import sys |
from tqdm import tqdm |
import warnings |
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) |
import numpy as np |
from davis2017.davis import DAVIS |
from davis2017.metrics import db_eval_boundary, db_eval_iou |
from davis2017 import utils |
from davis2017.results import Results |
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment |
class DAVISEvaluation(object): |
def __init__(self, davis_root, task, gt_set, sequences='all', codalab=False): |
""" |
Class to evaluate DAVIS sequences from a certain set and for a certain task |
:param davis_root: Path to the DAVIS folder that contains JPEGImages, Annotations, etc. folders. |
:param task: Task to compute the evaluation, chose between semi-supervised or unsupervised. |
:param gt_set: Set to compute the evaluation |
:param sequences: Sequences to consider for the evaluation, 'all' to use all the sequences in a set. |
""" |
self.davis_root = davis_root |
self.task = task |
self.dataset = DAVIS(root=davis_root, task=task, subset=gt_set, sequences=sequences, codalab=codalab) |
@staticmethod |
def _evaluate_semisupervised(all_gt_masks, all_res_masks, all_void_masks, metric): |
if all_res_masks.shape[0] > all_gt_masks.shape[0]: |
sys.stdout.write("\nIn your PNG files there is an index higher than the number of objects in the sequence!") |
sys.exit() |
elif all_res_masks.shape[0] < all_gt_masks.shape[0]: |
zero_padding = np.zeros((all_gt_masks.shape[0] - all_res_masks.shape[0], *all_res_masks.shape[1:])) |
all_res_masks = np.concatenate([all_res_masks, zero_padding], axis=0) |
j_metrics_res, f_metrics_res = np.zeros(all_gt_masks.shape[:2]), np.zeros(all_gt_masks.shape[:2]) |
for ii in range(all_gt_masks.shape[0]): |
if 'J' in metric: |
j_metrics_res[ii, :] = db_eval_iou(all_gt_masks[ii, ...], all_res_masks[ii, ...], all_void_masks) |
if 'F' in metric: |
f_metrics_res[ii, :] = db_eval_boundary(all_gt_masks[ii, ...], all_res_masks[ii, ...], all_void_masks) |
return j_metrics_res, f_metrics_res |
@staticmethod |
def _evaluate_unsupervised(all_gt_masks, all_res_masks, all_void_masks, metric, max_n_proposals=20): |
if all_res_masks.shape[0] > max_n_proposals: |
sys.stdout.write(f"\nIn your PNG files there is an index higher than the maximum number ({max_n_proposals}) of proposals allowed!") |
sys.exit() |
elif all_res_masks.shape[0] < all_gt_masks.shape[0]: |
zero_padding = np.zeros((all_gt_masks.shape[0] - all_res_masks.shape[0], *all_res_masks.shape[1:])) |
all_res_masks = np.concatenate([all_res_masks, zero_padding], axis=0) |
j_metrics_res = np.zeros((all_res_masks.shape[0], all_gt_masks.shape[0], all_gt_masks.shape[1])) |
f_metrics_res = np.zeros((all_res_masks.shape[0], all_gt_masks.shape[0], all_gt_masks.shape[1])) |
for ii in range(all_gt_masks.shape[0]): |
for jj in range(all_res_masks.shape[0]): |
if 'J' in metric: |
j_metrics_res[jj, ii, :] = db_eval_iou(all_gt_masks[ii, ...], all_res_masks[jj, ...], all_void_masks) |
if 'F' in metric: |
f_metrics_res[jj, ii, :] = db_eval_boundary(all_gt_masks[ii, ...], all_res_masks[jj, ...], all_void_masks) |
if 'J' in metric and 'F' in metric: |
all_metrics = (np.mean(j_metrics_res, axis=2) + np.mean(f_metrics_res, axis=2)) / 2 |
else: |
all_metrics = np.mean(j_metrics_res, axis=2) if 'J' in metric else np.mean(f_metrics_res, axis=2) |
row_ind, col_ind = linear_sum_assignment(-all_metrics) |
return j_metrics_res[row_ind, col_ind, :], f_metrics_res[row_ind, col_ind, :] |
def evaluate(self, res_path, metric=('J', 'F'), debug=False): |
metric = metric if isinstance(metric, tuple) or isinstance(metric, list) else [metric] |
if 'T' in metric: |
raise ValueError('Temporal metric not supported!') |
if 'J' not in metric and 'F' not in metric: |
raise ValueError('Metric possible values are J for IoU or F for Boundary') |
metrics_res = {} |
if 'J' in metric: |
metrics_res['J'] = {"M": [], "R": [], "D": [], "M_per_object": {}} |
if 'F' in metric: |
metrics_res['F'] = {"M": [], "R": [], "D": [], "M_per_object": {}} |
results = Results(root_dir=res_path) |
for seq in tqdm(list(self.dataset.get_sequences())): |
all_gt_masks, all_void_masks, all_masks_id = self.dataset.get_all_masks(seq, True) |
if self.task == 'semi-supervised': |
all_gt_masks, all_masks_id = all_gt_masks[:, 1:-1, :, :], all_masks_id[1:-1] |
all_res_masks = results.read_masks(seq, all_masks_id) |
if self.task == 'unsupervised': |
j_metrics_res, f_metrics_res = self._evaluate_unsupervised(all_gt_masks, all_res_masks, all_void_masks, metric) |
elif self.task == 'semi-supervised': |
j_metrics_res, f_metrics_res = self._evaluate_semisupervised(all_gt_masks, all_res_masks, None, metric) |
for ii in range(all_gt_masks.shape[0]): |
seq_name = f'{seq}_{ii+1}' |
if 'J' in metric: |
[JM, JR, JD] = utils.db_statistics(j_metrics_res[ii]) |
metrics_res['J']["M"].append(JM) |
metrics_res['J']["R"].append(JR) |
metrics_res['J']["D"].append(JD) |
metrics_res['J']["M_per_object"][seq_name] = JM |
if 'F' in metric: |
[FM, FR, FD] = utils.db_statistics(f_metrics_res[ii]) |
metrics_res['F']["M"].append(FM) |
metrics_res['F']["R"].append(FR) |
metrics_res['F']["D"].append(FD) |
metrics_res['F']["M_per_object"][seq_name] = FM |
if debug: |
sys.stdout.write(seq + '\n') |
sys.stdout.flush() |
return metrics_res |