,id,label_binary,label,datetime,text,timeline_id 4519,5.52788945017516e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 11:28:49,"Appalled by the attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris, 10 - probably journalists - now confirmed dead. An attack on free speech everywhere.",297 4520,5.527890832114606e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 11:29:22,@tnewtondunn You guys should put one of their cartoons - maybe the last one they tweeted - on your front page tomorrow.,297 4521,5.5278914760658125e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 11:29:37,@tnewtondunn Important moment. Other papers could provide safety in numbers.,297 4522,5.5278972054011904e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 11:31:54,"@mjhsinclair @tnewtondunn Sadly, since none of the UK press dared reprint the Jyllands-Posten cartoons, I think that's very unlikely.",297 4523,5.527900627785482e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 11:33:15,@tnewtondunn solidarity is key - we can't be mute in the face of this repulsiveness. #StandUpForSatire #CharlieHebdo,297 4524,5.5279038609229414e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 11:34:33,@tnewtondunn @theuneasyreaper rip x,297 4525,5.527904468719452e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 11:34:47,@tnewtondunn @theuneasyreaper poor people :((((,297 4526,5.527920055591895e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 11:40:59,@tnewtondunn @mehdirhasan attacking religion is not free speech. People get hurt and then act like this which is also wrong,297 4527,5.527929193256714e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 11:44:37,"@tnewtondunn @toadmeister When will EU wake up?",297 4528,5.5279316775471514e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 11:45:36,@tnewtondunn #i'llridewithyou,297 4529,5.5279383978286285e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 11:48:16,@tnewtondunn Freedom of speech is something to be fought for. In 1824 I set up 'Correspondent' newspaper to report news without censorship,297 4530,5.5279422326390374e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 11:49:47,@mjhsinclair @Olenkafrenkiel @tnewtondunn No..On every newspaper from Russia to the USA.,297 4531,5.527943076323328e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 11:50:08,"@m33ryg @tnewtondunn @mehdirhasan Of course it is free speech, that's the definition of ""free speech"" to openly make comments or draw a pic!",297 4532,5.527945941158707e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 11:51:16,@Mumbobee @tnewtondunn @mehdirhasan if free speech hurts the feelings of 1.6 bil ppl then it's wrong and shouldn't happen,297 4533,5.527948816018596e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 11:52:24,@m33ryg @tnewtondunn @mehdirhasan You think people shouldn't be allowed to speak against any religion?,297 4534,5.5279549834910106e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 11:54:51,@UnbiasedF @tnewtondunn @mehdirhasan of course they should be allowed to speak against a religion but with facts not by ridiculing it,297 4535,5.5279565623527424e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 11:55:29,@m33ryg @Mumbobee @tnewtondunn @mehdirhasan You are an arsehole! #freeSpeech,297 4536,5.527958507838546e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 11:56:15,"@m33ryg @tnewtondunn @mehdirhasan ""Facts about a religion"" Do you see the irony in that statement?",297 4537,5.527959719992525e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 11:56:44,@katherine1924 @Mumbobee @tnewtondunn @mehdirhasan it's wrong that the men retaliated in this way but we need to look at why they did it,297 4538,5.527964242668544e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 11:58:32,@m33ryg @tnewtondunn @mehdirhasan Can you supply the factual evidence of a winged horse? Or a man resurrected after 3 days?,297 4539,5.527966929959076e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 11:59:36,@m33ryg @Mumbobee @tnewtondunn @mehdirhasan They presumably did it because they were 'offended'. You're an apologist of Islamist nut jobs!,297 4540,5.527970991387484e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 12:01:13,@katherine1924 @Mumbobee @tnewtondunn @mehdirhasan What else could have been the motive ? To prevent it from happening keep religion out,297 4541,5.527978211882066e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 12:04:05,@UnbiasedF If you go into such facts it will be a very long story to keep it short that 1.6 bil ppl can't have a prophet made a joke out.,297 4542,5.527988143448392e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 12:08:02,@Cavelloman1 @mjhsinclair @tnewtondunn @VictoriaPeckham and give true meaning to the hashtag #illridewithyou #charliehebdo.,297 4543,5.528011611288535e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 12:17:22,@Olenkafrenkiel @Cavelloman1 @mjhsinclair @tnewtondunn @VictoriaPeckham I'll ride with you. #illridewithyou http://t.co/dFLDTDqTbS,297 4544,5.528021654888776e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 12:21:21,"@m33ryg @katherine1924 @tnewtondunn @mehdirhasan This is the point of free speech, why get so offended!!?",297 4545,5.528028544536412e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 12:24:05,@Mumbobee this is what ppl are not understanding. Muslims get hurt when there prophet gets made a joke out. And some retaliate wrongly.,297 4546,5.5284560578637824e+17,0,0,2015-01-07 15:13:58,@m33ryg @katherine1924 @Mumbobee @tnewtondunn @mehdirhasan Keep religion out of it ? Bit late for that !,297 4547,5.249482060238807e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:39:40,"The latest @CBCNews on #Ottawa shootings. Gunman killed inside Parliament, soldier shot at War Memorial. http://t.co/kngapKTSCe #cdnpoli",298 4548,5.249484506650501e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:40:38,@CBCAlerts @CBCNews wtf this is canada,298 4549,5.249486018319565e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:41:14,@CBCAlerts @CBCNews RT PRAY FOR OUR SOLDIER,298 4550,5.249487109425889e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:41:40,@CBCAlerts @CBCNews any word on the condition of the soldier?🙏,298 4551,5.249496490657792e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:45:24,@CBCAlerts @CBCNews Everything has changed now..God be with us as we change everything and stand on guard for Canada.,298 4552,5.249503246045921e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:48:05,"“@CBCAlerts: #Ottawa shootings. Gunman killed inside Parliament, soldier shot at War Memorial."" @PoirierJeffrey U OK? 😦😨 #workfromhomesvp",298 4553,5.2495083308845875e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:50:06,@JamirSafi This is what happens when you have a Dicktator for a leader! People get crazy when SH pokes his nose where it doesn't belong!,298 4554,5.2495096237328794e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:50:37,"@CBCAlerts @RepMattSalmon @CBCNews Obviously, I spoke too soon. They got him. Good job. Hope the soldier is OK.",298 4555,5.2495143233245184e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:52:29,@CBCAlerts @CBCNews glad the shooter is dead. Praying for our security personnel Praying for Canada now.,298 4556,5.249518322807071e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:54:04,@CBCAlerts @CBCNews let's cancel moose hunting for Isis hunting#that religion,298 4557,5.249519042126152e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:54:21,@CBCAlerts tragic. Stay safe our law informers and partner dogs,298 4558,5.249520810364969e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:55:03,"“@CBCAlerts: The latest @CBCNews on #Ottawa shootings. Gunman killed inside Parliament, soldier shot at War Memorial. http://t.co/6p2G5V2F4I",298 4559,5.249525445951775e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:56:54,@CBCAlerts @PnPCBC @CBCNews Round up these assholes and send them all to hell...,298 4560,5.2497795250560614e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 17:37:52,@CBCAlerts @CBCNews we love our country and military personnel !! Keep safe,298 4561,5.249788441559122e+17,1,-1,2014-10-22 17:41:24,@CBCAlerts @CBCNews whats happening at the Ottawa Airport.,298 4562,5.249794034034442e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 17:43:38,@CBCAlerts @CBCNews I wirk security so am imagining what must be happening there abd the airport.,298 4563,5.2499632930790605e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 18:50:53,"@CBCAlerts @ImStillSassy @CBCNews There were two gunmen apparently. One was shot dead, the other is still at large. according to Sun News",298 4564,5.249965101327442e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 18:51:36,"@CBCAlerts @ImStillSassy @CBCNews One parlemetry guard was shot dead, two other wounded",298 4565,5.2499685643125146e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 18:52:59,@Trial_Watcher1 @CBCAlerts @CBCNews Better not believe what we read on internet... or Tweeter LOL,298 4566,5.249970883259556e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 18:53:54,"@CBCAlerts @ImStillSassy @CBCNews There are tons of Jihadists in Canada. Que., Ont. especially.Ont/US border in buffalo is a Muzzie corridor",298 4567,5.249974900354048e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 18:55:30,"@Trial_Watcher1 @CBCAlerts @CBCNews We, or better say, NOBODY can say for sure if these attack were jihadists acts or a crazy canadian...",298 4568,5.249980761642148e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 18:57:50,"@ImStillSassy @CBCAlerts @CBCNews The one yesterday we sure can, Todays remains to be confirmed, but prob. is as well, not that cbc wld say",298 4569,5.249984243795231e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 18:59:13,@Trial_Watcher1 @CBCAlerts @CBCNews Like I said before... I don't believe what I read on internet or Tweeter or FB... LMAO ;),298 4570,5.2499901253840896e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 19:01:33,"@ImStillSassy @CBCAlerts @CBCNews One parelent guard was killed today, two wounded. Attack was from 2 gunmen",298 4571,5.2499980197350605e+17,1,-1,2014-10-22 19:04:41,@Trial_Watcher1 @CBCAlerts @CBCNews And the news I'm watching right now are saying so much different than what you're posting in here LOL,298 4572,5.5348008299687936e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 09:15:09,Reports of fatality and injuries following shootout ahead of Dammartin-en-Goele hunt - live coverage: http://t.co/JM4ot03Ge5 #CharlieHebdo,299 4573,5.534810020104192e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 09:18:48,“@BBCBreaking: Reports of fatality and injuries following shootout ahead of Dammartin-en-Goele hunt - live coverage: #CharlieHebdo”,299 4574,5.534825354899251e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 09:24:54,"@BBCBreaking @BBCWorld The only reason muslim fascisim exists in the west is because western regimes are permitting,feeding and excusing it",299 4575,5.5348292158438195e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 09:26:26,French prosecutor denies reports that at least one person killed in shootout during #CharlieHebdo manhunt http://t.co/jMOZXPaSOJ,299 4576,5.534837116272681e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 09:29:34,@BBCBreaking Correction by prosecutor saying no on killed in shootout.,299 4577,5.534843245493166e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 09:32:00,@BBCBreaking #CharlieHebdo we don't want those terrorist alive & to listen to their tantrums in court & shouting crappy praise of allah,299 4578,5.534856428945531e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 09:37:15,"@juice_pre @BBCBreaking U.S. Spies See Al Qaeda Fingerprints on Paris Massacre http://t.co/fReJe2QW0f",299 4579,5.5349078965827174e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 09:57:42,@_manckie_ @BBCBreaking @BBCWorld and in particular the dangerous and rancid left,299 4580,5.5349562552721e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 10:16:55,@Mickc1303 @JosephQuilala @BBCBreaking @BBCWorld think the post was intended to be ironic rather than there being any direct linkage.,299 4581,5.5349593743243264e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 10:18:09,@Mickc1303 @JosephQuilala @BBCBreaking @BBCWorld why am I involved in this thread? Please drop me out .. thanks,299 4582,5.5350743528638054e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 11:03:50,@ManchesterNorth @BBCBreaking @BBCWorld in all fascist States criticism of the governing ideology is a dangerous thing.,299 4583,5.811539239872061e+17,0,0,2015-03-26 18:01:07,"Germanwings co-pilot battled depression in '09, friends say. http://t.co/srhDPf4Zn5 http://t.co/I3Zd1RyNud",300 4584,5.819142664391803e+17,0,0,2015-03-28 20:22:27,@J_Slaven13 you're an idiot,300 4585,5.819155073911398e+17,0,0,2015-03-28 20:27:23,@EddieSureman you still read the tweet,300 4586,5.811546132540867e+17,0,0,2015-03-26 18:03:51,@FoxNews they really need to evaluate these people better .There's much at stake.,300 4587,5.811548597155308e+17,0,0,2015-03-26 18:04:50,"@FoxNews *IF* it was, do suicidal people want to take others with them? Not snarky. Truly curious.",300 4588,5.811549305110733e+17,0,0,2015-03-26 18:05:07,"@FoxNews He lost, miserably! God just dug hell 150' deeper, just for him!",300 4589,5.811549956402217e+17,1,-1,2015-03-26 18:05:22,@FoxNews six years ago... real good evidence. Not!,300 4590,5.811552601959588e+17,1,-2,2015-03-26 18:06:26,"@FoxNews Its a sad state when a coward that wants to kill himself takes men, women and children with him.",300 4591,5.811552885160059e+17,1,-2,2015-03-26 18:06:32,@FoxNews @AirCrashMayday How does depression lead to mass murder of innocents. This is closer to a school shooting than suicide,300 4592,5.811558954778255e+17,1,-2,2015-03-26 18:08:57,@FoxNews No excuse...everyone battles something..still know right from VERY wrong..,300 4593,5.811560015351398e+17,1,-2,2015-03-26 18:09:22,"@FoxNews Death wish is one thing but murderous, homicidal behavior is something else. This guy was also psychotic. Must've been signs.",300 4594,5.811564077744292e+17,1,-2,2015-03-26 18:10:59,@EddieSureman all the tweet is doing is stating a fact. Not evidence.,300 4595,5.811570684191252e+17,1,-2,2015-03-26 18:13:37,"@FoxNews I get depressed too, but do I feel the need to kill 150 innocent people? No. @debrajsaunders @hknightsf @annkillion @MissBigelow",300 4596,5.811571672202772e+17,1,-2,2015-03-26 18:14:00,@FoxNews this is the saddest story ever. ... what a waste of life. How terrifying 4 those innocent passengers.,300 4597,5.811574212735222e+17,1,-2,2015-03-26 18:15:01,@FoxNews I just wonder if he cried allah un abar b4killing all those people... was he one of the good muslims,300 4598,5.811575263911199e+17,1,-2,2015-03-26 18:15:26,"@FoxNews #germanwings suicide or terrorist attack the end result is the same, not the liability.",300 4599,5.811580145074627e+17,1,-2,2015-03-26 18:17:22,@FoxNews a depressed person could kill himself but why would he take the lives of others without ideological or vengeance incentives.,300 4600,5.811592831753994e+17,1,-2,2015-03-26 18:22:25,"@FoxNews The saddest part, this story will be forgotten and buried within 4 weeks.",300 4601,5.811612811991613e+17,1,-2,2015-03-26 18:30:21,@FoxNews The airline should have known that!,300 4602,5.811621024145572e+17,1,-2,2015-03-26 18:33:37,@HippoluATX @FoxNews 12 minutes silence .bit suspicious if you asked me!,300 4603,5.811624618076856e+17,1,-2,2015-03-26 18:35:03,@FoxNews sigh,300 4604,5.811694580409344e+17,1,-2,2015-03-26 19:02:51,@FoxNews ...pilot is a f*cking coward!!!...should have jump off a dam bridge instead of killing innocent people...poor families..😢,300 4605,5.811905180440003e+17,1,-2,2015-03-26 20:26:32,@J_Slaven13 get some followers then I'll read that tweet,300 4606,5.812026369653555e+17,1,-2,2015-03-26 21:14:41,@EddieSureman can't help but laugh at people that respond like that lol. Why didn't you just not respond cause you obviously read the tweet,300 4607,5.002985889925939e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 15:10:53,Police have named the cop who shot Michael Brown. @alicesperi's latest report from #Ferguson: http://t.co/1K79nsOtx3 http://t.co/cV3VCkUR6L,301 4608,5.0029905636806656e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 15:12:44,@vicenews @alicesperi Brown suspect in robbery before death,301 4609,5.0029959504633446e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 15:14:53,@vicenews @VICE @alicesperi FOX NEWS exposed the lies.The guy was wanted for strong arm robbery.All of the race baiters need to be locked up,301 4610,5.0029988551448166e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 15:16:02,"@vicenews @VICE @alicesperi CNN,MDNBC race baiting, They did not look for facts, they tried to create them to incite blacks.",301 4611,5.003002153251881e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 15:17:21,@vicenews @VICE @alicesperi Blacks want to have control over the police. like lets form a committee and have a conversation.Police don't,301 4612,5.003005332617994e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 15:18:36,"@vicenews @VICE @alicesperi Police have a duty to protect everyone, blacks protect criminals and use the death to make money.",301 4613,5.003009133122888e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 15:20:07,"@vicenews @alicesperi If anyone's curious what cognitive dissonance looks like, examine this Bobby News gent.",301 4614,5.0030096228040294e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 15:20:19,"@vicenews @VICE @alicesperi Whites need to wake up and stop feeling sorry for the raciest, they are experts in RACE BAITING, communist agend",301 4615,5.003015366274007e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 15:22:36,@vicenews @VICE @alicesperi Stop giving blacks free press and let the police do their job.We need a president a top cop that uphold the law,301 4616,5.003016484101857e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 15:23:02,“@Clippy4: @vicenews @alicesperi Brown suspect in robbery before death” suspect in stealing a candy bar,301 4617,5.0030168986209894e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 15:23:12,@vicenews @VICE @alicesperi but the kid in the back is throwing up gang signs....smh,301 4618,5.0030184107975475e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 15:23:48,@vicenews @VICE @alicesperi way to flash a gang sign while asking for peace,301 4619,5.0030196270198374e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 15:24:17,@93s_VvavyBaby @vicenews @alicesperi nevertheless,301 4620,5.003019747686072e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 15:24:20,"@vicenews @VICE @alicesperi Reporters may have freedom of speech,they need to be held accountable for lies,race baiting, interfering with po",301 4621,5.003021201813258e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 15:24:55,@vicenews @alicesperi aye is this a peace sign or gang sign?,301 4622,5.003023226235863e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 15:25:43,"@Clippy4 @vicenews @alicesperi correct stealing is no good but in sure jail sentence or a fine would've justified it, not a death sentence",301 4623,5.0030248972887654e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 15:26:23,@bobbybnews @vicenews @VICE @alicesperi WRONG AGAIN BITCH!,301 4624,5.0030316355219866e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 15:29:04,@93s_VvavyBaby @vicenews @alicesperi he was resisting arrest,301 4625,5.003032216055521e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 15:29:17,@bobbybnews @vicenews @VICE @alicesperi we prefer the term African American sir,301 4626,7.677259567064146e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:11:46,"""Go online & put down 'Hillary Clinton illness,'"" Rudy says. Yes -- but look up the truth -- not health smears https://t.co/EprqiZhAxM",302 4627,7.67726293479723e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:13:06,@brianstelter #Giuliani wouldn't know the truth if it bit him on his big racist ass,302 4628,7.677263088561275e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:13:10,@brianstelter Brian instead of focusing on fake Hillary health conspiracies you should point out Trumps visible mental instability.,302 4629,7.67726387415294e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:13:29,@brianstelter @CNN hey if it's on the Internet it must be true right Rudy. BTW sorry to hear abt the Alzheimers,302 4630,7.677264316400927e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:13:39,"@brianstelter Can also search for ""Giuliani knew about 9/11"" Yet I bet he thinks 'those' are crazy conspiracies.....",302 4631,7.677265533084918e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:14:08,"@brianstelter healthy people do not fall 4 times, need Stools, Pillows, handrails and constant medical supervision. And prism glasses",302 4632,7.677265887461458e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:14:17,"@brianstelter Google Rudy Guiliani health, it says he has Alzheimer's. Okay, then I guess I have to believe that too.",302 4633,7.677267573698028e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:14:57,"@brianstelter then google Giuliani there's proof he suffers from PROSTATE PROBLEMS, ERICTILE DISFUNCTION AND ALZHEIMERS its online!!",302 4634,7.677269438107566e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:15:41,@brianstelter She clearly has a medical condition that causes her to constantly lie.,302 4635,7.67727125608661e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:16:25,@brianstelter @CNN do you have definitive answers? ?,302 4636,7.677271888e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:16:40,"@brianstelter I wonder if Rudy Googles ""9/11 Truth""? Lol",302 4637,7.677272571714642e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:16:56,"@brianstelter they are deperate and why dont you read the nyt article trump is 650 million in debtt to china and goldman sachs",302 4638,7.677274433984512e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:17:40,@brianstelter would CNN's covering up for her be considered the truth?,302 4639,7.677276220465111e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:18:23,@brianstelter Just talking about this BS gives it