import type { MessageFile } from "$lib/types/Message"; |
import { |
type MessageUpdate, |
type MessageStreamUpdate, |
type MessageToolCallUpdate, |
MessageToolUpdateType, |
MessageUpdateType, |
type MessageToolUpdate, |
type MessageWebSearchUpdate, |
type MessageWebSearchGeneralUpdate, |
type MessageWebSearchSourcesUpdate, |
type MessageWebSearchErrorUpdate, |
MessageWebSearchUpdateType, |
type MessageToolErrorUpdate, |
type MessageToolResultUpdate, |
} from "$lib/types/MessageUpdate"; |
import { env as envPublic } from "$env/dynamic/public"; |
export const isMessageWebSearchUpdate = (update: MessageUpdate): update is MessageWebSearchUpdate => |
update.type === MessageUpdateType.WebSearch; |
export const isMessageWebSearchGeneralUpdate = ( |
update: MessageUpdate |
): update is MessageWebSearchGeneralUpdate => |
isMessageWebSearchUpdate(update) && update.subtype === MessageWebSearchUpdateType.Update; |
export const isMessageWebSearchSourcesUpdate = ( |
update: MessageUpdate |
): update is MessageWebSearchSourcesUpdate => |
isMessageWebSearchUpdate(update) && update.subtype === MessageWebSearchUpdateType.Sources; |
export const isMessageWebSearchErrorUpdate = ( |
update: MessageUpdate |
): update is MessageWebSearchErrorUpdate => |
isMessageWebSearchUpdate(update) && update.subtype === MessageWebSearchUpdateType.Error; |
export const isMessageToolUpdate = (update: MessageUpdate): update is MessageToolUpdate => |
update.type === MessageUpdateType.Tool; |
export const isMessageToolCallUpdate = (update: MessageUpdate): update is MessageToolCallUpdate => |
isMessageToolUpdate(update) && update.subtype === MessageToolUpdateType.Call; |
export const isMessageToolResultUpdate = ( |
update: MessageUpdate |
): update is MessageToolResultUpdate => |
isMessageToolUpdate(update) && update.subtype === MessageToolUpdateType.Result; |
export const isMessageToolErrorUpdate = (update: MessageUpdate): update is MessageToolErrorUpdate => |
isMessageToolUpdate(update) && update.subtype === MessageToolUpdateType.Error; |
type MessageUpdateRequestOptions = { |
base: string; |
inputs?: string; |
messageId?: string; |
isRetry: boolean; |
isContinue: boolean; |
webSearch: boolean; |
tools?: Array<string>; |
files?: MessageFile[]; |
}; |
export async function fetchMessageUpdates( |
conversationId: string, |
opts: MessageUpdateRequestOptions, |
abortSignal: AbortSignal |
): Promise<AsyncGenerator<MessageUpdate>> { |
const abortController = new AbortController(); |
abortSignal.addEventListener("abort", () => abortController.abort()); |
const form = new FormData(); |
const optsJSON = JSON.stringify({ |
inputs: opts.inputs, |
id: opts.messageId, |
is_retry: opts.isRetry, |
is_continue: opts.isContinue, |
web_search: opts.webSearch, |
tools: opts.tools, |
}); |
opts.files?.forEach((file) => { |
const name = file.type + ";" + file.name; |
form.append("files", new File([file.value], name, { type: file.mime })); |
}); |
form.append("data", optsJSON); |
const response = await fetch(`${opts.base}/conversation/${conversationId}`, { |
method: "POST", |
body: form, |
signal: abortController.signal, |
}); |
if (!response.ok) { |
const errorMessage = await response |
.json() |
.then((obj) => obj.message) |
.catch(() => `Request failed with status code ${response.status}: ${response.statusText}`); |
throw Error(errorMessage); |
} |
if (!response.body) { |
throw Error("Body not defined"); |
} |
if (!(envPublic.PUBLIC_SMOOTH_UPDATES === "true")) { |
return endpointStreamToIterator(response, abortController); |
} |
return smoothAsyncIterator( |
streamMessageUpdatesToFullWords(endpointStreamToIterator(response, abortController)) |
); |
} |
async function* endpointStreamToIterator( |
response: Response, |
abortController: AbortController |
): AsyncGenerator<MessageUpdate> { |
const reader = response.body?.pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream()).getReader(); |
if (!reader) throw Error("Response for endpoint had no body"); |
