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<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: yes Linda Robertson 03/01/2001 07:47 AM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Senator Feinstein Apologized that she could not meet with Steve yesterday. She would like to have this meeting. She asked that we schedule this for your next trip to DC. I think we should do this meeting soon. Do you want me to get on her calendar and then build a day of meetings around her meeting? Or wait until you are otherwise back in town? [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Eydie I shall be out on Monday July 9. What about the following Tuesday? Vince [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Aruna I shall be in London this week. Please call me on Monday next week. Best time is between 7:30 and 8:30 my time. Vince [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Nice work Kerry and Barb. I think we should do the follow up work on setting a follow up meeting with the Senator. Ken left it open whether he would be available when the Sen is in Houston so we have made no commitment in that regard. Janine Migden 04/27/2001 08:32 AM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron Susan M Landwehr/NA/Enron@Enron Kerry Stroup/NA/Enron@Enron Barbara A Hueter/NA/Enron@Enron Subject: Re: call to Sen Kinder Thanks Steve. That's great news. Just as an FYI the memo that Ken worked from was prepared by Kerry Stroup and Barbara Hueter who are the leads on Missouri. As a follow-up will Sen. Kinder be contacting Ken Lay directly or should Kerry and Barbara contact Sen. Kinder's office as the date gets closer to make arrangements? Please advise. Thanks Janine Steven J Kean 04/26/2001 08:07 PM To: Susan M Landwehr/NA/Enron@Enron Janine Migden/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron Subject: call to Sen Kinder Ken talked to Sen Kinder. He made the points you had prepared. Kinder agreed to shelve the legislation for this session. He said he had been hearing from several others including Proctor and Gamble (which has a big facility in his district) that the legislation was not going to help competition develop in the state. He expressed willingness to work with us on a better package and also expressed interest in coming to Enron's offices. He is going to be in San Antonio in August and would like to come to Houston around that time. [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Sue Landwehr in government affairs spoke to a member of the Thompson administration who indicated that the governor may be interested in talking to you about Amtrak. Specifically ECT has been working with Amtrak for quite some time on an electricity [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I'm looking forward to your discussion regarding the reregulation threat at the next meeting. Below are some of my observations: While it's premature to say we have an energy crisis we are witnessing the triple threat of high summer gasoline prices spiking electricity prices and high natural gas prices for the upcoming heating season (I'll send along some of the data). There is at least the potential for this to become a prominent national political issue: Gore has focussed relentlessly on Bush's ties to big oil (which includes us by the way though we produce nary a drop) and Congressional republicans have blamed the current administration for failing to have a coherent energy policy (though at least so far the dominant characteristic of the administration's policy has been a republicanesque reliance on the market). Notwithstanding the issue's potential to become political fodder and its prominence in the popular press many Americans seem blissfully ignorant at least on the electricity issue. We did some focus group testing recently in Southern California -- a mere 15 minutes from the epicenter of the San Diego price quakes -- and most people knew nothing about it. So while the issue has the potential for political traction it may not have caught on yet (except in places like San Diego and New York city. The reaction in California has been to call for government intervention in electricity markets. Investigations of out of state price gougers and profiteers have been undertaken and wholesale and retail price caps have been put in place. They have not worked -- at least in wholesale markets. Suppliers are deciding to site plants elsewhere and when prices are high elsewhere in the West power flows out of California to those other markets. Ironically though I can't explain it in classical economic terms the setting of rate caps in wholesale markets has had the effect of pulling prices up to the capped levels in offpeak times when there is more than enough supply. For the most part though the caps and the other political reactions have been somewhat muted: policy makers have been reluctant to throw the deregulation plan out and start over and the retail price caps have been relatively narrow ... so far. Outside of California the authors of other states' deregulation plans have distinguished their proposals from California's. Regulators and legislators from such diverse places as Connecticut Texas and Alberta have gone out of their way to defend their plans and explain why California won't happen here. For the most part then the reaction to California has been positive from Enron's perspective in states that have already deregulated. There does remain some threat that aspects of the state plans (e.g. utility plant divestiture) may be postponed or cancelled. The story is a bit more grim in states that were considering deregulation but have not gone forward with their plans: I think it's off the agenda in most places. The fact that most of the major markets (about 70% of total electric revenue) are already deregulated/deregulating is a blessing in that regard. At the federal level there has been a combination of the burn the village in order to save it approach -- allow some price caps to remove the pressure to reverse the whole deregulation program -- and a more positive call for comprehensive reform. All in all I believe we're OK so far and we need to look at this as an opportunity: business is booming we sell protection from price volatility and the need for such protection is now plastered over the front pages of major newspapers. On the public policy front we need to convert the controversy into productive action. Our target has been FERC -- they are somewhat removed from the white hot rhetoric in California and they are a single commissioner's vote away from taking action to further open the market. Enron's response: Initially we hoped to feed information into industry groups and let them carry the message our concern was that Enron -- a company which was in and out of the residential market in Cal. -- would not make the most attractive champion for the open market message. We hoped that the new generators in Cal would take up the mantle. It's fair to say that they fumbled the ball: they are now locked in a pitched battle with the utilities over price caps and fall all to easily into the out of state profiteer label .... standing between Aunt Millie and rate relief. They were also extremely slow out of the blocks with a more productive message. We are now working the issue directly. We are working the issue on a number of levels: 1) PR - we have good contacts in the press and have talked to numerous reporters and editorial writers. As time goes on the information and reporting has gotten somewhat better. 2) Govt relations - we have been pushing for power plant siting legislation in California (the market wants to build capacity but the government won't let it). This may be the best environment we'll ever see for streamlining the permitting process. Also in typical Enron fashion we put a deal on the table. We offered to sell power to the local utility at a price which would enable them to lock in stable rates for their customers at below current rates. Our offer was followed by nine others and we tried to make something of the fact that the market was offering better solutions than California politicians. SDG&E dropped the ball unfortunately. Instead of seizing the opportunity they ended up going along with a government granted rate discount which will cause them to accrue a massive deferral account. At the federal level we are contacting members the DOE and FERC. Here we are making a push for FERC action to finish leveling the playing field in wholesale markets so power can get from where it is to where its needed. Additionally we are developing a prepackaged system (including software) for nondiscriminatory open access (to take away any lingering excuses or delays). 3) Overall messaging -- we have been working with a well known political pollster to check our messages for their resonance at the grassroots level. As we hone these messages we will be using them in the fora we are currently working. Overall we have more opportunity than risk in the current environment but capitalizing on those opportunities continues to be a long shot. An intersting rhetorical challenge for us is this: much of the problem in power markets is blamed on high upstream fuel prices particularly natural gas. The gas market is open and structured pretty much the way we are advocating for electricity so how can we maintain that the problem in power markets is an absence of open markets when the most open commodity market on the planet (natural gas) is producing such outsized prices? The answer is somewhat complicated and therefore a bit unsatisfactory in the current debate: gas prices are still lower in real terms than they were pre-deregulation long term prices are also lower than historical levels ( the curve is backwardated (sp?) meaning that prices in later years are lower than today so you can buy gas for 3 years at a price lower than current spot prices) and the economy is booming and driving up demand for basic inputs (this begs the question: why didn't the market react sooner and avoid the spike?). When all else fails a big part of the problem can be blamed on OPEC. We haven't had this thrown at us yet but we are trying to anticipate it and have answers at the ready. This is just the tip of the iceberg. The issue is a great example of the intersection of our business interests with public policy debates and should promote a lively discussion when we get together. Let me know if there is anything else you need. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: On this same subject of Chairman Wood I am told that he met with Rep. Doug Ose (energy subcommittee chairman of the Government Reform Committee) and Ose's energy advisory board on Wednesday of this week and said similar things. He made a big deal out of a Big Mac analogy -- saying that whether you ordered one in Portland Oregon or Portland Maine the product is the same. With RTOs he supposedly said this meant if the rules are standardized the number of RTOs becomes less important. Those in the room including EPSA staff came away with the impression that Wood is backing away from only 4 RTOs based on this and other comments. Ditto on a 12/15/01 deadline. On the positive side he did say that he had been consulted on the Administration's comments on the Bingaman bill and agreed that legislation without RTO language or bundled/unbundled is OK. He understands the high risk that Congress would go the wrong way on these issues. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Ms. Crenshaw Thank you very much for the message. I am very interested in the opportunity to talk to personnel from the Research Group at Enron. Between the two days you suggest I prefer Wednesday 12/6. Considering the two-hour time difference between California and Texas 11:00 am Pacific time (1:00 pm your time) seems to be a good slot. However I am open most of the day on 12/6 so if some other time slot is prefered on your end please let me know. Thanks again. I look forward to talking to you and your colleagues. Jingming On Tue 28 Nov 2000 [email protected] wrote: > Good afternoon Jingming: > > Professor Wolak forwarded your resume to the Research Group and > they would like to conduct a telephone interview with you sometime next > week at your convenience. The best days would be Tuesday 12/5 or > Wednesday 12/6. > > Please let me know which day and what time would be best for you and > they will call you. Let me know the telephone number that you wish to be > contacted at. > > The interviewers would be: > > Vince Kaminski Managing Director and Head of Research > Vasant Shanbhogue Vice President Research > Lance Cunningham Manager Research > Alex Huang Manager Research > > Look forward to hearing from you. > > Best regards > > Shirley Crenshaw > Administrative Coordinator > Enron Research Group. > 713-853-5290 > > > Jingming Marshall Yan [email protected] Department of Economics (650)497-4045 (H) Stanford University (650)725-8914 (O) Stanford CA 94305 358C Economics Bldg If one seeks to act virtuously and attain it then what is there to repine about? -- Confucius _?OO??OOo? ?T=15xO-?? -- =14??<o=15 O?> [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: You have to love the availability of beautiful lasses for viewing. Things are interesting. Enron is moving right along and we will find out about who I am working for on Friday (our auction should be completed then). Not too much else is new. My place continues to get better (as I slowly furnish it) but Portland continues to be the little sister to Seattle. A couple new bars in town suggest she might be getting closer to puberty but definitely not the woman about town that Seattle is. Morgan told me you may no longer be with Steph? Is this true? (And I hope you are the only one reading this if it is not). If that is the case well we can see what we can do about it. As always I have no plans the next couple weekends so give me a shout (still have my cell phone at 503-887-3449) if you want to take a trip on down. Your always welcome to crash on my couch...