Text Generation
10K - 100K
This book was wonderful | |
relationship is very sweet and it was nice to see | |
I found this section of the book personally interesting | |
The characters could not have been better | |
the strong side | |
and with such an expansive cast of characters, sometimes it can be hard to remember them all or they end up sounding alike, but all these characters are easily identifiable as themselves | |
The characters are rich and fantastic | |
Every now and then | |
This book ran true to my memories | |
But I absolutely loved it | |
My favorite aspect of this book is the fact that the ending had my stomach in knots and gripped with suspense | |
perspective was great | |
He has some good info | |
The plot device of finding each clue and solving it got a little bit tedious at times | |
the characters so much and the writing is just terrific | |
The beginning was interesting | |
All this happened because I was interested in a single book | |
The overall story was good, but not really intriguing to me | |
The characters are memorable and well written | |
The ending was interesting | |
I really enjoyed both the characters and the story setting | |
Imagine living during the middle 19th century as a free man | |
Michel | |
I was disappointed that there wasn't an overall theme | |
The idea for the plot is an interesting one | |
but would not have it on my own personal shelf | |
So beautifully written, so uplifting, I am so happy that I gave this book a chance | |
That is why I gave it one star because I hated it | |
the characters are so rich in their descriptions that I feel I would recognize them on the street | |
I had to choose it for my review | |
Book | |
Story line was very interesting | |
it is very good and worth the time and money | |
The journey that this little boy took is absolutely amazing and worth the little bit | |
The characters were interesting and the history was sad | |
All good characters have flaws | |
complete characters | |
I have a different set of reasons than most | |
Character development is very intricate | |
Christian Grey, a mega rich | |
who read it, I loved "Seabiscuit". Loved it. I found this surprising given the fact that I had never had any interest in horses or horse racing before. But from the first sentence, the prose in that book is as beautiful and engaging as prose can be."Unbroken" is not "Seabiscuit". Don't get me wrong, the story is remarkable, and it's exhaustively researched. You can't sneeze at 397 endnotes. But Laura Hillenbrand's writing in this outing is less like poetry and more like reporting. Jammed with details, the book reads like the world's longest New Yorker article.The topic is hardly new. WWII has been pretty exhaustively covered, and this particular story has been told before. The hero of the book, Louis Zamperini, published his own memoirs only a few years ago. The hardships of war and the cruelty of the Japanese come as no surprise.Louie's story is so remarkable and so detailed that, frankly, it strains the limits of credulity. I'm not challenging the facts; I'm just saying that it's a lot to remember. Personally, I wouldn't even want to. I wouldn't have lasted 10 minutes drifting in that life raft. I would have eaten all the chocolate and stuck my head in a shark. How anyone could remember the ordeal in hour-by-hour detail is beyond me.Ultimately, I couldn't finish the book. I feel bad that I didn't have the strength to read the experiences someone else had to live, but I gave up on about my third POW camp. Starvation, deprivation, cruelty, disease, humiliation, I got the picture. Repeated cycles don't necessarily make for a great story; it just makes for a tedious narrative.Which made me ponder the purpose of the book. As a moving story, it's too detailed to carry a theme. As reporting, it's redundant and profoundly out of date. What's the take-away message supposed to be?I tried to skip to the end, but the `redemption' part just didn't grab me. It's not hard to believe that someone who lived this life would be scarred forever. I practically got PTSD just reading it. It's also not hard to believe someone who | |
the cover is so pretty | |
The characters were entertaining and the banter was witty and hilarious | |
ends the story still being somewhat mysterious | |
the cover was interesting the idea was unique | |
They still are drawn to one another | |
The characters have an amazing relationship and nothing happens between them until after TJ is a legal adult | |
their thoughts and conflicts that sometimes go on and on | |
Hassan, is genuinely, perhaps, the most decent human being you can ever come across out there | |
was able | |
the characters are so realistic | |
personal interest | |
I found the characters to be one | |
Perfect development of the characters | |
Both have the main male character being drop dead sexy, rich businessmen that are very protective | |
Suzy Wilson's review Apr 23 | |
This is my only problem really | |
The plot is compelling if gruesome and disturbing at several points | |
Women are always stronger than men | |
They have great character development | |
the journey they take was exciting | |
The first is that of "time slicing", which demonstrates how important information can be encoded in a very short period of time. Most of Gladwell's examples are socioloical, and the most striking of which was research which aimed to predict whether married couples would get divorced after analyzing a single conversation with them.The other concept is how the brain acts subconsciously to certain stimulus | |
Gillian Flynn has a great writing style and her characters are perfectly and realistically twisted | |
The characters are completely unbelievable in their roles | |
uncomfortable given the extremely detailed romantic impulses and actions of the female protagonist and her lover | |
Being a person who rarely reads fantasy | |
The tragic story | |
Billionaire falls for a girl and likes to be in charge of all aspects of his life | |
is completely unexpected and almost swathed in mystery | |
Jodi Picoult's The Storyteller | |
I loved that Sam wasn't an alpha wolf | |
lengthy descriptions of unnecessary things | |
has an amazing plot | |
The mystery and the romance combined are just perfect | |
It took half the book to develop the main character | |
Stop saving everyone | |
exciting plot | |
the plot is excellent in terms of its riveting sequence of events | |
about sitting in the dining room was so real | |
the main character, I fell in love with Braden and Ellie | |
it brought together the characters endings in a lovely way | |
savages with no brains that need Aes Sedai to guide them and all women are helpless and need men around to protect them, but I seem to have higher expectations.Edit update: 1/3 of the way through Book 10Ok, things did slow down a bit. Part of the issue is that there are so many players and so many tangents that it takes forever to tell one and get back to another. Still, petty good overall so I'll try and finish it out. | |
by Jamie McGuire | |
wonderful and unique way with words | |
the characters loveable | |
the | |
Jacqueline | |
What ugly, disgusting language used over and over and to no disernable purpose | |
At over 700 pages it isn't a quick read | |
The characters are rich and wonderful and the imagery is immersive | |
is solid writing | |
It was hard to read some of this, but the character development was excellent | |
book | |
characters are perfect | |
The characters in the book are very likeable and you can very easily sympathize with them | |
I like that the characters felt real | |
His past is so dark that haunts his dreams | |
good | |
bibliophile who loves a good yarn | |
Christopher as the only character with real depth and texture | |
the information about Berlin and the change to Nazism | |
The characters were wonderful, I just didn't want it to end | |
This one had a surprising number of pretty high | |
The cover is really pretty (though am I the only one who thinks the cover model looks like Mandy Moore?) and draws you into the story | |
The cover is stunning | |
characters, Anna and Christian are not believable | |
What a funny, funny read | |
as a standalone novel | |
The characters have more depth, and the jumping from place to place makes more sense | |
the swift action provided by any excellent legal thriller | |
Erik Larson has a unique ability to write about historical events in a truly intriguing way | |
She is a writer in charge of her craft | |
well-constructed plot | |
The storyline is fascinating and compelling | |
The pacing is excellent, and the mystery | |
had real depth and the romance was not the least bit one dimensional | |
Characters:The characters are uninteresting and boring | |
the characters were too lifeless for me to be emotionally invested in them | |
the character development, the plot twists, and the dialogue are all superb | |
This is hand-down the most beautiful cover I have ever seen before | |
I just loved this book | |
the characters are fabulous and addictive. I felt the heartbreaking tale of Joss' loss and subsequent lifestyle. I loved every step of her journey | |
characters that aren’t exactly likeable | |
I thoroughly enjoyed this book | |
Just the word "maze" incites an instant | |
Several twists and turns keeps interesting | |
This probably wasn't the best of the trilogy...perhaps the worse | |
the character were likable | |
It is a whirlwind romance | |
The romance is very light and sweet | |
create | |
background | |
That it was not over the second they found relief | |
The characters were delightful | |
Conflicted. Frustrated | |
so much while reading a book | |
other characters in this book | |
the plot points to be pretty transparent | |
This book has some good | |
The characters are very endearing and lovable | |
genius | |
details | |
The narration switches mostly between Cinder and Prince Kai | |
then this book has to be good | |
strange for me | |
the characters are so flat and transparent | |
This book was interesting | |
The characters are strong women | |
the characters are related and involved | |
Nassim Taleb has become more and more unbearable from my perspective | |
Overall it could have been good but instead just became annoyingly predictable | |
these characters are in their late 40s | |
The characters and plot line in this novel are very entertaining and thankfully | |
too much setting up | |
this book is well worth reading | |
The entire plot was lame only to be surpassed by a terrible ending | |
information in the book is truly fascinating | |
I thought the characters were marvelous | |
The characters are funny | |
The characters are believeable | |
The plot is fast | |
The plot, characters, and setting is much more interesting and developed than the other series | |
When I had only a few more chapters to read I went back to Amazon and looked to see if the author had any other books published, since I enjoyed this one so much | |
The characters are rich, complex | |
It's just a fun read and a book I feel is a must read | |
I became invested in the characters and plot | |
His characters are full of life and substance | |
This book started out with such promise | |
The characters were original, but deep down just like every other teenager | |
inspiring and interesting, this is an excellent book | |
books are the ones where none of the characters are all good or all bad | |
