import Mathlib open Real set_option linter.unusedVariables.analyzeTactics true lemma sin_mul_cos (x y : ℝ) : Real.sin x * Real.cos y = (sin (x + y) + sin (x - y)) / 2 := by rw [sin_add, sin_sub] simp theorem imo_1963_p5 : Real.cos (π / 7) - Real.cos (2 * π / 7) + Real.cos (3 * π / 7) = 1 / 2 := by let S:ℝ := Real.cos (π / 7) - Real.cos (2 * π / 7) + Real.cos (3 * π / 7) have h₀: Real.sin (π / 7) * (S * 2) = Real.sin (π / 7) := by ring_nf have h₀₀: sin (π * (1 / 7)) * cos (π * (1 / 7)) * 2 = sin (2 * (π * (1 / 7))) := by rw [Real.sin_two_mul] exact (mul_rotate 2 (sin (π * (1 / 7))) (cos (π * (1 / 7)))).symm rw [h₀₀, sin_mul_cos, sin_mul_cos] rw [← mul_add, ← mul_sub, ← mul_add, ← mul_sub] norm_num ring_nf have h₀₁: -sin (π * (3 / 7)) + sin (π * (4 / 7)) = 0 := by rw [add_comm] refine add_neg_eq_of_eq_add ?_ simp refine sin_eq_sin_iff.mpr ?_ use 0 right ring linarith have h₁: S = 1 / 2 := by refine eq_div_of_mul_eq (by norm_num) ?_ nth_rewrite 2 [← mul_one (sin (π / 7))] at h₀ refine (mul_right_inj' ?_).mp h₀ refine sin_ne_zero_iff.mpr ?_ intro n ring_nf rw [mul_comm] simp push_neg constructor . by_contra! hc₀ have hc₁: 7 * (↑n:ℝ) = 1 := by rw [mul_comm] exact (mul_eq_one_iff_eq_inv₀ (by norm_num)).mpr hc₀ norm_cast at hc₁ have g₀: 0 < n := by linarith linarith . exact pi_ne_zero exact h₁