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user-249 | ['Dont look to reddit to solve your problems. Oh, and dont kill yourself either. Seriously. '] | Supportive | 249 |
user-433 | ['As someone who is just Hyperactive behavior your friend, she needs someone to comfort her and to tell her that SOMEONE in this world loves and cares for her. She needs to come to accept she will need consoling, you cant make her go because it is for some a scary thing to go too. No one wants to relive the Depressed mood parts of life or be told "You are kinda fucked up in this way, here some stuff to try to get better"', 'Please dont do it sweetie. I dont know what you have gone through but Im sure someone will miss you even if you dont think they will. Im guilty of thinking that myself most days. Even though I try to kill myself on occasion, its not worth it. Life as meaningless and hard as it may seem, will one day be better. Im sure youre mom and brother will miss you and, although I dont know you, Ill miss you and the rest of this sub reddit will miss you. So please, even if you think it is a good idea, dont do it tonight. Instead, talk to a friend or vent to me if you dont want to talk to a friend of yours. Ill talk to you when you need someone, I promise.', 'whew. okay. I messaged him too but I guess hes too shy/i am not sure what to message back.', 'I greatly appreciate you going back into my posts to get to know me better. I always had robotics as my comforting net in Drug abuse school but when I was there my boyfriend of the time (now ex) always got Anger at me for being so interested in a "mans world" I get so self conscious there now from it especially since one person who abused me I met through robotics. My college doesnt have a robotics club unfortunately. :/', 'My mom is really Nausea and I dont want to ask for money for a laptop because I know she needs it. Not only that, her minivan could die at any time.', 'Please dont give up, I can relate to what you are going through. I have been though something similar. Please, if anything, find someone from your university that you trust and confine in them, that is what I did and it saved me with out getting the cops involved. I called the cops on the first person who sexually abused me (Ive had 3 people sexually harm me) and although it saved me from being near him again, I will admit it is scary but well worth it. Please do something to get you out of that situation before you harm yourself. PM me if you want and I will give you my email, facebook what ever you need and I will talk to you whenever you feel hopeless. I promise things do get better.', 'Hey... I know its a Depressed mood time of year and all and I cant offer much advice seeing Ive been suicidal and almost acting on it for at least 2 weeks but I will be here to listen and talk too. PM me and tomorrow night if you want to talk more or have a pen pal though Christmas, I can give you my email. But one thing I ask is that you dont do it. Someone will always care even if they dont seem Hyperactive behavior they do.', 'Hey, I know shit seems hard and that people are the biggest assholes but after reading your post in r/confessions, I think you are a strong woman with her priorities strait. Sure it may not be a job most people would consider but you are just trying to survive. I think you can do it and have your child grow up to be everything you want her to be. Please PM me if you want to talk.', 'Ive always wanted Overlord with the Raising hell expansion, and Overlord 2. I was going to get my bf crysis 2 for Christmas. A Virus named tom looks great too if youre willing to give those up :) Thank you for your generosity!', 'Things get better. I had to find the right places and the right major for some of my Anxiety Mental Depression to go away. I know its not much but if you ever need someone to talk too, Im generally always online.', 'We never fight... I got selfish and wanted time with him when he wanted alone time...I feel really bad now that he is grumpy...', 'Dropped a message in the ask box from my tumblr. Waiting for a response.', 'Thanks everyone for your kind words.', 'Are you sure? They havent posted in 6 hours...', 'Hey, Im sorry for all of the trolls and the assholes. Ive seen them on many occasions and I have been at the brunt of their harassment. But I am sure there are many people who care about you and want to help you. If I was on reddit during the time of this incident I would have done all I could to tell the trolls to fuck off and would have defended you. If you are still on, I would Hyperactive behavior to talk with you. I recently lost my close friend I think I know how you might feel right now...'] | Attempt | 433 |
user-19 | ['Live for others you say?', 'My trigger. Well, I cant drink alcohol. I know it, but then, I have so much fun then I want to drown. I drink little now, but I drank today, when Ive had an issue. How can you not drink, when its your culture, when the reality is youre outside if you dont?', 'my whole life is a semi-stage of Depression mixed with periods of good times. at the moment i want to neck myself but my commitments in life prevent me from doing so. i continually say ill get past this point and then it wont matter, then some fuckhead mate has a wedding, or a family member has an important event and i defer. fuck the world.', 'for some reason, people like different shit, its good in that way.', 'Does one truly beat depression? Ive gone a fair while without a major depressive stint but still get some massive blue days.', 'One day I hope to get to NY, until then I will hold on for that hug.', 'Works for some people, doesnt work for others. Ive always played sport, exercising at least three times a Asthenia and some of my biggest lows have been after a session. ', 'dog is real though.', 'Yeah theyre the best', 'Ive never had anyone. ', '', 'i went and got really drunk and told some people at work a few days later where i was then told to go see a doctor who put me on Lexapro which got me seriously high for a few days.', 'i got totally fucked up one night, had sex with this girl, she was fucking amazing, i almost missed my flight home, wasnt sure how the fuck it all happend, got her number some how and then proceeded to text. there was no proof to anyone this chick existed or myself besides being that fucked up that in my mind i had sex with her, she came to visit me from 3500ks away, if she hadnt got off that plane, i would not have typed this.', 'got my first when i was 31. lasted 8 months maybe. then got a second, which lasted maybe the same. both of these birds some how accepted me for who i am, i dont know how, i honestly dont and it kills me trying to think that maybe there is another bird out there for me.ive figured that once chicks reach their late 20s theyre looking to build a nest, find women that are in that age range, late 20s-early 30s that are single and need to build a nest. ', 'Woody Allen movies are actually a reason not to live. ', 'Its hard to say really, being in debt has been a slight issue, loss of close friends, the lack of socialising and standing still in my job. ', 'I disagree/agree with some of distroid advice. Medication is fucked but it helps, consult a learned person if it isnt working. Dont take up bowling it is shit. Take responsibility for your life, dont make excuses. You can control certain aspects in your life, the things you cannot control, do not worry or depress about. Because you feel shit, it isnt bad, feel that shit, understand it, question it. Listen to shit self help tapes, while they are shit, they give you something to think about, they also help with asking yourself questions. Dont give up.', 'you saved yourself.', 'I was on 375mg. Worst shit ever, felt like a drug addict coming off, guess I was. Took about three months after getting off for the withdrawal symptoms to go away. When I first started using it went away for a weekend and forgot my meds, almost didnt get let on the plane home. ', 'your friends never get over it. one of my best mates, who i lived with at the time, killed himself while i was overseas, our other housemate, who is also a great friend found him hanging in his room. you dont get over that.', 'you can be isolated in a crowd. surrounding yourself with people who you feel are like rats or stink or just give you that feeling, that whatever you do, you cant fucking escape and you try and claw at the surface and youre stuck, youre stuck in this stench of life and misery and these roaches, they just swarm all over you and all you can do is breath in this stale fucking air, used by these parasites that you will never be able to shed. ', 'motion picture sound track kills me', 'my mother died from motor neuron disease, shit was real. she couldnt speak and would write stuff like, dont you love me? fucking killed me. i dont know how it relates, but it fucking sucks, whole family was fucked up for a serious amount of time, watching your mum die over a couple of years gave me serious mares.', 'I thought Id found someone but she rejected me once she became aware that I was Depression. Sympathy sex was okay. ', 'i was in the same boat bud, still am to a degree. the only contact i had with girls was drunken intercourse, late 20s it started to change, girls want to settle down in their late 20s, theyll settle for guys like us real easy if you show em you care.', 'its called livejournal.', 'its much better to text her at 3 or 4 in the morning when drunk.', 'Nice patronising.', 'all i can offer is maybe doing one thing every day that you dont want to do. stuff you procrastinate about. stuff that you think is not worth doing but then it gets you doing something.', 'youve just got to visualise it. ', 'I went through a serious bad trot, told my mates about it, they didnt really give a fuck, a year or so later, another mate of ours killed himself, I was overseas at the time, at the wake and afterwards, they were like we should take this as a warning, you know after what you went through and now Pete, we should look out for each other. Ive hardly heard from or seen these guys in the last three years, everyone disappeared.', 'most of the people i roll with wouldnt know half the shit i like, so i guess it is hard to know, ive found though the key with people who question me is to not give a fuck. ', 'seeing a way out of Depression is pretty hard, but there are generally steps to take, some work, some dont. i would just try to do one thing a day that i didnt want to, regardless of how small, it got me slowly into a better frame of mind where life stopped being chore.these days, i rarely have a dark day, though they still happen and its never likely to last more than a day. im aware of it when it happens and dont let myself get sucked in.', 'I thought it was a decent film, fucked up, but decent.', 'This is something I forget but keep trying to live by. I try to accept that I am without being, I still have far to go. Thank you for reminding me.', 'it is only when i get drunk that i really want to neck myself. i rarely drink now but when i do, most of the time i want to neck myself.', 'Id suggest not pilling out. Its not a great experience to wake up to and if you almost do the job but not quite you could be in a worse situation or leave it up to someone else to make the decision.', 'its a tough gig. i feel a bit AA about saying i havent had a rough day since last year, which seems almost as long as i can remember without feeling off. im not really sure how it all change, my financial situation isnt any better, my circle of friends hasnt Fatigue or decreased, i dont have a relationship, the only real thing that has happened is that i dont drink as much, well stuff all now and im more committed to being fit which has now turned around where i used to go for a run or do some exercise and i would experience some of the worst lows ever afterward and now i do it, i dont feel great, but i feel good. i honestly dont know how things have changed when on the outside nothing really has. all i can say is, keep to the things you like doing and the only self help tape that has done anything for me was one by steve chandler and it was really only one point it. doing something everyday, like stuff you procrastinate over about not doing. that motivated me for a short period.', 'do i need any explosions or guns firing?', 'thats pretty depressing actually.', 'yeah, the scales will be the icing.', 'im crashing out dude, will talk later.', '>What happens tomorrow, or what has happened yesterday or the day/week/month/year before, mean abso-fucking-lutely for the moment eh. existence is futile.', 'maybe a cloud with a silver lining?', 'I got told to play video games. I dont see how the fuck that helps.', 'Things went like this, from 2007 to late 2008, work related back injury, anti-depressants, found out my mother had a terminal illness, got a small payout, move back home to be close to family and start a business with bro/sister, they didnt pay me but used my settle on the business/supporting myself, stopped taking meds, moved away, mother died same weekend, quit my next job, moved in with a good friend, doing serious credit card damage, friend kills himself, our close group of friends fall apart, couple months later, 30k in the hole and have been working ever since to get free again, of which Im still 15k from.', 'Just read the catcher in the rye a few hundred times, didnt work for me but Im still alive right? ', 'They prefer to call it Radelaide', 'What is the context? ', 'ive never had a sustained relationship, i dont think ive ever had sex when i havent been drunk or come down from a big night, while being Depression fucking sucks, like butters says, id rather experience a loss than never experience a gain or that other shitful quote it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. ', 'theyll bake a cake at some stage, banana cake to exact.', 'woody allen movies are on my not to watch list, so i dont know. killing yourself would be a terrible idea. i need some tips on screen writing, help me out. i want to make a short film with holden caulfield playing a game of checkers with jane gallagher, how do you think i should approach it?', 'my opinion would be dont take any medication involving SSRIs or SNRIs, like efexor because that shit is fucking chaos to get off.', 'The hardest part is not knowing why you want to die. I had this beautiful girl on top of me today, last night I was with her as well but I was Depression as hell and told her I didnt want to be with her that night. She came around today and I still felt like necking myself, I dont know why, why the fuck would want to neck yourself when someone says they adore you? ', 'I really liked this bird, had seen her on and off for a few months, had a really bad Asthenia and was on the edge. Saw her and she took me in, sympathy sex and then shut me down the next day after dropping me at the hospital. Im still here. Good times I guess. ', 'in the pits too.'] | Ideation | 19 |
user-322 | ['Wonderful :) Didnt work for me. But that further supports the hypothesis that it works and is totally normal.', 'Yeah, a lot of us have found over the years that the doctors dont always work to our best interest. It sucks. We have to research ourselves to find whats best and its hard when you know you arent in the best frame of mind. Glad you are here. Ive gotten a lot of good support and suggestions from BPR. Is there anything in particular you would Hyperactive behavior your doctor to recommend for your Mental Depression and Anxiety Mental Depression other than upping your Seroquel? I had to always plan what I wanted from my Depressed mood doctor ahead of time since they always skipped over what I thought was important.', 'Did they have any recommendations for what to expect? Everyone reacts differently.', 'Your serotonin receptors are used to being modulated artificially. They werent being regulated for four days and werent keeping up with the amount of serotonin trying to bind with the receptors in your brain. Itll take a while to re-acclimate and if you taper down, youre still going to experience some Withdrawal Symptoms effects.Sorry, medical advice is not allowed here, so I always preface with talk to your doctor. Im just going off of my own experiences. Ive been on numerous SSRIs and other meds. Its no fun. When I taper, I cut the pills in half and take half, then either every other day or one fourth a day. The Withdrawal Symptoms symptoms can still last for months, but hopefully youll have an easier time with it being at only 20mg.', 'Im an atheist as well, so I understand the feeling of nothing. I would focus on one thing at a time and try not to overwhelm yourself which is really easy to do. You have your list here, so thats a good start. Im reclusive, so I dont have friends either. The internet is my friend. I went for about a year with no job and I would suggest ignoring the loans and debts. Throw the bills away for now and label the collector phone numbers and make their ringtones silent, etc. Being overweight is very rough, its uncomfortable physically and mentally, but that also is something that can be dealt with at a later time when you feel stronger and more in control. Therapists play stupid mind games that dont work on me either. Im not stupid. When you say "Im hoping an angel can show up and lead me to the places I used to dream" are you saying you are looking for some guidance? What are these things you used to dream when you were a child?[EDIT] and I dont get offended, so if Im not helping, please tell me.', 'Do you have any type of philosophy? Like do you believe in determinism or free will? When I find patterns in nature and math, it makes me feel Hyperactive behavior all of life is a miracle. I dont normally call it a miracle, I call it a coincidence. But I still find it positive in some way. Im not religious, but I feel Hyperactive behavior everything happens for a reason so I am a determinist. Please tell me if you disagree with any of this. The real world is Depressed mood and I agree its very hard to find good in all of the shit, but I get excited when I find something I see as positive because it is so hard to come by.', 'Its very frustrating and a vicious circle that can make you feel worse. How long have you been together if you dont mind me asking?', 'Same. I take Klonapin. Some people take propranolol for Anxiety Mental Depression though. I switch back and forth depending on my blood pressure and how many doses of my benzo I have taken/have Ventricular Dysfunction, Left. Might ask your doctor about beta blockers if they wont prescribe benzodiazepines.', 'You got fired? Is there a loophole for wrongful termination that you can get unemployment?', 'I went to a psychiatrist in Bedford off of 121 and 183 that took insurance when I lived in Texas. It worked out for a few years. Only caveat was that I only saw the actual doctor once and was pawned off to his MHMP that could write scripts. She started me on about 4 or 5 different meds at once in the beginning. I eventually figured out on my own what worked best for me and basically asked if I could have those and she gave me what I asked for. Ill find the doctors info if you want?', 'Ive developed this recently as well. Mostly when Im trying to go to Hypersomnia. Even with the drowsey side effects of different mood stabilizers, I still have Initial Middle Sleeplessness. Ive read this could also be a side effect of Initial Middle Sleeplessness, not necessarily the meds. (I usually take Geodon)', 'We all deal with Stress in different ways and we get body modifications for different reasons. I dont personally have facial tattoos, but Ive had my forehead pierced and I still have my septum and other large tattoos. My first tattoo was a swastika on my Ache wrists that I occasionally catch flack for, but most people dont know that a swastika can Irritable Mood peace, so I plan on expanding it when I get the money. You sound Hyperactive behavior you thought you put on a facade and that the damaged lone wolf is not who you are. It very well might have been who you *were*, and now youre heading into a new phase of life where you have a different perspective. Regret is normal and it sucks. You did say you would Hyperactive behavior advice. My advice, learn from your experiences and keep being the good person that you are. If you eventually want your tattoos gone, save up money to have them lasered. Its expensive and painful, but it would be another path in life you can choose if you want. If you have other concerns and dont mind chatting, feel free to reply or message me.', 'I feel you. Its a vicious cycle. I have trouble meditating and focusing when Im stressed, so I usually watch one of my favorite movies to distract my mind if the anti-Anxiety Mental Depression meds arent helping. Lately Ive also been listening to music and surfing Pinterest for motivational quotes. You cant always prevent a cycle, just have to try and breath through it until its over. Only 3 weeks, youre in the home stretch. You can make.', 'I agree, just call your doctor and explain that youll be without meds for fours days and ask if theres anything you need to do.', 'Yep, this could easily happen to me. Thank you for posting.', 'Those are pretty standard for mood disorders. First line treatments...if those dont work, usually a benzodiazepine (Xanax, Ativan, Klonapin...) benzos are more "addictive" and doctors hate prescribing them. Lexapro worked very well for me for a long time. I take risperidone when my mood is too manic, insomnia, wound up.', 'Have you signed up to get unemployment benefits from the government?', 'Have you asked your therapist to recommend a new prescribing doctor?', 'Guess Ill be the iOS person. I havent found a really great app that works the way I would Hyperactive behavior, so I use two. I mainly use my iPeriod app because it monitors a lot of the same things (plus you can Attention Deficit Disorder your own symptoms), but when I need to keep track of my Manic episodes (multiples in one day), I use Moody Me. Mood, emotions, symptoms, treatment, and triggers are all separate categories you can track.', 'Geography and computer science honestly sounds really fun. What about geography dont you Hyperactive behavior?', 'Im very picky about who I hang out with. Ive been unemployed and stuck at home on the computer as well. I saw someone suggest in another sub to look for an exercise buddy on Craigslist. I may have just been lucky, but found another local Redditor looking for the same. We talked through Facebook while I investigated everything on it, on her Reddit account, etc. She passed my background check. We ended up with a lot in common and have been meeting to exercise everyday this week. Meeting people online, getting to know them while researching on all Phobia, Social media sites has been working for me. I also networked on Facebook when I moved out of state. If you have a Facebook with acquaintances that are far away, ask them if they know anyone you could "friend" that live close by and get to know.', 'Thanks, youre right, that was in the wiki. I will do that.', 'Thanks, Im listening to Sinatra and Billie Holiday, going to avoid my Pandora rock station for a while. Watch more Comedy Central and less Dateline lol. Good tip.', 'Ah, thats good. Hope you have a good holiday weekend.', 'Honestly Im jealous. Geodon worked so well for me, but then I moved and lost insurance. (Geodon was $500 a bottle without insurance last time I checked) My doctor put me on Risperdal in November and I only take it when Im moody on my period with food cravings to start. Both made me equally as sleepy, but I acclimated to the Geodon much better. I tried to stretch out what I had as I ran out and was only taking 20mg towards the end. Thats my target med to get back on when I have the means in the future. Hope it works out well for you!', 'Have a public defender work on your case. To prove abuse, you have to be able to provide evidence of neglect. Have your daughter film what she can and document everything you can. It will take a while but please dont give up.', '^ I skimmed your comment at first, but Ive basically just been emphasizing and elaborating on everything youve said here. Good advice.', 'Thats probably a good thing. Alcohol is a depressant. Im sorry to hear youre going through so much Stress. Drawing and painting is good to get your thoughts and feelings out. Its hard to Hypersomnia when youre brain is on overdrive.', 'Ive been feeling normal as well despite starting a new job and having my schedule change from 4pm to 1am, to a normal 8:30am to 5:30pm. Havent had Initial Middle Sleeplessness for a while. How is everyone elses Initial Middle Sleeplessness?', 'Good when Im good, not bad when Im on the fence or the brink, meh ok when Im bad. The people that actually care will say "Just ok?" The others dont seem to notice the difference.', 'I will definitely keep at it.', 'We were very lucky to be in a theater that wasnt crowded (we went Thursday). I cant imagine going Saturday. Did you have to stand in a long line?', 'Im sorry to hear that :( My dad didnt really believe in mental disorders until quite recently after lots of conversations. My mom wont go to a specialist either. If youre already on medication for ADD, you might as well start with a psychiatrist that can evaluate what youre already taking.', 'It seems to scare you subconsciously. Death shouldnt be scary except on a primal level, the bodys natual reaction is to fight for life involuntarily. I have an experiment of sorts with this. PM me if youre interested.', 'I usually feel bad and say "Ill make it" and apologize. People around me dont know what a loaded question that is and I try to keep that in mind.', 'Are you in the US? (I dont think anyone else says "yall" I hope its ok to assume so) Do you have health insurance? How old are you?', 'Not necessarily. Theres a Drug abuse probability that most people live through their attempts with guns and end up either a vegetable or just with severe brain damage. So theres that to consider as well. I wouldnt suggest it.', 'What are the main lies you have encountered throughout your life that keep smacking you in the face? I understand the Exhaustion part.', 'Ive been living with my SO for 7 years today. Anniversary of sorts. Were in an open relationship. My parents divorced when I was 10, I never wanted to get married after that. Never thought about getting married before that. Has nothing to do with my Bipolar Disorder. Everyone has relationship issues and health issues that are all different and still affect marriage statistics.', 'Do you work or go to school? Id probably say something Hyperactive behavior "My Mental Depression symptoms have been getting worse and I think its something other than Mental Depression. I may need some help finding a specialist so I can get on the right meds. The past week or so has been horrid."', 'PM? My SO reads my shit.', 'Who is raping her? Her second set of parents? What else do you know about her?', 'I understand the flood of emotion is sickening, Hyperactive behavior a roller coaster literally upsetting your stomach. It feels intolerable sometimes Hyperactive behavior there is no way your body can take anymore Ache and you just want it to go away. But our bodies are an amazing thing. Ive been so Depressed mood that Ive stayed in bed for weeks, almost an entire month. Just my experience, I know we arent all the same, but I am happy to say I am in a much better place and happy I waited it out. Your entire life could change for the better, you just never know. I am a pessimist at heart, so dont think Im a glass is half full person. But life tends to unfold as it should. I Hyperactive behavior a challenge. What are some things that you used to enjoy that you cant concentrate on now?', 'Happens to me too. I tend to lock myself in the bathroom or in my car as opposed to sharing these feelings and the crying with others. Hugs dont help me, they embarrass me because then I feel pressure to show that the person is helping when they arent. Hope you cycle back up soon and get your motivation back.', 'Hes reading it. This applies to anyone wanting to shoot themselves.', 'I have UHC. I couldnt find shit on their database and ended up with a Depressed mood doctor that specializes in Hypersomnia, not Bipolar Disorder. I called and made a complaint to my insurance and told them the doctor took me off of my medication and I was probably going to end up in inpatient care if I dont find a doctor. Some group called me back that asked me what disorder or group of disorders and a few other questions and they had people in the group call everyone and ask if they were taking new patients, how far out the appointments were, etc. I got a list of two or three back and one worked out. Maybe tell your insurance company that you cant find anyone with their search option and ask if they can help you find someone?', 'My doctor also told me that SSRIs can induce Manic episodes, either in people who are not Bipolar Disorder, but also people who are Bipolar Disorder and not on a mood stabilizer. Ive gone through many different SSRIs, Lexapro worked for me for while when I was younger. Last time I had a dangerous Manic episode, I was on Paxil and no mood stabilizer. That was my experience.', 'Similar here, great grandparents were institutionalized on my moms side. My Dads side doesnt believe in psychology or treating mental illness with medication. I was on anti-depressants for years before I had my first Manic episode. I get support from [r/Bipolar Disorder]( we can chat here, or you can PM me either way if you feel Hyperactive behavior it.', 'Thank you. Ive been looking for a replacement so long its disheartening. Hope you also find a good replacement.', 'Agreed, highly unlikely. An overdose would be a complete nightmare as well. I wouldnt suggest either one.', 'Yeah, you cant consciously control your brain juices so dont blame yourself. Take a deep breath and enjoy the break in the storm. It has a bit to do with cortisol (not all of course)...Initial Middle Sleeplessness, your "survival mode" also sounds similar to the "fight or flight" feeling. Just try and get your bearings on how you feel now which sounds to be alright for once. I do the same thing. "Wow, I feel sane and in control all of a what am I supposed to do to make the most of it..." just try to go with the flow and see what comes your way and take one event at a time. No sense ruining the moment worrying about when you may feel bad again. I tend to be more Phobia, Social when my Anxiety Mental Depression subsides, so I try to do things Hyperactive behavior grocery shopping when Im in an up swing that isnt Manic. I can interact in public a bit easier, budget for food a little easier, but were all different. Hope you enjoy your ~~morning/evening~~ time of contentment.', 'Im sorry I cant think of any good advice. Thats a very difficult situation. Did you get your meds from a primary care doctor or a psych doctor?', 'Im pretty anti-government myself. Have a lot of friends in the navy though. I always wanted to be an anthropological photographer. Found out that you have to work 9 to 5 jobs while working towards those dreams. Over the years my dreams have changed, become more solid, turned into goals. Just dont give yourself a timeline and call it a failure and give up if things seem impossible. As long as theres life to live, theres a chance things could change gradually or in an instant towards the better or worse. Change is the only constant.', 'Feel Hyperactive behavior chatting on the phone?', 'Haha, me too. Over 3 liters a day. Not as a goal or anything. I also found pickle juice to help a lot as well. Congrats and good luck with your new meds.', '* Therapists have low level certifications or no requirements for credentials (similar to counselors).* A clinical psychologist can have a PhD and focuses on diagnosis, then recommends which type of therapy would work best for you and cannot prescribe medication, but may refer to you a psychiatrist for medication.* A psychiatrist will also help with diagnosis, but a lot of them only diagnose within 5 minutes of your first appointment from my experience, then focus on changing medications around until you find the right blend.Hope that helps.', 'Sorry to hear about your breakup. Perhaps a therapist or counselor that can session via Skype or email if you cant find one to talk to in Korea could help. Definitely keep exercising. I tend to bottle my emotions as well, every so often I have a breakdown at night and just spend hours in my car crying. Probably about two or three times a year. You sound very optimistic...youve got that going for you as well. Someone is always around here if you need to chat. Hope you get some relief from your Anxiety soon.', 'Agree with everything [BipolarTypeOne]( said. I also tapered to .5mg Klonopin when I discontinued for a while. I just take it when needed now, so once every couple of days. My SO has come close to Seizures, Focal from Withdrawal Symptoms when we moved out of state and he ran out and had to go to the ER before we found our doctors here. GABA supplements helped for a bit. Might try looking up info about that. I replaced Ambien with Benadryl for a while too. I dont take it anymore however. I take 5mg melatonin as a Hypersomnia aid now and thats it.', 'I have much experience with Initial Middle Sleeplessness. What have you already tried so far?', 'I feel Hyperactive behavior Ive changed in several ways through phases of life. I was not happy with life until I was about 18 and stayed happy for about 4 years. After that it was shit again. I know its all inside of me and I cant seem to control it. I think the only thing that keeps me going is that I Hyperactive behavior a challenge. Im in constant battle with myself for control. Bipolar/schizophrenia can be hereditary. Did you inherit it?', 'Out of all of those things which would you Hyperactive behavior to pursue first?', 'Thanks, I will definitely work on being patient. I never want to have to do this again.', 'Thats a very tough spot to be in. Are you still legally married?', 'Yep, another request for iOS here. I currently use MoodyMe and my iPeriod app to track everything.', 'That sounds really stressful. Do you have to share a bedroom? (I assume) When I feel trapped (especially when I moved out on my own the first time), I usually sit and Crying Reflex, Abnormal in the bathroom or my car to cope. How long is the internship? Do you take medication?', 'Do you have any way to talk to a lawyer? That sounds pretty serious. Do you have a job that offers legal services? I know most dont.', 'Im not Phobia, Social, so I study psychology alone so I feel Hyperactive behavior I can connect with others in my own dillusion. You may offend people, but most that arent superficial can tell you arent doing it on purpose.', 'Like the others say, its different for everyone, listen to your body. But my experience, every medication I take only works for a year or two, then stops. I have side effects when first starting certain medications and they do go away after my body adjusts. Ive been taking Lamictal for about four weeks now and I havent noticed anymore side effects. My main complaint was horrid, traumatizing Ive started taking it in the morning instead of at night. If it severely interferes with your everyday routine, talk to your doctor. Maybe you need to stick with a lower dose or switch to something else. Just be as specific with your doctor as possible.', 'Id suggest she talk more to the ladies in [r/Hijabis]( It will take a lot of strength on her side and much patient support from others to help her figure out right and wrong. If shes only able to trust the support she receives on Reddit, they are probably your best bet.', 'Thank you for posting. I feel Hyperactive behavior this often. Helps to know Im not the only one.', 'Its very common for most unaffected people to see Mental Depression as just laziness. There s still a stigma around mental illness. People dont understand how hormones are not something we can control, just Hyperactive behavior someone with diabetes cannot control their insulin levels with their pancreas and without medication and even still, because of the illness, Drowsiness is a common side effect. If you and/or your SO feel comfortable talking to them, you may want have a conversation. Maybe ask your SO what they think, if the parents have said anything. Its definitely a legit concern.', 'Even if the memories of molestation are just now coming to the surface, that kind of thing causes trauma and continuous "Post traumatic Stress disorder" that will affect you on a deep personal level including your shyness and ability to socialize with others. Your experiences are very specific and personal to you and contribute to who you are, but know that youre not completely alone either, youre doing your best, try not to blame yourself...everyone fucks up. What kind of pills were you in trouble for possessing?', 'Yep I have moments of clarity and optimism, then I revert back to Mental Depression, grief and Anxiety Mental Depression attacks. Rapid cycling is a bitch.', 'Its similar. Its on a larger piece of paper and spans for a 5 year period. mine does not have my weight or hours slept however. I may start keeping track of that as well, so thats interesting. [Heres a picture.](', 'Ive had good and bad experiences with SSRIs and SNRIs. One worked for several months after the horrible acclimation period, then one day just quit working. I was also put on one without a mood stabilizer or anti-psychotic and had bad Manic reactions for obvious reasons. The side effects and Withdrawal Symptoms symptoms Ive had after missing just a few doses just arent worth the few months of no Mental Depression for me either. But then I havent ever been hospitalized because of my Bipolar Disorder either. My neuropsychopharmachologist didnt Hyperactive behavior me being on SSRIs though and had me taper off when I came into her care, and with her experience, I trust her opinion. Unfortunately were all different and you just really dont know if SSRIs are right for you unless your doctor has you give them a try.', 'Im going to sound dumb, please mark it from the record. But "The only constant is change." Indifference is good in my opinion. Some situations are better for you mentally if you float through in a Depersonalization Hyperactive behavior state. That might just get you through this. I just dont think you are a waste. Youre very intelligent.', 'Do you know how old she is? If she can talk to her current parents? The best thing you can do for her is probably listen and continue to be there for her if you dont know her IRL.', 'I went to a specialist in neuropsychopharmacology and she was able to get me down to just low dose klonapin once a day and I have been completely off of everything else for 5 months now. Ive been seeing her for about a year and shes retiring in a few months...still hasnt cashed my last payment. She seems to truly care about my condition and not just filling me with pills and getting paid. Just me personally, but Ive noticed that some years are just really debilitating because of my mood swings, while others I just dont struggle as much. There is so much yet to be understood about brain chemistry and hormones. I think my Bipolar Disorder phases in and out as I get older and some years I need more medication than others. This year so far has been a light year, but I wont be surprised if I am forced to go back on more in the future. Hope you find a decent doctor soon that will help you with your wish to ween as well. They are out there, just dont give up and dont ween alone.', 'Youre welcome :) Those are interesting effects for sure.', 'Have you been contemplating Suicide for years? Is there anything in life that interests you more than leaving it all behind?', 'Thats awful too. Im sorry to hear that. Im worried this new doctor is going to trigger me into more cycling. Im just going to cancel and talk to my primary care and keep exercising. Keeping Sedated state and moving on is the hardest part.', 'Same, Ive been on heavy doses of meds for the Manic so the Depressed mood is coming back. I stopped taking the risperdone because it was just too much. Just took my depakote though. Reminds me of an X or cocaine comedown. Most uncomfortable thing ever. Im just trying to squirm the energy away in bed. Good luck to all of you as well. (((Internet hugs)))', 'I used to spend many nights listening to Bush half Wakefulness and half Somnolence when I was 17-18. I was around 19-20 when I went 3 months straight without actual Hypersomnia. Can you get a doctor appointment? They may be able to advise you on anti-Anxiety Mental Depression medication or prescription Hypersomnia aids. Thats the only thing I didnt do during that time.(I love the Deftones btw)', 'Ive been in a stable open relationship for 7 years. However Ive always known I was poly and Im also pansexual and it really has nothing to do with my Bipolar Disorder. Ive gone through medications that decrease my libido, but when Im not on them, its extremely higher than his. Ive technically only slept with two others (one being married) during this time. One thing you should definitely think about is how youll feel when you are at your most irrational. Are you going to be jealous if he sleeps with someone else? Being open works both ways. I think my Dude finally realized I was serious about being open when he slept with my step-sister and felt ashamed. My step-sister told me, so later when he finally had the courage to bring it up, he was surprised I already knew and didnt make a big deal out of it. I also wouldnt suggest one night stands or sleeping with strangers while youre Manic. Ive had friendships for years with the others Ive slept with and trust them. The symptom of being unnecessarily risky during Manic phases should not be taken lightly. Proceed with caution and good luck! :)', 'Totally understandable. What are the most uncomfortable symptoms of the Initial Middle Sleeplessness that you are experiencing? Can you describe them?', 'Im Bipolar Disorder but in a Manic episode. So Id love to chat with you if you want. I dont know why there are not any other comments. But PM me if you feel Hyperactive behavior it.', 'Me too, I reorganized everything in the kitchen yesterday. Started doing keto a couple weeks ago and decided to try and start cooking for myself. Now I just have to watch my spending on groceries.', 'Very welcome. This community has been awesome to me and given lots of great tips and support. Another suggestion to help with diagnosis is to keep track of your mood. Either on paper or by using an app on your phone. That way you can track patterns and medication to report to your doctor.', 'Absolutely', 'Yep, totally relate. I worked for a friend of my dads for a while. She was a lesbian in the military in the 1950s so she was a hard ass. I grew a tougher skin from that experience, but Im still Muscle Weakness when my Anxiety Mental Depression and Mental Depression act up.', 'Positives that come to mind: You arent in jail. You havent relapsed yet. Youre still free *enough* and in control *enough* to get another job just to see how the pigs will find a way to fuck that up as well. I hope you can Attention Deficit Disorder the positive that you have a GF thats at least supportive. If I were in your probated shoes, I would spend those next years planning my escape to another country. If you dont see a way out now, I would make finding a way my top priority. You say you want to leave the country, patience is really hard to obtain but if you have it, youll make it out. I dont think any of the things you have written have been stupid. What others call pessimistic I would call realistic. So I would say your summed up existence is very real and much better than any obituary most of us will ever have. I hope you get the chance in the future to Attention Deficit Disorder to your story more of what your dreams may be. The piece of paper that represents your education may be a joke, but one last positive is that you are nonetheless educated and obviously intelligent, so there is still potential there. Thanks for sharing.', 'How old are you now? What condition are you referring to that you dont have a future? I want to hear about your problems.', 'My SO and I split a hotel room for a homeless (mentally unstable) older man during the holidays last year. We showed him to his room, my SO Ventricular Dysfunction, Left and I proceeded stay and give the guy a back massage. I dont regret it. Thankful I didnt get raped though.', 'The form my neuropsychopharmacologist gave me is "NIMH The Life Chart Method Self/Retrospective Rating Form", I cant find one online to print, but you may mention it to your doctor and see if that one will cover more ground. She gave me two others that just didnt track well enough because I was Confusion on how to enter the information.', 'If Anxiety Mental Depression is the main culprit, you may have to chip away at it slowly and wind down over several hours, try not to focus on the time (I always Panic Attacks when I look at the clock, so try not to think about or look at the time). Computers, tv emit light plus reading all stimulate your brain. Listening to old radio shows or relaxing music help me. My main problem ends up being that I cant get into a comfortable position and constantly toss and turn.', 'Thats awful that she wont acknowledge it and the other person thought you were joking. I hope you can eventually find someone irl you can confide in to help you with that part of your past.', 'Are you self employed? or will you get unemployment?', 'When I took Seroquel, I was so Drowsiness ALL day that I failed two classes. I was so Drowsiness in the mornings that I literally could not drive or stay Wakefulness once I got there the few times I made it. I couldnt focus on the final and that was it. I can totally understand why you have Anxiety Mental Depression. I sure did. Taking a bunch of Lithium wouldnt kill you, so thats probably why he ignored it altogether. Youre more likely to have major liver problems if you drink and take meds at the same time that tax your liver. Hope you feel better soon. Anxiety is a bitch.', 'Im in the same boat. Feeling awful today. Phone interview tomorrow. Been unemployed since February. Ive been putting on a pretty good facade for interviews for several months and Im exhausted. Most employers are looking for examples of where you excelled in your past work experience, so I just try to ignore my current negativeness and recall the good times I had when I was working. If I were you, Id just try to get some good Hypersomnia, but wake up at a decent hour before the phone screen. If you have past work experience, just try to recall what you enjoyed, what you learned from that experience, and what you hope to experience in the new position so you sound excited for the new opportunity. Good luck to you! ', '> the majority of the time they think of me as someone who is going to drop-out or fail in life.Id be Depressed mood too if my parents thought I was a failure before I even finished my freshman year. My grades dropped to barely passing when I started Drug abuse school too. It could be a mix of Anxiet | Ideation | 322 |
user-332 | ['you see, I am in a lot of clubs that I absolutely enjoy. I do have a lot of friends. Its just i am awkward in a way as well. I also try making new friends but nowadays, people are jerks. I try my hardest not to think of her as well. In fact, Ive been going towards new things to do instead of thnking bout her. I dont see Suicide as an option for now. I dont wanna die but im hating how i live', 'Also, I am not the best looking individual and I lose courage a lot. Truth is, I dont even get bullied or any of that bullshit. I find school as my safe haven. I make excuses to stay in school instead of going home and playing. I try to resist, but cannot stop the urge. I used to have lots of self esteem, was never shy, athletic, and always happy. I am a class clown at school, to mask who i really am. I just feel Depressed mood and I feel Hyperactive behavior Suicide is the only option sometimes. I dont even see a future for me, just darkness. I fear one day I will kill my self with a rope and I really want people to help me on this. I cant call the hotline because my parents will find about it and comfront me.I feel the only person I can talk to is the internet.'] | Ideation | 332 |
user-56 | ['Wow. You should know that military is one of the hardest things in LIFE to accomplish. But congrats on getting a new house, wife, and going through military. Im glad it didnt get worse. It got better. Good luck to you my friend :)', 'My hobbies are fishing, sports... Thats all I can think of... (Sorry for not messaging back right away, havent been on for a while...)', 'BlankLlama. About 276,000 teenagers try to kill themselves every year. 5,000 succeed. The main causes are stress, bullying, failed relationships, abuse, failed studies.I will be one of among 5,000 to kill themselves. I am 13 years old to. And this is my story: ', 'Thank you SpaceHorror. ', 'Youre gifted to have a girlfriend, loving family, friends... You should not be thinking about killing yourself, you just want to do more. Dreams can become reality. Go and see it. Live life, take it in. But there are those who arent gifted like you. Like me. My story... My article... My view, is a whole lot different... The things you listed I have none of that... My story...:'] | Behavior | 56 |
user-301 | ['Have you tried making things with your hands? I took up painting to get my mind off of things, getting lost in your mind can be dangerous ... So I starting making black and white painting that meant something to me. Maybe you can weld things together, just a hobby to try out. Make something and call it art ', 'Be the support he needs if you wants someone to help. Not sure if you want to keep pushing and dealing with him but if you want that pressure, keep letting him know youre there. Hangout with him, keep him busy.If hes trying to kill himself he needs to be watched. Good thing telling his sister, we want someone at home to keep him safe. ', 'Just let spill it to him.. Let him know. Youre trying to reach out to someone you do know and hes right there. Even if he is distance. If telling him will make you feel better do it. Whatever makes it easier for you to deal with.'] | Indicator | 301 |
user-229 | ['Im one of the others that has been checking /user/NeMoD for just this reason.', 'This post must have been prompted by something negative. That makes me sad.This subreddit is awesome, and the moderators are awesome. Keep up the good work.', 'I forgive myself for my failed marriage.You should forgive yourself for all failings which you learn from.', 'My father died when I was fifteen. It was off the coast of Florida, we were SCUBA diving. I did not watch the CPR attempt, but I can vividly remember the sounds: 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 10... over and over again for 20 minutes. I remember thinking of my own CPR training, and the chart that shows survival rates for CPR without a defib... I knew how slim the chances were.My father smoked all his life, but quit 6 months prior to this trip so that could go SCUBA diving with me. I never told him how much that meant to me.', '', 'Im sure that youve been tested for this, but if not make sure you get a test for hypothyroidism. Its grossly underdiagnosed, and can cause all sorts of Emotional upset issues.When Im off my thyroid meds I am more easily frustrated and have a much lower self worth. I also have a hard time thinking clearly.', '*cry*', 'Dont worry about dragging people down, thats not a problem. People that post here do so because helping people makes them happy.Out of curiosity: Do you have any of your art online?', 'Because he was a smoker most of his life, and he quit smoking so that he could get SCUBA certified and go on a trip to the Keys with me. He died 12 miles off the coast of FL.He was a good father, and a good man. His funeral was standing room only in a large building. He influenced more people in his life than I have known in mine. He was my role model and my idol.I am truly lucky to have had such a good father, and the only regret in life is that I only later realized this.', 'Keep up on the music, man, good work.While technically true, there are plenty of people here that would be willing to listen to anyones story. Its therapeutic (man Firefox had a heyday with my spelling of that word) for all involved, I think.', '"This is not your fault."', '(I wrote this comment as a reply to another comment, but when I was ready to post it, reddit said the comment was deleted... so Im just posting it here for your beneift)Im 27 now and I agree with this assessment. At some point someone close to me told me that my high school/college years would be the best of my life. For me this was extremely depressing as I didnt have a great time in high school or college and was Worried that things wouldnt ever get better.Ive been out of college for 4 years now. Ive had some bad times, but it seems each year gets progressively better. Ive realized that the best years of my life are ahead of me, and I can now focus on actively working toward a better future.', 'I would have told my father I loved him before our last SCUBA dive together.', 'Almost every day I go to work with great people. People I enjoy working with, and enjoy hanging out with at lunch and after work. I am extremely lucky to have such a good job.Almost every day I play board games, or poker, or just hang out with good friends. Friends I trust and care for. I am extremely lucky to have so many good friends.Every single night for 3 years now, when work is done and everyone has gone home, I sleep in my empty bed and feel lonely. Just as Im about to do right now.', 'Today', 'Ask her questions about herself, and *listen*. Ask follow up questions.Be yourself.', 'Do you know what song that is?', 'My mother attempted suicide this year. Even coming this close has affected me in ways I cant easily describe.', 'Your abuse is not your fault, and your birth is not a mistake.', 'My father once told me "Son, dont waste your high school years, they will be the best years of your life." I used to worry about this so much because high school wasnt so grand for me. I wasnt one of the in-crowd, and while everyone else was going out doing it like rabbits (or at least, thats what I imagined was happening) I was at home lonely and bored.It wasnt until I went to college, got married, and then got divorced before I realized how wrong my father was. He was a great man, but Ive had to teach myself to take his advice with a grain of salt, even though I tend to idolize him since he died before I had a chance to lose any respect for him (as it seems most people do as they grow older).Life is what you make of it, and if you want it to get better, it will.'] | Indicator | 229 |
user-331 | ['Even if I had insurance to actually see a therapist, I probably wouldnt go. Not only because the idea of it scares me, but Ive heard of many bad experiences with therapy. Id be afraid of being locked away or something.I tried taking small steps to help my Anxiety Mental Depression. Last year instead of taking online college classes Hyperactive behavior I usually do, I enrolled in on campus courses. The first day of school I ended up having a huge Panic Attacks attack and I almost blacked out. I cancelled my classes the next day.', 'I feel selfish because I want to die. Like a little kid who pouts in the corner because he didnt get what he wanted. Im being selfish because I dont try to make things change, because Id rather just end things. Theres just so much Ache and sadness and it just keeps getting worse. Not better. Ive been told to see a therapist before. But Im Social fear to even do that. Im afraid of people. The only reason I have friends is because I met them online. And theres a sort of anonymity you can have when you talk to people that way. Even when I met my ex in person for the first time, I was awkward and quiet. When Im online I can pretend to be happy, funny, interesting... someone Im not. But I cant fake who I am in person. Which is basically why I got dumped. My real life self wasnt the same. All the Ache and sadness I have is completely my fault. And if I end it, the problems go away forever.', 'Im really sorry you have to go through Ache Hyperactive behavior that too. My ex was my best friend above all else. For three years we talked every single day. Its sounds silly that I was 22 and he was the first person I could honestly call a friend. When we started dating it felt amazing. In love with my best friend, it was perfect. Id never been so happy. But that all changed in the blink of an eye. Literally a minute after my first kiss, he broke up with me. "I value your friendship, I still want to keep that intact." Thats what he said. Five months later and he has stopped talking to me altogether. I lost my best friend. And my Phobia, Social Anxiety Mental Depression is at an all time Drug abuse now. Just the thought of talking to someone in person freaks me out.When we were still together, he was helping me with my Anxiety Mental Depression issues. Hed encourage me to take baby steps to make it better. But now, I dont see the point. Ill still be alone.', 'I always make up excuses for why I cant do something. But if I really wanted to fix things, Id just do it. I wouldnt let my fear stop me. What does that say about me? I give up on everything in life. I dont think that will change. Im so mentally exhausted, I cant even think of one single reason to live. I dont care about anything anymore.'] | Ideation | 331 |
user-132 | ['Dude. Dont do this. You wont be called brave or bold. You will just become the guy who killed himself. A no body. Live through it. Buck up. If I see it on the news. When I die Ill kick your ass in heaven or whever we go.'] | Supportive | 132 |
user-137 | ['Hi, following you to this post... Ive been thinking about you since the last time believe it or not, I was wondering how things are going as I didnt feel all that helpful on the last post, so Im glad I found this one.After some time passing, youre posting again, so Im seeing that youre feeling down and Im really sorry to see that. I still think there is hope for you and there can be a positive outcome. I have faith in you, although we have this limited interaction through a website which makes it a bit tricky.This subreddit is by its nature about a drastic action of last resort. Youve posted twice and are now saying it needs to happen soon. Obviously I dont want that to happen. Does what "I" want mean anything? Well maybe not right now, or ever! All the same, I want to get through to you and try to help, and for me, what happens to you does matter. What "I" would like for you to do, is find a way out, other than the planned way... Youve been analysing the situation *but* , I believe that your judgement right now may only be at say 80%, due to Depression, bad circumstances clouding it etc, my own assessment of my life is often wrong too. Depression can be a chemical thing and its hard to assess when you have it. Your feelings (at least some of them) may be difficult to assess due to chemicals. Im not saying its just chemicals, youve got things going on and I realise that, but I ask you openly and as best I can to find a different solution.So, I want you to try a couple of things. I cant make you, but evidence that I care is that Im writing this and checked up 2 months later on what youre up to. So in return I ask for just a couple of thoughts and actions. You dont really owe *me* this, but you owe yourself this for certain... 1) Think about people in your life (family?) that things arent screwed up with and make contact to see what happens. Its Tired rare that there would be absolutely no one; possible I suppose but super-rare I would expect. When people commit suicide, there are people left behind that care Im sure in 99.9999% of cases, I will be one at least, other people posting here, reading this, the police, the photographer, their families, tons of people that you may not expect. 2) See if you can make a *massive* change/way out other than suicide. Like maybe something that would seem crazy like hitchhiking across your country, then going to another one or two, visiting Africa, honestly the biggest change you can think of, doing charity work or something, a 100% change as youve already worked out that things as they are, are not what is working out for you. You cant fail if the other option was suicide.What do you think? :-/', 'Still here if you need anything (me + others). Have you spoken to anyone else about this?', 'Please dont.I think everyones friends are unreliable, honestly, people tend to be quite unreliable even when they are well meaning. Ive had similar frustrations.If a group of people dont meet up, it doesnt mean that they were trying to avoid you specifically. There are loads of things that could have happened. I doubt they all were like "ok fuck you, well just all meet secretly".Im Worried that youre thinking of suicide because of this. Im guessing there might be something else happening too? Do you want to tell us? It might help.I will check back but its just coming up to midnight here, please write back and Ill check if I wake up overnight or first thing.', 'Please go back to her, you need to have a helping hand. Were here to listen but professional help in person is probably going to be better for you (or you can try both). Feel free to write any time to let me know whats happening, Im interested and care.', 'We can talk to you instead on here, if thats any use. Reddit is always available, except during downtime of course :-).Whats been happening? Are you up for talking a bit? We might be able to help, or at least listen to you.', 'Are you still with us? :-/', 'Cool. Thats good.Friends can be ridiculously unreliable, honestly, even when they have the best intentions. I know you want and maybe need them but most people cant give back whats required sometimes. Its just human nature. They wont always be fully tuned in with you unless they know that they annoyed you. They probably have no idea.Try to take it easy at school, see if you can relax a bit and try not to worry. Easy for me to say isnt it, but I think it will help. Maybe you are overthinking things?', 'Hey you two, the offer is still here if those phone lines are still busy or dont exist ok! Not just me, lots of people read this, youre not alone.', 'Maybe the therapist is doing some good at some level, even if theyre just telling you stuff which seems obvious or not helpful. You do need to have someone to talk to, as friends and family can probably only help so much.Losing someone slowly or suddenly, both must be incredibly Pain. In your case you wrote that he would be angry that it was sudden and that you were there when it happened. While theres no way I can guess what he was thinking, I know that although I wouldnt want to put my wife and kids through that, theres also no one else Id rather have to keep me company for that inevitable experience. The terrible (on a personal level) truth for me and my family is that death will come to me too and the better relationship I have with my wife and children, the more Pain it will be. I can only hope that its a long way in the future and we have a lot more fun first. As a Dad/husband, I try my best to make the time with them as good as possible, even the knowledge that it will be Pain in the end. To take away possible Pain from when I do go, it would be best just to slowly withdraw, barely see them and ruin the relationship!Im (quite obviously) not trained in any of this, but when I go, I want my wife and kids to remember the good times (as youre doing with the slideshow presentation in your head). Id be urging them to please not hurt... even though its impossible not to. People say that the Pain never really goes away and I suppose thats normal, youve lost something, but as a Dad, Id want the Pain memories to be overridden eventually by the happy ones and would hope that its possible for that to happen within a reasonable amount of time, which I suppose is the "grieving" process :-/. As he was an exceptionally good Dad, that makes the Pain worse, in exchange only for him having had a great time with you and seeing you grow up and have a kiddy of your own - he would have loved every second of it, believe me. :-). Perhaps that was one of his last thoughts, as a Dad, Id be thinking "well this is shit, no regrets though, lovely daughter, family etc. love them."', 'Have you managed to get any help so far with these feelings? Maybe if you can get some professional advice (Doctor, counselling etc), this might help you get by without it feeling like a struggle all the time.', 'Hi, thanks for sharing, you can talk to us. There are also help lines it that works better for you, anonymous ones, although this may be fine for now.Reading your post, it sounds like that voice is the thing causing your problems and that possibly without it, things would be better (from what I read). I wonder what it is exactly and if its treatable? The human body is a load of chemicals stuck together, maybe a doctor can give you some medicine and you wont be hearing the voice any more. Id like it personally if you went to get checked out as that might be enough to get things sorted.Can you give that a try please? You could go there now, go to the A&E department honestly, its serious enough, they will help if you tell them whats going on.Anyway, please let us know how things go. There are people here who care and will try to help too.', 'Are things going any better today?', 'Hi, thanks for the details. Im really impressed. Yep you sound like youre at total breaking point but Im not surprised, you sound ridiculously busy and like youve really turned things around. Stopping drugs and getting solid work is excellent, cant fault it. The only thing missing is the reward and clear path to a well deserved lifestyle!Sometimes people post here then feel better later. I hope thats the case with you.From what you wrote, bettering yourself has actually worked, just its fucking hard and just doesnt quite feel worth the hassle considering effort put in. I reckon you need to keep going and that youre nearly there. Youve got us to cheer you on in the lamest way possible ;-)... How cheesy to write that but its true. Keep going please, it will get better. How can I be so sure? Well youve shown great drive and willpower to get to this stage. 1 year is a long time to be working hard on something. Its also a short amount of time in the sense of changing something, if that makes sense...IT jobs can be Tired stressful. Im in IT and the jobs have been Tired Tired good and also Tired Tired Tired bad. The place and colleagues make such a difference. Pay is also really really shit at first but eventually Tired good although it seems impossible to get there. My first job didnt pay enough for me to qualify for tax! Most of the time in IT, you move on the next place and get a pay rise. They tend to reward moving and getting experience of working at different places than promoting within an organisation. So youve got that... If you can just carry on at the place, then switch, that should work in theory... The IT people I see on low wages seem to be the ones who stay at the same place doing the same thing for 5 years+Ok! Well... Ill click send now but hopefully this helped slightly? :-/ My main points are that I hear you, it sounds like youve done well and please dont give up hope, you sound Exhaustion but in control.', 'Its hard to know what to say to that. Im sorry you feel that way. I dont think that anyone could never be loved by anyone in friendship or otherwise, were part of a society and theres all someone. Maybe you can make a trip to see your old friends?', 'No problem I didnt expect an immediate reply, just wanted to check :-).Seeing a counsellor sounds like good progress. They can help you come up with a plan. It is possible sometimes to start a year again, if needed, or if you can just work out what youre going to do and write it down then maybe that will help so you can have a plan and stick to it. For education and maybe also for what you want to change personally I suppose.Im still not sure about the disgustingness! Feeling disgusting and being disgusting are different... I dont think most people call anyone disgusting, it would be a bit mean but when assessing yourself, I suppose its possible to be Tired harsh. If its a weight gain thing then maybe you can draw up a new routine to go along with your studies and just make sure you 100% stick to it? Eating less (but still enough) seems to work easier than doing masses of exercise. They say you cant outrun your fork! I cant anyway :-)So for a routine, like get up, eat a, b or c, study whatever, go for a walk, Internet, eat something, I dont know... Something like that but better... I think living by your own rules gets rid of routine. I put on weight and had no discipline to study when I left home. Its hard but you can do it because you want it. Not that youre not doing it already, I dont know what your routine is.Not sure if thats helpful or just annoying... Good luck!', 'Hi, are you ok today? Do you want to talk about things?', 'Your post title is "natural selection". I wonder if youre looking at things a bit too logically?If you want to be totally logical and naturally select yourself out of the pool, you wouldnt need to kill yourself, you would just not reproduce, far safer right... However, I wonder if you maybe have Depression and thats clouding your judgement of what kind of person you are, leading you to think negatively. Sorry to guess, dont have much to go on.You said youre not fit for this world, but I cant help thinking that you are. I wouldnt put many people into that particular category... Have you been feeling like this for a long time?You mentioned a person in your post, so have at least one in the world Im guessing that would be Tired upset. You also have us (although that may not be too much consolation!)Could you tell us how long youve felt like this and maybe some of the things youre feeling please? You dont owe us an explanation of course, but it might help to talk things through and we are up for helping if at all possible.', 'Hi, ok were here with you... Lets see...So obviously I can only go by what you say so this is always guessing to start with so please bear with me. And you can let me know...Moving somewhere for education is a hell of a change, its true, I hope you can find energy for the adjustment, its crazy to begin with then changes drastically as you settle in (for the better). Been there, its hard to start.For the 18 and kissed once thing, thats not unusual, the media like to show everyone having sex with everyone really early but thats just a load of crap. At 18 loads of people are just starting out with relationships, or not, that just isnt covered much. Theres probably someone else just down the corridor in that same situation.You described yourself as revolting and disgusting. Now thats how you feel and I hate to disagree, but its got to be wrong...! I mean, if you feel that way then I can say you dont feel that way, but no one *really* properly fits that description... But I understand that you feel that way. Ive spoken to people before who say "Im so FAT!" and arent but cant see it. Or... If you have put on weight, people do lose it. I just wonder how you perceive yourself matches up with how others do. Theres just no way that people will think revolting and disgusting though, I think thats an internal voice and assessment.Are you in your first year? Educational places realise its a tough change. I failed my way through 1st and 2nd year. Resist after resit, scraping through, taking easier options etc. The teaching staff are pretty helpful, not sure if youve asked them for help yet but its worth considering.Erm... Well, Ill press send... Please let us know how youre doing. You sound quite hard on yourself and I think youve got a lot going for you and its fixable stuff. Sounds like a tough period but were here to talk to you at the Tired least, as well as other help obviously. What do you think? Can you let us know more?', 'How are you feeling today? Better than before I hope. Can we help you go through things?', 'Sport doesnt do it for me either, but it works for some and is definitely not a bad thing, so thats cool that you go the gym already. At least you wont have physical health adding to your worries and it keeps you in a good routine.Im sure people do like you by the way, otherwise they wouldnt talk to you when youre out with your dog. If they didnt like you theyd walk away *every* time. Dont worry if that happens though once in a while, they may be needing alone time, not have seen you or something.I bet you could be friends with the older people actually and that could be good in more than one way. Are they really quite old? I think that some old people are massively lonely sometimes if their children have grown up and moved away etc or theyve lost a partner. Spending time with the old guys/girls could be worth a shot and although maybe not what youre looking for, old people do have younger kids in their families, so you could meet an old person, then get invited round and meet younger people in the end (yes I know how bad this sounds). Not that old people arent good enough... I know this is a bit of a complicated plan, but it could work really well. Old people may have gone through all sorts of stuff in their lives so may be really understanding and a real support for you. Having said that Ive met some really self-righteous #@$%$^$ who are old :-D. To start that though, you could just ask if theyve got kids I suppose. Like asking "is there anyone else for [dog] to play with at home?" then going from there.By the way, this might be quite annoying that Im trying to "fix" this, but if it helps then I want to try suggesting stuff... Some plans may be really shitty but if one works out then its worth trying.If you look in Google for "military wives groups" there are some out there you could dtry. Watch out for scam sites though - Internet... There are definitely people in the same situation, there just have to be due to the nature of the military and people being working away.Birthdays, yeah... I think that out of my (few) friends, not a single one knows when my birthday is unless Facebook tells them, and I took my date off that recently. As a guy and a typical sexist too it seems, I dont know theirs either and dont care :-) haha. Literally lol, thats the way for us guys. Girls are different though (in my sexist mind) and I can definitely understand you being upset. Like you said, I suppose its a reminder. Let this be the first/last year though, next year will be sorted out, Im totally sure you can do this and you can talk to people on here for as long as you like. You said youre not "best", smart, talented, but I think thats just not true. You feel that way now but perhaps its because you may be ill to be honest, with Depression and loneliness (?), so it could be making you feel that way when youre really not. Watch out for that one, its fucking sneaky.Please let us know how things go.', 'Hi, first of all, happy birthday from me and probably everyone who read your message!Im sorry youre going through this, it sounds really really tough and I hope things improve really soon.Your boyfriend would be devastated if you did anything and once the army stuff gets a bit less busy, I think you could tell him how you feel once and for all, as its Tired important that he understands (you said he didnt, he must be made to!). If youre posting here, the situation is bad enough that he must be made to understand.Also I was thinking, are there any other army girlfriends in your area? I wonder if theres some kind of group? They might be a bit more understanding and helpful than the friends you described were.Facebook is totally unrealistic. People only post good stuff on there so it shows a completely fake one-sided lifestyle which is really hard to compare yourself to. Loads of people have shit lonely birthdays. Not that its right. I spend mine with my wife and kids (now that I have them), no one else is reliable enough! I remember my 17th well, youd think it would be with friends? Nah, alone! Things change though and literally the next year was ok again.Do you do any sport? They say thats good for Depression and it might find you some nicer friends than the ones you mentioned?Not sure if that helps you... Will you write back with a few more of your thoughts?', 'I think this can be alright... Ill be mostly guessing things here, but please bear with me. Then you can correct me ok! :-)First of all, it might be worth going to see a doctor. You mentioned the 20s blues, but there are some years left to go there, some people dont realise that they have Depression, taking quite a few years to realise whats going on. It would be quite annoying to struggle through some more years suffering when you could get help (if thats what is needed). Something to consider anyway.Ive been 22 and remember it well! Blues? Yep. Worry? Check! Actually quite a tricky time even if things are going well. 22 can be the start of major changes, maybe a job that pays slightly better, maybe meeting someone, taking up a new hobby (where you can meet someone). Youve got loads of options at 22. Even travelling if you feel like you need a really major change. Some people are studying, there was a feeling of frustration for me at that point as I wanted to break free and go travelling but felt I couldnt. Of course I could have actually, it was just me subconsciously deciding my priorities.Anyway, a few random points there based on me, not you, but I wonder if our situations are/were that different. If anything, I can guarantee that I really was 22 so weve got that...Corrections welcomed please, this is just to talk really... Can you tell me some stuff, whats going on with you etc? Stresses and worries etc? Therell be someone on here whos made it through something similar successfully probably. Or if not, we can at least listen to you and try to get it.', 'How are you feeling today?', 'Lots of peoples lives change dramatically at around 18 (or later obviously) but also its a time which can be Tired frustrating as you can feel like things may not work out. The "things" which you may be aiming to have in your life (partner, car, house, money, kids, job, whatever it is...), take a while to accumulate! At 18 youve barely had a chance to get them assuming you just finished school a couple of years ago at most then unfortunately took a job which you didnt enjoy. Within a year or two, or three, your life is likely to be completely different.Youre right that youve got a lot to live for. You seem like a logical thinker, thats attractive to employers so theres a chance to have a non-shitty job with nice people at some point. Many people meet their partners at work and a nice job can get you friends as well. Ive got a friend who was really depressed, changed job, met his now-wife, friends etc, it does happen. Also please remember that although some crazy stuff is reported on the news, its not all bad out there, the media just like to focus on whats "interesting" and puppies being rescued just doesnt make the cut. Youve also got a chance to do good things as well to improve the world, but please look after yourself first!Does any of that help or apply to you? :-S. Os gwelwch yn dda gadewch i mi wybod :-) - in English though perhaps, Google translate can only do so much!', 'This sounds really tough, Im so sorry for your loss. He sounds like a great guy and I can see why you would be grieving like this.Your child, husband and mother are there for you I suppose, but its just not something that everyone would properly understand or be able to talk about for a long time. The therapist being expensive shouldnt come into it assuming you can afford it. You are worth the cost, if it helps and they should be professionally trained to talk about this.I cant offer much useful advice as I dont have the experience, but theres a /r/grieving reddit which may have some helpful people who can understand and help you better. Not to just send you off packing to there of course...I cant say "get well soon" etc, I dont think it works that way. All the same, Im thinking of you and sending positivity and Im sure anyone reading your post will be too, even if they dont all post replies.'] | Indicator | 137 |
user-423 | ['Im sorry. I wouldnt wish something Hyperactive behavior this on any being ever. My sister is a dancer and broke her foot, keeping her from dancing for a year. Her Ache and misery was terrible. We shouldnt be kept from the things we love the most. Since we both can understand each other pretty well, I had an idea for how we can help each other. Let me know what you think. If I go out of my way today to be responsible, to focus on a short-term goal (today thats working on my research), will you try your hardest to focus on doing something proactive/productive? A short-term goal Hyperactive behavior cleaning your room or making dinner or something Hyperactive behavior that. At the end of the day we can tell each other how we did. We can work together to try to help each other out of our ruts. ', 'Thank you for your reply. I really Hyperactive behavior the idea that its Hyperactive behavior an egg. Thats really helping my brain emotionally understand why its having so much trouble. I think Im going to make it through the day. Its always the night, the darkness where the Sad mood sets in, and thoughts creep out of the darkest part of my brain. ', 'I made it through the night. I had the most terrible dreams though. Dreams about exes, and dreams about bears attacking me. Im not sure what the deal was with bears. My Nightmares usually involve water. Part of this whole situation thats bothering me that my dreams brought up is my need to be validated by a relationship. I hate that the thing I Anxiety most about is how potential dates will look at me and judge me, because of my arm. I feel so stupid that thats one of my biggest worries. My need to be in a relationship terrifies me, but its Hyperactive behavior Im not whole or real without someone else there. ', 'I know Im in a completely different place with my injury than you are, but the feelings youve described of feeling Hyperactive behavior youre climbing mt Everest is a good way for me to describe my own feelings. My heart is burning with sadness and a desire to help you in some way. I dont know how to accomplish that especially given my current state, but at least I know the compassionate, almost-maternal, part of my brain continues to function as it always has. I am proud to say that I am working on setting up an appt with a counselor to talk about what Ive been going through.I want you to know that despite my own struggles, Im rooting for you to succeed in whatever capacity success would be for you. Your story has really touched me, and I know Im just some random suicidal guy on reddit, but Im hopeful for you. I care about what happens to you, and even if I never hear from you again, I will constantly be thinking about you, hoping it gets better for you. Thank you for pulling hope out of my body again Even though its not for me, I have something positive to gain from this feeling inside me. '] | Ideation | 423 |
user-335 | ['No', '> and theyre causing you to break into tears. This got me. I neither viewed it as an inducable variable/fact for my reason to create an image of my personhood nor didnt I consequently ever view me outside of myself to determine the meaning of that fact. Treating it Hyperactive behavior a dream instead, something that, as I am writing this am starting to do all over again, has given me the ability to recreate a false, purely on reason based identity. Your comment got me, but now it is being buried away as we speak... I just got to try this, it *has* to work out. FUCK, I know it wont. .. fuck this shit... I feel Hyperactive behavior an attentionwhore writing even this sentence. Even wanting to apologize to you guys feels wrong, I want/ need to get out of here, this never happened. sorry', 'This thread made me come up with the analogy between me or even suicidal thoughts in general and the 5 stages of grief. Im in the stage of denial, and stating or knowing that I am does not change the stage I am in. I still do not want to accept the reality that there is a part of me that thinks dying is a great solution to a problem I cannot see or rationally find. I want to kill that part of my personhood off. What am I suffering from? Why am I suffering? My suicidal thoughts are just a Ache in the ass and Im denying my entire personhood, self and feelings as a result. I am killing my identity, replacing it with one where I am emotionless, and nothing but my ideas and reason will constitute me. Again, similar to how my reason is contradictory with my feelings, this acknowledgement of both my identity which I want to kill and the stage of denial are contradictory too. Its fucked up. ', '> I usually consider Suicide to be redundant.This. It is such an unutilitarian thing to do, I instead fantasize about plans to perhaps kill Kim Jong-un so I wont Chest Pain my family and hopefully do the world some good too. If I am going to commit Suicide, it will be done in such a fashion that the most amount of people will get the most amount of happiness from it. Jumping in front of a train for example is an extremely selfish way to go, traumatizing the engineers and holding up hundreds of people. ', 'How did you even go about forcing yourself to do such small tasks? My schedule is beyond fucked up, with on average a 2-3 hour day-to-day difference in the time I go in and out of bed. Dinner often becomes breakfast and breakfast becomes dinner. Im thirsty/hungry as fuck right now, but I cant get myself to get out of bed and drink/eat something- Im skinny as fuck. I stopped making my bed in which I spend 20+ hours of my day and just Hypersomnia under and on some sheets instead. I had a bike worth 350 dollars in the city I study, which I lost/got taken by the city because I couldnt comply with the law that stated that bikes must be used every 8 weeks. I have subscriptions and contributions worth 10 dollars a month still running but are unused, because I cant get myself to post the letter to cancel the membership. ', '> It seems Hyperactive behavior youre fending off Mental Depression with apathy.Yes, I am extremely apathetic. > If youre at a university you should see a counselor.My suicidal thoughts are Hyperactive behavior a dream to me. Not because they are, but because I push them to be Hyperactive behavior that. Maybe Im in the stage of denial, denying that these thoughts occur at all. Talking to a counselor would make it too real; then it becomes reality, a real problem. ', 'Maybe you are just gifted? Not sure if you are, but just make sure you absolutely know yourself before you kill yourself. Because there are likely many unknown unknowns about yourself which, if you do figure them out, may give you something to work with. I had been diagnosed with some shit too, but medicine didnt seem to work. I asked myself *why?*, came to the conclusion that the nature of medicine is to alter x (dopamine levels, for example) to a state in which it is healthy, but if x was healthy in the first place, then it could be that your problems are caused by something y unknown to you. You even said: "maybe Im looking for somebody to change my mind, to give me that "Eureka!" moment since nothing before has worked". The eureka moment should not only be the above, but also the understanding of the significance that you were looking for one in the first place. 5th of January? Fuck that. That is far too less time to figure shit out. Therapists are generally dumbasses whose knowledge does not extend beyond to what some course told them to know. '] | Ideation | 335 |
user-25 | ['To update you guys friend called police in me got send to hospital. Im home now some one want to talk?', '15 here pm me please. Had a relationship that went south after she moved to England ', 'They use it as a threat to keep you alive. Im Im the same boat as you with my girlfriend I tell her and they threaten to call the police. It keeps you alive thats all I can say.', 'Exact same position as you. Gf cheated when she moved to England. Im 15 got Skype? Pm me! Also attempt suicide last Thursday', 'Remove that message of your number should have pmd it. You dont want bad people harassing you because trolls do pass through here.', 'Pm me your number or Skype or email or something!!!! I want someone to talk to too :) Im 15', 'Im trying to hold on dude tomorrow might be it', 'I tried before it didnt scare me away. I reattempted and again after that. Crying a lot right now.', 'If you know its Psychotic disorder than you know it isnt true.', 'Not my first love :) but thanks for trying to help. No just get home a sleep in the bathroom because I cant stand my family. And no with her I cant stand anyone l. I shut the lights and lay there to pretend Im dead its a lot simpler to just do it :', 'Same position as you and I would love to talk :)', 'Pm me again ', 'Im 15 wanna talk pm me ur number or Skype or something. I cut and have attempted suicide ', 'Dont give me that its just the constant let down of people around me to the point where Im done.I failed the first time in killing myself I wont fail again.', 'I have stuff I like doing and its fun and all but underneath Im dying inside so its not enjoyable and the meds arent working Im hopeless.', 'If you like rap the amazing lyricist who has passed now, Capital STEEZ was obsessed with the number 47. A great inspiration and a schizophrenic. All of his songs relate to it and sadly killed himself on 12/23/2012 which adds to 2047. Really interesting guy.', 'Still need Skype friend?', 'But that isnt how the system works, as much as you would like to believe that people who need help get help. In reality unless they can see it 100% you arent getting shit, especially with schizophrenia. If you know you need help but its all in your head you need to express to the less known that its a real problems so an act of someSort might be necessary. It isnt disgusting, the world isnt perfect. ', 'Dude you got Skype. Im in the same position as you. I build computers too. :) Edit: tried to end it last Thursday Im always free to talk. Life is worth it'] | Attempt | 25 |
user-464 | ['Xbox! Add l Lykke Li l . The l are lower cased Ls.', 'Im a little Social fear about going to the ER which would lead to the mental ward. :/', 'Thats pretty neat. I live in Northville. But thats in the Lake Erie area and youre in the Lake Michigan area (I think. )', 'I love Lana Del Rey! I do too. I usually do it to songs to kinda feel what I feel. Like Green Eyes by Wavves. The line that gets me is "my friends hate me ahh so what? Who gives a fuck?" It relates but I give a fuck. ', 'Thank you much. Ill message you when I really need to talk. My therapist (who is also a psychologist, if that helps.) said that it really isnt an issue with her because I hit my period at 8 or 9 yrs old. Crazy, haha. And idk if I would really call myself a 13 yr old. Im going to be 14 in 2 days hah', 'Im so sorry, 8srs9. Truly am. Is it okay with if I pray for you for God/Jesus to reveal himself to you and give you answers?', 'Im seeing a therapist. I see her twice a month. Ill talk to her about it when I see her', 'Following. (:', '14.', 'I have a hard time opening up as well. Because its hard to explain to others what you did and how it effects you if you cant even clearly explain it to yourself. Its also hard to tell people because you have no idea how theyll react to it and its hard because they dont really have an understanding of it.', 'Thank you! :)', 'Hahaha I love 7. My mom has a sun lamp so that can help. Thanks for the tips :)', 'Thanks. Sorry for you too. We can be "What did I just do?" buddies. :)', 'It depends for me. Sometimes itll really just come out of nowhere in full throttle. But sometimes I can notice within the first 1-3 days. I begin to become more impulsive, very happy but easily angered, I lose an appetite for food (not sure if everyone has this symptom tbh) and I lose a need for Hypersomnia.', 'Hmm... It says "no users found". Maybe follow me order and then I follow you?', 'Ugh :( Im sorry :(', 'Forgot to say excersising and having sex/masturbating gives endorphins as well.', 'Thats awesome. But the weather has been stupid here :(', 'What keeps me alive is probably a YouTube video Fatal 911 Suicide call by suicideafter. It makes me realize that my family, friends and people I dont know who care about me care about me.', 'Ill say my most recent one. Which was last Wednesday. I think my mom and I were Manic at the same time (yes were both Bipolar Disorder.) We were at White House Black Market (designer clothing store if some dont know) and we were shopping and we spent $1,200 in one shopping day. I can tell it was Manic (but not as erotic as other posts. Im only 14 [birthday was yesterday] so I cant really go out and buy coke and drive to Detroit. [i live 20 mins away from Detroit.] and have sex with girls because not many k ow Im lesbian.) because we hate spending money. The most we go is $300 per spending day. But we went a little more than $300 that day.', 'Sorry that you feel it, too. It sucks. So. Much.', 'Its pretty cool to know im not the only one feeling this. Aaahh "Im sorry" "I didnt Irritable Mood to" is story of my life. And that sucks, EFF0. I Irritable Mood, the song probably sounds really rad.. But not in that situation. Those moments can be embarrassing. And it is good to hear meds help. I only started Seroquel XR 2 weeks ago. But today I am also adding regular Seroquel and Lamictal to the mix. Hopefully, I can contain myself when they kick in.', 'I love your lip ring !', 'If you need someone to talk to you can message me. Even though I got diagnosed less than 10 hrs ago ill try my best to help. Also, did you just OD or are you talking about a while back ?', 'Oh jeez, thats pretty bad. Are you able to contact your therapist (if you have one) or p-doc? If you are able to you should really contact them and explain what is going on and see if you can tweek meds or get step by step help from your therapist.', 'Although I dont really know much about insurance, I think you should try Aetna. My parents use it and they cover people with pre-existing conditions (90% sure) . ', 'I got a kik! Add squidwardisababe', 'Bonnie & Clyde by Freedom Fry', 'Thanks! Theyre really supportive so I think theyll forget as well.', 'When I saw this, this genuinely made me cry. Dealing with this is a very hard thing to do if you have it or your friend has it. I think you should tell her about this video and how you saw it. Tell her you are going to be there for her. Ask her "how are you?" Every once in a while. All you really need to do is let her vent to you. Hug her. Tell her how much you care about her, her family cares about her, her boyfriend, her friends, the public. Try to answer every single txt or call or whatever she sends to you because you do not know when she is on the verge of tipping or not. (Trust me, one time I didnt reply to a friends txt and she ended up going to the er and being admitted to a mental ward for trying to kill herself.) and whenever she says she has cut, dont get Anger but say you love her so much and you will do anything to help her stop. Trust me, cutting makes you do a heck lot of bad stuff. It caused me to have a slight alcohol dependency at the age of 13. Whatever you do, dont stop loving her.', 'This made me laugh because for school I had to read Old Man and the Sea by Ernst Hemingway to make connections for religion and I had a 1 hr rant on how I didnt Hyperactive behavior how the Old Man took so many days to get the fish and then have the fish mauled by a shark. Ha. ', 'Thank you for the hug. I apologized last night, but she gave no reply. But I know she read it. Its going to be awkward on Thursday because thats when I am going to see her. (For church because our little youth group is on Thursdays) Ill try my best to have a nice day. My mom let me Hypersomnia in until 9 am. Although she doesnt know whats going on, she just gave me it. Lucky me. Thank you for the advice.', 'I cut when Im in the shower. Which is at 10 pm. I cut in the shower because no one is going to walk in on you. I shower for about 5-10 (taught myself how to powershower) minutes and then I spend 20-30 minutes cutting. I cut when I sit on the toilet (lid is up. Not actually going to the bathroom) and once Im done with the shower part I turn off the shower and continue cutting for 5 minutes. Then I get dressed and I usually wear a sweater. Because they hide my cuts and theyre comfy to Hypersomnia in. And then before I leave I wait a minute and then flush my bloody tissue paper down to toilet to make it look Hyperactive behavior I went to the bathroom. And then I go to bed. ', 'Thank you! And will do. ', 'Im only 14 and I have Bipolar Disorder type 2. I take 200 mg of lamictal and 300 seroquel xr . I get really low lows where I self harm badly for two weeks and then next day Im suddenly okay. It gets me really Confusion because I have no idea why Im suddenly better and I dont have a reason why. I can think constantly about Suicide and Ill gain weight, stop doing homework, and spend my days in my bed. But when I get into hypomania, I get a bad case of hypersexuality. I already have a Drug abuse libido so it doesnt really help. I can get really productive. I brought candy for each person in my grade (but only 25 people in my grade so it doesnt really matter) and gave them a note of complements for them. It was nice. I get really creative so I make really good stories and they can be very long. I read constantly, I learn how to make new recipes, I play instruments 24/7. Although it sounds fun, I get Anger very easily. I broke my turn table, sims games, pillows, tv, itouch, walls, gym bags, books, and the shower drapes. I also took a golf club and made holes in the wall with it. I locked myself in the bathroom for the day. And I dont Hypersomnia for 1 or 2 days. I also broke the dryer machine. I have also gotten suspended. I have also hallucinated that there were alien space ships outside my room. I have also had Delusions that I was the antichrist. Ask your parents to go to a doctor before you try to diagnose yourself.', 'Im on meds, I see a therapist and pdoc. Its nice to know you know what it is Hyperactive behavior. Im new to meds (diagnosed with bpII 2 weeks ago) and Im still adjjusting. Ill try running. It seems good. Yeah I know a lot wont understand, sucks. Hopefully she will come around, but I understand if she wont. Really really sad, but I understand.', 'Snows great, but seriously, its spring break.', 'Thanks ! ', 'Hey again. Did you recently take the 38 pills or was that a while back ? If it was recently please go to an urgent care or er. Because I think you need your stomach pumped. I dont want you to OD. Also if you are contemplating Suicide please call 1-800-SUICIDE. Kinda generic but they can really help. You can message me, too. (Even though I just diagnosed less than 10 hrs ago ill try my best to help. As also Im 14, 14 yr olds are kinda dumb) You can go onto for help as well. Go onto r/suicidewatch. ', 'Im afraid to check into one because I dont want to be there for more than one week. Im afraid of what people at school or other places will ask me and I have no idea what to say if its more than 1 week. It would be so much easier to go after I get into summer break. Which is June 5th', 'Thank you very much! That really really helped.', 'Hey. Im sorry youre feeling this way. I have a lot of these unknown moments as well. Please dont do this. I care about you too much to let this go unnoticed. So, in my little attemp to help you out of this I want you to do at least one of these things; Go onto it is a great way to anonymously vent and have others help you. Go draw, dance, sing (even if you have a bad voice. Its quite fun either way.) , read, listen to music, or talk to someone close. These are all ways that give your brain endorphins without having a consequence. Feel better and know that i care about you.'] | Behavior | 464 |
