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1 | கஙகதர வழகக அஞசறத தமப கமம சபபத கணடத மழம பயலயத கழஇய நடபன மயலயல சறயயற றரவ கநதலன நறயவம உளவ நயறயம பவ. | Oh bee of pretty wings Lives a life of searching Quality pollens for nectar Not being partial Tell me the truth Is there any flower you know? With a better fragrance Then the hair of my lass Who is gifted with a lined teeth And peacocks elegance And closely linked with me for ages | kurunthogai |
2 | நலததனம பரத வனனம உயரநதனற நரனம ஆரள வனற சரல கரஙகற கறஞசப பககணட பரநதன இழககம நடனட நடப. | The love with my man Of the land of quality honey Collected from kurinji flowers With black colour stalks In the mountain slopes afar, Is larger than the earth Higher than the sky And deeper than the oceans. | kurunthogai |
3 | நளளன றனற யமம சலலவந தனதடங கனர மககள மனவனற நனநதல உலகமம தஞசம ஓரயன மனற தஞச தன. பதமனர. | It is midnight Everyone stopped chat And settled silent All creatures with no anger Entire world rest in slumber I am the only person Not fallen asleep. | kurunthogai |
4 | கழன மஅதத வளநதக தமபழம பழன வள கதஉ மரன எமமற பரமழ கறத தமமற கயம கலம தககத தககம ஆடப பவ பல மவன சயயநதன பதலவன தயகக. | The man of the city Where the belt fish seizes The sweet mango fruits From the tree near the fields Spoke good nothings to me At my house In his house, He acts as a puppet image Of the mirror Just raising and lowering The hands For the mother to his son | kurunthogai |
5 | கடர இலஙகவள ஞகழ நடறம படல கலழம கணணட பலமப ஈஙகவண உறதலம உயகவம ஆஙக எழவன வழயன னஞச மனஅத கலலக கணண வடகர மனயத வலவற கடட நனனட டமபர மழபயர தஎதத ரயனம வழபடல சழநதசன அவரட நடட. | Get up my mind We will go to our Lord Without any delay Even if he is in The land of other languages Belonging to Katti, the king With javelin battalion In the north as vadukars Wearing the wreath of marijuana My bangles made of conch slips down My eyes always cry and never fell asleep I cannot stay here and pine forever. | kurunthogai |
6 | மவன மடலம ஊரப பவனக கவமகழ எரககங கணணயம சடப மறக னரககவம படப பறத மகப கமஙகழ களன. | If love is firm and deep The lovers may ride a palmhorse They may wear the wreath of crown flowers Others may laugh and tease them These men may do other risky deeds too | kurunthogai |
7 | வரல வல வரககட பலவன சரல நட சவவய ஆகமத யரஃ தறநதச னர சரல சறகடடப பரமபழந தஙக யஙகவள உயரதவச சறத கமம பரத. கபலர. | Oh man of the hill terrains Where the bamboos are the fence For rootjack trees Who ever knows the fact? Her love for you is greater And her love for life is smaller Like a large fruit hanging On a tiny stalk | kurunthogai |
8 | அகவன மகள அகவன மகள மனவககப பனன நனனடங கநதல அகவன மகள படக படட இனனம படக படடஅவர நனனடங கனறம படய படட. | Oh sorceress sorceress With tufts of hair Like the string of conches Sorceress you sing that song Many a times, Again and again You please sing The song you sung On his good range of hills | kurunthogai |
9 | யரம இலலத தன களவன தனத பயபபன யனவன சயக தனததள அனன சறபசங கல ஒழகநர ஆரல பரககம கரகம உணடதன மணநத ஞனற. | No one else, he is the culprit If he refuses, what shall I do? When he secretly married me There was no soul present Except a bird bittern With its thin tender legs Like the stalk of millet Looking for its prey The sandeel fish In the waters leak. | kurunthogai |
10 | கனற மணணத கலததனம படத நலலன தமபல நலததக கஅங கனகக மக தனனகக மதவத பசல உணஇயர வணடம ததல அலகலன மமக கவன. | My natural charm Of the yellow spotted mons Veneris Is eaten away by the pallor Like the sweet milk of a healthy cow Shed down on the floor Not collected in a pail Or consumed by a calf | kurunthogai |
11 | மடட வனகல தகக வனகல ஓரன யனமர பறற மலடட ஆஅ ஒலலனக கவ வனகல அலமரல அசவள அலபபவன உயவந யறயத தஞசம ஊரகக. | Shall I attack this city Shall I storm it away Shall I go a step further Scream Ahh, Lo and cry aloud At this city That enjoys sound sleep With no empathy for my pine Deepened by the swirling wind | kurunthogai |
12 | மளளர கழஇய வழவ னனம மகளர தழஇய தணஙக யனம யணடங கணன மணதக கன யனமர ஆடகள மகள எனகக கட ரலஙகவள நகழதத படகழ கரசலமர ஆடகள மகன. | In the carnival of young bold men In the group dance of entwined women I could not find him My man of integrity I am also a dancer And my royal gentleman Who made my conch bangles Slip down from my hands Is also a dancer | kurunthogai |
13 | நசபர தடயர நலகல நலகவர படபச களஇய பரஙக வழம மனசன யஅம பளககம அனபன தழயவர சனற வற. | He likes you very much He has concern for you The route he travels Is filled with fassion The tusker with long trunks Peel off the barks of yaa tree And appease the hunger of its mate | kurunthogai |
14 | யயம ஞயம யர கயர எநதயம நநதயம எமமறக களர யனம நயம எவவழ யறதம சமபலப பயனர பல அனபட நஞசம தஙகலந தனவ. | My mother and your mother Not known to each other My father and your father In what way they are related? Me and you How do we know each other? Our loving hearts themselves united as The rain water in the red soil | kurunthogai |
15 | கதலர உழய ரகப பரதவநத சறக ளரற பகலவன மனற அதத நணணய அஙகடச சறர மககள பகய அணலட மனறற பலமபல பலப பலலனற அலபபன தழயவர அகனற ஞனற. | If my Lord is with me Ill be very happy and joyful Like the city during the festival When he left me I resemble the front yard Where only a squirl plays In the house of a small village | kurunthogai |
16 | கல பரதப பனவ கணண நகக நகக வளழந தனவ அகலர வசமபன மனனம பலர மனறவவ வலகததப பறர. | My legs are painful My eyes lost its light As I was constantly looking the passers by Other people in this world are many, Such as the stars in the sky expanse | kurunthogai |
17 | யன யணட யன யனனலன ஏனல கவலர கவணல வரஇக கன யன கவட பசஙகழ மனற தணடல னவககம கனக நடன டணடழந தனற. | I am here My beauty and charm Had gone with the man Of the forest Where the green bamboos Left at once By the elephants When they fear the sound of The stones shot by a catapult Get straight as a bait That catches the fish | kurunthogai |
18 | அணறபல அனன கஙகமதர மணடகதத மணககழ அனன மநரச சரபப இமம மற மறம யயனம நய கயரன கணவன யன கயரநன னஞசநர பவள. | Oh lord of the seashore With waters resembling The glowing blue gem And plants of waterthorn Which has the thorns Such as the sharp teeth of the squirrel Even if this birth ends And next birth comes You are my husband And I am your sweet heart | kurunthogai |
19 | இடககங களர நஙகற ஆக நறகக லறறன நனறமற றலல ஞயற கயம வவவற மரஙகற கயல ஊமன கணணற கககம வணணய உணஙகல பலப பரநதன றநநய நனறகளற கரத. | Dear friend, you can advise me If you can stop my languish Like the melting butter On a burning rock heated by the sun To be protected by a handles dumb man This disease spreads And difficult to bear It is well and good | kurunthogai |
20 | ஈதலம தயததலம இலலரக கலலனச சயவன கமமக எணணத அவவனகக அமம அரவயம வரம எமம உயததய உரததசன நஞச. | Oh my dear heart helping others And enjoying oneself Is not possible For the poor So it is essential To go and earn But for this venture Will my love accompany me Then you tell me, to go | kurunthogai |
21 | கரஙகண தககல பரமபற தறறனக கமம உயயக கமர மநத கலல வனபறழ களமதற சரதத ஓஙகவர அடககததப பயநதயர சகககம சரல நட நடநள வரல வழய வரநததம யம. | Longlive Oh lord! Dont come in the night We are afraid and worried You, the man of the place Where the monkey left its baby That could not climb the trees And fell from the top hills, ends its life As its partner The black eyed monkey died | kurunthogai |
22 | மரநதனன மரநத வபபனன வபப அரமபய சணஙகன அமபகட டளமலப பரநதள நணகய நசபபற கலகழ கனவர நலகற மகள. | The girl of the stony forests Is young and beautiful With attractive Spotted young healthy breasts, Broad and beautiful shoulders And small waist Acts as both She is the medicine She is the wealth | kurunthogai |
