reach and nibble on the leaves of a nearby tree branch.\n\n2. The giraffe is pulling its head down, snapping off leaves from a branch with its mouth.\n\n3. The giraffe is walking forward while looking side to side with its head held high.", "14": null } }, "c8f6cba9fd": { "parachute": { "7": null, "13": null, "17": null, "25": null }, "person": { "7": null, "13": null, "17": null, "25": null } }, "c909ceea97": { "person": { "3": "1. The person is gripping the edge of the boat while leaning forward.\n2. The person is sitting and holding an oar with both hands.\n3. The person is seated and turning to face another person, extending one arm towards them.", "6": "1. The person is pulling the boat closer to the shore using a rope.\n2. The person is seated and holding onto the side of the boat.\n3. The person is sitting with one arm resting on the side of the boat.", "10": "1. The person is reaching over the side of the boat with one hand to hold onto the rope.\n2. The person is seated and turning their head towards the person holding the rope.\n3. The person is sitting back in the boat while holding an oar with one hand.", "12": "1. The person is pulling on a rope while sitting in the boat.\n2. The person is turning backward and holding the side of the boat.\n3. The person is seated and gripping the edge of the boat with both hands." } }, "c9188f4980": { "deer": { "8": null, "10": null, "23": null, "30": null } }, "c922365dd4": { "hand": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "knife": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "c92c8c3c75": { "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "c937eb0b83": { "person": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "12": null } }, "c94b31b5e5": { "sheep": { "5": null, "17": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "c95cd17749": { "others": { "9": null, "10": null, "25": null, "31": null } }, "c96379c03c": { "skateboard": { "3": null, "16": null, "18": null, "33": null }, "person": { "3": null, "16": null, "18": null, "33": null } }, "c96465ee65": { "lizard": { "7": null, "13": "1. The lizard is extending its front leg while climbing over rocks.\n\n2. The lizard is pressing its body against the ground, leaning slightly forward.", "24": null, "30": null } }, "c965afa713": { "rabbit": { "2": null, "9": null, "16": null, "22": null }, "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "16": null, "22": null } }, "c9734b451f": { "truck": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "15": null }, "person": { "3": "1. The person is gripping the side of the garbage truck with one hand while facing forward.\n2. The person is raising an arm and pointing towards the trash area of the truck.", "5": "1. The person is grasping the handle of the garbage truck with both hands, looking towards the back of the truck.\n2. The person is stepping up onto the back of the moving garbage truck, with one arm raised.", "8": "1. The person is gripping the side of the truck with one hand while preparing to lift a garbage bag with the other.\n\n2. The person is climbing onto the side of the truck, stepping up with one foot while holding onto the truck.", "15": "1. The person is pulling on a lever with both hands while leaning slightly back.\n\n2. The person is stepping up into the vehicle, gripping the support handle with one hand." } }, "c9862d82dc": { "whale": { "7": null, "16": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "c98b6fe013": { "dolphin": { "6": null, "12": null, "25": null, "32": null } }, "c9999b7c48": { "person": { "8": null, "13": null, "19": null, "26": null }, "motorbike": { "8": null, "13": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "c99e92aaf0": { "giraffe": { "5": null, "6": null, "12": "1. The giraffe is leaning forward, resting its neck on another giraffe's back.\n2. The giraffe is standing still, looking straight ahead with its head raised.", "15": null } }, "c9b3a8fbda": { "sheep": { "2": null, "5": "1. The sheep is running forward, lifting its head with ears alert.\n\n2. The sheep is mid-trot, legs extended as it moves briskly.\n\n3. The sheep is following closely, with legs bent as it prepares to step.", "10": null, "11": null } }, "c9bf64e965": { "person": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "toilet": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "c9c3cb3797": { "bird": { "4": null, "6": "1. The bird is standing upright while facing forward towards the water.\n2. The bird is leaning forward with its head lowered, appearing to focus on something below.\n3. The bird is extending one wing slightly away from its body while keeping its head tucked in.", "8": "1. The bird is standing upright and preening its feathers with its beak.\n\n2. The bird is flapping its wings energetically as if preparing to take flight.\n\n3. The bird is bending downward, pecking at the ground in search of food.", "12": null } }, "c9d1c60cd0": { "hedgehog": { "5": null, "8": null, "14": null, "25": null } }, "c9de9c22c4": { "sedan": { "5": null, "8": null, "13": null, "17": null }, "motorbike": { "5": null, "8": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "ca1828fa54": { "bear": { "3": null, "8": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "fish": { "3": null, "8": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "ca346f17eb": { "person": { "9": null, "17": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "ca3787d3d3": { "rabbit": { "2": null, "8": null, "17": null, "24": null } }, "ca4b99cbac": { "zebra": { "2": null, "8": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "ca91c69e3b": { "giant_panda": { "3": null, "5": null, "7": null, "12": "1. The giant panda is bent over, leaning forward and appears to be sniffing or inspecting the ground.\n\n2. The giant panda is lying down on its side and showing its back while looking in the direction of the ground." } }, "caa8e97f81": { "cat": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "caac5807f8": { "whale": { "4": null, "13": null, "21": null, "30": null } }, "cabba242c2": { "sedan": { "4": null, "9": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "cad5a656a9": { "parrot": { "4": null, "16": null, "19": null, "33": null } }, "cad673e375": { "rabbit": { "3": null, "17": null, "20": null, "26": null } }, "cad8a85930": { "parachute": { "2": null, "13": null, "15": null, "26": null }, "person": { "2": null, "13": null, "15": null, "26": null } }, "cae7b0a02b": { "lizard": { "6": null, "14": null, "25": null, "31": null } }, "cae7ef3184": { "lizard": { "2": null, "13": null, "25": null, "28": null } }, "caeb6b6cbb": { "shark": { "4": null, "10": null, "14": null, "25": null } }, "caecf0a5db": { "snake": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "14": null }, "dog": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "14": null } }, "cb15312003": { "parrot": { "2": null, "7": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "cb2e35d610": { "owl": { "4": null, "13": null, "19": null, "25": null } }, "cb35a87504": { "sheep": { "3": null, "13": null, "16": null, "27": null } }, "cb3f22b0cf": { "hand": { "3": null, "6": null, "11": null, "14": null }, "toilet": { "3": null, "6": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "cbb410da64": { "person": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "cc8728052e": { "snail": { "5": null, "10": null, "17": null, "26": null } }, "cc892997b8": { "leopard": { "3": "1. The leopard is being gently held and lifted by a person.\n\n2. The leopard is walking forward with its tail raised.", "17": null, "19": "1. The leopard is moving forward with its head lowered and legs extended, as if walking.\n2. The leopard is sitting upright with its back straight and tail extended behind.", "26": null } }, "cce03c2a9b": { "owl": { "7": null, "13": null, "16": null, "24": null } }, "cd47a23e31": { "hand": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": null, "16": null }, "cat": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": null, "16": null } }, "cd4dc03dc0": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "17": null, "24": null, "26": null }, "person": { "4": null, "17": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "cd5ae611da": { "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "cd603bb9d1": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "11": null, "16": null, "20": null }, "person": { "2": null, "11": null, "16": null, "20": null } }, "cd8f49734c": { "snake": { "9": null, "10": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "cdc6b1c032": { "bike": { "3": null, "5": null, "10": null, "13": null }, "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "10": null, "13": null }, "sign": { "3": null, "5": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "cdcfe008ad": { "whale": { "4": null, "8": null, "14": null, "20": null } }, "cdd57027c2": { "giraffe": { "5": null, "6": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "ce1af99b4b": { "fox": { "4": null, "10": null, "16": null, "21": null } }, "ce1bc5743a": { "fox": { "2": null, "12": "1. The fox is crouching low to the ground and appears to be creeping forward stealthily.\n2. The fox is sniffing the ground closely, indicating an active search or investigation.\n3. The fox is standing with its head turned, appearing to survey the surrounding area attentively.", "19": null, "22": null } }, "ce25872021": { "bear": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "ce2776f78f": { "hedgehog": { "2": null, "13": null, "22": null, "31": null }, "hand": { "2": null, "13": null, "22": null, "31": null } }, "ce49b1f474": { "lion": { "3": null, "11": null, "19": null, "30": null } }, "ce4f0a266f": { "giant_panda": { "9": null, "15": "1. The giant panda is crouching and inspecting a pile of bamboo with its front paw.\n\n2. The giant panda is sitting back while holding and eating bamboo with both paws.", "20": "1. The giant panda is crouching down, facing downward, and holding bamboo leaves.\n\n2. The giant panda is sitting upright and lifting a large bunch of bamboo to its mouth.", "32": null } }, "ce5641b195": { "hedgehog": { "7": null, "13": null, "19": null, "28": null }, "hand": { "7": null, "13": null, "19": null, "28": null } }, "ce6866aa19": { "rabbit": { "6": null, "10": null, "25": null, "29": null } }, "ce712ed3c9": { "elephant": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": null, "13": null }, "sign": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "ce7d1c8117": { "parrot": { "4": null, "8": null, "14": null, "22": null }, "person": { "4": null, "8": null, "14": null, "22": null } }, "ce7dbeaa88": { "dolphin": { "7": null, "11": null, "19": null, "31": null } }, "ce9b015a5e": { "duck": { "9": null, "12": null, "22": null, "29": null } }, "cea7697b25": { "person": { "5": "1. The person is standing with their back to the camera while holding a small object in one hand. \n2. The person is leaning slightly forward while reaching for an object under the umbrella. \n3. The person is standing and holding onto the pole of the umbrella with one hand.", "7": null, "10": "1. The person is walking past while looking in the direction of the person seated.\n3. The person is holding an umbrella pole with one hand and appears to be securing something.\n4. The person is sitting down and looking upwards, possibly engaging in conversation.", "16": "1. The person is walking while facing away, with arms relaxed by their sides.\n2. The person is crouching down and appears to be adjusting something near their feet.\n4. The person is leaning down, reaching toward the base of an umbrella." } }, "cebbd826cf": { "camel": { "6": null, "9": null, "19": "1. The camel is lying down with its legs tucked beneath, gazing straight ahead.\n2. The camel is standing with its neck raised, appearing to survey the surroundings.", "24": "1. The camel is lying down with its legs folded under its body and facing forward. \n2. The camel is walking forward with its head raised and left front leg lifted." } }, "cec3415361": { "deer": { "4": null, "13": null, "15": null, "24": null } }, "cec41ad4f4": { "person": { "7": null, "16": null, "20": null, "29": null } }, "ced49d26df": { "ape": { "4": null, "11": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "ced7705ab2": { "hand": { "3": null, "10": null, "15": null, "24": null }, "snake": { "3": null, "10": null, "15": null, "24": null } }, "cef824a1e1": { "cat": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "cf13f5c95a": { "owl": { "7": null, "12": null, "14": null, "25": null } }, "cf4376a52d": { "others": { "5": null, "12": null, "18": null, "27": null }, "lizard": { "5": null, "12": null, "18": null, "27": null } }, "cf85ab28b5": { "fish": { "3": null, "14": null, "25": null, "29": null } }, "cfc2e50b9d": { "tiger": { "3": null, "11": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "cfcd571fff": { "hand": { "7": null, "10": null, "15": null, "21": null }, "earless_seal": { "7": null, "10": null, "15": null, "21": null } }, "cfd9d4ae47": { "deer": { "6": null, "14": null, "24": null, "33": null } }, "cfda2dcce5": { "mouse": { "3": null, "10": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "cff035928b": { "cow": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "16": null }, "person": { "4": "1. The person is walking forward while holding something in one hand.\n\n3. The person is seated, facing forward, with hands resting on their lap.", "6": "1. The person is gesturing with one arm extended while standing in front of the animal area.\n\n3. The person is seated with their back turned towards the scene, observing the presentation.", "8": "1. The person is bending forward while holding a container near the cow.\n3. The person is seated and looking towards the presentation area.", "16": "1. The person is bending slightly forward and gesturing with their hand as they speak.\n3. The person is sitting and looking forward, seemingly focused on the scene ahead." } }, "d01608c2a5": { "bus": { "3": null, "8": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "d01a8f1f83": { "skateboard": { "7": null, "9": null, "17": null, "22": null }, "person": { "7": null, "9": null, "17": null, "22": null } }, "d021d68bca": { "parrot": { "9": null, "16": null, "23": null, "27": null }, "person": { "9": null, "16": null, "23": null, "27": null } }, "d04258ca14": { "leopard": { "3": "1. The leopard is turning its head to the right, scanning the surroundings.\n\n2. The leopard is crouching and appearing to inch forward.\n\n3. The leopard is climbing up the rock face, placing its paws cautiously.", "8": "1. The leopard is resting with its head turned to observe its surroundings.\n\n2. The leopard is crouching slightly and peering forward vigilantly.\n\n3. The leopard is peeking from behind the rock, looking cautiously outward.", "16": "1. The leopard is sitting upright with its head turned to the side, visibly observing its surroundings.\n\n2. The leopard is standing with its body facing sideways, appearing to lean slightly forward.