The first half was super slow and it wasn't until the second half that the character s came together and the story line rolled on | |
The mystery is creative if a bit inscrutable | |
The Kite Runner is very easy to read | |
BOOK.Don't | |
Figured the book had to have more information about everything | |
If I didn't already have a great appreciation for the Seals, and the great men and women that also serve, this book really enhances my understanding and gratitude. | |
I absolutely loved Ms. Tartt's | |
characters to arrive are all at least | |
he was a difficult man | |
the premise of the story is clever | |
It also helped that I got the audio | |
the characters were never really defined | |
Movie with caricatures instead of complicated and complex characters | |
the Trylle trilogy by Hocking | |
I implemented three different strategies described | |
liked this serie very much! I found it poetic and sensitive | |
The characters are excellent and their personalities are very individual | |
The story is gripping and well | |
The character development was great | |
The characters were bland | |
The case is great | |
The length is also good @ 2 meters | |
This cover is solid, well designed to let the iPad stand freely without flopping over. Travel with this safer in a backpack on airlines too. Again, this baby is built to last and protect your investment.Absolutely delighted. | |
If you're indoors | |
lenses that could find | |
generally fuzzy | |
This thing is awesome | |
the fans blow incredibly cold air towards the laptop | |
that the case will protect your iPad Mini | |
the case is rather unattractive if you don't account the leather strap | |
The picture is amazing. It is so clear and sharp. | |
The case is very sturdy and works well | |
bokeh when shooting wide open | |
Easy as pie to install and works exactly as advertised | |
Up until a couple of weeks ago | |
Picture quality is great as well as the quality of the cable | |
the range is pretty good | |
It just appears the buttons are flush into the glossy bevel | |
how great the pictures | |
This is a very basic item | |
The case is very beautiful | |
sensor this big | |
The case is built well | |
The sound cancellation and quality are awesome on these ear buds | |
but it is a fine picture | |
The bendy wire attached to the ear bud makes it hold tight to your ears. The clip is pretty useless, and the pouch is really small.The sound is decent. Not great. It's a little tinny and lacks any real base, but everything is audible and there isn't a lot of noticeable distortion.I purchased these to replace a pair of Shure isolating ear buds. Let's be real. They are a cheap replacement. The | |
they are worth the steaper price than some of the others | |
it becomes a little heavier than other cases | |
Its easy to use | |
The case fits my Nexus 7 perfectly and | |
The picture and sound are fine | |
fast and easy | |
just plug in and you are ready to go | |
Easy to install | |
Nice feeling of cover and easy to operate when opening and closing | |
It fits perfectly | |
have to program the device every time you boot up | |
KeyboardThe keyboard on this case is very nice | |
can use it on my Idea | |
the straps to hold a tripod seems to hold well a tripod there | |
The cord is really nice | |
my picture is stunning | |
the HD version | |
Picture quality is clear and I used other's settings mentioned on here for the picture adjustments | |
The speed is outstanding and the range is exceptional | |
This bag is soo perfect | |
Airbender v1.0 is still a nice case and has features that excel when compared with some of its competitors many of which cost more | |
small | |
for $40 these are by far superior to any otherThere | |
The cord is very long and durable | |
This is the best.... | |
Now it has become the most comfortable keyboard I've ever used | |
The video and audio with even really old footage is excellent | |
thing is so nice and easy to use | |
This case deserved all 5 stars! the case feels good | |
This mouse feels great and operates nicely when it is working | |
This is a nice case | |
the more control over light in the room the better the picture | |
This case has a really rugged metal | |
The picture on it was not good | |
The Flip outperforms them all | |
Here is what I like about it.1 | |
The software that comes with it is great | |
The picture this thing has to offer is unbelievable | |
older model | |
The pictures are poor | |
should work fine with any HDMI compliant video device- and at a very attractive price | |
outstanding recording quality | |
the picture quality is comparable to Dish!I'm even contemplating of buying a DVR | |
mouse yet it would still cut out at times | |
the cord is either too short and too long | |
Has a place for everything and holds so much | |
Don't expect to always get the 150Mbps | |
given this case 3 stars for some of the cons | |
P9X79 Deluxe system using the Cooler Master HAF 932 | |
Noticed Cyberpower also won an award recently from resellers | |
it feels sturdy and fits the paper | |
wanted to make sure the android | |
They were correct as my case is awesome | |
Has 4 extra usb ports this is great | |
Case works perfectly | |
several cases are sold in the 20-25 dollar range | |
the speakers should be of lower guage but does not to be the best since the cable runs are relatively short | |
dont be | |
The cord itself is great | |
I can fit about 5 lenses and a camera body in this case. | |
The case overall is nice | |
that tiny little camera you were carrying around | |
this thing has been excellent | |
Picture quality is simply stunning and there were no problems | |
MUCH better pictures in low light | |
has very good range | |
This case's flexibility makes it a leader as it swivels, and detaches, allowing seemingly unlimited combinations of viewing and portability | |
This cable is perfect. It's well made and heavy-duty | |
This is a great wireless mouse | |
the picture on it is beautiful | |
I think that the performance (colors, contrast, brightness) is very good for home use | |
the fan is really really good | |
I didn't get any range improvement in one area of my house and my main laptop is still around -60db | |
so much better than the 1.8 | | | |
as the STM lenses have almost completely silent autofocus | |
is a remarkably lightweight keyboard case | |
Sound is great and noise cancelling is excellent | |
this is a great all around lens and is my favorite for event photography and as my personal "walkabout" lens when I'm on vacation | |
I find it pretty average at best | |
The device works as it's supposed | |
than you're used to compared to Nikon or Zeiss lenses | |
The case is very convenient with the several different options available for display | |
It has vents on the top | |
this case is awesome | |
the bag is huge, so big | |
The craftsmanship is excellent | |
The verdict is in- this cable is a very high quality cable which works beautifully with no problems at all | |
antennas pretty extensively as a hobby | |
This case is super slim, super sleek, and fits the Nexus 7 perfectly | |
the setup software is easy and it's attractive | |
the case is fine | |
A cropped sensor makes this 40mm lens the equivalent of a 56mm | |
This product is perfect | |
This case is beautiful | |
I would highly recommend this accessory for everyone | |
The case fits snug to the device and allows for good support and viewing angles | |
will wait on you instead | |
These cables are great | |
I am a 39 year old male and this review is for the Zune HD and what it is like to OWN one so that others may decide if they want one. First off, you will notice that this review is "Amazon Verified" - yes, I purchased the Zune from Amazon and waited a couple of weeks to actually USE the product before submitting a review of it unlike some of the others here. Enjoy....Packaging:The Zune comes in a nice small black box that slides open to reveal the contents which are the Zune HD, headphones, USB cable and some paperwork. It's very stylish and nice. Not much else to say as the box has been tucked away ever since opening.The look and feel:Ever since the first time I saw pictures on the net of the Zune HD I have wanted one. Being a previous owner of a couple of different MP3 players the Zune was a must have just for the looks alone. It really has nice lines and the color is just right; black and silver. I hate this new term "sexy" and cringe when I hear a guy say it about an electronic device. It does describe the Zune but I won't call it that. The weight is very nice and it feels good in your hand. I love the modern look and if they ever turned this device into a phone I would by one in a heartbeat! I sometimes hold it to my ear and think, "WoW what a cool phone this would be." The Zune logo on the back and a simple "ZUNE" on the front - very elegant. On top is a power on button, the left side a volume rocker and the home button on the front. The bottom is where you plug in your headphones and next to that is where the docking connector/USB cable plugs in. It's the kind of device that has looks that will never get old and you want to just keep staring at it. Very pleasing to have something you want everyone to see.The screen:OLED - it's the big talk these days. I have a few pictures on my device right now and I have to say they look great. The blacks are true blacks because the device shuts down the pixels where there should be black so you see true blacks and vibrant colors. Outside I agree with most folks about the glare. I have the brightness turned all the way up and it looks nice inside but outside the glare on the glass makes it as if you want to look at the reflection then back to what's on the screen. I don't see this as a problem as I can't imagine any other electronic device no matter what it is not having this same problem. For me, I can still see what is on the screen and have no problem with it. It is just the right size at 3.3 inches.UI interface:Although inside the box there was no manual you would really have to be pretty stupid if you couldn't figure out how to navigate on this device. Also, on the Zune web page is everything you need to know about how to work this device - who needs paper these days anyway??? The transitions from screen to screen are so fluid, smooth and animated. The touch only needs to be light and it works flawlessly. After using the device for a few minutes you get the idea of how to navigate. You start off with a list of items to choose from on the main menu; pictures, music, apps, ect, etc. As you click one you dive into that section and dive even deeper as you work what ever you have chosen clicking/touching away. At all times the home button on the front will take you back to the main menu. The accelerator zips from landscape to portrait very fast and smooth. I really like that and feel the tegra chip inside is working for me without strain when I see this - video especially. Multi touch works well and tapping is fine too especially on the web browser. Everything is laid out nicely and there is no confusion about how to find something. This is a plus for first timers and experienced users alike.Zune software: (APPS & Marketplace)This is a free download and helps you manage the Zune contents and updates. The software mimics some of the icons on the Zune so you quickly identify the UI and what you need to click. Syncing is a breeze and Zune will let you customize what content you want on the device and what you want