23 | மகழநன மரப வயய யன அழயல வழ தழ நனனன நறம கனற நடடற பககய ஒனற மழக கசர பல வனகட சழசசயம வணடமற சறத. | Long live oh friend You Love the chest of your lover Still we should be smarter Like the once told king of Kosar Took a vow against Nannan And cut down The guard mango tree | kurunthogai |
24 | நகண டனய கணடரக கடடனய ஒனற தய நசயனம மழம வணகட டயன சண படயம பனமல படல பறஇயர யரவயக கடடன கதலர வரவ. | Did you see him? Or did you hear this From people who met him on the way? I wish to make it clear Tell me who told you My lover is coming here If you tell me that They deserve to get The gold cladded Pataliputra town In the banks of river Son Where tuskers with white tusks Play and bathe in that river | kurunthogai |
25 | மனற மரஅதத பஎமதர கடவள கடயரத தறஉம எனப யவதம கடயர அலலரங கனறகழ நடர பசஇப பசநதனற நதல ஞகழ ஞகழநதனற தடமன தள. | People believe and say The goddess in the bur flower tree Will punish the evil ones And my lord The man of the hills. Is not so evil. My forehead gets pale When I long for his love My fine shoulders turn thin When I pine for him | kurunthogai |
26 | யன ஈணட யன யனனலன ஆன நயட கன லஃத தறவன தமம ரன மறயல ரக மனறத தஃத. வணபதயர. | I am here My grace and charm Due to my pining Is left in the black waters The man of the shore is in his city My secret love turned to a gossip In the public | kurunthogai |
27 | வரதரப பரஙகடல வளஇய உலகமம அரதபற சறபபற பததள நடம இரணடம தககற சரச லவ பபபல உணகண பனபல மன மணவர அலகற கறமகள தளமற படஉம வகல டமகக. | If you place the earth Encircled by the surging waves of the vast ocean And the celestial world Rare and great to obtain In a physical balance with The pleasure I enjoyed Embracing the shoulders Of my lady With decorated, flowery eyes Gold like body And pretty lined mono veneris It is never equal with each other My pleasure is more than any other | kurunthogai |
28 | நயதற பரபபற பவ கடபப நனகற வநதனன இயலதரக கணக சலகம சலவயங கணம அலகலம ஆரல அரநத வயறற நர மதககம எனமகள நதல. | Oh lord with a well built chariot We came to the meeting spot Left her doll on the sea shore I am moving now You urge her to move soon As the night approach Stork tummy filled with sandeel Will stamp on the forehead of our doll | kurunthogai |
29 | சறவள ளரவன அவவரக கரள கன யன அணஙக யஅஙக இளயள மளவள எயறறள வளயடக கயளஎம அணஙக யள. | The young and beautiful lass With shoots like white teeth And hands with jingling bangles Possessed me like Little ones of the white snake Threaten the wild elephants | kurunthogai |
30 | இலலன இனபங கமற றஅஙக அரதவட டனயல நஞச கதல நலலள ஆகதல அறநதஙக அரயள ஆகதல அறய தய. | Oh my dear heart You long for prosperity Like a man in poverty You knew she is fair You didnt know she is rare | kurunthogai |
31 | கணகடல தரயத பறதப நர தணடரப பறயன தணட மனறற அயர ஆரரக கணவந தஙகச சயல அரயட படரத நய நஞச நயபப லய. | Oh my heart, my pining heart You had fallen sick And you have a bad luck You long for a rare lass Living so far Like the old stork weak to fly Holding its head high Looking for the eel fish In the port city of Thondi Ruled by Poraiyar king Of strong built chariots | kurunthogai |
32 | பழதம எலலனற பயலம ஓவத கழதகண பனபப வசம அதனறலப பலபபல தலப பதலவரப பலல அனன வனனம அனனய மனன எனமலந தனனகல தன தனமல ஆரம நற மரபனன மர யனயன வநதநன றனன. | The sun has set The rain pour is scary Even the devils cry My Mom hugged her son And called him dear My moms chest smelt With sandal scent Came and stood As a wet elephant Alas what for he stood? | kurunthogai |
33 | மடடம பயத மணககலத தனன இடடவயச சனய பகவயத தர தடடப பறயற கறஙக நடன தலலத தஙகள நடவண ணலவன மணநதனன மனனடந தள இனற மலல மகநறமம. | The man from the place Where the split mouthed toads Of the mountain springs With a narrow outlet Like the dark toddy pot Shout like the drumming noise Married and embraced My shoulders tight In the previous long Full moon light That jasmine smell Still prevails | kurunthogai |
34 | வமபன பஙகயன தழ தரன தமபங கடட எனறனர இனய பர பறமபற பனசசனத தணணர தஇத தஙகள தணணய தரனம வயய உவரககம எனறனர ஐய அறறல அனபன பல. | Your love is such worse That When my friend gave you The raw fruit of the neem You said it is so sweet Even if she serves you with Cool waters of Thai month You say it is hot | kurunthogai |
35 | நமன னஞச நமன னஞச பனபலத தமனற சறயல நரஞசக கடகன பதமலர மடபயந தஅங கனய சயதநங கதலர இனன சயதல நமன னஞச. | My heart aches, my heart aches The new tribulus flowers Once feast for the eyes Bloomed among the thick tiny leaves In the land of scanty rains New turned to prickly thorns The lover who did the sweet things Now do the wretched ones My heart aches | kurunthogai |
36 | கமம கமம எனப கமம அணஙகம பணயம அனற நனபபன மதசசவற கலதத மறற இளமபல மத தவந தஙக வரநத கமம பரநத ளய. | Lust, lust you say Lust is neither Devil or disease When one retraces it Like an old cow Licks the new little grass Not yet shoot up In the high land Of an old farm Lust is delicious Oh my friend, with broad shoulders | kurunthogai |
37 | வடரமக யடககதத வறலகழ சலககக கடனம பணங கநநல யவம பளளம ஓரம வரசசய நலலம உளளல மளள மனற தழ உயரககயர அனன ரகலற றமமன றமபபவர யமய நமவயன மறநதண டமதல வலலயர மடட. | Oh my friend For the brave goddess of the rocky terrains We need not give her the life offerings We need not tie the sacred hands thread We need not listen to the omens We need not meet the foretellers We need not think about him He close to my heart And life of my life Who never left me For a wink of an eye Now forgotten And staying forever | kurunthogai |
38 | தலபபணக களன தலபபணக களளம கடபபணக களன கடபபணக களளம பணக வடடப பனல டழகன ஆணடம வரகவள பல மணட மரப பததகதத நரவர கழமகச சவவர நறழம கழஙகட மழககட டளதலத தலஇய தளரன னள. | The lass, like the tender shoots Wet in the pouring showers With red lined bright eyes Like cool Jasmine flowers Bloomed in the rainy days. Holds the front boat if her friend holds it Hold the hind boat if her friend holds it If she leaves the boat And enters the water This girl also may follow her | kurunthogai |
39 | மறககர லறததத தனபபரப பரஇச சலலறறக கவலப பலலயங கறஙகத தறற மலலத நயககமரந தக வறறப பரந தயவம பலவடன வழததப பஎயக களஇயள இவளனப படதல நதக கனற தழ மலவர மழவள யட நடனப பழய மகய நமதற படவ. | We in deep love with The man of the peaks With playing clouds Are innocent indeed But the family plans Cut the throat of the lamb Offer its life Spread the millets grains Drum and play different music In the running river waters Invoke many great gods and praise Those arent the medicine for illness And inform others, she is possessed by spirits All these are disgusting, dear friend | kurunthogai |
40 | ஊரண கண யணடறக தகக பச யறற பசல கதலர தடவழத தடவழ நஙக வடவழ வடவழப பரதத லன. | The pallor likens the green moss Near the place where people use The drinking water of the tank When my lover touched, touched It disperse When he left and left me, It gathers | kurunthogai |
41 | மயஙகமலரக கத கழய மகழநன மயஙகய நடவச சலவ அலர ககக கழ வகப பறநதலப பசமபண பணடயன வனவ லதகன களறட படட ஞனற ஒளறவட கஙகர ஆரபபனம பரத. | It is only a few days that My man embraced me, crushing His garland of flowers Many in numbers But the gossip spread in our place Resembles the cheers of sword force In the battle field of Vaakai In the city named with Hen When Athikan, defeated the Konkars For Pasum Ponn Pandiyan the | kurunthogai |
42 | நலமபட பயரன நரதப பறழனம இலஙகதரப பரஙகடற கலல தனறனம வவவயப பணடர கவ அஞசக கடவன உடதத தழ நடமயரக கடமபல ஊகக கறவரல ஏறற படததட படஇப பநற பலவககன கநதளஞ சறகடக கமழம ஓஙகமல நடன டமநதநந தடரப. | For our lovely link with The man of the hills Where in the villages spread The smell of the flowers of the flame And the sweet smell of the Opened jack fruits in the roots When the ape with strong teeth and black fingers Dug the land near the tree Even if the land shifts The nature of the water changes Big Ocean of surging waves Finds its boundary limits What Evil will happen With the gossip of those women? | kurunthogai |
