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string | title
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1108.6266 | Extended Theories of Gravity | Extended Theories of Gravity can be considered a new paradigm to cure shortcomings of General Relativity at infrared and ultraviolet scales. They are an approach that, by preserving the undoubtedly positive results of Einstein's Theory, is aimed to address conceptual and experimental problems recently emerged in Astrophysics, Cosmology and High Energy Physics. In particular, the goal is to encompass, in a self-consistent scheme, problems like Inflation, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Large Scale Structure and, first of all, to give at least an effective description of Quantum Gravity. We review the basic principles that any gravitational theory has to follow. The geometrical interpretation is discussed in a broad perspective in order to highlight the basic assumptions of General Relativity and its possible extensions in the general framework of gauge theories. Principles of such modifications are presented, focusing on specific classes of theories like f (R)-gravity and scalar-tensor gravity in the metric and Palatini approaches. The special role of torsion is also discussed. The conceptual features of these theories are fully explored and attention is payed to the issues of dynamical and conformal equivalence between them considering also the initial value problem. A number of viability criteria are presented considering the post-Newtonian and the post-Minkowskian limits. In particular, we discuss the problems of neutrino oscillations and gravitational waves in Extended Gravity. Finally, future perspectives of Extended Gravity are considered with possibility to go beyond a trial and error approach. | [
"dark energy",
"extended theories",
"ricci scalar",
"extra degree"
] |
1008.3375 | New models of chaotic inflation in supergravity | We introduce a new class of models of chaotic inflation inspired by the superconformal approach to supergravity. This class of models allows a functional freedom of choice of the inflaton potential V = |f(ϕ)|^2. The simplest model of this type has a quadratic potential m^2ϕ^2/2. Another model describes an inflaton field with the standard symmetry breaking potential λ^2 (ϕ^2-v^2)^2. Depending on the value of v and on initial conditions for inflation, the spectral index n_s may take any value from 0.97 to 0.93, and the tensor-to-scalar ratio r may span the interval form 0.3 to 0.01. A generalized version of this model has a potential λ^2 (ϕ^α-v^α)^2. At large ϕand α> 0, this model describes chaotic inflation with the power law potential ϕ^2α. For α< 0, this potential describes chaotic inflation with a potential which becomes flat in the large field limit. We further generalize these models by introducing a nonminimal coupling of the inflaton field to gravity. The mechanism of moduli stabilization used in these models allows to improve and generalize several previously considered models of chaotic inflation in supergravity. | [
"chaotic inflation",
"inflaton potential"
] |
1607.06077 | Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter | The possibility that the dark matter comprises primordial black holes (PBHs) is considered, with particular emphasis on the currently allowed mass windows at 10^16 - 10^17g, 10^20 - 10^24g and 1 - 10^3 M_⊙. The Planck mass relics of smaller evaporating PBHs are also considered. All relevant constraints (lensing, dynamical, large-scale structure and accretion) are reviewed and various effects necessary for a precise calculation of the PBH abundance (non-Gaussianity, non-sphericity, critical collapse and merging) are accounted for. It is difficult to put all the dark matter in PBHs if their mass function is monochromatic but this is still possible if the mass function is extended, as expected in many scenarios. A novel procedure for confronting observational constraints with an extended PBH mass spectrum is therefore introduced. This applies for arbitrary constraints and a wide range of PBH formation models, and allows us to identify which model-independent conclusions can be drawn from constraints over all mass ranges. We focus particularly on PBHs generated by inflation, pointing out which effects in the formation process influence the mapping from the inflationary power spectrum to the PBH mass function. We then apply our scheme to two specific inflationary models in which PBHs provide the dark matter. The possibility that the dark matter is in intermediate-mass PBHs of 1 - 10^3 M_⊙ is of special interest in view of the recent detection of black-hole mergers by LIGO. The possibility of Planck relics is also intriguing but virtually untestable. | [
"black hole",
"dark matter",
"planck mass relic",
"early universe"
] |
1602.01765 | Constraints on the Coupling between Dark Energy and Dark Matter from CMB data | We investigate a phenomenological non-gravitational coupling between dark energy and dark matter, where the interaction in the dark sector is parameterized as an energy transfer either from dark matter to dark energy or the opposite. The models are constrained by a whole host of updated cosmological data: cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropies and polarization, high-redshift supernovae, baryon acoustic oscillations, redshift space distortions and gravitational lensing. Both models are found to be compatible with all cosmological observables, but in the case where dark matter decays into dark energy, the tension with the independent determinations of H_0 and σ_8, already present for standard cosmology, increases: this model in fact predicts lower H_0 and higher σ_8, mostly as a consequence of the higher amount of dark matter at early times, leading to a stronger clustering during the evolution. Instead, when dark matter is fed by dark energy, the reconstructed values of H_0 and σ_8 nicely agree with their local determinations, with a full reconciliation between high- and low-redshift observations. A non-zero coupling between dark energy and dark matter, with an energy flow from the former to the latter, appears therefore to be in better agreement with cosmological data. | [
"dark energy",
"dark matter",
"non-gravitational coupling"
] |
1309.0605 | Rapidly rotating neutron stars in scalar-tensor theories of gravity | We present the field equations governing the equilibrium of rapidly rotating neutron stars in scalar-tensor theories of gravity, as well as representative numerical solutions. The conditions for the presence of a nontrivial scalar field and the deviations from the general relativistic solutions are studied. Two examples of scalar-tensor theories are examined - one case that is equivalent to the Brans-Dicke theory and a second case, that is perturbatively equivalent to Einstein's General Relativity in the weak field regime, but can differ significantly for strong fields. Our numerical results show that rapidly rotating neutron star models with a nontrivial scalar field exist in both cases and that the effect of the scalar field is stronger for rapid rotation. If we consider values of the coupling parameters in accordance with current observations, only the second example of scalar-tensor theories has significant influence on the neutron star structure. We show that scalarized, rapidly rotating neutron stars exist for a larger range of the parameters than in the static case, since a nontrivial scalar field is present even for values of the coupling constant β>-4.35, and that these solutions are energetically more favorable than the general relativistic ones. In addition, the deviations of the rapidly rotating scalar-tensor neutron stars from the general-relativistic solutions is significantly larger than in the static case. | [
"neutron star",
"scalar-tensor theory",
] |
1701.02544 | Inflationary Primordial Black Holes as All Dark Matter | Following a new microlensing constraint on primordial black holes (PBHs) with ∼10^20–10^28 g [1], we revisit the idea of PBH as all Dark Matter (DM). We have shown that the updated observational constraints suggest the viable mass function for PBHs as all DM to have a peak at ≃ 10^20 g with a small width σ≲ 0.1, by imposing observational constraints on an extended mass function in a proper way. We have also provided an inflation model that successfully generates PBHs as all DM fulfilling this requirement. | [
"black hole",
"dark matter",
"early universe"
] |
0911.3380 | Quasi-Single Field Inflation and Non-Gaussianities | In quasi-single field inflation models, massive isocurvature modes, that are coupled to the inflaton and have mass of order the Hubble parameter, can have nontrivial impacts on density perturbations, especially non-Gaussianities. We study a simple example of quasi-single field inflation in terms of turning inflaton trajectory. Large bispectra with a one-parameter family of novel shapes arise, lying between the well-known local and equilateral shape. The trispectra can also be very large and its magnitude tNL can be much larger than fNL squared. | [
"quasi-single field inflation",
"cosmological collider physics",
"scalar field",
"inflationary model"
] |
1009.1782 | Lower limit on the strength and filling factor of extragalactic magnetic fields | High energy photons from blazars can initiate electromagnetic pair cascades interacting with the extragalactic photon background. The charged component of such cascades is deflected and delayed by extragalactic magnetic fields (EGMF), reducing thereby the observed point-like flux and leading potentially to multi degree images in the GeV energy range. We calculate the fluence of 1ES 0229+200 as seen by Fermi-LAT for different EGMF profiles using a Monte Carlo simulation for the cascade development. The non-observation of 1ES 0229+200 by Fermi-LAT suggests that the EGMF fills at least 60 O(10^-16-10^-15)G for life times of TeV activity of O(10^2-10^4)yr. Thus the (non-) observation of GeV extensions around TeV blazars probes the EGMF in voids and puts strong constraints on the origin of EGMFs: Either EGMFs were generated in a space filling manner (e.g. primordially) or EGMFs produced locally (e.g. by galaxies) have to be efficiently transported to fill a significant volume fraction, as e.g. by galactic outflows. | [
"extragalactic magnetic field",
"magnetic field",
"intergalactic medium"
] |
1301.7182 | On the Renormalization of the Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structures | Standard perturbation theory (SPT) for large-scale matter inhomogeneities is unsatisfactory for at least three reasons: there is no clear expansion parameter since the density contrast is not small on all scales; it does not fully account for deviations at large scales from a perfect pressureless fluid induced by short-scale non-linearities; for generic initial conditions, loop corrections are UV-divergent, making predictions cutoff dependent and hence unphysical. The Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structures successfully addresses all three issues. Here we focus on the third one and show explicitly that the terms induced by integrating out short scales, neglected in SPT, have exactly the right scale dependence to cancel all UV-divergences at one loop, and this should hold at all loops. A particularly clear example is an Einstein deSitter universe with no-scale initial conditions P_in=A k^n. After renormalizing the theory, we use self-similarity to derive a very simple result for the final power spectrum for any n, excluding two-loop corrections and higher. We show how the relative importance of different corrections depend on n. For n=-1.5, relevant for our universe, pressure and dissipative corrections are more important than the two-loop corrections. | [
"effective field theory",
"large scale structures",
"non-linear regime"
] |
1211.6269 | The Matter Bounce Scenario in Loop Quantum Cosmology | In the matter bounce scenario, a dust-dominated contracting space-time generates scale-invariant perturbations that, assuming a nonsingular bouncing cosmology, propagate to the expanding branch and set appropriate initial conditions for the radiation-dominated era. Since this scenario depends on the presence of a bounce, it seems appropriate to consider it in the context of loop quantum cosmology where a bouncing universe naturally arises. For a pressureless collapsing universe in loop quantum cosmology, the predicted power spectrum of the scalar perturbations after the bounce is scale-invariant and the tensor to scalar ratio is negligibly small. A slight red tilt can be given to the scale-invariance of the scalar perturbations by a scalar field whose equation of state is P = - ϵρ, where ϵ is a small positive number. Then, the power spectrum for tensor perturbations is also almost scale-invariant with the same red tilt as the scalar perturbations, and the tensor to scalar ratio is expected to be r ≈ 9 × 10^-4. Finally, for the predicted amplitude of the scalar perturbations to agree with observations, the critical density in loop quantum cosmology must be of the order ρ_c ∼ 10^-9ρ_ Pl. | [
"matter bounce scenario",
"loop quantum cosmology",
] |
1001.2308 | Primordial Black Holes as All Dark Matter | We argue that a primordial black hole is a natural and unique candidate for all dark matter. We show that, in a smooth-hybrid new double inflation model, a right amount of the primordial black holes, with a sharply-defined mass, can be produced at the end of the smooth-hybrid regime, through preheating. We first consider masses < 10^(-7)M_sun which are allowed by all the previous constraints. We next discuss much heavier mass 10^5 M_sun hinted at by entropy, and galactic size evolution, arguments. Effects on the running of the scalar spectral index are computed. | [
"black hole",
"dark matter",
"early universe"
] |
1307.6090 | An improved upper limit to the CMB circular polarization at large angular scales | Circular polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) offers the possibility of detecting rotations of the universe and magnetic fields in the primeval universe or in distant clusters of galaxies. We used the Milano Polarimeter (MIPOL) installed at the Testa Grigia Observatory, on the italian Alps, to improve the existing upper limits to the CMB circular polarization at large angular scales. We obtain 95 of the CMB circular polarization ranging between 5.0x10^-4 and 0.7x10^-4 at angular scales between 8 and 24 deg, improving by one order of magnitude preexisting upper limits at large angular scales. Our results are still far from the nK region where today expectations place the amplitude of the V Stokes parameter used to characterize circular polarization of the CMB but improve the preexisting limit at similar angular scales. Our observations offered also the opportunity of characterizing the atmospheric emission at 33 GHz at the Testa Grigia Observatory. | [
"upper limit",
"angular scale"
] |
1505.04443 | Reconstructing the interaction between dark energy and dark matter using Gaussian Processes | We present a nonparametric approach to reconstruct the interaction between dark energy and dark matter directly from SNIa Union 2.1 data using Gaussian processes, which is a fully Bayesian approach for smoothing data. In this method, once the equation of state (w) of dark energy is specified, the interaction can be reconstructed as a function of redshift. For the decaying vacuum energy case with w=-1, the reconstructed interaction is consistent with the standard ΛCDM model, namely, there is no evidence for the interaction. This also holds for the constant w cases from -0.9 to -1.1 and for the Chevallier-Polarski-Linder (CPL) parametrization case. If the equation of state deviates obviously from -1, the reconstructed interaction exists at 95% confidence level. This shows the degeneracy between the interaction and the equation of state of dark energy when they get constraints from the observational data. | [