Zune to do with it. I have all of my MP3's in my music folder on my computer and it grabbed all of them when I plugged in for the first time with no problems. There are some complaits about the software and how it takes forever to download - not true. There are not a lot of apps right now. I hope this blossoms as the months go by. I have downloaded all of them so far as they are free but would gladly pay for any others if they should come about and would be useful. The weather app is nice and lets you add as many cities as you want and shows you not only current conditions but a five day forecast as well. The calculator well is a calculator. The games have been just OK - I feel they do not utilize the Tegra chip but in the future I am sure the games will utilize the chip as it would be a waste if they didn't. There is a chess game, Texas hold em, space ship shooter, a Bejeweled like game, soduku, and some game where you try to figure out where an item is hidden after mixing up three robots. All are fun for a short while but I wait for more advanced cool games. Also the games have ads just before they start - we are talking about 5 seconds of a video clip. For a free download I think they have every right to put this here. Also, FOUR to FIVE SECONDS is what we are talking about. Is it that much time??? Patience!!!! The marketplace is just something you need to experience. Music, Videos, Podcasts and more.... EVERYTHING is here for you to choose from. There is an option for a Zune pass and for $14.99 a month you can go nuts with this and download as much media as yo want - you get to keep 10 songs a month too. This alone is worth buying the Zune HD. There is so much content at the market place that I can't really explain. Imagine walking into a store that has no one in it but you and the inventory consists of basically every kind of music you can think of as well as tons of other types of media just for you alone to walk up and down the isle to choose from. I just hope for more apps in the future and (I know) this thing just came out so while I wait for apps I will enjoy my Zune....Docking station:I went with the basic Zune HD sync doc ($49) and lucked out with it. There is an A/V dock you can purchase too($89). I will tell you the only difference between the two is 1) the price and 2) the A/V doc comes with the HDMI and optical cables. So if you already have these cables, which most of us do, save $40+ dollars and get the regular sync doc. I have a review on the doc here on Amazon (where I purchased it) so check that out. It is nice to just plug it in and sync and charge. Also I can hook it up to a TV if I wanted or a receiver and utilize the Zune to transfer music and video to my home entertainment center. The doc compliments the Zune and is very stylish looking and most importantly - Functional.Battery life:The OLED must be doing what it is supposed to do - save power. I take the train every day to work from Milford, CT to Greenwich, CT and I can go about a week without charging using the Zune about an hour or so a day. Wonderful! The only thing I have noticed is the back gets warm when in use. Very strange. I have been impressed with the battery and hope it stays that way.Screen protectors:I never had one before and at the time I received my Zune there was only Ghost Armor available. I got one screen protector and had no problem putting it on but being a noob I didn't spray my fingers and my finger print was stuck on the adhesive side. So I took it off. Ghost armor was very nice and sent me a replacement but instead of just the screen protector they sent the full body armor - how nice of them! This time around I was very careful and it went on with no problems BUT....I noticed the screen protector was about an eighth of an inch too short on top. It was enough to bother me so I took it off. (I know you are thinking I am nuts) So I looked and found BodyGarudz on the net. Not only do they sell TWO screen protectors for the price of ONE but it also fit perfectly. I used the squeegee and applicator solution from Ghost to put the BodyGaurdz shield on - why? Because BodyGaurdz's applicator solution wasn't as good as Ghosts and Ghost's squeegee was much better than BodyGaurdz. So my insane suggestion - go with BodyGaurdz for the screen protector. One other thing - the Ghost armor seems thicker - I can feel the sharp edges of the plastic now on the Zune because it has full body protection. I hope they come out with some cool cases so I can rip this stuff off and throw more cash down the drain...! The BodyGaurdz screen protector is thinner and looks great.Internet: (WiFi)The browser works well on the Zune HD. I connected to my home network in seconds and at work it's even quicker. You can tap and multi-touch to zoom in and move the pages around. The keyboard is OK and can be used in landscape or portrait mode. You can store pages in favorites and check AOL mail and what not. It uses Bing to find what you are searching for. I use it mostly for mail as at work the computers are restricted but WiFi is open. You can sync via WiFi and download too which is very nice.Music (Sound):There is an internal equalizer with different settings depending on what type of music you are listening too. It works OK - the music sounds fine to me. I didn't use the supplied headphones as I have a pair of Sony Ear buds and they work better for my ears. The music sounds great and the interface is cool - volume can be operated via the rocker on the side or touch screen. Filtering music, making playlists and and just listening is a pleasure - this is what I got the device for - MUSIC - so everything else is just an added bonus to me. I haven't bothered with the HD Radio much but it is cool to have. Remember...added bonus....Conclusion:I just love this Zune HD. It really is functional for what I need it to do and the style, look and feel are just so right. I hope this review helps you in your decision. I will continue to update this review in the future so check back and best of luck to you and take care! | |
very well protected in the case.3 | |
the sound is quiet and clear | |
I do recommend this lens | |
Solid enough build quality | |
Cable is nice and long, and flexible | |
This product has a belt holder (clip) | |
backgrounds | |
never lose this one | |
I give it 5 stars for indoor antennas | |
its the best mouse ive ever had | |
Sound quality is very good but not as good as my wired Senheisser | |
Range is excellent, gets reception over 50 ft away | |
Images are clean and crisp, and the autofocus is butter smooth | |
cool blackout look | |
This is ridiculously fast | |
Store it for fun things | |
The picture was outstanding | |
This charger looks good, and functions great, and the price can't be beat | |
this mouse is pretty good | |
does | |
case I actually like it | |
The mouse is stable and comfortable to use for big hands | |
this thing is PERFECT | |
more advanced autofocus system and that wonderful electronic level and wonder if I made the right choice | |
I have medium sized hand | |
(Update)This mouse suddenly started working for me after months of the frustrations I listed below | |
It has a really nice | |
One was the main router and the other was an access point connected to the first via Ethernet | |
There is just so much to praise about this camera | |
the Winegard antenna picked up only stations from the direction the antenna was pointed | |
the picture quality is awesome | |
The potential for this once pandora | |
Range is excellent | |
For the people who complain about wire quality | |
and quality is great | |
the size of the phone-end of this cable would be too large | |
The mouse is very smooth and easy to use | |
build quality is cheap | |
The wires are sturdier | |
This backpack camera bag is an excellent buy | |
the build of these headphones are solid | |
The lens is built dust and weather resistant | |
The only thing that | |
The image quality was good on this camera but the speed was lacking | |
the picture gets stuck | |
The case wakes up or puts to sleep the kindle | |
the ear fit is good | |
is a sturdy, well-constructed product that does the job and this certainly does that | |
this lens is unbelievably useful in low light to no light situations | |
This mouse is excellent for gaming | |
I had heard that the new software | |
The lens is tack sharp | |
The touch is good and the touchpad works perfectly | |
The picture is excellent | |
These headphones are amazing | |
i have a macbook pro so i don't have many usb | |
Working | |
a heavier and bulkier lens | |
Pretty basic ear peices | |
Picture is absolutely incredible | |
The reception and sound are great | |
very sleek and stylish | |
light feature is awesome | |
The build quality of these is exceptional. They are thick and well shielded | |
The picture is great | |
However outside, in my car placed this unit on the dashboard | |
Both are low profile | |
The strap could be softer and wider | |
I figure if 2300 has this much power | |
This lens is awesome | |
image quality that will blow most consumer | |
I have always only used Logitech keyboards and headsets | |
The mouse is very excellent and easy to use | |
The build quality and quality for the price are amazing | |
I understand it has an extremely high | |
I have been a headphone fanatic for thirty years | |
For me, these headphones are BETTER | |
thank | |
The mids sound great | |
Picture looks great and no issues | |
the Video was better | |
The instructions were easy to follow | |
A very high quality bag for your DSLR | |
The case is surprisingly light for its seemingly durable construction | |
. I find the software to be fairly intuitive | |
There is only one | |
It has great wireless range | |
The picture is amazing | |
The LCD screen on the back is crisp, clear, and bright so you can see it even in daylight | |
This product is easy to set up and works in my 2007 Pontiac G6 Convertible | |
brightness are great | |
It works great | |
This is an excellent case for the Nexus 7 | |
It was actually a breeze despite not being very intuitive | |
The sound quality is clear and the bass loud | |
The photos are clear and bright | |
the images that are produced are stunning | |
I recieved the airbender bluetooth keyboard | |
This small briefcase can be used for netbooks | |
Picture is sharp and crisp | |
the fan itself isn't super loud. There is an adjustable dial to change fan speed | |
I hope you have better luck | |
there is little special with any cable modem. This modem is DOCSIS 3.0 which is the | |
can attest that the blue LED is extremely bright | |
The sound quality is amazing | |
Picture quality was terrible | |
the case closed | |
and the 'wingspan' with the three antennas attached makes it about the same footprint as a 15" laptop | |
The idea is good, but the execution is pretty bad | |
This lens is awesome | |
the cord gets loose at the earphone or at the jack | |
but if you use the iPad rigorously this case is perfect | |
The chips are very tasty and have good texture | |
I eat it, the dog eats it | |
The aroma is rich and delicious | |
mini | |
delicious and very flavorful | |
for me has medicinal benefits for me | |
The flavor isn't as great as the packaging | |
The | |
The flavors even sounded good | |
This natural oil has so many uses and is extremely healthy | |
These are definitely a winner, and any chocolate lover will give these two sticky-gooey thumbs up | |
