diff --git "a/reference_files/answer-test.txt" "b/reference_files/answer-test.txt"
deleted file mode 100644--- "a/reference_files/answer-test.txt"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18844 +0,0 @@
-Gough Whitlam
-20° and 40° degrees
-President John F. Kennedy's Presidential Commission on the Status of Women released its report on gender inequality
-transform biology from a descriptive to a predictive field of science
-Western sculpture, also being common in Indian temple sculpture
-becomes biologically inactive
-YouTube, Dailymotion
-Clarence King
-mevalonate pathway
-58.6 percent
-between four and 24 carbons long
-to avoid a name considered undesirable
-in London in 1812.
-a quarterly philosophical review)
-Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam and China
-National Hockey League
-conservation districts and Congressional districts
-At the onset of winter
-cross-Canadian border service to Toronto and Montreal
-'key touches'
-C and Lisp
-because of the integrated curriculum
-the American Revolution
-colour of the trace, starting x and y co-ordinates, trace speed
-91 percent
-The Royal Road
-February or March
-the Grand Vizier
-67 percent of New Yorkers agreed that most homeless people were without shelter
-Johansen (son of Johan)
-category theory
-Communist Party of Yugoslavia (KPJ)
-last year
-on the addition of Sb or Bi, the transformation may not occur at all, increasing the durability of the tin.
-the doctrine defined by Cyril of Alexandria
-vocational training
-the twentieth century
-Marguerite de Navarre
-like the 4th conjugation
-design and construct the structures
-Schmidt and meniscus
-the late 1920s and early 1930s
-Ivan Cankar
-the team on which the penalty was called cannot control the puck without stopping play, it is impossible for them to score a goal
-an order to remove Joseph Stalin from his post as General Secretary
-Schenley High School
-Maku, Barak, Jiri, Irang and Leimatak
-About 170,000 more
-The city is the administrative center of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (coterminous with Istanbul Province)
-in the Westphalian sense
-Bard High School Early College
-the simplest type of optical telescope
-virtually lifeless
-structure-preserving functions
-choose to endorse a candidate
-15th century
-food-crop cultivation
-for the sake of realism
-$1.4 billion
-December 25, 1991
-In south India
-Massachusetts Bay
-developed several life-threatening illnesses
-Engineer Student Council
-David Bailey
-instruction in foreign languages
-John Thornton
-All wages
-cooling the air or adding water vapor to the air
-electric outages
-King William's War and Queen Anne's War
-May 14, 1607
-AD 900
-insurance providers
-over a hundred different countries
-to Belize
-The US Department of Defense's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
-No record exists
-Świnoujście harbour
-States of Micronesia
-extensive saltpeter deposits
-awarding merchants (mostly from other countries) the license to trade enslaved people to their colonies
-the same way as a computer program
-The vigour of this scrutiny has been fuelled
-New Lights
-President Theodore Roosevelt
-iron ore
-9 and 10
-the Liberal/National Coalition, the Australian Greens, and Nick Xenophon
-major news, advertisements, and business reports
-U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
-dual sovereignty
-The substitution rule
-Peano arithmetic
-industrial mass production
-Oxford United
-no hitting and very little shooting, placing a greater emphasis on skating, puckhandling and passing abilities
-depth of the sea are diminishing
-Ella Grasso
-The Silahtarağa Power Station, a coal-fired power plant
-Baptist and Methodist
-Roman Catholic
-knowledge is articulated from local perspectives, with all its uncertainties, complexity and paradox
-converging beam
-the boards
-Slave Coast
-the anarchist territories during the Spanish Revolution and the Free Territory during the Russian Revolution
-National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty
-indentured or criminally bonded
-The movement is usually believed to have begun in 1963
-The British elite
-The Partisans
-African slaves
-soprano saxophone
-mutually desired
-Earthquake-proof structures are not necessarily extremely strong
-be projected on a screen
-to reflect their distinct brand identities
-rays reaching the surface have already passed the center of curvature
-assume turbulent form in the rainy season
-narrow lake-effect snow bands
-single-valued relations
-over 2 million
-Office of Planning and Management
-party's leading publicist
-to avoid their given name being mistaken for and used as a surname
-skid row
-varying amounts of a tin/lead alloy
-progestogens as well as the glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids
-one point
-in parentheses and separated by commas
-due to the subduction of the Nazca Plate and the Antarctic Plate
-violence against the homeless
-a subsidiary of News UK
-The Sunday Times
-U.S. Congress
-The ice cover
-Mizar and Isabelle
-on a "breakaway"
-the insured, the policyholder or a beneficiary
-'muddy water'
-n Cartesian coordinates
-ice needles
-The intended replacement can be obtained by renaming the bound variable x of φ to something else, say z
-in the Renaissance
-developing contrived acronyms to name projects
-predicting the risk of future cardiovascular disease
-Founded under the name of Byzantium on the Sarayburnu promontory around 660 BCE,
-More than 40
-"Mother of the Movement" Betty Friedan
-Theodore Solomons
-Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR)
-Forbes and Fifth
-Cartesian coordinates
-Headington and Cowley Road areas
-desert climates
-Windows ME (Millennium Edition)
-Windows NT 4.0
-28 September 1958
-Offensive tactics
-the relative curvatures of the two surfaces
-Structural engineers
-Turkish Radio and Television Corporation
-Ice pellets
-satisfy also formula 5
-a US$3 billion fiberoptic telecommunications upgrade
-British military
-Upper East Side's Brearley School
-Markings on the ice indicate the locations for the faceoff and guide the positioning of players.
-unitary states
-multi-line charters
-15 July 2010
-the onset of the Andean orogeny
-Lenin usurped the all-Party Congress of the RSDLP
-coronary artery diseases (CAD) such as angina
-A substantial advancement in saxophone keywork was the development of a method by which the left thumb operates both tone holes with a single octave key
-new deposits of tin were discovered in Colombia
-village of origin, caste, clan, office of authority their ancestors held, or trades of their ancestors.
-may be independent
-Phipps Conservatory & Botanical
-1908 Summer Olympics
-The mountain ranges create a moderated climate, preventing the cold winds from the north from reaching the valley
-43 acres
-Jonathan Edwards
-Cuba was not truly sovereign at the time of the signing
-warmer, drier and less affected by humidity
-"Doc" Carlson
-coronary artery disease
-to save precious memory
-the state marshal system
-express different grammatical functions
-spherical surfaces
-about a dozen
-only up to half of the subject projects, and no elements are undercut or fully disengaged from the background field
-generally amiable climate, though the winters can be a chilly
-a more muted stance
-Eastern Connecticut
-16 to 26 carbon atoms
-Insurance Services Office
-The inability to feel empathy
-about 7500 BC
-12.4 million
-becomes a state
-31 May 2007
-19,400 BP
-Frans van Schooten and his students
-National Highway 53
-abbreviating corporation names in places where space was limited for writing
-the notion that moral reasoning is related to both seeing things from other persons’ points of view and to grasping others’ feelings
-his teacher did keep to their agreement and changed his grade to an A for the project
-Moral self-licensing
-∀x∃y L(x,y)
-The Congressional Budget Office
-2 × 3 ft. or 4 × 6 ft. (flag ratio 1.5), 2.5 × 4 ft. or 5 × 8 ft. (1.6), or 3 × 5 ft. or 6 × 10 ft. (1.667)
-twice as much as it did in 1720
-British military and civilian officials
-organotin compounds
-a particular divide
-teacher of medicine
-first applying f to x to obtain y = f(x) and then applying g to y to obtain z = g(y)
-members of the town party committee
-examine interactions between the nervous system and the endocrine and immune systems
-Sunk or sunken relief
-4.1 percent
-Third-party IMEs
-Portuguese-speaking countries and only optionally in Spain
-15th century
-After 1945
-around 3,000 men
-forces in compression
-log cabin
-David Hilbert
-suburban towns
-categorical axiom systems)
-Gardner Steel
-Cornell University
-A person's last name
-Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing
-as a means of both spoken and written communication
-In 1945
-Northern Mariana Islands
-a set of ordered pairs
-Anglicans and Quakers
-36 Bowery
-extremely rare
-only refers to that which is considered right or wrong
-English entrepreneurs gave their colonies a base of merchant-based investment that seemed to need much less government
-French and Belgian military bands
-for the insurance industry.
-Aram Abrahamyan
-function f from X to Y
-common nouns do not take capital initials in standard English orthography
-meaning they belong to their husbands
-The Sunday Times Bestseller List
-to make clear the position of the churches concerning the Council of Chalcedon.
-several sedimentary basins, such as Orinoco, Amazon Basin, Madre de Dios and Gran Chaco,
-father then mother
-Axis of evil
-fourth grade
-1969 and 1980
-whether the corresponding surfaces are convex or concave
-placed after the personal or given name
-9,000 feet (2,700 m)
-Home and Professional
-Massachusetts Institute of Technology
-in early April
-Spanish-speaking countries
-estimating counterfactual demographic developments in case the Atlantic slave trade had not existed.
-The majority of surnames are derived from the place where the family lived
-132 urban acres
-Income inequality
-between October and March
-cloud droplets
-Carnival Cup
-first two
-maternal bond
-1990 and 1991
-New Amsterdam (New York)
-the movement lasted from the 1960s into the early 1980s, the exact years of the movement are more difficult to pinpoint and are often disputed
-building highways and railroads
-moral self-image
-May 24, 1626
-District councils
-Penn State
-omega 6 linoleic acid
-low-paying jobs
-the Bible
-the caste system
-because of the inhibiting effect of the small amounts of bismuth, antimony, lead and silver present as impurities.
-reasoning about implied imperatives
-different scholars emphasize different features
-Adolphe Sax
-non-religious people
-and ten more painted fiberglass panthers placed around the campus
-runs along the coastal strip lying north of the Cantabrian and Basque mountains, along the Bay of Biscay
-trade unwanted surpluses with others
-Sir Edmund Andros
-The U.S. Federal Reserve
-the Kočevje Assembly
-Project and program planners
-militant atheists.
-Cardiovascular disease includes coronary artery diseases (CAD) such as angina and myocardial infarction
-organ transplantation
-five centuries ago
-since 1978
-unary predicates
-to implement subroutine calls and returns
-shooting the puck into the offensive zone and then chasing after it
-he could call another constructor that accepts only color,
-twenty-minute periods
-Huys de Goede Hoop
-the freeholders and planters
-on the African coast
-their sons
-reflexes, multisensory integration, motor coordination, circadian rhythms, emotional responses, learning, and memory
-Central governments
-Suebi tribe
-By 1994
-they tend to break up
-from the poorer classes to the wealthier classes
-"Scottish Focus"
-towards the North Pole
-160–180 BPM
-Galatasaray S.K.
-law, medicine, and science departments
-he thought had a better chance of dealing with the trade unions.
-electric power generation
-FAS 113
-the windward side of a mountain
-processed meats
-Partisans were courageous
-"cockroach landlords"
-Medical equipment
-Kevin Mitnick and marketing communications firm Avantgarde
-a real object at the location of that virtual image
-The Old Right
-Insufficient physical activity
-goddess of truth,
-government specification
-a Belgian instrument maker
-From 1942 till after 1944
-Federal Hall
-4 million
-an interpretation I(P) of a binary predicate symbol P
-town and/or city, state legislative districts for both houses, Congressional districts, and statewide
-the Philadelphia Contributionship
-April 14, 2009
-Eastern and the Western cultures
-Redding encampment
-many of NOW's leaders were convinced that the vast number of male African-Americans who lived below the poverty line were in need of more job opportunities
-big beat and hard house
-Eric Garcetti
-electrical or electrochemical signals can be transmitted from one cell to another
-ordered triple
-The Board of Trustees
-"pro-social" emotions
-World Hockey Association
-The major international music labels have shown very little interest in the drum and bass scene.
-within a cyclone's comma head and within lake effect precipitation bands
-President Barack Obama
-about 12 million
-University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Medicine and Surgery
-Colonial and Indian Exposition
-key arrangement and fingering
-local African leaders
-their land
-the Partisans
-ice hockey
-British tea
-President John F. Kennedy's Presidential Commission on the Status of Women released its report on gender inequality
-clarity of the lake water
-New York Stock Exchange
-M's P
-Conservatives tend to oppose stimulus spending or bailouts, letting the free market determine success and failure.
-skid row
-Southern Professional Hockey League
-Bradford, Greensburg, Johnstown, and Titusville
-long-term unemployment
-one hundred trillion
-how ought we to live
-The processes of decentralization
-Administrative divisions
-their property
-the Helsinki Commission
-78 miles (125.5 km)
-those who have a 12% or greater risk of cardiovascular disease over the next ten years.
-Rotterdam is the largest cargo port in Europe
-Peter Eisenmann
-three years of professional practice
-President John F. Kennedy's Presidential Commission on the Status of Women released its report on gender inequality
-Eben Appleton
-shifting factions
-William Byrd
-British merchants
-3,000 BCE to 500 CE
-was caused by the weight of ice
-The Federal Reserve Act of 1913
-incumbent President Barack Obama
-Penn Station and Grand Central Terminal
-Seminary of Antelias at Bikfaya
-$41.4 billion
-regardless which individuals from the domain of discourse are assigned to its free variables
-early 1960s to the early 1980s
-(non-logical) objects
-domestic violence
-collaborationist militias
-fords were more common than bridges
-The 1972 Summit Series and 1974 Summit Series, two series pitting the best Canadian and Soviet players without IIHF restrictions were major successes,
-Member of the Standing Committee of the Central Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China
-2005–2006 season
-relative depth of the elements shown is completely distorted
-a cause and effect relationship
-In 1809
-first two years
-a single mother and children
-agents of the western Allies
-China and Russia
-the bourgeoisie
-Beta oxidation
-Andean condor
-Michigan and Ontario
-Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory
-in the moral neuroscience literature
-a "false dawn"
-Baltic ringed seal (Pusa hispida botnica)
-physical contact
-insurer balance
-20 – 30 mph
-1 year
-to achieve full employment while maintaining a low rate of inflation
-information about cloud tops
-a subprogram may even call itself
-Europe's largest port
-Mississippi River
-behavior within a culture or community
-cloud tops with a lot of small-scale variation
-$31,000 a year
-non-logical symbols
-a man's morals
-World Cup for club teams in the same year. In 1974, they were the first Dutch club to win the UEFA Cup and in 2002
-About 41.3%
-pay-per-ride MetroCards
-can be justified
-all functioning religious institutions in Armenia and NKAO
-large-scale redevelopment projects
-those shipped away had little chance of returning to Africa.
-Windows 2000
-63.5 miles
-last, first middle,"
-Bissagos Islands
-long term budget outlook
-French academics
-square brackets
-100 feet (30 m)* wide,
-universal social welfare
-Nine Inch Nails, David Bowie
-in 1776
-winter encampment at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania
-Mao Zedong
-1644 and 1671
-South Carolina
-fat cell
-Mirror neurons
-Kingdom of Kongo
-March 1917
-The father's paternal surname
-disregard of resident or public opinion
-Among others, ethnographer Hranush Kharatyan has questioned the constitutionality of the phrase "national church".
-Level 9 Master's (Extended) degrees
-Paul Revere
-concrete flat slab
-in the Shadyside neighborhood adjacent to Oakland
-Ashmolean Museum
-in the 1960s
-not only that wars are entered into for the sole purpose of making slaves, but that they are fomented by Europeans
-four players (plus a goalie)
-Affordable Care Act and President Obama's stewardship of the economy
-to simplify some complex algorithms, and breaking down complex problems
-occupational health data
-Spherical aberration
-The gold and credit slips
-African slaves
-informal and sporadic
-to escape poverty in their home countries.
-Gordon Brown
-Duck Pass
-experience with guerrilla warfare
-In cold conditions, β-tin tends to transform spontaneously into α-tin, a phenomenon known as "tin pest".
-reconstructed Proto-Germanic
-affordable housing
-the Yugoslav Army
-John Kerry
-concussions, broken bones, hyperextensions, and muscle strains
-170–180 range
-English Civil War
-New Netherland
-Wesley Posvar
-focuses a collimated beam
-Gothic revival
-around eight minutes
-The highest elevations
-writings of Pliny the Elder (23–79)
-Its commercial and historical center lies on the European side and about a third of its population lives on the Asian side
-music that follows aesthetic and philosophical trends of postmodernism
-Beşiktaş J.K.
-Istanbul had 137 hospitals, of which 100 were private.
-an abbreviation that is pronounced as a word
-Virginia General Assembly
-Interstate 84
-civic holidays
-first-wave feminism focused mainly on suffrage and overturning legal obstacles to gender equality
-forward passes
-neck protector
-wood preservative
-2–1–2, 1–2–2, and 1–4
-NMR spectroscopy
-Old French
-Entire Agreement
-Japanese occupation forces
-"de" (of)
-the surname is placed first
-Montreal Hockey Club
-continuing north into the Bronx
-227–229 Bowery
-not recommended
-The most economical ways of mining tin are through dredging, hydraulic methods or open cast mining.
-1.7 million deaths
-"color-of-the-shape function"
-the Industrial Revolution
-Winston Churchill
-overrunning snow
-easy changes to the account groups without reapplying the file permissions on the files and folders
-2000 and 2030
-Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam and China
-like first declension nouns
-Intel Itanium architecture
-Service Pack 2 for Windows XP, as well as Service Pack 1 for Windows Server 2003
-a car or a house
-the use of sentences that contain variables
-Alan Ruddock and John Burns
-each state may make changes in the enactment process
-a polar, hydrophilic end, and a nonpolar, hydrophobic end
-the Carolinas
-Emergency Economic Stabilization
-September 21, 1938
-age 45 to 50
-The Wall Street Journal
-Structural engineering
-cap-and-trade policy
-The Holland Tunnel
-November 1922
-Löwenheim–Skolem theorem
-John Watkins Chapman
-capacity issues plagued property and casualty insurers
-northeast and northwest
-Structural engineer
-New Englanders
-first letter of their English names
-Finance and insurance
-Sigmund Freud
-the attributes of perfection and minimalism themselves were subjective
-George Washington
-copper, antimony, bismuth, cadmium and silver increase its hardness.
-Nighttown and WATT and smaller stages such as Waterfront, Exit, and Heidegger
-subprime mortgage crisis
-first-order logic
-premature and misguided
-overlapping windows
-Paz Miño
-the 1970s
-protective oxide layer
-the doors are locked
-simple isoprenoids that function as antioxidants and as precursors of vitamin A
-new skyscrapers
-Patagonian orocline.
-Marie Colvin
-recursion theory and functional analysis
-Josiah Whitney
-The Great Awakening
-on top of molten tin
-North American Monsoon
-Second Kamchatka
-Nuruosmaniye Mosque
-if public safety is at stake
-The movement is usually believed to have begun in 1963
-insufficient size studies
-Raid at Ožbalt
-then φ[t/x] (often denoted φ[x/t])
-different programming languages
-marital rape
-fifty small, white, five-pointed stars
-ship building
-Rhode Island
-a monosaccharide
-Carnegie Mellon University
-the prominence of the religious right in conservative politics
-3 Liberal, 1 Labor, 1 Green, 1 Palmer
-one to nine
-Uralic peoples traditionally did not have surnames, perhaps because of the clan structure of their societies
-March 4, 1789
-US Department of Housing and Urban Development
-100 mph (161 km/h)
-in terms of centralization and decentralization
-International Brain Bee
-an "ideological" apparatus in order to eliminate the sentiment of guilt in western society.
-the government's budget and operations
-sedentary food production
-cuius [ˈkʊj.jʊs]
-United States
-Libertarian socialism is opposed
-it is more difficult to operate an insurance group
-first-order predicate calculus
-the classical Greek period
-1.35 million
-Federal Government
-propositional logic
-January 5, 2011
-archaeological excavation
-Reince Priebus
-Works in the technique are described as "in relief
-Narragansett sachem, Canonicus
-Partisan forces
-John Cage
-four parts
-father followed by that of the mother
-single five-minute sudden death period
-The Second Sex
-"Mr Abraham."
-Harold Evans
-Particulate matter
-Parts of the Sunsás Orogen
-GDP grew
-poorly armed
-to opposing the slave trade and working for the abolition of slavery throughout the British Empire
-Eclecticism and freedom of expression
-The Feminine Mystique
-This description meant that the whole of the Baltic Sea was covered with ice.
-United States amateur hockey
-the network pertaining to representing others' intentions
-170,000 jobs annually
-Hadley cell
-"House of Hope"
-14 time national champ
-President John F. Kennedy's Presidential Commission on the Status of Women released its report on gender inequality
-myocardial infarction (commonly known as a heart attack).
-The Amen Break
-Daniel Whittle Harvey
-(very roughly) 9,000
-July 2010
-William Morris
-in a situation such as his win, the top "three" parties in the governor's race all became major parties
-one year
-cannot continue to blame the white men
-fatty amides
-clergy were reluctant to participate in nationalist events and memorials that could be perceived as anti-Soviet
-acids and alkalis
-$19 billion
-voluptuous twisting figures
-symbol Sn
-Most nationwide newspapers
-evolutionary biologists, particularly sociobiologists
-the European side of the Bosphorus
-nonprofit organizations
-the inhabited location associated with the person given that name
-in the west
-Windows NT
-the United Nations Development Programme
-Department of the Interior
-input copy directly
-conservation purposes
-after the Turkish Republic shifted its focus toward Ankara
-Surplus line insurers are supposed to underwrite only very unusual or difficult-to-insure risks.
-inadequate financial resources
-Diagnostic Medical Equipment
-Armenian Apostolic Church
-Christopher Boehm
-the Yellow River basin
-Louis Andriessen
-24 April 1915
-philosophy of science, philosophy of language, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of mind
-Northwest Territory
-geographical features
-No theory of structures existed
-District of Columbia (DC)
-The Andean volcanism
-cloud forests
-Marcus Tanner
-Tiger Bay Village
-De Hef
-Philadelphia City Hall
-Oxide: Oxford Student Radio
-many words have been changed
-National Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Yugoslavia
-Docosahexaenoic acid
-humans who first domesticated the big mammals
-100 years
-Virginia and New Jersey
-slowest service in New York City
-The governor
-mechanisms of how neurons process signals physiologically and electrochemically
-Charles II
-postal services, schools, garbage collection
-line elements
-for not excluding a trial in heart failure where people had low-salt and -water levels due to diuretics.
-whether they support or oppose decentralization
-Hitler Diaries
-strict moralistic principles
-through specialized junctions called synapses
-line joining the centres of the spheres making up the lens surfaces
-strong vertical motions
-through consent of the States
-0.1 millimetres (0.0039 in) to 9 millimetres
-Oxford Classical Texts
-The PC Settings app
-Pitt students
-Snow crystals
-this has no basis in standard English orthography, which reserves capitals for maintaining the common-versus-proper distinction
-Voice of the women's liberation movement
-Verrazano-Narrows Bridge
-a steeper convex surface and is thicker at the centre than at the periphery
-kept indexed collections of such tapes or card decks for collective use
-piety and devotion
-Roman engineering
-April 8, 2014
-passing the arguments, branching to the subprogram, and branching back to the caller
-Windows 98 SE
-retreating from the past where illegal hits, fights, and "clutching and grabbing" among players were commonplace
-approximately 60 months
-Approximately 100,000 km2 (38,610 sq mi
-United States
-from various ores.
-Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad
-The United States
-original Neolithic Revolution
-Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR)
-hypothetical decrees of a perfectly rational being
-Language Interface Packs (LIPs)
-Hagia Sophia
-those at really low risk it is not recommended
-Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists
-pierced tin
-Foreign travelers must gain permission from the government to enter the state.
-cells specialized for communication
-negative electrode
-Excess of loss
-lowest levels of corruption in the world
-MS-DOS Executive
-structural engineering
-the International Professional Hockey League (IPHL)
-the addition of an apostrophe is necessary when pluralizing all abbreviations
-body checking
-Topkapı Palace and Yıldız Palace
-the Haitian Revolution.
-the Battle of Poljana
-different periods, different locations, or with being used with certain other elements
-Istanbul is one of the world's most populous cities and ranks as world's 6th-largest city proper
-one activation record for each suspended subprogram
-there is a unique parse tree
-Windows NT 3
-Stick checking, sweep checking, and poke checking
-Native peoples
-New York City
-late 1890s
-how neural substrates underlie specific animal and human behaviors
-16 m
-resisting attempts to replace the old-fashioned hot-metal and labour-intensive Linotype method
-sphingomyelin and sterols
-the Army attempted to defend all borders
-Mississippi River
-a group of nouns with similar inflected forms
-Theodore Roosevelt
-Alonzo Church
-economic factors
-reasonableness and significance
-some associations with violence and criminal activity
-Great Fire of New York
-All real and personal property
-convective, stratiform, and orographic rainfall
-the private data of the corresponding call
-Rie Mastenbroek
-in Christian writings of the time
-labor union organizations
-No one is in charge of internet, and everyone is.
-The report, which revealed great discrimination against women in American life,
-where the form is cut into the field or background rather than rising from it
-building roads and bridges
-garage house
-working class
-the Partisan movement
-sexuality, family, the workplace, reproductive rights, de facto inequalities, and official legal inequalities.
-International Democrat Union as well as the Asia Pacific Democrat Union.
-political representation
-early 2000s until 2014
-Pittsburgh Academy
-There is no constitutional requirement for the election of senators to take place at the same time as those for members of the House of Representatives
-long S-process in low-to-medium mass stars
-one year
-centre line
-Latin belongs to one of four main conjugations
-different timbres
-first 12
-Uralic peoples traditionally did not have surnames, perhaps because of the clan structure of their societies
-Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
-the Istanbul Special Provincial Administration
-"Mother of the Movement" Betty Friedan
-Cardiovascular disease (CVD)
-350 percent
-$1 trillion
-Noam Chomsky
-ignoring the diverse pre-political and political developments
-brackish water
-low relief
-freezing rain
-partial or complete melting
-MBBS degree
-at the Vatican and at some institutions in the U.S.
-the coast of West Africa
-U.S., U.S.'s
-Language Interface Packs
-cardinal and ordinal
-Löwenheim–Skolem theorem
-The New York Times
-Chateau, Kessler, Saxgourmet, and Bauhaus Walstein
-in 1859
-place of long tidal river
-three military academies
-The movement is usually believed to have begun in 1963
-the first sitting day of May
-New England
-domestic violence and marital rape issues, establishment of rape crisis and battered women's shelters, and changes in custody and divorce law.
-election of senators
-the Chesapeake region
-by taking into account the context and arguments at that call.
-horizontal atmospheric flight
-Founded under the name of Byzantium on the Sarayburnu promontory around 660 BCE,
-opposition to that which is good or right
-Cardiovascular disease
-BBC Radio 1Xtra
-the air above
-heavy basslines and samples of older Jamaican music
-job creation
-New York City Subway
-New York
-On 26 October 1943
-Boston's Matthews Arena
-about 8%
-Lord Stanley of Preston
-the question is resolved in the negative
-mild mid-latitude
-René Descartes
-changed the last two predicted WA Senate spots
-Beyoğlu, Beşiktaş, Şişli and Kadıköy districts
-in the Westphalian sense
-Renaissance Humanists
-the Senate
-Texas, California and Florida
-the Andes
-derivations in the limited systems
-membrane-bound organelles
-The "Big Six"
-signed distances from the origin
-Religious tensions
-Ethiopia and Eritrea
-either at rest or with exercise
-grime and dubstep
-the presumed viewer or camera perspective
-In the spirit of best-versus-best without restrictions on amateur or professional status, the series were followed by five Canada Cup tournaments,
-17 brands
-Northwest Ordinance
-Wegener–Bergeron–Findeisen process
-too complex
-increased risk of obesity and diabetes
-first place with the CEMS Master in Management and a tenth place with its RSM Master in Management
-Mary Brosnaham,
-a set of n-tuples of elements of the domain of discourse
-Mount Holyoke should remain a women's college
-obvious negligence
-age 55
-Liberals historically supported labor unions and protectionist trade policies.
-Greenwich Bay
-a mix of news and series
-the Soviet Union
-zero tolerance
-Many of the Armenian churches also have pipe organs to accompany their chant
-Above the line voting
-"Tablet PC" edition
-bells ring throughout the parliament building for four minutes
-the 1880s
-Cassiterite (SnO2)
-the speech was uniform either diachronically or geographically
-The processes of decentralization
-ice hockey is a full contact sport in men's hockey, body checks are allowed so injuries are a common occurrence
-The Quantitative Precipitation Forecast
-the risk of serious bleeding
-29th globally and 7th in Europe
-the movement lasted from the 1960s into the early 1980s, the exact years of the movement are more difficult to pinpoint and are often disputed
-a vesicle
-Drum and Bass remains most popular in the UK,
-Voters who attend church weekly
-two points
-Turkish folk
-The first armed opposition group in Manipur, the United National Liberation Front (UNLF)
-a tree
-traditional abbreviation
-lieutenant governor
-Chase Bishop
-a catalyst
-37 GHz
-David Rittenhouse
-a dissident Bolshevik ideology called Trotskyism
-5.2-mile (8.4 km)
-strips of reliefs that wound round Roman triumphal columns
-large-scale catastrophic wildfire
-(the M1 and M2 on the European side
-Advancing technology
-transatlantic slave trade
-Celia Green
-low Earth orbit satellites
-one week
-a number of simple structural elements
-American Revolutionary War
-(0, 1)
-Johanna Bakker-Heeres
-The Hindu
-phosphatidylcholine (also known as PC, GPCho or lecithin), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE or GPEtn) and phosphatidylserine (PS or GPSer)
-gravel deposits do not support plant life
-The movement is usually believed to have begun in 1963
-party discipline
-the electricity industry
-Conservatoire de Paris
-the alto and tenor
-vial of gold
-five votes
-comic playwrights
-a novel
-in citing the names of authors in scholarly papers
-under the age of 49
-the Partisans
-early 1933.
-heuristic functions
-to discourage vermin and insects and to keep dust from perishable foodstuffs
-shipping costs, slave mortality, mortality of British people in Africa, defense costs
-resident of Lucca
-Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote
-Armenian Apostolic Church
-abandon the bill or continue to revise it
-Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool and the optional Microsoft Safety Scanner
-the apex
-Almost all the rivers in the valley area
-Nova Roma" and its Greek version "Νέα Ῥώμη" Nea Romē (New Rome),
-50 block area east of downtown Los Angeles
-due to jobs lost from international trade
-There are different degrees of relief depending on the degree of projection of the sculpted form from the field
-in the Mesozoic
-that each subroutine should have minimal dependency on other pieces of code
-music with simple textures and relatively consonant harmonies
-medical officer candidates
-absorption and annexation
-minimum wage
-the 1979 Challenge Cup and Rendez-vous '87.
-Carl Sauer
-the first alto saxophonist
-the "boys' clubs"
-second-order logic
-Vulgar Latin
-contentious and powerful
-Slovene language
-Bartholomew and Thaddeus.
-15° to 20° counter clockwise and clockwise respectively
-The first alloy used on a large scale since 3000 BC was bronze
-Yu River Basin, include the Chamu, Khunou and other short streams.
-region and nationality,
-Infinitary logic
-14 acres
-a word made from the initial letters or syllables of other words
-West 30th Street Heliport
-setting its own standards for admissions, awarding of degrees, faculty qualifications, teaching, and staff hiring
-local judges and juries
-concave surfaces
-Wapping Dispute
-Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan
-On 20 October
-local registrar
-without explicit agreement or coordination by individuals who use prices as their guide
-slums, overcrowding, deteriorated infrastructure, pollution and disease
-3 years
-Atlas, Delta, Titan
-"farmstead", "village", "manor", or "estate"
-cold mid-latitude
-the paternal surname of both father and mother are passed on
-The ten largest companies
-Media Center
-The opposite of relief sculpture is counter-relief, intaglio
-Portuguese controlled Angola
-the Archbishop of the Araratian Diocese and Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan
-Central Post Office in Eminönü
-a previous cardiovascular event
-October 1941
-President John F. Kennedy's Presidential Commission on the Status of Women released its report on gender inequality
-New Haven
-DJ Prime and Mr. Brown
-Howard Hughes Medical Institute
-between 1950 and 2000
-the White House (in Dutch Witte Huis)
-George W. Bush
-$1.7 billion
-memory became scarce
-governmental and non-governmental organizations.
-producing larger droplets
-as a means to pressure the middle class to join and overthrow the Tsar.
-meaning that they have been formally admitted to a state's insurance market by the state insurance commissioner
-for managing the unemployment rate.
-compactness theorem
-the fifth time
-Adam of Bremen
-70.5 percent
-spinning the materials into yarn and cloth
-standard policy forms and rating loss costs
-the Hispanic world
-Foreign Reporter of the Year
-from exposure to second-hand smoke.
-Brinkman en Van der Vlugt
-Prince Smbat Bagratuni, with clergymen and laymen
-Atlantic Coast
-models of every infinite cardinality greater than or equal to λ
-classical liberalism and progressivism
-March 3, 1875
-U.S. government
-in summer months, ranges from 20 to 65 mm (1 to 3 in)
-two positive integers
-any medium or technique of sculpture, stone carving and metal casting
-mid-level minor league in the United States with a few players under contract to NHL or AHL teams
-an ordered triplet of lines (axes) that are pair-wise perpendicular, have a single unit of length for all three axes and have an orientation for each axis.
-a system of co-responsibility
-below major parties
-scientific planning
-parameters, return address, and local variables
-t is a common in Kerala and some other parts of South India
-less than 2%
-wood, glass, crystal, porcelain, and even bone
-basic medical degree
-(all statements which are true in all models are provable).
-the child may have any other combination of the parents' surnames
-Aram Abrahamyan
-In Egypt,
-Diergaarde Blijdorp
-82 percent
-In the art of Ancient Egypt and other ancient Near Eastern and Asian cultures, and also Meso-America
-premium vehicles
-40 m
-postmodernism and conceiving the ideal of the ultimate parody
-May 2005
-The Clarendon Centre and the Westgate Centre
-Connecticut Western Reserve
-southern Austria
-forces in compression
-Mitt Romney
-Eric Williams
-29 percent
-other rain drops or ice crystals
-The fourth declension, with a predominant ending letter of u
-23 years
-Tunis, Sfax, Sousse and Monastir
-low- and middle-income countries
-Black Sea
-Norman Johnson
-their form
-English Crown
-Linkin Park
-focal lengths
-New York City
-the construction of aqueducts and roads
-Plymouth, Massachusetts
-arterial compliance
-Southeast Asian peninsula
-the United States of America
-(trying to thrust the reader's attention toward where the letters are coming from
-mid-19th century
-Governors Island
-President John F. Kennedy's Presidential Commission on the Status of Women released its report on gender inequality
-The Bosphorus
-John Aldridge, Ray Houghton, Tommy Caton, Matt Elliott, Nigel Jemson and Dean Whitehead
-It has (syntactically defined) limitations on when it can be applied
-to reinvent themselves and officially endorse immigration reform
-19 September 1942
-programmers to use the call sequence
-West Africa
-approximately once a month
-left anarchism
-Ten states
-The Interior Department
-Relief is more suitable for depicting complicated subjects with many figures and very active poses, such as battles, than free-standing "sculpture in the round
-about a third of the adult workers in New York City
-July 11, 2006
-mechanisms by which neurons express and respond to molecular signals and how axons form complex connectivity patterns
-made of fishing boats
-a random number function
-known only by their first names
-Royal Yugoslav Army
-Doug Bandow
-managed via the "People's committees
-seawalls and other coastal barriers
-by renaming the bound variable x of φ to something else, say z
-Fort Christina
-old traditional families
-Gary R. Johnson and V.S. Falger
-for positive impact on its urban community
-the entirety
-In 2001
-the Imrahor Mosque
-The neighborhood of Balat
-more money
-Thomas Mellon
-Pennsylvania and New York
-selling their captives or prisoners of war
-St. Domingue
-broadened to include different approaches
-compression part
-an overwhelming 283 votes for to 16 against
-Schenley Farms Historic District
-was appalled at the horrendous living conditions
-$447 billion
-behavioral disorders, and lack of attendance in school
-Organotin compounds
-Local Integrated Software Architecture
-the Catholic Church
-heads and limbs
-Eastern College Athletic
-approximately 10 percent
-Adolf Hitler
-October 1941
-a fellowship
-This language was more in line with the everyday speech
-the member states
-Only the smallest insurers
-Great Britain
-between 29th Street and Canal Street
-In the first decades of the 20th century
-McMaster University
-John Witherow
-59th Street and 110th Street
-This is not the case
-computer analysis
-the categories of social rank, kinship, and stages of life
-strains that retained their edible seeds longer
-Civil Rights Act of 1964
-Digital Empire
-The first subdivision
-Robert G. Heft
-the tropics
-obesity 5%
-Cistercian Order
-Ahmed Aboutaleb
-8.5 million
-molecular, cellular, developmental, structural, functional, evolutionary, computational, and medical aspects of the nervous system
-under 15%
-the 15th through to the 19th centuries
-New England
-over 4.3 million
-two- to four-fold
-royally appointed governor
-an abbreviation of a separate word
-Tronik House
-independent countries
-King's College School
-Mimar Sinan
-Grandmaster Flash, Roger Troutman, Afrika Bambaata, Run DMC, Mac Dre, Public Enemy, Schooly D, N.W.A
-Overall alcohol consumption at the population level is associated with multiple health risks that exceed any potential benefits.
-Topkapı Palace Museum
-the governor
-New York City's position in North America as the leading Internet hub and telecommunications center
-was founded in 1964, which declared that it wanted to gain independence from India and form Manipur as a new country.
-because it adds tight coupling between the subroutine and these global variables
-fast ice
-Cenozoic filling of the Great Valley
-coordinate axis or just axis
-inflected language
-In the area, the former seabed is only gently sloping
-A superconducting magnet weighing as little as two kilograms is capable of producing magnetic fields comparable to a conventional electromagnet weighing tons
-The Löwenheim–Skolem theorem
-Democratic Federal Yugoslavia
-around 1700
-placed after the personal or given name
-the temporoparietal junction area
-capturing Africans from neighboring ethnic groups or war captives and selling them.
-40 carbons
-Windows 98 Second Edition
-Two more allotropes, γ and σ, exist at temperatures above 161 °C (322 °F)  and pressures above several GPa
-approximately US$40 billion
-17th century
-the movement lasted from the 1960s into the early 1980s, the exact years of the movement are more difficult to pinpoint and are often disputed
-the cultivation of taro and a variety of other crops
-Mono tribe and Sierra Miwok tribe
-600,000 passengers
-Irish immigrants
-families with children
-Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)
-through revolution
-random-access memory
-a line change
-the Armenian Church having approved the christology of Chalcedon.
-when the codomain of f is the domain of g
-The plane perpendicular to the lens axis situated at a distance f from the lens is called the focal plane.
-convex surfaces
-stannous chloride
-directly from English law
-a denser population
-poverty level
-atherosclerosis and inflammation
-The movement is usually believed to have begun in 1963
-a name added to a given name
-King Tubby, Peter Tosh, Sly & Robbie, Bill Laswell, Lee Perry, Mad Professor, Roots Radics, Bob Marley and Buju Banton
-aristocracy and corruption
-Turkey has more hospitals accredited by the U.S.-based Joint Commission than any other country in the world
-"The Consolidated,"
-If each agent is connected
-nearly 14,000
-The Sierras de Córdoba
-between 900,000 and 1,150,000
-Radio 2
-48% and 116%
-euphony, social significance or other reasons.
-bids for UEFA Euro 2012 and UEFA Euro 2016
-the line of thrust of the force
-personal possessions
-Trans-Manhattan Expressway
-in the 2002 elections
-stack frames
-There is no rule
-Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation
-the Battle of Poljana
-son of Lewis
-four or more variables
-plotting against the Party's agreed strategy
-cable or fabric structures
-Typical Hilbert-style systems have a small number of rules of inference, along with several infinite schemas of logical axioms.
-Hudson River
-leaf procedures or leaf functions
-2.83 m (9 ft 3 in)
-Convex lenses
-both parents
-Ending Chronic Homelessness through Employment and Housing
-increased emphasis on internal differences
-Mini for BMW
-Brain Research Organization (IBRO)
-top merchants abandoned traditional industries to pursue slaving,
-that Africans and Europeans were equal partners in the Atlantic slave trade
-pointing "out of the page" towards the viewer or camera
-party whip
-which will be false in many interpretations. The problem is that the free variable x of t  became bound during the substitution.
-western European slave traders
-eighteen guards
-building a Pedestrian village for the adult homeless
-The animals' size, temperament, diet, mating patterns, and life span
-the oyster capital of the world
-Since the 1990s
-major penalty
-individuals and families that were homeless, both sheltered and unsheltered
-outside the United States
-Cinchona pubescens
-The Sunday Times
-does not use quantifiers
-Lordship over the Baltic Sea
-only when an abbreviation contains internal periods or both capital and lowercase letters
-16th and 17th centuries
-f−1[B] and f−1[b]
-Hyphens may or may not be used in all these terms
-1.3 million
-Nothnagle Log House
-precipitation increases
-void in political affairs
-the Bloomberg administration
-In south India
-Nazi Germany
-Democratic Party
-harm and unnecessary expense
-President John F. Kennedy's Presidential Commission on the Status of Women released its report on gender inequality
-graceful and slow
-military bands
-Prime Minister Paul Keating
-Mehmed VI
-where the plane is only very slightly lower than the sculpted elements
-Operation Flotsam
-Ancient Armenia's adoption of Christianity as a state religion
-key inflammatory transcription factor
-American Samoa
-the Social Revolution
-1,460 panels of the 9th-century Borobudur temple
-Compact of Free Association
-a check to the head
-the Georgia Colony
-slaving itself.
-the depth to bedrock
-John Coltrane, Ornette Coleman, Sam Rivers and Pharoah Sanders
-different cultures had quite different expectations
-better fit into the non-Hispanic society they live or work in
-29 °C (84 °F)
-The National Association of Insurance Commissioners
-correction of vision
-No first-order theory
-Atlantic white-sided dolphins and harbor porpoises inhabit the sea
-in southern Mongolia
-Traditionally the most popular sport at the University of Pittsburgh, football
-Public Utility Regulatory Authority
-Indians, the French, and the Dutch
-problems of centralized systems
-divesting of the function entirely through privatization.
-In 1929
-port towns
-by increasing infrastructure work, lowering taxes, helping small businesses, and reducing government regulation
-single dimension of autonomy, interrelationships of various dimensions of decentralization
-Diagnostic equipment
-to improve job creation
-Ashmolean Museum
-a fellow of the relevant specialty is awarded
-Abdi İpekçi Street in Nişantaşı and Bağdat Avenue on the Anatolian side
-The revolts
-Kuki National Organisation
-National Committee Chairman
-the FitzHugh–Nagumo model
-due to their mass
-there are a disproportionate number of women who are nurses,
-the Great Belt Bridge in Denmark (completed 1997) and the Øresund Bridge-Tunnel
-separate sovereigns
-Title V of created the Federal Insurance Office (FIO) in the Department of the Treasury.
-high risk
-Two processes
-assume turbulent form in the rainy season
-rate of employment fell
-Instruction in Latin
-Christopher Robert
-interest groups
-the Observer
-a single unit of length
-Gulf of Bothnia
-They usually do not use a full iconostasis, but rather a sanctuary veil
-The Portuguese
-synth and basslines
-Rhode Island
-2,000 officers
-"Gateway to Europe"
-at least five-years
-Fons Trompenaars
-additional quantifiers and the full semantics
-the origin for both
-"G-spec" (for "government specification") flags
-to operate on reals, complex values or matrices
-England and Scotland
-The use of Constantinople to refer to the city during the Ottoman period (from the mid-15th century) is now considered politically incorrect
-Beginning in mid-1918
-Khajuraho temple
-The meaning of decentralization may vary in part because of the different ways it is applied.
-Tanzimat period of reform
-The Bolivian Orocline area overlaps with the area of maximum width of the Altiplano Plateau
-John Franklin
-used for coating lead, zinc and steel to prevent corrosion. Tin-plated steel containers are widely used for food preservation
-assists weight loss and improves blood glucose control, blood pressure, lipid profile and insulin sensitivity
-This is considered one of India's "sensitive areas", due to its political troubles and isolated geography.
-plano-convex lens
-eighteenth century
-free association
-Neural tissue
-Automated theorem
-2nd lunar day of Heyangei
-dry air caused by compressional heating
-1940s and early 1950s
-the Balkans
-a frontier
-the property and his wife
-The Levant followed by Mesopotamia
-1996 to 2006
-in some areas of the Alps
-that its lines, like education, have no ending
-consular diptychs
-in the upper classes
-18th and 19th centuries
-various neurological disorders
-only mutual agreement or United States abandonment of the area
-Italian, French, Russian, German, etc
-an additional referee is added to aid in the calling of penalties normally difficult to assess by one single referee
-In 1980, the Kangleipak Communist Party (KCP) was formed. These groups began a spree of bank robberies and attacks on police officers and government buildings.
