What ferry is used to get from Manhattan to Staten Island? What two options does the government have if the Senate does not pass legislation that was initiated by the lower house two times in a three-month period? A scientific Russian group found over five thousand what on the bottom of the sea? What is the Hindu view of killing? What country did some Allied soldiers go through on boat to get to Bari Italy? What production they use the Maize? What is the annual traditional event held in the spring? In what year did William Canby first claim that Betsy Ross had sewn the first U.S. flag? When was "centralization" first used in the English language? What does Fiscal decentralization mean? What was the maximum time period that Emergency Shelter Grants had to be used? How wide were the goal posts of the first organized indoor game of hockey, in metric units? Who assisted Allied soldiers in escaping German POW camps? What are GUIs? What traits should be amplified in a system of government rearranged in a decentralized manner? What is the first country committed to the establishment of communism? What part of the beam must be created in a way so as to not buckle or be crushed? What was the name of the storm? What is it called when a player directs the puck towards the opposing player's goal? How is an object at the focal length distance from the lens imaged? What is the average width of the Andes? What is the subgenre that drew greater influence from techno music? What was the result of requisitioning the grain away from the peasantry? In what year did mainstream support for Windows XP end? What is the definition of straitform? Who became the editor in 1994? What sets the example of defence of ethnic identity? What proposed commuter rail service would connect New London with Norwich, Willimantic, Storrs, and Stafford Springs? In which year did the region south of the Great lakes formally become part of the United States? What are the benefits the measurement techniques? On what date is Kut celebrated? What is the average January temperature in Connecticut's coastal lowlands? What is recently featured in Beyoğlu's nightlife? When did Lenin die? What area is mentioned to have horrendous economic inequality? What book was the name hockey first mentioned in? Where does Drum and Bass originates from ? What is the plural form of Catholicos? How tall was the average tenement building? What kind of shot is made directly from a pass? Where did the captives who were sold usually come from? What group had a large effect on tin prices? What was established in 1900? Is total fat intake an important risk factor? How many Pequots died after the first battle? A class conscious heroic person would be called what? What do entities form the domain of? In what part of the Constitution are certain circumstances outlined? What was the trading of slaves called to South American colonies? In what area has Raymond L. Cohn conducted research? When was Yugoslavia invaded by Axis powers? When did Martin Ivens become acting editor of The Sunday Times? Besides Latin, what language were new English words created from the 16th to 18th centuries? What is the official name of one of the constituent districts? What kind of apps employ identical units along all axes? In what city was the first organized indoor game of hockey? What is the term for when frozen crystals grow to be hundreds of micrometers? The Soviet Union was part of what bloc? What does each axis become? Forces of what can vary significantly? What is the main structural component of biological membranes? Which group accused Marxism-Leninism of establishing state capitalism? Are the rivers draining the Manipur Hills calm? What vitamin does niacin fall under? Nowadays what is used to indicate that a word is an abbreviation? What company provides cable service to Manhattan? In what year did gold extraction turn to more difficult locations? What type of cloud deck is formed when cool air is trapped under warm air? What's the name of the list of the best-selling books in Britain? What shore of the Baltic's was among the last in Europe to be converted to Christianity? What is an example of a subprogram that may return different results? When did Somalia became Marxist-Leninist state? What weapons did the Partisan workshops create for themselves? What portion of the U.S. Constitution was key to the ruling in the United States v. South-Eastern Underwriters Association case? Who was elected as governor of Connecticut in 1974? A pair of x and y refer to what variable? What element can have a one dimension greater than two others? What is the name of the executive department in charge of utilities? What is the minimal lipopolysaccharide required for growth in E. coli? What software was not compromised in the study? The origin of the line is a unit of what? Which U.S. president opposed mandatory caps on carbon emission? How can grammatical function be changed? Latin influence in what language was significant? Drum and bass tempos have stayed in what range since around 1996? What is a biological membrane? How much did the those not in labor force increase between October 2009 and September 2014? What era are the metamorphic roof pendants rocks from? In what year was Abraham Lincoln's Copper Union speech? On average, how many students did each school have? What practice that became popular during the First Great Awakening decentralized the means of religiously informing the public? Which design code elements must a structural engineer be well-versed in to succeed? What's the itinerary of the bus service to John Radcliffe Hospital? What type of language is Latin in traditional terminology? What other facet of ideas does structural building engineering use besides that of scientific ideas? Who infiltrated Partisans and Chetniks? In what year are the first photographs and team lists? What festival precedes the Kut festival? How many declensions are there? What entities did the AFZ manage? Who wrote a Latin Phrasebook? How old do archeologists believe Istanbul's peninsula is? What kind of degrees are both the MD and DO? What was created in 1956? What is the approximate TOTAL population of the United states? Which Windows XP edition was designed for business and power users? As a result of discovering historical knowledge and memory, what happens to some dominant histories? What are some of the benefits of the DASH diet? What is the predominant ending letter of the fourth declension? What type of art was featured in Pompeii? What parties besides Green have seats on the crossbench What have various nations discarded in the Baltic Sea since the end of World War II? What organization is considered a major donor to the university? In 1960 Temple University survey what percentage of the Philadelphia homeless population were found over 45 years old? A large tsunami caused the deaths of about how many people? When did Connecticut give up the Western Reserve? Where is the University of Pittsburgh's medical center complex located? How are the notes A, B and C flattened by the semitone on the Saxophone? What type of exam is part I examination consists of? What makes for a theoretically possible theorem be difficult to find derivations? What region was more focused on cash-crops? Tin is the first superconductors to do what? What is the most popular smartphone OS? What bridge is in the city besides the Willemsbrug and the Koninginne Bridge? What does "supply" refer to in this text? What fueled the Silahtaraga power plant? The Kyoto Protocols were designed to do what? alpha-linolenic is a type of what fatty acid? What degree is the first level of training students must complete in order to become licensed as physicians? Who did the Soviet Union fight with in World War II? Mirror neurons fire in imitation of what? What is the traditional order for a child's surname order? How many children were homeless in 2013? What are the two types of numbers? What did farmers buy from speculators in New Hampshire? What does the making of right and wrong judgments coincide with? What is the area of study within biophysics that is the current subject of academic research? What is the most basic forecheck system? What two things do latin words fuse? Why do the large ice crystals fall through the atmosphere? What helps bolster high technology startup companies in Manhattan? What full name would Eva go by after having married Juan Domingo Peron? What was translated into Armenian along with the Bible? Why was life expectancy greater in the North American colonies? Who was the Roman Emperor that erected the obelisk? What was the lowest number of slaves that could be found on an individual ship? Should disc and discs have the same acronym? What was a specialized room in a Georgian style house? What are consequentialism and humanism? What type of climate of California influences the climate of the Sierra Nevada? What does this adoption include ? What the logical axiom consists of ? What is there a high focus on? How was called the operation that liberated Belgrade? How many years program degrees of Docto6of Medicine and Master of Public Health does Ateneo de Zamboanga University of Medicine offer? Is Catholico higher than Patriarch? Who placed these markers around Pitt's buildings? The design of static structures assumes they have the same what? Which denomination of Christians were least effected by the Great Awakening? What is the term for the slight changes caused by people changing places of work and new people just beginning their job search? In the first year students take biophysics, biochemistry, anatomy, ethics and histology which are considered to be what type of classes? How many streets were there in the original Manhattan traffic plan? What should "Book" stand for according to Anthony Burgess? what does baf stand for What type of religions tend to be more black and white in their views of divorce? Did Oxford grow in population at this time? What are subroutines often collected into? What is the Motto for Michigan in Latin? What does SMS stand for? What do social psychologists believe social and emotional development is based on? What was the name of the first fully professional hockey league? How many years are in the program at the school that does not follow the typical model? When X and Y are finite and of size |X| and |Y|, then what is the number of functions X → Y? Where was John Hickenlooper mayor? In what time period was the minimum length of many slave voyages 2.5 months? What needs to be clicked for an application to have full privileges? What is a one-dimensional space called? What is a nonstandard form of insurance? Marxism-Leninism's new pro consumerist policy has been called what? How were the relative coordinates for use on screen found? Who is a Dutch composer of postmodern music? What is forechecking? What was the Western part of Africa known as? The Turkish Statistical Institute estimates that Istanbul's Metropolitan Municipality was what number at the end of 2014? What's the symbol for Tin? At what time period was it thought that women had succeeded in changing social attitudes towards gender roles? How many carbons do polyterpenes contain? Who constructed the Petionville school? What building was the world's tallest in 1908? What caused a demand for housing? What did Justice Sandra Day say about a classification based on gender? What level penalizes fighting harshly? What is the current trend for women changing their names after marriage? What month in 2009 was the HEARTH Act introduced into Public Law? How have republicans changed since the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage? Who made the discovery of new tin deposits? What are some types of medicines specifically address diseases of the nervous system? Who provided services to the farming population in 1750? Which metal alloy form has tin been used with? who conducted a survey in 2007? Who refused to use Soviet forces in East Germany to suppress the revolt? what does 90 percent of the New Yorkers believe? Plantation owners from the Caribbean helped to fund what invention? Who owns News UK? What is Tin known to resits? Latin words include what in addition to objective semantic elements? What is the largest ethnic minority in Istanbul? What did aqueducts carry? What is one type of diversity that a nation might consider in determining its decentralization of government? In whose band was Eduard Lefebre a soloist? Which two groups of political groups identify as economically and socially conservative? What else could it mean? What regions does Alaska use instead of counties? what happened in the 17th century regarding shipments ? How large is Emirgan park? What are codes of group morality used to regulate? Which state has the city that is reputed to have the most beggars? How many fiberglass panthers are on the Pitt campus? When was structural engineering started? What is a recent metalic substitute used in the instruments, replacing the yellow brass or cartridge brass? How many years curriculum is medical school in Tunisia? Reducing corporate tax rate down from 35% to 20% is estimated to add how much debt over the course of a decade? In 2012, did more white voters vote for Romney or for Obama? What time period did the Greek phrase "to the city" come from? What year was the term Big Apple used in an ad campaign by the New York City Convention? How much money did the bill require? Which group was first utilized as labour? How are reductions of blood pressure observed? What building was constructed during Nordenberg's tenure? How long they are practicing the irrigation technique? In what year did Citibank open a branch in China? Triglycerides are also know as what? The top five percent of the white population of Virginia and Maryland had what occupation? Who issued the report on the failures of the party in 2012? How was drum and bass previously broadcasted? What year was the Northwest Territory formed? What's the third objective of the bill as summarized by the Congressional Research Service? How much money does Pitts research program bring in each year? What would be done if a person had the same name in medieval times? What was the name of the first attempted settle that the English made south of Virginia? How many houses are there? What factor is difficult to determine when measuring the level of underemployment? The largest illustration to have been published in a British newspaper was of a wood carving of what event? What could a married English woman not do when she was married, or even widowed? What type of car does Ktchoyan drive? What are the coordinates of the state? Which part of Manhattan was considered to be especially cramped and dirty? How many women were in the Antifascist Front of Women (AFZ)? In which year major cities' mayors were surveyed about homelessness? What does morality encourage? When did the optical industry start? How much of the Senate would face re-election in the event of a double dissolution? What happened to the French Acadian inhabitants in Nova Scotia? What economic effect can a non-centralized approach incur? What are antibiotics used for? Who examines the job gap The name De Luca like arose from where? In which documents towns and townships were meant to denote the same thing? What year did President Obama sign the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act? Where was the cultivation of crops such as bananas and sugarcane more favorable? What happened to Oxford in the 10th century? How many small shopping centres are there in the city centre? What does an interpretation of a first-order language assign? Who is associate editor? When was the Brooklyn Bridge opened? In which state are completely independent from the county in which they would otherwise be a part? In what era were reliefs in wax produced? what type of fats found in hydrogenated vegetable oils pose a risk for cardiovascular disease? In what journal did Andrew Hoberek write an introduction titled, "After Postmodernism"? When did graphic design start? What myth is perpetuated by Iberian leadership? What year was the slave trade outlawed with the United States? What is the qualification for Medicine and Surgery in Unani? what should structural engineers ensure? The lead designer on buildings is usually who? What saxophones are made with phosphor bronze? dilaurate is an example of what kind of compound? How many Partisan fighters managed to escape to Bosnia from Serbia and Montenegro? What was the murder rate in 2008? In which election was former Governor Mitt Romney a nominee? Which declension adjectives are declined? Which church did Roger Williams try to break with? When were the first studies on cardiovascular health performed? What city surpassed Istanbul for Europe's largest city? Which four major American broadcast networks are based in Manhattan? How do states help insurers and brokers save time? What does moral epistemology mean? What two continents does Instanbul sit on? What's the key aspect that affected the Bolshevik regime? Where in India is the use of two names not universal? What Act Australian Senate? What opportunities for experience does Pitt offer? What language are the paternal and maternal surnames combined using y? When did the news go out that gold was found from the American River? What is it called when a team is down a player due to a penalty? How many employees did the New Haven operate? What process allows for some static permissions to be assigned to users? What act inspired the 1689 Boston revolt? Awareness of this disease and what else will stem the tide? Paragraph 14 of the SSAP matches what paragraph of the FAS 113? In what year was the Kemsley Newspapers Group established? What companies have their Dutch headquarters located in Rotterdam? What evolved due to survival and reproductive benefits? who structures the machinery and medical equipment? How much was the number of hotel rooms for tourists in Manhattan supposed to increase from 2013 to 2014? What type of equations are Cartesian? What can ultimately result from age-related changes in the vascular wall? When was there a confrontation in Britain? Where was bas-relief commonly used? What elements lead to tell whether the predicate is true? Who created the McCarran-Ferguson Act? What two values do liberals say are the most important? What was the name given to the very bug river sailed by the European king? How many times can a student attempt to pass their first year? What name did Betty Friedan give to the issue of limited possibilities and wasted potential of women? Why is tin unique among other minerals? What does amābit mean in Latin? Who was the chief architect of Istanbul during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent? How many buses serve the parking spaces? what is the metabolic process for breaking down fatty acids to generate acetyl-CoA known as? In 2014, what building was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Rotterdam? how many patrol ships were present ? When was a law considered to change the order of last names? How are molecular biology and genetics useful? Why does the genre began to expand its reach? What is the principal application of structural mechanics? What is a lasting consequence of hydraulic mining? What does floating molten glass on top of molten tin produce? What is it called when an element dissolves in both acidic and basic solutions? If a man in Lithuania is named Vilkas, what will his daughter be named? Where was the first film screening held? The profit motive is replaced by what? What measurement techniques used in neuroscience? What is the significance of 36 Browery in history? How many tonnes does the mine at Bisie produce? How is water supplied to Manhattan? What was the main export item of Virginia in the late 17th century? During what years was the most recent U.S. recession? What powerful intellectual in colonial America was a key leader during the Great Awakening? Where are compositions that are crowded figures also seen? Imbibe and extrapolate are of what origin? Changing the interface language of Windows also affects which three pre-installed Window's apps? How do you denote the set of all functions from a set X to a set Y? Has neuroscience broadened or narrowed? What are two examples of Uralic people based on the passage? What's the highest numbered avenue in Manhattan? When was same sex marriage legalized? when was Chattel slavery codified ? Which group of settlers headed the frontier and made up the majority? When was Windows 95 released? What is the standard tool used to measure rainfall or snowfall? Besides North America, where else is this system in use? What name did the Europeans use when speaking of the whole city? Where is the last name commonly placed in China? What is an especially monumental sculpture called? The New England railroads were financed by who? How many states comprise the United States of America? What are the terms and formulas of first-order logic? What is one convention used instead of parentheses in formulas? Which school of Hinduism became a dominant force in Manipur during the eighteen century? What have MBBS titles been replaced with? What President released a major report on gender equality? What was the time frame of the Atlantic slave trade? How many students studied in the schools of Iskcon? Who is the author of "Complete Conduct Principles for the 21st Century"? Who receives gifts at this festival? Which new system for saxophones was arguably superior but wasn't easily adopted? What countries absorbed and annexed Slovenia? Who contributed to physics and inventions such as stoves and lightning rods? Accoding to Bonomi talented young men were attracted to what in colonial society? How many of Santa Fe's population were decedents of Spanish settlers in the 21 first century? What is another way to call the derivations of mathematical theorems? What types of ends are found in fatty acids? What did the New York Times say should have be the hourly wage if it had kept up with the growth in average labor productivity? Ghettotech was recently created in what country? What theory with an infinite domain has the strength to uniquely describe a structure? What is the state that Mount Humphreys is close to? Which bridge links Manhattan to New Jersey? In what general area is the Guilá Naquitz cave located? Who designed the Van Nelle fabriek in Rotterdam in 1929? What coordinate system specifies each point uniquely in a plane by a pair of numerical coordinates? What was the first pedestrian street opened in Rotterdam? Who has supported alternate energy in order to achieve energy independence for the U.S.? What were insurance companies in large part not allowed to do prior to the 1950s? How many major storms hit Connectitcut in 14 months? In the UK, what kind of degree does someone need to practice medicine? Does improving diet and participating in physical activity change lifestyle behaviors? what country has the most tin mind? What percentage of the population in the United States has the surname Smith? What kind of saxophone was played by Sidney Bechet? What were the characteristics of early tin agreements? What activities are prohibited by the rules, officially? Is the University a private or puble institution? What did Congress pass that acts as a local constitution? What is the most common application of pierced tin? What does printing money do for the economy? What theory is the aciomatization of set theory? What was New England's population in 1750? What is the abbreviation for the Oxford English Dictionary? What is hypertension? Where is the official climate data for Manhattan recorded? Who was the mother of the feminism movement? Who is one of the novelists connected with postmodern literature? On what type of particle does water vapour typically begin to condense? Who was the head of the survey done on the Sierra? If a person's name is ben adam, what is their father's name according to the Hebrew patronymic naming convention? What four brands user higher copper alloys in thier contruction? What is extremely important for all claims to include? what does first order logic uses quantified variables over What prevents further oxidation with Tin? Where can we see the post-classical stage of Latin? The Leblanc System was hindered in it's mainstream adoption by players due to it's complexity and what? Import from which country had an unifying effect on British colonies of North America? What would the law change the last name order to? How many tense systems are latin tenses divided into? When was the width of New York City streets determined? Other than the degree holders who get selected for the medical school quota for German medical schools? Notes above which key are considered part of the altissimo register for saxophones? What is a major reason why Rotterdam has logistics successes? What jobs do the other one or two officials have? In England, what name did the game "Hockey on ice" replace? Which city in Connecticut has the highest population? What year was churchills request? Who was Adolph Sax? What are some major differences between men and women physiologically? What did second wave feminism mainly focus on? What was the average monthly number of jobs created in each of the three decades from 1970-2000? On which basis is the status of "major party" determined? Welds, screws, rivets and bolts hold what together? What is around 97% regarding the notion that human activity has caused the warming of the climate? What was caused by the Nazca and Antarctic Plate sliding under the South American Palte? How many people are homeless in Los Angeles County at least one night of the year? When was the last year that tin was mined in the United States? What helped to stabilize the languages of Spain, France, Portugal, and Italy? Who broke from Republican practice by signing bills related to capping carbon emissions? What date did the Dutch army surrender to Germany? Why did Thomson sell to Murdoch? What helped the Democratic and Republican parties see things more evenly? What was the opinion of critics of modernism? What does G-Spec stand for? What are conservatives supportive of? The breakup of what super-continent stimulated the growth of the Andes? What are the range of levels from which the study of the nervous system can be done? When and where was the term "centralization" first used? which element is used to build a complex structural systems? Where is Oxford located? What is the local language name for the North Island? When did the term anarchism enter the English language? Who were the main forces from which the Partisans captured their weapons? What is a widely used Latin textbook in America? How many more Africans were brought over in the next 50 years? What is the relationship of high levels of drinking and cardiovascular disease? Which group of Europeans held strong grienvences about the war? When did the first insurance company in the US come into existence? What do conservatives and liberals agree is the top value? What other estimate was Istanbul's Metropolitan Municipality's population? What colleges were created in the 12th century? Breakcore and digital hardcore where created around the same time as what genre? Name one of the medical schools in Philippines What was most likely the original source of tin in ancient times? When was the American Jobs Act proposed? What was the name of the problematic guideline? What entity took over the role of sheriffs? What are at least two other cups won by Feyenoord, besides the European Cup? What field provides notations for sets based on their cardinalities in its convention? When was a stinging report on the failures of the party given? What does negative R mean? In which region are counties primarily used as judicial districts? What do the Pokey awards "honor"? What did Hardt and Negri state was not the main reason for to end the slave trade? What is the Vietnamese term for America? Who published Historia Naturalis? Why are crystals able to grow so much? Around what year did the population begin to stabilize? What did machines before the mid 1960s use? What type of chart can you examine in order to learn about a column's axial load capacity? how many brotherhoods are in the Armenian church? What caused the Andes? What is another name for tuples? What is the new name given to Bay of Santa Margarita? What did a subroutine library originally do? What is described as "a way of life and a state of mind"? What are other ideas that originated in the early Silicon Valley movement? Which Rochkerfeller was a prominent liberal Republican? What material are 100mm (4 inch) rain gauges made of? What climates are found in Istanbul? How many teams are in the AHL? When was the transition from Modernism to Postmodernism said to have happened? What was the HEARTH Act trying to stop from happening to American citizens? Who validates the certificates? What happened between 1917 and 1939? During 2008-2009 how many people were homeless in the United States? Does a wife ever adopt her husband's first name? What are basic terms for the two types of truss components? What is the first country listed? What kind of movements stress a common morality? What broke the first agreement of boundary lines? What was the first year of winter olympic hockey? How many tenses are in latin? Is Aspirin useful in those at low risk of heart disease? Rotterdam is a city in which country? Who were killed in the foibe massacres? What crucial element helps define an agent system? Who was a major figure in the Age of the Enlightenment? Where did the Center get its name? What area of the brain does intuitive reactions to situations about moral issues activate? When did the Democratic part regain control? What kind of algorithm gives a precise process to compute the greatest common divsor of two positive integers? Which invasion was a threat to England in the 17th century? What political ideologies did Lincoln Chafee embrace through out his career? Which population is heavily concentrated among the Meetei? What happened with the Cold war after Stalin died? What are the states of Palau called? What does RAM stand for? What does R1 < 0 and R2 > 0 indicate? When did Brazil itself end slavery? Which Rockefeller was a prominent liberal Republican? Who allowed Lenin to travel across Germany and German-held territory into Russia? How much money does Pitt give in community support per year? What they are also called oftenly ? What type of reform revitalized monasticism? In what years did the C melody enjoy it's success What does moral self-licensing suggest increases the likelihood of engaging in immoral behavior? Which government department deals with regulation of territorial governments, and the basic responsibilities for public lands? What percentage of cardiovascular disease deaths does high blood pressure account for? The first major settlements in Connecticut were founded in which decade of the 1600s? During what years does the genre started to expand its reach? Which two highly endangered species live in Lake Titicaca? What happened if a two-line pass offside pass was made? After what biological period in a woman's life could it be argued that she has a similar risk of heart disease compared to a man? The socialist state is called a dictatorship of what? Where did the collapse of the communism occurred? What two things can be changed to suit the users needs when it comes to multilingual support? What creates a collimated beam? Heart related diseases pose what kind of threat? Which social group might benefit in terms of increased representation in governmental concerns? What does Evita mean? What are three mechanisms that can produce precipitation? What issues do eyeglasses correct? What type of architecture uses those larger decorative reliefs? What establishment west of campus is adjacent to the University's medical center complexes? Who made an expedition to the Arctic? Structural engineer became a profession when? Where did Wheelock receive his PhD? What type of disease is angina? What are lenses classified as when effects such as spherical aberration and coma are minimized? What letter is not marked by the apex? Which country did the Puritans flee from? When were the times for flying the flag at half-staff standardized? If you've known the answer to every question thus far, what virtue does that show? Who was the grandson of the 1814 commander of Fort McHenry? What word did the phrase "gentlemen only, ladies forbidden" supposedly lead to? who is responsible for the structural design and building? ZAVNOH was associated with what country? What religious sect was this city paramount for it's growth? What is the name of the 18 degree S coastline bend? Where is the CHP the strongest? What happens when a lipophilic or amphiphillic substance is dissolved in a polar environment? What did first wave feminism mainly focus on? What season did the varsity teams join the ACC? When did the first stock insurance company in the US come into existence? How many supporters did the Yugoslav National Liberation Movement claim? In which topographical region is Kona? was the clergy seen as a communist sympathizer? E. Van Ree believed that Stalin generally followed whose political philosophy? Polyketide backbones are further modified by what? When was communist revolution started in Germany and Hungary? What does the "major party" status include? What is the shortened form of directed graph of states in computer science? X-axis refers to what direction? What policies did Stalinism include? When did Taiwan's medical education began? Was Lenin's order followed? What kind of people were used to populate Georgia? How many minutes are there in sudden death over time period? What diploma French medical sudents' get after defending their thesis? What is the current location of the Bowery Mission that dates back to 1909? What is a call stack? What is the major metal in the American and Canadian pennies? What kind of music is played by Kenny G? When did the Silahtaraga plant begin operation? When did Congress officially create an Act to protect the park? What is morphology? How many variables can be determined using the algebra of Cartesian coordinates? Ohalo II is near what sea? In what year were new deposits discovered? When do some holes stand open while others are closed? Where can surnames denote caste? How many municipalities are there in the county in Nashville? Which spacecraft were incapable of horizontal atmospheric flight? What is punched tin-plated steel also called? What other major issues did second wave feminism address? When was the Arthurian legend written down? Whose political party was given recognition by the Republican Party? In what year was the failed Spartacist in Berlin? Which is the most southern east coast city that upheld British culture? What news story was Marie Colvin covering when she was killed? Which type of rain gauge is the cheapest and most fragile? Who was accused of laundering money? How much does one pay for an interface language in Windows? What material are 200mm (8 inch) rain gauges made of? What is a problem that most studies in Neurology have in regards to their number of participants? In the function f(x) = 1/x, what is f? how many trees fell onto roadways? Is there are clear time frame for the feminism movement? Cite three of the main Manipuri insurgent groups How many support ships were present ? Who has a lower likelihood of developing heart disease if both have diabetes, the female or the male? What causes the ice crystals to appear white in color? what happens if sub freezing air is layered too thinly below falling precipitation doesn't give time to refreeze? What group of settlers engaged in the process of taming and selttling in a wild frontier country? Who hypothesized that the incremental development of moral complexity throughout hominid-evolution was due to the increasing need to avoid disputes and injuries? Who is Veritas? Who has given the University of Pittsburgh serveral Green Star Awards? Other than the universities who else is involved in German medical school admission process? What street borders Central Park on the north? By the end of the 20th Century what did the city boast as it's attractions? When did African women enter the colony? how long was the first african been kidnapped ? From where did 3,000 men launch their operations? What was the mission called that rescued POWs in August of 1944 Is there are clear time frame for the feminism movement? Who held a monopoly on media broadcasts? In what way are cloud-top temperatures and cloud-top heights related? Polyprenols and their phosphorylated derivatives play an important role transporting what across membranes? Which gender had a higher relative risk for the disease? What is Istanbul's spring and autumn like? What type of compounds are colored? What was abolished by the legislation? Who invented Cartesian planes? What was the "trough" of employment in 2009, (How many people were actually employed in Feb. of 2010? When did the Ministry of Post, Telegraph, and Telephone come into existence? In New Haven the great dictionary was compiled by who? What shore of the Baltic's was among the last in Europe to be converted to Christianity? What does Rotta mean? What role does the Baltic play in the international commodity trade What was an industry that experienced more hurt than benefit from deregulation? How many years of degree is accepted by University Grants Commission for practicing medicine? How many sections make up the University of Pittsburgh's main campus? What is the approximate frequency range for the microwave area of the electromagnetic spectrum? What can the call stack mechanism help do? What are two features of postmodern influence in music scores? Why did indentured servitude fail in the New World, as an alternative to slavery? When was the first building of Ahmolean Museum erected? Did the hunter-gatherers or the Neolithic populations have a more varied and balance diet? Who controls the Bisie mine? What is Instanbul also know for being for the country of Turkey? How can two functions be written? What was famous for taverns before being changed? how does an Armenian priest become a member of the brotherhood What is the minimum title requied to practice medicine? What do third-conjugation stems end in? What popular rap rock group was influenced by drum and bass? What lets lipids come together and form things? What did the religious settlers insure as a basic American principle? What might have been a reason for the Samis not seeing any transformation of their names? What is the purpose of quasi-reentrant? Do public hospitals in Istanbul cost as much as private ones? What type of unsaturated fat may increase cardiovascular risk? What is the smallest number of words that two or more compound surnames can be merged into? What is the origin of stannum? Where is it common to have surname in western cultures? Are surplus line insurers regulated? In what year was Windows 10 released? How much did the homeless population increase from 2002 to 2011? How many prisoners were rescued in a mission in August of 1944 What new philosophical period was adopted by the high class colonist? What cause of homelessness was ranked the lowest by five mayors? What President released a major report on gender equality? When were Marxist-Leninist unabated? What Soviet leader had taken a more experimental approach towards education? What is the chemical symbol for the niobium-tin compound? How long was the siege of Constantinople in the 1400s? Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery are equal to what degree in North America? What makes the surname the first surname? What makes higher-order logic stronger than first-order logic? What percentage of cardiovascular disease deaths does obesity account for? At what point does the increase in blood cholesterol levels begin to slow down in men? How many years it takes to get the degree in medicine in the Netherlands? What two cultures use two or more surnames? is there a defined separation of church and state? Who are the blues artists cited by producers as inspirations? Were the journalists at The Times on full pay during the suspension? When was the learning tool called as "the horn" developed? What are three other ways governments can control private land? Who organized E-Week each year? How would the Georgia Colony benefit Great Britain tactically? When was the first woman hockey teammate? When did British supplies start to arrive to help the AVNNOJ? What is window glass often made by? Where was the Royal Africa Company located? Who holds the annual championships? What styles were used to build the embassies along Istiklal Avenue? What did Justices Harry A. Blackman and others suggest would be a result of this ruling? What are types of nutritious English grass? What motives start a top-down decentralization? What is contained in the subset defining the function of f? When was a tinplate canister for preserving food first manufactured? What is the h2 quartet? What date and year was this Gallup poll conducted? What is a call sequence? What plates is the North Anatolian Fault located in the middle of? Who currently actually retrieves some of the discarded material? Other than Windows Defender, what does Microsoft Offer for security? How does inline expansion allow the compiler to optimize the procedure's body more effectively? What year did News International acquire the group? Heart failure is linked to exposure from what Particulate matter? What is the property of a non-logical symbol? Which rivers drain from the east? What are call stacks used for? The English changed New Netherland's name to what? What type of function is X x Y? What does a subroutine behave like? Who is NTV partnered with? According to Kate Turabian, how would one pluralize the acronym DVD? Which Drum and Bass station gained a temporary legal license? Who said that "the party is going to be torn on the issue of same-sex marriage? Who are newly categorized in California as homeless? What decade represents the start of Rotterdamn's rebuilding? What was one of titles the first Africans imported to the English colonies referred to as? How many years is medical education in Taiwan? Which exam must be completed to obtain the LMCC qualifications? What is the Dutch named for New Netherland? How many stories was the Petionville school? To what year can the extraction of tin be dated back to? Where is the function of reciprocity in nature especially seen? What are the input variables of a function sometimes referred to as? What devices have expanded the use of decentralized networks? When did postmodern music come about? As of 2013, how many of registered voters are enrolled? What ordinance was used to allow new states to enter the Union? Who voted for Bush more in 2004: weekly church-goers, occasional church-goers, or people that never attended church? Wheat at the oldest site was dated by Willem van Zeist and who else? How many years of residency in a specialty is required to complete the medical degree? What groups fought for power in each of the colonies? Why were the cuts delayed until May 2011 How were program instructions entered into memory with early computers? Where did the flag resolution appear from Which national group were known for painting scenes of nature onto their furniture? 80 percent of all buildings in Germantown, Pennsylvania were made of what material? Which county has the highest per capita income in the USA? What is often dropped by many authors? What was the minimum wage per hour in 2009? What geometry do organotin compounds adopt? What is Stanley Engerman's estimate for slave trade profits in Britain? Some Republicans support added oil drilling where? What types of houses did the upper class live in? Does Manhattan try to be eco-friendly? What is a sequence of instructions, packaged as a unit, that perform a specific task called? Name one of the characteristic features of superconductors. How do you obtain exactly zero optical power? What states have the most homeless kids not living with their families? What other name was used for the New Haven? How large is the Baltic's dead zone? Which team won the first match? What tactic attempts to keep the puck in the offensive zone by pressuring the opposing team's winger when they are breaking out? Which river splits Rotterdam into northern and southern parts? What does NAEH stand for? What is another theory for how moral judgements are made that do not take belief into account? What kind of non-glyceride lipid components are also found in biological membranes? Among college graduates, how much of an advantage did people identifying as Democrats have over Republicans? In what area was slavery not confined to people belonging to a minority ethnicity or faith group? Under what are all States equal in international law? What hockey league has also introduced a new set of rules? Who was the last Dutch Director General of New Amsterdam? What is different about the Dutch approach to medicine studies? What is the other most common surname that belongs in the list with Hansen and Olsen, of Norway? What new style of music came up in the late 1980s and early 1990s? What does Zuckerman say are the least religious nations ever? In what year was the U.S. flag created? When did the Portuguese complete the first transatlantic slave voyage? Can the Xbox One play Xbox 360 games? Why is the tin whistle so called? What happens when air turbulence causes droplets to collide? What are administered by the Federal government? What is another name for a subroutine? What is used to burn an object at its focal point? What threatened the New England society of independent yeoman farmers? What is overall alcohol consumption associated with. The use of sax and dance orchestra's lead to the innovation of which three design styles? What ways can subroutines be provided? How many were numbering in 1945 for armed forces? What was Obama's policy/program to reduce spending and cut taxes in 2009 called? what do all plants need to survive? The Senator of which state change political partied due to conflict with President Bush? How hot does northeastern India get? What time period is being used to predict the amount of people in Manhattan? How was the African economy disrupted by Merchants? how is tin made? What is the name of the executive department in charge of the environment? How many people were homeless in 2009? In what year was the Amateur Hockey Association of Canada organized? By the conclusion of the 18th century, how many people lived in Istanbul? What vitamins are considered antioxidants? What year did Maurice Block pen the article "Decentralization" Who proposed the Entscheidungsproblem? What is the term neuroscience interchangeably used with? How many Connecticut residents died during the September 11 attack? How many steps are involved in entering coordinates on a problem application? What was the name of the puppet state controlled by the Germans? For whom is the Single Language version of Windows designed? When is the refurbishment of Westgate Shopping centre expected to complete? The studies done are based on what? who took the slaves to Montserrat ? Who replaced French forces when they retreated from Vietnam? What does structural engineering history contain? When did the merge happen? What authorization has been given to the FIO? What organization did The Sunday Times expose for corruption in 2010? How many mosques are there? A revolutionary vanguard is made up of what class of people? What distinctive shape is sometimes a feature of the soprano and sopranino saxes? Who played in the tournament? How much does the university spend each year on research? What did low interest rates and Wall Street bonuses spur? Few large what exists in the Andean forests? What happened during the 19th and 20th centuries? When was the Pitt African Music and Dance Ensemble founded? Wages are set by what? Where is a good location along the Equator to help define the X-axis? What is a subroutine in computer programming terms? What was the flagship paper of the Kemsley Newspapers Group What direction has wealth shifted in the past ten years? How did the slave trade negatively impact Africa? Was there opposition within the NOW organization about using Title VII of the Civil Rights Act? What is the average yearly snowfall in the higher elevations of Connecticut? According to meteorology what is precipitation? What is the more modern shopping center called? What do some authors use to avoid confusion between the inverse image and inverse function? What are some examples of things that lipids form? Which philosophy "of" departments at Pitt are renowned? Which symbols of the alphabet has meanings that vary? Who was the founder of the newspaper? In which year did the Spanish reoccupy Santa Fe? How many times did Congress debate to make Lake Tahoe a national park? What was Hrant Bagratyan's title? What is the opposite of relief sculpture What areas feature foreign food? What is the risk factor of injury when playing ice hockey? Who wrote an open letter to African countries demanding an apology? Which neighboring states have a high income tax than Connecticut? How was Lenin committed to avoid antagonizing the peasantry? What two adjectives describe modernistic music? The German expulsion made room for people of what nationalities? What year did the Portuguese king reach an agreement with West African states on trade? Where is the city of Tikrit located? Non-sphereical lenses are called what? What magnification type is unimportant when shooting a picture of the moon with a 50 mm lens? When did Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his throne? What area does this method reduce the work in while allowing for normal relief? What did the campaign largely focus on? What theory is the axiomatization of number theory? Which agency was created as a condition of the McKinney-Vento Act of 1987? Before the Tanzimat reform, who was the head of Istanbul? What were the ages of the boys charged with beating to death of 2 homeless men? What tier is Oxford United in initially? After 330 CE what purpose did the city serve? Who founded the Insight investigative team? Who was the republican candidate for President in 2012? Which geographic area of Connecticut has a panhandle? What occupation did Wolfgang Weingart and April Greiman have? Who produced mark VI alto saxophones with the ability to play the low A key? What is one capacity of materials that a structural engineer needs to grasp? Originally a socialist society was the same as what? How does one define truth for quantified formulas? If a man in Lithuania is named Vilkas, what will his wife be named? In what year did more women begin to earn more bachelor's degrees than men? How did the Andes form during the Triassic period? What was lacrosse also called by some people in Nova Scotia? From what city does Istanbul base the organization of its neighborhoods? What property is taxable in Connecticut? What are Istanbul's major highways called? Most often what does the term checking refer to? What was the cause of the crisis regarding Australia's constitution? How many people are aging in the population? About how many people from 2010 to 2011 returned for housng? How many daily travelers can be served by the Istanbul bus station? How is beware! represented? State governments within the United States are allowed to do what regarding their own laws? Is cardiac stress testing necessary? What certification did the Bank of America Tower obtain? Who founded Rewley Abbey? Who besides the Germans was terrorizing the local population? What two types of abbreviations does the list include? There is a what between the ease of working within a formal system and the ease of proving results? What is one type of climate classification system used to determine different climate regions? What title one gets if she completes her dissertation? Who should take Statins according to a United states guideline? Large quantities of seeds where found where? Istanbul ranks where as the world's largest city? What does Kanal D feature? What was the total cost of the bailout package? How do you identify point coordinates in a two-dimensional plane? How many people does it employ? What is suggested as being the earliest cultivated crop in the world? Which OS did Windows overtake? In modern times, has the clearing of forests accelerated or decelerated? What religion does Blackburn say has a harsh penal code? How big is the Asian side of the Bosphorus? Who stated that the material of the reed has little effect on sound? What city did the Luftwaffe bomb? Why is the craze of getting an MD at a peak currently? It's argued that increasing employment costs would decrease what? How many public hospitals are in Istanbul in 2000? How many seats are held by the Labor Party? What additional sales taxes can city and other local governments enforce? Who bought the slaves? By is the second way by which Texas v. White allowed some possibility of divisibility? What did the Duke of York capture to end the uncertain colonial limits? What is a typical interval of time between observations when using low orbit satellites? What year saw protest because of budget cuts in funding for the homeless Which rivers drain from the west? Who plays in the ECHL? What was the purpose of the more recent argument as described by Hardt and Negri? What type of insurance uses similar contracts to umbrella insurance? What is NF-kB? Do Republicans want one federal law on gay marriage? What is one political idea that was addressed argued prior to the American Revolution that still is argued today by civilians of Washington D.C. concerning Congress? How many people were homeless in 2012, according to the US government? When did Pitt join the Atlantic Coast Conference? What were the names of the Saxophone players? Why was Rotterdam selected to host the 2010 event for the Tour de France? A bas-relief is also known as what? What is the name of the only all-scholarship Catholic high school for boys in the country? What city declared a state of emergency over homelessness in 2015? Which program visits various art events? How are elements positioned often in Ancient Greek sculpture? What was Reddy known as? Who defined the difference between socialism and communism? What sport is mentioned here? Are people in Denmark and Sweden generally honest? In Denver, the municipality government is the same as the government of which entity? What causes Chromatic aberration? State repression was found in which communist country? Which US county has the highest weekly wage? Why is it difficult to measure? How many Africans were killed during the voyages of the Middle Passage? What type of system is an ecosystem according to Norman L. Johnson? When did Friedan step down as president of NOW? In which war did the British capture Havana,Cuba? In which year was New Orleans founded? What reliefs were normally "blocked out"? Other than jobs, what was the next highest ranked items for Democrats? Can a subroutine return a different result when it is called? What newspaper group was the largest in Britain in 1943? Which cause was ranked the highest by most mayors in the homelessness survey? What did Spain get in exchange for Florida when they traded it to Great Britain? What is an example of an expedient estimate method for studying precipitation? Are inexperienced players allowed int he IIHF tournament? Who were the Communists fighting against occupation? When were Jewish families in Central Europe forced to adopt surnames? how many armed ships were present ? In what area can the Pampean orogeny effects be seen? What are works in the technique refered to? Who oversees the the University of Pennsylvania? What book did Alex Haley write? What were the initial significant improvements made after 1866 to the Saxophone? What other special purpose divisions exist separately? What are some examples of the classes taken the first year? Who else speculated that the brain was the seat of the rational part of the soul? In what year did the Partisan's become the National Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Yugoslavia? Industrialisation in the Soviet Union led to urbanisation, which led to the general elimination of what in the country? When did the color red begin to represent the Republican party? How did the English government exact payment from early American colonists? What is Turkey's most widely circulated paper? The Manhattan are was long inhabited by which people? What Eastern Asian cultural spheres place their surnames first? What does the abbreviated name TriBeCa stand for? What brought Russia to the eastern coast? What percentage of people in emergency shelters stayed less than a month? What did Stalin have personal control over? What are hydrometeors? What kinds of forces can structures become subject to? How much has it grown in the last decade? What location is granite most prominent in? When were the first studies on cardiovascular health performed? What do senate committees examine during estimate hearings? oceanic climates and found in along which coastlines? What degree is granted after completing an examination in a pre-clinical or clinical subject of a non-surgical nature? Preventing higher taxes would encourage consumers to do what? What kind of pair does function of arity 2 return when it involves the domain's pairs of elements? In which year was the constitution of Connecticut adopted? What year were mirror neurons discovered? What issue increases homelessness for women? How many settlers founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony? When did Ian Fleming join The Sunday Times? How many vehicles cross the Bosporus each day? Who did the Democrats nominate in the 2012 election? What are the benefits of choosing the Hague airport? What is a less common notation convention used instead of infix? first order is also known as what? What were participants asked to establish in order for Monin and Miller to observe the moral self-licensing effect? How many stripes are on the American flag The distance of P can be specified from what point? What is the name of the executive department in charge of mental health? When was Yosemite Valley first protected? What did Kennedy's report reveal? Is fringe use on a flag symbolic? What is the name of French medical students' thesis? The English captured New Amsterdam in what year? What does NYMEX stand for? How many different countries have members in SFN? What was created as a result of communist revolution in Mongolia? On what date was the World Trade Center memorial opened to the public? What is inside the valley soils? What term represents a collection of beliefs tailored to a classless society without red-tape where no one owns private property? Who other than the BBC broadcast radio? In what note are instruments rare What is the name of a worldwide academic competition for young students in neuroscience knowledge? The Hudson River Park Trust owns which heliport? What are the benefits of magnesium supplements? Who won the power struggle between Tito's Partisans and the chetniks? What does a negative meniscus lens have? What do archaebacteria contain? Where did Archibald Campbell hold an official governmental position? Can a structual engineer work alone? What gives upper management more control? What did Derrida's philosophy inspire? In what year did Diana Conyers ask if the non-centralized model was merely a fashion? What is a way to reduce the cost of maintaining a large program? What does ATM stand for? The Holodomor largely affected what country? In what climate region of the earth are IR methods most useful? Under who did European migrants colonize the Canary Islands? Which theoretical construct aids design in collapse modeling? What was in high demand in the Irish linen industry? When, specifically, was the Fulton Center finished? What is believed by libertarian Socialists brutalizes the user? Subsets of of which order logic are studied in regards to the framework of description logics? Which religion is adopted by the majority of the population in the Hill districts? What type of support for touch does Windows 7 have? Where does the monsoon collect water? How much magnetic fields can a 3Kg superconducting weighing magnet produce? What do the large studies in neurology tend to find with respect to individuals with mental conditions? Which organization goes to government officials and offices to speak on behalf of the homeless community? What style is low relief considered to be? What is it called when someone is jobless AND they are looking for a job and available to work that job? Point O refers to what on the line? What kind of towns can New Canaan and Darien be characterized as? What district in Istanbul was the first to be reformed? How is this position defined/distinguished? What was on top of the peninsula with seven hills? Does Broadway end in Manhattan? Which tribes are the primary celebrants of Kut? Which code stated that both the legal and birth name are correct? What does Bar mean in Aramaic? In the eastern side of the world where is surname commonly placed? Which European country carried the greatest amount of slaves across the Atlantic? What are citizens who argue for lower taxes and reduced regulation called? When was the balance sheet expanded? How many national radio stations are there today? How many people were sleeping on the street or in homeless shelters in Los Angeles County in 2013? What year did the founder of Mellon Bank graduate from Pitt? What month and year marked the start of the conflict between the Chetnik's and the Partisan forces? In what country did a 1995 reform in the law allow the parents to choose whether the father's or the mother's surname goes first for their children? Critics assert that postmodernism promotes what? A racist might apply different morality to what kind of group? What operating system added Windows Media Player 6.2? In Istanbul what are the two primary types of architecture that are still found in the city? What two types of rain gauges are least successful when measuring snowfall? Many polyketides are considered to be what kind of molecule? What parts of Connecticut are like New York City? What European country places their surname first? What are subs? What's the important question answered by both morality and politics? What attenuates light? What kind of technician is vital to the healthcare delivery system? Where have the quantitative large-scale meta-analysis of brain activity changes been reported? After France ceded what did the colonist no longer need? What rule demonetrates the common aspects of the rule of inference ? What was the death rates of Cheasepeake colony during early days? Structural building engineering ensures that buildings are structurally safe when subject to what? In what year was parts of Louisiana ceded to Spain? What types of courses are taught in Latin at pontifical universities? Why did Kenneth Thomson sell the company? What other court did Oxford house? Cassiterite is typically what two colors? What would a "D" designation of the Koppen classification suggest? What imagery did Tito's Yugoslav National Liberation Army use to attract the partizanka? Where were potatoes domesticated? To which levels of administrative entity might a central government decide to delegate responsibilities? How many OEM service releases did Microsoft publish? What is the most common way in which formulas can become infinte? What superpower was involved in the Cuban Missile Crises with the United States? At which levels do elections take place in Connecticut? The global averaged annual precipitation is 39 in, how much of that falls over land? Where was the Colonial and Indian Exposition held in 1886? What works better than an achromat? In what year did Adriaen Block explore Connecticut? Owen believes what are manufactured and sold by firms? In standard orientation, in what orientation is the xy-plane? Which concept is drawn upon in the implementation of a decentralized model? State universities in Michigan have spcecial status comparable to which entity? What was founded near the city? Windows XP was based on what operating system? What is considered to be Manhattan's most important economic sector? What name is shown first on Indian passports? Groups of Croatian Partisans in 1941 were mainly formed of people of what ethnicity? Which city is considered by many as having the highest amount of homeless people? Which city in the Netherlands has the largest amount of foreigners from third world countries? Who recommends more equal distribution to fight heart disease? What was translated into Armenian the 5th century? For what reason did the journalists go on strike once production resumed? What material is commonly used to feature low relief? There were two on staff at launching, who were they? Rotterdam was voted 2015 European City of the Year by which organization? Are reliefs made only in one style? Which metropolitan area is found in southern and western Connecticut? What does it mean when a DJ plays something pitched up? What city was at the center of the New York Campaign? Who reserves the right to review district decisions? What kind of industry was set up by the communists? What does cellular neuroscience focus on? Rem Koolhaas, Piet Blom, and Ben van Berkel are examples of what? What is the oldest existing facility to host Stanley Cup games? What was Sax's original keywork for the left hand based on? Who worked for John Sutter? What caused Connecticut to get rid of its tolls in 1988? Why is the decrease of events more easily seen in man than women? Marxism-Leninism supports what? What was the number of women in the 51 Class 1? What was the financial center of the Ottoman Stock Exchange? What is an example of a merged surname? Showery percipitation is also known as what? How many Partisan soldiers did the escapees from the camp show up with the next day to free the rest? Which religious group has the largest following? What does a hockey stick with a shallow curve allow for? Where does one get a Full Language Pack? What was transformed into the artistic center of the city? What Croatian group harassed the Serbian people? Which morality is more dependent on culture or region? Who made a statement that received a lot of criticism? What did participatory model aim to do? What is the connection between religion and crime? How can one drink and reduce risk of cardiovascular disease? Who described postmodernism as belonging to one of four typological world views? Where are these surnames generally located in Alava? When functions are defined in science by a list of outputs and their inputs. what would this be called? When did the Helsinki Convention fully take effect? Which region were there about 9,600 slaves in 1700? What percentage of people were not born domestically? What is the possessive plural of the acronym CD? In what year was the material removed during the building of the World Trade Center? What type of modelling technique used means "pushed-back" What are glycerophospholipids? What was there moderate evidence of? What country was the first to ban the slave trade? Treating strep throat with antibiotics can decrease the risk of what type of cardiovascular disease? In the United States, what entity was the product of Public Land Survey System? Zohary preferred what number of domestication events? How many categories of satellite sensors used for precipitation are there? What the rule of inference enables ? How do crowds react to fighting? Pyramids were built frequently because of what? Robert Vincent Daniels says Marxism was used to justify what? What year did the Suddeten agreement occur? Who was the first Structural engineer that history knows by name? Do factions gain an advantage when an opposing member can't appear due to prior obligations? When did Abgar V become Christian? Who set a record? Town centers in Connecticut are named what? What can help reduce or prevent conflict? What is the Intertropical Convergence Zone an ascending branch of? Which seminary does the Great House of Cilicia operate? What is the name of the cognitive neuro-scientist who thinks mirror neurons played a key role in the evolution of morality? What size flags are placed by war memorials on Memorial Day? Where did a majority of the homeless say? The list includes abbreviations for what type of code? Are junior Senators without consequence viz a viz how decisions are made within the parties? When did the ITC reach its credit limit in regard to tin market purchases? Oranges and peaches where cultivated when? What were the long vowels marked by? What is the highest ice hockey league in Russia? What year did the last ship land on American soil? Rotterdam was gradually rebuilt from what decade up til the 1970s? Where are guidelines on flag use written? What percentage of Republicans identify as economically and socially conservative? Which is a common notation for binary connectives? How common is it to have both a surname and forename in the world? What position was first appointed in New Hampshire in 1851? On what satellites may a microwave sensor be equipped? What did the new government try to orient Turks towards? Where does Drum and bass is most listened to ? What is the Westgate centre named for? What is necessary when customer welfare and economic incentive disagree? Which Party prefers more help for small businesses? Holy See official language? What is another name for personal or given name? How does the Virginia Military Institute provide women academic and leadership development? what distinguishes first order logic from propositional logic Basil II ruled Constantinople until what year? In a Gallup Poll, what did 26% of Americans say was the most important problem in the country? When did The Sunday Times replace advertising with news on the front page? What proportion of homeless veterans are women? How is fat burned or metabolized? In December of 2015 how many U.S. workers were emloyed? When was Instanbul founded and under what name was it founded under? What is the Turkish name given to prisoners of war who resettled in Constantinople? In what year was the Connecticut Colony at Hartford established? Where is the Dolmabahce Palace located? What African nation was exceptional in it's lack of control over its coast? Why is sometimes finding derivations a difficult task? When was the only instance in which a joint sitting of the two houses was held? What is stated to have a profound impact on tone? What's a technical term for beams and columns? Are claims filed against/to the insurance group? How are sum and eram used in Latin? What was the address of the Bowery Mission when first established? What was a change that is attributed to the reduction of HUD budget? Which city is the most economically powerful city? What two forces supplied the Partisans with weapons? Can you mention any medicine school in Philippines? Which religion is adopted by 41.2% of the people in the state? Who noted this fact? In which year did Oxford yield to parliamentarian forces? What is an insurance group? Mention one university located in Manhattan? What kind or series of saxophones were designed for the military? Who was the author of the book "The Death and Life of Great American Cities"? What is the sloop Hope? Was the uprising in Serbia successful? What is the American Libertarian think-tank discussed called? What was Thalidomide associated with? Lowenheim-Skolem theorem compares infinite cardinality to what? When was the first settlement attempt in Carolina? What gender plays this sport? Which app in Windows 8.1 and Server 2012 included a counterpart setting? How many times in six elections had the Republican candidate received fewer votes than the Democrat counterpart? Who are a few of the performers whose music is built around funk or syncopated rock? What types of ethical theories distinguish between ethics and morals? In what year was the first National Honor Society in Neuroscience founded? Name at least three individuals from the New Left that identified with decentralization. What axis the Andes Mountain formed? Does the Atacama Desert have much life or is it virtually lifeless? George W. Bush opposed the validity of what? What was the downed Allied airmen evacuated from? How has the NHL tried to speed up the game of hockey? The surnames London, Lisboa, and Bialystok are thought to have come from where? What is the most uncommon way drum and bass is promoted? How many distinct areas is Istanbul broken into? Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero went by which surname? Who proposed changes to the senate election system in 2016? What number of muslims had matriculated from second school in 1995? What type of biologists believe morality is result of evolutionary forces? When was Postmodernism a movement? What year did the Central Florida Commission on Homelessness conduct a study on how much was spend a year on covering salaries of leo's to arrest and transport homeless individuals? What do most people occasionally engage in? how has things changes since the start of this program to help in gaining employment? In which case can optimizations of procedures not be applied? What is the maximum limit of registered tickets for each party? Who designed the Van Nelle fabriek in Rotterdam in 1929? What lead to the secularization of Istanbul University? What factors made family life impossible or unstable for colonists? What is the word "ethics" commonly used interchangeably with? Which version was the first to receive broad commercial success? Can you predict the development of cardiovascular disease? Who was a leader in the Digger movement? How many of those American Airmen were airlifted with the help of the Chetniks? What is founded on instincts and intuitions? What type of constitution did Rev. Roger Williams establish with his fellow settlers? What is the lowest altitude of the area? Who finds the system of Hindu morality hard to grasp? Before Republicans became conservative which ideologies did they promote? What percentage of economic activity did the real estate industry account for in Connecticut in 2009? What is disenclavement? What program shows elementary students classic theater? Which area of British America made up 60% of the total slave population? What group discovered the tin deposits in Colombia? Where is the ATM that gives instructions in Latin? How many nations other than the United States are included in the insular areas? what gained national attention? How many days does it rain in Istanbul? In which year the Stamp Act was enacted? What part of Rotterdam is the China Town located? What is the 32-bit port of the Windows API called? What was the official title of Archibald Campbell? In what year did Congress outlaw the importation of slaves? Who sold the slaves? Which author described decentralized systems as a significant trend? what are the factors that contribute to the probability of the earth running out of tin? Who were the winners of the Presidential election of 2012? From which parent do children take their surnames? In 2001 which landfill on Staten Island was closed? How often does FENS hold a meeting? How many national championships has Pitt football won? What can happen to the snow in a tipping bucket gauge if the gauge is kept much above freezing? What hormones do carbon (C21) contain? Which University is introducing the new degree of MedScD? When did Istanbul establish as a artistic center? What percentage of residents speak english? Many africans were forced to take surnames of who? In which language does the word morality have origin? How is a relation defined? What explains the African continents wide poverty? How many days does it rain in Istanbul? What group was usually led by clergy? What is ignored by the restricting view? Which position does Pitt hold globally in the 2015-2016 QS World University rankings? How many counties are there in New York City? Which institution was Norman Johnson a member of? What are used to transform beams? How many units of length are there for all three axes? What can help treat hypertension? In what period did David Rioch start research through clinical psychiatry? What's the consequence of increasing the number of parameters passed to subroutines? What is the fourth leading cause of mortality? What can have any cardinality strictly less than k? What type of surface is the relief cut on? In what year did the British military mission in Slovenia report seeing a steady trickle of escapees from German POW camps? What is a well-known example of Punched tin lanterns? By 1989, how much of federal funds made up urban revenue? What is a dictionaries definition of an acronym? Why didn't the old right like the second new deal? What kind of group were the Presbyterians? When was the Pitt Musical Theater Club founded? In what historic neighborhood is the University of Pittsburgh's main campus located? Who played a major role in the flow of ideas across the Atlantic? How many did the final Petionville school collapse kill? How can the music of Louis Anderson be described? What type of motion is required for precipitation to occur? Larger goaltender equipment results in what? Which systems derivations can be longer than additional connectives derivations? What did Jerry Morris use to study cardiovascular health? Connecticut has a panhandle in which county? What was the treaty between British East India and Meidingu? What did Kennedy's report reveal? What helps correct visual defects? What types of classes did Langley teach? One way Mizar and Isabelle fill in the missing pieces is by? what did the NCH called those acts? When was the independence from the British Empire declared? When was the highest recorded flood? What was each regiment to carry in addition to the national standard In June 1944 the Yugoslav Partisans began to focus on helping prisoners escape from camps in the southern part of what country? What are the only diagnoses that can be validated through large brain studies? What year do most agree feminism began? Who was the strongest economic force in Northern Europe between the 13th and 17 centuries? Where did Constantinople push Roman power? Which state hosted the three of world's 10 most visited tourist attractions in 2013? Which state is Francis Hopkinson from? Who was the non-communist leader of the Russian Federation? What age group is surveyed? Who wassaid to make rounds with the homeless and offering heling services from mental help, to counstling? What students are granted the title of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)? The word commonwealth refers to the welfare of what entity? An Australian that also lived in the US, who owned The Sun and News of the World. What is the lowest point at the crest near Lake Tahoe in terms of feet? What does \displaystyle L* denote within a formula for columns? When did the British begin sending large quantities of arms to Yugoslavia? In what year was Windows 8 released generally? What is relief example in Central Java? In what later war did the British training for battle benefit Americans? Graphs are useful in calculus to understand the nature and behavior of what? When was communist revolution started in Germany and Hungary? What is there a risk of when taking Aspirin? What do programs start in initially? What river did New Orleans become an important gateway to? Why is an explanation of abbreviations a problem for people who already know them? What does LOL stand for? What public company sponsored the Memorial Chapel? Recent research has shown what as being responsible for undesirable electrochemical activity in Li-ion batteries? Who were the slaves purchased from? In what year was 'Postmodernist Fiction' published? What can Cartesian equations describe? When was the first Windows model designed? What did Scweinmann mean? In what era were many of the second-wave leaders born? What percentage said that free-trade agreements have hurt the US? Between what percentage is the salinity of the open Baltic sea? The largest green in Connecticut goes by which name? In the past how did African-Americans vote? What dynasty followed the Nguyen dynasty in Viet Nam? What is used to get approximate colors of the U.S. flag? Who was in charge of a subgroup of the Bonneville Expedition? In what region is Istanbul located? Are there any more allotropes? Who created the FIO ? What animal was domesticated in early agricultural times? What has been available since July 2012 on digital version? In 1981, who was appointed at the The Times as editor? Who decides tied votes for government official positions? What is the wife reffed to as? what problem at low electrochemical potentials does tin suffer from making it a problem when used in batteries? how many reported violent acts were committed? What is X called in the function? What are the subdivisions of the States in the United States called? What did African kings receive for each slave? Which language uses initial syllables to abbreviate moreso than English? Where is Silicon Alley located? What is called the most crucial step in history? Where have studies about morality been done? whose responsibility to achieve structural element and materiel goals? What is the common way a writer will pluralize an acronym? What percentage of Hispanic votes did John McCain win in 2008? What was the focus of Modern Architecture? What size are raindrops? Who was hoping that Germany could conquer the Netherlands in one day? How many rivers deposit into Loktak lake? How many teams were in the league in Europe in 1903? What is Wall Street considered to be the headquarters of? Where were the musical institutions centered? Where is Naugatuck located? What are two types of liquid precipitation? What was the Lion Brewery turned into in 2002? What did Istanbul's population increase to during the 20th century? How much land was purchased by the University in 1907? Who is in charge of fundraising for state gubernatorial races on the Republican side? What was the movement of large numbers of African-Americans called? What political philosophies are described as libertarian socialists? What is being used when a team is trying to improve their position on the ice? What is very highest point in Istanbul? Who has a higher likelihood of developing heart disease if both have diabetes, the female or the male? What were legal obstacles to gender equality in first wave feminism? Were Partisan forces well armed? What year did Oxford accommodate Charles 1? What is the acronym for download? What is an example of an uncomputable function? What other type of diseases could be caused by inequality? After what year did the liberal wing fade? How many local inhabitants did the Germans shoot to avenge death of one German soldier? What days does the Staten Island Ferry take off? How many jobs does Pitt support? How is the water of the rivers draining the Manipur Hills? What is a big application for tin? Is there a relationship between heart disease and economic inequality? What is a physician with an MBBS degree called? What is the second item it also includes? When was the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Bombay, India established? How many main conjugations are there? What weapon did General Electric invent to oppose tanks? Which ancestry group does Connecticut have the high percentage of, compared to every other state? These stones contribute to what factor of the pryamid? How many Allied prisoners were rescued by the Yugoslav Partisans in a single operation in August 1944? Which of Hornbostel's buildings still exists? What does the Insurance Services Office create? When did poor women begin to acquire surnames? Who are two predecessors to Jonathan Kramer that have similar ideology? What is the name for a function's set of outputs? Suleiman the Magnificent began his reign in what year? What was the allied support called? Which museum was the first to be established? What conference center at Pitt was chosen as a historical landmark? What is shortened name for the iconic test for risk transfer? Who said an atheist Armenian is not an Armenian? Should saturated fats be replaced with carbohydrates? Whom did the decentralist movment attract? What country did escaped Allied soldiers pass though on their way to Bari in Italy? Who is more likely to be afflicted by coronary heart diseases, middle-aged men or women? Who did Thaddeus cure? What were the three states that were dominated buy wealthy planters? What district is under the authority of Congress? What was established in 1873? In what year was the failed Spartacist in Berlin? What is the article and section where the admission of states into the United States is authorized in the Constitution of the United States? What Englishman created many converts during the Great Awakening? What is it called when hail gets larger as the liquid outer shell of hail collects other smaller hailstones? How many settlers arrived in the Massachusetts Bay Colony by 1640? Which year of the medical school is dubbed as the practical year? How many African rulers signed the Anti-slavery treaties? What determines the z axis' pointing down and to the left or down and to the right? When was Detroit founded? What type of cooling happens when air rises and expands? Which countries had the strongest history of colonizing foreign lands before North America was colonized? According to Kate Turabian, how would you make Ph,D plural? What does reentrant mean? Name a copper-tin alloy containing 22% tin What languages can these stem categories be compared to? Where did the Magallanes Basin start out at? Wet summers and arid winters are aspects of what type of climate? Windows ME ysed visual interface enhenacements from what OS? What kind of artists does the Chelsea neighborhood showcase? These preachers that preached in a dramatic and emotional style called themselves what? An interaction chart for the column's axial carry capacity displays what type of relationship? What was the size of the farm that only made enough for subsistence? What important colony did France lose to a slave revolt in 1791? After 1720 what was there an international demand for? What were the benefits derived from trading slaves? Who was Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella? What is another term for organotin hydrides? How many people will the expansion of the city house? What kind of shelters does Indianapolis have? What does a simple lens consist of? What are some "pro-social" emotions in regard to morality? What are prepared using Grignard reagents? Does Turkey allow foreigners to be treated in that country? What is the average high temperature in Windsor Locks? What does flying the flag at half-staff mean? What is the function of lipids in the human body? When is a penalty shot usually awarded due to an illegal action? Except for mathematics, philosophy, and computer science, where else is the First-order logic used in? In an "off-side" game, what type of passes are allowed? Who started drilling their militia? When did the Partisans controlled important parts of Yugoslavia, Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro? A symbol can be used as a what? How do Americans think more jobs can be created? What river did the Bonneville Expedition route take place on? What is a function as a triple a type of? How many carbon atoms are found in the carbon chain? What did Stalin accuse Kulaks of? The manifestation of Neolithic complex began which age? What type of cardiovascular disease can be preceded by untreated strep throat? What was teh range of teh instruments covered by the patent? What was New England's population in 1725? Which key can modern baritone saxophones hit? From what was the Connecticut Colony independent? How many processes are in practice? What is another name for breaking out the puck? What is Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella's middle name? Who allows graduates to decide on a specialty after graduation? What are the different shapes of lenses? What would be a second way you would casually refer to Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella? What is the first coordinate axis? what is used as a negative electrode in a Li-ion battery? What are the main form of local government in New England? What sport does Victory Lights celebrate? What are "true compound surnames"? In what area did Russia remain a great power? When was Windows introduced? What's the first subdivision of the Navajo nation? Did postmodern design have a signature style? What document establishes the political government of the federal government of the United States? How many guards did they disarm during the mission? What was the capital of New Sweden? What are two examples of programming languages? What was the earliest year in which Prescott Bush was a senator of Connecticut? When linking the shapes and colors of X and Y, what does the example refer to this function as? Which position does Pitt hold in the Newsweek Top 100 Global Universities list? What is an other term for "directed graphs or states"? How many jobs were added to the marked from March 2010 until September 2012? What is the parent name that is adopted by the child called? Name 7 countries where the revolution of Communism took place in the Americas. About how many square kilometers is the Marmara region? What was it ultimately derived from? What war was Gorbachev aiming to end? What world is unfamiliar with compound surnames? What is a general function often denoted by? What indicates rotation from the x-axis to the y-axis? Types of Old English elements may be found in the second part of what kind of names? What vital periodical first announced that gold was discovered? What common mistake is made by English speakers when it comes to Hispanic names? From what architecture knowledge did the Byzantines create their structures? What are two types of suspensions? When does decentralization often take place? What kind of change did Constantinople undergo? Which county does not have any additional subdivisions? Which attack stopped the revolts? Who returned to prominence in the 1970's and 1980's? How many jobs per month are needed to close the job gap by 2017 According to the most recent Gallop poll what percentage of the U.S leans Democratic? What company developed NT OS/2? What kind of support is built into Windows? What are three types of condensation nuclei? In what year did the Moors conquer Spain? What was the slave population in 1860 according to the 1860 census? Where are hydrocarbons trapped in the Andes Mountains? What does the engineering of an arch secure inside its own extent? How long was Sante Fe in Spanish control? What is Oxford's leading club? On average, how many tornadoes does Connecticut average each year? when was naval forces of resistance ? How is American Telephone and Telegraph Company abbreviated? In what year was the first ice hockey league in the US formed? How big is a full size flag? How long is the penalty for fighting? What does an interpretation of a first-order model specify? What type of climate can exist on the leeward side of mountains? Who is Bob Riley? Where can example of high relief be found in India? Where did arsenical bronze objects first appear? How many homeless veterans were there in 2013? How is the Senate's power to reject supply bills or defer their passage characterized? What expanded the importance of critical theory? What is a function as a ordered pair a type of? Where was the Meissner effect first discovered? When did the average human height come back to pre-Neolithic revolution averages? What is responsible for depositing fresh water on the planet? Who was the first U.S. Naval Officer killed in the Civil War? What does Walter Rodney say about why the British made the decision to end their participation? Before the 1980s and a new architectural policy, how was Rotterdam described? What groups of people made up the puritan communities? What did the "colonial" trade agreement consist of? Where are triglycerides stored in order to store energy for animals and plants? What was surname referred to in medieval times? What type of health care plan is absent, that could help those in need afford services? Who was in charge of the UNOF? What leader has power of the use of fringe on a flag? Where does most of the complexity lie with the nervous system? What countries other than Spain influence Argentina? What period are afternoon thunderstorms especially common? Why isn't family history a more useful predictor of cardiac events? What is the name of the park known for its annual tulip festival? Which of the parents last names is commonly used by children? How many months do the students usually engage in their clerkships? A selfish person who cares about nothing but themselves would be called what? Rotterdam is known for having foreigners from what kind of nations? Which teams left the NHL? What did laws passed in the 1950s allow? What does Markings on the ice indicate? Who suggests that diversity is important in regard to decentralization? In what time period does the risk of developing heart disease approximately triple? What is the dump and chase strategy? Which city was Benjamin Franklin from? How many Sunnis follow the Shafi'i school? In what country is cardiovascular disease not the leading cause of death? How can one party control of the legislative bodies effect politics in the country. Poland was initially invaded, starting World War II, during what month? Who provided the blue for the first American flag flown during battle Which department is responsible for the curriculum for international education? What was the motto the Partisans were using in regard to their ideal for the Yugoslav nations? How much did a bushel of wheat cost in 1770? What part of the Connecticut Colony remained with the government of Hartford? What given name has over 90 Italian surnames? At what rate Americans were suing each other? Which river formed the western border of the United States in the 1780s? What system does not use family names? When did the formation of the modern Andes begin? who is specialized in pipeline engineering? What company provides gas and electric to Manhattan? How many perpendicular planes are involved? Which 3 countries fought wars over control over the Baltic Sea in the 16th and 17 centuries? What are the Tunis cities with major medicine faculties? Who was in charge of the Nazi faction during World War II? What are the low reliefs in caves and India from BCE o the 10th century? Who founded a colony based on policies of religious freedom and freehold ownership? Who stole Christmas? Which Northeastern state currently does not consistently vote Democratic? How large was the lot that an average tenement stood on? Where did the first Pilgrims settle? What is the primary intention of the incorporation of arches in architecture? What is the most populous region of Connectitcut called? What type of skyscrapers are the Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, and GE Building? What is one of the many prestigious private prep schools located in Manhattan? What did Jungle inherited from the UK's hip-hop scene? How many non government Senators have to vote for legislation for it to pass? How much rainfall can a tropical cyclone bring to a dry region? What degree is accepted by University Grants Commission (Sri Lanka)? What is the foundation of analytic geometry? Who said national identity and religious identity are not the same? What kind of design must ensure structures are able to endure loading without ever failing? Who made a new effort to make communism more worldwide and stopped trying to keep Socialism and Commmunism in one country? The most densely populated county in USA is where? Resources were thrown away when what happened? Which American position does Pitt hold in the 2015 Shanghai Jiao Tong University's Academic Ranking of World Universities? Despite the fact that it is not a surname by itself, what part of Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella's name is used as a surname by other people? What is the most common application of the pierced tin technique? How were things changed in teaching in 2009 to help with more reading for the homless? When did Gloria Steinem gain a large amount of popularity? The three major rules includes? How much did Wall Street investment banking fees total in 2012? Does the Republican party support gay rights? What phrase is the word "cop" said to be derived from? What kind of cooling happens when moisture is added to the air due to evaporation? What was the original Windows NT OS known as? What was below its historical average in 2012? On which island will you find Mount Wai'ale'ale? In what convention are names followed by the father's name? Typical lipid A molecules are disaccharides of what? What are some examples of structual damage? Is there a way to multiply vector to obtain another vector? What mainly controls the breakdown of triglycerides in animals? Who opened the Weintraub Day Center? When the size of raindrops enlarge what shape do they take? What do the numbers in an ordered pair mean? What is one of the defining characteristics of psychopathy? How are abbreviations made for words with repeated letters? Are major international labels interested in drum and bass? Through which document was Connecticut granted its governmental authority? What was the main negative effect of slavery on the economies of Africa? Who won the most votes in the Electoral College in 2000? What term is used to describe decentralization that happens in the absence of reforms?? Are naming traditions in Portuguese-speaking countries the same as in Spain? What religions have a long history in Manipur? Where do they book rooms form the homeless in the winter time? Where is the High School for Math,Science and Engineering located? Who founded the first Russian settlement in Alaska? What does failure of structures require? Which areas were repurposed for high end commerce? What was William Berry's name after he was ennobled? Apart from being influenced by drum and bass, how do some groups show their reverence to drum and bass? Who creates the protocols for the internet? Where is Kuleli Military High School? When was the Weintraub Day Center opened? How many different main mechanisms are there for cooling air? Which form of Latin uses fui and fueram? Lakes can store heat levels that are different between the water surface and what? What services did the new release of Windows 8 allow for increased integration in? Where is the unemployment rate forecast provided The HEARTH Act created what program? What types of devices did Microsoft's Metro design language optimize for? In what year did The Hartford Convention fail? What was established in 1903? How many copies were sold in the first 6 months? Who was in charge of the appearance of the American flag Who designed the Tempio Malatestiano? If a girl has the last name podwinska, where is she from? In what areas will mangers and officials need technical assistance for decentralized functions? What novel was serialized by The Sunday Times in 1841? What is the first country committed to the establishment of communism? What did first wave feminism mainly focus on? Players can read pitch notated in the bass cleff by reading it as treble cleff and adding how many sharps to the key signature? What military organization uses the acronym COMCRUDESPAC? Which club is the dominant of the three professional clubs in the Netherlands? What is Istanbul's largest air transport center called? How many years of study does the medical degree require in Argentina? How far back does the practice of a surname go? How long is the penalty for fighting? What is the Mikhail Gorbachev political liberation called? Where is the surname Vickers thought to come from? What do proponents of modular programming advocate? What was the issue at the plants at Gray's Inn Road in London? Which form of mechanics is best utilized to comprehend plates? Facets of governance such as structures, procedures and practices are redefined through what? What years were the tradition of breakbeat used in hip hop production? What book supported Quebec leaving Canada? In what year was the website Sunday Times Driving launched? Which constitutional provision requires that a tied vote is automatically decided as a no? What are the dates covered in the History of the United States? What is the name of the co-located, primordial river that pre-dates the Baltic? Is there are clear time frame for the feminism movement? What is the neighborhood of Chelsea known for? In which district the Loktak Lake is located? Who did the Albanian Church remain under? What President released a major report on gender equality? Where is Pitt ranked in the most recent Webometrics rankings? What did Stepan Danielian state? Morality is what relationship to the culture of the person who holds it? When did oystering really boom? What are bronze reliefs made with? When did Pitt join the Big East conference? who specialized in mechanical structures such as vehicle or aircraft? What would an author write for the preimage of a set and a singleton? What is the most eastern latitude of The Baltic Sea? What region outside topography receives the highest amount of precipitation? Which country's territory is dealt with in Article IV, Section 3? What were the two styles of pie safes and food safes? How many points will be awarded to the winning team after the shootout? What represented a move towards something stable, structured, and rationalised? What form do most ice crystals that fall to ground are? What must be respected to preserve the correctness of divertions, when applied? When were the UConn Huskies women's basketball team prevented from winning 91 games in a row? Which version of Windows included support for several different platforms before the introduction of x86 based pc's? What did the opposition to Stalin by Trotsky lead to? What are spherical lenses? Which governmental department has stated that Pitt has 5 or more programs labeled as "National Resource Centers"? When is the Istanbul Biennial held? Who assisted the Partisans with free allied solider from German POW camps What did African leaders see in terms of slave trade? The Americans who advocate for more government spending are called? When does Kate Turabian allow apostrophes to make plural acronyms? What city in Pennsylvania is the UPMC located in? In the example given, how many colors was each shape linked to? Besides the United States what international place has the Pitt Glee Club performed? The Bank of Manhattan is headquartered in what building? When did the Army first use fringe on a flag? When did extended support for Windows 95 end? What other election is usually at the same time as House of Representatives. has there ever been a legal challange? China is ruled by what political philosophy? Which Win XP edition was designed for mobile devices users? When did Connecticut pick up an official nickname? What US president preceded Taft? What types of plants were seen as undesirable? How much money did the Ending Chronic Homelessness through Employment and Housing offer? ingroups are far more commonly used by what political ideology? When was the great fire that destroyed 20 square block of Pittsburgh? What designations are represented by some townships? What do some matrices that satisfy formula 2 also satisfy? Where did most Jewish settlers to the United states settle? How many electoral districts are there? When did Lenin try to influence communist revolution? What kind of decentralization is done via a combination of authorities and localities working together? What is the German word for The Baltic Sea? Who does the old view suggest should not become nurses? Partisan demographics continued to change after which country surrendered? What makes the relation between te rule of inference and the HIllbert system typical ? ? What else does earthquake engineering help discover? What major fault is Istanbul located near? What are two other homegrown dance styles in the UK parallel to the Drum and Bass commercial peak? Universal education is said to give the proletariat what? What percentage is the number of people that took part in 1907 strikes? What types of people came from Britain to the US and Canada? Where did Irish immigrants take slaves to in 1651? Worldwide each year how many people per hundred thousand met violent unnatural death between 2004 and 2009? Who were the target users that the Professional edition was marketed towards?> Which colony did Roger Williams establish? Whats the difference between hockey and pond hockey? What initiative was used to prevent homelessness? What did safire mean? In what areas have we seen comcepts of decentralization applied? Who else review works that detail these cycles? What is the length of a minor penalty? When did Oxford house the court of Charles II? How many individuals are part of the State Senate? What year was President Bill Clinton impeached How large is the dome on the Hagia Sophia? In 2013, how many civilians died in Manipur because of militancy? Who is employed by the lead designer as a sub-consultant? When was control of Florida restored to Spain? Which term implying interconnection can describe tensity in dome design? Where did the colonist first attack the Pequots after declaring war? What is structural building engineering closely affiliated with? What are some of the things that are produced in Istanbul? How does propositional logic differ from First-order logic? What term or idea is the main topic of the paragraph? What is the most prominent festival that evolved from the Istanbul Festival? What is awarded as the basic medical qualification? Where do the RE.set Label and Bogota Project put on events? who received the bulk of the support Universal suffrage was eventually given to all Soviets above what age? What the Istanbul Stock Exchange originally established as? How many ships were seized by the Royal Navy's Squadron? What did state voted to secede from the US at the start of the Civil War? What is the Computer Literacy and Internet Technology qualification known as? How did the Partisans manage the territory they controlled? What type of precipitation is snow? In what city was the first insurance company in the US founded? What characteristics of an animal effected the desire for them to be domesticated? What Eastern Asian cultural spheres place their surnames first? What contributed to the emergence of townships in the United States? How long is the play Uttarpriyadashi? How do most professional editors handle capitalization? What are examples of modern languages? who were the first naval unit of fishing boats made? In what year did the number of Istanbulites double? What proportion of electors use the "above the line" system? What are most metal pipes in a pipe organ made of? In what year was the Dominion Hockey Challenge Cup awarded? The Leblanc Rationale and System allowed players to do what with scales? how did the church start at the beginning? What were the most important factors that determined the support for the Partisan movement? What god the Sanamahi worship is concentrated on? When was the Berlin Blockade created? What does being an associative operation also mean? How many times was it ranked best app? How many ordered pair in the subset? When did all support for Windows 98 cease? What can brokers do when a client is associated with one of these risks? What was postmodernism a departure from? What area receives the most precipitation? Who assisted Allied soldiers that escaped from German POW camps before reaching Yugoslav Partisans? What does immigration do to Connecticut? What machinery counts the votes? Bosniaks are the main people of what district? How many fatty-acyl chains are derivatized in glucosamine? What is the title of a doctor who specializes in a field like surgery or pediatrics? What were thinkers who moved away from the strict interpretations of structuralist ideas called? What is the formula that agrees? How many Orhtodox Christians are there? How large is the Alexandria Center for Life Science? What does a balance sheet expansion mean? What three variations do you have to consider when you go to buy a reed? Structural building enginnering is different to that of architectural design by means of what? What two types of degrees are offered for practicing medicine? When the religious system was replaced with a mayor and council, what was the new system modeled after? How many people were arrested during the Great Purge of 1936-1938 What capacity must the design of a column check? What was built in the area where the Polo Grounds were located? What percentage of inhabitants resided within Istanbul's metropolitan municipality city limits in 2007? Patronymic and family name are required parts of one's full name where? Who led Cuba during the time of the Bay of Pigs Crises? How many points will be awarded to the winning team? lipid signaling is an example of what kind of signaling? What factor influenced African legal codes, as cited by Dr Nehusi? Who did Mitt Romney lose to? How does a program start the process to get full privileges? When was the last time the US mined tin? What religion were the Pilgrims? What happens when drops get larger than 9 millimetres? What is considered to be the focus of Manhattans tourism industry? What are the two possible coordinate systems determined by the z axis direction? Who came up with the first theorem regarding the aftermath of the completeness theorem? What arguments played a secondary role for ending the slave trade? What town in Connectitcut is most easily accessed by the entire population? Who conducted research into the deaths associated with the Middle Passage? Which economist was the author of "Small is Beautiful"? What word, according to a dictionary source, refers to people that are native or residents of Connecticut? What have record labels adopted recently to help promote drum and bass? When was the peak of the re-evaluation of the Western value system? Who were representing the American colonies? What is first order logic also knows as? What does the evidence of drainage ditches at Kuk Swamp show evidence of? How was the African economic model different from Europe's? How many species of vascular plants live in the Andes? At what point in publishing are initials and acronyms addressed? What of the United States does not possess international legal sovereignty? What endangered cetaceans are native to the Baltic? What equation do you use to determine the radius of the Earth? what is the outcome of the survey? What exam do the students need to pass to enter the clinical stage? What is the name of the reporter that was killed in February 2012? What year did the USICH transform and become separate from the Executive Office of the President? Which countries use both parents last names? What are elements that are provided by the connection to stella? When did the United States act to abolish its internal slave trade? Advanced tech will allow free market solutions for what emissions? What country was the exception to the controlling and preventing of enslavement? When did amateur ice hockey leagues begin? What do drills allow for? What is the result of replacing all free instances of X by t in Q ? What building material was reinvented during the industrial revolution? What are the largest glaciers? To whose interests did the Chinese Dowager Empress subjugate China? Brazil and Cuba continued to accept a large number of enslaved people until when? As of 2010, how many members did SFN have? If you wanted to stay dry, what time of day would you go outdoors during the summer wet season? Who is the jazz pioneer named as a possible influence? Who had multi-purpose houses? What happens to β-tin at cold temperatures? What occupation did Cotton Mather hold in Boston? squalene is folded up and formed into a set of rings to create what? Are player permitted to bodycheck opponents? What percentage of the state's people practiced Folk religions? How many people from overseas have certified for National Insurance Numbers? What is an acronym made from? What chemical process does the plating serve to protection the brass from? When was publication of The Sunday Times suspended? Who offers the DNB? Texas v. White held that political states don't have which right? Which theorem besides the compactness and downward Lowenheim-Skolem cannot hold logic stronger than first-order What year do most agree feminism began? What branch of government does the Connecticut Supreme Court oversee? What replaced the Triglavka cap? How many total pounds of material were retrieved in 2003? What are conjugations identified by? What is the most common tin/lead ratio in their alloy? Name a northern state that does not currently consistently vote Democrat. How does the lack of circulation of deep waters effect the oxygen levels? How many people use the Istanbul trams to get around the city on a daily basis? In 1973, what country changed the law of repeated maternal surnames to avoid stigmatizing illegitimate children? For visual telescopes or binoculars, what kind of magnification is more important? Before what age is aspirin therapy not advised in women? Does inflection change the semantic element? What did Reince Priebus call Republicans to do? Who correctly found the organization of the motor cortex by means of observation of seizure progression through the body? How long are hunter-gatherers estimated to have had to work to gather enough food for a week? Who is often credited for designing the U.S. flag? What does Microsoft use to distribute patches? Which Latin word does morality derive from from? what subclass of glycerophospholipids contain four acyl chains and three glycerol groups? What area of the Baltic Sea in Latvia did Sweden not control? What court presided over Texas v. White? How many hours of sunshine does Connecticut average annually? When was the first hockey game in Montreal? How many national-level organizations are included in FENS? What was the name of The New Haven Colony's constitution? What type of force do columns carry? Which discipline extensively relies upon instruction in materials science? Can a musical piece be both modernist and postmodern? What grade did Robert G. Heft originally receive for his design project? What group has flag retirement ceremonies? Between 2000 and 2011 what happened to the rate of employment for those who were over 55? What is the only one based in Istanbul? Standard basis may also be called what? Was the country able to maintain law and order during this time? What is the name given of the area given to transients? What park began as private property? Mixed halide-alkyls is more common than what derivatives? What part of Luis Telmo Paz y Miño Estrella's name would not be referred to as his surname alone? Who led the small Army of Spaniards? What represents the greatest amount of surviving secular art from Late Antiquity? What helped define the forms of the reliefs? The First-order logic distinguishes itself from this logic because this logic does not use quantifiers. What program made most black voters switch to the Democratic Party in the 1930's? Why is Polish notation rarely used? Which building earned an eco-friendly certification? What is a type of partial function? When did Istanbul get its second power plant? What is the term for the aspect of the super-ego that relates to moral development? In first-order logic, which graphs are not part of elementary class? In Chile, what year was the law was changed to avoid stigmatizing illegitimate children with the maternal surname repeated? What particular shortcomings in Windows 8 was Windows 10 intended to address? What is one of their most visited museums? What is allowed in men's ice hockey but not allowed in women's ice hockey? What types of nature are the images set in, Linear or Dynamic? Stricter fire codes were generally in place in New York by what year? How much park land was created as a result of the new Manhattan extension? What are categories businesses can compete with government services on? What is not a vestigial body> How many years is medical education in Thai? What kind of coordinate system do you have if you see the figure as convex? What state beginning with the letter "A" does not use counties? Who coined the tern "disenclavement"? In 2004, which zip code gave the most political contributions to the presidential election? Did Bush win more votes from Protestants or from Catholics? Vitamins A,D,E and K are all stored where in the body? By how many votes did Joe Lieberman and Al gore lose in the Electoral College? What books did Alvin Toffler publish in 1970 and 1980? What are glycerolipids made of? When did it become legal for a husband to adopt his wife's surname? What is a tin/lead alloy refereed to as? What kind of training program does the NIH fund at several universities? What year did Pitt first sponsor varsity men's basketball? What type of magazine was it? What is the dedctive system used for ? What was another form of Latin spoken alongside classical latin? The tension part of the beam needs to be able to do what? When would you be unable to denote the image of a subset A ⊆ X with f(A)? When did the case of United States v. South-Eastern Underwriters Association happen? Which diet is the Mediterranean diet more effective than? What ideology influenced the Republican party position on same-sex marriage? What opened in 2012? Which type of insurance company/group is harder to run? What kind of designs did rural Quakers prefer, as opposed to urban Quakers? What system benefits from restrictions by making results easier to prove? What did Partisans stage? Is there are clear time frame for the feminism movement? How many jobs per month were added in the U.S between January and November 2012 What year was the Commission of trade founded? Who would make the decisions during each trial? How long does the Roosevelt Island Tramway take to make the trip between Roosevelt Island and Manhattan? Who appoints a replacement if the State Parliament is in recess? What does NYSE stand for? How is classic Latin distinguished? Why did the Samis start reversing their names? What version of Windows do you need to use an LIP? What is the name of the ancient indigenous religion? Where are the sites of the earliest developments of the Neolithic Revolution? What happened to many of the rescue workers after the attack that eventually led to their deaths? What has there been considerable exploration of in the bass line region? What was were they implicated for? What is the climate like in the Atacama Desert? so was there a permanent division? Which teams won the Süper Lig tournament? What region Spain would someone with the surname Dalí i Domènech be from? What President released a major report on gender equality? How many troops were stationed on Yugoslavia's soil after the war ended? What type of architecture is featured on the Cathedral of Learning? The Death and Life of American Cities was written by who? Which nation in 1800 had the most financial success in the West Indian colonies? What group was Božidar Magovac initially associated with? What year was Feyenoord in Rotterdam founded? When were the missions disbanded? Mention one procedure used if a game is tied? What is the number three reason reported by homeless individuals for becoming or staying homeless? Who offered generous credit to customers? How is an initialism pronounced? What two parts can the nervous system be split into with vertebrates? Who annexed Armenia? In what year did a law force the U.S. Military Academies to enroll women? Does the practice change after multiple marriages? What is α-tin's stable temperature? What is denoted by the symbol x? What is punched tin-plated steel also called? what is the meaning of the abbreviation NCH? What happens to the frontal boundary of air as it cools? What do geologists call the sea that formed at the end of the Pleistocenecepoch? What time of image does the human eye see? If you receive this degree upon graduation from medical school, which country's ancient traditions are you following? In which year Alan Turing came to conclusion about logical validity of arbitrary formulas? What are two important crops that originated from the Andes? Who used the term "retrofitted memory"? How many countries can a Pitt student study abroad in? Where did Thomas Chandler Haliburton go to school? What does the Kut festival symbolize? What professional baseball team is from the Bronx? Why does Cuba claim to dispute their arrangement with the US? What type of music spawns from the ragga inspired jungle music of the 1990s? What caused population growth in the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada? What percentage of homes lost power during Hurricane Sandy? Which state had the most Catholic early settlers? What are medical graduates awarded? What act was the key center of the debate? In what type of environment does a snow crystal grow? How often does the status of major party reconfirmed? What group of people are less likely to get heart disease relative to men? What did Schwartzkopf mean? what climates feature year round cold and continuous permafrost with little precipitation? How do religious people compare to non-believers in terms of compassion according to a recent study? Whom did the FLQ kidnap and kill during the October Crises in Canada? Percipitatiion on the planet Mars most likely is in what form? Rice was domesticated in what region of China? When did "decentralization" first come into useage? How many points will be winning team be awarded? Where does one go to change the language in Windows? What was the typical household size surveyed in 2009? What type of stories are in "fabulae mirabiles"? When did the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands end? How long was Sax's patent valid for? What is Chlamydophila pneumoniae? What is another station based in Istanbul? Who was Mao Zedong fighting in a civil war originally, then cooperated to fight the Japanese? In what scenario would someone who works in New York still owe Connecticut income tax? What would you do to a true compound surname to avoid ambiguity? What does the Xbox One use for updates? What was The Hibbert Journal? Who submitted the winning submission to the national architecture contest? When was Windows 3.0 released? Who is seen as an important precursor and influence? In Spain, what year did the law allow parents to choose whether the father's or the mother's surname goes first for their children? What does a the title "Best Neighbor" mean when a university is given the title? What shoreline in Connecticut was devastated by the storm? When did Charles stay at Oxford? The Allies fought against what coalition? Was Tocqueville for or against decentralization? How many synapses does the human brain have? Coronary artery diseases (CAD) are classified under what larger class of diseases? cases of poisoning from tin are what? When did diving become a minor penalty? which theory used in structural engineering? What is the METAR code for snow? What is the focal length of a magnifying glass that's held 20 cm from the eye and 5 cm from the object yields an image of infinite linear size? What form do catenaries usually take when deployed in engineering? The United States and Canada were both influenced by what of the English? Other than physical and financial aid, what's another way that Non-governmental organizations help the homeless? What is a tin/lead metal alloy referred to as? What year did Sabha Gokcen begin accepting flights from overseas? What is technically prohibited? What is the outcome of enforcing stricter rules? What was one of the main focuses of second wave feminism? What were the differences between slaves in Africa and those abroad? What has deregulation of certain industries generally resulted in? What became an American characteristic during colonial times? What is the term for the reciprocal focal length of the lens? What is a characteristic of many grad figure reliefs in Ancient Greek sculpture? What were forced labor camps in the USSR known as, in it's early communist history? What was the monthly job creation average from January 2000 to January 2008? How many pages does a typical edition contain? how much higher does rainfall increase at 32 to 64 kilometers downwind of cities monthly? What region was the Neolithic Revolution evident in 2500 BC? What are two types of cloud decks that are formed by lift due to frontal zone forces? What structual issues would an underground facility have? When did the adoption of surnames become common For the example given, what five colors does Y consist of? What community was created when the material was used to extend Manhattan near West Street? What religious aspect is promoted by Marxism Leninists? What is the political leaning of New Canaan and Darien? In what month are senators and representatives elected? How many years is clinical training in Thai? Where did plant and animal domestication spread from the Fertile Crescent to? The rate of precipitation increases when a cloud becomes what? In 2010, what state has the 2nd highest average property taxes in the nation? How many visitors came to Istanbul in 2015? When was the subprime mortgage crisis? What followed Old latin? what kills crops and increases erosion? How is the velocity of some body in physics denoted? When did the Star Spangled Banner Flag commence exhibition at the National Museum of American History? Where can you find Theodosius' obelisk? If an odd number of Senators are retiring at election, what percentage of the vote would lead to a clear majority? What is one major artery in Connecticut? Which abolitionist argued that African societies were severely harmed by the slave trade? What style is used for large numbers? How long has The Sunday Times been under common ownship? What are the disadvantages of being insured by a surplus line insurer? How many full regiments of infantry were formed? What may be the set of pair integers such that the first one is less than the second? What percentage of Manipuri are Hindus? Joseph Stalin took over which political party? What happened in Oxford in 1644 and 1671? What years did Rotterdam have trouble filling pop music venues? Who frequently goes to the Princes' Islands? Who went on strike in 1986 that caused trouble for the production of The Sunday Times? What is the effect of inline expansion? Which country negotiated with the USA over navigation rights on the Mississippi river? What are some of the duties of the Chancellor? What is the process that allows Eb instruments to play parts originally written for instruments such as the tuba or trombone? In Article IV whose authority over the U.S. territories is defined? At what time of day is traffic banned in Central Park? Where were the settlers originally from that focused on mixed farming? By is the first way by which Texas v. White allowed some possibility of divisibility? What did modifying the natural environment provide for these societies? What region of Africa did Joseph C. Miller research? How many republicans agreed they would attend the same-sex wedding of a loved one? When was the first recorded instance of Oxford University? Which region of the U.S.A voted Democrat in 1944? Where do minor parties appear? What forms of identification use the complete name? What types of patients did Salk test his vaccine on? Influenza, smallpox and measles were all spread between humans and what? In what year did Hurricane Sandy strike the northeast coast? Sweden was defeated in what war? What was able to provide work energy for accomplishing agricultural tasks? Were California and Sierra Native American tribes have many disputes or mostly peaceful? Which Canadian province was given over to the British by France? What is the caloric content used for the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins? What did Mayor Bart Peterson endorse? What US Act banned the outfitting of ships for the slave trade? Due to the slave trade, which societies received an influx of goods? What year was the word colinda used in? Marxism-Leninism was first found in what decade? What region can the oldest rocks of the Sierra Nevada be found? Who had to listen to the many different interest groups? What group had had trouble joining the Partisans consistently? How old was Robert G. Heft? How many roads travel cross-town through Central Park? What were goods exported to the West Indies traded for? What kind of movement is initiated from the centers of authority? Why is "de" used with the second part of the Alava surname? Which political party failed to gain control of the Senate? Whose theories did Walter Rodney base his arguments off of? Where can we find reliefs around the world? The RSFSR inherited the war that the Russian Empire was fighting against which country? What location is the farthest from the Earth's Center? Why was water from springs channeled to public fountains? The Romanija Mountains are apparently close to what city? What island is linked to New York City's boroughs by bridges? What does immorality mean? How many workers were covered by petitions filed with the ETA in 2011 In which decade was the Whole Earth Catalog established? What is the purpose of the room adjacent to the hall? Did the soprano saxophone remain popular in jazz after Sidney Bechet's time? what was one of the important observatioins ? Space shuttle is an example of what type of aerospace structure? What is the relationship between liquid and amount of energy released? How many parking spaces does Oxford's five sites have? Who played tenor sax in the Count Basie Orchestra? What principle means that all children of slave mothers were made into slaves? one of the most expensive real estate in the world is? What is tin? What exhibition is currently home to the flag? Neuroscience, as a field, was credited to have been established by who? What is the most life-threatening health problem that is associated with diabetes? What was the name of members of the Russian Communist party? What was the main form of reading material in the colonies? A professional degree to practice medicine is comprised of regular studies and what type of training? What do most people think about morality's dependence on religion? What does that interpretation also determine? What settlement in Slovenia were many escaped Allied soldiers airlifted from? what kind of democracy do Libertarian Socialists prefer? The PATH subway links New York to what other state? What is Oxford considered? What may the decentralization be? If a function is presented as a picture, what would it be called? When did the Reconstruction take place? When were games held in Vancouver? why were they short lived? What was the Liberation Front Plenum later renamed to as? What received awards for its architecture? What neighborhood are the majority of Pitt-owned facilities located? Otherwise, the next best possibility is from what other disease? How many member are on this board that can vote? What is the ratio of millionaires per capita in Connecticut? What is a surname? What did it mean to have an on-side game, as opposed to an off-side game? How did the staining procedure work? What kind of work did the merchants have the newly arrived immigrants do in their homes? What is the largest organization that uses Latin? The RSFSR inherited the war that the Russian Empire was fighting against which country? What is the name of the superconductor that is below 3.72K? When did Very high relief come back? When was a written work of Haliburton published? When did The Senate lose majority? Which two boroughs did not join the Greater City of New York? What is the name of Lord Krishna's love interest? What was the occupation of the majority of New England residents? Which president served in 2004? Who founded the Hijas de Cuauhtemoc? What century were the reservoirs built in the canyons of the Sierra? What is the point where the axes meet? What did Mussolini rename the portion of Yugoslavia that Italy occupied? Who was director of the Museum of the Mother See in 2013? What is the name of the executive department in charge of veterans? Who is the chair of RGA in 2014? Windows NT 4.0 came out in what year? What genres did Drum and bass influenced ? How do you read the notation g ∘ f? What is neuroscience? What is the name of the drum solo which became the basis for rhythms used in drums and bass? What President released a major report on gender equality? Aatherosclerosis is how important? When did Istanbul's first power plant close? What must be modified in an oblique coordinate system? What is the name of the European king elder sister? What was a result of agriculture and food production? Where did Benjamin West, John Copley and Gilbert Stuart spend much of their lives? On what date did Peter Minuit and Dutch colonists acquire Manhattan from the Native American people? What axis meant to point away from the observer? What is the name most associated with the Partisans' during the war? About how long does a division take? Studies show that raising the wage leads to more earnings and decreases what, without compromising employment? what is the energy yield of the complete oxidation of fatty acid palmitate? What was the name of the newsletter that Freeman created? Who is the NHL's rival? How is the term f(x) spoken? What is the name of a railway lift bridge that's preserved as a monument? what kind of models were used in the late 1990s with QPFs to simulate impact to rivers? What's another thing the Dictionary calls religion and morality? What is the recent successor to the alto saxophone? How many miles between Oxford to Bletchley? In 2012, which act reduced taxes in relation to the expiration of Bush tax cuts? what is the major commercial use of organotin compounds? In the meeting told, what did white college men and poor white men do to share leisure time? what was the only state to show a decrease in precipitation since 1900? How do the modern day Turks feel about the Constantinople name now? What was the Public Law number that is connected to the HEARTH ACT and renewed HUD's homeless aided programs? Who suffered casualties and needed support? How long are all council members and the mayor elected for? Do conservatives support labor unions? What foundation partnered with the Society for Neuroscience to cosponsor the Brain Awareness Week? Can any form of life exist in the so-called dead zone? What mostly fueled republican stance on marriage? What elections are held in Marxist Leninist states? What powers are given to the Senate in this arrangement? Where has the homicide rate dropped a lot in the last century? What is another name for SnH4? Who was the Prime Minister of Australia in 1975? Who approves the Doctorate in Medicine program? In which country was the brain regularly removed in preparation for mummification? As people started to live in one place, what did people start to collect? What forces might threaten or obscure the growth of the Hague Airport? what limits the usage of tin in Li-ion batteries? What was being aggressively sold in the late 1970s and early 1980s? What facet is an important role in systems that are decentralized? What streets bound Central Park? Who was the mayor of New York City between the World Wars? Which worldwide position does Pitt hold in the 2015 Shanghai Jiao Tong University's Academic Ranking of World Universities? What formed as a reaction to the ideals of a modernist? What do intra- and intercellular proteins contain? Who rated Windows ME as one of the worst operating systems of all time? Establishing Fort Amsterdam on Manhattan Island in 1625 is now recognized as the birth of what city? What has the Apostolic church ignored? What state did the Quakers who opposed theatrical performances live in? What marker was dispersed with farming in Africa? To which part of a cloud is hail blown into? Define Decentralisation Where did Slobodan Milosevic seize presidential power? Who also reverses the order their names for customary reasons? What was Microsoft AntiSpyware renamed to? In what year did Governor Hickenlooper speak on the homeless issue? What did Bush implement in 2001? What did European traders want to trade for? How many officers were stationed on the 25 vessels? Why did the federal government agree to furlough soldiers? What is established In Chapter I part II of the Australian Constitution. What is an example of a patronymic surname? who led a study in 2011? What broad rate includes part time people who are working but don't make enough to live on called? Which parties have Lincoln Chafee identified with throughout his political career? Where did the Jews who wanted to be Partisans come from? What are interns referred to as in some Commonwealth nations? What is the name for a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs with the property that each input is related to exactly one output? What sources are the natural products found in that polketides compromise? When did Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his throne? When was Bronx County created by the state legislature? What goods were brought back from the Americas to Europe? IABSE is what kind of Structural engineering orginization? What type of society does not move from place to place? Line elements are represented by these types of lines in structural modeling. How many Africans were freed from the seized vessels? How much did the Central Forida Commission on Homelessness find that the region spends on leo's arresting and transporting homeless? What is a wildly contested thesis in Academia in regards to the Atlantic slave trade? What are two examples of Uralic people based on the passage? What are two states that have experienced inadvertent decentralization? During the 1970s, what collapsed in Australia? What Air Force also contributed to helping Yugoslavia in 1944? Who is the author of Croatia: a Nation Forged in War. What was the political party of Lowell P. Weicker, Jr.? Which house has more political diversity? Where does some of the push behind conservative politics come from? What does the stack contain? Who argues that the effects of slavery were deleterious? What is the full extension of Gestapo? What are the some of the problems of replacing lead in a lead and tin alloy? What is the first country mentioned in the paragraph? How many men died from disease? What does decentralization aim for? In animals and archaea isopentenyl pyrophosphate and dimethylallyl pyrophosphate are produced in what area? What electronic show in Tucson, Arizona plays some drum and bass? Women were able to integrate into what clubs by changing social attitudes? what does the monastic brotherhood consist of Which new model did the Modern movement seek to design and plan cities? What's the highest numbered street in Manhattan? What is the most common surname in Viet Nam? Where has the Patriarchate been based? What type of nexus of control might get in the way of the project of decentralization? What were the different names for Manipur? What is the main goal of the Marxist-Leninist economy? What did Hippocrates believe? When did European settlers arrive in North America? What year was a permanent European presence established in New Netherland? When was the Eurasian Tunnel projected to be completed? By what principle does a layer of saline water move opposite the flow of the Baltic Sea? How many forwards are typically on a given hockey team? About how many Sunday Times papers are in circulation? What moral value were liberals found to value least? What Eastern Asian cultural spheres place their surnames first? What was New England's population in 1750? The x-axis and y-axis are generally called what? What is the political leaning of Westport? How the deductive system works ? What helped the biotechnology sector to grow in Manhattan? When were private universities outlawed in Turkey? Which magazine promoted immigration in their suggestions to encourage new businesses? How does Columbia University believe increased involvement of local jurisdictions and civil society will happen? What did the former primer minister accuse them of? What types of homeless populations are identified by the Annual Homeless Assessment Report? The term nanostructure is often used when referring to what kind of technology? Will mineral supplements prevent cardiovascular disease? When was the book Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism published? How did African sailors exhibit superiority over European invaders? Who uses the abbreviation M's P to represent Members of Parliament? What historic recreation area likes across the east end of Junction Hollow? What is the most densely populated district on the Asian side? What middle ages game was played with a wooden curved bat, a wooden or leather ball, and two poles? When was the idea of the optionality of the federal charter was raised ? Which city is the poorest in Connecticut? How many times over are boats and aircrafts subjected to forces? what contributing factors to where tin is found? What is considered to be the highest death toll of the Holodomor in any one given country? What is GDP? what happened to the federal reform pressure regarding the regulation ? When was the Annual Homeless Assessment Report first released? In the 1980s, what field was Pitt established as a world leader? What is the axis of the lens? What is the function of reciprocity in nature? In what year was the International Professional Hockey League (IPHL) formed? What happens at a synapse? Who granted liberal political terms to the Connecticut Colony and Quinnipiack?? According to William Damon and Mordechai Nisan, what does moral self-identity lead to? What is morality defined as? Which artist utilized shallow-relief? How did the Congressional Budget Office describe the proposed changes? Where did Marxist-Leninist revolution erupted from? What is the Pacific Ring of Fire? Which was the most expensive hotel ever sold? Which highway connects Manipur with Assam? What do biomarkers contribute to cardiovascular disease? How many ships did the partisans Navy had? What did the Renaissance Humanists start the tradition of? How much of the Oxford population is minority groups? It what regions are Republican conservatives dominant? What year did Chicago have a documented night count of 5,922 homeless people? What quotes Chanchal Kumar Sharma? When was Sarajevo tales by Partisans? Why a one can tell wheather if the rule is correctly applied without the appeal of any interpretion ? What is the southernmost state in New England? When did Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his throne? Under what condition would the predicate P be true? Where did the majority of slaves go? In what country are the paternal and maternal surnames are often combined using y or i? The release of what OS led the NT development to rework the project? Apart from covering sports what else does it provide? The trend to label continental philosophy as postmodernism might derive from what U.S. Departments? Who proposed the Entscheidungs problem in 1928 Which medical school in Canada still awards the MDCM degree? Without the Romans, what happened to medieval Latin? What city was of great worth during the Ottoman time period? Who emphasized that free markets are decentralized systems? When was the first time the 49 and 50 star U.S. flag was officially flown and where? What is the longest amount of time that an argument can be presented orally in the Supreme Court of Connecticut? What damaged Oxford in 1066? What is the basis of what's considered right and wrong in Hinduism? What are subprograms referred to as? When was the Statue of Liberty dedicated? What is a language its been adopted by? What did the colonist feel they had sacrifced the most for the war? How many years was the plan of Opening Doors in the prevention and stop of homelessness? How does a Neo-romantic view truth? Who else assisted in the allied support? How many years of postgraduate experience is required to apply for an MD degree in the UK,? What naval flag designer and signer of the declaration of independence claims to have designed the U.S. flag? In which region of colonial America were wives almost never allowed to work with their husbands in the fields. How much are rainfall rates affected in areas downwind of cities? Where can these special language packs be obtained if not through the download center? What is the advantage of having this freedom? Who holds the Fall Fest? About how many slaves were brought to what is now the U.S.? In a saccharolipid what substitutes for the glycerol backbone present in glycerolipids and glycerophospholipids? In acronyms, what did each letter represent? What kind of operation is overriding? What happened to population when agriculture was introduced? What did Thornton identify as being the drive to find new and profitable commercial opportunities outside of Europe? What is the beat per minute interval of breakbeat-based dance style music? What are smaller drop masses called? What is the nations largest newspaper by circulation? How many American Airmen were airlifted from Yugoslavia between 1 January and 15 October 1944? Besides the NHL, what are examples of other leagues using this system? What group had very few votes? What became prominent when humans gained momentum in agriculture? In New England, which group did not have their wives usually participate in field work? What European country places their surname first? What play was an infraction that stopped play? What is Jose Luis' second surname? Do any states use indirect elections? What did Gregory have a vision of? What was unique about colonial society? What was one of the cities Constantinople jostled with for world's most populous city? When did Maoist rebels in Mepal engaged in the civil war? When do public buildings display the flag? In which hall was the United States Bill of Rights drafted? What theorem helps with constructing models? Of the new jobs added, how many of them due to new businesses? For which gender does cardiovascular disease onset typically occur earlier? What is the UK garage style also known as? What jobs do Bittle & Johnson hold? How were the Canary Islands used? Who does the old view suggest should become nurses? What is a disease that humans developed an early resistance against? When did black markets formed under Prohibition stop being historically notable? What was the audience unaware of? Who was killed at Gala? Why was an agreement signed regarding the Baltic? Universal prescriptivism claims tat morality comes from what? In 1841, The Sunday Times became one of the first to serialize what type of publication? What's the first reason listed why a fight might break out? About how many jobs were added in the private sector during Obama's term from Feb. 2009 until December 2015? What new group started to experience homelessness in the 2000s? The Republicans had a net loss of how many seats? What organization did a 2007 study on homelessness? Why are so many Vietnamese named Nguyen? What degree the Zweitstudium got? What was the term used to describe the disputes? What is taken away from the one insured? What has not been more closely studied as of 2014? These same physics were placed into computer programs in what decade? What are the "jobs" in the three-man system? What are two of the earliest computers and microprocessors? What's the biggest dance event during Greek Week? How many states do not utilize counties? Where is a player sent after breaking the rules? Are there more towns or cities in Connecticut? What was the life expectancy of a 15-year-old boy in 1700? What is the most transportation used? What are the specific colors to be used on the U.S. flag? How many federal agencies are coordinated by the USICH? Who is the formal governing body for international ice hockey? In what year did the FDA approve of the oral contraceptive pill? Which cup did Feyenoord win as the first Dutch club in 1970? What are two major international music labels? What was tin or arsenic content of the earliest bronze objects? In what year was the flag changed from having 49 stars to having 50 stars? Where in the world might IR be less practical to use? How many job creation arguments did Bittle & Johnson explore? The tetraorgano derivatives are less common than what? Which group of labors African slaves replaced after Bacon's Rebellion? What does Ryan mean in Irish Gaelic? What is David Wilton's profession? How many men did the Partisans detached on the islands? What were some of the legal obstacles to gender equality addressed by first wave feminism? How are the names order in citations? What is denoted by letters near the beginning of the alphabet? If an even number of Senators are retiring at election, what percentage of the vote would lead to a clear majority? What is now missing from drum and bass characteristics with hip=hop? What logic can the term everyone loves someone use? What was the effect of the recount? What has exposure effects on heart disease? What did Slovenia undergo in WWII? When did the Istanbul Stock Exchange move to the Sanyar district? In what sense are state governments not sovereign? What is the third alternate qualification? What group of people in Nova Scotia referred to lacrosse as something else? In what years' were tin prices rampant? What are neurites? What is the female version of the jock called? In 1958, The Sunday Times became the first newspaper to do what? The Senator of which state change political partied due to conflict with President Bush? What caused the river to flood downtown? What has Thomas Pynchon's work been described as? What is the official name for an agreement between the insurance company and the policyholder? What is the meaning of a New York minute? What climate zone is Istanbul located in? How many stations in Manhattan are currently being constructed? How would one denote the output of a function 'f' corresponding to an input of 'x'? Ukrainians felt as if they were being liberated by soldiers with what ethnicity? What determines the line along which the z axis lies? With which country did the Cheasepeake planters trade heavily? At what level of jurisdiction would a problem be undertaken under the subsidiary approach? What was launched on October 2, 2012? What is the typical Ph values? What do subroutines require? What other issues were given attention in second wave feminism? What was the political ideology of the Commonwealth men? Who was mostly reached during the Second Great Awakening? How can one family member's relationship to another can be identified? What was the 1777 resolution probably meant to define Which tradition are North American schools following when they grant the MD title rather than the MB title? What is Istanbul's humidity percentage? What publication medium has no search tools? What model do students of decentralized social systems often utilize? What is the name for a function's set of inputs? When was the separate Review section launched? Many popular modern books were translated into what language? What emerged to counter traditional elitist and technocratic approaches to urban planning? How many residents are originally from Istanbul? What is used in between tracks to switch from one track to another track? What is required to make a catadioptric system? From what do shells derive their inherent durability? What borders the Andes to the east? What did the American Stock Exchange get renamed to? What does a predicate do? What are Statins effective in? For the example given, what four shapes does X consist of? Where was the compound achromatic lens created? What theory shows that there are functions that can be precisely defined but are not computable? Who established the West Africa Squadron in 1808? 