(sorry its all I have I got rid of the futon). Hope youre doing well. Word. [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Frank Sorry for a delay in responding to your message. As you can imagine after Jeff Skilling's resignation Greg Whalley will be tied up in a few additional stock analysts' presentations. We are still planning trips to California and New Mexico that we would like to combine and would like very much to meet and exchange opinions with you. Please advise me about your availability during the next 2 - 3 weeks. Hopefully we can reconcile our schedules and meet soon. Vince [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I don't see a fit Lexi Elliott 02/28/2001 02:39 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Maureen McVicker/NA/Enron@Enron Chris Harman/Enron Communications@Enron Communications Subject: Will Hixon - UT Candidate Steve: Per my voicemail message to you I have forwarded Will's resume for your consideration. Thank you! lexi ----------------- [/INST] Category: Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I'd be happy to call Nickles. [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I doubt that this is worth the trouble (i.e. running it through a conflict of interest check ensuring no liability for actions taken on the advice etc). From: Sherri Sera/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/21/2001 10:13 AM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Joannie Williamson/ENRON@enronXgate Subject: FW: Follow up -- Council of Energy Advisors Steve we have no record of receiving the original invitation but is this anything you would recommend? Please advise. Thanks SRS [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: To:WILLIAMS WILLIAM Email:[email protected] - 503-464-3730 Enron Wholesale Services - Office of the Chairman From: Mark Frevert Chairman & CEO Mark Haedicke Managing Director & General Counsel Subject: Confidential Information and Securities Trading To keep pace with the fluid and fast-changing demands of our equity trading activities Enron Wholesale Services (EWS) has recently revised its official Policies and Procedures Regarding Confidential Information and Securities Trading (Policies and Procedures). These revisions reflect two major developments: (1) our equity trading activities have been extended into the United Kingdom and (2) in an effort to streamline the information flow process the Review Team will play a more centralized role so that the role of the Resource Group is no longer necessary.You are required to become familiar with and to comply with the Policies and Procedures. The newly revised Policies and Procedures are available for your review on LegalOnline the new intranet website maintained by the Enron Wholesale Services Legal Department. Please click on the attached link to access LegalOnline: If you have already certified compliance with the Policies and Procedures during the 2001 calendar year you need not re-certify at this time although you are still required to to review and become familiar with the revised Policies and Procedures. If you have not certified compliance with the Policies and Procedures during the 2001 calendar year then you must do so within two weeks of your receipt of this message. The LegalOnline site will allow you to quickly and conveniently certify your compliance on-line with your SAP Personal ID number. If you have any questions concerning the Policies or Procedures please call Bob Bruce at extension 5-7780 or Donna Lowry at extension 3-1939. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I won't be going. Let's look for an alternate. I'd be happy to come to DC. Stephen D Burns@ENRON 07/31/2000 10:53 AM To: Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES cc: Subject: LA: Getting Mack and Kean together as discussed Mack McLarty and his people would like to get together with you in Los Angeles during the Dem convention to discuss our Southern Cone issues strategies etc. Will you be there on the Monday? Steve ----------------- [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: H o o v e r I n s t i t u t i o n News Advisory September 27 2001 _____ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Note: The complete text of this News Advisory can also be viewed in the attached file. CONFERENCE ON THE CALIFORNIA ELECTRICITY PROBLEM October 18-19 2001 Sponsored by the Hoover Institution and Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) What: A conference on California's electricity problem sponsored by the Hoover Institution and Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR). When: Thursday and Friday October 18-19 2001 Where: Stauffer Auditorium Hoover Institution Stanford University Why: To address the causes of and solutions to the problem including: its impact on the state economy deregulation issues and politics. Who: ????????The Honorable Spencer Abraham U. S. Secretary of Energy dinner speaker 6:30 p.m. October 18 ????????Discussion: Electricity problem's causes and proposed solution with James Sweeney of SIEPR Hoover and Stanford and Severin Borenstein of UC-Berkeley 1:15 p.m. October 18 ????????Discussion: I. The electricity problem's impact on the state economy with Edward Leamer of UCLA 3 p.m. October 18 ????????Discussion: II. Achieving competition through real time pricing with Frank Wolak of Stanford and SIEPR and Vernon Smith of George Mason University 3 p.m. October 18 ????????Panel: Power production and politics with John Bryson Edison International Peter Cartwright of Calpine Corporation and Hoover fellow and former California Governor Pete Wilson 8:30 a.m. October 19 ????????Panel: Deregulation with Hoover fellows Milton Friedman Nobel laureate former U.S. Secretary of State George P. Shultz and James Sweeney 10:30 a.m. October 19 A mult box will be available for broadcast media. RSVP by October 15: Call Public Affairs at the Hoover Institution at 650-723-0603. Michele M. Horaney APR Michelle Mosman Director of Communications Public Affairs Manager Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) Hoover Institution 579 Serra Mall@Galvez St. Stanford University Stanford University Stanford CA 94305-6010 Stanford CA 94305-6015 650-725-7293 F:650-8611 650-725-1872 cell: 650-722-0798 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Hartsoe: PJM HoganSPP WSCCHebertdemocratic nominee ACA Andy Rotherham AAE membership (703)875-0764 Gordon Weil page Maureen Joe Allen Dave Marquart Richard Tabors [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Sorry I had saved your list for the Europe AA PRC and didn't include them in my draft of the memo. I am sending another version shortly that has that information included. I don't think I need anything more from you unless you have other comments on the memo. Thanks [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: No need to review with policy committee. Kalen Pieper@EES 06/14/2001 05:44 PM To: James Sandt/ENRON@enronXgate @ ENRON Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Suzanne Brown/ENRON@enronXgate@ENRON Sharon Gary P Smith/ENRON@enronXgate@ENRON Marla Barnard/Enron Communications@Enron Communications@ENRON David Oxley/ENRON@enronXgate@ENRON Robert W Jones/ENRON@enronXgate@ENRON Cindy Olson/ENRON@enronXgate@ENRON Drew Mary Joyce/ENRON@enronXgate@ENRON Cynthia Sarah A Davis/ENRON@enronXgate@ENRON Marie Elizabeth Subject: RE: Clickathome - Proposed treatment for Involuntary Terminations - Business Reorganizations All Please let me know by noon tomorrow if you have any issues with this approach. If not we are going to roll out this change effective close of business tomorrow. Steve/Cindy I'd suggest that we simply make this change tomorrow. Do you feel the need to run it by any of the policy committee beforehand? Kalen From: James Sandt/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/14/2001 05:00 PM To: Suzanne Brown/ENRON@enronXgate Sharon Butcher/ENRON@enronXgate Kalen Pieper/HOU/EES@EES Gary P Smith/ENRON@enronXgate Marla Barnard/Enron Communications@Enron Communications David Oxley/ENRON@enronXgate Robert W Jones/ENRON@enronXgate Cindy Olson/ENRON@enronXgate Drew Lynch/Enron@EUEnronXGate Mary Joyce/ENRON@enronXgate Cynthia Barrow/ENRON@enronXgate cc: Sarah A Davis/ENRON@enronXgate Marie Newhouse/ENRON@enronXgate Elizabeth Boudreaux/ENRON@enronXgate Subject: RE: Clickathome - Proposed treatment for Involuntary Terminations - Business Reorganizations Suzanne: It is my understanding that everyone is signed off on the suggested revisions to the Clickathome documents relating to redeployed individuals. Tax is. In summary if a person is terminated from Enron or one of its subsidiaries as a result of a business reorganization the forfeiture penalty is waived. The amount of the waived forfeiture penalty is added to that individuals income as salary (imputed income) and is subject to Federal State and FICA taxes. V&E and I recommend that the changes are effective as of now and not retroactive back to the start of the plan. A retroactive date would weaken the plan as it stands and take out some of the teeth that we put in at its inception. Jim X 3 5673 [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Sam We can use a piece written by Rakesh on liquidity. I shall ask him to send it to you. Vince [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Please go ahead with preparation of the talking points. I'll give Ken a heads up. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: pena - 1:30 Spurling @11:15 and D'Amato @12:00 11:15 D'Amato 12:00 Sperling 1:30 Pena meeting - Tentative 3:30 Janel Guerrero Flying up on company plane. [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I will attend. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Confirming 1:00 p.m. meeting on June 12 at the Venetian Resort in Las Vegas. Thanks Joannie Williamson 713-345-7774 Kevin Scott on 04/25/2001 04:46:18 PM Please respond to To: Jeff Skilling <[email protected]> cc: Sherri Sera <[email protected]> Subject: Information for Jeff Skilling from Kevin Scott April 25 2001 Dear Jeff Thank you for setting aside time to meet with me. I have attached my resume to help bring you up to date on my career. As you will see I have been providing advisory services since 1995. During these years I have done some of my best work. I am proud of the service that I have rendered as an independent consultant. Now I feel it is time to move to a new chapter in my career. I look forward to sitting down with you to think through ways to apply my experience intellect and energies to new professional challenges. I respect you tremendously and wherever the next part of my career may lie I know that my search and choice will benefit significantly from your perspective. Finally I am attaching the recommendation to HBS that you wrote in 1981. I found it during a profoundly challenging period in my life. Your historic words of support helped me keep fighting and successfully moving forward. If you would like to reach me before our meeting please call (213) 926-2626 or email [email protected] . Thank you again. Sincerely [IMAGE] Kevin Attachments (2) - image001.png - image002.gif - Resume of Kevin Scott.doc - Skilling HBS Recommendation.doc [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Jeff Candidly this wouldn't have been my approach (posh location closed format odd group seemingly self-serving agenda). I read the article below as unsympatheticand almost mocking in its tonetoward Enron. It's noteworthy theBeverly Hills meeting was not covered in the Los Angeles papers. Instead this article comes fromthe front page of the Bay Area's San Francisco Chronicle (Democratic bastion and home to both of California's United States Senators power broker Willie Brown Attorney General Bill Lockyer and the state's public utility commission). Consistent with myconcern about a coast-to-coast firestormengulfing Enron the New York Times ran two articles today that were unsupportiveof the company. q Senator Calls for Hearings Into Energy Regulators' Moves By CHRISTOPHER MARQUIS Senator Dianne Feinstein called for hearings into possible improprieties between members of the F.E.R.C. and private energy interests. q Enron's Dispute With Utility in India Grows More Tangled By SARITHA RAI The dispute between the Enron Corporation and Indian federal and state government officials keeps getting messier. These follow the Times' tough piece on Ken Lay yesterday. Undoubtedly the Washington Post will have to get into fray soon. My feeling is that just as with the business side Enron's public policy strategy needs be well informed sophisticated and comprehensive. I fear that anything less will fuel the potential of undesirable outcomes for Enron's reputation leadership and shareholdervalue. Kevin 213-926-2626 PS - May I have a copy of the position paper that was circulated in the Beverly Hills meeting. The Gate Return to regular view Enron's secret bid to save deregulation PRIVATE MEETING: Chairman pitches his plan to prominent Californians Christian Berthelsen Scott Winokur Chronicle Staff Writers Saturday May 26 2001 ?2001 San Francisco Chronicle URL: Energy executive Kenneth Lay head of powerful Enron Corp. quietly courted Arnold Schwarzenegger Richard Riordan Michael Milken and other luminaries this week in Beverly Hills to drum up support for his solution to California's energy crisis. His prescription called for more rate increases an end to state and federal investigations and less rather than more regulation. Lay a close friend of President Bush and one of his largest campaign