unique flavor that I've never had before - really original, which is hard to come up with in a tea. I'll buy it again, plus I'll try some of the other interesting looking flavors that Lipton | |
This tea is aromatic, smooth, and pleasant. Happily | |
covered in cinnamon or gooey'd up in honey | |
The Switch Black Cherry flavor as well as the Watermelon Strawberry | |
the taste is spice and nothing behind it | |
the ingredients were and how low in fat the single serve | |
these chips are nice and crunchy | |
I liked the cookies for their flavor, pleasant aroma and texture | |
There is natural flavoring added | |
The flavor was bland and I did not care for the texture which I found to be pastey | |
These cookies are NOT good | |
This tea has a mildly sweat citrus flavor | |
some vanilla flavoring | |
I love me some oatmeal cookies. Throw in some chocolate chips instead of raisins and you have the ultimate experience | |
I love trying out new flavors | |
It has a very strong, deep aroma. Very much like being in a Turkish coffee house | |
The filling has a light, creamy lemon taste | |
All the flavors have an earthy taste | |
These are the little cups that you use for the tea machines | |
the flavor of each of the selections was simply awful | |
It's also very good for making popcorn | |
The cookies are perfect for a light treat with a cup of tea | |
perfect served hot or iced | |
price is good | |
It reminds me of the days when I was young drinking Boones Farm Apple wine on a Friday night | |
the cookie is bland | |
the flavor seemed a little weak compared to other kinds of teriyaki beef jerky that I have had | |
I, however, thought that the flavor was perfect | |
It is a mix of whole grains, blueberries, and flax seeds that are then lightly flavored with vanilla. | |
The nuts are what make this bar tolerable. The texture without them is unpleasant | |
This stuff is strong. It's billed as a coffee drink, but it really is more of an espresso, so keep that in mind | |
light aroma | |
same | |
This tea has a warm, spicy flavor to it, sort of like chai. | |
These cookies would be better if they were made | |
these are dry and crumble easily | |
The aroma while it is brewing | |
The flavor is excellent | |
that is not the flavor that I experienced.)What I liked | |
sauce is tasty and creamy | |
Lipton Herbal Pyramid Tea Blackberry Vanilla has a nice aroma that features herbs | |
This is good water | |
The tea comes out perfectly | |
bacon doesn't need chocolate | |
slightly spicy kick to it | |
Numi Teas are the most wonderful teas I've tasted in a long time | |
Lipton To Go Stix Iced Green Tea Mix is convenient and refreshing | |
the regular fudge dipped oreos | |
The oils are nice and pack some flavor | |
salad | |
I am looking forward to trying more Prima Taste stuff based on how good this was. Highly Recommended | |
The coffee is smooth | |
I love the flavor of this | |
Perfect for snacking | |
this food is processed in a facility with nuts | |
this tea with the warmer days | |
I use a lot of organic coconut oil for baking and as an addition to vegetable dishes | |
This tea is very aromatic. It has a very smooth flavor. | |
regular processed cookie | |
naturally sweet flavor | |
because the lemon adds to the flavor and brings out the best in the tea leaves which makes the tea taste bright and lively | |
The tea has a nice spice flavor | |
many of the cookies were broken | |
it has a very mild coconut taste and aroma | |
It's got the tiniest tinge of spice | |
they are tasty and have a nice crunchy flavor | |
I really enjoy the flavor of ginger | |
I really enjoyed the taste and flavor | |
The flavor is very balanced in body, mouth feel, acidity and spiciness | |
The flavor is pleasant and not overly sweet | |
Spicy, sweet, flavorful, fun, crispy, lower fat than chips | |
The cookies were fresh and delicious | |
Kettle Brand chips don't have trans fats | |
16-CountI have a hard time finding spiciness in the flavor | |
Viva Labs' coconut oil smells great, tastes great, and adds a hint of coconut/sweetness to whatever I cook | |
Caramel Apple Cobbler Clif Bar | |
it's just too strange a flavor and too weak for my taste | |
The cookie advertise all natural and they are good | |
it definitely is a very strong chocolately flavor | |
It has a wonderful flavor | |
lacking authentic flavor | |
taste a fruity | |
The taste of the Pomegranate licorice is strong and sweet | |
This | |
The 100-calorie pack is very convenient | |
the outer cookies were great | |
The coffee has a very strong aroma of vanilla | |
This Blackberry Vanilla sounded delicious | |
definitely different | |
I am a big fan of all types of cookies | |
The tea is decaf | |
There are 4 grams of fiber | |
I would make it a point to purchase this flavor in the future | |
the variety pack there might have been a few 'bold brew' that tasted like coffee | |
The cookie is thin and light and crispy | |
other flavors might be better | |
that the flavor is pleasant and it is nice to drink | |
The tea isn't bad | |
I've wanted to try dry rendang | |
While eating the bar | |
the taste is good | |
These cookies are fantastic! | |
This green tea is mild | |
This tea is so delicious | |
This herbal tea is well balanced and pleasant | |
the price was great too | |
The flavors of the teas aren't overly strong as one would have assumed from smelling the tea bag | |
I'm not much of a juice drinker | |
The ingredients are all natural | |
My wife couldn't really taste the basil and she thought it was bland | |
I cannot recommend this drink | |
flavor was just fantastic | |
What I do know is that these chips are very good - crispy and airy | |
Very taste little cookies with rich chocolate fudge. The cookies were fresh and delicious | |
The flavor is strong and enjoyable if you like ginger and dark | |
By combining all three flavors, it becomes too much | |
before enjoying a cup of tea | |
I'd certainly give it a go if another flavor was available | |
makes your skin very smooth | |
the price of other K-Cups had gone up much more than I liked | |
The | |
It has a sweet and spicy | |
in goes the powder and voila, instant iced tea drink (well, instant in that you have to shake it first). The flavor (mango pineapple | |
This water is a nice little pick me up, but not something I plan on buying | |
Energy Drink Fruit Punch isn't overly sweet & is similar in flavor to the powdered drinks | |
I love dark chocolate | |
this tea is great | |
tasty meal that my entire family praised | |
amazing taste | |
the tea itself is excellent and it provides the great flavor | |
I am not a big French Roast fan as it tends to taste bitter to me and acidic | |
It's quick, convenient, and easy | |
Newman's Own stuff tends to be a bit pricy for me | |
Though in my opinion this coffee | |
These kind of taste like | |
I enjoyed it so much | |
try Lipton's new Tea & Honey | |
very interesting fruity flavor | |
my | |
Tea isn't a beverage for me | |
Good quality decaf green tea | |
I'm a pretty big fan of tea | |
This tea is perfect | |
this tea is very strong and bitter | |
green tea | |
These chips are very crisp | |
these cookies are yummy | |
more room to spread through the water so the infusion of flavor is stronger | |
Got the box yesterday and have already used 4 teabags | |
It smells great | |
has exactly the right balance of sweetness and coffee flavor | |
I loved the taste | |
Vitamin Squeeze Energy drink is a concentrated fruit punch flavored water additive | |
creamy, and the peanut butter center is not as crisp as a traditional Butterfinger bar, but creamier with just enough "Butterfinger crunch" to add interest.I like how they are packed. Unlike competing peanut butter cups, there are no paper wrappers around the candy. The candy is simply formed in the shape of a cup. I like this because it's less packaging and requires less effort to unwrap and consume.I consider this product a treat -- a candy product, after all. So I'm not going to belabor the nutritional value | |
The Fischer & Wieser Mango Ginger Habanero Sauce does add flavor and sweetness to food | |
Like any food product, your opinion of the product will depend on your taste preferences and also your expectations | |
My favorite tea isYogi Green Tea Mint | |
The taste was fine | |
This tea is very good | |
the aroma was a bit off putting with an odor that seemed slightly bitter and earthy | |
are added. I'm left with a neutral reaction | |
The candy is creamy and smooth | |
Raw Fruit & Nut Bar, 1.7-Ounce Bars (Pack of 12)is my favorite and I love it best | |
Numi inspires well-being of mind, body and spirit through the simple art of tea | |
each one of them is good in its own way | |
This chocolate is only 54% cocoa solids | |
this is a great food | |
flavor and consistency are very similar | |
Flavor: It has a reasonably bold flavor, which I like | |
there are numerous energy drinks out there. | |
great crunch | |
very tasty but very high in calories | |
The color of the bar isn't appetizing; however, the taste is pleasant though a little too nutty for my preference | |
I liked these cookies very much | |
has a very interesting fruity flavor | |
I have been drinking a lot of green tea | |
is very nice and the low acid | |
mocha coffee is that the flavor is more subtle than in a lot of flavored brews | |
This version of the water flavor enhancer has too little flavor for too much money | |
coconut flavor was a bit too strong | |
The apple and cinnamon flavors are mild and natural | |
light aroma | |
They're just sweet enough to satisfy without loading you up with sugar | |
I eventually realized that there were two general classes of teas | |
so these Mio flavor enhancers are a lifesaver in our house! I personally prefer the peach tea one because it has a more natural flavor | |
I love the flavor of ginger | |
This tea is nice with a strong hint of fruitiness | |
white chocolate filling that is DELICIOUS. Several guests have tried these, and it's fun watching their eyes go wide when the flavor hits. These make for a decadent treat and look really classy left in a bowl for guests. Of all the individually wrapped bonbons or truffles I've had, I think these are my favorite. The white chocolate really is just so luxurious and delicious | |
The fusion of exotic ingredients creates new flavors that work quite nicely. So if you think this might be too hot, fear not, it is just very tasty. It is an excellent grilling sauce | |
the stuff tastes good | |
This aromatic tea is pure pleasure - spicy, fragrant and relaxing, while at the same time being an ideal first-tea-of-the-day wake-up | |
I was pleasantly surprised by this drink | |
you will find me nearby happily munching away | |
the aroma while brewing smelled artificial.The other reviewers who mention how greatly improved the flavor became once cream was added is an indication of a consistent problem. I love the taste of coffee and like it unadorned - no cream or sugar. I only add cream if I am in a restaurant and the coffee doesn't taste good. I use the cream to doctor-it-up in hopes of salvaging some of the flavor and masking the poor aspects whether caused by bitterness or coffee that's been sitting in the pot too long. This coffee is no exception, the cream vastly improved the drinkability, but the action is akin to smearing butter on a day old roll. Underneath it is still a stale roll, and although the butter tastes delicious, it would not be accurate to call the combination a buttery delight.On the positive side, flavored coffees are usually light body and the Gevalia is definitely medium body. The packaging is quite attractive and the name is clever, but in the end may work against the product because Dark Chocolate Truffle evokes a clear taste profile for most people and the coffee doesn't live up to the name. I am rating the coffee three stars instead of less because if the purchaser always uses cream in their coffee, many of the taste issues I encountered should be if not resolved, at least mitigated. | |
