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Three circular arcs $\gamma_{1}, \gamma_{2}$, and $\gamma_{3}$ connect the points $A$ and $C$. These arcs lie in the same half-plane defined by line $A C$ in such a way that $\operatorname{arc} \gamma_{2}$ lies between the $\operatorname{arcs} \gamma_{1}$ and $\gamma_{3}$. Point $B$ lies on the segment $A C$. Let $h_{1}, h_{2}$, and $h_{3}$ be three rays starting at $B$, lying in the same half-plane, $h_{2}$ being between $h_{1}$ and $h_{3}$. For $i, j=1,2,3$, denote by $V_{i j}$ the point of intersection of $h_{i}$ and $\gamma_{j}$ (see the Figure below). Denote by $\overparen{V_{i j} V_{k j}} \overparen{k_{k \ell} V_{i \ell}}$ the curved quadrilateral, whose sides are the segments $V_{i j} V_{i \ell}, V_{k j} V_{k \ell}$ and $\operatorname{arcs} V_{i j} V_{k j}$ and $V_{i \ell} V_{k \ell}$. We say that this quadrilateral is circumscribed if there exists a circle touching these two segments and two arcs. Prove that if the curved quadrilaterals $\sqrt{V_{11} V_{21}} \sqrt{V_{22} V_{12}}, \sqrt{V_{12} V_{22}} \sqrt{V_{23} V_{13}}, \sqrt{V_{21} V_{31}} \sqrt{V_{32} V_{22}}$ are circumscribed, then the curved quadrilateral $\overparen{V_{22} V_{32}} \overparen{V_{33} V_{23}}$ is circumscribed, too. Fig. 1
Construct a tetromino by attaching two $2 \times 1$ dominoes along their longer sides such that the midpoint of the longer side of one domino is a corner of the other domino. This construction yields two kinds of tetrominoes with opposite orientations. Let us call them Sand Z-tetrominoes, respectively. S-tetrominoes Z-tetrominoes Assume that a lattice polygon $P$ can be tiled with $S$-tetrominoes. Prove than no matter how we tile $P$ using only $\mathrm{S}$ - and Z-tetrominoes, we always use an even number of Z-tetrominoes.
An anti-Pascal pyramid is a finite set of numbers, placed in a triangle-shaped array so that the first row of the array contains one number, the second row contains two numbers, the third row contains three numbers and so on; and, except for the numbers in the bottom row, each number equals the absolute value of the difference of the two numbers below it. For instance, the triangle below is an anti-Pascal pyramid with four rows, in which every integer from 1 to $1+2+3+4=10$ occurs exactly once: Prove that it is impossible to form an anti-Pascal pyramid with 2018 rows, using every integer from 1 to $1+2+\cdots+2018$ exactly once.
Let $A B C D$ be a cyclic quadrilateral, and let diagonals $A C$ and $B D$ intersect at $X$. Let $C_{1}, D_{1}$ and $M$ be the midpoints of segments $C X$, $D X$ and $C D$, respectively. Lines $A D_{1}$ and $B C_{1}$ intersect at $Y$, and line $M Y$ intersects diagonals $A C$ and $B D$ at different points $E$ and $F$, respectively. Prove that line $X Y$ is tangent to the circle through $E, F$ and $X$.
Let $H$ be the orthocenter and $G$ be the centroid of acute-angled triangle $\triangle A B C$ with $A B \neq A C$. The line $A G$ intersects the circumcircle of $\triangle A B C$ at $A$ and $P$. Let $P^{\prime}$ be the reflection of $P$ in the line $B C$. Prove that $\angle C A B=60^{\circ}$ if and only if $H G=G P^{\prime}$.
In the diagram, two circles are tangent to each other at point $B$. A straight line is drawn through $B$ cutting the two circles at $A$ and $C$, as shown. Tangent lines are drawn to the circles at $A$ and $C$. Prove that these two tangent lines are parallel.
A school has a row of $n$ open lockers, numbered 1 through $n$. After arriving at school one day, Josephine starts at the beginning of the row and closes every second locker until reaching the end of the row, as shown in the example below. Then on her way back, she closes every second locker that is still open. She continues in this manner along the row, until only one locker remains open. Define $f(n)$ to be the number of the last open locker. For example, if there are 15 lockers, then $f(15)=11$ as shown below: Prove that there is no positive integer $n$ such that $f(n)=2005$ and there are infinitely many positive integers $n$ such that $f(n)=f(2005)$.