contributors hosted a private 90-minute meeting in a conference room at the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills on Thursday. Among the participants were Milken the former head of the Drexel Burnham Lambert investment banking firm who pleaded guilty to fraud charges in 1990 and who now runs a think tank based in Santa Monica movie star Schwarzenegger and Riordan the mayor of Los Angeles. Schwarzenegger and Riordan have been courted recently as GOP gubernatorial candidates. One participant who agreed to speak on the condition he not be identified said the meeting appeared to be geared toward getting participants to support Lay's vision and then champion it to officials who are trying to solve the state's energy mess. PLAN TO RESCUE DEREGULATION The source said the timing and tone of the meeting suggested Lay is concerned that California will abandon its disastrous experiment with power markets by either re-regulating the system or creating a government authority to provide electricity. Gov. Gray Davis signed legislation last week to create and fund a state power authority that would build buy and run power plants in California. They're trying to rescue deregulation the source said of Enron executives. They think the whole state power authority is a bad idea. At the meeting Enron representatives circulated a four-page position paper titled Comprehensive Solution for California which was obtained by The Chronicle. It said ratepayers should bear responsibility for the billions in debt incurred by the state's public utilities and that investigations of power price manipulation and political rhetoric are making matters worse. The paper made no mention of the possibility that much of the runaway electricity costs in California is due to market manipulation by power generators and traders -- a possibility given credibility in studies by regulators and economists. One of the talking points read: Get deregulation right this time -- California needs a real electricity market not government takeovers. Another point suggested giving consumers monetary rebates for conserving electricity. INVOLVED IN EARLY DAYS Lay has been an aggressive champion of deregulated electricity markets and was an early advocate in persuading California to begin its experiment with a competitive power market system. Lay has created a new kind of company in the process one that essentially produces nothing but makes money as a middle-man buying electricity from generators and selling it to consumers. During the first quarter of this year Enron's revenues increased 281 percent to $50.1 billion. Asked about the purpose of the meeting Karen Denne a spokeswoman for Enron said she would look into that and then did not return repeated telephone calls seeking comment. One participant said Denne was present at the meeting. D.C. CONNECTIONS Meanwhile Lay's power in Washington is reported to have reached unprecedented heights. According to a story in yesterday's New York Times Lay supplied the Bush administration with a list of candidates for jobs regulating the power industry and even interviewed one of them. The story also said Lay essentially threatened to seek the removal of the chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Curt Hebert if he does not support Lay's desire to further deregulate the nation's electricity system. Lay denied the allegation. Also in attendance at this week's meeting were Bruce Karatz chief executive of home builder Kaufman & Broad Ray Irani chief executive of Occidental Petroleum and Kevin Sharer chief executive of biotech giant Amgen. Among those who were invited but did not attend were former Los Angeles Lakers star Earvin Magic Johnson supermarket magnate and Bill Clinton supporter Ron Burkle and Dennis Tito recently returned from the world's first civilian space trip. Milken through a spokesman confirmed that he attended the meeting but declined to be interviewed. Schwarzenegger could not be reached for comment through a publicist and Sharer did not return a call yesterday afternoon. A spokesman for Riordan Peter Hidalgo said the Los Angeles mayor attended but was not intending to formulate any kind of policy position on this issue. His intent is to listen to all sides. Attached to the Enron handout was a two-page open letter addressed to Davis and the state Legislature apparently prepared for those who support Lay's position and would be willing to sign their names to it. The source who participated in the meeting said those assembled appeared noncommittal and asked a number of questions of Lay but did not agree to champion his agenda. E-mail the writers at [email protected] and Scott Winokur at [email protected] . ?2001 San Francisco Chronicle Page A - 1 [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Today's strong gas prices have opened a new window of opportunity for a pipeline to move Wyoming gas into the Ventura market and downstream. Currently Trailblazer is conducting an open season to expand its facilities for service between Wyoming and Gage County Nebraska. A number of our contacts in the Powder River (including ENA) are making decisions on Trailblazer capacity right now. When we invested in the Bighorn gas gathering project in December of 1999 we viewed a connection between Bighorn and Northern Border Pipeline (250miles) as a strategic advantage to be exploited in the future. Strong gas prices and the ramp of Powder River production are accelerating the feasibility of making a pipeline out of the Northern Powder River Basin a reality. While connecting the Powder River Basin to NBPL using an intrastate pipeline through Montana remains a real possibility it also carries with it the negative baggage of NBPL being fully contracted through 2003 (and possibly beyond) with Canadian gas and a potential for Alaskan gas. In the short term this presents us with some problems getting shippers to sign up for transport on the new Montana intrastate. I would like you to think about the following concept . A new interstate pipeline named NBP-Dakota extending from the Recluse Wyoming area to Ventura Iowa and going into service in November of 2003. A tentative design and cost would be 24 diameter 1435 MAOP 480 miles with capex of approximately $270 million. Initial flow would be 300 mmcfd with expansion capability up to 490 mmcfd and an initial rate of just under 50 cents per mcf Recluse to Ventura. At today's Ventura price of $4.22 this could leave Powder River producers a margin of more than $2.00 an mcf. Using August 1999 Ventura pricing of $2.64 the margin would be 64 cents. If we can build the pipeline at the cost projected (NPNG has used Fort Union's actual construction costs for a 24 inch 1440psi system - Enron Engineering would not even be in the same cost universe) NBP Dakota would be more competitive than sending the gas to NBPL via the Montana intrastate. I am of the opinion that future looping the Trailblazer system would come in as 3rd place to the other 2 routes. NBP Dakota would need to get started with an open season this fall to allow for a 2003 in-service date. THE QUESTION I need your opinion about using NBP Dakota for this opportunity rather than feeding more gas into NBPL in the northern Montana area. Strategically are we willing to let NBPL carry the possible risk of decontracting after 2003 without support from the Powder River Basin ? For what it may be worth I believe NBPL can handle that risk successfully without the Powder River volumes. I need to know your views on this as the Montana intrastate topic is coming up for discussion at the Bighorn Management Committee meeting later this summer. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I share your perceptions of Jose though I don't have as much contact as you do. I know also from some recent discussions with Rick (who has also had a fair amount of contact with Jose) that he has very positive views on Jose's work. I think we should make a concerted effort to get the feedback and have a good discussion about Jose at year end to ensure that he is properly ranked. James M Bannantine@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT 10/03/2000 07:13 PM To: Steven J Kean@EES cc: Subject: Re: Questions for Executive Business Review- URGENT ----------------- [/INST] Category: Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Jeff wouldn't be able to leave until late the 23d or early on the 24th and would need to be back by late on the 27th [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Joe is working with the Governor's office and so should go on that list not the sellers list. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Date: 4/20/01 To: Jan Smutny-Jones Steven Kelly Katie Kaplan Cc: IEP Board of Directors From: Julee Malinowski-Ball Edson + Modisette RE: Legislative Status Report Week Ending 4/20 RECENT EVENTS: -- IEP with the help of Chris Ellison has been at the negotiating table mos= t of the week dealing with the most recent amendments to SB 28x. SB 28x (Sher/Battin) makes various changes to the siting process including many IEP-sponsored proposals. As you will recall two new provisions were added to the bill at the last minute before going to the Assembly Floor dealing with both retrofit schedules and environmental dispatch of generating facilities. Per the direction from IEP member companies IEP has decided not to negotiate on the environmental dispatch issue. If the provision remained in the bill IEP would continue to push the Republicans to hold their opposed position. We were however given the authority to negotiate on the retrofit issue as long as we were only talking about facilities that already have retrofit requirements. I will be faxing out the agreed upon language which in essence says the ARB shall set a schedule for the completion of any mandated retrofits. It does not expand the authority of the air districts and ARB to mandate retrofits under existing law. The schedule would require completion of the retrofits by July 1 2004 or such later date as the ISO determines is necessary to maintain reliability. With these amendments including some clean-up language SB 28x will be voted-on on the Assembly floor on Monday and go to the Senate for concurrence on Tuesday. The final version will include the following IEP-sponsored proposals: ? Conforming the timing of offsets for power plants to Clean Air Act requirements ? Substituting CEQA-style hearings for the trial-like proceedings of the CE= C ? Streamlining the permit process for the modernization of existing power plant sites ? Giving consideration to the positive environmental impacts of a proposed project. ? Improving the timeliness and coordination of state and local agency review. ? Extending the current deadlines for the expedited review process established in AB 970. Since SB 28x is only a first step in making changes to the siting process IEP member should now be thinking about what is next. IEP proposals still on the table include: ? Permitting local agencies to make zoning changes or other decisions for power plants contingent upon CEC CEQA Compliance ? Giving deference to other state and regional agencies ? Easing the threshold for override of local land use requirements. ? Making the ISO responsible for determining interconnection requirements -- Bad news on the =01&California First=018 issue quickly followed the good= news. The CEC staff analysis which said the State can't require builders of new power plants to sell electricity here even as a trade-off for expedited permitting was countered by another staff analysis that says the state can= . Both documents cannot be obtained due to attorney-client privilege. This issue is coming to a head next week with a decision pending by the CEC to include a California First clause on the approval of an expedited AES power plant project. AB 60x (Hertzberg) which ties to the siting process the requirement that a developer enter into a contract to sell power to specified California entities is still poised to be heard in the Senate Energy committee. IEP members company lobbyist should continue to lobby against this measure regardless of the CEC=01s decision on AES although our arguments are definitely strengthened if the addition of the clause at the CEC is denied. -- IEP has finalized negotiations with Senator Burton=01s office on amendm= ents attempting to solve our problem with the eminent domain provision in SB 6x (Burton) which is the State Power Authority measure. Attached is a copy o= f the bill in PDF form. The agreed upon language which clarifies that the Authority=01s purpose is to supplement existing generation activities can= be found on pages 6-7 (Section 3310) 13 (Section 3341.1) and 16-17 (Section3352). Considering the inflammatory remarks made by Senator Burton in the press lately regarding seizing generation assets this was most likely the best we could get. -- The first of Senator Dunn=01s hearings with the Senate Select Committee= to Investigate Price Manipulation of the Wholesale Market occurred this week. This week and next week=01s topics will be to go over previous investigati= ons into market power. The committee heard or will be hearing testimony from: Frank Wolak Chairman Market Surveillance Committee CAISO Eric Hildebrandt Manager Market Monitoring CAISO and Elaine Howle State Auditor. -- The Assembly Electricity Oversight Subcommittee met this week and focused on the issue of natural gas collusion. Testifying before the committee were representatives from Dynegy and El Paso commenting on the rise of natural gas prices and whether illegal market manipulation and collusion occurred. The subcommittee plans on putting together a package o= f bills related to natural gas issues which would be the culmination of the committee=01s hearings over the last two months. This