"dark energy",
"dark matter",
"gaussian process"
] |
1210.0201 | The Effective Field Theory of Dark Energy | We propose a universal description of dark energy and modified gravity that includes all single-field models. By extending a formalism previously applied to inflation, we consider the metric universally coupled to matter fields and we write in terms of it the most general unitary gauge action consistent with the residual unbroken symmetries of spatial diffeomorphisms. Our action is particularly suited for cosmological perturbation theory: the background evolution depends on only three operators. All other operators start at least at quadratic order in the perturbations and their effects can be studied independently and systematically. In particular, we focus on the properties of a few operators which appear in non-minimally coupled scalar-tensor gravity and galileon theories. In this context, we study the mixing between gravity and the scalar degree of freedom. We assess the quantum and classical stability, derive the speed of sound of fluctuations and the renormalization of the Newton constant. The scalar can always be de-mixed from gravity at quadratic order in the perturbations, but not necessarily through a conformal rescaling of the metric. We show how to express covariant field-operators in our formalism and give several explicit examples of dark energy and modified gravity models in our language. Finally, we discuss the relation with the covariant EFT methods recently appeared in the literature. | [
"effective field theory",
"dark energy",
"non-minimal coupling",
"glpv theory"
] |
0905.4720 | String Axiverse | String theory suggests the simultaneous presence of many ultralight axions possibly populating each decade of mass down to the Hubble scale 10^-33eV. Conversely the presence of such a plenitude of axions (an "axiverse") would be evidence for string theory, since it arises due to the topological complexity of the extra-dimensional manifold and is ad hoc in a theory with just the four familiar dimensions. We investigate how upcoming astrophysical experiments will explore the existence of such axions over a vast mass range from 10^-33eV to 10^-10eV. Axions with masses between 10^-33eV to 10^-28eV cause a rotation of the CMB polarization that is constant throughout the sky. The predicted rotation angle is of order α 1/137. Axions in the mass range 10^-28eV to 10^-18eV give rise to multiple steps in the matter power spectrum, that will be probed by upcoming galaxy surveys. Axions in the mass range 10^-22eV to 10^-10eV affect the dynamics and gravitational wave emission of rapidly rotating astrophysical black holes through the Penrose superradiance process. When the axion Compton wavelength is of order of the black hole size, the axions develop "superradiant" atomic bound states around the black hole "nucleus". Their occupation number grows exponentially by extracting rotational energy from the ergosphere, culminating in a rotating Bose-Einstein axion condensate emitting gravitational waves. This mechanism creates mass gaps in the spectrum of rapidly rotating black holes that diagnose the presence of axions. The rapidly rotating black hole in the X-ray binary LMC X-1 implies an upper limit on the decay constant of the QCD axion f_a<2*10^17GeV, much below the Planck mass. This reach can be improved down to the grand unification scale f_a<2*10^16GeV, by observing smaller stellar mass black holes. | [
"string axiverse",
"axion-like particle",
"dark matter"
] |
1403.2757 | Kerr black holes with scalar hair | We present a family of solutions of Einstein's gravity minimally coupled to a complex, massive scalar field, describing asymptotically flat, spinning black holes with scalar hair and a regular horizon. These hairy black holes (HBHs) are supported by rotation and have no static limit. Besides mass M and angular momentum J, they carry a conserved, continuous Noether charge Q measuring the scalar hair. HBHs branch off from the Kerr metric at the threshold of the superradiant instability and reduce to spinning boson stars in the limit of vanishing horizon area. They overlap with Kerr black holes for a set of (M,J) values. A single Killing vector field preserves the solutions, tangent to the null geodesic generators of the event horizon. HBHs can exhibit sharp physical differences when compared to the Kerr solution, such as J/M^2>1, quadrupole moment larger than J^2/M and larger orbital angular velocity at the innermost stable circular orbit. Families of HBHs connected to the Kerr geometry should exist in scalar (and other) models with more general self interactions. | [
"black hole",
"scalar hair",
"bosonic field"
] |
1310.0464 | The Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structures at Two Loops | Large scale structure surveys promise to be the next leading probe of cosmological information. It is therefore crucial to reliably predict their observables. The Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structures (EFTofLSS) provides a manifestly convergent perturbation theory for the weakly non-linear regime of dark matter, where correlation functions are computed in an expansion of the wavenumber k of a mode over the wavenumber associated with the non-linear scale k_nl. Since most of the information is contained at high wavenumbers, it is necessary to compute higher order corrections to correlation functions. After the one-loop correction to the matter power spectrum, we estimate that the next leading one is the two-loop contribution, which we compute here. At this order in k/k_nl, there is only one counterterm in the EFTofLSS that must be included, though this term contributes both at tree-level and in several one-loop diagrams. We also discuss correlation functions involving the velocity and momentum fields. We find that the EFTofLSS prediction at two loops matches to percent accuracy the non-linear matter power spectrum at redshift zero up to k 0.6 h/Mpc, requiring just one unknown coefficient that needs to be fit to observations. Given that Standard Perturbation Theory stops converging at redshift zero at k 0.1 h/Mpc, our results demonstrate the possibility of accessing a factor of order 200 more dark matter quasi-linear modes than naively expected. If the remaining observational challenges to accessing these modes can be addressed with similar success, our results show that there is tremendous potential for large scale structure surveys to explore the primordial universe. | [
"effective field theory",
"large scale structures",
"matter power spectrum",
"three-loop order"
] |
1201.2434 | Observational Probes of Cosmic Acceleration | The accelerating expansion of the universe is the most surprising cosmological discovery in many decades, implying that the universe is dominated by some form of "dark energy" with exotic physical properties, or that Einstein's theory of gravity breaks down on cosmological scales. The profound implications of cosmic acceleration have inspired ambitious experimental efforts to measure the history of expansion and growth of structure with percent-level precision or higher. We review in detail the four most well established methods for making such measurements: Type Ia supernovae, baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO), weak gravitational lensing, and galaxy clusters. We pay particular attention to the systematic uncertainties in these techniques and to strategies for controlling them at the level needed to exploit "Stage IV" dark energy facilities such as BigBOSS, LSST, Euclid, and WFIRST. We briefly review a number of other approaches including redshift-space distortions, the Alcock-Paczynski test, and direct measurements of H_0. We present extensive forecasts for constraints on the dark energy equation of state and parameterized deviations from GR, achievable with Stage III and Stage IV experimental programs that incorporate supernovae, BAO, weak lensing, and CMB data. We also show the level of precision required for other methods to provide constraints competitive with those of these fiducial programs. We emphasize the value of a balanced program that employs several of the most powerful methods in combination, both to cross-check systematic uncertainties and to take advantage of complementary information. Surveys to probe cosmic acceleration produce data sets with broad applications, and they continue the longstanding astronomical tradition of mapping the universe in ever greater detail over ever larger scales. | [
"cosmic acceleration",
"dark energy",
"baryon acoustic oscillation",
"expansion history",
"dark matter"
] |
0903.0866 | The Physics of Cosmic Acceleration | The discovery that the cosmic expansion is accelerating has been followed by an intense theoretical and experimental response in physics and astronomy. The discovery implies that our most basic notions about how gravity work are violated on cosmological distance scales. One simple fix is the introduction of a cosmological constant into the field equations for general relativity. However, the extremely small value of the cosmological constant, relative to theoretical expectations, has led theorists to explore a wide variety of alternative explanations that involve the introduction of an exotic negative-pressure fluid or a modification of general relativity. Here we briefly review the evidence for cosmic acceleration. We then survey some of the theoretical attempts to account for it, including the cosmological constant, quintessence and its variants, mass-varying neutrinos, and modifications of general relativity, such as scalar-tensor and f(R) theories and braneworld scenarios. We discuss experimental and observational tests that may allow us to distinguish between some of the theoretical ideas that have been put forward. | [
"cosmic acceleration",
"dark energy",
"late time",
"cdm model"
] |
0910.0822 | Thermodynamics of dark energy interacting with dark matter and radiation | We investigate the validity of the generalized second law of thermodynamics, in the cosmological scenario where dark energy interacts with both dark matter and radiation. Calculating separately the entropy variation for each fluid component and for the apparent horizon itself, we show that the generalized second law is always and generally valid, independently of the specific interaction form, of the fluids equation-of-state parameters and of the background geometry. | [
"dark energy",
"dark matter",
] |
1109.6571 | Gravitational redshift of galaxies in clusters as predicted by general relativity | The theoretical framework of cosmology is mainly defined by gravity, of which general relativity is the current model. Recent tests of general relativity within the ΛCold Dark Matter (CDM) model have found a concordance between predictions and the observations of the growth rate and clustering of the cosmic web. General relativity has not hitherto been tested on cosmological scales independent of the assumptions of the ΛCDM model. Here we report observation of the gravitational redshift of light coming from galaxies in clusters at the 99 per cent confidence level, based upon archival data. The measurement agrees with the predictions of general relativity and its modification created to explain cosmic acceleration without the need for dark energy (f(R) theory), but is inconsistent with alternative models designed to avoid the presence of dark matter. | [
"general relativity",
"gravitational redshift"
] |
1906.10218 | Cosmological constraints on post-Newtonian parameters in effectively massless scalar-tensor theories of gravity | We study the cosmological constraints on the variation of the Newton's constant and on post-Newtonian parameters for simple models of scalar-tensor theory of gravity beyond the extended Jordan-Brans-Dicke theory. We restrict ourselves to an effectively massless scalar field with a potential V ∝ F^2, where F(σ)=N_pl^2+ξσ^2 is the coupling to the Ricci scalar considered. We derive the theoretical predictions for cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies and matter power spectra by requiring that the effective gravitational strength at present is compatible with the one measured in a Cavendish-like experiment and by assuming adiabatic initial condition for scalar fluctuations. When comparing these models with Planck 2015 and a compilation of baryonic acoustic oscilation (BAO) data, all these models accomodate a marginalized value for H_0 higher than in ΛCDM. We find no evidence for a statistically significant deviation from Einstein's general relativity. We find ξ < 0.064 (|ξ| < 0.011) at 95 (for ξ < 0, ξ -1/6). In terms of post-Newtonian parameters, we find 0.995 < γ_ PN < 1 and 0.99987 < β_ PN < 1 (0.997 < γ_ PN < 1 and 1 < β_ PN < 1.000011) for ξ >0 (for ξ < 0). For the particular case of the conformal coupling, i.e. ξ=-1/6, we find constraints on the post-Newtonian parameters of similar precision to those within the Solar System. | [
"post-newtonian parameter",
"scalar-tensor theory",
] |
1504.02311 | The origin, evolution and signatures of primordial magnetic fields | The universe is magnetized on all scales probed so far. On the largest scales, galaxies and galaxy clusters host magnetic fields at the micro Gauss level coherent on scales up to ten kpc. Recent observational evidence suggests that even the intergalactic medium in voids could host a weak ∼ 10^-16 Gauss magnetic field, coherent on Mpc scales. An intriguing possibility is that these observed magnetic fields are a relic from the early universe, albeit one which has been subsequently amplified and maintained by a dynamo in collapsed objects. We review here the origin, evolution and signatures of primordial magnetic fields. After a brief summary of magnetohydrodynamics in the expanding universe, we turn to magnetic field generation during inflation and other phase transitions. We trace the linear and nonlinear evolution of the generated primordial fields through the radiation era, including viscous effects. Sensitive observational signatures of primordial magnetic fields on the cosmic microwave background, including current constraints from Planck, are discussed. After recombination, primordial magnetic fields could strongly influence structure formation, especially on dwarf galaxy scales. The resulting signatures on reionization, the redshifted 21 cm line, weak lensing and the Lyman-α forest are outlined. Constraints from radio and γ-ray astronomy are summarized. Astrophysical batteries and the role of dynamos in reshaping the primordial field are briefly considered. The review ends with some final thoughts on primordial magnetic fields. | [
"primordial magnetic field",
"magnetic field",
"galaxy cluster",
] |
1307.3220 | On the Velocity in the Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structures | We compute the renormalized two-point functions of density, divergence and vorticity of the velocity in the Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structures. Because of momentum and mass conservation, the corrections from short scales to the large-scale power spectra of density, divergence and vorticity must start at order k^4. For the vorticity this constitutes one of the two leading terms. Exact (approximated) self-similarity of an Einstein-de Sitter (ΛCDM) background fixes the time dependence so that the vorticity power spectrum at leading order is determined by the symmetries of the problem and the power spectrum around the non-linear scale. We show that to cancel all divergences in the velocity correlators one needs new counterterms. These fix the definition of velocity and do not represent new properties of the system. For an Einstein-de Sitter universe, we show that all three renormalized cross- and auto-correlation functions have the same structure but different numerical coefficients, which we compute. We elucidate the differences between using momentum and velocity. | [
