3v324v23's picture
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▁more -6.81493
ent -6.81654
S -6.81854
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▁some -6.84229
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▁now -7.05729
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▁should -7.10781
id -7.10967
ness -7.11065
▁great -7.12189
▁A -7.13524
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ist -7.17463
ted -7.18496
im -7.1938
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ke -7.22899
▁came -7.23676
ty -7.23889
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v -7.27519
▁day -7.2753
▁M -7.27627
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E -7.2873
▁our -7.29922
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▁B -7.30138
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▁much -7.31183
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ant -7.31395
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pe -7.34074
▁way -7.34134
T -7.34399
▁thought -7.34735
▁F -7.36063
▁W -7.36318
▁dis -7.36874
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▁C -7.37171
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▁P -7.40854
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ie -7.41138
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▁o -7.4402
What -7.44341
ci -7.44994
z -7.45436
▁where -7.4568
▁long -7.45692
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me -7.48335
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led -7.54711
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age -7.55121
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▁its -7.55913
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▁m -7.56914
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▁G -7.57919
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Then -7.63612
R -7.63653
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No -7.65172
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▁la -7.65764
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N -7.671
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▁every -7.70125
D -7.70709
▁most -7.71256
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▁cr -7.74122
▁saw -7.74513
▁mean -7.74999
▁tr -7.75544
▁far -7.75913
▁asked -7.76066
ling -7.76201
ward -7.76302
That -7.76392
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ho -7.76615
▁O -7.76908
When -7.77138
ru -7.77428
to -7.77487
▁looked -7.77672
▁nothing -7.77875
▁right -7.78402
ton -7.78555
▁put -7.7912
▁people -7.79355
▁under -7.79387
▁ba -7.80027
▁look -7.80253
▁young -7.80309
▁gra -7.81046
▁those -7.81074
ee -7.81449
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gg -7.82002
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ma -7.83612
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ian -7.83754
ti -7.8473
co -7.8509
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the -7.85598
If -7.85832
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▁three -7.86229
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▁dr -7.87252
▁moment -7.87374
ha -7.87387
▁once -7.87724
▁another -7.8781
▁being -7.87935
end -7.87989
▁same -7.88243
▁Ma -7.88952
▁heart -7.89317
▁give -7.90058
all -7.90336
▁ever -7.90379
▁H -7.90585
ting -7.90591
M -7.91106
▁father -7.91189
tion -7.91669
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▁left -7.92061
ious -7.92107
ff -7.92546
po -7.92704
cu -7.92988
H -7.93459
und -7.93682
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▁while -7.94598
der -7.95234
▁going -7.95291
tra -7.9549
Yes -7.95929
▁find -7.96046
tain -7.96655
qui -7.96991
▁ho -7.97143
▁arm -7.97304
▁home -7.97338
na -7.97528
▁girl -7.98252
▁something -7.98706
ph -7.98717
▁end -7.98744
▁br -7.98837
ia -7.98866
ble -7.98942
man -7.9911
▁got -7.99404
ough -7.99681
▁want -7.99712
▁imp -7.99735
So -7.99753
for -7.99811
▁side -8.00186
▁told -8.00373
ca -8.00451
▁things -8.00571
▁always -8.00656
▁let -8.00989
▁heard -8.01346
▁sha -8.01644
▁new -8.01719
▁K -8.02341
▁soon -8.02487
▁fa -8.02567
tic -8.02747
ite -8.0305
▁yet -8.0312
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ny -8.04137
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ever -8.04548
Oh -8.04755
be -8.04871
▁le -8.04899
ld -8.05533
ice -8.0556
▁quite -8.0576
▁boy -8.05888
our -8.06235
▁water -8.06307
▁world -8.06358
▁ca -8.06529
▁da -8.0683
op -8.06994
▁se -8.08506
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Well -8.08842
ta -8.08904
▁mother -8.08947
ure -8.091
For -8.09481
At -8.09597
mi -8.09909
▁knew -8.10061
To -8.10383
▁comp -8.10914
B -8.11243
▁woman -8.11347
▁kind -8.11623
ary -8.11641
one -8.11658
▁form -8.11709
▁vi -8.11924
ni -8.12127
▁name -8.12144
ot -8.12273
per -8.12459
▁course -8.12742
les -8.1277
ster -8.13099
ture -8.1333
▁done -8.1339
▁du -8.135
▁va -8.14402
His -8.14547
U -8.14809
▁en -8.14874
ight -8.15067
▁began -8.15092
▁wish -8.15194
ea -8.15637
mon -8.15779
▁N -8.15941
How -8.15972
▁He -8.15973
▁Ro -8.16073
▁few -8.17651
▁each -8.17737
▁rest -8.1786
▁because -8.17938
As -8.18021
son -8.18144
▁against -8.18198
▁better -8.18318
ily -8.18498
▁years -8.18528
▁enough -8.18685
G -8.19056
W -8.19426
▁turned -8.19526
▁mrs -8.19773
▁per -8.2036
▁cried -8.20654
tter -8.20791
▁high -8.20807
▁set -8.21114
▁friend -8.21159
fer -8.212
▁close -8.21577
