diff --git "a/dbt.jsonl" "b/dbt.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/dbt.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,691 @@ +{"id": "0ceef0ad5918-0", "page_content": "ebook\nTHE GUILFORD PRESS", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6a51466778d1-0", "page_content": "DBT \u00ae Skill S Training Han DouTS an D\u00a0Work SHeeTS", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "b0d4987c9bbf-0", "page_content": "Also from Marsha M. Linehan\nBooks for Professionals\nCognitive- B ehavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder\nDBT Skills Training Manual, Second Edition\nDialectical Behavior Therapy with Suicidal Adolescents\nAlec L. Miller, Jill H. Rathus, and Marsha M. Linehan\nMindfulness and Acceptance: \nExpanding the Cognitive-\n B\nehavioral Tradition\nEdited by Steven C. Hayes, Victoria M. Follette, and Marsha M. Linehan\nVideos\nCrisis Survival Skills, Part One: Distracting and Self- S oothing\nCrisis Survival Skills, Part Two: Improving the Moment and Pros and Cons\nFrom Suffering to Freedom: Practicing Reality Acceptance\nGetting a New Client Connected to DBT (Complete Series)\nOpposite Action: Changing Emotions You Want to Change\nThis One Moment: Skills for Everyday Mindfulness\nTreating Borderline Personality Disorder: The Dialectical Approach\nUnderstanding Borderline Personality: The Dialectical Approach\nFor more information and for DBT skills updates from the author, \nsee her websites: \nwww.linehaninstitute.org , http://blogs.uw.edu/brtc, \nand http://faculty.washington.edu/linehan/", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "0f5120364e12-0", "page_content": "DBT \u00ae Skills \nTraining \nHandouts \nand\u00a0Worksheets\nSecon D eDiTion\nMarsha M. Linehan\nTHe guil ForD PreSS \nnew York l ondon", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f5e801f07e5c-0", "page_content": "\u00a9 2015 Marsha M. Linehan\nPublished by The Guilford Press\nA Division of Guilford Publications, Inc.72 Spring Street, New York, NY 10012www.guilford.com\nAll rights reservedExcept as indicated on page 4, no part of this book may be reproduced, translated, stored \nin a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher.\nPrinted in the United States of AmericaThis book is printed on acid-free paper.Last digit is print number:\n \n9\n \n8\n \n7\n \n6\n \n5\n \n4\n \n3\n \n2\n \n1\nThe author has checked with sources believed to be reliable in her efforts to provide \ninformation that is complete and generally in accord with the standards of practice that are accepted at the time of publication. However, in view of the possibility of human error or changes in behavioral, mental health, or medical sciences, neither the author, nor the editor and publisher, nor any other party who has been involved in the preparation or publication of this work warrants that the information contained herein is in every respect accurate or complete, and they are not responsible for any errors or omissions or the results obtained from the use of such information. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information contained in this book with other sources.\nLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-\n P\nublication Data\nLinehan, Marsha.\nDBT skills training handouts and worksheets / Marsha M. Linehan. \u2014 Second edition.\n \npages \ncm\nIncludes bibliographical references and index.\nISBN 978-1-57230-781-0 (paperback)1.\nD\nialectical behavior therapy\u2014Problems, exercises, etc. I", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f5e801f07e5c-1", "page_content": "D\nialectical behavior therapy\u2014Problems, exercises, etc. I\n.\n T\nitle. \nRC489.B4L56 2015616.89'1420076\u2014dc23\n2014026331\nDBT is a registered trademark of Marsha M. Linehan.Proudly sourced and uploaded by [StormRG]\n Kickass Torrents | TPB | ET | h33t", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "126d2533db4c-0", "page_content": "When I am on retreats, each afternoon I walk and \nwring my hands, saying to all the mental health \npatients of the world, \u201cYou don\u2019t have to wring \nyour hands today. I am doing it for you.\u201d Often \nwhen I dance in the hallway of my house or with \ngroups, I invite all the mental health patients of the \nworld to come dance with me.\nThis book is dedicated to all the patients of the \nworld who think that no one is thinking of them. \nI considered telling you that I would practice skills \nfor you so you don\u2019t have to practice them. But then \nI realized that if I did, you would not learn how to \nbe skillful yourself. So, instead, I wish you skillful \nmeans, and I wish that you find these skills useful.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "53966963e83d-0", "page_content": "viabout the a uthor\nMarsha M. Linehan, PhD, ABPP, is the developer of Dialectical Behavior Ther -\napy (DBT) and Professor of Psychology and of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences \nand Director of the Behavioral Research and Therapy Clinics at the University of \nWashington. Her primary research interest is in the development and evaluation of evidence-based treatments for populations with high suicide risk and multiple, \nsevere mental disorders. \nDr. Linehan\u2019s contributions to suicide research and clinical psychology research \nhave been recognized with numerous awards, including the Gold Medal Award for \nLife Achievement in the Application of Psychology from the American Psychological Foundation and the James McKeen Cattell Award from the Association for Psy -\nchological Science. In her honor, the American Association of Suicidology created the Marsha Linehan Award for Outstanding Research in the Treatment of Suicidal Behavior. \nShe is a Zen master and teaches mindfulness and contemplative practices via \nworkshops and retreats for health care providers.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "65fcf88f7390-0", "page_content": "v iiPreface\nSince the publication of the original Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) skills train -\ning manual in 1993, there has been an explosion of research on the applications of \nDBT across disorders. My pilot and first DBT study focused on the treatment of highly suicidal adults. Now, we have research demonstrating the efficacy of DBT skills training with suicidal adolescents, as well as adults with borderline personal-ity disorder, eating disorders, treatment-resistant depression, substance use, and a variety of other disorders. A diagnosis of a mental disorder is not required, however, to benefit from DBT skills. Friends and family members of individuals with difficul -\nties will find these skills helpful; kids in elementary school through high school can gain from these skills. Businesses will find DBT skills useful in creating better work environments. All the DBT therapists I know practice these skills in their own lives on a routine basis. I myself am grateful for the skills because they have made my life a lot easier. As someone once said to me, \u201cAren\u2019t these skills your mother was sup -\nposed to teach you?\u201d I always say yes, but for many people their mother just did not or was not able to get around to it.\nI developed many of the skills by reading treatment manuals and treatment lit -\nerature on evidence-based behavioral interventions. I reviewed what therapists told their patients to do and then repackaged those instructions in skills handouts and worksheets and wrote teaching notes for therapists. For example, the skill \u201coppo -\nsite action\u201d is a set of instructions based on exposure-based treatments for anxiety disorders . The major change was to generalize the strategies to fit treatment of emo -\ntions other than anxiety. \u201cCheck the facts\u201d is a core strategy in cognitive therapy", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "65fcf88f7390-1", "page_content": "interventions. The mindfulness skills were a product of my 19 years in Catholic schools, my training in contemplative prayer practices through the Shalem Institute\u2019s spiritual guidance program, and my 35 years as a Zen student\u2014and now Zen mas -\nter. Mindfulness of current thoughts also draws from acceptance and commitment therapy. In general, DBT skills are what behavior therapists tell clients to do across many effective treatments. Some of the skills repurpose entire treatment programs now formulated as a series of steps. The new \u201cnightmare protocol,\u201d an emotion regulation skill, is an example of this. Other skills came from research in cognitive and social psychology. Still others came from colleagues developing new DBT skills", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "29de6cb35362-0", "page_content": "viii\u2002\u2022\u2002 Preface\nfor new populations. As you can see, these skills came from many different sources \nand disciplines.\nI am happy to present this skills training manual for clients, which includes \nall of the handouts and worksheets I have developed so far in DBT. (Stay tuned for more.) You are not likely to need to use all of the skills I have included. Every skill works for someone and no skill works for everyone. The skills in this book have \nbeen tested with a huge variety of people: adults, adolescents, parents, friends, and \nfamilies, both high risk and low. I hope the skills are just what you need. Use your interpersonal skills (see the DEAR MAN GIVE FAST skills in the Interpersonal Effectiveness skills module) to talk your skills trainer or other teacher into teaching \nyou skills not ordinarily covered in skills training if you want to learn them. If you \nshould decide to venture forth on your own, I must tell you that we have no research on the effectiveness of this skills manual as a self-help workbook or self-treatment \nmanual. I am hoping to write a self-help treatment book in the future, so keep your \neyes open for that. Meanwhile, you might be interested in the skills videos avail -\nable through The Guilford Press or The Linehan Institute and listed on page ii of this manual. They themselves do not constitute treatment, but we know that many \npeople have nonetheless found them useful, even though we have not collected data \non them. On your own or with the help of a skills teacher, I wish you skillful means.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "fe71a96666b5-0", "page_content": "ixac knowledgments\nDeveloping, researching, testing, and organizing the behavioral skills in this book \nhas been a process that has unfolded over many years. Over these years many people made important contributions to what finally became this set of skills and work -\nsheets. Here I want to thank a long line of teachers, colleagues, students, post\n-\nd\noctoral fellows, and clients, who for many years have been in dialogue with me on \nhow to best develop, organize, explain, and disseminate behavioral skills to those in need of skillful means.\nI want to acknowledge Rev. Pat Hawk and Rev. Willigis Yaeger, who were my \ncontemplative prayer and Zen teachers, and Anselm Romb, my Franciscan spiritual guide, who taught me to let go of words. Each of them listened to me for hours as I sorted out how to practice and how to teach mindfulness. My mentors, Gerald Davi -\nson and Marvin Goldfried, taught me behavior therapy, and through them I was introduced to evidence-based treatments, where I found most of the skillful means that I condensed into the skills in this book. I extend my gratitude to Jon Kabat-Zinn, John Teasdale, Mark Williams, and Zindel Segal for inspiration. I especially want to thank my students and former students (in alphabetical order), Milton Brown, Anita Lungu, Andrada Neacsiu, Shireen Rizvi, Stephanie Thompson, Chelsey Wilks, Bri -", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "fe71a96666b5-1", "page_content": "anna Woods; and my fellows and former fellows, Alex Chapman, Eunice Chen, Melanie Harned, Erin Miga, Marivi Navarro, and Nick Salsman. Many others have jumped in when asked, colleagues Seth Axelrod, Kate Comtois and her entire DBT team, Sona Dimidjian, Anthony Dubose, Thomas Lynch, and Suzanne Witterholt, as well as the Linehan Institute scientific advisory committee (Martin Bohus, Alan Fruzzetti, Andr\u00e9 Ivanoff, Kathryn Korslund, and Shelley McMain). I could not have written this book without the help of Elaine Franks, my fabulous administrative assistant, and Thao Truong, our office and financial manager, who made sure that our research clinic did not fall apart while everyone was waiting for me to finish this book. My family, Geraldine, Nate, Catalina, and Aline, made life easy at every turn no matter the stress\u2014not a minor contribution to getting a book written.\nMuch of what is in this manual I learned from the many clients who partici -\npated in skills training groups that I have conducted over the years. I am grateful to all those who put up with the many versions that did not work or were not useful,", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "83284ada3ee8-0", "page_content": "x\u2002\u2022\u2002acknowledgments\nand to those among them who gave enough feedback for me to make needed revi -\nsions in the skills being taught.\nThe clients who gave feedback were, for the most part, individuals at high risk \nfor suicide. I thank the University of Washington Human Subjects Division, which \nhas never even once impeded my research treating individuals at extremely high risk for suicide. Their willingness to allow such high-risk research when other universi -\nties often do not sets an example and made this book possible.\nLast, but certainly not least, I want to thank my copy editor, Marie Sprayberry, \nSenior Editor Barbara Watkins, Executive Editor Kathyrn Moore, and the staff at The Guilford Press. In getting this manual out in a timely fashion they each had \noccasion to practice all the distress tolerance skills in this book. Their concern for \nthis book and for this form of treatment was evident at every step.\nAlas, it is likely that I have forgotten or accidently left out one or more individu -\nals who have contributed to this book. If so, please let me know so I can include you in future editions.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "0b47ec3c85b0-0", "page_content": "xiContents\nIntroduction to This Book 1\nGeneral Skills: Orientation and Analyzing Behavior\nGeneral Handouts\nOrientation Handouts\nGeneral Handout 1: Goals of Skills Training (General Worksheet 1) 9\nGeneral Handout 1a: Options for Solving Any Problem 10\nGeneral Handout 2: Overview\u2014Introduction to Skills Training 11\nGeneral Handout 3: Guidelines for Skills Training 12\nGeneral Handout 4: Skills Training Assumptions 13\nGeneral Handout 5: Biosocial Theory 14\nHandouts for Analyzing Behavior\nGeneral Handout 6: Overview\u2014Analyzing Behavior \n(General\u00a0Worksheets\u00a02,\u00a03)19\nGeneral Handout 7: Chain Analysis (General Worksheets 2, 2a) 20\nGeneral Handout 7a: Chain Analysis, Step by Step \n(General\u00a0Worksheets\u00a02,\u00a02a)21\nGeneral Handout 8: Missing-Links Analysis (General Worksheet 3) 23\nGeneral Worksheets\nOrientation Worksheet\nGeneral Worksheet 1: Pros and Cons of Using Skills (General Handout 1) 27\nWorksheets for Analyzing Behavior\nGeneral Worksheet 2: Chain Analysis of Problem Behavior \n(General\u00a0Handouts 7, 7a)31\nGeneral Worksheet 2a: Example\u2014Chain Analysis of Problem Behavior \n(General Handouts 7, 7a)35\nGeneral Worksheet 3: Missing-Links Analysis (General Handout 8) 38", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f771197d3eb1-0", "page_content": "xii\u2002\u2022\u2002 contents\nMindfulness Skills\nMindfulness Handouts\nHandouts for Goals and Definitions\nMindfulness Handout 1: g oals of Mindfulness Practice \n(Mindfulness\u00a0Worksheet 1)45\nMindfulness Handout 1a: Mindfulness Definitions 46\nHandouts for Core Mindfulness Skills\nMindfulness Handout 2: o verview\u2014 core Mindfulness Skills \n(Mindfulness\u00a0Worksheets 2\u20132c, 3)49\nMindfulness Handout 3: Wise Mind\u2014States of Mind \n(Mindfulness\u00a0Worksheet 3)50\nMindfulness Handout 3a: i deas for Practicing Wise Mind \n(Mindfulness\u00a0Worksheet 3)51\nMindfulness Handout 4: Taking Hold of Your Mind\u2014\u201cWhat\u201d Skills \n(Mindfulness Worksheets 2\u20132c, 4\u20134b)53\nMindfulness Handout 4a: i deas for Practicing o bserving \n(Mindfulness\u00a0Worksheets 2\u20132c, 4\u20134b)54\nMindfulness Handout 4b: i deas for Practicing Describing \n(Mindfulness\u00a0Worksheets 2\u20132c, 4\u20134b)58\nMindfulness Handout 4c: i deas for Practicing Participating \n(Mindfulness\u00a0Worksheets 2\u20132c, 4\u20134b)59\nMindfulness Handout 5: Taking Hold of Your Mind\u2014\u201cHow\u201d Skills \n(Mindfulness Worksheets 2\u20132c, 5\u20135c)60\nMindfulness Handout 5a: i deas for Practicing n onjudgmentalness \n(Mindfulness Worksheets 2\u20132c, 5\u20135c)61", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f771197d3eb1-1", "page_content": "(Mindfulness Worksheets 2\u20132c, 5\u20135c)61\nMindfulness Handout 5b: i deas for Practicing o ne- Mindfulness \n(Mindfulness Worksheets 2\u20132c, 5\u20135c)62\nMindfulness Handout 5c: i deas for Practicing e ffectiveness \n(Mindfulness\u00a0Worksheets 2\u20132c, 5\u20135c)63\nHandouts for Other Perspectives on\u00a0Mindfulness Skills\nMindfulness Handout 6: o verview\u2014 other Perspectives on Mindfulness \n(Mindfulness Worksheets 6\u201310b)67\nMindfulness Handout 7: g oals of Mindfulness Practice\u2014 a Spiritual \nPerspective (Mindfulness Worksheet 1)68\nMindfulness Handout 7a: Wise Mind from a Spiritual Perspective 69\nMindfulness Handout 8: Practicing l oving k indness to i ncrease \nlove\u00a0and\u00a0c ompassion (Mindfulness Worksheet 6)70\nMindfulness Handout 9: Skillful Means\u2014Balancing Doing Mind \nand\u00a0Being Mind (Mindfulness Worksheets 7\u20139)71\nMindfulness Handout 9a: i deas for Practicing Balancing Doing Mind \nand\u00a0Being Mind (Mindfulness Worksheets 7\u20139)72\nMindfulness Handout 10: Walking the Middle Path\u2014Finding the \nSynthesis between o pposites (Mindfulness Worksheets 10\u201310b)74", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ac9a34abf460-0", "page_content": "c ontents\u2002\u2022\u2002xiii\nMindfulness Worksheets\nWorksheets for Core Mindfulness\u00a0Skills\nMindfulness Worksheet 1: Pros and c ons of Practicing Mindfulness \n(Mindfulness Handouts 1, 7)77\nMindfulness Worksheet 2: Mindfulness c ore Skills Practice \n(Mindfulness\u00a0Handouts 2\u20135c)78\nMindfulness Worksheet 2a: Mindfulness c ore Skills Practice \n(Mindfulness\u00a0Handouts 2\u20135c)79\nMindfulness Worksheet 2b: Mindfulness c ore Skills Practice \n(Mindfulness\u00a0Handouts 2\u20135c)80\nMindfulness Worksheet 2c: Mindfulness c ore Skills c alendar \n(Mindfulness Handouts 2\u20135c)81\nMindfulness Worksheet 3: Wise Mind Practice \n(Mindfulness\u00a0Handouts\u00a03,\u00a03a)83\nMindfulness Worksheet 4: Mindfulness \u201cWhat\u201d Skills\u2014 \nobserving, Describing, Participating (Mindfulness Handouts 4\u20134c)84\nMindfulness Worksheet 4a: o bserving, Describing, Participating c hecklist \n(Mindfulness Handouts 4\u20134c)85\nMindfulness Worksheet 4b: o bserving, Describing, Participating \ncalendar (Mindfulness Handouts 4\u20134c)86\nMindfulness Worksheet 5: Mindfulness \u201cHow\u201d Skills\u2014\nnonjudgmentalness, o ne- Mindfulness, e ffectiveness \n(Mindfulness\u00a0Handouts 5\u20135c)88\nMindfulness Worksheet 5a: n onjudgmentalness, o ne- Mindfulness, \neffectiveness c hecklist (Mindfulness Handouts 5\u20135c)89", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ac9a34abf460-1", "page_content": "effectiveness c hecklist (Mindfulness Handouts 5\u20135c)89\nMindfulness Worksheet 5b: n onjudgmentalness, o ne- Mindfulness, \neffectiveness c alendar (Mindfulness Handouts 5\u20135c)90\nMindfulness Worksheet 5c: n onjudgmentalness c alendar \n(Mindfulness\u00a0Handouts 5\u20135c)92\nWorksheets for Other Perspectives on Mindfulness Skills\nMindfulness Worksheet 6: l oving k indness (Mindfulness Handout 8) 97\nMindfulness Worksheet 7: Balancing Being Mind with Doing Mind \n(Mindfulness Handouts 9, 9a)98\nMindfulness Worksheet 7a: Mindfulness of Being and Doing c alendar \n(Mindfulness Handouts 9, 9a)99\nMindfulness Worksheet 8: Mindfulness of Pleasant e vents c alendar \n(Mindfulness Handouts 9, 9a)101\nMindfulness Worksheet 9: Mindfulness of u npleasant e vents c alendar \n(Mindfulness Handouts 9, 9a)103\nMindfulness Worksheet 10: Walking the Middle Path to Wise Mind \n(Mindfulness Handouts 3, 10)105\nMindfulness Worksheet 10a: a nalyzing Yourself on the Middle Path \n(Mindfulness Handout 10)106\nMindfulness Worksheet 10b: Walking the Middle Path c alendar \n(Mindfulness Handout 10)107", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "602daac15564-0", "page_content": "xiv\u2002\u2022\u2002 co ntents\nInterpersonal Effectiveness Skills\nInterpersonal Effectiveness\u00a0Handouts\nHandouts for Goals and Factors That\u00a0Interfere\nin terpersonal ef fectiveness Handout 1: go als of in terpersonal \nef\nfectiveness ( in\nterpersonal \nef\nfectiveness Worksheet 1)117\nin\nterpersonal \nef\nfectiveness Handout 2: Factors in the Way \nof\u00a0\nin\nterpersonal \nef\nfectiveness118\nin\nterpersonal \nef\nfectiveness Handout 2a: Myths in the Way \nof\u00a0\nin\nterpersonal \nef\nfectiveness ( in\nterpersonal \nef\nfectiveness \nWorksheet 2)119\nHandouts for Obtaining Objectives\u00a0Skillfully\nin terpersonal ef fectiveness Handout 3: ov erview\u2014\nob\ntaining\u00a0 ob\njectives\u00a0Skillfully123\nin\nterpersonal \nef\nfectiveness Handout 4: \ncl\narifying \ngo\nals in\u00a0\nin\nterpersonal \nSituations ( in\nterpersonal \nef\nfectiveness Worksheet 3)124\nin\nterpersonal \nef\nfectiveness Handout 5: \ngu\nidelines for \nob\njectives \nef\nfectiveness\u2014 ge\ntting\u00a0What You Want (D e\nar\n Ma\nn)\n \n(in\nterpersonal\u00a0\nef\nfectiveness Worksheets 4, 5)125\nin\nterpersonal \nef\nfectiveness Handout 5a: \nap\nplying D e\nar\n Ma\nn\n Skills \nto\u00a0a\u00a0Difficult \ncu\nrrent\u00a0\nin\nteraction127\nin\nterpersonal \nef", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "602daac15564-1", "page_content": "cu\nrrent\u00a0\nin\nteraction127\nin\nterpersonal \nef\nfectiveness Handout 6: \ngu\nidelines for\u00a0\nre\nlationship \nef\nfectiveness\u2014 ke\neping\u00a0the \nre\nlationship ( g\niVe)\n \n(in\nterpersonal\u00a0\nef\nfectiveness Worksheets 4, 5)128\nin\nterpersonal \nef\nfectiveness Handout 6a: \nex\npanding the V in \ngiVe\u2014\nle\nvels of Validation129\nin\nterpersonal \nef\nfectiveness Handout 7: \ngu\nidelines for Self- \nre\nspect \nef\nfectiveness\u2014 ke\neping\u00a0\nre\nspect for Yourself (F aS\nT) \n(in\nterpersonal\u00a0\nef\nfectiveness Worksheets 4, 5)130\nin\nterpersonal \nef\nfectiveness Handout 8: \nev\naluating \nop\ntions \nfor\u00a0Whether or How \nin\ntensely to \nas\nk for Something or Say \nno\n \n(in\nterpersonal\u00a0\nef\nfectiveness Worksheet 6)131\nin\nterpersonal \nef\nfectiveness Handout 9: Troubleshooting\u2014When\u00a0What \nYou \nar\ne Doing \nis\nn\u2019t Working ( in\nterpersonal \nef\nfectiveness \nWorksheet\u00a07)134\nHandouts for Building Relationships and Ending Destructive Ones\nin terpersonal ef fectiveness Handout 10: ov erview\u2014\nBuilding\u00a0\nre\nlationships and \nen\nding Destructive \non\nes139\nin\nterpersonal \nef\nfectiveness Handout 11: Finding and", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "602daac15564-2", "page_content": "in\nterpersonal \nef\nfectiveness Handout 11: Finding and \nge\ntting People \nto\u00a0\nli\nke You ( in\nterpersonal \nef\nfectiveness Worksheet 8)140\nin\nterpersonal \nef\nfectiveness Handout 11a: \nid\nentifying Skills to Find People \nand \nge\nt Them to\u00a0\nli\nke You142\nin\nterpersonal \nef\nfectiveness Handout 12: Mindfulness of \not\nhers \n(in\nterpersonal \nef\nfectiveness Worksheet 9)143\nin\nterpersonal \nef\nfectiveness Handout 12a: \nid\nentifying Mindfulness \nof\u00a0\not\nhers144", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "46a963d546b1-0", "page_content": "c ontents\u2002\u2022\u2002xv\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 13: e nding r elationships \n(interpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheet 10)145\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 13a: i dentifying How \nto\u00a0end\u00a0relationships146\nHandouts for Walking the Middle Path\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 14: o verview\u2014Walking the\u00a0Middle \nPath ( interpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheets 11\u201315c)149\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 15: Dialectics \n(interpersonal\u00a0e ffectiveness Worksheets 11\u201311b)150\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 16: How to Think and a ct \nDialectically ( interpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheets 11\u201311b)151\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 16a: e xamples of o pposite Sides \nThat c an Both Be True152\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 16b: i mportant o pposites \nto\u00a0Balance153\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 16c: i dentifying Dialectics 154\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 17: Validation \n(interpersonal\u00a0e ffectiveness Worksheet 12)155\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 18: a \u201cHow To\u201d g uide to\u00a0Validation \n(interpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheet 12)156\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 18a: i dentifying Validation 157\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 19: r ecovering from i nvalidation \n(interpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheet 13)158\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 19a: i dentifying Self- Validation 160", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "46a963d546b1-1", "page_content": "interpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 20: Strategies for\u00a0i ncreasing \nthe\u00a0Probability of\u00a0Behaviors You Want ( interpersonal\u00a0e ffectiveness \nWorksheet 14)161\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 21: Strategies for Decreasing \nor Stopping u nwanted\u00a0Behaviors ( interpersonal e ffectiveness \nWorksheet 15)162\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 22: Tips for u sing Behavior c hange \nStrategies\u00a0e ffectively ( interpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheets 14, 15)163\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 22a: i dentifying e ffective Behavior \nchange Strategies164\nInterpersonal Effectiveness\u00a0Worksheets\nWorksheets for Goals and Factors That\u00a0Interfere\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheet 1: Pros and c ons of u sing \ninterpersonal e ffectiveness\u00a0Skills ( interpersonal e ffectiveness \nHandout 1)167\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheet 2: c hallenging\u00a0Myths in\u00a0the\u00a0Way \nof\u00a0obtaining\u00a0o bjectives ( interpersonal\u00a0e ffectiveness\u00a0Handout 2a)168\nWorksheets for Obtaining Objectives\u00a0Skillfully\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheet 3: c larifying Priorities \nin\u00a0interpersonal Situations ( interpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 4)173", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "71f48e527689-0", "page_content": "xvi\u2002\u2022\u2002 contents\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheet 4: Writing o ut interpersonal \neffectiveness Scripts ( interpersonal e ffectiveness Handouts 5, 6, 7)174\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheet 5: Tracking i nterpersonal \neffectiveness Skills use ( interpersonal e ffectiveness Handouts 5, 6, 7)175\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheet 6: The Dime g ame\u2014Figuring\u00a0o ut \nHow Strongly to a sk or Say n o (interpersonal\u00a0e ffectiveness \nHandout\u00a08)176\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheet 7: Troubleshooting\u00a0i nterpersonal \neffectiveness Skills ( interpersonal\u00a0e ffectiveness Handout 9)178\nWorksheets for Building Relationships and Ending Destructive\u00a0Ones\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheet 8: Finding and g etting People to \nlike You ( interpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 11)183\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheet 9: Mindfulness of o thers \n(interpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 12)184\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheet 10: e nding r elationships \n(interpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 13)185\nWorksheets for Walking the Middle Path\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheet 11: Practicing Dialectics \n(interpersonal e ffectiveness Handouts 15, 16)189\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheet 11a: Dialectics c hecklist \n(interpersonal e ffectiveness Handouts 15, 16)190\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheet 11b: n oticing When You\u2019re", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "71f48e527689-1", "page_content": "interpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheet 11b: n oticing When You\u2019re \nnot\u00a0Dialectical ( interpersonal e ffectiveness Handouts 15, 16)191\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheet 12: Validating o thers \n(interpersonal e ffectiveness Handouts 17, 18)192\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheet 13: Self- Validation \nand Self- respect ( interpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 19)193\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheet 14: c hanging Behavior \nwith\u00a0r einforcement ( interpersonal e ffectiveness Handouts 20, 22)194\ninterpersonal e ffectiveness Worksheet 15: c hanging Behavior \nby extinguishing or Punishing i t (interpersonal e ffectiveness \nHandouts\u00a021\u201322)195\nEmotion Regulation\u00a0Skills\nEmotion Regulation\u00a0Handouts\nemotion r egulation Handout 1: g oals of e motion r egulation \n(emotion\u00a0 regulation Worksheet 1)205\nHandouts for Understanding and\u00a0Naming Emotions\nemotion r egulation Handout 2: o verview\u2014 \nunderstanding and\u00a0 naming e motions ( emotion r egulation \nWorksheets 2\u20134a, 16)209", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ce9a73862b26-0", "page_content": "c ontents\u2002\u2022\u2002xvii\nemotion r egulation Handout 3: What e motions Do for You \n(emotion\u00a0r egulation Worksheets 2, 2a\u2013c)210\nemotion r egulation Handout 4: What Makes i t Hard to r egulate \nYour\u00a0e motions ( emotion r egulation Worksheets 3, 16)211\nemotion r egulation Handout 4a: Myths about e motions \n(emotion\u00a0 regulation Worksheet 3)212\nemotion r egulation Handout 5: Model for Describing e motions \n(emotion\u00a0r egulation Worksheets 4, 4a)213\nemotion r egulation Handout 6: Ways to Describe e motions \n(emotion\u00a0r egulation Worksheets 4, 4a)214\nHandouts for Changing Emotional\u00a0Responses\nemotion r egulation Handout 7: o verview\u2014 changing e motional \nresponses ( emotion r egulation Worksheets 5\u20138)227\nemotion r egulation Handout 8: c heck the Facts ( emotion r egulation \nWorksheet 5)228\nemotion r egulation Handout 8a: e xamples of e motions That Fit the\u00a0Facts \n(emotion r egulation Worksheet 5)229\nemotion r egulation Handout 9: o pposite a ction and\u00a0Problem\u00a0Solving\u2014\nDeciding\u00a0Which to u se (emotion\u00a0r egulation Worksheet 6)230\nemotion r egulation Handout 10: o pposite a ction ( emotion\u00a0r egulation \nWorksheet 7)231\nemotion r egulation Handout 11: Figuring o ut opposite a ctions \n(emotion\u00a0 regulation Worksheet 7)232\nemotion r egulation Handout 12: Problem Solving ( emotion\u00a0r egulation", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ce9a73862b26-1", "page_content": "emotion r egulation Handout 12: Problem Solving ( emotion\u00a0r egulation \nWorksheet 8)241\nemotion r egulation Handout 13: r eviewing o pposite a ction \nand\u00a0Problem Solving ( emotion r egulation Worksheets 6\u20138)242\nHandouts for Reducing Vulnerability to\u00a0Emotion Mind\nemotion r egulation Handout 14: o verview\u2014 reducing Vulnerability \nto\u00a0emotion\u00a0Mind: Building a l ife Worth l iving ( emotion\u00a0r egulation \nWorksheets 9\u201314b)247\nemotion r egulation Handout 15: a ccumulating Positive e motions\u2014 \nShort Term ( emotion r egulation Worksheets 9, 10, 13)248\nemotion r egulation Handout 16: Pleasant e vents l ist \n(emotion\u00a0r egulation Worksheets 9, 10, 13)249\nemotion r egulation Handout 17: a ccumulating Positive e motions\u2014 \nlong Term ( emotion r egulation Worksheets 9, 11\u201311b, 13)252\nemotion r egulation Handout 18: Values and Priorities l ist \n(emotion\u00a0r egulation Worksheets 10, 12, 13)253\nemotion r egulation Handout 19: Build Mastery and c ope a head \n(emotion r egulation Worksheets 12, 13)256\nemotion r egulation Handout 20: Taking c are of Your Mind by Taking \ncare of Your Body ( emotion r egulation Worksheets 9, 14)257", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "df8f3454b1d0-0", "page_content": "xviii\u2002\u2022\u2002 contents\nemotion r egulation Handout 20a: n ightmare Protocol, Step\u00a0by\u00a0Step\u2014\nWhen\u00a0n ightmares k eep You from Sleeping ( emotion r egulation \nWorksheet 14a)258\nemotion r egulation Handout 20b: Sleep Hygiene Protocol \n(emotion\u00a0 regulation Worksheet 14b)259\nHandouts for Managing Really Difficult Emotions\nemotion r egulation Handout 21: o verview\u2014Managing r eally Difficult \nemotions ( emotion r egulation Worksheets 15\u201316)263\nemotion r egulation Handout 22: Mindfulness of c urrent e motions\u2014\nletting go of e motional Suffering ( emotion r egulation Worksheet \n15)264\nemotion r egulation Handout 23: Managing e xtreme e motions 265\nemotion r egulation Handout 24: Troubleshooting e motion \nregulation\u00a0Skills\u2014When\u00a0What You a re Doing i sn\u2019t Working \n(emotion r egulation Worksheet 16)266\nemotion r egulation Handout 25: r eview of Skills for\u00a0e motion\u00a0r egulation 268\nEmotion Regulation Worksheets\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 1: Pros and c ons of c hanging e motions \n(emotion r egulation Handout 1)271\nWorksheets for Understanding and\u00a0Naming Emotions\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 2: Figuring o ut What My e motions a re \nDoing for Me ( emotion r egulation Handout 3)275\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 2a: e xample\u2014Figuring o ut What My \nemotions a re\u00a0Doing for Me ( emotion r egulation Handout 3)276\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 2b: e motion Diary ( emotion\u00a0 regulation", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "df8f3454b1d0-1", "page_content": "emotion r egulation Worksheet 2b: e motion Diary ( emotion\u00a0 regulation \nHandout 3)277\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 2c: e xample\u2014 emotion Diary \n(emotion\u00a0r egulation Handout 3)278\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 3: Myths about e motions \n(emotion\u00a0r egulation Handout 4a)279\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 4: o bserving and Describing e motions \n(emotion r egulation Handouts 5, 6)281\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 4a: o bserving and Describing e motions \n(emotion r egulation Handouts 5, 6)282\nWorksheets for Changing Emotional\u00a0Responses\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 5: c heck the Facts ( emotion\u00a0r egulation \nHandouts 8, 8a)285\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 6: Figuring o ut How to c hange \nunwanted e motions ( emotion r egulation Handout 9)287\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 7: o pposite a ction to\u00a0c hange\u00a0e motions \n(emotion\u00a0r egulation Handouts 10, 11)288\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 8: Problem Solving to\u00a0c hange\u00a0e motions \n(emotion r egulation Handout 12)289", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "627d7e54cab4-0", "page_content": "c ontents\u2002\u2022\u2002xix\nWorksheets for Reducing Vulnerability to Emotion Mind\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 9: Steps for r educing Vulnerability \nto\u00a0emotion Mind ( emotion\u00a0r egulation Handouts 14\u201320)293\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 10: Pleasant e vents Diary \n(emotion\u00a0r egulation Handouts 15, 16)295\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 11: g etting from Values to Specific \naction Steps ( emotion r egulation Handouts 17\u201318)296\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 11a: g etting from Values to Specific \naction Steps ( emotion r egulation Handouts 17\u201318)299\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 11b: Diary of Daily a ctions on Values \nand\u00a0Priorities ( emotion r egulation Handouts 17\u201318)300\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 12: Build Mastery and\u00a0c ope\u00a0a head \n(emotion r egulation Handout 19)301\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 13: Putting a Bc Skills Together \nDay by Day ( emotion r egulation Handout 19)302\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 14: Practicing P leaSe Skills \n(emotion\u00a0r egulation Handout 20)303\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 14a: Target n ightmare e xperience Form \n(emotion r egulation Handout 20a)304\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 14b: Sleep Hygiene Practice Sheet 307\nWorksheets for Managing Really Difficult Emotions\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 15: Mindfulness of c urrent e motions \n(emotion r egulation Handouts 21, 22)311\nemotion r egulation Worksheet 16: Troubleshooting e motion", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "627d7e54cab4-1", "page_content": "emotion r egulation Worksheet 16: Troubleshooting e motion \nregulation\u00a0Skills ( emotion r egulation Handout 24)312\nDistress Tolerance Skills\nDistress Tolerance Handouts\nDistress Tolerance Handout 1: g oals of Distress Tolerance 321\nHandouts for Crisis Survival Skills\nDistress Tolerance Handout 2: o verview\u2014 crisis Survival Skills \n(Distress\u00a0Tolerance Worksheets 1\u20137b)325\nDistress Tolerance Handout 3: When to u se crisis Survival Skills 326\nDistress Tolerance Handout 4: The ST oP Skill (Distress Tolerance \nWorksheets 2, 2a)327\nDistress Tolerance Handout 5: Pros and c ons (Distress Tolerance \nWorksheets 3, 3a)328\nDistress Tolerance Handout 6: T iP Skills\u2014 changing Your Body c hemistry \n(Distress Tolerance Worksheet 4)329\nDistress Tolerance Handout 6a: u sing c old Water, Step by Step \n(Distress\u00a0Tolerance Worksheet 4)330\nDistress Tolerance Handout 6b: Paired Muscle r elaxation, Step by Step \n(Distress Tolerance Worksheet 4a)331", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ae6bd501cf93-0", "page_content": "xx\u2002\u2022\u2002 contents\nDistress Tolerance Handout 6c: e ffective r ethinking and Paired \nrelaxation, Step by Step (Distress Tolerance Worksheet 4b)332\nDistress Tolerance Handout 7: Distracting (Distress Tolerance \nWorksheets\u00a05\u20135b)333\nDistress Tolerance Handout 8: Self- Soothing (Distress Tolerance \nWorksheet 6\u20136b)334\nDistress Tolerance Handout 8a: Body Scan Meditation Step by Step \n(Distress Tolerance Worksheet 6c)335\nDistress Tolerance Handout 9: i mproving the Moment (Distress\u00a0Tolerance \nWorksheets 7\u20137b)336\nDistress Tolerance Handout 9a: Sensory a wareness, Step by Step 337\nHandouts for Reality Acceptance\u00a0Skills\nDistress Tolerance Handout 10: o verview\u2014 reality a cceptance Skills \n(Distress Tolerance Worksheets 8\u201315a)341\nDistress Tolerance Handout 11: r adical acceptance (Distress Tolerance \nWorksheets 8\u20139a)342\nDistress Tolerance Handout 11a: radical a cceptance\u2014Factors That \ninterfere343\nDistress Tolerance Handout 11b: Practicing radical a cceptance Step \nby\u00a0Step (Distress Tolerance Worksheets 9, 9a)344\nDistress Tolerance Handout 12: Turning the Mind (Distress Tolerance \nWorksheets 8, 8a, 10)345\nDistress Tolerance Handout 13: Willingness (Distress Tolerance \nWorksheets 8, 8a, 10)346", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ae6bd501cf93-1", "page_content": "Worksheets 8, 8a, 10)346\nDistress Tolerance Handout 14: Half- Smiling and Willing Hands \n(Distress\u00a0Tolerance Worksheets 8, 8a, 11)347\nDistress Tolerance Handout 14a: Practicing Half- Smiling \nand\u00a0Willing\u00a0Hands (Distress Tolerance Worksheet 10)348\nDistress Tolerance Handout 15: Mindfulness of c urrent Thoughts \n(Distress\u00a0Tolerance Worksheets 8, 8a, 12)350\nDistress Tolerance Handout 15a: Practicing Mindfulness of Thoughts \n(Distress Tolerance Worksheets 8, 8a, 12)351\nHandouts for Skills When the Crisis Is\u00a0Addiction\nDistress Tolerance Handout 16: o verview\u2014When the c risis i s\u00a0addiction \n(Distress Tolerance Worksheets 13\u201318)355\nDistress Tolerance Handout 16a: c ommon a ddictions 356\nDistress Tolerance Handout 17: Dialectical a bstinence (Distress\u00a0Tolerance \nWorksheet 14)357\nDistress Tolerance Handout 17a: Planning for Dialectical a bstinence \n(Distress Tolerance Worksheet 14)358\nDistress Tolerance Handout 18: c lear Mind (Distress Tolerance \nWorksheet\u00a015)359\nDistress Tolerance Handout 18a: Behavior Patterns c haracteristic \nof\u00a0addict Mind and of c lean Mind (Distress Tolerance Worksheet\u00a016)360", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "8fd800870a21-0", "page_content": "c ontents\u2002\u2022\u2002xxi\nDistress Tolerance Handout 19: c ommunity r einforcement \n(Distress\u00a0Tolerance Worksheet 16)361\nDistress Tolerance Handout 20: Burning Bridges and Building n ew\u00a0o nes \n(Distress Tolerance Worksheet 17)362\nDistress Tolerance Handout 21: a lternate r ebellion and\u00a0a daptive\u00a0Denial \n(Distress Tolerance Worksheet 18)363\nDistress Tolerance Worksheets\nWorksheets for Crisis Survival Skills\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 1: c risis Survival Skills (Distress Tolerance \nHandouts 2\u20139a)369\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 1a: c risis Survival Skills (Distress\u00a0Tolerance \nHandouts 2\u20139a)370\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 1b: c risis Survival Skills (Distress\u00a0Tolerance \nHandouts 2\u20139a)371\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 2: Practicing the ST oP Skill \n(Distress\u00a0Tolerance Handout 4)372\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 2a: Practicing the ST oP Skill \n(Distress\u00a0Tolerance Handout 4)373\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 3: Pros and c ons of a cting on\u00a0c risis\u00a0u rges \n(Distress Tolerance Handout 5)374\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 3a: Pros and c ons of a cting on\u00a0c risis\u00a0u rges \n(Distress Tolerance Handout 5)375\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 4: c hanging Body c hemistry with\u00a0T iP\u00a0Skills \n(Distress Tolerance Handouts 6\u20136b)376", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "8fd800870a21-1", "page_content": "(Distress Tolerance Handouts 6\u20136b)376\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 4a: Paired Muscle r elaxation \n(Distress\u00a0Tolerance Handout 6b)377\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 4b: e ffective r ethinking \nand\u00a0Paired\u00a0r elaxation (Distress Tolerance Handouts 6c)378\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 5: Distracting with Wise Mind acce PTS \n(Distress Tolerance Handout 7)379\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 5a: Distracting with Wise Mind\u00a0acce PTS \n(Distress Tolerance Handout 7)380\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 5b: Distracting with Wise Mind\u00a0acce PTS \n(Distress Tolerance Handout 7)381\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 6: Self- Soothing (Distress Tolerance \nHandout 8)382\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 6a: Self- Soothing (Distress Tolerance \nHandout 8)383\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 6b: Self- Soothing (Distress Tolerance \nHandout 8)384\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 6c: Body Scan Meditation, Step by Step \n(Distress Tolerance Handout 8a)385\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 7: i MProVe the Moment \n(Distress\u00a0Tolerance Handout 9)386", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "7399d617851a-0", "page_content": "xxii\u2002\u2022\u2002 contents\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 7a: i MProVe the Moment \n(Distress\u00a0Tolerance Handout 9)387\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 7b: i MProVe the Moment \n(Distress\u00a0Tolerance Handout 9)388\nWorksheets for Reality Acceptance\u00a0Skills\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 8: r eality a cceptance Skills \n(Distress\u00a0Tolerance Handouts 10\u201315a)391\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 8a: r eality a cceptance Skills \n(Distress\u00a0Tolerance Handouts 10\u201315a)392\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 8b: r eality a cceptance Skills \n(Distress\u00a0Tolerance Handouts 10\u201315a)393\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 9: radical a cceptance (Distress\u00a0Tolerance \nHandouts 11\u201311b)394\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 9a: Practicing radical a cceptance \n(Distress\u00a0Tolerance Handouts 11\u201311b)395\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 10: Turning the Mind, \nWillingness,\u00a0Willfulness (Distress Tolerance Handouts 12, 13)396\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 11: Half- Smiling and Willing Hands \n(Distress\u00a0Tolerance Handout 14, 14a)397\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 11a: Practicing Half- Smiling \nand\u00a0Willing\u00a0Hands (Distress Tolerance Handouts 14, 14a)398\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 12: Mindfulness of c urrent Thoughts \n(Distress Tolerance Handouts 15, 15a)399", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "7399d617851a-1", "page_content": "(Distress Tolerance Handouts 15, 15a)399\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 12a: Practicing Mindfulness of Thoughts \n(Distress Tolerance Handouts 15, 15a)400\nWorksheets for Skills When the Crisis Is Addiction\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 13: Skills When the c risis i s addiction \n(Distress Tolerance Handouts 16\u201321)403\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 14: Planning for Dialectical a bstinence \n(Distress Tolerance Handout 17)404\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 15: From c lean Mind to c lear Mind \n(Distress Tolerance Handouts 18, 18a)407\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 16: r einforcing n onaddictive Behaviors \n(Distress Tolerance Handout 19)408\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 17: Burning Bridges and Building n ew\u00a0ones \n(Distress Tolerance Handout 20)409\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 18: Practicing a lternate r ebellion \nand\u00a0a daptive Denial (Distress Tolerance Handout 21)410\nPurchasers can download and print the worksheets \nfrom this book at www.guilford.com/dbt-worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "1a2fbf977f1a-0", "page_content": "1introduction to This Book\nThis book contains informational handouts and worksheets for people learning \nDialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) skills. The overall goal of DBT skills training \nis to help you increase your resilience and build a life experienced as worth living. \nDBT skills are aimed at teaching a synthesis of how to change what is and how to accept what is. Skills teach you both how to change unwanted behaviors, emotions, \nthoughts, and events in your life that cause you misery and distress as well as how \nto live in the moment, accepting what is. There are different sets of DBT skills, and no single training program will include all of the handouts and worksheets in this book. Your skills trainer or individual therapist/case manager will direct you to the \nappropriate handouts and worksheets for your particular program.\nHow This Book Is\u00a0Organized\nThere are five main sections in this book, and each begins with a brief introduc -\ntion. Following a first section on General Skills, there is a section of handouts and worksheets for each of the four main DBT skills modules: Mindfulness Skills, Inter -\npersonal Effectiveness Skills, Emotion Regulation Skills, and Distress Tolerance \nSkills. There are topical subsections of handouts and worksheets within each skills module, as described below. Every skill or set of skills has a corresponding handout \nwith instructions for practicing that skill. Nearly every handout has at least one \n(often more than one) associated worksheet for recording your practice of the skill. The introductions to each section summarize the handouts, their purposes, and the worksheets that go with them.\nGeneral Skills: Orientation and Analyzing\u00a0Behavior\nDuring Orientation , you will be introduced to DBT and the goals of skills train -\ning, and will be encouraged to identify your own personal goals. You will also be", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "1a2fbf977f1a-1", "page_content": "ing, and will be encouraged to identify your own personal goals. You will also be \noriented to the format, rules, and meeting times of your particular skills program.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f118d02c9656-0", "page_content": "2\u2002\u2022\u2002introduction to This Book\nThe handouts and worksheets for this portion of General Skills cover skills training \ngoals, guidelines, assumptions, and DBT\u2019s biosocial theory. Biosocial theory is an \nexplanation of why some people find it challenging to manage their emotions and \nactions. Also included in this section are handouts and worksheets for two skills for Analyzing Behavior : chain analysis and missing-links analysis. These skills are \noften taught in individual DBT, but they may also be taught at any point during \nskills training.\nMindfulness\u00a0Skills\nFollowing a brief presentation on Goals and Definitions , the handouts and work -\nsheets for the Mindfulness module focus on Core Mindfulness Skills . These skills \nare central in DBT: They teach how to observe and experience reality as it is, to \nbe less judgmental, and to live in the moment with effectiveness. They are the first skills taught, and they support all the other DBT skills. DBT mindfulness skills are translations of meditation practices from Eastern and Western spiritual traditions \ninto specific behaviors that you can practice. No spiritual or religious convictions \nare expected or necessary for practicing and mastering these skills.\nOther Perspectives on Mindfulness includes several subsets of handouts and \nworksheets. A Spiritual Perspective (including Wise Mind from a Spiritual Perspec -\ntive and Practicing Loving Kindness) is a set of handouts and worksheets included for those who consider spirituality an important part of their lives. The skills covered here focus on experiencing ultimate reality, sensing our intimate connection with the \nentire universe, and developing a sense of freedom. The Skillful Means: Balancing Doing Mind and Being Mind set focuses on balancing two seeming polarities: work -", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f118d02c9656-1", "page_content": "ing to achieve goals, while at the same time letting go of attachment to achieving goals. The handouts and worksheets for Wise Mind: Walking the Middle Path cover \nskills for finding a synthesis of extremes.\nInterpersonal Effectiveness\u00a0Skills\nThe handouts and worksheets in the Interpersonal Effectiveness module help you \nmanage interpersonal conflicts effectively and maintain and improve relationships \nwith other people (those you are close to, as well as strangers). After a short intro -\nduction on Goals and Factors That Interfere, there are three main sets of these \nforms. The first set is focused on Obtaining Objectives Skillfully . These are strate -\ngies for asking for what you want, saying no to unwanted requests, and doing this \nin a way that maintains your self- respect and keeps others liking you. The handouts \nand worksheets for Building Relationships and Ending Destructive Ones help you \nfind potential friends, get people to like you, maintain positive relationships with others, and (when necessary) end destructive relationships. This module\u2019s handouts \nand worksheets for Walking the Middle Path are about walking a middle path in \nyour relationships, and balancing acceptance with change in yourself and in your relationships with others.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "65bfe3364f59-0", "page_content": "introduction to This Book\u2002\u2022\u20023\nEmotion Regulation\u00a0Skills\nThe handouts and worksheets in the Emotion Regulation module help you to man -\nage your emotions, even though complete emotional control cannot be achieved. \nTo a certain extent, we all are who we are, and emotionality is part of us; however, \nwe can learn to have more control. There are four sets of these forms. The first set covers Understanding and Naming Emotions. Emotions serve important functions, \nand it can be hard to change an emotion if you don\u2019t understand what it does for \nyou. The second set covers Changing Emotional Responses. These handouts and \nworksheets help you reduce the intensity of painful or unwanted emotions, such as anger, sadness, shame, and so forth. They also tell you how to change situations that cause painful or unwanted emotions. Reducing Vulnerability to Emotion Mind \nis the third set. The strategies covered here increase your emotional resilience and \nmake you less likely to become extremely or painfully emotional . The final set of \nhandouts and worksheets deals with Managing Really Difficult Emotions.\nDistress Tolerance\u00a0Skills\nThe handouts and worksheets in the Distress Tolerance module help you learn to tolerate and survive crisis situations without making things worse. There are two \nmain sets of these forms. The Crisis Survival Skills set covers techniques for tolerat -\ning painful events, urges, and emotions when you cannot make things better right \naway. The Reality Acceptance Skills set shows you how to reduce suffering by help -\ning you accept and enter fully into a life even when it is not the life you want. This \nmodule also includes a set of specialized handouts and worksheets for When the \nCrisis Is Addiction.\nNumbering of Handouts and\u00a0Worksheets", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "65bfe3364f59-1", "page_content": "Crisis Is Addiction.\nNumbering of Handouts and\u00a0Worksheets\nWithin each of this book\u2019s five main sections, handouts for each module are grouped together first, followed by worksheets.\nEvery handout has a number; some also have a letter. The latter are supplements \nto handouts with the same number. For example, Mindfulness Handout 3 is the main handout for the skill of Wise Mind. Mindfulness Handout 3a is supplementary and lists ways that Wise Mind can be practiced. (Worksheets are numbered in a sep -\narate sequence, as described below.) Most, but not all, handouts have corresponding worksheets that can be used for recording skills practice. Associated worksheets are listed by number next to the handouts in the table of contents, as well on the hand -\nouts themselves.\nThere are multiple alternative worksheets associated with many of the hand -\nouts. There are worksheets that cover all the skills in a section, as well as worksheets that cover individual skills. For example, Mindfulness Worksheets 2, 2a, 2b, and 2c \nall cover the same core mindfulness skills, and so each carries the same number, 2. \nHowever, each worksheet is formatted a bit differently, and the worksheets vary as", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "632224b0ca2c-0", "page_content": "4\u2002\u2022\u2002introduction to This Book\nto how many practices they can accommodate. The handouts associated with work -\nsheets are listed by number next to the worksheets in the table of contents, as well \nas on the worksheets themselves.\nNot all DBT skills programs teach all the modules or all the skills in each \n module. Even those that do cover all the modules will not necessarily use every \nhandout and worksheet. You are, however, likely to use some worksheets multiple \ntimes. For this reason, the author and publisher grant you, the book purchaser, per -\nmission to make photocopies of handouts and worksheets in this volume for your personal use. You can also download and print out copies of the worksheets from \nwww.guilford.com/dbt-worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "319863ef0d63-0", "page_content": "5general Skill S: \norienT aTion an D \nanal Yzing Be HaVior\nIntroduction to Handouts and Worksheets\nThere are two sets of handouts and worksheets in this part of the book. The first \ncovers Orientation , which typically takes place during the first session of a new \nskills group, or when new members join an ongoing skills group. The purpose of orientation is to introduce members to one another and to the skills trainers, and to orient members to the format, rules, and meeting times of the particular skills training program. As described below, General Handouts 1 through 5 cover these \nissues, along with General Worksheet 1. General Handouts 6 through 8, and their \ncorresponding worksheets, cover two important general skills for Analyzing Behav -\nior: chain analysis and missing-links analysis. These are also described below.\nOrientation\n\u2022\u2022General Handout 1: Goals of Skills Training. This handout lists the general \nand the specific goals of DBT skills training. Use this handout to think how you could personally benefit from skills training. Which areas are you most interested \nin? Use General Worksheet 1: Pros and Cons of Using Skills any time you aren\u2019t sure \nwhether there are benefits to practicing DBT skills. Be sure to fill out the pros and cons for both the option of practicing skills and the option of not practicing.\n\u2022\u2022General Handout 1a: Options for Solving Any Problem. Although there are \nmany, many things that can cause us pain, our options for responding to pain are limited. We can solve the problem that is causing the pain. We can try to feel better \nby changing our emotional response to the pain. Or we can accept and tolerate the", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5e015a27a1f5-0", "page_content": "6\u2002\u2022\u2002general Skill S: orienT aTion anD anal Yzing Be HaVior\nproblem and our response. Each of these options requires use of one or more DBT \nskills. The final option is to stay miserable (or make things worse) and use no skills.*\n\u2022\u2022General Handout 3: Guidelines for Skills Training. This handout lists the \nguidelines for most standard DBT skills programs. These are standards of behavior \nthat people in a group skills program are asked to follow. Some programs may have \nsomewhat modified guidelines.\n\u2022\u2022General Handout 4: Skills Training Assumptions. Assumptions are beliefs \nthat cannot be proved. In DBT skills training, all group members and skills trainers are asked to abide by these assumptions.\n\u2022\u2022General Handout 5: Biosocial Theory. Biosocial theory is an explanation of \nhow and why some people find it challenging to manage their emotions and actions. DBT skills are particularly useful for these people.\nAnalyzing Behavior\n\u2022\u2022General Handout 6: Overview: Analyzing Behavior. This handout previews \nthe two general skills for analyzing behavior\u2014chain analysis and missing-links \nanalysis.\n\u2022\u2022General Handout 7: Chain Analysis. Any behavior can be understood as a \nseries of linked parts. These links are \u201cchained\u201d together because they follow each other\u2014one link in the chain leads to another. Chain analysis is a way of determin -\ning what has caused a behavior and what maintains it. This handout provides a \nseries of questions (e.g., \u201cWhat happened before that? What happened next?\u201d) for \nunlocking the links in a behavior chain that can feel stuck together. It guides you", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5e015a27a1f5-1", "page_content": "unlocking the links in a behavior chain that can feel stuck together. It guides you \nthrough figuring out what factors led to a problem behavior and what factors might be making it difficult to change that behavior. Knowing this is important if you want to change the behavior.\n\u2022\u2022General Handout 7a: Chain Analysis, Step by Step. This handout explains \nin greater detail how to do a chain analysis. General Worksheet 2: Chain Analysis \nof Problem Behavior is a worksheet for doing a chain analysis. Use it with Gen -\neral Handouts 7 and 7a, which have the same steps. General Worksheet 2a: Exam -\nple: Chain Analysis of Problem Behavior is a completed sample version of General \nWorksheet 2.\n\u2022\u2022General Handout 8: Missing-Links Analysis. Missing-links analysis is a series \nof questions to help you figure out what got in the way of behaving effectively. Use \nit to identify why something did not happen that was needed and that you agreed \nto do, planned to do, or hoped to do. General Worksheet 3: Missing-Links Analysis can be used with this handout.\n*This last option was suggested to me in an e-mail. Unfortunately, I simply cannot find the message so \nthat I can properly credit the person here. Nevertheless, it was a fabulous addition.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "88accd4c11d2-0", "page_content": "general Handouts\nOrientation Handouts", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "66a10123e5ed-0", "page_content": "9\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab General Handout 1 (General Worksheet 1)\nGoals of Skills Training\nGeneral Goal\nTo learn how to change your own behaviors, emotions, and thoughts \nthat are linked to problems in living and are causing misery and distress.\nSpecific GoalS\nBehaviors to Decrease:\n\u0089\u0089Mindlessness; emptiness; being out of touch with self and others; judgmentalness.\n\u0089\u0089Interpersonal conflict and stress; loneliness.\n\u0089\u0089Absence of flexibility; difficulties with change.\n\u0089\u0089Up-and-down and extreme emotions; mood- dependent behavior; difficulties in regulating \nemotions.\n\u0089\u0089Impulsive behaviors; acting without thinking; difficulties accepting reality as it is; willfulness; \naddiction.\nSkills to i ncrease:\n\u0089\u0089Mindfulness skills.\n\u0089\u0089Interpersonal effectiveness skills.\n\u0089\u0089Emotion regulation skills.\n\u0089\u0089Distress tolerance skills.\nperSonal Goal S\nBehaviors to Decrease:\n1. \n2. \n3. \nSkills to i ncrease:\n1. \n2. \n3.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ed661d8e8e4a-0", "page_content": "10\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab General Handout 1a \noptions for Solving a ny problem\nWhen life presents you with problems, what are your options?\n1. Solve T he p roBlem\nChange the situation . . . or avoid, leave, or get out of the situation for good.\n2. feel Be TTer aB ouT The p roBlem\nChange (or regulate) your emotional response to the problem.\n3. Tolera Te The p roBlem\nAccept and tolerate both the problem and your response to the problem.\n4. STay m iSeraBle\nOr possibly make it worse!\n1. To p roBlem-Solve:\nUse interpersonal effectiveness skills\nWalking the Middle Path (from interpersonal effectiveness skills)\nUse problem- solving skills (from emotion regulation skills)\n2. To f eel Be TTer aB ouT The p roBlem:\nUse emotion regulation skills\n3. To Tolera Te The p roBlem:\nUse distress tolerance and mindfulness skills\n4. To S Tay m iSeraBle:\nUse no skills!", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "0fcfdf0bf755-0", "page_content": "11\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).General Handout 2 \noverview: \nintroduction to Skills Training\nGuiDeline S for Skill S Trainin G\nSkillS Trainin G aSS ump TionS\nBioSocial Theory \nof emo Tional an D \nBehavioral Dy SreGulaTion", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "31d4a06a0bd9-0", "page_content": "12\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab General Handout 3 \nGuidelines for Skills Training\n1. participants who drop out of skills training are not out of skills training.\na. The only way out is to miss four scheduled sessions of skills training in a row.\n2. participants who join the skills training group support each other and:\na. Keep names of other participants and information obtained during sessions confidential.\nb. Come to each group session on time and stay until the end.\nc. Make every effort to practice skills between sessions.\nd. Validate each other, avoid judging each other, and assume the best about each other.\ne. Give helpful, noncritical feedback when asked.\nf. Are willing to accept help from a person they ask or call for help.\n3. participants who join the skills training group:\na. Call ahead of time if they are going to be late or miss a session.\n4. participants do not tempt others to engage in problem behaviors and:\na. Do not come to sessions under the influence of drugs or alcohol.\nb. If drugs or alcohol have already been used, come to sessions acting and appearing clean \nand sober.\nc. Do not discuss, inside or outside sessions, current or past problem behaviors that could be contagious to others.\n5. participants do not form confidential relationships with each other outside of skills \ntraining sessions and:\na. Do not start a sexual or a private relationship that cannot be discussed in group.\nb. Are not partners in risky behaviors, crime, or drug use.\nother guidelines for this group/notes:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "430a519e874f-0", "page_content": "13\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab General Handout 4 \nSkills Training a ssumptions\nan assumption is a belief that cannot be proved, \nbut we agree to abide by it anyway.\n1. people are doing the best they can.\nAll people at any given point in time are doing the best they can.\n2. people want to improve.\nThe common characteristic of all people is that they want to improve their lives and be happy.\n3. people need to do better, try harder, and be more motivated to change. *\nThe fact that people are doing the best they can, and want to do even better, does not mean \nthat these things are enough to solve the problem.\n4. people may not have caused all of our own problems, but they have to solve them \nanyway. **\nPeople have to change their own behavioral responses and alter their environment for their life to change.\n5. new behavior has to be learned in all relevant contexts.\nNew behavioral skills have to be practiced in the situations where the skills are needed, not just \nin the situation where the skills are first learned.\n6. all behaviors (actions, thoughts, emotions) are caused.\nThere is always a cause or set of causes for our actions, thoughts, and emotions, even if we do \nnot know what the causes are.\n7. figuring out and changing the causes of behavior work better than judging and blaming.\nJudging and blaming are easier, but if we want to create change in the world, we have to change the chains of events that cause unwanted behaviors and events.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "430a519e874f-1", "page_content": "*But trying harder and being more motivated may not be needed if progress is steady and at a realistic rate of improvement.\n**Parents and caregivers must assist children in this task.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ea535b77868e-0", "page_content": "14\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).General Handout 5 (p. 1 of 2)\nBiosocial Theory\nWhy do i have so much trouble controlling \nmy emotions and my actions?\nemotional vulnerability is B iolo Gical : \nit\u2019s simply how some people are born.\n\u0089\u0089They are more sensitive to emotional stimuli; they can detect subtle \nemotional information in the environment that others don\u2019t even notice.\n\u0089\u0089They experience emotions much more often than others.\n\u0089\u0089Their emotions seem to hit for no reason, from out of the blue.\n\u0089\u0089They have more intense emotions.\n\u0089\u0089Their emotions hit like a ton of bricks .\n\u0089\u0089And their emotions are long- lasting .\nimpulsivity also has a B iolo Gical basis: \nregulating action is harder for some than for others.\n\u0089\u0089They find it very hard to restrain impulsive behaviors.\n\u0089\u0089Often, without thinking, they do things that get them in trouble.\n\u0089\u0089Sometimes their behavior seems to come out of nowhere.\n\u0089\u0089They find it very hard to be effective .\n\u0089\u0089Their moods get in the way of organizing to achieve their goals.\n\u0089\u0089They cannot control behaviors linked to their moods.\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "58bb36ea7959-0", "page_content": "15General Handout 5 (p. 2 of 2)\nan invalidating S ocial environment \ncan make it very hard to regulate emotions.\n\u0089\u0089An invalidating environment doesn\u2019t seem to understand your emotions.\n\u0089\u0089It tells you your emotions are invalid, weird, wrong, or bad.\n\u0089\u0089It often ignores your emotional reactions and does nothing to help you.\n\u0089\u0089It may say things like \u201c Don\u2019t be such a baby!\u201d \u201cQuit your blubbering.\u201d \u201cQuit \nbeing such a chicken and just solve the problem.\u201d or \u201cNormal people don\u2019t \nget this frustrated. \u201d\n\u0089\u0089People who invalidate are of Ten D oinG The Be ST T hey can .\n\u0089\u0089They may not know how to validate or how important it is to validate, or \nthey may be afraid that if they validate your emotions, you will get more \nemotional, not less.\n\u0089\u0089They may be under high stress or time pressure, or they may have too \nfew resources themselves.\n\u0089\u0089There may be just a poor fit between you and your social environment: \nyou may be a tulip in a rose garden.\nan ineffective S ocial environment \nis a big problem when you want \nto learn to regulate emotions and actions.\n\u0089\u0089Your environment may reinforce out-of- control emotions and actions.\n\u0089\u0089If people give in when you get out of control, it will be hard for you to get in \ncontrol.\n\u0089\u0089If others command you to change, but don\u2019t coach you on how to do this, it will be hard to keep on trying to change.\nit\u2019s the T ranS acTionS that count", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "58bb36ea7959-1", "page_content": "it\u2019s the T ranS acTionS that count \nbetween the person and the social environment.\n\u0089\u0089Biology and the social environment influence the person.\n\u0089\u0089The person reciprocates and influences his or her social environment.\n\u0089\u0089The social environment reciprocates and influences the person. \n\u0089\u0089And so on and on and on.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "1df999033539-0", "page_content": "Handouts for Analyzing Behavior", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "1402056678c1-0", "page_content": "19\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).General Handout 6 (General Worksheets 2, 3)\nOverview: \nAnalyzing Behavior\nTo figure out its causes \nand plan for\n \nproblem solving.\nChain Analysis \nis for when you engage in ineffective behavior.\nA chain analysis examines the chain of events that leads to \nineffective behaviors, as well as the consequences of those behaviors that may be making it hard to change them. It also \nhelps you figure out how to repair the damage.\nMissing-Links Analysis \nis for when you fail to engage in effective behaviors.\nA missing-links analysis helps you identify what got in the way of doing things you needed or hoped to do, things you agreed to do, or things others expected you to do. It also helps you problem-solve for the future.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "bf6703602d39-0", "page_content": "20\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).General Handout 7 (General Worksheets 2, 2a)\nchain a nalysis\nTo un DerSTanD Behavior, D o a chain analy SiS.\nStep 1: Describe the pro Blem Behavior.\nStep 2: Describe the promp TinG evenT that started the chain of events leading to the problem \nbehavior.\nStep 3: Describe the factors happening before the event that made you vulneraBle to starting \ndown the chain of events toward the problem behavior.\nStep 4: Describe in excruciating detail the chain of even TS that led to the problem behavior.\nStep 5: Describe the con Sequence S of the problem behavior.\nTo change behavior:\nStep 6: Describe S killful behaviors to replace problem links in the chain of events.\nStep 7: Develop prevenT ion plan S to reduce vulnerability to stressful events.\nStep 8: repair important or significant consequences of the problem behavior.VULNERABILITY \nPROMPTING EVENT\nLINKSCONSEQUENCESPROBLEM BEHAVIOR", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "4537469e165c-0", "page_content": "21\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).General Handout 7a (General Worksheets 2, 2a) (p. 1 of 2)\nchain a nalysis, Step by Step\n1. Describe the specific pro Blem Behavior (overeating or overdrinking, yelling at your \nkids, throwing a chair, having an overwhelming emotional outburst, dissociating, not coming or \ncoming late to skills training, putting off or refusing to do skills practice, etc.).\nA. Be very specific and detailed. No vague terms.\nB. Identify exactly what you did, said, thought, or felt (if feelings are the targeted problem \nbehavior). Identify what you did not do .\nC. Describe the intensity of the behavior and other characteristics of the behavior that are important.\nD. Describe the problem behavior in enough detail that an actor in a play or movie could recreate the behavior exactly.\nE. If the behavior is something you did not do, ask yourself whether (a) you did not know you needed to do it (it did not get into short-term memory); (b) you forgot it and later it never \ncame into your mind to do it (it did not get into long-term memory); (c) you put it off when", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "4537469e165c-1", "page_content": "you did think of it; (d) you refused to do it when you thought of it; or (e) you were willful and rejected doing it, or some other behavior, thoughts, or emotions interfered with doing it. If (a) or (b) is the case, skip from here to Step 6 below (working on solutions). Otherwise, keep going from here.\n2. Describe the specific promp TinG evenT that started the whole chain of behavior. Begin \nwith the environmental event that started the chain. Always begin with some event in your \nenvironment, even if it doesn\u2019t seem to you that the environmental event \u201ccaused\u201d the problem \nbehavior. Otherwise, we could ask about any behavior, thought, feeling, or experience, \u201cWhat prompted that?\u201d Possible questions to help you get at this are:\nA. What exact event precipitated the start of the chain reaction?\nB. When did the sequence of events that led to the problem behavior begin? When did the \nproblem start?\nC. What was going on right before the thought of or impulse for the problem behavior occurred?\nD. What were you doing/thinking/feeling/imagining at that time?\nE. Why did the problem behavior happen on that day instead of the day before?\n3. Describe specific vulnera BiliTy fac TorS happening before the prompting event. \nWhat factors or events made you more vulnerable to reacting to the prompting event with a \nproblematic chain? Areas to examine are:\nA. Physical illness; unbalanced eating or sleeping; injury.\nB. Use of drugs or alcohol; misuse of prescription drugs.\nC. Stressful events in the environment (either positive or negative).\nD. Intense emotions, such as sadness, anger, fear, loneliness.\nE. Previous behaviors of your own that you found stressful coming into your mind.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "4537469e165c-2", "page_content": "E. Previous behaviors of your own that you found stressful coming into your mind.\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "47892dac44fe-0", "page_content": "22General Handout 7a (p. 2 of 2)\n4. Describe in excruciating detail the chain of even TS that led to the problem behavior. \nImagine that your problem behavior is chained to the precipitating event in the environment. \nHow long is the chain? Where does it go? What are the links? Write out all links in the chain of \nevents, no matter how small. Be very specific, as if you are writing a script for a play. Links in the chain can be:\nA. Actions or things you do.\nB. Body sensations or feelings.\nC. Cognitions (i.e., beliefs, expectations, or thoughts).\nD. Events in the environment or things others do.\nE. Feelings and emotions that you experience.\nWhat exact thought (or belief), feeling, or action followed the prompting event? What thought, \nfeeling, or action followed that? What next? What next? And so forth.\n\u2022\u2022Look at each link in the chain after you write it. Was there another thought, feeling, or action that could have occurred? Could someone else have thought, felt, or acted differently at that point? If so, explain how that specific thought, feeling, or action came to be.\n\u2022\u2022For each link in the chain, ask whether there is a smaller link you could describe.\n5. Describe the con Sequence S of this behavior. Be specific. (How did other people react \nimmediately and later? How did you feel immediately following the behavior? Later? What effect did the behavior have on you and your environment?)\n6. Describe in detail at each point where you could have used a \nskillful behavior to head off the", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "47892dac44fe-1", "page_content": "skillful behavior to head off the \nproblem behavior. What key links were most important in leading to the problem behavior? (In other words, if you had eliminated these behaviors, the problem behavior probably would not \nhave happened.)\nA. Go back to the chain of behaviors following the prompting event. Circle each link where, if \nyou had done something different, you would have avoided the problem behavior.\nB. What could you have done differently at each link in the chain of events to avoid the problem behavior? What coping behaviors or skillful behaviors could you have used?\n7. Describe in detail a prevenT ion ST raTeGy for how you could have kept the chain from \nstarting by reducing your vulnerability to the chain.\n8. Describe what you are going to do to repair important or significant consequences of the \nproblem behavior.\nA. Analyze: What did you really harm? What was the negative consequence you can repair?\nB. Look at the harm or distress you actually caused others, and the harm or distress you \ncaused yourself. Repair what you damaged. (Don\u2019t bring flowers to repair a window you broke: fix the window! Repair a betrayal of trust by being very trustworthy long enough to fit the betrayal, rather than trying to fix it with love letters and constant apologies. Repair failure \nby succeeding, not by berating yourself.)", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c04d11b22ab5-0", "page_content": "23\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).General Handout 8 (General Worksheet 3)\nmissing- links a nalysis\nask the following questions to understand how and why \neffective behavior that is needed or expected did not occur.\n1. Did you know what effective behavior was needed or expected (what skills \nhomework was given, what skills to use, etc.)?\nif no to q uestion 1, ask what got in the way of knowing what was needed or expected. \nIdeas might include not paying attention, unclear instructions, never getting the instructions \nin the first place, becoming too overwhelmed and couldn\u2019t process the information, and so on.\nproBlem- Solve what got in the way. For example, you might work on paying \nattention, ask for clarification when you don\u2019t understand instructions, call others, look up information, and so on.\n2. if yeS to q uestion 1, ask were you willing to do the needed or expected effective \nbehavior?\nif no to q uestion 2, ask what got in the way of willingness to do effective behaviors. \nIdeas might include willfulness, feeling inadequate, or feeling demoralized.\nproBlem- Solve what got in the way of willingness. For example, you might practice \nradical acceptance, do pros and cons, practice opposite action, and so on.\n3. if yeS to q uestion 2, ask did the thought of doing the needed or expected effective \nbehavior ever enter your mind?if no to q uestion 3,", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c04d11b22ab5-1", "page_content": "behavior ever enter your mind?if no to q uestion 3,\nproBlem- Solve how to get the thought of doing effective behaviors into your mind. \nFor example, you might put it on your calendar, set your alarm to go off, put your skills \nnotebook next to your bed, practice coping ahead with difficult situations (see Emotion Regulation Handout 19), and so on.\n4. if yeS to q uestion 3, ask what got in the way of doing the needed or expected \neffective behavior right away? Ideas might include putting it off, continuing to \nprocrastinate, not being in the mood, forgetting how to do what was needed, thinking that \nno one would care anyway (or no one would find out), and so on.\nproBlem- Solve what got in the way. For example, you might set a reward for doing \nwhat is expected, practice opposite action, do pros and cons, and so on.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "a02844ec48f1-0", "page_content": "general Worksheets\nOrientation Worksheet", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "a4652635a315-0", "page_content": "27\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .General Worksheet 1 (General Handout 1)\nPros and Cons of Using Skills\nDue Date: Name: W eek Starting: \nU\nse this worksheet to figure out the advantages and disadvantages to you of using skills (i.e., acting \nskillfully) to reach your goals. The idea here is to figure out what is the most effective way for you to \nget what you want in life. Remember, this is about your goals, not someone else\u2019s goals.\nDescribe the situation or problem:\nDescribe your goal in this situation:\nMake a list of the Pros and Cons of practicing your skills in this situation.\nMake another list of the Pros and Cons for not practicing your skills or of not practicing them \ncompletely.\nCheck the facts to be sure that you are correct in your assessment of advantages and \ndisadvantages.\nWrite on the back if you need more space.\nPro SPracticing Skills\n \n Not Practicing Skills\n CoN SPracticing Skills\n Not Practicing Skills\n \nW\nhat did you decide to do in this situation? \n \nI\ns this the best decision (in Wise Mind)?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5dfdc8471a19-0", "page_content": "Worksheets for Analyzing Behavior", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ce636789daba-0", "page_content": "31\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .General WorksHeet 2 (General Handouts 7, 7a) (p. 1 of 4)\nchain a nalysis of p roblem Behavior\nDue Date: Name: Date: \nVULNERABILITY \nPROMPTING EVENT\nLINKSCONSEQUENCESPROBLEM BEHAVIOR\n1. What exactly is the major pro Blem Behavior that I am analyzing?\n2. What promp TinG evenT in the environment started me on the chain to my problem \nbehavior? Include what happened ri GhT Before the urge or thought came into my \nmind.\nDay prompting event occurred: \n3. Describe what things in myself and in my environment made me vulneraBle.\nDay the events making me vulnerable started: \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "2918886e6347-0", "page_content": "32General WorksHeet 2 (p. 2 of 4)\nlinkS in T he chain of even TS: Behaviors ( Actions, Body sensations, \nCognitions/Thoughts, Feelings) and E vents (in the environment)\npossible Types of l inks\na. Actions\nB. Body sensations\nc. Cognitions/thoughts\ne. Events\nf. Feelings \n4. List the chain of events (specific \nbehaviors and environmental events that \nactually did happen). Use the ABC-EF list \nabove.\n1st. \n \n2nd. \n \n3rd. \n 4th. \n \n5th. \n \n6th. \n 7th. \n 8th. \n \n9th. \n 6. List new, more skillful behaviors to \nreplace ineffective behaviors. Use the \nABC-EF list.\n1st. \n \n2nd. \n 3rd. \n \n4th. \n 5th. \n \n6th. \n 7th. \n \n8th. \n \n9th. \n \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "7982807dc47d-0", "page_content": "33General WorksHeet 2 (p. 3 of 4)\nlinkS in T he chain of even TS: Behaviors ( Actions, Body sensations, \nCognitions/Thoughts, Feelings) and E vents (in the environment)\npossible Types of l inks\na. Actions\nB. Body sensations\nc. Cognitions/thoughts\ne. Events\nf. Feelings \n4. List the chain of events (specific \nbehaviors and environmental events that \nactually did happen). Use the ABC-EF list \nabove.\n10th. \n \n11th. \n \n12th. \n 13th. \n \n14th. \n \n15th. \n 16th. \n 17th. \n 6. List new, more skillful behaviors to \nreplace ineffective behaviors. Use the \nABC-EF list.\n10th. \n \n11th. \n \n12th. \n 13th. \n \n14th. \n 15th. \n \n16th. \n \n17th. \n \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "1b5d9abecb35-0", "page_content": "34General WorksHeet 2 (p. 4 of 4)\n5. What exactly were the consequences in the environment?\nand in myself?\nWhat harm did my problem behavior cause?\n7. prevention plans:\nWays to reduce my vulnerability in the future:\nWays to prevent precipitating event from happening again:\n8. plans to repair, correct, and overcorrect the harm:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "fd936b955ede-0", "page_content": "35\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .General WorksHeet 2a (General Handouts 7, 7a) (p. 1 of 3)\nexample: c hain a nalysis of p roblem Behavior\nDue Date: Name: Date: \nProblem Behavior: \nVULNERABILITY \nPROMPTING EVENT\nLINKSCONSEQUENCESPROBLEM BEHAVIOR\n1. What exactly is the major pro Blem Behavior that I am analyzing?\nDrinking too much and driving drunk\n2. What promp TinG evenT in the environment started me on the chain to my problem \nbehavior? Include what happened ri GhT Before the urge or thought came into my \nmind.\nDay prompting event occurred: Monday \nMy sister from out of town called me and said she was not going to come visit me the next \nweek like she had said she would, because her husband had an important business party he wanted her to attend with him.\n3. Describe what things in myself and in my environment made me vulneraBle.\nDay the events making me vulnerable started: Sunday \nMy boyfriend said he had to take a business trip sometime in the next month.\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "4044ee16a388-0", "page_content": "36General WorksHeet 2 a (p. 2 of 3)\nlinkS in T he chain of even TS: Behaviors ( Actions, Body sensations, \nCognitions/Thoughts, Feelings) and E vents (in the environment)\npossible Types of l inks\na. Actions\nB. Body sensations\nc. Cognitions/thoughts\ne. Events\nf. Feelings \n4. List the chain of events (specific \nbehaviors and environmental events that \nactually did happen). Use the ABC-EF list \nabove.\n1st. I felt hurt and started sobbing on the \nphone with my sister and was angry with her.\n2nd. I thought, \u201cI can\u2019t stand it. No one \nloves me.\u201d3rd. I felt very ashamed once I hung up \nfrom talking to my sister.\n4th. I thought \u201cMy life is useless; no one \nwill ever be here for me.\u201d5th. Tried watching TV, but nothing was on \nI liked.6th. I started feeling agitated and thought, \n\u201cI can\u2019t stand this.\u201d7th. I decided to drink a glass of wine to \nfeel better, but ended up drinking two whole \nbottles.\n8th. Got in my car to drive to a late-night \nconcert.9th. While I was bending down to pick up a \npiece of paper, car swerved. I was stopped \nby a cop and taken in on a DUI.6. List new, more \nskillful behaviors to \nreplace ineffective behaviors. Use the ABC-EF list.\n1st. Listen to why my sister could not \ncome.\n2nd. Remember that my sister and my", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "4044ee16a388-1", "page_content": "come.\n2nd. Remember that my sister and my \nboyfriend love me.3rd. Check the facts; is my sister going to \nreject me over this?\n4th. Call my sister back and apologize for \nbeing angry (since I know she will validate \nhow I feel).\n5th. Download a movie, work on a puzzle, \nor call a friend instead.\n6th. Try my TIP skills to bring down arousal.\n7th. Walk down the street and have a \ndinner out, because I won\u2019t drink too much \nin public.\n8th. Call my boyfriend and ask him to come \nover for a while.\n9th. Take a long bath, try TIP skills again; \nKeep checking the facts; remember these \nemotions will pass; call my therapist for help.\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "7d8206aa5fe9-0", "page_content": "37General WorksHeet 2 a (p. 3 of 3)\n5. What exactly were the consequences in the environment?\nShort-term: I had to spend the night in jail.\nLong-term: My boyfriend has less trust in me; my sister is upset about it.\nand in myself?\nShort-term: I am ashamed and furious with myself.Long-term: I will have to pay more for car insurance and may have trouble getting a job.\nWhat \nharm did my problem behavior cause?\nIt hurt me by giving me a DUI record. My sister feels guilty because she upset me.\n7. prevention plans:\nWays to reduce my vulnerability in the future:\nMake plans for how to cope whenever my boyfriend is out of town.\nWays to prevent precipitating event from happening again:\nI can\u2019t keep the precipitating event from happening, so I need to practice coping ahead and \nhave plans for how to manage when I am at home alone.\n8. plans to repair, correct, and overcorrect the harm:\nApologize to my sister and reassure her that she has a perfect right to change her plans. Work with her to plan a new time for a visit. Ask if it would be easier for her if I came to visit her.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "743b50c457e6-0", "page_content": "38\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .General Works Heet 3 (General Handout 8)\nmis sing- li nks an alysis\nTo understand missing effective behavior, do a missing-links analysis.\nDue Date: \n \nName: \n \nDate: \nM\nissing Behavior: \nU\nse this sheet to first figure out what got in the way of doing things you needed or hoped to do, or \nthings you agreed to do or others expected you to do. Then use that information to problem-solve, \nso that you will be more likely to do what is needed, hoped for, or expected next time.\n1.D\nid \ni\n know what effective behavior was needed or expected? Yes\n No \ni\nf no to Question 1, what got in the way of knowing?\nD\nescribe problem solving: \n S\nTOP\n2.if\n ye\nS t\no Question 1, was I willing to do what was needed? Yes \n \n No\ni\nf no to Question 2, what got in the way of wanting to do what was needed?\nD\nescribe problem solving: \n S\nTOP\n3.if\n ye\nS t\no Question 2, did the thought of doing what was needed or expected ever enter my\nmind? Yes \n \n No\ni\nf no to Question 3, describe problem solving:\n4\n.if", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "743b50c457e6-1", "page_content": "i\nf no to Question 3, describe problem solving:\n4\n.if\n ye\nS t\no Question 3, what got in the way of doing what was needed or expected right away?\n S\nTOP\nDescribe problem solving: \n S\nTOP", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f85e6bfca94c-0", "page_content": "39MinDFulne SS Skill S\nIntroduction to Handouts and Worksheets\nMindfulness is the act of consciously focusing the mind in the present moment, \nwithout judgment and without attachment to the moment. A person who is mind -\nful is aware in and of the present moment. Mindfulness is the opposite of being on \u201cautomatic pilot,\u201d or being lost in habit. Mindfulness has to do with the quality of awareness that a person brings to everyday living. It\u2019s a way of living awake, with \neyes wide open. As a set of skills, mindfulness practice is the intentional process of \nobserving, describing, and participating in reality nonjudgmentally, in the moment, and with effectiveness (i.e., using skillful means). We can contrast mindfulness with rigidly clinging to the present moment, as if we could keep a present moment from \nchanging if we cling hard enough. When we are mindful, we are open to the fluidity \nof each moment as it arises and falls away.\nGoals and Definitions\n\u2022\u2022Mindfulness Handout 1: Goals of Mindfulness Practice. The goals of practic -\ning mindfulness skills, for most people, are to reduce suffering, increase happiness, \nand increase control of the mind. For some, a goal of mindfulness is to experience \nreality as it is . Mindfulness skills require practice, practice, practice.\n\u2022\u2022Mindfulness Handout 2: Mindfulness Definitions. This handout offers basic \ndefinitions of mindfulness, mindfulness skills, and mindfulness practice.\n\u2022\u2022Mindfulness Worksheet 1: Pros and Cons of Practicing Mindfulness. This \nworksheet is designed to help you decide whether you have anything to gain from \npracticing mindfulness.