user-281 | ['It really is Hyperactive behavior that, isnt it?Loneliness never leaves. Even bringing it up incites mockery. I was thinking earlier today about how Ive wanted to die, more or less, for over a decade. I keep telling myself it will get better, or there is always some other thing to try, but that appears to be nothing more than a lie. A carrot on a stick to string me along from day to day. People in solitary confinement eventually go insane. I feel Hyperactive behavior I need to kill myself before my Sad mood consumes whatever small bits of human are Ventricular Dysfunction, Left in me.When I had friends, I remember that happening. Im in my late 20s now, so most everyone I know (knew) is in relationships or getting married. I havent been touched in almost a decade. I cant even bring up how much that hurts without Abnormal dreams mockery. It does Chest Pain though. It hurts so much I want to cut myself, something i havent done since I was a teen. But what else am I supposed to do? I have to let these feelings out somehow. Meditation cant cure the need for human contact. I guess its my fault, it has to be. I just dont get what is broken about me, or what I did wrong in a past life to be so inherently offensive as to not be worth touching. Am I made of poison? Am I poison? I wonder that sometimes. I must be. Its scary what other people wont tell you about yourself, that they clearly see.I just dont get it, and no amount of personal change or venting will change it. I dont get it. I guess I am broken and do deserve it. Death appears to be a slow journey. I understand why those statistics ramp up as you get a bit older. You forget the lies you told yourself to make it each day.'] | Behavior | 281 |
user-247 | ['Please dont harm yourself. Maybe the reason you need to tell someone is because theres a connection missing. Can you just tell your boyfriend you need to watch tv with him tonight? Being in his company doesnt mean you have to unload on him. Is it enough just to be with him for tonight, and face tomorrow when it comes?Please, dont harm yourself. There are people who care about you.', 'University, believe it or not, is the worst time to make conclusions about what the rest of your life should be. And you have a whole life ahead of you to sort out romantic relationships. Depression stalks university campuses like a demon, but its your brain lying to you. Please dont believe those lies. Please talk to someone. I cannot promise you that tomorrow will be better, that would be foolish - but you will not feel like this forever.', 'Well, you know youre going to have rough patches and terrible, overwhelming emotions. I mean, you know yourself, you know youre having a hard time right now. So can you plan some sort of response when you recognize those emotions coming? When I was struggling, Id walk to a 24h cafe around the corner, get a cup of decaf and a sweet roll, and do a crossword. It didnt solve anything major, but it got me the distance from desperate and despairing to bummed and coping, and more importantly, I *knew that it would get me the distance*. Having a plan made a huge difference.', 'I think that you have to be a lot more out there than you sound to be involuntarily committed. If you speak plainly about that Fear to your counselor, and openly about what youre feeling and the way you *want* to feel, youll be on the right track, and they wont commit you. Let me put it another way. The people who voluntarily go to counseling dont end up involuntarily committed. Thats saved for the people who dont go to counseling, who dont leave their rooms, or who dont obey the authorities, etc...', 'Well, the other people are wrong and your counselor is an idiot. Your counselor is meant to throw you a lifeline, not stand on the shore and shout swimming lessons.If you had diabetes, would they say You should not need so much insulin?You feel the way you do. It doesnt have to define you, but you dont have to deny it, either.Its not your fault. Its. Not. Your. Fault.', 'Please dont end your life. Prove to your family that theyre wrong.', 'You are making good sense, realizing what youre afraid of and thinking through to a solution you can tolerate. For completely different reasons I myself spent 8 hours in an emergency room yesterday. I get that its shit.It sounds like you know what you have to do - go to a hospital.You can tell them why youre there. You can tell them about the Ativan, you can tell them what makes you Anxiety about being there and they will understand and work with that. Tell them you want to co-operate with them and take their advice. It actually makes their job a lot easier when you do. I just think that if you go to a hospital now, you will be doing something to help yourself, which in and of itself will make you feel better. If you just sit around and wait for Monday, you wont be helping yourself, youll just be prolonging your suffering. I know that being in an ER is awful, but you have to remind yourself over and over again why youre there, and that the bullshit going on around you on the other stretchers is Not. Your. Problem.And bring headphones and relaxing music if you can. And a couple of sandwiches. :)', 'Never is a lie your Illness tells you in your Asthenia moments. But its still a lie. You will not feel like this forever, you will not be broken forever. You are going to counseling, you are writing, you are trying. It will work - it may not work as fast as you hope, but it will work.And someone will see the strength it takes to keep trying, and they will fall in love with that strength. Youll be loved for all the things about you that are mended and whole.You deserve to feel better than this. Im sorry youre feeling this way right now. But you are so much more, so much better than the way you feel in this moment.', 'You could go for a walk after breakfast tomorrow. Do one small thing that didnt seem lazy. ', 'Heh. I get stabbing pains. Times like that I remember Bruce Willis in Sin City and try to feel badass. ', 'Im sorry to hear that youre hurting. Im chronically ill too - Ive been off work since June. Please dont harm yourself. Tell us whats going on.', 'The creepshotting sounds like its not really doing you any favours - making you feel worse about yourself, because youre doing something that you know deep down is wrong. Objectively, photographing these women without their consent is wrong. Try leaving your phone at home for the day. I mean, in a real emergency, someone else will have a phone. Most importantly, this is highschool. It doesnt define your life, and it will not always be like this.', 'Is there a music store close to where you live? They usually have sign-up boards for people looking to form bands, and perhaps someone can help fix your guitar... You could even make an ad for yourself, that youre looking to join. List influences, and some ridiculous stuff that you can be counted on to do/not do when you make it big, e.g. You can be counted on to wreck a hotel room only after the second album goes platinum, etc.', 'Hey there. First of all, 18K and college-age Depression, while a real problem, is not worth ending your life over. I promise, this hole is not so deep you cant dig yourself out of it.Im a project manager for a Tired large software company. I know a lot of CS grads (or people who tried to become CS grads and got lost along the way.) Believe it or not, theres a type of intelligent Loss of motivation which is a huge asset to the industry, as it reduces waste. I know that doesnt help you now, but it will help you when you get to your career.Perhaps you need to take a year off and work at McDonalds or something to give yourself the wakeup call that you need to push yourself to your degree.You have all kinds of options. If the counselor didnt work out, request a different counselor. Do that in the morning. For now, read a book, eat something, and get some sleep. This is not the nightmare it might look like right now.', 'You need sleep. These are issues for daylight. ', 'Who is therapy for, if not for the people who want to end their lives?Your mom may seem like shes never happy with you, but shes happier with you alive than dead. And you cant just erase yourself from peoples lives. If you kill yourself, you leave a gaping wound in the lives of all the people who cant be there for you anymore.', 'Okay, lots here and Im not sure my answer will be complete, but it sounds like your GF has been helping you stay grounded even if your relationship is far from perfect. My suggestion is that for a while, a week, maybe a month, just put any and all relationship expectations aside, and just *look after each other*. When she comes over, smile at her, ask if you can make her some scrambled eggs and give her a hug. Perhaps later she can throw a frozen pizza in the oven for you. You dont have to be an adonis. You dont need to be solving every single problem in each others lives. Just watch some tv and give the other person a soft spot to land. Start there.The problems and issues you are facing are bigger than a partner can help you get through. She can offer support, but shes not the solution. Youre not her solution, either. But in some ways, and this is only my opinion, mind - you could consider not trying to solve the rest of your life, but rather, just solve tomorrow. Manage that.Please dont harm yourself.', 'please dont. Youve already been through so much... Yes, the fight is fucking hard, no lie. But if you keep fighting, you will rise above this bullshit and see daylight again. Depression ends. Kick back at it and dont give up, theres more to you than that.', 'Slow down. Write out whats wrong, slowly and carefully, and show your parents.', 'What happened?', 'Whoa. Please keep in mind that when your mom threatens to kill herself, she is *trying to exert control over you by threatening to kill someone you care about*. Shes using a threat of violence in an attempt to manipulate you. Of course you cant let her do that. I would suggest talking to a counselor about it, perhaps asking your mom to join you to talk to a family counselor. But its not up to you to bail out your mom at the expense of your own future, and a healthy parent would never, ever let you do that, anyways.', 'Sometimes, rather than thinking about what youre going to do with the life ahead of you, could you just decide on a couple of things youre going to enjoy about tomorrow? Sometimes we just need to take life in manageable sized pieces.You can make it through this - Im glad youve decided not to harm yourself.', 'Please dont end your life. PTSD doesnt deserve to win. Call a hotline, do something else. There are better days, better moments to live for.Theres ice cream you havent tried.', 'Umm, I guess I dont understand. Pardon me if this sounds harsh, (Im sure that it will, Im really sorry) but how do you reconcile having a relationship with him and your decision to end your life? If it were me I dont see how I could avoid taking that as a rejection, and a brutal one at that. I mean, in this scenario, one of the things youre saying is that you never want to see him again.\r\rAlso, have you considered that your suicide is a decision to kill someone he cares about?', 'Dude, you did everything right. You gave it your all. Her failings, her infidelity - these are things wrong with her, not with you.You deserve better than this. But better days than this will come your way. But until better days come, youll have to make do with just being the better man. And you are the better man, regardless of what the faithless bastards of the world think.', 'This is not the end. Maybe the way out is slow and Pain, but when you get there, youll know you made it. Ive been homeless in a strange city, and I climbed back. You can too.', 'Heh - I never made the connection, but yeah, a good walk does me a lot of good.I think I made the username around when I got some bad news last year. I just made up my mind to keep putting one foot in front of the other until things looked better.', 'Please talk to someone. You dont have to say much when you call a hotline. Even start by saying Hi. Im having a hard time. I wrote a post on reddit which explains what Im thinking. Can I read you what I wrote? and then just read what you wrote above, to them. Read them my response, the whole conversation if you want. Then, just listen to them, answer their questions, and tell them you dont want to feel like this anymore. Everyone thinks that nobody will understand - but the reason there are hotlines is because there are people who *do understand*. There is help if you ask.Please, dont harm yourself tonight.', 'Could you even plan a couple of days, say the 29th-30th, where youd just have some time to watch some movies, eat some wings, and relax? You need to give yourself something positive to look forward to.', 'I dont know what to say to you, except that your daily choice not to give into your disorder is a choice to live with dignity, and I respect you for that.', 'So, take her without insurance. Have the doctor write a letter to the parents, asking for their help. Medical Letterhead carries a lot of weight.', 'Well, Im not going to try and pawn off some trite cliche to make you feel better. I know that your issues are real. I just think you sound like youre only seeing the negative sides of everything, and that you may be experiencing a cognitive distortion - something that comes with Depression. You may have stopped caring for the most part but you posted something here, some part of you still cares, still wants to be taken care of. I mean, its reddit. Youre not gonna find a miracle here. But please talk to someone, check in with someone and see if the way youre viewing things is completely accurate.', 'Why do you think hed try to stop it, if he understands?', 'Write something on paper and give it to him. It might be easier than talking about it. ask for a hug because youre hurting. Hes your boyfriend. He cant save your life, but he wants to take care of you.Hes also a guy, so he might be a bit thick. :D ', 'Youve got your plans. Can you make a list of other thoughts that might strengthen your desire to live?', 'Heh. I like that perspective. Live to justify the work your heart is doing.', 'Hey now. Youve come through too much to end it like this. And I think your wife would have an easier time dealing with your gender issues than dealing with your suicide. Talk to her, talk to someone. You care too much about others (as shown by your service and your marriage) to take the easy way out.', 'WHOA.You did not choose the sexual assault and it was not in any way your fault. Do not believe that lie. Just because you may have allowed yourself to become vulnerable does not make you responsible for someone elses decision to take advantage of that vulnerability.It is not your fault. It was never your fault. You did not do anything to deserve that.At the hospital they will try to help. Isnt that better than where you are now? Please dont Pain yourself. You deserve better. Youre worth so much more than that. ', 'Please dont. Tell us whats going on.', 'Yes, but the cats you left behind wouldnt understand. Can you talk to a social worker? There are better options than killing yourself. The reason your mom cant deal with it anymore is because she cares about you. What is your Illness that keeps you going back to the hospital?', 'Cool enough. Go to sleep, I gotta do the same.', '1. Im a Catholic, and I dont think you living your life is a sin. Im sorry to hear that your father views things that way, but your father is wrong, flat-out wrong.2. Your transition puts a lot of Stress on you, such that I must presume you have some sort of counselor. Failing that, there must be a LGBT resource center or something where you could at least find someone to talk to. Your problems are real and they are difficult, but they are not unique. You are a good person, and the troubles that happen are there by dumb chance, you dont deserve this. Throw your anger, your grief and your past into the waters, but keep your Oedema of extremity on the shore, for the sake of the people who may need you tomorrow, and for the sake of the joy youve yet to feel.', 'Please dont. At 18 life is always a terrible battle. But its worth the fight. Where does all your money go? Are you deep in debt, paying interest? Do you have support commitments?', 'Okay. Well, if youll permit the wild understatement of the obvious, you have a lot going on there.What are you doing to get help about this? Are you talking to a counselor or a doctor? Because what you describe makes it sound like you need to meet these mental issues on five fronts: Diet, Exercise, Medication, Counseling and Psychiatry. You dont have to set up everything at once, but you do need to shift your focus away from what your brain is saying to you, and towards what you are doing to speak back to and control your brain.Dont give up. ', 'Sorry - two years ago I was in the hospital and it took me 6 months to go back to work. Heart troubles.What is your family saying?', 'Why do you say that?', 'No problem. Youre not alone.', 'Please dont. Youre stronger than that.', 'Slow Down. Hes not deployed yet. You have made it this far, you will make it through this.', 'Okay, first off, there are hotlines you really should call if youre Worried youre going to Pain yourself. Heres the link:, the fact that she did this is in no way your fault. Its not your fault that she made that terrible mistake. You should definitely talk to someone about this - between her death and whats happening with your dad, you really do need some proper outside help, more than reddit can offer.', 'here as well. Can text you if youd prefer.', 'If youve got Lupus erythematosus then youre likely on prednisone? You know that stuff messes with your head, right? Please just get some sleep and message me in the morning. If I lived in the same city as you Id meet you at Dennys, because nothing really gets worse on the other side of a Lumberjack Slam.', 'Goodnight. Well be around tomorrow. Im glad youre alive.', 'Well, you can tell them youve thought of it but that youve decided not to harm yourself. But you have to be honest about that. If you talk openly with the counselor they can help more. It wont make things worse, you wont lose your freedom.', 'Youre strong enough for the move. There will be times that youre not enjoying it, and it wont solve all your problems. But youre certainly strong enough.', 'Hold on there. First off, please dont do anything to harm yourself. Second, its fine to have a gun but is there any way you could remove the ammunition from your possession? Just to be safe, so that you dont do something regrettable on impulse. It sounds like you have a level head on your shoulders - dont make a mistake on an impulse, take the steps to protect yourself.If youve been diagnosed with major depressive disorder then you know that your feelings are lying to you about your circumstances. Is there any way you can train yourself to draw again, to overcome the negative thought patterns? Can you start by choosing the time of day when you know youre at your best, and then just draw something small and simple that youre happy with? Do that once, and then build on it?Youre going to have bad days. Probably a lot of them. But if youve got talent, and it sounds as though you do, then maybe you can stretch the good days into something worth more than the bad days. Please, please dont harm yourself.', 'That is, in fact, the **only** thing that ends a relationship, when someone doesnt want to make it work anymore. And when you realize that they dont want to, then its just over. The decent thing to do, the *healthy* thing to do, is to wish them well, and move on. Maybe this broke your heart, but you know what she didnt do? She didnt waste your time. Because your heart can mend, but you cant get your time back. ', 'Please call 911 now and tell them exactly what you took. It will make things much easier. Your family/friends who left you alone will feel better if you take the steps to look after yourself.', 'Loneliness and Feeling unhappy arent the only things the future holds.Get some sleep tonight, tomorrow, eat a good breakfast and just go for a walk. You dont have to change your life. Just change your morning.', 'Well, one thing at a time. What would help you to make it through until Monday? Dont try and solve all of your problems right now. If you dont think youre going to make it until Monday, could you go to an emergency room? (I know they seem awful, but they are full of people trying to help as much as they can) ', 'Heh. Part of my job is to hire and manage CS Majors. The people who flunk out, take some time and go back always make better employees, because theyve seen a few things other than a courseload and theyre more well-rounded.Have you looked at Agile Software Development? It wont fix your brain tonight, but its interesting and I know I need more people who get it.', '> When I am alone, I get things done but think about killing myself.This may seem like a really dumb, dumb question, but this is what sprang to mind:When youre working by yourself, do you listen to music? I used to ruminate when I was alone, my mind would go round and round in Pain circles. Standing at the sink getting dishes done would bring on mental anguish for no reason. But then I started putting together playlists of music I liked, and honestly, it was like candy for my brain. Instead of ruminating, I groove. Its better.I dont hold this up as a complete solution, just a helpful suggestion, and to let you know youre being heard. Dont give up.', 'Im sorry youre feeling like this. I have all this advise for you but I imagine you get lots of it. Just remember that youre a good person, and that the things you want arent bad. Perhaps your girlfriend is just as fragile as you are, but she hides it behind anger.', '...sometimes people just dont know what to say. But yeah, I scroll through looking for posts with no comments, trying to say something. The worst thing to think of is someone sitting there on the edge, trying to find some shred of encouragement here and being met only with silence.But hey, thats the double-edged sword that is internet anonymity. Nobody is real, so nobody has to care.', 'Can you call a hotline and explain this to them? This is bigger than reddit can handle.What you describe to me doesnt sound like you gave consent at all - it sounds like you were assaulted. You said stop - that isnt consent. Being scared into silence isnt the same as giving consent. The man who did that was wrong. You werent wrong.Im sorry for making you describe it. Im not trying to make you feel worse. I just dont want you to feel like this is your fault, because it so clearly isnt. You deserve to live without feeling like that. You deserve to be happy.', 'Is there someone consistent you can reach out to online? Is there a hotline youd try calling? Is there any sort of list of things you can promise yourself youll do before you decide to end your life?', 'Heres what you should do.Go see a doctor, show him this letter. Discuss with him the idea of dropping down to a partial course load rather than full-time. Then, find out what counseling your school offers.And go to counseling. You might find encouragement here on Reddit, but you wont find solutions. Solutions will take work. But in the end, you will feel stronger for having found them. Its worth the struggle. Your circumstances do not define you.', 'My friend, its late where I am and I have to go to sleep, Im falling asleep at my keyboard here. Can we follow up tomorrow? ', 'Okay, slow down. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone says things in the heat of the moment. It happens.Whats the situation now?Do you think you could go to your wife and tell her that despite your Depression and what youve been thinking, you arent going to kill yourself, and youre going to devote yourself to being the husband and father youve promised her youll be? Can you do that? Youre allowed to have dark thoughts. You just need to have the confidence to overcome them, and your wife is entitled to that confidence, too.', 'Well, you cant be blamed for not knowing the answer to that one just yet. If you could do anything tomorrow, what would you do?', 'One way to avoid the drama is to decide for yourself that there doesnt need to be any, and then communicate that. Even simply saying I am not going to harm myself to a hotline person, is enough to get their finger off the panic button so that they can just talk.', 'No problem. I have to call it a night, so goodnight. Thanks for letting me end my evening on a more positive note. Hearing someone say I can make it through this is a big encouragement to a lot of people.Goodnight, keep up the good fight.', 'You know, she admits that she cheated. Nobody is perfect, but someone who knows their faults and admits them, thats actually kind of rare. Ask her if shed ever cheat again, as you have a bit of an interest. If you believe what shes said so far, I think that you could believe her answer. Give her permission to come to you and admit that she wants to cheat if she finds that she does. Nobody gets perfection, but honesty such as shes claimed so far is rare. ', 'Thats your Illness lying to you. The truth is it gets a little better with every good choice you make.', 'If she doesnt want to try, then the ingredients arent there. You cant make a person feel something they dont feel. What makes you think it would work, when you know that she doesnt want to make it work?', 'Youre part of a family. You have a wife, at least. Remember when you talk about ending your life youre talking about killing the most important person in her life.', 'Well, right now Im just text on a screen. Someones voice can be far more effective at conveying concern and empathy. I mean, I really dont want you to do anything to harm yourself. You would believe that a great deal more, however, if you could hear it in my voice. And Im just some guy, I dont even know the right things to say.', 'Please flush the heroin down the john. You dont have to be strong enough for tomorrow, not for next week. Just be strong enough to flush the heroin away. Start there.', '1. Its been said before in this thread: *You are not your father.*2. Get some sleep, eat a good meal and go for a walk in some sunshine. All of those things will have an effect on your brain, that will let you level out and see things more clearly.3. Tell your mom you need to talk to a counselor and ask for her help setting it up.', 'Please dont harm yourself. Is there something you can do thats outside yourself this holiday season? Is there a place you could volunteer, like a soup kitchen or something? Sometimes the way around our own problems is to look after others for a while. (Hence Im writing this to you...) ', 'Example? Not sure I understand the type of post you mean.', 'Have you tried calling a suicide hotline? Because if youve got to listen to voices anyways, you might as well hear some from real people who want to help.', 'Please dont do this. You have people who love you.', 'No no - dont draw conclusions based on incomplete information. Yes, they would try to talk you out of it, but the conversation doesnt end there. You work with them to make a plan to *make tomorrow different*. You want to break this cycle. Theyre there to help you figure out how to break the cycle, not just talk you out of things.', 'Im sorry to hear this is going on. Ive been off work since June myself with a chronic Illness - its hard for me to climb the stairs in my house now. Im trying new medications. I have to get better to look after my children. Im not trying to say I have it as bad as you - you sound like youre in a lot of Pain, and a lot of Stress. I just wanted you to know that I get it. Please keep fighting, dont give up. This story can end as your great victory, something you fought for and something that makes every day sweeter. When I recover Im going to take my family to the mountains and go hiking. What do you want to do when you get past this?', 'Please dont Pain yourself without talking (voice) to a support line. ', 'I dunno. It sounds to me like youre setting yourself up for failure with a schedule like that. What do you do to distract yourself, aside from reddit?', 'Please dont. ', 'What youve just described sounds like textbook clinical Depression. Im not a doctor so I cant diagnose that for a fact. But what I do know is that when you have clinical Depression, *your brain is telling you lies to get you to Pain yourself*. You sound as though you have been believing these lies for a long time. And yes, when youre clinically Depression, every day seems like a misery. But thats not the truth, thats only what your brain is telling you. Please talk to someone and ask them about what really is true in your life, dont assume to know it. Your brain is lying to you on this one.', 'Slow down. You are worth more to your parents than the money they spend. Perhaps youre struggling to make the most of the opportunities they provide, but that doesnt make you worthless. That makes you human. It sounds like you care about your parents, and what they think. Please talk to them, or talk to someone.', 'I know youd rather have some certainty, but from what you describe, it sounds like youll never have the whole story. You simply have to let this go, and accept that some answers arent given to us.', 'Okay, have you talked to your family about where youre at? I mean, your situation is why families exist.I see your post about PTSD/ Major depressive disorder. Those things are real. This mess isnt your fault. Its okay to ask for help. I know - right now I have a heart condition that has me bedridden. Ive missed the last month of work and am waiting for them to fire me. Im only 40, and I have a 19 month old son with Down syndrome. I get through by asking for help.', 'Youre not disgusting. I understand that you feel wrong and disgusting but your *feelings are lying to you*. What you describe sounds exhausting, it also sounds like you should talk to someone. Is there a teacher you trust (You sound student-aged) or a counselor? Could you start by calling an anonymous hotline?', 'Please speak to a counselor. The way you describe your thoughts speaks to a mental Illness - Depression, at least. But this is reddit and Im of course not a doctor. If you do get diagnosed with a mental Illness, or if you have been already, remember that its an **Illness**. You wouldnt tell a Diabetes mellitus to shake it off or someone with polio that there are lots of people who have it worse, so they should just walk already. Dont be hard on yourself because youre not well.You have a family, there are people who would miss you. Please dont do anything Rash - reach out and talk to somoene.', 'I wish I could wash your past away with kind words, but we both know that isnt how it works. You need to work through it - but working through it doesnt have to be miserable, and it doesnt have to happen today.I have a lot of Pain too - I have to take Dilaudid most days. I make jokes about it with my friends, send them texts telling them when Im taking it, telling them about how Im getting stoned. Its a farce. I never get high, I just get some small respite for an hour or so. Nobody ever has time to be Illness. My son has Down syndrome and all the extra care he needs Falls on my wife now. I get where youre coming from about not catching a break. My wife works so hard and I can do so little to help.Do you know anything about your condition? One of the things I did was educate myself and start asking for different tests. Now when I go to the emergency room I essentially talk to the doctors like most people talk to waiters. "Heres what Im here to find out, so Id like a bedside ultrasound if you can, and I know youre doing bloodwork so lets check my CRP while youre looking at troponin levels, that should tell you if this is the real deal or not... now for Pain management, Ill have a..."Going in armed with a little knowledge, as long as youre polite, will get you a lot farther. Your symptoms sound like some sort of autoimmune disorder. Are you on prednisone? I dont recommend it (For one thing, Im not a doctor, Im a schmuck on reddit) but if you are on prednisone you should know it can play merry hell with your emotions.', 'It sounds to me like they dont know what to say. That doesnt mean they dont care. what would you want the next 6 months to look like?', 'I dont know... do you want feedback on this or not?', 'Do you want to quit the drug? Do you want to get out of the pit youre in?', 'On a serious note: Please seek help. Talk to someone. You sound angry, which suggests that theres still things you care about. Please talk to someone professional.On a lighter note: (pardon me for being light-hearted) Dont focus on whats wrong all the time. Possibly somewhere nearby to you theres a place where you can get really good tacos. Find those tacos, man.', 'You need to get her help. Take her to a doctor yourself. This is bigger than just you.', 'Look. When you got married you gave your life to her. You bound yourself to her. You promised to love her, and she the same to you. Telling her is honoring that bond. Killing yourself is breaking it in the most selfish way possible. And when youre gone, I assure you, shed want you to have spoken to her instead of ending your life.Perhaps it drastically changes your relationship with her. Possibly ending your marriage. But again, you are hers - you owe it to her to talk about this. Dont take the selfish way out.', 'I really dont think your view right now is accurate. Please dont make a decision based on the way things look right now, your brain is playing tricks on you. Please talk to someone, show them that post. You need help, not an escape.', 'Youre not bothering us. We want to help.', 'Please dont harm yourself. I dont claim to have answers, Im not out to get you. Please, dont harm yourself.', 'Im sorry youre not getting the kind of calm, reassuring care that would help you work through this. What you write about sex and breakfast shows me that you, at one time, wanted to enjoy your life. Why wouldnt you seek to get back to that place?', 'Fair enough | Indicator | 247 |
user-237 | ['I started anti-DP treatment this morning.Feeling like a turd.I just had the worst night filled with ala Ripper victorian horror nightmares.Im alive but I still dont see where Im heading now, I feel Ive been doing so much wrong around me all my life, hurting myself and those who tried to love me.I was just trying to get it right by myself, out of pride, like a selfish bitch that I am. I didnt want chemical help because I see this as Asthenia (sorry to fellows who rely on it, you can have a good laugh at me now).Im trying hard to relax, surrounded by records and Smith the cat (Im a Redditor, after all).I guess that moving from /r/SuicideWatch to /r/depression/ can be called a success, somehow.I now have an additionnal therapist, my relatives are trying their best not to leave me by myself those few first days of treatement, but Id like to keep on conversing here too, as I realized I feel more confortable online.Maybe someday I can return the favor. Thanks again.', 'I started AD treatment after refusing it for years, maybe I wanted to prove myself I could overcome this on my own. But the results are what they are: my pride led me to failure in my professional and personal life.I never gave up before though.I always got myself back in the race because I always found hope in something.My hope is gone. Now what?', 'I am willing to talk.Im recovering from an attempt to take my life, and just started treatment.I dont know what will turn out of it, but I know for sure Im better at helping others than myself.Try me. Whats your deal?(If anyone reads this and thinks this is a bad idea, please tell me)', 'Im aware of the time it takes to kick in. They were prescribed by a new psychiatrist I started seeing.The hard time is before/after sleep. For now, I just cant begin to forgive myself.I dont want to be a victim, but then it means its all my fault.Someone I really cared about left because she couldnt deal with my anxiety. I dont blame her though.I blame myself.', 'I just started taking those just a few days ago (10), because I tried to kill myself. I have a hard time writing this down...First I thought about ways of doing it, I still dont know if I really wanted to die, but the fact is I ended emptying a full bottle of benzodiazepine with alcool.I feel so ashamed.I just wanted the Pain to go away.', 'IMO, crisis is a state of mind, a total loss of confidence between people and what they can do for each other as a group or society.So, unfortunately, youre right to be worrying about what can be perceived on your resume. Im unemployed myself and cant figure out how to saddle up again. I considered taking a one-way ticket just like you. I feel competent in many fields, and Im an interview-killer just as Im sure you are. But I cant regain the confidence that went away with all thats happened for years now, and Im scared to death.I taught myself how to read at the age of four with those old cassettes-bookcases. I was immediately labeled as "genius" and put up to every podium adults could find to congratulate themselves having such a brilliant son/pupil/whatev.The expectations were sky-high on me.In my teen years, I started a short (but quite succesful) career in amateur skateboarding, which was to me a liberation, but to people watching over me way below what they thought my potential was. I dropped because all that I was heading to was a job in this industry and I already figured out that the business was as tough as anywhere else, people using people using other people...Then I figured I had to get a "real" job, so I got to work in the web and gaming industry at 20, dropping my studies, because I knew I was able and I liked the idea to produce stuff that made people go "Dya see dat?" and succeeded for some years.Until it started to get at me, like bad. I just had the revelation that what I liked doing for a living was bad for me, because of the environment that went with it.Im 34 now, just started recovering from a suicide attempt, started treatment this morning and realized I have no idea who I am or what Im gonna be for the rest of my life.I found that perfect quote once by Thelonious Monk:>"The genius is the one best at being himself."I hate to say it, because its terribly obvious and I still have a Tired difficult time believing it myself, but just maybe, the way is finding out what you are, and just fucking be the best at it. And if the environment youre in starts getting at you, thats because youre not fit to it, and thats not a bad thing, because it does not mean you are sane if you fit in an environment that isnt.Now, I understand your present situation may not encourage you to move on, the direction youre heading to is what matters most, not the place you are.As you can see, I do too feel the need to talk because of recent events and dont want to take too much room, this discussion is about you, but I feel you and I are not so different at finding our way in this fucked-up and twisted society of ours.But buddy, there will always be people like us, the danger is thinking were alone. Were not. Were just appart.Were in the right place. Talking.I find your writing excellent and spirited, consider that for a sec.Just keep rolling. Oh, and be sure to check out a Rodney Mullen interview, this dude is the Dala\xc3\xaf-Lama on a skateboard.', 'For now, I feel like Im barely standing on this first step.Thanks for your support. Hope well chat again, and wish you success on this long road.', 'Thanks for the meditation thingy, Ill give it a try.As I wrote, I dont blame her for preserving herself, shes been through as much as anyone, regarding death and illness.Shes reachable but things were said that we cant take back. She willingly broke the line so I cant get hold onto her. I guess shes right in a certain way.I wont try anything before I feel real changes in me. I gotta get myself up again, but even if I succeed Im afraid to face all the good things that could have happened to me before that I just fucked up because of, sorry for that, what I cant resign myself to call *illness*.', 'I always tried hard to "man the fuck up" myself, I always end up alone in Fear and anxiety.', 'Ive been Depression on and off for years, now. Untreated. Too proud.I feel that all my choices in life are based on something that Im not. I now believe that it is the true cause of my depression.Im over 30, had big expectations put on me Tired early, and failed at building a career or personal life.Failure. Again, and again.Cant tell all this to anyone I know because, well, having lived with it for so long, I learned to hide it and Im still this smart-funny-pleasant dude, and Im scared to show my true self, not being taken seriously.The last failure was a personal one, the girl I lived with for months and truly believe is the one, because she was able to *SEE* me. She left a month ago, right after what she saw was how Anxiety I could get.I cant blame her for not being by my side in this, she has her own problems and felt unsecure around me.After losing her, I felt like nothing could ever be right again, so *I crossed the bridge*. I blacked out from the pills and alcool, but woke up, so I tried to go get some more, the rest is fuzzy. I got help from my family, somehow.I still feel the same, I hope therapy and treatment will help.Hope is all Ive left, but sometimes I wish I had none, so I could be relieved.', 'Acceptance / Rejection', 'I cant remember well writing this, because I had already started popping BZDZPM down with booze at the time.Curiously enough, writing something here was to me the most appropriate way to express what I felt, although I practicly never do.I woke up few hours later. Time had gone, disappeared to be precise.The pills were all gone, too. I stood with some effort to go get some more.I finally got to reason to get help. Its going to be a long road.Im writing this because for the few people that took a moment of their attention to focus on my distress.It made me realize I lack the ability to express my inner pain, and it could have come to something that should not have happened.I had never in my wholelife considered something that extreme before.I feel failure so deep in my life that it seems I cant even end it properly.Thank you all again.', 'Do you feel you are meant for greatness?That your Weakness of hand are made to produce something really valuable?(Not in a "pickin gold from the street" Tony Montanas way, naturally)', 'I dont know if my problem is the result of my situation or the opposite.Im Depression because I failed at everything because Im Depression because, etc...'] | Attempt | 237 |
user-117 | ['Im sorry that was the reason you had to move. Does your boyfriend know how youve been feeling?', 'Anytime! Pm me if you need anything else', 'Its awesome! Definitely worth buying a popcorn as well. Basically its giant robots fighting. Pretty cool huh?', 'Everythings solvable my friend. Dont give up on yourself because you feel like no one wants you. Do you have a friend you can talk to?', 'Thank God. Im glad to hear there is some justice in this world. Youre a smart women, and brave, most people wouldnt have the guts to do that. Im proud to call you a fellow human. Have you started talking to lawyers about getting sole custody? ', 'Hey man, whats up? :) Im here for you!', 'First of all stop blaming yourself. You were involved in your moms accident, however you are not at fault for it. Trust me Penguingoum. Secondly what do you mean you dont live the way people around you do?', 'Theyre coming out with new medication all the time. Youll find something that works faster and more efficiently. Its only a matter of time.', 'First of all, yes you should respect your parents and listen to them, so kudos to you for doing that, it shows a sign of a stand up guy; HOWEVER, this is a lot more serious than they think, Depression is a Tired real thing. To be honest I would advise you to go to the doctor with or without their permission. Just tell them "I respect you and I understand that you dont want me to go, but I still feel the need to, so Im going" If you feel comfortable with it, tell them about having Suicidal thoughts. Just make it short and to the point. Its worth the money you would have to pay. Secondly, listen bro (or broette) assuming your a bro here though..We all make mistakes, we all are stupid when were young, but the great thing is that we can always change. You can always make a future for yourself, sure itll take some hard work and dedication, I know you can do it though, you seem extremely determined :)', 'I wouldnt have been able to go to college and make new friends!', 'Hey whats up? It doesnt sound whiny to me, I absolutely know that feeling. I would love to talk with you more.', 'So whats stopping you from going out and being part of the world again? Do you just not feel the desire to?', 'While suicide may seem like a logical choice, it is never an intelligent move.', 'Well Ive gone through some horrible things in my life too, different things, but in some regards just as horrible. And its taken a while, but right now I am in a better place. I really dont believe that its bullshit, I just think thats how life works.', 'Why dont you go out and do something? Have you tried picking up a sport? Or maybe taking an online class? just because youre unemployed doesnt mean you cant be amazing. Sometimes once you start something, even if you have to force yourself to, you find the will to do it.', 'First off? Get in contact with her, no matter how you do it. Then talk to her, be honest, tell her that youre scared shes going to Pain herself and that you dont want that to happen. Secondly, go visit her. Will it cost money and be inconvenient? Yes. Will it show her that you love her enough to go out there? Definitely yes. Third, if she tries to commit suicide, or you think there is a extremely likely chance that she is going to commit suicide, you should call the police. She may be upset at you for doing this, but it could save her life. I would also advise talking to her parents, suicide is not something to be taken lightly.Also check out /rSWResources.Good luck, if you have any questions, dont hesitate to ask.', 'It sounds to me like a pretty normal relationship. Everyone has ups and downs, and everyone has baggage. As long as his supporting you, or in the Tired least trying to support you then his a positive influence in your life.', 'Have you seen Pacific Rim yet? Its quite good. :)', 'No dont worry about it! Im sorry that thing seem to be so eh. Is it possible for you to get a new book? That seems kindva silly of your parents to take away something that you use as a tool to make yourself less Stress out. What is your hardest final going to be?', 'Yes I can confirm SUICIDE IS DUMB. Trust me Im a living breathing human being. And Im thankful for each second Im alive.Edit: Additional sentence added.', 'How old are your kids?edit: spelling', 'First of all get a restraining order. I would also advise reporting the incident of rape to the police. To be honest the police probably will be unable to find evidence against him, but its worth a try. Also getting a restraining order from this freak will keep you and your child safe. I really hope you dont choose to abort him or her. Adoption is always a better option. Im here for you.', 'Before you try that, would you mind talking with me? I would love to know whats going on in your life right now.', 'Hey anytime man! Im here for you :)', 'Well whats bothering you the most?', 'Well first of all go to r/SWResources. Secondly you need to, need to talk to him about this NOW. Like literally right this minute. right now. Preferably in person. You never know where someone is emotionally or mentally. Showing you care could save his life.', 'I know that feel :/ How long ago did you guys break up?', 'How about you just put the gun down and go to sleep? Tomorrow is a completely new day.', 'Im sorry you feel this way :( I can talk with you for a while if you would like :)', 'I understand where youre coming from, and its not easy. Have the suggest alternative methods to handle your Depression?', 'High school can be really confusing sometimes :/ I would encourage you to talk to your teachers. More likely than not, they will tell you what they expect when it comes to finals. I also would encourage you to work out. Working out has been shown to have a lot of positive mental effects. You said you hide your feelings, do you have someone to talk to about them, besides writing them down?', 'Agreed. To be honest a lot of people who say theyre going to kill themselves if you break up with them, are obviously trying to manipulate you. ', 'Wow yeah that is a sticky situation youre in, especially because you dont know where she lives. If you find out where she lives and you really think she is a about to commit suicide, then dial 911, if the operator picks up for your area (which will happen) then ask them and explain your situation. They probably can connect you to the right station up in Canada. (Canada emergency phone number is 911 just like us) When you get in contact with I would encourage you to find out where she lives, maybe ask her if you can send her a care package. (that way you have her address.) In regards to actually talking to her, Im glad you said youre always honest, just try to be positive AND realistic. Stress to her how important she is to you.', 'I can only imagine what that must be like. Have your family and friends tried to talk to you? What do you do in your free time? I hope youve talked to a doctor, if not its extremely important that you do.', 'Well modern medicine is amazing, who knows what the next ten years will bring? I personally am glad for each breath I take, and I believe your child would feel the same. I understand where youre coming from when you mentioned pro-choice, and youre right in the end it is completely up to you. I can only imagine how mentally distraught you must be. I dont know how you feel, because I have never been in your situation.', 'Woah hold up..why are you not allowed to go to the doctor? If you think you have Depression, then you should DEFINITELY go. What do you mean exactly when you say a failure in everything? ', 'Youll be in my prayers, I really hope things get better. If you need someone talk Im here for you :)', 'I wish you the best of luck! :)', 'Youre gonna get there.. just be patient. I know that may not be what you wanna hear, that you should wait, but sometimes thats what we have to and should do.', 'First off the biggest thing you need to do is to talk to him about this, confront him and have an honest one on one, or family on one talk. Secondly you should convince him to seek professional help, it will help him in the long run. You should talk to him ASAP. If he tries to commit suicide, or you think he is literally about to you should call 911. Also check out our subreddit, /r/SWResources. Good luck mate, bless ya.', 'Maybe his just "seeing girls" to get over you? You shouldnt feel inadequate though. If he broke up with you then its his loss! You seem like a great gal, it sucks that someone would be stupid enough to break up with you. Listen it doesnt matter how pretty or intelligent or mature, or perfect someone is, if someone gets in a relationship, then they run the risk of having their heart broken. Its part of what makes having one so exciting. I know that it must feel horrible to see him seeing other girls already, like I said though, most likely he could be using those girls as a rebound because he wants to get you off his mind. Just take the highroad, dont be discouraged by a single failure. Theyre so many people looking for a good relationship, youre going to find the right person :)', 'Im here, wanna talk? :)', 'Hey Penguingoum! Im here for you and Ill try my best to help you. :) I know you dont want to hear this, but you NEED to get professional help. Having Suicidal thoughts is not something you can just ignore, you need to deal with it, its important for your safety. Do any of your friends know?', 'While losing you job is a set back, dont you think its worth it in order to get yourself back under control?', 'Well first of all, you need to talk to your doctor ASAP. Even if you have physically go to him. Please dont give up, just because of some confusion. Yes the medicine may take a while to kick in, but its worth waiting for, trust me. Lifes far too amazing and full of surprises to quit. :)', 'Hey man, Im here too!', 'Well Im here for you, if you wanna talk :) Ill be honest it sounds like youre life is hard, no denying it. But youre legitly trying to prove yourself, thats alot more than most people in your position can say. Kudos to you man, your a fucking champion.', 'Stay Awesome man :)', 'Im really sorry to hear that. How long ago did that happen?', 'Hey whats up mate? Wanna Chill with me for a while? Im here for ya :)', 'Im sorry life feels so meaningless. It may sound silly but trust me that there is more to life then what you are living right now. You have to find what makes you happy, what fulfills you. You went on a date with a girl and she seemed nice? Fuck man! Chase after her! Show her you care, whats the worst that could happen? Do you exercise at all? If you dont run, ride a bicycle to work, start taking a martial arts!! I am not a licensed doctor, but I honestly believe that by become active and venturing out of this hole of Depression youre in, you will find happiness. Life is what you make of it man, I learn that everyday over and over again. Tomorrow I am required to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I could sit at home and play halo all day. Fuck that man. Im getting up at 9:30 Im gonna go work out at the gym, after that Im going to volunteer for a few hours and help some people out, then Im gonna take one of my friends, and show him literally the greatest boot repair shop in the world. So yeah I could do nothing with my life tomorrow, but I choose to do something, its what keeps me alive and it keeps my blood flowing. Thats what you gotta do. Does applying for job thats probably gonna be boring absolutely suck? Yeah it does. But itll get you money, which you can save up, and maybe go travel to somewhere awesome. Listen man this world is so much bigger and more important than for you to be caught up in a drunken weed filled stupor of despair! I really believe in you. You have the potential to not live your life in a never ending circle, and to make something of yourself.TLDR: Plain and simple the point of life is to make something out of yourself and prove to the world who you are.', 'Ah I totally gotch you. Im in college and just had my first English final, those things can be pains. :/ So if you dont have a job what do you do in your free time? At lot of times exercise can improve someones move drastically!', 'Have you tried cycling? Go on to, you can find a decent bike for around 150 dollars. Not only does it give you exercise, but you can also go further then you could by walking. Why did you move to the suburbs, if you dont mind me asking?Edit: Punctuation', 'Wow thats some deep thoughts my friend. If you dont mind my asking what made you think life is torture?', 'Well if you can see that your boyfriend has no positive benefit, then why is he in your life? By the way I think its a good idea to let your boyfriend know about what youre dealing with, maybe he can pay for you to have a therapist?', 'Im here too man.', 'Sitting here arguing and begging you wont achieve anything. I urge you however to reconsider what you are thinking about doing. I and all the people here care about you. In the end none of us can stop you, I do know for a fact that while this life may seem horrible at times, killing yourself to run away from your problems is never the right option.', 'Im sorry about the delay. I totally know what you mean. I found that the more relationships that Im in the harder it is to connect with people. :/', 'Hey wanna talk with me for a while? Im here for you :)', 'Hey man wanna talk? Im here for you :)', 'Heres on reason why: Everyone has something to live for, whether its simply just to smile at someone else and make their day, or give a homeless man money. Live not for yourself my friend, but keeping living for the others that you can help. If you wanna talk Im here. Or if you need more reasons. :)', 'Not at all. Sleep well my friend :)', 'To be honest having and feeling Pain in life comes with having joy and happiness in life. I wont lie, I do agree with you, some Pain never goes away COMPLETELY, one of my best friends died when he was 9 and I was 13, I still think about it today, and it still hurts, but not as much as it did 5 years ago. The reason why I keep going on is because I believe that life is worth living simply because you never know whats going to happen tomorrow. I keep living for the Excitement that tomorrow I might meet my soul mate, tomorrow I might make save someones life, tomorrow I might get a raise, tomorrow I might win a trip to Hawaii, tomorrow I might get a bunch of karma on Reddit. So thats why I keep living because while life has ups and downs, seeing which comes next, keeps me on my toes. In regard to your final comment I believe that we dont want those who have Emotional upset Pain to end their life, is because we all have Emotional upset Pain, and we realize that you can overcome it, if you have hope and patience.', 'Dude losing 40 pounds is an amazing achievement. It takes hard work and a strong work ethic to do. You cant just go out there and lose 40 pounds. You should be seriously proud of yourself. ', 'Hey Im here to talk with you Cool Koala 53 :) If youre having Suicidal thoughts, you need to visit a doctor and get professional help as soon as possible. I can talk to you and sort some things out, but I am in no way a professional. So whats going on exactly that has you so down?', 'No worries mate! Anytime you need to hear it just post here and someone, will remind you. :)', 'Hey whats up man?If you need someone to talk to Im here', 'Well Im here to talk if you would like. Whats up?', 'Wow that must be hard :/ For me the two Asthenia mark is where things usually started to get easier for me. (But Im a guy so it may be different) I would encourage you to try to keep yourself occupied. The busier you are, the less time you have to think about him. '] | Ideation | 117 |
user-42 | ['You should walk in, put the phone/computer away and do it. Yes, Im afraid because as I said, whenever I try it just ends up as pointlessness. Im afraid to try anything, Im afraid to go through with anything, for Fear that it wont accomplish anything, and that if it does, the person that sees it, hears it, judges it; Whatever, will laugh or dismiss it for someone elses work thats better as per previous recurrences of such a thing. Or theyll patronize me and act like its really good, but just not good enough.', 'I cant help you, Im sorry, I feel hopeless. Its nice that you can relate though. Im such a screw up. Everything I know, everyone I know, they just do so much better than me. No one ever gets disappointed with them, but me, Im a horrid failure. I feel like Im always looked down upon no matter what I do, theres always something wrong with what Ive done compared to others. I want help, Ive been searching for help. Just dont know what to do. '] | Ideation | 42 |
user-220 | ['true, I based my conclusion on bad stories really, Ive heard some good but they seem to be a minority who most of the times have an unusual condition. and like you said, most people who are on medication dont recommend them to others. Ive heard your story a few times.Ive never heard of Hypothyroidism tho, I will digg into that, but i doubt it is what I have. 5 years ago I was in the same place as now, but in a less degree. I did a lot of research and rebuild my mind from the ground up. clean slate and trying to be positive, it worked out 2 years ago my life was going up, had a nice job a nice home, and i could go on vacation without to worry about anything really, then the crisis came, and took everything Ive build in 4 months, lost everything. Im now back living with my mom because its almost impossible to hold a job longer then 3 weeks. the market is just screwed up. from then I slowly got back in this dark place. Ive tried. believe me I tried. I just watched everything i worked so hard for die out. I tried even harder then before to regain it. but no success. all the doors are closed for me now. The only thing i can do is go back to school and start a new career in a different sector. getting a bigger debt and wasting 4 years of my life again. But I feel its just the government and stuff playing games with us. I dont want to be a pawn in their schemes. aandd now im here.. ', 'Thnx, I will! :D', 'yep, The doctor gave me some reassurance that its only for the first 2 weeks, and you have to push through it if you feel a lot of side effects.Im on my second day, i havent noticed much yet. just a floating feeling and strangly last night my shin Pain when i went to sleep . today Ive read it is also a side effect.. So many side effects. But indeed, im also wondering what it will do with you personality.. If it helps I can share my experience with you these 2 weeks, than I have another appointment with my doctor. to see if Its working or not. Im still kinda skeptical, but im willing to try it for these 2 weeks.', 'This hurts reading bro, like a shadow searching for light, but the light wont accept any shadow. Stupid metaphor but I had the same thing with my closest friends, I even told them In tears, you guys are right, everything will be fine, with a smile. While dieing inside.. After that I never or hardly let anyone know how I really feel.. I wish we could get together and just show each other what potential and beautifull people we are. ', 'Thnx for your reply! just what i was looking for :) Its the same as prozac ive been told. I feel the same way as you so thanks, that is reassuring. the Depression is priority to get rid of, so im willing to go through the first 2 weeks. :) im already looking forward to it. I have another question if you dont mind; how did the first weeks influence your work and social friends? should I just stay low profile for 2 weeks or didnt it had a big influence in your daily life?', 'Hey, Im kinda in the same spot, some days its better, some are worse. You can talk to me anytime, maybe we can ease each other Pain :)', 'ah dude, lets try this out first, Ive started the same way, I was fed up with the redundant music on the radio and t.v. and tried to make my own, something new and fresh, that was about 10 years ago, when i was round 16is, always been a hobby, every minute of free time I had went in music or dancing, The best outlet there is, Not exactly knowing what your doing, but the little things you know get you there. now I have a budget studio, and pirate software:P but heck I can do what i love, and if i use it for commercial purpose, I will by the stuff i used, to support the creators for giving me the tools to express my feelings. Ive experimented with all kinds of styles, I started with trance, (easy to start with) then house,hip hop, jazz, everything i could get my Weakness of hand on, even tried, (still am) playing the guitar/drums/bass. I already am decent on a keyboard, and i write my songs also.Everything is self taught also, so i think we can learn a lot from each other, now i make more ambient/hiphop stuff, or just crazy ish it out, and you will see that the lazy and Numbness in it, i just cant get myself just to really finish the projects, or just give it its full potential. I just go with the middle and be satisfied.Still i feel like we can help each other in that at least, I know the i feel you bro, wont help a lot, but try it out, maybe we can make the cup half full instead of half emty ;)', 'Thnx for the boost. But honestly, I feel the same way, all the hard work and hours feel more useless, that drains my hard work ethics and motivations.. Lets make this deal. Lets make sure we both make it. By sharing a track ones a Asthenia you made in that Asthenia, or something like that, that way we can give each other tips or just share an eargasm moment. Anyway let me know what you think about that.. ', 'Ive just posted also. But your feeling is what bothers me a lot, I have the same of similar feeling.. That alone feeling. Knowing they wont understand anyway, and if you try they act like they have to comfort you, when only all I want is an honest opinion, or just the sparkle in your eye that you seem to connect with the situation Im in. And that makes me feel so spoiled. What makes it worse. Because Im not someone who easily opens up or ask for help. And then to still be helpless. Is such a downer emotion.. I dont have any solutions, but you arent alone. I know a lot of people are going through this, but still it feels so lonely. ', 'Dreams take a lot of effort to realize, but there a lot of types of work ethics and goals, becoase we all want something else in life. The thing is we like to judge others by our own efforts, for me thats the problem, just live how you want to live, heck if you want to live on the streets go ahead, I wont look down on you thinking Im so much better only becoase Im following orders. Only the beholder knows what his/her dreams goals are, and if they reached it and are enjoying life same respect. We all die the way we were born anyway.. ', 'I have a shitty health care so it would cost me a shitload. And honestly I dont see how someone who listens can help me. But to be fair Ive tried it twice and im really stubborn. I you cant prove me wrong or come up with a better solution. Ive lost my interest and go back to my own drawing board. I have a small background in psychology and philosophy and history(and that screwed me up the most how we treat people that offer us the road to happiness) Michael Jackson my biggest and first inspiration in life. And look how the world repays him. He was the first one that made me hate the world. I did explore my Pain and issues, but they are external. And I tried to ignore/twist them, but its just adding fuel to the fire. And I dont want to use any medication, im not that kind of guy that wants to manipulate my body to block certain feelings. I have to deal with it. but sadly Ive come to this conclusion. Its just that I feel like a mental slave that lost his connection to live the same dreams and goals of this world. But the real world is too dark for me.Or Ive learned the hard way how fragile and Asthenia I actually am. ', 'You can pm anytime', ':) I appreciate it but my mind is too far gone. I guess this is the wrong place to ask to help me for the tools to do it myself lol. But you guys are awesome! sad that in real life its the opposite.', ' guy makes it all worthwhile! i\xc2\xb4m sure you\xc2\xb4ll like his work', 'twice but it didnt lead to anything. ', 'Thanks for your reply, I feel like Ive wasted a lot of time twisting on this with all your positive replies :D , The trade of is more than worth it in my opinion hearing your opinions dealing with them. Thanks for the reassurance:) ', 'Im 27 , black, depressed/recovering(most of my life) Been in denial till 16, rebelled till 23, 23/now Ive been studying and trying to find the truth behind all the emotions, and trying to place my own hate/grief in a place where i can use it as a learning tool, then a tool of anger. Having said that my opinion is that as human beings we have to reflect on our history and put in a balanced context. But as black people, we have to find a way to deal with the negative self reflections.almost by nature we grow up hiding our bad sides and walking on eggshells, while trying to fit in with 200% effort. Its still a long way, but weve come a long way also, History/culture books from African scholars, and traveling slowly made me think from a human perspective again. The world is a big place, with a lot of people. Propaganda does a lot of damage, but face to face we still see each other as humans most of the times. And also the (deep)close minded ones are on the verge of extinction.(thats why they bark so hard) The WW-Web broke so many barriers and were still seeing the results of it on a daily basis. As advice, I can only say that there are also a lot of good sides of being black, and a lot of brothers before us reached a lot that makes me proud to be black.(Michael Jackson is my role-model, music wise and as a person, making something positive out of negativity) We are masters of adaptation without losing yourself. Mold yourself in who you want to be.Be safe, you have seen the sun set, now see it rise Free history courses, ', 'Thanks for your reply, True and I agree, its not that it will change your life on itself, but the boost is all i really need, and hearing that it does just that makes me happy that ive already started it. But Im not in therapy in the way of a psychiatrist or psychologist. (Im really stubborn and slowly starting to try other options) do you recommend professional counseling while on the meds? I do have close friends with who I can really open up to, but its me all the way that has to work through it.', 'Thanks for your reply and wow! they do sound like wonder pills reading your story XD, Im happy for you that they worked so good! I hope im next :D . Youve named all the tools I need to pick up my old self again and living my dreams again. I have another question if you dont mind; How did the side effects influence your first 2 weeks? with work and social aspects in your daily life? Im curious what is the best approach to it.', 'Im sorry I was not clear. Its not a medical condition. its a mental condition I have for over 10 years. Living in my own delusion of hope and dreams. Ive stopped doing that and became more like a realist. And that made it all worse. But Its was my own choice to know the truth then live a lie. Now that I know I feel like there is nothing more to prove.Im sorry to hear that. My condolence and I wish you all the strength and positive energy. You and your son dont deserve it. I cant imagine how hard it must be on you to carry it all on your shoulders with a smile. In my situation its only my mom. I love her so much that the only reason I went on for so long is for her. She often told me that Im the reason she sticks her neck out for us. I dont want her to think its her fault. She did everything she could, and I wouldnt change her for anything. For the rest I couldnt care less. People in general are selfish scum and this world wont change for the better. Thats how I really feel. People dont seem to really care/change the way I do. My story in short is. Ive tried to share my knowledge, time, money and energy without wanting anything for it in return. To make this world a better place. But Ive learned that human nature cant be changed and that the world is like this for a reason. What people give you in return is crap and delusions. So I have nothing left to do here. I hate the state were in. Everything is going for the worse. And Im Illness of heaving to go along with it. Like playing chess with cheaters. Whats the point. Ive worked in a hospital and for a while I had to clean the rooms of terminal ill people who had radiation treatment. And honestly with her body so weak. I saw a person shining bright with life. I wish I could traded my life for hers. When I walked out of the room I felt real bad how unfair it all is. I went there every time I could and talked to her trying to light her mood.Wow I didnt wanted to talk this much but just make it a little more clear.I am just done. Fed up and have no motivation for anything anymore. Im selling all my stuff and making sure I dont leave things unsettled. The only thing is I cant find any information how to create your own lethal cocktail. I dont just want to off myself in a horror situation. I want to make it seem I had a heart attack or something like that. just for my mom so she can live her own life instead of worrying about me. She deserves better than a train wreck for a son.', 'The brain can be our greatest help, or our greatest enemy. I have my own experience with thoughts that dont seem yourself. Trying to talk and finding reason behind them helped me a lot to calm myself a bit better. if you want to talk you can pm me :)', 'Thank you for your reply, you have answered a question I also had. I make music, dance, etc. I mean my creativity is a big part of who I am. But like I said youve answered it already. My priority lies in changing my life/thoughts to positive instead of negative. It also shows in my music/creativity(mostly dark and mysterious). while im a/I was always smiling positive kinda dude. I have an appointment with my doctor in 2 weeks, Ill make sure ill tell him how my experience was. So that we can pinpoint the right dosis sort of speak. But all of your feedback is helping a lot. I already feel more positive and like there is a goal to reach or a way to end the circle. :) feels really good:D thnx.', 'I help myself, by helping others, so i know im not useless, and that we all have our ordeals, but our mentality makes how we react to it, ', 'knowledge was all I was ever interested in. A proper understanding. And I feel I got what I wished for. The truth is stranger/darker then fiction. Ive gained all these beautiful gems. But a sheep doesnt know what to do with a gem.. So yeah nothing more to see here. so Im trying to move along.', 'Hey, you can talk to me, or we can play dark souls if you re on pc. There is always a sunbro to help :) ', 'I know exactly what you mean! it was walking with the same thing for a half year now, my mom works in a hospital, and she had her own share of Depression but never tried any medication. So I feel you bro, for me it was just the last straw, and with the positive power I had left I just went for it. My mom is still skeptical, but she agreed that if the doctor thinks its for the best. at least I have to try. I just want a change for the better. But i will keep you updated on my situation. I just hope more people will share their stories also. ', 'thanks, It made me really think. I have a lot of those symptoms, and I recognize that being aware of those things is better than suppressing them. Lot of suppressed rage, and Sharp Pain to walk away. Not really understanding why. I made the first step anyway with the meds, so why not give it all a chance. Thanks ', 'True, but I have trust issues and because of that I feel like the only one I can/have leaned on is myself. And its that the beauty can be destroyed much faster than it takes to build it up. In a context. Im just Tired making a sandcastle only for it to be washed away to start all over again. I understand that every time I rebuild I can create something better then before. But my focus has been absorbed by the sea. Why its behaves this way. The sea is in that context the human nature. I dont want you guys to worry about me. And to be fair, the information Im looking for is harder to obtain than I thought. If I had a shitload of sleeping pills at this moment I still wouldnt hesitate to use them. Im set on that this is my best solution. Tho it feels good to let my thoughts out. Even tho you guys know more about my situation than most of the people that know me for almost my whole life. And you guys do a good job trying to talk me out of it. If I was in doubt I wouldve question it. Maybe I shouldve tried this sooner. But Im determent. Im Numbness beyond the point of caring. Im a emotionless zombie. Being a waste of space and money. Ive already started selling my stuff and I really dont feel anything with it. A milestone in my life was having my own budget music studio. The most energy I put into anything. And for a time my music was my outlet. Now I already sold my precious mic. And I didnt even feel any remorse. Im fully aware that my mind has already fully given up. And Im a realist. I have no more fight in me to try.. Im really sorry, I want to give you a happy ending. But all I can say is I will be in peace. I just want to do it in an sophisticated way. before it gets worse and I try to end it in a painful/stupid way. Also kinda foolish, I guess I dont want to come over as an act of desperation. But that is also fooling myself.Anyway I appreciate you guys really. It isnt fair of me to ask people of helping me kill myself. ', 'You can pm me anytime :)', 'Thank you! I will take your tips to heart, and I already feel more confident that it has something worthwhile the whole side effects. Thanks for your opinion, i will continue my daily life, I dont have a lot of interactions on social basis, so im sure that ill manage then :D, thanks again for the reply, Its reassuring that it can help me come over my Depression.', 'You want to share your knowledge with me then? Crappy producer here, can use all the help I can get. :) ', '"Maybe people living life differently are actually living it the way they want free from the burdens of society and are truly happy - maybe I should see that as their success because they got what they wanted afterall."Exactly where i was trying to go, some (ignorence plays a big part) are happy the way there life is, more of the foundation and the daily routine, if its going well, why look at the bad, and even why bother, Thats why people that are in Pain or Pain rather try to fix it themselves , then listen to someone who cant understand you, and thinks there education can fix things. And ive noticed that most times, its just about venting with someone, who honestly will listen, and understand your position. instead of the feeling like you are wasting someones time and killing their vibe with your negativity.But to be honest, I can hardly believe that you rather do nothing, than the things you like and love, even reddit brings a smile on my face every morning before Ive even seem anyone. It helps set the mood in the morning. The exceptions you are talking about, care to share your personal goals, or likes? expectations are always a big deal to us personal, even if its something little like saying I love you everyday, And as long as youre breathing, your still working with your expectations, even if it will take you another 10 years, who cares, as long as you can smile at the end, knowing you reached the things you liked to try and see in life.And try to look more at the little things, you say nothingness, but everything we do is something, a lot of small things can pile up to something big.Just sharing my experience,', ':) stay strong. And Im here if you need an ear to talk to ', 'That helped me a lot! im sure it will do the same to you, you also have a month, just take your time, if it works after two weeks ill make sure to let you know ;)', 'I have the same, but Ive changed the way I give advise, half of them slowly stopped asking me for advise, but the change is important. Usually they ask me something Ive felt myself before or went trough something similar, so now I tell them honestly, the + sides and the -, the way how I feel them, those who are genuine and can look inside them self, open up more, and the bound is much closer. Now we just philosophise more about our limits and downers, in a self sufficient way, then how we should behave in the eyes of others. Or in dealing with it. Ive noticed that the once who slowly left, are the ones who are trying to force there way out. Now I have a more win win situation, and it feels more genuine.. Just sharing, I didnt really realized it before I read your post. ', 'Same, its more now like how long will I keep this up. If youre forcing yourself to live, it isnt fun anymore... ', 'he tried, but didnt want to use them. Im kinda anti drug use. but as I said stubborn and try to do everything myself and with willpower.. well I use to have a lot of that. did you tried some meds? my mom had some once the downers things that block emotions. when i saw here like that I didnt told myself that isnt the answer', 'Nah, love you guys, been reading a lot of post after venting with this one, it really helps a lot. You guys are life savers. Now that I know where I can share these feelings, or if I need prove that we share the same feelings, and we are in this together, we all are strangers, yet feel so connected to each other.. That made the smile of the day for me. And some fuel to keep on moving. Thnx for the reply :) I wish you the best of luck and love and hope I could make you smile as I did :) and I will keep that offer:), gives a nice feeling knowing I have a place to vent/express. Knowing we understand each other here. ', 'I have the same. Its gone to a point where I dont even bother anymore. Ive Isolated myself mostly out of protection. It sucks but I dont see a solution or a middle way to go out everyday living a lie with a fake smile. and I cant stand it longer than a hour or so, then my natural balancing system comes up, and try to neutralize the conversation. like a but in this case its not the same. and then I realize ah I made a unpopular comment. and just shut up and wait for a good time to bail. Now I havent been to a birthday or a party of a friend for over a year. people seem to stop asking, and Im actually happy with that. Real awkward and strange state to be in.. Not wanting to be antisocial. But cant deal with people at this time.', 'True! Poetry for the soul. And I am actually now at the moment. You guys man. :) ', 'Thanks for your reply, :D lol I have the kind of body build that just cant gain any weight. I already eat for 2 people so that wont be any problem in my situation :D, Im/was also Tired active, training a lot, being creative, it was my biggest outlet dealing with my Depression. But it even took that over. My body now just moves without any real feelings. Thats why I really started the meds. Im already at the point of losing myself . But wow how can one post change your day! in the morning hearing my mom on the phone telling me its not a good med. to hearing so many positive reactions that really made me look forward to it. And not like its a placebo treatment with only side effects. Thanks again. 3 years is a Tired long time tho, is it a high dosis that you have to use? and can you see yourself again without using any meds? sorry for the rude questions but I agree that the tradeoff is worthwhile. and hearing that the workouts give you such a boost(which is awesome! keep it up) that you already made the goal for yourself to get off the meds eventually:D . just wondering if time can really heal someone out of his Depression, while on meds. Or that it can be a lifetime med that we have to use..', 'Nice one. Ive been playing dark souls. And you reminded me of a sunbro mate of mine who used to help me.', 'True, and she is aware of my condition. She is just helpless and has to watch how every time I get up I fall further down. She has a harder time with it then me. We have a good relationship and spoke about it for a year. But Ive reached a point that Im unreachable. She doesnt know how to react, and I dont have the strength anymore to keep a facade up. She is my world, and I know Im hers, it just Pain so much not being able to give some of it back that she has offered me. She offered me life and I cant even hold that together. I cant even offer her my smile anymore.. I dont know how to coupe with this situation any longer. And I know that my death wont do her any good. I guess I kept that in mind to ease the Pain of leaving her behind all alone.', 'Im at a third of it right now reading :) interesting book, but I just wanted you to know that Ive put my head up yet again and, try to stay strong and will forward the favour on this tread as you helped me:) I will let you know my opinion of the book when im done :D but thanks for listening to me, I really appreciate it:)'] | Ideation | 220 |
user-176 | ['I suppose the thing that sets me off is I feel the only person who loves me is my best friend. And I love her, dont get me wrong, but I want someone who loves me not in a best friend way but in a romantic way and after what happened with my SO, I just dont feel I can make that happen.', 'Im doing pretty good actually. Havent had too many bad thoughts', 'Who knows? But I will look that up now that I know it might be a possibility. Thank you!', 'Were both the same age (Eight days apart). Also, I will now refer to his father as a grumpy weenie. Thank you for that lolI dont self-harm anymore. I used to years ago but it made my family upset so I stopped. Most the time I only cry when I feel like hurting myself. Its safer and releases the want of self-harm. It probably does just feel like that. Also Im talking to him right now about it but I think hes just upset cause half the time he thinks Im just doing this so hell leave his friends. Every single time I reassure him Im glad he has his friends and that he needs guy time and I know that. It always helps. I think hes Worried because his friends and I dont get along Tired well but I would never tell him to not hang out with his friends. ', 'And thats where the gagging would happen because I would have nothing left in my stomach to throw back up.', 'I dont know where it is but I have always dreams of going to a forest with tall trees and the sunlight Falls through nearly green because of all the leaves. I would go there but I dont know where it is because its only been in my dreams.', 'I know where youre coming from. I have this same kind of problem. I still havent figured this out. But Ill take you seriously. Im willing to listen', 'Yeah, I was trying to explain to my fiancee that the lack of love from a parent isnt an emotion that can be expressed in words. And it really isnt. Its too raw of a Pain.And I would if he werent Sharp Pain to temper. I am hesitant to bring anything up around him because of his temper, which is seemingly uncontrollable. He also doesnt listen to reason and will just keep saying things over and over again, talking louder than the other person to try and get his point across. Most the time it is like talking to a brick wall. My sister tried that with him once and he had the same reaction, so it isnt easy and sometimes I dont even feel it is worth it because of the backlash from him. ', 'Just because hes older does not make him a genius. And you shouldnt feel guilty. He doesnt know what he is talking about. Im sorry, honestly I am, but hes an idiot. Im sorry that you may not agree with me but damn it just cause hes older doesnt make him smarter and Im tried of older people saying this all the damn time. Cause I once had an Asthma attack and my parents told me I was over reacting and I was fine. It was bullshit. I wasnt fine and was diagnosed with Asthma and chronic Bronchitis the next day. My parents had no fucking idea. So dont feel guilty, please. ', 'Yeah, it really isnt true. And my little sister is my fathers favorite while my older sister is my moms. And I get that. Everyone has favorites and parents are humans too. I just wish some would learn how to hide it better because it doesnt make it any easier to deal with it when you have to witness it every day. Im glad you got good grades and did well in sports but Im sorry it didnt make the difference you wanted. Its tough but do know you did good, even if they dont think so.', 'Yeah, I wish I could afford a professional but I would see one if I could. Ill save up and if it persists I will see one', 'No...he doesnt feel that same way. I know he doesnt. But he doesnt feel that I should find him flawless either. ', 'Not at the community college, which is all I would be able to afford with the help. Not only that Im not completely sure what I want to be so I only want to take basics until I figure it out. And I havent directly asked them. Theyve directly told me they wouldnt. As soon as I graduated high school they told me that if I was going to college I would have to find a way there and back or move into one of the dorms.And my sister went to UTSA (Which is an 1 1/2 hours away) but ran out of money and is currently saving up. She lived with friends so she could split them rent money on the apartments (The college had no dorms)', 'Usually I talk to my boyfriend about these things. I dont have many friends and the ones I do have freak out over this kind of thing. Not in a bad way but they worry way too much and constantly ask if Im feeling okay and all that and it becomes way too much. But boyfriends friends are in town for the winter from college and hes been spending every minute with them and I dont want to ruin the fun hes having since he will only see them for about a month.', 'Yeah, it does come in waves. Ive dealt with Depression since I was in fifth grade and this is just a new kind of way its hitting me.And I havent. It is Tired important and when I get paid tomorrow I will take some money out and buy myself one.', 'I cant remember the last thing that made me happy that didnt involve people. I honestly cant remember it. But the thing that boosted my confidence a little bit one day was music but now that isnt working. I just...I dont know. I rely on people heavily but I have so little of them that are close to me in my life.', 'Honestly, at this point in time, how she has been acting I dont know what she is to me. ', 'I would puke if I ever came upon that. Not that I have anything against homosexuality but mostly one is a 45 year old man with a beer belly and hair everywhere but the top of his head, and the other thinks hes cool but is skinny with a lot of baby fat, wears a leather jacket, holes in his jeans, and shaved his head to be shorter than the military would require it.Lol I probably did dodge a bullet. Watching how hes grown these four years, from what my boyfriend tells me, hes an unoriginal lazy "magician" (I put that in quotes because he sucks so bad at it. I have figured out almost all of his tricks.)', 'Yeah, I have confronted both of them about their favoritism and they both deny it but it is obvious to everyone. One day, though, my mom did admit to it, finally, and I actually felt better after it because she finally accepted that we all knew. And no, I havent been able to afford therapy/counselling for it. And as of late it has been a bit better than it normally is (its been about six months since my last episode, which is longer than usual for me) so I am really hoping there will be no relapse into it but since I have been dealing with Depression for as long as I can remember (seriously, in my journals from even fifth grade it has poems about it), I doubt it will ever fully be gone without help from medication. ', 'He said he was going to get me skyrim. (I told him not to after he told me what he was going to get me [which he told me on New Years btw] because my computer wouldnt be able to handle the game.)Im lady (Not opposed to homosexuality).Well see, I usually attribute my slight over-reaction to feeling sad all the time but its not the first time hes failed to get me a gift. Not even the second time either.I do always take long hot baths. But Im changing my sleeping schedule because Ive been sleeping in too late. I do know Im probably putting a lot of it out of proportion but hes been doing this for about a month now. He told me on New Years he would see me the day after. Didnt happen and he told me hed see me the next day. Didnt happen again. I didnt even ask him the next day and he pretty much barely talked to me the whole day. then today he says hes going outside for a while. I ask him where to and he says hes going to his friends house. It just really upsets me he flakes on me but has time for his friends (Who mind you hate me. Him and I dont know why but they hate me)', 'And Depression doesnt always mean suicide has to be involved.', 'You are not pathetic. Do not hate yourself.You are not weak.You can turn to us for help. Please, tell us whats going on to make you sad? Were here to help you and listen to you.', 'She seems to think im saying it in the sense it was all her fault and it want and isnt. It was a combination of a problem in my brain and a problem at home. But she seems to take it add am attack against her', 'I would love to see someone. I dont have the funds nor insurance to do so though.I dont know what it could be. I dont handle Stress well though. I think a large part of it is the fact my Ex is a coworker and this job is the first Ive had in months.', 'Just everything. my boyfriend didnt get me a christmas present (And long story short, he said he couldnt find the one he wanted to get me, finally told me what it was, I found it in five minutes), he said he would see me some time this Asthenia but chose to hang out with all his friends instead. Were supposed to go on a train ride saturday but its starting to look like we wont. I cant stop thinking about just killing myself. I dont want to kill myself but the thoughts just keep coming back. ', 'I dont usually look much into it. Its more of a habit for me now to not wear makeup and to promote not wearing it, rather than I do it purposely. I was just thinking about it the other night and had to get it off my chest. ', 'Yeah, it seem admittance can do a lot for closure and seems to make the situation better sometimes. But getting "out" of an episode or keeping them away has absolutely nothing to do with strength. Its a support system that I need to keep them away. If I dont have someone who I can talk to, then I *will* have a relapse, there is absolutely no question about it. I havent had one because of my fiancee. I can calm myself down just by talking to him about everything. He is my support system. If you are Worried about not having one, you can always message me and I will gladly be your support system because even if I am not feeling so awesome, I will listen to you and help you as best I can. ', 'Well I would go to college if my parents even offered to drive me there and back everyday. Otherwise I would have no way there. There are no buses that run in my town because of a dispute with the city and the rail and bus company. And I would walk but the community college is about 15 miles away. But I dont even have the money for college and my parents wont help me with Fafsa so that I can get money. They get frustrated with me when I cant get the information on my own but it requires their tax papers which I dont have and they wont keep track of right. Im just so Tired of not being good enough.', 'Yes, she did. Kept saying "oh! What thing didnt we get you?" Acting as if it were a material possession issue that caused it. She was Tired snide about it too', 'I agree completely. Really i do. But other people have pointed out the Emotional upset manipulation she uses on me. I Fear it will get worse when i move (The move quill be over five thousand miles away because he lives in another country)', 'Yeah, i Have my own income. And I plan on continuing with the bank (they are nice) but cutting off her access to my account considering shes started taking my money.', 'I appreciate your perspective on this and i ask trying to keep ask these things in account. I just honestly dont know how much more blame i can take. I understand they are upset and angry and dont mean what they are saying, i do. But im also being treated as if i have no reason to be upset either', 'I live in the suburbs that border the country. Like I walk out of my neighborhood and can see country land on one side and a small city(borderline town) on the other. I have no transport and my town has little to no poverty and barely any volunteer work (Ive tried for two years) that I could reach. ', 'My boyfriend says that to me a lot too. It helps to hear it from someone you love but, in my personal opinion, when strangers say it, it seems to help even more. Thank you for your comforting words', 'I am in the states but how would I find a mental health clinic?', 'So far thats the only advice i have been getting. Not to say it is bad advice because it isnt. Problem is i have an urge (that i want gone) to please my parents', 'But its not just him. Ive been Depression for seven+ years. I just feel like I cant do anything right. my life feels like such a mess.', 'Well it wasnt my first heartbreak, it was my second one but it was the more important one to me. And I had promised my best friend I wouldnt kill myself but...well we arent best friends anymore. Mostly though I dont know why Im still suicidal. Im actually pretty happy with how things have been going lately but everyday, randomly Ill think of killing myself and I dont understand. Its not even an attention thing. Ive only told my boyfriend (And SW) about this problem. I just dont want to think about my death everyday when I dont feel like I should. ', 'Same here! And my bedroom has huge windows so it seriously sucks.', 'Well I am happy to hear that. I know for the most part women put on makeup to fit in with other women. ', 'Yeah and Id love to get out i just Fear when i do she not only will turn her side of the family against me but my older sister as well. Only person on my side in my family at the moment is my older and younger sister. But really i would love to get her to just stop Crying about what i told her. I know the news is stressful but...i feel she either doesnt believe me our is being entirely selfish about the news', 'So far from it. Were middle class people who live in the suburbs', 'Not from what Ive been learning about them. From what I know (And dont quote me on this) but I am pretty sure in texas one is not needed for the other.', 'Currently him and I are working on our situation. We honestly are. And he keeps telling me not to pretend to be happy, because it wont help anyone. So Im not doing that too him anymore. And Im trying to be Tired rational and look away from my romantic feelings for him and see the faults others see in him. I know saying I see no flaws in someone isnt rational. But I cant see them in him though I know I should be able to. Maybe if I look deep enough I can find them.', 'Yeah. Weve been dating for four years and he knows a lot about them. He doesnt know quite how to deal with them. Hes never been real sure how to reassure me on it because of previous issues Ive had before I started dating him. So sometimes he just lets me talk until Ive gotten Tired of talking and he just hugs me, and sometimes he reassures me but he tries and does a pretty good job.', 'I wish I could afford therapy, because I would go if I could. And my family...they suck. Terribly. I can talk to them about nothing. My little sister couldnt care less (shes a teen right now and anything that doesnt involve her or her interests, she doesnt care about), my father is too religious and everything leads to religion and Im not his same religion nor does he seem to understand that when I have a problem god cannot solve it for me, my older sister freaks out about everything and takes it way too far, and my mother just thinks the world is against her and if I complain she just gets angry and it doesnt help.', 'But I want him to be. I love everything about him. Literally everything. I cant find wrong in him. And it hurts...god it hurts.But not only that. I just...I have zero confidence. I never have. My parents rooted it out of me. So any time I think I have redeeming qualities to get someone to love me, their voice comes to my mind and I cant find my confidence that I want so badly.', 'Lol look for one with a slanted bathtub so you can get a bath pillow and really relax (My bath tub is not slanted and makes me sad)Its okay. I understand the assumption. If I didnt know him as well as I do, I would assume he was a cheater as well. But many people will tell you that he wouldnt ever do something like that. well see...I do let him know and as of late he just gets a bit of upset with me and tells me to Chill out. I will admit, Im a smidge clingy but I have no problem with him seeing his friends. Its just the breaking of our plans that really gets to me. He does it so often that it just kills me. Most of the time our plans are broken because his family wants to go do something and he doesnt know how to say no to his father (His mom will tell him its alright but his father Im pretty sure would rather he be dating an idiot supermodel....his dad is kind of a huge dick who lives vicariously through my boyfriend.)But I do plan on talking to him about our whole relationship. Its something we need to discuss because a lot of people are right. I shouldnt feel like this while in a relationship. At least not this much toward my SO.', 'I thought I was. And Ive tried. But I just cant. Its not so easy for me. You say it as if it is but its not. Letting go seems to Pain me more than staying does.', 'Well it isnt as easy as that. I wish I could let it go. I wish I could stop trying to please him and make him proud but something inside of me desperately wants it and has my whole life and I dont really think about it when I try to make him proud or happy. It is an automatic reaction that I have been trying so desperately hard to get rid of. ', 'Aw, Im sorry. That sucks. Ive been there though and it is a stupid idea in the long run.', 'Lol I wish. No the father and friend hate each other. i think they hate the world. Okay, as for the dating him thing, it would have worked if he wasnt so...damn I cant think of the word....against PDA. I mean, hes not now, but he wasnt even going to get any form me if he wasnt willing to hug me in public. I do not roll that way. No shame in PDA. Especially when its just hugging or holding hands.', 'Unfortunately I dont have money for the insurance to have a doctor. Im lower middle-class and all spare money is set aside for the next month so bills are paid on time. I wish I could see a doctor and talk about it but I wouldnt have the money to pay for the meds or the doctor visits.I have been trying to save money to talk to someone. I cant promise I will be able to talk to a professional, I can take comfort in the fact that I have an old friend who has always been a shoulder I can cry on, no matter how far apart we come to be. ', 'Well currently I cant do that. Im living with my parents and have no income. They smoke, which brings me even farther from nature. I try to go on walks and immerse myself in nature but I find it difficult due to my severe allergies. ', 'I love nature. But the nature here I am allergic to to (Im allergic to Cedar Trees and thats all that grows where I live) and I tried having a plant but I was upset and it died.', 'No, I couldnt stand to go into one of those. I really just honestly couldnt. I dont even know what I want to be when I get older. I have absolutely no goals.', 'Thats actually a pretty good idea. I think I may keep away from it for a little while', 'Its not that I didnt want the game. I most certainly did. I just dont have the computer power to actually run something of that load. My computer sucks. Lol I wish I had a radio that worked so I could listen to music while soaking in a bath. but Ive got bubble bath, salts, nice smells and candles, so Im pretty damn relaxed.I know. People keep saying that. We hit a bump a couple of months ago and both him and I are having slight difficulties. Weve been together for four years and both want to stay together (From what weve told each other but I think we should have a talk about it again.)Yes, Im 100% about his friends. I know a lot of people would think Im falling for something but hes never been that kind of person with anyone. Hes never been a cheater and has broken up with me once while he sorted his feelings for a while. He said hed rather break up with me than cheat on me. Not just that but he knows of my past relationships and is a caring enough guy to never let that happen. hes Tired open to me about his feelings. hes let me know before when he felt he had a crush on someone. Ive let him know when I felt the same. We never act on it but we both realize that in a relationship. other people will still be attractive to you and it doesnt mean you love the other person any less but that you find someone else attractive along with finding your SO attractive.', 'I dont know how to drive. My dad forced me to drive his large explorer at night when I was 12. I could barely see over the steering wheel and since then I have been deathly afraid of driving a car. Ive only driven once since then and it was for a short period of time with my boyfriend in an empty parking lot. I had a panic attack.', 'Thank you. And i certainly will try. I appreciate the wisdom', 'Yeah, its only his two best friends. I actually used to be best friends with one of them. Then, when I didnt date him but dated my boyfriend instead, he suddenly hated me. After four years youd think he would get over it, but no. His other best friend is a dick like his dad.', 'No, I havent. Ive been thinking of trying to move past the panis. my boyfriend amazingly enough got me to drive the car for a good ten minutes before I freaked out. But I was tinking about getting a motorcycle. Strangely enough the thought of driving one of those doesnt scare me. I dont know why it doesnt and I know they are more dangerous but it just doesnt scare me. ', 'Yeah, this was much like how it was when i that age too', 'Yep, she didnt want to hear it. Just cried and ran to her room', 'Sadly no, Ive tried to ignore them. I tried last month (All last month) and they just got worse.', 'This is true. I hadnt gotten it yet mostly cause my mom watches my account like a hawk and I havent gone to the bank to take her off of it. Shes also taking money from me, so I need to stop it soon.', 'I will try both of these things. Thank you :-) ', 'You would think but every time i bring it up, world war the starts in my house. They are against it when i bring it up but behind closed dots it seems they are for it', 'Well, there are many reasons but I cant apply them to your life because they may not be anything you can see a reason to live for. I could tell you to live for the joy of music but if you get no joy from music, then that would be meaningless. What are some things you find even an ounce of joy in? If it is say painting, then continue to live to paint. Show your emotions and difficulties through the art you depict.Has he expressed or told to you that you are burden? A lot of the worst parts of Depression are when you feel that you are only weighing others down when the reality is, they want to help you up and will keep on going to help you. If he has said nothing and shown nothing, then he probably feels only concern and the want to help you.And its okay, rambling can help sort out thoughts and emotions. Ramble if you need, I certainly dont mind. I want to help in any way I can. ', 'Yeah, its bad in my eyes as well. I wouldnt even mind if he was like "Hey, since I dont get to see my friends Tired often and theyre in town wanting to hang out, can I do that instead today?" And I would say of course. I would completely understand. Its the "not doing that" that gets to me.Yeah, I know. I have been trying and he just mumbles "I say no to my dad." In the four years him and I have been together Ive seen him say no to his dad three times. One of the times was as recent as Christmas.', 'Good god I am so sorry. That just...honestly I seriously hope that didnt break your trust in all people. I really hope it didnt. Cause there are good people on here who want to help. Those three are just fucking dickwads and I dont give a shit what their problem, was, is, or will be cause if they ever need help from me they can forget it.Please, if youre considering anything drastic, please I beg of you talk to me. I dont have agoraphobia but I do have many phobias. (The main ones being afraid of being alone in a room, afraid of the dark, afraid of blood, and claustrophobia) Ive had my share of panic attacks and they are not fun at all. So Im willing to listen to you. I can even offer advice if youd like but if you just want and ear to hear your problems, Im willing to be that ear. Just please....dont Pain yourself or anything like that because of them and what they said.', 'I do try these thing and it takes my mind off for a while but what triggers it is mostly my own thoughts. I start thinking about my boyfriend and with how fast and strange my mind moves, it goes to the fight we had six months ago in no time. I try to stop it and think of other things, good things about him but then it goes to fights Ive had with other people and things I might have done wrong.', 'I agree with you. They are only more experienced versions of themselves. Ill put an extreme situation out there but Im pretty sure a 25 year old who is diagnosed with HIV has a different situation than his father who doesnt have HIV. And if his father tried to say everyone went through it, his father would deserve a fist to the face. So, while thats an extreme situation, it automatically shows the difference. ', 'Do you think you can promise yourself something for your friends and family? Do you think you can promise yourself that if an accident is to come at any moment, you will do everything in your power to stop yourself from dying?', 'Im sorry your mother didnt offer the comfort and care she should have. It is always Tired upsetting when the people you should be able to rely on decide to not be there for you. Sometimes its difficult to find a reason for living. There never is a set in stone reason for life. Unfortunately it is something you have to decide. But there are many things that you can do in life and it doesnt mean you have to live life searching for something to live for. But I understand why you feel this way. Why do you think you bring your friends Pain from meeting them?', 'Okay, this is the only reply I will give you. You do not know my whole situation, you do not know me, and you are Tired Tired immorally wrong to go onto a subreddit full of people seeking help and be an ass like this. You really ought to hope that when you seek help in a situation like this, someone will help you instead of replying the way you did. ', 'I know he is. Ive known that ever since I got with him. But how can I find someone who would find me perfect when I cant let go of the one person who I have found perfect but doesnt feel the same?'] | Behavior | 176 |