\n\n3. The leopard is extending its front paw outwards, touching the rock surface in front of it.", "26": null } }, "d0483573dc": { "monkey": { "7": null, "13": null, "15": null, "25": null } }, "d04a90aaff": { "parrot": { "7": null, "13": null, "16": null, "25": null }, "hand": { "7": null, "13": null, "16": null, "25": null } }, "d05279c0bd": { "ape": { "4": null, "13": null, "19": null, "27": null } }, "d0696bd5fc": { "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "d072fda75b": { "hedgehog": { "7": null, "10": null, "21": null, "30": null } }, "d0a83bcd9f": { "cow": { "5": null, "13": null, "15": null, "23": null } }, "d0ab39112e": { "giant_panda": { "5": null, "11": null, "18": null, "27": null } }, "d0acde820f": { "zebra": { "3": null, "9": null, "10": "1. The zebra is facing downward and grazing on the grass.\n\n2. The zebra is standing still with its head slightly turned to the side.", "17": null } }, "d0b4442c71": { "giant_panda": { "7": null, "9": null, "14": null, "20": null } }, "d0c65e9e95": { "mouse": { "5": "1. The mouse is climbing up a piece of bark, facing upwards, and gripping it with its paws.\n\n2. The mouse is standing near the edge, leaning forward and sniffing the surface below.", "15": null, "20": "1. The mouse is climbing over a piece of wood, using its front paws for support.\n\n2. The mouse is sitting on bedding, holding a small piece of food with its paws.", "31": "1. The mouse is perched on a piece of wood, looking forward with its body stretched out and its front paws resting on the surface.\n\n2. The mouse is leaning over the bedding, appearing to sniff or inspect the area directly in front of it." } }, "d0fb600c73": { "giant_panda": { "7": null, "8": null, "14": "1. The giant panda is facing the metal bars while slightly bending its head forward.\n2. The giant panda is standing on its hind legs, pressing its paws against the metal bars.", "24": null } }, "d107a1457c": { "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "6": null, "8": null } }, "d123d674c1": { "person": { "3": null, "4": null, "7": null, "9": null }, "hat": { "3": null, "4": null, "7": null, "9": null } }, "d14d1e9289": { "truck": { "3": null, "9": null, "11": null, "14": null }, "person": { "3": null, "9": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "d154e3388e": { "cat": { "4": null, "8": null, "11": null, "16": null }, "dog": { "4": null, "8": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "d177e9878a": { "hat": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "d1802f69f8": { "parachute": { "2": null, "9": null, "17": null, "25": null }, "person": { "2": "1. The person is skydiving in a horizontal position with arms bent at the elbows and knees slightly bent.\n2. The person is parachuting in a free-fall position with arms extended forward and legs slightly bent.", "9": "1. The person is skydiving with arms and legs extended, adjusting their position in free fall.\n\n2. The person is rapidly descending in free fall, slightly twisting their body to control their descent.", "17": null, "25": null } }, "d182c4483a": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "10": null, "25": null, "26": null }, "person": { "2": null, "10": null, "25": null, "26": null } }, "d195d31128": { "monkey": { "9": null, "14": null, "25": null, "27": null } }, "d200838929": { "monkey": { "2": null, "16": null, "19": null, "27": null } }, "d205e3cff5": { "parrot": { "7": null, "10": null, "19": null, "28": null } }, "d247420c4c": { "lizard": { "8": null, "10": null, "19": null, "32": null } }, "d2484bff33": { "boat": { "3": null, "4": null, "6": null, "10": null } }, "d26f6ed9b0": { "snake": { "7": null, "8": null, "17": null, "22": null } }, "d280fcd1cb": { "earless_seal": { "2": null, "16": null, "24": null, "31": null } }, "d2857f0faa": { "earless_seal": { "3": null, "16": null, "22": null, "28": null } }, "d295ea2dc7": { "horse": { "4": null, "8": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "d2a58b4fa6": { "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "13": null }, "dog": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "d2b026739a": { "turtle": { "4": null, "9": null, "19": null, "21": null } }, "d2ebe0890f": { "turtle": { "3": null, "14": null, "18": null, "32": null } }, "d2ede5d862": { "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "11": null }, "paddle": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "d301ca58cc": { "duck": { "7": "1. The duck is standing on the rocks while stretching its neck upwards and facing the water.\n\n2. The duck is swimming forward in the water with its head upright.\n\n3. The duck is floating in the water with its head partially submerged.", "10": "1. The duck is standing on the rocky ground with its neck extended upwards, appearing to observe its surroundings.\n\n2. The duck is swimming forward in the water with its body partially submerged.\n\n3. The duck is floating on the water near lily pads, facing left.", "19": null, "25": null } }, "d3069da8bb": { "rabbit": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "d343d4a77d": { "sheep": { "3": "1. The sheep is stepping forward with its head lowered, sniffing the ground as it moves.\n\n2. The sheep is standing still and turning its head to the side as if listening.\n\n3. The sheep is crouching down with its front legs bent as if preparing to rest.", "9": "1. The sheep is walking forward with its head lowered, moving steadily over the rocky terrain.\n\n2. The sheep is standing still with its legs straight, looking to the side.\n\n3. The sheep is bending down toward the ground, appearing to graze.", "11": null, "18": null } }, "d355e634ef": { "bear": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "d367fb5253": { "boat": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "d36d16358e": { "parrot": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "d38bc77e2c": { "person": { "5": "1. The person is walking forward with arms loosely at their sides.\n2. The person is turning their head to the left, hands resting at the hips.\n3. The person is stepping back with one foot while slightly tilting forward.", "8": null, "10": "1. The person is standing with hands on hips, observing the scene in front of them.\n\n2. The person is pointing their finger outward while gesturing with the other hand.\n\n3. The person is waving their hand in a circular motion in front of them.", "16": null } }, "d38d1679e2": { "parrot": { "4": null, "11": null, "18": null, "24": null } }, "d3932ad4bd": { "cat": { "5": "1. The cat is walking with its body leaning forward and showing its side.\n\n2. The cat is playfully touching the back of another cat with its front paw.\n\n3. The cat is sitting upright with its head turned slightly downward.", "8": "1. The cat is lying down with its body stretched out, facing forward.\n\n2. The cat is pawing at the face of another cat while leaning forward.\n\n3. The cat is bowing its head and appearing to nuzzle its paw.", "12": null, "15": "1. The cat is lying down with its body stretched out and its head facing sideways.\n\n2. The cat is sniffing towards the ground while appearing to crouch slightly.\n\n3. The cat is sitting upright with its gaze directed downward." } }, "d3987b2930": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "16": null, "18": null, "26": null }, "person": { "4": null, "16": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "d39934abe3": { "lizard": { "2": null, "12": null, "19": null, "25": null } }, "d3ae1c3f4c": { "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "12": null }, "dog": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "d3b088e593": { "airplane": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "d3e6e05e16": { "ape": { "3": null, "13": null, "16": null, "20": null } }, "d3eefae7c5": { "snail": { "2": null, "13": null, "18": null, "24": null } }, "d3f55f5ab8": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "17": null, "19": null, "31": null }, "person": { "2": null, "17": null, "19": null, "31": null } }, "d3f5c309cc": { "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "6": null, "10": null } }, "d4034a7fdf": { "eagle": { "4": null, "12": null, "23": null, "29": null } }, "d4193011f3": { "turtle": { "5": null, "10": null, "19": null, "22": null } }, "d429c67630": { "parrot": { "6": null, "14": null, "17": null, "30": null } }, "d42c0ff975": { "fox": { "6": null, "16": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "d44a764409": { "camel": { "6": null, "11": null, "25": null, "27": null } }, "d44e6acd1d": { "horse": { "2": null, "4": null, "6": null, "8": null } }, "d45158c175": { "ape": { "4": null, "10": null, "18": null, "25": null } }, "d454e8444f": { "sheep": { "4": null, "8": null, "15": null, "25": null } }, "d45f62717e": { "person": { "4": null, "11": null, "19": null, "32": null }, "snake": { "4": null, "11": null, "19": null, "32": null } }, "d48ebdcf74": { "lizard": { "9": null, "16": null, "19": null, "33": null } }, "d49ab52a25": { "horse": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": null }, "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "d4a607ad81": { "cow": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "16": null } }, "d4b063c7db": { "ape": { "2": null, "8": null, "18": null, "23": null } }, "d4da13e9ba": { "bear": { "4": null, "8": "1. The bear is walking forward with its head lowered, appearing to sniff the ground.\n2. A bear is standing still and facing forward, with its mouth slightly open.", "11": null, "15": null } }, "d4dd1a7d00": { "person": { "9": null, "10": null, "25": null, "31": null }, "snake": { "9": null, "10": null, "25": null, "31": null } }, "d4f4f7c9c3": { "giraffe": { "5": null, "9": null, "11": null, "14": null }, "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "11": null, "14": null }, "hat": { "5": null, "9": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "d521aba02e": { "dolphin": { "6": null, "14": null, "22": null, "31": null } }, "d535bb1b97": { "motorbike": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "d53b955f78": { "sedan": { "5": null, "8": null, "13": null, "16": null }, "bus": { "5": null, "8": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "d55cb7a205": { "horse": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "14": null }, "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "d55f247a45": { "snake": { "5": null, "9": null, "17": null, "27": null } }, "d5695544d8": { "leopard": { "3": null, "14": null, "22": null, "32": null } }, "d5853d9b8b": { "crocodile": { "8": null, "16": "1. The crocodile is resting its head above water, remaining still while observing its surroundings.\n\n2. The crocodile is emerging from the water with its mouth open, revealing its teeth as it moves upward.", "22": null, "30": null } }, "d5b6c6d94a": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is standing and watching the cyclists as they start the race.\n\n2. The person is standing and observing the action while holding a camera to take pictures.\n\n3. The person is standing with their hands in their pockets, looking towards the race.", "6": "1. The person is holding a microphone towards a crowd of cyclists, appearing to engage in an announcement or commentary.\n\n2. The person is clapping their hands together, creating a gesture of encouragement or celebration towards the cyclists.\n\n3. The person is standing still with arms crossed, observing the passing cyclists closely.", "11": "1. The person is standing with arms raised, appearing to signal the start of the race.\n2. The person is clapping their hands, encouraging the cyclists as they pass by.\n3. The person is standing still, observing the cyclists moving forward.", "14": "1. The person is standing with arms raised, gesturing towards the group of cyclists. \n2. The person is clapping their hands while watching the cyclists pass. \n3. The person is observing the cyclists and holds one hand at their side." } }, "d5cae12834": { "frisbee": { "3": null, "9": null, "16": null, "25": null } }, "d5df027f0c": { "tennis_racket": { "5": null, "9": null, "17": null, "23": null }, "others": { "5": null, "9": null, "17": null, "23": null }, "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "17": null, "23": null } }, "d5ee40e5d0": { "skateboard": { "5": null, "10": null, "23": null, "27": null }, "person": { "5": null, "10": null, "23": null, "27": null } }, "d600046f73": { "cat": { "4": null, "9": null, "19": null, "22": null }, "snake": { "4": null, "9": null, "19": null, "22": null } }, "d632fd3510": { "person": { "4": null, "9": null, "16": null, "25": null } }, "d6476cad55": { "giant_panda": { "7": null, "13": "1. The giant panda is climbing up a tree, gripping the trunk with its paws while looking upward.\n\n2. The giant panda is sitting on the ground and looking up, with its paws rested on the grass.", "18": "1. The giant panda is climbing up a tree while holding onto the trunk with both paws.\n2. The giant panda is reaching upward towards the tree while sitting on the ground.", "31": "1. The giant panda is climbing up the tree, gripping the trunk with its paws.\n\n2. The giant panda is standing on its hind legs while leaning against the tree." } }, "d65a7bae86": { "ape": { "2": null, "10": "1. The ape is sitting down, holding onto something with both hands.\n\n2. The ape is resting its head against another ape while remaining still.", "18": "1. The ape is cradling and gently patting the smaller ape with its hand.\n\n2. The smaller ape is leaning its head against the larger ape's chest.", "26": null } }, "d664c89912": { "penguin": { "4": null, "9": null, "18": null, "27": null } }, "d689658f06": { "parachute": { "9": null, "12": null, "20": null, "28": null } }, "d6917db4be": { "squirrel": { "2": null, "8": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "d69967143e": { "boat": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "paddle": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "d699d3d798": { "giraffe": { "4": null, "6": "1. The giraffe is stepping forward actively while extending its neck toward the ground.\n\n2. The giraffe is turning its head to the side while maintaining a steady footing.\n\n3. The giraffe is bending its neck downward, appearing to reach or inspect something below.", "8": null, "12": "1. The giraffe is reaching forward with its head, possibly interacting with the fence.\n\n2. The giraffe is extending its neck upward, appearing to gaze into the distance.\n\n3. The giraffe is striding forward with its head tilted slightly upward." } }, "d69f757a3f": { "fish": { "2": null, "10": null, "20": null, "29": null } }, "d6ac0e065c": { "duck": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "d6c02bfda5": { "giraffe": { "5": null, "8": "1. The giraffe is walking forward, stretching its neck ahead while keeping its legs in motion.\n\n2. The giraffe is turning its head to the left while standing still, with its body facing forward.\n\n3. The giraffe is standing still with its head raised high, gazing straight ahead.", "13": "1. The giraffe is walking forward with its tail swaying behind.\n\n2. The giraffe is extending its neck forward to nudge another giraffe with its head.\n\n3. The giraffe is standing still, looking towards the distance.", "17": null } }, "d6c1b5749e": { "cat": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "d6e12ef6cc": { "bear": { "4": "1. The bear is gripping onto a blue object with its mouth and pulling it upwards. \n2. The bear is pushing its front legs against the pool edge while emerging from the water.", "6": "1. The bear is gripping a blue object with its mouth, lifting its head upward.\n2. The bear is swimming forward, extending its limbs through the water.", "9": null, "13": null } }, "d6eed152c4": { "person": { "8": null, "15": null, "20": null, "27": "1. The person is free-falling with arms outstretched and legs bent backward.