43 | பயலகண மறததலன வசமபக ணலய நரபரந தழகலன நலஙக ணலய எலல சறலன இரளபரத படடனற பலலர தஞசம பனட கஙகல யஙகவந தனய ஓஙகல வறப வஙக கமழமஞ சறகட யஙகறந தனய நக யன. | Oh the man of the high hills How did you come here? As the rain is heavy, sky is not visible The water spread and flow So the earth is not visible The sun has set and no light visible at all It is midnight now Everyone is in the couch How did you find our hamlet Filled with the smell of redwood flowers? | kurunthogai |
44 | சறவண கககச சவவயப பரநத டறதரத தவல யரமபற நனபபப பனபலந தறயம பலபங கனல வரநரச சரபபன நபப னரநம இனனய ரலலத பறதன றவன தழ நமழப பதவ. | If the Lord of the land of sea shores With lots of flowery mangroves Where the gulls with red beaks Fly and hide in grass as flocks To escape the chillness of water drops And get wet by the splashing tides Leaves me We have nothing else to leave Other than our precious lives | kurunthogai |
45 | ஆசல தரவல நயல வயனகடச சநநல அமல வணம வளளழத ஓரற பசச ஆர மநத அறசர வயய வபபத தணணர சமச சபபற பறஇயர நய மனனட நடஙகம கடபபயல வட எககல வரவ தனற அககல வரவரங கத லர. | In the broad street with no dogs In one house you dig your food Red rice mixed with white ghee Enjoying the delicious meal You get warm water to drink In a stored thermos flask If you tell me When the last rains of winter, pour Before the chill season of mist? In this rain, my ladys waist shiver Thats the arrival date of her lover | kurunthogai |
46 | களர வழய களர நளமன நஞசபணக கணட அஞச லதப பரநதட கறமகள சறமல லகம ஒரநள பணரப பணரன அரநள வழககயம வணடலன யன. | Long live my friends Listen to my words A lass tied to my heart With beautiful hair Pretty broad shoulder Short stature and slender form If I hug and make love for a day I seldom want a half day life Anymore, thereafter | kurunthogai |
47 | கமந தஙகமத யனபர தமஃ தறயலர கலல அனமத கயரகல யமங கதலரக கண மயற சறதன பரகய நஞசமட பரநரக கலபர சறநர பல மலல மலல இலல கதம. | Those who tell me hear Bear with lust Bear with lust Are they unaware of its power? Are they powerful enough to bear it? If I couldnt meet my lover With grief stricken heart Like little water drops Dashing at the rocks I slowly and slowly disappear | kurunthogai |
48 | பளளம பலமபன பவங கமபன கனலம பலமபநன யடதத வனமம நமம பலம மமமரத தக எலலகழயப பலலன றனற இனனம உளன தழ இநநல தணணய கமழஞழல தணணந தறவரக கரககநரப பறன. | The birds chirped The flowers dropped Sea shore blabbered The sky looks dull Like us The sun has set And darkness filled I will be alive If anyone convey my sorrow To the man of cool sea shores With fragrant tiger claw groves | kurunthogai |
49 | எழதர மதயங கடறகண டஅங கழகவள ளரவ யஙகமல நடன ஞய றனயன தழ நரஞச யனயவன பரமபணத தள. | The man of the high mountains Of white water falls flowing down Such as the moon rise from the ocean Is like the bright sun And my pretty big shoulders Resemble the tribulus flowers | kurunthogai |
50 | நனற சலலர, நட தனற இனயர, எனறம என தள பரப அறயலர, தமரத தண தத ஊத மமசச சநதல தடதத தம தன பலப பரய மனற, பரயர கணம, நர இனற அமய உலகம பலத தம இனற அமய நம நயநத அரள, நறநதல பசததல அஞசச சறம உறபவ? சயப அறயலர. | Truthful in speech and eternal in sweet friendship, he does not know parting from my arms. My friendship with my esteemed man is great like sweet honey made in the tall sandal trees by bees that collect cool pollen from lotus flowers. Just as the world cannot live without water, I cannot exist without him. He loves me, is gracious, and fears that separation will bring pallor to my fragrant forehead. Will he consider doing something petty? He does not know to do that! | nattrinai |
51 | அழநதபட வழநத பரநதண கனறதத, ஒல வல ஈநதன உலவயஙகடட, ஆற சல மககள சனன எறநத சமமறத தலய, நயததர வய, வலலயப பரநதலக கரள, மல, மரல நகக இணட இவர ஈஙகய சரன வ எயறற ஐயள மடநத மன உறற எல இட நஙகம இளயன உளளம, கலட படட மர மல வர மளரககம உரமனம கடத. | More cruel than the heavy rains with winds and thunder that cause rocks to roll down in the tall mountains, is the heart of the young man who leaves at night and allows the delicate young woman with sharp teeth to walk ahead of him on the wasteland paths, where, in the evenings, strong tiger cubs with big heads, hiding behind hemp bushes surrounded by indu vines spread on eengai vines, pounce on those who travel, and end up with blood on their heads and mouth, in the windy forest with flourishing date palms, where lofty mountains are rooted deeply in the land. | nattrinai |
52 | ஈன பரநத உயவம வன பர நடஞசனப பர அர வமபன பளள நழல, கடடள அனன இடட அரஙக இழததக கலலச சறஅர நலல வடட ஆடம, வல ஏர உழவர வமமனச சறரச சரன மதல வநத உரன மய மல உளளனன அலலன யன, உளளய வன மடததனன இனயள மன மண சடரட படர பழத எனவ? | In the dark evening hour which saps strength, did I not think of the young woman who is sweet like deeds wished and done, who lights splendid lamps in our house with sorrow, when I was in the wasteland with harsh villages, where bows are livelihood to bandits, and untutored children draw squares the shape of touchstones and play using gooseberries as dice in the dotted shade of a neem tree with skyhigh branches on which a distressed kite is seated with her brood? Get rid of the thought of leaving again, oh heart! | nattrinai |
53 | கனலஞசறகடக கடல மம பரதவர நல நறப பனனக கழ நழல அசஇத, தண பரம பரபபன ஒண பதம நகக, அம கண அரல வல உணககம தறவனட, அலர அனன அறயன இவண உற வழகக 5 அரய ஆகம நமகக எனக கறன, கணடம சலவர கல தழ, உமணர வணகல உபபன களள சறறக கண நர களரககம நட நறச சகடம மணல மடதத உரறம ஓச கழனக 10 கரஙகல வணகரக வரஉம இரஙகழச சரபபன தம உறவ இன ஊரகக? | If we tell the lord of the shores, .where fishermen from a village .near the seashore rest under the thick .shade of blue punnai trees drying their .knotted nets with beautiful gaps, .and waiting for the right time to go to sea, that our life here will become difficult if mother knows about your love affair, will he take you, my friend, to his sweet town, where salt merchants cry out prices of white salt stirring their cattle, and flocks of blacklegged white herons in the fields fly away in fear to large backwaters, on hearing the loud sounds of wagon wheels grinding the sand on the long path? | nattrinai |
54 | நலம நர ஆரக, கனறம கழபப, அகலவயப பஞசனப பயர கலயபபக, கறவர கனற கறக கட நறப பவர நறஙகழ ஆரம சறறவன அகபபப பரம பயல பழநத தழல எழல 5 தறக ஏரப இரஙகம அறசரக கலயம அரத, கதலரப பரதல இனற சல இகளயரத தரஉம வடயட மயஙக இதழ மழக கண பயநத தத. | The cold season with wind and rain sprinkles has confused your crying eyes that have sent a message, making your lovers departure difficult in this early dew season when cold winds bring back friends who are leaving today, when clouds that poured heavily rise up in the south and roar, the earth gets filled with water, hills flourish with foliage, crops near wide springs have grown dense, and fragrant vines, mangled by mountain dwellers, sprout and coil around dense, fragrant sandal trees. He will not leave. Get rid of your sorrow! | nattrinai |
55 | நர வளர ஆமபல தமபடத தரள கல நர உரததனன மதனன மமக, கவள அனன ஏநத எழல மழக கண, ததல அலகல, பரநதள கறமகடக, எயதச சனற சபபநரப பறன, இவர யர? எனகவள அலலள, மனஅத அததக கமழன கட மகக வள கன எற மட மறக வலச ஆகம வல வல ஓர கனம நற, இரம பல ஒலவரம கநதல பரம பதறவள யம வநதனம எனவ. | Her dark beauty is like the fiberremoved stems of thick, white waterlilies and her moist eyes are like blue waterlilies that rise up. The loins of this beauty have yellow beauty spots. If there is a messenger to talk to this pretty young woman with thick arms, she without malice will not ask, who is he? The young woman with thick black hair with the fragrances of forests owned by Ōri owning mighty bows, .where frolicking, delicate deer .eat ripe kumilam fruits with curved .stems that grow along the forest paths, will be giddy with joy, if she knows that I have come. | nattrinai |