\nCore Mindfulness Skills\nThe handouts and worksheets for Core Mindfulness Skills cover seven skills in three", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f85e6bfca94c-1", "page_content": "The handouts and worksheets for Core Mindfulness Skills cover seven skills in three \nsets: Wise Mind; the \u201cwhat\u201d skills of observing, describing, and participating; and \nthe \u201chow\u201d skills of practicing nonjudgmentally, one- mindfully, and effectively.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "2c9a677f0cfa-0", "page_content": "40\u2002\u2022\u2002 MinDFulne SS Skill S\n\u2022\u2022Mindfulness Worksheets 2, 2a, 2b, and 2c: Mindfulness Core Skills Practice \noffer four variations for recording practice of all seven core mindfulness skills. They \ncan be useful for recording practice after you have learned all of the core skills. \nMindfulness Worksheet 2c: Mindfulness Core Skills Calendar offers a calendar for -\nmat for recording practice of all these skills.\nWIsE MInD\n\u2022\u2022Mindfulness Handout 3: Wise Mind: States of Mind. Wise Mind is the inner \nwisdom that each one of us has. When we access our inner wisdom, we say we are \nin Wise Mind. When we enter the state of Wise Mind, we integrate opposites\u2014 \nincluding our reasonable and emotional states of mind\u2014and we are open to experi -\nencing reality as it is.\n\u2022\u2022You can record your practice efforts on Mindfulness Worksheet 3: Wise Mind \nPractice. (Mindfulness Handout 3a: Ideas for Practicing Wise Mind offers practice \nideas.) Worksheet 3 asks you to rate how effective your practice was in accessing \nyour own Wise Mind. Note that the rating is not about whether the practice calmed \nyou or made you feel better.\nMInDfulnE ss \u201cW HaT\u201d skIlls\n\u2022\u2022Mindfulness Handout 4: Taking Hold of Your Mind: \u201cWhat\u201d Skills. \u201cWhat\u201d \nskills are what you do when practicing mindfulness\u2014 observe, describe, or partici -\npate. Do only one of these activities at a time. To observe is to pay attention on", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "2c9a677f0cfa-1", "page_content": "purpose to the present moment. To describe is to put into words what you have observed. To participate is to enter into an activity fully and wholly, becoming one with whatever you are doing.\n\u2022\u2022Mindfulness Handout 4a: Ideas for Practicing Observing, Mindfulness \nHandout 4b: Ideas for Practicing Describing , and Mindfulness Handout 4c: Ideas \nfor Practicing Participating offer ideas for how to practice each of the mindfulness \n\u201cwhat\u201d skills. If you are just learning these skills, your skills trainer is likely to assign a specific exercise or two after you first practice each skill in a session.\n\u2022\u2022Mindfulness Worksheets 4, 4a, and 4b offer three different formats for \nrecording practice of mindfulness \u201cwhat\u201d skills. Worksheet 4 provides space for practice of the \u201cwhat\u201d skills only twice between sessions. Worksheet 4a gives space \nfor multiple practices for each \u201cwhat\u201d skill in a checklist format. Worksheet 4b is \naimed at those who like to write describing their practice.\nMInDfuln Ess \u201cHo W\u201d skIlls\n\u2022\u2022Mindfulness Handout 5: Taking Hold of Your Mind: \u201cHow\u201d Skills. The \n\u201chow\u201d skills are how you observe, describe, or participate\u2014 nonjudgmentally, one- \nmindfully, and effectively. Although the \u201cwhat\u201d skills should only be done one at a \ntime, the \u201chow\u201d skills can be done together.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3a04373de4d8-0", "page_content": "in troduction to Handouts and Worksheets\u2002\u2022\u20024 1\n\u2022 \u2022Mindfulness Handout 5a: Ideas for Practicing Nonjudgmentalness , Mind ful-\nn\ness Handout 5b: Ideas for Practicing One- M\nindfulness , and Mindfulness Handout \n5c: Ideas for Practicing Effectiveness offer ideas for how to practice each of the \nmindfulness \u201chow\u201d skills. If you are just learning these skills, your skills trainer is likely to assign a specific exercise or two after you practice each one in a session.\n\u2022 \u2022Mindfulness Worksheet 5: Mindfulness \u201cHow\u201d Skills: Nonjudgmentalness,\nOne-Mindfulness, Effectiveness provides space for recording only two practices \nof a \u201chow\u201d skill for the week. Mindfulness Worksheet 5a: Nonjudgmentalness, One-\n M\nindfulness, Effectiveness Checklist offers a checklist format for recording \n\u201chow\u201d skills practice, and Mindfulness Worksheet 5b: Nonjudgmentalness, One-\n \nM\nindfulness, Effectiveness Calendar offers a calendar format for this purpose. \nMindfulness Worksheet 5c: Nonjudgmentalness Calendar is an advanced worksheet for the single skill of nonjudgmentalness.\nOther Perspectives on Mindfulness Skills\nThere are three sets of handouts and worksheets for mindfulness skills that give \na different perspective on mindfulness. These are Mindfulness Practice: A Spiri -\ntual Perspective; Skillful Means: Balancing Doing Mind and Being Mind; and Wise Mind: Walking the Middle Path. Some DBT skills training programs may include one or more of these sets of skills.\n\u2022 \u2022Mindfulness Handout 6: Overview: Other Perspectives on Mindfulness. This\nhandout briefly previews the three supplementary mindfulness skills.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3a04373de4d8-1", "page_content": "handout briefly previews the three supplementary mindfulness skills.\nMInDf uln E ss PRa cT IcE: a sPIRIT u al PE RsP EcT IvE\n\u2022 \u2022Mindfulness Handout 7: Goals of Mindfulness Practice: A Spiritual Perspec -\ntive. Mindfulness can be practiced for psychological reasons or spiritual reasons. A \nspiritual perspective on mindfulness is included for those for whom spirituality is an important part of their life. Mindfulness practice is very old, arising initially from spiritual practices across many cultures, and it has a modern-day presence in many contemplative prayer and meditation practices.\n\u2022 \u2022Mindfulness Handout 7a: Wise Mind from a Spiritual Perspective . This\nhandout outlines different types of spiritual practices and includes some of the many terms used to reference the transcendent. Many spiritual and religious practices share elements in common with mindfulness practices, including silence, quieting the mind, attentiveness, inwardness, and receptivity. These are characteristics of deep spiritual experiences.\n\u2022 \u2022Mindfulness Handout 8: Practicing Loving Kindness to Increase Love and\nCompassion. Anger, hate, hostility, and ill will toward ourselves and toward others \ncan be very painful. The practice of loving kindness is a form of meditation in which specific positive words and phrases are repeatedly recited, to cultivate compassion and loving feelings as an antidote to negativity. Loving kindness is an ancient spiri -\ntual meditation practice. In some ways it is similar to praying for the welfare of", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c978279ab13c-0", "page_content": "42\u2002\u2022\u2002 MinDFulne SS Skill S\nourselves and others. To record practice of loving kindness, use Mindfulness Work -\nsheet 6: Loving Kindness , which provides space for describing two occasions of \npracticing loving kindness.\nskIllful M Eans: Balanc InG Do InG MInD an D BEInG MInD\n\u2022\u2022Mindfulness Handout 9: Skillful Means: Balancing Doing Mind and Being \nMind . \u201cSkillful means\u201d is a term in Zen that refers to any effective method that aids \nyou to experience reality as it is\u2014or, in DBT terms, to enter fully into Wise Mind. \nDoing mind and being mind are states of mind that, in their extreme forms, can get in the way of skillful means and of Wise Mind. Doing mind focuses on achieving goals; being mind focuses on experiencing. The polarity between them is similar \nto that between reasonable mind and emotion mind. In everyday life, wise living \nrequires us to balance working to achieve goals (on the one hand), and at the very same time to let go of attachment to achieving goals (on the other hand).\n\u2022\u2022Mindfulness Handout 9a: Ideas for Practicing Balancing Doing Mind and \nBeing Mind. This handout lists practice exercises. It is useful when you have already gone through mindfulness training several times.\n\u2022\u2022Mindfulness Worksheet 7a: Mindfulness of Being and Doing Calendar, \nMindfulness Worksheet 8: Mindfulness of Pleasant Events Calendar , and Mindful -\nness Worksheet 9: Mindfulness of Unpleasant Events Calendar are all worksheets in calendar format that ask participants to record their mindfulness practice each day. The calendars focus on mindfulness during frazzled moments (Worksheet 7a), pleasant events (Worksheet 8), and unpleasant events (Worksheet 9).", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c978279ab13c-1", "page_content": "WIsE MInD: Walk InG THE MIDDlE PaTH\n\u2022\u2022Mindfulness Handout 10: Walking the Middle Path: Finding the Synthesis \nbetween Opposites. Wise Mind is the middle path between extremes. In Wise Mind, \nwe replace \u201ceither\u2013or\u201d with \u201cboth\u2013and\u201d thinking in an effort to find a synthesis \nbetween oppositions. Ordinarily, when we are at an extreme on any continuum, we are in danger of distorting reality. This handout is useful if you have already gone through mindfulness training one or more times.\n\u2022\u2022Mindfulness Worksheet 10: Walking the Middle Path to Wise Mind . This \nworksheet lists several polarities that could be out of balance, and provides space for \nrecording practice aimed at balancing them.\n\u2022\u2022Mindfulness Worksheet 10a: Analyzing Yourself on the Middle Path . Use this \nworksheet to think through whether you are out of balance on each of the polarities listed. \u201cOut of balance\u201d here means a living style that knocks you off your center, \nout of Wise Mind.\n\u2022\u2022Mindfulness Worksheet 10b: Walking the Middle Path Calendar . This work -\nsheet offers opportunities for recording daily practice in a different format than in Worksheet 10. It can also be used in conjunction with Worksheet 10a.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "b394ba9bfc8f-0", "page_content": "Mindfulness Handouts\nHandouts for Goals and Definitions", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ae7b8e9843e5-0", "page_content": "45\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab Mindfulness Handout 1 (Mindfulness Worksheet 1)\nGoals of m indfulness p ractice\nreDuce Sufferin G anD increa Se happine SS\n\u0089\u0089Reduce pain, tension, and stress.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nincrea Se con Trol of y our m inD\n\u0089\u0089Stop letting your mind be in control of you.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nexperience r eali Ty aS iT iS\n\u0089\u0089Live life with your eyes wide open.\n\u0089\u0089Experience the reality of your . . .\n\u2022\u2022connection to the universe.\n\u2022\u2022essential \u201cgoodness.\u201d\n\u2022\u2022essential validity.\n\u0089\u0089Other:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "53c8bbc90247-0", "page_content": "46\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).Mindfulness Handout 1a \nmindfulness Definitions\nWha T iS minDfulneSS ?\n\u2022\u2022intentionally living with awareness in the present moment. \n(Waking up from automatic or rote behaviors to participate and be present to our own lives.)\n\u2022\u2022Without judging or rejecting the moment. \n(Noticing consequences, discerning helpfulness and harmfulness\u2014but letting go of evaluating, \navoiding, suppressing, or blocking the present moment.)\n\u2022\u2022Without attachment to the moment. \n(Attending to the experience of each new moment, rather than ignoring the present by clinging to the past or grabbing for the future.)\nWha T are m inDfulne SS Skill S?\n\u2022\u2022Mindfulness skills are the specific behaviors to practice that, when put together, make up mindfulness.\nWha T iS minDfulne SS pracTice?\n\u2022\u2022mindfulness and mindfulness skills can be practiced at any time, anywhere, while doing \nanything. Intentionally paying attention to the moment, without judging it or holding on to it, is all that is needed.\n\u2022\u2022meditation is practicing mindfulness and mindfulness skills while sitting, standing, or lying \nquietly for a predetermined period of time. When meditating, we focus the mind (for example, \nwe focus on body sensations, emotions, thoughts, or our breath), or we open the mind (paying", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "53c8bbc90247-1", "page_content": "attention to whatever comes into our awareness). There are many forms of meditation that differ mostly by whether we are opening the mind or focusing the mind\u2014and, if focusing, depending \non what is the focus of our attention.\n\u2022\u2022contemplative prayer (such as Christian centering prayer, the rosary, Jewish Shema, Islamic \nSufi practice, or Hindu raja yoga) is a spiritual mindfulness practice.\n\u2022\u2022mindfulness movement also has many forms. Examples include yoga, martial arts (such as \nQigong, tai chi, akido, and karate), and spiritual dancing. Hiking, horseback riding, and walking can also be ways to practice mindfulness.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "65b4be1f6c2a-0", "page_content": "Handouts for Core Mindfulness Skills", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "bb4996d63809-0", "page_content": "49\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).Mindfulness Handout 2 (Mindfulness Worksheets 2\u20132c, 3)\noverview: \ncore m indfulness Skills\nWiSe minD: \nSTaTeS of m inD\n\u201cWha T\u201d SkillS\n(what you do when practicing mindfulness):\nobserving, Describing, p articipating\n\u201choW\u201d Skill S\n(how you practice when practicing mindfulness):\nnonjudgmentally, o ne- mindfully, e ffectively", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e9acca26c681-0", "page_content": "50\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab Mindfulness Handout 3 (Mindfulness Worksheet 3)\nWise m ind: \nStates of m ind\nEMOTION\nMINDREASONABLE\nMINDWISE\nMIND\nReasonable Mind Is:\n Cool Rational Task-Focused\nWhen in reasonable mind, \nyou are ruled by facts, reason, \nlogic, and pragmatics. Values and feelings are not important. Emotion Mind Is:\n Hot Mood-DependentEmotion-Focused\nWhen in emotion mind, \nyou are ruled by your \nmoods, feelings, and urges \nto do or say things. Facts, reason, and logic are not important.Wise Mind Is:\n The wisdom within \n each person\n Seeing the value of \n both reason and \n emotion\n Bringing left brain and \n right brain together\n The middle path", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3879ba710755-0", "page_content": "51\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).Mindfulness Handout 3a (Mindfulness Worksheet 3) (p. 1 of 2)\nideas for p racticing Wise m ind\nThe mindfulness skills often require a lot of practice. As with any new skill, it is important to first \npractice when you don\u2019t need the skill. If you practice in easier situations, the skill will become \nautomatic, and you will have the skill when you need it. Practice with your eyes closed and with \nyour eyes open.\n1. \u0089 Stone flake on the lake. Imagine that you are by a clear blue lake on a beautiful sunny day. \nThen imagine that you are a small flake of stone, flat and light. Imagine that you have been tossed out onto the lake and are now gently, slowly, floating through the calm, clear blue \nwater to the lake\u2019s smooth, sandy bottom.\n\u2022\u2022Notice what you see, what you feel as you float down, perhaps in slow circles, floating \ntoward the bottom. As you reach the bottom of the lake, settle your attention there within yourself.\n\u2022\u2022Notice the serenity of the lake; become aware of the calmness and quiet deep within.\n\u2022\u2022As you reach the center of your self, settle your attention there.\n2. \u0089\u0089Walking down the spiral stairs. Imagine that within you is a spiral staircase, winding down to your very center. Starting at the top walk very slowly down the staircase, going deeper and deeper within yourself.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3879ba710755-1", "page_content": "\u2022\u2022Notice the sensations. Rest by sitting on a step, or turn on lights on the way down if you wish. Do not force yourself further than you want to go. Notice the quiet. As you reach the center of your self, settle your attention there\u2014 perhaps in your gut or your abdomen.\n3. \u0089\u0089Breathing \u201cWise\u201d in, \u201c mind\u201d out. Breathing in, say to yourself, \u201cWise\u201d; breathing out, say \n\u201cMind.\u201d\n\u2022\u2022Focus your entire attention on the word \u201cwise,\u201d then, focus it again entirely on the word \n\u201cmind.\u201d\n\u2022\u2022Continue until you sense that you have settled into Wise Mind.\n4. \u0089\u0089asking Wise m ind a question. Breathing in, silently ask Wise Mind a question.\n\u2022\u2022Breathing out, listen for the answer.\n\u2022\u2022Listen, but do not give yourself the answer. Do not tell yourself the answer; listen for it.\n\u2022\u2022Continue asking on each in- breath for some time. If no answer comes, try again another \ntime.\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5ebdcb32b749-0", "page_content": "52Mindfulness Handout 3a (p. 2 of 2)\n5. \u0089\u0089asking is this Wise m ind? Breathing in, ask yourself, \u201cIs this (action, thought, plan, etc.) \nWise Mind?\u201d\n\u2022\u2022Breathing out, listen for the answer.\n\u2022\u2022Listen, but do not give yourself the answer. Do not tell yourself the answer; listen for it.\n\u2022\u2022Continue asking on each in- breath for some time. If no answer comes, try again another \ntime.\n6. \u0089\u0089attending to your breath coming in and out, let your attention settle into your center .\n\u2022\u2022Breathing in completely, notice and follow the sensations of your breath coming in.\n\u2022\u2022Let your attention settle into your center, at the bottom of your breath, at your solar \nplexus\u2014 or\n\u2022\u2022Let your attention settle in the center of your forehead, your \u201cthird eye,\u201d at the top of your \nbreath.\n\u2022\u2022Keeping your attention at your center, exhale, breathing normally, maintaining attention.\n\u2022\u2022Settle into Wise Mind.\n7. \u0089\u0089expanding awareness. Breathing in, focus your awareness on your center.\n\u2022\u2022Breathing out, stay aware of your center, but expand awareness to the space you are in now.\n\u2022\u2022Continue on in the moment.\n8. \u0089\u0089Dropping into the pauses between inhaling and exhaling.\n\u2022\u2022Breathing in, notice the pause after inhaling (top of breath).\n\u2022\u2022Breathing out, notice the pause after exhaling (bottom of breath).\n\u2022\u2022At each pause, let yourself \u201cfall into\u201d the center space within the pause.\n9. \u0089\u0089other Wise m ind practice ideas:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f4334a2daac1-0", "page_content": "53\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab Mindfulness Handout 4 (Mindfulness Worksheets 2\u20132c, 4\u20134b)\nTaking h old of y our m ind: \u201cWhat\u201d Skills\noBS erve\n\u0089\u0089notice your body sensations (coming through your eyes, ears, nose, skin, and tongue).\n\u0089\u0089pay attention on purpose, to the present moment.\n\u0089\u0089control your attention, but not what you see. Push away nothing. Cling to nothing.\n\u0089\u0089practice wordless watching: Watch thoughts come into your mind and let them slip right by \nlike clouds in the sky. Notice each feeling, rising and falling, like waves in the ocean.\n\u0089\u0089observe both inside and outside yourself.\nDeScri Be\n\u0089\u0089put words on the experience. When a feeling or thought arises, or you do something, \nacknowledge it. For example, say in your mind, \u201cSadness has just enveloped me,\u201d or \u201cStomach \nmuscles tightening,\u201c or \u201cA thought \u2018I can\u2019t do this\u2019 has come into my mind.\u201d\n\u0089\u0089label what you observe. Put a name on your feelings. Label a thought as just a thought, a \nfeeling as just a feeling, an action as just an action.\n\u0089\u0089unglue your interpretations and opinions from the facts. Describe the \u201cwho, what, when, \nand where\u201d that you observe. Just the facts.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f4334a2daac1-1", "page_content": "and where\u201d that you observe. Just the facts.\n\u0089\u0089Remember, if you can\u2019t observe it through your senses, you can\u2019t describe it.\nparTicipa Te\n\u0089\u0089Throw yourself completely into activities of the current moment. Do not separate yourself from what is going on in the moment (dancing, cleaning, talking to a friend, feeling happy or feeling sad).\n\u0089\u0089Become one with whatever you are doing, completely forgetting yourself. Throw your attention to the moment.\n\u0089\u0089act intuitively from Wise m ind. Do just what is needed in each situation\u2014a skillful dancer on \nthe dance floor, one with the music and your partner, neither willful nor sitting on your hands.\n\u0089\u0089Go with the flow. Respond with spontaneity.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3834e7f17591-0", "page_content": "54\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).Mindfulness Handout 4a (Mindfulness Worksheets 2\u20132c, 4\u20134b) (p. 1 of 4)\nideas for p racticing o bserving\nBy c omin G Back T o your Sen SeS\nremember: o bserving is bringing your mind back to the sensations of your body and mind.\nobserve with your eyes:\n 1. \u0089\u0089Lie on the ground and watch the clouds in the sky.\n 2. \u0089\u0089Walking slowly, stopping somewhere with a view, notice flowers, trees, and nature itself.\n 3. \u0089\u0089Sit outside. Watch who and what go by in front of you, without following them with your \nhead or your eyes.\n 4. \u0089\u0089Notice the facial expression and movements of another person. Refrain from labeling the person\u2019s emotions, thoughts, or interests.\n 5. \u0089\u0089Notice just the eyes, lips, or hands of another person (or just one feature of an animal).\n 6. \u0089\u0089Pick up a leaf, a flower, or a pebble. Look at it closely, trying to see each detail.\n 7. \u0089\u0089Find something beautiful to look at, and spend a few minutes contemplating it.\n 8. Other: \nobserve sounds:\n 9. \u0089\u0089Stop for a moment and just listen. Listen to the texture and shape of the sounds around you. Listen to the silences between the sounds.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3834e7f17591-1", "page_content": "10. \u0089\u0089If someone is talking, listen to the pitch of the voice, to the smoothness or roughness of the \nsounds, to the clarity or the mumbling of the speech, to the pauses between the words.\n11. \u0089\u0089Listen to music, observing each note as it comes and the spaces between the notes. Try \nbreathing the sounds into your body and letting them flow out again on your out breath.\n12. Other: \nobserve smells around you:\n13. \u0089\u0089Breathing in, notice any smells around you. Bring something close to your nose, and notice the smells. Take it away, and then notice the smells again. Do they linger?\n14. \u0089\u0089When eating, notice the aroma of the food; when cooking, notice the aroma of the spices or \nother ingredients; when bathing, smell the soap or shampoo; when walking outside, notice \nthe aroma of the air; when near flowers, bend down and \u201csmell the roses.\u201d\n15. Other: \nobserve taste and the act of eating:\n16. \u0089\u0089Putting something in your mouth, pay attention to the taste. Keep it in your mouth, and notice all the taste sensations.\n17. \u0089\u0089Lick a lollipop or something else. Notice just the sensation of taste.\n18. \u0089\u0089Eat a meal, or even a part of a meal, paying attention to the taste of each mouthful.\n19. Other: \nobserve urges to do something:\nWhen you are feeling an urge to do something impulsive,\n20. \u0089\u0089\u201cUrge-surf\u201d by imagining that your urges are a surfboard and you are standing on the \nboard, riding the waves.\n21. \u0089\u0089Notice any urge to avoid someone or something.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3834e7f17591-2", "page_content": "21. \u0089\u0089Notice any urge to avoid someone or something.\n22. \u0089\u0089Scan your entire body, and notice the sensations. Where in the body is the urge?\n23. \u0089\u0089When you are chewing your food, notice when you have the urge to swallow.\n24. Other: \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cc035bcedacf-0", "page_content": "55Mindfulness Handout 4a (p. 2 of 4)\nobserve sensations of touch on your skin:\n25. \u0089\u0089Stroke your upper lip with your fingernail.\n\u2022\u2022Stop stroking, and notice how long it takes before you can\u2019t sense your upper lip at all.\n26. \u0089\u0089When walking, notice the sensations of walking\u2014your feet hitting the ground and rising up \nand down. Sometimes walk very slowly and notice. Sometimes walk very fast and notice.\n27. \u0089\u0089When sitting, notice your thighs on the chair. Notice the curve of your knees and your back.\n28. \u0089\u0089Pay attention to anything touching you.\n\u2022\u2022Try to feel your feet in your shoes, your body touching your clothes.\n\u2022\u2022Feel your arms touching a chair.\n\u2022\u2022Notice the sensations of your hands.\n29. \u0089\u0089Touch something\u2014the wall, a fabric, a table top, a pet, a piece of fruit, a person.\n\u2022\u2022Notice the texture of what you feel, notice the sensations on your skin.\n\u2022\u2022Try it again with another part of your body.\n\u2022\u2022Notice the sensations again.\n30. \u0089\u0089Focus your attention on the sensations in your chest, your stomach, or your shoulders.\n31. \u0089\u0089Focus your attention on the place in your body where you feel tight or tense.\n32. \u0089\u0089Focus your attention on the space between your eyes.\n33. Other: \nobserve your breath: Breathe evenly and gently, focusing your attention on:\n34. \u0089\u0089The movement of your stomach.\n\u2022\u2022As you begin to breathe in, allow your belly to rise in order to bring air into the lower half of your lungs.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cc035bcedacf-1", "page_content": "\u2022\u2022As the upper halves of your lungs begin to fill with air, your chest begins to rise.\n\u2022\u2022As you breathe out, notice your belly, then notice your chest. Don\u2019t tire yourself.\n35. \u0089\u0089The pauses in your breathing.\n\u2022\u2022As you breathe in, notice the brief pause when your lungs have filled with air.\n\u2022\u2022As you breathe out, notice the brief pause when you have expelled all the air.\n36. \u0089\u0089The sensations in your nose as you breathe in and as you breathe out.\n\u2022\u2022As you breathe, close your mouth and breathe in through your nose, noticing the sensations traveling up and down your nostrils.\n37. \u0089\u0089Your breath while walking slowly. Breathe normally.\n\u2022\u2022Determine the length of your breath\u2014the exhalation and the inhalation\u2014by the number of your footsteps. Continue for a few minutes.\n\u2022\u2022Begin to lengthen your exhalation by one step. Do not force a longer inhalation. Let it be natural.\n\u2022\u2022Watch your inhalation carefully to see whether there is a desire to lengthen it. Now lengthen the exhalation by one more footstep.\n\u2022\u2022Watch to see whether the inhalation also lengthens by one step or not.\n\u2022\u2022Only lengthen the inhalation when you feel that it will be comfortable.\n\u2022\u2022After 20 breaths, return your breath to normal.\n38. \u0089\u0089Your breath while listening to a piece of music.\n\u2022\u2022Breathe long, light, and even breaths.\n\u2022\u2022Follow your breath; be master of it, while remaining aware of the movement and sentiments of the music.\n\u2022\u2022Do not get lost in the music, but continue to be master of your breath and yourself.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cc035bcedacf-2", "page_content": "39. \u0089\u0089Your breath while listening to a friend\u2019s words and your own replies. Continue as with music.\n40. Other: \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "81e9c67a5bb0-0", "page_content": "56Mindfulness Handout 4a (p. 3 of 4)\nobserve thoughts coming in and out of your mind:\n41. \u0089\u0089Notice thoughts as they come into your mind.\n\u2022\u2022Ask, \u201cWhere do thoughts come from?\u201d\n\u2022\u2022Then watch them to see if you can see where they come into your mind.\n42. \u0089\u0089As you notice thoughts in your mind, notice the pauses between each thought.\n43. \u0089\u0089Imagine that your mind is the sky and that thoughts are clouds.\n\u2022\u2022Notice each thought-cloud as it drifts by, letting it drift in and out of your mind.\n\u2022\u2022Imagine thoughts as leaves on water flowing down a stream, as boats drifting by on the \nlake, or as train cars rolling by you.\n44. \u0089\u0089When worries go round and round in your mind, move your attention to the sensations in your body (those most intense right now). Then, keeping your attention on your body sensations, notice how long it takes for the worries to ooze away.\n45. \u0089\u0089Step back from your mind, as if you are on top of a mountain and your mind is just a boulder down below.\n\u2022\u2022Gaze at your mind, watching what thoughts come up when you are watching it.\n\u2022\u2022Come back into your mind before you stop.\n46. \u0089\u0089Watch for the first two thoughts that come into your mind.\n47. Other: \nimagine that your mind is a:\n48. \u0089\u0089Conveyor belt, and that thoughts and feelings are coming down the belt.\n\u2022\u2022Put each thought or feeling in a box, and then put it on the conveyor belt and let it go by.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "81e9c67a5bb0-1", "page_content": "49. \u0089\u0089Conveyor belt, and that you are sorting thoughts and feelings as they come down the belt.\n\u2022\u2022Label the types of thoughts or feelings coming by (e.g., worry thoughts, thoughts about \nmy past, thoughts about my mother, planning-what-to-do thoughts, angry feeling, sad \nfeelings).\n\u2022\u2022Put them in boxes nearby for another time.\n50. \u0089\u0089River, and that thoughts and feelings are boats going down the river.\n\u2022\u2022Imagine sitting on the grass, watching the boats go by.\n\u2022\u2022Describe or label each boat as it goes by.\n\u2022\u2022Try not to jump on the boat.\n51. \u0089\u0089Railroad track, and that thoughts and feelings are train cars going by.\n\u2022\u2022Describe or label each as it goes by. Try not to jump on the train.\n52. Other: \nobserve by expanding awareness:\n53. \u0089\u0089Breathing in, notice your breath. Then, keeping your breath in your awareness, on the next breath notice your hands. Then, keeping both in your awareness, on the next breath expand your awareness to sounds.\n\u2022\u2022Continue holding all three in awareness at the same time.\n\u2022\u2022Practice this awareness of threes at other times, selecting other things to be aware of.\n54. \u0089\u0089Keeping your focus on what you are currently doing, gently expand your awareness to include the space around you.\n55. \u0089\u0089Go hug a tree, and feel the sensations of the embrace.\n\u2022\u2022Attend to the embrace of the sheets and blankets or comforters around you as you lie in bed.\n\u2022\u2022Do this when you feel lonely and want to be loved or to love.\n56. Other: \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ec8f298fcf54-0", "page_content": "57Mindfulness Handout 4a (p. 4 of 4)\nopen your mind to your senses:\n57. \u0089\u0089Practice walking with your senses as wide open as you can make them.\n\u2022\u2022Notice what you hear, see, and feel.\n\u2022\u2022Notice what you feel when shifting your weight between each step.\n\u2022\u2022Notice your body experience as you turn.\n58. \u0089\u0089For one mouthful in a meal, pause with a spoonful or forkful of food.\n\u2022\u2022Look at what you are going to eat, smell it, and listen to it. Then, when you are ready, put \nit in your mouth.\n\u2022\u2022Note the taste, texture, temperature, and even the sound your teeth make in chewing your mouthful slowly.\n\u2022\u2022Note the changes in its taste, texture, temperature, and sound as you chew it to completion.\n59. \u0089\u0089Focus your mind on paying attention to each sensation that comes into your mind.\n\u2022\u2022Attend to sensations of sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste, or to the thoughts generated by your brain.\n\u2022\u2022Notice sensations as they arise, and notice them as they fall away.\n\u2022\u2022Let your mind focus on each sensation as it arises.\n\u2022\u2022Notice each sensation with curiosity, allowing it to be. Examine the uniqueness of each \nsensation.\n60. \u0089\u0089Be here. Be in the present now.\n\u2022\u2022Take a moment to notice every sense you are aware of.\n\u2022\u2022To yourself, make a statement, about each sense: \u201cI feel the chair; the chair feels me.\u201d \n\u201cI hear the heater; the heater hears me.\u201d \u201cI see the wall; the wall sees me.\u201d \u201cI hear a stomach growl; it hears me.\u201d", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ec8f298fcf54-1", "page_content": "61. \u0089\u0089When a feeling arises within you, notice it\u2014saying, for example, \u201cA feeling of sadness is \narising within me.\u201d\n62. \u0089\u0089When a thought arises within you, notice it\u2014saying, for example, \u201cThe thought \u2018It is hot in \nhere\u2019 is arising within me.\u201d\n63. \u0089\u0089Take just a moment of your time, and practice \u201cnothing-to-do\u201d mind.\n\u2022\u2022Let yourself become completely aware of your present experience, noticing sensations and the space around you.\n64. \u0089\u0089Find a small object, one you can hold in your hand. Place it in front of you on a table or in \nyour lap. Observe it closely\u2014first not moving it, and then picking it up and turning it over \nand around, gazing at it from different angles and in different lights. Just notice shapes, colors, sizes, and other characteristics that are visible.\n\u2022\u2022Then change your focus to your fingers and hands touching the object. Notice the \nsensations of touching the object; notice the texture, temperature, and feel of the object.\n\u2022\u2022Put the object down. Close your eyes, and inhale and exhale deeply and slowly.\n\u2022\u2022Then, with beginner\u2019s mind, open your eyes. With new vision, once again notice the \nobject. With beginner\u2019s mind, open to feeling new textures and sensations, explore the \nobject with your fingers and hands.\n\u2022\u2022Put down the object, and once again focus your mind on inhaling and exhaling once.\n65. Other:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3818826abcbf-0", "page_content": "58Mindfulness Handout 4b (Mindfulness Worksheets 2\u20132c, 4\u20134b)\nideas for p racticing Describing\npractice describing what you see outside of yourself:\n 1. \u0089\u0089Lie on the ground and watch the clouds in the sky. Find and describe cloud patterns that \nyou see.\n 2. \u0089\u0089Sit on a bench on a busy street or at a park. Describe one thing about each person who walks by you.\n 3. \u0089\u0089Find things in nature\u2014a leaf, a drop of water, a pet or other animal. Describe each thing in as much detail as you can.\n 4. \u0089\u0089Describe as accurately as you can what a person has just said to you. Check to see if you are correct.\n 5. \u0089\u0089Describe a person\u2019s face when the person seems angry, afraid, or sad. Notice and describe the shape, movement, and placement of the forehead, eyebrows, and eyes; the lips and \nmouth; the cheeks; and so on.\n 6. \u0089\u0089Describe what a person has done or is doing now. Be very specific. Avoid describing \nintentions or outcomes of the behavior that you do not directly observe. Avoid judgmental language.\n 7. Other: \npractice describing thoughts and feelings:\n 8. \u0089\u0089Describe your feelings as they arise within you: \u201cA feeling of anger is arising within me.\u201d\n 9. \u0089\u0089Describe your thoughts when you feel a strong emotion: \u201cI feel X, and my thoughts are Y.\u201d\n10. \u0089\u0089Describe your feelings after someone else does or says something: \u201cWhen you do X, I feel \nY.\u201d", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3818826abcbf-1", "page_content": "Y.\u201d\n11. \u0089\u0089Describe thoughts, feelings, and what you observed others do: \u201cWhen you do X, I feel Y, \nand my thoughts are Z.\u201d \u201cWhen X occurs, I feel Y, and my thoughts are Z.\u201d\n12. \u0089\u0089Describe as many of your thoughts as you can while feeling a strong emotion.\n13. Other: \npractice describing your breathing:\n14. \u0089\u0089Each time you inhale and exhale, as you inhale, be aware that \u201cI am inhaling, 1.\u201d When you exhale, be aware that \u201cI am exhaling, 1.\u201d Remember to breathe from the stomach. When beginning the second inhalation, be aware that \u201cI am inhaling, 2.\u201d And, slowly exhaling, be aware that \u201cI am exhaling, 2.\u201d Continue on up through 10. After you have reached 10, return \nto 1. Whenever you lose count, return to 1.\n15. \u0089\u0089Begin to inhale gently and normally (from the stomach), describing in your mind that \u201cI \nam inhaling normally.\u201d Exhale in awareness, \u201cI am exhaling normally.\u201d Continue for three breaths. On the fourth breath, extend the inhalation, describing in your mind that \u201cI am breathing in a long inhalation.\u201d Exhale in awareness, \u201cI am breathing out a long exhalation.\u201d \nContinue for three breaths.\n16. \u0089\u0089Follow the entrance and exit of air. Say to yourself, \u201cI am inhaling and following the \ninhalation from its beginning to its end. I am exhaling and following the exhalation from its beginning to its end.\u201d\n17. Other:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f706422830ff-0", "page_content": "59\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).Mindfulness Handout 4c (Mindfulness Worksheets 2\u20132c, 4\u20134b)\nideas for p racticing p articipating\nparticipate with awareness of connection to the universe:\n 1. \u0089\u0089Focus your attention on where your body touches an object (floor or ground, air molecules, \na chair or armrest, your bed sheets and covers, your clothes, etc.). Try to see all the ways you are connected to and accepted by that object. Consider the function of that object with relation to you. That is, consider what the object does for you. Consider its kindness in \ndoing that. Experience the sensation of touching the object, and focus your entire attention \non that kindness until a sense of being connected or loved or cared for arises in your heart.\nExamples: Focus your attention on your feet touching the ground. Consider the kindness of \nthe ground holding you up, providing a path for you to get to other things, not letting you fall away from everything else. Focus your attention on your body touching the chair you sit in. Consider how the chair accepts you totally, holds you up, supports your back, and keeps you from falling down on the floor. Focus your attention on the sheets and covers on your bed. Consider the touch of the sheets and covers holding you, surrounding and keeping \nyou warm and comfortable. Consider the walls in the room. They keep out the wind and the", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f706422830ff-1", "page_content": "cold and the rain. Think of how the walls are connected to you via the floor and the air in the room. Experience your connection to the walls that provide you with a secure place to do things. Go hug a tree. Think of how you and the tree are connected. Life is in you and in the tree and both of you are warmed by the sun, held by the air and supported by the earth. Try \nand experience the tree loving you by providing something to lean on, or by shading you.\n 2. \u0089\u0089Dance to music.\n 3. \u0089\u0089Sing along with music you are listening to.\n 4. \u0089\u0089Sing in the shower.\n 5. \u0089\u0089Sing and dance while watching TV.\n 6. \u0089\u0089Jump out of bed and dance, or sing before getting dressed.\n 7. \u0089\u0089Go to a church that sings, and join in the singing.\n 8. \u0089\u0089Play karaoke with friends or at a karaoke club or bar.\n 9. \u0089\u0089Throw yourself into what another person is saying.\n10. \u0089\u0089Go running, focusing only on running.\n11. \u0089\u0089Play a sport and throw yourself into playing.\n12. \u0089\u0089Become the count of the breath, becoming only \u201cone\u201d when you count 1, becoming only \n\u201ctwo\u201d when you count 2, and so on.\n13. \u0089\u0089Become a word as you slowly say the word over and over and over.\n14. \u0089\u0089Take a class in improvisational acting.\n15. \u0089\u0089Take a dance class.\n16. Other:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3ff5bcef52bf-0", "page_content": "60\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab Mindfulness Handout 5 (Mindfulness Worksheets 2\u20132c, 5\u20135c)\nTaking h old of y our m ind: \u201c how\u201d Skills\nnonju DGmenT ally\n\u0089\u0089See, but don\u2019t evaluate as good or bad. Just the facts.\n\u0089\u0089accept each moment like a blanket spread out on the lawn, accepting both the rain and the \nsun and each leaf that falls upon it.\n\u0089\u0089acknowledge the difference between the helpful and the harmful, the safe and the dangerous, \nbut don\u2019t judge them.\n\u0089\u0089acknowledge your values, your wishes, your emotional reactions, but don\u2019t judge them.\n\u0089\u0089When you find yourself judging, don\u2019t judge your judging.\none- minDfully\n\u0089\u0089rivet yourself to now. Be completely present to this one moment.\n\u0089\u0089Do one thing at a time. Notice the desire to be half- present, to be somewhere else, to go \nsomewhere else in your mind, to do something else, to multitask\u2014and then come back to one \nthing at a time.\n\u2022\u2022When you are eating, eat.\n\u2022\u2022When you are walking, walk.\n\u2022\u2022When you are worrying, worry.\n\u2022\u2022When you are planning, plan.\n\u2022\u2022When you are remembering, remember.\n\u0089\u0089let go of distractions. If other actions, or other thoughts, or strong feelings distract you, go", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3ff5bcef52bf-1", "page_content": "back to what you are doing\u2014again, and again, and again.\n\u0089\u0089concentrate your mind. If you find you are doing two things at once, stop\u2014go back to one \nthing at a time (the opposite of multitasking!).\neffec Tively\n\u0089\u0089Be mindful of your goals in the situation, and do what is necessary to achieve them.\n\u0089\u0089focus on what works. (Don\u2019t let emotion mind get in the way of being effective.)\n\u0089\u0089play by the rules.\n\u0089\u0089act as skillfully as you can. Do what is needed for the situation you are in\u2014not the situation \nyou wish you were in; not the one that is fair; not the one that is more comfortable.\n\u0089\u0089let go of willfulness and sitting on your hands.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "bba27e000959-0", "page_content": "61\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).Mindfulness Handout 5a (Mindfulness Worksheets 2\u20132c, 5\u20135c)\nIdeas for Practicing Nonjudgmentalness\nLeaving out comparisons, judgments, and assumptions:\n 1. \uf071\tP\nractice observing judgmental thoughts and statements, saying in your mind, \n\u201cA\n \njudgmental thought arose in my mind.\u201d\n 2. \uf071\tC\nount judgmental thoughts and statements (by moving objects or pieces of paper from \none pocket to another, by clicking a sports counter, or by marking a piece of paper).\n 3. \uf071\tR\neplace judgmental thoughts and statements with nonjudgmental thoughts and statements.\nTips for replacing judgment by stating the facts:\n1. D\nescribe the facts of the event or situation\u2014 only what is observed with your senses.\n2. D\nescribe the consequences of the event. Keep to the facts.\n3. D\nescribe your own feelings in response to the facts (remember, emotions are not \njudgments).\n 4. \uf071\tO\nbserve your judgmental facial expressions, postures, and voice tones (including \nvoice tones in your head).\n 5. \uf071\tC\nhange judgmental expressions, postures, and voice tones.\n 6. \uf071\tT\nell someone what you did today nonjudgmentally, or about an event that occurred. Stay \nvery concrete; only relate what you observed directly.\n 7. \uf071\tW", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "bba27e000959-1", "page_content": "very concrete; only relate what you observed directly.\n 7. \uf071\tW\nrite out a nonjudgmental description of an event that prompted an emotion.\n 8. \uf071\tW\nrite out a nonjudgmental blow-by-blow account of a particularly important episode in your \nday. Describe both what happened in your environment and what your thoughts, feelings, \nand actions were. Leave out any analysis of why something happened, or why you thought, felt, or acted as you did. Stick to the facts that you observed.\n 9. \uf071\tI\nmagine a person you are angry with. Bring to mind what the person has done that has \ncaused so much anger. Try to become that person, seeing life from that person\u2019s point of view. Imagine that person\u2019s feelings, thoughts, fears, hopes, and wishes. Imagine that person\u2019s history and what has happened in his or her history. Imagine understanding that person.\n10.\n \uf071\tW\nhen judgmental, practice half- sm\niling and/or willing hands. (See Distress Tolerance \nHandout 14: Half- S\nmiling and Willing Hands.)\n11. \nOther:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "a8c2aa48f7ce-0", "page_content": "62\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).Mindfulness Handout 5b (Mindfulness Worksheets 2\u20132c, 5\u20135c)\nideas for p racticing o ne- mindfulness\n1. \u0089\u0089awareness while making tea or coffee. Prepare a pot of tea or coffee to serve a guest or \nto drink by yourself. Do each movement slowly, in awareness. Do not let one detail of your \nmovements go by without being aware of it. Know that your hand lifts the pot by its handle. \nKnow that you are pouring the fragrant, warm tea or coffee into the cup. Follow each step \nin awareness. Breathe gently and more deeply than usual. Take hold of your breath if your mind strays.\n2. \u0089\u0089awareness while washing the dishes. Wash the dishes consciously, as though each bowl \nis an object of contemplation. Consider each bowl sacred. Follow your breath to prevent your mind from straying. Do not try to hurry to get the job over with. Consider washing the dishes the most important thing in life.\n3. \u0089\u0089awareness while hand- washing clothes. Do not wash too many clothes at one time. \nSelect only three or four articles of clothing. Find the most comfortable position to sit or \nstand, so as to prevent a backache. Scrub the clothes consciously. Hold your attention on every movement of your hands and arms. Pay attention to the soap and water. When you have finished scrubbing and rinsing, your mind and body will feel as clean and fresh as your", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "a8c2aa48f7ce-1", "page_content": "clothes. Remember to maintain a half-smile and take hold of your breath whenever your \nmind wanders.\n4. \u0089\u0089awareness while cleaning house. Divide your work into stages: straightening things and \nputting away books, scrubbing the toilet, scrubbing the bathroom, sweeping the floors, and dusting. Allow a good length of time for each task. Move slowly, three times more slowly than usual. Focus your attention fully on each task. For example, while placing a book on the shelf, look at the book; be aware of what book it is; know that you are in the process of placing it on the shelf; and know that you intend to put it in that specific place. Know \nthat your hand reaches for the book and picks it up. Avoid any abrupt or harsh movement. \nMaintain awareness of the breath, especially when your thoughts wander.\n5. \u0089\u0089awareness while taking a slow- motion bath. Allow yourself 30\u201345 minutes to take a \nbath. Don\u2019t hurry for even a second. From the moment you prepare the bath water to the \nmoment you put on clean clothes, let every motion be light and slow. Be attentive of every movement. Place your attention on every part of your body, without discrimination or fear. Be aware of each stream of water on your body. By the time you\u2019ve finished, your mind will feel as peaceful and light as your body. Follow your breath. Think of yourself as being in a clean and fragrant lotus pond in the summer.\n6. \u0089\u0089awareness with meditation. Sit comfortably on the floor with your back straight, on the \nfloor or in a chair with both feet touching the floor. Close your eyes all the way, or open them slightly and gaze at something near. With each breath, say to yourself, quietly and gently,", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "a8c2aa48f7ce-2", "page_content": "the word \u201cOne.\u201d As you inhale, say the word \u201cOne.\u201d As you exhale, say the word \u201cOne,\u201d \ncalmly and slowly. Try to collect your whole mind and put it into this one word. When your mind strays, return gently to saying \u201cOne.\u201d If you start wanting to move, try not to move. Just gently observe wanting to move. Continue practicing a little past wanting to stop. Just gently observe wanting to stop.\n7. Other: \nNote. Adapted from The Miracle of Mindfulness (pp. 84\u201387) by Thich Nhat Hanh. Copyright 1975, 1976 by Thich Nhat Hanh. Preface and Eng -\nlish translation copyright 1975, 1976, 1987 by Mobi Ho. Adapted by permission of Beacon Press, Boston.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f0f05862d46b-0", "page_content": "63\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).Mindfulness Handout 5c (Mindfulness Worksheets 2\u20132c, 5\u20135c)\nideas for p racticing e ffectiveness\n1. \u0089\u0089Observe when you begin to get angry or hostile with someone. Ask yourself, \u201cIs this \neffective?\u201d\n2. \u0089\u0089Observe yourself when you start wanting to be \u201cright\u201d instead of effective. Give up being \u201cright\u201d and switch to trying to be effective.\n3. \u0089\u0089Notice willfulness in yourself. Ask yourself, \u201cIs this effective?\u201d\n4. \u0089\u0089Drop willfulness, and practice acting effectively instead. Notice the difference.\n5. \u0089\u0089When feeling angry or hostile or like you're about to do something ineffective, practice willing hands.\n6. Other:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "2999e6a801f4-0", "page_content": "Handouts for Other Perspectives \non\u00a0Mindfulness Skills", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "33a658bb704e-0", "page_content": "67\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).Mindfulness Handout 6 (Mindfulness Worksheets 6\u201310b)\noverview: \nother p erspectives on m indfulness\nminDfulne SS pracTice:\na Spiritual p erspective\nSkillful m ean S:\nTaking hold of your everyday life by \nbalancing Doing m ind and Being m ind\nWiSe minD:\nWalking the m iddle p ath", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3b8d0fa7c1a9-0", "page_content": "68\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).Mindfulness Handout 7 (Mindfulness Worksheet 1)\nGoals of m indfulness p ractice: \na Spiritual perspective\nTo e xperience:\n\u0089\u0089Ultimate reality as it is which leads to a sense of inner spaciousness and awareness of \nintimate wholeness with the entire universe, the transcendence of boundaries, and the ground of our being.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nTo Gro W in Wi SDom:\n\u0089\u0089Of the heart and of action.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nTo e xperience f reeD om:\n\u0089\u0089By letting go of attachments to the demands of your own desires, cravings, and intense emotions, and radically accepting reality as it is.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nTo increa Se love an D compa SSion:\n\u0089\u0089Toward yourself.\n\u0089\u0089Toward others.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \n\u0089\u0089other:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3465ac62c256-0", "page_content": "69\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).Mindfulness Handout 7a \nWise m ind from a Spiritual p erspective\nWise Mind as . . .\ncontemplative practice\nMindfulness\nMeditation\nContemplative prayer\nContemplative action\nCentering prayerThoughts, attitudes, and actions designed to \nhelp us express or experience connection to:\n\u2022\u2022The sacred, the divine within, \nthe transcendent.\n\u2022\u2022God, the Great Spirit, the Absolute, \nElohim, the nameless one, Brahma, Allah, \nParvardigar.\n\u2022\u2022Ultimate reality, the totality, the source, our essential nature, our true self, the core of \nour being, the ground of being.\n\u2022\u2022No self, emptiness.\nWise m ind experience \nfrom a spiritual perspectiveExperience where a deeper layer of \nreality rises to consciousness. A reality \nthat has always been there but has been \nmisperceived. An experience of expansion of consciousness; the experience of unity and oneness within the sacred.\nWise m ind \nfrom the perspective of mysticism \n(seven characteristics \nof mystical experiences) \n 1. Direct experience: Experience without \nwords of ultimate reality.\n2. experience of unity: Awareness of \noneness and of no distance between \noneself, reality, and all other beings.\n3. Without words: Experience of reality \nthat cannot be grasped and can only be described with metaphors and stories.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3465ac62c256-1", "page_content": "that cannot be grasped and can only be described with metaphors and stories.\n4. certain: During the experience, certainty \nof the experience is total, undeniable, clear.\n5. practical: Experience that is concretely \nbeneficial to one\u2019s life and well-being.\n6. integrative: Experience that establishes \nharmony of love, compassion, mercy, \nkindness; quieting of extreme emotions.\n7. Sapiential: Experience that leads to \nwisdom, enhances capacity for intuitive \nknowledge.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "49c514666e68-0", "page_content": "70\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).Mindfulness Handout 8 (Mindfulness Worksheet 6)\npracticing l oving k indness to increase \nlove and compassion\nWha T iS l ovin G kinDneSS?\nLoving kindness is a mindfulness practice designed to increase love and compas -\nsion first for ourselves and then for our loved ones, for friends, for those we are \nangry with, for difficult people, for enemies, and then for all beings.\nLoving kindness can protect us from developing and holding on to judgmentalness, \nill will, and hostile feelings toward ourselves and others.\nprac TicinG lovinG kinDneSS\npracticing loving kindness is like saying a prayer for yourself or someone \nelse. As when you are asking or praying for something for yourself or others, you \nactively send loving and kind wishes, and recite in your mind words and phrases that \nexpress good will toward yourself and others.\nlovin G kinDneSS inSTrucTionS\n1. Choose a person to send loving kindness toward. Do not select a person you \ndo not want to relate to with kindness and compassion. Start with yourself, or, if \nthis is too difficult, with a person you already love.\n2. Sitting, standing, or lying down, begin by breathing slowly and deeply. Opening \nthe palms of your hands, gently bring the person to mind.\n3. Radiate loving kindness by reciting a set of warm wishes, such as \u201cMay I be", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "49c514666e68-1", "page_content": "happy,\u201d \u201cMay I be at peace,\u201d \u201cMay I be healthy,\u201d \u201cMay I be safe,\u201d or another set of positive wishes of your own. Repeat the script slowly, and focus on the meaning of each word as you say it in your mind. (If you have distracting thoughts, just notice them as they come and go and gently bring your mind back to your script.) Continue until you feel yourself immersed in loving \nkindness.\n4. Gradually work yourself up through loved ones, friends, those you are angry \nwith, difficult people, enemies, and finally all beings. For example, use a script \nsuch as \u201cMay John be happy,\u201d \u201cMay John be at peace,\u201d and so on (or \u201cJohn, \nmay you be happy,\u201d \u201cMay you be at peace,\u201d and so on), as you concentrate on \nradiating loving kindness to John.\n5. Practice each day, starting with yourself and then moving to others.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ea1d2a259e26-0", "page_content": "71\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).Mindfulness Handout 9 (Mindfulness Worksheets 7\u20139)\nSkillful m eans: \nBalancing Doing m ind and Being m ind\nNote. The terms \u201cdoing mind,\u201d \u201cbeing mind,\u201d and \u201cnothing-to-do mind\u201d were first used by Jon Kabat-Zinn in Full Catastrophe Living (1990, 2013).BEING\nMINDDOING\nMINDWISE\nMIND\nDoing Mind Is:\n \u2022 Discriminating Mind\n \u2022 Ambitious Mind\n \u2022 Goal-Oriented\nWhen in doing mind, \nyou view your thoughts \nas facts about the world. Y ou are focused on problem solving and achieving goals. Being Mind Is:\n\u2022 Curious Mind\n\u2022 Nothing-to-Do Mind\n\u2022 Present-Oriented\nWhen in being mind, you \nview your thoughts as sensations of the mind. Y ou are focused on the \nuniqueness of each \nmoment, letting go of focusing on goals.Wise Mind Is:\n \u2022 A balance of doing \n and being\n \u2022 The middle path\nWhen in Wise Mind, you:\n Use skillful means.\n Let go of having to achieve \n goals\u2014and throw your entire self into working toward these same goals.\n Enhance awareness while \n engaging in activities.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "feb5cd4c5d3a-0", "page_content": "72\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).Mindfulness Handout 9a (Mindfulness Worksheets 7\u20139) (p. 1 of 2)\nideas for p racticing Balancing \nDoing m ind and Being m ind\nThe mindfulness skills require a lot of practice. The practice ideas below are to help you act \nskillfully in everyday life, bringing together doing activities of everyday life with being mind.\n1. \u0089\u0089Wise m ind reading. To increase your desire for mindfulness, find readings or quotations \nthat have the effect of making you actually want to practice mindfulness in your everyday \nlife. Put these quotations at strategic spots in your life (e.g., near the coffee maker), and then while you are waiting for other things, read the inspirational messages.\n2. \u0089\u0089Wise m ind reminders. Set an alarm at home, at work, or (if possible) on your cell phone or \nwatch to go off randomly or at set times. Use the alarm as a reminder to be mindful of your current activities. (See www.mindfulnessdc.org/bell/index.html or a similar Internet site for a \nfree mindfulness clock to download onto your computer.) Set up automatic text messages or Twitter messages to remind yourself. Write out mindfulness quotations that you like, and \ntape them in strategic places where you will see them as reminders to practice mindfulness.\n3. \u0089\u0089Wise m ind in the routine of daily life. Choose one routine activity in your daily life (such", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "feb5cd4c5d3a-1", "page_content": "as brushing your teeth, getting dressed, making coffee or tea, working on a task). Make a deliberate effort to bring moment-to- moment awareness to that activity.\n4. \u0089\u0089\u201cjust this one moment\u201d Wise m ind. When you begin to feel overwhelmed or frazzled, say, \n\u201cJust this one moment, just this one task,\u201d to remind yourself that your only requirement at \nthe moment is to do one thing in the moment\u2014wash one dish, take one step, move one set \nof muscles. In this moment, let the next moment go until you get there.\n(continued on next page )\nNote. Exercises 3 and 4 are from Segal, Z. V., Williams, J. M. G., & Teasdale, J. D. (2013). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression: \nA new approach to preventing relapse (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford Press. Copyright 2013 by The Guilford Press. Adapted by permission. All \nother exercises are adapted from Kabat-Zinn, J. (1990). Full catastrophe living: Using the wisdom of your body and mind to face stress, pain, \nand illness. New York: Delacorte Press. Copyright 1990 by Jon Kabat-Zinn. Adapted by permission of Random House.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "700feed8cd08-0", "page_content": "73Mindfulness Handout 9a (p. 2 of 2)\n5. \u0089\u0089Wise m ind awareness of events. Notice events in your everyday life (both pleasant and \nunpleasant), even if they are only very small (such as warm water on your hands when \nwashing, the taste of something you eat, the feel of wind on your face, the fact that your car \nis running out of gas or that you are tired).\n6. \u0089\u0089Wise m ind awareness of what needs to be done. When relaxing after a hard day\u2019s work \nor at a break during the day, stay aware of what needs to be done and focus on doing what \nis needed.\n7. \u0089\u0089Wise m ind willingness. Practice willingness to do what is needed when you are asked, or \nwhen you see that something needs to be done. Do what is needed with a balance of being and doing, focusing the mind, immersing yourself in the task.\n8. \u0089\u0089Three-minute W iSe min D: Slowing down \u201cdoing mind\u201d in your everyday life\n\u2022\u2022Bring yourself into the present moment by adopting a \u201cwide-awake\u201d posture, and then, in Wise Mind, ask, \u201cWhat is my experience right now? What thoughts and images are going through my mind?\u201d Notice them as mental events, as neural firing in your brain. Next ask, \n\u201cWhat are my feelings and sensations in my body?\u201d Notice these as they come into your \nawareness. Then say, \u201cOK, this is how it is right now.\u201d\n\u2022\u2022Settle into Wise Mind and focus your entire attention on your breath as it goes in and \nas it goes out, one breath after another. Gather yourself all together, and focus on the", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "700feed8cd08-1", "page_content": "movements of your chest and abdomen, the rise and fall of your breath, moment by moment, breath by breath as best you can. Let your breath become an anchor to bring you into the present moment.\n\u2022\u2022Once you have gathered yourself to some extent, allow your awareness to expand. As well as being aware of the breath, include also a sense of the body as a whole, your posture, your facial expression, your hands. Follow the breath as if your whole body is breathing. When you are ready, step back into your activities, acting from Wise Mind of \nyour whole body in the present moment.\n9. \u0089\u0089other Wise m ind practice ideas:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "2adb5fac5bdd-0", "page_content": "74\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).Mindfulness Handout 10 (Mindfulness Worksheets 10\u201310b)\nWalking the m iddle p ath: \nfinding the Synthesis between o pposites\nreasonable \nmindemotion \nmind\nBoth regulate actions and make decisions based on reason, \nand \ntake into account values and experience even strong emotions as they come and go.\nDoing \nmindnothing-to-do \nmind\nBoth do what is needed in the moment (including reviewing the past or planning for the future), \nand \nexperience fully the uniqueness of each moment in the moment.\nintense desire \nfor change \nof the momentradical \nacceptance \nof the moment\nBoth allow yourself to have an intense desire to have something else than what is now, \nand \nbe willing to radically accept what you have in your life in the present moment.\nSelf- denial Self- indulgence\nBoth practice moderation, \nand \nsatisfy the senses.\n \n other:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3846f4057e1d-0", "page_content": "Mindfulness Worksheets\nWorksheets for Core \nMindfulness\u00a0Skills", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "1871c10e765d-0", "page_content": "77\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .Mindfulness WorksHeet 1 (Mindfulness Handouts 1, 7)\npros and c ons of p racticing m indfulness\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nMake a list of the pros and cons of practicing mindfulness skills.\nMake another list of the pros and cons of not practicing mindfulness skills.\nCheck the facts to be sure that you are correct in your assessment of advantages and disadvantages.\nrate Willingness to p ractice (0 = None; 100 = Very High) Before: after: \nFill this worksheet out when you are:\n\u2022\u2022Trying to decide whether to work on becoming more mindful of the moments in your life.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling willful; saying no to letting go of emotion mind or extreme reasonable mind.\n\u2022\u2022Resisting observing the present moment, rather than escaping it or trying to control it.\n\u2022\u2022Resisting giving up your interpretations of others or yourself, rather than just describing.\n\u2022\u2022Resisting throwing yourself into the flow of the moment; wanting to stand on the outside.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling threatened whenever you think of letting go of judgments.\n\u2022\u2022Not in the mood for being effective instead of proving you are right.\nWhen you are filling out this worksheet, think about these questions:\n\u2022\u2022Is a mindless life in your best interest (i.e., effective), or not in your best interest (i.e., ineffective)?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "1871c10e765d-1", "page_content": "\u2022\u2022Will refusing to go into Wise Mind solve a problem, or make a new problem for you?\n\u2022\u2022Is observing the moment without reacting to it immediately likely to increase your freedom, or \ndecrease it?\n\u2022\u2022Is being attached to your thoughts instead of the facts you can describe useful, or not?\n\u2022\u2022Is staying judgmental helping you change the things you want to change, or getting in the way?\n\u2022\u2022Is it more important to be effective, or to be right?\npro SStay m indless, j udgmental, i neffective\n \n \n \n \n practice m indfulness\n \n \n \n \n con SStay m indless, j udgmental, i neffective\n \n \n \n \n practice m indfulness\n \n \n \n \n \nWhat did you decide to do? \nis this the best decision (in Wise m ind)? \nlist any and all wise things you did this week.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "111f6db3d1db-0", "page_content": "78\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .Mindfulness WorksHeet 2 (Mindfulness Handouts 2\u20135c)\nmindfulness c ore Skills p ractice\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nDescribe the situations that prompted you to practice mindfulness.\nSiTuaTion 1\nSituation (who, what, when, where):\n\u0089\u0089Wise Mind\n\u0089\u0089Observe\n\u0089\u0089Describe\n\u0089\u0089Participate\n\u0089\u0089Nonjudgmentally\n\u0089\u0089One- mindfully\n\u0089\u0089EffectivelyAt left, check the skills you used, and describe your use of them here.\nDescribe experience of using the skill:\nCheck if practicing this mindfulness skill has influenced any of the following, even a little bit:\n Reduced suffering Increased happiness Increased ability to focus\n Decreased reactivity Increased wisdom Increased experiencing the \n present Increased connection Increased sense of personal validity\nSiTuaTion 2\nSituation (who, what, when, where):\n\u0089\u0089Wise Mind\n\u0089\u0089Observe\n\u0089\u0089Describe\n\u0089\u0089Participate\n\u0089\u0089Nonjudgmentally\n\u0089\u0089One- mindfully\n\u0089\u0089EffectivelyAt left, check the skills you used, and describe your use of them here.\nDescribe experience of using the skill:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "111f6db3d1db-1", "page_content": "Describe experience of using the skill:\nCheck if practicing this mindfulness skill has influenced any of the following, even a little bit:\n Reduced suffering Increased happiness Increased ability to focus\n Decreased reactivity Increased wisdom Increased experiencing the \n present Increased connection Increased sense of personal validity\nlist any and all wise things you did this week.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5958b00b71f4-0", "page_content": "79\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .Mindfulness Works Heet 2a (Mindfulness Handouts 2\u20135c)\nmi ndfulness co re Skills pr actice\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nF\nor each mindfulness skill, write down what you did during the week, and then rate the quality of \nmindfulness you experienced during your practice.\nI could not focus my mind \nfor even 1 second; I was \ncompletely mindless and quit.I was able to focus my \nmind somewhat and stay \nin the present moment.I became centered in Wise \nMind and was free to let go \nand do what was needed.\n1 2 3 4 5\nDay Wise \nmin\nd\n \n/\n Mindfulness: \n \n/\n Mindfulness: \n \n/\n Mindfulness: \nD\nay: ob\nserve\n \n/\n Mindfulness: \n \n/\n Mindfulness: \n \n/\n Mindfulness: \nD\nay: Describe\n \n/\n Mindfulness: \n \n/\n Mindfulness: \n \n/\n Mindfulness: \nD\nay: pa\nrticipate\n \n/\n Mindfulness: \n \n/\n Mindfulness: \n \n/\n Mindfulness: \nD\nay: no\nnjudgmentally\n \n/", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5958b00b71f4-1", "page_content": "Mindfulness: \nD\nay: no\nnjudgmentally\n \n/\n Mindfulness: \n \n/\n Mindfulness: \n \n/\n Mindfulness: \nD\nay: on\ne- \nmindfully\n \n/\n Mindfulness: \n \n/\n Mindfulness: \n \n/\n Mindfulness: \nD\nay: ef\nfectively\n \n/\n Mindfulness: \n \n/\n Mindfulness: \n \n/\n Mindfulness: \nli\nst any and all wise things you did this week.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "05f2207b6bc5-0", "page_content": "80\nMindfulness WorksHeet 2b (Mindfulness Handouts 2\u20135c)\nmindfulness c ore Skills p ractice\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \npractice each mindfulness skill twice, and describe your experience as follows:\nWhen did you practice this \nskill, and what did you do to \npractice?What was going on that \nprompted practicing \nmindfulness (if anything)?how much \ntime passed \nwhen you \nwere doing \nthis skill?rate before/after skill use\nconclusions or \nquestions about this \nskills practiceDegree of \nfocusing \nmy mind \n(0\u2013100)Degree of \nbeing centered \nin Wise m ind \n(0\u2013100)\nWise Mind: / /\n/ /\nObserve: / /\n/ /\nDescribe: / /\n/ /\nParticipate: / /\n/ /\nNonjudgmentally: / /\n/ /\nOne- mindfully: / /\n/ /\nEffectively: / /\n/ /\nlist any and all wise things you did this week: \nNote. Adapted from an unpublished worksheet by Seth Axelrod, with his permission.\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6104ef550b93-0", "page_content": "81Mindfulness WorksHeet 2c (Mindfulness Handouts 2\u20135c) (p. 1 of 2)\nmindfulness c ore Skills c alendar\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \ncheck off skills to practice this week: \n Wise Mind Observing Describing Participating Nonjudgmentally One- mindfully Effectively\nWhile you are practicing skills, stay as aware and mindful as you can. Write it down later.\nname(s) of skill(s)how did you \npractice the skill?Describe your experience, including body \nsensations, emotions, and thoughts while \npracticing the skillWhat is your experience now, \nafter using the skill?\nexample: Participating I went to a party and \njoined in conversations \nwith other people.I felt a tight knot in my stomach, shallow breathing, dry mouth, \nanxiety that other people would not like me; later I enjoyed the \nconversation, smiled, noticed other people around me, and \nended up having a good time. I feel amazed that I managed to do this and felt good about myself. I \nam thinking I may be able to do this \nagain.\nmonday:\nTuesday:\nWednesday:\n(continued on next page )\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e2f3d95b3b6e-0", "page_content": "82\nname(s) of skill(s)how did you \npractice the skill?Describe your experience, including body \nsensations, emotions, and thoughts while \npracticing the skillWhat is your experience now, \nafter using the skill?\nThursday:\nfriday:Saturday:\nSunday:\nlist any and all wise things you did this week: Mindfulness WorksHeet 2 c (p. 2 of 2)", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "177aac7237ba-0", "page_content": "83\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .Mindfulness WorksHeet 3 (Mindfulness Handouts 3, 3a)\nWise m ind p ractice\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nWise m ind p ractice e xercise: Check off an exercise each time you do one.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 1. Attended to my breath coming in and out, letting my attention settle into my center.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 2. Imagined being a flake of stone on the lake.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 3. Imagined walking down an inner spiral stairs.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 4. Dropped into the pauses between inhaling and exhaling.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 5. Breathed \u201cwise\u201d in, \u201cmind\u201d out.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 6. Asked Wise Mind a question (breathing in) and listened for the answer (breathing out).\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 7. Asked myself, \u201cIs this Wise Mind?\u201d", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "177aac7237ba-1", "page_content": "\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 8. Other (describe): \n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 9. Other (describe): \nDescribe the situation and how you practiced Wise m ind:\n \n \nHow effective was the practice in helping you become centered in your Wise Mind?\nNot effective: \nI couldn\u2019t do the skill \nfor even 1 minute. I got \ndistracted or quit.Somewhat effective: \nI was able to practice Wise Mind \nand became somewhat centered \nin my Wise Mind.Very effective: \nI became centered in Wise \nMind, and was free to do \nwhat needed to be done.\n1 2 3 4 5\nDescribe the situation and how you practiced Wise m ind:\n \n \nHow effective was the practice in helping you become centered in your Wise Mind?\nNot effective: \nI couldn\u2019t do the skill \nfor even 1 minute. I got \ndistracted or quit.Somewhat effective: \nI was able to practice Wise Mind \nand became somewhat centered \nin my Wise Mind.Very effective: \nI became centered in Wise \nMind, and was free to do \nwhat needed to be done.\n1 2 3 4 5\nlist any and all wise things you did this week:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "77f2a71937b2-0", "page_content": "84\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .Mindfulness WorksHeet 4 (Mindfulness Handouts 4\u20134c)\nmindfulness \u201cWhat\u201d Skills: \nobserving, Describing, p articipating\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nCheck off the mindfulness skills you practiced this week. Write out descriptions of two different times \nwhen you practiced a mindfulness skill. Use back of sheet for more examples.\n Observing Describing ParticipatingDescribe the situation and how you practiced the skill:\n \n \n \nCheck if practicing this mindfulness skill has improved any of the following, even a little bit :\n Reduced suffering Increased happiness Increased ability to focus \n Decreased reactivity Increased wisdom Increased experiencing the present\n Increased connection Increased sense of personal validity\nDescribe how the skill helped or did not help you become more mindful: \n Describe the situation and how you practiced the skill:\n \n \n \nCheck if practicing this mindfulness skill has improved any of the following, even a little bit:\n Reduced suffering Increased happiness Increased ability to focus\n Decreased reactivity Increased wisdom Increased experiencing the present\n Increased connection Increased sense of personal validity\nDescribe how the skill helped or did not help you become more mindful: \n \nlist any and all wise things you did this week:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "69ac968a19dd-0", "page_content": "85\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .Mindfulness Worksheet 4a (Mindfulness Handouts 4\u20134c)\nObserving, Describing, Participating Checklist\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nC\nheck off mindfulness skills that you use when you use them. You can check each skill up to four \ntimes. If you practice a skill more than four times, extend your checks toward the edge of the page, \nor use the back of the page if needed.\nPractice observing: Check off an exercise each time you do one.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 1\n.\n W\nhat you see: \n \nWatch without following what you see.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 2. \nSounds: \nSounds around you, \n \npitch and sound of someone\u2019s \nvoice, \nmusic.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 3. S\nmells around you: \n \nAroma of food, \n \nsoap, \nair as you walk.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 4\n.\n T\nhe taste of what you eat and the act of eating.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 5\n.\n U", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "69ac968a19dd-1", "page_content": ".\n U\nrges to do something: \n \nUrge-surf, \nnotice urge to avoid, \n \nnotice where in body urge is.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 6\n.\n B\nody sensations: \n \nBody scan, \n \nsensation of walking, \n \nbody touching \nsomething.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 7\n.\n T\nhoughts coming in and out of your mind: \n \nImagine your mind as a river, \n \nas a conveyor belt.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 8\n.\n Y\nour breath: \n \nMovement of stomach, \n \nsensations of air in and out nose.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 9\n.\n B\ny expanding awareness: \n \nTo your entire body, \n \nto space around you, \n \nto hugging a tree.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 10.\n B\ny opening the mind: \n \nTo each sensation arising, not attaching, letting go of each.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 11.\n O\nther (describe): \n \nP\nractice describing: Check off an exercise each time you do one.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 12.\n W\nhat you see outside of your body.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 13.\n T", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "69ac968a19dd-2", "page_content": "T\nhoughts, feelings, and body sensations inside yourself.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 14.\n Y\nour breathing.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 15.\n O\nther (describe): \n \nP\nractice participating: Check off an exercise each time you do one.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 16.\n D\nance to music.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 17.\n Si\nng along with music you are listening to.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 18.\n Si\nng in the shower.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 19.\n Si\nng and dance while watching TV.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 20.\n Ju\nmp out of bed and dance or sing before getting dressed.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 21.\n G\no to a church that sings and join in the singing.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 22.\n P\nlay karaoke with friends or at a karaoke club or bar.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 23.\n T\nhrow yourself into what another person is saying.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 24.\n G\no running, riding, skating, walking; become one with the activity.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "69ac968a19dd-3", "page_content": "G\no running, riding, skating, walking; become one with the activity.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 25.\n P\nlay a sport and throw yourself into playing.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 26.\n B\necome the count of your breath, becoming only \u201cone\u201d when you count 1, becoming \nonly \u201ctwo\u201d when you count 2, and so on.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 27.\n B\necome a word as you slowly say the word over and over and over.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 28.\n T\nhrow caution to the wind, and throw yourself into a social or work activity.\n\uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t \uf071\t 29.\n O\nther (describe): \n \nL\nist any and all wise things you did this week:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "a7fa49cf902e-0", "page_content": "86\nMindfulness Worksheet 4b (Mindfulness Handouts 4\u20134c)\nObserving, Describing, Participating Calendar\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nC\nheck off at least two skills to practice this week: \nObserving \nDescribing \nParticipating\nWhile you are practicing skills, stay as aware and mindful as you can. Write it down later.\nName(s) of skill(s)How did you \npractice the skill?Describe your experience, including body sensations, \nemotions, and thoughts while practicing the skillWhat is your experience \nnow, after using the skill?\nExample: Observing I took a walk in the park \nand observed the trees I encountered.I felt calm, my shoulders relaxed. I felt curiosity toward the trees I was observing, a sense of detachment from my own worries; I thought the leaves of the trees were very green and refreshing.I feel somewhat relaxed; I think I should go for walks more often. I am anxious that next time I might not be able to pay attention to the practice.\nMonday:\nTuesday:Wednesday:\n(continued on next page )\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "42c899ed94ac-0", "page_content": "87Name(s) of skill(s)How did you \npractice the skill?Describe your experience, including body sensations, \nemotions, and thoughts while practicing the skillWhat is your experience \nnow, after using the skill?\nThursday:\nFriday:Saturday:Sunday:\nList any and all wise things you did this week: Mindfulness Worksheet 4B (p. 2 of 2)", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f6ee76014171-0", "page_content": "88\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .Mindfulness WorksHeet 5 (Mindfulness Handouts 5\u20135c)\nmindfulness \u201c how\u201d Skills: \nnonjudgmentalness, o ne- mindfulness, e ffectiveness\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nCheck off the mindfulness skills you practiced this week. Write out descriptions of two different times \nwhen you practiced a mindfulness skill. Use back of sheet for more examples.\n Nonjudgmentalness One- mindfulness Effectiveness\nDescribe the situation and how you practiced the skill:\n \n \nCheck if practicing this mindfulness skill has improved any of the following, even a little bit :\n Reduced suffering Increased happiness Increased ability to focus \n Decreased reactivity Increased wisdom Increased experiencing the present\n Increased connection Increased sense of personal validity\nDescribe how the skill helped or did not help you become more mindful: \n Describe the situation and how you practiced the skill:\n \n \n \nCheck if practicing this mindfulness skill has improved any of the following, even a little bit :\n Reduced suffering Increased happiness Increased ability to focus \n Decreased reactivity Increased wisdom Increased experiencing the present\n Increased connection Increased sense of personal validity\nDescribe how the skill helped or did not help you become more mindful: \n \nlist any and all wise things you did this week:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "967791075908-0", "page_content": "89\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .Mindfulness WorksHeet 5a (Mindfulness Handouts 5\u20135c)\nnonjudgmentalness, one- mindfulness, \n effectiveness c hecklist\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \npractice nonjudgmentalness: Check off an exercise each time you do one.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 1. Say in your mind, \u201cA judgmental thought arose in my mind.\u201d\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 2. Count judgmental thoughts.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 3. Replace judgmental thoughts and statements with nonjudgmental thoughts and \nstatements.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 4. Observe your judgmental facial expressions, postures, voice tones.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 5. Change judgmental expressions, postures, voice tones.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 6. Stay very concrete and describe your day nonjudgmentally.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 7. Write out a nonjudgmental description of an event that prompted an emotion.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "967791075908-1", "page_content": "\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 8. Write out a nonjudgmental blow-by-blow account of a particularly important episode in \nyour day.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 9. Imagine a person you are angry with. Imagine understanding that person.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 10. When you feel judgmental, practice half- smiling and/or willing hands.\nDescribe the situation and how you practiced nonjudgmentalness:\n \n \npractice one- mindfulness: Check off an exercise each time you do one.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 11. Awareness while making tea or coffee.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 12. Awareness while washing the dishes.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 13. Awareness while hand- washing clothes.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 14. Awareness while cleaning house.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 15. Awareness while taking a slow- motion bath.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 16. Awareness with meditation.\nDescribe the situation and how you practiced one- mindfulness:\n \n \npractice effectiveness: Check off an exercise each time you do one.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 17. Give up being right\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 18. Drop willfulness", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "967791075908-2", "page_content": "\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 19. Doing what is effective\nDescribe the situation and how you practiced effectiveness:\n \n \nlist any and all wise things you did this week:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "395ee0d15fdd-0", "page_content": "90\nMindfulness WorksHeet 5b (Mindfulness Handouts 5\u20135c)\nnonjudgmentalness, o ne- mindfulness, e ffectiveness c alendar\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \ncheck off at least two skills to practice this week: Nonjudgmentally One- mindfully Effectively\nWhile you are practicing skills, stay as aware and mindful as you can. Write it down later.\nname(s) of \nskill(s) how did you practice the skill?Describe your experience, including \nbody sensations, emotions, and \nthoughts while practicing the skillWhat is your experience now, \nafter using the skill?\nexample: \nOne- mindfullyI dusted my house and focused only on \nthat task while doing it. I experienced the softness of the cloth on my hands; I felt content I was able to do \nsomething useful; I started to think about all \nthe other cleaning I needed to do afterward, but I brought my focus back to just doing the \ndusting. I remember it felt good my husband \nnoticed I cleaned up the house; I feel \ncontent I did my practice; I think I could \nhave practiced better if my mind had drifted away less.\nmonday:\nTuesday:\nWednesday:\n(continued on next page )\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5b28ffc5048a-0", "page_content": "91name(s) of \nskill(s) how did you practice the skill?Describe your experience, including \nbody sensations, emotions, and \nthoughts while practicing the skillWhat is your experience now, \nafter using the skill?\nThursday:\nfriday:\nSaturday:\nSunday:\nlist any and all wise things you did this week: Mindfulness WorksHeet 5 b (p. 2 of 2)", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "9d27283c425b-0", "page_content": "92\nMindfulness WorksHeet 5c (Mindfulness Handouts 5\u20135c)\nnonjudgmentalness calendar\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nBe aware of nonjudgmental thoughts and expressions when they happen. Use the following questions to focus your awareness on the \ndetails of the experience as it is happening. Write it down later.\nDid you \npractice \nobserving \njudgmental \nthoughts?Did you \ncount \njudgmental \nthoughts? \nif so, how \nmany?if you replaced a \njudgmental thought or \nassumption, what was \nthe judgmental thought \nor assumption?What was the \nreplacement thought \nor assumption?if you replaced \njudgmental with \nnonjudgmental facial \nor other physical \nexpressions, please \ndescribe.Describe any change \nafter practicing.\nexample: Yes 21 My boyfriend is such a jerk \nbecause he should have \nremembered to pick me up.He did forget to pick me up! I \nwish he had not forgotten to \npick me up. I half- smiled and unclenched \nmy fists.\nmonday:\nTuesday:\nWednesday:\n(continued on next page )\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "bd3169e108d6-0", "page_content": "93Did you \npractice \nobserving \njudgmental \nthoughts?Did you \ncount \njudgmental \nthoughts? \nif so, how \nmany?if you replaced a \njudgmental thought or \nassumption, what was \nthe judgmental thought \nor assumption?What was the \nreplacement thought \nor assumption?if you replaced \njudgmental with \nnonjudgmental facial \nor other physical \nexpressions, please \ndescribe.Describe any change \nafter practicing.\nThursday:\nfriday:Saturday:Sunday:\nlist any and all wise things you did this week: Mindfulness WorksHeet 5 c (p. 2 of 2)", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "4122e551b4f0-0", "page_content": "Worksheets for Other Perspectives \non Mindfulness Skills", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "fc165f065211-0", "page_content": "97\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .Mindfulness WorksHeet 6 (Mindfulness Handout 8)\nloving k indness\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nCheck off the types of loving kindness mindfulness practices you did this week. Write out descrip -\ntions of two different times when you practiced loving kindness. Use the back of this worksheet if \nmore space is needed.\n To myself To a loved one To a friend To someone I was angry with\n To a difficult person To an enemy To all beings Other: \nDescribe the script you used (i.e., the warm wishes you sent):\n1. \n2. \n3. \n4. \n5. \nCheck if practicing loving kindness has increased any of the following, even a little bit toward this \nperson: Feelings of warmth or caring Love Compassion\n Feelings of connection Wisdom Happiness Sense of personal validity\nDescribe how the skill helped or did not help you become more compassionate: \n \n To myself To a loved one To a friend To someone I was angry with\n To a difficult person To an enemy To all beings Other: \nDescribe the script you used (i.e., the warm wishes you sent): Same as above (check if cor -\nrect).\n1. \n2. \n3. \n4. \n5.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "fc165f065211-1", "page_content": "1. \n2. \n3. \n4. \n5. \nCheck if practicing loving kindness has increased any of the following, even a little bit toward this \nperson: Feelings of warmth or caring Love Compassion\n Feelings of connection Wisdom Happiness Sense of personal validity\nDescribe how the skill helped or did not help you become more compassionate: \n \nlist any and all wise things you did this week:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "8d04e559bfad-0", "page_content": "98\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .Mindfulness WorksHeet 7 (Mindfulness Handouts 9, 9a)\nBalancing Being m ind with Doing m ind\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \neveryday Wise m ind practice: Check off Wise Mind practice exercises each time you do one.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 1. Wrote out and then read an inspirational writing on mindfulness.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 2. Set Wise Mind reminders to remind me to practice mindfulness.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 3. Put written reminders to practice mindfulness in strategic places.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 4. Made a deliberate effort to bring moment-to- moment awareness to an everyday \nactivity.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 5. Focused on just \u201cthis one moment\u201d when I was overwhelmed, frazzled, or scattered.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 6. Focused awareness on events in my everyday life.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 7. Focused awareness on what needs to be done in my everyday life.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "8d04e559bfad-1", "page_content": "\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 8. Acted willingly and did what was needed.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 9. Did 3-minute Wise Mind to slow down \u201cdoing mind\u201d in my everyday life.