## Templatic Generation Tasks dataset (Jan-08-2025) A synthetic dataset for containing examples of the Templatic Generation Task, as described in our Oct 2024 Technical report: Mechanisms of Symbol Processing for In-context Learning in Transformer Networks. Each example has 2-3 parts, separated by TAB character: x - the example input y - the example label info - OPTIONAL text identifying the type of example (for optional filtering during training) # Currently available tasks: 1_shot_rlw: each example is 1 sample input/output pair + input cue; random two-letter words 2_shot_rlw each example is 2 sample input/output pairs + input cue; random two-letter words 3_shot_rlw: each example is 3 sample input/output pairs + input cue; random two-letter words 5_shot_rlw: each example is 5 sample input/output pairs + input cue; random two-letter words 10_shot_rlw: each example is 10 sample input/output pairs + input cue; random two-letter words 1_shot_eng: each example is 1 sample input/output pair + input cue; english words 1_shot_rlw_10x: same as 1_shot_rlw, but with 10x as many training examples # Each task contains the following splits: train contains 1, 2, or 4 constituents; each with 1, 2, or 4 parts dev contains 1, 2, or 4 constituents; each with 1, 2, or 4 parts test contains 1, 2, or 4 constituents; each with 1, 2, or 4 parts ood_lexical the constituent part vocab is held out from training (except for the echo examples) ood_cons_len_3 all templates have constituents have 3 parts ood_cons_len_5 all templates have constituents have 5 parts ood_cons_len_7 all templates have constituents have 7 parts ood_cons_len_10 all templates have constituents have 10 parts ood_cons_count_3 all templates have 3 constituents ood_cons_count_5 all templates have 5 constituents ood_cons_count_7 all templates have 7 constituents ood_cons_count_10 all templates have 10 constituents Definitions: - echo examples: use to introduce out-of-distribution vocabulary symbols to the model (in the train split) - template - used to generate an example (input/output sample pairs, cue input, gold output) Normal example: Q oy xf kq be ` ? jp A jp = . Q jf ty zu np ` ? cx A cx = . {"cons_count": "Q2A1", "cons_len": "Q41.Q41"} breakdown: 1 sample input: Q oy xf kq be ` ? jp A 1 sample output: jp = . cue input: Q jf ty zu np ` ? cx A gold output: cx = . example info: {"cons_count": "Q2A1", "cons_len": "Q41.Q41"} Echo example: Q ZW A ZW . Q VI A VI . {"type": "echo"} breakdown: 1 sample input: Q ZW A 1 sample output: ZW . cue input: Q VI A gold output: VI . example info: {"type": "echo"}