bo -8.22157
▁show -8.2218
▁four -8.22191
▁half -8.22694
dy -8.22902
▁does -8.23252
▁speak -8.23286
▁voice -8.23625
que -8.23691
rt -8.24294
▁R -8.24703
▁gave -8.24817
ace -8.25066
Now -8.2525
▁talk -8.25343
▁seen -8.25407
▁whole -8.25419
▁help -8.25529
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ack -8.25838
ions -8.25896
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▁morning -8.26384
▁V -8.26935
▁keep -8.27086
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▁open -8.27922
▁also -8.28078
ay -8.28396
▁person -8.29152
On -8.29207
▁sure -8.29295
▁hope -8.29348
low -8.2952
▁hands -8.29835
vo -8.29936
ub -8.3004
▁called -8.30426
▁read -8.30904
▁stood -8.30928
lic -8.31423
My -8.31537
ical -8.31611
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▁sat -8.31884
▁point -8.31898
▁near -8.32956
▁both -8.3307
▁v -8.33205
▁herself -8.33297
▁Mo -8.33378
ction -8.33395
Why -8.33995
▁anything -8.34093
▁small -8.35573
?' -8.35665
ide -8.35686
ach -8.35756
▁laugh -8.35879
ten -8.36027
▁Ch -8.3653
land -8.36711
▁between -8.36767
▁poor -8.36776
fully -8.36838
▁j -8.36943
par -8.37215
▁sea -8.3749
▁fla -8.3749
▁almost -8.37624
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ress -8.37961
▁dark -8.37978
▁until -8.38022
▁large -8.38024
▁horse -8.38135
row -8.38214
ab -8.38427
▁wait -8.38492
com -8.3864
▁order -8.39045
x -8.39321
▁fact -8.39324
oo -8.39594
rry -8.39901
▁fire -8.3995
▁seem -8.40061
▁words -8.40141
▁white -8.40202
ran -8.40466
▁The -8.40489
▁nor -8.40548
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▁child -8.41455
▁looking -8.41527
▁live -8.4223
▁best -8.42498
▁hear -8.42544
▁fear -8.42826
ally -8.42844
ex -8.42877
iv -8.43094
▁mis -8.43113
▁round -8.43382
ible -8.4361
▁mu -8.43707
va -8.43732
▁brought -8.4384
but -8.43986
Do -8.44069
All -8.44158
▁question -8.44215
ug -8.44323
,-- -8.45089
▁having -8.45098
▁God -8.45105
▁Miss -8.45187
mr -8.45321
▁cannot -8.45352
▁Be -8.45354
Y -8.45541
▁hundred -8.45604
▁full -8.45739
▁par -8.45744
qua -8.45801
▁gu -8.45959
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▁Gr -8.46401
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▁word -8.46789
▁Ca -8.46942
▁Co -8.46958
▁among -8.47149
▁need -8.47522
▁em -8.47616
▁next -8.47616
▁sun -8.47775
▁call -8.4796
▁rather -8.48389
) -8.48397
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▁less -8.48419
lar -8.48465
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▁however -8.4913
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▁fo -8.49261
▁gone -8.49305
▁Pa -8.49623
▁days -8.49773
▁Mar -8.50035
▁And -8.50371
▁whom -8.50976
▁ten -8.5102
▁war -8.51292
j -8.51779
▁Ja -8.51822
▁bar -8.51839
▁tree -8.52149
▁five -8.52198
▁lay -8.52574
▁interest -8.52631
use -8.5282
ple -8.52989
-\" -8.53721
▁remain -8.53908
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▁pi -8.54748
▁case -8.54814
▁wife -8.54833
▁play -8.5493
▁taken -8.5503
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hy -8.55664
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▁reason -8.55956
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ial -8.5657
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by -8.57584
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nce -8.58446
▁black -8.58526
ang -8.58574
▁watch -8.58672
gue -8.58998
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pa -8.59249
▁lu -8.59434
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ink -8.59742
▁passed -8.59888
▁twenty -8.6008
▁along -8.60427
▁doubt -8.60672
▁real -8.60992
▁( -8.61045
tri -8.61678
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▁children -8.62212
ook -8.62316
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▁alone -8.62728
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uff -8.64854
▁true -8.64965
rac -8.64975
▁minute -8.65205
▁death -8.65264
▁Ha -8.66138
we -8.66168
aw -8.66236
lt -8.66282
▁ground -8.66451
au -8.66502
▁sound -8.66518
▁hu -8.6656
ches -8.66839
ating -8.66927
▁La -8.67134
One -8.67204
▁cur -8.67456
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▁strong -8.68509
▁thousand -8.68562
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▁Br -8.68778
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▁short -8.69096
ib -8.69151
▁really -8.69356
▁hold -8.69617
▁dead -8.6978
▁fell -8.70022
ju -8.7006
!' -8.70064
▁expect -8.70228
▁str -8.70514
ath -8.70618
▁deep -8.7067
▁try -8.70942
▁indeed -8.71255
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▁coming -8.71843
▁second -8.71923
ric -8.72228
With -8.72263
▁answer -8.7242
▁Al -8.72603
▁Ho -8.7277
ler -8.72845
▁Je -8.72925
cy -8.73071
▁why -8.73522
ities -8.73612
▁body -8.73682
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ear -8.74493
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ability -9.983
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q -10.0065
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!-- -10.0665
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tua -10.091
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ING -10.2147
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( -10.8841
X -10.9621
] -10.9621
[ -11.01
/ -12.3828
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Q -16.7994
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è -16.7995
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