56 | சரட நனநதலச சன நர மலகப, பரவர அடககதத அரவ ஆரபபக, கல அலதத இழதரம கடவரல கனயறறக கழ மய நததம கட அல ஆரபபத, தழஙக கரல ஏறட மழஙக வனம இனன பயய மனனமல தழ, வணணல அரநதய வர நதல யன தண நறஞசலமபல தஞசம சறயலச சநதன வட பரஙகடட. | The springs in the vast land with gods are brimming with water, roaring waterfalls cascade down tall mountains, and rapid, deep forest streams with rolling stones, where bamboo poles disappear attack the forests with uproar. The sky is pouring rain, loud thunder roars with lightning strikes, oh friend, and an elephant with lines on its face eats white paddy and sleeps on cool, fragrant mountain slopes, where smallleaved sandalwood trees dry out in huge forests. On seeing the change in the weather, he will return soon and marry you! | nattrinai |
57 | அலக படர உழநத அர மதர மழககண, பலபம பகத தழ நடஙகம அலகல, தர மண பரயம மன மடவள யர மகள கல? இவள தநத வழயர! தயரம உறஇயனள எமம அகலவயல 5 அரவனர அரநதம தரவனரப பறறம தண சற தஅய மதனட நன தள கண பல நயதல பரவல பககம தண தரப பறயன தணட தன தறம பறக இவள ஈனற தய. | Whose daughter is she, the delicate young woman with a sapphirelike body, sorrow in her pretty, moist eyes with red lines, wearing a skirt with many flowers and leaves on her loins? May her father live long! She has caused me great suffering! May the mother who gave birth to her receive equal worth of Thondi city of Poraiyan with sturdy chariots, where fields are huge and waterlilies bloom in haystacks looking like eyes, their elegant strong stems smeared with mud, brought in the sheaves that are stacked by those who receive them from the grain reapers who weed them from the fields. | nattrinai |
58 | அழவலர மயலம ஆரவ மககள வழபட தயவம கண கணடஅஙக, அலமரல வரததம தர, யழ நன நல மன பணததள எயதனம ஆகலன, பரப பம பனகன எழல தக ஒண மற சணஙக அண வன மல அணஙக களத தமர, நழல கணதறம நடய வக, மணல கணதறம வணடல தஇ, வரநதத ஏகமத வல எயறறய, ம நன கழத மகழ கயல ஆலம நறநதண பழல கனம கறம பல ஊர, யம சலலம ஆற. | On our path cuckoos will prick mango buds and sing happily in the fragrant, cool groves of the forest. Faultless, curious travelers will think you are a goddess. My distressing sorrow will end if I embrace your fine arms that resemble bamboo. There are a few towns on our way. Whenever there is heavy shade, we can rest for a long time. Whenever we see sand, you can make sand houses. There are punku trees with flowers like puffed rice, whose beautiful tender sprouts you can smear on your pretty breasts and make them prettier. My lover with sparkling white teeth! Do not worry! Let us go soon! | nattrinai |
59 | அணணநத ஏநதய வன மல தளரனம, பன நர மன மணயன தழநத நல நடஙகநதல நரயட மடபபனம, நததல ஓமபமத, பககழ ஊர! இன கடஙகளளன இழ அண நடநதரக கறறச சழர கஙகரப பணஇயர வணகடட யனப பஒர கழவன பழயன வல வயததனன, நன பழய நல மழ தறய இவடக. | O lord of the town laden with flowers! Even if her lifted, beautiful breasts sag and even if her sapphirecolored hair draping on the back of her golden body turns white, please do not abandon her! She understands clearly your faultless words that are like the unfailing spear of Palaiyan of Poor who owns elephants with white tusks, who helped the victorious Chozhas owning sweet, strong liquor and decorated chariots, to suppress the people of Kongu country. | nattrinai |
60 | பயயத வகய கத பல மய சயன, அவர சய கற பழபப உளள நதமலர நரப உர தளளதன வரர எனனம பலவ உடகளல, ஒழக மள நன நஞசததன, பணர பரத ப மணல அடகர ஆழ மரஙகன அலவன ஓமப வலவன வளப ஆயநத ஊர, நலவ வரநதனறல கனலன. | Your body is distressed like an unworn wilted garland, since you missed the tryst that he suggested. You are hurt by slanderers who talk ill of you and you sulk, thinking that your lover will not come. Destroy such thoughts that are in your heart! When the moonlight spreads on the seashore grove, he will come in his chariot, riding beside the waves on the shore filled with flowers and sand, and his charioteer will handle his bridle with caution, protecting the crabs on the ground. | nattrinai |
61 | வளமபழம கமழம கமஞசல கழசப பசம தனற தய கல மததம நய தர இயககம வளல மதல மழஙகம வக பலர வடயல மய கரநத, தன கல அர அம சலமப கழஇ, பல மண வர பன பநதட வஇய சலவள இவ கணதறம நவர மத, அளயர அளயர என ஆயததர என நமமட வரவ தன அயரவம, தன வரதத அனறயம கலழநதன கணண. | Wood apple fragrances in pots that are filled with curds, their noisy churning rods tied to posts and reduced by circling ropes, are the first sounds of dawn when darkness leaves. She hides her body well and removes from her feet beautiful jingling anklets, and along with her ball, so splendidly decorated with lines, places them aside. Whenever they see these, theyll be sad, she thinks about her pitiful friends and tears come to her eyes beyond control, even though she has agreed to leave with you! | nattrinai |
62 | எழஅ ஆகலன எழல நலம தலய அழஅதம, நதமலர தலய! ஏனல கவலர ம வழததப பறதத பகழ அனன சயர மழக கண நலல பரநதளய! கலலன எற பன பதரன சறபல கய வஙக வ உகம ஓஙக மலக கடச மயல அறப அறய மனன, பயல கரல கவரம பமபறக களய. | Oh friend with beautiful, thick arms and moist eyes with red lines that look like arrows plucked from bodies of animals killed by the guards! You are not getting up and chasing birds! Do not cry ruining your beauty, in this place of strangers, where vēngai trees with many seeds drop small flowers looking like gold sparks strewn from a blacksmiths forge, and green parrots steal the dense millet spears, thinking that the peacocks nesting in the tall mountains are unaware. | nattrinai |
63 | தலகவன தலய, தள நலம சஅய, நலகர நததனர ஆயனம நலகவர, நடடனர வழ தழ, கடடவன அகபப அழய நற சமபயன பகல த வடட ஞடபனம மகப பரத அலர எழச சனறனர ஆயனம, மலர கவழநத ம மடல அவழநத கநதள அம சரல இனம சல வயக களற பநதள படடன, தஞசத தயரதத அஞச படப பசல நட வர வடரகதத இயமபம கடமன பலலய கட இறநதர. | Making me lose my original beauty and letting my arms lose their beauty, he left me not showering his graces. However, he is kind, and loves me. May he live long, oh friend! My lover went to the mountains, where bent kānthal flowers are open with huge petals, a strong male elephant belonging to a herd has been caught by a python, and his female cries out in great distress, and the sound reverberates in the tall mountain caves in the forests of Pulli owning swift horses. The gossip that rose is higher than the flames that burned on the day the Chōzha king ruined Akappa fortress of the Chēra king in battle. | nattrinai |
64 | மழஙக தர கழஇய மர எககர நணஙக தகல நடககம பல கணம கள ஊத தறறம உரவ நரச சரபப! பவன அனன நலம பதத உணட ந பணரநத அனயம அனமயன யம, நரபட நஞசம தஙகத தஙக மச இல கறபன மடவள கழவ பஎய வஙகக கவடடஙக, சணம எமமட வநத நணம வடடம, அலரக இவ ஊர. | h Lord of the shores where roaring waves pile sand on the shores and northerly winds blow, creating dunes that look like swaying, fine fabric! You took her flowerlike virtue and she is not the same as when you united with her first, this faultless young woman who let go of her modesty which was with her forever, like a virtuous woman who let go of her infant, when a ghoul snatched it from her. Let gossip spread in this town! | nattrinai |
