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{"sub": "hotdog bun", "obj": "brown", "alt": "red"}
{"sub": "number 8", "obj": "white", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "tin", "obj": "silver", "alt": "purple"}
{"sub": "overpass", "obj": "blue", "alt": "black"}
{"sub": "drawstring", "obj": "white", "alt": "gray"}
{"sub": "attire", "obj": "black", "alt": "pink"}
{"sub": "walkie talkie", "obj": "black", "alt": "brown"}
{"sub": "calendar", "obj": "white", "alt": "pink"}
{"sub": "register", "obj": "white", "alt": "purple"}
{"sub": "shopping cart", "obj": "red", "alt": "green"}
{"sub": "knit hat", "obj": "black", "alt": "silver"}
{"sub": "tail fin", "obj": "blue", "alt": "green"}
{"sub": "coverlet", "obj": "white", "alt": "red"}
{"sub": "safety marker", "obj": "orange", "alt": "gray"}
{"sub": "armoire", "obj": "brown", "alt": "gray"}
{"sub": "vas", "obj": "white", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "glaze", "obj": "white", "alt": "pink"}
{"sub": "guitar case", "obj": "black", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "tank lid", "obj": "white", "alt": "black"}
{"sub": "mesh", "obj": "black", "alt": "brown"}
{"sub": "medallion", "obj": "yellow", "alt": "purple"}
{"sub": "plantain", "obj": "green", "alt": "gray"}
{"sub": "plantation", "obj": "green", "alt": "white"}
{"sub": "men", "obj": "white", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "snap", "obj": "silver", "alt": "black"}
{"sub": "catchers mitt", "obj": "brown", "alt": "white"}
{"sub": "baseball uniform", "obj": "white", "alt": "yellow"}
{"sub": "space", "obj": "green", "alt": "yellow"}
{"sub": "swirl", "obj": "white", "alt": "silver"}
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{"sub": "h", "obj": "white", "alt": "gray"}
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{"sub": "spinach", "obj": "green", "alt": "gray"}
{"sub": "cleaner", "obj": "white", "alt": "red"}
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{"sub": "toast", "obj": "brown", "alt": "black"}
{"sub": "earbud", "obj": "white", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "turf", "obj": "green", "alt": "white"}
{"sub": "broccoli floret", "obj": "green", "alt": "blue"}
{"sub": "scrunchie", "obj": "black", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "duvet", "obj": "white", "alt": "yellow"}
{"sub": "winter hat", "obj": "black", "alt": "gray"}
{"sub": "electric pole", "obj": "brown", "alt": "purple"}
{"sub": "green grass", "obj": "brown", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "cat eye", "obj": "green", "alt": "white"}
{"sub": "ruler", "obj": "white", "alt": "green"}
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{"sub": "wrapping", "obj": "white", "alt": "brown"}
{"sub": "hot dog", "obj": "brown", "alt": "yellow"}
{"sub": "screw", "obj": "silver", "alt": "brown"}
{"sub": "traffic line", "obj": "white", "alt": "black"}
{"sub": "landing gear", "obj": "black", "alt": "purple"}
{"sub": "sign board", "obj": "white", "alt": "red"}
{"sub": "baseline", "obj": "white", "alt": "black"}
{"sub": "head gear", "obj": "black", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "shin guard", "obj": "black", "alt": "silver"}
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{"sub": "basil", "obj": "green", "alt": "yellow"}
{"sub": "shinguard", "obj": "black", "alt": "green"}
{"sub": "1", "obj": "black", "alt": "pink"}
{"sub": "caution cone", "obj": "orange", "alt": "purple"}
{"sub": "toilet brush", "obj": "white", "alt": "pink"}
{"sub": "substance", "obj": "white", "alt": "purple"}