In the diagram, $C$ lies on $B D$. Also, $\triangle A B C$ and $\triangle E C D$ are equilateral triangles. If $M$ is the midpoint of $B E$ and $N$ is the midpoint of $A D$, prove that $\triangle M N C$ is equilateral.
In parallelogram $A B C D, A B=a$ and $B C=b$, where $a>b$. The points of intersection of the angle bisectors are the vertices of quadrilateral $P Q R S$. Prove that $P Q R S$ is a rectangle.
In parallelogram $A B C D, A B=a$ and $B C=b$, where $a>b$. The points of intersection of the angle bisectors are the vertices of quadrilateral $P Q R S$. Prove that $P R=a-b$.
An equilateral triangle $A B C$ has side length 2 . A square, $P Q R S$, is such that $P$ lies on $A B, Q$ lies on $B C$, and $R$ and $S$ lie on $A C$ as shown. The points $P, Q, R$, and $S$ move so that $P, Q$ and $R$ always remain on the sides of the triangle and $S$ moves from $A C$ to $A B$ through the interior of the triangle. If the points $P, Q, R$ and $S$ always form the vertices of a square, show that the path traced out by $S$ is a straight line parallel to $B C$.
In the diagram, line segment $F C G$ passes through vertex $C$ of square $A B C D$, with $F$ lying on $A B$ extended and $G$ lying on $A D$ extended. Prove that $\frac{1}{A B}=\frac{1}{A F}+\frac{1}{A G}$.
A circle with its centre on the $y$-axis intersects the graph of $y=|x|$ at the origin, $O$, and exactly two other distinct points, $A$ and $B$, as shown. Prove that the ratio of the area of triangle $A B O$ to the area of the circle is always $1: \pi$.
In the diagram, triangle $A B C$ has a right angle at $B$ and $M$ is the midpoint of $B C$. A circle is drawn using $B C$ as its diameter. $P$ is the point of intersection of the circle with $A C$. The tangent to the circle at $P$ cuts $A B$ at $Q$. Prove that $Q M$ is parallel to $A C$.
A large square $A B C D$ is drawn, with a second smaller square $P Q R S$ completely inside it so that the squares do not touch. Line segments $A P, B Q, C R$, and $D S$ are drawn, dividing the region between the squares into four nonoverlapping convex quadrilaterals, as shown. If the sides of $P Q R S$ are not parallel to the sides of $A B C D$, prove that the sum of the areas of quadrilaterals $A P S D$ and $B C R Q$ equals the sum of the areas of quadrilaterals $A B Q P$ and $C D S R$. (Note: A convex quadrilateral is a quadrilateral in which the measure of each of the four interior angles is less than $180^{\circ}$.)
In triangle $A B C, \angle A B C=90^{\circ}$. Rectangle $D E F G$ is inscribed in $\triangle A B C$, as shown. Squares $J K G H$ and $M L F N$ are inscribed in $\triangle A G D$ and $\triangle C F E$, respectively. If the side length of $J H G K$ is $v$, the side length of $M L F N$ is $w$, and $D G=u$, prove that $u=v+w$.
In the diagram, quadrilateral $A B C D$ has points $M$ and $N$ on $A B$ and $D C$, respectively, with $\frac{A M}{A B}=\frac{N C}{D C}$. Line segments $A N$ and $D M$ intersect at $P$, while $B N$ and $C M$ intersect at $Q$. Prove that the area of quadrilateral $P M Q N$ equals the sum of the areas of $\triangle A P D$ and $\triangle B Q C$.
In the diagram, $A B$ and $B C$ are chords of the circle with $A B<B C$. If $D$ is the point on the circle such that $A D$ is perpendicular to $B C$ and $E$ is the point on the circle such that $D E$ is parallel to $B C$, carefully prove, explaining all steps, that $\angle E A C+\angle A B C=90^{\circ}$.
Number Theory
Suppose that $m$ and $n$ are positive integers with $m \geq 2$. The $(m, n)$-sawtooth sequence is a sequence of consecutive integers that starts with 1 and has $n$ teeth, where each tooth starts with 2, goes up to $m$ and back down to 1 . For example, the $(3,4)$-sawtooth sequence is The $(3,4)$-sawtooth sequence includes 17 terms and the average of these terms is $\frac{33}{17}$. Prove that, for all pairs of positive integers $(m, n)$ with $m \geq 2$, the average of the terms in the $(m, n)$-sawtooth sequence is not an integer.