65 | பணரன பணரத பரள, பரளவயன பரயன பணரத பணரவ, ஆயடச சலலனம, சலலய ஆயனம, நலலதறக உரய வழ என நஞச! பரள வடப பவன பயக நபபண 5 ஓட மன வழயன கடவ யன வழநர வயல அகம தண ஆக எழ மண அளககம வழநத பறனம, கனஙகழகக அமரதத சயர மழக கண அமரநத, இனத நககமட சகததன 10 எனய ஆகக! வழய பரள! | If I stay with her, I will not be able to attain wealth. If I want to earn wealth, I will not be able to unite with her, You know what is the right thing to do, oh my heart! Wealth will be lost like the path of fish in the middle of a pond with fresh flowers. Even if I get great wealth seven times the measure of this huge world surrounded by oceans, I dont want it! The calm, moist, eyes with red lines, that differ from her heavy earrings, have stopped me from leaving. Let wealth flourish with those who want it. May you live long, my heart! | nattrinai |
66 | நள மழ தலஇய நல நடஙகனறதத மல கடல தரயன இழதரம அரவ அகல இரஙகனதத அலக அண நககத, தஙகவம தகவர நலல நர சழலப ஏநத எழல மழக கண கலழதலன, அனன, 5 எவன சயதனய? நன இலஙக எயற உணக என மலலய இனய கறலன, வல வரநத உயரனம சறநத நணம நன மறநத உரததல உயநதனன தழ! சரல கநதள ஊதய மண நறத தமப 10 தம தட நரமபன இமரம வன தய வறபன மரப அணஙக எனவ. | Early morning rains that fell on his fine, lofty mountains rushed down like the dark ocean waves. The waterfalls in the huge, wide forest is where we used to meet and it hurts me to see that beautiful spot. I was unable to block my pain and stop crying. Tears filled up and flowed down from my beautiful, lifted, moist eyes. Why are you crying? mother asked me. Let me kiss you, my daughter with bright teeth, she said with tender words. I almost forgot to guard my shyness that is more precious than life, and began to tell her that the reason for my sorrow was that I missed the chest of the lord of the mountains, where sapphirecolored bees swarming on glory lily flowers sing like sweet lute strings. However, I caught myself before I said anything and stopped, my friend! | nattrinai |
67 | பரவரல நஞசமட பல படர அகல வரவர, வழ தழ, மவன மழ வல மள எயற அழததய கதவன கனல அம தணடப பரநன, வன வல தறல அரநதனப பறயன பசற 5 நஞசம நடககறஉம தஞச மறவர தர தப கடலன இனத கணபடபப கடஅம கழஇய கதன அடஙக யனத தடஅ நல ஒர கடடனன | May you live long! He will come, my friend, and remove the many sorrows spread in your heart. He has gone through mountain paths, where a shimmering waterfall looks like a large single tusk of an elephant not in rut any longer and with no rage, in the battle camp of Poraiyan, lord of Thondi, with victorious spears and an invincible army, who plucked the strong and sharp teeth of Moovan, and embedded them in his fortress door, where warriors who were terrified and unable to sleep, now sleep sweetly | nattrinai |
68 | இறவப பறதத அனன பணரபட தடவ மதல சறவக கடடனன மள இலத தழ, பரஙகளறற மரபபன அனன அரமப மதரப, நனமன உழயன வறபடத தனற, வழவக களம கமழம உரவ நரச சரபப! 5 இன மண நடநதர பகன இயககச சலஇய சற ஆயன, இவள வரவ ஆகய சல நள வழள, ஆதல நறக அறநதன சனம. | Oh lord of the shores with powerful waves, where scaly trunks of thāzhai trees look like backs of curved shrimp, their thorny leaves like swords of sharks, their mature buds like tusks of huge elephants, their appearance varying like does slanting their heads, their scents like that of festival grounds! Should you leave now with your charioteer driving your tall chariot with many bells, she will not last for a few days when you have agreed to return. Understand this well and do the right thing! | nattrinai |
69 | ஐய! கறமகள கணடகம வக மகழநன மரபல தஞச, அவழ இணரத தம பய மரஅம கமழம கநதல தளஙக இயல அசவர, கலஙகம தயல வரச சற தட தளரபப வச, மறகல 5 பப பல உணகண பயரபப நககச சனறனள, வழய மடநத! நண பல சணஙக அணவறற வளஙக பணள, மரபற மயககட ஞமரநத சர கழப, பழம பண வகய தள இணக 10 கழநத கத கட மயஙகலள. | Lord! I saw the young woman as she went by, the one who slept on your chest. She walked on our street, her eyes lined with collyrium, her hair swaying with the fragrances of new clusters of kadampam flowers with honey, her clothes moving, her hands swinging, and her stacked bangles jingling. May she live long! She had many small pallor spots and she wore gleaming jewels on her breasts. Her leaf strand was squeezed by you holding her close to your chest. The garland draping down both her shoulders with old love distress, was crushed, and she was without your vinelike embraces. | nattrinai |
70 | வரப பர வரநதய வஙக சலல இளயர அரச சற கசச யபப அழதத அசஇ, வணட அமர நடயர மனமல வரக தணட வ மள தணட நம சலறக ஏமத வலவ தர! உதககண! 5 உரககற நற நய பல வதரததனன, அரககரல மடறற அம நண பல பறக கமர தகய கன வரணம பயல நர பகய வயல நடம பறவல பலர ஈர மணல மலரக கணட, 10 நள இர கவர மடடத தன பட நககய பரநதக நலய. | The young warriors who walked very fast for a long distance have slowed down since they are tired. Untying their tight waist wraps, may they rest and walk slowly. Ride fast, oh charioteer, using your unused, sharp goad on the horses so that we can reach soon! Look there! In the vast woodland where rains have stopped and the soil is still wet, a pretty, desirable male forest fowl with a neck with spots appearing like drops of milk sprinkled on fragrant, melted ghee, that screeches with sharp tones, digs the sand, seizes a worm and places it on his beak and looks at his female to feed her. This is the great situation there! | nattrinai |
71 | கடசச கககம அடககல பநதன மநத வள பரஙகரல கணட மநத கலலக கடவனட நல வர ஏற, அஙக நறய ஞமடக கணட தன தர அணல கடஙகவள நறய மகக, 5 வன பயல நனநத பறதத நனபயர த ஊண இரககயன தனறம நடன வநதனன, வழ தழ, உலகம கயம கண அறற பத அற கலப, பளட தரஙகய நலலறக, 10 நளளன யமதத மழ பழநதஙக. | He has come back, the man from the country, in whose mountain, in a millet field guarded by a woman, a female monkey with a wrinkled chin, along with her mate that does not know anything other than leaping, steals huge clusters of millet spikes that matured first, crushes them with her palms, collects the grains and stuffs them in her curved cheeks, and, as rain pours, drenched, they both appear like wet austere ritualists who eat after their Thai month ritualistic bathing. His arrival in the middle of the night is like seeing rain in a paddy field with parched tender grains in a world where ponds have dried up. My you live long, oh friend! | nattrinai |
72 | தட பழ மறததலன தள உயநதனவ வடக கள கழ ஆயமட ஆடலன இடபப மயயத ஒனற உடதத கடக கள அனன கககம தல நலம சதயக, கணதறம கலழதல அனறயம, ஈணட நர 5 மததபபட பரபபன கறக மனதறச சற பசடய சபப ஊர நயதல தண நர மலரன தலநத கணண கமம கரபப அரயவவ. | The young woman with hair combed and tied, conceals her bangles not revealing her tired arms. She gives the impression that playing with her friends had caused her pain. Her prior beauty, that her mother protected so well, has been ruined, and she cries whenever she sees it. Her ruined eyes, resembling beautiful waterlilies with small leaves, growing in the clear, abundant water on the shores of Korkai, where pearls grow in the ocean, are unable to hide her love. | nattrinai |
73 | பர பக வழநத வரட வழக கடட உடமப அடநதனன நடம பர வளவன ஆடட ஒழ பநதன கடட மகக இறப, கமபலதத அனன பம பயரத தஅம வளளல வலச வறற நடட ஆர இடச 5 சறம நம எனச சலல சயழ, நனற எனப பரநதய, நனற சயதனய சயலபட மனததர சய பரடக அகலவர ஆடவர, அத அதன பணப. | Oh friend wearing fine jewels! You did the right thing when you agreed with him, when he told you that he was going to another country to earn wealth, passing through wasteland paths, where roots of wood apple trees split the earth as they go down, their branches big, their rough trunks appearing like the scales of monitor lizards, their fruits, looking like balls abandoned after playing, drop on the green crops below which appear like carpets, and are picked for food for those who travel. He is of a mind to do good things. | nattrinai |