\n2. The person is tandem skydiving, holding securely onto the other person with both arms." } }, "d6faaaf726": { "airplane": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "d704766646": { "snake": { "2": null, "12": null, "25": null, "31": null } }, "d708e1350c": { "fish": { "4": null, "10": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "d7135cf104": { "monkey": { "5": null, "15": null, "25": null, "32": null } }, "d719cf9316": { "sedan": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "bus": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "d724134cfd": { "surfboard": { "2": null, "13": null, "19": null, "21": null }, "person": { "2": null, "13": null, "19": null, "21": null } }, "d73a60a244": { "earless_seal": { "2": "1. The earless seal is resting motionless on the wet surface, gently adjusting its body.\n\n2. The earless seal is pushing its flippers forward, gradually propelling itself across the wet surface.", "17": null, "18": "1. The earless seal is lying still, with its body stretched out across the surface. \n2. The earless seal is leaning forward and slightly raising its head.", "29": "1. The earless_seal is lying flat with its head raised, facing forward, and appearing to rest on the surface.\n\n2. The earless_seal is lifting its head above the water while staying mostly submerged near the edge." } }, "d7411662da": { "person": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "d74875ea7c": { "plant": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "16": null }, "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "d756f5a694": { "person": { "3": null, "7": "1. The person is sitting on a rock, extending their arm upwards as they grip the railing.\n\n2. The person is crouching in the water, grabbing the struggling dog with both hands.", "9": null, "11": "1. The person is sitting on a wooden structure while looking towards the water.\n\n2. The person is standing in water and holding a fish above the surface." }, "dog": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "d7572b7d8a": { "skateboard": { "8": null, "14": null, "18": null, "33": null }, "person": { "8": null, "14": null, "18": null, "33": null } }, "d763bd6d96": { "lizard": { "2": null, "15": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "d7697c8b13": { "person": { "3": "1. The person is walking forward while adjusting their gloves.\n\n2. The person is stretching out their arm towards the horse's bridle.\n\n3. The person is standing with arms akimbo, facing the horse and rider.", "6": "1. The person is moving forward with arms slightly bent and hands near their sides.\n\n2. The person is extending their arm towards the horse, appearing to reach out or touch its neck.\n\n3. The person is holding onto the horse\u2019s harness with one hand, maintaining a steady grip.", "12": "1. The person is walking forward with one arm swinging back.\n\n2. The person is bending over and adjusting gear on a horse.\n\n3. The person is holding a horse's reins while standing beside it.", "14": "1. The person is walking forward with one arm slightly extended.\n\n2. The person is bent over, adjusting or securing something near the horse's head.\n\n3. The person is holding a rope or rein and guiding the horse forward." } }, "d7797196b4": { "giant_panda": { "2": null, "13": null, "15": null, "25": null } }, "d79c834768": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "13": null, "18": null, "31": null }, "person": { "2": null, "13": null, "18": null, "31": null } }, "d7b34e5d73": { "dog": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "d7bb6b37a7": { "snake": { "3": null, "10": null, "19": null, "24": null } }, "d7c7e064a6": { "parrot": { "3": null, "17": null, "19": null, "33": null } }, "d7fbf545b3": { "airplane": { "3": null, "6": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "d82a0aa15b": { "monkey": { "7": null, "17": null, "23": null, "27": null } }, "d847e24abd": { "dolphin": { "2": null, "12": null, "14": null, "24": null } }, "d8596701b7": { "person": { "3": null, "9": null, "15": null, "21": null }, "others": { "3": null, "9": null, "15": null, "21": null } }, "d86101499c": { "hand": { "3": null, "10": null, "16": null, "26": null }, "lizard": { "3": "1. The lizard is crawling across a person's hand, moving its legs forward in a walking motion.\n2. The lizard is lying still on a flat surface, facing towards the viewer.", "10": null, "16": null, "26": "1. The lizard is gripping the hand with its feet while moving its head slightly forward.\n\n2. The lizard is turning its body in a curled position on the paper." } }, "d87069ba86": { "lion": { "5": null, "8": null, "15": null, "24": null } }, "d87160957b": { "lizard": { "3": "1. The lizard is leaning forward with its head raised, appearing to sniff the air.\n\n2. The lizard is lying with its legs splayed out, facing upward while remaining still.", "9": null, "14": null, "26": null } }, "d874654b52": { "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "d88a403092": { "hand": { "5": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "knife": { "5": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "d8aee40f3f": { "snake": { "7": null, "9": null, "15": null, "22": null } }, "d8e77a222d": { "paddle": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "d8eb07c381": { "person": { "9": null, "13": null, "23": null, "29": null }, "snowboard": { "9": null, "13": null, "23": null, "29": null } }, "d9010348a1": { "dog": { "2": null, "5": null, "7": null, "9": null } }, "d90e3cf281": { "hand": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "motorbike": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "d92532c7b2": { "fox": { "9": null, "17": null, "21": null, "28": null }, "person": { "9": null, "17": null, "21": null, "28": null } }, "d927fae122": { "mouse": { "2": null, "12": null, "16": null, "23": null }, "snake": { "2": null, "12": null, "16": null, "23": null } }, "d95707bca8": { "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "d973b31c00": { "sheep": { "3": null, "12": null, "15": null, "24": null } }, "d991cb471d": { "giant_panda": { "6": null, "11": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "d992c69d37": { "ape": { "7": null, "12": null, "17": null, "26": null } }, "d99d770820": { "crocodile": { "4": null, "11": null, "25": null, "27": null } }, "d9b63abc11": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "14": null, "18": null, "27": null }, "person": { "2": null, "14": null, "18": null, "27": null } }, "d9db6f1983": { "crocodile": { "7": null, "9": null, "15": null, "20": null } }, "d9e52be2d2": { "person": { "4": "1. The person is standing at the front of the boat, facing forward, and appears to be steering or directing with an arm extended to the side.\n\n2. The person is paddling energetically with an oar, moving their body rhythmically as part of a rowing team.\n\n3. The person is also paddling with an oar, showing synchronized movements with others on the boat to propel it forward.", "6": null, "12": "1. The person is enthusiastically raising both arms while sitting at the front of the boat.\n\n2. The person is paddling vigorously with a paddle in the water.\n\n3. The person is standing and beating a drum energetically at the front of the boat.", "16": "1. The person is enthusiastically drumming with both hands, leading the cadence.\n\n2. The person is vigorously paddling with synchronized strokes along with the team.\n\n3. The person is energetically paddling in coordination with others in the boat." } }, "d9edc82650": { "eagle": { "7": null, "8": null, "15": null, "27": null } }, "da01070697": { "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "da070ea4b7": { "boat": { "2": null, "15": null, "22": null, "31": null }, "dolphin": { "2": null, "15": null, "22": null, "31": null } }, "da080507b9": { "monkey": { "7": null, "11": null, "14": null, "21": null }, "person": { "7": null, "11": null, "14": null, "21": null } }, "da0e944cc4": { "giant_panda": { "2": null, "10": null, "22": null, "31": null } }, "da28d94ff4": { "plant": { "5": null, "8": null, "11": null, "14": null }, "others": { "5": null, "8": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "da5d78b9d1": { "lizard": { "5": null, "11": null, "23": null, "31": null } }, "da6003fc72": { "lion": { "7": null, "11": null, "19": null, "21": null }, "person": { "7": null, "11": null, "19": null, "21": null } }, "da690fee9f": { "turtle": { "2": null, "13": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "da6c68708f": { "tennis_racket": { "3": null, "15": null, "18": null, "26": null }, "person": { "3": null, "15": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "da7a816676": { "sheep": { "6": null, "9": null, "15": null, "21": null } }, "dac361e828": { "airplane": { "2": null, "10": null, "23": null, "33": null }, "person": { "2": null, "10": "1. The person is grasping a helmet strap while looking forward.\n\n2. The person is holding onto a parachute harness and facing towards the camera.\n\n3. The person is raising their left arm upwards with an open hand.", "23": null, "33": "1. The person is extending their arms and legs outward while rotating mid-air.\n\n2. The person is arching their body and spreading their arms as they fall through the air." } }, "dac71659b8": { "sheep": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "dad980385d": { "airplane": { "4": null, "7": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "daebc12b77": { "owl": { "5": null, "11": null, "18": null, "23": null } }, "db0968cdd3": { "lion": { "3": null, "13": null, "15": null, "20": null } }, "db231a7100": { "bus": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "db59282ace": { "horse": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "15": null }, "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "db7f267c3f": { "snail": { "6": null, "10": null, "23": null, "27": null } }, "dba35b87fd": { "person": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "bucket": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "dbba735a50": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is riding a horse while sitting upright in the saddle.\n\n2. The person is standing beside a horse with one arm extended, possibly holding the reins.\n\n3. The person is walking away from the horse with a slight lean forward.", "5": null, "8": null, "14": "1. The person is riding the horse, holding the reins and maintaining balance.\n\n2. The person is sitting upright on the horse, grasping the reins with both hands.\n\n3. The person is standing and observing the area with a slight lean forward." } }, "dbca076acd": { "snail": { "2": null, "14": null, "22": null, "26": null } }, "dbd66dc3ac": { "snail": { "3": null, "15": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "dbdc3c292b": { "mouse": { "8": null, "17": null, "24": null, "31": null } }, "dbf4a5b32b": { "deer": { "7": null, "14": null, "25": null, "30": null } }, "dbfc417d28": { "giant_panda": { "4": null, "14": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "dc1745e0a2": { "boat": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "dc32a44804": { "person": { "4": null, "15": null, "19": null, "30": null } }, "dc34b35e30": { "deer": { "6": null, "13": null, "16": null, "25": null } }, "dc504a4f79": { "duck": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "dc704dd647": { "penguin": { "4": null, "12": null, "20": "1. The penguin is standing upright with its back turned, appearing to look into the trench.\n2. The penguin is walking forward with its wings slightly extended.\n3. The penguin is leaning forward with its head lowered, appearing to be inspecting the ground.", "30": null } }, "dc71bc6918": { "train": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "dc7771b3be": { "tennis_racket": { "6": null, "14": null, "21": null, "26": null }, "person": { "6": null, "14": null, "21": null, "26": null } }, "dcf8c93617": { "toilet": { "3": null, "8": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "dd0f4c9fb9": { "skateboard": { "5": null, "14": null, "19": null, "32": null }, "person": { "5": null, "14": null, "19": null, "32": null } }, "dd415df125": { "frog": { "3": "1. The frog is pushing itself forward with its legs while facing the camera.\n\n2. The frog is crawling over a small patch of greenery with its body low to the ground.\n\n3. The frog is climbing onto a leaf, pulling itself upward with its front legs.\n\n4. The frog is tilting its body to the side, seemingly adjusting its position near a twig.", "8": "1. The frog is leaping forward, stretching its legs behind.\n2. The frog is crouched low, eyes focused ahead while readying to move.\n3. The frog is climbing onto a leaf, gripping with its front legs.\n4. The frog is reaching out with its front leg to touch a nearby stem.", "12": null, "21": null } }, "dd601f9a3f": { "giant_panda": { "7": "1. The giant_panda is leaning forward and sniffing the ground near the entrance of the log.\n\n2. The giant_panda is stepping out from the log, pulling leaves aside with its paws.", "8": null, "19": null, "22": "1. The giant panda is facing downward and appearing to lean into a hollow tree trunk.\n\n2. The giant panda is sitting upright and looking forward through dense foliage." } }, "dd61d903df": { "monkey": { "7": null, "12": null, "17": null, "21": null } }, "dd77583736": { "monkey": { "6": null, "8": "1. The monkey is holding onto a larger monkey while turning its head slightly to the side.\n\n2. The monkey is sitting still, mouth slightly open.", "16": null, "24": null } }, "dd8636bd8b": { "person": { "5": null, "14": null, "25": null, "26": null } }, "dd9fe6c6ac": { "dog": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "ddb2da4c14": { "turtle": { "7": null, "12": null, "18": null, "33": null } }, "ddcd450d47": { "person": { "3": "1. The person is free-falling with arms bent and fists clenched, stabilizing in the air.\n\n2. The person is skydiving face down with legs bent, maintaining balance in the freefall.", "12": "1. The person is facing forward and extending both arms outward in a skydiving posture. \n2. The person is oriented horizontally with legs bent and hands gripping the front of their jumpsuit.", "17": "1. The person is skydiving and stretching out their arms and legs to stabilize themselves in the air.\n\n2. The person is moving their legs back and forth while maintaining a belly-down position during the freefall.", "21": "1. The person is skydiving with arms bent and legs extended, stabilizing in freefall.\n2. The person is adjusting their position mid-air, with one hand reaching forward." } }, "dde8e67fb4": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is standing and holding a piece of fabric with both hands while slightly bent over.\n\n2. The person is sitting and watching the activity on the water with others nearby.", "7": "1. The person is standing and holding a paddle while watching the water.\n\n2. The person is facing the water, observing the kayakers.\n\n3. The person is seated, holding a paddle, and looking towards the water.", "8": null, "13": null } }, "ddfc3f04d3": { "ape": { "2": null, "9": null, "15": null, "22": null } }, "de2ab79dfa": { "hedgehog": { "7": null, "15": null, "19": "1. The hedgehog is sniffing the ground while moving forward cautiously.