1,712 surnames covers what percentage of the population in the United States? Which group had their Muslim and Croat commanders' names changed to protect them? Who prepares an annual report on those petitioning for trade adjustment assistance What critic is credited with the theory of performatism? The Russian-American Company was started in which year? When did the Hurriyet Daily News begin printing? What is the anglicized way to spell a prefix? What seems to be the consensus of the extant multi-satellite studies? What event was Martin Sheridan team captain of? What is one source of income for Connecticut towns along the coastline? In what systems do restrictions reduce axiom schemas? Many Japanese surnames are thought to be derived from what? In what year did Alaska gain statehood? What are examples of simple isoprenoids? What was a lasting effect of the avant-garde movement? What did Senator John McCain do regarding carbon emissions? What did Steinem conclude through her undercover work? Under Leninist policy, what replaces the market? Which order formulas of Bernays-Schonfinkel class are decidable? This failed revolution influenced Lenin to do what? What is the time limit for a double-minor? When was the refracting telescope invented? What did Bhagyachandra and his successors do? How large was the Frick Acres property? What percentage of people cite jobs as the nation's most important problem? Did Lenin encourage a civil revolution? When did city councils begin their architectural policy? What happens is recursion occurs? What day is the budget delivered in the House of Representatives? How much precipitation falls each year? Unit vectors go in what axis's? Who did the Bolsheviks conquer in 1921? After what event did Ottoman architectural style get replaced by European? What was the life expectancy of a 15-year-old boy in 1700? Which macronym stands for "Advanced TOVS"? Who was the first to climb Mount Langley? What type of relief are objects placed in the foreground? What is said to be divided by the unary predicates? Who was the leading theologian and philosopher of the colonial era? What instead does morality refer to? Where in India is the use of two names not universal? Which man led the Puritan settlers from Massachusetts to Connecticut? What was Senator Joe Lieberman running for in 2000? How much would the taxpayers save if half of the region's chronically homeless population was housed during the next decade? How many Marshall scholarships has Pitt won since 1995? In what year was Constantinople reclaimed by the Byzantines? To how much Are these laws or regulation are a must to do ? What reacts with tin to make SnCl4? Has Denver's homeless population risen in recent years? After the meeting told about white college men and poor white men, what was created? The points of a Cartesian plan can be identified with what? What is phosphor bronze? How many of those American Airmen were airlifted with the help of the Partisan? Which is the second largest airport in northeast India? Why was the Cochrane review criticized? What links Oxford to London Marylebone? How much did the city spend in putting families in hotels in 2012? What is the usual order of names in English for cataloging? What does the Vietnamese term for America (Hoa Ky) translate to? What city was the fire where the detailed accounts of the Walker party were destroyed? What government agency counts the number of homeless people? What position does Robert Griffin III play? What period does Ms.Clement update the action to? Which team was accused of deflation? Where does Avner Pinchuk work? What did Samantha Power say about the Chinese government? Patrons would get this case when they entered what? Who is the commissioner of the parks department? what is the threshold that need to be reached before market rates can be charged for an apartment? What does the institution aspire to be? What happened to Roy Sullivan? Where are the misstated 5.5 million actually located? Where did the woman's mother immigrate from? when was an obscure law adopted ? What happened on the floor? What was the first assignment for the writer Who was the White House ethics lawyer under President George W. Bush? What's the best depiction of Tempest's character Jane? Who directed the Ballet Theater's production of "Beauty?" How should neuroscience and robotics be treated according to Dr. Ohayon? What else does this event effect? In what decade did pasinski meet with the head of theology What percent of Americans with children under 6 have working parents? Besides mammography, what is another thing that costs more than is saved? Mr. Gant is a partner in what law firm? What was not removed from the DEA's list of harmful and addictive substances? In what bracket did Noshikori compete with Wawrinka in last years United States Open? What did Washington fear that Russia would do to Ukraine? What physical obstacle did Kayahan overcome in order to perform his final concert? Which work was about working in hotels? What were the questions about that Ms. Chen was unable to answer in a recent audit committee meeting? Who inspected a Syrian man at a border? Why do the couple try to talk to Mr. Abbas? What did first-generation biofuels have a negative impact on? Who was pressured into signing a report stating that he wasnt beaten? Who made the six to nine month time assessment? What should the coach consider doing to Tom Brady in light of his injured offensive line? What did Kiev request that went nowhere? James wanted Donald Sterling removed as the owner of which team? What employers need to do when employees take paid leave? Mr. Carson claimed who should not be a president? What sort of business can be harmful in bad times? Which poet is Ms. Clyne creating a chamber opera about? The characters in "Brand New Ancients" reference what fictional city? In the long term how are people with progress? When did Archibald Motley die? Which country will be more complex to modify the diesel cars in? How long was Tiant away from Cuba? What weakened engine power in the Mexican Grand Prix? What race did David Monti win a Silver medal in? What did Mr. Cameron spend a large amount of time doing? What shape is the staircase? What does Jean-Marie Le Pen believe immigrants will do? Who made the recipe for double-chocolate pancakes with salted caramel sauce When is Myanmar's final landmark election? Which fairy tale story is being performed at the Stockton University? Where was Benjamin Button born? What is the stone bowl used to make guacamole called? What is the purpose of the robot? Who is the new coach of the Penguins? What does the Center for Generational Kinetics study? Who are republicans supporting? What was his name? Who is Athen's biggest European lender? What title in the Senate Did Mitch McConnell hold at the time of the article? what was Mr. Constantine looking for? What is the name of the musical by Cyndi Lauper and Harvey Fierstein? What are the names of the people involved in the Albany scandals? who had alleged biggotted campains? The measure is imposed at the funerals of who? Who questioned whether the organizers could get master developers to sign on? what does the Deste Prize recognize? Besides attending a gay wedding what else would make the author uncomfortable? Where did Mr. Emmerich grow up? Who was erroneously included as a writer in the review? how long have businesses been unable to run? One of Ms. White's children goes to school where? What was the name of the German battleship that participated in the battle? What did Nill write on Twitter? Where was there first solo show located? What two story tellers will be at the event? What did the spectators sit on? Where is the hajj pilgrimage located? What kind of engine was dreamed about for the R8? When does Yoko Ono's MoMA show end? Who argue against stairwells cut into the canal's retaining walls? Mr. Weinberg believes that lenders will need more guidance about what? Who organized Exporters for Ex-Im? Ninety-five percent of the time, a car sits there doing what? How much money was allotted towards the project in 2010? Which firm is a division of FireEye? Who is the artist for Wonder Woman and Spider-man? Who is seizing on the trend of Adult coloring books? What player had a double-double and just missed a triple-double? What borough does the terrace of Charritos overlook? Who won a controversial finish in Alabama? What is a good thing to do when providing personal information on the internet? What should be done next time it happens? Who was the gang assault on? Who spoke with reporters about the Iran negotiations? How much does Wanderu cost? What state is the sheriffs from? What trade offs did Patagonia have to make to switch to all recycled paper for catalogs? Who was Russia not conerned about? Who is the other co-chief executive of Deutsche Bank? Against who was the antitrust case filed? Who did Clarkson allegedly attack? What was Leive's big challenge with Management? Where was Porzingis when he caught the attention of N.B.A. executives and scouts? What was mixed into the dry spices? Who was The Mets' manager? What Medicare proposals were amended or dropped by the government? When will Canefield Airport resume flights to the main airport? What person said he texted Pierre-Paul shortly after the accident? Switzerland arrested who on behalf of the United States? How old is Kate Tempest? Where is the Wild Project located? What changes do some of the new bills want to make to lawmakers pay? Where was Mr. Harper-Mercer placed when he didn't take his medication? When did Robert A. Levinson disappear? The family has had its share of divorces and what other thing? What is corinthian college? Who was one of the study's authors? What did Madonna do for the album which arrived Tuesday? This was taking place when, relative to the open? What does Rohit Deshpande consider to be a new way for retailers to get attention? What does Greg Prince say about what's happening to the Mets? Which institution conducted the China Household Finance Survey? When was the Symphony No. 10 conducted? What day of the week did this dinner take place? Where did Mr. Obama give his speech? What is the name of the lawyer? What percent did Song Tairan lose in monetary value? What does the Fed sell in the united states to push down market interests rates? What city did the third trial take place in? What committee is Keith L.T. Wright a member of? What does Mr. Fox intend to do in the private sector? What duty do watchdogs have? Who was 18 career major victories? What was the study population? What kinds of abuse did Mr. Yu claim he suffered? What type of reform did Mrs. Clinton propose? Automatic IRAs would guarantee all employees save for retirement, but the employees would be left without the option to do what? What year was the written? When is Ms. Kodar expected to go to a university sponsored Welles symposium? What is Governor Cuomo's political affiliation? How many goals did Quick give up What is the main theme or belief of the National Front? Marcelo owns several guns, what does he shoot during the night shift? What is Cate Huston's career? Who ranked third in the draft? What type of play was read by Butler? How many democrats would support Clinton? Who reject the idea? what should dancers learn to smile with? Who translated the book? Is it unusual for Reid and Pelosi to be opposed to each other? How long do dementia patients require constant care? Which writer used to be a priest The results of the spices look like what? how far back was Deba from Jeptoo's time in the prior year? How long did it take Vestas to recommit to the race? Who was said to have had their own original style? Pyongyang has redefined the difference in economies between North and South Korea by claiming what in their propaganda against the South? What player other than Jennings also praised their coach? Where was the American Bar Association Conference held? What is a second measure being considered by the FDA to address the concern with duodenoscopes? What did Mr. Carson oppose fiercely? Who was the subject's modern day equivalent designer? Who inspires the authors overall style? Is the plan to change things firmly in place? Who founded the Red Bull energy drink company? Who back-stabbed Cookie on the show "Empire"? who was imprisoned? What is the Clay Art Center's phone number? What is their second idea to gather people together? What did Mr. Canby think "Star Wars" was an apotheosis of? Where is SGS based? How much has the Zexi No. 3 fund index gained this year? Who wrote the musical "Can Do Duck?" How old was the nurse? What year did she become the youngest captain in the Sheriff's Department? What court does Judge Edward Chen belong to? What is the attraction of Venice? Where did Maria and Randy arrive to? What is being aimed at young readers? Where will the movie "Tiny Giants" be shown? Who said people considered gender equality to not be of value? What was Steve Jobs trying to do? What is the jobless rate for white Americans? What figure had previously conversed multiple times with Mr. Heastie? What was Stein's occupation? J.C. Penney is using what unlikely advertising strategy? Who were the city's last two Republican mayors? What did Sandy order from Mexico? What kind of regulations did Mr. Hatz refer to? What is happening in the diamond market now? What was the group united about? Which one is the profession of Tom O'Brien? What network is the "Best New Restaurant" show on? How many were injured? Who is a real estate mogul who was running for president? What podcast is downloaded more frequently than "The Starters" podcast? Who was Mr. Rouseff's predecessor? When is the last day one can see Mr. Lincoln? What town was the mass grave found near? What dissapeared during the Revolutionary War? Federally, safety warning on food products is going to retire what warning in egg? Players are in front of what on the court? What effect do video cameras have on police behavior? GM admitted to not disclosing the flaw and what else? What type of fund was SAC Capital? Who will be surprised by the fact that there isn't a risk of overconsumption of cholesterol? How many retired numbers do the Yankees have? How many counts were there against James Holmes? How might the audience see that film as conveying? When did the Lawyers say that the Government's stance on Same-Sex Marriage change? What state was Mike Huckabee governor of? Where do concussions rank among injuries in women's hockey? What was the chance of Rocky Fire igniting? What was Robert Mapplethorpe's apartment near? What market collapsing is adding to the downwards pressure on the Euro? What kind of personality was Louise known for? Name one university that she was a board member of? What are low income housing tax credit based landlords required to accept? Who is a drinking buddy of novelist Calvin Kentfield? The drop in price for China's marble also reflected the drop in what? When did the Justice Department recommend not targeting marijuana users? What's the aim of the democratic super PAC? What type of training did Ayub received? Who is the acting director of the Office of Foreign Assets? Players will sit, regardless of what, if they aren't team players? What was the name of the American trainer What play by Darren Sproles gave Philadelphia a 21 point lead? What does DeWitt apply to their novel that is also seen in science fiction literature? Where is Needles located? How many people were convicted for the 1998 bombings of two US Embassies in East Africa? What night job did the Arthur had? What does the union suggest be used in the tentative agreement? What was only a tenth of a percentage point higher than last year? What was the name of the distant relative of the Triceratops that was the size of a spaniel? A director of what is James Roundell? How much did the dollar rise against yen who are the people forced to work outside ? What can be authorized for one-time use? What is wrong with the political opposition in Caracas? During the opening number the cast was singing and dancing like a road company in what century? Why does the person discover the contents? How much money would taxpayers need to raise for the revitalization? What style of beer typically falls in the range of 4.5 to 5.5 percent alcohol? How many points were the Irish behind at halftime? What did Mr. Menendez plan to do with his career during the case? What month was Electric Ursa released? What feature of the train track would have prevented the incident in Spain? Who directed the movie? How much does Google have in the bank? What did Alan Duncan suggest that his colleagues should be careful about? What is the size of the white clapboard Colonial Revival-style? How many members of the force regularly used body cameras? Why do people start looking into moving into Clinton Hill? Which station requires a transfer to get to Stepney Green? What does James want to win in Cleveland? When does the draft start? How many yards did Eagles' offense average in its last two games? What was the name of the passenger? Zen is an example of what technique? What have the FBI and law firm leaders met to discuss? Who announced they were buying EMC? What keeps DNA from fraying? Where is the company etf.com headquartered? The group "Icona Pop" has what nationality? What did analysts at Barclays project that the economy would grow in the third quarter? What kinds of targets do hedge funds usually choose? Who has struggled to control the flow of synthetic cannabinoids? How much is the Blackberry Smoke concert? What was the reaction of people as they came to Zaro's one last time? Katie Goldstein is a member of what organisation? What made it difficult for law enforcement go determine the damaged? When did Dostum charge up north? What do people love and go? What was a touchstone issue? What were the occupations of Morris Wilkins? How many years is the 3 percent increase in spending on military suppose to occur? What fraction of vegetables does California supply? When did Colon allow 3 hits? What was a Cleveland cop under investigation for? What museum hosts the Cabaret Cinema series? What is the occupancy rate? Which adminstration created new oversight rules Which player caused the baseball game to go into a tie? How many photographers are featured in the Photo Poetics show? Who directed "Steve Jobs"? Which party controlled congress at the time of this article's release? What was the reporter asked to ignore when talking to Marcelo? Who was Mr. Connell's longtime editor? According to Draghi, the recent decline in the euro is what type of outcome? After what did Araeen decide to become an artist? What kinds of drug concepts may have invalidated patents? Who managed Mr. Zaro's bakery building? Who was Mr. Bush supposed to win over? When was a study conducted that assigned patients with congestive heart failure to normal of low-sodium diets? Who employs Amr Abdel Rahman? Which country is mentioned to be facing a gap in skilled labor? What university did research on Wall Street? When did the daughter of Tiziano Terzani Married In which year was Jame's first finals appearance with the Heat? Which chapter of Genesis references that God grants dominion to human beings over all other beings? what is the target amount of oil produced per day? Where did the Republican debate take place? Who received a boost when Mr. Bush managed to mess up? What does the company take when someone uses Wanderu to purchase a trip? What kind of training do staff members receive? For how many years have most lenders' wholesale units destroyed value? Who reported that it is costly to account for interconnection? When is HP expected to merge with Aruba? How much money was Mr. Rodman and his partners asking for to rebuild homes in Haiti after the earthquake they suffered? What team drafted Porzingis where he became known as a great athlete and hero? When did Omnicom announce DDB's purchase of Grupo ABC? What is the occupancy rate? Where did investors find higher-yielding securities? Which organization is going to ensure things are done correctly by Mr. Tsipras and his government? What satirical site does Joe Thomas mention in talking about the TMZ article? What did the person have to be to understand sexual orientation? What is the online or street value for one Bitcoin? What team did Mattingly become a coach for after retiring as a player? What was the name of the victim? What is the name of the exhibition at the New Haven museum through June 21? When did the plaintiff trade away his truck? When did Apple release the iPhone? What does the fairies take away? What caused tension between Lucious and his son? What year did Richard Brautigan die of a self-inflicted gunshot wound? What did Americans find out about Ukrainians during training? What are the most common injuries in women's hockey? What is The Flash's name? Who dropped the pass from Eli Manning? Where does David Dollar work? How many square feet was the 5 room house? Who was the perfect mate for John Delahunt? Who is actively play as a pitcher? What is Ross's default tone of writing? Who wrote In Search of Lost Time? How old is Silver? Who was Ed Siever to Cobb? Who is the Democratic assemblyman and former speaker accused of corruption? Who did Russian's invaded last year in unmarked unmarked unifrom? If the building were for sale what would it come with? What were women expected to do? How high could the cost allegedly be of developing a drug from scratch? What is the exhibition called? Who was surprised by the violence of the Uber brawl? What city does Francis T. Cullen work in? do current rules for hourly workers stay intact? What is the median salary for a worker with a bachelor's degree? Loretta Lynch went on a national tour to study what? When did Cheung get to know Salonen? What are the hills of Yorkshire covered with? Why is groundwater unsafe to use? Who did George H.W. Bush depend on to handle the negative work in his administration? What country is providing training for the Ukrainian? What kind of fervor was Mr. Obama conjuring with his speech? What was Mr. Obama's speech a striking display of? What company was Freescale a part of? Who is the representative for the American soldiers in Afghanistan? In percents, how much inflation is Russia experiencing? Who will the Saints play against this week? How many home runs did Mattingly hit in eight games? Where did the imprisonment occur? How much did cholesterol levels decrease in the intervention groups? What type of issue is mentioned? What did Flanagan have to say about the women's abilities? In which state is Rev. Brian Sauder from? What style of window was built into the master suites? Major markets in which area of the world stopped at a mixed end? Who is exploiting the children of Senegal? If they are below that threshold, are they eligible for overtime? What expert said the physical key will be with us for years to come? What position did Sullivan play? Who has not been able to explain the extended time it took to discover the information breach? What NBA player was persuaded not to retire? Which team ranked 8th in the nation against the run last season? What happenes when the parietal eye of a trunk-crown lizard is totally blocked? What percentage of Obama's 2013 State of the Union proposals became law? What does research demonstrate about preventive care? Who is Lucious protege? Where was the briefing for boosters and news media held? How long many years has the Tap City festival gone on? In how many situations does giving someone health care actually end up saving money? What year was Bradford's journal rediscovered? How old was the person that was attacked? Who is in charge of the parish's day-to-day administration? What occupation does Patrick Baudouin have? For whom is the poetry program designed for? How many wells are drilled into the local aquifer at Needles What time was the baby discovered? Who does Teicher have a new angle on? What time is "Workaholics" on? How was the service at the restaurant? How many times did Barcelona score in the first half of the game? What was Gerald Reitlinger's study? Which type of institution is the New Jersey Institute of Technology? Which area operates a policy that creates "historic districts" within it? Who suggested some recommendations t reduce accidents? What features of the suspects did the children describe What is the name of the collection? Which player debuted in the day's second game? What was the median price in 2015 of townhouse sales? What year was Game 163 in Boston held? What does the Pope deem necessary for Muslim immigrants? How many classes are provided by the United States Army? Mr. Lee states it is easier to ___________, than head of a studio. What is Davis's scheduling strategy? What does Ms. Wisniak's boyfriend do for work? What does the right believe is the problem with wall street? Which classification of drug was administered? Who will travel to Moscow and Washington next week? What happened that made bank of america that increased their dividend? Who wrote Confessions of Felix Krull? What did Silver do on sunday? What sort of company was Goldman Sachs before it became a global pubicly traded company? who scored 25 points for the Knicks? Those who speak Maltese are predominantly what religion? What was thought to lead to a more promising outcome than the coup? What was the high mark of return on capital that Deutsche Bank intended to achieve prior to the financial crisis? What would the digital arms control agreement not cover? Who made 19 saves for the Predators? What item does Kenneth Bragg compare the current problem to? Did the judge accept or reject the prosecution's argument that Mr. Hincapie could have called the witnesses in the previous trial? What does Rohit Deshpande consider to be the worst consequence a catalog could have with consumers? Which event did Willis Carto's group deny happened? How are the breadcrumbs prepared? To what country was Yevgeny Adamov sent to stand trial? What type of victims do these criminals choose? what are the names of the daughters? What killed Dr. Shatz? Who wrote the novel "Pronto"? What company owns Lucasfilm? How do the turquoise killifish age? Who was Mr. Sweat's partner in the escape? What was presented at New York Live Arts? What is the name of the prison? Where did Ms. Francik work after graduation? How many head coaches have there been under Snyder? Who was Mr. Kravis and Mr. Roberts mentor? What are synthetic cannabinoids? The proposed bill would expand what? What do myths accomplish, according to Tempest? What app is free on IOS? What did the court sentence a nurse to life in prison for on Thursday? Douglas MacArthur is associated with what war? Who did Wawrinka beat last year on the way to win his first major title? What was the name of the officer who shot VonDerrit D. Meyers Jr.? What branch of the Pentagon conducts drone operations? Mr. Torgovitsky compared his actions to who? What black actor played Martin Luther King Jr. in a film called Selma? How many decimal places does pi extend? If Mr. Christie became president, what other state did he say should share in the cost of building the tunnels? How any do teams average against Braden Holtby? Where was Emily living in November 2010? What would the author bring to a party if asked? What type of device do most people use the internet on? Over what period of time was Mr. Heastie able to establish himself as a presence? What does Mr. Cameron say further action from the military needed for? Who is going to act as transportation commissioner when Mr. Fox departs? Who did John Kerry meet with? What is the team name? Which school did Holmes attend? What city does Officer Munoz live? What is structurally changing? How much was spent to instill fear of the attacker's arrest? Who is the lettter going to what do some democrats object to in the compromise bill? What is the neighborhood called? How was the Russian leader acting during the news conference? For who should be organized "safe spaces"? The theme that appears to run through the new works of this Swedish filmmaker is one of what? What's the smartest decision making app? What company is Pixar animation studios part of? What happened to the shallow wells as a result of pumping groundwater? This was the biggest daily drop in how many years? What type of language doesn't have a relationship with what he does? What position did Pascal Dupuis play? How old is Jay? When did Bernie Sanders start backing Canadian Medication purchases for US citizens? What does David Monti Thrive on? Which barber do people line up and wait for at the salon? Which country was torn by assassinations and war? How much in corporate taxes do some foreign companies pay? How are banks raising cash? What player are we talking about here? How old is Mr. Chow? What driving range was the couple's first kiss? What is the name of the person that said people of faith should help Israel and the Palestinians? Why do some players hide concussion symptoms? What task might be difficult for the parents of first-generation students? What has had a great impact on the Utah Jazz so far this season? Why do the banks manufacture and issue short term bonds? who is the mayor of New York? What sort of mansion was built for Bon Ami? Who are some of Kate Tempest's inspirations. For how long did G.M. not disclose the defect? The US dollar has risen how much since September? What is the address of Spectrum? Officer Munoz observed Jason Disisto in what position? When was Fun Home released? What language other than English was spoken at the Mass that was mentioned? What might galvanize Mr. Maduro's base? What make of car was rapidly decelerating? Which type of cars are needing to be brought into like with clean-air standards? What is it that is dranken by people who are "In the Know?" What does the Constitution and our customs do? Candidates included Walker, Paul, Cruz, and whom else? Who is the career hits leader in baseball? What does Iran think should happen if they need more time to reach a deal? What was Mrs. Chow's role at the event? What do Jay's friends encircle the pool with? What was Araeen originally trained as? How much money is the plaintiff trying to get from the lawsuit? What did the trade association ask for? How much has the Shanghai Composite index risen this year? Who was a safety consultant? Who was a poet from Ukrain? The listed example of exports to Russia are cookies, crackers, and what? Which government is monitoring what the volunteers read and write ? How many meals a day are many families in South Sudan living on? What did the canine do? Wha was the name of the man? Did Dawkins dabble in music? Who is the dean of Brooklyn Law School? who was comforting Mr. Saleh? What did the French call Deflategate? By increasing district level defenses, who might benefit? Which actress plays an analyst on her first undercover operation? Who was the shooter for the free kick that Neuer misread? What did Obama administration indicate? How did James travel to and from Texas? What is the philosophy of the supreme court? Religions are often looked down upon when trying to determine what? What day was there a tentitive plan set up? what percent of goods travel through Ukraine What was already happening within the company? How long has it been since Vladimir Putin visited the United Nations? How many starters does texas tech that are 6 feet 5? Over what time frame were the units of affordable housing to be delivered? What are the plans for lunch? What does the gender bending character drink in the video? Both companies were owned by groups of what? What is happening at the Hermitage Amsterdam? The release of the earnings report will be what kind of moment for HP? What ABC sitcom is coming back to Lifetime as a unauthorized story? What did the New York City Education and New York State Education Department fall behind in making? What candidate received the most applause during the debate? What other work by tempest uses the theme of conflict of shared by Greek Gods in it? What did Sgt Michael Faranda admire about Ukrainians willingness despite lack of prepartion?? In what year did John Major have a larger majority than Mr. Cameron's current one? What is one common type of short-term financing? In what state will the dinner "for six hands" take place? Entang Wiharso represented Indonesia in what? How old was Diego when died? Where did the team see Fells on the big screen at? What is the name of the quarterback of Eagles who had poor play? Which network airs a TV show featuring the Notre Dame college football team? Which athlete rushed for 144 yards and two touchdowns last week? Who is the chairman of Boston 2024? What type of energy supplies are American rabbis requesting that governments find way to lower the cost of? Which state has the country's best immunization rate for kindergartners? What did the re-examined case show? What is the phone number for Cinestudio? When did Eaton Vance win regulatory approval? How much time had passed since Mr. Norris had spoken to Ms. Francik? How many people worked under Ms. Chen before it was reduced to 10? Where does police not want to put themselves into? Which two lines of business improved the most in this quarter? How much funding does America provide annually to the program? What athlete was questioned? Why what reason is the change in age thought to be beneficial? What music duo is Jermaine Clement part of? When did the attack occur? How many jobs were added in October? Who did the author remember while she was waiting for her mother's shrimp? What did defense lawyers argue about marijuana's Schedule I classification? Would there be lessons learned? Who joked about missing teeth? Which team did Mattingly go onto coach after coaching the Yankees? Odell Beckham received the most votes of any wide receiver for what? Where is North Korea do most of the defectors who lie claim to have high-level connections in? When did Johannsson decide to become loyal to Iceland? The religion and Mr. Carson focus on primarily what? What is Kyrgios mother's first name? In which New Jersey city is the US attorney's office? What can cause banks to raise their rates? How many of Iran's cities are considered some of the most polluted in the world? What was the reporter asked to ignore when talking to Marcelo? What girls are missing? What do some soldiers forget on their first day of excercise Where does the average salary of a soccer player rank? Who feels justified by scripture? Who has begun to travel the country? What is the name of the agency that manages the Avengers? Name of the college Mr. Leonard conducts his work through ? What is Gennady Barabtarlo known for? What percentage of men had been in combat accordingg to Oleksandr l. Leshchenko What did Roget say about the app before calling it worthless? What is Manuel the president of? Who was winning before Querrey was injured? can you consider most athletes a new york player if they grew up in the area? What's the caveat? Who disappeared in an earlier police sweep of lawyers? The first report dedicated to drowning was released when? Who complained last year for the breast enhancement ad? Catastrophes in what region caused misery in 2015? What is the run time of Meet the Patels? Where is the Bush dynasty said to have roots? What is the rate of unemployment for college graduates? What is the website for Cinestudio? In what month did Kayahan give his last public musical performance? What event was held at the house of the parents? What region was the race debate specific to? When was the last major issue with voting age? Who hit his 399th career home run? What type of people are Napoleon and Josephine? What two groups of fighters retook the town of Sinjar on Friday? Who is J.D.'s first choice? How much was the company worth per share? What did the Jewish extremists wanted to avenge? What city were children being forced to beg in? What is the app called that provides a service for finding ways to commute? According the Jacky Rousell, what is the main reason France can't take in foreigners? What vehicle is Tesla in the process of shipping? Who used to be a division of Mortorola? What team will they play? How old is Alastair? What standard tool is it used to adjust historic art prices to account for inflation? What is example of a film with food theme in it? What year did Mike Tyson lose? Sometimes Marcelo does a double, what does that mean to him? What was removed from the market due to its illicit use? what was the taliban tradition when they raided a village? Who does Kate Warne work for? What types of drugs can be excluded from development by the lack of a patent? Who was sold Johannsson's rights? In what year did Fred Sonic Smith pass on? Several impressionist pieces are located in which museum? Which nation is given the chance to cheat? How do students feel about college expectations? What is the International Center of Law and Economics about? Who was ranked last in the game at Purdue? Where was this happening? What will adding an academic facility not hurt? How many advanced classes do some students take? Who did Hannah Shinehee Cho marry? How long did Mr. Cruz delay his event to travel to Washington for a vote? Who is the spokeswoman for Intel? Where did Tiziano Terzani's daughter get married Clarkson has been accused of demeaning Indians, Asians, and what other specific group? What was the final score between Djokovic and Wawrinka during the 2013 Grand Slam? What seems to have disappeared on the team? What is the moral of the Shanleys story? In what city was the avant-garde salon Stein presided over? Who did Mel Mermelstein see driven into the gas chambers in 1944? What did Kiev request that went nowhere? What month did the prison break occur? Who was the college playmaker of the year in 2013? What is the name of the wife of Tiziano Terzani What act about the couple is incriminating Where was Sita Shrestha's body found? How many games has Towns played in his career so far by Mitchell's estimation? Under which Mayor did Mr. Faulkner serve on a task force on police relations? What demographic was the original target for Instagram and Facebook? How many of the studies used in the systematic review in 2013 controlled for background diet? Power and volume down usually does what? Who did Russian's invaded last year in unmarked unmarked unifrom? How did Ted Weisberg respond to the ransom threat? Who wrote "Steve Jobs" ? How many families in Ban Rak Thai were once members or descendants of the Lost Army? Who ruled on a crucial smartphone patent case in 2012? How tall is the new central bank headquarters? What did the police warn him not to do? What is the bank removing? Who flee? What determines the laws that apply to Military Marriages? Who is quoted speaking about Mr. Putin? What is the name of the group that came together to mediate the formation of an interim government? What was cracking? What did people at the shelter eat? Who was seated beside Ashraf Ghani? what is the risk of the case? Where was this post published at? Where are wild motorcycle tours organized? When did Obama announce the result of the drone strike? What does the patent system allow people to do? What company did the Administration create new oversight rules for? Who refuses to approve universal background checks for gun sales? What did Picasso try to establish himself as when arriving in Barcelona? What does criticism cause? Where is Intel based? Who is the film Narrated by? When did a popular uprising occur which caused a turbulent period to begin? What does Deborah J. Glick's district include? Where might the attackers have been from? What year did Ms. Wise graduate art school in Montreal? What country is providing training for the Ukrainian? how long did Ms. Wenk search for a property? What could we offer to incentivize the development of drugs that can solve an unmet need? How much did Viagra make last year? What views was Mr. Medvedchuk known to express? How much was Rodriguez' contract with the Rangers worth? What did Ms. Bedford say she would like to do? What is the occupation of Mr Matuska What does the paragraph claim that once assembled the words suggest? How much is Puerto Rico's debt? What position does Mark Tapson hold at Truth Revolt? What business in Manhatten does Ms. Smith work for? For what crime was Raj Rajaratnam convicted? Who is the Conservative Party Leader? Who is the president of the American Film Institute in Los Angeles? according to__________? When did PIcasso start to shape as an artist? The Clinton Foundation issued a statement suggestions what? The composition and writing of this song was described by Mr. Sledge as being what? For what kind of ads the news paper raised the alarm? How long is the 606? What does a newer router improve? Which year did Steve Cainas receive his associate's degree? Which player on the team is currently 32 years old? The District of Columbia was where Elizabeth Hughes was what? Which countries have severe water pumping issues? In what year did Djokovic defeat Wawrinka during a Grand Slam? Who would front the money to purchase the necessary land? Who posted a 64 in Duabi Classic? What book did Sally recently read again? how old i Ms. booth ? What animals ignored the author of the text? Where has the robot returned to the research? What does century 21 require? He was able to make Mahler's music sound what? Who was the Port Authority chairman in 2011? What Did McConnell consider his chief victory? For most consumers to get fully autonomous driving cars it will still take many what? What does Garth Fagan Dance have roots in? Who painted Venus and Adonis? What was another name for Myanmar? Who used a super PAC to get re-elected after denouncing them? Who was taking photographs for "The Displaced?" The deal gives which country a legal path to an enrichment program? In what country was the plumber's vehicle seen? What does AMC want to match the quality of? What is marijuana legally used for according to state laws? What was inside the box that should have the lamp inside? How many days before the West African nation holds elections does news of the arrests come? Since when has China's officials been studying similar sitiuations? What type of driver do most Rolls customers already have? Who did Red Bull finally turn to for an engine? What will the Broadcom foundation continue to support? who was the news outlet refrenced ? What is Daniel Bruhl's profession? Who no longer drinks? What is the main problem with the offense for the Eagles? What position did Sepp Blatter use to hold? what was the the score of the game in which Jonh Jay was defeated? How are dams hurting the area? Who is president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia? What is the main location of Pace Gallery? According to the article, better endings are a result of what? What have states moved to do? What was the ultimate verdict in this article? How many semesters of university did Alyssa Grogan miss after her concussion? What city did teams threaten to relocate to for years? What proposal was disliked by voters and stalled in parliament? What is the unusual guide used? Who was stronger with the college students? In "Immediate Family," what does Virginia appear to have done? Who star as Adam Jones? What did David Makovsky think Mr. Obama seem to be doing with his speech? What emotional experience is intertwined with identity? What apple program can you share files from between computers? Fabrizio Donato won what medal at the 2912 London Olympics? What is short-term financing exempt from? What is the term used for shirts that weren't made or distributed by the artists themselves? What does Silas Farley's father refer himself as? Who wrote river of shadows? What was Entang Wiharso's exhibition described as? What year was the movie, "The Last Waltz" released? What year did he first conduct the Orchestra? Which state called the guardrails a miserable failure What type of order was the gunman in Louisiana a subject of? what complaint has hindered investment banks of their ability to provide liquidity in the market? How many full time officers were on the police force? Who brought everyone down to three cards? Who invited John out for drinks and steak? Which country does Bernie Sanders support allowing US Citizens to buy drugs from? What type of man is Mr. Bridges? What film helped Kenji Mizoguchi find his footing? Who is there a large reservoir of respect for? How many guilty verdicts has the decade-old United Nations-backed tribunal given? What event made Court TV popular? Who revealed the participants in the scandal? How do girls deal with being called names and made fun of while gaming? What service is often used to move files between computers? When did Willis Carto die? What will the company be called? What does Aristos Doxiadis write about? What caused lobbying firm Fierce, Isakowitz and Blalock to stop supporting Delta? How could one characterize Ross Douthat's argument Who is a guest on the "The Late Show"? What is subscription based? Who is Iran's leader? What did Balducci say the prisoner did? What can the iPad replace? What country is Turkey's second largest market for export? Is Mr. Gaden 53 or older than that? How many casino licenses projects were recommended last month? What did the nomination letter about Dr. Schatz say? What's the effect of banks keeping extra capital at the group level? How long has choreographer Marius Petipa been watching this particular ballet? Where was the warehouse that caught on fire located? What country had sanctions imposed on it? Which actress plays the young black mother? What could you set the currants in? When is the book discussion? What evidence did the doctors have to support their belief that Mr. Shin was subjected to torture and child labor? What podcast did the 'cat or dog' question come from? what did both Jo Ann and her dorm mate both have? Which officials were stationed outside of dissidents' houses? Who expected them to know much of the basics? what teams did Texas Southern face along the way? What do members of Boko Haram promise young people? When did Mrs. Clinton appear on a late night show? Who were left by her puzzling action? Who is Steve Jobs' daughter? When was Dr. Shatz's letter discovered? When did the three-foot alligator attained fleeting fame? Who was the church obliged to evangelize to? Who worked at the tailor shop? Which actress plays the budding community organizer? What problem does Representative Bragg predict with the federal statue? The legislation is based on what? When is Merkel expected to hold further talks to reach a deal with Turkey's leaders? Who had their walk on to the stage covered up? Who was Hillary Rodham Clinton's adviser? Who did Jeb Bush falter in a debate against? Who was assassinated in the location in which the church was built? Name the performers from Thursday that performed in Act III? What was Malta's G.D.P in 2004? Who is Vanderbilt's junior shortstop? Where did some of the evacuees sleep at during the fire? What are you likely to see when you watch T.V. commercials? Does the American plan to live in Malta? What two weapons was used to break down a door? What has attracted a global audience? Who does Mark D. Luschini work for? What could the deal cause to become more reliable? What Interstate is being upgraded? What is the name of the shopping district close to OSU? Which growing population is "browning" America? What can the trend from socializing more to less cause? How many scoreless innings were pitched by the Mets? What did Mr Mondella buy from other streets nearby? Who stated that they may or may not sign off on the bill? What is the phone number for the Bruce Museum? What named was given to the crossing by the Federal Railroad Administration? How many people died at Auschwitz, according to historians? Is senator Benjamin L. Cardin a democrat or republican? Who grants dominion to human beings over all other beings in the first chapter of Genesis? Who is the chairman? How many US financial institutions fail since the 1990s? What is the side effect of poor water management? The person explained their answer through what type of means? Where was the struggle at the station later posted? You can sync files with what service? Some Adventists claimed a lack of tolerance from what religion? What country has extradited persons for financial crimes? At what age will Francis meet Obama? Who did the European Union regulators file an antitrust against? In what region of the Europe is the island nation of Malta located? How many of the studies were secondary prevention trials? What Did McConnell warn against Democrats trying again? Why did government spending on building projects rise over the last year? What will happen in five months? what are private equity funds no obligate to do? What were the nuns at the Catholic school said to be grooming the students for? Who hit a three-run homer in Game 163? How much does Mr Edwards make as a porter per week? What type of cameras are being used? In what building was Samuel Harrel? What goaltender did not play in the game? What year did Mike Davis lead Indiana to the championship game? What is the intimate exhibition called at the Picasso Museum? How many miles per year did this writer travel for work? What does Alley of Ghosts sell? What type of album Mr. Bridges recorded? In what year did Don Mattingly set the major league record for most grand slams in a season? What city is Gibney Dance located in? Where is the New York Gallery? What could happen if the regulators emerge victorious? What did Laudomia Pucci say about Mr. Fairchild? Does Puerto Rico's Congressional Representative get a vote? "The Danish Girl" is the story of what transgender pioneer? What was the assailant wearing? Who created the Ubu Roi play? What might need to be done if brick is a large part of the wall? Who turned and sprinted toward the scrum? What dessert will be served at the dinner "for six hands?" Who is Daniel K. Tarullo? At what age did Ghadir Douba arrive Germany ? What causes drug companies to avoid investing in a drug? How much did Lorraine pay for a condominium in 2012? What entities might the I.S.S. be biased toward? What will a good-faith mistake look like? Who did a parody of the star of Birdman running in his underpants? In the Cabaret Cinema series, the Rubin Museum of Art will host public talks about what subject? What amendment made the age change law? How many novels has ms pierpont written When is Myanmar's final landmark election? Who is the former director of the National Prison Project of the A.C.L.U,? What musical is being performed at the Goodspeed Opera House from June 26th through Sept 6th? What year did Hainan Development Bank collapse in? What kind of beer is starting to become available at ballparks? Where is from Simon Magakwe? What channel was showing the NBA draft lottery? What fields are analysts interested in learning new developments in? What show was Clinton on? How was the lamb rendang described? Who is Jason Rezaian's wife? Which day does the show A Sure Hand close earlier? What season was the hunt started in? What is the other major form of beer beside lager? When is the screening on Saturday? Steve Jobs ordered an orange juice that was needed to be what? Who plays second baseman for Minnesota? Who was missing and later identified? Who is assembling he case? How many oil paintings are there? Who is the senior Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee? Who stepped down as a manager for the Yankees? Which team will have the home field advantage in the upcoming game between the Panthers and the Buccaneers? Where did the arched walkways ever feature? The Petrobras investigation is headquartered in what Brazilian city? What is the last name of the event coordinator? who is the analyst close to Ayatollah Khamenei? Where are Berlusconi's current interests focused? Who was ejected from power in 2011? What happened the past few weeks? what position did Alastair Cook return to? How many bases in South Korea does BRAC not cover? What's farm house is accredited with being inspired by "Wurthering Heights?" What do Joe Swanberg's characters evince? What did Mr Xu have in his arrest photo? Where did the Slovenian police walk the refugees into? Was Freud entirely wrong about slips and mishearings ? Where did Talbot get his last game? Who is Visa's CEO? Who completed a 6-2,6-1 victory? The condo-mania ended when? Who is Paolina in a secret meeting with. What kind of surveillance does the N.S.A. use? What photography teacher influenced Sally Mann? What sport blocked its players out for a whole season? Where did Mr. Fernandez get his start as a barber? Who wrote the book "The Reel Truth"? What is another name for the front cannon? Where has Ms. Basford become a literary celebrity? How does the author feel about conflict in the middle east in regards to US intervention? when the biggest setback happeend for this type of litigation who aimed to leave the cortez? What had disappointed Dr. Coggan? Who is Ms. Batiashvili an artist in residence with? What is happening to the streets more this year? What did McConnell say the Paris Climate Accord was? Who did Matt Harvey strike out three times? How many people lived on Needles along California and Arizona? Who founded SAC Capital? What injury did Sam Querrey suffer midmatch? Who is unhappy about the tanker trucks? When was Simmons contract suppose to end? Who is the chief executive of Eaton Vance? Ludewig says development and politics in the city should be like what? What type of motive do officials think is most likely for the theft? Who is the Chief Marketing Officer of Anthropologie? What product is Apple accused of copying? Who threw a three-hitter to become the first pitcher to reach 20 wins this season? What did Mr. Makovsky think would be the eventual outcome of the debate? The structures required an investment of how much money? Was Volkswagen planning to do this in every country? Where is the appeals court located? An example is pictures taken from where? Who is called the Carl Icahn of China? How he/she relating the similar sounds ? Who is trying to raise taxes to raise government revenues? What does Tim uncover from a patch of dirt on the far side of the swimming pool? Who released the report on the increase of sex ads online? Who is Michelin chef? What is the Ukrainian PEN Center? What did Steve jobs use to sell products? What other movie is Aaron Sorkin known for? For what team did Pierre-Paul played for? When did Faust become CEO of Eaton Vance? What percentage of the equipment was manufactured in the past decade? Who is the president of Hill-Rom? What's located in Charleston South Carolina? How many pages was the report? What does the refutbishing of the Morgan memorial Building reveal? How long did Digit Murphy coach women's hockey? How many intelligence analysts are mentioned in the passage? Who provided a quote in regards to the type of language used to describe something? What is the name of the Phoenix Suns' arena? What language was the indictment in? What were Huckabee's previous professions? Where did the The Basel Committee meet? What are Dolan's feelings on Thomas' guilty verdict? What is the website for the Carrie Haddad Gallery? How much money has Trian invested in DuPont? Who was the rest left up to? What is the name of the mayor that appointed her to the Dept of Emergency Management? What happened to the New York City Department of Education and the New York State Education Department for not being able to get Achievement First? What decorations were Rep. Ryan and his children hanging? Who had goals in regulation for the Flyers? Was the army officer who described the Bosso attack authorized to speak publicly? What is the name of the nearby town where this incident occurred? From whom the man was asking for help? How many times has the N.H.L. blocked out its players? What substance has Advocate Lutheran General Hospital begun using to sterilize their equipment? What type of teams does Operation Wild cover around the globe? Why didn't technology reporter Farhad Manjoo have a joke prepared for Saturday? Who promised to have the Secret Service on a "short string?" What will be the year of the super PACs? Who is William Mulholland? Social media is encouraged in what type of seats? Who did the American instructors recommend to help with training the Ukrainian units? When would Mr. Bratton be leaving? What is Ms.Simpson's birth name? What degree did she earn? What is one of Geoffrey Holder's jobs? What feeling among lenders might ease in the coming months? Where did they speak. Which river did the Boko Haram fighters cross to attack Bosso? Who will Mr. Cameron be under increased pressure from, to "revist the question of independence from Scotland?" Who is strong in Europe? Which photographer became star because of Rolling Stone? Who filmed the remarks? How many days later was Mr Apontes interrogation? Where did she tell the reporters? Who wrote the poem "wind"? Where is the Federal Reserve located? Who was the losing team in the 1990 World Series? When creating something for long term change, what can you expect? What is the name of Joe Swanberg's new feature? Why did Asian-American groups blast Mr. Bush? How does the article describe Garnett's personality? What party was debating Tuesday night? Who detained dissidents? What does the company test? What kind of weather were New Yorkers subjected to this week? What will benefit employees and give the company flexibility in the markeplace? When will the pieces of the collection be rotated out and replaced? prior to Keflezighi, when was the last time the US men won? What is Greece wanting to exit from? Where is the video set? Who plays third base for Kansas City? Which group has approved of Volkswagen proposed changes? What nationality had Israel taken action against? Who is Yukiya Amano? What is a common approach to help law school graduates gain experience? When did the A.C.L.U. file its first class action against the jail? what year did Mike Davis take the hoosiers to the finals? Who did George W. Bush defeat in the 2000 South Carolina primaries? How often would Sandy go in for her treatments? Where was Dr. mapstone's office located? What is Virgin Galactic? How large was the Halstead Property? Who did Ms. Quick tell that she lied about the men? What day was the arrested man formally charged? What is the name of the expanding company? What is the name of the Iranian Military University? Were charges labelled against them true or false? Why is increasing funding for programs inefficient? What was Mr. Thrashers reason for creating a list of conservative friends? What legislative branch of the United States government is this letter targeted towards? To which part of the Government does the Same-Sex marriage decision apply? What did Richard A Oppel Jr from the New York Times write about? What month was there a 0.6 manufacturing inventories increase? When do we want to avoid providing patent protection for profit-increasing activities? What job did Ms. Francik take? Who is Australia's most wealthiest person? What should you pair the plate with? What website can you visit to find more information on "Whispered"? What was still on the cubs? What kind of social media information intrigues drivers? Who is uninterested in discussing Towns' potential ability? What is the chief distinction of the choreography? What percentage of young women say they play internet games? Spice could be considered what kind of drug, specifically? Who was the Ukrainian officer? What artist is being featured at the New Haven Museum from June 22 until June 30? What band played the song the show ended with? Ms. Clyne's musical creation process is rooted in what? Who were referred to as little green men? Who's stance offers a reason to explain the benefits of monitoring wages? What was shut down after being caught selling hard drugs (heroin, cocaine) through Bitcoin? What government ask the US for help? Who is Alexi Lalas? How many meters was the track? What ranch did she devote most of her time after retiring? What was Tariq holding when the officer chased him? Who did Pekka Rinne make 19 saves for? Ahmad Chalabi was once backed by what nation? Where was Wissam Najm Abd Zayd al Zubaydi killed? What don't most Rolls buyers not feel like doing? what happened when Barnes and Noble tried to gain marketshare in ebooks? Where is Moussa Mohammad from ? What is another ethnic group pushing for their own province? Where is Hicklin from? How large Land's End decrease in Sales as a result of reducing catalogs in 2000? What borough does Mr. Patil work in? What is Rockland Center showing? Who was identified as a Mexican composer? What is the name of the student that just started a two-year program at Brooklyn Law School? Who is the president? Who directs the Hurlyburly show? How old was Levegh when he was killed? Who else was trailing the brothers? What Rabbi is a well known Orthodox figure in Williamsburg, Brooklyn? How many European Tour Titles has Pieters won? ISIS has come to terrorize the world since what year? Why did Basti Lopez decide to attend Irvine over other schools? Which bill did Mr Ryan need a replacement for? How much did the euro fall? Who was Mr. Bresloff? How ha Gatz music been categorized> Who shows up in your newsfeed? Which city started a pilot program? what year was it when Meb Keflezigh achieved victory? Who is considered the Greatest American runner by many people? How so the duck family and human family overcome obstacles in this play? What was Garcia's budget? Which actor gives an amusing caricature of a machine politician? What is the lawsuit against the National Security Agency about ? What needed to be done with the rank- and- file? How much weight did Alberto Youseff lose in prison? What was his job? What company has unlimited vacation for their employees? What did Pyongyang's propaganda officials circulate? What sort of goods does the company Bombadier make? Who quoted a poem by Fred Chappell? What action was the winner during the debate on Tuesday night? What has happened in Boeing's defense? What did the robbers need to steal money? Which artists work is shown at the Clifton Arts Center? What kind of days create ideal conditions? What advice should women NOT be given in 2015? Which bank does investment analyst Terry Haines represent? Who appointed an employee to interview the children? Who was the producer who also worked with Beyonce? What does the natural gas from fracking displace? How many sales did Apple's new iPhone make during its initial release? What river was outside of Mr. Chauvin's bedroom window when he was growing up? Who was the United Nations director of field operations? On what day of the week did John Boehner announce his retirement? What were Ms. Quick's motives? Do they want their lawsuit to change slowly or quickly? Who is Stuart Zaro's Grandfather? what was he said? What does the former head of theology recommend What is happening to rivers and skies in the U.S.? Which state does Harold Rogers represent? Who imposed sanctions on North Korea? Which novel written by Rivka Galchen was published in 2008? Where was Ms. Clyne born? How is considered the crossing according to Mr. Ingresselino? Who is given an elaborate dressing table and mirror? did mccain do something that trump did himself? Despite the great social media buzz, what has been weak for this show? What do some soldiers forget on their first day of excercise How many straight wins do Eagles have? Who has the vulnerability and sharpness for the role in the play? "Top Gear" is supposedly the world's most popular program of what sort? On what date was Clarkson suspended? Who plays shortstop for Boston? Talibes were often beat with what? Which completion date was Kaplan hoping for? How do museum labels describe Ralph Naders showcased disputes? Replacing fat with what food group does not protect against cardiovascular problems? what left the country without president for 14 months? Who did the American instructors recommend to help with training the Ukrainian units? Who is officially meeting President Obama? What is the best router for most people for buying purposes? The dog run that finally opened last summer was where? Where did Dr. Grier serve as chairman of the department of psychiatry? How many people were involved in committing the attack? Where is the Interpublic Group gaining a stronger foothold? How many people died in the second attack at the refugee camp? What is the name of Mr. Capponi's business partner? How is water carried to the iron mine? Where should one put their recipes? What are investors nervous about? What is Lundqvist record in the last 16 elimnation games? What type of center was created to foster discussion between neuroscientists and psychoanalysts? What is the contact number for International Festival of Arts and Ideas? How much profit does Indian Railways turn? Which character is handsome in an appealingly scruffy way? Her mother would eat her favorite sea food in a five-star restaurant and in grimy what? Which team did LeBron James represent? When does the first round of the Davis Cup take place? Marijuana accounts for how much revenue generated by cartels? What year was he writing his concerto? How much did it cost to train the Ukrainian soldier? What is the last suggestion by the experts? The Olympic Stadium could be built for a smaller figure if what was not included? Mr. Cuomo wants to increase the number of charter schools in the state. How do teacher's unions feel about this position? Who was the United Nations spokeswoman who talked about the problems surrounding the children? What year did the Arthur get out of school? What type of story has the same drama as this one? Which national park is mentioned? What role did Mr. Borle win a Tony for playing? Ben Carson believes the pyramids of Egypt were built to do what? What is another name for the Poconos? Is James a big supporter of Ohio State University or does he not care much about it? What the name of the TV show before them? What is a concern the United States has regarding the intervention? What is the real embarrassment of the city? Who is the assistant executive secretary-treasurer in the article? Other than the fall of ruble, what else was mentioned as a cause for Russians being unable to afford to travel? what drawing styles were present in the room? Which part of the US Military had a Cadmus painting removed from a gallery? Does Mr. Trump and the right want a mixed population? Who started his 13th season in the Bulls game that ended 97-95? When do most people give everything away? Foreign countries mentioned include Israel and what other country? What was the rate that consumer prices fell in December? What reason did Towns give for not shooting more in college? How many American rabbis recently issued a letter declaring that the time for environmental action is now? What sorts of images were shown withing the pages of Charlie Hebdo? Name the seven companies that take up one third of the business. Who endorsed the need for action in East Ramapo? What type of American clothing will Adrienne be modeling? Which is not only analysis the tone and the rhythm of music but also engages procedural memory ? Looking out his bedroom window growing up he could see what on the river? Which business did Uber say it is in? who interviewed Mr. Constantine? What was Sam Youngs justification for voting against his district who wanted Milne? How many intelligence streams does the company mentioned in the passage have? How old was Mr. Sweat? In what academic journal was the poetry published? Who wrote the screenwriting guise "Story"? What is the name of the photo book that Ms. Simpson created? What is the latest exclusive product from the Mr. Chow brand that Mrs. Chow oversaw? Who were the last pitchers to get 300 stirkouts before Kershaw? What do murder mysteries have? What can we state about singular gun laws in regards to mass shootings? What's the last name of the coach in question? What did the friend inherit? Kyrgios is of what nationality? What year was was the financial crisis that included the housing bubble bursting? At which theater will parts of the chamber opera be performed? Which Catholic magazine published Hannah Arendt essays and W.H. Audren's poetry? What kind of service does Uber provide? What did Israel managed to do? Who is the director of Human Rights Watch? What type of show was School of Rock? What was Darryl Dawkins nickname? Whose legs does "Flour Paste" make Jessie's look like? Who were referred to as little green men? What type of change involves rising sea levels and weather phenomena? What is Mr. Brezner's brother's name? what is the name of the wife? What case did protesters liken to the death of Mr. Meyers? Why could a drug be unmarketable? What day were people waiting in great anticipation for What group of people is the author worried about? Why is the Afghan Police Program being expanded? What region was Mr. Chauvin's parents from? What concerns prompted the sanctions? What group objected to the Pope's characterization of what was happening in the Middle East? What is the Twitter hashtag used for the detainees? How many times has the defense shown a photo of the ADX? Where can fire not catch? when was woman's suffrage obtained? How many hits did the opposing team have against Syndergaard? WHo was outside the Club? When did James achieve his highest rate? How long did Mike Davis coach for in his previous team? what group was Mr. Menedez no longer a part of? How many council members must support the legislature for it to pass on to congress. What other kind of diamonds are being produced? Who is the star point guard for the Oklahoma City Thunder? what nationality were the negotiators? What do people want in their lives? When Ms. Clyne puts on her headphones and doesn't look at the score, what is she trying to discover about her music? With what is the food system deeply interconnected with? What are the new rules intended to accomplish? Who led in playoff minutes played? Where was Rosenblatt built? What is Arielle's father's name? Periodically, the movie starts to sound like what other genre? Who is currently leading Aruba? According to Mr. Firat, who caused resentment in some places? Where did the criticisms come from? Who is the head of the International Federation for Human Rights? In what city does Claude Julien coach? What as Leonard Lauder the former CEO of? When was it made law? Where did the beating take place? What the players wear for the game? What year did Dr. Paul Echlin lead a study of two Canadian college hockey teams? Why has Mr. Rodham's connection to the Clintons raised eyebrows? Which group has been fighting an insurgency since 2011? What leader knew he needed new allies in the early 1990s? Were happened the fatal accident in 1984? Who wrote "Three Voices"? What did Dr. Hill say the government would be doing if it gave up on biofuels ? Was this public service by the news organizations intentional or accidental? Why did Mr. Montero and Mr. Anderson not testify previously? Who did Russian's invaded last year in unmarked unmarked unifrom? How does the novelist make a differentiation from other novels with the same subject? What is the previous investment that Enterprises are looking at new solutions for? Who is Matt Harvey's favorite hockey team? What is McConnell a die-hard protector of? When the author finds something that works for them, what do they tend to do? Where were the previous two Grand Slams held? How much did the new central bank headquarters cost? In what theater did the School of American Ballet hold its Winter Ball? What were traffic problems caused by? What did W. McIntyre Burnham say? Who is the Broncos' coach? Who contributed from Egypt? Which New York borough had the highest percent of new chain stores between 2014 and 2015? Who is the publisher of Archie Comics? When did Investigation Discovery make its debut in the United States? Will Mr. Corbyn's program receive support among his party? On which team does Adrian Peterson play? What kind of church was the baby found in? What devastated much of the neighborhood? How does the writer describe the app's color scheme? What is the prediction made at the conclusion of this passage? What kind of talking device for communication was the unschool troops learned? What are Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiators attempting to pry open? Who placed a boycott resolution on Israel? Who wrote Prudence? What is Guardiola's mission? What is the ratio of votes needed in both chambers to overturn Nixon's vote? Who is the Chairman of Interpublic? What did Yoenis Cespedes and Michael Cuddyer do? What other pieces did Mr. Kissin played? What did the author think of the piece? What city is the house a half hour away from? Which Super Bowl contest was held in Phoenix? What is the name of the person that was berated by the NYPD detective? Who did Celeb Teicher share the stage with? How did the analysts include others that were unable to attend? What was the advertisement on the menu? Siem Reap is known for having more than 100 of what? What might fairies place in the crib instead? What is Rosario Candela responsible for? What specifically does the box contents say about the couple? What festival did the author state they played at? In what geographical area is the Ulster Performing Arts Center? Which actor takes on the role of Steve Jobs? When did the capital projects tracker debut on the website? Who is the mayor's sign-language interpreter? How many Playboy magazines are currently in circulation? What position did the Lawyer hold in the US Government? Who did fans wait for long periods of time to see? Who returned to Cleveland to play for the Cavaliers? What do others find nuance in? What did Sgt Michael Faranda admire about Ukrainians willingness despite lack of prepartion?? who were the ones who lead ? On what street is Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph located? what is the name of the stadium the mustangs played at? What state levied $54 in civil penalties against the Department of Energy? What year was the statement given about the state falling apart? What department counts about 20 boats in its fleet? Which Department did Mr. Auliffe and Mr. Rodham contact in order to issue complaints about visa issues? Where does Steward Johnson lives? Who is Tanya Baker? Who does Mr. Rylance have two current film projects with? What were the extraordinary measures taken to prevent? Where did the family have lunch? Who has said that many C.E.Os are revealing themselves as meditators? Where did Mr. and Mrs. Kim marry? What were Pakistani peacekeepers accused of? When did the United Nations release its damning report? What novel did Michiko Kakutani review? In which inning did Matt Harvey strike out? What year did the city host a European Union conference? What colleges provided the New York Times with requested data on concussion tracking, training, and protocols? What company did Ms Wisniak help found? How did Mr. Cook describe the influence of the company after 2009? What invention is said to bring car-poolers together better? What is the golden rule of reporting In which color the actually said word was written ? Where was the victim taken for medical treatment? What word is proposed to better identify what a gamer is? Who were reunited when Alex confessed that she and Holden are in danger? Who worked to prepare the legal materials to support Mr. Norris's clemency application? Which catalog company recently filed for bankruptcy? How many classes are provided by the United States Army? In which parking lot has been driven Christopher? What two sites are generally considered addicting? A person in Woods galley said watching Woods made him feel Where does the Saturday morning show series take place? Other than Utah, how many states where affected? What did the bureau's system grew into? In what hotel did Jacint suggest Picasso meet him in a letter he wrote in 1921? What position was she appointed by the mayor in 2008? How many people read the journal of Archives of Internal Medicine? Who is brushing democracy to the side according to Mr. Tsianakas? Who lead a war judged to be unjust What two weapons was used to break down a door? Where is the Al-Ayam newspaper from? What is Ms. Andino? Facebook user John Thrasher disconnected from which member of his immediate family due to political posts? What does the attorney general hope to show with the investigation? What are the hours of the event taking place? Who were the private interviews with? What races make up the neighborhood around the Zaro's in 2015? Where were the early t-shirts sold? The district attorney from which county is arguing for the death penalty? What part started the chaos? What company does Phil Orlando work at? when did the Probate judge schedule the opportunity for the motion to be heard? Who let Boko Haram operate in Nigerian territory? When can art be an important part of the promotional package? What had been taken away from the factory? What is the name of the philanthropist who co-created Daata Editions? By what means will DuPont's destiny be determined? How did Mr. Cook describe his obligation when discussing the way he'd govern the company? how long have US women have gone without winning the marathon? In what format were the answers to the questions posed to Mr. Cook given? Why was Mr. Rodman in court? Which artist will be giving a talk on April 12th? In what year did Mr. Romney receive support from evangelicals? When was the Detroit auto show? What was the title of an antifracking movie (documentary)? Where did the Girl Scouts go for a source of donations? What sort of show is Emergence: Insight Out? What is the title of the new Vin Diesel supernatural movie? Who gave the assumption that Russian soldiers had fought in the war in Ukraine? What purchase made by DuPont was considered a bad move? What other job did Huckabee previously hold? What did Sgt Michael Faranda admire about Ukrainians willingness despite lack of prepartion?? What is the name of the theater in the West End? What is Amr Abdel Rahman's profession? What team did the Rangers play against that night? what organization is partnering with London's Whitechapel gallery? When was the Mets last championship season? Who is calling for an overhaul of housing programs? Who is China's central bank governor? Who is home when the package arrives? The turn in bond market has little to do with what? What is Marcelo studying to be? Does the condition of the image matter to its worshippers? Which theater company is hosting Mr. Lincoln? Where was it questioned why women should work two jobs while men only one? Where is the Matariya district? Where is Mr. Dostum's home province? What company is taking advantage of the American visa program? When did the season begin? Some people believe Cardinal Ortega is too conciliatory to whom? What is the name of the family who restored St. Joseph's organ? Which devices is the Archer C7 faster than over longer distances? Why is Santos da Silva in jail? How many members signed the letter? Which terminal was a Port Authority police officer summoned to? What groups are lobbying the government to amend its Same-Sex Marriage policies? Were charges labelled against them true or false? What percentage of young men play internet games? When did Kiev ask the US for help? Who claimed that Fiorina has a habit of making things up? How is Buddha's appearance described? Who is the director the A Doll's House drama show? Where did the Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram strike? Who is president of the Association of Fundraising Professionals? What institute is David Makovsky a part of? Where is Reza Fakhari from? At what age did RBG's mother graduate? What city produced the most beautiful porcelain objects? How many boutiques has Eric Raisina opened in Siem Reap? How much does Medicare pay out to those with dementia, heart disease or cancer? Which bank withdrew from the global financial system and now looks like less dominant? who was on the call with Mr. Boire? Who came back from death? Who did Mike Tyson lose to? How many times has Matt Harvey started this season? What disease did the city Health Department link the circumcisions to? Who was apparently the President of the US at the time of this letter? Where did the idea for the musical come from? Which sister is described as "mellow"? Who is the company's founder? what was required of Ms. Davis to be released? Which states is allowing the sales of marijuana to recreational users? What did not live up to it's promise? At what venue did the series take place? What was the purpose of the meeting? What was Jason Hill not involed in? In what Mr. Rommey spent 97.6 percent of his money? What complication in babies can be caused by herpes? What did Posner call the patent system? What did Americans find out about Ukrainians during training? What team is Jerad Eickhoff on? What supposedly offensive team