credibility. You're better than that @brianstelter Stop reciting trumps BS,302 4640,7.677277181420872e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:18:46,"@brianstelter POS liberal clown-demands that people look up ""truth""(the propaganda from Hillary's campaign) vs ""smears""(raw video evidence)",302 4641,7.677280059763261e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:19:54,"@brianstelter Can we *not* participate in the mainstreaming of conspiracy theories? ""Many ppl are saying"" it reinforces misinformation.",302 4642,7.677280979280527e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:20:16,"@brianstelter Go on line and put ""old NY mayor who lost his marbles and went full-scale whackadoo"" and you'll find Rudy's pic.",302 4643,7.677287404869509e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:22:50,@brianstelter trump is jealous Hillary has friends and family to spend time with. Also that she's smarter & better organized=best manager!,302 4644,7.677287766671401e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:22:58,"@brianstelter 10 pushups. If she does 10 pushups the conspiracy theory goes away. A sobriety test works too, but we all know she'd fail that",302 4645,7.677289377198981e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:23:37,@brianstelter trump cant plan his way out of a wet paper bag!,302 4646,7.677292121909617e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:24:42,@brianstelter Brian can you confirm you aren't working/ communicating with HRC/DNC ?,302 4647,7.677293653460582e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:25:19,"@brianstelter go online and put down ""Giuliani in drag""",302 4648,7.677298876376351e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:27:23,@brianstelter these republicans need to stop acting like Trump isn't considered elderly as well🙄😒,302 4649,7.677299481235415e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:27:38,@brianstelter brilliant insight from Dr Brian!,302 4650,7.677300961657569e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:28:13,"@brianstelter @fmanjoo for the record, New Yorkers largely dislike Giuliani from my experience. He's not some sort of 9/11 hero. He's a dick",302 4651,7.677303202465096e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:29:06,@brianstelter Full vetting of her Med records could put this to rest?,302 4652,7.677303446278431e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:29:12,@brianstelter @CNN what is wrong with this man? Seriously? I zero respect for the entire Republican Party these conspiracy theories wow!,302 4653,7.677305644094054e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:30:04,@brianstelter @CNN https://t.co/xRxVzQQv3b,302 4654,7.677306828566077e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:30:33,@brianstelter @Wary12 @CNN.NASTY Rudy first wife was his Cousin.He has dealt with serious illness,302 4655,7.67730695619752e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:30:36,"@brianstelter I know you think you're debunking, but the reality is that your continued coverage of this bogus story just perpetuates it.",302 4656,7.67730766155436e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:30:53,"@brianstelter ""see, it's on CNN! there must be something to it""",302 4657,7.677308656484803e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:31:16,@winston__1984 @brianstelter yeah as well as Trump who has to recite conspiracy theories.,302 4658,7.677315326729298e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:33:55,@brianstelter @CNN what's the truth?,302 4659,7.677315373916078e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:33:56,"@brianstelter Clearly @hillaryclinton has an illness. Chronic lying, catheter bag, stools, pillows, sleeping through calls, hiring rejects",302 4660,7.677316784754196e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:34:30,"@brianstelter @fmanjoo #HillarysHealth Hillary should RELEASE her medical records if she has nothing to hide https://t.co/VRB0tqvOZp",302 4661,7.67731777205076e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:34:54,"@brianstelter @fmanjoo hey stelter, manjuice, what's it been now..... +260 days.....what's up with that?",302 4662,7.677321974365798e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:36:34,@brianstelter SELTZER- went on line and read about Clinton's illness not one to be played with and explains some of Clinton's behavior,302 4663,7.677323764914627e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:37:16,"@brianstelter @fmanjoo Stop denying, She can't hold a press conference! The videos showing her disease are legions.",302 4664,7.677324095425167e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:37:24,@LoisLenzo @brianstelter Were talking about the liberal media. Are all Libs his slow?,302 4665,7.677326333378642e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:38:18,"@brianstelter @fmanjoo HRC needs help? Isn't $200mm, major media, Hollywood, Facebook & a sitting POUS enough? U want Google to fix it?",302 4666,7.677330263106765e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:39:51,"@MyronGaines17 @brianstelter Hell, just unload a pallet from a semi truck.",302 4667,7.677346445611868e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:46:17,@brianstelter I guess Dr. Drew is conspiracy!!!https://t.co/mIcUMZWZQZ,302 4668,7.677348064026092e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:46:56,@brianstelter This normal? #HillarysHealth #HillarysStools #illaryClinton Is this a right wing conspiracy? u decide. https://t.co/UsX87gbS9H,302 4669,7.677358325642486e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:51:00,@brianstelter Just because I question her integrity & intentions for this nation doesn't mean I want to see her sick. Just letting ppl know!,302 4670,7.677359073823539e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:51:18,@LoisLenzo @brianstelter @CNN https://t.co/MTPvvwMN7p,302 4671,7.677363255335567e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:52:58,@brianstelter @CNN https://t.co/pFMTmCIDk7,302 4672,7.677363610593198e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:53:06,@brianstelter @CNN https://t.co/qKUuP0GrE9,302 4673,7.677364726193193e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:53:33,@brianstelter @CNN https://t.co/HJwh5qrVlE,302 4674,7.677369530853007e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:55:28,"@brianstelter #HillarysHealth Why don't you ask Hillary to release ACTUAL medical records https://t.co/VRB0tqvOZp https://t.co/Bs74G0DDXg",302 4675,7.677371989762621e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:56:26,@dildobaggs @brianstelter @CNN ridiculous! Grow up!,302 4676,7.677376055384474e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:58:03,@winston__1984 @brianstelter his slow? lol,302 4677,7.677380467080643e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 14:59:48,@LoisLenzo @brianstelter Lol. You got me on a mistype. But of course you still lost the argument.,302 4678,7.677383078286459e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 15:00:51,"@brianstelter Well, mission accomplished, republican ratfkng works again. Hillary health injected into mainstream news, without a blush.",302 4679,7.67738880065835e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 15:03:07,"@brianstelter You mean like this? https://t.co/MzHYUY63Hw",302 4680,7.677393891914342e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 15:05:08,@winston__1984 @brianstelter nah just won't argue with a Trump lover anyone who supports his behavior is just as bad.,302 4681,7.677419477631672e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 15:15:18,"@LoisLenzo @brianstelter Then how do you support Hillary using that logic. Oh wait, logic. Lol",302 4682,7.677433825380598e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 15:21:01,@brianstelter please stop reporting on Hillary's health just because some people are making it an issue. It's not. Case over. Move on.,302 4683,7.677440656811049e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 15:23:43,"@brianstelter @fmanjoo BS There is something wrong with her, to be so diminished to trade your integrity for a criminal, you're not trusted",302 4684,7.677451742607565e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 15:28:08,".@brianstelter your job as press is to write/publish THE TRUTH, not send ppl into fever swamps to decipher it from fake conspiracy theories",302 4685,7.677456125780378e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 15:29:52,"@mauromag1 @brianstelter the story is the story. If enough talk of Trump having a micro-penis emerges, they got their excuse to cover it",302 4686,7.677457605700444e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 15:30:28,@blucaller @brianstelter gotta agree Brian. There is no truth as it pertains to this subject. Just say it outright.,302 4687,7.677466308545126e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 15:33:55,"@blucaller @brianstelter Exactly, it's known inside the beltway as ""Cokie's Law"".",302 4688,7.677490785035264e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 15:43:39,@iHeart_AshBri @brianstelter I'm NOT A REPUBLICAN NOR AM I STUPID. ONE IS CLEARLY MUCH HEALTHIER THAN THE OTHER,302 4689,7.677492783998812e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 15:44:26,@traikman @brianstelter GOOGLE Huma 911,302 4690,7.677499433606431e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 15:47:05,"@StevenJCBuckley @brianstelter or ""huma 911"" or ""clinton foundation saudi partner 911"" or "" hillary isis weapons""",302 4691,7.67752905428525e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 15:58:51,@brianstelter So all this crazy 'head bopping' is normal?? https://t.co/WtpU7ohKKD,302 4692,7.677595905157038e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 16:25:25,@brianstelter @P1e2h7Patrick -First year Psych students see Trump as megalomaniacal sociopathic bigot -Media TreatN as normal @mmfa @mch7576,302 4693,7.67759821458305e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 16:26:20,"Doing some of your hardest work lately, covering for #CrookedHillary @brianstelter @fmanjoo",302 4694,7.677646874801193e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 16:45:40,@LoisLenzo @brianstelter @CNN https://t.co/egNVp4QrEC,302 4695,7.677687347190252e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 17:01:45,"@brianstelter women know exactly what this is-men have used ""weak"" for decades to talk about women in power. Don't get mad ladies--VOTE!!!",302 4696,7.677756309435515e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 17:29:09,"@brianstelter @Republiicunts Truth is evident in vids of her seizures, assisting walking/standing, and constant coughing. C'mon ""journalist""",302 4697,7.67776492814164e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 17:32:35,@brianstelter #HITLERY SUPPORTER YOU ARE WHAT IS WRONG IN MY AMERICA,302 4698,7.677817204100424e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 17:53:21,"@brianstelter @fmanjoo healthy or sick, she's still s crook with the worst solutions. Greed & failure personified.",302 4699,7.677872092734628e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 18:15:10,@brianstelter @fmanjoo So multiple doctors don't count but only Hillary's do? Do you even understand her conditions? https://t.co/GVSjvAxsJi,302 4700,7.678245316374815e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 20:43:28,@ImpactDemocracy @brianstelter The NET: Great source of medical info. Doc no longer need to go to med school.,302 4701,7.678585629073736e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 22:58:42,"@brianstelter @fmanjoo @kurtbardella Kurt - not a campaign of substantive ideas? Long Trump speeches full of them, all unreported by @CNN",302 4702,7.678596120161116e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 23:02:52,"@brianstelter @fmanjoo @kurtbardella When's the last time you reported on an idea or policy from Trump speech, unless you could slander it?",302 4703,7.678652780887695e+17,0,0,2016-08-22 23:25:23,"@brianstelter Rudy,,Truth,,really!?!",302 4704,7.687197378869985e+17,0,0,2016-08-25 08:00:42,"@brianstelter @CNN yeah the old bat being carried up stairs and propped on pillows is a ""smear"".",302 4705,7.678756352596828e+17,0,0,2016-08-23 00:06:32,@PeggyBrava @brianstelter You wouldn't know the truth if you saw it through the slot in a full burka.,302 4706,7.678760011665285e+17,0,0,2016-08-23 00:07:59,@brianstelter @CNN Liberals should be deported into Africa and the Middle East.,302 4707,7.678765112443535e+17,0,0,2016-08-23 00:10:01,"@PhilipBeamSr You're sheer ugliness, Bye Girl",302 4708,7.682714583007846e+17,0,0,2016-08-24 02:19:24,@Frank_Rizzos @brianstelter they're both elderly....their health can change at any given moment due to age..🙃🙃🙃,302 4709,5.535611706372383e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 14:37:22,BREAKING: Police order all shops closed in famed Jewish neighborhood in central Paris far from attacks.,303 4710,5.535613957035909e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 14:38:16,RT @AP: BREAKING: Police order all shops closed in famed Jewish neighborhood in central Paris far from attacks.,303 4711,5.535615317919744e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 14:38:48,What? RT @AP: BREAKING: Police order all shops closed in famed Jewish neighborhood in central Paris far from attacks.,303 4712,5.535615611395359e+17,1,-1,2015-01-09 14:38:55,The Marais? RT @AP BREAKING: Police order all shops closed in famed Jewish neighborhood in central Paris far from attacks.,303 4713,5.535615637106442e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 14:38:56,“@AP: BREAKING: Police order all shops closed in famed Jewish neighborhood in central Paris far from attacks.”kristallnacht 2015?,303 4714,5.5356189036263014e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 14:40:14,#BREAKING: Police order all shops closed in famed Jewish neighborhood in central #Paris far from attacks- @AP,303 4715,5.535619405181174e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 14:40:25,??!! RT @AP: BREAKING: Police order all shops closed in famed Jewish neighborhood in central Paris far from attacks.,303 4716,5.535620658317353e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 14:40:55,"Understandable but exactly what terrorists see as victory: “@AP Police order all shops closed in famed Jewish neighborhood in central Paris""",303 4717,5.535622496890675e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 14:41:39,sacrébleu! RT @AP: BREAKING: Police order all shops closed in famed Jewish neighborhood in central Paris far from attacks.,303 4718,5.535623123813335e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 14:41:54,@dandrezner probably worried about copycats or other affiliated perpetrators (lots of ppl. Getting ready for Shabbat),303 4719,5.5356235656831386e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 14:42:05,@dandrezner @AP overreaction or is Europe heading back to the past?,303 4720,5.535623960744632e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 14:42:14,“@AP: BREAKING: Police order shops closed in famed Jewish neighborhood in Paris far from attacks.” This evokes the ghosts of past mistakes.,303 4721,5.535624087202857e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 14:42:17,“@AP: BREAKING: Police order all shops closed in famed Jewish neighborhood in central Paris far from attacks.”,303 4722,5.535624998788792e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 14:42:39,wow “@AP: BREAKING: Police order all shops closed in famed Jewish neighborhood in central Paris far from attacks.”,303 4723,5.535626449053532e+17,1,1,2015-01-09 14:43:13,“@AP: BREAKING: Police order all shops closed in famed Jewish neighborhood in central Paris far from attacks.”,303 4724,5.535627689015378e+17,1,2,2015-01-09 14:43:43,“@AP: BREAKING: Police order all shops closed in famed Jewish neighborhood in central Paris far from attacks.”,303 4725,5.5356282024022835e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 14:43:55,@AP Anymore on this please ?,303 4726,5.5356284080869786e+17,1,-1,2015-01-09 14:44:00,Understand yet don't agree “@AP: BREAKING: Police order all shops closed in famed Jewish neighborhood in Paris far from attacks.”,303 4727,5.5356300362776576e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 14:44:39,"Now, @AP reporting French police have ordered all shops closed in a famed Jewish neighborhood in central Paris far from the attacks.",303 4728,5.5356317067012915e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 14:45:19,Hm. RT @AP: BREAKING: Police order all shops closed in famed Jewish neighborhood in central Paris far from attacks.,303 4729,5.535663981237535e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 14:58:08,@colwight @dandrezner @AP Strange options. Neither is the correct answer. Try some more prejudices. Entertain me.,303 4730,5.5356772382201446e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 15:03:24,"@PGourevitch uh, how are stereotyped curses helpful to anyone?",303 4731,5.535729096590623e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 15:24:01,"@JonathanHuntFNC @AP See, this whole thing just reminds me of WWII.",303 4732,5.53573025015423e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 15:24:28,"@colwight @dandrezner @AP You see it too, then, huh?",303 4733,5.53573085522432e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 15:24:43,@ZachEClark @AP WWII?,303 4734,5.53574606259626e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 15:30:45,@FaithBased92 Yes! Exactly!,303 4735,5.535925546972938e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 16:42:04,@ZachEClark A return to the rise of the Third Reich. And this time US got saddled with the appeaser.,303 4736,5.53592719248212e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 16:42:44,@ZachEClark It will probably take another Pearl Harbor scale attack on USA mainland to rouse the populus and govt.,303 4737,5.5371549865200845e+17,0,0,2015-01-10 00:50:37,@helpstring @dandrezner @AP do you understand what a question mark does?,303 4738,5.53888328354132e+17,0,0,2015-01-10 12:17:22,"@colwight Yes. Do you understand what ""or"" means in a question? It offers 2 options (which both are just meh).",303 4739,5.539034673043374e+17,1,-1,2015-01-10 13:17:32,"@helpstring meh, is not an answer it's just meh. So what is the unprejudiced 'right' answer?",303 4740,5.5390456554510336e+17,1,-2,2015-01-10 13:21:54,@colwight necessary precaution? Isn't it better to close shop for some hours than to risk lives? Stay rational!,303 4741,5.813595446826148e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 07:38:11,Germanwings co-pilot had serious depressive episode: Bild newspaper http://t.co/RgSTrehD21,304 4742,5.8136007568563e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 07:40:17,@Reuters Are you serious? You are quoting BILD as source? How deeply into the bloody stories you want to go? Come one...,304 4743,5.813603121437245e+17,1,1,2015-03-27 07:41:14,@Reuters @CircusMaximus14 You don't say?,304 4744,5.813606010011648e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 07:42:23,"@Reuters stop kidding, ....converted or not?",304 4745,5.813606475286692e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 07:42:34,@Reuters 10 Categories Of Female Virgins http://t.co/UMMqJlhted #Kenya via @JaldesaAdan,304 4746,5.813608011407196e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 07:43:10,"@Reuters 149 lives at the behest of a depressed pilot https://t.co/mpbNeI9Ity",304 4747,5.813609707166147e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 07:43:51,@reuters Interesting how when white males commit crimes they get psychological analyses and all sorts. Non-whites are just being non-white.,304 4748,5.813610102183936e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 07:44:00,"@Reuters If true, Lufthansa was clearly negligible in detecting this as it is usually not difficult to spot depression in people.",304 4749,5.813611785150095e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 07:44:40,"@Reuters Congrats! At this exact moment you are helping to encrease all the bias and prejudice arround the mental illness, only speculations",304 4750,5.813615341835428e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 07:46:05,@Reuters The mass media is becoming more and more a cancer to sell news!,304 4751,5.813622004403692e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 07:48:44,perfectly fit to fly !? @Reuters + yet we know that people with serious DEPPRESION PROBS have reccurences! HE WAS IN FOR 1+Half years! jeez,304 4752,5.813623222260654e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 07:49:13,@The_Mos_Native @Reuters Well it's hard to understand this and there is not much info to go on. Speculation is expected.,304 4753,5.813631784387092e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 07:52:37,“@Reuters: Germanwings co-pilot had serious depressive episode: Bild newspaper http://t.co/bZFsAWgUBC”,304 4754,5.813633470414602e+17,1,-1,2015-03-27 07:53:17,@Reuters is there evidence that he was a Muslim convert,304 4755,5.813636128889242e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 07:54:21,"@Reuters #GermanWingsCrash #Germanwings The pilot was NOT FIT TO FLY !",304 4756,5.813647008871752e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 07:58:40,"@adalbertoscaio @Reuters #GermanWingsCrash totally agree he was deppressed SIX years ago!, inferior journalism vampirism.",304 4757,5.813648634038845e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 07:59:19,@Reuters 150 murders is pretty serious,304 4758,5.813648702784594e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 07:59:20,@Reuters Maybe Germany has more wings than pilots ... see how Lufthansa guys are landing planes on runways.. tractorists not pilots!,304 4759,5.813655169855816e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 08:01:55,"@omniabarakat @Reuters This is the desgrace of our modern times, only money money money, I feel a shame on the mass media!",304 4760,5.813728476516188e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 08:31:02,@adalbertoscaio #GermanWingsCrash Suicide depression is lonileness helplesness & the final surrender to death not hatred &mass murder!,304 4761,5.803522730014106e+17,0,0,2015-03-24 