package will be up = for consideration first by the whole special Assembly Energy committee. -- Governor Davis came out this week supporting the construction of the Calpine Metcalf Energy Center the 600-megawatt power plant proposed for th= e San Jose region. The Governor urged the CEC to approve the plant siting so that construction can begin. -- Two long-term contracting bills are scheduled for hearings next week. IEP counsel is currently reviewing AB 57 (Wright) and SB 997 (Morrow) and will comment on their provisions as soon as possible. -- Attached is the most recent legislative tracking reports both the special session and regular session. Please let me know if you need copies of any of these bills. UPCOMING EVENTS: MONDAY April 23rd Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee AB 57 (Wright) =01) long-term contracting reasonableness review TUESDAY April 24th Senate Energy Committee SB 997 (Morrow) =01) long-term contracting reasonableness review WEDNESDAY April 25th Assembly Appropriations Committee AB 62x (Cohn) =01) California First AB 63x (Florez) =01) Sale of Kern Power Plant THURSDAY April 26th Select Committee to Investigate Price Manipulation of the Wholesale Market Informational hearing on the overview of investigations studies and reports regarding the energy crisis. MONDAY April 30th Senate Appropriations Committee SB 1x (Soto) =01) excess profits tax Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee AB 128x (Corbett) =01) excess profits tax ON THE ASSEMBLY FLOOR SB 6x (Burton) =01) State Power Authority SB 28x (Sher/Battin) =01) siting --end-- Julee Malinowski-Ball Senior Associate Edson + Modisette 916-552-7070 FAX-552-7075 [email protected] - 2001 Tracking Report.doc - 2001 Tracking Report.special session.doc - [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I would'nt have it introduced by the corporate policy committee. I would say Enron is introducing or there is a new tool available to you. I am anxious to see how this goes over it's a great tool. From: Karen Moore/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/16/2001 05:34 PM To: Karen Denne/Corp/Enron@ENRON Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Andrea Yowman/Corp/Enron@ENRON Subject: FW: expertfinder - The Power of Who Karen and Steve Could you take a quick peek at this and let me know if you have any thoughts or concerns? Thanks Karen [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: OK From: Jo Ann Hill/ENRON@enronXgate on 07/18/2001 04:31 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Kathryn Schultea/ENRON@enronXgate Mary Joyce/ENRON@enronXgate Subject: FW: Request for PR2 Access Steve -- For your approval. As some additional information regarding the request Kathy Diane Taylor and I met with Deana Taylor this afternoon to understand what each person's role was and the specific access needed. For the interim we are recommending that the HR View Basic Data & Org ENTP and View Payroll and Time ENTP role be granted to each of the individuals listed below. Until January 1 this function was performed in the Payroll Department and at that time was transitioned to Karen and Deana's group. The people listed below actually transferred from the Payroll Department. For the long term we are going to look at creating a specific role for this group that would let them access only those data elements needed. I've spoken with Mary Joyce by phone and she has approved so I am requesting your approval as well. These people have basically been prevented from being able to reconcile any of the net pay accounts etc. for the past week. Please let me know if you will approve or if you need any additional information. Thanks. Jo Ann [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Please pst and circulate to the team. We probably need to open a new section on the site to adress gas prices. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: fyi ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I kept your contact list but now I can't find the CV you sent. Would you mind resending? Kevin Scott on 06/20/2001 02:02:00 PM Please respond to [email protected] To: Steve Kean <[email protected]> Jeff Skilling <[email protected]> cc: Subject: Public Policy Contacts for California Jeff and Steve As you requested I have prepared a list of my preferred public policy contacts for California. It is composed of professionals from an array of public private and non-profit backgrounds. I have worked in some capacity with each of these people and most I know quite well. Please call me for further background. Kevin 213-926-2626 Attachment - Kevin Scott - Preferred Contacts - 6-20-01.doc [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: The Barton discussion draft says that FERC's hands would be tied and that they would have to approve a proposed RTO as to size and scope if the proposed RTO owns or has operational control over transmission facilities that serve at least 40000 MW of load. Southern's CEO testified in Congress recently that their load is over 35000. I assume the 40000 MW minimum would permit the SeTrans proposal to meet the proposed statutory minimum since it is Southern plus a few munis as I understand it. Is this correct? Who would know how many RTOs there would be if each were just over the 40000 MW minimum? I assume it is much more than 4-5 RTOs -- if so this is a good contrast to use in our Hill efforts. Thanks. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: per my voicemail ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: THE FRIDAY BURRITO=20 Ben Zycher from the RAND Corporation used the following line in his talk at= =20 the WPTF General Meeting in Phoenix a few weeks ago. The story takes place = in=20 the good ol' days of the Soviet Union when Brezhnev was Premier.? Brezhnev= =20 and the rest of the Politburo one fine May Day were watching the tanks and= =20 missiles pass by the Kremlin Wall when Leonid noticed in the middle of the= =20 parade a truck carrying a group of civilians.? He turned to Dmitri Ustinov= =20 the Defense Minister and asked Who are they?? Ustinov replied Those a= re=20 our economists.? You just wouldn't believe their destructive potential.=20 This is appropriate for our time and our situation.? The economists descend= ed=20 upon us when the California market was designed but we know not from where= .?=20 Aliens?? Since weaving conspiracy theories is a popular past time in=20 Sacramento (We just know they are gouging us them bullies) I believe th= at=20 one must do the same by following the money.? I'm not talking about the=20 campaign contributions in Gray Davis' pocket. The most money has gone from= =20 power sales in California to the Canadian Province of British Columbia.? It= =20 was a plot the Canadians hatched. I mean look at Governor Davis.? He looks= =20 kind of BC-ish.? Skinny and lanky wimpy hair and a hesitation in his=20 speech. He talks their language: a mix of misspelled French (meet me at th= e=20 centre) English and Eh(?).? One night in 1996 the BC government secretl= y=20 sent us some economists by the truckload to destroy California.? The=20 utilities probably paid for the bus tickets.? I happen to know that Frank= =20 Wolak Chair of the ISO Market Surveillance Committee once lectured at a=20 University in Vancouver B.C..? What more evidence do you need?? The BC=20 Government sent us cheap hydro power sold at inflated market prices so tha= t=20 they could do what the citizens of California wanted to do with their budge= t=20 largess =01( build roads schools and hospitals. They didn't think we coul= d=20 figure out their plot but we did.? Now is the time for California to=20 counter-attack.? We'll send them some of our politicians a bipartisan grou= p=20 including a few who can add and some of our select energy thugs from the= =20 CPUC and the Blind Oversight Board.=20 Speaking of times and situations there was a time when discussing the ISO= =20 words such as communist and Nazi were only uttered by my pal Carl=20 Imparato.? We would shake our heads and chuckle at Carl's extremism.? We= =20 aren't laughing now.? The descriptors seem to arise again and again in poli= te=20 conversation by a wider circle of people.? I watch with utter amusement=20 (because the alternative is retching breakfast) at the demagoguery of the I= SO=20 Governing Board the Market Despair Team the Governor's office and some= =20 members of the California Legislature. Like an audience watching a tragedy= =20 from hell we scream aloud These people are crazy!? And indeed they are= .?=20 Mr. President is not helping us at all by continuing to wrangle over who ge= ts=20 the musical Chair at FERC =01( Bubba Curt or Bubba Patrick.? Listen to us = Mr.=20 President.? Let Bubba Curt keep the reigns for a year or two and let Bubba= =20 Patrick take a seat at the table.? We need someone with a shockproof BS=20 detector.? Someone who can honestly field a motion to dismiss the Californi= a=20 ISO.? The time is long overdue to shoot this horse in the head.=20 Not all is evil.? This week in Houston the resource capital of California= I=20 visited the trading floor folks at Dynegy before attending the WTPF Board= =20 meeting.? The coolest thing I saw besides all the neat gadgets on each=20 trader's desk was the coffee machine.? Brother Jolly Hayden showed me how = to=20 use it.? You pick the type of coffee you want.? The contents of the coffee= =20 are in a shot-glass sized plastic tub with a foil top.? I picked Venezuelan= =20 #6 Decaffeinated Waxy Crude.? The tub is placed inside the brewing machine= =20 and the start button is pushed.? Presto coffee drips from the spout into a= =20 waiting cup.? I asked Jolly How did the hot water get mixed into the grou= nd=20 beans?? He removed the tub from the machine and showed me a pin prick hole= =20 made in the foil top and another that was made at the bottom.? Is that nea= t=20 or what?=20 I would like to buy a brewing machine just like the Dynegy coffee machine= =20 but a little larger.? I would set up a booth in Sacramento on the corner o= f=20 11th and L and bark out to passing members of the Legislature Free spa= ce=20 shuttle. Come and see life on other planets.? They would jump at the chanc= e=20 to visit other planets.? I would seat them in the machine push the start= =20 button and voila.? Dripping out would be the essence of democracy.? Don't= =20 worry about the holes needed at the top and the bottom.? They are already= =20 there and quite enlarged.=20 Back to my day at Dynegy.? Trade floors might seem similar across companies= =20 but the small differences speak to the management style embraced by the cre= w=20 and its leaders.? Each electric trading desk for various parts of the=20 country is set up a little bit differently.? For example some desks have = a=20 person doing asset-backed trading but some don't.? When I arrived at 6 a.m= .=20 Houston time the Eastern desk was busy in its trade day.? The Western folk= s=20 hadn't arrived yet.? Later I sat with Randy LeForce of the Western desk.?= =20 Captain LeForce to you he told me.? He could talk big because Dave=20 Francis who sits next to Randy and hangs witty quotes from the ceiling=20 above his head (Even a blind pig could make money in this market) was on= =20 vacation.? As the pace of the trading gathered steam Randy kept an eye on= =20 all the different people working the Western trading desk.? The Captain=20 worked it like a maestro.=20 During my visit some Dynegy folks came up to me introduced themselves an= d=20 said how much they enjoyed the Friday Burrito.? I'll tell you what.? There= =20 are few things in life that give me as much satisfaction.? Complete strange= rs=20 who tell you that something you do makes them feel good well it doesn't g= et=20 any better than that.? Garrison Keillor the well-known author of Lake=20 Woebegone Days and NPR radio entertainer once said a writer should have an= =20 audience.? Not everyone in the world should be in the audience but an=20 audience nonetheless of some people.? I now know what he means.? And the=20 people I met on the trading floor felt like they knew me and shared with m= e=20 their thoughts and opinions on a lot of things.?? Often they asked me Are= =20 those California people really that crazy?=20 Since last week you might have noticed the pace at the FERC has picked up= =20 somewhat.? Last Friday the FERC issued an Order on possible refunds for=20 alleged overcharges by parties selling to the ISO last January.? That was= =20 news worthy.? Then on Wednesday the FERC issued an Order to remove barrie= rs=20 to additional electric generation in the West.? The Order admits that it=20 won't change the dire situation in the West but these are steps in the rig= ht=20 direction.? The FERC also issued on Wednesday a show-cause order to AES and= =20 Williams regarding the maintenance of RMR units that were called by the ISO= =20 in April and May of 2000.? That is a serious case that we must watch=20 closely.? Also this week the California Senate kicked off its own=20 investigation (this will be the tenth such investigation of the California= =20 markets to uncover alleged price manipulation).? The Senate Committee will= =20 have subpoena rights and if I understand it correctly they plan to subpoe= na=20 individuals.? Sounds like a Kangaroo Court and a Three-Ring Circus to me.= =20 Thursday Secretary Abraham stated in a congressional hearing that the West= =20 would certainly experience power outages this summer. Finally an LA Times= =20 reporter asked me if I had heard that a small QF company had filed for=20 seizure of SCE property to satisfy an outstanding debt.? That would be step= =20 one of the bankruptcy cha-cha.? All in all a typical week among crazy=20 people.=20 Let's see what else we can talk about.