zeroMN's picture
Upload 517 files
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import { MessageUpdateType } from "$lib/types/MessageUpdate";
import {
type BackendCall,
type BaseTool,
type ConfigTool,
type ToolInput,
} from "$lib/types/Tool";
import type { TextGenerationContext } from "../textGeneration/types";
import { z } from "zod";
import JSON5 from "json5";
import { env } from "$env/dynamic/private";
import jp from "jsonpath";
import calculator from "./calculator";
import directlyAnswer from "./directlyAnswer";
import fetchUrl from "./web/url";
import websearch from "./web/search";
import { callSpace, getIpToken } from "./utils";
import { uploadFile } from "../files/uploadFile";
import type { MessageFile } from "$lib/types/Message";
import { sha256 } from "$lib/utils/sha256";
import { ObjectId } from "mongodb";
import { isValidOutputComponent, ToolOutputPaths } from "./outputs";
import { downloadFile } from "../files/downloadFile";
import { fileTypeFromBlob } from "file-type";
export type BackendToolContext = Pick<
"conv" | "messages" | "assistant" | "ip" | "username"
> & { preprompt?: string };
const IOType = z.union([z.literal("str"), z.literal("int"), z.literal("float"), z.literal("bool")]);
const toolInputBaseSchema = z.union([
name: z.string().min(1).max(80),
description: z.string().max(200).optional(),
paramType: z.literal("required"),
name: z.string().min(1).max(80),
description: z.string().max(200).optional(),
paramType: z.literal("optional"),
default: z
.union([z.string().max(300), z.number(), z.boolean(), z.undefined()])
.transform((val) => (val === undefined ? "" : val)),
name: z.string().min(1).max(80),
paramType: z.literal("fixed"),
value: z
.union([z.string().max(300), z.number(), z.boolean(), z.undefined()])
.transform((val) => (val === undefined ? "" : val)),
const toolInputSchema = toolInputBaseSchema.and(
z.object({ type: IOType }).or(
type: z.literal("file"),
mimeTypes: z.string().min(1),
export const editableToolSchema = z
name: z
.regex(/^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/) // only allow letters, numbers, and underscores, and start with a letter or underscore
// only allow huggingface spaces either through namespace or direct URLs
baseUrl: z.union([
.transform((url) => url.split("/").slice(-2).join("/")),
endpoint: z.string().min(1).max(100),
inputs: z.array(toolInputSchema),
outputComponent: z.string().min(1).max(100),
showOutput: z.boolean(),
displayName: z.string().min(1).max(40),
color: ToolColor,
icon: ToolIcon,
description: z.string().min(1).max(100),
.transform((tool) => ({
outputComponentIdx: parseInt(tool.outputComponent.split(";")[0]),
outputComponent: ToolOutputComponents.parse(tool.outputComponent.split(";")[1]),
export const configTools = z
name: z.string(),
description: z.string(),
endpoint: z.union([z.string(), z.null()]),
inputs: z.array(toolInputSchema),
outputComponent: ToolOutputComponents.or(z.null()),
outputComponentIdx: z.number().int().default(0),
showOutput: z.boolean(),
_id: z
.transform((val) => new ObjectId(val)),
baseUrl: z.string().optional(),
displayName: z.string(),
color: ToolColor,
icon: ToolIcon,
isOnByDefault: z.optional(z.literal(true)),
isLocked: z.optional(z.literal(true)),
isHidden: z.optional(z.literal(true)),
.transform((val) => ({
type: "config" as const,
call: getCallMethod(val),
// add the extra hardcoded tools
.transform((val) => [...val, calculator, directlyAnswer, fetchUrl, websearch]);
export function getCallMethod(tool: Omit<BaseTool, "call">): BackendCall {
return async function* (params, ctx, uuid) {
if (
tool.endpoint === null ||
!tool.baseUrl ||
!tool.outputComponent ||
tool.outputComponentIdx === null
) {
throw new Error(`Tool function ${} has no endpoint`);
const ipToken = await getIpToken(ctx.ip, ctx.username);
function coerceInput(value: unknown, type: ToolInput["type"]) {
const valueStr = String(value);
switch (type) {
case "str":
return valueStr;
case "int":
return parseInt(valueStr);
case "float":
return parseFloat(valueStr);
case "bool":
return valueStr === "true";
throw new Error(`Unsupported type ${type}`);
const inputs = (input) => {
if (input.type === "file" && input.paramType !== "required") {
throw new Error("File inputs are always required and cannot be optional or fixed");
if (input.paramType === "fixed") {
return coerceInput(input.value, input.type);
} else if (input.paramType === "optional") {
return coerceInput(params[] ?? input.default, input.type);
} else if (input.paramType === "required") {
if (params[] === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Missing required input ${}`);
if (input.type === "file") {
// todo: parse file here !