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 10. Other (describe): \nDescribe one or more situations where you balanced being with doing mind:\n \n \nHow effective was the practice in helping you find Wise Mind in your everyday life?\nNot effective: \nI couldn\u2019t do the skill \nfor even 1 minute. I got \ndistracted or quit.Somewhat effective: \nI was able to practice Wise \nMind and became somewhat \ncentered in my Wise Mind.Very effective: \nI became centered in Wise \nMind, and was free to do \nwhat needed to be done.\n1 2 3 4 5\nDescribe one or more situations where you balanced being with doing mind:\n \nHow effective was the practice in helping you find Wise Mind in your everyday life?\nNot effective: \nI couldn\u2019t do the skill \nfor even 1 minute. I got \ndistracted or quit.Somewhat effective: \nI was able to practice Wise \nMind and became somewhat \ncentered in my Wise Mind.Very effective: \nI became centered in Wise \nMind, and was free to do \nwhat needed to be done.\n1 2 3 4 5\nlist any and all wise things you did this week:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f43e7a39763b-0", "page_content": "99Mindfulness WorksHeet 7a (Mindfulness Handouts 9, 9a)\nmindfulness of Being and Doing c alendar\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nBe aware of a moment when you feel frazzled, overwhelmed, or scattered at the time it is happening. Pay attention to your experience \nat that time. Try to bring your focus back to \u201cjust this one moment,\u201d not the next moment and not the past moment. Use the following questions to focus your awareness on the details of the experience as it is happening. Write it down later.\nWhat was the \nexperience?What was the one \nactivity in just one \nmoment that you could \nbring your attention to?how did your body feel \ndoing one thing at a \ntime?Describe your \nexperience of practicing \nthe skill.What is your experience \nnow, after using the \nskill?\nexample: Feeling \noverwhelmed at the number \nof dishes I had to wash before \ngoing to bed.Washing just one dish. Arms relaxed, hands felt warm and sudsy, back \nrelaxed.Relief, \u201cOh, only one dish,\u201d \ntension flowing out.This was not so hard, but what about next time? I\u2019ll \nhave to practice this.\nmonday:\nTuesday:\nWednesday:\n(continued on next page )\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "55c1ece51f3b-0", "page_content": "100\nWhat was the \nexperience?What was the one \nactivity in just one \nmoment that you could \nbring your attention to?how did your body feel \ndoing one thing at a \ntime?Describe your \nexperience of practicing \nthe skill.What is your experience \nnow, after using the \nskill?\nThursday:\nfriday:\nSaturday:\nSunday:\nlist any and all wise things you did this week: Mindfulness WorksHeet 7 a (p. 2 of 2)", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "091c754091ac-0", "page_content": "101Mindfulness Works Heet 8 (Mindfulness Handouts 9, 9a)\nmi ndfulness of pl easant ev ents ca lendar\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nB\ne aware of a pleasant event at the time it is happening. Pay attention to everyday, ordinary events that at the time feel pleasant to you. \nTry to experience the moment, even if it is only fleeting. Use the following questions to focus your awareness on the details of the experience \nas it is happening. Write it down later.\nWhat was the \nexperience?What was the one \nactivity in just one \nmoment that you could \nbring your attention to?ho w did your body feel \nduring this experience?Describe your emotions \nand thoughts while \npracticing the skill.What is your experience \nnow, after using the \nskill?\nex ample: Seeing a bird while \nwalking around green lake.Yes. Lightness across the face, \naware of shoulders dropping, uplift of corners of mouth.Relief, pleasure, \u201cThat\u2019s good,\u201d \u201cHow lovely (the bird) sings,\u201d \u201cIt\u2019s so nice to be outside.\u201dIt was such a small thing but I\u2019m glad I noticed it.\nmond\nay:\nTuesday:\nWednesday:\n(continued on next page )\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "18f653345e74-0", "page_content": "102\nWhat was the \nexperience?What was the one \nactivity in just one \nmoment that you could \nbring your attention to?how did your body feel \nduring this experience?Describe your emotions \nand thoughts while \npracticing the skill.What is your experience \nnow, after using the \nskill?\nThursday:\nfriday:\nSaturday:\nSunday:\nlist any and all wise things you did this week: Mindfulness WorksHeet 8 (p. 2 of 2)", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ec75b5dcb4f2-0", "page_content": "103Mindfulness WorksHeet 9 (Mindfulness Handouts 9, 9a)\nmindfulness of u npleasant e vents c alendar\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nBe aware of an unpleasant event at the time it is happening. Pay attention to everyday, ordinary events that at the time feel painful or \nunpleasant to you. Try to experience the moment, even if it is only fleeting. Use the following questions to focus your awareness on the details of the experience as it is happening. Write it down later.\nWhat was the \nexperience?Were you aware \nof the unpleasant \nfeelings while \nthe event was \nhappening?how did your body feel \nduring this experience?Describe your emotions \nand thoughts while practicing \nthe skill.What is your experience \nnow, after using the skill?\nexample: My \nboyfriend forgot my \nbirthday.Yes. Tears just behind my eyes, sinking \nfeeling in stomach, drooping of \nface and shoulders, tired.Hurt, sadness, \u201cHe doesn\u2019t care \nenough to remember me,\u201d \u201cDoes he \nreally love me?\u201d Wanting to go to \nsleep until tomorrow.He is a pretty forgetful guy. Maybe I need to remind him a lot.\nmonday:\nTuesday:\nWednesday:\n(continued on next page )\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "91a442f126f8-0", "page_content": "104\nWhat was the \nexperience?Were you aware \nof the unpleasant \nfeelings while \nthe event was \nhappening?how did your body feel \nduring this experience?Describe your emotions \nand thoughts while practicing \nthe skill.What is your experience \nnow, after using the skill?\nThursday:\nfriday:\nSaturday:\nSunday:\nlist any and all wise things you did this week: Mindfulness WorksHeet 9 (p. 2 of 2)", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "4f28e3f6add4-0", "page_content": "105\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .Mindfulness WorksHeet 10 (Mindfulness Handouts 3, 10)\nWalking the m iddle p ath to Wise m ind\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nWalkin G The mi DDle pa Th: Check off W ISE M IND practice exercises each time you do one.\nWorked at balancing:\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 1. Reasonable mind with emotion mind to get to Wise Mind.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 2. Doing mind with being mind to get to Wise Mind.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 3. Desire for change of the present moment with radical acceptance to get to Wise Mind.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 4. Self- denial with self- indulgence to get to Wise Mind.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 5. Other: \nWalkin G The mi DDle pa Th: Describe one or more situations where you walked the mid -\ndle path, and tell how you did this:\n \nHow effective was the practice in helping you walk the middle path?\nNot effective: \nI couldn\u2019t do the skill \nfor even 1 minute. I got", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "4f28e3f6add4-1", "page_content": "I couldn\u2019t do the skill \nfor even 1 minute. I got \ndistracted or quit.Somewhat effective: \nI was able to practice Wise Mind \nand became somewhat centered \nin my Wise Mind.Very effective: \nI became centered in Wise \nMind, and was free to do \nwhat needed to be done.\n1 2 3 4 5\nWalkin G The mi DDle pa Th: Describe one or more situations where you walked the mid -\ndle path, and tell how you did this:\n \nHow effective was the practice in helping you walk the middle path?\nNot effective: \nI couldn\u2019t do the skill \nfor even 1 minute. I got \ndistracted or quit.Somewhat effective: \nI was able to practice Wise Mind \nand became somewhat centered \nin my Wise Mind.Very effective: \nI became centered in Wise \nMind, and was free to do \nwhat needed to be done.\n1 2 3 4 5\nlist any and all wise things you did this week:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5bedc711adc6-0", "page_content": "106\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .Mindfulness WorksHeet 10a (Mindfulness Handout 10)\nanalyzing y ourself on the m iddle p ath\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \n1. figure out where you are off the middle path, toward one extreme or the other. For each \nof the following Wise Mind dilemmas, put an X on the line that represents where you think you \nare most of the time. If you are fairly balanced, put the X in the middle. If you are out of balance, \nput the X near the end that you are too extreme on.\nreasonable mind emotion mind\nDoing mind nothing-to-do mind\nintense desire for \nchange of the momentradical acceptance of \nwhat is\nSelf- denial Self- indulgence\n2. choose one dilemma. Describe very specifically what you are doing that is too much, and \nthen describe what you do too little of.\n3. check the facts. Check for interpretations and opinions. Make sure that your list of activities \nyou do too much of or too little of is in fact accurate. Check your own values in Wise Mind: Be sure to work on your middle path, not someone else\u2019s. Also check for judgments. Avoid \u201cgood,\u201d \n\u201cbad,\u201d and judgmental language. Rewrite any items above if needed so that they are factual \nand nonjudgmental.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5bedc711adc6-1", "page_content": "and nonjudgmental.\n4. Decide on one (or at most two) very specific things to do in the next week to get closer to \nbalance.\n5. Describe what you did since last week: \n6. rate how effective the practice was in helping you become more balanced on the middle path. \nRate it from 1 (did not help at all) to 5 (very effective, really helped): \nlist any and all wise things you did this week: Too much\n___________________________\n______________________________________________________Too little\n_________________________________________________________________________________\nDo less\n_________________________________________________________________________________Do more\n_________________________________________________________________________________", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "1ad35202cc8f-0", "page_content": "107Mindfulness Worksheet 10b (Mindfulness Handout 10) (p. 1 of 2)\nWalking the Middle Path Calendar\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nDayDescribe the tension between the:Describe in detail how you managed the tension \nbetween the pulls of the two sides. Pull to one side Pull to opposite side\nExample: Doing \nprojects around \nthe houseDesperately working on lots of projects to renovate my house. Watching TV, eating ice cream, leaving projects needed to sell house undoneI decided to do one small project each day and one medium project each week to improve the house. I also decided to have at least 1 hour each day of not thinking or worrying about the house, and instead doing something pleasant for myself.\nMonday:\nTuesday:Wednesday:\n(continued on next page )\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "aa8a77162eab-0", "page_content": "108\nDayDescribe the tension between the:Describe in detail how you managed the tension \nbetween the pulls of the two sides. pull to one side pull to opposite side\nThursday:\nfriday:\nSaturday:\nSunday:\nlist any and all wise things you did this week: Mindfulness WorksHeet 10 b (p. 2 of 2)", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3943966799f8-0", "page_content": "109inTerPerSonal \neFFecTiVeneSS Skill S\nIntroduction to Handouts and Worksheets\nInterpersonal effectiveness skills help you build new relationships, strengthen cur -\nrent ones, and deal with conflict situations. They help you effectively ask for what \nyou want and say no to unwanted requests. After a few handouts and worksheets \nfor Goals and Factors That Interfere , three main groups of forms for interpersonal \neffectiveness skills are provided in DBT. The first set focuses on Obtaining Objec -\ntives Skillfully \u2014that is, how to get what you want from others, while also maintain -\ning your relationships and your self- respect. The second set, Building Relationships \nand Ending Destructive Ones , focuses on how to find friends, get them to like you, \nand maintain the relationships, as well as on how to end damaging relationships. The third set covers Walking the Middle Path skills, which in this module have to \ndo with balancing acceptance and change in relationships.\nGoals and Factors That Interfere\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 1: Goals of Interpersonal Effectiveness \nSkills. This first handout overviews the goals for each of the three main sections of \nthis module. The major overall goal is to be effective in getting what you want skill -\nfully.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Worksheet 1: Pros and Cons of Using Interper -\nsonal Skills. Use this worksheet to decide whether to use interpersonal skills instead \nof power tactics or giving up and giving in to another person.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 2: Factors in the Way of Interpersonal \nEffectiveness. Lack of skills is only one factor that may prevent you from being", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3943966799f8-1", "page_content": "Effectiveness. Lack of skills is only one factor that may prevent you from being \neffective with other people. This handout is helpful not only early in the module, but later in troubleshooting difficulties with using interpersonal effectiveness skills.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "961eb99567b8-0", "page_content": "110\u2002\u2022\u2002 inTerPerSonal eFF ecTiVeneSS Skill S\nIt can then be used with Interpersonal Effectiveness Worksheet 7: Troubleshoot -\ning Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills , and Interpersonal Effectiveness Worksheet 9: \nTroubleshooting: When What You Are Doing Isn\u2019t Working . These two worksheets \ncover the same topics, organized in the same sequence as Interpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 2.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 2a: Myths in the Way of Interpersonal \nEffectiveness. This handout can be useful if thoughts and beliefs get in the way of \nusing interpersonal skills effectively. Use it with Interpersonal Effectiveness Work -\nsheet 2: Challenging Myths in the Way of Interpersonal Effectiveness.\nObtaining Objectives Skillfully\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 3: Overview: Obtaining Objectives \nSkillfully. This handout overviews the skills covered in this section.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 4: Clarifying Goals in Interpersonal Sit -\nuations. Clarifying your goals is the first and most important interpersonal skill. It \nis the essential task of figuring out (1) what you actually want in any given situation \nand how important that is, compared to (2) keeping a positive relationship and (3) \nkeeping your own self- respect. The skills you use depend on the relative importance \nof these three goals. Use this handout with Interpersonal Effectiveness Worksheet \n3: Figuring Out Goals in Interpersonal Situations . In describing the \u201cPrompting \nEvent\u201d on this worksheet, remember to use the mindfulness \u201cwhat\u201d skill of describ -\ning.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 5: Guidelines for Objectives Effective -", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "961eb99567b8-1", "page_content": "\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 5: Guidelines for Objectives Effective -\nness: Getting What You Want (DEAR MAN). This handout describes the skills \nfor asking for something, saying no to another\u2019s request, and resisting pressure and \nmaintaining your point of view. The skills are D escribe, Express, Assert, Reinforce; \nand (stay) M indful, Appear confident, and N egotiate. You can use the term DEAR \nMAN to remember these. Two different worksheets can be used with this handout, \nas described next.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Worksheet 4: Writing Out Interpersonal Effec -\ntiveness Scripts. This worksheet is useful for figuring out what to say and do before \npracticing DEAR MAN skills. Notice also that the worksheet requires you to first \nwrite down your objectives, relationship, and self- respect goals. This worksheet can \nalso be used for GIVE and FAST skills (see below).\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Worksheet 5: Tracking Interpersonal Effective -\nness Skills Use. This worksheet can be used to track your use of interpersonal skills. It asks you to figure out and write down your priorities and asks about conflicts in \npriorities. Finally, it asks you to record whether or not your objective was met, and \nwhat effect the interaction had on the relationship and your self- respect. This work -\nsheet can be used with DEAR MAN, GIVE, and FAST skills.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 5a: Applying DEAR MAN Skills to a", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e1b21ace0b5b-0", "page_content": "introduction to Handouts and Worksheets\u2002 \u2022\u2002 111\nDifficult Current Interaction. This handout gives examples of how to handle situ -\nations where the other person also has very good interpersonal skills and refuses \nlegitimate requests or keeps asking despite being told no. Use Interpersonal Effec -\ntiveness Worksheet 4, 5, or both with this handout (see above).\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 6: Guidelines for Relationship Effective -\nness: Keeping the Relationship (GIVE). Relationship effectiveness skills are aimed \nat maintaining or improving your relationship with the other person while you try to get what you want in the interaction. The term GIVE is a way to remember these \nskills. It stands for (be) G entle, (act) I nterested, Validate, and (use an) E asy manner. \nUse Interpersonal Effectiveness Worksheet 4, 5, or both with this handout.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 6a: Expanding the V in GIVE: Levels of \nValidation. This handout lists six different ways to validate. (See also Interpersonal \nEffectiveness Handouts 17 and 18, described later, for more on validation.) Interper -\nsonal Effectiveness Worksheets 4 and 5 can be used with this handout.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 7: Guidelines for Self- Respect Effective -\nness: Keeping Respect for Yourself (FAST). Self- respect effectiveness skills help you \nto keep or improve your self- respect while you try to get what you want in an inter -\naction. The term FAST is a way to remember these skills: (be) F air, (no) A pologies,", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e1b21ace0b5b-1", "page_content": "Stick to values, and (be) T ruthful. Interpersonal Effectiveness Worksheets 4 and 5 \ncan be used with this handout .\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 8: Evaluating Options for Whether or \nHow Intensely to Ask for Something or Say No. Before asking for something or \nsaying no to another, consider how intensely to ask or say no\u2014and whether to ask \nor say no at all. This handout lists the factors to consider in making a decision. \nUse Interpersonal Effectiveness Worksheet 6: The Dime Game: Figuring Out How \nStrongly to Ask or Say No with this handout to figure out your best option in a \nparticular situation.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 9: Troubleshooting: When What You \nAre Doing Isn\u2019t Working. Difficulty in obtaining an objective can be due to many possible factors. When you can identify the problem, you can often solve it and be \nmore effective in getting what you want. This handout provides questions for diag -\nnosing which factors are reducing your interpersonal effectiveness. Use Interper -\nsonal Effectiveness Worksheet 7: Troubleshooting Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills with this handout.\nBuilding Relationships and Ending Destructive Ones\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 10: Overview: Building Relationships \nand Ending Destructive Ones. This handout briefly overviews the skills taught in \nthis section of the module.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 11: Finding and Getting People to Like \nYou. Finding potential friends and getting them to like you often both require an", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6daad4ae65d4-0", "page_content": "112\u2002\u2022\u2002 inTerPerSonal eFF ecTiVeneSS Skill S\nactive effort. The handout summarizes where to look and how to look. Record your \npractice efforts for this on Interpersonal Effectiveness Worksheet 8: Finding and \nGetting People to Like You.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 11a: Identifying Skills to Find People \nand Get Them to Like You. This is a quick multiple- choice quiz on the information \nin Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 11.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 12: Mindfulness of Others. Friendships \nare easier to form and last longer when we remember to be mindful of the other per -\nson. Notice that the three mindfulness skills described on this handout are the three \ncore mindfulness \u201cwhat\u201d skills (observing, describing, and participating) taught in \nthe Mindfulness module. Use Interpersonal Effectiveness Worksheet 9: Mindfulness \nof Others to record practice of this skill.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 12a: Identifying Mindfulness of Others. \nThis is a brief multiple- choice quiz on the skill of mindfulness of others.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 13: Ending Relationships. The skills for \nending relationships described on this handout are drawn from the Mindfulness \n(Wise Mind), Emotion Regulation (problem solving, coping ahead, opposite action), \nand Interpersonal Effectiveness (DEAR MAN, GIVE FAST) skills modules. The one \nnew skill is practicing safety first when ending abusive or life- threatening relation -\nships. If you are thinking about ending a relationship, use Interpersonal Effective -\nness Worksheet 10: Ending Relationships to weigh the factors and plan for use of", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6daad4ae65d4-1", "page_content": "ness Worksheet 10: Ending Relationships to weigh the factors and plan for use of \nthese skills. If trying to leave an abusive or dangerous relationship, call a domestic \nviolence hotline number first (either a local number or the national number listed on the worksheet). Interpersonal Effectiveness Worksheet 1: Pros and Cons of Using \nInterpersonal Skills may also be useful with this handout.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 13a: Identifying How to End Relation -\nships. This is a brief multiple- choice quiz on how to end relationships.\nWalking the Middle Path\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 14: Overview: Walking the Middle Path. \nThis handout briefly overviews the skills in this section: dialectics, validation, and \nbehavior change strategies. These skills help you to effectively manage yourself and \nyour relationships.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 15: Dialectics. A dialectical stance is \nessential for walking a middle path and for decreasing a sense of isolation, conflict, \nand polarities. This handout outlines the basics of a dialectical perspective.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 16: How to Think and Act Dialectically. \nThis is an extension of Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 15 and gives examples \nof how to think and act dialectically. There are three worksheets with different for -\nmats for recording dialectics practice, described next.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "906356c1d191-0", "page_content": "introduction to Handouts and Worksheets\u2002\u2022\u20021 1 3\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Worksheet 11: Practicing Dialectics, Interper -\nsonal Effectiveness Worksheet 11a: Dialectics Checklist , and Interpersonal Effec -\ntiveness Worksheet 11b: Noticing When You\u2019re Not Dialectical , can be used with \nInterpersonal Effectiveness Handout 16. Worksheet 11 provides space for recording \ntwo practices over the week. Worksheet 11a provides for multiple practices of mul -\ntiple skills. Worksheet 11b is intended to help raise awareness of opportunities to be \ndialectical and of the consequences when not being dialectical.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 16a: Examples of Opposite Sides That \nCan Both Be True. Dialectics tells us that the universe is filled with opposing sides, \nand that two things that seem like opposites can both be true. This handout lists \nexamples of opposites that can both be true.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 16b: Important Opposites to Balance. \nThis handout lists opposite aspects of life and living that are important to keep in \nbalance.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 16c: Identifying Dialectics. This hand -\nout is a brief multiple- choice quiz. It asks you to check the most dialectical responses.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 17: Validation. Validation of others\u2019 \nfeelings, beliefs, experiences, and actions is essential in building any relationship of \ntrust and intimacy. This handout reviews what validation is, what is most important \nto validate, and key points to remember about validation.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 18: A \u201cHow To\u201d Guide to Validation.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "906356c1d191-1", "page_content": "This handout lists the six levels of validation and gives examples of each. Fill out \nInterpersonal Effectiveness Worksheet 12: Validating Others whenever you have an \nopportunity to practice validation skills, whether or not you actually practiced the skills .\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 18a: Identifying Validation. This hand -\nout is a brief multiple- choice quiz on validation.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 19: Recovering from Invalidation. Inval -\nidation can be helpful or harmful. Either way, it usually hurts. This handout lists \nhow to respond effectively when you are invalidated by someone. Fill out Interper -\nsonal Effectiveness Worksheet 13: Self- Validation and Self- Respect whenever you \nhave an opportunity to practice self- validation skills whether or not you actually \npracticed them.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 19a: Identifying Self- Validation. This is \na brief multiple- choice quiz on responding to invalidation.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 20: Strategies for Increasing the Prob -\nability of Desired Behaviors. This handout describes very effective strategies for \nincreasing behaviors you want in yourself or others: behavior reinforcement and \nnew behavior shaping. To be effective in changing behaviors, learn these strategies \nand put them into action. To record your practice, use Interpersonal Effectiveness Worksheet 14: Changing Behavior with Reinforcement.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "bee3f7fca872-0", "page_content": "114\u2002\u2022\u2002 inTerPerSonal eFF ecTiVeneSS Skill S\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 21: Strategies for Decreasing or Stop -\nping Undesired Behaviors. This handout describes effective strategies for decreasing \nor stopping unwanted behaviors\u2014 extinction, satiating, and punishment. To record \nyour practice, use Interpersonal Effectiveness Worksheet 15: Changing Behavior by \nExtinguishing or Punishing It.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 22: Tips for Using Behavior Change \nStrategies Effectively. Reinforcement, extinction, and punishment each involve dif -\nferent kinds of consequences. This handout outlines important issues in selecting \nand implementing consequences.\n\u2022\u2022Interpersonal Effectiveness Handout 22a: Identifying Effective Behavior \nChange Strategies. This is a brief multiple- choice quiz on behavior change strategies.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "42e667a45ddd-0", "page_content": "interpersonal \neffectiveness\u00a0Handouts\nHandouts for Goals and Factors \nThat\u00a0Interfere", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "172f42ca441a-0", "page_content": "117\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab interpersonal effectiveness Handout 1 (I. E. Worksheet 1)\nGoals of interpersonal e ffectiveness\nBe Skillful in Ge TTinG Wha T you Wan T \nanD neeD from oT herS\n\u0089\u0089Get others to do things you would like them to do.\n\u0089\u0089Get others to take your opinions seriously.\n\u0089\u0089Say no to unwanted requests effectively.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nBuil D relaTionShip S \nanD en D De STruc Tive o neS\n\u0089\u0089Strengthen current relationships.\n\u0089\u0089Don\u2019t let hurts and problems build up.\n\u0089\u0089Use relationship skills to head off problems.\n\u0089\u0089Repair relationships when needed.\n\u0089\u0089Resolve conflicts before they get overwhelming.\n\u0089\u0089Find and build new relationships.\n\u0089\u0089End hopeless relationships.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nWalk The m iDDle p aTh\n\u0089\u0089Create and maintain balance in relationships.\n\u0089\u0089Balance acceptance and change in relationships.\n\u0089\u0089Other:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "879599f387b4-0", "page_content": "118\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\u00ab Interpersonal effect Iv eness Handout 2 \nF\nactors in the Way of Interpersonal Effectiveness\n\u0089 \u0089You Don\u2019t Hav E tH E IntEr pEr sonal s kIl ls You nEED\nYou Don\u2019t kn oW WHa t You Want\n\u0089 \u0089You have the skills, but can\u2019t decide what you really want from the other person.\n\u0089 \u0089You can\u2019t figure out how to balance your needs versus the other person\u2019s needs:\n\u0089 \u0089Asking for too much versus not asking for anything.\n\u0089 \u0089Saying no to everything versus giving in to everything.\nYour Emot Io ns a rE GEt tInG In tH E WaY\n\u0089 \u0089Y\nou have the skills, but emotions (anger, pride, contempt, fear, shame, guilt) \ncontrol what you do.\nYou For G Et Y our lo nG-t Er m Goals Fo r sHo rt-t Er m Goals\n\u0089 \u0089You put your immediate urges and wants ahead of your long-term goals. The \nfuture vanishes from your mind.\notH E r pEo plE a rE GEt tInG In Y our Wa Y\n\u0089 \u0089Y\nou have the skills but other people get in the way.\n\u0089 \u0089Other people are more powerful than you.\n\u0089 \u0089Other people may be threatened or may not like you if you get what you want.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "879599f387b4-1", "page_content": "\u0089 \u0089Other people may not do what you want unless you sacrifice your self- r\nespect, at \nleast a little.\nYour tHo uG Ht s an D B ElI EFs a rE GEt tInG In tH E WaY\n\u0089 \u0089W\norries about negative consequences if you ask for what you want or say no to \nsomeone\u2019s request get in the way of acting effectively.\n\u0089 \u0089Beliefs that you don\u2019t deserve what you want stop you in your tracks.\n\u0089 \u0089Beliefs that others don\u2019t deserve what they want make you ineffective.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "24782f0169d2-0", "page_content": "119\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 2a (I. E. Worksheet 2)\nmyths in the Way of interpersonal e ffectiveness\nmyths in the Way of o bjectives e ffectiveness\n\u0089\u0089 1. I don\u2019t deserve to get what I want or need.\n\u0089\u0089 2. If I make a request, this will show that I am a very weak person.\n\u0089\u0089 3. I have to know whether a person is going to say yes before I make a request.\n\u0089\u0089 4. If I ask for something or say no, I can\u2019t stand it if someone gets upset with me.\n\u0089\u0089 5. If they say no, it will kill me.\n\u0089\u0089 6. Making requests is a really pushy (bad, self- centered, selfish, etc.) thing to do.\n\u0089\u0089 7. Saying no to a request is always a selfish thing to do.\n\u0089\u0089 8. I should be willing to sacrifice my own needs for others.\n\u0089\u0089 9. I must be really inadequate if I can\u2019t fix this myself.\n\u0089\u008910. Obviously, the problem is just in my head. If I would just think differently I wouldn\u2019t have to \nbother everybody else.\n\u0089\u008911. If I don\u2019t have what I want or need, it doesn\u2019t make any difference; I don\u2019t care really.\n\u0089\u008912. Skillfulness is a sign of weakness.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "24782f0169d2-1", "page_content": "\u0089\u008912. Skillfulness is a sign of weakness.\nOther myth: Other myth: \nmyths in the Way of r elationship and Self- respect e ffectiveness\n\u0089\u008913. I shouldn\u2019t have to ask (say no); they should know what I want (and do it).\n\u0089\u008914. They should have known that their behavior would hurt my feelings; I shouldn\u2019t have to tell \nthem.\n\u0089\u008915. I shouldn\u2019t have to negotiate or work at getting what I want.\n\u0089\u008916. Other people should be willing to do more for my needs.\n\u0089\u008917. Other people should like, approve of, and support me.\n\u0089\u008918. They don\u2019t deserve my being skillful or treating them well.\n\u0089\u008919. Getting what I want when I want it is most important.\n\u0089\u008920. I shouldn\u2019t be fair, kind, courteous, or respectful if others are not so toward me.\n\u0089\u008921. Revenge will feel so good; it will be worth any negative consequences.\n\u0089\u008922. Only wimps have values.\n\u0089\u008923. Everybody lies.\n\u0089\u008924. Getting what I want is more important than how I get it; the ends really do justify the means.\nOther myth: Other myth:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "32a4de415b22-0", "page_content": "Handouts for Obtaining \nObjectives\u00a0Skillfully", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "91f463216f49-0", "page_content": "123\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab interpersonal effectiveness Handout 3 \noverview: \nobtaining o bjectives Skillfully\nclarifyin G priori TieS\nHow important is:\nGetting what you want/obtaining your goal?\nKeeping the relationship?\nMaintaining your self- respect?\noBjecTiveS effec Tivene SS: Dear man\nBe effective in asserting your rights and wishes.\nrelaTionS hip e ffecTivene SS: Give\nAct in such a way that you maintain positive relationships and that \nothers feel good about themselves and about you.\nSelf- reSpecT effec Tivene SS: faST\nAct in such a way that you keep your self- respect.\nfacTorS To con SiDer\nDecide how firm or intense you want to be in asking \nfor something or saying no.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cb287f14b5de-0", "page_content": "124\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 4 (I. E. Worksheet 3)\nclarifying Goals in i nterpersonal Situations\noBjecTive S effecTivene SS: Getting What y ou Want from another p erson\n\u2022\u2022Obtaining your legitimate rights.\n\u2022\u2022Getting another person to do something you want that person to do.\n\u2022\u2022Saying no to an unwanted or unreasonable request.\n\u2022\u2022Resolving an interpersonal conflict.\n\u2022\u2022Getting your opinion or point of view taken seriously.\nquestions\n1. What specific results or changes do I want from this interaction?\n2. What do I have to do to get the results? What will work?\nrelaTionS hip e ffecTivene SS: keeping and i mproving the r elationship\n\u2022\u2022Acting in such a way that the other person keeps liking and respecting you.\n\u2022\u2022Balancing immediate goals with the good of the long-term relationship.\n\u2022\u2022Maintaining relationships that matter to you.\nquestions\n1. How do I want the other person to feel about me after the interaction is over (whether or \nnot I get the results or changes I want)?\n2. What do I have to do to get (or keep) this relationship?\nSelf- reSpecT effecTivene SS: keeping or i mproving Self- respect\n\u2022\u2022Respecting your own values and beliefs.\n\u2022\u2022Acting in a way that makes you feel moral.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cb287f14b5de-1", "page_content": "\u2022\u2022Acting in a way that makes you feel moral.\n\u2022\u2022Acting in a way that makes you feel capable and effective.\nquestions\n1. How do I want to feel about myself after the interaction is over (whether or not I get the \nresults or changes I want)?\n2. What do I have to do to feel that way about myself? What will work?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6a4ed00674a7-0", "page_content": "125\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).Interpersonal effect Iv eness Handout 5 (I. E. Worksheets 4, 5) (p. 1 of 2)\nGuidelines for Objectives Effectiveness: \nGetting\n \nWhat You Want (DEAR MAN)\nA way to remember these skills is to remember the term DEAR MAN:\nDescribe\nExpress\nAssert\nReinforce\n(Stay) Mindful\nAppear Confident\nNegotiateDescribe Describe the current Si tuAt ion (if necessary). Stick to the facts. \ntel\nl the person exactly what you are reacting to.\n\u201cYou told me you would be home by dinner but you didn\u2019t get here until 11.\u201d\nExpress Express your f E E ling S an d opinion S ab out the situation. \nDon\u2019t assume that the other person knows how you feel.\n\u201cWhen you come home so late, \ni\n start worrying about you.\u201d\nus\ne phrases such as \u201cI want\u201d instead of \u201cYou should,\u201d \u201cI don\u2019t want\u201d \ninstead of \u201cYou shouldn\u2019t.\u201d\nAssert Assert yourself by ASki ng for what you want or SAYi ng no clearly. \nDo not assume that others will figure out what you want. \nRemember that others cannot read your mind.\u201c\ni\n would really like it if you would call me when you are going to be late.\u201d\nReinforce Reinforce (reward) the person ahead of time (so to speak) \nby explaining positive effects of getting what you want or need. \nif ne", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6a4ed00674a7-1", "page_content": "by explaining positive effects of getting what you want or need. \nif ne\ncessary, also clarify the negative consequences of not getting \nwhat you want or need.\u201cI would be so relieved, and a lot easier to live with, if you do that.\u201dRemember also to reward desired behavior after the fact.\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e877889d7feb-0", "page_content": "126interpersonal effectiveness Handout 5 (p. 2 of 2)\n(Stay) \n M indfulKeep your focus ON YOUR GOALS . \nMaintain your position. Don\u2019t be distracted. Don\u2019t get off the topic.\n\u201cBroken record\u201d: Keep asking, saying no, or expressing your opinion over and over and over. \nJust keep replaying the same thing again and again.\nIgnore attacks: If another person attacks, threatens, or tries to change the subject, \nignore the threats, comments, or attempts to divert you. \nDo not respond to attacks. Ignore distractions. \nJust keep making your point.\n\u201cI would still like a call.\u201dAppear confident Appear EFFECTIVE and competent.\nUse a confident voice tone and physical manner; \nmake good eye contact.No stammering, whispering, staring at the floor, retreating.No saying, \u201cI\u2019m not sure,\u201d etc.\nNegotiate Be willing to GIVE TO GET . \nOffer and ask for other solutions to the problem. \nReduce your request. \nSay no, but offer to do something else or to solve the problem another way. \nFocus on what will work.\n\u201cHow about if you text me when you think you might be late?\u201d\nTurn the tables: Turn the problem over to the other person. \nAsk for other solutions.\n\u201cWhat do you think we should do? . . . I can\u2019t just stop worrying about \nyou [or I\u2019m not willing to].\u201d\nOther ideas:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d053f47f635b-0", "page_content": "127\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 5a \napplying D ear man Skills \nto a Difficult c urrent interaction\nTo turn around really difficult situations, focus the skills on the other person\u2019s behavior right now.\nWhen other people have really good skills themselves, and keep refusing your legitimate requests \nor pestering you to do something you don\u2019t want to do.\napply D ear man Skills\n1. Describe the current interaction. If the \u201cbroken record\u201d and ignoring don\u2019t work, make a \nstatement about what is happening between you and the person now, but without imputing motives.\nExample: \u201cYou keep asking me over and over, even though I have already said no several \ntimes,\u201d or \u201cIt is hard to keep asking you to empty the dishwasher when it is your month to do it.\u201d\nnot: \u201cYou obviously don\u2019t want to hear what I am saying,\u201d \u201cYou obviously don\u2019t care about \nme,\u201d \u201cWell, it\u2019s obvious that what I have to say doesn\u2019t matter to you,\u201d \u201cObviously you think I\u2019m \nstupid.\u201d\n2. express feelings or opinions about the interaction. For instance, in the middle of an \ninteraction that is not going well, you can express your feelings of discomfort in the situation.\nExample: \u201cI am sorry I cannot do what you want, but I\u2019m finding it hard to keep discussing it,\u201d \nor \u201cIt\u2019s becoming very uncomfortable for me to keep talking about this, since I can\u2019t help it. I am", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d053f47f635b-1", "page_content": "starting to feel angry about it,\u201d or \u201cI\u2019m not sure you think this is important for you to do.\u201d\nnot: \u201cI hate you!\u201d, \u201cEvery time we talk about this, you get defensive,\u201d \u201cStop patronizing me!\u201d\n3. assert wishes in the situation. When another person is pestering you, you can ask him \nor her to stop it. When a person is refusing a request, you can suggest that you put the \nconversation off until another time. Give the other person a chance to think about it.\nExample: \u201cPlease don\u2019t ask me again. My answer won\u2019t change,\u201d or \u201cOK, let\u2019s stop discussing \nthis now and pick it up again sometime tomorrow,\u201d or \u201cLet\u2019s cool down for a while and then get \ntogether to figure out a solution.\u201d\nnot: \u201cWould you shut up?\u201d \u201cYou should do this!\u201d, \u201cYou should really calm down and do what\u2019s \nright here.\u201d\n4. reinforce. When you are saying no to someone who keeps asking, or when someone won\u2019t \ntake your opinion seriously, suggest ending the conversation, since you aren\u2019t going to change \nyour mind anyway. When trying to get someone to do something for you, you can suggest that \nyou will come up with a better offer later.\nExample: \u201cLet\u2019s stop talking about this now. I\u2019m not going to change my mind, and I think this is \njust going to get frustrating for both of us,\u201d or \u201cOK, I can see you don\u2019t want to do this, so let\u2019s \nsee if we can come up with something that will make you more willing to do it.\u201d\nnot: \u201cIf you don\u2019t do this for me, I\u2019ll never do anything for you ever again,\u201d \u201cIf you keep asking", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d053f47f635b-2", "page_content": "me, I\u2019ll get a restraining order against you,\u201d \u201cGosh, you must be a terrible person for not doing \nthis/for asking me to do this.\u201d", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d585e6922566-0", "page_content": "128\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab interpersonal effectiveness Handout 6 (I. E. Worksheets 4, 5)\nGuidelines for r elationship e ffectiveness: \nkeeping the r elationship (G ive)\nA way to remember these skills is to remember the word G ive (D ear man , Give):\n(Be) Gentle\n(Act) interested\nvalidate\n(Use an) e asy manner(Be)Gentle BE NICE and respectful.\nNo attacks: No verbal or physical attacks. No hitting, clenching fists. No harassment of any \nkind. Express anger directly with words.\nNo threats: If you have to describe painful consequences for not getting what you want, \ndescribe them calmly and without exaggerating. \nNo \u201cmanipulative\u201d statements, no hidden threats. No \u201cI\u2019ll kill myself if you . . . \u201d \nTolerate a \u201cno.\u201d Stay in the discussion even if it gets painful. Exit gracefully.\nNo judging: No moralizing. No \u201cIf you were a good person, you would . . . \u201d \nNo \u201cYou should . . . \u201d or \u201cYou shouldn\u2019t . . . \u201d Abandon blame.\nNo sneering: No smirking, eye rolling, sucking teeth. No cutting off or walking away. \nNo saying, \u201cThat\u2019s stupid, don\u2019t be sad,\u201d \u201cI don\u2019t care what you say.\u201d\n(Act)InterestedLISTEN and APPEAR INTERESTED in the other person. \nListen to the other person\u2019s point of view.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d585e6922566-1", "page_content": "Listen to the other person\u2019s point of view. \nFace the person; maintain eye contact; lean toward the person rather than \naway. Don\u2019t interrupt or talk over the person. \nBe sensitive to the person\u2019s wish to have the discussion at a later time. Be \npatient.\nValidateWith WORDS AND ACTIONS , show that you understand the other person\u2019s \nfeelings and thoughts about the situation. See the world from the other person\u2019s point of view, and then say or act on what you see.\n\u201cI realize this is hard for you, and . . . \u201d, \u201cI see that you are busy, and . . . \u201d\nGo to a private place when the person is uncomfortable talking in a public \nplace.\n(Use an)\nEasy mannerUse a little humor. \nSMILE . Ease the person along. Be light- hearted. Sweet-talk. \nUse a \u201csoft sell\u201d over a \u201chard sell.\u201d Be \u201cpolitical.\u201d \nLeave your attitude at the door.\nOther ideas:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "8b7ba7754a27-0", "page_content": "129\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 6a \nexpanding the v in G ive: levels of v alidation\n1. \u0089 pay attention: Look interested in the other person instead of bored (no \nmultitasking).\n2. \u0089\u0089reflect Back: Say back what you heard the other person say or do, to be sure you understand exactly what the person is saying. No judgmental language or tone of voice!\n3. \u0089\u0089\u201cread m inds\u201d: Be sensitive to what is not being said by the other person. \nPay attention to facial expressions, body language, what is \nhappening, and what you know about the person already. \nShow you understand in words or by your actions. Check it out and make sure you are right. Let go if you are not.\n4. \u0089\u0089understand: Look for how what the other person is feeling, thinking, or \ndoing makes sense, based on the person\u2019s past experiences, \npresent situation, and/or current state of mind or physical condition (i.e., the causes).\n5. \u0089\u0089acknowledge the v alid: Look for how the person\u2019s feelings, thinking, or actions are valid responses because they fit current facts, or are \nunderstandable because they are a logical response to \ncurrent facts.\n6. \u0089\u0089Show e quality: Be yourself! Don\u2019t \u201cone-up\u201d or \u201cone-down\u201d the other person. Treat the other as an equal, not as fragile or incompetent.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "fdb80e06a2b5-0", "page_content": "130\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab interpersonal effectiveness Handout 7 (I. E. Worksheets 4, 5)\nGuidelines for Self- respect e ffectiveness: \nkeeping r espect for y ourself ( faST)\nA way to remember these skills is to remember the word fa ST (D ear man , Give fa ST).\n(Be) fair\n(No) apologies\nStick to Values\n(Be) Truthful\n(Be) FairBe fair to YOURSELF and to the OTHER person. \nRemember to VALIDATE YOUR OWN feelings and wishes, \nas well as the other person\u2019s.\n(No) ApologiesDon\u2019t overapologize. \nNo apologizing for being alive or for making a request at all. \nNo apologies for having an opinion, for disagreeing. \nNo LOOKING ASHAMED , with eyes and head down or body slumped. \nNo invalidating the valid.\nStick to valuesStick to YOUR OWN values . \nDon\u2019t sell out your values or integrity for reasons that aren\u2019t VERY important. \nBe clear on what you believe is the moral or valued way of thinking and \nacting, and \u201cstick to your guns.\u201d\n(Be) TruthfulDon\u2019t lie. Don\u2019t act helpless when you are not. \nDon\u2019t exaggerate or make up excuses.\nOther ideas:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6f4109d1c095-0", "page_content": "131\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\u00ab Interpersonal effect Iv eness Handout 8 (I. E. Worksheet 6) (p. 1 of 3)\nEvaluating Options for Whether or How Intensely to Ask \nfor Something or Say No\nBefore asking for something or saying no to a request, you have to decide how intensely you \nwant to hold your ground.\nOptions range from very low intensity, where you are very flexible and accept the situation as \nit is, to very high intensity, where you try every skill you know to change the situation and get \nwhat you want.\nOptIONS\nLow intensity (let go, give in)\nAsking Saying No\nDon\u2019t ask; don\u2019t hint. 1Do what the other person wants without being \nasked.\nHint indirectly; take no. 2 Don\u2019t complain; do it cheerfully.\nHint openly; take no. 3 Do it, even if you\u2019re not cheerful about it.\nAsk tentatively; take no. 4 Do it, but show that you\u2019d rather not.\nAsk gracefully, but take no. 5 Say you\u2019d rather not, but do it gracefully.\nAsk confidently; take no. 6 Say no confidently, but reconsider.\nAsk confidently; resist no. 7 Say no confidently; resist saying yes.\nAsk firmly; resist no. 8 Say no firmly; resist saying yes.\nAsk firmly; insist; negotiate; keep \ntrying. 9Say no firmly; resist; negotiate; keep trying.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6f4109d1c095-1", "page_content": "trying. 9Say no firmly; resist; negotiate; keep trying.\nAsk and don\u2019t take no for \nan \nanswer.10 Don\u2019t do it.\nHigh intensity (stay firm)\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f04ec58f1876-0", "page_content": "132interpersonal effectiveness Handout 8 (p. 2 of 3)\nfacTorS To con SiDer\nWhen deciding how firm or intense \nyou want to be in asking or saying no, think about:\n 1. The other person\u2019s or your own capability.\n 2. Your priorities.\n 3. The effect of your actions on your self- respect.\n 4. Your or the other\u2019s moral and legal rights in the situation.\n 5. Your authority over the person (or his or hers over you).\n 6. The type of relationship you have with the person.\n 7. The effect of your action on long- versus short-term goals.\n 8. The degree of give and take in your relationship.\n 9. Whether you have done your homework to prepare.\n10. The timing of your request or refusal.\n 1.capaBiliTy: \u2022\u2022Is the person able to give you what you want? If YES , raise the intensity of ASKING .\n\u2022\u2022Do you have what the person wants? If NO , raise the intensity of NO .\n 2.priori TieS: \u2022\u2022Are your GOALS very important? Increase intensity.\n\u2022\u2022Is your RELATIONSHIP shaky? Consider reducing intensity.\n\u2022\u2022Is your SELF - RESPECT on the line? Intensity should fit your values.\n 3.Self- reSpec T: \u2022\u2022Do you usually do things for yourself? Are you careful to avoid acting helpless when \nyou are not? If YES , raise the intensity of ASKING .\n\u2022\u2022Will saying no make you feel bad about yourself, even when you are thinking about \nit wisely? If NO , raise the intensity of NO .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f04ec58f1876-1", "page_content": "it wisely? If NO , raise the intensity of NO .\n 4.riGhTS: \u2022\u2022Is the person required by law or moral code to give you what you want? If YES , \nraise the intensity of ASKING .\n\u2022\u2022Are you required to give the person what he or she is asking for? Would saying no \nviolate the other person\u2019s rights? If NO , raise the intensity of NO .\n 5.auThori Ty: \u2022\u2022Are you responsible for directing the person or telling the person what to do? If YES, raise the intensity of ASKING .\n\u2022\u2022Does the person have authority over you (e.g., your boss, your teacher)? And is \nwhat the person is asking within his or her authority? If NO , raise the intensity of \nNO.\n(\ncontinued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "219c43f7ac76-0", "page_content": "133interpersonal effectiveness Handout 8 (p. 3 of 3)\n 6.relaTionShip: \u2022\u2022Is what you want appropriate to the current relationship? If YES , raise the intensity \nof ASKING .\n\u2022\u2022Is what the person is asking for appropriate to your current relationship? If NO , raise \nthe intensity of NO .\n 7.lonG-Term \nverS uS \nShor T-Term \nGoalS:\u2022\u2022Will not asking for what you want keep the peace now but create problems in the \nlong run? If YES , raise the intensity of ASKING .\n\u2022\u2022Is giving in to keep the peace right now more important than the long-term welfare of the relationship? Will you eventually regret or resent saying no? If NO , raise the \nintensity of NO .\n 8.Give an D Take: \u2022\u2022What have you done for the person? Are you giving at least as much as you ask \nfor? Are you willing to give if the person says yes? If YES , raise the intensity of \nASKING .\n\u2022\u2022Do you owe this person a favor? Does he or she do a lot for you? If NO , raise the \nintensity of NO .\n 9.home Work: \u2022\u2022Have you done your homework? Do you know all the facts you need to know to support your request? Are you clear about what you want? If YES , raise the \nintensity of ASKING .\n\u2022\u2022Is the other person\u2019s request clear? Do you know what you are agreeing to? If NO , \nraise the intensity of NO .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "219c43f7ac76-1", "page_content": "raise the intensity of NO .\n10. Timin G: \u2022\u2022Is this a good time to ask? Is the person \u201cin the mood\u201d for listening and paying attention to you? Are you catching the person when he or she is likely to say yes to \nyour request? If YES , raise the intensity of ASKING .\n\u2022\u2022Is this a bad time to say no? Should you hold off answering for a while? If NO , raise \nthe intensity of NO .\nOther factors:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e8aa6745ff02-0", "page_content": "134\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).Interpersonal effect Iv eness Handout 9 (I. E. Worksheet 7) (p. 1 of 2)\nTroubleshooting: \nWhen What You Are Doing Isn\u2019t Working\n1Do I have the skills I need? Check out the instructions.\nReview what has already been tried.\n\u2022 \u2022Do I know how to be skillful in getting what I want?\n\u2022 \u2022Do I know how to say what I want to say?\n\u2022 \u2022Do I follow the skill instructions to the letter?\n2 Do I know what I really want in this interaction?Ask:\n\u2022 \u2022Am I undecided about what I really want in this interaction?\n\u2022 \u2022Am I unsure of my priorities?\n\u2022 \u2022Am I having trouble balancing:\n\u2022 \u2022Asking for too much versus too little?\n\u2022 \u2022Saying no to everything versus saying yes to everything?\n\u2022 \u2022Is fear or shame getting in the way of knowing what I really want?\n3 Are short-term goals getting in the way of long-term goals?Ask:\n\u2022 \u2022Is \u201cnow, now, now \u201d winning out over getting what I really want in the \nfuture?\n\u2022 \u2022Is emotion mind controlling what I say and do instead of \nwISe\n MInD?\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "08070da716ce-0", "page_content": "135in terpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 9 (p. 2 of 2)\n4a\nre my emotions getting in the way of using my skills?\nAsk:\n\u2022 \u2022Do I get too upset to use my skills?\n\u2022 \u2022Are my emotions so \nHIGH t\nhat I am over my skills breakdown point?\n5a\nre worries, assumptions, and myths getting in my way?\nAsk:\n\u2022 \u2022Are T\nHOUGHTS a\nbout bad consequences blocking my action?\n\u201cThey won\u2019t like me,\u201d \u201cShe will think I am stupid.\u201d\n\u2022 \u2022Are T\nHOUGHTS a\nbout not deserving things getting in my way?\n\u201cI am such a bad person I don\u2019t deserve this.\u201d\n\u2022 \u2022Am I calling myself \nNAMES\n that stop me from doing anything?\n\u201cI won\u2019t do it right,\u201d \u201cI\u2019ll probably fall apart,\u201d \u201cI\u2019m so stupid.\u201d\n\u2022 \u2022Do I believe \nMYTHS a\nbout interpersonal effectiveness?\n\u201cIf I make a request, this will show that I am a weak person,\u201d \n\u201cOnly wimps have values.\u201d\n6is t\nhe environment more powerful than my skills?\nAsk:\n\u2022 \u2022Are the people who have what I want or need more powerful than I am?\n\u2022 \u2022Are other people more in control of the situation than I am?\n\u2022 \u2022Will others be threatened if I get what I want?\n\u2022 \u2022Do others have reasons for not liking me if I get what I want?\n7ot\nher ideas:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cd1016573d2c-0", "page_content": "Handouts for Building Relationships \nand Ending Destructive Ones", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "456b7a15ebdf-0", "page_content": "139\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 10 \noverview: \nBuilding r elationships \nand e nding Destructive o nes\nfinDinG an D Ge TTinG people T o like y ou\nProximity, similarity, conversation skills, \nexpressing liking, and joining groups\nminDfulne SS of oTher S\nBuilding closeness through mindfulness of others\nenDinG De STruc Tive/ \ninTerferin G rela TionShipS\nStaying in WISE MIND\nUsing skills\nStaying safe", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "507fe4d9adb5-0", "page_content": "140\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 11 (I. E. Worksheet 8) (p. 1 of 2)\nfinding and Getting p eople to l ike y ou\nremem Ber: all human Bein GS are l ovaBle.\nBut finding friends may take effort on your part.\nlook for p eople Who are c loSe By you.\nfamiliarity often leads to liking and sometimes love.\nTo find people you might like and who might like you, it is important to make sure that you \nare frequently around and visible to a group of people. Many people find friends who are \nclassmates or members of groups they join, or who work at or go to the same places.\nlook for p eople Who are Similar T o you.\nWe often make friends with people who share our interests and attitudes.\nThough always agreeing with someone will not make you more attractive to them, a lot of \npeople are attracted to those who share the same important interests and attitudes, such as \npolitics, lifestyle, morals.\nWork on y our c onver SaTion Skill S.\nask and respond to questions; respond with a little more info than requested.\nmake small talk; don\u2019t underestimate the value of chit-chat.\nSelf- disclose skillfully; keep your self- disclosure close to that of the other person.\nDon\u2019t interrupt; don\u2019t start talking just fractionally before or after someone else.\nlearn things to talk about: Watch others; read; increase your activities and experiences.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "507fe4d9adb5-1", "page_content": "learn things to talk about: Watch others; read; increase your activities and experiences.\nexpre SS likin G (Selec Tively).\nWe often like the people we think like us.\nExpress genuine liking for the other person. But don\u2019t try to suck up to the other person or \ngrovel. Find things to compliment that are not super- obvious. Don\u2019t praise too much too often, \nand never use compliments to obtain favors.\n(continued on next page )\nAdapted from Linehan, M. M., & Egan, K. J. (1985). Asserting yourself . New York: Facts on File. Copyright 1985 by Facts on File Publications. \nAdapted by permission of the authors.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "2ec877b625f5-0", "page_content": "141in terpersonal e ffectiveness Handout 11 (p. 2 of 2)\njo in an onGo inG Group co nver SaTi on.\nif w\ne wait for people to approach us, we may never have friends.\nSometimes we must make the first move in finding friends. This often requires us to know how \nto tell if a group is open or closed, and then, when it is open, how to approach and join in the \nongoing group.\nfiGu re ouT if a G roup iS op en or cl oSeD.\nin o\npen groups new members are welcome.\nin c\nlosed groups new members may not be welcome.\nop\nen Groups\n\u2022 \u2022Everyone is standing somewhat apart.\n\u2022 \u2022Members occasionally glance around the\nroom.\n\u2022 \u2022There are gaps in the conversation.\n\u2022 \u2022Members are talking about a topic ofgeneral interest.c\nlosed Groups\n\u2022 \u2022Everyone is standing close together.\n\u2022 \u2022Members attend exclusively to each other.\n\u2022 \u2022There is a very animated conversation withfew gaps.\n\u2022 \u2022Members seem to be pairing off.\nfiGu re ouT hoW To jo in an op en Group co nver SaTi on.\nWays of \njo\nining an \nop\nen Group po\ntential \nou\ntcomes\nMove gradually closer to the group. It may not be clear from the slowness of your \napproach that you want to join them; it might even look as though you were creeping up and trying to eavesdrop!\nOffer to refill members\u2019 glasses/serve them food.That could be overdoing things a bit. What would you do if they refused more food/drinks? Would it be clear enough that you wanted to join the group?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "2ec877b625f5-1", "page_content": "Stand beside them and chip in on their conversation.That might seem rude. They haven\u2019t invited you to join them, and anyway, what exactly are you going to say when you chip in?\nGo up and introduce yourself. Isn\u2019t that overly formal? Having introduced yourself, \nthen what do you say? Will they introduce themselves to you? Wouldn\u2019t you interrupt the conversation?\nWait for a break in the conversation, stand beside a friendly-\n l\nooking member of the \ngroup and say something like \u201c\nmi\nnd if \ni\n join you?\u201dThis makes your intention clear and doesn\u2019t seem rude or interrupt the conversation; group members can then choose whether to introduce themselves or not.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "8c5ace4ecab2-0", "page_content": "142\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 11a \nidentifying Skills to f ind p eople \nand Get Them to l ike y ou\nFor each A and B pair, check the more effective responses.\n\uf8f1\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u0089 1a. Realize that good relationships \ndepend on what you do.\n\u0089\u0089 1B. Think of relationships in \nvague, abstract terms.\uf8f1\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u0089 7a. Stay out of conversations other people \nare having, so people know you\u2019re respectful.\n\u0089\u0089 7B. Politely ask to join in conversations, so you can meet more people.\n\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u0089 2a. Expect people to beat a path \nto your door.\n\u0089\u0089 2B. Create and make full use of \nopportunities to come into \nregular contact with others.\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u0089 8a. Say nothing or everything about yourself, \nregardless of what others reveal.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "8c5ace4ecab2-1", "page_content": "regardless of what others reveal.\n\u0089\u0089 8B. Disclose roughly the same amount of \npersonal information to others as they \ndisclose to you.\n\uf8f1\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u0089 3a. Mix with people who share \nyour attitudes and interests.\n\u0089\u0089 3B. Mix with people with whom \nyou have little in common.\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u0089 9a. Keep good opinions of others to yourself.\n\u0089\u0089 9B. If you like others, let them know.\n\uf8f1\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u0089 4a. Mix with people who respond \npositively to you and to life generally.\n\u0089\u0089 4B. Mix with cynics and pessimists.\uf8f1\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u008910a. Protect yourself, and comment only on \ngood points that are obvious to anyone and everyone.\n\u0089\u008910B. Don\u2019t express liking indiscriminately.\n\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u0089 5a. Express your opinions and \nattitudes, so that others can recognize similarities with you.\n\u0089\u0089 5B. Keep your opinions and attitudes to yourself.\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "8c5ace4ecab2-2", "page_content": "\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f3\u0089\u008911a. Rely on flattery to get what you want \nwhen you think it will work.\n\u0089\u008911B. Don\u2019t use flattery to influence others.\n\uf8f1\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u0089 6a. Answer questions briefly, and \nseldom ask or return them.\n\u0089\u0089 6B. Show interest in others by \nasking questions.\uf8f1\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u008912a. Stand near a friendly- looking person \nin a new group, wait for a lull in the \nconversation, and then ask if it\u2019s OK for \nyou to join the group.\n\u0089\u008912B. Stand near a group of new people and \nmake sure your comments or opinions are heard.\nAdapted from Linehan, M. M., & Egan, K. J. (1985). Asserting yourself . New York: Facts on File. Copyright 1985 by Facts on File Publications. \nAdapted by permission of the authors.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c8e28bc51a46-0", "page_content": "143\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 12 (I. E. Worksheet 9)\nmindfulness of o thers\nfrien DShipS la ST lon Ger W hen W e are min Dful.\noBS erve\n\u0089\u0089Pay attention with interest and curiosity to others around you.\n\u0089\u0089Stop multitasking; focus on the people you are with.\n\u0089\u0089Stay in the present rather than planning what to say next.\n\u0089\u0089Let go of a focus on self, and focus on others around you.\n\u0089\u0089Be open to new information about others.\n\u0089\u0089Notice judgmental thoughts about others, and let them go.\n\u0089\u0089Give up clinging to always being right.\nDeScri Be\n\u0089\u0089Replace judgmental words with descriptive words.\n\u0089\u0089Avoid assuming or interpreting what other people think about you \nwithout checking the facts. (Remember, no one has ever observed \nanother person\u2019s thoughts, motives, intentions, feelings, emotions, desires, or experiences.)\n\u0089\u0089Avoid questioning other people\u2019s motives (unless you have very good reasons to do so).\n\u0089\u0089Give others the benefit of the doubt.\nparTicipa Te\n\u0089\u0089Throw yourself into interactions with others.\n\u0089\u0089Go with the flow, rather than trying to control the flow.\n\u0089\u0089Become one with group activities and conversations.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e30374791010-0", "page_content": "144\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).Interpersonal effect Iv eness Handout 12a \nI\ndentifying Mindfulness of Others\nFor each A and B pair, check the more effective response.\n\uf8f1 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f2 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f3\u0089 \u0089 1A. M ulti-task and expect the other \nperson to understand.\n\u0089 \u0089 \n1B. G\nive your complete attention to \nthe person you are with.\uf8f1 \n\uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f2 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f3\u0089 \u0089 6A. B e open to people\u2019s changing their \nminds about things, as well as their \nbeliefs or feelings.\n\u0089 \u0089 \n6B. A\nssume that when people change, \nthey are not trustworthy.\n\uf8f1 \n\uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f2 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f3\u0089 \u0089 2A. F igure that if you already know \nsomeone, you don\u2019t really have to \npay such close attention to them any more.\n\u0089 \u0089\n \n2B. R\necognize that closeness is built \nby attending to and learning more and more about people you care about.\uf8f1", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e30374791010-1", "page_content": "by attending to and learning more and more about people you care about.\uf8f1 \n\uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f2 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f3\u0089 \u0089 7A. E valuate other people\u2019s behaviors and \nthoughts, and tell them that they are \nwrong or that they should be different when you feel sure you are right.\n\u0089 \u0089\n \n7B. I\nf you do not approve of or agree \nwith what another person is doing or thinking, try to understand how it would make sense if you knew the causes.\n\uf8f1 \n\uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f2 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f3\u0089 \u0089 3A. \u201c My feelings are really hurt by \nwhat you did, and the thought \nwent through my mind that you hate me. I know that you don\u2019t really, but did you feel that way at the time?\u201d\n\u0089 \u0089\n \n3B. \u201c\nI know you hate me. There is \nno other reason for what you did to me. Don\u2019t tell me differently, either.\u201d\uf8f1 \n\uf8f2 \uf8f3\u0089 \u0089 8A . \u201cYou should stop doing that.\u201d\n\u0089 \u0089 \n8B. \u201c\nI wish you would stop doing that.\u201d\n\uf8f1 \uf8f2 \uf8f3\u0089 \u0089 9 A. \u201cYou are lazy and have given up.\u201d\n\u0089 \u0089 \n9B. \u201c\nI worry that you have given up.\u201d", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e30374791010-2", "page_content": "\u0089 \u0089 \n9B. \u201c\nI worry that you have given up.\u201d\n\uf8f1 \uf8f2 \uf8f3\u0089 \u008910A. \u201c I don\u2019t think that is correct.\u201d\n\u0089 \u008910B. \u201c\nHow could you possibly think that?\u201d\n\uf8f1 \n\uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f2 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f3\u0089 \u0089 4A. I n social situations, throw yourself \ninto interactions.\n\u0089 \u0089 \n4B. St\nay reserved and watch social \ninteractions so you don\u2019t make \nmistakes.\uf8f1 \n\uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f2 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f3\u0089 \u008911A. St ay in control so that relationships \nturn out the way you want.\n\u0089 \u008911B. G\no with the flow much of the time \nwhen in social interactions with \ngroups of friends.\n\uf8f1 \n\uf8f4 \uf8f2 \uf8f4 \uf8f3\u0089 \u0089 5A. F ind people with your values.\n\u0089 \u0089 \n5B. D\no little immoral things so as not \nto be a drag on friendships.\uf8f1 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f2 \uf8f4 \uf8f4 \uf8f3\u0089 \u008912A. H old back in a conversation until you \nare sure you like the person.\n\u0089 \u008912B. T\nhrow yourself into a conversation \nuntil you are sure you don\u2019t like it.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6f5482ac384b-0", "page_content": "145\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 13 (I. E. Worksheet 10)\nending r elationships\na destructive relationship has the quality of destroying or completely spoiling either the quality \nof the relationship or aspects of yourself\u2014such as your physical body and safety, your self- esteem \nor sense of integrity, your happiness or peace of mind, or your caring for the other person.\nan interfering relationship is one that blocks or makes difficult your pursuing goals that are impor -\ntant to you; your ability to enjoy life and do things you like doing; your relationships with other per -\nsons; or the welfare of others that you love.\nDecide to end relationships in WiS e minD, \nnever in emotion mind.\nif the relationship is impor TanT and noT destructive, \nand there is reason to hope it can be improved, try \npro Blem S olvin G to repair a difficult relationship.\ncope aheaD to troubleshoot \nand practice ending the relationship ahead of time.\nBe direct: u se the D ear man G ive fa ST interpersonal \neffectiveness skills.\npractice oppo SiTe ac Tion for love when you find \nyou love the wrong person.\nprac Tice S afeTy fir ST! \nBefore leaving a highly abusive or life- threatening \nrelationship, call a local domestic violence hotline or the \ntoll-free n ational Domestic v iolence h otline (1-800-799-7233)", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6f5482ac384b-1", "page_content": "for help with safety planning and a referral to a qualified \nprofessional. See also the i nternational Directory of Domestic \nviolence a gencies ( www.hotpeachpages.net ).", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "13ad97021d9f-0", "page_content": "146\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 13a \nidentifying h ow to e nd r elationships\nFor each A and B pair, check the more effective response.\n\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u00891a. If a relationship is threatening \nyour integrity or physical well-\nbeing, it is probably your fault, \nand you should see a therapist.\n\u0089\u00891B. A relationship threatening your \nintegrity or physical well-being \nis destructive, and you should consider getting out of it.\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f2\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f3In the middle of an argument, you are so mad at \nthe other person you don\u2019t want to have anything to do with this person any more.\n\u0089\u00895a. You should end the relationship right then! \nYou may forget all about how enraging the person is if you wait.\n\u0089\u00895B. You should get out of emotion mind and into \nWise Mind, and evaluate whether to stay or leave the relationship.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "13ad97021d9f-1", "page_content": "Wise Mind, and evaluate whether to stay or leave the relationship.\n\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f2\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f3\u0089\u00892a. Relationships should be \neasy. If it\u2019s hard to have a \nrelationship with someone, it\u2019s \nprobably not worth it, and you \nshould end it.\n\u0089\u00892B. Most relationships need \nproblem solving to work.\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f3\u0089\u00896a. If ending a destructive relationship will be \ndifficult, it\u2019s most effective to stay together.\n\u0089\u00896B. If ending a destructive relationship will be \ndifficult, it\u2019s most effective to cope ahead of \ntime.\n\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f2\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f3\u0089\u00893a. If you are in love with someone \nwho does not love you back, \npractice DEAR MAN skills to \nget the person to love you.\n\u0089\u00893B. If you are in love with someone \nwho does not love you back, \npractice opposite action to love.\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f2\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "13ad97021d9f-2", "page_content": "\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f3\u0089\u00897a. In an abusive relationship, if the person \nhits you, you should use your interpersonal \nskills to tell the person you are leaving the \nrelationship.\n\u0089\u00897B. In an abusive relationship, you should \nseek professional assistance to leave the \nrelationship.\n\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f3\u0089\u00894a. To decide whether to end a \nrelationship, do PROS and \nCONS .\n\u0089\u00894B. To decide whether to end a \nrelationship, use GIVE skills.\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f3\u0089\u00898a. If you feel consistently invalidated in a \nrelationship, it is probably your fault.\n\u0089\u00898B. If you are consistently invalidated, the \nrelationship is likely destructive.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d2dbabcf5989-0", "page_content": "Handouts for Walking \nthe Middle Path", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c2721ef69d5a-0", "page_content": "149\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 14 (I. E. Worksheets 11\u201315c)\noverview: \nWalking the m iddle p ath\nBalancing Acceptance and Change\nDialecTicS\nBalancing opposites while entering the paradox of \u201cyes\u201d \nand \u201cno,\u201d \u201ctrue\u201d and \u201cnot true,\u201d at the very same time.\nvaliDaTion\nIncluding the valid and understanable in ourselves and others.\nrecoverin G from i nvali DaTion\nFrom a nondefensive position, find the valid, acknowledge \nthe invalid, and radically accept yourself.\nSTraTeGieS for c han GinG Behavior \nUse behavioral principles to increase desired behaviors and \ndecrease undesired behaviors.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "482e49530d53-0", "page_content": "150\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 15 (I. E. Worksheets 11\u201311b)\nDialectics\nDialec TicS remin DS u S ThaT\n1. The universe is filled with opposing sides/opposing forces.\nThere is always more than one way to see a situation, and more than one way to solve a \nproblem.\nTwo things that seem like opposites can both be true.\n2. everything and every person is connected in some way.\nThe waves and the ocean are one.\nThe slightest move of the butterfly affects the furthest star.\n3. change is the only constant.\nMeaning and truth evolve over time.\nEach moment is new; reality itself changes with each moment.\n4. change is transactional.\nWhat we do influences our environment and other people in it.\nThe environment and other people influence us.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5762bbdc7fe0-0", "page_content": "151\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).Interpersonal effect Iv eness Handout 16 (I. E. Worksheets 11\u201311b)\nHow to Think and Act Dialectically\n\u0089 \u00891. T here is always more than one side to anything that exists. Look for both sides.\n\u0089 \u0089Ask Wise Mind: What am I missing? Where is the kernel of truth in the other side?\n\u0089 \u0089Let go of extremes: Change \u201ceither-or\u201d to \u201cboth-and,\u201d \u201calways\u201d or \u201cnever\u201d to \n\u201csometimes.\u201d\n\u0089 \u0089Balance opposites: Validate both sides when you disagree, accept reality, and work to \nchange.\n\u0089 \u0089Make lemonade out of lemons.\n\u0089 \u0089Embrace confusion: Enter the paradox of yes and no, or true and not true.\n\u0089 \u0089Play devil\u2019s advocate: Argue each side of your own position with equal passion.\n\u0089 \u0089Use metaphors and storytelling to unstick and free the mind.\n\u0089 \u0089Other ways to see all sides of a situation: \n \n\u0089 \u00892\n.\n B\ne aware that you are connected.\n\u0089 \u0089Treat others as you want them to treat you.\n\u0089 \u0089Look for similarities among people instead of differences.\n\u0089 \u0089Notice the physical connections among all things.\n\u0089 \u0089Other ways to stay aware of connections: \n \n\u0089 \u00893\n.\n Em\nbrace change.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5762bbdc7fe0-1", "page_content": "\u0089 \u00893\n.\n Em\nbrace change.\n\u0089 \u0089Throw yourself into change: Allow it. Embrace it.\n\u0089 \u0089Practice radical acceptance of change when rules, circumstances, people, and \nrelationships change in ways you don\u2019t like.\n\u0089 \u0089Practice getting used to change: Make small changes to practice this (e.g., purposely change where you sit, who you talk with, what route you take when going to a familiar place).\n\u0089 \u0089Other ways to embrace change: \n \n\u0089 \u00894\n.\n C\nhange is transactional: Remember that you affect your environment and your \nenvironment affects you.\n\u0089 \u0089Pay attention to your effect on others and how they affect you.\n\u0089 \u0089Practice letting go of blame by looking for how your own and others\u2019 behaviors are caused by many interactions over time.\n\u0089 \u0089Remind yourself that all things, including all behaviors, are caused.\n\u0089 \u0089Other ways to see transactions: \n \nNote. Adapted from Miller, A. L., Rathus, J. H., & Linehan, M. M. (2007). Dialectical behavior therapy with suicidal adolescents. New York: \nGuilford Press. Copyright 2007 by The Guilford Press. Adapted by permission.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f0c4b7f1a93a-0", "page_content": "152\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 16a \nexamples of o pposite Sides That c an Both Be True\n\u0089\u0089 1. You can want to change and be doing the best you can, AND still need to do better, try \nharder, and be more motivated to change.\n\u0089\u0089 2. You are tough AND you are gentle.\n\u0089\u0089 3. You can be independent AND also want help. (You can allow somebody else to be independent AND also give them help.)\n\u0089\u0089 4. You can want to be alone AND also want to be connected to others.\n\u0089\u0089 5. You can share some things with others AND also keep some things private.\n\u0089\u0089 6. You can be by yourself AND still be connected to others.\n\u0089\u0089 7. You can be with others AND be lonely.\n\u0089\u0089 8. You can be a misfit in one group AND fit in perfectly in another group. (A tulip in a rose garden can also be a tulip in a tulip garden.)\n\u0089\u0089 9. You can accept yourself the way you are AND still want to change. (You can accept others as they are AND still want them to change.)\n\u0089\u008910. At times you need to both control AND tolerate your emotions.\n\u0089\u008911. You may have a valid reason for believing what you believe, AND you may still be wrong or \nincorrect.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f0c4b7f1a93a-1", "page_content": "incorrect.\n\u0089\u008912. Someone may have valid reasons for wanting something from you, AND you may have valid \nreasons for saying no.\n\u0089\u008913. The day can be sunny, AND it can rain.\n\u0089\u008914. You can be mad at somebody AND also love and respect the person. \n\u0089\u008915. (You can be mad at yourself AND also love and respect yourself.)\n\u0089\u008916. You can have a disagreement with somebody AND also be friends.\n\u0089\u008917. You can disagree with the rules AND also follow the rules.\n\u0089\u008918. You can understand why somebody is feeling or behaving in a certain way, AND also disagree with his or her behavior and ask that it be changed.\n\u0089\u008919. Others:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "fdcfb9dd5266-0", "page_content": "153\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 16b \nimportant o pposites to Balance\n\u0089\u0089 1. Accepting reality AND working to change it.\n\u0089\u0089 2. Validating yourself and others AND acknowledging errors.\n\u0089\u0089 3. Working AND resting.\n\u0089\u0089 4. Doing things you need to do AND doing things you want to do.\n\u0089\u0089 5. Working on improving yourself AND accepting yourself exactly as you are.\n\u0089\u0089 6. Problem solving AND problem acceptance.\n\u0089\u0089 7. Emotion regulation AND emotion acceptance.\n\u0089\u0089 8. Mastering something on your own AND asking for help.\n\u0089\u0089 9. Independence AND dependence.\n\u0089\u008910. Openness AND privacy.\n\u0089\u008911. Trust AND suspicion.\n\u0089\u008912. Watching and observing AND participating.\n\u0089\u008913. Taking from others AND giving to others.\n\u0089\u008914. Focusing on yourself AND focusing on others.\n\u0089\u008915. Others: \n \n\u0089\u008916. Others: \n \n\u0089\u008917. Others:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "b9e43d8256b5-0", "page_content": "154\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 16c \nidentifying Dialectics\nfor each group, check the most dialectical response.\n\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f2\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f3\u0089\u00891a. Pay attention to your effect on others.\n\u0089\u00891B. Assume that others\u2019 reactions to you \nare unrelated to your treatment of them.\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f2\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u00895a. Examine a difficult relationship by \nlooking at how the interactions over time between you and the other \nperson may be problematic.\n\u0089\u00895B. Assume that difficulties in a relationship are caused completely by \nyou or by the other person.\n\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f2\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3Saying:\n\u0089\u00892a. \u201cI know I am right about this.\u201d\n\u0089\u00892B. \u201cI can see your point of view, even \nthough I do not agree with it.\u201d\n\u0089\u00892c. \u201cThe way you are thinking doesn\u2019t make any sense.\u201d\uf8f1\u2022", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "b9e43d8256b5-1", "page_content": "\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f2\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3Saying:\n\u0089\u00896a. \u201cIt is hopeless. I cannot do it.\u201d\n\u0089\u00896B. \u201cThis is a breeze. I\u2019ve got no \nproblems.\u201d\n\u0089\u00896c. \u201cThis is really hard for me, and I am going to keep trying.\u201d\n\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f2\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3Saying:\n\u0089\u00893a. \u201cEveryone always treats me unfairly.\u201d\n\u0089\u00893B. \u201cI believe the coach should reconsider \nhis decision to cut me from the team.\u201d\n\u0089\u00893c. \u201cCoaches know best who to keep on teams and who to cut.\u201d\uf8f1\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u00897a. When you disagree with someone, \nbe sure and be very clear about your point of view.\n\u0089\u00897B. When you disagree with someone, try and see their point of view.\n\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f2\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f3\u0089\u00894a. Judge friends as disloyal and uncaring \nif they start changing in ways you don\u2019t like.\n\u0089\u00894B. Accept that interests change.\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "b9e43d8256b5-2", "page_content": "\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f2\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f3\u0089\u00898a. Demand that relationships be stable \nwithout changing.\n\u0089\u00898B. Embrace change and see it as inevitable.\nNote. Adapted in part from Miller, A. L., Rathus, J. H., & Linehan, M. M. (2007). Dialectical behavior therapy with suicidal adolescents. New York: \nGuilford Press. Copyright 2007 by The Guilford Press. Adapted by permission.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "574fd74f31da-0", "page_content": "155\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 17 (I. E. Worksheet 12)\nvalidation\nvaliD aTion mean S:\n\u2022\u2022Finding the kernel of truth in another person\u2019s perspective or situation; verifying the facts of \na situation.\n\u2022\u2022Acknowledging that a person\u2019s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors have causes and are therefore understandable.\n\u2022\u2022Not necessarily agreeing with the other person.\n\u2022\u2022Not validating what is actually invalid.\nWhy v aliDaTe?\n\u2022\u2022It improves our relationships by showing we are listening and understand.\n\u2022\u2022It improves interpersonal effectiveness by reducing:\n1. Pressure to prove who is right\n2. Negative reactivity\n3. Anger\n\u2022\u2022It makes problem solving, closeness, and support possible.\n\u2022\u2022Invalidation hurts.\nimpor TanT Thin GS T o valiDaTe\n\u2022\u2022The valid (and only the valid).\n\u2022\u2022The facts of a situation.\n\u2022\u2022A person\u2019s experiences, feelings/emotions, beliefs, opinions, or thoughts about something.\n\u2022\u2022Suffering and difficulties.\nremem Ber:\n\u2022\u2022Every invalid response makes sense in some way.\n\u2022\u2022Validation is not necessarily agreeing.\n\u2022\u2022Validation doesn\u2019t mean you like it.\n\u2022\u2022Only validate the valid!\nNote. Adapted from Linehan, M. M. (1997). Validation and psychotherapy. In A. Bohart & L. Greenberg (Eds.), Empathy reconsidered: New", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "574fd74f31da-1", "page_content": "directions in psychotherapy (pp. 353\u2013392). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Copyright 1997 by the American Psycho -\nlogical Association. Adapted by permission.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ec946eb75bfa-0", "page_content": "156\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 18 (I. E. Worksheet 12)\na \u201chow To\u201d Guide to v alidation\n1. \u0089\u0089pay attention: \nLook interested, listen, and observe. No multitasking. Make eye contact. Stay focused. Nod \noccasionally. Respond with your face (e.g., smile at happy statements; look concerned when \nhearing something painful).\n2. \u0089\u0089reflect Back: \nSay back what you heard or observed to be sure you actually understand what the person is \nsaying. No judgmental language or voice tone! \n Try to really \u201cget\u201d what the person feels or thinks. Have an open mind. (No disagreeing, \ncriticizing, or trying to change the person\u2019s mind or goals.) Use a voice tone that allows the \nother person to correct you . . . and check the facts!\n e xample: \u201cSo you are mad at me because you think I lied just to get back at you. Did I get it \nright?\u201d\n3. \u0089\u0089\u201cread m inds\u201d: \nBe sensitive to what is not being said by the other person. Pay attention to facial \nexpressions, body language, what is happening, and what you know about the person already. Show that you understand in words or by your actions. Be open to correction.\n e xample: When you are asking a friend for a ride at the end of a long day and the person", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ec946eb75bfa-1", "page_content": "slumps down, say, \u201cYou look really tired. Let me look for someone else.\u201d\n4. \u0089\u0089understand: \nLook for how the other person feels, is thinking, or if he or she is making sense, given the person\u2019s history, state of mind or body, or current events (i.e. the causes)\u2014even if you don\u2019t approve of the person\u2019s behavior, or if his or her belief is incorrect. Say \u201cIt makes sense that \nyou . . . because . . . \u201d\n e xample: If you sent a party invitation to the wrong address, say, \u201cI can see why you thought \nI might be excluding you on purpose.\u201d\n5. \u0089\u0089acknowledge the valid: \nShow that you see that the person\u2019s thoughts, feelings, or actions are valid, given current reality and facts. Act as if the person\u2019s behavior is valid.\n e xample: If you are criticized for not taking out the garbage on your day, admit that it is your \nday and take it out. If people present a problem, help them solve it (unless they just want to \nbe heard). If people are hungry, give them food. Acknowledge the effort a person is making.\n6. \u0089\u0089Show e quality: \nBe yourself! Don\u2019t \u201cone-up\u201d or \u201cone-down\u201d the other person. Treat the other as an equal, not as fragile or incompetent.\n e xample: Be willing to admit mistakes. If someone introduces him- or herself by first name, \nintroduce yourself by your first name. Ask other people for their opinions. Give up being defensive. Be careful in giving advice or telling someone what to do if you are not asked or required to do so. Even then, remember you could be wrong.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ec946eb75bfa-2", "page_content": "Note. Adapted from Linehan, M. M. (1997). Validation and psychotherapy. In A. Bohart & L. Greenberg (Eds.), Empathy reconsidered: New \ndirections in psychotherapy (pp. 353\u2013392). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Copyright 1997 by the American Psycho -\nlogical Association. Adapted by permission.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d92073d62b7d-0", "page_content": "157\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 18a \nidentifying v alidation\nFor each A and B pair, check the more effective response.\n\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f2\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f3\u0089\u00891a. Think about your day when the other \nperson is talking about his or her day.\n\u0089\u00891B. Throw yourself into listening about the other person\u2019s day.\uf8f1\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u00895a. Remember that people\u2019s thoughts, \nfeelings, and behaviors don\u2019t always match. Check the facts.\n\u0089\u00895B. Assume that you can tell exactly what people are feeling and thinking.\n\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f2\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u00892a. If you are uncertain of people\u2019s \nthoughts and feelings, ask them what they are thinking or feeling, or try to \nimagine yourself in their situation.\n\u0089\u00892B. Assume that if people want you to know what they are thinking or \nfeeling, they will tell you.\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d92073d62b7d-1", "page_content": "\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f3\u0089\u00896a. Evaluate other people\u2019s behaviors and \nthoughts, and tell them that they are wrong or that they should be different \nwhen you feel sure you are right.