-Use of f(A)
-near the point
-New Jersey
-12 percent
-The Bolivian Orocline area overlaps with the area of maximum width of the Altiplano Plateau
-over 740
-Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia (AVNNOJ)
-an end which is aesthetic, functional and often artistic
-Socialist Realism
-oceanic climate
-afocal system
-the end of the collective bargaining agreement on September 16, 2012.
-"The Problem That Has No Name"
-the conservative International Democrat Union as well as the Asia Pacific Democrat Union
-As the genre became generally more polished and sophisticated technically
-Bronze Age
-with their parse trees
-Economic and/or political decentralization
-the "union"
-28.1 in
-security features
-the women/invitees and to their children.
-brick building
-Tropical rainforests
-aqueducts and roads
-Canada won in 2004.
-stone weapons
-National Institutes of Health
-September 1939
-November 1979
-rain gauge measurements, weather radar estimates
-relatively rare
-molecular identity
-sharp rise in the city's population
-Windows 3.0
-at ordered pair (0, 0)
-an alloy of silver and lead
-sugar backbone
-flywheel energy storage (FES)
-pineal gland secretion
-wooden cupboards of various styles and sizes
-unity in phonological forms and developments
-more than $14 billion in economic activity
-absence of improvement after antibiotic use
-for safety
-a "free school'" course on women
-infinitary logics and higher-order logics
-between 300 and 700 Pequots
-Folk religions
-a so-called virtual object
-The Kontinental Hockey League
-weaker upward motions and less intense precipitation
-Almost all the rivers in the valley area
-aspheric lenses
-25 million pounds
-Tin melts at a low temperature of about 232 °C (450 °F)
-Supreme Court
-delayed penalty
-rainy and warm
-spatial size
-the last oyster sloop built in Connecticut.
-Narodnooslobodilačka vojska
-niacin, fibrates and CETP Inhibitors
-Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo
-The report, which revealed great discrimination against women in American life,
-the private data of the calls that are currently active
-Partisan forces
-photovoltaic cells
-at the connections
-the Church has much in common both with the Latin Rite in its externals,
-luxury apartments
-reject supply bills or defer their passage
-running at half capacity
-entertain guests that contained the family's best furnishings and the parent's bed
-lakes, ponds and artificial outdoor rinks during the winter
-single piece of material
-quickly defeated by the Axis forces
-four years
-high relief
-Public Land Survey System
-adipose tissue
-as socially constructed
-The governor
-Eclecticism and freedom of expression
-eastern shore
-uplifting, faulting and folding of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks of the ancient cratons to the east.
-a year
-An instrument that overblew at the octave, would have identical fingering for both registers.
-tin crystals
-Heavy rainfall
-because an interpretation on its own does not determine the truth value of such a formula
-Latin continued without its natural spoken base
-1/8 of an inch thick
-Classical Latin
-Denver, Colorado
-Paul Ryan
-model theory
-Bronze is mostly copper (12% tin), while addition of phosphorus gives phosphor bronze
-The Last Days of Hitler
-given name, occupational name, location name, nickname, and ornamental name
-Queen Elizabeth
-Türk Telekom Arena
-Bar-Ilan University
-different regions have had different degrees of tectonic stress, uplift, and erosion.
-metropolitan municipality
-2 acres
-NYSE Euronext
-axiom systems
-National Coalition for the Homeless
-an internal ranking examination
-centralization and decentralization
-87 percent
-everything went awry
-World Heart Federation
-three major
-husband's last name
-two-line offside pass
-1967 until 1981
-Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island
-the lowlands
-foibe massacres
-uneconomic businesses
-because "regulators or 'experts' might misrepresent consumers' tastes and needs."
-for every 4 in the Connecticut Republican Party
-the action being observed
-first name
-incorporated territories
-external walls, and for hieroglyphs and cartouches
-Hüseyin Avni Mutlu
-reasonable or significant
-two to four
-a major cause of pneumonia
-Nexelion cells
-half the slaves
-a formula or algorithm
-the Norman Invasion
-specialized to conduct nerve impulses called action potentials
-Abgar V of Edessa
-local judges and juries
-decentered and refocused
-1.2 million cubic yards
-raise interest rates marginally
-from direct consumption of tobacco
-the 18 letters that come between the first and the last in internationalization
-Ministry of health and Medical Education of Iran
-computer classes
-an upholstery business
-relatively recent historical development
-the Nationality Rooms program
-The movement of the monsoon trough, or intertropical convergence zone
-punctuation symbols
-neuroimaging (e.g., fMRI, PET, SPECT), electrophysiology, and human genetic analysis
-the Armenian Church
-extensive Irish coverage
-climate and ecology
-Rheumatic heart disease may follow untreated strep throat.
-a conscience vote
-linear alcohols, diphosphates, etc.
-four years
-U.S. Route 7
-jump-up and Hardstep
-degree of bending it is subjected to
-Most ancient architectural reliefs were originally painted, which helped to define forms in low relief.
-Patagonian orocline.
-seasonal weight fluctuations
-ics, religion and morality "are to be defined differently and have no definitional connections with ea
-by scaling the luminous reflectance relative to the flag's "white"
-less than 25 inches
-running mate
-by the Marmaray tunnel
-full semantics
-more oblate
-Annual Homeless Assessment Report
-a higher melting point, and the formation of tin whiskers causing electrical problems
-new forms of consciousness
-job creation
-Dannel Malloy
-reference assumed in this article to be usually figures, but sculpture in relief often depicts
-Yugoslav territory.
-private tombs, and smaller decorative areas such as friezes on large buildings
-"Locked Out."
-National Research Council
-three years of clinical internship
-ranks as world's 6th-largest city proper
-Bhagyachandra and his successors issued coins engraved with "Manipureshwar", or "lord of Manipur", and the British discarded the name Meckley.
-Viscount Kemsley
-Mid-Atlantic Women's Hockey League
-Inca Empire
-change to its charter
-the People's Liberation Army (PLA) was formed in 1978 which Human Rights Watch states as having received arms and training from China.
-can affect code readability
-the United States (with a high religiosity level) and "theistic" Portugal.
-(the Y-axis)
-Edward Frankland
-screw pins
-the major precursor of cardiovascular disease
-last year
-clean and formal
-the 16th and 17th centuries
-almost infinitely
-"Long Island Express"
-a type of relation
-First Five-Year Plan
-Full Language Packs
-1.3 million
-placed before a person's given name.
-was little more than to exploit the opportunity for immediate profits made by raiding and the seizure or purchase of trade commodities"
-Edison Electric Illuminating Company
-the present, imperfect, and future tenses
-The Commission on Social Determinants of Health
-most varieties of anarchism
-f and g
-certain virtues
-approximately US$1.27 billion worth of tickets
-like a regular second declension neuter noun
-Joseph C. Miller
-They have formed splinter groups
-the thirteen British colonies
-eastern fold and thrust belt
-the origin of morals,
-Istanbul's strategic position on the historic Silk Road
-Constantine XI
-often the sole designer
-moral philosophy
-the city's strength in academic scientific research and public and commercial financial support
-10th largest
-"The A,"
-The NAIC acts as a forum for the creation of model laws and regulations.
-by Jerry Morris
-aura or halo in the back of sculpture's head, or floral decoration
-Apple's Newsstand platform
-in-house reading space
-Boris Yeltsin
-U-6 unemployment rate
-New York City
-After its reestablishment as Constantinople in 330 CE
-Robert College
-not been found to be useful
-fourth year
-The 2–1–2
-University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
-call-response patterns
-Spanish empire
-very "high" version of high-relief
-Galatasaray and Fenerbahçe
-the Kyoto Protocols
-to stand up safely
-The report, which revealed great discrimination against women in American life,
-40 Wall Street
-In 1863 retired French bureaucrat Maurice Block wrote an article called “Decentralization” for a French journal
-prisoner reentry
-intentions and beliefs
-Postmodernist ideas in philosophy and the analysis of culture and society
-the University of Michigan
-to garner popular interest
-Jim Jeffords
-Hanseatic League
-more than twice as many copies
-virtual image behind the magnifying glass
-two or more
-The Star-Spangled Banner: The Flag That Inspired the National Anthem
-eastern part
-an object that will accept directions
-Virginia and Maryland
-by variables such as p and q
-recycling of scrap
-the curvature of the two optical surfaces
-extended the bell slightly and added an extra key to extend the range
-not recommended in those at low risk who do not have symptoms
-vitamin E, vitamin C
-soldiers and immigrants
-interface and input languages
-March 1848
-liquid water, liquid water that freezes on contact with the surface, or ice
-moral ontology,
-17 January 2000
-struts and ties
-"country" and "court"
-East Asian languages, such as Chinese, and right-to-left scripts, such as Arabic
-making panhandling a misdemeanor
-790 meters above sea level
-was destroyed by fire
-cautious with limited nationalisations of private property
-to create 'positive' images of women
-400,000 km2 (150,000 sq mi)
-puppet Independent State of Croatia
-for the benefit of those who do not understand Latin.
-Sidney Bechet
-30 AD
-Civil Rights Congress of Nigeria
-during Windows installation
-November 2014
-Turnbull Liberal government
-Art and drama
-True or False.
-two prisoners
-Penn Station
-November 1985
-Madison Square Garden
-The technique involves considerable chiselling away of the background, which is a time-consuming exercise.
-love, kindness, and social intelligence
-Great Western Railway
-Outside the Classroom Curriculum
-French Connection United Kingdom.
-Pablo García Acosta
-1.0 percent
-from each according to his ability, to each according to his need
-activation in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex
-Nevada Triangle
-the Hanafi school of Islamic thought
-started (on a significant scale) in about 1502 and lasted until 1580
-a work can either be modernist, or postmodern, but not both
-the labor force participation rate is falling
-Play can be stopped if the goal is knocked out of position.
-could not sustain such population losses
-transparent materials such as glass, ground and polished to a desired shape
-Adriaen Block
-West Hartford
-$900 million
-JPEG /ˈdʒeɪpɛɡ/ and MS-DOS /ˌɛmɛsˈdɒs/
-Quarter Cask of the Public Wine
-of discourse or universe
-upward motion
-around two thousand
-Turkish Grand Prix
-the universe exists independently of human consciousness
-There are three or more regular meetings of the Board of Trustees per year.
-caste, profession, and village
-elderly population is forecast to grow by 57.9%
-mutually desired
-20th century
-backward economic conditions in Russia
-seen are "squashed" flatter
-applied physical laws
-a suite of interrelated other-regarding behaviors that cultivate and regulate complex interactions within social groups
-1,046 feet
-between the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea
-popular music and world ethnic musical traditions
-their slave masters
-as individual letters: /ˌjuːˌɑːrˈɛl/ and /ˌaɪˌɑːrˈeɪ/, respectively; or as a single word: /ˈɜːrl/ and /ˈaɪərə/
-Victoria Skating Rink
-how neural circuits are formed and used anatomically and physiologically to produce functions
-five years.
-total war
-claim payments must be carefully recorded against the books of the correct company.
-police offices and passports
-193 (red) and 281 (dark blue)
-do not affect
-competitiveness, individualism, and materialism
-Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America
-empirical evidence of 'what had worked before'
-United States
-350 percent
-the saxophone family
-Henri Fleisch
-the German 1st Mountain and 104th Light Division
-Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
-the polar molecules (i.e., water in an aqueous solution) become more ordered around the dissolved lipophilic substance
-only optionally in Spain, despite Argentina being a Spanish-speaking country
-Galleria Ataköy
-New York
-Free Territory of Ukraine
-Litchfield Green, Lebanon Green (the largest in the state), and Wethersfield Green
-far from universal
-the Titovka cap
-"a truly international exercise
-the shores of the Bosphorus in Çengelköy
-an abnormal processing route
-human cooperation
-This made it easier for women to have careers without having to leave due to unexpectedly becoming pregnant
-Windows Defender
-lifting the puck easier
-Medical Scientist Training Program
-between long and short vowels
-In the first decades of the 20th century
-levied taxes, built roads, and elected officials who managed town affairs
-6,961 m
-about 8 unaffiliated for every 7 in the Democratic Party
-both surfaces have the same radius of curvature
-political values
-receive much more rainfall
-Consolidated Edison
-the Marine Committee
-the member states
-Allied soldiers
-engineering design and analysis
-Arundo donax cane
-an unsafe prediction
-restoration of a degree of capitalism and private enterprise
-rice and indigo
-The Irish edition of The Sunday Times
-an open subroutine
-the event rate is higher in men than in women
-September 1981
-delivering a check from behind
-convective clouds have limited horizontal extent
-American Civil War
-National Alliance to End Homelessness
-Central Park
-Department of the Interior
-advanced stage of social relations and economic organisation
-In 1969
-Brazilian drum and bass
-A fabric
-action guides
-slightly less restrictive
-Seminole Group Colombia
-Statins are effective in preventing further cardiovascular disease in people with a history of cardiovascular disease
-no longer commit crimes in that area
-Andrew Neil
-the function on the right, f, acts first and the function on the left, g acts second, reversing English reading order
-the presence of European slavers
-North Anatolian Fault
-Bay of Bengal
-Britain and the Continent
-King Francis I of France
-Moderate evidence was found that high salt intake increases cardiovascular mortality
-Atatürk Olympic Stadium
-The Republican Party
-The Federal government
-Academy of Urbanism
-suspected Hungarian, German and Serbian fascists
-as insurance groups
-all mammals living in complex social groups
-using more saturated colors than the official cloth is not new
-understand how neurons develop and how genetic changes affect biological functions
-Nowadays, fewer women adopt, even officially, their husbands' names
-World War II
-Sichuan University
-Rhode Island Colony
-volcanic gaps
-Leah Esguerra
-Indian Affairs (BIA)
-Argentine Civilian Code
-East North Central
-South, Mountain West and Midwest
-The Occupational Safety and Health Administration
-Structural engineers
-In telephone directories the surname is used for collation
-the water cycle
-District of Columbia Home Rule Act
-overturning legal obstacles to gender equality (e.g.., voting rights, property rights)
-in the Åland Islands
-by the letters (x, y) in the plane, and (x, y, z) in three-dimensional space
-fully free of the background, and parts of figures crossing over each other to indicate depth
-a party convention for the office's constituency
-flower flag ginseng
-A high fiber diet appears to lower the risk.
-Every male citizen
-occurred after emancipation,
-metric prefixes,
-fatty acid synthesis
-2.4 million
-March 3, 1875
-plots of land
-the Minor Outlying Islands
-Homeless advocate and urban designer
-Cornmarket Street and Queen Street
-sudden death format
-the Soviet Union
-5 times
-ancient universities of Scotland
-The Flag Resolution
-Further developments were made by Selmer
-the 50 states
-the Danish isles
-Germany's High Command
-Structural building engineering
-Byzantine and Ottoman
-emerging markets
-float glass
-lack clear-cut evidence
-Republican Party has taken positions regarded by many as outwardly hostile to the gay rights movement
-New Haven
-recycling of scrap tin
-a number of notes (C♯, B, A, G, F and E♭) to be flattened by a semitone simply by pressing the right middle finger.
-18 February 1821
-after the invention of the microscope and the development of a staining procedure
-the x- and y-axes
-in Fairfield County
-King Charles II
-Arlington County, Virginia
-New York County
-13 colonies
-vasoactive agents
-Charles II
-structural design
-a period of massive industrialisation
-Germanic and Slavic nations
-Francis Scott Key
-George Washington Bridge
-New Hampshire
-deciding on the constitutionality of the law or cases
-Insight team
-folk etymology
-it is not unusual for compound surnames to be composed of separate words not linked by a hyphen
-ensure that the assumed collapse mechanism is realistic
-a village in County Galway
-to be studied
-hydrogen sulfide
-After obtaining the first postgraduate degree
-scenes of daily life in the Khmer Empire
-orogenic event
-gambling dens and brothels
-add an 's' following an apostrophe
-its initial
-in the polar medium
-The Question of Separatism: Quebec and the Struggle over Sovereignty
-Ottoman Stock Exchange
-Microsoft's Metro design language
-building and maintenance of schools
-Ho Chi Minh
-exploit New World land and resources
-the Bolshevik revolution
-Vladimir Nabokov
-in the 19th century
-the New Testament
-Fair Trading Act
-August 2012
-Operation Flotsam
-with new forms of participation, consultation, and partnerships
-to mark the new Roman capital
-not recommended in those at low risk who do not have symptoms
-The present Cuban government of Raúl Castro
-John Trumbull
-fog and mist
-Total fat intake does not appear to be an important risk factor
-indentured servants
-Approximately 505,000 cubic kilometres (121,000 cu mi)
-hydrologic forecast models
-The ability to block supply
-public housing
-In most Spanish-speaking countries
-the Plomo glacier and the Horcones glaciers
-Society for Neuroscience
-William Penn
-The rules of inference enable the manipulation of quantifiers.
-second-order logic
-final year
-markers specifying the grammatical use of the word
-University of Cambridge
-Doctor of Medicine
-Sea of Galilee
-deporting illegal immigrants
-the background
-Eva Perón
-Allianz, Maersk, Petrobras, Samskip, Louis Dreyfus Group and Aon
-x = 0
-Vitamin E and vitamin K
-South India
-Cartesian coordinates
-precipitation measurement
-indentured or criminally bonded
-stripping the -re (or -ri, in the case of a deponent verb) ending from the present infinitive form
-Bay of Santa Margarita
-The quality or pay of the job
-the successful completion of an examination
-over pirate radio
-Market Hall
-east of the crest and north of 37.2°N
-$822 million
-east of the Hel Peninsula on the Polish coast and west of the Sambia Peninsula in Kaliningrad Oblast
-The logical axioms consist of several axiom schemas of logically valid formulas
-to perform during an earthquake.
-Western-backed client regime
-knowledge about morals
-Alf Landon
-Mount Whitney
-Coalition On Homelessness
-the British
-biomedical research,
-rate of employment fell
-visible injury (such as bleeding)
-The report, which revealed great discrimination against women in American life,
-Senator Robert A. Taft
-extensive art collections
-reliable and stable housing
-tribal and state warfare
-disturbing actions of meteoric water
-deontological ethics
-the Metropolitan Executive Committee
-Jim Schmidt
-at any time during the game
-domestic violence and marital rape issues, establishment of rape crisis and battered women's shelters, and changes in custody and divorce law.
-significant collections of art and archaeology
-manner, character, proper behavior
-Greek Sing
-Armenian Apostolic Church since 1989
-has not been found to significantly alter behavior
-Ayurveda M.D (Ayu)
-640 kilometres
-National Coalition for the Homeless
-The High
-A series of terrible crashes
-codomain is not specified
-Yannick Nézet-Séguin
-only finitely
-the International Tin Council
-vernacular Latin was free to develop on its own
-Tony Dorsett
-changes the language
-The movement is usually believed to have begun in 1963
-newspaper publisher
-there is no perfect way to convert them
-Machu Picchu
-The movement is usually believed to have begun in 1963
-since 1966
-Xbox OS
-Beacon High School
-patent encompassed 14 versions of the fundamental design, split into two categories of seven instruments each
-last name
-animal, plant, bacterial, fungal and marine sources
-development of Drum and Bass
-Soviet of the Nationalities
-"Mother of the Movement" Betty Friedan
-November 16, 1776
-Obama and Biden
-Sax's patent expired in 1866
-overall quality and effectiveness
-infrastructure construction, clean energy investment, unemployment compensation, educational loan assistance, and retraining programs
-because it is usually placed at the end of a person's given name
-El Dorado National Forest
-Bolivia, Cuba, El Salvador, Grenada, Nicaragua, Peru, and Uruguay
-aristocratic families and the established church
-"industrial democracy,"
-the big New York City firms
-may require constitutional or statutory reforms
-a projecting image with a shallow overall depth
-states legalized same-sex marriage in the 2010s
-51.2 million
-cyclic molecules
-Lacerations to the head, scalp, and face
-The Sunday Times
-empathy or guilt
-about fifteen days
-f(x) = 4 − x
-throughout the world on the walls of buildings and a variety of smaller settings,
-in the Province of Ljubljana
-after the fall of Ani and the Armenian Kingdom of the Bagradits in 1045, masses of Armenians migrated to Cilicia and the Catholicossate settled there
-Start menu, taskbar, and Windows Explorer shell
-Fiorello La Guardia
-its regimental standard
-14.6-kilometer (9.1 mi)
-local civilians
-people of France
-does not rely on variable assignment functions
-Political divisions
-labour productivity
-the Fikirtepe mound
-"almost unknown"
-The statue stands near the Leuvehaven
-deconstruction and post-structuralism
-Mahmud II
-Marmara Region
-the spouse adopts her husband's first name
-St. Lawrence River
-The 2010 games
-Claude Lévi-Strauss
-throughout Guipúzcoa, Navarra, Soria, Logroño, and most of Green Spain
-Server 2008 R2
-a major logistic and economic centre
-dialkylether variants
-Voluntary boards
-neighbouring or enemy ethnic groups
-Windows NT 3.1
-thirty minutes
-the Gold Coast
-declaring an affiliation to a political party
-the Abbott Liberal government
-The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness
-extremely complex
-the pronunciation is reflected graphically by the capitalization scheme
-the cultural mix is greater
-jobs and the economy
-upgrading the electricity grid
-"electronic frontier"
-Windows Store
-island of many hills
-fatty acid synthesis
-the origin
-shower and thunderstorm
-the Town of Groton
-egalitarian and free-market libertarian
-French writer Simone de Beauvoir
-corruption investigation
-postal code
-Peter Stuyvesant
-make half-step shifts
-undergraduate & graduate
-federal government
-finding common ground between believers and nonbelievers
-the policy will usually be written on a nonstandard form
-It can be accessed without cost.
-raw sugar was turned into granulated sugar and the molasses distilled into rum
-by the various combinations and permutations of surnames.
-high baffle
-Gabriel Kolko
-2,450 lb
-one referee and two linesmen
-planners predating Postmodernism
-Christian (Roman Catholic) culture
-wedge and tipping bucket gauges
-Conservatives generally advocate supply-side economics
-President Obama
-black, purple
-saw an economic benefit from trading their subjects with European slave traders.
-Tiridates III
-the Romans began hellenizing, or adopting features of Greek culture,
-age, gender or family history
-the insurance premium
-individually crafted
-33,800 jobs
-both of her mother's surnames or the mother's first surname followed by any of the surnames of the mother's parents or grandparents
-63.8 percent, 63.6 percent and 63.6 percent
-Fatih district
-Sunday Telegraph
-Xbox One's system also allows backward compatibility with Xbox 360,
-Moorish conquest of Spain
-10,000 km
-labile chloride ions
-the shores of the Bosphorus
-cooking facilities and warmth during the winter
-Chief Justice of Connecticut
-job creation
-mental illness
-The Armenian Apostolic Church
-salinity permeation principle
-any number and nature
-“Williams thesis”
-deny any tax deduction, deduction for loss, or tax credit for the cost of an American jobs offshoring transaction
-"Arica Elbow".
-hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia
-f: X → Y
-adding the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution
-two months or more
-Mongolian People's Republic
-cardiovascular disease
-XP or later
-New York City Draft Riots
-the bazooka
-extreme forces
-very young
-circulatory health issues
-8 million
-Hugh Trevor-Roper
-The curve
-Manhattan and the Bronx
-women, not men, should become nurses,
-1917 and 1918
-an Anti-Fascist resistance platform
-There are no hard and fast rules of classification
-the celibate clergy of the monastery who are led by an abbot
-a partial function
-Tarskian semantics
-a guerrilla campaign
-Mediterranean climate (Csa), humid subtropical climate (Cfa) and oceanic climate (Cfb)
-120,000 vehicles
-placed before a person's given name.
-centre red-line
-Willam F. Pepper
-watery weeds
-decentralisation is the process of redistributing or dispersing functions, powers, people or things away from a central location or authority
-the University of Washington
-Kemsley Newspapers Group
-air and water
-Tin is a malleable, ductile and highly crystalline silvery-white metal.
-one can conclude φ[t/x] from φ provided that no free variable of t becomes bound
-Belgrad Forest
-temperature, dynamic loads such as waves or traffic
-Unmarried and divorced women
-the specification of the domain and codomain
-177.3 °C (351.1 °F) for 11 nm particles
-Among men and women, there are notable differences in body weight, height, body fat distribution, heart rate, stroke volume, and arterial compliance
-Cathedral of Learning
-provides more protection to the players
-Puerto Ricans
-December 2012
-The United States Supreme Court
-naming the troops after important Slovene poets and writers
-autocratic elite
-at the centre
-Volusia County
-John Hughlings Jackson
-simple stick and ball games
-invention of this concept, which they termed a closed subroutine
-several megabytes of memory
-a third of the city's population
-to accept pluralism and heighten awareness of social differences
-Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to enforce more job opportunities among American women
-insurance policy
-the paleolithic site of Ohalo II
-the late 1860s
-last, first middle,"
-Punched tin lanterns
-Chiltern Railways
-silent decentralization
-sports facilities
-assemblies and county governments
-a pyramid is inherently stable
-sampled sources or synthesizers
-for the convenience of Westerners
-laid siege to Saybrook Colony's garrison
-by projecting the point onto one axis along a direction that is parallel to the other axis
-Friday Nite Improvs
-143.2 million
-Medicinae Doctorem et Chirurgiae Magistrum
-The Teutonic Order
-bronze and/or brass alloys
-Catholic Church
-the choice is usually between a surplus line insurer or no coverage at all
-"feminist poster girl" or a "feminist icon".
-The formation of the modern Andes began with the events of the Triassic
-Denis Hamilton
-believed the heart was the center of intelligence and that the brain regulated the amount of heat from the heart
-postmodern graphic designers
-1,000 km (620 mi)
-Several Pleistocene glacial episodes scooped out the river bed into the sea basin
-the Kongo Civil War
-October 1943
-mild, but often wet and unpredictable; chilly winds from the northwest and warm gusts from the south
-early in the Bronze Age
-automatically installed
-The administration of President Kennedy made women's rights a key issue of the New Frontier
-Microsoft Security Essentials
-Nikolay Rezanov
-prior to the introduction of modern medicines
-building engineering
-Kopaonik Partisan Detachment Headquarters
-Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the United States Constitution, in which they were defeated by anti-feminists led by Phyllis Schlafly,
-First-order logic
-$28.5 billion
-the country experienced a breakdown of law and order,
-upslope flow is maximized within windward sides of the terrain at elevation.
-The distinction between high and low relief is somewhat subjective, and the two are very often combined in a single work
-15,000 tonnes
-by means of a telephone survey
-Luis Telmo Paz y Miño
-Vladimir Zworykin
-fatty acid synthases
-on the London Metal Exchange (LME)
-complex relationship
-the consequences of European navigation
-In winter the temperature often falls below 0 °C (32 °F)
-New Deal
-The AOL National Cyber Security Alliance
-The coldest month is January, and the warmest July.
-Stores selling English manufactures such as cloth, iron utensils, and window glass as well as West Indian products like sugar and molasses
-hypoxemic lung diseases
-theoretical and clinical study
-to implement the numerus clausus
-7–9 years
-It was instrumental in the advancement of Christianity
-Kop van Zuid
-the identification as "monophysitism" is an incorrect description of its position.
-University of Pittsburgh Stages
-England's Glorious Revolution
-interaction of structures with the shaking ground,
-In almost all races
-Aerospace structure
-built overnight
-upcoming and established
-tributyltin hydride (Sn(C4H9)3H)
-gaps and crevices of the second-wave
-a former moderate Republican senator is an independent-turned-Democrat former governor of Rhode Island
-Intolerable Acts
-a shot that redirects a shot or a pass towards the goal from another player
-their two surfaces are parts of the surfaces of spheres
-The red circle
-first-order theory of cardinality λ
-static and dynamic
-supply depot in Danbury
-requests higher privileges or "Run as administrator" is clicked
-exempt from employment taxes for a 24-month period employers who hire a employee who replaces another employee
-Tolland County
-Each brotherhood elects two delegates who take part in the National Ecclesiastical Assembly
-depend on the amount of alcohol consumed
-Department of the Interior's Office of Insular Affairs.
-Köppen climate classification system
-to understand and predict how structures support and resist
-every two years since 1987
-Historian John Thornton
-FES uses a high-speed flywheel
-James Brown, Al Green, Marvin Gaye, Ella Fitzgerald, Gladys Knight & the Pips, Billie Holiday, Aretha Franklin, Otis Redding, the Supremes, the Commodores
-Saint Augustine of Canterbury
-omega-3 fatty acid
-sequences of two vowels, or of a vowel and one of the semivowels
-infrastructure stimulus and more help for small businesses
-New York
-within a cyclone's comma head
-Near East
-Pitt Men's Glee Club
-boat or aircraft
-PM2.5 is the major focus, in which gradients are used to determine CVD risk
-2–4 years
-Pierre de Fermat
-Since the mid-1990s
-drop in production
-pioneering classicist building
-physically attractive persons are judged more positively than physically unattractive individuals on various traits
-pluralistic politics and representative government
-Windows NT
-created pop culture of their own
-the forefront of creative exploration
-by railway
-the people
-$430 billion
-Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
-the Titovka cap
-more than 700,000 square feet (65,000 m2)*
-The International Ice Hockey Federation
-Adolf Hitler
-Communist Party of Yugoslavia
-400,000 vehicles each day
-The Hamilton Project
-three to eight
-The state
-young, single, white indentured servants
-by making efforts to coax them away from the Socialist Revolutionaries
-average monthly values of temperature and precipitation.
-the Ethiopian highlands, the Sahel and West Africa
-Most of the world's tin is produced from placer deposits
-Luis Paz y Miño
-Institution of Structural Engineers
-in peer-reviewed journals
-the lowest or least centralized
-Georgia never had an established religion.
-The term relief is from the Latin verb relevo, to raise
-A truss
-saving and restoring certain processor registers, allocating and reclaiming call frame storage
-The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC)
-Twelfth Avenue
-1927–28 and 1929–30
-120Sn (at almost a third of all tin), 118Sn, and 116Sn
-Pablo Ruiz Picasso and Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero
-relatively small
-the U.S. financial industry
-several hundred
-in various countries
-45% of its surface area
-a straight line
-Garib Niwas
-Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR)
-flags made for or by the U.S. federal government
-State Medical Councils
-can of beer"
-flannel petticoats
-MD thesis
-"Picasso" and "Zapatero"
-Dr. med.
-The center takes its name from a homosexual teenager who lived on the streets for much of the 1990s
-the greatest crimes
-addiction medicine, and sleep medicine
-the 1860s
-Juvenile Sports and Pastimes
-infinite model
-electron microscopy, computers, electronics, functional brain imaging, and most recently genetics and genomics
-American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
-the Palmer United Party, the Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party, the Liberal Democrats, the Family First Party
-May 2010
-4,421 m
-floating molten glass
-available in many languages
-image is formed on the opposite side of the lens from where those rays are being considered
-local representative authorities with actual discretionary powers
-the power of government to improve people's lives
-PhD thesis
-his testament of December 1922
-a procedure
-deposited with one of those seven insurance companies (the one that actually wrote their policy)
-designs for dams
-agrarian-based one
-Veterans Affairs
-group voting tickets
-367,000 jobs
-Lord Thomson
-1730s and 1740s
-The movement is usually believed to have begun in 1963
-their colony could not compete economically with the Carolina rice plantations
-GEICO's seven insurance companies
-the Liberal/National Coalition government
-binding sites
-independent of menopause
-1440 to about 1833
-major military resources needed to be devoted to North America
-a credit
-Joseph Inikori
-King Henry II
-Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
-120 megawatts
-Hebrew patronymic names
-10,000 BC
-323 million
-takes an entity or entities in the domain of discourse as input and outputs either True or False.
-race for the Marine Forces Trophy
-to act without external support
-Leblanc System
-goal judges, time keepers, and official scorers
-to increase the bountifulness of any structure
-Tocqueville was an advocate
-in 1293 and continuing for more than six centuries, the city of Sis (mode
-La Scuola d'Italia
-International Ice Hockey Federation
-100 mph
-molecular biology, electrophysiology, and computational neuroscience
-two points
-respect or mourning
-NAIC model acts and regulations provide some degree of uniformity between states
-every four years
-synergistic processes of interaction
-Brian McHale
-offending player is ejected from the game
-New York Bay
-well-defined function
-rigidity and aesthetic limitations
-in the spiritual life, development of the national culture and preservation of the national identity of the people of Armenia.
-Windows 7 with SP1 and Windows 8.1
-leg pads
-international environmental and maritime law
-Fort McHenry on Independence Day one year apart, 1959
-106 ATP
-occupational name adopted by the servant of a vicar
-by Meetei people
-Andrew Carnegie and George Westinghouse
-blue stripes
-In 1777
-The Van Nelle Factory
-five-year terms
-indentured servants
-the Soviet Union
-closed keys
-serviceability and performance
-In Russia and Bulgaria
-prevent or reduce conflict
-The Partisans
-the Fertile Crescent
-a drill
-The seat of the church (now known as the Catholicossate of the Great House of Cilicia) was first established in Sivas (AD 1058)
-Russia's Peter the Great
-the Crimean War
-The 1–4
-the Bank of America Tower
-Xbox Live service
-snow, ice needles, ice pellets, hail, and graupel.
-265,000 passengers each day
-different interest groups
-old lights
-An OECD study
-in the Armenian Apostolic Church hierarchy, the position of the Catholicos is higher than that of the Patriarch.
-white collar
-three categories
-The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
-directed edges
-Paleozoic age
-sodium fluoride
-at the west end of Queen Street
-American Legion
-7.8% of the population
-"Rodríguez Zapatero" is not considered one surname
-side to side
-Ceramides (N-acyl-sphingoid bases)
-a more difficult exercise
-Public Agenda
-(25 T)
-more than 50,000 members
-Gusset plates
-strong vertical motions that can cause the overturning of the atmosphere in that location within an hour and cause heavy precipitation
-the Senate
-the "First International Tin Agreement"
-fringes of colour around the image
-three women
-received, a 15-year patent
-Roman dominion
-private companies and corporations
-fear of monetary compensation
-Tanzimat period
-policy innovations
-The New Deal
-secondary metabolites and natural products
-house officers
-the Semester at Sea program
-Jean Shrimpton
-Some state offices have started to use both last names
-go into compression
-11,000 BP
-Avella, Pennsylvania
-nearby Abingdon School
-the Fed decided to raise interest rates marginally in December 2015
-The uplift is about eight millimetres per year
-delayed penalty
-İstiklal Avenue
-Roulston Lake in Plaster Rock, New Brunswick, Canada
-more than 200 million tonnes
-7 years
-94 people
-Canadian Women's Hockey League
-Iberian monarchs.
-smaller farms
-protected mode
-a variety of tax cuts and spending programs to stimulate job creation
-criminal victimization rate
-developed out of modernism and are primarily concerned with questions of ontology
-Abbreviations using numbers for other purposes include repetitions
-death appears to be long
-kings Axidares, Khosrov I, and Tiridates III
-PM2.5 is the major focus, in which gradients are used to determine CVD risk
-Verizon Communications
-the king
-Alice Cornwell
-the Muslim Empire of the Middle East
-the dichotomy between admitted and surplus insurers.
-new lights
-Early agriculture
-northern Ireland
-nickel or gold
-felt betrayed
-Helping Other People Everyday
-unawareness of, indifference toward, or disbelief in any set of moral standards or principles.
-the Connecticut tax exceeds the amount withheld by the other jurisdiction
-Free Visits
-village of origin
-Paz y Miño Estrella
-Time Warner Cable
-around 1595
-single-night, point-in-time counts of both sheltered and unsheltered homeless populations
-in protected areas such as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
-at 165 Broadway
-cereal grasses
-hazardous gases
-Pliny the Elder
-(or model)
-Guggenheim Museum
-Communist Party of Yugoslavia (KPJ)
-a naval ensign
-George Whitefield
-no additional sales taxes
-"design for the other 90 percent"
-Radar imagery forecasting
-Structural engineers
-cooperative multitasking
-HDL cholesterol
-simple computational models of evolution
-the maximal possible domain
-protective coat
-altostratus or cirrostratus
-is placed before a person's given name.
-is defined by an ordered pair of perpendicular lines (axes), a single unit of length for both axes, and an orientation for each axis.
-ten days
-Taft-Hartley Act
-always bear the surname of the father followed by that of the mother
-a sequence of two vowels in different syllables in aēnus
-Short Message Systems
-the entirety
-could save significant amounts of memory.
-diet (high in nuts, fish, fruits and vegetables, and low in sweets, red meat and fat)
-true compound surnames are passed on and inherited as compounds
-2 million
-the surname is placed first
-Just under 8 percent
-three lines
-Columbia University
-The San Jose University Library
-securities industry
-regurgitate part of their blood meal
-Windows XP
-doctor of medicine and master of surgery
-shorter proofs of metalogical results
-Martin Sheridan
-"Partisan rifle" and the anti-tank "Partisan mortar"
-After the 2000 election
-Fares across modes are integrated, using the contactless Istanbulkart
-subdivide their land between farmers
-than 20 years
-Euclidean algorithm
-used for joining pipes or electric circuits
-spinning yarn from wool and knitting sweaters and stockings, making candles and soap from ashes, and churning milk into butter
-university degree
-George W. Bush
-International Film Festival
-the first city-operated day center for chronically homeless persons
-do not germinate in the first year
-January 2013
-ignition can be achieved even with a poorly made lens
-the Baltic Fennic peoples and the Hungarians
-Popular as photo sites, there are ten representations of Panthers in and about Pitt's campus
-explorers and sailors
-the presence of all-capital letters
-real length
-a flat surface
-George W. Bush
-15 May 1940
-Constructing Postmodernism
-file system services
-The city of Rotterdam is known for the Erasmus University
-Clive Irving
-collimated beam by the lens
-Horse racing
-a crackling sound known as the tin cry can be heard due to the twinning of the crystals
-Average height went down
-quantified variables
-amount of decentralization, especially politically
-almost exactly 20 blocks per mile
-a major "tin crisis"
-Maharashtra and Goa
-39 districts
-user interface
-led to Africa being underdeveloped
-field of Classics
-work very efficiently
-auxiliary verbs
-have been able to reduce chronic homelessness
-1 November
-animals living in a habitat where food quantity or quality fluctuates unpredictably
-dry steppe
-İstiklal Avenue
-The extent to which persons are not fully utilizing their skills
-Because of the higher specific gravity
-molecular and cellular levels to the systems and cognitive levels
-The Bronx
-Precipitation is a major component of the water cycle
-Pequot village on the Mystic River
-Selmer Paris
-the Eridanos
-one internship year
-in the city
-Jean Decety
-modern Westerners
-Erasmus Bridge
-Conservatives historically have opposed labor unions
-Leopold Kohr, author of the 1957 book The Breakdown of Nations
-Doctor of Medicine
-the colony of Pennsylvania
-analysis of the specific situation
-components of the lipid bilayer of cells, as well as being involved in metabolism and cell signaling
-according to the side of the chamber on which they sit
-the scientific consensus
-In Spain and in most Spanish-speaking countries
-4500 years ago
-Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina
-one first adds to the signature a collection of constant symbols
-Human morality
-most radical, however temporary, revisions of saxophone keywork was made in the 1950s by M. Houvenaghel of Paris,
-Italy in the 1280s
-federal medical exam
-less than five minutes
-Paz y Miño
-one ordered pair
-voting rights, property rights
-It also determines a domain of discourse that specifies the range of the quantifiers
-Danish straits
-where the central government gives too much or too little money to the lower levels
-Shell Downstream
-least three skaters
-a sense of responsibility to pursue such purposes
-Chinese fine conduct spirits
-pubs, cafes, and restaurants playing live music
-10 stable isotopes
-wet growth
-Anna NietoGomez
-Reductionism and Epiphenomenalism
-the anthropological view
-Henry Hornbostel
-Thaw Hall
-Slavery was officially forbidden
-Polish notation
-penalty is still assessed to the offending player, but not served
-The affluent
-Ali Forney was himself murdered by an attacker who has not yet been identified
-Liberals tend to be less concerned with budget deficits and debt
-the right-wing Justice and Development Party (AKP)
-a long, relatively wide, and slightly curved flat blade
-distinguishes first-order logic from propositional logic.
-315,000 km2 (122,000 sq mi)
-saying that a formula is satisfied if and only if its universal closure is satisfied.
-a variety of artisans, shopkeepers, and merchants
-private property
-the peasantry and yeomanry
-William Harrison Ainsworth's Old St Paul's
-William Berry and his brother, Gomer Berry
-Ken Wahlster
-brotherhood and unity
-Mid-Atlantic Region
-sex-segregated help wanted ads
-a variety of goods from Europe
-colonial protection.
-labour shortage
-the movement lasted from the 1960s into the early 1980s, the exact years of the movement are more difficult to pinpoint and are often disputed
-used by artisans for fine work, and for authenticating seal impressions
-compositions extremely crowded with figures
-must be reentrant
-Nancy Wyman
-as a percentage
-keytouches pressed by the fingers
-Freedom of religion
-South America
-giving each saxophone a range of two and a half octaves.
-Loktak Lake
-Lake people
-bright colours
-Bernard Katz
-state commissioner of insurance
-US$510 million
-'right-handed' and 'left-handed'
-individual order
-construction of Marmaray and the Ankara-Istanbul high-speed line
-fog and mist
-moral principles of a particular tradition, group, or individual.
-As long as companies are averse to incompatible standards
-150,000 Africans
-a form of lamellar phase lipid bilayer
-Church of England
-nonzero thickness
-found in the heritage of American and Western civilization
-24 February 2007
-Association of American Universities
-African naval forces were alerted to the new dangers
-Twentieth Century Literature
-Foxwoods Resort Casino and Mohegan Sun
-powerful mayor, weak council
-graph of a function or relation
-the 2005 UEFA Champions League Final
-Larry Teal
-structural safety
-Meyer Lansky
-third biggest-selling
-in addition to it being another big city, like London, to showcase the use of bikes for urban transportation, it provided a location well positioned
-reduce the risk of a person being mistaken for others using the same name combinations
-around the 1880s.
-the drum and bass Ibiza
-reading the notation as "g of f" or "g after f"
-a stronger player
-drop in inappropriate behavior.
-Before the modern era
-risk factor of cardiovascular disease and mortality.
-These rivers are corrosive
-guilt-shame avoidance
-the adventures of a mouse called Minimus
-157.8 million
-Old Italic alphabet
-272 BC
-lowering taxes and reducing regulation
-afocal system
-initial letters
-the act of attacking the opposition in their defensive zone
-public demand
-Newark Liberty International Airport
-PL/1 and C
-Indo-European languages.
-Stephen Cummings
-Renaissance Humanists
-the Clerk of the Senate decides the outcome by the drawing of lots
-the lost traditions and history
-an SEC official
-Insurance Company of North America
-most of Aragon, parts of the Levante and Andalusia, as well as in the stronghold of Anarchist Catalonia
-The remainder of the Baltic does not freeze during a normal winter, with the exception of sheltered bays and shallow lagoons such as the Curonian Lagoon.
-what they saw as Republicans' restricting of vital civil liberties while corporate welfare and the national debt hiked considerably under Bush's tenure
-African and Eurasian Plates
-US$914.8 billion
-Republican opposition.
-October 2009
-President John F. Kennedy's Presidential Commission on the Status of Women released its report on gender inequality
-George W. Bush
-Yildiz Atasoy
-the States
-the metropolitan mayor
-in a pre-clinical or clinical subject of a non-surgical nature
-−2 °C (28 °F)
-for the convenience of Westerners
-the Great Northern War
-a very small number
-February 2, 1653
-in Iraq
-London Metal Exchange (LME)
-poor seismic performance.
-ranked among the top public universities in the United States
-f maps X into Y
-John Locke
-multi-touch support
-it has the empty function as an identity element
-115 Ma to 87 Ma
-a certificate in general medicine
-the Tanzimat reforms
-Government decentralization
-as many boxes as they wish
-Ralph Borsodi, Wendell Berry, Paul Goodman, Carl Oglesby, Karl Hess, Donald Livingston, Kirkpatrick Sale
-2007-2009 recession
-partus sequitur ventrem
-by 'balling a chick together.'
-Second-order logic
-anti-state political activists calling themselves "anarchists", "libertarians," and even decentralists
-weapons and supplies
-corrosion-resistant tin plating of steel
-human genetic markers
-familiarity breeds sympathy" and greater support for addressing the problem
-automated teller machine
-technical and geographical factors
-If procedure P returns without making any other call
-the 1950s
-Slovenian National Liberation Council
-Battery Park City
-Luis Paz y Miño
-Allied escape organization
-Department of Philosophy
-the movement lasted from the 1960s into the early 1980s, the exact years of the movement are more difficult to pinpoint and are often disputed
-The United States Congress
-the same party
-The semantic element does not change
-Galatasaray S.K. and Fenerbahçe S.K.