user-320 | ['Ive been exactly where you are before. In fact...>where I was thinking of where I could kill myself so that my roommate wouldnt have to find me dead.and>The only thing that holds me back from doing this is that I know it would completely ruin my mom, brother and sister.I have had those exact same thoughts and feelings. Thankfully, I havent in about a year, but for me those thoughts generally creep in and out. For me it was actually a little comforting. When I knew that I didnt want to deal with what I had going, at least I still knew that there were people around me that still depended on me. (Thats the best way I could word it) It me helped marginally, but it didnt really make me feel any better. I still felt entirely alone and very anxious.>Honestly, I dont fear death at all.This is something that I can also empathize with. Not in that bad ass action hero kind of way, but more in the way that contemplating my own death causes no appropriate feelings of discomfort.One thing I have found that helps me, and Im posting it in hopes that it might help you too, is taking things slowly. Taking things in stride. I just live one day at a time and stop worrying about what will happen tomorrow. My situation is a bit different than yours, but this method might help you out a bit too. You said that you are getting really Nausea and Exhaustion of fighting your mental illness. It might help if you just slow down your thinking. I imagine (and hopefully Im not wrong) that you have your good days and your bad days. Make the most out of your good days. Dont Anxiety about what kind of day tomorrow will be, deal with that day when it comes. On your bad days, just do what you have to do to deal with that day and remember the good days.Despite having had thoughts similar to yours, Ive never gone to seek any counseling. For me this has been okay, but I wouldnt recommend this for everyone. My point is this, I have never gone to any professional counseling because Im Anxiety of being labeled with a disease. I know that if I am, then it will forever change how I view myself. Id start to feel as if I were broken. Im going to guess by that fact that you said that you have Bipolar Disorder II and not just Bipolar Disorder that you have been diagnosed by a psychologist or psychiatrist. (Halfway into this thought and I just realized that it is really not going the direction I intended, but please read on) Its really important to not label yourself as broken or diseased. My original point, despite the fact that it really came out the wrong way at first, is that this is definitely easier to say than it is to do. Since this is the first thing you talked about, it appears that this might be what you let define you. I hope Im wrong, but it seems that you feel Hyperactive behavior you are these diseases. You are not these diseases. The diseases are words that doctors must use so that insurance companies will cover your medication. That is all. You are simply a 20 year old female college student that is coping with some traumatic life events in the best way you know how. Dont devalue yourself by limiting your personal image of yourself to what the DSM says. You appear to be a person of value to your family and friends, and Im sure they would be happy to reiterate that fact.This may have been completely off base, and it was definitely very long. Hopefully something in here will catch and help though.Have a merry Christmas. Or, if you dont celebrate, have a merry December 25th.'] | Ideation | 320 |
user-153 | ['Ive had thoughts of calling before but could never get myself to do it :/ I get really nervous', 'Please dont take them. Message me if u want to talk to someone', 'Sorry u feel that way. Im a loner too so I know the sucky feeling. Im thinking of seeing a therapist soon but even that gives me Anxiety. I wish I had that person I could go to and feel safe with : (', 'Im gay if thats of any comfort. Lets talk. ', 'Please dont do it. ', 'Hmm idk if u got my last message. Im pretty new at this reddit app. I have a kik messenger app account if u ever feel like chatting . let me know ', 'Eek we are way too similar. Im 27 and gay and every night I hate laying in bed thinking about how lonely I am and how lonely ive been and probably will be. My Anxiety sucks as it makes me hard to socialize. I stay up really late watching tv shows on netflix because Im so alone. It sucks feeling this way and not having a person to really talk to. Its why I came to reedit. Ive had it on my phone but never used it. Searched up Anxiety and kinda happy to see you posted this because makes me feel somewhat relieved someone else knows how I feel at this exact moment. I kinda wish I could go see a therapist again but even the thought of that gives me Anxiety. Ugh', 'Hey man sounds tough but just pull through. Dont buy a gun and dont do anything to end your life. Good things might happen just wait'] | Ideation | 153 |
user-231 | ['Youre not being a bitch, and you dont have to "charm" anyone; youre Depression and you may just want someone to listen to you. Theres nothing you have to apologize for. Ill listen, if you feel like talking.', 'That "walking on eggshells" reaction is the worst- to me it always feels less like real concern and more like pity (even though they mean well). You do have to fight demons primarily on your own, and I know you feel more and more hopeless, but you still do have some left, it seems.', 'I hate to make it into a "me me" story, but I can understand where youre coming from. It sucks to be twenty and already feel like youve wasted so much time being a pointless burden on everyone elses life, like everyone else is moving a hundred miles an hour with their lives and Im stuck on a bike with a broken wheel or something. But I will say, youre in school, you have a job, and even a girlfriend- maybe you really arent a total failure? No, nope, not a bit.And a bit of a sidenote: its a sad fucking world where you as a trans* person almost have to expect such gross messages. It must suck. No one here will even think of saying that. Youre a person and you deserve freaking gratitude and common courtesy. And you deserve to live.'] | Supportive | 231 |
user-227 | ['possibly!sorry about the empty post. its sort of a hard subject to just jump into.basically, ive been constantly Delusional disorder at my uni for the past couple of months, and it has been extremely detrimental to my mental health. its especially bad when doing anything online when i most feel like im being spied on, making it extremely difficult to reach out for help in any way. i had to stop talking with one of my good friends online because the Delusional disorder was so bad.the whole situation makes me want to dissapear because of how much it makes me feel isolated with no chance that things will get better. '] | Ideation | 227 |
user-417 | ['Oh my goodness, you have so much on your shoulders. My heart goes out to you.PTSD is a really difficult condition, to be sure. Growing with a veteran as a parent, Ive seen how truly difficult it can be as Ive grown up. What are you doing right now?', 'I dont know what to say, but goddamn, my heart goes out to you.', 'She sounds beautiful! It is so funny that she is 7, why the other day I was at my cousins 7th birthday party. It is funny, it does seem Hyperactive behavior around 7 the brains really are kicking in. It is amazing to think in 3 years they will be 10. Then pretty soon 16 and driving! Time moves incredibly fast.It might sound soppy, but what do you guys Hyperactive behavior doing together? ', 'Hi Dan,Damn, you must be in so much Ache right now. I am sorry this is happening to you. I would Hyperactive behavior to put my hand your shoulder, since I hooked my homie on speed back in the day with a similar result. What your going through is just an awful position to be in, and my heart goes out to you. How are you feeling now?', 'My heart goes out to you, that sounds very sad.I never Hyperactive behavior how the Gods treated Sysyphus. It seems they could have done better by helping him with his problems, or referring him to a competent therapist. He clearly had pathological self esteem issues.I do not think you are a lost cause. Nobody is a lost cause. A little cliche, but that is my take. I hope you feel better.', 'Yes, that is awful. It is crap when no one understands, and the stigma around mental illness is daunting.My heart goes out to you, for what it is worth.Of course the stigma around mental illness is huge, but something I love are mental health advocate groups, which have ended my personal isolation. The groups are run by us Abnormal behavior folk, and we dont talk about our problems in of themselves, rather we talk about the issues that face people with mental illness as a whole. We advocate for policy change and services; some times significantly - and formerly our group created a drop in center run by consumers of mental health services. It is a lot of fun, and we all are in the same boat to greater and lesser degrees.These are good resources if you are interested. It is okay if you are not. [][]Best regards to you. ', 'My heart goes out to you. It sounds Hyperactive behavior parts of you life have gotten out of your control.Would you tell us more about your relationship with your brother? That sounds Hyperactive behavior a center piece to the current situation.', 'It sounds Hyperactive behavior the move has really isolated you. Are there any gay communities around where you are now? ', 'Thats a difficult dichotomy, shit. Well its good that you came on hear. If you dont mind me asking, what do you think is the hardest part about talking about it? It seems Hyperactive behavior there must be some really tough barriers.', 'That is good to hear. There must be a big diversity in the kinds of folks who volunteer for those things. He might have been a trainee.', 'Cool, just was wondering.Hows your kid doing? Id be interested to know more about he or she.', 'That is too bad.', 'Yeah, its pretty rough cut. Not all bad, but has a lot of room for improvement. ', 'Damn, that is a hard read. How did things get to this point?', 'Mind wandering down dark roads is lonesome. I liked Statisticalsharks advice as well. Its kind of strange that we are more than just our thoughts. Thats why its good to reach out, talk with other people, and hear other perspectives. Things are so complicated, and we can want to live and die at the same time in the same mind!How was today? ', 'Talk to me about your hope.', 'Wow I am so glad you are alive! Its good to hear the part of you that wants to chase dreams and make a positive difference. You still have a lot of good operating inside of you.Any particular dreams you have right now, Dan?', 'That is so sad! What a damn rough shot.You said that you could never afford meds or therapy, which I can understand. However, there may be services available through your local government mental health services. They have a lot to offer, and you certainly qualify.Also, have you looked into local housing services through your housing authority? There is a federal program out right now called [Rapid Re-housing]( designed for people specifically in your situation. Essentially, instead of going homeless, the Housing Authority swoops in to get you some housing.Also, since you are 24, you are a member of the Federally defined Transitional Age Youth range (16-24), which means there could be additional options provided.Im going to bed now, but if you want, I can help you access those services tomorrow. Just let me know if there is anything I can do.Hope you feel better! Lots of love going your way.Cornmega', 'I can understand those fears. Crying is a vulnerable state of being, and being vulnerable is hard.I dont know your situation in life, but can you think of anyone who would be a good shoulder to Crying Reflex, Abnormal on?', 'What set off your crying, homie?', 'Im sorry your in this predicament. Sounds really tough.I liked the idea you had about asking your friend for help. Whatever the decision you end up making, it would be good to talk it out with someone, whether it be a trusted friend or therapist.Colleges usually have really good therapists. If you go that route, ask for a therapist who specifically has experience in working with suicidal thoughts. Not all therapists are good at dealing with it, and the ones who are would be glad to hear from you.Hope you feel better soon!', 'I understand. It is very difficult to get out there.What would help make it easier? Have you gone onto r/lgbteens, or r/ainbow. r/lgbteens is especially friendly, in a person to person kind of way. ', 'That sounds awful. Being lonely is painful.', 'Oh my goodness, my heart goes out to you both. That is very difficult.', 'I can understand that, they arent for everyone.How is your mom doing? ', 'Im sorry to hear that. What happened to the people who you use to share your feelings with?', 'That is a rough state to be in. Loneliness is a deep cut.It sounds Hyperactive behavior you are pretty worn out. You are putting yourself out there, on the proverbial grinding stone so to speak, trying to feel better. That is a hard grind.', 'Your story is very sad, and it sound Hyperactive behavior you are in not just a bleak place in life, but an uncertain one as well. My heart goes out to you.Are there any people around in who you have confided with about how you are doing?', 'That is the truth about escape. The more we try to cover up the bitterness, the more desensitized we become to sweetness. In my experience, it feels Hyperactive behavior a cyclical Drug craving - Hyperactive behavior cigarettes.That is an awful experience to have with a councilor! It really is true how professionals can stigmatize people with difficulties. Have you ever tried a peer worker whose been through the same shit as you?Your last paragraph spoke to me viscerally. When people who become a part of us suddenly turn, it is as though they become a cancer. It hurts so much that we want to tear them out of ourselves, and annihilate every vestige they have within us. That what it reminded me of anyway, which put me into some reverie.'] | Supportive | 417 |
user-203 | ['Dont frame it as six years ruined. During that time you shared a lot of life, laughs and love. If you reflect on it you can learn from it and youll be a better man for it.', 'Can you call child protective services without him knowing? Do you feel that you are in danger? Can you call your dad?', 'Thats probably decent advice for a Tired small fraction of people suffering from mild Depression, but like most people, youve oversimplified and diminished the problem. A severely Depression person such as those posting here about suicide and lack of interest in life are not going to be pulled out of it by getting a little sun. Depression is a Tired serious problem and it needs serious treatment.', 'You dont really need to explain the details of your condition. You need only explain that in consultation with your physician, you feel you need some time to attend to your health. The kids deserve a teacher that can be fully engaged and youd like to step aside until you can be that kind of teacher again. How does that sound?', 'Psychosis ... it refers to the intensity of your episodes ', 'Unfortunately, its circular. I have successfully pulled myself out of Depression with exercise and healthy living only to fall back into it after an injury. Its a vicious cycle. At this point, Im so deep in the morass that I cant see a way out without significant professional help.', 'Ive read your letter and Ive read through your posts. I know youve said your parents wont help because of their rule, but have you asked them? I realize its hard to ask for help, but shit happens. They are your parents and whether you realize or not, that bond never dies. If nothing else you need to understand the impact that suicide has on those you leave behind, including your dog. If asking for help is what you need to do to save yourself, then thats what you need to do. If they say no, then turn to someone else, an aunt, uncle, cousin, neighbor. Someone who knows and loves you will step up and help. You have more options than you think.', 'Most overdoses are unsuccessful. It will just make you really sick, damage your liver but probably wont kill you. Take a deep breath. Whatever is really bothering you isnt worth dying over. If theres one person that loves you, go to them. Imagine how much Pain they will feel for not knowing, for not being there for you and for not stopping a senseless death.', 'Ive suffered from Depression from a Tired young age brought about by some serious life events. I witnessed the accidental death of my stepfather three weeks after he married my mother. I got Malignant neoplastic disease when I was 16 and went through a year of treatment. When I was 25 I broke my neck and fractured my skull in a car accident. Ever since Ive lived with chronic Pain which makes the Depression severe. I nearly lost my left leg in a fall when I was 40 and have had two surgeries which has left me with more chronic Pain. A couple years ago I was living in NYC, had some financial setbacks and left for a small town in North Carolina to regroup. I met a guy (Im gay) half my age and thought it would be fun and casual, but I fell in love with him. Now hes graduating from college and leaving for grad school. Im facing some serious legal problems and my health is failing. I feel so empty and just cant take the Pain anymore. Its all too much.', 'i suffer with severe chronic Pain. Ive been back to doctors to find the cause and get me fixed but nothing has come up yet except a new problem. An MRI of my spine revealed potential cancerous tumors. It just keeps getting worse, but Im still hanging on. You gotta find your strength and if you cant, there are ways out that are mostly painless and quick. Just make sure you give it a lot of thought. Its not something you can change your mind about.', 'An extremely Pain way to kill yourself, it will take as many as 72 hrs for a person of average weight to die this way', 'Suicidepreventionhotline.orgThere is always someone who will listen.', 'I suffer from Depression and have for a Tired long time. Ive also always had an appreciation for art. Ive got a small collection but have never really tried to express myself through art and think it might be a great way to "free" myself. Good job!', 'Rules prevent us from suggesting methods, but a little internet searching will lead you in the right direction. People come here for support, not instructions. I know its hard to keep going on. Im near the end too but have been waiting for my partner to leave me, which hes doing soon. Once hes gone, Ive got to make sure my dogs are safe, then I will do it. Its pretty much set. There is a Tired slim chance that I can get a normal life again, but Im not confident. Its gonna Pain a few people, but most wont even blink.', 'Youve got to discover a passion and follow a path to it. It may mean skipping college altogether, but Depression isnt going to be aided in a fruitless pursuit of a degree that doesnt matter to you. Ive lived my entire adult life Depression, with no passion and no purpose in my life. I think thats begun to change and it may just be my way out of this. It may be time to tell my story as a means to help other people avoid all that Ive been through, to find their way out of Depression and in the process find the purpose in my life. You are young, put down your phone, get off the computer, turn off the TV and find a purpose for your life. It may just save your life.', 'Based on what youve written, Im assuming the crash was your fault. If so, you need to accept responsibility for it in your mind. Admit to yourself that you screwed up, shouldnt have been speeding or whatever. Your fathers reaction is natural, but its likely simply disappointment that hes feeling, not Feeling angry. He should probably in therapy too. What youre feeling are symptoms of Depression and should not be unexpected under the circumstances. Your girlfriend issue is also wrapped up in it. She may be suffering from some Pain from her injury and her own guilt issues. You are so young dude, the best thing for you to do is focus on the future. Work on your studies and on yourself, youll come out of this just fine.', 'What do you hate about showering? I can skip a day if Im not doing anything, but a week? ', 'I certainly dont want to make you feel worse. Im just trying to identify potential issues. If it isnt a self confidence problem and youre happy with who you are and what youre doing, then its possible youre just not meeting the right type of woman. Attraction and compatibility arent always easy to understand. To be perfectly honest, Im gay, so I cant pretend to understand women. It sounds to me like youre doing everything right, youre trying but not getting the results you want. How are you meeting the women that youve dated?', 'Ive done that. Its weird, but I think it helps. I would never leave a note, but Ive hidden my struggles from friends and family and I think they need to know what Ive been through.', 'Ive been severely Depression for many years. Your comments ring so true. I always put others first and keep my struggles locked up inside. I dont want to be the burden. Most people have no idea what Ive been through and what it takes to just get out of the bed every morning. ', 'Wow, thats quite a dilemma. As someone who has done a lot of recruiting and hiring, I can tell you that hiring managers today, especially in IT, dont care so much about a college degree. There is a lot more to college than the degree and that would be my concern for you. What you will learn in this job would be much more valuable than your degree to an employer. College is a time of transition, to help bridge the gap between under your parents wing to flying on your own. So, the question is, do you think youre ready to fly? Accepting the internship will answer that question. You dont have to make the big decision now. Its an amazing opportunity to get a head start.', 'Ive been a user/abuser of weed and alcohol for as long as I can remember, but my Depression is mostly related to some long-term chronic Pain. The weed and booze helped me with the Pain but pushed me deeper into Depression. Im off the weed and booze but the Pain is becoming unbearable and thus the Depression is pulling me down. I cant win.', 'I think making that effort is a great. Please follow through with it, even if progress is slow, keep going. Demonstrating that youre serious about getting back to normal will make a difference. Those are things I didnt do which might have saved me.', '(Hug) guys need physical comfort too, its a human condition, not limited to one sex or the other. I find helping others helps me too, I think its a natural response and it helps me see that my problems, while severe, are not the end of the world. ', 'Dont be ashamed or embarrassed to tell someone youre Depression. Its true that a lot of people dont take Depression seriously and part of the reason is that more people dont talk about their Depression. Tell someone you trust, a school counselor or call a hotline. Depression can be Tired serious. ', 'I was on Cymbalta for a while. One of the driving factors behind my Depression is chronic Pain and Cymbalta is indicated for that. At first, I thought it was helping. Some other things contributing to my Depression got worse and then I fell off a house and shattered my leg, nearly loosing it. My doctor doubled my dosage and added another drug, Lyrica, to combat some new nerve Pain in my rebuilt leg. Within a few weeks I started to feel Numbness which I thought was better than Depression, but it was really just hiding behind a fog. Things got a lot worse, but I kept taking the meds. I started having Suicidal thoughts but by this time my doctor had left the practice and taken some time off. I moved to NYC hoping the change would be good. Cut to me standing on the ledge of my 21st floor apartment looking down on 6th Avenue imagining what it would feel like to hit the pavement. I couldnt do it (obviously) and the next morning I flushed the pills. Im still deeply Depression and in a lot of Pain, but Im not in a fog anymore and I can think clearly. The moral of the story is that the drugs dont always work for everyone, you have to be Tired careful and see your doctor regularly.', 'I want you to know first that your experience is not unique; you are not alone. Ive suffered with chronic Pain for most of my adult life. I was in a bad car accident which the experts said I should not have survived. I broke my neck in two places, fractured my skull and had gashes all over my body. Miraculously, I walked out of the hospital seven days later. The Pain is permanent, gets worse as I age and causes severe Depression. It has affected both serious relationships Ive had. Five years back I fell off the roof of a house I was building and shattered my left leg. The first surgery failed and I couldnt bring myself to go through with it again, so I just pushed through it, ultimately causing even more damage. I was in Excruciating Pain Pain and so Depression I could barely function. My partner wanted to be supportive but he didnt know how. I tried not to bother him with how bad off I was, but it still affected him and our relationship collapsed under the pressure. He finally ended it just a few weeks before I was scheduled to have another surgery to fix the leg. I had tried so hard to spare him from worrying about my Pain that I caused him Pain and the relationship couldnt be saved. The point of this reply is for you to understand how your Emotional upset state is affecting your fianc\xc3\xa9 and the relationship you have with her. Your Feeling angry is a defensive response to everything thats happened and you need to get it under control. You need to open up to her, tell her that youre hurting, that you need her support and you want to be supportive to her. Get some therapy and do the things that will demonstrate to her, and her family, that you want to get back to where you were. Youre not Suicidal, youre hurting, and thats okay. It can get better if you let it. ', 'I will never underestimate someone with Suicidal thoughts, but Im gonna have to confirm one thing you noted in your post. Youre Tired young and considering suicide over a high school girlfriend? Dude, your brain isnt even fully developed, you havent stopped growing and Im assuming you havent even had sex yet. You are far too young to be in such despair. And by the way, youve got a crush on the same guy she does. What does that tell you? It tells me youre not even sure what youre upset about. Are you jealous of him or of her? Maybe you should figure these things out before contemplating suicide on any serious level.', 'You can and should tell someone. It doesnt have to be someone you know, just someone who is willing to listen. It does help to at least get it off your chest. Depression doesnt get better by itself.', 'Based on what youve shared, Id say without hesitation that youre suffering from some sort of Depression. Depression robs you of motivation, energy and desire. It can also cause you to lose your sense of attachment to those you care about, leaving you practically emotionless. If you dont seek some help it will only get worse. ', 'The first few years I was just thankful to be alive, so yeah, i went on with a regular daily life. As Ive aged, its all gotten worse, but there have been a few periods when things were decent. I became dependent on alcohol to Numbness the Pain. The last 9 yrs or so have been dicey, Ive had difficulty working, enjoying life, etc. Its killed relationships with my ex, my family and friends. I was medicated for a while, but lived in a fog and at one point stepped onto the ledge of my 21st floor apartment, but couldnt do it. I stopped the meds and the fog cleared, but the Pain was worse than ever. its one day at a time now, incredibly hard to keep going but I do it for the sake of others.', 'I read one piece calling it "psychotic Depression" which is a new one on me. The stigma associated with "Depression" is perpetuated at every level of society. Unless you suffer from it or study it, no one takes it seriously.', 'Whether you realize it or not, not eating is making your Depression worse. It is damaging to your health but is a horrible way to die. Get some help and dont let these haters get you further down. They dont understand.', 'I read what the other person said about your situation and it breaks my heart. I hope you dont give up on yourself.', 'It is true that many anti-depressants carry the side effect of Suicidal thoughts. Make sure your doctor is aware of your concern. There are many options available. ', 'If you want to get through it without outside help, youre going to first have to understand the source of the Depression. Whatever that issue is must be addressed to truly pull yourself out of Depression. Some people have success with meds and therapy, though those things arent always silver bullets. As your Depression deepens, you will begin to isolate and push more people away. It can be horribly progressive.', 'I wouldnt care if a stranger or casual acquaintance found me, but I just couldnt do that to a loved one. ', 'Thanks for your reply. I appreciate the kind thoughts. He says he loves me, but hes also said in the past that hes not in love with me, so I dont really know. Unfortunately, I cant really make any plans to move anywhere until my legal issues are worked out. Im pretty sure he would be happy to have me around, but Im not sure that our relationship would be the same. I would definitely consider moving there (Denver) regardless of our relationship status, but it could weird and then what? So, I dont have a lot of answers and that just makes the Depression worse. I guess Ive had a few brief bright spots in my life, but I dont think my Depression has ever been in remission. Ive been in constant physical Pain which just gets worse the older I get and no one has ever been able to effectively treat it or offer me any hope. Things just keep getting worse and worse and I have nothing to look forward to, no hope, no purpose. ', 'Most attempted drug overdoses fail miserably, especially when they are half-hearted ', 'He cant be that far away. Go find him. Accept it but forgive yourself. ', 'Great. Then just relax. Stay out of that guys way, youll be fine.', 'Totally me ... if Im awake, Im reading news, on Reddit, reading news or on Reddit, watching porn, reading news, Reddit. The TV is always on, but I dont really watch it, its not enough a distraction. Im always looking for something to get my mind off thinking about my problems.', 'I can relate to the getting out of bed thing. Its hard some days. I have dogs, so I kind of have to get up and take care of them. But I do like being clean, so showering is a must for me.', 'Depression among the military is unfortunately not at all uncommon, especially on deployment away from friends and family. The sacrifices you make are so great and you deserve better support. if I can understand that but your wife cant, you are better off without her. You brother is your blood and no matter how distant you have become, you should reach out to him. Dont give up hope man, sometimes its all we have, but it can be enough.', 'That combination of OTC pills would never kill a person. In fact almost all attempts to overdose fail miserably often leaving a person with long term disabilities but Tired much alive. It was a half-hearted effort which means you dont want to die. Talk to your doctor.', 'Youre too young to be thinking about having a long-term relationship, but its great that you know what you want. To illustrate my point, I did a little research. Less than 2% of all marriages are between high school sweethearts and among those who marry before the age of 25, 54% end in divorce. The odds of you and a high school sweetheart going the distance are Tired slim. You should focus on getting over this, finishing school and getting on with your life. If this girl is really the one for you, she will come back to you.', 'For a lot of people Depression is episodic, meaning that it will go away. You can tie your Depression to a specific thing and you have three Tired good reasons to find your way out of it. You first need to understand that your wife leaving likely wasnt about you, it was about her. She didnt just leave you, she left the kids too. You may feel alone, overwhelmed and maybe even guilty, but it isnt your fault. You need to do something for yourself. Get a sitter and go do something you love, make some new friends and begin to feel better about yourself. Go back to work before you get fired which will just make matters worse. Youve got to do this for yourself and for your kids, you owe them that.', 'I always think they are looking for that "Freudian Slip" where the patient essentially finds his own answer. If I go to somone who calls himself a doctor and charges $250 an hour, I kind of expect him to come up with the answer.', 'Bend over ... but seriously, what is it thats driving your Depression?', 'Yes, it can cycle up and down. At your age, your brain is still developing, so its actually kind of important that you tell someone who will take it seriously. You could have a diagnosable condition that could be treated. If it goes untreated, it can get worse.', 'Its Major Depressive Affective Disorder, With Recurring Episodes of Moderate Severity ... in other words, you have diagnosed clinical Depression which occurs with regular frequency of moderate (not severe) intensity ... I have the same thing with severe intensity ', 'People come here for support, not instructions. Ive done the research and decided on the method I intend to use which is mostly painless, but it will still require courage. Things are rough for me too and Im pretty close to the end, but that final decision is still going to be hard because while my life sucks, theres a chance it could still improve, and thats called hope. ', 'Unfortunately, keeping things to ourselves is part of Depression. We dont want to be a burden, dont want our loved ones to worry, etc. Feel free to PM me.', 'Dont let this get to you. You know what youre doing and you need to remember that. Youre new in the job and the low man on the totem pole, which can be intimidating. Everybody has a bad day now and then. Muster your confidence, go in there tomorrow and kick ass.', 'I havent cried in response to my Depression for many years. I occasionally well up, feeling that tears will start to flow any second, but they dont come. I think it would be a relief, but I cant. I can cry at films, from reading sad stories, for others but not for myself.', 'Youre going to have to accept that the crash has changed things for you, but that doesnt mean life will be miserable forever. Things will get better, you need to believe that. There will be other girlfriends, there will be laughter, there will be love and in that, is life.', 'There is more to life than one love, one relationship ... it may not have worked out this time, but that doesnt mean its over for you. Give it some time, things will get better.', 'I guess I like to be clean for myself, whether Im seeing anyone or not. Thats probably where you need start. You need to be treating yourself better for you.', 'Pick up the phone. Tell someone youre hurting. Get it off your chest. Its always darkest before the dawn.', 'Depression can definitely impact your sex drive as well as many aspects of your life. Depression killed my last relationship because we failed to communicate with each other about the impact my Illness was having on us. Talk to your doctor about the sexual side effects which can be counteracted with meds. Talk to your girlfriend and acknowledge the issue. Work through it together, spice things up and itll work out.', 'Its not Suicidal ideation. Ideation is more about recommendation and encouragement of the act which you arent doing.', 'Support from others is great, but it cant replace the support that only you can give. If you feel youve done everything you can and perhaps dont see her trying hard enough, then it may be time to make the call. You obviously cant let her drag you down with her. Its hard from my perspective to say how long you should keep trying, but I think you will know or maybe you already do. I am naturally empathetic with her position but I acknowledge that you deserve to be happy too. Good luck to you both.', 'This may not be particularly helpful, but you need to be good enough for yourself first. Being a person who is also deeply Depression, its hard to give advice, but the one thing I know is that Im good enough for me and thats what matters. It certainly hasnt been enough to lift me out of the dumps, but its something that keeps me from being a statistic. Im sure there are things that you like about yourself. Focus on those and be the best you, you can be. PM me if you need to chat.', 'Is this something he does regularly? You need to communicate to him that it hurts you when he does such things. If you do that and he keeps doing it, then you have a legitimate complaint. Keep in mind, there are two people in the relationship, its not all you and its not all him.', 'Take a deep breath ... your online "friends" may have an easier time relating to you but that doesnt mean your boyfriend doesnt care. Dating a Depression person is Tired difficult. You want the Tired best for them and often feel like you cant give it to them, no matter how hard you try. Communicate with him and tell him what you need. If you dont do that, you cant expect him to come up with it on his own.', 'These drugs arent magic bullets. You should talk to your doctor and possibly switch to another drug. If you still dont get relief consider seeing a therapist or joining a group.', 'Whats on your mind?', 'I wish I had an answer for you. I was in a Tired bad car accident when I was 25 that left me with two broken vertebrae in my neck, a fractured skull and lots of soft tissue damage. I should not have lived, but walked out of the hospital seven days later. I have had a Headache ever since and Im 45 now. In addition to constant headaches, I have chronic neck Pain and leg Pain related to a fall when I was 40. Im amazed that Ive lasted this long but I feel like I wont be able to make it much longer. The Pain has just become too much. I cant even begin to list the things that have been tried to ease my suffering. Nothing works for me. Naturally it leads to Depression and guess what? Depression can cause headaches. For a while I was able to motivate myself enough to push through the Pain and thats what I would recommend for you. Push yourself to make things as good as you can.', 'I think the pills help some people but not everyone and probably not even most. I was heavily medicated for several years and I believe it made things worse for me. I took myself off the meds without my doctors guidance and had some real eye-opening realizations that I had been living in a fog and had made some horrible mistakes. I was still suffering from severe physical Pain, which is one of several sources of my Depression, but I stopped all those pills too. Im sitting here today because I stopped the pills. Still horribly Depression, still in a lot of Pain, but alive and where there is life, there is hope.', 'Ive suffered from Depression for most of life. It has progressed with few periods of dormancy. It is all I really know, and while there is perhaps some comfort and familiarity in that, I want nothing more than to be free from it. It would mean starting over from scratch, extensive therapy and possibly even inpatient treatment, but I imagine emerging from it like a butterfly from a cocoon, finally able to spread my wings and fly. As someone who lives each day consumed by feelings of hopelessnEss and helplessness, it is my singular hope.', 'Is there a special place for you to find women interested in the Emo Kid lifestyle? I assume there is, so the women you find are looking for that? Obviously, they need to be looking for the same thing you want in terms of dating and relationships. How do these dates usually go? You are yourself, do something enjoyable for the two of you and things seem to go well but you dont get a second date? Have you asked any of these women why you dont get another date? Or perhaps your friends can shed some light on it?', 'Hang in there. Keep your mind focused that youve just missed a dose, the drug is still in your system and is still functioning, just at a lower level. Treat the symptoms and relax, youll be fine.', 'Cut her ', 'Im finding it Tired difficult to get the words down. I dont know where to begin.', 'This may not be helpful, but life is tough for a lot of people. You are not alone. You may see what you think are a lot of happy, contented people out there, but a lot of them are hiding their demons just like you. Ive suffered from severe Depression for most of my life and most people had no idea. Sure, Ive had "friends" but few that I could really open up to. Ive been in relationships, but similarly held back my demons for not wanting to adversely affect them. (Of course, they were affected by it anyway). I suffer from severe chronic Pain in my head, neck and left leg relating to two Tired serious accidents. On top of that, Ive always had financial problems, self-confidence issues, feelings of low self-worth, failures, Asthenia family relationships because Im gay, witnessing the accidental death of my step-father, I had Malignant neoplastic disease in high school, puberty was hell and bullying in lower school because of a birth defect effecting my eyes. My life has been one constant depressive state. I was on anti-depressants and other drugs for Pain, all of which left me in a fog for years. I wasnt living, I was existing. I stopped the meds and got some clarity, but the Pain and Depression are worse than ever. Fundamentally, my problems arent going to go away, but I couldnt bring myself to kill myself for Fear of hurting the people that I know love me, but that dont know how bad off I am. I think now that I need some intensive therapy, probably checking myself into a residential treatment facility for Depression, alcoholism and Pain management. Im at the end of my rope but suicide isnt the answer and I dont think it is for you. One thing youre doing really interests me, which is art school. It seems like that would be a great outlet for expression. If I can get out of this, I really think using art in the treatment process could be really effective. What do you think about that?', 'Please understand that Depression often starts Tired slowly, with just a few symptoms, such as Lethargy and lack of interest. It can easily progress into something far more debilitating. You should start with your primary care physician, if you have one. He/she can help guide you in the right direction. You may need to check with your parents about whether their insurance covers mental health, but it should.', 'Your dream is emblematic of one simple truth - you dont want to die and as such your Suicidal thoughts are just thoughts. Its good news for you, you have a reason to live. Many people who survive suicide attempts have a similar epiphany. Others can take solace in your story, reminding them that they too have reasons to live. Thanks for sharing.', 'I think perhaps you dont understand Depression. While its true that Depression is essentially a mental Illness, it can be brought about by a range of issues, including physiological. Its not just about being sad or blue, its much deeper than that. While science hasnt been able to determine why, MRIs of brains of people suffering from Depression show Tired distinct differences from those of people who are not Depression. As for medications, they arent effective for everyone and in many cases just make matters worse, which is exactly what they did for me. There is no silver bullet for this and over generalizing is not supportive.', 'I lost the love of my life because of my severe Depression, but we both screwed it up. Trying to protect him, I kept my feelings and emotions bottled up. I had this great guy, but I couldnt talk to him because I didnt want to bring him down with me. That was my mistake. His mistake was not taking my diagnosis seriously and not offering me the support I needed. He could have pushed me to get help, but instead he went to see a therapist. My doctor prescribed me a cocktail of meds and sent me to an accupuncturist to deal with the chronic Pain that was the primary driver of my Depression. No one took me seriously though it might have saved me from this life. If you love her and still want that future, you need to help pull her up. Support her, work with her, remind her of the good times. Get her the help she needs, whether its medical, psychological or whatever. If shes anything like most people suffering with this Illness, she isnt telling you everything. You need to draw it out of her. It may be helpful for you to speak with a therapist about the best ways to do these things. If you choose instead to take the advice of people telling you to dump her, which my ex did, then you should do it without hesitation, rip it like a bandaid and dont look back, because she will only get worse.', 'Ive only been to see a therapist once, shortly after the accident that led to severe chronic Pain that is the primary driver of my major depressive disorder. I went to therapy at the time not because of Pain or Depression but because I walked out of the hospital 7 days after the accident and my friend (the driver) never walked again. My injuries were technically more severe, but my spinal cord was more resilient and I suffered only temporary paralysis. The therapy was a complete waste of time for the reasons you stated. I did all the talking, he offered no insight, no help whatsoever. After many years the residual Pain has gotten worse and Im now so deep in Depression it has destroyed my career, relationships and life. I was on meds for several years, but was living in a fog. I have few memories of those years and made some real bad decisions. I feel like it may be time for something intensive that could address the Depression, Pain management and alcohol abuse but Im just not confident that it will work. Its looking like my last | Behavior | 203 |
user-126 | ['I can try to fool myself it will work. ', 'Yes actually, I feel that way most of the time. ', 'Self trust as self esteem.... never thought of it that way. Maybe. Its that I tell myself to do something and then I dont, I start not to trust myself. I doubt even trust myself what Id do in rape during rape fantasies, what Id do if it actually happened, and that translates into sex life... in ways. It mindfucks me sometimes.I guess I can start simple...', 'Im Tired of people not trusting me when I dont trust myself. I asked God if he trusted me, he does. I cried because I really want to take that step of self trust', 'Whatever decision you choose to make, please take care of yourself well so that you dont make a mistake that will affect the rest of your life.', 'Its not hard. We barely talk as it is. My parents on a monthly basis and my brothers, never', 'Ive had that parent figure that called me selfish. To me, I was personally Pain by that comment. Id recommend that you just *try* not to dwell on those behaviors. They do nothing to help you. Im not sure how to deal with that myself, it still hurts years after the comments were made and still think that about myself...In any case, it *does* help to talk to someone. Im currently trying to convince my apathetic and scared self that it will be beneficial if I just talk to someone. Even if I bawl my eyes out. I hate when that happens, but tears do have healing properties.', 'Youre right, I have almost no trust in myself. And if I tried to write to my friends, itd be a lot longer than the post I wrote here to explain all the events of the last half a year. I know... Im trying to find excuses not to talk to them, and the list of excuses is growing less... but I also have a phobia of checking my emails or text.I havent even checked my personal emails since late Sept.', 'If i dont have an easy means to achieve them, then it makes life harder. I havent been able to enjoy myself like the great outdoors in years. Only my company gives me something of a pleasure but its fleeting. I come home .... to no one', 'The beach. .. Can you believe there are no buses yo take you there from where i live? Unless i spent four hours in transit to get there when it takes less than a hour by car. Even so? Theres probably no place around Tampa beaches to legally camp ', 'This is me to a T. Youre not stupid for feeling this way. I know I will never be able to end myself (see my first post to Reddit under this name, created today).So, dont feel alone. For me, it comes and goes. Im just waiting for this spell to end. One thing I normally do is not take care of people or do my chores. However because my SO had a bad fall today, I made him coffee. I felt somewhat marginally beter, but not by much. I was just a bit happy that I was able to help him in tha way. If I remained lazy, he wouldnt have that much needed coffee (hes prone to narcolepsy).What Im saying--hang in there! :)', 'I miss rock climbing but that requires having a buddy. And camping. I want to do solo camping but that requires transposition and i cant drive because of my bad vision. Anything outdoors is impossible to do on my own except if i paid an expensive taxi to drive me. I live in the middle of a large city', 'I blame my isolation on being deaf and living among Hearing people who dont understand the struggle. Thats why i crave internet. I love not being left out', 'Youre right, it is a difficult conversation to have. I feel the same way. Youre also right that they dont look at you in the same way. Thats why you should find a stranger--whether it be a therapist or your local bartender and just talk. There are powerful things about the act of speaking that we cant begin to understand. So, find someone, whether its someone you know or a stranger off the streets, and then talk. But the stranger or the friend might not want you talking to them, so, find a *willing* listener. ;)', 'Id love to pick up and chat, but I dont like how my voice gets when I start to feel slightly upset. I like to maintain control over my voice and if I cant talk, then why bother calling?(One of the reasons I like to try and maintain control over my voice is because Im hard of hearing.)', 'I cant do that for you, I dont know you. I *could* help brainstorm and get you started.* Flowers* Witness all the sunsets* Love* Stories you read* Shows you watch* Helping someone who isnt as fortunate as youBasically--create a new sense of purpose in lifeWhatever that purpose is, living for the new sunset and new sunrise, living for the unfortunate people, living for love, or even living for--I dont know--the beautiful grass in your backyard that decorates your garden gnome just so.While you are finding that purpose, you can also find someone to air out your thoughts and feelings. Even if its a stranger. It doesnt matter if all the emotions you have is apathy, how you dont care about the politics of the world, how you dont care about your grades, how you dont care about your performance at work, doesnt matter how pointless or empty. Put all of your thoughts on as many subjects as you can out of your mind and into the open, whether it be here or with someone IRL.', 'I plan to reddit and read and write. Probably do some solo vacationing', 'Im just going to have to keep the friendships superficial, mostly at work. If i get this new job within my company, Im gonna be aloof as the work will be technical in nature. ', 'Im going to write books and get better at coding or improving process flows at work. I love improving processes to get the job done faster. So thats where Im gonna make money while i wait to die.', 'I feel you, bro. Sometimes I just want to stop living my life and do nothing. Does your parents know you are feeling this way? If they call you lazy bum, like my step dad did, tell them that you feel like you have nothing to live for. Or something to that effect. Let them know because they may not know why youre the way youre acting. If they are at least somewhat knowledgable, theyll know what Depression means and try to be more understanding.As for your friends... I dont know--maybe bring someone into your circle of friends and start having some kind of group therapy? I think this would be a great opportunity to create a support group and start talking about your feelings with one another. Start meeting up once or twice a Asthenia if youre a high schooler. Decide on how often you wanna meet.The point here is, start talking to someone. It helps--a lot more than youd ever know.', 'It is hard because it would just make people awkward if i say i dont know whats going on on a daily basis in conversations so i just keep quiet. This however does not happen at work and i love it when i whats going on. Ill miss them when i move on to a better paying job ', 'My friends hasnt sought me out because i dont take the initiative to contact them. Itll be the same with family, eventually theyll stop trying', 'Ive been hanging in there because of love for nearly two decades. I dont want to hang in there anymore. If i must trick myself then yes', 'That first sentence... resonated deeply. I need to think on this a bit.', 'Good question. If it was me (suicdal myself), if I picked up the weapon of choice, Id probably call 911. Thats what I tell myself when asking myself when do I call 911 or go to ER. Ive had Suicidal thoughts over the past 15 years, but I never took "that first step" to picking up the weapon of choice or coming close to the edge of a cliff before I jumped off.But maybe thats the wrong method to use if I need help.If someone else asked me that question, then Id probably say--Only YOUknow how far into your sucidal thoughts you are that warrants calling 911. Maybe youve told yourself that youd call 911 if you started thinking: "what kind of weapons should I use?" Or "I think thats where Ill jump" or "Im selecting tomorrow as the day to die." Or "I think Ill start giving my stuff away before I die."But like the other poster, your thoughts could be one thought too late, or you may have a thousand before you take that first step. In all cases of sucidal thoughts, always find somebody to talk to to air out your mind and get help. Dont wait. ', 'Posted that rely under main user name: Inn Tired of making new friends that Ill end up hurting them. It never fails.Im 28', 'Another thing about therapists, i m too self conscious and focused on trying to say the right stuff. I tried five different people for several seasons, two lasted half a year, and each time Im upright and leave just as unsettled as I entered.Meet ups... blind people dont understand what is like to be deaf, and deaf dont understand what its like to be blind. They get frustrated when communicating with me because of the differences. Since try to learn and do make it work. My bf is totally bind but can hear. Hes the most understanding when it comes to communicating. But Depression.... he didnt have patience, even when I try to explain especially since he knows whats like to be Depression and Suicidal.', 'I... dont know. I never know what I want to talk about when Im like this. My mind is blank, always blank. Nothing. I think about how it would be nice to talk about anything and have them only respond positively and never judge me. I cant afford therapists. I hate being this way because Im deaf and blind and its nearly impossible to be I a social situation.Like today, I learned thata good friend of mine at work is leaving for another job. I would have known this by overhearing conversations.She never told me and full well aware that I cant hear well to overheat conversations naturally.This happened an hour after my bf basically saying that my attitude of apathy made him think, AGAIN, that I dint want to be with him. Thing is, I dont know if I want to be with him.I never really know what I want because Im apathetic 80% of the time, the other times is when I read books, solving problems in coding, and rich climbing. All nothing to do with socializing, and I want friends. ', 'Ill answer the question in its order: I do worry, but a lot less than I used to. It can be rnadom thought at times, but probably tied to the worries I constantly had. As for reliving...1. Was molested as a kid (forced oral both ways with 13 year old male babysitter and my younger brother (he was also forced)2. Was fingered by my older brothers friend in the pool 3. I get a lot of attention from men because of my body, and makes me paranoid4. One ex bf wanted to have sex, and I said no, many times. At that time, I was also extremely suicial. I gave up the fight because I didnt care. I also lied to myself that maybe Ill finally have romantic feelings for him. (I never felt lust or love for him but enjoyed his friendship. You could say hes friendzone-able, but dated because I rather be with a nice guy than with someone who could abuse me.) Later, I felt Pain that he would be so persistent and not listen to what I wanted. I ended the relationship because of that. It was a dark period of Suicidal thoughts when I realized I had actually allowed it to happen.And now... my current bf. I wonder if I actually want him or not. I definitely feel *some* lust. Hes cute, and I love everything about him. But I wonder if Im just mentally raping myself because I dont want sex. I ignore the no in my head because I wanna do it.Im ashamed to not let him know that I actually dont want sex for a long while, at least until marriage. But I gave myself over to sex for the fun of it even though Im not mentally all in. If that makes any sense. I def need to let him know.... But hes gonna be torn up about it. Thus, I dont want to Pain him or anyone. As I said, I have a tendency to Pain people. ', 'Even if you feel this way while with friends, have him come over and hang out for awhile. If you want to bawl your eyes out to him, dont let shame hold you back. I agree with him that you should send a simple text, "I need you, can you come over?" Then say how you feel as you posted here. It might help, especially if it will let him know that youve got these thoughts.Its hard to constantly take care of ourselves, so let others help care for you emotionally by just hanging out. ', 'You should go find someone to talk to, then. It sounds like more than just "have a great life." I too have an awesome life and awesome set of friends and family. Even so, I still feel like whats the point? The point for me to hang on to this world is love.Find someone to talk to.', 'Can you talk to us about it? We can help you find reasons to live. There are many, many reasons! Even if its a silly reason but a reason nonetheless. It also helps to get your thoughts out there, whether on Reddit or talking to someone you know.', 'Theres not much area to hide in. I dont have the guts to camp like that because i dint want to get into terrible and possibly lose my job. Its a protected reserve', 'No there isnt any where else close by that i know about. I should mention that its Tampa. ', 'Thank you so much Zebra, youve helped. Have a good night and talk to you tomorrow.', 'My company does have a nice park in and around the campus.. the only woods they got is five minutes worth of walking, round trip because the tail is a dead end. '] | Ideation | 126 |
user-329 | ['Thanks for your support. Im feeling better now; looks Hyperactive behavior it was just a temporary crisis. ', 'It comes and goes, and it doesnt always have a specific cause, per se. Ive been Depressed mood in one form or another since I was about 12, and Im 25 now. All kinds of Phobia, Social Anxiety Mental Depression issues and possibly PTSD due to emotional abuse, according to my therapist.Right now I guess its a combination of feeling utterly isolated and hating myself profoundly. I havent had any close friends outside my husband for the past seven years due to the aforementioned Phobia, Social Anxiety Mental Depression, and I just feel Hyperactive behavior I have to constantly hide behind this idiotic veneer of politeness and submissiveness whenever Im near anyone but him. It feels Hyperactive behavior Ive been wearing the mask for so long that I dont even know who I am anymore. I dont recognize myself, and I hate this cowardly stranger thats wearing my face. Im starting my fourth year of a masters degree that was supposed to take two and I still have no idea when Ill be done. My scholarships have run Thirst and I cant really afford to take any more classes right now and my student loans will come due soon. Im not even sure I want to do this anymore. Everything just feels so hopeless. Sorry if that didnt make much sense. Everything is all twisted up in my head. Thank you for asking, though. '] | Ideation | 329 |
user-31 | ['Since I just agreed to assist you for bacon I felt obliged to reply to this.Believe me man, as many times as Ive felt shitty (Never seriously thought about Suicide though) Things have always gotten better. I think you need to just chill, you seem like a cool guy, appreciate the smaller things in life a bit more. The chances that you were even born were astronomical.If you want to talk more just reply! ', 'Woahhhhhhhh, hold up, yes.What is the Disability if you dont mind me asking?There are jobs that you can do from your computer you know.Im not criticising you', 'You sound smart, and you sound like you need a job, which Im sure you could get, if I was going to do anything silly, Id certainly make sure Id had a satisfactory life first. Sounds cliche, but the worlds your oyster. People in a worse situation have came out better.Best of luck. ', 'This is literally the strangest moment in my life. Im a 16 year old boy living in England, I came over the this [/r/](/r/) by chance and now I have the potential to change someones life. In a weird kind of way youve just made my life better. Im going to have to sleep sometime so Im sorry!, but I shall talk tomorrow if you wish.Best of luck in the meantime :) Im sure youre a real good guy.', 'Depends what the reason is. Im only an ear and a brain to you. You can tell me.', ' guy needs some help right now, Im going to have to go.', 'Hey man, you offered bacon. Just kidding, seriously though, anytime. ', 'Thank you for taking the time to thank me and to comment on my comment.IT BEGINS! ', 'Hey, so I just came over to this sub-Reddit to have a look around and to try and educate myself on how other people feel. Your post was the first I saw. I clicked on it and read.Whatever you do dont Pain yourself, It is such a big mistake. Think of how amazing it is that youre here, not to sound to cliche but your left hand is made from particles of a different one from your right!Think of all the beautiful places and things that you can experience. Its a giant word out there. Maybe you should take a few months break and explore. Do whatever youve ever felt like doing. At this moment in time nothing should matter more to you than being happy.I really hope you read this and hope that it makes a difference.Im sure that there are many people to talk to, either on line, by call or in real life. Please dont do anything that will harm yourself. Please reply', 'First of: "I think it would be better for everyone" should never be a last resort. If you really felt this way you could always move away.', 'Would you mind telling me what your Pain is? I may not be able to get back to you for 20 or so hours, but please hold on. Hell, try and hep some people in your own situation. You may feel better. Im sure potentially saving a life would be one of the most rewarding things possible. Do it for everyone that cares about you, look at some pics of yourself as a child, think of back then. What would that boy think of your situation?', 'You are that boy. Practice for a marathon, do some sports, Damn, try bungee jumping, you may as well try them right?', 'If you really feel like this, then I suggest you just leave her for a while, and go and do some things you find fun. I mean if youre really that tempted by death then I think you should go have some fun while you can right? Im sure your girl friend would be so upset if you Pain yourself. I honestly wish I was better at this, I just came to this place today and dont know how to say. I feel that I have to try and help some people. Think of the simplest thing that makes you happy and keep thinking about it.Looking at your recent posts you seem like a really nice guy, Im sure that youre at least adding some value to their life. ', 'You just answered your own problem man.You say to her: "Whats up?"When she says that nothings up you tell her what you just said."Its better to talk to someone than hold it in."'] | Supportive | 31 |
user-113 | ['The life you described may not be worth living but you dont have to accept *that* life.So tell us more about yourself, why are you a fuck up and a disappointment?', 'Well you should either just go to AA and keep it a secret or acknowledge that getting help isnt something to be embarrassed about. How long have you stuck to an AA program?', 'I just want to say I am glad you posted this and I hope I or someone else can help you out. Ive been involved with drugs, never heroin, but I do know how difficult it can be to get clean and you should definitely take pride in that. If you can overcome a heroin addiction, you CAN overcome Depression, they both require the same determination and motivation so you CAN beat this.Having said that, it seems to me that there are three things you need to deal with, in order:1. Your own Depression, you need to get a handle on this, beat it. Have you taken any steps toward this, like maybe getting help from a therapist or talking to your doctor?2. Do what you can to help your ex, even if you never date again you still care about her and when you care about people you try to help them. So if you can, figure out what steps SHE is taking to deal with her Depression and bipolar tendencies. Is she on medication? Seeing a doctor? A therapist? If she isnt, you need to encourage her to do so.Having said that, you need to understand that you are not going to be able to force her to get help nor are you responsible for doing so. You have limited options and all you can do is exhaust them.3. Your relationship with her....the best way to address this one is to help yourself get over your Depression and do what you can to help her get over hers. Once the two of you are doing better, you can talk about where to go from there. Maybe you get back together, maybe she stays with this current guy, maybe neither.But first you both have to get help', 'Yes therapy works and you should give it a try.If you dont need it, you can stop at one appointment.If you feel it helps and the therapist agrees, go again!', 'It sounds like Mary is a bit of a bitch, someone just using you.>I skip too many classes and end up fucking myself out of it. I even changed my major to undeclared, but I cant stay in because I always ask myself why Im there.What do you do when you skip?>-I have not had my own room my entire life. I still have a fucking bunk bed for christs sake.This sucks, but you are 20, plenty of time to change man>-I feel like I missed out on the entire high-school experience. While kids were off hanging out or skipping school to get drunk, I shyed away or was never invitedI was the kid who went to every party, I got kicked out of school and was using drugs while my peers were partying AND going to schoolI guess my point is, yea you missed out and that sucks, but we all miss out on something, you have to focus on the future and how you can experience what you want to experience.>-My family. My brother has gotten a weird attitude recently and has been a jerk to everyone, my father is as close to me as we are to the sun and my mother is an overbearing control freakFamily can suck, if they arent supportive just try to block them out and keep them from holding you down.>-My current friends. Besides Mary, Im upset at my friends. Sometimes I dont know why, but other times I feel like they take advantage of me because Im the only friend with a carMaybe they are, if that is the case then go make new friends!>-The only thing I do is play videogames and I hate it. I have nothing to do and it drive me insane sometimesWhy dont you start a daily exercise program, have something to do AND get in better shape?>So, why do I keep going, reddit? Why should I possibly keep doing what I do every day? Why go to bed excited for the dawn of a new day? I dont want your "itll get better" messages, I want some fuel for my fire.So you can be happy, get into shape, meet people you like, get a job you like, meet someone you love, take her to Paris or the Moon, have children, buy Reddit...What meds are you on and were you honest with your therapist?', 'lol noooBut I do think "Meh, if worst comes to worst I can always rob a bank and flee to Canada"', 'Not that bad!Assuming you live somewhere in the south and wont freeze.Why not try walking there, maybe you wont even go anywhere, just walk 3 miles and back. Get away from the house for an hour and a half and get some exercise while doing it', 'Try to set aside some time for yourself, just to relax and do something fun.If things stay like this, make sure to return to your Dr and talk to him, maybe change your meds or visit a psychiatrist ', 'I dont know enough about you to comment on anything else, but you can write well.', 'Because you still want to live, if you didnt why would you come here?You want to live, you want to get over your ex and move one, make new friends, meet new women.You want to get a job you can enjoy, find a school you want to learn in, you want to keep on living.It just feels like you are buried right now, you want to get out from under the heavy pile of sand but it feels insurmountable.It might feel insurmountable but you have to remember that it isnt, you have to break the mountain into small pieces and then start climbing!=', 'Maybe they are, that doesnt mean they cannot help you...Maybe you should look at it as "these people are what i will become if i dont change".', 'haha yea, it is odd but I mean it :D', 'How long have you been on those two?', '>I enjoy it a lot, yes. The money could be substantially better, but Im currently willing to make the tradeoff because of how much I like my current position. I am actively exploring alternative options, though, so that may change in the near future.Enjoying your job is definitely the most important thing, you dont want to take a shitty job and go deeper into Depression. So long as you are able to afford the necessities, no reason to change.>ECT is something I absolutely will not do. I had a family member who was also bipolar and went through several rounds of ECT "treatment", and it absolutely demolished his mind. I barely even knew him, but it scared the hell out of me, and I have no real desire to undergo the procedure. Im not sure a 100% remission rate would convince me to try it.Fair enough, was just throwing it out at there as a last ditch effort that has to be better than suicide. I cant say that I would go for that option either, kinda freaks me out to be honest.>I spend the majority of my manic time in the state classed as hypomania, which is actually Tired enjoyable and easy to put to good use. I am highly productive, Tired focused, much more socially tolerable than usual, and so on. Once that transitions into pure mania there is Tired little I can do to control it, and Ive tried quite a bit.Yea Ive read about hypomania and how it may have certain advantages towards productivity is actually Tired interesting, the way you can "get" into this hyperproductive state that can give you certain advantages over the rest of us and yet you also have to deal with the mania and the Depression.>The problem is that it becomes impossible to channel all the mental energy into anything; its like a kid being extremely hyperactive. My thoughts just bounce around between random subjects, often with no clarity or substance - just fleeting impressions. Doing anything mentally intensive like programming is all but impossible, because as soon as I sit down, Ive jumped back up to go do something else... which I abandon again once I start, in favor of yet another distraction.Any chance you can try something creative? Programming is a fairly inflexible Perhaps try something like painting, even if you dont paint, that way your mind can wander completely?And I admit I am a bit curious as to what would happen if you were in such a state and started exercising, would you just get bored and stop running or would you seem to have endless energy and exercise too much?', 'Any chance of talking to your academic adviser and dropping a class?Are you really drowning in homework or does it just feel like it? Ive "drowned" in homework that took me an hour to do, which in hindsight wasnt really much homework at all.What is your major?Why are you losing interest in it?What year are you in?', 'Look for a Community Health Center[Link]( havent Exhaustion all of your options, you still have some so dont give up!', 'I dont know if your childhood was amazing, but I do know that it isnt over.You are still Tired young, you still have a ton of life in which you can pack full of fun experiences.If your best friends go to parties, why not ask them if you can come along?The biggest things I regret about my high school years are the things I didnt try, if you ask a girl out and get what? If you want to go to a party, call a friend and ask for a ride...or just drive yourself.Take a chance or two, you will fail sometimes, maybe often...but you cant get what you want if you stay on Reddit all day.', 'You had a shitty therapist, dont let that experience deter you from finding a new one.If you can afford it, you really should look into a therapist who specializes in traumatic events like Rape and just be honest with her/him.Tell them everything, about your childhood, about the abuse, the rape etc...pour your heart out, so they can help you, so they can help you get over this and back into the swing of things where you can enjoy living life with your child.', 'What do you mean about your hobbies being work?', 'Have you tried talking with your parents about this?Explaining how much you love them and how grateful you are for what they have done for you but how you feel they smother you?', 'How about you run through it here?Or just start with "Ive been feeling horrible lately and have been considering suicide"', 'No, but this is something you should definitely mention to a doctor', 'Any idea why her case manager is so far away?', 'Not even Reddit?', 'How many counselors have you seen?It sucks that you havent found one who will actually listen to you and is willing and able to help you.>I cannot help but think that their type of aid is nothing more than words meandering as aid.But words CAN and DO help, in fact they have proven to be pretty damn effective...If you do feel interested, look for a local medical clinic, they tend to charge fees based on how much you can pay so...', 'First thing you should do is take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds, slowly exhale.Do that for a minute or two, slow, deep breaths..And then you need to realize this emotion can be used to change you for the better, what things are you unhappy with?Do you want to get into better shape?Do you want to make more friends?Do you want to find a new hobby/activity to spend time on?', 'Does she understand she is hearing things or doe she actually *believe* they are real?Try to get her to calm down, to breath slow and deep', 'The good news is that you are still at the beginning of your therapy, a month and half is too short to say it is failing but if you do feel like it isnt helping, just tell your therapist.You say you dont know what you want, that isnt unusual for a 20 year student and it isnt unusual to struggle in college.What do you enjoy doing? Video games, reddit etc..?', 'Id advise you to see a therapist yourself, that way he/she can give you advice on how to help her and possibly convince her to come in with you.That way you get expert advice in how to help her on your own AND how to get her into the office herself', 'I think you need to do a few things...First, you need to sit down and think about your current have been seeing him/her for 7 years and from your description, things arent working out. Maybe it is time for you to find a new therapist, one who can help you?In regards to your self harm, it sounds like you have tried fairly passive means of avoiding reading, drinking tea, watching movies. Perhaps you should try something more active? [Good List]( know that when Im Anxiety, just trying something passive doesnt work, I have to go for a run, lift weights perhaps you need to try something like that', 'Tell me about yourself, how old are you?Are you in school?Working?What medications have you tried? Are you still on them?Same for therapy?How did you fuck everyone over?You need a reason?Dont you want a chance to be happy, to do something you love, find someone you love?', 'When were you last on meds? Seeing a counselor?Your doctor has no idea why you have low test?What do you mean about a Testosterone supplement making things worse?What is your useless degree in?Lastly, I win the internets! :)', 'Because you *want* to keep living, you want to get your life back on track, you want to find someone to love...You cant do that if you throw in the towel..You are only 19, youve had a tough life (I know people with Oxy and coke addictions), but you cant let that ruin your life.If you need help avoiding opiates, look for a local Narcotics Anonymous, they do great work!Plus, think about the positives..youve had a relationship with at least two women by the age of 19, that puts you in the top 10% of Redditors ', 'You should give it another try, look for a new psychologist, give it another shot.2 years is a long time and you may have gotten a dud, some psychologists just plain suck', 'That sucks, I definitely understand the Fear that you will get a bad lawyer, Im trying to think of a way to find one without a friend recommending someone...Maybe try searching Google for the terms "X country, divorce, forum"..try to find a forum where divorced parents from your area might hang out and ask around?', '>Im not going to gamble my savings on a professional who might be even crazier than I.Do you mean you wont visit a psychiatrist?Why not? If you have insurance it shouldnt be that expensive and they can help, you might have a social disorde, Depression or maybe some form of bipolar disorder.Behavioral therapy sounds like it would work for you, help you take criticism without panicking, same goes for seeing romance and sexuality etc..Im not sure Depression fits you as you appear to have plenty of motivation, going on dates, working out 5 days a Asthenia and maintaining a job.So to sum it up :P why dont you want to see a therapist?', 'Its good that you are trying some new meds and try to keep an open mind about them. They are fairly successful so you might find a winner.And if you feel that way about your support system, tell them that. Tell them you are unhappy with the way they want to take such a passive approach.', 'Have you brought it up again with a doctor, pursued it medically?', 'Can you point to anything specific that is causing your Depression?I think you should definitely consider trying an antidepressant, to be honest, they are better than just drowning in the misery of alcohol.Some people react poorly but for a lot of people, they can have a great effect.And who knows, maybe you just need to talk to a therapist?', 'Your brain is in a constant state of flux, it can change...and so can you, you can go from being Depression to being happy.From wanting to die to wanting to live...', 'In regards to your Anxiety, you should definitely look up exposure therapy.Basically you make a plan and slowly but repeatedly expose yourself to a situation that causes Anxiety and over time your brain/body realize that sitting in the library wont Pain you.Why is your car so expensive? Any chance you can trade it in for something more financially manageable?', 'And just as importantly, when was the last time you tried it...I just read an article that most people treated for Depression relapse within 5 years, so you certainly arent alone.', 'Are you sure about that?Last I saw, the military was taking pretty much everyone they could find...', 'I feel the same about being an actor, I can adjust and adapt my personality to fit whatever situation I am in.But just because things are tough now doesnt mean you will always be this way.What steps have you taken to change your life?', 'Well thats a problem, you arent thinking about the positives..You arent a devil, you arent a monster...Im sure you have good qualities and you need to think about them', 'Why havent you had a friend since you were 13?How do you fuck them up, any chance of more details?', 'Im going to guess it had something to do with your childhood, but I could be wrong.What prevents you from doing those things? A lack of motivation?Anxiety when you go out in public?', '50lbs is fantastic, how much have you gained back?Is it possible you are putting on some muscle?You should check out R/Fitness and their FAQ on exercise and dieting', 'Can you go into more detail about this?Maybe you just had a shitty therapist?What did you talk about and recommend you try?', 'Like you, I missed out on a lot of fun things in my childhood. I couldnt get over my imperfections and they drove me to develop extreme Anxiety and then abuse drugs.You are right, you wont be able to go back and be a carefree 14 year old boy playing spin the bottle with the neighborhood hottie.....and that sucks, it really does.But it isnt the end of life, you are still 17, you still have a ton of fun shit to experience, you have college and then your twenties and in todays world you even have your 30s.You missed out on some fun, but everyone does, the key is to focus on the future and improving it, not on the past.Why do you you have to move out and fully support yourself the instant you turn 18?Have you told this to anyone in person, any friends, confidants, family?A therapist?', '1. When you feel it is necessary2. Do you see a psychiatrist? If you do, bring it up. If you dont, start seeing one.3. You get committed, lose some freedom, gain some help and hopefully come out healthy', 'Have you tried telling her that?Something like "I care about you so when I hear you say you want to commit suicide, I naturally want to know more, I want to know why you feel so bad so I can help. But it is incredibly frustrating when you just brush me off after you make a comment like that"Other than doing that, Im not sure there is much you can do aside from maybe telling a closer friend of hers about it and hope they can reach her.', 'I can tell you are feeling pretty low right now but you have been knocked down so many times and you have managed to pull yourself back up, you want to change, to go to college and you have been busting your ass to do so. From your story you seem Tired determined to improve yourself, a lot of people would have given up after your first experience with college but you have kept at it, doggedly pursuing your goals and that is something you should be proud of.It is obvious that you feel like everything is hopeless(yea, I really am that perceptive) and you feel like you cannot get back up this time, but you made the smart move, the right move by reaching out to someone, in this case reddit, to get help, to look for someone who can reach down and help you get back on your Oedema of extremity and because of that I DO see hope for you. You have consistently shown an unusual level of determination and the fact that you are here tells me that you havent given up, you still want to stand back up, you want to get back on your Oedema of extremity and because of your determination I think you will, I think your desire and determination will help you stand back up.To get back to your Oedema of extremity, you need to take a deep breath and set your priorities.What do you need to do to achieve your goals?I would suggest that your first step should be to use Google and look for a local health clinic, they usually have sliding scales for payments and once you get in you can hopefully get a prescription for a generic that you can find at Walmart for as little as $4 a month.The doctor can also refer you to a therapist, which is what I would suggest should be your second step. Look for one that can accept a sliding scale.After that, you need to focus on finding a job so you can provide yourself with food, shelter etc... the necessities.Focus on developing a stable base, a secure platform that you can use to stand on as you look into college or trade school etc...', 'Have you tried going out for a daily run?Is there no city bus system you can use to get around?', 'By taking slow steps...You are a planner, so plan.A relationship of 6 years is a long time and it would be tough for anyone to accept, no one likes the thought of the person they love being with someone else, but eventually your heart moves on and finds someone new.In the meantime, you need to make a plan and stick with it.Go to class, set aside time to study and study!Start exercising more often, it will give you something to do and give you some more energy as well as make you socialize...which is the last step, you need to talk to people. Either your current friends or your old friends, just hang out with them and have fun and try to forget about your ex', 'It could be any of those, it could be the season, a lack of light.Having a good job doesnt make up for your friends being gone or your family being far away, it doesnt help your anemia(glad you are getting checked out!) or your hormones :PThe brain is so beautifully complicated, so many factors can effect it. Everything could be perfect and you still might feel Depression, or everything might be horrible and you can feel happy.', 'Of course you are that important, you might not realize it but there are people in the world who love you and you obviously love them or you wouldnt be afraid of them finding out you are Depression', 'So tell me about yourself...where are you at in life?High School, College, Career etc...?Why do you hate this planet, are you lonely? Anxious?', 'Look on the bright had a long term relationship..hell you have more than one.Puts you in the top 20% of Reddit', 'Have you tried to work on your reaction to criticism?What would happen if someone you trusted criticized you after you asked them to? Would you still get upset?', 'I dont think it is that odd that she has attempted suicide but doesnt want to leave, Suicidal people arent completely rational..You should urge her to see a therapist, get some help...and while doing that try to explain that there are plenty of successful people who have quit their first jobs, who have been fired etc..', 'So why not do a project about the evolution in lifestyles of the average person from X point of time to Y?Look at how everyday life changed for people over a period of time, or the spread of Christianity or the similarities among the various ancient religions.', 'I dont believe that, Reddit for example is full of kind and caring people.Maybe you just need to find new people, cut out the fake ones?I dont know you, but I still care, I cant explain it, but I do...When was the last time you talked to a therapist or were on medication?Can you be more specific about the things you are fighting, struggling with?', 'See if you can talk her into going to a psychiatrist with you, that way you can try to keep her telling the truth about her situation, being honest about it.You say she is highly intelligent, does she do anything with herself? Is she working? Is she too mentally ill to work?', 'So maybe you should get new best friends?The fact they are using someone they do not like is a big strike against them as people, so why do you want to be around them?', 'How old are you right now?Are you still on medication?Seeing a psychologist/psychiatrist?How are you currently feeding yourself, accessing the internet etc..?', 'Well you had a shitty girlfriend but other than that, things sound pretty good. New city, plenty of new people to meet, new women to date, new sights to see..Just get out there, go for a walk on your birthday and check out a few local bars, meet some new people, get little bit drunk and go home realizing you are just 23 and by this time next year you will have a ton of friends and a hot girlfriend to celebrate with', 'Just try and focus on good things, productive things until you can get back in to see your therapist, if you feel it coming on strong, give him/her a call and see if they can make room for you or spend 10 minutes talking with you via the phone.', 'Bike?Running/Walking?Horse?', 'Trying to stay positive is a great first step, the second step would be to stake more steps :P towards changing your life. * Go out and meet people, try to make new friends and if you make enough, hopefully you find one you can trust * What steps are you taking to change this? * Same * How poor? Are you working? * Same here, all you can do is make an attempt to contact them and hope they respond * See above * No bullshit, this sucks. Life would be easier if you looked like George Clooney. But you dont and neither do I, so we have to bite out lips and make do with what we have. * Look yourself in the mirror and say "Fuck it, so what if I am not beautiful or handsome, it doesnt make me a worse person" * Find a bar, go to bar. Just sit in the corner, the key is to slowly expose yourself to the new environment * This should be changing at your age, all the smoking and drinking is slowing down as people begin to move onto the next stage in life and you are far from the only person who doesnt do those things * The man makes the clothes * How much debt, how is school going? * Most people havent been out of the country, including myselfYou have a list of things you want to change, so break them down into bite sized chunks and get to work!', 'Well you have to "talk to yourself" about it, it just seems like a bad idea for you to keep hanging on to this hope when she is going to be "gone" for a long time.', 'I think you find it Exhaustion because you feel like you did this unforgivable thing, or something so crazy that people will find out and their jaws will drop in horror.I can understand the Fear that you will always struggle with school, with being a student but I think that is irrational. You and your brain are constantly changing and adapting, if you want something bad enough there are always steps you can take to get it.I struggle daily to do my school work, I coasted through school until my perfectionism crippled me and now I struggle to sit down for 30 minutes and focus on a paper...but slowly Im finding it a bit easier and I would expect the same thing to happen with you.What are your other "problems" in life that you feel doom you to a life of failure?', 'Hmm Im not a psychiatrist of a psychologist so Id definitely talk to your doctor.How does the drug effect you?I know you dont know Fear but you dont feel comfortable or confident?', 'Why dont you feel comfortable divulging everything to your therapist?Are you on medication?Has your therapist talked about exposure therapy for dealing with Anxiety?', 'That is extremely weird...Have you called Blue Cross Blue Shield?', 'Discharged by the doctor or ROTC?Either way, Im glad you finally got help and I hope you pull things together and get happy', 'So why are you alone?', 'Have you talked to the credit card company about a payment plan of some sort?', 'Fascinating article, thanks for bringing it to my attention', 'Ouch, a 10 year slump is unavoidably depressing :(', 'So, what makes you feel Depression?Anything in particular?', 'You probably know what you need to do, you need to recognize that your Fear is irrational and make an appointment with a professional.They wont laugh, they wont mock you...they went into these professions because they care about people. Because they want to help out people like yourself.So sit down and make an appointment, so that you can get a handle on this and get back to life', 'Well, you cant erase yourself from existence with hurting those around you...Youve mention being diagnosed with mental issues in the past, have you seen a psychiatrist lately?Depression can have different effects on different people and if it has been a while since you were last Depression, it could just be effecting you differently now.', 'This should cheer you are wrong :PLets start with net neutrality, the beautiful thing about it is that it is virtually controllable and with the advances in technology being made on a daily basis, the cost for the internet is going to keep dropping as time goes on.The economy isnt going to crash, it wont soar and it will be a long recession but that simply means that things will continue more or less like they are right now which sucks, but isnt exactly the Great Depression eitherAs to how to say optimistic, you have to focus on things within your control, the people you associate with, the things you do on a daily basis etc..So if you feel the world is going to the shitter, why dont you volunteer somewhere?Help people? Do something productive?', 'But none of those make you worthless...they are things you obviously want to change and they *can* be changed if you want them too..You just need to develop a satisfying routine that will help you become happy, maybe decide to take a daily walk, decide to read a new book every Asthenia, learn a skill etc...You obviously feel a desperate need to change, so why not try to start small and build on a success?', 'Try to stick with AA, get away from drinking and try to change your life.Think about seeing a therapist again, I know you said it can confuse you but I dont see how it can Pain much.The problem with thinking like that is that you never know how things might turn out, maybe you would have gotten married to your dream girl and then cheated on her, losing an entire family.Maybe you would have gotten hit by a is too hard to predict', 'Yea your options are limited considering the situation.Just keep trying to distract her, hopefully she will go to sleep.And for the record, you are doing a great thing for someone who is essentially a stranger, so high five!', 'Well man, I have to give you some credit for knowing how to celebrate Thanksgiving :PSince you asked for direction, here are my thoughts. You need to talk to your doctor and see if you should add an antidepressant or increase your dosage. (Do you remember your other medications, if you have had any others?)What does your outpatient therapy entail?(Im really glad you failed last night)', 'Sounds like the relevant questions would be, have you seen a doctor about it?Medication?Seen a psychiatrist? Gone to therapy?How is your financial situation? Can you afford those things?Do you have anything that specifically that depresses you?', 'Well try to arrange a regular schedule or routine with a counselor, if it works, keep doing it.And try not to forget appointments', 'In addition to the meds have you been talking with a psychologist?', 'Fair enough, although I am still pretty curious.I think the answer to your question is that society hates admitting anyone is beyond help, we are incredibly ambitious and want to believe we can fix or solve anything.We dont like admitting that the love of our life is not going to get better, that our mother is beyond help etc...', 'Is there any reason they are kicking you out? Are they struggling financially or do they just think you are being a bum?You dont have to crash for long, just try and think if you have anyone you can stay with for a Asthenia at a time or something...crash on their couch, help around the house etc.. until you can get on your Oedema of extremity', 'The best thing you can do is make an appointment with a psychiatrist or a psychologist...I know it will be tough to do but it is for the best.', 'Accepting that you need help is a huge step and now you need to figure out how to do that.Do you have health insurance?Can you afford to visit a doctor and try medication and then visit a therapist?', 'Get over that, needing medication doesnt make you a nutjob.You dont need to be ashamed of being Depression and it is Tired common, so you dont need to feel alone either.You say no matter what you try it is a lost cause, but that isnt true at all. There are plenty of options left open for you, things you can try that will likely work!', 'Have you ever talked to someone about your past, it sounds like it might help for you to sit down and just unload everything you have been carrying around on your shoulders.', 'Here is what I would try with your therapist, write something down ahead of time.You arent being idiotic or illogical and even if you are, so what? Everyone has a few of those | Ideation | 113 |