\n\u0089\u00896B. If you do not agree with what another person is doing or thinking, try to \nunderstand how it could make sense if you understood the causes.\n\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f2\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f3\u2022\u0089\u00893a. Observe the small clues that indicate \nwhat is going on in social situations.\n\u0089\u00893B. Observe only what people say, and ignore nonverbal signals.\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f2\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u00897a. Assume that if you tell a person his \nor her request of you makes sense, that\u2019s all you have to do to validate the \nperson.\n\u0089\u00897B. When a person asks you for something, giving the person what \nhas been asked for is validation.\n\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f2\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f3\u0089\u00894a. Jump to conclusions about what \npeople mean.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d92073d62b7d-2", "page_content": "people mean.\n\u0089\u00894B. Realize that the same behavior can mean many things.\uf8f1\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u00898a. Assume that other people\u2019s reactions \nto you have nothing to do with yours to them.\n\u0089\u00898B. Treat each person with respect and as an equal.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "933ea012fc57-0", "page_content": "158\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 19 (I. E. Worksheet 13) (p. 1 of 2)\nrecovering from i nvalidation\nnoTice Tha T invali DaTion \ncan Be h elpful an D painful a T The Same Time\nremember: \ninvalidation i s helpful When \n1. It corrects important mistakes (your facts are wrong).\n2. It stimulates intellectual and personal growth by listening \nto other views.\n3. Other: \ninvalidation i s painful When\n1. You are being ignored.\n2. You are not being repeatedly misunderstood.\n3. You are being misread.\n4. You are being misinterpreted.\n5. Important facts in your life are ignored or denied.\n6. You are receiving unequal treatment.\n7. You are being disbelieved when being truthful.\n8. Your private experiences are trivialized or denied.\n9. Other: \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c193320a5b5a-0", "page_content": "159interpersonal effectiveness Handout 19 (p. 2 of 2)\nBe n ondefensive and c heck the f acts\n\u0089\u0089Check ALL the facts to see if your responses are valid or invalid. \nCheck them out with someone you can trust to validate the valid.\n\u0089\u0089Acknowledge when your responses don\u2019t make sense and are not \nvalid.\n\u0089\u0089Work to change invalid thinking, comments, or actions. (Also, stop blaming. It rarely helps a situation.)\n\u0089\u0089Drop judgmental self- statements. (Practice opposite action.)\n\u0089\u0089Remind yourself that all behavior is caused and that you are doing \nyour best.\n\u0089\u0089Be compassionate toward yourself. Practice self- soothing.\n\u0089\u0089Admit that it hurts to be invalidated by others, even if they are right.\n\u0089\u0089Acknowledge when your reactions make sense and are valid in a \nsituation.\n\u0089\u0089Remember that being invalidated, even when your response is actually valid, is rarely a complete catastrophe.\n\u0089\u0089Describe your experiences and actions in a supportive environment.\n\u0089\u0089Grieve traumatic invalidation and the harm it created.\n\u0089\u0089Practice radical acceptance of the invalidating person.\nvalidate y ourself e xactly the Way y ou Would \nvalidate Someone e lse", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3c678a0c57b1-0", "page_content": "160\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 19a \nidentifying Self- validation\nFor each A and B pair, check the more effective response when someone else invalidates you.\n\uf8f1\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u00891a. Describe your own experience, point \nof view, emotion, or action in a matter-of-fact way.\n\u0089\u00891B. Say, \u201cHow stupid of me,\u201d or put yourself down for your response.\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f2\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f3\u0089\u00894a. Jump to anger and call yourself a \nwimp if you start feeling sad or alone.\n\u0089\u00894B. Accept that it hurts to be invalidated, and feel the pain.\n\uf8f1\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u00892a. Blast the other person and argue your \npoint of view, even if you might be wrong.\n\u0089\u00892B. When someone disagrees with what you think or do, be open to being \nwrong and being OK with that. Check", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3c678a0c57b1-1", "page_content": "wrong and being OK with that. Check \nthe facts.\uf8f1\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u00895a. When you make a mistake, remind \nyourself that you are human, and humans make mistakes.\n\u0089\u00895B. Blame and punish yourself for being wrong; avoid people who know you \nwere wrong.\n\uf8f1\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u00893a. When you are checking the facts \n(if only in your mind), stand up for yourself if you are correct or if your \nresponse is reasonable.\n\u0089\u00893B. Assume that your experience of the facts is wrong. Give up and give in. \nJudge yourself and the person who invalidated you.\uf8f1\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u00896a. See yourself as \u201cscrewed up\u201d or \n\u201cdamaged goods,\u201d and give in to shame and misery.\n\u0089\u00896B. Respond and talk to yourself with understanding and compassion. \nRemind yourself that all responses \nare caused and make sense if you explore the reasons long enough.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3c3b22cae587-0", "page_content": "161\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 20 (I. E. Worksheet 14)\nStrategies for increasing the p robability \nof Behaviors y ou Want\nDescribe behaviors for yourself or others that you would like to start or increase:\n \nreinforcer = a consequence that increases frequency of a behavior.\npositive reinforcement = positive consequences (i.e., reward).\nBehavior is increased by consequences a person wants, likes, or will work to get.\nExamples: \nnegative reinforcement = removal of negative events (i.e., relief).\nBehavior is increased by consequences that stop or reduce something negative.\nExamples: \nShaping = r einforcing small steps toward the behavior you want.\n\u2022\u2022Reinforce small steps that lead toward the goal.\n\u2022\u2022As new behavior stabilizes, require a little bit more before reinforcing.\n\u2022\u2022Continue until you reach the goal behavior.\nExamples of steps to a goal behavior: \n \nTiming counts.\n\u2022\u2022Reinforce behavior immediately after it occurs.\n\u2022\u2022When shaping new behavior, at first reinforce every instance of the behavior.\n\u2022\u2022Once behavior is established, gradually start to reinforce only some of the time.\ncau Tion: When you vary reinforcement, behavior becomes very hard to stop.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c3f44d88a608-0", "page_content": "162\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 21 (I. E. Worksheet 15)\nStrategies for Decreasing or Stopping \nunwanted Behaviors\nextinction = Stopping an ongoing reinforcement of behavior.\nExtinction leads first to a burst of behavior, and then to a decrease in behavior.\nExamples: \nSatiation = p roviding relief or what is wanted before the behavior occurs.\nSatiation reduces motivation for behavior and thus decreases its frequency.Examples: \npunishment = an aversive consequence that decreases a behavior.\nBehavior is decreased by consequences the person dislikes or will work to avoid.\nExamples: \nBehavior is decreased by consequences that stop or reduce something positive.Examples: \nBehavior is decreased when something the person wants is withheld until harmful effects of \nproblem behaviors are corrected and overcorrected.\nExamples: \n\u2022\u2022Be sure that punishment is specific, is time- limited, and fits the \u201ccrime.\u201d\n\u2022\u2022Avoid a punitive tone; let the consequence do the work.\n\u2022\u2022If a natural punishment occurs, don\u2019t undo it. Don\u2019t add arbitrary punishment.\nBe sure to reinforce alternative behavior to replace behavior you want stopped.\n\u2022\u2022Extinction and punishment weaken or suppress behavior, but do not eliminate it.\n\u2022\u2022Extinction and punishment do not teach new behavior.\n\u2022\u2022To keep a behavior from resurfacing, reinforce an alternative behavior.\n\u2022\u2022Punishment works only when the punisher is (or is likely to be) present.\n\u2022\u2022Punishment leads to avoidance of the person punishing.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "00d432235acf-0", "page_content": "163\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 22 (I. E. Worksheets 14, 15)\nTips for u sing Behavior c hange Strategies e ffectively\nSummary so far:\nGoal consequence\nIncrease behavior (Reinforce) \u2022\u2022Add positive consequence\n\u2022\u2022Remove aversive consequence\nWeaken behavior (Extinguish) \u2022\u2022Remove reinforcer\n\u2022\u2022Provide relief before unwanted behavior\nSuppress \nbehavior(Punish) \u2022\u2022Add aversive consequence\n\u2022\u2022Remove positive consequence\nnot all consequences are created equal.\n\u201cone person\u2019s poison can be another person\u2019s passion.\u201d\ncontext counts. A reinforcer in one situation can be punishment in another.\nquantity counts. If a reinforcer is too little or too much, it will not work.\nnatural consequences work best. Let them do the work when possible.\nask what consequence the person would work to get (reinforcer) or work to avoid \n(punisher).\nobserve changes in behavior when a consequence is applied.\nBehavior learned in one situation may not happen in another situation.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "add612791da3-0", "page_content": "164\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).interpersonal effectiveness Handout 22a \nidentifying e ffective Behavior c hange Strategies\nFor each A and B pair, check the more effective response.\n\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f3\u0089\u00891a. When you are trying to increase a \nbehavior, it is most effective to wait for the full desired behavior before \nreinforcing, so the person does not \nthink that halfway is good enough.\n\u0089\u00891B. When you are trying to increase \na behavior, it is most effective to \nreinforce small improvement in the right direction, or else the person may not continue to improve.\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u00895a. If a person\u2019s problem behaviors \nwork to get things he or she wants, it is most effective to punish those \nbehaviors to make them stop.\n\u0089\u00895B. If a person\u2019s problem behaviors work \nto get things he or she wants, it is \nmost effective to stop reinforcing", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "add612791da3-1", "page_content": "to get things he or she wants, it is \nmost effective to stop reinforcing \nthose behaviors and instead give rewards when the person uses more skillful strategies to get what he or she wants or needs.\n\uf8f1\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u00892a. The most effective punishment \nis intense anger and swift verbal criticism.\n\u0089\u00892B. The most effective punishment is to find one that fits the severity of the problem behavior.\uf8f1\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u00896a. When you are punishing, figure that \na nonspecific punishment will be a lot more effective, since it can\u2019t be \navoided.\n\u0089\u00896B. Use a specific and time- limited \nnegative consequence to decrease \nbehavior.\n\uf8f1\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u00893a. It is most effective to reinforce \nbehavior immediately after it occurs.\n\u0089\u00893B. It is most effective to reward behavior after a delay so that the person does not expect that you will always provide a reward.\uf8f1\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f2\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "add612791da3-2", "page_content": "\uf8f2\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f3\u0089\u00897a. If a person\u2019s mean behavior makes \nyou feel hurt, it is most effective to punish the behavior by taking away \ngifts that you previously gave the \nperson.\n\u0089\u00897B. If a person\u2019s mean behavior makes \nyou feel hurt, it is most effective to \npunish the behavior by not doing favors for the person until his or her behavior improves.\n\uf8f1\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u00894a. It is common that people reward \nothers\u2019 problematic behaviors without even realizing it.\n\u0089\u00894B. People do not reward others\u2019 problematic behaviors, because that would be stupid.\uf8f1\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f2\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\u0089\u00898a. After a punished behavior stops, it is \nmost effective to reward an alternative behavior that you want.\n\u0089\u00898B. After a punished behavior stops, it is most effective to continue the punishment, so that you send a very \nclear message that the problematic \nbehavior is unacceptable.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f90da6338a36-0", "page_content": "interpersonal \neffectiveness\u00a0Worksheets\nWorksheets for Goals and Factors \nThat\u00a0Interfere", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "4e87071f5e9e-0", "page_content": "167\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .interpersonal effectiveness WorksHeet 1 (I. E. Handout 1)\npros and c ons of u sing interpersonal \neffectiveness Skills\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nUse this sheet to figure out the advantages and disadvantages to you of using interpersonal effec -\ntiveness skills (i.e., acting skillfully) to get what you want. The idea here is to figure out what is the \nmost effective way for you to get what you want. Remember, this is about your goals, not someone else\u2019s goals.\nDescribe the interpersonal situation:\n \nDescribe your goal in this situation:\n \nMake a list of the pros and cons of acting skillfully by using interpersonal effectiveness skills.\nMake another list of the pros and cons for using power tactics to get what you want.\nMake a third list of pros and cons for giving in or acting passively in the situation.\nCheck the facts to be sure that you are correct in your assessment of advantages and \ndisadvantages.\nWrite on the back of this sheet if you need more room.\npro SUsing Skills\n \n Demanding, Attacking, Stonewalling\n \n \n Giving In, Acting Passively\n con SUsing Skills\n Demanding, Attacking, Stonewalling\n \n \n Giving In, Acting Passively\n \nWhat did you decide to do in this situation?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "4e87071f5e9e-1", "page_content": "What did you decide to do in this situation? \n \nis this the best decision (in Wise m ind)?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cce6b09979e7-0", "page_content": "168\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .interpersonal effectiveness WorksHeet 2 (I. E. Handout 2a) (p. 1 of 2)\nchallenging m yths in the Way of o btaining o bjectives\nchallenging m yths in the Way of o bjectives e ffectiveness\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nFor each myth, write down a challenge that makes sense to you.\n 1. I don\u2019t deserve to get what I want or need.\nChallenge: \n 2. If I make a request, this will show that I\u2019m a very weak person.Challenge: \n 3. I have to know whether a person is going to say yes before I make a request.\nChallenge: \n 4. If I ask for something or say no, I can\u2019t stand it if someone gets upset with me.Challenge: \n 5. If they say no, it will kill me.\nChallenge: \n 6. Making requests is a really pushy (bad, self- centered, selfish, etc.) thing to do.\nChallenge: \n 7. Saying no to a request is always a selfish thing to do.\nChallenge: \n 8. I should be willing to sacrifice my own needs for others.Challenge: \n 9. I must be really inadequate if I can\u2019t fix this myself.\nChallenge:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cce6b09979e7-1", "page_content": "Challenge: \n10. Obviously, the problem is just in my head. If I would just think differently, I wouldn\u2019t have to \nbother everybody else.\nChallenge: \n11. If I don\u2019t have what I want or need, it doesn\u2019t make any difference; I don\u2019t care, really.Challenge: \n12. Skillfulness is a sign of weakness.\nChallenge: \nOther myth: Challenge: \nOther myth: Challenge: \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "a1c1ae19e175-0", "page_content": "169interpersonal effectiveness WorksHeet 2 (p. 2 of 2)\nchallenging m yths in the Way of r elationship and Self- respect e ffectiveness\nFor each myth, write down a challenge that makes sense to you.\n13. I shouldn\u2019t have to ask (say no); they should know what I want (and do it).\nChallenge: \n14. They should have known that their behavior would hurt my feelings; I shouldn\u2019t have to tell \nthem.\nChallenge: \n15. I shouldn\u2019t have to negotiate or work at getting what I want.\nChallenge: \n16. Other people should be willing to do more for my needs.Challenge: \n17. Other people should like, approve of, and support me.\nChallenge: \n18. They don\u2019t deserve my being skillful or treating them well.Challenge: \n19. Getting what I want when I want it is most important.\nChallenge: \n20. I shouldn\u2019t be fair, kind, courteous, or respectful if others are not so toward me.\nChallenge: \n21. Revenge will feel so good; it will be worth any negative consequences.Challenge: \n22. Only wimps have values.Challenge: \n23. Everybody lies.\nChallenge: \n24. Getting what I want or need is more important than how I get it; the ends really do justify the \nmeans.\nChallenge: \nOther myth: Challenge: \nOther myth: \nChallenge:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "dae41a24217d-0", "page_content": "Worksheets for Obtaining \nObjectives\u00a0Skillfully", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ec97c9614507-0", "page_content": "173\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .in terpersonal e ffectiveness Works H eet 3 (I. E. Handout 4)\ncl arifying pr iorities in in terpersonal Situations\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nU\nse this sheet to figure out your goals and priorities in any situation that creates a problem for you. \nExamples include situations where (1) your rights or wishes are not being respected; (2) you want \nsomeone to do or change something or give you something; (3) you want or need to say no or resist pressure to do something; (4) you want to get your position or point of view taken seriously; (5) there is conflict with another person; or (6) you want to improve your relationship with someone.\nObserve and describe in writing as close in time to the situation as possible. Write on the back of \nthis sheet if you need more room.\npromp\nting event for my problem: Who did what to whom? What led up to what? What is it about this situation that is a problem for me? Remember to check the facts!\nmy w\nants and desires in this situation:\nO\nbjectives: What specific results do I want? What do I want this person to do, stop or accept?\nR\nelationship: How do I want the other person to feel and think about me because of how \ni \nh", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ec97c9614507-1", "page_content": "i \nh\nandle the interaction (whether or not I get what I want from the other person)?\nSel\nf- R\nespect: How do I want to feel or think about myself because of how \ni\n handle the \ninteraction (whether or not I get what I want from the other person)?\nmy p\nriorities in this situation: Rate priorities 1 (most important), 2 (second most important), or 3 \n(least important).\n \nObjectives\n \nRelationship \n \nSelf- \nrespect\nim\nbalances and conflicts in priorities that make it hard to be effective in this situation:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3672da72f02c-0", "page_content": "174\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .Interpersonal effect Iv eness Worksheet 4 (I. E. Handouts 5, 6, 7)\nWriting Out Interpersonal Effectiveness Scripts\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nF\nill out this sheet before you practice your DEAR MAN, GIVE FAST interpersonal skills. Practice \nsaying your \u201clines\u201d out loud, and also in your mind. Use the \u201ccope ahead\u201d skills (Emotion Regulation \nHandout 19). Write on the back of this sheet if you need more room.\nPrO m PtIng E vEnt for my problem: Who did what to whom? What led up to what?\n O\nbjEcTI\nVES \nIN SI\nTUATION (\nWhat results I want):\n RElA\nTIONSHIP IS\nSUE \n(How I want the other person to feel about me):\n SElF- \nRES\nPEcT \nIS\nSUE (\nHow I want to feel about myself):\nScr I P t I d EaS for dEar man , gIv E FaSt\n1. de\nscribe situation.\n \n2. Exp ress feelings/opinions.\n \n3. ass ert request (or say no) directly (circle the part you will use later in \u201cbroken record\u201d to stay \nMindful if you need it).", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3672da72f02c-1", "page_content": "Mindful if you need it).\n \n4. re inforcing comments to make.\n \n5. mi ndful and ap pearing confident comments to make (if needed).\n \n6 ne gotiating comments to make, plus turn-the-table comments (if needed).\n \n7. va lidating comments.\n \n8. Eas y manner comments.\n \nW\nrite on the back side all the things you want to avoid doing and saying.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "711db3f2c819-0", "page_content": "175\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .interpersonal effectiveness WorksHeet 5 (I. E. Handouts 5, 6, 7)\nTracking interpersonal e ffectiveness Skills u se\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nFill out this sheet whenever you practice your interpersonal skills and whenever you have an oppor -\ntunity to practice, even if you don\u2019t (or almost don\u2019t) do anything to practice. Write on the back of this \nsheet if you need more room.\npromp TinG evenT for my problem: Who did what to whom? What led up to what?\n OBJECTIVES IN SITUATION (What results I want):\n RELATIONSHIP ISSUE (How I want the other person to feel about me):\n SELF- RESPECT ISSUE (How I want to feel about myself):\nmy priori TieS in this situation: Rate priorities 1 (most important), 2 (second most important), \nor 3 (least important).\n O BJECTIVES R ELATIONSHIP S ELF- RESPECT\nimbalances and conflic TS in prioriT ieS that made it hard to be effective in this situation:\nWhat i S aiD or D iD in the situation: (Describe and check below.)\nDear man (Getting what I want):\n Described situation? Mindful? \n Expressed feelings/opinions? Broken record?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "711db3f2c819-1", "page_content": "Expressed feelings/opinions? Broken record? \n Asserted? Ignored attacks? \n Reinforced? Appeared confident? \nGive (Keeping the relationship): Negotiated? \n Gentle? Interested? \n No threats? Validated? \n No attacks? Easy manner? \n No judgments? \nfaST (Keeping my respect for myself):\n Fair? Stuck to values? \n (No) Apologies? Truthful? \nhow effective was the interaction?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "746dfbd8f327-0", "page_content": "176\ninterpersonal effectiveness WorksHeet 6 (I. E. Handout 8) (p. 1 of 2)\nThe Dime Game: f iguring o ut how Strongly to a sk or Say n o\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nTo figure out how strongly to ask for something or how strongly to say no, read the instructions below. Circle the dimes you put in the bank, and \nthen add them up. Then go back over the list and see if some items are much more important than others. Check Wise Mind before acting, if some items are much more important than others.\nDecide how strongly to ask for something.\nPut a dime in the bank for each of the questions that get a yes answer. The \nmore money you have, the stronger you ask. If you have a dollar, then ask \nvery strongly. If you don\u2019t have any money in the bank, then don\u2019t ask; don\u2019t \neven hint.Decide how strongly to say no.\nPut a dime in the bank for each of the questions that get a no answer. The \nmore money you have, the stronger you say no. If you have a dollar, then say \nno very strongly. If you don\u2019t have any money in the bank, then do it without \neven being asked.\n10\u00a2 Is this person able to give or do what I want? capability Can I give the person what is wanted? 10\u00a2\n10\u00a2 Is getting my objective more important than my relationship \nwith this person?priorities Is my relationship more important than saying no? 10\u00a2\n10\u00a2 Will asking help me feel competent and self- respecting? Self- respect Will saying no make me feel bad about myself? 10\u00a2\n10\u00a2 Is the person required by law or moral code to do or give", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "746dfbd8f327-1", "page_content": "10\u00a2 Is the person required by law or moral code to do or give \nme what I want?rights Am I required by law or moral code to give or do what is wanted, or does saying no violate this person\u2019s rights?10\u00a2\n10\u00a2 Am I responsible for telling the person what to do? authority Is the other person responsible for telling me what to do? 10\u00a2\n10\u00a2 Is what I want appropriate for this relationship? (Is it right to \nask for what I want?)relationship Is what the person is requesting of me appropriate to my relationship with this person?10\u00a2\n10\u00a2 Is asking important to a long-term goal? Goals In the long term, will I regret saying no? 10\u00a2\n10\u00a2 Do I give as much as I get with this person? Give and take Do I owe this person a favor? (Does the person do a lot for \nme?)10\u00a2\n10\u00a2 Do I know what I want and have the facts I need to support \nmy request?homework Do I know what I am saying no to? (Is the other person clear about what is being asked for?)10\u00a2\n10\u00a2 Is this a good time to ask? (Is the person in the right mood?)Timing Should I wait a while before saying no? 10\u00a2\n$\nTotal value of asking \n(Adjusted \u00b1 for Wise Mind)Total value of saying no \n(Adjusted \u00b1 for Wise Mind)$\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "432f6ec2d9e7-0", "page_content": "177interpersonal effectiveness WorksHeet 6 (p. 2 of 2)\naSkinG SayinG no\nDon\u2019t ask; don\u2019t hint. 0\u201310\u00a2 Do it without being asked.\nHint indirectly; take no. 20\u00a2 Don\u2019t complain; do it cheerfully.\nHint openly; take no. 30\u00a2 Do it, even if you\u2019re not cheerful about it.\nAsk tentatively; take no. 40\u00a2 Do it, but show that you\u2019d rather not.\nAsk gracefully, but take no. 50\u00a2 Say you\u2019d rather not, but do it gracefully.\nAsk confidently; take no. 60\u00a2 Say no firmly, but reconsider.\nAsk confidently; resist no. 70\u00a2 Say no confidently; resist saying yes.\nAsk firmly; resist no. 80\u00a2 Say no firmly; resist saying yes.\nAsk firmly; insist; negotiate; keep trying. 90\u00a2 Say no firmly; resist; negotiate.\nDon\u2019t take no for an answer. $1.00 Don\u2019t do it.\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "856265040288-0", "page_content": "178\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .interpersonal effectiveness WorksHeet 7 (I. E. Handout 9) (p. 1 of 2)\nTroubleshooting interpersonal e ffectiveness Skills\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nFill out this sheet whenever you practice your interpersonal skills and whenever you have an oppor -\ntunity to practice, even if you don\u2019t (or almost don\u2019t) do anything to practice. Write on the back of this \nsheet if you need more room.\nDo i have the skills i need? c heck out the instructions.\n1 Review what has already been tried.\n\u2022\u2022Do I know how to be skillful in getting what I want?\n\u2022\u2022Do I know how to say what I want to say?\n\u2022\u2022Did I follow the skill instructions to the letter?\n\u0089\u0089not sure:\n\u0089\u0089Wrote out what I wanted to say first.\n\u0089\u0089Reread the instructions.\n\u0089\u0089Got coaching from someone I trust.\n\u0089\u0089Practiced with a friend or in front of a mirror.\nDid it work the next time? \u0089\u0089Yes (Fabulous) \u0089\u0089No (Continue) \u0089\u0089Didn\u2019t try again\n\u0089\u0089yes:\nDo i know what i really want in this interaction?\n2 Ask:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "856265040288-1", "page_content": "Do i know what i really want in this interaction?\n2 Ask:\n\u2022\u2022Am I undecided about what I really want in this interaction?\n\u2022\u2022Am I ambivalent about my priorities?\n\u2022\u2022Am I having trouble balancing:\n\u2022\u2022Asking for too much versus not asking for anything?\n\u2022\u2022Saying no to everything versus giving in to everything?\n\u2022\u2022Is fear or shame getting in the way of knowing what I really want?\n\u0089\u0089not sure:\n\u0089\u0089Did pros and cons to compare different objectives.\n\u0089\u0089Used emotion regulation skills to reduce fear and shame.\nDid this help? \u0089\u0089Yes (Fabulous) \u0089\u0089No (Continue) \u0089\u0089Didn\u2019t try again\n\u0089\u0089yes:\nare my short-term goals getting in the way of my long-term goals?\n3 Ask:\n\u2022\u2022Is \u201cnow, now, now\u201d winning out over getting what I really want?\n\u2022\u2022Is emotion mind controlling what I say and do instead of Wise Mind?\n\u0089\u0089yes:\n\u0089\u0089Did a pros and cons comparing short-term to long-term goals.\n\u0089\u0089Waited until another time when I\u2019m not in emotion mind.\nDid this help? \u0089\u0089Yes (Fabulous) \u0089\u0089No (Continue) \u0089\u0089Didn\u2019t try again\n\u0089\u0089no:\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "53c7af098eff-0", "page_content": "179interpersonal effectiveness WorksHeet 7 (p. 2 of 2)\nare my emotions getting in the way of using my skills?\n4 Ask:\n\u2022\u2022Do I get too upset to use my skills?\n\u2022\u2022Are my emotions so high that I am over my skills breakdown point?\n\u0089\u0089yes:\n\u0089\u0089Tried TIP skills.\n\u0089\u0089Used self- soothing crisis survival skills before the interaction to get myself calm.\n\u0089\u0089Did mindfulness of current emotions (Emotion Regulation Handout 22).\n\u0089\u0089Refocused attention completely on the present objective.\nDid this help? \u0089\u0089Yes (Fabulous) \u0089\u0089No (Continue) \u0089\u0089Didn\u2019t try again\n\u0089\u0089no:\nare worries, assumptions, and myths getting in my way?\n5 Ask:\n\u2022\u2022Are thoughts about bad consequences blocking my action?\n\u201cThey won\u2019t like me,\u201d \u201cShe will think I am stupid.\u201d\n\u2022\u2022Are thoughts about whether I deserve to get what I want in my way?\n\u201cI am such a bad person I don\u2019t deserve this.\u201d\n\u2022\u2022Am I calling myself names that stop me from doing anything?\n\u201cI won\u2019t do it right,\u201d \u201cI\u2019ll probably fall apart,\u201d \u201cI\u2019m so stupid.\u201d\n\u2022\u2022Am I believing myths about interpersonal effectiveness?\n\u201cIf I make a request, this will show that I am a very weak person,\u201d \u201cOnly wimps have values.\u201d\n\u0089\u0089yes:\n\u0089\u0089Challenged myths.\n\u0089\u0089Checked the facts.\n\u0089\u0089Did opposite action all the way.\nDid this help? \u0089\u0089Yes (Fabulous) \u0089\u0089No (Continue) \u0089\u0089Didn\u2019t try again\n\u0089\u0089no:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "53c7af098eff-1", "page_content": "\u0089\u0089no:\nis the environment more powerful than my skills?\n6 Ask:\n\u2022\u2022Are the people who have what I want or need more powerful than I am?\n\u2022\u2022Are the people commanding me powerful and in control?\n\u2022\u2022Will others be threatened if I get what I want?\n\u2022\u2022Do others have reasons for not liking me if I get what I want?\n\u0089\u0089yes:\n\u0089\u0089Tried problem solving.\n\u0089\u0089Found a powerful ally.\n\u0089\u0089Practiced radical acceptance.\nDid this help? \u0089\u0089Yes (Fabulous) \u0089\u0089No (Continue) \u0089\u0089Didn\u2019t try again\n\u0089\u0089no:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "09b2fbabf386-0", "page_content": "Worksheets for Building \nRelationships and Ending \nDestructive\u00a0Ones", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c02ca0b416a2-0", "page_content": "183\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .interpersonal effectiveness WorksHeet 8 (I. E. Handout 11)\nfinding and Getting p eople to l ike y ou\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nFill out this sheet whenever you practice finding friends and whenever you have an opportunity to \npractice, even if you don\u2019t (or almost don\u2019t) do anything to practice. Write on the back of this sheet if you need more room.\nList two ways you could (or do) make casual but regular contact with people.\n1. \n2. \nList two ways you could find (or have found) people whose attitudes are similar to yours.1. \n2. \nList two ways you could get in conversations (or have been in them) where you could ask a question, \ngive an answer, give a compliment, or express liking to others.\n1. \n2. \nList times you have been near a group conversation you could practice joining (or how you could \nfind one).\n1. \n2. \nCheck the facts and be sure you have listed all of your opportunities to find potential friends. Add \nmore ideas if necessary or ask your current friends or family for ideas.\nDescribe one thing you have done to make a new friend and get someone to like you.\n \n \ncheck off and describe each skill that you used.\n Proximity Similarity Conversation skills Expressed liking", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c02ca0b416a2-1", "page_content": "Proximity Similarity Conversation skills Expressed liking\n \n \nDescribe any efforts you made to join a conversational group. \n Describe any efforts you made to use your conversation skills with others. \n how effective was the interaction?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c47ecc305f8b-0", "page_content": "184\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .interpersonal effectiveness WorksHeet 9 (I. E. Handout 12)\nmindfulness of o thers\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nFill out this sheet whenever you practice mindfulness of others and whenever you have an opportu -\nnity to practice even if you don\u2019t (or almost don\u2019t) do anything to practice. Write on the back of this \nsheet if you need more room.\nCheck off any of the following that you practiced:\n\u0089\u0089Paid attention with interest and curiosity to others around me.\n\u0089\u0089Let go of a focus on myself, and focused on the people I was with.\n\u0089\u0089Noticed judgmental thoughts about others and let them go.\n\u0089\u0089Stayed in the present (instead of planning what I would say next) and listened.\n\u0089\u0089Put my entire attention on the other person and did not multitask.\n\u0089\u0089Gave up clinging to being right.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \n\u0089\u0089Described in a matter-of-fact way what I observed.\n\u0089\u0089Replaced judgmental descriptions with descriptive words.\n\u0089\u0089Described what I observed, instead of making assumptions and interpretations of others.\n\u0089\u0089Avoided questioning others\u2019 motives.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \n\u0089\u0089Threw myself into interactions with others.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c47ecc305f8b-1", "page_content": "\u0089\u0089Threw myself into interactions with others.\n\u0089\u0089Went with the flow, rather than trying to control everything.\n\u0089\u0089Became one with the conversation I was in.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nDescribe a situation where you practiced mindfulness of others in the last week. \n \nWho was the person you were with? \nhow exactly did you practice mindfulness? \nWhat was the outcome? \n \nhow did you feel afterward? \nDid being mindful make a difference? i f so, what?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "298e77a9d946-0", "page_content": "185\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .interpersonal effectiveness WorksHeet 10 (I. E. Handout 13) (p. 1 of 2)\nending r elationships\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nFill out this sheet to outline how to end an unwanted relationship when the relationship is not abu -\nsive. if it is abusive, first call a local domestic violence hotline or the n ational Domestic v io-\nlence hotline (1-800-799-7233). Write on the back of this sheet if you need more room.\nrelationship problem: Describe how the relationship is destructive or interfering with your life.\n \n \nlist Wise m ind pros and cons for ending the relationship.\nPros: \n \nCons: \n \nScript i deas for D ear man , Give fa ST to end a r elationship\n 1. Describe the relationship situation, or the problem that is the core reason you want to end the \nrelationship.\n 2. express feelings/opinions about why the relationship needs to end for you.\n 3. assert in your decision to end the relationship directly (circle the part you will use later in \n\u201cbroken record\u201d to stay mindful if you need it).\n 4. reinforcing comments to make about positive outcomes for both of you once the relationship \nis ended.\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5b9bf6cc4f45-0", "page_content": "186interpersonal effectiveness WorksHeet 10 (p. 2 of 2)\n5. mindful and a ppearing confident comments to make about how and when to end (if \nneeded).\n6. negotiating comments to make, plus turn-the-table comments to avoid getting off track and \nresponding to insults or diversions (if needed).\n7. validating comments about the other person\u2019s wishes, feelings, or history of the relationship.\n8. easy manner comments.\n9. fair comments.\nCheck off opposite actions for love you have been doing:\n\u0089\u00891. Reminded myself why love is not justified.\n\u0089\u00892. Did the opposite of loving urges.\n\u0089\u00893. Avoided contact with reminders of loved one.\n\u0089\u00894. Other:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "7aa2c9479cce-0", "page_content": "Worksheets for Walking \nthe Middle Path", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "8f6b10a5e93b-0", "page_content": "189\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .interpersonal effectiveness WorksHeet 11 (I. E. Handouts 15, 16)\npracticing Dialectics\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nDescribe two situations that prompted you to practice dialectics.\nSiTuaTion 1\nSituation (who, what, when, where):\n\u0089\u0089Looked at both sides\n\u0089\u0089Stayed aware of my connection\n\u0089\u0089Embraced change\n\u0089\u0089Remembered that I affect others \nand others affect meAt left, check the skills you used, and describe here.\nDescribe experience of using the skill:\nCheck if practicing this dialectical skill has influenced any of the following, even a little bit:\n Reduced suffering Increased happiness Reduced friction with others\n Decreased reactivity Increased wisdom Improved relationship \n Increased connection Increased sense of personal validity\n Other outcome: \nSiTuaTion 2\nSituation (who, what, when, where):\n\u0089\u0089Looked at both sides\n\u0089\u0089Stayed aware of my connection\n\u0089\u0089Embraced change\n\u0089\u0089Remembered that I affect others and \nothers affect meAt left, check the skills you used, and describe here.\nDescribe experience of using the skill:\nCheck if practicing this dialectical skill has influenced any of the following, even a little bit:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "8f6b10a5e93b-1", "page_content": "Check if practicing this dialectical skill has influenced any of the following, even a little bit:\n Reduced suffering Increased happiness Reduced friction with others\n Decreased reactivity Increased wisdom Improved relationship \n Increased connection Increased sense of personal validity\n Other outcome:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "841d2886a5ad-0", "page_content": "190\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .Interpersonal effect Iv eness Worksheet 11a (I. E. Handouts 15, 16)\nDialectics Checklist\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nE\nveryday dialectical practice: Check off dialectical practice exercises each time you do one. For \neach skill you practice, give it a rating to indicate how effective that skill was in helping you reach \nyour personal and interpersonal goals. Rate from a low of 1 (not at all effective) to a high of 5 (very effective).\nLooked at both sides:Rating \n(1\u20135)\n\uf071\uf071\uf071\uf071\n 1\n.\n A\nsked Wise Mind: \u201cWhat am I missing?\u201d \n\uf071\uf071\uf071\uf071 2\n.\n L\nooked for the kernel of truth in another person\u2019s side. \n\uf071\uf071\uf071\uf071 3 . St ayed away from extremes (such as \u201calways\u201d or never\u201d), and instead thought \nor said: \n \n\uf071\uf071\uf071\uf071 4 . B alanced opposites in my life: \uf071\u2002V alidated both myself and a person \nI disagreed with\n \uf071\u2002A\nccepted reality and tried to change it", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "841d2886a5ad-1", "page_content": "\uf071\u2002A\nccepted reality and tried to change it\n \uf071\u2002S\ntayed \nattached and also let go\n \uf071\u2002O\nther (describe): \n \n\uf071\uf071\uf071\uf071 5 . M ade lemonade out of lemons (describe): \n \n\uf071\uf071\uf071\uf071 6 . E mbraced confusion (describe): \n\uf071\uf071\uf071\uf071 7 . P layed devil\u2019s advocate by arguing both my side and also the other side \n(describe): \n \n\uf071\uf071\uf071\uf071 8 . U sed a metaphor or story to describe my own point of view (describe): \n \n\uf071\uf071\uf071\uf071 9\n.\n D\nid 3-minute Wise Mind to slow down \u201cdoing mind\u201d in my everyday life. \n\uf071\uf071\uf071\uf071 10. O ther (describe): \nS\ntayed aware of my connection:\n\uf071\uf071\uf071\uf071 11. T reated others as I want to be treated (describe): \n\uf071\uf071\uf071\uf071 12. L ooked for similarities between myself and others (describe): \n\uf071\uf071\uf071\uf071 13. N oticed the physical connections between all things (describe): \n\uf071\uf071\uf071\uf071 14. O ther (describe): \nEm\nbraced change:\n\uf071\uf071\uf071\uf071 15. P racticed radical acceptance of change (describe):", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "841d2886a5ad-2", "page_content": "\uf071\uf071\uf071\uf071 16. P urposely made changes in small ways to get used to change (describe): \n \n\uf071\uf071\uf071\uf071 17. O ther (describe): \nR\nemembered that change is transactional:\n\uf071\uf071\uf071\uf071 18. P aid attention to my effect on others (describe): \n\uf071\uf071\uf071\uf071 19. P aid attention to effect of others on me (describe): \n\uf071\uf071\uf071\uf071 20. P racticed letting go of blame (describe): \n\uf071\uf071\uf071\uf071 2\n1.\n R\neminded myself that all things, including all behaviors, are caused \n\uf071\uf071\uf071\uf071 22. O ther (describe):", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "35a7641aeffd-0", "page_content": "191\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .interpersonal effectiveness WorksHeet 11b (I. E. Handouts 15, 16)\nnoticing When y ou\u2019re n ot Dialectical\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nIdentify a time this week when you did not use your dialectical skills. Briefly describe the situation \n(who, what, when).\nSiTuaTion 1\nSituation (who, what, when, where):\n\u0089\u0089Looked at both sides\n\u0089\u0089Stayed aware of my connection\n\u0089\u0089Embraced change\n\u0089\u0089Remembered that I affect others \nand others affect meAt left, check the skills you needed but did not use, and describe here the experience of not using the skill.\nWhat would you do differently next time?\nCheck if not practicing dialectical skills has influenced any of the following, even a little bit:\n Increased suffering Decreased happiness Increased friction with others\n Increased reactivity Decreased wisdom Harmed relationship\n Decreased connection Other outcome: \nSiTuaTion 2\nSituation (who, what, when, where):\n\u0089\u0089Looked at both sides\n\u0089\u0089Stayed aware of my connection\n\u0089\u0089Embraced change", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "35a7641aeffd-1", "page_content": "\u0089\u0089Stayed aware of my connection\n\u0089\u0089Embraced change\n\u0089\u0089Remembered that I affect others and others affect meAt left, check the skills you needed but did not use, and describe here the experience of not using the skill.\nWhat would you do differently next time?\nCheck if not practicing dialectical skills has influenced any of the following, even a little bit:\n Increased suffering Decreased happiness Increased friction with others\n Increased reactivity Decreased wisdom Harmed relationship\n Decreased connection Other outcome:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "16dffb81e8a1-0", "page_content": "192\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .in terpersonal e ffectiveness Works H eet 12 (I. E. Handouts 17, 18)\nva lidating oth ers\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nF\nill out this sheet whenever you practice your validation skills and whenever you have an opportunity \nto practice even if you don\u2019t (or almost don\u2019t) do anything to practice. Write on the back of this sheet \nif you need more room.\nCheck off types of validation that you practiced (on purpose) with others:\n\u0089 \u00891.\n P\naid attention.\n\u0089 \u00892.\n R\neflected back what was said or done, \nremaining open to correction.\n\u0089 \u00893.\n W\nas sensitive to what was unsaid.\u0089 \u00894.\n E\nxpressed how what was felt, done, or said \nmade sense, given the causes.\n\u0089 \u00895.\n A\ncknowledged and acted on what was valid.\n\u0089 \u00896.\n A\ncted authentically and as an equal.\nli\nst one invalidating and two validating statements made to others.\n1. \n2. \n3. \nD\nescribe a situation where you were nonjudgmental of someone in the past week.\nD\nescribe a situation where you used validation in the past week.\nW", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "16dffb81e8a1-1", "page_content": "D\nescribe a situation where you used validation in the past week.\nW\nho was the person you validated? \nW\nhat exactly did you do or say to validate the person? \nW\nhat was the outcome? \nho\nw did you feel afterward? \nW\nould you say or do something differently next time? \nif s\no, what?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "84285b9257fa-0", "page_content": "193\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .interpersonal effectiveness WorksHeet 13 (I. E. Handout 19)\nSelf- validation and Self- respect\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nFill out this sheet whenever you practice your self- validation skills and whenever you have an oppor -\ntunity to practice even if you don\u2019t (or almost don\u2019t) do anything to practice. Write on the back of this \nsheet if you need more room.\nlist one self- invalidating and two self- validating statements you made.\n1. \n2. \n3. \nDescribe a situation where you felt invalidated in the past week: \n \n \ncheck each strategy you used during the week:\n\u0089\u0089Checked all the facts to see if my responses are valid or invalid. \n\u0089\u0089Checked it out with someone I could trust to validate the valid.\n\u0089\u0089Acknowledged when my responses didn\u2019t make sense and were not valid.\n\u0089\u0089Worked to change invalid thinking, comments, or actions. (Stopped blaming.)\n\u0089\u0089Dropped judgmental self- statements. (Practiced opposite action.)\n\u0089\u0089Reminded myself that all behavior is caused and that I am doing my best.\n\u0089\u0089Was compassionate toward myself. Practiced self- soothing.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "84285b9257fa-1", "page_content": "\u0089\u0089Was compassionate toward myself. Practiced self- soothing.\n\u0089\u0089Admitted that it hurts to be invalidated by others, even if they are right.\n\u0089\u0089Acknowledged when my reactions make sense and are valid in a situation.\n\u0089\u0089Remembered that being invalidated, even when my response is actually valid, is rarely a \ncomplete catastrophe.\n\u0089\u0089Described my experiences and actions in a supportive environment.\n\u0089\u0089Grieved traumatic invalidation in my life and the harm it has created.\n\u0089\u0089Practiced radical acceptance of the invalidating person(s) in my life.\n\u0089\u0089What was the outcome?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "af2a8c0cae0f-0", "page_content": "194\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .interpersonal effectiveness WorksHeet 14 (I. E. Handouts 20, 22)\nchanging Behavior with r einforcement\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nFill out this sheet whenever you try to increase your own or someone else\u2019s behavior with reinforce -\nment. Look for opportunities (since they occur all the time) to reinforce behavior. Write on the back \nof this sheet if you need more room.\n1. in advance, identify the behavior you want to increase and the reinforcer you will use.\na. For yourself:\nBehavior to increase: \nReinforcer: \nb. For someone else:\nBehavior to increase: \nReinforcer: \n2. Describe the situation(s) where you used reinforcement.\na. For yourself: \nb. For someone else: \n3. What was the outcome? What did you observe?\na. For yourself: \n \n \n \nb. For someone else: \n \n \n4. how did you feel afterward? \n \n5. Would you say or do something differently next time? i f so, what?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c0b6ad87c3f6-0", "page_content": "195\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .Interpersonal effect Iv eness Worksheet 15 (I. E. Handouts 21\u201322)\nChanging Behavior by Extinguishing or Punishing It\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nF\nill out this sheet whenever you try to increase your own or someone else\u2019s behavior with reinforce -\nment. Look for opportunities (since they occur all the time) to reinforce behavior. Write on the back \nof this sheet if you need more room.\n1.\n I\nn advance, identify the behavior you want to decrease, and decide whether you will \nextinguish it by eliminating a reinforcer or stop it with punishment. (Skip the one you are \nnot using.)\nIf you are using punishment, identify the consequence. Also decide the new alternative \nbehavior to reinforce, and the reinforcer to use to increase it to replace the behavior you are decreasing.\na.\n F\nor yourself:\nBehavior to decrease: \n \nR\neinforcer to remove:\n \nP\nunishing consequence to add: \n \nN\new behavior and reinforcer: \n \nb\n.\n F\nor someone else:\nBehavior to decrease: \n \nR\neinforcer to remove: \n \nP\nunishing consequence to add: \n \nN\new behavior and reinforcer: \n \n2\n.\n D", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c0b6ad87c3f6-1", "page_content": "N\new behavior and reinforcer: \n \n2\n.\n D\nescribe the situation(s) where you used extinction or punishment. (Circle which you \nuse.)a.\n F\nor yourself: \n \nb\n.\n F\nor someone else: \n \n3\n.\n W\nhat was the outcome? What did you observe?\na.\n F\nor yourself: \n \n \nb\n.\n F\nor someone else: \n \n \n4\n.\n H\now did you feel afterward? \n \n5\n.\n W\nould you do something differently next time? If so, what?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5fba488be41f-0", "page_content": "197eMoTion \nregula Tion\u00a0Skill S\nIntroduction to Handouts and Worksheets\nThe goal of emotion regulation is to reduce emotional suffering. The goal is not \nto get rid of emotions; emotions have important functions in our lives. Emotion \nregulation skills help you to change emotions that you (not other people) want to \nchange, or to reduce the intensity of your emotions. Emotion regulation skills can also reduce your vulnerability to becoming extremely or painfully emotional and increase your emotional resilience. Emotion regulation requires use of mindfulness \nskills, particularly nonjudgmental observation and description of your own current \nemotions. You have to know what an emotion is and what it does for you before you can effectively regulate it.\nThere are four sets of handouts and worksheets for emotion regulation skills: \nUnderstanding and Naming Emotions ; Changing Emotional Responses ; Reducing \nVulnerability to Emotion Mind ; and Managing Really Difficult Emotions. There is \nalso one introductory handout\u2013 worksheet pair:\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 1: Goals of Emotion Regulation. This handout \nbriefly outlines the goals of the skills taught in this module. It can be used with Emo -\ntion Regulation Worksheet 1: Pros and Cons of Changing Emotions.\nUnderstanding and Naming Emotions\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 2: Overview: Understanding and Naming \nEmotions. It is difficult to manage your emotions when you do not understand how \nemotions work. Knowledge is power. This handout overviews the skills covered in \nthis section.\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 3: What Emotions Do for You. There are", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "32bcbd538b63-0", "page_content": "198\u2002\u2022\u2002 eMo Tion r egula Tion Skill S\nreasons why humans (and many other animals) have emotions. They have three \nimportant functions and we need them. If you have been through the Emotion Reg -\nulation module at least once, the following worksheets may be useful. If you are learning emotion regulation skills for the first time, skip these worksheets until later.\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Worksheet 2: Figuring Out What My Emotions Are \nDoing for Me. This worksheet can be used with Emotion Regulation Handout 3. \nEmotion Regulation Worksheet 2a: Example: Figuring Out What My Emotions Are \nDoing for Me is a filled-in example of Worksheet 2.\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Worksheet 2b: Emotion Diary. This is a worksheet in a \ndifferent format that can also be used with Handout 3, to identify how your emo -\ntions are functioning over time. Emotion Regulation Worksheet 2c: Example: Emo -\ntion Diary is a filled-in example of Worksheet 2c.\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 4: What Makes It Hard to Regulate Your Emo -\ntions. Regulating emotions is very hard. Biology, lack of skills, reinforcing conse -\nquences, moodiness, mental overload, and emotion myths can each make regulating emotions difficult.\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 4a: Myths about Emotions. Do you believe any \nof the myths on this handout? Use Emotion Regulation Worksheet 3: Myths about \nEmotions to challenge emotion myths that may be getting in your way.\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 5: A Model for Describing Emotions. Emotions \nare complex and consist of several parts that happen at the same time. Changing", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "32bcbd538b63-1", "page_content": "are complex and consist of several parts that happen at the same time. Changing \nany part of this emotional response system can change the entire response. Knowing \nthe parts of an emotion can help you change the emotion. This handout shows these \nparts in some detail.\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 6: Ways to Describe Emotion. This long hand -\nout lists the typical parts for 10 specific emotions: anger, disgust, envy, fear, happi -\nness, jealousy, love, sadness, shame, and guilt. The sections within each emotion on this handout generally match the parts illustrated in Emotion Regulation Handout 5. The emotion features listed in Handout 6 are not necessary to each emotion, and these features may differ from person to person.\nRecord your practice on either Emotion Regulation Worksheet 4 or 4a: Observ -\ning and Describing Emotions. These two worksheets differ in format, but ask for \nexactly the same information. Worksheet 4 is in the same flow chart format as the models for describing emotion (Handout 5). Worksheet 4a is in a list format. Refer \nto Handout 6 for ideas if you have trouble describing or identifying your emotion. Note that the \u201cPrompting Event\u201d consists of only the few moments immediately before the emotion fires up. The history, or story, leading up to the prompting event \ngoes under \u201cVulnerability Factors.\u201d Don\u2019t forget to put in physical illness or pain, \nalcohol and drug use, lack of sleep, over- or undereating, and stressful events in the 24 hours before the prompting event. To rate the intensity of an emotion, use a 0\u2013100 scale in which 0 is no emotion and 100 is the most extreme emotion.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "254c2476793d-0", "page_content": "introduction to Handouts and Worksheets\u2002\u2022\u20021 99\nChanging Emotional Responses\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 7: Overview: Changing Emotional Responses. \nThis handout introduces the three skills for changing emotions: checking the facts, \nopposite action, and problem solving.\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 8: Checking the Facts. We often react to our \nthoughts and interpretations of an event rather than to the facts of the event. Chang -\ning our beliefs, assumptions, and interpretations of events to fit the facts can change \nour emotional reactions. Use Emotion Regulation Worksheet 5: Checking the Facts to record practice of this skill. Notice that this worksheet has spaces for you to write \ndown descriptions of the situation (Step 2) and descriptions of the thoughts and \ninterpretations that are likely to be setting off the emotion (Step 3). It then provides additional space in each step for you to check the facts\u2014that is, to consider alterna -\ntive descriptions, as well as alternative interpretations of the situation. At the top of \nthe worksheet, rate the intensity of your emotion (0 = no emotion, 100 = maximum \nintensity) before checking the facts and then after checking the facts.\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 8a: Examples of Emotions That Fit the Facts. \nWhen unwanted emotions fit the facts, then checking the facts will not change the emotion. This handout lists emotions together with examples of facts that fit them. \nTo change these emotions, either opposite action or problem solving should be used.\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 9: Opposite Action and Problem Solving: \nDeciding Which to Use. When emotions fit the facts, changing the situation through", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "254c2476793d-1", "page_content": "Deciding Which to Use. When emotions fit the facts, changing the situation through \nproblem solving can be the most effective way to change the emotion. At other times, changing how you feel about the situation through opposite action is the best course of action. The flow chart on this handout can help you figure out what skill to \nuse to change frequent but unwanted emotions. Use Emotion Regulation Worksheet \n6: Figuring Out How to Change Unwanted Emotions to work out which skill to use. This worksheet has the same flow chart format as Handout 9.\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 10: Opposite Action and Emotion Regulation \nHandout 11: Figuring Out Opposite Action. Opposite action is acting opposite to your emotional urge to do or say something. Opposite action is an effective way to \nchange or reduce unwanted emotions. The action urge is one of the parts of an emo -\ntion (see Emotion Regulation Handout 5), and each emotion has a typical action \nurge (see Emotion Regulation Handout 6). Handout 10 lists the steps for how to do \nopposite action. Handout 11 is a guide for identifying opposite actions for nine spe -\ncific emotions. The opposite actions on Handout 11 are, however, only suggestions. \nIt\u2019s important to identify your own action urges and figure out actions opposite to those urges. To record your practice of opposite action, use Emotion Regula -\ntion Worksheet 7: Opposite Action to Change Emotions. The \u201cBefore\u201d and \u201cAfter\u201d spaces are for rating the emotion\u2019s intensity before practicing opposite action and afterward. When you are analyzing whether the emotion is justified (i.e., whether it fits the facts), focus on the emotion\u2019s prompting event.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c73054d9b5a8-0", "page_content": "200\u2002\u2022\u2002 eMo Tion r egula Tion Skill S\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 12: Problem Solving. When an emotion fits \nthe facts of the situation, avoiding or changing the situation may be the best way to \nchange the emotion. Problem solving is the first step in changing difficult situations. \nThe steps of problem solving are listed on this handout. To record your practice of this skill, use Emotion Regulation Worksheet 8: Problem Solving to Change Emo -\ntions. Filling out this worksheet can be helpful in figuring out the problem and how \nto solve it, but actually solving the problem (i.e., taking Steps 6 and 7 on the work -\nsheet) is most important to changing emotions. Rate the intensity of the emotion (0\u2013100) both before and after implementing a solution.\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 13: Reviewing Opposite Action and Problem \nSolving. It\u2019s important to know not only when to use opposite action or problem \nsolving but also to know how these two skills differ in actual practice. In its first \ncolumn, Handout 13 summarizes \u201cjustifying events\u201d (i.e., situations that fit the \nfacts) for each basic emotion. The second column lists examples of opposite actions. This skill is used for unjustified emotions or justified emotions when acting on that emotion would be ineffective. The third column lists examples of acting on the \nurge of a justified emotion, such as through problem solving or avoidance. Notice \nthat the justifying events on Handout 13 are the same as the prompting events in Emotion Regulation Handout 6: Ways to Describe Emotions. Both justifying events \nand opposite actions on Handout 13 are shorthand versions of Emotion Regulation \nHandout 11: Figuring Out Opposite Actions.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c73054d9b5a8-1", "page_content": "Handout 11: Figuring Out Opposite Actions.\nReducing Vulnerability to Emotion Mind\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 14: Overview: Reducing Vulnerability to Emo -\ntion Mind\u2014Building a Live Worth Living. Emotional distress and anguish can \nbe reduced by decreasing factors that make you vulnerable to negative emotions \nand moods. This handout is an overview of the skills in this section, which can be remembered with the term ABC PLEASE: A ccumulate positive emotions; B uild \nmastery; Cope ahead of time with emotional situations; and take care of your mind \nby taking care of your body (the PLEASE skills). Emotion Regulation Worksheet 9: Steps for Reducing Vulnerability to Emotion Mind is a summary worksheet for all the ABC PLEASE skills and can be used for practicing any or all of the skills.\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 15: Accumulating Positive Emotions: Short \nTerm and Emotion Regulation Handout 16: Pleasant Events List. Handout 15 is \nan overview of building positive experiences now by increasing pleasant events and \nexperiences. Handout 16 is a list of pleasant events. Which events on this list would \nyou find pleasant? Do as many of these things as you can that would make you happy or joyful, even if they seem only a little effective for this at first. Emotion Regulation Worksheet 10: Pleasant Events Diary is designed to be filled out daily. \nWrite out your plans for the week, and then write down what you actually did. Rate \nhow mindful you were to the event (i.e., how focused and in the moment you were, how much you participated). Finally, how unmindful were you of worries, and how", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6861003816aa-0", "page_content": "introduction to Handouts and Worksheets\u2002\u2022\u2002201\npleasant was the experience? Emotion Regulation Worksheets 9 and 13 also have \nbrief sections for tracking pleasant events, along with other ABC PLEASE skills.\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 17: Accumulating Positive Emotions: Long \nTerm , and Emotion Regulation Handout 18: Values and Priorities List. It is hard \nto be happy without a life experienced as worth living. Building such a life requires \nattention to your own values and life priorities, and it can take time, patience, and \npersistence. Handout 17 breaks down the process of building a life worth living into seven steps. Handout 18 helps with Step 2, \u201cIdentify values that are important \nto you,\u201d by listing 58 specific values grouped into 13 categories. You can choose a \ngeneral value, specific values, a combination, or values not on the list.\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Worksheets 11 and 11a: Getting from Values to Specific \nAction Steps. Both these worksheets are designed to help you work out what steps are needed to build a life you want to live. Worksheet 11 provides more space and also emphasizes attending to relationships as a value.\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Worksheet 11b: Diary of Daily Actions on Values and \nPriorities. This is an advanced worksheet for keeping track of actions taken across \ndifferent life goals and values. It is intended for those already experienced with DBT \nskills, rather than those beginning skills training.\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 19: Build Mastery and Cope Ahead. Feeling \ncompetent and adequately prepared for difficult situations reduces vulnerability to \nnegative emotions and increases skillful behavior. This handout covers steps for two skills: build mastery and cope ahead of emotional situations. Use Emotion Regula -", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6861003816aa-1", "page_content": "tion Worksheet 12: Build Mastery and Cope Ahead to schedule activities to build \na sense of accomplishment and then report on what you actually did. There is also \nspace to report on two practices of \u201ccope ahead.\u201d\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Worksheet 13: Putting ABC Skills Together Day by Day. \nThis worksheet has a brief section for tracking A ccumulate positive emotions, B uild \nmastery, and C ope ahead.\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 20: Taking Care of Your Mind by Taking \nCare of Your Body. An out-of- balance body increases vulnerability to negative emo -\ntions and emotion mind. Taking care of your body increases emotional resilience. \nThe acronym PLEASE covers treating P hysica L illness, balancing Eating, avoiding \nmood- Altering substances, balancing S leep, and getting E xercise. Emotion Regula -\ntion Worksheet 14: Practicing PLEASE Skills can be used to record practice during \nthe week. There is a row for each day; record how you practiced PLEASE skills that \nday. At the bottom of each column is a space to check whether the specific skill was \nhelpful over the week.\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 20a: Nightmare Protocol, Step by Step. Fol -\nlow the steps on this handout if nightmares disturb your sleep. Fill out Emotion Regulation Worksheet 14a: Target Nightmare Experience Form to follow the pro -\ntocol on Handout 20a. Note that this worksheet consists of three forms: the Target \nNightmare Experience Form, the Changed Dream Experience Form, and the Dream", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ce82c69b875f-0", "page_content": "202\u2002\u2022\u2002 eMo Tion r egula Tion Skill S\nRehearsal and Relaxation Record. Some people find it easier to start with the second \nform.\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 20b: Sleep Hygiene Protocol. When worries \nkeep you from sleeping, try the steps on this handout. Use Emotion Regulation Worksheet 14b: Sleep Hygiene Practice Sheet to record your experience.\nManaging Really Difficult Emotions\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 21: Overview: Managing Really Difficult Emo -\ntions. At times the intensity of negative emotions can be so high that special skills \nare necessary to manage them. This handout is an overview of these skills.\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 22: Mindfulness of Current Emotions: Let -\nting Go of Emotional Suffering. Mindfulness of current emotions means observing, \ndescribing, and \u201callowing\u201d emotions without judging them or trying to change, \nblock, or distract from them. Avoiding or suppressing emotion increases suffering. Mindfulness of current emotions is the path to emotional freedom. It is a critical \nskill underpinning many, if not most, skills in DBT. Avoiding emotions interferes \nwith using almost every other skill in this module. To record practice of this skill, use Emotion Regulation Worksheet 15: Mindfulness of Current Emotions. It allows \nyou to check off what skills you used. If you have trouble identifying the emotion \nyou are feeling, review Emotion Regulation Handout 6: Ways to Describe Emotions. \nOn Worksheet 15, remember to rate the intensity of the emotion before and after you practice mindfulness of current emotions.\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 23: Managing Extreme Emotions. When your", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ce82c69b875f-1", "page_content": "\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 23: Managing Extreme Emotions. When your \nemotional arousal is very high, your ability to use your skills breaks down. Knowing your skills breakdown point is important; it signals the need to use crisis survival \nskills (which are taught in the Distress Tolerance module) first. This handout teaches \nyou how to identify your skills breakdown point.\n\u2022\u2022Emotion Regulation Handout 24: Troubleshooting Emotion Regulation \nSkills. When one or more of the emotion regulation skills do not seem to work, do \nnot give up on the skills. Instead, troubleshoot how they are being applied. This handout helps you figure out what is interfering with your efforts to manage dif -\nficult or ineffective emotions. You can also use Emotion Regulation Worksheet 16: Troubleshooting Emotion Regulation Skills , which goes over much of the same \ninformation.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c15127fe38ef-0", "page_content": "emotion \nregulation\u00a0Handouts", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "a243bec3a807-0", "page_content": "205\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab eMotion r eGulation Handout 1 (Emotion Regulation Worksheet 1)\nGoals of emotion r egulation\nunDerST anD anD name \nyour oW n emo TionS\n\u0089\u0089Identify (observe and describe) your emotions.\n\u0089\u0089Know what emotions do for you.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nDecrea Se \nThe f requency \nof u nWanTeD emoTionS\n\u0089\u0089Stop unwanted emotions from starting in the first place.\n\u0089\u0089Change unwanted emotions once they start.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nDecrea Se \nemoTional v ulnera BiliTy\n\u0089\u0089Decrease vulnerability to emotion mind.\n\u0089\u0089Increase resilience, your ability to cope with difficult things and positive emotions.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nDecrea Se \nemoTional SufferinG\n\u0089\u0089Reduce suffering when painful emotions overcome you.\n\u0089\u0089Manage extreme emotions so that you don\u2019t make things worse.\n\u0089\u0089Other:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ec0678fccfd6-0", "page_content": "Handouts for Understanding \nand\u00a0Naming Emotions", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "a86a607d618b-0", "page_content": "209\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).eMotion r eGulation Handout 2 (Emotion Regulation Worksheets 2\u20134a, 16)\noverview: \nunderstanding and n aming e motions\nWha T emo TionS Do for y ou\nThere are reasons why we have emotions.\nWe need them!\nfacTorS Tha T make \nreGulaTinG emoTionS harD\nLack of skills, reinforcing consequences, moodiness, rumination/\nworrying, myths about emotions, and biology can interfere \nwith changing emotions.\na moDel for De ScriBinG emo TionS\nEmotions are complex responses.\nChanging any part of the system can change the entire response.\nWay S To De ScriBe emo TionS\nLearning to observe, describe, and name your emotion \ncan help you regulate your emotions.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "b01da1d00df9-0", "page_content": "210\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).Emotion R Egu lation Handout 3 (Emotion Regulation Worksheets 2, 2a\u2013c)\nWhat Emotions Do for You\nEmotions mo tivat E (anD or ganiz E) U s for ac tion\n\u2022 \u2022Emotions motivate our behavior. Emotions prepare us for action. \nThe action urge of specific emotions is often \u201chard-wired\u201d in biology.\n\u2022 \u2022Emotions save time in getting us to act in important situations. \nEmotions can be especially important when we don\u2019t have time to think things through.\n\u2022 \u2022Strong emotions help us overcome obstacles\u2014in our minds and in the environment.\nEmotions co mmUn icat E to (an D in flU En cE) ot hEr s\n\u2022 \u2022Facial expressions are hard-wired aspects of emotions. \nFacial expressions communicate faster than words.\n\u2022 \u2022Our body language and voice tone can also be hard-wired. \nLike it or not, they also communicate our emotions to others.\n\u2022 \u2022When it is important to communicate to others, or send them a message, \nit can be very hard to change our emotions.\n\u2022 \u2022Whether we intend it or not, our communication of emotions influences others.\nEmotions co mmUn icat E to oUr sEl v Es\n\u2022 \u2022E\nmotional reactions can give us important information about a situation. \nEmotions can be signals or alarms that something is happening.\n\u2022 \u2022Gut feelings can be like intuition\u2014a response to something important about the situation.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "b01da1d00df9-1", "page_content": "\u2022 \u2022Gut feelings can be like intuition\u2014a response to something important about the situation. \nThis can be helpful if our emotions get us to check out the facts.\n\u2022 \u2022cau\ntion: Sometimes we treat emotions as if they are facts about the world: The stronger \nthe emotion, the stronger our belief that the emotion is based on fact. (Examples: \u201cIf I feel unsure, I am incompetent,\u201d \u201cIf I get lonely when left alone, I shouldn\u2019t be left alone,\u201d \u201cIf I feel confident about something, it is right,\u201d \u201cIf I\u2019m afraid, there must be danger,\u201d \u201cI love him, so he must be OK.\u201d)\n\u2022 \u2022If we assume that our emotions represent facts about the world, we may use them to justify our thoughts or our actions. This can be trouble if our emotions get us to ignore the facts.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3216022d8a16-0", "page_content": "211\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).eMotion r eGulation Handout 4 (Emotion Regulation Worksheets 3, 16)\nWhat m akes i t hard to r egulate y our e motions\nBiolo Gy\n\u0089\u0089Biological factors can make emotion regulation harder.\nlack of Skill\n\u0089\u0089You don\u2019t know what to do to regulate your emotions.\nreinforcemen T of e moTional Behavior\n\u0089\u0089Your environment reinforces you when you are highly emotional.\nmoo DineSS\n\u0089\u0089Your current mood controls what you do instead of your Wise Mind.\n\u0089\u0089You don\u2019t really want to put in time and effort to regulate your emotions.\nemoTional o verloaD\n\u0089\u0089High emotional arousal causes you to reach a skills breakdown point. \nYou can\u2019t follow skills instructions or figure out what to do.\nemoTion my ThS\n\u0089\u0089Myths (e.g., mistaken beliefs) about emotions get in the way of your \nability to regulate emotions.\n\u0089\u0089Myths that emotions are bad or weak lead to avoiding emotions.\n\u0089\u0089Myths that extreme emotions are necessary or are part of who you are \nkeep you from trying to regulate your emotions.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e288be64c87d-0", "page_content": "212\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).eMotion r eGulation Handout 4a (Emotion Regulation Worksheet 3)\nmyths about e motions\n 1. There is a right way to feel in every situation.\nChallenge : \n 2. Letting others know that I am feeling bad is a weakness.\nChallenge : \n 3. Negative feelings are bad and destructive.\nChallenge : \n 4. Being emotional means being out of control.\nChallenge : \n 5. Some emotions are stupid.\nChallenge : \n 6. All painful emotions are a result of a bad attitude.\nChallenge : \n 7. If others don\u2019t approve of my feelings, I obviously shouldn\u2019t feel the way I do.\nChallenge : \n 8. Other people are the best judges of how I am feeling.\nChallenge : \n 9. Painful emotions are not important and should be ignored.\nChallenge : \n10. Extreme emotions get you a lot further than trying to regulate your emotions.\nChallenge : \n11. Creativity requires intense, often out-of- control emotions.\nChallenge : \n12. Drama is cool.\nChallenge : \n13. It is inauthentic to try to change my emotions.\nChallenge : \n14. Emotional truth is what counts, not factual truth.\nChallenge : \n15. People should do whatever they feel like doing.\nChallenge : \n16. Acting on your emotions is the mark of a truly free individual.\nChallenge : \n17. My emotions are who I am.\nChallenge :", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e288be64c87d-1", "page_content": "Challenge : \n17. My emotions are who I am.\nChallenge : \n18. My emotions are why people love me.\nChallenge : \n19. Emotions can just happen for no reason.\nChallenge : \n20. Emotions should always be trusted.\nChallenge : \n21. Other myth: \nChallenge :", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "4069fdc9a490-0", "page_content": "213\uf0ab eMotion r eGulation Handout 5 (Emotion Regulation Worksheets 4, 4a)\nmodel for Describing e motions\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this \nbook for personal use only (see copyright page for details).(Thoughts/beliefs about\nprompting event)\nBiological Changes\nBrain changes\n(neural firing)\nNervous system changes\n(internal body changes\nthat affect muscles\nand autonomic system\nfiring\u2014blood vessels,\nheart rate, temperature)\nExperiences\nBody sensations (feelings)\nAction urgesExpressions\nFace and Body Language\n(facial expression, posture,\ngestures, skin color)\nWords\n(what you say)\nActions\n(your behavior)Preexisting\nVulnerability Factors\nInterpretation \nAttention/Awareness\nPrompting Event\nAttention/Awareness\nPrompting Event 2\nSecondary\nEmotions\nAftereffectsEmotion\nName\nAwareness", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d76d6f25cc51-0", "page_content": "214\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab eMotion r eGulation Handout 6 (Emotion Regulation Worksheets 4, 4a) (p. 1 of 10)\nWays to Describe e motions\nanGer WorDS\nanger bitterness fury indignation vengefulness\naggravation exasperation grouchiness irritation wrath\nagitation ferocity grumpiness outrage\nannoyance frustration hostility rage\nprompting e vents for f eeling anger\n\u2022\u2022Having an important goal blocked.\n\u2022\u2022You or someone you care about being \nattacked or threatened by others.\n\u2022\u2022Losing power, status, or respect.\u2022\u2022Not having things turn out as expected.\n\u2022\u2022Physical or emotional pain.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \ninterpretations of e vents That p rompt f eelings of anger\n\u2022\u2022Believing that you have been treated unfairly.\n\u2022\u2022Blaming.\n\u2022\u2022Believing that important goals are being blocked or stopped.\n\u2022\u2022Believing that things \u201cshould\u201d be different than they are.\u2022\u2022Rigidly thinking, \u201cI\u2019m right.\u201d\n\u2022\u2022Judging that the situation is illegitimate or wrong.\n\u2022\u2022Ruminating about the event that set off the anger in the first place.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \nBiological c hanges and e xperiences of anger\n\u2022\u2022Muscles tightening.\n\u2022\u2022Teeth clamping together.\n\u2022\u2022Hands clenching.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling your face flush or get hot.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling like you are going to explode.\u2022\u2022Being unable to stop tears.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d76d6f25cc51-1", "page_content": "\u2022\u2022Feeling like you are going to explode.\u2022\u2022Being unable to stop tears.\n\u2022\u2022Wanting to hit someone, bang the wall, throw something, blow up.\n\u2022\u2022Wanting to hurt someone.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \nexpressions and a ctions of anger\n\u2022\u2022Physically or verbally attacking.\n\u2022\u2022Making aggressive or threatening gestures.\n\u2022\u2022Pounding, throwing things, breaking things.\n\u2022\u2022Walking heavily, stomping, slamming doors.\n\u2022\u2022Walking out.\n\u2022\u2022Using a loud, quarrelsome, or sarcastic voice.\n\u2022\u2022Using obscenities or swearing.\n\u2022\u2022Criticizing or complaining.\u2022\u2022Clenching your hands or fists.\n\u2022\u2022Frowning, not smiling, mean expression.\n\u2022\u2022Brooding or withdrawing from others.\n\u2022\u2022Crying.\n\u2022\u2022Grinning.\n\u2022\u2022A red or flushed face.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \naftereffects of anger\n\u2022\u2022Narrowing of attention.\n\u2022\u2022Attending only to the situation that\u2019s making you angry.\n\u2022\u2022Ruminating about the situation making you angry or about situations in the past.\u2022\u2022Imagining future situations that will make you angry.\n\u2022\u2022Depersonalization, dissociative experiences, numbness.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \n(continued on next page )\nNote. Adapted from Table 3 in Shaver, P., Schwartz, J., Kirson, D., & O\u2019Connor, C. (1987). Emotion knowledge: Further exploration of a proto -\ntype approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52 (6), 1061\u20131086. Copyright 1987 by the American Psychological Association. \nAdapted by permission.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "83f4f5bae7ce-0", "page_content": "215eMotion r eGulation Handout 6 (p. 2 of 10)\nDiSGuST Wor DS\ndisgust aversion dislike distaste repugnance resentment sickened\nabhorrence condescension derision hate repelled revolted spite\nantipathy contempt disdain loathing repulsion scorn vile\nprompting e vents for f eeling Disgust\n\u2022\u2022Seeing/smelling human or animal waste \nproducts.\n\u2022\u2022Having a person or an animal that is dirty, slimy, or unclean come close to you.\n\u2022\u2022Tasting something or being forced to swallow something you really don\u2019t want.\n\u2022\u2022Seeing or being near a dead body.\n\u2022\u2022Touching items worn or owned by a stranger, \ndead person, or disliked person.\n\u2022\u2022Observing or hearing about a person who \ngrovels or who strips another person of dignity.\u2022\u2022Seeing blood; getting blood drawn.\n\u2022\u2022Observing or hearing about a person acting with extreme hypocrisy/fawning.\n\u2022\u2022Observing or hearing about betrayal, child abuse, racism, or other types of cruelty.\n\u2022\u2022Being forced to watch something that deeply \nviolates your own Wise Mind values.\n\u2022\u2022Being confronted with someone who is \ndeeply violating your own Wise Mind values.\n\u2022\u2022Being forced to engage in or watch unwanted sexual contact.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \ninterpretations of e vents That p rompt f eelings of Disgust\n\u2022\u2022Believing that:\n\u2022\u2022You are swallowing something toxic.\n\u2022\u2022Your skin or your mind is being contaminated.\n\u2022\u2022Your own body or body parts are ugly.\n\u2022\u2022Others are evil or the \u201cscum\u201d of the earth, or that they disrespect authority or the group.\n\u2022\u2022Disapproving of/feeling morally superior to another.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "83f4f5bae7ce-1", "page_content": "\u2022\u2022Disapproving of/feeling morally superior to another.\n\u2022\u2022Extreme disapproval of yourself or your own feelings, thoughts, or behaviors.\n\u2022\u2022Judging that a person is deeply immoral or has sinned or violated the natural order of things.\n\u2022\u2022Judging someone\u2019s body as extremely ugly.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \nBiological c hanges and e xperiences of Disgust\n\u2022\u2022Feelings of nausea; sick feeling.\n\u2022\u2022Urge to vomit, vomiting, gagging, choking.\n\u2022\u2022Having a lump in your throat.\n\u2022\u2022Aversion to drinking or eating.\n\u2022\u2022Intense urge to destroy or get rid of \nsomething.\u2022\u2022Urge to take a shower.\n\u2022\u2022Urge to run away or push away.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling contaminated, dirty, unclean.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling mentally polluted.\n\u2022\u2022Fainting.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \nexpressions and a ctions of Disgust\n\u2022\u2022Vomiting, spitting out.\n\u2022\u2022Closing your eyes, looking away.\n\u2022\u2022Washing, scrubbing, taking a bath.\n\u2022\u2022Changing your clothes; cleaning spaces.\n\u2022\u2022Avoiding eating or drinking.\n\u2022\u2022Pushing or kicking away; running away.\n\u2022\u2022Treating with disdain or disrespect.\n\u2022\u2022Stepping over; crowding another person out.\u2022\u2022Physically attacking causes of your disgust.\n\u2022\u2022Using obscenities or cursing.\n\u2022\u2022Clenching your hands or fists.\n\u2022\u2022Frowning, or not smiling.\n\u2022\u2022Mean or unpleasant facial expression.\n\u2022\u2022Speaking with a sarcastic voice tone.\n\u2022\u2022Nose and top lip tightened up; smirking.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \naftereffects of Disgust\n\u2022\u2022Narrowing of attention.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "83f4f5bae7ce-2", "page_content": "aftereffects of Disgust\n\u2022\u2022Narrowing of attention.\n\u2022\u2022Ruminating about the situation that\u2019s making \nyou feel disgusted.\u2022\u2022Becoming hypersensitive to dirt.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "dbe8821a5f43-0", "page_content": "216eMotion r eGulation Handout 6 (p. 3 of 10)\nenvy Wor DS\nenvy craving displeased greed pettiness\nbitterness discontented dissatisfied \u201cgreen-eyed\u201d resentment\ncovetous disgruntled down- hearted longing wishful\nprompting e vents for f eeling envy\n\u2022\u2022Someone has something you really want or \nneed but don\u2019t or can\u2019t have.\n\u2022\u2022You are not part of the \u201cin\u201d crowd.\n\u2022\u2022Someone appears to have everything.\n\u2022\u2022You are alone while others are having fun.\n\u2022\u2022Someone else gets credit for what you\u2019ve done.\n\u2022\u2022Someone gets positive recognition for something and you don\u2019t.\u2022\u2022Others get something you really want and you don\u2019t get it.\n\u2022\u2022Being around people who have more than you have.\n\u2022\u2022Someone you are competing with is more successful than you in an area important to \nyou.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \ninterpretations of e vents That p rompt f eelings of envy\n\u2022\u2022Thinking you deserve what others have.\n\u2022\u2022Thinking others have more than you.\n\u2022\u2022Thinking about how unfair it is that you have \nsuch a bad lot in life compared to others.\n\u2022\u2022Thinking you have been treated unfairly by life.\n\u2022\u2022Thinking you are unlucky.\n\u2022\u2022Thinking you are inferior, a failure, or mediocre in comparison to others whom you want to be like.\n\u2022\u2022Comparing yourself to others who have more than you.\n\u2022\u2022Comparing yourself to people who have characteristics that you wish you had.\n\u2022\u2022Thinking you are unappreciated.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \nBiological c hanges and e xperiences of envy\n\u2022\u2022Muscles tightening.\n\u2022\u2022Teeth clamping together, mouth tightening.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "dbe8821a5f43-1", "page_content": "\u2022\u2022Muscles tightening.\n\u2022\u2022Teeth clamping together, mouth tightening.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling your face flush or get hot.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling rigidity in your body.\n\u2022\u2022Pain in the pit of the stomach.\n\u2022\u2022Having an urge to get even.\n\u2022\u2022Hating the other person.\n\u2022\u2022Wanting to hurt the people you envy. \u2022\u2022Wanting the person or people you envy to lose what they have, to have bad luck, or to be hurt.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling pleasure when others experience failure or lose what they have.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling unhappy if another person \nexperiences some good luck.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling motivated to improve yourself.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \nexpressions and a ctions of envy\n\u2022\u2022Doing everything you can to get what the \nother person has.\n\u2022\u2022Working a lot harder than you were to get what you want.\n\u2022\u2022Trying to improve yourself and your situation.\n\u2022\u2022Taking away or ruining what the other person has.\n\u2022\u2022Attacking or criticizing the other person.\n\u2022\u2022Doing something to get even.\u2022\u2022Doing something to make the other person fail or lose what he or she has.\n\u2022\u2022Saying mean things about the other person or making the person look bad to others.\n\u2022\u2022Trying to show the other person up, to look better than the other person.\n\u2022\u2022Avoiding persons who have what you want.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \naftereffects of envy\n\u2022\u2022Narrowing of attention.\n\u2022\u2022Attending only to what others have that you don\u2019t.\n\u2022\u2022Ruminating when others have had more than you.\n\u2022\u2022Discounting what you do have; not appreciating things you have or things others do for you.\n\u2022\u2022Ruminating about what you don\u2019t have.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "dbe8821a5f43-2", "page_content": "\u2022\u2022Ruminating about what you don\u2019t have.\n\u2022\u2022Making resolutions to change.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "0862b5ee9a10-0", "page_content": "217eMotion r eGulation Handout 6 (p. 4 of 10)\nfear Wor DS\nfear dread horror nervousness shock uneasiness\nanxiety edginess hysteria overwhelmed tenseness worry\napprehension fright jumpiness panic terror\nprompting e vents for f eeling f ear\n\u2022\u2022Having your life, your health, or your well-\nbeing threatened.\n\u2022\u2022Being in the same situation (or a similar one) where you have been threatened or gotten hurt in the past, or where painful things have happened.\n\u2022\u2022Flashbacks.\n\u2022\u2022Being in situations where you have seen others threatened or be hurt.\u2022\u2022Silence.\n\u2022\u2022Being in a new or unfamiliar situation.\n\u2022\u2022Being alone (e.g., walking alone, being home alone, living alone).\n\u2022\u2022Being in the dark.\n\u2022\u2022Being in crowds.\n\u2022\u2022Leaving your home.\n\u2022\u2022Having to perform in front of others.\n\u2022\u2022Pursuing your dreams.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \ninterpretations of e vents That p rompt f eelings of f ear\n\u2022\u2022Believing that:\n\u2022\u2022You might die, or you are going to die.\n\u2022\u2022You might be hurt or harmed.\n\u2022\u2022You might lose something valuable.\n\u2022\u2022Someone might reject, criticize, or dislike you.\n\u2022\u2022You will embarrass yourself.\n\u2022\u2022Failure is possible; expecting to fail.\u2022\u2022Believing that:\n\u2022\u2022You will not get help you want or need.\n\u2022\u2022You might lose help you already have.\n\u2022\u2022You might lose someone important.\n\u2022\u2022You might lose something you want.\n\u2022\u2022You are helpless or are losing a sense of \ncontrol.\n\u2022\u2022You are incompetent or are losing mastery.\n\u2022\u2022Other:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "0862b5ee9a10-1", "page_content": "control.\n\u2022\u2022You are incompetent or are losing mastery.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \nBiological c hanges and e xperiences of f ear\n\u2022\u2022Breathlessness.\n\u2022\u2022Fast heartbeat.\n\u2022\u2022Choking sensation, lump in throat.\n\u2022\u2022Muscles tensing, cramping.\n\u2022\u2022Clenching teeth.\n\u2022\u2022Urge to scream or call out.\u2022\u2022Feeling nauseated.\n\u2022\u2022Getting cold; feeling clammy.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling your hairs standing on end.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling of \u201cbutterflies\u201d in stomach.