I like the texture of these chips | |
I'm trying my first bar of PURE Organic Cherry | |
It has an excellent flavor | |
The chunks are like little explosions | |
the flavors were delicious | |
Very pleasant tea | |
It has all the savory flavors of the soup without heaviness and calories | |
used to love Tazo but Numi is my new | |
This is a very good tasting granola | |
Taste | |
this has a light spicy flavor | |
But I must say that I was expecting a more robust tea all around (pu'eh may taste like dirt on its own, but it is a pretty full-flavored tea) | |
It has enhanced each one of them like no other coconut oil I have used in the past | |
But, this one is really good | |
Since I am a fan of flavored coffee | |
The flavor of this tea is somewhat subtle even though I let it steep for several minutes | |
the flavor was just piquing | |
Practically perfect like Mary herself! | |
The flavor is just okay | |
The chocolate flavor is super rich | |
These Peeled Snacks Organic Apple Clusters are a healthy choice if you want something sweet with a good crunch | |
inChips Ahoy Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies | |
I did not taste any vanilla flavor | |
The bread was fresh | |
this flavor is very nice | |
This tea is quite good in the morning | |
I drink Lipton iced tea | |
and is small enough to even please those on diets | |
Full Leaf Black Tea | |
My husband enjoys the 'taste' of stevia | |
the overall flavor is fairly mild | |
The ingredients are good for you but with not nuch flavor | |
This drink has a pleasant aroma and a spicy | |
Are your children asking for soft drinks, but you don't want them to have all that added sugar? This is a wonderful alternative | |
I believe Pu'erh tea is supposed to have health benefits | |
They are crunchy chips that are not fried, and not baked, but created using heat and pressure to make them pop into being | |
The cookies are moist and soft | |
The woodsy taste of this sauce | |
I liked the flavor and really wanted to like the bar | |
my body felt equally moisturized | |
The whole mix of flavors is nice | |
The flavors of the peppermint weren't overpowering | |
the vanilla flavor is a little strong for my preference | |
The cookies arrived fresh and in good shape | |
good food | |
even more acceptable to drink tea at the office | |
very complex flavor | |
Dark Chocolate Truffle flavor | |
I drink tea every day and I love | |
Yes, the cookies are soft, but they really aren't as "gooey" as the name implies | |
the tea tastes great | |
thought it had a good taste | |
it has a hint of smokey flavor that is almost wood-like | |
The aroma is amazing | |
"Gee, I can't tell if these are homemade or store-bought!" | |
This is a very tasty and spicy beverage | |
the cookies have a purity of flavor | |
crunchy cereal that has a slight sweetness but none of the prefab who-knows-what of supermarket cereal | |
I love raspberries and hot sauces | |
sweet | |
The price is great | |
cut oats you will love this | |
tried | |
organic, conventional | |
taste is amazing | |
The flavor is not great | |
The flavor is great | |
the flavor can almost be tart tasting | |
I found the aroma to be very complex and pleasant | |
I really like the flavor of this tea | |
At just 50 calories in a 6.8 ounce can, it seems almost impossible that the drink should be this good. At once slightly sweet with the bitter tinge of a good cup of coffee, illy issimo rivals the Starbucks' espresso shots for quality quick canned coffee drinks | |
PURE fruit and nut | |
healthful product that nurtures people and honors the planet | |
chocolatey | |
Aside from the price | |
It's made from natural ingredients and doesn't contain artificial flavors | |
nice | |
the price is decent | |
Nothing artificial | |
I do love tea | |
The water is on the pricier side | |
As far as flavor goes, the ginger was just too strong and nasty | |
This cereal was perfect | |
The taste is fine | |
It has a unique flavor | |
The Ginger Tea is a pleasant cuppa | |
bit bland | |
Excellent meal replacement bar | |
I love ginger and lemon flavors | |
sweet quality | |
of my babbling | |
it's DELICIOUS | |
This tea is great | |
opened | |
The taste was fine, just not the sensation | |
delicious and flavorful treat for tea lovers | |
This tea is absolutely delicious | |
The cookies are crispy but also crumbly | |
Good quality decaf green tea | |
non-traditional ingredients | |
It has a really enticing aroma | |
However I don't like the taste | |
the smell of vanilla is strong | |
a decent package | |
Tea is my favorite beverage for just about any occasion | |
The flavor wasn't bad, but it was overpoweringly blackberry | |
the nasty flavor that dark teas usually infuse after the tea bags are left in too long | |
I didn't enjoy the taste of these at all | |
The flavor on the whole was not bad | |
This is a wonderful quality white jasmine tea | |
pleasing aroma | |
This one was spicy | |
This is NOT your usual type of tea | |
it's the best one | |
these cookies actually are very soft around the edges | |
there is 1.4g of sodium | |
I generally don't add anything to any green tea | |
And you get that nice, subtle coconut smell … mmmmmm, does it make my wife smell yummy!I | |
is a good thing | |
paying | |
this tea wasn't very good as iced tea | |
They are pretty crunchy | |
The flavors of the teas aren't overly strong | |
fish and vegetables and have had good results | |
Also, the price was decent | |
good overall flavor | |
This tea is good | |
I didn't particularly find it any more refreshing than any other water | |
the flavor was a bit too bland | |
flavors are delicious | |
The cinnamon is way too strong. It made me sick at my stomach | |
The lovely aroma was so enthralling that the family member who dislikes | |
are any good | |
The price point is a bit lower now, which is a good thing | |
I first saw these cookies at "Big Lots" discount store. They were on sale there for $1.80. Their appearance in Big Lots means that they didn't sell especially well or too many were made so they were shuffled off to an outlet store. This doesn't have to be a bad sign, but it often reflects that a product isn't the most popular among consumers.These are not the best that Keebler has to offer in their cookie line up, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. On the plus side, the cookies have a decent texture and are crispy and fresh. The filling has a good lemon flavor, albeit an artificial one. They're also very sweet, but most sandwich cookies with a cream-style filling are. That's often the purpose of the filling, but it can be overpowering cumulatively if you're not having a drink along with them.Usually when I sample a product which I'm not crazy about, but I think it's generally okay, I wonder who the target market is supposed to be. Given the Keebler brand mascots, I tend to think they're targeting children, but lemon isn't that popular a flavor among kids (who tend to prefer chocolate or vanilla). My sense is that these are not going to really appeal to most kids are are too sweet for most adults. This may explain why they're on sale at Big Lots. Though not a bad cookie, I wouldn't go out of my way to have these again. | |
but it's not an unpleasant flavor | |
The fruit punch flavor is nice | |
The flavor of peppermint is not very strong | |
The aroma is great | |
As with any food or drink | |
This particular flavor is quite different from the standard powdered mixed drinks | |
heard | |
I do like some flavored teas, especially cinnamon | |
the wild blueberry organic pure bar | |
About this product, it must be said: I didn't have very high hopes | |
I'll stick with the classic Oreo | |
The smell and consistency of this licorice are good | |
great chocolate taste | |
these chips are crispy and tasty | |
The coffee didn't have an artificial flavor and was actually quite good | |
nice chocolate taste and nice aroma | |
GOOD | |
This tea will be a regular now in my rotation but it may well be my regular morning tea | |
Both flavors are distinctive | |
Switch tastes like tangy, carbonated orange drink | |
Both the flavor and texture are superior | |
flavor that a keeps it from getting | |
The flavor of it was very delicate | |
Some of these teas were black teas, while others were green teas | |
These cookies tasted fresh and crisp | |
There is just a remarkable variety of teas available and in general their flavor is a bit more intense. But I also like the convenience of bag teas | |
The flavor is delicious and it's very refreshing | |
I was not disappointed | |
The flavoring is present but not overpowering, which I enjoyed | |
the price is excellent | |
This creates a rich (but not overly strong) soothing vanilla flavored coffee | |
I sensed a metallic like aftertaste | |
Recommended for taste and low acid | |
my first time trying Cardamom Pu'erh Tea | |
The flavor is fantastic | |
This is pretty good cereal | |
GREAT flavor | |
The Ginger Tea | |
the flavor after brewing was still deep and rich | |
The costumes are magnificent | |
he does a wonderful job as Mr. Darcy and Jennifer Ehle does a wonderful job as Miss Elizabeth Bennet | |
The movie ending was great | |
season was that it was not Mulder | |
the goal is to try and survive while killing all others | |
There really is nothing funning about the Holocost | |
acting was so cheesy | |
the costumes are so authentic | |
The acting was very good | |
The sound quality isn't as good | |
"Open Water" is a low-budget, mildly thrilling shark flick | |
The acting was overdone | |
GOOD | |
The sound is crisp and clear and during the battle scenes is very impressive | |
Acting was tremendous | |
Season two is just getting on my nerves | |
This is a dark film in all senses of the word with very few likeable characters | |
the suspense was great | |
The suspense slowly builds up because we don't know what kind of movie we are in for | |
The costumes and staging are superb | |
The direction by Ang Lee is flawless in almost every frame | |
had a lot going against it | |
just barely above mildly interesting | |
This movie was fantastic | |
In confronting the issue of drug addiction | |
there are three reasons | |
Her performance is perfect | |
underrated gem of a suspense | |
The costumes and sets are gorgeous | |
The script was poor | |
The picture quality and sound are fantastic | |
everything is fantastic here | |
The plot is great and the two princess are extremely lovable | |
Some of the plot was a bit disappointing | |
the writers kept it a little too big | |
Bought this for my wife as a chick flick | |
Her performance is outstanding | |
The acting is stellar | |
I am a Christian (NOT Catholic) who was brought up Unitarian | |
It's a very interesting and important scene | |
Seasons One and Two of BUFFY are Origin Years-- establishing the show's mythos in Season One | |
few good moments | |
The acting was amazing | |
animation is very special and in 3D | |