nickname is mentioned? When willthe department make a public comment? Who showed off a polished finish? Why was Cookie upset at her sister? Did Kyle Davis score for Dayton? Where does Ms. Clyne currently live? Who finances the science and technology competition for middle school student? Last name of unarmed teenager fatally shot in Ferguson? Who hired the author to write a dining column? Where did the author get thier gold shoes? How much did Paul Mellon pay for Cezanne's "Boy in a Red Waistcoat"? How much did it cost to train the Ukrainian soldier? Pierre's results get to the very what? Who would'nt wear the outfits that were made for them by the author? What is AMC reluctant to switch? Who was surprised to see Sandy in a traditional grandmother role? Who was the last player to score a point 20 consecutive gaes How many copies of this song were sold? What contemporized Miró? Who is the author of this article? What nationality was the inspector? What is a smart business move? What was the name of Tiziano's wife? For what organization was John Jones an officer for? Who is the Louisiana State Coach? Does the United Nations have the authority to prosecute or punish a country's soldiers? What political group wants to strengthen immigration laws? What's the speed of trains that traveled trough those areas? In what Chinese city did stocks drop 8.5%? In what year would Alberto Youseff leave prison? Which standard do many of newer router support? How often do you play during a Grand Slam? What was the concern about the directive put forward by Vincent Which prison location has the leadership been removed? How many bodies were found in the mass grave? How many languages is "Secret Garden" available in? What are Towns' current statistical averages? Which of Shakespeare's tragedies were included in the course? how many more tests did Harris do than Harris thought they would? What is the only thing Simon Baron Development plans on upgrading? What is the Christian idea? Who is the play director and Tony winner? What film won all the Oscar's instead of The Nun's Story? Who is the State Department's spokesman mentioned? What's the name of the chancellor that appointed Iris Chen 16 months ago? Where did Mr. Schrock get his M.B.A? Who would have been a double historic first? did chris mullin play basketball in highschool? Where do people now spend more time? What was the first Bitcoin ransomware that was spread throughout the world? Where did Buzzfeed and Vox get $200 million from? What do you usually design a room around? What operation was this associated with? where Mary morris gamble traveled ? Did "Scream Queens" attract more attention on social media or on air? What closed onto Ms. Brody's car? What did patients with low-sodium diets have more of in a 2008 study? What are "The Starters" podcast downloads up to? The urban bustle within the movie appears to be close to what? Where did the American finance professional move for tax purposes? Where was Mr Aponte taken for his injuries? Who misses the central point of the debate China wants to introduce desposit insurance since what year? Which word has an ever changing definition? Who did Rousey lose to? The Yankees had a make-or-break game similar to what Dent did how many years before he was born? What genre does Scott Sharrard and the Brick Yard Band perform? What state did Mattingly hit the last grand slam in? What kind of coach was Mattingly for the Yankees? Who was let go by ESPN? What party does Jeremy Corbyn belong to? Why are defectors like Mr. Shin tempted to obscure the truth? How much did Sprout sell for? What ethnicity does Liang Zhengde identify as? Who staged the annual AIDS walk on the Great Wall? Where was Tariq taken before returning to the United States? What piece did Steve Martin contribute to? When is Rezaian supposed to go on trial? What was the weakest part? What did the board exactly need? Who heard Mr. Harper-Mercer pacing until 3 or 4 in the morning? Who released a report highlighting how fast funds have grown? What is the primary focus of the Same-Sex Marriage in the Military discussion? What are the two ways in which Chinese households could invest in stock? What phrase was written inside the hospital? Which state is likely the most conservative in the United States? Who is a board member of the New York Times Company? What does David Garnek collect as a hobby? What is the next best thing to a person communicating their wishes for care? What is the name of the world's largest mobile operating system? What was the Wirecutter being used for? The United Nations helps children access food through what program? What is the new name of DuPont's chemical business? who had niceness sand sense of humor What is the main issue that college presidents have with the residences? Business charge different prices to different consumers based on what? Who should help students balance? What type of finals was it? What color are the floors? What did Mr. Hincapie want to do as soon as he got out of prison? Who happened upon the dead man first? How long did the tiger prawns have to be marinated and in what? Who did the Republican's nominate? Why can a newer router still be useful? What was Sheldon Drobny helping Mr. Rodman with? Why couldn't the chief engineer stay at his post? What number did Lindberg wear? What is another alternativa for Maduro and the Assembly? Which nation may be less welcoming to foreign banks? Who was it that singled out Tunisia? In which areas do the cops patrol more often? Who did Mr. Obama say hard-liners in Iran who chant "Death to America" were making common cause with? In all cases what where French tourist advised to do? How many children has Rep. McMorris Rodgers had since being elected? Who was responsible for the 2016 budget? When did Jamie Dimon issue annual letter to shareholders? What does Love think made Baghdad less dangerous then Paris? Who wrote the book series that the musical is based on? Why might a pharmaceutical company exclude a drug candidate? What is the name of the president at the social gathering? how many refugees fled to Lebanon? What do experts say is the tally of dashboard cameras used? What do most experts argue about the dams? What is the budget for the couple looking for homes in the Turks and Caicos? How is Ms. Basford? Which neighborhood was the expansion going to be in? How many professionals are in Fight Crime: Invest in Kids? What is Marcelo studying to be? Who was known for their ruthlessness in politics? What was the Books of the The Times review about? What suggestion is recommended in regards to the ballet "Sleeping Beauty?" Who faltered on the final hole? Who plays the title character in "Victor Frankenstein"? What is the name of the state representative that sponsored the legislation? What didn't he want to repeat in the country? Who designed the "Jungle V.I.P" chandelier? How many programs are there? what was the first thought of Ms English ? What orientation has nothing to do with ability to be a good parent? what was NXP market value on Friday What is the goofiest object at Salon? Does Mayor Bloomberg consider New York a safe city? Roughly how many Russians are known to have joined the Islamic State? Who approved legislation on Thursday night that repealed Obama's health care law? This year, Cekicler Marble expected to sell ten 25-ton blocks of marble but actually sold how many? What airline was having an issue? Who created Decision Maker? What is the name of the Cavalier's coach? On what day did the event mentioned in the passage take place? Mr. Wadhwa wrote his article in response to what? What Amendment does Mr. Trump and the right want to use to keep immigrants out? Who said the total number of fatalities is not available? How many of the reduced-sodium trials showed a reduction in all-cause mortality? Through Iran, the route is much longer and costlier between Syria and what country? Where is "Ocular Concepts" being shown? How many years did Johnny Hincapie serve in prison after he was wrongfully convicted? How many years has the speaker been a priest How many days long is the Mets' pitching rotation? What city did the subject of this passage work? How many people were gathered in Jowzjan? What would the criminal justice proposal do? Who makes up The Basel Committee? What type of screenings can the newly insured receive? Until which inning did the baseball game last to? Who did Odell Beckham play for? Besides showing where soda is most consumed, what did the maps show? What is needed to move around floodwater? What percentage of racial minority dementia patients use savings until nothing is left? What type of aquarium is present in the house? What did Mr. Holder sketch for The Wiz? What large market has slowed in diamond sales recently? Who officiated the wedding of Abigail Elizabeth Lee Chambers and Alexander Hartman Sooy? Which street was the alligator sighted? What was reported wrong about the airbags? What is the tub made out of? What does Leive ask people who apply for the Job? Where id the author take a seat? Who is an acquaintance of Mr. Yu that also signed the petition? What did drivers do because they were weary of the accident? What could cause Mr. Osborne to suffer from deflections and close votes? What is the author's opinion on the imagination? What was the vote on repealing the estate tax? What time the one of the largest corporate scandals of the automotive industry start What are police departments equipping their officers with? What religion did Michael D'Andrea convert to? How long has Dr. Sexton lived in the faculty apartments? what is redstone's meal of choice? what forecasting firm does Gregory Daco work for? What was Mr. Foxx's goal? Who died of a gunshot wound in 1995? In what place has capitalism expanded the middle class and made gains in more dignity? How many times did the hurricanes score? Who has to approve the deal before the vote? Which college is involeved in fruad? What is Mr. SIlver's first name? When did "Enchanted Forest" come out? Who was responsible for two runs? What attribute did Syndergaard use against the Dodgers? Who stopped 31 shots? Which politician compared Mr. Trump to a "reality television sideshow?" If the building were for sale what would it come with? What part of her body does Mrs. Obama like to show she worked on? What did Kiev request that went nowhere? what county office did Mr. Constantine join? How much royalty does Daata pay the artiests on each sale? What rights are the legislation acting in favor of? What did Mr. Sassoon say about his family? Which streaming service did the department use? Who did Dostum lobby? Who has recently bought up to 25% of the debt? What is the latest Pixar release being discussed here? Who received the standing ovation? Who plays point guard for the Cleveland Cavaliers? During what year did the complaints really start? When did Holmes quit the program? What was one of the things readers had to say? Who is the museum's executive director and co-founder? How many of Mr. Cradles prior arrests were the result of violent crime? What did he mention at the end? Where is One Grand bookstore located? Who is Redstone's ex-girlfriend? What is one of the goals of Navdy are working towards? What is the name of the chief who directed the waterborne response? What came sooner than Ms. Andino expected? How many people ages 18-19 voted in the most recent election? What is the name of the red notebook ? Who is the director of national intelligence? Who is co-founder of the museum? Who, other than French troops was implicated in the allegations? who was Cook's predecessor? Has there been an increase or decrease in crime overall in New York? What is Ms. Smith's ambition? Excessive carbohydrate consumption might be contributing to what problems? Where did Russia intervene to further their strategic interests? Which team was not going to be among the top three for the NBA draft lottery? How much do economists expect consumer prices to have fallen in December? How much is a seat on Virgin Galactic? How many commercial drone flight exceptions have been granted to people? What Raptor player extended the lead with a pair of free throws? What type of government had been elected after the ouster of PResident Zine el-Abidine Ben ali tried to push through a repressive constitution? How long is the Washington winning streak? What night did the Mustangs play on? What is Marcelo studying to be? What event touched Liz Taylor the most? Where was porcelain invented? For how many years was Huckabee employed at a news company? For how many years has Iran been facing a drought? Who described the EU as the modern heir to Germany's Third Reich? What response does the situation entail? What resources did squatters receive? Who was grateful to his teammates? Detectives from which Precinct reviewed surveillance video? Who was Secretary of State? Who was asked to make a Snapchat video? What country is providing training for the Ukrainian? Who was quoted as saying that the bank will "avoid trying to be all things to all people"? Slovenia has gone on the record blaming what country for abondoning migrants at the border? Where are Refresco Gerber's shares going to begin trading in Amsterdam? Who has been discussing creating a health care collective? What's a great danger for small majorities in Parliament? How many riders are on the Northeast Corridor each day? How many migrants have come to Slovenia since Hungary closed its border with Croatia? what will the delgations of Silver's responsiblities do? From what group are the officials who contacted Pierre-Paul? what was the ventral banks target inflation for November? What has Peter Doctor been following in instagram? How much did a Republican bill in June decide to reduce Amtrak funding by? Who had a show at MoMA after staging a fake show in 1971? What type of conviction MIGHT be a good indicator? Did Sidney Loeb come up with this idea on his own? Please elaborate. Why is the box opened? What did the report reveal about American wrongdoing? Who is named after one of the country's most magnetic hawker centers? What time period is John referring back to? What are two famous American brewing cities? How old was Tariq during the depicted events? The Iraqi fled from who? Who directed "Grave of the Fireflies"? Which city does the nonprofit Fund for Public Schools raise money for? What role did Mr. Medvedchuk have for President Leonid D Kuchma? How much in ticket and pay-per-view sales where there? Children under what age would qualify for state funded Medi-cal? Who won the Stanley Cup along with Crosby in 2009? Who is the current president of the Knicks? Who created the "Bolotas" chairs? What did Kenneth Rexroth say was perhaps the best ever book by an American? Which space is most important? Would the author become a better or worse Muslim by condemning more? What was the name of the award that was presented? How much of the American energy budget is thrown away every year as food waste? Who doubted the expansion of car-pooling? Who wrote the analysis that made it to the front-page? Where does Willoughby Britton work? What does the government feel is the only other alternative, and worse conclusion, to their current plan of action? How is oil usually priced? Who did not like conflict? What did Mr. Ganek deny being involved in and claim was "falsely represented"? How many seats did Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's party National League for Democracy win? When did Mr. Ingrasselino retired? Who was barely starting to accept Jews? How low did the US treasury yield sink in April? Who is married to the choreographer? Who interrupted Siddhartha? How many innings did Harvey throw in the game? Contact with who was stated to have brought about the plague? What is high-quality food in nature? How many states allow recreational marijuana? how man times has Kenya won in the past? In what states could Huckabee not afford to advertise? What kind of shrimp is served? How many studies included healthy participants? What was Rolling Stone's newsstand sales in 2004? What day is the game on? Where did Hammond's gunshot wounds show he was shot from? What business are these investors in? Who is the chairman of the Republican National Committee? What is the name of the substance which possibly induced cardiac arrest? What have the scientist and dear children developed for Iran? What did many people from France like the convenience of? What is the measurement of the largest vessel? What are film makers not above? When were Rand Paul's Facebook avatars, meme's and etc made available to his supporters? What agency keeps records of railroad accidents? What should people feel when they take a job? how old is Dr. Fahs? What is the crew-neck made of? Spice is sometimes legally marketed as potpourri or what else? How many records did Katie Ledecky set? What agency got involved in the case? What have colleges done to prices? What did the research lead to believe about chimpanzees? Who proposed an epitaph for Obama's administration that implied Obama was better at running for office than running the country? What does the constant shift in nutrition recommendations cause a reduction in? What rating did readers give the recipe? When do you have hope for the coming season? Who still says that Deutsche Bank is trying to do too much? Why did they found a colony? What emotion does Brown feel for James? What day of the week was the baby found? Which player signed for Los Angeles Lakers during the off-season? Who nominated Mr. Fox to be a commissioner last year? What was Thomas found guilty by jury of doing? What did Mr. Norris make to carry out of prison? How many jobs were added in November? Is Ms. Miller's character the main? Where do the dividends Alaskan's receive come from? In what business areas did the person find the issues with conflict? How long has the talks on the trans Pacific partnership been deadlocked? Who is the Chancellor of Germany? At what time did the ambulance team arrive? what does Elikena Fieilo do for work now? What health problems did Mr. Harrell suffered in the past? Who is the college president of Columbia? Who did Mcllrath fight? Which city started a YouTube channel for officer cams? Who is Yondr's founder? What film was inspired by BBC TV series "Hidden Kindoms"? Who eased asylum requirements for Syrians? Who is Marcelo Aguirre? Who is the governor of Ohio? How many did Jerome Williams strike out? Where are the two story tellers that will be at the event from? What did the interview remove? What are the countries called now that used to be Yugoslavia? What year did Dr. Burnham and Dr. Ohayon take a trip? What shouldn't Simmons talk about at this time? What has been circulating on Chinese websites this week? What percentage of women gamers identify as gamers? The Passat uses what chemical to neutralize nitrogen oxide? How many Mexicans smoked marijuana in the past year? What were muslims sharing? According to democrats, who would have a harder time voting if these proposals were passed? Who did Russian's invaded last year in unmarked unmarked unifrom? Who did Volkswagen say had approved the changes? What did Susan Lucci do before hosting murder mysteries? Who did Mr. Hall used to work for? How many teams other than the Knicks were represented? What is the most popular sport's league in the United States? What year was Young an All-Star for Arizona? What mystery was deepened by the surprisingly simple technical fixes proposed by Volkswagen? What did the anniversary shows demonstrate about Dead's music? Who interviewed brother Noah about the batter? Who does the US fear? What artist is featured in the exhibition called "Ephemera: Holding a Moment in Your Hand"? What did Mr. Obama invoke during his speech? What did the Patriots force, giving Brady another chance? Who is the N.C.A.A.'s Chief Legal Officer? Where does the writer's girlfriend live? How much were the bidders ready to pay for Picasso's "Femmes d'Alger"? What is the cause of the horrible smell? Who did God reference as having dominion over all other beings in the first chapter of Genesis? who is Mario Abou Zeid? For what reason did Switzerland extradite people? How long after Bank of America passed the stress test did they find errors? Who is Jay's boyfriend? Who was the star of the original Full House? What series is the performance part of? What percentage of voters voted for Mr. Shumlin? What was the topic of the investigation? Besides abortion, what other issue is the pope almost certain to reject? Visa might have to pay a premium to bypass what? How many downloads of the free Jon Rafman videos were there? When did Kiev ask the US for help? What did the federal judge do with Delta Air Lines' longstanding claim? Who is in talks of becoming the permanent chief executive of Twitter? How much did it cost to train the Ukrainian soldier? What kind of shop has totems? What do parasites like tapeworms, roundworms and flukes cause? Who was absent from every dance recital? How has DuPont performed in regard to its earning targets? Who is the director of Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research? Who did they buy out of the Club Row Building? Who is Donatella Versace? Who is the lead actor in The Last Witch Hunter? What can be heard on the film of the escape? What country is Hamada Ben-Amor from? Who has the eighth highest likelihood of a crash? What's the max subsidy for a 3 bedroom apartment in the cheapest area? What did Simmons help to start at ESPN? For which Bay Are literary magazine were Mr. Connell and Calvin Kentfield early editors? How many departments did Cruz mention in total? What did the White House describe would not happen to economic growth? Who disarmed thousands of men in the past? What is silver accused of? Who is one of the largest labor unions in Germany? When are the housing and rent stabilization laws set to expire? when will the claim be decided? Background checks would be expanded to cover what type of sale? What idea does Leive say is not true? Which Hudson Valley religious organization will feature musicians on April 11th? What famous author did Ross write an article about? What happened to Malik Zaire to end his season? Blue Rider is a division of what larger publisher? Why was Sidney Blumenthal testifying? How is Hillary Clinton related to Mr. Rodman Jeb Bush was claimed to be the first governor who effectively fought against what? Who assisted the stranded boaters? A major current issue for Europe is a high what? What happened to the mother? What is the post of President in Italy's status of power considered? What is a key concern for Rep. Ryan? When Fidel Castro softened his stance on the church, it energized whom? Which location was said to have a cut to its special tax status? What can make a story go global? Why does Mr. Sharif say he pays so little for his electricity? Who do Rummenigge and Sammer trust? What college did Mrs. Clinton give a speech at? How old is the voter Frank Dolhan that was interviewed? In what year did the Surgeon General of the United States release his report? How did Lundqvist look during their scrimmage? Who did President Obama host at Camp David last May? Who lost their re-election that forced Boehner to put off his retirement plans? Which comedian will be performing on April 12th? What caused Julia Gillard to replace Mr. Rudd? How many more people want water compared to the past? What percentage of men had been in combat accordingg to Oleksandr l. Leshchenko What is one right that Same-Sex couples were granted? What song were fans encouraged to sing along to during the game? What was served along side of Rogan Josh? What is one product Singhal built? What was the best endurance result? To what ages is San Francisco considering changing the voting age too? What obstacle did Bank of America overcome to be able to payout it's shareholders? Who created super PACs for individual candidates? When did San Antonio last lose at home? Who did Dawkins remind people of? Who oversees the effectiveness and safety of a drug? Do the islanders have any sell out games this year? Visitors can fill spaces on a circular grid with what? What descent is Rosina Sfyridou of? What is preceding the stew of Bachian vitality? What color is the blazer? How many police officers were charged in the death of Freddie Gray? What are the technical skills Americans needed to compete with teams like Germany, France and Japan? Where was OK Go's new video recently shown? What is the current trajectory of China stock market? What did Mr Heastie believe could be done to fix the scandals that have shaken Albany? Who had their first interception in the NFL? Who made a joke at the Oscar's about it being the "whitest"? Who was the author of the Census Bureau Report? Where does H. Rodgin Cohen work? Who reported that there was a 2.3 percent annual pace in economy expansion? Who was angry? What city and state did the recent interview take place? What does the Republican State House want to require for voters at the poll? What was the name of Ghadir Douba's mother ? What gallery is showing "Art by Whit'? what is the name of the prime minister? How many people used the rubber band as an eraser when they were explicitly told it was a rubber band? How old is Arjen Robben? What sort of traditions did czarist Russia have? What is an unreliable indicator of the job market's strength? What is the name of the Rangers' goalie? What is the abiding interest that Joe Swanberg shares with Woody Allen? Does Mr. Emmerich want to continue to make Stonewall films? The diverging path of the two central banks prompted investors to put money into what currency? How many turkey wings are needed? What have Dr. Lam and Dr. Ohayon begun? What did Kiev request that went nowhere? What did the review say much about? What does Trey do for a living? What role did Bob Saget play in Full House? Where did Ukrainian nationalists clash with security forces? What revolution was going on when the author reached drinking age? How many 3-point attempts did the Wizards miss in the closing seconds of the game? Who was invited to speak to congress? How many patients were infected with carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital? What is 19th-century ballet considered to be? What kind of hairstyle did Pavel Premdes get? Who filed a suit against AT&T? Which German manufacturer had Red Bull directors talked to about getting a new engine for their cars? What was the body of the 300 SLR made of? What is the nationality of Stephane Heuet? What is Wayfair? Where did the drone strikes take place? How many people were involved in a study that looked at whether reducing sodium intake affected their outcomes? What has opened up nearby in December? Who did the American instructors recommend to help with training the Ukrainian units? Who did Mr. Norris call first? What does NeuroLinx support now? What was the planned cost of N.J.I.T's new facility? Where was he talking? Where was the war that John Kerry try to find a political solution at? Where will people avoid going once they have insurance? What show did Mr. Holden win Tony awards for? Where did Mr. Brezner begin his professional life? What was the first food item tried from the main dishes? How many novels has ms pierpont written? What are some of the things the feds are saying about the market? What was the prize given for the fastest lap? How many career touchdowns does Odell Beckham have? Who had sister whose hockey career was ended by concussions? Who is the lead prosecutor? How much will the renovations of Dome Playground cost? What is the value of the deals K.K.R. Kohlberg & Company has struck? What term is used to describe a certain Orthodox circumcision ritual? Who was fatally shot? What upgrades were introduced in basketball? What did Mr. McAuliffe and Mr. Rodman receive as a result of their pressuring of the DHS? Who has been Keflexghi's Coach Since his College days? With Tesla, one must open the app and enter what to start the car? Who is the Director for the movie, "Digging for Fire"? What place did the team come in Lorient, France? What did Sgt Michael Faranda admire about Ukrainians willingness despite lack of prepartion?? What was the name of the first educator? What day of the week the elections in Venezuela Happened? What film did the Pale Male filmed? Who covered the role of police superintendent in the past? Who expected them to know much of the basics? Who deplored both cabdrivers and Luberisation? What team did Cambur visit? Who spent the last five years slaughtering people to appease a ghost? How did Mara expected to get his message to Pierre-Paul? Who was trying to minimize the disruption? How many points did Evan Turner score for the Celtics? What color was Sandy's upstairs study? How much attention do other cases something like Michael Brown get surprisingly? Who explains how a story works? What was the donation amount that sparked the celebration? Which fiscal quarter is being discussed in this article? Who usually controls publicly traded companies in Asia? What one word describes LeBron James teammates play? on what date does the 421-a housing program end? Who is the district attorney of the Oneida County? With which county will the Southern District of New York be working with? Why are Americans consuming less calories? In which color the heard word was written ? Where did Red Sox beat the Yankees with a 7-6 win? What company bought Sprout? How many carries did Vaughn get? How many drowning deaths occurred in 1990? Who was comparing the space ad to a strip club billboard? Who did Russian's invaded last year in unmarked unmarked unifrom? Which country was described as had been having democratic aspirations? How long have the 2 defendants been out on parole? Bonobos compares where they ship orders and where they ship what? Was the crowd in Columbus friendly to Dayton? Where is this event taking place? Ms. Yellen recently gave a speech in what city? How much does the BBC earn per year because of overseas sales of "Top Gear"? In what city is the Jewish Voice for Peace based in? How does cheaper energy help companies? Where did Clinton turn to to criticize the increase of drug prices and its unfairness? What did Augustus order Johann Friedrich Bottger to do? How long was the mother expecting? Who is Matheny? How many former American ambassadors and officials urged the US to keep troops in Afghanistan? On what street will the dinner "for six hands" take place? What title does the narrator assign this novel? What sort of demons exist in Buddhism? What are Ms. Massenet's personalities? What was the answer to Mr. Robinson's joke? What happened when reporters tried to contact Mr. Livan regarding the bakery? What was Mr. Cradle's criminal status at the time of the shooting? how much was the point deficit that the Suns overcame? Matheny is a manager of what? What goes with baseball, hot dogs and peanuts? Who previously blocked proposed ID requirements? Where was there a lot of talk about experience in running the government? Who was Steve Jobs' wife? Who is responsible for controlling water distribution along lower Colorado river? When did Gallardo join the team? When will Mr. Cameron hold a referendum regarding Britain's membership in the E.U? WHo wrote back to the Editor? What Northeast Corridor plan did Mr. Christie kill in 2010? who is the head coach of Texas Southern? Who created Sixteen Candles, the film? What sense does he experience? what time frame does shareholder activism play out in? Where was Geoffrey Holder active during his career? To who does the cost seem unseemly? When is it believe that chief executive of Twitter will be announced? Where did Bin Laden live during the 1990s? Who wanted the audience to be quiet and listen to their introduction? What did RBG's mother do after she graduated high school? Where id GS tried to work at? Who was the curator of the university's Screen Arts Mavericks and Makers collection? In what year did the multiple organizations come together to form a mediation group? What was the main demographic of Chinese households that bough stock directly? Who decided to put in a new person to be head of the C.B.O.? Around what time did flames erupt? Who did Port Authority enter into agreement with? how many subplots surrounding armstrong's east berlin concert? Who coached Bayern Munich? What are Singaporean food courts known as? who is the prime minister of Crimea What is the name of the new player that the Panthers just acquired? In what year did Dawkins marry for the fourth time? How does Ms. Pierpont differentiate this novel from others on the same subject? Does Mr Cameron have the infrastructure to make it work? Which actor plays the role of the Bolivian president, Castillo? When did Jerome Kohlberg retire? What was the value of the sale of the Patriot missiles? Who promised to support Jeremy Corbyn? Who is a Bernstein analyst? Which actor wears a man-bun in Joe Swanberg's new movie, "Digging for Fire"? What did Silver delgate duties to? What did Washington fear that Russia would do to Ukraine? what type of animal does the statue represent? How long is the road that hosts the buildings being constructed for the fair? What was stolen from the organization in 2013? From where did Ms. Le Pen launch her campaign? Slovenia erected a razor-wire fence along its border with what country? What party does Brian M. Kolb represent? Agains the Philadelphia Athletics, how many games did the Yankees win out of three? Who beats and kill people? How many people from the United States were injured? According to the article, President Obama no longer cared about doing what with his opponents? What has not happened for 32 years? who wasnt paying attention when secretary of state george marshall articulated his marshall plan ? In what year of his career is Muhammad? Mr.Atwater claimed his plan to defeat Mr.Dukakis was to make the public connect Mr.Dukakis with who? What did the research implied that chimpazees could do? What percentage of workers drove alone in 2013? Ms. Miller said the renovations were a way to get? What year were low-cost high-rises developed in the area? Which banks mostly control wall street? What gender predominates in Silicon Valley? Why is Dr. Ohayon treading gingerly? What period in American history do new markets compare to today in these countries? How many seats did the Democratic Unity coalition won in the last elections in Venezuela? What was Dr. Garcia'sage upon arriving at Miami? when was the decision handed down? Which decades did Earl Hines have a big band during? What company is splitting off from its PC business? What was the reason given for Dead & Company declining to comment? What is the situation of water in the west? When did napoleon write to Josephine? What state are they from? Who is the director of hospitality at the Plaza hotel? Where was the location of the restaurant that Ms. Amelia had run with her husband 6 years ago? What happened when Dr. Leal took the trunk-ground lizards from their home territory? Where does the bill go? How many objects are in the Mary Griggs Burke collection? what was a shock for my parents ? What is the name of the lawyer representing one of the suspected jewish arsonists? When are trunk-crown lizards usually quiet? Which subject is considered off limits? What compensated for the conventional drum brakes What did a donor ask the girl scouts to return? Newspapers with what large readership have gotten into trouble for how they handle photos of women? Who loudly criticized the cardinal? What nation carries out drone attacks? Gottefried Ludewig and who else would not divulge the project's cost? How long did it take for Sandy to go unconscious after getting into bed? What was the number of disciplinary infractions of Mr. Harrell? Who wrote the musical retelling, Rapunzarella White: A Fairly Fractured Tale? Who brews The Lawnmower lager? How many submissions of art were made? What were the Rams shy of by 15000 tickets? How many innings did Syndergaard pitch? Why are young people joining Boko Haram? Who fought paid leave? What did Mr. Patil miss as the result of the delay? What were the skydivers convicted of? Is there more or less water compared to the past? The Hurricades beat which team? Over what river spans an outdated bridge that is part of the upgrade project? What should co-borrowers reveal before getting a mortgage? What is the name of the organ in the brain of trunk-crown lizards that is used to detect polarized light? How much of her own money did Ms. Olson spend on her mother's care? Who worked on a book on civil procedure? What does the United Nations audience usually do after the United States President gives their speech? What ability is demonstrated in Lightning Rods? What type of printer should not be forced to print tracts for a right-wing cause?? what is the name of the judge in LA county court? Who started off the 9th inning by hitting a single? In what year did Mattingly retire? How many states allow the use of medical marijuana? What was the consitancy of the sauce? Who was detained under suspicion of involvement with arson attacks? Brian Cunningham is a spokes man for which Ohio department? Who is a two-time Hart Trophy winner? Is state funding in California going up or down? What would illegal documents not need to qualify for the health coverage? Who is the director of Spotlight? Where does Clinton's patient spending cap require that drug makers allot some of their profit? Who fears that a funeral will turn rowdy or violent? What was one of the things Denver learned how to deal with? What kind of talk show did the author mention being on? Where did Corea and Hancock live together? Where was the opening number taking place? What was the speed of Syndergaard's fastest pitch? What is the name of the Ohio State football team? What literary work is Tempest's writing reminiscent of? Was the woman driving when she spilled her cup of coffee? Who Mr. Slater wrote the musical Whistle Down the Wind with? Who runs the Secret Cup? Which American political party is alluded to? What type of job did Ms. Harper have? why did people flee from Syria? Where is "The Gee's Bend Tradition" group show? Who received a $250 coupon from WayFair? When did Henry S. Schleiff take over as president of Investigation Discovery? What is speeding for the regulators in the auto industry are not capable of keeping up with? Who's story is this movie? How many calls did state poison controls centers receive about spice in the first three weeks of April? What game did Mr. Norris promise to play with Raymond? What type of search queries do mobile devices now outrank? has a decision been reached? Ms. Russ said that the location Ms. White lived in was the most? What did the Democrates say McConnell benefited from? Without a change in course, when will the state's infrastructure fund be depleted? Next to which country's border was Mr. Sweat caught? Which critic often showed up drunk to performances? What was he convinced was therapeutic? What was to be awarded to Fells after the game? Which site formerly handled the coverage of sci fi and fantasy? When did the imprisonment occur? What sort of games did Ms. Kushner plan? What type of tofu should you use? Who is Mr. Sacca in relation to Twitter? There were 49,000 children in foster care in this city at some point; when was that? How many months of consecutive decreases in unfilled orders at factories was there? Where did Ms. Slaughter get her call and response research from? How will the prison population be decreased? What message do Mara want to send to Pierre-Paul? who led the Magic in points scored? Which way does the hair blower point? How many versions of the Lilac Fairy's solo variation in the prologue exists? WHo is the President of the Association? The legal ruling barely eluded to what? How much did spending on government buildings slip by? Who is the president of FIFA? When did the Sewol capsize? how old was Christopher Lee when he died? Who is the Republican majority leader accused or corruption? What does Buzzfeed say about Jason Schwartzman? What ratio of colleges contacted by the New York Times did not respond with any information about concussion protocols? Is "anchor babies" a positive term? What kind of institution has an easy time getting into prisons? Who wrote The Art of Memoir? The chairman of Ways and Means and who took responsiblity for budget negotiations? Who does Faust need to embrace this new structure? How do you enjoy your job? Was he popular with game moderators? Prior to being a teacher who was Andrea Long-Naidu? How might "It Follows" be described? Who is Tallulah's mother? What is the company name of the person that filed the lawsuit? Who went with Dempsey to the M.L.S? Mr. Rodham has attempted to leverage his connections with whom in order to further business interests? Who was the person George W. Bush let handle the negative side of their politics? China wants their consumers with extram money to do what? Which two words does the Wanderu app's home screen display? What was damage was done personally to Thomas? How much does the Archer C7 cost? The coach who is mentioned kept the locker room feeling positive over what period of time? what information does the United States office of National Intelligence coordinate? Who was accused ? Which species does Pliny says knows nothing yet can learn without being taught? Which author is considered a naysayer? Why was the chamber deadlocked for hours? What do the Girl Scouts do whenever they get a success? Which bank possess the highest proportion of lending assets in France overall? Who is the pope claimed to have tried to manipulate In what area of agriculture is Iran outdated? At the end of the fiscal year, what was Aruba's revenue? How long before electing a new FIFA president did some of its members get arrested? Who is the high representative of the European Union for foreign affairs and security policy? Who is president of the museum's board? What was celebrated during the firework accident? On what side of the vehicle was the detective seen berating the driver in the onboard footage? What number should I call to reach the Duck Pond Gallery? Which type of government is the most likely to be elected in Greece with its current turmoil? How long did it take to sell the first 12,000 copies? When did the fire occur, which is the second time in two wee? What weather could have rescued California? what caused the dollar to rise sharply? What was Youseff's former occupation? Where will "Remembering the Vietnam War" be displayed at the William Benton Museum of Art? What couldn't Mr. Monzu believe? Which actor gets naked in Digging for Fire? How many prisoners are in prison for drug related offenses? What kind of activities are the tourists content with doing while in the city? What is the New Jersey Institute of Technology described as? How did Soumitra Patil respond to the announcement? As the industry continue to change, what do we need to do? Which justice deemed the law to be too harsh? What is the topic of Ms. Wei's documentary? When was the McCain-Feingold legislation passed? Will Dr. Leal be available to respond to correspondence once he leaves the field in mid-July? Who published Ms. Slaughter's book? Where does Josephine come from? What happened to Andrew's washer pipe? what were the walls of Mapplethorpe's smeared with? What is wanted to "stay out of sports"? Who is Marcelo Aguirre? What group has the most interest in the Malta citizenship? Where was the feline located? Who does Golden State play against? What two types of dance are performed during Dancing Korea? What position did Trevor Knight fail to procure this season? What subjects are Business Insider mainly focused on? What is one argument against lowering the voting age? Other than Mr. Huang's district, where is another museum with similar purpose? What are Little Brown Bears coloring books subtitled? When did the townhouse on Sackett Street burn to the ground? What two men vowed to spend 889 million dollars to influence the 2016 presidential election? What time are the festivities? What is the type of medical scan Sam Querrey will need to have done? What was Cookworthy's first successful piece of porcelain? Who is playing on June 27th at 8 p.m.? What are the most searched inquiries on travel? What is Richard Davidson's profession? Who is the leader of the Republican party in California? There are eight of what on the sides of the stage doing jumps? Where did the reports come from to expel the vote? What kind of experience republican are requesting their candidate has? When and where did this alleged rape take place? What did the Chinese officials insist to the Thai Government? What village did Mr. Chauvin spend his holidays in? The process that makes the assumption that G.D.P. stays static when the government impliments spending or changes tax law is called what? How many guests could be accommodated? Which policy of Trump's did Clinton supporter, Bennie Stickley, agree with? What do car key fobs include to help prevent theft? What kind of plaintiffs were talked about? What kind of book would Ms. Smith like to write? was rabin seen in a nazi uniform? Who defeated South Africa in Rugby? How deep underwater is the ferry right now? Who is Carpe Diem's trainer? Who held the heart K-8-7 What type of animal were mastodons? In which of of the knee did Rose injured? Where was Time Rice' album recorded? Who made up an annual test for banks? What is the age of Ms. Berman? what did Fahs put up on her walls where she lived? How many US military trained the Ukrainian in remedial military instructions? The cases involving spice have appeared 4x as often as in which year? When was Stevie Wonders last national tour as of this article? What covered Zhenyuanlong suni's tail? Which part of the city is the area starting to resemble? What are some failure the film facing? Who was worried that Silver was being unfairly condemned? Do residents pay federal personal income taxes? Why did David Makovsky think Mr. Obama might have felt the need to hype his case to the public? Why does the police Chief feel that videos should not be on YouTube? Where did Mr. Tsipras meet with party officials? What is Joe Swanberg's new movie, "Digging for Fire", a case study of? In which area has Microsoft once had a dominant position in the worldwide market? Where do they see opportunity for a good market? When did the Smilin' Jack comics run? What is the name of the fair that combines art and design? What kind of talking device for communication was the unschool troops learned? Where did Ms. Simpson used to party in her college days? What political party perceives that banks were once well regulated? How many entry-level employees does GM employ compared to Fiat Chrysler? How many states no longer purchase guardrails from Trinity? This has been the most touchdowns in fourth quarter since what year? How much more was the 2016 budget than the 2015 budget? Where is the Museum located? Who was undefeated coming into the Kentucky Mississippi St fight? Who was the governor of Maryland in 2007? What was Mr. Drobny's connection to Mr. Rodham? What network is "Empire" on tonight at 9 P.M. What does data suggest about the Federal Reserve? did trump insult mccain? Who conceived the museum quarter? Who wants t examine the configuration these dangerous crossing in NY, NJ, and Connecticut? Where did Keflexghi train for many years? Who is the owner of ABC cocina? What is the name of the professional basketball team in Arizona? Who was the first Latin American pope? How does Towns regard his learning experience when playing with the Dominican team? How long was the news conference? Were Republican presidential candidates diverse ethnically? Who was the greatest influence on Picasso's early life? How many advertisements do studies show work before showing diminishing returns? Who was the lead producer of Rotten What is the main theme of "M Train"? What did Mr. Perkins call America's road transport system? What are the initials of Erdogan's party? Which team scored more runs, the Phillies or the Mets? How many high school students used synthetic cannabinoids in 2014? What were the men doing? How does Richard A Friedman's article begin? What makes the book updated? What does the contain? What two animals are most vet shows heavy on? What controversy over-shadowed the Super Bowl? When did Kiev ask the US for help? What was the exact name of the cyanide gas? Where was Annu Matthew born? What was Mr. Lloyd 'style according to Mr. Slater? What does the fire department's marine Battalion responds to more frequently? what was hosted at Barnes and Noble a month ago? Where did Google build its business? What state does Mich McConnell represent in the Senate? Mr. Carson stated he would defend his beliefs/faith against who? When did Ms. Simpson first start wearing drag attires? How long do turquoise killifish typically survive? What was the level of decline in power production from coal between 2007 and 2012? Who did Ms. Mizrahi-Rubel collaborate with during her career? What does Dr. Hanak believe the state should also do? When does Intel's contractual term end? How did farmers survive the droughts? What does Khamenei say has to be given? How long did it take Andy Dufresne to escape? How much was fined to the Yankees players and their manager because of intemperance? What is equipped at the end of a duodenoscope? How many games did Notre Dame win in a row? How much of Iran's groundwater reserves have been spent over the past five decades? What was the price of the apple watch? What ritual do the players engage in prior to a game? The third female candidate for Secretary General is the executive secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, what is her name? What is the topic of this passage? Who filed the antitrust case against google? What year will every name in the records be public? For how many days was this rally going on? Where did the ship set sail from? What imagery fascinates Sally? Who shot the ball that Neuer tried stopping but still passed the goal line? What novel did Rasputin write in 1976? Mayor de Blasio hopes to impose restrictions on which group ? Who was dating Magda Cregg, the mother of Huey Lewis? What is Us Weekly's web traffic per month? Who helped Mr. Rodham get a job in 2010 when he was short on money? Marcelo owns several guns, what does he shoot during the night shift? In her mother's cupboards, what elegant items did the author find? What is the toughest federal prison? What is the inexhaustible appetite for versions of Wolf Hall a party a result of? Where was Archibald Motley born? What street is the Oliver Wolcott Library on? What is responsible for the contemporary relavence of Poliuto Which year did Huckabee choose not to run? Carnegie Hill and Lenox Hill could be considered what? what is the nickname that alumni use for Sweet Briar? What city was nearby from the old tree-shaded house? What was offered to the Syrian that was tripped? What campaign did Ms. Upi give a testimonial for? What was not a possibility for an investment? What was Holm's fighting discipline? In what states has the Right-to-work policy become law? how many days should you let a fish sit frozen when trying to kill parasites? Who did Mr. Disisto file a lawsuit against? What shift is more pressing in Europe than any other major region except Japan? How did Shin Dong-Hyuk shock the world several years ago? What lake is this floating house on? Who requested doping bans? What are some incidents that fireboats responds to? Who did Mr. Moyer say that his company would be committed to serving? Where did the Rangers play hockey that night? What series' final episodes will begin airing in April? What was one of the consequences that Hal and his family have to deal with after refusing to pay? How many languages is Secret Garden published in? What does Arcane law support? What is the name of the campus of Westchester County? What group did Boehner deliver his retirement announcement to? Who did they hire to portray Cobb in the movie? What is the Archer C7's strength? Where will the Golden Dragon Acrobats perform? Kiku is obliged to leave Tokyo for what city? Which two rights has Mr. Faulkner opposed to? What did Americans find out about Ukrainians during training? What other way do criminals requesting for ransom use when using websites to receive/send virtual currency? What is the last name of the league's commissioner, Dennis? What is the name of Kayahan's spouse? What did Joan Shelley let her songs do? Who is Marcelo Aguirre? How much did the Girl Scouts raise in a month? What organization is the atomic agency a part of? What airport has Liat resumed flights to? When did Geoffrey Holder die? What year was the tub published in Life magazine? What was the relation of Joseph Zaro to Stuart Zaro? What did Washington fear that Russia would do to Ukraine? Is the table set? Which subject was not considered off limits, besides religion? Who is being paid to find security issues on business websites? What is the name of the attorney that runs the office of the Southern District of New York? Where is the Romana Royale still at? What would happen when someone delivers groceries or packages to a trunk? Whose goal was it to repeal Obama's health care law since it's adoption in March 2010? At what time will the countdown end? What is Lorraine's son described as, to help keep her informed about new restaurants? how much did nook backslide? Who is the director of Our Brand is Crisis? How many people were hired last month? What is the first political task? What was the reporter asked to ignore when talking to Marcelo? What's the role of Ellen Bravo at Family Values @ Work? What is the opening number for "Something Rotten!"? Which of the sisters was older? What type of media contained the iPhone and Blackberry extractions? In what bracket of the tournament did Wawrinka defeat Djokovic last year? Who contributed fom England? When is the first day of Masters? What is the stage name of Hamada Ben-Amor? Which subsidy of Mattel recently increased the number of catalogs sent out? what month did Mr. Boire take the reigns? What did the Daily Mail calculate? The euro hit what value on June 7,2010? Which zone had the most collaborationists? "Ocular Concepts" is photographs taken by who? What do women that sell sex face in the community? How many buildings were being created for the fair? What appropriate warning did the approaching train give? Which party wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act? What is the name of one of four same-sex marriage suits to be heard by the Supreme Court? What is the name of the suspect in the crime? How much would insurance cost for the project? Who did critics say the prosecutor and his assistants weren't tough enough on? What is likely to happen to retail prices? What is mostly happen in some parts of the brain ? From who's perspective is the New Jersey Institute of Technology an attractive institution? In what county will it be more difficult to modify the cars? What did the advisers need before discussing private matters? was erving from nassua county? Who caught the tying touchdown pass? Lincoln Center is known as what in terms of ballet? Erika Kirby works at which university? How much would the annex cost? Which actor portrays the once-hot chef in the movie, Burnt? what military base is near John Jay? What are magazines and websites portraying more accurately? Who wrote the Steve Jobs movie? How old is Mr. Silva Neto? What race does the jail mostly house? What does Amy do with her booze when she cuts back on her drinking? What percentage of 321's students met the state standards for the English test? Cougars were playing against what team? what publication job did Georgie work for? At this writing, how long has Pixar been in existence? What did the unemployment rate hold steady at during this time? You must learn the principles of harmony before you can what? what party is Mr. Essid a member of? What enterprise was Mr. Rodham's job with? What did SAC plead guilty to? What cities hosted the awards? What is a pressure of a teen or young adult? Where was Rousey chasing Holms? who experienced playing pro basketball in Russia? Who is Steven Pitt? What impact has the current stock market situation had on the citizens? What is the primary reason for the existence of new drugs? Whose mother presented disappointment over a less than perfect report card? Who reported the new of the merger discussions? what percent of shareholders back the merger? where did Mr. Constantine work in Buffalo What kind of vehicle is the Model X? What area was not supported by local residents to get a casino? What percentage of catalog shoppers are women? The calls about spice more than double from January through march according to whom? In Euros, how much is Deutsche Bank intending to cut its costs by? What auto company was involved in the negotiation? What kinds of information gets projected by Navdy's device? What are the two potential threats mentioned in the passage? The United Nations expects the European figure to do what by the end of the century? When did the Great West Conference disband? Did the Senate respond by accepting or declining the ban? Which genres does Rivka write for? What does Mr. Elder think of Westbrook? How much did credit card edge up? Who was Sandy Phillips' daughter? Who is Marcelo Aguirre? What is the name of the film shot by Welles in the 1970's? What type of waste erupted last year at Los Alamos? Where was Aya Jones discovered? Who needs new shoes? Who was Mr. Courser having an affair with? What time does the discussion and film screening, "A Special Night with Treat Williams and Rex Reed", occur on June 26th? How many mobile users does the United States have? What does this person want in an employee? What are three of the places the site plans to find readers? Where did the imprisonment occur? What did David Sweat create? Who is trying to get ahead of all this? What will happen to those that play well? What does Iran say about it's nuclear work? Where did Holmes inscribes his murderous fantasies? Which company believes the deal would enhance the products it offers to health care providers? Where were flowers burned? Where did Mr. Seymour used to sit and drink beer after closing hours? The membership of the united Methodist church was misstated as being what number of people worldwide? What is the age of Mr. Schrock? From what other Asian countries are 3,000 men fighting in Syria believed to be from? What did Ms. Bedford say about Adult coloring books? Who wanted their photograph for a residence card? How long do you cook it for? What were bikers standing on? What did the Clinton Foundation do in Haiti? What gave Mr. Bridges a historical and structural framework? Who is the director for the show playing at the Greek Theater? Who was not allowed to play for awhile because of the controversy? How many antiques does the musuem have? What doesn't BlackRock rely on to bolster returns? Which country did this scandal affect? How many times was Mr. Sweat shot? Which American agarians was taken to using unmanned aircraft? Would Mr. Emmerich have done anything differently? Who plays the title role in "Macbeth"? How did the story begin? What government ask the US for help? Where did the New York Times DealBook conference take place? Who was Elizabeth Hughes? What percent does the company keep for themselves off each transaction? Who was the supervisor at the prisons tailor shop? Why was this an issue at the time? What style of writing ages quickly? What will persistent pumping of well result into? Who was shut out in the previous two games? What percentage of meetings are held in a closed-door executive session? How many years was Sandy separated from her husband? How long was training for the Ukrainian soldiers? In what year did Mr. Carson state his positions on skepticism? What is the Portuguese-language name for the Petrobras investigation? How many decades did Lorraine Leong live in the North Slope? Who is Gizmodo's new editor? Which city is Greek Theater located in? What two materials are used to make these vulnerable apartments? When do after-parties general start? Who is Mark Galeotti? How old was the team coach? Who did Manning say took the higher road? What older router was used? Where does Lee drop Jude off at? Except for Africa and Europe, where else is China exporting lower in prices than Turkey? Who does the author think is responsible for solving the conflicts? How many member state's are a part of the U.N.? What was Thomas' action to put emphasis on his statement, "I'm very innocent", Where did the objects in the Mary Griggs Burke Collection come from? What was Ethan Bronner's book titled? How many sellers were responsible for the numerous sex ads? When does the museum close? Which organization was Ruth a part of? What is the name of the perfume store? What is PHA created by? China's officials have been studying similar situations from what country? Who is "Writings on the Wall" a tribute to? What is the name of the Princess? Who painted the "Hudson River Moods" paintings? Who ruled that the long-claimed copyright on “Happy Birthday to You”? What does Nagraj Kashyap say about the topic? What issue does Sanders claim the President was wrong about? What is the name of the lawyer representing the Plaintiff? How many people did Mr. Obama address during his speech at American University? What should the United States not use to find a solution to gun control? Who is George Brauchler? What was the final score of the game? The author's mother loved what kind of sea food? Are you single? Whom would replace the bakery, according to Olshan Properties? During metathesis the strong "double bonds" were formed between what? What are some examples the author gives, of different people who are Muslim? What were the farmers using to monitor their farms? Which state stopped accepting electronic filings on Thursday but then resumed accepting them on Saturday? What was the name of the spokesman who said that Mr. Harrell was acting violently? What was noticeably absent from the governor's announcement? What continent is Ben Lowe from? Who were referred to as little green men? What political party does Elmendorf have a past connection to? Who made "It Follows"? How long will the test last? What team does Shane Vereen play for? What does Margrethe Vestager do? What was uncalled-for about Mr. Jobs, according to the author? How many devices has the company sold? What about moving files that weren't from itunes? How many counties does the western Washington State Girl Scouts cover? How long will Stephan be out? Who was traded to Chicago? Into which death will the Office of the United States Attorney be looking into? How was the cousin's throat cut? Who advocates for uniform concussion policies for all members? What entities has Mandiant been advising? What character gets pregnant in the movie, People Places Things? What gesture did Towns make after hitting his 17 foot jumpshot? How many followers does Omar Shalabi have on Facebook? What did the nine ethnic Uighurs try to use the passports for? Where did the boat stop 300 yards off of? How many people died and why? Where will Rory Angelicola be performing? What vehicle did Ms. Upi previously use for delivery products before she became successful? What's the best material to use for a surround when you want a lot of luxury? Who is Ms. Schoenhals thinking about acting on Cosmo Sex Tip? The Barcelona Design Musuem has what in both the front and back? Under Mr. Roin's concept, what kinds of drugs would be affected? In what year did Heuet begin adapting the book? who did the linebacker for Trinity High School run over? What type of beverages are for sell in the front of the salon? Who was present at Ms. LePen's campaign launch? Which valley is Porterville located? What species is a close cousin to Zhenyuanlong suni? When did the ex-girlfriend sue? What file is considered to be very consequential? the New York State Affordable Housing Association favors who's proposal for housing changes in New York? Who did the French and US collaborate against? Last name of Chief of police. Which city, Tianjin or Beijing, has a stricter driving restriction in the event of a red alert? Who selected Darryl for their team team? What part of New York is Mr. Heastie from? Is Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo a Democrat or Republican? What's Google's favored fomain? Many teachers likely came in with what trait to their classrooms, according to the author? Who's the Democrat that lead's the party in the Senate? According to Mr. Canby, what can you find today in Fifth Avenue mansions and public libraries? Who wrote the mini series, "Paris?" What is the address of the Greenburgh Nature Center? What was the name of Alan Cumming's one man show? Who discussed upgrades to the Apple Watch? How were LL Cool J's shirts designed and produced? How many companies will be allowed to proceed with listing in the coming weeks? How do these tourists describe their employment status? Who is the top economist at the Bank for International Settlements. What year did the military takeover occur? What was the main false claim the police accused Hammond of? What is corinthian college? What is the name of the chancellor for Irvine? Where do farmers try and seek water first? How long was the longest N.F.L.'s home skid? Which characters are not completely distinguishable in the book? Who unearthed the trove of documents? In what type of place did Hana and other children work? What is the conflict for the character in Tempest's "Bran New Ancients?" Where do the educated people leave Puerto Rico for? How many workers did Cekicler Marble let go out of the 450 employees? Who scored the most points for the Eastern Conference with 30? What tastes like slices of soy-lacquered chicken over rice cooked in chicken broth? What was Apple's best quarter ever? Where are people more likely to focus their attention after meditating? What was the nickname of Mr. Harrell? Who remained active in the Assembly even after being arrested and indicted? What company did the Administration create new oversight rules for? Did the perpetrator survive the attack? What is the name of the oldest member of Al Qaeda that was tried in the US? Who gave the longest and most of the facts about the Iran deal? What is Marcelo studying to be? What percentage of the equipment was manufactured in the past decade? How much warning did Boehner give to McCarthy about his announcement to retire? Who fell off a cliff in 1975? What is the benefit of high drug prices? What is the name of the inmate who found Mr. Harrell sitting by himself? What university did she attend? What is Tony Hall's job? Who missed ways in which Microsoft was vulnerable? Who was Googled a lot because people didn't know who he was? How many reports were there on Thursday? What did Washington fear that Russia would do to Ukraine? What are Leive and their associates never short of? What is LeBron's last name? How many Ukrainian where trained during basic training courses? What was the number of officers identified as being involved? How has the Renzi-Berlosconi pact been affected recently? What book does Ms. Smith feel is impossible to top? Where do farmers and cities search for groundwater when none is provided by the rivers and lakes? What did Kiev request that went nowhere? What was the reason that Michael D'Andrea gave for not moving drone strike operations to the Pentagon? Who did the video feature wild accusations against? What country didn't he want outside power from? At what age did Mattingly retire from baseball? What are the names of the infant triplets? After the program had been running for three years, how many soybean farmers participated in the program? Where did Mr. Kohlberg, Mr. Kravis and Mr. Roberts work? What position does Sam Bradford play? Where does Judge Mueller work? An I.S.S. report stated the DuPont may be on what type of trajectory? How do consumers benefit from cheaper energy? What is the name of the law that the mother followed the spirit of? Acoording to Mr. Coehn and Mr. Pertschuk what was Judge Bork known as? Who is the top editor? Who was Jeb Bush's campaign communications director? What political office did Larry Mann hold? Who was the conductor of Symphony No. 10? What is Wincor Nixdorf valued at in euros? People are more likely to invest in a 401(k) if their employer does what? Who was assigned to informally tutor Towns as a mentor? What are common symptoms of spice use? Who led the Bulls with 25 points on Saturday? What type of art did the Burkes love? What was in doubt about Mrs. Clinton's private email address? Why was lending to Puerto Rico so enticing for lenders? Which French manufacturer had powered Red Bull in all of it's championship successes? Who is the managing director of the Shanghai-based consultancy Automotive Foresight? What did Mr Cameron do to the farm he manages? When will the scavenger hunt begin? What style of music does Tom Rush play? What was the last year the LAST-2 was given? How much was the dinner? Unicef reported that how many people were wounded in the incidents? How many years does Isa believe it will take before some of Iran's areas are uninhabitable? How many part of the campaign did Rose miss? What would Sandy do to the character's names? How large was the crowd for Mr. Chondros? Which player got the base hit that gave the White Sox the lead in the game? What was the name of the Arab Prisoner? How many gold medals did Katie win? Who has iSight Partners received financial backing from? What should Mr. Renzi not waste? What is the name of Netflix's chief executive? How do you get all the best of Upshot? When did Mr. Kohlberg start working at Bear Stearns? Where was a civil war taking place? Who bought Business Insider and for how much? When Ms. Whitehead left was she going to continue to be a part of the company? Many people are politically passionate about which upcoming political race? What percentage of the world's reserve in commercial marble Turkey has? The Game 163 played over where? What is the Westchester Italian Cultural Center showing? How many points does the first ranked horse have? What was Mr. Obama opening up about during his speech at American University? Which former deputy executive director of the Port Authority was alleged to have been at the controversial dinner? What is the name of the Tennessee team? Why did the nurse administer overdoses of heart medication to patients? What group wanted the state court to overturn the law? Which daughter has Mrs. Obama been allowing to outdress her? How much did the group oppose the deal? Is it possible or an impossible job to explain Islam? What may be eating neutrinos? What is Search Engine Land about? Where did Amelie Wisniak move to after Paris? How much did it cost per hour for one child for a sitter? What did not have the sweetness of cooked carrots? Who told Stan Wawrinka that someone was sleeping with his girlfriend? Who beat Venezuela by a score of 11 unanswered points? What does Leive want to see when they ask someone why they want the job? where the american companies operated? What is the position of Andrew Berman? This program benefited the soybean farmers of which state? Who requested the report from the private group organizing Boston's bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics? What team does Matt Harvey play for? Where was Paul Davila housed in the prison? What is the price of M TRAIN? When did the fire in New Jersey apartment complex occur? How did the attackers break into the property? Who identified every incidental character? What type of kitchen was desired? What is the name of the movie that Matt Damon stars in? How many of the apprentices where white? How many manufacturing jobs has Connecticut lost over the last 20 years? Many residents did what? How many had tears and wondered about losing Zaro's? What will make the way to the average boater? Why was Huckabee's first campaign potentially easier than this one? The Iran government has imposed huge fees on Turkish what? If a investment manager fails to make suitable recommendations to their client, what could happen to the manager? During the unveiling how were the cubs presented? what can lust yield inside marriage? How many times does Alastair estimate he had watched the movie School of Rock? What reason did Mr. Carpenter give for the false conviction? What year did Barney Frank step down from office? Whose Shainghai show did Fei Fei Sun appear in? Franis will travel the island and meet with whom? What is a requirement of F.D.A approval for a drug? Who was presenting evidence against two motorcyclists? What have financial regulators been cracking down on recently? What was the increase in available jobs in terms of percent? What three characteristics does Audrey Hepburn have? Who is the executive director of New Yorkers for Parks? How many units of affordable housing have been promised to be built or preserved? When was Frank O'Hara's "Three Voices" written? Where does work James Sherk? What did the manager off to send them? Is Truth Revolt more liberal or conservative? When did a spokesperson from Washington speak with reporters? What John Jay team has won national competitions? What may happen even if one person is saved from a disease? Katie Goldstein is a member of what advocacy group? What religion does Ben Carson follow/practice? What kind of hair style does Orlando Bloom appear with? What was the nationality of Lucia Berlin? Since 2006, on average, how many rail crossing accidents per year? Which shirts were given out for free? Why did Silver relinquish his duties? When did the civil war start? What was Mr. Fox supposed to secure money for? Are Psychoanalysts actually closed off towards new developments? What was Shleiff's previous job? In addition to the sweatshirts, what else did the author hot glue the silver beads to? What are black and white images said to depict? What form appears to be involved in a large number of cases? Who or what was it the scolded the author? Which streaming service did the department use? On what day of the week did the Republican debate take place? What was tapped to perform the first musical number on Tonys broadcast What is more influential to him? What effect on government building project spending did the construction and maintenance of highways and streets have? What two pieces should you study to get a clear idea of harmonic structure? What year was a big moment for Democrats? How much might cost a new water infrastructure? According to the article, the most important part of miracle finish is not the miracle but what? Who coaches Arizona? What show in its second season is growing in popularity? What is Hicklin's motivation for running the bookstore? Which country's operations is Deutsche Bank having to cut down on? What movement from 50 years ago did the American rabbis reference in their letter declaring the need for environmental action? Name one form the menace takes? Who was No. 1 in the world this time last year? What character was featured in "Watchman"? How long does it take to become a dancer? When is Mr. Shane's book due for publication? How much is the Clinton Hill sale price an increase of from last year? What is Ms. Berman's occupation? What day of the week was the NBA draft lottery? How far apart were the two works written? What kind of sweetener is used? What nationality is the cruise director? Who contributed from England? why did the Nook performance suffer? According to Admiral Paul China is attempting to constrict movement through what? What do people do on social networks? What does Ms. Pierpont demonstrate her knowledge of in the story? What marketplace is fluid and unpredictable? What do patents offer to drug companies? What genre of music does Tina play? Are emails the only way to reach the newspaper? Who hosted the hockey complex? What is the name of the armed police force in this country? What type of natural disaster does this LA City Council pertain to? Who bought EMC? What job was recently added to Jeb Bush's team to help with his campaign? Why did the person turn down one offer? Where were the Israelites located? In what is Ms. Schoenhals working at the moment? Why was the father so upset? According to Pincus, when should suits be allowed? How old was the mother? If not issues of identity, what type of issues are they? Applicants for Malta citizenship must show what? What was an event based in the movie that wasn't backed up by fact? What month did a federal appeals court toss out Motorola's suit? How much is the fire said to be contained at the time of the article? Who did not sign the agreements? What other place requires additional policing and sanitation? How can you protect files in your personal computer? Which firms did the Citigroup report mention? When was Virgin Active founded? Which sections are lacking originality? How soon will the new listings proceed? What institute of higher learning does Ricardo Caballero belong to? what type of competition were done in Fallon's show? What was suggested that Jennifers Grandmother make? For which reason will Simon Magakwe miss the 2016 Olympics? What did Sather's team reach in 9 of the last 10 years? What is the score between Chicago Cubs and Milwaukee? Where did this image come from? What can be frustrating to many people? When did Neuer misread the free kick from Santi Cazorla? what was the score of the Lakers vs Heat game? What has to be done for the changed fire behavior? What country has a right to exist? Which felony charge were the sky divers acquitted of? In