"effective field theory",
"large scale structures",
"non-linear regime"
] |
1109.3350 | Self-consistent evolution of magnetic fields and chiral asymmetry in the early Universe | We show that the evolution of magnetic fields in a primordial plasma, filled with Standard Model particles, at temperatures T > 10 MeV is strongly affected by the quantum chiral anomaly – an effect that has been neglected previously. Although reactions equilibrating left and right-chiral electrons are in deep thermal equilibrium for T < 80 TeV, an asymmetry between these particle develops in the presence of strong magnetic fields. This results in magnetic helicity transfer from shorter to longer scales. This also leads to an effective generation of lepton asymmetry that may survive in the plasma down to temperatures T 10 MeV, which may strongly affect many processes in the early Universe. Although we report our results for the Standard Model, they are likely to play an important role also in its extensions. | [
"magnetic field",
"chiral asymmetry",
"early universe",
"relativistic plasma",
] |
1402.4090 | Astrophysical and Dark Matter Interpretations of Extended Gamma-Ray Emission from the Galactic Center | We construct empirical models of the diffuse gamma-ray background toward the Galactic Center. Including all known point sources and a template of emission associated with interactions of cosmic rays with molecular gas, we show that the extended emission observed previously in the Fermi Large Area Telescope data toward the Galactic Center is detected at high significance for all permutations of the diffuse model components. However, we find that the fluxes and spectra of the sources in our model change significantly depending on the background model. In particular, the spectrum of the central Sgr A^∗ source is less steep than in previous works and the recovered spectrum of the extended emission has large systematic uncertainties, especially at lower energies. If the extended emission is interpreted to be due to dark matter annihilation, we find annihilation into pure b-quark and τ-lepton channels to be statistically equivalent goodness of fits. In the case of the pure b-quark channel, we find a dark matter mass of 39.4(^+3.7_-2.9 stat.)(± 7.9 sys.)GeV, while a pure τ^+τ^--channel case has an estimated dark matter mass of 9.43(^+0.63_-0.52 stat.)(± 1.2 sys.)GeV. Alternatively, if the extended emission is interpreted to be astrophysical in origin such as due to unresolved millisecond pulsars, we obtain strong bounds on dark matter annihilation, although systematic uncertainties due to the dependence on the background models are significant. | [
"dark matter",
"galactic center",
"gamma-ray excess",
"astrophysical background"
] |
1412.2777 | Evidence for interacting dark energy from BOSS | The result presented by the BOSS-SDSS Collaboration measuring the baryon acoustic oscillations of the Lyman-α forest from high-redshift quasars indicates a 2.5σ departure from the standard Λ-cold-dark-matter model. This is the first time that the evolution of dark energy at high redshifts has been measured, and the current results cannot be explained by simple generalizations of the cosmological constant. We show here that a simple phenomenological interaction in the dark sector provides a good explanation for this deviation, naturally accommodating the Hubble parameter obtained by BOSS, H(z=2.34)=222 ± 7 km s^-1 Mpc^-1. By performing a global fit of the parameters with the inclusion of this new data set together with the Planck data for the interacting model, we are able to show that some interacting models have constraints for H(2.34) and D_A(2.34) that are compatible with the ones obtained by the BOSS Collaboration, showing a better concordance than ΛCDM. We also show that the interacting models that have a small positive coupling constant, which helps alleviate the coincidence problem, are compatible with the cosmological observations. Adding the likelihood of these new baryon acoustic oscillations data shows an improvement in the global fit, although it is not statistically significant. The coupling constant could not be fully constrained by the data sets used, but the dark energy equation of state shows a slight preference for a value different from a cosmological constant. | [
"dark energy",
"dark matter"
] |
1810.11855 | An analytic implementation of the IR-resummation for the BAO peak | We develop an analytic method for implementing the IR-resummation of arXiv:1404.5954, which allows one to correctly and consistently describe the imprint of baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) on statistical observables in large-scale structure. We show that the final IR-resummed correlation function can be computed analytically without relying on numerical integration, thus allowing for an efficient and accurate use of these predictions on real data in cosmological parameter fitting. In this work we focus on the one-loop correlation function and the BAO peak. We show that, compared with the standard numerical integration method of IR-resummation, the new method is accurate to better than 0.2 resummation scheme which is based on using the linear displacements of a fixed fiducial cosmology, which when combined with the method described above, is about six times faster than the standard numerical integration. Finally, we show that this analytic method is generalizable to higher loop computations. | [
"bao peak",
"baryon acoustic oscillation"
] |
1912.10437 | Primordial black holes and gravitational waves from parametric amplification of curvature perturbations | We investigate a new mechanism to create large curvature perturbations on small scales due to parameter resonance in a single-field inflationary model with a small periodic structure upon the potential. After reentering the horizon, the amplified curvature perturbations can lead to observable primordial black holes as well as stochastic gravitational waves. The mass of primordial black holes and frequency of the induced gravitational waves depend on the model parameters. The resulted primordial black hole could constitute all dark matter or a fraction of dark matter in the universe, and corresponding stochastic gravitational waves fall in the frequency band measurable for the pulsar timing array and the space-based gravitational wave detectors. | [
"gravitational wave",
"curvature perturbation",
"primordial black hole"
] |
0901.0265 | Advances in Inflation in String Theory | We provide a pedagogical overview of inflation in string theory. Our theme is the sensitivity of inflation to Planck-scale physics, which we argue provides both the primary motivation and the central theoretical challenge for the subject. We illustrate these issues through two case studies of inflationary scenarios in string theory: warped D-brane inflation and axion monodromy inflation. Finally, we indicate how future observations can test scenarios of inflation in string theory. | [
"string theory",
"inflationary model building",
"inflaton candidate"
] |
1308.4685 | Transforming gravity: from derivative couplings to matter to second-order scalar-tensor theories beyond the Horndeski Lagrangian | We study the structure of scalar-tensor theories of gravity based on derivative couplings between the scalar and the matter degrees of freedom introduced through an effective metric. Such interactions are classified by their tensor structure into conformal (scalar), disformal (vector) and extended disformal (traceless tensor), as well as by the derivative order of the scalar field. Relations limited to first derivatives of the field ensure second order equations of motion in the Einstein frame and hence the absence of Ostrogradski ghost degrees of freedom. The existence of a mapping to the Jordan frame is not trivial in the general case, and can be addressed using the Jacobian of the frame transformation through its eigenvalues and eigentensors. These objects also appear in the study of different aspects of such theories, including the metric and field redefinition transformation of the path integral in the quantum mechanical description. Although sane in the Einstein frame, generic disformally coupled theories are described by higher order equations of motion in the Jordan frame. This apparent contradiction is solved by the use of a hidden constraint: the contraction of the metric equations with a Jacobian eigentensor provides a constraint relation for the higher field derivatives, which allows one to express the dynamical equations in a second order form. This signals a loophole in Horndeski's theorem and allows one to enlarge the set of scalar-tensor theories which are Ostrogradski-stable. The transformed Gauss-Bonnet terms are also discussed for the simplest conformal and disformal relations. | [
"derivative coupling",
"scalar-tensor theory",
"horndeski theory"
] |
1511.00238 | Quark stars admixed with dark matter | Compact stars consisting of massless quark matter and fermionic dark matter are studied by solving the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations for two fluids separately. Dark matter is further investigated by incorporating inter-fermionic interactions among the dark matter particles. The properties of stars made of quark matter particles and self-interacting and free dark matter particles are explored by obtaining their mass-radius relations. The regions of stability for such a compact star are determined and it is demonstrated that the maximum stable total mass of such a star decreases approximately linearly with increasing dark matter fraction. | [
"dark matter",
"significant gravitational effect"
] |
1404.2601 | Inflation and String Theory | We review cosmological inflation and its realization in quantum field theory and in string theory. This material is a portion of a book, also entitled "Inflation and String Theory", to be published by Cambridge University Press. | [
"string theory",
"inflationary model",
"large-field inflation"
] |
1110.6274 | Weakly magnetized black holes as particle accelerators | We study collision of particles in the vicinity of a horizon of a weakly magnetized non-rotating black hole. In the presence of the magnetic field innermost stable circular orbits (ISCO) of charged particles can be located close to the horizon. We demonstrate that for a collision of two particles, one of which is charged and revolving at ISCO and the other is neutral and falling from infinity, the maximal collision energy can be high in the limit of strong magnetic field. This effect has some similarity with the recently discussed effect of high center-of-mass energy for collision of particles in extremely rotating black holes. We also demonstrate that for `realistic' astrophysical black holes their ability to play the role of `accelerators' is in fact quite restricted. | [
"black hole",
"particle accelerator",
"magnetic field"
] |
1008.1943 | Properties and uncertainties of scalar field models of dark energy with barotropic equation of state | The dynamics of expansion and large scale structure formation in the multicomponent Universe with dark energy modeled by the minimally coupled scalar field with generalized linear barotropic equation of state (EoS) are analyzed. It is shown that the past dynamics of expansion and future of the Universe – eternal accelerated expansion or turnaround and collapse – are completely defined by the current energy density of a scalar field and relation between its current and early EoS parameters. The clustering properties of such models of dark energy and their imprints in the power spectrum of matter density perturbations depend on the same relation and, additionally, on the "effective sound speed" of a scalar field, defined by its Lagrangian. It is concluded that such scalar fields with different values of these parameters are distinguishable in principle. This gives the possibility to constrain them by confronting the theoretical predictions with the corresponding observational data. For that we have used the 7-year WMAP data on CMB anisotropies, the Union2 dataset on Supernovae Ia and SDSS DR7 data on luminous red galaxies (LRG) space distribution. Using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique the marginalized posterior and mean likelihood distributions are computed for the scalar fields with two different Lagrangians: Klein-Gordon and Dirac-Born-Infeld ones. The properties of such scalar field models of dark energy with best fitting parameters and uncertainties of their determination are also analyzed in the paper. | [
"scalar field model",
"dark energy",
"barotropic equation"
] |
1702.02143 | Echo of interactions in the dark sector | We investigate the observational constraints on an interacting vacuum energy scenario with two different neutrino schemes (with and without a sterile neutrino) using the most recent data from CMB temperature and polarization anisotropy, baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO), type Ia supernovae from JLA sample and structure growth inferred from cluster counts. We find that inclusion of the galaxy clusters data with the minimal data combination CMB + BAO + JLA suggests an interaction in the dark sector, implying the decay of dark matter particles into dark energy, since the constraints obtained by including the galaxy clusters data yield a non-null and negative coupling parameter between the dark components at 99% confidence level. We deduce that the current tensions on the parameters H_0 and σ_8 can be alleviated within the framework of the interacting as well as non-interacting vacuum energy models with sterile neutrinos. | [
"dark sector",
"dark matter",
"non-gravitational coupling"
] |
1108.0893 | Loop Quantum Cosmology: A Status Report | The goal of this article is to provide an overview of the current state of the art in loop quantum cosmology for three sets of audiences: young researchers interested in entering this area; the quantum gravity community in general; and, cosmologists who wish to apply loop quantum cosmology to probe modifications in the standard paradigm of the early universe. An effort has been made to streamline the material so that, as described at the end of section I, each of these communities can read only the sections they are most interested in, without a loss of continuity. | [
"loop quantum cosmology",
"big bang singularity",
"cosmological model",
"non-perturbative quantization",
"scalar field"
] |
1707.04966 | From hadrons to quarks in neutron stars: a review | We review the equation of state of matter in neutron stars from the solid crust through the liquid nuclear matter interior to the quark regime at higher densities. We focus in detail on the question of how quark matter appears in neutron stars, and how it affects the equation of state. After discussing the crust and liquid nuclear matter in the core we briefly review aspects of microscopic quark physics relevant to neutron stars, and quark models of dense matter based on the Nambu–Jona-Lasinio framework, in which gluonic processes are replaced by effective quark interactions. We turn then to describing equations of state useful for interpretation of both electromagnetic and gravitational observations, reviewing the emerging picture of hadron-quark continuity in which hadronic matter turns relatively smoothly, with at most only a weak first order transition, into quark matter with increasing density. We review construction of unified equations of state that interpolate between the reasonably well understood nuclear matter regime at low densities and the quark matter regime at higher densities. The utility of such interpolations is driven by the present inability to calculate the dense matter equation of state in QCD from first principles. As we review, the parameters of effective quark models – which have direct relevance to the more general structure of the QCD phase diagram of dense and hot matter – are constrained by neutron star mass and radii measurements, in particular favoring large repulsive density-density and attractive diquark pairing interactions. We describe the structure of neutron stars constructed from the unified equations of states with crossover. Lastly we present the current equations of state – called "QHC18" for quark-hadron crossover – in a parametrized form practical for neutron star modeling. | [