-The decentralist movement attracted Southern Agrarians like Robert Penn Warren, as well as journalist Herbert Agar
-Leblanc System
-Tridentine Mass
-33 percent
-At the copyediting end
-by a quantitative large-scale meta-analysis of the brain activity changes
-the Bolshevik ("Majority") faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party
-City College
-a meniscus lens must have slightly unequal curvatures
-the Port of Haydarpaşa, the Port of Ambarlı, and the Port of Zeytinburnu
-geometric shapes (such as curves)
-Central Corridor Rail Line
-to Sis (1293), then-capital of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia. Beginning in 1293 and continuing for more than six centuries
-Particulate matter
-a belt
-estimated 50,000
-stannite, cylindrite, franckeite, canfieldite, and teallite
-the Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists
-doubt over the legality
-Lucky Luciano
-gross domestic product
-Our Lady of Fatima University
-all the states bordering on the Baltic Sea, and the European Community
-legal marriage
-ice hockey
-granite rock
-Native American reservations
-were captured in endemic warfare between African states
-nearly twice as rapid
-the Grinch
-810 millimeters (31.9 in) per year
-battery power with a small diesel generator
-associative operation
-Thomas Hooker
-The governor's council
-Canon law
-bronze reliefs are made by casting
-team with the most goals
-the Boston Bruins
-number of functions with the same name, but operating on different types of data, or with different parameter profiles
-the northern part of the Andes
-Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission
-The Shan or Pong called the area Cassay, the Burmese Kathe, and the Assamese Meklee.
-Montreal and Trois-Rivieres
-1980s and early 1990s
-the Pythagorean formula
-Plants that possessed traits such as small seeds or bitter taste
-19 May 1968
-Manhattan Country School and United Nations International School
-insular areas
-full first-order
-political culture
-One in four
-the unchurched
-Woodrow Wilson
-wine and sugar.
-club land
-At 11
-presentation of more than 300 playthings from the late 16th to the early 21st centuries
-iPhone and Android
-pi scavenger hunt
-monkfish tail
-synthetic cannabinoid intoxication
-No verdict has yet been announced
-an editor
-the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation
-parietal eye
-Stéphane Charbonnier
-fiction and nonfiction
-C.I.A. strikes are more precise
-$7.7 million
-40 million customers’ payment details
-Golgohar iron mine
-more carefully
-New Rochelle
-Texas Southern has one starter taller than 6 feet 5
-very few American civilians have fallen victim to Islamic terror since 9/11,
-more than one chattering red grouse
-actually seeks integration with the West
-Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Company
-Alberto Youssef
-discovery in 1972
-the door’s handle
-Justice O’Connor
-Merkin Concert Hall
-his son James
-to stem terrorist acts
-the creation of nationalized police and army forces
-reach gay and lesbian readers
-phonological analysis and decoding
-New Mexico
-The Siberian Times
-women 24 to 54 years old
-murderous sectarian chaos
-because of lower digital content sales
-June 28
-Bernice Garfield-Szita
-the manager of the St. Louis Cardinals
-to get into college
-Palestinian militants
-former colleagues from Cornell
-H982 FKL
-Robin Preiss Glasser
-regular uniforms
-Mohamed (Reda Kateb)
-those who have been traumatized
-Norman Sieff
-European Central Bank
-they’re looking to search across everything.
-Game 5
-in 1789
-killed her father in prison.
-smaller deals
-dumps undersized fish to avoid a fine
-Middletown High School
-ill there, on a pier cantilevered over the bay. After the Glad Hand closed around 1959, the building became a coffee shop. Since 196
-diamond grader
-the little human
-The governor’s office
-Fewer top-level girls seem to be honing their skills against boys today than when she and Hamm and Wambach developed into elite players.
-Hammer Museum
-Being scared a little bit by police intervention
-conscientious beliefs
-maps, speed, incoming texts, caller identification and even social media notifications
-Anna Post
-Anschutz Medical Campus
-Jonathan Cardona
-Catherine Keener
-We see two of them, potbellied, green of skin, weapons drawn
-Mr. Paulson
-an experience
-HOPE, Ark.
-Eliot’s “Unreal City”
-in some cases
-“We did not believe the allegations then and we don’t believe them now,”
-attacks and decays
-Rick Vanderhook
-32 Front Street
-Rev. John Deckenback
-The Islanders (13-8-4), who have won three of four, are expected to have their first sellout since opening night in October.
-Pratt Institute
-portray true-to-life gay characters
-at least 36 people have been killed in protests over the draft constitution, including 11 police officers and a 2-year-old child
-structure and detail
-Mr. Cameron’s vow
-Helen Mirren
-Chain of Confidence
-creepy things
-No single law usually could have prevented mass shootings
-Arapahoe County
-his family
-HP Inc., primarily sells personal computers and printers
-health officials
-If water is not taken to the complex, projects are stopped, and many people will lose their jobs.
-in a state-run barbershop
-Lambert Castle
-Mr. Myers, 18, who was black, shot a stolen handgun
-mainland United States
-road transport
-Mississippi Delta
-Newark Liberty International Airport
-Magic Rock’s IPAs
-behind closed doors
-north and west of New York City
-last year
-performed in repertory productions of “Twelfth Night” and “Richard III” that played in the West End and on Broadway.
-his knowledge of the intricacies of state government
-North Carolina
-French and United Nations officials
-when he doesn’t take his medication
-withhold information
-will make Johannsson, 24, one of the most high-profile American players in Europe
-a one-year jail sentence
-The News
-editor of The Washington Post
-who was born in the Bronx
-Phil Rizzuto
-price discrimination
-Justices Antonin Scalia, Anthony M. Kennedy and Clarence Thomas
-Flight of the Conchords
-George W. Bush
-Delhi region
-Mr. Cohen
-Sidney Blumenthal
-black-and-white statements
-seven days
-nonprofits do not
-Emily Stedman
-in England
-iSight Partners
-200 or so
-Rosemary Myers and Julianne O’Brien
-Joe LaCava
-Lindsey Graham
-ten photographers
-retired from the Delray Beach Open in Florida while leading
-Seventh-day Adventist
-her maternal great-­grandmother
-1.1 million
-$1.08 trillion
-in 1987
-New Orleans
-construction and traffic
-Florida Everblades
-that parts of the personal history he had told the public were inaccurate
-farmer south of Fresno
-Robert Draper
-bypass Google
-Yankees won two of three against the Philadelphia Athletics,
-medicinal use
-Capt. Nicholas Salimbene
-Creighton University
-acre and a half
-relatively uncommon
-three misdemeanors
-the ’30s and ’40s
-23 minutes
-nobody came out alive
-Laurene Powell Jobs
-thinking it might be an early birthday present.
-Advocate Lutheran General Hospital
-to do something better than I last did
-Marcelo Gomes
-institutional tendency
-Mr. Maduro warned that the American diplomats who remained in Venezuela must clear any meetings, presumably with anyone, with his government.
-54 to 46
-first-generation biofuels
-much too small
-game ball
-Lionel Messi’s
-eventually settled his bill with his former lawyer, Gwendolyn Jo M. Carlberg.
-Daniel Murphy
-Al Horford
-That position was criticized by teachers’ unions
-0.3 percent
-Martin Lipton
-Brooklyn Children’s Museum
-Ms. Miller
-cholesterol screening
-the end of the year.
-more than a few months
-security agents from Beijing fan out across the country hunting down the volunteers
-all the kids on my street
-his camera
-Patrick Baudouin
-Haywood Talcove
-quickly developing critical-thinking skills and debate techniques,
-Valhalla, N.Y
-smarter antennas that do a better job of assembling signals and beaming energy toward devices that are moving around
-Don’t You (Forget About Me)
-increase long-term interest rates
-dozens of questions
-That Year and Those That Followed
-Astoria, Queens
-$3 billion
-Heidi Blickenstaff
-the 1850s
-living expenses and a place to live
-Dr. Harel and his colleagues
-Doug May
-Dancing Korea
-neuroscience program
-German police officer
-diverted water to a thousand acres
-Rebecca Solnit
-The Lawnmower
-agreements that failed to protect American workers
-filing your tax return as soon as possible
-turning food crops into fuel
-to be fully present
-Joe Girardi
-Trump, meanwhile, received four student deferments
-home base to both companies
-Meharry Medical College in Nashville
-on their bureaus
-Brown University Medical School
-South Kordofan and Blue Nile
-Mary Karr
-Rodriguez has been booed
-the competition
-Wisdom House, 229 East Litchfield Road
-he had bipolar disorder
-District 13
-mutual funds on the mainland United States
-Bobby Flay
-imperial pint
-Mr. Arlia
-bullet caps
-our accomplishments
-Mr. Abbott’s climate-change policies
-provide $7.2 billion for community health centers — crucial to both rural and urban areas where doctors are scarce — over two years.
-$27.3 million
-group show
-there are so many trans actors and actresses waiting for their big break
-Presidential Medal of Freedom
-Ms. Le Pen
-some better-off friends
-senior security official
-Jessica Witkin
-Andrew Halpern
-coloring books
-Heinrichs won three N.C.A.A. championships while playing at North Carolina.
-pristine beaches
-pretty decent shape
-within 15 years
-toy instruments
-SWAT team taking over the home
-Erinc Yeldan
-the paperwork concerning the painting’s history
-Dr. Ohayon
-Mr. Faulkner
-Brian McKenzie
-Dutchess County
-Mr. Matt
-1 percent
-German regulators
-changes in diamond quality
-Mr. Norris
-commitment to fairness and balance
-United States
-Broadcom Foundation
-in the field of autonomous agents based on neural networks, computing models inspired by biological nervous systems
-irrigation methods
-Mr. Rogers
-Green Neuroscience Laboratory
-desalinating Mediterranean seawater and recycling of wastewater
-Sept. 4
-50 years ago
-she is president and chief executive of Fight for Children
-In “Granada,”
-Mr. Frank
-all members of the European Union
-plastics molding factory.
-Dr. Ryan
-the week before
-at the river’s shallowest point,
-slightly askew
-Roman Catholic and Baptist Churches
-Model X
-the Gulf Cooperation Council
-the psychic tightrope
-political payoff
-Kim Gordon
-The best option is to raise it in line with wages or prices, whichever is greater in a given year.
-more than three hours long
-chief executive
-He does not
-Israeli civilians or security officers
-his baptism
-Roman Catholic
-Fidel Castro
-the mayor
-Ms. Dundas
-three 3-point attempts
-a Women’s World Cup commentator
-he would be vindicated.
-in the second
-Robert Tyler
-the United States
-Human rights groups
-to be someone you really trust,
-It is the Church on Blood in Honor of All Saints Resplendent in the Russian Land
-his economic theology is not shared by every Tory
-Quranic teachers
-HEAT 100, LAKERS 94
-Keith L. T. Wright
-Twenty-four hours
-recently turned 20
-the speed and range for users
-Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
-groups of people
-Facebook and Instagram
-Kevin Law
-he was subjected to torture and child labor
-notes, melodies, harmonies, phrasings
-their own capital
-a State University interviewer
-how to elevate a stagnant middle class
-Boko Haram
-outliving their savings
-sweeps years into paragraphs
-Bill Baroni
-“Jungle V.I.P.” chandelier
-Mr. de Blasio
-San Francisco
-more convenient and less expensive than separate closings
-Clayton Kershaw
-busy professionals and parents
-the Senate is functioning again and producing results
-Sudanese Revolutionary Front
-Michael D’Andrea
-Cardale Jones
-Patti Smith
-a “magazine brain”
-President Mubarak
-the Predators
-$120 million
-Ms. Walton
-Jane Carpenter
-some old-guard members
-FYI Decision
-in 2002
-Presbyterian Church
-£630 million
-Italian Olympic Committee
-Times Square
-top four finishers
-Dilson Herrera
-heavily Jewish
-his departure
-$74 million
-high masculine and low feminine
-Dashboard cameras
-more than 400 points
-Jordan Canzeri
-his camera
-the baby and newly purchased towels
-Philippe Dauman,
-The board could still decide not to award a license.
-United States Navy
-two adult daughters
-domestic and international retail banking.
-Derek Stepan is out four to six weeks with broken ribs, and Kevin Klein,
-five months
-Hotel du Pont, the DuPont Country Club and the DuPont Theatre
-the calm snarkiness
-food waste
-the Labor Party government of Kevin Rudd
-Aaron Sorkin
-trunk-ground anoles,
-New Jersey
-growing up, facing death, making and losing friends and other rites of passage
-Jan. 11, 1957
-Ed Miliband
-We can’t all work in jobs where we feel like our heart is singing every day.
-Captain Hook
-a largely ceremonial post
-changed the behavior
-vampire Iris
-Ms. Yan
-insider trading
-her brother���s
-Michael Marshall
-over and over
-in 2008, when the financial crisis erupted
-Freddie Gray
-Southern Tier
-Jack’s most recent ex-mistress,
-his client was a minor
-good will.
-Religious activists
-These are the most common feelings tasted by black people in America.
-the Bronx
-St. Boniface, Manitoba
-“Immediate Family” and “At Twelve,”
-freshly squeezed
-Mr. Connell
-Laurence D. Fink
-stress and feelings of depression
-year of adventures
-Buffalo Trace
-United States
-book-concierge services
-Baton Rouge area
-Donald Tusk
-the chancellor of the Exchequer
-Big Brown
-13 of his last 16
-fields to be flooded in the winter
-broken their necks
-a 24-point margin
-those trapped had been living in difficult conditions
-As a global citizen, Exxon failed miserably,
-“I told him that those misses weren’t going to lose us the game,”
-Petr Cech
-Steven Spielberg
-political and governmental malpractice
-Valérie Igounet
-last time the voting age was a major issue was in 1971
-starting quarterback
-Darryl Dawkins
-over Ukraine
-Leonid D. Kuchma
-since 2012
-0.5 percent
-Dr. Carson
-for passengers young and old
-Roger Cohen
-John Delahunt
-Oaxaca, a region in southern Mexico
-Danny Green
-carbon emissions reduction targets Mr. Abbott recently proposed
-April 16
-Sgt. Michael Faranda
-a union construction coalition
-Gay-Straight Alliance Network
-his head and neck
-Enchanted Forest
-President Bashar al-Assad’s government
-Le Deflategate
-body types, quickness, agility, stamina and attitude
-99 percent
-Sheldon Silver
-Los Angeles
-earliest days of the war
-new strategic alliance for the 21st century
-supporters have been posting images of themselves wearing masks that bear the photos of the jailed women.
-stove bonus,
-scrappy tech- and finance-focused digital publication
-Seth Meyers
-Kit Kat
-the Koch brothers
-Sam Rockwell
-United States
-From a professional standpoint, I’m looking for people who are curious but who also have a point of view
-The Art of the Deal
-could be sued
-The moves are meant to combat “imperialist aggression,” he told a throng of supporters
-Mueller’s written ruling
-State Representative Javier Martínez
-Leigh Linley
-Russian soldiers
-He did not
-is real
-Architectural preservationists
-Donald Trump
-Cheryl Yvette Dawson and Madifing Kaba
-DJ Ross One
-the number outside the United States.
-­Thomas ­Vinciguerra
-on the fly, creating new shirts in different cities as the old ones sold out
-sank 4.6 percent
-1990s siege of Sarajevo
-five years
-World War II
-Twenty-four hours
-Please ignore the siren
-street and studio rap,
-musical and street tough, cadenced and conversational
-The Last Witch Hunter
-National Association of Manufacturers
-plane and train maker
-Don Carpenter
-the screenplay for her next film project, based on the novel “The Impossible Lives of Greta Wells.
-ABC News/Washington Post poll,
-April 21
-did not want to give the same engine that its cars use to a team that could well beat it
-Tony Abbott
-overstretched army and the national police
-Lou Reed
-three-stripe sneakers
-their neighbors
-a powerful electric-like energy
-today’s searing drought
-President Dilma Rousseff
-are not the same for all possible policy changes,
-Amherst and Williams
-Selahattin Demirtas
-the Green Bay Packers and the Indianapolis Colts
-New Orleans Pelicans
-The psychological war might have a bigger impact than traditional war
-Christopher Nolan
-year’s end
-burns and smoke inhalation and were in critical condition
-nine months
-Bureau of Reclamation
-about 20 percent to 60 percent
-Mr. Pope
-more than 400 drivers
-for-profit colleges and trade schools
-Evgeni Malkin
-wirelessly picks up information from the phone
-The Starters
-a red-brick 13-story building
-The House bill invests millions of extra dollars in a questionable missile defense program. It continues to prohibit
-JPMorgan Chase
-a range of research projects
-antitank missile
-Caldera Brewing
-Blue Door Gallery
-about $65,000
-Webster Groves, Mo
-“Go Set a Watchman” and “To Kill a Mockingbird”
-Senator Mitch McConnell, the majority leader, and Steve Elmendorf
-Mr. Putin
-New York Medical College
-Ty Burrell
-11 games
-United States
-Bill Belichick
-poignant, funny and very sad.
-$455 a week, or $23,660 a year.
-The Post and Courier
-the “establishment” science
-$21 billion
-Low inflation
-Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
-he was not authorized to speak publicly
-Mr. Schwieterman
-Lizards kept showing up in the territory that had just been scoured for lizards
-He’s more like a cat.”
-Mark Zuckerberg,
-walk outside and touch the gate shortly before getting back into the car and moving the vehicle forward, into the train’s path
-Tenants and Neighbors
-the Internet
-in New Orleans
-Mr. Chow-branded wine
-2.75 million
-digging in for partisan disputes where common ground could never be found
-Edgar Martinez
-The Kabul government’s political struggles
-over six months
-Hugh Rodham and Roger Clinton
-Henley & Partners
-a car bomber detonated explosives at a rear gate of the hotel
-United States
-hollowed-out cedar log
-New Orleans
-donates her booze to a derelict
-the French
-Tracee Ellis Ross
-A federal judge
-Joe Armstrong
-class of managing directors
-a doctor
-army jacket
-Nate Wooley
-In 2009, the Mayo Clinic recognized Dr. Schatz with a Distinguished Alumni Award.
-China Resources,
-22 percent
-The N.H.L.
-Eddie Redmayne
-some people find it striking that thousands of people have entered Europe with hardly any screening.
-woodworking and repair shop
-stops a migration of top American pros out of the top European leagues
-5 percent
-falsely to spread a “rumor”
-$18 million
-Operation Wild
-law requiring students to be vaccinated
-real estate
-Deutsche Bank
-a Russian bank
-maps, speed, incoming texts, caller identification and even social media notifications
-Jeremy Norrie
-Apple’s iTunes Match and Apple Music services
-Ipek Acar
-her father
-heart-shaped bathtub
-a Boston Market
-metzitzah b’peh
-Ukrainians’ soldierly skills lacking
-are not the same for all possible policy changes, making comparison of alternative options less reliable
-Edward Jones
-Charles W. Scharf
-1,000 reports
-cut the throat of a cousin (“like a sheep”)
-sea bass
-mobile phones
-photographs, photography books, paintings, sculptures and videos
-a valedictory moment
-President Ashraf Ghani
-New York, New York
-Palestinians in Israel
-United States v. Windsor
-New York City
-may improve their health and financial security
-Revolutionary Court
-University of Chicago
-the web
-Guggenheim Museum
-defeating the Islamic State
-an adventure
-Anna and Elsa
-Joe Swanberg
-an all-hands-on-deck approach
-borrowed time
-multidenominational Christian liberal arts college
-Wade and Chris Bosh
-Ms. Whitehead will continue to consult with Valeant and Sprout executives after her departure
-front and rear cantilevers
-He got in trouble for using that derogatory reference
-the educated housewife: her anxiety, frustration and claustrophobia
-grilled octopus
-imperious personality
-Ginger Rogers
-the Clinton Foundation
-Daniel Webster
-his camera
-23 hours a day
-20 games
-personal chef
-Mr. Harschel
-Lower East Side
-Ms. Gamrat
-You’ll end up going crazy
-three to four years
-his girlfriend
-Radisson Blue Hotel
-fund-raising skills
-27 World Series championship
-defense secretary
-her husband
-before becoming an N.B.A. All-Star
-academic research and corporate profit priorities are increasingly indistinguishable
-Mr. Kripal
-Mr. Medvedchuk
-the real highfliers
-$10 billion
-Kate Tempest
-Digging for Fire
-a short range of 11 feet and a long range of 43 feet
-herb-marinated beef carpaccio sprinkled with crushed peanuts, pickled cucumber and veils of radishes
-global warming
-Mr. Kaba
-some hard-line fans
-foot specialist
-before the end of the year
-Mr. Arlia
-Crimean Peninsula
-SANA, said they were “reunited with their comrades,” while insurgent groups contended that many had been captured or killed
-1 percent
-76 percent
-bank robbery
-Federal Reserve governor
-Coco Chanel and Christian Dior
-leadership positions and in very senior managerial positions
-$5 million its reward
-government negotiator
-at the start of this year,
-Jim Strouse
-minimum wage
-Audrey Hepburn
-Vince Gilligan
-that mediation with Greece should involve all members of the eurozone and could not be done by a few individual members
-the officials
-Jan. 5
-Cey Adams
-30 million.
-slow data network or a dead phone battery
-cases already in the courts
-When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best
-firmer moral and philosophical ground
-roughly 10-block
-1 p.m
-her mother
-Jazz Jennings
-chief executive
-incriminating correspondence
-99 percent
-extracurricular activities
-his wife
-St. Paul
-more likely to charge violent criminals as felons, rather than bring a misdemeanor charge
-The tech marketplace is fluid and unpredictable
-Christianity and Judaism
-Nur Moznu
-her own “in group,
-antitank missile
-Alec Station
-the inconsistencies between the Atticus Finch character
-from the 1950s and early ‘60s
-Sing Sing Correctional Facility
-associate director for health care associated infection prevention programs at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
-Jordan, who was born in Brooklyn but grew up elsewhere.
-BMW, General Motors and Volvo, among other manufacturers,
-a vast majority of Americans
-You can delete them out of your Dropbox folder at that point
-magistrate judge
-went to work to support the family
-WATERBURY Mattatuck Museum
-a breakup
-The future of your nations and countries
-ducked underneath the crossing gate
-Two Army women
-Joaquim de Almeida
-the Republican caucus
-the prosecutor
-it was gone
-46.4 percent
-Work is going well for us
-Rex Ryan
-the executive director of the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation
-her age
-Boston University
-There is no scientific basis — not one shred of evidence
-both had the Backstreet Boys song with the lyrics: “I don’t care who you are/Where you’re from/Or what you did/As long as you love me.”
-No. 10
-cheap labor
-Barry Allen
-In “Letters to Véra”
-Cate Blanchett
-civil engineer
-subterranean route out.
-A knife grinder
-Montgomery Row Second Level, 6423 Montgomery Street
-Modern Marine Masters
-prostate cancer
-$65 billion
-Milwaukee, St. Louis
-fraud not unlike that which tobacco companies engaged in when they hid the risks of smoking
-left open
-Bett Zimmerman
-John Hamilton
-Her palette is very unusu
-Louisville, Ky
-Mike Davis
-John Hughes
-a drop so far this year in overall crime
-“a cultural gumbo.”
-Mr. Ghani
-Mr. Kohlberg
-Senate Democrats, objected to abortion restrictions in the bill and limits to an extension of a health insurance program for children.
-30 percent
-July 26
-somewhere that is not sustainable
-higher levels of stress
-a crossing arm
-The Breakfast Club
-financial firm
-Mr. Bashir
-Base Realignment and Closure
-Natalie Paul
-ceding territory to the Taliban
-Mr. Sorkin
-Pittsburgh Pirates
-Megan Ferland
-Van Wagner Communications
-video game controller
-Fred Sonic Smith
-oversee all of the board’s financial and educational decisions
-Republican presidential candidate
-Tara Griffiths
-Because the corporate tax is often considered one of the most distortionary taxes
-Inside the NFL
-‘Tiny Giants’
-Audrey Hepburn
-mutual funds
-Capt. Andrii Syurkalo
-old trunk
-Model S
-president of Sudan
-to launder their proceeds
-graduated driver’s license
-Energy Department
-June 15
-Philip Rivers
-Steve McMunn
-psychological thriller
-Dr. Coggan
-60 percent
-heart disease
-the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference
-21 points
-Wall Street
-June Myles
-Richard A. Posner
-European ministers
-Ten minutes later
-extreme anxiety, violent behavior and delusions
-gender equality.
-The right-wing Sun
-Russian soldiers
-Joyce’s “Dubliners.”
-freezer thermometer
-big supporter
-Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s office
-As she was dying
-a crumbling marriage
-cats and dogs
-directives need to be created, updated, accessible and incorporated into treatment
-Michael Fassbender
-New Jersey Institute of Technology
-“Drinking Buddies” and “Happy Christmas,”
-March 10
-a South Korean talk show that features female defectors
-World Food Program
-the C-Span of the streets
-bacon fat gingersnaps
-Heald College
-Top Level Group
-Alyssa Grogan
-fighting with overconfidence
-Roads of Excess, Palaces of Wisdom
-May 29
-fund’s finances
-1.4 million
-the cultural life of the city’s African-American neighborhood known as Bronzeville
-Russia and Ukraine
-raising published prices
-11th straight win
-United Nations development meeting
-Chad and Niger
-Tatiana Ratmansky
-running nearly an hour late for an interview at her Upper East Side home
-Keep your head up, Tiger!
-10,000 short of the capacity at Citi Field
-Hudson Square
-not monitoring and policing warfare
-Garry McCarthy
-running back
-whom you can love
-Theodore Roosevelt
-rupturing Takata airbags
-cellphone camera
-Jonathan Chow
-& Other Stories
-Capt. Andrii Syurkalo
-sister and brother
-on the F train
-a builder
-Mr. Singhal
-fetus feels pain
-the opposition Labour Party
-Moderne Gallery of Philadelphia
-Tom Hooper
-abortion rights and same-sex marriage
-Oct. 31
-Fewer than one in 50
-the kidnapping and killing of three Israeli youths
-Fei Fei Sun
-his father
-Djokovic and Rafael Nadal
-after World War II
-Pugwash Conference
-Nick Adams
-John Mara
-Toys “R” Us
-people’s faith in science
-mine for gold in Haiti
-BB&T Center
-Giants officials
-a fairy-baby
-“Osaka Elegy” and “Sisters of the Gion,”
-German rieslings, Burgundies in both colors, grower Champagnes and more far-flung treats.
-rituals and prayers to erase their sins
-a lock
-a war among the betrothed and their guests
-having an economic impact
-Emily Dickinson
-Knowledge Graph
-$1.6 million
-another title
-discreet signal that they were not taking full responsibility for the outcome
-Crimean Peninsula
-a junior A&R manager
-an hour
-Nicholas Brody
-“The Sleeping Beauty”
-Rahm Emanuel
-handcuffs and wearing what looked like a white lab coat
-Markisha McClenton
-Land of Love
-balding hair closely cropped
-like a sheep
-The New York Times
-Dr. Lam and Dr. Ohayon
-send more weapons and men
-one of the 20 biggest killers worldwide
-Europe and America
-Jon Beason
-the game
-a collision
-to help conduct opposition research.
-six police officers
-Mike Birbiglia
-Dean Crutchfield
-the legacy of John F. Kennedy
-The Times
-would require some higher-income Medicare beneficiaries to pay higher premiums,
-Something Rotten!
-United States
-up to half
-necessity of more robust oversight.
-after American troops overran Baghdad
-the “claimant”
-a weekend furlough
-manifesto and arson manual
-emissions of nitrogen oxides
-mailed catalogs
-The future
-son, Nicholas, and daughter, Alexis; a stepdaughter, Tabitha; a daughter from a previous marriage, Dara; his mother; and several siblings
-None of the trials
-digital arms control agreement
-United States
-Louisiana State
-Women’s hockey
-through illegally smuggled South Korean television shows and other contraband
-9 p.m.
-send more weapons and men
-half a dozen or more
-in the early 2000s
-broken bottles
-not guilty
-mumbling anomie
-Mr. Zarif
-Mets caps
-Mr. Pearson
-ran dry of money and failed to appeal much beyond the South
-Long odds
-Jimmy Rollins
-59 available seats
-Strategy 2020
-Katie Dippold
-race-conscious admissions at public universities
-they’re the inducement for innovation
-bitter and mild
-Scoma’s, a popular seafood house
-“Alexander, Napoleon & Josephine, A Story of Friendship, War and Art From the Hermitage”
-earliest days of the war
-Gallardo, 29, was traded before the season
-on TV, radio and online advertising
-bumbled in their efforts to prevent the rout
-with the help of one of its technical providers
-the criminal underworld
-Richard Gasquet
-Running time: 1 hour 40 minutes.
-Mr. Montero and Mr. Anderson had legal reasons in 1990
-leather bag
-Ettore Sottsass
-to find assets to buy.
-influenced by Lebanese immigrants
-Hillary Rodham Clinton
-Diverse storytelling
-marketing efforts
-Scioto River
-US Airways Center
-the prosecution
-gun control
-sledgehammer and a crowbar
-stars Morris Chestnut
-Kershaw also considers Koufax a friend.
-you can agree that a player should basically be considered a New York City
-Richard A. Brown
-United States
-cutting pensions, wages, health care and social services
-Suspicions of insider trading
-go into combat
-Al Qaeda
-20 retired numbers
-34 percent
-the nation’s secret information gathering
-Ronald Exantus
-Scott Walker and Mr. Bush
-rehearsal obligations
-six decades
-The Good Dinosaur
-Brian B. Crowe
-Make sure the wolverine cannot get out of the cage.
-forgives us
-Major publishers
-Joseph Zaro
-addressing Chinese investor conferences and joining an advisory board
-James McNeill Whistler
-Alabama, Mississippi and New York
-West 57th Street gallery
-4 percent
-excitement and adventure
-Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli Jr.
-extra dollar
-Hirosi Saito
-Lyft Line
-air brake
-in independent expenditures
-Pitchfork Festival
-Samuel DuBose
-the law of the place where the parties resided at the time of the marriage.
-Flash Gordon
-individual learning plans
-Logan Kistler
-6.3 percent
-two senior members of his staff and nine correction officers
-six months
-145 feet underwater
-by the body camera the officer was wearing
-1960s classic rock or 1970s heavy metal
-his mother and sister
-We feel strongly that Isiah Thomas was held responsible for sordid allegations that were completely unrelated to him,
-humanitarian impact.
-March 17
-Jan. 31
-the friendship between Czar Alexander and Napoleon
-the flips, the windmills, the head spins and backspins
-East Berlin
-Ms. Goldberg
-Shirley Chisholm
-supporting a housing exposition in Haiti
-Mr. Castro
-product recommendations
-opposing the proposed deal
-Marie Harf
-Brittany DeStefano and Gabe Winns
-some apocalyptic turning point
-Senators Mark S. Kirk of Illinois and Susan Collins of Maine
-Black Rage,”
-50-foot-tall mural for a campanile in Chimbote
-rural America
-terror cell
-defend himself against these charges
-jewel events
-United States Open
-five times
-Dansby Swanson
-a video featuring wild accusations against Mr. Shin
-financially self-sufficient
-the developers
-factional loyalties
-Samuel Harrell
-Lynsey Addario
-$3.8 billion
-Quai d’Orsay
-People Places Things
-a year and a half
-Steven Matz
-13 years
-Capt. Nicholas Salimbene
-The Shabab
-Women’s hockey
-paid parental leave plan and a co-payment for visits to the doctor
-Chibok girls
-guns drawn and screaming profanities
-Home Depot
-Luis Montero
-Boston Convention and Exhibition Center
-Lake Union
-station guards
-premium cable
-Kent Sublette
-eight-story building, at 540 West 25th Street, that will give it 30,000 more square feet for shows
-Come home; we miss you.
-for ads
-intensifying political passions
-daily life
-Woods hid it
-Six of the seven jurors
-Afghan women’s groups
-Oct. 9
-obvious lessons learned
-without a patent
-They say new things
-coding and 3-D printing workshops
-Mir Shadi in Almar district
-custom stone
-2 p.m.
-veterinary teams
-will stop an expensive disease in its tracks
-bewildering jumps between periods in Swedish history
-La Cucaracha
-pleasant but sloppy
-a spokesman for the agency
-A native of Needham, Mass.
-the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
-11.6 percent
-right to privacy
-The Labour Party
-derivatives contracts
-trial and appellate courts
-financial crisis in 2008
-late 1930s
-extremely feminist
-strategists for Mitt Romney
-Public School 321
-El Général
-the leveraged-buyout business
-little pink pill,
-No Quarter Records
-road race
-lifestyle sections
-“Baby, It’s Cold Outside.”
-tease out these gray areas
-Tom Brady
-a young family
-November 2014.
-Arrested Development
-for girls to have an environment in which they can feel comfortable and progress at their own rate,
-Mr. Yadav was acquitted
-the mayor seeks to assure residents that New York remains “the safest big city in America,
-built-in browsers,
-John Anderson
-House Republican conference
-United States military official
-a 13-year-old girl
-Donald Remy
-that there is a reason
-Theresa Ruth Howard
-millions more people who want water
-Michael Miley
-South Korea
-the sinking of the Lusitania
-Giorgos Chondros
-a mountain in the Cherokee Nation in the Carolinas
-The data also caused the dollar to rise sharply against its major currency counterparts
-Capt. Nicholas Salimbene
-rapidly shifting film school landscape
-a diamond is not man-made
-East German
-Holly Holm
-57 percent of young women.
-Ukrainians’ soldierly skills lacking
-to try and make people see you’re the best
-historical ties between Russia and Ukraine
-benches and bleachers
-June Farnham
-body cameras
-Iraqi leader of the Islamic State
-tens of millions
-Dr. Paul Chodas
-Ukrainians’ soldierly skills lacking
-“have been dramatically radicalized in the last few years.”
-Laurent Bouvet
-the gutted hospital
-a Tunisian woman
-northeastern Vermont near the Canadian border
-looting and arson
-Janney Montgomery Scott.
-other inmates “would want to do him great bodily harm.”
-mass shooting
-62 seconds
-dry up streams
-music video concepts
-Imam Hussein Military University
-Lake Baikal
-1,455 of 2,064
-social media
-Russell Wilson
-pour high walls of concrete
-Scott Milne
-a poet
-someone — a guard? a visitor? — was telling me, in terms I don’t often think of in museums, that it was important
-Marcel Proust
-Wincor Nixdorf
-how to pack a suitcase to what you’re allowed to toss in your carry-on
-27 South Greenbush Road
-it seemed inappropriate for children
-the prize
-for years
-friendly crowd
-the Commerce Department
-the government of President Raúl Castro
-in two and a half weeks
-the Labor Party government of Kevin Rudd
-Audi and Volvo
-Khaled al-Fawwaz
-Picasso I Els Reventós
-not yet
-European exporters
-Mr. Welch
-Shin Dong-hyuk
-Camp Good Grief
-Arianna Huffington
-helped solve the riddles Vladimir posed for Véra
-American Association of Poison Control Centers
-third-degree burns that put her in the hospital for eight days and caused permanent scarring
-his sister
-colleges and universities
-Massachusetts governor
-Christian Kracht
-“The Russians have fought what is largely a proxy war in eastern Ukraine — and on the cheap, too
-$1 million
-Bob Saget
-Bruno’s $18 plate of bread
-Coach Butch Jones
-More than 15 percent
-have something going on in their lives
-Afrikaner people
-0.3 percent
-Reuters and The Wall Street Journal
-Cardinal Ortega
-default proceed
-June 5
-Gina Rinehart
-using your Dropbox folder as a transfer station can work
-Chris Rufer
-Ms. Francik
-Cove Haven
-Ms. Wise
-Michael Jordan
-National Party
-women’s hockey
-a Bigoted Atticus Finch
-bird flu
-on probation
-minus 0.11 percent
-The Star-Spangled Banner
-that the migrants be sent back to China
-in briefcases full of unmarked bills
-Drivers paused after they ascended the slight hill toward the crossing, taking a second look down the tracks before they passed.
-1933 to 1973
-the federal government
-senior vice president
-Thomas Pieters
-provoking social instability
-Hayao Miyazaki
-Republicans who are pressing forward with legislation to block the accord
-presidential race
-Pasadena, Calif
-John Kerry
-European leaders
-Anita Zabludowicz
-four months
-Connecticut and Rhode Island
-New York International Children’s Film Festival
-executive director of the International Center for Law and Economics
-the Republican nominee
-1 percent
-in a private jet
-golden and amber
-nearly a year
-Bugun and Millet
-Prime Minister David Cameron
-Mark Lubell
-critics of the agreement in the United States said the compromise gave Iran latitude to cheat
-the average player salary
-541 villages
-The benefit
-60 percent
-own their homes outright through deeds
-ABC News
-sweetheart tub
-a percentage
-Gramercy Theater
-Ukrainians’ soldierly skills lacking
-71 people
-Defensive tackle
-protect the public
-“the expression of freedom” that is the “spirit of the republic.”
-Tech and innovation
-The Midland Avenue
-Mr. Martins
-was about theater
-Damrosch Park
-Short North
-Mr. Cooper plays Adam Jones
-Messiaen and Alexander Goehr
-disturbing practices
-Lee Slattery
-cholesterol levels
-Team Vestas Wind
-what could’ve been
-East London
-Capt. Nicholas Salimbene
-diesel engine
-Ms. Yellen
-Michael R. Bloomberg and Rudolph W. Giuliani
-Florence and the Machine
-Thai government
-photo identification
-they had high-level connections in Pyongyang or came from an esteemed institution in the North
-as a perfectly ordinary wedding reception
-might be an early birthday present
-a brand of guerrilla theater
-as much as 44 percent
-potential equity gain and a mortgage interest tax deduction
-United States
-Office of Foreign Assets Control
-they are likely to live longer and incur future medical expenses
-Of course not
-possibility of cannibalizing an already crowded gambling market
-percent of respondents had frequently “felt depressed” during the past year
-monitors set into the dashboard or mounted on it
-Secret Garden
-Teach for America
-eavesdropping equipment
-narrative deconstruction
-$35.5 million
-long before Bitcoin came on the scene
-patio furniture
-Apollo 8
-September of this year
-traditional espionage
-the Atlas Mountains
-Chelsea Piers
-Bavarian coffee set
-the dollar rose against the Japanese yen to 123.19
-Design Hub Barcelona
-a towel
-digital distribution
-their lives
-health care providers
-Utah State
-dangerous in the city
-within a year
-San Bernardino
-black ballerinas that preceded Ms. Copeland
-a dozen
-Mr. Mattarella
-Linas Linkevicius
-Davos, Switzerland
-Digit Murphy
-nine years
-praised the document and the way that Catholic-Jewish relations had progressed
-Kenneth Rexroth
-John L. Sampson
-a senior policy analyst at the Frontier Group, a research company in Boston.
-tax system
-last year
-to try to win
-shuttle-bus driver
-private equity firms
-future of finance
-Emilio Pucci
-Sarah Geisenheimer
-cabinet ministers
-Nazar Mohammad Mutmaeen
-you can’t use it for another
-business lunch
-Public protests
-“Every Day I Fight.”
-three months
-Radio Free Asia
-Gordon College
-stained-glass windows and skylights
-won four straight
-recipe box
-David Gordon Green
-209 West 42nd Street, Manhattan
-mice and humans
-drugs might not come to market
-for industrial applications,
-sentimental love stories
-36 hours
-no one
-Unless this child is a committed lifelong criminal and doesn’t care about this sort of thing
-chairwoman of the Higher Education Committee
-$45 billion
-11th century
-natural gas
-early ’80s
-she also likes honest, harsh critics to say things as they are
-an original fanboy
-dismembered or decomposing bodies strewn about
-December 2013
-building morale
-encrypted walkie-talkie
-minority crack-cocaine offenders
-pursue new opportunities
-the so-called breakaway rim, which yields to downward pressure and then snaps back to the horizontal, minimizing the potential for destruction.
-Lili Elbe
-page views
-an analyst for ESPN
-Joe Wright
-Ms. Copeland
-Moishe’s Moving and Storage
-nearly 50 years
-about 2 percent
-Mitch Pugh
-gun control
-Far From Men
-Law enforcement agencies
-women’s empowerment
-climate change
-We should resolve our differences quickly, and when we disagree, stay focused on our shared goals
-the first day of my administration
-image and movement
-Southern white clergymen
-based on size
-national dialogue
-the annex is being donated
-Paul Davila
-5-euro ($5.35)
-Bill Simmons
-There is no agreement on border control at all, and this is the weakest part,
-Apple’s chief executive
-Jake Weary
-Madison Square Park
-industrial brewing
-drug crimes
-all the stops
-the schools, European culture and competitive tax benefits
-Patrick Baudouin
-point guard
-prisoner refused his order to stop running
-Nikola Mirotic
-Blue Devils
-third inning
-22 languages
-good but not the right next step for me
-8-by-10 photographs of their high school sweethearts
-Whaling jobs
-Madison Square Garden
-send more weapons and men
-streaming them through the Dropbox mobile app
-clearly depicted sexual activity
-two days
-0.2 percent
-“I really want this position. I think I could do something great with it, and I’d be so excited to join your team. What else can I do to convince you?
-Mr. Jeffries is one of several elected officials who have chafed at the mayor’s continued support
-chimpanzees have the cognitive ability to cook
-sometimes doing so is the only way to survive
-in the jungles of southern Thailand
-he failed
-“There are creeping worries that inflation, which was seen as nonexistent, will soon be part of landscape,”
-ranged from ordinary computer users to financial firms and police departments
-a very tame opposition party
-The run-up to the vote
-an accidental public service
-investigators, commuters and even people close to her
-pursue their passion
-Phoenix Suns
-a top-flight academic institution
-chess master and logodaedalist
-the release of an imprisoned oil tycoon
-Laudomia Pucci,
-Cargados Carajos Shoals
-Yanis Varoufakis
-Alger House
-Capt. Nicholas Salimbene
-McCain spent five and a half years as a P.O.W. in Vietnam
-a Texas sheriff’s deputy
-when the class of 1971 graduated.
-“I dare Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama
-medical care
-encrypted walkie-talkie
-Alberto Burri
-a psychiatric hospital
-Mississauga, Ontario
-“the kind of girl whose scars run deep”
-because some modern-day version of the Huns or pagan Romans could arrive at any minute
-St. Brigid Church
-making a connection for a Chicago-area contractor
-As far as I’m concerned, the people who equate their self-worth with their airline status can have it!
-Pakistan and Yemen
-anti-Vietnam War posters
-Muslims are not a race
-a mouthwash gargle
-operating costs
-Cornell and New Hampshire
-low interest rates
-Currently their whereabouts remain unknown
-it is a must for mutual funds
-its post-Wall soul
-2 p.m
-canals and other infrastructure
-math, science, social studies and English language arts
-reasserting Russia’s rightful position
-Stephen Hannock
-Prime Minister
-In the fall of 1967
-Louis Armstrong House Museum
-shopping centers
-Winfred Rembert: Amazing Grace.
-Detective Braszczok
-northern edge of Cairo
-Kim Severson
-in 2013
-African Story Circle
-mostly Thai
-self-made people
-“not a serious leader” and “unhinged.”
-Joel Stillerman
-his camera
-digital-era economics
-Sgt. Michael Faranda
-Bradford’s journal
-United States
-lingering health concerns
-a college student
-in an effort to match the incendiary language of his opponents
-it has in recent years gained a popular religious following
-El Niño
-Mark Baker
-his economic theology is not shared by every Tory
-Jason Biggs
-top 10 general travel questions
-the railroad agency’s data
-the International Monetary Fund’s financial stability division
-foreign purchasers
-the structure of basketball defense
-1 percent
-they have rented a property in Malta for 12 months
-started to run
-Mr. de Blasio
-Political divisions
-in the Senate
-Gold Cup
-keep calm
-New York
-the current system makes it hard to govern the country without elaborate deals
-Mr. Netanyahu
-early last month on the eve of International Women’s Day
-art history and languages
-Reviving the economy
-died of metastatic melanoma at his home in Honolulu,
-a gaggle of French journalists
-received special treatment in the handling of its visa applications.
-an essay
-$65 million
-slashing resources
-“Mommy, Mommy, help me!”
-health care
-Simple Minds
-My Body My Image
-Rudolph center
-William Weinreb
-regional final
-teaches us to respect all religions
-Nov. 8
-political leaders and military officials
-coastal Indians in the Northeast
-a breathing strip
-three years
-Bob Baffert
-Elizabeth Alexander
-drill bits break through sediment
-San Francisco
-civil rights
-mounting a vocal campaign to get the new arrivals into jobs quickly
-investigative work
-GreenTech, which sought green cards for its Chinese investors through an American government program
-a few weeks
-low margin growth
-California, New Jersey and Rhode Island
-It’s about being direct and honest but constructive, and calling out the elephants in the room. Let’s talk about it and find a way forward.
-a decade ago
-The government gave approval
-a half-hour’s rest
-the new vehicle would not have to disclose its daily basket of stocks
-blood and psychotic scribbling
-chicken chettinadu
-Cartier, Van Cleef & Arpels and Boucheron
-Rick Ferro
-to be ready to die for our faith at any moment
-Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo
-4:15 p.m.
-Aaron Sorkin
-as strenuous efforts by companies to deceive the public about risks
-more than 50 people
-they just stop moving
-Joseph Bertoni
-20 percent
-because they are drinking fewer sugary carbonated beverages.