\n\u2022\u2022Wanting to run away or avoid things.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \nexpressions and a ctions of f ear\n\u2022\u2022Fleeing, running away.\n\u2022\u2022Running or walking hurriedly.\n\u2022\u2022Hiding from or avoiding what you fear.\n\u2022\u2022Engaging in nervous, fearful talk.\n\u2022\u2022Pleading or crying for help.\n\u2022\u2022Talking less or becoming speechless.\n\u2022\u2022Screaming or yelling.\n\u2022\u2022Darting eyes or quickly looking around.\n\u2022\u2022Frozen stare.\u2022\u2022Talking yourself out of doing what you fear.\n\u2022\u2022Freezing, or trying not to move.\n\u2022\u2022Crying or whimpering.\n\u2022\u2022Shaking, quivering, or trembling.\n\u2022\u2022A shaky or trembling voice.\n\u2022\u2022Sweating or perspiring.\n\u2022\u2022Diarrhea, vomiting.\n\u2022\u2022Hair erect.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \naftereffects of f ear\n\u2022\u2022Narrowing of attention.\n\u2022\u2022Being hypervigilant to threat.\n\u2022\u2022Losing your ability to focus or becoming \ndisoriented or dazed.\n\u2022\u2022Losing control.\u2022\u2022Imagining the possibility of more loss or failure.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "0862b5ee9a10-2", "page_content": "\u2022\u2022Losing control.\u2022\u2022Imagining the possibility of more loss or failure.\n\u2022\u2022Isolating yourself.\n\u2022\u2022Ruminating about other threatening times.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cf047d58af28-0", "page_content": "218eMotion r eGulation Handout 6 (p. 5 of 10)\nhappine SS Wor DS\nhappiness satisfaction joviality exhilaration ecstasy\njoy bliss triumph optimism gladness\nenjoyment enthusiasm contentment zest pride\nrelief jolliness excitement eagerness elation\namusement thrill jubilation gaiety glee\nenthrallment cheerfulness zaniness pleasure rapture\nhope euphoria delight zeal\nprompting e vents for f eeling h appiness\n\u2022\u2022Receiving a wonderful surprise.\n\u2022\u2022Reality exceeding your expectations.\n\u2022\u2022Getting what you want.\n\u2022\u2022Getting something you have worked hard for \nor worried about.\n\u2022\u2022Things turning out better than you thought \nthey would.\n\u2022\u2022Being successful at a task.\n\u2022\u2022Achieving a desirable outcome.\n\u2022\u2022Receiving esteem, respect, or praise.\u2022\u2022Receiving love, liking, or affection.\n\u2022\u2022Being accepted by others.\n\u2022\u2022Belonging somewhere or with someone or a group.\n\u2022\u2022Being with or in contact with people who love or like you.\n\u2022\u2022Having very pleasurable sensations.\n\u2022\u2022Doing things that create or bring to mind pleasurable sensations.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \ninterpretations of e vents That p rompt f eelings of h appiness\n\u2022\u2022Interpreting joyful events just as they are, without adding or subtracting.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \nBiological c hanges and e xperiences of h appiness\n\u2022\u2022Feeling excited.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling physically energetic, active.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling like giggling or laughing.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling your face flush.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling calm all the way through.\u2022\u2022Urge to keep doing what is associated with happiness.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling at peace.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cf047d58af28-1", "page_content": "\u2022\u2022Feeling at peace.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling open or expansive.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \nexpressions and a ctions of h appiness\n\u2022\u2022Smiling.\n\u2022\u2022Having a bright, glowing face.\n\u2022\u2022Being bouncy or bubbly.\n\u2022\u2022Communicating your good feelings.\n\u2022\u2022Sharing the feeling.\n\u2022\u2022Silliness.\u2022\u2022Hugging people.\n\u2022\u2022Jumping up and down.\n\u2022\u2022Saying positive things.\n\u2022\u2022Using an enthusiastic or excited voice.\n\u2022\u2022Being talkative or talking a lot.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \naftereffects of h appiness\n\u2022\u2022Being courteous or friendly to others.\n\u2022\u2022Doing nice things for other people.\n\u2022\u2022Having a positive outlook; seeing the bright side.\n\u2022\u2022Having a high threshold for worry or annoyance.\u2022\u2022Remembering and imagining other times you have felt joyful.\n\u2022\u2022Expecting to feel joyful in the future.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "79454bdc81b3-0", "page_content": "219eMotion r eGulation Handout 6 (p. 6 of 10)\njealouS y Wor DS\njealous clutching fear of losing someone/\nsomethingrivalrous wary\ncautious defensive suspicious watchful\nclinging mistrustful possessive self- protective\nprompting e vents for f eeling j ealous\n\u2022\u2022An important relationship is threatened or in \ndanger of being lost.\n\u2022\u2022A potential competitor pays attention to \nsomeone you love.\n\u2022\u2022Someone:\n\u2022\u2022Is threatening to take away important things in your life.\n\u2022\u2022Goes out with the person you like.\n\u2022\u2022Ignores you while talking to a friend of yours.\n\u2022\u2022Is more attractive, outgoing, or self- \nconfident than you.\u2022\u2022You are treated as unimportant by a person you want to be close to.\n\u2022\u2022Your partner tells you that he or she desires more time alone.\n\u2022\u2022Your partner appears to flirt with someone else.\n\u2022\u2022A person you are romantically involved with looks at someone else.\n\u2022\u2022You find the person you love is having an affair with someone else.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \ninterpretations of e vents That p rompt f eelings of j ealousy\n\u2022\u2022Believing that:\n\u2022\u2022Your partner does not care for you any more.\n\u2022\u2022You are nothing to your partner.\n\u2022\u2022Your partner is going to leave you.\n\u2022\u2022Your partner is behaving inappropriately.\n\u2022\u2022You don\u2019t measure up to your peers.\n\u2022\u2022I deserve more than what you are receiving.\u2022\u2022Believing that:\n\u2022\u2022You were cheated.\n\u2022\u2022No one cares about you.\n\u2022\u2022Your rival is possessive and competitive.\n\u2022\u2022Your rival is insecure.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "79454bdc81b3-1", "page_content": "\u2022\u2022Your rival is possessive and competitive.\n\u2022\u2022Your rival is insecure.\n\u2022\u2022Your rival is envious.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \nBiological c hanges and e xperiences of j ealousy\n\u2022\u2022Breathlessness.\n\u2022\u2022Fast heartbeat.\n\u2022\u2022Choking sensation, lump in throat.\n\u2022\u2022Muscles tensing.\n\u2022\u2022Teeth clenching.\n\u2022\u2022Becoming suspicious of others.\n\u2022\u2022Having injured pride.\u2022\u2022Feelings of rejection.\n\u2022\u2022Needing to be in control.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling helpless.\n\u2022\u2022Wanting to grasp or keep hold of what you have.\n\u2022\u2022Wanting to push away or eliminate your rival.\nexpressions and a ctions of j ealousy\n\u2022\u2022Violent behavior or threats of violence toward the person threatening to take something away.\n\u2022\u2022Attempting to control the freedom of the person you are afraid of losing.\n\u2022\u2022Verbal accusations of disloyalty or unfaithfulness.\n\u2022\u2022Spying on the person.\u2022\u2022Interrogating the person; demanding accounting of time or activities.\n\u2022\u2022Collecting evidence of wrongdoings.\n\u2022\u2022Clinging; enhanced dependency.\n\u2022\u2022Increased or excessive demonstrations of love.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \naftereffects of j ealousy\n\u2022\u2022Narrowing of attention.\n\u2022\u2022Seeing the worst in others.\n\u2022\u2022Being mistrustful across the board. \u2022\u2022Being hypervigilant to threats to your relationships.\n\u2022\u2022Becoming isolated or withdrawn.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3b6f02b06707-0", "page_content": "220Emotion R Egu lation Handout 6 (p. 7 of 10)\nLove Words\nlove attraction enchantment limerence sympathy\nadoration caring fondness longing tenderness\naffection charmed infatuation lust warmth\narousal compassion kindness passion\ndesire liking sentimentality\nPrompting \nev\nents for Feeling Love\n\u2022 \u2022A person:\n\u2022 \u2022Offers or gives you something you want, \nneed, or desire.\n\u2022 \u2022Does things you want or need.\n\u2022 \u2022Does things you particularly value or admire.\n\u2022 \u2022Feeling physically attracted to someone.\n\u2022 \u2022Being with someone you have fun with.\u2022 \u2022You spend a lot of time with a person.\n\u2022 \u2022You share a special experience with a person.\n\u2022 \u2022You have exceptionally good communication with a person.\n\u2022 \u2022Other: \n \nInterpretations of ev ents That Prompt Feelings of Love\n\u2022 \u2022Believing that a person loves, needs, or appreciates you.\n\u2022 \u2022Thinking that a person is physically attractive.\n\u2022 \u2022Judging a person\u2019s personality as wonderful, pleasing, or attractive.\n\u2022 \u2022Believing that a person can be counted on, or will always be there for you.\n\u2022 \u2022Other: \nB\niological Changes and \nex\nperiences of Love\n\u2022 \u2022When you are with or thinking about someone:\n\u2022 \u2022Feeling excited and full of energy.\n\u2022 \u2022Fast heartbeat.\n\u2022 \u2022Feeling self-\n \nconfident.\n\u2022 \u2022Feeling invulnerable.\n\u2022 \u2022Feeling happy, joyful, or exuberant.\n\u2022 \u2022Feeling warm, trusting, and secure.\n\u2022 \u2022Feeling relaxed and calm.\u2022 \u2022Wanting the best for a person.\n\u2022 \u2022Wanting to give things to a person.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3b6f02b06707-1", "page_content": "\u2022 \u2022Wanting to give things to a person.\n\u2022 \u2022Wanting to see and spend time with a person.\n\u2022 \u2022Wanting to spend your life with a person.\n\u2022 \u2022Wanting physical closeness or sex.\n\u2022 \u2022Wanting emotional closeness. \n \nex\npressions and Actions of Love\n\u2022 \u2022Saying \u201cI love you.\u201d\n\u2022 \u2022Expressing positive feelings to a person.\n\u2022 \u2022Eye contact, mutual gaze.\n\u2022 \u2022Touching, petting, hugging, holding, cuddling.\n\u2022 \u2022Sexual activity.\u2022 \u2022Smiling.\n\u2022 \u2022Sharing time and experiences with someone.\n\u2022 \u2022Doing things that the other person wants or needs.\n\u2022 \u2022Other: \n \nA\nftereffects of Love\n\u2022 \u2022Only seeing a person\u2019s positive side.\n\u2022 \u2022Feeling forgetful or distracted; daydreaming.\n\u2022 \u2022Feeling openness and trust.\n\u2022 \u2022Feeling \u201calive,\u201d capable.\n\u2022 \u2022Remembering other people you have loved.\u2022 \u2022Remembering other people who have loved you.\n\u2022 \u2022Remembering other positive events.\n\u2022 \u2022Believing in yourself; believing you are wonderful, capable, competent.\n\u2022 \u2022Other: \n \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6dc30b8cc29b-0", "page_content": "221eMotion r eGulation Handout 6 (p. 8 of 10)\nSaDneSS Wor DS\nsadness disappointment pity crushed disconnected depression\ndespair homesickness anguish displeasure suffering glumness\ngrief neglect dismay insecurity dejection melancholy\nmisery alienation hurt sorrow gloom alone\nagony discontentment rejection defeat loneliness woe\ndi straught unhappiness\nprompting e vents for f eeling Sadness\n\u2022\u2022Losing something or someone irretrievably.\n\u2022\u2022The death of someone you love.\n\u2022\u2022Things not being what you expected or \nwanted.\n\u2022\u2022Things being worse than you expected.\n\u2022\u2022Being separated from someone you care for.\n\u2022\u2022Getting what you don\u2019t want.\n\u2022\u2022Not getting what you have worked for.\n\u2022\u2022Not getting what you believe you need in life.\n\u2022\u2022Being rejected, disapproved of, or excluded.\n\u2022\u2022Discovering that you are powerless or helpless.\u2022\u2022Being with someone else who is sad or in pain.\n\u2022\u2022Reading or hearing about other people\u2019s problems or troubles in the world.\n\u2022\u2022Being alone, or feeling isolated or like an outsider.\n\u2022\u2022Thinking about everything you have not gotten.\n\u2022\u2022Thinking about your losses.\n\u2022\u2022Thinking about missing someone.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \ninterpretations of e vents That p rompt f eelings of Sadness\n\u2022\u2022Believing that a separation from someone will last for a long time or will never end.\n\u2022\u2022Believing that you will not get what you want or need in your life.\n\u2022\u2022Seeing things or your life as hopeless.\n\u2022\u2022Believing that you are worthless or not valuable.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \nBiological c hanges and e xperiences of Sadness", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6dc30b8cc29b-1", "page_content": "\u2022\u2022Other: \nBiological c hanges and e xperiences of Sadness\n\u2022\u2022Feeling tired, run down, or low in energy.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling lethargic, listless; wanting to stay in bed all day.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling as if nothing is pleasurable any more.\n\u2022\u2022Pain or hollowness in your chest or gut.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling empty.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling as if you can\u2019t stop crying, or if you ever start crying you will never be able to stop.\n\u2022\u2022Difficulty swallowing.\n\u2022\u2022Breathlessness.\n\u2022\u2022Dizziness.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \nexpressions and a ctions of Sadness\n\u2022\u2022Avoiding things.\n\u2022\u2022Acting helpless; staying in bed; being inactive.\n\u2022\u2022Moping, brooding, or acting moody.\n\u2022\u2022Making slow, shuffling movements.\n\u2022\u2022Withdrawing from social contact.\n\u2022\u2022Avoiding activities that used to bring pleasure.\n\u2022\u2022Giving up and no longer trying to improve.\u2022\u2022Saying sad things.\n\u2022\u2022Talking little or not at all.\n\u2022\u2022Using a quiet, slow, or monotonous voice.\n\u2022\u2022Eyes drooping.\n\u2022\u2022Frowning, not smiling.\n\u2022\u2022Posture slumping.\n\u2022\u2022Sobbing, crying, whimpering.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \naftereffects of Sadness\n\u2022\u2022Not being able to remember happy things.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling irritable, touchy, or grouchy.\n\u2022\u2022Yearning and searching for the thing lost.\n\u2022\u2022Having a negative outlook.\n\u2022\u2022Blaming or criticizing yourself.\u2022\u2022Ruminating about sad events in the past.\n\u2022\u2022Insomnia.\n\u2022\u2022Appetite disturbance, indigestion.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6dc30b8cc29b-2", "page_content": "\u2022\u2022Insomnia.\n\u2022\u2022Appetite disturbance, indigestion.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "042b87d704d3-0", "page_content": "222eMotion r eGulation Handout 6 (p. 9 of 10)\nShame WorDS\nshame culpability embarrassment mortification shyness\ncontrition discomposure humiliation self- conscious\nprompting e vents for f eeling Shame\n\u2022\u2022Being rejected by people you care about.\n\u2022\u2022Having others find out that you have done \nsomething wrong.\n\u2022\u2022Doing (or feeling or thinking) something that people you admire believe is wrong or immoral.\n\u2022\u2022Comparing some aspect of yourself or your behavior to a standard and feeling as if you do not live up to that standard.\n\u2022\u2022Being betrayed by a person you love.\n\u2022\u2022Being laughed at/made fun of.\n\u2022\u2022Being criticized in public/in front of someone else; remembering public criticism.\n\u2022\u2022Others attacking your integrity.\u2022\u2022Being reminded of something wrong, immoral, or \u201cshameful\u201d you did in the past.\n\u2022\u2022Being rejected or criticized for something you expected praise for.\n\u2022\u2022Having emotions/experiences that have been invalidated.\n\u2022\u2022Exposure of a very private aspect of yourself or your life.\n\u2022\u2022Exposure of a physical characteristic you dislike.\n\u2022\u2022Failing at something you feel you are (or should be) competent to do.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \ninterpretations of e vents That p rompt f eelings of Shame\n\u2022\u2022Believing that others will reject you (or have rejected you).\n\u2022\u2022Judging yourself to be inferior, not \u201cgood \nenough,\u201d not as good as others; self- \ninvalidation.\n\u2022\u2022Comparing yourself to others and thinking \nthat you are a \u201closer.\u201d\n\u2022\u2022Believing yourself unlovable.\n\u2022\u2022Thinking that you are bad, immoral, or wrong.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "042b87d704d3-1", "page_content": "\u2022\u2022Thinking that you are bad, immoral, or wrong.\n\u2022\u2022Thinking that you are defective.\u2022\u2022Thinking that you are a bad person or a failure.\n\u2022\u2022Believing your body (or a body part) is too big, too small, or ugly.\n\u2022\u2022Thinking that you have not lived up to others\u2019 expectations of you.\n\u2022\u2022Thinking that your behavior, thoughts, or feelings are silly or stupid.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \nBiological c hanges and e xperiences of Shame\n\u2022\u2022Pain in the pit of the stomach.\n\u2022\u2022Sense of dread.\n\u2022\u2022Wanting to shrink down and/or disappear.\n\u2022\u2022Wanting to hide or cover your face and body.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \nexpressions and a ctions of Shame\n\u2022\u2022Hiding behavior or a characteristic from other people.\n\u2022\u2022Avoiding the person you have harmed.\n\u2022\u2022Avoiding persons who have criticized you.\n\u2022\u2022Avoiding yourself\u2014 distracting, ignoring.\n\u2022\u2022Withdrawing; covering the face.\n\u2022\u2022Bowing your head, groveling.\u2022\u2022Appeasing; saying you are sorry over and \nover and over.\n\u2022\u2022Looking down and away from others.\n\u2022\u2022Sinking back; slumped and rigid posture.\n\u2022\u2022Halting speech; lowered volume while talking.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \naftereffects of Shame\n\u2022\u2022Avoiding thinking about your transgression; shutting down; blocking all emotions.\n\u2022\u2022Engaging in distracting, impulsive behaviors to divert your mind or attention.\n\u2022\u2022High amount of \u201cself-focus\u201d; preoccupation with yourself.\n\u2022\u2022Depersonalization, dissociative experiences, numbness, or shock.\n\u2022\u2022Attacking or blaming others.\n\u2022\u2022Conflicts with other people.\n\u2022\u2022Isolation, feeling alienated.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "042b87d704d3-2", "page_content": "\u2022\u2022Conflicts with other people.\n\u2022\u2022Isolation, feeling alienated.\n\u2022\u2022Impairment in problem- solving ability.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d5d1103ccfaf-0", "page_content": "223eMotion r eGulation Handout 6 (p. 10 of 10)\nGuil T Wor DS\nguilt culpability remorse apologetic regret sorry\nprompting e vents for f eeling Guilt\n\u2022\u2022Doing or thinking something you believe is \nwrong.\n\u2022\u2022Doing or thinking something that violates your personal values.\n\u2022\u2022Not doing something you said that you would do.\n\u2022\u2022Committing a transgression against another person or something you value.\u2022\u2022Causing harm/damage to another person or object.\n\u2022\u2022Causing harm/damage to yourself.\n\u2022\u2022Being reminded of something wrong you did in the past.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \ninterpretations of e vents That p rompt f eelings of Guilt\n\u2022\u2022Thinking that your actions are to blame for something.\n\u2022\u2022Thinking that you behaved badly.\u2022\u2022Thinking, \u201cIf only I had done something differently . . . \u201d\n\u2022\u2022Other: \nBiological c hanges and e xperiences of Guilt\n\u2022\u2022Hot, red face.\n\u2022\u2022Jitteriness, nervousness. \u2022\u2022Suffocating.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \nexpressions and a ctions of Guilt\n\u2022\u2022Trying to repair the harm, make amends for the wrongdoing, fix the damage, change the outcome.\n\u2022\u2022Asking for forgiveness, apologizing, confessing.\n\u2022\u2022Giving gifts/making sacrifices to try to make up for the transgression.\n\u2022\u2022Bowing your head; kneeling before the person.\naftereffects of Guilt\n\u2022\u2022Making resolutions to change.\n\u2022\u2022Making changes in behavior.\n\u2022\u2022Joining self-help programs.\n\u2022\u2022Other: \nother i mportant emotion Words\n\u2022\u2022Weariness, dissatisfaction, disinclination.\n\u2022\u2022Distress.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d5d1103ccfaf-1", "page_content": "\u2022\u2022Weariness, dissatisfaction, disinclination.\n\u2022\u2022Distress.\n\u2022\u2022Shyness, fragility, reserve, bashfulness, coyness, reticence.\n\u2022\u2022Cautiousness, reluctance, suspiciousness, caginess, wariness.\n\u2022\u2022Surprise, amazement, astonishment, awe, startle, wonder.\n\u2022\u2022Boldness, bravery, courage, determination.\n\u2022\u2022Powerfulness, a sense of competence, capability, mastery.\n\u2022\u2022Dubiousness, skepticism, doubtfulness.\n\u2022\u2022Apathy, boredom, dullness, ennui, fidgetiness, impatience, indifference, listlessness.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "afa2bef15c94-0", "page_content": "Handouts for Changing \nEmotional\u00a0Responses", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3bf5d0bc2602-0", "page_content": "227\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).eMotion r eGulation Handout 7 (Emotion Regulation Worksheets 5\u20138)\noverview: \nchanging e motional r esponses\ncheck T he f acTS\nCheck out whether your emotional reactions fit the facts \nof the situation.\nChanging your beliefs and assumptions to fit the facts can help \nyou change your emotional reactions to situations.\noppoSiTe acTion\nWhen your emotions do not fit the facts, \nor when acting on your emotions is not effective, \nacting opposite (all the way) \nwill change your emotional reactions.\nproB lem Solvin G\nWhen the facts themselves are the problem, \nsolving the problem \nwill reduce the frequency of negative emotions.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "dbeb716133d0-0", "page_content": "228\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab Emotion R Egu lation Handout 8 (Emotion Regulation Worksheet 5)\nCheck the Facts\nFaCt s\nMany emotions and actions are set off by our thoughts and interpretations of events, \nnot by the events themselves.\nEvent \u2192 tho\nughts \u2192 Emotions\nOur emotions can also have a big effect on our thoughts about events.\nEvent \u2192 Emotion \u2192 tho\nughts\nExamining our thoughts and checking the facts can help us change our emotions.\nHow to C HECk tH E FaCt s\n1. as k: wh at is the emotion I want to change?\n ( See Emotion Regulation Handout 6: Ways of Describing Emotions.)\n2. as k: wh at is the event prompting my emotion?\nDescribe the facts that you observed through your senses.Challenge judgments, absolutes, and black-and-white descriptions.\n ( See Mindfulness Handout 4: Taking Hold of Your Mind: \u201cWhat\u201d Skills.)\n3. as k: wh at are my interpretations, thoughts, and assumptions about the \nevent?\nThink of other possible interpretations.Practice looking at all sides of a situation and all points of view.Test your interpretations and assumptions to see if they fit the facts.\n4.\n as\nk: \na\nm I assuming a threat?\nLabel the threat.Assess the probability that the threatening event will really occur.Think of as many other possible outcomes as you can.\n5.\n as\nk: \nwh\nat\u2019s the catastrophe?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "dbeb716133d0-1", "page_content": "5.\n as\nk: \nwh\nat\u2019s the catastrophe?\nImagine the catastrophe really occurring.Imagine coping well with a catastrophe (through problem solving, coping ahead, or radical acceptance).\n6.\n as\nk: Does my emotion and/or its intensity fit the actual facts?\nCheck out facts that fit each emotion.Ask Wise Mind.\n ( See Emotion Regulation Handout 11: Figuring Out Opposite Actions, and Emotion \nRegulation Handout 13: Reviewing Problem Solving and Opposite Action.)", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "bc1511c2f25f-0", "page_content": "229\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).eMotion r eGulation Handout 8a (Emotion Regulation Worksheet 5)\nexamples of e motions That f it the f acts\nfear 1. There is a threat to your life or that of someone you care about.\n2. There is a threat to your health or that of someone you care about.\n3. There is a threat to your well-being or that of someone you care about.\n4. Other: \nanger 1. An important goal is blocked or a desired activity is interrupted or prevented.\n2. You or someone you care about is attacked or hurt by others.\n3. You or someone you care about is insulted or threatened by others.\n4. The integrity or status of your social group is offended or threatened.\n5. Other: \nDisgust 1. Something you are in contact with could poison or contaminate you.\n2. Somebody whom you deeply dislike is touching you or someone you care about.\n3. You are around a person or group whose behavior or thinking could seriously \ndamage or harmfully influence you or the group you are part of.\n4. Other: \nenvy 1. Another person or group gets or has things you don\u2019t have that you want or need.\n2. Other: \njealousy 1. A very important and desired relationship or object in your life is in danger of \nbeing damaged or lost.\n2. Someone is threatening to take a valued relationship or object away from you.\n3. Other:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "bc1511c2f25f-1", "page_content": "3. Other: \nlove 1. Loving a person, animal, or object enhances quality of life for you or for those you \ncare about.\n2. Loving a person, animal, or object increases your chances of attaining your own \npersonal goals.\n3. Other: \nSadness 1. You have lost something or someone permanently.\n2. Things are not the way you wanted or expected and hoped them to be.\n3. Other: \nShame 1. You will be rejected by a person or group you care about if characteristics of \nyourself or of your behavior are made public.\n2. Other: \nGuilt 1. Your own behavior violates your own values or moral code.\n2. Other: \nintensity and duration of an emotion are justified by:\n1. How likely it is that the expected outcomes will occur.\n2. How great and/or important the outcomes are.\n3. How effective the emotion is in your life now.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "b9802dd27189-0", "page_content": "230\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab Emotion R Egu lation Handout 9 (Emotion Regulation Worksheet 6)\nOpposite Action and Problem Solving: \nDeciding \nWhich to Use\n \n \n \n \n \n Opposite action = Acting opposite to an emotion\u2019s action urge\nProblem solving = Avoiding or changing (solving) a problem event\nAsk:\nDoes this emotion \nfit the facts?\nCheck the facts Ye s No\nBe mindful\nof current\nemotions\n(Emotion Regulation\nHandout 22)\nAct on \nemotion/\naction urge\nProblem-solve\nunwanted\nemotions\n(Emotion Regulation\nHandout 12)Do not act on\nemotion/\naction urge\nConsider\nopposite action\n(Emotion\nRegulation\nHandouts 10\u201311)Do not act on\nemotion/\naction urge\nChange thoughts\nto fit the facts\n(Emotion\nRegulation\nHandout 8)\nDo\nopposite action\n(Emotion\nRegulation\nHandouts 10\u201311)Be mindful\nof current\nemotions\n(Emotion\nRegulation\nHandout 22)\nAct, but\naccept the\nconsequences\ngracefully\nReconsider\nopposite\nactionYe sNo Ye s NoAsk:\nIs acting on this \nemotion effective?\nCheck Wise MindAsk:\nIs acting on this \nemotion effective?\nCheck Wise Mind", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "9a959da0e38b-0", "page_content": "231\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab eMotion r eGulation Handout 10 (Emotion Regulation Worksheet 7)\nopposite a ction\nuse opposite action when your emotions do noT fit the facts \nor when acting on your emotions is noT effective.\nevery emo Tion ha S an ac Tion ur Ge.\nchan Ge The emo Tion B y ac TinG oppo SiTe To iTS ac Tion ur Ge.\nConsider these examples:\nemoTion acTion ur Ge oppo SiTe ac Tion\nFear Run away/avoid Approach/don\u2019t avoid\nAnger Attack Gently avoid/be a little nice\nSadness Withdraw/isolate Get active\nShame Hide/avoid Tell the secret to people who will accept it\nhoW To Do o ppoSiTe acTion, S Tep B y STep\nStep 1. iDenTify anD name T he emo Tion you want to change.\nStep 2. check T he fac TS to see if your emotion is justified by the facts.\nCheck also whether the intensity and duration of the emotion fit the facts.\n(Example: \u201cIrritation\u201d fits the facts when your car is cut in front of; \u201croad rage\u201d does not. )\nAn emotion is justified when your emotion fits the facts.\nStep 3. iDenTify an D DeScriBe your ac Tion ur GeS.\nStep 4. aSk Wi Se minD: Is expression or acting on this emotion effective in this situation?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "9a959da0e38b-1", "page_content": "if your emotion does not fit the facts or if acting on your emotion is not effective:\nStep 5. iDenTify oppo SiTe ac TionS to your action urges.\nStep 6. acT oppo SiTe all T he W ay to your action urges.\nStep 7. repea T acTinG oppo SiTe to your action urges until your emotion changes.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "670b50c28da9-0", "page_content": "232\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab eMotion r eGulation Handout 11 (Emotion Regulation Worksheet 7) (p. 1 of 9)\nfiguring o ut opposite a ctions\nfear\nFear FITS THE FACTS of a situation whenever there is a THREAT to:\na. Your life or that of someone you care about.\nB. Your health or that of someone you care about.\nc. Your well-being or that of someone you care about.\nD. Other example: \nFollow these suggestions when your fear is NOT JUSTIFIED by the facts or NOT EFFECTIVE :\noppoSiTe acTionS for f ear\nDo the OPPOSITE of your fearful action urges. For example:\n1. Do what you are afraid of doing . . . OVER AND OVER .\n2. APPROACH events, places, tasks, activities, and people you are afraid of.\n3. Do things to give yourself a sense of CONTROL and MASTERY over your fears.\nall- The-Way o ppoSiTe acTionS for f ear\n4. Keep your EYES AND EARS OPEN and focused on the feared event. \n Look around slowly; explore.\n5. Take in the information from the situation (i.e., notice that you are safe).\n6. Change POSTURE AND KEEP A CONFIDENT VOICE TONE . \n Keep your head and eyes up, and your shoulders back but relaxed.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "670b50c28da9-1", "page_content": "Keep your head and eyes up, and your shoulders back but relaxed. \n Adopt an assertive body posture (e.g., knees apart, hands on hips, heels a bit out).\n7. Change your BODY CHEMISTRY . \n For example, do paced breathing by breathing in deeply and breathing out slowly.\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "73edc5ba5061-0", "page_content": "233eMotion r eGulation Handout 11 (p. 2 of 9)\nanGer\nAnger FITS THE FACTS of a situation whenever:\na. An important goal is blocked or a desired activity is interrupted or prevented.\nB. You or someone you care about is attacked or hurt by others.\nc. You or someone you care about is insulted or threatened by others.\nD. The integrity or status of your social group is offended or threatened.\ne. Other example: \nFollow these suggestions when your anger is NOT JUSTIFIED by the facts or is NOT EFFECTIVE :\noppoSiTe acTionS for anger\nDo the OPPOSITE of your angry action urges. For example:\n1. GENTLY AVOID the person you are angry with (rather than attacking).\n2. TAKE A TIME OUT , and breathe in and out deeply and slowly.\n3. BE KIND (rather than mean or insulting).\nall- The-Way o ppoSiTe acTionS for anger\n4. IMAGINE UNDERSTANDING and empathy for the other person. \n Step into the other person\u2019s shoes. Try to see the situation from the other person\u2019s \npoint of view. \n Imagine really good reasons for what has happened.\n5. CHANGE YOUR POSTURE. \n Unclench hands, with palms up and fingers relaxed ( WILLING HANDS ). \n Relax chest and stomach muscles. \n Unclench teeth. \n Relax facial muscles. Half-smile.\n6. CHANGE YOUR BODY CHEMISTRY . \n For example, do paced breathing by breathing in deeply and breathing out slowly. \n Or, run or engage in another physically energetic, nonviolent activity.\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "929c7573e841-0", "page_content": "234eMotion r eGulation Handout 11 (p. 3 of 9)\nDiSGuST\nDisgust FITS THE FACTS of a situation whenever:\na. Something you are in contact with could poison or contaminate you.\nB. Somebody whom you deeply dislike is touching you or someone you care about.\nc. You are around a person or group whose behavior or thinking could seriously damage \nor harmfully influence you or the group you are part of.\nD. Other example: \nFollow these suggestions when your disgust is NOT JUSTIFIED by the facts or is NOT EFFECTIVE :\noppoSiTe acTionS for Disgust\nDo the OPPOSITE of your disgusted action urges. For example:\n1. MOVE CLOSE. Eat, drink, stand near, or embrace what you found disgusting.\n2. Be KIND to those you feel contempt for; step into the other person\u2019s shoes.\nall- The-Way o ppoSiTe acTionS for Disgust\n3. IMAGINE UNDERSTANDING and empathy for the person you feel disgust or contempt for. \n Try to see the situation from the other person\u2019s point of view. \n Imagine really good reasons for how the other person is behaving or looking.\n4. TAKE IN what feels repulsive. \n Be sensual (inhaling, looking at, touching, listening, tasting).\n5. CHANGE YOUR POSTURE. \n Unclench hands with palms up and fingers relaxed (willing hands). \n Relax chest and stomach muscles. \n Unclench teeth. \n Relax facial muscles. \n Half-smile.\n6. CHANGE YOUR BODY CHEMISTRY . \n For example, do paced breathing by breathing in deeply and breathing out slowly.\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "8bf4bd27411d-0", "page_content": "235eMotion r eGulation Handout 11 (p. 4 of 9)\nenvy\nEnvy FITS THE FACTS of a situation whenever:\na. Another person or group has what you want or need but don\u2019t have.\nB. Other example: \nFollow these suggestions when your envy is NOT JUSTIFIED by the facts or is NOT EFFECTIVE :\noppoSiTe acTionS for envy\nDo the OPPOSITE of your envious action urges. For example:\n1. INHIBIT DESTROYING what the other person has.\n2. COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS . Make a list of the things you are thankful for.\nall- The-Way o ppoSiTe acTionS for envy\n3. COUNT ALL your blessings. \n Avoid discounting some blessings. \n Avoid exaggerating your deprivations.\n4. Stop EXAGGERATING others\u2019 net worth or value; check the facts.\n5. CHANGE YOUR POSTURE. \n Unclench hands with palms up and fingers relaxed ( WILLING HANDS ). \n Relax chest and stomach muscles. \n Unclench teeth. \n Relax facial muscles. \n Half-smile.\n6. CHANGE YOUR BODY CHEMISTRY . \n For example, do paced breathing by breathing in deeply and breathing out slowly.\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f5da2efd8738-0", "page_content": "236eMotion r eGulation Handout 11 (p. 5 of 9)\njealouS y\nJealousy FITS THE FACTS of a situation whenever:\na. Someone is threatening to take a very important and desired relationship or object away \nfrom you.\nB. An important and desired relationship is in danger of being damaged or lost.\nc. Other example: \nFollow these suggestions when your jealousy is NOT JUSTIFIED by the facts or is NOT EFFECTIVE :\noppoSiTe acTionS for j ealousy\nDo the OPPOSITE of your jealous action urges. For example:\n1. LET GO of controlling others\u2019 actions.\n2. SHARE the things and people you have in your life.\nall- The-Way o ppoSiTe acTionS for j ealousy\n3. STOP SPYING or snooping. \n Suppress probing questions (\u201cWhere were you? Who were you with?\u201d). \nFire your \u201cprivate detective.\u201d\n4. NO AVOIDING . Listen to all the details. Focus on sensations. \n Keep your eyes open; look around. \n Take in all the information about the situation.\n5. CHANGE YOUR POSTURE. \n Unclench hands with palms up and fingers relaxed ( WILLING HANDS ). \n Relax chest and stomach muscles. \n Unclench teeth. \n Relax facial muscles. \n Half-smile.\n6. CHANGE YOUR BODY CHEMISTRY . \n For example, do paced breathing by breathing in deeply and breathing out slowly.\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "a7692f49141c-0", "page_content": "237Emotion R Egu lation Handout 11 (p. 6 of 9)\nLove\nLove (other than universal love for all) fits the facts of a situation whenever:\nA. L\noving a person, animal, or object enhances quality of life for you or for those you care \nabout.\nB. L\noving a person, animal, or object increases your chances of attaining your own \npersonal goals.\nC. O\nther example: \nfo\nllow these suggestions when your love is n Ot\n justified by the facts or is n Ot\n effective:\nop\nposite A C\ntions for Love\ndo t\nhe \nOp\npO\nsite of your loving action urges. \nfo\nr example:\n1. a\nvOi\nd the person, animal, or object you love.\n2. di\nstract yourself from thoughts of the person, animal, or object.\n3. re\nmind yourself of why love is not justified (rehearse the \u201ccons\u201d of loving) when loving \nthoughts do arise.\nA\nLL-\nthe-W Ay \nop\nposite A Ct\nions for Love\n4. avO\nid cOn\ntact with everything that reminds you of a person you love: pictures, letters/\nmessages/e-mails, belongings, mementos, places you were together, places you planned \nto or wanted to go together, places where you know the person has been or will be. \nno\n \nfollowing, waiting for, or looking for the person.\n5. s\ntOp\n expressing \nLOve\n for the person, even to friends. Be unfriendly toward the person \n(e.g., \u201cunfriend\u201d the person on \nfa\ncebook, \ntwi", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "a7692f49141c-1", "page_content": "fa\ncebook, \ntwi\ntter, etc.).\n6. ad\njust y Ou\nr pOs\nture and expressi On\ns if you are around the person you love. \n \nno l\neaning toward him or her. \nno g\netting close enough to touch. \nno si\nghing/gazing at the person.\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "49c02f5e4e5d-0", "page_content": "238Emotion R Egu lation Handout 11 (p. 7 of 9)\nSadne S S\nSadness fit S t he fact S o f a situation whenever:\na\n. Y\nou have lost something or someone permanently.\nB. \nth\nings are not the way you want or expected and hoped them to be.\nC. O\nther example: \nfo\nllow these suggestions when sadness is n Ot\n juS\ntified by the facts or is n Ot\n effective:\nOppO\nSi\nte \naC\ntiOn\nS f\nor Sadness\ndo t\nhe \nOp\npOS\nite of your sad action (or inaction) urges. \nfo\nr example:\n1. \nGet active ; approach.\n2. avO\nid av O\nidinG\n.\n3. B\nuild ma St\nerY: \ndo t\nhings that make you feel competent and self- c\nonfident.\n ( See Emotion Regulation Handout 19: Build Mastery and Cope Ahead.)\n4. in crease plea San t event S.\na\nll-the-Way Opp O\nSi\nte \naCt\niOnS\n for Sadness\n5. \npa\ny attention to the pre Sen\nt mOm\nent! \n B\ne mindful of your environment\u2014each detail as it unfolds. \n \nex\nperience new or positive activities you are engaging in.\n6. c\nhanGe\n \nYO\nur p O\nSt\nure (adopt a \u201cbright\u201d body posture, with head up, eyes open, and \nshoulders back). \n K\neep an upbeat voice tone.\n7. c\nhanGe\n \nYO", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "49c02f5e4e5d-1", "page_content": "eep an upbeat voice tone.\n7. c\nhanGe\n \nYO\nur \nBOdY che\nmiSt\nrY. \n \nfo\nr example, increase physical movement (run, jog, walk, or do other active exercise).\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cecc746e316e-0", "page_content": "239eMotion r eGulation Handout 11 (p. 8 of 9)\nShame\nShame FITS THE FACTS of a situation whenever:\na. You will be rejected by a person or group you care about if your personal characteristics \nor behavior are made public.\nB. Other example: \nFollow these suggestions when both shame and guilt \nare NOT JUSTIFIED by the facts or are NOT EFFECTIVE :\n\uf8f1\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\n\uf8f2\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f3oppoSiTe acTionS for Shame\nDo the OPPOSITE of your action urges. For example:\n1. MAKE PUBLIC your personal characteristics or your behavior (with people who won\u2019t \nreject you).\n2. REPEAT the behavior that sets off shame over and over (without hiding the behavior from \nthose who won\u2019t reject you).\nall- The-Way o ppoSiTe acTionS for Shame\n3. NO APOLOGIZING or trying to make up for a perceived transgression.\n4. TAKE IN all the information from the situation.\n5. CHANGE YOUR BODY POSTURE. Look innocent and proud. Lift your head; \u201cpuff up\u201d \nyour chest; maintain eye contact. Keep your voice tone steady and clear.\nFollow these suggestions when shame is NOT JUSTIFIED by the facts or is NOT EFFECTIVE , but \nGUILT IS JUSTIFIED (your behavior does violate your own moral values):\n\uf8f1\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cecc746e316e-1", "page_content": "\uf8f1\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\n\uf8f2\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f3oppoSiTe acTionS for Shame\nDo the OPPOSITE of your action urges. For example:\n1. MAKE PUBLIC your behavior (with people who won\u2019t reject you).\n2. APOLOGIZE for your behavior.\n3. REPAIR the transgressions, or work to prevent or repair similar harm for others.\n4. COMMIT to avoiding that mistake in the future.\n5. ACCEPT the consequences gracefully.\nall- The-Way o ppoSiTe acTionS for Shame\n6. FORGIVE yourself. Acknowledge the causes of your behavior.\n7. LET IT GO .\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "b60e49168ee9-0", "page_content": "240eMotion r eGulation Handout 11 (p. 9 of 9)\nGuil T\nGuilt FITS THE FACTS of a situation whenever:\na. Your behavior violates your own values or moral code.\nB. Other example: \nFollow these suggestions when both guilt and shame \nare NOT JUSTIFIED by the facts or are NOT EFFECTIVE :\n\uf8f1\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f2\uf8f4\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f3oppoSiTe acTionS for Guilt\nDo the OPPOSITE of your action urges. For example:\n1. MAKE PUBLIC your personal characteristics or your behavior (with people who won\u2019t \nreject you).\n2. REPEAT the behavior that sets off guilt over and over (without hiding the behavior from \nthose who won\u2019t reject you).\nall- The-Way o ppoSiTe acTionS for Guilt\n3. NO APOLOGIZING or trying to make up for a perceived transgression.\n4. TAKE IN all the information from the situation.\n5. CHANGE YOUR BODY POSTURE. Look innocent and proud. Lift your head; \u201cpuff up\u201d \nyour chest; maintain eye contact. Keep your voice tone steady and clear.\nFollow these suggestions when guilt is NOT JUSTIFIED by the facts or is NOT EFFECTIVE \nbut SHAME IS JUSTIFIED (you will be rejected by people you care about if found out):\n\uf8f1", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "b60e49168ee9-1", "page_content": "\uf8f1\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f2\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\n\uf8f3oppoSiTe acTionS for Guilt\n1. HIDE your behavior (if you want to stay in the group).\n2. USE INTERPERSONAL SKILLS (if you want to stay in the group).\n3. WORK TO CHANGE the person\u2019s or group\u2019s values.\n4. JOIN A NEW GROUP that fits your values (and will not reject you).\n5. REPEAT the behavior that sets off guilt over and over with your new group.\nall- The-Way o ppoSiTe acTionS for Guilt\n6. VALIDATE YOURSELF .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ebe692cadc46-0", "page_content": "241\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab eMotion r eGulation Handout 12 (Emotion Regulation Worksheet 8)\nproblem Solving\nStep 1. fiGure ou T and D eScriBe the problem situation.\nStep 2. check T he fac TS (all the facts) to be sure you have the right problem situation!\nIf your facts are correct and \nthe situation is the problem, \ncontinue with STep 3.If your facts are not correct, \ngo back and repeat STep 1.\nStep 3. iDenTify your G oal in solving the problem.\n\u2022\u2022Identify what needs to happen or change for you to feel OK.\n\u2022\u2022Keep it simple, and choose something that can actually happen.\nStep 4. Brain STorm lots of solutions.\n\u2022\u2022Think of as many solutions as you can. Ask for suggestions from people you trust.\n\u2022\u2022Do not be critical of any ideas at first. (Wait for Step 5 to evaluate ideas.)\nStep 5. choo Se a solution that fits the goal and is likely to work.\n\u2022\u2022If you are unsure, choose two solutions that look good.\n\u2022\u2022Do PROS and CONS to compare the solutions.\n\u2022\u2022Choose the best to try first.\nStep 6. p ut the solution into acTion .\n\u2022\u2022ACT! Try out the solution.\n\u2022\u2022Take the first step, and then the second . . .\nStep 7. evaluaT e the results of using the solution.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ebe692cadc46-1", "page_content": "Step 7. evaluaT e the results of using the solution.\nIt worked? yea!!! It didn\u2019t work? Go back to STep 5 and choose a new solution to try.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f13d7e64f982-0", "page_content": "242\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab eMotion r eGulation Handout 13 (Emotion Regulation Worksheets 6\u20138) (p. 1 of 3)\nreviewing o pposite a ction and p roblem Solving\njustifying e ventsact opposite \nto emotion u rge \n(for unjustified e motion)act on emotion u rge, \nproblem-Solve, or a void \n(for j ustified emotion)feara. Your life is in danger.\nB. Your health is in \ndanger.\nc. Your well-being is in \ndanger.1. Do what you are afraid \nof doing . . . over and \nover.\n2. Approach what you are \nafraid of.\n3. Do what gives you a \nsense of control and mastery.1. Freeze/run if danger is near.\n2. Remove the threatening event.\n3. Do what gives you a sense \nof control and mastery of the \nfearful event.\n4. Avoid the threatening event.angera. An important goal is \nblocked or a desired \nactivity is interrupted or \nprevented.\nB. You or someone you \ncare about is attacked or hurt (physically or \nemotionally) by others.\nc. You or someone \nyou care about is insulted, offended, or threatened by others.1. Gently avoid.\n2. Take a time out.\n3. Do something kind.\n4. Imagine understanding: \nStep into the other person\u2019s shoes.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f13d7e64f982-1", "page_content": "4. Imagine understanding: \nStep into the other person\u2019s shoes.\n5. Imagine really good \nreasons for what happened.1. Fight back when being attacked, \nif you have nothing to lose by fighting.\n2. Overcome obstacles to goals.\n3. Work to stop further attacks, \ninsults, and threats.\n4. Avoid or walk out on people \nwho are threatening.Disgusta. Something you are \nin contact with could poison or contaminate \nyou.\nB. You are close to a \nperson or group whose actions or thinking \ncould seriously damage or harm you or the group you are part of.1. Move close. Embrace.\n2. Be kind; step into the \nother person\u2019s shoes.\n3. Take in what feels \nrepulsive.\n4. See the situation from \nthe other person\u2019s point \nof view.1. Remove/clean up revolting \nthings.\n2. Influence others to stop \nharmful actions/stop things that \ncontaminate your community.\n3. Avoid or push away harmful \npeople or things.\n4. Imagine understanding a \nperson who has done disgusting things.\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f12a514323fe-0", "page_content": "243justifying e ventsact opposite \nto emotion u rge \n(for unjustified e motion)act on emotion u rge, \nproblem-Solve, or a void \n(for j ustified emotion)envya. Another person or \ngroup gets or has \nthings you don\u2019t have \nthat you want or need.1. Inhibit destroying other \npeople\u2019s things.\n2. Count your blessings.\n3. Imagine how it all \nmakes sense.\n4. Stop exaggerating \nothers\u2019 worth or value.1. Improve yourself and your life.\n2. Get others to be fair.\n3. Devalue what others have that \nyou don\u2019t have.\n4. Put on rose- colored glasses.\n5. Avoid people who have more \nthan you.jealousya. An important and \ndesired relationship or \nobject is in danger of being damaged or lost.\nB. Someone is \nthreatening to take away an important and desired relationship or object.1. Let go of trying to \ncontrol others.\n2. Share what you have \nwith others.\n3. Stop spying and \nsnooping.\n4. No avoiding; take in all \nthe information.1. Protect what you have.\n2. Work at being more desirable to \nthe person(s) you want to be in \na relationship with (i.e., fight for \nrelationships).\n3. Leave the relationship.love a. Loving a valued/\nadmired person, animal, or object enhances the \nquality of life for you or \nthose you care about.\nB. Loving the person, \nanimal, or object \nincreases your chances \nof attaining your own personal goals.1. Avoid the person, \nanimal, or object you love altogether.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f12a514323fe-1", "page_content": "animal, or object you love altogether.\n2. Distract yourself from \nthoughts of the beloved.\n3. Avoid contact with \nall reminders of the beloved.\n4. Remind yourself of why \nlove is not justified.1. Be with the person, animal, or \nthing that you love.\n2. Touch, hold, etc., the beloved.\n3. Avoid separations when \npossible.\n4. If the beloved is lost, fight to find \nor get the beloved back (if it may be possible).Sadnessa. You have lost \nsomething or someone permanently.\nB. Things are not the \nway you expected or wanted or hoped for.1. Activate your behavior.\n2. Avoid avoiding.\n3. Build mastery: Do \nthings that make you feel competent and self- \nconfident.\n4. Increase pleasant \nevents.\n5. Pay attention to \npleasant events.1. Grieve; have a memorial service; \nvisit the cemetery (but don\u2019t build a house at the cemetery).\n2. Retrieve/replace what is lost.\n3. Plan how to rebuild a life worth \nliving without the beloved or \nexpected outcomes in your life.\n4. Accumulate positives.\n5. Build mastery: Do things that \nmake you feel competent and \nself- confident.\n6. Communicate need for help.\n7. Accept help offered.\n8. Put on rose- colored glasses.\n(continued on next page )eMotion r eGulation Handout 13 (p. 2 of 3)", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "64c5f725d8c5-0", "page_content": "244justifying e ventsact opposite \nto emotion u rge \n(for unjustified e motion)act on emotion u rge, \nproblem-Solve, or a void \n(for j ustified emotion)Shamea. You will be rejected \nby a very important \nperson or group if \ncharacteristics of \nyourself or of your behavior are made public.1. Make public your \npersonal characteristics or behavior (with people \nwho won\u2019t reject you).\n2. Repeat the behavior \nwithout hiding from \npeople who won\u2019t reject \nyou.\n3. Or, if your moral code is \nviolated, apologize and \nrepair; forgive yourself; and let it go.1. Hide what will get you rejected.\n2. Appease those offended.\n3. Change your behavior or \npersonal characteristics to fit in.\n4. Avoid groups who disapprove \nof you.\n5. Find a new group that fits \nyour values or that likes your \npersonal characteristics.\n6. Work to change society\u2019s or a \nperson's values.Guilta. Your own behavior \nviolates your own \nvalues or moral code.1. Do what makes you feel \nguilty over and over and over.\n2. Make public your \nbehavior (with people who won\u2019t reject you).\nOr, if you will be rejected by others:\n3. Hide your behavior.\n4. Use interpersonal skills.\n5. Work to change your \ngroup\u2019s values or join a new group.1. Seek forgiveness.\n2. Repair the harm; make things \nbetter (or, if not possible, work to prevent or repair similar harm for others).\n3. Accept the consequences \ngracefully.\n4. Commit to avoiding behaviors", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "64c5f725d8c5-1", "page_content": "3. Accept the consequences \ngracefully.\n4. Commit to avoiding behaviors \nthat violate your moral values in the future.eMotion r eGulation Handout 13 (p. 3 of 3)", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "9435077b7a6b-0", "page_content": "Handouts for Reducing Vulnerability \nto\u00a0Emotion Mind", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cbb0c495008e-0", "page_content": "247\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).eMotion r eGulation Handout 14 (Emotion Regulation Worksheets 9\u201314b)\noverview: \nreducing v ulnerability to e motion m ind\u2014 \nBuilding a l ife Worth l iving\nA way to remember these skills is to remember the term aB c plea Se.\nAaccumula Te poSiTive emo TionS\nShort Term: Do pleasant things that are possible now.\nlong Term: Make changes in your life so that positive \nevents will happen more often in the future. Build a \u201clife \nworth living.\u201d\nBBuilD maSTery\nDo things that make you feel competent and effective \nto combat helplessness and hopelessness.\nCcope a hea D of Time \nWiTh emoTional SiTuaTionS\nRehearse a plan ahead of time so that you are \nprepared to cope skillfully with emotional situations.\nPLEASETake c are of y our m inD \nBy Takin G care of y our Bo Dy\nTreat physica l illness, balance e ating, \navoid mood- altering substances, balance S leep, \nand get e xercise.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "a9fe46db324f-0", "page_content": "248\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab eMotion r eGulation Handout 15 (Emotion Regulation Worksheets 9, 10, 13)\naccumulating p ositive e motions: Short Term\naccumulate positive emotions in the short term by doing these things.\nBuil D poSiTive e xperience S noW\n\u2022\u2022INCREASE PLEASANT EVENTS that lead to positive emotions.\n\u2022\u2022Do ONE THING each day from the Pleasant Events List.\n(See Emotion Regulation Handout 16.)\n\u2022\u2022Practice opposite action; AVOID AVOIDING.\n\u2022\u2022BE MINDFUL of pleasant events (no multitasking).\nBe m inDful of p oSiTive e xperience S\n\u2022\u2022FOCUS your attention on positive moments when they are happening. \nNo multitasking.\n\u2022\u2022REFOCUS your attention when your mind wanders to the negative.\n\u2022\u2022PARTICIPATE and ENGAGE fully in each experience.\nBe u nmin Dful of Worrie S\nSuch as . . .\n\u2022\u2022When the positive experience will end.\n\u2022\u2022Whether you deserve this positive experience.\n\u2022\u2022How much more might be expected of you now.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "b11510045e09-0", "page_content": "249\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab eMotion r eGulation Handout 16 (Emotion Regulation Worksheets 9, 10, 13) (p. 1 of 3)\npleasant e vents l ist\n 1. \u0089\u0089Working on my car\n 2. \u0089\u0089Planning a career\n 3. \u0089\u0089Getting out of (paying down) debt\n 4. \u0089\u0089Collecting things (baseball cards, coins, \nstamps, rocks, shells, etc.)\n 5. \u0089\u0089Going on vacation\n 6. \u0089\u0089Thinking how it will be when I finish school\n 7. \u0089\u0089Recycling old items\n 8. \u0089\u0089Going on a date\n 9. \u0089\u0089Relaxing\n 10. \u0089\u0089Going to or watching a movie\n 11. \u0089\u0089Jogging, walking\n 12. \u0089\u0089Thinking, \u201cI have done a full day\u2019s work\u201d\n 13. \u0089\u0089Listening to music\n 14. \u0089\u0089Thinking about past parties\n 15. \u0089\u0089Buying household gadgets\n 16. \u0089\u0089Lying in the sun\n 17. \u0089\u0089Planning a career change\n 18. \u0089\u0089Laughing\n 19. \u0089\u0089Thinking about past trips\n 20. \u0089\u0089Listening to other people\n 21. \u0089\u0089Reading magazines or newspapers", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "b11510045e09-1", "page_content": "21. \u0089\u0089Reading magazines or newspapers\n 22. \u0089\u0089Engaging in hobbies (stamp collecting, \nmodel building, etc.)\n 23. \u0089\u0089Spending an evening with good friends\n 24. \u0089\u0089Planning a day\u2019s activities\n 25. \u0089\u0089Meeting new people\n 26. \u0089\u0089Remembering beautiful scenery\n 27. \u0089\u0089Saving money\n 28. \u0089\u0089Going home from work\n 29. \u0089\u0089Eating\n 30. \u0089\u0089Practicing karate, judo, yoga\n 31. \u0089\u0089Thinking about retirement\n 32. \u0089\u0089Repairing things around the house\n 33. \u0089\u0089Working on machinery (cars, boats, \netc.)\n 34. \u0089\u0089Remembering the words and deeds of loving people\n 35. \u0089\u0089Wearing shocking clothes 36. \u0089\u0089Having quiet evenings\n 37. \u0089\u0089Taking care of my plants\n 38. \u0089\u0089Buying, selling stock\n 39. \u0089\u0089Going swimming\n 40. \u0089\u0089Doodling\n 41. \u0089\u0089Exercising\n 42. \u0089\u0089Collecting old things\n 43. \u0089\u0089Going to a party\n 44. \u0089\u0089Thinking about buying things\n 45. \u0089\u0089Playing golf\n 46. \u0089\u0089Playing soccer\n 47. \u0089\u0089Flying kites\n 48. \u0089\u0089Having discussions with friends\n 49. \u0089\u0089Having family get- togethers\n 50. \u0089\u0089Riding a bike or motorbike\n 51. \u0089\u0089Running track", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "b11510045e09-2", "page_content": "51. \u0089\u0089Running track\n 52. \u0089\u0089Going camping\n 53. \u0089\u0089Singing around the house\n 54. \u0089\u0089Arranging flowers\n 55. \u0089\u0089Practicing religion (going to church, \ngroup praying, etc.)\n 56. \u0089\u0089Organizing tools\n 57. \u0089\u0089Going to the beach\n 58. \u0089\u0089Thinking, \u201cI\u2019m an OK person\u201d\n 59. \u0089\u0089Having a day with nothing to do\n 60. \u0089\u0089Going to class reunions\n 61. \u0089\u0089Going skating, skateboarding, rollerblading\n 62. \u0089\u0089Going sailing or motorboating\n 63. \u0089\u0089Traveling or going on vacations\n 64. \u0089\u0089Painting\n 65. \u0089\u0089Doing something spontaneously\n 66. \u0089\u0089Doing needlepoint, crewel, etc.\n 67. \u0089\u0089Sleeping\n 68. \u0089\u0089Driving\n 69. \u0089\u0089Entertaining, giving parties\n 70. \u0089\u0089Going to clubs (garden clubs, Parents \nwithout Partners, etc.)\n 71. \u0089\u0089Thinking about getting married\n 72. \u0089\u0089Going hunting\n(continued on next page )\nNote. For adults or adolescents. Adapted from Linehan, M. M., Sharp, E., & Ivanoff, A. M. (1980, November). The Adult Pleasant Events Sched -\nule. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York. Adapted by permission of the authors.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "753ec884104f-0", "page_content": "250eMotion r eGulation Handout 16 (p. 2 of 3)\n 73. \u0089\u0089Singing with groups\n 74. \u0089\u0089Flirting\n 75. \u0089\u0089Playing musical instruments\n 76. \u0089\u0089Doing arts and crafts\n 77. \u0089\u0089Making a gift for someone\n 78. \u0089\u0089Buying/downloading music\n 79. \u0089\u0089Watching boxing, wrestling\n 80. \u0089\u0089Planning parties\n 81. \u0089\u0089Cooking\n 82. \u0089\u0089Going hiking\n 83. \u0089\u0089Writing (books, poems, articles)\n 84. \u0089\u0089Sewing\n 85. \u0089\u0089Buying clothes\n 86. \u0089\u0089Going out to dinner\n 87. \u0089\u0089Working\n 88. \u0089\u0089Discussing books; going to a book club\n 89. \u0089\u0089Sightseeing\n 90. \u0089\u0089Getting a manicure/pedicure or facial\n 91. \u0089\u0089Going to the beauty parlor\n 92. \u0089\u0089Early morning coffee and newspaper\n 93. \u0089\u0089Playing tennis\n 94. \u0089\u0089Kissing\n 95. \u0089\u0089Watching my children (play)\n 96. \u0089\u0089Thinking, \u201cI have a lot more going for \nme than most people\u201d\n 97. \u0089\u0089Going to plays and concerts\n 98. \u0089\u0089Daydreaming\n 99. \u0089\u0089Planning to go (back) to school\n100. \u0089\u0089Thinking about sex\n101. \u0089\u0089Going for a drive\n102. \u0089\u0089Refinishing furniture", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "753ec884104f-1", "page_content": "102. \u0089\u0089Refinishing furniture\n103. \u0089\u0089Watching TV\n104. \u0089\u0089Making lists of tasks\n105. \u0089\u0089Walking in the woods (or at the \nwaterfront)\n106. \u0089\u0089Buying gifts\n107. \u0089\u0089Completing a task\n108. \u0089\u0089Going to a spectator sport (auto racing, horse racing)\n109. \u0089\u0089Teaching\n110. \u0089\u0089Photography\n111. \u0089\u0089Going fishing\n112. \u0089\u0089Thinking about pleasant events\n113. \u0089\u0089Staying on a diet\n114. \u0089\u0089Playing with animals\n115. \u0089\u0089Flying a plane\n116. \u0089\u0089Reading fiction117. \u0089\u0089Acting\n118. \u0089\u0089Being alone\n119. \u0089\u0089Writing diary entries or letters\n120. \u0089\u0089Cleaning\n121. \u0089\u0089Reading nonfiction\n122. \u0089\u0089Taking children places\n123. \u0089\u0089Dancing\n124. \u0089\u0089Weightlifting\n125. \u0089\u0089Going on a picnic\n126. \u0089\u0089Thinking, \u201cI did that pretty well,\u201d after doing something\n127. \u0089\u0089Meditating, yoga\n128. \u0089\u0089Having lunch with a friend\n129. \u0089\u0089Going to the mountains\n130. \u0089\u0089Playing hockey\n131. \u0089\u0089Working with clay or pottery\n132. \u0089\u0089Glass blowing\n133. \u0089\u0089Going skiing\n134. \u0089\u0089Dressing up\n135. \u0089\u0089Reflecting on how I\u2019ve improved\n136. \u0089\u0089Buying small things for myself (perfume, golf balls, etc.)", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "753ec884104f-2", "page_content": "137. \u0089\u0089Talking on the phone\n138. \u0089\u0089Going to museums\n139. \u0089\u0089Thinking religious thoughts\n140. \u0089\u0089Lighting candles\n141. \u0089\u0089White-water canoeing/rafting\n142. \u0089\u0089Going bowling\n143. \u0089\u0089Doing woodworking\n144. \u0089\u0089Fantasizing about the future\n145. \u0089\u0089Taking ballet/tap- dancing classes\n146. \u0089\u0089Debating\n147. \u0089\u0089Sitting in a sidewalk caf\u00e9\n148. \u0089\u0089Having an aquarium\n149. \u0089\u0089Participating in \u201cliving history\u201d events\n150. \u0089\u0089Knitting\n151. \u0089\u0089Doing crossword puzzles\n152. \u0089\u0089Shooting pool\n153. \u0089\u0089Getting a massage\n154. \u0089\u0089Saying, \u201cI love you\u201d\n155. \u0089\u0089Playing catch, taking batting practice\n156. \u0089\u0089Shooting baskets\n157. \u0089\u0089Seeing and/or showing photos\n158. \u0089\u0089Thinking about my good qualities\n159. \u0089\u0089Solving riddles mentally\n160. \u0089\u0089Having a political discussion\n161. \u0089\u0089Buying books\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d65259e6bfe1-0", "page_content": "251eMotion r eGulation Handout 16 (p. 3 of 3)\n162. \u0089\u0089Taking a sauna or a steam bath\n163. \u0089\u0089Checking out garage sales\n164. \u0089\u0089Thinking about having a family\n165. \u0089\u0089Thinking about happy moments in my \nchildhood\n166. \u0089\u0089Splurging\n167. \u0089\u0089Going horseback riding\n168. \u0089\u0089Doing something new\n169. \u0089\u0089Working on jigsaw puzzles\n170. \u0089\u0089Playing cards\n171. \u0089\u0089Thinking, \u201cI\u2019m a person who can cope\u201d\n172. \u0089\u0089Taking a nap\n173. \u0089\u0089Figuring out my favorite scent\n174. \u0089\u0089Making a card and giving it to someone \nI care about\n175. \u0089\u0089Instant- messaging/texting someone\n176. \u0089\u0089Playing a board game (e.g., Monopoly, \nLife, Clue, Sorry)\n177. \u0089\u0089Putting on my favorite piece of clothing\n178. \u0089\u0089Making a smoothie and drinking it \nslowly\n179. \u0089\u0089Putting on makeup\n180. \u0089\u0089Thinking about a friend\u2019s good qualities\n181. \u0089\u0089Completing something I feel great about\n182. \u0089\u0089Surprising someone with a favor\n183. \u0089\u0089Surfing the Internet\n184. \u0089\u0089Playing video games\n185. \u0089\u0089E-mailing friends\n186. \u0089\u0089Going walking or sledding in a snowfall\n187. \u0089\u0089Getting a haircut\n188. \u0089\u0089Installing new software\n189. \u0089\u0089Buying a CD or music on iTunes", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d65259e6bfe1-1", "page_content": "189. \u0089\u0089Buying a CD or music on iTunes\n190. \u0089\u0089Watching sports on TV\n191. \u0089\u0089Taking care of my pets\n192. \u0089\u0089Doing volunteer service\n193. \u0089\u0089Watching stand-up comedy on YouTube\n194. \u0089\u0089Working in my garden\n195. \u0089\u0089Participating in a public performance \n(e.g., a flash mob)\n196. \u0089\u0089Blogging\n197. \u0089\u0089Fighting for a cause\n198. \u0089\u0089Conducting experiments199. \u0089\u0089Expressing my love to someone\n200. \u0089\u0089Going on field trips, nature walks, exploring (hiking away from known \nroutes, spelunking)\n201. \u0089\u0089Gathering natural objects (wild foods or \nfruit, driftwood)\n202. \u0089\u0089Going downtown or to a shopping mall\n203. \u0089\u0089Going to a fair, carnival, circus, zoo, or amusement park\n204. \u0089\u0089Going to the library\n205. \u0089\u0089Joining or forming a band\n206. \u0089\u0089Learning to do something new\n207. \u0089\u0089Listening to the sounds of nature\n208. \u0089\u0089Looking at the moon or stars\n209. \u0089\u0089Outdoor work (cutting or chopping wood, farm work)\n210. \u0089\u0089Playing organized sports (baseball, softball, football, Frisbee, handball, paddleball, squash, soccer, tennis, volleyball, etc.)\n211. \u0089\u0089Playing in the sand, a stream, the grass; kicking leaves, pebbles, etc.\n212. \u0089\u0089Protesting social, political, or environmental conditions\n213. \u0089\u0089Reading cartoons or comics", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d65259e6bfe1-2", "page_content": "213. \u0089\u0089Reading cartoons or comics\n214. \u0089\u0089Reading sacred works\n215. \u0089\u0089Rearranging or redecorating my room or the house\n216. \u0089\u0089Selling or trading something\n217. \u0089\u0089Snowmobiling or riding a dune buggy/ATV\n218. \u0089\u0089Social networking\n219. \u0089\u0089Soaking in the bathtub\n220. \u0089\u0089Learning or speaking a foreign language\n221. \u0089\u0089Talking on the phone\n222. \u0089\u0089Composing or arranging songs or music\n223. \u0089\u0089Thrift store shopping\n224. \u0089\u0089Using computers\n225. \u0089\u0089Visiting people who are sick, shut in, or in trouble\nOther:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "df7696830f29-0", "page_content": "252\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab eMotion r eGulation Handout 17 (Emotion Regulation Worksheets 9, 11\u201311b, 13)\naccumulating p ositive e motions: l ong Term\nAccumulate positive emotions in the long term \nto build a \u201clife worth living.\u201d\nThat is, make changes in your life so that positive events will occur in the future.\nStep 1. a void avoiding.\nStart now to do what is needed to build the life you want. If you are not sure about \nwhat to do, follow the steps below.\nStep 2. i dentify values that are important to you.\nASK: What values are really important to me in my life?\nExamples: Be productive; be part of a group; treat others well; be physically fit.\nStep 3. i dentify one value to work on now.\nASK: What is really important to me, right now, to work on in my life?\nExample: Be productive.\nStep 4. i dentify a few goals related to this value.\nASK: What specific goals can I work on that will make this value part of my life?\nExamples: Get a job where I can do something useful.\n Be more active keeping up with important tasks at home.\n Find a volunteer job that will use skills I already have.\nStep 5. c hoose one goal to work on now.\nDo pros and cons, if necessary, to select a goal to work on now.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "df7696830f29-1", "page_content": "Do pros and cons, if necessary, to select a goal to work on now.\nExample: Get a job where I can do something useful.\nStep 6. i dentify small action steps toward your goal.\nASK: What small steps can I take to get to my goal?\nExamples: Visit places and look for job openings on the Internet in my area.\n Submit applications for jobs at places I want to work.\n Write r\u00e9sum\u00e9.\n Check out benefits at places I might want to work.\nStep 7. Take one action step now.\nExample: Go on Internet and check for jobs in my area.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "08c0bea991aa-0", "page_content": "253\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab eMotion r eGulation Handout 18 (Emotion Regulation Worksheets 10, 12, 13) (p. 1 of 3)\nvalues and p riorities l ist\nIn my own Wise Mind, I believe it is important to:\n\u0089\u0089a. attend to relationships.\n 1. \u0089\u0089Repair old relationships.\n 2. \u0089\u0089Reach out for new relationships.\n 3. \u0089\u0089Work on current relationships.\n 4. \u0089\u0089End destructive relationships.\n \u0089\u0089Other: \n\u0089\u0089B. Be part of a group.\n 5. \u0089\u0089Have close and satisfying relationships with others.\n 6. \u0089\u0089Feel a sense of belonging.\n 7. \u0089\u0089Receive affection and love.\n 8. \u0089\u0089Be involved and intimate with others; have and keep close friends.\n 9. \u0089\u0089Have a family; stay close to and spend time with family members.\n10. \u0089\u0089Have people to do things with.\n \u0089\u0089Other: \n\u0089\u0089c. Be powerful and able to influence others.11. \u0089\u0089Have the authority to approve or disapprove of what people do, or to control how \nresources are used.\n12. \u0089\u0089Be a leader.\n13. \u0089\u0089Make a great deal of money.\n14. \u0089\u0089Be respected by others.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "08c0bea991aa-1", "page_content": "14. \u0089\u0089Be respected by others.\n15. \u0089\u0089Be seen by others as successful; become well known; obtain recognition and status.\n16. \u0089\u0089Compete successfully with others.\n17. \u0089\u0089Be popular and accepted.\n \u0089\u0089Other: \n\u0089\u0089D. a chieve things in life.\n18. \u0089\u0089Achieve significant goals; be involved in undertakings I believe are significant.\n19. \u0089\u0089Be productive.\n20. \u0089\u0089Work toward goals; work hard.\n21. \u0089\u0089Be ambitious.\n \u0089\u0089Other: \n(continued on next page )\nAdapted from Schwartz, S. H. (1992). Universals in the content and structure of values: Theory and empirical tests in 20 countries. In M. \nZanna (Ed.), Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. 25, pp. 1\u201365). New York: Academic Press. Copyright 1992 by Academic Press. \nAdapted by permission of Elsevier B.V.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "12aec0d1f0a4-0", "page_content": "254eMotion r eGulation Handout 18 (p. 2 of 3)\n\u0089\u0089e. live a life of pleasure and satisfaction.\n22. \u0089\u0089Have a good time.\n23. \u0089\u0089Seek fun and things that give pleasure.\n24. \u0089\u0089Have free time.\n25. \u0089\u0089Enjoy the work I do.\n \u0089\u0089Other: \n\u0089\u0089f. keep life full of exciting events, relationships, and things.\n26. \u0089\u0089Try new and different things in life.\n27. \u0089\u0089Be daring and seek adventures.\n28. \u0089\u0089Have an exciting life.\n \u0089\u0089Other: \n\u0089\u0089G. Behave respectfully.\n29. \u0089\u0089Be humble and modest; do not draw attention to myself.\n30. \u0089\u0089Follow traditions and customs; behave properly.\n31. \u0089\u0089Do what I am told and follow rules.\n32. \u0089\u0089Treat others well.\n \u0089\u0089Other: \n\u0089\u0089h. Be self- directed.\n33. \u0089\u0089Follow my own path in life.\n34. \u0089\u0089Be innovative, think of new ideas, and be creative.\n35. \u0089\u0089Make my own decisions and be free.\n36. \u0089\u0089Be independent; take care of myself and those I am responsible for.\n37. \u0089\u0089Have freedom of thought and action; be able to act in terms of my own priorities.\n \u0089\u0089Other: \n\u0089\u0089i. Be a spiritual person.38. \u0089\u0089Make room in life for spirituality; live life according to spiritual principles.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "12aec0d1f0a4-1", "page_content": "39. \u0089\u0089Practice a religion or faith.\n40. \u0089\u0089Grow in understanding of myself, my personal calling, and life\u2019s real purpose.\n41. \u0089\u0089Discern and do the will of God (or a higher power) and find lasting meaning in life.\n \u0089\u0089Other: \n\u0089\u0089j. Be secure.42. \u0089\u0089Live in secure and safe surroundings.\n43. \u0089\u0089Be physically healthy and fit.\n44. \u0089\u0089Have a steady income that meets my own and my family\u2019s basic needs.\n \u0089\u0089Other: \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "103a7e4e2c67-0", "page_content": "255eMotion r eGulation Handout 18 (p. 3 of 3)\n\u0089\u0089k. recognize the universal good of all things.\n45. \u0089\u0089Be fair, treat people equally, and provide equal opportunities.\n46. \u0089\u0089Understand different people; be open- minded.\n47. \u0089\u0089Care for nature and the environment.\n \u0089\u0089Other: \n\u0089\u0089l. contribute to the larger community.\n48. \u0089\u0089Help people and those in need; care for others\u2019 well-being; improve society.\n49. \u0089\u0089Be loyal to friends and devoted to close people; be committed to a group that shares \nmy beliefs, values, and ethical principles.\n50. \u0089\u0089Be committed to a cause or to a group that has a larger purpose beyond my own.\n51. \u0089\u0089Make sacrifices for others.\n \u0089\u0089Other: \n\u0089\u0089m. Work at self- development.\n52. \u0089\u0089Develop a personal philosophy of life.\n53. \u0089\u0089Learn and do challenging things that help me grow and mature as a human being.\n \u0089\u0089Other: \n\u0089\u0089n. have integrity.\n54. \u0089\u0089Be honest, and acknowledge and stand up for my personal beliefs.\n55. \u0089\u0089Be a responsible person; keep my word to others.\n56. \u0089\u0089Be courageous in facing and living life.\n57. \u0089\u0089Be a person who pays debts to others and repairs damage I have caused.\n58. \u0089\u0089Be accepting of myself, others, and life as it is; live without resentment.\n \u0089\u0089Other: \n\u0089\u0089o. other:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5b179278f265-0", "page_content": "256\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab eMotion r eGulation Handout 19 (Emotion Regulation Worksheets 12, 13)\nBuild m astery and c ope ahead\nBuild m astery\n1. Plan on doing at least one thing each day to build a sense of accomplishment.\nExample: \n2. Plan for success, not failure.\n\u2022\u2022Do something difficult, but possible.\n3. Gradually increase the difficulty over time.\n\u2022\u2022If the first task is too difficult, do something a little easier next time.\n4. Look for a challenge.\n\u2022\u2022If the task is too easy , try something a little harder next time.\nCope ahead of Time with Difficult Situations\n1. Describe the situation that is likely to prompt problem behavior.\n\u2022\u2022Check the facts. Be specific in describing the situation.\n\u2022\u2022Name the emotions and actions likely to interfere with using your skills.\n2. Decide what coping or problem- solving skills you want to use in the situation.\n\u2022\u2022Be specific. Write out in detail how you will cope with the situation and with your \nemotions and action urges.\n3. imagine the situation in your mind as vividly as possible.\n\u2022\u2022Imagine yourself IN the situation NOW , not watching the situation.\n4. rehearse in your mind coping effectively.\n\u2022\u2022Rehearse in your mind exactly what you can do to cope effectively.\n\u2022\u2022Rehearse your actions, your thoughts, what you say, and how to say it.\n\u2022\u2022Rehearse coping effectively with new problems that come up.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5b179278f265-1", "page_content": "\u2022\u2022Rehearse coping effectively with new problems that come up.\n\u2022\u2022Rehearse coping effectively with your most feared catastrophe.\n5. practice relaxation after rehearsing.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6ccc3a0523f7-0", "page_content": "257\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab eMotion r eGulation Handout 20 (Emotion Regulation Worksheets 9, 14)\nTaking c are of y our m ind by Taking c are \nof your Body\nRemember these as plea Se skills.\nP\nL 1. Treat p hysica l illness. Take care of your body. See a doctor when \nnecessary. Take prescribed medication.\nE 2. Balance e ating. Don\u2019t eat too much or too little. Eat regularly and mindfully throughout the day. Stay away from foods that make you feel overly \nemotional.\nA 3. avoid m ood- altering Substances. Stay off illicit drugs, and use alcohol in \nmoderation (if at all).\nS 4. Balance S leep. Try to get 7\u20139 hours of sleep a night, or at least the amount of sleep that helps you feel good. Keep to a consistent sleep schedule, \nespecially if you are having difficulty \nsleeping.\nE 5. Get e xercise. Do some sort of exercise every day. Try to build up to 20 minutes of daily exercise.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5d6206b67ed5-0", "page_content": "258\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).eMotion r eGulation Handout 20a (Emotion Regulation Worksheet 14a)\nnightmare p rotocol, Step by Step\nWhen Nightmares Keep You from Sleeping\n1. practice relaxation, pleasant imagery, and coping skills first, to be sure \nyou are ready to work on changing your nightmares.\nDo progressive relaxation, paced breathing, and/or Wise Mind exercises; \nlisten to music or guided imagery; review the distress tolerance crisis survival skills.\n2. choose a recurring nightmare you would like to work on.\nThis will be your target nightmare. Select a nightmare you can manage now. \nPut off trauma nightmares until you are ready to work with them\u2014or, if you \ntarget a trauma nightmare, skip Step 3.\n3. Write down your target nightmare.\nInclude sensory descriptions (sights, smells, sounds, tastes, etc.). Also \ninclude any thoughts, feelings, and assumptions about yourself during the \ndream.\n4. choose a changed outcome for the nightmare.\nThe change should occur BEFORE anything traumatic or bad happens to you \nor others in the nightmare. Essentially, you want to come up with a change that will prevent the bad outcome of the usual nightmare from occurring. Write an ending that will give you a sense of peace when you wake up.\nNote: Changes in the nightmare can be very unusual and out of the ordinary \n(e.g., you might become a person with superhuman powers who is able \nto escape to safety or fight off attackers). Changed outcomes can include changed thoughts, feelings, or assumptions about yourself.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5d6206b67ed5-1", "page_content": "5. Write down the full nightmare with the changes.\n6. rehear Se and relax each night before going to sleep.\nRehearse the changed nightmare by visualizing the entire dream with the \nchanges each night, before practicing relaxation techniques.\n7. rehear Se and relax during the day.\nVisualize the entire dream with the change, and practice relaxation as often \nas possible during the day.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "8c3c66e8d9a1-0", "page_content": "259\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).eMotion r eGulation Handout 20b (Emotion Regulation Worksheet 14b)\nSleep h ygiene p rotocol\nWhen You Can\u2019t Sleep, What to Do Instead of Ruminating\nTo increa Se The likelihoo D of re STfulne SS/Sleep:\n 1. Develop and follow a consistent sleep schedule even on weekends. Go to bed and get up \nat the same times each day, and avoid anything longer than a 10-minute nap during the day.\n 2. Do not use your bed in the daytime for things like watching TV, talking on the phone, or reading.\n 3. avoid caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, heavy meals, and exercise late in the day before going to \nsleep.\n 4. When prepared to sleep, turn off the light, and keep the room quiet and the temperature comfortable and relatively cool. Try an electric blanket if you are cold; putting \nyour feet outside of the blanket or turning on a fan directed toward your bed if you are hot; or wearing a sleeping mask, using earplugs, or turning on a \u201cwhite noise\u201d machine if needed.\n 5. Give yourself half an hour to at most an hour to fall asleep. If it doesn\u2019t work, evaluate whether you are calm, or anxious (even if only \u201cbackground anxiety\u201d), or ruminating.\n 6. Do no T ca TaSTrophize . Remind yourself that you need rest, and aim for reverie (i.e.,", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "8c3c66e8d9a1-1", "page_content": "dreaminess) and resting your brain. Sell yourself on the idea that staying awake is not a catastrophe. Do not decide to give up on sleeping for the night and get up for the \u201cday.\u201d\nif you are c alm B uT Wi De aW ake:\n 7. Get out of bed; go to another room and read a book or do some other activity that will not wake you up further. As you begin to get tired and/or sleepy, go back to bed.\n 8. Try a light snack (e.g., an apple).\nif you are a nxiou S or r umina TinG\n 9. use the cold water T ip skill. Get right back in bed and do the paced breathing T ip skill.\n(See Distress Tolerance Handout 6: TIP Skills: Changing Your Body Chemistry.) \nRemember, if you have any medical condition, get medical approval before using cold water.\n10. Try the 9\u20130 meditation practice. Breathe in deeply and breathe out slowly, saying in your mind the number 9. On the next breath out, say 8; then say 7; and so on until you breathe out \nsaying 0. Then start over, but this time start with 8 (instead of 9) as you breathe out, followed \nby 7, and so on until you reach 0. Next start with 6 as you breathe out, and so on to 0. Then start with 5, then with 4, and so on until you have gone all the way down to starting with 1. (If you get lost, start over with the last number you remember.) Continue until you fall asleep.\n11. f ocus on the bodily sensation of the rumination (rumination is often escape from difficult \nemotional sensations).", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "8c3c66e8d9a1-2", "page_content": "emotional sensations).\n12. r eassure yourself that worries in the middle of the night are just \u201cmiddle-of-the-night- \nthinking,\u201d and that in the morning you will think and feel differently.\n13. r ead an emotionally engrossing novel for a few minutes until you feel somewhat tired. Then \nstop reading, close your eyes, and try to continue the novel in your head.\n14. if rumination doesn\u2019t stop, follow these guidelines: \u201cIf it\u2019s solvable, solve it. If it is insolvable, \ngo deep into the worry all the way to the \u201ccatastrophe\u201d\u2014the very worst outcome you can imagine\u2014and then imagine coping ahead with the catastrophe. \n(See Emotion Regulation Handout 19: Build Mastery and Cope Ahead.)\nif nothing else works, with eyes closed, listen to public radio (BB c, npr , etc.) at low volume \n(use headphones if necessary). Public radio is a good choice for this, because there is little fluctua -\ntion in voice tone or volume.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "44e3e9e8ace2-0", "page_content": "Handouts for Managing Really \nDifficult Emotions", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e21e48bbf9d9-0", "page_content": "263\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).eMotion re Gulation Handout 21 (Emotion Regulation Worksheets 15\u201316)\noverview: \nmanaging r eally Difficult emotions\nminDfulne SS of c urren T emo TionS\nSuppressing emotion increases suffering.\nMindfulness of current emotions is the path to emotional freedom.\nmana GinG exTreme emo TionS\nSometimes emotional arousal is so high that you can\u2019t use any skills, \nparticularly if the skills are complicated or take any thought on your part.\nThis is a skills breakdown point.\nCrisis survival skills are needed.\nTrou BleShoo TinG an D revie W\nThere are many ways to change emotions.\nIt can be helpful to have a list of the important skills \nto look at when you can\u2019t remember the skills you need to regulate \nyour emotions.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "a26815fbac4d-0", "page_content": "264\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab eMotion r eGulation Handout 22 (Emotion Regulation Worksheet 15)\nmindfulness of c urrent e motions: \nletting Go of e motional Suffering\noBS erve y our e moTion\n\u2022\u2022Step back and just notice your emotion.\n\u2022\u2022Experience your emotion as a WAVE , coming and going.\n\u2022\u2022Now imagine surfing the emotion wave.\n\u2022\u2022Try not to BLOCK or SUPPRESS the emotion.\n\u2022\u2022Don\u2019t try to GET RID of or PUSH away the emotion.\n\u2022\u2022Don\u2019t try to KEEP the emotion around. \n\u2022\u2022Don\u2019t HOLD ON to it. \n\u2022\u2022Don\u2019t AMPLIFY it.\npracTice m inDfulne SS of Bo Dy SenS aTionS\n\u2022\u2022Notice WHERE in your body you are feeling emotional sensations.\n\u2022\u2022Experience the SENSATIONS as fully as you can.\n\u2022\u2022Observe how LONG it takes before the emotion goes down.\nremem Ber: y ou are n oT your e moTion\n\u2022\u2022Do not necessarily ACT on your emotion.\n\u2022\u2022Remember times when you have felt DIFFERENT .\nprac Tice l ovin G your e moTion\n\u2022\u2022RESPECT your emotion.\n\u2022\u2022Do not JUDGE your emotion.\n\u2022\u2022Practice WILLINGNESS .\n\u2022\u2022Radically ACCEPT your emotion.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "39c35393ff26-0", "page_content": "265\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).eMotion re Gulation Handout 23 \nmanaging e xtreme e motions\nFollow these suggestions when emotional arousal is very hiGh \u2014so extreme that your ability to \nuse your skills breaks down.\nFirst, observe and describe that you are at your Skill S Break DoWn poin T:\n\u0089\u0089Your distress is extreme.\n\u0089\u0089You are overwhelmed.\n\u0089\u0089You cannot focus your mind on anything but the emotion itself.\n\u0089\u0089Your mind shuts down; your brain stops processing information.\n\u0089\u0089You cannot solve problems or use complicated skills.\nnow check the facts. Are you really \u201cfalling apart\u201d at this level of distress?\nIf no, u Se your Skill S.\nIf yes, go to Step 1: You are at your Skill S Break DoWn poin T.\nStep 1. Use crisis survival skills to bring down your arousal:\n(See Distress Tolerance Handouts 6\u20139a.)\n\u2022\u2022TIP your body chemistry.\n\u2022\u2022DISTRACT yourself from the emotional events.\n\u2022\u2022SELF- SOOTHE through the five senses.\n\u2022\u2022IMPROVE the moment you are in.\nStep 2. Return to mindfulness of current emotions.\n(See Emotion Regulation Handout 22.)\nStep 3. Try other emotion regulation skills (if needed).", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "a0e1eb7b7cb3-0", "page_content": "266\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).eMotion r eGulation Handout 24 (Emotion Regulation Worksheet 16) (p. 1 of 2)\nTroubleshooting e motion r egulation Skills: When What \nyou a re Doing i sn\u2019t Working\n1check y our Biolo Gical Sen SiTiviTy\n\u2022\u2022ASK: Am I biologically more vulnerable?\nDo I have untreated physical illness or distress?\nAm I out of balance on eating, use of drugs, sleep, exercise?\nHave I taken medications as prescribed?\n\u2022\u2022WORK on your PLEASE skills.\n1. Take care of physical illness and distress.\n2. Take medications as prescribed. Check if others are needed.\n3. Try again.\n2check y our Skill S\n\u2022\u2022REVIEW what you have tried.\nDid you try a skill likely to be effective?\nDid you follow the skill instructions to the letter?\n\u2022\u2022WORK on your skills.\n1. Review and try other skills.\n2. Get coaching if you need it.\n3. Try again.\n3check for reinforcer S\n\u2022\u2022ASK: Do my emotions . . .\nCOMMUNICATE an important message or influence people to do things?\nMOTIVATE me to do things I think are important?\nVALIDATE my beliefs or my identity?\nFEEL GOOD ?\n\u2022\u2022IF YES :\n1. Practice interpersonal effectiveness skills to communicate.\n2. Work to find new reinforcers to motivate yourself.\n3. Practice self- validation.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "a0e1eb7b7cb3-1", "page_content": "3. Practice self- validation.\n4. Do PROS AND CONS for changing emotions.\n(See Emotion Regulation Worksheet 1.)\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "16388ede9472-0", "page_content": "267eMotion r eGulation Handout 24 (p. 2 of 2)\n4check y our m ooD\n\u2022\u2022ASK: Am I putting in the time and effort that solving my problem will take?\n\u2022\u2022IF NO:\n1. Do PROS AND CONS for working hard on skills.\n2. Practice RADICAL ACCEPTANCE and WILLINGNESS skills.\n3. Practice the mindfulness skills of PARTICIPATING and EFFECTIVENESS\n(See Mindfulness Handouts 4 and 5.)\n5check for e moTional o verloaD\n\u2022\u2022ASK: Am I too upset to use complicated skills?\n\u2022\u2022IF YES , ask: Can the problems I am worrying about be easily solved now?\n\u2022\u2022IF YES , do PROBLEM SOLVING .\n(See Emotion Regulation Handouts 9, 12.)\n\u2022\u2022IF NO, practice mindfulness of CURRENT EMOTIONS .\n(See Emotion Regulation Handout 22.)\n\u2022\u2022IF your emotions are too high for you to think straight:\n\u2022\u2022Go to TIP skills.\n(See Distress Tolerance Handout 5.)\n6check for e moTion m yThS Ge TTinG in T he Way\n\u2022\u2022CHECK FOR :\nJudgmental myths about emotions (e.g., \u201cSome emotions are stupid,\u201d \u201cThere is a \nright way to feel in every situation\u201d)?\nBeliefs that emotions and identity are the same (e.g., \u201cMy emotions are who I \nam\u201d)?\n\u2022\u2022IF YES :\n1. Check the facts.\n2. Challenge myths.\n3. Practice thinking nonjudgmentally.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "55bcad6f0081-0", "page_content": "268\neMotion re Gulation Handout 25 \nreview of Skills for e motion r egulation\nName Emotions\nDescribe Emotions1. Accumulate positive emotions\n2. Build mastery\n3. Cope ahead\n4. PLEASE skillsReduce Emotional Vulnerability\nChange Emotional\nThoughts and Interpretations\nCheck the Facts\nReduce Emotional Prompting Events\nProblem Solving\nDistraction\nManage Aftereffects\nRepeat for Secondary Emotions\nDistress Tolerance SkillsReduce\nEmotional Reactions\nand\nHigh Arousal\nCrisis Survival\nStrategies\nMindfulness\nof Current EmotionsChange\nEmotional Reactions\nOpposite Action\n(all the way)\nOpposite\nBody Language\nOpposite Words\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this \nbook for personal use only (see copyright page for details).", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d9fc0467042e-0", "page_content": "emotion regulation \nWorksheets", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "9821fb46467a-0", "page_content": "271\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 1 (Emotion Regulation Handout 1)\npros and c ons of c hanging e motions\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nemoTion n ame: i nTenSiTy (0\u2013100) Before: after: \nFill this worksheet out when you are experiencing difficulties with:\n\u2022\u2022Trying to decide whether to work on changing ineffective emotions.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling willful/saying no to letting go of emotion mind.\n\u2022\u2022Deciding whether to work on reducing your emotional reactions to specific events.\n\u2022\u2022Feeling threatened whenever you think of letting go of emotions.\n\u2022\u2022Not in the mood for being effective.\nWhen filling out this worksheet, think about these questions:\n\u2022\u2022Is living in emotion mind in your best interest (i.e., effective) or not in your best interest (i.e., \nineffective)?\n\u2022\u2022Will refusing to regulate your own emotions create a new problem for you?\n\u2022\u2022Is reducing immediate high emotions likely to increase your freedom or decrease it?\n\u2022\u2022Is being attached to your emotions about a situation useful or not?\n\u2022\u2022Is working to reduce your emotion really too much work?\nMake a list of the pros and cons of changing the emotion you are having difficulty with.\nMake another list of the pros and cons of not changing your emotion.prosStay in emotion mind, acting emotionally", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "9821fb46467a-1", "page_content": "Regulate emotions and emotion actions\n \n consStay in emotion mind, acting emotionally\n \n Regulate emotions and emotion actions\n \n \nWhat did you decide to do about your emotion? \nis this the best decision (in Wise m ind)?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "aa8983ce6646-0", "page_content": "Worksheets for Understanding \nand\u00a0Naming Emotions", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "9f3385d338f0-0", "page_content": "275\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 2 (Emotion Regulation Handout 3)\nfiguring o ut What m y emotions a re Doing for m e\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nSelect a current or recent emotional reaction and fill out as much of this sheet as you can. If the \nprompting event for the emotion you are working on is another emotion that occurred first (for exam -\nple, feeling afraid prompted getting angry at yourself), then fill out a second worksheet for that first \nemotion. Write on the back of the sheet if you need more room. Remember to use your describe \nskills for each question.\nemoTion n ame : inTenSiTy (0\u2013100): \nDescribe p rompting e vent\nWhat happened to prompt this emotion?