import Mathlib set_option linter.unusedVariables.analyzeTactics true open Nat lemma mylemma_1 (b p: ℕ) (h₀: 0 < b) (hbp: b < p) : (1 + (b * p + b ^ p) ≤ (1 + b) ^ p) := by refine Nat.le_induction ?_ ?_ p hbp . rw [add_pow 1 b b.succ] rw [Finset.sum_range_succ _ b.succ] simp rw [Finset.sum_range_succ _ b] simp rw [add_comm _ (b * (b + 1))] have gb: b = b - 1 + 1 := by exact (Nat.sub_eq_iff_eq_add h₀).mp rfl nth_rewrite 7 [gb] rw [Finset.sum_range_succ' _ (b-1)] simp omega . intros n _ h₂ nth_rewrite 2 [pow_add] rw [pow_one] have h₃: (1 + (b * n + b ^ n)) * (1 + b) ≤ ((1 + b) ^ n) * (1 + b) := by exact mul_le_mul_right' h₂ (1 + b) have h₄: 1 + (b * (n + 1) + b ^ (n + 1)) ≤ (1 + (b * n + b ^ n)) * (1 + b) := by ring_nf rw [Nat.add_assoc _ (b ^ 2 * n) (b ^ n)] exact Nat.le_add_right (1 + b + b * b ^ n + b * n) (b ^ 2 * n + b ^ n) exact le_trans h₄ h₃ lemma mylemma_2 (b: ℕ) : (b.factorial ≤ b ^ b) := by -- exact factorial_le_pow b -- lean 4 has the lemma factorial_le_pow induction' b with n hi . norm_num . by_cases hnp: 0 < n . rw [ factorial_succ, pow_add, pow_one, mul_comm ] refine mul_le_mul_right (n + 1) ?_ have h₂: n^ n ≤ (n + 1)^n := by refine (Nat.pow_le_pow_iff_left ?_).mpr ?_ . linarith . linarith exact le_trans hi h₂ . push_neg at hnp interval_cases n simp lemma mylemma_3 (a b p: ℕ) (hp: Nat.Prime p) (h₁: a ^ p = b.factorial + p) (hbp: p ≤ b) : (p ∣ a) := by have h₂: p ∣ b.factorial := by exact Nat.dvd_factorial (Nat.Prime.pos hp) hbp have h₃: p ∣ b.factorial + p := by exact Nat.dvd_add_self_right.mpr h₂ have h₄: p ∣ a^p := by rw [h₁] exact h₃ exact Nat.Prime.dvd_of_dvd_pow hp h₄ lemma mylemma_42 (a b : ℕ) (h₀: 2 ≤ a) (h₁: a < b) : (a + b < a * b ) := by have h₂: a + b < b + b := by exact add_lt_add_right h₁ b have h₃: b + b ≤ a * b := by rw [← two_mul] exact mul_le_mul_right' h₀ b exact gt_of_ge_of_gt h₃ h₂ lemma mylemma_43 (p: ℕ) : (Finset.Ico p (2 * p - 1)).prod (fun x => x + 1) = (Finset.range (p - 1)).prod (fun x => p + (x + 1)) := by rw [Finset.prod_Ico_eq_prod_range _ (p) (2 * p - 1)] have h₀: 2 * p - 1 - p = p - 1 := by omega rw [h₀] exact rfl lemma mylemma_44 (p: ℕ) (hp: 2 ≤ p) : (Finset.range (p - 1)).prod (fun (x : ℕ) => x + 1) = (Finset.range (p - 1)).prod (fun (x : ℕ) => p - (x + 1)) := by refine Nat.le_induction ?_ ?_ p hp . norm_num . intros n hn2 h₀ simp at * have hn: 0 < n := by exact lt_of_succ_lt hn2 rw [← Nat.mul_factorial_pred hn, h₀] let f: (ℕ → ℕ) := fun (x : ℕ) => n - x have h₁: (Finset.range n).prod f = (Finset.range 1).prod f * (Finset.Ico 1 n).prod f := by exact (Finset.prod_range_mul_prod_Ico (fun k => n - k) hn).symm rw [h₁] have h₂: (Finset.range 1).prod f = n := by exact Finset.prod_range_one fun k => n - k rw [h₂] simp left rw [Finset.prod_Ico_eq_prod_range f 1 n] ring_nf exact rfl lemma mylemma_41 (b p: ℕ) -- (h₀: 0 < b) (hp: Nat.Prime p) (hb2p: b < 2 * p) : b.factorial + p < p ^ (2 * p) := by have h₁: b.factorial ≤ (2*p - 1).factorial := by refine factorial_le ?