74 | அவ வள வரநன அரகக ஈரததனன சவவர இதழ சண நற படவன நறநதத ஆடய தமப பசஙகழப பன உர கலலன நல நறம பறஉம வளமல நடன நரநல நமமட 5 கள மல சறதனக கள கடநத அசஇச, சலலடம பறஅன பயரநதனன, பயரநதத அலலல அனற அத கதல அம தழ, தத உண வடகயன பத தரநத ஊத வணட ஓரனன அவன தணடக கடச 10 கணடம, கழல தட வலதத என பணப இல சயத நனபப ஆகனற. | The lord of the mountains, where pidavam flowers look like beautiful conch with vermilion painted on their backs, their petals with red lines, their scents spreading far, their pollen eaten by bees that have lovely colors like the fine hues of touchstones on which gold is rubbed, joined us in chasing little parrots that came to eat our tiny millet. He left without uttering words. His leaving is not what caused me pain, oh beloved friend. Despite seeing his unspoiled calm nature, which was like a bee with a desire for honey but unable to analyze and choose the right flower, I tightened my bangles that got loose. I think about my senseless deed. | nattrinai |
75 | நக யன, நகழநதன வளய, சவவ சரநத பளள வள அர வணடப பரயம பணர நல நடஙகடடப பணட நலலன தய மன ஒழயச, சடர மழத எறபபத தரஙகச சழஙகய 5 மட மதர பலவன அததம நமமட கடதண ஆகய தவற, வ எயறறப பன பதநதனன சணஙகன இரஞசழ ஓதப பரநதளடக? | My friend is sad! I am hurting! Her bangles have slipped down. Are you leaving since she made the mistake of going with you in the past as your partner, the sharptoothed young woman with golden pallor spots, thick dark hair and wide arms, .to the wasteland, where, .attacked by the suns rays, huge .fruits of dwarfed, old jackfruit .trees have shriveled, leaving her mothers house that has firmly mounted, fully stocked grain silos as tall as mountains, their bases white with dots? | nattrinai |
76 | நயம யனம, நரநல பவன நண தத உறககம வணடனம ஓபப, ஒழ தர வரதத வணமணல அடகரக கழ சழ கனல ஆடயத அனறக, கரநத நம சயதத ஒனற இலல, உணட எனன 5 பரநத பறர அறநதனறம இலர, நனறம எவன கறததனள கல அனன, கயநதற இற ஆர இனக கரக ஒலபப சறவம கழ சர மரஙகன கணக கல நடக கண பல பததம கணட நண பல 10 சற பசடய நயதல கறம சனற எனக கறதள? | esterday you and I played in the seaside grove surrounded by backwaters, on the sand bars brought to the shores by the dashing waves, chasing bees that swarmed on the fine pollen of flowers, dropping them. Other than playing, we did not do anything in secrecy. If we had done something, it would have spread greatly and everybody would have known about it. What does mother think, the one who does not ask us to go and pluck waterlily with thick long stems, blooming like eyes, among many small leaves in ponds, where heron flocks feed on shrimp and screech near backwaters with sharks? | nattrinai |
77 | என கக கணட தன கண ஒறறயம, தன கக கணட என நனனதல நவயம, அனன பல இனய கறயம, களவர பலக கடயன மத, மண என இழதரம அரவ பன என 5 வஙக தய ஓஙக மல அடககதத ஆட கழ நவநத பஙகண மஙகல ஓட மழ கழககம சனனக கட உயர பறஙகல மல கழவன. | He used to take my hands and press them to his eyes, take his hands and stroke my fine forehead, and spoke sweetly to me like a mother. He is cruel like a thief, the lord of the lofty mountains, where sapphire colored waterfalls flow down, golden vēngai flowers blanket the soaring mountain ranges, and tall bamboos with green nodes tear the swiftly moving clouds on high summits! | nattrinai |
78 | நனற வனல உலநத கநதள அழல அவர நள இட நழலடம பறஅத, ஈனற கன மடநத பணவப பச கரநதன, மனற மல வழஙகநரச சகஇய பல பரதத உறயம பல அதரச சறநற 5 யஙக வலலநள கல தன? யன தன வனநத ஏநத இள மல நவ கல? என நனநத கநநகழநத அனததறகத தன தன பர அமர மழக கண ஈரய கலழ, வயய உயரககம சயல, 10 ம ஈர ஓத பரமடததகய. | Thinking that her young lifted breasts with thoyyil paintings might hurt, I relaxed my hands when I hugged her. Even that hurt her, and her huge, calm, moist eyes were filled with tears, and she cried and sighed hot breaths, that delicate, naive, noble young woman with dark, oiled tresses. How can she handle going through the vast wilderness where summers are long, kānthal blossoms have dried up, there is no shade in sight, and a male tiger hides under bushes and grass, and stalks those who travel on the small paths in the confusing evenings, to feed his hungry mate that has given birth recently in the forest? | nattrinai |
79 | கணடனன மகழந! கணட எவன சயக? பணன கயத பணபடச சறயழ யணர வணடன இமமன இமரம ஏரதர தரவன, எதரசச நகக நன மரப தலககணட மணழ மகளர, 5 கவல ஏமறற வயத வழ அரப பன கல ஏமறற பதர கலக கடலமரம கவழநதனக கலஙக உடன வழப பலர கள பலக பல, வஙக வஙக நனற ஊஙக அஞர நலய. | Lord, I saw you! But what can I do about what I saw? When you appeared on the street, music from the noble small lute of a bard sounded like the humming bees and women wearing elegant jewels were waiting for you. Those who had hugged your chest in the past wanted you back again. They shed hot tears in distress and pulled you again and again like confused people who panic and hang on to a single wooden board to save their lives, after their ship capsized in a windstorm. You were caught in their midst and moved back and forth. What a pathetic situation! | nattrinai |
80 | ம இரம பரபப அகம தணய நககச சயற எறநத சறவணககக பய இரம பனக கழ தழஇ, பஙகல தன வழ படககப பயரடஉ சரககம சற வ ஞழல தறயமர இனத 5 பரம பலமப உறற நஞசமட பல நனநத, யனம இனயன ஆயன, ஆனத வற பல நடடல கல தர வநத பல உற பணணயம இழதர நலவ மணல நடஞசன பனன கடஞசல வணகரக 10 உலவத தர ஓதம வரஉம உரவ நரச சரபபனட மணவ ஊஙக. | Before I united with the lord of the shores with powerful waves, .where the sand is like white moon, .punnai trees grow with tall branches, .many kinds of goods are brought by .the wind in ships from various .countries, and a white heron .pregnant with eggs moves away in .fear of the roaring ocean waves, it was a pleasant sight to see gnāzhal trees with small flowers on the shore of the cold backwater, where a small white seagull that searches the dark expanse and catches shrimp, calls his tenderlegged mate, and shares his catch with her. Now, with a distressed heart, I have become sad like this with many thoughts! | nattrinai |
81 | மயன அனன மல வரக கவஅன, வலயன அனன வயஙக வளளரவ, அம மல கழவன நம நயநத எனறம வரநதனன எனபத ஓர வயச சல தறய, நயம கணட நமரடம எணண 5 அறவ அறநத அளவல வணடம மறததரறக அரய, வழ தழ, பரயர நட நடபன அலலத நடட நடர தம ஒடடயர தறதத. | The lord of the beautiful mountains .whose slopes are like Thirumāl and .white waterfalls are like Balarāman, is distressed because of his love for you. You do not understand his suffering. You should consider accepting him. You should talk it over with your friends. He is hard to refuse, oh friend. May you live long! The wise will not make friends without examining. They will not examine, once someone is a friend! | nattrinai |
82 | படசடர அடநத பகவய நட வர, மரமப சர சறகட, பரநத மல, பலமப கடடணணம பலலன மனறததக, கலலட படவல கலழ தநத, நற பயல அறயக கற ஊண அலலல, 5 தவர சய ஆட சநதட மறவர அதர பரதத அலகம அஞசவர நறயட, இறபப எணணவர அவர எனன, மறததல வலலவம கலல, மலலயல நம? என வமமற களவயள என மகம நகக, 10 நல அக வன மலக கர சரப மலக பனல பரநத மலர ஏர கணண. | My friend looks at my face and utters, Oh delicate friend! Do I have the strength to deny him his desired trip to the wasteland, where, in a small village with gravel near the split, tall mountains where the sun sets swiftly, in a dull public place where those who are lonely eat together, turbid water is brought from puddles with rocks in a land with no heavy rainfall, and scanty food is eaten by wayside bandits who wear red clothes, bear fine arrows and eye the fierce paths for those who travel? She sobs between words and tears stream down her flowerlike beautiful eyes and fall on her lovely breasts. | nattrinai |