=20 Things in the People's Republic of California=20 ?@@@ PUC Updates Utility Liabilities=20 ?@@@ Be a Source for Energy Price Update=20 ?@@@ BPA Misquoted in the WSJ=20 Things FERC=20 ?@@@ Market Monitoring Proposal=20 Letters=20 Jobs and People=20 Odds & Ends (_!_)=20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=20 Things in the People's Republic of California=20 ?@@@ PUC Updates Utility Liabilities=20 My favorite regulator the California PUC issued an Order in the Utilities= '=20 Rate Stabilization case to re-open the record on utility audits.? Although= =20 the text of the order is unremarkable the data tables bring up to date as= =20 of March 8 the outstanding liabilities of PG&E and SCE.=20 The PG&E commercial paper obligation due as of March 8 increased by $354=20 million since January 31 for a total default amount of $790 million.? QF= =20 purchases increased by $280 million for the same five-week period now=20 totaling $651 million.? The ISO payments increased $934 million now totali= ng=20 $1.5 billion and the direct access charge backs for negative PX credits=20 increased $214 million now totaling $433 million.? PG&E's total default=20 amount is now $3.3 billion excluding amounts yet to be collected from PG&E= =20 customers for DWR purchases.=20 The SCE balance is as follows: The commercial paper obligation that is due = as=20 of March 8 increased by $260 million since January 31 for a total default= =20 amount of $401 million. SCE defaulted on a significant amount of long-term= =20 debt principal and interest roughly $249 million.? QF purchase defaults=20 increased by $354 million for the same five-week period now totaling $835= =20 million.? The ISO obligations decreased $1.1 million and the direct access= =20 charge backs for negative PX credits increased $21 million now totaling $2= 5=20 million.? SCE's total default amount is now $1.7 billion excluding amounts= =20 yet to be collected from SCE customers for DWR purchases.=20 There is little question that the QFs are taking it on the chin big time.?= =20 In the last five weeks between January 31 and March 8 the defaulted=20 payments to the QF owners from both utilities has increased $630 million.?= =20 The total QF default for both utilities as of March 8 stands at $1.5=20 billion.? Does anyone wonder why 1500 MW of QF capacity has shut down in=20 California?? Without these payments being made very soon I would expect th= e=20 amount of shut down QF capacity to easily double or more.? Why would these= =20 projects produce without the promise of being paid?=20 Things in the People's Republic of California=20 ?@@@ Be a Source for Energy Price Update=20 Art O'Donnell editor and associate publisher of the well-known and widely= =20 read California Energy Market (CEM) is looking for traders willing to=20 participate in his survey in exchange for receiving an advanced copy.? The= =20 Survey is a regular feature in CEM. The information collected by Art is=20 matched against the responses of the other people he interviews and some=20 posted sources (Pricewaterhouse Coopers BPA=01s daily offerings for=20 instance).? It is written up in narrative form. The report goes out twice= =20 weekly once on Wednesday afternoon/evening via e-mail as a courtesy to the= =20 respondents (because the week is pretty much done by then) and a rewrite o= n=20 Friday that is e-mailed around 10 am posted on the Web site= =20 and published in the newsletter for general consumption. The Friday report= =20 also features a brief story about natural gas markets in the West=20 The WPTF Board of Directors has allowed me to publicize this offering and = to=20 explain that if your company is interested in participating the informatio= n=20 you provide to Art would be protected as confidential.? In Art's words Th= e=20 price survey is =01( unlike some attempts at creating a tradable index numb= er=20 (e.g. McGraw-Hill=01s Power Markets Week index or the Dow Jones indices) = is=20 more of a narrative about the state of the market d a pulse reading as=20 opposed to a blood pressure number or an EKG. As such I do not ask traders= =20 and schedulers for precise dollar figures or volumes associated with specif= ic=20 trades but rather questions like 'What=01s Mid-Columbia going for today?= What=20 about off-peak? How has that changed since this morning? Oh yeah why is=20 that? Anything else I should know?'=20 The WPTF Board asked Art to explain how the information he collects would b= e=20 protected since so many marketers and generators are under State data=20 subpoenas.? Art replied The Constitution of the State of California=20 provides for a blanket immunity against government intrusions for news=20 gathering from confidential sources and unpublished information something= =20 which we believe in strongly at Energy NewsData Corporation and which we ar= e=20 willing to go to jail to protect. So if for instance the Attorney General= =20 tried to subpoena me or anyone from my staff about power price information= =20 we would 1) refuse to divulge anything other than the already published=20 accounts 2) send back a copy of the Constitution 3) contact the attorneys= =20 for the Society of Professional Journalists and 4) start preparing a benef= it=20 party to raise legal fees. =20 If you would like to participate in Art's survey please e-mail him at=20 [email protected].=20 Things in the People's Republic of California=20 ?@@@ BPA Misquoted in the WSJ=20 In last week's Burrito I referred to a Wall Street Journal article that=20 portrayed a BPA trader as admonishing the DWR for accepting bids over marke= t=20 prices.? I was surprised when I received the following e-mail from BPA's=20 David Mills.? His message to me copied a letter he sent to DWR's Ray Hart= =20 explaining what he meant as opposed to what he was quoted as saying.=20 Dear Ray:=20 ?=20 As per our telephone discussion I just wanted to reiterate a few things=20 re:the Wall Street Journal article and the quotes attributed to me.? At no= =20 time during the interview with Ms Smith did I state that I thought that=20 CDWR's offers were out of line with the prevailing market price in Californ= ia=20 or that your traders should check that price before entering the market.? T= he=20 reporter was quite interested in the price difference between California an= d=20 the MidC price here in the Northwest and when I asked I told her that=20 currently that price delta was roughly $50-$100 MWhr with MidC being lower= =20 than the CA prices.? I did not indicate to the reporter that I thought that= =20 CDWR was paying more than the California market price and was simply trying= =20 to make a comparison of price relativity between California and the=20 Northwest.? Lastly BPA has on occasion charged extra-regional entities= =20 less than the prevailing market price but has only done so to remain=20 consistent with our own pricing strategies.=20 ?=20 ?I apologize for any misconceptions or miscommunications that may have=20 resulted from this and look forward to a continuing working relationship=20 between CDWR and BPA.=20 ?=20 Things FERC=20 ?@@@ Market Monitoring Proposal=20 FERC Staff issued a report with Recommendations on Prospective Market=20 Monitoring and Mitigation for the California Wholesale Electric Power=20 Market.? WPTF members are taking this proposal very seriously and we inte= nd=20 to provide comments on March 22.? If you are interested in a copy of the=20 report go to General members are able to participate along with the Board members and=20 other general members working on our response.? We have retained the servic= es=20 of Dr. Ben Zycher of the RAND Corporation to help us draft the policy=20 issues.? He will be working with our counsel Dan Douglass of Arter & Hadde= n=20 to craft our reply.=20 In short our submission will point out the flaws in FERC's proposed=20 methodology and demonstrate the shortcomings of narrowly limiting the=20 definition of producer marginal cost to operating variable cost.? Further= =20 excluding measures of credit worthiness are an important missing variable i= n=20 the FERC analysis.? Next week I will include a short summary of our respon= se=20 in the Burrito.=20 Letters=20 I received a note from one of our legal beagles that drop me a line every n= ow=20 and then.? I don't have the facts of the case to which this person refers= =20 but I hope the sender provides us with an update if a judgement should occu= r.=20 Universal Studios wants FERC to find that Universal owes no penalty to SCE= =20 for not interrupting its interruptible load (under a CPUC rate schedule)=20 because SCE did not adhere to the FERC requirement in the Dec 15 order to= =20 schedule 95% of its load in the day ahead market ...... according to=20 Universal if SCE had done so then it would have had to provide Universal= =20 power at below its cost.? SCE didn't and Universal got interrupted and now= =20 Universal owes $$$$$$$$$$$$$.? Does anyone else know about this filing?=20 Lind Guerry veteran of the PX halcyon days wrote Hi Gary.? Hope you're= =20 having a nice day.? Just wanted to let you know that I'm really enjoying th= e=20 Burrito and am so glad you're sending it to my home email.? I really got a= =20 kick out of the Ten Reasons....? It's hard to believe that our wonderful= =20 state is in such incompetent hands isn't it?? And not only are they=20 incompetent they continue to remain so with such regularity you could=20 probably make a killing marketing their incompetence as a laxative.? Do you= =20 think if we tried to do that we'd get accused of exercising market power?= =20 Think of the power we'd wield as the holder of the largest amount of=20 incompetence!! ?=20 Lind we need a product name for the laxative idea.? Any ideas? How about= =20 Sane Away?=20 Jobs and People=20 The folks at Dynegy sent me a couple of job postings.? If your company has= =20 similar posting or job openings or if you are reader looking for a new gig= =20 drop me a line.? After all it's free.=20 Position Description:=20 Dynegy's position has responsibility for the development of transmission an= d=20 power markets in a geographic region of the U.S.? Duties are driven primari= ly=20 by federal regional and state activities to restructure and deregulate th= e=20 electric power industry and the need for industry participants to develop= =20 and implement market structures policies and regulations that promote=20 liquid and competitive transmission and power markets.? Significant activit= y=20 within a region to reshape the structure and operation of the transmission= =20 grid is resulting from FERC Order 2000 which directs the establishment of= =20 Regional Transmission Organizations. Extensive travel (40%-60% and higher = at=20 times) is highly probable. Primary goals of this position are to:1) Create= =20 more liquid and competitive transmission and power markets? 2) Maximize th= e=20 value of Dynegy's positions and assets by working closely with the trading= =20 and power groups to develop?? and implement commercial strategies that crea= te=20 and capture significant business opportunities and 3) Provide timely and= =20 accurate information market intelligence and recommendations to clients. = 4)=20 Maximize the value of Dynegy's positions and assets by working closely with= =20 the trading and power groups to develop and implement commercial strategies= =20 that create and capture significant business opportunities and=20 recommendations to clients.=20 Interested parties should contact Jolly Hayden at [email protected].=20 Odds & Ends (_!_)=20 First I would like to welcome WPTF's newest general member Wellhead=20 Electric.? Hal Dittmer is the founder and president of Wellhead.? I have=20 known Hal for a couple of years first as a client for my over priced=20 consulting services and later as a friend and source of all kinds of usefu= l=20 information.? Wellhead is one of those QF owners who are owed a boatload of= =20 money.? However Hal's company is developing some new projects and he is= =20 looking for prospective power buyers.? Hence his interest in WPTF is=20 obvious. Wellhead is WPTF's 31st member.=20 Well the Dynegy gang has been a source of comfort and joy to me this week.= ?=20 They couldn't let me leave their abode without stuffing a song in my pocket= =20 that is a tribute to their creative skills.? Timely too.? Sing it to the tu= ne=20 of California Dreaming by the Mamas and the Papas.=20 ISO California=20 (to the tune of Hotel California) On a dark Western highway=20 No wind in my hair=20 No rain for the hydro=20 No NOX in the air=20 Up ahead in the distance=20 I saw a flickering sight=20 The load grew heavy and the lights grew dim=20 No relief in the night=20 So we stood in the darkness=20 Down at the Taco Bell=20 And I was thinking to myself=20 This could be Heaven or this could be Hell=20 We lit up a candle=20 No power in the Bay=20 There were voices down the corridor=20 I thought I heard them say? =01(=20 Welcome to the ISO California=20 Such a lovely place=20 Such a lovely place=20 Such a lovely face=20 Powering up for the ISO California=20 What a nice surprise=20 What a nice surprise=20 Bring your alibis? =01(=20 Its mind is policy twisted=20 Can=01t stop consumption trends=20 Got a lot of NIMBY boys=20 Cisco calls friends=20 How we sweat in the courthouse=20 Sweet summer sweat=20 Without the AC=20 We try to forget=20 So I called up the Gov=01nor=20 Please energize this line=20 He said=20 We haven=01t built a new plant here since 1969=20 Last thing I remember=20 We were running for the door=20 We had to find the passage back to the place we were before=20 Relax said Judge Damrell=20 California=01s programmed to receive=20 Go belly up any time you like=20 But your power can never leave=20 ?=20 [refrain]=20 =3D=20 Don't refrain.? Have a great weekend y'all.