The acting was much better, the script was emotional | |
the books created by J.K. Rowling and the whimsy and fantasy of those tales must remain no matter the cost | |
wide-screen DVD | |
Most notably | |
The violence and gore are severe and off | |
excellent | |
the cast - incredible acting | |
superb storyline | |
excellent | |
performances of the three starlets was amazing | |
the actors pulled off the dramatic ending well | |
The acting is flat and one-dimensional | |
The special effects are excellent as is the underwater adventure | |
His performance was moving and emotional | |
it was fantastic | |
Ofelia's father has been killed in the Spanish Civil | |
it didn't really have much action | |
the entire movie was not filmed using this technique | |
The image of the featureless, pasty- | |
director's cut, its vast superiority to the shortened | |
The truth | |
in a television/movie | |
I am a long time fan | |
As for the controversy as to whether this film is actually Kubrick's final cut | |
this season was a good | |
Bale's performance is superb and I think it's the best of his career. Jackman is also very convincing and the supporting cast is flawless. I'm always impressed by Rebecca Hall, but Bowie's cameo as Tesla was a revelation | |
historical costume drama | |
So what if the story isn't very original | |
The 3 seasons have been wonderful | |
uneventful plot and characters completely void of depth | |
which I've found to be excellent whether pushed through a 5.1 home theater or stereo headphones | |
the dialogue is clunky | |
Dennis the Menace" is probably the better movie, in retrospect.I just saw | |
transformation into Darth Vader is more like the | |
the case with the cornball science fantasy movie | |
details are sharp, colors are vibrant and blacks are deep | |
to the original material it was based on | |
It is really a film about timeless qualities now hopelessly out of fashion: things like duty, honour, loyalty, friendship, mutual | |
the outrageously elaborate costumes | |
Russell Crowe's performance is absolutely brilliant | |
am a Spiderman fan from way back | |
This movie is not funny at all | |
The ending was absolutely awesome | |
the film isn't funny | |
the action packed ending does run a bit long. | |
costumes were spectacular without a doubt | |
cram as much of the book in as possible | |
The deleted scenes are very funny | |
are genuinely good, with great actors and superb visual effects. Definitely recommend. | |
the cutest | |
The story is sadly lame and contrived | |
movies are primarily visual works of art | |
no bad language to express how they were really feeling and half the story and edge gone due to editing | |
the ending is clever too | |
showcases | |
The new crew is excellent and the story is good | |
The individual performances by the actors were stellar in every way | |
his performance is amazing | |
VERY impresssed | |
features too. The picture looks great!!! Thank | |
good | |
This film is almost flawless | |
the story in detail | |
I recommend this movie to those who like a good laugh | |
the costumes are gorgeous | |
The only bright spot in the movie was that Jar Jar Binks was reduced to cameo performance | |
The acting and dialogue is not good either | |
First | |
Wars"-film a greater emotional impact."The Phantom Menace" is definetly not on par with that film, nor has it the originality of "A New Hope", but still I liked this film a lot. I actually found it better than "Return Of The Jedi". Even those who dispised the movie must acknowledge that it has its merits. The special effects are fantastic, and in contrast to other films with superior FX | |
Charlize Theron and also having a terrific storyline | |
This movie was very depressing | |
Picture and sound are awesome | |
enough about the price drop | |
This film presents a very good and deep insight into the world of drug addiction | |
I don't think it would have worked if they had done a serious | |
The sound also got a boost from the original mono track to stero | |
The acting is superb | |
first season was a great start to the show | |
the acting non-existant | |
the twists were all great | |
After a horrid third film and a suprising fourth | |
It proves I was wrong | |
Burlesque was AMAZING! I fell in love this the movie! Dancing, singing, storyline, acting | |
The script was terrible. The direction was terrible. The only reason I can come up with for the film's popularity among so many Superman fans is that they have been so hungry for a film that they would have liked almost anything. I give it 2 stars for at least trying to make Superman relevant again.The thing to remember is that even though Superman has Kryptonian abilities, his personality is 100% human. He was raised since infancy on a farm in Kansas. He might feel different, but at heart he is a small town American and this film completely missed that. In focusing on the 'alien among us' angle, they gutted Superman's personality that was so well portrayed by Christopher Reeve and Brandon Routh. The Clark Kent we have all come to know and love through the years was completely missing. There were so many elements of the plot that made no sense. There was CGI overkill. Superman Returns had some plot problems, and could have put Superman in a few more action scenes, but overall that movie was far more faithful to the origins of the Superman character.The fact that Avengers was so successful should prove that a superhero movie doesn't have to copy The Dark Knight to be a hit. A superhero movie can be light, it can be funny, it can be human, and still be a fantastic movie. I have nothing to say about the relationship of this movie to recent comic book adaptations or graphic novels. As a movie, it is no better than all the other CGI-fests out there with tons of explosions and destruction. Superman is supposed to be special. | |
The acting is unbelievable | |
The Rock and Flair put on great performances. Surprising ending | |
In 20 minutes | |
Acting wise the movie is poor | |
This is the most perverted, disorganized movie | |
Marvel Magic | |
The performances given by Catherine Zeta-Jones, Renee Zellwegger, Queen Latifah and Richard Gere are perfect! | |
The book was entertaining | |
the performances were outstanding | |
"Star Trek Into Darkness" is excellent | |
This ending should have been King's ending and I usually never say that about a printed piece of work from an author | |
The stories so fun and exciting and fresh compared to the turgid retreads of modern | |
I celebrate both nudity and sexuality in all cinematic shapes and sizes and varieties | |
It was heart-warming and wonderful, sad and depressing | |
This show is addictive | |
but I found the movie to be fairly true to the book | |
discussing politics or religion | |
The actors are all fine | |
When her acting career fizzled | |
policemen | |
sound were crystal clear | |
Frank Sinatra gives a moving and powerful performance | |
from beginning to end | |
Liam Neeson is great and the story itself is very poignant | |
The movie is very violent and has some sexual content so be warned | |
The Dark Knight is the sequel to director | |
style steamed bun. Great starter | |
the place is beautiful | |
very pleasant and helpful | |
What I like about | |
The place is awesome | |
regarded place | |
Jimmy's Coffee was a very average experience | |
the first thing that hits your nose is the smell of pork bones simmering away. You can also ask for less lard but why. Toppings: I love bamboo, glad it's included. I also had seaweed, slice of fish cake and green onion. Extra toppings are pricey (corn is $2.50, egg $1.80) which I didn't opt for. Chashu: Seems like I got the chashu two small chunks of meat cut along the grain and a slab of pure fat. While it was tender, it was upon leaving the restaurant and seeing the display of noodles that my friends told me that they both got 2 regular slices of chashu. What the. Service: Friendly. Fairly quick turnover of tables. Bathroom: The sketchiest bathroom I have ever been in. My friend said it was like being in a horror movie and I had to agree. Dim eerie staircase leading to a dark dirty bathroom with a low ceiling. Given how popular and clean the restaurant is, they definitely could have forked over a little bit of money to improve the washrooms! | |
which isn't too bad | |
the mill Thai restaurant | |
If you like guacamole, you will love their chips and guacamole | |
service is not bad | |
Good vibe, neon décor | |
My second experience at Pai was great | |
The staff is very friendly and attentive | |
do yourself a favour and spend your money elsewhere | |
cheap the drinks | |
Always impressive service, whether it's brunch or dinner. Great | |
Good service | |
the restaurant did a great job in keeping everything well organized | |
the decor is stunning | |
The patio was busy | |
Highly recommend hot sauce | |
The last experience here when we came out | |
Fantastic food and relatively inexpensive | |
All the dishes we tried were so good! We got the lamb and it was unreal and good drink menu | |
good food and wine | |
I loved the whole experience! The view is incredible | |
Service was great | |
it was the perfect opportunity | |
They have an easy online system | |
vegetarian options | |
The decor is fantastic | |
This place gets packed at dinnertime, | |
fantastic steak meal | |
I'm not a rib expert so maybe the baby back ribs were supposed to be dry | |
nice patio in the summer | |
This place is very hit or miss | |
The girl filling our coffees and grabbing us ketchup seemed to hate existing in this world | |
Excellent | |
Good selection of beers on tap | |
I highly recommend dining outside if you love patio dining | |
restaurant | |
The place is crowded meaning | |
The waitress we got was impatient, rude, sarcastic, and just a horrible server | |
The view is breathtaking | |
Overall a good spot to stop for a beer and snack | |
The sauce or lack | |
At the encouragement of one of our group members | |
I'd definitely recommend this place to anyone who's looking to celebrate a special occasion or somewhere nice to go for a first date. Just don't expect to be blown away | |
waitress was very friendly and prompt. We didn't have to wait very long for service | |
mostly come for drinks on the patio | |
The atmosphere here is cool | |
I ordered the BetterBeer | |
I finally see the light | |
the sushi is not fresh- actually chewy | |
I went here with high expectations | |
The coffee is always strong | |
I liked the atmosphere and the vibe | |
the bar is awesome | |
The vibe and decor of the place is really cool | |
The view is also breathtaking | |
Service here wasn't to bad either | |
suggested it and ate at the bar. No | |
drinks are okay priced but really really good | |
Probably one of my favorite places in Toronto for Thai food | |
Probably the best seats since you get to watch how the drinks are made | |
The options at the restaurant include various food options that are also vegetarian friendly which is very important to me | |
You can eat indoors or in the patio, which is shaded and pretty large | |
They have a gorgeous patio | |
though they could be a bit more crispy and warm | |
I came here on a Saturday around noon expecting a huge line up, which there was. I was told it would be an hr wait , which wasnt a big deal because things seemed to be moving well | |
Good place to hang with friends | |
Great restaurant, the oysters were awesome | |