83 | கடவட கறசன அட இறநத அவழநத பறயக கவள மலரட கநதள கரத ஒண ப உர கழக கடடப, பரவர அடககம பறபச சரமகள அரவ இன இயதத ஆடம நடன, 5 மரபதர வநத படர மல அர நய, நன அணஙக அனம அறநதம, அணணநத கர நறஙகடமபன கணண சட வலன வணட வறமன வநதய, கடவள ஆயனம ஆக 10 மடவ மனற, வழய மரக! | May you live long, oh Murukan! You came to the veriyāttam ritual and accepted the offerings given by the diviner with lifted head, who wore a rainy seasons fragrant kadampam flower garland, even though you knew that her distress was not caused by your anger. You may be a god, but you are ignorant, and you dont know the truth. Her affliction is due to the embraces of the man from the country where fresh blue waterlilies, that blossom pushing aside leaves, not plucked by people, from springs in the divine mountain, are strung together with bloodred, bright glory lily blossoms as lovely garlands worn by the goddess there, who dances to the roars of the waterfalls that sound like sweet musical instruments, who makes the mountains beautiful. | nattrinai |
84 | பஙக தர பரத வர மணல அடகரப பனகல நவல பதப பற இரஙகன கள சதத மயதத தமப பழம சததப பலகல அலவன கணட கடக அசநத களள நரமபன இமரம பசல 5 இர தர நர எயத வடககம தற கழ மரநத அனன இவள நலம, பணடம இறற கணடசன தயய உழயன பகத அளபபனம சறய ஞகழநத கவன நலம கலல, மகழநதர 10 கள கள சரககதத அனன | Her beauty is like in the past, like Maranthai city with ports, where on a stretched sandy shore with rolling, crashing waves, a fleshy, black nāval fruit with delicate stem drops from a tree a bee swarms on it thinking it is another bee a crab with many legs attacks it knowing it is a fruit, and the bee buzzes in distress sounding like a lute a stork looking for food comes there and the crab releases the fruit on seeing the stork. Look at her! Even when not moving away from her and showering your graces, if you release her from your embraces a little, she grieves. Her eyes have turned pale. Is it because of her great beauty, or is intoxication of love like the happiness of liquor? | nattrinai |
85 | கறஙக இரமபலக கள வல ஏறற ப நதல இரம பட பலமப தககத, தழ நர நனநதல பரஙகளற அடஉம கலலக வறபன சலலன தற, யம எம நலன இழநதனம யமதத 5 அலரவயப பணடர அமபலட ஒனறப பர இல த மழ பயறறய உர எடதத, ஆன கவதத ஆகத தன என இழநதத, இல அழஙகல ஊர? | You lost your virtue, trusting the man from the mountains where a huge tiger with short front legs killed a large male elephant in the wide forest with deep waters, and his dark mate with a beautiful forehead struggled in agony. Women who gossip have uttered evil words with no equal, there is nonstop slander, and you are unable to sleep at night. What has this noisy town lost? | nattrinai |
86 | பணஙக அரல வடய பழவறல நனநதல உணஙக ஊண ஆயதத ஓர ஆன தள மண பபய இசககம அததம, வ எயறற இவளடம சலன நனற கவள நர சழ ம மலர அனன கண அழக 5 கல ஒழ பணயன கலஙக மற அனப இலர அகறர ஆயன, என பரம ஆகவத அனற இவள அவலம நகதத அணஙகட அரநதல உடல, வலன ஏரப ஆரகல நல ஏற தரதரம 10 கர சய மல வரஉம பழத. | It will be good if you go with her to the ancient, blighted, vast forest where tangled bushes are parched, cattle herds graze on dry grass and, a clear bell from a cow tinkles very gently. If you leave the sharptoothed girl without any kindness, her eyes looking like dark waterlilies surrounded by water, will shed tears. She will struggle like a doe separated from its stag. I will not be able to tolerate that! It will be like sad evening time to her, when clouds rise up with strength and come down with roaring thunder that chops distressing, fierce heads of snakes! | nattrinai |
87 | வடடம பயயத வல வளம சறபப, படடம பயயத பரதவர பகர, இரம பனநதம பழ உணபர மகழம ஆரகல யணரதத ஆயனம, தர கழ மலலமபலமபன பரயன, பலலனப 5 பலமப ஆகனற தழ! கலஙக நரக கழ சழ படபப கணடவயல ஒல க ஓல மள மட வல பணண இவரம ஆஙகண, வணமணல படபப எம அழஙகல ஊர. 10 | With unfailing prosperity in their nets and unfailing rains from the skies, our flourishing fishermen sell the fish from the ocean, drink sweet toddy from palmyra trees, and enjoy their lives. Such is the happiness in our noisy Kāndavāyil town with groves, surrounded by muddied brackish water. It becomes dull if the lord of the delicate shores with a fine chariot does not come, and this slanderous town with fences made with thorn bushes and flourishing, mature palm fronds, and white sand with tall palmyra trees, causes me grief. | nattrinai |
88 | சலலன சல எதர களளய, யழ நன தர மகம இறஞச நணத கதமனக கமம கமமகன தஙகதல எளத? கடஙகழ இரம பறம நடஙகக கததப பல வளயடய பலவ நற வழததன 5 தல மரபப ஏயபப, கடமண சவநத நன கணண கதவ அலல நணணர அரணதல மதலர ஆகவம, மரச கணட, ஓமப அரண கடநத அட பர சழயன பரம பயரக கடல அனன நன 10 கரமபடத தளம உடயவல அணஙக. | You dont respond to my words when I look at your beautiful face and plead you bend you head in shyness very quickly. If love becomes excessive, is it possible to tolerate it? Even though you hide them, they cause me distress, your eyes, the ends of which are red like the tips of fleshstinking tusks of an elephant that gored playfully the back of a trembling tiger with bright, curved stripes. They are not the only ones that cause me distress. Your pretty arms with sugarcane paintings, lovely like the very famous Koodal city of the victorious Pāndiyan king who defeated his enemies, took their wellprotected forts, and beat his victory drums, also cause me sorrow. | nattrinai |
89 | நடந ஒள மண கட மன இரடட, கர இலப பகய வரவ மணல பநதரப பரமபண கவல பணடன ஒர சரத தரநதழ மகளர வரசச நறப, வற உற வரநத அறவ மல அணப 5 பனற நற சவலயட பதலவன தஞச, ஐயவ அணநத நயயடட ஈரணப பச நய கரநத மனம யககச சர கழ மடநத ஈர இம பரநத, நளளன கஙகல களவன பல, 10 அகல தற ஊரனம வநதனன, சறநதன பயரன பறநதமற | Bright bells with long clappers ring in a protected house, where a pavilion with spread sand and rustling frond thatch is set up. On one side, women adorned with perfect jewels stand waiting for a good omen like bards who offer protection. The fragrance of newborn is there. The baby sleeps with his foster mother in a fragrant, soft bed. The rich woman, the babys mother, sleeps after white mustard paste was rubbed on her delicate body along with fresh oil, and given a bath. Like a thief he comes in the thick of night, the man from the town with wide ports, when his son who bears his noble fathers name was born. | nattrinai |
90 | பஙகண யன பரஉ தள உததத வணபறக களர வட நற ஆடச சரன மதல வரநதய வரததம பபயப பஅர மல சற கவலன தணயம நடஞசண சனற வரநதவர மத, 5 எலல வநத நல இச வரநதறகக களர இழ அரவ நய தழநத அடட வளர ஊன அம பக எறநத நறறச சற நண பல வயர பறதத கற நடக கடடம வணடவர. 10 | Oh young woman with bright jewels! When distinguished guests came home for dinner at night, you cooked fatty meat with ghee, fragrant smoke touched your forehead, and small beads of sweat formed, making you tired. He who desired to unite with you of small steps, has gone far away in sorrow to the saline wasteland where greeneyed elephants kick the white dry ground with their fat legs and spread dust that causes him distress, and he quenches his thirst with water from small pits near rocks. | nattrinai |
91 | மறததறக அரதல பக! பல நள வறததட பரநதய உலக தழல களஇய பழ மழ பழநத பத நர அவல ந நவல பல கள கறஙக, மண வன மண ஒல களள வணதல அதனல 5 ஏகமன எனற இளயர வலல இல பகக அறயநர ஆக, மலலன மணணக கநதல மச அற கழஇச, சல பத கணட பல கரல அழததய அநநல பகதலன, மய வரததறஅ 10 அவழப மடயனள கவஇய மட ம அரவ மகழநத அயர நலய. | It is hard to forget, oh charioteer! Last time when I returned home, old rain fell, helping those on earth to do their work. New water had filled the pits, many different croaking sounds were heard and she did not hear the sounds of my chariot bells, the brightbrowed woman. And so I sent word through the servants. She had washed her hair which had not been decorated until then, and placed a few flowers on it. When she saw me, she embraced me so tightly that it hurt her, her hair let down and flowers falling, the naïve, dark young woman who was giddy with joy! | nattrinai |