12:55:38,NEWS: 'Emergency Emergency' was the final distress call that was sent from the cockpit of flight #4U9525 - @PollyR_Aviation,305 4762,5.803525278850089e+17,0,0,2015-03-24 12:56:39,@airlivenet @PollyR_Aviation is that a normal call in this situation ?,305 4763,5.803525856406036e+17,0,0,2015-03-24 12:56:53,RT @airlivenet: NEWS: 'Emergency Emergency' was the final distress call that was sent from the cockpit of flight #4U9525 - @PollyR_Aviation,305 4764,5.803528711804764e+17,0,0,2015-03-24 12:58:01,“@airlivenet: NEWS: 'Emergency Emergency' was the final distress call that was sent from the cockpit of flight #4U9525 - @PollyR_Aviation”,305 4765,5.80354345935487e+17,1,-1,2015-03-24 13:03:53,"I doubt any pilot would say 'Emergency', but rather 'Mayday' RT ""@airlivenet NEWS: 'Emergency Emergency' was the final distress call #4U9525",305 4766,5.80354874833023e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 13:05:59,@PascalSyn @airlivenet it’s a scale. Emergency < Mayday,305 4767,5.803556269262316e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 13:08:58,"@damienramage @airlivenet No, then you would say PANPAN. Trust me, I'm a pilot! Besides: Mayday is when lives are in danger...",305 4768,5.803562103202284e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 13:11:17,@airlivenet @PollyR_Aviation @crislomb Looks terribly off course on a map. Nothing earlier? Like much earlier?,305 4769,5.803567125211873e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 13:13:17,@PascalSyn @airlivenet but isn’t declaring an emergency the proper procedure if you still have control of the situation ?,305 4770,5.803567850658447e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 13:13:34,@PascalSyn @airlivenet or think you do ? or it hasn’t been assessed ?,305 4771,5.80356854271873e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 13:13:51,@airlivenet @PollyR_Aviation So sad...prayers to the families and friends...,305 4772,5.803580551850271e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 13:18:37,"@damienramage @airlivenet Normal descend rate for A320 is 2500fpm. Now 4000fpm (for 8 minutes) which is much, but contrallable. #u4u9525",305 4773,5.80358416478167e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 13:20:03,"@damienramage @airlivenet Plus they stayed more or less constant speed, which means they reduced throttle, so they were in control #u4u9525",305 4774,5.803584548811858e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 13:20:12,"@PascalSyn @airlivenet exactly. So emergency would be appropriate, for example in case of cabin decompression, right ?",305 4775,5.803592629096448e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 13:23:25,@damienramage @airlivenet That would certainly explain why pilots set steap descend. Maybe they passed too quickly (oxygen masks?) #u4u9525,305 4776,5.803594647815004e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 13:24:13,@damienramage @airlivenet By the way: Cabin pressure loss in an airliner is a classic case for MAYDAY ! #4u9525,305 4777,5.803596567506534e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 13:24:59,"@PascalSyn @airlivenet if they had, it’s likely the descent rate would’ve been steeper and the speed not reduce, no ?",305 4778,5.803596929222984e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 13:25:08,@PascalSyn @airlivenet true...,305 4779,5.803599251818701e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 13:26:03,@PascalSyn @airlivenet what’s the exact procedure btw ? What altitude would you drop down to ? at which rate of descent ?,305 4780,5.803604100349952e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 13:27:58,"@damienramage @airlivenet At that altitude you have about 20 sec before you pass out. They started steep descend, reduced engine... #4U9525",305 4781,5.80361188007084e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 13:31:04,"@damienramage @airlivenet immediately manual (autopilot off), throttle, oxygen masks + passngrs, radio call. All that in 20 seconds? #4U9525",305 4782,5.80361570334675e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 13:32:35,"@PascalSyn @airlivenet radio call then passengers, no ? 20 sec isn’t much… it takes me longer to tweet sometimes ;-)",305 4783,5.803623406102364e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 13:35:39,@damienramage radio call to passengers: not a priority at all !!,305 4784,5.803632509252157e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 13:39:16,"@damienramage I've seen friends with nasal oxygen masks on (General Avation), just to fly over the Channel :) http://t.co/nVB4NILrCx",305 4785,5.803650614636298e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 13:46:27,@PascalSyn that's just for the high,305 4786,5.803653197321298e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 13:47:29,"@damienramage yes, and they have a bottle behind them with this tube connected. But it looks very stupid LOL",305 4787,5.803653642797711e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 13:47:40,@PascalSyn @damienramage @airlivenet What about icy sensors and software telling autopilot to dive as happened with AF447?,305 4788,5.803686574502011e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 14:00:45,@larsst @damienramage I don't know about that. Graphs don't show a sign of leveling off at a certain altitude.,305 4789,5.803688589990789e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 14:01:33,@PascalSyn @larsst plus af447 was exceptionnal weather conditions,305 4790,5.803695398059295e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 14:04:15,@PascalSyn @damienramage With iced sensors it won't level off. Apparently a computer glitch - pilot would need to override system manually,305 4791,5.803702002745836e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 14:06:53,@damienramage @PascalSyn GW flight had same descent rate as near crash LH flight. Check https://t.co/m2UVxkJqyC or https://t.co/3jPBYgeqqA,305 4792,5.803724855662387e+17,1,-2,2015-03-24 14:15:58,"@damienramage @airlivenet From Airbus FlightOps: When the cabin altitude rises above 14 000 feet, the oxygen masks will deploy automatically",305 4793,7.630982779862098e+17,0,0,2016-08-09 19:43:01,"Hillary Mystery Handler Spotted With Diazepam Pen (seizure drugs) Right Next to Her ►► https://t.co/y9X0yyg5CF https://t.co/oqBvkfpdWy",306 4794,7.649933999716516e+17,0,0,2016-08-15 01:13:34,@NatShupe @Just_a_Texan s that good for short circuits too??,306 4795,7.64996860977279e+17,0,0,2016-08-15 01:27:19,@NatShupe @davisindy https://t.co/UmzdQgHPVt,306 4796,7.653255862186598e+17,0,0,2016-08-15 23:13:33,@NatShupe besides pure evil hillary too sick either illness or drugs to be pres.,306 4797,7.643083463503421e+17,1,-1,2016-08-13 03:51:24,"Wooo, worst photoshop ever @NatShupe. Half-hearted offence for Trump, who's been into stimulants since the early '90s.",306 4798,7.630989563142267e+17,1,-2,2016-08-09 19:45:43,@NatShupe hmmm,306 4799,7.63103447092781e+17,1,-2,2016-08-09 20:03:34,@NatShupe Thats the same guy that approached her and told her to talk at the podium a few days ago. Then she woke up.,306 4800,7.631285699293307e+17,1,-2,2016-08-09 21:43:23,"@NatShupe Look like he is a doctor with fellowship training in clinical neurophysiology/epilepsy. No suprise https://t.co/6fu7aDDYP5",306 4801,7.631295903992463e+17,1,-2,2016-08-09 21:47:27,@NatShupe Here he is with her back in 2011. https://t.co/JROOeXPHtq,306 4802,7.631369961392333e+17,1,-2,2016-08-09 22:16:52,@NatShupe LOL...She needs more than Valium to help her out.,306 4803,7.631502963526861e+17,1,-2,2016-08-09 23:09:43,@NatShupe Hitler had similar support. Just saying. https://t.co/7MgRpTwCus,306 4804,7.631513064249344e+17,1,-2,2016-08-09 23:13:44,"@NatShupe https://t.co/EGiLCh7mwD",306 4805,7.631513633205821e+17,1,-2,2016-08-09 23:13:58,"@NatShupe @TGowdySC A PICK-ME-UP @OANN @ABC @CBSNews @nbc @CNN @msnbc @ABCWorldNews @NBCNews @CNNPolitics @AP @nytimes @chicagotribune @NRO",306 4806,7.631517800876728e+17,1,-2,2016-08-09 23:15:37,"@NatShupe LOL! Dude, seriously? It's a coms device that the Secret Service uses. I don't like Hillary, but this is ridiculous.",306 4807,7.631518277308948e+17,1,-2,2016-08-09 23:15:49,@NatShupe is she getting shock treatment too?,306 4808,7.631531190354903e+17,1,-2,2016-08-09 23:20:56,"@NatShupe she's screwed up and their claiming that's a flashlight I'll bet we never see that so called flashlight again",306 4809,7.63206455763755e+17,1,-2,2016-08-10 02:52:53,"@NatShupe They should put her in a cryogenic vault, un-freeze her when they get a cure for her disease and then let her run for president.",306 4810,7.683138681750897e+17,1,-2,2016-08-24 05:07:55,@NatShupe or a Flashlight??,306 4811,5.812902719979684e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 03:02:55,GERMAN NEWS: Co-Pilot of Germanwings Airbus Was MUSLIM CONVERT …’Hero of Islamic State’? http://t.co/J8budBthpm via @gatewaypundit,307 4812,5.812905416456356e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 03:03:59,NOT shocked. MT @gatewaypundit GERMAN NEWS: Co-Pilot of Germanwings Airbus Was MUSLIM CONVERT’Hero of Islamic State’? http://t.co/yq2IQ8u4LQ,307 4813,5.812907645478052e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 03:04:52,@gatewaypundit we gotta get confirmation...then...We told you so,307 4814,5.812928743287644e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 03:13:15,".@gatewaypundit Sad to say; but if true, this would be somewhat less unnerving than the alternatives. Airline hiring is going to be fun now.",307 4815,5.81294132758487e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 03:18:15,"Shocker, via @gatewaypundit GERMAN NEWS: Co-Pilot of Germanwings Airbus Was MUSLIM CONVERT …’Hero of Islamic State’? http://t.co/KSqzIt5kbc",307 4816,5.812944462615839e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 03:19:30,@gatewaypundit When will they tell us the truth? @QuiteDirect,307 4817,5.812961687113564e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 03:26:21,"I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I just knew it! @gatewaypundit https://t.co/rRvUFM1UbP",307 4818,5.812964280450785e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 03:27:23,@NoahWehrman @gatewaypundit Is this confirmed? Dear God.,307 4819,5.812966145700086e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 03:28:07,"@NoahWehrman @gatewaypundit I honestly would rather that he just snapped, was on mind bending drugs, etc. Flying is now terrifying.",307 4820,5.812967227830108e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 03:28:33,"@gatewaypundit Now, who would have thunt it? Said everybody.",307 4821,5.812978185281413e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 03:32:54,"@NoahWehrman @gatewaypundit Following the story to the Daily Mail link, and no mention of being a Muslim is made in that story. Supposition?",307 4822,5.812988459606999e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 03:36:59,@gatewaypundit I figured something putrid...was surrounding this entire tragedy,307 4823,5.812991296340705e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 03:38:07,"@NoahWehrman @gatewaypundit I figure something putrid about this entire scenario.. I guess his weapon of choice against 'infidels'",307 4824,5.812992159989719e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 03:38:27,@lifebythecreek @Juanita_Estrada @NoahWehrman @gatewaypundit his weapon of choice against evil infidels,307 4825,5.813029058121769e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 03:53:07,@gatewaypundit @NoahWehrman like MH370 #GreenWings co-pilot kills souls in act of suicide-jihad. Lord have mercy.,307 4826,5.813029684875715e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 03:53:22,@NoahWehrman @APLMom @gatewaypundit I knew it the moment I heard it was a young pilot crashing into a mountain #9/11 jihad,307 4827,5.813038042697114e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 03:56:41,"@riwired @gatewaypundit @QuiteDirect BUT, how could this BE? barry said it wasn't TERRORISM.",307 4828,5.81305037583872e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 04:01:35,@gatewaypundit Love to hear his last words: Allahu Akbar.,307 4829,5.813054337945518e+17,0,0,2015-03-27 04:03:10,@gatewaypundit Why do these imbeciles have to take innocent lives to prove their faith. Quran has the answer.,307 4830,5.813078070533939e+17,1,1,2015-03-27 04:12:36,@Taxpayers1234 I'm not shocked. Seemed like terrorism to me yet right away they tried to RULE OUT TERRORISM. Always ready to cover it up.,307 4831,5.81308438036136e+17,1,2,2015-03-27 04:15:06,"@wingedcrossbill I won't be surprised if that flight recorder has a very loud ""Allahu Akbar"" at the end.",307 4832,5.813085039454249e+17,1,2,2015-03-27 04:15:22,@KingGuthrum Hero of islamic state = HERO of o communist and dems since they downplay any terrorism like beheadings done anywhere,307 4833,5.813089499467571e+17,1,2,2015-03-27 04:17:08,@riwired Probably NEVER! All these govts including OURS SO CORRUPT! Constantly LIE TO ITS PEOPLE!,307 4834,5.81309953085866e+17,1,2,2015-03-27 04:21:07,@Taxpayers1234 @wingedcrossbill @gatewaypundit This is what happens when society shuns religion. Islam is filling a void!! #WakeUpAmerica,307 4835,5.822191343200584e+17,1,2,2015-03-29 16:33:53,@chipbunn We NEED GOD TO BE IN MORE PEOPLE's LIVES IN AMERICA! DEMS PUSH GOD OUT DELIBERATELY!,307 4836,5.822197542213837e+17,1,2,2015-03-29 16:36:21,"@chipbunn America without God is a deeply troubled country! ""whosoever believeth in me shall be saved"" is words of Jesus Christ.",307 4837,7.581596241220977e+17,0,0,2016-07-27 04:38:34,"Anyone who knows Marina Joyce personally knows she has a serious drug addiction. she needs help, but in the form of rehab #savemarinajoyce",308 4838,7.588341547378401e+17,0,0,2016-07-29 01:18:55,@sampepper help yourself first 😏,308 4839,7.589363477887427e+17,0,0,2016-07-29 08:05:00,@sampepper is she really?,308 4840,7.589597828038124e+17,0,0,2016-07-29 09:38:07,@sampepper says the one who sexually abused her???? She might use drugs to deal with how she was abused by YOU,308 4841,7.59003577977217e+17,0,0,2016-07-29 12:32:09,@sampepper I don't think you have much room to tell people they need help.,308 4842,7.590306313639363e+17,0,0,2016-07-29 14:19:39,@sampepper RAPIST you need help in JAIL🖕🏼❌,308 4843,7.5904222612292e+17,0,0,2016-07-29 15:05:43,@sampepper WER YU DER THO,308 4844,7.600105705485804e+17,0,0,2016-08-01 07:13:34,@sampepper @dara_niamh oh,308 4845,7.602499834299269e+17,1,-1,2016-08-01 23:04:55,@sampepper stop it. get some help.,308 4846,7.591897838098145e+17,1,-2,2016-07-30 00:52:04,@sampepper whaaaat,308 4847,7.595006859311145e+17,1,-2,2016-07-30 21:27:29,@sampepper fils de pute,308 4848,7.598058836437565e+17,1,-2,2016-07-31 17:40:13,@sampepper https://t.co/VTquOAWA1h,308 4849,7.5985465406686e+17,1,-2,2016-07-31 20:54:01,@sampepper lol what didnt u sexually assault her 😂🐸☕,308 4850,7.584555389256376e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 00:14:26,"@sampepper right ""SHE"" needs help. Yet ur the one who sexually abused her. Right or wrong?",308 4851,7.584581190853181e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 00:24:41,"@sampepper in my eyes anyone dumb enough like o i dunno, u, needs help. In the form of ""rehab"" of course.🖕",308 4852,7.584600143696036e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 00:32:13,"@sampepper Bh oui, tu le sais bien toi. Ca doit etre facile de violer une droguee. C'est plus vulnerable. Enculé de ta race !",308 4853,7.584608842178478e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 00:35:40,@sampepper Weren't you the one who abused her?,308 4854,7.584638680248525e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 00:47:32,"@sampepper you're the one who needs help, in form of jail.",308 4855,7.584740988381225e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 01:28:11,@sampepper you should be in jail df u out here doing,308 4856,7.584788179082281e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 01:46:56,@sampepper so it's acid and ectasy,308 4857,7.584803084717343e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 01:52:52,@sampepper didn't you rape her?,308 4858,7.584825919891907e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 02:01:56,@sampepper you need help in the form of getting your ass beat,308 4859,7.58515521822294e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 04:12:47,"@sampepper you can tell she has a drug problem, everyone else needs to stop making excuses for her.",308 4860,7.585291716896563e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 05:07:01,@sampepper who asked you to tweet negativity. didnt you sexually harras her? https://t.co/pMZdl1Jr3U,308 4861,7.585292646353551e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 05:07:24,@sampepper harass*^,308 4862,7.585688474944266e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 07:44:41,@sampepper I thought you were locked up,308 4863,7.585912334469079e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 09:13:38,"@sampepper anyone who knows you knows your a rapist, you need help.",308 4864,7.585997082018775e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 09:47:19,@sampepper deactivate,308 4865,7.58606603994198e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 10:14:43,"@sampepper zwracam honor, ale nadal jesteś kretynem XD",308 4866,7.586115829476188e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 10:34:30,@sampepper kys,308 4867,7.586500877866353e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 13:07:30,"@HarrietAlmighty @sampepper yeah, he suddenly reeeeaaaallly cares about other people/women 😒",308 4868,7.586650334338785e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 14:06:53,@PiXyyRDuust @sampepper nahh he's just using the situation to get attention,308 4869,7.586676596134707e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 14:17:20,@HarrietAlmighty youre totally right. What a dbag. Also thought I should mention that your hair in your pro picture? 👌🏻 👌🏻 fabo! Im envious!,308 4870,7.586721056722452e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 14:35:00,@sampepper rapist,308 4871,7.587055492067533e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 16:47:53,"@PiXyyRDuust thank you! Your hair looks gorgeous, I'm jealous of you!",308 4872,7.587077836425134e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 16:56:46,@HarrietAlmighty shush! Do not say those words! I forbid you to be jealous of me! 😆 there ain't nothing to be jealous of. But thank you 💖,308 4873,7.587411571069788e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 19:09:23,@sampepper shut up!,308 4874,7.587504890475397e+17,1,-2,2016-07-28 19:46:28,@sampepper didn't u sexually assault her,308 4875,8.016841076168909e+17,1,-2,2016-11-24 07:09:20,@sampepper marina is a complete fuck up she lied sam pepper would never do that she's on drugs she's a liar drug addicts lie all the time,308 4876,8.016844432702382e+17,1,-2,2016-11-24 07:10:40,@sampepper cats out of the bag @marinajoyce,308 4877,7.604330614523535e+17,1,-2,2016-08-02 11:12:24,@sampepper Delete this. And then yourself.,308 4878,7.604872103198392e+17,1,-2,2016-08-02 14:47:34,"@sampepper you're the one who raped her, you need help, you need help in the form of ""rehab""",308 4879,7.65612220860371e+17,1,-2,2016-08-16 18:12:32,@sampepper schizophrenia isn't due to drugs genius🙄😒 anyone who knows you knows you're a rapist,308 4880,7.66059906558464e+17,1,-2,2016-08-17 23:51:29,@sampepper OMG how dare you even mention her after what you did to her.,308 4881,7.582860500999455e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:00:57,@sampepper @LisaVanmerban,308 4882,7.582861426304205e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:01:19,"@sampepper and we're trusting this because...... This insane and if she has, do u think her friends and family want that info out there!",308 4883,7.582878007436493e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:07:54,@aDreamAwake @sampepper non mais mdr lui,308 4884,7.582885027107594e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:10:42,@sampepper rapist,308 4885,7.582887965762765e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:11:52,@sampepper https://t.co/LdiwxFCxLu,308 4886,7.582889548483379e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:12:29,@sampepper were you thea tho?,308 4887,7.582893569814118e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:14:05,@LisaVanmerban @sampepper ouais mais regarde ce qu'il a tweete ce bolosse après il dit sans doute vrai mais bon,308 4888,7.582895624854036e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:14:54,@sampepper https://t.co/hFvbnoeY0k,308 4889,7.582899217234739e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:16:20,@aDreamAwake @sampepper c sur elle se drogue ça se voit même,308 4890,7.582904949632205e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:18:37,@LisaVanmerban @sampepper mais ça se trouve elle a un problème genre mental cette meuf,308 4891,7.582923238936658e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:25:53,@sampepper @Kane_Whitburn @NathDoe,308 4892,7.582924694570598e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:26:27,@Kernn_ @sampepper @NathDoe oh shit,308 4893,7.582932380211855e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:29:31,@sampepper says the one who pretended to kill someone's best friend?,308 4894,7.582936940092416e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:31:19,@Kernn_ @sampepper @Kane_Whitburn coming from the person that sexually abused her 🤔,308 4895,7.58293788427219e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:31:42,@sampepper @KatieLee1312,308 4896,7.582939995893965e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:32:32,@aDreamAwake jpense aussi,308 4897,7.582940403454444e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:32:42,@sampepper u need rehab 😚,308 4898,7.582940434324111e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:32:43,@sampepper You act like you don't have a problem 🤔🤔🙄🙄,308 4899,7.582940906520248e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:32:54,@reecerobo123 @sampepper damn,308 4900,7.582946419890545e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:35:05,@sampepper wy tf did you come back anyway? You don't have the right to speak on this topic bye now,308 4901,7.582946905506529e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:35:17,@sampepper sure jan,308 4902,7.582959101452042e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:40:08,@sampepper after what you did to her and so many other people you have NO right to say this. you need help.,308 4903,7.582960788568842e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:40:48,"@NathDoe @Kernn_ @sampepper stuff such as liking this though, it just doesn't add up drugs or not https://t.co/zwZnhnbOGX",308 4904,7.582963166488494e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:41:45,@sampepper who are u,308 4905,7.5829739608653e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:46:02,@Kane_Whitburn @NathDoe https://t.co/K9Z6g4t6ZR,308 4906,7.582975196548342e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:46:31,"@sampepper you abused of her, so you need to shut up",308 4907,7.582976747267072e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:47:08,@Kernn_ @NathDoe she might just be saying that,308 4908,7.582978080301056e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:47:40,@Kernn_ @NathDoe as an excuse to whoever or whatever's happening to her,308 4909,7.582991096987689e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:52:50,@sampepper lmao why are you still alive,308 4910,7.583000749381427e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:56:41,.