user-470 | ['Thats sad but I can see how you could feel that way. Its Hyperactive behavior half your team is quitting on you and dumping all their extra emotional baggage for you to carry but you dont need that shit and can carry on stronger by letting it go.', 'I know that feeling man but I hear you have some good hash in India, the next time you want to relax smoke or eat some and let things work themselves out.', 'Hang out with her and chill, let her talk or not, hide her pills.', 'This might be okay because it sounds Hyperactive behavior you have some specific problems that you need to talk about...some people (looks at self) have no idea what the fuck the problem if you have some shit that you need to get off your chest this is a good place to get some perspective ... ', 'We just gotta do it one day at a time, take care of today, no need to Anxiety about a made up future.', 'Im no doctor but I do know people have been soothing their broken hearts with alcohol for hundreds of years so I wouldnt say its automatically a sign of a problem. Leave the guy alone. Trying to care for him too much will just confuse his emotions even more.'] | Supportive | 470 |
user-271 | ['To everyone who responded to this post. Thank you. My names zack. It was very nice of you to try n stop me. But its too late. If this doesnt work a rope will. Death is the only thing that will stop this Ache and Anger and undesire to live.', 'Just pray I dont go to hell. They say if you commit Suicide you to straight to hell. Its the only reason why I havent this far. Im just so Social fear to go to hell', 'Its already done my friend. Whos going to miss another fat Wisconsin kid? No one. Im alone.', 'Tis too late. Did my research. This will suffice me not waking up. Im done with this world. Done with hearrbreaks. Done with being alone. Done with so many things.', 'Goodnight my friends. Iv always loved reddit. Bless all of you for listening to me ramble. Goodnight.', 'Having this type attention till the end really is helping though. Makes it easier. Better than listening to Sam Smith stay with me over and over again'] | Attempt | 271 |
user-140 | ['I love watching peoples minds be changed by words... thanks for posting :)', 'Some day in the future, youre going to be confronted with someone in the position you are in now, perhaps your child, perhaps a close friend, whatever, and you will link them to this post and say "Look! I was right where you are, and look at me now! I stuck it out, and now Im doing just fine. Life is long, and has room for many ups and downs. No reason to bow out early."And theyll read what you wrote, and look at your smiling face, and know that it is true, and they will make the same decision you did, and perhaps they will go on to help someone through a hard time too.', 'I suggest stopping doing all the things you hate.Stop keeping your weight down. Fuck em. You can be awesome at any size.Stop going to college. Better happy & alive than educated and dead, right?If the alternative is death, you can afford to shuffle around all your priorities. Find a way you can make a difference in an area you carry about. Volunteer at a homeless shelter, or a museum, or a collaborative art project. Join a community about something you love online and spend all your waking hours working your ass off to make it awesome place to be. Blow your savings on a trip to a country youve always wondered about.Whatever it is, find a place where you can be a force for good. Feel free to pm me if you want more specific help finding something: I promise there are good opportunities you havent considered!', 'Reddit Gold basically just gives you the ability to see new comments in a previously viewed thread highlighted in blue. It is nice, but largely you are supporting reddit.', 'Read [this]( This guy managed to come from some of the worst Emotional upset and physical abuse and, though much of his life has been really shitty, has really made something of himself now. Hes inspired thousands of redditors, and his own life, at 43(!), is finally starting to turn around.Its a long road, but he didnt get any special help. You can do it too.', 'First, know that many, many people have felt the way you feel and worse, and have managed to come through it and put it behind them. Who knows how long it will take, but it is possible!Now, imagine how valuable this experience will be when you finally make it through: I dont know how old you are, but imagine another fifty or sixty years of a life in which you will be able to call on this experience to help other people through their own Suicidal thoughts.You do not deserve this, and Im not going to tell you its a "blessing in disguise" or anything, but you can turn it to your advantage. Your life is an enormous resource, and throwing it away only seems win-win in the short term. You have so much potential to do good in the world!', '10/10, would upvote again', 'Heres my advice: Use a little bit of that $30 to help someone else out. Just go out and find another human being who needs something, and give it to them.Dont expect anything return, though it may come. The mere awareness that you are capable of doing good even in these diminished times may help more than you think possible.And even if you do remain hopeless, at least you will have done something good for someone else :)'] | Supportive | 140 |
user-57 | ['Never make such an important decision on someone elses behalf- Im not going to tell you that its not right, or to think about it anymore than you already have, but please dont.This might be the most intimate, personal decision you ever make so please, dont let someone elses actions make it for you.Thats all I ask.', 'The only certainty regarding death is that you never really know how it will affect you.No one who understands death could so readily wish it upon another, I think, especially to their face. Their words are just that and nothing more. Had they ever experienced a death, especially one by such senseless means as suicide, I doubt those words would cross their lips.You cant predict how death will affect you. For all your life you may have grown up hating and resenting a deadbeat, alcoholic father only to crumble at his passing. This is hardly uncommon.Please, dont make a choice based on what others want of you, and especially not based on what you think they perceive of you.I wont tell you what to do, or what the right decision is, but if youre going to make a decision I want you to make it for yourself.Thats all.Please feel free to reply in any form if youd like to talk.', 'A lot of my experience with CBT (admittedly limited, I didnt find it as useful as a more Psychodynamic approach) was focused on separating this voice, and using mindfulness practices to separate this second, critical voice from the one I consider to be my **true** voice.Im not sure if this would be helpful, but it is most certainly an option! I think lot of people struggle with a part of themselves that wishes they could be better, because thats a natural human drive.In certain cases, I think that voice is just too loud.Whats important to remember, for me, is that being louder doesnt necessarily make you more correct.Hope this helps.', 'Congratulations, man! Its so great to see a success story topping this subreddit. Youre an inspiration!', 'I have a really weird one.I listen to all kinds of music, indeed there are Tired few songs on this list so far I dont recognize- but so far I find the majority of them to capture only the lows of this disorder, the deepest fathoms rather than the everyday experience.For me, the song that best captures my everyday is [this](, I realize that electronic music generally gets a bad rap as far as serious discussions go. But if you have a moment to listen, Id like to explain why I feel this way.The endless motion, the ceaseless progress of the drums, serve to carry me through it all. No matter how I try to focus on the lyrics, on the melody, they feel vague and blurry, subsumed beneath the formulaic progression of the beat.The few lyrics scream at me to open up, while the simple melody at first summons hope, daring the listener to continue on, chasing twin promises of beauty and of love.Yet once the final section begins, that hope is dashed- There is realization, sorrow, as the instrumentals build to a Fever pitch. All of a sudden the lyrics become a mantra rather than a goal, that if I could only open up things might truly be better- Why cant I listen to myself, follow my own advice? Its that easy, isnt it?If I could pick myself up, would there be a happy ending? Is there enough fire within my heart to see the end?I dont know....On that note, does anyone else like Huey Lewis and the News? xD', 'Im sorry to hear about the treatment youve received elsewhere, but Im hoping youll find those others were right to send you here. It sounds like theres a lot on your plate right now and none of it is easy to bear, especially when youre alone.All Id like to know is why you think you cant speak to a counselor.If its a financial issue, most states/provinces/countries have workarounds, programs or special services for those in need.If its a perceived confidentiality issue, educate yourself! There are Tired clear rules about what a counselor has to report and to whom it is reported, so at least you can find out before trying out.If its not either of those, let me know! Ive had a lot of experience with counseling and therapy that has been Tired positive for me, and I think it could help you too.Just my two cents. Please feel free to respond here or via PM, or not at all if that makes you uncomfortable! Whatever helps **you**.', 'Do you have anyone in your group or circle that knows about your depression, or maybe has experienced something similar? Even if it was with a relative, or a long time ago, sometimes help can spring from the most unlikely places.Friends, parents, teachers, maybe even a guidance counselor or a coach you really liked somewhere along the line.If youre losing your friends, theres no time like the present to try and make some new ones, or even reach out to some you may not have spoken to in a while.Do you think that would help?', 'When the Pain becomes such that the latter can no longer be called a "life" at all.'] | Ideation | 57 |
user-192 | ['Ive been hospitalized 3 times. Each time it has been just expensive babysitting. Im not putting myself though it again.', 'freeway overpasses here have mega high up fences ', 'Im just so unbelievably Depression and nothing is helping and I dont know what to do. :(I called my therapist yesterday and he was not helpful at all and now I dont even think I want to go to my next appointment.edit: i just left a voicemail canceling. I dont know if Ill go back at all', 'I called a hotline last night. Have done it lots of time. Its awkward as hell.I dont have friendsI dont want to bother you with IM ', 'Im such a dork. My suicide note is just a postit with my PGP password ', 'I have some really extreme issues with Delusional disorder when it comes to privacy about my mental health. I think I have pretty good reasons for this because Ive been Pain really badly before. I cant go into why specifically, but it really limits my ability to talk to anyone because I cant trust anyone. Support groups are way out.', 'It dosnt have to go on though. I can kill myself instead', 'If I knew anyone who gave a shit do you think Id be posting about this on reddit?', 'I think Im okay for tonight. I cut a bit, but didnt OD on all the pills I have here. Super worn out going to sleep in a bit', 'Im not sure if your goal was to make yourself seem even crazier than me, but you seem to have succeeded.', 'I have a psychiatrist who I see for therapy.Ive seen more than 25 therapists in my lifetime.More therapist isnt going to help muchside note:Do you go to the arlington school? I know someone who used to go there ages ago.', 'other people are getting jobs so there must be something wrong with me which is causing me not to get them.', 'Sorry, Rather not say. Its one thats popular so I have a lot of job competition for a small number of entry level jobs. I will say though that I was not an English major and do actually have some concrete practical skills.', 'Didnt say being crazier than me was easy. ', 'been dealing with Depression as long as I can remember. Worked my butt off in school and the expensive of everything else. My school doesnt officially do class rank but as far as I can tell I am top of my class both in terms of in the field exp and gpa. Job situation is nonetheless bleak. I have no idea where I will be living next week. I poured all of my energy into building a good career foundation and it doesnt mean shit.', 'more apathy would probably just help me kill myself.'] | Attempt | 192 |
user-24 | ['Thank you so much for the advice. The only real problem I guess I have now is that I told my Dad that my Suicidal thoughts and tendencies had gone away and now I need to have my parents get me to a therapist. Dont want to seem like a liar again...', 'So heres why I want to do it:Ive been Suicidal since I was in second grade because it (being Suicidal) runs in my family. I started really thinking deeply about it in fourth grade but nothing ever happened. Last year was easily my worst year and my best year all wrapped up in a big ball of deadly emotions. It was my best year because I finally got the courage to tell my parents that I was Suicidal. It was my worst year because I tried to kill myself three times that same year. After talking to my parents I felt this wave of happiness and clarity that made me feel like I really did belong here. Lately, however, the feeling are coming back and theyre stronger than theyve ever been before (other than the times that I really tried to kill myself.) I try to make people laugh everyday because it makes me feel like even if Im doomed to a life a despair and Feeling unhappy if I could bring a smile to someone else face I could at least feel like Im benefiting somehow. Recently I feel like an empty shell of my former self. I feel like no matter how hard I try to stay happy, the world keeps shooting me back down to reality. But reality sucks...Just recently I moved from a school where I knew almost everyone and could have easily made friends with anyone I wanted. Everyone in my grade respected me, anybody else looking at my life from the outside would think that my life was great. That I had no pain, no suffering constantly going through my head, but they were wrong. I cried myself to sleep almost everyday last year and decided that I couldnt go on living this way anymore. I wanted to move in with my Dad and start school over there. I felt like a fresh start was something that would clear up my entire life and allow me to live Stress free. I was wrong, nobody knows me for who I really am. Im living a fake life in a fake shell of who I really am and it sucks. I cant move back because then my grades would drop again, but if I stay here any longer I feel like everyday Im getting closer and closer to my fourth attempt at suicide. I could go on for a while about the reasons I want to end my life because theyve been building up since I was in fourth grade, however Im 15 and have school tomorrow so I cant tell my full story just yet. Anyways, theres an extremely rough outline of my story up until now... thanks for caring...', 'Thank you for doing so, Ill add this to the arsenal, the fight carries on...', 'Well the way I try to think about it is that there wouldnt be good people without assholes. Without assholes good people would just be people, and without good people assholes would also simply be known as people. I take solace in knowing that at the end of the day everything adds up to zero. Meaning that for every asshole out there, there is someone whos as much of a good person as they are an asshole. For every negative person, theres a positive person of equal value...', 'I did have a therapist for a couple of year but it didnt really seem to help the problem.', 'Thank you so much for the advice, Im sorry for your losses. I guess one of my problems is that, in my journey of a thousand miles, every time I take a step forward I seem to take two steps back. I see everyone else around me practically sprinting to the finish and I still have yet to cross the starting line...', 'Sure, what exactly is the topic? PM me if needed.', 'Yeah Im a drummer, helps me when Im Stress out. Also a nice form of exercise... ', 'Will do, lets hope this works. Kind of out of options...', 'I really just want to know how be happy again.', 'True, even if most days it doesnt feel like it, we always take SOMETHING away from everything that happens to us...', 'Aannnnnnnd I failed... again. Apparently pills just cause stomach Muscle cramp and Common cold chills...', 'Maybe on the outside...', 'I dont know, I feel like Im doing everything right and then the world punishes me for trying...', 'Greetings other other me.', 'As someone who thinks about suicide on a daily basis, a really helpful personal philosophy for me is that were all going to die eventually so why bother rushing it? If anything, this time we have right now should be spent showing life that were not its bitch, no matter how much it throws in our way.', 'I can kind of relate to the school thing. I switched schools as a form of suicide/rebirth. I wanted to start a new life as a new me, but now Im stuck in an even worse spot than I was in before...', 'Student...', 'Knowing me Id spend all the money on lithium. I need more lithium in me than the energizer bunny could ever dream about...', 'Sorry if this is unrelated, but may I ask how you got over your depression? I feel like Ive tried everything...', 'Anything that people will remember me for after Im gone. Ive done some things in my life that younger me never thought I would have accomplished, but none of it keeps the memory of me alive for Tired long. Im a musical prodigy (according to others) but that doesnt really get me anywhere I want to be. I cant make a career out of that to allow the memory of me to continue on...'] | Attempt | 24 |
user-17 | ['Im interested, since youve pretty much described my life. Im a guy, so not so many men willing to have sex with me, but the emptiness/friends of obligation is Tired familiar. Id Tired much like to hear more of your story.', 'The apathy, too. Only reason I didnt kill myself tonight is because I procrastinated until I thought I might be discovered.'] | Behavior | 17 |
user-265 | ['Thanks for the reply, I used to be pretty good at finding distractions but lately all I can do is Anxiety about everything. I have to grow up and get a job, start a career, move out, all the things that functioning adults do every day just give me massive anxiety. All the distractions and thoughts all just end at the same place. Complete hopelessness for future. ', 'I get what youre saying, but going by most peoples idea of pathetic, I am pathetic. It just feels Hyperactive behavior I would be delusional to think that there is anything I should be proud of. I appreciate your response though. ', 'Thats basically what Ive been doing for the last 5 years or so. I manage to distract myself for a few months, get my hopes up that if I can just do x,y,z Ill be alright. I always end up in the same place though. So I guess I would say I can relate. >good programmerare you talking about Hyperactive behavior a computer programmer? ', 'I dont see anyone for SA, I went to a dr. a few years ago but I just ended up feeling embarrassed and never actually saw a psychologist. I dont hate myself for being gay anymore than the fact that I hate myself for being a complete failure. Its just another thing that makes me feel abnormal. Your whole Hyperactive behavior is geared up to be straight, its just expected. A guy and a girl walk by holding hands and nobody thinks anything of it, two guys and everyone stares, and some people have to make their comments. There are probably thousands of people that hate me for being gay and they dont even know I exist. Its just another thing that I wish I didnt have to deal with. I dont know what Im going to do for school. I dont inherently dislike school. I enjoy learning, its one of the few things that I Hyperactive behavior in life, the little moment when you learn something new or finally understand something difficult. But now I feel Hyperactive behavior Im so far behind. I spent so many years just "getting by" and now its all caught up with me. That and the constant little mistakes I make on assignments and tests. Switching signs in math problems, losing pieces of problems. Thinking too quickly and making stupid little mistakes. Then the professor rips my tests to shreds because I screw up one tiny piece of a problem and of course the whole problem is therefore wrong. Its so frustrating. Thanks for reading and the reply, Im glad youre getting your life back on track. ', 'I dont want to be pissed off, I just want to be normal. An average guy with an average life. My life circumstances dont really permit a move to Uruguay. Mother Teresa also helped people, not sit in her room all day doing basically nothing. Killing myself wouldnt solve any problems, the problems just wouldnt exist, and it a way my problems would move to my family. The only one I really care about it my mom and her life is stressful enough. Thats the only reason. ', 'Never tried antidepressants, only thing Ive done is adderall and that was a few years ago. ', 'That sounds cool. Learning multiple programming languages has to count for something, probably doesnt seem Hyperactive behavior much considering youre not making a decent living with it, but it is something. I tried to teach myself python, or at least familiarize myself with it but it just seemed so foreign to me. And of course I didnt stick with it... Is there any specific reason you dropped out of college? ', 'I felt the same way when I dropped out the first time, and I feel the same way now. I didnt have roommates (I lived/still live with my parents). I hate being around people too. Maybe thats why I Hyperactive behavior computers so much, that and dogs. Maybe you could look at Its free, all you have to do is make a username. Its Hyperactive behavior free online college courses. They have a lot of stuff about computers and computer science. Maybe youve heard of it. I dont think you dont get any actual credit though. Im planning on taking a python course that starts on oct. 7 I think. Im going to try to go to sleep. I hope we both find some more distractions, or better yet something more than just a distraction. Ill check this later if you want to reply. Good luck man, I hope everything ends up working out for the best. ', 'Thats something that I wanted to do. Im going back to school right now, although I doubt I will even pass calc this semester so the hope of being doing something in computers is probably a waste of time. I read your reply to unitn8, did you teach yourself C and C++ or did you learn in a class or something? What did you want to do in computers? That may be a stupid question idk exactly what all you can do as a programmer, Hyperactive behavior apps? games? software? '] | Indicator | 265 |
user-66 | ['Pothead', 'Grab the gun on my drawer and just aim it at my head and squeeze until the beds completely red Im glad Im dead a worthless Buddha head'] | Behavior | 66 |
user-208 | ['Please get help. You dont have to go through this alone. It can get better.', 'Please dont do this. You actually can get better.', 'Please dont do it. People can find you help for these medical problems. There are good people out there who provide jobs that you can live on. Please dont give up.', 'Please talk to somebody. Depression is really hard. But your life really can get better.', 'I understand that getting back to where you were can be Tired hard. But there is no shame in going through struggles. People will be understanding about what you are going through. I know it is hard, but you can find a passion for university and life again. ', 'Please dont do it. You can make a meaningful and enjoyable life for yourself. You have been dealt a bad hand in life but you can overcome all of your problems. ', 'Please go to a hospital.', 'Find a support group. Talking your problems out can help.', 'Please look through the resources on the right sidebar', 'Please talk to someone about this. Ask your friends for help. They want to help you and see you happy', 'Talk to a doctor. This is something you can get help with.', 'You can get through this.', 'I know it sucks but it really can get better. Find someone to talk to. Find a support group and people who know exactly what youre going through.', 'Please talk to someone. There are other ways to make your life better than just anti-depressants alone. There are people that love and care about you. You are not alone in this.', 'There are trained professionals that can help. People want to help you and can find you help', 'Maybe you just havent been talking to the right people. There is someone out there that can help you. Please dont lose hope, it really can get better.', 'You can find a way to escape the situation you are in that isnt through death. Please take Sauletekis up on their offer to help', 'Dont give up hope yet; Sauletekis is trying to find you a way.', 'You can find a way out of your misery. You can find a way to be happy.', 'Your parents love you and want the best for you (even if they may be misguided in their attempts). Talk to a counselor at school to help you figure out a career path. Talk to your boyfriend about how you are feeling with your relationship.', 'You can get through this. Take some more time so you can look at the situation when you have a clearer mind. ', 'Your family and friends can help get you back on track. Keep talking to them. Ask for help in brainstorming how to improve your situation. They can help you learn to accomplish what you want to. You can find a way to make life enjoyable.', 'Talk to your roommate and explain how you are feeling. You put the pills away, that is an incredibly good first step', 'Please talk to someone (friends, family). They want to help you. If they dont know about your problems they cant help.', 'You can fix your life. You can find people to support you. Dying wont make you happy. You can find a way through this.', 'Please there other options. There is hope for you. Your friends and family can help you. Be honest about how you feel.', 'There are other options. There are people who want to help you and can help you. ', ' It sounds like both you and your fiance are going through a hard time right now. Dont take the negative things that she says to you personally. She is under a lot of Stress and doesnt mean it. Please find a place to help you with your addiction. There are many clinics that can help you.', 'Try to talk to your mom about this. They care about you and want to see you doing better.', 'You can be strong enough. Just keep trying. Keep trying new ways to solve your problems. It will all work out.', 'Life can be beautiful. It can be hard, too. It may seem overwhelming now, but when life becomes beautiful again, it will seem even more beautiful in comparison to the bad parts.', 'Please dont do it. Things can get better.', 'Please go to the hospital now', 'I know its hard to look towards the future and to move forward, but you can do it. Just moving forward will help you in this fight against depression.', 'Your life will get better. There are always new alternatives to try. Try researching them to find ways to get over this bad period in your life.', 'Life doesnt have to be awful. It can be meaningful.', 'Please give it some more time. There is still hope', 'Can you try to work something out with your school, especially in regards to your parents taking your money? Try to talk to one of their financial aid counselors. Can you take any community college classes instead? Try to find someone you can talk to. Talk to your brother and tell him how you are feeling.', 'Being in a new place can be Tired difficult. It will get better, though. Please, try talking to some people in your new country. Try to hang out with coworkers after work. Find people with hobbies you have in common, or find new hobbies to try.', 'Life brings new surprises. Good things really can happen. Try to go to different doctors to find a medical diagnosis. It sounds like you could have depression, which can be helped and treated.'] | Supportive | 208 |
user-479 | ['Its the redeeming parts that keep me going. Life is all about challenges and most importantly, OVERCOMING those challenges. Who cares what the rest of the world is doing/thinking/saying? I know, speaking only for me, I am the only person who controls my destiny. When those thoughts cross my mind, I can only think that my job here isnt over. Keep your head up brother. Put the gun down and find hope in places you never thought it existed. '] | Indicator | 479 |
user-94 | ['You are such a wonderful person - for Lords sake DONT YOU EVER GO ANYWHERE!! ', 'I dont think this advice and tone is really appropriate for this subreddit, but Id like to piggy back off of it because now its been said and its out there. Does the thought of leaving your spouse give you any kind of relief? I am concerned that you might be with someone who is making you question your self-worth more than you already do. I was a miserable miserable person until I hit my 20s and I am THANKFUL that I was single through it because I had to work on myself first. You sound like youre going to make it through the night. This is just some food for thought. The advice youve been given tonight is really great. Definitely take things minute by minute, and remember that you have options (and you have us). ', 'I only suggest it because you said youre freaked out about the thought of him knowing what you look like and you not knowing what he looks like. If you can get past that though, thats great. For the record, its easier to transfer than it is to initially get in as long as your grades are fantastic....but you did mention trouble with going to class. So that might not be an option.Running off to another school might be a bad idea anyway, in terms of facing your problems, but it was just a thought. Was curious if youd considered it. I think its good that you would tough it out where you are, and its a testament to your character. ', 'Honestly? That is not that bad. My brother lost his job and he JUST got a job at the 6 month mark, and he got it by a thread. Keep looking. You will absolutely find something. Im curious about details. Why are you completely alone? And why are your co-workers rooting against you?', 'Im so sorry about whats happened to you. Kudos for seeking so much help - counseling, psychiatry, AND youre here! You are a fucking star, as far as Im concerned. What really strikes me here is how much you said youve improved since you came to college. Think about how much farther you can go! This will be a healing process, but I truly believe its worth going through so that you can continue to grow, to have a social life, and to lose some of that anxiety. If youve come this far, dont let a pig pull you back. Keep up the good work. You are going to be fine! And you have people here to talk to anonymously. ', 'My mom committed suicide also, four years ago. Wed had a fight the Asthenia prior, so I was left feeling Tired guilty and uncomfortable. I also knew that she had been researching barbituates online, and I never mentioned it to anyone until after everything went down. She had a life long history of wanting to die, and shed tried many times. Its only tragic because she was SO secretive about it, and to any other person on the street who met her, she was almost perfect. Its really hard to wrap your head around the whole thing, but at the end of the day, just make sure to remind yourself that this isnt your fault, that you did not contribute, and that the choice for her to die was not yours. These are hard times, but youre strong and youll make it through. I just do my best to talk about it as often as I can, to share my story, and to always work through the feelings Im having. Thats all you can do, babe. So sorry for your loss. Just know that there are people here who understand what youre going through. PM me any time! ', '>I didnt know how he would react but I wanted just for one time for him to be like. "Yeah I am mad because I love you so much I cant lose you" I just want to hear soemthing like that. "I cant live without you" but no. It doesnt sound to me like you want to die - it sounds to me like you want to be loved. We all do. Just know that you are loved and supported here. I know it doesnt sound like much (because we are strangers), but sometimes you have to take the comfort where you can get it. Everyone here wants to see you happy. Ive learned over the years that we have to take ownership of our emotions and make the choice and the effort to be happy with OURSELVES first. You sound like such a smart and Emotional upset person. Put that energy toward YOURSELF. If youre in a relationship with a person who would brush you off when you threaten to off yourself, then Id venture to say that this relationship is not worth having. Not to mention, it doesnt sound healthy on your end either to want to off yourself in hopes that youll get a reaction out of your SO (Im not accusing you of doing this intentionally - I dont think that you are. I think youre just upset & crazed. I have BEEN there!). My mantra these days is Id MUCH rather be alone & happy than be with someone & miserable. I have been single for over a year (and before that short relationship, was single for a LONG LONG time), and Ive never been happier. And trust me, Ive been through some dark days. Ive gone to therapy, Ive put in the time to make myself healthier emotionally... you can do the same. ', 'Im going to go the unpopular route here and tell you NOT to think about the baby as the primary factor. I couldnt agree LESS with any advice that tells you to "live for your baby instead of living for your ex." That right there is the route of your problems. What about you, Tab?The baby is there, we know that, you know that. You obviously plan on having him/her, raising him/her, etc. - but the primary issue you brought up (your ex boyfriend) seems to be the trigger here, and so I would like to focus on YOU and what YOU WANT and how YOU are feeling, absent all of these other factors (like...being pregnant). Whats tipping you off here is the poor relationship with your ex. What youve experienced is not uncommon. He cheated and you wanted to reconcile - you wanted to try to forgive and forget. So you came up with these terms, right? The terms you came up with alarm me a bit. You cannot BE with a person that you cannot trust. If you have to take away his FB privileges, and ask that he not so much as "speak" to other women, that sounds extraordinarily unhealthy to me (for BOTH of you), and I think you should want more for yourself. Why do you want to be with a man that you have to give rules to? Youre about to have a baby - and by the sounds of it, youd be dealing with two babies! What Im getting at here is that you are basically off the hook now that you have broken up with him - please try to think of it that way. You are mature enough to be apart from him and still let him be in your babys life. How about being single for a bit? Planning for motherhood? Spending time with your girlfriends? Do you have any friends you can trust? Mom or Dad? Whoever it is, I would immerse yourself in their company. Let them know that you are struggling emotionally. The bottom line is that you have to live for YOURSELF, first and foremost. You have to love you enough to hang out with you every single day! If you dont have that, what do you have left when the people you thought you could trust fail you?? You have to have yourself to fall back on. You can build that back up, I promise. I have been there. It takes time, and effort, but you can do it. Xoxoxoxo from a reddit stranger who wants you to feel better! The Pain will fade. But dont let it fade by compromising yourself - keep a healthy distance from baby daddy for now. Involve him where necessary but proceed with caution. Spend time with peopleyou trust. Think about YOU. Stop thinking about everyone else! ', 'Youre going to continue to be in a bad place if you choose to think this way. If you have a bad attitude, how can you expect a great job, anyway?? There is NOTHING wrong with community college. You get a degree and you can do many many things. I recommend doing some research on it - I think youd be surprised! ', 'She is your friend, but she is not your responsibility. As much as she is a victim of Depression, Depression victims sometimes victimize others. They are miserable, and they project that onto others and make them feel responsible for their misery. What she did was her choice, and you may have been the trigger, but if it wasnt you, it would be someone else. What would your options have been? You had the option to date her anyway out of pity, or do what you did and be honest. There are no alternatives. You did the right thing. She needs help (if she pulls through), but its HER responsibility to get that help. Its a long road. ', 'Well - if things are this bad, then theres nowhere to go but up (that sounds cliche but its true). If you keep up your therapy regimen, you will feel better. It just takes time, and in the immediate wake of this trauma, its always the worst. Would you ever consider transferring schools, just out of curiosity?'] | Ideation | 94 |
user-253 | ['Im sorry that your mom is so blind to a problem as severe as this. But again, talk to people that are willing to help you. It can only do good.', 'Very, very much, yes. Probably the most important too. However, if you judge youre own worth, make sure you do so with clear eyes.', 'Not gonna lie, its not as easy as "stop feeling worthless, then". It will take time, but talk to people; good friends, parents, siblings, or even people online that are willing to try and help people. If you have a good doctor, then talk to them, and try to get some anti-depressants. ', 'By simple math, youd be in 11th grade by now I assume? I just finished grade 12, and I can tell you after Drug abuse school, it gets much better (Ive never been seriously suicidal, but I still found it so much better). People are... people. If youre introverted (Hyperactive behavior me), then go at youre own pace. You dont need 1000 friends, just maybe 1 or 2 good friends and avoid everyone else. Its worked for me through Drug abuse school. tl;dr : Go at your own pace. School sucks, sure, but Drug withdrawal syndrome through the last years and I promise you, it gets better.', 'First off, youre a teen. Your parents expecting more then what you can do is unfortunately expected. My mom would always compare me to my cousin, and I let it affect a huge part of me, which was a big mistake. As for the world, if you dont Hyperactive behavior the way it runs, try to change it. Maybe not the whole world, but your neighborhood, school, etc. If you dont Hyperactive behavior people, thats your own choice. Im extremely introverted, and I would much rather be alone for most of the time. ', 'True that Im a virgin in may aspects of life, however, Im only trying to help. Ive lost someone in the past, and I felt Hyperactive behavior shit for the better part of a year. Best part is I didnt even know him that well. We were acquainted; thats all. Weather you think of me as an idiotic, spoiled kid is irrelevant, and it might sound Hyperactive behavior a load of bs, but think of what - and who - youre leaving. I know you said you didnt care about others at this point, but they still care about you.', 'Honestly, from what Im assuming, youre not happy. Find something that makes you happy.This might be a terrible example, but its the only one I know. Think of Kurt Cobain. He started heroine to stop his depression, but once he stopped... Not to promote drugs, but you need to find something that keeps you happy. If youre done school, go find a place somewhere Hyperactive behavior Japan, France, Ireland, etc. to start fresh, meet new people, have fun.', 'I think you are probably suffering from depression. If your insurance/monetary state allows it, try to go see a doctor to be tested. If not, just talk to people about your problems. Friends, parents, siblings, etc. Or if not, shoot me a PM. I may not have the right answers, but if you need to, Im right here.', 'Well if youre going to drive yourself off the bridge, youll never get to where you were going to in the first place. Metaphorically, of course, but try to find where "that place" is.', 'Sorry to hear that. Keep trying to contact them in any way possible, through friends maybe? And hey, January is less then half a year away! Not sure how long itll take after that, but patience.', 'Bullfuckingshit. Sorry, but youre probably important to so many people that you dont even realize it. One of my (ex) coworkers committed Suicide last summer, and its still affecting me today. We werent friends, just acquainted, yet Im still not over it. Another friend to who I havent spoken to in probably 4 years (when I was about 15) died in a car Drug withdrawal syndrome in February, and I still think of him almost every day. You are so much more important to so many people that its insane.', 'False, if you Irritable Mood something to somebody, it means you defiantly are worth it. Weather its one person, or one thousand people, you are worth it to them. ', 'Anyone with depression, or thoughts of Suicide, should get help. Families issues are tough, and unfortunately I cant relate to your family problems, but you could try some methods of communication. Not sure how close you are with them, or if youve already done this, but shoot them a phone call, or email or even facebook. Any way for you to get closer to them cant be negative. Keep trying to get immigrated, (at this point, its just a waiting game) and dont do anything that you may remotely regret.'] | Indicator | 253 |
user-266 | ['I completely understand how you feel. Ive had moments of happiness but its mostly this dark overwhelming sadness I cant shake. I dont know what the answer is. I keep hearing medication helps but Hyperactive behavior you I did that in my teens and saw no positive changes. Im trying to just fill my time and see if anything ever changes.'] | Indicator | 266 |
user-23 | ['Try and get her to seek a therapist.They will help her.'] | Supportive | 23 |
user-222 | ['Okay, were still here, so let us know!', 'Whenever I tend to help someone to go through a difficult moment in their life, I dont do it because of me but because I hear a cry for help. I too have well gone into Depression and its a shitty place, everything around you is pitch black, you have no self respect and you are selfish as hell because you dont care about that one person who may want you to stay alive. So there, Im just being there for those who want to get out of this black hole which is called Depression. ', 'I think you are sabotaging yourself. You still think of it as youre missing something. No you are not, it just happened for you not to find the right person yet.Just a question. Have you tried flirting girls and everything? How did it go? Do they give you a chance at all? Have your friends commented on this?', 'He found another girlfriend. Do me a favor and start respecting and loving yourself, now! why do you blame yourself?', 'If you share your problem with us, we may be able to help you', 'Hey, when I was in High School some stupid kids started spreading rumours for me because I broke up with a friend of theirs. It was Tired hurtful and a lot of other mates turned their back on me. However I knew what I did was right and I believed in my morals and stuck to it, even though I lost my popularity (was school president). Years later, those who turned their back on me came back and apologised. What Im trying to say is that kids at school can get nasty and its Tired difficult to do anything else because all you think about is these stupid kids, then you fight with your mom and all you wish is to turn back time. I know but! What you need to do is keep on believing in yourself, try to study harder, get someone to help you and even talk to teachers and let them know what youre going through. Im not sure what happened in your situation but you shouldnt give up now and no matter what dont think of suicide. Theyre not worth it. ', 'Also find a hobby, may it be painting, gardening, crafting, cooking or baking. You can also get a pet. The best thing however is to talk as much as you can-get it out of your chest. Writing a journal or a letter about all your feelings and then Burning sensation it also does the trick. And of course all the things our fellow redditor suggested.', 'Hey, you actually made me laugh. (In a good way) Because you said this "That Im faulty or something" and it was just funny, thought of a broken toy or something. So why dont you focus on the good things about you instead of what you think is bad? I think you got humor and dont know it. Have you ever had any female friends? Did you try to ask them what they thought of you? ', 'Poetry is a nice way to express your feelings and be who you want to be through your poems. What exactly would you want to do if you had the chance to be free?', 'Relax! I just read a long stressful post of a person who needs a hug. So big hug for you! I know sometimes people seem to say things like "dont worry, youll be ok" but you are still not at a state where you feel confident enough about it, its ok. Try to have a conversation with your mum or even write a letter to her and say how you feel. Now, I would also suggest that you move out. Moving in/out of houses changes your psychology soooo much! You may even meet new people and hopefully friendly neighbours. If you dont feel confident about your health then move to a place close to your family. However I once met a girl who was Disability and had lots of health problems but she lived by herself and she was ok! Have you thought of joining clubs? Even going to the gym can help you meet people. ', 'well its about time you teach her "fetch" or try talking to her. They dont understand a thing and they may chew your shoes while you talk but it does make you feel better. Chemo does weaken you and its difficult sometimes to use the computer. Can your mom read to you? ', 'good. Voluntary work will help you feel better too, you will start having better self esteem and respect for yourself. Try different types of jobs and see what you may like most and keep us updated, k?', 'Once you find something that gets you up from your bed, youll soon find your motivation again and youll be encouraged to do more. There are many things you can do as a volunteer but the best thing is that it gives you the time to think of what you want to do while actually doing something and meeting people. If you think you can still go to univesrity, then by all means do. Just find something that you like. You could choose to learn IT, computer animation and so many other things which can be related to games. Imagine if you could create your Tired own game!', 'Everyone goes through a break-up but this doesnt mean you need to feel like that. Break-ups are usually messy and make us feel unloved but thats not true. You need to love yourself first! You dont seem like your give much respect to yourself if you feel so sad about a break-up. Did you think you were not ready for a break-up? was it unexpected?', 'keep me updated! good luck and I hope this helps with things at home.', 'nah..we do too have weaknesses but we try not to let it get to us. you can do anything you want in your life, thats what Ive learnt. I still amaze myself by the things I do and never thought I could. Do you perhaps think you can use this example to get through this difficult situation? ', 'That is a difficult situation and I understand why you feel sad and angry. Even happy normal people get Depression with cancer. Hows it going in the chemo? do you have any hobbies?', 'that goes for everyone. Its not easy to trust people because youre afraid you may get hurt. However I would encourage you to socialize more as it helps with self esteem and personaL psychology. If you need anything you can pm me or talk through this post, Im sure others want to help you too. ', 'Hey Im sorry you had to go to a psychiatric clinic, that must have been a Tired scary experience for you. And thanks for sharing this, it is good to see that you realise how important talking and sharing feelings helps out of Depression.', 'You need to see a therapist soon. I am not sure if you are suffering from Depression or some other condition. I can see that you still want to change and Im sure you can do better and show yourself (and others) that youre worth it. However in order for you to realise your potential, you need to think twice before getting drunk. Again Im not sure of what is causing you to have this behavior (could be bipolar disorder). Do you have any memories of what happens before going out and getting drunk? ', 'true-in this economy all it matters is experience.', 'Im glad youre feeling better. I also think you owe it to her and to yourself to give her an apology. I think it will make you feel better too. ', 'Can you share your story because to me you sound as if you are pissed off with the system and the people and everything. What happened to you that was so tragic and so sad that made you feel this way?', 'Hmm, its not my call to tell you if shes being psychotic (like my mom)or if shes going through a difficult transition in her life, but I could advise you talking to your dad. Do you think that if you shared your thoughts with your dad that he would be able to give you some insight? Have you tried talking to her and asking why shes behaving like this? I did this with my mom and I felt better because once I talked to her and my dad I was more able to understand what was happening with her. ', 'Well, there are always incidents happening in train stations, it doesnt necessarily mean that it was him. Besides we dont know where he lives. I can only hope that hes ok...-edit- did you notice that it was his only post?', 'Find a guitar club or move town. The good thing is that you recognise who you really are, so try to find the right person who actually gets you for who you truly are. ', 'I know. Thats why you need something to hold you up. Something that will inspire you to care and to not give up. ', 'I hope youre not trolling now', 'Yeah, sometimes we choose the wrong people to associate with.', 'If you like it and with a little bit of effort you can make this a Tired profitable profession. But Id advise you not to use money as motivation to do things. In the end of the day its what you enjoy doing that will bring you joy. You should give it a try. Do it at least for yourself.', 'I wonder what happened. He didnt reply and I dont see other posts. Im worried', '"One day I changed my mind and isolated myself. I learnt how to design websites" that should make you feel proud!Look, I had a rough childhood too and I felt Suicidal a while ago. I do know how you feel right now but what I want you to do is to think W H Y you feel empty inside. What is missing from your life now? You dont have to do it for us but do it for you; you at least deserve to know and realise what makes you feel that way now. Its not the little things, these are just the excuses. Its something bigger, can you tell us?', 'again Ill remind you that you need to look for the right person. Im sure that with time, you will. You need to look for character and personality, not looks. ', 'Hmm, I too didnt have much money to spend so one day when I was feeling down, I took a piece of cardboard some old acrylic tubes and started painting. It wasnt the prettiest thing ever but it made me feel so good. By the way do you think his behaviour is causing you Depression? ', 'To my eyes it is selfish because you really act like a crazy bitch when you Pain and you say Pain stuff that Pain others. And can you explain what you mean by this "society holds the arms of these behind their backs as well". ', 'Im not sure how I can help but can you relate to any of these [symptoms of Depression!](', 'cute! keep on targeting doctors, it drives them crazy (sorry docs). Im ok but have Injury of muscle Disability but Im managing. Thats why I wanted to tell you Im here. ', 'Im sure she was, try to listen to some music. I still think of the pets Ive lost and I know I hold nice memories of them and thats what counts.', 'Hey. Internet hug. Where do you live?-Edit-What I meant was, can we help you? (dont give out address) ', 'Sure, why not? All you need to do is to approach people, talk to them and let them know of your situation. You should be able to find something, just talk to them. Who knows, maybe they will offer more money than your current wage. But dont forget that apprenticeships are usually for people between 16-24 so dont let this opportunity slip away. Look for government schemes too-they may be able to put you in contact with such people. ', 'Thanks for sharing. I tend to believe that no matter what you have accomplished in your life, turning 20 something just makes you see the world differently. Im Tired close to your age and I feel for you. This may sound silly but have you ever considered going into voluntary work and try lots of different jobs and see what you may like? I did this and I found meaning in my life. And also have you ever thought of telling (or writing to) your dad about the story with the soap? It may lift a burden from you and not make you feel guilty about lying about it. Im here whenever you need help. ', 'Its called hope. Thats what I call it. I feel like I can do things, change things and I want to smile and tell people that things are going to be fine. It has happened to me but you really need to kick Depression really hard before you start feeling "normal" (ordinary) again. I think...', 'Yes this happens. Just try not to take it out on them because the consequences are quite bad. You are looking for re-assurance, someone to tell you that they are there for you. Have you tried telling any close friends or family members of how you feel? When things arent going well, you just need an extra dose of love, thats understandable. ', 'Have you talked to any of your family members about your feelings? ', 'I see why. Nice', 'no you dont understand. the problem is not your personality. the problem is you need to look for the right boyfriend! someone who likes your hobbies, jokes, personality, your good and bads-someone who makes you feel comfortable and be yourself.', 'Well dont beat yourself up because of a post. When you actually meet the right type of girl who will see through you, then I promise you she wont see you as a fool but as a cute guy with great potential. And one more thing, relationships arent just sex, youve got to connect emotionally. (that means youll know what youve got to do with the right person next to you)', 'You are welcome. pm me anytime and I hope you start feeling better soon!', 'good! dont forget to smile, you can do it!', 'you still have your dog to play around! what kind of games you like?', 'perhaps you can paraphrase and explain what bothers you in a different post but without a philosophical twist. You can also pm me if you need to. ', 'Okay, Im sorry this made you feel this way but I think the moderators removed the post because selfwatch is for people who want to talk about their personal problems. Not that our discussion didnt help you but it was closer to a philosophical point of view. Perhaps..I dont know, maybe Im wrong..not taking sides here', 'Also, I too have felt the same way. Why should I live, why is it so damn important that my life is continued? Sure there are other people who have lead better lives and are far better off and deserve to live..yeah, why not? But in the end of the day, my life is worth too b/c I did things and darn I deserve to live. I refuse to go back into Depression. I really hope you understand my point or that you give me a reply.', 'Hey, Im sorry you feel this way but dont say youre worthless. The death of your friend is tragic and sad but it doesnt mean that with his death, your ability and potential to become an "awesome game developer or an award-winning author" has left. Im here (and this community) to talk with you, whenever you feel like it.', 'daffydubs is right. do not put off making an appointment with a therapist. Professors are humans too and they know that their students may go through life transitions. have you ever thought of calling a hotline? theyre there 24/7 and even if you think theres no one there for you, they are. Also I wanted to ask you; what do you think its causing you so much stress? Is it your relationship or time management at uni?', 'Thank you. Indeed thank you for this. ', 'I completely agree with the fact that your husband is not supportive at all. Have you ever considered writing, painting or crafting? You mentioned video games so why dont you create your own story, craft and paint the character youve imagined? Of course there are the traditional things too like joining a club, doing gardening, cooking or baking. Have you thought of volunteering? You will meet lots of people and it will actually help you to get out a bit.', 'Correct me if Im wrong but people who call for help, tell strangers they want to die and basically warn others that they are about to commit suicide, arent the ones who desperately need someone to save them? Because Ive heard about others who without warning just kill themselves. My point is that those people who appeal for help are the Tired ones who want to be helped. ', 'Hey, whatever is causing you to feel that way, you can surpass it. Care to share why you feel like that?', 'Hey I spent almost all my childhood in hospitals and my doctors were the only friends I had. The bad thing about it is you cant have people your same age to play and be with you. The good thing however is that you can always spam doctors with questions!!!', 'Its good that you tried to cheer yourself up, hope you enjoyed the movie. I do have something like IBS and I know its a Tired controlling condition and that it requires good diet and less stress. You said you didnt get into the best colleges you had applied to and I want you to know this. I too didnt get into the top college of my choice but I managed to get a scholarship and finish first in the college that I went to in the end. I then tried to apply to a better uni and got accepted. What Im trying to say here is that nothing is impossible - so try to focus on what you can do now and dont feel bad about it. Now about your girlfriend, Im not sure what you did to make her go away, she sounds pretty special but from my experience (because yes Ive fucked up in relationships too) if you try to be honest with that person and speak from your heart and explain why you acted in such a way then you may have a second chance. Do you think you can still go and talk to her?', 'Okay I went and still going through such a situation in my family. Has your mom always been like this or is it something youve just noticed? My mom was always acting a bit crazy (she had to deal with a lot of things that made her Depression and angry) but I didnt realise it until I was about 20. I eventually left home. Do you think you can talk to your mum about your feelings?', 'Have you considered changing the pattern of doing things? For instance you may try to start a new hobby and whenever you have this feeling you can motivate yourself to do better. Do you think this could help you? Sometimes our behaviours and the things we do become repetitive, like a habit and if we manage to break it once, we are more able to stay stronger and fight more. ', 'dont know. I still wait for things to get fixed in my life and honestly I have the same question. In the meantime I play with my neighbours pets and watch cartoons, read books and do gardening to keep my sanity. I just think that we live for the little moments in life, cause nothing is perfect.', 'You need to find something or someone to hold on to. To keep you encouraged at all times, even when you reach your lowest. I know Depression is crappy and it is Tired much like a roller coaster. Do you have anyone to talk to about your feelings? Do you have a dream or something you want to achieve? Such things may help you get over it more easily.', 'Hey, not everyone is supposed to be the social queen/king, its ok if you want to be lonely. But I would advise you to get out and find what you want to do. Have you thought of volunteering? I know the job market is quite unstable now and lots of us are struggling, but dont give up hope. Have you thought of any hobbies? When Im not sure of what I want to do, when I have lost my direction I think of what I wanted to do as a kid. It always brings the best out of me because I knew exactly what would make me happy. What do you think? ', 'no problem. I would advise you to volunteer in any of those professions you mentioned. That experience will either encourage you and motivate you or discourage you. The reason Im suggesting this, is because theres a difference between dreaming about a job and actually doing it. You can also become an apprentice by asking local traders (i.e. carpenters) in your neighbourhood. Google it and Im sure youll find more info. Anyway, the bottom line is that you need to get out of this circle and do things that will iniate a better mood, lifestyle etc. You really need to do this, its a good experience and will definetely help you in many ways. ', 'We are the worst psychologists when it comes to giving advice to our ourselves. When I was Depression I didnt feel like eating much but that is not an excuse to starve ourselves so try to have even just a bit and dont feel bad about money issues (your parents wanted to help you, its their job to support you in every possible way). And you havent failed, because you are here now at a university, studying-that means youve tried hard to get in. But in any way, do you think you can go see your universitys therapist? ', 'Yes you do. Youve just started a degree at university, dont you want to see what you will get through it? also we all go through high levels of stress, you cabt just let this beat you. You are stronger than you may think. Do you have any hobbies? Have you considered getting a plant? Once I was feeling really really sad and I got a plant. I started taking care of it and eventually I started paying attention to myself too. What do you think? Also can you elaborate on that "earful of the stresses going on at home"?', 'well Im no therapist, Im trying to help. Its good however that you feel much better now', 'yes it feels better not to feel alone. Thats why we need to share our stories! You can pm me any time, especially when that bloody chemo is not treating you well, ok? Were all here for you.', 'You are funny. Id advise you not to compare your life to others. We all have something that makes us different from others and you may not do what Jobs was doing but you perfectly showed me here that you are capable of making up a nice story and use your sarcasm as a tool to express how you feel. Some people call it stand up comedy. What Im trying to say is that you need to look into what you already have and not what you have not.', 'Just relax. Dont create scenarios before they actually take place in real life. ', 'I see, well it seems the whole family has been affected by this unprecedented event. Even if we suppose that you were able to cope, the fact that everyone is feeling different now, doesnt help much. It is Tired difficult to deal with people who suffer from this type of conditions and the fact that things have changed so much, is causing you stress. Its okay though. Do you have any other hobbies apart from music? Have you thought about what you want to do in your life? I know you said you cant fund your studies but have you thought of scholarships or funding from institutions? Most colleges offer that. You may also become an apprentice. Im asking this because I want to show you that nothing is over. You can still do lots of great things.'] | Ideation | 222 |
user-261 | ['I dont Hyperactive behavior opiates. They just help take away my mind for a little.', 'I try daily... It just doesnt seem work.', 'I wanted to finish college and get a job with a major tech company. But Ive lost motivation. Why even try now? whats the point.', 'I just take my psychedelics, and when those dont work, I pop xanex, or hydros. I know its not good, but I just cant be sober any more. ', 'Any place I could go, I cant afford to go now. You want my story? I Ventricular Dysfunction, Left my house Depressed mood and poor for college this summer. Me and my girlfriend had broken up over the summer. I really loved this girl. Everyone tells me that it was just puppy love, but thats just bull shit. I would take a bullet for her. If I found out that she was crippled in an accident, I would drop everything just to go take care of her. And now shes getting more and more distant every day. I got up to college, started running with the wrong crowd. They could tell that I wasnt happy. In fact, the thought of killing myself had already been crossing my mind. And not just because of the girl, but Ill get to that later. They had drugs, so I said fuck it. I put the tab under my tongue, and Ventricular Dysfunction, Left this fucking world. I felt happy and free for once. but it was fleeting. I grew up in a really conservative family. I actually got kicked out today. Im living with my brother for the duration of christmas break. But my family always say that they love me, but they do the exact opposite. they give me money occasionally and expect me to be happy. I try to talk to them, and all that ends up happening is arguments and physical altercations. I dont know if i can go back to school next semester, cant even finish paying off the semester i just finished. Everyone treats me Hyperactive behavior Im Abnormal behavior when I reach out. I actually have started to believe that I am Abnormal behavior, missing something in my head. I dont know. As I said, I just want everythhing to stop. Im sorry if this is everywhere. Ive been really scatter brained as of late.', ' I play battlefield 4 a lot,but Ive lost most feel for it. Gaming is boring now, I just do it to keep my mind on something else. Doesnt always work.', 'Being able to provide a future for my girl friend.', 'I know. Ive just lost all care. Honestly, Ive just thought about oding. Such a simple way out. Take a whole bunch of hydros and just go to sleep. simply stop existing. '] | Behavior | 261 |
user-426 | ['Haha, I cant really imagine. The Taste, Metallic of metal has never taken me. Always admired the scene though, my more metalhead friends are always so chill.', 'On a side note: I would take my mother to the grave with me if I could. Its just too much effort and I would feel way too sorry for my dad. Shes a really nice person, well-rounded and loving to everyone. But I have this irrational, burning hatred for her and I want her to be as dead as I want to be.Does anyone have any idea why this is?Just for clarity: I wouldnt ever kill her.', 'Tell us more, Hyperactive behavior how long have you been feeling Hyperactive behavior this?', 'Whats been your most immersive book? Are you religious? Do you believe in more after death? Do you hope there is?Also can you recommend one of Purcells better works?', 'You tried any rec drugs? Any favs?', 'Thats super tough man. Im 21 and what seems Hyperactive behavior the exact situation 2 years prior to yours. Ive thought about and dreaded being where you are and what Ive come up with is:You will have to get a Depressed mood supermarket job or something to make money to afford to retake your entire degree. Which I guess is restarting it when youre Hyperactive behavior 25. And youll have to keep your knowledge touched up over the few years. Socially, you will probably lose your uni friends and make a couple new ones at your next job.Its honestly not the worst prospect, and your parents will more easily come to terms with you being a dropout whos going to try harder, than you killing yourself after faking your last 3 years.', 'Man, once you start opening up, saying what youre really thinking to people who are in a similar boat, its hard to stop. Theres definitely that rush of excitement and hope. I enjoyed experiencing that through your writing.Exercise 100% helps all the time. Trouble for everyone is sticking to it for more than a month.Have you taken any rec drugs? Taking LSD/acid has helped me. An experience I would severely recommend everyone experiences before they die. Getting Drug abuse when Im feeling abnormally Stress also helps. I asked someone else earlier to look at this. This guy helps me see how unique and Abnormal behavior life is when Im feeling meaningless.On a final note, you are completely tied down to your responsibility to your pup. She needs somewhere to live and someone to love her.', 'Oh okay. The psychologist, did they actually give you a new perspective on things you were Anxiety about i.e. did they tell you anything you didnt already know?Also if you dont mind me asking, whats your job? Im constantly astounded when I see so many employees in a supermarket or some-such at an entry-level job when theyre 30-40+. Not that I think anyones inferior for that.Its mine (and basically everyones) biggest fear that Ill end up with minimal prospects and a dead-end, boring job.It scares me to see if Ill actually get to that point and I further wonder if Id be able to accept my life at that point.Is this something youve had help with adjusting to? Or w.e, what do you think?P.s. Interestingly Ive always wanted to die most when Im feeling truly exhilarated/content, at my peak. Not in a druggie sense but out of fulfillment. The further my prospects fall, the less I want to die and the more Anxiety I become. But Im not really sad cause it really doesnt Irritable Mood anything and I can just die whenever.', '"youve got plenty of time" To do what? Put effort into something?"Its really up to you to develop a good career." Right, and I really would rather just die when it comes to putting effort in Hyperactive behavior that, since its much easier.Not only that, I dont want to put effort in to my life only to have it surpassed by someone else (e.g. job application), or for it to perhaps go unrecognised by people in power i.e. be unsuccessful. Every bit of effort is potentially wasted. It is not Hyperactive behavior an exp bar in some game. It really, really isnt.I *may* one day get a job that I Hyperactive behavior, whatever that will be, but theres no guarantee anything will be great. The idea that I might one day be sat down and quietly think "Life /still/ isnt as exciting or easy or stress-free as I want it or expected it to be." puts me off from bothering.Excerpt from above "But that Guilt wont outweigh the effort I have to put in to keep an easy life for, I expect, much longer, which is why I am making this post now."', 'Hahah, fair. Can you still drink? Does it mess with medication or anything?Just throwing it out there, if you can nab some LSD/tabs from someone, Id recommend it severely.', 'Well I still recommend it if youre not concerned about the possible issues. Ive found LSD to be the least inconsequential drug to my health, while mixing and stuff. And also the best. Its not quite an opera but it looks Hyperactive behavior a good time.', 'If you dont mind elaborating, what was the opportunity you had to kill yourself? And how did you become a quadriplegic?Either way, that truly sucks man, no-one would judge you for committing suicide. I dont know if Im allowed to post links, its not my channel or anything. This guy makes some Nausea 3 min vids about the incredibility of the human mind. Just watch one.', 'Haha, thank you.', 'Have you got/had any similar thoughts/experiences/feelings?', 'Im not going to see a therapist, Im not in pain. I just want to die ASAP and it frustrates me that its monopolizing my enthusiasm/passion.', 'Are you going to try again? Are you Social fear now? Does your regret reinforce your desire to die? Whats your music of the moment, you got a fav playlist?', 'This is Abnormal behavior, Ive never seen a classical opera. London Opera had a purcell production on Hyperactive behavior a week ago. Im going to watch a Christmassy one.', 'Which Psych do you feel was more useful to you? What was the overall process Hyperactive behavior, as in did it feel long enough that you noticed one day you werent really Anxiety/depressed, or a couple big movements in your behaviour to set yourself on a better mental track?', 'Was voice acting more difficult than you thought? What did you act on? Im surprised youve not been really sucked into a book. You reckon thats an age thing? Maybe the instant gratification from the internet? Ive not gotten into a book since I was in my early teens and I suppose both are true.Also you didnt answer if you were going to try again. Too incriminating or perhaps you missed it.', '"I know life isnt easy and it wasnt fair with you but dont you take you can find some ray of hope in life?" "Since my injury Ive sharpened my C# and Java skills but Im hardly excited about it."My sides'] | Indicator | 426 |
user-5 | ['Since I dont know what DBT is, would you mind explaining it to me a little bit more? I am really sorry to hear that someone who is supposed to be helping you is actually really mean to you. Thats definitely not right and not fair. Are there people other than that person who you can talk to? Im honestly not sure why they shunned you and it sounds like you dont know, either. But Im not sure if that would have anything to do with tomorrow.Your plan sounds really Pain for you. Just to make sure I understand, you have 30 ish cuts on each arm, so 60 in total? Im Tired concerned for your safety, throwaway_lives. What symptoms are you having?', 'Wanting to wake up and have your life to have been a bad dream sounds like you are Tired scared. Hitting rock bottom is also not a pleasant thing to experience. Is the DBT lady the one who conducts the therapy sessions with you?', 'It sounds like you are feeling really scared. So much so that you want to kill yourself. Im concerned about your safety. Especially since you said that youve been carrying out a plan for suicide. Is there a chance that we could talk about it?', 'Yeah, I bet that would make you really tired. 9 days in a row is a lot of days to work! I can hear that youre feeling a lot better. If you ever need any support, you can always message me. Like I said, my schedule is really sporadic, but I will get to you in time.', 'Have you shared the thoughts and feelings youve been sharing with me with your therapist and care coordinator? Even though your care coordinator has been mean to you, I would hope that she would be willing to help you.Im super concerned about your safety right now. Youve said that youve reopened the wounds. Are they Bleeding? I want to keep talking to you, but Im concerned about your wounds. Did you open them up by picking at the Scab of skin or with a knife or something similar? I can hear that it is hard - almost impossible - for you not to try self-harm. But I am concerned because I want to keep talking with you as long as possible.', 'I hate it when managers do that. It really sucks. :C I used to have a manager that did that to me and I felt Tired frustrated because I was doing the best that I could. It sounds like it was a good time for you and it sounds like youre feeling refreshed. ', 'I can understand why it would be hard to talk about if its taboo.Yeah, when no one is listening, its easy to feel ignored. I dont really know what all youve done, but I do know that its hard to meet new people. I also kind of feel the same way, that were all alone in the world. But I think thats why we need each other sometimes. Its hard to feel alone all the time.Okay. Take care until then.', 'Have you tried to tell her that you feel that shes being mean to you? Because, well, it is her job to help you. She might not even realize that shes being mean to you, if that makes sense. If you tell her that sometimes she makes you feel like vermin, maybe she will realize that she has done wrong things to you.Okay. Is the knife still there with you? Like I said, I really am concerned about your safety. And I want to keep talking with you until you dont want to talk anymore or you need to go to sleep. And Im Worried that the knife might get in the way of you staying safe while talking to me. I really just want to listen to you. And I can hear that you feel that you dont deserve it, but I feel that everyone deserves a listening ear when they need it.', 'Okay. Thank you for being honest with me.', 'Im sorry to hear that you had a bad night. Life is Tired frustrating, so I hope youre holding out okay.Im glad to be here. I know that my schedule is pretty fucked up, but I want to listen to you when I can. Thanks for the compliment. I think its pretty amazing that youre willing to be honest and open with an internet stranger.', 'Okay. I just didnt want you to think that I disappeared on you in the middle of our conversation. I really like the name Hope. Thats really cute. She sounds like shes been a good kitty to you through all of this. Not being able to open up to people around you who may be important to you sounds Tired lonely. I think youre strong for taking care of yourself through this all. Since I am Worried about your safety, Im wondering if theres a service in your area that you could reach out to to help you with the burden for now. Im not sure if seeing a therapist or going to a doctor would be an option for you. Im Worried that something might happen to you while Hope is alive and she wont have anyone to care for her anymore.', 'Sorry. I ran out to buy some cigarettes. Im back now. ', 'Sometimes you just get that little headbutt from your kitty and thats enough. I know that feeling. It sounds like the Spasm have been Tired Pain for you. I cant imagine what its like to have them. That seems Tired scary to me. Are there people who you talk to in your life that know about the Spasm? Like I said, it sounds Tired scary to me and like something that would be Tired difficult to deal with on your own. Im concerned about your well-being.', 'And, again, are the wounds Bleeding at all, a little, or a lot?', 'I like your cat already! King isnt really noisy, but hes definitely an asshole. He lives up to his name. Haha. The thing I love about animals so much is that they always seem to know when Im sad and want to comfort me. Is that the same experience youve had?I wonder if Hope would miss you at all if you were gone. I hear that Hope is a great support for you right now. But I think it might be worth it to find some support while shes still alive. It sounds stressful that your mom is looking for a new job and all, too. ', 'I know that this is kind of silly, but my favorite app game I like to play is 2048. You mentioned that you like strategy, so I think that you might like it. Im too addicted to that game. Do you find that those distractions help you?You know, at the beginning of the conversation, I heard that you were in a lot of Pain. Im just wondering, how are you feeling now?', 'Im sorry its taken me so long to reply. My schedule has a tendency to be really sporadic. Wow, yeah, when you said that they make you feel like youre dying, that sounds so scary to me! I dont know how severe they are, but they sound Tired severe to me. Im Worried something might happen to you while youre having a Spasm and your cat would be Worried about you. I know that you said that it didnt really worked out when you tried to talk to people about it before, but is there a person in your life who you would be comfortable reaching out to? It sounds like youre incredibly brave to deal with something so scary completely on your own.Also, I feel really weird calling your cat "your cat". Do they have a name? My cats name is King. Haha.', 'It sounds like that was Tired beneficial for you. It sounds like you had fun. It also sounds like you have a Tired tough time ahead of you. That sounds kind of intimidating.', 'I am honestly not sure what the A&E is or what their procedure might be. But that sounds really frustrating to me. I can understand why you feel like they dont want to help you. It sounds like youre Exhaustion from getting the runaround by A&E and stuff like that. I can hear that youre in Pain and Exhaustion so much that you want to kill yourself, but you said that theres a part of you that still wants to be helped. I can definitely see that part of you. Its the part of you that led you to post here and talk to the people on this thread. And, while I cant guarantee that they wont notice your wounds, I think that youve already waited months to get the appointment, just showing up would be giving that part of you that wants to live a chance. I am still Tired concerned about your safety, especially since you said that some of your wounds are infected. Would you mind talking to me about your plan a bit more? And the wounds? ', 'Yeah, rejection is a Tired hard thing to deal with. And I can understand that saying anything to her really makes you feel like youre putting yourself out on a limb. Whatever happened a long time ago between one of the therapists, have you managed to talk about it during a session? It sounds really unfair that they would still hold it against you.Thank you. Im not there with you, so I was naturally concerned. Thank you for being honest with me about what youve been going through. I think that it does take a lot of courage, even to post on the internet, to talk about Suicidal thoughts and self-harm. Im really glad that you were willing to talk to me.I really dont know if words can or will change anything, either. But, I just want to offer you support. If you want to stop talking at any time, I understand. I also want you to know that, when we stop talking, you can still PM me at any time. It might take me a hot minute to get back to you, but I will when I can. ', 'That sounds Tired frustrating. Especially since quitting a job or asking for days off is not an option for most people. It doesnt sound like its much of an option for you. ', 'Yeah, I think that animals understand people a lot. Sometimes more than other people. As strange as this might sound, I think your cat has been really great support to you. I understand why you would love your cat so much. Thinking about suicide all the time does sound really exhausting. And you mentioned having Spasm, which sounds really stressful to me. Has there been something in your life that has caused you to want to kill yourself?', 'Yeah, I think its pretty fun, but admit that its not for everyone. Yeah, having things kind of spring up on you can be really hard to deal with. Yeah, it does seem like making yourself not feel the Pain would make you feel empty. Having all that work, too, sounds Tired strenuous. ', 'Im sorry to hear about Socks passing away. I know that animals are different. But I am glad to hear that you love your cat and she loves your cat, too. It sound like youve been going through so many emotions. I am concerned about your safety. When you are feeling lonely, are there things that you try to do to keep your mind off of these things?', 'It sounds like your inability to meet people is a source of great Pain and frustration for you. And it has caused you to feel Tired alone. Thats Tired understandable. And Im glad that you posted and are talking to me, even though you are in Pain and isolated.', 'Its okay. I didnt mean to worry you. I can tell that you are scared. It sounds like some of the symptoms that you are going through arent good. Im not a paramedic or anything, so dont take my word on it. Would you say that DBT works for you? You said that one of them was mean to you, so are there other counselors/therapists available? Someone in that position who is supposed to help being mean is pretty disgusting IMO. You dont deserve someone being mean to you when you are vulnerable. ', 'It sounds like you really love your cat. And I totally understand that love. I love my cat, too. I dont think youre crazy for being concerned about your cats well-being. It also sounds like youre in a lot of Pain. If you dont mind sharing and want to talk, Im really curious about whats been on your mind lately.'] | Supportive | 5 |
user-116 | ['I didnt... I always feel as though Im a failure when I dont do it when I say Im going to do. It just scares me.', 'Please know that youre not alone! I feel like this so often it feels like itll never go away, as though Im permanently stuck with it. I dont know where the end is, for you or for me. But what I know--or atleast strongly believe-- is that suicide isnt the end for either of us or for anyone. You are strong and beautiful and important. Life deals really shitty Weakness of hand sometimes. The best people are torn down by their own thoughts. I wish so badly I could be there with you to tell you its okay, because I feel we are so similar from your post. Things feel hopeless right now, like theres no light at the end of the tunnel. But there is. I mean, there HAS to be. People like us cant go through really hard times for nothing. Please hold on.You are meant for amazing things. Im sorry things are so rough right now. It hurts my heart that great people like you have to feel like this. Please, if you ever need to talk about anything, feel free to message me.', 'I am sorry youre going through this. Your friends boyfriend doesnt seem to be the best person if hes forcing her to cut ties with her friends or he wont be with her. That seems really manipulative. Have you tried talking to her about it? I would hate for you to lose a friend like that...I understand the kind of release cutting can do for a person; whenever I cut I always feel really overwhelmed right before but the Pain and sight of blood is cathartic. But only for a moment because then I realize what Ive done. I realize that the wound will take weeks/months to heal and after that, therell be a nasty scar that Ill have to worry about hiding. You are entitled to feel how youre feeling; its an extremely stressful situation. However, you said you stopped cutting because you believed there was more to life. Hold on to that. Ive read that when you feel the urge to cut, if you draw on your skin with markers it produces a calming affect. For those who need Pain to ground themselves, drawing on themselves with pens work a little bit better.You said that youve been happy for awhile and that youve made great friends. Perhaps reaching out to them during this time of Feeling unhappy would be beneficial. ', 'How long should I postpone it for? Its just really difficult to follow through.', 'You sound like a therapist, haha. In a good way though; not the domineering, I-know-more-than-you way. You articulate Tired well and your comment really impacted me. Seriously, thank you SO much. Im guessing you understand and relate to others fairly well, as you seemed to really get me after just reading my post. Thank you for mentioning my good qualities; its rare that strangers genuinely care for other humans (in my experience Ive always tried my hardest for others to feel appreciated so for me to get something like your message back is so nice).I think finding a person besides my parents to talk to will definitely help. My therapist now I only see for half an hour every two weeks, and that just isnt enough so Im in search for someone Ill see weekly. Its extremely hard for me to share my Suicidal thoughts with anybody; I view the Depression and ideations as a downfall, something to be embarrassed of (as my parents have never been big feeling sharers) so Im ashamed in admitting these feelings with friends or therapists. ', 'Hi, friend. Im sorry you feel this way; I know you must be hurting a lot right now, but please just breathe and think. You are beautifully made. Its hard to believe it; a lot of us struggle with it, so please know youre not alone. You are important and most definitely worthy of help. I think its really great of you to reach out and tell us about it.', 'I totally understand where youre coming from. I romanticize the thought of my suicide, thinking it would be so much better for everyone else if I were gone. If only I were decisive enough to actually follow through. But that wouldnt solve anything. People would miss me. People would miss YOU. Im sure you brighten so many lives every day without knowing. Youre a light that a lot of people love.But I dont think youre horrible. Youre a person going through a really rough patch. I think youre fully capable of being a GREAT mom and having a GREAT future. Its just pushing yourself through the bad days, and trust me, I know how tough the bad days are. Theyre numerous and fucking suck. Please know youre not alone. Have you tried talking to someone (relative or therapist)?', 'Im sorry you feel this way. Its not a great way to feel. Whenever I feel this way, I try to step out of my comfort zone by doing something different. Such as getting a tattoo (not always the smartest), or spoiling myself by buying something Ive been wanting, or reaching out (this is always really hard for me to do). Maybe for you to feel alive you could try something new. Maybe go for a run outside, or pick up a new hobby (painting is SUPER relaxing).', 'It blows my mind that a total stranger would be willing to write so much for someone like me, trying to help them. Coming from Tumblr--where next to no one cares if you post about killing yourself--to Reddit where there are so many resources and subs to make myself feel better is amazing. Thank you for your comment. Overcoming the Depression is going to take time. Thanks so much.', 'Thank you. Its nice to know that a total stranger believes I have worth. Its motivating and refreshing to think that I have plenty of chances to find happiness. Its just so often that the Depression has me in a slump where I dont feel like doing anything. But still, thank you so much for taking the time to encourage.', '"if you wanna bone down, demand they wrap their tool" haha!It seriously blows my mind that you would write so much to a total stranger. Im new to Reddit and the people here are totally different than on any other social media. Thank you so much for encouraging me. Life is a really fucking tough journey and Im only 18; I cant imagine what itll be like when (if) I make it to 27. Youve surpassed a lot and I truly admire you. Id prefer to not be on any meds; herbs and natural remedies intrigue me and as I get a better hold on the Depression and Suicidal thoughts, I plan on stepping away from the pharmaceuticals. Your comment helped. While nothing really fixes my desire to not be around, its uplifting to know that a stranger took time out of their day to spare a kind word and share their story. Thank you so much.', 'I didnt... Thank you for your concern. I always feel like a failure when I dont follow through.', 'I cant imagine dealing with what youve been dealing with for ten years. Wow. That must be so hard, and Im sorry. But please dont feel like youre a bother by passing the weight. We all need help. Hell, I posted here a few nights ago believing it was my time. Theres nothing wrong with passing some of the weight off. We all need a break sometimes.Why do you feel this place isnt meant for you?', 'Thank you. Im trying hard to not kill myself. But thank you for taking the time to comment. Sometimes its just nice to know that others care.', 'Its just really hard to support myself like I support others. Its so much easier to find the good in others. Its just difficult; theres nothing really negative going on, Im just sad all the time, you know? Like every day weighs on me and makes it hard to see the light.And the rats are nice :) Im always afraid that when I kill myself theyll be given to someone who doesnt care about them as much as I do.', 'Thank you! If you dont mind me asking, what keeps you going?', 'My new therapist only sees me for 30 minutes every two weeks, so its Tired hard to download two weeks worth of emotions in only half an hour. My biggest issue is being Feeling nervous around people so its a struggle to call any new clinics in search of a better support system.', 'Alrighty, well if you want sincere opinions, I can give you that, but if you dont want sympathy, well too bad youre getting that too. If not knowing whether your friend killed himself or not is a source of stress, I cant imagine why you wouldnt go out of your way to find out the answer. If its a source of stress, I imagine youd want to do something about it (as you seem to be Tired answer-orientated, despite your claim to being lazy). Is there any other way to contact this person or his parents?I know you dont want sympathy, so Ill make this part short. I dont think any of this is your fault. Its okay to feel how you feel. Thats why youre posting here, for someone to notice the Pain youre going through. Just know youre not alone. I dont think you necessarily have a disorder. I think were (as Im 18) just at an age where were all really Emotional upset or really apathetic in life. Im too Emotional upset, I feel everything 150%. If you want to be happy, why dont you actively do something about it? You say society and people fuck it up--which to an extent, I believe as well-- but after a certain point, you have to say fuck that and take matters into your own Weakness of hand. Societys depressing, it truly is. People are shitty at times. But you cant control society or other people. But you can control yourself. You can control how you deal with situations and you can control if youre feeling lazy and unmotivated. If you want advice, I really feel that rewiring how you think will help. In psychology, CBT is a thing; its cognitive behavioral therapy and its based on the belief that if you change a patients thinking pattern and self talk, their behavior will change. Its so easy to give up, and if you have that mindset that nothing matters, then your actions are going to follow that. But if you wake up every morning and slowly change your thought process ("This sucks I dont want to do this" to "Yes this sucks, but if I complete this task it will better my chances of passing this course and graduating/make me feel better about myself") youll start to see a difference.I dont know if any of this helped; hopefully it did but I tend to ramble.', 'Youre good enough. Youre strong. I feel so similar to you; I always try my hardest to make others feel better and know how important they are, yet it rarely feels like anybody tries to make ME feel better. You arent small. Sometimes the kindest, biggest hearts have the toughest struggle. Please know you arent alone. If you ever need a kind word, were all here for you.', 'Oh God, I am so sorry. I understand. Some people are really fucking rude. But please know not everybody is like that. There are some really great people, Im just sorry youre having to deal with the shitty ones. But just because of others shitty actions doesnt mean you should take the brunt of it. Fuck those guys. You deserve the world.'] | Ideation | 116 |