reader.closed.then(() => abortController.abort()); |
abortController.signal.addEventListener("abort", () => reader.cancel()); |
let prevChunk = ""; |
while (!abortController.signal.aborted) { |
const { done, value } = await reader.read(); |
if (done) { |
abortController.abort(); |
break; |
} |
if (!value) continue; |
const { messageUpdates, remainingText } = parseMessageUpdates(prevChunk + value); |
prevChunk = remainingText; |
for (const messageUpdate of messageUpdates) yield messageUpdate; |
} |
} |
function parseMessageUpdates(value: string): { |
messageUpdates: MessageUpdate[]; |
remainingText: string; |
} { |
const inputs = value.split("\n"); |
const messageUpdates: MessageUpdate[] = []; |
for (const input of inputs) { |
try { |
messageUpdates.push(JSON.parse(input) as MessageUpdate); |
} catch (error) { |
if (error instanceof SyntaxError) { |
return { |
messageUpdates, |
remainingText: inputs.at(-1) ?? "", |
}; |
} |
} |
} |
return { messageUpdates, remainingText: "" }; |
} |
async function* streamMessageUpdatesToFullWords( |
iterator: AsyncGenerator<MessageUpdate> |
): AsyncGenerator<MessageUpdate> { |
let bufferedStreamUpdates: MessageStreamUpdate[] = []; |
const endAlphanumeric = /[a-zA-Z0-9À-ž'`]+$/; |
const beginnningAlphanumeric = /^[a-zA-Z0-9À-ž'`]+/; |
for await (const messageUpdate of iterator) { |
if (messageUpdate.type !== "stream") { |
yield messageUpdate; |
continue; |
} |
bufferedStreamUpdates.push(messageUpdate); |
let lastIndexEmitted = 0; |
for (let i = 1; i < bufferedStreamUpdates.length; i++) { |
const prevEndsAlphanumeric = endAlphanumeric.test(bufferedStreamUpdates[i - 1].token); |
const currBeginsAlphanumeric = beginnningAlphanumeric.test(bufferedStreamUpdates[i].token); |
const shouldCombine = prevEndsAlphanumeric && currBeginsAlphanumeric; |
const combinedTooMany = i - lastIndexEmitted >= 5; |
if (shouldCombine && !combinedTooMany) continue; |
yield { |
type: MessageUpdateType.Stream, |
token: bufferedStreamUpdates |
.slice(lastIndexEmitted, i) |
.map((_) => _.token) |
.join(""), |
}; |
lastIndexEmitted = i; |
} |
bufferedStreamUpdates = bufferedStreamUpdates.slice(lastIndexEmitted); |
} |
for (const messageUpdate of bufferedStreamUpdates) yield messageUpdate; |
} |
async function* smoothAsyncIterator<T>(iterator: AsyncGenerator<T>): AsyncGenerator<T> { |
const eventTarget = new EventTarget(); |
let done = false; |
const valuesBuffer: T[] = []; |
const valueTimesMS: number[] = []; |
const next = async () => { |
const obj = await iterator.next(); |
if (obj.done) { |
done = true; |
} else { |
valuesBuffer.push(obj.value); |
valueTimesMS.push(performance.now()); |
next(); |
} |
eventTarget.dispatchEvent(new Event("next")); |
}; |
next(); |
let timeOfLastEmitMS = performance.now(); |
while (!done || valuesBuffer.length > 0) { |
const sampledTimesMS = valueTimesMS.slice(-30); |
const anomalyThresholdMS = 2000; |
const anomalyDurationMS = sampledTimesMS |
.map((time, i, times) => time - times[i - 1]) |
.slice(1) |
.filter((time) => time > anomalyThresholdMS) |
.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); |
const totalTimeMSBetweenValues = sampledTimesMS.at(-1)! - sampledTimesMS[0]; |
const timeMSBetweenValues = totalTimeMSBetweenValues - anomalyDurationMS; |
const averageTimeMSBetweenValues = Math.min( |
200, |
timeMSBetweenValues / (sampledTimesMS.length - 1) |
); |
const timeSinceLastEmitMS = performance.now() - timeOfLastEmitMS; |
const gotNext = await Promise.race([ |
sleep(Math.max(5, averageTimeMSBetweenValues - timeSinceLastEmitMS)), |
waitForEvent(eventTarget, "next"), |
]); |
if (gotNext) continue; |
if (valuesBuffer.length === 0) continue; |
timeOfLastEmitMS = performance.now(); |
yield valuesBuffer.shift()!; |
} |
} |
const sleep = (ms: number) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); |
const waitForEvent = (eventTarget: EventTarget, eventName: string) => |
new Promise<boolean>((resolve) => |
eventTarget.addEventListener(eventName, () => resolve(true), { once: true }) |
); |