-third quarter
-a few minutes old
-automatic braking system
-anchor babies
-March 27
-safety and operational needs
-“Notes From a Beach Found at Carmel”
-We’ll see what Minsk 2 will mean.”
-Detectives’ Endowment Association
-The New York Times
-12 people
-Charli XCX
-7 line to Flushing
-New York
-a rich burgundy
-they are “not just electing a president, but a commander in chief.”
-“The Life of Oharu,” “Ugetsu” and “Sansho the Bailiff.”
-Individual Retirement Account
-Cindy Sherman
-Judge Irene C. Berger
-Parking and gas station attendants
-Hyun Song Shin
-Ferdinand Tjiong
-Whether it’s weakening our defenses, raising taxes on jobs and earnings, racking up more debt and welfare
-Ramón and Jacint
-talks should continue beyond the June 30 deadline
-in an effort to match the incendiary language of his opponents
-the next potential leader of the Cuban church
-Red Bull
-to prolong their careers
-to leave China illegally
-897 South Columbus Avenue
-They are sent instantaneously
-certitude about a diplomatic deal that has split the American public
-They are normally quiet at night
-an online furniture store
-Cengiz Kamil Firat
-his ultra-orthodox leadership
-Cleveland Orchestra
-Cheryl Boone Isaacs
-She never stops judging
-To Kill a Mockingbird
-Mr. Michel
-fights federal corruption charges
-Dominique Fishback
-Swedish Cottage Marionette Theater
-folk and rock
-acting prematurely
-long-serving members,
-rewarded with more play
-Michael Connor
-former governor of Pennsylvania
-Death Star
-Madison Square Garden
-a sports economist at Smith College and author of “Circus Maximus: The Economic Gamble Behind Hosting the Olympics and the World Cup,”
-we need to stay agile and adapt
-Glen Dentinger.
-13 percent
-olive oil, lime juice and white-wine vinegar
-wet winter 33 years ago
-elected officials and local residents
-Chad and the daffy Denise
-ProPublica’s journalists
-NYU Langone Medical Center
-Rev. Christopher Ryan Heanue
-Canals of New Jersey,
-braised greens, some good bread
-townhouse sales
-since the late 1980s
-tree branch
-Burkburnett, Tex
-Mr. Elder and Mr. Melas
-most dangerous in the country
-his camera
-Tariq Bargouth
-heart attack
-Tom Hanks
-its gun problem
-when I have already bought a ticket and am waiting to board
-it got a bit quiet
-A Manual for Cleaning Women
-pastoral care for real people
-the most hazardous
-to stay in office
-$9.2 billion
-Mr. Rouhani
-broken bone in his hand
-the Premier League
-Kevin Love
-They start by reviewing dystopian futures as described in science fiction.
-safety benefit of having head-up displays in cars outweighs the risk of distraction
-Corinthian Colleges
-in a soaring renaissance basilica in Florence
-the last G-20 meeting
-San Nicolas Island
-two years ago
-Mike Sullivan
-to medieval times
-Amanda Kessel
-Vasyl Stus
-They flirted awkwardly at a conference
-a million
-he said it powerfully through his music
-lawmakers of both parties
-a policy research organization
-his guests
-nine ethnic Uighurs
-soap opera queen
-The crime scene was chaotic,
-2.6 million
-Russian soldiers
-Kevin McCollum
-Carey Mulligan
-Westlake Village, Calif
-the idea
-Neil Patrick Harris
-Stephen Curry
-3,270 percent
-African-American and Latino
-Lehman College Art Gallery
-the 26th Amendment
-they know of no national tally
-popular drug
-3.5 billion euros
-double taxation treaties
-Kitty McNamee
-major states like Florida.
-refreshingly categorical
-the National Recording Registry
-any savings
-“listening tour,”
-John Kerry
-United States
-Double Protection: Invisible Threat
-the “examiner”
-University of California
-Chris Messina
-gun ownership
-elections have consequences.
-landlords of rent-stabilized apartments
-$1.7 billion
-his camera
-in the last decade or so
-Ms. Mitchell.
-cut gross assets
-Black Diamond
-Tom McCarthy
-‘Safe Haven’ Law
-it’s a beautiful story
-the cardboard tube in a roll of paper towels
-Xander Bogaerts
-Our Brand Is Crisis
-food courts
-1.95 goals-against average
-at Bonobos
-May 26
-Relaxation Cube, the walk-in Knowledge Box, inflatable Instant Cities and Microhouses
-TV show
-the place of anti-Semitism and xenophobia in their society
-the United States will be more complicated because of stricter rules on emissions of nitrogen oxides, pollutants harmful to the environment and human health.
-Donna Vekic
-by 2 percent
-Liberia and Sierra Leone
-almost 33
-voice of a father who was away at a religious retreat
-Barnard College
-In less than one week
-20 years
-Fashion Institute of Technology
-college degrees
-does not have the legal authority to prosecute or punish
-Superfund site
-$2.67 million
-biological psychiatry, neuroscience, developmental and experimental psychology, special education, sociology and occupational therapy.
-two Tony Awards
-Mr. Stus
-language and hospitality training
-$5 million
-1:30 p.m.
-Tommy John surgery
-heavy rainfall
-Ms. Kodar
-to pull the targeted killing program from the shadows
-Please ignore the siren
-the Shiite community
-There is no scientific basis — not one shred of evidence
-aggression and of the kind of manipulation that yanks adjectives like “devastating”
-Frank Shorter
-their opponents digging a tunnel underneath the hospital to blow it up
-Dara’a, Syria
-thought-provoking questions
-teachers’ union
-intellectually and emotionally
-Mr. Maduro unveiled a no-fly list of his own
-turns down the melodramatic volume and slows the plot almost to the point of stasis
-Naomi Campbell
-The criminal infrastructure
-Keith Rabois
-crude oil
-Pope Francis
-Justin Slojkowski and Dave Gulino
-within the raised areola
-last Monday
-New York
-somewhere between 1957 and 1963
-de Blasio
-Anshu Jain
-Ken Griffey Jr.
-strict behavior codes
-Pinocchio’ or ‘Little Women
-drifting, hanging out, wasting time and succumbing to confusion
-Russian scholars
-Dolan’s decision constituted a retaliatory firing and violated federal law
-Birmingham, Ala.
-It was in 2001
-two years ago
-€100 million
-because they’re unpatentable
-Advocate Lutheran General Hospital
-Shannon Watters
-Republican leadership
-online security
-A week later
-six homers
-Mrs. Clinton’s private email address
-Victoria station
-I ended up giving the miles to family members and friends
-provide a period of market exclusivity — long enough to motivate investment in clinical trials
-construction loans
-the chef and owner, Simpson Wong
-editor of The Spectator magazine
-Mrs. Clinton’s advisers
-Ron Shelton
-former chief executive of Viacom
-Brad Marchand
-“The Waste Land”
-Paul Feig
-examine the prevalence of cliques
-the Knicks
-green cards
-Melinda Gates
-Sanford C. Bernstein
-Eva Chun
-a doctor
-reduce jail time for nonviolent offenders.
-François Hollande
-You appeal a verdict or accept it
-Assembly Democrats
-Sergei A. Markov
-singles titles
-Chris Messina
-the center-right
-Through June 26
-the university
-Corinthian Colleges
-Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
-state version
-Angela Merkel
-the pent-up demand he helped create
-KPFA radio show
-New York City
-Alyssa Grogan
-Coffee Jackson
-Eleven other states
-down the throat
-1996 to 2000
-17 votes short
-Pacific-12 Conference regular-season and tournament champion
-since 2013
-Mickey MacIntyre
-Level Global
-a lot of pride
-Anne Karpf
-9 p.m. Eastern
-Sam Geli
-Gary Cohn
-Pickard Chilton
-the Warriors
-14 songs with Madonna; seven, including “Joan of Arc” and “Living for Love,
-gold shoes
-paternalistic traditions
-different generations
-her parents and Robyn
-the demands the department had received for video during the testing period had been too burdensome
-Eastland County
-Capt. Nicholas Salimbene
-Mr. Homsi himself reaches Istanbul
-Digging for Fire
-news of reality, cold and harsh, seeped in. He knew he had to face it
-in April
-$22 million deal
-contributions can be considered “things of value to influence official acts.”
-a big chip manufacturer
-Latino voters
-cloistered in their homes and synagogues during the Sabbath, from nightfall on Friday to nightfall on Saturday
-The Supreme Court
-Dr. David Schnarch
-George Gervin
-Ricky Riccardi
-more than two dozen Democrats refused to vote
-over the last 10 years
-He bootstrapped the research laboratory with his own money
-modern still life
-the Holocaust
-Mr. Shin’s father
-Tom Ridge
-Mr. Apatow
-Mr. Sisi
-For some years
-other drugs in Schedule I
-Sir John and Lady Jane,
-a former City Ballet dancer
-campaign finance laws
-a high-gloss book
-mostly false.
-Wenham, Mass.
-Virginia Tech Transportation Institute
-Olivier Giroud
-on Wednesday
-Mr. Hague
-Oxford Economics
-New York
-solitary confinement
-Mr. Peltz
-Mountain View College
-District Common
-the truth
-address gun violence
-technical trouble
-A sledge for a sledge
-a coloring event
-Danny Diaz
-an additional 1 percent tax
-party supporters, many of whom have been energized by Mr. Corbyn’s campaign,
-Gov. Charlie Baker
-Dr. Ohayon
-Beethoven’s “Appassionata” Sonata and selections of Spanish music
-helped frame a national debate over patients’ rights that generated new standards for research involving human subjects.
-Instant success and instant failure. Instant discovery, instant destruction, instant construction.
-change the style of play
-Mr. Carson
-Top Gear
-Francis Ford Coppola
-Charli XCX.
-12 percent
-Capt. Andrii Syurkalo
-Ian Gillan
-young black and Hispanic men
-James Miller
-group of friends
-Tyler Saladino
-some Democrats
-acquisition of Danisco
-record producer
-a commotion
-the current trash crisis also did not bode well for the government’s ability to deal with the country’s other problems.
-its main one is simply that at this point it’s hard to care about people who mistake a third Michelin star for the most important thing in life.
-Western sanctions
-in 2016
-official news agency Xinhua
-Ron White
-Henrik Lundqvist
-Trump’s repeated statements about immigrants and crime
-“Prince of the Himalayas.”
-relinquish his duties
-Captain Oatman
-FIFA’s president
-1 p.m
-United States
-Los Angeles and New York
-Rubin Museum of Art
-victimizer and victim
-Ricky Rubio
-Charles Bronson
-like the ordinary sentences you overhear every day
-the government
-United States
-Rabin was depicted in a Nazi uniform
-that they reached safety
-$39.9 million
-At night
-It’s a love story, a children’s book and a fairy tale at once,
-few days later,
-team staff members
-amnestic mild cognitive impairment
-The best way to handle it is to make it as safe as you can.”
-on the far side of the swimming pool
-closest friend from high school
-smog-forming pollutants
-head trauma and domestic violence,
-board member and technical adviser for the California Latino Water Coalition
-toes dry,
-the mountains of Afghanistan
-Game 163 in Boston in 1978,
-the north
-Ms. Booth
-Roger Rees
-House Republicans
-a sizable number of Tory backbenchers will oppose him
-10th Avenue
-Kenneth Rexroth
-in the coming weeks
-Wall Street
-LaMarcus Aldridge
-digital filing methods
-legally sanctioned accounting wizardry
-top performers
-Edward J. Snowden
-United States Open
-his charisma
-red flag
-Mr. Obama
-Kenneth M. Stancil III
-last November
-A judge
-Rupert Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox
-three days
-next month.
-she told reporters in Brussels during a European Union summit meeting
-minus 0.11 percent
-doesn’t guarantee security, especially when it is spent on programs that don’t make the country safer and is denied to programs that enhance security.
-and fond of rhyming and hyperbolic fantasy musings.
-Ms. Carpenter
-Team Alvimedica
-recipe box
-Renzo Rosso
-mother and son are bonding
-Ms. Sabbagh
-over six months
-Gilles Bannier
-New York City
-10 years
-30 percent
-Mike Miller
-Mr. Rudd
-nonviolent drug charges
-Toys and games
-laid the ball in the basket
-8 p.m
-9:34 p.m
-Mary Mapes
-a Turkish magnate
-Thomas Mann
-work exploring the basis of neural activity needed to support movement in an environment
-Madeleine K. Albright
-Toro Rosso
-central New York
-Vito Schnabel
-Freedom Partners
-Turkish citizens
-Mrs. Clinton
-encrypted walkie-talkie
-Sea of Azov and through the Kerch Strait
-fresh bread and bagels
-Sgt. Michael Faranda
-having encouraged the pro-democracy demonstrations
-El Camino College
-Serena Williams
-Anwar al-Awlaki
-18.5 percent
-to repay debt and give it additional financial flexibility
-provides “safe assets”
-Tony Rodham
-the two-story lobby of Driver’s Village
-New York City
-Chicago returns home from a six-game Western trip.
-Renewal would mean leaving the broken system intact
-last month
-José Morán
-Blue Magic
-Scott Shane
-Matthew Dellavedova
-women’s movement
-Mr. Obama
-efficiency upgrades
-12 minutes 15 seconds
-As a sapling bent low stores energy for a violent backswing
-the crust
-Aaron Carroll
-United Airlines
-Iris Chen
-Dave Attell
-a paramedic
-Patricia Arquette
-stricter policies on gun control
-Balducci (Vincent Martin)
-split off from its PC business
-Jewish extremists
-injured his back
-one in 20
-Lackland Air Force Base
-Jean Hediger
-very high
-with his strongly conservative stances
-carbon dioxide
-strength or substance
-the Census Bureau
-their order
-United States
-lip-sync battles
-1,000 years ago
-we have to leave
-Crimean Peninsula
-Gov. Jerry Brown
-31.9 percent to $43.5 million
-a class of people with similar claims
-Los Angeles, San Francisco and Washington
-Miami Heat
-leveraging his ties to them and sometimes directly seeking their help.
-investigative journalism
-an old couple come to the Cortez to end their lives together
-Komadougou River
-Julia Hansen’s
-signs of misconduct
-Nobel Prize in Literature
-Naomi Sturm
-Jan. 4
-more than two million barrels
-George Benjamin’s “Three Inventions for Chamber Orchestra,”
-Oct. 3
-“Big Night,” a much-admired foodie movie
-Ken Griffey Jr.
-Michael Connor
-attempt to head off panic in Afghan cities threatened by the insurgents
-seven years
-Mr. Kissin
-thick and almost clumpy
-European sanctions against Russia for its aggression in Ukraine
-Catholic Academy
-Bank of America
-Through Aug. 9
-by updating engine software and installing a small, tube-shaped part roughly the same diameter as the cardboard tube in a roll of paper towels.
-Nita M. Lowey
-public forum
-global elite
-Thomas W. Libous
-University of Toronto
-last week
-bad situations
-David Samson
-administrative and research and development efforts
-explain things
-Deutsche Bank
-Pittsburgh Penguins
-nearly 5,000
-more constructive debate
-Amazon and Google
-15 percent
-United States
-2.8 million
-is lovely
-Li Heping
-Érica Rivas and Diego Gentile
-the O. J. Simpson trial
-Henrik Lundqvist
-Sandy, Daryl, Emily, Karen, Bev and Robyn
-It’s amazing what you can bounce back from when you have to,
-Electric Ursa
-Covington and Fried Frank
-behavior unit
-constantly reassessing, never taking anything for granted
-second time
-Robert Michels
-The Princeton boys
-not because it was especially beautiful — it wasn’t
-Walt Disney Company
-four interviews
-East Village
-black socks and shoes.
-his coffeehouse
-lift all sanctions in one step
-The current rules for hourly workers would remain intact.)
-most lenders
-Wu-Tang Clan and Joyce, Bukowski and Blake
-sledgehammer and a crowbar
-The Bronx
-534 West 25th Street
-for work
-Lisbon for the final two legs of the 39,000-nautical-mile race
-Spending on government building projects
-Courtroom 201
-on a hill
-native fishes
-in the political system
-Yevgeny Adamov
-the preservation of his family life
-Our 9/11
-121 Ludlow Street, second floor,
-40 pounds
-West 57th Street gallery
-insider trading
-Lee C. Bollinger
-“Assad or we damn the country.”
-April 9
-building code
-just over four months
-Trey Kerby and Leigh Ellis
-a detective
-The civil war
-to travel around the country, speaking about the moral quandary they believe faces neuroscientists.
-murder mysteries
-there was a robust — and lucrative — market for coloring books aimed at grown-ups
-People who can come up with a great idea and execute it
-Right Sector
-“Here’s some Management 101
-a Long Island motorcycle mechanic
-live within the limits imposed
-Baga Sola
-McCarran International
-Northeast Conference
-civic identity
-in her sitting room
-Amar’e Stoudemire and Andrea Bargnani
-Ms. Harper
-St. Louis University School of Law
-Sept. 7
-wear it over and over
-class of ’64
-Cody McLeod
-$1.94 billion
-son’s victory
-International Monetary Fund
-communities of color
-Virginie Brac
-Farewell to Matyora
-the 2013 closing of lanes
-rising indexes
-Capt. Nicholas Salimbene
-the transition of power
-30 miles
-he mumbled words
-Don Mattingly
-Beautiful Dreamer
-Stephen J. Gardner
-a year and a half
-director of the San Francisco Department of Emergency Management
-media and advocacy
-public financing
-Elmore Leonard
-Alfred Molina
-Mr. de Blasio has said broken windows must evolve with the times.
-City Ballet
-Saturday Night Live
-Mark D. Luschini
-full-­blown Alzheimer’s disease
-2009 address
-Chief Ferro
-Clint Dempsey
-Roman culture
-research and development
-David Cameron
-the bloody backdrop of the drug war.
-Bank of America
-his camera
-evolving fire science
-General Motors
-he battled only a couple of rivals for the party’s conservative base
-scientists and dear children
-Peterson Institute for International Economics
-core of the music
-Judge Sérgio Moro
-1 percent on the sales of homes over $1 million
-Grand Central Terminal
-in the 1990s
-shallow bowls
-because a vase with a single fresh flower had been placed in front of it
-With his short neck, cool shape-up haircut, plain off-the-shoulder robe, and round face bent forward and down,
-Nov. 29
-the U.S. Department of Labor’s Consumer Price Index inflation calculator
-art of negative campaigning
-without the charisma
-Goblin Party, Ju Bin Kim, Youn Puluem, Won Kim, Moonsuk Choi, Suksoon Jung, Moon Ei Lee and Eun-Me Ahn
-Daniel Esty
-physically and mentally
-heat from steam pipes
-free expression was nothing without the right to offend.
-by the Senate or courts
-Tamir Rice
-Truth Revolt, a conservative website
-about half
-Mr. Harris
-Janet Smith
-Prisoners’ Legal Services
-Chris Mullin, who played his high school ball
-Towns has attached himself to Garnett as much as possible.
-1960s America
-12 percent
-Advanced digital keys
-Sergei Aksyonov
-Reread Another A Play to Be Played Indoors or Out I Wish to Be a School
-aligning it with the minimum age for military service during the Vietnam War
-I Won’t Let You Down
-a Swede named Anders Kompass
-salad of pink watermelon with green needles of okra
-It’s not even close
-food and cash
-Supreme Court
-American Girl,
-the real estate board
-six to nine months
-had not been among the more than 300 submitted for consideration
-growing pressure from principals and community leaders to increase diversity
-Jake Arrieta
-$30 million
-Mr. Saleh’s
-litigation associate
-computer operating systems
-the Rangers
-accepted fact.
-for its revelation of memes and trends that continue to resonate in photographic art around the world
-Two days later
-within five minutes
-Rev. Jorge Cela
-All Out
-Gaspar Noé
-Mr. Norris
-Bucky Dent
-nearly a month
-art and writing
-to understand what is expected of them
-Long Island Jewish Medical Center
-François Hollande
-Kristin Chenoweth
-No party and no politician that opposes the new overtime rules can credibly claim to care about the middle class.
-100 times as potent
-unusually demanding
-Croatia and Namibia
-Time magazine
-far-right Jewish militancy
-triple tax exempt
-by selling Treasury bonds
-Stern men, rocking back and forth, blinked out tears.
-a hall full of wartime wares
-Wide receivers
-Yale Zhang
-no challengers
-Rev. Jill Flowers
-to enhance its scale
-that’s just weird
-Toys “R” Us
-modern design
-carrying on
-written him off
-new search start-ups
-encrypted walkie-talkie
-weigh on the economic life of our country,
-Ms. Kodar
-Rob Manfred
-Mr. Fox
-Dole Food
-more than 1.3 million
-white supremacist
-Terry McAuliffe
-product and service markets
-Andrew Zimbalist
-potentially valuable
-a new investment firm
-the pyramids of Egypt were built to store grain
-Mark Galeotti, a military analyst
-the dude who is voting for Bernie Sanders
-president of a small infrastructure export firm outside Houston
-hanged herself
-full reprisal and revenge
-Trans-Pacific Partnership
-antitank missile
-a team of drug traffickers with machine guns
-“(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction”
-Nov. 13
-a gentleman’s sport
-the Alien Tort Statute
-neither relieved nor disappointed
-bean sprouts
-South Carolina, the United States Capitol, and elsewhere
-Nov. 8
-Lady Chatterley’s Lover
-whether the agreement is good for American security
-spur economic development
-improved Wi-Fi technology with mobile devices in mind
-Michael B. Enzi
-top speeds that are nearly three times faster than the previous standard, 802.11n
-either directly or through equity funds that invest in it
-covering his huge pump and 20 employees
-second marriages
-Derrick Favors
-18 points
-Morton Sosland
-to grant leave to enable a same-sex couple to travel to a state where they can legally marry
-civil rights
-jokes about get-rich-quick crucifix salesmen
-blue-chip German companies
-angry or disappointed party legislators
-marketing to young people
-0.2 percent
-July 25
-40 years
-fashion industry
-“Where to?”
-Xu Xiang
-Outside, shaking women wept into tissues.
-new business activity
-a lot of pressure to live up to
-a senior vice president and head of underwriting for retail bank operations at TD Bank
-the Kitchen and Performance Space 122
-a Fernand Léger painting
-hip-hop styles with steps from tap, ballet and West African dance
-Frank Loesser
-Owen Jones
-hacking incidents
-earliest and latest
-Mr. Tsipras
-not getting a haircut
-British Airways
-Syrian government soldiers and civilians
-climate change
-breast augmentation ads
-The New York Times
-propelling AZ into a surprising third-place finish that earned the team a place in the Europa League
-surrender their purity to infidel Huns
-the latest Wi-Fi standard — 802.11ac
-Williamsburg, Brooklyn
-the fabulous Cabinet of Art and Curiosities
-Danny Tanner
-in early-20th-century
-a tiny camera
-Patrick Alexander
-University of Kansas
-December 1991
-Mr. Heastie
-sign up for the email
-struck by lightning seven times
-Tahrir Square
-Mr. Trudolyubov
-Speaker Carl E. Heastie
-earliest days of the war
-starts at $650
-Pekka Rinne
-game plans
-offer encouragement
-Brian Eno with contributions from Nico Muhly
-South African
-WhatsApp and WeChat
-health psychologist
-Jenny Offill
-guardian ogres with faces like pugs with tusks and nymphs with half-bird, half human bodies
-sledgehammer and a crowbar
-5.6 million
-The Washington Post
-Central Valley
-hundreds of matters ranging from political views to exercise habits
-John Wells
-should be dreadful
-30 minutes
-Humberto and Fernando Campana
-get the necessary parties to the table
-some cleaning up
-I cannot and will not give up my family time.
-the Metropolitan Division
-Miro Cerar
-San Cristóbal
-old or sick people
-rate of death from coronary heart disease
-Marine Le Pen
-$14.8 million
-1997 to 2002
-2016 presidential campaign
-temporary basis
-United States, Russia, France, Britain, China and Germany
-A Delaware court
-Reel Around the Fountain
-The Heiress
-Battle of Westerplatte
-Dean G. Skelos
-Jan. 8
-United States government
-American operations
-New York City
-university overhauls
-complaints about rupturing Takata airbags
-It put me light-years ahead in terms of my knowledge for the game
-a third
-less than half
-National League East
-Orlando Bloom
-harp and piano
-his approach to time
-irreparably damaged
-loses a job and cannot pay, resulting in a delinquency or default, both buyers’ credit would suffer
-Ohio State Buckeyes
-an army has massed
-Mr. Rasputin
-Take a breath.” Make her inhale and exhale.
-the United States Interests Section
-San Bernardino, Calif.
-ads for escorts selling sex to men
-Mr. Ghani
-elite athletes
-Barclays Center
-conference affiliation
-because of the financial-aid package and because it was closer to home
-Dominic Orr
-capped by a triumph over the Mets
-aging tycoon
-New York, San Diego and Washington
-carbon atoms
-meanest man who ever played baseball
-the chest
-opt out
-the right to interview nuclear scientists
-Cobb fails in an attempt to rape a young woman at a Nevada casino
-$1.5 billion a year
-Kyrie Irving
-10 years
-a guide for aspiring filmmakers
-Jane O’Connor
-European paintings
-Drew Pardus
-Andrew Wiggins
-a paramedic
-char kway teow
-built-in bookshelves
-the Bermuda Triangle
-that the letter writer change something that is not susceptible to change
-About 70 percent
-$100 million
-tattoos and piercings, and in one case, a mole
-American Bar Association
-in Michigan
-Dominican Republic
-military preparedness
-folky and pastoral
-intimate illustrations
-national security
-Through Jan. 3
-bring the audience closer
-the grand jury
-all the factors that influence your thinking
-occupied zone
-not available
-red, yellow and blue,
-Around ’95 and ’96
-Schedule I
-the 19-nation group that uses the euro
-a new facility
-$20,000 to cover medical expenses
-Faryab and Sar-i-Pul
-has incurred big financial losses
-visa restrictions
-more than 350
-Coach Mike Davis
-wedged high up in Southeast Asia between India and China
-Ms. Dawson
-what to do on vacation in cities
-Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
-Trey Lyles
-one of the great novels in American literature.
-more than 13 percent
-Cole Hamels
-Mike Moustakas
-Mr. Bernhard
-Songs in the Key of Life,
-national standards
-a leveraged-buyout group
-Sweet Briar
-Baptist pastor and Arkansas governor
-Los Angeles Clippers
-paid sick-leave policies
-meeting of the N.A.A.C.P
-her chances of making it to tenure in the law school were diminished
-New York
-message was a joke
-reducing waste to a minimum
-105 Eighth
-vice president and his two sons
-University of Toronto
-an indelible one.
-Mr. Denton
-on Jan. 23
-FYI Decision
-Baruch College
-the owners seem to want to give a party.
-The Emperor’s New Clothes
-finely chopped
-that he’s very powerful
-center fielder
-A Handful of Dust
-to take whatever action was possible to remedy the situation,
-the church
-Mr. Jain
-water and energy systems
-United Soybean Board and the Iowa Soybean Association
-a striker for the United States men’s national soccer team
-high electric costs
-Princeton Junction
-4-foot-by-8-foot spaces, which are equipped with two benches and an electrical outlet.
-Siporah was at Staten Island University Hospital North
-Netgear’s WNDR3700
-24 percent increase
-whiplash sound
-modern methods of water management
-The Senate
-Judge Sidney H. Stein
-Vincent Martin
-14 years
-Welcome to the Renaissance
-The Legend of Pale Male
-through voice commands or limited use of buttons.
-390 seats
-HBO’s “True Detective.”
-1 degree
-Christian countries to open their borders
-the analysis of proposed policy changes
-the state
-alcohol or exercise or SSRIs or sleeping pills
-Fishkill Correctional Facility
-Ibrahim Camara
-The Whole Story of Half a Girl.
-a four-person investigative team
-several cities, including Boston and Seattle
-the Pittsburgh Pirates
-Nov. 8
-In recent years, though, mercurial chefs, photogenic plates of grub and kitchen dramatics
-almost 1,000 feet down the track
-Madison Square Garden
-changed the rules
-violin pages
-Father Heanue
-The first week she was quite intimidating,
-Pam MacKinnon
-Jewish Home Lifecare
-Hainanese chicken rice
-Back in the early 20th century
-Wayne Gretzky
-“Theological Explorations of Love and Lust,”
-Joint Special Operations Command
-New Bond Street
-sandboxlike table
-high, frequently undisclosed commissions
-United States
-multiple sclerosis
-Regina Hall
-Tarrytown Music Hall
-Labor Party
-nearly 200
-Rapunzel, Cinderella and Snow White
-$2.45 billion
-March 31
-Washington Capitals
-Grantland website
-President Ashraf Ghani
-Pete Rose
-Los Angeles
-supported pirouettes with an upright ending (one leg flourished to the side)
-excessive spending
-Rachael Melhuish
-Crimean Peninsula
-Jim Gilmore
-Narrowsburg, New York
-a federal court order
-being American
-lifetime identity protection coverage
-Steven Spinola
-bipartisan push to shorten the sentences of nonviolent drug offenders
-a new police car
-LeBron James
-only Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs
-plum orchard
-$35 million
-the director of the Louisiana Poison Center
-a number of modern taverns and extremely up-to-date craft brews
-a blank sheet of paper or canvas
-Mr. Trump
-college education
-Global Affairs.
-anti-immigrant parties on the right.
-the wind often blows in
-confrontational thinking.
-Angelika Film Center in Greenwich Village
-smuggling hacksaw blades, chisels and other tools into the prison
-15 percent
-Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
-garden lot
-they thronged the conference center where the results were announced
-ring toss, jumping rope
-before a congressional committee
-new songs
-Susy Korb
-Aya Jones
-Diana Taurasi
-over 10 years
-a matter of time before she slits my throat
-one of Twitter’s major investors
-June 22 through July 14
-to collect a refund
-Game 7 of their second-round playoff series
-A Shares
-the Backstreet Boys
-research analyst
-The Radwells Plus Eight
-the deal
-World Wildlife Fund
-the United States secretary of state
-the Southwestern Athletic Conference
-the special agent in charge of the D.E.A.’s New Orleans field division
-tweet seats
-Digital sales
-boy band
-by the end of the month
-which Charritos does serve, and grasshoppers, which it does not.
-much wider
-Los Angeles
-she takes on race directly
-Kish Island, Iran
-hawker centers
-manufacturers can price drugs higher
-one seller was often behind multiple ads.
-unpaid legal bills filed by his lawyer in a child support case
-a degree in finance
-take her own life
-Coach Bob Stoops
-United States Special Forces
-June 7
-1.6 trillion rupees, or $25.2 billion
-18 years
-Without F.D.A. approval
-Gwendolyn Jo M. Carlberg
-The last six weeks, he’s just been electric.
-international waters
-biography of cancer
-about 125 million years ago
-4 a.m.
-in-state students
-gay rights groups
-Atmospheric Disturbances
-Jin Ahn and Gerald San Jose
-New York
-Masoom Stanikzai
-a paramedic
-he was jeered the first time he got the ball
-stronger mental health reporting systems
-Gottfried Ludewig
-1 pound
-350 million
-Mr. Versace’s younger sister
-Werder Bremen of Germany’s Bundesliga
-Maynard Evans High School
-12 months or less
-at Cooking
-Norwegian Nobel committee
-junior college
-United States
-11 a.m.
-at least 20 members
-the majority leader
-ensuring a sufficient supply of water even during droughts
-glow sticks
-Jean Linville
-Burkina Faso
-$100 million
-excessive pumping
-they do not know how much
-top performers
-the White House
-historical accident
-weekend dish
-The difficulty is that you are playing a character who never reveals what he is thinking
-it suggests growth
-not to undermine the victory Mr. Cameron has brought them
-the character
-hipster actor
-appointing some opposition members to his cabinet
-next week
-PC sales
-in Chicago
-Vilifying Americans
-in his bed
-in northern New York
-The United States Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers
-Bringing on great people
-United States
-his scars and unnaturally bowed arms
-Ann Chernow
-Ensemble InterContemporain
-The assailant was shot and killed
-What I want is comfort and convenience
-the third
-Habib Essid
-overnight in yogurt, red chili powder and ginger garlic paste
-Roman Catholic
-to honor demonstrators killed there during previous protests
-super-expensive new crossover vehicle.
-wanted to do to each other and how
-Sheldon Drobny
-a scoop of the accompanying basmati rice
-10 years
-Mountain View, Calif.
-Champions League
-five years
-Sondos Reda Abu Bakr
-Mr. Abbott
-He was also a choreographer
-gross domestic product
-28 percent
-the evolution
-the steward of his label
-dead people’s memories
-around $290
-Kristiansand Zoo
-Please ignore the siren
-Mr. Hall’s
-Oregon’s medicinal marijuana shops began sales to recreational users today.
-Zyklon B
-Lobster Maxime
-a Chadian soldier
-In the Green Neuroscience Laboratory, a sandboxlike table is home to small robot used to model neural network behavior
-Long Island College Hospital
-Inside Out
-regulate the regulators, forcing quicker verdicts on exams and reviews when financial institutions complain
-tacos filled with pungent cubes of pork
-DuPont is either a growth machine or a laggard
-a cover-up job may be required
-Goodluck Jonathan
-$25 to $30
-We got a problem in this country. It’s called Muslims.
-two long blasts, followed by a short blast and a long blast
-a computer and memory stick
-Steve Bould
-only 36 percent of eligible voters participated
-John E. Smith
-German league
-Civil Beat, an online newsletter in Hawaii
-driving with his headlights off
-the Iranians
-Liaoning Province
-Sam Bradford
-Reince Priebus
-Harry Reid
-15 seconds
-The wasp queen
-more sustainable methods
-a nurse
-United States Open
-Helen Stokes
-logistical rigor
-salaried workers are not eligible for overtime
-Please ignore the siren
-The current unemployment rate
-traditional private partnership
-Sediq Sediqqi
-The ensemble
-seven deaths — the largest toll from a fire in New York City since 2007
-damage was only to his reputation
-both the army and its opponents
-they are facing less financial stress
-tried to drive his car over the officer
-Mr. Christie
-Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo
-Laudomia Pucci
-Having sex with someone else
-3.9 million
-work and home
-Sgt. Michael Faranda
-Electric Ursa
-Mark Oberholtzer
-an off-duty security detail for a private company
-people tolerate it and accept it as a natural part of life,
-While many of these items were produced by big manufacturers like BRIO and Playsam, many others are one-of-a-kind wonders
-finance fellowships
-0.1 percent
-Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs
-By appointment only
-medical staff
-Montreal led the N.H.L.
-scientists and environmentalists
-a musical.
-lined up exactly with the front door
-Morton Feldman
-the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
-Israeli authorities
-American Museum of Natural History
-James A. Michener Art Museum
-Thomas Buschatzke
-Ron Lane,
-Jared Allen
-World War I
-mile and a half
-civilian casualties
-43 years
-screaming fight
-a former bank
-Corinthian and ITT Education Services
-Rand Paul
-an engineer at the University of Illinois,
-This is visible in nine paintings (oil on paper on board)
-protect them against false charges
-felt depressed
-Mr. Slater
-typed it into a box
-exploit obvious and old ideas freely
-more than three hours long
-Ferguson, Mo.
-Omar Shalabi
-historical analogies
-Music Mountain Calidore String Quartet, classical
-Robert Baras.
-Through Sept. 12
-7 a.m.
-a doctor
-fuel and inheritance
-a legacy
-federal and state marijuana laws
-Justin Kurzel
-Barnum’s American Museum
-software company
-crime drama
-starting over from nothing
-Trish Hall
-spring 2013
-East Brunswick, N.J.
-concrete wall
-until 3 or 4 in the morning
-making the program somewhat more transparent
-all the Boko Haram fighters who entered Bosso were killed
-pi scavenger hunt
-Sophie Richardson
-Mr. Lien
-an advocacy organization
-Li Chunfu
-spiraling losses from store closings
-$1 billion
-on the eve of its vote for president
-the museum’s splendors
-Don Quixote de la Mancha
-He still needs Mr. Berlusconi to push through legislation
-Federica Mogherini
-a low point in the year
-From 1 to 4 p.m.
-red states
-Frieze Art Fair in New York
-They say that there are easier ways for terrorists to infiltrate European countries than to tag along with migrants on a difficult and dangerous journey.
-honor block
-It is patently false.
-in a picture caption
-Mr. Connell
-pugnacious and conciliatory
-families whose children benefit most from early childhood education
-Nov. 18
-high-altitude conditions
-George Steinbrenner, and his minions
-Jeff Pevar and Mo’ Pleasure Allstars
-chief investment strategist
-Santikhiri, in Chiang Rai Province
-200-, 400-, 800- and 1,500-meter freestyles
-Yankee Stadium
-that he had decided to fire Browne all on his own, without talking to his corporate counsel.
-0.6 square mile
-officers treating civilians harshly
-Hamidreza Taraghi
-to humanize “what we do in Albany,”
-New York City Drone Film Festival
-one of Italy’s most celebrated writers
-eastern Colorado
-2 percent
-Canadian border
-sorting out his own legal and business problems
-thousands of new jobs
-many, many tenants involved
-video advertising platform
-A nationwide network of dams
-Oscar Lindberg
-Alex, John and Holden
-evidence is mixed
-she let the songs speak for themselves
-are prosecuted much more severely today
-a doctor
-South Sudan
-a reporter
-a parent with an autistic infant
-June 15
-saturated fat
-surprisingly simple
-Mr. Abbott
-Mr. Holder
-Jack Shoemaker
-called the local police and reported a murder at Mr. Finney’s home
-Boko Haram
-explicitly makes stricter.
-Air America Radio
-his entire N.H.L. career
-Joel Towers
-Ms. Smith
-Anthony Anderson
-Michael Burdick
-99 percent
-recycling bin
-Shannon Watters
-flowers, leaves, trees and birds
-Bekaa Valley
-Julia Gillard
-Philip Hallman
-Angara River
-relished every single moment of them
-by using the threat of more serious charges with mandatory sentences or other harsher penalties.
-The sanctions
-36,000 tons
-the government
-the league’s deputy commissioner
-last April
-law firm Farber, Pappalardo & Carbonari
-Affordable Care Act
-I would like to do a coloring book for grown-ups
-observing improvement
-PBS Digital Studios
-It is a struggle among Muslims for the soul and the future of the Muslim world
-borrowed too much money
-nausea she had had all but disappeared
-Palmer Asylum for the Insane
-shape us to be better than we’d otherwise be
-on the front page of the evening paper
-“Lear,” “Macbeth,” “Othello.”
-side and back
-more than 80 percent
-with self-confidence and optimism
-10 cents
-a rare athlete
-the last two months
-GreenTech Automotive, an electric car company
-Alan Wong
-Google Cardboard V.R.
-50 feet
-30 minutes
-David Cone
-Cristal beer and espresso
-That gets me in touch with the Haitian officials,
-on behalf of inmates
-No one
-Chambers Street
-Alan Cumming
-Peace, love and respect
-about one in four
-Top Withens
-slow-motion walking toward a video backdrop of heavenly clouds
-same-sex marriage cases
-Mr. Carmona Astor
-Avenging Angelo
-New York
-E minor
-speaking with reporters
-The technical patch that Volkswagen presented at company headquarters here is valid only for Europe
-John D. Podesta
-U.S. dollars
-Then along came a surprising impediment: Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the minority leader,
-more than 1,100 people
-concerns about participation numbers
-installing software designed to cheat on emissions tests
-80 miles per hour
-the Palestinians
-Kingdom of Permafrost Museum
-$19 million
-send more weapons and men
-Abortion rights groups
-mental illness
-Los Angeles water boss
-Dead Certain: The Presidency of George W. Bush
-Rand Paul
-Cincinnati Red Stockings,
-2 miles per hour under the speed limit, at 58 m.p.h.
-pro-European views
-nearly 350 pieces
-Ministry of Public Security
-the degree to which all Christians who are thinking about what God requires should consider the experience
-120 miles per hour
-drawn far more international attention
-New York City
-sophisticated sensors and signal technology
-7 percent
-Tom Freston,
-the cloud-shaped Download icon
-Daniel Brühl
-video streaming
-Elian Herrera
-The Wirecutter’s Wi-Fi expert
-depraved indifference to murder or gang assault
-went for walks
-around 1 p.m
-casts with different textual options
-Andrew Watt
-0.3 percent
-He died in 1928.
-Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
-Alex and John
-they needed money to go dancing
-to recoup the high cost of drug development
-80 percent
-readers and editors
-Mr. Vitiello
-BMW 735i
-Jim Ready
-“I Can’t Breathe”
-Ms. Hediger
-John Wall
-Caleb Teicher
-escape in “The Shawshank Redemption.
-Giancarlo Stanton
-to keep tabs on what “Republican friends were saying about the latest craze.”
-90 percent
-putting the severed head of a perceived enemy on a pole
-Bruce Cannon
-Abiquiu, N.M
-veterinary medicine
-5.5 million
-on transgender women
-Ms. Chen
-children’s books by her father
-Greenwich Village
-the right to vote while they were still living with their parents would encourage a habit that continued once they left the nest
-we both date
-Michael I. Roth
-a radiator factory
-7,135 stops
-Dolan personally insisted on firing her.
-police officer
-Washington State University
-as close as any Myanmar work here comes to embodying a Buddhist physical ideal
-prison clinic
-7 points
-antitank missile
-President Bashar al-Assad’s government
-updating its ranking algorithms
-Mr. Putin
-Association for Civil Rights in Israel
-encourage free debate and deliberation.
-recycled paper
-three hours
-Asperger’s syndrome
-buy stock
-Reed Hastings
-Dwyane Wade
-at least another year
-Todd Pletcher
-Frank O’Hara
-2 percent
-1963, 1965 and 1966
-over six months
-Madarious Gibbs
-Ms. Santana
-195 square feet
-don’t offer much sense of progress
-Ms. Bourbeau
-Star Detective Group
-backup singer,
-New York
-Lior Rachmany
-Twenty thousand
-as with married couples jointly applying for a loan
-an overseas market
-Larry Fitzgerald
-Kevin Law
-BAM Kids series
-the men succeeded
-into the hotel’s dungeon
-dynamic scoring
-a new, more overtly political phase of his public campaign
-Alexander McQueen
-us into feeling better about ourselves
-the effect of a shift in sentencing guidelines:
-in the spring
-as the very incarnation of paranoia
-The New York Times
-Brookfield Place
-former student
-Lys River
-Muslims disagree over most things
-a Malaysia Airlines jet was shot down
-up to 3.8 percent
-Barnaby Barford
-more than $189,000
-Maryland, Takoma Park lowered the voting age to 16 for municipal contests in 2013, and Hyattsville did so in 2015
-Valeant and Cheniere Energy
-From Clocks to Lollipops: Made in New Haven
-more competitive,
-Peter Shapiro
-at London’s Olympic Studios
-Clint Dempsey
-two minutes
-Wilma Liebman
-Pappagallo shoes, a Villager dress and a circle pin.
-keep your computer’s anti-malware and virus programs up to date
-Peyton Manning
-a large sum of money
-wine lovers
-Adele’s husband
-Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat,
-12.8 million worldwide
-67.6 percent
-leveraging his ties to them and sometimes directly seeking their help.
-a senior official in the George W. Bush White House
-Justice Sandra Day O’Connor
-1962 spy swap
-broom closet
-National Security Council
-4:25 p.m
-the dirty canal
-the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood
-advocates and families
-enhances an existing Wi-Fi connection to increase coverage
-30 minutes
-high-profile figures in present-day Cambodian politics
-to pay back investors on demand
-€4.7 billion
-lack of privacy at these official residences
-Mr. Hamid
-Queen Nefertiti
-insider trading
-you can aim for a pretty good heart-singing-to-bummed-out ratio
-it went right over the heads of some making comments here
-70 years ago
-Hungary blocked a main transit route
-bare, gym-toned arms
-a few months
-unindicted co-conspirator
-the story­tellers
-over the summer
-Ms. Wei
-birth control.
-Malcolm Turnbull
-bad knee and the wear and tear of pitching
-$430 million
-“The Jesus Bag”
-six years
-Chris Messina
-the form these disclosures should take
-Marco Rubio
-their mother
-breathtaking natural beauty, rich ethnic heritage, a vibrant cultural scene and an abundance of farms and fisheries
-Olshan did not reply
-regal impunity.
-Oct. 4
-sledgehammer and a crowbar
-Sarah Lane and Herman Cornejo
-Erie County sheriff’s office
-Gallery app
-HBO films
-Edgar Martinez
-Third Avenue fund
-3.5 percent
-Hong Kong
-Erving, who was born in Nassau County
-pursuing the narcissistic fantasies
-retirement savings accounts
-Arabic calligraphy and graffiti
-low rate environment
-beat the Broncos
-air traffic controller
-return on investment
-Melle Powers
-$15 or $25 a month
-2 p.m.
-Prime Minister
-Secretary of State John Kerry
-Brad Lubman
-media coach
-Freda Gatz.