@sampepper and you need help for all your sexual abuse upon others. Practice what you preach. Quit tearing her down & give people answers.,308 4911,7.583003950725489e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 13:57:57,"@sampepper Sam pepper raped her,he's mad because she exposed him",308 4912,7.583027850204979e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 14:07:27,@sampepper wow could you be any more wrong unlike you her fans care and want nothing but the best but we can't do that with you around,308 4913,7.583036095031788e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 14:10:43,@sampepper https://t.co/YSWYcLo2eY,308 4914,7.583046938651197e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 14:15:02,@sampepper https://t.co/wKMpzoy5F0,308 4915,7.58306488511189e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 14:22:10,@sampepper man stop talking you pity fuck you seem you didn't care of her when you raped her 😒,308 4916,7.583075720132321e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 14:26:28,@sampepper leave,308 4917,7.583084819590922e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 14:30:05,"@sampepper Please, quit the Internet",308 4918,7.583089632890102e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 14:32:00,@sampepper why are you still on the internet tho,308 4919,7.583098973102653e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 14:35:42,@sampepper bastardo l'hai pure stuprata che cazzo vuoi,308 4920,7.583124023205601e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 14:45:40,"@sampepper you don't know her personally so Leave her alone, you make things worse.",308 4921,7.583143337597624e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 14:53:20,"@sampepper I believe otherwise, she may have an addiction and that's what she was taken for, she was vulnerable. #savemarinajoyce",308 4922,7.583155355704443e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 14:58:07,@sampepper you have no place to say.,308 4923,7.5831635098914e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 15:01:21,@sampepper https://t.co/tU4O4rWqYT,308 4924,7.583173726379008e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 15:05:25,@sampepper throw your phone in a pool.,308 4925,7.583174622156513e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 15:05:46,@sampepper don't you go around perving on strangers? sexually assaulting/harassing em? you've got no room to make commentaries on others,308 4926,7.583174821091738e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 15:05:51,@sampepper you lost the right to talk about her when you sexually assaulted her.,308 4927,7.583202564651336e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 15:16:52,@sampepper fuck of Sam 😒,308 4928,7.583218694812508e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 15:23:17,@sampepper https://t.co/VhKmFeYQ4c,308 4929,7.583226755384279e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 15:26:29,@sampepper the ironic moment when you now care about women 🐸☕️,308 4930,7.583233034508329e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 15:28:59,@sampepper wtf mate you sexually abused her,308 4931,7.583245635875676e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 15:33:59,@sampepper if anyone needs help it's you,308 4932,7.583255964390769e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 15:38:05,@sampepper delete,308 4933,7.583258996032143e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 15:39:18,@sampepper and you should be in prison so you both can get the help you need.,308 4934,7.583260472848507e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 15:39:53,@sampepper leave. Delete your account,308 4935,7.583279229985178e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 15:47:20,@sampepper bye,308 4936,7.583287493560443e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 15:50:37,@sampepper your still relevant ?,308 4937,7.583290562407342e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 15:51:50,@sampepper you need rehab,308 4938,7.583296865313997e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 15:54:21,@sampepper look who's come crawling out of the woodwork.,308 4939,7.583340663577887e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 16:11:45,@sampepper Nobody wants to hear from you about this. You are a problem to her.,308 4940,7.583341126629048e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 16:11:56,@sampepper You're the one that needs help.,308 4941,7.583356485416714e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 16:18:02,"@sampepper you have literally no say in this, be quiet.",308 4942,7.583357804314173e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 16:18:33,@sampepper dont act like you're trying to help her. you raped her.,308 4943,7.583361573022147e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 16:20:03,"@sampepper Sam pepper I don't think you should be giving life advice, considering you need help but in the form of prison",308 4944,7.583364578786673e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 16:21:15,"@sampepper you have no right to even speak about her after what u did to her, delete",308 4945,7.583371592836506e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 16:24:02,@sampepper Bruh u raped her ain't no one gonna trust your sorry ass,308 4946,7.583375981254451e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 16:25:47,@sampepper she def doesn't have a drug addiction so you can try again. Oh and weren't you the one who sexually harassed her so bye Falisha,308 4947,7.58337998714966e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 16:27:22,@sampepper YOU are the one that needs help not Marina so Stop saying that she is on drugs. She is not.,308 4948,7.583381756895232e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 16:28:04,@sampepper who the hell do you think you are,308 4949,7.583406988233318e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 16:38:06,@sampepper my word all these people still on you about this? Holy shit you apologized it was sincere people are just bandwagoning now.,308 4950,7.583420472374927e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 16:43:28,@sampepper dude you abused her. there's a door right over there. leave,308 4951,7.583422199800463e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 16:44:09,@sampepper why are you still here,308 4952,7.583461054153441e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 16:59:35,@sampepper @jessismiles__ WERE YOU THERE THOUGH,308 4953,7.58346717708243e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 17:02:01,@sampepper wait but didn't you sexually harass her ????,308 4954,7.58347707513729e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 17:05:57,@sampepper https://t.co/w0grAChfWP,308 4955,7.583487109548851e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 17:09:56,@sampepper anyone who knows you know that you are dumb its not nice to say bad stuff on people that u dont know i dont see you doing better,308 4956,7.58349496711467e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 17:13:04,"@sampepper you dont know shit about her, you assualted & abused her. disgusting that you would glob onto a serious situation for attention.",308 4957,7.583542535932682e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 17:31:58,@sampepper shut up,308 4958,7.583548442644357e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 17:34:19,@sampepper @ComedyGamer Deji is this true or he making it up?,308 4959,7.583552367381135e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 17:35:52,@sampepper stfu you toxic sludge,308 4960,7.583595990449234e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 17:53:12,@sampepper smh https://t.co/UxqLgn1lSY,308 4961,7.583620733615145e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 18:03:02,@sampepper rapist,308 4962,7.583622441744753e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 18:03:43,"@sampepper oh but pretending to kill and kidnap people and sexually assaulting people for ""social experiments"" doesn't need help",308 4963,7.583636286974525e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 18:09:13,@sampepper delete your account,308 4964,7.583637402406216e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 18:09:40,@sampepper LMAO you have no room to say anything,308 4965,7.583669923195126e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 18:22:35,@sampepper stop this,308 4966,7.583672390117663e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 18:23:34,@sampepper LOL bye shut your bitch ass up you need help for being a fucking perv fucking touching asses like you're allowed to,308 4967,7.583677834909819e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 18:25:44,"everyone is mad @sampepper for what he said, but it's obvious that she does",308 4968,7.583682500611359e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 18:27:35,@sampepper of all people. you are the LAST person who needs to be talking about her. know your place. you deserve to be in jail.,308 4969,7.583699048652063e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 18:34:09,@sampepper rapist,308 4970,7.583759390971617e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 18:58:08,@sampepper https://t.co/YRS4IvijdG,308 4971,7.583777508099973e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 19:05:20,@sampepper @Diabolycal,308 4972,7.583814746599178e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 19:20:08,@sampepper you need help!!! Your the one who sexually abused that poor girl!,308 4973,7.583859459011625e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 19:37:54,@sampepper shut the fuck up mother fucker,308 4974,7.583873518108099e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 19:43:29,@sampepper get out,308 4975,7.58390538311766e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 19:56:09,@sampepper do you know her personally?,308 4976,7.58396240619049e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 20:18:48,@sampepper didn't you assault her in a disabled toilet at warped tour?,308 4977,7.583971442692547e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 20:22:24,@sampepper yeah cause you really know her well. You only know her body sick fuck,308 4978,7.583996796462694e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 20:32:28,@sampepper how would you know fam you don't know her personally you just wanted to get with her when she was 16 pervert much,308 4979,7.584064481331446e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 20:59:22,@sampepper HAHAHHAA BYE,308 4980,7.58408204195881e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 21:06:21,@sampepper you reaalllyy have no place to talk. 🤔,308 4981,7.584105681014292e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 21:15:44,"@sampepper after what you've done you can't say shit, Bai",308 4982,7.584212752618742e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 21:58:17,"@sampepper you can't say anything about her, bc of what you did.",308 4983,7.584214956809912e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 21:59:10,@sampepper why r u not in jail lmao dickwad,308 4984,7.584233844390871e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 22:06:40,@sampepper @TomLawrence97,308 4985,7.584245682603336e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 22:11:22,@sampepper bye,308 4986,7.584312847460803e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 22:38:03,@sampepper S T O P W I T H Y O U R B U L L S H I T F O R O N C E,308 4987,7.584338729210061e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 22:48:20,"@sampepper tbh u need help too, but in the form of jail #SaveMarinaJoyce",308 4988,7.584374825180979e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 23:02:41,"@sampepper You have NO RIGHT to talk. Please shut up, and get help. Cause this isnt ABOUT YOU. YOU NEED TO STOP!",308 4989,7.584428831668961e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 23:24:09,@sampepper you sexually abused her! You are in no position to make judgements about her!,308 4990,7.58445089261781e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 23:32:55,@sampepper ew the rat is talking ://,308 4991,7.584453139379855e+17,1,-2,2016-07-27 23:33:48,@sampepper https://t.co/nZ14o17O87,308 4992,4.982936686554235e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 02:24:03,Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson,309 4993,4.982937633875681e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 02:24:25,THIS “@MichaelSkolnik: Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson”,309 4994,4.9829388082007654e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 02:24:53,@MichaelSkolnik This is the best data I can find on arrest-related deaths. Is there better out there? Thanks! http://t.co/eFx8lV6QKu,309 4995,4.982939535828664e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 02:25:11,@MichaelSkolnik @Pants_So_Short tweet #wearetargets keep this stream of consciousness going. Don't stop,309 4996,4.9829396318365286e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 02:25:13,"@MichaelSkolnik Not the time for a plug, but it would be great if you came and spoke at Morehouse @Morehouse @marclamonthill",309 4997,4.9829396474812416e+17,1,-1,2014-08-10 02:25:13,@MichaelSkolnik got a state link so I can post to my FB account? ... many thanks,309 4998,4.982941485508854e+17,1,-2,2014-08-10 02:25:57,“@MichaelSkolnik: Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson”,309 4999,4.9829436563091046e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 02:26:49,#WeAreTargets “@MichaelSkolnik: Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson”,309 5000,4.982944927434834e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 02:27:19,@MichaelSkolnik can you ask people to call #Ferguson and tell them to quit with m-16 and dogs at the protests? 314-522-3100,309 5001,4.982945316250911e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 02:27:28,“@MichaelSkolnik: Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson”,309 5002,4.982946035448013e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 02:27:46,“@MichaelSkolnik: Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson” that is sad,309 5003,4.982947063556014e+17,1,1,2014-08-10 02:28:10,“@MichaelSkolnik: Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson”,309 5004,4.982947140269834e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 02:28:12,“@MichaelSkolnik: Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson” How do we #StopTheMadness,309 5005,4.982953240297472e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 02:30:37,RT@MichaelSkolnik Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson,309 5006,4.982953996824412e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 02:30:55,RT @MichaelSkolnik: Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson,309 5007,4.982971858347868e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 02:38:01,“@MichaelSkolnik: Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson” this is a sad stat.,309 5008,4.982979971184353e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 02:41:15,“@MichaelSkolnik: Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson”,309 5009,4.9829801904584704e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 02:41:20,THIS HAS TO END “@MichaelSkolnik: Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson”,309 5010,4.982983716152443e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 02:42:44,“@MichaelSkolnik: Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson”,309 5011,4.9829890731176755e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 02:44:52,"“@MichaelSkolnik: Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson” this makes me cry.",309 5012,4.9829953570236826e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 02:47:21,Real life. “@MichaelSkolnik: Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson”,309 5013,4.982995486250189e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 02:47:25,“@MichaelSkolnik: Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson” sad truth!,309 5014,4.982996539356037e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 02:47:50,RT @MichaelSkolnik: Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson,309 5015,4.983006173924065e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 02:51:39,cc: @desireeadaway RT @MichaelSkolnik: Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson,309 5016,4.983038986463478e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 03:04:42,“@MichaelSkolnik: Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson”<~~ damn!,309 5017,4.983049716713431e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 03:08:57,“@MichaelSkolnik: Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson”,309 5018,4.9830530875459174e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 03:10:18,@MichaelSkolnik @slobotski is that true? It's an awful stat,309 5019,4.983074716107448e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 03:18:54,"@MichaelSkolnik @MediaLizzy Oh do tell where they keep track of ""vigilante"" stats. That's interesting.",309 5020,4.9830946788972954e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 03:26:49,@MichaelSkolnik fuck these crooked ass cops all around the world...yea i said it,309 5021,4.983120782438195e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 03:37:12,RT@MichaelSkolnik: Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson,309 5022,4.9831334512952934e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 03:42:14,"“@MichaelSkolnik: Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson” Can I have your source?",309 5023,4.983139706890117e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 03:44:43,@Dustin_Jeffrey @MichaelSkolnik he is a legit source.,309 5024,4.983141404366848e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 03:45:23,"@MadChad412 @MichaelSkolnik that's fine, but I would like definitive proof before making a hypothesis",309 5025,4.983144014272512e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 03:46:26,@Dustin_Jeffrey @MichaelSkolnik you can google it. Same as whites and blacks smoke weed at some rate but blacks 8 more times 2 b arrested,309 5026,4.9831473169094656e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 03:47:44,@MadChad412 @MichaelSkolnik and as far as Google goes. I'm published on google being biased as all hell. I don't trust everything I google,309 5027,4.9831852371922944e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 04:02:49,Wow. “@MichaelSkolnik: Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson”,309 5028,4.983203932962898e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 04:10:14,#RIPMikeBrown RT @MichaelSkolnik Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson,309 5029,4.983304809916703e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 04:50:19,"@MichaelSkolnik What is your source? Are there similar figures for white, Latino and Asian males?",309 5030,4.9833450204195635e+17,1,2,2014-08-10 05:06:18,@MichaelSkolnik @BlackGinger5 Source?,309 5031,5.0028024962903654e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 13:58:00,"Police name the officer who shot #Ferguson teenager #MichaelBrown. Watch: http://t.co/O76WptH1nE http://t.co/R6bxjsY9CZ",310 5032,5.002807997665362e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 14:00:12,@CNNVideo @CNN sounds like they had too much time to fabricate a story. If this was the case from the beginning why not say so,310 5033,5.002809823949046e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 14:00:55,@CNNVideo @CNN lol cnn is first to report this. Did you find that plane yet?,310 5034,5.0028170829889536e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 14:03:48,"@CNNVideo You KNOW this officer and his family are in great.danger now, no question about it !!",310 5035,5.002819981668639e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 14:04:57,@CNNVideo @CNN wow!!! Robbery!!! So that is how they justify it. #MichaelBrown,310 5036,5.002820387639296e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 14:05:07,"“@CNNVideo: Police name the officer who shot #Ferguson teenager #MichaelBrown. Watch: http://t.co/Yon75Lc1Yk http://t.co/Vcua74XYwv”FINALLY",310 5037,5.00283383394476e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 14:10:28,@donteshamir: @CNNVideo @CNN sounds like they had too much time to fabricate a story. If this was the case from the beginning why not say so,310 5038,5.002855358823383e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 14:19:01,@donteshamir @CNNVideo @CNN It's called an investigation...,310 5039,5.002866688854835e+17,0,0,2014-08-15 14:23:31,@ATD_6 @CNNVideo @CNN you can call it what you like still sounds like fabrication thank you,310 5040,5.002877400561787e+17,1,-1,2014-08-15 14:27:46,"@CNNVideo Probably could have been avoided, but not looking good for Michael Brown. Still need more info though...",310 5041,5.002877879257866e+17,1,-2,2014-08-15 