_ exact le_pred_of_lt hb2p have gp: 2 ≤ p := by exact Prime.two_le hp have gp1: (p - 1) + 1 = p := by refine Nat.sub_add_cancel ?_ exact one_le_of_lt gp let f: (ℕ → ℕ) := (fun (x : ℕ) => x + 1) have h₂: (Finset.range (2 * p - 1)).prod f = (Finset.range (p - 1)).prod (fun (x : ℕ) => p^2 - (x+1)^2) * p := by -- break the prod into three segments rang(p-1) + p + (p+1) until 2p-1 have g₀: (Finset.range (2 * p - 1)).prod f = (Finset.range ((p - 1) + 1)).prod f * (Finset.Ico ((p - 1) + 1) (2 * p - 1)).prod f := by symm refine Finset.prod_range_mul_prod_Ico f ?_ rw [gp1] have gg₀: p + 2 - 1 ≤ 2 * p - 1 := by refine Nat.sub_le_sub_right ?_ 1 rw [add_comm] exact add_le_mul (by norm_num) gp exact le_of_lt gg₀ have g₁: (Finset.range ((p - 1) + 1)).prod (fun (x : ℕ) => x + 1) = (Finset.range (p - 1)).prod (fun (x : ℕ) => x + 1) * ((p - 1) + 1) := by exact Finset.prod_range_succ _ (p - 1) rw [g₁] at g₀ nth_rewrite 2 [mul_comm] at g₀ rw [← mul_assoc] at g₀ rw [gp1] at g₀ g₁ have g₂: (Finset.Ico ((p - 1) + 1) (2 * p - 1)).prod (fun (x : ℕ) => x + 1) = (Finset.range (p - 1)).prod (fun (x : ℕ) => p + (x+1)) := by rw [gp1] exact mylemma_43 p have g₃: (Finset.range (p - 1)).prod (fun (x : ℕ) => x + 1) = (Finset.range (p - 1)).prod (fun (x : ℕ) => p - (x+1)) := by exact mylemma_44 p gp rw [gp1] at g₂ rw [g₂,g₃] at g₀ have g₄: (Finset.range (p - 1)).prod (fun (x : ℕ) => p + (x+1)) * (Finset.range (p - 1)).prod (fun (x : ℕ) => p - (x+1)) = (Finset.range (p - 1)).prod (fun (x : ℕ) => (p + (x+1)) * (p - (x+1))) := by symm exact Finset.prod_mul_distrib have g₅: (fun (x : ℕ) => p ^ 2 - (x+1) ^ 2) = (fun (x : ℕ) => (p + (x+1)) * (p - (x+1))) := by ext1 x exact Nat.sq_sub_sq p (x + 1) rw [g₄,← g₅] at g₀ exact g₀ have h₃: (Finset.range (p - 1)).prod (fun (x : ℕ) => p^2 - (x+1)^2) * p ≤ (p^2)^(Finset.range (p - 1)).card * p := by refine Nat.mul_le_mul_right ?_ ?_ refine Finset.prod_le_pow_card (Finset.range (p - 1)) ?_ (p^2) ?_ intros x _ exact (p ^ 2).sub_le ((x + 1) ^ 2) simp at * have h₄: b.factorial + p ≤ (p ^ 2) ^ (p - 1) * p + p := by refine add_le_add_right ?_ p refine le_trans ?_ h₃ rw [← h₂] rw [Finset.prod_range_add_one_eq_factorial] exact h₁ have h₅: b.factorial + p < (p ^ 2) ^ (p - 1) * p * p := by refine lt_of_le_of_lt h₄ ?_ rw [add_comm] nth_rewrite 2 [mul_comm] refine mylemma_42 p ((p ^ 2) ^ (p - 1) * p) gp ?_ refine lt_mul_left (by linarith) ?_ rw [← pow_mul] refine Nat.one_lt_pow ?_ (Nat.lt_of_succ_le gp) refine Nat.mul_ne_zero (by norm_num) ?