ArticleTitle Question Answer DifficultyFromQuestioner DifficultyFromAnswerer ArticleFile Alessandro_Volta Was Volta an Italian physicist? yes easy easy S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Was Volta an Italian physicist? yes easy easy S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Is Volta buried in the city of Pittsburgh? no easy easy S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Is Volta buried in the city of Pittsburgh? no easy easy S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Did Volta have a passion for the study of electricity? yes easy medium S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Did Volta have a passion for the study of electricity? yes easy easy S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta What is the battery made by Volta credited to be? the first cell medium medium S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta What is the battery made by Volta credited to be? the first cell medium medium S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta What important electrical unit was named in honor of Volta? the volt medium medium S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta What important electrical unit was named in honor of Volta? volt medium medium S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Where did Volta enter retirement? Spain medium medium S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Where did Volta enter retirement? Spain medium medium S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Is it a disadvantage for something to be unsafe to handle? yes hard too hard S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Is it a disadvantage for something to be unsafe to handle? yes hard easy S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Was Lombardy under Napoleon's rule in 1800? yes hard hard S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Was Lombardy under Napoleon's rule in 1800? yes hard hard S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Was the Italian 10.000 lira banknote created before the euro? yes hard hard S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Was the Italian 10.000 lira banknote created before the euro? yes hard easy S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta For how many years did Alessandro Volta live? 53 NULL medium S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Did Alessandro Volta live to be 80 years old? no NULL easy S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta What was Alessandro Volta`s profession? physisist NULL easy S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta How old was Alessandro Volta when he died? 82 NULL hard S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta How many years ago was it when Volta married the daughter of Count Ludovico Peregrini , Teresa , with whom he raised three sons? 215 NULL hard S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Is the electrolyte sulphuric acid? Yes NULL easy S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Is volta buried in the city of Como? Yes NULL easy S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Was his 1800 paper written in French? Yes NULL easy S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Before 1796, was Lombardy ruled by Austria? yes NULL medium S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Did he receive the Society`s 1794 Copley Medal? Yes NULL easy S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Did he experiment with individual cells? Yes NULL easy S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta When did lombardy come under Napoleon`s rule? From 1796 to 1815 NULL easy S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Where did he publish his invention of the Voltaic pile battery? the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society NULL medium S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Did he become professor of experimental physics at the University of Pavia? Yes NULL easy S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Is it true that his passion been always the study of electricity? Yes NULL easy S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta His passion been always the study of what? Electricity NULL easy S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Is it true that Volta married the daughter of Count Ludovico Peregrini? Yes NULL easy S09_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Is it true that he published his invention of the Voltaic pile battery? Yes NULL easy S09_set4_a10 Amedeo_Avogadro Was Amedeo Avogadro Italian? Yes easy easy S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Was Amedeo Avogadro Italian? yes easy easy S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Did Amedeo Avogadro graduate? Yes easy easy S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Did Amedeo Avogadro graduate? yes easy easy S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Did Avogadro live in England? No easy easy S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Where was Avogadro a professor of physics? University of Turin medium medium S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Where was Avogadro a professor of physics? University of Turin medium medium S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro How many children did Avogadro have? six medium medium S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro How many children did Avogadro have? six medium medium S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro What is Avogadro most noted for? contributions to the theory of molarity and molecular weight medium medium S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro What is Avogadro most noted for? contributions to the theory of molarity and molecular weight medium medium S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro What is Avogadro's number? 6.02214199x10 23 hard hard S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro What is Avogadro's number? 6.02214199x10 23 hard medium S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro In what year did Avogadro stop teaching at Turin University? 1853 hard hard S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro In what year did Avogadro stop teaching at Turin University? 1823 hard hard S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro What subject did Avogadro study first? ecclesiastical law hard hard S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro What subject did Avogadro study first? ecclesiastical law hard hard S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro What was Amedeo Avogadro`s birthplace? Turin NULL hard S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro What was Amedeo Avogadro`s profession? professor of physics NULL hard S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro How many years ago was it when he became a professor of physics at the University of Turin? 189 NULL hard S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro What is Amedeo Avogadro`s first name? Amedeo NULL hard S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro What is Amedeo Avogadro`s last name? Avogadro NULL too easy S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Was Amedeo Avogadro born in North America? no NULL hard S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Was King Victor Emmanuel III there to pay homage to Avogadro? Yes NULL easy S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro In fact, was Avogadro `s famous 1811 paper written in French . ) Yes NULL easy S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Is avogadro `s number commonly used to compute the results of chemical reactions? Yes NULL easy S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Hence, can relative molecular masses be calculated from the masses of gas samples? Yes NULL easy S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Did he publish his work? Yes NULL hard S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Did Avogadro submit his poem? Yes. NULL medium S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Is it true that loschmidt calculated first the value of Avogadro number? Yes NULL easy S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Loschmidt calculated first the value of what? Avogadro's number NULL medium S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Hence , can relative molecular masses be calculated from the masses of gas samples ? yes NULL easy S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Can the title of this famous 1811 paper be roughly translated into English as "essay on determining the Relative Masses of the Elementary Molecules of Bodies" ? Yes. NULL easy S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro What is Amedeo Avogadro? A person. NULL hard S09_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Where is Amedeo Avogadro from? Italy. NULL hard S09_set4_a8 Anders_Celsius When did Anders Celcius publish his observations on the aurora borealis? 1733 easy medium S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius When did Anders Celcius publish his observations on the aurora borealis? 1733 easy medium S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius What did Anders Celsius determine about the boiling of water? He determined the dependence of the boiling of water with atmospheric pressure. easy medium S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius What did Anders Celsius determine about the boiling of water? dependence with atmospheric pressure easy hard S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius Which temperature scale did Celsius propose? Celcius easy medium S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius Which temperature scale did Celsius propose? the Celsius temperature scale easy medium S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius What is the boiling point of water dependent on? atmospheric pressure medium hard S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius What is the boiling point of water dependent on? atmospheric pressure medium medium S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius Where was Celsius born? Uppsala in Sweden medium medium S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius Where was Celsius born? Uppsala, Sweden medium medium S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius Whad did Celsius report in his paper "Observations of two persistent degrees on a thermometer"? the freezing point is independent of latitude medium medium S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius How old was Celsius when he died? 42 hard hard S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius How old was Celsius when he died? 42 hard hard S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius What is temperature would water have to be to be halfway between its standard boiling and freezing point? 