14:27:58,not that much investigating in the world when you had eye witness. RT @ATD_6: @donteshamir @CNNVideo @CNN It's called an investigation...”,310 5042,5.0028840210611814e+17,1,-2,2014-08-15 14:30:24,"@MauriceBBreaux @CNNVideo @CNN If it is true(which should be clear eventually),that along with other circumstances could justify it...",310 5043,5.00288540295852e+17,1,-2,2014-08-15 14:30:57,@trulymyhraa @CNNVideo does it even matter though?...,310 5044,5.002897243184865e+17,1,-2,2014-08-15 14:35:39,"@donteshamir If I were them, I wouldn't want to give information right away and it turnout to be false. That would be bad. all I'm saying",310 5045,5.0029032181807104e+17,1,-2,2014-08-15 14:38:02,"@_jaeeWALKIN Do you know if the store clerk has spoken? He should be able to give some important details as well (robbery or not, etc.)",310 5046,5.0029078896286515e+17,1,-2,2014-08-15 14:39:53,@CNNVideo @CNN Fuck your packages.. WE WANT JUSTICE! #FergusonShooting #RIPMikeBrown,310 5047,5.002938618483917e+17,1,-2,2014-08-15 14:52:06,@ATD_6 I understand but they are quick to give out someone arrest history,310 5048,5.002972051490857e+17,1,-2,2014-08-15 15:05:23,@CNNVideo @CNN Did anyone see the video where Mike is Laying on the ground after the shooting? Did he have flip flops or sneakers?,310 5049,5.002993719680942e+17,1,-2,2014-08-15 15:14:00,"@CNNVideo @CNN An investigation takes time, jumping to conclusions based on questionably credible witnesses is ignorant & irresponsible.",310 5050,5.00300057468756e+17,1,-2,2014-08-15 15:16:43,@CNNVideo dnt b rude @alexdiaz. Dnt let his name fool u. Hes a reg wht boi we c how he thinks. Can i say im proud 2 c wht ppl out there2,310 5051,5.0030035964318106e+17,1,-2,2014-08-15 15:17:55,@donteshamir @ATD_6 especially if they r male blk no matter wat age.,310 5052,5.00300390832042e+17,1,-2,2014-08-15 15:18:02,@ATD_6 the fact of the matter is that it took way too long for them to release ANYTHING period,310 5053,5.0030061864565555e+17,1,-2,2014-08-15 15:18:57,@donteshamir @ATD_6 or would've been quick to release details if it Was a black on black crime.,310 5054,5.0030080955777024e+17,1,-2,2014-08-15 15:19:42,@_jaeeWALKIN that's debatable,310 5055,5.00300873277653e+17,1,-2,2014-08-15 15:19:57,@CNNVideo i say swift blindin VIOLENCE. Due un 2 them & they'll think twice b4 they hurt our kids. Real talk.,310 5056,5.003010154813481e+17,1,-2,2014-08-15 15:20:31,@stylesjames1 @ATD_6 and you know that is the truth!!,310 5057,5.003140976497336e+17,1,-2,2014-08-15 16:12:30,@ATD_6 it does matter to some people.,310 5058,5.00321294119084e+17,1,-2,2014-08-15 16:41:06,@ATD_6 negative,310 5059,7.750575558652068e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 19:44:55,What do you think Hillary is suffering from?,311 5060,7.751465154760622e+17,0,0,2016-09-12 01:38:25,@Portosj81J @ohSAMah blood clot. she should be far away from the stress of POTUS. no joke. https://t.co/Z3r97dwKsC,311 5061,7.751473984315843e+17,0,0,2016-09-12 01:41:55,@Portosj81J @barbour_nancy None of the above,311 5062,7.751502353665352e+17,0,0,2016-09-12 01:53:12,"@Portosj81J Should have had ""Death"" as an option",311 5063,7.751504100007199e+17,0,0,2016-09-12 01:53:53,@Portosj81J EVIL!,311 5064,7.751542629722685e+17,0,0,2016-09-12 02:09:12,@Portosj81J @ASatyanarayanan blood clot?,311 5065,7.751939201499136e+17,0,0,2016-09-12 04:46:47,@Portosj81J I wouldn't be surprised if bill gave her std's,311 5066,7.752275474537513e+17,0,0,2016-09-12 07:00:25,@Portosj81J MY ANSWER IS TRUMP,311 5067,7.752670601463972e+17,0,0,2016-09-12 09:37:25,@Portosj81J @poodlelove55 Epilepsy,311 5068,7.753155632330179e+17,0,0,2016-09-12 12:50:09,@ShaheenRM7000 @Portosj81J they would have had to have sex..,311 5069,7.750581763748209e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 19:47:23,"@Portosj81J As an elderly & frail woman she suffers from exhaustion. She will tire easily and need naps, walkers & a hurry-cane. #OLD",311 5070,7.750667614314906e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 20:21:30,"""@Portosj81J: What do you think Hillary is suffering from?"" EPILEPSY",311 5071,7.750674388912128e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 20:24:12,@Portosj81J ALL of the above ..,311 5072,7.750677656400404e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 20:25:30,"@Portosj81J @Fanny57 Some say it's demonic possession.👿",311 5073,7.750706423790551e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 20:36:55,@Portosj81J @d0ss111_1 https://t.co/nqPzlGeREK,311 5074,7.750719491354829e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 20:42:07,"@MondeWill @Portosj81J @Fanny57 Satan can't be possessed",311 5075,7.750727995346862e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 20:45:30,@FrancesMotley @Portosj81J Parkinson's-,311 5076,7.750764307366789e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 20:59:55,"@Portosj81J Fuck, you people are idiots .",311 5077,7.750839022559191e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 21:29:37,@Portosj81J @EPryNKVD триппер не рассматривается?!,311 5078,7.750861094999818e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 21:38:23,@Portosj81J Putin,311 5079,7.750904603562926e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 21:55:40,"@Portosj81J I wanted to add 1 more, brain dead lmao",311 5080,7.750912943224873e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 21:58:59,@Portosj81J Brain tumor.,311 5081,7.750953479494287e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 22:15:06,"@Portosj81J it all fits Aspiration pneumonia, her stroke (on blood thinners) what happened today was no fainting spell,Diagnosed on Fri 9/9🤔",311 5082,7.751024716560712e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 22:43:24,@gunnerdiesel @Portosj81J IT'S NOT A TOOMAH! It's ZikAIDSebola,311 5083,7.751070064537068e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 23:01:25,@Portosj81J @vito4224 distemper !,311 5084,5.249417202499789e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:13:53,Footage from Globe reporter captures exchange of gun fire in Parliament Hill building https://t.co/FOu4PbNCDq,312 5085,5.249419727886336e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:14:53,“@globeandmail: Footage from Globe reporter captures exchange of gun fire in Parliament Hill building https://t.co/EFkaKoY3u1” new link.,312 5086,5.249420596572447e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:15:14,Chilling footage: @globeandmail: Globe reporter captures exchange of gun fire in Parliament Hill building https://t.co/SIQyjpAKpB,312 5087,5.249420916346143e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:15:22,Holy shit!!! @globeandmail: Footage from Globe reporter captures exchange of gun fire in Parliament Hill building https://t.co/AQweBsfdTs”,312 5088,5.249421255539548e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:15:30,“@globeandmail: Footage from Globe reporter captures exchange of gun fire in Parliament Hill building https://t.co/6SVYevOT4V” Disturbing,312 5089,5.24942355175338e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:16:25,“@globeandmail: Footage from Globe reporter captures exchange of gun fire in Parliament Hill building https://t.co/gisvSVGgvc” here it is,312 5090,5.2494259986683085e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:17:23,Thoughts to all involved. “@globeandmail: Footage fr Globe reporter captures exchange of gun fire in Parliament Hill https://t.co/tvhcyltFKf,312 5091,5.249426003445719e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:17:23,"@globeandmail How is the suspect STILL on the loose? And how was he able to drive right up to centre block, get inside & start shooting?",312 5092,5.2494261393414144e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:17:26,@globeandmail Surreal video. Shocking. #cdnpoli,312 5093,5.2494268742712115e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:17:44,"Wow ""@globeandmail: Footage from Globe reporter captures exchange of gun fire in Parliament Hill building https://t.co/6XLV4cXBSj”",312 5094,5.24943217947861e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:19:50,@globeandmail HOLY KRUD!,312 5095,5.249433908160799e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:20:32,“@globeandmail: Footage from Globe reporter captures exchange of gun fire in Parliament Hill building https://t.co/bNqfhPI1mx”,312 5096,5.249437140291502e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:21:49,"@davesquiresnl @globeandmail Seems surreal, doesn't it? Incredible professionalism to keep shooting & share horrific scene.",312 5097,5.249441944027955e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:23:43,@globeandmail sounded like 9 rest echoes,312 5098,5.2494450105214566e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:24:56,@globeandmail @exjon And this is literally at our door. Pres won't secure our borders from #ebola or #ISIS...why is that?,312 5099,5.249445271117578e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:25:02,“@globeandmail: Footage from Globe reporter captures exchange of gun fire in Parliament Hill building https://t.co/qnOzl1GynU” wow.,312 5100,5.249448127522529e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:26:11,@dutchysc @globeandmail so scary.,312 5101,5.249450425749381e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:27:05,@globeandmail irresponsible use of fire arms creates laws that restrict them? Use your voice not your gun. Guns don't create solutions.,312 5102,5.2494517232153805e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:27:36,"@globeandmail FOX-7 News in Austin Tx here.. May we use you video on the air? We will credit The Globe and Mail.",312 5103,5.249452733581394e+17,1,-1,2014-10-22 15:28:00,@IStateYourName_ @globeandmail @exjon Are you on strong opiates or are you an idiot?,312 5104,5.249460609855324e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 15:31:08,@MissTaraTeng @globeandmail I say he was let in that is the only explanation. We have to b open If it is ISIS related they have supporters,312 5105,5.249463452712632e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 15:32:16,@MissTaraTeng @globeandmail that 1st gunman is dead his partner in crime is on a brown motorcycle and took shelter,312 5106,5.249465641673974e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 15:33:08,@cfletch_13 @globeandmail @exjon Neither. Do you not understand how sarcasm works or are you merely obtuse?,312 5107,5.249539283208315e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 16:02:24,@ericabecks @MissTaraTeng @globeandmail who said anything about isis?,312 5108,5.249554919657308e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 16:08:37,@cdn_rob @ericabecks @globeandmail // She's just saying that it could be anyone... We don't have the full story. No accusations here.,312 5109,5.249560958410506e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 16:11:01,@cdn_rob @MissTaraTeng @globeandmail Come on I know it's hard to imagine but we need to suspect the coinsedence. Even the news agrees.,312 5110,5.249562596240548e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 16:11:40,@ericabecks @MissTaraTeng @globeandmail hey maybe its bin Laden,312 5111,5.249569163056456e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 16:14:16,@cdn_rob @MissTaraTeng @globeandmail no he's already dead you obviously think this is a joke so I will end this now,312 5112,5.249572283279073e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 16:15:31,@ericabecks @MissTaraTeng @globeandmail ya keep thinking its isis. Theres alot of fkd up people out there other then them idiots over there,312 5113,5.249587214791557e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 16:21:27,@ericabecks @MissTaraTeng @globeandmail wat news agrees its isis ? Im interested,312 5114,7.749910782650941e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:20:46,"Except for the coughing, fainting, apparent seizures and ""short-circuits,"" Hillary is in the peak of health.",313 5115,7.751387487366308e+17,0,0,2016-09-12 01:07:33,@mitchellvii the autopsy said there was no evidence of foul play,313 5116,7.751463198370038e+17,0,0,2016-09-12 01:37:38,@mitchellvii @kohlweiler I think she's going to drop over dead at some point here. Not good,313 5117,7.751664106622198e+17,0,0,2016-09-12 02:57:28,@mitchellvii All symptoms point directly to Parkinson's...and this must be revealed and she must be stopped from running. She is unfit.,313 5118,7.752321242783621e+17,0,0,2016-09-12 07:18:36,@mitchellvii I think it is weird to suggest that catching a bug makes you unfit to lead a country.,313 5119,7.75335185348866e+17,0,0,2016-09-12 14:08:07,"@mitchellvii @Veteran4Trump. Don't forget those shades, she's obviously going blind as well!",313 5120,7.753368654025851e+17,0,0,2016-09-12 14:14:48,@mitchellvii @Veteran4Trump Next Commander in Chief needs the Stamina to Stand Up 2 the challenges 2 MAGA! 🇺🇸,313 5121,7.753627092902666e+17,0,0,2016-09-12 15:57:30,@mitchellvii regarding Hillary could it be that God is moving against evil,313 5122,7.753744052580598e+17,0,0,2016-09-12 16:43:58,"@mitchellvii Exactly! That's why I hope @HillaryClinton gets well soon, so Americans get to see presidential debates! Please don't drop out!",313 5123,7.749913926196716e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:22:01,"@mitchellvii @HillaryClinton If you are now feeling better, please step outside and say a few words to your press pool to prove your stamina",313 5124,7.749917626874839e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:23:29,"@mitchellvii 🇺🇸Hillary passed out at the 9/11 Memorial Ceremony today, her knees buckled, went down & lost a shoe poor thang #TrumpPence16",313 5125,7.749919438644961e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:24:12,@mitchellvii weekend at bernies,313 5126,7.74992054883541e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:24:39,"@mitchellvii Twitter had 'Medical Episode' trending, but it seems to have disappeared. Twitter covering up for Hillary.",313 5127,7.749921558403604e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:25:03,"@mitchellvii Don't forget the double vision, blood clots, mobility issues, hostility, uncontrollable lying, and unfounded attacks on voters.",313 5128,7.749922855576781e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:25:34,"@mitchellvii This ""medical episode"" as @FoxNews is calling it will definitely heighten the suggestion that something is up with her health",313 5129,7.749923347611976e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:25:45,@mitchellvii what happens if she was to die before the election? Kaine 2016? This is a very possible grey area that scares me.,313 5130,7.749924934106767e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:26:23,"@mitchellvii Bill, you R the kind of guy I would like to have a beer with,and I don't drink. You have some great thoughts.",313 5131,7.749925885626982e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:26:46,@mitchellvii #ShoelessHillary,313 5132,7.749926033937777e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:26:49,@PotBellyJelly @mitchellvii look she is so arrogant if she has alzheimers she'd still demand to be president. She's does not care if she's,313 5133,7.749927393143071e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:27:22,@mitchellvii not fit to lead. She thinks it's her god given right to be president.,313 5134,7.74992762785534e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:27:27,"@mitchellvii And her massive inability to remember important facts or handle national e-mails, which belong to US, not her.",313 5135,7.749928010125148e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:27:37,@mitchellvii @realDonaldTrump Hope she doesn't drop dead before Election Day. I want to beat her & her corruption while she's still alive.,313 5136,7.749932831939297e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:29:32,@MattyMansell @mitchellvii I will guarantee you if elected she won't make it a year and you'll get president Tim kaine. Scary.,313 5137,7.749942084490322e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:33:12,@mitchellvii we have the right to have a healthy President. We need to see #HillarysMedicalRecords #CoverUp #HillarysHealth,313 5138,7.749942616956846e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:33:25,"@mitchellvii Who's Gonna fill them shoes https://t.co/BRuW7JP9Ua",313 5139,7.74994601102889e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:34:46,"@mitchellvii You left out ""loss of shoes"".",313 5140,7.749947480922235e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:35:21,@mitchellvii she proved it when she showed everybody she could open a jar of pickles 🐷,313 5141,7.749949431819264e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:36:07,"@mitchellvii Can you IMAGINE if Trump would have fainted, fallen over, and lost his shoe under his SUV???",313 5142,7.749954707374326e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:38:13,"@mitchellvii @JimiClint What will happen to America if it gets hot in the 'war room'? She won't give up control of the button no matter what",313 5143,7.749954798474035e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:38:15,"@mitchellvii Also, except for having a 24/7 MD by her side giving her Valium injections, Hillary is in good health! https://t.co/GieNxwTXX7",313 5144,7.749955559488553e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:38:33,"@mitchellvii True, after all she can open a pickle jar.",313 5145,7.749956656131932e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:39:00,@mitchellvii some one QUICK get @HillaryClinton a jar of pickles to open an she'll make a miraculous recovery,313 5146,7.749971582694277e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:44:55,@HL3tweets @Maxinerunner @mitchellvii The left would be calling for a forfeitfrom@realDonalTrump for sure#MediaBias#KarmaforHillary,313 5147,7.749980733868892e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:48:34,@mitchellvii love the sarcasm. Lol,313 5148,7.749985401626624e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:50:25,@mitchellvii Terrifying: Tim Kaine as Presumptive President.,313 5149,7.749995717265285e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 15:54:31,.@mitchellvii she also had concussions that prevented her from testifying before Congress-her health has been bad a long time-,313 5150,7.75001478754775e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 16:02:06,@mitchellvii hahahahaha,313 5151,7.750032416418365e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 16:09:06,@mitchellvii @JewRussophile https://t.co/Xsin2iiiXI,313 5152,7.750033098160292e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 16:09:22,@mitchellvii @JewRussophile Walking rigor mortis,313 5153,7.750038370945065e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 16:11:28,"@mitchellvii @Cowalsh9746 & thanks to her 2nd security detail, she has both shoes. #Deplorable #HillarysHealth https://t.co/RZqXoPiQGG",313 5154,7.750066625833533e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 16:22:41,@MattyMansell @GoykhmanAlla @mitchellvii I'm guessing uncle joe?????,313 5155,7.75007094051369e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 16:24:24,@MattyMansell @GoykhmanAlla @mitchellvii they'd better make sure M. Bloomberg is ready to run,313 5156,7.750072824720876e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 16:25:09,@MattyMansell @GoykhmanAlla @mitchellvii as a settler of course.,313 5157,7.750073895777198e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 16:25:35,@mitchellvii @lorischovanec All commies are #MentallyIll,313 5158,7.750210750086595e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 17:19:58,@mitchellvii - and don't forget the Stroke.,313 5159,7.750211862836716e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 17:20:24,@mitchellvii I just saw the video. She didn't faint. That was a seizure in which she lost consciousness. My son gets them so I know...,313 5160,7.750224558909112e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 17:25:27,@mitchellvii for a mostly dead lizard,313 5161,7.750246876129976e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 17:34:19,@DefendUrRights @mitchellvii Both mentally & physically challenged fine choice for Pres,313 5162,7.750248575368765e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 17:34:59,@mitchellvii it was a god dam seizure,313 5163,7.75025738739245e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 17:38:30,"@mitchellvii @JrcheneyJohn MSM will say 'keep moving, nothing to see here'",313 5164,7.750261247075328e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 17:40:02,.@mitchellvii https://t.co/qxNSRX2IYe,313 5165,7.750262946060943e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 17:40:42,@PotBellyJelly @wraithvenge @mitchellvii It's still trending at #4.,313 5166,7.750278904885658e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 17:47:03,"@DefendUrRights @wraithvenge @mitchellvii yesterday, #BasketOfDeplrables was a distraction from #HillarysHealth & emails. Today is opposite.",313 5167,7.750296200223457e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 17:53:55,"@mitchellvii notice as she falls trying to enter the van, her security detail conveniently steps in front of cameras to cover up ""episode""",313 5168,7.750356465116447e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 18:17:52,"@mitchellvii MSN Shills will Verify that!",313 5169,7.750387453512991e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 18:30:11,"@mitchellvii @JoanieChesnutt At the very peak yes, almost time to go down a cliff and into the earth.",313 5170,7.750462428586271e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 18:59:58,"@mitchellvii @Nlev81 looks like HRC has cancer or a blood clot. No fainting, but no control over her body. #AlwaysTrump",313 5171,7.750480693981389e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 19:07:14,@ToddHeadleeAZ So we will finally get a tRUMP proper medical evaluation? (other than the one he dictated fromhis limo?)