_ exact Nat.sub_ne_zero_iff_lt.mpr gp rw [mul_assoc _ p p, ← pow_two p] at h₅ rw [← Nat.pow_succ, succ_eq_add_one, gp1] at h₅ rw [Nat.pow_mul] exact h₅ lemma mylemma_4 (a b p: ℕ) (h₀: 0 < a ∧ 0 < b) (hp: Nat.Prime p) (h₁: a ^ p = b.factorial + p) (hbp: p ≤ b) (h₂: p ∣ a) (hb2p: b < 2 * p) : (a = p) := by have gp: p ≤ a := by exact Nat.le_of_dvd h₀.1 h₂ cases' lt_or_eq_of_le gp with h₃ h₃ . exfalso cases' h₂ with c h₂ have gc: 0 < c := by by_contra! hc0 interval_cases c simp at * linarith by_cases hc: c < p . have g₁: c ∣ c^p := by exact dvd_pow_self c (by linarith) have h₄: c ∣ a^p := by rw [h₂, mul_pow] exact dvd_mul_of_dvd_right g₁ (p ^ p) have h₅: c ∣ b.factorial := by exact Nat.dvd_factorial gc (by linarith) have g₂: p = a ^ p - b.factorial := by symm rw [add_comm] at h₁ refine (Nat.sub_eq_iff_eq_add ?_).mpr h₁ rw [add_comm] at h₁ exact le.intro (h₁.symm) have h₆: c ∣ p := by rw [g₂] exact dvd_sub' h₄ h₅ have h₇: c = 1 ∨ c = p := by exact (dvd_prime hp).mp h₆ cases' h₇ with h₇₀ h₇₁ . rw [h₇₀, mul_one] at h₂ rw [h₂] at h₃ linarith [h₃] . rw [h₇₁] at hc simp at hc . push_neg at hc have g₃: p^2 ≤ a := by rw [h₂, pow_two] exact mul_le_mul_left' hc p have h₃: p^(2*p) ≤ a^p := by rw [pow_mul] exact pow_left_mono p g₃ have h₇: b.factorial + p < p^(2*p) := by exact mylemma_41 b p hp hb2p rw [←h₁] at h₇ linarith exact h₃.symm lemma mylemma_53 (p: ℕ) (hp5: 5 ≤ p) : ((↑p:ℤ) ^ p ≡ ↑p * (↑p + 1) * (-1) ^ (p - 1) + (-1) ^ p [ZMOD (↑p + 1) ^ 2]) := by -- have h₁: ↑p ^ p = Finset.range -- binomial expansion -- take the first two elements out -- show that all the other elements are individually divisible by (p+1)^2 -- conclude that their sum is divisible by (p+1)^2 -- summation ≡ 0 [ZMOD (↑p + 1) ^ 2] -- now show that Nat.modeq.add have h₀: (↑p:ℤ) = (↑p + 1) - 1 := by simp have h₁: ↑p ^ p ≡ ((↑p + 1) - 1) ^ p [ZMOD (↑p + 1) ^ 2] := by rw [← h₀] have h₂: (((↑p:ℤ) + 1) - 1) ^ p = (↑p * (↑p + 1) * (-1:ℤ) ^ (p - 1) + (-1) ^ p) + (Finset.Ico 2 (p + 1)).sum (fun (k : ℕ) => (↑p + 1) ^ k * (-1:ℤ) ^ (p - k) * ↑(p.choose k)) := by rw [sub_eq_add_neg] rw [add_pow ((↑p:ℤ) + 1) (-1:ℤ)] have g₀: 2 ≤ p + 1 := by have gg₀: 5 + 1 ≤ p + 1 := by exact add_le_add_right hp5 1 refine le_trans ?_ gg₀ norm_num have g₁: 1 ≤ 2 := by norm_num rw [← Finset.sum_range_add_sum_Ico _ g₀] rw [← Finset.sum_range_add_sum_Ico _ g₁] simp rw [add_comm] simp rw [mul_comm] rw [mul_assoc] have h₃: 0 ≡ (Finset.Ico 2 (p + 1)).sum (fun (k : ℕ) => (↑p + 1) ^ k * (-1) ^ (p - k) * ↑(p.choose k)) [ZMOD (↑p + 1) ^ 2] := by refine Int.modEq_of_dvd ?_ simp refine Finset.dvd_sum ?_ intros x g₀ have gx: 2 ≤ x := by exact ( g₀).left rw [mul_assoc] refine dvd_mul_of_dvd_left ?