zeroMN's picture
Upload 517 files
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import { browser } from "$app/environment";
import { isDesktop } from "./isDesktop";
export async function share(url: string, title: string, appendLeafId: boolean = false) {
if (!browser) return;
// Retrieve the leafId from localStorage
const leafId = localStorage.getItem("leafId");
if (appendLeafId && leafId) {
// Use URL and URLSearchParams to add the leafId parameter
const shareUrl = new URL(url);
shareUrl.searchParams.append("leafId", leafId);
url = shareUrl.toString();
if (navigator.share && !isDesktop(window)) {
navigator.share({ url, title });
} else {
// this is really ugly
// but on chrome the clipboard write doesn't work if the window isn't focused
// and after we use confirm() to ask the user if they want to share, the window is no longer focused
// for a few ms until the confirm dialog closes. tried await tick(), tried window.focus(), didnt work
// bug doesnt occur in firefox, if you can find a better fix for it please do
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 250));
await navigator.clipboard.writeText(url);