\n2. The hedgehog is curled up facing downward and appears stationary.", "31": null } }, "de2f35b2fd": { "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "12": "1. The person is standing with arms relaxed at their sides, facing towards the truck.\n3. The person is reaching forward with one arm, appearing to operate or adjust something near the vehicle." }, "others": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "de30990a51": { "person": { "5": "1. The person is extending both legs forward and pulling on the parachute lines with both hands.\n\n2. The person is gripping the parachute lines firmly while leaning back.", "15": null, "21": "1. The person is sitting upright in the harness, gripping the risers with both hands.\n\n2. The person is leaning back slightly while holding a control line above their head.", "33": "1. The person is sitting and holding onto the straps of a paraglider while in midair.\n\n2. The person is gripping the harness and leaning back in the paraglider seat." } }, "de36b216da": { "bear": { "5": null, "7": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "de37403340": { "parrot": { "2": null, "16": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "de46e4943b": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "6": null, "12": null, "16": null }, "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "de4ddbccb1": { "rabbit": { "4": null, "15": null, "19": null, "33": null }, "person": { "4": null, "15": null, "19": null, "33": null } }, "de5e480f05": { "parrot": { "5": null, "8": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "de6a9382ca": { "bear": { "4": null, "7": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "de74a601d3": { "cat": { "9": null, "12": null, "23": null, "26": null }, "lizard": { "9": null, "12": null, "23": null, "26": null } }, "de827c510d": { "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "9": null, "14": null } }, "ded6069f7b": { "parrot": { "9": null, "16": null, "25": null, "33": null } }, "defb71c741": { "zebra": { "5": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "df01f277f1": { "penguin": { "3": "1. The penguin is bending forward, using its beak to peck at the ground.\n2. The penguin is standing upright, facing another penguin and chirping.\n3. The penguin is lying on its belly, resting on a rocky surface.\n4. The penguin is waddling forward with its wings slightly outstretched.\n5. The penguin is turning its head to the side while sitting on its haunches.", "11": null, "19": "1. The penguin is standing upright while extending its neck forward.\n\n2. The penguin is facing the ground with its beak lowered.", "33": null } }, "df05214b82": { "cow": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "df11931ffe": { "others": { "6": null, "15": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "df1b0e4620": { "lizard": { "4": null, "15": null, "18": null, "33": null } }, "df20a8650d": { "cow": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "df2bc56d7c": { "skateboard": { "3": null, "16": null, "19": null, "26": null }, "person": { "3": null, "16": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "df365282c6": { "shark": { "8": null, "10": null, "21": null, "27": null }, "person": { "8": null, "10": null, "21": null, "27": null } }, "df39a0d9df": { "sedan": { "3": null, "9": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "df3c430c24": { "train": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "df5536cfb9": { "ape": { "9": null, "14": null, "21": null, "29": null } }, "df59cfd91d": { "sedan": { "3": null, "8": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "df5e2152b3": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is dancing energetically with their arm extended outward.\n2. The person is performing a dance move, leaning slightly forward with both arms raised.\n3. The person is stepping sideways while waving their arm in a dynamic dance gesture.", "5": "1. The person is raising one leg and holding their arms up in a dance pose.\n\n2. The person is lifting their knee high while extending one arm upward.\n\n3. The person is balancing on one leg with the other leg bent and arms raised.", "7": "1. The person is jumping with arms raised and holding a fan above the head.\n\n2. The person is leaping with one arm extended upward and holding a fan.\n\n3. The person is actively jumping while lifting both arms high and maintaining a wide stance.", "8": null } }, "df741313c9": { "giraffe": { "4": null, "8": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "plant": { "4": null, "8": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "df7626172f": { "cat": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "14": null }, "hand": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "df8ad5deb9": { "camel": { "6": null, "13": null, "24": null, "33": null } }, "df96aa609a": { "person": { "5": null, "6": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "df9705605c": { "sheep": { "5": null, "11": null, "21": null, "29": null } }, "df9c91c4da": { "raccoon": { "2": null, "11": null, "23": null, "28": null } }, "dfc0d3d27a": { "skateboard": { "7": null, "11": null, "24": null, "32": null }, "person": { "7": null, "11": null, "24": null, "32": null } }, "dfdbf91a99": { "dolphin": { "8": null, "13": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "e00baaae9b": { "giant_panda": { "8": null, "13": null, "22": null, "33": null }, "person": { "8": null, "13": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "e0a938c6e7": { "horse": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "11": null }, "person": { "2": null, "5": "1. The person is holding onto the horse's reins while seated on its back.\n\n2. The person is adjusting the saddle strap with both hands.", "10": null, "11": "1. The person is sitting upright on a horse, holding the reins with both hands.\n2. The person is standing beside the horse, extending one arm forward to support the rider." } }, "e0b2ceee6f": { "skateboard": { "3": null, "10": null, "19": null, "24": null }, "person": { "3": null, "10": null, "19": null, "24": null } }, "e0be1f6e17": { "airplane": { "4": null, "8": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "e0c478f775": { "hedgehog": { "6": null, "12": null, "19": null, "25": null } }, "e0de82caa7": { "giant_panda": { "8": null, "16": null, "18": null, "30": null } }, "e0f217dd59": { "duck": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": "1. The duck is swimming forward on the water while maintaining its head slightly raised.\n2. The duck is floating calmly on the water, facing towards the tall grasses.", "11": "1. The duck is swimming smoothly forward with its head slightly raised above the water surface.\n\n2. The duck is moving away, partially submerged, creating ripples in the water with its paddling motion." } }, "e0f7208874": { "fish": { "4": null, "13": null, "20": null, "27": null } }, "e0fb58395e": { "lizard": { "2": null, "10": null, "19": null, "28": null } }, "e1194c2e9d": { "tiger": { "2": null, "5": null, "7": null, "8": null } }, "e11adcd05d": { "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "20": null } }, "e128124b9d": { "train": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "e1495354e4": { "giant_panda": { "6": null, "12": null, "23": null, "29": null } }, "e1561d6d4b": { "giant_panda": { "7": null, "13": null, "24": null, "32": null }, "person": { "7": null, "13": null, "24": null, "32": null } }, "e158805399": { "boat": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "15": null }, "person": { "2": null, "6": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "e19edcd34b": { "penguin": { "9": null, "15": "1. The penguin is standing upright, facing forward, and appears to be observing the surrounding group.\n2. The penguin is walking forward with its left flipper extended outward, maintaining balance.", "23": null, "28": null } }, "e1a1544285": { "person": { "9": "1. The person is arching back with an open mouth and outstretched arms while skydiving.\n\n2. The person is giving a thumbs-up with one hand and supporting the other person from behind.", "12": null, "20": "1. The person is screaming with their mouth open wide and arms extended outward.\n2. The person is holding onto the harness and leaning forward.", "27": "1. The person is skydiving with their mouth open wide and arms extended outward.\n\n2. The person is skydiving with arms spread wide and one hand gripping the parachute straps." } }, "e1ab7957f4": { "ape": { "4": "1. The ape is crouching and reaching out with its left arm toward the ground.\n2. The ape is holding onto a wooden structure with its right hand while leaning forward.", "10": "1. The ape is standing on its hind legs while holding onto a rope with its hand.\n\n2. The ape is clinging onto the larger ape, wrapping its arms around the body.", "16": null, "25": null } }, "e1d26d35be": { "hand": { "3": null, "9": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "knife": { "3": null, "9": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "e1e957085b": { "plant": { "3": null, "7": null, "12": null, "16": null }, "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "e1f14510fa": { "monkey": { "8": null, "10": null, "18": null, "32": "1. The monkey is sitting upright, looking forward with a relaxed posture.\n\n2. The monkey is nestled closely, appearing calm with minimal movement.\n\n3. The monkey is standing and looking straight ahead with its arms resting by its sides." } }, "e214b160f4": { "hand": { "6": null, "16": null, "25": null, "32": null }, "snake": { "6": null, "16": null, "25": null, "32": null } }, "e2167379b8": { "lion": { "3": null, "11": null, "19": null, "22": null } }, "e21acb20ab": { "rabbit": { "3": null, "11": null, "21": null, "33": null } }, "e221105579": { "snake": { "5": null, "16": null, "18": null, "30": null } }, "e22ddf8a1b": { "shark": { "6": null, "10": null, "19": null, "30": null } }, "e22de45950": { "zebra": { "3": null, "8": null, "11": null, "15": null }, "bird": { "3": null, "8": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "e22ffc469b": { "shark": { "2": null, "13": null, "18": null, "30": null }, "person": { "2": null, "13": null, "18": null, "30": null } }, "e23cca5244": { "sedan": { "2": null, "6": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "dog": { "2": null, "6": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "e252f46f0b": { "ape": { "8": null, "12": null, "22": null, "26": null } }, "e25fa6cf39": { "shark": { "5": null, "13": null, "24": null, "30": null } }, "e26e486026": { "frog": { "5": null, "12": null, "18": null, "24": null } }, "e275760245": { "person": { "5": null, "6": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "e27bbedbfe": { "airplane": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "14": null } }, "e29e9868a8": { "tennis_racket": { "7": null, "13": null, "23": null, "30": null }, "person": { "7": null, "13": "1. The person is holding a tennis racket and preparing to hit a ball with a forward lean.\n\n3. The person is standing still and observing the activity on the tennis court.", "23": null, "30": null } }, "e2b37ff8af": { "others": { "2": null, "9": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "e2b608d309": { "leopard": { "2": "1. The leopard is crouching low and swatting at the ground with its paw.\n\n2. The leopard is striding forward, its tail extended and legs moving purposefully.\n\n3. The leopard is stepping cautiously forward, sniffing the ground as it advances.", "15": "1. The leopard is crouching low and peering forward, possibly ready to spring or observe something closely.\n\n2. The leopard is standing alert with its head slightly raised, as if scanning the surroundings or monitoring nearby activity.\n\n3. The leopard is stretching its body upward, possibly climbing onto or leaning against the rocky surface.", "18": "1. The leopard is crouching while peering forward.\n\n2. The leopard is walking steadily toward a fallen tree branch.\n\n3. The leopard is sniffing along the edge of a rock.", "29": null } }, "e2bef4da9a": { "duck": { "4": null, "7": null, "13": null, "14": null }, "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "e2c87a6421": { "person": { "2": null, "8": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "e2ea25542c": { "turtle": { "2": null, "13": null, "15": null, "26": null } }, "e2fb1d6497": { "snake": { "4": null, "16": null, "24": null, "30": null } }, "e2fcc99117": { "giant_panda": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "14": null } }, "e33c18412a": { "snake": { "2": null, "5": null, "6": null, "9": null }, "dog": { "2": null, "5": null, "6": null, "9": null } }, "e348377191": { "sedan": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "16": null }, "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "16": null }, "motorbike": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "16": null } }, "e352cb59c8": { "ape": { "2": null, "13": null, "21": null, "27": "1. The ape is reaching upward with its right hand while looking forward.\n2. The ape is looking down and slightly to the right with a relaxed posture." } }, "e36ac982f0": { "giraffe": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "e391bc981e": { "sedan": { "2": null, "6": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "e39e3e0a06": { "sheep": { "3": null, "8": null, "10": "1. The sheep is lunging forward with its legs stretched out, appearing to accelerate.\n2. The sheep is bounding energetically, its front legs lifted off the ground.", "17": null } }, "e3bf38265f": { "bike": { "2": null, "3": null, "4": null, "7": null }, "person": { "2": null, "3": null, "4": null, "7": null } }, "e3d5b2cd21": { "raccoon": { "4": null, "10": null, "15": null, "27": null }, "dog": { "4": null, "10": null, "15": null, "27": null } }, "e3e3245492": { "bear": { "4": "1. The bear is sniffing the ground and slowly walking forward along the riverbank.\n2. The bear is crouching low and looking toward the water.\n3. The bear is sitting still and gazing in the direction of the other bears.", "9": "1. The bear is standing upright, facing the water with its nose pointed forward.\n2. The bear is walking with its head lowered towards the ground, appearing to sniff the earth.\n3. The bear is crouching with its front paws extended forward, seeming to pause or observe something.", "13": null, "15": null } }, "e3e4134877": { "ape": { "2": null, "13": null, "14": null, "25": null } }, "e3f4635e03": { "fish": { "7": null, "15": null, "21": null, "31": null } }, "e4004ee048": { "rabbit": { "9": null, "16": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "e402d1afa5": { "leopard": { "3": null, "14": null, "23": null, "29": null } }, "e415093d27": { "cow": { "2": null, "4": null, "7": null, "9": null } }, "e41ceb5d81": { "parachute": { "4": null, "10": null, "18": null, "28": null }, "person": { "4": null, "10": null, "18": null, "28": null } }, "e424653b78": { "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "e42b6d3dbb": { "giraffe": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "person": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "e42d60f0d4": { "duck": { "6": null, "16": "1. The duck is climbing out of the water while facing forward with its neck extended.\n\n2. The duck is swimming with its beak submerged in the water.