50 hard hard S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius What is the difference between Celsius' original temperature scale and the one we use today? The scale was reversed by Carolus Linnaeus. hard hard S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius What is the difference between Celsius' original temperature scale and the one we use today? scale was reversed hard hard S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius What was Anders Celsius`s profession? professor of astronomy NULL medium S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius How old was Anders Celsius when he died? 42 NULL medium S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius What is Anders Celsius`s last name? Celsius NULL easy S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius Was celsius born in Uppsala in Sweden? yes NULL easy S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius Is The Celsius crater on the Moon named after him? yes NULL easy S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius Was Anders Celsius ( November 27 , 1701 April 25 , 1744 ) a Swedish astronomer? yes NULL easy S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius Was Anders Celsius the first to perform and publish careful experiments aiming at the definition of an international temperature scale on scientific grounds? yes NULL easy S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius Was he professor at Uppsala University? yes NULL easy S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius Is it true that he published a collection of 316 observations? yes NULL easy S09_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius He published a collection of what? observations NULL medium S09_set4_a5 Arabic_language Pronouns in which location are marked for person , number and gender? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a3 Arabic_language Can syllables begin with a vowel? no NULL easy S09_set5_a3 Arabic_language Are calligraphers held in great esteem? Yes NULL easy S09_set5_a3 Arabic_language Have many European languages borrowed numerous words from it? yes NULL easy S09_set5_a3 Arabic_language Are the most active in Damascus and Cairo? (bad question) NULL S09_set5_a3 Arabic_language Do arabs consider literary Arabic? (bad question) NULL S09_set5_a3 Arabic_language Was Arabic vehicle in science? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a3 Arabic_language Is it true that the sociolinguistic situation of Arabic provides a prime example of the linguistic phenomenon? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a3 Arabic_language The sociolinguistic situation of Arabic provides a prime example of what? the linguistic phenomenon of diglossia NULL medium S09_set5_a3 Arabic_language Is arabic source of vocabulary? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a3 Arabic_language Is arabic language of the Qur an? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a3 Arabic_language Is it true that most speak Arabic as their native language? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a3 Arabic_language Are pronouns in Literary Arabic marked for person , number and gender ? yes NULL easy S09_set5_a3 Arabic_language However , are non-human plural nouns grammatically considered to be feminine singular ? yes NULL easy S09_set5_a3 Bee Is a bee an insect? yes easy easy S09_set1_a8 Bee Are bees related to ants? yes easy hard S09_set1_a8 Bee Have managed populations of European honey bees experienced substantial declines? yes easy easy S09_set1_a8 Bee Where do bees live? in colonies medium medium S09_set1_a8 Bee When do bumblebee colonies reach peak population? mid to late summer medium medium S09_set1_a8 Bee What do people commonly call cleptoparasitic bees? cuckoo bees medium medium S09_set1_a8 Bee How did vespoid wasps evolve? from predatory ancestors hard medium S09_set1_a8 Bee What do humans use bees for? honey hard hard S09_set1_a8 Bee Why do honey bee queens continue to lay eggs during the foraging season? to replace daily casualties hard hard S09_set1_a8 Beijing Does Beijing mean "northern capital"? yes easy easy S09_set3_a7 Beijing Are the caves of Dragon Bone Hill near the village of Zhoukoudian in Fangshan District? yes easy easy S09_set3_a7 Beijing Are hutongs disappearing? yes easy easy S09_set3_a7 Beijing When did Beijing host the Olympic Games? 2008 medium medium S09_set3_a7 Beijing When was the An Shi Rebellion launched? in 755 AD medium medium S09_set3_a7 Beijing In 1949, where did Communist forces enter without a fight? Beiping medium medium S09_set3_a7 Beijing When did Yuan Shikai die? 1916 hard too hard S09_set3_a7 Beijing Where does air pollution in Beijing come from? surrounding cities and provinces hard medium S09_set3_a7 Beijing As of August 1st, 2006, how many trains stop daily at the Beijing Railway Station or the Beijing West Railway Station? 167 hard medium S09_set3_a7 Beijing What is the name of a university (or similar institution for imparting higher education) in Beijing? Tsinghua University NULL hard S09_set3_a7 Beijing Are famous middle schools in Beijing :? Yes NULL easy S09_set3_a7 Blaise_Pascal Was Blaise Pascal a mathematician of the first order? yes easy easy S09_set4_a4 Blaise_Pascal Was Blaise Pascal a mathematician of the first order? yes easy easy S09_set4_a4 Blaise_Pascal Could Blaise Pascal move without crutches? He could move without crutches until a paralytic attack in 1647. easy hard S09_set4_a4 Blaise_Pascal Could Blaise Pascal move without crutches? no easy hard S09_set4_a4 Blaise_Pascal Has the name Pascal been given to the SI unit of pressure? yes easy easy S09_set4_a4 Blaise_Pascal Has the name Pascal been given to the SI unit of pressure? yes easy easy S09_set4_a4 Blaise_Pascal From what did Pascal suffer throughout his life? ill health medium medium S09_set4_a4 Blaise_Pascal From what did Pascal suffer throughout his life? poor health medium medium S09_set4_a4 Blaise_Pascal What did Pascal argue was as perfect as possible? the procedure used in geometry medium medium S09_set4_a4 Blaise_Pascal What did Pascal argue was as perfect as possible? the procedure used in geometry medium medium S09_set4_a4 Blaise_Pascal What is the best physician? Time medium medium S09_set4_a4 Blaise_Pascal Who was the eldest sibling? Gilberte hard hard S09_set4_a4 Blaise_Pascal Aside from the Provincial Letters' religious influence, were they popular as a literary work? yes hard easy S09_set4_a4 Blaise_Pascal Aside from the Provincial Letters' religious influence, were they popular as a literary work? yes hard easy S09_set4_a4 Blaise_Pascal Of whose continual poor health was the cause never precisely determined? Blaise Pascal hard hard S09_set4_a4 Cello Is the violin cello a bowed string instrument? Yes easy easy S09_set2_a9 Cello Is the violin cello a bowed string instrument? yes easy easy S09_set2_a9 Cello Is the purfling just for decoration? No easy easy S09_set2_a9 Cello Are the z-holes used as access points to the interior of the cello? No easy easy S09_set2_a9 Cello Are the z-holes used as access points to the interior of the cello? No easy easy S09_set2_a9 Cello What does violincello mean? Violincello means "little violene". medium medium S09_set2_a9 Cello What are the two materials that bows are made of traditionally? Traditionally, bows are made from pernambuco or brazilwood. medium medium S09_set2_a9 Cello What is used to tune a cello? Pegs are used to tune a cello. medium medium S09_set2_a9 Cello What is used to tune a cello? the pegs medium medium S09_set2_a9 Cello Which harmonics can produce any notes above middle C? Artificial harmonics can produce any notes above middle C. hard hard S09_set2_a9 Cello Which harmonics can produce any notes above middle C? Artificial harmonics hard medium S09_set2_a9 Cello Who referred to the cello as �basso de viola da braccio"? Monteverdi referred to the cello as "basso de viola da braccio". hard medium S09_set2_a9 Cello Who referred to the cello as �basso de viola da braccio"? Monteverdi hard medium S09_set2_a9 Cello Where is the violincello held? The violincello is held on the shoulder. hard hard S09_set2_a9 Cello Where is the violincello held? on the shoulder hard medium S09_set2_a9 Cello Is there cello in performances by Rihanna? yes easy easy S09_set2_a9 Cello Is there cello in performances by Rihanna? Yes easy easy S09_set2_a9 Cello Are cellos constructed with glue? yes easy easy S09_set2_a9 Cello Are cellos constructed with glue? yes easy easy S09_set2_a9 Cello Is the cello a stringed instrument? yes easy easy S09_set2_a9 Cello Is the cello a stringed instrument? yes easy easy S09_set2_a9 Cello What is cello an abbreviation of? violoncello medium medium S09_set2_a9 Cello What is cello an abbreviation of? violoncello medium medium S09_set2_a9 Cello What position is used to play the cello? a gamba medium hard S09_set2_a9 Cello What position is used to play the cello? seated medium medium S09_set2_a9 Cello What is a person who plays the cello called? cellist medium medium S09_set2_a9 Cello What is a person who plays the cello called? cellist medium medium S09_set2_a9 Cello Why is there purling on a cello? to stop cracks from forming ****misspelled**** hard hard S09_set2_a9 Cello When did the first educational works appear for the cello? the 18th century hard hard S09_set2_a9 Cello When did the first educational works appear for the cello? 18th century hard hard S09_set2_a9 Cello What cello manufacturer should I buy from if I want to play outside? Luis & Clark hard hard S09_set2_a9 Cello What cello manufacturer should I buy from if I want to play outside? Luis & Clark hard hard S09_set2_a9 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb Was Charles-Augustin de Coulomb a member of the National Institute? Yes easy easy S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb Was Charles-Augustin de Coulomb a member of the National Institute? Yes easy easy S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb Did Charles-Augustin de Coulomb find any relationship between electric charges and magnetic poles? No easy hard S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb Did Charles-Augustin de Coulomb find any relationship between electric charges and magnetic poles? No easy easy S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb Was Charles-Augustin de Coulomb's father's family in Montpellier? Yes easy easy S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb Was Charles-Augustin de Coulomb's father's family in Montpellier? Yes easy easy S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb Where did Charles-Augustin de Coulomb die? Charles-Augustin de Coulomb died in Paris. medium medium S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb Where did Charles-Augustin de Coulomb die? Paris, France medium medium S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb When was Charles-Augustin de Coulomb permanently stationed in Paris? Charles-Augustin de Coulomb was permanently stationed in Paris in 1781. medium medium S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb When was Charles-Augustin de Coulomb permanently stationed in Paris? Yes medium easy S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb What contribution did Charles-Augustin de Coulomb make to the field of geotechnical engineering? Retaining wall design medium medium S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb Where did the construction of Fort Bourbon take place? The construction of Fort Bourbon took place in Martinique. hard hard S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb Where did the construction of Fort Bourbon take place? Martinique hard medium S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb What is the definition of the electrostatic force of attraction and repulsion? Coulomb's law is the definition of the electrostatic force of attraction and repulsion. hard medium S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb What is the definition of the electrostatic force of attraction and repulsion? Coulomb's Law hard medium S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb When did Charles-Augustin de Coulomb retire to a small estate he possessed at Blois? Charles-Augustin de Coulomb retired to a small estate he possessed at Blois on the outbreak of the revolution in 1789. hard medium S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb When did Charles-Augustin de Coulomb retire to a small estate he possessed at Blois? 