In the diagram, $A B C D$ is a square. Points $E$ and $F$ are chosen on $A C$ so that $\angle E D F=45^{\circ}$. If $A E=x, E F=y$, and $F C=z$, prove that $y^{2}=x^{2}+z^{2}$.
In the diagram, $A B$ is tangent to the circle with centre $O$ and radius $r$. The length of $A B$ is $p$. Point $C$ is on the circle and $D$ is inside the circle so that $B C D$ is a straight line, as shown. If $B C=C D=D O=q$, prove that $q^{2}+r^{2}=p^{2}$.
Suppose there are $n$ plates equally spaced around a circular table. Ross wishes to place an identical gift on each of $k$ plates, so that no two neighbouring plates have gifts. Let $f(n, k)$ represent the number of ways in which he can place the gifts. For example $f(6,3)=2$, as shown below. Throughout this problem, we represent the states of the $n$ plates as a string of 0's and 1's (called a binary string) of length $n$ of the form $p_{1} p_{2} \cdots p_{n}$, with the $r$ th digit from the left (namely $p_{r}$ ) equal to 1 if plate $r$ contains a gift and equal to 0 if plate $r$ does not. We call a binary string of length $n$ allowable if it satisfies the requirements - that is, if no two adjacent digits both equal 1. Note that digit $p_{n}$ is also "adjacent" to digit $p_{1}$, so we cannot have $p_{1}=p_{n}=1$. Prove that $f(n, k)=f(n-1, k)+f(n-2, k-1)$ for all integers $n \geq 3$ and $k \geq 2$.
In trapezoid $A B C D, B C$ is parallel to $A D$ and $B C$ is perpendicular to $A B$. Also, the lengths of $A D, A B$ and $B C$, in that order, form a geometric sequence. Prove that $A C$ is perpendicular to $B D$. (A geometric sequence is a sequence in which each term after the first is obtained from the previous term by multiplying it by a non-zero constant.)
In the graph, the parabola $y=x^{2}$ has been translated to the position shown. Prove that $d e=f$.
In quadrilateral $K W A D$, the midpoints of $K W$ and $A D$ are $M$ and $N$ respectively. If $M N=\frac{1}{2}(A W+D K)$, prove that $WA$ is parallel to $K D$.
Number Theory
Consider the first $2 n$ natural numbers. Pair off the numbers, as shown, and multiply the two members of each pair. Prove that there is no value of $n$ for which two of the $n$ products are equal.
This Question involves one Robber and one or more Cops. After robbing a bank, the Robber retreats to a network of hideouts, represented by dots in the diagram below. Every day, the Robber stays holed up in a single hideout, and every night, the Robber moves to an adjacent hideout. Two hideouts are adjacent if and only if they are connected by an edge in the diagram, also called a hideout map (or map). For the purposes of this Power Question, the map must be connected; that is, given any two hideouts, there must be a path from one to the other. To clarify, the Robber may not stay in the same hideout for two consecutive days, although he may return to a hideout he has previously visited. For example, in the map below, if the Robber holes up in hideout $C$ for day 1 , then he would have to move to $B$ for day 2 , and would then have to move to either $A, C$, or $D$ on day 3. Every day, each Cop searches one hideout: the Cops know the location of all hideouts and which hideouts are adjacent to which. Cops are thorough searchers, so if the Robber is present in the hideout searched, he is found and arrested. If the Robber is not present in the hideout searched, his location is not revealed. That is, the Cops only know that the Robber was not caught at any of the hideouts searched; they get no specific information (other than what they can derive by logic) about what hideout he was in. Cops are not constrained by edges on the map: a Cop may search any hideout on any day, regardless of whether it is adjacent to the hideout searched the previous day. A Cop may search the same hideout on consecutive days, and multiple Cops may search different hideouts on the same day. In the map above, a Cop could search $A$ on day 1 and day 2, and then search $C$ on day 3 . The focus of this Power Question is to determine, given a hideout map and a fixed number of Cops, whether the Cops can be sure of catching the Robber within some time limit. Map Notation: The following notation may be useful when writing your solutions. For a map $M$, let $h(M)$ be the number of hideouts and $e(M)$ be the number of edges in $M$. The safety of a hideout $H$ is the number of hideouts adjacent to $H$, and is denoted by $s(H)$. The Cop number of a map $M$, denoted $C(M)$, is the minimum number of Cops required to guarantee that the Robber is caught. Consider the hideout map $M$ below. Show that one Cop can always catch the Robber.