"neutron star",
"dense matter"
] |
1304.1961 | Quintessence: A Review | Quintessence is a canonical scalar field introduced to explain the late-time cosmic acceleration. The cosmological dynamics of quintessence is reviewed, paying particular attention to the evolution of the dark energy equation of state w. For the field potentials having tracking and thawing properties, the evolution of w can be known analytically in terms of a few model parameters. Using the analytic expression of w, we constrain quintessence models from the observations of supernovae type Ia, cosmic microwave background, and baryon acoustic oscillations. The tracking freezing models are hardly distinguishable from the LCDM model, whereas in thawing models the today's field equation of state is constrained to be w_0<-0.7 (95 formula for the growth rate of matter density perturbations in dynamical dark energy models, which allows a possibility to put further bounds on w from the measurement of redshift-space distortions in the galaxy power spectrum. Finally we review particle physics models of quintessence- such as those motivated by supersymmetric theories. The field potentials of thawing models based on a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson or on extended supergravity theories have a nice property that a tiny mass of quintessence can be protected against radiative corrections. | [
"dark energy",
"field potential",
"accelerated expansion"
] |
1201.6434 | Statistical Anisotropy from Anisotropic Inflation | We review an inflationary scenario with the anisotropic expansion rate. An anisotropic inflationary universe can be realized by a vector field coupled with an inflaton, which can be regarded as a counter example to the cosmic no-hair conjecture. We show generality of anisotropic inflation and derive a universal property. We formulate cosmological perturbation theory in anisotropic inflation. Using the formalism, we show anisotropic inflation gives rise to the statistical anisotropy in primordial fluctuations. We also explain a method to test anisotropic inflation using the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB). | [
"anisotropic inflation",
"primordial fluctuation",
"statistical anisotropy",
"scalar field"
] |
1305.4939 | Review of asymmetric dark matter | Asymmetric dark matter models are based on the hypothesis that the present-day abundance of dark matter has the same origin as the abundance of ordinary or visible matter: an asymmetry in the number densities of particles and antiparticles. They are largely motivated by the observed similarity in the mass densities of dark and visible matter, with the former observed to be about five times the latter. This review discusses the construction of asymmetric dark matter models, summarizes cosmological and astrophysical implications and bounds, and touches on direct detection prospects and collider signatures. | [
"dark matter",
"dark sector",
"matter particle"
] |
1304.4840 | Essential Building Blocks of Dark Energy | We propose a minimal description of single field dark energy/modified gravity within the effective field theory formalism for cosmological perturbations, which encompasses most existing models. We start from a generic Lagrangian given as an arbitrary function of the lapse and of the extrinsic and intrinsic curvature tensors of the time hypersurfaces in unitary gauge, i.e. choosing as time slicing the uniform scalar field hypersurfaces. Focusing on linear perturbations, we identify seven Lagrangian operators that lead to equations of motion containing at most two (space or time) derivatives, the background evolution being determined by the time dependent coefficients of only three of these operators. We then establish a dictionary that translates any existing or future model whose Lagrangian can be written in the above form into our parametrized framework. As an illustration, we study Horndeski's-or generalized Galileon-theories and show that they can be described, up to linear order, by only six of the seven operators mentioned above. This implies, remarkably, that the dynamics of linear perturbations can be more general than that of Horndeski while remaining second order. Finally, in order to make the link with observations, we provide the entire set of linear perturbation equations in Newtonian gauge, the effective Newton constant in the quasi-static approximation and the ratio of the two gravitational potentials, in terms of the time-dependent coefficients of our Lagrangian. | [
"dark energy",
"cosmological perturbation",
] |
1204.6135 | Revisit of the Interaction between Holographic Dark Energy and Dark Matter | In this paper we investigate the possible direct, non-gravitational interaction between holographic dark energy (HDE) and dark matter. Firstly, we start with two simple models with the interaction terms Q ∝ρ_dm and Q ∝ρ_de, and then we move on to the general form Q ∝ρ_m^αρ_de^β. The cosmological constraints of the models are obtained from the joint analysis of the present Union2.1+BAO+CMB+H_0 data. We find that the data slightly favor an energy flow from dark matter to dark energy, although the original HDE model still lies in the 95.4 level (CL) region. For all models we find c<1 at the 95.4 compared with the cosmic expansion, the effect of interaction on the evolution of ρ_dm and ρ_de is smaller, and the relative increment (decrement) amount of the energy in the dark matter component is constrained to be less than 9 that even when c<1 the big rip still can be avoided due to the existence of a de Sitter solution at z→-1. We show that this solution can not be accomplished in the two simple models, while for the general model such a solution can be achieved with a large β, and the big rip may be avoided at the 95.4 | [
"holographic dark energy",
"dark matter",
"non-gravitational coupling"
] |
0902.4465 | Power-counting and the Validity of the Classical Approximation During Inflation | We use the power-counting formalism of effective field theory to study the size of loop corrections in theories of slow-roll inflation, with the aim of more precisely identifying the limits of validity of the usual classical inflationary treatments. We keep our analysis as general as possible in order to systematically identify the most important corrections to the classical inflaton dynamics. Although most slow-roll models lie within the semiclassical domain, we find the consistency of the Higgs-Inflaton scenario to be more delicate due to the proximity between the Hubble scale during inflation and the upper bound allowed by unitarity on the new-physics scale associated with the breakdown of the semiclassical approximation within the effective theory. Similar remarks apply to curvature-squared inflationary models. | [
"higgs inflation",
"non-minimal coupling",
"perturbative unitarity"
] |
0908.2344 | Composition and thermodynamics of nuclear matter with light clusters | We investigate nuclear matter at finite temperature and density, including the formation of light clusters up to the alpha particle The novel feature of this work is to include the formation of clusters as well as their dissolution due to medium effects in a systematic way using two many-body theories: a microscopic quantum statistical (QS) approach and a generalized relativistic mean field (RMF) model. Nucleons and clusters are modified by medium effects. Both approaches reproduce the limiting cases of nuclear statistical equilibrium (NSE) at low densities and cluster-free nuclear matter at high densities. The treatment of the cluster dissociation is based on the Mott effect due to Pauli blocking, implemented in slightly different ways in the QS and the generalized RMF approaches. We compare the numerical results of these models for cluster abundances and thermodynamics in the region of medium excitation energies with temperatures T <= 20 MeV and baryon number densities from zero to a few times saturation density. The effect of cluster formation on the liquid-gas phase transition and on the density dependence of the symmetry energy is studied. Comparison is made with other theoretical approaches, in particular those, which are commonly used in astrophysical calculations. The results are relevant for heavy-ion collisions and astrophysical applications. | [
"nuclear matter",
"light cluster",
"supernova matter"
] |
1110.1049 | Metric-Palatini gravity unifying local constraints and late-time cosmic acceleration | We present a novel approach to modified theories of gravity that consists of adding to the Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian an f(R) term constructed a la Palatini. Using the respective dynamically equivalent scalar-tensor representation, we show that the theory can pass the Solar System observational constraints even if the scalar field is very light. This implies the existence of a long-range scalar field, which is able to modify the cosmological and galactic dynamics, but leaves the Solar System unaffected. We also verify the absence of instabilities in perturbations and provide explicit models which are consistent with local tests and lead to the late-time cosmic acceleration. | [
"late-time cosmic acceleration",
"metric einstein-hilbert lagrangian",
"hybrid metric-palatini theory"
] |
0909.0169 | Kerr Black Holes as Particle Accelerators to Arbitrarily High Energy | We show that intermediate mass black holes conjectured to be the early precursors of supermassive black holes and surrounded by relic cold dark matter density spikes can act as particle accelerators with collisions, in principle, at arbitrarily high centre of mass energies in the case of Kerr black holes. While the ejecta from such interactions will be highly redshifted, we may anticipate the possibility of a unique probe of Planck-scale physics. | [
"black hole",
"high energy",
"mass frame",
"extremal kerr",
"particle collision"
] |
1404.5954 | The IR-resummed Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structures | We present a new method to resum the effect of large scale motions in the Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structures. Because the linear power spectrum in ΛCDM is not scale free the effects of the large scale flows are enhanced. Although previous EFT calculations of the equal-time density power spectrum at one and two loops showed a remarkable agreement with numerical results, they also showed a 2 BAO oscillations. We show that this was indeed the case, explain the physical origin and show how a Lagrangian based calculation removes this differences. We propose a simple method to upgrade existing Eulerian calculations to effectively make them Lagrangian and compare the new results with existing fits to numerical simulations. Our new two-loop results agrees with numerical results up to k∼ 0.6 h/Mpc to within 1 also compute power spectra involving momentum which is significantly more affected by the large scale flows. We show how keeping track of these velocities significantly enhances the UV reach of the momentum power spectrum in addition to removing the BAO related residuals. We compute predictions for the real space correlation function around the BAO scale and investigate its sensitivity to the EFT parameters and the details of the resummation technique. | [
"effective field theory",
"large scale structures",
"matter power spectrum",
"three-loop order",
] |
0912.5297 | New cosmological constraints on primordial black holes | We update the constraints on the fraction of the Universe going into primordial black holes in the mass range 10^9–10^17 g associated with the effects of their evaporations on big bang nucleosynthesis and the extragalactic photon background. We include for the first time all the effects of quark and gluon emission by black holes on these constraints and account for the latest observational developments. We then discuss the other constraints in this mass range and show that these are weaker than the nucleosynthesis and photon background limits, apart from a small range 10^13–10^14 g, where the damping of cosmic microwave background anisotropies dominates. Finally we review the gravitational and astrophysical effects of nonevaporating primordial black holes, updating constraints over the broader mass range 1–10^50 g. | [
"cosmological constraint",
"primordial black hole",
"extragalactic photon background",
"early universe",
"certain mass range"
] |
1311.0029 | Dark Sectors and New, Light, Weakly-Coupled Particles | Dark sectors, consisting of new, light, weakly-coupled particles that do not interact with the known strong, weak, or electromagnetic forces, are a particularly compelling possibility for new physics. Nature may contain numerous dark sectors, each with their own beautiful structure, distinct particles, and forces. This review summarizes the physics motivation for dark sectors and the exciting opportunities for experimental exploration. It is the summary of the Intensity Frontier subgroup "New, Light, Weakly-coupled Particles" of the Community Summer Study 2013 (Snowmass). We discuss axions, which solve the strong CP problem and are an excellent dark matter candidate, and their generalization to axion-like particles. We also review dark photons and other dark-sector particles, including sub-GeV dark matter, which are theoretically natural, provide for dark matter candidates or new dark matter interactions, and could resolve outstanding puzzles in particle and astro-particle physics. In many cases, the exploration of dark sectors can proceed with existing facilities and comparatively modest experiments. A rich, diverse, and low-cost experimental program has been identified that has the potential for one or more game-changing discoveries. These physics opportunities should be vigorously pursued in the US and elsewhere. | [
"dark matter",
"axion-like particle",
"dark sector",
] |
1603.05234 | The clustering of massive Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter: measuring their mass distribution with Advanced LIGO | The recent detection by Advanced LIGO of gravitational waves (GW) from the merging of a binary black hole system sets new limits on the merging rates of massive primordial black holes (PBH) that could be a significant fraction or even the totality of the dark matter in the Universe. aLIGO opens the way to the determination of the distribution and clustering of such massive PBH. If PBH clusters have a similar density to the one observed in ultra-faint dwarf galaxies, we find merging rates comparable to aLIGO expectations. Massive PBH dark matter predicts the existence of thousands of those dwarf galaxies where star formation is unlikely because of gas accretion onto PBH, which would possibly provide a solution to the missing satellite and too-big-to-fail problems. Finally, we study the possibility of using aLIGO and future GW antennas to measure the abundance and mass distribution of PBH in the range [5 - 200] Msun to 10% accuracy. | [
"black hole",
