# Browserbase [Browserbase](https://browserbase.com) is a developer platform to reliably run, manage, and monitor headless browsers. Power your AI data retrievals with: - [Serverless Infrastructure](https://docs.browserbase.com/under-the-hood) providing reliable browsers to extract data from complex UIs - [Stealth Mode](https://docs.browserbase.com/features/stealth-mode) with included fingerprinting tactics and automatic captcha solving - [Session Debugger](https://docs.browserbase.com/features/sessions) to inspect your Browser Session with networks timeline and logs - [Live Debug](https://docs.browserbase.com/guides/session-debug-connection/browser-remote-control) to quickly debug your automation ## Installation and Setup - Get an API key and Project ID from [browserbase.com](https://browserbase.com) and set it in environment variables (`BROWSERBASE_API_KEY`, `BROWSERBASE_PROJECT_ID`). - Install the [Browserbase SDK](http://github.com/browserbase/python-sdk): ```python pip install browserbase ``` ## Document loader See a [usage example](/docs/integrations/document_loaders/browserbase). ```python from langchain_community.document_loaders import BrowserbaseLoader ``` ## Multi-Modal See a [usage example](/docs/integrations/document_loaders/browserbase). ```python from browserbase.helpers.gpt4 import GPT4VImage, GPT4VImageDetail ```