// structure is {input|output}-{msgIdx}-{fileIdx}-{filename}
const filename = params[];
if (!filename || typeof filename !== "string") {
throw new Error(`Filename is not a string`);
const messages = ctx.messages;
const msgIdx = parseInt(filename.split("_")[1]);
const fileIdx = parseInt(filename.split("_")[2]);
if (Number.isNaN(msgIdx) || Number.isNaN(fileIdx)) {
throw Error(`Message index or file index is missing`);
if (msgIdx >= messages.length) {
throw Error(`Message index ${msgIdx} is out of bounds`);
const file = messages[msgIdx].files?.[fileIdx];
if (!file) {
throw Error(`File index ${fileIdx} is out of bounds`);
const blob = await downloadFile(file.value, ctx.conv._id)
.then((file) => fetch(`data:${file.mime};base64,${file.value}`))
.then((res) => res.blob())
.catch((err) => {
throw Error("Failed to download file", { cause: err });
return blob;
} else {
return coerceInput(params[], input.type);
const outputs = yield* callSpace(
await Promise.all(inputs),
if (!isValidOutputComponent(tool.outputComponent)) {
throw new Error(`Tool output component is not defined`);
const { type, path } = ToolOutputPaths[tool.outputComponent];
if (!path || !type) {
throw new Error(`Tool output type ${tool.outputComponent} is not supported`);
const files: MessageFile[] = [];
const toolOutputs: Array<Record<string, string>> = [];
if (outputs.length <= tool.outputComponentIdx) {
throw new Error(`Tool output component index is out of bounds`);
// if its not an object, return directly
if (
outputs[tool.outputComponentIdx] !== undefined &&
typeof outputs[tool.outputComponentIdx] !== "object"
) {
return {
outputs: [{ [ + "-0"]: outputs[tool.outputComponentIdx] }],
display: tool.showOutput,
await Promise.all(
.query(outputs[tool.outputComponentIdx], path)
.map(async (output: string | string[], idx) => {
const arrayedOutput = Array.isArray(output) ? output : [output];
if (type === "file") {
// output files are actually URLs
await Promise.all( (output, idx) => {
await fetch(output)
.then((res) => res.blob())
.then(async (blob) => {
const { ext, mime } = (await fileTypeFromBlob(blob)) ?? { ext: "octet-stream" };
return new File(
`${idx}-${await sha256(JSON.stringify(params))}.${ext}`,
type: mime,
.then((file) => uploadFile(file, ctx.conv))
.then((file) => files.push(file));
[ +
"-" +
idx.toString()]: `Only and always answer: 'I used the tool ${tool.displayName}, here is the result.' Don't add anything else.`,
} else {
for (const output of arrayedOutput) {
[ + "-" + idx.toString()]: output,
for (const file of files) {
yield {
type: MessageUpdateType.File,
sha: file.value,
mime: file.mime,
return { outputs: toolOutputs, display: tool.showOutput };
export const toolFromConfigs = configTools.parse(JSON5.parse(env.TOOLS)) satisfies ConfigTool[];