"dark matter",
"mass distribution",
"gas accretion"
] |
1005.3039 | Einstein's Other Gravity and the Acceleration of the Universe | Spacetime curvature plays the primary role in general relativity but Einstein later considered a theory where torsion was the central quantity. Just as the Einstein-Hilbert action in the Ricci curvature scalar R can be generalized to f(R) gravity, we consider extensions of teleparallel, or torsion scalar T, gravity to f(T) theories. The field equations are naturally second order, avoiding pathologies, and can give rise to cosmic acceleration with unique features. | [
"dark energy",
"late-time acceleration",
"various cosmological solution"
] |
1509.08458 | Breaking a Dark Degeneracy with Gravitational Waves | We identify a scalar-tensor model embedded in the Horndeski action whose cosmological background and linear scalar fluctuations are degenerate with the concordance cosmology. The model admits a self-accelerated background expansion at late times that is stable against perturbations with a sound speed attributed to the new field that is equal to the speed of light. While degenerate in scalar fluctuations, self-acceleration of the model implies a present cosmological tensor mode propagation at < 95 with a damping of the wave amplitude that is > 5 general relativity. We show that these discrepancies are endemic to self-accelerated Horndeski theories with degenerate large-scale structure and are tested with measurements of gravitational waves emitted by events at cosmological distances. Hence, gravitational-wave cosmology breaks the dark degeneracy in observations of the large-scale structure between two fundamentally different explanations of cosmic acceleration - a cosmological constant and a scalar-tensor modification of gravity. The gravitational wave event GW150914 recently detected with the aLIGO instruments and its potential association with a weak short gamma-ray burst observed with the Fermi GBM experiment may have provided this crucial measurement. | [
"dark degeneracy",
"gravitational wave",
"horndeski theory",
"scalar-tensor theory",
] |
0911.4771 | Magnetic fields in the early universe | We give a pedagogical introduction to two aspects of magnetic fields in the early universe. We first focus on how to formulate electrodynamics in curved space time, defining appropriate magnetic and electric fields and writing Maxwell equations in terms of these fields. We then specialize to the case of magnetohydrodynamics in the expanding universe. We emphasize the usefulness of tetrads in this context. We then review the generation of magnetic fields during the inflationary era, deriving in detail the predicted magnetic and electric spectra for some models. We discuss potential problems arising from back reaction effects and from the large variation of the coupling constants required for such field generation. | [
"magnetic field",
"conformal invariance",
"primordial magnetic field"
] |
1302.0223 | Galilean invariance and the consistency relation for the nonlinear squeezed bispectrum of large scale structure | We discuss the constraints imposed on the nonlinear evolution of the Large Scale Structure (LSS) of the universe by galilean invariance, the symmetry relevant on subhorizon scales. Using Ward identities associated to the invariance, we derive fully nonlinear consistency relations between statistical correlators of the density and velocity perturbations, such as the power spectrum and the bispectrum. These relations are valid up to O (f_NL^2) corrections. We then show that most of the semi-analytic methods proposed so far to resum the perturbative expansion of the LSS dynamics fail to fulfill the constraints imposed by galilean invariance, and are therefore susceptible to non-physical infrared effects. Finally, we identify and discuss a nonperturbative semi-analytical scheme which is manifestly galilean invariant at any order of its expansion. | [
"consistency relation",
"galilean invariance",
"-correlator function",
"soft limit",
"dark matter fluid"
] |
0902.1761 | Detection of Extrasolar Planets by Gravitational Microlensing | Gravitational microlensing provides a unique window on the properties and prevalence of extrasolar planetary systems because of its ability to find low-mass planets at separations of a few AU. The early evidence from microlensing indicates that the most common type of exoplanet yet detected are the so-called "super-Earth" planets of 10 Earth-masses at a separation of a few AU from their host stars. The detection of two such planets indicates that roughly one third of stars have such planets in the separation range 1.5-4 AU, which is about an order of magnitude larger than the prevalence of gas-giant planets at these separations. We review the basic physics of the microlensing method, and show why this method allows the detection of Earth-mass planets at separations of 2-3 AU with ground-based observations. We explore the conditions that allow the detection of the planetary host stars and allow measurement of planetary orbital parameters. Finally, we show that a low-cost, space-based microlensing survey can provide a comprehensive statistical census of extrasolar planetary systems with sensitivity down to 0.1 Earth-masses at separations ranging from 0.5 AU to infinity. | [
"extrasolar planet",
"gravitational microlensing"
] |
1307.4738 | Development of a Relic Neutrino Detection Experiment at PTOLEMY: Princeton Tritium Observatory for Light, Early-Universe, Massive-Neutrino Yield | The PTOLEMY experiment (Princeton Tritium Observatory for Light, Early-Universe, Massive-Neutrino Yield) aims to achieve the sensitivity required to detect the relic neutrino background through a combination of a large area surface-deposition tritium target, MAC-E filter methods, cryogenic calorimetry, and RF tracking and time-of-flight systems. A small-scale prototype is in operation at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory with the goal of validating the technologies that would enable the design of a 100 gram PTOLEMY. With precision calorimetry in the prototype setup, the limitations from quantum mechanical and Doppler broadening of the tritium target for different substrates will be measured, including graphene substrates. Beyond relic neutrino physics, sterile neutrinos contributing to the dark matter in the universe are allowed by current constraints on partial contributions to the number of active neutrino species in thermal equilibrium in the early universe. The current PTOLEMY prototype is expected to have unique sensitivity in the search for sterile neutrinos with electron-flavor content for masses of 0.1–1keV, where less stringent, 10eV, energy resolution is required. The search for sterile neutrinos with electron-flavor content with the 100g PTOLEMY is expected to reach the level |U_e4|^2 of 10^-4–10^-6, depending on the sterile neutrino mass. | [
"princeton tritium observatory",
"massive-neutrino yield"
] |
1505.06668 | Effective Theory of Large-Scale Structure with Primordial Non-Gaussianity | We develop the effective theory of large-scale structure for non-Gaussian initial conditions. The effective stress tensor in the dark matter equations of motion contains new operators, which originate from the squeezed limit of the primordial bispectrum. Parameterizing the squeezed limit by a scaling and an angular dependence, captures large classes of primordial non-Gaussianity. Within this parameterization, we classify the possible contributions to the effective theory. We show explicitly how all terms consistent with the symmetries arise from coarse graining the dark matter equations of motion and its initial conditions. We also demonstrate that the system is closed under renormalization and that the basis of correction terms is therefore complete. The relevant corrections to the matter power spectrum and bispectrum are computed numerically and their relative importance is discussed. | [
"large-scale structure",
"primordial non-gaussianity",
"effective theory"
] |
1705.11098 | Modified Gravity Theories on a Nutshell: Inflation, Bounce and Late-time Evolution | We systematically review some standard issues and also the latest developments of modified gravity in cosmology, emphasizing on inflation, bouncing cosmology and late-time acceleration era. Particularly, we present the formalism of standard modified gravity theory representatives, like F(R), F(𝒢) and F(T) gravity theories, but also several alternative theoretical proposals which appeared in the literature during the last decade. We emphasize on the formalism developed for these theories and we explain how these theories can be considered as viable descriptions for our Universe. Using these theories, we present how a viable inflationary era can be produced in the context of these theories, with the viability being justified if compatibility with the latest observational data is achieved. Also we demonstrate how bouncing cosmologies can actually be described by these theories. Moreover, we systematically discuss several qualitative features of the dark energy era by using the modified gravity formalism, and also we critically discuss how a unified description of inflation with dark energy era can be described by solely using the modified gravity framework. Finally, we also discuss some astrophysical solutions in the context of modified gravity, and several qualitative features of these solutions. The aim of this review is to gather the different modified gravity techniques and form a virtual modified gravity "toolbox", which will contain all the necessary information on inflation, dark energy and bouncing cosmologies in the context of the various forms of modified gravity. | [
"late-time evolution",
"inflationary era",
"dark energy"
] |
1108.4136 | Sterile neutrinos with eV masses in cosmology – how disfavoured exactly? | We study cosmological models that contain sterile neutrinos with eV-range masses as suggested by reactor and short-baseline oscillation data. We confront these models with both precision cosmological data (probing the CMB decoupling epoch) and light-element abundances (probing the BBN epoch). In the minimal LambdaCDM model, such sterile neutrinos are strongly disfavoured by current data because they contribute too much hot dark matter. However, if the cosmological framework is extended to include also additional relativistic degrees of freedom – beyond the three standard neutrinos and the putative sterile neutrinos, then the hot dark matter constraint on the sterile states is considerably relaxed. A further improvement is achieved by allowing a dark energy equation of state parameter w<-1. While BBN strongly disfavours extra radiation beyond the assumed eV-mass sterile neutrino, this constraint can be circumvented by a small nu_e degeneracy. Any model containing eV-mass sterile neutrinos implies also strong modifications of other cosmological parameters. Notably, the inferred cold dark matter density can shift up by 20 to 75 relative to the standard LambdaCDM value. | [
"sterile neutrino",
"cosmological observation"
] |
1903.11584 | The origin of Galactic cosmic rays: challenges to the standard paradigm | A critical review of the standard paradigm for the origin of Galactic cosmic rays is presented. Recent measurements of local and far-away cosmic rays reveal unexpected behaviours, which challenge the commonly accepted scenario. These recent findings are discussed, together with long-standing open issues. Despite the progress made thanks to ever-improving observational techniques and theoretical investigations, at present our understanding of the origin and of the behaviour of cosmic rays remains incomplete. We believe it is still unclear whether a modification of the standard paradigm, or rather a radical change of the paradigm itself is needed in order to interpret all the available data on cosmic rays within a self-consistent scenario. | [
"cosmic ray",
"diffusive shock acceleration"
] |
1702.04189 | Weighing neutrinos in the scenario of vacuum energy interacting with cold dark matter: application of the parameterized post-Friedmann approach | We constrain the neutrino mass in the scenario of vacuum energy interacting with cold dark matter by using current cosmological observations. To avoid the large-scale instability problem in interacting dark energy models, we employ the parameterized post-Friedmann (PPF) approach to do the calculation of perturbation evolution, for the Q=β Hρ_ c and Q=β Hρ_Λ models. The current observational data sets used in this work include Planck (cosmic microwave background), BSH (baryon acoustic oscillations, type Ia supernovae, and Hubble constant), and LSS (redshift space distortions and weak lensing). According to the constraint results, we find that β>0 at more than 1σ level for the Q=β Hρ_ c model, which indicates that cold dark matter decays into vacuum energy; while β=0 is consistent with the current data at 1σ level for the Q=β Hρ_Λ model. Taking the ΛCDM model as a baseline model, we find that a smaller upper limit, ∑ m_ν<0.11 eV (2σ), is induced by the latest BAO BOSS DR12 data and the Hubble constant measurement H_0 = 73.00 ± 1.75 km s^-1 Mpc^-1. For the Q=β Hρ_ c model, we obtain ∑ m_ν<0.20 eV (2σ) from Planck+BSH. For the Q=β Hρ_Λ model, ∑ m_ν<0.10 eV (2σ) and ∑ m_ν<0.14 eV (2σ) are derived from Planck+BSH and Planck+BSH+LSS, respectively. We show that these smaller upper limits on ∑ m_ν are affected more or less by the tension between H_0 and other observational data. | [
"vacuum energy",
"dark matter"
] |
1501.06570 | Superradiance – the 2020 Edition | Superradiance is a radiation enhancement process that involves dissipative systems. With a 60 year-old history, superradiance has played a prominent role in optics, quantum mechanics and especially in relativity and astrophysics. In General Relativity, black-hole superradiance is permitted by the ergoregion, that allows for energy, charge and angular momentum extraction from the vacuum, even at the classical level. Stability of the spacetime is enforced by the event horizon, where negative energy-states are dumped. Black-hole superradiance is intimately connected to the black-hole area theorem, Penrose process, tidal forces, and even Hawking radiation, which can be interpreted as a quantum version of black-hole superradiance. Various mechanisms (as diverse as massive fields, magnetic fields, anti-de Sitter boundaries, nonlinear interactions, etc...) can confine the amplified radiation and give rise to strong instabilities. These "black-hole bombs" have applications in searches of dark matter and of physics beyond the Standard Model, are associated to the threshold of formation of new black hole solutions that evade the no-hair theorems, can be studied in the laboratory by devising analog models of gravity, and might even provide a holographic description of spontaneous symmetry breaking and superfluidity through the gauge-gravity duality. This work is meant to provide a unified picture of this multifaceted subject. We focus on the recent developments in the field, and work out a number of novel examples and applications, ranging from fundamental physics to astrophysics. | [
"angular momentum",
"superradiant instability",
] |
2004.04740 | Dark matter and dark radiation from evaporating primordial black holes | Primordial black holes in the mass range from 10^-5 to 10^9 g might have existed in the early universe. Via their evaporation mechanism (completed before Big Bang Nucleosynthesis), they might have released stable particles beyond the Standard Model. We reconsider the possibility that such particles might constitute the main part or a fraction of the dark matter observed today, updating the impact on this scenario from warm dark matter constraints. If sufficiently light, stable particles from primordial black holes evaporation might also provide a significant contribution to dark radiation. We generalize previous studies on this interesting dark matter and dark radiation production mechanism, by including the effects of accretion and a possible amount of entropy non conservation. We also discuss in some detail specific examples of stable particle candidates beyond the Standard Model. | [