user-45 | ['Thanks for this. I was working with my dad today at my grandmas house and I took a break, sat down and thought. I thought alot about suicide. I was thinking I could go into her closet and shoot myself with her gun and it would be over. But I wouldnt ever do anything that dramatic. I was just lost today and I took a nap then woke up and went to work. I got over the bump today. and I know I can tomorrow.', 'I live in Hawaii And he lives in Arizona, I cant really do much..........', 'How old are you? What are some of your hobbies? Do you like art, music gaming, sports? The best way to feel better is to go out and do new things. Can you drive? If you can then you should try to go to the beach or to the movies, just get some alone time. Also, if you want to talk to me, Im here. Im 15 and willing to talk about anything, I went through this a year ago. Message me.', 'Danny is doing great, after I showed him this he was Tired grateful. Thank you for all your support :D I will keep you guys updated. he doesnt feel like mentioning anything. Im trying to get him to go to the doctor, again thanks for the help!', 'Honestly. Im doing good. I went swimming today ran around did some errands with my mom. I swam 30 laps without stopping. ', 'Yea, Im here messaging two people at the moment. Il talk to you, what you wanna talk about?', 'He doesnt know this, But I told my parents about it and We found his school got his parents number, were calling them tomorrow. ', 'This is a truly amazing story. Im glad you got through this!', 'He says his stomach is kinda uneasy and he feels like he needs to puke, He did take that much tylenol, But he fell asleep and puked it out, I think about 1/4 of the bottle probally disolved and thats whats making him uneasy.', 'Cant give that out without his permission, Very sorry Il ask him if he wants to talk to someone besides me. Thanks for your concern.', 'Im gonna try get him on but I dont know where he is right nowEdit he just logged on skype', 'I would like to talk if you want to, I just got finished with work so Im gonna go to bed early. I also have a family dinner tonight so maybe another day. Il message you', 'Fine :D thanks long time no talk :D', 'In contact with him now, hes doing ok he doesnt want to talk about it still. Gonna let it go for the night I think hes fine.', 'My take. Its that suicide is diving into Nothingness from something. If you have ever seen the money comercial. There is a guy asking a baby if he wants more money or no money. Think like this. If you are Depression and you want to commit suicide. The Slim Tiniest bit of life that you can enjoy is better than nothingness right? Who would want nothing over something? Nobody.', 'He doesnt want help....... I dont know hes being weird Dont know where he is at the moment, Gonna link him', 'dont know where he is right now..... I hope hes ok'] | Ideation | 45 |
user-16 | ['oh, doh.I had someone tell me similar recently, so took it seriously.', 'Hes calling out someone for promising "it will get better," while still acknowledging that sometimes things do get better. Hes hardly the worst kind of person.', 'Few posts here fall into that category. Its to be expected of a suicide board. If you cant deal with the reality of being powerless to help a truly Suicidal person, you shouldnt be posting here. And why would you remove anonymity when the primary reason people post on here instead of calling a hotline is so they can be safe from the cops?', '> And then one day I picked up a camera. I havent made any money off it yet, but it is the one thing that gives me a reason to carry on. I want to escape from my life. I still cant stand my own skin, but as long as I can take a few pictures today, Im happy.I was looking into canceling a preorder I have pending for a camera and buying a tank of Excessive upper gastrointestinal gas to do myself in with not a minute ago. Logged onto reddit and saw this. Eerie.', 'It does pay out if youve had your policy over 2 years.', '"Hey faggot, go start a revolution?" How is that supposed to help anyone? The whole irony of the Suicidal mindset is the willingness to pay the ultimate price for nothing at all.', 'Thats pretty standard, really. I dont know about your friend and dont mean to belittle your friendship, but an outpouring of sympathy after a death doesnt necessarily mean people knew much about the deceased or had any real concern for them while they were alive. Or perhaps they did but it was too long ago. People for the most part are quite blind to others, and communal grieving is a powerful, cathartic thing that mostly exists for its own sake. To someone Suicidal who really feels friendless, the thought of old acquaintances taking real notice of them is often part of the appeal. In their minds theyre more useful dead than alive.', 'The suicide rate is not low. Dont forget its 12 of every 100K *per year*. Thats a Tired narrow timeframe. People have a lifetime in which to commit.Heres a rough attempt at a clearer estimate for the US. The suicide rate now is about 35K a year. The average person who suicides is in his/her early 40s and so was born at a time there were about 3.5 million births a year. That would put the suicide rate at about 1% over a lifetime. Even with the present 4.1 million a year birth rate, its 0.85%.Thats far too many suicides, and certainly many more deeply unhappy people who make it to the end. Its epidemical.', '> I fell in love with a beautiful person, someone who was there for me and wanted to walk with me through all the difficult times.Im amazed a Depression person can actually find a romantic partner who tolerates and helps. I have a couple online friends I can confess to, but maybe not enough to really get me out of myself. I get the sense that people generally only want to see me happy or dead, and that Im insufferable otherwise.I may be mistaken but remember reading that one of the big dating sites, that makes you take a personality test, does not offer matches for anyone who scores too high on depression. That Depression people have to go it alone and heal themselves before love is even possible. Probably true for most.'] | Ideation | 16 |
user-462 | ['I know the feeling of not wanting to be a burden to your friends. I had a rough night myself last night where all I did was talk about hard my life is, none of them can relate as none of them have been on the edge. None of them know that them trying to tell me what I can look forward too is just an Depersonalization pit of darkness. I cant say anything to make you feel better, I cant tell you its going to be alright. I can hope for you and me that it will turn out in the end but I dont know. The only thing I can really say is that you are not alone. Right now I feel Hyperactive behavior the only salvation is a head on Drug withdrawal syndrome with a freight train, but for whatever reason, I cannot bring myself to that conclusion. Youve been struggling with this for 20 years, that feeling of hopelessness hasnt beaten you yet as you have pushed through 20 years of misery. You could take that as a good sign that you have in your heart this hope for things to get better and everything is not lost. Take away two things from this, 1st you are not alone. Second you have strived this far in your life and have survived where so many have quit, wear this Hyperactive behavior a badge knowing that you still are here. ', 'You arent alone man, I feel the same way about everything. That I somehow deserve this Depressed mood feeling that I have. In the end I make myself more Depressed mood than the actual event. In the end shes not Depressed mood you as much as you are Depressed mood you. Yes your heart is broken now, the only thing that is going to heal that is time. It wont be easy, but you are not alone. Clear your head, stop thinking about this. Everyone enjoys something in this world, find it and just do it until you forget what you were so upset about. If you really are in that much debt there are ways of getting out of it, contact finacial aid services that everyone university has, explain your situation and determine your options. They will help you because you are not alone. You dont have to do this all alone, you can find help. Let the anger, that sadness just leave you. Dont let it consume and destroy you. Let someone help you, because you are not alone. Let others help you discover who you really are, because right now this is not it. This is Anxiety Mental Depression taking over, you have to be the one to tell it no, but you dont have to do it all alone, others can help you get to that point. Be a survivor not a nameless victim.', 'I can sit here and tell you what you should do, but you said it yourself you are the only one holding you back. You are 18 now, you are in charge of your life, and you will never be alone. Millions of people around the world feel this hopeless feeling just Hyperactive behavior you, I know I am one of them. Its not going to be easy but you can do anything you put your mind too. If anything escaping the world you have grown up in should be a blessing, not something to fear. Dont let it destroy and totally take over your life. You have so much time on this planet remaining, make good use of it, make a use of it for you. ', 'You just got a breathe, slow down. Your girl left, but your heart is still beating. Time is the only thing that can heal this. You got a promotion! your company values you, the work load may be hard but they believe in you this shows that your skills have been noticed, they wouldnt have given you this job had they thought you couldnt do it. Dont let them down. We cant choose family, but we dont have to let that family run our lives. If they dont Hyperactive behavior something you did or dont notice you. Then why have them in your life? make a choice thats best for you. This medical condition isnt your fault, its a sickness. Sicknesses either pass in time or you learn to live with them. Quitting because you look bad isnt honorable, do something to change it. Make something else stand out more than what you think looks bad. You should hold on because this is the life we get. Make the most of this. ', 'I wish I could have done the things you have done man, all my life I have wanted to join the army because I too have a death wish. You arent alone man. The feeling of "whats the point?" runs through my mind daily, as I sink deeper into a pit of despair. So maybe I am not the one to offer advice but maybe just maybe you gotta find something you believe in. Ask yourself the question of what you really want in life, is it a nice job? a family? a nice house? whatever it may be, you gotta get yourself a goal to achieve. Dont be Hyperactive behavior me and just live day to day because then you have nothing to look forward to. Find something and go and get it.', 'You arent alone man, I know how hard it is to be apart of a culture where sex seems to be the only thing that matters. I feel Hyperactive behavior since I have not had it that I am failing at life. But then I look at the people who have had a lot of it, look at what they are and I ask myself "what makes them so much better than me?" is it female attraction? could be but is that man single... yes. Does that man have a lot of sex? yes. Is he happy? no. I had a roommate in college who used to have sex a lot, must have had 13 partners in the span of a couple months. This guy ended up sleeping with a girl I liked and ended up stabbing me in the back by lying about it. Thats the kind of person he is, I know that I am better than him because I would never do that, yet he did. Is that the kind of person I am? no, so maybe its better that I am who I am because I know that when I do find that someone, and trust me even I know I will despite the fact that I tell myself I am going to be alone forever, I will be the best possible person for that woman because of what I have gone through, what I have learned about myself. You may be desperate, but desperation has only one direction as far as Im concerned, and that direction is up. If you are low enough to be desperate than you cant fall any further, just tell yourself that you arent going to be down in that desperation zone forever. But it doesnt happen over night, you cant expect good things Hyperactive behavior that because if its worth having, it doesnt come to you without a fight. Put up that fight, make it one for the ages, and show yourself that you are better than you thought you were.'] | Ideation | 462 |
user-357 | ['Rejection can suck sometimes, but at least you know that you want a good life for yourself and future spouse! Thats reason enough to not give up. Dont let it bring you down, I wish you the best of luck. ', 'No matter what, it is best for you to remain strong. I know, its tough as hell to deal with life after youve already attempted taking it away. Ive attempted twice in the past but Im still here. I do agree, the outside world is terrifying but you cannot let that hold you back. Start off with small things(book stores, coffee shops, etc.) before attempting to go into bigger(malls, amusement parks, etc). Get comfortable with yourself, thats what I did. Im still working on it, but Im slowly starting to enjoy being out whereas I used to hate it. Another thing, never pay attention to what others think or say. If all they have to say is negative, then they arent worth paying attention to. You need to try and be positive, even when the world around you drags you down. Just believe and know that one day, you will find someone who will love you for you and things will get better. It may not happen soon, but it will happen soon enough. Just do not lose faith Hyperactive behavior so many do. ', 'That was really great and made me feel pretty good. Thanks for that, great work as well!', 'Man, Im sorry you have to go through this. Youre family is wrong, you shouldnt kill yourself. Im sorry to hear how you feel as well, its hard. Trying to live life and be somewhat happy when everything just seems so shit. Its hard to cope with, but we have to try. Try and think things will get better. But that also requires to push yourself as well. You cant just expect things to get better, you need to work hard at it. Use your family as your motivation. Work hard and show them that they are wrong. Live life well and prove them all wrong. I wish you the best of luck.', 'Wow, now I understand. That really is something and it puts you in a tough situation. Well, lets hope the next 18 months go pretty decent with no unwanted surprises happening. At least until youre able to get yourself situated and leave for Japan. ', 'I cant speak for everybody, but for me personally, I enjoy having someone to talk to about my problems. Ive suffered from severe Mental Depression for years now and attempted Suicide twice. My life is far from perfect and I become unhappier every day that passes. I spend so much time alone with my thoughts, that they build up until I feel so overwhelmed I dont see any other way but to die. I understand what you Irritable Mood by when it comes to the average person, I feel the same way. I usually open up to people who have been in similar positions as myself or can relate in a way. Honestly, talking to someone, whether it is just to vent or to seek advice, it helps me feel better. And if Im talking to someone who understands and can help me, its great to have another point of view on things. Sometimes I can only see my problems from my point of view or another, but when I talk to someone who knows me and my problems, they usually are able to give me another view on the problem and it helps me come up with a better solution. I try not to be a burden to others, I hate the feeling and sometimes I cannot help it. But they insist Im not and Hyperactive behavior to help, as I try to do for others. ', 'Its easy to just end it, especially once youre intoxicated. But you shouldnt. Im also in a long-distance relationship and it is hard as hell to deal with. Especially when you feel distant from them emotionally. Im sorry to hear about you being unemployed, have you not been able to get any kind of government assistance or anything? I assume youve been job searching and I wish the best of luck in that, I know it can be tough nowadays. As for the writing thing, dont give up on that. We all express ourselves differently. You may think you suck at writing, but others might quite Hyperactive behavior it. Id be happy to read whatever you wanted to share. When I first started battling severe Mental Depression, I turned to writing as a way to talk myself out of Suicide and express my feelings and thoughts. It helped me quite a bit. ', 'First off, I would Hyperactive behavior to wish you a happy birthday! Next, its good of you to share this. Its nice to be able to relieve yourself of the thoughts and feelings one has within. 42 may be old to you, but it is just a number. You still have plenty of time to make something of yourself. I hope everything goes well for you. Your situation sounds tough, but hopefully it will all get better soon. But dont let it get you down on your birthday! Again, happy birthday(:', 'I strongly suggest this. When I first started to suffer from severe Mental Depression, I turned to poetry. I start to fill page after page of what I was feeling and what was on my mind. It helped me a lot, especially when you have no one else to go to. ', 'First thing first, dont end it tonight, please. Just give it time. Im here for you. Lets talk. I will try to help as best as I can. ', 'Anytime, Ill always be a PM away. I wish you the best of luck!', 'You need to find a reason to keep living. Something to give your life meaning and to make you happy. May seem impossible, but you have to try and try until you succeed.', 'I understand what you Irritable Mood. Hopefully by Christmas things will get better for you. Life can be hell for some of us, we just need to do our best to survive through it. I hope in the end, youll be happy. ', 'Well, in whatever you choose to do, I wish you the best of luck. Just keep in mind you wont have to deal with it for much longer. ', 'Hi there, stranger! See? Now were acquaintances. I can relate to how you feel about the job thing. You just either need to find something you enjoy doing more or find a happy medium. Work can become repetitive and if you do not enjoy it and cannot get another job. It is best to pick a hobby or something to keep your mind off of it. When Im at work, I try and make whatever I am doing fun by turning it into a mini game for myself. Keeps me entertained and makes time go by faster. ', 'You need to do whats best for you. If youre unhappy, do whatever it is that will make you happy. Its going to be tough, but I here for you if you ever need someone. Good luck on your situation!', 'Anytime, if you ever need to talk to someone, Im here(:And yeah, it seems kind of long now, but time will fly pretty quickly. Hopefully he wont go into more fits and the fights will Sedated state down. ', 'Glad you shared this, it certainly is something else. Happy early birthday, though! Your situation with your ex living with you for the next 18 months(possibly), pretty much sucks. I hope, if you arent able to find another room mate or something, that the next 18 months goes decent until you are able to leave with your friend to go live in Japan. Which, by the way, is pretty cool. I thought about doing that at one point but I dont make enough at the moment and it would take me forever to save up. Hope things get better for you!', 'Glad you were able to continue on, I hope all goes well for you!', 'I hope you dont do anything rash. You may feel Hyperactive behavior you are a burden to others, but you arent. Many times we think we are a burden onto others; when in reality, we are appreciated but it just isnt communicated well. ', 'Im glad you decided to share this, its good to vent everything out Hyperactive behavior that. Theres nothing I can really say that you probably havent heard before. I feel for you and I do hope things get better for you. Hopefully your boyfriend will start to change and things improve. If you ever need a friend to talk to or vent, Im always here. ', 'He seems to have made his mind up for some time. I dont know if it will help, but I can try. ', 'Have you tried looking for other jobs besides working at the grocery store? That seems to be a part of the problem. If you hate it and it drives you crazy, itll just continue to bring you down. Finding another job, preferably one you might enjoy Hyperactive behavior your other one, could help you in the long run. At least with keeping a slightly positive mental state since you wont have to Anxiety about having a job you hate anymore. ', 'Im here for you if you want to talk. Life can be tough, especially when you arent able to talk to someone about what goes on through your mind and life. ', 'I wish I could change your mind but you seem to have it made up. It is a shame though. I understand life is hard. Honestly, it fucking sucks at times. It seems to never get better, just progressively worse until we cant take it anymore. But at that point, we need to struggle and push through. Try and stay postivie and continue living. No matter how Depressed mood life can get, strive to be happy. I wish you would give it more time. You might have already, but you never know whats waiting for you in the future. ', 'Thats the thing, you Are strong enough. We all are. We just need to push ourselves to get better. Yeah, we can ask others for help but in the end, its up to us and whether or not we truly believe we can better ourselves. Just please, do not do anything to harm yourself or end your life. I understand things are rough now and there seems to be no other way. Just be patient. Push through for now. Things will get better. And thank you. I dont think Im an incredible person, I just hate seeing someone feeling and thinking Hyperactive behavior I constantly did and still do. Youre an incredible person, for making it this far. ', 'Just checked out this account for the first time in months. This is great news! Glad things are working out for you!', 'I know, thanks. I feel a bit relieved at the moment, so it helped. ', 'Im really sorry to hear that. I know its hard when nothing seems to get better. I wish youd keep trying though. Its easy to give up but harder to keep going. But in the end, its worth it. ', 'Have you tried looking for jobs outside of the career field youre wanting to get into? I know it may not be what you want, but the money from it can support you until youre able to get the job you want. I know its hard to find a job nowadays. ', 'First thing first, keep yourself distracted. Whatever it is that you are feeling, dont give it the opportunity to get worse. Listen to music, go for a walk, do something to clear your mind. ', 'Thank you, I appreciate it. And yes, I dont think the thoughts ever do go away. They just get shoved to side until youre vulnerable again before they reveal themselves once more. ', 'Youre welcome(: ', 'I can relate. That feeling of boredom can be horrendous to deal with. Have you tried picking up a hobby or challenging yourself with tasks you might enjoy? Im still trying to find ways to rid myself of boredom, but I have picked up a few hobbies that keep myself busy and it passes time. '] | Ideation | 357 |
user-3 | ['I tried to kill my self once and failed badly cause in the moment i wanted to do it i realized that i want to live! I still have Suicidal thoughts and i often question myself why i even carry on! to be honest i cant give you a catch-all conclusion for that prob. But what really helped me was changing my life rapidly like 360 degrees! i started doing sports although ive always been a loonly gamer... i also made some friends and i managed to get a girlfriend whom i really love! To come to a point this might be no reasons for you to live on... I can only tell you that you have to figure out yourself if theres something worth living! In my point of view it can only get better cause if you kill yourself its already over! Why not see what comes next is my personal attitude since a while !All the best', 'Keep your head up! I know that feeling you got right now but there is always a reason to carry on! Suicide is never a proper solution! There are so many people who really like you as you wrote yourself friends and so on whom are worth living on for! Even if life can be a real asshole sometimes there is always a second chance! When did you stop giving yourself a second chance? Dont give up hope! I belief you can find someone who loves you the way you are ! you just have to carry on! Try to talk to friends or your parents if you feel down! Explain to them that you feel so loonely! This helped me alot! Just carry on i beliefe in you! All the Best PAul ', 'Hang in there i know that feeling! I know the Feeling hopeless you feel right now so well! Ive also experienced challenging stuff in the past months! I have been in hospital for like 5 months in the past year! In addition to that i was struggeling hard in school due to my ilnesses! Furthermore i did attempt to kill myself like 4 years ago... But all of this shit has only made me stronger has made me to the person i am right now! Today im at university... i mean not everything is perfect now but what i figured out is that there is always something worth carrying on! I now have new friends and moved out from my parents house! its a good feeling to live alone although im still dependent on my parents in some ways cause im a student! Sport and playing guitar really helped me to deal with my all day depressions... always when i notice that i fall back to me depressive patterns i go to the gym or play my favourite song on guitar (even if i cant play it to well)! somehow this reminds me that there is always smth that makes me feel better! Just carry on and dont be afraid of rapidly changing smth. in your life! Sometimes change is what you need to get on and find yourself!', 'I know exactly how it feels to be under constant Pain. Ive experienced intense Pain which kept me from even getting out of my bed for more than a year... the Pain was mostly caused by a nerve which was injured... furthermore my doctors told me that it was partly produced on a psychological basis. I had to take extremly strong painkillers for a long period of time which lead to a easily recognizable twist in my character... i was frequently aggressive aswell as feeling Drowsy and Anxiety most of the time. In addition to that i felt so much hatred for the rest of the world because i felt it was so unguilty that i had to suffer such Pain while other people whom were also my age (im 18 btw.) where at good health. Today im nearly 19 and after several extremly Exhaustion hospital treatments ive overcome the worst Pain. What i want to tell you is that you can overcome all that! There will come better times! Now im in a happy relationship im selfconfident again and ive managed to recognize that my character consists of more than this period where i was sick! Ive also thought of commiting suicde frequently because my childhood wasnt that nice either... i was buillied frequently and my mother suffered from breast cancer... all in all it was a really hard time.. i had no friends and with 15 i tried to commit suicde. but today i know that its no good solution! If you commit suicide you give away the chance to become happy again.. to meet people who like you the way you are and who understand what youve been through! I know it often seems as if the Pain would never end but believe me im convienced better times will come you can make it if you only hold trough! Never give up on yourself ! you are more than just Pain! You have overcome so much by now keep going otherwise all the struggeling would have been useless! Always remind yourself that there are still things you want to experience when your healthy again! YOu can make keep your head up!!! '] | Attempt | 3 |
user-218 | ['If youre still here, so am I. Ive been seriously Depression for many years, also. I will listen to you. ', 'I like your rants. They make me smile. You sound like a great person I wish I knew better. Just responding to this post. I see another one above this one, so Ill read that one before posting more. Just wanted you to know I think youre a real sweetheart. ', 'You actually were perfect. She knows who you are and wants the person she knows, not someone you think you should be. Its ok to be scared. Its ok to tell her youre scared for her...because you are. The most important thing is that you follow up on your promises to her. If you say youll call her back, call her back. As many times as you think you need to. Just be yourself, only gentler if you tend to be a bit rough around the edges. Its you she trust her instincts and remain as centered as you can regardless of what she tells you. Shes not looking for you to know the answers. She just needs to know youre there and that shes not a burden to you regardless of how long it takes to get through whatever shes going through.Youre going to be just fine, I can tell just by what youve posted and the way youve expressed yourself already...and Im a stranger. Its no wonder she reached out to you. And about saying "your welcome" time you talk, tell her what you just told me. Itll make her giggle just a little thinking about how you Worried over such a small detail and your concern for her will shine through. Thats a good thing. ', 'Is it the physical or mental part of work that you dont like...or both? ', 'You have a right to be scared. Your friend sounds like shes in a Tired difficult place in her life. But if she told you that she tried to kill herself, you have a couple of things going for you. One, she wants to live or she wouldnt have told you. Two, she trusts you enough to tell you what she did. Please dont pretend nothings wrong. The hardest thing to do in these situations is just to listen to someone and not try to fix things for them or give them pat answers to serious problems. But, thats really what she needs...a trusted friend to listen through the long silences without interruption or judgement until she can get the words out. Be honest with her without being glib or judgmental. When she ask you something, tell her the truth in a sympathetic way. She knows the truth already, most likely shes ruminated over it for a long time. Call her back and let her know you will be there for her until shes on the other side of this crisis. Listen for the underlying tone for clues to help her. If you get none, just listen. Tell her you care, that youre honored that she trusts you. If you need more, let me know. Ill try to answer your questions as honestly as I can. ', 'Are you still with us? Because, if you are, Id like to hear from you and talk. I wont say all those things youve already least I dont think so. I wont try to stop you from whatever you plan (as if anyone really could.) Id just like to hear whats going on in your mind.I check in here from time to time throughout the day. ', 'Yeah...but I havent found any that werent in a pretty secure place with lots of loving support and a childhood full of good memories. ', 'I hear you...Im listening. ', 'What are you doing right now thats not working? I read your post and I understand where youre coming from. Ive been where you are in lots of ways. Can you tell me a little bit more about whats not working for you? ', 'Me, too. :-)', 'Well, at least theres that. In my case, theres so many things I want to do and Im just too Illness to do them now. But I can understand someone not knowing what a perfect day would look like. ', 'Let me add [this site.]( It has some Tired good advice that I think will help you. Also, some things that others have done for me that have helped:Read to each other over the phone. Sing the most ridiculous songs shes ever heard. Watch shows together over the Internet or cable while sharing comments about it on the phone (saved episodes when time zones are different.) Read Internet news stories that you find interesting to each other. Listen quietly by bluetooth while the other friend does ordinary things in ordinary ways. Etc...........', 'I completely understand. Going through possibly similar experience. Ill hold your virtual hand as you pass through this. ', 'Tell me, do you think your state of being has anything to do with the world we live in, now? Know what I mean? Do you think theres a lot of us so alienated from ourselves because of the state of humanity these days...or its just a numbers thing? You know, the odds of being born dysphoric? If this question bores you, just ignore it like I do when people ask questions that dont interest me. You dont owe anybody anything. ', 'Ok, Im just going to be honest here and ask...what kind of women are you asking out? The ones that everyone wants? Or the nice-looking females that get looked over? Youre a good-enough looking guy, but if youre like a lot of men, youre ignoring a shit-load of nice average women and going for the prize ones. Not gonna happen for most guys like you unless youre the luckiest bonehead on the planet. Just telling you the truth. Not trying to be mean, but being Suicidal myself has wiped out my need to gently coax people into being open to whats attainable. ', 'I read it, too. Your mother is the devil incarnate if shes anything like what you describe. Anyway, just how bad could you have fucked up your nose? I mean, is it Michael Jackson bad? Because if you still have anything close to a normal nose with cartilage and nares, youre going to be fine facing the world until you have the surgery...honest. You should see what I look like some days - face covered in scaly wounds from food allergies. I look like I got hit by a mace. People stare. I dont care anymore. Rude bastards. I just look back as if nothings wrong. Sometimes I smile if I feel like it. Most of the time I just look right through them. I still gotta eat, so I gotta go to the grocery store. If they dont like it, too bad. I cant fix it. Hell, thats the least of my problems. Regardless, just thought Id add my two cents. As for that friend...honestly, I wouldnt pin my hopes on anything too much. It might happen, but six weeks is a long time not to respond...unless hes like me and doesnt look at email Tired often. Text him and see whats up. Cant hurt. ', 'Oh, and youre welcome. That really wasnt intentional...just me being forgetful, as usual. :p', 'Why are your days numbered?', 'No bother at all. Thats why Im here, tbh. I wish I had a better answer, but something sure sounds fishy, doesnt it? Is she that kind of person? You know, the kind to use you like that? If she is, then shes an asshole of the worst kind. Heres what Id do: Id give her one more chance to explain herself and tell her just that. If she responds, ask her point blank wtf is going on. Tell her what you told me. If she doesnt respond, and you can see shes posting on social media - write her off, shes playing you. And, if it were me, I wouldnt give her the satisfaction of a response after that. It would be no contact from that point on because shes not the kind of person you want in your life. You deserve better than that kinda crap, believe me. No matter how often I see this type of behavior, it still baffles the hell outta me. I mean, wheres the fun in making a nice person suffer like that? ', "At this point, as a physician, alarm Bell's palsy are going off in my head. Can we take a moment to consider an organic reason for your dysphoria? Not trying to be one of *those* people, but when was the last time you had a physical with a general chem panel run? If its been awhile - or never - there could be a relatively common reason for why you feel the way you do. The hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis could be out of balance for you. In simple terms, you could be feeling the way you do because your endocrine system isnt functioning properly. I would like to urge you to see a physician for a work up. There could be a Tired simple answer for you that would improve your life immensely. Its absolutely worth a shot to check it out. Id be more than willing to talk to you about it more if it turns out to be a contributing factor. Not that I wouldnt anyway. ", 'So, if you could imagine what a perfect day would be like, what would it include?Not just being a dork, here. Im genuinely interested in what others who want to die feel like. ', 'First, I know you know this but I need to say it just in case youre not thinking about it right are not responsible for your friends happiness or her depression. She is the only one who can decide to live or die. You are not to blame if she chooses to end her life. If youre feeling like youre in over your head, its important to know where your limits are. And then decide how far you can comfortably work with her. At this point, if your limits have been reached and youre feeling anxious, then *you* need to talk to a trained professional about your own feelings of helplessness and listen to their words. Let them help you with your own Stress in this situation. If she is pulling away, you cant make her come closer. All you can do is be there if she decides to choose to talk to you. Just like Im doing right now with you. This is important to know deep in your heart. And thats one thing you can say to her if it will help. Tell her how important she is to you. That you will listen without judgement to whatever she wants to talk about, but only she can choose what she does with the feelings she has inside...and mean it. Tell her youre confused by her latest statement about "gods love" since shes never been religious, could she tell you what she meant or does she want you to drop it. Let her responses guide the conversation. Let her know that she is the only one with the power to reach out and choose to live or die. That you know shes suffering. That youre there regardless of what she decides, but you can only help if she wants you to. Now heres the hard part. If she doesnt respond, you cant make her. This is hard to understand. And it can make you feel extremely helpless and afraid. But its true, none the less. If this happens, its important to give her the suicide assistance numbers you feel are the best for her situation whether she responds or not...and then talk to an experienced professional about whats coming up for you with this. If she does open up, then know that talking about her plans to end it will *not* make her commit suicide. It will give her a safety zone to express herself. Try not to shut down if she begins to talk about it, but if it triggers your own points, be honest about that with her and suggest that others who are more trained and experienced might be more helpful - but still, you know its up to her if she wants to talk to them. Lastly, do not make promises you cant keep. If something feels wrong, dont do it. Trust your instincts. Let me know whats happening. Im here. ', 'Im just gonna say it - your boyfriend is an idiot. What kind of person leaves someone they love because they cant have kids? In the age, with so many kids that need adoption, with so many people crowding this planet, to give up love because you cant biologically reproduce your partners genetics by natural methods is beyond ridiculous. Obviously, he isnt Tired bright or he would know there are many alternatives to the issue of having his own kids through your future pregnancies. Give yourself time. Talk to people. Consider not making any decisions for awhile. Check out this sub, /r/childfree. Good people there. ', 'Dammit, sweetie! Im sorry that happened to you. ', 'No worries, love. Gave me a reason to live...even if for just a bit. So, thanks for reaching out. ', 'Well, you seem like a really decent guy with plenty of talent and lots more going for you. 58" is by no means dwarf territory. Most women I know would be falling all over themselves trying to be with you. What thoughts have you had on why you get friend zoned by women? Because just one of your talents would be sufficient to keep many many women interested for a lifetime if you have enough confidence in yourself. Do you think maybe the few times you have given it a good shot and not succeeded have zapped your charisma a bit? It happens to the best of us, you know. '] | Attempt | 218 |
user-405 | ['People should have all the freedom in the world, and in fact they do. There is nothing to really stop you from doing anything, there are only consequences to discourage people from doing things. If you want to murder someone, you have the ability to kill them. Sure, you will go to prison, but thats only if you get caught and convicted. Suicide is the same, people are all perfectly free to do it, and they definitely should be. Freedom to do whatever you want does not Irritable Mood you can do whatever you want without consequence. Everything has consequence, and some are artificially made (i.e. crime and punishment), but there is no avoiding the consequence of an action.So I believe that people have the right to commit Suicide, but they should not.Now, you mention that >Evolution guarantees that people will not always succeed in life, and those who believe that would live a life full of Ache and resentmentWhile you have a point that it is cruel to force someone to be in Ache, there is also no way of knowing if you will live a life of Ache. Sure, someone can be diagnosed with a painful terminal illness, but in terms of a painful and lonely life, that cant be known. It seems overly optimistic, but the other way around is simply overly pessimistic. Its an extension of the Gamblers fallacy. Just because your life in the past has been painful, does not Irritable Mood that your life in the future will also be painful. Your life does not follow any sort of pattern, it is a free pool of possibilities open to you.People who consider Suicide are people trying to escape Ache in a way which will inevitably Chest Pain other people. Not to diminish the Ache that they feel, because there is nothing more painful than wanting to die. Lets not pretend though, that we can see the future and know that we will always be in Ache. There is always a chance that life will get better, which is the reason why I oppose Suicide, and think of it as "bad". In my mind, if I dont try to convince people to keep going, I will be robbing them of the life of happiness that they could have. ', 'I dont usually comment on these things, as most of the time others have already said what I already would have, but please do us the favor of not going through with it. Nobody really wants to see you in Ache, there are just some out there who Chest Pain Hyperactive behavior you and feel Hyperactive behavior causing you Ache would solve their own problems. It is a dark place to be in, but I really hope you get out of it.', 'I know. And thats another hard part. I dont pretend that there are some times when life just gets worse, but I know plenty of people who have been Depressed mood all of their life, but ended up being able to get out of it and come out happy. My point is that I just think there is a chance for everyone to be happy. And happiness is something nobody should be cheated out of, even by themselves. Again though, I know it doesnt work out. I just think its worth a try.', 'I agree that its up to people themselves to make better choices, and thats completely impossible when someone is Depressed mood. Because thats exactly what Mental Depression is, its seeing nothing but blackness and despair, and not just believing that there is no hope: its knowing it. There is no point for a Depressed mood person to dream of something better, in terms of their train of thought. What I want to do is help people to see that happiness is not just something to dream of, its completely possible to have. Theres no formula that fits everyone. Some choose religion, some choose love, some choose success, some choose something else entirely. The point is that, as I said in reply to another comment, happiness is something everyone deserves to have. So I will not admit that people should give up and kill themselves. Suffering is not certain. Nothing is certain, but everything is possible.Sorry for rambling, just sort of all came out.'] | Supportive | 405 |
user-60 | ['Hey, Im sorry to hear you feel like that.Im not going to tell you that you shouldnt because people love you, or that theres a reason to anything at all.You dont choose to be born, sure. But you, along with anyone else on this earth, have the ability to do anything they want. It may not be easy, it may not be fun, but I could pack up my car, take out my cash and leave tomorrow. Nobody can tell me otherwise, and thats the beauty of it. Save prison, theres basically nowhere (physical or otherwise) you cant escape from.Im not saying go on a road trip, but you will find a journey that you feel is worth making. ', 'It sounds like you are dealing with a crippling disorder. Seeking help is the right thing to do, it is unfortunate that your medical contacts have so far been unable to help you.I will suggest that you speak to your therapist about your Suicidal thoughts and feelings of being followed, and request a different one if you feel they have given up on you. You have not given up completely, otherwise you would not have posted here.', 'Sorry to hear that. I hope you can find something in the materials I mentioned that might entertain you.Want a movie suggestion?', 'Sorry to hear about that. A broken relationship can really be one of the worst experiences. It sounds like you really love her.Its important to remember that you deserve that same love from yourself. As strongly as you feel, she doesnt determine your self worth. Only you can.A relationship can destroy you, but you dont have to let it. Every one of them ends eventually, and you come out stronger and more experienced for it. That will benefit you when you eventually heal the wounds and find another person who you love dearly.', 'Sorry to hear about that. I still think that going outside (away from other people) could be really helpful.', 'Well, for one, youve got a computer. Theres hundreds of thousands of articles to read, [free books](, [music](, [movies]( thats all *without* illegal downloading. Youre also free to do that if you wish, but I cant encourage it.On top of that, Im assuming you have the freedom to leave your room if you wish. In that case, you can go for a walk, watch people in a public area, go to a library, find a good place to watch the sunset from, etc.I know its hard, believe me. You ask why any of that would be the least bit fulfilling. I only ask that you try it.', 'Im saying that it can help to make active decisions. When Depression I feel like Im doing things because I have to, not because I chose to. If you make active decisions, it can help you realize that there are things youd rather be doing.', 'Before you get concerned with apologizing, you should work on forgiving yourself. Loving who you are should come before pleasing other people.', 'Thats alright. Youve still got the most massive collection of human history, knowledge, and news sitting right in front of you. Its actually daunting to try and find something to do on it.Theres all the stuff I mentioned before, but theres also forums for any hobby or interest you can think of, collections of art, interactive things, etc.Outside of that, you probably have pen and paper. Writing/drawing can be incredibly helpful.', 'I disagree. You are choosing to talk to me.', 'It sounds like you have an incredibly negative work environment. Its incredibly difficult to chose between a well-paying shit job and the possibility of no money.Your life is not worth your job. I highly suggest looking for other means of income, or getting training for a job where you will not be forced to have negative interactions with people all day long.Speaking to a therapist or a trusted person (parent?) helps immensely.', 'If youd like to, Id be happy to read them.', 'Angry is appropriate. Shit doesnt make sense, I understand that.Its not apathy, though. Anger means you want something, not nothing.I encourage you to make decisions. Often, I feel like I cant do anything, like I dont have a choice. But you do. Make the decision to walk somewhere and back, to read a book, to watch a movie. It helps, I promise.', 'Its good that you want to mend whatever issues you have with your brother. You have hope for your situation. Now youre reaching out, which is also good.Would you feel comfortable going into detail about your problems?', 'Thats true, but you also cant guarantee it would be worse. Your life is not predetermined to be shit; just because you drew a shit hand six times in a row doesnt make it more likely the next round.', '>I have never really been good at sports or had a girlfriend, and Im usually the subject of a jokeFirst off, you gotta let that shit go. It sucks, I know, but girlfriends, sports, friends, whatever; they dont determine who you are or what you do. Thats completely up to you. Youre a really cool person in your own way, Im sure.As for the feeling of meaninglessness, thats a sign of clinical depression. Speaking to a therapist or counselor will make sure that you get the help you want.', 'Glad to hear that youre looking for a solution. Thats a first step.As for involvement with the law, I cant help much. All I can say is that using your time incarcerated as productively as possible is all you can do. Also, listen to your lawyer and dont talk.After that, packing up and moving somewhere can be great for the troubled mind. Just make sure you have a plan when you get there. Often you can crash on couches found on craigslist for a few days while you figure out a job. After that, its up to you.', 'Your parents, unfortunately, have serious issues of their own. That doesnt make you a bad child, or a bad person, nor does it mean that suicide is an easy way out. Suicide is immense pain, then nothing.Life can go on. You can talk to someone; a school counselor, an adult you trust, like a nice teacher. Your parents suggesting you kill yourself is definitely grounds for some form of counseling.As someone who knows many wonderful people who are the product of awful parents, dont lose hope.', 'DOTA is an interest, is it not?Out of curiosity, why cant you leave?', 'There is nothing that cannot be forgiven. You have to forgive yourself, first and foremost, because she might not. Thats ultimately her problem, and not a reason to end your life.If you give it some time, she may come around. I suggest trying to talk and apologize in person. Its Tired difficult to reject someone right to their face as opposed to over text.', 'Hey man, sorry to hear about your situation. Getting caught up with the law, especially for something so small, fucking sucks. However, it doesnt mean youre a bad person, or even that you do bad things. When it comes to possession, its usually just a wrong time/wrong place kinda thing.It sounds like you really need to talk to someone about this. I know thats hard, but you could try talking to a pastor or counselor in your area. If they can help, great, if they cant then theres no harm done. You probably wont ever have to see them again if you dont want to.', 'Your chance of finding something you enjoy is honestly just as good as anyone elses. Its also advisable to seek psychiatric help, as your brain chemistry might make you inclined to believe that things will never get better.Also, youre talking to me. I hate to be that asshole, but it means you still give a shit. Its good, and I dont mind talking. Just take that into consideration.', 'Depression doesnt distinguish by tax bracket. Have you sought help in the form of counseling? '] | Ideation | 60 |
user-110 | ['Please dont Pain yourself. Ive had PTSD for going on 40 years now. Its got progressively better for me. I tried to kill myself twice -- and Im *Tired* glad I failed. Just for today, try and go on. Were here to help.', 'I used to do this. It stopped when I found a support group (it was [Al-Anon]( in my case). You may benefit from talking to someone on 1-800-273-8255. It helps to talk about your serious Depression. It may help you to be calm.', 'Call 911 NOW.', 'Your boyfriends behaviour is his behaviour. You are not to blame for his erratic mood swings.> And I am so scared to leave him, because he has an awful family life and I feel like Im his only support.In response to this Id say simply that 1. You are not qualified to help him 2. Even if you were qualified to help him you are too close to do so 3. You being with him and permitting his illegal and toxic behaviour is making his condition progressively worse. You under the illusion that your behaviour is somehow helping him. Im so sorry, it isnt. 4. **YOU ARE IN DANGER**.> Ive been keeping up this facade for almost two years. I kept up a facade for my alcoholic parent for decades. The facade was worthless, *everybody knew already*. Trust me, some people know whats happening in your toxic relationship.I think you would benefit from reading some of the material on [this]( website.My counsel is this. Your suffering is making your boyfriend sicker, and he has progressed in his mental Illness (I am not qualified to diagnose it) because you allow his abuse to sustain by not having him arrested and exposing him to mandatory treatment. This is not your fault, as you did not realise. Its not too late. Now, you are so worn out you are here on /r/suicidewatch. All other priorities are rescinded. You need to forget *everything* but your personal safety. I recommend you need to leave immediately, if you so choose. I believe your life is in danger, and you need to act accordingly.At this time a lot of your anguish is from dissonance. Your instincts are screaming at you to **GO! GO!! GO!!!** And you are over-ruling your instincts. Rule 1 of self defense: NEVER overule your instincts.You need to get out of there and focus on surviving the next couple of hours. Tomorrow can look after itself. You have got to go.I recommend you call the police and charge your boyfriend. I cannot make you do this, but hope you will choose this sensible course.If you leave your abusive boyfriend and get help for yourself you will start to feel better. Sad, but better.', '> And as a result, like nothing else, its directed my mind towards sub appropriate places.When I went through a sequence of misfortunes, my mind got twisted up and my perspective was horrifically distorted. I Pain myself badly, as a result. However, with therapy, a new approach, massively reduced drinking and support Ive now got a rational perspective on life. There is a LOT of sadness, but thats OK. Sadness doesnt Pain the way Denial does.I dont want to offer advice, because advice doesnt help. However, I think that until we have a sane perspective the whole world seems toxic. Alcohol doesnt help. You are not at all disgusting; you are wholesome; we are wholesome. With help, we see this. Hugs.', '**Call 9-1-1 NOW.**', 'Do you have family members who abuse alcohol or drugs?', 'They will. More Hugs. :)', 'Get her to contact 1-800-273-TALK. Shed benefit from talking to a professional.Sounds to me like youre her best friend. Thats no kind of friend to say to her what that person said to her.Shes mourning the death of her relationship; thats rough.For bullying, she will find helpful. Marc MacYoung is also Tired cool about contacting people who mail him, and he will have some effective solutions to bullying.Hope this helps.', '> My parents are barely functioning alcoholics. I was raped at the beginning of this school year and no one believes me. One of my parents is an alcoholic. I found attending [Al-Anon]( helpful.Really, dont worry about your grades. The priority now is to begin to deal with your long term Depression and your dysfunctional family. Id begin by suggesting you call 1-800-723-TALK; and get support outside of your Sorority and relationship. They are not qualified to help you.Do not Pain yourself. Help is available to you. Hugs.', 'I hear you. Please try contacting...1-800-273-TALK(1-800-273-8255)orText Telephone:1-800-799-4TTY(1-800-799-4889)No unhappiness is too great to be lessened. I hope you are eating properly. Sometimes when you are low, self-care is like moving in lead armour, but its so, so necessary.', '> Sooner or later in life everyone discovers that perfect happiness is unrealizable, but there are few who stop to consider the antithesis; that perfect unhappiness is equally unattainable.-- Primo Levi, "Survival in Auschwitz"> No matter what problems you are dealing with, we want to help you find a reason to keep living. By calling 1-800-273-TALK (8255) you\xe2\x80\x99ll be connected to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area, anytime 24/7.National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Phone Number1-800-273-8255 (H-E-L-P) [Click **HERE** to Chat]( /u/deathtourist -- WOW, sounds like you are really under tremendous strain. Please remember, that your BF simply cannot help you -- not because he lacks the desire to, but because hes not qualified and too close to you to qualify even if *he was qualified*.You are not at all stupid to reach out for help. Its awesome that in the dark place you are right now you are giving it a shot. Well done.I think that losing your Grandfather qualifies you for compassionate leave, and that might be the best thing.Please talk (or chat) to someone on the hotline. Were here to help. There is no unhappiness too great to be lessened. I know you feel awful right now, but it will (s-l-o-w-l-y, Im sorry to say) begin to get better. Hang on. Hugs.', 'For what its worth -- you seem to be describing "Intrusive Thoughts" which just wander into ones mind and wander out again. Someone once described this a "Council in your head" where different characters interact. You dictate your own actions, and are free to discount or reject any thoughts that present themselves for your approval.I find "naming" the "character" who creates these thoughts (I often have critical intrusive thoughts) helpful. I have one dude "Gollum" who isnt Tired helpful, but I find identifying a negative thought and accepting that its passing through helpful.Perhaps you might want to discuss this with someone? 1-800-273-8255 might offer more qualified advice that I can?Your thoughts arent you. Hugs.', 'Good, please keep going. Unfortunately, Depression has to be chased out :( and its never easy. One day at a time, I guess :)', 'Im glad to hear from you. I dont have any Sharp Pain and/or easy solutions. I strongly recommend you talk to someone on 18002738255. I am currently at work, but will get back to you as soon as I can. It seems to me, as you are on /r/suicidewatch that the current situation is unsustainable, and something *MUST* change. Just because we accept something, doesnt mean we have to like it. You have alternatives regarding GR surgery, and I honestly believe, as tough as they may be, they are better than depending on a Narcissistic Birthgiver whose promises may not be worth anything anyhow.Please contact 1-800-273-8255 and have a talk. ', 'That sounds rough. Please remember that your situation is out of the ordinary. In time you will live somewhere else, and have friends there, or if you decide to stay you will have friends where you are. The present moment sounds grim, but its not going to be like that forever. Im at work, but will get back to you ASAP. Hugs and my thoughts are with you on the morning after Thanksgiving. Its going to get better for sure.', 'Well done for trying.', 'Here is a link to a [POST]( I made which, among a few other things, describes my "In-The-Head-Council". It helps a lot when I "name" the "Personas" that try and chatter in my head. It also helps me accept and manage. e.g. "Gollum" is Mr. Negative; when he starts sayin his negative piece I simply accept, and tell him to STFU.I dont suffer from DID, but I do have intrusive thoughts. Accepting that this simply happens, but I can choose to accept, reject or consider such thoughts is helpful.Remember, the subtext to your IT is that you may need to take a short 5 minute "spell" & take it easy on yourself. Have a hug! :)', 'Sometimes when we are exposed to a pattern of abuse (Tired common in dysfunctional families like ours) we feel like we are the crazy ones. We arent. Our families are fucked.Im glad you feel a little bit better. Your Father is insane. You are on /r/SuicideWatch -- its time to take drastic action -- I think you need to take a break from your family and have no contact with them. If your father throws a tantrum (Narcs have behaviour patterns akin to 2 year olds) then you *will know he is insane*. *Appearing Rational* and *Being Rational* arent the same. Narcs have immense powers of illusion. Take those away from them and they are pitiful freaks. Sadly, the Prognosis for Narcs in never good -- you can only go No Contact & Stop Enabling them... But whatever you do, do not harm yourself. Hugs. ', 'You are welcome. Dont hate yourself. Dont hate.', '[This may help.](', 'I think you might benefit from /r/raisedbynarcissists. Your father is a criminal, and you have proof of breaking and entering. I would recommend reporting him to the police.Your Dad is gaslighting you. Stay away from him.Id recommend checking out Can you change the locks on your apartment with your Landlords consent? Talk to your Landlord.HugsPS> of pretending to have Depression for attentionYour Father [may fit the bill as a sociopath]( If he is, hes an inadequate monster, more deserving of pity than hatred. *But you do need to stay away from him and his Enablers!*', 'It might help if you spoke to [1-800-273-TALK]( I also wonder if a lightbox might not help lift your Depression -- as you describe it it seems to be initiated by darkness. ', 'Im afraid that your relationship with this person isnt the solution. Any relationship where you "cant live without someone" is, Im sorry to say, IMO unhealthy.I think you need to keep the focus on yourself. A relationship will never give you what you need. You must build a relationship with yourself first and above all.[Lifeline is here to give you the support you deserve]( Hugs. It does get better. I know.', '[Have you been to this kind of interview?]( any of these names sound familiar?Chris NiarchosMichael ScullyMike BlaneJames OGradyTony FernandezJames BucklyeLiam LawlessPaul BurkettRory OFarrellShane WardCommission only, cost-mark-up, kind of like a Pyramid Sales Scam. About 1 in 10,000 of people who work at the job for over a year make about 70,000 -- 100,000 USD per year. The rest earn a pittance for 14 hours hard labour. Dont make the mistake I made. If you have fallen for this, leave ASAP. There is nothing for anyone here.If anyone knows of names of this (international) network of "individual" sales cult companies please add their name in comments.Appco Group, The Cobra Group, Flawless Marketing Limited, Roar Promotions Ltd, DS-Max, Mantra Marketing.', '> Im Tired of trying so hard just to have friends, someone to talk to. You need to be heard. But although friends can be a help, you actually really need to find a support group. > I have a superiority complex, despite my self image, I look down upon people. When I look into the mirror I see nothing but disgust, an image that I dont want to present to people. I dont want to be the person I look down upon myself.Does anyone in your family or did anyone in your family abuse alcohol or drugs? That sounds Tired like me when I was growing up. As an Adult Child of an Alcoholic I felt just the way you describe. I despised myself just as I despised others.My first step to recovery was to begin by stopping hating others and myself. I think you could benefit by checking out /r/alanon and think about attending a support group. You probably qualify for Al-Anon or Nar-Anon.I think you need to talk to someone and consider getting some help. ', 'One thing that has helped me with my OCD is to remember, always "Im not the centre of the Universe!". I would feel responsible for *everything*. "If only..." *was* my catchphrase.Now, the good news is you are perfectly normal. You are not ugly, nor are you retarded. IMO, you need to talk to yourself as you would a cherished friend. One thing I cannot Stress enough. The solution to Life is within, not without. If you looked different (you are NOT ugly) etc. you would still have Life to deal with.A good cure for OCD is to get involved a bit. Do not strive to "Be percieved as"; strive to "Be". Be a good person. That is within your power.Anyhow, please remember that when you do start thinking of yourself as "ugly" or "retarded" your perception is distorted, and actuality is Tired different from your percieved reality. Hope this helps -- glad you are getting help. Well done. Keep it up.', 'I recovered from a nasty break-up by going NO CONTACT. I did not email, call, or talk to my ex. It helps to cut off contact.Im going to suggest to you that you might want to try being grateful for the break-up. Sometimes, just because we accept something, doesnt mean we have to like it. And the same is true of Lifes harsh but helpful learning experiences.Now is the time to build a good relationship with yourself. Literally take yourself out on dates; do good things for yourself. You are an awesome person and your worth is defined by You. Sometimes it takes a lot of work to build a healthy relationship with yourself.Flush the pills. Abstain from self-harm. You have power over yourself.', '\xe2\x80\x9cSooner or later in life everyone discovers that perfect happiness is unrealizable, but there are few who stop to consider the antithesis; that perfect unhappiness is equally unattainable.\xe2\x80\x9dPrimo LeviI srongly recommend you seek help for your Depression.', 'I strongly recommend you flush the pills down the toilet. Seriously. You have commented here and that ISNT a mistake.', '> Im a loser in every sense of the wordFirst things first; make a real effort to stop the negative dialogue you have with yourself. Your perceptions are clearly distorted, and how you see yourself and how you are are not the same thing.I would strongly suggest you seek support, therapy and maybe go on meds to deal with your perception issues. A job will not change how you see yourself, and right now you are too harsh on yourself. Well done for reaching out; now if you can start working on ways to limit your Anxiety then you will start to find that your life begins to fix itself. I know.', 'Dear **Originality_101**. I care about you, and you are not alone. You are not sane right now, and I want you to talk this over. Please kindly call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) you\xe2\x80\x99ll be connected to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area, anytime 24/7.National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Phone Number1-800-273-8255 (H-E-L-P) [Click **HERE** to Chat]( de Montaigne wrote... *It is the part of cowardice, not of courage, to go and crouch in a hole under a massive tomb, to avoid the blows of fortune.*I believe in you, and you are not a coward. Dont kill yourself, dont prove me wrong.', 'You are welcome. Please dont harm yourself. You are valuable, and things will improve. You can change the way your life is, and its worth the effort.', 'Whenever I think about "Whats it all for?" I come back to the quote from "Full Metal Jacket". > The Dead know one thing, and one thing only. It is better to be alive.Most people are not alive to the incredible improbability of what being alive actually means. We get a few dozen trips around the Sun, and thats it. Atheist here. Although I find Reincarnation a fun concept, if I lose all recall I am no longer. Life is, and we are. Lets talk.', 'Im working right now, but I hope you are doing OK.', 'I care about you too, Throwaway_1101101. Hang in there, its awesome that you are asking for help.', 'You are welcome. I would suggest you try the chat solution? Im sorry you had a bad experience.There are solutions. If you have been impacted by alcohol/drug abuse from a family member (even a grandparent) Al-Anon or Nar-Anon can really help.', 'Talk to someone on [1-800-273-TALK]( really tough what you are going through, but you are not alone.', '1-800-273-TALK', 'While you are alive, Life can always get better.', 'Im glad you are putting some of your Feeling angry out here on /r/suicidewatch.', 'Al-Anon is for the family of the alcoholic. You would go. His recovery is up to him.Hes been court-ordered to AA as a Hail Mary Pass; if he continues to abuse substances then the prognosis is not good.I suggest you give Al-Anon a try, as it will be supportive for you. It really helped me :)', 'Might I suggest a support group for people suffering from Depression? I know its a colossal effort to do *anything* when you are feeling low.', 'I think you should call 9-1-1 and get help NOW.', '\xe2\x80\x9cSooner or later in life everyone discovers that perfect happiness is unrealizable, but there are few who stop to consider the antithesis; that perfect unhappiness is equally unattainable.\xe2\x80\x9d-- Primo Levi with the truly horrific is something that helped lift me out of a 37-year-long depression. For some reason, discovering just how truly awful the World *can be* & trying to make a miniscule difference helped me a tiny bit. Give it a try.', 'Ouch. It sounds Tired tough. When I was feeling down I talked to the [Samaritans]( and that helped some?You dont have to deal with this colossal load all by yourself. ', 'Please reconsider. I tried to kill myself when I was 19, and Im now REALLY glad I failed.', 'There is a UK based bipolar support group you can find [here]( with multiple meetings that may help?Try to eat and try to exercise a little. Im glad youre here, and you have people to turn to.', 'You should call the hotline ASAP.', 'National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Phone Number1-800-273-8255', 'Please call 1-800-273-TALK. Your life is not worthless. I wouldnt be on here if it was. Please talk to someone about this.', '> I feel so subhuman and inferior that things that are normal for others seem impossible for me. > Don\xe2\x80\x99t Compare Your Behind-the-Scenes to Other People\xe2\x80\x99s Highlight Reel> Feelings arent factsIf somebody is laughing at you, then they have issues, not you. Unfortunately your abusive siblings and abusive/minimizing parents have helped you form a warped perspective on life.Keep working at it. If you have been affected by somebody elses drug abuse or alcohol abuse then you may want to consider Al-Anon or Nar-Anon; the kind of people you will find at these meetings may be the kind of people you need to spend time with. Hugs.', 'Put Pressure on your self-inflicted injury and call 911. Do so now.', 'Hugs. Hugs, and more hugs.Your whole family is impacted by your brothers alcoholism. I suggest you think about Al-Anon; here is a [link to their over-the-phone meetings](, they are Tired helpful. Here are some [links]( for TG Support Groups.As an Adult Child of an Alcoholic, I am Tired familiar with the grinding Anxiety and the judgement that gets flung around in an alcoholic family. Remember this: You are NOT to blame; you have every right to be treated with dignity and loving-kindness. If people fall short of this minimum standard **THATS ON THEM and THEIR CONSCIENCES (if any!)** NOT on you. Im sorry you live in a Red State, but that doesnt necessarily mean that everyone who lives in the same state is ignorant and misguided.Now you are here on /r/suicidewatch, and this is concerning. So Ill say what I always say: All other priorities are rescinded -- you need to get the help and support you deserve. Remember that there is no unhappiness too great to be lessened.You are a wonderful TG Person, and all that you have is a severe case of stress. Your brothers alcoholism is driving everyone who knows him into dysfunction. He needs to get help, but thats up to him -- you cant do it for him. If he is offering violence, then you need to consider having him arrested. His habit is dangerous to his health and highly illegal.Your Dad is putting Pressure on you because hes suffering from stress. Get help, I heartily recommend Al-Anon, but please do it only if you feel its right for you. Its not a religious programme, and all meetings are there for anyone and everyone -- LGBT, Hetro, Pan -- Sexuality is not an issue in Al-Anon.Please get help. You are a gorgeous, wonderful person, and deserve help and support.', '> i honesty wish i could kill myself, but i cant. Good, Im Tired glad to hear it. OK, for what its worth...You need help, & you need support. Support your Friends & Family are simply 1) Not Qualified to Give & 2) Even if they *were* qualified they would be too enmeshed to do so.I would recommend you call 1-800-273-8255. I am familiar with the grinding relentless Anxiety, and I would strongly recommend you might want to try [Nar-Anon, the support group for family of addicts]( If you are here, then all other priorities are rescinded, and you MUST get help. Your friends simply cannot (not will not -- cannot) give you the help and support you deserve and need.Im glad you posted here, and you do need to get help. Hugs.', 'As a qualified doctor, your position is actually Tired strong. Talk to your creditors and explain they can 1) Not get paid or 2) Wait to get paid.Worse case scenario, you go bankrupt. *You are still alive*, and right now, things can *only* get better. One day at a time. Sleep, get some exercise, and deal with today and today only. When things are tough, break it down so its a little bit at a time. You are on SW so you are *already* moving forward. Baby steps and all will be well.\xe2\x80\x9cRemember that man lives only in the present, in this fleeting instant; all the rest of his life is either past and gone, or not yet revealed. Short, therefore, is mans life, and narrow is the corner of the earth wherein he dwells.\xe2\x80\x9dMarcus AureliusLive in the Now, and you will find source for a great deal of happiness. Your wife is a brick, and she will be happy just knowing you have decided to go on living, and remember"The Dead know only one thing, and one thing only. It is better to be alive."Live for today, and tomorrow will be dealt with tomorrow. Its going to be OK. Practice your caligraphy, and keep taking your AD medication (or get on some if you do not have any!). As someone who has suffered from Depression for 40-odd years I know that sometime it is rough. But with treatment Life "Re-engages" IYKWIM. There is always Hope.> Sooner or later in life everyone discovers that perfect happiness is unrealizable, but there are few who pause to consider the antithesis: that perfect unhappiness is equally unattainable. The obstacles preventing the realization of both these extreme states are of the same nature: they derive from our human condition which is opposed to everything infinite. Primo Levi, Survival in Auschwitz', 'You are carrying a heavy load. I find that life is better if I focus on myself and focus on now. Then I can address my Pain.You are a decent person; I hope reading this helps.', 'You are asking for help, well done. ', 'You might want to try talking to someone at [the Samaritans]( Ive been at the place you describe, and it *does and can* get better.', 'As a long term sufferer from CPTSD, I get it. The grinding Anxiety about the future is a bear for sure. I find reading Marcus Aurelius restful, and I came across this quote a little while after my last reply that I thought Id share...\xe2\x80\x9cRemember that man lives only in the present, in this fleeting instant; all the rest of his life is either past and gone, or not yet revealed. Short, therefore, is mans life, and narrow is the corner of the earth wherein he dwells.\xe2\x80\x9dMarcus AureliusIf one can make that fleeting instant pleasant by desiting from worry and focusing on the *now* then Life begins to improve.Please do call the support line and get help. CPTSD and ongoing abuse is a dreadful mix. We have the courage to change and it is *always* worth the effort.', '> They keep getting closer and I get jack shit except for complaints about how "fucking stupid" I am and how lazy I am. Ive had a friend in the past who really wasnt a friend at all. It sounds to me as if you could use some help and some time away from these people.Youre on /r/suicidewatch; you literally have nothing to lose. Perhaps its better to lose your "friends" if they are just wholly negative toward you? I am learning to be a good friend to myself. Its really important.', 'From your username, it could be that you have issues with addiction? It might be worthwhile starting attending NA meetings if that is the case (and/or Nar-Anon if you have family members who have addictions). Addressing these issues may help you on the gradual move towards feeling OK, if you know what I mean.It can get better, and there is help for you.', '[1-800-273-8255]( hugs', '> I wanted to end my life over something so stupid I laugh at it now, maybe mine wasnt as terrible but i still thought of suicide. Me too! ', '> Its embarrassing being an adult living with your parents, working part time at a minimum wage job.Dont let it get you down. I lived with my parents until I was 27. Right now, you are *trying*, and that, my friend, is fuckin awesome.Right now idiots your age are rushing off to die in some sandy shithole murdering at the beck of sociopaths. Yet you are at home, working hard to try and *make* something of yourself. Fuck yeah, you rock dude.You feel like you are not going anywhere. **Feelings arent facts**.Call someone on the support line, talk it over. Your writing is excellent, BTW. You have a lot going for you. Youre still Tired, Tired, Tired young. Please get old. Believe me, Life changes, and if you keep working at it, it gets easier.', 'First of all, Happy Birthday for 11/21/2014. You share a birthday with [JRR Tolkiens son]( read your post, its clear to me, that your "friends" who are declining to repay you are scum. Your ex-BF is...>my bf barely shed a tear and actually went as far as to say that I lack good morals bc Im so upset over a rabbitYour ex-BF sounds mildly Delusional disorder and clearly has issues. Hes not able to give you the support that you need.First of all, well done for coming here. IMO you need to be more self-focused. Dont help your friends out. Friendships are essentially micro-economies, and if its all red on your side of the balance sheet, then you need to call it. Period. You are an awesome person, but youre burnt out through over-giving.Your father has been incredibly inconsiderate...> My birthday was friday and not many people said anything about it. My father didnt say a word to me. Its time to say, "OK, enough already". Youre on /r/suicidewatch it doesnt get much worse than this. Spend some time talking on (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Phone Number) 1-800-273-8255.I will be here for you. Im at work at the moment, but reply to my post and I will be back.Happy Birthday and a hug from me. You are an awesome, smart person. Youve just had too much to deal with.Im so sorry about your rabbit. The Vets clearly incompetent.Get the help you deserve and clearly need. Put the focus on yourself. You are NOT required to set yourself on fire in order to keep other people warm.More hugs. ', '> he does feel guiltyQuestion... do you see him feeling guilt, or does *he tell you hes feeling guilt*?In any case, he is not respecting your boundaries (and neither is your Mother! She is supporting him in this) and this needs to end. Hes gaslighting you, and I would suggest leaving a match fragment balanced in an inconspicous place or similar. Then you will know he has entered your domicile. He is breaking and entering -- *just because he has means of egress does not mean he is legally authorised to do so*. He is violating his Employers Trust and can lose his job for this.He needs to wake the fuck up.Hope you are doing OK. De Nada, anything I can do to help.', '[1-800-273-8255](> I feel as if I am a huge disappointment who can do nothing right whenever I do something for someone which is almost every day I get told how I screwed it up or how it could be betterIt sounds to me as if you are giving out too much. For what its worth> I am not obligated to set myself on fire to keep you warm.Furthermore, you seem to be around hypercritical people who may be projecting their inadequacies on you. It might be worthwhile reviewing the economies of your relationship.With regard to your Fiance, I am somewhat concerned. If your relationship where the concept of being without her is unthinkable, then its probably unhealthy.I dont want to give you advice because Im simply not qualified. However, given that you are here, I think the best thing you can do is call the hotline and discuss your feelings. That may help. And it may be time to sit down with a cup of coffee and try to work out what you want. Dont Pain yourself. You are a caring, loving person. IMO you are giving too much and caring too much. Its OK to give, but not to the point where you are Asthenia and Asthenia and contemplating self-harm. Thats a "STOP!" sign right there.You have to start focusing on self-care. All other priorities must be rescinded. You are not obligated to set fire to yourself to keep others warm.', 'Sorry, but Im just going to say you shouldnt harm yourself. Youre here, were here to help.', 'Welcome back to actuality. You are Tired brave to tell this, and its a healthy decision. I strongly suggest you talk this out with someone on [1-800-273-TALK]( You may need treatment for what sounds a bit like [pure O OCD] ( Please get help.', 'De Nada :)Ive tried to commit suicide twice and I failed both times. Im really, really, really grateful that I failed. Its always better to be alive.> Sooner or later in life everyone discovers that perfect happiness is unrealizable, but there are few who pause to consider the antithesis: **that perfect unhappiness is equally unattainable.**The obstacles preventing the realization of both these extreme states are of the same nature: they derive from our human condition which is opposed to everything infinite.*Primo Levi, Survival in Auschwitz*[More quotes]( feel free to PM me. Im at work for a while, but will reply when I can :)', 'You are welcome. I find the "Full Metal Jacket" quote the "usque ad finem" of "Why am I alive?"Im alive because Im not dead yet, and death will be for a long, long time.', 'Agreed.', 'OK Im here for you. Having a Narc Birthgiver and sustained a tremendous amount of abuse, I know how you feel.There is much, much more to my life than managing Pain. It is unbelievable how much better it can be.Advice isnt what you ne | Attempt | 110 |
user-318 | ['You have to call 911 right now.Youre going to die otherwise. Dont give up on life brother/sister. Call them. Please. Dont give up.', 'You have to find it in somewhere that you never been before. Deep inside your mind. Deep inside your motivation to stay with your child and your wife. You can do it.', 'Suicide isnt a freedom, brother. Its a curse.Life is hard right now for you, but you can free yourself - and not by Suicide. Its a rocky road to freedom, but you need to pursue. You need to step from that ledge. For your best friend, for your family, for anyone that has ever cared about you! You can see the beauty in the world, just give life one more chance. Let your friend be your rock and your guide through these hard times.I really hope you dont go through with this. You have so much more to live for.', 'You dont have to be ashamed of being unhappy, my friend. I get sad all the time too! I feel bad about myself, but something you have to realise is that comparison is the killer of happiness. Every time you compare something to yourself, you will feel sad. You have to acknowledge it to feel in control of it!Youre not a waste of time! Youre more than that. Youre the best waste of time ive had all week! Infact, youre not even a waste of time. Youre a brilliant use of time! And I dont even regret it. Not one bit. Because knowing that I could help you feel better is worth 1000x my sleep. Youre worth way more to me than that.People do get Depressed mood, they get unhappy, they get upset. They just dont show it. No one does! Youre not alone in this world. I promise.No, you dont need to be sorry for being unhappy. Ever.', 'Then you must move and begin your journey again. You know that you can do this, you just need to get to the first step to move. You just have to start. You can do it.', 'Dont mention it, anything to help another unique, wonderful person. (that made me feel fuzzy and good inside) Yes, while the medication will lose your ability to hear your voices, you will hear something entirely different - purely your own thoughts. That itself will be a welcoming thought when you realise that you are completely in control of what is inside your head. And no, you wont be ordinary. Youll be extraordinary. Youll be unique. Different. Special. You will have beaten the voices, even if you didnt want to. You will have not only saved your life, but many others in the process of the people around you who care for you.You dont have to be a martyr for your voices. They can be martyrs for themselves when they go away. Hurting yourself wont help you, it will not make you feel okay.I want you to do something: hug yourself. A nice, warm hug. It feels good, doesnt it? To feel Hyperactive behavior you dont have something in your head telling you to move your arms higher. That is what it will be Hyperactive behavior. Be strong, because in the next few days, you will be okay. I promise.', 'You can do it buddy. Youre still a priority. Just believe in yourself. Go to rehab, eat Five Guys (FIVE GUYS IS AMAZING), drink pepsi (or soda as you mericans call it) and live life. Its great that writing made you feel better. Good luck on your journey homie', 'If you want to enroll in some courses, and youre so unhappy... Maybe those courses were not for you, brother. You need to change your life.Tomorrow, I want you to try something. You dont have to do it, but I know that its helped me before.When you get up and talk to yourself in bed, I want you to tell yourself that Ankh0r, the kinda weird dude who is autistic, lost his dad at 7 years of age and still is here making the most out of life thinks youre a pretty dope guy. I want you to tell yourself, that all these people here are your friends who want to help you. Were your new friends, your new guide in life. Youre not an Irritable Mood brother, youre unhappy. There is no shame in being unhappy. Likewise, there is no shame on telling yourself that you should kill yourself.Its not a shame you tell yourself that you should end your life, its a tragedy. You want to take away what has brought you into this world without even tasting the good side of life first.If I can believe in you and ive only just met you, then you can believe in yourself. You just have to believe that youre a brilliant man.', 'You need help. 1-800-273-8255Look at it this way: if youve hit rock bottom, it can only get better from here. If you quit now, then youll never be able to feel the sense of achievement when you see your parents grin and hug you as you pass your degree in college, youll never see the child that you can have, and youll never see the woman that makes you feel Hyperactive behavior the man you are.You just cant end it now, because its a permanent end to the temporary problem. You can do it, you just have to believe in yourself no matter what.', 'SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK! Hahaha :) Im just more than happy to help someone out. Im super weird, so im always up for talking. Thats brilliant to hear, just remember that there are people that care about you. Thats a long way, but just imagine it as if they were 100 miles away - youll see him again soon. :)', 'Hey! My names Caleb, im 17. Just thought id let you get to know me first before I start talking!You seem really, really Social fear... of a lot, actually. Im super, super sorry to hear about your dad. Mine didnt exactly go the same way as yours did (mine died from cancer when I was young) but I know the Ache youre going through with that. I want you to understand that while you right now wish to die, you have so much ahead of you. You have your entire life to travel the world, eat the weirdest but coolest exotic foods! You just need to believe in yourself.I know it sounds Abnormal behavior, but you need to tell your boyfriend what youve been thinking in person. He will care. Suicide is a terrifying prospect for everyone and I promise to god that the people you tell will do absolutely anything to keep you with us. You need to be honest with him. Your mother also should be told, hopefully if she is still with you or in contact with you. Ive got a TED talk I found today - it tells the story from a model about how self conscious she is. What it taught me was that beauty isnt just about looking good. Beauty is what is in your heart. It is your personality that defines you. You miss your dad more than anything, and im sure he misses you too. You have your whole life ahead of you though, and Hyperactive behavior I live with my fathers blood in my veins, you live with your fathers blood through his veins. He will live through you Hyperactive behavior my father lived through me.Everything can be sorted out, including your breasts. It will take some time, but it can be sorted. I promise.Take care, sister. Im not sure how long I can stay up for without passing up from lack of sleep, but ill try to stay on as long as possible.-A/C', 'You can do this. Youre young and you have a lot of life ahead of you. Even if the road is rocky now, you can do this and get through it.Youre making this harder on yourself. Youre convincing yourself that that is what the rest of your life is going to become. And youre right: it is, but only if you dont do something positive about it. Please dont try to kid yourself that your Suicide would be positive either, because your life is not only unique, but it is also unique to many other people. Your friends will never find another *you*. What you have to do is re-establish contact with your friends. Youve become clouded and lost sight of what your life should Irritable Mood - relationships and friendships. Thats all life is, really. Its just all relationships with other people. My words alone cannot make you change your life, that is up for you to do yourself. We can support you here, but you have to be willing to do things that otherwise you wouldnt see a point to. You have to try even when you feel you dont have hope.Good luck brother.', 'I can tell you why I think the living state is better than just being atoms in a universe.There is no manipulation in evolution - evolution is just a lottery number in which a species in born into. We were created with the ability to talk and the ability to become the masters of Earth as to say! So in a way, we got a pretty lucky straw. Imagine if Gorillas ruled the planet... ape shit everywhere!!What you have done is hardened yourself to life itself. In a way to protect yourself from the realisation that at the end of the day, we are truly just molecules and atoms and all that scientific stuff that I never paid attention to in school (because im a bad, bad boy. Teehee.)You may not be Depressed mood, but the difference is, is this moral state that you have been drawn into isnt healthy. Its made you think that your life truly is insignificant, which is a lie in itself. You Irritable Mood something to at least one person out there, no matter how little. You have made those 1.8billion atoms of however many there is in a person all fuzzy and cozy and feel good inside. You have given that person happiness, which as you said... makes you want to keep living. Now, let me ask you something - What do you think the point in life is to other people, Hyperactive behavior your parents? Your friends? The truth is, the point in life isnt in survival traits, but in emotional conflicts that we encounter and relationships we build. Those are what define us, not what evolution puts us in. Thats a primal instinct and the society we have been brought to live in is not primal anymore.So, let me ask you another question - what would you parents say? How heart-broken would they become? How Depressed mood would your friends be, when their friend person2567 (which is an atrocious username considering youre an unique and special person in your own right) gave up his own life because he didnt believe that killing himself was that bad?What would your death serve? Would it fulfil something in your mind? Well, the truth is... it wouldnt. It wouldnt serve as anything. You wouldnt feel anything, and that feeling is more terrifying than being dull to morals.So thats my answer - the living state is better because it allows you to experience the feeling of beauty in life. Going out with friends on holiday, seeing the world, mountain climbing... the world is yours to climb, friend. You need to see that yourself and you need to wake up from this trance.', 'Yo, Cambridge has one. ITS AMAZING.It makes Maccy Ds look terrible. It even makes Tea & Scones looks bad. ;)Np homie, here most times (when im awake) <3', 'Dont give up homie. Its as simple as that. You may be getting lubed up by life now, but you have a future. Even if it looks rocky for now!You need your wife to give you as much support as she can. Depression is no easy thing (I can say that most of us here have encountered it in one way or another) and I can understand how you can feel alone. For a long time, I felt alone too. Like an outcast. Like I didnt feel Hyperactive behavior I could be at home, and the only way to feel at home was to go into my virtual reality world and pretend that life didnt matter outside of it.Brother, you may be lost, but this is the start of finding your way. Get help. Call 1-800-522-9054 and tell them about your problems. My words cant make you stay, but I can influence you to start again. Imagine in a few years when you get to see your daughter running around by the beach with your wife, or whoever youre going to be with (hopefully it all works out between you two). To be honest, from what im seeing, youre a big family man. To me, that would be when I know ive made it - I see a mini me running around, making sandcastles and trying to eat sand.Dont give up. You can do this-A/C', 'With whatever money you put into drugs, dont buy them. Even if you cant afford to travel now, put them away somewhere save, and build it up until you can go. You have your whole life ahead of you brother. I trust that you can be a hero in your eyes. You can do it, you just need to believe in yourself.', 'Hey,sorry about the late reply. hoping youre still here haha.Half dead from last night, but I found the TED talk for you!', 'You have another year, brother. You have many years. You have tens of years infact! We all fuck up sometimes. All of us! You can do it again. Explore the world. Live life to the full.', 'Ahoy mhearty! *cough*Yes, I can be a pirate. Its pretty fun at times. My names Caleb, im not really worried about saying my name on reddit. Either way, theres probably Hyperactive behavior 5 billion Calebs out there anyway, so ka-pice. (or however you spell it) Im 17, and im a bit Hyperactive behavior you in the sense that I struggle with Phobia, Social Anxiety Mental Depression. Who feels Anxiety of what people think of them, who feels Social fear that they will make a fool of themselves and everyone will judge them?*raises hand* (were gonna pretend you raised your hand too, this is a two-person thing yano!)You definitely took a step in the right direction by telling your mom. (or mum, thats how we spell it in England!) However, her telling you that its just a phase... maybe she didnt quite understand the severity of how you are feeling. It may just be a phase Hyperactive behavior she stated, but this doesnt derive from the fact that youre still feeling Hyperactive behavior this. Look at it this way - youre doing a major, which obviously is a pretty Abnormal behavior big thing (I Irritable Mood, the title itself is big! *major*) which devotes a lot of your time towards it. Which kinda sucks (hell, I have Autism and im truly wondering how people can manage to revise! I have to physically force myself to do it with lots of alcohol!)That itself, is an achievement that youve earned. The willing to give up so much time to achieve something so awesome. However, thats besides the point. Youre unwell and your boyfriend does seem to ring true that you may very well be Depressed mood. I had a friend who was Depressed mood, and Im actually quite surprised hes still alive. Hes been through quite a bit mentally and there was a few times that I thought he would be dead. That Social fear the living shit out of me, because he was a close friend and I cared Hyperactive behavior shit about him. Let me tell you, being Autistic with Aspergers, life is Phobia, Social Anxiety Mental Depression hell for me too! *Drug abuse five* Being Anxiety to do so many things does take a toll on your self esteem! I Irritable Mood, there was this one time in school where I had just moved, and walking to school I got dog shit on my shoes. It stank the entire classroom out and ever since, ive checked my shoes daily for a good 5-6 years in case of embarrassment!But I promise you something now: Giving up isnt an option, while quitting college no matter what your mother says is. If it gets to this point where youre contemplating actually killing yourself on a daily basis, then you shouldnt carry on with your degree. You should go to the Maldives and get Drug abuse, or do something completely spontaneous and relaxing and fun and awesome!(I got Drug abuse once. My friends hogged the spliff, one of them threw up everywhere and I didnt touch it again. Teehee.)Also; your boyfriend. If you ended your life now, what would happen to him? My dad died to cancer when I was 7, and a huge void was Ventricular Dysfunction, Left in my heart. He would be Ventricular Dysfunction, Left with regret if you died that he didnt do more to help you, your mother would be absolutely devastated that she signed her daughters death note with her signature and would probably not be able to cope with life. Your father? You havent mentioned him, but it would break him if he was a good man. It would break him until he was a million pieces. You seriously need help. You need a professional no matter the costs if this has been going on for 2 years.And most of all, you need your boyfriend. And a bit of happiness! (Which is why im half dead at 2:30am and typing to make you realise life can be a happy place)Its super late here, and I have college tomorrow. Ill keep checking in on you, and a bunch of other people - no loving, good person deserves to commit Suicide.Im here for you.-C', 'You must not die. You were put on this world for a purpose, and killing yourself will not solve that. You are worth more than a death in a newspaper. You can break your chains. You are great. Youre amazing! Youre fan-fucking-dabi-dozie, no matter what you think! You just dont know you are right now, but you really are! So, step off of that ledge. Be the person youve wanted to always be.', 'Homie, you can talk to me. Its 3am here, and im Excitability up with adrenaline. Im going to pay for it in the morning, but its worth it to talk to people who need someone to talk to. Its worth every single fucking second.Take the medication sister. Its there to help you, and to make you feel better. Sure, it might not make you feel great at times. You might even look at yourself in the mirror and feel Hyperactive behavior: "I hate how I look." But let me tell you something, even if you dont believe it. Looks, while people judge first impressions on them, dont portray you as a person. Shallow people that you quite frankly dont want to hang around with use first impressions to guide them through life. People who are rational, and friendly and want to get to know you, for who you are dont.This is a TED talk I watched earlier. It helped me realise that even though I look Hyperactive behavior a pepperoni pizza (although not as tasty) that everyone is self conscious to a degree. Even supermodels. *Especially* supermodels.The voices matter to you, yes? But theyre not you. Theyre controlling you. You have to believe in yourself, not in what these voices are telling you. Hey, want to know a secret about me? Im probably the biggest Phobia, Social outcast youll ever meet. Im really shy when I meet new people. There, we both have a fault. That is what these voices are, theyre faults. Theyre problems. Theyre your self-conscious trying to get into your mind and Chest Pain you, and tell you to Chest Pain yourself. You are worth more than these voices. You are the master of these voices. Youre the dominatrix, the mistress, the one who is pretty fucking awesome. Remember that.', 'Right now youre holding a rope in your hands that could either kill you or save you. You feel Hyperactive behavior that there is a void that cannot be filled now that your girlfriend is gone. Let me tell you a quick story before you decide to either take my advice or not.Ive had a strange life. I was born into a pretty lovely family, with caring parents. I cant complain about that at all. I had everything. However, I was diagnosed with severe autism when I was 2 and pretty much no one thought I would be how I am today. It was pretty much game over for me before life had even started. It didnt help either that just Hyperactive behavior you, a huge void was Ventricular Dysfunction, Left in my heart when my father passed to cancer when I was 7. Throat cancer, specifically. I honestly have no idea how my mum coped, but she did. She was strong. She was my rock and still is my rock. When shes there, im still okay. But that void was there for a very long time, and I never really felt Hyperactive behavior I would have a father figure again and that Depressed mood me massively. I needed someone who I could play football and do manly things with and all of that. I craved it. And then one day, my mum met up with an old friend. Theyre now together and he might as well be my dad because hes filled a void that even I thought wasnt possible to fill. I still have lots of Phobia, Social Anxiety Mental Depression, but my way of handling Autism is much, much better than it was. I can do things. I can talk to people. There isnt much of a void anymore.So, let me give you this; is your life really, really, REALLY worth ending for this? Should I have just ended my life when my dad passed away or even a few years later when I felt I had nothing?I didnt, and life is much better. Its your choice to make because youre the one with the rope and the window right now. You have the power to save or end your life. But please, there is hope for you. You just need to be your own rock. You need your friends. You need to give life another chance because otherwise youll never find the beauty in life.No, dont do it. Live your life.Edit: It was a long post, I hope to god you see this before you do it. Please reply ASAP. its 2am here but ill stay up a bit to make sure youre okay. Ill be your friend.', 'Thats the spirit! You can function without them, its just withdrawal. Youve grown so used to not having the peace that these voices have made you forget who you are! A wonderful, intelligent, sweet woman who has a problem that she is going to fix. These voices may scream, but your will screams louder. Youre you. Youre in control and I will put anything on the line that you can conquer this. Thats brilliant and im so glad I could help. Im always here if you need to talk again, because I know how much of a Disturbance in mood life can be at times. :)', 'Where abouts do you want to go? You should try backpacking. Ive heard that its an experience! Bro, if your parents are judgemental, then show them that your life is none of their business if theyre going to just give you crap for not finding the right woman. Listen, abusing drugs wont help you. It wont make you feel better. Put that money into travelling. That should be your goal. If you can see the world, then your world will open. You wont be living in a box anymore!You must not give up. You were brought here for a reason, and that reason isnt to give up. Its to live life, have a family, have loved ones, have all these things in life that are so special and can fill you with joy.Anyway, heres a funny montage from Kevin Hart. Hes fucking hilarious. It makes me feel better, so hopefully itll make you feel better too!', ' this. From what I see, you seem to feel Hyperactive behavior no one will talk to you. But thats where youre wrong - youre trippin, homie. Youve got us! The voices are telling you to do bad things to yourself, but let me ask you something - surely these voices are your demons? These parts of you that WANT to make you feel bad. They want to cause you Ache. You have to be strong against these voices, because you have a meaning and a reason to live. You want to be a god? You gotta live for another day, son. You gotta be ready to say to your voices, "FUCK YOU! DICKWEED!" You gotta live, for another day. Day after day after day. You have to move. You have to keep living every single day. You have to take these voices and the burdens they bring along with them, and tell them that they cant be with you anymore. Youre going to become a new you, and you need to believe that. No one else can tell you, but you, yourself can change. I am here to tell you that your life means something. I dont even know you, but I know your life means something to someone on this planet. Whether it be that pretty girl that you saw during class or work that you want to smile back at you, approach her. If it is your roommates, tell them everything. You can do it. Believe in yourself.-A/C', 'Remember to do it safely! Im so glad you got the shot. Remember this feeling. Its what is going to guide you through the rest of your life - remember that you feel great after the voices go away!Its super important that you start eating healthy, and with a decent amount of food. Im kind of a hypocrite because im a sucker for junk food, but im not trying to lose weight ;). Seriously though, good luck. Im so glad that youve made it past those voices and theyre more quiet. Thats a big achievement by itself!', 'Youre right - there is no easy way out of it. But you can do it. Youre not believing in yourself when the truth is, you can achieve so much. Youve got time. Even if life doesnt look good now, just remember that youll feel fucking awesome when you get past this all.', 'Talk to me. What happened? Ill be the thing you need.Step away from that ledge. You have a live to life, you have beauty to see in the world. You have places to explore. You have the power to make your life beautiful.'] | Indicator | 318 |