@mitchellvii @FoxNews,313 5172,7.750483846421094e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 19:08:29,@mitchellvii EVERYTHING is already in the doc reports... let us see a physical (and mental one ) of tRUMP,313 5173,7.750485626734633e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 19:09:11,"@HL3tweets @mitchellvii Yes, you would have been pissed if we were not compassionate... and lied and said he injected by a hillary bot",313 5174,7.750486904697733e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 19:09:42,@mitchellvii @veganvecoh To be totally Honest am not concern about that Traitors Health,313 5175,7.750506860188836e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 19:17:37,@youniquelikeme1 @mitchellvii Another LOW LIFE Trump Troll blocked. Where does Hillary DIG UP these NUT CASES?,313 5176,7.750516334660895e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 19:21:23,@mitchellvii @SandyHermannJ Someone please tell her Hello from deplorable me. Thanks.,313 5177,7.750522959689277e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 19:24:01,@kalindholm @mitchellvii I think this has been the plan all along. Get her across the finish line and others will do the governing.,313 5178,7.750524502229197e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 19:24:38,@HL3tweets He has fallen so why is there no medical report on his dementia and balance issues? @mitchellvii,313 5179,7.750534803063685e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 19:28:44,@mitchellvii @TweetMeRight66 And she outright says that POTUS must be rock steady... https://t.co/PgR20SqlKu,313 5180,7.750625404895273e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 20:04:44,"@mitchellvii @lynmacjay In most jobs she would go on leave. Let's face reality even if you like her, she lacks the strength/stamina for job.",313 5181,7.750630193236992e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 20:06:38,"@mitchellvii Best heath ever, until the pride puts her in the hospital or grave",313 5182,7.750677334319473e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 20:25:22,@mitchellvii @LRRMV is that why the funeral director is following her around?,313 5183,7.750687457189601e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 20:29:23,@mitchellvii @cmrose999 since she can't win by policies its all stage for sympathy vote lol,313 5184,7.750749951227412e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 20:54:13,@mitchellvii @veganvecoh UNFIT!,313 5185,7.750755285543895e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 20:56:20,@mitchellvii @ardellbecky1 Hillary is in excellent health if you ignor when she falls down! Heat Stroke today? I don't think so.,313 5186,7.750768299588444e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 21:01:31,"@ToddHeadleeAZ Hillary Clinton almost fainted. I have done this hundreds of times https://t.co/FmNb5L14YC @mitchellvii @FoxNews",313 5187,7.750846536487076e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 21:32:36,.@mitchellvii @MissD4Trump look if you have a racehorse doing that - bet on the other ones,313 5188,7.750848985959875e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 21:33:34,@mitchellvii @MissD4Trump Ordinarily I would feel compassion for someone in such condition but then I remember this! https://t.co/IOrva6lHfS,313 5189,7.750898910885356e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 21:53:25,@mitchellvii @AVCInvest ..much better than her cemetery voters,313 5190,7.750962102606234e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 22:18:31,@mitchellvii https://t.co/TZGR28QXiZ,313 5191,7.750986949118484e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 22:28:24,@mitchellvii @elmorephd she'll say she was feverish on her comment Deplorable 😡,313 5192,7.751011022618337e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 22:37:58,"@mitchellvii @IsaboSalem ""Moon Over Parador"" Campaign; HRC in ICU and body-double executes role as her staff dictates; Banana Republic",313 5193,7.751171359243674e+17,0,0,2016-09-11 23:41:40,@mitchellvii Hillary campaign releases statement do not believe your eyes ears nose or throat... Hillary is just fine,313 5194,7.772993946556826e+17,0,0,2016-09-18 00:13:11,@mitchellvii @insurance_fast LMAOOOOO 👍👍🙏#MAGA @JaredWyand @RealJamesWoods @AssOnRight @josheb32 @michellemalkin @ezralevant @WilkowMajority,313 5195,5.535532886256722e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 14:06:03,#BREAKING Paris hostage-taker 'knows' one Charlie Hebdo killer: source,314 5196,5.535535676810977e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 14:07:09,“@AFP: #BREAKING Paris hostage-taker 'knows' one Charlie Hebdo killer: source”#fox35,314 5197,5.535549270046802e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 14:12:33,“@AFP: #BREAKING Paris hostage-taker 'knows' one Charlie Hebdo killer: source” what does that even mean?,314 5198,5.5355590194968576e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 14:16:26,@RichardSP86 @AFP I don't think even they know.,314 5199,5.535560962214707e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 14:17:12,@AFP @Davinatics this world is going crazy @nancylaws32 .,314 5200,5.5355623181490995e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 14:17:44,RT @AFP #BREAKING Paris hostage-taker 'knows' one Charlie Hebdo killer: source,314 5201,5.535563712755425e+17,0,0,2015-01-09 14:18:18,“@AFP: #BREAKING Paris hostage-taker 'knows' one Charlie Hebdo killer: source” WHAT THE HELL...?,314 5202,5.535566915228385e+17,1,-1,2015-01-09 14:19:34,"@AFP WTF? Now I don't understand, the paris hostage-takers is the ones who killed the 12 people? I am mindfucked, someone explain.",314 5203,5.535567568578847e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 14:19:50,@FilaMagnus @AFP it's like they can't make up their mind if they were monitoring these guys or there was no warning....,314 5204,5.535580403858145e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 14:24:56,@RichardSP86 @AFP Seems like the script they have isn't as complete as it ought to be. Things are smelling as fishy as ever.,314 5205,5.535584387905659e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 14:26:31,@FilaMagnus @AFP someone is going to get the blame for this. Then also worry it'll just make conditions harder for all French Muslims,314 5206,5.5355905932487475e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 14:28:59,"@RichardSP86 @AFP All I'm wondering is ""who"", exactly. I truly fear for them. It's not like things aren't already hard, as it is.",314 5207,5.535595335412777e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 14:30:52,@AFP @Sara__Firth Melbourne airport down on terror alert,314 5208,5.5355966089752166e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 14:31:22,@FilaMagnus @AFP and about to get much worse. Collective punishment for government incompetence.,314 5209,5.5356050204381184e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 14:34:43,"@RichardSP86 @AFP That last bit sounds rather familiar, doesn't it? Had we not heard just about the same thing, with the attack in Sydney?",314 5210,5.535607523682632e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 14:35:42,"@RichardSP86 @AFP How can so many countries be making the same, simple, and highly incompetent mistake, at about the same time? It's crazy.",314 5211,5.5356101699568435e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 14:36:45,@FilaMagnus @AFP it's the story all over the world anymore yeah.,314 5212,5.535619690859233e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 14:40:32,"@FilaMagnus @AFP Australia was I think more genuinely unpredictable, in that his ""radicalization"" was internal, delusional, and grandiose",314 5213,5.535620917693276e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 14:41:02,@FilaMagnus @AFP that said you have to wonder how a man known for being psychotic and murderous had access to guns.,314 5214,5.5356386517518336e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 14:48:04,"@RichardSP86 that most certainly is true. But...(eh, I guess with all the false flags, I can't help but see it all as something else)",314 5215,5.53564055017771e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 14:48:50,@RichardSP86 Exactly this. Especially with the amount of charges against him. I still really don't understand how he had walked free.,314 5216,5.535644086483231e+17,1,-2,2015-01-09 14:50:14,@FilaMagnus incompetence. We see the same in all the US mass shootings preceded by ridiculous amount of red flags.,314 5217,7.688597802407731e+17,0,0,2016-08-25 17:17:10,Sick Hillary is seen here using great caution as she attempts to get out of a car. #HillarysHealth https://t.co/1ys6vMJrds,315 5218,7.690002938957742e+17,0,0,2016-08-26 02:35:32,@ATrumping @sue51684 @asamjulian lol Hilary having trouble passing the bar,315 5219,7.690120417220035e+17,0,0,2016-08-26 03:22:12,.@asamjulian That's s specially made car with a step down for her. She is in very poor health and the media is covering it up.,315 5220,7.690449937680343e+17,0,0,2016-08-26 05:33:09,@asamjulian is that a minivan?,315 5221,7.690538429777183e+17,0,0,2016-08-26 06:08:19,@asamjulian https://t.co/rHD3EwPYgS,315 5222,7.691866289591091e+17,0,0,2016-08-26 14:55:57,@asamjulian @jgreen46 Parkinson's!,315 5223,7.691885671805338e+17,0,0,2016-08-26 15:03:39,@WhiteJacketPink @asamjulian @jgreen46 agree Robin. She moves like someone who is cautious of another fall. My gfather had Parkinson's.,315 5224,7.691896583706378e+17,0,0,2016-08-26 15:08:00,"@cherylann729 @asamjulian @jgreen46 HILLARY's NOT ABOVE illness or disease it's human! But if disease makes her unfit 4 duty, just way it is",315 5225,7.691901923349873e+17,0,0,2016-08-26 15:10:07,"@WhiteJacketPink @asamjulian @jgreen46 Age & illness are inevitable. But hiding significant medical condition of a presidential candidate-",315 5226,7.691903581944832e+17,0,0,2016-08-26 15:10:46,@cherylann729 @asamjulian @jgreen46 not right !,315 5227,7.691903793295565e+17,0,0,2016-08-26 15:10:51,"@WhiteJacketPink @asamjulian @jgreen46 - Just more #HillaryClinton LIES ‼️",315 5228,7.717384688503726e+17,0,0,2016-09-02 15:56:03,@asamjulian https://t.co/hUxKk6lxqZ,315 5229,7.700684316180562e+17,0,0,2016-08-29 01:19:55,@asamjulian that grip is awful tight.,315 5230,7.703461713907589e+17,0,0,2016-08-29 19:43:34,"@asamjulian if she can't get out of a car without help, she can't be president",315 5231,7.693305376180838e+17,0,0,2016-08-27 00:27:48,"@asamjulian @pink_lady56 Fall PLEASE God Fall, make sure the Lifealert is not paid up too..",315 5232,7.69516922765312e+17,0,0,2016-08-27 12:48:25,@asamjulian Try this Hilary my grandma loves it. https://t.co/ELCdrZYyVz,315 5233,7.695378883211715e+17,0,0,2016-08-27 14:11:44,"@asamjulian @drofdem amazing the agent didn't just have #SickHillary climb on his back like a fat, sick chimpanzee then set her down gently.",315 5234,7.695791524584571e+17,0,0,2016-08-27 16:55:42,@asamjulian looks like her candles aren't strong enough to hold her up they're too weak,315 5235,7.720845202627871e+17,0,0,2016-09-03 14:51:08,"@plewis1956 @PrimMrs @noblefacts @asamjulian Run on sentence oops Shld be No, there ARE reports out SUV was made ESPECIALLY low for HC",315 5236,7.699941962834248e+17,0,0,2016-08-28 20:24:56,@asamjulian @Bonanof Crack kills.,315 5237,7.688600325364204e+17,0,0,2016-08-25 17:18:11,"@asamjulian Look how low the car is! Seriously,its almost level with street. #SickHillary",315 5238,7.688600640860119e+17,0,0,2016-08-25 17:18:18,@asamjulian Definitely something is wrong!,315 5239,7.688601487272223e+17,0,0,2016-08-25 17:18:38,@asamjulian that car looks like it's 8inches off the ground. WOW!!!,315 5240,7.688605330553651e+17,0,0,2016-08-25 17:20:10,@asamjulian she needs to nap with Bill,315 5241,7.688616129459773e+17,0,0,2016-08-25 17:24:27,@asamjulian https://t.co/oJ0YvvcHd0,315 5242,7.688636020654162e+17,0,0,2016-08-25 17:32:22,"@asamjulian Old, feeble, evil and short circuiting, the liberals choice for president. Need @realDonaldTrump #CorruptMSM #BuildTheWall",315 5243,7.688652872569405e+17,0,0,2016-08-25 17:39:03,"@asamjulian Unfit for the office, both physically and morally. @HillaryClinton #NeverHillary",315 5244,7.688855983042683e+17,0,0,2016-08-25 18:59:46,"Thats true, didn't notice before. “@PrimMrs: @asamjulian Look how low the car is! Seriously,its almost level with street. #SickHillary”",315 5245,7.688989145104753e+17,0,0,2016-08-25 19:52:41,@asamjulian She moves slower than my 83 yr old mom did. Something is wrong for sure.,315 5246,7.689137995503043e+17,0,0,2016-08-25 20:51:50,@PrimMrs @noblefacts @asamjulian Those Escalades are notorious low riders,315 5247,7.689217662951793e+17,0,0,2016-08-25 21:23:29,@asamjulian @ashes2birth The Hillary loving media is trying to suggest Trump is not well so that they can deflect from pics like this!,315 5248,7.689443321204244e+17,0,0,2016-08-25 22:53:09,"@asamjulian @TheIvanVolter Get the bitch a car kane,let her help herself.Shes helped herself to everything else. @HillaryClinton",315 5249,7.689602933638144e+17,0,0,2016-08-25 23:56:35,"@asamjulian When she stepped out of the vehicle it rose 6 inches. Not because she's fat, but because her head is so big!",315 5250,7.711376623045222e+17,0,0,2016-09-01 00:08:40,@asamjulian @michelleaukamp @HillaryClinton #HillarysFailingHealth #SickHillary https://t.co/7yEQIQq27W,315 5251,7.711460671151473e+17,0,0,2016-09-01 00:42:04,@plewis1956 @PrimMrs @noblefacts @asamjulian No reports out stating SUV made ESPECIALLY low for HC,315 5252,7.71146763168211e+17,0,0,2016-09-01 00:44:50,@asamjulian @abusedtaxpayer Looks like a woman that has a hard time using her legs?,315 5253,7.711876712510341e+17,0,0,2016-09-01 03:27:23,@asamjulian @bberghofsr it looks like Her depends might be full,315 5254,7.712023327762473e+17,0,0,2016-09-01 04:25:39,@deerman118 @asamjulian @bberghofsr You guys are pretty juvenile just like Trump the 12 yo man child😡 Sad!,315 5255,7.712646110057964e+17,0,0,2016-09-01 08:33:07,@asamjulian @LyndaG1963 oh if only to be SS for a day.....what a wonderful trip it would be,315 5256,7.704592390096486e+17,0,0,2016-08-30 03:12:51,@asamjulian she is barely mobile it seems.,315 5257,5.442948931460915e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 00:56:29,Ongoing hostage situation in Sydney café. #sydneysiege Major landmarks like the Sydney Opera House evacuated http://t.co/fmvq54QmTO,316 5258,5.442955371810693e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 00:59:03,@BBCWorld Why are other big buildings being evacuated? Police have more info or knee-jerk reaction?,316 5259,5.442958995857326e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 01:00:29,Situation should be dealt with cleverly & strongly. No mercy for the hostage takers @BBCWorld,316 5260,5.442960143632466e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 01:00:57,@BBCWorld still not clear what's happening,316 5261,5.442962186132562e+17,1,-1,2014-12-15 01:01:45,@BBCWorld i have heard there are credible threats at major public places in the uk over Christmas..... is this true @BBCWorld?,316 5262,5.442963844937892e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 01:02:25,"Special Prayers for #Sydney tonight ""@bbcworld: Ongoing hostage situation in Sydney café. #sydneysiege http://t.co/Z4hz7svcXQ”",316 5263,5.442973274027131e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 01:06:10,"@BBCWorld praying for a peaceful, safe ending to this crisis. #sydneysiege",316 5264,5.4429763363681894e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 01:07:23,"@BBCWorld terrorism is a virus, the roots are getting deeper, as a virus do by dwelling deep inside our systems. terrorism is same..",316 5265,5.442976787717243e+17,1,-1,2014-12-15 01:07:33,@BBCWorld why exactly did you give misinformation regarding how many hostages there was in the store -bbc? To make the story more,316 5266,5.442978308530012e+17,1,-2,2014-12-15 01:08:10,@BBCWorld sensational. How would the CEO of Lindt now how many people were in the store- when even the police haven't confirmed how many,316 5267,5.442978519503544e+17,1,-2,2014-12-15 01:08:15,"@BBCWorld Kindly call your Army and Navy seals ... these are deadly ISLAMIC terrorists who BLOW themselves ..",316 5268,5.4429786465070694e+17,1,-2,2014-12-15 01:08:18,@BBCWorld hostages their is?,316 5269,5.442983940309688e+17,1,-2,2014-12-15 01:10:24,@BBCWorld @cnnbrk so there is a hostage situation in Sydney? Why won't @cnnbrk report it?,316 5270,5.442989826088796e+17,1,-2,2014-12-15 01:12:44,@BBCWorld Ongoing hostage situation in Sydney café. #sydneysiege Major landmarks like the Sydney Opera House evcuated http://t.co/dFkdaFAj5O,316 5271,5.443007076086702e+17,1,-2,2014-12-15 01:19:35,@BBCWorld What are the demands? Any contacts with #Australian #ISIS terrorists? Any casualties? Standing by Australia & praying this ends,316 5272,5.443017110036152e+17,1,-2,2014-12-15 01:23:35,Did your host really say we shouldn't jump to conclusions? You think the guy with a gun is pissed off about coffee? C'mon @BBCWorld,316 5273,5.443020003438756e+17,1,-2,2014-12-15 01:24:44,@PolitiBunny @BBCWorld beans not picked by Juan Valdez,316 5274,5.443020607921848e+17,1,-2,2014-12-15 01:24:58,@PolitiBunny @BBCWorld Right. Maybe they're a bunch of Christians in there with the flag with Arabic writing on it. You never know.,316 5275,5.443020619120927e+17,1,-2,2014-12-15 01:24:58,@PolitiBunny @BBCWorld he is mad about chocolate.,316 5276,5.443021433151283e+17,1,-2,2014-12-15 01:25:18,@PolitiBunny @BBCWorld Yeah his Grande mocha double shot latte tasted like pork so he is mad about his coffee!,316 5277,5.4430255356801024e+17,1,-2,2014-12-15 01:26:56,@PolitiBunny @BBCWorld See this what happens when overpriced coffee orders are done wrong. Someone get the guy caffeine STAT!,316 5278,5.443028235347845e+17,1,-2,2014-12-15 01:28:00,@GraniteXchange @BBCWorld be scared! TERRRRRORRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!,316 5279,5.443033282936955e+17,1,-2,2014-12-15 01:30:00,@PolitiBunny Good thing Australia outlawed guns because... Oh wait. @BBCWorld,316 5280,5.4430336926826086e+17,1,-2,2014-12-15 01:30:10,@PolitiBunny @BBCWorld Dont call the police! Call Al Sharpton!,316 5281,5.4430397616307405e+17,1,-2,2014-12-15 01:32:35,"@PolitiBunny the media had no trouble jumping to conclusions re Ferguson, etc @BBCWorld",316 5282,5.443083748173701e+17,1,-2,2014-12-15 01:50:03,"@Shasur4Bharat leftists would soon call the attackers ""secular"" @BBCWorld",316 5283,5.4431284828205056e+17,1,-2,2014-12-15 02:07:50,Those damn Methodists. @diogenes323bc @PolitiBunny @BBCWorld,316 5284,5.4431743747139174e+17,1,-2,2014-12-15 02:26:04,@dave_usmc @diogenes323bc @PolitiBunny @BBCWorld probably jehovah's witnesses irritated with too many slammed doors. No offense to JW's. lol,316 5285,5.4432489054785126e+17,1,-2,2014-12-15 02:55:41,@aphex2k @BBCWorld Has been reported that hostage takers have stated they have devices planted around the CBD. Precaution,316 5286,7.64927075522261e+17,0,0,2016-08-14 20:50:01,Secret Service tells Infowars: Hillary seriously ill; needs special accommodations Tune in 4pm-6pm CST https://t.co/OQtch0Lewb #trump #tcot,317 5287,7.649776897865933e+17,0,0,2016-08-15 00:11:08,@RealAlexJones LOL! Get a life.,317 5288,7.649781932876554e+17,0,0,2016-08-15 00:13:08,@dialarotor @RealAlexJones What a coincidence! That's exactly what your family said about you.,317 5289,7.649782567768637e+17,0,0,2016-08-15 00:13:23,"@RealAlexJones @T_I_T_A_N_I_UM @realDonaldTrump FITS WITH HER BEHAVIOR, TRAVEL/HOTELS NEEDS, AND NO INTERVIEWING WITH MEDIA.",317 5290,7.649901382628229e+17,0,0,2016-08-15 01:00:36,@RealAlexJones @KLSouth notice she did he economic speech & we haven't seen her for days!,317 5291,7.649936944663839e+17,0,0,2016-08-15 01:14:44,@RealAlexJones @Trump4Hope Hopefully they will confirm what we docs have strongly suspected for a long time now. Organic brain dz. &dementia,317 5292,7.650056569527132e+17,0,0,2016-08-15 02:02:16,@thingfish69 @RealAlexJones @infowars He is clearly lying like all of his stories.,317 5293,7.650353970595308e+17,0,0,2016-08-15 04:00:26,@RealAlexJones @Eliz_Hightower there's lots of special accommodations. We could feed her to alligators or sacrifice her in an active volcano,317 5294,7.650420541414687e+17,0,0,2016-08-15 04:26:54,@RealAlexJones Hillary get help. Don't fall apart B4 You go to jail. Jail healthcare is below average.,317 5295,7.650546202048307e+17,0,0,2016-08-15 05:16:50,What? @LansMyers are u thinking about lining your windows? LOL.. @RealAlexJones,317 5296,7.650750884377641e+17,0,0,2016-08-15 06:38:10,"@RealAlexJones @cat_1012000 #trump #tcot I am not for either candidate . This health crap about Hillary is pure bullshit",317 5297,7.650769853117481e+17,1,1,2016-08-15 06:45:42,"@RealAlexJones @cat_1012000 #trump #tcot ""Seriously ill"" Hannity suggested brain damage,on last leg. She looks better now than the start",317 5298,7.651719006831616e+17,0,0,2016-08-15 13:02:51,Delusional @RealAlexJones spreading propaganda masking yourself as a real journalist. STOP lying to the American public #infowarslies,317 5299,7.652099818722509e+17,0,0,2016-08-15 15:34:11,"@RealAlexJones @glennbeck ... hey, another day in the #FED matrix morning to u #AlexJones; #GlennBeck was just picking on u again: #TheBlaze",317 5300,7.652528517822546e+17,1,-1,2016-08-15 18:24:32,"@RealAlexJones @infowars The Trolls, Alex is bad he lies, he's nuts, tin foil, etc. And yet here you are kicking a dead dog ? Who's crazy ?",317 5301,7.65336147539202e+17,1,-2,2016-08-15 23:55:31,@RealAlexJones Donald Trump tells The US: Trump seriously ill; needs special accommodations (a brain transplant),317 5302,7.649272943138652e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 20:50:53,@RealAlexJones @infowars this just in your a fake and we all know it ... Shame on you,317 5303,7.649287796428186e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 20:56:47,@RealAlexJones @infowars In more ways than one...just like Obama. https://t.co/YQ4mn5Lq3v,317 5304,7.649289217081631e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 20:57:21,"@RealAlexJones maybe we'll get lucky before November, dare to hope",317 5305,7.649291615300035e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 20:58:18,@RealAlexJones @infowars a full moon chickens https://t.co/ViN8bZE19z,317 5306,7.649294143625994e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 20:59:18,"@RealAlexJones LOL. Doin' the #TrumpHump",317 5307,7.649298367667282e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 21:00:59,@RealAlexJones SUNDAY EDITION! 