"dark radiation",
"black hole",
"dark matter"
] |
0912.0384 | Gravitational waves from neutron stars: Promises and challenges | We discuss different ways that neutron stars can generate gravitational waves, describe recent improvements in modelling the relevant scenarios in the context of improving detector sensitivity, and show how observations are beginning to test our understanding of fundamental physics. The main purpose of the discussion is to establish promising science goals for third-generation ground-based detectors, like the Einstein Telescope, and identify the various challenges that need to be met if we want to use gravitational-wave data to probe neutron star physics. | [
"neutron star",
"gravitational wave",
"nuclear matter"
] |
1812.00674 | Gravitational waves induced by scalar perturbations as probes of the small-scale primordial spectrum | Compared to primordial perturbations on large scales, roughly larger than 1 megaparsec, those on smaller scales are not severely constrained. We revisit the issue of probing small-scale primordial perturbations using gravitational waves (GWs), based on the fact that, when large-amplitude primordial perturbations on small scales exist, GWs with relatively large amplitudes are induced at second order in scalar perturbations, and these induced GWs can be probed by both existing and planned gravitational-wave projects. We use accurate methods to calculate these induced GWs and take into account sensitivities of different experiments to induced GWs carefully, to report existing and expected limits on the small-scale primordial spectrum. | [
"scalar perturbation",
"small-scale primordial spectrum",
"primordial black hole"
] |
1503.01136 | Combining high-dispersion spectroscopy (HDS) with high contrast imaging (HCI): Probing rocky planets around our nearest neighbors | Aims: In this work, we discuss a way to combine High Dispersion Spectroscopy and High Contrast Imaging (HDS+HCI). For a planet located at a resolvable angular distance from its host star, the starlight can be reduced up to several orders of magnitude using adaptive optics and/or coronography. In addition, the remaining starlight can be filtered out using high-dispersion spectroscopy, utilizing the significantly different (or Doppler shifted) high-dispersion spectra of the planet and star. In this way, HDS+HCI can in principle reach contrast limits of 1e-5 x 1e-5, although in practice this will be limited by photon noise and/or sky-background. Methods: We present simulations of HDS+HCI observations with the E-ELT, both probing thermal emission from a planet at infrared wavelengths, and starlight reflected off a planet atmosphere at optical wavelengths. For the infrared simulations we use the baseline parameters of the E-ELT and METIS instrument, with the latter combining extreme adaptive optics with an R=100,000 IFS. We include realistic models of the adaptive optics performance and atmospheric transmission and emission. For the optical simulation we also assume R=100,000 IFS with adaptive optics capabilities at the E-ELT. Results: One night of HDS+HCI observations with the E-ELT at 4.8 um (d_lambda = 0.07 um) can detect a planet orbiting alpha Cen A with a radius of R=1.5 R_earth and a twin-Earth thermal spectrum of T_eq=300 K at a signal-to-noise (S/N) of 5. In the optical, with a Strehl ratio performance of 0.3, reflected light from an Earth-size planet in the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri can be detected at a S/N of 10 in the same time frame. Recently, first HDS+HCI observations have shown the potential of this technique by determining the spin-rotation of the young massive exoplanet beta Pictoris b. [abridged] | [
"high-dispersion spectroscopy",
"high contrast imaging",
] |
1206.0267 | The Epoch of Reionization | The Universe's dark ages end with the formation of the first generation of galaxies. These objects start emitting ultraviolet radiation that carves out ionized regions around them. After a sufficient number of ionizing sources have formed, the ionized fraction of the gas in the Universe rapidly increases until hydrogen becomes fully ionized. This period, during which the cosmic gas went from neutral to ionized, is known as the Universe's Epoch of Reionization . The Epoch of Reionization is related to many fundamental questions in cosmology, such as properties of the first galaxies, physics of (mini-)quasars, formation of very metal-poor stars and a slew of other important research topics in astrophysics. Hence uncovering it will have far reaching implications on the study of structure formation in the early Universe. This chapter reviews the current observational evidence for the occurrence of this epoch, its key theoretical aspects and main characteristics, and finally the various observational probes that promise to uncover it. A special emphasis is put on the redshifted 21 cm probe, the various experiments that are currently being either built or designed, and what we can learn from them about the Epoch of Reionization. | [
"neutral hydrogen"
] |
2010.00593 | Static response and Love numbers of Schwarzschild black holes | We derive the quadratic action for the physical degrees of freedom of massless spin-0, spin-1, and spin-2 perturbations on a Schwarzschild–(A)dS background in arbitrary dimensions. We then use these results to compute the static response of asymptotically flat Schwarzschild black holes to external fields. Our analysis reproduces known facts about black hole Love numbers, in particular that they vanish for all types of perturbation in four spacetime dimensions, but also leads to new results. For instance, we find that neutral Schwarzschild black holes polarize in the presence of an electromagnetic background in any number of spacetime dimensions except four. Moreover, we calculate for the first time black hole Love numbers for vector-type gravitational perturbations in higher dimensions and find that they generically do not vanish. Along the way, we shed some light on an apparent discrepancy between previous results in the literature, and clarify some aspects of the matching between perturbative calculations of static response on a Schwarzschild background and the point-particle effective theory | [
"black hole"
] |
1110.0462 | The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph | The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) is a moderate-resolution spectrograph with unprecedented sensitivity that was installed into the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in May 2009, during HST Servicing Mission 4 (STS-125). We present the design philosophy and summarize the key characteristics of the instrument that will be of interest to potential observers. For faint targets, with flux F_lambda 1.0E10-14 ergs/s/cm2/Angstrom, COS can achieve comparable signal to noise (when compared to STIS echelle modes) in 1-2 time. This has led to a significant increase in the total data volume and data quality available to the community. For example, in the first 20 months of science operation (September 2009 - June 2011) the cumulative redshift pathlength of extragalactic sight lines sampled by COS is 9 times that sampled at moderate resolution in 19 previous years of Hubble observations. COS programs have observed 214 distinct lines of sight suitable for study of the intergalactic medium as of June 2011. COS has measured, for the first time with high reliability, broad Lya absorbers and Ne VIII in the intergalactic medium, and observed the HeII reionization epoch along multiple sightlines. COS has detected the first CO emission and absorption in the UV spectra of low-mass circumstellar disks at the epoch of giant planet formation, and detected multiple ionization states of metals in extra-solar planetary atmospheres. In the coming years, COS will continue its census of intergalactic gas, probe galactic and cosmic structure, and explore physics in our solar system and Galaxy. | [
"cosmic origins spectrograph",
] |
1006.1769 | Eddington's theory of gravity and its progeny | We resurrect Eddington's proposal for the gravitational action in the presence of a cosmological constant and extend it to include matter fields. We show that the Newton-Poisson equation is modified in the presence of sources and that charged black holes show great similarities with those arising in Born-Infeld electrodynamics coupled to gravity. When we consider homogeneous and isotropic space-times we find that there is a minimum length (and maximum density) at early times, clearly pointing to an alternative theory of the Big Bang. We thus argue that the modern formulation of Eddington's theory, Born-Infeld gravity, presents us with a novel, non-singular description of the Universe. | [
"big bang singularity"
] |
1109.6324 | Black holes in scalar-tensor gravity | Hawking has proven that black holes which are stationary as the endpoint of gravitational collapse in Brans–Dicke theory (without a potential) are no different than in general relativity. We extend this proof to the much more general class of scalar-tensor and f(R) gravity theories, without assuming any symmetries apart from stationarity. | [
"black hole",
"scalar-tensor theory",
"no-hair theorem",
"minimal coupling"
] |
0904.2835 | Matter Bounce in Horava-Lifshitz Cosmology | Horava-Lifshitz gravity, a recent proposal for a UV-complete renormalizable gravity theory, may lead to a bouncing cosmology. In this note we argue that Horava-Lifshitz cosmology may yield a concrete realization of the matter bounce scenario, and thus give rise to an alternative to inflation for producing a scale-invariant spectrum of cosmological perturbations. In this scenario, quantum vacuum fluctuations exit the Hubble radius in the pre-bounce phase and the spectrum is transformed into a scale-invariant one on super-Hubble scales before the bounce because the long wavelength modes undergo squeezing of their wave-functions for a longer period of time than shorter wavelength modes. The scale-invariance of the spectrum of curvature fluctuations is preserved during and after the bounce. A distinctive prediction of this scenario is the amplitude and shape of the bispectrum. | [
"horava-lifshitz gravity",
"matter bounce scenario"
] |
1308.2911 | Test of consistency between Planck and WMAP | Within the context of the concordance model of cosmology we test the consistency of the angular power spectrum data from WMAP and Planck looking for possible systematics. The best fit concordance model to each observation is used as a mean function along with a Crossing function with an orthogonal basis to fit the data from the other observation searching for any possible deviation. We report that allowing an overall amplitude shift in the observed angular power spectra of the two observations, the best fit mean function from Planck data is consistent with WMAP 9 year data but the best fit mean function generated from WMAP-9 data is not consistent with Planck data at the 3σ level. This is an expected result when there is no clear systematic/tension between two observations and one of them has a considerably higher precision. We conclude that there is no clear tension between Planck and WMAP 9 year angular power spectrum data from a statistical point of view (allowing the overall amplitude shift). Our result highlights the fact that while the angular power spectrum from cosmic microwave background observations is a function of various cosmological parameters, comparing individual parameters might be misleading in the presence of cosmographic degeneracies. Another main result of our analysis is the importance of the overall amplitudes of the observed spectra from Planck and WMAP observations. Fixing the amplitudes at their reported values results in an unresolvable tension between the two observations at more than 3σ level which can be a hint towards a serious systematic. | [
] |
2101.11735 | Wave Dark Matter | We review the physics and phenomenology of wave dark matter: a bosonic dark matter candidate lighter than about 30 eV. Such particles have a de Broglie wavelength exceeding the average inter-particle separation in a galaxy like the Milky Way, and are well described as classical waves. We outline the particle physics motivations for them, including the QCD axion and ultra-light axion-like-particles such as fuzzy dark matter. The wave nature of the dark matter implies a rich phenomenology: (1) Wave interference leads to order unity density fluctuations on de Broglie scale. A manifestation is vortices where the density vanishes and around which the velocity circulates. There is one vortex ring per de Broglie volume on average. (2) For sufficiently low masses, soliton condensation occurs at centers of halos. The soliton oscillates and random walks, another manifestation of wave interference. The halo/subhalo abundance is suppressed at small masses, but the precise prediction from numerical wave simulations remains to be determined. (3) For ultra-light 10^-22 eV dark matter, the wave interference substructures can be probed by tidal streams/gravitational lensing. The signal can be distinguished from that due to subhalos by the dependence on stream orbital radius/image separation. (4) Axion detection experiments are sensitive to interference substructures for moderately light masses. The stochastic nature of the waves affects the interpretation of experiments and motivates the measurement of correlation functions. Current constraints and open questions, covering detection experiments and cosmological/galactic/black-hole observations, are discussed. | [
"dark matter",
"fuzzy dark matter",
"wave nature"
] |
1004.3294 | Cosmological Tests of Gravity | Modifications of general relativity provide an alternative explanation to dark energy for the observed acceleration of the universe. We review recent developments in modified gravity theories, focusing on higher dimensional approaches and chameleon/f(R) theories. We classify these models in terms of the screening mechanisms that enable such theories to approach general relativity on small scales (and thus satisfy solar system constraints). We describe general features of the modified Friedman equation in such theories. The second half of this review describes experimental tests of gravity in light of the new theoretical approaches. We summarize the high precision tests of gravity on laboratory and solar system scales. We describe in some detail tests on astrophysical scales ranging from kpc (galaxy scales) to Gpc (large-scale structure). These tests rely on the growth and inter-relationship of perturbations in the metric potentials, density and velocity fields which can be measured using gravitational lensing, galaxy cluster abundances, galaxy clustering and the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect. A robust way to interpret observations is by constraining effective parameters, such as the ratio of the two metric potentials. Currently tests of gravity on astrophysical scales are in the early stages — we summarize these tests and discuss the interesting prospects for new tests in the coming decade. | [
"dark energy",
"dark matter",
"large scale",
] |