\nDescribe m otivation to a ction\nWhat action was my emotion motivating and preparing me to do? (Was there a problem my \nemotion was getting me to solve, overcome, or avoid?) What function or goal did my emotion \nserve?\nDescribe c ommunication to o thers\nWhat was my facial expression? Posture? Gestures? Words? Actions?\nWhat message did my emotion send to others (even if I didn\u2019t intend to send the message)?\nHow did my emotion influence others (even if I didn\u2019t intend to influence them)? What did others", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "9f3385d338f0-1", "page_content": "do or say as a result of my emotional expression or actions?\nDescribe c ommunication to m yself\nWhat did my emotion say to me?\nWhat facts could I check out to be sure the message my emotions were sending to me was \ncorrect?\nWhat facts did I check out?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "bd4a3135c2b0-0", "page_content": "276\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 2a (Emotion Regulation Handout 3)\nexample: f iguring o ut What m y emotions a re Doing \nfor me\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nSelect a current or recent emotional reaction and fill out as much of this sheet as you can. If the \nprompting event for the emotion you are working on is another emotion that occurred first (for exam -\nple, feeling afraid prompted getting angry at yourself), then fill out a second worksheet for that first \nemotion. Use the back of the sheet if necessary. Use describe skills for each question.\nemoTion n ame: Shame and Guilt inTenSiTy (0\u2013100): 80 \nprompting e vent\nWhat happened to prompt this emotion?\n I left my roommate\u2019s pot on the burner and forgot about it. I destroyed it. I then threw the pot away without telling my roommate.\nmotivation to a ction\nWhat action was my emotion motivating and preparing me to do? (Was there a problem my emotion was getting me to solve, overcome, or avoid?) What function or goal did my emotion \nserve?\n My emotion was motivating me to shrink away from my friend, to hide myself. It\u2019s possible that the function was to get me to change that behavior. The emotion was also functioning to get me to try to hide that I destroyed the pot.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "bd4a3135c2b0-1", "page_content": "To influence my friend to stop being mad at me.\ncommunication to o thers\nWhat was my facial expression? Posture? Gestures? Words? Actions? My eyes were looking down. My lips were turned down. I was slouched slightly and turned slightly away from my friend. I did not say anything. I put my hands on my forehead.\nWhat message did my emotion send to others (even if I didn\u2019t intend to send the message)? I think my friend realized that I felt bad.\nHow did my emotion influence others (even if I didn\u2019t intend to influence them)? What did others do or say as a result of my emotional expression or actions? My friend tried to get me to talk. I think it influenced her to stop yelling at me and be more kind.\ncommunication to m yself\nWhat did my emotion say to me? It was wrong to do what I did. I feel badly about it because I disappointed my friend. I have really messed this up and now she will never trust or like me.\nWhat facts could I check out to be sure the message my emotions were sending to me was correct? I could ask myself if what I did would get me kicked out of my house/friendship. I could try to figure out if what I did crossed my own wise/clear mind, moral code, values. I could ask her: \nHave I destroyed the relationship? Is she going to kick me out? Stop spending time with me? I \ncould also ask what I can do that would help her to trust me again.\nWhat facts did I check out?\n I felt bad about burning the pot\u2014but it wasn\u2019t a moral code or values issue yet until I tried to", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "bd4a3135c2b0-2", "page_content": "hide that I had done it. That behavior did go against my Wise Mind. I asked my roommate if she hated me now and she said no. I asked if there was anything I could do to fix the situation, and \nshe asked me to buy a new pot, and I did.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cb6d07710949-0", "page_content": "277eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 2b (Emotion Regulation Handout 3)\nemotion Diary\nName: Week Starting: \nRecord an emotion (either the strongest emotion of the day, the longest- lasting one, or the one that was the most painful or gave you the \nmost trouble). Analyze that emotion. Fill out an Observing and Describing Emotions worksheet (Emotion Regulation Worksheet 4 or 4a) if \nnecessary, plus this diary sheet.\nemotions motivate communicate to others communicate to me\nEmotion \nnameWhat did my \nemotion motivate \nme to do (i.e., \nwhat goal did my \nemotion serve)?How was my emotion \nexpressed to others \n(my nonverbal \nappearance, my \nwords, my actions)?What message \ndid my emotion \nexpress to others?What was \nthe effect of \nmy emotion \non others?What was my \nemotion saying \nto me?How did I check \nthe facts?\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "7a8189189d1c-0", "page_content": "278\neMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 2c (Emotion Regulation Handout 3)\nexample: e motion Diary\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nRecord an emotion (either the strongest emotion of the day, the longest- lasting one, or the one that was the most painful or gave you the \nmost trouble). Analyze that emotion. Fill out an Observing and Describing Emotions worksheet (Emotion Regulation Worksheet 4 or 4a) if \nnecessary, plus this diary sheet.\nemotions motivate communicate to others communicate to me\nEmotion \nnameWhat did my emotion \nmotivate me to do \n(i.e., what goal did \nmy emotion serve)?How was my emotion \nexpressed to others (my \nnonverbal appearance, \nmy words, my actions)?What message \ndid my emotion \nexpress \nto others?What was the \neffect of my \nemotion on others?What was \nmy emotion \nsaying to \nme?How did I check the \nfacts?\nFear/anxietyNot to go to skills training group.I did not go to group. That group was not important \nto me.(1) They called to \nencourage me to \ncome.\n(2) They wonder if I am committed.(3) They might be concerned.That group is unsafe.I didn\u2019t.\nI could have evaluated \nif my life, health, or well-being was in danger. I could have \ndone pros and cons of \ngoing to group.\nShame To keep to myself, to not draw attention to myself.\nI wanted to go home \nfrom the office party \nat work.I didn\u2019t make much \neye contact, I didn\u2019t say much or initiate \nconversation, or do", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "7a8189189d1c-1", "page_content": "eye contact, I didn\u2019t say much or initiate \nconversation, or do \nanything to attract attention.There are several possibilities:\n(1) I want to be \nleft alone. (2) I \nam feeling bad.Most everyone at \nwork left me alone. One person tried to \ntalk to me but gave \nup.That I was uninteresting, a failure with \nnothing to \ncontribute .I tried to recall times when people have listened to me. I tried \nto talk to others and \nnotice if they seemed interested.\nSadness Withdraw. Isolate. Cry.My expression was downcast. My mouth turned down.\nI was tearful. I told \nsomeone I was sad.That I was sad. (1) My boyfriend approached me, soothed me, and invited me to sit \nwith him. (2) Some \npeople avoided me.I am so sad. I am alone. \nNo one cares.I reached out and noticed if someone responded. I thought about a time when I \ndid not feel sad.\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "4c0ce5b8f398-0", "page_content": "279\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .Emotion R Eg ulation Wo R ksh EEt 3 (Emotion Regulation Handout 4a) (p. 1 of 2)\nMyths about Emotions\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nF\nor each myth, write down a challenge that makes sense to you. Although the one already \nwritten\n \nmay make a lot of sense, try to come up with another one or rewrite the one there in your \nown words.\n 1. T\nhere is a right way to feel in every situation.\n \nChallenge: Every person responds differently to a situation. There is no correct or right way .\n M\ny challenge: \n 2. L\netting others know that I am feeling bad is a weakness.\n \nChallenge: Letting others know that I am feeling bad is a healthy form of communication .\n M\ny challenge: \n 3. N\negative feelings are bad and destructive.\n \nChallenge: Negative feelings are natural responses. They help me to create a better \nunderstanding of the situation.\n M\ny challenge: \n 4. \nBeing emotional means being out of control.\n \nChallenge: Being emotional means being a normal human being.\n M\ny challenge: \n 5. So\nme emotions are stupid.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "4c0ce5b8f398-1", "page_content": "M\ny challenge: \n 5. So\nme emotions are stupid.\n \nChallenge: Every emotion indicates how I am feeling in a certain situation. All emotions are \nuseful to help me understand what I am experiencing .\n M\ny challenge: \n 6. \nAll painful emotions are a result of a bad attitude.\n \nChallenge: All painful emotions are natural responses to something.\n M\ny challenge: \n 7. I\nf others don\u2019t approve of my feelings, I obviously shouldn\u2019t feel the way I do.\n \nChallenge: I have every right to feel the way I do, regardless of what other people think.\n M\ny challenge: \n 8. O\nther people are the best judges of how I am feeling.\n \nChallenge: I am the best judge of how I feel. Other people can only guess how I feel.\n M\ny challenge: \n 9. P\nainful emotions are not important and should be ignored.\n \nChallenge: Painful emotions can be warning signs telling me that a situation I am in is not \ngood.\n M\ny challenge: \n10\n. E\nxtreme emotions get you a lot further than trying to regulate your emotions.\n \nChallenge: Extreme emotions can often cause trouble for me and for other people. If an \nemotion is not effective, emotion regulation is a good idea.\n M\ny challenge: \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "0b56cd61d577-0", "page_content": "280eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 3 (p. 2 of 2)\n11. Creativity requires intense, often out-of- control emotions.\n Challenge: I can be in control of my emotions and be creative.\n My challenge: \n12. Drama is cool.\n Challenge: I can be dramatic and regulate my emotions.\n My challenge: \n13. It is inauthentic to try to change my emotions.\n Challenge: Change is itself authentic; it is part of life.\n My challenge: \n14. Emotional truth is what counts, not factual truth.\n Challenge: Both emotional feeling and facts matter.\n My challenge: \n15. People should do whatever they feel like doing.\n Challenge: Doing what I feel like doing can be ineffective.\n My challenge: \n16. Acting on your emotions is the mark of a truly free individual.\n Challenge: The truly free person can regulate emotions.\n My challenge: \n17. My emotions are who I am.\n Challenge: Emotions are partly but not completely who I am.\n My challenge: \n18. My emotions are why people love me.\n Challenge: People will still love me if I regulate my emotions.\n My challenge: \n19. Emotions can just happen for no reason.\n Challenge: All things in the universe are caused.\n My challenge: \n20. Emotions should always be trusted.\n Challenge: Emotions should sometimes be trusted.\n My challenge: \n21. Other myth: \n Challenge: \n My challenge:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "30b053030c2e-0", "page_content": "281eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 4 (Emotion Regulation Handouts 5, 6)\nobserving and Describing e motions\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nSelect a current or recent emotional reaction, and fill out as much of this sheet as you can. If the prompting event for the emotion you \nare working on is another emotion that occurred first (e.g., fear prompted anger at yourself), then fill out a second worksheet for the first \nemotion. Use Emotion Regulation Handout 6 for ideas. Write on the back of this sheet if you need more room.\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- worksheets .Aftereffects: Emotions, behavior, thoughts, etc.?\n____________________________________\n____________________________________Vulnerability Factors: What happened before to make me vulnerable to the prompting event? Tell the story up to the event.\nInterpretation of Event:\nThoughts, beliefs, assumptions, appraisals?Biological Changes\nFace and Body Changes\nand Experiences:\nWhat am I or was I feeling\nin my face and body?\n__________________________________________________________________________________________\nAction Urges\nWhat do I or did I feel like\ndoing? What do I or did I\nwant to say?\n________________________________________________________________________Expressions\nFace and Body Language:\nWhat is or was my facial\nexpression? Posture? Gestures?\n_______________________________________________________________\nExpression with Words:\nWhat I SAID\n____________________________________________________________________________________\nActions: What I DID\n_______________________________________________________________Emotion\nName:\n_________", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "30b053030c2e-1", "page_content": "Actions: What I DID\n_______________________________________________________________Emotion\nName:\n_________\nIntensity\n(0\u2013100)\n______Prompting Event: What set off the emotion? What happened in the few minutes right before the emotion started? Just the facts!\n____________________________________________________________________________________________________________", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "0f90f623e8ca-0", "page_content": "282\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .Emotion R Eg ulation Wo R ksh EEt 4a (Emotion Regulation Handouts 5, 6)\nObserving and Describing Emotions\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nSel\nect a current or recent emotional reaction, and fill out as much of this sheet as you can. If the \nprompting event for the emotion you are working on is another emotion that occurred first (e.g., fear \nprompted anger at yourself), then fill out a second worksheet for the first emotion. Use Emotion Regulation Handout 6 for ideas. Write on the back of this sheet if you need more room.\nEm\nOt\niO\nn \nna\nm\nE: \n intEn\nsity (0\u2013100): \nP\nrO\nm\nPt\ning Ev Ent\n for my emotion (who, what, when, where): What set off the emotion?\n \n \nvulnE rability Fact Or s: What happened before that made me vulnerable to the prompting \nevent?\n \nin tE r Pr Et atiOn s (beliefs, assumptions, appraisals) of the situation:\n \nFacE a nd b ODy ch ang Es and ExP E riEn c Es: W hat was I feeling in my face and body?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "0f90f623e8ca-1", "page_content": "actiOn ur gEs: W hat did I feel like doing? What did I want to say?\n \nFacE a nd bOD y lan guag E: W hat was my facial expression? Posture? Gestures?\n \nWhat i saiD i n the situation (be specific):\n \nWhat i DiD in the situation (be specific):\n \nWhat aFtE r EFFE c ts did the emotion have on me (my state of mind, other emotions, behavior, \nthoughts, memory, body, etc.)?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "590cc2c6057b-0", "page_content": "Worksheets for Changing \nEmotional\u00a0Responses", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "128ced4b27c4-0", "page_content": "285\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 5 (Emotion Regulation Handouts 8, 8a) (p. 1 of 2)\ncheck the f acts\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nIt is hard to problem-solve an emotional situation if you don\u2019t have your facts straight. You must \nknow what the problem is before you can solve it. This worksheet helps you figure out whether it is the event that is causing your emotion, your interpretation of the event, or both. Use your mindfulness skills of observing and describing. Observe the facts, and then describe the facts you have observed.\nStep \n1\uf8f1\n\uf8f2\uf8f3\nask: What emotion do i want to change?\nemoTion n ame : inTenSiTy (0\u2013100) Before: after: \nStep \n2\uf8f1\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f2\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f3ask: What is the promp TinG evenT for my emotional reaction?\nDeScriB e The promp TinG evenT : What happened that led you to have this", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "128ced4b27c4-1", "page_content": "emotion? Who did what to whom? What led up to what? What is it about this event that \nis a problem for you? Be very specific in your answers.\n \n \ncheck T he f acTS!\nLook for extremes and judgments in the way you are describing the prompting event .\nreWriTe the facts, if necessary, to be more accurate.\nfacts \uf0e8\nStep \n3\uf8f1\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f2\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f3ask: What are my in Terpre TaTionS (thoughts, beliefs, etc.) about the facts? \nWhat am I assuming? Am I adding my own interpretations to the description of the \nprompting event?\n \n \ncheck T he f acTS!\nList as many other possible interpretations of the facts as you can.\n \nreWriTe the facts, if necessary. Try to check the accuracy of your interpretations. If you \ncan\u2019t check the facts, write out a likely or a useful (i.e., effective) interpretation.\nfacts \n \n \uf0e8\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5c444faeea6e-0", "page_content": "286eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 5 (p. 2 of 2)\nStep \n4\uf8f1\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f2\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f3ask: am i assuming a T hreaT ? What is the THREAT ? What about this event or \nsituation is threatening to me? What worrisome consequences or outcomes am I \nexpecting?\n \n \ncheck T he f acTS!\nList as many other possible outcomes as you can, given the facts.\n \n \nreWriTe the facts if needed. Try to check the accuracy of your expectations. If you \ncan\u2019t check out probable outcomes, write out a likely noncatastrophic outcome to \nexpect.\n \n \n facts \n\uf0e8\nStep \n5\uf8f1\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f2\uf8f4\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f3ask: What\u2019s the ca TaSTrophe , even if the outcome i am worrying about does \noccur? Describe in detail the worst outcome I can reasonably expect.\n \n \n DeScriBe W ayS To cope if the worst does happen.\n \n \n \nStep \n6\uf8f1\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5c444faeea6e-1", "page_content": "6\uf8f1\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\n\uf8f2\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f3aSk: Does my emotion (or its intensity or duration) fi T The fac TS? \n(0 = not at all to 5 = I am certain): \nIf you are unsure whether your emotion or your emotional intensity fits the facts (for \nexample, you give a score of 2, 3, or 4), keep checking the facts. Be as creative as you can be; ask others for their opinions; or do an experiment to see if your predictions or interpretations are correct.\nDescribe what you did to check the facts:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "4c11941cd129-0", "page_content": "287\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .Emotion R Eg ulation Wo R ksh EEt 6 (Emotion Regulation Handout 9)\nFiguring Out How to Change Unwanted Emotions\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nO\nnce you have checked the facts, use this worksheet to help you figure out what to do next. \nBefore you can figure out what to change, you have to decide whether acting on your emotion \nis effective in the situation you are in (and whether the emotion is one you actually want to change). (If you are not sure whether you want to change it or not, go back to Emotion Regulation Worksheet 1 and do pros and cons.) In the flow chart below, circle Yes or No at each level, and \nthen select the skill that fits your situation best.\nDescribe what you did to manage the emotion: \n \n \n \n \n Ask:\nDoes this emotion \nfit the facts?\nCheck the facts Ye s No\nAsk:\nIs acting on this \nemotion effective?\nCheck Wise Mind\nBe mindful\nof current\nemotions\n(Emotion Regulation\nHandout 22)\nAct on\nemotion/\naction urge\nProblem-solve\nunwanted\nemotions\n(Emotion Regulation\nHandout 12)Do not act on\nemotion/\naction urge\nConsider\nopposite action\n(Emotion\nRegulation", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "4c11941cd129-1", "page_content": "emotion/\naction urge\nConsider\nopposite action\n(Emotion\nRegulation\nHandouts 10\u201311)Do not act on\nemotion/\naction urge\nChange thoughts\nto fit the facts\n(Emotion\nRegulation\nHandout 8)\nDo\nopposite action\n(Emotion\nRegulation\nHandouts 10\u201311)Be mindful\nof current\nemotions\n(Emotion\nRegulation\nHandout 22)\nAct, but\naccept the\nconsequences\ngracefully\nReconsider\nopposite actionYe s No Ye s NoAsk:\nIs acting on this \nemotion effective?\nCheck Wise MindEmotion\nName:\n________________", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "657578a4c34e-0", "page_content": "288\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 7 (Emotion Regulation Handouts 10, 11)\nopposite a ction to c hange emotions\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nSelect a current or recent emotional reaction that you find painful or want to change. Figure out \nif the emotion fits the facts. If it does not, then notice your action urges; figure out what would be opposite actions; and then do the opposite actions. Remember to practice opposite action all the \nway. Describe what happened.\nemoTion n ame: i nTenSiTy (0\u2013100) Before: after: \npromp TinG evenT for my emotion (who, what, when, where): What prompted the emotion.\n \n \niS my emo Tion (or its intensity or duration) juST ifieD? Does it fit the facts? i s it \neffective?\nList the facts that justify the emotion and those that do not. Check the answer that is mostly \ncorrect.\njustified\n \n not justified\n \n\u0089\u0089juST ifieD: Go to problem solving \n(Emotion Regulation Worksheet 8)\u0089\u0089noT juST ifieD: continue\nacTion ur GeS: What do I feel like doing or saying?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "657578a4c34e-1", "page_content": "acTion ur GeS: What do I feel like doing or saying?\n \noppo SiTe ac Tion: What are the actions opposite to my urges? What am I not doing because \nof my emotions? Describe both what and how to act opposite all the way in the situation.\n \n \nWhaT i did: Describe in detail.\n \nhoW i did it: Describe body language, facial expression, posture, gestures, and thoughts.\n \nWhat afTereffec T did the opposite action have on me (my state of mind, other emotions, \nbehavior, thoughts, memory, body, etc.)?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "590a536aabcc-0", "page_content": "289\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 8 (Emotion Regulation Handout 12) (p. 1 of 2)\nproblem Solving to c hange e motions\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nSelect a prompting event that triggers a painful emotion. Select an event that can be changed. Turn \nthe event into a problem to be solved. Follow the steps below and describe what happened.\nemoTion n ame: i nTenSiTy (0\u2013100) Before: after: \n1. Wha T iS The pro Blem ? Describe the problem prompting your emotions. What makes the \nsituation a problem?\n \n \n \n2. check T he fac TS T o make S ure you have T he ri GhT pro Blem . Describe what \nyou did to be sure of your facts.\n(See Emotion Regulation Worksheet 6 if you need help.)\n \n \n reWriTe the problem if needed to stick with the facts.\n \n \n3. Wha T iS a reali STic Shor T-Term G oal of your pro Blem S olvin G? What has to \nhappen for you to think you have made progress?\n \n \n \n4. BrainST orm S oluTionS : List as many solutions and coping strategies as you can think of.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "590a536aabcc-1", "page_content": "DON\u2019T EVALUATE !\n \n \n \n \n \n \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f6fc6924e5ac-0", "page_content": "290eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 8 (p. 2 of 2)\n5. Which TW o iDeaS look Be ST (are most likely to meet your goal, are possible to do)?\n1. 2. pro SSolution 1\n \n \n Solution 2\n \n \n con SSolution 1\n \n \n Solution 2\n \n \n \n6. choo Se the solution to try; list the steps needed; check the steps you do and how well they \nwork.\nStep Describe \uf0fc Done What happened?\n1.\n2.\n3.\n4.\n5.\n6.\n7.\n7. DiD you reach your G oal? If so, describe. If not, what can you do next?\n \n \n iS There no W a ne W pro Blem T o Be S olve D? If yes, describe, and problem-solve \nagain.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f8d0d50c6246-0", "page_content": "Worksheets for Reducing \nVulnerability to Emotion Mind", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "39df68d7026e-0", "page_content": "293\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 9 (Emotion Regulation Handouts 14\u201320) (p. 1 of 2)\nSteps for r educing v ulnerability to e motion m ind\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nFor each emotion regulation skill, note whether you used it during the week, and describe what \nyou did. Write on the back of this sheet if you need more room.\nA\uf8f1\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\uf8f2\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f3accumula Te poSiTive e moTionS: Shor T Term\nINCREASED daily pleasant activities (circle): M T W Th F S Sun\nDescribe: \n \n \naccumula Te poSiTive e moTionS: lonG Term; Buil DinG a l ife \nWor Th livinG\nVALUES considered in deciding what goals to work on (see Emotion Regulation Handout 18):\n \n \nLONG -TERM GOALS worked on (describe):", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "39df68d7026e-1", "page_content": "LONG -TERM GOALS worked on (describe):\n \n \nAVOIDED AVOIDING (describe):\n \n \nminDfulne SS of p oSiTive e xperience S When They o ccurre D\nFocused (and refocused) attention on positive experiences: \nDistracted from worries if they showed up: \nB\uf8f1\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\uf8f2\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f3BuilD maSTery\nScheduled activities to build a sense of accomplishment (circle): M T W Th F S Sun\nDescribe: \n \nActually did something difficult, Bu T possible (circle): M T W Th F S Sun\nDescribe: \n \nC\uf8f1\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\uf8f2\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\uf8f3cope aheaD\nDescribe a situation that prompts unwanted emotions (fill out Steps 1 and 2 of checking the \nfacts on Emotion Regulation Worksheet 5 if necessary):\n \n \nWay that I imagined coping effectively (describe):\n \n \nWay that I imagined coping with new problems that might arise (describe):\n \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c8d9759ef1a4-0", "page_content": "294eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 9 (p. 2 of 2)\nPLEASE Skills\n\uf8f1\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f2\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f4\u2022\n\uf8f4\n\uf8f3Have I . . .\nTreated physica l illness? \n \nBalanced eating? \n avoided mood- altering substances? \n Balanced Sleep? \n exercised?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "68ce660c73cd-0", "page_content": "295eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 10 (Emotion Regulation Handouts 15, 16)\npleasant e vents Diary\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nAccumulating pleasant events can take planning. For each day of the week, write down at least one pleasant activity or event that is possible \nfor you. In the next column, write down for each day the pleasant event or activity that you actually engaged in. Fill out an Observing and Describing Emotions worksheet (Emotion Regulation Worksheet 4 or 4a) if necessary, plus this diary sheet.\nDay \nof \nweek pleasant event(s) plannedpleasant event(s) i \nactually didmindfulness \nof pleasant \nevent (0\u20135)letting go \nof worries \n(0\u20135)pleasant \nexperience \n(0\u2013100) comments\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "78cedff82e69-0", "page_content": "296\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 11 (Emotion Regulation Handouts 17\u201318) (p. 1 of 3)\nGetting from v alues to Specific a ction Steps\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nSTep 1. avoiD avoiD inG. Rate degree you have avoided working on building a life worth living:\nIn the past ( ) Now ( ) (0 = no avoidance, 100 = avoided completely even thinking about it)\nCheck reasons for avoiding: \u0089\u0089 Hopelessness \u0089\u0089Willfulness \u0089\u0089Too hard \u0089\u0089 Other: \nUse your cope-ahead skills, and write out a plan for getting yourself to avoid avoiding.\nSTep 2. iD enTify value S ThaT are impor TanT To you . What is most important to you? \nReview Emotion Regulation Handout 18 for ideas. Make a list of several of your most important \nvalues.\nmy impor TanT value S: \n \nSTep 3. iD enTify one impor TanT life value or priori Ty To Work on no W.\nLong-term goals depend on Wise Mind values and priorities. What values in your life need more \nwork now?\nMake a list of two of the most important values in your life that are important things for you to", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "78cedff82e69-1", "page_content": "work on right now.\nImportance Priority\nVALUE : ( ) ( )\nVALUE : ( ) ( )\nRate the importance of each value for a \u201clife worth living\u201d to you (1 = a little important, 5 = extremely important). Then rate how important it is to work on this value NOW (1 = low priority, \n5 = very high priority).\nrefine your choice S. Review your list and ratings above and the value you have chosen \nto work on now. c heck T he fac TS. Make sure that what you think are values and priorities \nare in fact YOUR values and priorities\u2014not the values others have, the values others think \nyou should have, or old internal \u201ctapes\u201d of values you learned but no longer really believe in. \nRewrite your list if you need to.\nchoo Se a value T o Work on no W. Pick the value that is either the most important to \nyou or is your highest priority to work on right now. (If you have more than one value that is a \nhigh priority to work on right now, fill out another worksheet for that value.)\nVALUE TO WORK ON NOW : \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "77ffcadeca99-0", "page_content": "297eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 11 (p. 2 of 3)\nSTep 4. iD enTify a fe W GoalS rela TeD To ThiS value.\nList two or three different goals related to this value. Be specific. What can you do to make \nthis value a part of your life? (If you have trouble thinking of goals, brainstorm as many goals \nas you can think of that might be related, and then choose those most related to your values.)\nGOAL: \nGOAL: \nGOAL: \nSTep 5. c hoo Se one G oal T o Work on no W.\nSelect one goal that is reasonable to work on now. If one goal has to be accomplished before \nother goals can be worked on, choose that one as your working-on goal. Be specific. If you \nwant to work on more than one goal at a time, fill out two worksheets.\nGoal to work on: \nSTep 6. iD enTify S mall ac Tion ST epS ToWarD your G oal.\nBreak down the goal into lots of small steps that you can do. Each small step is a subgoal on \nthe way to your overall goal. List action steps that will get you closer to your goal. If you can\u2019t think of any steps, try brainstorming ideas. Write down whatever comes to your mind.\nIf you start to feel overwhelmed because a step looks too big, erase it and break it down into \nsmaller steps you think you can actually do. Rewrite your list if you need to so that the steps \nyou think you can do are included. Put in the order that you think you should do them. If you start to feel overwhelmed because there are too many steps, stop writing new steps and focus", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "77ffcadeca99-1", "page_content": "on just one step.\naction Step 1: \naction Step 2: \naction Step 3: \naction Step 4: \nSTep 7. Take one ac Tion ST ep no W. Describe what you did: \n \n \nDescribe what happened next: \n \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "8c1312045d31-0", "page_content": "298eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 11 (p. 3 of 3)\nrememB er: aTT enD To relaTionShipS\nAttending to relationships (Group A on Emotion Regulation Handout 18) and being part of a group \n(Group B) are important to just about everyone. If you did not choose a value from one of these groups, review them to see if one of these first 10 values is an important one for you to work on. If you choose one, write it down and then, after working on it, fill out the rest of the worksheet.\nDescribe the relationship or relationship problem you want to work on: \n \n \nWhat goal can you work on now? \n \nWhat small action steps will help you reach your goal?\naction Step 1: \naction Step 2: \naction Step 3: \naction Step 4: \nTake one ac Tion ST ep no W. Describe what you did: \n \nDescribe what happened next:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "300a32737d79-0", "page_content": "299\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 11a (Emotion Regulation Handouts 17\u201318)\nGetting from v alues to Specific a ction Steps\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nOnce you have figured out your values, the next step is to decide on specific things you can do \nor achieve (goals) that will make your life more in line with your values. Once you have goals, you can figure out what action steps are necessary to achieve the goal.\nexample: value : Be part of a group.\nPossible GoalS:\n\u2022\u2022Reconnect with old friends.\n\u2022\u2022Get a more social job.\n\u2022\u2022Join a club.\nPick one G oal to work on right now.\n\u2022\u2022Join a club.\nFigure out a few ac Tion ST epS that will move me toward my goal.\n\u2022\u2022Look for clubs on craigslist.\n\u2022\u2022Go to the bookstore by my house and ask about book groups.\n\u2022\u2022Join an interactive online game or chat room.\n1. Pick one of your value S:\n \n2. Identify three G oalS:\n \n \n \n3. Circle one G oal to \nwork on right now.\n4. Identify acTion ST epS you can take right now to move closer to this G oal.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "300a32737d79-1", "page_content": "5. Take one ac Tion ST ep now . Describe what you did:\n \n \nDescribe what happened next:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "208a8b66ee8d-0", "page_content": "300\neMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 11b (Emotion Regulation Handouts 17\u201318)\nDiary of Daily a ctions on v alues and p riorities\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nThis diary is for tracking your progress in reaching your goals and living according to your own values. You can either fill out one page for \neach value or goal you are working on, or you can fill it out every day no matter what goal you are working on that day. Remember to be very specific. Check Emotion Regulation Worksheet 11 or 11a for your list of important values and goals.\nDay value Goal value and p riority a ctions Today next Step\nWhat value am \nI working on?What is my goal \nrelated to this value?What action did I do today to achieve this goal? \n(Be specific.)What will my next action be to \nachieve this goal? (Be specific.)\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d149853132b0-0", "page_content": "301eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 12 (Emotion Regulation Handout 19)\nBuild m astery and c ope ahead\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nIn the far left column, put down the days of the week. Then write plans for practicing mastery in the first column under \u201cBuild Mastery.\u201d At \nthe end of the day, write in the second column what you actually did to increase your sense of mastery. Under \u201cCope Ahead,\u201d describe a problem situation in the first column, and then describe in the second column how you imagined coping skillfully. Also, check whether it helped.\nDayBuild m astery cope a head\nActivities planned \nfor building masteryActivities I actually did \nfor building mastery Future problem situationHow I imagined coping \neffectively (describe)\n1.\nHelpful? \u0089\u0089YES \u0089\u0089NO\n2.\nHelpful? \u0089\u0089YES \u0089\u0089NO\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "7a973d5f45fe-0", "page_content": "302\neMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 13 (Emotion Regulation Handout 19)\nputting a Bc Skills Together Day by Day\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nThis worksheet is for tracking your planned ABC tasks throughout each day. At night or first thing in the morning, write down what you plan \nto do that day; as you go or at the end of the day, write down what you actually did. Over time, you will find that you can do more and more of what you plan, and as you do that you will find your vulnerability to negative emotions going down.\nRate your negative mood or emotions at start of day (0\u2013100): And negative mood or emotions at end of day (0\u2013100): \nDaytime \nhoursplanne D acTivi TieS Wha T i a cTually Di D\naccumulate p ositive \nemotionsaction to B uild \nmastery cope- ahead Taskaccumulate p ositive \nemotionsaction to B uild \nmastery cope- ahead Task\nBefore \n8 a.m.\n8 a.m. \nto 12 noon\n12 noon to 4 \np.m.\n4 p.m. \nto 8 p.m.\nAfter 8 p.m.\nTotal \nnumber of \nactivities\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "1e648659fa76-0", "page_content": "303eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 14 (Emotion Regulation Handout 20)\npracticing plea Se Skills\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nIn the left column, put down the days of the week. Then write down what you did to practice each of the PLEASE skills. At the bottom of each \ncolumn, check whether practicing this skill was helpful during the week.\nDayDescribe treating \nphysica l illnessDescribe balanced \neating effortslist mood- altering \nsubstances usedhours of S leep \n(time to bed; time up)Describe exercise \n(hours and/or minutes)\nHelpful? \u0089\u0089YES \u0089\u0089NO Helpful? \u0089\u0089YES \u0089\u0089NO Helpful? \u0089\u0089YES \u0089\u0089NO Helpful? \u0089\u0089YES \u0089\u0089NO Helpful? \u0089\u0089YES \u0089\u0089NO\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "2b0b59b50fd9-0", "page_content": "304\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 14a (Emotion Regulation Handout 20a) (p. 1 of 3)\nTarget n ightmare e xperience f orms (Set of 3)\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nIn the space provided below, describe the distressing dream in as many details as possible. \nInclude sensory descriptions (sights, smells, sounds, tastes, etc.). Note the feelings, images, and thoughts associated with this dream, including assumptions about yourself. Be as specific as possible. Note when the dream begins and when it ends. (Use the back of this sheet if necessary.)\nIn my dream, \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "427c6e814c3e-0", "page_content": "305eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 14a (p. 2 of 3)\nChanged Dream Experience Form\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nIn the space provided below, describe the changed dream in as many details as possible. Include \nsensory descriptions (sights, smells, sounds, tastes, etc.). Please note the feelings, images, and thoughts associated with this dream, including assumptions about yourself. Be as specific as possible. Be sure the change you put in occurs before anything traumatic or bad happens to you \nor others in the nightmare. Note when the dream begins and when it ends. (Use the back of this \nsheet if necessary.)\nIn my dream, \n \n \n \n \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "0bbf560f7068-0", "page_content": "306\neMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 14a (p. 3 or 3)\nDream Rehearsal and Relaxation Record\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nIn the left column, put down the days of the week. Then write down what you did to practice dream rehearsal and relaxation during the week. \nIn the morning write down the intensity of your nightmare. (Put a 0 if you did not have the nightmare.) Continue practicing until you do not have the nightmare again.\nDayDescribe daytime visual \nrehearsal and relaxationnegative \nemotion \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)Describe daytime visual \nrehearsal and relaxationnegative \nemotion \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)Describe daytime visual \nrehearsal and relaxationnightmare \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)\nStart: \nEnd: Start: \nEnd: \nStart: \nEnd: Start: \nEnd: \nStart: \nEnd: Start: \nEnd: \nStart: \nEnd: Start: \nEnd: \nStart: \nEnd: Start: \nEnd: \nStart: \nEnd: Start: \nEnd: \nStart: \nEnd: Start: \nEnd:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "1727040d44d7-0", "page_content": "307eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 14b \nSleep h ygiene p ractice Sheet\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nIn the far left column, put down the days of the week. Then put times/hours in bed, and what you did in the 4 hours before bed, in the next \nthree columns. Along with describing the strategies you used, please rate your degree of rumination before and after using skills. Write in 0 if you had no rumination. Finally, rate the overall usefulness of your strategies.\nDayTime \nto bed/\ntime uphours/\nminutes \nin bed \nduring the \ndayfood, drink, exercise \nwithin 4 hours of bedStarting \nemotion/\nrumination \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)Describe strategies used to get to sleep (or \nback to sleep)ending \nemotion/\nrumination \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)usefulness \nof \nstrategies \n(0\u2013100)\n \n Hrs: \nMin: \n Hrs: \nMin: \n Hrs: \nMin: \n Hrs: \nMin: \n Hrs: \nMin: \n Hrs: \nMin: \n Hrs: \nMin: \nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ab4477a5e985-0", "page_content": "Worksheets for Managing Really \nDifficult Emotions", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "38d0e050d059-0", "page_content": "311\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 15 (Emotion Regulation Handouts 21, 22)\nmindfulness of c urrent e motions\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nemoTion n ame: i nTenSiTy (0\u2013100) Before: after: \nDescribe situation that prompts emotion. (Fill out Steps 1 and 2 on Emotion Regulation Worksheet \n5, if necessary.)\nWhen emotional intensity is extreme, go to cri SiS Survival Skill S first and fill out Distress \nTolerance Worksheets 2\u20136. With any emotion, high or low, practice radical acceptance with minD -\nfulne SS of curren T emo TionS.\nCheck off any of the following that you did:\n\u0089\u0089Stepped back and just noticed the emotions I was experiencing.\n\u0089\u0089Experienced the emotion as waves, coming and going on the beach.\n\u0089\u0089Let go of judgments about my emotions.\n\u0089\u0089Noticed where in my body I was feeling the emotional sensations.\n\u0089\u0089Paid attention to the physical sensations of the emotions as much as I could.\n\u0089\u0089Observed how long it took the emotion to go away.\n\u0089\u0089Reminded myself that being critical of emotions does not work.\n\u0089\u0089Practiced willingness to have unwelcome emotions.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "38d0e050d059-1", "page_content": "\u0089\u0089Practiced willingness to have unwelcome emotions.\n\u0089\u0089Imagined my emotions as clouds in the sky, coming and going.\n\u0089\u0089Just noticed the action urge that went with my emotion.\n\u0089\u0089Got myself to avoid acting on my emotion.\n\u0089\u0089Reminded myself of times when I have felt different.\n\u0089\u0089Practiced radically accepting my emotion.\n\u0089\u0089Tried to love my emotions.\n Other: \nComments and descriptions of experiences:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3e14bea59ea1-0", "page_content": "312\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .eMotion re Gulation WorksHeet 16 (Emotion Regulation Handout 24)\nTroubleshooting e motion r egulation Skills\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nWhen you just can\u2019t get your skills to work, try doing this worksheet to see if you can figure out what \nis going wrong. Check off each box in order, follow the directions and keep going until you find a solution.\nemoTion n ame: i nTenSiTy (0\u2013100) Before: after: \nList the skill you were trying to use that did not seem to help: \n1. am i biologically more vulnerable?\n\u0089\u0089no: Go to next question.\n\u0089\u0089noT Sure : Review the PLEASE skills. \n(See Emotion Regulation Handout 20.)\n\u0089\u0089yeS: Work on PLEASE skills. (See Emotion Regulation Worksheet 14.) Consider medication.\nDid this help? \u0089 no (Go to next question) \u0089 yes (fabulous) \u0089 Didn\u2019t do it\n2. Did i use the skill correctly? c heck out the instructions.\n\u0089\u0089yeS: Go to next question.\n\u0089\u0089noT Sure : Reread the instructions or get coaching. T RY AGAIN .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3e14bea59ea1-1", "page_content": "Did this help? \u0089 no (Go to next question) \u0089 yes (fabulous) \u0089 Didn\u2019t do it\n3. are my emotions being reinforced (and maybe i don\u2019t really want to change them)?\n\u0089\u0089no: Go to next question.\n\u0089\u0089noT Sure : Review Emotion Regulation Handout 3/Worksheets 2, 2a.\n\u0089\u0089yeS: Do a PROS and CONS for changing emotions. (See Emotion Regulation Worksheet 1.)\nDid this help? \u0089 no (Go to next question) \u0089 yes (fabulous) \u0089 Didn\u2019t do it\n4. am i putting in the time and effort that emotion regulation takes?\n\u0089\u0089yeS: Continue practicing.\n\u0089\u0089no: Practice radical acceptance and willingness. (See Distress Tolerance Handouts 11b \nand 13.)\nPractice participating and effectiveness. (See Mindfulness Handouts 4 and 5.)\nUse problem solving to find the time to work on skills. (See Emotion Regulation Worksheet 8.)\nDid this help? \u0089 no (Go to next question) \u0089 yes (fabulous) \u0089 Didn\u2019t do it\n5. are my emotions too extreme right now for skills? am i going around in so many circles \nthat i have fallen into the emotional sea of dyscontrol?\n\u0089\u0089no: Go to next question.\n\u0089\u0089yeS: If possible now , solve the problem. (See Emotion Regulation Handout 12, Worksheet 9.)\nIf not possible, attend to physical sensations. (See Emotion Regulation Handout 22.)\nIf too extreme for skills, go to TIP skills. (See Distress Tolerance Handout 5.)", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3e14bea59ea1-2", "page_content": "Did this help? \u0089 no (Go to next question) \u0089 yes (fabulous) \u0089 Didn\u2019t do it\n6. are myths about emotions and emotion regulation getting in my way?\n\u0089\u0089no.\n\u0089\u0089yeS: Practice nonjudgmentalness. Check the facts and challenge the myths.\nDid this help? \u0089 no \u0089 yes (fabulous) \u0089 Didn\u2019t do it", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e8e889adc275-0", "page_content": "313DiSTreSS Tolerance \nSkill S\nIntroduction to Handouts and Worksheets\nDistress tolerance is the ability to tolerate and survive crises without making things \nworse. The ability to tolerate and accept distress is essential for two reasons. First, \npain and distress are part of life; they cannot be entirely avoided or removed. The \ninability to accept this immutable fact increases pain and suffering. Second, distress tolerance, at least over the short run, is part of any attempt to change yourself. Oth -\nerwise, efforts to escape pain and distress will interfere with your efforts to establish \ndesired changes. There are two main sets of handouts and worksheets for distress \ntolerance skills: Crisis Survival Skills and Reality Acceptance Skills. There is an additional, specialized set of handouts and worksheets for Skills When the Crisis Is Addiction. One introductory handout precedes the handouts and worksheets on \nthese skill sets:\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 1: Goals of Distress Tolerance. The goals of dis -\ntress tolerance are (1) to survive crisis situations without making them worse, (2) to accept reality as it is in the moment, and (3) to become free.\nCrisis Survival Skills\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 2: Overview: Crisis Survival Skills. The goal of \ncrisis survival skills is to get through crises without making things worse. Crisis situ -\nations are, by definition, short-term. Thus these skills are not to be used all the time.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Worksheets 1, 1a, 1b: Crisis Survival Skills. These are three \ndifferent versions of worksheets that can be used with Handout 2 and throughout this portion of the module. Each worksheet covers all of the crisis survival skills.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e8e889adc275-1", "page_content": "\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 3: When to Use Crisis Survival Skills. This hand -\nout defines what a crisis is, and explains when and when not to use these skills.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e091ca235e51-0", "page_content": "314\u2002\u2022\u2002 DiSTreSS Tolerance Skill S\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 4: The STOP Skill. The STOP skill can keep you \nfrom acting impulsively on your emotions in ways that make a difficult situation \nworse. The term STOP is a way to remember how to do the skill: Stop, Take a step \nback, Observe, and P roceed mindfully. Two different worksheets can be used to \ntrack practice of the STOP skill\u2014 Distress Tolerance Worksheets 2 and 2a: Practic -\ning the STOP Skill. Worksheet 2 provides space for two practices during the week. Worksheet 2a gives space for tracking daily practice.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 5: Pros and Cons. Listing pros and cons allows \nyou to compare the advantages and disadvantages of different options. This par -\nticular handout asks you to compare the pros and cons of acting on your emotional urges in a crisis situation and of resisting those urges. Figure out and write down \nyour pros and cons when you are not in a crisis; then, when a crisis hits, pull out \nyour pros and cons and review them. You can also use Distress Tolerance Work -\nsheets 3 and 3a: Pros and Cons of Acting on Crisis Urges. Both worksheets ask for \nthe same information, but they are set up differently. Some people find one format much easier to work with than the other, and vice versa. Whichever one you use, remember to fill out all four quadrants.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 6: TIP Skills: Changing Your Body Chemistry. \nVery high emotion can make it impossible to use most skills. The TIP skills are designed as a quick way to reduce high emotional arousal. The TIP skills are T em-", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e091ca235e51-1", "page_content": "perature (cold water), I ntense exercise, P aced breathing, and P aired muscle relax -\nation. (Note that there are two P skills, although there is only one P in TIP.) There are also handouts on individual TIP skills as listed below. Distress Tolerance Work -\nsheet 4: Changing Body Chemistry with TIP Skills covers all the TIP skills and can be used to track your practice.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 6a: Using Cold Water, Step by Step. This hand -\nout goes over how to use cold water to reduce emotional arousal quickly.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 6b: Paired Muscle Relaxation, Step by Step. \nPaired muscle relaxation is the pairing of relaxing your muscles with breathing out. \nThe idea is to practice combining the two enough so that relaxing when highly emo -\ntional becomes easier and sometimes even automatic as you breathe out. This hand -\nout describes in detail how to practice paired muscle relaxation. To track your prac -\ntice of this skill, use Distress Tolerance Worksheet 4a: Paired Muscle Relaxation.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 6c: Effective Rethinking and Paired Relaxation. \nThis is a method of combining rethinking what you are telling yourself with paired \nrelaxation to bring down emotion rapidly in moments of high stress. To track your practice of this skill, you can use Distress Tolerance Worksheet 4b: Effective \nRethinking and Paired Relaxation.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 7: Distracting. Distracting methods work \nby reducing your contact with whatever set off the distress or its most painful \naspects. The methods are listed on this handout and can be remembered with the", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e091ca235e51-2", "page_content": "aspects. The methods are listed on this handout and can be remembered with the \nterm \u201cWise Mind ACCEPTS.\u201d There are three different worksheets for tracking", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "7f39895e568e-0", "page_content": "introduction to Handouts and Worksheets\u2002\u2022\u20023 1 5\npractice\u2014 Distress Tolerance Worksheets 5, 5a, and 5b: Distracting with Wise Mind \nACCEPTS. Worksheet 5 provides space for two practices between sessions. Work -\nsheet 5a provides space for practicing every ACCEPTS skill twice. Worksheet 5b \ngives space for multiple practices of each skill.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 8: Self- Soothing. Self- soothing means doing \nthings that feel pleasant and comforting, and that provide relief from stress or pain. \nIt is being gentle and mindfully kind to yourself. This handout lists a number of ways to self- soothe through each of your five senses. There are three different worksheets \nyou can use to track your self- soothing practice\u2014 Distress Tolerance Worksheets 6, \n6a, and 6b: Self- Soothing. Each worksheet increases the number of practices, from \ntwo practices between sessions (Worksheet 6) to practice of each skill twice between \nsessions (Worksheet 6a) to multiple daily practices (Worksheet 6b).\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 8a: Body Scan Meditation, Step by Step. This \nhandout gives instructions for body scan meditation as a special form of self- \nsoothing. Practice of the body scan can be recorded on Distress Tolerance Work -\nsheet 6c: Body Scan Meditation, Step by Step.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 9: Improving the Moment. This handout lists a \nnumber of different strategies that can be used to improve the quality of the pres -\nent moment, making it easier to survive a crisis without making it worse. The term", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "7f39895e568e-1", "page_content": "ent moment, making it easier to survive a crisis without making it worse. The term \nIMPROVE is a way to remember the strategies. Any of three worksheets\u2014 Distress \nTolerance Worksheets 7, 7a, and 7b: IMPROVE the Moment \u2014can be used to track \npractice of this skill. Each worksheet increases the number of practices that can be recorded, from two practices during the week (Worksheet 7) to practice of every skill twice (Worksheet 7a) to multiple daily practices (Worksheet 7b).\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 9a: Sensory Awareness, Step by Step. The R in \nIMPROVE stands for Relaxing actions, and sensory awareness is a relaxing action \nyou can take to improve the moment. This handout can be used as a guide to this \nexercise.\nReality Acceptance Skills\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 10: Overview: Reality Acceptance Skills. The \ngoal of reality acceptance is to reduce suffering and increase a sense of freedom by \nfinding ways to accept the facts of your life. This handout briefly lists the six reality \nacceptance skills.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Worksheets 8, 8a, 8b: Reality Acceptance Skills. These \nthree worksheets cover practice of all the reality acceptance skills. They can be used to track practice of any of the skills in this section. There are also worksheets for specific reality acceptance skills, as mentioned below.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 11: Radical Acceptance. Radical acceptance is a \ncomplete and total openness to the facts of reality as they are, without fighting the facts or being willful and ineffective. This handout outlines what has to be accepted", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "9c0f653fb168-0", "page_content": "316\u2002\u2022\u2002 DiSTreSS Tolerance Skill S\nand why radical acceptance is better than nonacceptance. It is helpful to use this \nhandout with Distress Tolerance Worksheet 9: Radical Acceptance which helps you \nfigure out what you might need to radically accept.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 11a: Radical Acceptance: Factors That Interfere. \nThis handout clarifies what radical acceptance is not and outlines factors that inter -\nfere with it.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 11b: Practicing Radical Acceptance, Step by \nStep. This handout gives instructions for practicing radical acceptance. Practice can \nbe recorded on Distress Tolerance Worksheet 9 as mentioned above, or on Distress Tolerance Worksheet 9a: Practicing Radical Acceptance.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 12: Turning the Mind. In order to accept reality \nthat feels unacceptable, you usually have to make an effort more than once. You sometimes have to keep choosing to accept reality over and over for a very long time. \nTurning the mind is choosing to accept. This handout explains turning the mind and \nhow to do it. Practice of this skill can be tracked on Distress Tolerance Worksheet 10: Turning the Mind, Willingness, Willfulness.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 13: Willingness. Willingness is the readiness to \nrespond to life\u2019s situations wisely, as needed, voluntarily, and without grudge. It is the opposite of willfulness. This handout describes how to practice willingness. As \nwith Handout 12, practice can be recorded on Distress Tolerance Worksheet 10.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 14: Half- Smiling and Willing Hands. Half smil -", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "9c0f653fb168-1", "page_content": "ing and willing hands are two ways to accept reality with your body. This handout \ndescribes how to practice each skill. Distress Tolerance Handout 14a: Practicing Half- Smiling and Willing Hands describes several specific ways to practice these \nskills. Practice of these skills can be tracked on either Distress Tolerance Work -\nsheet 11: Half- Smiling and Willing Hands or 11a: Practicing Half- Smiling and \nWilling Hands. The two worksheets are similar, but Worksheet 11 requires more \nwriting.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 15: Mindfulness of Current Thoughts. Mind -\nfulness of current thoughts is observing thoughts as thoughts, as sensations of the \nbrain, rather than as facts about the world. You simply let thoughts come and go\u2014 \nnoticing them, but not trying to control or change them. Observing thoughts is \nsimilar to observing any other behavior. Handout 15 describes this skill. Distress Tolerance Handout 15a: Practicing Mindfulness of Thoughts lists examples of how to practice this skill. To record practice, you can use either of two worksheets\u2014 Dis-\ntress Tolerance Worksheet 12: Mindfulness of Current Thoughts or Distress Toler -\nance Worksheet 12a: Practicing Mindfulness of Thoughts.\nSkills When the Crisis Is Addiction\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 16: Overview: When the Crisis Is Addiction. The \nskills in this special part of the module are specifically designed for dealing with", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "bb2ed06594a1-0", "page_content": "introduction to Handouts and Worksheets\u2002\u2022\u20023 1 7\nvarious addictions. This handout lists these skills. Distress Tolerance Worksheet 13: \nSkills When the Crisis Is Addiction covers all these skills and can be used instead of \nworksheets for the specific skills mentioned below.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 16a: Common Addictions. This handout defines \naddiction and lists common behaviors that can become addictions when you are \nunable to stop them, despite your best efforts to stop and despite negative conse -\nquences.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 17: Dialectical Abstinence. Dialectical absti -\nnence is the synthesis of absolute abstinence (total commitment to abstinence) and harm reduction (planning for slips into the addictive behavior so they don\u2019t become relapses).\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 17a: Planning for Dialectical Abstinence. This \nhandout lists ways to plan for both abstinence and harm reduction. The items under \u201cPlan for Abstinence\u201d are shorthand for the skills described on Distress Tolerance Handouts 18\u201321. To track your practice of dialectical abstinence, use Distress Toler -\nance Worksheet 14: Planning for Dialectical Abstinence.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 18: Clear Mind. \u201cClear mind\u201d is the middle \nground between the extremes of \u201caddict mind\u201d (when you are governed by your addiction) and \u201cclean mind\u201d (when you think your problems are behind you and you don\u2019t need to be careful of a potential relapse). Clear mind is the safest place to \nbe, since it involves not engaging in the addictive behavior while remaining vigilant \nof the temptation to do so.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "bb2ed06594a1-1", "page_content": "of the temptation to do so.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 18a: Behavior Patterns Characteristic of Addict \nMind and of Clean Mind. This handout lists typical behaviors of addict mind and \nclean mind and can help you identify when you are in one or the other. In particular, \ncheck the behaviors you engage in while you are in clean mind. Use Distress Toler -\nance Worksheet 15: From Clean Mind to Clear Mind to practice replacing clean mind behaviors you\u2019ve marked on Handout 18a with clear mind behaviors.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 19: Community Reinforcement. Community \nreinforcement means restructuring your environment so that it will reinforce absti -\nnence instead of addiction. This handout explains why this is important and lists steps you can take to make it happen. Use Distress Tolerance Worksheet 16: Rein -\nforcing Nonaddictive Behaviors to track your practice of community reinforcement.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 20: Burning Bridges and Building New Ones. \n\u201cBurning bridges\u201d here means actively eliminating from your life any and every con -\nnection to potential triggers for addictive behaviors. \u201cBuilding new bridges\u201d means \ncreating new visual images and smells in your mind to compete with addiction urges. \nUse Distress Tolerance Worksheet 17: Burning Bridges and Building New Ones to \ntrack your practice of this skill.\n\u2022\u2022Distress Tolerance Handout 21: Alternate Rebellion and Adaptive Denial. \nWhen addiction functions as rebellion, you can use some type of alternate rebellion \nto satisfy your wish to rebel without destroying yourself or blocking your way to", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "1327124b5028-0", "page_content": "318\u2002\u2022\u2002 DiSTreSS Tolerance Skill S\nachieving important goals. Adaptive denial consists of convincing yourself that you \nactually don\u2019t crave the addictive behavior (denial). The first half of this handout \nlists possible forms of alternate rebellion. The second half of the handout describes \nsteps for adaptive denial. Use Distress Tolerance Worksheet 18: Practicing Alternate Rebellion and Adaptive Denial to track your practice of these skills.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5fd40f5489d3-0", "page_content": "Distress Tolerance Handouts", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "38d742b23591-0", "page_content": "321\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab distress tolerance Handout 1 \nGoals of Distress Tolerance\nSurvive c riSiS SiTuaTionS\nWithout m aking Them Worse\naccep T reali Ty\nreplace Suffering and Being \u201cStuck\u201d \nwith o rdinary p ain and the p ossibility of m oving f orward\nBecome f ree\nof having to Satisfy \nthe Demands of y our o wn \nDesires, u rges, and i ntense emotions\noTher:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "888b14b02fd5-0", "page_content": "Handouts for Crisis Survival Skills", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "1480ea7fc487-0", "page_content": "325\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).distress tolerance Handout 2 (Distress Tolerance Worksheets 1\u20137b)\noverview: \ncrisis Survival Skills\nThese are skills for tolerating painful events, urges, and emotions when you cannot make \nthings better right away.\nThe ST op Skill\npros and c ons\nTip your Body c hemistry\nDistract with Wise m ind accep TS\nSelf- Soothe with the f ive Senses\nimprove the m oment", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "aadc39b248ee-0", "page_content": "326\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab distress tolerance Handout 3 \nWhen to u se crisis Survival Skills\nyou are in a cri SiS when the situation is:\n\u2022\u2022Highly stressful.\n\u2022\u2022Short-term (that is, it won\u2019t last a long time).\n\u2022\u2022Creates intense pressure to resolve the crisis now .\nuSe cri SiS Survival Skill S when:\n1. You have intense pain that cannot be helped quickly.\n2. You want to act on your emotions, but it will only make things worse.\n3. Emotion mind threatens to overwhelm you, and you need to stay skillful.\n4. You are overwhelmed, yet demands must be met.\n5. Arousal is extreme, but problems can\u2019t be solved immediately.\nDon\u2019 T uSe cri SiS Survival Skill S for:\n\u2022\u2022Everyday problems.\n\u2022\u2022Solving all your life problems.\n\u2022\u2022Making your life worth living.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "9a3d782ac5e7-0", "page_content": "327\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab distress tolerance Handout 4 (Distress Tolerance Worksheets 2, 2a)\nSTop Skill\nStop Do not just react. Stop! Freeze! Do not move a \nmuscle! Your emotions may try to make you act without thinking. Stay in control!\nTake a step back Take a step back from the situation. Take a break. Let go. Take a deep breath. Do not let your feelings make you act impulsively.\nObserve Notice what is going on inside and outside you. What is the situation? What are your thoughts and feelings? What are others saying or doing?\nProceed mindfully Act with awareness. In deciding what to do, consider your thoughts and feelings, the situation, and other people\u2019s thoughts and feelings. Think about your \ngoals. Ask Wise Mind: Which actions will make it \nbetter or worse?\nNote . Adapted from an unpublished worksheet by Francheska Perepletchikova and Seth Axelrod, with their permission.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "28bcffd039ed-0", "page_content": "328\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab distress tolerance Handout 5 (Distress Tolerance Worksheets 3, 3a)\npros and c ons\nUse pros and cons any time you have to decide between two courses of action.\n\u0089\u0089An urge is a crisis when it is very strong and when acting on the urge will make things worse in \nthe long term.\n\u0089\u0089Make a list of the pros and cons of acting on your crisis urges. These might be to engage in \ndangerous, addictive, or harmful behaviors, or they might be to give in, give up, or avoid doing \nwhat is necessary to build a life you want to live.\n\u0089\u0089Make another list of the pros and cons of resisting crisis urges\u2014that is, tolerating the distress and not giving in to the urges.\n\u0089\u0089Use the grid below to evaluate both sets of pros and cons (this type of grid is also used in Distress Tolerance Worksheet 3). Or you can use the type of grid seen in Distress Tolerance Worksheet 3a and in the pros-and-cons worksheets for other modules.\npro S con S\nacting on crisis urgespros of acting on impulsive urges, \ngiving in, giving up, or avoiding what needs to be done.\n \n \n cons of acting on impulsive urges, \ngiving in, giving up, or avoiding what \nneeds to be done.\n \n \n \nresisting \ncrisis \nurgespros of resisting impulsive urges,", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "28bcffd039ed-1", "page_content": "crisis \nurgespros of resisting impulsive urges, \ndoing what needs to be done, and not giving up.\n \n \n cons of resisting impulsive urges, \ndoing what needs to be done, and \nnot giving up.\n \n \n \nBefore an overwhelming crisis urge hits:\nWrite out your pros and cons; carry them with you.\nRehearse your pros and cons over and over.\nWhen an overwhelming crisis urge hits:\nReview your pros and cons. Get out your list and read it over again.\n\u2022\u2022Imagine the positive consequences of resisting the urge.\n\u2022\u2022Think of the negative consequences of giving in to crisis behaviors.\n\u2022\u2022Remember past consequences when you have acted on crisis urges.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f173f865a14e-0", "page_content": "329\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\u00ab Distress tolerance Han Do ut 6 (Distress Tolerance Worksheet 4)\nTIP Skills: Changing Your Body Chemistry\nTo reduce extreme emotion mind fast. \nRemember these as TIP skills:\nTTI P Th e T emPer aTu re of your face with C old wa T er* \n(to calm down fast)\n\u2022 \u2022Holding your breath, put your face in a bowl of cold water, \nor hold a cold pack (or zip-lock bag of cold water) on your eyes and cheeks.\n\u2022 \u2022Hold for 30 seconds. Keep water above 50\u00b0F.\nIInTenSe exer C ISe* \n(to calm down your body when it is revved up by emotion)\n\u2022 \u2022Engage in intense exercise, if only for a short while.\n\u2022 \u2022Expend your body\u2019s stored up physical energy by running, walking fast, jumping, \nplaying basketball, lifting weights, etc.\nP\uf8f1\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f2\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\n\uf8f4\uf8f3PaCed Bre aThIn g \n(pace your breathing by slowing it down)\n\u2022 \u2022Breathe deeply into your belly.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f173f865a14e-1", "page_content": "\u2022 \u2022Breathe deeply into your belly.\n\u2022 \u2022Slow your pace of inhaling and exhaling way down (on average, five to six breaths \nper minute).\n\u2022 \u2022Breathe out more slowly than you breathe in (for example, 5 seconds in and 7 \nseconds out).\nPaIred mu SC le relaxa T Io n \n(to calm down by pairing muscle relaxation with breathing out)\n\u2022 \u2022While breathing into your belly deeply tense your body muscles ( not so much as \nto cause a cramp).\n\u2022 \u2022Notice the tension in your body.\n\u2022 \u2022While breathing out, say the word \u201cRelax\u201d in your mind.\n\u2022 \u2022Let go of the tension.\n\u2022 \u2022Notice the difference in your body.\n*Caution: Very cold water decreases your heart rate rapidly. Intense exercise will increase heart rate. Consult your health care provider before \nusing these skills if you have a heart or medical condition, a lowered base heart rate due to medications, take a beta- b\nlocker, are allergic to \ncold, or have an eating disorder.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "23a68ce1d3ff-0", "page_content": "330\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).Distress tolerance Han Do ut 6a (Distress Tolerance Worksheet 4)\nUsing Cold Water, Step by Step\nCold Wa ter Can Wor k Wo nder S*\nWhen you put your full face into cold water . . . or y ou put a zip-lock bag \nwith cold water on your eyes and upper cheeks, and hold your breath, it \ntells your brain you are diving underwater.\nThis causes the \u201cdive response\u201d to occur. (It may take 15\u201330 seconds to \nstart.)Your heart slows down, blood flow to nonessential organs is reduced, and \nblood flow is redirected to the brain and heart.\nThis response can actually help regulate your emotions.This will be useful as a distress tolerance strategy when you are having \na very strong, distressing emotion, or when you are having very strong \nurges to engage in dangerous behaviors .\n(This strategy works best when you are sitting quietly\u2014\n a\nctivity and \ndistraction may make it less effective.)\ntr y it o U t!\n*Caution: Very cold water decreases your heart rate. If you have any heart or medical condition, have a lowered base heart rate due to medica -\ntions, or are on a beta- b\nlocker, consult your health care provider before using these skills. Avoid ice water if you are allergic to the cold.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f76507c70f85-0", "page_content": "331\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).distress tolerance Handout 6b (Distress Tolerance Worksheet 4a)\npaired m uscle r elaxation, Step by Step\nIf you have decided to practice paired muscle relaxation, it can be very helpful to practice \nrelaxing each of your muscles first.\nWhen you are starting, practice in a quiet place to reduce distractions, and make sure that you \nhave enough time. As you improve with practice, you will want to practice in many different kinds of \nplaces, so that you can relax effectively when you most need to.\nremember that effectiveness improves with practice. If judgments arise, observe them, let \nthem go, and return to your practice. If you become anxious, try focusing on breathing in to the \ncount of 5 and out to the count of 7 (or the counts you have already determined for paced breathing), \nbreathing all the while into your belly until you can return to relaxation exercises.now that you are ready to begin . . .\n1. Get your body into a comfortable position in which you can relax. Loosen tight clothing. Lie or \nsit down, with all body parts uncrossed and no body part supporting any others.\n2. For each area of the body listed below, gather tension by tightening muscles. Focus on the sensation of tightness in and around that area. Hold the tension as you inhale for 5\u20136 seconds, then release and breathe out.\n3. As you release, say in your mind very slowly the word \u201cRelax.\u201d", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f76507c70f85-1", "page_content": "3. As you release, say in your mind very slowly the word \u201cRelax.\u201d \n4. Observe the changes in sensations as you relax for 10\u201315 seconds then move on to the next \nmuscle.\nStart first with each of the 16 muscle groups.\nOnce you can do that, practice with medium groups of muscles and then large groups.\nOnce you are good at that, practice tensing your entire body at once.\nWhen you tense your entire body, you are like a robot\u2014stiff, nothing moving.\nWhen you relax your entire body, you are like a rag doll\u2014all muscles drooping down.\nOnce you can relax all your muscles, practice three or four times a day until you can routinely \nrelax your entire body rapidly.\nBy practicing pairing exhaling and the word \u201cRelax\u201d with relaxing your muscles, you will \neventually be able to relax just by letting go and saying the word \u201cRelax.\u201dLarge\nMedium\nSmall\n\uf8f1\uf8f4\uf8f2\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\uf8f1\uf8f2\uf8f3 1. Hands and wrists: Make fists with both hands and pull fists up on the wrists.\n 2. Lower and upper arms: Make fists and bend both arms up to touch your shoulders.\n 3. Shoulders: Pull both shoulders up to your ears.\n\uf8f1\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f2\uf8f4\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\uf8f1\uf8f4\uf8f2\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\n 4. Forehead: Pull eyebrows close together, wrinkling forehead.\n 5. Eyes: Shut eyes tightly.\n 6. Nose and upper cheeks: Scrunch up nose; bring upper lips and cheeks up toward eyes.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f76507c70f85-2", "page_content": "\uf8f1\uf8f2\uf8f3 7. Lips and lower face: Press lips together; bring edges of lips back toward ears.\n 8. Tongue and mouth: Teeth together; tongue pushing on upper mouth.\n\uf8f1\uf8f4\uf8f2\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3 9. Neck: Push head back into chair, floor, or bed, or push chin down to chest.\n\uf8f1\uf8f2\uf8f310. Chest: Take deep breath and hold it.\n11. Back: Arch back, bringing shoulder blades together.\n\uf8f1\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f2\uf8f4\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f3\uf8f1\uf8f2\uf8f3\n12. Stomach: Hold stomach in tightly.\n13. Buttocks: Squeeze buttocks together.\n\uf8f1\uf8f4\uf8f2\uf8f4\u2022\uf8f314. Upper legs and thighs: Legs out; tense thighs.\n15. Calves: Legs out; point toes down.\n16. Ankles: Legs out; point toes together, heels out, toes curled under.\nremember, paired relaxation is a skill. It takes time to develop. With practice, you will notice the benefits.\nNote. Adapted from Smith, R. E. (1980). Development of an integrated coping response through cognitive\u2013 affective stress management train -\ning. In I. G. Sarason & C. D. Spielberger (Eds.), Stress and anxiety (Vol. 7, pp. 265\u2013280). Washington, DC: Hemisphere. Copyright 1980 by \nHemisphere Publishing Corporation. Adapted by permission.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "af584c4d36a7-0", "page_content": "332\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).Distress tolerance Han Do ut 6c (Distress Tolerance Worksheet 4b)\nEffective Rethinking and Paired Relaxation, \nStep by Step\nStep 1. Write down the prompting event that is often related to distressing emotions and that you \nwant to work on reducing your emotional reactions to.\nStep 2. Ask: \u201cWhat must I be telling myself (that is, what are my interpretations and thoughts ) \nabout the event that causes such distress and arousal?\u201d Write these down. Examples:\n\u201cHe hates me,\u201d \u201cI can\u2019t stand this!\u201d \u201cI can\u2019t do this,\u201d \u201cI\u2019ll never make it,\u201d \u201cI\u2019m out of control!\u201d\nStep 3. Rethink the situation and its meaning in a way that counteracts the thoughts and interpreta -\ntions producing stress and distressing emotions. As you rethink the situation, write down as many \neffective thoughts as you can to replace the stressful thoughts.\nStep 4. When you are not in the stressful prompting event, practice imagining the stressful event:\na. A\nt the same time, while breathing in, say to yourself an effective self- s\ntatement.\nb. \nWhen breathing out, say \u201cRelax\u201d while intentionally relaxing all your muscles.\nStep 5. Keep practicing every chance you get until you have mastered the strategy.\nStep 6. When a stressful situation occurs, practice effective rethinking and paired relaxation.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "af584c4d36a7-1", "page_content": "Step 6. When a stressful situation occurs, practice effective rethinking and paired relaxation.\nNote. Adapted from Smith, R. E. (1980). Development of an integrated coping response through cognitive\u2013 a ffective stress management train -\ning. In I. G. Sarason & C. D. Spielberger (Eds.), Stress and anxiety (Vol. 7, pp.\n \n265\u2013280). Washington, DC: Hemisphere. Copyright 1980 by \nHemisphere Publishing Corporation. Adapted by permission.Emotional arousalStressful\nprompting eventWhat I tell myself\nEffective self-statement . . . \u201c . . . So . . . \n . . . relax.\u201d\n(breathing in . . . )( . . . breathing out)\nExamples:\n\u201cIt\u2019s not that important . . . so . . . relax. \u201cI may not like this, but I can definitely stand it . . . so . . . relax.\u201d\u201cI need to concentrate and not make myself uptight . . . so . . . relax.\u201d\u201cI\u2019m in control . . . so . . . relax.\u201d", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c33dfb196b27-0", "page_content": "333\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).distress tolerance Handout 7 (Distress Tolerance Worksheets 5\u20135b)\nDistracting\nA way to remember these skills is the phrase \u201cWise m ind accep TS.\u201d\nWith activities:\n\u0089\u0089Focus attention on a task you need to get \ndone.\n\u0089\u0089Rent movies; watch TV.\n\u0089\u0089Clean a room in your house.\n\u0089\u0089Find an event to go to.\n\u0089\u0089Play computer games.\n\u0089\u0089Go walking. Exercise.\n\u0089\u0089Surf the Internet. Write e-mails.\n\u0089\u0089Play sports.\u0089\u0089Go out for a meal or eat a favorite food.\n\u0089\u0089Call or go out with a friend.\n\u0089\u0089Listen to your iPod; download music.\n\u0089\u0089Build something.\n\u0089\u0089Spend time with your children.\n\u0089\u0089Play cards.\n\u0089\u0089Read magazines, books, comics.\n\u0089\u0089Do crossword puzzles or Sudoku.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nWith contributing:\n\u0089\u0089Find volunteer work to do.\n\u0089\u0089Help a friend or family member.\n\u0089\u0089Surprise someone with something nice (a \ncard, a favor, a hug).\n\u0089\u0089Give away things you don\u2019t need.\u0089\u0089Call or send an instant message encouraging \nsomeone or just saying hi.\n\u0089\u0089Make something nice for someone else.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c33dfb196b27-1", "page_content": "someone or just saying hi.\n\u0089\u0089Make something nice for someone else.\n\u0089\u0089Do something thoughtful.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nWith comparisons:\n\u0089\u0089Compare how you are feeling now to a time when you felt different.\n\u0089\u0089Think about people coping the same as you or \nless well than you.\u0089\u0089Compare yourself to those less fortunate.\n\u0089\u0089Watch reality shows about others\u2019 troubles; \nread about disasters, others\u2019 suffering.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nWith different e motions:\n\u0089\u0089Read emotional books or stories, old letters.\n\u0089\u0089Watch emotional TV shows; go to emotional movies.\n\u0089\u0089Listen to emotional music.\n(Be sure the event creates different emotions.)Ideas : Scary movies, joke books, comedies, \nfunny records, religious music, soothing music \nor music that fires you up, going to a store and reading funny greeting cards.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nWith pushing away:\n\u0089\u0089Push the situation away by leaving it for a \nwhile.\n\u0089\u0089Leave the situation mentally.\n\u0089\u0089Build an imaginary wall between yourself and the situation.\n\u0089\u0089Block thoughts and images from your mind.\u0089\u0089Notice ruminating: Yell \u201cNo!\u201d\n\u0089\u0089Refuse to think about the painful situations.\n\u0089\u0089Put the pain on a shelf. Box it up and put it \naway for a while.\n\u0089\u0089Deny the problem for the moment.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nWith other T houghts:\n\u0089\u0089Count to 10; count colors in a painting or \nposter or out the window; count anything.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c33dfb196b27-2", "page_content": "poster or out the window; count anything.\n\u0089\u0089Repeat words to a song in your mind.\u0089\u0089Work puzzles.\n\u0089\u0089Watch TV or read.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nWith other S ensations:\n\u0089\u0089Squeeze a rubber ball very hard.\n\u0089\u0089Listen to very loud music.\n\u0089\u0089Hold ice in your hand or mouth.\u0089\u0089Go out in the rain or snow.\n\u0089\u0089Take a hot or cold shower.\n\u0089\u0089Other:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "1029844215eb-0", "page_content": "334\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).distress tolerance Handout 8 (Distress Tolerance Worksheet 6\u20136b)\nSelf- Soothing\nA way to remember these skills is to think of soothing each of your five S enSeS.\nWith vision:\n\u0089\u0089Look at the stars at night.\n\u0089\u0089Look at pictures you like in a book.\n\u0089\u0089Buy one beautiful flower.\n\u0089\u0089Make one space in a room pleasing to look at.\n\u0089\u0089Light a candle and watch the flame.\n\u0089\u0089Set a pretty place at the table using your best \nthings.\n\u0089\u0089Go people- watching or window- shopping.\n\u0089\u0089Go to a museum or poster shop with beautiful \nart.\u0089\u0089Sit in the lobby of a beautiful old hotel.\n\u0089\u0089Look at nature around you.\n\u0089\u0089Walk in a pretty part of town.\n\u0089\u0089Watch a sunrise or a sunset.\n\u0089\u0089Go to a dance performance, or watch it on TV.\n\u0089\u0089Be mindful of each sight that passes in front of you.\n\u0089\u0089Take a walk in a park or a scenic hike.\n\u0089\u0089Browse through stores looking at things.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nWith hearing:\n\u0089\u0089Listen to soothing or invigorating music.\n\u0089\u0089Pay attention to sounds of nature (waves, birds, rainfall, leaves rustling).", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "1029844215eb-1", "page_content": "\u0089\u0089Pay attention to the sounds of the city (traffic, horns, city music).\n\u0089\u0089Sing to your favorite songs.\n\u0089\u0089Hum a soothing tune.\n\u0089\u0089Learn to play an instrument.\u0089\u0089Burn a CD or make an iPod mix with music that will get you through tough times. Turn it on.\n\u0089\u0089Be mindful of any sounds that come your way, letting them go in one ear and out the other.\n\u0089\u0089Turn on the radio.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nWith Smell:\n\u0089\u0089Use your favorite soap, shampoo, aftershave, cologne, or lotions, or try them on in the store.\n\u0089\u0089Burn incense or light a scented candle.\n\u0089\u0089Open a package of coffee and inhale the aroma.\n\u0089\u0089Put lemon oil on your furniture.\n\u0089\u0089Put potpourri or eucalyptus oil in a bowl in your room.\u0089\u0089Sit in a new car and breathe the aroma.\n\u0089\u0089Boil cinnamon. Make cookies, bread, or popcorn.\n\u0089\u0089Smell the roses.\n\u0089\u0089Walk in a wooded area and mindfully breathe in the fresh smells of nature.\n\u0089\u0089Open the window and smell the air.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nWith Taste:\n\u0089\u0089Eat some of your favorite foods.\n\u0089\u0089Drink your favorite soothing drink, such as herbal tea, hot chocolate, a latt\u00e9, or a \nsmoothie.\n\u0089\u0089Treat yourself to a dessert.\n\u0089\u0089Eat macaroni and cheese or another favorite \nchildhood food.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "1029844215eb-2", "page_content": "\u0089\u0089Eat macaroni and cheese or another favorite \nchildhood food.\n\u0089\u0089Sample flavors in an ice cream store.\u0089\u0089Suck on a piece of peppermint candy.\n\u0089\u0089Chew your favorite gum.\n\u0089\u0089Get a little bit of a special food you don\u2019t \nusually spend the money on, such as fresh- \nsqueezed orange juice or your favorite candy.\n\u0089\u0089Really taste the food you eat. Eat one thing \nmindfully.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nWith Touch:\n\u0089\u0089Take a long hot bath or shower.\n\u0089\u0089Pet your dog or cat.\n\u0089\u0089Have a massage. Soak your feet.\n\u0089\u0089Put creamy lotion on your whole body.\n\u0089\u0089Put a cold compress on your forehead.\n\u0089\u0089Sink into a comfortable chair in your home.\n\u0089\u0089Put on a blouse or shirt that has a pleasant feel.\u0089\u0089Take a drive with the car windows rolled down.\n\u0089\u0089Run your hand along smooth wood or leather.\n\u0089\u0089Hug someone.\n\u0089\u0089Put clean sheets on the bed.\n\u0089\u0089Wrap up in a blanket.\n\u0089\u0089Notice touch that is soothing.\n\u0089\u0089Other:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c6cfb0d0a950-0", "page_content": "335\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).distress tolerance Handout 8a (Distress Tolerance Worksheet 6c)\nBody Scan m editation Step by Step\nSit on a chair, or lie on your back on the floor with legs uncrossed. Put your arms in a comfortable \nposition by your side, on your abdomen, or (if sitting) put them on your thighs palms up. Open your eyes partially to let light in. If you are lying on the floor, put a cushion under your knees if need \nbe. Imagine your breath flowing to each part of your body as your attention gently moves up your \nbody. Adopt a mind of curiosity and interest as you focus on each part of your body.\nFocus on your breathing. Notice how the air moves in and out of your body.\n\u2022\u2022Take several deep breaths until you begin to feel comfortable and relaxed.\n\u2022\u2022Direct your attention to the toes of your left foot.\n\u2022\u2022Notice the sensations in that part of your body while remaining aware of your breathing.\n\u2022\u2022Imagine each breath flowing to your toes .\n\u2022\u2022Looking with curiosity, ask, \u201cWhat am I feeling in this part of my body?\u201d\n\u2022\u2022Focus on your left toes for several minutes.\n\u2022\u2022Then move your focus to the arch and heel of your left foot, and hold it there for a minute or \ntwo while continuing to pay attention to your breathing.\n\u2022\u2022Notice the sensations on your skin of warmth or coldness; notice the weight of your foot on \nthe floor.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c6cfb0d0a950-1", "page_content": "the floor.\n\u2022\u2022Imagine your breath flowing to the arch and heel of your left foot.\n\u2022\u2022Ask, \u201cWhat are the feelings in the arch and heel of my left foot?\u201d\n\u2022\u2022Follow the same procedure as you move to your left ankle , calf, knee , upper legs, and thigh .\n\u2022\u2022Repeat with the right leg, starting with your toes.\n\u2022\u2022Then move through your pelvis , and lower back , and around to your stomach .\n\u2022\u2022Focus on the rising and falling of your belly as your breath goes in and out.\n\u2022\u2022Then go on to your chest ; left hand , arm, and shoulder ; right hand , arm, and shoulder ; neck , \nchin, tongue , mouth , lips, and lower face ; and nose .\n\u2022\u2022Notice your breath as it comes in and out of your nostrils.\n\u2022\u2022Then focus on your upper cheeks, eyes, forehead, and scalp.\n\u2022\u2022Finally, focus on the very top of your hair.\n\u2022\u2022Then let go of your body altogether.\nDon\u2019t worry if you notice that thoughts, sounds, or other sensations come into your awareness. Just notice them and then gently refocus your mind. Don\u2019t worry if your mind has been drawn away from the object of your attention and you find yourself thinking about something else (it nearly always happens). Just calmly, gently, but with resolution, turn your mind back to the part of the body you\u2019ve reached. You may need to bring your attention back over and over. You are not alone in this. \nIt is this bringing of your attention back over and over and over, without judgment or harshness, that \nis the essential element of the meditation.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5df626ac0457-0", "page_content": "336\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab distress tolerance Handout 9 (Distress Tolerance Worksheets 7\u20137b)\nimproving the m oment\nA way to remember these skills is the word improve .\nWith imagery:\n\u0089\u0089Imagine very relaxing scenes.\n\u0089\u0089Imagine a secret room within yourself. Furnish \nit the way you like. Close and lock the door on \nanything that can hurt you.\n\u0089\u0089Imagine everything going well.\n\u0089\u0089Make up a calming fantasy world.\u0089\u0089Imagine hurtful emotions draining out of you \nlike water out of a pipe.\n\u0089\u0089Remember a happy time and imagine yourself \nin it again; play out the time in your mind \nagain.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nWith meaning:\n\u0089\u0089Find purpose or meaning in a painful situation.\n\u0089\u0089Focus on whatever positive aspects of a painful situation you can find.\n\u0089\u0089Repeat these positive aspects in your mind.\u0089\u0089Remember, listen to, or read about spiritual values.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nWith prayer:\n\u0089\u0089Open your heart to a supreme being, God, or your own Wise Mind.\n\u0089\u0089Ask for strength to bear the pain.\u0089\u0089Turn things over to God or a higher being.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nWith relaxing actions :\n\u0089\u0089Take a hot bath or sit in a hot tub.\n\u0089\u0089Drink hot milk.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5df626ac0457-1", "page_content": "\u0089\u0089Drink hot milk.\n\u0089\u0089Massage your neck and scalp.\n\u0089\u0089Practice yoga or other stretching.\u0089\u0089Breathe deeply.\n\u0089\u0089Change your facial expression.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nWith one thing in the moment:\n\u0089\u0089Focus your entire attention on just what you are doing.\n\u0089\u0089Keep yourself in the moment.\n\u0089\u0089Put your mind in the present.\u0089\u0089Focus your entire attention on the physical\n\u0089\u0089Listen to a sensory awareness recording (or use Distress Tolerance Handout 9a)\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nWith a brief v acation:\n\u0089\u0089Give yourself a brief vacation.