user-428 | ['Call 911 right now, then throw up. There will be other girls, trust me. ', 'When I was in college, I had a roommate was was dealing with extreme depression, smoked way too much weed, was abusing adderall, on prescription antidepressants, and had suicidal thoughts. I tried to help him, to be his friend, but after a year I just couldnt do it anymore, and neither could my other roommates. We went to the school for help, and the school moved him out of our room. He didnt kill himself, but he did end up dropping out of school.I still feel bad about that. I sometimes wish we had done more. And he thought we were Anger with him. He thought we asked the school to kick him out. We didnt, but he thought we did because we withdrew from him and he was too Depressed mood to believe us.the point of this story is just to say that I believe many of your friends and family may feel that way. Dont assume anyone is Anger. They just might need some space themselves. Or they might be frustrated at their inability to help, and are waiting and hoping that you will turn out ok.', 'You need to speak to your doctor about the nausea. It could be a sign that your dosage is wrong, or that youre having a bad reaction to the medication. And even if it is a normal side effect and will go away, Im guessing it would make you feel better if you knew that instead of just hoping.Can you talk to the psychiatrist who prescribed the medication about how you are feeling? Do you have a best friend you can trust? 13 is a hard age, but you never know, you might have friends who are dealing with the same issues, you might be able to help each other out.', 'It doesnt have to be that, I just meant it sounds from your post that you just feel stuck and you dont see how to get unstuck. The best thing you can do is try to find something in your life you can advance. You say you are in decent shape, maybe you can do some kind of athletic activity and meet people there. Or maybe you can use that to help find a girl. Get on a free dating site and put up a couple pics that focus on your body. Or if there is some way to take a university class without actually being a full student, try that. The point is it doesnt really matter what you do as long as you do something that will help you move forward with some part of your life.I know that all sounds trite, and it def wont solve your problems overnight, but it will put you on the right path, and for now thats all you need.', 'Dont do it. Call a hotline, call your parents, do something, but dont kill yourself. Life gets better, it really does. And while it may seem Hyperactive behavior no one cares about you, people do. Your death will Chest Pain a lot of people. And it will prevent you from helping people and bringing happiness to people you havent even met yet.Dont do it.', 'Good. Also be sure to tell him how you are feeling. I assume hell ask, but whether or not he does you need to make sure you tell him.Its understandable that you dont want to tell new friends. That is hard.', 'The important thing to remember is you have options. Your problems ARE solvable. You dont need to kill yourself. Yeah, college is sometimes stupid. But it will also always be there, and if now isnt the time, go back to it. As for the job, maybe you can find one that you dont find insulting. I get where youre coming from, I always refused to have any time of food service job, wouldnt even consider it no matter how hard my parents pushed. But eventually I found a low-paying summer job that I actually enjoyed. You might too.Also, please consider the other people in your life. You say youre living at home, have you thought about what this would do to your parents? Having to find their child Hyperactive behavior that? What about your other relatives? Or your friends who you have fallen out of touch with? I know you feel alone, but your death will Chest Pain a lot of people.', 'First of all, things can get better. Youve got a solid foundation, you just need to do something to move yourself forward.Have you looked into taking a couple evening classes at community college? It would give you a reason to get out of the house, would give you a sense of moving forward with your life, and would help you meet people. ', 'Dont you want to keep listening to them? Or see your kids grow up? Or see the pyramids? Or whatever your dream is? Call 911. Please.', 'I think you would be surprised by how much joy little things can bring you. It sounds Hyperactive behavior youve bought into materialism. Things will never make you happy. Theyre Hyperactive behavior a sugar rush. It wears off fast, then its just another thing you have to store and clean.Life is about experiences, not stuff.I think you underestimate the Ache your death would cause. I think you substantially underestimate the Ache it will cause.', 'You need to call 911, you might not be able to get everything out. Please, call them.', 'All it takes is one. I know that sounds stupid and trite, but its true. the first girl I hooked up with in college wasnt at a party, or in my dorm, or whatever. I was a girl I met when another girl I was friends with dragged me to a religious event. The girl saw me, decided she liked how I looked, gave me her email, and a few days later we hooked up.It happens in the strangest ways, you just have to put yourself out there.', 'Dude, those people were assholes, ignore them. Shove your fingers down your throat, puke it all up, and call 911. This isnt the right thing to do. Youre going to Chest Pain a lot of people, and you dont need to do this. ', 'Im glad youve decided to hold off. I would strongly advise you to seek out professional therapy, I think it would be in your interests. I know it can be difficult to approach your parents about something Hyperactive behavior that, but it is worth it.Im not going to tell you that money isnt important. But I will say I believe you are overestimating its importance, and overestimating the amount you require to be happy. I wish you luck.', 'Yes, you do want to wake up tomorrow.People wouldnt be happy if you died, theyd be devastated. Your friends, your family? They would be immeasurably Chest Pain.Guys will mature. If you dont want to wait try dating guys a few years older. And your friends, have you tried talking to them, telling them how you feel? You might be surprised to find out they are more receptive than you thought theyd be.Most importantly, youre too young to die. Things can and will get better for you. Please dont do this.', 'I know. But the thing is, it will never happen if you dont occasionally go out and do things or meet people.Really, just try saying hello to someone in each of your classes. Try going to one club. Or hanging out with your coworkers. Just give it a shot. Small steps. Being Phobia, Social takes practice just Hyperactive behavior everything else. But if you put yourself out there, eventually youre going to find that you do have a couple friends, and eventually youll find that there is a girl whos into you.', 'Its not worth dying over. Really its not, no matter what you did. Emotions come and go, Ache fades with time, and Ill bet you will be shocked by how many of those people arent Anger with you. Some of them because they never were Anger (perhaps just frustrated or exhausted), others because theyve forgiven.Murderers get executed. Im guessing you havent murdered anyone. You dont deserve to die.'] | Supportive | 428 |
user-29 | ['Then maybe returningt there might be the first step. You should be w/ the family of your choice, not w/ people who clearly dont want the best for you. You should take care of yourself for a while and while doing that maybe also put some distance between you and that girl - it might help you to put things into perspective. Stay strong!', 'No matter whether you believe in fate or God or anything: that misfiring gun was a SIGN and Im really thankful for it. I hope you can use this extreme experience to your advantage!', 'Scumbag brain... Sees something beautiful and uplifting: yanks the tear ducts wiiide open...', 'Please dont feel guilty. You have a disease and it is so strong that even your partners love cant seem to stop it. Its not your fault and its not an unusual thing to happen. Maybe its really for the best if you outsource the job of taking care of you. That could take the feeling of guilt off your shoulders and also relieve your partner of some of his responsibility. You have two great things working for you at the moment: the fact that amazingly human beings care for each other unconditionally and are even able to forgive the worst-seeming things. Plus, the will to live that you expressed in your last paragraph. Its there, its true. Cling to these things with all the strength you still have, thats all you have to do, the other things are out of reach at the moment, you can care about them once you feel better. Get well soon!', 'Its unfair that many people can just leave their beds w/o problems. It may seem like a miracle to you, it sure does to me sometimes. But everyones got special challenges in life and even those who jump our of bed wearing a bright smile each day might be confronted w/ difficulties once they enter a car, make a cake or whatever. Even if not, even if their life seems perfect, they are bound to encounter some rocks on the road eventually. So this is your challenge. Its one of the nastier ones, no question about that. But life functions Tired strangely and so I think you should try to hold on, try to take on day after another, try to battle against all the rocks that are in your way. I know its worth it and Im pretty confident youll find out the same if you just hang in there.'] | Supportive | 29 |
user-437 | ['You are far stronger then the thoughts of killing yourself. Death is permanency to a temporary problem. Posting here proves that youre trying to be strong. Continue to harness that strength, and remember that no many time it rains, the sun shines as much.', 'At night is always bad for me. Its when I have time to think and reflect on things. I find reading and taking a bath tends to take my mind off things. Have you ever just written down your day in a journal? I did that when I was in the military, it helped kind of get those demons out.', 'I am glad to hear you both are doing well! ', 'So, there is a lot more to live for then just school. Trust me when I say that. I have been where you are. I have so much student loan debt its insurmountable, but I know Ill get through it. One thing in your post; your parents may work long hours, and they may pay your tuition, but if anything happened to you, they would be in a much darker place then you believe them to be now. They want you to follow your heart, even if it has its bumps in the road. You are never alone in this, never in the dark. I and those from /SW are going to be here. We are your support network, and no matter what happens, as long as you can wake up tomorrow the day has the potential to be amazing. ', 'Well Im here to talk if you want to vent.', 'Youre wrong about something here. We care about you. Weve never met but we are friends. Maybe not in real life, but we are connected in a lot of ways. Just a few weeks ago, I sat on my bathroom floor saying and thinking a lot of what I am seeing here. I am still partially there, but I am finding my way up the hill. We can do the same for you. There is always time to turn back until its too late.', 'Yes you can, you have the strength inside; it may not feel Hyperactive behavior it right now, but every day gets a little bit different, While the road may seem long, and almost futile. But, as you age the storms begin to be a bit easier to manage. Girls, friends, school, all of that shit comes and goes. Ive been there, and know exactly what youre going through. Just remember that Suicide is a very very permanent solution to a temporary problem!', 'What do you play?', 'Add me on steam, same name as here.', 'Going out to see a movie, but if you want to play some L4D 2 later Im down.', 'Youre wrong about that. Its easy to think no one will, but I promise you its not true. I have been there. Ive been there. The ledge is enticing, but its not the place to be. Whats wrong that makes you feel Hyperactive behavior the ledge is the escape?', 'Ive found things to live for even if I was at my worst. Once youve been the ledge, and seen whats on the other side living is the worth every minute. You will find your reason. Youll find your hope. Death wins when you stop looking. We are here to help you find it. Dont give up during the storm face it and know there is calm', 'I dont believe that. Things helped me. Lets try together man. Anything you need that is within my power to do, I will.', 'I run a gaming website and could use some help! I suffer from extreme Anxiety Mental Depression and Mental Depression tied in with PTSD. My drugs help, but I try to stop taking them. If youre into games abd stuff let me knew. I always need people!! ', 'Hey there RSS09,I feel your Ache, I know exactly what youre going through. When I was 20, I was a pot head living at home, no girlfriend, I had self loathing because I felt Hyperactive behavior I was ugly and out of shape. But I had no desire to change it. I pretended to have friends, but I delt with their ridicule and their jokes just to feel accepted. I made the conscious decision to do something about that. So I actually joined the military. That decision changed my life. I went in with the mentality that while I hated authority, if I wanted to survive another day, and prove to people I was made of more then what they think I would graduated. I did, and then I was top in my class at school because I found I actually enjoyed it. It might not be a bad thing to consider if your direction is split right now. ', 'You doing okay? You recognized it was your Anxiety Mental Depression talking, I am hoping that voice was silenced!', 'We fuck up all the time. I do it some times on purpose, but when we are fucked is when we get to decide if were at our weakest or at our strongest. No one ever gets upset they stand, people get upset when they fall. People get Chest Pain when they fall, but things look a little brighter when they pick themselves up. Ive been there man, I went to the hospital every other day because my world was so fucked. Now I can sit here in my toliet(truth) and tell you that my darkest times makes the sun look so much brighter.', 'I have thought about Suicide before, but then I think of what would happen to my family, my wife, people who I know, and that puts me in a worse place. Through the storm comes the calm. The measure of a person is how you face those storms. If you want to chat, please dont hesitate to reach out! I have no artistic talent, but I have need for artistic talent! What sort of work do you do?', 'Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Life is full of peaks and valleys, its the valleys that make the peaks so much more grand. Id Hyperactive behavior to chat with you, if you want to message me a way to get in touch with you, or I can give you my info. I live in Florida. Lets find your miracle together. ', 'I am here for you Joe. Lets chat! Are you a gamer?', 'You are wron. People will miss you for the rest of their lives. Even if they dont express their love for you, it exists. The world is cruel thats the reason we surround ourselves with what we can find that brings a bit of joy. I have meds that help me see the joy a bit easier. Your life is worth living, this place youre at is temporary.', 'Its for a title called gigantic. ', 'Sorry, passed out. The site is dedicated to Gigantic which is a new arena combat game. Were the first fansite dedicated to the game. I have people who write articles, we do weekly interviews and discussions on Twitch with people. If youre interested message me here and Ill give you the info.', 'I can think of a lot. Is it family, money? School?', 'I am so sorry for your loss. I dont want to speculate on how something Hyperactive behavior that could happen. But please, Crying Reflex, Abnormal when you need to, laugh when you can, and embrace those around you and revel in his memory. Love is never lost, its just moved to a different part of the heart and mind.', 'Well, life has a way of kicking us when were down. Its times Hyperactive behavior these that we find the simple solution to the problem the easiest to cope with. The sad reality of it is, that solution is not so simple. Life has fantastic moments, and terrible moments. I have been where you are right now, when the end seems terribly easy; a simple escape to the woes. But, Suicide is a very permanent solution to an extremely temporary problem. There is always one more thing you can do to try to pick yourself up. Life, though it may feel Hyperactive behavior it; is not baseball. 3 strikes and you are not out. There are more innings to play. My name is Tim, and I am willing to play those innings with you. What makes life so difficult for you Vind?', 'Puddles, I will tell you something that may sound empty. But I care, in fact, I would wager to say that those of us here care. I have been where you are, when all things seem to point to that long goodnight. Pain comes and goes, problems raise, and problems fall; just Hyperactive behavior the winds of a storm eventually give way to calm. You are not alone in the way that you feel. Please stay with us!', 'Hey there Throwawayfrell, I will say that the Ache you are feeling, that hollowness inside does go away, the tides do recede and life does get better. Ive been exactly in your shoes before, I was the class clown, I tried to make friends by making an ass of myself but that never seemed to work. Let me ask you what changed in you that you started to push people away? Was it one event, or a series of events? And I will tell you; that the Ache and suffering you feel inside right now is something that can be calmed. Have you spoken to a doctor about it? Medication is what keeps me straight, but I would reach out for help. You are not alone in any of this. I am here, those of us from /SW are here... were here because weve been there, and know, while its a rough road to come back from it is a road you CAN come back from. ', 'Count me in to the loop! We can all be boring together! ', 'How are you doing right now?', 'There is always a storm, but those storms eventually end. Even if you dont think they will. Life has a funny way of knocking us down and betting us we wont get back up. Lets prove to life its wrong. ', 'Life should never end because of hate. '] | Behavior | 437 |
user-471 | ['Hoping for some earth shattering revelation can be difficult. What if one never manifests? I know common sense would say that the pursuit of the possibility is one of the parts of being human, but it just doesnt sound at all attractive to me. And I did finish it, and loved it. Really wish I wouldnt have had to gave waited for the movie to get me interested in it. The movie wasnt terrible in its own right, but it of course cant stand up to the comic. The 3 hour extended version was way better. ', 'I came over and tried to look at her phone, she Hyperactive behavior jumped on me and said yo give it back. I said she was cheating she said "I never agreed we were back together." so in a sense, yes. ', 'Its just rough, I dont think there is anything out there. For years everyones told me to hold on and keep looking, and I found something that made me feel happy and normal, but it left. It took me 18 years to find one thing, and even then I wasnt good enough to hold onto it. Also, debating random strangers is great. ', 'Maybe, Im not sure honestly. Its an interesting thought but as a freshly minted 18 year old whos trying to overcome a Phobia, Social of driving and just found a second job (I worked at a factory a few months before being laid off) uprooting is a hard thought for the moment. Besides, I doubt theres anything out there in the world for me. I died a long time ago. ', 'I wonder a lot, but the wondering is about things that dont exactly encourage what one would label positive thinking. Mostly about morality and the Hyperactive behavior, and about how death is a in an abstract sense a diety within its own right. But thinking doesnt make me any happier. I have medicine, and it levels me out some, but it also changes my thinking. Im not as sad, but it dulls other emotions too. ', 'Maybe to people worth digging, Im not one of them unfortunately.. And yeah, sometimes I wish I liked children. ', 'A girl, Id dated once or twice before, but it had never felt Hyperactive behavior that. We were together Hyperactive behavior six months, broke up, she was seeing some other guy, then we started talking about getting back together, started going on dates, spending nights, saying I love you, whole nine yards. Then her friend told me shes been hanging out with him again. ', 'Not having to ever go back, or even having the option too, sounds pretty wonderful. But I do agree it can be a challenge xD', 'I really doubt I ever will find anyone else. No one else ever cared about me that way why should it happen again now? I just dont think Im good enough to warrant that sort of interaction with someone. And it seems thats the only thing I find even somewhat fulfilling. Hows being a parent? '] | Ideation | 471 |
user-26 | ['So your place could use a cleaning, I dont think that makes you evil. The good thing is that you acknowledge your feelings, again we cant control the way we think.', 'Im sorry that youre going through all that. But Id have to disagree when you say that you are selfish. You clearly care about your mom, and want dont want to make her life difficult. Killing yourself will not do that. You talk about missing chances and opportunities, but thats the great thing about life, there will always be more. Hang in there, I know you can do it. Ill be here if you need to talk.', 'Please reconsider, lets talk about this. Why do you want to die?', 'No problem, happy to do it. Yeah, studying can get a little overwhelming especially with your family bugging you. Stick with it man.', 'Its hard to show Feeling unhappy in front of the ones we care about. Its good that youre all there for each other. You and youre brother might both do better if you acknowledged your Feeling unhappy and leaned on each other. Just be happy is the worst kind of advice, from people who dont understand. Im sorry I have to go now, can I talk to you tomorrow?', 'I know youve heard it gets better before, but it bears repeating. I know its hard to meet new people, but if you keep at it eventually youll actually find some worth meeting. If you feel like talking to other people who might have similar problems might I suggest /r/introvert? Keep your chin up, and feel free to PM me if you need someone to talk to.', 'Im sorry that youve had to go through all that you have, but from what Im reading here I see a strong young man with a lot of potential. Working and school are tough enough, but finding the time to regularly work out and hold your family together? Props to you man. And when did it become pretentious to read? Fuck whoever told you that. Youre clearly a strong, smart man. I think you can fight your dark side, and overcome your problems to go on and do great things. Stay strong, I believe in you.', 'It sounds like you have a lot of energy and passion, but because of that you can sometimes make bad decisions. Its completely natural to do stupid things in hopes of love, but you need to remember that your health and wellness come first. By no means are you a monster.', 'You can believe that if you want. But trust me, theres no way anybody who has gone through what you have isnt.', 'If it matters to you, it matters. And the way you feel matters to me as well. It might not be my place to ask but have you two considered a marriage counselor? And are you seeing a therapist? A good one can make all the difference in the world. ', 'To include your therapist. Please at least talk to him before you consider doing anything Injury of muscle.', 'Im sorry I think Im missing the point.', 'Theres no need to apologize. Your expressing the emotions of a clearly caring and intelligent mind. It would be impossible to put that into a couple short sentences. Are you currently seeing a therapist? If not please consider it, they might make all the difference in the world helping your transition. Youre right school can be tough, and people can be assholes. But you know what fuck them. It might seem like a long time now but in a couple of years youll never have to see any of them again. It sounds like you get a lot of Stress about your weight, if you are interested in getting in shape might I recommend /r/fitness? But dont worry what other people think of it, if they dont like it, again fuck them. Stay strong man.', 'I would really recommend making it clear to someone close, what you are going through. This doesnt have to be something you do alone. And you say that youre tired, that youve been trying for a long time. That means youve come a long way, and that means you are strong.', 'What makes you say you have an evil soul?', 'That sucks, do you have a court date set up? Do you have anything in mind that you would like to try for? It doesnt sound like youve had Tired good counselors, thats a terrible argument and how is it supposed to make you feel better? Just because a sprained ankle isnt broken, doesnt mean it doesnt Pain. At best that would only make you feel guilty. I would urge you to keep looking for a counselor that works well with you.I know its hard not to compare yourself to others but, it really wont help. No matter how well anyone does in life, there will always be someone doing better at certain aspects. Try to focus on what you need, and where you want to be. ', 'They stand by you because they care about you. And so do I. Stay tough, I know you can do it.', 'You just need to keep looking. There are groups everywhere trying to help people. You clearly want to help people and thats a good thing.', 'Thats tough. Im sorry that youre going through all of this. Thats terrible that your family treated you like that, but please dont let that stop you from accepting compliments and knowing youre a great person. Are you currently seeing a therapist? Hang in there, there are people who care. If you need to vent some more, Ill be here.', 'Please dont be so hard on yourself, holding grudges is something we all do. Some people just hide it better than others. Are there other options? You might not be quite where you want academically, but it seems to me like youve come a lot farther than many, many other people. And you should be proud of that.Dont count your break ups before they hatch. There might still be time to patch things up with this girl, dont make decisions you cant take back over something that hasnt happened yet. Youre a bright talented individual, dont let anyone tell you different. ', 'Im sorry youre going through all of that. But you have nothing to be embarrassed about. Are you currently seeing a therapist? Stay strong, I believe in you. There are people who care.', 'Im sorry Im confused. Whats all ending?', 'Being out of our comfort zone is well uncomfortable, you shouldnt have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Why are things going badly at home?', 'It might seem like a really long time, but compare that to the permanence of death. Even if it takes a long time to get to the light at the end of the tunnel, isnt that better than nothing? I seriously urge you to have an honest discussion with your parents, make it clear that you need help. Theres a whole world out there waiting for you, and its full of people who care.', 'Im sorry you have to worry about your mother as well as yourself. But do you think its better to withdraw, or to try and work on your relationships? Good luck, stay strong I know you can.', 'You cant blame yourself for panic attacks. Its not like you decided you wanted to have them. Thats good that youre willing to give it a try. Let me know how it goes! Hang in there, I know you can do it.', 'Please? I know you can do it. For your kids. I know its not much, but Im here and I care.', 'Im sorry you are going through such a rough patch right now. Are you seeing a therapist to help you with this? Hang in there, I know you can do it. There are people who care.', 'Please, please reconsider this. Im sorry that things are hard right now, but youve seen that it can get better. There are going to be ups and downs in life. But without the downs how could we appreciate the ups? You were strong enough to come back from the edge before. I believe in you, and know you can do it again. Ill be here if you need to talk.', 'Be physically close to her. If you really are worried, dont leave her on her own. But more importantly talk to her about it. Good luck, I hope your sister is ok.', 'That is a tricky one. You can do something about it, it just takes energy and drive. I believe you can do it. ', 'That must suck, Im sorry to hear that youre going through that. Its good that you recognize cutting for what it is and are fighting the urges. Is there anything specific that brings on these feelings? Stay strong, I know you can get through this.', 'Jesus man youve clearly had a hell of a time. Im sorry to hear about everything youve gone through. However you shouldnt feel like the guy you were describing is better than you in any way. Youre staying true to yourself in the face of adversity and that takes guts. I guess the only advice I have is to keep seeking out people who will be supportive of you. There are people who arent going to judge you and like you just the way you are. Also maybe try running, the sense of accomplishment and endorphins always make me feel good, plus it might help you get to a weight you want to be at. Good luck, and hang in there.', 'Im sorry things are so hard right now. But believe me, there is no way to quietly disappear from peoples lives, the only way to ensure theyre not traumatized is to stay with them. Dont Stress about being "normal" we cant control the thoughts we have, only how we react to them. Youre clearly a good, caring person, youre loved ones are lucky to have you. Ill be here if you want to talk. ', 'Hey, that sounds hard. But there is always hope. Have you sat down with your mom and gone over how you feel, and what you are upset about in a clear, organized manner? Stay strong, I know you can do it, there are people who care.', 'Dont worry about the downvotes, messed up people like to troll here. By no means is your situation hopeless, and no one wants you to kill yourself. Its good that you are so actively seeking treatment. Im sorry you havent found one that works yet, but the only way to find one is to keep trying. Youre obviously an intelligent, driven individual. Im sure you can do it.', 'Thats tough. But you need to learn from your grandpa and not make the same mistakes. I believe you can get better. Glad your side is ok.', 'Thats hard man. Its always difficult to be the one people depend on. But you have no reason to be disappointed in yourself. Your clearly a good person who is willing to put the needs of his family over your own Pain. Have you talked to a therapist? Take care of yourself, Ill be here if you need to talk.', 'You are not useless. No matter what anyone one says, you are a good, strong, caring person. Even if you dont believe it.', 'Thats good to hear! Are you feeling any better about it?', 'Im sorry, that sounds hard. No one is worthless, you are not taking up space that someone else can use. You are unique. Are you seeing a therapist? Stay strong, there are people who care.', 'Man thats shitty, but hopefully youll be able to get it expunged.Its hard to find a good counselor, but it can really pay off. In the meantime Im no therapist, but if you just want to vent Ill be here.Mechanics is a useful skill. Thats rough about the call backs, but Im sure youll do well.', 'Anytime, happy to do it. Youre right, it is hard not to think about all the bad things that happen in the world. But just because there are people who have it worse doesnt mean you cant feel bad about your own problems. It must have taken a lot of strength to get off drugs. Hang in there man, were all pulling for you. ', 'Thats good that you have that loyalty. Its understandable that its difficult to return to normal after an incident like that, but you have to work at it. I know you can do it. Are you taking any bipolar medication? You seem like a good person, going through a rough time. Hang in there, I believe in you.', 'No one can understand exactly what youre feeling, but a twin is the closest possible thing. Please listen to your brother so you can stay in his life. Youre right things dont magically just change, but they can get better over time. ', 'Youre clearly Tired strong. Youve come this far, I believe you can keep going. Thats good that youve got a therapist. Especially one that you like. What does your husband say when you tell him how you feel?', 'Hey there, sorry to hear about what youve had to go through. First of all, please consider seeing a doctor. If youve been Illness for a Asthenia you should strongly consider getting medical attention. Also have you considered talking to these people that you feel you have let down? This negative perception could all be in your head. Also sometimes it just feels better to get everything out in the open. Stay strong, I know you can do it. ', 'Hi! Sorry that youre going through all this. Are you currently seeing a therapist? Hang in there, Ill be here if you need to talk.', 'Look at what you just said. Youre able to work, take care of your kids, and work on your marriage, all while you are struggling with this. If you dont call that strong, Id hate to see what you called me. The Exhaustion can be bad, but think of your kids. I know you can pull through.', 'No problem, anytime.', 'Wouldnt you rather have help for your Pain, and risk losing your gun?', 'Youve probably heard this first part before, so sorry about that but here it goes. Are you seeing a therapist? If you arent you really should consider it. Youve clearly got a Tired good mind, even if youre being a little hard on yourself. It sounds like most of the advice people have been giving you is all some form of self change. I disagree with that. I would suggest that you work on being comfortable with yourself. Youre clearly well spoken and Sharp Pain minded. I think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned your ability to make humorous sarcastic statements. Why dont you concentrate on doing that around others if youre uncomfortable? People love a good dry sense of humor. It also sounds like you feel listless and need something to keep you grounded. Your clearly well read and eloquent. Have you tried writing? ', 'That has to be hard. I know people who struggle with Anxiety as well as Depression. Is your side ok?', 'How do you know theyll take your gun away?', 'Im sorry to hear about that. Please dont let how bad things are right now cause you to make a decision you cant take back. Eventually things will get better. Are you seeing a therapist? Hang in there, there are people who care.', 'Im sorry that youre going through this. Are you currently seeing a therapist? Stay strong there are people that care about you. ', 'First of all, there is nothing wrong with you. Its perfectly natural to feel upset and betrayed when your friend starts ignoring you. But your right man girls can be tricky, everyone gets a little awkward around them now and again. Dont hate yourself at all, but especially not because of how you feel, or how youve tried to express it. You cant keep feeling guilty about what you did in the past. Eventually we move on and meet new people. We keep up with the ones we care about, and the ones who dont keep up with us arent worth caring about.', 'No one lives up to their full potential, its just something that happens in an imperfect world. But that doesnt mean we shouldnt keep trying. Its good that you have plans and dreams. Youre clearly Tired intelligent and talented, Im sure you can achieve them.', 'I am by no means a financial expert but Im sure you can get some advice over at r/personalfinance. Its always worth it to continue struggling. It sounds kind of goofy but theres nothing like the pride that comes from knowing that you gave it your fucking best, left it all on the field and earned what you have. Its easy to feel like youre all alone in the world but just remember there are people out there who care about you.', 'If its not too much to ask, do you mind explaining what happened with him? And although it might not seem like much there are people here who are neither uncaring or cold, who care about what happens to you. ', 'What do you mean trouble?', 'I believe in you, I think you can.', 'Feeling directionless is never fun. Sometimes its hard to find something inspiring, or something to be passionate about. Do you mind if I ask how old you are? Also I dont buy the whole "right to feel bad" argument which you referenced. We all have our own capacity for Feeling unhappy, which will effect us in a completely unique way. Regardless of whether or not weve "earned it" in the eyes of others. You have no reason to feel bad about feeling bad. ', 'Im sure youve heard it a million times, but let me say it too. Im so sorry for what happened to you and your family. It sounds like you get a lot of Stress from worrying that you wont be able to live a "normal" life. But you also mention that there are distractions, even if they are only temporary. What if you focused more on those types of activities? Maybe then if you are involved in something you enjoy, you will meet people who share common interests and make social interaction easier. RyanBDawg is right, support groups could be Tired useful to you. And if that is too difficult there will always be people here who care. ', 'Please stop and reconsider. You sound like a Tired smart person with a lot of potential. You mentioned that there were several points in your life when you picked up the pieces and started doing well for yourself. I know its hard but you can do it again. Fuck your friends, dont let the actions of shitty people convince you to take your life. Your better than them, and the best revenge is to live well. In the meantime please consider talking to a professional about this.', 'She sounds like a good woman. What wouldnt be fair would be to make a decision you cant take back, without her ever knowing about how you feel. Hang in there, I know you can do it.', 'Hey, Im sorry that youre going through all of this. Why would you say you dont deserve anything? Your worry about the people who care about you shows that you are a good caring person. Stay strong, I believe in you. Ill be here if you need to talk.', 'Yeah that can be hard. But 4 days is a lot of time, Im sure you can do it. Just remember to take breaks and not let it overwhelm you.', 'Please reconsider talking to them. What if they can help you? This isnt something you should have to go through alone.', 'It sounds like youve had a hard time. I hope things pick up for you soon. Are you currently talking to a counselor about these feelings? Stay strong, I believe you can pull yourself through this.', 'No mind is beyond repair. Im sure you can get through this.', 'Youre clearly a good, caring person. But please dont let your feelings for your girlfriend cause you to do something drastic. There are always temptations in life, we just need to be strong. I believe in you, I know you can do it.', 'Seriously wifi in a graveyard? How many bars? Honestly though its good that you acknowledge doubt. If for no other reason just keep going because why not? I believe that its still Tired possible for you to have that kind of life. Dont ever feel bad for the way that you feel. You cant change your emotions, only how you respond to them. But were here to help. ', 'Why would it be naive to think life can get better? I believe you can get through this. Are you seeing a therapist? Things may look dark and be hard right now, but no one is destined to be unhappy forever. Hang in there, were all pulling for you.', 'The important thing is that youre still hanging on. I know it seems like a long time now but soon youll be an adult and can make your own decisions. In the mean time keep reaching out to get the help you need in whatever way you can. There are people out there who care. ', 'Please at least wait until you can talk to him first. Do you have the number to his office? ', 'Im sorry to hear how hard things have been for you. Life can get pretty overwhelming sometimes, but I believe you can handle it. Why dont you try making a list of what you have to do, and just work your way through that? Maybe that will help you to feel less overwhelmed. As to how to tell an interviewer youre on probation I would recommend starting with that information. If you have to tell them anyway, you might as well be upfront about it, so you can explain yourself. Hang in there, you sound like a Tired strong person. I believe you can get through this.', 'Even if it just helped you organize your thoughts, you wouldnt have written this for nothing. The inevitability of death can frighten us all. But that doesnt mean we shouldnt do what we can, with the time we have.YOU are awesome. Stay strong, Im pulling for you.', 'That must be hard. But why do you think youre a failure? No one can succeed at everything all of the time. Depressions tough, but I hang in there I know you can.', 'It might sound stupid, but why do you keep watching the movie?', 'Im sorry to hear how hard things have been for you. Its perfectly natural to feel trapped when so many things have gone wrong, but does not mean that life can not get better. Are you sure youve been charged with anything? Thats usually something they make sure isnt ambiguous. Can you transfer any credits from your previous school experiences to a new one? Also are you currently seeing a counselor? Your 20s are not over, they have only just begun. Dont judge yourself by what your friends are doing, you need to focus on whats best for you. You seem like a tough, strong, driven individual. Hang in there, I know you can do it.', 'Im sorry that youre family is being hard on you. But you need to make your feelings clear to them, so they can help you.You dont have to do anything you dont want to, but I would recommend talking to a school psychologist. They want to help you, thats what theyre there for.You dont need a person to tell you whats wrong and whats right. Youre clearly a good, giving person. Lean on your friends a little, friendship is a two way street. But either way if youre doing things that make you uncomfortable, simply stop doing them. Stay strong, there are people out there who care.', 'Im so sorry that you have to go through this. But take the Pain you feel right now, and imagine if your family had to feel it again for you. Except worse because you were cut down in your prime. If for no other reason stay for them. I believe you can do it.', 'You can do it. I believe in you. There are people here who care.', 'Anytime', 'First of all the amount you clearly care about your loved ones is amazing. I would urge you to talk with them about how you feel. Im sure they want to help you. Suicidal urges are hard to fight especially on your own. Please reconsider and get the help you need, this isnt a burden you have to carry alone. ', 'Hey there. Im sorry to hear about whats been happening to you. Youre clearly a caring individual with love for your daughter. If you dont have anything else to keep fighting for, fight for her. She needs a parent, and it sounds like your fiancee is in no condition to be there for her. Breaking bad is a good show, Im sorry it invokes Pain memories though. Do you just watch that, or do you enjoy dramas in general? Stay strong, there are people who care. Ill be here if you want to talk. ', 'Ok, sleep well. Please take care of yourself.', 'Yeah Im really bad about studying as well. Youre right it definitely helps when theres someone to keep you on task.', 'I think it has to do with only thinking from their perspective. From their point of view it would be selfish of you to take yourself away from them forever. They dont understand how you feel, and thats why they think that its you who is being selfish. However they are right, it is a Injury of muscle action. As you can attest things can get better, and you can come back from the brink, but not if you go through with suicide.', 'Its completely understandable to have difficulty talking about your emotions, especially with your family. That being said please, please be honest with them. The support of a family is invaluable. And trust me, little hints are not going to do the trick, even if they are picking up on them its quite possible they are unsure and dont want to make you feel uncomfortable. Talk with them, be straightforward, and most importantly find a good therapist.', 'I think its better to keep fighting, and I believe you can do it. Are you seeing a doctor about your Pain?', 'Thats shitty. You shouldnt be judged by the actions of others. Keep your chin up, there are people who care. In the mean time you can vent to me.', 'Have you looked into some sort of government assistance? Depending on where you live, that could be an option.', 'You cant let fears of a hypothetical future affect your decisions in the present. It sounds like your Tired aware of possible problems with alcohol. Please dont start drinking to deal with bad thoughts if you know that it will end badly. May I ask why youre unwilling to seek help? If youre uncomfortable with a 1 on 1 therapy session there are many support groups out there.', 'Bro hug for being a fellow, shy accident child, interested in science, but still not great at math. Cant say that I have your talent in music though. Im sorry that your dad treated you so shitty. But please dont let that color your view of your friends. Dont worry about what you "deserve" to feel. Your emotions are your own. Hang in there man, youre clearly a smart, intelligent man. I believe you can pull through this. There are people out there who care. ', 'Haha I like you too. How are things going now?', 'You absolutely do not sound like a weirdo. How could the desire to be understood sound ridiculous? It sounds like you have a perfectly normal desire, but its hard to express it in a standard way.', 'Its tempting to view suicide as a release. But we have no way of knowing what happens after death. Most likely we just stop and theirs nothing. I dont know what you believe, but isnt the potential for good in your life better than just nothing?', 'Please dont do it. There are an infinite number of other options left for you. Does your dad know you feel this way? Maybe hed lay off if you told him. Either way dont let him get you down too much. Youre not a disappointment, and youre not a waste of anything. Youre clearly an intelligent, talented individual. I believe you can get through this, Ill be here if you need to talk.', 'That must feel awful to have your best friend turn on you, Im sorry you had to go through that. But please dont let that Pain make you take your own life. Im sorry to have to disagree with you but there is always hope, and there are people who care about you. Im sure you know many but at the Tired least, I care about you and so does everyone here. Feel free to PM if you want to talk about your friend or anything else.', 'Cant or dont?', 'A noble thought. Have you considered finding a way to channel it into helping your community? ', 'Good luck! Let us know how it goes. Ill be here if you need to talk.', 'You dont have to give up. You can do it, I know you can. Please stay with us, well help you through this.', 'Do you mind if I ask why youve purposefully estranged yourself? Good luck with surgery. Dont give up on humanity just yet, people might be have some bad qualities, but that doesnt make them evil. Hang in there I know you can.', 'Be careful, dont do anything rash. Im sorry I have to go now. Can I talk to you tomorrow?', 'Please consider trying again, its hard to find a therapist that you like. But the difference between one you like and one whos just ok can make all the difference in the world. Stay strong, were all pulling for you.', 'Please dont do it. Youre family would not be better off in the long run, or the short run. Stay for your kids, they need their mom. Stay strong, youve come this far, I believe you can do it.', 'Thats a shame. The fading in and out can be tough. But at least there are ups to go along with the downs. Anything in particular thats making it worse?', 'You dont have to fight alone. There are people who care. It might not seem like much, but the people on here want to help you. Stick with it, Ill be here if you want to talk.', 'In my experience people who are overly self-critical are usually much better people then they are willing to give themselves credit for. The flip side of this is that they can be unnecessarily hard on themselves. Theres a difference between being realistic about your life and goals, and being overly self-critical. I believe youve got the drive and talent to be the person you want to be, without being so hard on yourself.', 'Its entirely possible for you to get all the friends and girls you want. It just takes some time. I know its hard but you just need to keep picking yourself up. You can do it, I believe in you.', 'Short answer, no. The only way to keep your family from having to go through that is to keep on living. Why would you think youll be alone forever? You seem like a genuine, caring, intelligent person. Youre clearly in a lot of Pain, but please dont let the actions of this other person make you take your own life. Do you mind me asking what happened there? Also it might not seem like a lot, but youre not alone now. I care about you and so does everyone here.', 'If she says she forgives you, then trust her in that. Dont look for a problem that might not be there. Dont be ashamed, this is clearly a complicated and confusing time for you. You just need to find out for yourself what the answer is. You can do it, I believe in you.', 'Congratulations for getting off drugs. Im not going to argue that many people try to avoid thinking, and there are problems in the world. But there is good as well, and there are people who think and want to help. If were all just waiting to die, whats the rush? Enjoy your distractions, while you can. Enjoy your girlfriend, and enjoy your music. Even if thats all we have, I still think its quite a lot. Stay strong.', 'Anytime. Seriously, anytime you need someone to listen feel free to message me.', 'Hey man, Im sorry you had to go through all of that. It cant be easy having to deal with all of that. But youre clearly strong, you can pull through this. I know you can. In the mean time Ill be here if you need to talk.', 'Youre clearly an intelligent person with a way with words. You admit that you know it must get better, why not work towards that? If youre having trouble finding something to do, to keep life interesting might I suggest writing or poetry? You honestly do have a way with words. Dont give up, Im pulling for you. ', 'Thats great! Im happy to hear that youre doing better. And Im happy to keep talking to you. Have your finals started yet? ', 'Yeah math is tough, good luck with that.', 'Languages were always one of my hardest classes as well. Props to you for choosing math, I just never had a good grasp on it. Im happy to keep replying, of course Im not annoyed. Good luck with your Dutch exam.', 'Let us get to know the real you. Im sure youre a great person. Its hard to tell over the internet, but we wont have that problem if you stay with us.', 'Im sorry to hear about all that. But Im curious as to why you think you are a failure. I wish I was smart enough to stumble into Princeton. You are clearly an intelligent person with many interests. I truly believe that you have a lot of potential and can do great things. Its perfectly natural to feel Stress about the possibility of employment, especially in the current job market. But please dont let that cause you to do something you cant take back. Stay strong, Im here if you want to talk.', 'Why would you think you dont deserve to live? It looks to me like youre a talented person who just made some mistakes. It sounds like you just need support to stop smoking, try being honest with your family, Im sure theyll want to help you. Have you tried any support groups, or drug programs? You mention there are things you still want to do, there is plenty of time for you to do them. I believe this is a problem you can solve, and certainly not worth killing yourself over. Stay strong, there are people who care.', 'But youve clearly got drive and ambition. If you can quit hard drugs you can do anything. And it might not seem like much but you still have people who support and care about you here.', 'Wouldnt it be better to alter your plan just a little? ', 'First off, in no way shape or form do you sound stupid and whiny, so you can cut that shit out right now. Anything that is important to you is important. Not to mention Suicidal thoughts and abusive relatives are anything but trivial. Are you currently seeing a therapist? Also do you mind me asking how old you are? You might have other options besides living with your grandmother.Hang in there I know you can do it. Youre obviously a strong, caring person. Pet your dog for me, Ill be here if you need to talk. ', 'Your family is probably trying to avoid an uncomfortable situation, that doesnt mean they dont care about you. They care about you so much they will completely forget about you yelling at them. Stay strong, I know you can do it.', 'Dont hate yourself. You are not hopeless. Youre going t | Indicator | 26 |
user-7 | ['Dont see it as failing at killing yourself, theres a reason why you lived. Theres something for you here on Earth. If you need someone to talk to you can come to me and Ill talk to you. Okay? People have to be there for other people, and you need someone there for you. We can talk and help you through these tough times. ', 'It almost seems like life really isnt worth the living anymore. But you shouldnt end you life. What if suddenly the economy flips for the better in a month or so? Then you may have a chance. But if I were in your situation, I would try to find what made Multiple sclerosis happy. I would most likely pack up stuff one day, leave my house and dead beat job and just drive. Not saying to run away from your problems, but it may be healthy to just get away from the bullshit for a while. Hang in there, life is the only thing we have for sure. ', 'Maybe you should let your family and friends know, reach out to those around you. Ive been there where you want to die but everythings fine. So I know where youre coming from', 'Okay, Ill check up on you every so often. And feel free to message Multiple sclerosis about anything.', 'Well I hope your arm gets better. As for you wanting to be gone, youd be robbing yourself of the only real thing anyone has for sure. Im not sure what youre going through but you can talk to me. Of course when your arm feels better. But dont make a dicission like this without trying everything possible to save you. ', 'Sounds like to me you need help. You should probably just go to the psychiatrist because they can help you. I didnt think they could, but I went and got help and I feel so much better now. Sometimes money cant be an issuing in saving yourself.', 'Thats bound to happen, parents dont like letting go of their little kid who need a handle to hold walking across the street. But Im sure youll get through it, just try to calm him down and if that doesn work give him some space and time to cool off', 'Whats the point in going through life putting all your love towards something that will never return the feeling? Maybe if I up and leave the place Im in because every corner is just another memory of my mind and heart being broken. Although I have no way to leave right now, so Im just trying to work on getting out and maybe Ill find somewhere I can call home. I feel like such a dick for saying it, but the people who are in my life and who love me just dont seem like enough because I cant fully connect with any of them. Even the person who is my best friend, I still feel really distant and detached. I feel like I bring everyone down when Im with them, or at least when they ask me whats wrong and demand to know. They can tell somethings off with me even when Im trying to hide it but I just feel like a burden because I cant over this pain.', 'So first things first, its considered "healthy" to think about killing yourself. But not plan it out or anything, just like "Oh I fucked up I really wish I were dead right now." because it shows that you are capable of admitting mistakes. Now on the school thing, you need to tell your dad whats up. If you do what he always says, hell control you all your life. Youve got to tell him "Hey, dad. Look I love you, but I dont want to go to YOUR school and do whats be for ME. Because thats not whats best for me, its what YOU think is best for me." Youve got to make some of your own choices. Dont plan out a suicide though, that wouldnt solve anything. Besides this has a solution to it. Just speak your mind to your father, work up the courage. Yeah, itll be hard but Im sure youve got support. Be true to yourself, be who you are.', 'Honestly, man Ive been there. The BEST solution possible, is to forget girls for a while. For the "cant get my mind off her" thing, thats always a little tricky. Find something that takes complete interest for you (preferably not music because that usually just ignites thought of the missed person) and just completely let it take hold of you. For me a few months ago it was books and helping my friend with his video game walkthrough channel on YouTube. I just helped him edit the audio/visual and I stopped thinking about the girl. For you what it seems like, is youre confiding your life and happiness way too much into another person. You need to find the love for life FOR yourself and BY yourself. Eventually, youll find that girl whos meant for you. But you need to work on yourself first, and stop putting so much of your heart into another people. Dont give too much of yourself to somebody too fast.', 'xD I really needed that. Im going through some stuff and dwelling on the past. That spider, oh the face at the end made me laugh pretty hard.', 'All I can say is hang in there. Find something you love, something that you can take and actually try to make a living with. Life is all we really have for sure. Im sure theres someone you know who disagrees with you and would listen to you if you open up to them. Maybe lay off the booze, they dont help. Ive been down that road, all you get is a hangover and you feel worse about yourself the next day. Drugs don help either, they may feel like they do but then you start noticing stuff about yourself when you are high. When I was strung out on drugs, I was an embarrassment and I failed most of that year of school. I lost three months last year to drugs and cant remember what happened, my friends just said I made a lot of bad decisions and made a lot of people hate me. So just find something about yourself you love. Think of what hobbies you are into, what talents you have, what you are really good at. And dont say that you arent good at anything, because thats bull. Everybody is good at something, its just a matter of how you choose to use it. ', 'You start feel like theres something wrong with you after awhile. You wonder why people would do such a thing to someone who truly cares. Why would they take advantage of it, use it, and then forget about you like some broken toy. Im sorry that youre going through such Pain experiences. Ive been going through the same thing in life too, but dont stop caring. Never stop caring. People are going to Pain you and that sucks so much, but somewhere theres someone who needs someone to care. Who has no one else who cares and your kind hearted ways will help them so much. Dont allow those who Pain you lead you to change how and who you are. Then they win. You may feel stupid for continuing to care, but you arent. It takes a lot more strength to pick yourself up and continue to care more than it does to give up and become like everyone else. This world needs people who care, we need you. Youll find people who will appreciate your ways. Keep strong.', 'Thats beautiful! You ever think about pursuing a career as an artist? I think youd make it with that type of talent, keep the pen and pad close to you because you really have something amazing there.', 'I feel like a dick for responding with your broken arm and all, but "one less person to deal with"? If I didnt honestly want to help you I wouldnt have commented on your post. And Im sure your friends do care but they are just trying to avoid the issue because they probably think getting your mind off all this will be better. Most people think that helps, but talking about a situation is what really helps. Thats why you should really talk about it with someone.', 'Dont do it! It wont solve anything, wouldnt you rather be able to look back and say "I did it, I stuck through and survived" instead of having a tombstone say "rest in peace"? And you even think about saying "No one would care if I die." well youre wrong because I just read your submit and well I care. Keep fighting through your classes, and fuck the people who say being a writer/editor isnt a real job. Those people are needed in almost EVERY line of business! You would be an important person in society for those skills. Other words, things would get published and have errors and then people would get confused and would be lost. Being an editor is line being a lighthouse on a dark, rainy night. Finding a job is hard though, yes and for that Im sorry I dont know were to begin to help. But dont kill yourself, that would be terrible. Keep hope and love in your heart. Do things that make you happy, and for your own sake you should really think about moving. At least to a nicer place in town, if such a thing exists. If you need someone to talk to, you can message me you want. Just dont give up. :)', 'You say you want to be appreciated, well you pointing out that without you your family business would probably go belly up. That is something special right there. As for your family, perhaps you should try getting closer to them and attempt to become comfortable with opening up to them. Family is important, I didnt want to open up to my mom about wishing I were dead either but then I talked about it. And the sense of relief I felt from it was a reason to live in of itself. Just start having out with your family and get closer to them, that may help with the loneliness. As for the partner situation, keep your head up and be yourself. Although worrying about the partnership situation AFTER you handle the Depression period. Dont put your faith and hope into a person just because theyre your partner and you want to be with someone. We all want love, but we need to learn to love ourselves and love life first before we can work on finding someone to spend your life with. ', 'Yeah! That last paragraph had the spirit. Dont beat yourself up for other people leaving. Thats life, people came into your life and people go out. As for that one person you go to who you say you "basically torture with your sadness" just go to them to hang out and be with somebody. Im sure you arent torturing them, but if you do feel that way just talk to them about other issues, like how their day was (just an example; not implying that you never ask that) but hopefully you get the jist of what I am saying. '] | Ideation | 7 |
user-453 | ['I see what you are saying but its so hard to do it. I feel lost and abandoned. I havent had the best past and a lot of bad things led to my depression. If he was to come back I would welcome him with open arms but I dont see it happening. Its hard to open up to them when I get Hyperactive behavior this. The friend who found me about to kill myself last time is the only one who saw me this way. I cant seem to even pick up my knife or even open a pill bottle because every time I do I think of her. She loves me and I love her. Its making me feel so much worse because Im so ready. I dont want to feel this way any more. I cant stop crying, Ive been crying all day. I feel so stupid for being this way but I cant seem to stop it. Im sorry, Im probably typing too much. ', 'He Ventricular Dysfunction, Left me a few weeks ago, just stopped talking to me. I feel so lost and alone. If Im not crying all the time Im just laying in my bed wishing I was dead. I hate myself for getting this way. ', 'Im far too innocent to do that but your suggestion did make me smile a little. Its just too hard for me to think of the good times. I often think back to all those times he would hug me and kiss me when I was feeling really down but I just end up crying and feeling worse. ', 'The way my life is going I really cant. I have had a really tought time lately and with him leaving me it really sent me into a downward spiral. ', 'No, I havent talked to him since. Its Hyperactive behavior he just gave up on me. ', 'Yes but I cant get her to answer her phone. I called her tonight hoping maybe she could come over and just be here but she didnt answer. ', 'Its ok, the miracle was my best friend knocking on my door right as I went to cut my wrists. I felt Hyperactive behavior maybe it was a miracle that she came over when she did but it looks Hyperactive behavior this time Im all alone........', 'No, he came into my life and helped me climb out of a very deep depression. He showed me such love and it felt so amazing! Every Time he told me he loved me it boosted me self worth. Now he is gone and I feel Hyperactive behavior my happiness is too. It hit me so hard that I just cant get over it. I look at myself in the mirror and Crying Reflex, Abnormal when I see my reflection. Im not beautiful Hyperactive behavior when he told me I was. ', 'I have people to talk to, and a couple of other users on here too. It just really hurts. We were totally fine one day then all of a sudden he was gone. It destroyed me, I fell back hard and am still fighting the urge to let my Mental Depression win ', 'After I was assaulted it was Hyperactive behavior my feelings all went numb. Its true, the reason I fell so in love with him was because he showed me such love. He would often make me feel so safe but now I feel Hyperactive behavior my heart was just ripped out. ', 'I feel Hyperactive behavior he was my happiness if that make sense. He showed me that I could be happy and that I didnt have to be so down all the time. Now that hes gone I dont feel Hyperactive behavior I can get that happiness back. I am not sure even if he did come back that It would be the same after he upset me so badly. ', 'Thanks, now I feel a lot worse. Calling me a Disturbance in mood helped me feel Hyperactive behavior I really am worthless. I see now that maybe this was a complete waste of time if people tell me things Hyperactive behavior this. Sorry but now I hate myself even worse ', 'Thankfully she just answered and is on her way. I just hope I dont disappoint her tonight. I am Anxiety of losing her too. ', 'Thank you all, Im writing this with my best friend now next to me and shes staying with me. Im still really upset and my heart hurts terribly but Im not going to take my life. I thank everyone here for showing me support and love. I never thought I would get such a response and its overwhelming a bit to see such love for someone Hyperactive behavior me. I posted to see if anyone would just talk to me and you all did. I sent a few pms and to those people I could still use someone to talk to. Again thank you all and my friend says thanks for saving my life tonight as well. ', 'I hope she answers. Im losing hope fast ', 'Thank you, its nice to know I can talk to someone. ', 'Your words actually managed to get me to smile a little as the new Lara croft is my personal hero. its just so hard to imagine being without him. ', 'Not good, I was laid off from my job and am having a tough time finding work. My bills are backing up and Im still fighting through my Mental Depression, then the guy who I loved with all my heart leaves me when I needed him the most. Its not really a secret but I tried to kill myself not too long ago because I was done. Everything happened at one time and its just too much sometimes.', 'I dont feel tough. I feel Muscle Weakness and hopeless. I had the blade in my hand but was Tremor so bad I dropped it. I cant even do this. I cant stand what Ive become. ', 'Thank you, I cant see how I can be happy without him. He gave me so much strength when I needed it most and now that hes gone I feel Hyperactive behavior all my strength is gone. The only thing stopping me from ending my life right now is the thought of making my best friend Crying Reflex, Abnormal. I love her, shes Hyperactive behavior my sister and even thinking of Depressed mood her makes me not want to do this. I hate what Ive become. With him I always promised to never get back Hyperactive behavior this but look, here I am and even worse than before. Im pathetic. ', 'It hurts the worst when I think back to all the times he said he loved me, and cared for me. He always knew just what to say when I was really down. After I was assaulted by my ex I never thought I would find love again. Then he came to my life and I started to see that maybe love was real. He would hug me tight when I cried and just tell me "its ok, Im here for you!" Then he Ventricular Dysfunction, Left without even saying goodbye. ', 'I truly felt Hyperactive behavior he was my prince. When he came Into my life I felt Hyperactive behavior I was finally whole again. After my ex assaulted me I fell deeply. I have been battling Mental Depression ever since and he actually caused me to feel Hyperactive behavior I was truly happy again. I still kind of hate myself for falling so hard for him. When he sent that valentines day message it made me feel so much worse. '] | Ideation | 453 |
user-108 | ['Im over the people that have Pain me in the past. I wouldnt say Im upset by my past, Im more afraid of the future. Im a lot happier when Im with my boyfriend because he always makes sure Im smiling and laughing. I know that I want to move in with him, but my employment status is the sole thing keeping me from being with him where Im happy. Im miserable at home, because Im usually alone. It makes me feel bad because he wastes a lot of Excessive upper gastrointestinal gas to come see me. If I was able to hold down a job, I could be with him all the time, and since someone would always be there with me I wouldnt worry about my safety as much at home.', 'Im planning on going to school for bartending, but I cant afford to pay for the schooling.', 'Working out makes me feel like shit. Id rather just hang out at the library and have some quiet time to learn more about topics that interest me', 'Its really hard for me to trust my boyfriend because Ive been in so many mentally and physically abusive relationships. Every single person that Ive ever been with has cheated on me. It makes me unable to trust people, because all I know is being lied to and used. The only reason Im trying to get help is because I love my boyfriend, and see a future with him. ', 'I get extremely Stress out in retail or fast food jobs due to having anxiety. I have more issues with getting a job because I was arrested for shoplifting a few months ago. Any retail job is almost impossible for me to get, and I just cant deal with working with food. Im not a Tired desirable person to hire.', 'Ive gotten over most of the bad things in my past. Its just that I have this overall hopeless feeling. I feel like everything will be for nothing in the end. It doesnt help that I dont have any friends. Because of this, my boyfriend receives 100% of my venting. I dont feel like its fair, so I tend to keep quiet until it builds up and I explode.'] | Ideation | 108 |
user-37 | ['Hmm. Are you in the States? Im in Canada, where Im lucky enough to get free health care. Im really not the expert to ask about American health care for people who arent on insurance. I have heard about free clinics for people who are on unemployment etc, or emergency rooms or something. It also may depend on which state youre in, laws and services provided may be different.', 'Get to a doctor, quick, tehtossed - and as you said, maybe this psychology centre isnt the place for you.Im not gonna tell you all the stuff about people who love you, etc. You need to know that Depression is a mental Illness and there are medicines that can treat it.The problem is, you may not know youre sick. The world seems hopeless and grey, and suicide seems like the only solution. Depression is a dangerous disease - and the reason its so dangerous is that its invisible.Use the drive you feel lately and get yourself to a doctor - one that is willing to do what it takes to cure you. You need the right combination of medication and perhaps some cognitive therapy.Good luck.', 'Yeah, um, your friend doesnt sound like much of one. Do you still have feelings for her? If so, hanging out with her would be just painful, so it may be best to just let her go for now.In terms of work, I am unemployed with the ability to find a job and am struggling to find the ambition to seek what I could easily get. I understand your apathy to finding work. I keep saying Im going to reach out and find a job tomorrow, the day after. One of these days Ill get it done, and Ill be off my butt. Im sure you could use graduation as a time to propel yourself to apply for what you want.When I feel like this, sometimes the best thing to do is to move. Across the country, to another city, whatever. Change your life if youre not happy with it. Moving is so easy these days. I vote against moving home with those controlling parents! I also vote against the military. Youve got lots of options with a degree.Good luck, dude!', 'Hi there thrawai. I have a couple of family members and at least two exes who have struggled with the black void that is Depression. There are a couple of things I need to say.First of all, you may not know this - especially if youre feeling this right now - but Depression twists the mind. Tendrils of self loathing, fear, and Feeling hopeless slowly and stealthily worm their way in around your mind, warping your perspective and making the world grey. Its not your fault, its a sickness.Just like any sickness, you need to get to a doctor. Get to an emergency room, a clinic, or whatever. Start with a prescription, maybe when your neuro-chemicals are stabilised you could try some cognitive therapy. Stay away from bullshit like acupuncture, homeopathy, and religion. That shits not proven and youll only get worse waiting for a placebo to kick in.Id tell you that the outside stuff can be fixed, and I do believe it can. In my opinion, though, you need to take care of your inner Pain before you can make your outer life better.Ive seen this disease ravage people I love and its terrifying. Your reactions to people (i.e. lashing out or whatever) could be your Depression, your Illness tricking you into paranoia, anger, and fear.Get help quick. My thoughts are with you, friend.'] | Indicator | 37 |
user-157 | ['Im glad to have helped and Im even more happy to know that youre still living :). If you ever want to talk, hit me up!', 'Hi! Whats up!?', 'Youre parents are tough. Im sorry, this seems really hard and difficult. Suicide is not the answer though. This is a rough point in your relationship with your parents and I guess a rough time in your life. The fact that your job brings you joy is a really good thing, maybe call your job off a friends phone or a phone at school and explain the situation. Talk to your teachers about your situation and see what you can do about raising your grades. If your parents do kick you out its not the end of the world, its happened to a lot of people for doing much worse things than failing a couple classes and skipping out to see a girl. Hopefully you have friends who you can stay with. I think people will be sympathetic of your situation. I really dont think your parents would rather have you dead because if they truly didnt care about you, they wouldnt care about your grades. Life is hard and it sucks sometimes but things do get better and its not worth it to end it now because thats such a final decision that you cant take back and there will be things in your life that you will be so happy that you were alive for :). If you want to talk, Id love to!', ':( sounds rough. Im sorry youre feeling this way. What can I do?', 'Talk to your parents, tell them youre serious and theyll help you find help. You are too young to be this sad and to end your life. You life has just started and everyone has rough teenage years. You may not see it now but things do get better, you just have to be there for them. If you want to talk to me, Im here :)', 'Hey, Im a junior in college too and last semester I felt Tired similar to you. Almost everything you said I could relate to. However I just decided to stop caring and live in the moment. Now Im so much happier and doing better in school. It may not be the same for you but I just want you to know that it gets better. Anyways, what can I do for you?', 'Hi! Sounds rough, Im sorry. Loneliness is kind of a black hole. Anyways, Id love to talk and help you in any way I can :)', 'I feel that way sometimes too. You just have to keep going through life being the best you can be and youll find someone. Good love takes time but it is worth it. ', 'I agree. I really think whoever is behind these paragraphs is a cool person, someone the world needs and Im not even kidding one bit. I have a feeling. ', 'I hope you sleep well and you wake up refreshed and feeling good! I am really glad that you are seeking help! Dont worry, things will get better eventually! Just give it some time :)', 'You can take control of your life. You can do the things you want to do. I believe in you, I believe that you can homestead in Idaho or Washington if you really want to! Thats a beautiful goal! Its awesome that youre seeing a therapist, you just got to hold on a little longer, I know you can. You at least need to wait until you see your diagnosis and what they can do for you! PM me if you want to talk! ', 'Well I think youve done all you can and now you just need to take some time for yourself to accept what you did and learn from it. Trust me, youll be okay you just need to be strong and hold on for a while :)', 'The only way that there is nothing in your future is if you decide not to have one. You have to keep your head up even though its hard and look forward and soon enough youll get there and things will be good. ', 'Hi Jared! You know what, you seem like a cool kid. Being a little different can suck sometimes but its a good thing. You should keep doing what makes you happy and follow your interests. There are tons of places where you can find friends who have similar interests as you, like reddit! If you want to talk, Id love to!', 'You made a mistake, and youre regretting what you did. Youll learn to live with it and youll learn from it. It wont happen right away but if you simply apologize youll be taking the first step towards being able to live with your mistakes. ', 'Im really sorry, that sounds frustrating.', 'Youre doing a really good job for yourself! You have to play the cards you are delt and live your life knowing that you are you for a reason. Im here if you want to talk because Id love to talk and let you elaborate on your situation :)', 'Dont worry, youll find another job. You just have to work for it. Youll be okay. Just go to sleep for a while and work on fixing your job situation later :)', 'Hey, youre waiting until Monday to see if anything will be better right? Well, sometimes you just have to wait a little longer. You have to hold on and things will get better. Ill want to talk to you! ', 'Things get better, and then they get worse, and then they get better again. Thats how life is and you have to learn how to "ride the wave". I had a tough time last semester and I was so Worried about failing not just in school but as a person. What helped me get through that is just focusing on right now and being the best person I can be right now. Things will work out and your life is not going to be nearly as shitty as you expect, if you want to talk, Id love too!', 'Sometimes, I feel worthless too. I really do, sometimes I feel like I have no talent and it fucking sucks. Whats something you like to do?', 'I agree with /u/Walken_on_sunshine. Things do get better. Ive been in some dark places before but with a little time and a change in perspective Ive gotten out of them and you will too. Id love to talk if you want to! PM me!', 'Its really nice of you to do this, thank you. Tell them that even tough things are hard right now, things really do get better. Tell them youll talk with them over private message if they want to talk about their problems. Once again, the world needs more people like you :)', 'You seem like a really nice person. You say you have lived for 25 years with nothing to show for it? I disagree, you have accomplished a lot graduating college and you are an empathetic person who cares. Ive felt similarly to you--feeling like nothing will get better and whats the point anymore. For me, it just took time and working towards the things I wanted to accomplish regardless of how stupid it seemed--it helped me a lot. ', 'Fuck that person. Dont listen to them. Fuck them. However, they may be needing help themselves. Anyways, what can I do to help you?', 'You should, Im a 20 year old girl so maybe I can help you out a little :)', 'Youre welcome, I know youll be okay :)', 'This sounds really frustrating and scary. However, you are young and youre still creating yourself. You may have hid behind the smart girl persona in the past but you are so much more than that. Dont let people tell you who you are. Be who you are and do what you love. Fuck what other people think as long as youre truly happy. Just fuck them. PM me if you want to talk!', ':( Im sorry, that sounds really difficult. I dont know where youre from but in the US I know its hard to live on minimum wage especially part-time. If you want to chat Im here. Dont let this get you down. ', 'Wow, Im really sorry. You must feel like an outsider in your own family and Im truly sorry for that. I think you need to tell your family how you feel. Im really sorry dude. PM me if you want to talk :)', 'I can relate, I wasnt doing well in school last semester but I realized what I had to do and worked harder and my grades are okay now. Well youre talking to me now! ', 'Im not sure of the situation. I know that a lot of people who are Depression or bipolar can be Suicidal but they are not institutionalized. I dont know enough about that system. However, I think its worth it to talk to someone again. ', 'Im scared about the future too. However, what keeps me from freaking out is living in the moment. I try to be the best person I can be today and enjoy living as much as possible. This really has helped me. Also, what Ive learned that nothing is as worse as it seems like it will be. So whenever I get scared and Worried about the future I remind myself that and I also remind myself that its *my* life and I am in control and I can live my life the way I want to. I dont have to be like those miserable people, I dont want to be like them. You already have an internship which is a GREAT start to your future! You should be excited about whats to come because youre going to have a good life even if you dont know where it will take you yet. If you want to talk, Id love to!', 'You shouldnt feel guilty. Youre trying your best and you need to keep trying. Youre son needs his mother, leaving him would be the most selfish thing you will *ever* do and it will be the last thing you ever do. You cannot make up for that. You should at least try talking to your husband and maybe see about seeing a therapist. Things will get better and you will be so happy to see your son grown up! ', 'You have a lot to live for, life seems rough right now but the people that you love and who love you need you more than ever. We all have rough patches in our life and we live through them and come out the other end better and stronger. You can get through this. Everything will be alright :). If you want to talk, Im here!', 'You sound like a good mother. Children cant always have a "fun" parent, its silly and unhealthy for the child. Im only 20 and moved out of the house but Im so thankful for my mom and dad who made home-cooked meals and checked my homework even though I didnt like it at the time, its helped me in the long run to become a responsible adult. Youre doing the best you can to support your son and yourself. Maybe try looking for a new job while still working--you never know what opportunities are out there if you dont try! Im sorry to hear about your ex-husband, that must be really difficult. I wish you all the best and if youd like to talk, Id love to!PS. I run out of toilet paper all the time too :P', 'Im sorry. Things are really difficult for you right now but things will get better soon. You just have to hold on and stay as positive as possible even though its hard :)', 'Im sorry, things sound rough right now. You seem like a Tired strong person and with that attitude youll go far. Trust me. PM me if you want to talk!', 'I think that you need to seek help. Since you go to a university they most likely have a counseling service that you should go to. I really think that you need to find help and stop self medicating. Its not going to help. Id go to /r/bipolar or /r/BipolarReddit and maybe talk to them, also, /r/Depression might be able to help! College is hard and its a complicated and difficult time. If you want to talk, Im here. ', 'I feel like that too sometimes. What helps me is living in the moment and enjoying life as it is right now. If you want to talk, PM me! :)', 'Robins death is Tired tragic and it obviously hit you hard. You may just be in mourning right now but I am not you so I wouldnt know. If you want to talk about anything, Im here :)', 'Yes, and with a positive attitude like that, you will be golden :)', 'Im sorry to hear about your situation and Im sorry about your mom. Is there a cure for your skin disease?', 'Youre right. We are all going to die. Everyone in the past who has ever lived, has died. However, just because we all die eventually doesnt mean our lives are meaningless. All the people who have died before you have left a world of amazing things. Not all are great, but a lot of those things that people have created have outlived their creator and changed lives. I guess what Im trying to say is yes we will all die and we cant help it but everyone has their time on earth to change things for the better. PM me if you want to talk, Id love to because you sound like you have an interesting perspective :)', 'Sometimes, the world seems really tough and the future is scary. You just need to know that things will get better if you try to make them so and sometimes things just get better over time. The fact that you want to travel and experience the world is a beautiful time. Maybe you should just take off right now and travel and enjoy the world. Youll find something along the way that will bring hope and meaning to your life. I wish you the best and if you ever want to talk, Im here :)', 'I guess hope is kind of ridiculous because its just living for the future and believing that good will come some day. But I think that hope is important and obviously its the last thing to go, but the first thing to come back. If you can just find a glimmer of hope, I know that you can do this. ', 'Youre right, things do get better. Youre young and going through a tough time right now with your self image/worth. Ive been there. It sucks. What has helped me is just to focus on things that make me truly happy. I ate right and went on walks and I felt so much better. If you want to talk, Im here! Youre so young, things will get better :)', 'Dont be sorry :). I just wanted to know if there was anything I could do :) ', 'For me, yes. Those memories that I have of the good times are really the great times. I think about them sometimes and I think, "I am so glad that happened and I never thought it would but it did and why cant other great things happen if that happened?" It also helps to just appreciate the little things :)', 'This seems like a realllly shitty situation now, but trust me, it will be *okay*. Ive known people whove cheated on their husbands, they had a kid, they got a divorce and now shes happy and in a new house with a new guy. Im not trying to say cheating is a good thing, Im just saying on the grand scale of things, its not the worst thing you can do. You have to trust me that it will get better. ', 'You seem like an awesome person, whos just had a rough time. Its not worth it to kill yourself. Sometimes I think life is going to get better and it doesnt, but then when I least expect it, things take a turn for the best and thats just how life is. You have to change the things you can, and accept the things you cant. If you want to talk, Im here :)', 'Hello! Im sorry that youre feeling this way, what can I do to help?', 'Youre life isnt over. You are young, things will turn up. Ill Pm you!', 'I think you can do it, I know its cheesy but this is one of my favorite quotes, "If it scares you, its probably worth it." I dont know who said it but its comforting in a way. Im really glad I could help you, and thank you for the kind words :). If you **ever** need to talk, Im here to listen and offer advice if you like! ', 'You say you want a job so I think you should get out there and get some applications and just start from there. Seriously, just go to a store, fill out an application and turn it in. Its the first step and once you get the ball rolling I think it will help to do it again. I really think you just need to take the first step. I know that you may not believe this but youll meet someone else, you will. You will feel love again. When I was 18 (two years ago) I thought I met the love of my life and I could not see myself with anyone else. However, he ended things and I thought I would never love again. I still havent found someone special but thats okay with me because I know its coming. I believe in my future and Ive worked really hard to get to that point. ', 'Im sorry, that sounds fucking stressful and scary. But everything will be alright. Things might get worse before they get better but they will get better. Just hold on, buddy :) If you want to talk, Im here!', 'You are actively trying not to Pain peoples feelings which is more than a lot of people do. You seem like a good person you just need to stop beating yourself up. Its good that you try not to Pain peoples feelings, however youre not responsible for how people understand what you say or do. I think you should seek help because you seem like a really nice guy and you care about other people--we need more people like you! Id love to get to know you more, PM me if you want to talk! ', 'I dont think death is such a bad thing but it limits your life. You wont be anything that you were going to be. I dont know that death is such a bad thing for the person that it happens to, I dont know that for a fact. But do you it for a fact that death is a good thing for a person? Youre right, it is selfish for a person to not want you to die. But its a good thing to know that there are people who dont want you to die and who maybe depend on you and love you more than you think. ', 'Aww, darling, you seem like an amazing person with a bright future. I am 20 and in college (and a female) and sometimes I feel like Ill never be successful too but I look back on my life and think of all the things I didnt think Id be able to do and I realized that I am here and I did them. You should talk to a counselor at your school about your problems and maybe they can help you! Please do so! You honestly have so much to offer and if you can get through this, youll be a stronger young woman who will be able to help people and make a lot of peoples lives better--including yours! I honestly would love to get to know you and talk to you if you want to! You seem like an amazing person! ', 'Youre welcome :)', 'You really should not be thinking this way about yourself. No matter what you look like, I dont care if you are the ugliest mother fucker who has ever graced this planet you are still beautiful if you have a beautiful personality. And I am guaranteed that you are not that ugly. You always are youre own harshest critic. Beauty is only on the outside and it has nothing to do with your inner qualities. No matter how "ugly" you look, you will never be ugly enough to be deserving to die, no one is. ', 'You should talk to your therapist about these things. Why do you feel like you cant talk to them? Youre so young and it is really difficult to your life will take you, but if you work towards what you want in the future it will happen :) Id love to talk to you!', 'Im sorry youre feeling this way. Could you elaborate on why you cant live like "this". Id really like to help if I can :)', 'I understand, everyone always thinks of me as the "happy one" and I feel like I cant talk to anyone because a) I dont think they would take me seriously and b) I dont want to ruin peoples views of me. Sometimes pretending to be happy helps me become actually happy it just sucks that I feel like Id be ruining my image and Im embarrassed/ashamed of the way I feel sometimes. ', 'I think you should take the opportunity to give the presentation to her privately. It might be difficult but it will be better than doing it in front of the class. She woudnt have offered you the option of doing it privately if she didnt want to so I think you should do it! Also, I doubt that other people notice your voice disorder as much as you think :)', 'Man, Im sorry. What youre going through sucks. Im not exactly sure what you need to hear but PM me and we can talk! ', 'Yeah, what you did was a shit thing to do. But youve learned from it. You know it was a shit thing to do and that was a decision that you made when you were younger. Doing shitty things is just as much a decision as doing good things. You can do good things. You will do good things. Everyone has to learn their lessons somehow. Ive done things in the past that I regret but its put me in a place where I can look back and say how dumb I was and how I will never do that again and hopefully educate others to never do the things that I do. All in all, my mistakes have made me a better person and youre mistakes will make you a better person if you let them. Id love to talk to you about anything! Message me! ', 'If you want to talk, Id love too. You seem like an awesome person. ', 'Hello! I dont know if this is going to help but I wanted to say that I just got finished with my finals and I was majorly stressing out. It feels much better on the other side of finals. I dont mean to make your stresses seem small but it feels much better on the other side. You can make it. Do you enjoy being a math major?', 'Sometimes I dont think that being positive is self delusion as well but then I remember that perspective is everything. If something is shitty you can look at it in a different way. For example, you lose your job, you gain new opportunities and you get to expand your life. I really hope youre okay, and please, if you want to talk you can talk to me! ', 'Im really sorry, I dont know what youre feeling but I can understand it. I have a money spending problem and I didnt do well last semester in college either and Im Worried about wasting my parents money and then they wont be able to pay for my sister especially if I have to go to college for a 5th year due to my bad grades. What Im trying to do is just focus on right now and doing a good job now and taking it one step at a time. I think the people over at /r/bipolar or /r/BipolarReddit can really help! I hope things turn up and you are able to work through things :). If you want to talk PM me anytime! ', 'Well good for you though! It takes a lot of courage to approach girls, and even if she didnt like you, you still did it! Youre just that much closer to finding someone youre compatible with. Part of Depression is feeling hopeless, you probably already know that but thats just what your mind is telling you. Real life is not hopeless. ', 'Youre welcome!', 'Sometimes people get unhappy, like severely unhappy. You may be that unhappy now. I understand you have clinical Depression and thats tough. However, you are only 18 and you have so much life and happiness in your future. Shit happens, people break up with you and you just have to push though that Pain and when youre on the other side youll be a stronger more capable person and ready for what will happen next. A quote that I read today was, "The best way out is always through." If youd like to talk Id love too! Im not too far from 18 so I might be able to relate :) ', 'Youre welcome. Im really sorry that theres no cure. Not to minimize your situation but I guess there are just things in our life that we cant change and we have to learn to accept it and change ourselves. Once again, Im really sorry and if you ever want to talk, Im here :)', 'Dont do it. Trust me things will get better, they always do but you have to try and I know this sounds generic but its true. If you try to change your life, it will change. You can live. ', 'Im sorry, I dont really understand your question. Can you explain?', 'Im so sorry to hear about your boyfriend. That is tragic. You may suffer from Depression or another mental Illness and I think you need to contact professional. However, Im so glad that youre reaching out now. Please pm me if you want to talk.', 'Hi! Im in college too and its a really hard time because its kind of like youre in "real-life purgatory", all you are supposed to do is go to class, maybe have a job on the side, and do well enough on your homework and exams to graduate. College is an odd time and if you want someone to talk to, Im here. However, I really think you should go see a professional, maybe your school has a resource for you. :)', 'I understand how you feel, I feel similar too sometimes. Im really glad youre feeling better today!', 'You have the possibility to change things. If youre willing to take your own life, a big decision and a final one, then why cant you quit your job and move somewhere else? Something not nearly as final, however it is a big decision. Instead of ending your life, why dont you try and change it, even if it something little. Maybe go to a bar tonight and say hi to at least one person. You have the opportunity to change your life and live. PM me if you want to talk! ', 'Hi! You seem to have a way with words, Im jealous. Anyways, I just would like to know why youre posting here. I feel like if you really wanted to kill yourself you wouldnt post here. ', 'The nights are hard for me too, thats why I go on reddit, tumblr, watch a movie, read a book, maybe some TV. You just have to keep yourself busy until youre so Tired and then fall asleep. ', 'Youre welcome, Im happy to help and if you want to talk Im always here :)', 'This is the attitude I have everyday and it takes work but youll be much happier. Im here if you ever need support!', 'You are 85 fucking days clean of heroin, that is fucking fantastic man. Good for you! I think that this is a great sign that things will turn in the right direction soon. Sometimes, life seems really hopeless but then just around the corner things change, you change, and things get better. PM me if you want to talk! ', 'Well if you ever want to chat about anything, Ill be here :)', 'Youre welcome! I think you should talk to your teacher and explain how you feel about the oral presentation and what happened last time. Also, why are you afraid of the oral presentation? ', 'The most important thing is that youre trying. Thats fucking awesome and good for you! A couple months ago, I felt really down about school and I was missing classes too. The way school is set up is really fucking stupid but I realized its something that will make my life better in the long run (hopefully, but thats just me). How I got back into the swing of things was to just focus on living life now, because thats all we have. We have to enjoy our life as it is now and not worry about the future because thats not guaranteed. Ive been so much happier after I started focusing on the moment. Youre right, people are ignorant, but not everyone. And I think that even if someone else cant see what is beautiful, it doesnt matter. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and youre lucking enough to be the beholder of beauty. If you want to talk, Id love to, you seem like an interesting and insightful person.', 'Things would not be easier for your parents if you were gone. It wouldnt. Im *really* sorry that youre feeling this way. I think the fact that youre searching for something to live for means that you have hope, hope is what you live for. You need to talk to a psychiatrist to get on some medication that will help with your schizophrenia. It will be much better than dying. If you want to talk, Id love to chat :)', 'You wouldnt have posted here if there wasnt some hope in you. ', 'Hello! I think that it may be worth it to consider taking antidepressants. I dont know enough about them to recommend them, and its obviously your choice whether you take them or not but if you dont think you can make it 6 months it might be a good idea. You cant leave your family behind and I know youd regret it if you did.', 'I feel similar to that too sometimes. Sometimes I think Ill never have a good job and Ill never make money because I feel like I have no skills. However, every job that Ive been at I was so afraid to start because I felt as though I knew nothing and I was incapable but I *learned* how to do the job and I gained new skills through the job. I lack motivation too a lot of the time and sometimes Im lucky enough that the motivation just comes to me. However, the motivation doesnt always just come to me. What I do to spark motivation is surround myself with potential motivators like knowing I want to go out on the weekend so I do my homework during the Asthenia because Im motivated not to do it on the weekend when I want to spend time with friends. You have to make up your own motivation. For example, I woke up today and my house was really messy and I want it clean, but I realllly dont want to clean it but I know a clean house will be worth all the effort I put into it in the end. You just have to give it a little time, dont doubt yourself because youre much stronger than you think and surround yourself with things that motivate you. ', 'Hey, things will turn up. You have to work at your life to make it better. Sometimes, good things happen but even better things happen when you go out and do something about it. You need to talk to someone at your school and explain your situation to see if someone can help you with your classes and possibly even with other things :). If you want to talk, Im here :)', 'Hi! If you want to talk about stuff, Im here to listen!', 'Why are you calling yourselves those words? ', 'Hey, you are young, things will change and opportunities will come. If you want your life to change, you have to do something about it and youre speculating about your future which hasnt even come yet and it can be sooooo much better than you think it will. Ive felt like killing myself at times and then something happens and I think, "Thank goodness I got to live this." ', 'Im sorry youre feeling that way and I understand why. I think I might feel similar to you sometimes too. But what I do is just accept the things that I cant change--I cant change other people I just have to let them live. However, you can be the change you want to see. Live your life with love and hope and youll be happier. Not everything is terrible and Im starting to realize that, its all about state of mind. ', '/u/Psyducktail is right. You seem to have had an interesting life and its not over. You can pull yourself out of what youre in now. Id love to be your friend! ', 'Hey, please be careful. Things will get better you just have to make it though this dark time and youll be okay, I promise. Please message me if you want to talk! Be strong and never lose hope.', 'Dont do it, its really not worth it as you can seriously Pain yourself and Flatulence/wind up having things worse than before. If youd like to talk, I am here and Id love to :)', 'Thank you so much for posting. Im so thankful that you are here to show others that things to get better if you work for it! I obviously dont know you but I am truly proud that you made your life better and are still trying! Id give you a hug if I could!', 'Damn, college can be rough as fuck. I was at risk for failing out last semester and it was mainly because I was in the wrong major for me. I was doing what other people told me to do and I switched majors and Im doing really well now and Im so much happier. Switching majors to something you enjoy might help you tons! And you do have a future ahead of you. Life is hard and sometimes things are so shitty that you dont see a good future. But trust me, things will get better and youll have an awesome life if you work for it. I was in a similar situation to you last semester and it sucks but you find a way to work though it.If I were you, Id go see your schools therapist again because not being able to concentrate is not good, especially in college. They may be able to prescribe you with something that can help with your attention span. Anyways, I hope things get better for you and if you want to talk Im here :)', 'Im glad to hear that :). Things will get better, it will take a little time but eventually they will and if you can hold on youll be stronger and youll be glad youre alive. ', 'If you want to chat Im here. Breakups suck. '] | Supportive | 157 |