Great BBQ | |
having the menus labelled for persons with dietary restrictions | |
The Mad Man was served in a very cool pipe shaped glass | |
it has become one of my favourite Coffee / Breakfast and Italian lunch places | |
a whole lot of food | |
the way the flavours all melded together was perfect | |
fantastic view over the lake and city | |
The sushi | |
the warm ambiance | |
You come here for the experience, not so much for the food. | |
martini which was nice | |
a good place for a group of friends to get together | |
the service is really slow | |
she would be right back to take our order for drinks | |
but our waitress was no where around | |
Small portions and alil pricey | |
Drinks are pretty expensive | |
the decor gives a great warm home feeling | |
The service was really good | |
Befuddlement Draft | |
the 3 stars is for the attitude of the restaurant | |
Drinks are a little pricey | |
Drinks were unique but expensive and if you want to overindulge this wouldn't be the place | |
Its always delivered on amazing wings | |
The service is good and the atmosphere is inviting | |
In my many years of living in Toronto | |
I recommend the baked brie and the octopus balls | |
Delicious | |
The interiors are gorgeous | |
Love this place | |
Seems like the drinks are great | |
I love taking in the views | |
They have a fantastic patio in the summer | |
Upstairs have additional space and it will be a take out / snack bar as per the staff | |
The setting is intimate, cozy and comfortable | |
the owner is very friendly & was helpful. jerk chicken poutine | |
the patio is open during the summer | |
Overall it was a good experience | |
place | |
. The mussels was delicious | |
good food and reasonable price | |
my first anniversary | |
I enjoyed the food and the atmosphere | |
The decor was unique and cool- | |
it was a cool place | |
and hopefully better | |
patio is gorgeous as it looks over liberty and is very airy. The food is good, but nothing to rave about. The pizzas are fresh, which is nice, the Cobb salad is kind of just a salad (with no blue cheese :[). Overall, food is good, but it kind of feels your average run of the mill chain restaurant. Come here to drink after work for the views if anything. | |
bar was busy and the bartenders didnt stop moving | |
The patio is GREAT | |
drinks with friends at the cafe | |
Khoa San Road is probably | |
Great food (tasting menu) and great service (Greg and Seth) combined for a special meal | |
Best restaurant in terms of everything | |
the rice was too soggy | |
We enjoyed one of the best tables on the patio, | |
Also goo prices with the portions you get | |
been disappointed | |
there.. i called them and they said they have it.. when | |
Guacamole is decent, drinks are ok,the rest is a mess | |
The ribs were over cooked and dry | |
The wait time was long | |
coffee is really delicious | |
the pillows were great and everything about the room smelled good | |
and generally good service. I booked the room directly with the hotel | |
The location was excellent | |
Our room was clean, well appointed, if a little snug and comfortable. The bathroom wasn't brand new, but was just fine. Service was very good overall. We had to wait a bit too long for our room, but the staff did everything they could to get it ready for us as quickly as possible. As everyone else has noted, no A/C! This was pretty awful, as the rooms get quite warm, especially the smaller ones. If you left the fan on all day, it helped cool things down a bit.Our room was the very last one in the hotel (450) so we were on the main road side, which was quite noisy at night. Lots of sirens and road cleaners going past at all hours. Also, the free wireless didn't reach that end of the hotel, so if that's an essential feature, ask for something more in range of the front desk, maybe. Custom Burger was very expensive, and not at all worth the price in my opinion. The shakes are fantastic though! Right across the road at the Good Hotel, is a pizza place on the bottom floor. Good pizza, good prices and friendly staff, esp Ashanti. Eat here over CB anytime. The location isn't great | |
The room was very small but clean and unique | |
Location was fantastic, | |
It was the most disgusting room I ever stayed in | |
noisy.the room next to me was so loud | |
The nighty wine reception in the lobby from 5 to 6 was also a great bonus | |
There's a great family diner across the street for breakfast | |
The room was very comfortable | |
Room gorgeous with view to the West, almost could see China in the distance | |
the city, near to shops, malls, Chinatown, trollies, public transportation | |
enjoy shopping | |
The actual hotel itself is OK, the issue we had was the | |
Everything about this place was excellent. For the very low price | |
breakfast was great and our housekeeper was absolutely delightful | |
hotel with a decent location | |
the hotel and on the 6th floor | |
The hotel is centrally located and was great for shopping at Westfield | |
We did the rest of the trip | |
: comfy, great pillow | |
pillows very flat | |
Great location | |
There was also a serious lack of storage space in the room | |
the complimentary breakfast was awesome | |
That street is very loud and alot of traffic | |
the room the smallish | |
There was no smiling at all from | |
big rooms | |
The hotel rooms are small | |
great restaurant recommendations | |
The breakfast is better than the usual Continental | |
the breakfast in the lovely Silk Restaurant | |
the Dunkirk suite. It is a corner accomodation with great city views | |
My room requirements were done perfectly | |
the Westin St Francis from the 29th | |
location is awesome | |
. The staff are very cool | |
the rooms are very small | |
The wine hour in the cozy lobby was great | |
The restuarant is very small and didn't have a chance to eat there | |
The Hotel is beautifly decorated and was immaculate in condition | |
Had a great breakfast | |
the location is great for shopping | |
the wine hour is very nice | |
great city view | |
The hotel is in a very safe area | |
Breakfast was convenient and good | |
Hotel Carlton is a good place to stay and it is a good value | |
Excellent shower head with great pressure | |
wonderful breakfast | |
room was a little small but very clean and the bed was very comfortable | |
Some rooms had working phones, tvs, lights, other rooms didn't. Very inconsistant. Bedding was dirty, one towel in one room | |
The rooms were clean comfortable and affordable | |
two blocks | |
The location was ideal | |
rooms very a little on the small size | |
This hotel is located in a fabulous location near Fisherman's wharf | |
The rooms were obviously recently remodeled and were very nice | |
continental breakfast | |
The food is very expensive. Breakfast while ok | |
LOCATION - average | |
constant noise day and night | |
And breakfast at the hotel restaurant, it was terrible and overpriced | |
breakfast is basic, but free, so very convenient | |
The hotel is definitely well run | |
Our room was not extra large but we would only be sleeping there | |
The room was very clean, updated, with a cool view of the city below | |
The hotel is a bright spot in a not-so-nice area of SF | |
The rooms were big and the service was warm | |
hotel was in a great location | |
the rooms are fairly run down and not particularly clean | |
The high floor rooms need time to cool off | |
THe room was a little on the small side | |
The onsite restaurant is outrageously overpriced | |
bedroom area and very cramped sitting | |
Sadly | |
the location so near to Fishermans Wharf was great | |
It reminded me of European boutique hotels that I've stayed in | |
The area isn't too bad. Just don't go west or south (Tenderloin). Go north, and you hit Nob Hill. Go east, and you hit Union Square | |
quiet with no street noise)- | |
Internet is $17 per | |
Their staff was rude | |
it's a decent location | |
Great restaurants nearby | |
The gym is great | |
It's in a handy location | |
The rooms are tiny | |
comfortable room | |
Hotel is in the path of lots of street noise | |
I was concerned about trying a new hotel in the Union Square area | |
roomservice is great | |
breakfast was delicious (scrambled and boiled eggs, sausage, quiche, danishes, scones, croissants, assortment of breads (great sourdough, wheat, white), fresh cut fruit, coffee, tea, orange juice, and cranberry juice | |
Location is excellent less than 2 blocks from fishermans Wharf & | |
We find the overall location perfect | |
The room was a bit small but given | |
The rooms were clean and nicely decorated. The rooms were also quiet and we felt safe | |
it had good reviews | |
the service is poor | |
The location is fantastic with restaurants, shops, diners very close. | |
The continental breakfast was great | |
The breakfast was a wonderful | |
Room was in good shape | |
the hotel staff are very friendly | |
. The location was great | |
We enjoyed San Fran. way more then we ever thought | |
The breakfast was good, although the "hot" items were lukewarm | |
The price was great | |
but they do not bother you | |
Room was very big with loads of storage space | |
The breakfast was complementary | |
The room was decent size but the decor was beyond outstanding | |
Our room was small but very unique and quaint | |
the high price | |
Incredible location | |
If you have it, go spend your $200 plus a night somewhere else | |
staff were excellent | |
The front desk was friendly and prompt | |
There was also a serious lack of storage space in the room | |
the staff are excellent, | |
Excellent location | |
incredibly noisy | |
breakfast was great | |
This room was cleaner | |
The room was clean and comfortable | |
Breakfast was also pricey | |
18 | |
Lovely location would go | |
was nicely | |
where folks on our floor had breakfast | |
The rooms were very spacious | |
My negative experience began with the reservationist who booked a King Room for us | |
Loved my stay. Great location and breakfast was great | |
Not large rooms but enough | |
room was small, smelled like smoke although we asked for a non-smoking room | |
and good restaurants | |
The rooms are a little small but the front desk was friendly and helpful | |
The room itself was a bit small | |
There are countless kiosks in the area for different tours and attractions | |
impressed for the pretty | |
only about $10 | |
There are various inexpensive but good restaurants nearby | |
We got a great deal on this hotel on Priceline for 3 nights in mid February 2009 | |
The quality is good, with fresh high quality pastries and coffee as well as cereal, boiled eggs, bagels, cheese, fruit, tea, etc | |
The front desk was very friendly | |
The room was a good size if not big | |
small | |
room was very nice | |
The breakfast was very average | |
The rooms were probably a bit small | |
great continental breakfast | |
Our room had a queen size | |
expecting a great comfortable place to stay after | |
Bathroom was luxurious | |
was small, kind of dingy and smelled musty | |
The free wine hour was great | |
the four nights we were there | |
The rooms themselves were plush | |
The rates were very reasonable | |
The location is superb | |
location was perfectly fine | |
The new rooms had beautiful light | |
the staff were extremely helpful and friendly | |
lovely pillows | |
Comfortable bed and great pillow | |
spacious quarters | |
rooms are wonderful | |
I did like the breakfast | |