{"sub": "frog", "obj": "green", "alt": "white"}
{"sub": "guard", "obj": "black", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "coconut", "obj": "white", "alt": "pink"}
{"sub": "football", "obj": "brown", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "smoke trail", "obj": "white", "alt": "brown"}
{"sub": "baseball cleat", "obj": "black", "alt": "purple"}
{"sub": "shin pad", "obj": "red", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "chalk", "obj": "white", "alt": "red"}
{"sub": "lobster", "obj": "red", "alt": "white"}
{"sub": "flush", "obj": "silver", "alt": "purple"}
{"sub": "second hand", "obj": "red", "alt": "silver"}
{"sub": "surf", "obj": "white", "alt": "red"}
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{"sub": "opening", "obj": "black", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "letter b", "obj": "white", "alt": "black"}
{"sub": "bridal", "obj": "black", "alt": "pink"}
{"sub": "dashboard", "obj": "black", "alt": "brown"}
{"sub": "wakeboard", "obj": "red", "alt": "silver"}
{"sub": "connector", "obj": "black", "alt": "purple"}
{"sub": "wall plate", "obj": "white", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "tomato sauce", "obj": "red", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "arugula", "obj": "green", "alt": "gray"}
{"sub": "cilantro", "obj": "green", "alt": "pink"}
{"sub": "pony", "obj": "brown", "alt": "pink"}
{"sub": "front paw", "obj": "white", "alt": "silver"}
{"sub": "string bean", "obj": "green", "alt": "blue"}
{"sub": "dugout", "obj": "green", "alt": "brown"}
{"sub": "boundary line", "obj": "white", "alt": "blue"}
{"sub": "wooden door", "obj": "brown", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "computer key", "obj": "white", "alt": "gray"}
{"sub": "icon", "obj": "white", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "smartphone", "obj": "black", "alt": "purple"}
{"sub": "house plant", "obj": "green", "alt": "black"}
{"sub": "sport shoe", "obj": "white", "alt": "purple"}
{"sub": "rear wheel", "obj": "black", "alt": "silver"}
{"sub": "bison", "obj": "brown", "alt": "purple"}
{"sub": "windowsill", "obj": "white", "alt": "black"}
{"sub": "tofu", "obj": "white", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "font", "obj": "white", "alt": "gray"}
{"sub": "slit", "obj": "black", "alt": "pink"}
{"sub": "melon", "obj": "green", "alt": "blue"}
{"sub": "lillie", "obj": "green", "alt": "silver"}
{"sub": "bedsheets", "obj": "white", "alt": "silver"}
{"sub": "grandfather clock", "obj": "brown", "alt": "yellow"}
{"sub": "cargo pant", "obj": "brown", "alt": "white"}
{"sub": "cloak", "obj": "red", "alt": "white"}
{"sub": "ankle", "obj": "white", "alt": "brown"}
{"sub": "tomatoe", "obj": "red", "alt": "black"}
{"sub": "ski glove", "obj": "black", "alt": "purple"}
{"sub": "letter l", "obj": "white", "alt": "yellow"}
{"sub": "letter n", "obj": "white", "alt": "green"}
{"sub": "carrying case", "obj": "black", "alt": "yellow"}
{"sub": "crossing", "obj": "white", "alt": "silver"}
{"sub": "front of train", "obj": "yellow", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "post it note", "obj": "yellow", "alt": "green"}
{"sub": "ski stick", "obj": "green", "alt": "gray"}
{"sub": "pizza pan", "obj": "silver", "alt": "blue"}
{"sub": "duckling", "obj": "brown", "alt": "yellow"}
{"sub": "chunk", "obj": "white", "alt": "red"}
{"sub": "fog", "obj": "gray", "alt": "silver"}
{"sub": "coin slot", "obj": "gray", "alt": "red"}
{"sub": "check", "obj": "white", "alt": "brown"}
{"sub": "tent top", "obj": "white", "alt": "yellow"}