This Question involves one Robber and one or more Cops. After robbing a bank, the Robber retreats to a network of hideouts, represented by dots in the diagram below. Every day, the Robber stays holed up in a single hideout, and every night, the Robber moves to an adjacent hideout. Two hideouts are adjacent if and only if they are connected by an edge in the diagram, also called a hideout map (or map). For the purposes of this Power Question, the map must be connected; that is, given any two hideouts, there must be a path from one to the other. To clarify, the Robber may not stay in the same hideout for two consecutive days, although he may return to a hideout he has previously visited. For example, in the map below, if the Robber holes up in hideout $C$ for day 1 , then he would have to move to $B$ for day 2 , and would then have to move to either $A, C$, or $D$ on day 3. Every day, each Cop searches one hideout: the Cops know the location of all hideouts and which hideouts are adjacent to which. Cops are thorough searchers, so if the Robber is present in the hideout searched, he is found and arrested. If the Robber is not present in the hideout searched, his location is not revealed. That is, the Cops only know that the Robber was not caught at any of the hideouts searched; they get no specific information (other than what they can derive by logic) about what hideout he was in. Cops are not constrained by edges on the map: a Cop may search any hideout on any day, regardless of whether it is adjacent to the hideout searched the previous day. A Cop may search the same hideout on consecutive days, and multiple Cops may search different hideouts on the same day. In the map above, a Cop could search $A$ on day 1 and day 2, and then search $C$ on day 3 . The focus of this Power Question is to determine, given a hideout map and a fixed number of Cops, whether the Cops can be sure of catching the Robber within some time limit. Map Notation: The following notation may be useful when writing your solutions. For a map $M$, let $h(M)$ be the number of hideouts and $e(M)$ be the number of edges in $M$. The safety of a hideout $H$ is the number of hideouts adjacent to $H$, and is denoted by $s(H)$. The Cop number of a map $M$, denoted $C(M)$, is the minimum number of Cops required to guarantee that the Robber is caught. The map shown below is $\mathcal{C}_{6}$, the cyclic graph with six hideouts. Show that three Cops are sufficient to catch the Robber on $\mathcal{C}_{6}$, so that $C\left(\mathcal{C}_{6}\right) \leq 3$.
This Question involves one Robber and one or more Cops. After robbing a bank, the Robber retreats to a network of hideouts, represented by dots in the diagram below. Every day, the Robber stays holed up in a single hideout, and every night, the Robber moves to an adjacent hideout. Two hideouts are adjacent if and only if they are connected by an edge in the diagram, also called a hideout map (or map). For the purposes of this Power Question, the map must be connected; that is, given any two hideouts, there must be a path from one to the other. To clarify, the Robber may not stay in the same hideout for two consecutive days, although he may return to a hideout he has previously visited. For example, in the map below, if the Robber holes up in hideout $C$ for day 1 , then he would have to move to $B$ for day 2 , and would then have to move to either $A, C$, or $D$ on day 3. Every day, each Cop searches one hideout: the Cops know the location of all hideouts and which hideouts are adjacent to which. Cops are thorough searchers, so if the Robber is present in the hideout searched, he is found and arrested. If the Robber is not present in the hideout searched, his location is not revealed. That is, the Cops only know that the Robber was not caught at any of the hideouts searched; they get no specific information (other than what they can derive by logic) about what hideout he was in. Cops are not constrained by edges on the map: a Cop may search any hideout on any day, regardless of whether it is adjacent to the hideout searched the previous day. A Cop may search the same hideout on consecutive days, and multiple Cops may search different hideouts on the same day. In the map above, a Cop could search $A$ on day 1 and day 2, and then search $C$ on day 3 . The focus of this Power Question is to determine, given a hideout map and a fixed number of Cops, whether the Cops can be sure of catching the Robber within some time limit. Map Notation: The following notation may be useful when writing your solutions. For a map $M$, let $h(M)$ be the number of hideouts and $e(M)$ be the number of edges in $M$. The safety of a hideout $H$ is the number of hideouts adjacent to $H$, and is denoted by $s(H)$. The Cop number of a map $M$, denoted $C(M)$, is the minimum number of Cops required to guarantee that the Robber is caught. Show that for all maps $M, C(M)<h(M)$.