'LIVE' IN 4...3...2... NOW!!! TUNE IN @Infowars! Today: #HillarysHealth #SorosHacked https://t.co/Wgy2QGy5LJ,317 5308,7.649307053862707e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 21:04:26,@RealAlexJones There is a sale on tinfoil at Aldi right now in bulk!,317 5309,7.649315265805107e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 21:07:42,@RealAlexJones ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - you got owned by @ReliableSources today for the nutbags you are.,317 5310,7.64931609355092e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 21:08:02,ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! HUGE BREAKING NEWS! @RealAlexJones @InfoWars #HillarysHealth #HAPPENINGNOW! NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW!!!,317 5311,7.64932195341525e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 21:10:21,@RealAlexJones @infowars Evil takes a serious physical/energetic toll. It is decaying her rapidly.,317 5312,7.649329955515924e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 21:13:32,@RealAlexJones @infowars why would the secret service even talk to Infowars?,317 5313,7.649353262593802e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 21:22:48,"@thingfish69 @RealAlexJones @infowars And doesn't the ""secret service"" operate in secret?",317 5314,7.649354297412198e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 21:23:12,@RealAlexJones the secret service speaks to Alex Jones? Makes perfect sense.,317 5315,7.649355620714537e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 21:23:44,"@RealAlexJones Alex, Alex! Are you playing in your feces again?",317 5316,7.649355773010575e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 21:23:48,@Yawd_Man @RealAlexJones @infowars it would be stupid if it didn't,317 5317,7.64935823443669e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 21:24:46,@RealAlexJones Delete your account.,317 5318,7.649404917794734e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 21:43:19,@RealAlexJones @infowars enjoy extinction.,317 5319,7.649405364615332e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 21:43:30,@RealAlexJones @infowars thanks for all you do keeping us informed Alex.,317 5320,7.649408151520788e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 21:44:36,@RealAlexJones slow agonizing death hopefully!!,317 5321,7.64943034391724e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 21:53:26,@RealAlexJones maybe she will die before the elections....,317 5322,7.649440299225907e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 21:57:23,@RealAlexJones Liar.,317 5323,7.649450518309888e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 22:01:27,@RealAlexJones LOL. It's you who is seriously ill. Mentally ill. #AlexJonesNuts,317 5324,7.649519449347318e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 22:28:50,"@RealAlexJones @infowars ""Special Accomodations"" sounds like a Secret Service code word for a Depends Adult Diaper.",317 5325,7.649523941574615e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 22:30:37,"@RealAlexJones @infowars No, no one credible told you anything like that.",317 5326,7.649570501996831e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 22:49:07,@RealAlexJones @infowars I heard on your show about ..Donald Trump is running against the mainstream media. #famousquotes,317 5327,7.649582044931768e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 22:53:42,@RealAlexJones stop spreading these lies,317 5328,7.649601053014139e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 23:01:16,@RealAlexJones @infowars does it matter? Shes already won the election. Unfortunately. Shes a weak candidate trump weaker,317 5329,7.649657013962138e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 23:23:30,@RealAlexJones that's the reason why the obvious VP in Warren was not made but Cain. @HillaryClinton wants power/history before resigning,317 5330,7.649680850445517e+17,1,-2,2016-08-14 23:32:58,@RealAlexJones you got to hope karma catches up sooner or later,317 5331,5.249617217449001e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 16:33:22,"Canadian soldier who was shot at #Ottawa's War Memorial is a reservist serving with the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders in #Hamilton, Ont.",318 5332,5.2517863120807526e+17,0,0,2014-10-23 06:55:17,"@Curlyloxxx @CBCAlerts At the time I posted Cpl Cirillo was alive. Unfortunately we know now he passed away. I, as many, am heartbroken.",318 5333,5.2524453292999475e+17,0,0,2014-10-23 11:17:09,@nikkivancouver @CBCAlerts it is so incredibly sad. I have a son named Nathan around the same age. My heart goes out to his family.,318 5334,5.2496216102692454e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 16:35:07,@CBCAlerts @ArponBasu Is he ok? American news sources say he was killed but I have not seen any Canadian reports indicating his condition.,318 5335,5.2496217016631706e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 16:35:09,@CBCAlerts my thoughts and prayers and with him and his family,318 5336,5.249623055710331e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 16:35:41,@CBCAlerts @stephenlautens He is one of yours!,318 5337,5.2496245886447616e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 16:36:18,"@CBCAlerts and is alive, per latest update.",318 5338,5.2496253347273114e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 16:36:35,@CBCAlerts @CBCTheNational NationalPost reported him as deceased but I hope they are wrong.,318 5339,5.2496276336214426e+17,1,-1,2014-10-22 16:37:30,@CBCAlerts pls tell us how our soldier is doing? Please tell us he will be allright. #cdnpoli #ottawa,318 5340,5.2496343182137754e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 16:40:10,MT “@CBCAlerts: soldier who was shot at #Ottawa's War Memorial is a reservist serving with the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders in #HamOnt”,318 5341,5.249635685347e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 16:40:42,@CBCAlerts @CBCNews Hope he is going to be OK.,318 5342,5.249635974544384e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 16:40:49,@CBCAlerts @Y108Rocks jesus,318 5343,5.249640968865997e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 16:42:48,@CBCAlerts has his family been notified?,318 5344,5.249652426911416e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 16:47:21,@2010redmittens @TundraGlobal @CBCAlerts The soldier is a member of the Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders from Hamilton. No word yet.,318 5345,5.24965639677825e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 16:48:56,@FletJan @2010redmittens @CBCAlerts Thank you for the update.,318 5346,5.249657482683433e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 16:49:22,"“@CBCAlerts: Canadian soldier shot at #Ottawa's War Memorial is a reservist serving w/ Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders in #Hamilton, Ont.”",318 5347,5.249658026475192e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 16:49:35,@TundraGlobal @2010redmittens @CBCAlerts Just announced that the soldier has succumbed to his injuries.,318 5348,5.249661426545787e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 16:50:56,"@FletJan @2010redmittens @CBCAlerts May he rest in peace. Sad. No other words. Just sad.",318 5349,5.2496731426208154e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 16:55:35,@CBCAlerts @CBCTheNational according to reports on Twitter the soldier has passed away,318 5350,5.249679881147556e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 16:58:16,@CBCAlerts @kshaidle Jason Kenney said deceased. RIP dear soldier.,318 5351,5.249685541318984e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 17:00:31,@TundraGlobal @FletJan @CBCAlerts Leslie on Global just retracted tht! Soldier is still alive! Jason kenny twt misunderstanding of some sort,318 5352,5.249694901495603e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 17:04:14,"@2010redmittens @UncleRee1 @TundraGlobal @FletJan @CBCAlerts Why are we paying attention to anything Kenney has to say?Is he the Deputy PM?",318 5353,5.249739099305697e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 17:21:48,@JakeWideman @CBCAlerts @ArponBasu apparently he has been shot dead :-(,318 5354,5.2497414558334566e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 17:22:44,@nikkivancouver @CBCAlerts ive only hears several times he was shot dead. But would be wonderful if they are wrong,318 5355,4.9848682626954854e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 15:11:35,".@AP I demand you retract the lie that people in #Ferguson were shouting ""kill the police"", local reporting has refuted your ugly racism",319 5356,4.984888007171932e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 15:19:26,@QuadCityPat @AP I join you in this demand. Unconscionable.,319 5357,4.984905648879903e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 15:26:26,@QuadCityPat @errollouis @AP Were you there?,319 5358,4.9849392085128806e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 15:39:46,@EdAsante77 @QuadCityPat @errollouis @AP People who WERE there have said it didn't happen. Videos playing this morning show no such thing.,319 5359,4.984941102282834e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 15:40:32,@Letzy__ @QuadCityPat @errollouis @AP People on Twitter? Forgive me I need more than that. Their track record isn't good.,319 5360,4.984964913136927e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 15:49:59,@EdAsante77 @QuadCityPat @errollouis @AP Follow @AntonioFrench Lots of short videos you can see.,319 5361,4.984966125961912e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 15:50:28,@Letzy__ @QuadCityPat @errollouis @AP @AntonioFrench A link to one or two would be appreciated.,319 5362,4.984968756923269e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 15:51:31,@EdAsante77 @QuadCityPat @errollouis @AP @AntonioFrench Check out my timeline. I've retweeted a lot of them.,319 5363,4.9849740554613555e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 15:53:37,@Letzy__ @QuadCityPat @errollouis @AP @AntonioFrench The Vines are from this morning. Anything from last night?,319 5364,4.984974825909371e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 15:53:56,@Letzy__ @AntonioFrench Thanks for the tip!,319 5365,4.98502714289324e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 16:14:43,@EdAsante77 @QuadCityPat @errollouis @AP @AntonioFrench I've retweeted some vids from last night.,319 5366,4.985028275103416e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 16:15:10,@QuadCityPat @AntonioFrench You're welcome! :),319 5367,4.985467192445788e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 19:09:35,"@QuadCityPat @Nikki528 @AP yes RETRACT the lie, don't try and cover it up. Issue a RETRACTION admit error & show journalistic integrity",319 5368,4.9854761274076365e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 19:13:08,@GladiatorNprada @QuadCityPat @AP them a a @NBCNews and a bunch of others need to retract their lies,319 5369,4.985509909716132e+17,0,0,2014-08-10 19:26:33,“@Nikki528: @GladiatorNprada @QuadCityPat @AP them & @NBCNews & a bunch of others need to retract their lies” yup! http://t.co/C1vGJWv7m3,319 5370,4.993989576601272e+17,0,0,2014-08-13 03:36:04,"@QuadCityPat @errollouis @AP No police in sight, and demnstrxns are peaceful. Deserves some attention. Pple getting organized! Now chrges",319 5371,5.443154720750428e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 02:18:16,US consulate in #Sydney reportedly evacuated amid ongoing hostage situation at chocolate shop http://t.co/n4D3yGjso9 http://t.co/ayL7vvqxl8,320 5372,5.4431622082124186e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 02:21:14,@FoxNews it's gonna get worse everywhere if we don't make a stand against this abhorrent behavior from the Devils Angels of deceit,320 5373,5.4431637420652134e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 02:21:51,"@FoxNews @CatholicismUSA This calls for action!! send in the Kangaroos!",320 5374,5.4431651965280256e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 02:22:25,@FoxNews US consulate n #Sydney evacuated amid hostage situation at shop http://t.co/GgOCdlIHNM http://t.co/B2vV1py2kX Send in #sealteam6.,320 5375,5.4431695291142554e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 02:24:09,@FoxNews take note of the flag over Merry Christmas. Not a coincidence. The world has a muslim problem.,320 5376,5.443169734219735e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 02:24:14,@FoxNews #Iran regime Vs. the al-Nusra Front terrorist group in #Syria #SydneyHostageCrisis #Sydneysiege http://t.co/wn3W7v2J9R,320 5377,5.443170106296484e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 02:24:22,@FoxNews @brithume A little less talking a little more shooting these Jihadist between the eyes! #sydneysiege,320 5378,5.4431747983384986e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 02:26:14,"@FoxNews Looks like SWAT has arrived....nail those THUGS to the floor and mop it up with their banner...",320 5379,5.443182761891594e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 02:29:24,@FoxNews Well if their police take him with a chokehold UN sanctions will follow.,320 5380,5.443219461929861e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 02:43:59,"#sydneysiege @FoxNews: US consulate #Sydney reported evacuated in ongoing hostage situation http://t.co/xTGm0hNquO http://t.co/8klZG4VeWS",320 5381,5.443227616575611e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 02:47:14,@FoxNews There are reports from eyewitnesses that hostages are being outfitted in backpacks!!! Can anyone confirm???,320 5382,5.443231653551309e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 02:48:50,@FoxNews @outsidevoice Thanks. Sydney Consulate. Embassy in Canberra. #Australia,320 5383,5.443232758628639e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 02:49:16,@FoxNews thankgod guns are illegal and banned it Australia right? Dumbasses,320 5384,5.4433698618658816e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 03:43:45,@FoxNews There are reports of a black flag being shown with Arabic writing on it.,320 5385,5.443442110388142e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 04:12:27,@Kidderdoc @FoxNews No that is untrue. The person holding the people hostage apparently has a backpack though.,320 5386,5.443519110427484e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 04:43:03,"@meiow79 no, I know that. Someone said thru the window they could see the hostages having backpacks placed on them @FoxNews",320 5387,5.4436288211769344e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 05:26:39,@AztlanConnect no we need covert action. Send in the walabys,320 5388,5.443633244317942e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 05:28:24,"@MarkMitchellus damn the law! send in the Crocs!..LOL",320 5389,5.443635941385339e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 05:29:29,@AztlanConnect all out assault? Better get the dingos in on this,320 5390,5.443643477958369e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 05:32:28,@mattbrisbon @FoxNews You're a dumb cunt,320 5391,5.443644588316549e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 05:32:55,@MarkMitchellus ehh.. the Dingos will be distracted into eating up all the chocolates..undependable lot those dingos...LOL,320 5392,5.443655152555991e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 05:37:07,@AztlanConnect we'll use the didgeridoos for cover,320 5393,5.443658015038792e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 05:38:15,"@MarkMitchellus ohh yeah.. the boomerangs they will be a flying!..lol",320 5394,5.443665980822651e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 05:41:25,@AztlanConnect we can both look forward to a nice fosters when it's over,320 5395,5.443669584732488e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 05:42:51,"@MarkMitchellus yes! Fosters is jolly good mate.. put a lil shrimp on the ole barbie..everything is fine!",320 5396,5.4446940757846426e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 12:29:57,@mc_phuck means alot coming from you hahah,320 5397,5.445820239568159e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 19:57:27,@mattbrisbon shut up you dumb cunt,320 5398,5.442745441740718e+17,0,0,2014-12-14 23:35:38,Take a break from bashing Cheney and waterboarding. Possible ISIS terrorist attack ongoing in Sydney. http://t.co/nkksw4ozE2,321 5399,5.4428084406021325e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 00:00:40,@exjon @mermayden why are people short sighted they r making us vulnerable with their liberal naive ways! Islamic Terrorists want to kill us,321 5400,5.442811459074826e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 00:01:52,@mermayden @riteormite @exjon you cannot compare their mindset to fanatics like Isis/ Al Qaeda,321 5401,5.442818725039432e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 00:04:45,"@jaystock52 @exjon I cant that stuff, just visually comparing, maybe a different snake doing the writing? see also: http://t.co/AAFXJmEjd7",321 5402,5.442826402419507e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 00:07:48,"@wallybert The flag says 'no god worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is his messenger"" not an Isis flag but Islamic. via @moelleissy",321 5403,5.442830727208059e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 00:09:31,@exjon What is it w Libs and their love of straw man arguments? @mermayden,321 5404,5.4428523769850675e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 00:18:07,@mermayden @exjon oh you studied at UNIV well you must have it all figured out. To bad our leaders won't listen to you and the PROFESSORS,321 5405,5.442852501098373e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 00:18:10,"@jaystock52 @moelleissy Thank God, its a religion of peace, imagine if it were otherwise...",321 5406,5.442862341145395e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 00:22:05,@atlassheepdog @mermayden @exjon And universities produced barrac hussein obama number 1 terrorist supporter in disguise,321 5407,5.442870640284918e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 00:25:23,@at_the_foxhole @mermayden @exjon Thank You. Good point.,321 5408,5.443054466185503e+17,0,0,2014-12-15 01:38:25,"@exjon @SheilaGunnReid @mermayden It has nothing to do with ISIS. The flag says, in Arabic, ""chocolate causes Diabetes"" #becauseHealth",321 5409,5.442749566754652e+17,0,0,2014-12-14 23:37:16,@exjon Liberals hate Bush/Chaney more than they hate terrorists.,321 5410,5.4427525516312576e+17,1,1,2014-12-14 23:38:27,@exjon This picture is so sad. These girls looked terrified and crying.,321 5411,5.442754869026038e+17,1,2,2014-12-14 23:39:22,@exjon if it is a terrorist attack then that waterboarding didn't do much good. I though it was justified cos it would prevent attacks.,321 5412,5.4427556320497664e+17,1,2,2014-12-14 23:39:41,"@exjon Tut, tut. A potential case of ""workplace violence"" in a Sydney cafe.",321 5413,5.442756674422047e+17,1,2,2014-12-14 23:40:05,@exjon my goodness,321 5414,5.442756736665805e+17,1,2,2014-12-14 23:40:07,@exjon it's probably a peaceful demonstration.,321 5415,5.4427590483142246e+17,0,0,2014-12-14 23:41:02,@mermayden @exjon or it could mean that we need to do more intense interrogations too. But your mind just can't fathom that can it?,321 5416,5.4427603892332954e+17,1,-1,2014-12-14 23:41:34,@exjon its NOT the same flag that Isis uses,321 5417,5.442761481639895e+17,1,-2,2014-12-14 23:42:00,.@mermayden Your local community college offers classes in logic. Avail yourself of one.,321 5418,5.442764300212142e+17,1,-2,2014-12-14 23:43:07,@exjon @mermayden more torture was needed?,321 5419,5.442764360064983e+17,1,-2,2014-12-14 23:43:09,"@atlassheepdog @exjon I studied international relations and philosophy at uni, also live in London where they've been plenty of attacks.",321 5420,5.442766707826647e+17,1,-2,2014-12-14 23:44:05,@riteormite @exjon on account of it worked so well the first time.,321 5421,5.442768370993971e+17,1,-2,2014-12-14 23:44:44,"@riteormite @exjon and while you're looking up community college courses look up history and ""Guildford 4"" and ""Birmingham 6""",321 5422,5.442771429648097e+17,1,-2,2014-12-14 23:45:57,@mermayden @exjon // this is what happens since waterboarding stopped by Obama & his band of merry liberals .... 1 tragedy after another.,321 5423,5.4427714877812736e+17,1,-2,2014-12-14 23:45:59,@mermayden @exjon seems like Australia should've said no to Muslim immigrants.,321 5424,5.442772441352356e+17,1,-2,2014-12-14 23:46:21,@mermayden @exjon Might have six years ago. Logic is a wonderful tool if you chose to use it. Not that hard.,321 5425,5.442772754880553e+17,1,-2,2014-12-14 23:46:29,"@exjon @mermayden According to Obama, they were the JV team so why waste resources water boarding the benchwarmers? #obamanation",321 5426,5.442777005345997e+17,1,-2,2014-12-14 23:48:10,@mermayden @exjon Because Obama STOPPED IT 6 years ago.GET IT? I can explain it to you. Can't make understand it. 