1789 hard medium S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb If Charles-Augustin de Coulomb was alive today, how old would he have been? 273 NULL hard S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb For how many years did Charles-Augustin de Coulomb live? 70 NULL hard S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb Did Charles-Augustin de Coulomb live to be 80 years old? no NULL hard S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb How old was Charles-Augustin de Coulomb when he died? 1806 NULL hard S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb How many years ago did he resign his appointment as intendant de eaux et fontaine ? 220 NULL hard S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb How many years ago did Charles-Augustin de Coulomb die? 203 NULL hard S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb Was The SI unit of charge , the coulomb , named after him? yes NULL easy S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb Was coulomb born in Angoulême, France , to a well to do family? yes NULL easy S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb Was his father , Henri Coulomb , inspector of the Royal Fields in Montpellier? Yes NULL easy S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb Is coulomb distinguished in the history of mechanics and of electricity and magnetism? yes NULL easy S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb Was Charles Augustin de Coulomb ( born June 14 , 1736 , Angoulême , France - died August 23 , 1806 , Paris , France ) a French physicist? yes NULL medium S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb Does Coulomb leave a legacy? yes NULL easy S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb When was Charles-Augustin de Coulomb born? June 14, 1736 NULL medium S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb Did he publish an important investigation of the laws of friction? yes NULL easy S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb Was Coulomb born in Angoulême, France, to a well to do family? yes NULL easy S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb Was his father inspector of the Royal Fields? yes NULL easy S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb He discovered an inverse relationship of what? distance and electric force NULL hard S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb Is it true that coulomb leaves a legacy as a hero? yes NULL easy S09_set4_a6 Charles-Augustin_de_Coulomb Where is Charles-Augustin de Coulomb from? France NULL medium S09_set4_a6 Chinese_language What was Chinese language`s profession? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language What is Chinese language`s first name? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language What is Chinese language`s last name? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language How many offspring did Chinese language have? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language The Mandarin dialects in which location have experienced a dramatic decrease in sounds and so have far more multisyllabic words than most other spoken varieties? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language Was Old Chinese wholly uninflected? no NULL easy S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language In North Korea, has Hanja been discontinued? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language The most widespread is the Palladius system? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language Is the Vietnamese term for Chinese writing Hán t? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language Did the Empire have little success? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language When are most of these groups mutually unintelligible? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language What is the population of Chinese language? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language Is the most widespread the Palladius system? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language Are most of these groups mutually unintelligible? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language In what country is Chinese language located? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language Are The modern Chinese dialects more like a family? yes NULL easy S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language Is it true that one-fifth of world population speak some form of Chinese? yes NULL easy S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language One-fifth of world population speak some form of what? Chinese NULL medium S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language Is mandarin spoken Chinese distinguished by its high level? no, it's distinguished by diversity NULL easy S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language Is standard Mandarin language of People Republic? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language Are there many systems of romanization for the chinese languages due to the Chinese`s own lack of phonetic transcription until modern times ? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language May the idea of Chinese as a language family suggest that the chinese identity is much more fragmentary and disunified than Chinese language actually is and as such is often looked upon as culturally and politically provocative ? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language Are most chinese words formed out of native chinese morphemes , including words describing imported objects and ideas ? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language May a native of Guangzhou speak Standard Cantonese and putonghua , a resident of Taiwan , both taiwanese and putonghua/guoyu ? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language Refer most chinese and chinese linguists to chinese as a single language and Chinese language`s subdivisions dialects , while others call chinese a language family ? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a7 Chinese_language Are there between 7 and 13 main regional groups of Chinese , of which the most spoken , by far , is about 850 million , followed by 90 million , 70 million and 70 million ? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a7 Copenhagen Copenhagen is the capital of what country? Denmark easy easy S09_set3_a8 Copenhagen Copenhagen is the capital of what country? Denmark easy medium S09_set3_a8 Copenhagen What is the population of Copenhagen? 1,161,063 easy medium S09_set3_a8 Copenhagen What is the population of Copenhagen? 1,153,615 easy hard S09_set3_a8 Copenhagen What transnational bridge was completed in 2000? Oresund Bridge easy medium S09_set3_a8 Copenhagen What transnational bridge was completed in 2000? Oresund Bridge easy hard S09_set3_a8 Copenhagen Why is Copenhagen a regional hub? Its strategic location and excellent infrastructure medium hard S09_set3_a8 Copenhagen Why is Copenhagen a regional hub? Its strategic location and excellent infrastructure with the largest airport in Scandinavia[6] located 14 minutes by train from the city centre medium hard S09_set3_a8 Copenhagen What happened to Copenhagen between 1251 and 1255? a bunch of things medium too hard S09_set3_a8 Copenhagen Is Copenhagen completely surrounded with water? No medium hard S09_set3_a8 Copenhagen Copenhagen is ranked number one worldwide for which things? Most Livable City in the World, hard too hard S09_set3_a8 Copenhagen Copenhagen is ranked number one worldwide for which things? Most Livable City, Location Ranking Survey hard too hard S09_set3_a8 Copenhagen Why did German troops occupy Copenhagen? Because it was WW2 hard too hard S09_set3_a8 Cymbal Have cymbals been used historically to suggest bacchanal? Yes easy easy S09_set2_a6 Cymbal Have cymbals been used historically to suggest bacchanal? Yes easy hard S09_set2_a6 Cymbal Can the origins of cymbals be traced to prehistoric times? Yes easy easy S09_set2_a6 Cymbal Can the origins of cymbals be traced to prehistoric times? Yes easy easy S09_set2_a6 Cymbal Are cymbals used in moden orchestras? Yes easy easy S09_set2_a6 Cymbal Are cymbals used in moden orchestras? Yes easy easy S09_set2_a6 Cymbal What are the most common Cymbals? The most common Cymbals are the Hi-Hats, Crash, Splash, Ride, and China. medium medium S09_set2_a6 Cymbal What are the most common Cymbals? Hi-Hats, Crash, Splash, Ride, and China medium easy S09_set2_a6 Cymbal What is the second main orchestral use of cymbals? The suspended cymbal is the second main orchestral use of symbals. medium medium S09_set2_a6 Cymbal What is the second main orchestral use of cymbals? The suspended cymbal medium easy S09_set2_a6 Cymbal What have clash cymbals traditionally been accompanied by? Clash cymbals have traditionally been accompanied by the bass drum playing an identical part. medium medium S09_set2_a6 Cymbal What have clash cymbals traditionally been accompanied by? The bass drum playing an identical part medium easy S09_set2_a6 Cymbal What happens when the center of a Cymbal is hit? It causes a sound which is in a higher register than the rest of the symbal. hard hard S09_set2_a6 Cymbal What happens when the center of a Cymbal is hit? It causes a sound which is in a higher register than the rest of the cymbal hard hard S09_set2_a6 Cymbal What is an effective way to accentuate a note? Playing a bass drum playing an identical part is an effective way to accentuate a note. hard hard S09_set2_a6 Cymbal What is an effective way to accentuate a note? The combination of a clash cymbol being accompanied by a bass drum playing an identical part, played loudly hard hard S09_set2_a6 Cymbal From what type of Cymbals can a expert player obtain an enormous dynamic range? An expert player can obtain an enormous dynamic range from crash cymbals. hard hard S09_set2_a6 Cymbal From what type of Cymbals can a expert player obtain an enormous dynamic range? Crash cymbals hard hard S09_set2_a6 Cymbal Can the origins of cymbals be traced back to prehistoric times? yes easy easy S09_set2_a6 Cymbal Can the origins of cymbals be traced back to prehistoric times? Yes easy easy S09_set2_a6 Cymbal Did the modern hi-hat evolve from clash cymbals? yes easy easy S09_set2_a6 Cymbal Did the modern hi-hat evolve from clash cymbals? Yes easy medium S09_set2_a6 Cymbal Is the word cymbal derived from a Germanic word? No easy easy S09_set2_a6 Cymbal Is the word cymbal derived from a Germanic word? No easy hard S09_set2_a6 Cymbal What is the center of a cymbal called? Bell medium medium S09_set2_a6 Cymbal What is the center of a cymbal called? bell medium medium S09_set2_a6 Cymbal What part of the cymbal gets the best "crash"? Edge or rim medium medium S09_set2_a6 Cymbal What part of the cymbal gets the best "crash"? edge or rim medium medium S09_set2_a6 Cymbal What is the second main orchestral use of cymbals? the suspended cymbal medium medium S09_set2_a6 Cymbal What is the second main orchestral use of cymbals? the suspended cymbal medium medium S09_set2_a6 Cymbal What two instruments form the modern drum kit? the cymbals and the drum hard hard S09_set2_a6 Cymbal What Greek mythical creatures were depicted holding cymbals? fauns and satyrs hard too hard S09_set2_a6 Cymbal What Greek mythical creatures were depicted holding cymbals? fauns and satyrs hard too hard S09_set2_a6 Cymbal What are orchestral crash cymbals technically called? a pair of clash cymbals hard hard S09_set2_a6 Cymbal What are orchestral crash cymbals technically called? clash cymbals hard hard S09_set2_a6 Dhaka Is Dhaka the capital of Bangladesh? Yes easy easy S09_set3_a3 Dhaka Is Dhaka located on the eastern banks of the Buriganga River? Yes easy medium S09_set3_a3 Dhaka Is University of Dhaka the largest public university in Dhaka? Yes easy hard S09_set3_a3 Dhaka How much area does Dhaka cover? 