the hotel was very good, considering the price and location | |
St. Regis is the nicest and coolest one I have stayed at yet! The decor is modern, but not over the top modern, just contemporary. Beautifully appointed entry and very welcoming staff. They walked me up to my room to explain the new technology - which is highlighted by a digital device that controls everything from room service to lighting to the do not disturb sign, all with bedside convenience. The beds are fluffy and obviously extremely clean. The place was spotless. Bathroom necessities smell amazing, was tempted to swipe them! The gym is great | |
the room quite small when we were trying to dry out our soggy clothes | |
Room was on the smallish side, but perfectly adequate | |
Room: not too big but very well furnished and decorated | |
a great atmosphere | |
The location of this hotel is wonderful | |
Many restaurants just blocks away | |
got a room with a spectacular view | |
plenty of restaurants | |
Our room had a huge closet where we stored our luggage | |
The room I stayed at was the best Marriott property room I ever stayed in | |
quot;continental breakfast" | |
The free breakfast was decent | |
The view from the 16th floor was amazing | |
perfect location | |
the room was cute | |
breakfast is basic | |
They offer a full and delicious breakfast | |
horrifically noisy, both from street traffic and denizens of the hotel itself | |
street noise and noise | |
the staff was freindly and attentive | |
It was immaculate | |
The room was awesome | |
Free | |
room's door the smell of dirty old man body order pierced through my nose making my eyes water | |
The exceptional thing that happened is that I had mentioned being in town for my birthday | |
motel | |
amazing location | |
the pillows were great | |
Our room was dark and dreadful | |
hotel less than acceptable | |
The rooms are so beautiful | |
Customer service is also very poor. We met several rude staff | |
I LOVED the room | |
Breakfast was minimal (coffee, tea, and excellent fresh muffins) | |
Room was on the smallish side, but clean | |
The location is superb-- | |
This place doesn't have to try too hard to be ultra hip or cool | |
The breakfast was delicious and varied | |
close to Union Square neighborhood, cable car on Powell street and public transportation at Market/Powell bus and metro/BART | |
beautiful room | |
very clean and in good shape.. they also use newer keys than the old magentic cards | |
we received our favourite room. | |
comfortable rooms | |
The room was amazing and in fantastic condition with great decor | |
What makes a great hotel experience? In my opinion it's the | |
The breakfast was a bit expensive | |
The room itself felt dirty | |
Rooms are huge | |
the noise from Lombard Street is very loud | |
The room had an aweful musty odour, furniture and soft furnishings looked tired and the carpet was in a terrible state | |
The room was very well appointed with quality furnishings | |
excellent location in the heart of all the shops and things to do | |
The location is great - very central and always felt safe walking around the area | |
the bar and restaurant are on the expensive | |
The rooms are roomy | |
the location and view was perfect | |
Nice clean spacious rooms | |
The hotel is in a very convenient location for tourists and close to lots of shopping | |
Very nice | |
Rooms are smallish | |
the pillows were very small | |
Hotel rooms were very small | |
reasonably good condition | |
Day and our room was disgusting | |
Rooms are big | |
The room was large, bright and airy. The bathroom was large enough | |
near the business district | |
The room is very petite | |
They recommended both a French and Italian restaurant and both were within walking distance and just delicious | |
Free wine reception | |
return from the Hotel Nikko this afternoon | |
Restaurant is on the pricey side, but there are plenty of less | |
Some rooms had working phones, tvs, lights, other rooms didn't | |
I shared a room with two double beds and our "biggest" complaint was that there weren't enough electrical outlets for us to charge our wireless phones and Garmin gps units | |
The location was awesome | |
I was greeted by a broken switchplate and the odors of both mildew and cigarette smoke | |
Location is fine - no need to go into the Tenderloin unless you choose to do so and only a 10 minute walk downhill to Union Square | |
The room was great size for the four of us | |
rooms are gorgeous | |
You are really paying for location with this hotel. This is also a historic hotel | |
The Cartwright is just four blocks from Union Square, with theaters and shopping nearby | |
good view of the city | |
Room was nice, with all the amnities you need | |
sacrafice that for a great rate. Restaurant was pricey as hotels are. They ran out of empty refrig's to replace our pay-mini-bar, but allowed us to remove and replace items without a charge to store our leftovers & drinks. Beds were comfy with lots of fluffy pillows. Valet staff was more friendly and helpful than concierge. Parking, valet only, was $42/day + $5.50 tax. May look into public parking across street next time. Very close to subway stations, large mall, & trolley stops. | |
Hotel staff were uniformly nice | |
great continental breakfast | |
This was a great alternative | |
The location was handy - we were able to walk everywhere | |
The breakfast was excellent with a number of different choices | |
complimentary breakfast beverage order for not too big a hit so we went that route and enjoyed a more affordable | |
Breakfast was a nice add | |
The yellow 70's bathroom bothered me the most as it was very dirty | |
The complimentary breakfast is great | |
Simple breakfast | |
cheerful staff | |
location were amazing | |
The continental breakfast was a nice starter | |
Our rooms were quite large and impeccably clean | |
Probably will stay there again just because of how well we felt they took care of our family | |
The location is great | |
Rooms clean, warm and comfortable beds | |
rate also included | |
breakfast - great food | |
rooms looked cosy and clean | |
my room (King suite) was HUGE | |
short 10min walk to the water front | |
Boston Breakfast is expensive for what you get - much better value in the Omni in Boston! - which is hard to beat for breakfast! | |
Located in the financial district | |
Friendly and helpful manager | |
the hotel looks very magestic | |
It was the perfect location and so comfortable | |
great!)Breakfast in the morning was nice | |
Internet is available (wifi in room | |
The room was nice | |
we asked for a twin room and it was tiny, 2 tiny single beds that were like a saggy lilo. Overall a horrible hotel and | |
Location, service, accommodations and staff are excellent | |
We were located right beside the breakfast reception area | |
My husband and I just returned from a trip | |
there was a good atmosphere | |
was comfortable, clean, and spacious | |
The room was large, clean, and well maintained | |
breakfast in the morning is incredible | |
the location is that this is not a great section of Market | |
rooms has 2 double not queen beds and NOT enough room for 2 people | |
wonderful breakfast | |
the location can not be beeat | |
The room was horrible | |
I was able to have a light breakfast | |
First time booking | |
The free breakfast was decent | |
is right at the end of the Powell trolley line | |
i was able to see golden gate bridge we loved the jet spa bathtub | |
The breakfast was basic | |
$109/night | |
the reception staff were very friendly and understanding | |
easy access to the shopping district and a Walgreens | |
Located at Broadway & Van Ness | |
the room was not very spacious | |
There are lots of restaurants within walking distance | |
That room was nice | |
The room had much dust | |
The Continental Breakfast was quick and convenient | |
The hotel itself is very nice looking with a modern decor. | |
The room was quiet and spacious | |
The desk staff is extremely friendly and helpful | |
the rooms are a good size and everything is clean and modern | |
The location's great as it's near Union Square and Westfield Shopping Centre | |
There was a light breakfast offered | |
so the rooms are not huge but the are beautiful and clean | |
The Hotel is in a great location | |
fabulous breakfasts | |
This hotel has great amenities | |
rooms were clean and nice and a good size | |
The wonderful and bountiful breakfast spread in the morning on each floor | |
The rooms are comfy | |
Many restaurants were within walking distance | |
Wharf and Pier 39 | |
it is fine | |
The room was outstanding | |
Great location | |
I had TONS of shopping and restaurant hopping to do | |
The hotel is walking distance to many attractions | |
have a courtyard room which I gather is a better option | |
The room wasn't huge but had an awesome bed, an LCD TV, Bose clock radio, etc | |
There are restaurants near the Holiday Inn | |
The room is very small | |
Oh and there is also fresh fruit in the gym | |
We have a room with 2 beds, very tight! | |
has a fantastic restaurant | |
it is way, way, cheaper than hotels in the general area | |
The location is fantastic | |
Tuscan Inn was great, location to the wharf | |
Breakfast is limited to toast and muffins with plenty of choice | |
Read all the reviews prior to booking | |
great breakfast | |
front desk was very rude | |
This hotel is a DUMP | |
The breakfast on each floor is simple but nice | |
which proved to be a bad location | |
We enjoyed the location of the hotel | |
Friendly personnel | |
Good location in town, decent sized rooms and pretty helpful staff | |
rooms were not particularly clean | |
Room was large | |
The hotel is in a wonderful location at the top of Nob Hill | |
The breakfast is fine | |
in San Francisco during Easter weekend 2007 | |
The breakfasts were wonderful | |
fabulous breakfasts | |
The location is outstanding for the convention center | |
the staff was superb | |
San Francisco | |
Room on the 4th floor northside | |
the staff was so pleasant | |
The location was amazing and the | |
The breakfast was excellent and featured homemade baked goods | |
gym at this hotel | |
The room was fine | |
The air conditioning unit needs to be placed in a recycling yard | |
reasonable buffet breakfast included, with plent to do nearby | |
The location is outstanding for the convention center | |
good atmosphere | |
Location can't be beat | |
The room at first glance was very nice but then you can see real age | |
A perfect location | |
The breakfast that is provided was quite enough to satisfy my needs and very tasty | |
The breakfast was decent for a hotel complimentery breakfast | |
Reception staff very friendly and helpful | |
Fishermans Wharf, and the accomadations are reasonably good | |
The rooms were beautiful and we loved the bathroom | |
the owner was very friendly and helpful | |
They upgraded us to a wonderful room | |
The food was expensive as you would expect in a downtown hotel | |
on Fisherman's Wharf | |
This hotel completely ruined | |
Good value for the price | |
The breakfast is perfect | |
Breakfast was fine | |
The location is fantastic | |
Horrible location | |
is actually a pretty big suite | |
The location is super - just across from Pier 39 | |
This place was near perfect | |
really good deal compared to the price and the location | |
My first time in SF would've been | |
very friendly and knowledgable |