""" Script to process raw SQuADshift file for Question Generation format cd data/processed gsplit -l 1500 -d --additional-suffix=.jsonl new_wiki.test.jsonl new_wiki.test gsplit -l 1500 -d --additional-suffix=.jsonl nyt.test.jsonl nyt.test gsplit -l 1500 -d --additional-suffix=.jsonl reddit.test.jsonl reddit.test gsplit -l 1500 -d --additional-suffix=.jsonl amazon.test.jsonl amazon.test rm -rf new_wiki.test.jsonl rm -rf nyt.test.jsonl rm -rf reddit.test.jsonl rm -rf amazon.test.jsonl """ import json import os import re from random import shuffle, seed from tqdm import tqdm import spacy from datasets import load_dataset DATASET_NAME = "squadshifts" DATASET_TYPES = ['new_wiki', 'nyt', 'reddit', 'amazon'] HIGHLIGHT_TOKEN = '' GENERATE_TEST_SPLIT = True SPLITTER = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm') def get_sentence(document: str): return [str(sent) for sent in SPLITTER(document).sents] def process_single_data(question: str, paragraph: str, answer: str): """ Convert single raw json data into QG format """ example = {'question': question, 'paragraph': paragraph, 'answer': answer} start = example['paragraph'].find(example['answer']) end = start + len(answer) assert paragraph[start:end] == answer # get sentence before_tmp = get_sentence(example['paragraph'][:start]) if len(before_tmp) == 0: before = '' before_sentence = '' else: if before_tmp[-1].endswith('.'): before = ' '.join(before_tmp) before_sentence = '' else: before = ' '.join(before_tmp[:-1]) before_sentence = before_tmp[-1] before_sentence = before_sentence if before_sentence.endswith(' ') else f'{before_sentence} ' after_tmp = get_sentence(example['paragraph'][start + len(example['answer']):]) if len(after_tmp) == 0: after = '' after_sentence = '' else: after = ' '.join(after_tmp[1:]) after_sentence = after_tmp[0] after_sentence = after_sentence if after_sentence.startswith(' ') else f' {after_sentence}' example['sentence'] = f"{before_sentence}{example['answer']}{after_sentence}" # get paragraph_sentence before = '' if before == '' else f'{before} ' after = '' if after == '' else f' {after}' source_text = '{0}{1} {2} {1}{3}'.format(before, HIGHLIGHT_TOKEN, example['sentence'], after) example['paragraph_sentence'] = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', source_text) # get paragraph_answer source_text = '{0}{1} {2} {1}{3}'.format( example['paragraph'][:start], HIGHLIGHT_TOKEN, example['answer'], example['paragraph'][start + len(example['answer']):]) example['paragraph_answer'] = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', source_text) # get sentence_answer if len(before_tmp) == 0 or before_tmp[-1].endswith('.'): before = '' else: before = before_tmp[-1] if before_tmp[-1].endswith(' ') else f'{before_tmp[-1]} ' if len(after_tmp) == 0: after = '' else: after = after_tmp[0] if after_tmp[0].startswith(' ') else f' {after_tmp[0]}' source_text = '{0}{1} {2} {1}{3}'.format(before, HIGHLIGHT_TOKEN, example['answer'], after) example['sentence_answer'] = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', source_text) return example if __name__ == '__main__': output = './data/processed' os.makedirs(output, exist_ok=True) for data_type in DATASET_TYPES: dataset = load_dataset(DATASET_NAME, data_type) _split = 'test' tmp_dataset = dataset[_split] full_data = [] for single_data in tqdm(tmp_dataset): question_str = single_data['question'] #.replace("\n", ".").replace('"', "'") paragraph_str = single_data['context'] #.replace("\n", ".").replace('"', "'") answer_str = single_data['answers']['text'] if type(answer_str) == list: answer_str = answer_str[0] assert type(answer_str) is str, answer_str assert type(question_str) is str, question_str assert type(paragraph_str) is str, paragraph_str tmp_data = process_single_data(question=question_str, paragraph=paragraph_str, answer=answer_str) tmp_data['paragraph_id'] = single_data['id'] full_data.append(tmp_data) # split test into train/valid/test test_size = int(len(full_data)/2) train_size = int((len(full_data) - test_size) * 2/3) valid_size = len(full_data) - train_size - test_size assert train_size + test_size + valid_size == len(full_data), f"{train_size}, {test_size}, {valid_size}" paragraph_ids = list(set([i['paragraph_id'] for i in full_data])) data_dict = {p: [i for i in full_data if i['paragraph_id'] == p] for p in paragraph_ids} seed(0) shuffle(paragraph_ids) lines_train = [] lines_test = [] lines_valid = [] for i in paragraph_ids: if len(lines_test) < test_size: lines_test += data_dict[i] elif len(lines_train) < train_size: lines_train += data_dict[i] else: lines_valid += data_dict[i] print(f'STATS(train/valid/test): {data_type}| {len(lines_train)}/{len(lines_valid)}/{len(lines_test)}') with open(f'{output}/{data_type}.test.jsonl', 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join([json.dumps(i) for i in lines_test])) with open(f'{output}/{data_type}.train.jsonl', 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join([json.dumps(i) for i in lines_train])) with open(f'{output}/{data_type}.validation.jsonl', 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join([json.dumps(i) for i in lines_train]))