-“The Grand Budapest Hotel” and “The Imitation Game”
-a former top Democratic aide in the House and one of Washington’s pre-eminent schmoozers
-aesthetic medicine market
-Russian soldiers
-cannot be patented
-Odessa, Tex
-epistolary form
-Isao Takahata
-Bernadette Meehan
-that I was going to college
-about 400 to 500
-$1.7 billion
-Scandinavian design elements
-Target Margin artistic director
-diced tomatoes
-13.5 percent
-Cracking Art Group
-Kate Tempest
-Outside Over There
-Valeant Pharmaceuticals
-firm did not pay the ransom
-Arizona Coach Sean Miller
-Juan Lagares
-Michael Roth
-randomized controlled trials
-Bank for International Settlements
-gaudy, overstuffed
-Lower East Side of Manhattan
-“accident prediction value.”
-freedoms of expression and association
-Yankee Stadium
-the Glad Hand
-Rate the recipes
-police investigation
-antitank missile
-Oscar Isaac
-Harvard Business School,
-AU Optronics
-almost 30 years
-1 percent
-some food and water
-$133 million
-the web, the search company’s favored domain, has been increasingly overrun by the world of apps
-81st Street Black P. Stones
-craft beer revolution
-Central Asian states
-$200 million
-he was able to joke
-like we treat biological and chemical weapons
-International Monetary Fund
-Mr. Medvedchuk
-New Mexico
-Malcolm Turnbull
-Live In Theater
-Federal Railroad Administration
-Hudson Valley
-Michael Douglas
-Chinese families
-Trice has averaged 19.8 points a game
-raise funds for Girls Prep Schools
-1960s and ’70s near Birmingham
-1:10 p.m.
-close on a short-term construction loan
-poverty and ignorance
-The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages
-Franck Ribéry
-George Osborne
-engineer operating the train
-Illstyle and Peace Productions
-bound for a career on the stage or in academia
-European Union
-ninth in 2:12:35
-Yemen campaign
-close to $100,000
-became a coffee shop
-2 percent
-insider trading
-the Red Cross
-Trinity Industries
-Family Day
-federal government
-Middle Eastern
-Cardinal Jaime Lucas Ortega y Alamino
-if it feels right
-national security motive
-the culture of the bank
-Fyodor Lukyanov
-on how much farther this will go, what measures the government will still deploy to deal with it and how it is explained to those who are losing money
-Steven A. Cohen
-Ukrainians’ soldierly skills lacking
-Low inflation
-send more weapons and men
-why the party and the government talked up the market in the months leading up to the recent plunge
-bringing a futuristic spin to the debate over distracted driving, and how to curb it
-manufacturing jobs have moved abroad
-Brookings Institution
-acoustic gestalt
-Dr. Rhein
-Nicholas W. Allard
-a two-week trial
-with respect
-“a statement,”
-ancient temple ruins
-Syrian refugees
-claims by opponents that teenagers would just follow their parents’ political views.
-September 11
-If Mexicans are allowed to grow and consume their own marijuana,
-roughly 100 bacteria
-there is always a lot of mayhem around these meetings.”
-ultra-Orthodox Jews
-“The American people,” Barnum famously said, “like to be fooled.”
-Stanley Cup
-mainstream medical groups
-more than half
-an electric car company then owned by Terry McAuliffe
-46 years
-Malmo University
-Brandon Albright
-Mrs. Gant
-Gia and Aundrea Gadsby
-Sudanese Peoples Liberation Movement-North
-spending money
-navigational improvements
-Kenji Mizoguchi
-trivially different from existing ones
-June 2012
-the Del Amo Behavioral Health System
-for about 30,000
-apparently only one, Dr. Irwin Schatz
-Ms. Le Pen
-the Walt Disney Company
-90 percent
-Ohio River
-Paul Mainieri
-a state fiscal monitor
-the synod
-take her own life
-wring a few tears
-“Alexander, Napoleon & Josephine, A Story of Friendship, War and Art From the Hermitage”
-Very Elderly
-The perception that video or sound art is difficult to grasp
-Cold War
-fairly significant bipartisan buy-in
-a few
-Twenty-four hours
-January 2013
-three years
-sugar beets
-investment strategist
-L.G.B.T. community
-asset managers and the broker dealers
-Ayub B., 26
-herpes infections
-the time we had together
-Yves Théard
-Mr. Tsarnaev
-a doctor
-Two cubs
-on Facebook, email and by phone
-Play the toughest games over the holidays in December
-Lillian Ross
-Ana Paula Taveres
-The newly merged
-a drug that isn’t patentable
-very expensive
-a senior research associate
-Seventh Generation was aware of that challenge and decided to take action
-that God asks the seemingly impossible of all of us
-law firms that were victims of a breach or other attack
-the center-left Democrats
-Fei Fei Sun
-Danny Boyle
-Herman D. Farrell Jr.
-Google’s power to determine the fate of competing services
-granting 16- and 17-year-olds the right to vote
-visa applications.
-A federal appeals court in Washington
-bright, clear days
-Djemel Barek
-urban dwellers
-40 percent
-cost overruns
-TV pilot
-Islam teaches me to care about all human beings, and animals
-federal background checks
-kicking up clouds of fine dust as they drive off
-supply relatively little water
-June 21 and 27
-because when things heat up in the kitchen, curse words fly.
-first novel
-Hurricane Sandy
-Veliki Obrez
-Rosie Goodwin and Alice Chadwick
-Fenway Park
-more potential to do good than harm
-daily life
-cash-and-stock transaction
-Geoffrey C. Galloway
-the complexities of defending the pick-and-roll
-surprisingly simple
-molecular anthropologist
-big corporations
-nearly milelong
-The neo-Slavophile current
-to make the mortgage process more transparent for consumers
-is one of the best leagues in the world
-he collapsed to the floor.
-They were never effectively enforced
-upstream surveillance
-sleep deprivation and being tied to a metal chair for hours
-from outside the magazine’s office
-Zhou Xiaochuan
-John McCain
-Ashraf Ghani
-Noël Le Graët
-his grandson, Gordon Davis
-Gustafson Stadium
-sculpture garden
-young minority dancers.
-the Giants
-riskier lending
-the University of California
-Federal Reserve
-1.2 million
-President Bill Clinton
-roadway reconfiguration
-witnesses who supported Officer Wilson’s version of events.
-market the drug without competition
-a jury found that Thomas had sexually harassed a team executive in the crudest of terms.
-be skeptical
-Adultery Rule No. 1: Do not use email
-580 people
-Archer C7
-music and trivia
-Cypress Hills
-Jamaica Hospital Medical Center
-rarely ends up saving money
-Belgian foreign minister
-conductor and composer
-Rachna Nivas
-more popular and accessible public space
-technology and logistics business
-Alicia Vikander
-by June 30
-Imtiaz Ali
-9 a.m.
-to ensure that his findings are not misused
-injuries limited him to one appearance
-the Ukraine crisis
-United States and around the world
-nuclear issue
-Mr. Aponte
-The rise of mobile devices and the prevalence of apps
-supports the legislation
-market rates
-from 1807 to 1815
-activist hedge funds
-the church
-Upper East Side’s elegant look
-Mr. Moznu
-Mike Condon
-Joe Maddon
-Estell Village
-Try and find answers yourself
-a walkout from the school to protest the first Iraq war
-the department’s legendary bureaucracy will drag its feet
-Boston Celtics and Cleveland Cavaliers
-senior vice president and the director of business development
-late January
-Nusra Front
-President Obama’s election team
-Russell Westbrook
-Nearly 1,000
-They don’t get to study abroad. They don’t have summer jobs. They don’t wait on tables
-feels fresh and novel
-suffered non-life-threatening cuts
-Jeremy Piven’s
-Arab Spring
-Grant Circle
-for pure enjoyment
-unintelligent and subordinate
-two games
-Rogue Galaxy
-so that we can vape a bit in the cabin
-keep the griefer traffic out
-travel visa, accommodations, flight booking/costs
-2 semi-cleaned versions
-according to package directions
-steps taken, some as jogging
-he gets Stan's code to the safe
-Captain Phasma
-1 week
-div 1
-Collaborative writing app
-a 30 day return policy
-Middle East
-end of the year montage for the League of Legends subreddit
-don't have time
-prestige mode
-the formula
-their last five opponents
-a truck and pay off a student loan ($6000)
-doesn't really balance) their game
-Baxter Holmes
-buying some new tackle for fishing
-it worked worse
-a new router
-rap, hip-hop and EDM
-fit of depression
-be kicked before the match
-click the grey "download this file" box in the middle of screen
-via our Support Portal
-because of the number of acogs they get
-your contributions to the community
-your ENTIRE party disbands
-nYNAB sees our previous credit card categories (pre-YNAB debt) as different
-January 04, 2016
-G15 robot
-12/31 show
-Alesis V49
-detention and torture
-Xbox One Wireless Adapter
-broke university kids
-Cormac McCarthy
-30 or less
-make my second character look like the joker
-the same amount
-desert, dumplings, fried seafood
-their ping
-La Nuit and Bleu de Chanel
-Des Moines, IA
-Xbox One
-in secret
-tang of the CS frontier bowie
-take on these two while staying in-character
-Stephen Carter
-I still need fans to cool ram and hard drives
-between 11:33 P.M and 11:52 P.M (CPT)
-Updated drivers, disabled mods, manually set the resolution to fullscreen 1080p and still nothing
-to raise funds
-the free month trial,
-position they aren't natural in
-85 in a 55
-once everyone is sleeping or not around
-can't find a way to make profit
-people who don't have the time to make phonebank parties but still want to make calls to the early states
-330 and 5am
-Joe Bonamassa
-the pistol
-in the detailed documents
-4 day
-a car payment for $286
-Reptile Aliens
-it's going to be too much of the same
-My local dealer
-one file
-General Help and Questions
-That would be so cool.
-10 days
-pull-up bar
-gaming friends
-file specified
-South Salem
-college student
-I have the answer to the problem already
-black cirlces
-Syndra Stun
-X-Men Comics
-24 bonds
-<13 episodes
-Acer Z35
-"Player Disconnected"
-a team of veterans
-5-man premade team
-the current
-a 5th generation AirPort Extreme (A1408)
-Holy Mantle
-realm of decision making
-one post
-The Great Thousand World.
-a lottery booth
-the cross went away and now there is a circle intead
-an amplified phono input
-Media Creation Tool
-3 books
-a car mount for my phone
-can't have any pics with alcohol in them
-rather we are immanent to the world, and completely intertwined to it
-krylon fusion for plastics paint
-closer to the map 10 release
-30 minutes
-a trust fund
-music continues
-Gogeta and Janemba, alongside Vegetto and Buuhan
-how to use the stickies
-it's not my picture
-adjuster supervisor
-live chat, phone callback support and ticket options
-Free Comedy Show! Monday 1/4 7:30 PM
-I don't actually own this AK
-Atmel studio 7
-character design
-30 minute
-25 fps
-both 3.3/5/12 V pins
-"Ceci n'est pas une cane
-Windows 95
-the West
-Jerry Will
-gun runnerz
-the amount in drinking water is safe to consume but too much will be detrimental
-have a goal
-Annoyed And Shocked
-gen 7
-using it through a bubbler
-Apple TV 4 or Sony Android TV
-Overseer's Lotion
-maximizing profit
-British Columbia
-a couple of months
-My top line consists of carter - backstrom - hall and I love them together.
-Cape Stun
-Germany or Japan
-multiple times
-aerospace engineering
-Kronos Forest
-The game starts bordered
-Unwanted subscription service cannot be canceled
-rave like environment
-refresh the Mission Board a couple of times
-a free Steam key
-anyone that wants to join the group
-decoy totem cast,
-folding pocket knife
-the proletariat and takes the surplus
-ICS 31
-Mr Johnson
-middle of Siberia
-Windows 10
-a few months
-building a page
-calorie intake
-dark place
-windows 7
-best performance
-a dedicated archer
-pub basement
-65’ HD Toshiba Projection TV
-ME Interface and a Computer adjacent to MFR Planter
-predict the future
-there was much discussion and significant information being brought forward
-2 years
-small (2ish octave) synth
-half a 5 oz can
-latest version of Yosemite
-I want to be able to fill in the first fields and have it populate the rest of them.
-almost 6
-cards from being inserted
-10 minutes
-default camera
-Week 8
-like in TS3/TS4
-Uplay account was hacked and stolen
-my laptop isn't too powerful so I don't like to overload it with stuff
-old bernina sewing machine
-Trying to stay away from the slate blue/gray palette
-any character who can attack multiple times and one shot a tank
-put the dog down
-Cicada 3301
-The buyer
-build a computer
-I lost about 10 Divinium in a row before I figured this out
-Logitech C615 and C525
-so that other people don't have troubles
-about 6 months
-family hedgefund
-can't have any pics with alcohol in them
-No reply.
-But in the last line in main method apples.add(new GreenApple()); accept the sub type of Apple. Why this happen ?
-join the Immortal Flames
-only local anesthetic
-all four screws
-I was forgiven of any crimes I might have committed
-since the launch of early access
-short videos
-a car rental company
-to hard reset this phone
-literal streets
-a handful
-a story between the aliens and the humans
-the pedals
-a coworkers
-A number of players looked like they needed a rest
-Chronicles of Elyria
-Europe and America
-10 minutes
-Walt Cannoy freehand in mint condition
-over 25k
-when something goes between my camera and my character
-over 50
-the new Bx eldrazi deck
-every time I push ctrl+s+d all at the same time
-2010 Macbook Pro (15 inch
-more staff members
-MTV, Bravo and in The New York Times
-100% uptime
-a school email
-entire life
-this movie is unlike his other works
-her scar
-"This time Sora and his friends go on an adventure in a mysterious castle"
-doing formulae
-90% left
-free market
-college algebra
-all the pain started to come back
-the identity of Grateful Doe
-Sell Frankfurt stuff
-2 miles
-3 acogs per squad
-Pop in a box
-After a while, it was clear that they had failed their mission.
-decisionmaking and deciding what to play
-Low-Price Commodities
-Adblock Plus
-center-camera-on-cursor button
-20 incoming offers
-medieval knight
-Usually relegated to right be hind the temple
-replay system
-use the "indoor inline amp" before the tv
-I am using a third party copy utility now (copy handler) that has over-taken all of the copy functions for windows and it's working fantastically
-acknowledge your mistakes and think about how to eliminate them from your play.
-Blackstar HT40
-3 months
-money and time
-GoPro Hero 3 Black and the GoPro Hero 4 Silver
-Fighter Squadron
-Camera snap when not using the rift
-How Does ChessTempo assign tactics?
-February 20th
-age of the cyborg
-Level 15
-Skipjack and Blowfish algorithms
-When a force attacks all units in the area retreat largely to safer areas, then return to the area once they have left
-"You should already have a pretty good understanding of how to program and basically be able to write software pretty fluently".
-Looking for a interm upgrade, not looking for a total system upgrade yet
-DeMoN and justin
-First day
-Windows 10
-a dozen or so
-Ender IO Weather Obelisk
-just for fun
-some and were damaged by the sorter
-Vertical Take-Off
-How many tickets do you buy
-the research on the F8F-1B
-The owner AND top ranks have the ability to choose which ranks+ can chat.
-Space Oddity 1972
-Somewhat Smaller Header
-it is blocked in my region
-dirty, heavy wobs
-Pin 3
-Persona Q Battle System.
-Human Barbarian
-instantly sharing what they create
-Manchester UK
-the artist missing them while doing some erasing
-a Q&A
-a /r/CassetteCulture Compilation
-fell in the mud
-ice storm swept through Oklahoma
-good farming zones
-from a flu or the common cold
-you're that far into the program
-I feel like this post will show the staff team what the players opinions are about the maps and hopefully there will be a change.
-US billing address
-with the Heroes tab
-an autonomous Tricopter
-Nikon D7100
-can't get the sync function to actually complete
-The prices seem to be very cheap
-Github bot
-fear of making them jealous
-get ideas from the workforce
-Computer Craft
-coins or nuts
-a PM or comment below
-Hastelloy N
-hyper 212 evo fan
-Mega Man Legacy Collection.
-a week or so
-tung oil
-I was running out of quest
-all looked good
-(800*(1+(Total %HP/100)))-40 = Balance HP point If you have less Base(str/lvl/flat HP)
-he destroys the laptop
-clacking sound
-Repetto Rollerball Perfume
-some Sabres fans who can take over the 2 open backup positions for that
-most recent pay stubs
-players have either left or been removed
-command prompt
-a Spyderco UK Penknife FRN with CTS BD1
-Uncharted 4
-until golden & crisp
-allows changing sim's genetics
-San Diego
-2014 3 Series
-extended warranty
-what could happen in the finale of Weirdmageddon
-back story
-select a winning photo & a screenshot
-"Reach Level 60 with 10 Characters" or "Reach Level 60 with two Chars of the same Class"
-blood test results
-a basketball game
-buckles, dees, a whole host of rivets, snaps, and screws of different sizes and finishes
-Chrome OS
-Using search
-Ivey HBA
-TDM lobbies
-Any tips
-A Unit
-guild recruitment posts
-they're more iconic because they're the second characters you meet in the second game
-purchase a unban
-Uncharted 4
-around 30 seconds
-global elite one
-Three times she fell for the same trap.
-a cold
-I sent a cancelation request and a message explaining the situation
-Lingua Franca
-SMS Messages
-soft and a goldish tan
-binder on my farm team
-the FSP
-something huge
-doesn't like me
-your opponent lastpicks Furion
-Skyrim's box
-Mighty No. 9, Shin Megami Tensei 4 Final
-prefer coding on a larger screen
-I got charged for another month of service that I no longer want
-King Kazimierz of Poland
-late March, 2011
-Newtons laws of motion
-Lenovo Y50-70
-within budget
-isn't the smartest guy in the world
-It's off by several hours
-about $5-600
-get in as many hours as I can at my job
-MotoGP 14
-2nd grade
-over the phone
-PVE server
-father's 70th birthday
-45 mins
-New Year's Eve
-skin started itching uncontrollably and scratching it simply made it worse
-Separate/private rooms and bathrooms
-gets shut down
-earlier today
-the exterior water line buried on my property
-this is the first time
-breed, sex, weight, height
-[TOMT] [song] Melody
-a decent preamp
-standard Windows file sharing
-probably 5 years
-shitty reality shows
-The perfect planetary position
-doctoral program for chemistry
-she thinks he picked her to go with him because he was protecting Jane, and wondered if he even knew.
-Aggressive chinchilla behavior issue
-I was able to create a Uplay account using the same email because the hacker changed all the information
-Windows Store
-TR list
-digestive problems
-behavior and demographics
-digital painter
-whether the Chorus Kids or Karate Joe is more iconic,
-mini boules
-team heat maps for pvp matches
-West Ham CM
-sennhesier HD 800 headphones
-January 2016
-Keratosis Pilaris
-June of this year
-Receiving Data
-that the marketing system and the all company is stable
-top corner
-A right leaning party with a love for conservative ideals
-spend too much time in the highway.
-Cast as many pacts as you have, then exile them
-I wasn’t planning on posting today
-tips for how to handle it
-Galactic War
-[27F] with my boyfriend [38 M
-future sister in law
-Dr. Fritz Ulrich
-the perfect sun
-to cut costs
-full bionic heart
-lower tier skins
-remains divided and spread
-Story et Fall Jodhpurs
-Greenwich & Blackheath board games and beer club
-10 cents
-how inflation, prices, and CPI works or is calculated
-they will think this idea is pointless or stupid
-make my hair smoother and fix the stray hair
-Xbox One
-a PS3
-a one year old ball python
-Platinum 1 jungler
-February 1st
-the task of building him a PC
-seller's realtor
-switch to Menuhax and then downgrade
-Orion with Tamano No Mae or Mordred with Tamano
-trouble assembling the model
-50 for handling
-3 months
-Most View Videos
-westernised Ayutthaya
-The Hexxer's Mask
-1 year
-slew of random questions
-Willrow Hood
-both a PS4 and an Xbox One as well as Windows 10
-Ford Fiesta 2012,
-my bleach work
-pi zero
-mediocre roads
-FPS Games
-transcendental subject only participates in the material world through their interactions
-established facts and links to sources
-plastic corner of an SD card
-Error Joining Multiplayer Session
-a placement exam
-First Time
-3 observations
-they killed by the natives
-PM to discuss
-within the next week
-cpu-heavy in-game scene
-Barba Bracken
-Clone Wars or Rebels
-a small hill
-it is blocked in my region
-her calf
-on a grey screen
-over $1000
-windows using the Realtek audio manager
-the list of SCAA-approved brewers
-to Mt Doom
-cities skylines
-an old workplace
-a stout halfling-ranger beast master
-around 6 AM PST(now around 8am/pm pst just for awhile)
-plasma turrets
-pipe and weed
-an Italian tannery
-Disney is considering a Ben Kenobi spinoff or trilogy.
-New Year's Day
-Colorado, Lake Tahoe, Mammoth
-avoid manually flipping every normal in half the mesh.
-A conceptual based
-3 weeks
-two solutions
-on May 16th at 11:20am
-over 2,000
-So many months ago my tribe was wiped of their dinos and some of our buildings
-word processor, spreadsheets, etc
-It would
-help desk/desktop support jobs
-one of the best cards available
-end of the month
-my first electronic mod
-get a new beta code because my beta access was linked to that account or if I will be able to use this account
-Cast when stunned (10) - Summon Skeletons (13) - Cold Snap (15) - Decoy Totem (7)
-IT support
-Rainbow Energy
-"you can't install Windows while running in Safe Mode"
-the human race
-whilst thinking about the various announcers in the game
-a Golgari binge
-to edit the appearance of NPCs
-trailers or some type of videos
-A Unified Innovation Score
-to Austin
-Paul Gilbert
-10 minutes
-I would have my Sims jog around the neighborhood, visit parks, go fishing .. visit the beach, swim at the beach.
-post-collegiate a cappella group that is based in Philadelphia and its surrounding suburbs
-4 hours
-it's terrible
-I've attempted to kill it in task manager and tried other solutions, but to no avail.
-Is Polk and Market a bad area?
-ask us in a couple weeks
-the ImageWriter II and the AppleColor Composite Monitor
-a replacement supplier of main battle tanks
-this game isn't worth it.
-manager at a restaurant
-his high school
-razor sharp teeth and dark blue skin
-If anything in this listing is off or incorrect
-getting exposed to many things within three months
-at a smaller school
-to secure a win in these states
-Miami/Ft. Lauderdale
-a outdoor antenna
-a T3i
-bend the rules
-for the owner and/or top ranks to post a message
-5-8 years ago
-sopping wet
-East coast of the US
-their website, itunes link
-very good
-Kuala Lumpur
-switched to Ethernet
-pacific northwest
-occasional at most
-Malibu project
-Kelowna, BC, Canada
-Cycle stouts El Catador
-Genki 1 and 2
-James Earl Jones
-about 15 GB
-through credit and debit
-no scratches whatsoever
-laser sight
-immortals that sought to create a utopia
-winnings from a bet
-'clicking' noise
-what fun ways you guys have to play aside from the standard 'build a family and live their normal life'
-10 years ago
-laser printer
-retro gaming
-Steve Valentine
-jet lag
-graduated college for graphic design
-34 Wide in 2k
-a few
-Freedom Trail
-she tries to kinda bite me
-Gerald Pollack
-I am the first person on the phones;
-Payet and Kouyate
-25k renown
-a Scott SVS 905
-short trial period
-being mouthy
-psychedelic, street, and prep
-playing live
-Windows 7 64-bit
-I do want to buy/trade for one
-other producers
-a site centered around teaching kids science and critical thinking
-a Kassadin vs. a Syndra
-fire seeds
-Just feels like a better version of the hunting rifle
-view model is gone
-that there's still a ton of portables in game
-Moto G 2015
-whenever I try to host/join/watch a match, the window pops up but it doesn't load and quickly stops responding
-rage quit
-was basically the safest way to expo though the entirety of the previous expansions in PvZ
-takes the analog and discrete inputs and the card talks to the Pi on the I2C lines connected via the pins on the edge
-SpongeBob and Patrick commenting on towers
-Kyoto Seisho vs Tokaidai Gyosei
-1 year
-Philips Hue bulbs
-800 cal burn out approx
-the Yangtze sub
-any option that says my computer will go on standby or anything like that
-Late to Mid 90s
-people go take minutes to join
-re-taped back together
-episode 14
-new friends
-Nokia Lumia 520
-helping get me through what has unquestionably been a bad year,
-lava buckets
-Windows 7
-war drums
-from my ai character collision response
-a seizure diary application
-the "Backup Request"
-quests glitch if done out of order
-12 cents
-[FS] - For Sale
-Japan, Germany, or France
-If an opponent starts swinging early and hard against me
-Cirque du Freak series
-disk drive
-Enchanted Echo themed deck
-improving ratings
-food and treats
-Childhood's End
-band teacher
-salads, chicken, cheese and stuff like that
-he can come back
-they lacked the PVP knowledge to win at the time
-can't hit multiple buttons/actions with 1 hand
-put how long your game is in the description
-greater devolution
-a slider
-a guide
-60 or so
-First time posting on reddit,
-around $600
-a ban of your URL in this subreddit
-Endless Fire Territory
-Bench Dog router table extension
-Webinar Marketing
-Terk indoor antenna
-Utility- smoke bomb, I think I only ever used it once. Just don't like it.
-a flag
-Sailor Moon
-Hori and Miyamura
-dreadful burnt vapor
-ripped to pieces by posters
-a recruiter
-transfer my contract to someone else
-carphone warehouse
-after MONTHS of going through some sort of depression
-send an email
-in the $200-$300 range but don't mind going up or down
-game knowledge
-a private (non dedicated) server
-a cat
-Metaphysical Poetry - Penguin Classics edited by Colin Burrow
-PLP Eyefinity across my X-Star 2560x1440 monitor and two Hanns-G 1440x900 monitors
-mini quad bros
-Every 1 to 2 months
-it drops by a huge margin
-Anyone looking to do HM now or later tonight?
-David Miscavige
-the rumble
-EU citizenship
-4:30am till about 8am central
-boxing routine
-Binge sticker
-he goes to Basebook and logs in
-summer stock
-4 o'clock
-Computer Science
-some ultra high definition photos
-a hard brown crust
-Burnt motherboard
-signed into the accounts again
-date issues
-Back to the grind
-slamming back first into the wall
-the past couple of seasons
-ANZ or Cryptic Sea EP logo editor
-few weeks
-carpets, table covers, cushion and curtains
-Galaxy Tab 4
-ranked play
-Our defense has been mostly solid this year
-I am in a position to pay off one card entirely this month, but not both.
-Windows 10 Education edition
-pro-vegan documentaries
-1000 max
-Star Wars Battlefront
-Er Gen (耳根)
-Timothy Dalton and Sean Connery
-7 wins
-Weekly Sharethread
-this semester
-CE certification
-they don't have their degrees or jobs anymore
-world of remnants
-Digital Library Separation
-loss of value
-are there any good tutorials on just learning the controls,
-Fallout 4
-three days
-an intended trade with instructions
-in the trash
-approximately 1:58 AM
-auto update
-lumia 535
-C class benz
-October through April
-[H] - Have
-the ARG
-Stream PS4 to Windows 10 via Xbox One
-sometime this month
-My second line currently consists of Bergeron and duchene.
-to go on more long trips
-5 hours
-NA server.
-a bit shy at first
-draw over apps
-creating a balanced side deck
-monthly thread
-ChefSteps Joule
-Valencia, Spain
-2 or so years
-broken screen
-enter the BIOS menu
-NA version
-the client
-Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth
-are capable of dealing 1-shot bodyshots when coupled with Weapons of Light on a Defender Titan
-the WrestleManias
-standard hundred feet
-CB's Business
-more than a year
-All of my life
-BDO Tome Patcher
-Taylor Shaw
-how older humans viewed and consumed drugs
-new year
-failure to connect to the authentication server
-fin rot
-Name-changing isn't unheard of
-Intel Core i5-4570 2.9 GHz 8.0 GB DDR3L SDRAM 1024 GB 7200.0 rpm Hard Drive 23.0-Inch Screen Intel HD Graphics 4600
-She was basically kept in a cage
-he was crying
-to automate physical check sending, preferably with an API
-future father in law
-Being able to play lower player counts
-if theres anything good there
-a web service for small businesses
-I added exception handling before getting the status code.
-they feel that it's unfair and usually end up BMing that premade
-Promotions Supervisor, Program Developer, Event Manager, Content Builder
-informal shots
-increase it back to my preferred settings
-It's never been used
-legibility or ghost/smudge-resistance
-there may be subsidence issues
-character preferences
-a couple
-ocala, florida
-BIP101 support
-Training Roulette
-Michael Cross
-get a refund
-what programming language do I need to learn, and where's the best place to learn said language?
-since it's early Kickstarter days
-A right leaning party with a love for conservative ideals
-that subreddit's concept
-aim assist has your crosshairs pointed anywhere else but what you are intending to shoot.
-I've never been on a plane before
-a beginner mechanical engineering course
-11 January
-proud of themselves
-the launcher
-personal information
-We can never enjoy our devices the way we want
-We will open 40 packs
-about six months or more ago
-NIF Neymar
-Carl Nassib
-people with messy/curly hair are likely to be less organised and indecisive thinkers than those who have straight hair
-8 GB
-ill rarely have a win in the middle of the loss streak.
-signed up for a 2 year contract
-turrets that is pretty fast and can deal a decent damage
-listen to her, ask her how she feels about it, and assess her judgement
-a month ago
-dont see the pattern or dont understand how this is a transducer which converts octal numbers into binary
-Fundamentals of Networking Technologies or Cisco Exploration 1- Network Fundamentals
-a ton of worlds
-during the CZE-BLR game
-my free RAM has increased incredibly after completely disabling all bloat Samsung and AT&T applications
-psychodynamic therapy
-cheese or meat
-Random Steam CD Keys
-Blocked Worldwide
-world of tanks
-Do I just make any old appointment with them?
-Taxslayer/Gator Bowl
-OpenDNS Umbrella Insights
-Dropbox Paper
-in 10 mins
-The ruling, nationalist Nazaryanist Front, fashioned from the now-defunct Hayrenik Party
-seem to be tiring of some of them
-a huge hardcore raider and loved being a healer
-3/6 of your units
-an Antec 20 pin ATX PSU
-alarm function
-a very old split-arrow build
-master's degree
-Ammo restores, energy restores, etc
-Delaine and Winters
-a max of 3 weeks
-and I miss it.
-using windows 8.1
-Xbox One
-the file size
-high support for independence
-since it came out
-the ship part
-Raspberry Pi 2
-debuff soul voice
-streaming and such
-as they'd be far more usable for digital painting purposes
-30 to 100 keys
-greater than 3 months
-googling trying each stick of ram separately turning of overclock trying a different windows disc
-the powershell fix
-APC Back-UPS 750
-tv's settings
-all of the soldiers stand in a circle, away from him, and say nothing
-Lord Darry
-very cloudy
-Breakfast at Tiffany's
-between midnight and 130
-router (
-3 makos
-clean high calorie vegan diet
-about 30k
-Grim Fandango
-ICS 32
-near crying
-an MVP
-small bump
-Jay Cutler
-swap the headlights
-chroma 2/revolver keys
-When a force attacks all units in the area retreat largely to safer areas, then return to the area once they have left
-move up in trophies, attack and get loot.
-gtx 760
-"we miss you!
-small orange growths
-local web hosting
-having a lot of fun
-the East Coast
-6 or 7
-second hand store
-start filing down
-2 primary accounts
-2 or 3 months
-cycles of repeating sequences
-January 7
-Backwards Compatible
-Daily interaction with a small group of like-minded pilots
-number of restarts
-tests with a few different lenses
-grind for more then two to three hours
-Windows 7
-a solution
-vault of glass.
-I am trying to make a document which contains a series of fields which will have the same text across the document.
-the performa 550
-cauterize his retinas
-sound audio editor
-2 years since I last worked in IT
-Every other device in the house has the normal speed
-other naturalist view points
-graphics artist
-resources being used
-the system for submitting your review via the perma link
-unreliable and performance hungry
-Carl Nassib
-a lot of the number 81 jersey
-Spanish Prime Minister
-prestiged in zombies
-few weeks
-water polo
-IGM at KamikazEve
-new year
-a fresh install of crouton
-AP Calculus BC
-push off and move
-new year's
-Zorn-KP Smoke
-never brewed before
-I wonder how Lisa's vacation went,
-make a better ad
-leaving in 3 days
-locks up
-Mass Effect
-demographic/psychological research, the local Bitcoin industry, fitness, nature and cuisine
-Over 600
-Logitech G430's
-lots of new users keep "rediscovering" the same things over and over again
-for a month
-hut coins
-143 tons
-~49:20 until ~50:09
-I'd like a revolver
-no check engine light
-Winters and Mahon
-picking when to use her W to block dashes (both towards and away from Poppy
-on the highway
-Temple of Light port option
-those with a ~28/29 waist
-can't talk to Danse anymore
-suspension and design
-Extra Munitions, Cluster Mines (or perhaps Conner Net), Seismic Charges
-Sunday Jan 3 at 6pm
-the illusion that handle of the gun is changing colours.
-the street and from the sloping adjacent yards
-Constant Buffering and black screen
-those leaving the church that need emotional support
-at vastly inflated prices
-Tom Cooper
-Insider Preview license
-as much of it as possible
-Two hours later
-Holly Woodlawn
-inside the cushions
-message the moderators
-go for some healthy lifestyle changes.
-for general strength to lift heavy
-should be at a field, event, or tournament
-hot cocoa
-make him think that I only consider him as a second option
-caffeine is a drug
-detected corrupted files
-the Gwinnett area
-two bases
-around the 10 minute mark
-the past week or so.
-while in game
-amniotic fluid
-Allow TSCC to Slowly Brainwash You
-border terrier
-Ted Kosmatka
-It wasn't noticeable at first,
-tech support
-a platoon
-class B
-the Tower
-I am looking to sublease the other room
-the IP
-themes, characters, settings, plot
-formal and informal
-mature pilots who have PVP experience
-Desolate Hill
-how do i apply my ability scores?
-seasoned verterns
-around Level 40
-4 times
-graphics card
-Turning comment sort to 'new'
-trash no pirate, NPC or player, would want
-a Month After Closing
-computer runs fine in safe mode with networking
-JET or try go for international schools
-Lil Jon
-two days
-stream to the beats and still be able to talk back
-use nroff to format it for a very small screen
-family and friends
-Holy Gun
-plastic cup
-when you import .exe files
-health IT
-Acer Predator x34 (widescreen)
-27 years old
-edm and hard rock
-exposure, an alternative means of documenting version changelogs
-religious and grand
-sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesnt
-20 dollari
-PC stutters randomly / games freeze
-I set him up to do the online play
-a coach
-lightweight touring binding
-any rank
-Upper East Side
-that Heart
-a rainbow coloured patch
-a better fix
-this other guy
-250 racing drone
-I don't know if Steven is actually innocent or not
-main broadcast channels
-monthly delivered Craft Beer
-Died without a will
-sfc /scannow
-Just gaming and some decent sounding audio
-Eileen's quest line
-Logitech C920
-Bewitching Flare 10:00 am = 8.7$
-male VA
-final pokemon
-Cave Johnson
-music video director
-Windows 7 specifically
-to supplant France as the dominant power in Francophone Africa
-it just blackscreens indefinitely
-address details
-few minutes
-working on web xml/html. I have been in this position for 3 years
-expansive and divine and yet so real
-in the midwest
-deep dream software
-a list of events and links
-German pilsner
-boring and predictable
-high temperatures
-Episode I
-the cold
-a virus
-the Twitch app
-a mine
-1.9 command blocks
-one starting type of bird
-not getting visitors
-Trever Talbert Ligne Bretagne paneled prince
-On my LG G3
-i can't guarantee that they will be posted at the same time every day
-fail and vent
-Wild Max Dino Level - 240
-don't know much about his background.
-clear notes with printed chords
-Windows 10 home edition
-350ks Duel Barreta Hemoglobin Stattrak FN Fire & Ice w/ IBP Holo and Titan Holo
-40 individuals
-LG G4 Photography and Homescreen Of The Week
-The Turks
-First time vandwelling
-a non magical half plate
-Norman did not enjoy it
-Samsung UN55JU6500
-a scammer
-January 4th
-change his life forever
-because I don't have too much money
-blasphemy Warlords
-ADC locks in a scaling ADC
-Name for my site
-an alt
-Toyota key
-Windows 10
-so I can play runescape again
-Lsdj program
-domestic short-hair torbie
-my website
-TS server
-Mass dinos spawning mid air after patch
-Nova Deko Modular
-fixed interest rate mortgage
-watchkit and tvOS
-January 1st
-the threads
-iJevin Hypno
-for my ptera
-1-2 hours/day.
-a new player
-as a gift
-The PC has a SSD and a HDD
-Photos App
-it just doesn't open at all
-Lesser Key of Solomon.
-self flair
-Parks & Recreation
-data from the games that support it
-my COMPUTER recognizes the mayflash adapter as a human interface device
-post some pictures
-optional collage; casual miscellaneous shots
-listening to some music
-The Klingons and Romulans
-my drivers were updates
-Youtube, Reddit, Streams, LCS, Coaching sites
-big competitive
-high settings
-Fallout 4
-18+ mile
-cruelty free
-A sub where you post a made up statistic or fact about something, that sounds true, and someone has to validate whether it's scientifically true or not
-just fine
-low power
-nothing happens
-miracle on ice
-recently my premium increased by about $18 dollars because I lost a discount I had for the drivesmart thing you plug in your car.
-Does tapping provide a more even cook
-New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, California, Maryland
-$197 plus shipping.
-usb 3
-20 years
-the Stored Image Decoder and the Hidden Puzzle
-pro matches
-Nexus 6P
-interested in games where you can get a variety of different research / upgrades done
-/u/Cmpukahi and /u/eckido
-No activity requirements
-enemy team
-Club #6
-crass and a tad racy
-2D side scrolling
-full control of my physical abilities as the new creature
-Upgraded all my wiring to CAT7, double checked that everything I have is the latest firmware/drivers, all with gigabit supported
-Traps and Claw skills
-far les superior
-the "My Shadow" item
-an all-grain saison
-way more expensive
-they start making music together
-Dr. Leopold Rosenberg
-teen age kids.
-doctors or other medical professionals
-mechanics and everything
-fun projects
-change my characters face
-0.3 USB
-"Start Collecting"
-UWM Panther Arena
-Taylor Hall,
-You can submit artwork, but it has to be Kirby related, or belong to a franchise that doesn't have a large fan base
-by putting themselves in hard to get out of situations
-stay away from downtown for obvious reasons
-Manistee River loop trail
-a premium user
-Oculus Rift DK2 0.8 Service
-anything else just seems so mundane and boring
-pop them in the comments
-Kat Arney
-contact me
-the hand held shakiness
-middle fragging
-even more alone and life has even less meaning
-high crit bonus
-get teary eyed
-opinions on some values
-someone in the insurance "business"
-Gran Tourismo 6
-N64 Debug info
-raising money
-highlight each dot/debuff /spell I have on my current target
-Korean spam
-prestige the bowie knife
-a Masō-Shōjo
-Mike Brown
-beautiful, brand new condition
-D&D 5th edition
-the LCD in my Samsung Galaxy S5
-during the winter
-This is a monthly post
-I heard that Persona Q's battle system is broken
-manufactured amp
-Heroes and Villains
-Houston SPCA
-the edge of the actual tank
-the string
-Super Mario Bros. VS Super Backwards Compatible
-r: i7-5960x CPU Rendering uses around 50-55% 32 gigs of RAM Rendering uses around 40% Radeon R9 390
-life gems
-decided to drink his coffee black
-set goals
-users to share and play each others levels
-dark blue
-chinos or designer jeans
-in the new set
-to download linux onto it
-expenses kept cropping up
-very blurry and the stars are larger
-demon cycle
-World Data Bank
-stock messages app
-'Remade Maps'
-pureed into pasta sauce
-build a PC
-a decent porcelain one
-the pads/bass
-pasta sauce
-capture groups with the look-ahead to the '='
-extended water fast
-below $1500
-2D fighters
-Fitbit dongle
-beginning to experience battery drain
-.500 for this season
-distant faint noises.
-old Samsung Chromebook 2
-they are also justified
-gotten better
-TERRIBLE test-taker/student
-dialogue driven
-invisible to us
-Fallout: New Vegas
-Skyrim Mod Organizer
-one half will invert all its normals
-ANZ or Cryptic Sea EP logo editor
-fish, snorkel, jet ski, kayak, other outdoor stuff, etc.
-I made sure that it worked and even cleaned a small fingerprint that it had on there
-she drowned
-"Bomb the Suburbs: Graffiti, Race, Freight-Hopping and the Search for Hip Hop's Moral Center"
-FW >9.2
-The Kid', 'City Lights', 'A Dog's Life', 'Modern Times', 'The Great Dictator', 'The Circus' and 'The Gold Rush'.
-the "water"
-educate him on the fine art of taking a life
-Shoulder slide
-Chapter 009:
-what missions should be done prior to reaching that point in the story
-2010 510 SMR
-$60 + $6 shipping
-Naughty Dog
-level 20ish
-Real Madrid
-Subreddit being now publicly visible
-few months
-to cheer us up
-some data
-dresses up as a woman
-your own creation,
-a fresh start for Apocalypse Rising
-EA and CG
-casual relaxed
-first time
-KAC quad rail
-very much a beginner
-United Sates of America.
-microwave and coffee pot
-multiple deaths
-25 second
-those custom names
-What's a reasonable limit amount to request that's unlikely to be rejected?
-fellow gals to game with
-Alicia Fox & Brie Bella vs. Naomi & Tamina: SmackDown
-a heat
-Raider and rebel transport
-my instruments be incorrect or is the recipe actually way underestimating the gravity
-serious depression
-a few weeks per year
-half way
-GTX 770
-the stats and the cost
-a reliable group
-It's dificult to read
-5+ hours
-huge workload and could take a very long time with high chance for people to drop out.
-Windows 10
-Gaming + work
-put the old RAM back in
-10:00 PM EST
-the anime
-The past three days
-an ABN
-flashes randomly
-about level 20ish
-State ownership just be a form of worker's ownership
-Honduran mahogany
-mat AND earthing sleeping bag
-effect was not that great
-Matt Holliday and Matt Adams
-more errors
-Dark Angels
-Homemade Mushroom Burgers
-it will say 'Player Disconnected'
-"Don't be a dick!"
-setup a meetup time
-a very keen eye
-Creation Kit website
-Halo 5
-No Regrets
-Rotax 780 engine
-Terrible Truth
-Vicky Vox, Charlie Hides, Sissy Spastik, Mayhem Miller, Honey Golightly, Nina West, Bourgeoisie
-exercise outfit
-very expensive
-Cruze and the inquisition
-about a year
-at a comic store
-the telescopes axis
-23.1 MB
-30 min
-I don't mind teaching/coaching
-net_graph 1
-new players to join.
-consider a model forest, a square that is fifty kilometers on each side
-the automotive regulatory scheme in the EU
-01-03 20:06
-issue is the drives that were fine in RAID mode but show up as empty, unpartitioned drives in AHCI
-FTB Infinity
-slip when pushing hard on pedals
-white Skiff Guards
-one week old.
-Logitech C920
-five year ago
-R9 390
-UCAS application
-the PNW
-Li Xiao Yao
-went back to work for another company
-the female protagonist
-free stuff
-Xbox One
-SUV model
-the PSU only turns on for 1 to 2 seconds
-my settings,
-turn out to be the better MMORPG and generally have a better future overall
-Use it as a mine, use it as a grenade, use it to warn you of oncoming hordes if you have your back turned.
-see what it says when you go to buy it
-Subscription Box.
-London clubs
-winning team
-Turtle Time Calculator
-Sinister 7
-consumer web
-Xbox One version
-00.50 USD
-graduated high school 3 weeks ago.
-8 years
-for Christmas
-on 10 in Australia
-cap for cap
-Last thing I'm really interested in doing is buying a laptop and programming on a dinky screen.
-via the online cyber web intertubes
-The leather
-Northern Virginia, DC, or Maryland area
-battery died
-Windows 10 x64 Pro GeForce GTX 660
-DO NOT downvote nominations
-port Olisar
-that have apparel, equipment, and any other items you need at the gym
-leading role
-Zeppelin chrono
-DIII Save Editor for Playstation
-inner corridor key
-Casual or hardcore, everyone is welcome
-"ground control"
-within a hour and half drive
-fried shiitake roll
-Reading this and their brainless article just made me start feeling sick.
-Easy Magnus
-metrics or targets
-another game
-fighting arts
-the New Year
-filler queens
-basic knowledge
-early 2000
-cardboard ((E)-2-nonenal)
-I'd like to create a profile that toggles them based on the necessity of them at any given moment.