_ ((-1:ℤ) ^ (p - x) * ↑(p.choose x)) refine pow_dvd_pow ((↑p:ℤ) + 1) gx rw [h₂] at h₁ rw [← add_zero ((↑p:ℤ) ^ p)] at h₁ exact Int.ModEq.add_right_cancel h₃ h₁ lemma mylemma_52 (p: ℕ) (hp: Nat.Prime p) (hp5: 5 ≤ p) (h₀: (p + 1) ^ 2 ∣ p ^ p - p) : False := by have h₁: ((↑p^p - ↑p):ℤ) ≡ (↑(p.choose 1) * ↑(p + 1) * (-1:ℤ)^(p-1) + (-1:ℤ)^p) - ↑p [ZMOD ↑(p+1)^2] := by refine Int.ModEq.sub_right (↑p) ?_ simp exact mylemma_53 p hp5 have gpo: Odd p := by refine Nat.Prime.odd_of_ne_two hp ?_ linarith [hp5] have gpe: Even (p - 1) := by refine hp.even_sub_one ?_ linarith [hp5] have g₁: (-1:ℤ) ^ (p - 1) = 1 := by exact Even.neg_one_pow gpe have g₂: (-1:ℤ) ^ (p) = -1 := by exact Odd.neg_one_pow gpo rw [g₁,g₂] at h₁ simp at h₁ have h₂: (p ^ p - p) ≡ (p * (p + 1)) - 1 - p [MOD ((p + 1) ^ 2)] := by refine ?_ have g₃: p ≤ p^p := by refine Nat.le_self_pow (by linarith) _ rw [Nat.cast_sub g₃] have g₄: p ≤ p * (p + 1) - 1 := by rw [mul_add] simp rw [add_comm, Nat.add_sub_assoc] . simp . rw [← pow_two] refine Nat.one_le_pow 2 p (by linarith) rw [Nat.cast_sub g₄] have g₅: 1 ≤ p * (p + 1) := by rw [← mul_one (p * (p + 1))] refine Nat.le_mul_of_pos_left ?_ ?_ refine Nat.mul_pos (by linarith) (by linarith) rw [Nat.cast_sub g₅] rw [← sub_eq_add_neg] at h₁ norm_cast norm_cast at h₁ have h₃: p * (p + 1) - 1 - p = p^2 - 1 := by rw [Nat.sub_sub, mul_add] simp rw [← pow_two] exact Nat.add_sub_add_right (p^2) p 1 rw [h₃] at h₂ clear h₃ gpo gpe g₁ g₂ -- now derive a line of contradictions from h₀ have hc₁: (p ^ p - p) ≡ 0 [MOD (p+1)^2] := by exact modEq_zero_iff_dvd.mpr h₀ -- mix the contradiction with what we had in h₂ have h₄: p ^ 2 - 1 ≡ 0 [MOD (p+1)^2] := by apply Nat.ModEq.symm at h₂ exact Nat.ModEq.trans h₂ hc₁ have h₅: p - 1 ≡ 0 [MOD (p+1)] := by rw [pow_two] at h₄ have g₀: p^2 - 1^2 = (p-1) * (p+1) := by rw [mul_comm] exact Nat.sq_sub_sq p 1 simp at g₀ rw [g₀] at h₄ have g₁: p + 1 ≠ 0 := by linarith refine Nat.ModEq.mul_right_cancel' g₁ ?_ rw [zero_mul] exact h₄ have h₆: p - 1 ≤ 0 := by refine Nat.ModEq.le_of_lt_add h₅ ?_ simp rw [← succ_eq_add_one] refine Nat.sub_lt_succ p 1 have h₇: 0 < p - 1 := by simp linarith linarith [h₆,h₇] lemma mylemma_51 (p: ℕ) (hpl: 5 ≤ p) : (p + p.factorial < p ^ p) := by -- we use induction refine Nat.le_induction ?_ ?_ p (hpl) . exact Nat.lt_of_sub_eq_succ rfl . intros n hn h₁ have h₂: n + 1 + (n + 1).factorial = (n.factorial + 1) * (n + 1) := by rw[add_mul, one_mul, Nat.factorial_succ] rw [add_comm (n + 1)] rw [mul_comm (n + 1)] rw [h₂, pow_add, pow_one ] refine Nat.mul_lt_mul_of_pos_right ?_ (by linarith) have h₅: n ^ n < (n + 1) ^ n := by refine Nat.pow_lt_pow_left ?_ ?_ . exact lt_add_one n . refine Nat.ne_of_gt ?