92 | தகல வரததனன வயல அவர உரபபன எனறழ நடய கனறததக கவஅன, ஓயபபச சநநய உயஙக மர தலசச ஆரநதன ஒழநத மசசல சய நடட அரஞசரம சலவரகக வலச ஆகம 5 வமம ஆர இட இறததல நமகக மயமமல உவக ஆகனற இவடக அஞசல எனற இற கவடடனப பஙகண யன வநத பறதத இறததலன, களயநரக கணத கலஙகய உட மதல 10 ஓர எயல மனனன பல, அழவ வநதனறல ஒழதல கடட. | To you, it is pleasurable, going to a distant country, passing harsh wastelands in summer when the bright sun blazes like spread cloth, where famished wild dogs kill sad marai deer, sate themselves, and leave some leftover, which will become food to those who travel. To her, it is distress on hearing that you are leaving, like that caused to a king with a ruined fort that is attacked by an enemy with greeneyed elephants after a friendly king said, Fear not, Ill help you, and then abandoned him, when his help was needed, and there was nobody else to remove his sorrow. | nattrinai |
93 | பர இல ஆயமட அரவ ஆட, நர அலச சவநத பர அமர மழக கண கறய நககமட மறவல நலக, மன வயன பயரநத கல, நனஇய நனகக அறயநள நஞச, பனதத 5 நட இல வள தன கடஙகல நமரக கழஙகரல கடல கணண, சழம பல, பல களக கறவர அலக அயர மனறல, கடககய ஆசனப படபப நடய பல மர உயர சன மனமன வளககததச, 10 சல மழ இயககம கணம நல மல நடன கதல மகள. | My heart! She is fit for you to know, the young woman who played happily with her beloved friends in the waterfalls until her huge, calm, moist eyes turned red, who looked at me intently and smiled near her house, the beloved daughter of a mountain dweller from a fine mountain, where mature clusters of millet spears grow on plants with curved stems and long leaves in fields, where their rich relatives who desire to harvest millet rest in the front yards of their houses where breadfruits grow like pots, and groves have trees with fireflies on their tall branches, that light up the sky to reveal the moving clouds. | nattrinai |
94 | இவள, கனல நணணய கமர சறகட நல நறப பரஙகடல கலஙக உளபகக மன எற பரதவர மகள நய, நடஙகட நடஙகம நயம மதரக கடநதரச சலவன கதல மகன 5 நணச சற அறதத உணககல வணட இனப பள ஓபபம எமகக நலன எவன? பலவ நறதம, சல! நனறம! பரநர வளயள எம சற நல வழகக நமமட பரவத அனற 10 எமமனரல சமமலம உடதத. | She is from a beautiful village near the seashore grove, the daughter of fishermen who enter the big blue ocean, stir it, and haul fish. You are from an ancient town with shops, where tall flags sway, the beloved son of a wealthy man owning fast chariots. We chase the flocks of birds that come desiring the fatty, shark meat pieces we spread out to dry. Of what use is your virtue to us? We reek of fish! Go away from here! The good little lives that we live here from the yields of the big ocean might not be as great as yours. But among us too, there are fine men! | nattrinai |
95 | வகலதறம இனபமம இளமயம எய கண நழலன கழயம இவ உலகததக, கணர எனறல அரத அத நன பணர ஆகவர ஐய! என தழ பண அண ஆகம பலமப, பணர 5 அயரபபக கணடனன கனற அம தம கன பற அற கடபபன அற அறயத தயலவர, வவவள வழஙகம வய பயல அழவதத, எவவம மகஉம அரஞசரம இறநத, நனவய அலல வழகக 10 மனனப பரடபணப பரதம யம எனவ. | Lord! in this world, pleasure and youth will be lost every day like the shadows of arrows that are shot. It will be rare if you cannot see that. please realize that and care for her! It will distress my friend wearing jewels on her chest, if you go desiring to earn impermanent wealth which is of no use for a good life, passing through harsh, distressing, wasteland with many bamboo clusters, where lovely, sweet kondrai fruits that fall continuously on rocks, dropped by swaying tree branches in the harsh winds, create sounds resembling the drum beats of bards, confusing those who listen to them. | nattrinai |
96 | பரஙகளற உழவ அடடன, இரம பட உயஙக பண வரததமட இயஙகல சலலத, நயதல பசட பரயம அம சவப பதல அம கழவ தழஇ, ஒயயன அரம பண உறநரன வரநத வகம 5 கனக நடறக, இத என யன அத கறன எவன தழ, வற உணரநத அணஙக அற கழஙகன கடடம கடட, வற என உணரநத உளளமட மற அறதத அனன அயரம மரக நன 10 பன நர பசலகக உதவமற? | What is wrong my friend, if I tell him, the lord of the forests, .where a female elephant .hugs quickly her beautiful, .sad calf with ears like green .leaves of waterlilies, and .suffers in distress like those .with unhealable sores, since .a tiger killed her large mate, that mother used kazhangu beans to foretell thinking that Murukan is the reason for your distress, and sacrificed a young goat, believing wrongly, since he has not helped to remove your golden pallor? | nattrinai |
97 | அனற அனய ஆக, இனறம எம கண உள பலச சழலம மத, பல இதழக கஙகன மல இதழக கடப ப வகற மனன நனயத தனற, பறவ அண கணட ப நற கடததடக 5 கடன என இடககம கல தட மறவர வட நவல அமபன வனயர அஞசத, அமர இட உறதர நகக, நர எமர இட உறதர ஒளதத கட. | What happened on that day revolves in our eyes even today! In the forest path with flower fragrances, .where umbrellashaped kongam . flowers with delicate petals and . dull sepals blossomed and made . the woods beautiful, .appearing like the dawn stars, you chased away without fear, bandits wearing thick bracelets, skilled in shooting with their sharp arrows, who came with uproar to fight. But when our relatives came looking for us, you hid in the forest! | nattrinai |
98 | படதர கழஇய பல நற எககரத தடயர மடநதனத தற பலமபனற மட வல மகநத மடஙக இற பரவப படபள ஓபபலன பகல மயநதனற கடட மன எறநத உவகயர வடடம மடநத 5 எமரம அலகனர ஏமரநதனம எனச சனற நம அறயன எவன தழ! மனறப பனன மச சன நற வ மனறல தழயட கமழம தண கடல சரபபன வழ சற நல ஊரகக? 10 | The seashore has become lonely since young women adorned with bangles have stopped playing on the milky sand brought and heaped by dashing waves. A day of chasing birds that came for the curved shrimp caught in knotted nets, has ended. Our relatives have returned happily to rest, after catching sharks with horns. Since we are confused, what will happen if we go to the small fine town of the lord of the clear oceans shore, which has the fragrances of flowers from the big branches of punnai trees in the common grounds and thāzhai blossoms in the front yards of houses, and find out his thoughts about this? | nattrinai |
99 | அறயமயன, அனன, அஞசக, கழயன கதயன கறம பநதடயன வழவ அயர தணஙக தழஉகம சலல, நட நமர தரவல க பக கட மட நதமலளன கதமனத தககலன, 5 கடபர உளர கல, இலல கல? பறற என யணத பசல எனறனன அதன எதர, நண இல எலவ எனற வநதசன, சறநரம வழயம சமமலன என நறநதல அரவ! பறறன, 10 சறம பரமயன கணத தணநத. | My dear friend with a fragrant forehead! He was going to the thunangai festival to dance, wearing a flower garland, earrings and small new bracelets. We were going there to catch him dancing with other women, with ignorance and in fear of you. At the curved place which is at the end of a long and high street, he appeared rapidly like a stranger and shocked me. Is there anybody to question you or not? I asked him. He replied, Sallow is beautiful. You have no shame, my friend, I said to him and came back. I will not tell him that he is a noble man, who even his enemies love. I did not praise him due to my great pettiness. | nattrinai |
100 | யஙகச சயவம கல தழ, ஓஙக கழக கமபட வடர அகம சலமப பமப உடனற ஓஙக வர மளர ஆடட, வஙக சலல கடஙகரல ஏறட கன தள தலஇப பயல ஆனத வனம பயலட 5 மனன நமரநதனன வலன வநதனப பனன வட மசச அளபப ஆனத, பரநதண களவ கழதத ப அட இரஞசற ஆடய நதல கல களற பத ஆசன ஒசதத 10 வ த வஙகய மல கழவறக? | What can we do, oh friend, for the man from the lofty mountains, where tall bamboos grow, rapid and loud thunder roars and reverberates in caves as fearing snakes run between boulders for cover and roll in fear, rain pours heavily from the sky along with lightning strikes, and the vēlan appears with his spear as bright as lifted lightning streaks and gives flowers to put on your braided hair, and a murderous bull elephant with dark mud on his forehead crushes a large, cool kulavi tree with his wide feet, and ruins a breadfruit tree and rests under a vēngai tree that has dropped its flowers? | nattrinai |
Subsets and Splits