\n\u0089\u0089Get in bed; pull the covers up over your head.\n\u0089\u0089Go to the beach or the woods for the day.\n\u0089\u0089Get a magazine and read it with chocolates.\n\u0089\u0089Turn off your phone for a day.\u0089\u0089Take a blanket to the park and sit on it for a whole afternoon.\n\u0089\u0089Take a 1-hour breather from hard work.\n\u0089\u0089Take a brief vacation from responsibility.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nWith self- encouragement and rethinking the situation:\n\u0089\u0089Cheerlead yourself: \u201cYou go, girl!\u201d \u201cYou da man!\u201d\n\u0089\u0089\u201cI will make it out of this.\u201d\n\u0089\u0089\u201cI\u2019m doing the best I can.\u201d\n\u0089\u0089Repeat over and over: \u201cI can stand it.\u201d\u0089\u0089\u201cThis too shall pass.\u201d\n\u0089\u0089\u201cI will be OK.\u201d\n\u0089\u0089\u201cIt won\u2019t last forever.\u201d\n\u0089\u0089Other:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5df626ac0457-2", "page_content": "\u0089\u0089\u201cIt won\u2019t last forever.\u201d\n\u0089\u0089Other: \nList (and then practice) rethoughts that are particularly important in your crisis situations (e.g., \u201cThe fact that he did \nnot pick me up doesn\u2019t mean he doesn\u2019t love me\u201d):\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "7a95ffdc113d-0", "page_content": "337\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).distress tolerance Handout 9a \nSensory a wareness, Step by Step\nFind a comfortable position. Staying in this position, listen to the questions below, listening for your \nresponse after each question. If you do not have a recording of these questions, you can make one for yourself (or ask a friend to make one), recording each question with about 5 seconds \nbetween each question.\n 1. Can you feel your hair touching your head?\n 2. Can you feel your belly rising and falling as you breathe?\n 3. Can you feel the space between your eyes?\n 4. Can you feel the distance between your ears?\n 5. Can you feel your breath touching the back of your eyes while you inhale?\n 6. Can you picture something far away?\n 7. Can you notice your arms touching your body?\n 8. Can you feel the bottoms of your feet?\n 9. Can you imagine a beautiful day at the beach?\n10. Can you notice the space within your mouth?\n11. Can you notice the position of your tongue in your mouth?\n12. Can you feel a breeze against your cheek?\n13. Can you feel how one arm is heavier than the other?\n14. Can you feel a tingling or numbness in one hand?\n15. Can you feel how one arm is more relaxed than the other?\n16. Can you feel a change in the temperature in the air around you?\n17. Can you feel how your left arm is warmer than the right?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "7a95ffdc113d-1", "page_content": "17. Can you feel how your left arm is warmer than the right?\n18. Can you imagine how it would feel to be a rag doll?\n19. Can you notice any tightness in your left forearm?\n20. Can you imagine something very pleasant?\n21. Can you imagine what it would feel like to float on a cloud?\n22. Can you imagine what it would feel like to be stuck in molasses?\n23. Can you picture something far away?\n24. Can you feel a heaviness in your legs?\n25. Can you imagine floating in warm water?\n26. Can you notice your body hanging on your bones?\n27. Can you allow yourself to drift lazily?\n28. Can you feel your face getting soft?\n29. Can you imagine a beautiful flower?\n30. Can you feel how one arm and leg are heavier than the other?\nNote. Items 29 and 30 are adapted from Goldfried, M. R., & Davison, G. C. (1976). Clinical behavior therapy. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Win -\nston. Copyright 1976 by Marvin R. Goldfried and Gerald C. Davison. Adapted by permission of the authors.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3a43014554ab-0", "page_content": "Handouts for Reality \nAcceptance\u00a0Skills", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c29e08d52840-0", "page_content": "341\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab distress tolerance Handout 10 (Distress Tolerance Worksheets 8\u201315a)\noverview: \nreality a cceptance Skills\nThese are skills for how to live a life that is not the life you want.\nraDical a ccep Tance\nTurnin G The m inD\nWillin Gne SS\nhalf- Smilin G anD Willin G han DS\nalloWinG The m inD: \nminDfulne SS of c urren T Thou GhTS", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5a87f48e5c31-0", "page_content": "342\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab distress tolerance Handout 11 (Distress Tolerance Worksheets 8\u20139a)\nradical a cceptance\n(When you cannot keep painful events and emotions from coming your way.)\nWha T iS r aDical a ccep Tance?\n1. Radical means all the way , complete and total.\n2. It is accepting in your mind, your heart, and your body.\n3. It\u2019s when you stop fighting reality, stop throwing tantrums because reality is not \nthe way you want it, and let go of bitterness.\nWha T haS To Be a ccep TeD?\n1. Reality is as it is (the facts about the past and the present are the facts, even if you don\u2019t like them).\n2. There are limitations on the future for everyone (but only realistic limitations need to be accepted).\n3. Everything has a cause (including events and situations that cause you pain and suffering).\n4. Life can be worth living even with painful events in it.\nWhy a ccep T reali Ty?\n1. Rejecting reality does not change reality.\n2. Changing reality requires first accepting reality.\n3. Pain can\u2019t be avoided; it is nature\u2019s way of signaling that something is wrong.\n4. Rejecting reality turns pain into suffering.\n5. Refusing to accept reality can keep you stuck in unhappiness, bitterness, anger, \nsadness, shame, or other painful emotions.\n6. Acceptance may lead to sadness, but deep calmness usually follows.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "5a87f48e5c31-1", "page_content": "6. Acceptance may lead to sadness, but deep calmness usually follows.\n7. The path out of hell is through misery. By refusing to accept the misery that is \npart of climbing out of hell, you fall back into hell.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "77fccbcb7354-0", "page_content": "343\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).distress tolerance Handout 11a \nradical a cceptance: f actors That interfere\nraDical a ccep Tance iS n oT:\nApproval, compassion, love, passivity, or against change.\nfacTorS Tha T inTerfere W iTh accep Tance\n\u0089\u00891. You don\u2019t have the skills for acceptance; you do not know \nhow to accept really painful events and facts.\n\u0089\u00892. You believe that if you accept a painful event, you are making light of it or are approving of the facts, and that nothing will be done to change or prevent future painful \nevents.\n\u0089\u00893. Emotions get in the way (unbearable sadness; anger at \nthe person or group that caused the painful event; rage at the injustice of the world; overwhelming shame about who you are; guilt about your own behavior).\n\u0089\u0089Other:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cdb4d9291b95-0", "page_content": "344\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).distress tolerance Handout 11b (Distress Tolerance Worksheets 9, 9a)\npracticing r adical a cceptance Step by Step\n\u0089\u0089Observe that you are questioning or fighting reality (\u201cIt shouldn\u2019t be this way\u201d).\n\u0089\u0089Remind yourself that the unpleasant reality is just as it is and cannot be changed (\u201cThis is what \nhappened\u201d).\n\u0089\u0089Remind yourself that there are causes for the reality. Acknowledge that some sort of history led up to this very moment. Consider how people\u2019s lives have been shaped by a series of factors. Notice that given these causal factors and how history led up to this moment, this reality had to occur just this way (\u201cThis is how things happened\u201d).\n\u0089\u0089Practice accepting with the whole self (mind, body, and spirit). Be creative in finding ways to involve your whole self. Use accepting self-talk\u2014but also consider using relaxation; mindfulness of your breath; half- smiling and willing hands while thinking about what feels \nunacceptable; prayer; going to a place that helps bring you to acceptance; or imagery.\n\u0089\u0089Practice opposite action. List all the behaviors you would do if you did accept the facts. Then \nact as if you have already accepted the facts. Engage in the behaviors that you would do if you \nreally had accepted.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cdb4d9291b95-1", "page_content": "really had accepted.\n\u0089\u0089Cope ahead with events that seem unacceptable. Imagine (in your mind\u2019s eye) believing what you don\u2019t want to accept. Rehearse in your mind what you would do if you accepted what seems unacceptable.\n\u0089\u0089Attend to body sensations as you think about what you need to accept.\n\u0089\u0089Allow disappointment, sadness, or grief to arise within you.\n\u0089\u0089Acknowledge that life can be worth living even when there is pain.\n\u0089\u0089Do pros and cons if you find yourself resisting practicing acceptance.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "838eeb415f66-0", "page_content": "345\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab distress tolerance Handout 12 (Distress Tolerance Worksheets 8, 8a, 10)\nTurning the m ind\nTURNING THE MIND is like facing a fork in the road. You \nhave to turn your mind toward the acceptance road, and \naway from the road of rejecting reality. \nTURNING THE MIND is choosing to accept.\nThe CHOICE to accept does not itself equal acceptance. \nIt just puts you on the path.\nTurnin G The m inD, STep B y STep\n1. oBS erve that you are not accepting. \n(Look for anger, bitterness, annoyance; \navoiding emotions; saying \u201cWhy me?\u201d, \n\u201cWhy is this happening?\u201d, \u201cI can\u2019t stand this,\u201d \u201cIt shouldn\u2019t be this way.\u201d)\n2. Go within yourself and make an inner commiTmenT to accept reality \nas it is.\n3. Do iT aGain, over and over. Keep \nturning your mind to acceptance each time you come to the fork in the road where you can reject reality or accept it.\n4. Develop a plan for catching yourself in the future when you drift out of acceptance.If you are here . . .Rejection Acceptance", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "9af7c9ad0470-0", "page_content": "346\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab distress tolerance Handout 13 (Distress Tolerance Worksheets 8, 8a, 10)\nWillingness\nWillingness is readiness to enter and participate fully in life and living.\nfind a W illin G reSpon Se to each situation.\nWillingness is DOING JUST WHAT IS NEEDED :\n\u2022\u2022In each situation.\n\u2022\u2022Wholeheartedly, without dragging your feet.\nWillingness is listening very carefully to your WISE MIND, and then \nacting from your WISE MIND.\nWillingness is ACTING WITH AWARENESS that you are connected \nto the universe (to the stars, people you like and don\u2019t like, the floor, etc.).\nreplace Willfulne SS with W illinG neSS.\n\u2022\u2022Willfulness is refu SinG To Tolera Te the moment.\n\u2022\u2022Willfulness is refusing to make changes that are needed.\n\u2022\u2022Willfulness is G ivinG up.\n\u2022\u2022Willfulness is the oppo SiTe of \u201c DoinG WhaT Work S.\u201d\n\u2022\u2022Willfulness is trying to fix every S iTuaTion.\n\u2022\u2022Willfulness is insisting on Bein G in con Trol.\n\u2022\u2022Willfulness is a TTachmenT To \u201cme, me, me\u201d and \u201cwhat I want \nright now!\u201d\nWillin GneSS, STep B y STep\n1. oBS erve the willfulness. Label it. Experience it.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "9af7c9ad0470-1", "page_content": "1. oBS erve the willfulness. Label it. Experience it.\n2. raDically accep T that at this moment you feel (and may be \nacting) willful. You cannot fight willfulness with willfulness.\n3. Turn your min D toward acceptance and willingness.\n4. Try half- Smilin G and a W illin G poSTure.\n5. When willfulness is immovable, a Sk, \u201cWha T\u2019S The T hrea T?\u201d\nSituations where i notice my own:\nWillfulness: \nWillingness:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cea0a697c07f-0", "page_content": "347\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab distress tolerance Handout 14 (Distress Tolerance Worksheets 8, 8a, 11)\nhalf- Smiling and Willing h ands\naccepting reality with your body.\nhalf- Smilin G\n1st. Relax your face from the top of your head down to your chin and jaw.\nLet go of each facial muscle (forehead, eyes, and brows; cheeks, \nmouth, and tongue; teeth slightly apart). If you have difficulty, try tensing your facial muscles and then letting go.\nA tense smile is a grin (and might tell your brain you are hiding or \nmasking your real feelings).\n2nd. Let both corners of your lips go slightly up, just so you can feel them.\nIt is not necessary for others to see it. A half-smile is slightly upturned lips with a relaxed face.\n3rd. Try to adopt a serene facial expression.\nRemember, your face communicates to your brain; your body connects to your mind.\nWillinG hanDS\nStanding: Drop your arms down from your shoulders; keep them \nstraight or bent slightly at the elbows. With hands \nunclenched, turn your hands outward, with thumbs out to your sides, palms up, and fingers relaxed.\nSitting: Place your hands on your lap or your thighs. With hands unclenched, turn your hands outward, with palms up and fingers relaxed.\nlying down: Arms by your side, hands unclenched, turn your palms up with fingers relaxed.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cea0a697c07f-1", "page_content": "Remember, your hands communicate to your brain; your body connects to \nyour mind.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d0768e3a5b95-0", "page_content": "348\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).distress tolerance Handout 14a (Distress Tolerance Worksheet 10) (p. 1 of 2)\npracticing h alf- Smiling and Willing h ands\n1. half- Smile W hen you fir ST W ake up in T he mornin G.\nHang a branch, any other sign, or even the word \u201csmile\u201d on the ceiling or wall, so that you see it \nright away when you open your eyes. This sign will serve as your reminder. Use these seconds before you get out of bed to take hold of your breath. Inhale and exhale three breaths gently while maintaining a half-smile. Follow your breaths. Add willing hands to your half-smile, or \npractice willing hands alone.\n2. half- Smile D urinG your free momenTS .\nAnywhere you find yourself sitting or standing, half-smile. Look at a child, a leaf, a painting on a \nwall, or anything that is relatively still, and smile. Inhale and exhale quietly three times.\n3. half- Smile W iTh Willin G han DS W hile you are li STenin G To mu Sic.\nListen to a piece of music for 2 or 3 minutes. Pay attention to the words, music, rhythm, and sentiments of the music you are listening to (not your daydreams of other times). Half-smile \nwhile watching your inhalations and exhalations. Adopt a willing-hands posture.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d0768e3a5b95-1", "page_content": "while watching your inhalations and exhalations. Adopt a willing-hands posture.\n4. half- Smile W iTh Willin G han DS W hen you are irri TaTeD.\nWhen you realize \u201cI\u2019m irritated,\u201d half-smile or adopt a willing-hands posture at once. Inhale and \nexhale quietly, maintaining a half-smile or willing hands for three breaths.\n5. half- Smile in a lyinG -DoWn po SiTion.\nLie on your back on a flat surface, without the support of mattress or pillow. Keep your two arms \nloosely by your sides, and keep your two legs slightly apart, stretched out before you. Maintain \nwilling hands and a half-smile. Breathe in and out gently, keeping your attention focused on your breath. Let go of every muscle in your body. Relax each muscle as though it were sinking down through the floor, or as though it were as soft and yielding as a piece of silk hanging in the breeze to dry. Let go entirely, keeping your attention only on your breath and half-smile. Think of yourself as a cat, completely relaxed before a warm fire, whose muscles yield without \nresistance to anyone\u2019s touch. Continue for 15 breaths.\n6. half- Smile in a S iTTinG po SiTion.\nSit on the floor with your back straight, or on a chair with your two feet touching the floor. Half-\nsmile. Inhale and exhale while maintaining the half-smile. Let go.\n(continued on next page )\nNote. Exercises 1 and 3\u20137 are adapted from The Miracle of Mindfulness (pp. 77\u201381, 93) by Thich Nhat Hanh. Copyright 1975, 1976 by Thich", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d0768e3a5b95-2", "page_content": "Nhat Hanh. Preface and English translation copyright 1975, 1976, 1987 by Mobi Ho. Adapted by permission of Beacon Press, Boston.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6be98bb906e8-0", "page_content": "349distress tolerance Handout 14a (p. 2 of 2)\n7. half- Smile W iTh Willin G han DS W hile you are con Templa TinG a per Son \nyou D iSlike or are an Gry W iTh.\n\u2022\u2022Sit quietly. Breathe and smile a half-smile. Hold your hands open with palms up.\n\u2022\u2022Imagine the image of the person who has caused you suffering.\n\u2022\u2022Regard the features you dislike the most or find the most repulsive.\n\u2022\u2022Try to examine what makes this person happy and what causes suffering in his or her \ndaily life.\n\u2022\u2022Imagine the person\u2019s perceptions; try to see what patterns of thought and reason this person follows.\n\u2022\u2022Examine what motivates this person\u2019s hopes and actions.\n\u2022\u2022Finally, consider the person\u2019s consciousness. See whether the person\u2019s views and insights are open and free or not, and whether or not the person has been influenced by any prejudices, narrow- mindedness, hatred, or anger.\n\u2022\u2022See whether or not the person is master of him- or herself.\n\u2022\u2022Continue until you feel compassion rise in your heart like a well filling with fresh water, \nand your anger and resentment disappear. Practice this exercise many times on the same person.\nnotes/ other times to half-smile and/or form willing hands:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f4b49d707b94-0", "page_content": "350\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).\uf0ab distress tolerance Handout 15 (Distress Tolerance Worksheets 8, 8a, 12)\nmindfulness of c urrent Thoughts\n1. oBS erve your T hou GhTS.\n\u2022\u2022As waves, coming and going.\n\u2022\u2022Not suppressing thoughts.\n\u2022\u2022Not judging thoughts.\n\u2022\u2022Acknowledging their presence.\n\u2022\u2022Not keeping thoughts around.\u2022\u2022Not analyzing thoughts.\n\u2022\u2022Practicing willingness.\n\u2022\u2022Stepping back and observing \nthoughts as they run in and out of your mind.\n2. aD opT a curiou S min D.\n\u2022\u2022Ask, \u201cWhere do my thoughts come from?\u201d Watch and see.\n\u2022\u2022Notice that every thought that comes also goes out of your mind.\n\u2022\u2022Observe but do not evaluate your thoughts. Let go of judgments.\n3. remem Ber: y ou are no T your T hou GhTS.\n\u2022\u2022Do not necessarily act on thoughts.\n\u2022\u2022Remember times when you have had very different thoughts.\n\u2022\u2022Remind yourself that catastrophic thinking is \u201cemotion mind.\u201d\n\u2022\u2022Remember how you think when you are not feeling such intense suffering and pain.\n4. Don\u2019 T Block or S uppre SS T hou GhTS.\n\u2022\u2022Ask, \u201cWhat sensations are these thoughts trying to avoid?\u201d Turn your mind to the sensation. Then come back to the thought. Repeat several times.\n\u2022\u2022Step back; allow your thoughts to come and go as you observe your breath.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f4b49d707b94-1", "page_content": "\u2022\u2022Step back; allow your thoughts to come and go as you observe your breath.\n\u2022\u2022Play with your thoughts: Repeat them out loud over and over as fast as \nyou can. Sing them. Imagine the thoughts as the words of a clown, as \nrecordings getting all tangled up; as cute animals you can cuddle up to; as bright colors running through your mind; as only sounds.\n\u2022\u2022Try loving your thoughts.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "a58f3687f27d-0", "page_content": "351\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).distress tolerance Handout 15a (Distress Tolerance Worksheets 8, 8a, 12) (p. 1 of 2)\npracticing m indfulness of Thoughts\nprac Tice m inDfulne SS of Thou GhTS B y oBS ervin G Them\n\u0089\u0089 1. Notice thoughts as they come into your mind. As a thought comes into your mind, say \n\u201ca thought has entered my mind.\u201d Label the thought as a thought, saying, \u201cThe thought \n[describe thought] arose in my mind.\u201d Use a gentle voice tone.\n\u0089\u0089 2. As you notice thoughts in your mind, ask, \u201cWhere did the thought come from?\u201d Then watch \nyour mind to see if you can see where it came from.\n\u0089\u0089 3. Step back from your mind, as if you are on top of a mountain and your mind is just a boulder down below. Gaze at your mind, watching what thoughts come up when you are watching it. Come back into your mind before you stop.\n\u0089\u0089 4. Close your eyes and scan your body for the first physical sensation that you notice. Then scan your mind for the first thought you notice. Shuttle back and forth between scanning for physical sensations and scanning for thoughts. Another time, replace scanning your body for physical sensations to scanning yourself for any emotional feelings. Then shuttle back \nand forth between an emotional feeling and a thought.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "a58f3687f27d-1", "page_content": "and forth between an emotional feeling and a thought.\nprac Tice m inDfulne SS of Thou GhTS B y uS inG Wor DS an D voice Tone\n\u0089\u0089 5. Verbalize thoughts or beliefs out loud, using a nonjudgmental voice tone, over and over and \nover:\n\u0089\u0089As fast as you can until the thoughts make no sense.\n\u0089\u0089Very, very slowly (one syllable or word per breath).\n\u0089\u0089In a different voice from yours (high- or low- pitched, like a cartoon character or celebrity).\n\u0089\u0089As a dialogue on a TV comedy show (\u201cYou\u2019ll never believe what thought went through \nmy mind. I was thinking, \u2018I\u2019m a jerk.\u2019 Can you believe that?\u201d).\n\u0089\u0089As songs, sung wholeheartedly and dramatically, in a tune that fits the thoughts.\nprac Tice m inDfulne SS of Thou GhTS W iTh oppoSiTe acTion\n\u0089\u0089 6. Relax your face and body while imagining accepting your thoughts as only thoughts\u2014 \nsensations of the brain.\n\u0089\u0089 7. Imagine things you would do if you stopped believing everything you think.\n\u0089\u0089 8. Rehearse in your mind the things that you would do if you did not view your thoughts as \nfacts.\n\u0089\u0089 9. Practice loving your thoughts as they go through your mind.\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e601aba1dee1-0", "page_content": "352distress tolerance Handout 15a (p. 2 of 2)\nprac Tice m inDfulne SS of Thou GhTS B y imaGininG Tha T your m inD iS:\n\u0089\u008910. A conveyor belt, and that thoughts and feelings are coming down the belt. Put each thought \nor feeling in a box labeled with the type of thought that it is (e.g., worry thoughts, thoughts \nabout my past, thoughts about my mother, planning what to do thoughts). Just keep \nobserving and sorting thoughts into the labeled boxes.\n\u0089\u008911. A river, and that thoughts and feelings are boats going down the river. Imagine sitting on the grass, watching the boats go by. Try not to jump on the boat.\n\u0089\u008912. A railroad track, and that thoughts and feelings are train cars going by. Try not to jump on \nthe train.\n\u0089\u008913. A leaf that has dropped off a tree into a beautiful creek flowing by you as you sit on the grass. Each time a thought or image comes into your mind, imagine that it is written or \npictured on the leaf floating by. Let each leaf go by, watching as it goes out of sight.\n\u0089\u008914. The sky, and thoughts have wings and can fly through the sky. Watch as each flies out of \nsight.\n\u0089\u008915. The sky, and thoughts are clouds. Notice each thought-cloud as it drifts by, letting it drift out of your mind.\n\u0089\u008916. A white room with two doors. Through one door, thoughts come in; through the other, \nthoughts go out. Watch each thought with attention and curiosity until it leaves. Let go of", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e601aba1dee1-1", "page_content": "judgments. Let go of analyzing thoughts and of figuring out if they fit the facts. As a thought \ncomes into your mind, say, \u201cA thought has entered my mind.\u201d\nOther: \nOther: \nOther: \nOther: \nOther:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "1cbd5e41feb4-0", "page_content": "Handouts for Skills When the Crisis \nIs\u00a0Addiction", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "b1e04cf0bda1-0", "page_content": "355\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).distress tolerance Handout 16 (Distress Tolerance Worksheets 13\u201318)\noverview: \nWhen the c risis i s addiction\nSkills for backing down from addiction. \nyou can remember them as D, c , B, a .\nDDialecTical aBSTinence\nC\uf8f1\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f2\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f3clear m inD\ncommuniT y reinforcemenT\nBBurnin G BriDGe S \nanD Buil DinG neW one S\nA\uf8f1\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f2\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f3alTerna Te reB ellion\naDapTive Denial", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "a418dfcb3b3f-0", "page_content": "356\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).distress tolerance Handout 16a \ncommon a ddictions\nin case you thought you had no addictions, here is a list.\nyou are addicted when you are unable to stop a behavior pattern or use of \nsubstances, despite negative consequences and despite your best efforts to stop.\n\u0089\u0089Alcohol\n\u0089\u0089Attention seeking\n\u0089\u0089Avoiding: \n\u0089\u0089Auto racing\n\u0089\u0089Betting\n\u0089\u0089Bulimia (purging/vomiting)\n\u0089\u0089Cheating\n\u0089\u0089Coffee\n\u0089\u0089Colas\n\u0089\u0089Collecting:\n\u0089\u0089Art\n\u0089\u0089Coins\n\u0089\u0089Junk\n\u0089\u0089Clothes\n\u0089\u0089Shoes\n\u0089\u0089Music\n\u0089\u0089Other: \n\u0089\u0089Other: \n\u0089\u0089Computers\n\u0089\u0089Criminal activities\n\u0089\u0089Dieting\n\u0089\u0089Drugs (illicit and prescribed)\n\u0089\u0089Diuretics\n\u0089\u0089E-mail\n\u0089\u0089Food/eating\n\u0089\u0089Carbohydrates\n\u0089\u0089Chocolate\n\u0089\u0089Specific food: \n\u0089\u0089Gambling\n\u0089\u0089Games/puzzles\n\u0089\u0089Gossiping\n\u0089\u0089Imagining/fantasizing\n\u0089\u0089Internet\u0089\u0089Internet games", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "a418dfcb3b3f-1", "page_content": "\u0089\u0089Internet\u0089\u0089Internet games\n\u0089\u0089Kleptomania/stealing/shoplifting\n\u0089\u0089Lying\n\u0089\u0089Pornography\n\u0089\u0089Reckless driving\n\u0089\u0089Risky behaviors\n\u0089\u0089Self- inflicted injury/self- mutilation\n\u0089\u0089Sex\n\u0089\u0089Shopping\n\u0089\u0089Sleeping\n\u0089\u0089Smartphone apps\n\u0089\u0089Smoking/tobacco\n\u0089\u0089Social networking\n\u0089\u0089Speed\n\u0089\u0089Spiritual practices\n\u0089\u0089Sports activities:\n\u0089\u0089Biking\n\u0089\u0089Body building\n\u0089\u0089Hiking/rock climbing\n\u0089\u0089Running\n\u0089\u0089Weight lifting\n\u0089\u0089Other: \n\u0089\u0089Other: \n\u0089\u0089Television\n\u0089\u0089Texting\n\u0089\u0089Vandalism\n\u0089\u0089Videos\n\u0089\u0089Video games\n\u0089\u0089Working\n\u0089\u0089Other: \n\u0089\u0089Other: \n\u0089\u0089Other:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "2d2bd971f04c-0", "page_content": "357\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).distress tolerance Handout 17 (Distress Tolerance Worksheet 14)\nDialectical a bstinence\nSYNTHESIS = Dialec Tical aBST inence\nThe goal is not to engage in addictive behavior again\u2014 \nin other words, to achieve complete abstinence.\nHowever, if there is a slip, the goal is to minimize harm \nand get back to abstinence as soon as possible.\npros: It works!\ncons: It\u2019s work. You don\u2019t get a vacation.\n(You\u2019re always either abstinent or working to get back to abstinence.)\nAn example of expecting the best and planning for the trouble spots: \nOlympic athletes must believe and behave as though they can win \nevery race, even though they have lost before and will lose again. \n \n \n \n \n HARM REDUCTION\n(Acknowledging there will be\nslips; minimizing the damage,\nbut not demanding perfection)ABSTINENCE\n(Swearing off \naddictive behavior)vs.\nPro: People who commit to \nabstinence stay off longer.\nCon: It takes longer for people \nto get back \u201con the wagon\u201d once they fall off.Pro: When a slip does happen, \npeople can get back \u201con the \nwagon\u201d faster.\nCon: People who commit to \nharm reduction relapse quicker.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "aa2162652aa0-0", "page_content": "358\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).distress tolerance Handout 17a (Distress Tolerance Worksheet 14)\nplanning for Dialectical a bstinence\nplan for abstinence\n\u0089\u0089 1. Enjoy your success, but with a clear mind; plan for temptations to relapse.\n\u0089\u0089 2. Spend time or touch base with people who will reinforce you for abstinence.\n\u0089\u0089 3. Plan reinforcing activities to do instead of addictive behaviors.\n\u0089\u0089 4. Burn bridges: Avoid cues and high-risk situations for addictive behaviors.\n\u0089\u0089 5. Build new bridges: Develop images, smells, and mental activities (such as, \nurge surfing) to compete with information associated with craving.\n\u0089\u0089 6. Find alternative ways to rebel.\n\u0089\u0089 7. Publicly announce abstinence; deny any idea of lapsing to addiction.\nplan for h arm r eduction\n\u0089\u0089 1. Call your therapist, sponsor, or mentor for skills coaching.\n\u0089\u0089 2. Get in contact with other effective people who can help.\n\u0089\u0089 3. Get rid of temptations; surround yourself with cues for effective behaviors.\n\u0089\u0089 4. Review skills and handouts from DBT.\n\u0089\u0089 5. Opposite action (Emotion Regulation Handout 10) can be rehearsed to fight guilt and shame. If no other option works, go to an anonymous \nmeeting of any sort and publicly report your lapse.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "aa2162652aa0-1", "page_content": "meeting of any sort and publicly report your lapse.\n\u0089\u0089 6. Building mastery and coping ahead for emotional situations (Emotion \nRegulation Handout 19), and checking the facts (Emotion Regulation Handout 8), can be used to fight feelings of being out of control.\n\u0089\u0089 7. Interpersonal skills (Interpersonal Effectiveness Handouts 5\u20137), such as asking for help from family, friends, sponsors, ministers, or counselors, can also be helpful. If you are isolated, help can often be found via online support groups.\n\u0089\u0089 8. Conduct a chain analysis to analyze what prompted the lapse (General Handouts 7, 7a).\n\u0089\u0089 9. Problem-solve right away to find a way to \u201cget back on the wagon\u201d and repair any damage you have done (Emotion Regulation Handout 12).\n\u0089\u008910. Distract yourself, self- soothe, and improve the moment.\n\u0089\u008911. Cheerlead yourself.\n\u0089\u008912. Do pros and cons of stopping addictive behaviors (Distress Tolerance \nHandout 5).\n\u0089\u008913. Stay away from extreme thinking. Don\u2019t let one slip turn into a disaster.\n\u0089\u008914. Recommit to 100% total abstinence.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "55af61162951-0", "page_content": "359\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).distress tolerance Handout 18 (Distress Tolerance Worksheet 15)\nclear m ind\naddict mind is:\nimpulsive\none- minded\nWilling to do anything for a \u201cfix\u201d\nWhen in addict mind, you are ruled \nby the addiction. The urges for habitual \nproblem behaviors determine your \nthoughts, emotions, and behaviors.clean mind is:\nnaive\nrisk- taking\noblivious to dangers\nWhen in clean mind, you are clean \nbut oblivious to dangers that might \ncue habitual problem behaviors. You \nbelieve you are invincible and immune \nto future temptation.\nBoth extremes are DanGerou S!\nclear min D: The safest place to be.\nYou are clean, but you remember addict mind.\nYou radically accept that relapse is not impossible .\nYou enjoy your success , while still expecting urges and cues \nand planning for when you\u2019re tempted.ADDICT\nMIND\nFOGGY MINDCLEAR\nMINDCLEAN\nMIND\n\uf0f2\uf0f8\uf0f7", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e7aa38d6d848-0", "page_content": "360\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).Distress tolerance Han Do ut 18a (Distress Tolerance Worksheet 16)\nBehavior Patterns Characteristic of Addict Mind \nand of Clean Mind\nAddi Ct M ind\n\u0089 \u0089Engaging in addictive behavior.\n\u0089 \u0089Thinking, \u201cI don\u2019t really have a problem with \naddiction.\u201d\n\u0089 \u0089Thinking, \u201cI can do a little.\u201d\n\u0089 \u0089Thinking, \u201cI can indulge my habit, if only on weekends.\u201d\n\u0089 \u0089Thinking, \u201cI can\u2019t stand this!\u201d\n\u0089 \u0089Glamorizing addiction.\n\u0089 \u0089Surfing the Internet for ways to engage in addictive behaviors.\n\u0089 \u0089Buying paraphernalia (food, drugs, videos, etc.) for addictive behavior.\n\u0089 \u0089Selling or exchanging items related to addictive behaviors.\n\u0089 \u0089Stealing to pay for addiction.\n\u0089 \u0089Prostituting for money or for paraphernalia.\n\u0089 \u0089Lying.\n\u0089 \u0089Hiding.\n\u0089 \u0089Isolating.\n\u0089 \u0089Acting always busy; \u201cGot to go!\u201d\n\u0089 \u0089Breaking promises.\n\u0089 \u0089Committing crimes.\n\u0089 \u0089Acting like a corpse.\n\u0089 \u0089Having \u201cno life.\u201d\n\u0089 \u0089Acting desperate/obsessed.\n\u0089 \u0089Not looking people in the eyes.\n\u0089 \u0089Having poor hygiene.\n\u0089 \u0089Avoiding doctors.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e7aa38d6d848-1", "page_content": "\u0089 \u0089Having poor hygiene.\n\u0089 \u0089Avoiding doctors.\n\u0089 \u0089Other: \n \n\u0089 \u0089O\nther: \n\u0089 \u0089O\nther: CleAn Mind\n\u0089 \u0089Engaging in apparently irrelevant behaviors \nthat in the past inevitably led to addictive behavior.\n\u0089 \u0089Thinking, \u201cI\u2019ve learned my lesson.\u201d\n\u0089 \u0089Thinking, \u201cI can control the habit.\u201d\n\u0089 \u0089Thinking, \u201cI don\u2019t really have an addiction problem any more.\u201d\n\u0089 \u0089Stopping or cutting back medication that helps with addiction.\n\u0089 \u0089Being in environments where others engage in addictive behaviors.\n\u0089 \u0089Seeing friends who are still addicted.\n\u0089 \u0089Living with people who are addicted.\n\u0089 \u0089Keeping addiction paraphernalia.\n\u0089 \u0089Carrying around extra money.\n\u0089 \u0089Being irresponsible with bills.\n\u0089 \u0089Dressing like an addict.\n\u0089 \u0089Not going to meetings.\n\u0089 \u0089Not confronting the problems that fuel my addictive behaviors.\n\u0089 \u0089Acting as if only willpower is needed.\n\u0089 \u0089Isolating.\n\u0089 \u0089Believing, \u201cI can do this alone.\u201d\n\u0089 \u0089Thinking, \u201cI can take pain medicine/diet/engage in addictive behavior if prescribed or advised; I don\u2019t need to say anything about my past addiction.\u201d\n\u0089 \u0089Thinking, \u201cI can\u2019t stand this!\u201d\n\u0089 \u0089Other: \n \n\u0089 \u0089O\nther: \n\u0089 \u0089O\nther:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "b3a2906a3385-0", "page_content": "361\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).distress tolerance Handout 19 (Distress Tolerance Worksheet 16)\ncommunity r einforcement\ncommunity reinforcement means replacing addiction reinforcers \nwith abstinence reinforcers.\nreinforcin G aBST inence iS c riTical\nReinforcers in your environment play a powerful role in encouraging or discouraging addictive \nbehaviors.\nTo stop addictive behavior, you have to figure out how to make a lifestyle without your \naddictive behaviors more rewarding than a lifestyle with your addictive behaviors.\nYou have to find a way to get behaviors incompatible with addictions to pay off and be \nrewarded by those around you.\nWillpower is not sufficient. If it were, we would all be perfect!\nreplace aDD icTion reinforcer S WiTh aBST inence reinforcer S\nBegin a series of action steps that will increase your chances of accumulating positive events \nto replace addictive behavior.\n\u0089\u0089Search for people to spend time with who aren\u2019t addicted.\n\u0089\u0089Increase the number of enjoyable activities you engage in that do not involve your addiction.\n\u0089\u0089If you cannot decide what people or activities you like, sample a lot of different groups of people and a lot of different activities.\naBST inence Samplin G\n\u0089\u0089Commit to days off your addiction, and observe the benefits that naturally occur.\n\u0089\u0089Temporarily avoid high-risk addiction triggers, and replace these with competing behaviors to get you through the sampling period.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "b3a2906a3385-1", "page_content": "\u0089\u0089Observe all the extra positive events occurring when you are not engaging in addictive behaviors.\nNote. Adapted from Meyers, R. J., & Squires, D. D. (2001, September). The community reinforcement approach. Retrieved from www.bhrm.org/\nguidelines/CRAmanual.pdf. Adapted by permission of the authors.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "42e20d1bf31f-0", "page_content": "362\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).distress tolerance Handout 20 (Distress Tolerance Worksheet 17)\nBurning Bridges and Building n ew o nes\nBurninG BriDG eS\naccept at the most radical level that you are not going to engage in addictive behavior \nagain, and then move actively to cut off all addictive behavior options.\n\u0089\u00891. Make an absolute commitment to abstinence from the addictive behavior, which is \n (describe addictive behavior). Then walk into the garage of \nabstinence and slam the garage door shut. (Remember that the tiniest slit of space can let an entire elephant in.)\n\u0089\u00892. List everything in your life that makes addiction possible.\n\u0089\u00893. Get rid of these things:\n\u0089\u0089Throw out contact information of people who collude with you.\n\u0089\u0089Get rid of all possible cues and temptations.\n\u0089\u00894. List and do everything you can that will make it hard or impossible to continue your \naddictive behavior.\n\u0089\u0089Ruthlessly and at every moment, tell the truth about your behavior.\n\u0089\u0089Tell all your friends and family that you have quit.\nBuil DinG neW BriDG eS\ncreate visual images and smells that will compete with the information loaded into \nyour visual and olfactory brain systems when cravings occur.\nCravings and urges are strongly related to vivid images and smells of what is craved. The stron -\nger the imagery or smell, the stronger the craving.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "42e20d1bf31f-1", "page_content": "ger the imagery or smell, the stronger the craving.\n\u0089\u0089Build different images or smells to think about. Try to keep these images or smells \nin memory when you have an unwanted craving. For example, whenever you crave a cigarette, imagine being on the beach; see and smell it in your mind to reduce the \ncraving.\n\u0089\u0089When you have unwanted cravings, look at moving images or surround yourself with smells unrelated to the addiction. Moving images and new smells will compete with your \ncravings.\n\u0089\u0089\u201cUrge-surf\u201d by imagining yourself on a surfboard riding the waves of your urges. Notice them coming and going, rising high, going low, and finally going away.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "fed72edd9a0d-0", "page_content": "363\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission \nto photocopy this handout is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details).distress tolerance Handout 21 (Distress Tolerance Worksheet 18)\nalternate r ebellion and a daptive Denial\nalTerna Te reB ellion\nWhen addictive behaviors are a way to rebel against authority, conventions, and the boredom \nof not breaking rules or laws, try alternate rebellion. Alternate rebellion replaces destructive rebellion and keeps you on a path to your goals.\nExamples:\n\u0089\u0089Shave your head.\n\u0089\u0089Wear crazy underwear.\n\u0089\u0089Wear unmatched shoes.\n\u0089\u0089Have secret thoughts.\n\u0089\u0089Express unpopular views.\n\u0089\u0089Do random acts of kindness.\n\u0089\u0089Vacation with your family at a nudist colony.\n\u0089\u0089Write a letter saying exactly what you want to.\u0089\u0089Dye your hair a wild color.\n\u0089\u0089Get a tattoo or body piercing.\n\u0089\u0089Wear clothes inside out.\n\u0089\u0089Don\u2019t bathe for a week.\n\u0089\u0089Print a slogan on a t-shirt.\n\u0089\u0089Paint your face.\n\u0089\u0089Dress up or dress down where \ndoing so is unexpected.\naDapTive Denial\nWhen your mind can\u2019t tolerate craving for addictive behaviors, try adaptive denial.\n\u0089\u0089Give logic a break when you are doing this. Don\u2019t argue with yourself.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "fed72edd9a0d-1", "page_content": "\u0089\u0089When urges hit, deny that you want the problem behavior or substance. Convince yourself you want something other than the problem behavior. For example, reframe an urge to have a cigarette as an urge to have a flavored toothpick; an urge to have alcohol as an urge to have something sweet; or an urge to gamble as an urge to alternate rebellion (see above).\nOther: \nOther: \nBe adamant with yourself in your denial, and engage in the alternative behavior.\n\u0089\u0089Put off addictive behavior. Put it off for 5 minutes, then put it off for another 5 minutes, and \nso on and on, each time saying, \u201cI only have to stand this for 5 minutes.\u201d By telling yourself each day you will be abstinent for today (or each hour for just this hour, and so on), you are saying, \u201cThis is not forever. I can stand this right now.\u201d", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cc1a4baf2121-0", "page_content": "Distress Tolerance \nWorksheets", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "221abfb8e964-0", "page_content": "Worksheets for Crisis Survival Skills", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3bfb5d66745b-0", "page_content": "369\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 1 (Distress Tolerance Handouts 2\u20139a)\ncrisis Survival Skills\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nPractice your crisis survival skills at least twice. Describe the crisis event; check off which skills you \nused for that event; and then describe how you used the skill and what happened.\ncriSiS even T 1: Rate level of distress (0\u2013100) Before: After: \nprompting event for my distress (who, what, when, where): What triggered the state of crisis?\n\u0089\u0089STop\n\u0089\u0089pros and cons\n\u0089\u0089Tip\n\u0089\u0089Distract with accep TS\n\u0089\u0089Self- soothe\n\u0089\u0089improve the momentAt left, check the skills you used, and describe here:\nDescribe the outcome of using skills:\nCircle a number to indicate how effective the skills were in helping you tolerate the distress and \ncope with the situation (keeping you from doing something to make the situation worse). Use the following scale:\nI still couldn\u2019t stand \nthe situation, even \nfor one more minute.I was able to cope somewhat, \nat least for a little while. \nIt helped somewhat.I could use skills, \ntolerated distress, and \nresisted problem urges.\n1 2 3 4 5", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3bfb5d66745b-1", "page_content": "resisted problem urges.\n1 2 3 4 5\ncriSiS even T 2: Rate level of distress (0\u2013100) Before: After: \nprompting event for my distress (who, what, when, where): What triggered the state of crisis?\n\u0089\u0089STop\n\u0089\u0089pros and cons\n\u0089\u0089Tip\n\u0089\u0089Distract with accep TS\n\u0089\u0089Self- soothe\n\u0089\u0089improve the momentAt left, check the skills you used, and describe here:\nDescribe the outcome of using skills:\nCircle effectiveness of skills:\nI still couldn\u2019t stand \nthe situation, even \nfor one more minute.I was able to cope somewhat, \nat least for a little while. \nIt helped somewhat.I could use skills, \ntolerated distress, and \nresisted problem urges.\n1 2 3 4 5", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "0324a75692ac-0", "page_content": "370\ndistress tolerance WorksHeet 1a (Distress Tolerance Handouts 2\u20139a)\ncrisis Survival Skills\nName: Week Starting: \nPractice each crisis survival skill twice, and describe your experience as follows:\nWhen did you practice this skill, and \nwhat did you do to practice?What was the crisis (what \nprompted needing the skill)?Amount \nof time \npracticing \nskill?rate before/after skill use\nConclusions or questions \nabout this skills practiceYour level of \ndistress tolerance \n(0 = I can\u2019t stand \nit; 5 = I can \ndefinitely survive)Emotion\nNegative \nemotion \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)Positive \nemotion \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)\nStop: / / /\n/ / /\nPros and cons: / / /\n/ / /\nTIP: / / /\n/ / /\nDistract with ACCEPTS: / / /\n/ / /\nSelf- soothe: / / /\n/ / /\nIMPROVE the moment: / / /\n/ / /\nAdapted from an unpublished worksheet by Seth Axelrod, with his permission.\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "2ca8c0c0a90c-0", "page_content": "371\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 1b (Distress Tolerance Handouts 2\u20139a)\ncrisis Survival Skills\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nFor each survival skill, write down what you did during the week, and then give a number to \nindicate how effective the skill was in helping you tolerate the distress and cope with the situation (keeping you from doing something to make the situation worse). Use the following scale:\nI still couldn\u2019t stand \nthe situation, even \nfor one more minute.I was able to cope somewhat, \nat least for a little while. \nIt helped somewhat.I could use skills, \ntolerated distress, and \nresisted problem urges.\n1 2 3 4 5\nDay: STop\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: pros and cons\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: Tip\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: Distract with accep TS\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: Self- soothe\n / Effectiveness:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "2ca8c0c0a90c-1", "page_content": "Day: Self- soothe\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: improve the moment\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nAdapted from an unpublished worksheet by Seth Axelrod, with his permission.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "76ac35b07d8a-0", "page_content": "372\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .di stress t olerance Works H eet 2 (Distress Tolerance Handout 4)\npr acticing the ST o p Skill\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nDes\ncribe two crisis situations that happened to you. Then describe your use of the STOP skill.\nc\nriSiS \neven T 1\n: Rate level of distress (0\u2013100) Before: \n After: \npromp ting event for my distress (who, what, when, where): What triggered the state of crisis?\nBehavior you are trying to stop: \n\u0089 \u0089Stop\n\u0089 \u0089Take a step back\n\u0089 \u0089ob\nserve\n\u0089 \u0089pr\noceed mindfullyAt left, check the steps you used, and describe what you did \nhere:\nDescribe the outcome of using skills:\nCircle a number to indicate how effective the skill was in helping you tolerate the distress and cope with the situation (keeping you from doing something to make the situation worse). Use the following scale:\nI still couldn\u2019t stand \nthe situation, even \nfor one more minute.I was able to cope somewhat, \nat least for a little while. \nIt helped somewhat.I could use skills, \ntolerated distress, and \nresisted problem urges.\n1 2 3 4 5", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "76ac35b07d8a-1", "page_content": "resisted problem urges.\n1 2 3 4 5\ncriSiS even T 2 : Rate level of distress (0\u2013100) Before: After: \npromp ting event for my distress (who, what, when, where): What triggered the state of crisis?\nBehavior you are trying to stop: \n\u0089 \u0089Stop\n\u0089 \u0089Take a step back\n\u0089 \u0089ob\nserve\n\u0089 \u0089pr\noceed mindfullyAt left, check the steps you used, and describe what you did here:\nDescribe the outcome of using the skills:\nCircle effectiveness of the skill:\nI still couldn\u2019t stand \nthe situation, even \nfor one more minute.I was able to cope somewhat, \nat least for a little while. \nIt helped somewhat.I could use skills, \ntolerated distress, and \nresisted problem urges.\n1 2 3 4 5", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d09afd4da3d9-0", "page_content": "373Distress tolerance Worksheet 2a (Distress Tolerance Handout 4)\nPracticing the STOP Skill\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nDes\ncribe situations that happened to you where you used the STOP skill. Then describe how you used the STOP skill. Try to find a situation \neach day where you can practice your STOP skill.\nDay Crisis situationHow did you practice \nthis skill?Behavior \nstopped?Rate before/after skill use\nConclusions or questions \nabout this skills practiceYour level of \ndistress tolerance \n(0 = I can\u2019t stand \nit; 5 = I can \ndefinitely survive)Emotion\nNegative \nemotion \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)Positive \nemotion \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)\n/ / /\n/ / /\n/ / /\n/ / /\n/ / /\n/ / /\n/ / /\nAdapted from an unpublished worksheet by Seth Axelrod, with his permission.\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "df2281f8ed19-0", "page_content": "374\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 3 (Distress Tolerance Handout 5)\npros and c ons of a cting on c risis u rges\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \n1. Describe the problem behavior you are trying to stop: \n2. List pros and cons for acting on crisis urges (including urges to act and urges to quit), and \ncreate a separate list for resisting crisis behavior by tolerating distress and using skills. Use the back of this sheet if you need more room.\n3. Read the pros and cons when an urge toward the problem behavior occurs.\nproblem behavior pro S con S\nacting on crisis \nurges1. 1.\n2. 2.\n3. 3.\n4. 4.\n5. 5.\nresisting crisis \nurges1. 1.\n2. 2.\n3. 3.\n4. 4.\n5. 5.\nIdentify which pros and cons are short-term (just for today) or long-term (beyond today). Then ask your Wise Mind: Would you rather have a good day or a good life? Make a mindful choice about \nyour behavior.\nIf this worksheet helps you choose skillful behavior over crisis behavior, be sure to keep it where \nyou can find it and review it again when you are in crisis.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "df2281f8ed19-1", "page_content": "you can find it and review it again when you are in crisis.\nAdapted from an unpublished worksheet by Seth Axelrod, with his permission.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "35f5781e7d04-0", "page_content": "375\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 3a (Distress Tolerance Handout 5)\npros and c ons of a cting on c risis u rges\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \n1. Describe the problem behavior you are trying to stop: \n2. List pros and cons for acting on crisis urges (including urges to act and urges to quit), and \ncreate a separate list for resisting crisis behavior by tolerating distress and using skills. Use the back of this sheet if you need more room.\n3. Read the pros and cons when an urge toward the problem behavior occurs.\nproblem behavior acting on crisis urges resisting crisis urges\npro S 1. 1.\n2. 2.\n3. 3.\n4. 4.\n5. 5.\ncon S1. 1.\n2. 2.\n3. 3.\n4. 4.\n5. 5.\nIdentify which pros and cons are short-term (just for today) or long-term (beyond today). Then ask your Wise Mind: Would you rather have a good day or a good life? Make a mindful choice about \nyour behavior.\nIf this worksheet helps you choose skillful behavior over crisis behavior, be sure to keep it where \nyou can find it and review it again when you are in crisis.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "35f5781e7d04-1", "page_content": "you can find it and review it again when you are in crisis.\nAdapted from an unpublished worksheet by Seth Axelrod, with his permission.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "11dac515ccc5-0", "page_content": "376\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .Distress tolerance Worksheet 4 (Distress Tolerance Handouts 6\u20136b)\nChanging Body Chemistry with TIP Skills\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nDes\ncribe the situation you were in when you chose to practice each skill. Rate both your emotional \narousal and distress tolerance before and after using the TIP skill. Describe what you actually did. \nUse the back of this sheet if necessary.\nT\uf8f1\n\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f2\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f3Chang In g My Fa C Ial TeM Per aTu re\nUsed cold water to change emotions\nSituation: \n \nA\nrousal (0\u2013100) Before: \n \n After: \nD\nistress tolerance (0 = I can\u2019t stand it; 100 = I can definitely survive) Before: \n \n After: \nW\nhat I did (describe): \n \nI\uf8f1\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f2\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f3InTenSe exe rC ISe\nS\nituation: \n \nA\nrousal (0\u2013100) Before: \n \n After: \nD", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "11dac515ccc5-1", "page_content": "rousal (0\u2013100) Before: \n \n After: \nD\nistress tolerance (0 = I can\u2019t stand it; 100 = I can definitely survive) Before: \n \n After: \nW\nhat I did (describe): \n \nP\uf8f1\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f2\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f3PaCed Brea ThIn g\nSituation: \n \nA\nrousal (0\u2013100) Before: \n \n After: \nD\nistress tolerance (0 = I can\u2019t stand it; 100 = I can definitely survive) Before: \n \n After: \nW\nhat I did (describe): \n \n\uf8f1\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f2\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f4\uf8f3PaIred Mu SC le r elaxa T Io n\nSituation: \n \nA\nrousal (0\u2013100) Before: \n \n After: \nD\nistress tolerance (0 = I can\u2019t stand it; 100 = I can definitely survive) Before: \n \n After: \nW\nhat I did (describe):", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ef79268a9c2c-0", "page_content": "377\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 4a (Distress Tolerance Handout 6b)\npaired m uscle r elaxation\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nPractice paired m uscle r elaxation (tensing your body muscles and then letting go of tension \ncompletely as you breathe out). Practice as many times a day as you can at first until you notice that \nwhen you exhale, our body automatically relaxes on its own. At this point, you have paired breathing \nout with relaxation. Once that happens, continue practicing but not as often.\nPractice paired muscle relaxation as many times a day as you can, and describe your experience \nbelow. Check the type of practice you did: individual muscles, muscle groups, or all of your muscles at once.\nDayNumber \nof times \npracticed \npaired \nmuscle \nrelaxationAverage \nlevel of \nrelaxation \nbefore/after \n(0\u2013100)Number of \ntimes used \nskill when \ntense or \noverwhelmedAverage level \nof relaxation \nbefore/after \n(0\u2013100)Check which muscles \nyou tensed and \nrelaxed (check more \nthan one if necessary)\n/ /\u0089\u0089Individual muscles\n\u0089\u0089Groups\n\u0089\u0089All at once", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ef79268a9c2c-1", "page_content": "\u0089\u0089Groups\n\u0089\u0089All at once\n/ /\u0089\u0089Individual muscles\n\u0089\u0089Groups\n\u0089\u0089All at once\n/ /\u0089\u0089Individual muscles\n\u0089\u0089Groups\n\u0089\u0089All at once\n/ /\u0089\u0089Individual muscles\n\u0089\u0089Groups\n\u0089\u0089All at once\n/ /\u0089\u0089Individual muscles\n\u0089\u0089Groups\n\u0089\u0089All at once\n/ /\u0089\u0089Individual muscles\n\u0089\u0089Groups\n\u0089\u0089All at once\nDescribe your experience:\nConclusions about practice and/or questions about this skills practice:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cd360bbcf71b-0", "page_content": "378\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 4b (Distress Tolerance Handout 6c)\neffective r ethinking and p aired r elaxation\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nStep 1. Describe one typical prompting event for distress in your life: What led up to what? What \nis it about this event that is a problem for you? Be very specific in your answers. Use describing \nskills. Check the facts.\nStep 2. a sk: \u201cWhat must I be telling myself (or what are my interpretations and thoughts ) \nabout this event that contributes to my stress?\u201d Write them down.\nStep 3. r ethink the thoughts that lead to distress. Rethinking involves reevaluating the situation \nand its meaning in ways that counteract stress- producing thoughts and thereby reduce stress \nresponses. Write down as many effective thoughts as you can to replace the stressful thoughts.\nStep 4. Did you practice in your imagination effective rethinking of a stressful situation this \nweek? Yes No \nIf you engaged in rethinking, did it reduce fear of the situation happening again? (0\u20135, \n0 = not at all; 5 = very much): \nWhat effective thoughts did you use to replace stress- causing thoughts?\nRate average level of relaxation (0\u2013100): Before After", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cd360bbcf71b-1", "page_content": "Rate average level of relaxation (0\u2013100): Before After \nStep 5. Did you practice rethinking plus paired relaxation ? Yes No \nIf you engaged in rethinking plus paired relaxation, did it help you reduce your stress? (0\u20135, \n0 = not at all; 5 = very much): \nWhat effective thoughts did you use to replace stress- causing thoughts?\nComments:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "a1a5d3d4feb4-0", "page_content": "379\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 5 (Distress Tolerance Handout 7)\nDistracting with Wise m ind accep TS\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nDescribe two crisis situations that happened to you. Then describe your use of the ACCEPTS \nskills.\ncriSiS even T 1: Rate level of distress (0\u2013100) Before: After: \nprompting event for my distress (who, what, when, where): What triggered the state of crisis?\n\u0089\u0089activities\n\u0089\u0089contributions\n\u0089\u0089comparisons\n\u0089\u0089emotions\n\u0089\u0089pushing away\n\u0089\u0089Thoughts\n\u0089\u0089SensationsAt left, check the skills you used, and describe here:\nDescribe the outcome of using skills:\nCircle a number to indicate how effective the skills were in helping you tolerate the distress and \ncope with the situation (keeping you from doing something to make the situation worse). Use the \nfollowing scale:\nI still couldn\u2019t stand \nthe situation, even \nfor one more minute.I was able to cope somewhat, \nat least for a little while. \nIt helped somewhat.I could use skills, \ntolerated distress, and \nresisted problem urges.\n1 2 3 4 5", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "a1a5d3d4feb4-1", "page_content": "resisted problem urges.\n1 2 3 4 5\ncriSiS even T 2: Rate level of distress (0\u2013100) Before: After: \nprompting event for my distress (who, what, when, where): What triggered the state of crisis?\n\u0089\u0089activities\n\u0089\u0089contributions\n\u0089\u0089comparisons\n\u0089\u0089emotions\n\u0089\u0089pushing away\n\u0089\u0089Thoughts\n\u0089\u0089SensationsAt left, check the skills you used, and describe here:\nDescribe the outcome of using skills:\nCircle effectiveness of skills:\nI still couldn\u2019t stand \nthe situation, even \nfor one more minute.I was able to cope somewhat, \nat least for a little while. \nIt helped somewhat.I could use skills, \ntolerated distress, and \nresisted problem urges.\n1 2 3 4 5", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "30109af04b0b-0", "page_content": "380\ndistress tolerance WorksHeet 5a (Distress Tolerance Handout 7)\nDistracting with Wise m ind accep TS\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nPractice each distraction skill twice, and describe your experience as follows:\nWhen did you practice this skill, and \nwhat did you do to practice?What was the crisis (what \nprompted needing the skill)?How \nmuch time \npassed in \ndoing this \nskill?rate before/after skill use\nConclusions or questions \nabout this skills practiceDistress tolerance \n(0 = I can\u2019t stand it; \n5 = I can definitely \nsurvive)Emotion\nNegative \nemotion \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)Positive \nemotion \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)\nActivities: / / /\n/ / /\nContributions: / / /\n/ / /\nComparisons: / / /\n/ / /\nEmotions: / / /\n/ / /\nPushing away: / / /\n/ / /\nThoughts: / / /\n/ / /\nSensations: / / /\n/ / /\nAdapted from an unpublished worksheet by Seth Axelrod, with his permission.\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "dc1b90678ea8-0", "page_content": "381\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 5b (Distress Tolerance Handout 7)\nDistracting with Wise m ind accep TS\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nFor each ACCEPTS skill, write down what you did during the week, and write down a number to \nindicate how effective the skill was in helping you tolerate the distress and cope with the situation (keeping you from doing something to make the situation worse). Use the following scale:\nI still couldn\u2019t stand \nthe situation, even \nfor one more minute.I was able to cope somewhat, \nat least for a little while. \nIt helped somewhat.I could use skills, \ntolerated distress, and \nresisted problem urges.\n1 2 3 4 5\nDay: acTivi TieS\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: conT riBuTionS\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: compari SonS\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: emoTionS\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: puShinG aWay", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "dc1b90678ea8-1", "page_content": "/ Effectiveness: \nDay: puShinG aWay\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: Thou GhTS\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: SenSaTionS\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "dc8b06826899-0", "page_content": "382\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 6 (Distress Tolerance Handout 8)\nSelf- Soothing\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nDescribe two crisis situations that happened to you. Then describe your use of the self- soothing \nskills.\ncriSiS even T 1: Rate level of distress (0\u2013100) Before: After: \nprompting event for my distress (who, what, when, where): What triggered the state of crisis?\n\u0089\u0089vision\n\u0089\u0089hearing\n\u0089\u0089Smell\n\u0089\u0089Taste\n\u0089\u0089TouchAt left, check the skills you used, and describe here:\nDescribe the outcome of using skills:\nCircle a number to indicate how effective the skills were in helping you tolerate the distress and \ncope with the situation (keeping you from doing something to make the situation worse). Use the \nfollowing scale:\nI still couldn\u2019t stand \nthe situation, even \nfor one more minute.I was able to cope somewhat, \nat least for a little while. \nIt helped somewhat.I could use skills, \ntolerated distress, and \nresisted problem urges.\n1 2 3 4 5\ncriSiS even T 2: Rate level of distress (0\u2013100) Before: After:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "dc8b06826899-1", "page_content": "prompting event for my distress (who, what, when, where): What triggered the state of crisis?\n\u0089\u0089vision\n\u0089\u0089hearing\n\u0089\u0089Smell\n\u0089\u0089Taste\n\u0089\u0089TouchAt left, check the skills you used, and describe here:\nDescribe the outcome of using skills:\nCircle effectiveness of skills:\nI still couldn\u2019t stand \nthe situation, even \nfor one more minute.I was able to cope somewhat, \nat least for a little while. \nIt helped somewhat.I could use skills, \ntolerated distress, and \nresisted problem urges.\n1 2 3 4 5", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "9bbe8bbb1ddf-0", "page_content": "383distress tolerance WorksHeet 6a (Distress Tolerance Handout 8)\nSelf- Soothing\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nPractice each self- soothing skill twice, and describe your experience as follows:\nWhen did you practice this skill, and \nwhat did you do to practice?What was going on that \nwas painful or stressful (if \nanything)?How \nmuch \ntime \npassed in \ndoing this \nskill?rate before/after skill use\nConclusions or questions \nabout this skills practiceDistress tolerance \n(0 = I can\u2019t stand it; \n5 = I can definitely \nsurvive)Emotion\nNegative \nemotion \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)Positive \nemotion \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)\nVision: / / /\n/ / /\nHearing: / / /\n/ / /\nSmell: / / /\n/ / /\nTaste: / / /\n/ / /\nTouch: / / /\n/ / /\nAdapted from an unpublished worksheet by Seth Axelrod, with his permission.\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "b603f5d683ee-0", "page_content": "384\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 6b (Distress Tolerance Handout 8)\nSelf- Soothing\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nFor each self- soothing skill, write down what you did during the week, and write down a number to \nindicate how effective the skill was in helping you tolerate the distress and cope with the situation \n(keeping you from doing something to make the situation worse). Use the following scale:\nI still couldn\u2019t stand \nthe situation, even \nfor one more minute.I was able to cope somewhat, \nat least for a little while. \nIt helped somewhat.I could use skills, \ntolerated distress, and \nresisted problem urges.\n1 2 3 4 5\nDay: viSion\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: hearin G\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: Smell\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: TaSTe\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "b603f5d683ee-1", "page_content": "/ Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: Touch\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "1f7bfecf8825-0", "page_content": "385\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 6c (Distress Tolerance Handout 8a)\nBody Scan m editation, Step by Step\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nPractice as many times as you can. Check whether you practiced alone, listening to a recording, \nwatching YouTube, or being guided by a person.\nDay Describe your experienceHow much time \npassed doing \nthis skiill?Rate before and after body scan\nDistress tolerance \n(0 = I can\u2019t stand \nit; 5 = I can \ndefinitely survive)Emotion\nNegative \nemotion \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)Positive \nemotion \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)\n1\u0089\u0089Alone \u0089 Recording\n\u0089\u0089Person guiding \u0089 YouTube/ / /\n2\u0089\u0089Alone \u0089 Recording\n\u0089\u0089Person guiding \u0089 YouTube/ / /\n3\u0089\u0089Alone \u0089 Recording\n\u0089\u0089Person guiding \u0089 YouTube/ / /\n4\u0089\u0089Alone \u0089 Recording\n\u0089\u0089Person guiding \u0089 YouTube/ / /\n5\u0089\u0089Alone \u0089 Recording\n\u0089\u0089Person guiding \u0089 YouTube/ / /\nConclusions or questions about this skills practice:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "1f7bfecf8825-1", "page_content": "Conclusions or questions about this skills practice:\nAdapted from an unpublished worksheet by Seth Axelrod, with his permission.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6c7986de8a5b-0", "page_content": "386\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 7 (Distress Tolerance Handout 9)\nimprove the m oment\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nDescribe two crisis situations that happened to you. Then describe your use of the IMPROVE \nskills.\ncriSiS even T 1: Rate level of distress (0\u2013100) Before: After: \nprompting event for my distress (who, what, when, where): What triggered the state of crisis?\n\u0089\u0089imagery\n\u0089\u0089meaning\n\u0089\u0089prayer\n\u0089\u0089relaxation\n\u0089\u0089one thing\n\u0089\u0089vacation\n\u0089\u0089encouragementAt left, check the skills you used, and describe here:\nDescribe the outcome of using skills:\nCircle a number to indicate how effective the skills were in helping you tolerate the distress and \ncope with the situation (keeping you from doing something to make the situation worse). Use the \nfollowing scale:\nI still couldn\u2019t stand \nthe situation, even \nfor one more minute.I was able to cope somewhat, \nat least for a little while. \nIt helped somewhat.I could use skills, \ntolerated distress, and \nresisted problem urges.\n1 2 3 4 5", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6c7986de8a5b-1", "page_content": "resisted problem urges.\n1 2 3 4 5\ncriSiS even T 2: Rate level of distress (0\u2013100) Before: After: \nprompting event for my distress (who, what, when, where): What triggered the state of crisis?\n\u0089\u0089imagery\n\u0089\u0089meaning\n\u0089\u0089prayer\n\u0089\u0089relaxation\n\u0089\u0089one thing\n\u0089\u0089vacation\n\u0089\u0089encouragementAt left, check the skills you used, and describe here:\nDescribe the outcome of using skills:\nCircle effectiveness of skills:\nI still couldn\u2019t stand \nthe situation, even \nfor one more minute.I was able to cope somewhat, \nat least for a little while. \nIt helped somewhat.I could use skills, \ntolerated distress, and \nresisted problem urges.\n1 2 3 4 5", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c26f1644c202-0", "page_content": "387distress tolerance WorksHeet 7a (Distress Tolerance Handout 9)\nimprove the m oment\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nPractice each IMPROVE skill twice, and describe your experience as follows:\nWhen did you practice this skill, and \nwhat did you do to practice?What was going on that \nwas painful or stressful (if \nanything)?How \nmuch \ntime \npassed in \ndoing this \nskill?rate before/after skill use\nConclusions or questions \nabout this skills practiceDistress tolerance \n(0 = I can\u2019t stand it; \n5 = I can definitely \nsurvive)Emotion\nNegative \nemotion \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)Positive \nemotion \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)\nImagery: / / /\n/ / /\nMeaning: / / /\n/ / /\nPrayer: / / /\n/ / /\nRelaxation: / / /\n/ / /\nOne thing: / / /\n/ / /\nVacation: / / /\n/ / /\nEncouragement: / / /\n/ / /\nAdapted from an unpublished worksheet by Seth Axelrod, with his permission.\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "207b0916cc91-0", "page_content": "388\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 7b (Distress Tolerance Handout 9)\nimprove the m oment\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nFor each IMPROVE skill, write down what you did during the week, and write down a number to \nindicate how effective the skill was in helping you tolerate the distress and cope with the situation (keeping you from doing something to make the situation worse). Use the following scale:\nI still couldn\u2019t stand \nthe situation, even \nfor one more minute.I was able to cope somewhat, \nat least for a little while. \nIt helped somewhat.I could use skills, \ntolerated distress, and \nresisted problem urges.\n1 2 3 4 5\nDay: imaG ery\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: meanin G\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: prayer\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: relaxa Tion\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: one T hinG in T he momenT\n / Effectiveness:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "207b0916cc91-1", "page_content": "/ Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: vacaT ion\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: encoura Gemen T\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c70f83ad969f-0", "page_content": "Worksheets for Reality \nAcceptance\u00a0Skills", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d0c3fe56e892-0", "page_content": "391\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 8 (Distress Tolerance Handouts 10\u201315a)\nreality a cceptance Skills\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nCheck off two reality acceptance skills to practice this week during a stressful situation:\n\u0089\u0089Radical acceptance\n\u0089\u0089Turning the mind\n\u0089\u0089Willingness\u0089\u0089Half- smiling\n\u0089\u0089Willing hands\n\u0089\u0089Mindfulness of current thoughts\nSkill 1. Describe the situation and how you practiced the skill:\n \nHow effective was the skill in helping you cope with the situation (keeping you from doing \nsomething to make the situation worse)? Circle a number below.\nI still couldn\u2019t stand \nthe situation, even \nfor one more minute.I was able to cope somewhat, \nat least for a little while. \nIt helped somewhat.I could use skills, \ntolerated distress, and \nresisted problem urges.\n1 2 3 4 5\nDid this skill help you cope with uncomfortable emotions or urges, or avoid conflict of any \nkind? Circle YES or NO.\nDescribe how the skill helped or did not help: \n \nSkill 2. Describe the situation and how you practiced the skill:\n \nHow effective was the skill in helping you cope with the situation (keeping you from doing", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d0c3fe56e892-1", "page_content": "How effective was the skill in helping you cope with the situation (keeping you from doing \nsomething to make the situation worse)? Circle a number below.\nI still couldn\u2019t stand \nthe situation, even \nfor one more minute.I was able to cope somewhat, \nat least for a little while. \nIt helped somewhat.I could use skills, \ntolerated distress, and \nresisted problem urges.\n1 2 3 4 5\nDid this skill help you cope with uncomfortable emotions or urges, or avoid conflict of any \nkind? Circle YES or NO.\nDescribe how the skill helped or did not help:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "308af4a3e07f-0", "page_content": "392\ndistress tolerance WorksHeet 8a (Distress Tolerance Handouts 10\u201315a)\nreality a cceptance Skills\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nPractice each reality acceptance skill twice, and describe your experience as follows:\nWhen did you practice this skill, and \nwhat did you do to practice?What was going on that you \nhad trouble accepting (if \nanything)?How long \ndid you \npractice \naccepting?rate before/after skill use\nConclusions or questions \nabout this skills practiceAcceptance \n(0 = none at \nall; 5 = I am \nat peace with \nthis)Emotion\nNegative \nemotion \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)Positive \nemotion \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)\nRadical acceptance: / / /\n/ / /\nTurning the mind: / / /\n/ / /\nWillingness: / / /\n/ / /\nHalf- smiling: / / /\n/ / /\nWilling hands: / / /\n/ / /\nMindfulness of current thoughts: / / /\n/ / /\nAdapted from an unpublished worksheet by Seth Axelrod, with his permission.\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "26bab86e5259-0", "page_content": "393\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 8b (Distress Tolerance Handouts 10\u201315a)\nreality a cceptance Skills\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nFor each reality acceptance skill, describe the skill you used during the week, and circle a number \n(0\u20135) indicating your own experience of acceptance of yourself, your life, or events outside yourself. Use the following scale:\nNo acceptance; I am \nin complete denial \nand/or rebellionI was able to \naccept somewhat or \nfor a little while.Complete \nacceptance; I am at \npeace with this.\n1 2 3 4 5\nDay: raDical accep Tance (describe what and how often you practiced)\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: Turnin G The min D (describe the cross-road you were at, and what you chose)\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: WillinG neSS (describe the situation, what you were willful about, and how \nyou practiced)\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: half- Smilin G (describe the situation and how you practiced)", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "26bab86e5259-1", "page_content": "Day: half- Smilin G (describe the situation and how you practiced)\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: WillinG hanDS (describe the situation and how you practiced)\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \nDay: minDfulne SS of curren T Thou GhTS (describe what thoughts were \ngoing through your mind and how you observed your thoughts)\n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness: \n / Effectiveness:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "b015ee6a8470-0", "page_content": "394\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 9 (Distress Tolerance Handouts 11\u201311b)\nradical a cceptance\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nfiGure o uT Wha T you n eeD To raDically a ccep T\n1. Make a list of two very important things in your life right now that you need to radically accept. \nThen give each one a number indicating how much you accept this part of yourself or your life: \nfrom 0 (no acceptance, I am in complete denial and/or rebellion) to 5 (complete acceptance, I \nam at peace with this). Note: if you have already completed this section, you don\u2019t need to do it \nagain unless things have changed.\nWhat I need to accept (Acceptance, 0\u20135)\n1. ( )\n2. ( )\n2. Make a list of two less important things in your life you are having trouble accepting this week. \nThen rate your acceptance just as you did above.What I need to accept (Acceptance, 0\u20135)\n1. ( )\n2. ( )\nrefine y our li ST\n3. Review your two lists above. c heck the facts. Check for interpretations and opinions. Make", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "b015ee6a8470-1", "page_content": "sure that what you are trying to accept is in fact the case. check for judgments. Avoid \u201cgood,\u201d \n\u201cbad,\u201d and judgmental language. Rewrite any items above if needed so that they are factual \nand nonjudgmental.\nprac Tice r aDical a ccep Tance\n4. Choose one item from the very important list and one item from the less important list to \npractice on.\n1. \n2. \n5. Focus your mind on each of these facts or events separately, allowing your Wise Mind to \nradically accept that these are facts of your life. Check off any of the following exercises that \nyou did.\n\u0089\u0089Observed that I was questioning or fighting \nreality.\n\u0089\u0089Reminded myself that reality is what it is.\n\u0089\u0089Considered the causes of the reality, and nonjudgmentally accepted that causes exist.\n\u0089\u0089Practiced accepting all the way with my whole being (mind, body, spirit).\n\u0089\u0089Practiced opposite action.\n\u0089\u0089Coped ahead with events that seemed unacceptable.\u0089\u0089Attended to my body sensations as I thought about what I need to accept.\n\u0089\u0089Allowed myself to experience disappointment, sadness, or grief.\n\u0089\u0089Acknowledged that life can be worth living even when there is pain.\n\u0089\u0089Did pros and cons of accepting versus denial and rejection.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \n \n6. Rate your degree of acceptance after practicing radical acceptance (0\u20135):", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e0a68f12cacd-0", "page_content": "395distress tolerance WorksHeet 9a (Distress Tolerance Handouts 11\u201311b)\npracticing r adical a cceptance\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nPractice each skill twice, and describe and rate your experience below.\nWhen did you practice this skill, and \nwhat did you do to practice?What was going on that you \nhad trouble accepting (if \nanything)?How long \ndid you \npractice \naccepting?rate before/after skill use\nConclusions or questions \nabout this skills practiceAcceptance \n(0 = none at \nall; 5 = I am \nat peace with \nthis)Emotion\nNegative \nemotion \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)Positive \nemotion \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)\nConsidered causes of the reality: / / /\n/ / /\nPracticed with my whole self: / / /\n/ / /\nPracticed opposite action: / / /\n/ / /\nPracticed coping ahead: / / /\n/ / /\nAttended to body sensations: / / /\n/ / /\nAllowed disappointment/grieving: / / /\n/ / /\nAcknowledged life as worth living: / / /\n/ / /\nDid pros and cons: / / /\n/ / /\nAdapted from an unpublished worksheet by Seth Axelrod, with his permission.\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "1f18f942d340-0", "page_content": "396\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 10 (Distress Tolerance Handouts 12, 13)\nTurning the m ind, Willingness, Willfulness\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nPractice each skill, and rate your level of acceptance of reality as it is before and after: from 0 (no \nacceptance at all) to 5 (I\u2019m at peace with this). List what you tried specifically under the rating.\nTurning the m ind: Acceptance Before: After: \noBS erve not accepting. What did you observe? What were you having trouble accepting?\nmake an inner commiTmenT to accept what feels unacceptable. How did you do this?\nDescribe your plan for ca Tchin G your Self the next time you drift from acceptance.\nWillinG neSS (rate 0\u20135): Acceptance Before: After: \nWillfulness Before: After: \nDescribe effec Tive Behavior you did to move forward toward a goal.\nnoTice Willfulne SS. Describe how you are not participating effectively in the world as it \nis, or how you are not doing something you know needs to be done to move toward a goal.\nDescribe how you prac TiceD raD ically accep TinG your W illfulne SS.\nmake an inner commiTmenT to accept what feels unacceptable. How did you do this?", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "1f18f942d340-1", "page_content": "Describe what you did that was W illinG .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f74640fefa25-0", "page_content": "397\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 11 (Distress Tolerance Handout 14, 14a)\nhalf- Smiling and Willing h ands\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nDescribe your practice with half- smiling and willing hands this past week. Practice each day at least \nonce. Practice both when you are not emotionally distressed and when you are distressed.\nCheck off any of the following exercises that you did.\n\u0089\u0089 1. Half- smiled when I first woke up in the \nmorning.\n\u0089\u0089 2. Half- smiled during my free moments.\n\u0089\u0089 3. Half- smiled with willing hands while I \nwas listening to music.\n\u0089\u0089 4. Half- smiled with willing hands when I \nwas irritated.\n\u0089\u0089 5. Half- smiled in a lying-down position.\n\u0089\u0089 6. Half- smiled in a sitting position.\n\u0089\u0089 7. Half- smiled when I was walking down \nthe street.\u0089\u0089 8. Half- smiled with willing hands when my \nfeelings were hurt.\n\u0089\u0089 9. Half- smiled with willing hands when I did \nnot want to accept something.\n\u0089\u008910. Half- smiled with willing hands when I \nstarted getting really angry.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f74640fefa25-1", "page_content": "started getting really angry.\n\u0089\u008911. Half- smiled when I had negative \nthoughts.\n\u0089\u008912. Half- smiled when I couldn\u2019t sleep.\n\u0089\u008913. Half- smiled with another person.\n\u0089\u008914. Other: \n \nDescribe practicing half- smiling and willing hands.\n1. Situation: \nDescribe strategies you used or give numbers from above: \nCircle how effective this was at helping you be more mindful and less reactive:\n1 2 3 4 5\nNot effective Somewhat effective Very effective\n2. Situation: \nDescribe strategies you used or give numbers from above: \nCircle how effective this was at helping you be more mindful and less reactive:\n1 2 3 4 5\nNot effective Somewhat effective Very effective\n3. Situation: \nDescribe strategies you used or give numbers from above: \nCircle how effective this was at helping you be more mindful and less reactive:\n1 2 3 4 5\nNot effective Somewhat effective Very effective", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "10b1db551463-0", "page_content": "398\ndistress tolerance WorksHeet 11a (Distress Tolerance Handouts 14, 14a)\npracticing h alf- Smiling and Willing h ands\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nPractice half- smiling/willing hands twice each day. Describe what you did to practice, and what you were trying to accept. (See Distress \nTolerance Worksheet 11 for ideas.)\nWhat did you do to practice allowing \nyour thoughts?What were you having trouble \naccepting (if any)?How \nmuch time \npassed in \ndoing this \nskill?rate before/after skill use\nConclusions or questions \nabout this skills practiceAcceptance \n(0 = none at \nall; 5 = I am \nat peace with \nthis)Emotion\nNegative \nemotion \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)Positive \nemotion \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)\nMon / / /\n/ / /\nTues / / /\n/ / /\nWed / / /\n/ / /\nThurs / / /\n/ / /\nFri / / /\n/ / /\nSat / / /\n/ / /\nSun / / /\n/ / /\nAdapted from an unpublished worksheet by Seth Axelrod, with his permission.\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- worksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "94384fb1a674-0", "page_content": "399\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 12 (Distress Tolerance Handouts 15, 15a)\nmindfulness of c urrent Thoughts\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nDescribe your efforts to observe your thoughts in the past week. Practice observing thoughts each \nday at least once. Don\u2019t focus just on thoughts that are painful, anxiety- provoking, or full of anger; \nalso observe and be mindful of pleasant or neutral thoughts. For each thought, first practice saying, \n\u201cThe thought [describe thought] went through my mind.\u201d Then practice one or more strategies to \nobserve and let go of thoughts.\nCheck off any of the following exercises that you did.\n\u0089\u0089 1. Used words and voice tone to say a thought over and over; as fast as I could; very, very \nslowly; in a voice different from mine; as a dialogue on a TV comedy show; or as singing.\n\u0089\u0089 2. Relaxed my face and body imagining accepting my thoughts as sensations of my brain.\n\u0089\u0089 3. Imagined what I would do if I stopped believing everything I think.\n\u0089\u0089 4. Rehearsed in my mind what I would do if I did not view my thoughts as facts.\n\u0089\u0089 5. Practiced loving my thoughts as they went through my mind.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "94384fb1a674-1", "page_content": "\u0089\u0089 5. Practiced loving my thoughts as they went through my mind.\n\u0089\u0089 6. Refocused my mind on sensations I was avoiding by worrying or catastrophizing.\n\u0089\u0089 7. Allowed my thoughts to come and go as I focused on observing my breath coming in and out.\n\u0089\u0089 8. Labeled the thought as a thought, saying, \u201cThe thought [describe thought] arose in my \nmind.\u201d\n\u0089\u0089 9. Asked, \u201cWhere did the thought come from?\u201d and watched my mind to find out.\n\u0089\u008910. Stepped back from my mind, as if I was on top of a mountain.\n\u0089\u008911. Shuttled back and forth between scanning for physical sensations and scanning for \nthoughts.\n\u0089\u008912. Imagined that in my mind thoughts were coming down a conveyor belt; were boats on a \nriver; were train cars on a railroad track; were written on leaves flowing down a river; had \nwings and could fly away; were clouds floating in the sky; or were going in and out of the \ndoors of my mind. (Underline the image you used.)\n\u0089\u008913. Other: \nDescribe thoughts you were mindful of during the week. State just each thought as it went through \nyour mind.\n1. Thought: \nDescribe strategies you used or give numbers from above: \nCircle how effective was this at helping you be more mindful and less reactive:\n1 2 3 4 5\nNot effective Somewhat effective Very effective\n2. Thought: \nDescribe strategies you used or give numbers from above: \nCircle how effective was this at helping you be more mindful and less reactive:\n1 2 3 4 5", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "94384fb1a674-2", "page_content": "1 2 3 4 5\nNot effective Somewhat effective Very effective\n3. Thought: \nDescribe strategies you used or give numbers from above: \nCircle how effective was this at helping you be more mindful and less reactive:\n1 2 3 4 5\nNot effective Somewhat effective Very effective", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "39617255dcad-0", "page_content": "400\nDistress tolerance Worksheet 12a (Distress Tolerance Handouts 15, 15a)\nPracticing Mindfulness of Thoughts\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nP\nractice allowing the mind twice each day. Describe what strategy you used to allow your thoughts, and what thoughts you had. (See \nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 12 for ideas.) Rate your experience below.\nWhat did you do to practice allowing \nyour thoughts?What were you having trouble \naccepting (if any)?How \nmuch time \npassed in \ndoing this \nskill?Rate before/after skill use\nConclusions or questions \nabout this skills practiceAcceptance \n(0 = none at \nall; 5 = I am \nat peace with \nthis)Emotion\nNegative \nemotion \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)Positive \nemotion \nintensity \n(0\u2013100)\nMon / / /\n/ / /\nTues / / /\n/ / /\nWed / / /\n/ / /\nThurs / / /\n/ / /\nFri / / /\n/ / /\nSat / / /\n/ / /\nSun / / /\n/ / /\nAdapted from an unpublished worksheet by Seth Axelrod, with his permission.\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permission to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of \nthis book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may download a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "b03f59ec1c4f-0", "page_content": "Worksheets for Skills When the Crisis \nIs Addiction", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d8170b3a3fcb-0", "page_content": "403\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 13 (Distress Tolerance Handouts 16\u201321)\nSkills When the c risis i s addiction\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nCheck off two skills for backing down from addiction to practice this week during a stressful \nsituation:\n\u0089\u0089Plan for abstinence \u0089\u0089Sample abstinence for days\n\u0089\u0089Plan for harm reduction \u0089\u0089Burn bridges\n\u0089\u0089Practice clear mind \u0089\u0089Build new bridges\n\u0089\u0089Search for abstinence reinforcers \u0089\u0089Practice alternate rebellion\n\u0089\u0089Increase non- addicting pleasant events \u0089\u0089Practice adaptive denial\nSkill 1. Describe the situation and how you practiced the skill:\n \n \nHow effective was the skill in helping you cope with the situation (keeping you from doing \nsomething to make the situation worse)? Circle a number below.\nI still couldn\u2019t stand \nthe situation, even \nfor one more minute.I was able to cope somewhat, \nat least for a little while. \nIt helped somewhat.I could use skills, \ntolerated distress, and \nresisted problem urges.\n1 2 3 4 5\nDid this skill help you cope with uncomfortable emotions or urges, or avoid conflict of any \nkind? Circle YES or NO.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d8170b3a3fcb-1", "page_content": "kind? Circle YES or NO.\nDescribe how the skill helped or did not help: \n \nSkill 2. Describe the situation and how you practiced the skill:\n \n \nHow effective was the skill in helping you cope with the situation (keeping you from doing \nsomething to make the situation worse)? Circle a number below.\nI still couldn\u2019t stand \nthe situation, even \nfor one more minute.I was able to cope somewhat, \nat least for a little while. \nIt helped somewhat.I could use skills, \ntolerated distress, and \nresisted problem urges.\n1 2 3 4 5\nDid this skill help you cope with uncomfortable emotions or urges, or avoid conflict of any \nkind? Circle YES or NO.\nDescribe how the skill helped or did not help:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c98d5519b5bf-0", "page_content": "404\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 14 (Distress Tolerance Handout 17) (p. 1 of 3)\nplanning for Dialectical a bstinence\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nProblem Behavior: \nCheck each activity and describe what you did.