\n\n3. The duck is standing upright on a ledge while looking outward.", "19": null, "26": "1. The duck is sitting upright with its beak slightly open, as if vocalizing or calling out. \n2. The duck is standing in shallow water, facing forward with an attentive posture. \n3. The duck is leaning forward with its beak pointing downward, showing interest in the water or an object in it." } }, "e436d0ff1e": { "leopard": { "3": null, "13": "1. The leopard is sitting upright with its head turned slightly to the left, looking around.\n2. The leopard is lying down on its side with its head raised, observing the surroundings.", "23": "1. The leopard is sitting upright with its head turned to the side.\n2. The leopard is lying on its side with its head raised and facing forward.", "26": null } }, "e43d7ae2c5": { "airplane": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "e4428801bc": { "bear": { "3": null, "7": null, "11": null, "16": null }, "bird": { "3": null, "7": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "e44e0b4917": { "fox": { "2": null, "16": null, "19": null, "30": null } }, "e470345ede": { "tiger": { "2": null, "16": null, "25": null, "30": null } }, "e48e8b4263": { "shark": { "7": null, "10": null, "17": null, "30": null } }, "e4922e3726": { "lizard": { "8": null, "15": null, "19": null, "27": null } }, "e4936852bb": { "cat": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "dog": { "2": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "e499228f26": { "monkey": { "2": null, "8": null, "17": null, "25": null } }, "e4af66e163": { "parrot": { "2": null, "11": null, "23": null, "29": null } }, "e4b2095f58": { "fox": { "6": null, "13": null, "21": null, "27": null } }, "e4d19c8283": { "shark": { "9": null, "14": null, "25": null, "26": null } }, "e4d4872dab": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "9": null, "12": null, "16": null }, "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "e4eaa63aab": { "horse": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": null, "16": null } }, "e4ef0a3a34": { "truck": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "e4f8e5f46e": { "bear": { "4": null, "8": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "e4ffb6d0dd": { "elephant": { "2": null, "4": "1. The elephant is lying on its side in the grass, with its trunk resting flat.\n\n2. The elephant is walking forward, swinging its trunk in a relaxed manner.\n\n3. The elephant is standing still, facing slightly away from the camera.", "7": null, "11": "1. The elephant is lying on its side, resting quietly in the grass.\n\n2. The elephant is walking forward, swinging its trunk as it moves through the field.\n\n3. The elephant is standing still, facing another elephant in the herd." } }, "e53e21aa02": { "rabbit": { "2": null, "12": null, "21": null, "31": null }, "person": { "2": null, "12": null, "21": null, "31": null } }, "e57f4f668b": { "earless_seal": { "8": null, "14": null, "22": null, "29": null } }, "e588433c1e": { "truck": { "4": null, "9": null, "11": null, "15": null }, "sedan": { "4": null, "9": null, "11": null, "15": null }, "person": { "4": null, "9": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "e597442c99": { "snake": { "4": null, "9": null, "14": null, "25": null } }, "e5abc0e96b": { "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "16": null }, "motorbike": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "16": null } }, "e5be628030": { "parrot": { "4": null, "13": null, "18": null, "32": null } }, "e5ce96a55d": { "person": { "3": "1. The person is raising both arms outward with clenched fists as if gesturing energetically.\n\n2. The person is standing with a slight forward lean, looking towards the people and motorcycles ahead.", "5": null, "6": "1. The person is holding a camera above their head and capturing a photograph.\n\n2. The person is standing with their back turned, reaching for something in front of them.", "8": "1. The person is raising both hands toward their head with fingers interlocked.\n\n2. The person is standing with their back turned, facing away toward the motorcycles." } }, "e5d6b70a9f": { "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "e5fde1574c": { "bear": { "2": null, "6": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "e625e1d27b": { "parrot": { "5": null, "11": null, "20": null, "26": null }, "hand": { "5": null, "11": null, "20": null, "26": null } }, "e6261d2348": { "duck": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "e6267d46bc": { "sedan": { "2": null, "9": null, "13": null, "14": null }, "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "e6295f223f": { "rabbit": { "4": "1. The rabbit is hopping forward with its ears perked up.\n2. The rabbit is emerging from the box, nudging the flap with its nose.\n3. The rabbit is sniffing the edge of the box as it crouches.", "13": "1. The rabbit is stretching upwards, poking its head above the edge of the box lid.\n\n2. The rabbit is pushing against the box with its front paws, leaning forward slightly.\n\n3. The rabbit is crouching low, with its nose close to the ground as if inspecting something.\n\n4. The rabbit is turning its head to the side, with its body partially in the box.", "21": null, "32": null } }, "e63463d8c6": { "bird": { "5": null, "9": "1. The bird is perched on the table, pecking rapidly at scattered food particles.\n2. The bird is leaning forward from the chair, flapping its wings as if preparing to take off.\n3. The bird is hopping along the chair, adjusting its position with quick, small jumps.", "13": "1. The bird is opening its wings wide while standing on the table.\n\n2. The bird is perched on the chair back, leaning forward with its head in a downward position.\n\n3. The bird is facing downward, with its beak pecking at the chair seat.", "14": "1. The bird is flapping its wings energetically while pecking at food on the table.\n\n2. The bird is pecking at crumbs on the chair while occasionally fluttering its wings.\n\n3. The bird is perched on the chair, tilting its head and observing its surroundings." } }, "e6387bd1e0": { "giant_panda": { "6": null, "12": null, "25": null, "32": null } }, "e653883384": { "train": { "4": null, "9": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "e65f134e0b": { "parrot": { "6": null, "11": null, "16": null, "23": null } }, "e668ef5664": { "shark": { "4": null, "16": null, "21": null, "29": null }, "fish": { "4": null, "16": null, "21": null, "29": null } }, "e672ccd250": { "truck": { "4": null, "6": null, "9": null, "12": null } }, "e674510b20": { "airplane": { "2": null, "6": null, "9": null, "16": null } }, "e676107765": { "snake": { "6": null, "10": null, "14": null, "27": null } }, "e699da0cdf": { "duck": { "6": null, "11": null, "22": null, "31": null } }, "e6deab5e0b": { "sedan": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "e6f065f2b9": { "hand": { "4": null, "7": null, "13": null, "14": null }, "toilet": { "4": null, "7": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "e71629e7b5": { "surfboard": { "2": null, "9": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "e72a7d7b0b": { "camel": { "7": null, "12": null, "19": null, "25": null } }, "e72f6104e1": { "leopard": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "e75a466eea": { "monkey": { "3": null, "4": null, "7": null, "9": null } }, "e76c55933f": { "rabbit": { "2": null, "8": null, "18": null, "22": null }, "person": { "2": null, "8": null, "18": null, "22": null } }, "e7784ec8ad": { "frog": { "9": "1. The frog is extending its body forward, appearing to crawl over the ground.\n\n2. The frog is resting quietly with its legs slightly bent beneath its body.", "15": "1. The frog is positioning its front leg forward as if preparing to take a step on the soil surface.\n\n2. The frog is resting with its body slightly elevated on its front legs, maintaining a steady posture.", "25": null, "31": "1. The frog is leaning forward, expanding its body and appearing to ready for movement.\n\n2. The frog is crouching low, slightly retracting its limbs while being alert under the cover." } }, "e78d450a9c": { "sedan": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "e7c6354e77": { "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "e7c8de1fce": { "fox": { "6": null, "10": null, "15": null, "23": null } }, "e7ea10db28": { "tiger": { "5": null, "9": null, "15": null, "27": null } }, "e803918710": { "tennis_racket": { "7": null, "12": null, "25": null, "28": null }, "person": { "7": "1. The person is holding a tennis racket and bending slightly forward, poised as if preparing to receive a serve.\n\n2. The person is crouching low with a tennis racket, appearing ready to spring into action.", "12": "1. The person is standing with slightly bent knees, holding a tennis racket with both hands in a ready position.\n\n2. The person is crouching low, gripping a tennis racket firmly with both hands and focusing straight ahead.", "25": "1. The person is crouching with a tennis racket held in front, ready to intercept an incoming ball.\n\n2. The person is squatting down, preparing to react with a tennis racket positioned forward.", "28": null } }, "e8073a140b": { "snake": { "5": null, "17": null, "23": null, "27": null } }, "e828dd02db": { "owl": { "7": null, "9": null, "18": null, "25": null } }, "e845994987": { "skateboard": { "5": null, "11": null, "15": null, "25": null }, "person": { "5": null, "11": null, "15": null, "25": null } }, "e8485a2615": { "skateboard": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "14": null }, "sedan": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "14": null }, "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "14": null }, "hat": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "e85c5118a7": { "parrot": { "8": null, "14": null, "25": null, "33": null } }, "e88b6736e4": { "person": { "3": null, "15": null, "18": null, "29": null }, "snowboard": { "3": null, "15": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "e8962324e3": { "sedan": { "3": null, "5": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "e8b3018d36": { "motorbike": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "e8cee8bf0b": { "person": { "6": null, "8": null, "17": null, "24": null }, "snowboard": { "6": null, "8": null, "17": null, "24": null } }, "e8d97ebece": { "earless_seal": { "5": null, "8": null, "16": null, "24": null } }, "e8da49ea6a": { "plant": { "3": null, "7": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "e8ed1a3ccf": { "frisbee": { "7": null, "15": null, "25": null, "31": null } }, "e8f7904326": { "giant_panda": { "3": null, "5": null, "6": null, "8": null } }, "e8f8341dec": { "raccoon": { "4": null, "11": null, "24": null, "29": null } }, "e8fa21eb13": { "giant_panda": { "8": null, "12": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "e90c10fc4c": { "surfboard": { "6": null, "12": null, "16": null, "22": null }, "person": { "6": null, "12": null, "16": null, "22": null } }, "e914b8cac8": { "lizard": { "6": null, "11": null, "22": null, "33": null } }, "e92e1b7623": { "ape": { "2": null, "10": null, "15": null, "22": null } }, "e93f83e512": { "person": { "3": "1. The person is striding forward with arms slightly bent and hands positioned near the chest.\n\n2. The person is gesturing with one arm extended forward, possibly pointing or signaling.\n\n3. The person is standing with arms by the sides, appearing to be observing the surroundings.", "5": "1. The person is walking toward the bus while holding up a phone, seemingly taking a photo or recording.\n2. The person is standing with arms extended, gesturing with both hands as if giving directions.\n3. The person is adjusting a tripod or similar equipment nearby, using both hands to secure it.", "9": null, "16": null } }, "e9460b55f9": { "monkey": { "7": null, "16": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "e9502628f6": { "turtle": { "2": null, "13": null, "18": "1. The turtle is lowering its head and extending its neck while grazing on leaves.\n\n2. The turtle is pushing forward with its legs as it moves toward a pile of leaves.", "33": null } }, "e950befd5f": { "eagle": { "9": null, "11": null, "20": null, "30": null } }, "e9582bdd1b": { "parrot": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "e95e5afe0f": { "others": { "2": null, "9": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "hat": { "2": null, "9": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "e97cfac475": { "skateboard": { "3": null, "9": null, "11": null, "15": null }, "person": { "3": null, "9": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "e98d57d99c": { "sedan": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "e98eda8978": { "bus": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "e9bc0760ba": { "giant_panda": { "4": null, "6": "1. The giant panda is sitting upright and looking forward with its paws resting by its side. \n2. The giant panda is climbing and reaching its paw upwards toward a tree trunk.", "8": null, "11": null } }, "e9d3c78bf3": { "truck": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "11": null }, "sedan": { "2": null, "5": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "e9ec1b7ea8": { "person": { "2": null, "10": null, "15": null, "20": null }, "earless_seal": { "2": null, "10": null, "15": null, "20": null } }, "ea065cc205": { "tiger": { "9": null, "15": "1. The tiger is standing still while observing its surroundings with its head turned slightly sideways.\n\n2. The tiger is sitting upright with its front paws raised and reaching out, engaging with the other tiger.", "20": null, "30": null } }, "ea138b6617": { "deer": { "6": null, "13": null, "19": null, "20": null } }, "ea16d3fd48": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "14": null, "22": null, "26": null }, "person": { "4": null, "14": null, "22": null, "26": null } }, "ea2545d64b": { "turtle": { "2": null, "11": null, "20": null, "26": null } }, "ea286a581c": { "turtle": { "2": null, "11": null, "16": null, "21": null } }, "ea320da917": { "person": { "5": null, "7": null, "13": null, "14": null }, "dog": { "5": null, "7": "1. The dog is being petted while standing calmly, slightly leaning forward.\n\n2. The dog is standing still, observing the other dog closely.\n\n3. The dog is sniffing along the ground while moving slowly.", "13": null, "14": "1. The dog is standing still while looking up at the person bending over.\n\n2. The dog is sitting and facing towards the person, with its head turned slightly to the side.