int32 0
| identifier
stringlengths 4
| segmentation
stringlengths 5
0 | abstractconnectorserializeddataversion | abstract connector serialized data version |
1 | abstractfigure | abstract figure |
2 | abstractfigures | abstract figures |
3 | abstractfigureserializeddataversion | abstract figureserialized data version |
4 | abstracthandle | abstract handle |
5 | abstractlocator | abstract locator |
6 | abstracttool | abstract tool |
7 | acceptstyping | accepts typing |
8 | actionevent | action event |
9 | actionlistener | action listener |
10 | actionperformed | action performed |
11 | actiontool | action tool |
12 | addactionlistener | add action listener |
13 | addall | add all |
14 | addbackground | add background |
15 | addcornerhandles | add corner handles |
16 | adddrawingchangelistener | add drawing change listener |
17 | addelement | add element |
18 | addfigurechangelistener | add figure change listener |
19 | addforeground | add foreground |
20 | addhandles | add handles |
21 | addimage | add image |
22 | addinternal | add internal |
23 | additem | add item |
24 | additemlistener | add item listener |
25 | addkeylistener | add key listener |
26 | addlayoutcomponent | add layout component |
27 | addlisteners | add listeners |
28 | addmouselistener | add mouse listener |
29 | addmousemotionlistener | add mouse motion listener |
30 | addpoint | add point |
31 | addpointrelative | add point relative |
32 | addposttask | add post task |
33 | addpretask | add pre task |
34 | addseparator | add separator |
35 | addtocontainer | add to container |
36 | addtoselection | add to selection |
37 | addtoselectionall | add to selectionall |
38 | addwindowlistener | add window listener |
39 | aligncommand | align command |
40 | alignmentmenu | align mentmenu |
41 | allbits | all bits |
42 | anchorangle | anchor angle |
43 | anchorfigure | anchor figure |
44 | anchorhandle | anchor handle |
45 | anchorlen | anchor len |
46 | anchorx | anchor x |
47 | anchory | anchor y |
48 | andrewfg | and rewfg |
49 | angletopoint | angle to point |
50 | animationdecorator | animation decorator |
51 | animationdecoratorserializeddataversion | animation decorator serialized data version |
52 | animationstep | animation step |
53 | anyway | any way |
54 | appletclassname | applet class name |
55 | appletpath | applet path |
56 | arrayindexoutofboundsexception | array index out of bounds exception |
57 | arrowmode | arrow mode |
58 | arrowtip | arrow tip |
59 | arrowtipserializeddataversion | arrow tip serialized data version |
60 | asint | as int |
61 | attributefigure | attribute figure |
62 | attributefigureserializeddataversion | attribute figure serialized data version |
63 | attributename | attribute name |
64 | attributevalue | attribute value |
65 | awteventmulticaster | awt event multi caster |
66 | basicdisplaybox | basic display box |
67 | basicgetimage | basic get image |
68 | basicmoveby | basic move by |
69 | beginedit | begin edit |
70 | booleanvalue | boolean value |
71 | borddec | bord decorator |
72 | borderdecorator | border decorator |
73 | borderdecoratorserializeddataversion | border decorator serialized data version |
74 | borderlayout | border layout |
75 | bordertool | border tool |
76 | bouncingdrawing | bouncing drawing |
77 | bouncingdrawingserializeddataversion | bouncing drawing serialized data version |
78 | boxhandlekit | box handle kit |
79 | bringtofront | bring to front |
80 | bringtofrontcommand | bring to front command |
81 | bufferedreader | buffered reader |
82 | bufferedupdateserializeddataversion | buffered update serialized data version |
83 | bufferedupdatestrategy | buffered update strategy |
84 | buttonpalette | button palette |
85 | bytearrayinputstream | byte array input stream |
86 | bytearrayoutputstream | byte array output stream |
87 | bytestream | byte stream |
88 | canconnect | can connect |
89 | cannot | can not |
90 | changeattributecommand | change attribute command |
91 | changeconnectionendhandle | change connection end handle |
92 | changeconnectionhandle | change connection handle |
93 | changeconnectionhandles | change connection handles |
94 | changeconnectionstarthandle | change connection start handle |
95 | checkdamage | check damage |
96 | checkenabled | check enabled |
97 | checkminimumsize | check minimum size |
98 | chopboxconnector | chop box connector |
99 | chopellipseconnector | chop ellipse connector |
Subsets and Splits