1462.60 square kilometers medium medium S09_set3_a3 Dhaka How many people did the 1970 Bhola cyclone kill? 500,000 medium medium S09_set3_a3 Dhaka When is the end of the independence war of Bangladesh? December 16, 1971 medium hard S09_set3_a3 Dhaka Did the Mughals arrive in Dhaka? Yes hard medium S09_set3_a3 Dhaka Is University of Dhaka older than the Dhaka College? No hard hard S09_set3_a3 English_language What is given for the number of native speakers? No figure is given for the number of native speakers. NULL hard S09_set5_a1 English_language Is english an intonation language? Yes NULL easy S09_set5_a1 English_language Is english a de jure official language of Israel? no NULL easy S09_set5_a1 English_language Is the stressed syllable called the nuclear syllable? yes NULL easy S09_set5_a1 English_language Does english grammar have minimal inflection? Yes NULL easy S09_set5_a1 English_language Did old English develop into Middle English? Yes NULL easy S09_set5_a1 English_language Are books, magazines, and newspapers written in English available? yes NULL easy S09_set5_a1 English_language Is the syntax of German different with different rules? yes NULL easy S09_set5_a1 English_language Is it true that semantics causes a number of false friends? true NULL easy S09_set5_a1 English_language Here , are all syllables unstressed , except the syllables/words best and done , which are stressed ? yes NULL easy S09_set5_a1 English_language Are many words describing the navy , types of ships , and other objects or activities on the water of dutch origin ? yes NULL easy S09_set5_a1 English_language Are local variations in the formal written version of the language quite limited , being restricted largely to the spelling differences between British and American English ? yes NULL easy S09_set5_a1 Flute Is the flute a musical instrument? Yes. easy easy S09_set2_a5 Flute Is the flute a musical instrument? Yes easy easy S09_set2_a5 Flute Is it possible to open flutes at one or both ends? Yes. easy easy S09_set2_a5 Flute Is it possible to open flutes at one or both ends? Yes easy easy S09_set2_a5 Flute Are Indian concert flutes available in standard pitches? Yes. easy easy S09_set2_a5 Flute Are Indian concert flutes available in standard pitches? Yes easy easy S09_set2_a5 Flute What do we refer musicians who play flute? A flute player, a flautist or a flutist. medium medium S09_set2_a5 Flute What do we refer musicians who play flute? A flute player, a flautist, or a flutist medium medium S09_set2_a5 Flute When was a three-holed flute made from a mammoth tusk discovered? 2004. medium medium S09_set2_a5 Flute When was a three-holed flute made from a mammoth tusk discovered? In 2004 medium medium S09_set2_a5 Flute When did the tin whistle first appear? 12th century. medium medium S09_set2_a5 Flute When did the tin whistle first appear? In the 12th century medium medium S09_set2_a5 Flute What are the oldest known musical instruments? A three holed-flute made from a mammoth tusk and two flutes made from swan's bones. hard medium S09_set2_a5 Flute What are the oldest known musical instruments? A three-holed flute made from a mammoth tusk and two flutes made from swans' bones are among the oldest known musical instruments hard hard S09_set2_a5 Flute When was the pan flute spread to other parts of Europe? 7th century BC. hard hard S09_set2_a5 Flute When was the pan flute spread to other parts of Europe? After the 7th century BC hard hard S09_set2_a5 Flute What does the air stream across this hole create? A Bernoulli, or siphon. hard medium S09_set2_a5 Fox Are foxes wary of humans? Yes easy easy S09_set1_a6 Fox Are foxes wary of humans? Yes easy easy S09_set1_a6 Fox Are fennec foxes endangered? no easy easy S09_set1_a6 Fox Are fennec foxes endangered? No easy easy S09_set1_a6 Fox Does the diet of foxes include reptiles? yes easy easy S09_set1_a6 Fox Does the diet of foxes include reptiles? Yes easy easy S09_set1_a6 Fox How long do most foxes live? Most foxes live 2 to 3 years, but they can survive for up to 10 years or even longer in captivity. medium medium S09_set1_a6 Fox How long do most foxes live? 2 to 3 years medium medium S09_set1_a6 Fox In what country did fox hunting originate? the United Kingdom medium medium S09_set1_a6 Fox In what country did fox hunting originate? in the United Kingdom medium medium S09_set1_a6 Fox What is the smallest species of fox? The Fennec Fox is the smallest species of fox. medium medium S09_set1_a6 Fox What is the smallest species of fox? the Fennec Fox medium medium S09_set1_a6 Fox What are female foxes called? vixens hard medium S09_set1_a6 Fox What are female foxes called? vixens hard medium S09_set1_a6 Fox What is caching food? Caching is burying it for later consumption, usually under leaves, snow, or soil. hard hard S09_set1_a6 Fox What is caching food? burying it for later consumption hard hard S09_set1_a6 Fox Do foxes damage fruit on farms? No hard hard S09_set1_a6 French_language How many years ago did African people spread across 31 francophone African countries can speak French either as a first or second language? 2 years ago NULL hard S09_set5_a5 French_language In Old French, was the plural for animal animals? Yes NULL easy S09_set5_a5 French_language Is catalan the only official language of Andorra? Yes NULL easy S09_set5_a5 French_language In Belgium, however, is quatre-vingts universally used? Yes NULL easy S09_set5_a5 French_language Where is it an official language? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a5 French_language Is french taught in many schools as a primary language along with Arabic? Yes NULL easy S09_set5_a5 French_language What is widely used by the Lebanese, especially for administrative purposes? French NULL medium S09_set5_a5 French_language Is french descendant of the Latin language? Yes NULL easy S09_set5_a5 French_language Are there also a variety of regional languages In addition? Yes NULL medium S09_set5_a5 French_language Is it true that france signed the European Charter for Regional Languages? Yes NULL easy S09_set5_a5 French_language France signed the European Charter for what? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a5 French_language Is french language of 20 %? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a5 French_language Is French language of Wallonia? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a5 French_language Are the prefixes en- and em- always nasalized ? Yes NULL easy S09_set5_a5 French_language Are French and German not official languages nor recognised minority languages in the flemish region , although there are a dozen municipalities with language facilities for French-speakers ? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a5 French_language Can the palatal nasal occur in word initial position ( e.g ? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a5 German_language How many years ago was the Luther Bible by Martin Luther printed? 475 NULL hard S09_set5_a2 German_language Is german an inflected language? yes NULL easy S09_set5_a2 German_language In Switzerland, is ß used at all? no NULL easy S09_set5_a2 German_language Are there two common word orders? yes NULL easy S09_set5_a2 German_language Are feminines declined in the singular? no NULL easy S09_set5_a2 German_language Is 9 % of the Internet population German? no NULL easy S09_set5_a2 German_language Is german written using the Latin alphabet? Yes NULL easy S09_set5_a2 German_language Was the Luther Bible by Martin Luther printed? Yes NULL easy S09_set5_a2 German_language Does a tz indicate that the preceding vowel is short? no NULL easy S09_set5_a2 German_language Are there 622,650 speakers of German In Canada? Yes NULL easy S09_set5_a2 German_language Are there also large populations of German ancestry In Mexico? yes NULL medium S09_set5_a2 German_language Would Bundesländer not accept North Rhine Westphalia and Bavaria ? yes NULL easy S09_set5_a2 German_language Have adverbs of time to appear in the third place in the sentence , just after the predicate ? Yes NULL easy S09_set5_a2 Giraffe Do both sexes of giraffe have horns? Yes easy easy S09_set1_a5 Giraffe Do both sexes of giraffe have horns? yes easy easy S09_set1_a5 Giraffe Do giraffes give birth standing up? Yes easy easy S09_set1_a5 Giraffe Do giraffes give birth standing up? yes easy medium S09_set1_a5 Giraffe Are giraffes hunted for their hides? Yes easy easy S09_set1_a5 Giraffe Are giraffes hunted for their hides? Yes easy easy S09_set1_a5 Giraffe What areas can giraffes inhabit? savannas, grasslands, or open woodlands medium medium S09_set1_a5 Giraffe What areas can giraffes inhabit? inhabit savannas, grasslands, or open woodlands medium easy S09_set1_a5 Giraffe What will a giraffe use to clean off any bugs that appear on its face? extremely long tongue medium medium S09_set1_a5 Giraffe What will a giraffe use to clean off any bugs that appear on its face? It's extremely long tongue medium easy S09_set1_a5 Giraffe How do giraffes defend themselves? with a powerful kick medium medium S09_set1_a5 Giraffe How do giraffes defend themselves? With powerful kicks medium easy S09_set1_a5 Giraffe Do male giraffes weigh more than female giraffes? Yes hard medium S09_set1_a5 Giraffe Do male giraffes weigh more than female giraffes? yes hard hard S09_set1_a5 Giraffe Do male giraffes have larger horns than female giraffes? Yes hard medium S09_set1_a5 Giraffe Do male giraffes have larger horns than female giraffes? Yes hard medium S09_set1_a5 Giraffe Are male females generally taller than female giraffes? Yes hard medium S09_set1_a5 Henri_Becquerel Was Henri Becquerel one of the discoverers of radioactivity? Yes easy easy S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Was Henri Becquerel one of the discoverers of radioactivity? Yes easy easy S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Is the SI unit for radioactivity named after him? Yes easy medium S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Is the SI unit for radioactivity named after him? Yes easy easy S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Was Henri Becquerel a French physicist? Yes easy easy S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Was Henri Becquerel a French physicist? Yes easy easy S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel In what year did Henri Becquerel die? 1908 medium medium S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel In what year did Henri Becquerel die? August 24, 1908 medium medium S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Where was Henri Becquerel born? Paris medium medium S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Where was Henri Becquerel born? Paris medium easy S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel In what year did Henri Becquerel win the Nobel Prize in Physics? 1903 medium medium S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel In what year did Henri Becquerel win the Nobel Prize in Physics? 