import { env } from "$env/dynamic/private"; |
import { z } from "zod"; |
import { sum } from "$lib/utils/sum"; |
import { |
embeddingEndpoints, |
embeddingEndpointSchema, |
type EmbeddingEndpoint, |
} from "$lib/server/embeddingEndpoints/embeddingEndpoints"; |
import { embeddingEndpointTransformersJS } from "$lib/server/embeddingEndpoints/transformersjs/embeddingEndpoints"; |
import JSON5 from "json5"; |
const modelConfig = z.object({ |
id: z.string().optional(), |
name: z.string().min(1), |
displayName: z.string().min(1).optional(), |
description: z.string().min(1).optional(), |
websiteUrl: z.string().url().optional(), |
modelUrl: z.string().url().optional(), |
endpoints: z.array(embeddingEndpointSchema).nonempty(), |
chunkCharLength: z.number().positive(), |
maxBatchSize: z.number().positive().optional(), |
preQuery: z.string().default(""), |
prePassage: z.string().default(""), |
}); |
const rawEmbeddingModelJSON = |
`[ |
{ |
"name": "Xenova/gte-small", |
"chunkCharLength": 512, |
"endpoints": [ |
{ "type": "transformersjs" } |
] |
} |
]`; |
const embeddingModelsRaw = z.array(modelConfig).parse(JSON5.parse(rawEmbeddingModelJSON)); |
const processEmbeddingModel = async (m: z.infer<typeof modelConfig>) => ({ |
...m, |
id: m.id || m.name, |
}); |
const addEndpoint = (m: Awaited<ReturnType<typeof processEmbeddingModel>>) => ({ |
...m, |
getEndpoint: async (): Promise<EmbeddingEndpoint> => { |
if (!m.endpoints) { |
return embeddingEndpointTransformersJS({ |
type: "transformersjs", |
weight: 1, |
model: m, |
}); |
} |
const totalWeight = sum(m.endpoints.map((e) => e.weight)); |
let random = Math.random() * totalWeight; |
for (const endpoint of m.endpoints) { |
if (random < endpoint.weight) { |
const args = { ...endpoint, model: m }; |
switch (args.type) { |
case "tei": |
return embeddingEndpoints.tei(args); |
case "transformersjs": |
return embeddingEndpoints.transformersjs(args); |
case "openai": |
return embeddingEndpoints.openai(args); |
case "hfapi": |
return embeddingEndpoints.hfapi(args); |
default: |
throw new Error(`Unknown endpoint type: ${args}`); |
} |
} |
random -= endpoint.weight; |
} |
throw new Error(`Failed to select embedding endpoint`); |
}, |
}); |
export const embeddingModels = await Promise.all( |
embeddingModelsRaw.map((e) => processEmbeddingModel(e).then(addEndpoint)) |
); |
export const defaultEmbeddingModel = embeddingModels[0]; |
const validateEmbeddingModel = (_models: EmbeddingBackendModel[], key: "id" | "name") => { |
return z.enum([_models[0][key], ..._models.slice(1).map((m) => m[key])]); |
}; |
export const validateEmbeddingModelById = (_models: EmbeddingBackendModel[]) => { |
return validateEmbeddingModel(_models, "id"); |
}; |
export const validateEmbeddingModelByName = (_models: EmbeddingBackendModel[]) => { |
return validateEmbeddingModel(_models, "name"); |
}; |
export type EmbeddingBackendModel = typeof defaultEmbeddingModel; |