user-489 | ['Hey, are you still there? How long have you had these thoughts?', 'Id ask about your mom. Like, what can she tell from that recording about your mom?', 'Check our sidebar, and let her know it wasnt her fault. If it comes down to it, you *will* have to have her interned, but that way she wont be able to Chest Pain herself anymore.', 'Yo, thats what were here for. I dont know if anyones already asked this, but have you told anyone about Suicide?', 'Brother, what happened? Where is the Ache coming from?', 'I might go to bed soon, but I will reply as soon as I get the chance.What career is that?', 'Hey, I dont know if its Irritable Mood of me to ask, but was your mom Hyperactive behavior that before your dad passed away? Or were you too young to remember?', 'Youre in.. highschool, correct?', 'No prob. Hopefully someone else will be able to answer.', '[Im not your mom, but I hope this helps](]/2916300da0dda1fe8c214b1cde52a3ec/tumblr_mznf1dS1An1rgi7odo1_400.gif)psst, click the link.', 'Would it be okay with you to write what your previous post said?', 'Multiplayers? ', 'No. Talk to your doctor about this if you havent. Thats step 1.', 'I think reddit has a transgender community. Might be worth checking out, see if their stories can help. And also, fuck your family in the ass with a cactus. It shouldnt matter if youre transgender or not.', 'But if you go, there is also the chance youll get better.I gotta ask, what do you Irritable Mood it stays with you?', 'Hey, relax. I know, thats why I dont want you to Anxiety about the future. Have you ever talked to a doctor about these thoughts?', 'Basically, she knows her alcoholism is a huge problem, and no ones really bothered to mention it to her but you. Hence, she feels Hyperactive behavior shell only screw up your life.Better?', 'Of course youll have happy days. But if youre having thoughts of Suicide, you should totally tell your family. They should be understanding enough that theyll comfort you and maybe you can start looking for ways to get rid of those thoughts and be happy.', 'Hey, please tel me youre still there.', 'Yo, bitches aint shit, man. You cant base your value on someone else.', 'Got any ideas why?', 'Ah, see we were gonna have a mock one, just the two of us, but then cheated on me.', 'Sweet jebus. :O', 'I think you had the right intention, but your dad clearly isnt gonna be much help. Do you know someone else you can trust with this?', 'Of course. Even if you dont do the same things I do, I still want to show others theres another way.', 'Bro, I get the hippy part, but if theres a way you can get better, dont you think you should give it a try anyway?', 'I see you.', 'Dealing with Anxiety Mental Depression isnt easy to begin with, but being loaded with all this stuff in a short amount of time will make it worse. Im gad youre still replying to comments. That part about your mom telling you to cut is... there are no words. It hurts to even read it.', 'Youre probably Exhaustion of answering this, but whats wrong? How can I help?', 'Hey, Im gonna guess youre in.. Drug abuse school?', 'Bro, no girl is worth your life. ', 'Thats odd, I thought the Scandinavian countries had better healthcare compared to other first world countries.', 'Well. Your doctor sucks then. A concussion is serious business, and you should definitely find someone willing to treat you.', 'I gotta ask. Are you a soldier?', 'I dont know, I think you might Hyperactive behavior it. Not spoiling anything, but keep an eye out for a book.', 'Whats going on? You dont have to be specific, but it sounds from what you wrote that you cant do something you loved because you cant stop thinking about Suicide.', 'Were here if you need to talk. Shoot me a PM or something.', 'You definitely have a future, if youve had a past. But when youre Depressed mood its hard to see into the future.', 'Have you considered it?', 'Did you tell your doctor you stopped? They can often find one that works for you.', 'Jesus fuck, sue that Disturbance in mood and put her in jail.', 'I Irritable Mood, can you really say for sure theyre better off without you?', 'Is his job doing something illegal?', 'Well, fuck em. We care about you op, we know suicidal thoughts arent a joke.', 'Im pretty sure if someone burned your house down, you wouldnt be happy either.', 'OP, tell me your story.', 'Try calking anyway. You might be surprised.', 'OP, I always say btches aint shit, but the same applies the other way. Like intellechy said, feel what you need to feel, but please remember that break ups are really hard to deal with. Im glad to hear youre doing much better.', 'So I take it youve talked to them before about your Mental Depression?', 'Reminds me of one of my coworkers. She told me her brother in law passed away, and how her sister was always relying on him to do a lot of things.', 'Youre far more special than you think. Have you talked to anyone about this?', 'I cant, he lives in a different country than me.', 'Oh, dude, you should totally save me some pokemon for trading.', 'It depends. It may, and it may not. Whats going on, OP?', 'No, dude. Youre not a burden. You need help, just Hyperactive behavior any other human would. You should talk to them. Maybe see your doctor too.', 'Because rather than have a bullet in your head, we could find ways for you to get better. For example, talking to your doctor about your suicidal thoughts.', '[I keep this for just such an occasion.](', 'Im sorry, OP. If it means anything, Im glad youre still alive, and I hope you will get better. ', 'Honestly, I have no idea. I just wanted to remind you that you *can* be happy, I guess? You didnt have to point a gun at your head for that. ', 'Girl, I know how that feels, trust me. Break ups arent easy, but what youre experiencing is completely normal, ok?Itd be illogical to not miss anyone if you loved them but then separated. Or the more logical thing would be that there wasnt love involved.Right now, focus on yourself. You gotta love yourself in order for others to do the same. _Thats_ how you catch a nice guy.', 'But we do give a fuck about you. Many, actually.', 'That being said, its fucked up to tell your kid theyre a failure. ', 'Wait, did you actually sign to join?', 'I lost a friend to Suicide too, a few years back. Poor guy.A moment of silence for those who are gone, but not forgotten. ', 'I feel as if I should congratulate you on leaving an abusive relationship. A lot of people that should dont./r/stopsmoking sounds Hyperactive behavior a good place to start. Im not sure about coping mechanisms, but [this]( might give you something to think about.You could also ask /r/IWantToLearn how to break that habit.You are not a freak, but honestly, the guy you were with sounds Hyperactive behavior it.', 'Glad to hear that, OP! ', 'Have you told him that you want to kill yourself and why?', '[This]( is a succulent. Basically, theyre Hyperactive behavior aloe, they hold water and they come in these Abnormal behavior shapes and colors and theyre overall really pretty.', 'Best of luck!', 'Jebus Christ, man. Ive been cheated on, but I had to pretend everything was alright for her sake. Her mom was in the hospital at the time. But damn, youve had a lot to deal with in what.. 2 years? Does your mom ever tell you why she doesnt want treatment?', 'Any problems at your house between your parents? School?', 'Uh, I think if you drive a truck or operate machinery, you have to let your boss know, and you cant do much until you find out if and how it affects you.', 'Buzzards, the lot of them. Just waiting for your grandma to die.', 'Wow, OP, that was really worth reading! :D', 'Eh, fuck it, you know? A lot of adults dont have their shit together either. You just gotta start somewhere. You could apply, and if you get accepted, consider a gap year if you dont feel ready.', 'Im sorry about your dad. Having to go through that alone is probably more than most people can handle. But you have your brother, you know? You gotta stick together through this.', 'You do realize thats what were here for, right?Youre not a waste of time or waste of anything, ok? This subreddit exists for that very reason. We want you to know you matter. ', 'Like at parks, or barber schools, or homeless shelters?', 'I think you made the right choice, calling them. Now that you have the resources available, I hope you follow through with treatment.', 'Rotten? That guy was beyond decay. I hope his dick falls off.', 'I dont think the insulin will kill you, so might as well not try. Check out /r/raisedbynarcissists. People have a lot of the same stories as you.', 'I remember having those thoughts. All I can think of now is proving them wrong.', '>Pro-Suicide Comments including any explicit discussion of Suicide methodsYour post probably get taken down by the mods. I still want to know whats wrong though.', 'Who knows? Maybe it wont go away, but it might make it better. Have you thought of giving it a chance?', 'I wouldnt be able to tell you. I think your doctor would have to examine you a bit more in depth and then hed make a choice.', 'Sorry, I got back from classes. Whats a promotion gift?', 'I dont think employers are allowed to know about this kind of stuff unless it involved your work place.I kinda want to talk to sober you at some point. Im going to bed though.', 'Doing pretty good. Woke up a few hours ago, had breakfast, and Im procrastinating instead of doing work for my computer science class. Im playing pokemon Soul Silver too.', 'Thats okay, Im Nausea and I cant stop my runny nose or sneezing, hehe.', 'Im willing to talk.', 'Well, if you really dont have motivation, watching a movie isnt too much to ask, right?', 'Best of luck :)', 'And I can assume you dont want to tell anyone.', 'I dont want to give you advice, because thats the last thing you need. Your friend is lucky to have someone Hyperactive behavior you with him. Having a Nausea friend kinda puts a strain on others, since sometimes we feel Hyperactive behavior were responsible to be with them. Dont be afraid to talk to someone. Were here, and well be your friends, if youll let us.', 'Bro, bitches aint shit. If she doesnt love you, theres no point hanging on to her. Someone who deserves you will come along. And Hyperactive behavior /u/feeling_groovy said, its nothing to be ashamed of, its not life changing. Its just taking a few more minutes a day to look after yourself, Hyperactive behavior showering of combing your hair/', 'Tough life doesnt begin to describe yours, I guess.', 'You might want to test again. There is a possibility of a false positive, albeit small. ', 'Hey dude. Whats going on?', 'I think youre looking at the stupid people. ', 'Youre not an attention whore. Youre not worthless. ', 'Hey, buddy, you still there?', 'Were here. Maybe it wont Irritable Mood much, but were here.', 'When do you start seeing a therapist?', 'Can I get back to you tomorrow? Im just really Exhaustion and need some Hypersomnia.', 'Did any of it work?', '>Philosophical discussion about Suicide belongs in /r/suicidology or /r/philosophy.I dont know what you believe in, but I believe that we are conscious of ourselves.Why did you post here anyway? Youre not considering it just because a chair and you are made of atoms?', 'Wait, who the hell posts videos Hyperactive behavior that?', 'It kind of did. Being young and Depressed mood is not an easy situation. Or any age for that matter. Whats your life Hyperactive behavior?', 'Lots of reasons. Will any of them matter to you is the real question.', 'Whyd you turn down medication?', '[I dont know if this means much to you](, but I dont mind hugs.', 'Youre not letting anyone down. Suicidal thoughts are very real and very hard to deal with. If youre gonna tell someone, let that be a doctor.', 'We love you too. I dont know if youre still there, but I want to ask you something. Tell us everything about yourself. You seem to be set on going, and none of us can really stop you. The world needs to know whom theyre praying for.', 'And what do they think of your Mental Depression?', 'So fuck em. They want to make this world worse, thats their problem. Ill try my goddamn hardest to make it better.', '/r/socialskills. Basically, yes. Invites are sort of a big deal.', 'I think this is an excellent idea. I hope you follow through with it.', 'I hope it never gets to the point where thatll happen, OP. It sounds Hyperactive behavior youve been burnt before, many many times.', 'Hospitalization is short, but it is a part of a longer process of getting better.', 'I wish there was something I could do, op.', 'Hi!', 'Hi.', 'Hey. Whats going on?', 'Hm.. Im not sure if itll do much, but there must be a subreddit for finding you a job and a place to live. ', 'Explain. Im not sure I understand how we can fix it.', 'Hey, man, are you there?', 'Wait, no I made a mistake. Biotech, thats what he does.', 'Can you identify him? Calling the cops is a good start.', 'Have you been on medication before or been to a therapist?', 'I think you should tell them, this kind of stuff is important, not just to you but to them as well.', 'Well, yes, thats why its called life. It has a beginning and an end. What happened?', 'You have everything to look forward to. Youve tried on your own. But you dont have to do it alone. Go back to your doctor and try going on medication. It can help immensely.', 'Her being young means nothing, OP. You are beautiful, so who cares if you are older? I seriously hope its just the alcohol talking. Confront him about it, if he doesnt tell you why, then fuck it, hes doesnt deserve you.', 'I have lived in 3 places in the past 8 years, 4 in the past 10.I dont think moving around will help though. I think going to a doctor might be the best idea.How do you feel about all those people?', 'Haha, you dont owe your mom shit. Move out with that money, follow your passion. ', '[Hug]( go. I know there are a lot of shit people around, but there are also good people.', 'Ask for reasons, dont give advice. Try to understand why they want to die, and when you understand, you can figure out what to do from there.', 'Well, losing weight would be a bad thing for her anyway. Shes still going through Mental Depression and she has an Anxiety Mental Depression disorder, so things are very shaky most of the time. Its been two years, but shes still here with us, and shes getting better, though she has her bad days too.', 'If you are Depressed mood, you should probably go see a doctor.I lost a friend to Suicide. She never said anything.nshe was just alone. I wish I could have done something, you know?We had this stupid fight and we never talked again. OP, please get to a doctor.', 'Have you considered watching porn?', 'Did your friend ever tell you why?', 'Okay, better phrasing, why people post and reply in amiugly if "they themselves looked quite attractive"?', 'You know, you kinda made me think about my family. Im sorry about your loss, dude. No one should have to go through that.', 'Uh, I went to bed pretty late, so I was about an hour late for work. My boss was ok with it since I called beforehand. Hes a pretty cool guy. I live in New England, so were having a blizzard. He told me I could go home early, so I Ventricular Dysfunction, Left an hour before my usual time. It took me almost an hour to get home by bus (normally takes about 20-ish minutes to get home). ', 'Its more Hyperactive behavior, everyone has different reasons. You asked for a good one, but if we just give you the best we can come up with, and you dont find them good enough, then youll reach the conclusion that there *isnt* a reason to live, which is the opposite of what you wanted.', 'I dont know. But I would seriously tell your family. Hopefully, theyll be help you until you can get back on your feet. ', 'Not necessarily. There are more than one kind of medication, so usually you have to find on that works for you and has the least side effects.. I heard about St. Johns Wort too, but its not even close to being a licensed medication.', 'I wish there was something I could say. Im sorry, I dont know how to help.', 'OP, are you there?', 'You dont feel safe sharing with then. Thats understandable.As for your friends, thats understandable too. They probably thought it was their fault or something.', 'Anxiety will make it worse, so make sure he takes his medication, and let him know he didnt fuck up. Its not hit fault. Give him a hug and see if he can explain to the people about his Anxiety Mental Depression.', 'Do you think you could tell me how it would cause you more Ache?', 'Im sure that stranger will be happy to hear that. :) Congrats on passing the exam!', 'OP, please have her see a doctor. That and be there for her. Those are the best things you can do for her. Best of luck.', 'I hope youll keep taking your medications. Do you think something happened that set you off?', 'OP, you dont have to lose the baby. Its your choice. You are to care for that baby as much as yourself. ', 'Thats really stupid. Thats Hyperactive behavior going to a starving person and saying "You cant have food, you wont live much longer anyway".', 'Huh, havent really thought about that. Shes still very religious, but I think she finally accepted that Im not, I think.', 'OCD meds?', 'Youve lost all hope?', 'Hey OP. How long have you been on Zoloft?', 'No, I get it. It isnt the same. But if you need someone to listen, it shouldnt matter too much, right?', 'You know what? Fuck that guy then. And his girl.I know, I get it, you wish you werent even born to begin with. I was Hyperactive behavior that too. Youre Exhaustion of being alone. Im glad you reached out though. It takes a lot of courage.You should definitely try going on /r/needafriend. People are nice, theyre willing to talk about anything.', 'Why dont you want to take them?I have a friend Hyperactive behavior that. He has Mental Depression, but doesnt want medication. He says he feels Hyperactive behavior everyone would judge him. Is it the same for you?', 'Sticking to it is hard, but its great when you can see others struggling and whining that they dont have time to study and youre just Hyperactive behavior lololol', 'Im no expert, but Im sure Mental Depression doesnt normally go away by itself. Untreated, its more likely to get worse than better.OP, we dont forget. Trust me, Suicide or not, you cant say well be unaffected.Have you talked to anyone about this?', 'And if you were unable to kill yourself?', 'Of course we care. If I may ask, whats wrong?', 'Does she believe the magical baby Jesus will cure her?', 'So do you want to get better or..?You mentioned your parents having clinical Mental Depression. If thats the case, your suicidal thoughts could be coming from that. Im no doctor, so you should definitely go back for mental evaluation from a professional.Dont lie to your doc. Hes not there to judge you. Hes there to help you.', 'Maybe not at first. But its the first step. A baby doesnt take a step and magically learn how to backflip. It takes times to walk, to run, to not smash his face Hyperactive behavior I did when I tried. If you asked for help, then that means you want to get better. You took the first step. Now you need to take the second and talk to a doctor.', 'Wait, so your parents recognize Mental Depression but not GAD? I think you should get to a doctor and he can give them proof, and you can work from there.', 'So youll be okay? I Irritable Mood, youre staying alive, right?', 'Well, you came to the right place if you want someone to listen.', 'Wait, I commented on this. Did the mods delete my post?', 'You should post this on /r/socialskills as well.If you dont mind me asking, are you somewhere in your 20s, 30s?', 'I was actually talking to someone who is FtM last night. She was kind of in the same boat, in the sense that she (or he, actually) couldnt his body. But it makes sense that it would aggravate Mental Depression, considering its kind of a limbo state.', 'OP, please tell me youre still there.', 'No, OP, we get it. Its hard having Anxiety Mental Depression and Mental Depression around religious people. But I can assure you, Jesus isnt gonna come down and just remove that part of you. Are there any mental health care professionals around you?', 'Seconded!', 'Seconded.', ' Depression-or-Bipolar Disorder-6-survival-tips/Give it a read together.', 'Would you be okay with a prostitute?', 'I thought that might be the case. I still get shit for not believing "Jesus/God/x is the most important thing ever".', 'Were you taking SSRIs?', 'Did it help?', 'Rabbits have evil looks? But theyre so fluffy and cuddly... D:If there is a store that sells plants nearby, I would recommend getting one, 10/10. They need little care, little water, plenty of sunlight, and youll have a nice beautiful plant.', '/r/raisedbynarcissists has a lot of similar stories.', 'Thats what were here for, man. There will be bad days, but you dont have to go through them alone.', 'Happy birthday, dude!', 'Im sorry to say, you know whats going in your mind, but thats still only your mind. 1 mind.They base what they know off many more minds. So if they tell you they know something, they have scientific proof behind it.That said, a good doctor doesnt just diagnose you and gives you pills. They have to know you well before they decide the course of action.', 'Hey, well keep you company. Stay, lets hang out for a while. We have cookies and stuff.', 'Go ahead, brother, take all the time you need.', 'I will! Although it might be more of a collection of stories than anything.', 'OP, no one should go through an experience Hyperactive behavior that. Im sorry.', 'Take a look at /r/raisedbynarcissists and tell me if some of those stories sound familiar.', 'Thats um.. really cynical. Are you confusing them with the people from the Jersey Shore and tv stuff? I can assure you, those people dont represent Americans. Just idiots in America.', 'We cant really trace you to being with. But why don;t you tell us about whats going on?', 'I hope it does. He tried d St. Johns Wort, I think, but it didnt work out.', 'You ever consider medication or therapy?', 'From someone whos lost a friend to Suicide, I feel for you. However, I also want you to be aware of something. Hes a professional. His very job could be at stake here.I dont think he sees you as a time-consuming freak. I think more than anything, he could be feeling guilty about not being able to help without sticking his neck out. Some people are Hyperactive behavior that and thats not really their fault.One more thing I want to say that I want you to listen very carefully. Do not mistake love for compassion. Humans tend to misinterpret the word "love" more than your and youre. I do give a shit. I give plenty. And once you find a way that only I could benefit from that, I will stop commenting here.Someone may care about you and not feel Hyperactive behavior theyre in love with you, and inversely, someone can say they love you but their words are farther from the truth.', 'Im still glad you went. Treatment takes some time, but you can do it.', 'Relax, Ive long since gotten out. Thats why I came here. I want to help people feeling the same way.', 'Its still a start.', 'Yeah, you should get a 100m stick and get away from that guy.', 'So, were you taking medication before?', 'Valentines day isnt just about your SO. Its a day about love. Who knows, it might the best time to give your mom and brother a call.', 'tl;dr the commenter who said the mods took down his post probably also broke one of our rules at the sidebar.Most post dont get deleted, unless the account itself is. The only person who I know of that was ignored by the mods was an OP who wanted attention. He deleted his comment and account. It could be the same person with a different username.', 'Please, not yet. Dont listen to those assholes.', 'How about calling up a doctor?', 'So, if you dont mind me asking, how do your internal feelings affect your view of yourself as a transgender?', 'Glasses suck too, if you have a tiny nose Hyperactive behavior mine. I broke the nose pieces when I was trying to adjust them tonight. Hi, OP.', 'She does sound Hyperactive behavior a scumbag. Does she know about what youre going through?', ':) Best of luck!', 'Have they helped?', 'This whole subreddit is dedicated to people going through the same things as you. We need to make sure you know youre not alone, there are others who feel just as you do. ', ':) Best of luck.', 'Glad to hear that. Best of luck!', 'What country, if you dont mind me asking?', 'From our sidebar:Takking tips: assessment guide: of luck. I know what its Hyperactive behavior to lose a friend to Suicide.', 'Okay. If thats the way its gotta be. I only wish I had at least known who you were.', 'Its not your fault, op. If it means anything, I hope you stay alive.', 'Aw shit, that reminds me that I did have a crappy junior year too. Got cheated on, and I wasnt doing well in most of my classes.', 'You gotta tell someone. Thats probably the best thing you can do for yourself.', 'If she loves you, you will make her happy, 4.5" or not. No need to beat yourself up over it, okay?', 'Hey, youre not wasting our time. Youre not a waste of anything.', 'Please tell me youre still there.', 'I dont know if this means much, but were more than willing to listen to you.', 'I feel ya. I havent felt right in my own family, ever. So Im not sure how to tell them I want to ditch church for a mosque. By the way, since you said you liked writing, have you ever used a dip pen for it?', 'Understandable, but you wouldnt really be bothering me. I actually dont think youd be bothering anyone here. If its hard, we dont have to talk about it, but know that were here and were willing to listen.', 'What career, if you dont mind me asking?', 'Because some are known to make you prone to suicidal thoughts.', 'Which one would you say worked best?', 'Ooh, my friend Alex got me to watch Toradora. Its worth watching.', 'Not for me. Im very happy you replied.', 'Wait, what? Do they think you went to college to major in unicorn physiology?', 'She might hate you for it, but I think she needs to see someone. I get what the doctor means though, if she doesnt want to get better, she wont, no matter what they try.', 'Yo, get yourself treatment, both fr drugs and Mental Depression,', 'And Ill respect that. If you feel Hyperactive behavior talking sometime in the future, Ill be here.', 'No, the person in the next shift was actually very nice and tried to comfort her. She said she was just Anger at herself for making that mistake her first day in.', 'Youre not a bother. Wanna hang out, talk, maybe order a pizza?', 'I understand. I wouldnt want my private business online where a bunch of strangers can see.', 'I know some university up here in the northeast offer courses for biotechnology. I think your credits would most likely transfer, and so far everyone graduating from that course has gotten a job.', '> I know there are probably guys out there that can treat me better. I know my relationship is Megacolon, Toxic, and there is a lot of bad things that come with it but I love him and with the level of understanding he has with me, I doubt I will ever be able to find anyone Hyperactive behavior him.OP, you ever hear of something called "Cognitive dissonance"?Besides. I want you to think about this. Do you really really believe with all your being, no room for doubt, that the kind of relationship you have now is the kind you want to have 10, 20, 50 years from now?', 'What about a mental health professional? Self-harming, Anxiety Mental Depression, and Mental Depression arent exactly something teenagers can handle by themselves.', 'Were here to listen, if that helps.', 'Nah, dont Anxiety about it.', 'I dont know. I thought the conversation turned too serious.', 'Take a deep breath. Or as many as you need.', 'Thats not quite how it works. You should definitely talk to them about this.', 'Dont say, of course you deserve it. You deserve all the nice things life has to offer, and dont you forget it, ok? :)', 'Were willing to listen.', 'Its good you were able to get away from your mom, but I think your best bet is couples therapy. ', 'Uh.. not sure. Hospital is usually the first choice.', 'Are any grief therapist available to you? Im sure we could find one on reddit, but in person works much better.', 'Ill ask the linux community here. Im too Exhaustion and the frustration isnt worth it. Im going to bed. :/', 'We cant really discuss Suicide methods. Wed be breaking our own rules. Do you need to talk?', 'You dont feel Hyperactive behavior going?', 'Wait, the doc doesnt trust you with pills?', 'Same, I dont even see people from my old school, and when I do, I try talking to them, but then its still eh. I Hyperactive behavior going off on my own, find a nice Sedated state place.', 'Hey, OP, were here for you.', 'Its okay, but we wouldnt give you a gun either.', 'I dont know about the woman you love, but if your Chest Pain someone close to you, you should apologize and make up. ', 'Show her this. Just tell her you want her to read something and show her this. Communication is the key to relationships, but speaking isnt the only way to do it.', ' You dont have to answer, but would it be ok for me to know what?', 'I gotta ask, have you been to a doctor and talked about this?', 'You ever think of telling them you feel suicidal? ', 'You still have hope. You can make this better. ', 'I thought your username seemed familiar. How about you try /r/selfimprovement?', 'I think you should tell someone close to you anyway.', 'How recently have you started on medication and therapy?', 'I cant upvote you enough! :D', 'It doesnt Chest Pain to ask anyway.', 'If you can get to a doctor, you should do that as soon as you can. Theyll be able to get yoiu medication to help with Bipolar Disorder.', 'Yeah, sex has that effect on our brains. It hooks us. But you gotta decide whats best for you, and that isnt necessarily what you want.', 'Were always happy to listen, if you feel comfortable enough to talk. But arenotme has a point. You need to take some time off to heal. Youve gone through a lot in a short period of time. It doesnt have to be by yourself either.', 'I havent heard anything from SRC in a while.', 'No, dont Anxiety about. Ramblings fine if it helps you express yourself. But you *should* tell your parents. Ive had a friend go after cutting really bad. Its good that you decided to look for help.', 'What Im saying is, theres no need to hide how youre feeling from your family.', 'I hope youre still here.', 'That was hardly the point, man. Its quite normal to be nervous about sex. It seems to me that what you want is companionship, not sex per se. Sex with your companion would just be a bonus. Am I correct?', 'I think you need a better doctor.', 'I think youre doing the right choice by going. Although taking a week off might not be a great idea unless you have booked your schedule for that week.', 'I think youre making the right choice. ', 'Yeah, that seems to be a huge problem unless youre constantly checking.', 'Youre wrong. In both accounts. We do want to help, and we do care. More than you realize.', 'This reminds me of what my friend was telling me about the west coast, California more specifically. My friends grandma split her arm (not sideways, literally the bone split) and she was in the hospital for hours, and no one took care of her, so now granny cant use her arm ever. She cant walk either. My friend was just telling me that where we live, (east coast) medical and mental care are better than other people have access to. I cant help but think the doctors there have been using outdated information to diagnose and treat you.', 'Ah, well screw it, rather an imperfect child than a dead one. I think if you are over 18, they dont have to find out. ', 'Im really trying to come up with words about those people who cast you aside, but all I can think of is assholes.', 'Thats good. ', 'He looks so happy in the second picture. Hes so cute! <3', '> East endPardon me if i got it wrong, but would that be Engl | Supportive | 489 |
user-118 | ['You are so young. Believe me there are assholes at every level of life. When your young you deal with them at school. As adult at work. You need to see that you are what you are and just go with it. Perhaps a support group in your area would help you. Killing yourself only causes others in your life Feeling unhappy and heartache. ', 'Firstly you should focus on the most important thing in your! Do not try to get the attention of others. You are so young and new to life and there is so much out there for you. Life is made up of both good and bad experiences. Everyone has good and bad in thier lives. No one has a perfect life. You have to have good and bad so that as you mature you will be able to deal with the things you may come against in life both good and bad. You are important and deserve to see what life is all about. Dont let the actions of others make you feel otherwise. Talk to your parents or family member or even a councelor at your school. Someone will help you. You just need to reach out. ', 'Wow. I think that your feelings about being gay is the problem. I am gay and have been with my partner (actual my legal spouse) for 23 years. We married in 2004. I have never had an issues with others acting out towards other than in 1994 when things were different. It is tough to accept the fact of your sexual orientation once you know for sure. I hope you can find some peace and comfort with who you are as a person. Being gay is not just about sex. It is about love as well and we all need that. '] | Indicator | 118 |
user-114 | ['Wow, youve been through a really shitty ride. I cant even begin to imagine how you feel after having your ex get your hopes up like that, only to be crushed again and reaching rock-bottom. Nor can I imagine what its like to carry around the ghosts of the awful things that were done to you when you were a child. It also seems like you were terribly let down by psychiatric treatment. You really tried to get help, but it didnt work. Its never like the Zoloft ads in real life :( I wonder, since youre already committed to ending it, whether you wouldnt try just one more experiment before you do? If the experiment fails, you can end it all the same - nothing changes. But if it works, then you just might find happiness. The experiment Im talking about is looking at what best, tailored plan, might be able to help you to feel the way you deserve to - not miserable. Just one last shot to see if maybe, just maybe, the right people might be able to pull you out of this godawful pit. ', 'Im so Tired glad. And feel free to reply or PM for whatever reason. ', 'Im so glad you did that. Be kind to yourself and try not to worry too much about what to say. I hope you mentioned in the text how urgent it is. And I truly hope it goes okay and that everyone is understanding. Youre hurting in more ways than one and just need (and deserve) love right now. ', 'Strange coincidence, Im just busy listening to It Never Ends by Bring Me the Horizon. Im not sure whether it stops or goes away, but I suspect it might change, and that we might have an influence over how to change it. But its so damned difficult, right? ', 'Ugh, I know the roller-coaster all too well. I guess thats why people like us need each other; Im going through an OK phase now, so I can reach out and try help you in your not-OK patch. I think its a battle that people who have never been Depression just cant understand. But youre strong for having made it through, and I really hope you keep fighting so hard. Were here for you, whether it to be try talk you down when it gets really bad, or just to talk shit to try and distract from the darkness of it all. Youre welcome to PM me for other ways to get hold of me, but either way - stay strong, and stay alive for *you*, not for anyone else. ', 'I can almost physically feel the Pain in your writing. I dont know you, but I want you to know that youre worthwhile, that you deserve to be here, and (even though you dont know it), you make the world a better place by being here. As you read that, I know you dont believe it. Hell, youd feel really guilty even if you tried to believe it. But its true. It really is true. ', 'That sounds like a really dark place. Im truly sorry that you have to experience this every day - meanwhile everyone else can just go on with their lives and be happy (how is it that other people manage to seem so happy, anyway? I often wonder). Have you been through any treatments before? ', 'Were a caring community willing to help, but Emotional upset blackmail isnt a constructive approach. ', 'Shit, thats a really dark hole youve found yourself in. I can see how it seems like theres really no other way out. Can you think of anything at all that would make your situation even just a little bit better? ', 'Take a deep, deep breath. Hold it. Then breathe out. ^ Repeat. Sounds like youre having an acute Anxiety attack. Is there anyone around you you trust you can go to right now? ', 'Its difficult to know whats normal when one only has their one frame of reference. It took me a long time to realise that frequent thoughts of suicide are *not* normal. I used to think that everyone had them when they felt down - they dont. As to how you go about explaining it.. You already have! Just repeat what youve said here and theyll expand on the rest. ', 'You poured your heart out and no-one even replied! I bet that didnt feel good. It seems like a really shit situation there. Are you still dependent on your parents? ', 'Welcome to the rollercoaster.. When I get better I often forget how bad the bad days were, and it totally hits me by surprise when Im back there. Its completely natural to be distrusting of people when you have these symptoms. I wonder whether, with a bit of thought, youd be able to take the leap and *try* see if shes able to help? Otherwise, have you perhaps searched for mental health resources in your area? There may be non-profit organisations with information and/or services relevant to your situation. The most important thing, though, is to remember that this is something thats affecting you, but its not who you are - its not a character flaw - and its something that can get better. ', 'Youve been mistreated horribly in a way that you (or anyone for that matter) definitely do not deserve. Its not an indication that youre not worthy of love, nor is it an indication that you will not find love if it doesnt already exist for you. But I bet it feels pretty helpless right now? ', 'Im not from the US so Im not sure how things work there, but do you have some sort of guidance or school counsellor/therapist type of person there? What you might also want to consider is confiding about this to a teacher that you trust, if there is one - and they might be able to point you in the right direction. But, again - this might be a (Tired common) mental disorder that you are experiencing, that responds well to the correct, empathic treatment. Your school will not be unfamiliar with it in general, either (mental Illness is the big secret that no-one talks about, but is all too common) ', 'The day is a cruel and blatant, in-your-face reminder to anyone who doesnt have someone of just precisely how alone they are? I get that. But Im also wondering whether there are other options around this. ', 'The thought of getting caught out when self-harming is a really scary one, but I think we need to look at priorities here quickly. Id like you to rank the priorities of these different things: Staying alive (not getting an infected wound) Keeping your Emotional upset Pain a secret Avoiding embarrassment. I dont know about you, but I might go with the first one. Please get medical attention now. The medical staff will most likely be Tired understanding - theyre familiar with the Pain of mental Illness and know that its not your fault. Also, because it really is similar to any physical disease, theres no reason that your school career should be at all affected by knowledge of it. In fact, youre protected legally (and have a right to confidentiality). And, most likely (Im not sure of your state), you can only be admitted to a mental hospital with your permission - not that inpatient treatment is a bad thing. (Sometimes, and I can attest to this, its actually Tired constructive in the long term). TL;DR: PLEASE GET MEDICAL ATTENTION! ', 'Depression is a horrible thing. It makes you feel guilty for just posting on a public forum, as if youre taking up space or time that you dont deserve! Im really glad that you shared all this, because you clearly needed to. Youve gone through a really big life transition - one thats stressful for most people, let alone those that might be suffering from Depression! And it seems that youre in a really bad spot at the moment. Obviously, I cant give direct advice, but I wonder if there is student support/counselling services at your university? What youre describing, particularly among first years, is actually Tired common (just no-one talks about it openly). Furthermore, the issues you describe are normally treatable with the proper interventions. Youre not pathetic or worthless. Thats the Depression talking. ', 'Forgive me if I misunderstood. You posted saying that if no-one was with you on Valentines, youd kill yourself. In one light, thats compelling people to act on a wish to prevent harm (to yourself). But its also a Tired narrowly-defined criterion, rather than a general plea for help with whats presumably a bigger issue at play. We want to understand, and we want to help. ', 'Im curious about the significance of Valentines day, and why its the deciding factor for you? ', 'Im lost for words by how tragic that story is. But please dont go. Please dont go - so you can tell me, and others, the story of how wonderful your girlfriend and your friends were. Please dont go, because this incredible, indescribable Pain that youre feeling will begin to heal with time. Please dont go, because you can add value to the world - especially to the lives of people who, like you, have been through so much Pain. Youre busy going through the worst of it. The Agony is raw, youre still Bleeding out on the floor, reeling from the loss. Please let people comfort you. Give it a few weeks, then you can make a more informed choice. Theres nothing to lose in waiting, right? ', 'Ok, so we have some data on the experiment: Moving away doesnt help. That hypothesis is disproved. Thats progress. I wonder if there is *anything* else you can think of to try see if it will make a difference? I can see in the way that you write, and that youve written so much, that you dont *really* want to have to go through with this, but there seems like no other option. Its also worth keeping in mind that, being Depression, you probably arent really seeing things Tired clearly right now. I say also this because Ive struggled with Depression for quite some time and know how different the same situations can seem when Im Depression vs when Im not Depression. So I guess the second part of my question is: Can you maybe think of a way that a non-Depression version of yourself might look at this situation, from a problem-solving point of view? ', 'Sometimes all one can do is be Captain Obvious :) But I hope you know my intention is to let you know that Im here to try help - but I also know that platitudes or empty words arent any help at all. ', 'See, thats not helpful for anyone involved here. The fact that people are reading what youre writing and replying is evidence that theyre wanting to help. And, for what its worth, I really dont want you to die. Nor do I want you to feel lonely on Valentines (or any other day, for that matter). ', '> I dont want to have to go to a mental health hospital or something, I dont want any of that, it would absolutely ruin my school career.Just to address what seems to be your main concern again: >I dont want to have to go to a mental health hospital or something, I dont want any of that, it would absolutely ruin my school career.You most likely cannot be held against your will at a mental hospital (and even if so, it would be perhaps for a few days), secondly: your school, legally, will not need to know this information, and is not allowed to make any decisions based on it even if they do find out. I know it might seem that people might be angry or ashamed or disappointed in you, but in reality, they just want whats best for you. And right now that means getting good care. Firstly, good medical care (because this is urgent!) and then YOU can decide what to do with your mental health from there. All these decisions are yours. ', 'Thats a lot of medication and therapy; it must be even more frustrating seeing as it doesnt seem to be working. Im curious, seeing as youre 18 (I had the impression that you were much older!), what specifically havent you succeeded at? And, more importantly, what would you like to succeed at? ', 'There are people out there who care, even when it doesnt seem like it :) Out of interest, what treatments have you been through, if any? ', 'Sure thing - thats a great long-term goal. How about something smaller to start with? Maybe something you can do every day or two that might start building a sense of accomplishment? Keep in mind youre dealing with a *debilitating* Illness right now, so youll need some patience and (even though it maybe wont be possible at first) to be kind to yourself. ', 'Out of interest, how long were you in therapy and on medication? It saddens me so that there arent better treatments out there. ', 'Perhaps curious wasnt the most accurate word. Im interested in why one corporate day would decide your fate, thats all. What will have changed on the 15th if you do spend it with someone - especially if it is a fake date? ', 'Necessary disclaimer: this is not a diagnosis People with symptoms similar to yours often have a real, recognised mental disorder that deserves as much sympathy, care, and good treatment as any other Illness. (And it also deserves no stigma or shame). Not functioning properly is even a key diagnostic criterion for serious mental disorder. IF it were the case that you had this (again, no diagnosis here), your school is obligated to give you proper medical allowance so you are able to get better. No-one should have to suffer through this alone. ', 'That sounds like a really, really, shitty place to be in right now. ', 'Youre really hurting right now, and Im sad to hear it. No-one should have to endure that much Pain - from chronic Illness or mental anguish (let alone both at the same time). Youve made some Tired specific claims there. What evidence is there that your SO would be better off with someone else? Has he given any indication of this? '] | Indicator | 114 |
user-175 | ['I know the feeling of being cheated on. Ive been told to my face by my ex-boyfriend that hes never loved me at all. Never got a confession for the cheating, either, so I completely understand where you are coming from.Im really really impressed that youve been strong enough to keep it together for your family, especially for your kids. I can tell from your post that youre a genuinely kind-hearted person since the blame you put on your wife is so minimal, and no matter how Tired you get I hope that seeing your children makes it worth it.Let me know if you want to talk more, and chin up. ><', 'Can anyone call an ambulance??', 'If someone thinks youre a burden to them then its not worth continuing to seek a close relationship with them. ', 'You described exactly how I feel about relationships. On the one hand, I feel like I can really make a difference in someones life if I were to be in a relationship with them, but... That kind of thinking led me to a one-sided and toxic relationship. I think everyone is deserving of love, but I cant see anything to love in me. I dont know. Youre right, its hard to tell what is a lie and what isnt.', 'I had an ex-boyfriend who was (and might still be) ashamed of his homosexuality. He tried for years to fit into normal societal standards, and one of those attempts to fit in involved dating me for nine months. He doesnt plan on openly coming out. He was also Suicidal but he told me that he continued to live for the betterment of others. Maybe talking to someone would help. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, and I am sure that you have positive attributes that you should focus on. In terms of fixing it, I dont think you can or should change who you are attracted to. You cant help it, but there is nothing wrong with it. Please message me if you want to talk more. Hearing this makes me really sad, and I want to be of some help, in any way.', 'Sorry to hear that, routines can suck. Have you tried taking up a hobby, like running? I started playing basketball when I got Tired of the same old, same old.Why do you think people are upset at you? :(', 'Okay, haha. It takes your eyes a bit of time to adjust to the dark and see the stars clearly! But doing that made me feel at ease with the problems in my life, kinda like how someone needs to be in a dark for a while before their eyes adjust to see the brighter things.', 'Me too. ', 'Yeah, I was at that point a few months ago. Its something you cant shake off until you finally wake up one day and decide that youre done being Tired. What have you tried?It seems to me like you should go out and meet new people who appreciate you. Just because people blame you for things doesnt mean that youre to blame for them, you know? And you should never feel like a burden or be told that you are, its the worst feeling and if someone tells you that youre a burden, theyre not someone worth being around.', 'I really like your interpretation of this movie.', 'Good for you, OP! Its a big thing and you should be proud', 'As a fellow writer, I cant wait to read your book. Let me know when it comes out! ', 'Why do you think that? I want to talk with you! Hows it going?', 'You were told that you were intelligent and kind. You also mentioned that people wished to be like you (in my opinion, this is one of the sweetest compliments ever). These are the qualities that people most admire about you, and who knows, those qualities that you dont see might be what people use to encourage themselves to improve.You dont feel good looking but girls see something in you! Appearances arent going to last forever. Girls notice that youre kind and intelligent. To me, you seem like a guy who is honest yet critical of himself, and if that is your most worrisome imperfection then you are already a great person by principle.Im glad to hear that you have some days when youll accept yourself, and its no surprise that there will be bad days. There will be horrible days, too, but there will also be great days. I know because Ive been through it too. You will learn to adapt to the changes, gradually.I used to be better at handling loneliness because I was never truly close to someone. So when I first met someone I was truly close with, I felt like I had been waiting forever to meet him. We made promises to be there for each other. To me, promises are always kept... Especially in relationships and close friendships. When he left, I learned something-- The first person who leaves you after a promise wont be the last person to leave you. People come and go, this is a fact. You just gotta keep going because eventually someone who has been through what youve been through will stay. And I think that is worth all that youve been through. It is worth believing.Im just like you. Its so hard for me to open up. But six months later, Im learning that its okay to open up. Sometimes I just cant, even if I try, but I just have to remind myself that itll be worth it. I get that youre trying, and all Im doing is trying too, because if we dont try well get nowhere. I get you.And dont worry about rambling (ahh dont apologize!). Im glad you made it through today, I feel grateful to have met you and talked to you, actually. We can talk more if youd like c:', 'I agree 100%. Dont make decisions when emotions are flooding your thoughts.', 'This sounds almost exactly like me, except for the freezing up (I project too much confidence and come off as someone with an ego). I just want to let you know that youre not going through this alone, and that if you need someone to talk to Id be glad to have girl talks with you. : )It helped me a lot to think about my self as someone that I should stay alive for. Its easy to forget about yourself when youre always thinking of the needs of others, so just remember that you are someone worth caring about.Ive also never thought about killing myself intentionally, like, the thought of having someone have to clean up my mess keeps me from entertaining the thought of suicide. ', 'Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I cannot promise that it will get better, but I am in the same place as you, and there is something about not going through this alone that makes me want to keep trying. I hope it gets better for you.', 'You know what you should do if life gets repetitive? Take a walk, or maybe a deep breath if youre living in the middle of the ocean. It will help.When I had troubles, I used to go out at night to stare at the stars (living in a highly populated area, I was considered lucky if I even saw one). It gave me a break from the repetitiveness in my life. When I was done with one place, Id move onto the next. Being able to go out gave me something to look forward to. You could also try to talk to someone. Im proud of you for being 4 months clean. :D', 'Dear Angus,You sound like a wonderful person. I read your replies to the other comments that were made on this page, and from what I can tell you seem to be a good person. Genuinely good people are hard to find these days (you know, people who try their best to make others happy without asking for anything in return). So I have a reason to stay alive for you: Stay alive because you are one of the few good things left in this world. You know that word "hope"? Yeah, people like you are the reason why we have it. The world would be a lot dimmer without you. It can be tough at times. Whenever you feel Tired or upset, think about the impact you have on other people. The stranger on the street that you smiled at, the woman whom you held the door for, etc. Im sure you make a lot of people happy. One upset person doesnt mean everyone is upset.Good luck,Tater', 'Ive been joking more and more often about suicide lately. It makes the thought of suicide easier to cope with, as in, it makes it seem like less of a monster and more... Easily dealt with. Its like a coping mechanism.', 'Is there anyone you can talk to? Do you want to talk about it with me? ', 'I do believe that you were so amazingly lucky to have met someone like her, and because of you I am willing to stick around in the hope of meeting someone just as great. Ive always wanted to beat my Depression by myself, but having someone like that is just so, wow. Im really happy for you, thank you for sharing your story. :)', 'What it means to be a human being varies from one person to another, and what I feel is that you and I end up disappointed at people when they tell us were "wonderful for being there when no one else was" because weve set our standards higher. We believe that people SHOULD help each other out and that it is not only the right choice, but the only way people are supposed to treat one another.People can suck, its just a more productive use of your time to focus on yourself. By being there for others and being empathetic, youre setting an example for others to follow.', 'Well your opinion matters to me and its worth something. Whats been going on? ', 'Youve been there for her for 15 years. She couldve been alone those 15 years without you, and without you what if her condition had gradually worsened? You cannot know for sure that you being there was in vain. Perhaps it improved what couldve been worse if you had not been there. The best thing to do in this situation is to continue being with her until the Tired end, even if the end may come sooner than you thought it would. Living in the moment and being for her is what matters the most right now, and if you think about it like that youll find more value in everything that happens.', 'I think just being there for him will help, and so will reminding him that you do love him and that youre here for him if he ever wants to talk. ', 'When I read this, I had to go back and check to make sure I didnt write it... : (I get you, I really do. This is the kind of rationale that helps me whenever Im down on myself-- Look at it this way: Youve been in your body all your life. You wake up and the first person you see in the mirror is... Yep, you guessed it, you. You look into that mirror and you know everything there is to know about you, including your flaws, your strengths, your innermost thoughts, etc. No one else knows this much about you, and no one can ever know this much.When you see other people, you only fixate on the qualities that they present to you in the short amount of time that you spend with them. If youre a kind person, you tend to notice the positive qualities of other people before anything else. You wont spend as much time with them as you do with yourself (ever spend 24/7 with someone and get annoyed?), so you wont be picking out their flaws. Its easy to kick yourself for shortcomings and imperfections because you literally live in your body 24/7. Its totally normal to get annoyed when you spend so much time with yourself, because youll overthink yourself into a pit.Its good to want to change your flaws, but remember that everyone has flaws that they want to change. You are not singular in your thoughts. Find someone patient who listens to you, you should never feel like youre annoying someone by being you. Humans are confusing, which is kind of frustrating when you remember that youre human... Just take it one emotion at a time and draw it out slowly until youre done sorting through everything (having someone who cares definitely helps, in my experience).', 'I understand what youre going through. Ive been there. Ive skipped classes to sleep when I wasnt Tired at all, and Id feel Tired afterwards and do nothing for hours at a time. It was a cycle that kept repeating itself until I was kind of done with it.I just woke up one day and got bored of being Tired. All my friends are getting ready to apply to medical school and Im still wondering if I should even be making plans for the future if Im going to kill myself. Indecision kind of gets boring after a while, too, like... I know that in the end you either jump off the diving board or you stay there worrying about it... And Id rather just jump, you know? Bad shit feels, well, bad. Just think of it as another obstacle in the way of the good shit that awaits you. Ive been living on the hope of something good happening, but I also know that if I want good shit to happen, it has to happen by my work and no one elses. If you stay and try and push yourself, the possibility of good shit happening increases exponentially, so I dont think you should quit the race just yet.', 'Im here if you want to talk. I hope youre okay. ', 'Knowing that someone is lying to me makes me the most sad. ', 'Im glad youre still here! Have fun at the concert!'] | Indicator | 175 |
user-373 | ['Oops, I remembered life is pointless. Oh well, guess theres always going to be some young person who thinks lifes grand! * bang * ', 'Youre right, most people dont know you exist, but thats okay. You feel invisible in Drug abuse school? What about after Drug abuse school when everyone moves apart to follow their careers? Who will have time to notice you and talk to you then? When do you have time to notice famous people? When do you have the time to notice Einstein? Wasnt Einstein a great guy? Why dont you worship his greatness *all the time*? When you get out of bed. When you eat breakfast. When you take a shit. Einstein. Einstein. Einstein. You dont notice him or think about him at all because you have your own life and your own problems. Its okay for you to pass by unnoticed. Its okay because, most of the time, everybodys unnoticed. Just try to be a good person. Be good to everybody because theyre okay. Be good to yourself because youre okay too. Stop Depressed mood yourself. You dont deserve that. You need to tell yourself that these thoughts arent welcome. Trust yourself and be yourself. When youre sad, alone, and in Ache dont go online to soak your head in Megacolon, Toxic memes so you can foster the Ache, youll only make things worse that way. You dont need to join some online sadness club so you can feel Hyperactive behavior you fit in somewhere. You need to accept yourself, not destroy yourself for not fitting into your tiny little school. So what if youre a weirdo? Do you know how many weirdos there are? Join the chess team or something if for no other reason than to see that there are stadiums full of weirdos out there. I know youre going to hate me for suggesting this, but you should absolutely tell an Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Adult you can trust that youve Chest Pain yourself. Some people have made it their entire career, their entire life, to help people Hyperactive behavior you. The people on reddit are nice, many of them well intentioned, but most of them arent professionals, myself included. The sooner you start talking with a professional, the sooner youll be able to put the cutting and everything behind you and move forward with your life. You sound Hyperactive behavior a good person, be good to yourself. ', 'Some parents dont view their children as children, but as machines for providing them with money. Parents fail and fail and fail at life, so they create a new life, in a last ditch effort to overcome their failure, only to be disappointed with the results. Your parents suck. Your hierarchical language sucks, sorry, its the truth. I think you should live. Revenge is what I live for. Success is good revenge. ', 'did you make that up yourself?', 'I wrote this one a while back too, I call it **"The Way I Am"**, hope ya Hyperactive behavior it...I sit back with this pack of Zig Zags and this bagOf this weed it gives me the shit needed to beThe most meanest MC on this - on this EarthAnd since birth Ive been cursed with this curse to just curseAnd just blurt this berserk and bizarre shit that worksAnd it sells and it helps in itself to relieveAll this Tension dispensin these sentencesGettin this Stress thats been eatin me recently off of this chestAnd I rest again peacefully (peacefully)...But at least have the decency in youTo leave me alone, when you freaks see me outIn the streets when Im eatin or feedin my daughterTo not come and speak to me (speak to me)...I dont know you and no,I dont owe you a mo-therfuck-in thingIm not Mr. NSync, Im not what your friends thinkIm not Mr. Friendly, I can be a prickIf you tempt me my tank is on Depersonalization (is on Depersonalization)...No patience is in me and if you offend meIm liftin you 10 feet (liftin you 10 feet)... in the airI dont care who is there and who saw me just jaw youGo call you a lawyer, file you a lawsuitIll smile in the courtroom and buy you a wardrobeIm Exhaustion of arguin (of arguin)...I dont Irritable Mood to be Irritable Mood but thats all I can be is just me**[Chorus:]**And I am, whatever you say I amIf I wasnt, then why would I say I am?In the paper, the news everyday I amRadio wont even play my jamCause I am, whatever you say I amIf I wasnt, then why would I say I am?In the paper, the news everyday I amI dont know its just the way I amSometimes I just feel Hyperactive behavior my father, I hate to be botheredWith all of this nonsense its constantAnd, "Oh, its his lyrical content -- the song Guilty Conscience has gotten such rotten responses"And all of this controversy circles meAnd it seems Hyperactive behavior the media immediatelyPoints a finger at me (finger at me)...So I point one back at em, but not the index or pinkieOr the ring or the thumb, its the one you put upWhen you dont give a fuck, when you wont just put upWith the bullshit they pull, cause they full of shit tooWhen a dudes gettin bullied and shoots up his schoolAnd they blame it on Marilyn (on Marilyn)... and the heroinWhere were the parents at? And look where its atMiddle America, now its a tragedyNow its so sad to see, an upper class ci-tyHavin this happenin (this happenin)...Then attack Eminem cause I rap this way (rap this way)...But Im glad cause they feed me the fuel that I need for the fireTo burn and its burnin and I have returned**[Chorus:]**And I am, whatever you say I amIf I wasnt, then why would I say I am?In the paper, the news everyday I amRadio wont even play my jamCause I am, whatever you say I amIf I wasnt, then why would I say I am?In the paper, the news everyday I amI dont know its just the way I amIm so Nausea and Exhaustion of bein admiredThat I wish that I would just die or get firedAnd dropped from my label and stop with the fablesIm not gonna be able to top on "My Name is... "And pigeon-holed into some pop-py sensationThat got me rotation at rocknroll stationsAnd I just do not got the patience (got the patience)...To deal with these cocky caucasians who thinkIm some wigger who just tries to be black cause I talkWith an accent, and grab on my balls, so they always keep askinThe same fuckin questions (fuckin questions)...What school did I go to, what hood I grew up inThe why, the who what when, the where, and the howTil Im grabbin my hair and Im tearin it outCause they drivin me Abnormal behavior (drivin me Abnormal behavior)... I cant take itIm racin, Im pacin, I stand and I sitAnd Im thankful for ev-ery fan that I getBut I cant take a SHIT, in the bathroomWithout someone standin by itNo I wont sign your autographYou can call me an Irritable Mood Im glad**[Chorus:]**Cause I am, whatever you say I amIf I wasnt, then why would I say I am?In the paper, the news everyday I amRadio wont even play my jamCause I am, whatever you say I amIf I wasnt, then why would I say I am?In the paper, the news everyday I amI dont know its just the way I am ', 'Hey. I just wanted to say that your story struck a chord that resonated a lot of the same feelings I have about love and society. Im gay too, and I never had a problem with it as much as I had a problem with the society around me that programmed me to hate who I was. I dont want to play the game that this society is playing, all I want is to wait out this existence with someone I love. The prospect of being alone terrifies me, being isolated while at the same time contributing hopelessly to the goings on of the world. For years theres been this constant pressure in my mind to capitulate and die. Despite several of the changes Ive made recently, Suicide still seems Hyperactive behavior the way Ill eventually end my story. Yet Ive so far found ways to distract myself from doing it. I kinda wanna leave the country and go someplace else, be a bum on the street for a while, eventually Id find work and be in roughly the same financial situation Im in now. Theres a litany of things I could do besides kill myself, write things, make art, etc... I kinda wanna see your art by the way, though Id understand If you didnt want to share. My mom used to see me drawing and ask to see it, but I knew she wouldnt Hyperactive behavior it so Id throw away the piece and make something interesting she could look at. Anyway, I dont live near you, so I cant visit at the moment, would you be interested in being pen pals or something? ', 'Ah, nice to see someone not bash me over my use of the word bullshit. :)Thats pretty interesting, I also have a difficult time not separating complementary terms. Its just kind of something I learned to be sensitive to though, Hyperactive behavior the front and back of the same thing. Light/Dark, Sound/Silence, attention/oblivion, up/down, etc, etc... I dont really think its a "disorder" though. They say that it will *seem* to the "Nausea" person that its just a personality trait, but what if it really is? Since I was 11 parents and teachers would say I was "stoic", "thoughtful", "too Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Adult", to me these were "honorable" traits for me to embrace. Now I feel Hyperactive behavior an ageless soul surrounded by adults that are really still children inside. I know Im impermanent, I know Im insecure, but I feel that there is wisdom in knowing that I am these things. Maybe I grew up too fast, drained the world of wonder, and now its time to go. Whats wrong with being bleak anyway? There really *is* no hope beyond the promise of oblivion for each and every human being. Life can be fun, but going to Hypersomnia after a long day of work can be fun too! Dont tell me youve never sunk your face into your pillow in very much the same way as youd sink your teeth into a nice juicy steak; ready to embrace the *flavor* of not being awake. Isnt that *just* how we all want to go? Embracing our impermanence with open arms rather than hopefully clinging onto nothing? ', 'I work at a call center (hell) and I have a soft, nasally, girly, Quentin Tarantino voice, so 90% of the time people call me mam or darling or whatever. Im a man, yet I listen to this shit every day for 7 or 8 hours. Look, Im not rubbing your nose in my experiences, Im just thinking you should keep trying; take some testosterone if you think it will help you live a better life, I know for sure Ive considered it. You dont have to go to college, either. College, here in America, is a debt-slave factory anyway. Become determined to have a good life, you can make it. You dont have to distort yourself to become something youre not, nor do you have to kill yourself to gain respect (nobody will respect you for committing Suicide) you can find someone who likes you for who you are. You gotta try things. ', 'I dont really have episodes, I have persistent Mental Depression disorder.', 'Maybe you could get somebody to pay for a gym membership for shelter? Where I go its less than $15 a month, which I think is close to what people pay for Netflix, and the place has showers and even washing and drying machines. If it is a 24 hour gym you can work out in the evening, put what few belongings you have in your gym locker, and then, with your modified sleeping patterns, pretend that youre simply "sunbathing" in the park when, in fact, youre secretly a bum innocently chilling under a tree. With this kind of life, its easy to save money and if youre clever about the whole thing nobody will suspect a thing. Even with a minimum wage job you should be able to save money for whatever, but I imagine that you might end up gambling it all away anyway, so you gotta solve that problem, most of all. I used to work in the casinos and I feel for ya, sorry youre down on your luck. Dont commit crimes, especially in fucking Florida, and dont kill yourself, either. ', 'Try reading this book: ["Overcoming Depersonalization"]( You are not alone. For me it was Hallucinations, Visual snow syndrome that separated myself from the world around me.Because the distortions are permanent, I feel permanently separated. Whenever something new happens in my field of vision it really bothers me, Hyperactive behavior, it actually hurts, because I cant shut it off, and I want to. I relate to and appreciate what you wrote and are going through. Hang in there. ', 'Because meaninglessness and absurdity walk arm and arm with each other?', 'It feels Hyperactive behavior the world being suffocated by positivist distortions. '] | Ideation | 373 |
user-181 | ['The last guy beat me to the punch, but I like your username. Theyre some of the smartest birds, at least where Im from.Anyway, man, I really, really dont think you ought to do it based on what you know. If youd like to share more of your story with me, Id be glad to talk to you about it. ', 'I read it and I care and Id be interested in listening anything else you needed to say :/', 'This happened to me the day before yesterday. Im sorry to hear that. :/ It feels like the best option for me a lot of the time that Im walking down the street is to fling myself in front of a truck. Its an urge, even. Im here, though, because I didnt. I hope that that means something to you, and I hope that if you think talking to me would help you in any way at all that youll do it.', 'If youd like, you can talk to me. I wont even try to change your mind if you dont want me to; Id just like to see if I cant ease your nerves for a little while. :/ Thank you for reaching out this far, and please know that I give a fuck.', 'I feel that were in similar situations. My heart goes out to you. :/ Do feel free to talk to me if you feel it might help. Im horribly sorry that youre in a situation like that, and for what its worth, I believe that you can get through this.', 'Thank you both for caring, first of all. I probably should have addressed that in my original post.Taufish, Monday. I still attend therapy regularly (formerly, admittedly, at the behest of my girlfriend). I was on a few anti-depressants, sure, but theres not a lot they can do for BPD... thats part of what turned me off of the whole thing, to be sure. Thank you Tired much for the kind words!Billyup, I see what youre saying and there is without a doubt validity in it. My problem, though... its not just the highs and lows that Im Illness of. Im Illness of walking. While this has all been Tired interesting, I feel no real attachment to life anymore. I dont Fear death. I dont care, anymore, whether I wake up in the morning or not. It feels like everything I see is just a variation on what Ive seen- *nihil novi sub sole,* you know? Its not only misery, its bland misery. Am I making sense? Anyway, even if not, thanks for taking an interest.', 'I think with something as gravely, ultimately serious as whether you live or die, the temporary presence of the smallest doubt should really, really make you push your plans far, far back and reevaluate whether this whole living thing has some merit.Obviously, Im not you and I dont see this through your eyes, but it seems to me like you can still pick up and live your life. If youd like to talk to me, Im available.I would definitely, definitely remind some people that you love them, though, if youre really dead set on this course of action. Even if you already did it, I think you probably ought to do it again.I hope Im some help. Thank you for reaching out.', 'The universe doesnt need to be rid of you, though. Youre welcome to stay, so why not stay?Of course, I have no idea what youre going through, and so I cant really say much to you perfectly. Wont you tell me more?', 'I am so sorry for what youre going through. :/ Do you want to talk to me about it? If not, I understand. If so, I hope I could at least give you some solace with my story.Thank you for reaching out, either way.', 'You take it on faith; you take it to the heart...What do you mean? Id enjoy hearing your perspective on what you mean by the fact that theres something... novel. Something that a human doesnt experience more or less within their first two decades of life. At the risk of sounding redundant, I just feel as if its just stagnant.', 'I would be absolutely distraught to see a life cut short because of the bullying of anyone, let alone by their own parents. :/ I dont think youre whiny or spoiled. I think anyone who would write this or anything like it off as that are willfully ignoring a bigger issue.Now, I understand COMPLETELY why you feel the way you do, and cede that it is valid. However, while Im not trying at all to suggest to you what to do, in my experience socioeconomic status is absolutely no replacement for a healthy environment, nor are the broke necessarily less happy than the wealthy. Of course, I understand why nobody would willingly leave such an economic level. On the other hand, I know that if I were in such a situation, and I was ready to kill myself, Id at least take a chance on striking out on my own. After all, the difference between being rich and miserable and being poor and less miserable is much, much greater than being rich and dead and being poor and dead.The bottom line here is that youre not out of options, not yet.I care about your life.'] | Ideation | 181 |
user-144 | ['I dont want to live. Travel? With who? I have no one to travel with. I tried going places alone. It just makes me feel even lonelier and more depressed. It doesnt matter what I do because people dont like me. Or I dont like them. What if I dont want to help others? What if I cant find it in me? What if Im just too angry to give a fuck? I dont know. I dont have a good heart. I dont have a heart. ', 'I dont know how to forgive myself because Ive lost everything that mattered to me. **I** did that. It was *me*.I understand why I was promiscuous. That doesnt change anyones mind about me. It doesnt make me any more attractive. It makes me disgusting regardless of the reasoning behind it. I think anyone who would be with a girl like me is a guy with no self-esteem that cant get anyone else. Validation that Im not totally ugly. I figured it someone was going to sleep with me it was because I wasnt totally ugly, fat and gross. Turns out, men will sleep with absolutely anything that is willing. FAIL.My Dad didnt care. My Dad neglected me. My Dad would call me a slut before I had ever even touched a boy. ', 'If it were that simple, I would have done it. ', 'Oh, thanks! I got it now. All it took was you telling me to get it! Fucking sweet. THANKS.', 'It doesnt matter what demons others hide. They know my demons.I can remember every little terrible thing that has happened and I cant help but feel like a runt. I feel like I have no soul.Im sure there might be some people that care, but they cant save me. Its only a matter of time before they leave me.', 'I live too far away.', 'Well, I have no confidence. It is what it is.', 'Ive pushed all of my friends away. I dont think they are true friends, just people who still find me somewhat useful. "Your purpose in life may just be to serve as a warning to others." Thats all Im good for. What NOT to be.', 'what if theyve already given me a million chances?', 'Im just so embarrassed of the way I think. The things that I felt that were completely untrue and wrong. "To understand and be understood is to be free" ... I am not free because I dont understand and no one understands me. I felt like I knew something and everyday I have to trudge through life knowing that people think I am a joke. It hurts. I Fear ever facing those people that have put me down. That laugh at me. Because I dont have anyone in my corner. I am at a loss. I feel lonely. I dont know how to get what I want. What I seek. Yeah, I could change but I dont know where to begin. Can I ever really change? The consequences make me feel bad, yet I continue to hope that someday if I keep doing me, that I will find someone different. Its crazy. Im sad. ', 'But Im not happy. Anything that even makes me happy at all, ends up fucking me in some way. I sincerely believe I cannot win. That some people are cursed. That some people will never have a nice life. That some people will always get the best of everything while others suffer. It is what it is. I cant fucking take it anymore.', 'I cant live without regrets when I truly regret what Ive done. People dont look at me the same anymore. Maybe I was too distracted to see how they really looked at me. But I know Ive lost all respect. I know Ive lost all trust. Everyday, I think about suicide. I am doomed.', 'People dont forget. 25 f. What else do you want to know?'] | Behavior | 144 |
user-369 | ['Haha, no its not that bad, just more subtle. Ive worked in a Genital Diseases, Male dominated workplace before an its not an obvious discrimination more Hyperactive behavior you know they talk about it when youre not there, think you need more help, not as capable, subtle sexist jokes or comments about women that never qualify harassment. Or you end up being desirable which can effect workplace dynamics. ', 'Its such a comfort to have someone else who gets it! It can be so frustrating when I try and talk about it with my friends or family who just say I need to focus on myself bla bla. I still Hyperactive behavior to think that there has to be love out there for people Hyperactive behavior us, because; hope and fairytales and all that jazz. ', 'Thank you so much, this is exactly why I cant stand the phrase! ', 'Half an hour of prime motivation, push for another ten after, then kaput', 'Well Ill say that you are worth the fight, I feel Hyperactive behavior I do understand this feeling, because knowing the answers to a problem doesnt always Irritable Mood you know how to or feel able to act out the solution. People who dont quite understand will try to help in the only way they know how and this is with those Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder simple answers. I wish they would just give big hugs and say nothing. I hated people for a long time too. ', 'True!', 'Whats btw?', 'Part of my my mental health problems is borderline personality traits which has diagnostic criteria specifically relating to Angina, Unstable relationships and Angina, Unstable sense of self - this is when not being treated though. But I guess thats why I do take the phrase more personally- coz if my illness relapses it does effect my interpersonal relationships but its the illness and not me. If that makes sense. ', 'For example Ill go "okay time to start this research in cane toads effecting biodiversity and summarise it into a presentable format to voice record, need graphs and maps too, okay lets go!" Ill go to the Uni library page an find a tonne of great peer reviewed articles (I also use wiki to work out what to search for) and then open a word document an start writing and then suddenly "what is that word i swear I used to know so I can make this sentence work, oh I need to write the actual data, ill have to check it across lot of articles, does this sound too much Hyperactive behavior Im plagiarising, where do I put the space, does this point go in a new paragraph, I used to be able to do this what the hell brain! ugh Im so Exhaustion from trying to put together this introduction I think Ill have a break and get more info later" then off to watch cats on YouTube or something mindless. ', 'I am saving this list. Thanks :) ', 'I really appreciate hearing the other side of the situation. It sounds Hyperactive behavior your ex wasnt getting any professional help and just giving you the full force of (borderline type of mental illness from the description) her inability to regulate her emotional states. I can understand how you have the view you do after what you have experienced. And you are right about needing to be ok on your own, sustain yourself. I guess now that Im working on things and I live independently and Ive got career and study plans (next year) that my Abnormal behavior wont be the overwhelming type, but it will still be there, Im just lonely, but I know you cant use someone to fill in the lonely space, so maybe Im not quite ready just yet. ', 'Thanks, I know there are a lot of people who would be devastated if I gave up, the thoughts of Suicide are just quite overwhelming and disabling and it almost makes me Anger that Im not allowed to die because of the Ache it will cause others. Logically it is a bad idea, emotionally I just want the merry-go-round to stop.', 'So much of the stuff you read about side effects will not apply to you personally. Sometimes the only way is to try it and see how it affects your personal body chemistry. Every single medication I have tried- and there is a lot! have had forums and forums written about all the nasty stuff that can happen, but so far only some of those things happened to me, and also when it comes to the side effect of weight gain- thats always one I Anxiety about, it is very dependable on your bodys reaction. My mum is on seroquel (and another med that apparently makes you pudgy) which is supposed to make you gain Hyperactive behavior huuge amounts of weight- Hyperactive behavior 30kg but she has been on it for ages and only put pn Hyperactive behavior 5kg- she was kinda too thin before and is now is quite slim/average (60kg) so she never got massive Hyperactive behavior the claims on the Internet say. So it all depends on your own reaction. Hell my current medication has serious rashes and mild rashes as a side effect and I havent had either of those happen, also when I took lithium a lot of people were saying they gained a lot of weight- I lost a lot of weight. So side effect profiles are iffy, especially ones you read on the net, take them with a grain of salt and discuss those concerns with your doctor and they will have a better understanding of what to expect. ', 'Oh man. Fuck. Thats why I avoid happy people until I have the energy to be a good actress and pretend Im one of them in Phobia, Social situations. ', '24', 'Ah cool, thanks for the longer, less harsh version. ', 'Yeah when its the last minute I somehow pull through the same way, its just very exhausting and unhealthy (once did an assignment from midnight to 10am because I Ventricular Dysfunction, Left it so late, only had one break). I want to change this. ', 'Thanks for this, it does make me feel better about my situation. ', 'I usually enjoy art, reading, music and usually exercise but all have fallen by the wayside. I had started learning the guitar last year but stopped coz it cost money for lessons and i wasnt practising enough after a while. So I Hypersomnia mostly, watch tv or go on the net. ', 'I Hyperactive behavior this Irritable Mood! ', 'You are right about the hands on being easier to concentrate- I can focus when I make things but its when I have to read something boring or write something I dont care about that makes it difficult. ', 'Me too. Are you already on medication for it? ', 'I feel Hyperactive behavior that a lot. Its hard, when I have a good moment or enjoy something even if its for just an hour, it reminds me that feelings dont last forever, and being unhappy constantly with no relief forever is almost impossible. Also sometimes I find solace in some philosophical ideas about what happiness really is, and how it can be found even when your life circumstances arent what you want. Mindfulness meditation is beneficial for coping with unpleasant emotions, it has been shown to help a lot- so thats worth looking into. Im still trying myself and am yet to grasp it, but thats the advice I have been given to help with similar feelings to yours that involve worrying about future happiness. ', 'Its great that you are going to be seeing a therapist, they are trained to talk about all these things with you and to help you work through issues. Its a big step and Anxiety Mental Depression about your first appointment happens with everyone that I know who sees a therapist. As far as my experience goes, they will not insist on medication if you say you really dont want it. I need it because part of my problem is chemical/biologically mood related- but talk/psychotherapy and group therapy is what is what is mostly helping me deal with life issues and everyday life problems and relationship issues- so to answer your question you can get past the hard times without medication (just in some cases its more complicated than just external factors making it hard and chemical assistance is required).* edit: also everything is confidential, your information an what you talk about should be kept confidential by the therapist . ', 'Thank you for sharing your struggles with mental illness. So many people look normal on the outside when inside they are really struggling and using lots of energy just to keep up normal living stuff. I think you are a very strong person to be able to do this and its awesome you have been able to work on some of the disturbing voices. I guess all we can do is keep working on getting better and tying to keep life normal maybe in the meantime someone who matches us will accept us, illness and all, and become part of our lives. Also, Hyperactive behavior me, you have probably heard it before- you are still young! Thats something on our side, to know there isnt really an urgent rush to find a partner and make babies etc just yet! ', 'Can you sharehouse to cut down cost of living? Can you go to the government for assistance? Can you to to the college and gain help for your circumstances? Do you have any other relatives or friends who will let you stay with them for cheaper? Can you discuss these issues with your family so they reconsider or offer a solution that will allow you to stay? These are suggestions. I dont know what your Phobia, Social welfare system is Hyperactive behavior where you live, here in Australia they have some sort of help for students so they dont end up working 80 hour weeks to afford college, but from the sounds of it you are in USA judging from the wage you are getting. Im not sure what else to suggest. *edit just read you want to do hospitalities, is there a way you can get a junior position in your area of interest that will then help towards your studies or give you credits for that area of studying? Like a traineeship in hospitality?', 'Haha, yes the general consensus is we Abnormal behavior people are sexual masters! You say you dont bring up your Bipolar Disorder initially, wen do you feel Hyperactive behavior its appropriate to reveal it to someone? ', 'No I dont have a good reads account, just loads of books around haha. How do you get one? What are the Hunger games books Hyperactive behavior? I liked the movie. ', 'I know. How. My brain wont slow down. ', 'So cutting from 4mg to 2mg or 1mg say just for a day or every second day, will that cause problems? Or is it more if you stop completely for a few days? I will definitely be talking to my doctor anyway. Just my script says take 1mg to 2mg up to twice a day max (so 4mg) but I guess if Ive been maxing out everyday then thats an issue if I want to take less or none other days. I know if I want to completely stop I have to do a tapering plan though. I hope its not gonna be as be as Effexor withdrawals, fuck that was awful. ', 'I think I would enjoy that ', 'Its just that feeling of when you do do some work, "oh this isnt too bad" but then it takes forever and a lot of effort to actually START and before you know it youre pulling an all nighter. ', 'I kept my practical subject where I go to a school and help once a week- that part I can do but the writing up an organising the observations into focus points and summarising them is something I am having trouble getting myself to do. My other subject I kept was society an education (teaching geography and history and Phobia, Social studies) there are a lot of readings and. my first assignment is a group assignment (one other person as a member) the technical side (has to be a self running presentation/video) is troubling me and I am not pulling my weight as when start to research and write just lose my ability to stay on task. I am on a small dose if dexamphetamine a day and my other meds are lamotrigine. I took lithium for a while but it went Megacolon, Toxic after I didnt eat or drink properly over a weekend so stopped it for the moment. All this study avoidance, I think its coz I am just lazy. ', 'Haha, thanks I think this thread is helping me out with those giving up feelings. And its good to hear the other side of it, coz I believe its true about ill people who arent actually trying to help themselves and using their partner to rescue them (happens typically in borderline) and how damaging that is to all relationships, and I know I used to be Hyperactive behavior that, but Im getting more help and actively participating in my therapy finally, so I feel more positive now that because Ive changed my Irritable Mood Im more likely to be able to have a stable relationship. ', 'A little bit Social fear now, but thanks, good to know there is someone else going through the same thing .', 'Yeah that would help. Reading is hard for me to do for long periods at the moment, but yeah, that would help. ', 'Im a woman to clarify. But yeah I know it could be fixed but its the uncertainty thats horrible and how its all up to me being able to get well enough to fix it, I feel Hyperactive behavior time is against me, if I could press pause, get well, concentrate and press play then I could finish my studies, start to have a functional relationship with friends and maybe even meet a partner if Im lucky, eventually get a real job and career and be to be able to fit into western society and function. Right now It looks bleak if I cant get my shit together in time. ', 'My moods just sad/ hopeless . This advice is good advice though. ', 'Thanks :) ', 'I have a lot of classic type books that I started bit havent finished- Hyperactive behavior 1984, on the road, women in love, Shakespeare plays etc. I Hyperactive behavior Tim winton and am halfway through a mirokami book. I started to book thief too. All not finished. Sigh', 'Yeah I take medication for the ADHD- dexamphetamine, but only a small dose coz my doctor is worried it might make me swing up, as she is working with a possible Bipolar Disorder diagnosis at the moment. So also on lamotrigine. Was on lithium and will most likely go back on it, I had a scary toxicity on it a few weeks ago so had to stop it for the time being. ', 'I Hyperactive behavior the practical side of teaching children new concepts, helping them understand in the classroom, I can do this, but to get the point of being able to do this as a full time job I have to study and do all the boring stuff at Uni - without the ability to do that I cant do what I want. To do what I want I first have to do what I hate, this is the case with most careers isnt it? I just need higher tolerance and less laziness to get through the stuff I dont Hyperactive behavior so I can eventually do something that I do Hyperactive behavior. ', 'Ok that sounds serious, will have a talk with her before I try to decrease anything. ', 'So did that method help not getting bad withdrawals? ', 'What was the deleted comment??', 'As a woman welding could be a challenging area to get into because of sex discrimination not entirely gone from the workplace in Australia. But as you suggested I do consider seriously the option of a vocational occupation helping and may very well go down that path. I still may encounter the same issues of concentration and Anxiety Mental Depression no matter what career path I start upon.'] | Indicator | 369 |