\n\n3. The dog is standing and looking in the direction of the person and other dogs, appearing attentive." } }, "ea345f3627": { "bear": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "16": null }, "bird": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "16": null } }, "ea3b94a591": { "person": { "3": null, "10": null, "21": null, "31": null }, "snowboard": { "3": null, "10": null, "21": null, "31": null } }, "ea444a37eb": { "leopard": { "3": null, "4": null, "6": null, "9": null }, "person": { "3": null, "4": null, "6": null, "9": null } }, "ea4a01216b": { "monkey": { "6": null, "17": null, "24": null, "27": null } }, "ea5672ffa8": { "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "eaa99191cb": { "eagle": { "3": null, "8": null, "16": null, "26": null } }, "eaab4d746c": { "hand": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "16": null } }, "eac7a59bc1": { "snake": { "2": null, "8": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "ead5d3835a": { "motorbike": { "4": null, "9": null, "13": null, "16": null }, "person": { "4": null, "9": null, "13": null, "16": null }, "hat": { "4": null, "9": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "eaec65cfa7": { "rabbit": { "2": null, "16": null, "20": null, "32": null }, "hand": { "2": null, "16": null, "20": null, "32": null } }, "eaed1a87be": { "boat": { "7": null, "11": null, "19": null, "33": null }, "earless_seal": { "7": null, "11": null, "19": null, "33": null } }, "eb2f821c6f": { "whale": { "8": null, "15": null, "20": null, "26": null } }, "eb383cb82e": { "sedan": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "eb6992fe02": { "deer": { "6": null, "10": null, "15": null, "23": null } }, "eb6ac20a01": { "zebra": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "eb6d7ab39e": { "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "13": null, "14": null }, "hat": { "2": null, "7": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "eb7921facd": { "surfboard": { "4": null, "17": null, "23": null, "28": null }, "person": { "4": null, "17": null, "23": null, "28": null } }, "eb8fce51a6": { "parrot": { "2": null, "14": null, "24": null, "32": null } }, "ebbb90e9f9": { "person": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "16": null } }, "ebbf5c9ee1": { "skateboard": { "8": null, "14": null, "24": null, "26": null }, "person": { "8": null, "14": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "ebc4ec32e6": { "horse": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "15": null }, "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "ebe56e5ef8": { "shark": { "8": null, "11": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "ec1299aee4": { "cat": { "2": null, "8": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "ec139ff675": { "parrot": { "6": null, "17": null, "23": null, "28": null } }, "ec193e1a01": { "turtle": { "9": null, "13": null, "19": null, "31": null } }, "ec28252938": { "person": { "7": null, "13": null, "17": null, "26": null }, "snowboard": { "7": null, "13": null, "17": null, "26": null } }, "ec387be051": { "deer": { "3": null, "11": null, "18": null, "28": null } }, "ec3d4fac00": { "bird": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "ec4186ce12": { "boat": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "12": null }, "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "12": null }, "paddle": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "ec579c2f96": { "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "ecae59b782": { "tennis_racket": { "6": null, "16": null, "19": null, "26": null }, "person": { "6": "1. The person is standing and holding a racket in a ready position, preparing to serve or return a ball.\n\n3. The person is swinging a tennis racket with a forehand motion, aiming to hit an incoming ball.", "16": "1. The person is standing completely still with no observable action. \n3. The person is preparing to hit a tennis ball with a racket, holding the racket with both hands and focusing on the ball.", "19": "1. The person is holding a tennis racket and appears ready to hit a ball.\n\n3. The person is bouncing a tennis ball on a racket while walking slowly.", "26": "1. The person is standing still, holding a tennis racket with both hands in an upright position.\n\n3. The person is bending forward slightly while holding a tennis racket in one hand." } }, "ecb33a0448": { "snail": { "4": null, "15": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "ece6bc9e92": { "fox": { "7": "1. The fox is leaning forward with its front paws pressing down on a log.\n2. The fox is climbing onto the log with its hind legs pushing against the ground.", "8": "1. The fox is descending the log with its nose close to the surface as it moves forward.\n\n2. The fox is standing still, watching the first fox as it moves.", "16": null, "23": null } }, "ecfedd4035": { "cow": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "ecfff22fd6": { "crocodile": { "9": null, "12": null, "19": null, "28": null }, "person": { "9": null, "12": null, "19": null, "28": null } }, "ed3291c3d6": { "dolphin": { "7": null, "11": null, "20": null, "33": null } }, "ed3cd5308d": { "giant_panda": { "4": null, "10": null, "21": null, "28": null } }, "ed3e6fc1a5": { "hedgehog": { "5": null, "14": null, "24": null, "28": null } }, "ed72ae8825": { "hedgehog": { "6": null, "11": null, "23": null, "30": null } }, "ed7455da68": { "sedan": { "3": null, "5": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "ed844e879f": { "surfboard": { "5": null, "8": null, "14": null, "23": null }, "person": { "5": null, "8": null, "14": null, "23": null } }, "ed8f814b2b": { "dog": { "4": null, "7": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "ed911a1f63": { "camel": { "2": null, "11": null, "20": null, "29": null } }, "ed9ff4f649": { "duck": { "2": null, "17": null, "22": null, "31": null } }, "eda8ab984b": { "rabbit": { "4": null, "17": null, "22": null, "31": null }, "person": { "4": null, "17": null, "22": null, "31": null } }, "edb8878849": { "cat": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "hand": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "edbfdfe1b4": { "frisbee": { "3": null, "15": null, "24": null, "31": null } }, "edd22c46a2": { "duck": { "3": null, "6": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "edd663afa3": { "tiger": { "6": null, "15": null, "19": null, "30": null } }, "ede3552eae": { "giraffe": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "edeab61ee0": { "shark": { "5": null, "10": null, "19": null, "28": null } }, "ee07583fc0": { "person": { "3": null, "9": null, "16": null, "20": null } }, "ee316eaed6": { "plant": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": null, "15": null }, "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": null, "15": null }, "dog": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "ee3f509537": { "ape": { "7": null, "12": "1. The ape is walking forward with its head tilted down, appearing to move toward the other apes.\n\n2. The ape is squatting down while reaching out with its left hand toward another ape.\n\n3. The ape is leaning forward with its right arm extended, grasping an object on the ground.", "14": "1. The ape is pushing forward with its body slightly bent, appearing to move towards another ape.\n\n2. The ape is standing upright and reaching out with one arm towards the ground.\n\n3. The ape is walking with its front arm extended, appearing to balance over uneven terrain.", "23": null } }, "ee40a1e491": { "horse": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "sedan": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "ee4bf100f1": { "dolphin": { "7": null, "10": null, "19": null, "30": null } }, "ee6f9b01f9": { "tiger": { "5": null, "12": null, "21": null, "29": null } }, "ee947ed771": { "person": { "3": "1. The person is standing with arms crossed, observing the scene in front of them.\n2. The person is walking forward with arms at their sides.", "6": "1. The person is standing still with both hands by their side, observing the scene.\n\n2. The person is walking forward, with arms slightly swinging beside the body.\n\n3. The person is extending one arm forward, gesturing towards the animals.", "12": null, "14": null } }, "ee9706ac7f": { "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "ee9a7840ae": { "giant_panda": { "2": "1. The giant panda is sitting with its back turned while resting on a wooden log.\n2. The giant panda is walking forward with its head facing in the direction of movement.", "13": null, "21": null, "32": null } }, "eeb90cb569": { "fish": { "2": null, "11": null, "20": null, "27": null } }, "eebf45e5c5": { "horse": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "11": null }, "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "11": null } }, "eeed0c7d73": { "cat": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "ef0061a309": { "bear": { "4": null, "6": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "ef07f1a655": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "ef0a8e8f35": { "bear": { "2": null, "4": null, "7": null, "8": null } }, "ef232a2aed": { "raccoon": { "4": null, "12": null, "16": null, "21": null }, "dog": { "4": null, "12": null, "16": null, "21": null } }, "ef308ad2e9": { "duck": { "8": null, "10": null, "23": null, "31": null } }, "ef44945428": { "train": { "4": null, "8": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "ef45ce3035": { "earless_seal": { "9": null, "15": null, "20": null, "33": null } }, "ef5dde449d": { "mouse": { "6": null, "12": "1. The mouse is lying on its back with its paws lifted and tail extended outward.\n\n2. The mouse is climbing up the blue cage wall with its body pressed against the surface.\n\n3. The mouse is nestled against the others while keeping its head low.", "24": "1. The mouse is lying on its back, stretching its hind legs outward.\n\n2. The mouse is facing downward, pressing its front paws against the substrate.\n\n3. The mouse is holding onto the edge of the enclosure with its front paws.", "32": null } }, "ef5e770988": { "snake": { "4": null, "8": null, "19": null, "25": null } }, "ef6359cea3": { "giraffe": { "2": null, "9": null, "11": null, "15": null }, "person": { "2": null, "9": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "ef65268834": { "deer": { "7": null, "13": null, "23": null, "32": null } }, "ef6cb5eae0": { "bus": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "ef78972bc2": { "tennis_racket": { "2": null, "12": null, "19": null, "20": null }, "person": { "2": null, "12": null, "19": null, "20": null } }, "ef8cfcfc4f": { "hand": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "ef96501dd0": { "fox": { "4": null, "10": null, "19": null, "25": null }, "dog": { "4": null, "10": null, "19": null, "25": null } }, "ef9a2e976b": { "zebra": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "efb24f950f": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "12": null, "20": null, "29": null }, "person": { "2": null, "12": null, "20": null, "29": null } }, "efce0c1868": { "ape": { "8": null, "15": null, "17": null, "28": null } }, "efe5ac6901": { "duck": { "3": null, "7": null, "8": null, "16": null } }, "efe828affa": { "snake": { "7": null, "17": null, "23": null, "31": "1. The snake is curling its body while lifting the head up as if observing its surroundings.\n\n2. The snake is coiling around a human hand, appearing to wrap and tighten its body." } }, "efea4e0523": { "ape": { "4": null, "12": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "f0268aa627": { "duck": { "6": null, "11": null, "25": null, "26": null } }, "f0483250c8": { "raccoon": { "3": null, "15": null, "18": null, "33": null } }, "f04cf99ee6": { "person": { "2": null, "4": null, "6": null, "9": "1. The person is pedaling uphill on a mountain bike, leaning forward while gripping the handlebars.\n\n2. The person is crouching on a rock and holding a camera to their eye, appearing to focus on their shot." } }, "f05b189097": { "truck": { "4": null, "9": null, "13": null, "14": null }, "sedan": { "4": null, "9": null, "13": null, "14": null }, "person": { "4": null, "9": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "f08928c6d3": { "hat": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "sedan": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "person": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "motorbike": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "f09d74856f": { "owl": { "3": null, "11": null, "14": null, "22": null } }, "f0a7607d63": { "rabbit": { "6": null, "10": null, "22": null, "31": null } }, "f0ad38da27": { "elephant": { "2": null, "5": null, "6": null, "11": null }, "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "6": null, "11": null } }, "f0c34e1213": { "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "11": "1. The person is walking forward with one hand down by their side.\n2. The person is holding a phone in one hand while walking." } }, "f0c7f86c29": { "fox": { "5": null, "10": null, "23": null, "28": null } }, "f0dfa18ba7": { "ape": { "3": "1. The ape is reaching forward with its arm, appearing to grasp something.\n\n2. The ape is arching its back and raising its head upward.", "8": "1. The ape is opening its mouth wide, showing a clear expression.\n2. The ape is holding an item close with one hand.", "15": null, "27": "1. The ape is scratching its side with one hand.\n\n2. The ape is looking down while holding onto a surface with both arms." } }, "f0eb3179f7": { "person": { "4": null, "13": null, "21": null, "31": null }, "snake": { "4": null, "13": null, "21": null, "31": null } }, "f119bab27d": { "mouse": { "3": null, "8": null, "15": null, "27": "1. The mouse is moving forward with its tail trailing behind.\n\n2. The mouse is turning its head toward the other mouse." } }, "f14409b6a3": { "skateboard": { "5": null, "14": null, "18": null, "29": null }, "person": { "5": null, "14": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "f1489baff4": { "bear": { "2": null, "7": "1. The bear is bending down and fishing with its mouth open in the water.\n2. The bear is standing still, slightly elevated above the water.", "8": "1. The bear is bent forward, concentrating on the water, and moving its paw towards the surface as if ready to catch prey.\n\n2. The bear is stepping forward through the water and lifting its head while facing towards the river.", "15": null }, "bird": { "2": null, "7": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "f14c18cf6a": { "deer": { "4": null, "16": null, "25": null, "27": null } }, "f1af214222": { "elephant": { "2": null, "9": null, "13": null, "14": "1. The elephant is standing still with its back facing.\n\n2. The elephant is walking forward while keeping its head down.\n\n3. The elephant is reaching out with its trunk towards another elephant." } }, "f1b77bd309": { "ape": { "2": null, "14": null, "25": null, "29": null } }, "f1ba9e1a3e": { "lizard": { "9": null, "11": null, "20": null, "27": null } }, "f1d99239eb": { "train": { "3": null, "5": null, "6": null, "11": null } }, "f1dc710cf4": { "penguin": { "5": null, "12": "1. The penguin is standing upright with its wings slightly spread, facing forward.\n\n2. The penguin is leaning downwards towards the ground, inspecting or interacting with an object.", "23": null, "33": "1. The penguin is standing upright and facing forward.\n\n2. The penguin is bending down towards the snow while inspecting an object." } }, "f1ec5c08fa": { "duck": { "3": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "f22648fe12": { "monkey": { "7": null, "17": "1. The monkey is reaching forward with its hand, touching the other monkey's fur.\n\n2. The monkey is lying still with its eyes closed.", "19": "1. The monkey is lying on its back while extending its arms upward against the other monkey.\n\n2. The monkey is lying on its side with its mouth open, appearing to make a sound or gesture.", "31": null } }, "f22d21f1f1": { "duck": { "6": null, "11": "1. The duck is gliding smoothly on the water, showing its back while paddling.\n\n2. The duck is turning its head to the left, with its body angled slightly forward.\n\n3. The duck is swimming and slightly leans forward, with its beak pointed downward.\n\n4. The duck is floating upright with its head raised, actively paddling with its feet below.