-Windowshopper and a slew of other rockers
-6 weeks
-Lost Patrol quest
-bachelor of commerce with honors in finance
-there's a lot of detail, and the player can cause a lot of havoc by shooting out tires
-every comment outside of them will be deleted
-I've tried looking up different builds, and I didn't understand a thing from all the posts and what not I read since I'm completely new to this
-they need to revert Kha's mid jump nerf
-10 MMs
-house party
-1k mark
-game-play and layout
-exhaust, turn signals
-moderation in this thread will be relatively non-existent
-State ownership just be a form of worker's ownership
-British or Irish Female
-Evic VTC Mini
-wait until somebody is there to defend it
-Account B
-a WiFi card
-oil change shop
-the late 80s early 90s
-freelance web developer
-tumblr-style and modern vintage
-50 ms
-mini boules
-history of house music and house music scene in the US
-this would be a great addition to the immersion for the game
-like it has its own melody
-housekeeping agency
-send 'New Post' notifications
-white/black/slight red
-Grandfather Paradox
-initialize static members through user input
-the blood test one
-new cassette
-Full time foreign students
-moving money around
-They also dont provide time and a half for holidays either
-I'm pretty new
-embarrassing yourselves
-Disappearing Raft
-IMDB itself
-Samsung 850
-Halo 5 Collector's editions
-Steam Store Page Background
-Thursdays and Sundays at 6:30pm Central Time
-Steam Marketplace
-my english
-braise with tomatoes or beer or wine or coconut milk and/or chicken broth
-a year
-exploits, bugs, imbalance and a lack of support
-short the green and a black wire
-SSD and HDDs in different SATa
-980ti getting posted as the best card for Oculus
-2006 Mac Pro
-Battlefront and Galaxy of Heroes
-Post your favorite Dunkey quotes and moments in the comments
-more members
-done it without alerting anyone, I've done it saving all the prisoners and ignoring all the prisoners,
-insurance Co.s
-I currently live in the UK
-birds simply born with mutated beaks
-the data transfer after running Black Magic disk speed test on my wife's Mac
-8 months
-voice chat over Skype
-5 HITs
-eight times bigger
-an empty line
-knives and keys
-"the ark of the covenant searching" or "where is the holy grail?"
-message the mod team
-you will be out of business soon
-keychains, plushies, models, & figurines
-Some few lines of code that could be used no matter how many elements there were in the array.
-nothing regarding a real fileshare
-Last night
-Attack on Titan
-Hungarians and the Poles
-FTB Infinity
-video quality
-who to focus on next
-history channel
-season pass
-a cat fight
-Ken Loach-Shane Meadows
-thorough in rinsing
-Any tips to get my computer to utilize all of its power when rendering?
-Washington State University
-what I'm doing for a new setup
-2 universes
-I want to know how much one would cost.
-a tornado
-Google Nexus 6P
-his internet is down
-havent seen her appetite increase
-mid to late May
-pasta sauce
-Calc III and Differential
-Simon Scarrow
-polluting her fridge
-What am I doing wrong
-who /r/smashbros thinks are the 30 best Melee players of 2015
-Warp Doors
-I am only a hobby shooter,
-20 pounds
-The current one
-They said it was too late
-the following week
-"How I Quit Smoking In Under An Hour"
-2 months
-guide to starting up a professional cleaning service over
-using different cages of course
-is just more of a fast problem-solver.
-the Galaxy S 6 Edge on Android 5.1.1
-check and see if servers were down or on maintenance
-focus on indie games
-glidepro Bcd
-recorded louder
-any stretching tips, oils, prevention of blow out
-enable the advanced options in unraid
-internet access.
-TX Pro
-waiting for 4k gaming to be more viable
-a 12’ Sub
-I looked up guides
-patch 2.3.0
-a neat little trick
-withdrawal effect
-Infinity Kappa
-in a room on an auto salvage yard
-in chat
-they don't
-colored my nose blue
-The attacks and attempted invasions by military powers
-chromium-browser chromium-browser-l10n
-blue and a orange
-heat exchanger
-Live support
-if leveling up and reaching certain levels with a rebirthed Char also counts towards achievements
-Do most guild have room for a defiler in a raid team?
-to classical themes of the American West.
-Milwaukee Magazine
-2010 510 SMR
-CompTIA certs Linux+,Network+,Security+
-outer router
-are development drills gone?
-free mind-wipe tonics
-visions classic grill
-They died, but they don't care, because they are finally free.
-Does anyone know which episode the scene is in?
-Exodus Proxima Centauri
-photographer, photo editor and writer in various web and print outlets
-Housekeeping Agencies in India
-my old 660ti, 60+ fps
-front end
-3 months
-ammo he tests
-Dowell Loggains
-The Headphone List
-ship preference
-C class
-house will burn down
-to earn a bit of money
-ICND2 study guide
-six months
-TV input
-1 year period
-aincrad arc
-I have no idea where to obtain
-chord progression
-it will also confirm
-Me [27F] with my boyfriend [38 M]
-Post your favorite Dunkey quotes and moments in the comments
-an operating system and drivers
-PC wont boot from windows 8 disc
-protoss can get away with just about anything right now,
-Mega metagross
-competitive pokemon
-Ocarina of Time
-couldn't find the answer
-how much she'd have to pay for shipping
-4 years
-help fill out the form
-Can it not handle it?
-NEW Roasters
-best way to find platoons
-LinkedIn and other professional media outlets
-32 diamond blocks
-April, May and June
-understand, get better, and enjoy the game
-any questions
-40 hours
-local data"
-my WW
-It's been stored in a protective case made for it
-Harry Styles and Kendall Jenner's Rekindled Romance
-.22 TD
-no Death Eaters
-about 6 months
-2 and 4
-to have 200,000 volunteers
-play horribly
-credible authority figures
-sister sizes
-weird glitch
-James Bond 007: Nightfire
-gargoyle's halberd, the claymore and partizan
-Perfect Heavy Duty Bass Rod
-1 or 2 AM
-New Year
-Android Studio
-75-125 yards
-until release
-it is a discussion thread
-Eberron campaign
-the Rift
-desk chairs
-Joquin Pheonix, Amy Adams, Rooney Mara, and Scarlett Johansson
-Saturday,January,2nd, 2016
-a better server or community
-YouTube and Vimeo
-the beginning of a great player
-stuck as what to do next
-just about anything at close range
-Black Market Auction House items
-Eleventh Doctor
-a flag
-I've backed up and restored my user apps from a 6.0.1 ROM to the current 5.1.1 one I'm using
-Vegan body building challenge
-mid to late May
-Sniper Elite 3
-Survivor Nicaragua
-really big cities
-due to an obvious conflict of interest
-there's an adhesive tape
-coach and analyst
-yellowy orange
-a Rogue or a Mage
-martial art
-Michael Jackson - Thriller's
-visible obliques
-one "video" every two weeks or so
-the Atlanta movie tours Walking Dead Tours
-don't really have the time to watch the whole season again
-800 M 800 CR and 720 W (76/8)
-SSL certificate
-the first bolt,
-under your option to load that save
-Wipe schedule
-5 years
-a circle with a slash through it
-a larger university
-Variation, surrealism, colour-rich, artistic, comedic
-for poking this little kid in the eye with my umbrella
-dss2, mix amp pro
-Maximum Life = (38 + (Level * LifePerLevel) + (Strength / 2) + flat life bonuses) * (100% + percent-based modifiers)
-a bulk grow
-weight loss
-hard reset
-a not so friendly place
-Most of the books are not avaliable as an ebook and are not even in any library
-Gold Barrette
-Dizziness/disorientation accompanied by mild nausea
-Start a new thread.
-Snape and Draco
-4 or less
-the last couple
-Passed away due to the cold
-game where I can add a single element of chaos
-Italy and France
-talk about or take pictures
-the beach scene
-turtle beach chat adapter
-to upgrade
-my map
-can't set it to use attack move on left mouse button
-It's Saturday so doctors/dentists aren't open
-Nursing in public
-pouring through this subreddit and Youtube vids watching various techniques and just absorbing what I can
-casino games
-the ak and m4
-BoS story
-Mac and a PC
-making a separate tutorial
-30 minutes
-Alice had promised Edward that she would not interfere
-small aquarium
-How do I link fields in Word 2016?
-One piece
-random pictures of something that really appeals to him
-the Perfect Bass Set up
-it is brand new
-Eau de Toilette
-20% off
-turn black
-1 teaspoon
-with an orthopaedic surgeon
-the buttons
-story mode
-2 weeks
-when I'm entering my family code
-under 30mph
-FileZilla Server
-Lenovo ThinkServer
-for a school related paper
-who in fact has called a particular role
-decadent / Bacchanalian situations like feasts, revels
-my middle,
-just tap water
-Schiit Magni 2 or Schiit Asgard 2
-full bar
-a white/transparent background
-Fallout 4
-stand-up comedy bar shows
-viewer games
-I have had chinchillas for almost five years now
-ctl alt delete
-Axwell Ingrossos
-toxic presence
-by Saturday
-lose 50lbs
-I got it to work using the aux jack
-15 amp
-a natural weapon
-spring water
-the skins
-in the bottom of the screen
-video games
-had to have came from a bronze to silver player upgrade
-for the last weekend in March
-ibuypower stickers
-Spivak's Calculus and Halmos' Naive Set Theory
-we found the value of a and b
-people with messy/curly hair are likely to be less organised and indecisive thinkers than those who have straight hair
-Tactical Cats Unit 47
-three months
-created a partition in Windows to install Mac on but Disk Utility will not let me format it, so it is stuck in NTFS
-5 - 8 people most weeks
-Its less bad if I wake up in the morning on my right side and switch to my left
-2:59 PM JST on the 12th
-Measurement Check
-elbow tendonitis
-to connect with people and fellow gamers
-Gnostic Christian
-so that it would not be neglected
-top right corner
-Cross Trainer
-7 days
-due to exhaustion
-I had to move them BACK in, blow all my money doing that,
-through Chain if Memories
-iDrive and Bluetooth audio
-get formal lessons
-A Dell
-Simply open task manager and stay tabbed out of the game for a minute or two. If you've been tabbed out for long enough, when you tab back in
-4 directions
-in which order I should upgrade afterwards?
-New Year
-Wii U owner
-we put them next to each other so that they can interact.
-Undertale The 6th trading card
-mutated beaks
-different color
-sugar pill
-large breasts
-9 AM
-Modine TLP150 IR
-credit card statement
-clean install activation issues
-LDAP injection attacks
-Matt, Sean, Lawerence, Adam or James
-sea or land
-Windows 10
-almost 100%
-Lord Arek
-when you scout an early robo
-Bloodborne's GOTY Awards
-out of curiosity
-just over two and a half years
-Michigan State
-intercepted pass
-amazon gift card
-Nothing works can't plug into the computer to attempt to get to download mode
-main computer
-Trever Talbert Ligne Bretagne paneled prince
-it rained and flooded
-Why are some stuns different than others?
-help all of you guys find your soulmates in a friend
-Natsu,Gray, and gajeel
-take it to my dads
-fundamental Evangelicalism believers
-3 times
-exclusive IPs
-in San Francisco
-mut coins
-half a year
-Here is the code that made me confused.
-"followers you know" thing
-fold down a tab
-Nexus 6P
-OK Cupid
-hand held on a shoulder rig
-Cavalry Tank
-error message about different files
-single player
-Astro A40s
-iron keep
-Its gotten better but there are episodes where it gets worse
-The Withholding Calculator
-I am issuing him a refund and he is returning the phone
-An Intermediate refresher to JavaScript: Official MDN Article
-very fair
-4yrs ago
-pilot's license, military involvement
-a +3 shield
-1 year
-half a mile
-300-500mg of caffeine per day
-trolls or griefers
-kinetic energy equals the potential energy
-$51 renewal
-If the sale+comic and everything are still up
-at least 50
-APC Lewis Long Jacket
-some fans
-gold and such(?) and more weapons
-dark wash and slim fitting
-Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
-I dont want to use a micro-recorder
-random colored lines
-piece of plastic
-Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor
-call "program planterside interfacedirection", where program is a program name
-1 28 ounce can of plum tomatoes
-to learn a lot
-Low download and upload speed
-connecting menu
-the ANKER battery
-You can check out my Portfolio here Hope You Like it
-the distance from my antenna to my hub to my tv(s)
-Windows 7
-wildly inconsistent
-a plan for future professional development
-financial constraints
-GM's must have a Steam account
-Game Error G12
-under 200HP
-Asatruar and Heathens
-1% increase
-health informatics
-green glow
-Having a lot of trouble accessing PC mode
-guilty of treason against the Knights
-it will be removed
-780TI evga gefroce nvidia
-the Christie Tank
-How can you see who the upcoming free agents
-Yuk and Moas translated diaries
-the drive sound of the amp
-A couple of weeks ago
-Au Ra
-grind for more then two to three hours
-a PS4
-to become an officer
-big picture and desktop
-bachelors in health care/business management in pursuing MSC-IPP in HCA
-pages 26 and 27
-joining a clan
-Building a life we like within the disease
-Ekko and Maokai
-Game Error G12
-Avast and Malwarebytes
-Halo 5
-stopping time
-Almost burnt my house down
-Sub for samples/requests for charity letters
-mole rat disease
-3:00 pm ET
-my browser
-145 mm
-Zhuge Liang
-Newegg Motherboard
-a millennia
-simple maintenance and tweaks
-config file
-entire header coming down
-diet and exercise
-you haven't tried anything new
-a small buzzing noise
-ships vs. squads
-[W] - Want
-Day 400
-a band
-the subreddit rules
-module had bypassed the theme's contacts/form.phtml
-10 years
-hoarding accounts isn't tolerated
-Drift Stage and In the Kingdom
-mixture of stackable bins, organizers and (gulp) bags in drawers
-the Bills
-where to get back replacements or skins for the phone
-a thrift store
-shields your other creatures
-Fishing Trawler
-critically look at each paper we can find and discuss it
-green towers or yellow
-Health, energy, etc.
-Lee Sin
-Tokina 11-16
-3 years
-20 dollari
-they were also released at the same time
-you have recently signed up to our Deluxe Life Insurance Policy
-a while
-Italy and France
-Rigidbody objects
-The Predatory Female Kindle version
-No fast food No fried foods No ice cream No pizza No soda No beer or wine No cookies No candy
-a year
-a fun little trial
-Linux usenet server
-jewelers for 6 sockets
-Red Tugboat
-5 book = 5 seasons
-I wasn't sleeping well, tension in my upper middle back,
-deleted their reddit account
-This is the first time
-in the room at POFQ
-week after the rental has ends
-Phantom Forces
-the existing Team Builder mode
-within 30 days
-Windows 8.1
-if Broly was LR, then it should say that right there
-for a less clickbait-y title
-critical hits
-Hangman's Alley
-6:30 on January 2nd
-to the point of painful
-few days
-2,500 years or so
-national level regulations
-my favorite position currently is 2
-downloading and installing
-environmental engineer
-Afterbirth ep. 60
-resetting and rebooting Internet settings
-my graphics card and iv not just ordered a new one when its my PSU or something
-are impossibly hard
-stage management internships
-dreadful burnt vapor
-feel free to suggest them
-with a Facebook game
-keep playing only assassins or expand my champion pool to mages/ap aswell?
-the same station
-Dissociation/mental haziness
-Wear thick mittens between shots
-setup a meetup time
-Problem with understanding lower bound in java generic
-Jesus Christ
-High Performance
-has anyone else tried calling after booking through a third party site and had success?
-bonnet dryer
-Airizer Air
-odds sheet
-some time between April and June
-3 hour period
-23rd of last month
-6-7 years ago
-01.16.2016 and 01.23.2016
-custom band
-item auto resets
-leave a comment
-lower power input
-1991 BMW 325ix e30
-felt like saying goodbye
-digital art
-油炸包子 (Deep-fried Stuffed Bun)
-lighting or shading, removing other people or objects from the image, adding a gradient
-Freelance Graphic designer: Logo + Illustrator
-this week
-back-to-back winner
-fan clips
-EU players
-that even the outfits changed
-the Phoenix/Tempe area.
-sale of a guitar
-profit margins
-22 January
-Duncan Limelight
-it just kind of froze.
-90 day
-Lord Bracken
-brainjacking and servant sacrificing
-Moto G (2015)
-"Just Say Yes"
-other business development
-authentication requests,
-Windows 7
-a gift card for gamestop
-that it will circulate around the Pucatrade community
-tier 5
-You can also add your own seizure types
-this thing with Bill and deals
-I'd prefer to spend ~300 maybe more
-historical, fantasy, and sci fi
-Naze32 board
-when you tab back in you'll be able to escape out of Dr. Monty's Factory, and you'll have the Gobblegums
-tax question
-Individual Size Rolls for Sandwiches
-any 32bit assembler project options
-"Game Changers."
-5 day
-a Catholic version
-5.5 hour
-a small ceramic Santa
-return to the area
-months ago
-don't get touched
-a Very large gateway portal
-The Weight Is Over!
-ideas or a known fix
-more consistent.
-a Turnigy 9x radio
-6 on Grandpa Gohan Medals
-still leveling
-good sized lounge
-the values aren't exactly all correct
-tightrope operation
-R9 390 and GTX970
-a nacho
-at most 3
-MythBusters Revealed
-a glowing spot
-g3 d850
-many accounts of people saying there was a hacker in the server
-REALLY long approaches
-My friend insists this is broken
-January Events Thread!
-2 kids playing on a jungle gym
-large canvases showing people in decadent/excessive situations
-to fund a new graphic card
-it left clicks
-absolutely terrible
-I finally managed to install it by erasing the entire hard drive.
-every Riven skin
-£800 - £850
-to work on developing a Non Profit organization
-on a bank holiday
-safe to upgrade both packages without a bootloop
-Tactical Cats Unit 47
-a design and fix my hair
-a week ago
-to format a table as argument for a method
-Dragon Quest
-New Year
-i can never ever find anyone who is interested in platooning
-week 4 of an E3 adaptation
-anything aside from Mt. Hood
-MSE[θ]=var[θ] + bias^2 [θ]
-top lane
-the Robo 3D forums
-blew it.
-there is still the ability to play as a single player in a career mode
-Impulse Kickstarter
-looking to upgrade
-under $25
-ubuntu linux 15.04.
-a full freestyle boat
-stove, fridge, washer/dryer
-I thought it was full tang, but then I saw pictures showing the rear of the handle, and saw that it was not a true full tang
-Computer refusing the boot OS
-a few studies with evidence
-an undergrad psych student
-over 10-15 meters
-to try some new food several times, visit an interesting landmark, and possibly meet someone new
-January 01, 2016
-2x adapter
-post work
-computer low on memory
-(3/4/14 - 1/2/16)
-what are your theories of what exactly happened?
-1 level
-a new Galaxy S5
-5 inches
-January 03, 2016
-southern WA
-common scale "shapes"
-Conspiracy Theory-D
-Display port and HDMI
-all weather types
-a RP2B
-October 16, 2015
-the eSPL
-Ark: Survival Evolved
-Black card
-a data cap
-10 minutes
-dreamcast or PS1/2
-don't really have the time to pack another 40+ hours to ME and ME2
-split the connection for another tv
-the game doesn't see my saves
-religious people
-pipe organ
-15 minutes
-Linux Installation and Configuration or Cisco Exploration 2- Roiting Protocols and Concepts
-UD4 model
-aim assist
-how to program
-Richard Gilmore from Gilmore Girls
-state community college
-to create a video
-going to college/uni
-other producers' hiring habits
-daily NHL stats
-Saturday,January,2nd, 2016
-the hive has died.
-20 minutes
-What should I watch next?
-I can work at any rate in the stretch of 60$
-friendly players
-nvidia 970
-Rebooting my phone
-discord application
-"fire spirits"
-arris DG1670A dual band wifi modem/router
-making a homeless family and then eventually building them a house from scratch.
-it is missing the original home button.
-back to the base
-will need to get a medical waiver
-New Years Day
-Autohotkey script
-Desert cube
-in someone's drawer at Bungie
-education gap
-Great Empire
-2 months
-a good time
-it takes me back to the homepage
-It opens in a tiny window then crashes
-Cannot open Start menu
-ranking system
-the noise
-in batch 2
-fortifying a floating base
-3rd and 4th gen
-brains in vats
-he's the better engineer
-New Years Eve
-the more you don't save them, the creepier, and more disturbing it gets
-a MSF course
-for a fee" as "for free
-are a stripe on one end and a 4 or lambda
-due to people messaging them less than nice things
-Max Scherzer
-Server Content Scan Failed
-Is it possible to get benefits from all 3
-11k in student debt
-one was address and written
-They also seem to die in a very peaceful way.
-strong arm
-½ year ago
-personalized items or buffs
-they seemed friendly, and eager to help
-January 2016
-Boops Boops
-New Year's Day
-cheat on my bf
-around $83
-post-Cambodia world
-Link Karambit CH FT
-Gabriel's Inferno
-a logic board swap
-fast active insulin
-Is it possible at all?
-when battling the defenders
-Washington state
-use the first part of the life formula: (38 + (Level * LifePerLevel) + (Strength / 2) + flat life bonuses)
-debt free
-After completing, it says Problems found: A network cable is not properly plugged in or may be broken
-will not fit all the drivers on it
-literally cancer
-Le Jakucha
-A. Clark
-broke inside the slot
-windows 10
-IT guy for a school
-character role, player & character karma and when your last run was
-in the body
-the official thread
-we end up dead
-convoluted wording
-it jumps to a wide angle randomly
-cheat on the tests
-high school
-between $650 - 710 million dollars Canadian
-queue with friends
-a small business of doing computer and iPhone repairs
-delicate party members
-Next tock won't be till late 2017 if not 2018 and I don't know if I want to wait that long
-I would just think people were smart to not spend a million on "plastic figures"
-when the voting ended
-Windows 10
-a book focusing on Scottish History
-an adapter
-Sat Jan 16th at 9:30pm
-about a month
-1 red and green bell pepper,
-sniffing the markers
-when professors expect you to know something about the course when you first start.
-empty textfields, numbers instead of chars, and so on
-the black rash guard
-socially undesirable
-five dollar bets
-FantasyAlarm's daily lineups
-all things Kerbal
-friction against a spinning tire
-I have no college degree
-3 day development time
-house on the water.
-a gift card
-They worked fine, until one day they weren't as bright, and then didn't turn on at all.
-8gb ram, xfx 500w psu
-downscaling might cost a lot of performance for some people,
-lol math sucks
-another computer
-fat loss
-Yixing Clay
-linear system
-its just the same things being talked about over and over with very little new information or collective debate/dialogue
-some group of hackers
-Larry and Cheryl
-a Genius SW-HF5.1-6000
-try to unplug it.
-that KH was more like a monster of the week TV type story
-down the street
-10 seconds
-long campaign
-high lvls
-a Youtube Channel
-the typical squirrel
-fresh and growing CS-community
-new message in our comment submission box.
-joint maritime policies
-a two-page form
-couple times
-Brand New V3 .50 Caliber Bullet Mod
-the Philippines
-remove sata cable to hdd
-Hyades Sector EB-X D1-110 .... HIP 47328 ..... Chireni
-game sensitivity
-english is not perfect
-three years ago
-That is all.
-4 years ago
-new years day
-PC mode
-vaccines cause autism and hydrogen dioxide (H2O) should be banned
-Distortion SH6 bridge page
-SSH and SCP
-07 Ram 1500 hemi 4x4
-lower priced
-New Years event
-3 GB
-total score
-around a month from now
-I'd like a revolver
-Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils
-The Blackdoor Group
-10 € + 4% of the transaction
-southern India
-a recipe
-three years
-phono pre-amp
-to implement these functions: pub trait
-lvl 2
-dropping the phone on occasions,
-details on everything
-the top biggest tile
-totally repulsed by him
-"advocate for my friend" and "uphold justice"
-Essentially they are making the "Nest" of light bulbs.
-The buy-in will be 36750.
-7 to 8 days
-Bank of America
-"...the viewing of which is shocking".
-Diamond ranked
-remap the buttons
-online banking
-CM Punk
-Windows 10 x64
-close it and reopen it
-Jeff Lurie
-Exodus Proxima Centauri
-about 10 years ago
-El Capitan
-white rectangle
-Make your own note
-load the muscle with larger amounts of water
-a beer
-the internet
-Major plothole
-up until I go to the scene of Jack's Mother's murder
-LSD trip
-highly critical
-pretty much fixed
-second of December
-a new 7th gen nano
-letters of appeal
-65k GBP
-to make cross cuts
-Britain and the United States
-shoots him
-post a comment or send me PM
-some of my movies
-student with minimal money
-8 hours after daily reset
-Fauvism, Romanticism, Expressionism
-we liked them both compared to other classes
-YEREVAN, Armenia
-I can speak english and portuguese
-Department of forestry
-early 2000s
-about $175/month on my new leased car, and I currently pay about $211 now
-letting her give input
-co-sign a spouse's income driven repayment plan
-be a hero
-fellow redditors
-Space Engine Windows10 Oculus Rift DK1 Working with Head Tracking
-EK pump
-my last 3 - 4 months of QM
-Jimbo Wales
-an old game
-52 in 52
-indecent exposure
-I was hoping the community here could help me with my team.
-feature film
-he’s in college
-tried deleting and re-duplicating, and closing and reopening Blender
-Garry's Mod
-Accord Sport owners
-i have a line up with all collection pulls with a mix of high 89-88s and and lows 84-86s
-the display of the phone
-population has dwindled
-Space X Falcon 9 rocket
-to push for people to be able to scuba dive
-keychain camera
-that it's going to disappear forever
-Bandai AT-ST
-Darkseid's son Orion
-is a usable product
-6th to 15th of July
-if theres like a way to make it look like watercolour paintings
-over 35 years
-crafted URL
-Ultimate Destruction
-windows 10
-Android 5.0
-Freeze Mage
-This is not a debate thread
-Austin, TX
-It's pretty indisputable that I meet a lot of the criteria for it.
-No finish wear on the blades to indicate use or sharpening
-Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket and Pattaya
-this year
-Sennheiser Urbanite
-My Fitness Pal Calorie Tracker
-killed by a serial killer
-Avery case
-Short List Kel-Tec PF9 Hipoint Compact (probably not but can't beat the price) XDS (used them love them kind of pricey though) Taurus 85fs
-Sunday the 3rd or Monday the 4th of January
-Did schools allow you to continue to a higher level course, or were you forced to retake the course
-crumbling apart
-after the last ban list
-amazing pork loins
-WrestleMania V
-about 15
-FZ server log
-200 feet
-7:30 Eastern Time
-items and mechanics
-12 episodes long
-on whatculture
-The attacks and attempted invasions by military powers
-Speed of light in a material?
-they didn't register with Google Cloud Messaging
-3.5 Xbox controller
-my turtle
-90% left
-Sir Henry Craik
-only to have it specify some sort of error
-any and all advice
-5 minutes
-5000, 5500 and 6000 rpm,
-a colon
-Fire Control System
-300GB per month
-platinum trophy
-a few months
-major vendors would know how to ship cards to avoid damage.
-degree in business
-no record button
-Random Blue screen issue on computer
-a quilter
-Custom game makers, can you please put how long your game is in the description.
-the scrip crane
-My father K0IBH
-i am a disabled gamer
-Solve the equation:(z^2 )-(6-2i)z+17-6i=0
-if you have the itch to get out and ride in the cold
-Rob Miles C# Programming
-60 foot tower
-Wuthering Heights
-Los Angeles
-customize the right sidebar
-not really sure how to form an equation
-router is right next to our gaming setup
-each match
-inside the slot
-It's my first post at reddit,
-a lope
-ultimate randomiser
-5-6 exercises
-256,000 lbs
-16.7 msec,
-i5 3570k
-I've done a bit of research
-totally subjective, whimsical manner.
-new iPhone
-two years
-does it just happen when I'm offline too?
-safe calorific intake
-I do know that they get divorced
-does the game have an even heavier grind than Disgaea
-no legs
-our teenage neighbor
-click on some confirmation links
-because y>x is given
-Battle For Middle Earth II
-passively cooled reactor
-the graphic card
-trying to convince my mother to throw out many dozen apples
-Come Dark Souls 2 I didn't like most of the weapons
-Rural Georgia
-player base was toxic,
-aerospace engineers
-flipping raid bosses and caches on Black Market Auction House
-Opie, Anthony, and Jim overtime
-3 months
-my bets are gone
-new ship parts
-15 years ago
-purple, brown, and blue
-the stickied post
-5+ year
-guitar pick
-habeas corpus
-the HD and home folder Application Support folders
-the manga
-unban me
-3:26 minute mark
-10-15 hours
-a basic explanation on how to do it
-Cunning Nightblade/Soldier
-returning a used item
-Yunalesca (99)
-Bearded Dragon
-deep within the dark trenches of the Pacific Ocean
-I am building my friend a PC and need some advice on the parts.
-a paint brush
-identifying diode in wacom tablet pen
-had the FPS counter on and I easily averaged a solid 60fps
-school teacher
-a beer
-55 degrees
-the bindings were at max setting
-15-20 lbs
-make your driver camera so sluggish that it basically doesn't move
-throwing this thing in the trash and not looking back
-adding steps to the process
-CZ 557 sporter
-didn't have the money to pay upfront
-the brother and ex-boyfriend
-like reddit stream
-19 inches and 1680 x 1050
-displaying someone else's email
-Discord channel #clue-images
-someone that is married or in a serious relationship
-1000 point list
-tier4 skins are always locked behind a paywall restriction
-get a smug smile and a scoff, or an eyeroll
-the father's mother
-5 Questions
-arms war escalation
-a game
-include non-gaming outlets
-the correct Premier plan
-Deepcool Z9
-Tarantino James Bond
-the visual nature of animation
-Orlando and Tampa
-they're not allowed to share it
-Connections are available
-a couple
-lose a signal.
-family and yearly occasions eating all of my income
-sci fi
-Punisher Max
-collision with Protean
-Limit ONE entry per person.
-manual transmission
-was excited that something like an office suite such as what Google Drive has will be coming to Dropbox
-saw the Dropbox Paper articles
-get the MC command centre woohoo mod
-EGS Module and Valve Body Harness
-marriage visa
-Jon Singleton and Carlos Gomez
-TvP. Scv scouting
-could imagine this has been posted before,
-a few years ago
-climbing the ladder
-integrated circuits
-W.H. Earl American Standard Belt
-his lawyers
-OM-D E-M5
-hardware issue
-turn on/off the screen, and pause/end/resume the exercise
-solidifies into an almost flavorless mass
-William Upski Wimsatt
-a total moron
-character preferences
-the Davids
-My NAS connection was initially SO SLOW,
-680 - 700
-appx. $2800.00
-a pencil
-how perl6 modules are written
-I hate the camera.
-random people
-perm banned
-a thrift shop
-won't pair/sync properly.
-Unique keywords
-image console sandbox
-roasted whole beans
-let it set plugged in with no battery
-enforcing rules as and when required
-Minecraft Garrison of Nevermore
-182 lbs
-Rokinon 800mm F/8.0 Mirror Lens
-the new standard year
-Kuala Lumpur stock exchange
-scripting, media sources and programs
-Amelia Chong
-bets on the teams I've placed on
-the banner of /r/LGG4!
-medical lab scientist
-mage meta
-mildly interested
-I'm finally earning a decent wage (compared to that hefty graduate salary)
-I don't mind, as long as the deck is ultimately stable. Thanks.
-home owners insurance
-Sennheiser HD558
-National High School Rugby Tournament
-a prosthetic hand that can feel things just like we can with our normal hands and fingers
-games will freeze and nothing (or my character) will move then back to normal.
-hairpins and tight turns
-resource collection
-the no-backplate thing
-So I've uninstalled Google Chrome from the control panel due to some issues
-at least one of the next Star Wars movies
-for ease of access
-never lose confidence
-a 5th generation AirPort Extreme (A1408)
-Altera DE2
-other magic players
-shit post
-9th gen
-310+ light
-Sensitivity Problem
-AT&T stadium
-1st, 2nd and 3rd gear
-we had the locks changed
-during March 2016
-his people are dead
-War Machine
-10 € (in btc) + 1% of transaction
-shot glass
-relive it all over again
-I'm still looking for my first KF HM clear and would love some guidance as we run through it.
-by moving money out of savings categories
-pixel C
-Dec 18th
-by /u/Doldenberg
-13 hours
-create a bootable usb drive
-ATLEAST 3 hours a week
-one of us gets in while the other is stuck at the joining screen
-the video card i got seems like it will take up a lot of space
-[JPN] Honorary Sugofest Giveaway Thread
-mechanical keyboard
-Darth Mallock
-strength crate
-so long
-reduced tech cost
-temp agency
-Asura Daishinkan
-Lux Aeterna
-Revlon ceramic/tourmaline/ionic hairdryer
-no additional cost
-hide them
-with the unlocked shaders bios Video Card upgrade
-a good strength and speed combo
-at night and during the day
-more of an allegory
-a little confused how
-wood finish
-Fallout 4
-AirPort Extreme
-iOS music app
-Gambit or Mother's Milk
-haven't done any styles on this account.
-four keycaps fall off
-the car does have Bluetooth in the capacity that I can make phone calls
-top rated post of all time
-Triple H
-Fan help
-it keeps erroring out on my phone and telling me to try disconnecting and reconnecting the Bluetooth
-Santa Rosa de Cabal
-Guerrilla Gloves
-The Maya
-Any idea what's happening? How do I access the data on the drives which show up when in RAID but not AHCI?
-4 weeks
-buyers of the current 15 Oplot-M's
-the bottle and wine glass
-keeps getting hung up
-premier gold club package
-12" or 15"
-Dragon Quest 8
-the SAR and SW
-NFL fans and their ability to predict
-the Pats game
-look on my past 20 games
-a year and a half
-draft picks
-dyeworks originals
-Kha Zix
-damage to the box and loss of value
-150th or lower
-last night
-has orc type characters
-I can't afford the $51 renewal for the next six months,
-*.ino file
-feeling of my head snapping back and my body sinking into the seat
-sending too many move packets
-64 block
-the last cog of a building
-checkout at Port Orleans French Quarter
-an Ancient Scrimshaw
-a budget console killer
-I'm guessing that my first bar is quite bad
-the Saber community
-aerospace engineering field
-She made a Fitbit account
-Weird lag issues while streaming
-When we grow
-2016 Classmate Greeting Thread
-This context is the world
-When to use Poppy W to block dashes
-stories about Luke post-RotJ, and Darth Vader pre-New Hope
-scroll over the whole map
-Pleasantly surprised
-the pc can't recover from a black screen after standby
-met in some accidental/unplanned type of way.
-investigate more about this
-2 residential cleaning services
-alien blue app
-low point
-most factions at peace with eachother
-2 years ago
-FL Studio
-body is walnut
-the human
-on the bottom
-Humane Society
-sped them up
-movement speed
-always a win streak followed by a loss streak
-4fun C1
-[H] Keys [W] Items
-Acer ES 15
-Cards Against Humanity
-Season 1
-3 years
-clinical psychologist
-casters and rules etc,
-tiny percentage
-oil changes
-The login page
-a seven string Ibanez guitar
-New Year's Eve Dead and Company show in Los Angeles
-Apple IIc
-Activator & Flipswitch crash
-Razer Naga Molten
-Oregon rains
-the technological institute
-cant afford
-sniper rifle
-10 Jan
-first experienced it when a friend of mine lent me his DVDs
-32,000 pounds
-Due to large oak trees
-action heroes
-max th 8
-his friend started yelling at me
-the Dhimmi
-the update
-is just more of a fast problem-solver
-any and all from /r/bookclub
-Bundled Up Exchange
-emblem in main menu
-Far Cry 3
-blue ray
-They run
-under 10-15 meters
-mixing human and machine
-sign up here
-Just want to be sure
-John, Peter and James
-Er Gen
-a chemist
-Apple hardware or software
-exposure to many various technologies
-31 Days After Moving Out
-It slowly started lagging
-Non restricted, any console, any game
-for decades
-the "community"
-Javascript with prototypes
-psychedelic, street, and prep.
-a cool little starter kit
-built- in movement and occupancy sensors
-very fair
-not running
-Pre-Release for OGW
-stuttering issue
-The last 2k game I played was 2k13
-Jan 16
-mid or top lane
-Dack Fayden
-House Manwoody
-A month
-visual design
-same texture for my model
-Did it. Then, afterwords...my sims were gone
-2 years no hardware change
-last Janurary
-lane synergy
-some new items
-Google services
-I'm using DW on my main with: Biting, Rapid Strikes, Silver Leash, Whirlwind and Reflective Light
-the tube
-ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead
-ASUS T200
-Apply on the website
-all the flaws it has
-Any designer and/or front-end developer
-first attack deals 100% damage, 2nd consecutive deals 50-75% damage, and 3rd attack does 25-50% damage.
-when I hit $100,000
-Max Scherzer
-early on
-Bracket C
-completely broken
-tile business
-Bowl season
-frost mage
-I'm a big science fan
-works for the National Parks Service
-medicine balls
-world of tanks
-pasta sauce
-6 years,
-The blunderbuss
-facebook groups
-Intel I7-930 Nehalem/Bloomfield CPU
-AE2 ME Interface
-It was almost like Armored Core for xbox
-would prefer daily
-no credit.
-"A. The mass media is an important propa..."
-most players want unbans back in the store
-This is the first year
-red haze over the bottom of the image
-protect our preparation list from bad systems
-one of the guards
-Ayumu Aikawa
-the night Lords philosophy
-Nepton 240M
-that only work half of the time and don't really provide enough light
-Battlefield 4
-ego servers
-basic credit cards
-open tears
-A scalper / secondary-market ticket agent
-Play Store
-I received my first IB drop this go around.. A 305 class item.
-at least a week
-slide down one position
-austrian rhetoric
-the dots I have on the target and the duration left
-open task manager and stay tabbed out of the game for a minute or two
-the same position
-about 1100
-US guest mode
-I decided to change the hdmi cable out with another one
-the workflow and tasks that goes into producing a short video
-Pokemon Snap
-This summer
-fluency in English
-patch on the back
-reddit and the FLC
-not really
-at the store
-creating a new virtual desktop
-Moto G and OnePlus X
-builds keeping up with the Invoker set builds
-It doesn't respond to charging, from the socket or a usb charger.
-future father in law
-geological engineering and geotechnical engineering
-because of Fetchlands and Jace
-the same time in every country
-an ordered set of lengths and colors for the Stored Image Decoder
-i like this game
-silent mic
-Gus, Keth(rip) and all the mods
-hearing party chat
-governor's son
-the scars and scar intensity
-Refitted Guerrilla Vest
-United States
-casual blazer
-it just seems so
-NES/SNES games with the gamepad
-boot from dvd drive
-contacting local universities and community colleges for it
-Anyday Roast
-piece of plastic
-high specs
-Fallout: Dust
-a couple of months
-decision to work on my level personally
-different logging levels
-Full Break
-I'm quite new to the game.
-breathe in 6 , hold 6, breathe out 6 and hold 6
-4 weeks
-Steam Voice Chat
-thinking too much about arc
-in Fisher
-took her own life
-full coverage
-max th 8
-Two women and the dog were around, the women chatting, the dog wanting to play.
-after finishing Within the Light.
-south England
-by "new"
-ask us in a couple weeks
-matches the username of this rep thread
-every monday of the week
-chopped it off
-the Black Market
-how to spell it
-near perfect condition,
-Rostock Max
-I'm a 310 NS Hunter
-by gathering my team at the tower under attack
-fines or having their hoverboards being held by customs indefinitely
-a new PC
-(from saurik's team)
-modern black decks
-USAID and the State Department
-SE London (Blackheath pub based)
-a body
-new MMO
-sort-of buzzing
-updating BIOS
-settlement money
-art and animation
-everything, an escape, an experience,and a remedy
-rescue a prince of the plane of fire
-prizes are even bigger this time
-you will need a trial
-It says "access is denied" when trying to end the process, and it says "folder in use" when trying to delete the folder.
-I tied my apron too tightly around my waist
-Black Desert Online vs Blade n Soul
-the internet
-tactics that are 1300-1450
-looking for is a mod or item for TS2 that allows the player to change the sim's genetics,
-More specifics about the season format and rules in an upcoming post.
-3 to 4 people
-three weeks
-the program
-Calculus 1 2 and 3
-windows 10, current build
-Special Pals
-I was running out of quest
-The Astronaut
-pull up progressions
-Rasberry Pi/Arduino
-audio background
-in advance
-computer science
-The United States
-at one minute past midnight UTC time
-Asus 14 inch Laptop
-Happy New Year
-when Season 5 starts
-VAB, main menu, etc
-cancelation request and a message
-to choose which set of functions should be attached to the struct
-random topic
-organizations that apply for the auction but don't drop their spectrum
-the pro controller
-Xbox Elite controller
-Considering expanding it and building it up into a profitable business
-retreat largely to safer areas
-reasonably compact just in case we want to move it between rooms
-like crap
-Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door
-it logs me out and says access denied
-six months
-Zhuge Meng Ming
-upgraded from windows 7 64 bit.
-the war community
-t/nroff format
-PC and older consoles
-Finn Hood
-January 2, 2016
-Time v3
-to be able to use a PCI or PCIe wireless adaptor
-her computer
-Energy 5.1 Take Classic Home Theater System
-The Grand Ake and the elders of Telebra
-sizes of these ipod models
-alt accounts and AWOL platinum players
-Sennheiser HD25-1 II
-the results
-maybe 25 degrees
-elimination style
-Walt Cannoy freehand in mint condition
-administrator password
-my screen goes black
-one spot
-a week or two
-Ikey Audio M808 V2
-A small plastic corner
-£60 million bid
-on Expedia
-comparing her looks to other girls
-asking suggestions
-game just for Zombies
-Windows 10
-center-on-cursor button
-House Music scene in the US
-messing around
-talk about whatever happened with you in the current week or discuss any topic you want or interests
-raiding and doing pvp
-Buenos Aires
-Free Talk Blue Friday
-Why does the CZ 557 sporter have the same 20.5" barrel length as the carbine?
-Caves of Qud, ToME4, and ADOM
-the Euros
-really religious
-ever since MKBHD did his video on it
-Fill out the survey
-four weeks
-Travelling across Asia with a family
-not to touch it
-on a month by month basis
-2013 Accord Sport 2.4L
-New Year
-fountain pens
-Intel Core i5-4460 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor
-No overclocking
-a sausage
-pouring jars
-The horizontal line
-3 days
-outside of the comic
-Self Taught Experienced Admin
-Kindle version
-the adrenaline rush
-2-stick controllers
-please tell me and I will remove it if there is too much concern.
-a couple
-hair smoother and fix the stray hair
-constant freezing
-Aqua America, Inc
-Who is the true master of terror?
-work and travel mostly
-other blasters
-Chequered Lights
-"items are now unavailable to trade"
-the hover menu
-where Don enters the office, and all of his coworkers are gathered around the radio to hear news about the cold war.
-he's sorry that his dad won't make it
-a website
-as long as the questions are coming
-the brew in a bag method
-my floating metal fortress
-the AFC
-raid 5 team
-Quantum Dot technology
-The man pages for nroff and even man itself
-Facebook, Reddit, Youtube, Snapchat
-mid and sup for fun
-planck kit
-literature, books or studies on psychopharmacological evolutionary psychology
-tension and lube
-by sideloading it on the Gear VR
-river, ferns, and a fence
-not looking to spend more than £500
-the space soldier
-Anders Nilsson
-7 & 4
-$7,000 annually for covered repairs/$3,500 per call (2 calls/year)
-Moto G (2014)
-the board voted to levy a $5000 per unit special assessment to replace the roof
-a data bank website
-a) I won't be there, b) neither she nor I speak Japanese, c) she doesn't have time to explore the whole of Tokyo for me
-Every 2nd Saturday
-strength crate
-a house
-I love answering any questions you can throw at me.
-Reddit Fantasy Draft
-uncle humpcatting again
-Brainwash You
-macbook air
-three years
-what starter kit do I get?
-Genie Mini
-a storage area
-a 4 year Bachelor Degree
-$1 w/ a two year contract
-Light weight
-transition from YNAB 4 to nYNAB
-Game Starter Packages
-New Years Kite Coin
-fully meat based
-doing the heavy lifting on our TeamSpeak server and Solo League
-other peoples
-dice roller
-snapshotting/animation cancelling/non obvious but rather important mechanics
-Reading this and their brainless article just made me start feeling sick.