This Question involves one Robber and one or more Cops. After robbing a bank, the Robber retreats to a network of hideouts, represented by dots in the diagram below. Every day, the Robber stays holed up in a single hideout, and every night, the Robber moves to an adjacent hideout. Two hideouts are adjacent if and only if they are connected by an edge in the diagram, also called a hideout map (or map). For the purposes of this Power Question, the map must be connected; that is, given any two hideouts, there must be a path from one to the other. To clarify, the Robber may not stay in the same hideout for two consecutive days, although he may return to a hideout he has previously visited. For example, in the map below, if the Robber holes up in hideout $C$ for day 1 , then he would have to move to $B$ for day 2 , and would then have to move to either $A, C$, or $D$ on day 3. Every day, each Cop searches one hideout: the Cops know the location of all hideouts and which hideouts are adjacent to which. Cops are thorough searchers, so if the Robber is present in the hideout searched, he is found and arrested. If the Robber is not present in the hideout searched, his location is not revealed. That is, the Cops only know that the Robber was not caught at any of the hideouts searched; they get no specific information (other than what they can derive by logic) about what hideout he was in. Cops are not constrained by edges on the map: a Cop may search any hideout on any day, regardless of whether it is adjacent to the hideout searched the previous day. A Cop may search the same hideout on consecutive days, and multiple Cops may search different hideouts on the same day. In the map above, a Cop could search $A$ on day 1 and day 2, and then search $C$ on day 3 . The focus of this Power Question is to determine, given a hideout map and a fixed number of Cops, whether the Cops can be sure of catching the Robber within some time limit. Map Notation: The following notation may be useful when writing your solutions. For a map $M$, let $h(M)$ be the number of hideouts and $e(M)$ be the number of edges in $M$. The safety of a hideout $H$ is the number of hideouts adjacent to $H$, and is denoted by $s(H)$. The Cop number of a map $M$, denoted $C(M)$, is the minimum number of Cops required to guarantee that the Robber is caught. Show that $C(M) \leq 3$ for the map below.
This Question involves one Robber and one or more Cops. After robbing a bank, the Robber retreats to a network of hideouts, represented by dots in the diagram below. Every day, the Robber stays holed up in a single hideout, and every night, the Robber moves to an adjacent hideout. Two hideouts are adjacent if and only if they are connected by an edge in the diagram, also called a hideout map (or map). For the purposes of this Power Question, the map must be connected; that is, given any two hideouts, there must be a path from one to the other. To clarify, the Robber may not stay in the same hideout for two consecutive days, although he may return to a hideout he has previously visited. For example, in the map below, if the Robber holes up in hideout $C$ for day 1 , then he would have to move to $B$ for day 2 , and would then have to move to either $A, C$, or $D$ on day 3. Every day, each Cop searches one hideout: the Cops know the location of all hideouts and which hideouts are adjacent to which. Cops are thorough searchers, so if the Robber is present in the hideout searched, he is found and arrested. If the Robber is not present in the hideout searched, his location is not revealed. That is, the Cops only know that the Robber was not caught at any of the hideouts searched; they get no specific information (other than what they can derive by logic) about what hideout he was in. Cops are not constrained by edges on the map: a Cop may search any hideout on any day, regardless of whether it is adjacent to the hideout searched the previous day. A Cop may search the same hideout on consecutive days, and multiple Cops may search different hideouts on the same day. In the map above, a Cop could search $A$ on day 1 and day 2, and then search $C$ on day 3 . The focus of this Power Question is to determine, given a hideout map and a fixed number of Cops, whether the Cops can be sure of catching the Robber within some time limit. Map Notation: The following notation may be useful when writing your solutions. For a map $M$, let $h(M)$ be the number of hideouts and $e(M)$ be the number of edges in $M$. The safety of a hideout $H$ is the number of hideouts adjacent to $H$, and is denoted by $s(H)$. The Cop number of a map $M$, denoted $C(M)$, is the minimum number of Cops required to guarantee that the Robber is caught. The police want to catch the Robber with a minimum number of Cops, but time is of the essence. For a map $M$ and a fixed number of Cops $c \geq C(M)$, define the capture time, denoted $D(M, c)$, to be the minimum number of days required to guarantee a capture using $c$ Cops. For example, in the graph below, if three Cops are deployed, they might catch the Robber in the first day, but if they don't, there is a strategy that will guarantee they will capture the Robber within two days. Therefore the capture time is $D\left(\mathcal{C}_{6}, 3\right)=2$. A path on $n$ hideouts is a map with $n$ hideouts, connected in one long string. (More formally, a map is a path if and only if two hideouts are adjacent to exactly one hideout each and all other hideouts are adjacent to exactly two hideouts each.) It is denoted by $\mathcal{P}_{n}$. The maps $\mathcal{P}_{3}$ through $\mathcal{P}_{6}$ are shown below. Show that $D\left(\mathcal{P}_{n}, 1\right) \leq 2 n$ for $n \geq 3$.