what year was the law review article comparing the antitrust pursuit against Google to the Microsoft case published? How were the squid rings cooked? The National Register of Historic Places was updated with the location in question in what year? When is the Jean Linville exhibition in Litchfield? Who will Dayton play on Sunday? Overtime what can make up for population stresses? When did Jacint die? How did Mitchell feel about responding to the reporters questions regarding Towns? How many films did Kenji Mizoguchi have to his credit? What citizens did the Uighurs tell the Thai officials they were? What method does the Joint Committee on Taxation and C.B.O. currently use to grade potentional policy changes? When did Kiev ask the US for help? Which courtroom did the trial take place in? In the wild-card showdown, what day of the week did Yankees play? What is the name of the troupe that specializes in the extreme? Who was Mr. Brezner's second wife? What position does Mark D. Luschini work as? What sport does Alex play? What kind of plane is being talked about? How many percentage of California's water is from underground? Who lost the Subway Series? What is Snow White allergic to? Who's surname was misspelled? Who is Steve Elmendorf? How low has the rain levels been in CA over the past three years? Which nuts are highly regarded in Iran? Did Dawkins listen to advice? Where did the student go for education? What is the difficulty with the current system the country has? What is the name of what you should go through every chord of? When will the stock come in handy? How many pistachio trees have been lost in Kerman? What team did Pep Guardiola coach? Marcelo owns several guns, what does he shoot during the night shift? Who was the producer of Finding Neverland Who (along with allies) enlisted the design company that estimated the demolition costs? What counry violated internaional law? What was amount of questions that made Mr Putin linger? What color was the dribble of soaked basil seeds on the plate? what year did mullin win player of the year? How big is Rocky Fire? What disease did Natalie have? who took the lead in the first-round of the Texas Open? How would you feel if you thought our reason is not great? On what day of the week will "Paris" premier? What was the purpose of the Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign? Where were hundred of migrants diverted to on Saturday? The voters with out a college degree supported which candidate? What is the name of the monk? What unit are these patients in? Who was called Smiling Jack? What is the name of the prison? Pratt Institute's brick pathways lead through what? Who plays Mohamed? Which HBO movie was Steve Cainas involved with? What is Marcelo studying to be? Who is attacking the bureau? What is a way of reducing your risk that a thief will file a fake return with your name? What did the canine What type of flour is needed for the gravy? Who is the first African-American principle dancer? What do some soldiers forget on their first day of excercise Who narrates ELLES ÉTAIENT EN GUERRE? how many rebounds did Russell Westbrook have? From which country was the wolverine being sent? How long after Sandy was initially diagnosed did her disease develop into Alzheimer's? What is a central promise of the internet that is being broken by users disconnecting themselves from others with different views? Why are audiences consuming shows differently? What caused Putin to be removed from the G-8 countries? How can I find the White Gallery web site? What kind of talking device for communication was the unschool troops learned? What size are the Oreos? How much money do criminals sometimes ask of the victims? What sport has players who are finally being paid as professional athletes? What does Fiorina claim is not the subject of the story? Which institute found Republicans three times more likely to be upset with the federal government than Democrats? Who will review the evidence? Which screenwriter for "The Heat" wrote jokes to be passed along to Mr. Feig? What country is Rabat in? Where does the event mentioned in the passage take place? Who became the youngest winner of the Ted Hughes poetry prize? How many people are watching on TV on average this season? Who is the Greek finance minister? Who is Tony Dutzik? How old is Nadal? who did not approve of the white buck shoes ? Which other movies of Swanberg's also have appealing honesty and low-key comedy? How long did bad weather delay the start of the game? What did Mr. Hai say in regards to possible repercussions? Who is the executive director of the National Association for Law Placement? What assessment of the A.L.P. did Mr. Ghani order? What is one example of an indication for gun violence? do players favor lobbying or public campaings? When was Sandy's birthday? When did the house vote take place? What did the subject's sister study in school? Who was the author of the book, "Passionate Marriage", as shown in "Digging for Fire"? Who reported the lifting of the moratorium? What did the research study? What is the bonus based on? What color flag was the decision to enter NATO? What did supporters of the bill argue? What was the name of the event? Did anyone provide medical assistance on the scene? Where did they eat dinner? Who plays the derelict? Who stated that death of the black woman in police custody would bring renewed attention to the anger between white and blacks? What was Dean Crutchfield said about the moving company ad? What has been shaky even with the moves? Where did a couple saw a crossing gate lowered in front of them? What team did Sather lead as general manager? Who does the movie show Mohamed having an at-odds relationship with? Which law firm employs Mr. Lieberman? Where was the maximum security prison that housed Mr. Sweat located? What is erratic about California climate? In what country is the customer always wrong? What type of transaction is Freescale Seminconductors How long ago does the oldest sections of the jail date back to? What is Giorgio Morandi the master of? What did members of Congress call the breach at O.P.M.? Who won the game? Where does Mrs. Sooy work? Who collected things that was juxtaposed? Who told a joke? What was the target inflation in the eurozone in November? Does or doesn't the reviewer seem to have met the types of women who are happy being unattached? What infrastructure was the United States focused on? Who made two shots for the Warriors? Which horse had a fever during the weekend? What is Aya Jones' profession? What is the profession of Azza Soliman? Ms. Clyne wrote her program with what choreographer in mind? How much money has the NFL agreed to pay out in the lawsuit? What does the book "The Reel Truth" contain in terms of content? Which direction is being looked in? Whose pass did Danny Trevathan intercept? The citizenship program raises more than a quarter of Malta's what? What school rarely accepts dancers? How many seats did the governing party win? When was Kevin Keller wrote in? What did Gus Wenner say was paramount? Why do police commanders and prosecutors support camera use? What other ads were in the other car? armstrong on tours abroad as good will______? What beer style have big brewers altered? Who is the book Splendid Cities by? How many Ukrainian where trained during basic training courses? What is the address of the "Mourning Lincoln" event? What type of meals did the young woman share with Ms. Harper? What is being run? where DR. Fah spent her junior year ? Does the IRS ever initiate contact via email? What was Page Potter Reynolds wearing when Ms. Simpson photographed her? How many games had the Celtics won prior to matching up with the Lakers? How many Americans have been killed by spice? What game were the rangers preparing for? what does the entire legal battle center around? What college had an issue with donations from LGBT community? How can a person contact Dr. Lear with suggestions regarding his research? What was the name of the movie was shot with a dashboard-mounted video camera? How was the police's behaviour described as? What is Indian Railways? who ended up getting their way? What is the Great West Conference a mishmash of? What did the 2015 bill bar the Justice Department from doing to interfere with state marijuana laws? What kind of statements did Justice Kagan say that may be damaging enough? Where did the marriage ceremony of Dr. Louise Wong and Paul Whitfield the third take place? What could be the reason Google is the monopoly power in search? Who specifically might really like dinners at Noreetuh? What term did Mr. Bush use? When does it open? At the university of Rochester, who is the director of Russian studies? What did Mr. Kolesnik say? What seed are the Dayton Flyers? What famous Christmas son did Loesser write? What did Mrs. Clinton reportedly only use while secretary of state? Which two channels did the police raid? Who are in charge for the renewal project? What city did the media mention that made Porzingis grimace? Which race of women were being sterilized without their permission? What country were reports blocked in on Wednesday night? Which areas use more than their fair share of water? What sort of German companies often have big operations in the United States according to Mr. Jain? Who kept the papers that arrived from Croatia? What other extreme weather condition are the tourists familiar with? What percentage of NCAA women's hockey players self-reported concussions? What period is the image of Buddha from? What percent increase did Credit Agricole observe in net income from this year to last? Why were these emotions purposely conveyed in the subject of the passage? Who has the government been locked in intense battles with? How did Ukrainians greet the news? Approximately how much will the budget cuts be? What time does the Oliver Wolcott Library close on Saturdays? What company delivered my order? Who deserves their own evening? Who did Russian's invaded last year in unmarked unmarked unifrom? How many migrants does Germany expect this year? What does Ms. Ross work just as hard on as her show? What kind of show is the mini series, "Spiral?" Who was the Ukrainian officer? Which gallery has a organic and natural modern approach to furniture? Who opens fire on the Countess and Donovan? How did Mr. Obama commute sentences? What year was The Legend of Pale Male opened? Where did Cam Talbot get his second straight start? Which places passed this year sick leave policies? Which company's stock is worth more, Barnes & Noble or Netflix? How old was the baby? What did the middle class once believe? What is Orama's best prepared food? Who did not attend the auto show? What did they name the cubs? What do attorney generals do? What sport had the highest percentage of players who self-reported concussions among NCAA student athletes? What is largely responsible for decreasing the pace of inflation? What is the name of the terrorist group? What state did Eric Burlison claim that the legislation would draw business to? Which test can be a cost-saver for those whose heart attack was stopped thanks to a screening of cholesterol? Where was the voting age changed in recent years? What two Asian countries did Mr. Hatz speak of? According to the article, how many people hold the same wealth as the worlds 3.6 billion most impoverish people combined? What body of water do Jessie and Virginia play in? What does preventive health care cost rather than it saves? Where is Joan Shelley from? where did Mr. Constantine work after the radiator factory? Who was in charge of investment in London for Deutsche Bank? Who had a one man show on Broadway in 2013? what did Mr Abou Zeid say? Which newspaper tried to assess how well the candidates were doing? What instrument can Corey Robinson play? Why won't the FDA recommend using ethylene oxide sterilization regularly? What amount of Republicans supported Carly Fiorina? What did Daru refuse to do that Balducci required of him? What is the name of the resort owned by Wilkins? who parred the last 5 holes? What kind of students has the University of California been accepting fewer of? When is Juilliard String Quartet playing? What does Old expression does Leive equate not everyone feeling about their job? What happened in November? What border town did the convoy of army trucks deliver the barbed wire and construction equipment to? What were republicans trying to repeal? Who had had military attacks deplored on them? Who is the founder of Morning Star, a tomato processing plant? What type of college is Gordon College? Where is Itamar Harel a researcher? Who made the snail art? What park does Garcia do his running in? Which organization does Mr. Mellbin represent? What happened to two of the victim's sisters? when did Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher abolish tenure? What will be made for dinner? What american comedian actor do they like? Chemists were not able to explain how bonds were what during these chemical reactions? What was Johann Friedrich Bottger's trade How many R.B.I. did The Mets' pitchers earn? How many said they smoked cigarettes? Who is the youngest winner of the Ted Hughes Prize? What is the name of the executive director that resigned from the Fund for Public Schools? What was the cost of a three-bedroom property? What program is the novelist a graduate What league is facing litigation from former players? What store opened next door? What is Alfred Kaszniak's profession? Who was the judge for Mr. Fawwaz's trial? Who is Aleix jarvis? How many copies in South Korea has Secret Garden Sold? Porter Ale House Gastropub is located where? Which artist is featured in Roxbury's "Stillscapes" exhibit? How much did it cost to train the Ukrainian soldier? Who is Tim's wife visiting in the movie, "Digging for Fire"? How is Cromwell usually depicted by historians? When did she flee Europe? where is based drummond ? How long was the website down for? In the Hunger Games what character is played by Jennifer Lawrence? what is Ohio States ranking? In what town was a Kindergartner killed in his bed? What sate is mentioned in the last few sentences? Lamesa White and her children moved away from where? On what avenue does the Tracy Mansion reside? Where was the restaurant located? In which state did someone die from spice on Wednesday? What year did Lorraine's mother buy the North Slope townhouse? Who had edited or published Robert Hass, Guy Davenport, Wendell Berry, M.F.K. Fisher and Anne Lamott? what state is Scott Walker governor of? According to reports, how many months will Iranians have to wait before the sanctions are lifted? Which year did Gary A. Rizzo graduate from college? What did George say when offered to go to Princeton? What is Avenging Angelo's talent? What is the name of a character that is glum, pudgy blob? How much is the current reward for the safe return of Robert A. Levinson? Which Amendment did defense lawyers argue barred superseding state laws by the federal government? What Disney movie is the basis for Pan? Where are Clinton and Sanders competing in the opinion caucus? What happened to him? What is the name of the individual who explained the relevance of the organ to the Roman Catholic Church? What did a man use to film a New York city police officer? In what city or area is the market that was attacked? If the new bid fails to generate more enthusiasm, which city would get a last minute bid? What is Elektron What was the two teams in the game Mr. Camara was watching? Does the legislation reprimand groups on the basis of their religious beliefs? Who was this dinner focused on? Where is Josh Heupel coaching now? What museum holds the wartime collaboration records? Who is the President of Turkey? Name one popular app Google owns. Who is the singer for the Guys and Dolls performance? What is the real name of Scoop Rosenbaum? What was the score of the first game? Who talked about the new proposals for the Southern Tier? what judge rebuked the arguments? How many years did 2 of the men spend in prison? Who was injured? Who asked lawmakers to vote according to their districts' choices? What is PHA created by? Who was the early church separated from because of their views of sexuality? For how much longer will nearly ten thousand American troops remain in Afghanistan? How many people got sick from Legionnaire's disease? What country was the target of harsher sanctions? What's the name of Greece's backsliding exit? which war was the role jazz played during? Who can help defeat Boko Haram? Name a country that has diamond mines? Where is open mike night? What do people think of the image? Who is the host? What country could resume a military training agreement with Nigeria? Where can one view embroidery? At what time was the game originally scheduled to start? Why did the mother leave the baby in the manger? How frequently accident has been happening according to Mr. Ingresselino? What was "The Jones" rebranded as? Which studen mentioned that they were pleased to have real world education rather than book material? What other option do you have to hear a person's voice? In what league Gallardo in? What country needed instructions from the Americans? What is the main differentiator according to the author? What is closer to Europe than Tora Bora? Who is the PR representative for Mr. Abbas? What title was Cleveland and the Warriors competing for? What does Poblenou mean/stand for? What is difficult to find when a financial system implodes? What time was the Sunday game supposed to start? Besides Daryl, who took the stand against AT&T? What state is J. Patryce Design located in? What helps some business stay competitive that are available because of the refugees? What is the position of Deborah J Glick? How long was the news conference? What is the five-year plan called? Where is "An Epilogue for Otro Teatro: True Love" performed at? In what series does Mr. Lewis play Nicholas Brody? What country is this story set in? In what type of building is the museum located? What sex was the 8-year-old? What is the Hudson River Museum's website? How many seats were contested since they are controlled by the military? What area was Joseph Morelle a majority leader for Who spilled a cup of coffee on themselves? what was the cause of the depression of 70 million people? Who scored 18 points for Kentucky? What is Sheffield economic interest? Which state requires a public records request to view footage? What city does this story take place in? When was the last pavilion? Where was Mr. Sverstiuk exiled? How much is the Decide Now app? Who is the president of France's soccer federation? Where is the hospital located? Who thought Westbrook was a cat-dog? Of the people killed in the attack, were civilians targeted? who came in first in the Boston Marathon? What did Evelyn Roth do to stand up from the rest? Where does Dr. Kenneth Covinsky practice? Why couldn't the skis be redrilled for the bindings? What does the author think the plausible option because of the increase in price? The master runes seem to not be more useful than what runes? what rank do they posses after logging in last night? who could get MGE or DMG ranks before? what setting is the writer looking to change? Who would God smite? What can be done if the default specified do not match your seizure types? What is effective against Spectre? What is recommended to look at? What doesn't the female voice actress do to her character? Who won yesterday's poll? What does the monk use for weapons? Which team is predicted to win the world championship in 2016? What happens when the poster clicks the dialogue window? What part of problem resolution is the author struggling with? How many games are there where opposing teams visit California? What is the subject? What is the name of the author's main character? What does the poster think the problem is? What did they just start using again? How does the writer describe the final few wrestlers in the match? What kind of clearance are they asking about? What is the first campaign for? Which game is being discussed? Why cant they afford new skis? What should you be willing to put up with the Cirque du Freak series? Is their income consistent? What happens with the music if you don't save? Who mentioned "that unpleasantness after the aiel war" or "twenty years ago"? what game is the writer having problems with cut scene stuttering using the external hdd? What trouble is the poster having with the sync function? After staying at the hostel, where are they planning to go the next day? Who was spoken to after the game? What does the school use instead of a firewall? Why are long seasons not preferable? How many poos are green each day? Does a deleted save appear in the recycle bin? How much of a delay does the user see in their stream? What variety of games did they play? What is laggy on the phone? What kind of internet speed does this person currently struggle with? What makes warp prisms easy to handle? How long does it take for a spear to disappear? Who has been a threat in getting John's password? Who is the first person on the phone for the service department? How long did the author wait to get the belt? What can you not do to this button that you should be able to do to it? what is the name of the type of script used? What does the author not know what to do with? Where can the video no longer be found? What version of windows does the writer want to know about? How does the commenter describe the dubbed shows? Name the three things the writer is looking to better about themself as far as art? How long will the poster stay on Reddit? Am I following the proper cancellation procedure? How uncomfortable is sitting in the chair? What are most people at the writer's LGS heavily into? Which characters does he think the event will include? What did they do to their phone? how many perks perks do people in high level games usually use? What have they unlocked so far? What color is the writers hair? What issue do I have? What does this person want to send to his friend? How many people have owned a franchise for over 20 years? What do you risk if you become a member of TSCC? What happened to Unknown0x01's internet? When did he possibly break it? What is the date on the Kar98k? What does the Teensy do? How does the Parallel Convergence attack work? What does the author wish to start? What does the writer think Atheism is similar to? What does the EC build it's regulations around to avoid overlap? What does the discord randomly go back to? What nationality team is being sought by the writer? Where does Science Showoff take place? What does the commenter dislike about the dubbed versions of the show? What game is the writer talking about? What are the documentaries about? What does the poster hope to achieve with a solution? What does Plasma Torpedoes Deathrain contain? What did the author have maxed out? Where did Willrow Hood return to when he thought it was no longer dangerous to do so? Which game has a trailer coming out? Why hasn't the gamer used any expansions on Sims 3? In November, what was this person's highest rank? Which credit card is it for this person? How often does the user use his forehand? What is the limit on international players? What is the author looking forward to meeting while on their trip? What is encouraged by Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo? Who will fight death? How far can a standard RC vehicle go, if air controlled? Mumen Rider is riding what? What animal does the writer quote for storing water in its body? what race is the gamer playing? What version of The Predatory Female missing a page? What was narrowed down for reasons of being liked more? What is the author sick with? What kind of wedding does the bride want? What does this person think has become normal? What mode does the first adapter run in? Which prestige was the gamer's level in BO3? When did the topic of The Obama Student Loan Forgiveness Program come up? how did the player find out about how many afks where on his team? What issue is that author experiencing? What are they replacing? What is the problem with the Lilmothiit compared to other kingdoms? What have they not been able to clean up? how many miles are on the writers vehicle? What link do they want to make it easier to look up? What career field does the author want to get back into? What is the default in-game sensitivity? What type of show did this user buy Netflix for? Why should Steven have been acquitted? What level expert is the user? What is this player's id? How much does the letter say he owes? how much money did the writer spend on fragrances? How many steps are listed? How is the author getting stuck in the game? According to the writer what sucks for English support in foreign countries? What does gaming represent to the author? Where does Smeagol accidentally bring the ring? How much is the commercial drink per ml? What issues are with the usage? What results did they expect to achieve by this point? What was the result of creating a partitionin windows for Mac? If light is absorbed in material as heat then what must be lost? What type of aligning has the writer tried? What is the author considering getting? Who should you hire to clean your windows? How much is the posters Lowes card worth? What is the name of the game that the author owns that fits the criteria of what he is interested in? What is the first topic that will be discussed in this program? What is the issue with the firearm side mount? How many games had afks on the player's team? Which log has the poster consulted? What is he trying to install? What material did the author need advice on? The author wants to know if they should visit islands on which side of the peninsula? What penalty did the author incur? What should you wear on your hands? How should you sort? what type of armor was the writer having trouble obtaining? Who goes into the secret global chat? What type of friends does this person have? What event did the poster learn about tonight? What name of development tool should this laptop be able to handle? What operating system is the user running? What has been happening to the coils on the RDA? What kind of Lord's philosophy does the author question? What can the Withholding Calculator help with? What list can they not find their model number on? what type of OS does the user have? What device of the posters has an optical port? What do they spawn? What is the first feature the user wants to add? where did this thread idea copied from? What are the floors made of? What is considered to be a drug? Where did they first attempt to activate the device? What is the name of the person that talks over the song? What are some of the user's favorite games? What holiday does this post take place on? What kind of car does the person have? What are people digging for? What type of group do they want to join? What does the person want tutorials to teach? who chelsea was playing against ? What did the author ask the phone system to send to him? What type of information is the student looking for? What are some reasons organizations fail How long have I been off keto? What are the algorithms that Dystopia is composed of? What is the problem? What is being replaced on the bike? What is the first question? Where is the speaker living now? What water sport does this person play? What format of information would they like? What is being discussed in this post? What is this person looking for? What else did he tried to solve the lagging problem? Who's last name was intentionally hidden? How do they want their website to look? which was a shitty game? Does this person mind coaching lower level players? What specifically is happening for the freeze? What platform is the author using? How long does the company plan to review GagStrategists' Twitch channel? What is something that he hasn't yet tried in order to resolve the issue? do he compare his gf physical attractiveness with other girls? How much did my all-in-one cost me? How much did the game cost? What idea would make the game more interesting for this gamer? What meal does this person not know how to plan well? What is the gender of the gamer in question? What kind of car is for sale? Did they try a new HDMI plug? What kind of car has the author used since three months ago? What type of check is the author doing? The writer asks if you can prosecute who for increasing auto insurance premiums? When do treads seem to be most important? What is your primary issue with the Mayport 4 port adapter? How long have I been trying to figure this out? What happens after 25 seconds? what is the age of his gf ? How old is the user? What do the endpoints possess? What are they playing? Are they paid extra for working on holidays? What level is xXParkboboXx? When did the poster start trials? What is the steam group name? What is the author losing her faith in? What was the writer's favorite part of the game? Master Chief is also known as what? Why didn't he think Broly was LR? What was the condition of my HDMI cable? What did the author post before any card was made? What icon displays while playing a game? What is the highest degree the author obtained? How long do seasons last right now? Who has better resliance? How is this person preparing fot he MMI? To consolidate and finance Northern European Style benefits, how much times do middle class effective tax rates need to increase by? When did Wrestlemania 27 take place? How long did the original one last? After finding the order, what happened when the buyer tried to download some of the order files? What is the debate about? What time seems to be busier than usual? What has been very stressful for the author? In what year does this person want S corp to reimburse expenses from 2015? Where is Harry Potter's bedroom located jokingly in the poster's new house? What does the Epiphany Cardio Server's login page mess up? Where did the kid in the music video go to make his music? What event is being discussed? Where was the author during winter break what are Gold II's biggest problems? How much karma is require to contribute to the wiki? How old is the author? Where has the author looked so far? How many people were in the chat after the second edit? What kind of advice is the poster looking for? what basic cut are they thinking of also? What deck runs a playset of inquisitions? What is the author looking at without help? What is being asked in regards to popularity? Which film is this person going to write a review about? What wasn't connected to the homegroup? What is near the cat in the photo? What type of UI does he wish to use? What does the mother think will happen if someone falls asleep while doing laundry? Who left reddit? What is the study about? Full heals without heavy pricing is what kind of idea? What kind of help is the poster looking for? What does the author want to build for the following spring? what grades did the writer get math classes? What does this person want to buy? what does the gamer click? Where did most people want the meetup to take place? What skill are the friends bragging about? Who has been overcharging the author? What is this person celebrating today? By what date will judging happen? How many directions are on the poster's D-pad? What platform was the game played on? What is the other going to buy during the next session? What is missing? For what purpose does this person need assistance? What is the topic of this paragraph? What type of vaping are they going to do? How much storage capacity did the USB device have? How long did Fallout 4 take to download? What is the GBU of the poster's computer? What is all but official? what new things will I get elsewhere after college? Who currently makes this person's monthly payments? how much weight can the writer squat? When does the giveaway happen? Which mission is the author having trouble with? What kind of granola did this person want to try? What type of skin flare up are they experiencing? What do you have to do on Glyph once the game starts? Where can you find armor that you don't have? What size Cross Trainer is the buyer looking for? When the portal appears, what do they do? Who made the tutorial that this person mentions? What directory are the files with the problem in? How sizable are the strides that gaming has taken over time? Is the author considering a laptop alternative? Who wrote Britannia? What are they interested in buying? What are the two options for inexperienced sellers? What company made the vehicle discussed? How would he get headaches? What is Condensed Gaming looking for? Who is Arlovski fighting? Who had made a plan to achieve victory using a wildfire? What does the blunderbuss stagger? Until when do I plan to keep the story under wraps? What was the score between Norwich Vs Southampton? Why does the author want to improve his passing skills? How long was the flight? What game are they trying to get translated into French? What status are they hoping to get? Why is the poster not 100%? The store model this person is interested in takes in about how much money in dollars? What was their hair like when it was long? What is the permanent color of the broken phone's screen? what would be considered a vertical that ins't as steep? How much did he earn for acting in the year stated? what type of xbox one controller is the writer asking for help with? when has this problem started occurring for user? How much money is he looking to save? The author is using a free wordpress template hosted on what site? What perspectives of history if the author specifically interested in? What kind of God is Dakuwut referred to? How long were the apples there? Who is Amber Nash? The poem deals with what two things? What player is the user most like? What has the user been toying around with? How much did the mother think would have been a better amount for a scholarship than what they received? Where did they find no solutions? What does the writer currently have as their main EDC? Which player had the least consensus? Who should be important in the movie that the poster wants recommended? How much did the Kenwood KD-9XB sell for on eBay? Who plays Tom Haverford? What do they want to know? What is their political affiliation? What information won't the unique number identifier let the user find? What type of computer is this individual using? What is the author wondering in regards to the vape? What type of sound system does the roommate own? The author mentioned that their height is what? What show is Aziz from? How much inherentice did he get? What book is the author considering moving to? Regardless of all its debt, what country is still the world's leading Growth Engine? What level did the gamer reach before his data was lost? What type of laptop are they struggling to connect the Fitbit to? What important aspect of the game is missing according to the author? What do they currently own? What is the writer wearing? What doesn't give end tier items? What is broken? Do the male chinchillas fight? What format is the video in? How did the speaker try to fix it? What is the author's hair color now? What has a stuttering issue? which holiday is specified? Which match is this? What hobby does this person offer as a conversation starter? What subreddit was this posted to? How many times do I plan to run a week? One snapshot is called Exploding what? What year do they want to return to modeling? What weapon do they want in the game? When will the games start? Which culture is being discussed? What gender does this person identify as? What type of the watch was the user given for Christmas? Have they read the sidebar and rules? What is the second airline the author is flying? How long is the Bristlenose bought? What is the author's thesis based on? What is the brand of headphones being discussed? Where did Tom go after paying respects to his deceased father? Who were the contest winners? What is the writer's credit score? What switches from major to minor in certain places? what problem did the game have before the writer got a new computer? What is one type of drink given as an example? What helps exposure of the sub? What is good for setting lipstick again? What is the new pi0 owner doing? Can you market a product when using the Giveaway Thread? What type of footwear will the writer wear? How many subscribers is the channel approaching? what type of adapter is the writer using? What is the CPU model listed? How will the poster provide more info? Who was Warhols famous accomplice? Where is the person moving? Who are they considering switching from? What charity letter trick are they trying to replicate? What is described as slender? What headphones did the person previously use? What are we in need of? Which presidential race is mentioned when the author admits to making an error? What game are they playing? When will the author resume their challenge? What is the first saga listed? What did the writer do in the match they played after they slid? What is the most important difference between vehicles? Around what age did the author first play the game? What kind of stimulation does engineering provides? What is a medium risk investment? What saga is mentioned other than the Arek saga? What year is this written? What year is his current car? what is the onsie picking up moisture from? The writer gave what nickname to the person who named him their heir? How much duration triggers such malfunction? Is this contest closed or open? What type of server have they been playing on? When was the book club meeting? Where do people complain about ChemicalServices customer service? What was the game he used to play like? What does this individual know about Ryune/I&I? How many years did the hard drive last the writer? What is included in the initial link? Which orientation does this person desire their sidebar image to be in? Are they playing single player or co-op? Who did they report to? Where does the writer live? Why were they interested in a possible scientific explanation for the dream? What is the primary question they have? Who's guitar was it? What did the author just buy for cooking? After turning on the computer and getting onto the internet what did Tom do? How many dogs did she have when she died? What subreddit did the writer find the server on? How did you find out about Kingdom Hearts? Did the player have disconnection issues last night? in the book the writer wants to find what would human have found in space? What kind of games does the gamer play? What did they get back into after Legacy? Who is being asked for feedback? Which period just ended before the player started to pick the game up again? What kind of game was it? what save editor did they use? name a challenge that the speaker already completed? How many pounds does the rocket weigh? Why does Gideon make a deal to help Bill? Are the prizes larger or smaller than previously? What person or party worked a lot of this project? What is an example of a portable? Which two services does the person seek assistance with in the post? What different levels has he not thought about? Why was Arcation laughed at? What crime is at issue here? When can a gamer use "Edit Sim in CAS'? What is the nationality of the person? Where did they park their raft? What type of grass has been used in the past? Why was the GPU left out? What is the max dino level? What grift is their Crusader? What ranking was the first deranked to? The doctor gave you a pill because your what hurt? what else is wanted besides an ordered list? Instead of being a player, what does Samuel aspire to? what category of magic has the writer put most of their points into? Does the ChefSteps Joule device have controls on it? What build type does he compare his build to? What month was the car bought? What kind of condition are the books in? What needs to be proven? What does PositiveBalance remove? What does the studio do automatically? What is changing? Why is Carroll a bad choice for England? What happens when the user queues with friends? What game was the person hyped to play on its own? Is the writer disabled? Which brands of turntables are being compared? How long until I got a call back about Puppy? What is looking like the best show option? What doesn't Talon do? what type of data are you using? How many pounds does Google say a regular sperm whale weighs? What holiday was being celebrated? What kind of build is this player working with? What is the author's life ambition? What does the author wonder about making a return? what relic tinture does the writer currently have? What does the user say in his audio test? What is the author trying to verify? You were to inherit how much money? What game does the user wish to return back to? How many people are coming to the author's wedding? when will the podcast go up? What is the name of the journeyman Jedi? What kind of company does this person work for? What is the first question the person asked? Who has increased his goals/game in la Liga? What certificate of training does the writer hold? Light speed gets slow while in what? What is unavailable? What was troubling when building the pc? The dilemma includes finishing up how many years of German? What kind of keys is the buyer looking for? What does the author enter in addition to the Username before pressing "Sign in"? What did the user buy online? What have they not had in 8 years? How much does the protractor cost? what kind of makeup do they use now? What is the normal size they buy? Who placed the crown on the Kaiser' Frederick III head? What is the issue the author is having? What kind of organization are they looking for? What resolution does this person intend to stay at for now? How much did they spend? What dates did the races take place? Why did I feel hugged and love the feeling? Who is the author worried about? What will winners be asked for? What was the name of the Add-on helped the poster solve the problem in Microsoft excel? Does Norman like black coffee? What is being described as thought of as possible outdated? Does she really want to get back into IT? What is the main topic being discussed by the author? What are the specs for my all-in-one? What would they like to do? Who did the author forget to mention psoriasis too? What did this person do to his decks when the meta picked up again? On what date is the Baylor game? What has natural body movement shake? Where is the player from? What do they like to focus on? What is the name of the videogame being discussed? what kinds of recipes are requested? What is the game in question that the player wants information about? When is the release date of Kenobi? What type of file is the user hoping to convert? Which rule am I worried about being affected? What country is the author touring in? Where can various Pueblos be found? Which part of the game does this person really like? What does this person need advice on? This person recently came back to play after the second week of what? What is a fix that the user definitely does not want? Where can the person get free shipping from? Where did the author search for answers to his question? How do the One and the Elite controllers differ? What do they hope for the new year? How long have they had a skin condition for? What game is the speaker playing? What bugged him about Harry Flynn? What holiday is it? How many calories are being reported while working but not exercising? Where is the author' first travelling to? What two seasons does the area have that the player is in? How old is the cat? What else did they do? Teresa worked for what magazine? How does Nintendo sell its games? What version of Dangan Ronpa was played? What app did he recently switch to? What is the poster willing to do? Is the author avoiding redundant statements? What color is the input button? Is it noticeable? What is this couple's combined monthly take home pay? Did the characters try to avoid their death? What have they read about mismatched carry handles? How long later are they at 261mg/dL What sporting event is going to occur? What game are they playing? What are the challenges that the poster has identified in making a full games? To what incident does this relate to? What time zone is this person in? What are they doing if they get more than 4 players? What is this person's budget? Who deleted this comment? The desired title of the poem is a play on what legal term? What did user get for Christmas? Why did the Sheriff's department rescue itself from investigating the crime scene? What type of carry handle is being used? what is the name of the squad? How many accounts does the PS4 allow for? What will members put first, before their own spouse, children or themselves? What sort of lower garments would the poster typically wear? What did the user recently start learning to play? Whats the best way to innovate ideas where was he going on new year eve? What is the name of the kingdom? What country to Condensed Gaming prefered you to be from? A company is more likely to hire a candidate who went to what type of school? If you're ever in need of support how can you get in touch with the Blizzard Support team? What will guide you during the finally setting up of the device? What kind of credit does this person have? Did this person lose a discount to their current insurance? How long was the author out of internet? Paul does what to see his self in a new light? What is the writer asking to do about the Blitzen Incident? Which feature is the author searching for on personal finance apps? What does author's concerns regard? What kind of thermal paste is this person including? What did the writer actually think of Lisi's dance? What brand vehicle is being discussed? the build the writer is planning is going to use what kind of armor? What lens is not wide enough for the user when taking landscapes? Are there any other symptoms mentioned by the author? What is the slang for Seahawks? What did the boy do after being poked in the eye with an umbrella? How many games should you look at for your self reflection? How much do the books cost with the shipping? What show is host Christian Duguary from? What feature would the speaker like access to? What was pictured on the band's album art? What happens when you reduce your calorie intake? For what date is this daily discussion thread? The AI allows the author to get an easy-win with a low-level what? In what sport is Baylor playing against Kansas? How many characters will take on the duo in round 3? what was the cow put back together with? One can do what in regard to spots on the described game? What is the game mode in question that is being compared against others? What will the coach do, if necessary? What YouTuber won the award? Who is on the player review team, besides KamaFlare? What was the state of the connections when they were checked? Which place does the writer mention as an example of taking a trek in? What's wrong with the Chromebook? How big is the class? How far are they into the first book? What has my boyfriend wanted? Why hasn't the author been able to find any books yet? What gears does the author use before releasing the clutch? What program is this student applying to? Which character type are they using? What was uninstalled and reinstalled to try and fix the issue? The author wants to utilize what? How many apps are stuck on the recently used apps page of the home screen? In what city does the person live in? How long is the undergrad research project? Which J P raid boss is a pushover? What was the prototype's engine originally designed for? What playlist suggestions is the poster looking for? When did the mystery game come out? Is fluoride dangerous? What unsuppressed weapon was the Jager shooting? The writer claims that without Hinduism, Indian mentality is left with what? what team did the podcast primarily discus? What is the author looking to gain information on? What type of surface should the toypad not rest on? What is the name of the ninja? Where was the megathread posted? Which two games have numbers in the titles? What could make them paranoid? What is the topic of the post? What does author think is highly underrated? What has been a hot topic of many people, poster included, according to the passage? How many players is the EU team looking for What kind of vacuum did the writer purchase? How much points do you need to atleast get two characters? What was seen across the users stomach? What level has the commenter achieved in the game? What error code is the user receiving? What is their gamer tag? The writer was able to escape by causing what in the prison? What color chelseas have been sought after? Who rules? How many minutes is the professional gaming segment? Who are the suspects in MaM? how many guild points does the rising offer? When will the author fly to Bangkok? Why should you stud your tires, according to the author? What was the player wondering? What aspect of the Inquisitor character does the commenter want to restore? what type of xbox one controller is the writer asking for help with? What did he want to build? What scene does he have a question about? What appliances does this person not own? what race of healer does the writer want to know about? What does this poster want? What kind of camera is the SD card in? After the prefix, how many characters does this person have to work with? Where does the writer get their rewards program through? How many transactions were noticed that this person didn't make? How long has the author been doing the exercise? What prevented cards from being inserted into the camera? Who farts in their sleep? They advise not looking at what? What is the name of one of the episodes? How much memory does the system have? What new position does the author have at work? Which app is the narrator having difficulties with? what did he suggests? How much snow was on the ground? who wrote the story? Why doesn't the poster think there is a problem? How much do they want to push the diver to be able to go? What did they not like that came on their LE6920SOCOM? What is the the writer doing in this paragraph? Who is suppose to be elf in the comic? Which fish is Dakuwut represented by? How long is the simmer step? What game is losing players at an alarming rate? What did the person feel like doing? What month do they not want to be paying more for? What kind of account are they trying to set up? What company makes the fake driver licenses? What restriction does the author have for posted pictures? What was revealed when Super Mario Maker was announced? Who doesn't play Rainbow Rush anymore? What type of shots does the author like the idea of using? What OS is the writer using on their computer? Who lost the bet? What manufacturer is the Pavilion Signature computer? What is the problem I am having? Who is the ruler of the tribe of Lilmothiit? Where can't they find any information? The author describes their aunt's New Year's send as what? What kind of Theater System did the author receive? Who is the person who shows up as a delinquent account? What is his username? What does the author describe becoming apparent after a "sick play"? When is NC dominant? What is the current state of the design? What can the speaker work with besides jquery and react? What kind of friend is enquired about? what is the poster changing diets to? Which character does the author of this comment think is more iconic? What did the author lose interest in? How many clients do the writer have for the cleaning services? What does the author plan to do if they sell their product? In what country did this person find a similar store? What is 1 element of a successful deck? Who was it that cast the Dark Mark? What I haven't build? What type of pump is the author needing? Who is telling the poster about problems while he/she is streaming? Where was the author unable to find the band? The writer vows to reunite the region through waging war against what? What are the ratings of the players in his team? How many MB of storage does the game need to work? What does the person have? Why is the commenter concerned about the rules on the subreddit? How many years has the user been using an i5 for? What kind of putter is this player> What is this person planning to flip? Whats the first question brought up? What did the author initially do? What kind of motherboards do these questions pertain to? How many main objectives will be in the campaign? What is trying to be replaced? What is the sessionID mentioned in the article? The author wants to know if it is possible to do what for private posts? How do you get into the ranking according to what the author has read? does the poster already know the solution? What is ArmA 3? What could use some guidance? What is causing an issue with the laptop? how much does the writer need to pay their bills? What ingredients did the author said he used to braised the bone-in chicken thigh? The author is asking about the diminished chord because of noticing what in the chord? How many friends is the author meeting? How did they know that they had poked someone in the eye? What troubles am I facing? What type of CPU does he have? What year is this car from? How often can the poster take out another jet? What does this person use their tattered backpack to transport? Sherry Zhukov is part of whose releases? What year was the Treaty of Turin published? How many matches was the player able to play during their initial search? Who is the film inspired by? Which dungeon is this individual's friend currently at in normals? If a user wants to see as many people's opinions, what should they do? What type fo area in Bristol are they looking to move to? What is the author doing for the first time in a few years? What is too far to carry a signal without a pre-amp? Where are they travelling to? What else would the person be willing to trade for? What malfunction is causing the author problems? What is the writer's name? What items have high price tags? What is the main issue? What does the author want to do with his/her contract? What is one of the questions asked? What is the poster deciding between? What is the posters IGM name? What was the argument? What does this person find after testing Blightsteel? What can Riven not prevent? How often is Steam crashing for the writer? What type of music was tired of the western civilization? Lux Aeterna says it wants to make the community what? What has the author done because they do not want to lose their game? What type of camera does this person shoot with? Where did first want to hike? what relic ring does the writer currently have? What time is the game in question? Who thinks that you are innocent? What would you call a mathematical method for selling? What is the name of the month long exhibit? What happens if you leave the lobby and requee? What kind of watch was it that they bought? What must be preserved to validate the use of advanced tools and detection techniques? In how many months do they plan to get volunteers? What is still set within the author's game? What level is required to complete the Foggy Dilemma mission? What does this person say that we should prepare ourselves for? What happens to the pin after firing matches? Where did the person want to trade? What do you have to do during a long wait in the warm-ups? What type of wireless router is owned? What would you be getting paid to transport? Who was in japan at the onset of wwII what does the writer think will help people know whats going on in the server? What is this person going to do if they receive another error? What are the card drivers not recognizing? Why does he not like Tabasco? What kind of place were the people living in the film? What did the writer earn last January? How many posts can you make? where are the ancient mountains? What kind of game character did they see? What two things did the speaker complete? What kind of email account does John have? Who is becoming the head of the play division? Who did we purchase a nerf gun for? The author is playing the game as what group? What should you do if you paid money and don't like the game? Within how many hours will the feature activate before an event ends? What type of micro-controller is being used? How long ago was the post? Why do people alt-tab and do something else in warmups? Where are they studying? What is the highest frame variance the user has seen? What is the name of the being that fans are critical of? How old is the writer's credit history? How much did the poster spend on the item he's trying to sell? Was FFE the unsafest way to expo through the entirety in PvZ? What anime did this person watch a few years ago? Which three venues featured the show "Gandhi is that you?" Who was watching porn? What is the user having an issue with? What type pf appointment do they have mid- month? What community awarded redditors awards? Which was another previous house of the week? How long has the RDA been used? what level is the person who created this post? What should you buy new in your home? What is their second choice of class? What did the writer get for Christmas? How do the other games perform? What item is needed to count steps? what did he found on youtube? Streams work normally on what browsers? Is the sizing standard? What broke off inside of the camera? Why didn't the poster want to mentioned which team he is a fan of? What manga characters would the person like to see? What is this player looking for? What tripod does the user already use? What does the author think has to do with character preference? What is the author unable to do? what did the author plan to read each week? Where did the author hear the band first? What kind of video card do you have? What size bra should the poster be wearing according to the calculator? How long does the product last? What is a new style of bulb that will come out? What is the model number of the wireless router owned? How often does the author's aunt send? How can other people access the study guide that the writer is making available to them? What is the main question? What is the general problem being asked? Are the poster's parts rare or common? Why is the author selling the belt? Would it solve some PvE issues? What aren't they able to find in Mint? What kind of bills did the person need to pay in 2015? The author is looking for ____ Support. What were the author's resolutions? What type of gaming headset does the poster mention? Which aspects of the frame rate are okay? Which two countries were involved in the Treaty of Turin? What team do the kings play against in February? How long ago were they contacted by a recruiter? Who will determine the winner? The writer believes he made a terrible deal because he traded away what for one year? What does the painter want to see more of that they cant pass up? How much is the author looking to spend? Ask a question. Get an answer. Discuss the answer. Can you do anything else in this thread? What have different subtitle options? What is the second destination? What is paired with the vest? How long would the problem with your computer persist? Who did Lukaku assist? What is the name of the editor mentioned in this paragraph. What school are they applying to? What is poster concerned with going to a larger screen What does Stronglifts recommend per week for a good regimen? What"s the name of the 3 systems? What type of tank is this user occasionally forced to play? What type character was on cover? What will the images be used for? What company produced the router? The author describes what word as being used frequently currently? what day of the week is the poster looking to do the heist? What method will they use to send the code? Does the author want photos of any obscured areas? which two technology venues does the writer of the passage want to use to work with their buddy? What FPS is arma 3 ranging in the city? The writer asks where is who? Why cant he get Gotsumon? Who is Botacyl? How many minutes did Grant play in the last two games, respectively? What division in CSGO has seen a surge of new players? Where will the vacation finish? What has the user tried besides different browsers and a cellphone? Do C or D men's indoor soccer leagues require experience? What video game was this mystery game similar to? Who had a growing giant? Between what times in the film is the writer interested? What did Kylo Ren say? What has the potential to break the game for the author? What kind of fashion does Mary Grace Swimwear sell? What type of deals will the seller only take? What type of material does the author need help with in making the flag? What color is the Janiter box? What is another the reason the writer is doing a water fast? What are they wanting? What did Infamous win? What location will the potential swap take place at? What action causes the user's error? What type of account is this? What did the author initially think of the headaches, to what did the author related it to? What type of work are they offering to finish? Which airline lost the writer's bag? What game is being referred to? How many days have they been having connection issues for? Did the music also include something else besides songs? How will Aquaman get "street Cred" in the comic world? How long has the lock box been sitting there? Where does the poster live? What is the context the author refers too? What turrets seem descent? What kind of interface is it wanted that MFR Planter use? What do they focus on when they play supportive role? what size light fixture bracket does the writer wish to mount? What got added when he rolled a 100 on a D100? What kind of topics are welcome? what country's apps is the writer looking to use? which sub did the people that were downvoting and reporting come from? Who is unknown in France? What platform is the gift on? What is the SMPL? What is the person proud of? Is there any natural formation on the path of the commute? When the next bracket launches, what will it be called? Was the tube heater running okay for awhile before now? What happened to their dad? what platform is the player having trouble with? Where does he live? The author thinks that what is cool? What are you too busy thinking about upon returning from a long day in the mountain? Who did the author visit for the weekend? What platforms do I use? Who is this individual thinking of recommending to his friend? What new gear is the diver interested in buying? Where are they interested in male modeling? What type of shoes is this referring to? What types of monitors are these? What type of game was available for the Portal 2 release? How many mg/dL are they at? How old is this person? What happens when you interrupt a foe? What type of game is the described game thought to be? What have i tried using? What is fine on the phone? How are they preparing to return to modeling? The LL Bean Hikelite poles may have been mangled by a what? What level in arena is required to join the rising guild? What do you need to create a coinbase account? When are they going back to work? Is this mini-ethnography a finished past project or one that is now being done? What instrument did the author play? Who can Interrupt Darius? What percent structural failure do bricks have? what was the writer admitted for? Being without what is tough? What PR has the poster's Mustang breached? What platform has the person been wanting to play lately? How many pipes does the seller own? What type of characters are described on the cover? What geographic region does the author refer to? Without any new features, the coupes are more expensive in the base V6, EcoBoost, and what? What has been staged for you? According to the writer, are all living reptiles endothermic? What language is required to become a member of Condensed Gaming? What do artists like soundcloud the most? What will Apple be doing to the phone? How are the technicians paid? what size external hdd did the writer connect to their xbox? Who is the owner of STC Records? What did the interviewer offer to doctor? what type of vest is the player using currently? The poster warns readers not to post what in the thread? What can setting the vehicle sensitivity too low make happen? Where did the family want to start their trip? how fast is the connection for the non-computer devices? What does he think is more valuable than gift cards because it's universal? What is the player's understanding of black market weapons? What does the history channel showcase? How long do they plan for a short highlands walk? Why did she leave the last relationship? What was their goal for white slugs this week? what is the list going to consist of How is next seasons spin being determined? What happens when the author sleeps on his/her left side? What is the author checking for? What is the gem used to make the staff? What is hidden in the women's undies? does the player think its a new idea? How many units were in the complex? How much money did the author deposit in June of 2015? Which two fields would the poster like to get a master degree in? What time would the person like to run a half marathon under? What kind of thread is the post? When did they get a new monitor? What type of screenshot must your provide? What does psoriasis normally cause the author? What did the person receive for Christmas? What does the tablet currently run? What was the name of the girl that this person met? Can you be successful with cold hands? What device are they having issues getting updates on? What is the problem that the gamer is having? What can the authors zoom into? Have they tried google? What is the overall topic of this passage? What item costs 143.99? How long did the writer hold the #4 spot? What is more expensive that Aniplex blu-rays? What was removed? The author is having huge what by using Bard? who is an altmer? How do I roll with the punches? When are auditions being held? What version is runtime? where did the man find the black crystal? The author is a newer what owner? What is French for female duck? What level is the writer at? What is one thing that the gamer does not like about Sims 4? What do you click on the start menu? What did they attempt to set the boot priority to in order to escape the repair loop? What problem has the poster been working on? Where is the location of professionals that the author wants to shadow? What product is the poster looking for? The author thinks that what is cool? What does the crystal teleport no longer have? For how long does the writer suggest 4/5 yr old should play with the toys? When is the author visiting the specified place? What feature makes Tom Hardy God like? What is there cumulative GPA? What were people doing the with given direct link? Why did they choose those particular character types? What version of windows does the laptop run? What are some of the artistic terms the author would like reflected? What question is the speaker wanting to answer? A small group in this game might be called what? What did my friend give me? What application are they using? What game has the user played for over a year? What is force acting on the crate? What did the author think you could pick up while playing? What alternate activity does this user take instead of playing the game? What contains information on North American Indians? What is there highschool marks? What happens when trying to boot from the usb drive What does not exist on the authors model? What was it tested on? How long has it been since the individual logged in and played regularly? What game was being played? What is the name of the printer used to print the rocket? What do you need to prove before you are granted membership? What did his owner spend money on that Kirby doesn't use? How many times a week have they contacted them to get the lock box? To whom did this person speak to about the ETA of their NBN? What was the message when they signed in today? What seems to create a greater impact? How often would the players' positions be changed? what type of computer does the player play on? What TV is the author considering purchasing? What type of TV stations are affected? What do they not have? What did the phone do after the first days after purchasing it? How much money does this person want to spend? What type of problem is the author struggling with? The desired logs are for what season? The writer claims he experienced what during his imprisonment? What card does this person want to start with? How long has the lockbox been left? What was the author looking to access? What is the problem with the xbox one external hard drive? Who is the user waiting on to cooperate? How long will the author be in Dublin for? Is the author interested in acquiring a laptop? For how long has the poster been playing? how much is the iPhone 6 being offered for? How long have they been together? What did Hot Toddies and Maseratis lead the author to? What tower is the closest to the poster? What does the writer want a book about? Where in Texas will the wedding be held? What programs is the user looking for in Dropbox? Which problem has been identified with the modem? How far can a standard RC vehicle go, if ground controlled? What has a lot of bloat ware that would have to be uninstalled? What type of credit card was this person applying for? The author has a question with what? When is the contest? What should players be allowed to customize color-wise? How many wins has the poster gotten? Do they know english? How much is the writer's cabin worth? What was the video I watched about? What is the main question the author wants to know? How many wisdom teeth does the speaker have to get out? Who did the DA feed information to about the alleged guilt of the suspects? where did the writer get his SEM training from? What is the name of the app? What are they planning a build for? How many skeletons/clanrats/zombies do they not want to buy/paint? How many TWOW books have been covered in the show? which video has been seen several time now ? what years holiday red cups faced criticism? What did this person major in? What is the objective of the subreddit? how many pages a week are expected to be read? are they compatible in every other aspect? How long has the problem lasted? What is the main topic of this paragraph? what does the climber need to be under to be safe? Where did they look for answers first? What was Teresa's profession? How much does it cost for handling? Most importantly does the game have what? Who really helps with farming, making it much easier? Who is the author of Ghost? What is put together? What does the person want to automate? What is the poster looking to do in order to be prepared should a situation arise? How do I match up the dealership's pay rate for the type of the work the technicians do? What year is this person mostly speculating about? What kind of script is idle infantry? What are they looking for about farming? what animals were happy? What group of people does she pose her tax question to? What game did the player play when they were younger? what is the writer worried they will cross the line into in public? Where did they move out from? What is the problem with the ELO system in CSGO? What kind of phone did the user have? What was the cpu temp? What can the author's company points be turned in for? What window needs to be moved? What does the mid laner fail to do that upsets this user? What year is the newer version of toa that is discussed? Who is the cause of the 0s on the board? What happens with the chat window? what does the poster hope they can skip? What combo is referred to by the poster? what program is the writer trying to use the controller with? How much cash did the buyer pay? What will send your camera spinning? What game is this person new to? What experience does the previous person have? What was the person looking to replace? What does this poster want to do with her/his webcam? What type of developing experience do they posses? What can they not access? What kind of activity does this person want to do in the game? Is this person going to overclock their computer? What is one thing you have tried to do to fix it? Could they still hear the game sounds? What did they attempt to use to solve the issue, but only made it worse? Which movie is the poster hoping to find that is similar to it How long has it been since they played? Are the chinchillas in seperate cages? How did he drink his coffee now? When will the livestream start that reveals the winners? How many people are allowed a partnership position? What does the Kanger SubTank have that makes the battery fail? What does the sensitivity revert to? What has user already done? What item does they want to buy? How many Mbps is the author getting from their modem? What subject did the author explain about asking information for? What is the problem mentioned? What benefit would the Dhimmi give to the player? How many miles are on our XC90 T6 What computer languages does the job at Microsoft require experience in? What kind of sheet is giving this person problems? What can people win? What does the writer say he got back into wrestling for? How many wipers does a Klein mm200 have? What season season of Survivor got them back into watching it? What quest did they just started? what does the writer think is to blame for his pens blotting problems? What was used to dry the laptop? What age is Villain 2? What condition is the pipe for sell in? What was the last episode of Gintama that this person watched? What 2 other appliances are on the same outlet as the fridge? How much does this person weigh? When is the move to Bristol happening? What do they need help with? What program can unblock your xbox by changing your IP address? Whose research will be continued? Who visited the person? What would the poster be ok with the collaborator including in the part they helped with? What is invisible in the game? How long has this community lived in peace? What is the name of the author's campaign? What did the user form in 2016? What languages do they speak? What did they do? What carries the disease? what is the writer's question? What chords are included in the progression? When was the car bought? Where does this person live? Where does the author already have a checking account? When will the new antenna(s) be purchased? What was blown out? What action do they want to perform with this device? Where did the narrator see that they're still being charged for the service? This person feels God's presence in what medium? Where do I work? Which gaming platform is the poster considering buying Mega Man legacy Collection for? What did the author pick up before deciding to give Helltooth Zombears a try? What questions do they have? What is the author seeking advice towards? What are they experienced in? What year is the older version discussed? How much are they earning per month in net earnings? What do you do with the oil when the steak is down cooking? What type of tuba does he want? What are the pictures of? When did this person last visit the store they are looking for? What is the item they're speaking about? What did the speakers friends describe Porto as? What does the speaker need help with? What CPU does the computer have? What needs to be replaced while its disassembled? What anime did this person watch very recently before they started watching Sword Art? What is another quick way to do it? How does one join the Cerberus Assault clan? Why am I asking question to this sub? What role will this person have in the games? Where is the writer looking to purchase the parts for the computer? how dry are the prefolds in the morning? what item does the writer love? How many cars does the writer plan to bring? Which delivery service does the seller get discounts from? What color are the monsters? What attribute would a mini map allow tracking? Who was by Dougen's side? When was their birthday? What does the speaker own guns for? what does the writer want? What does the diver find to be to snug? When was this thread created? What does he thank them for? What risks will a character encounter? What are his other works known for? which version of the witcher does the writer play? how long have you had Puppy for? Which 2K game is the author new to? What option allows for more specific colors rather than just red, blue, etc? How many short stories are mentioned in the title of the book? What goal is of greatest urgency for the commenter? The older set has what type of texture according to the author? Which number trailer just came out? What is considered a unique world? How long is being spent stepping on the machine? What countries have DJ titles in his empire? What can the author not do like they used to? Who Will i reveal this to? Riptide has how many points? What day was this posted? Where did the author see unexpected items? What two groups are already militarized? what is the goal of the Bernie supporters? What software were they using when the pads activated? What time did the mom feed the 10 week old girls the first time? What two types of work is the user looking to use the tripod for? What movie does the writer compare to the games feeling of space? What else do they have to worry about? The writer speaks of rumors that he was imprisoned where? Which set of cymbals is he using now? What type of ROM is the poster using? Who is addressing this occasion? Where the application used to be located? How often is the server saved? What is the thread for? Which event number was just eliminated from the contest? How does the Board Game Club feel about their current selection of games? How do you calculate the