=20 gba=20 ? [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: At the right time it would be helpful to discuss what we may want to consider as Core Assets (unrelated to trading activities) for purposes of emerging from bankruptcy as a going concern. As you know we are in the process of organizing and formatting in an asset matrix the assets/businesses we currently own (or otherwise have an interest in) that may be potentially for sale separating out potential core assets will be instructive as part of this process. Please let me know your thoughts/suggestions over the next few weeks. Thanks. Jordan [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: The State Senate begins it's investigative hearings today April 18 @ 1:30 pm in Room 2040. The topic this week and next week will be to go over previous investigations into market power. Today the committee will be hearing testimony from: Frank Wolak Chairman Market Surveillance Committee CAISO. Eric Hildebrandt Manager Market Monitoring CAISO Elaine Howle State Auditor IEP will be prepared to respond to media at the hearings and will be distributing the attached materials: An outline of previous investigations into market manipulation and price gouging -- and ???their findings. ? A detailed analysis of the flaws in the CAISO reports We will keep you posted. Thanks Jean -- Jean Munoz McNally Temple Associates Inc. 916-447-8186 916-447-6326 (fx) - ISO Report An.pdf - Previous Inve.pdf [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: fyi ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: calendar [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Except that my understanding of the SCE model is that the CTC structure will continue beyond 3/31/02 (and may then apply for PG&E). I agree that if you were to go to a bottom's up it would require the CPUC to put in place a surcharge for remaining stranded costs (non-generation for example QFs) and a second surcharge for Negative CTC overpayment. Key question is who will pay the Negative CTC overpayment? On trying to understand the PX Credit algorithim my concern is that to understand how much the overpayment was during Oct - Feb we need to understand how costs hit the structure during that time period. Otherwise we don't know what form or amount of discount is required in the Settlement talks. Jim [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: My comments are attached. I think the pleading is well written but as you'll see from my comments I believe we should be incorporating more of the arguments from the previous pleading. Ray Alvarez 07/09/2001 07:14 PM To: James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Jeffrey T Hodge/Enron@EnronXGate Robert C Williams/Enron@EnronXGate Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron Linda Robertson/NA/Enron@ENRON Alan Comnes/Enron@EnronXGate Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON Robert Frank/NA/Enron@Enron Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON [email protected] Subject: Comments on Judge Wagner's Proposed Recommendation As you may be aware the Chief Judge informed the parties to the settlement proceeding this afternoon that he intends to recommend to the Commission that it employ the June 19 rate methodology for the refund period from October 2 forward. Attached are draft comments that Sarah Novosel and I propose to submit to the Judge and his legal staff tomorrow. While we would like to convince the Judge that the June 19 methodology is not appropriate we also provide a fallback approach. Please review the comments (they are only 4 pages) and send your comments to us. We plan to submit the comments tomorrow. Thanks Ray and Sarah [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I am interested but it's probably more important that Jeff Dasovich and Sandi Mccubbin (in our SF office) know so that they can keep the politicos informed (and keep them from doing something stupid). Thanks Enron Energy Services From: Harold G Buchanan 08/03/2000 07:53 PM To: Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES cc: Kim Frumkin/HOU/EES@EES James M Wood/HOU/EES@EES Martin Wenzel/SFO/HOU/EES@EES Subject: EES Video Steve - I just saw your video and it is great - I think it will be released Wednesday on our web site and will be available to a very large group - Your comments will put the issues in SD in perspective. We have a team of six now calling the market in SD. If you'd like us to review our market plan in SD with you let me know. Thanks again for your time. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: calendar ----------------- [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Don't know how I got on the list but just got my invitation to the Western Conference of PUCs meeting June 3-6 where the guest speakers are Frank Wolak and Gary Locke. Oh dear.... Best Jeff [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Greetings from London. What do you think about P TX DVN? Vince [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I am not aware of any. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Natasha Thanks. I left my package and all the forms in Houston. I shall be glad to fill out the form tomorrow at the conference. Vince [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Please find attached the SoCal disclosure schedules for the Purchase and Sale Agreement for certain of the SoCal assets. If you have any questions or any problems opening any of the attachments please do not hesitate to contact either Gray Sasser at (713)758-3425 or Donnie Roark at (713)758-3374. <<GTB-Sched.DOC>> <<TBG-Sched.DOC>> <<TGS-Sched.DOC>> <<Transredes-Sched.DOC>> <<CEG-Sched.DOC>> <<CEG/Rio-Sched.DOC>> <<Gaspart-Sched.DOC>> <<GasBol-Sched.DOC>> <<GasMat-Sched.DOC>> <<EPE-Sched.DOC>> <<CuiabaII.DOC>> <<Elektro-Sched.DOC>> <<Puerto-Suarez-Sched.DOC>> <<Riogen-Sched.DOC>> Donnie Roark [email protected] phone: (713) 758-3374 fax: (713) 615-5945 - Summer-GTB Draft.DOC - Summer-TBG Draft.DOC - California Schedule - TGS.DOC - Summer-Transredes Draft.DOC - CEG Schedule.DOC - RIO Schedule.DOC - Summer - Gaspart Schedule - version 2.DOC - v.4 California Schedule - GasBol 7-31-00.DOC - v.4 California Schedule - GasMat 7-31-00.DOC - v.5 California Schedule - EPE 7-31-00.DOC - 285757_1.doc - 280928_2.DOC - 283241_2.DOC - 285727_2.DOC [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I've RSVP'd for you. [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Ed I am still here. Kaminski is a very popular Polish name. My next stage in life when it happens is a small cottage close to a beach not another corporate job. Vince [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: To add to what Rick said I would add that effective DSM requires that price signals be sent to customers AND customers have the ability to repond -- even Mr. I See Market Power Under Every Bush Dr. Frank Wolak has as one of his key solutions -- competitive retail markets. Sue Mara Enron Corp. Tel: (415) 782-7802 Fax:(415) 782-7854 Richard Shapiro 04/04/2001 11:07 AM To: Linda Robertson/NA/Enron@ENRON cc: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON Tom Briggs/NA/Enron@Enron James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT Janine Migden/NA/Enron@Enron Jean Ryall/NA/Enron@ENRON Aleck Dadson/TOR/ECT@ECT Ricardo Charvel/NA/Enron@Enron Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON Jose Steve Montovano/NA/Enron@Enron Subject: Re: Lay/Skilling Talking Points for Bush Admin Meetings and Calls I think these are quite good...the missing piece I would argue that we need to include is a talking point on the need for FERC to focus significant resources on the identification and elimination of market power in electricity markets and the need to encourage the development of distributed generation and more effective demand - side response mechanisms partly in response to market power concerns. This is a huge issue in getting wholesale electricity markets to work effectively i.e to create discernable consumer welfare benefits.... and we ( Enron ) need to talk about this this issue and concern and talk about it frequently and w/ the same passion we talk about the need for open markets. Linda Robertson 04/04/2001 12:09 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON Tom Briggs/NA/Enron@Enron Subject: Lay/Skilling Talking Points for Bush Admin Meetings and Calls Steve per our conversation yesterday in Houston what do you think of these TPs? To be used by both Ken and Jeff in conversations and meetings with the Bush Administration. - Skilling Talking Points.doc [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Call Montano or Day Presentation to ECT presentation to MIT group Texas file cal file [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Please forward to Advisory Committee [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: My suggestions are attached. Take the gloves off. James D Steffes 07/06/2001 10:04 PM To: Jeffrey T Hodge/Enron@EnronXGate Robert C Williams/Enron@EnronXGate cc: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron Linda Robertson/NA/Enron@ENRON Alan Comnes/Enron@EnronXGate Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron Susan J Mara/NA/Enron Robert Frank/NA/Enron@Enron Ray Alvarez/NA/Enron@ENRON Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON [email protected] Subject: ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGDE - Draft FERC Brief on Settlement Process The attached is a rough draft of a potential filing Enron would make in to Judge Wagner in the Settlement process (it is unclear if this would remain confidential per the gag order). Please provide Ray Alvarez your comments. This would be filed as early as Monday am. Jim [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Barry Thanks for your message. I am forwarding it with my recommendation to Billy Lemmons who is in charge of our analyst/associate program. Vince [/INST] Category: Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I spoke with Jeff and he is not going to be available for the speech on the 26th. Do we pass or is there an alternative? Can we get done what we need to get done with Ken's visit the following week? Nicholas O'Day 08/31/2000 06:01 AM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Rosalee Fleming/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: John Mark Schroeder/LON/ECT@ECT Joseph P Hirl/AP/ENRON@ENRON Mika Watanabe/AP/Enron Takashi Kimura/AP/Enron@Enron Subject: Ken Lay/ Jeff Skilling visits Ken Lay Visit. Following discussions with the Prime Minister's office and a quick check with venues 31 October is firming up as the preferred date for a meeting with the Prime Minister and an office opening by the PM. Jeff Skilling Visit. The Nikkei and the Tokyo University have now made the decision to invite Mr Skilling to give the key note address at the symposium on 26 November in Tokyo. As mentioned the symposium is the most prestigious conference on IT in Japan. While the conference itself receives significant media attention the President of Nikkei has offered to interview Mr Skilling. This honour is usually reserved for Heads of State. The interview will be featured on the front page of the Nikkei and picked up by other major media services. kind regards Nicholas O'Day 08/29/2000 07:43 PM To: Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES Rosalee Fleming/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: John Mark Schroeder/LON/ECT@ECT Joseph P Hirl/AP/ENRON@ENRON Mika Watanabe/AP/Enron Takashi Kimura/AP/Enron Subject: Re: Ken Lay meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Ken Lay Visit. Balancing the need to push out the arrangement of high level meetings as far as possible with the desire to have a meeting with Prime Minister Mori prior to the US Presidential election the week commencing 30 October would be the optimum time for a visit by Mr Lay. PM Mori is generally available in that week. We will get a preferred time from the PM's chief secretary first thing tomorrow morning Tokyo time. Jeff Skilling Visit. The boards of Nikkei and Tokyo University Institute of Advanced Studies have yet to make a decision on the key note speaker for the one day invitation only seminar to be held on 26 October. As mentioned the boards will choose between the chairman of Cisco and Jeff Skilling. The conference is focused on the IT revolution and an invitation only event for approximately 600 of Japan's corporate leaders. The speaking panel and topics for discussion will be developed around the key note speaker. If Mr Skilling were to give the key note speech it is likely that key senior Government Ministers would be asked to present at the seminar. Following the Prime Minister's commitment at the Okinawa summit of US$15billion expenditure in the region on IT infrastructure and education Japan's focus on e-commerce is almost reaching fever pitch. There will be significant interest in the conference from senior levels of Government and the business community. Further as you would expect with the involvement of the Nikkei there is typically significant media coverage associated with the key note speaker's presentation. kind regards [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Shanna I'm supportive of the raise to $150k. I think he is doing a good job and has a lot of value. He didn't fair well during the ranking due to lack of big $ or closure but maybe this will send him a good message. Thanks m [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I still need to talk to you about our public message in India. I am on my way to Calgary tonight. My hotel number is 403-266-7331. Thanks. [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Once again today I participated in the discussions on possible electricity