🇺🇸,321 5427,5.442782805435556e+17,1,-2,2014-12-14 23:50:28,"@mermayden You poor fellow: I guess the polio vaccine was for naught since polio is making a comeback. #YourLogicRedux @exjon",321 5428,5.4428000486005965e+17,1,-2,2014-12-14 23:57:20,@wallybert @exjon Well what does it say then? Do you know ? Translate if possible,321 5429,5.249367936330834e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 14:54:19,Very tense situation in Ottawa this morning. Multiple gun shots fired outside of our caucus room. I am safe and in lockdown. Unbelievable.,322 5430,5.253603046462669e+17,0,0,2014-10-23 18:57:12,"@YehonasanEaston So this is why ""The Secret"" and ""The Law of Attraction"" never worked for me! Check this out... http://t.co/frHVjK0OhO",322 5431,5.2493711550356685e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 14:55:35,@markstrahl this is crazy. Hope you all stay safe.,322 5432,5.2493783996092826e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 14:58:28,MP “@markstrahl: Multiple gun shots fired outside of our caucus room. I am safe and in lockdown. Unbelievable.” #ottawa #fb,322 5433,5.249379301845975e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 14:58:50,"@markstrahl great to hear Mark - stay safe and prayers for everyone's safety ! Wow, this changes our country :(",322 5434,5.249381610722427e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 14:59:45,@markstrahl Thank you. R all CPC Caucus Members safe? My MP is silent.,322 5435,5.249382645755085e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:00:09,Stay Safe Mark @markstrahl @Wetaskijen Live coverage here: http://t.co/XYz8dPaiTY,322 5436,5.249386404350689e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:01:39,@markstrahl glad to hear you are safe - are thoughts are with u all #ableg,322 5437,5.2493921986597274e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:03:57,@markstrahl I hope you are safe - stay strong. Thoughts are with you and everyone at Parliament.,322 5438,5.2493976882868634e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:06:08,@BlueGood2 @markstrahl Watching on CBC,322 5439,5.2494002810835354e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:07:10,@markstrahl. Stay safe sir!,322 5440,5.249422280749261e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:15:54,@markstrahl what is recent? any breaking news? is the gunman dead?,322 5441,5.249440078485504e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:22:59,@markstrahl @mattdpearce i know you were busy studying the #tarsands pollution report that your colleagues are trying to ignore,322 5442,5.249440598449316e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:23:11,"@markstrahl @mattdpearce y dont u protect ur own self instead of gettin young good men shot for you, pussy! lawyer scum!",322 5443,5.2494435446584115e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:24:21,@markstrahl @MasonAdamsVA blessings & well-wishes to all affected,322 5444,5.249460914441462e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:31:15,@markstrahl @IsraelSpeaker Welcome to the new world order of Arab terror.,322 5445,5.2494809156132454e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 15:39:12,@markstrahl thank God! Cc @intelwire,322 5446,5.2496012608486605e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 16:27:02,@markstrahl Hi Mark - could you follow me so I can message you? Glad you're ok. Many thanks,322 5447,5.249629587542057e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 16:38:17,"@markstrahl @GreatDismal Security note: your doors should have bars that drop down, so you don't need to pile furniture to block them.",322 5448,5.249677389269811e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 16:57:17,@markstrahl Glad you are o.k! Must be nerve racking...Wow. . .,322 5449,7.699886367545057e+17,0,0,2016-08-28 20:02:51,267 days since Sick Hillary had a press conference.,323 5450,7.70062874907648e+17,0,0,2016-08-29 00:57:51,@PrisonPlanet simple answer is TOO MANY LIES TO KEEP TRACK OF!!! PRISON for the CRIMINAL HAG.,323 5451,7.70066877360042e+17,0,0,2016-08-29 01:13:45,@PrisonPlanet Think positively: ALL the press-tituate is however controlling Klingon's campaign in each infinitesimal lie.,323 5452,7.700747458239857e+17,0,0,2016-08-29 01:45:01,@PrisonPlanet will she make 365? Will she ever admit she's dying? Will she admit she's a racist?,323 5453,7.700759254510715e+17,0,0,2016-08-29 01:49:42,"@PrisonPlanet AND COUNTING! SHE DOESN'T HAVE THE GUTS OF A WORM! LETS SEE YOU (KILLARY) HAVE A NEWS CONFERENCE! TO SICK, TO FAINT, SCARED!!!",323 5454,7.700862154671063e+17,0,0,2016-08-29 02:30:35,"@PrisonPlanet If press makes $5 million donation to Clinton Foundation, then she will think about it.",323 5455,7.700904831084831e+17,0,0,2016-08-29 02:47:33,@Alexand20756066 @PrisonPlanet lol haha!!,323 5456,7.70095341173674e+17,0,0,2016-08-29 03:06:51,@PrisonPlanet Alert the media. @TJMitchJohnson,323 5457,7.700973292569477e+17,0,0,2016-08-29 03:14:45,.@PrisonPlanet do people not realize she won't be accessible to the public if she were in office ? This alone is reason not to vote for her,323 5458,7.700981209319014e+17,0,0,2016-08-29 03:17:54,"@PrisonPlanet #SickHillary #HillarysHealth #HillarysEmails #hillarysstool",323 5459,7.70103364394881e+17,0,0,2016-08-29 03:38:44,@PrisonPlanet @Maxinerunner https://t.co/rqVj9QADon,323 5460,7.7010859551821e+17,0,0,2016-08-29 03:59:31,"@PrisonPlanet @solmartpropert1 Shhhhh.....she's sleeping https://t.co/9G5gx1D2Oy",323 5461,7.701263701900984e+17,0,0,2016-08-29 05:10:09,@PrisonPlanet All livers matter,323 5462,7.70171945329406e+17,0,0,2016-08-29 08:11:15,@PrisonPlanet @warrenwarmachi1 Ahes been busy trying to clean up her https://t.co/W7NGwbBHfa,323 5463,7.702243507210895e+17,0,0,2016-08-29 11:39:29,"@PrisonPlanet @Juliet777777 ~ She's afraid, very afraid.",323 5464,7.702275687421338e+17,0,0,2016-08-29 11:52:17,"@PrisonPlanet @CAVEmanKENT unfortunately it doesn't matter, the election is over, I wouldn't b surprised is she picking out new wallpaper",323 5465,7.702342433562337e+17,0,0,2016-08-29 12:18:48,@PrisonPlanet @HilLIARy_Lies Lets talk about Trumps heart attack. https://t.co/Dc028IQapt,323 5466,7.703033780814602e+17,0,0,2016-08-29 16:53:31,@kingrera @PrisonPlanet agreed.,323 5467,7.703042128446136e+17,1,-1,2016-08-29 16:56:50,@PrisonPlanet Great! Don't you think y'all have enough to commensurate about! There is an addiction to want to bring this lady down! Sexist!,323 5468,7.703339544192041e+17,1,-2,2016-08-29 18:55:01,"@kingrera @PrisonPlanet but tbh she just say sexism thanks Vladimir putin, Alex Jones and Dr drew",323 5469,7.699888658725929e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:03:45,@PrisonPlanet Want some chocolate? Of course you do..,323 5470,7.699889751132037e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:04:12,"@PrisonPlanet She is as active as a baboon with bad hemorrhoids, yet mentally as retarded as!!",323 5471,7.699890008033157e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:04:18,@PrisonPlanet she can't avoid the debates,323 5472,7.699890196272906e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:04:22,@PrisonPlanet wha do you mean she had one with Anderson cooper over the telephone 😭,323 5473,7.699891329825587e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:04:49,@PrisonPlanet Ever think of calling her ILLery Clinton?,323 5474,7.699891420758098e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:04:51,"@PrisonPlanet Probably another ""fallacious"" claim.....",323 5475,7.699891826641797e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:05:01,"@PrisonPlanet And only 70 days or so until we send her into permanent retirement.",323 5476,7.699896253393428e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:06:47,@g_murphy_ @PrisonPlanet that's brilliant,323 5477,7.699896878135009e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:07:01,@PrisonPlanet How many hours/days before I last tweeted to Pretty Paul?,323 5478,7.699898513703608e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:07:40,@PrisonPlanet she says that fake pickle stunt proves she didnt have trans siniai thrombosis. Girl ... u trippin',323 5479,7.699899425126072e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:08:02,@PrisonPlanet I would love to enjoy a pint with you mate,323 5480,7.699899897278628e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:08:13,@PrisonPlanet complications from being a totally mental tyrant.,323 5481,7.699901237820744e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:08:45,@PrisonPlanet Can't wait for the debates.If she does any.Trump will destroy her. She speaks from a teleprompter.Trump speaks from the heart,323 5482,7.699902966670295e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:09:27,@prisonplanet. Surely that's a rhetorical question.,323 5483,7.699903259097866e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:09:34,"@PrisonPlanet was the ""alt right"" speech the seeds of Hillary trying to escape the debates ..Fake moral outrage for no-show?? Very slippery",323 5484,7.699903490371133e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:09:39,@PrisonPlanet She's bought off the press why bother?,323 5485,7.69990378246312e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:09:46,@PrisonPlanet 267 days since Hillary has had to tell lies without a teleprompter.,323 5486,7.699904000021217e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:09:51,"@PrisonPlanet no teleprompter at debates, don't know what the questions will be.",323 5487,7.699904830451261e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:10:11,@PrisonPlanet @tamaraleighllc Proven fact that she can lie and insult half of America without such a distraction to her drinking time,323 5488,7.699907822290207e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:11:22,@PrisonPlanet https://t.co/lCj5RRxxwz,323 5489,7.699910031388877e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:12:15,@PrisonPlanet can she make a whole year?,323 5490,7.69991485156651e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:14:10,@PrisonPlanet #HillarysHealth Shhhh... you didnt see annnything.,323 5491,7.699918006480445e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:15:25,@PrisonPlanet Hillary? moar liek ILLary. #seewhatididthere,323 5492,7.699919237340815e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:15:55,@PrisonPlanet 72 days until her next one,323 5493,7.699924461556244e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:17:59,"@PrisonPlanet if a woman got pregnant the day of Hillarys last presser, she'd be 8-1/2 months along now.",323 5494,7.699924629159936e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:18:03,@PrisonPlanet she's taking sick days,323 5495,7.699930088969953e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:20:13,@PrisonPlanet I believe they will rig this election to get killary in. Then turn it over to her VP. They know she is sick.,323 5496,7.699934119234806e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:21:49,@PrisonPlanet Why hold a press conference when you're to ill and all you do is lie anyway!,323 5497,7.699937937728553e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:23:20,@kingrera says who? 😝,323 5498,7.699945269959066e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:26:15,"@PrisonPlanet ""Hurr sure but she opened a jar of pickles, HUE HUE GOT YOU PUNK XD""",323 5499,7.699946525692641e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:26:45,@PrisonPlanet ironically the same number of women Bill has slept with since then as well.,323 5500,7.69994676158038e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:26:51,@PrisonPlanet Play #WheresHillary ! >>>https://t.co/lH9ZQ0uzaB,323 5501,7.69995294226473e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:29:18,"@PrisonPlanet @JJDJ1187 please excuse Hillary from pressers as she has a case of delusions, subject to angry rants & can't control herself!",323 5502,7.69996234845225e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:33:02,@PrisonPlanet Devil in a pantsuit. https://t.co/HB4nWVuPuQ,323 5503,7.699964776031887e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:34:00,@PrisonPlanet @LindaSuhler She constipated.,323 5504,7.699966355144745e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:34:38,@PrisonPlanet @LindaSuhler wait.. Wasn't Kimmel enough?,323 5505,7.699967881745613e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:35:14,"@PrisonPlanet #HideawayHillary",323 5506,7.700001397799649e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:48:33,@PrisonPlanet lol #HillaryNaps,323 5507,7.70000880112468e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:51:30,@PrisonPlanet 🍪,323 5508,7.700008960675062e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:51:34,@kingrera @PrisonPlanet maybe she will just FaceTime in or assassinate trump,323 5509,7.700011854493123e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:52:43,@PrisonPlanet #HillarysHealth she has the T-Virus she's a zombie. She's a scary world conquering monster that wants to eat the American ppl,323 5510,7.700012519207117e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:52:59,"@PrisonPlanet @NubianAwakening she's busy talking to herself , counting dirty money , pandering to "" the little people "" , lying to everyone",323 5511,7.70001884069462e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 20:55:29,@PrisonPlanet #HillarysHealth blood donors for sick Hillary ...that monster killed Seth Green,323 5512,7.700031758688584e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 21:00:37,@PrisonPlanet #HillarysHealth she can't handle flashlights and cameras she wants to run this country with the lights off ...Monster,323 5513,7.700041173433098e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 21:04:22,@PrisonPlanet She could of had a baby by now,323 5514,7.700054550997893e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 21:09:41,@Alexand20756066 @PrisonPlanet she is a hider ..I think we all humiliated her. Image what she's doing to her staffers yelling struggling ect,323 5515,7.700058224746906e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 21:11:08,@Alexand20756066 @PrisonPlanet strangling** throwing books at them ..punching her husband she's a monster Behind The Politics,323 5516,7.700064262070272e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 21:13:32,@eclipsethis2003 @PrisonPlanet She will have selected questions & practiced answers over&over on her sick days.,323 5517,7.700064500223508e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 21:13:38,@PrisonPlanet she talks about the ALT Right being so mean at least we are honest and not beating up her supporters like she does to us,323 5518,7.700066268583076e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 21:14:20,@PrisonPlanet I'm betting Hillary has a seizure at the first debat! Trump will slay the old winch!,323 5519,7.7000687650748e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 21:15:20,.@PrisonPlanet Very cruel of you to bring that up! #HillarysHealth #WheresHillary #CrookedHillary #TrumpPence16 https://t.co/s8rq3NJycw,323 5520,7.70006966630486e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 21:15:41,@PrisonPlanet we are the Renaissance Right exercising our constitutional rights,323 5521,7.700095623888568e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 21:26:00,"@PrisonPlanet ""she's not having it."" ~ Larry Nichols https://t.co/Hv9AXXPxK2",323 5522,7.700098062959329e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 21:26:58,"@JMBacon8r @PrisonPlanet Trump should require no stools, pillows, bathroom breaks, and a drug test prior and after. Whattaya say Paul??",323 5523,7.700136979096781e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 21:42:26,"@PrisonPlanet Keep going on, Paul! You have more followers than you know. Thank you!",323 5524,7.700166316029665e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 21:54:05,"@PrisonPlanet ....and still has not supported La Flood Victims. Crooked Clintons care only about themselves. Crooked Hillary? #LockHerUp",323 5525,7.700179709113754e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 21:59:25,"@PrisonPlanet Tic TAC....while she keeps silence, I just ordered my Hillary for prison T-shirt!!!!",323 5526,7.700214256714465e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 22:13:08,@PrisonPlanet Let's keep that countdown rolling. Online pool? Nah that'd be illegal but we are talking the Clintons here so anything goes.,323 5527,7.700227365970289e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 22:18:21,@PrisonPlanet @LindaSumy hler,323 5528,7.700230837007892e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 22:19:44,@PrisonPlanet @LindaSuhler CT ex c,323 5529,7.700239214123459e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 22:23:03,@PrisonPlanet @FiveRights and don't forget about her physical issues,323 5530,7.700313431661896e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 22:52:33,@PrisonPlanet hillbot media and sheep are still scare shit of bogeyman Trump to even realise that.,323 5531,7.700334263385539e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 23:00:50,@americansr4DT @PrisonPlanet I still think she may have some difficulties. Hope so!,323 5532,7.700352749193175e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 23:08:10,@PrisonPlanet i'm curious to see who's the moderator of the first debate. It'll be interesting to see if the person is of integrity or not.,323 5533,7.700357878910853e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 23:10:13,@PrisonPlanet @BigKahuna919191 https://t.co/IvOUbiHkaL,323 5534,7.700358673816003e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 23:10:32,@PrisonPlanet @BigKahuna919191 read my blog and share!,323 5535,7.70036910702166e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 23:14:40,@PrisonPlanet Hillary says that we've gotta try the cold chai!,323 5536,7.700389003499233e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 23:22:35,@PrisonPlanet #WheresHillary 😴 or 🍹 https://t.co/Ds4vMtdIKl,323 5537,7.700400132707041e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 23:27:00,@PrisonPlanet Cough cough cough..,323 5538,7.700413603175752e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 23:32:21,"@MarkyMark5D @PrisonPlanet Bill knows https://t.co/x49EPJsUc0",323 5539,7.700416323601121e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 23:33:26,@dystopia47 @PrisonPlanet https://t.co/1WFZBr3aiB,323 5540,7.700423672022344e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 23:36:21,@PrisonPlanet she must have politico laryngeal soreness,323 5541,7.700426881712824e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 23:37:38,@PrisonPlanet @jessbriis heard she is going to be off till Thursday to rest up,323 5542,7.700471183042847e+17,1,-2,2016-08-28 23:55:14,@PrisonPlanet @hectormorenco haha gotta luv it🍀,323 5543,7.705946558010491e+17,1,-2,2016-08-30 12:10:57,@PrisonPlanet has Hillary even gone on tour or worked for this election? If she wins it's definitely fixed.,323 5544,5.24923293711999e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 14:00:40,At the war memorial in. Ottawa. A soldier has been shot. They are giving him treatment now. #breaking http://t.co/cTmlb1LvgG,324 5545,5.249237259769651e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 14:02:23,@evansolomoncbc Hopefully the soldier is okay. Wondering how long before this is also labeled terrorism. #cdnpoli,324 5546,5.249238103030579e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 14:02:43,What. The.... “@evansolomoncbc: At the war memorial in. Ottawa. A soldier has been shot. http://t.co/XrdXULsAbc”,324 5547,5.249238139315405e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 14:02:44,@evansolomoncbc very frightening! I hope the soldier is ok and they catch the lunatic who did this,324 5548,5.2492386400733184e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 14:02:56,@evansolomoncbc @HuffPostCanada Has the uniform become a bulls-eye?,324 5549,5.2492394158936474e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 14:03:14,“@evansolomoncbc: At the war memorial in Ottawa. A soldier has been shot. They are giving him treatment #breaking” wow.,324 5550,5.249245774248796e+17,0,0,2014-10-22 14:05:46,@evansolomoncbc cowardly as as most terrorist acts are,324 5551,5.249247989931991e+17,1,-1,2014-10-22 14:06:39,"@evansolomoncbc @nspector4 Are we ""at war"" yet?",324 5552,5.249250841635144e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 14:07:47,@llootsteen39 @Beari8it @evansolomoncbc HEY LARRY don't worry about him worry about your KIDS WIFE http://t.co/bj9ONV2BJY,324 5553,5.249252685539041e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 14:08:31,@evansolomoncbc @CBCNews Please contact CJAD Amanda Kline (514) 207-2173,324 5554,5.249255841916641e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 14:09:46,@evansolomoncbc call everyone or we are all dead http://t.co/bj9ONV2BJY,324 5555,5.2492572531779584e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 14:10:20,@evansolomoncbc @chextv This makes me so angry!! Hope he is ok. Who would do this to one of our heroes? #HeroesInRealLife,324 5556,5.249259435977892e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 14:11:12,“@evansolomoncbc: At war memorial in. Ottawa. A soldier has been shot. They are giving him treatment now. #breaking http://t.co/xK1ZI2YvhH”,324 5557,5.249259985389814e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 14:11:25,".@evansolomoncbc I hope a PC back bencher doesn't mention terrorism. Because that would irresponsible and wrong, right?",324 5558,5.24926167569023e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 14:12:05,@evansolomoncbc @AmandaWills wasn't there an attack in Quebec earlier this week?,324 5559,5.2492621428138394e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 14:12:16,@evansolomoncbc @CBCNews Is this the same gunman being chased through parliament at this hour?,324 5560,5.249262382430495e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 14:12:22,@evansolomoncbc @CBCNews Unbelievable.,324 5561,5.2492674950813286e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 14:14:24,2nd in 48h :( #terrorism RT @evansolomoncbc: At the war memorial in Ottawa. A soldier has been shot. #breaking http://t.co/uPbZej7rET,324 5562,5.24926994497024e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 14:15:22,@llootsteen39 this is a form of terrorism-our soldiers should be the safest on our own soil,324 5563,5.249339880505344e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 14:43:10,@rcs11411 @evansolomoncbc Careful with words you use. Calling him lunatic shields him from legal punishment. He shouldn't get off that easy!,324 5564,5.2493469552060006e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 14:45:58,@WoollardRob @evansolomoncbc @chextv Why is he a hero? His life is worth nothing more than the life of a civilian would be...,324 5565,5.249350764137349e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 14:47:29,"@gioman62 @evansolomoncbc @AmandaWills Yes, in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. One RCMP died. Careful, might have nothing to do with terrorism!",324 5566,5.249355809968947e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 14:49:30,"@Kigo_1 @llootsteen39 Um, no. Our soldiers' job is to keep US safe. I respect them, but let's not forget they are the means, not the end.",324 5567,5.249459700655841e+17,1,-2,2014-10-22 15:30:46,@Gomba13 @evansolomoncbc @chextv Because soldiers and police are always running towards what we are running away from! That's a hero!,324