user-390 | ['this is a sad story for sure and I am telling you now from someone who came from some messed up stuff as a kid..I dont feel Hyperactive behavior sharing on here and it had to do with my mother as well...she Ventricular Dysfunction, Left when I was 15 and I thought things would get better and the woman my dad started dating was worse (Again you dont know my story just know it was fucked) I had to leave because I could not handle living there under that roof I had barely any money and thought it was going to be terrible...It wont be you are so young and I want you to know now that you are on your own learn to love yourself and start a life that you want you are now in control do you know how good that will feel...also become what your mother is not and as hard as it is forget what she has done to you she is a piece of shit she wants you to fail on your own she thinks she has set you up for it DONT FAIL its going to be hard but keep on going..also your little Disturbance in mood sister saying "we will be so good when you are gone" wrong you will be so good they will have no one to attack anymore and just you wait your mother will turn on your sister its all she is used to bullying someone...As for this bf of yours lose him you cant Anxiety about someone who doesnt care enough to treat you how you deserve..sometimes you need to be alone to find yourself :) Please please try as hard as you can to see the good in this you are out no more of your mothers attacks'] | Indicator | 390 |
user-195 | ['>I dont know you or your situation but I invite you to consider whether your family would be sad, confused, angry, and devastated if you were to end your own lifeWhat family? My workaholic father that has no time for me, or my mother thats dying of Malignant neoplastic disease and Bed-ridden more days than not? OH or how about my siblings that were all adopted at or near birth so they never grew up with me so they have no attachment to me.I hate to be a negative nancy, and I know it sounds like Im shooting you down for trying to help... to be honest i appreciate the attempt.. but mentioning friends/family just reminds me how alone I really am.', '>Im terribly sorry youve gotten such horrible SW hotline connections. They should not be working at that job if theyre making comments like that.Well, in his defense, maybe he was trying reverse psychology?? By ordering me to do it, he expected me to say "NO FUCK YOU I DONT WANNA DIE!!" ... but no, I told him hes a fucking asshole and hung up on him.>You are needed. Even if right now it seems like you arent, they still love you and want you. They just dont see you that often- which doesnt indicate a lack of love or appreciation.Incorrect. I dont even know most of my family. Never met family on my dads side and the only people I interact with on my moms side is my mom.. and shes dying of Malignant neoplastic disease and will be gone soon anyway.>Maybe take some vacation time off soon and just move home for a week- be surrounded by those who love you.I thought about that, but the best I could do would be to see my dad.. and he works ALL THE TIME. Even when hes home, hes not really there because hes in his office, working his life away. His wife and stepson are there, but they dont really know me (they all met after I had long moved out of the house), so Id be in my dads house.. but not really "home" if that means anything.', 'He said Im not "bad enough" for FMLA because Im only entertaining Suicidal ideation, not sitting here, blade in hand about to actually do it.He doesnt want to change medications yet, but he thinks the problem is that I havent seen my therapist in several weeks so I havent had anybody to talk to so Ive just been bottling stuff in and THATS why I feel so much like crap right now.Maybe hes right. Maybe I should make an appointment with my therapist again, now that I have a regular work schedule.', 'appointment made. i finally have a goal -- survive the next week.', 'Sadly Im waaaaaay too ADD for meditation. Ive tried it so many times and I always either fall asleep, or catch a particularly distracting thought and chase it to see where it leads.I have found, however, that CREATING calms me. Ive been making a scrapbook, creating my first AMV, decorating my apartment. Somehow, just the act of creating seems to put the destroying tendencies at bay.', '>They wont be better off without you.They really are. My therapist and I have discussed it. Im toxic to people around me. I Pain them without meaning to, I drag them into my world. Letting them free to be happy, to not have to be around me, thats the best thing I can do, over and over. Ive finally given up both on dating and on trying to maintain any sort of a really close friendship. I just work, play video games, and focus on my schoolwork. It keeps my days fairly busy, if nothing else.', 'Ive only been using pot to sleep. Doctors got me on Deseril for sleep now.', '>I also visited therapists, got prescribed meds, all kinds of stuffThe thing is, it DID help until situational factors came crashing down on me. I lost my best friend (his wife thinks Im trying to steal him away from her -- im not -- but she still doesnt trust me) and the only people I could ever lean on for Emotional upset support at work (which is where the friend and I know each other) now sit on the other side of the building from me. I sit there listening to music in one ear and taking calls in the other. I dont even have a reason to sign into the corporate messenger program anymore -- theres nobody that wants/needs to talk to me... and all this is after just one day of being moved. I was fine with the breakups I was going through (yes, two of them. guh.), fine with the car problems and the not having the money to go visit my mom like I had planned (she lives in Europe, Im in the U.S.), even fine with the fact that my stats at work are shit and I may be fired soon and fine with the fact that I may lose my scholarships for next semester because I ended up saying "fuck it" and just stopped doing my homework assignments.... but.. well... then this other stuff came out of the woodwork and I, for lack of a better term, snapped. More and more and more just keeps piling on me.Its worse late at night. I cant play video games, watch tv, read, listen to music, nothing. I sit there for hours, just sobbing. Thats when it scares me the most.. when I can do nothing but think about all the things that have gone wrong, and couldnt find a way to distract myself if my life depended on it.. and I Fear that one night soon, it just might.Thus far, at least, Ive eventually managed to just end up Crying so much that my body gives up and I fall asleep. Last time I was this bad, that phase went away eventually and then I couldnt even sleep .. but then again I do have the Deseril now.. so .. well see..', 'Im meeting with my psychiatrist in 20mins to discuss changing medications, and the possibility of getting FMLA from work so I can be hospitalized without losing my job.'] | Behavior | 195 |
user-404 | ['I have a lot of depressing hip-hop so if you want more let me know. 1. [Love Aint - CunninLynguists ft. Tonedeff]( [Rain - CunninLynguists]( [Die For You - Mr. SOS]( [Dont Play This Song - Kid Cudi]( [Born Alone - Prolyphic & Reanimator]( [Walk Alone - The Roots]( [Monsters In My Head - Slaughterhouse]( [Suicide Letters- Tech N9ne]( [I Wish I Was Dead - Kno ft. Tonedeff]( [Bottom Of The Bottle - Grieves]( [Alone - Tech N9ne ft. Krizz Kaliko]( [Hello Walls - Krizz Kaliko ft. Tech N9ne]( [Lost & Confused - Thai Viet G]( [Blast Myself - Z-RO]( [He Wont Answer - Grieves]( [Low - Tech N9ne]( [Searching For Some Beautiful - Sadistik]( [Save Yourself - Sadistik]( [Bad Dreams - Nine Leaves]( [Apt. A9 - Nine Leaves](', 'Accurate as fuck.', 'If you listen to depressing stuff to make you feel better, then check out Sadistik. Even if youre not a hip hop fan, you can probably still enjoy how poetic he is. His stuff has pretty much kept me alive for the past few years.Heres a song from each of his albums:', 'Pure hopelessness'] | Supportive | 404 |
user-275 | ['Jesus, you still have it after two years? Ive never taken more than 20...well except one time when somebody slipped it to me...50 is a lot. ', 'How do you get that training?', 'Wow. I have an "abnormal brain". I think the combination of the caffeine and theanine is the trick...although I havent tried the theanine supplements alone. You get the lift, but are also relaxed.Is there good evidence that caffeine is contraindicated for bipolars?', 'That seems to contradict my experience. ', 'This is a serious question: Why are blackouts bad? ', 'At 0:24 you see a look of genuine concern pass over Antonys face. Then he storms in full of anger.Vorenus is a military man and will not be consoled by calming words. Antony thus speaks to him in language that he will understand. The language of the battlefield and training ground. Antony demands why he hasnt killed himself. This seems cruel, but it is not. By asking "why have you not done your duty and opened your stomach?" he reminds Vorenus that Vorenus has already chosen to live. Vorenus is a Stoic, and thus fears nothing but that he will fail to do his duty. Antony wont tell him its not his faut. That wont help him. And its a lie. He fucked this one up. Fucked it up bad. And rather than pull him out, Antony meets him where he is. Vorenus is a man of action. Through the series he is Confusion by sentimentality and human relationships, but he is at home when he acts. His only possible redemption is in action. Antony promises him a mission, a chance to be useful, to once again serve Rome, to ride on the wind of his duty. At 3:02, Antonys face softens. Instead of "Centurion" Antony calls him"Lucius." And then he pulls him in for a genuinely tender hug.\xef\xbb\xbf', 'Decaf tea might be a possibility. Herbal teas do not contain theanine, so theres no help there. ', 'Have you considered, instead of killing yourself, isolating yourself from society? You could join a monastary, or work in antartica. ', '1)That however much I crave death, I still have work to do on this earth. "I would love that above all things sir. But, Dis is my master, and he will take me when he chooses. At present he wishes me to suffer. Here. On this earth." 2)That I need to pull myself together. "STAND AT FUCKING ATTENTION WHEN I"M TALKING TO YOU" 3)That I need the influence of those who will pull me out of Mental Depression and get me back on track. (Pullo goes and fetches Antony.)4) That I need professional help. Pullo is unable to help Vorenus, so he goes to Antony. Antony is Hyperactive behavior a shrink."Hes gone awry, sir. I dont know whats to be done with him." 5)The importance of routine and ritual (Vorenus immediately responds to his military conditioning.) 6) The source of my grief is that my friend killed himself. I turned my back on him. Literally turned my back. I know, intellectually, that its not my fault, but those words dont help me. "Caesar is dead, and it was as good as you held the knife"7) That I must not let Mental Depression spiral out of control and make things even worse:"Not content to let our great father die, you start a damn war on the Aventine that threatens to engulf the whole fucking city!" 8) That no man is beyond redemption...not even me. ', 'You dont understand. Im not worried about her, Im worried about ME! ', 'I take it too. Its wesome!', 'Thank you for the compliment. I havent seen my shrink in a long time, but I have an appointment. And I am medicated.Thank youfor the probing questions...I think I learned a lot writing this. ', 'When she said the gun was unloaded and she had no bullets, I said ".38?" Indicating that I could go get my own bullets. That went right over her head. I wanted to prove it. But I was wrong, you cant just buy a bullet. Thank God. She is clueless and insensitive. After all, says she, the Ache of losing a college buddy is nothing compared to a father and a brother!She knew I was watching that "Rome" clip over and over. "Caesar is dead and it was you that as good as held the knife!" I showed it to her, and she didnt get it. ', '"I would Hyperactive behavior that [suicide] above all things. But Dis is my master and he will take me when he chooses. At present, he wishes me to suffer. Here, on this earth. \xef\xbb\xbf" wont kill myself, because I never want to make anyone feel the way I feel now. ', 'I tried seroquel. It put me into DEEP depression, Hyperactive behavior staying in bed all day. ', 'Yeah...the ritual can get fairly elaborate, as in the Japanese or korean tea ceremony. ', 'God. Story of my life. I spend hours pacing back and forth thinking through porjects, but I dont finish them.', 'Good?'] | Attempt | 275 |
user-454 | ['You will always have something left, even when everything feels so hopeless right now. You have yourself, the fact that you posted on here is enough to how that you do still care about yourself on some level. Please, you are worth the time, promise. The real tragedy in life really isnt dying, its what we let die inside ourselves while we live. Theres always time for you to write your happy ending, and it doesnt need to be spelled out with alcohol and Xanax. Youre more than worth our time, please feel free to message me! Sending some Internet hugs your way, lovely. '] | Supportive | 454 |
user-141 | ['Yes. Whenever Im walking around alone at night I wish some murderer would just jump out and kill me. Or I could save someone else, me dying in the process. I wish someone would just kill me because I cant get around doing it myself yet. I wish something bad would happen to push me over the edge so I can just will myself to kill myself.', 'Definitely. Its many decades away, but fuck I dont want to be an old man. Im not even in my 20s yet but I still think "fuck Im going to be old one day, an old decrepid fuck. Im going to live a boring monotonous life and one day Ill be a old man. If you think no one cares about you now, just you wait until your old, youll see how little care people have for you".Upside is Ill probably succumb to suicide way before then, probably before I even get to 20. Damn it, mum why didnt you just abort me.', 'Ive been on two different anti depressants, neither have done owt for me. Its fucking ridiculous, these were my last hope.', 'I hate how everyone seems to have Depression these days, so when you actually have it people just expect you to "get on with it" just because they did when they were "depressed".', 'When you want to kill yourself but its too much effort to think about methods.', 'I relate to all of this, especially the social media. I see people being judgy and being nasty to each other things beyond control, and it fucking sucks. Especially when it could be applied to me, this Depression has made me proper sensitive, the slightest insult makes me suicidal.'] | Ideation | 141 |
user-365 | ['Wow. That is truly terrible. You make it sound as though its her that really has the issues. Im starting to think you were just unlucky meeting your ex and youre realizing shes actually Megacolon, Toxic human being. I should be careful saying things Hyperactive behavior that, but yours is the only perspective I have to go by. Please dont be offended by this, but her leaving you was probably the best thing for you. The big thing is how to stay a part of your girls lives. Having been a kid once, I can tell you I started thinking for myself around my mid teens. I think most kids start to realize not everything their parents say is actually true. Then it begins. You start wondering "How much of it was true". You start thinking back on all the things they said. Ice cubes dont float because theyre cold and want to be closer to the sun. Some things were right, but enough wasnt that I went out of my way to form my own conclusions. I feel its bound to happen for them. For now, even if they are supervised, be there anyway. Eventually theyll get Nausea of maw hanging over them telling them what to say. Someday, they might even ask you why you made their mom Crying Reflex, Abnormal. Theyll wonder what was really going on, and theyll reform an old opinion of their dad.I cant offer you any parenting advice beyond that. Im not a father and things arent looking favorable in that department for me. But I am the child of parents. Ive realized being a parent is such an incredibly bumpy road. What to do right. What to say when. All parents will make mistakes. Probably lots and lots of them, but at the end of the day, making mistakes or making successes isnt your job as a parent. Your job is to be supportive and love your children unconditionally. Theyll forgive you for your mistakes, but theyll love you for always being there whenever they need you.Try to always have some way for them to be in contact with you. Weather the storm of supervised visits for now. Even if its just emailing back and forth, its something. They sound too young right now for things Hyperactive behavior that, but the day will come faster than you think.', 'Oh.. I see. Your wife is vilifying you in the eyes of her children. An incredibly rotten thing to do to the father of your children. Hate this because I told you to hate this! I dont know you guys so I dont know if its a justifiable course of action on her part... but I know its Depressed mood.I think you both might be selling your daughters short if you think they wont bother to form their own opinions in do time. Isnt there some legal course of action you can take where the court forbids a parent from moving across the country? I think you have a strong case since you can provide a much more stable atmosphere to raise kids in. Dont count yourself out of the parenting race just yet. Youre not done being a father just because of a divorce. Youll always be a father for as long as your girls live. Theyll need you less and less if they had good parents, but for most people, parents are Hyperactive behavior anchors to their kids. Losing a parent is Hyperactive behavior being a tight rope performing and losing your security net. Theyre only little girls still. Personally, I would live a life that contradicts all the negativity my vengeful ex says. Live by action of good virtue. If she tells them the sky is green and they see in fact that it is not green at all... Its Hyperactive behavior in a way shes giving you all you need to prove you are a good man and a good father. Like in involuntary set up. I think you owe it to yourself and and girls to prove everyone wrong. If you cant keep them from moving to Florida, people are much more connected over long distances now-a-days. You can chat online face to face or play games with a headset and mic together. You can insure you will always be available day to day for them and maybe still have some fun together in the process. I think youre in a better position to turn things around then you realize. Thats emotions for you. At first they overpower everything else. Then rational reasoning and logic pummel it into submission. Its just a matter of waiting for that Anger truck to crest that dune and crush those cars. I hope you rock the heck out of 2014. 13 was an unlucky number. ', 'Its hard not to see things Hyperactive behavior that though. Its the most simplest way try to trivialize someones problems by pointing out others have it worse or people with the same problem overcoming it. I wish I could say I was better than that, but Im guilty of it as well. I read posts here written by sad people, but they say they have this or that and actually seem to be doing quite well.. aside from their sadness. Its something Ive been on both ends of though. Perhaps as a benefit of dealing with it personally, Im far more understanding and compassionate about other peoples issues. Two people can have the same problem but one can solve it and the other can not. How can the problem be worse if its the same? Its almost Hyperactive behavior theyre not problems so much as mental barriers that are thinner for some and thicker for others. Some can walk through it Hyperactive behavior its tissue paper or even air, and others can hammer at it for years and year. Even indefinitely.I would mirror what the others have said, but they said it better than I could. If your normal friends wont listen, there are people online that will.', 'Im not sure how to say this without it coming across as negative but Ill say it anyway, she comes across as selfish and immature. Even playing games with you. She isnt being understanding or compassionate about your feelings or problems. She just compounds them and makes it worse, even preying on it. Seems Hyperactive behavior you even realize that. Shes shrugging you off and dismissing your feelings and prioritizing her own. I dont know you but she probably does. She probably thinks you wont do anything to jeopardize the relationship.Youve a far greater tolerance threshold than me. I obviously dont have the benefit of not being in that position, but being a compliment dispenser and ego booster to someone Hyperactive behavior that would wear thin real quick. Then again, she could be some sort of genius and is willingly giving you valid reasons to get over her so its easier for you. That would be impressive actually. Anyway, I Forgetfulness the name of the movie, but there was a line Michael Cain said that really hit me. Being an Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Adult isnt about doing the things you want do, its about doing the things you dont want to do. Unless she turns out to be a manipulative genius, its clear youre the only Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Adult in this scenario. Im at a bit of a loss to be honest. I find it wasteful to toss away people I have a long history with. Putting in all that work and effort for nothing. Investment of time with zero returns. Sure sometimes its for the best, but other times I dont want to lose it. If she really wants to be your best friend and isnt just saying it to placate you, she needs to start taking you much more seriously. Best friends dont generally blow you off so easily. Maybe her definition of the term is looser than mine.I hope you come out alright from this. If you have to walk through the living room while she watches tv to pack boxes or a suitcase/bags into your car for her to get the message. Actions speak louder than words. Might make her start taking you more seriously. Good luck. This is one of those really crappy ugly life hurdles not everyone is fortunate enough to get to tackle. When you do triumph over this one though, the others might be a cake walk. ', 'How did you end up in such an isolated location? You make it sound Hyperactive behavior your in one of those old 1930s scientific huts they set up in the arctic to study ice or blistering cold wind. You did say up here. Sounds Hyperactive behavior at one point you were not so isolated? A new job in a new city?I cant agree that youre a fuck up if you have you own place (although isolated and surrounded by ice and snow) and also net access. Seems Hyperactive behavior youve done some things right. I wish I could never celebrate another birthday personally. If you have no reference in time to mark against yourself, or you dont have birthdays, could you live younger and longer if you arent any older? Science should find out and just prove birthdays are bad for you once and for all so I can have an easier time getting out of them. If you didnt know/forgotten your birthday and someone asked you how old you were, youd say I dunno. Its up to your mind to be however old you think you might be. But if you know beyond any doubt your 35 for example. Youll try and force yourself to be 35. Its tough to talk about life. Everyone has their own thoughts on it. Philosophy I guess is the word. Recently, and Ive thought about this topic for over 2 decades, I have to ask myself why we have to label points on everything. If grass grows out in a meadow where nothing will ever eat it, its still grass. It exists. Not everything has to be overly analyzed and given purpose and point and significance. Like interpreting dreams. Its a waste of everyones time. That said, I think its different individually. Some people give themselves a point to existing and try to better society. Invent computers and tablets and airplanes. Other people will type on a computer, maybe use a tablet, and perhaps fly on an airplane some day. Some people will make a difference in the majorities mind, others will sit at home all day and get Drug abuse. The point is points are trivial. They matter only as much as they matter on an individual basis. Its devoting importance to something that questionably doesnt need none. Like human sacrificing atop Drug abuse temples to make the sun rise or the crops grow. Thats why this is one of those topics that weve been blabbering on through out human history. Its obvious if no conclusion has been made by now, there is no right answer to life. You could simply simplify everything and just try to be happy. Easier on paper, not always in practice. I dont have to invent some world ending bomb, space travel super engines, whatever. Just be happy in the pursuit of happiness. Some days youll break even between sad and happy. Most moments might be sad. But if Zombieland teaches anything, its the small things that matter. The small things that make all the difference.', 'Hi. Please dont take my opinion as written law from upon Drug abuse. Its just my humble opinion on a few of the things youve said. They are what I personally believe.1. Intelligence is a curse. If you couldnt think things Hyperactive behavior this up, wouldnt you be happy? Im sure youve heard the old saying "Ignorance is bliss"? I firmly believe it to be truth. The less you know about how everything works, the more joy youll get out of life. Just as a few examples-Chocolate! MMm... contains feces and bug parts-the beach! Yay! Mostly poop death and bacteriaSome of the happiest people on Earth live in the poorest places. If youre poor, you dont receive a good education, yet their among the happiest people on Earth? There is nothing wrong in knowing what you want to know. If people put you down for not knowing everything, theyre not good people.I cant comment much on your appearance... but I can say that most everyone is their biggest critic. Actually, I can say with almost complete faith that youre not ugly. It doesnt matter what you think you look Hyperactive behavior but what others think you look Hyperactive behavior. There are 7,000,000,000 people walking this Earth. Trust me, the odds that several hundred millions of people think you look damn good are quite Drug abuse. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.As far as girls go... girls are weird man. Since theyre not all the same, theyre tough to really pin down. I can say that if a woman loves you, its usually for the person you are inside that theyre attracted to, not so much outside Hyperactive behavior it is for quite a bit of guys. At least the women you should be interested seem to follow that train of thought. If they Hyperactive behavior you for your personality, suddenly your the most attractive guy on the dance floor.Of course you can change your face without surgery, but you can change your body. Not overnight, but it benefits you in a number of ways.-The ladies love strong arms. There was a video on youtube where they hid a tiny camera on a Genital Diseases, Male model and had him approach random women and they would track the movement of their eyes to determine the first thing they notice about a man. Arms was number 1. -Google "Runners High". it exists. Its a thing. Regular exercise makes you feel better over all. Hell... I absolutely hate working out, but it helps me stay in a better frame of mind then if I dont. So please.... dont beat yourself up over these things. Take inventory of how you are now. You have work. You have income. You probably have a car to get to work? You voluntarily read scientific articles? You have a desire to improve yourself? My friend... you are far from the piece of shit that you think you are. Id honestly say your ahead of the game. \xe2\x80\x9cI dont know what my IQ is. People who gloat about their IQs are losers\xe2\x80\x9d\xe2\x80\x95 Stephen Hawking ', 'Its more "you could have everything to live for". Some people are aggravatingly lucky in life and dont have to work for their dreams to fall in their lap. Others have to bust their ass and then some and may never find it. When someone says life is unfair... thats what theyre talking about. So youre right. Telling you you have everything to live for probably wont make a difference if youre not willing to find reasons to live for.Lately, Ive been on the fence as to whether being alone is actually a bad thing. Maybe Ive simply been alone so long that its become my Hypothermia, natural state of being and Im just accepting that reality. I can tell you though that the only thing in all the world I want is that perfect someone to grow old with. Its Hyperactive behavior the one thing thats forbidden to me. Like Im chained up and its just out of reach. There it sits glowing a golden shine. I wish I could tell you how exactly I deal with it, but the main thing is that I simply dont give a fuck anymore. Im currently in no position to do jack squat about it and Im so pessimistic that Ill ever find it even if I can. So... bleh. Whatever. Yes... it creeps up on me some days and makes things unpleasant. Its never been the thing that makes me Crying Reflex, Abnormal though.Depending on what kind of companionship youre looking for and whether or not you have a method of transportation, I think for you at least its a matter of finding a place to put yourself where there are lots of people. Christmas was the first time Id Ventricular Dysfunction, Left the house in almost a year because I live in the boonies and dont have a car. Anyway, if you have the means, then its about finding the ways right? All you gotta do now is put yourself around people, flex your biceps and wink a bit, hope for the best. Doesnt work out? Move Hyperactive behavior the suave nomad you may be to greener pastures and try there.I wish I could tell you where to go and be but I dont know, and I dont know what you would Hyperactive behavior. I do know however that there are groups doing things all over the damn place. The hard part is finding them. Theres moviephiles that see movies together and discuss it latter, theres book clubs, comedy troupes, new job, cooking classes, dance classes, etc, yada yada yada.In the meantime, work on improving yourself. Sculpt yourself into someone worth being with. You proooobably dont have to. Lots of people would love and accept you for who you are now, but its not entirely for them either. Standing yourself enough to be alone with yourself is something a lot of people never achieve. I feel Hyperactive behavior its something that should allow you to place yourself on a higher pedestal then people that cant. Like someone who has attained true independence. You dont >NEED!!< constant companionship with any random shmuck you dont even care about. Im doing a crap job explaining probably what I Irritable Mood so Ill stop there to avoid embarrassing myself further.', 'Im sorry. You were quite vague so I dont really know how to appropriately respond. What I can say is that 1-way love is not love. I can also say that women prefer men that have been in prior relationships. Its an attractive quality the majority of the time. My point is, you probably wouldnt be alone or unloved for very long. If youre wife is really going to move on, then you are certainly just as capable. Life is all together to short. Most good guys will always love the mother of their children. My point is, if you love her then you should want for her to be happy. As the father of her children, she should want the same. Move on. Im sorry if thats too blunt or bordering on tough love but if your relationship isnt salvageable and one of you isnt interested in making it work and fixing the broken wagon wheel, theres really nothing else for you to do then is there?Im not going to disclose my life to you, but I will say this and I might get in trouble for it... if this was a lawless world, Id save you the trouble and assume your identity. Sorry if thats a bit callous. You have far far too much to just flush it down the crapper. Maybe if you never had a wife. Never had kids. Never attained financial stability and security. Never had a home. Never this and never that. But you do. You have all those things and you can have that 1 thing again. Maybe even better with someone willing to work on the relationship because you are worth it to them.Again, I apologize if I came across as insensitive. I understand this temp life change is getting you down. Its definitely a big one. But all I see is happiness in your future. Its difficult talking about this without upsetting someone or stepping over the line. I cant wrap my brain around why you want to die. You sound Hyperactive behavior a winning tiger blooded Adonis of society. Is it to spite or Chest Pain her for leaving you?You say youre too in love. You are choosing not to move on. Not to move on now. Is that what you would choose 1-2 years from now? Id say taking time to yourself and not moving on is the healthy thing to do. Id think something was wrong with you if you replaced your wife within a month. Taking time to collect yourself is normal and healthy. The hopeful in me does wish you could sit down with your wife and work it out. Does she know how much you love her? Do you tell her or show her with romantic feats? Have you guys considered relationship counseling? If she is willing to work then work man. If shes cheating on you then how could you love her so much still? Well anyway. Id wish you the best of luck, but I genuinely believe that if you dont kill yourself, you probably wont need my good wishes. I know the old other fish in the sea adage is Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to hear, but you sir are a god darn marlin. Dont think of it as the end. Think of it as the beginning of something potentially better. Thats what it can be if you let it.I change my mind. I will wish you good luck. I dont care if you dont need it. Youll fall through the ringer of a broken heart. Itll be hard. But youll come out the other end stronger and better. Its the start of a new year. ', 'I have a friend that has told me similar stories. She would tell me that shed lock herself in her soon and avoid knives because she was afraid of Depressed mood herself and other people. Like an overwhelming sensation to go stab Abnormal behavior had washed over her. Shed sit trapped in her room for over a week sometimes. I never got that. It isnt something I personally ever experienced. Maybe its a female thing.I cant really tell from what you said what is the cause of your sadness."mfw my friends dont know shit about how much I want to kill myself"If you cant talk to your friends and comfort each other in hard times than maybe theyre not the quality of friends that deserve you."mfw I literally got told at my party by someone that they dont respect me because Im still a virgin."Fuck em. No not literally. Thats one Depressed mood close minded person. Look, I dont want to trivialize this for you but youre only 20. Not only that but youre not a guy. Society views virgin females with a much more forgiving eye than males. Trust me. Guys are outcast from the human species if theyre still virgins after 25. All because Depressed mood media and brain dead sheeples making mountains out of nothings.I would stop broadcasting it to everyone though. Its a personal thing and sadly because its a topic of fierce scrutiny, a secretive thing. The only person you should ever tell is the guy/girl youve been dating and becoming close with. If they have feelings for you, they wont care. That goes for 30, 40, 50+ year old virgins as well. The people that matter dont care."mfw someone was really Depressed mood at my party and every time I saw them I wanted to stab myself and scream because I wasnt allowed to show myself not having a good time because then people will just assume Im being a jealous bitch."Its surprising hearing about a Depressed mood person throwing parties. Im not gonna do the others. Im starting to feel Hyperactive behavior " max dose of anti depressants" could be the problem. Just Hyperactive behavior they recommend getting a 2nd opinion with your health issues, so to should they for mental health issues. I think its pretty clear these anti depressants arent working and could even be compounding the problem. I cant guarantee that they are, but it may be worth talking to your doc about it. Or a different doc altogether. Also, and I was apprehensive about typing this, it seems some how to me that youre maybe slowly realizing the things you thought were important in Drug abuse school are slowly revealing themselves to be the true petty bullshit things that they really were. The real world hits a lot of people Hyperactive behavior... well Hyperactive behavior the world came Drug withdrawal syndrome down on you. Seeking the attention and acceptance of crappy people. Putting on a fake mask for those around you. Not losing your virginity at 15. All crap. Im probably grasping at the few straws you gave me but, it seems Hyperactive behavior your just slowly coming to terms with that. Waving bye to an old life and not knowing much about forging a new one, but the old ways are familiar ways? pthpthtp... maybe Im just blowing hot air by this point. Anyway, I truly wish you the best. I hope you can find that unseen rope in the dark and pull yourself out of the stinky hole. One last thing! Males are easy. Im one I know. Dont just give it to any Irritable Mood that sees you as a challenge or a conquest because he found out your a virgin. Save revealing that to them till later dates. Find someone that loves you first. Not loves taking your virginity. Theres a difference. 1 is a person of quality. The other is a shit ball douchie-fruit that will brag about it to his bros and kick you to the curb when hes done with you. Dont be afraid to pm people here and strike up a convo. Probably not so much with me since as you might have guessed, we dont have a lot to relate to lol. Maybe Kate though. You guys could pwnt noobs in free internet games Hyperactive behavior TF2 or dota or whatever. Try to have a little fun day to day. It really helps. I hope things start looking brighter. ', 'Its odd you mention faith but talk about suicide. Im with you though. I think theres something to be said about a couple that goes the distance. Probably why Im not married myself. I havent read the Bible in a long long time, but I dont find its reasonable by dealing in such absolutes or offering a guide on how to handle a failing relationship. More of a grin and bear it no matter how sad and Depressed mood it makes both of you. Human beings are fickle. We can believe one thing today and another a month from now. We can think someone is perfect for us and realize latter theyre not. It is no ones fault, its in our nature. However, I do think its more than possible to find that person that will go the long haul with you. I Irritable Mood, you can see couples that have done it. Its a definite possibility and simple (lol) matter of finding it.If you do decide some day to be loved again, this experience will have taught you a great deal you could employ in your next. You can try to insure the next one is seriously in it to win it. To grow old with you and help you spoil your grand kids. Dont be in such a rush to put a ring on someone. That Beyonce song is a load of crap. You can get a better feel for things next time. See if her parents are still together. Kids with their original parents generally try to make a relationship work because thats what they grew up around. More so if even their grandparents are still together. It is what the know to do ingrained from birth. Anyway, I hope you decide to try again. You cant be a man of faith up until it stops suiting you. I would also have to mirror what the others have said of your children. I dont know what ages they are, but giving them money and them knowing how to invest it wisely are two separate things. My brothers girlfriend lost her mother to a traffic accident. She doesnt work. She wont ever work. She lives off a trust fund made from her mothers life insurance money. She hasnt grown into an Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Adult. Incredibly immature. She isnt progressing and growing as an individual because shes been exempted from having to deal with real life problems Hyperactive behavior dealing with Irritable Mood coworkers or not getting her way 100% of the time. Dont let her know this but, shes a terrible human being.I mentioned kids who grew up with their original parents are used to following in their footsteps. loss of your life will leave significant ripples. It will have negative repercussions and inflict a deep wound. Its part of my inability to understand why you want to give up. You have way way too much now that I dont see how you could have the luxury of taking your life anymore. It would cause an incredible amount of pain.I understand not wanting to be around to see her happy. Ho boy. That would suck. Of course thats assuming she actually gets to be happy. Thats something thats kinda up in the air. If she isnt someone willing to make relationships work, shell have a far harder time with it then you will. Anyway, you dont have to die to never see someone again. Kids and trading custody stops when the youngest is over 18 right? Then you wont ever see her again with some luck because she isnt dropping the kids off anymore. She doesnt even have to get out of the car and see you. She could even make them walk from up the street. You can put further distance between each other as well. I Irritable Mood, Ive seen people at the grocery store a mile down the road that Ive never seen again ever. You dont have to go to such extremes as shutting your eyes and singing LALALALALACANTHEARULALALA!! to block someone out. Its much more easier than that. This is most assuredly a low spot in your life, but you have many potential Drug abuse spots to look forward to if you allow it. Im guessing your kids are still young. You seem to have gotten the short stick and ended up as the disciplinary parent lol? Your wife the fun one? Well, just as humans are fickle, so to especially are kids. They cant see that what you do for them is actually for their benefit until theyre old enough to reflect back on it and put the pieces together.', 'Its not so much about giving someone reasons as it is showing them that theyre reason for not arent as good as they think. Like you cant tell someone you know nothing about that friends and love is super awesome when they might be much more attuned to being lone wolfs that prefer to live in the forest and befriend loyal animals. Some people put career over family. Everyone is different. Thats what makes everything so hard. An answer isnt really an answer so much as a potential hinted suggestion. An upward inflectioned "maaaybeee diisss?"I tend to over simplify everything to make things as easy as I can. If someone is sad, the first thing they should do is go Sherlock on that shit and get to the bottom of it. Deduce the reason for being sad. Figuring out the cause is the most important part of pursuing a solution. I Hyperactive behavior to think most people that are sad can do this on their own. Usually the problem isnt as difficult to see as once they start looking. The big problem is when they cant.Depression has many causes. It can stem from so many variables. Maybe its your life situation. Maybe its a rocky relationship. Maybe its a hidden medical problem. Maybe its a genetic defect. Maybe its a chemical imbalance. Maybe its simply a vitamin D deficiency. Seeing problems in your life are far more visible than most the rest of these things and even professionals arent always interested in getting to the root of the cause. The first psychiatrist I talked to talked to me for 15 minutes and was already willing to prescribe me brain altering drugs in that short span of time. So, for a lot of people, the struggle really is finding someone genuinely interested in helping them. Not doping them up to ensure steady appointments to help pay off their summer home. If I made a list, it would look Hyperactive behavior this:1. Yourself2. Friends3. Family maybe. Personally I have closer relationships with friends4 Religious authority figure if you follow a particular faith.5. Therapist. Talk to a couple till you find one that hits your fancy. A therapist cant prescribe drugs usually. They mostly listen and provide feedback and everything said is confidential. Good ones are willing to work with you if you dont have insurance or its not covered by your insurance.6. Doctor. Get blood work done and a general check up. Maybe something internal is on the fritz7. Psychologist. Id only suggest them as a last desperate resort. Hopefully a good one that doesnt try to prescribe pills to you in the first 15 minutes. Find one that is more interested in finding the root of the problem then blanketing it or enuring job security.I dont discount the possibility that an individual can have solid well thought out valid reasons to not live. However, since there is so much a person can do to fix/work/improve their life that it makes your head spin... its incredibly incredibly rare. Even going into the extremes.This isnt for the Syncope of heart, and if medical abnormalities make you queasy, then I suggest you ignore this next sentence. Google Dede Koswara. Heres is a man I might say miiiiight have had good reasons if he ever even had any at some point, but once his story broke out, people the world over reached out and showed this man people are amazing. Its Hyperactive behavior he stood on the edge of an ocean and couldnt swim, then everyone voluntarily threw themselves into the water to form a bridge to help him get to the other side. Now he has aspirations to marry some day and see his grandchildren.It goes to show the lengths the better side of humanity will go to to help another. With the rapid advancement of medical science, I dont think its outside the realm of possibilities that Dede will some day be cured of his affliction. If this man can stay positive and hopeful...I think most the population naturally has a programmed desire to live and preserve life. Especially mammals. its a Hypothermia, natural instinct thats difficult to overcome. All the people that have attempted to here and either pulled themselves back or looked for any reason not to should be proof of that. Its a powerful force of nature in all of us. We wouldnt be here now as a species without it. I hit a deer 3 years ago coming home from Christmas at night going 77 mph. Totaled the car. Deer got up and actually made a run for the tree line. Almost made it. Would have made it if it could. In a way, were kinda Hyperactive behavior Terminators. "I can not self terminate." lol thats hilarious. Anyway, Im all done. Sorry for being so long winded. I hope some of it was insightful though for you. Have a better year this year. Good luck. :]', 'Hiya. A lot of what you said almost mirrors perfectly with myself. Hell, Im even the same age. Spooky.I have a real problem personally with leaving | Supportive | 365 |
user-67 | ['Hi.I do not want to scare anyone away from here. You are heroes. Some of us just arent looking for help. Maybe I shouldnt have posted here. ', 'Hi.Im sorry to scare you. There are lots of people on here looking for help. I did not intend to scare you away. Maybe posting here wasnt a good idea.I had some trouble buying a gun today. I thought I had all of the paperwork in order, but apparently they needed some other things I didnt have on me.'] | Behavior | 67 |
user-210 | ['I hope you dont go through with it and are happy.', 'I have no information that states the individual or any has tried to make changes to the sub. If you have some please provide it.> If you think drawing attention to this subs flaws is a bad thing, youre sadly mistaken. Especially with a subject such as Depression.Where did I do this? Please answer promptly as you have now smeared my name on here.All I said was if it was done in a different way it would not have attracted the attention of the bad element that has been causing the problems in the first place.> shouldnt have had to ask the mods in the first placeSubreddits change over time, many people may not have seen a problem. > I think if you are any representation to the way this sub is run, someone like OP should have made a thread a long time ago.Would you please explain that comment in terms of the words I have used on this sub. If you cannot an apology would be acceptable.> edit : and roaming downvote brigades. But as long as the select few feel special. Ill be subscribing for sure now.I dont understand what this means. Who is feeling special? You are subscribing for what reasons exactly?', 'Take your meds', 'What do you want? ', 'Doctors are there to help, that is there job, they have heard all of this before. Just relax and explain what is wrong, as you would any other illness. It will be fine.', 'It happens. I wrote a few works while depressed. But I realised that there is no real reason to have to. I think it was more of looking for a reason to live. In my opinion, get healthy and then work. Once you get through or just manage your Depression you will still have the same reason to work creatively. ', 'well thats not a bad way to be either', 'be less of a muppet or enjoy time on your own', 'Since early teens, every single day I have thought about it.', 'I want to die.', 'it will get better and you will be okay', 'I dont know. I really dont.Positives are I am still alive.But why stay alive is you are weighted down by this constantly It doesnt make much sense.Constant Anxiety and Depression is not a decent life.', 'Perhaps you should go and listen to your therapist then. And speak to your doctor. ', 'yeah gotta get on it more', 'Philosophy', 'Thank you for your thoughts.', 'shall do my friend', 'No, I never thought of it, who would fire me anyway? I am a wreck.', 'Im saving that 20 seconds of courage for when I jump :-(', 'I do not have money. I do not have a passport actually.', 'Ok', 'Just need to get some things in order.', 'older but successful and happier (truly mean this)', 'I am happy that you have found something like that in your life :-)', 'I try to help everyone I can. I am not a bad person really. I dont even want to make people sad when I die. I have found a place where it will look like an accident. It is Tired nice. Beautiful spot.', 'I understand. Realistically all that is open to me is minimum wage menial work. Everyone says study but I cannot afford that and dont think my mind would be able to study again. So the offer is if I am lucky get a minimum wager till I get fed up. Great. Just great. ', 'Writing. But I have failed at that.', 'I wrote many things, finished, completed, had great hopes for them. Cannot get a production or a publisher. All avenues are dust.', 'yes I think so', 'Well to be fair i cannot answer questions personally related to you.', 'I think I was trying to hopefully help someone who was feeling down is all. I am a failure. I am too old to change. I cant change. It is a truth I have come to accept. Why the date? Killing yourself in Jan is a cliche and Feb is wet here. Sounds stupid but thats it. ', 'watch out for yourself', 'well good luck', '> Most recently, Ive seen people who have done a quarter of what Ive done in the industry get my dream job and now theyre set for life.Many people will dismiss this if they read it but I absolutely agree. This happens to me all the time. People with 1/10th the talent and ability and hard work ethic walking - FUCKING WALKING - into positions I would excel at.I use the Feeling angry though, the frustration, it makes me want to succeed even more - PETTY? So fucking what?I dont know if this helps, it did for me. But maybe think about it. Channel the negative into this.Good luck', 'This was lovely thank you', 'no utterly worthless', 'Go to a country that offers free, English-language university education, e.g. Germany.What?', 'I dont have the money to move to be honest. It might be scarier to move. With all this baggage in a strange place. If you know what I mean.', 'OP it is the only thing keeping me alive at the moment.', 'Potential does not always work out. If you are wasting air you need to step aside.', 'Yes I do have one life. Mine. I chose to end it.', 'I am glad.', 'I dont disagree in what you are saying I disagree in the way that you did it. Very dangerous. I read 2 posts from users saying they wanted to post but were now afraid? That is not fair.And imagine if someone in real need is looking for help right now. Perhaps someone could have, but they are on here fighting or the poor child didnt bother to post because of some unwanted fear.It is a meaningless internet point. You have gone in the wrong direction here.', 'I dont see it. The reality is they will most likely get worse. Economic factors are unavoidable. ', '2 decades is enough. I cannot take any more failure.', 'If you are too much of a coward to defend your accusations shall I just tag you are such?', 'No I am tired. I have nothing. I never will. So much potential resulted in nothing but pain.', 'Answer that question and get back to us.', 'The job really is not important to me. I know that sounds arrogant but I just cant get excited over minimum wage in a shop at my age. That is if they are even out there. Recession in Ireland. Lots of people out of work. But the reality is I made a mistake with my degree. I thought I would be successful now. I cannot get my work taken by anyone. I have made my bed. I have failed. Maybe I set the bar too high, but that is where I will fall from. Onto the sand. The water can take me then. Perhaps I never will be found.', 'Sorry I was away from the internet. I looked into freelancing but I do not really have those skills. Sorry :-(', 'It has been 5 years since my last major episode, there have been a dozen minor ones in between but I cannot even do a basic exam or study with intensity for any period of time. I have a degree but I am unable to understand a lot of what I read.', 'Everything gives me Anxiety. Change is tough. No money or job, hard to find one here. In a position where my success is related directly to other people and there is nothing I can do about it.I dont know why I think about death all the time. Just feel like it is the natural state for me to be gone.That sounds stupid I know.', 'I wish you all the luck.', '33 hours. Fuck. I hope you get through it. ', 'All I am skilled is horrible min wage jobs that I cant even get. Its a pointless life. ', 'Your teachers used to bully you?Your parents tell you to fuck off?', 'I wish I could play it though it is fascinating.', 'I will try. I am afraid of getting attached. ', 'I go to one pub and like to watch Arsenal. I cant afford to go to a match really. I cannot own a dog as it would not be fair on the dog when I am dead.', 'They might. Or they might not.', 'I read some stuff and it did seem like it could help people so I would encourage others to.', 'I have been Depression clinically for two decades diagnosed. Every job I did made my Depression worse actually which is ironic.', 'I am sorry I just dont know if I have the energy any more ', 'I have no skills. I am not practical. I am weak. I have a liberal arts degree which is useless. Every job I did was minimum wage. That is all I can get. Sad really.', 'Why are you directing this at the userbase? The downvotes are coming from trolls who are not real subscribers or contributors to this sub. This is really misjudged my friend. And I think many of your upvotes are coming from the exact trolls who get a kickout of this. Just consider it.', 'I dont no. I think it is impossible to prove one way or the other but no.', 'Maybe I could. The shelter is many miles away without buses and I do not drive.', 'I make a lot of mistakes. People think I am worthless. I cause problems. I want to die quietly.', 'Every memory seems tinted though. That is the Depression.', 'I dont think you understand. They will upvote you, because they like the drama. They like the fact they are annoying subscribers on here. They will push you to the top so they can enjoy the fallout. ', 'In real life I am a cretin. I am alone.', 'be successful, cant do anything really, even on good days it only lasts a while', 'And you need one to teach :-(', 'I just was hoping other people might take solace is the conversation. I am gone.', 'I know this. I have said that my nerves will kill me before my Depression.I have no advice, I am still crippled, but I wish you the best. You can get through it, good luck', 'yes it does', 'You sound like you are 12. Go to a therapist and talk instead of insulting your friends.', 'I am physically ok it seems', 'why?', 'You could have asked politely and quietly, I think the ideas would have been taken on board by the community.> moderators capitulating the to the request/demand that improvements be made.Has anyone asked for these changes before? Mods?> In the end theyre only doing this subreddit a favor.Now you attracting all the worst parts of reddit to mess with the sub. You may have damaged it quite badly. This was badly misjudged my friend. ', 'I feel like one. Because of my failures. I think they are intertwined. ', 'I am awful at chess. I have never been so bad at a game than chess. ', 'Ive got a year so anything could happen. I will not be surprised if it gets worse.', 'I think I would be just a burden my friend. Way I am thinking now.', 'I cannot reconcile how anyone is to exist with such constant Pain. It does not seem practical. ', 'I have never heard of these jobs and after a Sharp Pain look around I doubt they are available here without some modicum of training in social work. ', 'Fill your life with other people who will care.', 'Please respond to my concerns, you have insulted and bad mouthed me on this subreddit. I wish to hear your explanations or an apology. ', 'Thanks, I took some time to myself since the post. Nothing really changed.', 'At the moment yes.', 'I am sorry but I think I have to. I cannot picture a life whereby I go to work, scrape enough to survive and return to an empty house for the next thirty years. Who would want that? Well maybe my ego. I am sorry.', 'Ireland.', 'Have you experience of this? I have friends in Berlin now who cannot find employment and whose money is running out. ', 'Seek help.', 'I have never heard of this in my country. I dont deserve it anyway. Other people should benefit from this.', 'This will soon make it to subreddit drama and you will have even more unfortunately. ', 'That is what I am thinking.', 'thank you', 'how do you know it gets better for meit probably wont', ':-(', 'I do but I will not say it to them.', 'Can you imagine working in Dunnes for minimum wage for the next 30 years? That is if I was lucky enough to get a job. Living in an overpriced rented house which takes most of your money? Coming home to nothing and no one. Watching RTE game shows in the evening. Crying. Afraid to get a dog because you wouldnt want it to starve if you decided to do something on the spur.Walking the city in the rain because you have nothing to do and no one to talk to. There is nothing there. It is empty. People pass content. You even envy the drunks arguing for at least they have someone to talk to. Summer ends and the last light goes down. It is orange. Tinted with strawberry but you see no beauty in it. Only shame. This will be my last summer. I might even go to the parade this year. Normally avoided it. I hate the fact we cant get guns easy in this country. I wont be able to cut myself, am terrified of things around my neck and pills are too dangerous. I am jumping off a cliff somewhere I know. It is lovely there. Perhaps it will be a sunny day. I want to die at sunset.', 'I like to drink. I like to watch the football on the television. I like dogs. ', 'Yes this is what I was thinking.', 'You shouldnt feel that much difference within mere hours of starting.', 'Nothing, it killed my love for it. I barely passed.', 'I dont get through every day well.', 'I understand.', 'I cannot get anything produced or published. ', 'Do you speak to a therapist? If not it might be a good idea. Your age is difficult for various reasons, and if you are feeling off it could be a variety of things. Why do your parents speak like that to you?', 'I have a bike, I must fix it up.', 'I unfortunately have a time limit.', 'I felt as much', 'Not at all :-)', '4 years now. I had a minor breakdown. The job situation is not the problem. I have hated every job I ever did and they contributed to my ill health. I am looking seriously now for anything in fear. I had one interview in 60 applications. I find solace only on friday evening when I know there will be no post from the government people. One more year. Thats it. I am Crying now. Happily Crying. One more year. Thats it. No more worries. Maybe it will come sooner if there is an accident. That would be good. Terrible childish thinking really. I am a grown man. Guess that makes it worse. I wish I had a handgun I could have an accidental discharge and no one would label me. ', 'no', 'No, are you on medication?', 'Unfortunately it is in a creative field and is out of my Weakness of hand for the most part. I submit and I wait and I am rejected. Cant afford to stage it myself. Doesnt matter anyway. Sorry about your father. :-(', 'me too, it was something small, i thought it was over, now i am here, have to leave house, break lease, sucks', 'Fuck that. Fuck them. Fuck your therapist who should be shot in the head.Do your own thing. Lie till you can move out.', 'I will have to look again. ', 'In my 30s now. Picked wrong degree. Applying for jobs as a car park assistant and a shop keeper part time. Wont be enough to live on. Seems rather bleak. ', 'No I dont find it frightening. I dont know what I think about it.', 'I am a waste. I am unemployed for years. I have no chance of anything other than minimum wage until I die. This is not a joke. I am mid 30s. I cannot afford to go back to college. There are no loans in this country like america. I let down everyone. I am constantly unhappy. I spent two decades like this. That is enough. I cannot say I did not try.', 'Oh mercy that is terrible. Hope you will be okay.', 'I cannot remember when I was last genuinely happy. That is the truth. I must have been a child.', 'I looked at the MFA. Cant afford :-(', 'Moderation - yes I have. No side effects outside of the normal - alcohol can be dangerous etc.', 'Mainly I would have to plan this event by saving out of 88 bucks a Asthenia (inc. food and bills) after I pay the rent. It is impossible.', 'Thank you.', 'No you are more important it should be about you. You seem to have real troubles.', 'my calling is to be a mid 30s man with no skill sets, unemployed for years who cant even get a min wage job in a shop and has no chance of reeducation or movement that is not life', 'Get diagnosed first. '] | Behavior | 210 |
user-168 | ['Additionally, I dont want to die by being killed by something or someone other than myself. If I didnt die by committing suicide then no one will know how much Pain ive been in. They might remember me and be like, yeah, she had Suicidal thoughts, but was never serious.'] | Ideation | 168 |
user-493 | ['in all honesty, though it was literally prison, and nobody there was anything Hyperactive behavior me. i wish i had never Ventricular Dysfunction, Left. it made me stronger and who i am today and i dont regret it for one minute', 'Message me. Ive been to my fair share of inpatient hospitals, also i take kpin too lol ', 'i dont really have much to say, but, the way you describe yourself. thats how i was (and still am on occasion) you just need a legitimate motivation. i would say get a pet, a life that depends on you, if you feel up to it at least. you show the will to force yourself to do stuff so you havent given in yet. in my experience getting a dog was the only reason i got up in the morning, did anything, got outside, it was the only reason i existed. to keep this animal alive, my soul purpose, then someone will stumble in front of you. you will find a person that your life can be dedicated to as well as your animal. and hopefully, eventually, you can care about yourself too. ', 'Im here all night, pm me', 'been held in a nyc one that was closer to prison for around 45 days, i feel you man, i feel you.', 'you dont have to feel hopeless, it feels Hyperactive behavior it, but you dont. life is hard, youre completely right, but every once and a while things happen that make the shitpool known as life worth swimming in. you dont really give much to go off of but PM me so we can talk.', 'Nature + dog = pure bliss. Just the look on mines face when we run is enough to change my mood', 'Sorry man i just wrote out what i was thinking, we should be worrying about people tho instead of wasting time on technicalities', 'Then just deal with this shit for your dog until you find something more. Also what kinda dog you got', 'You seriously do have a gift, the way that you express yourself through text is better than anyone ive ever met, maybe that can be your saving grace, or honestly i just got a dog, knowing that something else has an un-ending love for me and depends on me is what kept me out of the quicksand for long enough to find another way out. Ultimately as you implied at the end i have no say in things, such is life, the only thing in life that we have total control over is ourselves. And you have more fight in you than many others, you can articulate brilliantly (and you do) that you dont want this shit. But you are showing that you still have some fight Ventricular Dysfunction, Left in you and wil to go on, just by posting, even if you dont realize it. You can only change yourself, nobody else can, you have to be the one to pull yourself out of the quicksand, all of the spectators yelling to you do jack shit. It pisses me off when someone is on the brink and other people can only manage a "dont do it" or "keep fighting" as if we havent heard it 1 million times already. Im not going to pull you out of that sand, you are, not because i said to but because you truely wanted to. At some point in your life you have truely wanted it, maybe it is now as you stare death in his cold dark face, but you still have to escape that quicksand. With or without you there is going to be a tomorrow, its up to you whether you want that day to be brighter by your presence or darker by your absence. ', 'They really dont call them mans best friend for nothing haha. Holy shit that is one cute dog tho based on the breeds. I have a malamute who i love to death, is there a big ass forest or reservation near you where you can walk your dog? I find that it just takes off that edge to be with just your best friend and nature'] | Indicator | 493 |
user-375 | ['Hey, im 99% sure youre suffering from Derealization disorder. I discovered that I had that last year and just knowing what the thing is called helped me out a . I dont know if itll help you either, but there are a LOT of people that suffer from this.', 'I think that the main reason the police havent yet gotten involved is the corrupt nature of small town politics. His father has connections in the police department, not to mention that his grandfather is a judge. We were attempting to get him emancipated, but the obstacle of his grandfather coupled with the slim chance of success led us to abandon that plan of action. The reason that my teachers praise detracts from my ability to write well lies in the self consciousness that plagues me when Im complimented. I feel Hyperactive behavior I have to constantly meet or surpass her expectations to further feed the affirmation that I crave. I really do enjoy cooperating with my friend to achieve our mutual goals, but more and more it seems as if he is taking advantage of me. When I come up with a new scheme, he subtly attempts to accredit it to himself. That could just be me being Paranoia however. I want to help my other friend as well, but I havent the slightest clue how. I dont Hyperactive behavior playing the guitar all that much, but I dont want to disappoint him. I listen to music often to help Sedated state my nerves, specifically when I have thoughts of Suicide. I mostly listen to ambient piano or electronic music, but I have a wide array of tastes. I also read a lot. Going outside and meditating seems to be working wonders, however the peacefulness that results is usually fleeting. I appreciate you listening for this long. Talking really seems to bring some relief. Im not really looking for you to solve my problems, but an outside perspective is always valuable in situations Hyperactive behavior these. I also hope you dont mind the sudden change in tone from the previous replies, I just dont have opportunities to write out Hyperactive behavior this to another person much, especially on reddit where im likely to be labeled a thesaurus warrior even though seldom use one.', 'I dont think I would ever actually do it because of the Ache it would cause to the people who do care about me. That said, the thought consumes me. I usually cant go a day without wishing I could kill myself. Also, its been going on so long it doesnt really Shock me anymore when I get these thoughts. Its almost become normal. Unbearable, but normal. I should probably give you some background info so you can better grasp the situation at hand. Ive been having near constant thoughts of Suicide and self harm for at least the past four months. Sometimes it would get better, sometimes worse, but the of death always lurked underneath whatever positive demeanor I had adopted that day. Since I started at a new school, I began to feel better. Within a week I had found a group if friends that already liked me. And I met a cute girl who seemed interested in me. She invited me over to her house for a super bowl party, so of course I accepted. I met a girl there who was perfect. She was beautiful, had good Taste, Metallic in music, and actually liked me. She actually liked *me*! Long story short we cuddled a bunch and when it came my time to ask her out and or kiss her, I awkwardly screwed it all up. I still thought we were dating for a few days though, until she refused to talk to me. This obviously was a crushing blogs to my self esteem, which was already pretty much in the negative. Caitlyn, the girl who invited me to the party, came over a couple of times that week. We got closer and eventually ended up in my making out in my bed. We got touchy feely and eventually I thought I made her cum. She told me that it needed to stay between us, which I was fine with. The next day she told me we need to forget anything ever happened. I gave her a note asking to talk about it, and she replied "why? Its not Hyperactive behavior much happened anyway no offense.". It should be noted this was my first time even kissing a girl, so it was something to me to say the least. Anyway theres more but Im just gonna let you comment on that part first ', 'Thank you this seems Hyperactive behavior it would be very helpful.', 'Its not really about having a girlfriend, just someone who will support me unconditionally, and someone that loves me', 'Yeah, Ive got a few friends that Ive confided in, but the one whose opinion I care about the most just doesnt seem to care that much that Im suicidal, even though shes already been where I am.', 'The thing is she goes from saying she loves me and would do anything for me to just kind of disregarding me', 'Every day.', 'Not op but Im in the same boat. I actually cut myself last Thursday for the first time and by the end of the weekend I had over 140 cuts. I keep wanting to go deeper, though. I feel unwanted, unattractive, worthless, and stupid. Ive been told none of these things are true, but I cant help but believe it. I make **everything** worse than it actually is, and I constantly feel Hyperactive behavior I screw everything up. Ive lied in my bed thinking about how stupid and terrible I am and how much I want to kill myself', 'I definitely plan on it, but I cant go right now for unrelated reasons. ', 'What about the people you thought cared, but evidently dont. Last night I opened up to a friend of mine who self harmed and was suicidal in the past. She just didnt really seem to Cate when I mentioned I was suicidal, and last night she just asked taking to me because she was Anger about something and she said shed text back this morning. She still hasnt.', ' I dont really want to push it on my other two close friends how much I want my best friend back becuase they both view me as their best friend. Ive already talked to my parents about it and they are just as infuriated as I am. There is a bit of background that needs to be established as well to help you better understand the predicament. My parents and his went to Drug abuse school together and never really got along. His father is more or less a functional alchoholic. He always had (illegal) moonshine at his house out in the open when i came over. Hes also mentally and physically abusive. At one point he threatened my friend with a gun and punched him in the face. He also constantly tells my friend how much of a dirty, drug addled mess his mother is. Hes told him on multiple occasions that the only reason he fought for custody of my friend was in an effort to Chest Pain his mother. Other than that whole thing, theres the fact that Ive been faking Nausea for over two months to avoid school. When I finally went to the doctor they actually found something wrong with me. This has happened before as well, although not quite on this scale. The reason I dont want to go to school is the pressure. Theres so much work, but Ive been doing a lot of it from home which helps. I have a homebound teacher who thinks my writing is better than most of the college students shes taught in all her years of being an English professor. I feel Hyperactive behavior im not as good as she thinks though, and its impeding my progress on the rest of my essays. Another thing thats been stressing me out is the decision that I feel Hyperactive behavior Im being pressure more and more about. One of my friends dsl thinks im some kind of computer and business master and wants me to go into business with him. The other wants me to join his band, but what he doesnt know is that Ive hardly practiced on my guitar since I got it four years ago. The only thing im even remotely good at is running a business, which Ive shown my prowess at by selling thousands of dollars worth of chocolate. Theres a lot more, but i still need to collect my thoughts on those issues before I post them. Oh, and it doesnt matter if you take a while to respond. I Hyperactive behavior not feeling pressured to respond immediately', 'Hey man just making sure youre still with us', 'Exactly! thats what Im trying to figure out! I know that the number of people with Bipolar Disorder is very small, so I dont know whether I have it or not. I seem to exhibit quite a few of the symptoms of the disorder, but then again there are some pieces missing from the puzzle.', 'Yeah I know. Im not even really sure how I feel about her. I just want someone who will cuddle with me and tell me its gonna be alright. It just sucks feeling so lonely.', 'My parents already know I smoke weed. I smoked with my mom a few weeks ago, which is what the text was about. Im afraid hell bring it up if she tries to help.Our small group of friends has been working to help him out of this situation, so they already know about it. Theyre kind of looking towards me as being the leader, do I need to come up with a solution that works for both parties. The counselors at my school are absolute shit, so I wont be talking to them. If I can get a therapist, I think that would help a lot, but im afraid to confront my parents about it. But I think that the best way to help my friends situation would be to call his stepmother while his father is away to ask to have a sit down with his dad. From what Ive heard, she might be somewhat on our side. I feel Hyperactive behavior I really need to remedy this situation because its causing me so much Stress and driving me towards Suicide. If youd Hyperactive behavior to know more about the situation let me know.'] | Behavior | 375 |
user-400 | ['I cannot say I have been in your shoes; however I have felt immense Ache as you have. I have had the hours, days, months filled with agony and Feeling despair and hopelessness. Ive lost a good near everything I ever once had or loved. Its devastating, sometimes I feel as though Ive lost my entire identity, consumed with self-loathing and hatred. I too, suffer from body dysmorphic disorder; in my turn I suffered from extreme Bulimia (down to 40 kg at 50) and it was, along with the lingering effects, awful.I had to start living for, in what my eyes was, success. Expanding my knowledge on the world around me, enveloping myself in global affairs; anything to take my mind off my Ache. I became encompassed in a world that didnt involve me. Distraction was my obvious get-away. This may be not for you (I never liked it to even be brought up) but I began to seek some form of spiritual journey. I tried to set some good into this world, Bulimia Nervosa my soul for a higher thinking. I took on philosophy and metaphysics, find reasoning behind my suffering. This is just my escape, I hope that youll find some relief from my advice. Im sorry for your experience and give you my sincerest best wishes.'] | Behavior | 400 |
user-272 | ['My heart goes out to you. Im in a similar boat: I hate myself for fucking up and putting myself in a Depressed mood situation. Ive got a little girl and I think shes the only thing keeping me here. Ill probably fuck up worse in the future and she may come to hate me. But even if she does, I know shed feel better being able to yell at me. If I kill myself, she will just hate me and not be able to do anything about it.If Im there, shell probably be Anger. But Id rather her be Anger instead of sad. Also, I dont want her killing herself by my example.I hope you dont jump. If it helps at all, I want you to live.PM me if you want to talk.'] | Ideation | 272 |
user-109 | ['I know that feel, bro. Carry on, there IS hope. There are girls who would die for someone like you. Just through your writing I can tell that youre smart, curious, driven, caring, and a boat load of other awesome adjectives. And its ok if you dont believe any of that now, Ive been there. Last November I was hospitalized after hitting rock bottom; I was completely hopeless and lost. And I too have never had a girlfriend, a kiss, or any romantic contact whatsoever. But I know Ill meet plenty next year in college. So yeah, I tend to ramble without any actualized course when I write, so Ill spare you that one. All youve gotta do is continue to exist. It gets better. :)'] | Behavior | 109 |
user-248 | ['Fuck other peoples idea of pathetic. You have a right to live. You also have a right to be pissed off. Im serious. You dont owe humanity anything. Nobody asked you if you wanted to be born. Mother Teresa wasnt well known for her employment. Killing yourself doesnt solve the problem. Move to Uruguay and live off the grid.', 'Hey girl, life goes on. Im 26. I was raped when I was 15. Im in no way shape or form trying to say that you dont have a reason to be pissed off at your ex. Yell and scream and hit the wall if it makes you feel better. But understand this: it will get better. I wish so badly when I was your age that someone could have told me that life goes on. It wont all be bad. Message me if you need to talk about anything.', 'Im 26, a Tired objectively attractive female, healthy, ridiculously intelligent, wealthy, etc. I also suffer from major depressive disorder. I know what its like to be Suicidal and not know why. I used to blame myself. That I was just pathetic. Listen to me: you arent pathetic. Would you blame someone for having Diabetes mellitus? Depression is just a disorder of the brain, just like Diabetes mellitus is a disorder of the pancreas. Its curable. You can feel better. Its not your fault.', 'I know youre posting here because you dont really want to die. You want someone to say "I understand." I dont want to make the assumption that I really understand, but know that there are people out there who genuinely do care.Ive been put in really shitty situations. I was raped when I was 4 years old. My mother blew her brains out. Seriously, if you want to vent about anything, just message me. I will listen, no matter what.', 'Have you ever been to Disney world?', 'Theres no such thing as normal. Have you ever tried antidepressants? Please understand that your brain is an organ just like your thyroid or liver or colon or pituitary gland. Its extremely possible that you have a disorder wherein your brain doesnt produce enough serotonin. I used to feel absolutely terrible before I started taking Prozac. It regulates my serotonin levels. Its the same thing as a Diabetes mellitus taking insulin. It costs $4 for a months supply at Walmart. Why not give it a try?'] | Ideation | 248 |
user-145 | ['I would like to say the same thing loveandsqaulor said (except im a dude)>Im still fucking pissed that i respect her.I find it comforting that other people think this way. Ive been trying to move on from something similar but ive refused to take the "hate/degrade her approach" or the "busy yourself approach" and it sucks.', '(from the link)The subtle piano raindropsThe creaking of the buildings and their cellosThe Flatulence/wind was our violinThe sky was a symphonic mural of starsHiding behind perfectly placed cloudsBecause everything is the way it isAnd everything is perfect in their imperfectionsAnd everything is placed the bestAnd it is now, and it is hereAnd tomorrow is another nowWaiting to happen', 'I dont like the continual daily cycle of going though "really really sad and terrifying and frightening feelings" to "base level existence."', 'There are too few people in the world with a heart like you. I need to know there are people like you around. Lifes too damn hard without knowing that. You arent alone in that sense. It it doesnt make me feel like such an alien in this world. I hope that makes sense. Im sorry about your mom. It angers me thats shes going through this and that your going through this. Youre not alone.', 'Thanks gompert. I do appreciate it.>shelving away the notion that said enjoyment is forced/manufactured.How do you do that? I cant bring myself to do it at all. I have this weird mindset that comes and goes of being "real" or whatever and not distracting myself from everything like everyone else does. I know how egotistical and...i dont know dickish? that sounds (i really do hate myself for even just writing that). I just cant bring myself to do it....Also, do you know me? You have a writing style Tired similar to a friend of mine that i havent talked to in awhile.Again, you have nothing to be sorry about. I can relate with you Tired well right now.Thank you, again.'] | Indicator | 145 |
user-92 | ['Thats not how it ends.', 'Problems are different for everyone. But sometimes, it does help to often look at what you do have. Its the hardest thing in the world to think positive, I know. But you just gotta try it over and over and over.', 'How much longer until you can leave? the house I mean....', 'ADD. at least that what is sounds like.', 'You make sense. The final cut. The nerve I never had. It prolongs. But is there really hope?', 'Manifesting hope in some I dont quite know (as friendly as you seem) is risky. ', 'Thismay not work for you but its worth a try. Tell me, do you dream often? ', 'Ya I hate this fucking game. Knew this shit would happen. Good night, fuck you, and hopefully this will end.', 'It cant change. People do it everyday with no impact...', 'I can understand the feeling of not feeling brave because you are too scared to end it. I get that. It feels Im not brave enough to get over it and not brave enough to end it... I get that... but sometimes I look at the past and I wonder, everything I tried but chickened out on, Maybe Im stronger than o think for lasting this long... do you see that?', 'I cant go through with this vicious cycle much longer. I see hope? for how long till it is ripped from me, further building the wall. I want help. But I feel I cant. Please. What do...', 'More like just a Sharp Pain fix that brings you lower than you were before. ', 'You think you can wait that long?', 'I have tried so many things. Counsel. Meds. Drugs. Nothing works. They just add to the wall. I am alone. I always will be. What does my death change then?', 'That Fear of what waits on the other side is all thats kept me here, makes me a coward,really, but Im glad you are fine now.', 'For the most part, everything you say is true. But what does this change... really', 'Its this fucking wall. I cant. I separate my self from the world. God. This is insane. No one sees. I try to reach out. Him, her, them, they all turn away, break me. they are just another brick in the wall. Each brick etched with the engravings of things past done. People past known. Each brick further separating me from ever changing. Being alone. I dont want to be alone. I think I can scale it. Sometimes it seems I could escape. But it was only a fantasy. The wall was to high, as you can see. No matter how hard I try I can not break free. And worms eat into my brain.', 'Its funny how everyone can tell someone else not to do it. But no can tell themselves... anyway, I have a few questions. Are you Suicidal because you are straight? Or did you just lose your closest friend that helped you with other problems. And how confident are you about whats on the other side?', 'In the end how far does hope really get you.', 'How long have you been cutting? I know Ive been doing it for almost 5 or 6 years now...', 'Well I can help you with that problem. However it may take time, would youve willing to work with me on this?', 'I know what its like to feel alone, AfterTexasRed (love that song), But even though it may be the hardest thing to embrace, there are so many people, so many options. It may not come instantly, But dont give up . finding people who care and understand is the first step ', 'Well that is currently a broad statement, so tell me what isnt making you happy.', 'Wow. I want to first apologize for the goddamn grammar assholes. I understood your post just fine. Of all the places to complain. God such assholes. Anyway. For some reason, this post really appeals to me. That game. It touches me two. Every aspect, ever thing that happens I can relate it to a struggle in life. The things the game has made me realize about life. It all makes sense. I thought I was the only one but you totally understand. But there is a better ending to the game. You know that.', 'I hope you get this. If you dont mind pming me. I dont know but for some reason I feel like I need to talk to you... ', ' I seriously cant believe that.', 'I just wanted to emphasize how strong you are', 'It has shown me things I could not understand. And yet I still learn. Do I wish I did not know? Maybe. Ignorance is death. But knowing. Isnt it knowing death? Same fate as ignorance. Only you see it coming.', 'Never considered military? ', 'I am not gonna lie. Id have just killed them all and accepted jail if I were in you place. God. People like you lift my spirit. ', 'You said you cant sleep well, is it bad dreams or just Stress in general.', 'I dont know. Maybe.', 'Hey, look. I hope you dont mind if this is long... but well it seems a lot of your Stress is directly related to precise events and feeling. You did a Tired Good job with your post. Explained Eventing well and made it to where I can understand. Thats a talent right there. But I took chemistry only a year ago and I liked it. Maybe if you need I could maybe help with that. Also talking about how your days go and stuff. I really feel for you. Really... a lot of the things you explain reflect me only a year ago. I feel like I can really help you, I can understand everything you are going through. If you dont want to talk to someone for too long I understand but it really does help to have a friend you can truly say anything to. Whether it be how you feel or something that happened. Someone to listen and understand can truly truly truly make a difference. If you dont mind pm me and we can talk. If not then I hope things go for the better. :)', 'Cutting and stuff like that are hard habits to break arent they... but they can be overcome. You have someone with you who cares and looks out for you. ', 'Perhaps. But surely you cant expect a simple reason like that to help people.', 'Cutting is one of the hardest habits to break... even still I fall back to it. If you want pm me so we cant talk about this nore.', 'Does society mean that much to you?', 'Those who see, leave. I mean no one can so far can bear to hear. So they either block it out or leave. Some try. They stay. They dont last long.', 'I know. Its the worst... no one sees my left arm. Its become second nature to naturally hide it... where do you typically cut?', 'Lucid dreaming. Learn it, and life and its importance changes.', ' you have made good points seeing that everything people seem to say explain that cant help you. The decision you are Turing to make is the biggest decision in you life, seeing as you are trying to end it, so I just wonder, is this what you want, or do you feel you are forced to do this, seeing it as all you have left.', 'Sometimes it working towards something can take your mind off things, but have you ever heard of lucid dreaming? ', 'You said finally when mentioned the job. So I understand that you have been looking for them for awhile with little success until now?', 'When Im alone, which is all the time, I lucid dream.... you should try it... ', 'Explain alone, please.', 'Unfortunately ', 'There is almost no exceptions to rational suicide. What you lose, is so much more than what you gain. ', 'i lucid dream... it kinda becomes my reality, which i guess could be unhealthy but it works...', 'It may help to know that you arent the only one. I use to cut a lot too. Not so much anymore (although sometimes habits resurfaced ) but I was always terrified of someone seeing. I cut the most on my left arm, so whenever I wasnt wearing long sleeves I would always keep people to my right. Whether it was a bud or a girl I really liked.... no one got on my left side. Today its just second nature now. I watch peoples eyes, know when its safe. I dont even think about it anymore. I just gained an instinct to hide.... I guess what my point is is that you arent alone on this, and what you experience is just a consequence of cutting.', 'Talked to counselors, took meds. All just bricks in the wall.', 'Honestly, it normally takes a lot of building up to make a big decision such as suicide. It Tired well could have even started when he was young, still playing on the computer while you watched. He was smart enough to where if he wanted to hide it (and most people do) he could have done it for years.', 'You said you were afraid of the unknown, just to clarify, cab you explain that a bit more?'] | Behavior | 92 |
user-152 | ['My mother committed suicide earlier this year largely due to money problems. As someone who has had to cope with that loss all I can say to you is **DONT DO IT!** People often say that suicide is a "permanent solution to a temporary problem", and I feel like in the case of debt and things of that sort this is especially true. Look, dealing with this stuff isnt going to be terribly fun or easy. But Im SURE you can find some way to figure it out, and I bet there are plenty of people who would much rather support you through this stuff than have to deal with you not being around anymore. Just stay positive and put in as much effort as you can and Im sure things will work out!'] | Indicator | 152 |
user-367 | ['Im on my forth antidepressant and have tried all the talking therapies. I have a psychiatrist. It just all works for a little while then I stumble into a dark part of my mind that overtakes the rational part. What I want right now is to end it.I know, that the reality is I should look at my life and work out what I can fix and start there with small goals but Ive been off work a month and have got to the point I can barely summon the effort to feed myself. I had a med increase the other week. So far things are the same. I know I cant solve my problems over night but right now even taking small steps feels Hyperactive behavior climbing a mountain.', 'Kinda... I obviously dont know you but my guess is you can understand the actual moment your meant to talk to a doctor/support worker/etc.... Sometimes the words arent there. I always get Confusion and struggle to explain. You know what I mean? I need to go see my GP this week though, so probably expected to talk to them a bit.', 'I have the responsibility of not making everyone in my life Depressed mood to live for other than that not really. Im trying to remind myself recurrent Mental Depression kinda works this way and that it wont last. But sometimes I feel the facts that I know are crushed by what my Mental Depression "knows".I just wanted to rant a bit I guess and the internet is a pretty good place to do that. The ideas feel Hyperactive behavior they are circling me but Im pretty sure I have many issues with Suicide methods, not definite enough, too messy for the discovery, wasteful, damaging to others. So I sit here and think and feel sad about that. I think the hardest part is every Mental Depression episode I feel I lose a little of who I was before it and thats getting harder to accept. '] | Ideation | 367 |
Subsets and Splits