This Question involves one Robber and one or more Cops. After robbing a bank, the Robber retreats to a network of hideouts, represented by dots in the diagram below. Every day, the Robber stays holed up in a single hideout, and every night, the Robber moves to an adjacent hideout. Two hideouts are adjacent if and only if they are connected by an edge in the diagram, also called a hideout map (or map). For the purposes of this Power Question, the map must be connected; that is, given any two hideouts, there must be a path from one to the other. To clarify, the Robber may not stay in the same hideout for two consecutive days, although he may return to a hideout he has previously visited. For example, in the map below, if the Robber holes up in hideout $C$ for day 1 , then he would have to move to $B$ for day 2 , and would then have to move to either $A, C$, or $D$ on day 3. Every day, each Cop searches one hideout: the Cops know the location of all hideouts and which hideouts are adjacent to which. Cops are thorough searchers, so if the Robber is present in the hideout searched, he is found and arrested. If the Robber is not present in the hideout searched, his location is not revealed. That is, the Cops only know that the Robber was not caught at any of the hideouts searched; they get no specific information (other than what they can derive by logic) about what hideout he was in. Cops are not constrained by edges on the map: a Cop may search any hideout on any day, regardless of whether it is adjacent to the hideout searched the previous day. A Cop may search the same hideout on consecutive days, and multiple Cops may search different hideouts on the same day. In the map above, a Cop could search $A$ on day 1 and day 2, and then search $C$ on day 3 . The focus of this Power Question is to determine, given a hideout map and a fixed number of Cops, whether the Cops can be sure of catching the Robber within some time limit. Map Notation: The following notation may be useful when writing your solutions. For a map $M$, let $h(M)$ be the number of hideouts and $e(M)$ be the number of edges in $M$. The safety of a hideout $H$ is the number of hideouts adjacent to $H$, and is denoted by $s(H)$. The Cop number of a map $M$, denoted $C(M)$, is the minimum number of Cops required to guarantee that the Robber is caught. The police want to catch the Robber with a minimum number of Cops, but time is of the essence. For a map $M$ and a fixed number of Cops $c \geq C(M)$, define the capture time, denoted $D(M, c)$, to be the minimum number of days required to guarantee a capture using $c$ Cops. For example, in the graph below, if three Cops are deployed, they might catch the Robber in the first day, but if they don't, there is a strategy that will guarantee they will capture the Robber within two days. Therefore the capture time is $D\left(\mathcal{C}_{6}, 3\right)=2$. Definition: The workday number of $M$, denoted $W(M)$, is the minimum number of Cop workdays needed to guarantee the Robber's capture. For example, a strategy that guarantees capture within three days using 17 Cops on the first day, 11 Cops on the second day, and only 6 Cops on the third day would require a total of $17+11+6=34$ Cop workdays. Let $M$ be a map with $n \geq 3$ hideouts. Prove that $2 \leq W(M) \leq n$, and that these bounds cannot be improved. In other words, prove that for each $n \geq 3$, there exist maps $M_{1}$ and $M_{2}$ such that $W\left(M_{1}\right)=2$ and $W\left(M_{2}\right)=n$.