1903 medium medium S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Was Henri Becquerel first in his family to occupy the physics chair at the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle? No hard easy S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Was Henri Becquerel first in his family to occupy the physics chair at the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle? No hard hard S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Was Henri Becquerel the sole winner of the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics? No hard hard S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Was Henri Becquerel the sole winner of the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics? No hard hard S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Did Henri Becquerel intentionally discover radioactivity? No hard hard S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Did Henri Becquerel intentionally discover radioactivity? He discovered it accidentally hard medium S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel If Henri Becquerel was alive today, how old would he have been? 157 NULL hard S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel For how many years did Henri Becquerel live? 56 NULL hard S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Did Henri Becquerel live to be 80 years old? no NULL medium S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel What was Henri Becquerel`s profession? physisist NULL easy S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel How old was Henri Becquerel when he died? 53 NULL too hard S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel How many years ago was it when he became the third in his family to occupy the physics chair at the Musum National d`Histoire Naturelle? 117 NULL hard S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel In 1908, the year of his death, was Becquerel elected Permanent Secretary of the Académie des Sciences? Yes NULL easy S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel When was Henri Becquerel born? December 15, 1852 NULL medium S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Did he become chief engineer in the Department of Bridges and Highways? Yes NULL easy S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Did he share the Nobel Prize in Physics? Yes NULL easy S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Is it true that Becquerel wrapped a fluorescent substance in photographic plates? Yes NULL easy S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Becquerel wrapped a fluorescent substance in what? photographic plates and black material NULL medium S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Is there a Becquerel crater on the Moon for radioactivity? Yes NULL easy S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Must … One conclude from these experiments that the phosphorescent substance in question emits rays which pass through the opaque paper and reduces silver salts ? Yes NULL easy S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel What is Henri Becquerel? Henri Becquerel was a famous physicist. NULL easy S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Where is Henri Becquerel from? Paris NULL medium S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel What does Henri Becquerel do? was a physisist NULL medium S09_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel What does Henri Becquerel do? Henri Becquerel was a physicist. NULL hard S09_set4_a9 Isaac_Newton Was Newton a English physicist? Yes. easy easy S09_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton Was Newton a English physicist? Yes easy easy S09_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton Did Newton reject the church's doctrine of the Trinity? Newton may have rejected the church's doctrine of the Trinity. easy hard S09_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton Did Newton reject the church's doctrine of the Trinity? Maybe easy hard S09_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton Was Newton admitted into Havard College? No. easy easy S09_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton Was Newton admitted into Havard College? Maybe, but it doesn't say so in the article easy easy S09_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton When was Newton's date of birth recorded? Christmas Day, Decembeer 25, 1642. medium medium S09_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton When was Newton's date of birth recorded? his date of birth was recorded as Christmas Day, December 25, 1642 medium easy S09_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton How many laws of motion did Netwon have? Three medium medium S09_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton How many laws of motion did Netwon have? Three medium easy S09_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton Who did Newton see as the master creator? God medium medium S09_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton Who did Newton see as the master creator? Newton saw God as the master creator whose existence could not be denied in the face of the grandeur of all creation medium easy S09_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton When did Netwon investigate the refraction of light From 1670 to 1672 hard hard S09_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton When did Netwon investigate the refraction of light 1670-1672 hard hard S09_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton What principles did Newton explain for mechanics? The principles of conservation of momentum and angular momentum hard hard S09_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton What principles did Newton explain for mechanics? In mechanics, Newton enunciated the principles of conservation of momentum and angular momentum hard medium S09_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton Interaction with what man stirred up Newton's interest in alchemy? Henry More hard hard S09_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton Interaction with what man stirred up Newton's interest in alchemy? The contact with the theosophist Henry More, revived his interest in alchemy hard medium S09_set4_a1 Italian_language What was Italian language`s profession? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a9 Italian_language What is Italian language`s first name? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a9 Italian_language What is Italian language`s last name? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a9 Italian_language How many offspring did Italian language have? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a9 Italian_language Where did Italian language die? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a9 Italian_language Are geminate plosives and affricates realised as lengthened closures? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a9 Italian_language Where is this letter silent? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a9 Italian_language Is Italian one of official four languages? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a9 Italian_language Is it true that legge sulle fonti del diritto of 7? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a9 Italian_language Legge sulle fonti del diritto of what? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a9 Italian_language Is it true that Italian retained the contrast between short consonants? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a9 Italian_language Italian retained the contrast between what? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a9 Italian_language Is stress distinctive in most Romance languages? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a9 Italian_language Are the speakers who use italian as a second or cultural language estimated at around 110-120 million ? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a9 Italian_language Are front/back vowel rules for C and G similar in French , Romanian , Spanish , and to some extent English ? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a9 Italian_language So can Italian language hear "istànbul " or "Ìstanbul" ? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a9 Italian_language Will , the vowel sounds be pronounced separately) ? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a9 Italian_language Can Regional differences be recognized by various factors : the openness of vowels , the length of the consonants , and influence of the local dialect ? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a9 Italian_language Give dictionaries the latter as an alternative pronunciation ? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a9 James_Watt James Watt's improvements of what were fundamental to the changes wrought by the Industrial Revolution? The steam engine. easy medium S09_set4_a2 James_Watt James Watt's improvements of what were fundamental to the changes wrought by the Industrial Revolution? steam engine easy hard S09_set4_a2 James_Watt James Watt was born where? Greenock, a seaport on the Firth of Clyde easy medium S09_set4_a2 James_Watt What was the name of James Watt's mother? Agnus Muirhead easy medium S09_set4_a2 James_Watt What was the name of James Watt's mother? Agnes Muirhead easy hard S09_set4_a2 James_Watt How many of James Watt's children did not live to adulthood? 3 medium hard S09_set4_a2 James_Watt How many of James Watt's children did not live to adulthood? 3 medium too hard S09_set4_a2 James_Watt James Watt ranked first among how many people in Charles Murray's survey of historiometry? 229 medium medium S09_set4_a2 James_Watt James Watt ranked first among how many people in Charles Murray's survey of historiometry? 229 medium hard S09_set4_a2 James_Watt In what year did James travel to Lodon to study instrument-making? 1753 hard hard S09_set4_a2 James_Watt For how many years of James Watt's life was his mother alive? 17 years hard hard S09_set4_a2 James_Watt What is James Watt most famous for? Steam engine. hard too hard S09_set4_a2 Japanese_language What was Japanese language`s profession? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a6 Japanese_language What is Japanese language`s first name? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a6 Japanese_language Is the basic sentence structure topic-comment? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a6 Japanese_language Where are the circumstances complicated? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a6 Japanese_language Does the form indicate a perfect tense? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a6 Japanese_language Is or a conception that forms the counterpart of dialect? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a6 Japanese_language Do most Japanese people employ politeness? yes NULL easy S09_set5_a6 Japanese_language Is it true that Japanese borrowed a considerable number of words? yes NULL easy S09_set5_a6 Japanese_language Japanese borrowed a considerable number of what? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a6 Japanese_language Is japanese language in the island? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a6 Japanese_language Is there a form of the language? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a6 Japanese_language Are the several dialects of Kagoshima famous to speakers? yes NULL medium S09_set5_a6 Japanese_language I.e "yamato words ") , which in scholarly contexts is sometimes referred to as ( or rarely , i.e "yamato words " -rrb- , which in scholarly contexts is sometimes referred to as -lrb- or rarely , vp ? ? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a6 Japanese_language Are japanese personal pronouns generally used only in situations requiring special emphasis as to who is doing what to whom ? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a6 Japanese_language : give "please Japanese language to Mr ? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a6 Japanese_language Will a japanese person use vocabulary and inflections of the honorific register to refer to the in-group superior and Japanese language`s or Japanese language`s speech and actions ? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a6 Japanese_language Thus , can polite korean speech sound very presumptuous when translated verbatim into Japanese , as in korean Japanese language is acceptable and normal to say things like "our Mr ? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a6 Lima Is Lima the capital of Peru? Yes. easy easy S09_set3_a4 Lima Is the Museum of Gold in Lima? Yes. easy hard S09_set3_a4 Lima Does Lima have volleyball venues? Yes. easy hard S09_set3_a4 Lima When was Lima founded? January 18,1535. medium medium S09_set3_a4 Lima Where is the Park of the Reserve located? Near the downtown area. medium medium S09_set3_a4 Lima What is a colectivo? Automobiles that renders express service on some major roads of the Lima Metropolitan Area. medium medium S09_set3_a4 Lima Is the National University of San Marcos in Lima? Yes. hard hard S09_set3_a4 Lima Has the San Lorenzo Megaport Project been completed? No. hard hard S09_set3_a4 Lima How many years ago was the Lima Stock Exchange the most profitable in the world? Three NULL hard S09_set3_a4 Lima Is rainfall very low? Yes. NULL easy S09_set3_a4 Lima Is lima the capital and largest city of Peru? Yes. NULL easy S09_set3_a4 Lima Is The GDP per capita in Lima $ 7,600 / ref )? Yes. NULL easy S09_set3_a4 Lima The Spanish Crown named Pizarro governor of what? Hemming. NULL medium S09_set3_a4 Lima Is it true that the ideas of the Enlightenment shaped the development of the city? Yes. NULL easy S09_set3_a4 Lima The ideas of the Enlightenment shaped the development of what? the city, Lima NULL medium S09_set3_a4 London Is London the capital of the United Kingdom? Yes easy easy S09_set3_a1 London Is London the capital of the United Kingdom? Yes easy easy S09_set3_a1 London Does London's population draw from a wide range of religions? Yes easy easy S09_set3_a1 London Does London's population draw from a wide range of religions? Yes easy easy S09_set3_a1 London Did Caunte take control of the English throne in 101? No easy easy S09_set3_a1 London Over how many languages are spoken in London? Over 300 languages are spoken in london medium medium S09_set3_a1 London Over how many languages are spoken in London? Over 300 medium easy S09_set3_a1 London What had the Anglo-Saxons created by the 600s? By the 600s, the Anglo-Saxons had created a new S09_settlement called Lundenwic. medium medium S09_set3_a1 London What had the Anglo-Saxons created by the 600s? a new S09_settlement called Lundenwic medium easy S09_set3_a1 London What city in the UK has been subjected to bouts of terrorism? London has been subjected to bouts of terrorism. hard hard S09_set3_a1 London What city in the UK has been subjected to bouts of terrorism? London hard hard S09_set3_a1 London What countries did James VI of Scotland unite? James VI of Scotland united Scotland and England. hard hard S09_set3_a1 London What countries did James VI of Scotland unite? England and Scotland hard too hard S09_set3_a1 London How did civil wars affect England during the Middle Ages? London remained relatively untouched hard medium S09_set3_a1 Lyre Are the strings of a classical lyre made of gut? Yes easy hard S09_set2_a10 Lyre Does a classical lyre have a sound-chest? Yes easy easy S09_set2_a10 Lyre Is lyre played in mordern Greece? No easy easy S09_set2_a10 Lyre Which part of the strings does the left hand touch? The lower strings medium medium S09_set2_a10 Lyre In which place is lyre still played? North-eastern parts of Africa medium medium S09_set2_a10 Lyre Does a classical lyre have a fingerboard? Yes hard hard S09_set2_a10 Lyre Is a guitar played with a plectrum like a lyre? Yes hard easy S09_set2_a10 Michael_Faraday Was Michael Faraday an English chemist? yes easy easy S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Was Michael Faraday an English chemist? yes easy easy S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Was Faraday a devout Christian? yes easy easy S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Was Faraday a devout Christian? yes easy easy S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Was Faraday considered a gentleman? no easy easy S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Was Faraday considered a gentleman? no easy easy S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Who was a member of the Sandemanian sect of Christianity? yes medium easy S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Who was a member of the Sandemanian sect of Christianity? Faraday medium medium S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday What did Joseph Henry likely discover? self-induction medium medium S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday What did Joseph Henry likely discover? self-induction medium medium S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday What did the University of Oxford grant Faraday? a Doctor of Civil Law degree (honorary) medium medium S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday What did the University of Oxford grant Faraday? Doctor of Civil Law degree (honorary) medium medium S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Who was made to travel outside the coach? Faraday hard hard S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Did Faraday construct the ancestor of modern power generators? yes hard easy S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Did Faraday construct the ancestor of modern power generators? yes hard easy S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Did Faraday lecture on education in 1854? yes hard easy S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Did Faraday lecture on education in 1854? yes hard hard S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Did Faraday receive an extensive formal education? no easy medium S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Did Faraday receive an extensive formal education? no easy easy S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Did Faraday discover the chemical substance benzene? yes easy easy S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Did Faraday discover the chemical substance benzene? yes easy easy S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Was Faraday born in England? yes easy easy S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Was Faraday born in England? yes easy easy S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday What do some historians of science refer to Faraday as? the best experimentalist in the history of science medium medium S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday What do some historians of science refer to Faraday as? best experimentalist in the history of science medium medium S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Who was the sponsor and mentor of Faraday? John 'Mad Jack' Fuller medium medium S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Who was the sponsor and mentor of Faraday? John 'Mad Jack' Fuller medium medium S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday What did Faraday invent that is used almost universally in science laboratories? the Bunsen burner medium medium S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday What did Faraday invent that is used almost universally in science laboratories? Bunsen burner medium medium S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Does the production of chemical weapons raise an ethical issue? yes hard easy S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday What was the Faraday effect first called? diamagnetism hard hard S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday What was the Faraday effect first called? diamagnetism hard medium S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Can you meet someone through attending a church? yes hard easy S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday What was Michael Faraday`s birthplace? Newington Butts NULL hard S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday What was Michael Faraday`s profession? chemist and physicist NULL hard S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday How many years ago did Faraday report on the first synthesis of compound make from carbon and chlorine , c 2 h 6 and c 2 h 4 ? 189 NULL hard S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday How many years ago was it when he discovered the phenomenon that he named diamagnetism , and what is now called the Faraday effect? 164 NULL hard S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday How many years ago was it when Faraday wrote a letter to The Times on the subject of the foul condition of the River Thames , which resulted in an oft-reprinted cartoon in Punch? 154 NULL hard S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday How many years ago was it when he discovered that the optical properties of gold colloids differed from those of the corresponding bulk metal? 162 NULL hard S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Was education another area of service for Faraday? yes NULL easy S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Was faraday `s earliest chemical work as an assistant to Davy? Yes NULL easy S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Who died at his house at Hampton Court on August 25, 1867? Faraday NULL medium S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday When was Michael Faraday born? September 22, 1791 NULL easy S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Where did he serve two terms? the Church of Scotland NULL hard S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Who was born in Newington Butts, near present-day South London, England? Michael Faraday NULL medium S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Is it true that institution formed the foundation of electric motor technology? no NULL hard S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Institution formed the foundation of what? modern electromagnetic technology NULL medium S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Was his father member of the Sandemanian sect? yes NULL easy S09_set4_a7 Michael_Faraday Was faraday Christian of the small Sandemanian denomination? yes NULL easy S09_set4_a7 Nassau Is Nassau Sound a body of water in Maine? no easy easy S09_set3_a2 Nassau Was Nassau placed in operation by Robert Fulton? yes easy easy S09_set3_a2 Nassau Who was Fort Nassau built by? the Dutch medium medium S09_set3_a2 Nassau What is Nassau Coliseum? an arena in Uniondale, New York, USA medium medium S09_set3_a2 Nassau What was the Dead or Alive 4 fighting arena modeled after? a Magnetic Accelerator Cannon station from Halo 2 medium medium S09_set3_a2 Nassau Is Nassau Range the highest mountain range in the world? no hard easy S09_set3_a2 Nassau Is Nassau County named after a German town? yes hard hard S09_set3_a2 Nassau Does the United States have a base near Glasgow? yes hard hard S09_set3_a2 Nikola_Tesla Did Tesla study electrical engineering? Yes easy easy S09_set4_a3 Nikola_Tesla Did Tesla study electrical engineering? yes easy easy S09_set4_a3 Nikola_Tesla Was Tesla born in the United States? No easy easy S09_set4_a3 Nikola_Tesla Was Tesla born in the United States? no easy easy S09_set4_a3 Nikola_Tesla Was Tesla hired by Edison? Yes easy easy S09_set4_a3 Nikola_Tesla Was Tesla hired by Edison? yes easy easy S09_set4_a3 Nikola_Tesla When did Tesla demonstrate wireless communication (radio)? 1893 medium medium S09_set4_a3 Nikola_Tesla When did Tesla demonstrate wireless communication (radio)? 