base HP? On what topics does the author write extensively? What is the club number ? What was intended to be an endgame challenge? Where does the post currently sit on reddit/skyrim? What do I not know? When is the pet lethargic? How much time will go on before deciding to make the purchase? When are they landing in Guatemala City? What abbreviation is used near the end of the sentense for the entry saga to the planetouched wilds? Where will they be working? What year did the break up take place? Why was the person kicked out of the group during warmup? Who else will be in a match? What item does the shadow look like? What is going to be challenge for the author? What is the author interested in making? What was the defensive setup? What were peoples' initial feelings about how the new rotation would have an impact on cost? What tier does this person theorize low-ranking players may or may not be able to defeat? after how many year do the election take place? What amenity for the renters was remodeled? They open the torrent file and use my client to verify what? what problem is the poster struggling with? What analogy is used at the end of the post? How many games did this player win out of the 23 he played? What type of statistical device is the subject of this post? When does the Chinese New Year start? Whom can the dog owner take the dog information to? what site did the writer find an illegit keyboard on? What date did the poster likely attend a show? What is the category given to the author's writing? Which two people are involved? Who thought of people as separate from this world? What application was purchased? What did the person want to receive in trades? This player is confident that the character Neymar will get what in the winter? How many days was the phone working for after it was restored? What does the writer wish to purchase? What game is the author playing? When do they smoke to be respectful of they're family? Who should the community consult? What does he want to store his cube in? What is the main request of the author stated at the end? Which two games are talked about in the passage? What part of the computer doesn't seem to sync up with operations? How big is the participant list? What framework was the Dassault Balzac V based on? What was her garden made out of? When with the author be changing residences? What does the writer ask the readers to do if they are interested in the seizure diary application? What kind of camera is he using? What does the Reddit account have enough of now? What industry is this person considering joining? What dates does the dig happen on? Why is the speaker moving? Whose fans are mentioned specifically? There is a limited time remaining to register for what game? where does the woman's baby fall asleep? How long ago did the author start mTurk? What has never happen to one of the poster's videos before? What does FFE stand for? What is the author trying to accomplish? What version of software is the author looking to update to? How was the flavor of the food described? What background app is running during the game Did the mom if thier bed time was too early What did the poster make sure is as low as possible? What equipment did they experience this issue on? how long were walking boots worn? The writer desires to how the out of body experience during what feels? where does he work? What is the question the author is asking about for mixing bodyweight with weights and boxing? What is the prototype designated? What should users not do to nominations? Where is the writer from? Who is the former assistant of Dr. Fritz Ulrich? Why can ticks be better? What operating systems does the adapter support? What build does he name to compare to his own build? What has a glossy effect? What emotion did the author had finally playing a Witcher game? How many times did this person rewatch a particularly enjoyable anime? How big is the data on the server Mumen Rider stays on the bike until he throws it for what? Where will the student be taking math classes next year? This person's build will be for programming and what else? What is the documentary called? What game does GagStrategists stream on Twitch? What did the author come across that doesn't have default constructor and requires using get() to assign value? What opinion has the poster formed of Dropbox Paper? What could the pill be? What did the author notice? What kind of specific game is mentioned? What is the curriculum being created for? what is the name of the red team? How much was the tuxedo? Who is this for? Where will the author be visiting later this year? How many hours does it take to achieve mastery? What did the author brew a year ago? Why is the author going to Ireland? How did the player react to the enemy team in the first game? In who's mind were Senjou and Kanbaru never close? Who does the commenter ask about with respect to an alibi? Approximately what amount of their icons were missing from their desktop? How old were they when the items were bought? What is the third champ that the user may re-evaluate? What time does the Michigan State game start? How much was in rebates? did uninstalling the antivirus software help? What is this person interested in majoring in college? Why does the area get much less sunlight in the summertime? The second 6 star mastery game for me is? Which two people was the foreshadowing about? What is Ghost's occupation? In what country am I purchasing parts? What will they be watching? When did the poster start playing World of Tanks What can be attributed to the author's difficult in meeting people? What does the author do with the indoor antenna now? What does the writer like to refer to themselves as? Does the gamer like Sims 4 or Sims 3 better? What did they not know was more productive? How many episodes was the film in question? Who wrote this comment? What was the title of the song similar to? What kind of skillet did the writer cook the steak in? How did the tech say the signals were at the home? Who feels like protoss can get away with just about anything right now? Why are they selling stuff? what does the writer think should be added to improve the command blocks by allowing players to change the rate of execution? Where was the store he is looking for located? Since what season has the author been playing League? What is her boyfriend's current occupation? How many updates will there be in the coming days? What is the poster worried about the SAO Progressive Novels? What has the author never done before? Who does the author have more patience for than he did years ago? What has been updated for rainbow rush? what does Windows 10 keep making? What happens when someone signs a NDA for a script? Where is this person from? Who is Sciguymjm guilty against? What is being offered for free? How many days of free time does the author have? What schools can I apply for? How long did the new phone work? What stops updating according to the poster when a video app is open? What started to break on Bailey Van Der Veen? What does the author want to improve in middle school aged students? Where is the seller located? What has this person been trading between? Is the community a substitution for medical professionals? How does one get penalized during tax time when it comes to insurance? Why can courses at that level have that expectation? what type of editions are the books? What has no idea how to work a thing? Who is the only candidate of the Republican party? Which company does the author hope to avoid? What do I want to further? What is the plan for the floating base? What other mac book is mentioned What is he getting in a couple of weeks? What is needed if the tab key is wanted to be used for the idle infantry button? How many Heatware trades has this person completed? Where is Camp Resolve Waypoint? What is the forum about? How long has the author been cooking for? Who wrote Childhood's End? What does the writer want to use m3 for apart from work? What is the person currently involved in preparing? What are their current graphics card choices? What symptom is the ballast showing? Under service and options, it says they have no what? How was Sandra portrayed in Pearl Islands? What must the character do in round 1 while taking on the duo? The writer claims that indians are able to adapt their beliefs to their leader thanks due a lack of what kind of what? So far, what has been the most effective way for the poster to resolve their issue? Which direction does the writer plan on traveling after Buenos Aires? What type of salts cause a problem when combined with high temperature? Players can switch if they not too fond of what? Who started Photo Share Saturday? How many people live in the author's town? The author tried to input sfc /scannow in what? What kind of help is needed especially? What fashion accessory do they want in the game? What variety of games did they play? The author asks if the runes are worth it in what game? What is the focus on as cirques? What program has this person been looking to get admission? Who gives funding for PBS? Who is from Galdarudia? What can the speaker work with besides knockout and react? Using this VGA Cooler dropped this person's temps from 95c to what range? What will be the reward? What site is the place where profiles for dating are posted? Since when has the author been following Rift? What mission appeared after refreshing a couple of times? What is the poster studying? What used gun do I plan to buy? What is happy? What is Villain 2's demeanor? What type of letter sample are they looking for? How long did they stream for? Who has a good chance at winning the league? What was the first annoyance? Who was his teacher? Claiming on the insurance and use the cash to buy what? While the author is managing planes, where does the control jump back to? What is the motive behind the poster's resolution? Was the OG number considerably high or low, according the writer? What had been added after the word Congratulations? How can we discuss different houses next week? What device is giving the author trouble? what and most other files tend to give you harsh noise ? What is the budget of the author to future proof the compute with recycled parts? What is Jerry Rice's jersey number? Which instrument did the author encourage others to learn? Which beauty services does the author desire to attain? what do I have to check? What is the author's current rank in the game? How much was the roof replacement assessment? How much do older PS3 games cost at local pawn shops? What crashed? Does the user have a thigh degree of expertise with the JanusVR? What kind of internship is the speaker interested in? Who could the author picture as 007? What kind of job do they want int the future? The author thinks that with what Oculus can be run fairly well? What adapter came with the Pi? what season is approaching The diminished chord question is about its role in what kind of progression? What does everyone and their mother use? What are the problems with regular pencils? What did Hibari have? How is the writer dealing with the problem? What utilizes sub-optimal conditions? What move does Vayne use to stun ememies? What type of file would the gamer like someone to send? Is the price fixed or flexible? Name another documentary about the search for a mythical item. What didn't he do the last week? are A-wing's easy to it? How much did the guitar sell for? What kind of skill does the author have? What happens when the user taps a bear in friend town? What level is the player on? What cpu is the writer running in their computer? What is the original flight cost to Bangkok with arrival date on 22 January? What can be customized with suppressors and skins? What has the author tried before when vaping? who would the poster be willing to teach? How long did it take to put it back together? When playing alone, what is the best performance the user experiences? Which type of games did the player not experience trouble playing in? When does the author want to wait until to cash their bonds? What do you have to do to be a member? How does the gamer feel about the smoke bomb weapon? How does the person like to mix their relationships by being? What type of phone did they sell? What type of man was the dad described as? Where could the dad fix most things? Ho many people were drawn together for unknown reasons by the king of worms? What two features does the poster's pickup truck have? What do the players do that the writer says should not be listened to to the exclusion of other players? For how long has the author been lurking around here? Lux Aeterna is always looking for what? what is the rank of the casual player? What social media platform is this question being posted on? How frequent would the person like to incorporate using a treadmill? What do they ask trustworthy people to do? How long is their trip all over America? What makes 31-impact snipers so dangerous? what did the user find when they did a scan? How many years is the lease good for? What topic has the writer been reading about? This player tried to win with each team in La Liga as quickly as he could in order to ease his what? Where does his colleague have contacts? What size will the bracket hold? What percentages does the rendering sit at? What kind of eater is the writer of this post on? What game the author is kinda new to? what type of phone is being offered? How long is the longer barrel length? Who successfully does induction? What happens when I click in "Search Windows" box? What was removed from the post? How long did it take us to get all the liquid off? Why does the authors friend think the Chorus Kids are more iconic? How many times did you need to change the name? What is the US's effective federal income tax rates for the top quintile? What was the original setup? what is the player having problems with? The main character in Against Heaven was trying to escape what? Who had long waited for the day of the elections? What has neen considered as an option for protection in certain colors? How long has person been doing SL? What type of material is the authors guitar case? Where does this person live? What brand makes the G710+ gaming keyboard? What did both Battlefront and Galaxy of heroes capture? What does it do? What is the poster trying to purchase from YouShop? Who is this player's favorite character? What game has the writer been playing? Who wrote The Flicker Men? What is they're first choice in class? Is the person open or closed to offers? What does the author use to play? What did the person use to look at the folder? what can't the gamer make quickly enough? What effect do the speak of? How often will the game be played? What does the author not want to promote? what is the character name of the writer? What color could the character be? What is desperately being looked for? What program do they like? Are the submitted drafts visible or anonymous? Who is an obvious choice? The three pixels in question are part of the what? What kind of helicopter did the player in the game fly? Why does the author want to upgrade? What did the mother not allow to be done after 9 pm? What was the SAO Progressive Novels supposed to fix? What book is this person asking about? What does the poster need advice on? What was the last year the same thing happened? where do they want a growler from? What TV show example is given? What game did the writer receive as a gift? What is the decomposed formula for the referenced MSE? What does the scaled accompany? Which character do they want to boost? is the poster experienced at Mathematica? What format of information would they like? Who is having a resurgence? What kind of console command is the commenter seeking? Who splits the gaming market? Who's case was featured in "The Jinx"? How do the vehicles compare to each other in general? When did the person begin running? What was the first season xXParkboboXx that starting playing league? What does the new app do? What type of player do I am? What have they removed lately? which perk is the writer looking for more information on? What has been causing kernel panics? What is the debate? What time of day will the discussion posts be posted? The poster advises readers to send their resumes through what? What does the author consider in terms of quality? Who is this equipment for? The customer in France would like to know what? What kind of group does the author belong to? What month was the house closed? What gaming console has been collecting dust for years now? How many surgeries was done on the person's knee? What movie is the writer referencing? Did she know the rules? What percentage of structural failure do eggs have What tv show is based off of these books? For long did the pattern of being the top ranked player in the game last? What specific supplies will this person donate? The Kingdom of Sardinia falls under the reign of which country? What is the author hoping to trade? How long is the drive from Suffolk to Farmingdale? where does he play Who paid their respects? Where did Norman stop on the way home from work? What made the mission appear? Will they remove posts? What achievement is this? What is this regarding? Where is the author taking a trip through? What kind of library does this person have? What is one of the commodities that can generate 1500+ cr profit per transaction? To what software update did the poster update to? What does this person casually play? what happened during the third quest? How can you grow your business? What are all purpose formations good for? What doesn't CS:GO have replacements for? Who needs to name the editors for the wiki? what the boyfriend age ? When has Lukaku done well apart from going for headers this year? What will be run? What needs to be downloaded? What social media platform will be used to inform users about potential issues? Which older game Might the poster purchase? What were the writer and the friend doing when before they got into a fight? How many static anti rotation exercise do I suggest? Where does this person want to move to? What is it the user does not know how to do? What is the error the user gets? What do they want to be able to change? What kind of tutorials can the author not find? How deep a hole might I need? What have people been complaining about? What software is the problem? What am I confused about? This archetype is compared to what? What is this person looking forward to getting after they post this post? When did he sign the NDA? How many times has a post like this been made? How long is the timer set? What would be much easier? In what currency is the poster willing to accept his answer? What is Wolfie's occupation at conventions? What type of shampoo is used on the dog? What type of game do they want to play? What time does it begin in central time? What is Kirk Cousins rated? How many days does Hanukkah have? What is the only way a trade could work? What is the author looking to accomplish with weights? What is the Twitch streamer's name? How is the sound while monitoring? what has the poster been forced to do as a result of this computer issues? How old is she? What kind of partner is he looking for? What subreddit did this post get ignored in? What kind of crust would make it impossible to eat? Have you tried replugging the Mayport 4 port adapter into another port? According to the author's subsequent edit, what does the message indicate is invalid? Where was everyone sleeping? What seems to be standouts in this genre of games? What does the writer have under their house? What is the poster looking for? How many fps are they planning on maxing out as? What starts in less than an hour? Does the author have work experience coding? Which of the two characters being debated have been in all 4 games? What is a possible solution? What platform were the wings found on? what type of oil did the writer get put into their vehicle? What do I need help with? What is being done at racing circuits? who recommended the sites to revise? What was the player main question? In which hemisphere does the writer live? What kind of food will be given for free? What is the problem with Far Cry 3 played on SP4? What does this person want to get into? What is the hourly rate that it adjusts itself? What did he reject for 7 million? What exactly iis the author's real name? What role could Tom Hardy play? What are they getting close to the end of? Is this a surprise for the man's wife? What language will the phone interview be in? How did the fridge smell? What has the poster not been able to use as a result of this issue? What does the error message tell the author to do to continue? What did the poster really enjoy of the SAO? What are the three places they have been considering What is the problem? What kind of vibe does the writer say the game gives? who and who went the whole of last year without losing a system? Where does the author enjoy playing the pipe organ? Is anything affected if a redstone is enabled or disabled? "Bits Radio" is the name for a what in regard to the author's blog? What was the most recent holiday? What vehicle is listed in the forum post showing the differences in DLC vehicles? What is Ronaldo's current goals per game? What are some of my movies? What is 100% risk free? What's my name? What happens then they attempt to open the app again? How much is the product selling for on Newegg in dollars before shipping and tax? What is the title of the game Harry Flynn appears in? What version have they heard is better? What can I hear when something a bit louder is playing? What is the budget for the trip this person is planning on? Where are the people installing NBN during the second quarter of 2016? Where would Brandon Whent like for Lord Mooton to send a representative? What does the student find fascinating? What missions are too hard? What does the writer say the result of continuing the present level of competence will result in? What are they trying to register the avatar to? What value did the lost item have? In what country are they purchasing parts? What is the poster accidentally doing on occasion with stickies? What do they occasionally wake up to? What happens to configuration when explosions happen? What issue is the user having? What is a possible explanation for the audio quality? How well did the author find from the forum site in the beginning? What types of support have they not tried yet? What does the poster looking to do? What does AM buy? What is the problem when trying to record TV via USB? What did the poster paste into the little box on the AMZ site? What did the author work pretty hard to get? What is the second incomplete sentence? What is their budget? What is the name of the book club in Fort Worth? The author describes a smile as so bright that what? What does the author have a big interest in? What color hair dye is the author trying to get? what build of Windows 10 is the user using? What processor does the writer want? When is the TR dominant? What does the author of this post think the cause of the confusion may be? What is this posts topic? What device is completely plugged in according to the author? What is another name for Blitzen? What has had success? This player is worried that after the crash and character upgrade, Neymar's price might what? What is the author? This person did Sunday School and what else at their church as a child? What number is Luke Garazdic What does nike reccomend? Who does this person want help from? What are they looking for? What kind of games is the author drawn towards? Which Saturday of the month do people get banned? The shotgun that the poster received was most similar to what? What is the elevation underneath the deck? What urge does he get when watching videos? This person is interested in what type of exercises? What doesn't seem logical or clear enough for him? What happened to Ben this year? Where does the person graduated from? What new job did he get? Where was they considering bringing the Airizer Air? what kind of coins was the author trying to trade for mut coins? What does the user absolutely love? When did they get their fish? How far along with the user be for their first flight? Why did they stop watching Survivor? What kind of users is the poster wanting advice from? How many pairs of wings were found in the Dill Save Editor? Which maps do players want skins for? What is the game being speedrun? How long does this person have for breakfast? What is their gamertag What does the author want to do before taking the computer to a repair shop? How do I use up carmelized, roasted vegetables? What can be used to change hot keys for the user What style of blazer are you best suited for? Having different colors allows what to be easier between different people? What should you imagine? Where do a few of them hang around after work? What is the authors main issue? How many miles is on this Lincoln Continental? What country does this person hail from? What creature does the writer present? What region of Australia would the poster like to live in for a month? Which country was briefly mentioned concerning its exports? what is the name of the green team? What part of the building project is advice sought on? What computer is the author using The creator of this mod also made an expansion for what other game in this series? What size of tea pot is too large for this person? When will the author try brewing? What is a card that is roughly 12 dollars? What did the daughter ask about after the first chapter? What does the python not do? The author was thinking about cheese with Chipotle mayo and a steak from where?? What holiday does the father acknowledge to the author? How long did it took me to play Epic boss flight? What is the crust of the self serve rolls like? what is the name of the quest line? What do they need a gate/opening for? What may or may not help prevention? What is Stronglifts main objective according to this persons findings? What game are they playing? What hosts portables? What sub-reddit is discussed? How many of the item in question does this person have? What is you opponent is picking? Where is the author taking this course? Who was the facebook page from? How long until there done with there ME degree? Where are events, challenges and other highlights listed? How much does it cost? When was the RAM updated? How much is the entrance fee for the game sign up? What threat would the party cause? What does the poster open to access the network? What do they want to do once the Patch goes live in 2.4? What did the SD card keep form happening? How else can you contact the poster? what is the best way to start off? What should a person do if interested? What case indicates a high level of distrust? What player is from Final Fantasy VII? How many hypered cards does the author have? How many space wolves lists have they huilt? What happens if I find a mistake of some sort that causes me a problem? how old is will ? The author's neighbors used what in an attempt to make cocoa popsicles? What is the Glyph? who and who were both able to get away with the next best ratios of fortification to undermining? What are the two phones choices did the buyers narrow down to? About how many times has this truck violently shook? What is Trevors screen name? At what age did Marco Barbarigo become Doge? What was Rubio elected as? Occultist crits with tentacle damage moves the target how many ranks forward? How does this person describe themselves? What is the poster's occupation? What's the next book the author plans to read? How many searches on YouTube for the phrase "breaking bricks"? "Suits" is the name of what in regard to the blog? The implication of this suggestion will stop people from falsely claiming a role by displaying what? What did the writer try to do after noticing it was broken? How many people has the author added since forge came out? What did they manage to raise their limit to after their first request? What is this device's defect upon arrival? Who would appreciate this article? What's the objective of the post? What is this subreddit for? What sort of work does he owe for? process is exited with what code number? How many dogs do the people have? What part of Oregon does this person want to move to? What major am I looking into? What is the writer asking for help with? What has the author's estimate of their lunch been for months? What did the author said he/she cooked without using a recipe? What might be common knowledge? What book did this person read? What happens now when the printer is on? What instrument do they want? What type of place is the author looking for that might have the information they seek already laid out? What magazine wrote an article before the Avery trial? What date is the thread for? What are their credit scores? Is the author trying to contact anyone with authority? What does it mean if the pH hasn't changed? What prompted the writer to post? Mauvais Genre is by who? What did the light leave behind? What is Story Wars? How do Cerberus Assault members communicate with each other? What did the poster get in the mail recently? How far did they walk their dog? How does the author appraise their skill level? What does the user want to know works with the controller? How many cats do the in-laws own? What can viewers see in the 2nd intermission scene? What template class did the author make that solves his problems? What is the topic of the writing prompt? When the Reddit user plays in full screen what is their average fps? What sport does the author plan on learning? What do people dislike playing against? Whats a question the poster had about Steam? The writer managed to contact one of the Elder Shadows through the practice of what magic? What have I been wanting to mod? What sex is the poster's baby? How long had they been playing? What processor is being used? What is the goal of this thread? how many coins does he currently have? What are the two story lines in the game? What did Norman think about and the rest of the way home? Where did the user find out about the new Dropbox application? Where in Texas will the wedding will likely take place? Mystic Rhythm is what? What hapens on a HIT day? What should be done with the executive file if it was open? What tactic did this person use as an add on to achieve the portrait orientation? What was the annual income for 2015 for this person? What will they be recruiting for? What town is the writer from? What website did this person use to search for videos? What math class is the student currently enrolled in? how do players regain health in the game? What kind of mirroring is the writer asking the Real Time Hard Drive Mirroring Software to do? When a moderator currently gets involved, what happens to the funds in the address? How much time must pass before profits are paid out after their rental contract expires? Where might a master exist? What are the kings and the ducks playing? What does the user say he thinks the list is? What terrified the dog in the story? how often is the Vegan diet broken? what list does the poster want to make? at what moment is the alleged offense? What team is Okafor on? How many days has he been dip free? When did they start learning Haskell? What does the author think of their mathematical aptitude? How long has it been since you had a hardware change on your computer? Why do they want to model? What was recently reworked with the Aatrox character? What kind of pass was overturned for a TD according to the author? What are the prices like at Polk Street and Market? What got modeled? What uses some kind of whitespace code? What charity is this person involved in? Which characteristic does this person view as their most prominent feature? They are looking for what type of builds? Why is the gamer asking for advice? What has the poster heard comes naturally to you once you are proficient at rope climbing? Does Triforce Heroes cost online? What do they want to be able to visually perceive? How many will the pods hold? What tribe is Ru sago S'tiaad the leader of? How long has this person attended the Art Institute? What answer is the questioner not interested in? What is the concern about the Asus Strix Fury? what does the poster want to use to make a graph? What is a non-Punisher comic the clerk recommends for a focus on relationships? What is the poster looking for? What advice was given to them on the sub reddit? Which one is the choice that looks better? How long have these hand and joint problems been going on? What should they be more concerned with improving? What will be required of everyone else? What power source might Gen IV reactors have? What is one thing the guides have not touched on? Which specific line does the poster not understand What are the tire dimensions? Who did the writer threaten to call if their mother contacted them again? What kind of video did the poster create? What is the budget range? What did they upgrade to? The author found a link at _______ that explains a procedure via arduino. What are the players? According to the illustration in the link, where would the new year be? What can help keep corrosion down when working a Gen IV reactor? What is the author's intended use for this build? How many times did the kid ask his dad to fix it? Who makes a normal salary? What weapon type does this player think is the weakest for him? What is the purpose of the quest? What is the monthly fee for the coverage Aqua America, Inc. is trying to sell? What type of food does the writer think should be added to the store? is the newer case the same size as the one before? What was this person doing when they had their issue? for how long they hooked up ? What kind of agency is the writer's job with? How does the game work from the website? How does the person feel about getting a internship during the summer? How many shots does it usually take to kill a tough target? Who are always welcome at the school? How old is the person? How has NL's voice gotten worse? What are they looking for? What can identify how innovating an employee is What monitor are they most interested in? What body part is now too fat? How large is their group? What desired program is suggested for sending messages to message apps? What happens if warmups take too long? What is the annual percentage rate on their first card? Which article of clothing is the poster experimenting with? Which type of app is currently used to send messages through Siri? Does the buyer need a frequent or a casual trader? Which potential issues are pointed out? What game are they running on there PC? How much are tickets at the door? What are technical specs of the system? Where might some sound escape? What would you call a goal of sales versus buying product? what type of food does the family of the poster usually buy at the store? What concerns the writer about their brewing project? When was the first competitive game? What happens when the author uses the paper clip trick and short the green and black wire? The author is inquiring about what to check out? how did the user get windows 10? What is going to be the department for work of the author? Who needs to be defeated in order to get to this part? Where were the cheap options found? What has this person stop enjoying due to be unsatisfied? Where do I recommend to perform this exercise? Will the Swiss relinquish control if they say no? Since when is none of it canon? This player has killed how many A3S kills? what type of student was the writer when they spent most of their money on fragrances? What was made by the author? where does he upgrade to? What happed to the beekeeper's hive? How is the demand? Name one more symptom mentioned by the author The swampy lands the author described is located where? What rank was the guild shadow isles in there golden year? What internet connection are they on? What am I planning? What is an alternative to shengshou 7x7 screws? What is their use of the computer for? How many people are in the group? What is the number of the week covered by this playlist? Who is Ortega fighting? what subreddit is the challenge on? What is this person's goal in life? what time did the writer put their phone on the nightstand? What happened the last time channel critique was requested here? The author feels worse currently than how long ago? What time can they fall asleep now? What is suggested to be brought back to replace matchmaking? What did the parish priest bless and give to this person? What game system is the paragraph about? What happens in Apocalypse Rising? in what mode does the game already allow raiding at 3 stars? What is the only option they are seeing on the LINKREMOVED website? What is the title of the original song the person was listening to? What does the inquirer ask about the Polk Street and Market area? Which model has the better quality screws? The Windows 10 upgrade is having what kind of activation issues? What is the cipher called? After how long playing the game did the author see another player? What city is top of her list? What limits the writer's wins? Does the Mayport 4 port adapter work in ANY mode? What does the author think of their character so far? What is the initial question in the post? What kind of game character did they see? What type of map do they have ready for testing? When was the author planning to pick up a PS3 and a bunch of games? What type of hand cleaner are they using? What did the SD card do? What time of misdemeanor did he get? What might happen after messages are read? When does the error occur? What disease did the fish have? Where do the people that join the U.K. Pub Company work and live? What might overshadow The Good Dinosaur? What is the inquirer looking to do around the Polk Street and Market area? Do they get divorced? When did he save his game? What type of team does the author need to support? When did the daughters realize not all men are able to fix things? What happened when this person tried moving the subreddit description background down? What has supposedly disappeared? What were they drinking? A certain available bundle with three items together, shipped, costs how much? Are independent developers transitioning from 2d pixels to 3rd graphics? What is the authors goal? How long has the poster been streaming on Twitch? The mod's creator might work on modding which game in the series next? What two people scare the author that don't have the same first name? What is the duration of the offline development item in hours? What is the main concern with staying with 9.5? What is the setting for the image? What does the game have? When does the D Grey man rewatch start? What does the writer do during vacations they enjoy? What did the writer say about his friend's intelligence? How much are monthly phone costs? What is the mascot of the school? What are they unfamiliar with? what is the race of the current character the writer is playing? What is the vocal melody "It's taken me all this time to find out what I need" similar to? How many players? Why does the author want a fast way to fix their save file? What was being protested? At what minute did Koscielny score goal? What has the poster played a lot of? When did the poster visit the lighthouse? What am I using this trait for? What is the author looking for? What is the main topic of the user's question? Why did they want to thank people? What gender are they? What place is Ronaldo in for all time goalscorers in la Liga in 2014? In minecraft how are spiders in daylight? What fields have they worked in? What is being ranked? Who had a coat that was really great? What kind of camera is the author currently shooting with? How long has the machine been at the mine? What is the biggest reason why the screws got damaged? What did he remember from the boss battle of the game he played? Where can the author's trade be purchased? What is the questioner trying to find game apps for? The author is confused on whether the what is authentic or not? What processor was the old build? What does this person want to check while exercising? What are some things related to gaming being discussed? Who signed the letter to the user? What does the writer says is lagging? What did they decide to build? Did the author get their save file issue fixed? How should one contact the gamer? What does the baby do when she feels tired? What is needed? Where does the Emperor rule? Who is the questioner trying to teach the piano keys? What is their preferred airline to load up points on? What is the other name that is being considered? What is the use for the PC? What are the steps for? A smaller variance, according to this poster, seems to lead to a larger what? What Anti-Virus program does Frisk encounter? When are they leaving? Who was the device obtained from? What was changed to something else? What should you learn from this post? What are the appliances made of? What game has the author been playing? Where is the person taking in their phone? What item does the poster want to make lighter? Cedar Park is a suburb of what major city in Texas? What is the total cost of the build? What occurred with this input? Which day of the week will these talks be featured on? How long will it take them to reach the Manistee River trail? What year of t-shirt is being discussed? Who's code does the writer not want in their own project? What is one of Meta Naito's aims? How long is the contract at the temp job? What do they recommend to help anxiety? What can you not do quickly if you have the authenticator, according to the author? How many cards were found? What is the item for sell called? What was the filler essentially? Who are Natsu's rivals? If Jagex dislikes an idea due to bandwidth what does the Reddit user suggest? What happens every time the author and boyfriend try to join a game together? Where does the buyer currently reside? Have any big games been playes? How to ensure my elderly parents get adequate nutrition? What are they looking to buy a second hand of? How many analog inputs can the card provide? What is the poster's goal? What operating system is this person using? What settings are the graphics? Which two tablets is the writer considering? What does the poster like the size of? What do I not want to use? What does this person wonder? What is the name of the author's main character? What is the purpose of this post? What do I do while playing those? What examples is the person looking for? How is parking going to be downtown? What does the poster look forward to doing? What does the poster want to learn to write? What was the man trying to sell? What kind of state is Colorado regarding labor laws? Which player's overall average is predicted to improve? What bug is the author facing when they arrive to the viscounts? Which person is not performing better in the game? In which community was Breakfast at Tiffany's considered to be a gay classic? The author describes Jay Bruce and Billy Hamilton as having what? What model phone do they have? What does Advance Scuba want? Where does this person live? Which unit was already sold? What issue are they having? Who's video did they watch? what did the computers stop playing? What has never been played? What kind of experience is needed? Where is this city located? Xehanort states that who is immune to the darkness? what did he built ? What was the author teaching their roommate? Which details are in the computer? What are the first two class options the author is considering? What type of scenes would be fewer? What has the author been buying? What kind of equipment are they interested in? How long did the player search for a game without finding one? What is placed directly behind the woofer? What kind of bets can't you place? Which Punisher comic is the comic clerk's favorite? What makes abs more visible? At what speed are they traded? What is the metal used to make the staff? what bone was broken? What is the problem the speaker has been having lately? He has lots of what type of equipment? what do people do in order to see other climbers? Who wrote the book that the author checked out at the library? What space do they want to make for what app? Who is the focus demographic for Drew's training program? Where do huge artists post their soundcloud link in their bio? Where online can the remaining dogs be seen? What is dragging this person down? Who's radical vision could potentially be politically feasible in the long run? What type of event does the author say begins today? What did the user didn't load in two days? why did he change the blades ? What date does D Gray Man rewatch start? What game does the poster think is difficult to get used to? What is this person trying to replace? How many miles are on this car? When were peoples Temple of light teleports dissapearing? What part of the axel broke when the bearings were repacked? They might as well start what? How do you record a program? What is included in the Soviet Bloc? What is this post about? What season is the match? What skilled occupation is Eden Spooks looking for? Which genre is the author willing to avoid absolutely? Winners are being announced for what awards? Which family member does this person have a strained relationship with? In which style will the contest be held? When was a survey conducted about ship preferences? How much weight does the writer thinks he put on during the Christmas period? How long is the film the person wants to write a review about? They were singing about what? What is suggested so skins wont stack on any one hero? what episodes he at now ? What day of the week are threads posted? What field does the poster claim can grow but only in the long term? How much debt does the Op have on their first card? What does the sensitivity also affect? what does is the problem with the tutorial that is causing the writer to have to stop playing? Where did Google do this? Who comes from the Northern Spiritual World? What is appreciated? How is the author getting stuck in the game? Why was a survey taken? How much is the writer willing to pay the next day in exchange for money today? How far did the band of light stretch? What will season one have compared to season 0? What kind of router does the narrator wish they could use? when does challenge week 8 end? what game does the player play on their Xbox One? what grade level of math has the writer subbed for? What type of laptop? What type of network does the phone show it's connected to when the author tries to connect? How much did the person spend on a Phil Wood cog? What rank has the poster achieved in Iron Banner? What was decided by the family in the story concerning the dog? What type of desktop does the girlfriend want? Who is offering a good deal on Papilio boards? What has presence in lane? What state did the writer relocate to? What three areas do they have an interest in? Who's idea was it for Mettaton to have a body? Who was around when the engagement took place? How long did it take the user to sync the watch? What does the author need help with? What does the person want to do less of? Which Day did this individual just reach as part of their recent achievement? Who was it the imprisoned the writer? What game is the gamer having trouble with in the text? did the player do well at the Imperial game? Where do the small pop-ups appear? Where did the poster buy No Backup Plans? What's the name of the second map? What was the top ranking of the player before the rank shifting? What disease might cause a wound to heal so slowly? How did the author get information about ArcheAge? What does the author feel like in their track suit? What kind of diet is requested? What city do they say hello to? What is he looking to mod with an RTA? Why did he fail to deliver the video on time? What's wrong with Brother MCF9330CDW? What play style is causing special problems for this user on their new computer? Who makes millions? What type of roads are in the Pacific Northwest? What was on the page? What project is used for rebuilding the chevy 350? Where wouldn't Tryarch add to a game? What are the four social media websites mentioned by the poster? What kind of friendships does this person already have? What date did the poster enroll in,for BCBS Georgia on? How much money have they spent so far? How does he prefer his outgoing emails to send? When was this posted? Which company's new phone system is the author talking about? When will the final date be posted? what level players is the guild shadow isles looking for? What does the writer want to offer as well? What kind of players is the poster looking for on actual servers? How may phases will this alternate boss fight have? What is this user offering to people who will cancel their subscription? What type of level was uploaded in the past month? What channels does the Roku box lack? How much weight was gained from eating the wrong things? Whom is the message from? If the Logitech C920 isn't available what are the next two best choices? How long has it been since the friend played? What is the name of the group trying to kill off the immortals? What game teams is he talking abpout? How much were the reps paid? What product of object are they asking about? What does the user do to not get the A2 error? What does everyone have that feel could be improve when they shoot? How long did it sit in one place? Which first class is on Tuesday? Which entity offsets most of their additional deduction? What temperature had the poster's phone reached when they found it? What was the highest heat they reached? The author knows that the volume issue is not what? What chapter group is this person a part of? What service was not yet available when the author first discovered the band? The wait time is too long in what mode? What day did was their drain removed? When did the writer originally want to move? How high are the helmets generally rated according to the author? How old is this person's daughter? How many connections did the author have in the network test? What would be appreciated? How long did it take each friend to climb? What aerobic activity is now used to lose weight? Why was it a shame? Which question is the author referring to? When does this person notice more unknown names coming up? How warm does the heating lamp get? Who are they looking for to look over commentated arena? What happened when they ran .40 of a mile? Who is ignoring the community? What did the dad find? What is this person trying to make? After access is denied, what happens when the gamer logs back in? What was the second variable listed by the inquirer? In what country are they purchasing this product? What line of code confuses the poster? a type of format for building a team? How will the moments be judged? What is the person username on reddit? How much wear has the Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption been subjected to? How many acogs per squad? What does the poster use to when using the headphones on his/her computer? In Against Heaven the main character was given the opportunity to do what? What would I like to do with the Lenovo computer? In which country should the ebike be? What is usually recommended over the GTX 970? How did the apps respond? What is the size of the animal rescue nonprofit? What does the poster want to know how to use? for how may weeks has it been deserted? When was the contest run? What emotional issue is this user experiencing when playing the game? Who did the commenter talk to who gave them hope? What forms of communication do they use? What does the most viewed feature look for? How long did it take him to think of sentences? What device is being used in this paragraph ? What level is the author? Logging onto what turns them off? what is he considering to do with crossfit? What has been the main focus? What kind of college is the writer considering? What does the system of assisted roles promote? What is the poster asking if it is another word taxes? What happens if the writer ignores the notification? What does the cup the next day contain? What did her sensitivity default to? What kind of issue are you facing currently with your computer? What disc have they not gotten past? Where did they get an opportunity? is the light coming from the LED strong? What event is planned in 2016? At what minute did Gil score goal? How long does air drying take? What kind of list can you build with a Webinar? What picture does Jake have of? What country is party to the 1958 UN agreement? What pops up when your having serious connection issues? What was the main color used on the mystery site? What is the budget for the writer? What type of store is Shoppers? How else will this update affect players? What brand purchase is being considered for lowered risk? The dimma includes picking up what intermediate language? What are the values that Steam Wallet cards come in? How has the first person getting a brain controlled prosthetic limb come out with? The health of the boss falls between what percentages in the second phase? What happens when the author is trying to shoot the torpedoes in a narrow cone? What is there technical GPA? what did the writer realize? Why do the 9-10 year old children act immaturely? What did I find at the hardware store? What is the author's resolution this year? What movement restriction is unbearable? What is this persons profession? How many FPS does the author get on CS: GO? When was the first streaming marathon held? What does the writer say he or she is? Where were all my videos linked to? what year is the car the writer is asking about? Which sports did this person play when they were younger? What game does the AMD struggle with in addition to Trine 1 and 2? What did they dream about around midnight? On what day of the week will the pricey prescription be needed? When was a survey conducted about ship preferences? Is the person a couch potato? How many years did this person use the Sennheiser HD25-1 II for? What sort of beauty service is the author looking for? When would the event be held ? What version is is the author thinking of updating to? What credentials and check does the author have? By loading out the grenade launcher on the MED, you will get the option to what? How can you contact them? What did they drop off in SC? What has the poster pick out so far? Even if you go on HardCord you can use what? What pc platform is used to launch games? What are most of us stacking? How much per month is the poster paying on for his grandfathered plan? What does this person want to donate? In the song, where is the person? Who is replaying the game? How did the team look overall? Which type of sole would look bad after some time? What is the name of the person that sang the song So? What state's taxes is this person trying to read about. Who was sworn into office on January 20, 2017? how much did the belt cost? The items will ship from what foreign country? What does the person use for transport? jiang nan is a professor of what? Who is not understanding of the whole religious thing? Who often hired European mercenaries? the writer is a freelance what? What do you have to be to vote? When will the wedding take place? What are some indie games that the step son plays? Who did great work on a Fan Voted Tournament? Why is the author selling the belt? What error is the gamer experiencing on Facebook? How many interfaces has the author tried? What type of information does the driver need from others? How many pounds did they loose? What is the name of the book the statement asks you to download? What is the authors location? How many properties are involved in calculating debt to income ratio? What would be a monthly Sondheim Session? what does the writer need to know about the server to join it? What platform does the author use to play GTA:V? What system do they play on? In which grade is the writer from? What is the problem with this person's future ambitions? What is the US's effective federal income tax rates for the middle quintile? What have I tried a number of times? how much extra is he going to pay in future ? What does this person want to make certain their daughter receives? What year does the poster see as being the best? What is completed? What did they discuss in the emergency meeting? What commonly held opinion does the commenter find surprising? What needs installed? What does the writer know about already? what console is the person who wrote this post playing the game? Who else can you shoot in JFK? Which individuals are aware of Jane being Taylor Shaw? What type of game streaming is the author having trouble with, in terms of location? The author is wondering if there are subscription boxes out there with what features? What if you don't save them? What do you have to do with Electrum? What OS and version is this person running on his new build? What device am I looking to upgrade from? Why doesn't the user want to connect to the outer router? What does the film capitalize on? The user is basing his comment on what type of reasoning? How long did it took me to play Epic boss fight? Where is this person located? What approves drugs? Where do you apply? what store is selling the phone? What kind of enemy can typically be staggered by the blunderbuss? What is the best way to use over cooked vegetables? What is the amount of commission the store receives from sales? What characteristics does the author's date possess? What activity in the game is the individual mostly going to be doing now? What brand of PC does the author use? How do you change the magazine? What type of software developer are they? What are the ladies pushing? What options are available at the Blade Console? What is the name of this user posting this comment? What normally happens when the person open the doors for others? Which party is the smallest party? What is the name of the error the person is getting? What does the author of this post appreciate? What did the teams have going for them? What is the person's username on kik? What antivirus does the speaker use? What mode is hard to access? What is the gem used to make the staff? What did the neighbors try making out of hot cocoa? how many days of free trial are offered for the play music app? What desert does the writer commonly read about? Where do I get small pop-ups? Where was Stannis's army defeated? What was the final step in the game? What was the person asking for to help them? At what height did the plane start its descent? What sort of boxes need to remain pristine? Where does he live? What isn't a hard to do in post? What type of team does this poster want to create? What is being used to fight the extra charges for data Comcast has put in place? What type of person is causing the poster concern? Who prefers the legacy control method? What tool is required to make the staff? What was the problem with playing top? What was Ronaldo's goals per game in 2014? What else have you tried to fix your Nokia device? What kind of services might Artyom lose if the email provider gets involved? Who banned him? what ability makes it hard to shoot down A-wings? how long they are friends for ? The course discussed is in the first year for what type of degree? what does PR need to be at in order to run 4th tier missions? What date did they buy it on? How old is this person's sister? What is the name of the service indicated? What is the current focus of the NPO development? When is the presentation due? Why might an FBA seller be reticent to wrap boxes in plastic? What port adapter is being discussed? What kind of therapy is this person going through? How far back does this person want to see discoveries? The 970 has a higher clock-speed and what else? What happens when shooting with a long shutter? What does this person need for their job? What is the poster trying to collect? What team do the ducks play against in February? What may be causing the red screen to appear? What did the user make before trying a turkey? How did the first lesson go? What was the score between West Ham Vs Liverpool? What is their question? Who are they inquiring about? How many eyelides does the recommended shoelace fill? How many years has the guy been on the planet? Do the products come in a box? When did they make the post? How many matches are supports needed in? Where were the videos recorded? Who is in Curb Your enthusiasm? What do they believe they have? Why does he claim low price staples are there for? Who is Brandao fighting? Where is he going to place his paper weight? What was the name of the last custom game that I have tried? What game replaced Paper Mario? What web browser do they use? What is the topic for? who is either an Aedra or an Altmer? How is the user input taken? What platform does the guild use to play games? Where was the game played? Why did school initially not work for them? What did the scammer switch in his user name? What day of the week will they be in Dublin? What is Tobe's friend named? What was too big for the fan to fit? what is shown on the players hover menu? When will they look into getting a new speaker? how often will the writer be releasing video's on their youtube channel until the release of their mod? Which bug is worse? Why can't the author play TSW? How many losses has the poster suffered? What have I built? When did the 6P come out? What is the name of the film? What are they looking for recommendations on? Who does the other say was the only one standing? What does type of bra does the author usually wear? How was this person experiencing identity theft? What does this person wish to do? What can users join in on? How many gems does it cost from the leader to initiate a clan war? Since ethernet is not option, what might he need? What did they maybe cheat to get through? What kind of weather condition seems to cause this person's car to have issues? What is important in order for a save file to work online? Was the preparing killer young or old? What certification are they going for? What happens when I hit the windows key? What kind of question is it? What is the story based on? how far does the game get before it crashes? In addition to being an employee, the person in the story is also what else? The games are started after what? When did they get married? How was the game meant to be played? what is the age of his gf ? What counters instant speed removal? What is the author's perception of online sites? what event should trigger the x-ray glow? What did the writer get for a gift that they wanted to try out? How many cars do they currently have room for? What kept my boyfriend from making this build? What budget did the friend give for the PC? What starts to act up on the left side? What are the levels of the enemies in chapter 8? What online groups are dedicated to lost and found pets? What was the flavor of the beer after aging? How many different ways can his component be controlled? Who are they building a computer for? Who wants to make Reigns-Wyatt the rivalry of a generation? What does the author fear the game might become? What might a Veteran know how to do, regarding Importing? What happens to my ping? What website it was it on before? What time do guild battles start in shadow isles on weekdays? What kind of spinner is mentioned? How much will the poster have to pay for the medicine without having BCBS? How did they describe the rates? What costs a lot of money? What kind of phone are you having an issue with? What is described as filled with kindness and care? What did happen to the queen when she's been kicked into a pond? How many versions do they have? Who wrote the mentioned book? What does the author want to avoid wasting? What does the game make you feel like you are? When was the author searching for fair things? What class does the player like? What type of tool is the Klein mm200? What does Jake's picture depict? What is the agreement sought after between this person and their family member? What was being shipped? What does the poster say is the difference between Geological engineering and Geotechnical engineering? Who did not responded to the text message? how much V-reversal does the writer think would be interesting for players to start with? What pin is connected to the potentiometer? What was uploaded on September 15th,2015? What is the typical input lag for 1 frame? How long has the author been having problems? What generation wireless router is owned? what message keeps happening when the player downloads? Who should be contacted for more information? What kind of name are they looking for? What did they decide to name their fish? How many dogs does the writer have? What kind of activity is shown in the video? Does the store have any of the jackets in stock? How long has the poster slept the past 4 days? What kind of adapter does the Rokinon Mirror Lens come with? Who was out this week on Celtics beat? In terms of their degree, what kind of specific specialization is this person seeking to get? How much money was there when when reviewing the account? How did the author feel towards her date today? Where did they get one save? How did they use to categorize their folders? What is needed from the level 15 Tactician bonus? Where was the video recorded? Who did they play? Did the commenter like the classic Sailor Moon shows? Who was the #1 player? Where is John located? In what sport is Michigan State playing against Minnesota? What emergency meeting was called into order? What are they looking for help with? What the writer is significantly better with than any other class? What is one band that makes the author get really excited? What is the gap that the author is worried about? At what minute did Leicester get red card? What stage is the trip being anticipated? When did this person first leave home? Is their a high supply for Frankfurt items? Did the gamer play on or offline? How many books is Totem divided into? What type of support is beneficial? What sorts of videos will possibly be uploaded later? What type of games are to be avoided? The author recently got _____ 16 Where will my friend be driving from? What does this person keep jumping back and forth between? What style of photography does the target artist use? what monitor setup does the user have? What sound is made when a new chat window is opened? What do they already use on their arms? What happened when the commentator posted the script? how long he is working on it ? What gear does the diver normally use? What sub are they looking for? What brand of lightbulbs does the author use in their house? Who are they looking for to look over the commentated arena? Which resume version is consider there best? Who is sustaining end charges? What does the poster prefer for it's short cooldown? How long did owners want to pay the assessment? What username does this person have with their gaming system? What program is having issues? If they reduce the size of their screen what fps can they reach? Who retired? What level did they make it to? What does the poster need help with? What is a trait the poster is looking for for climbing and descending? What pan does the burrito require? When are they getting the security deposit back? What was the writer used to play 2 years ago? What position are they trying to obtain? Where is the poster from? What was hardly found online about the company? What do I need for a cruet set and what to put in it? Why do I not want to use a micro-recorder? For how long does the author can play before they experience bluescreen/crashes? whose team seems to have an advantage in the game? Where are they located? What were they attempting to do by pressing F8? What area is the job location? When was the free for all posted? How much time did the home owners demand to pay the assessment? what has the writer been looking to get into recently? What happened after the queen became imprisoned? What is name of a weighted algorithm could the researchers used to produce even more shocking results What happened to Ayumu Aikawa? What name brand does the person want to use to repair the boots unless something else is better? What type of hand cleaner are they using? What pictures did the person telling this story take? what social media did they look for tutotials on? Who has the poster requested to disable aim assist? Why does the poster claim he made the post? What type of show is "Gandhi is that you?" What player will produce a lot of sacks and turnovers? What are the led display doing? How quick does the spear travel? One can do what in regard to spots on the described game? What is the fee to renew you license in WI? What does he have trouble replicating? What boxes are being released soon? How long did it take to code the new app? What does the author said he/she does not use during cooking? What does the man want specifically as far as help? What are the self serve rolls essentially like? What did the speaker try first? Why couldnt the condo be refinanced? How many points is the Tau list? what diet does the write follow? What should you do if you would like to debate an answer? How many seconds of mistakes are in this World 1 run? What genre are Caves of Quad, ToME4, and ADOM? What is the author's issue? What startup is the writer pursuing? which hands animation is the problem affecting? What is a requirement the author set for any answer to the question? What kind of rank will be the focus of the stream? How have the Redskins performed this year? What year edition is the MBA? What is the first thing this person wants on the wiki? What does the commenter believe everyone on the subreddit is looking to buy? How many mistakes does it take for the writer to assign blame? What operating system is this individual using? what did the writer set the torque wrench to? Which level of courses can have that expectation? What is the date of the 4th gen 4400 graphic card? What version of Windows are you currently running? How much is the belt selling for? What is the poster looking to learn? What year car does the author's father have? What kind of special adapter does the keyboard come with? Who is his/her follower? What aspects of Durst's personality would allow him to get away with murder? What happens when the author is trying to shoot the torpedoes in a narrow cone? Grant plays what position? How many people live in this person's current town? What deck are they learning with? What does Lamba contain? Which app is the narrator having difficulties with? What does the project start wizard not give? Does the student have scene shop experience? What has to be tight in for the contacts to make a good connection? What do I want it to be more capable of doing? What happened when the author put in LED lighting? What kind of transmission does the author lean toward? What song is the post listening to? How many days will they be staying in Edinburgh? What is the author's current weight? What does this person want out of their PC? What is their profession? Do you get other problems? Which player's deep 3 does this person refer to as an exemplary point? How much does the account bound recipe cost? What is this person says affects the supply and demand of prescriptions? What is the abbreviation for European Union? What are they composing What would they appreciate? How old is the author now? What caused the schedule change that precipitated weight gain? What degree is out of the picture for them? what Vegan food do they have trouble with? How miany Divinium did the author lose before he figured out the workaround? What is the price to enter? Why does the narrator feel that there is nothing they can do? Which version of runtime ran fine? When were ID Team Six orders shipped? How many accounts does the person have? Which perspective does this person study theology from? What type of supplement is being sought? What requirement did the person forget to accept? What type of mortgage is the author looking to get? What was the users issue with the new Uplay account concerning the new beta code? What franchise the author is in need of help for? What functions did he or she find? What should you have in mind to stay motivated? What problem is the writer facing? What city in the southeast of Brazil was the bar in? Who seems to be in good hands for the next four years? Who do they play in the first game? What is on sale with described high prices? Which team do they meantion playing against the Patriots? Did the author try to rectify the 200 error? How long were they in Vandwelling? What kind of flight controller do they want to use? Who are the writer's main characters? What do they want to know the Tigercat is worth? What is the name of the text book? what could happen if the climber isn't under the first bolt? What statistics are the author searching for? Where did the player defeat their most recent enemy? Who never joins the order? How long has Hurtplanet server been running What type of issues are they having? How much is the belt selling for? What is described as lighter than air? Can you get into BIOS? What information is the poster seeking about a Mustang GT with 6 stars and rare parts? What did he already sell of his father's? What does TSCC do to make you believe what they want you to believe? How did they fix the problem? What condition is the item for sell in? In what country is the university? What operating system is the poster using? Was Shadowfen viable for the author? Which baseketball league has the iconic playoffs with Michael Jordan's bulls? How many vine-on-a-track sections are there? How many spots are left for the event? What is needed for the startup? What do I try to incorporate? Instead of going to the load screen, what happens once in the game? What is worthwhile when playing Twilight Imperium? What does the user want the recorded vocals to become? What does the author want to avoid when changing a type from/to pointer? What kind of classes is the author trying to understand? What was I playing today? what is the only subscription that the author is able to find? When did the writers family start to treat them different? Who is favored to beat Sanders here? How much was the author quoted for use of a photo booth? Can you enter the contest two or more times per person? How long is the documentary? What do they need to install? What is the author's favorite team? What does he not want to be forced to do in a game? How much RAM is installed? The writer believes what is crucial to Indian mentality? what is the best mode to play according to the player? What is the author tired of? How much does it cost to open a Hookah lounge? What type of degree does this person have? What level are they at? The writer asks how can he command who? How many other copies of you are there? What was the poster's favorite aspect of Breakfast at Tiffany's? What is the prize for winning the bet? What event is being ranked? What version of Windows does the writer have? What error message does the author get after typing in the password? What aspect of the headphones does the person like? What items did the writer say she may need to limit? What version of Windows did they recently update to before this problem started? Who currently holds a super majority in the National Assembly? What lead the author to the Hitman game? What's wrong with the class? Why was he drop out of the game? what device is the writer looking for help with? When was the author playing fine? What was the purpose of this post? What is his grade level and major? Which websites were added after the update? Why was the person weary about giving personal information to websites? When did the authors dad bring home a Macintosh se/30 How much does the writer have to spend on the sous vide machine? What is my #3 6 star Game? What game is the writer new too and having a problem with? What kind of shoes is he looking to buy? What did Machi do when Killua tried to fingerclaw her? How long has it been since the user used CHIRP? What were their favorite weapons? What is the writer looking for to attach to the door? Which chapter offers a synopsis in the post apocalyptic age? What is my purpose? Where is the surgery? Is this a relatively new series? how do u zoom in ? Which program did the writer never go into multiplayer development with? What games are being considered to purchase? What is the size of the block of pixels to be analyzed? Who is Agostino Barbarigo's brother? Where would the author really like to hit? Who is called in the lyrics? What is the rank of the first degree this person needs to get? What kind of bias is the author investigating? What is webrtc's upload speed? What do they want to ask if they are good? The author asks how to move like who? what is the current PR of the player? How many days did the series of polls last? How many dogs does the dog owner have? Where are the game sales occurring? How many months of progress were lost? What is the first incomplete sentence? Was was cast frequently and (summoned at me? What should happen when you pick up a bounty time? Why does the author want to hear from others about his problem? What is the name of the company used by this commenter? What will happen with duped items? Their second PC is targeted towards to whom? What version of Snapshot is being ran? why doesn't the writer understand the terminology? What problem is the gamer looking to resolve on SexySims? On what date will the company review GagStrategists' channel for a potential partnership? What percent of time is the system awake? Many types of birds were created from how many types of birds? What sucks the fun out of the game? Is it legal to copy the track from the DVD? What does the user want to know