1707.09578 | Primordial black holes and second order gravitational waves from ultra-slow-roll inflation | The next generation of space-borne gravitational wave detectors may detect gravitational waves from extreme mass-ratio inspirals with primordial black holes. To produce primordial black holes which contribute a non-negligible abundance of dark matter and are consistent with the observations, a large enhancement in the primordial curvature power spectrum is needed. For a single field slow-roll inflation, the enhancement requires a very flat potential for the inflaton, and this will increase the number of e-folds. To avoid the problem, an ultra-slow-roll inflation at the near inflection point is required. We elaborate the conditions to successfully produce primordial black hole dark matter from single field inflation and propose a toy model with polynomial potential to realize the big enhancement of the curvature power spectrum at small scales while maintaining the consistency with the observations at large scales. The power spectrum for the second order gravitational waves generated by the large density perturbations at small scales is consistent with the current pulsar timing array observations. | [
"gravitational wave",
"ultra-slow-roll inflation",
"primordial black hole"
] |
1709.09066 | Line-Intensity Mapping: 2017 Status Report | Following the first two annual intensity mapping workshops at Stanford in March 2016 and Johns Hopkins in June 2017, we report on the recent advances in theory, instrumentation and observation that were presented in these meetings and some of the opportunities and challenges that were identified looking forward. With preliminary detections of CO, [CII], Lya and low-redshift 21cm, and a host of experiments set to go online in the next few years, the field is rapidly progressing on all fronts, with great anticipation for a flood of new exciting results. This current snapshot provides an efficient reference for experts in related fields and a useful resource for nonspecialists. We begin by introducing the concept of line-intensity mapping and then discuss the broad array of science goals that will be enabled, ranging from the history of star formation, reionization and galaxy evolution to measuring baryon acoustic oscillations at high redshift and constraining theories of dark matter, modified gravity and dark energy. After reviewing the first detections reported to date, we survey the experimental landscape, presenting the parameters and capabilities of relevant instruments such as COMAP, mmIMe, AIM-CO, CCAT-p, TIME, CONCERTO, CHIME, HIRAX, HERA, STARFIRE, MeerKAT/SKA and SPHEREx. Finally, we describe recent theoretical advances: different approaches to modeling line luminosity functions, several techniques to separate the desired signal from foregrounds, statistical methods to analyze the data, and frameworks to generate realistic intensity map simulations. | [
"line-intensity mapping",
"spectral line",
"spatial fluctuation"
] |
1104.2669 | f(R,T) gravity | We consider f(R,T) modified theories of gravity, where the gravitational Lagrangian is given by an arbitrary function of the Ricci scalar R and of the trace of the stress-energy tensor T. We obtain the gravitational field equations in the metric formalism, as well as the equations of motion for test particles, which follow from the covariant divergence of the stress-energy tensor. Generally, the gravitational field equations depend on the nature of the matter source. The field equations of several particular models, corresponding to some explicit forms of the function f(R,T), are also presented. An important case, which is analyzed in detail, is represented by scalar field models. We write down the action and briefly consider the cosmological implications of the f(R,T^ϕ) models, where T^ϕ is the trace of the stress-energy tensor of a self-interacting scalar field. The equations of motion of the test particles are also obtained from a variational principle. The motion of massive test particles is non-geodesic, and takes place in the presence of an extra force orthogonal to the four-velocity. The Newtonian limit of the equation of motion is further analyzed. Finally, we provide a constraint on the magnitude of the extra-acceleration by analyzing the perihelion precession of the planet Mercury in the framework of the present model. | [
"geometry-matter coupling"
] |
1205.3365 | Everything You Always Wanted To Know About The Cosmological Constant Problem (But Were Afraid To Ask) | This article aims at discussing the cosmological constant problem at a pedagogical but fully technical level. We review how the vacuum energy can be regularized in flat and curved space-time and how it can be understood in terms of Feynman bubble diagrams. In particular, we show that the properly renormalized value of the zero-point energy density today (for a free theory) is in fact far from being 122 orders of magnitude larger than the critical energy density, as often quoted in the literature. We mainly consider the case of scalar fields but also treat the cases of fermions and gauge bosons which allows us to discuss the question of vacuum energy in super-symmetry. Then, we discuss how the cosmological constant can be measured in cosmology and constrained with experiments such as measurements of planet orbits in our solar system or atomic spectra. We also review why the Lamb shift and the Casimir effect seem to indicate that the quantum zero-point fluctuations are not an artifact of the quantum field theory formalism. We investigate how experiments on the universality of free fall can constrain the gravitational properties of vacuum energy and we discuss the status of the weak equivalence principle in quantum mechanics, in particular the Collela, Overhausser and Werner experiment and the quantum Galileo experiment performed with a Salecker-Wigner-Peres clock. Finally, we briefly conclude with a discussion on the solutions to the cosmological constant problem that have been proposed so far. | [
"cosmological constant problem",
"quantum field theory",
"vacuum energy density",
] |
1106.3312 | Cosmology of the Galileon from Massive Gravity | We covariantize the decoupling limit of massive gravity proposed in arXiv:1011.1232 and study the cosmology of this theory as a proxy, which embodies key features of the fully non-linear covariant theory. We first confirm that it exhibits a self-accelerating solution, similar to what has been found in arXiv:1010.1780, where the Hubble parameter corresponds to the graviton mass. For a certain range of parameters fluctuations relative to the self-accelerating background are stable and form an attractor solution. We also show that a degravitating solution can not be constructed in this covariantized proxy theory in a meaningful way. As for cosmic structure formation, we find that the helicity-0 mode of the graviton causes an enhancement relative to LCDM. For consistency we also compare proxy theories obtained starting from different frames in the decoupling limit and discuss the possibility of obtaining a non-representative proxy theory by choosing the wrong starting frame. | [
"massive gravity",
"scalar-tensor theory",
"galileon theory"
] |
1204.2832 | Reconstruction of dark energy and expansion dynamics using Gaussian processes | An important issue in cosmology is reconstructing the effective dark energy equation of state directly from observations. With few physically motivated models, future dark energy studies cannot only be based on constraining a dark energy parameter space, as the errors found depend strongly on the parameterisation considered. We present a new non-parametric approach to reconstructing the history of the expansion rate and dark energy using Gaussian Processes, which is a fully Bayesian approach for smoothing data. We present a pedagogical introduction to Gaussian Processes, and discuss how it can be used to robustly differentiate data in a suitable way. Using this method we show that the Dark Energy Survey - Supernova Survey (DES) can accurately recover a slowly evolving equation of state to sigma_w = +-0.04 (95 at z=0.7, with a minimum error of +-0.015 at the sweet-spot at z 0.14, provided the other parameters of the model are known. Errors on the expansion history are an order of magnitude smaller, yet make no assumptions about dark energy whatsoever. A code for calculating functions and their first three derivatives using Gaussian processes has been developed and is available for download at seikel/GAPP/index.html . | [
"dark energy",
"expansion dynamic",
"gaussian process",
] |
1509.03884 | Testing black hole candidates with electromagnetic radiation | Astrophysical black hole candidates are thought to be the Kerr black holes of general relativity, but there is not yet direct observational evidence that the spacetime geometry around these objects is described by the Kerr solution. The study of the properties of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by gas or stars orbiting these objects can potentially test the Kerr black hole hypothesis. In this paper, I review the state of the art of this research field, describing the possible approaches to test the Kerr metric with current and future observational facilities and discussing current constraints. | [
"black hole candidate",
"accretion disk",
"astrophysical data"
] |
1007.0443 | Generalization of the Fierz-Pauli Action | We consider the Lagrangian of gravity covariantly amended by the mass and polynomial interaction terms with arbitrary coefficients, and reinvestigate the consistency of such a theory in the decoupling limit, up to the fifth order in the nonlinearities. We calculate explicitly the self-interactions of the helicity-0 mode, as well as the nonlinear mixing between the helicity-0 and -2 modes. We show that ghost-like pathologies in these interactions disappear for special choices of the polynomial interactions, and argue that this result remains true to all orders in the decoupling limit. Moreover, we show that the linear, and some of the nonlinear mixing terms between the helicity-0 and -2 modes can be absorbed by a local change of variables, which then naturally generates the cubic, quartic, and quintic Galileon interactions, introduced in a different context. We also point out that the mixing between the helicity-0 and 2 modes can be at most quartic in the decoupling limit. Finally, we discuss the implications of our findings for the consistency of the effective field theory away from the decoupling limit, and for the Boulware-Deser problem. | [
"fierz-pauli action",
] |
1003.5751 | Dust of Dark Energy | We introduce a novel class of field theories where energy always flows along timelike geodesics, mimicking in that respect dust, yet which possess non-zero pressure. This theory comprises two scalar fields, one of which is a Lagrange multiplier enforcing a constraint between the other's field value and derivative. We show that this system possesses no wave-like modes but retains a single dynamical degree of freedom. Thus, the sound speed is always identically zero on all backgrounds. In particular, cosmological perturbations reproduce the standard behaviour for hydrodynamics with vanishing sound speed. Using all these properties we propose a model unifying Dark Matter and Dark Energy in a single degree of freedom. In a certain limit this model exactly reproduces the evolution history of Lambda-CDM, while deviations away from the standard expansion history produce a potentially measurable difference in the evolution of structure. | [
"dark energy",
"scalar field",
"dark matter"
] |
1610.08981 | One Law To Rule Them All: The Radial Acceleration Relation of Galaxies | We study the link between baryons and dark matter in 240 galaxies with spatially resolved kinematic data. Our sample spans 9 dex in stellar mass and includes all morphological types. We consider (i) 153 late-type galaxies (LTGs; spirals and irregulars) with gas rotation curves from the SPARC database; (ii) 25 early-type galaxies (ETGs; ellipticals and lenticulars) with stellar and HI data from ATLAS^3D or X-ray data from Chandra; and (iii) 62 dwarf spheroidals (dSphs) with individual-star spectroscopy. We find that LTGs, ETGs, and "classical" dSphs follow the same radial acceleration relation: the observed acceleration (gobs) correlates with that expected from the distribution of baryons (gbar) over 4 dex. The relation coincides with the 1:1 line (no dark matter) at high accelerations but systematically deviates from unity below a critical scale of 10^-10 m/s^2. The observed scatter is remarkably small (<0.13 dex) and largely driven by observational uncertainties. The residuals do not correlate with any global or local galaxy property (baryonic mass, gas fraction, radius, etc.). The radial acceleration relation is tantamount to a Natural Law: when the baryonic contribution is measured, the rotation curve follows, and vice versa. Including ultrafaint dSphs, the relation may extend by another 2 dex and possibly flatten at gbar<10^-12 m/s^2, but these data are significantly more uncertain. The radial acceleration relation subsumes and generalizes several well-known dynamical properties of galaxies, like the Tully-Fisher and Faber-Jackson relations, the "baryon-halo" conspiracies, and Renzo's rule. | [
"radial acceleration relation",
"tight correlation"
] |
1012.5313 | Determination of intergalactic magnetic fields from gamma ray data | We report a measurement of intergalactic magnetic fields using combined data from Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes and Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope, based on the spectral data alone. If blazars are assumed to produce both gamma rays and cosmic rays, the observed spectra are not sensitive to the intrinsic spectrum of the source, because, for a distant blazar, secondary photons produced in line-of-sight cosmic-ray interactions dominate the signal. In this case, we find 0.01 fG < B < 30 fG. If one excludes the cosmic-ray component, the 0.01 fG lower limit remains, but the upper limit depends on the spectral properties of the source. We present the allowed ranges for a variety of model parameters. | [
"intergalactic magnetic field",
"magnetic field",
"cosmic ray",
"multi-frequency blazar observation"
] |
1611.06130 | Inflationary primordial black holes for the LIGO gravitational wave events and pulsar timing array experiments | Primordial black holes (PBHs) are one of the candidates to explain the gravitational wave (GW) signals observed by the LIGO detectors. Among several phenomena in the early Universe, cosmic inflation is a major example to generate PBHs from large primordial density perturbations. In this paper, we discuss the possibility to interpret the observed GW events as mergers of PBHs which are produced by cosmic inflation. The primordial curvature perturbation should be large enough to produce a sizable amount of PBHs and thus we have several other probes to test this scenario. We point out that the current pulsar timing array (PTA) experiments already put severe constraints on GWs generated via the second-order effects, and that the observation of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) puts severe restriction on its μ distortion. In particular, it is found that the scalar power spectrum should have a very sharp peak at k ∼ 10^6 Mpc^-1 to fulfill the required abundance of PBHs while evading constraints from the PTA experiments together with the μ distortion. We propose a mechanism which can realize such a sharp peak. In the future, simple inflation models that generate PBHs via almost Gaussian fluctuations could be probed/excluded. | [
"primordial black hole",
"gravitational wave",
"pulsar timing array",
"early universe"
] |