-cause 5 stacks of confusion for 8 seconds
-the lutece device
-holy bugs
-2 weeks
-new one
-Mettaton and Alphys
-help people
-Anime Suggestion Thread
-nexus 6p
-put a low 5 second cooldown on Glyph once the game starts
-GCSE student
-Steam account
-One time my three male chinchillas were having a bloody fight inside of the cage
-Magic Break or Armor Break
-7 or 8
-South Korea
-AirPort Extreme
-His hold up play
-making indents down printed pages
-$48.00 per player
-a coach
-The Chronicler's Tale
-Homeland Security
-his brother, Trevor,
-a Thieves Guild
-.NET stack/C++
-a very bad cold
-resources on starting out
-about 8
-part of the bottom of the window
-mostly small
-Kim Kardashian
-once or twice a week
-I hadn't built the new jungling item
-the idea of building a desk with a computer built in
-Grey Knights with Ultramarine Allies, and Imperial Guard VS Chaos Space Marines, Tau Empire and Necrons
-meet cute
-99 Windstar
-it will not update
-a cousin
-Jerry Rice jersey
-GTX970 vs R9 390
-PVP Team Bonus
-devices in Google's recovery utility
-I am new to JanusVR
-religious and grand
-minecraft, the escapists, five nights at freddy's
-me and my GF
-a buck a ml
-Christmas weekend,
-personal reasons
-Obama situation
-mass rejected
-we liked them both compared to other classes
-VIP Poster
-middle school
-S33 or S34
-Big Bash International Players
-Luke's lightsaber
-LOVED classic
-the foam
-50 people
-to make the website more enjoyable for those looking for live content and not prerecorded playlist
-5 volumes
-go toe to toe with the Trinity
-12:00pm AKST [UTC-9:00]
-U.S. Olympic Trials
-a pair of light brown slacks (same color as medium brown stripe on the tie) brown socks and tan oxfords.
-BC Calculus
-NA or EU
-It seams that i can not win in this tank...i just got a 5 lose strike
-Fort Lauderdale Jane Doe
-15 minutes or so
-African Grey
-highest reported person on this sub
-We've had our dog for about 1 year now
-illustration or Logo design work
-playing assassins top makes me feel like im breaking my teams comp most os the times
-Unreal Engine
-registration code
-SS5x5 screws
-Regarding unbans
-a handful
-I know quite a bit about editing
-which items to flip
-happy new year
-Performance Enhancers
-The Karlarks
-isn't taken the wrong way
-a controller
-video card
-A squirrel
-cheesy ham chowder
-collectors edition
-premade amp board
-good naps during the day
-Naga at 3200 dpi
-being monsterous, or hugely inefficient
-David Bowie's
-people have been checking the bags and taxing people for bringing in newly purchased items
-GreatCatch, MudPrincess, and HighClass_WhiteTrash
-one and a half,
-20 minutes
-Velbon Sherpa 250R
-pen and paper
-Rhythm Heaven Smash Rep.
-destroying the One Ring
-91 minute runtime
-all but assured
-Trying to avoid repetitive coding here.
-nail whitening
-So What Would I Do
-Any tips
-Evan Gattis
-perspective of society, politics or how it was viewed by people over the years
-all the same
-All Stars
-Inside Out
-cant detect evil
-Harry the Heir will turn out to be quite important.
-test reactor
-25-30 fps
-back to Rivendel's grasp
-Western Digital Black 4gb/Samsung EVO 850 500g
-Vinegrappling Protector 2GGGG Rare Creature
-WiFi disconnecting
-his whole ROH run
-racing motor
-I am thinking of giving up on Sims 4 and going back to Sims 3.
-Homura Akemi [Madoka Magica, COTW] and DIO [Jojo's Bizarre Adventure]
-a little while
-different than the new
-Jan 1
-port tube
-comment below
-Alienware 15
-The Graduates
-I won't be able to play very much in the year
-"the Home"
-pinned apps
-slumber party
-track my dots on my target
-What should I price it at
-sim/a small family and interacting with everyone, achieving my lifetime goal and getting to the top of my career etc
-5 months old
-evil overlord
-UX and product management
-past week
-if theres anything good there
-a server to store all data and run as a domain
-ipod nano 4
-sound issue
-having to buy the same set again just for convenience
-Rendering uses 3-5% When monitoring the GPU, it will jump to 100% every 10 seconds or so
-solid colored
-enemy team
-How it can then leaving glass slab or any glass material comes to it's normal speed again?
-the end of the Wikipedia page of the Skipjack cipher
-Ascalonian Ghostbusters
-(December 2015).
-an absolute ton
-action-based combat
-the source files.
-50$ or more
-version 1.22
-Edge of Tomorrow
-Estimainaction vs Mendesonline
-Ryan Fitzpatrick
-ears or drivers
-vocals to notes
-The barcode
-I put on my headset on, and I could still hear the audio from the game, but my screen wouldn't display the picture
-cpu chip
-the town is in the middle of a semi circular bowl
-Sunday night
-online sites do nothing but steal my money or have terrifying people.
-windows 10
-8 seaons
-700 PR
-Father passed away
-Two man hobbyist team
-the National Assembly
-killed or injured
-2 weeks
-Driving License
-Do I receive a refund or does the new owner get a free $5000?
-timing chain
-about the big open (professional) and amateur contests
-not a team-building competition!
-who has the right of way?
-pit to pit
-a friend
-pick-up trucks or muscle cars
-Freddie Mercury
-a list of packages to install, and MD5 checksums
-fighting multiple creatures
-SIB Fallout 4 or Witcher 3
-reading/dissecting poetry
-switch to them as my active weapon
-early 1900's
-great defenses/running games
-the rewards are pretty blah
-option to customize "Following" page
-facial lotion
-in game coaching
-interlectual one
-group stage and elimination stage
-a video
-Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga
-by the corner of the map
-600 calories
-a black ranked rash guard
-my dad
-sells automotive aftermarket parts
-their work
-adjustable threads
-moderate difficulty setting
-to reset my relationship with food
-I finally purchased the Food Saver system, and will bepurchasing these bags quite a bit in the future.
-behind my hamper
-I have not owned a juicer in quite a few years
-Knorr's vegetable stock
-his reckless sleeping body
-Chicken Wing
-It light and a little thicker in the glass
-very expensive
-glass top range top
-because I no longer have to kneel down to get an eye-level view of the measure
-stainless steel kitchen
-less than $100.00
-an Oster
-Hario paper cone filters
-Damask Dark Gray Heather Pinzon Plush Throw
-below your desks
-over 2 years
-placement of the screw holes
-VERY happy
-the ice cream never froze past milk shake consistency.
-silicone leaf
-16 Piece Pure White Ribbed Porcelain Dinnerware Set
-harvest gold
-I was concerned that cleanup might be a problem, but it was really easy to clean with a soft dish brush and a little soap
-leftover whey
-R-230KW model
-Japanese prints
-cutting board
-feet under it
-coffee gets cold fairly quickly
-French presses
-nano-brownies and micro-spaniards
-really clean
-Presto is blazing fast and pops every kernel
-It works great for drying fresh cut pasta doe.
-at the fold
-This cabinet is very easy to assemble
-clean our 15 carpeted steps
-elegant glass mug
-ten inch
-It is very sharp
-ten minutes
-didn't want to wait for shipping
-storing bathroom sundries
-Cowboy Lager
-very short making it very difficult to reach distances
-definitely a summer weight
-in the south
-they tasted plastic
-find out the fan is broken
-this coffeemaker
-limes or lemons
-coffee cabinet
-oil, butter etc
-a few more
-returning it
-Wave Design
-Scamble up an omelet with saugage on the side
-it was really easy!
-measuring spoons
-very firm
-pretty close to my tub
-The Bodum toaster
-pretty regularly
-5 stars
-The CDN measured 33 and 211 while the Taylor measured 36 and 190 degrees
-dried out cake
-sheet set
-use double
-a few minutes
-quart mason jars
-genuine Bissel
-real bed
-POLISHED stainless steel
-The resulting bread has been very tasty (and hopefully healthy as well)
-the nap
-cheap pans
-wedge of pie
-within 2 days
-less than 120#
-So I've been using these -Disposable Filters for Use in Keurig Brewers
-my son
-rice and veggies
-The rubber on the edges scrape the sides of the mixing bowl to ensure that everything gets mixed in evenly
-airtight feature
-arrived unscathed and not even a package dent
-If the cover and the bowl were redesigned to make removal easier
-tongs on the fork
-The lid is exceedingly hard to clean.
-vented glass lids and coated handles
-salt and pepper set is
-fits all my skillets.
-the handle
-1 cup
-It works great for drying fresh cut pasta doe.
-vanilla ice cream
-stuck-on gunk
-cooling rack
-a month
-cooking utensils
-how much dirt and hair come up
-burning my hand through an old oven mitt
-It has been WONDERFUL! I feel so much better.I
-coffee grounds
-This is a 5 cup unit
-throw out the basket
-Nespresso espresso machine
-insulate with blankets under you as well as over you
-half an hour
-sometimes have trouble making toast
-The shape of the base
-customer reviews
-my grandson
-that's the only place they could fit
-the beach
-20 oz
-a third full
-little vacuum
-a recipe guide or any kind of instructions
-20 years
-how little the vacuum left behind
-inline fuse
-little clearance for anything but the smallest espresso cups
-pretty quiet for a vacuum
-on the coffee table
-not really non-stick
-wilted greens
-3 way timer
-short period of time
-full glass
-tends to take a lot of the apple with the skin
-4 stars
-the front corner of the toaster
-very frequently
-washing instuctions
-guest room
-It's pretty heavy
-I sent it back the next day.
-the chilling panel hugs the bottle so tighly it is a little difficult removing it
-the most comfortable folding chair
-did not shatter or even crack
-96% fat free
-more stable and slim lined
-The lid
-cold as well as heat
-cost more
-13 1/2
-the bottom layer of yogurt turns out burnt
-metal bird holders
-two years ago
-light colored wood
-meat balls
-a full gallon of water lasted 3 nights.
-about a year
-a mark on the soapstone
-removing the bottle from the cooling container
-If I ever find a use for the shield
-Zojirushi is becoming my favorite
-fiesta set
-hole in the handle
-part of the pump where the soap actually comes out
-10 years ago
-bread machine
-bread and the loaves
-4 months ago
-Popit Little Big Box
-put a strap on it
-scrambled eggs
-for decoration and to put miscellaneous things inside them
-bitty pieces
-don't recommend it for travel
-an avid sewer
-a bucket heater or a crockpot with a dial
-no tools
-a inner plastic ring
-portable bottle warmer
-the inside surfaces of the thank
-have come unglued
-on the workbench
-OXO Potato Ricer
-rice paper
-at least 5 years
-washed it much less often
-a year now
-the cover that I'm still waiting for
-a nice large 14 cup bowl along with a smaller one
-kitchen ceiling fan
-how it pops and how long it takes
-it is outside of our return window (30 days) so we will be unable to return this model
-oval roaster pan
-Eye, skin and respiratory
-anti scratch resistant
-those who like their steaks well-done
-Mr. Coffee
-extra bubble wrap
-walk in closet
-utilitarian black
-Keurig machine
-October 2013
-up high where no one can see them up
-a colander insert
-tight and uniform
-a brush
-the buttons
-IF you cannot follow pictures, simple directions, then you dont deserve good sushi anyway
-as it was when first bought
-The mattress is firm but not too hard, very comfy.
-It's a bit smaller than most
-cookie sheet full of cookies
-the Bissell Pet Hair Eraser Handheld Vacuum, Corded, 33A1
-a third of your life
-maybe 15
-toast and a little bit of broiling
-Trader Joe's precooked rice
-4 1/2 inch
-on Amazon
-Ecozeri Multilayered coating
-canned air
-Lighter-weight books
-cut open a finger by accident
-30-45 minutes
-OvenArt muffin pan
-Under the blazers
-for more than a year
-keep silverware looking brand new
-air purifier
-nice and tight
-5 gal.
-leave the unit on the charger
-water filter
-it does not
-was crushed/torn in a few places
-over 21 inches
-Rubber feet
-a demonstration and taste
-moving the scale
-the heat of cooking
-electric knife
-I got this roller to try out making my own ravioli's
-features of moving side to side and up and down
-bubble wrap
-require more maintenance
-drying these IMMEDIATELY
-cleaning brush
-around your neck
-large tank
-doe snot come apart
-K cup machine
-6 grown children
-ultra shiny chrome ring around the middle and the thin frosted plastic
-a set of mixing bowls
-cute cookies
-a drawer
-cast iron
-It heats very evenly
-long enough to cut through a small pizza
-my husband wouldn't take it
-By removing the air from the bottle
-looks good
-black version
-buying it
-place the dough in the pan for its last rise so you don't deflate it moving it over before cooking
-does a decent job
-They do not have valves or little pieces to wash and disinfect
-rubbed sage
-the drawer
-very pleased
-the base of the pin to pierce the eggs is too wide
-stainless steel strainer
-adjustable frame
-the 2 pass test
-stainless steel.
-9 month old
-all carpet thicknesses as well as bare floors
-peaches, apples and cherries
-the suction cups
-to make Larabars
-skin free
-used them for my spices
-No instruction manual
-healthy muffins
-sits out in the open
-the tip of a knife
-pushing and pulling a cleaner around
-were poorly positioned
-Some kitchen tools
-prepare your own meals
-nesting system
-a few hours
-something might rust, mold, or otherwise decay
-spring hinge of the lid
-With hot air
-fruits & veggies
-Lorraine Home Fashions Enchantment Shower Curtain
-hand wash only
-the seal
-10/12 hours
-can't clean between the bristles
-a 90 degree width
-paper towel
-A remote that works out of the box would also be helpful!
-quite like
-fire hazard
-throw it in with the wash
-Amazon Vine program
-throughout the day
-in case one gets scratched.
-9" pie pans
-the cool touch sides really are
-one in the bathroom and one in the laundry room
-will not operate
-wash in the dishwasher
-dough or jam
-the flexibility of it
-tested it
-If you want to cook for two or three
-anti scratch resistant
-a split on the front piece
-Rachael Ray
-every night
-450 degrees
-the construction could be better
-Simple Human
-once a month
-an economical coffee maker
-whole body weight
-layers of thin metal mesh
-easy clean lid
-a couple of mover's pads
-tea ball
-20 minutes
-cleaning it
-went dull
-slightly smaller
-it just doesn't have as many options as you might expect to see in a chair in this price range
-powerful enough to handle anything you are looking to blend
-north star navigation unit
-last a long time
-3 lbs
-it doesn't
-.It is a good iron for the fabric worker and homemaker and others using materials/fabric, such as cotton, rayon, some silks on low etc.
-steam wand
-contacted the company
-halogen light tube
-4" thickness
-every single time
-around the plastic window
-My brother
-yank the paper with brute force
-Ikea furniture would be slightly better quality
-interchangeable surfaces
-a total newbie
-several years ago
-first time
-easy to take apart
-well-made and supposedly has a high-end electric motor
-My sandwich was perfect and delicious.
-provided you keep it very well seasoned, and get the toothed Lodge Grill Pan Scraper 2-Pack
-its blade
-Bed, Bath and Beyond
-I hadn't cleaned the first time so I brought it out and started to clean
-any deep fryer
-it beeps (and loudly too) every time you push a button
-The price was great
-push button drain
-1-2 hours
-3 months
-the top is wide not a typical straw
-One star
-the hopper
-vegetable oil
-pretty good kitchen and household products
-microwave safe
-came broken in a million pieces
-the temperature and time settings
-is under powered.
-wood studs
-very happy with it
-The feel of the sheet is comfortable as well.
-really deep
-my husband sliced his finger on it
-lightning deal for black Friday
-burnt smell
-the second hook
-the reviews
-pipes and valves
-less heat
-noise it makes after it has quit perking
-smells or colors
-frying pan
-Batteries are included
-very well
-catching all the corn
-in the middle
-the food can get inside there and, well, it isn't safe
-a little darker
-felt pads
-last week
-6 months ago
-great quality
-a reliable italian manufacturer of quality kitchen goods
-3 minutes
-they replaced the device
-grinds the fruit/veggies
-some of my money back
-a chocolate fountain
-a safety pin to the bottom of the organizer.
-10 oz
-it doesn't absorbe taste or odors
-hasn't stained.
-non-abrasive, smooth paste
-Bed, Bath, and Beyond
-added 60-day satisfaction guarantee
-a push pin or thumb tack
-least two
-margaritas and Moscow mules
-in style
-only 1 star
-the front edge of my counter
-After a couple months of use, I noticed myself tapping the scale, moving the items around, and it dawned on me. I was still cheating my portions
-it takes a minute to dump the grounds and clean the pot.
-starburst pattern
-on a tray right by the sofa
-the safety switch
-it is stainless and it's easy to clean. Pop it into dishwasher and it looks new again.
-egg crate cover
-about a week
-salt or pepper
-It makes holding the grater much more comfortable
-19 circ
-great results
-the ends
-the bathroom
-the ink used to label the button has WORN OFF!
-3 days
-bread pan
-it stays open
-plenty and quite powerful
-3 and 1/2 years
-acid has the enzymes
-for canning on my induction stove top
-It cut into the lid so smoothly I couldn't tell it was working
-5 stars
-6 cup espresso maker
-ice cream
-one of the halves of the frame was broken off
-the smaller, more flexible brushes
-non-stick pan
-quit pattern and magnets
-it may freeze in place
-people who like to lie their head flat, witha little fluff
-blender is rather loud
-stainless steel
-The handles
-long time ago
-Doesn't seem to burn the coffee
-Returned it
-more than a few items
-Audrey's Garden accessories
-the comforter
-induction cooking
-a true Belgian style waffle
-put it on a rubber mat
-236 power-nozzle
-Even though it's plastic, it seems durable
-two part filtration system
-4 years
-hard as a rock
-often resulted in badly cut slices for 3/4 of my loaf
-This one is great
-it cooks too hot
-couple years
-It took me and my 16 yr. old kid
-long as an adult body
-rechargeable batteries
-came with ZERO filters
-no cracks or issues so far
-a very sturdy set that you can use every day
-Sistema Klip system
-1 star
-silicone pastr brush
-the unit
-it makes about a large mug and a half
-four minutes
-Beauty, function, lifetime guarantee, and great price
-small stand up sleeve
-water everywhere
-a sheet snob
-doesn't add a ton of weight
-baked creations
-red or white wine
-my wife
-matte finish
-The dust holder
-it appears to be quite durable
-steeped tea
-several weeks
-it doesn't really turn out a smooth puree,
-Enviro pads
-hold feature
-difficult to remove and replace
-21 month old
-aren't compatible with the systems the previous mentioned venues offer
-2-3 times per week
-decant a bit
-not-too-old box spring
-two AAA batteries
-borosilicate glass
-home distillation unit
-stainless steel cups with stainless steel lids
-The functionality of the scale
-1/2 hour
-photo of tulips
-the underside of the top was unfinished
-not really bad to clean up
-fairly small
-jar opener
-Large and Medium
-baby bottle
-is a trifle short
-cool anything with any degree of effectiveness
-Slippery Kitchen
-outgoing mail to the mailbox
-space heaters
-the groove isn't deep enough
-stainless steel
-several months
-small packages
-really good
-double stick tape
-30 years
-different types of breads
-Soy sauce
-plastic shower caddy
-from day one
-I had to purchase larger "commercial" sized jelly roll pans (difficult to find 18 x 13 cookie sheets)
-KCup Platinum
-10 hours
-three easy minutes
-Freshware candy mold
-about a week
-calibrating was simple
-seems cheap
-The lid
-lid's plastic ridges are a bit sharp too
-Lasko 2551
-The flimsy construction
-soft bed
-the clear dispensers slides off the wall bracket so you can clean it easier
-the styling
-a few weeks
-the fish prints came off
-people who like to try new recipes and make their own food products from scratch
-they get real dirty or stained
-little bumps
-Cleanup is relatively simple, the screen takes a little scrubbing with some soap but cleans up nicely
-at how much it can hold and how light it is
-hard cheeses, chocolate, zesting citrus and similar tasks
-clunky on the steps
-the base
-the drive in each morning
-easy to clean
-watching a video on youtube to understand more on what to do I tried it out
-a regular coffee pot.
-few months ago
-the commendable uniformity of its toasting
-Very nifty little gadget
-would always have one ready when the other one is in the wash
-extremely durable and totally accurate
-every day
-Rowenta Professional iron
-Korean BBQ
-cord clip on the handle
-very dark and old stains
-shake the scoop
-food stick
-the stuff that we have to pick up after the dogs
-the cup on the bottom
-It does not fit cleanly into a corner angle
-burned rubber
-that most are too large and bulky
-iceberg lettuce
-leaner cuts
-make a couple of meals
-hold the minute button in
-July 2013
-stainless straws
-open the wine cork
-I bought this set to go with a RSVP set
-Pretty much the same
-the magnet
-Reconditioned Waring Juice Extractor
-thick and bulky
-when the water is ready
-paddle shafts in the pan wore out
-the handles
-soft and about as crease-free
-30 seconds
-4 loaves of bread/week
-any size bread
-homemade ice cream
-during a recent 90 degree spell
-has a w h i n e to it
-the Breeze
-a friend
-ice or frozen fruit
-Lodge, Grill / Griddle
-Smith's sharpener
-Super easy
-a toaster.
-I love a good cup of coffee
-spiral zucchini into spaghetti noodles
-Rachael Ray
-You will get burnt
-only 1-2 min after a recharge
-.Update:I have 3 of this units
-Put index finger against front and thumb under door handle
-restaurant quality appearance
-so thick and heavy
-3 years ago
-hand held vacuum cleaner by Dirt Devil
-Amazon and Thermos
-Draping a napkin over the bacon
-tacky and corny
-grind coarsely to minimize the sludginess in the bottom
-PC gaming
-one person
-together in the same box
-pizzas and rolls and artisan breads
-5 1/2 inches
-always weak
-sit over the sink
-you can "see" that it work
-for the money I would still consider a good slicer if it continues working
-the quicker your filters will wear out
-fountain lights
-25 degrees
-by hand
-frozen treats
-additional magnets
-the motor shutting down for a 'mandatory' cooling off period.
-This heater works just great
-about a month ago
-wire rack
-a year ago
-1 year
-This product is only an extremely expensive fan
-generous size and thick.
-serving spatula's
-is it is flimsy
-queen size
-twelve inch
-10 1/2
-The shorter, wider design
-smaller food items
-it is a bit pricey
-it doesn't seem that the base is heavy enough
-thick and covered with heavy grade material
-battery charger
-little finger tab
-got stuck on the black plastic that hold the blade in place
-the store
-This drying rack
-appx 2 years
-it works great
-5 years
-the pump
-very quiet
-go from stove to oventop
-Blendtec Pros
-the sheet catches a lot of heavier tars exhaled
-napkins blowing away
-The smell
-very satisfied
-the thumbs sometimes get into the food on the cookie tray when I take stuff out of the oven
-a slow cooker
-sleep on side/back/stomach
-bottom rack
-throw out the basket
-foot pedal
-bristled vacuum wand
-not to cross thread riser into base
-left out in freezing weather by a house-sitter who used it to carry water
-whipping attachment
-grass fed beef
-induction motor
-riced items
-you hardly know it is there
-the Vue
-salt and pepper
-about a dozen cupcakes
-The Beast
-at the top of the handle
-Braun WK200W
-a variety of bottles
-it can cause your beer to overflow
-World of Futons
-extra switches
-allen wrench
-right through the chillsner as the beer flows out the top of it
-glass carafe
-Note that they are not absolutely quiet
-the SAFEST opener I've ever used but fast, clean and quieter
-Shark XL
-neckties and bowties
-one piece
-freezer bag
-the tray
-coffee easily spews out of it
-drip maker carafe.
-has never gotten dull
-green smoothie
-holding the pictures in place
-10- 20 mins
-20 years
-heavier then my Miele
-very small areas
-different temps
-3 cups
-large shag rugs
-450 degrees
-adding an egg or two, and sometimes a little beer to the bread
-it's going back immediately
-The cord does not stretch out straight enough so you have to contend with the cord curling
-just as good
-recently married daughters
-cracking plastic sound
-They stay firm instead of getting ripe too fast
-bottom of the shelf
-bottled water
-based on the Cooks Illustrated Kitchen testing lab
-the timer isn't a timer, it's merely a marker to remind you of how long you're planning on running the machine.
-long hanging stuff
-the Tardis
-from walking on the counter while running
-up or down
-bath full
-Clean up
-stainless steel
-simple and easy to read.
-the padded bar
-worn box spring
-Grip tape
-BISSELL Steam Mop Deluxe Hard Floor Cleaner, 31N1
-3 pound
-slides around
-16 oz
-it's insulated
-5-10 seconds
-four stars
-the little face towels
-Battery life
-a wooden wine rack
-USA pans
-It hardly survived to the two year mark
-the cordlessness
-16.9 fl oz
-hot soak
-4 star
-living room rug
-had a party at my house
-a year
-staining or scorching
-20 inches deep X 14.5 inches tall X 10 inches wide
-better results
-small jobs
-for the same purpose
-a screw
-strenght of Amazon reviews
-the waterproof layer
-more expensive turns itself off faster
-frozen ice cream
-once a week
-once a month
-additional blankets
-waking up sweating
-recommend it to anyone
-starter kit or a beer veteran
-slow rise, no knead bread
-older pan
-returned the item
-metal pan
-have usually held up to everyday usage
-They are soft
-the mesh at the bottom forms such a good seal
-slotted spoon
-a HEPA filter over the exhaust port to collect fine particulate
-by hand
-roast beef
-for making baby food
-a skillet and a toaster
-maybe she picked wrong kind of zucchini
-It is quiet
-the filter and a large fiberglass cap
-cotton candy
-Black & Decker Digital Advantage
-3 ft
-last fall
-parchment paper
-behaving erratically
-6 inches
-very happy
-little oven
-a really nice box with that spongy foam stuff
-This is also excellent for those printed out recipes
-not as long as other curtains
-over priced
-carbonated water
-Simple Human
-standard plastic grocery bag
-cooking pasta
-wooden spoon
-save on some batteries
-very satisfied
-old-fashioned basting brushes
-Just throw the bowl and the paddle in the dishwasher
-gone up significantly
-"dull" bolster area
-every couple of weeks
-toting my cloths to the washer and dryer
-county fair
-fondue pot
-OXO slicer
-Cuisinart cooking products
-the insulating power
-over the shower handle
-2 weeks
-you have to really snug it up against the top of the opener
-almost 24/7
-anti scratch resistant
-the container
-leaves floors cleaner than regular mopping
-use a great deal more coffee in order to get the cup I want
-cotton shirts and even bed sheets
-slow cooker
-hanging belts or ties or other clothing accessories
-hard to get a good grip
-The suction
-the white side
-not very well
-how much water to add
-the price
-friends and their children
-after several washings in the top rack of the diswasher, the plastic gets a &#34;foggy&#34
-the air
-nice and sturdy
-first 30 days
-5 qt.
-had to return it
-pop up rods over the toaster
-not possible to change
-24 oz
-it did not shatter or even crack
-seasoning meats
-narrow opening
-twenty-five dollars
-hand steamer
-about a quarter
-a 50' extension cord
-this timer
-So far it has kept our large basement at 70 degrees and has not run that much even though it is really cold up here in NE PA.
-not had to replace one
-twin xl
-De Longhi
-nearly everyday
-1 to 5
-blue flower earl grey or Irish breakfast tea
-the clips for the lid get in the way a bit if you use pot holders to try and remove the crock while it's still hot
-any lipstick, lip gloss, chapstick
-non slip table mat
-the lights still work (and they have a separate pull chain
-speed up the process
-the video that was submitted by a purchases/user
-6 - 8 inch long size
-like it very much
-My husband
-four stars
-salt or pepper
-charred and dull
-Shiny in appearance
-about a month
-loyal Amazon customer
-This little kettle is tiny, so it heats up to a boil at a rapid pace.
-french fries.
-contaminate the food
-a French press
-I would suggest keeping it in the box
-Use recycled lids from store-bought mayo or salad dressing
-hard to close
-send this back
-stack really well
-I don't have to clean out the press after each crush
-you don't use enough teabags
-great price, good value and prompt delivery
-The Egg Genie
-another reviewer
-you use a little oil and wipe it down both sides after scrubbing down with water and a good nylon bristle brush
-3 or 4
-about $150 - $200
-3qt saucepan
-vacumn bags
-set it at five to get toasted browned bread
-more than seven decades
-not very easy
-a little worried
-fundamentally different
-"wear and tear"
-a Duvet Comforter cover
-a great price too
-half an hour
-sticky marinated meats
-where it attaches
-washed it
-to remove the product decal sticker on the side
-the halogen light
-on a carpet
-solid, well-constructed
-hot areas
-visibility of detail
-holding a roaster pan, or the handle of a fry pan
-weight and balance
-boxer and long haired cat
-it seemed to work
-you must pick size, etc. every time
-Hoover Pleated HEPAY
-20 years
-for sleeping soundly
-.I love Bodum Coffee Presses
-spare ribs
-cup-style filter
-how difficult it would be to transfer the grounds into the espresso thingy
-can opener
-three times
-DeLonghi espresso maker
-over tightening
-solid nylon
-in the living room
-only one cup serving is desired
-to ID spices
-isn't heavy enough by itself to hold up if there are only a few pieces of clothing
-a regular cooktop
-die cast aluminum
-Honeywell 38002 Enviracare Universal Replacement Pre-Filter)
-twice as much
-knife block off of the counter
-The flower part
-kept them cold for several hours.
-they did not toast evenly across the slice
-sheet vinyl
-two potatoes and roast a dozen spears of asparagus
-12 oz
-choosing Meyer for their pans
-800 thread
-Once I got it assembled
-4 stars
-Priced right
-Once or twice
-ground beef burgers with bacon
-you'll be very happy.
-I didn't purchase it through amazon
-basic, cheap
-a little higher
-to scrape paint
-The tops didn't brown
-rinse it with warm water
-five years
-soft and absorbent
-Price too was Excellent
-the internal thermostat
-Rachel Ray
-every day
-It heats up pretty quick
-This is the third
-BarKeepers Friend
-traditional wood
-like a charm
-so that little hands can't reach it
-food network
-3 year warranty
-three stars
-The Big Boss Pro Steam
-slightly over 3-1/2 inches
-local hardware store, even the grocery store
-it was giving me literally a very tiny dribble drop that was too small to wash with.
-drink my coffee with a straw
-muffins and cupcakes
-It does not take up too much counter space
-white vinegar
-20 oz
-frosted mugs
-grandchildren's fingers
-if I would ever actually find a use for it
-wasting my money
-It will last forever
-screw in plug
-the muffin comes out "denser"
-the newer designed shark steamers
-Joe Dimaggio
-10-15 minutes
-all the time
-poor quality
-a few weeks
-slow speeds were too fast
-push the cubes out
-kid's lunch
-a 10 inch or thicker mattress
-friend of our family's got married
-a couple
-Smith's CCKS 2-Step Knife Sharpener
-pound of coffee
-becomes unsightly over time
-same price
-The pan leaves authentic grill marks
-It is a small set
-one side
-3 times
-at least 2DAYS
-24 oz. small vented casserole
-French press
-As an oven
-The baseboard heater is extremely expensive to run in the winter.
-placing heavier objects in them
-frustratingly addictive
-soy milk
-shiny chrome finish which, coordinates beautifully with my stainless steel kitchen appliances, and is very pretty to look at
-it turns on
-carpet cleaners you rent from the super market
-stainless steel
-I was swimming in the lake and the flip top prevented any splashes of lake water from getting into my drink
-mist of water
-k cups
-great reviews
-inexplicably narrow-necked bottles
-difficult to pour
-scrambled eggs,
-on top of my fridge
-Sharp SuperSteam
-they don't last long and I'm constantly having to replace it. I
-liquid soap with similar viscosity
-the lids
-a couple people
-stainless steel
-shoulder strap
-one ounce
-dirty laundry
-dual steamer basket
-kitchen counter
-three year
-did not come properly "Pre-Seasoned."
-more than a minute
-harmful chemicals
-a vacuum cleaner
-in front of the TV
-tomato, green tea, avocado and sweet corn ice cream
-The cord is too short
-put it in the dishwasher
-the middle
-The price is good
-they wont' stay flat
-learning how to use the whole piece of fruit or vegetable
-beautiful, soft, absorbent
-about a year
-freezing stock
-you set how long you want to grind
-old dog pee
-kerug (sp)
-these gorgeous glasses
-crushed ice
-Clean up
-plant-based diet
-stainless steel
-use clear packaging tape to help secure it to the base to hold it sturdier
-drains all of the water from the fish
-harsh environment
-have not found a good use for them.
-key lime green
-a great little vacuum
-these leak like a sieve
-prep cooking
-on the top
-weighted arm
-the handle
-They look nothing like what is pictured
-The paper is a little thinner
-the next day
-bottle stopper collectors.
-provide opportunities for small splatters to escape
-the exact same thing
-marked measurements
-67 lbs.
-It's a space saver
-1 1/2 quarts
-because they are all JUNK
-an uncut tomato
-They have some slight flexibility that wood handles don't
-at her barn
-1000 watts
-tile bathroom and linoleum kitchen
-this looked like the best option for the price
-became noisier
-house a motor this powerful
-rubber feet
-Hamilton Beach
-Circulon Whistling Tea Kettle
-in the kitchen
-60% cotton/ 40% acrylic blend
-the handle
-taking them off and putting them back on
-broke after a short time
-Knife Sharpener
-the slightest touch
-It doesn't leak at all.
-It doesn't take up a lot of space
-this product because our gas stove seems to have only two settings: high and higher
-hardwood and carpeting
-vibrates itself off the desk
-lightly scrubbed the area and wiped it clean
-pop open
-leave the oven door open
-Losing counter and storage space
-I am content with the cradle
-whiskey, scotch, or bourbon
-any bottle from 750ml to 1.5 liters
-few months
-a knob
-hand wash only
-manufacturing process
-would cost more than it's worth to ship back
-predominately French
-Half gallon
-3 speeds; oscillates, or not; air can be directed up/down/straight ahead; quiet
-trash can
-making the dough
-20 to 30
-it simply overflows and spills all over your counter
-they are well made
-soap making
-30 seconds
-there very expensive
-very comfortable and non-slip
-during sales
-freeze some of the beer
-it doesn't drip
-mathematical formula
-mixing bowls
-polycarbonate, Utrem, silicone, and melamine
-sturdy, EZ to assemble.
-choc chips
-The funnel
-air tight
-in the door
-it can't go in microwave
-circular needles
-Cook's knives
-fudge molds
-5 weeks
-air suction
-the price
-they feature non-slip handles
-cookbook holder
-a double weave strainer
-has improved
-cookie cutters
-to bring the cup to the kettle, not to carry a boiling vessel across the room
-Ball jars
-.It's made of extremely heavy cast iron
-It does include a small, glass pie plate
-couch potato lounging
-don't puff up
-The smell fades
-metal utensils
-2 months
-these will break
-nice for personal items
-the quilts his grandmother used to make
-6 1/2 quarts
-full indicator
-Bad beer
-of grandma's cup at the pump
-the Amazaon price was marvelous
-opening or closing the closet door
-Boston shaker
-reinforced steel
-LOOKS great
-Cooper Cooler
-different on each side
-struggles to operate any handheld kitchen gadgets
-solid,and so easy
-summer and spring
-one for me and two for friends
-to use as a scoop for my dog, cat and bird foods
-hold a world of your fondest memories.
-there is virtually no clean up after use
-unplug it and plug it in again
-I had installed the whole thing in less than 15 mins
-I love my coffee pot
-its intent - as a pie carrier.
-the Brita replacement filters
-adorable and quite the eye-catching serving piece
-magnets hidden
-the box
-I shattered when tapping it entirely too hard against the garbage can to get some grounds out
-adjustable frame
-450-500 degrees
-cleans up with a snap
-11" thick
-ongoing "surcharge
-wraps or salads
-the bottom panels had to be put in place
-mostly stainless steel
-honest review
-a Hoover Wind Tunnel Air
-3 star
-very difficult to get together
-the rubber seal on the lids
-very difficult
-2 weeks
-turkey dressing
-husbands birthday
-the recharger
-2 days
-ordered it without reading reviews
-Not convenient at all.
-700 square foot
-over a year's
-still using these bags for groceries at least once a week
-14 degrees of sharpness
-Breville product (toaster oven)
-Boos Mystery Oil
-my mom
-looks too good.
-I might buy something like this again, but it would have to be sturdier.
-a conventional Mr. Coffee type maker
-using my fingers to push the bottom of each muffin cup
-about a min
-in the dish drainer
-a very slight slant
-Now less than 5 months later the teflon coating is coming off
-the Oster
-the material is super light weight, but strong
-keep the drinks just a cold
-more slender
-boiling water
-gave this away as a gift
-off brands
-silicone contact points
-demise of incandescent bulbs,
-the best
-have some storage space planned for it.
-mini parfaits
-air condition company
-make things significantly more comfy
-over $19 after tax
-limited in its cleaning abilities
-cord is ridiculously (as in open to ridicule) short
-plastic tablecloth
-using the magnet
-above standards
-Dual(2) Countdown timers
-vent tab
-30 minutes
-6 months
-$100 or so
-PEVA (polyethylene vinyl acetate)
-the packets aren't enough
-silicone bakeware
-prime the unit
-three hours
-the footprint
-quite a while
-sensor on top
-Bodum Bistro Large Electric Water Kettle
-Whisper quiet
-heavier gauge stainless steel
-very absorbent
-Wusthof knives
-3/8&#34; diameter
-will not allow to flow the water fast enough
-very modern, sleek
-coffee and with tea
-replace another small one
-mashed potatoes
-one of the stands are wobbly
-a razor and goo be gone
-wear it on my shoulder
-Chefs Toolbox
-Mr. Coffee
-the off/on light is hidden completely behind the temperature knob
-embedded into the meat
-far better than replacing the cork
-Big Boss grill
-highly polished finish
-cutting board oil
-washing instuctions
-stew and soups
-got this roller to try out making my own ravioli's
-tea particles
-sweep our floors with a broom
-silicone bristles
-the sponge
-this cup
-They are great pans for a great price!
-ridges or markings
-fried potatoes, bacon and egg
-start with fresher beans and a lighter roast
-when we poured chilled beverages or put ice into the glass
-These are heavy
-freezer, fridge, cupboard, and microwave
-love the look
-scratches on the springforms
-Christmas two years ago
-grinder and screw with the grinds
-latte maker
-in the top part
-your hands
-no chips or porcelain impurities noticed
-for her to practice decorating
-three Victorinox knives
-Stack pieces
-old-fashioned cookie cutters
-ask for a refund or exchange
-a small protrusion
-two canisters
-Cooks Illustrated
-broke often
-the bed skirt
-more than a cup full
-grocery store bags
-smaller size
-stainless cleaner
-is it is not a very deep
-I prefer these to my Egyptian cotton sheets
-consistent use
-tea kettle
-two or three days
-empty the remaining water left in the white part, use the brush and clean the disk w/clean dry cloth each time
-the hardware store
-a couple times a week
-brown rice and beans
-hold water
-metal gear of the motor
-1 of the 4
-the price
-you need to be a chemist to try and refill yourself
-at least ten times
-fabric wrap
-Sure they get food stains
-440 sqft
-zip lock
-on the TOP
-built in
-cast iron grill pans
-first one the wooden handle broke off
-lukewarm coffee)
-3 shakes
-can't pour coffee until the brewing cycle is complete
-a great deal
-KitchenAid Pro Line Series Waffle BakerKitchenAid Pro Line Series Waffle Baker
-very quiet
-it does not disappoint.
-no directions
-two-piece handles
-a little
-it's been working great for us
-store-bought mayo or salad dressing
-easy to assemble, sturdy, and most importantly has a very simple design
-cooking pasta, quinoa or oatmeal
-does not have the best circulation
-. I'm surprised no one has sued the company for manufacturing this awkward, uncomfortable, dangerous product.
-Black & Decker
-the filters
-Great invention, but it is a bit bulky. I would suggest keeping it in the box so as not to lose any parts. It works great for drying fresh cut pasta doe.
-the little clear cap
-3 minutes
-wooden microwave cart
-excellent on wide-board bamboo floors
-left it open
-greek yogurt
-harder pillows
-gas barbecue
-great nonstick
-too big
-works exceedingly well
-palmed it
-make the complex cup of coffee
-rubber band
-jar opener
-because it is cheaper
-cheap plastic
-if one's hands aren't perfectly dry
-is large enough
-Shark Professional
-looks and I like its quiet whistle.
-half inch
-clunky on the steps
-can be used by both righties and lefties
-wedding gift.
-suction cups.
-hold books, book light, tissues and other small items
-Magic Butter Machine
-They appear to be
-Corn Bread
-springs and components tucked away in plastic housing so that they could not be accessed
-nice and fluffy
-stove top kettles for years
-these sheets are heavy
-travel mugs
-in less than two minutes
-"airing" the loaves
-have usually held up to everyday usage
-where the electric connects to the heating element
-milk steamer
-that it has major hot spots
-over a month
-not capable of grinding properly
-the entire season
-Grand Prix II
-worked perfectly
-The foil cutter
-. Both very convenient to use in bedrooms
-never any sharp edges to cut yourself on and it also prevents drips so no cleanup required
-garbage disposal
-one month
-it definitely looks much better in person
-five year
-sorting whites, colors and reds each laundry day
-really enjoyed it
-cannot cut on it
-etagere cabinet
-my daughter
-a few months
-a button that retracted the cord
-the lid
-inconsistant quality from unit to unit
-prolongs the life of the fruit
-1/4 inch
-retired chef,
-buy in bulk at Sam's Club and Costco
-need to shape it somewhat into a patty
-manual juicers
-almond milk
-well made
-six weeks
-husband decided to make tea in it and poured boiling water onto the tea bags
-the newer designed shark steamers
-indian food
-a birthday gift
-didn't fit any of our doors.
-simple to use
-ZeroWater pitcher
-being sharp
-padded hooks
-30 or 33 gallon
-dorm rooms or small apartments
-cast iron dutch oven
-somebody who has a KitchenAid Stand Mixer with all the good attachments
-so I don't overeat
-a range of fun, complimenting colors
-Progressive International Egg Beater
-Noble Needle
-in the middle of the night
-The only con I can see is that it may be a bit heavy to handle for someone who is delicate.
-crock pot
-oxo products
-4 gallon
-the size
-a cup or 2
-the cashier and baggers
-put the wetter toppings on one side and the dryer toppings on the other
-good grips
-the dimensions of your cabinet
-impractical for knife storage
-The heater panel is paintable
-ground beef
-stainless steel
-you'll wonder, as I have, how you got along without it to this point.
-the lid
-so I don't overeat
-lemon extract
-in the past
-wedding gifts
-small bottle
-3 stars
-Dyson DC15 Animal
-the fan
-I wouldn't buy more of them.
-two to three minutes
-French press
-This scraper
-seemed to work as flawlessly as my old openers
-the outlet
-3 year old
-cat hair
-can withstand to be in the liquid and is long enough to do the job
-right choice
-waffle maker
-about 7-8 slices
-washed it once on cold
-second tablecloth
-5 year limited warranty
-works on gas and electric
-pizelle maker
-have to heat it up in a secondary cup, then pour it into my travel mug
-clean our screened in porch
-the base
-20 minutes
-turn it off
-has a latch that can be slid into place that prevents opening
-Keurig B155
-Silicone mats,
-mattresses at home
-3 or 4 sticks
-Baking them in the Oven
-Grocery store plastic bags
-absolutely beautiful
-lighter and thinner
-bottles of fluids
-open bottles
-it is a bit bulky.
-this turns out GREAT boiled eggs
-completely unplug your brewer
-plain old tap water
-30 piece
-pipe cleaners
-6 months ago
-the spoon / lifter
-effort to make it "safe"
-very small amounts
-against the tub
-eggnog latte, then made a regular latte and after that I made a sugar free coconut milk peppermint mocha
-has held up ok after about 2 months of washing.
-Proctor Silex roaster
-2 batches of ice cream in a row
-stainless steel
-so i can sleep
-a few walnut halves
-a plastic
-department store pillows
-Highly recommended!
-measuring liguids
-45 minutes
-at my parents house
-a black liner
-Over a year later and they have NOT replaced my dispenser
-My sister
-one serving size
-the bottom
-it can never seem to settle on a weight.
-Cutco shears
-the bottoms did not make good contact with my stove burners
-body and soul
-drywall or any soft-material wall
-finer sized heating elements
-sleek simple design
-anti scratch resistant
-denser, sturdier batters
-14 X 20
-registered the vacuum with Hoover
-the mesh back is contoured
-14 muffins
-hold my spices
-the poaching tray
-about 3 weeks
-matching sheet set
-Melitta Take-2
-under the shelf in my closet.
-coarse-ground yellow grits
-slow cooker
-VERY sturdy
-have yet to find any of its functions lacking
-so convenient to store with the airtight cap
-you do need to use only low heat on many synthetics though
-a couple of times
-there's no spot in my kitchen where it doesn't look bad
-it did not
-under the top portion of the handle
-14 ounce
-a few years
-nice thick handle
-rear surround speakers
-potential fire hazard
-$6 or $8
-so the sink is right there
-The recipes are also in German, but cmon you can Google any recipe in seconds and it will do just fine.
-clean up
-several months
-significant deposits
-edge cleaning
-cookie sheet
-put it on a flat baking sheet or pan
-five years
-3-3/4 inch diameter
-10 year old
-bottom locking mechanism
-years ago
-1000 ponds
-"toast" setting
-my gps
-so heavy
-two heat settings & a non-heat setting
-prep bowls
-moderate amount
-warm the milk too hot
-Designed for different sized citrus
-WThe Mavea filter
-9 1/2 years
-muffin pan
-suction cups
-double-wide mobile home,
-extra few bucks
-reasonable price.