can be tracked by the patched OS? What Two games has the poster played for years? they have done a fairly thorough play-through as what? Do any other services work? How would the author define the price of the EK pump? How many people are currently signed up for the tournament? Approximately how many weeks has the author been unable to log in for? The mod the writer is using mainly affects what weapon? What game controller does the poster consider to be awkward? Who lives in the city? What limit is this person saying should be placed on a party? What must the controller be compatible with? What caused the authors issue? What is she wanting to know? What is the model number of the wireless router owned? What type of intake for weight loss is tracked by the tool? Where would the narrator like to put the sonic wall? In how many unnamed countries did the father work? Palmer is how many yards behind Rivers going into late game? What is the business of the startup? What can't they do to Danse? Which country will the author have to stay for a week or so if transfer flights arriving at Bangkok on 20th are taken? What model is the Brother printer? What resolutions is usually in a 4:3 ratio? which controller works just fine when the writer tried it? How often does the significant other in the author's example expect you to respond in return? What version of knife has the writer been searching for months but in vain? Who is their dream narrator? What do they want information about? What holiday does the author begin to receive a string of text messages from their mother? What location is the newly purchased home in? What would STC Records like to begin? What is found after the "Hash" line? How many games out of 20 had afks? Where did the soldier go to war? In what type of cycling videos did the author count the described word twenty times? What does the writer say about cosmetic content? what product did the writer recently purchase? On which attempt did the author arrive at the correct answer? Why does the author want to do with the software? How much does the Beyerdynamic gear cost? When will this thread be posted? What is the date of the Heat vs Pacers game? what error message is received? Why does the dog have an upset tummy? what kind of challenge is the writer starting? Which game was the first game the player was good at? How many times has the author received the error? What kind of picture file is mentioned? What did the golf club offer letter say that the rate included? What does the cube storage have? What book does S6 finish off? Where was the family located? Where are we to go for fashion help? How may days is the author looking to target to set a new habit? What specific itemization does this user seek help with for Lucien? What is the writer's problem? What appliance is running even though the appliances are off? What can you do on Story Wars app? How do they play zombies with their girlfriend? What does he not want people to do? What would the author rather do than get subscribers? What is he wanting to upgrade to? Against what team is Baylor playing? Where is the elliptical machine located? Where does Kirby rather sleep? What is the players current level? What is a good story created on Story Wars? How much was the item when first purchased? What is he lacking? What date is shown at the end? Where is she moving from? What did the beekeeper neglect to put on the roof of the hive? What did the user try? What types of carts are there? What has Marvel been publishing lately? Who do they play in the second game? What game did the play used to play? What kind of teacher was the author? Where can you go for a low cost spaying or neutering? What programs do they dislike? What is happening to the maker's mark? What did the author wrote that updates itself using the lINKREMOVED servers? Which moves may allow players to escape the Parallel Convergence attack? What is he trying to set up? The author is using a minimalist theme because they what in regard to simplicity? What forum was this posted in? Who will sell me his HP DL380P? What attempt number is this of the poster trying to submit? What is the person field of study? How has the new update been described? At which stadium to the Redskins play? What game was being played? What kind of cell phone does the posters niece have? Who does he say has guns? How often does the author attend his Board Game Club? How was a game recently played? What does this person feel they can never have too many of? What version of Chrome does the user have installed? What type salts are used to generate energy in a Gen IV reator? What will happen if something unreliable is posted? What program did the author not find helpful? What update does the game tell the author is new? What couldn't the character use? who voted for the YouTuber of the month? What kind of audience do you get with a Webinar? What is possible to do in MP? Generally what kind of solution are they looking for? Which machine did the person use for 8-10 minutes? What job did this person's uncle retire from? What is the author's new year's resolution? What changes has the poster's boyfriend already made to his bike? Who translated the web novel Totem? Where did they grow up? What changes might be included? What can the new Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate help avoid? What is described as being awful when playing rocket league? What would someone need do to see if they could be hired? Where their their significant other go? What does the author want to make themselves as? How big is the aperture? How old is he? What kind of turntable is the Kenwood KD-9XB? How long will the couple's journey last? Where type of beans did the author already buy? What sort of fish is in the diet? how did the writer describe the visuals of the game? What am I interested in particularly? What decade has a lot of songs in this playlist, in addition to modern songs? What kind of valve did this person change? What happend to OP account? How much money are they looking to spend? How do you find the config fields? what month did they turn 18? What doesn't the Ftibit connect recognize? On what type of furniture can the gamer play their games on? What did they check to make sure everything working? What OS and version is loaded onto a separate HDD this person is using to troubleshoot? how many wings were added? What object did the person use as an example? What is the poster's primary question? What was he/she ok with? How long does it take for the wifi to disconnect? What would the author rather do than get subscribers? What page did they get stuck on? How do you find something if you can access the mini-map? What did the group opt not to use, because they were friends? How much student debt do they have? What is the cause of not being able to watch the event live? a type of format for building a team? What type of chat do most people prefer to use? how many sessions have been played so far? Which character had their glitches fixed previously? What sound is heard with each flash? If the Logitech C920 isn't available what are the next two best choices? What is the name of the contest? What kind of outpourings got asked? What are they starting as? How many yards does RIVERS need to lead in 2015? When is the event over? What will the new mods be doing? What sea king episode was watched? This person found their ideal weapon in what? What is in short the question being asked? What is the size of their Mak? Where are they going on Jan 15 - 18? Who is likely to not attended negotiations at Harroways town? What does the Support Portal offer? What types of quests weren't being talked about? what refuses to open? What were wrong with the pictures? What are the team sizes in men's indoor soccer leagues? What was purchased? What does the speaker think users are confusing for real economics? What does he use to talk right now? What is complete? Which of the Top 5 Parties is the smallest party? What do they prefer? How tall is the author of the post? How did stalin see victory back then? How much does Toshiba charge for a motherboard replacement? What happened in the first Martell attack? What is the color of our 5 piece Victorian cruet set? How do you support nominations? What game is it modeled after? What do people wonder about FNaF World? is the player happy with the new ranks system? When was the jar given? how much bar did alpha 3 have you start with? What did the player try out? Why does the author want to have a contest? The MECs should only be used in which cases? Kanto was combined with what else in one version of these games? How did the poster feel about the game? Which district in Tokyo is the poster in? What is the poster looking for for this Spring? How long did it take the customer to receive a package from ChemicalServices? What holiday is being celebrated What happens when the coils turn black? What topic is the poster researching? How did they want to finish the game? On message boards, who else is considered a top indie guy other than CM Punk? What did the sidetrack conversation include? What is the name of the thread the post is in? What does the person not know how to register? Who is Lord Brandon Whent supposed to marry? In what season did he shut the unit down in? What part has the car had replaced? What is he playing later today? How many players are required to be on each team? Who will be putting on a month long exhibit? What restaurant had they just tried? Who did the husband compare his wife to? What does the author need to get? What is possible with the sent card? What nationality is the boyfriends father? what does the car do at warm temperatures? The author is interested in purchasing something ______. Why doesn't the author have reservations about going out? What can be the reason of never being heard from again by an interviewer? What adjective does the writer use to describe the elimations? How much will the game packages cost until the end of January? a type of format for building a team? What type of goal is the author pursuing? What gets added to his sword? How long is the period of free access to the service noted? Who started their youtube channel? With how much did the user start? For how long has Jake not been in the North Pole? What device are you attempting to boot from? What would the cog cause damage to if forced onto the hub? What are you trying to enter into the program Which generation of Accord is this post addressed to? What type of skin to they have? Have you tried switching to PC mode to configure the settings? What organization is a newly formed Free Company and a member of the Knightly Order of Ultros? What is the price range of the requested antenna? What did the government re-obtain? What was Infamous formerly known as? What do I need help with? Which country did the person first discover the type of business they are inquiring about? What does he do when he puts the gun to her head? How long was this person with their last partner for? What product is the poster asking for advice on? what is the name of the post-sorceress? What development does Brittany have? While the author is managing planes, where does the control jump back to? What is the problem? what year is the author talking about prior to. What is inside the body of the camera? In one scene, what did they robots walk through? What is the title of the Daredevil recommended for a good origin story? What games is the author interested in ? Who is coming off the bench? What is off the charts? Where is the writer applying for a job at? What type of help does this poster need? Paul does not want to return where? What is the Twitter handle for the North American Blizzard Support? What is the final selling price in the author's example? What are the two games the person wants to play? According to the reviewer , what do you need to have if you want a perfect cooked meal? What size comforter was the purchaser hoping to hold with this? What is the normal prices in the neighborhood for drinks that the blender can make? What are two notable compliments the author made of this scale? What does it do fast? what was wrong with the old knife? What is a type of dessert you can make on the mat? What kind of steel is used for the heavy cleaver? The customer states that the vacuum does not need charging for how many minutes? What brand is this attachment? How many pot lids can you put in? When was it bought? What year did they first use the Exo Super Peel? Where is tea chilled? What kind of shears are described? How many stars did they leave after editing their review? had any problem with food sticking How do the bottles close? Does the reviewer typically drink cold coffee or heat it up more often than not? What kind of foods did the author mention might get through the air holes? What companies advertised the mug as safe from spilling? What is the brand name of the reverse osmosis filtration system purchased? How wide is the can crusher? What should be done before staining? what product is the writer reviewing? What type of drink is made with the cheesecloth? Do the two women like the house to be at the same temperature? How long has the reviewer had the product for? What features does the user like? What is the size? What is wrong with the edges of the mattress? What can you use to clean it what happens to the water in the kettle that shouldnt? How does the coffee taste? When would the reviewer pay more for the product? How many knives did the speaker receive as a gift? What is described as worthless? Is this an expensive or inexpensive product? What is the product made of? What makes the item easy to clean? What can be used to clean the baguette pan? What heat settings does it have? What is this product? What is the reviewer's one complaint? What does the product promise it delivers on? How long does it take to brew a cup of coffee? What did this person buy? what gas is contained in the product? What did the reviewer think of the price? What happens when baking gluten free bread? What are the recommendations for cleaning the shower curtain? What 3 sizes of slow cookers do these fit? What is true about Heckels knife? What works great? What kept coming loose on the pots? What is the overall quality of the Cooper Cooler? What was in the right place and negated using the anchors? what kind of coating does the pan have on its surface? Who does the writer not want to depend upon? Where is the backup wisk stored when not in use? What style of cookie sheets dissapointed the reviewer? Who recently got married? If you only use it for a minute at a time what lasts for a week? Name another thing the reviewer likes about the product? What was the bag made of? What does the reviewer wish the packages of shelf pegs had? are the blades adjustable or non=adjustable? What size of model would choose? What would be a safety concern than can be configured differently in the mixer settings? Is the reader satisfied with the quality of the good? what material of appliances does the product look compliment? What color is the thermometer? what year did the writer buy the product? Where are the smaller pockets located? How many minutes does the product take to cool beer in a can? Did the owner have problem with the food getting stuck to the grill? How long has the user had this kettle? Where does the buyer use the timer(s)? What happened to the first mixer? What is easy? What style of garbage can do they generally like best? What negative characteristic did this person find it to make it clumsier to handle? What price difference would there be between this deal and the other? How long has it been since the purchase was made? What did the reviewer use to pin the flap to the bottom of the organizer? Does it hold up when you wash it? How many ounces does the handy size hold? What was difficult to clean? How does the reviewer describe the instructions? What is the size of the scale? What does this person tend to be in the morning? What material was the old oven mitt? Why might I use Zojirushi if I were to bake a bread? What was a perfect addition to the Natalie's classroom? What was on the side of the box? Where is the buyer from? how is the hanger described? What does the authors wife call them? Who took care of the returns? What did the customer want to do with her collection of bowls? What is a big plus about the product? What happened to the old fan? What types of meat were causing problems while slicing? What is the best purpose for this blender? what is easy to get to? The fan runs how? How much ice cream did we make the first time we used the maker? How many pieces did this box arrive in? what is lacking in order to set the temperature? Why feature attracted them to the product? What falls off easily? What did this person buy? how much do you like the product? What kind of surface should this item be used on? What was positive about this scale? Which substance causes the need to weigh ingredients more? How is the apartment described? Out of the items which is their favorite? What is the name of the product being reviewed? What happens if you don't start stirring quickly? Where is the product made? Where is the product being placed? What type of shelves are in the person's pantry? How often does the pot self-clean? What information is stamped on the bottom? What foods are good to reheat with the R-230KW model? Which departments does the buyer suggest showed poor workmanship when it came to this product?? What kind of spout does the pitcher have? What do the smaller T-discs contain? What brand of knife was the person a fan of first? How well does reviewer's phone fit? What other drink can this product be used for? What was used as an ice cube tray? Where does the author order coffee from? It's big enough to warm what? What will happen if you bake something with lots of oil? What are the good features of the machine? Where did he/she first used the product? They had the best coffee before who woke up? What kind of quality are these pans? Where is this person's table situated? How long has this person owned this scale for? Who recommends the Kitchen aid power 5? Why did they think they couldn't make bread in the oven? What do the cookie press recipe's cookies taste like? What are most of the problems a result of? What is the usage for the large cutting board? What is always on the wrong side of the machine? What do the shelves work perfectly for? What did a good job with the fan blades? What type of wood is it? How much was the mixer in use for? What decade was the reviewer's house built in? How long have they owned the product? what helps prevent the glass from sweating? The item was describe as basic, but it is? What lessons the beeping noise? What is on the bottom? What might you want to spread onto the sweater before steaming? What does the french have included with it? What type of drink does the reviewer mention? What have i been drinking? How does this product compare to standard hand vacs? Steamers are great for hardwood floor, because it allows them to be thoroughly cleaned without using what? what is the manufacturer of this press? what is the size of the glass pan? What material is the insert made of? Why should one choose a french press versus a traditional coffee pot? What is the product being reviewed? What material is used on the product to protect the user from heat? How does the reviewer rate the quality? What is the highest setting the reviewer has set the heater dial to? What is gone? What type of product did the person buy? What makes a mess of the popper? How long ago did the reviewer buy this pan? What feature do the clips have that make it convenient? What does the black rubber in the middle do? What do the bowls nick easier than? What fresh produce did the user seal before they went limp and squishy? Which attachment is not very strong? What other coffee maker does the author own? What do I use to make loaves at home? What size are the tools? How long has the writer been using the machine? What type of dowel may cause problems with this bag? What brand do most cooking shows now use? What recommendations does Natalie have for the company that makes the Bodum Bistro Large Elecric Water Kettle? What is the size of this product? What does the writer love the toaster the most? After how long does the coffee maker automatically turn off? What did the reviewer not know existed? Under what situation does the author make Cream of Wheat more than once a week? What type of product is the person reviewing? How many people did they let taste? What brand are the liners? What type of cat do they own? What type of unripe fruit would the product work well with? Who will I purchase these for? What splatters out of the spout? What type of beverage does the reviewer enjoy? How many people can be served using this product? Does the writer like strong coffee? What is already showing up on the surface of the pan? What was missing in one of the two storage towers? how long has the customer owned this model? What must the advertisement have claimed about the smell? How long does the appliance need to heat up before using? What is the unit comparable to in size? What keeps the product elevated? What kind of beverage isn't recommended for the mug? What is wrong with the coating? What do I hope to go away for the pan? How long does it take to remove odors from a basement? From who did the reviewer receive the vacuum? What was the other purpose that has served well for this item? How much coffee did the reviewer use trying to get a consistent result? What is the capacity of the bottom space? What was the actual carafe? What kind of pain does the author suffer from? How long does it take a glass of water to settle? Does the vacuum remove pet hair? What two things does the poster say you can drink with it to mask the plastic taste? Which one is better value? What's the drawback of this wok? What brand tea maker does the user have? Where did the writer search for the product? How big are they? what is the benefit of the gel mat? In my experience, how long will a 8 hours suggested cooking time turn out to be? What is the author's overall thoughts on the scale? What did the writer find out from some bad reviews? A claim would be made if it stopped working by when? What location would this microwave work best? For how long did the old drying rack hold up? how does the the authors current kettle work What is this product? How did the skinny people who sat in the chair describe it? What size was the travel cup? Where does the steam come from in this cleaner? What item is the author reviewing? What is collapsible? After how many years the reviewer updated her review? Does the heater only blow hot air? What did I love? To which part of the forehead is the ice pack applied? How many more star would the author give if the cooktop was quieter? Where should you not use this product for fear of indenting it? How many lbs should this product hold? How does the coffee taste from this coffeemaker? How long will the bride use this for? What do they dislike about it? What does the pan do with each cooking? How long did the previous product last? What type of metal is use to make the trash can? What did they make? What is one benefit to non locking legs? What size plate is it able to cover? what size pans do these fit? What did the customer used to add to their loaves of bread? The author says not to wake up what? What pieces are not even used by some people according to the author? How many items has the user replaced due to breakage? Why doesn't the user like bottled water? What did they read from cover to cover? What is the price of the repair to the mixer? How is the kitchen tool described as price wise? What came out leveled? What are the knives made of? what brand was their last can opener? What date was the review updated in 2011? When did the reviewer get the product? How would the person characterize the way in which the measuring cups were designed? How long passed when the reviewer realized the coffee was still hot? What other issue did he have with the product? What can one not do with these pans? what item is the writer reviewing? What is something easy about the product? What is the writer compared to? How long has KitchenAid been creating their products? How long does it take for the reviewers hand to get hot when holding something very hot? Where could you purchase the needed Wood screws? how long can the product run before charging? What is it good for grating? Does the protector make any noise? Which item is the poster impressed with? How did this person describe his own body size? What can you do to the popcorn? How many sellers did the author buy cheesecloth from? what is the issue with pricing of this mat? What cleans very nicely? Whom did they give their old kettle to? What kind of discount was used? Why were they reluctant to purchase online? What brand of coffee maker had a cup style fitler? How long does it take to cook? What type of top does the pressure cooker have? How would you describe the volume of the griner? What special offer for the filter is currently available? What type of product is the person reviewing? What type of milk did the author initially use? What replaces the rubber gaskets What vacuum is being replaced by this item? What other negative experience has this user had with the product? What is a good way to help prevent mold on the bread? How long has he been drinking wine? What feature is both an advantage and a disadvantage? How easy is slicing with the santoku knife? Does the product come with instructions? How much did this person have to pay to send this item back? How long has the reviewer have the basket on their wall now? What is produced by an extraction from the baby cow's stomach? How old is the Anolon Advanced pan? What do they like to do with them? How long has the item been used? What does a Contractor's bag cost? What is on the sides of the colander? What are you sifting? What kind of air did it circulate? What is in the utensil compartments that disgusts the writer? What is one big issue? Some other blenders make little noise, so they are good for using during what time of day? how many quarts of yogurt is made every other day? Where were you able to buy folding racks in the past? What is the grill made of? What brand makes their preferred grabbers? What does the author describe as 'solid'? What is the second benefit the reviewer mentions? How often did the author use the blender on a typical week? What does the author not want to have to do every time they have a drink? What came with the latte maker? What size battery is required? They ordered another to support what body part? What is being reviewed? What is there an ubelievable array of? how can you wash the grill? What type of person who like this product? what kind of pan is the authors favorite pan What color are the bags? How long did setup take for this holder? What does this product do? How many products did this person purchase? What type of food was the person initially unable to cook in the RV? What appearance do they have? What was the brand of toaster oven owned for 15 years? What do they match? Does it have a clock function? Who makes the Vue coffee maker? What are the worthwhile features? What kind of leather is the ottoman made of? How long has the owner had the product? Why I am satisfied with pan? How many pieces of french toast does the griddle hold? What is the drawback of the tunbler? What were in the pans surface upon receiving? When was the product shipping date updated? What do you have to attach properly in order for the product to swivel? What does the reviewer wish this product came with? What did the user purchase? With things cleaned and in it's proper place what kind of experience will someone have? What are three words used to describe the pan? What will a soft cloth get rid of? Does it make any noise? What did this person buy? How much longer do they want to use the vacuum? How much more does the device cost than a standard mop and bucket? How many times has the item been used? How many irritations are there? what floor is the room that is being kept cool on? The product the person is reviewing is called what? What problem does the meat thermometer have? How many shots of espresso will this make? What kinds of skills are needed when setting up the air conditioner? What is the object being reviewed? What it the problem with this space? How can we find out conversion of Fahrenheit into Celsius? What did the author want to put inside this item? Why is the "to the door delivery" ideal for this product? What will happen to a stain on the stone? What is the reviewer's biggest issue with the Dolce Gustom machines? What kind of bag did the original order come with? What brand of coffee machine has the reviewer sold? How old are the wife and husband? What aspect of the product make it easy to lift? What product was ordered? What is the color of the shower curtain that they ordered? How high of a setting can the cooking sheets be used in the oven? What is it the product of this review? Which method of cooking leads to problems? Where did the writer buy things to repair the blinds? What is not included in their green smoothie? What is terrible on the timer? How much juice was lost using OXO slicer? What does the strainer have two of? what aspect of this product is different than other models? how can the nit-picky problem the author describes be fixed The customer tried the wine chiller with what size bottle? Which type of upholstery is incompatible with this vacuum? What poses as a potential target for soaps, shampoos and rinses? What was included? What could they use from the printed manual? What is the temperature usually like? How long did it take for the teflon coating to come off? What setting should you use if you only want to toast the crust? What eliminates the chance of a broken pot? What did the person agree to complete in exchange for the product? How does the item cut? What is a downside of most juicers? What feature works well on the Kuhn Rikon? What was your man reason for buying this food scale? is that the product was bulky? What was wrong when the reviewer looked at the lcd display? How big are their plates? What is it bad at? What is the weight of the man that I had sit in the chair in order to test its strength and comfortability? Which content does not spread evenly? How did the reviewer wash the mat? What brand did the reviewer recommend? What can this knife do? Where did the reviewer state that the water would take on a taste if stored in? Does the slice guide squish bread? What type of marks aren't left on the product because it rarely needs to be touched? What is the largest can the crusher will take? How many stars did this person rate the soap pumps? What store did the author buy the product? what does the top layer of this mattress cover feel like? How much did the product cost? What should you push through the cork? how many seconds does it take to blend a drink? How many meals have the author cooked in 2 days using the oven? What did the reviewer use in place of vanilla? How many of these products did the author purchase? What is the brand name of the travel mug? How did the reviewer describe the cherry color? What type of beaters does this vacuum have? How did the reviewer find recipes? How quickly can you make the popcorn What was used about 200 times? Is the scale heavy? Is the kettle convenient to clean? Which brand did the reviewer prefer? What is the dehydrator mainly used to dehydrate? What material are the measuring cups made of? What does the reviewer have problems with? What occasion were the glasses purchased for? What was the reviewer first using that took a lot of effort and work to clean the floors.? What is your main problem with the old type scales? Why are they annoyed by the labels? What color is the author's mattress? How many mini-preps has the author owned in the past? What is really thin? What happens when grinding with this product? What is the button cover made of? how difficult does the writer describe the clean up process? How was the product's design described? What was just not worth the purchase? How is the alarm described as? What did the person purchase? What would the sound machine have to be to match the noise of this humidifier? What is this product similar to? What size is the fitting well? What problems do others have? What can you grind into the base? What brand is the product? What size can does it hold? Was the vacuum worth buying? What does the reviewer find "vague"? what happened to the kitchen that required putting food into plastic boxes? What model is preferable because it's more automatic than the Piccolo? What is the size of the mixer? Where does the reviewer's swimming pool equipment stay? Has the customer had any trouble with the factory-reconditioned KitchenAid Professional mixer that they bought two years ago? What temperature does the author like their bedroom to be? What did this person buy? What is safe to use in this blender? Who suggests gradual heating at medium heat or below? What type of material might be potential toxic and harmful to the user? What do they use the mylar bags for? What will happen if my son helps prep food? What kind of glue did they use on the joints? How many glasses come with the 7-Piece Whiskey Gift Set? Aside from a pan cover, what has the reviewer used this product for? What is the product made from? What company makes the Green Earth Frying Pan? How many stars did the author give the ottoman in his review? Which pan would be replaced? What color is the grill that the person bought? What is the finish of the shakers? What happened with other pans when making eggs? what additional hardware does the writer need for the old computer? Can the water still drain properly if you use this mat in the shower? When long ago was the last update? How much does a good electric grinder cost? How do they feel about the product? How many large bananas was the reviewer able to fill the unit up with? How is the bag attached? Do the pillow cases fit a standard size? does the humidifier work well? Do the little bumps on the finish change the functionality? What is the distance between the top and bottom screws? What doesn't the toaster do for both sides? what did the reviewer use the left-over labels on? How long has the user owned this product? What sizes of copper core pans does the writer own? Is the comforter the same as in the picture? what utensil has been used to get stuff out of the toaster? What addon was used to mix the meat to make meat loaf and meatballs? What is the product the reviewer bought? What does the reviewer say these trays do well? What kind of coffee basket does the reviewer have? how the product appers? How is the price? What percentage is this product working for the author? How does it cut? What did I buy? How many bottles of shampoo will the bin approximately hold? What is one of the cons? What kind of smell did it have at first? What is the bottom button of the toaster? What aspect of the product was first dismissed but later recognized as valuable? What is depended on? is the filter on the product reusable? What does it do when you change the temperature? A lot of times what would co-workers help themselves to and take? What feature makes the product effortless to carry What does the user make all of in this product? What did they previously try? What is the brand name of the squeezer? When was the skillet great? What does this product have built into it? Who purchased the device? In addition to my technique, what do I think these issues are due to? What was the purchase based on? how long did the writer look? What does the dabba hold inside of it? Where does the author keep the disc holder? How did they assess the quality of the item? What are the measuring cups made from? what materials are the floors made of? how has the price changed since the writer bought the product? Is the kettle easy to pick up? Was the glue able to be removed by the customer? Did the dishes get damaged in the dishwasher? What do they say about the tool storage? What can be used to cover yogurt as it forms in bowls? What do you have to do to the head of the crevice tool? What did the author stop in the process of coffee making that made the coffee better? what is the main reason for the purchase? Which part of the product scared the little boy? What happened the first time they used it? What are the stainless steel cups sealed with? How does the towels feel when rubbed? What was the speed of delivery? What size is the item? How many years of use did the William Bound pepper mills last? What is the price of the Thermoworks? What kind of milk gets the best froth? Is cold temperature an issue? What Crockpot did the reviewer buy? What does the author make once a week? What is the size of the dial? What are the biggest issues with the cabinets? how long has the user owned this product? Does the bag function as required? what site do they use for their purchases? Where did the person buy travel mugs in the past? Why does the user like the handles? What did the board get anyway? Is the price reasonable compared to other pan covers? What appliance does the reviewer use to sanitize the product? What kind of plug did this come with? what type of bread gives the writer he most problems when using this product? What is it nothing more then? What organization's guidelines does the product comply with? What is one issue with the product? What is the different size of bowls used for? Where does it fit perfectly at? What is the overall quality of the product? What does the product absorb quickly? What size is the cup? What carrier did this person use for their shipping? What type of steak cook did the author have trouble getting? What was the first thing used to chop? Where does the family like to eat dinner? What negative dairy health effect happened from eating yogurt purchased from the store? How many of the KitchenAid did they purchase for gifts? What star rating would you give this product? What does the writer say is nice about the product? where is this stored? What material is the electric kettle made of? who bought the writer this product? What didn't happen despite the cupcakes being cooked? Why shouldn't a consumer buy a bodom press with glass? Is it easy to clean the stuff that goes inside? How are these bags meant to be cleaned? How strange does the writer find about the lid? what material does the writer believe this item should be made from? Where is the kitchen? What do some people criticize? For how many years have the dishes been used every day? What are the two kind of pasta settings on the pasta maker? When is it nice to use the product? What problem did the product face that was not warrantiable? What type of mixer is this? What grade of stainless steel does the manufacturer use in this kettle? What part is difficult to get on after filling it with beans? What did the reviewer do after reading nearly every review on the product? What doesn't the reviewer normally do? What did the color of the sheet set resemble? What does the poster get comfort for? How could they improve this utensil holder? How does the Vacu Vin compare to using a cork? What did we use? What does the appliance make that is delectable? How often does reviewer's mom make tea and coffee? What did the author wonder when putting the knife into his knife rack? What does twisting the stem of the glasses put on it? What action is compared to when using a steamer? What do bakers say makes clean ups easier? What kind of shakers is this person completely done with? What feature would the author want on this pan? how many inches is the memory foam topper? Using a flat disc what happened? What natural sweetener is used as a topping? What did the author also get? What kind of handles do the knives have? What was the verdict of the purchase? What was the product being reviewed? What material would the main compartment be considered to this buyer? What did this person buy? What material is the handle made of? What is the weight of the dish compared to other dishes the author owns What types of bars in a closer would probably work better with this product? What would they enjoy? This scoop is described as the what of ice cream scoops? What sort of loop is at the top? How does the writer feel about cleaning the Juicer? How long did it take the replacement to arrive? What theme of wine tasting would this be ideal for? The glass might help warm what, which is desirable in this case? What brand is the lemon zester in question? How long is the cord? How was the install? What made the other vacuum fun? What do the containers do really well in the pantry and fridge? In addition to measuring spoon, what did I purchase? What roaster did I have before I got the red roaster? Where does this person buy their Tully's products? How old is this person? Who wrote New Short Course in Wine? Who makes this dinnerware? What is the availability of this product on Amazon? Where is the product produced? How responsive was the company? What do department store pillows do? From what retailer did the person buy their cookware? How does reviewer describe the quality? What description does the user say is not accurate? How big is the rice cooker? How quickly did the user use the item? How do pinking shears cut? How hot does the temperature have to be before the Reviewer feels discomfort? What does not happen from cooking heat? This products works, what? What type of coffee drink does the author prefer? What doesn't the author have that is small enough? What is the noise level of the filter? How long did the authors first Joey last? What is the problem with refilling cylinders of Soda Stream? How hard is the juicer to disassemble and clean? Where do you hang the organizer? Waht brand tumbler did I buy? Am I missing out on anything by not having this attachment? In what room is the suthor using the item? How did one of the items arrive to the reviewer? Why does the reviewer like the top view graduations on the inside of the new three-piece measuring cup set? What helps to attach the Deep Water Bath to the surface of the tub? What color is it? What does the reviewer primarily use the pan for? What bed did the mattress buy for? What did the reviewer do with the product at the end? What kind of capacity does the product have? Why is it hard to put flannel sheets on? What kind of pizza can it handle? What should you use to open the battery door of this product? What other mattress is the this bed compared to? What should you do after adding lard? how tall is the mug What does this pot not do that Keurig does? What product is as described? What did this person buy? What does the author feel like they are wearing? How is the design described? What problem does the Bodum Bistro Large Electric Water Kettle have? What kind of adventure did she go on with her 3 dogs? what material is the product made from? What is one way to mitigate the delicacy of the whipping attachment? what product is the writer reviewing? What was the brand name of the food processor purchased? What kind of surface does the skillet have? What doesn't cut it for the author? What is the only negative of the product? Is the knife properly proportioned? What can you peel with it? How many sets of instructions came with the pan? Is the oven door removable? How large was this beer kit? How big is the cutting board? When did the person go to their female parent's house? What other kind of bars does the author say you can make? How many pillow covers come with the sheet set? Who was amused by the purchase of these bowls? How does the reviewer feel about buying this mattress? How much water does the product hold? What parts of the toaster does the writer love the most? What does the reviewer mostly use the cup for? What other brand was the reviewer considering? How long did the skillet take to stop being perfect? What type of room is the fan suited for? What has not been impacted? Are there any differences between batches? What other items were placed in space bags? How many gallon bags that they use are only somewhat full? Who was the Amazon seller the filters were purchased from? Where was the insulation damaged, possibly due to arcing? What does the author have? Why won't there be any marks on your tile when you use this product? What is considered to be well written? How did the purchase describe the items? How does the reviewer describe the hem stitching? Where couldn't the product be found easily? what happens when the gears strip out? Was the cage dull looking? What rating did the user give the machine? how many pieces are in the set the writer bought? What does the pan do well? What is the grinder great for? Where is the room with the new purifier in it? What is the brand? What days of the week did the author first use this item? Which kettle did the shopper decide to give a shot? What type of area does this work best in? How many stars has the reviewer given this product? What do the use to get the dog off the chair? What did the product produce after being washed and dried? What is the shape and design? What did the reviewer really like about the new three-piece measuring set? Is it quiet? what does the author have that is still noticeable Where does the user get printed recipes? What is being reviewed? what does the writer store this item on the side on? Do you eat at the table? Who did they use to buy filters from? Who makes swiss army knives? What does this can opener cut through cans like? Is it visually appealing? What did some reviewers not like about the wooden slats? What do they need to do first? How long ago was the product purchased? What is suggested by the author to cook spaetzle with? How does the food turn out when using this product? What piece is bound to break after repeated use? The lid handle is screwed to the other side and exposed to what? What does the reviewer cook with almost entirely? Where did the person put the jars of lettuce? are the jars a good size? When was the update posted? What can this reach that the author's existing vacuum cannot? How is this sharpener for me? How does the product's handle feel? What type of mattress does the reviewer prefer? Is the product expensive? How much counter space does these people have in their living space? What day was the queen size bed delivered? What did they do with the broken tiles? About how long does this item take to heat up? What kind of switch would cause the fan to run only when it's hot? Up to how many ounces can the Vue brew at once? What is the canister for this coffee press made of? The reviewer bought this to replace what? How many times has the person purchased the product? How much dirt does it suck up? What type of products do they own? What part of the bottle works great? what rating did the reviewer give the product? How much does this item cost? What item does the reviewer want to be sucked up better? How long will it take to install? What can easily be moved into the oven using the Super Peel? What did the author do before perfecting the process? Where is the makeup being held? What part of the assembly did the reviewer struggle with briefly? What is a negative that the reviewer has claimed? Where did the reviewer use the product? How long was the coffee sitting in the thermos while still being hot? How long does it take to peel a dozen apples with this peeler? how many stars did the writer give the item? What other food did the author try to grate besides cheese What is the poster of? How does the exhaust feel? Why did the author buy this device? What was surprising to them about the machine? What is drained from yogurt? What extra feature is designed on the pot for clumsy people? What is the author's complaint about their favorite Thai restaurant? How many did the reviewer order that day? What is the size when it is folded? what feature of this machine helps with draining the water? What number was the tested tap water? What used to get tangled in the wash? How much does this mattress cost? Is the product good quality? What characteristic of the glasses does the reviewer like for their medical condition? What color is the new Pinzon throw? What does it not have? How long will it take to stop and pump the spray a few times? What kind of reviews put the buyer off? What did we use to raise waffle? What type of juicer did the person use to have? How hot did the author want to heat browned/blackened chicken to? What will happen if you don't protect your hand when pouring? How many marked increments for precise measurement are on each side? Why is the back of the new chair so comfortable? how many modes does this product have? How many pieces of fruit does the buyer suggest that the fruit bowl can hold? How long had the reviewer used the toaster before reviewing it? Is it easy or difficult to turn the handle? Why does the customer want to buy a second product of the exact same type? What kind of stopper does the Godinger have? How long did the breadmaker last? the writer owns what size of chef's knife? What else did the speaker to go along with the salt grinder? What material was the writer's old juicer made of? How does it feel? How did the person test the unit? Independent reviews say the Acme extract how much more juice than its competitors? Should I get a smaller model? What do you need to use on both the lid and handles of this pot? What does the top piece do? How is the pricing of the product described? Why is the customer returning the kettle? How many adults can the mattress handle? Which product purchased by the reviewer works better? Is the new tray as good as the old one? What kind of odors does it produce? What is the dogs name? How many pieces are the spatulas themselves? Does this pillow come highly rated by others? what is the placement of the spout on this kettle? What is the reviewer using the coffee press for? What are the risk of holding near the food container? What did they compare it with? What did she want for Christmas? How much did the author spend? How many pieces are in this set? How much resting time does the rice need? Does the product turn its self off? What brand does the person like? What is the brand name of the other mitt purchased? How deep is the pocket? What are a couple good things about this product? What helped them decide on this product? What did they thank Amazon for? what room was the product needed in? What vacuum brand did the author have numerous problems with? How long did they use this product? Was the table inside the box messed up? Who created the coffee pot? at what age did the author watch her mother and grandmothers use cast iron skillets What did they buy from Amazon? What brand is the product being reviewed? What does it work best with? How many different sized rubber plug-in feet does the product come with? How did they stop the bottles from making a mess in the lunchboxes? What mode does it work well in? Where did I order the fiesta set? what is the problem with this press? Who loves high quality irons? Why is the writer unable to rate the filter? What are most of the reviewer's pans and Dutch Ovens? What type of product does the person struggle with buying? Is the tray dishwaster safe? What was the reviewer's thought as to the reason that it broke? What is their favorite way to use these? How long is the greek yogurt left to sit in the bowl? What was bought before, giving satisfaction? What other items can it store? The buyer will not be, what, with this purchase? What kind of cooking tasks is the product suggested for? What is one of the reviewers favorite foods? Where was the product purchased? Why did the reviewer buy the fan? What is the problem with the strainer? what is balked at? How satisfied is the writer with the wok? What liquors are best served in this item? What do they use on the silicone pans? What color is the product being reviewed? When would I use them supervised? What is wider? How heavy was the mattress pad? Does this person fill the compartment up completely with ice cubes? The blade is a type of what? What brand of cookware did the person purchase? How many liters is it? Where did they store the vacuum? What did the set sell for 7 months ago? What does the author struggle to do? What does the pan hold and distribute well? What's the problem with chrome caddies? What kind of opening does the mug have? What size trash bags does the trash can use? How long does it take for them to drink all the water? How hot can you wash it in without damaging it? Their second unit still works, but it happening to green power light? How many years is the warranty? After following instructions what did they then make? How was the cover's material described? What additional item can be purchased to go with this product? What was the author's old tea pot covered in? What missing feature lead the reviewer to lower their rating? How are the steam vents? What was the style of first mattress that made it so uncomfortable? What is the cost of the thermometer? If your making a smoothie with frozen berries what should you consider most? What are they convenient for? What seemed to get wrapped around everything? What happens if it's dropped The towel also feels like what other kind of fine towel? How many tea balls did I buy? What are their feelings about this item? What was the final rating that the reviewer gave? What word is used to rate the toaster oven? What can mice not chew through? What part of the shower curtain is showing early wear and tear? what brand of product does the writer compare this product too? What item of clothing could this be used as after a dip in the pool? What is the material that they are compose of? what is the brand name of this product? Does the vacuum do a good job at sucking up dirt? What happens when you try to fill an in-sink soap from above? What can the bowl hold easily? Where does the user live? What is being reviewed? What is the bottom shelf made out of? what is the reviewer's favorite aspect of the product? Considering the size, why is the product good? Why does the leak bother the reviewer? How many gifts has the reviewer bought for others? What is the cup's primary material? Who did I buy the Kuhn Rikon Single Cup Easy Brew for? where are the cut marks located on the old spoon? What did the author bu the stands to hold? Why would sending the product back be a problem? What did the unit arrive in? What is the occupancy status of the writer? What is the author reviewing? What size filter is used exclusively every day? Why is the vacuum cleaner good? What did the writer do upon receiving this set? How does the buyer describe the trigger on this device? Was calibration hard to do? Is the grinder ergonomic? How long does it take for fermentation to occur? What does the unit sound like? When did the consumer receive the coffee pot? How does the coffee made taste? How much time did we need? What is the size of the pans in the Libbey mini baking set? What did they think about the pan's weight when they first bought it? Where was this item purchased? What item was bought for the guest room? are you like the juicer? What am I used to buying besides 12 or 24 packs of drinks? Has the heater kept working efficiently? how many speeds does the Oster have? What measurements of the stone did the writer take> How much noise does the mixer make? What does the vacuum cleaner work better than? What purpose did I buy the vacuum? Are the towels large or small? What did he install first? How long have they had the Roomba? What is the name of the tea set? How many days does it keep an avocado? What speaks for itself? What do they already own? How does the toast come out? What kept going off? How long does the coffee take to finish brewing? what do they use to cut up food? What kind of mattress does this cover? How many times have they reviewed something on Amazon? What does it not make worse? Are the gloves easy to clean? What criticism does the reviewer have about the grinder? what looks smaller than the author has What do they use? Can you change the angle? What did they recommend to use to keep them sparkling? What is the second reason these are handy? What type of furniture is the reviewer switching from? What brand is the air purifier? What holiday was this received by? What type of sushi was being made? How is the cleaning? What signals the machine to stop brewing coffee? What happened with the bottles in the kids' lunchboxes? What product had the poster used before? What about the design caused a less than perfect rating? is the whisk well made? The reviewer boasts that they have never has what kind of issue? What should users NOT do while the product is turned on? what is the noise level of this machine? What type of deposits can build up in the product? What seems to big for a butter warmer? What happens to the thin film of water when the top is removed after the water is boiling? how happy is the reviewer with this product? Where was this item purchased? Where did they buy the vacuum? What material is the inside of the new mug made of? What did the author purchase for their home theater? What kinds of ties do I own? What will you need to do to the screws? What holes the customers vacuum, ironing board, and cleaning chemicals? Who thought highly of the "best buy" blender? What is the minor complaint listed by the customer? What purpose does the channel serve? What brand of juice has the consumer sealed? What is the top layer of the wok? How many dogs does the reviewer have? What pattern does the reviewer wish the sign came in? What do you need to use to make this filter last 5 years? How many batches can you make in a row? What kind of handles are on the knife? what brand of product is the writer reviewing? What only takes one battery charge? What brand where the water resistant adhesive strips? What sort of grip do these hangers use to hold onto a pair of slacks? How many fans do they have in total? When do they use a grind? What meal is the glass a must buy for? What color/finish is the soap holder? What is the handle of the knife made of? What does they pair it with? How big of a hole did the customer cut into the middle of the pillow? Before buying the griddle what was this person doing? What is necessary to some? What did we buy extra? What did they put on the bottom of the toaster? why does water get into the press? What does the writer say is easy? What does the scale do to the plate used to weight food on the scale? What type of bread do you make with the pan? What will be hard to do if you like to drain your foods? What was the number 3 reason for positive statement? Why did the reviewer purchase this item for the kids? Did the author have success with rolling sushi in the past? is the knife dull or sharp? What was less expensive than the 1 4-cup glass or Pyrex model? How long did it take to install in the shower? How do they know this air conditioner will conserve energy? Why was the office not happy? What is being reviewed? What type of drinks might this be better used with? What does the poster say is wonderful, sarcastically? why does the mandolin need a lock? What is incorrect What is powerful? What don't you need this item for? Why is the lid hard to clean? What additional product is built-into this one? What happens when the lid is on in the correct way? When did this person buy the product? What would you use each glass for? Compared to the photo, how does the product seem? What is the size What photo is printed onto the curtain? What should the rack have? What does the reviewer wish the review was? Will the reviewer purchase another grinder of this brand? How is the reheating of the 24oz mug? What is the best use for this ice cream maker? Where is it likely this product will end being donated? How do these cubes compare in size to regular ones. Whats the best pan? How many stars does this reviewer want to leave? What kind of bottom does it have? Why is this timer less likely to be broken? Is the pressure strong enough? Where can you wash it in the dishwasher? What is the max temperature that the cover can withstand? Which brand of product is an amazing hit? What is the relative cost of the product? What was the problem with the product? Is this the first or second time this person has purchased one of these? Luckily they haven't had any issue with their TP-Holder doing what? What finally had it? What can the sandwich maker fry? What happened when the shower curtain was washed? How many have they bought? Does the pan come with any accessories? What kind of safety feature does the iron have? What are they struggling to make in their pans? Why are they crossing their fingers? What historic figure serves eggs in the movie What isn't fun to carry up and down stairs? What promise did the purchaser break? What seems to last forever? What is really easy to use? What was the original delivery estimate for the product? What do you need to do before you purchase the juicer? What kind of item that wasn't too loud was needed? where will the shoe racks fit? Does it take a lot of effort to empty? If you hold the shakers upside down what will you get a lot of? What quality does the reviewer believe the clips are? What is not required when making cupcakes and muffins in these? How much did I pay for the pan? What don't you have to use with the food saver? What is really, really small? How many pair of shoes will be stored in a box? Where does the mother-in-law put them? What was the other brand name of the product the reviewer owns? what does the writer rate as their happiness with this purchase? What size are they? How long has the user owned this product? What is good to serve in this mug? How makes great tools for the kitchen? How many can it dry if you have both sides up? is the extension part weak? What did they want reduce in their home? For whom did the reviewer purchase this item? What type of pie was cooked? What isn't clear? What additional feature does the fake dish have that the real one hasn't? What does the author want to accomplish with the drain? What part is the other still waiting for? What is the main complaint about the cooker's ability to poach eggs? Which settings are actually pretty noisy? What feature is great for keeping all your detergents at hand? Where was the product purchased? how does the purchased feel about this product? what color(s) is the spatula? What convinced the poster to purchase? what was the purpose of this purchase? Are these nightstands easy to put together? What product is the reviewer writing about? What is this product not? What are some perks of this product? What is the name of the company that the reviewer contacted? does the product need to be washed after use? What makes the process go quicker than usual? What is soft and cool to the touch? what is a good feature that this mug has that helps when using it at your desk? What is the weight limit What size of cabinets is the diameter of the product especially suitable for? According to this reviewer should you buy this one or the more expensive brand? Are they more likely freezing or canning the contents of the ball jars? What is considered the an eye sore when used? What sticky lunch item made from a nut does the author store in this product? How long did sync take? What kind of results does the newer model offer? What is slow? How do the sides of the wok look? which part of the device does the writer have the most trouble with? What size is the toaster? What did they upgrade to from the KCup system? What should you include? Where is the dotted pattern? What kind of meats does the author make on the mat? When was the last time the customer purchased a hand held vacuum? What is the brand of the mixer? Why does the crockpot boil over? Which part of the cooker/steamer has been used and is being reviewed? When was this item bought? Which version of the wine tasted superior? How does the user characterize the product's handle? Why are brown spots on the bowl? How do you collapse the board? What causes the thin plastic to flex? Is the stand child safe? What does the person now find indispensable? What did the reviewer hate? Other than coffee, what beverage did the user make in the product? How fast does this work? What can the product do? Where was the ice pack left for a few hours? What do I like to cook with all the vegetables? How much might this mug cost? Who was the device intended for? What is lacking in this product according to the author? What is being reviewed? What item was suggested by Cooks Illustrated? Is organic coffee available for this machine? Have they had problems with the bottle? How many pieces come with the cookware set? What does the author have a lot of? It is safe to put the peeler in where? What is prevented by the way it cuts the lid? What is the one problem with the bags? How long does it take to reach pressure? How is the product described? What can the ricer squeeze moisture out of? how many children does the writer have? what sort of demonstration is there? What is the diameter of the dowels? What website did they read reviews on? What is our relationship when he gived me the gift? Where is the black rubber that helps improve grip? What can their next topic of conversation be now? What kind of tape has this person tried in the past? what brand of rice cooker does her daughter in law have? How many good ones were there? Can I warm my plates on it? Are the slices even? What is the name of the product manufacturer? How many colored stripes were there? What does this vacuum have the reviewer didn't look forward to having again? What does the package say? How long does it maintain suction? What was their last pot brand? When did the user's old vacuum die? What attachment do they use frequently? how far does the rack stick out? How does it compare to a traditional oven? What kind of sandwiches did the author make? For which reason the author wants to get better quality fans? When did I buy the coffee maker? The company Wusthof makes products related to what product domain? Another quality the customer mentioned was what? What is a great selling point for the fryer? How many of the items did the reviewer order? What does the author use the item for? What is a benefit of the product? What is the ground beef and onions cooked for? What are some things the author likes? What's one downside? In what size room does the reviewer use the heater? How long after first using it did the user's opinion start to change? What is the basic function of the product? Does the single wall provide a lot of insulation? What serving size are the glasses good for? How long does the device have to stand during use? How many stars did the reviewer give for this product? What is the author's normal stick? What is not mentioned by the sellers but comes with the product? How does she describe the new holder? Do the burgers rise up in the middle? What didn't they understand? The customer bought the factory-reconditioned KitchenAid Professional mixer for what relative? What kind of lid does it have? Does a lime perfect fit it? what do they want their pan to be? What kind of solution did the OXO come up with to solve the problem? What product is the author talking about? How do you know the potatoes are done? How much liquid does the product hold? How does the coffee taste? How quickly does it cook? What kind if dinnerware did the user already own? What did they say you should buy with the trash can? Where did the person want to take the pitchers? What is great with Prime? What did this person buy? The customer wanted to reduce the waste associated with what product? what started to appear in the water What are the cons? Are there any issues with this heater? Who pitched Mr. Coffee? What is at the top of the shower caddy designed for hanging? What may make it easier to operate the foot-buttons? Why does the author want to gift this product to his grandmother? How do they like the waffle maker? What did they use previously? What is the problem with the holding tanks? What color are the light of the device that are to bright? Why was the product first bought? how did they test the strength of the rack? What is the recommendation for someone over 200 lbs? Does the author have issues with cookies getting stuck? What is the plastic button cover for? What did this person do research on? How big is the item? What are the advantages of owning a Shabu Shabu pot? When was this product purchased? Why is the quesadilla maker easy to clean? How do they describe the room after using DampRid What should you do if you wash with hard water? What is the problem with blade grinders? What should you check before purchasing? What did their mother use in the kitchen? What becomes more difficult to read with more exposure to heat? How has the author felt previously about similar products? Where was the previous purchase from? What size protectors are being used? What brand is the Product? What was this item a part of is it noisy? What happens if the cup is removed from the bottom of the grater? Which area is cleaned with compressed air in the new vacuum? What kind of kitchen utensil is being reviewed? What's the problem with the product? What Italian pasta accompaniment could also be scooped with this? What overflows? What did I make? What was the condition of the product upon arrival? What material does the author think prevents metal flavors? Was it easy to cut? What does the author's significant other like about the product? About how thick is the product? What brand is this juicer? What type of cookware has the person also put on the cooling rack? How does this customer think the ice balls look? Who wasn't helpful? What is a negative of the powerful motor? What is the MIU France Ceramic Nakiri Knife lacking that would prevent wear and tear of the handle? What kind of house did they purchase a second product for? What are they using it for? What impressed the author? how many plates can the product help organize? How long has the device been used for with no incident? Is this coffee maker shiny? When should the cork be thrown away? What part of the body won't be burned while using the Tea Bag Buddy? where does the author unfortunately have to run the cable How many beers can you make at a time? What could be ruined if not careful with rejoining the two pieces? What is better then frying the tortillas? What is a major advantage of stainless steel? What material must the product be made out of? how long will the author leave the fan in Who did the user buy more of the product for? How good is this rug at soaking up water? who does the writer live with? What are the benefits of the product? What type of mattress is this? What nationality does the knife originate from? Is the Primula a fast or slow brewing system? The customer also is impressed by how long it keeps a pot of cofee what? What did the reviewer experience with the first two racks? Which direction are riced items aimed into the bowl? What was the first beer this person tried? How many stars did they originally give? Is the item good looking? How often is the product used? How do you clean it? What did the electric company provide for buying an Energy Star product? What is the product? what vegetable is this press perfect for? Who is this product good for? What is the rating for the product? What kind of pot did they opt for? What sounds do the units make? How is the scale? What does the reviewer not like about the pan? What issue did some previous reviewers complain about? What is the thickness how many sets did the writer purchase? What does this come with? Aside from food, what else does this person weigh? What does the reviewer claim the blender smells like? How big is the K5AWW model? What makes the blade stay on what you are peeling? What is the finish? What brand of product is the person reviewing? What roaster did I get to replace the calphalon roaster? Is there anything that would make the garlic press more functional? Why would the reviewer not use the smaller tongs for serving bread? What did the person not like about silicone contained in the ice cube tray? Where was the product purchased? How long has this product been available for the public to purchase? What did I recently acquired? How long has the author had one of these products? What can happen to your skin if you touch the handle? How much coffee does the Primula make at one time? What does the product have that allows it to easily move? Where do they live? What did they do with the item when done? What is the problem of the item? how much more expensive are enclume racks? What can be used to aid in the bread slipping right out of the pan? On what surface have they found the Roomba ineffective? What is the review about? What will happen to the food if you do not pack it properly? What setting did the author use over several days? How long does it take? What does the item hold for display? How accurate is this food scale? What ability does this coffee have? how many people does it cool? What else did they get? What can cause the weight to change on the scale? The new chair will be used mostly for what purpose? what inch bowl would be good for ice cream? How old was the reviewers previous baster? What kind of enthusiast is this necessary for? What color does not stain from cooking sauces? Which two slices are unevenly cooked? What did this person decide to try? What did they get? How often does the reviewer run the fan? What does the French Press work superbly? What color are the sheets this user bought? How is this one similar? How much did the product cost? Who should buy the product according to the reviewer? how is this spatula useful if you're eating yogurt? How many have they purchased in the past year? What is causing the author's issue? What would the user reccomend be included with this product? Who ended up finishing putting the tv stand together the next day? What took awhile to get used to? items that need a longer cook time should be placed where? Does the cooker poach eggs evenly? How long does it take to bake a chicken breast on a Foreman grill? Who would the set make a great gift for? What model is the person reviewing? After understanding how it works, it's quirks, and it's worth how do they cook now? What is a better quality on Harold's Pie Crust Maker? What causes too much noise? What was the brand of the throw that the reviewer received? What is a tad short for a crock pot? When did they first develop allergies to dust? what type of nozzle does the product use? This item is actually better than what other similar item for the price? What rooms is this trash can good for? What type of pick ups is this sweeper fantastic for? What should be read before buying the vacuum? When was this coffeemaker purchased? How are the cups? What did I do to clean the pan good? what is a drawback of silicone mats in general? What was it too much of a hassle to do? Whose coffee machine did the reviewer try before buying this one? What is fantastic? What does the product handle well? How often does the reviewer use this item? Was this product made well? What problem did the reviewer have initially with the product? What did they buy years ago? Is the toaster attractive? What is the bread machine very good at making? What is the brand name of the reverse osmosis filtration system purchased? How much does the ends stick out? What did the author do before making the purchase? Do the dishes have any decorations? How is this different from other, larger microwaves? What does the new vacuum do in comparison to the older vacuums? Under what price was this vacuum's cost? Does it fit larger or smaller than the regular matress What is the first benefit the reviewer mentions? Why is the user looking for a replacement? What must be done first to the purifiers to prevent the release of ozone? What did the reviewer use this for that they found messy? What was the poster surprised about? Does the lever work well? How do you like this electric kettle? What material are these towels made from? What happens if you put the mixture in too soon? Where did the sheet split? What measurement of iron skillet does the grill press fit? What is impressive? In what color are the smaller numbers? How long do the oats cook? What item did I get that I know I will be satisfied? What did they install afterwards? What type of kitchen pans were these bought to be used with? What fruits has the user dried? How many pieces come in the Farberware set referenced by the user? Why was it difficult to cut? What happened to the glue on the coasters? Does it accurately weigh you? Where did the writer buy a good lever mechanism break? How long ago did the writer's wife buy the Cuisinart set? How many people live in that house? What kind of can do I dislike? How many hooks does the laundry rack have? Does it make cleaning easy? Do you need to grind up the coffee beans? What kind of cups do a lot of spendy coffee makers use? How long were they supposed to use at first? What is the product name? How did the trader joes kernals taste? What was purchased 4 years ago? Where does the author put the cup when it's dirty? Did the company replace the dispenser when it broke? Is the press cleaned after each use? Is the heater very heavy? How long did they wait in a hot car? What adjective did they describe the customer support as? Is the tea ball a good buy? How difficult is the refill of Soda Stream cylinders? What have they never had a problem with? What does the opening in the container allow the reviewer to put inside the product? How many times do they make coffee on Sunday? What material are the legs made of? what can be purchased