0901.1986 | The WMAP cold spot | The WMAP cold spot was found by applying spherical wavelets to the first year WMAP data. An excess of kurtosis of the wavelet coefficient was observed at angular scales of around 5 degrees. This excess was shown to be inconsistent with Gaussian simulations with a p-value of around 1 (b = -57, l = 209) was shown to be the main cause of this deviation. Several hypotheses were raised to explain the origin of the cold spot. After performing a Bayesian template fit a collapsing cosmic texture was found to be the most probable hypothesis explaining the spot. Here we review the properties of the cold spot and the possible explanations. | [
"cold spot",
"several statistical estimator"
] |
1507.00744 | Hypermagnetic Fields and Baryon Asymmetry from Pseudoscalar Inflation | We show that maximally helical hypermagnetic fields produced during pseudoscalar inflation can generate the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe via the B+L anomaly in the Standard Model. We find that most of the parameter space of pseudoscalar inflation that explains the cosmological data leads to baryon overproduction, hence the models of natural inflation are severely constrained. We also point out a connection between the baryon number and topology of the relic magnetic fields. Both the magnitude and sign of magnetic helicity can be detected in future diffuse gamma ray data. This will be a smoking gun evidence for a link between inflation and the baryon asymmetry of the Universe. | [
"baryon asymmetry",
"pseudoscalar inflation",
"gauge field"
] |
1703.05448 | Lectures on the Infrared Structure of Gravity and Gauge Theory | This is a redacted transcript of a course given by the author at Harvard in spring semester 2016. It contains a pedagogical overview of recent developments connecting the subjects of soft theorems, the memory effect and asymptotic symmetries in four-dimensional QED, nonabelian gauge theory and gravity with applications to black holes. The lectures may be viewed online at Please send typos or corrections to [email protected]. | [
"gauge theory",
"flat space"
] |
1209.4661 | The Extragalactic Background Light and the Gamma-ray Opacity of the Universe | The extragalactic background light (EBL) is one of the fundamental observational quantities in cosmology. All energy releases from resolved and unresolved extragalactic sources, and the light from any truly diffuse background, excluding the cosmic microwave background (CMB), contribute to its intensity and spectral energy distribution. It therefore plays a crucial role in cosmological tests for the formation and evolution of stellar objects and galaxies, and for setting limits on exotic energy releases in the universe. The EBL also plays an important role in the propagation of very high energy gamma-rays which are attenuated en route to Earth by pair producing gamma-gamma interactions with the EBL and CMB. The EBL affects the spectrum of the sources, predominantly blazars, in the 10 GeV to 10 TeV energy regime. Knowledge of the EBL intensity and spectrum will allow the determination of the intrinsic blazar spectrum in a crucial energy regime that can be used to test particle acceleration mechanisms and VHE gamma-ray production models. Conversely, knowledge of the intrinsic gamma-ray spectrum and the detection of blazars at increasingly higher redshifts will set strong limits on the EBL and its evolution. This paper reviews the latest developments in the determination of the EBL and its impact on the current understanding of the origin and production mechanisms of gamma-rays in blazars, and on energy releases in the universe. The review concludes with a summary and future directions in Cherenkov Telescope Array techniques and in infrared ground-based and space observatories that will greatly improve our knowledge of the EBL and the origin and production of very high energy gamma-rays. | [
"extragalactic background light",
] |
2102.08252 | Fanaroff-Riley classification of radio galaxies using group-equivariant convolutional neural networks | Weight sharing in convolutional neural networks (CNNs) ensures that their feature maps will be translation-equivariant. However, although conventional convolutions are equivariant to translation, they are not equivariant to other isometries of the input image data, such as rotation and reflection. For the classification of astronomical objects such as radio galaxies, which are expected statistically to be globally orientation invariant, this lack of dihedral equivariance means that a conventional CNN must learn explicitly to classify all rotated versions of a particular type of object individually. In this work we present the first application of group-equivariant convolutional neural networks to radio galaxy classification and explore their potential for reducing intra-class variability by preserving equivariance for the Euclidean group E(2), containing translations, rotations and reflections. For the radio galaxy classification problem considered here, we find that classification performance is modestly improved by the use of both cyclic and dihedral models without additional hyper-parameter tuning, and that a D16 equivariant model provides the best test performance. We use the Monte Carlo Dropout method as a Bayesian approximation to recover epistemic uncertainty as a function of image orientation and show that E(2)-equivariant models are able to reduce variations in model confidence as a function of rotation. | [
"radio galaxy",
"convolutional neural network"
] |
1403.3358 | Gravitational collapse of Bose-Einstein condensate dark matter halos | We study the mechanisms of the gravitational collapse of the Bose-Einstein condensate dark matter halos, described by the zero temperature time-dependent nonlinear Schrödinger equation (the Gross-Pitaevskii equation), with repulsive inter-particle interactions. By using a variational approach, and by choosing an appropriate trial wave function, we reformulate the Gross-Pitaevskii equation with spherical symmetry as Newton's equation of motion for a particle in an effective potential, which is determined by the zero point kinetic energy, the gravitational energy, and the particles interaction energy, respectively. The velocity of the condensate is proportional to the radial distance, with a time dependent proportionality function. The equation of motion of the collapsing dark matter condensate is studied by using both analytical and numerical methods. The collapse of the condensate ends with the formation of a stable configuration, corresponding to the minimum of the effective potential. The radius and the mass of the resulting dark matter object are obtained, as well as the collapse time of the condensate. The numerical values of these global astrophysical quantities, characterizing condensed dark matter systems, strongly depend on the two parameters describing the condensate, the mass of the dark matter particle, and of the scattering length, respectively. The stability of the condensate under small perturbations is also studied, and the oscillations frequency of the halo is obtained. Hence these results show that the gravitational collapse of the condensed dark matter halos can lead to the formation of stable astrophysical systems with both galactic and stellar sizes. | [
"dark matter halo",
"gravitational collapse",
"einstein condensate"
] |
1506.08575 | The two faces of mimetic Horndeski gravity: disformal transformations and Lagrange multiplier | We show that very general scalar-tensor theories of gravity (including, e.g., Horndeski models) are generically invariant under disformal transformations. However there is a special subset, when the transformation is not invertible, that yields new equations of motion which are a generalization of the so-called "mimetic" dark matter theory recently introduced by Chamsedinne and Mukhanov. These conclusions hold true irrespective of whether the scalar field in the action of the assumed scalar-tensor theory of gravity is the same or different than the scalar field involved in the transformation. The new equations of motion for our general mimetic theory can also be derived from an action containing an additional Lagrange multiplier field. The general mimetic scalar-tensor theory has the same number of derivatives in the equations of motion as the original scalar-tensor theory. As an application we show that the simplest mimetic scalar-tensor model is able to mimic the cosmological background of a flat FLRW model with a barotropic perfect fluid with any constant equation of state. | [
"disformal transformation",
] |
1507.05326 | Precision Comparison of the Power Spectrum in the EFTofLSS with Simulations | We study the prediction of the dark matter power spectrum at two-loop order in the Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structures (EFTofLSS) using high precision numerical simulations. In our universe, short distance non-linear perturbations, not under perturbative control, affect long distance fluctuations through an effective stress tensor that needs to be parametrized in terms of counterterms that are functions of the long distance fluctuating fields. We find that at two-loop order it is necessary to include three counterterms: a linear term in the over density, δ, a quadratic term, δ^2, and a higher derivative term, ∂^2δ. After the inclusion of these three terms, the EFTofLSS at two-loop order matches simulation data up to k≃ 0.34 h Mpc^-1 at redshift z=0, up to k≃ 0.55 h Mpc^-1 at z=1, and up to k≃ 1.1 h Mpc^-1 at z=2. At these wavenumbers, the cosmic variance of the simulation is at least as small as 10^-3, providing a high precision comparison between theory and data. The actual reach of the theory is affected by theoretical uncertainties associated to not having included higher order terms in perturbation theory, for which we provide an estimate, and by potentially overfitting the data, which we also try to address. Since in the EFTofLSS the coupling constants associated with the counterterms are unknown functions of time, we show how a simple parametrization gives a sensible description of their time-dependence. Overall, the k-reach of the EFTofLSS is much larger than previous analytical techniques, showing that the amount of cosmological information amenable to high-precision analytical control might be much larger than previously believed. | [
"matter power spectrum",
"precision comparison",
"three-loop order"
] |
1203.4595 | Conformal consistency relations for single-field inflation | We generalize the single-field consistency relations to capture not only the leading term in the squeezed limit—going as 1/q^3, where q is the small wavevector—but also the subleading one, going as 1/q^2. This term, for an (n+1)-point function, is fixed in terms of the variation of the n-point function under a special conformal transformation; this parallels the fact that the 1/q^3 term is related with the scale dependence of the n-point function. For the squeezed limit of the 3-point function, this conformal consistency relation implies that there are no terms going as 1/q^2. We verify that the squeezed limit of the 4-point function is related to the conformal variation of the 3-point function both in the case of canonical slow-roll inflation and in models with reduced speed of sound. In the second case the conformal consistency conditions capture, at the level of observables, the relation among operators induced by the non-linear realization of Lorentz invariance in the Lagrangian. These results mean that, in any single-field model, primordial correlation functions of ζare endowed with an SO(4,1) symmetry, with dilations and special conformal transformations non-linearly realized by ζ. We also verify the conformal consistency relations for any n-point function in models with a modulation of the inflaton potential, where the scale dependence is not negligible. Finally, we generalize (some of) the consistency relations involving tensors and soft internal momenta. | [
"single-field inflation",
"single-field model",
"conformal consistency relation",
"inflationary correlator",
"goldstone boson"
] |
1011.4374 | Relativistic effects and primordial non-Gaussianity in the galaxy bias | When dealing with observables, one needs to generalize the bias relation between the observed galaxy fluctuation field to the underlying matter distribution in a gauge-invariant way. We provide such relation at second-order in perturbation theory adopting the local Eulerian bias model and starting from the observationally motivated uniform-redshift gauge. Our computation includes the presence of primordial non-Gaussianity. We show that large scale-dependent relativistic effects in the Eulerian bias arise independently from the presence of some primordial non-Gaussianity. Furthermore, the Eulerian bias inherits from the primordial non-Gaussianity not only a scale-dependence, but also a modulation with the angle of observation when sources with different biases are correlated. | [
"primordial non-gaussianity",
"relativistic effect"
] |
1204.2797 | A Tentative Gamma-Ray Line from Dark Matter Annihilation at the Fermi Large Area Telescope | The observation of a gamma-ray line in the cosmic-ray fluxes would be a smoking-gun signature for dark matter annihilation or decay in the Universe. We present an improved search for such signatures in the data of the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT), concentrating on energies between 20 and 300 GeV. Besides updating to 43 months of data, we use a new data-driven technique to select optimized target regions depending on the profile of the Galactic dark matter halo. In regions close to the Galactic center, we find a 4.6 sigma indication for a gamma-ray line at 130 GeV. When taking into account the look-elsewhere effect the significance of the observed excess is 3.2 sigma. If interpreted in terms of dark matter particles annihilating into a photon pair, the observations imply a dark matter mass of 129.8±2.4^+7_-13 GeV and a partial annihilation cross-section of <σv> = 1.27±0.32^+0.18_-0.28 x 10^-27 cm^3 s^-1 when using the Einasto dark matter profile. The evidence for the signal is based on about 50 photons; it will take a few years of additional data to clarify its existence. | [
"gamma-ray line",
"dark matter annihilation",
"line emission"
] |
1407.2809 | Adding helicity to inflationary magnetogenesis | The most studied mechanism of inflationary magnetogenesis relies on the time-dependence of the coefficient of the gauge kinetic term F_μν F^μν. Unfortunately, only extremely finely tuned versions of the model can consistently generate the cosmological magnetic fields required by observations. We propose a generalization of this model, where also the pseudoscalar invariant F_μν F̃^μν is multiplied by a time dependent function. The new parity violating term allows more freedom in tuning the amplitude of the field at the end of inflation. Moreover, it leads to a helical magnetic field that is amplified at large scales by magnetohydrodynamical processes during the radiation dominated epoch. As a consequence, our model can satisfy the observational lower bounds on fields in the intergalactic medium, while providing a seed for the galactic dynamo, if inflation occurs at an energy scale ranging from 10^5 to 10^10 GeV. Such energy scale is well below that suggested by the recent BICEP2 result, if the latter is due to primordial tensor modes. However, the gauge field is a source of tensors during inflation and generates a spectrum of gravitational waves that can give a sizable tensor to scalar ratio r= O(0.2) even if inflation occurs at low energies. This system therefore evades the Lyth bound. For smaller values of r, lower values of the inflationary energy scale are required. The model predicts fully helical cosmological magnetic fields and a chiral spectrum of primordial gravitational waves. | [
"inflationary magnetogenesis",
] |
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