1893 medium hard S09_set4_a3 Nikola_Tesla What is the SI unit measuring magnetic flux density or magnetic induction? the tesla medium medium S09_set4_a3 Nikola_Tesla What is the SI unit measuring magnetic flux density or magnetic induction? the tesla medium medium S09_set4_a3 Nikola_Tesla Was Tesla regarded as a mad scientist? Yes medium easy S09_set4_a3 Nikola_Tesla Was Tesla regarded as a mad scientist? yes medium easy S09_set4_a3 Nikola_Tesla What type of current did Tesla invent? AC hard hard S09_set4_a3 Nikola_Tesla Who was the victor of the "War of Currents"? Tesla hard hard S09_set4_a3 Nikola_Tesla Who was the victor of the "War of Currents"? Nikola Tesla hard hard S09_set4_a3 Nikola_Tesla Where did Tesla study electrical engineering? the Austrian Polytechnic in Graz hard medium S09_set4_a3 Nikola_Tesla Where did Tesla study electrical engineering? Austrian Polytechnic in Graz hard medium S09_set4_a3 Ottawa Is Ottawa the capital of Canada? Yes easy easy S09_set3_a5 Ottawa Does Ottawa sit on the Ottowa River? Yes easy easy S09_set3_a5 Ottawa Do small tremors occur in Ottawa? Yes easy hard S09_set3_a5 Ottawa What is Ottawa's population? 1,190,982 medium medium S09_set3_a5 Ottawa What are Ottawa's primary industries? Logging and lumber medium hard S09_set3_a5 Ottawa What is Ottawa's junior ice hockey team? the Ottawa 67's medium medium S09_set3_a5 Ottawa What is Ottawa's major league hockey team? the Ottawa Senators hard medium S09_set3_a5 Ottawa What are Carleton University's athletic teams called? Carleton Ravens hard medium S09_set3_a5 Ottawa Is Ottawa colder than Moscow in January? Yes hard easy S09_set3_a5 Ottawa Is Ottawa on a river? yes easy easy S09_set3_a5 Ottawa Is Ottawa on a river? yes easy easy S09_set3_a5 Ottawa Does it snow in Ottawa? yes easy easy S09_set3_a5 Ottawa Does it snow in Ottawa? yes easy easy S09_set3_a5 Ottawa Was there a cholera outbreak in 1832? yes easy easy S09_set3_a5 Ottawa Was there a cholera outbreak in 1832? yes easy easy S09_set3_a5 Ottawa Who is the mayor of Ottawa? Larry O'Brien medium medium S09_set3_a5 Ottawa Who is the mayor of Ottawa? Larry O'Brien medium medium S09_set3_a5 Ottawa How many townships are in Ottawa? eleven medium medium S09_set3_a5 Ottawa How many townships are in Ottawa? eleven medium easy S09_set3_a5 Ottawa What's the main highway in Ottawa? Highway 417, The Queensway medium medium S09_set3_a5 Ottawa What's the main highway in Ottawa? provinical Highway 417 medium medium S09_set3_a5 Ottawa What was Ottawa's name in 1850? Bytown hard hard S09_set3_a5 Ottawa What was Ottawa's name in 1850? Bytown hard hard S09_set3_a5 Ottawa Based on the average, in what year will the next small tremor occur in Ottawa? 2009 hard hard S09_set3_a5 Ottawa Based on the average, in what year will the next small tremor occur in Ottawa? 2009 hard hard S09_set3_a5 Ottawa Where were immigrants from in the 1800s? Irish hard hard S09_set3_a5 Ottawa Where were immigrants from in the 1800s? Ireland hard hard S09_set3_a5 Ottawa Are there also discussions of having OC Transpo Light Rail and STO Transitway networks linking on the Gatineau side of the Ottawa River ? Yes. NULL easy S09_set3_a5 Otter Does the giant otter live in South America? Yes easy easy S09_set1_a7 Otter Does the giant otter live in South America? yes easy easy S09_set1_a7 Otter Do otters have claws? Yes easy easy S09_set1_a7 Otter Do otters have claws? yes easy easy S09_set1_a7 Otter Do otters eat fish? Yes easy easy S09_set1_a7 Otter Do otters eat fish? yes easy easy S09_set1_a7 Otter What is an otter's den called? A holt medium medium S09_set1_a7 Otter What is an otter's den called? holt medium medium S09_set1_a7 Otter Where do sea otters live? Beside water medium medium S09_set1_a7 Otter Where do sea otters live? Pacific coast of North America medium medium S09_set1_a7 Otter Why are otters vulnerable to prey depletion? Prey-dependence medium medium S09_set1_a7 Otter Why are otters vulnerable to prey depletion? prey-dependency medium medium S09_set1_a7 Otter Do otters enjoy playing? Yes hard hard S09_set1_a7 Otter Do otters enjoy playing? yes hard easy S09_set1_a7 Otter Do sea otters have a layer of fat like whales? No hard hard S09_set1_a7 Otter Do sea otters have a layer of fat like whales? no hard easy S09_set1_a7 Otter Is the otter in the same family as the badger? Yes hard hard S09_set1_a7 Otter Is the otter in the same family as the badger? yes hard easy S09_set1_a7 Santiago Are there any cities named Santiago in the United States? yes easy hard S09_set3_a6 Santiago Are there any cities named Santiago in the United States? Yes easy hard S09_set3_a6 Santiago Was Santiago the name of an indie/punk band? yes easy easy S09_set3_a6 Santiago Was Santiago the name of an indie/punk band? Yes easy easy S09_set3_a6 Santiago Is Santiago a name in Spanish? yes easy easy S09_set3_a6 Santiago Is Santiago a name in Spanish? Yes easy medium S09_set3_a6 Santiago What is the origin of the name Santiago? Spanish for St. James medium hard S09_set3_a6 Santiago What is the origin of the name Santiago? sanit + iago, James medium hard S09_set3_a6 Santiago Who has released an album or song named Santiago? The Chieftains; Loreena McKennitt medium medium S09_set3_a6 Santiago Who has released an album or song named Santiago? The Chieftains and Loreena McKennitt medium hard S09_set3_a6 Santiago What is the Order of Santiago? a Spanish knightly order medium medium S09_set3_a6 Santiago What is the Order of Santiago? a Spanish Knightly order medium medium S09_set3_a6 Santiago What notable people have been named Santiago? Benito Santiago, Hugo Santiago, Joey Santiago, Liliana Santiago, Rafael Santiago Maria, Santiago Caballero, Santiago Cabrera; James, son of Zebedee hard hard S09_set3_a6 Santiago What notable people have been named Santiago? Benito, Hugo, and others hard hard S09_set3_a6 Santiago What fictional stories include a main character named Santiago? Gears of War, Rainbow Six: Covert Operations Essentials, Death Foretold by Gabriel García Márquez, Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea, the television series Babylon 5, Anne Rice's novel Interview with the Vampire, aulo Coelho's The Alchemist (novel), the television show Friday Night Lights hard hard S09_set3_a6 Santiago What fictional stories include a main character named Santiago? Interview with the Vampire, The Alchemist, and others hard hard S09_set3_a6 Santiago Is Santiago the national capital of a country? Yes NULL easy S09_set3_a6 Santiago Is santiago Spanish for St. James ( from santo , saint + iago , James )? Yes NULL easy S09_set3_a6 Santiago Is santiago Spanish for St. James? Yes NULL easy S09_set3_a6 Santiago What is Santiago? Santiago is Spanish for St. James. It is also the name of places in Argentina, Brazil, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, Portugal, Spain, the United States, Venezuela, and the Amazon. It is also the name of a baseball catcher, a film director, a guitarist, an economist, a footballer, a DJ, an actor, and James, son of Zebedee. Fictional people with this name include a character from Gears of War, a character from Chronicle of a Death Foretold, a character in Old Man and the Sea, a character in Babylon 5, a character in Interview with the Vampire, the main character of The Alchemist, and a character on Friday Night Lights. There has also been a battle of Santiago de Cuba, a couple of bands named Santiago, an Order of Santiago, and "Santiago" as a shortened form of the Reconquista battle cry. NULL too hard S09_set3_a6 Spanish_language Are countries without in red? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a8 Spanish_language However, is English the official language? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a8 Spanish_language Are most Spanish speakers in Latin America? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a8 Spanish_language Are countries where is a regionalism in green? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a8 Spanish_language The deeper the blue is, is the more predominant? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a8 Spanish_language Are these marked with an asterisk ( * )? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a8 Spanish_language Did the language lose its official status? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a8 Spanish_language Where do about 400 million people speak Spanish? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a8 Spanish_language What kind of instrument is the spanish language? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a8 Spanish_language Is the lexical similarity with Italian estimated at 82%? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a8 Spanish_language Is spanish an official language of the European Union? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a8 Spanish_language What is an official language of the European Union? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a8 Spanish_language Is it true that mexico contains the largest population of Spanish speakers? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a8 Spanish_language Mexico contains the largest population of what? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a8 Spanish_language Is this phenomenon notable in Brazil? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a8 Spanish_language Is spanish one of the official languages? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a8 Spanish_language Is universidad de México Instituto Cervantes Spanish language of Spain? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a8 Spanish_language Is spanish language of the European Union? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a8 Spanish_language Pasan en consecuencia , las palabras que comienzan por estas dos letras , o que las contienen , a alfabetizarse en los lugares que les corresponden dentro de la c y de la l , respectivamente ? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a8 Spanish_language Allow the common features of the writing systems of the Romance languages for a greater amount of interlingual reading comprehension than oral communication would ? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a8 Swahili_language What was Swahili language`s profession? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a4 Swahili_language How many years ago was an interterritorial conference held at Mombasa ? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a4 Swahili_language What is Swahili language`s last name? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a4 Swahili_language How many years ago was it when the rulers of Zanzibar organized trading expeditions into the interior of the mainland , up to the various lakes in the continent `s Great Rift Valley? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a4 Swahili_language What is Swahili language`s first name? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a4 Swahili_language Where did Swahili language die? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a4 Swahili_language Has swahili no diphthongs? No NULL easy S09_set5_a4 Swahili_language Is a third prefix the object prefix? Yes NULL easy S09_set5_a4 Swahili_language When is /ref> NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a4 Swahili_language Swahili unusual? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a4 Swahili_language Where does swahili grammar arrange nouns? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a4 Swahili_language What was the only good candidate in these two colonies? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a4 Swahili_language Do some writers mark aspirated consonants? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a4 Swahili_language Was one key step in spreading Swahili to create a standard written language? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a4 Swahili_language Are there today more speakers in Kenya of the Somali coast? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a4 Swahili_language Is / ref Swahili unusual among sub-Saharan languages? Yes NULL easy S09_set5_a4 Swahili_language The pronunciation of the phoneme / u / stands between what? NULL NULL NULL S09_set5_a4 Swahili_language Are vowels never reduced , regardless of stress ? Yes NULL easy S09_set5_a4 Swan Does the Australian Black Swan have white feathers on its wings? yes easy medium S09_set1_a10 Swan Does the Australian Black Swan have white feathers on its wings? Yes easy medium S09_set1_a10 Swan Do swans belong to the family Anatidae? yes easy easy S09_set1_a10 Swan Do swans belong to the family Anatidae? Yes easy easy S09_set1_a10 Swan Can black swans swim with only one leg? yes easy easy S09_set1_a10 Swan Can black swans swim with only one leg? Yes easy medium S09_set1_a10 Swan What are young swans known as? cygnets medium medium S09_set1_a10 Swan What are young swans known as? Cygnets medium easy S09_set1_a10 Swan What is the Irish legend of the Children of Lir about? a stepmother transforming her children into swans for 900 years medium medium S09_set1_a10 Swan What is the Irish legend of the Children of Lir about? A stepmother transforming her children into swans for 900 years medium medium S09_set1_a10 Swan What is the Sanskrit word for swan? hamsa or hansa medium medium S09_set1_a10 Swan What is the Sanskrit word for swan? Hamsa or hansa medium easy S09_set1_a10 Swan Which album was the song "The Bonny Swans" from? The Mask and Mirror hard medium S09_set1_a10 Swan Which album was the song "The Bonny Swans" from? The Mask and Mirror hard easy S09_set1_a10 Swan What is the Polish word for swan? Łabędź hard hard S09_set1_a10 Swan What is the Polish word for swan? Łabędź hard easy S09_set1_a10 Swan Which ballet by Pyotr Tchaikovsky is partially based on an Ancient German legend about a princess who was turned into a swan? Swan Lake hard hard S09_set1_a10 Swan Which ballet by Pyotr Tchaikovsky is partially based on an Ancient German legend about a princess who was turned into a swan? Swan Lake hard hard S09_set1_a10 Swan Are swan birds of the family Anatidae? Yes. easy easy S09_set1_a10 Swan Are swan birds of the family Anatidae? Yes easy easy S09_set1_a10 Swan Do swans feature strongly in mythology? Yes. easy easy S09_set1_a10 Swan Do swans feature strongly in mythology? Yes easy easy S09_set1_a10 Swan Is the Trumpeter Swan the largest bird? It is the largest bird of North America. easy easy S09_set1_a10 Swan Is the Trumpeter Swan the largest bird? The Trumpeter Swan is the largest bird of North America easy medium S09_set1_a10 Swan What is the name of young swans? Cygnets. medium medium S09_set1_a10 Swan What is the name of young swans? Cygnets medium medium S09_set1_a10 Swan Where is the word "swan" derived from? Old English swan. medium medium S09_set1_a10 Swan Where is the word "swan" derived from? The Old English word "swan," derived from the Indo-European root "*swen", meaning to sound or to sing medium medium S09_set1_a10 Swan What is the best known story about a swan? The Ugly Duckling fable. medium medium S09_set1_a10 Swan What is the best known story about a swan? The Ugly Duckling medium medium S09_set1_a10 Swan Are swans and ducks birds of the same family? Yes. hard hard S09_set1_a10 Swan Are swans and ducks birds of the same family? Yes hard easy S09_set1_a10 Swan What is the name of an adult female? Pen. hard medium S09_set1_a10 Swan What is the name of an adult female? An adult female swan is called a pen. hard medium S09_set1_a10 Swan What is the color of the Australian Black Swan? Completely black except for the white flight feathers on its wings. hard hard S09_set1_a10 Swan What is the color of the Australian Black Swan? Completely black except for the white feathers on its wings hard medium S09_set1_a10 Tiger Is the Tiger a member of the Felidar family? No. easy easy S09_set1_a3 Tiger Is the Tiger a member of the Felidar family? No easy easy S09_set1_a3 Tiger Are tigers solitary animals? Yes. easy easy S09_set1_a3 Tiger Are tigers solitary animals? Yes easy easy S09_set1_a3 Tiger Are panthers a type of tiger? No. easy hard S09_set1_a3 Tiger Are panthers a type of tiger? No easy hard S09_set1_a3 Tiger What do tigers' powerfully built legs and shoulders allow tigers to do? They have the ability to pull down prey substantially heavier than themselves. medium medium S09_set1_a3 Tiger What do tigers' powerfully built legs and shoulders allow tigers to do? have the ability to pull down prey substantially heavier than themselves medium medium S09_set1_a3 Tiger What would a tiger do when seized by a crocodile? A tiger will strike at the reptile's eyes with its paws. medium medium S09_set1_a3 Tiger What would a tiger do when seized by a crocodile? strike at the reptile's eyes with its paws medium medium S09_set1_a3 Tiger What are the typical features of a tiger country? It will always have good cover, it will always be close to water and plenty of prey. medium medium S09_set1_a3 Tiger What are the typical features of a tiger country? Good cover, close to water, and plenty of prey medium medium S09_set1_a3 Tiger Would it be common for tigers to mate in January? Yes. hard hard S09_set1_a3 Tiger Would it be common for tigers to mate in January? Yes hard medium S09_set1_a3 Tiger About how many square kilometers would be needed to house 3 female tigers? 60 square kilometers hard hard S09_set1_a3 Tiger About how many square kilometers would be needed to house 3 female tigers? 60 hard hard S09_set1_a3 Tiger Would a tiger be likely to feedon smaller animals, such as mice? Yes hard hard S09_set1_a3 Trumpet Did the predecessors to trumpets have valves? No easy easy S09_set2_a3 Trumpet Are trumpets constructed of brass? Yes easy easy S09_set2_a3 Trumpet Is the bass trumpet the smallest trumpet? No easy hard S09_set2_a3 Trumpet What musical styles is the trumpet used in? Ska, ska punk, classical, jazz, Rock, Blues, pop, polka, cuban music, mariachi and funk. medium medium S09_set2_a3 Trumpet What is the most common type of trumpet? The B trumpet. medium medium S09_set2_a3 Trumpet How does a trumpet produce sound? By blowing air through closed lips. medium medium S09_set2_a3 Trumpet How do trumpets compensate for wolf tones? Somce trumpetes have a slide mechanism built in to compensate. hard hard S09_set2_a3 Trumpet Did Miles Davis play the trumpet? Yes hard hard S09_set2_a3 Trumpet Does a trumpet have a mellower tone than a cornet? No hard hard S09_set2_a3 Turtle Is the name of the upper shell of a turtle called the plastron? No. easy hard S09_set1_a4 Turtle Do scutes fall away from the turtle's shell? Some of the scutes eventually fall away from the shell. easy hard S09_set1_a4 Turtle Do scutes fall away from the turtle's shell? yes, eventually easy easy S09_set1_a4 Turtle Do Terrestrial tortoises have short feet? Yes. easy easy S09_set1_a4 Turtle Do Terrestrial tortoises have short feet? yes easy easy S09_set1_a4 Turtle How many groups are turtles broken down into? Two medium medium S09_set1_a4 Turtle How many groups are turtles broken down into? two medium easy S09_set1_a4 Turtle Where are the only surviving giant tortoises? They are on the Seychelles and Galápagos Islands. medium medium S09_set1_a4 Turtle Where are the only surviving giant tortoises? Seychelles and Gal�pagos Islands medium easy S09_set1_a4 Turtle How do turtles chew food? Turtles use their jaws to cut and chew food. medium medium S09_set1_a4 Turtle How do turtles chew food? Turtles use their jaws to cut and chew food medium easy S09_set1_a4 Turtle Are tortoises land based? Yes. hard easy S09_set1_a4 Turtle Are tortoises land based? yes hard easy S09_set1_a4 Turtle Where are turtle eggs layed? Turtles lay eggs on land. hard hard S09_set1_a4 Turtle Where are turtle eggs layed? on land hard easy S09_set1_a4 Turtle Is turtle soup considered a delicacy? No. hard easy S09_set1_a4 Turtle Is turtle soup considered a delicacy? yes hard hard S09_set1_a4 Turtle Are Testudines the crown group of the superorder Chelonia? yes easy easy S09_set1_a9 Turtle Are Testudines the crown group of the superorder Chelonia? Yes easy easy S09_set1_a9 Turtle Do turtles breathe air? yes easy hard S09_set1_a9 Turtle Do turtles breathe air? Yes easy easy S09_set1_a9 Turtle Are harvesting wild turtles legal anywhere? yes easy easy S09_set1_a9 Turtle Approximately how many species of Testudines are alive today? 300 medium medium S09_set1_a9 Turtle Approximately how many species of Testudines are alive today? 300 medium easy S09_set1_a9 Turtle Where is harvesting wild turtles legal? Florida medium easy S09_set1_a9 Turtle Where is harvesting wild turtles legal? Florida medium easy S09_set1_a9 Turtle What was the largest ever chelonian? Archelon ischyros medium easy S09_set1_a9 Turtle What was the largest ever chelonian? The great letherback sea tutrtle medium easy S09_set1_a9 Turtle Is there a way to approximate the age of a turtle? yes hard easy S09_set1_a9 Turtle Is there a way to approximate the age of a turtle? Yes hard easy S09_set1_a9 Turtle Can turtles spend all their time underwater? no hard too hard S09_set1_a9 Turtle Can turtles spend all their time underwater? No hard easy S09_set1_a9 Violin Are violinists and fiddlers the same thing? Yes easy easy S09_set2_a2 Violin Are violinists and fiddlers the same thing? Yes easy easy S09_set2_a2 Violin Are violins a single size? no easy hard S09_set2_a2 Violin Are violins a single size? No easy hard S09_set2_a2 Violin Are violas and cellos in the same family of instruments as violins? yes easy easy S09_set2_a2 Violin Are violas and cellos in the same family of instruments as violins? Yes easy easy S09_set2_a2 Violin Where does the word "violin" come from? the Middle Latin word vitula, meaning "stringed instrument" medium medium S09_set2_a2 Violin Where does the word "violin" come from? the Middle Latin word vitula medium medium S09_set2_a2 Violin What is someone who makes violins called? a luthier, or simply a violin maker medium medium S09_set2_a2 Violin What is someone who makes violins called? a luthier medium medium S09_set2_a2 Violin How many strings does a violin usually have? four medium medium S09_set2_a2 Violin How many strings does a violin usually have? 4 medium medium S09_set2_a2 Violin What are violins made of? different types of wood hard medium S09_set2_a2 Violin What are violins made of? maple, ebony, sheep gut hard hard S09_set2_a2 Violin How long have people been making instruments like violins? since ancient times hard hard S09_set2_a2 Violin How long have people been making instruments like violins? since 1555 hard hard S09_set2_a2 Violin Whate is the usual pitch range of a violin? from G3 to C8 hard hard S09_set2_a2 Violin Whate is the usual pitch range of a violin? from G3 to C8 hard hard S09_set2_a2 Xylophone Are xylophone bars made of rosewood? yes easy easy S09_set2_a8 Xylophone Is the xylophone a precursor to the vibraphone? yes easy easy S09_set2_a8 Xylophone Were ancient mallets made of copper? no easy easy S09_set2_a8 Xylophone Where did the xylophone originate? Indonesia medium medium S09_set2_a8 Xylophone What is the earliest historical reference in Europe? Arnold Schlick's Spiegel der Orgelmacher und Organisten medium medium S09_set2_a8 Xylophone How are western-style xylophones characterised? by a bright, sharp tone and high register medium medium S09_set2_a8 Xylophone Can a xylophone be 3 octaves? yes hard hard S09_set2_a8 Xylophone Can a short bar follow a long bar? no hard hard S09_set2_a8 Xylophone Did vibraphones exist in 1930? yes hard hard S09_set2_a8