-rose colored
-they are easier to clean than the glass one
-"mysteriously" disappeared
-the Kuhn Rikon Single Cup Easy Brew
-US Shelby CO
-a bigger sweeper
-Yes, it does whistle, but in proportion to its size. It's NOT loud.
-when tipped over to drink, the seal doesn't leak
-metal universal lid
-square biscuits
-it cleans the air plus keeps the humidity at a good level no noise
-just squished a very ripe tomato
-top rack of my dishwasher
-I am really disapointed.
-very scratch resistent
-6qt 12in
-to keep our fruit organized and keep a lot of the counter space clean
-a citrus squeezer
-empty it.
-a lot of customers received the desk in a somewhat damaged condition
-specialty stores
-the length
-it would probably be great for baked mac and cheese or any casserole.
-julienne strips on a zucchini
-small cans, such as tuna or tomato paste
-locking drain
-clear lid
-you likely won't hear this little fellow whistling
-when strained through something that is more tightly woven
-much smaller than I expected
-It is a one-person job
-Cooks Illustrated
-a LOT of coffee
-the stain will not leave and the color will eventually darken
-smaller items
-lid rack
-cutting fruit and vegetables
-about the size of a toaster
-Roman soaking tub
-straight, small screwdrivers
-not enough to pick up anything more than a hair or a miniscule crumb
-set of coasters
-the magnetic strips
-mid-point shelf brackets
-looks just as cheap as any other fan
-quite powerful
-2 cup amount is below the max fill line
-6 cup
-Impossible to get them evenly cooked
-below the chalkboard
-the base is really really small
-the heating element.
-very crooked
-alcoholic beverages
-at the jobsite
-the remote rocks!
-within the first year
-12 cups
-Hamilton Beach
-You need to watch the videos on Youtube.com
-the other day
-light blue
-8" 'Chef's' knife
-a disappointment
-Lock & Lock containers
-the small size prevents the food from becoming over-done and dry
-lever to make toast is a little fussy
-I would have given it a score of three, but felt that the presence of little metal slivers on the handle weld spots deserved a lower score
-a dirt devil on a stick
-peanut butter
-a second pair
-about 1.5 years
-non-stick feature
-non-skid coating
-bright red
-bits of garlic out from the little holes
-vertical napkin holders
-sponge and a little dish detergent
-very sharp
-bread pan
-ability to extend to hard-to-reach areas.
-every wine glass
-commercial concessions and bounce house company
-Bella Cucina Belgian waffle maker
-CDN TM4 Count Down Big Digit timer
-I'm getting rid of it
-7 year
-roughly $180
-.These bags are really easy to use, and have been perfect
-plates and coffee mugs
-a bottle of water
-everything turned out just perfect
-other odd sized Farberware pieces
-spaghetti or fettuccine
-there is a tiny rubbery taste
-put a ball of meat in and pound it into form
-nest the mugs
-in the dishwasher
-chopped onions, peppers and celery
-3 and a half hours
-*too* early
-nothing is happening.
-because the rubber seals are not that great
-the oven
-user error
-the linen tablecloth
-which way the steam is going to escape
-dough hooks, whisk, and drink mixer rod
-strength of your batteries
-very slim
-quite good
-mattress protector
-my husband
-laundry sorter
-3 1/2 year
-fan speed selector has tiny lights on it that
-Sure they get food stains on their finish and on the rivets
-it is plastic and lightweight, it appears to be quite durable
-the timer feature
-electric kettle
-it needed to be frozen
-It runs at a slower speed
-the cleaning and drying
-rinse with cool water
-cook evenly,
-pulling apart at the outside seam
-Breville BKC700XL
-Home and Kitchen under bath towels
-roll out
-perfect, unbroken condition
-good heft
-a good looking serving piece as well. what more could i ask of a pan that is so versatile and at a reasonable price?
-a nice little projection on the inside to keep it from slipping through one's hand
-1 year
-stored two half chicken breasts with sauce easily.
-a year
-(not too heavy)
-Good beer
-sitting next to my kitchen sink
-a second one
-10 mins
-up to 2 months
-a touch heavy
-terribly dull knives
-sorting whites
-the base that holds the molds upright, 6 molds that don't skimp on space, and 6 lid/handle/drip catchers
-1.5 months
-It's not great, but it's not as bad as some
-pot holders
-an 18 ounce mug
-under the top portion of the handle
-by my couch
-Mr Coffee
-in the microwave
-a humid climate where salt cakes
-the handle does not come out at 90deg. it bends down which makes it easier and safer hold and to clean
-nut milk bag
-like it
-a rag mop
-the Copco Cup
-warm water
-KitchenAid blender
-cleaned rugs well
-bag tops
-living area
-come out perfect
-sleek-looking machine, a silvery color, lightweight with a carrying handle built in
-tiny holes
-It works great, makes washing rice faster since you have a constant flow of clean water running over it.
-a disk inside it
-a small apartment
-The book
-long time
-stainless steel
-GABA brown rice
-a machine shop as well as a cafe
-option for one slice
-very little of the grinds make their way past it
-Progressive International Powdered Sugar Keeper
-tea, oatmeal, and hot cocoa
-egg cooker
-up straight
-dirty water container
-Skyrim and Red Dead Redemption
-I need to increase the speed in order to move those frozen pieces to the bottom and get the blender going again
-over 40
-double walls
-imparting fruit flavors while leaving the tea (or other liquid) separate for serving
-portion control
-you get about two tablespoons or so of water if you dump directly to your plate
-smaller-sized cupcakes
-roasting bags
-made in China
-7 months
-isn't as powerful
-guessing the motor overheated and seized up
-unusable as a cutting board
-.The only issue is that the elastic on the bottom sheet is not strong enough to stay on the bed.
-every review
-phallic design
-never seems to get much over 350
-breaks or cracks
-decant wine
-never any sharp edges to cut yourself on and it also prevents drips so no cleanup required
-all of my popcorn
-Crane "Penguin"
-Stella Artois (a lager), local crafted ales and Pils (Pilsner)
-2 years
-a simple blanket
-air purifier
-a modern look
-a college student
-ceramic dish
-stainless steel
-extremely reasonable
-since 2003.
-this hasn't been "as seen on tv"
-making a half pot or more
-long enough to reach an 11 ft ceiling.
-The oil filtering system
-with the waffle maker
-Coke habit
-infused Coconut Oil
-Ecojarz Stainless Steel Drink Top for Small Mouth Canning Jars
-there were no instructions
-grease from the cheese soaks into the stone
-5 star
-5 stars
-shuts off
-once a week
-pretty, very slightly hot pinkish red
-this heater will not automatically turn back on
-30 seconds
-"build it yourself
-a few years
-producing an even fine grind
-being microwaved
-Cuisinart Smartstick
-nasty odors
-kit that offers everything you need to make beer
-very difficult to grind the peppercorns
-young friend of our family
-twisting the stem/base
-commercial quality
-18 ounce
-almost instantly
-you must rinse them every time
-Crate and Barrell
-lumbar pillows
-new condition, with no dings or scratches
-Wusthof Silverpoint II
-solid wood
-not to wake others when grinding coffee in the morning
-one reviewer
-a link
-it stops at whichever position it was oscillating at.
-easy grab lip
-all gets into your
-worst designed vacuum I've ever purchased
-the hardwoods
-manufacturer reputation
-spare batteries
-a need
-Dish Network 722
-four toothbrushes
-1 cup Clorox per gallon water
-white pepper
-one of the tines
-stand mixer
-two out of five
-Sharper Image
-Lynn Hoffman
-thin slices
-white noise machines
-piece of wood
-They are thick and solid
-rotary beaters
-cooking spray
-empty the last drop
-probably rip
-I'm very new to my Kitchenaid Mixer
-fits perfectly.
-its stark whiteness
-plastic spinner in the box
-smoothly and effortlessly
-his keys
-grass-fed butter oil or ghee
-32 oz.
-the seal
-slowly add pressure
-small and thin
-every two months
-a vacuum
-fairly loud
-Amazon Wish List
-You have to hold down the button for what feels like a minute before you actually can
-the Dyson groom is too stiff for upholstery
-. I think it last 1 year.
-for the money, it's an ok toaster
-Contigo Tumbler
-memory foam
-The new filter basket slips right into place.
-rubber lip
-long metal tube
-King Size SafeRest Premium Hypoallergenic Waterproof Mattress Protector
-my main or guest wash cloths
-looking for a set that would work with all types of cookware
-kitchen utensils
-wasteful of resources
-two bedroom apartment
-unobtrusive and strong
-open and close them easier
-kids in the house anymore
-fry eggs
-all four sides
-Made well and looks great
-56 bottles
-3 weeks
-over 10
-dish washer
-The box
-crock pot
-magnet on the back
-drops them through a grate once they're ground small enough
-anyone who needs quality knives
-Meat gets a nice sear at the highest setting and veggies, rice, noodles, etc. cook nicely as well
-Just rotate it
-hand-grinding coffee
-a POWER screwdriver with a Phillips bit
-My husband travels periodically to places that manufacture rubber products
-food saver
-will it be broken again in another few months
-more than 1 cup
-impatient person
-pizza oven
-very nice appearance of the press
-upper lid of the presser
-to arrive so quickly
-a bit taller
-made a real mess the first ime
-tiny little scratches in it
-The light is too bright
-juice popsicles
-this timer
-Conked out within couple of weeks
-an honest review
-keyboards and other accessories
-rock it across the pizza
-tiny bit
-. It's not put together with screws, bolts, or nails. It's just suppose to fit snugly together and stay up on it's own
-baking pan
-every day
-over four years
-. This product looks good when its done
-Function is most important
-Mr. Coffee
-3 years
-rust forming
-Removable attachment caddy
-stainless sink
-spend the extra money
-RCA Race 8002E ENERGY STAR 8000 BTU Window Air Conditioner
-It slices through everything like it's warm butter, and items fall away from the sides
-Intex Nylon Flocked Queen
-This one has a thin, t-shirt type material for a pad,
-if you do not want the cereal boxes lying around everywhere
-washing the dishes
-a really DEEP 12v socket
-I like strong coffee
-RV and cabin
-based on the brand.
-very stable and surprisingly sturdy
-a platform bed
-the lids
-push the button
-parts are dishwasher safe.
-4 hours
-one week.
-Kitchen aid products
-very expensive
-guaranteed for life
-Space bags
-220 grit
-$50 - 60
-behaving erratically
-last June
-one by one
-heating oil or fats in the cups in the microwave.
-to cool the tent
-bamboo oil
-too costly to return it
-this machine doesn't make noises
-it has cut down on the dust in the room
-apple cider vinegar
-separate pencil cup
-Springfield, MO
-first couple of times
-died while making cookie dough
-buying a lid from the maker of your cooking vessel
-tofu sold in the plastic tubs with water
-build quality
-a short time
-unit is shaky
-bedroom and his office
-We purchased this on Jan 29, 2014
-shelf liner
-held up very well
-Elegant home etagere products
-tap water
-ironing something large
-the button that holds it in place barely fits right
-The knife
-the price
-Starbucks machine
-gives a much more 'finished' look
-see inside the hopper
-paper-thin slices
-it works by pressure and not by adhesive
-had strings hanging from them
-buying online
-more pegs
-No spills
-64 ounces
-the pan had cooled, the warp was gone, and the pan back to its normal flat
-oversized King
-extra pots & pans
-work fine for painting
-Her sight is dimminished
-low to medium pile carpet
-measuring cups/spoons
-No sticking, no hassles
-a bottle or jar
-low setting
-footpedal on the base
-very satisfied
-well made
-this waffle maker gets extremely hot steam (burn worthy) that pours forth from where the handle attaches between the iron plates.
-price and simplicity.
-"Made in China" quality
-solid and well-constructed ironing board
-replace the item
-delicious and not bitter
-a big one
-Harold Imports
-Toast Master
-about 3 minutes
-love them
-The handles
-Shepherd's pie
-10 inch diameter
-brush it out with your finger or a spatula
-to mostly prevent the dogs from scratching the leather
-2 months
-onions and garlic
-which knifes I used to cut smelly onions
-a box
-4 hours
-the regular clock
-60 sqft
-up to 500 degrees
-the two cupper
-very satisfied with this product
-1-2 times
-5 years
-10 years
-haven't had any problem with food sticking
-deep but not very tall
-about five minutes
-back of a door
-just the right size
-shorter one
-fold the tape back over the hole
-the instruction booklet and realized it was all in German
-handle heats up
-padded hangers
-6 months
-to puree and chop homemade baby food
-2 tbsps.
-pinch spoon
-microwave oven
-watch a good movie
-"Pet" version
-two people
-falls off on the left
-mainly positive
-second Luna Pad that I have purchased
-i used the vacuum to suck up the extra water.
-medium sized
-10 minutes
-Tomatoes and oregano
-real winner
-Not too much
-a funky smell
-TV connections
-ceramic and titanium
-lay flat
-up to 11 pounds
-Wally World
-the entire line of USA pans
-muffin pan
-It is heavy
-bit bigger
-It can blow cool air as well
-A stuffed burger
-save a bit of money
-200 Fahrenheit
-White Wing
-calphalon one
-thick plastic
-The T-Fal ActiFry
-Sears Kenmore Canister
-since the 1930's
-inexpensive timer
-purse, messenger bag, briefcase or glove compartment
-non-stick surface
-functional and attractive
-One small issue is that if you lose power this heater will not automatically turn back on when power is restored.
-drawings, no verbage
-using my hand to turn the cone a little
-10 minutes
-consumer reports
-I'm going to purchase another one for my other shower
-I would recommend these.
-They pill just a little
-throwing out half pots of coffee
-a bed
-do not have valves or little pieces
-wasn't hard
-"manual" juicers
-to experiment with some Absinthe mixes
-$50 - 60
-good for cooling cookies
-empty the pulp collector
-9.5 in
-skim milk
-LG vacuum
-4 loaves of bread/week
-wouldn't ring
-All I wanted to put on it was some laundry soap, fabric softeners,
-dark off-green
-set of cookware
-i like the construction.very sturdy
-works very well
-The smallest bowls make great ingredient cups
-13-1/2"W x 36"H x 12"D
-3 stars
-is much longer
-a bit tricky
-strain even my somewhat arthritic hands.
-dutch oven
-a small, narrow knife holder
-conduct heat very well
-plastic expandable tension rod
-the cord
-a thrift store
-2012 John Wayne calendar
-small blenders
-16 years
-Martha Stewart
-much cheaper
-I received mine in a timely fashion
-happily suprised
-no bolts or wood
-a week or so
-The base setting
-It doesn't get dirty at all
-two were just a mess
-did not reprint the coupons
-iRobot corp
-Hoover Canister
-one in turquoise and one in white
-it's a little too tall
-two more
-baking pans
-1-1 1/2
-1 hour ago
-I make fruit shakes that have frozen fruit, including a cut-up frozen banana, and the blender blends
-seam becomes permanently visible
-the water
-digital temperature gauge
-the tank on this Penguin has only one small filling port that is much too small to get your hand through
-reasonable size
-Yube Cube
-almost every night for 2 weeks
-All samples are of the same weight of popping corn (weighed for accuracy on a postal scale)
-not an airtight
-reasonably satisfied
-only comes in white
-digital controls
-be happy
-from 5 to 2 or 3
-frozen, just making a very loud humming noise
-larger Cuisinart keurig
-easy to refill
-on line
-much smaller
-8 months
-They ALL leak
-how much crud it sucked up
-The buttons could be bigger, and it's hard to read their labels
-all this business of taking it apart and putting
-the heating element.
-My wife
-a steak
-. It is heavy and very floppy, so it can be difficult to stand it on it's side
-grind spices
-the ice cubes melting faster than larger ones
-falling over
-grasp it by the rim and lift the bottle, making sure it doesn't slip out
-roll/slide/move the loaves into the pan any other way
-several friends
-dining room
-oddball hardware
-the edges
-2 months
-skin of the chicken
-6 min cook
-ten years
-8 metal bars
-they are not machine washable
-a reservoir cut
-3 days
-bottom of the bowl
-exactly one hour
-several hours
-in about 5 minutes
-arrange your spice containers
-coals to be on the top
-cord is really short
-heavy duty plastic
-becasue they are supposed to be pre-seasoned
-rate these 5 stars.
-in a regular triangle type box
-that it does not stand in place on it's own
-about six feet
-Chef's Choice 675 Hot Pot
-The Trudeau is way overpriced for what you get
-The steam
-tight seal
-strains the herb out and makes very clear oil/butter.
-too wide and too high
-golden brown
-dust mites in their bed
-around two days
-White Cat Corn
-whole frozen fruit
-roughly 100 lbs
-make nice little ships and icebergs
-the beaters
-it was worth
-under $5
-tilt n' drain
-shake it pretty hard to get the bread out.
-easy to hold
-very durable
-I imagine it will do well on my ceramic-tile floor. My impression is that the brush probably does well
-stainless steel
-give bad reviews on Amazon
-ripen faster
-fair and honest review
-Fagor Duo
-weak wrists
-The cups fit nicely on the saucers, and manage to give the illusion of delicacy while still feeling substantial.
-any sushi lover
-the mold
-duvet insert
-hooking the plastic pieces onto the hose
-lactose intolerant
-America's Test Kitchen
-without muffin paper cups
-You get what you pay for
-easy to clean
-every two months
-professional size steam press
-cherry red
-around $5.00
-1 minute
-fridge door
-the zipper
-this item met all our expectations
-"floaties" in my herbal teas
-in a container in the refrigerator
-I tested the accuracy with a 50 g calibrating weight - this scale is absolutely accurate to fractions of whole numbers.
-paper towels
-does allow scoring
-West Bend
-the unit with the bowls needs plenty of storage room
-a dimple
-no milk
-remove some of the buckwheat
-some lemon, or juice
-a little opaque
-measuring cups
-cold chocolate milk
-locks closed
-Clean up is a breeze
-26 pages
-reusable My K-Cup
-their model numbers
-8 years
-4 of these for the price
-once a week or so
-clean our carpeted stairs
-last longer
-a potential safety issue
-a very good item to donate
-"non slip
-two days
-10 1/2" high
-a nice seal
-cut the bottom off
-the holes
-the container
-Little Hoot and the Snowman
-cause the dispenser to dispense more of a splatter (water still separated from the soap)
-too small
-round, rectangle and square
-it did not work
-spring loaded
-wrapped in turkish towels
-Tassimo T-Disc
-microplane grater
-a slick host who has multiple takes to make itlook can appear to be a good product
-600 GSM
-OXO pinepple slicer
-super cheap
-a drinking glass
-4-5 weeks
-hand just slides around the jar
-it can time how long something takes
-The squeezer
-3qt saucepan
-v shaped rack
-cast iron
-waterproof material
-spill out the water all over the place
-7 year
-embroidered edge ON TOP
-glass insert
-a wise purchase
-terms of power
-refrigerate it
-within weeks
-Dyson DC65 Animal Complete Upright Vacuum Cleaner
-two years ago
-a friend
-the bathroom
-5 months or so
-frozen pizza
-three or more times use per week
-Crane produces more moisture than Vicks
-a button
-oil is expensive
-got a bad one
-three Rottweilers
-small in height
-bagged vacuum
-clip on
-it was really easy!
-a good quality egg pan
-over 2 years ago
-wall mount use
-diesel like smell
-reusable 3000 times
-Bed, Bath & Beyond
-under the lip of your cans so there are never any sharp edges
-The mat
-it isn't an elegant piece of furniture
-They list as being effective from -40F to +560F
-late 50's
-paper towel holder
-very difficult to openwithout fear of breaking the device
-Short or dense breads are get better slicing results
-1 year
-Clean up
-where the right spot to stop filling was at
-drying pasta
-higher quality
-a few
-felt pads
-takes up less counter space
-slightly orangey gold
-The Rotisserie
-not too warm
-toaster oven
-an espresso cup
-it barely dented
-heated setting
-stainless steel
-it was a convenient size for the refrigerator for my ground flax seed
-12 amp
-very weak
-into the hose
-candy-colored blue
-a friend's dinner party
-to remove chlorine taste
-Medium vacuum-seal flat bags
-Stainless steel Electric pot
-I'm a big guy
-spice labels
-Sur La Table
-Hamilton Beach
-split in half
-out of the sides
-limited counter space
-my simple old two-knife shredder
-to clean
-about 4 minutes
-high percentage of 5-star reviews
-they shed water through the steam holes
-two years
-better looking and classier
-some kind of air traffic controller
-oil, butter, or baking spray
-350 sq ft
-five seconds
-already burnt
-cleanup is not all that easy.
-the button
-is an abomination
-it was not the color pictured
-incredibly crisp
-foot warmer
-recommended care and use
-evenly brown, crisp and rapid
-desired thickness
-another 20 or so
-three times
-excessive fan noise
-jar opener
-a removable gasket
-pulling a very hot pan out of the oven
-Leggett and Platt
-Bon Ami
-top rack
-the dimples
-over 5 yrs old
-rinse and reuse
-double-walled stainless
-Kitchen Gurus
-There should be a chart relating American rice types to the Asian types
-hard surface
-understand how it works and its "quirks", but once you learn, it is worth it.Now I can pressure cook with confidence and convenience.
-discarded the box
-the rollers
-3 or 4 minutes
-Multi-functional and agile, not clumsy like regular larger tongs.
-glass carafe
-it's cute
-the handles become lose
-dry cleaner's
-tends to get overheated and smells like it is going to melt
-regular charcoal
-The newer one
-inside of the rim
-Much easier to use, and my baked goods will stay in one piece
-construction is exceptional
-It isn't a bad comforter for the price
-18 months ago
-Probably but the plastic parts might not.
-has to be stored in an air sealed bag
-nice to not have shoes
-I was very happy with the first use, not so much the second use
-120 min
-6 hours
-top leg half
-TEA requires HOT WATER to brew
-3 batches of 7
-These are grill worthy but seem like they might have trouble with heavier items like large chicken breasts
-baking my own bread
-little suction and clogged up quickly
-re-filling the napkins
-5 years
-Arrived super-sharp
-the fact that the containers are not only stackable, but fit into one another minimizing storage space
-label maker
-Butterfly Meadow
-very fine suede
-the blade
-a regular upright vacuum and a tiny little stick vac
-some oil
-be aware of the location of the hole in one corner
-get it pretty and clean
-25' long
-the slight serrate
-about 3 trays
-any travel mugs (like from Starbucks) that hold small or medium size coffee
-mixing popover batter and making hollandaise sauce
-two cups
-very soft and flimsy
-shortly before serving
-one rinse sufficed
-The first roll
-quality is good
-nearly 2 dozen jars
-I have not owned a juicer in quite a few years.
-due to being hollow
-at Macy's
-a few weeks
-it is defective
-trans fat
-shrinkage of the cooked patty
-make sure the lid is on tight
-small capacity of the water tank
-cut up
-Ball Color 6-Pack Lids and Bands, Blue
-4.5 stars
-it indicates on the product packaging that the item is machine-washable
-it's awkward and heavy
-does not get gooky with dried food
-almond milk
-5 minutes
-removing bathtub/shower clutter
-baking chips
-the horse is now very demanding
-the spinning mechanism in the frother
-550 square feet
-It shows no signs of age after using daily for months now
-feel and smells much better now
-a month ago
-in a jar
-the muffins do cook faster
-Bialetti stovetop espresso maker
-i tossed it
-a decent amount of weight in it
-within a couple months
-dry cleaned
-home office
-I attached this to my Kitchenaid Classic 4.5Q and it fit and worked perfect.
-the kids for their new apartment
-no upper basekt
-Steuby & Co
-as intended
-fairly quiet
-a couple of months ago
-ceramic blade
-thinking it would help but it doesn't
-room and compartments
-it fit and worked perfect.
-I wash the cheesecloth in the sink with dish soap and rinse it well. The yogurt residue washes out easily
-cut myself very bad once
-4-1/2 quart
-about a third cup
-cut the meat
-sugar, flour, rice, nuts, pasta, coffee, tea bags
-month and a half
-definitely being buying more of these!
-purchased the smaller ones
-last 3 holidays
-whole, fresh nutmegs
-3 grandchildren
-step by step instructions
-get rid of the smell
-The pincer-like holders
-You should be doing this anyway to keep residue from building up
-low pile
-ID the plastic boxes
-chef's choice sharpener
-to make Mozzarella and then make Ricotta
-the edges
-a bag
-7 years ago
-roasted chicken
-it's actually pretty heavy gauge
-wipe it clean with a wash cloth
-ice crushing
-cleaning and picking up the water and drying the carpet
-about 2 1/2 to 3 minutes
-the SAFEST opener I've ever used but fast, clean and quieter
-Dolce Gusto
-5 or 6 regular
-need to wait for the parts and then arrange for a service call.
-new to using a Food Saver
-trying to put the glass bottom back into the ring
-the heat source
-remote control
-it has attachments to clean the stairs and is very lightweight
-a few years
-on top of the mattress pad but under the sheet
-a month
-ease of use and sturdiness
-the video that was submitted by a purchases/user
-You can't open the tank up for a thorough cleaning
-soak in water and brush it later
-a Tassimo and currently have a Keurig
-If I could send it back I would
-the pillow cases barely cover my pillows. (and they are standard size)
-by hand
-Update 1/21/10The heater is still working well and has kept my basement at 70 degrees all through the cold, cold winter.
-3 years ago
-firm, lasting foam
-coffee choices would be limited and more expensive
-milky drink
-It is quite easy
-being in school and working
-bon ami
-Salvation Army
-Pet hair Eraser
-the dishwasher
-high enough
-handy for getting pet hair off of couches and chairs
-Juiceman Jr
-Does not even need washing
-mineral oil
-a huge hit
-I will order
-The bread machine cookbook
-mesh like material
-the top
-July 31 2005.
-18/8 stainless
-It is not fixable
-the expanding basket
-it takes a little longer to do some jobs
-a lot of it is needed,
-William Sonoma
-potentially can last for years
-5 star
-not toasting one side
-screw in each bar first
-more expensive
-Arm and Hammer baking soda bag on the back
-on the front grids
-eggplant color,
-the levering action
-traditional replaceable bag to collect dust
-tedious to remove
-crack by itself due to temperature differences
-coating on the racks
-Boards that are too hard
-4 days
-you have to constantly refill it
-they are delicate
-very upset
-good grip
-below the chalkboard
-things like picnics, informal get-togethers, etc.
-was not hot
-bed stuff
-Cuisipro Donvier Yogurt Cheese Maker,
-way too flimsy
-Green Earth Wok
-The wood just cracked
-reuseable filter
-salt mill
-long power cord
-1.5 liter
-quite sturdy.- does not wobble.- nice and wide.- cover is decent quality.- catch holds the legs firmly.- height is fully adjustable in reasonable increments
-as often as my other primary "go to knives"
-a plasticy odor when I heat the cooker up
-to have water for tea and hot chocolate
-that it kept wine chilled
-a gift
-I pack my lunch
-does not work
-in the microwave
-stainless steel
-a little too large
-the little door in the front keeps popping back up and loses the suction
-middle and upper
-smell sensor
-retractable cord
-scrubbing at a difficult spot
-Power roller bar
-plastic wine glasses
-rice cooker portion
-putting it on top of a tray
-4 stars
-3 Stars
-you can "see" how dirty your carpet is
-animal rennet
-not convinced that the pressure is strong enough
-less oil than usual
-dish drawers
-it will not get into the cracks and cervices of a tile floor
-Black and Decker DCM2500
-no ice
-cast iron skillet
-died while making cookie dough
-a local computer shop
-the price
-you are not missing out on anything
-Cleanup was easy
-42 ounces
-I am not worried about my place catching fire from a faulty heating element.I
-not be able to "squeeze"
-teen son
-command hooks
-only in the early morning time
-iced tea function
-in the mail
-white cast iron
-a blanket
-cord clip
-Cook's Illustrated.
-5 years
-three years
-DeLonghi products
-traditional "fast food" straws
-they can get completely wet on the outside but still remain dry on the inside
-plastic end has warped
-Bailey's cupcakes
-fast, foldable Thermoworks and the fast, non-foldable
-It doesn't stay together and will literately crumble if there's any weight on it
-a little too much
-at least a full minute
-ice cubes
-My husband
-to make fruit smoothies
-good long time
-That is huge when it comes to dense calorie foods
-the wide base
-kettle korn
-November 26, 2013
-as time went by
-Maybe the one thing I don't like about it is the really smooth bottom that makes it hard to keep it straight on my crappy coil stove
-tossing and serving salad
-trash cans
-because of the price
-a terry cloth towel
-Ozeri Epicurean Digital Kitchen Scale
-almost a year
-heat it up
-A wall stud
-does not heat up your kitchen
-12 large bananas
-my 93 year old mother
-2 more as gifts
-very sharp
-reduces energy usage
-lemon and lime sorbet
-flashes when its ready for use
-soft camel-color
-Bunn Service
-2 months
-either one or two
-6 months
-an EC701 model
-the block is really big
-fire resistance
-They are lightweight
-for tuna
-a little hassle
-These are very simple stylish tough glasses
-commercial use
-very easy
-diaper bag
-fire hazard
-never really held a charge
-three stars
-plasticy type of smell.
-That slight angle of the handle
-level of usage
-if the mixer automatically reset itself to OFF when it's unplugged.
-This ice cream maker is also a good price
-five stars
-4 Peaks Tech
-December 24, 2013
-STB 101 hand held turbo brush
-rotate the mattress
-welded steel
-to seat the lid just right before you latch it
-storing dry goods and leftovers
-few inches
-It's a bit small to hang on to
-memory chip
-air latch
-prevent fraying
-the heating element and fryer housing
-not a satisfactory sharpener
-Right when you push the cup down into the blender
-smoke detector
-spices and herbs
-half way
-nuts don't grind evenly
-.So far, the Food Saver Bags have worked out very well for me.
-playing with a toy
-Oxo Good Grips
-last year
-They ARE washable!
-Contractor's Heavy Duty Trash Bags
-Cook's Illustrated
-it's attractive and well-made
-1.5 cups
-quite dulled, with sticker residue and many dark fingerprints and water stains
-but have not received any answers on how to permanently fix this one little issue.
-keep the bowl in the deep freezer
-thawed first
-a blanket
-slightly larger than what I thought it'd be
-the black base catches little bits of cheese
-3.5 stars
-extremely dull
-cordless vacuum
-very flimsy
-satin brushed
-waste of money
-top of the wine bottle
-A true jewel red
-where the hole is
-roll-up travel bags
-America's Test Kitchen
-at work.
-stainless steel
-silicone pans
-pet hair
-sage green
-Bought this six years ago
-the crazy colors
-dust and other stuff that is floating in the
-cold drinks
-over a year ago
-earplugs and snore pillows
-thirty seconds
-it rolls
-the clear glass
-hurts your hand when it gets slammed into the jar
-made little black marks
-break or crack
-more programmable
-shape the meat into a patty before sticking it into the press
-2-inch' brass hinge
-hold it next to your ear
-sponge holder
-old Ken wood Stereo Receive
-five stars
-blue speckle
-at home
-a sticker
-improve this design
-A very good value
-so it's not going to tilt over.
-Haan pads
-the padding
-cutting board
-frosty clear color
-pantry moths
-two layer
-Crate and Barrell
-300 sq ft
-Cleaning any loose leaf/grind product
-by putting another 1/2 to 1 inch metal band around the inside
-lots of colors
-big heavy duty nonstick pot
-nasty smell
-a ring
-six small loaves
-melt butter and later to simmer giblets and finally to make gravy
-Attractive, sturdy, and holds a lot of utensils
-3 (three)
-my adult children
-Very modern and sharp looking
-The lid is made strangely and it twists to become looser and thats how you drink it
-the toaster
-a rebate
-8 months
-will last a long time
-if there was some sort of fastening system
-4 hours
-soak it in a detergent
-much flimsier
-allows bubbles to form on the micro-surfaces of the etching
-but it didn't seem to make a difference.
-20 inches
-2 and half months ago
-I reach for my green pans most often
-liquefied onions for sauces, pureed soups, made doughs,
-quite sturdy.- does not wobble.- nice and wide.- cover is decent quality.- catch holds the legs firmly.- height is fully adjustable in reasonable increments
-clear glass bowls
-the instructions
-water reservoir
-openings go all the way down to the bottom
-a light handwashing
-teaspoon or tablespoon
-over 6 months
-like new
-quickly and easily
-soda and packs of water
-the dishwasher
-They are super plushy
-a clog deep inside
-the feet are adjustable
-plenty big to hold a lot of dressing
-the small size of the cups
-Bodum Chambord 4 c.
-twin 10 inch mattress
-a big gallon ice-cream bucket
-Rolls Royce vs. a Dodge Neon
-the Oster
-too big
-The pan will season itself
-It's almost as if an airplane is taking off in your kitchen
-mincing garlic and chopping dried fruit and nuts
-It's a rubbermaid continer
-less expensive espresso machines
-deep wrinkles that needed an iron to get out
-dividers have small gaps
-laundry cart
-sticks on whatever surface
-use the syrups or if you can use the water from your tap
-anti scratch resistant
-4 times
-way too small to have much utility
-14 months
-picks up all the hair without getting clogged
-shutting off before the water was all pumped
-parmigiana cheese and whole nutmeg
-throw out
-icy cold
-steam burn
-pot of tea
-the cord
-leaves and lawn debris
-plastic binders
-replace another small one
-Epica juicer
-a VERY large, very white (turned brown!) toaster oven that was about 10 years old
-pretty big compared to most other basters
-8 cups-64 OZ
-some of the juice
-the blade is a clear/whitish color
-Two adults who weigh about 290lbs in total have been sleeping on it with no complaints.
-light, super soft, cleans well, and warm
-decent pitcher
-dissolved minerals
-Otherwise I am thrilled
-hold my pastry mat in place
-Dyson and our Bissell
-takes a LOT of counter space and storage space
-gravity and suction
-I was able to adjust the accuracy of the Taylor some
-mainly because the is no loss, or any waste using them.
-local hardware store
-More head support and it stays fluffed up
-loose tea
-hurting him
-plastic housing
-After travelling in Hawaii
-scared the dog
-Cook's Illustrated
-due to excessive beater wobble and a funky motor
-It's smaller than eggspected
-cappuccino glasses
-extra wide
-the door shelf at the bottom
-put something on the bottom
-several months later
-small to medium
-an all in one pepper and salt shaker
-Progressive International
-sent me out a replacement
-The lid is an ample sized frying pan (its like getting two iron skillets for the price of one
-dorm rooms or small apartments
-body oil
-Not silent, but not distracting
-about 5 inches
-2 and a half months
-When the water bounced and sizzled
-IMPOSSIBLE to clean
-easy to crank
-cutting gum paste forms for cake decorating
-potato peeler
-30 seconds
-more efficient
-very reasonable priced
-low priced
-hot and strong
-Stick the metal tip into item
-room service
-pretty mediocre
-re-milled soap
-a standard spatula for mixing cake batter
-the tapered sides make it too small for any burner location
-It is easy and kind of fun
-one or two
-firmly attaches to most flat surfaces via a suction cup
-isn't as efficient as it could be
-store bought eggs
-haven't had any issues with toast getting stuck inside of the toaster, or burnt edges
-physical store
-my electric bill ,
-it does not take us that long to eat
-fridge door
-8 D cells
-storage shelves
-burning the food
-the skin
-6 hours
-it fits and doesn't leak
-two years
-does not get gooky with dried food and require cleaning
-two across plus two stacked
-a single small pork roast
-like it
-allows one to see what is happening
-hot-glue the flat to the ring
-dutch oven
-16 inch
-black holes
-The blade that holds the vegetable was too small
-steams veggies
-easily adjustable
-on the table beside the front door
-expensive Henkels
-The coffee maker
-Zojirushi coffee maker
-the USA
-Turbo Tool
-zig-zag edge
-China town
-85 degree
-tomato or potato soup
-Both ice mold cracked at bottom within a few weeks
-it's Fahrenheit only, whereas most sous vide recipes are in Celsius
-5 or 6
-works for an hour
-Star Trek
-all night
-its large size
-sharpening steel
-extremely soft and smooth
-thick and sturdy
-one month
-Bamboo Oil, or butcher block oil
-the next day
-there are all the standard extras
-The backside is, but the front isn't.
-I'd pay even more for it now
-puree, shredding - very good even slicing
-3 times as much
-several times
-2-4 degrees off
-French press
-I have 3 dogs and a cat.
-a few days
-bake for gifts and monthly card parties
-a few bucks
-negative reviews
-Less expensive, larger grinding volume, quieter, longer lasting
-I think less so because they're actually pretty heavy
-a few
-was with watermelon, rum, Splenda, and lime juice
-brown rice
-coffee pitcher
-Shaved ice is fine and pretty fast.
-heavy duty commercial grade
-1 cup
-its a necessary &#34;evil&#34
-After quite unsuccessfully trying to limit my inhuman food portions
-linersor grease
-it may wobble
-you can use them in the freezer
-quick and can add hot water while cooking in no time
-pushing the &#34;popcorn&#34; button
-2 weeks
-about 12-14per shelf
-the automatic blender action
-about two inches
-dragging the cutting board over to the pan
-carbonated drinks
-extra features
-to keep your rooms tidy
-Amazon's return policy is excellent
-Oster 6646
-The lid is the same size as my other one, which makes it convenient.
-the bins
-Over 500 Ice Creams
-the little face towels
-would give the CDN a 5 star rating
-leak in the construction
-steel modular unit
-take a sip, wait a few seconds and then insert the chillsner
-48 hours
-the black rubber in the middle
-there were dents
-three different sizes
-moderate amount
-stove top
-seasoned it
-high setting
-cooking utensils
-under the sink
-egyptian cotton
-the decal
-4.9" x 1"
-I've tipped this thing over on my desk with the flip top sealed over the straw and only a couple drops came out
-catfish and hushpuppies
-rubber seal
-rice cooker
-safer and using less energy
-Grand Flaky biscuits
-They fit perfectly
-about $3 less
-any weight
-Had to return to get replacement.
-hard water
-oder from used oil
-too much of a hassle to stop and swap out
-my daughter
-6-7 years
-cold-filtered coffee
-neutral sage/olive green
-a battery
-about a year
-once or twice a week
-perfect every time and always comes out of the toaster properly
-U.S. standard size spice jar
-60" x 124"
-a plate
-rather small but just right for a small group
-may order another
-they can get completely wet on the outside but still remain dry on the inside
-wouldn't recommend
-they are pretty durable
-Decent looking, seemingly accurate and consistent.
-the days of using knifes
-let the baked items cool
-free shipping
-Chardonnay stayed refreshingly cold for well over the hour it took us to finish it.
-same brand
-magnetic backing
-stamped steel
-really happy with it
-small apartment in the big city
-under the counter
-having extra wires around
-spills coffee out everywhere and over everything
-remote wand
-have very small hands
-The odor
-damaged at the handle
-grinding bowl
-align the lid with the base
-3-5 minutes of cook time.
-Tea Kettle
-nice weight
-expandable feature
-moderate amount
-spring loaded
-the motor may overheat
-It produces a nice little stream of cool mist
-pretty disappointed
-fresher, crisper
-practically the life of the battery
-1/4 cup
-bridal shower gift or a nice present for your favorite cook!
-the cover
-the oil collection container
-I was leaving town
-the larger Sanyo electric grill
-rinse the rice well
-12-inch pans
-several months ago
-release ozone
-it doesn't secure well enough to the lid, slips off the lid, a
-smooth stones
-knife block
-countdown timer
-feet on this appliance are very sticky
-very dark orange
-2 years
-they are NOT leak-proof
-fantastic design
-Fruit and veggies
-a big machine
-little cutting board
-cherios, fruit loops and reeses puffs
-against the tub
-nice on my counter
-additional steam
-roaring freight train
-whip cream
-much more pleasant experience
-free shipping
-cause cancer or reproductive damage
-5,000 BTU AC
-adding all of the ingredients
-last night
-fits nicely
-a bottle of Finazzle
-Crushes ice into snow if you let it.
-4 feet I think
-The Bonavita
-six Fiesta 4-Piece Place Settings
-microfiber mop
-a few months
-metal shavings/filings
-is very tight, but still does not seal properly
-Lemon and cinnamon
-broccoli and blueberries
-25 years
-pulp collector size
-bottle cap opener
-Gen 3
-on Amazon
-rolled edges not well rolled
-aluminum foil and both types of aluminum pie shields
-it will fall over
-works even better for it's intended use
-pretty easy
-squeezing the bag
-using a filter
-a very heavy cleaver
-diffusers, strainers and many other loose tea devices
-prevent others from making my mistake
-this little tea pot (it IS little....) and a teapot warmer
-hoover upright animal and a dyson animal
-scubbing pad
-stationary & on high
-15 to 16 ounces
-angled measuring
-It still does what it's supposed to
-grocery store baggers
-pumpkin pie
-two-cup plastic storage containers
-water filters
-it would make it rock back and forth
-glass cooktop
-A friend of mine
-long battery life
-25 degree
-strength of the blade
-you will need storage room
-the ice comes out looking like legos
-hearing uses others have come up with
-The cutting edge
-16 Piece Pure White Ribbed Porcelain Dinnerware Set
-It's quick and easy to set any time up to 99 minutes
-thought outside the box
-quickly and efficiently
-a simple spray mop
-165 lineal feet and 205 square feet
-Ron Popeil
-light weight
-fruit juice pops
-red and green
-cleaning carpet
-a very modern take on a fruit bowl,
-They are Good, solid, cast or forged
-Overall though, an excellent unit. Highly recommend.
-when we use heavy cream
-base was still liquid
-wok style
-a cup
-nice and thick
-at least an hour
-2 cups
-pressure cooker
-its a bit small
-They pill just a little
-highly recommend the other water kettle
-roomba 560
-All-Clad pan
-a Liz Claiborne
-electric stove
-Another of the three would break in half where the tray meets the base each time it was accidentally knocked over
-for white noise
-leftovers and toast
-glass jars
-heat the beans while grinding and this affects the taste
-not so stiff that they rip up the skins on the vegetables
-third of the apple
-the blue protective film
-it is metal
-a loooong cord
-squish it down
-flour and sugar
-dish soap and a dish scrubber
-almost 2.5
-4 different weight modes
-no longer turn on
-18 months
-tube extension
-large family
-griddle pan
-Air Condition unit
-14-15 months
-espresso machine
-replace another small one
-not as hot
-a little harsh:
-leave uncut areas, jagged edges, or little whiskers of metal
-white chocolate cocoa.
-noisier than other cordless vacuums
-old-fashioned, mechanical ticking timer,
-reasonable price
-3 oz.
-paper towel and light fingers pressure
-pulling out impurities in the water
-not to over mix
-six weeks
-main mug
-to heat chef boyardee or boil some rice
-It takes up a good amount of space
-got clogged or stopped working
-knock off one of the plastic strips
-a very long time.
-I still wish to learn the art of rolling sushi, but until then I will follow the Germans and Leifheit my way to yummy.
-filter housings
-tidier habits
-60 minutes
-the paper bags become a bit damp
-Nordic Ware
-due to an inside joke
-3 qt
-clothes and shoes
-It leans to a side.
-the clean up is pretty quick.
-old fashioned way
-because of the coating on the pans
-you're expecting something like the original Beautyrest pillows with springs, you'll be disappointed
-it's not (to my thinking) an $80 ironing board
-too weak
-Tarragon and wine
-within 5 minutes
-trash can
-compact vacuum cleaner
-cover flips open on its own
-thick stretchy material
-whimsical...very cute
-grabbing small items
-tortilla warmer
-make noise
-hot water
-bottom of the pitcher
-other odd sized Farberware pieces
-Salad Shooter
-the safety tab on the bottom
-I haven't had for long
-has an allergy and cannot buy school lunches
-generous size and thick.
-works great on floors- medium success with carpet
-first week
-in the machine
-under the equipment cover
-infrared carbon
-tempered glass lid
-wine. Libbey glasses
-drinking water
-a drink that has milk
-These bumps don't impact the function of the scoop
-returned the grinder
-colored buttons
-30 minutes
-Consumer Reports
-they are too loud
-it's nonstick
-boils water
-practical and the price would be reasonable,too
-the mixer is relatively quiet
-4 or 5 times
-a little PAM
-cut your vegetables smaller.
-rather hard
-the plastic and the machine
-return policy and their customer service
-a couple days so far
-seven months.
-5 months
-I did not expect to take so much time putting them together!!! Seriously it took two people to do it
-taking hot dishes to work or other events
-into the press
-the price is quite reasonable considering all that you get
-very easy
-puree up whatever sweet fruits are in season and make pops out of them
-cleanup is quicker
-mason jars.
-virtual wall
-90 percent less fat than regular popped popcorn
-simmering homemade stock or stew
-the matching lid
-a jeweler
-This Bissell
-it does not sweat
-cleaned a lot of dirt out of the grout
-kernels burnt a bit
-the awkward feel of the handle
-Just the right size
-four stars
-Samsung Galaxy s4
-a standard mop
-memory foam topper
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