_ linarith linarith lemma mylemma_5 (b p: ℕ) (hp: Nat.Prime p) (hbp: p ≤ b) (h₁: p ^ p = b.factorial + p) (hp5: 5 ≤ p) : (False) := by -- first prove that b = p cannot be by_cases h₄: b = p . have h₅: p + p.factorial < p^p := by exact mylemma_51 p hp5 rw [h₄] at h₁ linarith . have hpb: p < b := by exact lt_of_le_of_ne' hbp h₄ clear hbp h₄ have h₂: (p + 1) ^ 2 ∣ b.factorial := by have g₁: p + 1 ≤ b := by exact succ_le_iff.mpr hpb have g₂: 2 ∣ (p + 1) := by have gg₁: Odd p := by refine hp.odd_of_ne_two ?_ linarith have gg₂: Even (p + 1) := by refine gg₁.add_odd ?_ norm_num exact gg₂ have g₃: 2 * ((p+1)/2) * (p + 1) ∣ b.factorial := by have gg₁: (p + 1).factorial ∣ b.factorial := by exact Nat.factorial_dvd_factorial g₁ have gg₂: (p + 1).factorial = (p + 1) * p.factorial := by exact factorial_succ p rw [mul_comm] at gg₂ have gg₃: 6/2 ≤ (p + 1)/2 := by refine Nat.div_le_div_right ?_ linarith norm_num at gg₃ have gg₄: 2 + (p+1)/2 ≤ p := by -- strong induction refine Nat.le_induction ?_ ?_ p (hp5) . norm_num . intros n _ h₂ ring_nf have ggg₁: (n / 2).succ ≤ (n + 1) / 2 + 1 := by rw [← succ_eq_add_one] refine Nat.succ_le_succ ?_ refine Nat.div_le_div_right ?_ linarith simp nth_rewrite 1 [← mul_one 2] rw [Nat.two_mul 1, add_assoc] refine Nat.add_le_add_left ?_ 1 refine le_trans ?_ h₂ rw [add_comm 2 _] nth_rewrite 3 [← mul_one 2] rw [Nat.two_mul 1, ← add_assoc, add_comm 1] exact Nat.add_le_add_right ggg₁ 1 have gg₅: (2+(p+1)/2).factorial ∣ p.factorial := by exact factorial_dvd_factorial gg₄ have gg₆: (2:ℕ).factorial * ((p+1)/2).factorial ∣ p.factorial := by refine dvd_trans ?_ gg₅ exact (2:ℕ).factorial_mul_factorial_dvd_factorial_add ((p + 1) / 2) have gg₇: 2 * ((p+1)/2) ∣ p.factorial := by refine dvd_trans ?_ gg₆ simp refine mul_dvd_mul_left 2 ?_ refine Nat.dvd_factorial (by linarith[gg₃]) (by linarith) have gg₈: 2 * ((p+1)/2) * (p + 1) ∣ p.factorial * (p + 1) := by refine mul_dvd_mul_right ?_ (p + 1) exact gg₇ rw [gg₂] at gg₁ exact dvd_trans gg₈ gg₁ have g₄: 2 * ((p+1)/2) = (p + 1) := by exact Nat.mul_div_cancel' g₂ rw [g₄] at g₃ ring_nf at * exact g₃ have h₃: b.factorial = p ^ p - p := by exact eq_tsub_of_add_eq (h₁.symm) rw [h₃] at h₂ exact mylemma_52 p hp hp5 h₂ lemma mylemma_6 (a b p: ℕ) (hp: Nat.Prime p) (h₂: p ∣ a) (hb2p: 2 * p ≤ b) : (p ^ 2 ∣ a ^ p - b.factorial) := by have g₁: p^p ∣ a^p := by exact pow_dvd_pow_of_dvd h₂ p have g₂: 2 ≤ p := by exact Prime.two_le hp have h₃: p^2 ∣ a^p := by exact pow_dvd_of_le_of_pow_dvd g₂ g₁ have g₃: (2*p).factorial ∣ b.factorial := by exact factorial_dvd_factorial hb2p have g₄: p.factorial * p.factorial ∣ (p+p).factorial := by exact factorial_mul_factorial_dvd_factorial_add p p rw [← pow_two, ← two_mul] at g₄ have g₅: p ∣ p.factorial := by exact Nat.dvd_factorial (by linarith) (by linarith) have h₄: p ^ 2 ∣ p.factorial ^ 2 := by exact pow_dvd_pow_of_dvd