\n\n5. The duck is facing forward and appears to be moving steadily through the water.", "19": null, "20": "1. The duck is paddling forward with its beak pointed downward toward the water.\n2. The duck is turning its head slightly to the side while gliding smoothly.\n3. The duck is flapping its wings gently as it moves along the surface.\n4. The duck is extending its neck outward while swimming steadily.\n5. The duck is dipping its head under the water and creating ripples around it." } }, "f233257395": { "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": "1. The person is standing beside a motorcycle, facing another person while gesturing with their left arm.\n\n2. The person is standing upright, facing another person, with arms relaxed by their sides.", "16": null } }, "f23e95dbe5": { "giraffe": { "4": null, "9": null, "11": null, "15": null }, "person": { "4": null, "9": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "f2445b1572": { "snake": { "5": null, "10": null, "17": null, "27": null } }, "f253b3486d": { "owl": { "3": null, "11": "1. The owl is leaning forward with its beak wide open as if screeching.\n\n2. The owl is standing upright on the branch while perching steadily.", "16": "1. The owl is sitting on a branch with its eyes partially closed and its beak open wide.\n2. The owl is perched on a branch while looking forward with its eyes wide open.", "21": "1. The owl is standing on the perch with its beak slightly open, facing forward.\n\n2. The owl is perched with its head down, appearing to be resting or observing." } }, "f277c7a6a4": { "airplane": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "12": null } }, "f2ab2b84d6": { "sedan": { "2": null, "6": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "f2b7c9b1f3": { "owl": { "3": null, "12": null, "14": null, "23": null }, "person": { "3": null, "12": null, "14": null, "23": null } }, "f2b83d5ce5": { "duck": { "8": null, "12": null, "24": null, "31": null } }, "f2c276018f": { "lizard": { "7": null, "13": null, "14": null, "22": null } }, "f2cfd94d64": { "eagle": { "7": null, "11": null, "18": null, "26": null }, "person": { "7": null, "11": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "f2dd6e3add": { "surfboard": { "5": null, "9": null, "18": null, "22": null }, "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "18": null, "22": null } }, "f2e7653f16": { "leopard": { "4": null, "11": null, "25": null, "33": null } }, "f2f333ad06": { "hand": { "3": null, "9": null, "10": null, "14": null }, "motorbike": { "3": null, "9": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "f2f55d6713": { "crocodile": { "7": null, "14": null, "17": null, "28": null } }, "f2fdb6abec": { "fish": { "4": null, "8": null, "18": null, "21": null } }, "f3085d6570": { "truck": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "bucket": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "f3325c3338": { "person": { "5": null, "17": null, "20": null, "28": null }, "snowboard": { "5": null, "17": null, "20": null, "28": null } }, "f3400f1204": { "ape": { "5": null, "16": null, "25": null, "32": null } }, "f34497c932": { "train": { "2": null, "9": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "f34a56525e": { "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "f36483c824": { "giraffe": { "3": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "f3704d5663": { "fox": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "f3734c4913": { "camel": { "6": null, "9": null, "17": null, "24": null } }, "f38e5aa5b4": { "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "12": null }, "bus": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "12": null } }, "f3986fba44": { "fox": { "6": null, "10": null, "19": null, "28": null } }, "f3a0ffc7d9": { "camel": { "3": null, "12": null, "17": null, "21": null } }, "f3b24a7d28": { "airplane": { "4": null, "8": null, "12": null, "16": null } }, "f3e6c35ec3": { "leopard": { "5": null, "10": null, "19": null, "30": null } }, "f3fc0ea80b": { "elephant": { "3": null, "8": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "f40a683fbe": { "crocodile": { "7": null, "10": null, "25": null, "33": null } }, "f4207ca554": { "shark": { "2": null, "16": null, "23": null, "29": null } }, "f4377499c2": { "ape": { "3": null, "9": null, "18": null, "23": null } }, "f46184f393": { "raccoon": { "2": "1. The raccoon is grasping the wire fence with both front paws, seemingly trying to climb up. \n2. The raccoon is peering down from above, with its head slightly tilted as if observing below.", "12": null, "15": null, "23": null } }, "f46c2d0a6d": { "giant_panda": { "8": null, "17": null, "24": null, "27": null } }, "f46c364dca": { "snail": { "2": null, "17": null, "25": null, "31": null } }, "f46f7a0b63": { "leopard": { "9": null, "14": null, "21": null, "30": null }, "person": { "9": null, "14": null, "21": null, "30": null } }, "f46fe141b0": { "sedan": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "12": null }, "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "f470b9aeb0": { "person": { "5": null, "12": null, "20": null, "31": null }, "snowboard": { "5": null, "12": null, "20": null, "31": null } }, "f47eb7437f": { "truck": { "3": null, "9": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "others": { "3": null, "9": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "f48b535719": { "sedan": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "bus": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "f49e4866ac": { "monkey": { "5": null, "13": null, "25": null, "33": null } }, "f4aa882cfd": { "snake": { "8": null, "12": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "f4daa3dbd5": { "skateboard": { "5": null, "8": null, "11": null, "16": null }, "person": { "5": null, "8": null, "11": null, "16": null } }, "f4dd51ac35": { "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "9": null, "14": null } }, "f507a1b9dc": { "train": { "4": null, "7": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "f51c5ac84b": { "boat": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "12": null }, "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": "1. The person is holding a fishing rod with one hand raised, as if casting the line into the water.\n3. The person is seated in the boat, reaching down towards something inside it, with a slight lean forward.", "12": "1. The person is standing upright with one arm extended forward, appearing to manage something in the boat.\n\n3. The person is seated and leaning slightly forward, controlling an oar with both hands." } }, "f52104164b": { "leopard": { "9": "1. The leopard is crouching low to the ground with its body stretched over a fallen branch.\n2. The leopard is stepping forward with its head angled downward towards the ground.", "12": null, "23": null, "30": null } }, "f54c67b9bb": { "horse": { "2": null, "8": "1. The horse is standing still, facing forward with its head turned to the left.\n\n2. The horse is walking forward with its front right leg lifted.\n\n3. The horse is standing still, facing towards the camera with its body partially obscured.", "10": null, "17": "1. The horse is standing still, facing forward with its head slightly down.\n\n2. The horse is standing with its head slightly tilted towards the horse beside it.\n\n3. The horse is walking towards the camera with its front legs lifted in a forward motion." } }, "f5966cadd2": { "sheep": { "4": null, "13": null, "25": null, "30": null } }, "f5bddf5598": { "person": { "3": null, "6": null, "10": "1. The person is making a peace sign with their fingers while holding onto the strap of their vest.\n2. The person is speaking energetically, with their mouth open as if shouting or calling out.\n3. The person is sitting still, with their head slightly turned towards the center.", "12": "1. The person is sitting while making a peace sign with their right hand.\n2. The person is sitting and looking ahead while wearing a helmet and life jacket.\n3. The person is smiling while sitting and facing forward." } }, "f5d85cfd17": { "truck": { "4": null, "7": null, "9": null, "16": null } }, "f5e2e7d6a0": { "sedan": { "4": null, "7": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "f5f051e9b4": { "lizard": { "2": null, "13": null, "20": null, "33": null } }, "f5f8a93a76": { "skateboard": { "7": null, "10": null, "18": null, "27": null }, "person": { "7": null, "10": null, "18": null, "27": null } }, "f6283e8af5": { "sedan": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "f635e9568b": { "ape": { "7": "1. The ape is holding a slice of fruit with both hands and appears to be about to take a bite, with its mouth open toward the fruit. \n2. The ape is sitting upright and looking up, with one hand resting on the ground.", "12": "1. The ape is holding a piece of food and inspecting it closely with its right hand.\n2. The ape is sitting while holding its feet with both hands.", "23": null, "32": "1. The ape is sitting down, holding a piece of food in its hand and looking forward.\n2. The ape is sitting upright and nibbling on a small object it is holding with both hands." } }, "f6474735be": { "surfboard": { "2": null, "13": null, "16": null, "24": null }, "person": { "2": null, "13": null, "16": null, "24": null } }, "f659251be2": { "person": { "6": null, "12": null, "19": null, "21": null } }, "f66981af4e": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "9": null, "12": null, "16": null }, "person": { "2": null, "9": "1. The person is crouching on a skateboard, balancing with one knee and extending an arm forward.\n\n2. The person is walking with bent knees while reaching down toward the ground with an outstretched hand.", "12": "1. The person is kneeling on a skateboard, holding onto the edges for balance.\n\n2. The person is leaning forward with one hand on the ground, appearing to brace for movement.", "16": null } }, "f6708fa398": { "sedan": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "12": null }, "motorbike": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "f697fe8e8f": { "sedan": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "sign": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null }, "person": { "5": null, "7": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "f6adb12c42": { "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "10": null, "13": null } }, "f6c7906ca4": { "giant_panda": { "3": null, "13": null, "19": null, "29": null } }, "f6cd0a8016": { "rabbit": { "7": null, "13": null, "18": null, "24": null } }, "f6d6f15ae7": { "person": { "7": null, "12": null, "18": null, "21": null } }, "f6e501892c": { "giraffe": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "f6f59d986f": { "person": { "2": null, "10": null, "24": null, "26": null }, "snowboard": { "2": null, "10": null, "24": null, "26": null } }, "f6fe8c90a5": { "owl": { "9": null, "11": null, "20": null, "30": null }, "person": { "9": null, "11": null, "20": null, "30": null } }, "f714160545": { "fish": { "6": null, "13": null, "17": null, "23": null } }, "f74c3888d7": { "surfboard": { "6": null, "13": null, "22": null, "30": null }, "person": { "6": null, "13": null, "22": null, "30": null } }, "f7782c430e": { "frisbee": { "6": null, "11": null, "17": null, "25": null }, "person": { "6": null, "11": null, "17": null, "25": null } }, "f7783ae5f2": { "sedan": { "3": null, "9": null, "10": null, "16": null }, "person": { "3": null, "9": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "f77ab47923": { "hand": { "2": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "f788a98327": { "bike": { "4": null, "5": null, "10": null, "12": null } }, "f7961ac1f0": { "person": { "3": "1. The person is seated and leaning slightly forward, appearing to engage with something off-frame.\n\n2. The person is standing upright and holding an object with both hands, possibly adjusting or inspecting it.", "8": null, "13": null, "14": null }, "knife": { "3": null, "8": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "f7a71e7574": { "surfboard": { "3": null, "9": null, "16": null, "26": null }, "person": { "3": null, "9": null, "16": null, "26": null } }, "f7a8521432": { "penguin": { "2": null, "15": null, "20": null, "31": null } }, "f7afbf4947": { "person": { "6": null, "9": null, "16": null, "26": null }, "snowboard": { "6": null, "9": null, "16": null, "26": null } }, "f7b7cd5f44": { "sedan": { "2": null, "6": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "f7cf4b4a39": { "cow": { "3": null, "6": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "f7d49799ad": { "tennis_racket": { "7": null, "10": null, "15": null, "20": null }, "person": { "7": null, "10": null, "15": null, "20": null } }, "f7e0c9bb83": { "whale": { "8": null, "15": "1. The whale is arching its back and extending its flippers downward, preparing to dive deeper.\n\n2. The whale is gliding smoothly, tilting slightly with its tail moving rhythmically.", "24": null, "29": null } }, "f7e5b84928": { "cow": { "5": null, "8": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "f7e6bd58be": { "airplane": { "2": null, "7": null, "11": null, "14": null } }, "f7f2a38ac6": { "airplane": { "5": null, "9": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "f7f6cb2d6d": { "cow": { "5": null, "9": null, "14": null, "24": null } }, "f83f19e796": { "hat": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "f85796a921": { "cat": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null }, "hand": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null }, "sign": { "2": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "f8603c26b2": { "turtle": { "2": null, "14": null, "16": null, "29": null } }, "f8819b42ec": { "owl": { "3": null, "9": null, "14": null, "26": null }, "cat": { "3": null, "9": null, "14": null, "26": null } }, "f891f8eaa1": { "horse": { "5": null, "6": null, "13": null, "14": null }, "person": { "5": null, "6": null, "13": null, "14": null } }, "f89288d10c": { "elephant": { "3": null, "7": null, "8": null, "13": null }, "person": { "3": null, "7": null, "8": null, "13": null } }, "f895ae8cc1": { "raccoon": { "9": null, "17": null, "25": null, "28": null } }, "f8af30d4b6": { "bear": { "5": null, "6": "1. The bear is bending down with its head close to the ground, appearing to inspect something below.\n\n2. The bear is standing upright and looking forward, showing an alert posture.", "13": null, "16": null } }, "f8b4ac12f1": { "skateboard": { "3": null, "14": null, "16": null, "31": null }, "person": { "3": null, "14": null, "16": null, "31": null } }, "f8c3fb2b01": { "leopard": { "9": null, "14": null, "21": null, "28": null } }, "f8c8de2764": { "giant_panda": { "9": null, "16": null, "24": null, "32": null } }, "f8db369b40": { "boat": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "11": null }, "others": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "11": null }, "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "8": null, "11": null } }, "f8fcb6a78c": { "lizard": { "5": null, "13": null, "21": null, "29": null } }, "f94aafdeef": { "raccoon": { "5": null, "13": null, "19": null, "29": null } }, "f95d217b70": { "truck": { "4": null, "9": null, "13": null, "17": null } }, "f9681d5103": { "dog": { "3": null, "7": null, "8": null, "12": null } }, "f9750192a4": { "bear": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "15": null }, "fish": { "4": null, "5": null, "8": null, "15": null } }, "f9823a32c2": { "truck": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "sedan": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "f991ddb4c2": { "hand": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null }, "knife": { "4": null, "9": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "f99d535567": { "truck": { "5": null, "8": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "sedan": { "5": null, "8": null, "13": null, "15": null }, "person": { "5": "1. The person is standing and looking toward the truck.