to go along with the memo center? What type of product is described? Even what product will not get rid of the glue covered surfaces? What did this person buy? Where did the author see fans like that? What tool was used to put the product together? How did the reviewer obtain the product? This press is stylish enough to leave out where? What brand did they buy? is this pan different? What type of ingredients can you sweep flat? What is the product made of? What cord feature do we like about the vacuum? How does the writer feel about the purchase? What happened when the items got tangled? When should the delicate items like peas be added when making stews? What kind of animal does the vacuum work well for? How many cups were they making? Why does the reviewer decide the comforter looks the way it looks? What tools are dull and sloped inward? What part of the furniture piece needs to be pushed harder than normal to get it shut? Is the pan very heavy to use? What is the warm up time for this product? What is a great feature about this pan? What needs to be pureed? The reviewer will always have his/her morning coffee in what coffee machine? How much noise is the Sunbeam in early use? How did they feel about the towels? Does the vacuum have a long cord? According to the reviewer, is the more expensive keurig better than the less expensive one? does it lean to the side? What setting was the blanket when it got so hot? How do you use the thermometer? What is it more faster then? What does a good baking tool make for the process? Where do i put the Thermoworks? What are commercial fruit pops made of? What is good for the number of towels included? What is the capacity? What brand of product is this? How is the scoop with getting ice cream? The brush motor can be described as? What were they afraid would break? What are the measurements? What is the bottom? What did I have What kind of liner material is on the inside? How much did the product cost the author? What have they not regretted? What shape is the soap holder? What company was called about the fans? Where were these bought? What problem did someone else have with the product? What was the number 1 reason for positive statement? How long does the customer leave the lids in the microwave for? What color are the bags? What did the reviewer almost do to the product? Whom did they thank? What ind of pets does the writer have? What other peel besides Mario Batali and Epicurian did they try? Are these designed for Christmas only? What company makes the Green Earth Wok? Was shipping time an issue when it came to the arrival of the basket after ordering? How tough is the cookware? What does the item help with? What did the user try to do to the stain to prevent it? Do you need to buy special beans for the accessory? What country of origin could this product have potentially originated from? what was broken off the base? how many functions does this scarper have? When is there very little suction? How does the writer feel about the product? Which stores did the poster try? What might result from throwing very hard objects in after a bag change? Where does the batter get stuck? How many months ago did the user receive the product? How well does this utensil holder work? What is the one thing that has gone dull? How many weight modes does the scale have? How can you use the grill pan indoors? What aspect of the handle makes it safer to use? What is the poster mostly reviewing on? What is on the vacuum cleaner that allows one to switch between hard floors and carpeting? How much of the reviewers house is carpeted? What is the reviewer using the product for? What was done before using the towels? How is the product powered? What did he serve? What formed on the scoop after a few months? how does the writer describe the look of the ice cubes produced by the tray? What does the writer say about clean up? What does this reviewer find especially nice? What makes this product foolproof? Who did the reviewer buy it for? What can the husband sear on this? Which tool is used to tighten the bolts? Is the zipper easy to use? What store can a shop vac be purchased from? where do you load the salt shaker? What is the review about? What is a con of the Egg Genie? What do I really have to have? How do Zenith products hold up? When did the reviewer purchase the product? What should you do while living at a higher altitude? What is the brand of rice cooker being reviewed? Does it take a long time to grind coffee? When did problems start? What humidity level is produced? Does the product need to be small enough to go inside of anything? How many people are in the author's family? does the grill come with instructions? Does the author suggest anything for the accessory lid? How much leftover pineapple from the shell using OXO slicer? What does the writer give their friends to drink when they come over? How long does the liquid stay cold? How long did I have the Sunbeam? What is it good for What's the main type of use is this product built for? Which temperature teas are preferrable? What does this person do every month to their mattress? What is not easy to do? Why wouldn't the reviewer put sugar or flour in the product? What needs to be done to activate the filter area? How well does the cookware conduct heat? How satisfied were they with the bread? Does this fit in the standard sink? What do you need to be careful with? What did they bake in the silicone pan? What is being reviewed? Where was this product purchased from? What is the volume level is this vacuum? Who was the comforter bought for? What allows for easy transfer? Was this customer satisfied with the price of this product based on what they got? The author states what everyone loves is? What is the total number of boxes that was purchased? What is the capacity of the dutch oven I acquired? What works just as well as thing product? What is a shape that the set contains? What is one of the problems with the fan, regardless of use? Where are the screw holes placed? What is the oven primarily used for? what company is this story about What do they like to do while eating dinner? What did this person buy? On who's recommendation did they buy the spoon? What color is the plastic on this product? How did the person accidentally test the seal of the mug? What did this person buy? What are some perks of Fiestaware? What do they recommend to use with the duvet insert? How many hangers were purchased? Where does the reviewer keep the machine? How many paddles does it have? How did the first product arrive? Why don't I need a lot of glasses? How do the bottoms of baked goods end up? What should you use? How did they describe the appearance? What hadn't the author done the first time using the product? Is it designed to use for lime and oranges? what might be needed on a particularly cold night What did they do by hand? What food can you cook on the pan? Is the author pleased with the purchase? What brand is their rice cooker from? How long has this person been using the coffee machine? How many other people did the reviewer make beer with? How long did they travel for? What does the item hold? What does the user compare the bottle to? What brand of pan is it? Who is getting the old irons? What was used to give the item seasoning? What is the person no longer concerned will happen to their muffins? What was unbelievable for the reviewer? What did this person buy? What kind of milk does this person use? What does the product match? What company makes this item? What are large meals cooked for? What product is the reviewer writing about? What is the tip coated in? How long has the reviewer have the new shaker for? What was the main reason for keeping the product? How many bars must have I put down into the side of the rack? How many people does the reviewer cook for? What rating would I have given if the cutting board didn't warp? When did the reviewer amend the review? where was the spoon purchased? Where are the tags for this product located? Does the saucepan fit a Corning stove top burner? What type of heating does the new heater use? Does the product work? Who was the Amazon seller the filters were purchased from? What is the model of toaster oven owned for 3 years? Are you like the blender? The customer saved how much money by purchasing this item? What is disturbing? What is the reviewers chief complaint? What is the author trying to elevate above the floor? Four sets of Duralex Lys bowls were purchased since which year? What feature is an aid in being able to read better? What does the user say is pretty much the same? What makes cord handling a snap? How long was the water in the hot car? What nationality produces this machine? What word does the author use to describe the quality of construction of the item -- how was it made? During what meal did the reviewer state the product performed terrifically? What was the color of the mixer? Are they dishwasher safe? what size is this toaster compared to how it was advertised? Were pictured=s posted with this review e how the new one is best compared to old one? What on the front of the box is open at the top and bottom? What is special about the handle when it comes to heat? What colors are they available in? What must your coffee maker have to make a basic cup of coffee? On what area of the dial shows the time? What dulled in six uses? What is wrong with the stand that cannot be threaded? What did the pans need to fit? What type of stains was the cleaner not able to handle well? Why does this person want to buy this product? How large is the person's mother? What are the instructions? Why should I buy this pan? What operations did not fail? Did anyone recommend the blender? How many does the coffee pot serve? What word does the author use to describe the quality of the product? The frame is painted what color? What does the price reflect? Is tap water used to make the shot glasses? What is useless? what is the product made out of? Do you have to buy anything special for the soda stream? How did the noodles cook? How long did I use it before it was dead? In what way might the kettle be safer? what type of devices does the reviewer use this product for year round? Is the item durable? What do they fill the bottle with? What is it worth? What is the difficulty of learning how to use the scale? What does the writer think about paper filters? Is the wok hard to get food off? Where was the fryer stored in the purchaser's home? What is a pro? What is included in the set? how many guests are expected at the wedding? What location of the Wok does the heat gather at? Who gives the pressure cooker rave reviews? What does the author want to do with the muffin pan? How long have they been using this product? What is expensive? What did the writer do to fix the problem? What part of the design is meant to reduce hand tension? What does this product claim it's "free" of? rather than being made thin, this item is made how? What is the rating do I give for the coffe maker? What is one drawback to the stackable cooling racks? What was one of the factors that made this a good value? What chores was the reviewer hoping to make easier? Which part of the body being removed from the item would strengthen your grip? What was the outcome of both attempts at making ice cream? Was the steamed bad? How much was the mixer in use for? What source of information that is included with the product should not be relied upon? How is the appearance rated? What can the noodle maker use to make noodles without this tool? How would the user describe the relative weight of the product? What was the first thing they noticed? What was the design that faded from the bowls? What is the quality? When did they buy their last kettle? The reviewer wanted everyone to beware of what? What are the writer's hobbies? What can the gift do? How much can you chop at one time? What type of floor does this work best on? When did they get the item? where you suggest to keep the product? what product is the user reviewing? What is the highest number of stars they normally give to a product? where did the writer first see this tool at? What are the feet made out of? How much foes the hamper cost? What size battery is used? What was easy? Will i be able to use less coffee grounds? What can the pot be used on without risk of scratches? What was the original product rating? Why was this item bought? Who got the present? They don't know how the filters work, why is that? Where does dust collect? How well does the seal keep liquid out? What has the reviewer made in this pan? This pillow is good for people who suffer what kind of pain? What did the reviewer think the reasoning for the price was? Where was the recipient when the pad was placed on the bed? What can't the author see from the counter? What sweet powder does the author store in this product? Does the tool lose its edge easily? What happens when it folds over? How many discs does the item hold? What are cheaply made? How are they suited? How many chambers does the product have? how long ago did the writer buy the product? What kind of floors does this vacuum work on? How much less are the electric bills compared to before? What are most funnels made of? How many sizes did they order? How is the writer pleased with the food cooked with the electric wok? Does the writer want to get more of these trays? In regards to power, the Nutribullet 600 and 900 watt models are very what? Does the grinder come assembled? What would be a better material for the tool? What happens in some recipes that results in the full flavor not developing adequately in your mouth? How expensive is the knife? Why am I giving it two stars? What was the condition of the other two towels? did the reviewer test to see if the mattress cover is water resistant? Why did I go for the low-voltage? what are the sides of this mattress cover like? What does the customer wish this product included? how old is the writer? What must one consider when evaluating it? what happened with the handle? What brand of trays are more sturdier that the ice cube tray made from a mold? Whom would this be a great gift for? What's the recommended minimum amount of rice to cook in the 10 cup model? What size mug does this person love? What happened to the potato? What kind of wash does the instructions say to only use? What was purchased? Where do I keep my ties? What extra thing comes with the new juicer? Why did they buy it? What don't they use? How long has the reviewer had their cooker? how long has the writer been using this product? How long is the minimum waiting time required to make beer with this product? How many hooks does this product have? what material is the memo center made out of? Why was the reviewer initially happy with the product? What did owning a bar mean for my rest? What is wrong with the reservoir? What kind of warranty does this product have? Where does the user find many of her recipes? What size mug does this person love? What can't the reviewer remember to do with the fan? What sort of upholstery warrants extra caution when using this vacuum? How long did the author try to get rid of the problem? Where is the bed for? How does the reviewer feel about the new grater? What was I doing using the pan? What part of the machine is delicate? where did the writer install the product? What is the brand name of the tester to check water quality? Is the description of the product exactly accurate? What stopped heating and now only has the inside ring heating? What size is the bedroom? What is wrong with the filter? What size rooms can this heat? How large are the openings? What is difficult with the posters product? How long did they work on putting it together the day it arrived? What can be cooked with this dutch oven? How long does one filter last? When did they buy these bags? how many people can the product be used to cook for? If the author replaces the product, what type will she buy? What's the easiest way to assemble them? how long did the second one last? Where do the accessories get stored How can you get this function back? What can you get a full night of with these? How is it described? What is the main problem with the product? what could you cook with the foreman grill? How many were purchased? How does the humidifier work? What product is the reviewer writing about? How many cups in a standard metal pan? What are the benefits of the probe? Was the price for the juicer convient? What brand is the product? Where can I get a crock pot recipe book? What did the person use to season the pan? Who makes the Earth Pan? What do Easter Island people call sculptures? who uses the second product the writer bought Where did the author decide NOT to hang it? What is the other make and model of coffee grinder mentioned in this article? How big is my place? What was I skeptical at first? What type of home does the customer live in? What size is the unit? Can you use it to process carrots? What two settings does the gas stove seem to have? What doesn't the author like? How quickly did the pack arrive? what is the price the pan? What kind of brush assembly does the vacuum have? Which one is the brand of the wok? What did the reviewer do because a regular spatula makes serving a hassle? When did their opinion of this product change? What are the two rooms the purifiers were placed in? When should you buy fruit pops? What is an unconventional use for the product? How many previous versions of the product did the reviewer own? How does the lid fit? What brand of vacuum solved objections to bagless uprights? Describe the weight of the holder on the bottom? What two things can the processor do to garlic and rosemary very efficiently? Is the vacuum suitable for pets? how many times a day do they use a pan? How is the stores return policy? What are they made of? What did they just receive a few days ago? What brand of can opener is the most popular? What did this person do with the tp holder? What needs to be experimented with? How was the hole cause by the toothpick fixed? What is the one con of this set? What is the model number How did the author want the surface to stay for longer? What is the brand of glass? What could the rubber handle cause? What material is the new oven mitt? What helps in storing the containers? Besides the anchors what other items comes with this item? What is a con? What is the review about? The reviewers aunts has the more expensive version of what? How many cats does this reviewer have? What can be removed to make things easier? What does this take some time in getting used to? What is a second drawback of the product? What setting is the Cooler set to for adequate functioning of the unit? What type of vacuum is reviewed? What does this person keep in a cupboard? What is the color of the kettle? What type of rice requires a special feature on the rice cooker? What is a downside of the new iron? Who made The Key lime popsicle recipe? According to the reviewer , the pot is top heavy when it is what? When is this product used? Are people realistic about how good these trays are? How did the reviewer get the container? What kind of bisquits can you make with the scraper? What kind of dog leaves a lot of hair to be cleaned up? What was this meant to hold? What other product does this reviewer compare to? What was the original number of bowls that came with the dish set? How heavy are the pan covers? How did you know you popped the same amount of kernals each time? How long does it take to cook a sandwich? How many minutes on the the dot to get firm whites? Is this product worth using over a cooler or a bag of ice? How does the reviewer feel about the vacuum cleaner? What accessory for Keurig is the author advocating for? How clean is the pan according to the reviewer? What kind of bowls are these (what is their function)? What's the difference with the crank style? How does the seal work? How will this person use the cast iron? What is the author's feelings toward the product? How was the butter applied to the pan? What does the bamboo fork not do well at picking up? What does the writer say about the durability of the product? What is the name of the company that produced the digital oven thermometer? What is it perfect for? What does the beige textured background mimic? How often do you have espresso What can you clean the pan with? What usually comes unsecured on the top of the device? Why do I smoke if I hate the smell? What country does the cup remind the author of? Is it resistant or is it waterproof? Where should one get a caddy to stow this coffee maker away, according to the wroter? How many come in a set? How many sweaters can it dry by putting up one side? What type of rugs are cleaned? How long is the warranty? From what online ecommerce service were the filters purchased from? What was ordered? What three things does the reviewer say right away? How is the price in comparison? What product are they reviewing? Why don't the Haan pads need to be clamped on? Where is the product used? Where do the sides pop out on the hamper? How long did the author's old kettle last? What did the customer try to organize? How many signs did the reviewer purchase? How many times did the author use it? Where is the product made? What kinds of deserts can be made? What does this help the author bake in a consistent size? where does the cable come out What's better about Ecopure? How much did the author spend? How are the towels described? Where will this person's punch bowl reside? What did this person buy? How was the towel softness? What does the writer use for regular cleaning of the dish drainer? What condition is the remaining part id the tomato in? What is the reason the rice cooker is used everyday? How many times has the person washed the product? How did they feel about amazon's performance resolving this matter? How do new baking sheets make baking easier? Who bought the squirting dish brush? What filters should you use to get much better results? What tucks away without taking much cabinet space? What became stronger? When was the reviewers house built? The rack fits neatly back into what? Who rated the gel foam mattress highly? Whats the battery life like? What did the reviewer have no trouble at all with? what is done before trying to manually get things out of the toaster? How many years warranty does the Austin give you? Which of the mitts is in almost pristine condition? What type of cook top does the author have? What is short on this item? What patterns and colors did the curtains match? What is the underside of the mattress made of? Why did the reviewer select this slow cooker? Where the noodles are stored? When were the original trays bought? What is suggested to do after buying the AC unit? What did they not order with the knife? What would they not work well for? What store uses the product to keep their floors clean? What have these been? How large is the soap holder? Who provided this cutting board for review? What is wrong with the design? What are Consumer Reports comparing the Roomba Red to? What type of dishware is being reviewed? What is the original brand? what does the user think of the product overall? How is it described? How many chairs did she vacuum? What did they measure? Where does the author's son sleep over? What is one of the positives of the juiceman? When was my Ninja dead? What website did they buy the pan on? where is the napkin holder from What causes the noise? What is one thing you should avoid doing with the blender? What is the slot on the front of each box for? What did the author say was on the inside of the scoop? Is this humidifier quiet or loud? What happens to the stuff you try to vacuum? How many salt grinders has the speaker used? Which kind of water is the product able to produce? What was compromised? What material is it made from? What steel will hold a great edge and can easily be sharpened? What did he use prior to getting this new item? What will this product still be used for? What occasion was the device purchased for? What was expected of this blender? Where did I buy the towels? Do these pillows compare to the old BeautyRest? What is the purchaser's only gripe about the fryer? What product are they using now? What didn't they like about the silicone oven mitts? What kind of hangers did the customer have problems with? What can be done to save money on the refills? were the pieces thick? what size salad can this kit hold? What is the brand of water boiler and rice cooker? What type of living quarters is the protable A/C unit best designed for? What type of batteries does this product use? How does the reviewer feel about the product? Are these items dishwasher safe? What product was the reviewer replacing? What is the author's occupation? How many times do they use the pan? After the throw was washed, how did it come out of the dryer? how large is their table? How much sharper is the knife compared to other knives? does it blow air in one direction? How many stars does the reviewer rate the product?e How often has the reviewer used the oven? How many does he have? What did they cook in? The reviewer made what with this unit at Christmas time? What is an acceptable way for the knife to be cleaned? How do the ice cubes come out of the tray? How many times did they have to go to the store? What do they prefer this fan over? How should the timer be worn? How many stars did the author rate this container? What don't they like about the machine? How long is the product warranty? What's the true size of the quilt? what has to be checked every time the writer uses the vacuum? how the blender is useful? Is the author pleased with the product? Why it is rated 3 stars only? What smell comes from the pan when it gets very hot? What kind of music has the author not heard in months Which direction are they clipped? What will happen if not screwed tight? What is the name of the coffee machine? What size is the product? How do you clean the top? What is being reviewed? What does the writer avoid to use to prevent scratching of the wok? What is a good feature with the handle height? What oil makes me feel a bit better when using artificial spray cans? Where are the pins located? Can you clean the grinder out after use? what does the corkscrew replace what kind of shipping did they choose? Does the item come with any other satisfaction offers? Does it have a switch? What was the reviewers aim? What is the product being reviewed? How warm was the weather when the item was tried out? Can Swiss Diamond saucepan be used in an oven? Compared to Vicks which produces more moisture? How old was the vaccum they have used in the past How many cups is the brewer? To fix that problem what they purchase? Is the blender only available in white? was it whole? Unlike the customers previous infuser, the new one allows for what to seep into the cup? What two letter word describes what they thought of the original purchase? What brand of processors has the author owned over the years? What was the problem with the crappy travel mugs? his wife and him lost what? How many cups does the author's son use a day? What brand is the rice cooker being reviewed? Where is the pour hole located? doing what action lets you hear the Freon inside the product? The real ugly problem not shown in the picture is what? What did I buy? What was the specific purpose for buying the two bowls? Is the mat comfortable to stand on? What did the writer's wife find out from the internet before buying Cuisinart set? What item was purchased? Why did they buy ice cube trays? Do the pans stain? How many coffee makers did the author return? How big is the Capresso compared to this machine? The person that was hired said that it would have been impossible for someone to put it together who couldn't what? What was the person's initial feelings toward the item? What the NuWave heating element is made off? is the writer associated with a particular company? What was wrong with the old set? Does the holder work with different brands of razors? What does the author prefer? What kind of beverages are the glasses good for? cookies and biscuits are known for what syndrome? Why does the writer love silicone pans for baking? Where did the author used to put plates, but it always made a mess? How may members are there in my family? How many stars did they give the product? How long has this person had an upright Dyson? Will the replacement filter from other brands work for this system? What two features does the reviewer mention? The customer states that the one cover piece tends to make it hard to do what? What was synced to? Should I preheat the fondue pot? Whats size pan is suggested to buy? When using this coffee maker, what sometimes leaks out of it? Whats the best way to clean this dutch oven? What was the gift? What is the gusset used for? How much did they pay for the products? What meats are too big to be baked using a silicone roasting rack? What is a use of the mini bowl attachment? What is the phrase used to show how hard it is to keep free of pet hair? how many of the product did the writer buy? What is the author new to doing? what was the author able to neatly fold what do they use to clean it? How long did the coffee maker last? How long has the poster had their stainless pots? what size pot is included in this set? What convinced the poster to purchase? Where is the most fragile part of the glasses? What did they buy? What brand of knife is perfect for chopping tomatoes and onions? How often does the bed require air? How big of a family does the author recommend the set of pots for? What do they still prefer when it comes to almond milk? Does the reviewer anticipate an increase or decrease in coffee consumption upon use of this product? What hasn't happened to the glass carafe yet? What is it not going to do? What makes a beer cold and drinkable? Does it keep the coffee fresh? What are the dimensions of the room that this product is kept in? How much can the top section contain? what was the complaint about the size of the holes? What did the reviewer contribute the odor of the product? What room is especially well cleaned with the vacuum? Will all my cables fit under the cable covers? What keeps this door rack from scuffing? This product can slice a pie into how many slices? How many muffins does this person recipe make? What was not taken into consideration when purchasing? What makes these pans cook more evenly than others? How many times did she use the slicer before the switch malfunctioned? What was the choppers/dicers made of? What happens when you go to wash with this soap? What type of company does the person run? What sized bed does the blanket fit beautifully, according to the reviewer? What value did the person give to the hangers? What is used to grab hairs? What did I want to do for the kitchen grout? What product is the person reviewing? How many watts does this product require to run? What is the greatest advantage of the blender? What size is the item? How many sandwiches have been prepared? How do you set the clock on this product? Who did they have a potluck bbq with? How can the colander be supported without a human holding it? What cooking method does this person use for foods that are preserved? What kind of finish does the product have? What is the weight of the cup? How many different flavors of drinks do I typically keep in fridge at any given time? What will the sheets stand up to, according to the reviewer? What is Braun suffering from as a company? What color is the fiesta set? How long was it backordered? what type of clamping device does this product use to hold it together? What is the preferred waffle texture of the user? What's a second nice thing about the product? What brand did they previously use? What kind of furniture system is the product? Did the reviewer buy the product through Amazon? What is the brand of this product? Besides knives what else is included with the set? What does the reviewer recommend others get? Would a stove be more or less efficient than using this oven? What does the author have difficulty using to pick up lettuce? What product is the person reviewing? What kind of cover did they place under their mattress? Does this person have a husband or wife? What price would the reviewer be happy paying for this device? Were the pieces hard to fit together? Over how many months have they been on a quest for a good coffee maker? What line is very affordable? What part of the product is flexible and transparent? What material is this product made from? How many coffee pods come with the maker? What size skillet will round out the set? What type of bag does this vacuum use? What part of this item, used to fasten it to things, does this person wish was stronger? What do other people claim this product does satisfactory? What did the new strainer replace? What part of the ScumBuster was used to clean the shower surround? What happens if you try to make too much coffee with the grinder? How would the person have preferred the color to be? Is the tea kettle very loud when heated up? What won't the French press require to replace? How old is my mother? What is the quality of the product's construction? What happened when used on the tile? where is the mug made How long does the author hope the mattress will last? What was this placed over? What is the reviewer's recommendation? What product recommendation does the reviewer make? What did they buy? Where did this product end up after the purchaser tried to use it? What was used instead of a new platform? What is the first rule? Who put this together? What should you do after you plug it in? What are the little wheels on the hand vac useful for? If it was advertised correctly, how many stars the review would have gotten? How many stars did this reviewer give the product? How many of the product did the user purchase? What did the author learn to make a few years ago? Where do you put the eggs to poach them? How many weeks ago did these people move? What do they make with the processor? What is the size of the grinder? Where was the new pocket mop purchased from? What does the review say about how well the rice is cooked? Where are the lids? From where should you recycle lids? What is one drawback to the grinder? How many things can it make Does the pan compare to other brands? What makes the LCD display so bright? Which tools can be used to get same results than using the product of the review? what is the perfect length What kind of improvement does the reviewer suggest that would make the product better for leather? How would you describe the easy of cleaning? What size bed do they have? Who is the manufacturer of the product? What surprises the reviewer about the product? What is one of the ways the blender can be dangerous? What did I buy to clean my B60? The pasta maker had what kind of crank? What fits the pan perfectly? How long have they been using it? What falls from the author's car window? Do the other negative reviews consist with your reviews? How did the reviewer feel upon receiving this product? What was the actual color compared to the predicted color? What has locks? What was the box like when the package arrived? what company made the can opener? What kind of set of pillowcases and sheets was purchased? What type of hangers are best for ironed clothes to prevent wrinklage? What kind of coffee were they trying to make? What size of can is hard to open? What is used to clean the coffee maker? What did they use before? What material is the product made of? What is the daughter described as avidly? What part of the device is very sharp? How much faster is the Breville compared to the GE oven? What will not stop on this timer unless it is manually halted? Is the product size as advertised? What does this product leak at times? What do they recommend for the batter amount? How many adults can comfortably sleep on this air mattress? How is the taste? What was the rating for the product by this review? Where did the person order a prior gasket from that was thinner than expected? How many waffles does the recipe make? What is the brand name of the travel mug? What material is the product made of? How many stars did the oven thermometer receive? what safety feature dies the mandolin have? What is the sizing of the bed? What happened to the insulation inside the product? Why do they recommend it? How small are the writer's hands? What might happen to one of them? How is the cleanup after popping? how many levels of grinding does this have? How do the sheets feel? How long does it take to cool down? What should you wait 2 weeks to do? What item did I use to mix things before? where did they put the sheets? What was the purchased based on? How much was the mixer in use for? what was noticeable in the custard? What does the reviewer add to the ice cubes in the container? Why is this buyer getting her purchase refunded? How durable is the product? does the closure lock? Luckily, what was not inside the bowl of batter when the mixer started swirling? What does the writer say is easy? what was the biggest complaint? On what object did they use the cleaner more than once? What aspect of the product is the person not pleased with? What kind of shears should people buy if they sew? What is one way the fan can be used while camping? How long did the container keep the food hot? Why is the coffee not as hot as usual? what feature does it have to assist with getting things out? What is being reviewed? Are all the pieces of garlic peeled? What makes the grater hard to hold steady? What type of covers are these? What is in the right place and makes it comfortable to hold? Which product is better according to the reviewer? What type of signal does the timer have? When was the previous one purchased? How high is the oven temperature? What feature will help with storage of the appliance? What age is this great for? How many slow cookers did they use? What kind of vaccum has the author used in the past When will they be used? What kind of power does the vacuum have a lot of? Which pad will save energy? What product is the review for? What is the benefit of using iron? Why does it make the house smell better? How long did they have their old coffee machine? What did the writer get this tool to ascertain? What shape cutting heads are mentioned? How old is the reviewers pan? How long did the second batch take? What do they call the system? What did they replace? What has the user found in the few weeks of daily use? Where is one kept to dry tiles? What are the consumers feelings about the coffee pot? What is used to clean and polish the grinder? What are the larger bowls good for? How much was the trashcan? What size is the timer? what will the product not clean? How accurate is the scale? What do the measuring cups not do? Did the two thermometers measure the same temperatures? Where did the writer find the product? How long have they used the product for? The reviewer looked at the following two products? What shape is the handle? Where are the bowls made? What might happen in the future? What item did this person buy? What does this product have that saves in filter costs? When did the user break down and buy this? How does this product differ from regular tongs? What does the product brew directly into? What is the main problem with the product? The customer states that the controls of the coffee machine are what? What button is the customer unable to use? What impression does the product image give? What drys the carpet just fine? What does the glass get very little of around it? what material is the pan made of? What cleaning liquid does the reviewer use with the mop? Why would the author recommend it to other people? How many walls does this product have? Where did the author put the matress? How long have I had this crok pot? How many pieces in a set of jars? How much is a piece of oven glove? What did this person buy? When should we expect an updated review? What did the author replace in order to try to get the product to work? What weight will not work with the product? Realistically, how much water does the coffee pot actually hold? What is the type of water you shouldn't fill the device with? What material is the top made of? What metal is the peeler made out of? What is one of the items that will be strained out of cooking liquid by the product? Which model of product does the reviewer use? What is the brand of the blender being reviewed? How many different drinks can be made with this product? what was ordered with it? What did the person not have a problem with,unlike other reviewers? What product is being reviewed? How long did it take for this person to vacuum one room? What did the person not like about silicone contained in the ice cube tray? Why did I buy a glass shaker? how the juicer useful for ? what feature gives the writer the most trouble when using the product? How does the dinnerware look and feel? How much does it cost them to refill the tank? What did I bake that come out great same as the big oven? What is kind of hard to find in store? How much does the requesters food processor cost? Where did the writer buy a new meat thermometer? What made repair impossible? What two optional add-on dishes did the author also order? What did the author use in the brewer? Which product is not sturdy and won't support much weight? How much of the bottle can you use for product? What happens when the water boils? What retailer did the person get the product from? Besides the mentioned item what other item do they own? What should a beginner be sure to know when checking out pressure cookers? What are you not allowed to do? What took longer in regard to the 5 lb roast? What are the jars good for holding? Where did I get the Finazzle? Which kind of drink does the author like to have almost daily? What's wrong with the bottom shelf rack? Is the mandolin expensive? The customer found the only way for this product to be useful was to do add what to the bottom? What does this cup eliminate? What product is the person looking at instead of this product? How big is the scale? How much did the writer pay for a pie crust maker? What kind of similar design was the MIU France Ceramic Nakiri Knife described as having? How many slices can fit in the toaster oven? What I like about the item? Why did the user choose this vacuum? What type of filter did this person find difficult to use with the ground coffee? When did they get a window A/C unit? They use the Breeze, even though they own a bigger what? What material are these hangers made from? What is textured? How does the cord get stored on the warmer? What does one not have to worry about when using the item? How quickly does water boil in this pot? Where is the Knorr's Vegetable stock available? How did the customer mince garlic before having this device? How thick is the is the frame? The product in this review covers what size range? What did they buy from Amazon? The casing is made of what type of material? What other brand will the next development in the thermos line be like? What is dusty? What was ordered? What was the main reason for replacing the vacuum? how many times is the blender used each week? What is something you don't want to do to the paper? how many years have they made saurakraut? In reality, what is the maximum capacity of the cup? How much capacity of French Pess is needed to yield about 4 standard cups of coffee? Is the groove suitable to perfectly cook bacon? Where does the cutting board balance well? Where should the Taylor have been calibrated? Why did you buy this beater for your 6 quart mixer? How old is the reviewer's baby? Why did they make this purchase? what does the writer suggest they hang from their door in the winter? Which size is the least stable? What setting does he keep it on? Who do they watch on the Food Network? What brand coffee maker takes the number one position? Does the fan make noise? What are some features? Why was the attachment purchased? What type of surface does it have? How do you have to get the cubes from the tray? What is the main (non-trim) color of these towels? What is it good for? How does the product make the air smell? How many speeds does it have? How do they rate the product? What coffeemaker do my friend have? What espresso maker is it compatible with? What does the user no longer have to do on a bad day? Where did the reviewer purchase the $34 heater from that was later returned? What did this person buy? What color are the lights that can be turned on and off? What is wrong with their pitcher? What is the number for Kitchen Aid Customer Service in USA? Who would this starter set be good for? What do you get when done correctly? For what occasion did the reviewer purchase the gift? How many cups of oats are used? What types of cut do they use the tenderizer on? How does it attach to the surface? What caused the broken glass? What did he buy in the past? What two type of scales were compared? How many stars did they end up rating the mattress? What does the inside coating appear to be? What's on the bottom shelf? What does the writer suggest the silicone roasting rack to improve? How long ago did the reviewer receive the product? The item slightly less noisier than what brand? What does the author about the product? How did this unit compare to their previous unit? What kind of comments did the product get that influenced the decision to purchase the bowl? What did the person purchase? What is negative about the air holes? Why would a beer lover like to drink from this glass? Does the heat disperse evenly while cooking? What brand do they own a complete set? What stopped working after the first use? Why did the reviewer purchase this pressure cooker? What is the measurement of the inside ring? What was the rating for the product overall? What brand was their previous vacuum? How sharp are Wusthof knives? Why does the writer love the Pure Guardian? Why don't they wear in the house? Who is the seller of the product? What is it made of? What was done before purchasing the product? If I never had problems, why did I order the spares? What features were most impressive? What isn't the best? Which brand of item was bought? What does it prevent? Over all the quality of this product is? What's one of the problems described that might limit where you can use the portable A/C unit? What were they looking for? What size are the person's hands? What was used to secure the carrot? What is the Dinnerware set made from? What feature did the consumer miss having on this item? What does the microfiber feel like? What rating did the reviewer give the processor for pureeing? How does this vacuum get power How long have I had the sodastream? How does this garlic press work? What item is this? When did I buy a second one? What does the reviewer find more convenient, than use this product? Would I need to fluff up this pillow a lot to provide myself support? What color is the new toaster? where was the authors old mug made How must I feel about the purchase? What was the product being reviewed? What comes off? What appliance are these safe to use in? this tea kettle is deceptively what for its size? What is a lethal dose of melamine if ingested? Why did this person choose this particular model in the first place? What rating does the reviewer give the filter? Where did the shopper donate her second mixer? What is one feature considered to be great? What magazine had a review of the product? What date was the last update given by the reviewer? What are one of the cons to using an ionizing unit? What color is the enamel of the motor housing on this unit? How many slices does this toaster do? How is the construction of the screen? When did the author first use the muffin pan? What do they spend a lot of time trying to get the pieces to do? What comes as advertised? What country is the knife from? what did the they lay down to watch one night? What gets the blades apart? How long have I been drinking pu-erh tea? What are these products for? Would they buy the same design again? What type muffins does this pan make? where did the model the writer bought go after months of bickering? What is a difficult feature of this pan? How difficult were the instructions initially for the user? how does the writer describe the look of these pans? Where did I come across this appliance? What items are they putting on the rack? What does the lid have? What two spoon measurements does this spoon rest work well with? What is the consistency of the product? What are a great idea and made of plastic? How long did they have it for? What was great when the user started using it? How much did they save on their electric bill? What is the name of the iron? What do they use to brew their coffee faster? How did the author acquire these containers? What kind of pattern does the curtain contain? What does the writer do to maintain the quality? What model was actually purchased? What releases easy? What two materials is the product made out of? The customer states that he doesn't really like what kind of hot beverage? What is the overall impression of the bread knife? What model is it? A super large drink from one of the mentioned restaurants is equal to how many medium drinks from there? What does the customer not like about the blade of the knife? What did this person buy? what score would the reviewer have given the product? The coffee that this product makes could best be described as being what? Are the pans attractive? What two materials is the product made out of? What was I going to do after heating the pie shell partially? Whic store should carry Finazzle but does not? Any problem with porcelain pan? What does it sound like? Who does a more thorough cleaning job? Where is this bowl from? Why did we buy these? What did I use to make pancake? Which area does the user wish to keep cool? how did the writer receive this product? What part of the Thermos has to be twisted to release water? how does the product look like? what kind of grip is need to hold onto the handle so it doesn't slip? What was your main reason for buying this shelf? What do they fancy about the product? How was the item packaged? What did the reviewer attempt to make the second time using this product? What did the customer not like about the sheet set? What is the pole made of? What is the writer going to replace? Besides a nice grip, what other features does the handle have? What did he buy? What is the cup designed to fit into? How long has the author owned the set? What does it work well with? Why did vegetable keep slipping around? what were they tired of washing every few days? What does the device not do well? Where does the reviewer leave the pizza stone? What star rating will the user change their review to if the product lasts the whole season? what are the cups attached together with? What happens to the bacon's grease? How many dogs do they have? How long does a charge last? Where is the knife made? What have I broken in the house? Can the knives handle smaller slices? Which filter helps eliminate cigarette smoke easier What had a hole in the center of it? Where I am planning to get the item at? What room is the air filter located in? How many toothbrushes fit in this holder? How does the customer describe their use of the glasses? During a cleaning session, how many refills does it take? What does the reviewer find way fewer of since having these new containers? What do both mattresses do? How did the water taste according to the reviewer? What length does the buyer claim the strap is? What is better in the new pillows compared to the old ones? What comes with the blender? What happened when the shower curtain was washed? What feature is the oven missing? What is the limitation with the writer's son? what did they already own? What started to peel off of the cookware? How many times did the author partake of the juice? Did this bunk bed organizer cost more or less than the one advertised? What is the item? what did they buy to go on the jars? How is the dressing cup? Is the Toaster Oven or the toaster better for preparing toast? What is one drawback to most silicone oven mitts? What cooks to perfection in the pan? What are the edges of the blade described as being? What do they wish about the rack/self? The name of the author of the book is? What is it made out of? what material pans does the writer have in both 10 and 12"? For what items does the blender not work well? What is the item? Where can one purchase the product? What aspect of the bottom of the pan is extremely important? what kind of bowls work perfectly with the steamer? What makes the Wearever cookware set a good value? What kind of filter bags does the product come with? What happened when the author left the accessory lid loose? What brand did they get after they threw away their 4th vacuum? where should you place this item in the dishwasher? Does the nightstand look nice? How does the writer feel about the product? What did the writer name the previous vacuum? What item is this? What is my previous iron? What did they add? How many are left? Why does the author think the bags are perfect? Why did the consumer only give the chair a 4 star rating instead of a 5 star rating? What addons did the mixer come with? What was wrong with it? Where did this user purchase a similar product for comparison? What is the brand of these penguin soap pumps? Where are the scraps taken? How many did they try? What product is being discussed in the review? What cordless product did the author have many problems using? What three brands of chocolate are mentioned as needing to be thinned out? How many emails did this person send the first time around? How does the writer feel about the product? What brand of coffee maker should a person get who does not want frothy coffee? Which tea product leaves no single tea leaf in the brewed product? Why did I swear I would never buy another Euro-Pro product years ago? How long did the person use the vacuum before the next charge? How does the product work in the dishwasher? what was the condition of the first waffles they cooked? Can you use the vacuum on the steps? What does the steamer in an iron do to clothes in order to avoid taking them to the dry cleaner? What does it do? How long does it take to pop the popcorn? Who has the user been trying to receive important information from? What method of cleaning cannot be used with this grill? What does the Thermos travel mug do? What's a good recipe for it what was one of the items used as a test for the sharpener? What happened to the product by 11/25/13? What was the reviewer at first not happy about? What does over the side of the mug or other beverage container when water pressure is applied? What season was the fan used? What material is the item made of? How do the burgers fit the bun? What tool was used to clean the pot? Does the peeler work on apples? How much does the NuWave heating element glows? What is a must for installation? What other tool did the author buy? How does the shower rod look? What did the suction cause on the wood? How does the product appear after being clawed by cats? What do they put behind the shower curtain because it's clear? Who did the person give the product to as a gift? What do they dislike? How long is the warranty? What did the reviewer purchase? Why are old fashioned basting brushes not sanitary? What are hard to read on the spoons? How is the variety of covers locally described? What is easier to clean and is light weight? Besides carpet, what flooring material does the author also use this on? What makes crushing garlic easier? How do I wash it How long until the rechargeable batteries stopped being functional on the older rechargeable fans? How does this product work with basic functionality? What does the person suggest be changed on the slicer? What part of the machine is delicate? Which set is not inspiring? What's the weight of the sheets? Which model blender is being replaced? This makes better coffee than a what? How much does the product weigh? What do they use in the dishwasher for cleaning? What do most users now think a thermos is? Which type of rod is not recommended? will this tv mount work for a flat panel tv? How are the towels? Where is pu-erh tea from? Where does the product leak water? The cup reminds the reviewer of what? What other milk can you use? What does the reviewer say that is still rock solid well after a year of use? What brand of pots and pans is the reviewer writing about? Is there a taste that comes with it? What is too small on this bag? How much did they spend on it? what tends to wear off of the pan They dealt with the rattle, what happened after a year? Why does reviewer eat semi cold lunches? What has the author used his new Kitchen Aid for? What Two car brands does the reviewer make a comparison on? how long did the old coffee maker last? The products are safe to clean by? What is this made of How long was assembly? What does the quesadilla maker seal? What additional item costs an extra $23? Does the product leak? What else will they buy? How much does a gallon of water cost? What sort of cleaning tool is this? What type of gallon bag does this container use? How do the glasses feel in one's hand? What is an annoyance avoided by having this grinder? What is the cooking time like? What is the best option on the machine? which one insulates better? What product did they get for free? This device can be difficult to move up stairs because it has what property? How long ago where the mitts purchased? What heater did they have prior? What does the van do? Other than tea, what can be put in the IngenuiTEA? What product did they use in the past? What does this customers little ice balls have? How does the lid fit? What is the problem I experiencing with the coffee maker? Which oil do they use? What is the screen near the top used for? what kind of diet is the writer on? what should you not keep this item in for long periods of time? How long have my old toaster lasted? What does the reviewer use the pot for? Where did the reviewer go that everyone was surprised of the end product? Which is the only one they used? What does the customer expect to update later? Where are the author's children? What does the writer say about the parts? Why were the purifiers purchased in the first place? When was the vacation? What was the Freshware pan made of? What does the reviewer think is a good use for the item? What is this an improvement on? What did the reviewer do according to directions with the pan? Can the humidifier easily catch fire? What does one need to watch on the milk containers? How many times has the reviewer used the product thus far? What might coffee absorb as a result of being stored in a plastic mug? What kind of napkin holders was I tired of? What does the writer like about the product? What type of filter does the brew and go machine have? Which brand is the product being reviewed? Which one is the better? What does the author love? What do some people have problems with? What makes parchment paper different than Reynolds? What did a lot of reviews complain about the glasses? What might you look at to make yourself feel better? How many people consume the output of this machine? What can you not do after the first couple of uses? Why was the person worried about the hand mixer? What is the product name? Why is the vacuum cleaner bad? What brand of trash cans is the person talking about? What did we use to make waffle? How long did it take for it to break? What rating does she give the product? How many times did the reviewer have to push the control botton to get to the hottest iron? What does the customer say this is a great product for? What should you not rest the egg upon? How long ago was the item shipped? What does the person like about the old scrubber? What do you add to clean the frother? How does the author describe the bowls they own? How long has the autor owened the Lasko tower fan? how does it perform? How many people does the reviewer intend to cook for using this oven? how long has the reviewer used the product? What problems for the author have gone away since purchasing the fan? How many layers of construction does the product have? What length of time did the product keep the food warm for? What is a potential danger of using a larger heater? Who is the product brand? What feature broke quickly? How has yogurt been made in the past? What is the best part? How tall is the appliance? What can only hot water extract? What was the only issue the reviewer had with the product? how long has the user owned this product? What was used to test the new product? What is one of the issues of the new coffeemaker? What are these bags good for carrying? How crappy is the temp button? What size is the grinder? How do you have to store the eggs in this container? How many tea leafs were in the Kuhn Rikon Single Cup Easy Brew? What does the user use to dry the pan? How long does it take to cook the Trader Joe's rice? Where did the coffee cool down? Can the timer show how long something takes? What has the reviewer cut into 1/2's to make odobo? What is this product and the other product the reviewer owns part of? What are they made from? Which grill is the buyer going to look at purchasing next? What is wrong with one of the stands? What cookware am I talking about? How often do you have to refill the product? What did they order the item for? What size was the Hoover with a bag? The customer received advice about juicers from where? How large is the reviewer's counter space? What did this person buy? What Material are the removable parts? The customer describes the juicer the restaurant recommended as what? What capacity is this processor? What is the Dutch oven made of? What has the wife been complaining about? What did this person buy? How do the bags fold up? Is the owner happy with this product? Why did the reviewer want this to work? Which kind of experience is it possible to have while baking with this product? What does the ice cream cry when confronted by this scoop? How many cups of beans were ground up before the grinder stopped working? Is the toaster well made? What does this replace? Who did the customer purchase the product from? What do you not use the pan for? What about the size is a downside? What product did this free "toy" replace? What brand of scale is this? What can the paper towel holder do to a person? What haven't they tried making with it? What are the colors? What does the trashcan go with? How many stars did they give the stands? What kind of display does the timer have? Why did the author choose not to receive it? Where was the morning coffee event held? What can the one I bought on clearence make? What did the zenith have a lot of? What food I cook? Where are the pans made? What doesn't stay on? How many different decanters were ordered? How much does this person's father weigh? How much more did they roughly have to spend to make all worth while? What makes the shears easy to clean? How many separate comments have we had after the switch ? where was the measurement mark on the cups before it was washed off? Was the box this came in intact? What other bowl material is available? what situations could be used for the bags? What does the fabric feel like? How many sides does the container lock? What has rusted badly? In which way does this opener allow you to open your bottles? How many pairs on a hanger cause the grips to loosen on the hanging mechanism over time? What item other than adding something non liquid into the mix could decreased the combination time? What do most recipes call for? Why is the reviewer unhappy with the product? how many keys can the magnet support? Are the ice trays durable? what allows you to cook for one or multiple people? What type of animals have damaged the product? which direction do the rings rotate? Where is the napkin holder being used? What crunch a little when you adjust them? What is the product's brand? What did the reviewer say that the one option that toasters seem to never have now? what did they dislike about the night stand? What does the writer like about the product? What is the daughter pleased with? What clings to the skillet when cooking? What is the bed bunk organizer useful for? What is being reviewed? What does the user love? What type of product is this? How big was the piece of paper with the instructions on it? What did the person provide in exchange for receiving the pan? what size is the comforer What was the brand of toaster oven owned for 15 years? Where were the metal shavings from? Which relative asked the reviewer to buy a gift? What was the main cause of the vacuum wear? How many calories in a Starbucks Peppermint Mocha? What activity can you do when the Roomba is set to clean? Where did the author buy the bucket? What did they think they could do with the ball of meat? What is the ExcelSteel made of? Does the pan make distinct grill marks on the food? What did this person buy? What kind of brewer is the reviewer writing about? What does the product come with? What is your favorite thing about this dutch oven? What is light weight and easy to maneuver? What was purchased as an add-on to the mattress to try to get a more body conforming feeling? Why did they buy the EZ cup? what does the Breville work like? How long have I used the Melitta 80395 Burr Grinder? Where did it ultimately end up? What kind of material is the trash can insert? Who hooked it up? What is used by the reviewer when they want to make a larger amount of ice cream? How wide is the blow range of the product? Why did I got this item? Compared to what products does this reviewer compare this one to? What vegetable did the person buy in order to test the product? The customer stated that they were so sharp that they scared who? What don't hold their air after a use or two? What's the most you might play for a replacement filter for this device? How can be sealed cork be tested? What city were the gift recipients going to? How many of the products has the author owned? How is the quality of this set? which parts work well? What do they use to make it more sturdy? What coffee grinder am I using? When did they test it? What do they show off in the house? How many free bags are included? What fruit can make a drink smoother? What didn't they want to splurge on? Which aspect of the cover does the reviewer like? What happened to the poster's scoop when they used the product? What movie inspired the writer to buy this item? How much more did my friend pay for their oven? What does the product have that makes it perfect for hanging on a rack? How do the attachments connect to the vacuum? Is the set up quick or slow? What happened during the third filling of this device? What stopped smelling of vegetable soup a month later? What does the product hold? What is this tool perfect for? What style os holder is this? What does the author not have? What do all the disposable products do that causes a messy problem? What is their favorite thing about the vacuum? What part can be removed for easy cleaning? What was the solution to the author's problem of slicing the plastic into the food? What gives it its cotton-like comfort? What is the writer most satisfied with the Juicer? Is this included with the Keurig machine? What size is it? How is this item described compared to the older one? How long does the Thermos keep the water cool? What was the ice pack not bought for? What is underneath the Terry Cloth layer? What type of knife is the review about? Why is a skillet on a cooker considered to be better recipients of potholders' usefulness? What is the review about? How many gallons of water does each filter filter? Where can the duvet clips be found? What is the name of the product used to clean the carpet? Can you use the pre-sealed K-cup at the same time? How does the writer compare the cheaper juicer with the more expensive ones? How must one grip the jar sealer to get it to work? Does the reviewer intend on keeping or returning this item? What is the cookware made of? Why did the person buy the vacuum? How did the customer find the product? What was bought for the daughter to help her improve her cupcake decorating skills? How often are they washed? What is too big for the counter? Melamine can cause irritation to what parts of the body? How many years have they been cooking? What's the visual appeal of this microwave? What type of event could this product be used at, as a seating location? What brand of chocolate does not need to be thinned out? what type of stove does the writer have? Why were the toasters returned? What type of areas of living does the author recommend a different device? What did the reviewer exclaim upon seeing the product? How to adjust the fineness of the grind of this item? What vegetables do they add to everything? This pillow doesn't put what to sleep? What have you baked in the pan? What did some buyers say about this products taste? What do they enjoy making? Where do the Snauzers reside? What material are the lids made of? Which brand is mentioned? Why didn't the reviewer give a 5 star rating? What does the product not work good for? What is the major problem with using Penguin humidifier? How is it sure to be a crowd pleaser? How long has the user owned this product? Hoe does the reviewer describe the product? what will the jars be used for? What reminded the reviewer that eggs were on the stove? Does it leave a mess? What did the reviewer have to do with the product? What word did they use to describe how well it is made? Is the fan more or less expensive than others? where do they let the glove dry? Can the shears be used by left handed people? Which family member was the most recent to receive this gift? How long did it take to prepare two waffles? How many did they order? How much liquid does the pot hold? What is the only way to dry this out quickly? How long does the tumbler keep my coffee hot? The on-off switch of the device would ideally be separated from what other switch? What are the pillows made of? where did the writer buy their old computer? Where should this spoon rest NOT be placed? what does the author need How many oil heaters did they own? Is the scale made from durable materials? What is the writer's opinion of the product? What had a bad smell? What is this person's regret? What has gone up in just a few weeks? What does the writer like about the product? How much is the santoku knife? What product will be purchased instead in the future? What was their purchase? Does the user like Bodom Coffee Presses? Does the recipe for gingerale contain milk? From what material is the NuWave dome made? What are there lots of coming off the product? What is the preferred brand of the author? How many cups does the reservoir hold? What is the added bonus of this product? What kind of item was the customer writing a review for? What could you make with the OXO product that would be fun? What other product does BedVoyage sell on Amazon? What did the reviewer purchase? What used to be a nightmare? What separate item does it come with? How many jars did the user seal after the product's first charge? Where do a lot of the appliances like graters and slicers end up? What was the condition of the frames center support? What fluffed up the pillow? Who are they buying more for? How long is the can crusher? How does it function? How is the quality of the baster? According to the reviewer , what does the blanket have ample amounts of? How much does the wife weigh? Would the reviewer buy another dispenser? What does the product match? What do they think about the item? Was it easy to cut? While being used twice a day how does the unit maintain quality? What was different about the bowls from the store? What unusual sensory stimulus was noticeable about the item when held up close to the face? Is it hard to turn the handle? What does the appliance do if it is not emptied? When is the drawback of the plastic housing most noticeable? How do they feel when they wash the pot? Does the pan unwarp? Was the item the same that they purchased before? How does the person like their tea? How many days did they go without until filters were bought? How do you get it to start sifting again? what is the condition? What are the bad things about this press? What do they love? What does the reviewer recommend to ensure a good seal? How does it leave the nut milk? Which product has so many negative reviews? How much protein mix shake can the shaker do? What is the volume that the mugs will hold? What did the poster have to do to make the product stick? What other vacuums does the reviewer own? Is the knife too heavy? A definite must-have for who? What needs to be cleaned a few times a year? Will i need to clean out the basket after each cup? how do you open the canister on this vacuum cleaner? Is it easy to clean? What is the product made out of? How hot does it get? What bed did they buy? How many cups of water fit in the container? What is the name of the brand? What does the reviewer preheat the thermos with? how many spoons are used daily? How does the reviewer feel about the purchase? Is the coffee maker recommended for purchase? They were pleased with the machine, however not happy with who? Which knives does the author think are the best made? How many pounds of potatoes did they use with this product? What did they buy it for? What kind of brush assembly does the vacuum have? What time does this person have to make their lunch by? What is the name of the brand of the tub stopper? What happened to the cheese? What type of construction does the spatula feature? What rooms were these purchased for? What is the author forced to reveal? What is recommended when using this? What type of material is the lid? What is the benefit of using this coffeemaker? What's the product made of? What is the model of toaster oven owned for 3 years? What type of item is it? What part of the product was too big for the reviewer's window? Why did the person buy the vacuum? What item added into the liquid while mixing will cause it to decelerate? Why does the mesh seal help make this a better product? What is the name of the brand of the pitcher? How long have they been using their stainless steel scrubber? What was the writer afraid of? what temperature does this keep coffee? What is the size of this product? How many times did I use the pad? How many suction cups did they use? What made very happy the author of the review? How can you change the texture? What temperature, in Fahrenheit, can the product be used safely up to? What is key 1 to a good result? What happened after a few months? How often does the author use this product, at a minimum? what does the author think is a product you just can't really improve on What happened to the second mixer? What happened to the last timer owned by the reviewer? How man reviews are they gonna write on the pans? What is the price of the repair to the mixer? What was the person disappointed in? What type of filter is provided with the vacuum? What damage was incurred on the second use of the machine? What monthly expense did the reviewer not want increase with their purchase? Why did the reviewer buy the iron? What was the reason for the reviewer to give this mixer less than 5 stars? What is the quality of the mesh? What does the product look like? How often does the reviewer have to remove fruit from the dehydrator? What should you measure to make sure you get the best product for your needs? Where did they buy the older version from? What brand is it? What toaster model did they return? What percent is the mug spill-proof for? What should you get if you want a loud timer? What type of item was this person looking to replace? What happened to the second mixer? How many cubic feet does their kitchen counter have? Did it have any dents, chips, or discolorations? What was rarely used? What did the reviewer like about the iron? What is the name of the product? How long does it last on a charge In terms of weight, how heavy is this product compared to the Hoover WindTunnel? What is the cookware brand name? What kind of mop is being reviewed? How much did this product cost? What material is the machine made from? what does the mug do that regular cups don't When does it always seem that the can opener requires washing? How long was it used for without losing power from battery? What does the author hate doing? What is the spatula good for? What kind of serving item did this person order? how many stars did the user originally give the product? How long did the recipe take? how long will coffee stay hot in the Timolino? what is the danger with this heater? What are they going to do? What type of filter does this product contain? What does it do more than the picture implies? how fast does she have to run to catch the mail truck? How did the writer find out that the rubber doesn't make a tight seal? What will happen if you clean the unit with hard water? how much did the clothes racks cost? what aspect is the writer looking for a more powerful version of in this product? What length does the buyer claim the strap is? What size is the writer's bedroom? What does it stay cleaner than? Does this coffeemaker leak? Where is the pepper shaker stored? Is a lot of dirt picked up? Was the user satisfied or not about the product? How much blueberries juice did the writer get? Does the hold attach to any wall? What is used in the brewer? where does the pepper come out of? which company made the second place opener? What color is the product? How hard is it to clean this product?