g₅ 2 have g₆: p ^ 2 ∣ (2 * p).factorial := by exact dvd_trans h₄ g₄ have h₅: p^2 ∣ b.factorial := by exact dvd_trans g₆ g₃ exact dvd_sub' h₃ h₅ theorem imo_2022_p5 (a b p : ℕ) (h₀: 0 < a ∧ 0 < b) (hp: Nat.Prime p) (h₁: a^p = Nat.factorial b + p) : (a, b, p) = (2, 2, 2) ∨ (a, b, p) = (3, 4, 3) := by by_cases hbp: b < p -- no solution . exfalso by_cases hab: a ≤ b . have h₂: a ∣ b.factorial := by exact Nat.dvd_factorial h₀.1 hab have g₃: a ∣ b.factorial + p := by rw [← h₁] refine dvd_pow_self a ?_ exact Nat.Prime.ne_zero hp have h₃: a ∣ p := by exact (Nat.dvd_add_right h₂).mp g₃ have h₄: a = 1 := by have g₄: a = 1 ∨ a = p := by exact (Nat.dvd_prime hp).mp h₃ cases' g₄ with g₄₀ g₄₁ . exact g₄₀ . exfalso rw [← g₄₁] at hbp linarith[hbp,hab] rw [h₄] at h₁ simp at h₁ have h₅: 2 ≤ p := by exact Nat.Prime.two_le hp have g₆: 0 < b.factorial := by exact Nat.factorial_pos b have h₇: 1+2 ≤ b.factorial + p := by exact Nat.add_le_add g₆ h₅ rw [← h₁] at h₇ linarith . push_neg at hab have h₂: (b+1)^p ≤ a^p := by refine (Nat.pow_le_pow_iff_left ?_).mpr hab exact Nat.Prime.ne_zero hp have h₃: b^p + p*b + 1 ≤ (b+1)^p := by ring_nf rw [add_assoc] exact mylemma_1 b p h₀.2 hbp have g₄: p * 1 ≤ p * b := by refine mul_le_mul ?_ ?_ ?_ ?_ . exact . exact h₀.2 . norm_num . exact Nat.zero_le p have g₄: b.factorial ≤ b^b := by exact Nat.factorial_le_pow b have g₅: b^b ≤ b^p := by refine Nat.pow_le_pow_of_le_right h₀.2 ?_ exact le_of_lt hbp linarith . push_neg at hbp have h₂: p ∣ a := by exact mylemma_3 a b p hp h₁ hbp by_cases hb2p: b < 2*p . have h₃: a = p := by exact mylemma_4 a b p h₀ hp h₁ hbp h₂ hb2p rw [h₃] at h₁ by_cases hp5: p < 5 . have h₄: 2 ≤ p := by exact Prime.two_le hp interval_cases p . left norm_num at h₁ have h₄: b.factorial = 2 := by linarith have g₅: (2:ℕ).factorial = 2 := by norm_num rw [← g₅] at h₄ have h₅: b = 2 := by refine (Nat.factorial_inj ?_).mp h₄ linarith rw [h₃,h₅] . right norm_num at h₁ rw [h₃] have h₄: b.factorial = 24 := by linarith have g₅: (4:ℕ).factorial = 24 := by exact rfl rw [← g₅] at h₄ have h₅: b = 4 := by refine (Nat.factorial_inj ?_).mp h₄ linarith rw [h₅] . exfalso contradiction . push_neg at hp5 exfalso -- lifting the exponent exact mylemma_5 b p hp hbp h₁ hp5 . push_neg at hb2p exfalso have h₃: p^2 ∣ a^p - b.factorial := by exact mylemma_6 a b p hp h₂ hb2p have g₃: b.factorial ≤ a^p := by exact le.intro (h₁.symm) have g₄: a^p - b.factorial = p := by rw [add_comm] at h₁ exact (Nat.sub_eq_iff_eq_add g₃).mpr h₁ have h₄: p^2 ∣ p := by rw [g₄] at h₃ exact h₃ have gp: 0 < p := by exact Prime.pos hp have h₅: p^2 ≤ p := by exact Nat.le_of_dvd gp h₄ have g₆: 1 < p := by exact Prime.one_lt hp have h₆: p^1 < p^2 := by exact Nat.pow_lt_pow_succ g₆ linarith