Text Generation
10K - 100K
Is the staff are professional of this hotel? | |
How is view? | |
How is the security that you need? | |
How is shower? | |
What's the hotel like? | |
How is the staff? | |
What is the availability of coffee? | |
Does this hotel have a good concierge service? | |
Is the parking fee expensive? | |
Is it a good motel? | |
What is the quality of the property? | |
What do you think about the ambiance? | |
Do you have a good experience? | |
Is there a good bar located next to the hotel? | |
How is the service? | |
How is the hotel? | |
How do you like the view? | |
How was the hotel staff? | |
What is the customer service? | |
How would you rate the wine? | |
How did you find the hotel staff? | |
How is it the hotel? | |
Does the staff is friendly? | |
Why is this hotel a funny place? | |
How is the function of the bathroom in this place? | |
How is sight? | |
How nice is the view? | |
How is the place? | |
How was the staff? | |
How is the hotel? | |
How is the parking? | |
How is the check in? | |
Where is the parking lot located? | |
Why you buy everything? | |
Does the hotel offer good service? | |
How is the stay? | |
Can I find a cheap good hotel near sea side? | |
How is the drink? | |
How is it tv? | |
How is the hotel? | |
Is the parking fee expensive? | |
How is the view? | |
How do you like the street noise? | |
How is the hotel? | |
How is service? | |
Is staff helpful? | |
When is the wine tasting? | |
How to be near a wharf with a car? | |
How is the smell? | |
How is the staff? | |
What is the location of the hotel? | |
What did you expect from the service? | |
Is it a good place? | |
How is the treatment of the staff in that hotel? | |
How is the food? | |
How is the hotel? | |
What is your take on the service by the doctors in the city hospital? | |
What about the front desk? | |
What is the customer service? | |
How was the attention of the staff? | |
How is bed? | |
How was your overall experience of this hotel? | |
What is room size? | |
What do you think about the receptionist? | |
How is hotel? | |
What is the customer service? | |
Why do I have a good bed? | |
How is the treatment of staff? | |
What property is very well equipped? | |
How do you like the street noise? | |
How is the bar? | |
How is the breakfast buffet? | |
What is the price of parking? | |
How is the hotel? | |
Is this a real good food service? | |
How was the view? | |
Does this hotel offer a lot of food? | |
What is missing elevator so they can pass? | |
How is the bed? | |
Is this hotel have wine hour? | |
How is it the breakfast buffet? | |
How was the concierge service? | |
How would you describe the size of the bathroom? | |
How was the service in the hotel? | |
Does this hotel have a good concierge service? | |
How is front desk? | |
How does the concierge behave? | |
What is the customer service? | |
How can I recommend this hotel? | |
How is place? | |
Where is the concierge office? | |
How is service? | |
Does the hotel provide awesome bed? | |
How is the hotel? | |
What is the cost of the trip? | |
Is your bed comfortable? | |
How is the service? | |
How is the staff? | |
How is the pool? | |
How did you like the front desk? | |
What is the quality of the hotel? | |
Is the decoration scary? | |
How can you describe the shower? | |
How is smell? | |
How is the food? | |
How would you rate this hotel in the rank of decency? | |
How good was the staff? | |
How is the room service? | |
How is bathroom? | |
How is it the traffic? | |
How is bathrooms quality on rooms of this hotel? | |
Is the valet parking expensive at the hotel? | |
What has been the most terrible hotel in New York? | |
How was the hotel? | |
How is the view? | |
What material is the floor? | |
How is the hotel like? | |
How is the service? | |
How do you rate the staff? | |
How is the service? | |
Is it food? | |
How was the bed? | |
What is your take on the service in the Norfolk hotel? | |
Does the hotel have a good view? | |
How is the staff in means of friendly? | |
How is the view? | |
Is it value for money? | |
How is the view from this hotel? | |
How did you find the staff? | |
Is staff helpful? | |
Where is that elegant lobby? | |
Does this hotel have a good city view? | |
What do you think about the view? | |
How is the bed? | |
Is this area recommended? | |
How was the service of the staff member? | |
How would describe the price of the food? | |
How was the suite where your daughter stayed? | |
Does this hotel have a good city view? | |
How is the hotel? | |
How is the attention of your staff? | |
Would you call the stay in that hotel memorable? | |
How pretty is the hotel overall? |