\nplan for aBST inence\nTo maximize the chances I\u2019ll stop , I need to aim for abstinence.\n\u0089\u0089Plan activities to do instead of problem behaviors (e.g., work, find a hobby, go to a support \nmeeting, volunteer). These will include:\n \n \n\u0089\u0089Spend time or touch base with people who will reinforce my not engaging in problem behaviors \nand my engaging in effective behaviors (e.g., effective friends or family members, co- workers, \nemployers, my therapist, people from group). These people include:\n \n \n\u0089\u0089Remind myself of reasons to stay abstinent and be effective (e.g., to reach long-term goals, to \nkeep/get relationship, to save money, to avoid shame). These include:\n \n \n \n\u0089\u0089Burn bridges with people who represent a temptation (e.g., lose their numbers, unfriend them, tell them to stop contacting me, make them not want to hang out with me). These people include:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c98d5519b5bf-1", "page_content": "\u0089\u0089Avoid cues for problem behaviors. Cues include:\n \n \n \n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "ac5962e06eee-0", "page_content": "405distress tolerance WorksHeet 14 (p. 2 of 3)\n\u0089\u0089Use skills (things to do to avoid urges, interpersonal effectiveness, distress tolerance, emotion \nregulation, mindfulness). The most useful skills for me include:\n \n \n \n\u0089\u0089Find alternative ways to rebel. These include:\n \n \n \n\u0089\u0089Publicly announce I\u2019ve embraced abstinence and effective behavior.\nplan for h arm r eDucTion\nIf I have a slip, I don\u2019t want the slip to turn into a slide. To avoid a slide, I must have plans to regain my balance and get back to abstinence and effectiveness.\n\u0089\u0089Call my therapist, sponsor, or mentor for skills coaching. His or her number is: \n\u0089\u0089Get in contact with other effective people who can help (e.g., friends or family, people from \ngroup). These people include (with contact information): \n \n \n\u0089\u0089Get rid of the temptations (e.g., drugs, comfort food); surround myself with cues for effective \nbehaviors (e.g., workout clothes, fruit).\n\u0089\u0089Review skills and handouts from DBT. The most helpful skills/handouts for me are:\n \n \n\u0089\u0089Opposite action (Emotion Regulation Handout 10) can be rehearsed to fight guilt and shame. If no other option works, go to an anonymous meeting of any sort and publicly report your lapse.\n\u0089\u0089Building mastery and coping ahead for emotional situations (Emotion Regulation Handout 19), \nand checking the facts (Emotion Regulation Handout 8), can be used to fight feelings of being \nout of control.\n(continued on next page )", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "fbd71603f102-0", "page_content": "406distress tolerance WorksHeet 14 (p. 3 of 3)\n\u0089\u0089Interpersonal skills (Interpersonal Effectiveness Handouts 5\u20137), such as asking for help from \nfamily, friends, sponsors, ministers, or counselors, can also be helpful. If you are isolated, help can often be found via online support groups. These people or groups include: \n \n \n\u0089\u0089Conduct a chain analysis to analyze what prompted the lapse (General Handouts 7, 7a).\n\u0089\u0089Problem-solve right away to find a way to \u201cget back on the wagon\u201d and repair any damage you have done (Emotion Regulation Handout 12).\n\u0089\u0089Distract yourself, self- soothe, and improve the moment.\n\u0089\u0089Cheerlead myself (e.g., \u201cOne slip is not a disaster,\u201d \u201cDon\u2019t give up,\u201d \u201cDon\u2019t get willful,\u201d \u201cI can still \nclimb back on the wagon.\u201d) My cheerleading statements will include:\n \n \n\u0089\u0089Do pros and cons of stopping again now .\n\u0089\u0089Stay away from extreme thinking. Always look for the middle ground. Don\u2019t let one slip turn into a disaster. (Check each extreme thought I am giving up and the middle ground I am accepting.)\nExtreme thinking: Middle ground:\n\u0089\u0089I have not quit yet; therefore I am doomed and might as well give up.\u0089\u0089Relapsing once does not doom me to never stopping.\n\u0089\u0089Now that I\u2019ve relapsed, I might as well keep going.\u0089\u0089I relapsed, but that does not mean I have to stay relapsed. I can be effective and get up now.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "fbd71603f102-1", "page_content": "\u0089\u0089I missed an appointment, so I\u2019m done with treatment.\u0089\u0089I missed an appointment, but I can get in to see my therapist ASAP.\n\u0089\u0089Other: \u0089\u0089Other:\n\u0089\u0089Other: \u0089\u0089Other:\n\u0089\u0089Recommit to 100% total abstinence.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d1f9debd740f-0", "page_content": "407\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 15 (Distress Tolerance Handouts 18, 18a)\nfrom c lean m ind to c lear m ind\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nCheck off each clean mind behavior you plan on changing this week. During the week, write down \nthe clear mind behavior you did to replace clean mind.\nclean m inD Behavior S clear m inD Behavior S aS replacemen TS\n\u0089\u0089 1. Engaging in apparently irrelevant \nbehaviors that in the past inevitably led to problem behavior. \n\u0089\u0089 2. Thinking, \u201cI\u2019ve learned my lesson.\u201d \n\u0089\u0089 3. Believing, \u201c i can control my \naddiction.\u201d \n\u0089\u0089 4. Thinking, \u201c i don\u2019t really have an \naddiction.\u201d \n\u0089\u0089 5. Stopping or cutting back medication that helps with addiction. \n\u0089\u0089 6. Being in addiction environments. \n\u0089\u0089 7. Seeing friends who are still addicted. \n\u0089\u0089 8. Living with people who are addicted. \n\u0089\u0089 9. Keeping addiction paraphernalia. \n\u0089\u008910. Carrying around extra money. \n\u0089\u008911. Being irresponsible with bills.", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "d1f9debd740f-1", "page_content": "\u0089\u008911. Being irresponsible with bills. \n\u0089\u008912. Dressing like an addict. \n\u0089\u008913. Not going to meetings. \n\u0089\u008914. Isolating. \n\u0089\u008915. Believing, \u201cI can do this alone.\u201d \n\u0089\u008916. Ignoring problems fueling addiction. \n\u0089\u008917. Acting as if I only need willpower. \n\u0089\u008918. Thinking, \u201cI don\u2019t need to say anything about my addiction.\u201d \n\u0089\u008919. Thinking, \u201cI can\u2019t stand this!\u201d \n\u0089\u008920. Other: \n\u0089\u008921. Other:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "b55076bcba6c-0", "page_content": "408\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 16 (Distress Tolerance Handout 19)\nreinforcing n onaddictive Behaviors\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nCheck off and describe each effort you made to replace addiction reinforcers with abstinence \nreinforcers.\n\u0089\u00891. Searched for people to spend time with who aren\u2019t addicted. Describe what you did and who \nyou found.\n \n \n\u0089\u00892. Increased number of enjoyable, nonaddictive activities. Describe activities.\n \n \n\u0089\u00893. Sampled different groups and different activities. Describe what you did and what you found.\n \n \n\u0089\u00894. Took one or more action steps to build positive events to replace addiction. Describe.\n \n \nCheck off and describe your abstinence- sampling efforts.\n\u0089\u00895. Committed to days of abstinence. (Stayed abstinent days.)\nDescribe abstinence plan and how you implemented it. (See Distress Tolerance Worksheet 14.)\n\u0089\u00896. Observe and describe positive events that occurred when you were not engaging in addictive \nbehaviors.\nnonaddictive activity positive events and consequences", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "a870babda4da-0", "page_content": "409\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 17 (Distress Tolerance Handout 20)\nBurning Bridges and Building n ew o nes\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \nRate the strength of your slamming the door on your addiction, from 0 (no intention of quitting addic -\ntive behavior) to 100 (complete and absolute commitment): . Go into Wise Mind and rate your \nlevel of slamming the door again: .\nList all the things in your life that make addiction possible. Check those you get rid of.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \nList all tempting people, websites, and other contact information you need to continue addictive \nbehaviors. Check those you erase or otherwise get rid of.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \nList all the things that would make addiction impossible. Check those that you do.\n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \n\u0089\u0089 \u0089\u0089 \nDescribe imagery you can use to help reduce cravings:\nCheck and describe each strategy you have used to battle addiction urges.\n\u0089\u0089Kept new imagery in mind when urges hit:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "a870babda4da-1", "page_content": "\u0089\u0089Kept new imagery in mind when urges hit: \n \n\u0089\u0089Looked at moving images: \n\u0089\u0089Surrounded self with new smells: \n\u0089\u0089Urge- surfed:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f27c71f6c36a-0", "page_content": "410\nFrom DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan. Copyright 2015 by Marsha M. Linehan. Permis -\nsion to photocopy this worksheet is granted to purchasers of this book for personal use only (see copyright page for details). Purchasers may \ndownload a larger version of this worksheet from www.guilford.com/dbt- \nworksheets .distress tolerance WorksHeet 18 (Distress Tolerance Handout 21)\npracticing a lternate r ebellion and a daptive Denial\nDue Date: Name: Week Starting: \ncheck and describe plans for alternate rebellion when the urge for addictive behaviors \narises:\n\u0089\u00891. \n\u0089\u00892. \n\u0089\u00893. \ncheck and describe what you actually did as alternative behaviors instead of giving in \nto addictive behaviors:\n\u0089\u00891. \n\u0089\u00892. \nCircle how effective alternate rebellion was at helping you survive the urges without giving in \nto addiction.\n1 2 3 4 5\nNot effective Somewhat effective Very effective\ncheck off and describe adaptive denial skills below that you used to manage urges:\n\u0089\u00891. Reframing an urge for a problem behavior as an urge for something else: \n \nCircle how effective this was at helping you survive the urges without giving in to addiction.\n1 2 3 4 5\nNot effective Somewhat effective Very effective\n\u0089\u00892. Putting off addictive behavior for minutes, times: \n Circle how effective this was at helping you survive the urges without giving in to addiction.\n1 2 3 4 5\nNot effective Somewhat effective Very effective", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f27c71f6c36a-1", "page_content": "1 2 3 4 5\nNot effective Somewhat effective Very effective\n\u0089\u00893. Reminded myself I only had to be abstinent for an hour, a day, \nor .\n Circle how effective this was at helping you survive the urges without giving in to addiction.\n1 2 3 4 5\nNot effective Somewhat effective Very effective", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e940080e06ba-0", "page_content": "411index\nABC PLEASE ( Accumulate \npositive emotions, B uild \nmastery, C ope ahead of time). \nSee also PLEASE ( Physica L \nillness, balancing E ating, \navoiding mood- Altering \nsubstances, balancing S leep, \nand getting E xercise) skills\nemotion regulation skills and, \n268\noverview, 247\nputting ABC skills together, 302reducing vulnerability to \nemotion mind and, 293\u2013294\nAbstinence approach\ncommunity reinforcement and, \n361\ndialectical abstinence and, 357planning for, 358, 404\u2013406\nAbusive relationships, 145\u2013146Acceptance. See also Radical \nacceptance; Reality Acceptance Skills\ndialectics and, 153distress tolerance and, 396radical acceptance, 342\u2013344turning the mind and, 345Walking the Middle Path and, \n74, 106\nAccepting self-talk, 344ACCEPTS ( Activities, \nContributions, C omparisons, \nEmotions, P ushing away, \nThoughts, S ensations), \n379\u2013381\nAcknowledgement, 129, 156Action steps, 296\u2013300Activities, 333, 379\u2013381. See also \nPleasant events, mindfulness of\nAdaptive denial, 317\u2013318, 363, \n410\nAddict mind, 360Addiction. See also Adaptive \ndenial; Alternate rebellion; Burning bridges and building new ones; Clear mind; Community reinforcement; Dialectical abstinence; Distress tolerance skills\nlist of common addictions, 356overview, 355overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 316\u2013318reinforcement of nonaddictive", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e940080e06ba-1", "page_content": "worksheets for, 316\u2013318reinforcement of nonaddictive \nbehaviors, 408\nskill practice and, 403\nAftereffects of emotions, 214\u2013222, \n275, 276, 281\u2013282\nAlternate rebellion, 363, 410Analyzing Behavior skills, 2, 6, \n19. See also Chain analysis; \nMissing-links analysis\nAnger\nchanging emotional responses \nand, 229\nopposite action and, 231, 233, \n242\nproblem solving and, 242\nApologizing, 130, 186Appearing confident\nDEAR MAN skills and, 126ending relationships and, 186interpersonal effectiveness \nscripts and, 174\nApproach, 231Asking for something, 111, \n131\u2013133, 176\u2013177\nAsking is this wise mind? practice, \n52. See also Mindfulness \npractice\nAsking wise mind a question \npractice, 51. See also \nMindfulness practice\nAssertiveness, 125\u2013127, 174, 185Assumptions\ninterpersonal effectiveness \nscripts and, 178\ninterpersonal effectiveness skills \nand, 135\noverview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 6\npracticing nonjudgmentalness \nand, 61\nregarding skills training, 11, 13\nAttention\nlevels of validation and, 129mindfulness practice and, 53model for describing emotions, \n213\nvalidation and, 156\nAuthority, 132, 176\u2013177Avoidance\nmindfulness of current thoughts \nand, 350\nopposite action and, 231positive emotions and, 252values and, 296Awareness, expanding. See also \nMindfulness practice\nmodel for describing emotions,", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e940080e06ba-2", "page_content": "Mindfulness practice\nmodel for describing emotions, \n213\nobserving skills and, 57overview, 52practicing one-mindfulness \nand, 62\nBehavior, 213\nBehavior analysis, 2, 6, 19. See \nalso Chain analysis\nBehavior change skills. See also \nChange\nextinguishing or punishing and, \n195\nidentifying, 164overview, 161\u2013164reinforcement, 194Walking the Middle Path and, \n149\nBehavioral analysis\nGeneral Handout 1: Goals of \nSkills Training, 9\nGeneral Handout 1a: Options \nfor Solving Any Problem, 10\nGeneral Handout 2: Overview\u2014\nIntroduction to Skills Training, 11\nGeneral Handout 3: Guidelines \nfor Skills Training, 12\nGeneral Handout 4: Skills \nTraining Assumptions, 13\nGeneral Handout 5: Biosocial \nTheory, 14\u201315\nGeneral Handout 6: Overview\u2014\nAnalyzing Behavior, 19\nGeneral Handout 7: Chain \nAnalysis, 20\nGeneral Handout 7a: Chain \nAnalysis, Step by Step, 21\u201322\nGeneral Handout 8: Missing-\nLinks Analysis, 23\nGeneral Worksheet 1: Pros and \nCons of Using Skills, 27\nGeneral Worksheet 2: Chain \nAnalysis of Problem Behavior, 31\u201334\nGeneral Worksheet 2a: \nExample\u2014Chain Analysis of Problem Behavior, 35\u201337\nGeneral Worksheet 3: Missing \nLinks Analysis, 37\noverview, 5\u20136", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e8a088e6da5c-0", "page_content": "412\u2002\u2022\u2002 index\nBehaviors, 9, 14\u201315, 113\u2013114, 360\nBeing mind. See also Mindfulness \npractice; Other Perspectives on Mindfulness\nbalancing with doing mind, \n72\u201373\noverview, 67overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 42\npracticing, 98\u2013100skillful means and, 71Walking the Middle Path and, \n105\u2013108\nBiological factors\ndescribing emotions and, \n214\u2013222\nemotion regulation skills and, \n211, 266\nmodel for describing emotions, \n213\nobserving and describing \nemotions, 281\u2013282\nBiosocial theory, 6, 11, 14\u201315Blocking thoughts, 350Bodily sensations\ndistracting methods and, 333distracting with wise mind \nACCEPTS, 379\u2013381\nmindfulness practice and, 53observing skills and, 54\u201357\nBody chemistry, 314, 329, 376Body language, 213, 281\u2013282Body scan meditation, 315, 335, \n385\nBody sensations, 264, 344Breathing techniques, 52, 56, 58, \n329. See also Mindfulness \npractice\nBreathing \u201cWise\u201d in, \u201cMind\u201d \nout practice, 51. See also \nMindfulness practice\nBuild mastery, 256Building Relationships and \nEnding Destructive Ones. See also Ending relationships; \nInterpersonal effectiveness skills; Relationships\nDEAR MAN skills and, 127ending relationships and, \n145\u2013146\nfinding and getting people to \nlike you, 140\u2013142, 183\nGIVE ( Gentle, [act] I nterested,", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e8a088e6da5c-1", "page_content": "GIVE ( Gentle, [act] I nterested, \nValidate, and [use an] E asy \nmanner) and, 128\ngoals of, 117mindfulness practice and, \n143\u2013144\noverview, 2, 124, 139overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 111\u2013112\nBurning bridges and building new \nones, 317, 362, 409. See also \nAddiction\ncapability, 132, 176\u2013177\nCentering prayer, 69Certainty, 69Chain analysis. See also Analyzing \nBehavior skills\nexample of, 35\u201337overview, 19overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 6\nsteps in, 20\u201322worksheets for completing, \n31\u201334\nChain of events, 20, 22, 32, 33, 36Change, 74, 106, 151. See also \nBehavior change skills\nChanging Emotional Responses. \nSee also Check the facts; \nEmotion regulation skills; Opposite action; Problem solving\noverview, 3, 227, 287overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 199\u2013200\npros and cons of changing \nemotions, 271\nCheck the facts. See also \nChanging Emotional Responses\nchanging emotional responses \nand, 227, 228\u2013229, 287\ninvalidation and, 158\u2013159overview, 285\u2013286problem solving and, 241values and, 296\nClean mind, 317, 360, 407Clear mind, 317, 359, 407. See also \nAddiction\nCommunication\nemotion diary, 277\u2013278emotions and, 210understanding and naming", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e8a088e6da5c-2", "page_content": "emotion diary, 277\u2013278emotions and, 210understanding and naming \nemotions and, 275, 276\nCommunity reinforcement, 317, \n361. See also Addiction\nComparisons, 61, 379\u2013381Compassion, 41, 70Connection to the universe, 59Consequences of a problem \nbehavior\nbehavior change skills and, 163chain analysis and, 20, 22, 34, \n37\nContemplative action, 69Contemplative prayer, 46, 69. See \nalso Mindfulness practice\nContributing, 333, 379\u2013381Conversation skills, 140\u2013141Cope ahead\nbuilding, 301overview, 256putting ABC skills together, 302radical acceptance and, 344reducing vulnerability to \nemotion mind and, 294\nCoping skills, 258Core Mindfulness skills. See also \nMindfulness practice\noverview, 2, 49overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 39\u201341\npracticing, 79\u201384\nCrisis Survival Skills. See also \nDistress tolerance skills; Pros and cons skill; STOP (S top, \nTake a step back, O bserve, \nand P roceed mindfully) skill\noverview, 3, 325, 369\u2013371overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 313\u2013315\nwhen to use, 326\nCurious mind, 350\nDCBA ( Dialectical abstinence, \nClear mind/ Community \nreinforcement, B urning \nbridges and building new ones, A lternate rebellion/\nAdaptive denial) skills, 355\nDEAR MAN skills. See also \nInterpersonal effectiveness skillsapplying to a current", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "e8a088e6da5c-3", "page_content": "DEAR MAN skills. See also \nInterpersonal effectiveness skillsapplying to a current \ninteraction, 127\nending relationships and, 145, \n185\u2013186\ninterpersonal effectiveness \nscripts and, 174\noverview, 123, 125\u2013126overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 110\u2013111, 112\ntracking interpersonal \neffectiveness skills and, 175\nDecreasing unwanted behaviors, \n162. See also Behavior change \nskills\nDescribing a problem behavior, \n20, 21, 31, 35\nDescribing skills. See also \u201cHow\u201d", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "9c63100d2943-0", "page_content": "effectiveness skills and, 175\nDecreasing unwanted behaviors, \n162. See also Behavior change \nskills\nDescribing a problem behavior, \n20, 21, 31, 35\nDescribing skills. See also \u201cHow\u201d \nskills; Mindfulness practice; \u201cWhat\u201d skills\ncore skills practice, 79, 80, \n81\u201382\nDEAR MAN skills and, \n125\u2013127\nemotion regulation skills and, \n198\nending relationships and, 185interpersonal effectiveness \nscripts and, 174\nmindfulness of others and, 143model for describing emotions, \n213\noverview, 40, 49, 53, 58\u201359overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 40\u201341\npracticing, 84\u201388problem solving and, 241understanding and naming \nemotions and, 281\u2013282\nways to describe emotions, \n214\u2013222\nDestructive relationships, 145\u2013146Dialectical abstinence, 357, \n404\u2013406. See also Addiction\nDialectics. See also Walking the \nMiddle Path\naddiction and, 317checklist for, 190identifying, 154noticing when you aren\u2019t \ndialectical, 191\noverview, 150\u2013154practicing, 189Walking the Middle Path and, \n149\nDiet, 257, 294, 303Difficult emotions. See also \nEmotion regulation skills\nemotion regulation skills and, \n202\nhandling, 311\u2013312managing, 263managing extreme emotions, 265mindfulness of current emotions \nand, 264, 311\nDime Game, 176\u2013177Direct experience, 69Disgust\nchanging emotional responses \nand, 229", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "9c63100d2943-1", "page_content": "changing emotional responses \nand, 229\nopposite action and, 234, 242problem solving and, 242ways to describe emotions, 214\nDistracting methods\ncrisis survival skills and, \n369\u2013371\noverview, 314\u2013315, 333with wise mind ACCEPTS, \n379\u2013381", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3ed95378cb23-0", "page_content": "index \u2002\u2022\u20024 1 3\nDistress Tolerance Handout 1: \nGoals of Distress Tolerance, \n321\nDistress Tolerance Handout 2: \nOverview\u2014Crisis Survival Skills, 325\nDistress Tolerance Handout 3: \nWhen to Use Crisis Survival Skills, 326\nDistress Tolerance Handout 4: \nSTOP Skill, 327\nDistress Tolerance Handout 5: \nPros and Cons, 328\nDistress Tolerance Handout 6: TIP \nSkills\u2014Changing Your Body Chemistry, 329\nDistress Tolerance Handout 6a: \nUsing Cold Water, Step by Step, 330\nDistress Tolerance Handout 6b: \nPaired Muscle Relaxation, Step by Step, 331\nDistress Tolerance Handout 6c: \nEffective Rethinking and Paired Relaxation, Step by Step, 332\nDistress Tolerance Handout 7: \nDistracting, 333\nDistress Tolerance Handout 8: \nSelf-Soothing, 334\nDistress Tolerance Handout 8a: \nBody Scan Meditation Step by Step, 335\nDistress Tolerance Handout 9: \nImproving the Moment, 336\nDistress Tolerance Handout 9a: \nSensory Awareness, Step by Step, 337\nDistress Tolerance Handout \n10: Overview\u2014Reality Acceptance Skills, 341\nDistress Tolerance Handout 11: \nRadical Acceptance, 342\nDistress Tolerance Handout 11a: \nRadical Acceptance\u2014 Factors That Interfere, 343\nDistress Tolerance Handout 11b:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3ed95378cb23-1", "page_content": "Distress Tolerance Handout 11b: \nPracticing Radical Acceptance Step by Step, 344\nDistress Tolerance Handout 12: \nTurning the Mind, 345\nDistress Tolerance Handout 13: \nWillingness, 346\nDistress Tolerance Handout 14: \nHalf-Smiling and Willing Hands, 347\nDistress Tolerance Handout 14a: \nPracticing Half-Smiling and Willing Hands, 348\u2013349\nDistress Tolerance Handout 15: \nMindfulness of Current Thoughts, 350\nDistress Tolerance Handout 15a: \nPracticing Mindfulness of Thoughts, 351\u2013352\nDistress Tolerance Handout 16: \nOverview\u2014When the Crisis Is Addiction, 355\nDistress Tolerance Handout 16a: \nCommon Addictions, 356\nDistress Tolerance Handout 17: \nDialectical Abstinence, 357\nDistress Tolerance Handout 17a: \nPlanning for Dialectical Abstinence, 358\nDistress Tolerance Handout 18: \nClear Mind, 359\nDistress Tolerance Handout 18a: Behavior Patterns Characteristic of Addict Mind and of Clean Mind, 360\nDistress Tolerance Handout 19: \nCommunity Reinforcement, 361\nDistress Tolerance Handout 20: \nBurning Bridges and Building New Ones, 362\nDistress Tolerance Handout 21: \nAlternate Rebellion and Adaptive Denial, 363\nDistress tolerance skills. See also \nAddiction; Crisis Survival Skills; Reality Acceptance Skills\ngoals of, 321goals of skills training and, 9overview, 3, 313overview of handouts and", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3ed95378cb23-2", "page_content": "worksheets for, 313\u2013318\nDistress tolerance skills module\nDistress Tolerance Handout 1: \nGoals of Distress Tolerance, 321\nDistress Tolerance Handout 2: \nOverview\u2014Crisis Survival Skills, 325\nDistress Tolerance Handout 3: \nWhen to Use Crisis Survival Skills, 326\nDistress Tolerance Handout 4: \nThe STOP Skill, 327\nDistress Tolerance Handout 5: \nPros and Cons, 328\nDistress Tolerance Handout 6: \nTIP Skills\u2014Changing Your Body Chemistry, 329\nDistress Tolerance Handout 6a: \nUsing Cold Water, Step by Step, 330\nDistress Tolerance Handout 6b: \nPaired Muscle Relaxation, Step by Step, 331\nDistress Tolerance Handout \n6c: Effective Rethinking and Paired Relaxation, Step by Step, 332\nDistress Tolerance Handout 7: \nDistracting, 333\nDistress Tolerance Handout 8: \nSelf-Soothing, 334\nDistress Tolerance Handout 8a: \nBody Scan Meditation Step by Step, 335\nDistress Tolerance Handout 9: \nImproving the Moment, 336\nDistress Tolerance Handout 9a: \nSensory Awareness, Step by Step, 337\nDistress Tolerance Handout \n10: Overview\u2014Reality Acceptance Skills, 341\nDistress Tolerance Handout 11: \nRadical Acceptance, 342\nDistress Tolerance Handout 11a: \nRadical Acceptance\u2014 Factors That Interfere, 343\nDistress Tolerance Handout 11b:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3ed95378cb23-3", "page_content": "Distress Tolerance Handout 11b: \nPracticing Radical Acceptance Step by Step, 344\nDistress Tolerance Handout 12: \nTurning the Mind, 345\nDistress Tolerance Handout 13: \nWillingness, 346\nDistress Tolerance Handout \n14: Half-Smiling and Willing Hands, 347Distress Tolerance Handout 14a: \nPracticing Half-Smiling and Willing Hands, 348\u2013349\nDistress Tolerance Handout", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6fb7a3deb68e-0", "page_content": "Willingness, 346\nDistress Tolerance Handout \n14: Half-Smiling and Willing Hands, 347Distress Tolerance Handout 14a: \nPracticing Half-Smiling and Willing Hands, 348\u2013349\nDistress Tolerance Handout \n15: Mindfulness of Current Thoughts, 350\nDistress Tolerance Handout 15a: \nPracticing Mindfulness of Thoughts, 351\u2013352\nDistress Tolerance Handout 16: \nOverview\u2014When the Crisis Is Addiction, 355\nDistress Tolerance Handout 16a: \nCommon Addictions, 356\nDistress Tolerance Handout 17: \nDialectical Abstinence, 357\nDistress Tolerance Handout \n17a: Planning for Dialectical Abstinence, 358\nDistress Tolerance Handout 18: \nClear Mind, 359\nDistress Tolerance Handout \n18a: Behavior Patterns Characteristic of Addict Mind and of Clean Mind, 360\nDistress Tolerance Handout 19: \nCommunity Reinforcement, 361\nDistress Tolerance Handout 20: \nBurning Bridges and Building New Ones, 362\nDistress Tolerance Handout \n21: Alternate Rebellion and Adaptive Denial, 363\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 1: \nCrisis Survival Skills, 369\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n1a: Crisis Survival Skills, 370\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n1b: Crisis Survival Skills, 371\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 2: \nPracticing the STOP Skill, 372\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n2a: Practicing the STOP Skill, 373\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 3:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6fb7a3deb68e-1", "page_content": "Distress Tolerance Worksheet 3: \nPros and Cons of Acting on Crisis Urges, 374\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n3a: Pros and Cons of Acting on Crisis Urges, 375\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n4: Changing Body Chemistry with TIP Skills, 376\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n4a: Paired Muscle Relaxation, 377\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n4b: Effective Rethinking and Paired Relaxation, 378\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 5: \nDistracting with Wise Mind ACCEPTS, 379\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n5a: Distracting with Wise Mind ACCEPTS, 380\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n5b: Distracting with Wise Mind ACCEPTS, 381\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 6: \nSelf-Soothing, 382\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n6a: Self-Soothing, 383\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n6b: Self-Soothing, 384\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n6c: Body Scan Meditation, Step by Step, 385", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6807887d8258-0", "page_content": "414\u2002\u2022\u2002 index\nDistress tolerance skills module \n(cont. )\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 7: \nIMPROVE the Moment, 386\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n7a: IMPROVE the Moment, \n387\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n7b: IMPROVE the Moment, 388\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 8: \nReality Acceptance Skills, 391\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n8a: Reality Acceptance Skills, 392\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n8b: Reality Acceptance Skills, 393\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 9: \nRadical Acceptance, 394\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n9a: Practicing Radical Acceptance, 395\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n10: Turning the Mind, Willingness, Willfulness, 396\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n11: Half-Smiling and Willing Hands, 397\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n11a: Practicing Half-Smiling and Willing Hands, 398\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n12: Mindfulness of Current Thoughts, 399\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n12a: Practicing Mindfulness of Thoughts, 400\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n13: Skills When the Crisis Is Addiction, 403\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n14: Planning for Dialectical Abstinence, 404\u2013406\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n15: From Clean Mind to Clear Mind, 407\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n16: Reinforcing Nonaddictive Behaviors, 408\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n17: Burning Bridges and Building New Ones, 409\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n18: Practicing Alternate Rebellion and Adaptive Denial, 410", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6807887d8258-1", "page_content": "18: Practicing Alternate Rebellion and Adaptive Denial, 410\noverview, 313\u2013318\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 1: \nCrisis Survival Skills, 369\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 1a: \nCrisis Survival Skills, 370\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 1b: \nCrisis Survival Skills, 371\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 2: \nPracticing the STOP Skill, 372\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 2a: \nPracticing the STOP Skill, 373\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 3: \nPros and Cons of Acting on Crisis Urges, 374\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 3a: \nPros and Cons of Acting on Crisis Urges, 375\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 4: \nChanging Body Chemistry with TIP Skills, 376\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 4a: Paired Muscle Relaxation, 377\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n4b: Effective Rethinking and Paired Relaxation, 378\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 5: \nDistracting with Wise Mind ACCEPTS, 379\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 5a: \nDistracting with Wise Mind ACCEPTS, 380\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 5b: \nDistracting with Wise Mind ACCEPTS, 381\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 6: \nSelf-Soothing, 382\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 6a: \nSelf-Soothing, 383\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 6b: \nSelf-Soothing, 384\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 6c: \nBody Scan Meditation, Step by Step, 385\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 7: \nIMPROVE the Moment, 386", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6807887d8258-2", "page_content": "Distress Tolerance Worksheet 7: \nIMPROVE the Moment, 386\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 7a: \nIMPROVE the Moment, 387\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 7b: \nIMPROVE the Moment, 388\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 8: \nReality Acceptance Skills, 391\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 8a: \nReality Acceptance Skills, 392\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 8b: \nReality Acceptance Skills, 393\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 9: \nRadical Acceptance, 394\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n9a: Practicing Radical Acceptance, 395\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n10: Turning the Mind, Willingness, Willfulness, 396\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 11: \nHalf-Smiling and Willing Hands, 397\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 11a: \nPracticing Half-Smiling and Willing Hands, 398\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n12: Mindfulness of Current Thoughts, 399\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 12a: \nPracticing Mindfulness of Thoughts, 400\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n13: Skills When the Crisis Is Addiction, 403\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet \n14: Planning for Dialectical Abstinence, 404\u2013406\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 15: \nFrom Clean Mind to Clear Mind, 407\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 16: \nReinforcing Nonaddictive Behaviors, 408\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 17: \nBurning Bridges and Building New Ones, 409\nDistress Tolerance Worksheet 18: \nPracticing Alternate Rebellion and Adaptive Denial, 410", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "6807887d8258-3", "page_content": "Practicing Alternate Rebellion and Adaptive Denial, 410\nDoing mind. See also Mindfulness \npractice; Other Perspectives on Mindfulness", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f2a8318cc3c5-0", "page_content": "Distress Tolerance Worksheet 18: \nPracticing Alternate Rebellion and Adaptive Denial, 410\nDoing mind. See also Mindfulness \npractice; Other Perspectives on Mindfulness\nbalancing with being mind, \n72\u201373overview, 67overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 42\npracticing, 98\u2013100skillful means and, 71Walking the Middle Path and, \n74, 105\u2013108\nDream rehearsal, 306. See also \nSleep\nDropping into the pauses between \ninhaling and exhaling practice, 52. See also \nMindfulness practice\neasy manner comments, 174, 186\nEating\nobserving skills and, 55, 58PLEASE ( Physica L illness, \nbalancing E ating, avoiding \nmood- Altering substances, \nbalancing S leep, and getting \nExercise) skills, 257\npracticing PLEASE skills, 303reducing vulnerability to \nemotion mind and, 294\nEffectiveness practice. See also \n\u201cHow\u201d skills\ncore skills practice, 79, 80, \n81\u201382\nideas for practicing, 63overview, 49, 60practicing, 88\u201393\nEmotion diary, 198Emotion mind\noverview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 200\u2013202\nreducing vulnerability to, \n293\u2013294\nvulnerability to, 247Walking the Middle Path and, \n74, 106\nEmotion Regulation Handout 1: \nGoals of Emotion Regulation, 205\nEmotion Regulation Handout 2: \nOverview\u2014Understanding and Naming Emotions, 209\nEmotion Regulation Handout 3: \nWhat Emotions Do for You, 210", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f2a8318cc3c5-1", "page_content": "Emotion Regulation Handout 3: \nWhat Emotions Do for You, 210\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n4: What Makes It Hard to Regulate Your Emotions, 211\nEmotion Regulation Handout 4a: \nMyths about Emotions, 212\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n5: Model for Describing Emotions, 213\nEmotion Regulation Handout 6: \nWays to Describe Emotions, 214\u2013223\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n7: Overview\u2014 Changing Emotional Responses, 227\nEmotion Regulation Handout 8: \nCheck the Facts, 228\nEmotion Regulation Handout 8a: \nExamples of Emotions That Fit the Facts, 229\nEmotion Regulation Handout 9: \nOpposite Action and Problem Solving\u2014 Deciding Which to Use, 230\nEmotion Regulation Handout 10: \nOpposite Action, 231\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n11: Figuring out Opposite Actions, 232\u2013240", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3078f9ed596d-0", "page_content": "index \u2002\u2022\u20024 1 5\nEmotion Regulation Handout 12: \nProblem Solving, 241\nEmotion Regulation Handout 13: \nReviewing Opposite Action \nand Problem Solving, 242\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n14: Overview\u2014Reducing Vulnerability to Emotion Mind: Building a Life Worth Living, 247\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n15: Accumulating Positive Emotions\u2014 Short Term, 248\nEmotion Regulation Handout 16: \nPleasant Events List, 249\u2013251\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n17: Accumulating Positive Emotions\u2014 Long Term, 252\nEmotion Regulation Handout 18: \nValues and Priorities List, 253\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n19: Build Mastery and Cope Ahead, 256\nEmotion Regulation Handout 20: \nTaking Care of Your Mind by Taking Care of Your Body, 257\nEmotion Regulation Handout 20a: \nNightmare Protocol, Step by Step\u2014 When Nightmares Keep You from Sleeping, 258\nEmotion Regulation Handout 20b: \nSleep Hygiene Protocol, 259\nEmotion Regulation Handout 21: \nOverview\u2014Managing Really Difficult Emotions, 263\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n22: Mindfulness of Current Emotions\u2014 Letting Go of Emotional Suffering, 264\nEmotion Regulation Handout 23: \nManaging Extreme Emotions, 265\nEmotion Regulation Handout 24: \nTroubleshooting Emotion Regulation Skills\u2014When What You Are D(oing Isn\u2019t Working, 266\u2013267\nEmotion Regulation Handout 25: \nReview of Skills for Emotion Regulation, 268\nEmotion regulation skills. See also \nABC PLEASE ( Accumulate", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3078f9ed596d-1", "page_content": "Emotion regulation skills. See also \nABC PLEASE ( Accumulate \npositive emotions, B uild \nmastery, C ope ahead of \ntime); Changing Emotional Responses; Difficult emotions; Managing Really Difficult Emotions; Reducing Vulnerability to Emotion Mind; Understanding and Naming Emotions\nbiosocial theory and, 14\u201315challenges in, 211describing emotions, 214\u2013222goals of, 205goals of skills training and, 9mindfulness of current emotions \nand, 264, 311\nmyths regarding, 212overview, 3, 197, 210, 268overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 197\u2013202\nproblem solving and, 10pros and cons of changing \nemotions, 271\ntipping the temperature and, 330troubleshooting, 202, 266\u2013267, \n312Emotion regulation skills module\nEmotion Regulation Handout 1: \nGoals of Emotion Regulation, 205\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n2: Overview\u2014Understanding and Naming Emotions, 209\nEmotion Regulation Handout 3: \nWhat Emotions Do for You, 210\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n4: What Makes It Hard to Regulate Your Emotions, 211\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n4a: Myths about Emotions, 212\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n5: Model for Describing Emotions, 213\nEmotion Regulation Handout 6: \nWays to Describe Emotions, 214\u2013223\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n7: Overview\u2014 Changing Emotional Responses, 227\nEmotion Regulation Handout 8: \nCheck the Facts, 228\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n8a: Examples of Emotions That Fit the Facts, 229", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "3078f9ed596d-2", "page_content": "8a: Examples of Emotions That Fit the Facts, 229\nEmotion Regulation Handout 9: \nOpposite Action and Problem Solving\u2014 Deciding Which to Use, 230\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n10: Opposite Action, 231\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n11: Figuring out Opposite Actions, 232\u2013240\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n12: Problem Solving, 241\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n13: Reviewing Opposite Action and Problem Solving, 242\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n14: Overview\u2014Reducing Vulnerability to Emotion Mind: Building a Life Worth Living, 247\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n15: Accumulating Positive Emotions\u2014 Short Term, 248\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n16: Pleasant Events List, 249\u2013251\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n17: Accumulating Positive Emotions\u2014 Long Term, 252\nEmotion Regulation Handout 18: \nValues and Priorities List, 253\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n19: Build Mastery and Cope Ahead, 256\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n20: Taking Care of Your Mind by Taking Care of Your Body, 257\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n20a: Nightmare Protocol, Step by Step\u2014 When Nightmares Keep You from Sleeping, 258\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n20b: Sleep Hygiene Protocol, 259\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n21: Overview\u2014Managing Really Difficult Emotions, 263Emotion Regulation Handout \n22: Mindfulness of Current Emotions\u2014 Letting Go of Emotional Suffering, 264", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "fce6a975fed3-0", "page_content": "Emotion Regulation Handout \n21: Overview\u2014Managing Really Difficult Emotions, 263Emotion Regulation Handout \n22: Mindfulness of Current Emotions\u2014 Letting Go of Emotional Suffering, 264\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n23: Managing Extreme Emotions, 265\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n24: Troubleshooting Emotion Regulation Skills\u2014When What You Are Doing Isn\u2019t Working, 266\u2013267\nEmotion Regulation Handout \n25: Review of Skills for Emotion Regulation, 268\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n1: Pros and Cons of Changing Emotions, 271\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n2: Figuring Out What My Emotions Are Doing for Me, 275\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n2a: Example\u2014Figuring Out What My Emotions Are Doing for Me, 276\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n2b: Emotion Diary, 277\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n2c: Example\u2014Emotion Diary, 278\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n3: Myths about Emotions, 279\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n4: Observing and Describing Emotions, 281\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n4a: Observing and Describing Emotions, 282\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n5: Check the Facts, 285\u2013286\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n6: Figuring Out How to Change Unwanted Emotions, 287\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n7: Opposite Action to Change Emotions, 288\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n8: Problem Solving to Change Emotions, 289\u2013290\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n9: Steps for Reducing Vulnerability to Emotion Mind, 293\u2013294\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n10: Pleasant Events Diary, 295\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "fce6a975fed3-1", "page_content": "10: Pleasant Events Diary, 295\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n11: Getting from Values to Specific Action Steps, 296\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n11a: Getting from Values to Specific Action Steps, 299\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n11b: Diary of Daily Actions on Values and Priorities, 300\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n12: Build Mastery and Cope Ahead, 301\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n13: Putting ABC Skills Together Day by Day, 302\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n14: Practicing PLEA SE Skills, 303\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n14a: Target Nightmare Experience Form, 304\u2013306", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cfb54302099c-0", "page_content": "416\u2002\u2022\u2002 index\nEmotion regulation skills module \n(cont. )\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n14b: Sleep Hygiene Practice \nSheet, 307\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n15: Mindfulness of Current Emotions, 311\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n16: Troubleshooting Emotion Regulation Skills, 312\noverview, 197\u2013202\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet 1: \nPros and Cons of Changing Emotions, 271\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n2: Figuring Out What My Emotions Are Doing for Me, 275\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n2a: Example\u2014Figuring Out What My Emotions Are Doing for Me, 276\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n2b: Emotion Diary, 277\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n2c: Example\u2014Emotion Diary, 278\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet 3: \nMyths about Emotions, 279\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n4: Observing and Describing Emotions, 281\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n4a: Observing and Describing Emotions, 282\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet 5: \nCheck the Facts, 285\u2013286\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet 6: \nFiguring Out How to Change Unwanted Emotions, 287\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet 7: \nOpposite Action to Change Emotions, 288\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet 8: \nProblem Solving to Change Emotions, 289\u2013290\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n9: Steps for Reducing Vulnerability to Emotion Mind, 293\u2013294\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n10: Pleasant Events Diary, 295\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n11: Getting from Values to Specific Action Steps, 296\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cfb54302099c-1", "page_content": "11: Getting from Values to Specific Action Steps, 296\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n11a: Getting from Values to Specific Action Steps, 299\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n11b: Diary of Daily Actions on Values and Priorities, 300\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n12: Build Mastery and Cope Ahead, 301\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n13: Putting ABC Skills Together Day by Day, 302\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n14: Practicing PLEASE Skills, 303\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n14a: Target Nightmare Experience Form, 304\u2013306\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n14b: Sleep Hygiene Practice Sheet, 307\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet 15: Mindfulness of Current Emotions, 311\nEmotion Regulation Worksheet \n16: Troubleshooting Emotion Regulation Skills, 312\nEmotional overload, 211, 267Emotional suffering. See Suffering\nEmotional vulnerability, 14, 205, \n268. See also Vulnerability\nEmotions\ndistracting methods and, 333distracting with wise mind \nACCEPTS, 379\u2013381\nemotion diary, 277\u2013278goals of skills training and, 9interpersonal effectiveness skills \nand, 135\nmodel for describing, 213myths regarding, 279\u2013280overview, 210\nEncouragement, 335, 386\u2013388Ending relationships, 112, \n145\u2013146, 185\u2013186. See also \nBuilding Relationships and Ending Destructive Ones\nEnvironmental factors\nbiosocial theory and, 15dialectics and, 151interpersonal effectiveness \nscripts and, 178\ninterpersonal effectiveness skills \nand, 135\nEnvy\nchanging emotional responses \nand, 229", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "cfb54302099c-2", "page_content": "and, 135\nEnvy\nchanging emotional responses \nand, 229\nopposite action and, 235, 243problem solving and, 243ways to describe emotions, 215\nEquality, 129, 156Exercise, physical\npracticing PLEASE skills, 257, \n303\nreducing vulnerability to \nemotion mind and, 294\nTIP ( Temperature, I ntense \nexercise, P aced breathing, \nand P aired muscle relaxation) \nskills and, 329, 376\nExpanding awareness practice, 52, \n57, 62. See also Mindfulness \npractice\nExpressing feelings and opinions\nDEAR MAN skills and, \n125\u2013127\ndescribing emotions and, \n214\u2013222\nending relationships and, 185interpersonal effectiveness \nscripts and, 174\nobserving and describing \nemotions, 281\u2013282\nExpressions, 213Extinction, 162, 195. See also \nBehavior change skills\nExtreme emotions, 265. See also \nDifficult emotions\nfacial expression, 213, 281\u2013282\nFact checking. See Check the facts\nFairness, 130, 186Familiarity, 140FAST ([be] F air, [no] A pologies, \nStick to values, and \n[be] T ruthful). See also \nInterpersonal effectiveness skills\nending relationships and, 145, \n185\u2013186interpersonal effectiveness \nscripts and, 174\noverview, 123, 130overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 111, 112\ntracking interpersonal \neffectiveness skills and, 175\nFear\nchanging emotional responses \nand, 229", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "89cbd7835f5b-0", "page_content": "scripts and, 174\noverview, 123, 130overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 111, 112\ntracking interpersonal \neffectiveness skills and, 175\nFear\nchanging emotional responses \nand, 229\nopposite action and, 231, 232, \n242\nproblem solving and, 242ways to describe emotions, 216\nFeelings, 58Flexibility, 9Friendships. See Relationships\nGeneral Handout 1: Goals of \nSkills Training, 9\nGeneral Handout 1a: Options for \nSolving Any Problem, 10\nGeneral Handout 2: Overview\u2014\nIntroduction to Skills Training, 11\nGeneral Handout 3: Guidelines for \nSkills Training, 12\nGeneral Handout 4: Skills \nTraining Assumptions, 13\nGeneral Handout 5: Biosocial \nTheory, 14\u201315\nGeneral Handout 6: Overview\u2014\nAnalyzing Behavior, 19\nGeneral Handout 7: Chain \nAnalysis, 20\nGeneral Handout 7a: Chain \nAnalysis, Step by Step, 21\u201322\nGeneral Handout 8: Missing-Links \nAnalysis, 23\nGeneral Worksheet 1: Pros and \nCons of Using Skills, 27\nGeneral Worksheet 2: Chain \nAnalysis of Problem Behavior, 31\u201334\nGeneral Worksheet 2a: Example\u2014\nChain Analysis of Problem Behavior, 35\u201337\nGeneral Worksheet 3: Missing \nLinks Analysis, 37\nGentleness, 128, 186GIVE ( Gentle, [act] I nterested, \nValidate, and [use an] \nEasy manner). See also \nInterpersonal effectiveness skills\nending relationships and, 145, \n185\u2013186\ninterpersonal effectiveness", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "89cbd7835f5b-1", "page_content": "ending relationships and, 145, \n185\u2013186\ninterpersonal effectiveness \nscripts and, 174\nlevels of validation and, 129overview, 123, 128overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 111, 112\ntracking interpersonal \neffectiveness skills and, 175\nGive and take, 133, 176\u2013177Goals\nasking or saying \u201cno\u201d and, 133behavior change skills and, 163diary of daily actions on, 300Dime Game, 176\u2013177interpersonal effectiveness \nscripts and, 178\ninterpersonal effectiveness skills \nand, 109\u2013110, 124\nof mindfulness practice, 39positive emotions and, 252problem solving and, 241", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f9a5b20a3765-0", "page_content": "i ndex\u2002\u2022 \u20024 1 7\nof skills training, 9\nspiritual perspective and, 68values and, 297, 299\nGuilt\nchanging emotional responses \nand, 229\nopposite action and, 240, 244problem solving and, 244ways to describe emotions, 222\nhalf-smiling, 347, 348\u2013349,\n392\u2013393, 397\u2013398. See also \nReality Acceptance Skills\nHandouts, overview of, 3\u20134, 5\u20136Happiness, 45, 217Harm reduction approach, 357, \n358, 404\u2013406\nHearing\nobserving skills and, 54, 58self-soothing and, 334, 382\u2013384sensory awareness, 337\nHomework, 133, 176\u2013177\u201cHow\u201d skills. See also Describing \nskills; Effectiveness practice; Mindfulness practice; Nonjudgmentalness; Observing skills; One-mindfully practice; Participating skills\noverview, 40\u201341, 49, 60overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 40\u201341\npracticing, 88\u201393\nHumor, 128\nillness, 257, 294, 303\nImagery, 258, 335, 352, 386\u2013388IMPROVE ( Imagery, Meaning, \nPrayer, Relaxing, One thing \nin the moment, V acation, \nself-Encouragement and \nrethinking the situation) skills, 335, 369\u2013371, 386\u2013388. See also Distress \ntolerance skills", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f9a5b20a3765-1", "page_content": "tolerance skills\nImproving the moment, 315Impulsivity, 9, 14, 359Integrative experience, 69Interest, 128, 186Interfering relationships, 145\u2013146Interpersonal conflict, 9Interpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 1: Goals of Interpersonal Effectiveness, 117\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 2: Factors in the Way of Interpersonal Effectiveness, 118\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 2a: Myths in the Way of Interpersonal Effectiveness, 119\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 3: Overview\u2014 Obtaining Objectives Skillfully, 123\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 4: Clarifying Goals in Interpersonal Situations, 124\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 5: Guidelines for Objectives Effectiveness\u2014Getting What You Want (DEAR MAN), 125\u2013126\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 5a: Applying DEAR MAN Skills to a Difficult Current Interaction, 127\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 6: Guidelines for Relationship Effectiveness\u2014Keeping the Relationship (GIVE), 128\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 7: Guidelines for Self-Respect Effectiveness\u2014Keeping Respect for Yourself (FAST), 130\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 8: Evaluating Options for Whether or How Intensely to Ask for Something or Say No, 131\u2013133\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 9: Troubleshooting\u2014When What You Are Doing Isn\u2019t Working, 134\u2013135\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 10: Overview\u2014 Building Relationships and Ending Destructive Ones, 139\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 11: Finding and Getting People to Like You, 140\u2013141", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f9a5b20a3765-2", "page_content": "Handout 11: Finding and Getting People to Like You, 140\u2013141\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 11a: Identifying Skills to Find People and Get Them to Like You, 142\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 12: Mindfulness of Others, 143\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 12a: Identifying Mindfulness of Others, 144\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 13: Ending Relationships, 145\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 13a: Identifying How to End Relationships, 146\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 14: Overview\u2014Walking the Middle Path, 149\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 15: Dialectics, 150\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 16: How to Think and Act Dialectically, 151\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 16a: Examples of Opposite Sides That Can Both Be True, 152\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 16b: Important Opposites to Balance, 153\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 16c: Identifying Dialectics, 154\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 17: Validation, 155\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 18: A \u201cHow To\u201d Guide to Validation, 156\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 18a: Identifying Validation, 157\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 19: Recovering from Invalidation, 158\u2013159\nInterpersonal Effectiveness Handout 19a: Identifying Self-Validation, 160\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 20: Strategies for Increasing the Probability of Behaviors You Want, 161\nInterpersonal Effectiveness", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f9a5b20a3765-3", "page_content": "Interpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 21: Strategies for Decreasing or Stopping Unwanted Behaviors, 162\nInterpersonal Effectiveness", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "081fd9655152-0", "page_content": "Interpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 21: Strategies for Decreasing or Stopping Unwanted Behaviors, 162\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 22: Tips for Using Behavior Change Strategies Effectively, 163\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 22a: Identifying Effective Behavior Change Strategies, 164\nInterpersonal effectiveness \nskills. See also Asking \nfor something; Building Relationships and Ending Destructive Ones; Interpersonal effectiveness skills module; Obtaining Objectives Skillfully; Saying \u201cno\u201d; Validation; Walking the Middle Path\nfactors and myths in the way of, \n118\u2013119\ngoals of, 9, 117interpersonal effectiveness \nscripts and, 174\nmindfulness of others and, \n143\u2013144, 184\noverview, 2, 109overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 109\u2013114\npriorities in, 173problem solving and, 10pros and cons of using, 167tracking, 175troubleshooting, 134\u2013135, \n178\u2013179\nInterpersonal effectiveness skills \nmodule. See also Interpersonal \neffectiveness skills, overview, 109\u2013114\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 1: Pros and Cons of Using Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills, 167\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 2: Challenging Myths in the Way of Obtaining Objectives, 168\u2013169\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 3: Clarifying Priorities in Interpersonal Situations, 173\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 4: Writing Out Interpersonal Effectiveness Scripts, 174\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 5: Tracking Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills Use, 175\nInterpersonal Effectiveness", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "081fd9655152-1", "page_content": "Interpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 6: The Dime Game\u2014Figuring Out How Strongly to Ask or Say No, 176\u2013177\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 7: Troubleshooting Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills, 178\u2013179", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "9788a2f833e0-0", "page_content": "418\u2002\u2022\u2002 index\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 8: Finding and \nGetting People to Like You, 183\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 9: Mindfulness of Others, 184\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 10: Ending Relationships, 185\u2013186\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 11: Practicing Dialectics, 189\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 11a: Dialectics Checklist, 190\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 11b: Noticing When You\u2019re Not Dialectical, 191\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 12: Validating Others, 192\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 13: Self-Validation and Self-Respect, 193\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 14: Changing Behavior with Reinforcement, 194\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 15: Changing Behavior by Extinguishing or Punishing It, 195\nInterpretations of events, 214\u2013 \n222\nIntuitive action, 53Invalidation. See also Validation\nbiosocial theory and, 15overview, 192overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 113\nrecovering from, 158\u2013159Walking the Middle Path and, \n149\nIsolation, 231\njealousy\nchanging emotional responses \nand, 229\nopposite action and, 236, 243problem solving and, 243ways to describe emotions, 218\nJoining conversations, 140\u2013141Judgments, 13, 61\nlistening, 58\nLoneliness, 9Love\nchanging emotional responses \nand, 229\nmindfulness practice and, 70opposite action and, 237, 243overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 41", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "9788a2f833e0-1", "page_content": "worksheets for, 41\nproblem solving and, 243ways to describe emotions, 219\nLoving kindness, 41\u201342, 70, \n97. See also Mindfulness \npractice; Other Perspectives on Mindfulness\nmanaging Really Difficult \nEmotions, 3. See also Emotion \nregulation skills\nMastery, 256, 293, 301, 302Meaning, 335, 386\u2013388Meditation. See also Mindfulness \npractice\nbody scan meditation, 335overview, 46practicing one-mindfulness \nand, 62\nWise Mind practice and, 69\nMindfulness Handout 1: Goals of \nMindfulness Practice, 45\nMindfulness Handout 1a: \nMindfulness Definitions, 46\nMindfulness Handout 2: \nOverview\u2014Core Mindfulness Skills, 49\nMindfulness Handout 3: Wise \nMind\u2014States of Mind, 50\nMindfulness Handout 3a: Ideas \nfor Practicing Wise Mind, 51\u201352\nMindfulness Handout 4: Taking \nHold of Your Mind\u2014\u201cWhat\u201d Skills, 53\nMindfulness Handout 4a: Ideas \nfor Practicing Observing, 54\u201357\nMindfulness Handout 4b: Ideas \nfor Practicing Describing, 58\nMindfulness Handout 4c: Ideas \nfor Practicing Participating, 59\nMindfulness Handout 5: Taking \nHold of Your Mind\u2014\u201cHow\u201d Skills, 60\nMindfulness Handout 5a: \nIdeas for Practicing Nonjudgmentalness, 61\nMindfulness Handout 5b: \nIdeas for Practicing One-Mindfulness, 62", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "9788a2f833e0-2", "page_content": "Ideas for Practicing One-Mindfulness, 62\nMindfulness Handout 5c: Ideas for \nPracticing Effectiveness, 63\nMindfulness Handout 6: \nOverview\u2014Other Perspectives on Mindfulness, 67\nMindfulness Handout 7: Goals \nof Mindfulness Practice\u2014A Spiritual Perspective, 68\nMindfulness Handout 7a: Wise \nMind from a Spiritual Perspective, 69\nMindfulness Handout 8: \nPracticing Loving Kindness to Increase Love and Compassion, 70\nMindfulness Handout 9: Skillful \nMeans\u2014Balancing Doing Mind and Being Mind, 71\nMindfulness Handout 9a: Ideas \nfor Practicing Balancing Doing Mind and Being Mind, 72\u201373\nMindfulness Handout 10: Walking \nthe Middle Path\u2014Finding the Synthesis between Opposites, 74\nMindfulness movement, 46. See \nalso Mindfulness practice\nMindfulness of current thoughts, \n316, 350, 351\u2013352, 392\u2013393, 399\u2013400\nMindfulness of others, 143\u2013144, \n184\nMindfulness practice. See also \nCore Mindfulness skills; \u201cHow\u201d skills; Loving kindness; Mindfulness skills module; Other Perspectives on Mindfulness; Skillful means; \u201cWhat\u201d skills; Wise Mind practice\ncore skills practice, 79\u201384DEAR MAN skills and, 126ending relationships and, 186goals of, 45goals of skills training and, 9interpersonal effectiveness \nscripts and, 174\ninterpersonal effectiveness skills \nand, 143\u2013144\nmindfulness of current emotions \nand, 264, 311\noverview, 2, 39, 39\u201342, 46overview of handouts and", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "9788a2f833e0-3", "page_content": "worksheets for, 39\u201342\nproblem solving and, 10pros and cons of practicing, 77\nMindfulness skills module. See", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "c7418a344852-0", "page_content": "and, 264, 311\noverview, 2, 39, 39\u201342, 46overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 39\u201342\nproblem solving and, 10pros and cons of practicing, 77\nMindfulness skills module. See \nalso Mindfulness practice\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 1: Goals of Interpersonal Effectiveness, 117\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 2: Factors in the Way of Interpersonal Effectiveness, 118\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 2a: Myths in the Way of Interpersonal Effectiveness, 119\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 3: Overview\u2014 Obtaining Objectives Skillfully, 123\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 4: Clarifying Goals in Interpersonal Situations, 124\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 5: Guidelines for Objectives Effectiveness\u2014Getting What You Want (DEAR MAN), 125\u2013126\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 5a: Applying DEAR MAN Skills to a Difficult Current Interaction, 127\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 6: Guidelines for Relationship Effectiveness\u2014Keeping the Relationship (GIVE), 128\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 6a: Expanding the V in GIVE\u2014 Levels of Validation, 129\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 7: Guidelines for Self-Respect Effectiveness\u2014Keeping Respect for Yourself (FAST), 130\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 8: Evaluating Options for Whether or How Intensely to Ask for Something or Say No, 131\u2013133\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 9: Troubleshooting\u2014When What You Are Doing Isn\u2019t Working, 134\u2013135\nInterpersonal Effectiveness", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "58a1ea12be6a-0", "page_content": "index \u2002\u2022\u20024 1 9\nHandout 10: Overview\u2014 \nBuilding Relationships and Ending Destructive Ones, 139\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 11: Finding and Getting People to Like You, 140\u2013141\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 11a: Identifying Skills to Find People and Get Them to Like You, 142\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 12: Mindfulness of Others, 143\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 12a: Identifying Mindfulness of Others, 144\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 13: Ending Relationships, 145\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 13a: Identifying How to End Relationships, 146\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 14: Overview\u2014Walking the Middle Path, 149\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 15: Dialectics, 150\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 16: How to Think and Act Dialectically, 151\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 16a: Examples of Opposite Sides That Can Both Be True, 152\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 16b: Important Opposites to Balance, 153\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 16c: Identifying Dialectics, 154\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 17: Validation, 155\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 18: A \u201cHow To\u201d Guide to Validation, 156\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 18a: Identifying Validation, 157\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 19: Recovering from Invalidation, 158\u2013159\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 19a: Identifying Self-Validation, 160", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "58a1ea12be6a-1", "page_content": "Handout 19a: Identifying Self-Validation, 160\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 20: Strategies for Increasing the Probability of Behaviors You Want, 161\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 21: Strategies for Decreasing or Stopping Unwanted Behaviors, 162\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 22: Tips for Using Behavior Change Strategies Effectively, 163\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nHandout 22a: Identifying Effective Behavior Change Strategies, 164\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 1: Pros and Cons of Using Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills, 167\nInterpersonal Effectiveness Worksheet 2: Challenging Myths in the Way of Obtaining Objectives, 168\u2013169\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 3: Clarifying Priorities in Interpersonal Situations, 173\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 4: Writing Out Interpersonal Effectiveness Scripts, 174\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 5: Tracking Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills Use, 175\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 6: The Dime Game\u2014Figuring Out How Strongly to Ask or Say No, 176\u2013177\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 7: Troubleshooting Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills, 178\u2013179\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 8: Finding and Getting People to Like You, 183\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 9: Mindfulness of Others, 184\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 10: Ending Relationships, 185\u2013186\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 11: Practicing Dialectics, 189\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 11a: Dialectics Checklist, 190\nInterpersonal Effectiveness", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "58a1ea12be6a-2", "page_content": "Worksheet 11a: Dialectics Checklist, 190\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 11b: Noticing When You\u2019re Not Dialectical, 191\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 12: Validating Others, 192\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 13: Self-Validation and Self-Respect, 193\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 14: Changing Behavior with Reinforcement, 194\nInterpersonal Effectiveness \nWorksheet 15: Changing Behavior by Extinguishing or Punishing It, 195\nMindfulness Handout 1: Goals \nof Mindfulness Practice, 45\nMindfulness Handout 1a: \nMindfulness Definitions, 46\nMindfulness Handout 2: \nOverview\u2014Core Mindfulness Skills, 49\nMindfulness Handout 3: Wise \nMind\u2014States of Mind, 50\nMindfulness Handout 3a: Ideas \nfor Practicing Wise Mind, 51\u201352\nMindfulness Handout 4: Taking \nHold of Your Mind\u2014\u201cWhat\u201d Skills, 53\nMindfulness Handout 4a: Ideas \nfor Practicing Observing, 54\u201357Mindfulness Handout 4b: Ideas \nfor Practicing Describing, 58\nMindfulness Handout 4c: Ideas \nfor Practicing Participating, 59\nMindfulness Handout 5: Taking \nHold of Your Mind\u2014\u201cHow\u201d Skills, 60\nMindfulness Handout \n5a: Ideas for Practicing Nonjudgmentalness, 61", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "1a9a4e6a7270-0", "page_content": "Mindfulness Handout 4c: Ideas \nfor Practicing Participating, 59\nMindfulness Handout 5: Taking \nHold of Your Mind\u2014\u201cHow\u201d Skills, 60\nMindfulness Handout \n5a: Ideas for Practicing Nonjudgmentalness, 61\nMindfulness Handout 5b: \nIdeas for Practicing One-Mindfulness, 62\nMindfulness Handout 5c: Ideas \nfor Practicing Effectiveness, 63\nMindfulness Handout \n6: Overview\u2014Other Perspectives on Mindfulness, 67\nMindfulness Handout 7: Goals \nof Mindfulness Practice\u2014A Spiritual Perspective, 68\nMindfulness Handout 7a: \nWise Mind from a Spiritual Perspective, 69\nMindfulness Handout 8: \nPracticing Loving Kindness to Increase Love and Compassion, 70\nMindfulness Handout 9: Skillful \nMeans\u2014Balancing Doing Mind and Being Mind, 71\nMindfulness Handout 9a: Ideas \nfor Practicing Balancing Doing Mind and Being Mind, 72\u201373\nMindfulness Handout 10: \nWalking the Middle Path\u2014Finding the Synthesis between Opposites, 74\nMindfulness Worksheet 1: \nPros and Cons of Practicing Mindfulness, 77\nMindfulness Worksheet 2: \nMindfulness Core Skills Practice, 78\nMindfulness Worksheet 2a: \nMindfulness Core Skills Practice, 79\nMindfulness Worksheet 2b: \nMindfulness Core Skills Practice, 80\nMindfulness Worksheet 2c: \nMindfulness Core Skills Calendar, 81\u201382\nMindfulness Worksheet 3: Wise \nMind Practice, 83\nMindfulness Worksheet 4:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "1a9a4e6a7270-1", "page_content": "Mind Practice, 83\nMindfulness Worksheet 4: \nMindfulness \u201cWhat\u201d Skills\u2014Observing, Describing, Participating, 84\nMindfulness Worksheet 4a: \nObserving, Describing, Participating Checklist, 85\nMindfulness Worksheet 4b: \nObserving, Describing, Participating Calendar, 86\u201387\nMindfulness Worksheet 5: \nMindfulness \u201cHow\u201d Skills\u2014 Nonjudgmentalness, One-Mindfulness, Effectiveness, 88\nMindfulness Worksheet 5a: \nNonjudgmentalness, One-Mindfulness, Effectiveness Checklist, 89", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "07f0ca496182-0", "page_content": "420\u2002\u2022\u2002 index\nMindfulness skills module ( cont. )\nMindfulness Worksheet 5b: \nNonjudgmentalness, One-\nMindfulness, Effectiveness Calendar, 90\u201391\nMindfulness Worksheet 5c: \nNonjudgmentalness Calendar, 92\u201393\nMindfulness Worksheet 6: \nLoving Kindness, 97\nMindfulness Worksheet 7: \nBalancing Being Mind with Doing Mind, 98\nMindfulness Worksheet 7a: \nMindfulness of Being and Doing Calendar, 99\u2013100\nMindfulness Worksheet 8: \nMindfulness of Pleasant Events Calendar, 101\u2013102\nMindfulness Worksheet 9: \nMindfulness of Unpleasant Events Calendar, 103\u2013104\nMindfulness Worksheet 10: \nWalking the Middle Path to Wise Mind, 105\nMindfulness Worksheet 10a: \nAnalyzing Yourself on the Middle Path, 106\nMindfulness Worksheet 10b: \nWalking the Middle Path Calendar, 107\nMindfulness Worksheet 1: Pros \nand Cons of Practicing Mindfulness, 77\nMindfulness Worksheet 2: \nMindfulness Core Skills Practice, 78\nMindfulness Worksheet 2a: \nMindfulness Core Skills Practice, 79\nMindfulness Worksheet 2b: \nMindfulness Core Skills Practice, 80\nMindfulness Worksheet 2c: \nMindfulness Core Skills Calendar, 81\u201382\nMindfulness Worksheet 3: Wise \nMind Practice, 83\nMindfulness Worksheet 4: \nMindfulness \u201cWhat\u201d Skills\u2014Observing, Describing, Participating, 84\nMindfulness Worksheet 4a: \nObserving, Describing, Participating Checklist, 85\nMindfulness Worksheet 4b:", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "07f0ca496182-1", "page_content": "Mindfulness Worksheet 4b: \nObserving, Describing, Participating Calendar, 86\u201387\nMindfulness Worksheet 5: \nMindfulness \u201cHow\u201d Skills\u2014 Nonjudgmentalness, One-Mindfulness, Effectiveness, 88\nMindfulness Worksheet 5a: \nNonjudgmentalness, One-Mindfulness, Effectiveness Checklist, 89\nMindfulness Worksheet 5b: \nNonjudgmentalness, One-Mindfulness, Effectiveness Calendar, 90\u201391\nMindfulness Worksheet 5c: \nNonjudgmentalness Calendar, 92\u201393\nMindfulness Worksheet 6: Loving \nKindness, 97\nMindfulness Worksheet 7: Balancing Being Mind with Doing Mind, 98\nMindfulness Worksheet 7a: \nMindfulness of Being and Doing Calendar, 99\u2013100\nMindfulness Worksheet 8: \nMindfulness of Pleasant Events Calendar, 101\u2013102\nMindfulness Worksheet 9: \nMindfulness of Unpleasant Events Calendar, 103\u2013104\nMindfulness Worksheet 10: \nWalking the Middle Path to Wise Mind, 105\nMindfulness Worksheet 10a: \nAnalyzing Yourself on the Middle Path, 106\nMindfulness Worksheet 10b: \nWalking the Middle Path Calendar, 107\nMissing-links analysis, 6, 19, \n23, 38. See also Analyzing \nBehavior skills\nMood, checking, 267Mood-dependent behavior, 9Moodiness, 211Motivation, 13, 210, 276, 277\u2013278Muscle relaxation. See Paired \nmuscle relaxation\nMyths\nemotion regulation skills and, \n198, 211, 212, 267\ninterpersonal effectiveness \nscripts and, 178\ninterpersonal effectiveness skills", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "07f0ca496182-2", "page_content": "interpersonal effectiveness \nscripts and, 178\ninterpersonal effectiveness skills \nand, 118\u2013119, 135\nobjectives effectiveness and, \n168\u2013169\nunderstanding and naming \nemotions and, 279\u2013280\nnegotiation, 126, 174, 186\nNightmare protocol, 258, \n304\u2013306\n\u201cNo.\u201d See Saying \u201cno\u201d\nNondefensiveness, 158\u2013159Nonjudgmentalness. See also \n\u201cHow\u201d skills\ncore skills practice, 79, 80, \n81\u201382\nideas for practicing, 61mindfulness skills and, 40\u201341overview, 49, 60practicing, 88\u201393validation and, 192\nNothing-to-do mind, 58, 74, 106\nobjectives effectiveness, 124, \n168\u2013169\nObserving skills. See also \u201cHow\u201d \nskills; Mindfulness practice; \u201cWhat\u201d skills\ncore skills practice, 79, 80, \n81\u201382\nemotion regulation skills and, \n198\nmindfulness of current thoughts \nand, 350, 351\nmindfulness of others and, 143overview, 40, 49, 53, 54\u201357overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 40\u201341\npracticing, 84\u201388problem solving and, 241turning the mind and, 345understanding and naming \nemotions and, 281\u2013282Obtaining Objectives Skillfully. \nSee also Interpersonal \neffectiveness skills\noverview, 2, 123overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 110\u2013111\npriorities in interpersonal \nsituations and, 173\nOne thing in the moment, 335,", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "07f0ca496182-3", "page_content": "situations and, 173\nOne thing in the moment, 335, \n386\u2013388\nOne-mindfully practice. See also \n\u201cHow\u201d skills\naddiction and, 359core skills practice, 79, 80, \n81\u201382\nideas for practicing, 62overview, 49, 60practicing, 88\u201393\nOpposite action. See also \nChanging Emotional Responses", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f1f638fe9849-0", "page_content": "\u201cHow\u201d skills\naddiction and, 359core skills practice, 79, 80, \n81\u201382\nideas for practicing, 62overview, 49, 60practicing, 88\u201393\nOpposite action. See also \nChanging Emotional Responses\nchanging emotional responses \nand, 227\nmindfulness of current thoughts \nand, 351\noverview, 231\u2013240, 242\u2013244, 288problem solving and, 230radical acceptance and, 344\nOrientation module\nGeneral Handout 1: Goals of \nSkills Training, 9\nGeneral Handout 1a: Options \nfor Solving Any Problem, 10\nGeneral Handout 2: Overview\u2014\nIntroduction to Skills Training, 11\nGeneral Handout 3: Guidelines \nfor Skills Training, 12\nGeneral Handout 4: Skills \nTraining Assumptions, 13\nGeneral Handout 5: Biosocial \nTheory, 14\u201315\nGeneral Handout 6: Overview\u2014\nAnalyzing Behavior, 19\nGeneral Handout 7: Chain \nAnalysis, 20\nGeneral Handout 7a: Chain \nAnalysis, Step by Step, 21\u201322\nGeneral Handout 8: Missing-\nLinks Analysis, 23\nGeneral Worksheet 1: Pros and \nCons of Using Skills, 27\nGeneral Worksheet 2: Chain \nAnalysis of Problem Behavior, 31\u201334\nGeneral Worksheet 2a: \nExample\u2014Chain Analysis of Problem Behavior, 35\u201337\nGeneral Worksheet 3: Missing \nLinks Analysis, 37\noverview, 5\u20136\nOrientation skills, 1\u20132, 5\u20136Other Perspectives on \nMindfulness, 2, 41\u201342, 67. See also Being mind; Doing", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "f1f638fe9849-1", "page_content": "mind; Loving kindness; Mindfulness practice\npaced breathing, 329, 376\nPaired muscle relaxation\noverview, 314, 331\u2013332, \n377\u2013378\nrethinking and, 332TIP ( Temperature, I ntense \nexercise, P aced breathing, \nand P aired muscle relaxation) \nskills and, 329, 376", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "4dc7f87a79fb-0", "page_content": "index \u2002\u2022\u2002421\nParticipating skills. See also \n\u201cHow\u201d skills; Mindfulness \npractice; \u201cWhat\u201d skills\ncore skills practice, 79, 80, \n81\u201382\nmindfulness of others and, 143overview, 40, 49, 53overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 40\u201341\npracticing, 84\u201388\nPhysical illness, 257, 294, 303Pleasant events diary, 295Pleasant events, mindfulness of\ncalendar for recording, 101\u2013102emotion regulation skills and, \n248\nlist of pleasant events, 249\u2013251overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 42, 200\u2013201\npleasant events diary, 295\nPLEASE ( Physica L illness, \nbalancing E ating, avoiding \nmood- Altering substances, \nbalancing S leep, and getting \nExercise) skills. See also ABC \nPLEASE ( Accumulate positive \nemotions, B uild mastery, \nCope ahead of time)\nemotion regulation skills and, \n266, 268\noverview, 201, 247, 257overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 201\npracticing, 303\nPositive emotions, 248, 252, 293, \n302\nPositive experiences, 248Practical experience, 69Praise, 140Prayer, 335, 386\u2013388Prevention plans, 20, 22, 34, 37Priorities\nasking or saying \u201cno\u201d and, 132diary of daily actions on, 300Dime Game, 176\u2013177emotion regulation skills and, \n201", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "4dc7f87a79fb-1", "page_content": "201\nin interpersonal situations, 173list of, 253\u2013255values and, 296\u2013300\nProblem solving. See also \nChanging Emotional Responses\nchanging emotional responses \nand, 227\nopposite action and, 230options for, 10overview, 241, 242\u2013244, \n289\u2013290\noverview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 5\u20136, 199\u2013200\nPrompting events to a problem \nbehavior\nchain analysis and, 20, 21, 31, \n35\ndescribing emotions and, \n214\u2013222\ndistracting with wise mind \nACCEPTS, 379\ninterpersonal effectiveness \nscripts and, 174\nmodel for describing emotions, \n213\nobserving and describing \nemotions, 281\u2013282\nunderstanding and naming \nemotions and, 275, 276Pros and cons skill. See also Crisis \nSurvival Skills\ncrisis survival skills and, \n369\u2013371\ncrisis urges and, 374\u2013375overview, 328radical acceptance and, 344\nPunishment, 162, 195. See also \nBehavior change skills\nPushing away, 333, 379\u2013381\nradical acceptance, 315\u2013316, \n342\u2013344, 392\u2013393, 394\u2013395. See also Acceptance; Reality \nAcceptance Skills\n\u201cRead minds,\u201d 129, 156Reality, 45Reality Acceptance Skills, 3, 315\u2013\n316, 341, 391\u2013393. See also \nAcceptance; Distress tolerance skills; Radical acceptance\nReasonable mind, 74, 106Rebellion, 317\u2013318Reciprocity, 133Reducing Vulnerability to Emotion", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "4dc7f87a79fb-2", "page_content": "Mind, 3. See also Emotion \nregulation skills\nReflecting back, 129, 156Reinforcement, 125\u2013127. See also \nBehavior change skills\ncommunity reinforcement and, \n361\nemotion regulation skills and, \n211, 266\nending relationships and, 185interpersonal effectiveness \nscripts and, 174\nof nonaddictive behaviors, 408overview, 161, 162practicing, 194\nRelationships. See also Building \nRelationships and Ending Destructive Ones; Ending relationships\nasking or saying \u201cno\u201d and, 133Dime Game, 176\u2013177effectiveness of, 124ending, 143\u2013144finding and getting people to \nlike you, 140\u2013142, 183\nmindfulness of others and, \n143\u2013144\noverview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 111\u2013112\nvalidation and, 155values and, 298\nRelaxation\nIMPROVE ( Imagery, M eaning, \nPrayer, R elaxing, O ne thing \nin the moment, V acation, \nself-Encouragement and \nrethinking the situation) skills, 335, 386\u2013388\nnightmare protocol, 258, 306\nRepair consequences of a problem \nbehavior, 20, 22, 34, 37\nRethinking, 314, 332, 335, 378Rights, 132, 176\u2013177Risk-taking, 359\nSadness\nchanging emotional responses \nand, 229\nopposite action and, 231, 238, \n243\nproblem solving and, 243ways to describe emotions, 220Safety, 145Sapiential experience, 69Satiation, 162. See also Behavior", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "4dc7f87a79fb-3", "page_content": "change skills\nSaying \u201cno,\u201d 111\u2013112, 131\u2013133, \n176\u2013177\nSelf-care, 257Self-denial, 74, 106Self-encouragement, 335Self-indulgence, 74, 106Self-respect\nasking or saying \u201cno\u201d and, 132Dime Game, 176\u2013177effectiveness of, 124overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 113\npracticing, 193\nSelf-soothing\ncrisis survival skills and, \n369\u2013371\noverview, 315, 334practicing, 382\u2013384", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "9dcebe7a75f0-0", "page_content": "worksheets for, 113\npracticing, 193\nSelf-soothing\ncrisis survival skills and, \n369\u2013371\noverview, 315, 334practicing, 382\u2013384\nSelf-talk, 344Self-validation, 113, 160, 193Senses\nobserving skills and, 54\u201355, 58self-soothing and, 334, 382\u2013384sensory awareness, 337\nSensory awareness, 337Shame\nchanging emotional responses \nand, 229\nopposite action and, 231, 239, 244problem solving and, 244ways to describe emotions, 221\nSkillful behaviors to replace \nproblem behaviors\nchain analysis and, 20, 22, 32, \n33, 36\npros and cons of using skills, 27\nSkillful means, 42, 67, 71. See also \nMindfulness practice\nSkills training\nassumptions regarding, 13General Handout 1: Goals of \nSkills Training, 9\nGeneral Handout 1a: Options \nfor Solving Any Problem, 10\nGeneral Handout 2: Overview\u2014\nIntroduction to Skills Training, 11\nGeneral Handout 3: Guidelines \nfor Skills Training, 12\nGeneral Handout 4: Skills \nTraining Assumptions, 13\nGeneral Handout 5: Biosocial \nTheory, 14\u201315\nGeneral Handout 6: Overview\u2014\nAnalyzing Behavior, 19\nGeneral Handout 7: Chain \nAnalysis, 20\nGeneral Handout 7a: Chain \nAnalysis, Step by Step, 21\u201322\nGeneral Handout 8: Missing-\nLinks Analysis, 23\nGeneral Worksheet 1: Pros and", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "9dcebe7a75f0-1", "page_content": "Links Analysis, 23\nGeneral Worksheet 1: Pros and \nCons of Using Skills, 27\nGeneral Worksheet 2: Chain \nAnalysis of Problem Behavior, 31\u201334\nGeneral Worksheet 2a: \nExample\u2014Chain Analysis of Problem Behavior, 35\u201337\nGeneral Worksheet 3: Missing \nLinks Analysis, 37\ngoals of, 9guidelines for, 12", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "53541ae30f90-0", "page_content": "422\u2002\u2022\u2002 index\nSkills training ( cont. )\nintroduction to, 11\noverview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 5\u20136\npros and cons of using skills, 27\nSleep\nnightmare protocol, 258, \n304\u2013306\nPLEASE ( Physica L illness, \nbalancing E ating, avoiding \nmood- Altering substances, \nbalancing S leep, and getting \nExercise) skills, 257\npracticing PLEASE skills, 303reducing vulnerability to \nemotion mind and, 294\nSleep hygiene protocol, 202, 307Smells\nobserving skills and, 54self-soothing and, 334, 382\u2013384sensory awareness, 337\nSocial environment, 15Solutions, 241Spiritual perspective. See also \nMindfulness practice\ngoals of mindfulness practice \nand, 68\nIMPROVE ( Imagery, M eaning, \nPrayer, R elaxing, O ne thing \nin the moment, V acation, \nself-Encouragement and \nrethinking the situation) skills, 335\nmindfulness skills and, 41overview, 67Wise Mind practice and, 69\nStone flake on the lake practice, \n51. See also Mindfulness \npractice\nSTOP (S top, T ake a step back, \nObserve, and P roceed \nmindfully) skill. See also \nCrisis Survival Skills\ncrisis survival skills and, \n369\u2013371\noverview, 314, 327practicing, 372\u2013373\nStopping unwanted behaviors, \n162. See also Behavior change \nskills", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "53541ae30f90-1", "page_content": "Stopping unwanted behaviors, \n162. See also Behavior change \nskills\nSubstance use, 257, 294, 303Suffering, 45, 205, 264Suppressing thoughts, 350\nTaste\nobserving skills and, 55, 58self-soothing and, 334, 382\u2013384sensory awareness, 337\nThoughts\ndescribing skills and, 58distracting methods and, 333distracting with wise mind \nACCEPTS, 379\u2013381\nmindfulness of current thoughts \nand, 350\nobserving skills and, 56\u201357, 58\nTiming, 133, 176\u2013177TIP ( Temperature, I ntense \nexercise, P aced breathing, \nand P aired muscle relaxation) \nskills\nbody chemistry and, 376crisis survival skills and, \n369\u2013371\noverview, 314, 329\nTipping the temperature, 329, 330, \n376Touch\nobserving skills and, 55, 58self-soothing and, 334, 382\u2013384sensory awareness, 337\nTruth, 130, 186Turning the mind, 345, 392\u2013393, \n396. See also Reality \nAcceptance Skills\nunderstanding, validation and, \n156\nUnderstanding and Naming \nEmotions. See also Emotion \nregulation skills\nemotion diary, 277\u2013278goals of, 205levels of validation and, 129myths about emotions, 279\u2013280observing and describing \nemotions, 281\u2013282\noverview, 3overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 197\u2013198\nwhat emotions are doing, \n275\u2013276\nUnpleasant events, 103\u2013104Urges", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "53541ae30f90-2", "page_content": "275\u2013276\nUnpleasant events, 103\u2013104Urges\naddiction and, 359crisis urges, 314observing skills and, 55, \n281\u2013282\nopposite action and, 231pros and cons skill, 328, \n374\u2013375\nvacation, 335, 386\u2013388\nValidation. See also Interpersonal \neffectiveness skills\nbiosocial theory and, 15dialectics and, 153ending relationships and, 186GIVE ( Gentle, [act] I nterested, \nValidate, and [use an] E asy \nmanner) and, 128, 129\nguidelines for, 156identifying, 157interpersonal effectiveness \nscripts and, 174\nlevels of, 129overview, 155\u2013159, 192overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 113\nWalking the Middle Path and, \n149\nValues\naction steps and, 296\u2013300diary of daily actions on, 300emotion regulation skills and, \n201\nending relationships and, 186FAST ([be] F air, [no] A pologies, \nStick to values, and [be] \nTruthful) and, 130\nlist of, 253\u2013255positive emotions and, 252\nVerbalizing thoughts or beliefs, \n351\nVisual observing\nobserving skills and, 54, 58overview, 58self-soothing and, 334, 382\u2013384sensory awareness, 337\nVulnerability. See also Emotional \nvulnerability\nbiosocial theory and, 14chain analysis and, 20, 21\u201322, \n31, 35to emotion mind, 247emotion regulation skills and, \n197, 266, 268", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "53541ae30f90-3", "page_content": "197, 266, 268\nmodel for describing emotions, \n213\nobserving and describing \nemotions, 281\u2013282\noverview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 200\u2013202\nWalking down the spiral \nstairs practice, 51. See also \nMindfulness practice\nWalking the Middle Path. See \nalso Dialectics; Interpersonal \neffectiveness skills; Mindfulness practice\ngoals of, 117overview, 2, 67, 74, 149overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 42, 112\u2013114\npracticing, 105\u2013108\n\u201cWhat\u201d skills. See also Describing \nskills; Mindfulness practice; Observing skills; Participating skills", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "667f5ed90d15-0", "page_content": "worksheets for, 42, 112\u2013114\npracticing, 105\u2013108\n\u201cWhat\u201d skills. See also Describing \nskills; Mindfulness practice; Observing skills; Participating skills\noverview, 40, 49, 53overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 40\npracticing, 84\u201388\nWhen the Crisis is Addiction, 3Willfulness, 396Willing hands, 347, 348\u2013349, \n392\u2013393, 397\u2013398. See also \nReality Acceptance Skills\nWillingness, 346, 392\u2013393, 396. \nSee also Reality Acceptance \nSkills\nWise Mind ACCEPTS, 314\u2013315, \n333\nWise Mind practice. See also \nMindfulness practice\nbalancing doing mind with \nbeing mind, 72\u201373\nchanging emotional responses \nand, 287\ncore skills practice, 79, 80, \n81\u201382\ndistracting with wise mind \nACCEPTS, 379\u2013381\nending relationships and, 143ideas for practicing, 51\u201352opposite action and, 230overview, 40, 49, 50, 67overview of handouts and \nworksheets for, 40, 41, 42\npracticing, 83skillful means and, 71from a spiritual perspective, 69Walking the Middle Path and, \n105\u2013108\nWithdrawal, 231Without words, 69Wordless watching, 53Worksheets, overview of, 3\u20134, 5\u20136Worries\nemotion regulation skills and, \n248\ninterpersonal effectiveness \nscripts and, 178\ninterpersonal effectiveness skills \nand, 135", "source": "dbt.pdf"} +{"id": "667f5ed90d15-1", "page_content": "scripts and, 178\ninterpersonal effectiveness skills \nand, 135\nobserving skills and, 57pleasant events diary and, 295", "source": "dbt.pdf"}