legislation held in the offices of Majority Whip Tom DeLay with other interested parties including industry segments public power and state regulators. The other congressional participants were staff to Reps. Steve Largent and Chip Pickering. After meeting all week (except Wednesday) the group was unable to reach an agreement or even a provisional consensus on what could be placed in an electricity title that could be added to the comprehensive energy package that the House Energy and Commerce Committee will begin to process next week. Congressional staff will report to their bosses on the status of the discussions as of this afternoon and from there the Members will determine whether to proceed further. There is a general perception that committee leaders will elect NOT to take up electricty legislation at this time and in the context of the broader package in the absence of broadly supported legislation. In the end the discussions did not bear fruit because divisions remained over the usual issues and along most of the usual fault lines. As the drafts progressed during the week we succeeded in deleting the original language that would have had Congress weigh into the bundled/unbundled and federa/state jurisdictional rules at the very time that likely adverse action in Congress could in turn adversely impact the Supreme Court case. A last minute attempt was made by the congressional staff to stitch together a minimalist electricity title that would have included reliability (with the understanding that the NERC discussions could produce modifications more to our liking) PUHCA repeal PURPA reform interconnection language and federal siting. However in each instance there were one more politically relevant interest groups not willing to go along. Cong. DeLay's staff also tried to link PUHCA repeal to those who had joined an RTO. There was also an attempt to strip it down to reliability interconnection and siting (eminent domain) -- but again there was either disagreement on the details or objection from those who favorite subject was left out of the minimalist package. There was one rather interesting discussion when the public power folks floated language on market power that included a sentence that would have made the filed rate doctrine inapplicable to antitrust challenges to market rates. Needless to say I strongly objected as did EPSA and others. As noted the lack of an agreement reduces our exposure when the mark up occurs. In the absence of an electricity title refund price control and other issues should not be germane to the package that the subcommittee will take up on Tuesday and the full committee next Friday. That package will have five issues addressed: conservation clean coal hyrdo nuclear and reformulated gasoline. Details to follow once legislative language is released. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Jim -- Will focus on the funding source as one of the issues in the drafts. I assume we would want FERC to have to approve their budget correct? When you say not industry funding -- where else would it come from? I assume we don't want to allow the piper to call the tune so to speak based on who pays the bill? My recollection is that in the NERC version of the bill they walled off the funding in a manner we would find objectionable but let me double check that fact. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ok Janel Guerrero 03/13/2001 08:04 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: H&M Roses Inc Steve....unless you think it's a potential problem I'd like to include the CA flower grower in our list of businesses to target with ken's letter. (You handed me the letter from H&M Roses Inc today). Let me know. thanks. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Came back with Skilling on company plane. [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I know we are holding for a later filing but I have attached further comments anyway. The document is still too rough to send out. We need to take the opportunity as soon as possible to get a hard hitting thoroughly researched and carefully written document in front of the Commissioners. California's reaction to the Judge's recommendation is likely to give FERC (especially the new commissioners) a feel for how irrational the California politicians can be. We will have a limited opportunity to take advantage of that realization. We need to hit it hard in the pleading our conversations at the Commission the Hill and the media. Linda Robertson 07/09/2001 09:58 AM To: James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Alan Comnes/Enron@EnronXGate Carole Hodge/ETOL/EU/Enron@ETOL [email protected] Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@ENRON Richard B Sanders/Enron@EnronXGate Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@ENRON Robert Frank/NA/Enron@ENRON Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@ENRON Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON Subject: Re: NEW DRAFT OF ENRON STATEMENT Let me emphasize that these comments are to be filed COB TODAY. James D Steffes 07/09/2001 10:50 AM To: Robert Frank/NA/Enron@Enron Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron Linda Robertson/NA/Enron@ENRON Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON Carole Hodge/ETOL/EU/Enron@ETOL Richard B Sanders/Enron@EnronXGate [email protected] Alan Comnes/Enron@EnronXGate Susan J Mara/NA/Enron Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: NEW DRAFT OF ENRON STATEMENT HERE IS THE MOST RECENT STATEMENT WITH STEVE'S COMMENTS. Jim [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: We may be able to handle this specific issue outside the policy committee but I think it would be a good idea to set the next one anyway. I'm sure we'll have something we'll need to talk about. From: Sherri Sera/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/12/2001 01:17 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Next policy committee meeting Steve given yesterday's conversation toward the end of the executive committee - i.e. countries ENE will do business in - do you think we should try to set up another policy committee meeting? Jeff's schedule is pretty ugly for the rest of this month and early July but could probably do something mid-July. I'm not sure what Ken Lay's schedule looks like though. Please advise. Thanks SRS [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: FYI ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I'm still a junkie .... please email copies of the orders. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: FYI. I had started an informal discussion group to work on political/regulatory risk.. I included Jane Jim Bouillian and Scott Gahn. Jane sent me the atached as an example of how her group approaches issues in the acquisition context. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Typo in second paragraph .. should be companies not company Karen Denne@ENRON 01/05/2000 01:52 PM To: Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON Mark Koenig/Corp/Enron@ENRON Paula Rieker/Corp/Enron@ENRON Peter Berger/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Gil Melman/Enron Communications@Enron Communications Claudia Johnson/Enron Communications@Enron Communications Subject: ECI Release The attached release announcing Enron Communications' investment in Avici and our addition of their routers to our network is scheduled to be issued on Thursday. As background ECI has invested $5 million in Avici. If you have any comments or questions please let me know by 10 a.m. Thursday. Thank you. kd [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Gordon Weil Joe Allen Dave Marquart Richard Tabors [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: VERY CONFIDENTIAL The following member has asked for help from the Inventory of Skills (IOS). You have been identified as one of the few members who has the skill to assist in this area. You may or may not have completed an IOS enrollment form. All information gathered for IOS is done on a confidential basis and will remain confidential. This member has no knowledge regarding who has been contacted. If you choose to help the necessary information follows so that you may contact this member directly. If you cannot assist this member please contact them or IOS. IOS asks that you please respond within 72 hours of receiving this request. Thank you Brenda Worley IOS does not evaluate the validity of any request. Name: Ted L. Dub Snider Jr. Chapter: Lone Star-Dallas Phone: 501-401-7601 Fax: 501-401-7628 Email: [email protected] Other: * Indicated preferred method of contact. My company has been severely damaged by $50 billion (revenues)Texas based company 1) refusal to pay monies owed under a contract. 2) misrepresenting information used to calculate amounts owed under the contract 3) appears to have instigated an FBI investigation of our company regarding a pending civil and regulatory dispute. I am looking for an introduction to Joe Jamail by someone who knows him. We need an attorney with the courage confidence and track record to successfully pursue our claim against a powerful adversary. Thank You. [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Sue: I'm so impressed that you know how to put the link on the email. I can't figure out how to do that and I think that looks much more high tech than attaching a silly old report. Thanks for the link. We can take it from here. Sarah Susan J Mara 12/22/2000 11:31 AM To: Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON Donna Fulton/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron Subject: Wolak report Call me computer illiterate. I could not figure out how to download the report off the web site so here's the link. [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Felicia Does this sound right to you? Just wanted to confirm. Thanks. Michelle ----------------- [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: We are discontinuing the executive car wash. You Steve and I should talk. From: Bill Donovan@ECT on 05/17/2001 03:29 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Maureen McVicker/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Weekly Notes Steve - I will be taking this Friday the 18th off on vacation. Here are notes for your staff meeting. Buyer/Seller have executed Offer Letter on Falcon EX ($32750000 price). Aircraft goes to pre-purchase inspection this weekend. Close is no later than June 6th. All indications are that buyer is very motivated to complete the deal. Enron Center South (ECS) Project remains solidly on track. We are 10 weeks out on initial occupancy with Level 3 occupancy (EGM moves Aug. 3rd). Levels 4 (EIM ENW & Credit.Com) occupies two weeks later (Aug. 17). Level 5 (Power) occupies two weeks after (Aug. 31st - Labor Day weekend). Level 6 (Gas) occupies two weeks after (Sept. 14th). Level 7 (Executive) and the 1st floor public spaces occupies year end. Level 2 (Cafeteria) opens Nov. Found a Law firm interested in Azurix's present space in Three Allen Center (3 floors). Goal is cut deal and have them in by year end. Enron Broadband indicates an intent to remain on their present ECN floors (Levels 44 and 45) plus backfill balance of operations into Wholesale's vacated trading floors. This splits them into two elevator banks and becomes problematic for ETS - who wants continuous floors ECN Levels 39 through 46. We are seeking subtenants for Broadband's Portland office space. They plan to vacate the Riverplace building by Oct. Negotiating new food service contract with Sedexo Marriott to add ECS cafeteria. Total compensation will be based on 3% fee on gross revenue - only on individual sales of $2 or more (promote greater # of meals served) and bonus based on sharing of net operating income with Enron. Global Sourcing is participating with us in negotiations. Need to decide if Executive Car Care program is going to be continued (30 executives participate with employee paying $70 per month and business units subsidizing $275 per month). Decision needed because new Garage will require $60K in improvements to get set up for car washing. Present lease on remote car washing facility (@ $5k per month) expired and we are on month to month holdover. We are two weeks out to close on Beltway 8 land deal ($1.7 purchase price). Real estate being acquired for construction of new $18 mill. Data Center and Disaster Recovery Facility. Phillipe and I meet with Frevert next week to get approvals. - Bill [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Bill Thanks. I am forwarding the message to my son. Vince [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Jody Thanks. Confirmed 8:30 Thu. Vince [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Were you on the call yesterday---I went ballistic. And where are you now!?! The calls underway. Karen Denne 04/13/2001 12:45 PM To: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Re: CONFIDENTIAL - Residential in CA I get so worked up over this issue... I really think now is the time to speak up and dissent. Skilling told us at a floor meeting that as an organization we've made poor decisions in the past and he believes it's because the people who disagreed with those decisions never spoke up. So help me out! From: Jeff Dasovich on 04/13/2001 12:34 PM Sent by: Jeff Dasovich To: Karen Denne/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: Re: CONFIDENTIAL - Residential in CA Amen. [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: You may have seen this when it first came out a while back ... but it's worth a rerun. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Thanks Vince - I'll give him a try. [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: fyi ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: yes -- just make sure the working group leaders know. Maureen McVicker 12/30/99 02:56 PM To: Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES cc: Subject: Additions to Working Groups SK - STILL OK TO KEEP ADDING PEOPLE? mm ----------------- [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Getting more information in this person and getting him to contact Congress= is very important. He is in the district of House Chief Deputy Whip Roy B= lunt (R-MO) who is Cong. DeLay's right-hand man in the leadership. He als= o serves on the Barton Subcommittee. While Linda Pat and I had breakfast = with him next week and he will be in Houston for next month he and his st= aff stress that he is close to public power in his district which includes= Springfield MO. Did he have a prepared statement at the RTO Week hearing= ? [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Contact Mike Terraso (who heads the environmental function) and Mike Hicks (who oversees corporate security). Jason Sokolov@ECT 10/11/2000 08:46 AM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Crisis Management at Enron Steven I have not spoken to you in a while! How are things going? I have a question for you. I am enrolled in a Corporate Crisis MGMT class at Rice and my assignment for the up-coming Tuesday is to evaluate the crisis system (if there is one) at Enron. Do you happen to know anything about Crisis Management in our company? Let me know at your earliest convenience.. Jason Sokolov [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: attached is a copy of my california testimony. The proceeding was somewhat productive but turned into a witch hunt at a couple of points. Our view on this is: the problem is fairly straightforward (demand increases and new supplies are inhibited so prices go up and shortages ensue ... sound familiar?) and the solutions are straightforward (site the power plants suppliers are begging to build let the utilities hedge outside the exchange and finish the job of opening the interstate grid so power can get from where it is to where it is needed). What it comes down to at this point is FERC is the only entity with the authority to start fixing this problem now: Congress isn't going to get anything done this year and the California legislature is (thankfully) out of session now. Our political leaders need to give FERC the room they need to act. Good luck on your speech and give me a call sometime. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Please put on my calendar and call to confirm my attendance. thanks ----------------- [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Is this it? I thought we had heard it from 3 or 4 sources. Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. From: Rebecca W Cantrell @ ECT 05/24/2001 11:30 AM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@ENRON cc: Leslie Lawner/NA/Enron@Enron Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON Linda Robertson/NA/Enron@ENRON James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron Subject: Re: EOL The attorney for SoCal Edison mentioned it to Randy Rich when they were discussing the data request that SoCal Edison sent ENA/EES in the CPUC complaint proceeding. However it has not been brought up in any of the testimony filed in the case nor raised at the hearing. Steven J Kean@ENRON 05/23/2001 05:34 PM To: Leslie Lawner/NA/Enron@Enron Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT Rebecca W Cantrell/HOU/ECT@ECT Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON Linda Robertson/NA/Enron@ENRON James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: I just spoke with Clark Smith head of Elpaso's merchant arm. I told him that we had been hearing that El Paso was blaming Enrononline for problems in Western gas markets. He asked for some more specifics about who exactly was spreading the rumor (I told him we had heard it from 3-4 sources). He acknowledged that EOL was not the problem said he couldn't believe that it had been identified as such and said he would bring it up on his call with his Washington team this afternoon. I think he will put it to rest (except for whatever damage has already been done). I did promise to get some more specifics on who has told us that El Paso pointed to us. Can anybody give some info on that? [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: George Herbert Hoover Bush. Robert Kean <[email protected]> on 07/07/2001 10:13:19 AM Please respond to <[email protected]> To: Alan Kean \(E-mail\) <[email protected]> 'Doug & Karen Reiman \(E-mail\)' <[email protected]> Kathy Wedig \(E-mail\) <[email protected]> Melissa Kean \(E-mail\) <[email protected]> Phil Kean \(E-mail\) <[email protected]> 'Steve & Melissa Kean \(E-mail\)' <[email protected]> cc: Diane Kean \(E-mail 2\) <[email protected]> Subject: FW: Dadisms Dadisms 1. Run for the roundhouse Nellie he'll never corner you there. 2. Slick as catshit and twice as nasty. 3. Like shit through a goose. 4. Yeah that's right keep fiddlin' with that you'll break it 5. Ho! Ho! she cried in excess wild and waved her wooden leg on high! 6. On accounta the war. 7. They'll have to shoot him on judgement day. 8. Then of course there are the names: Katy Devie My Little Mochawk Phil Jofus and Bubba 9. Choke ass (referring to peanut butter) 10. If it tastes good there are no calories 11. Didn't know you were in town (as driver passes on the right etc.) 12. Like a couple of cub bears (meaning Rob and Phil) 13. Washington D.C. District or Corruption 14. Have some onions for defense 15. He won't have the guts to do THAT again (when a bug hits the windshield) 16. Saps goin' up the tree 17. Big Al 18. Douglas Doorite 19. Must be a storm comin' the kids are actin' up 20. Constipate (concentrate) 21. Like being in hell with your back broke 22. gourd cover (hat) 23. mitts dogs paws (hands or feet) 24. you're too young 25. Worthington (when we asked him where something was or where he was going) 26. overhose (blue jeans) 27. excruciating pain! (when we squeezed his hand) 28. That's a hell of a note 29. meat wagon (ambulance) 30. drappies (drapes) 31. grappies (grapes) 32. Whoa horsie! Just cuz you only got 3 legs. (when he was putting on the brakes in the car) 33. Jeana Jeana corpastina I'm in love with you 34. I love you anyway 35. Scuse my boardin' house reach. 36. Come on out and let me lay a wheel on ya! (in traffic) 37. Sit down and start passin' (at meal time) 38. That's a bit of all right. 39. Here guard this with your life (when he handed something to us at a store) 40. SOL (shit out of luck) 41. I'll tell ya when your're 21. 42. fernilla dawberry shocoletta (vanilla strawberry chocolate) 43. straighten up now. 44. Pardon me soldier. (when he burped) 45. I'm going to assume the position of a soldier. (when he was going to lay on the couch for a nap) 46. horses doovers 47. lemon meringoo pie 48. solft 49. go ahead see if it bends (when someone pulled out in front of him) 50. Ioway State 51. Cedar Rapids Cedar Rapids come on down. Hotel Roosevelt center of town. 52. A hundred dogs going wild in the tobacco field. Does your cigarette taste difference? (a quote from the one Russian guy in Cascade) 53. Cut her loose and let her wander. 54. Get your dogs under the table. 55. Shit! cried the queen and a thousand loyal subjects strained their bowels. 56. Who's side are you on?! The power company? (when we left lights on) 57. That makes it soggy and hard to light 58. Full as a tick 59. A treat instead of a treatment 60. Intermittent Power [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Having worked on the Enron Advisory council process I have one observation: consider having some or all of these individuals as guest speakers rather than formal memebers. You can still have them review information do their homework and tailor their remarks to Enron specifics. Also you should definitely include Paul Portney at Resources for the Future. He sits on the Enron Advisory Council and knows the company well. Kelly Kimberly@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS Sent by: Stacy Walker@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS 03/01/2001 02:27 PM To: Brian Stanley/EU/Enron@Enron Dan Bruce/Enron@EnronXGate Dave Schafer/NA/Enron@ENRON Eddie Clay/EFS/EES@EES Elyse Kalmans/Corp/Enron@ENRON Gene Humphrey/Enron@EnronXGate George Wasaff/Enron@EnronXGate Gregory Adams/Corp/Enron@ENRON Hap Boyd/EWC/Enron@Enron James A Jean Mrha/NA/Enron@ENRON Jimmy Mariella Miguel Padron/NA/Enron@ENRON Mark Schroeder/LON/ECT@ECT Michael Terraso/OTS/Enron@Enron Mitchell Taylor/Enron@EnronXGate Paula Rieker/Corp/Enron@Enron Rick Buy/Enron@EnronXGate Rob Walls/ENRON@enronXgate Shelley Corman/Enron@EnronXGate Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@ENRON Tim DeSpain/HOU/ECT@ECT Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES cc: Nicola Blancke/EU/Enron@Enron Mary Lisa Costello/NA/Enron@Enron Barbara Zulie Flores/Corp/Enron@ENRON Bert Frazier/Enron@EnronXGate Karina Prizont/Enron@EnronXGate Dortha Gray/GPGFIN/Enron@Enron Connie Melissa Jones/NA/Enron@ENRON Leena Isabel Beverley Ashcroft/LON/ECT@ECT Laura Glenn/OTS/Enron@ENRON Karen E Campos/NA/Enron@ENRON Rosario Boling/Enron@EnronXGate Laura Valencia/Corp/Enron@ENRON Karen K Heathman/Enron@EnronXGate Debra Hicks/Enron@EnronXGate Ruth Mann/Enron@EnronXGate Maureen McVicker/NA/Enron@ENRON Marion Sczykutowicz/HOU/ECT@ECT Leasa Lopez/HOU/EES@EES Lauren Iannarone/NY/ECT@ECT Catherine McKalip-Thompson/Enron Communications@Enron Communications Susan Subject: External Advisory Council As we discussed at the last Corporate Responsibility task force meeting one activity that we have underway is recruiting an external advisory council. This council will be comprised of global experts on environmental and social issues from non-governmental organizations and potentially other businesses to advise us on trends and issues in this area. An outline of the advisory council structure along with categories of experts and proposed names is attached below. We expect to convene meetings with this group twice a year inviting the Enron executive committee and board of directors as well as the Corporate Responsibility task force to engage in a dialogue. We plan to present a slate of possible candidates to Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling later this month and would appreciate your input and any ideas by March 16. Thanks for your consideration. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Go ahead. From: Elizabeth Linnell on 04/25/2001 04:53 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Government Affairs Meeting Do you mind if the professionals in my group attend? 5 people (assuming they all want to go - Margo Miyung Linda Lynnette and Earlene) each at $190 for airfare $380 for two hotel nights plus shuttle services and misc expenses. I'm always encouraging my group to interact with Rick's group as Gov't Affairs is our primary customer base. I'm not planning to attend the meeting. Thanks! [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: We had a positive result in the EPSA Legislative Affairs Committee meeting yesterday afternoon. The EPSA staff draft of a letter to Barton on his RTO discussion proposal will be significantly strengthened and EPSA staff will start by incorporating the comments I sent over earlier in the week. The original draft said the Barton RTO language only needed technical corrections. EPSA staff reiterated that some member co. or cos. think Barton's draft could have been worse. My reply was this logic was like saying we should be grateful he shot us in the head instead of hanging us -- one method may be more humane but either way we are dead (OK the analogy may be too rough -- but it made the point.) (I subsequently confirmed that Reliant is the soft member -- their rep. told me they support the discussion draft although they wouldn't object if it is strengthened.) A stronger EPSA letter with more specific reasons why we oppose the Barton discussion draft will be circulated among EPSA members today or Monday with the goal of sending the letter first thing Tuesday when Congress returns. Some wanted a general letter requesting a meeting and deferring specific comments until the meeting. I pointed out that Barton is speaking to subcommittee members right now and that we needed to copy them on a more detailed letter ASAP so they hear from us before Barton gets to them. We will make the same contacts ourselves. In fact we have already started. Spoke to Reps. Chip Pickering and Rep. Greg Walden both subcommittee Republicans this week (did same with staff to Rep. John Shimkus). Key task when House staff return to work on Tuesday will be finding out where Ranking Member Rick Boucher is on the Barton RTO draft. Barton implied at a conference earlier this week that he and Boucher are in agreement on RTOs. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I got your copy kicked back to me for some reason. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Ken will be making a call to Bob Glynn at PG&E. Please give the attached to Ken before the call. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: so would we have an issue? [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: In the meeting today no decision was made about what to do with Enron's 16000 residential customers. Each of the contracts gives a basic 30 day out right to Enron. That being said I think that we have a short window to push for DA before any public action impacts us in Sacramento. I realize that the ultimate action (which I think is inevitable) makes it harder for our advocacy on DA but real $ are flowing out of the company. EES will give us notice when a decision is reached. Thanks Jim [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics]) |
Subsets and Splits