\n\n2. The person is walking past the truck, facing forward.", "8": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "f9ae3d98b7": { "person": { "5": null, "12": null, "14": null, "21": null }, "penguin": { "5": null, "12": null, "14": null, "21": null } }, "f9b6217959": { "person": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "14": null } }, "f9bd1fabf5": { "truck": { "5": null, "8": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "sedan": { "5": null, "8": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "motorbike": { "5": null, "8": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "f9c68eaa64": { "giant_panda": { "2": null, "14": null, "23": null, "27": null } }, "f9d3e04c4f": { "bear": { "2": "1. The bear is walking through the tall grass, appearing in a steady motion.\n2. The bear is lying down with its head turned slightly upward.\n3. The bear is lying flat on the ground, resting with its head relaxed.", "5": null, "9": null, "13": null } }, "f9daf64494": { "owl": { "4": null, "15": null, "20": null, "27": null } }, "f9e4cc5a0a": { "zebra": { "4": "1. The zebra is lowering its head towards the water, possibly drinking or sniffing.\n\n2. The zebra is raising its head, stepping forward in the water with steady movements.", "6": null, "13": null, "15": null } }, "f9ea6b7f31": { "cow": { "4": null, "6": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "f9f3852526": { "parachute": { "5": null, "14": null, "24": null, "29": null }, "person": { "5": null, "14": null, "24": null, "29": null }, "others": { "5": null, "14": null, "24": null, "29": null } }, "fa04c615cf": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "7": null, "15": null, "18": null }, "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "15": null, "18": null } }, "fa08e00a56": { "monkey": { "9": null, "16": null, "21": null, "31": null } }, "fa4370d74d": { "monkey": { "9": null, "17": null, "23": null, "31": null }, "ape": { "9": null, "17": null, "23": null, "31": null } }, "fa67744af3": { "dolphin": { "2": null, "15": null, "22": null, "32": null } }, "fa88d48a92": { "eagle": { "7": null, "11": null, "18": null, "26": null } }, "fa8b904cc9": { "boat": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "12": null }, "parachute": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "12": null } }, "fa9526bdf1": { "owl": { "4": null, "9": null, "14": null, "20": null } }, "fa9b9d2426": { "fox": { "2": null, "13": null, "14": null, "25": null }, "dog": { "2": null, "13": null, "14": null, "25": null } }, "fad633fbe1": { "person": { "3": null, "8": null, "18": null, "23": null } }, "faf5222dc3": { "airplane": { "3": null, "5": null, "9": null, "15": null } }, "faff0e15f1": { "penguin": { "6": null, "15": null, "18": "1. The penguin is raising its flipper while seemingly preparing to waddle forward.\n\n2. The penguin is leaning forward with its beak slightly open, appearing to observe an object ahead.", "29": null } }, "fb08c64e8c": { "lizard": { "9": null, "12": null, "24": null, "30": null } }, "fb23455a7f": { "ape": { "4": null, "13": null, "19": null, "27": null } }, "fb2e19fa6e": { "tiger": { "3": "1. The tiger is climbing up a large teddy bear, pressing its front paws against it.\n\n2. The tiger is lying on its side, stretching its legs outward while resting against the teddy bear.", "17": null, "23": null, "32": null } }, "fb34dfbb77": { "giant_panda": { "9": null, "12": null, "21": null, "28": null } }, "fb47fcea1e": { "dog": { "2": null, "7": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "fb49738155": { "person": { "7": null, "14": null, "23": null, "27": null } }, "fb4cbc514b": { "airplane": { "2": null, "5": "1. The airplane is ascending with a slight tilt to the right, maneuvering smoothly through the air. \n2. The airplane is rotating its body while maintaining a steady horizontal flight path.", "6": null, "12": null } }, "fb4e6062f7": { "skateboard": { "8": null, "15": null, "18": null, "33": null }, "person": { "8": null, "15": null, "18": null, "33": null } }, "fb5ba7ad6e": { "bear": { "5": null, "8": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "fb63cd1236": { "hand": { "2": null, "8": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "fb81157a07": { "person": { "4": null, "17": null, "20": null, "32": null } }, "fb92abdaeb": { "monkey": { "2": null, "17": null, "25": null, "31": null } }, "fba22a6848": { "person": { "2": null, "7": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "fbaca0c9df": { "airplane": { "3": null, "16": null, "21": null, "28": null }, "hand": { "3": null, "16": null, "21": null, "28": null }, "person": { "3": null, "16": null, "21": null, "28": null } }, "fbc645f602": { "others": { "5": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null }, "bird": { "5": null, "6": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "fbd77444cd": { "turtle": { "3": null, "8": null, "10": null, "15": null } }, "fbe53dc8e8": { "skateboard": { "4": null, "9": null, "13": null, "16": null }, "person": { "4": null, "9": null, "13": null, "16": null } }, "fbe541dd73": { "cat": { "5": null, "6": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "fbe8488798": { "person": { "3": null, "6": "1. The person is leaning forward and cycling on a bicycle, clutching the handlebars with both hands.\n2. The person is riding a bicycle, pedaling rapidly while looking straight ahead.\n3. The person is cycling with hands gripping the handlebars and body tilted forward, actively moving.", "8": "1. The person is standing on a bicycle with both feet on the pedals and leaning slightly forward while gripping the handlebars.\n\n2. The person is seated on a bicycle and pedaling forward while holding the handlebars firmly.\n\n3. The person is pushing down on a bicycle pedal with one foot while holding the handlebars securely.", "16": null } }, "fbfd25174f": { "person": { "4": null, "7": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "fc28cb305e": { "person": { "5": "1. The person is standing still and holding a camera up to their face, appearing to take a photograph.\n\n2. The person is walking toward the group, with one arm raised possibly in a waving gesture.", "7": null, "12": "1. The person is walking forward while holding an object in one hand.\n\n2. The person is standing still with arms relaxed at their side.", "16": null } }, "fc33b1ffd6": { "lizard": { "4": null, "8": null, "19": null, "27": null } }, "fc6186f0bb": { "frisbee": { "2": null, "10": null, "21": null, "26": null }, "person": { "2": null, "10": null, "21": null, "26": null } }, "fc918e3a40": { "fox": { "2": null, "13": null, "16": null, "23": null } }, "fc96cda9d8": { "skateboard": { "2": null, "13": null, "17": null, "27": null }, "person": { "2": null, "13": null, "17": "1. The person is leaning forward, stepping onto a skateboard with one foot while preparing to balance. \n3. The person is standing still, watching the skateboarding activity with arms crossed.", "27": null } }, "fc9832eea4": { "eagle": { "5": null, "8": null, "16": null, "20": null } }, "fcb10d0f81": { "deer": { "8": "1. The deer is walking forward with its head lowered towards the ground.\n\n2. The deer is standing upright, facing away, with its ears perked up.", "10": "1. The deer is lowering its head and appears to be grazing on the ground.\n\n2. The deer is standing still with its body slightly turned, observing the surroundings.", "25": null, "32": null } }, "fcd20a2509": { "deer": { "9": null, "14": null, "25": null, "26": null } }, "fcf637e3ab": { "giant_panda": { "4": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "fcfd81727f": { "dog": { "5": null, "8": null, "12": null, "15": null } }, "fd31890379": { "camel": { "5": null, "11": null, "20": null, "30": null } }, "fd33551c28": { "raccoon": { "7": null, "8": null, "16": null, "24": null } }, "fd542da05e": { "shark": { "5": null, "11": null, "18": null, "21": null }, "hand": { "5": null, "11": null, "18": null, "21": null } }, "fd6789b3fe": { "dolphin": { "5": null, "12": null, "23": null, "30": null }, "person": { "5": null, "12": null, "23": null, "30": null } }, "fd77828200": { "frog": { "9": null, "11": null, "25": null, "26": null } }, "fd7af75f4d": { "mouse": { "3": null, "8": null, "17": null, "20": null } }, "fdb28d0fbb": { "person": { "7": null, "10": null, "19": null, "26": null }, "snowboard": { "7": null, "10": null, "19": null, "26": null } }, "fdb3d1fb1e": { "dog": { "3": null, "7": null, "9": "1. The dog is sniffing the ground intently while walking forward.\n\n2. The dog is lowering its head to inspect something on the ground.\n\n3. The dog is looking towards the other two dogs as it approaches.", "11": null } }, "fdb8b04124": { "cat": { "4": null, "9": null, "12": null, "17": null } }, "fdc6e3d581": { "horse": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "11": null } }, "fdfce7e6fc": { "parrot": { "4": null, "17": null, "23": null, "29": null } }, "fe0f76d41b": { "hand": { "9": null, "11": null, "18": null, "29": null }, "snail": { "9": null, "11": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "fe24b0677d": { "person": { "8": "1. The person is snowboarding downhill with both knees bent and looking forward.\n\n2. The person is snowboarding while holding a selfie stick in their right hand and leaning slightly forward.", "16": "1. The person is snowboarding downhill while smiling and slightly crouching with bent knees.\n\n2. The person is holding a selfie stick and snowboarding down the slope with knees slightly bent.", "20": "1. The person is gliding down a snowy slope on a snowboard, maintaining an upright posture with feet angled sideways.\n\n2. The person is skiing down a snowy hill, holding ski poles with knees bent and leaning slightly forward.", "31": "1. The person is snowboarding downhill, bending slightly forward while balancing with their arms.\n\n2. The person is skiing downhill while holding a camera stick extended towards themselves." }, "snowboard": { "8": null, "16": null, "20": null, "31": null } }, "fe3c02699d": { "turtle": { "5": null, "9": null, "16": "1. The turtle is retracting its head slightly into its shell while remaining motionless. \n2. The turtle is extending its legs forward, moving steadily across the gravel surface.", "23": null } }, "fe58b48235": { "squirrel": { "5": null, "6": null, "10": null, "16": null } }, "fe6a5596b8": { "person": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "14": null }, "cat": { "2": null, "5": null, "8": null, "14": null } }, "fe6c244f63": { "boat": { "2": null, "4": null, "7": null, "11": null } }, "fe7afec086": { "giant_panda": { "8": null, "14": null, "23": null, "33": null } }, "fe985d510a": { "others": { "5": null, "10": null, "14": null, "25": null } }, "fe9db35d15": { "plant": { "5": null, "9": null, "11": null, "15": null }, "person": { "5": null, "9": null, "11": null, "15": null } }, "fea8ffcd36": { "others": { "7": null, "13": null, "18": null, "25": null } }, "feb1080388": { "giant_panda": { "9": null, "14": null, "19": null, "28": null } }, "fed208bfca": { "surfboard": { "6": null, "10": null, "25": null, "33": null }, "person": { "6": null, "10": null, "25": null, "33": null } }, "feda5ad1c2": { "hedgehog": { "2": null, "10": null, "25": null, "29": null } }, "feec95b386": { "sedan": { "4": null, "5": null, "9": null, "16": null } }, "ff15a5eff6": { "person": { "2": "1. The person is gripping the handlebars and riding the motorcycle forward.\n\n3. The person is balancing on the motorbike while jumping over a small elevation.", "13": "1. The person is accelerating forward on a dirt bike, gripping the handlebars tightly.\n3. The person is maneuvering the dirt bike, leaning slightly while maintaining balance.", "16": null, "25": null }, "motorbike": { "2": null, "13": null, "16": null, "25": null } }, "ff204daf4b": { "bear": { "2": null, "7": null, "12": null, "14": null } }, "ff25f55852": { "person": { "4": null, "13": null, "22": null, "27": null }, "snake": { "4": null, "13": null, "22": null, "27": null } }, "ff2ada194f": { "duck": { "7": "1. The duck is standing upright, turning its head to the side alertly.\n\n2. The duck is bending down and pecking the ground actively.\n\n3. The duck is walking forward, its neck extended and head held high.", "11": "1. The duck is standing upright with its head held high, facing forward.\n\n2. The duck is bending downwards with its beak close to the ground, likely foraging.\n\n3. The duck is walking forward with its body slightly angled, possibly heading towards the background.", "19": null, "31": null } }, "ff2ce142e8": { "sedan": { "2": null, "8": null, "10": null, "17": null } }, "ff49d36d20": { "penguin": { "9": null, "10": null, "20": null, "32": null } }, "ff5a1ec4f3": { "monkey": { "3": "1. The monkey is hanging onto the wire with one hand and gesturing forward with the other.\n\n2. The monkey is perched on the wire, looking downwards with a steady posture.\n\n3. The monkey is walking briskly beside the bicycle, with its legs extending forward.\n\n4. The monkey is seated on the ground, using its hand to touch its face contemplatively.", "16": "1. The monkey is hanging upside down from a wire with its limbs outstretched.\n2. The monkey is climbing along the fence, facing forward with one paw raised.\n3. The monkey is sitting on the ground, inspecting the bicycle tire with its right paw.\n4. The monkey is climbing onto the bicycle frame, using all four limbs for support.", "22": "1. The monkey is hanging onto the fence with one hand while swinging its legs.\n\n2. The monkey is gripping the top of the fence with both hands and leaning forward.\n\n3. The monkey is sitting on the ground, reaching towards the bicycle with one hand.\n\n4. The monkey is climbing the bicycle, holding onto the frame with one arm and a leg.", "30": "1. The monkey is hanging onto the fence with one arm extended outward.\n2. The monkey is climbing up the fence while reaching upward with both arms.\n3. The monkey is sitting on the ground facing away from the camera.\n4. The monkey is leaning against the bicycle while looking forward." } }, "ff66152b25": { "snake": { "3": null, "11": null, "24": null, "28": null } }, "ff692fdc56": { "hedgehog": { "7": null, "14": null, "18": null, "33": null }, "person": { "7": null, "14": null, "18": null, "33": null } }, "ff773b1a1e": { "sedan": { "2": null, "8": null, "11": null, "17": null }, "person": { "2": null, "8": null, "11": null, "17": null } }, "ff97129478": { "others": { "5": null, "10": null, "17": null, "20": null } }, "ffb904207d": { "hand": { "9": null, "10": null, "18": null, "29": null }, "lizard": { "9": null, "10": null, "18": null, "29": null } }, "ffc43fc345": { "sheep": { "3": null, "9": null, "14": null, "24": null } }, "fffe5f8df6": { "fox": { "6": null, "14": null, "18": null, "27": null } } }