{"sub": "steak", "obj": "brown", "alt": "gray"}
{"sub": "toilet cover", "obj": "white", "alt": "purple"}
{"sub": "piercing", "obj": "silver", "alt": "blue"}
{"sub": "grafitti", "obj": "blue", "alt": "silver"}
{"sub": "cowboy boot", "obj": "brown", "alt": "white"}
{"sub": "link", "obj": "silver", "alt": "green"}
{"sub": "hot dog bun", "obj": "brown", "alt": "red"}
{"sub": "baseball mitt", "obj": "brown", "alt": "purple"}
{"sub": "woman's shirt", "obj": "black", "alt": "blue"}
{"sub": "message", "obj": "white", "alt": "green"}
{"sub": "fang", "obj": "white", "alt": "black"}
{"sub": "bedsheet", "obj": "white", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "dog's nose", "obj": "black", "alt": "yellow"}
{"sub": "ceramic bowl", "obj": "white", "alt": "red"}
{"sub": "video camera", "obj": "black", "alt": "red"}
{"sub": "silhouette", "obj": "black", "alt": "white"}
{"sub": "wildebeest", "obj": "brown", "alt": "red"}
{"sub": "sea gull", "obj": "white", "alt": "red"}
{"sub": "fir tree", "obj": "green", "alt": "black"}
{"sub": "headscarf", "obj": "blue", "alt": "brown"}
{"sub": "shuttle", "obj": "white", "alt": "gray"}
{"sub": "numbering", "obj": "black", "alt": "brown"}
{"sub": "dirt road", "obj": "brown", "alt": "white"}
{"sub": "serving plate", "obj": "white", "alt": "pink"}
{"sub": "copyright", "obj": "white", "alt": "blue"}
{"sub": "broccoli spear", "obj": "green", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "croissant", "obj": "brown", "alt": "silver"}
{"sub": "santa hat", "obj": "red", "alt": "blue"}
{"sub": "restaurant logo", "obj": "red", "alt": "brown"}
{"sub": "banana bunch", "obj": "yellow", "alt": "red"}
{"sub": "golf ball", "obj": "yellow", "alt": "purple"}
{"sub": "eggplant", "obj": "purple", "alt": "silver"}
{"sub": "foal", "obj": "brown", "alt": "purple"}
{"sub": "ski track", "obj": "white", "alt": "blue"}
{"sub": "cake server", "obj": "silver", "alt": "white"}
{"sub": "gull", "obj": "white", "alt": "green"}
{"sub": "jet engine", "obj": "blue", "alt": "white"}
{"sub": "go signal", "obj": "green", "alt": "gray"}
{"sub": "clock arm", "obj": "black", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "rashguard", "obj": "black", "alt": "brown"}
{"sub": "caution line", "obj": "yellow", "alt": "purple"}
{"sub": "carrot top", "obj": "green", "alt": "brown"}
{"sub": "tan short", "obj": "brown", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "tick", "obj": "black", "alt": "red"}
{"sub": "zebra stripe", "obj": "black", "alt": "pink"}
{"sub": "flower pedal", "obj": "purple", "alt": "white"}
{"sub": "tan hat", "obj": "brown", "alt": "yellow"}
{"sub": "snow glove", "obj": "black", "alt": "gray"}
{"sub": "tan brick", "obj": "brown", "alt": "blue"}
{"sub": "wave crest", "obj": "white", "alt": "gray"}
{"sub": "polygon", "obj": "brown", "alt": "green"}
{"sub": "tiled floor", "obj": "white", "alt": "black"}
{"sub": "traffic barrel", "obj": "orange", "alt": "purple"}
{"sub": "baby zebra", "obj": "white", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "sink bowl", "obj": "white", "alt": "gray"}
{"sub": "bathroom wall", "obj": "white", "alt": "purple"}
{"sub": "bird wing", "obj": "black", "alt": "green"}
{"sub": "sprinkler", "obj": "blue", "alt": "pink"}
{"sub": "wild animal", "obj": "black", "alt": "red"}
{"sub": "shoe tip", "obj": "black", "alt": "orange"}
{"sub": "metal tip", "obj": "silver", "alt": "black"}
{"sub": "river wave", "obj": "gray", "alt": "blue"}
{"sub": "flood light", "obj": "silver", "alt": "gray"}
{"sub": "banana cluster", "obj": "green", "alt": "white"}