This Question involves one Robber and one or more Cops. After robbing a bank, the Robber retreats to a network of hideouts, represented by dots in the diagram below. Every day, the Robber stays holed up in a single hideout, and every night, the Robber moves to an adjacent hideout. Two hideouts are adjacent if and only if they are connected by an edge in the diagram, also called a hideout map (or map). For the purposes of this Power Question, the map must be connected; that is, given any two hideouts, there must be a path from one to the other. To clarify, the Robber may not stay in the same hideout for two consecutive days, although he may return to a hideout he has previously visited. For example, in the map below, if the Robber holes up in hideout $C$ for day 1 , then he would have to move to $B$ for day 2 , and would then have to move to either $A, C$, or $D$ on day 3. Every day, each Cop searches one hideout: the Cops know the location of all hideouts and which hideouts are adjacent to which. Cops are thorough searchers, so if the Robber is present in the hideout searched, he is found and arrested. If the Robber is not present in the hideout searched, his location is not revealed. That is, the Cops only know that the Robber was not caught at any of the hideouts searched; they get no specific information (other than what they can derive by logic) about what hideout he was in. Cops are not constrained by edges on the map: a Cop may search any hideout on any day, regardless of whether it is adjacent to the hideout searched the previous day. A Cop may search the same hideout on consecutive days, and multiple Cops may search different hideouts on the same day. In the map above, a Cop could search $A$ on day 1 and day 2, and then search $C$ on day 3 . The focus of this Power Question is to determine, given a hideout map and a fixed number of Cops, whether the Cops can be sure of catching the Robber within some time limit. Map Notation: The following notation may be useful when writing your solutions. For a map $M$, let $h(M)$ be the number of hideouts and $e(M)$ be the number of edges in $M$. The safety of a hideout $H$ is the number of hideouts adjacent to $H$, and is denoted by $s(H)$. The Cop number of a map $M$, denoted $C(M)$, is the minimum number of Cops required to guarantee that the Robber is caught. The police want to catch the Robber with a minimum number of Cops, but time is of the essence. For a map $M$ and a fixed number of Cops $c \geq C(M)$, define the capture time, denoted $D(M, c)$, to be the minimum number of days required to guarantee a capture using $c$ Cops. For example, in the graph below, if three Cops are deployed, they might catch the Robber in the first day, but if they don't, there is a strategy that will guarantee they will capture the Robber within two days. Therefore the capture time is $D\left(\mathcal{C}_{6}, 3\right)=2$. Definition: A map is bipartite if it can be partitioned into two sets of hideouts, $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{B}$, such that $\mathcal{A} \cap \mathcal{B}=\emptyset$, and each hideout in $\mathcal{A}$ is adjacent only to hideouts in $\mathcal{B}$, and each hideout in $\mathcal{B}$ is adjacent only to hideouts in $\mathcal{A}$. Prove that if $M$ is bipartite, then $C(M) \leq n / 2$.
This Question involves one Robber and one or more Cops. After robbing a bank, the Robber retreats to a network of hideouts, represented by dots in the diagram below. Every day, the Robber stays holed up in a single hideout, and every night, the Robber moves to an adjacent hideout. Two hideouts are adjacent if and only if they are connected by an edge in the diagram, also called a hideout map (or map). For the purposes of this Power Question, the map must be connected; that is, given any two hideouts, there must be a path from one to the other. To clarify, the Robber may not stay in the same hideout for two consecutive days, although he may return to a hideout he has previously visited. For example, in the map below, if the Robber holes up in hideout $C$ for day 1 , then he would have to move to $B$ for day 2 , and would then have to move to either $A, C$, or $D$ on day 3. Every day, each Cop searches one hideout: the Cops know the location of all hideouts and which hideouts are adjacent to which. Cops are thorough searchers, so if the Robber is present in the hideout searched, he is found and arrested. If the Robber is not present in the hideout searched, his location is not revealed. That is, the Cops only know that the Robber was not caught at any of the hideouts searched; they get no specific information (other than what they can derive by logic) about what hideout he was in. Cops are not constrained by edges on the map: a Cop may search any hideout on any day, regardless of whether it is adjacent to the hideout searched the previous day. A Cop may search the same hideout on consecutive days, and multiple Cops may search different hideouts on the same day. In the map above, a Cop could search $A$ on day 1 and day 2, and then search $C$ on day 3 . The focus of this Power Question is to determine, given a hideout map and a fixed number of Cops, whether the Cops can be sure of catching the Robber within some time limit. Map Notation: The following notation may be useful when writing your solutions. For a map $M$, let $h(M)$ be the number of hideouts and $e(M)$ be the number of edges in $M$. The safety of a hideout $H$ is the number of hideouts adjacent to $H$, and is denoted by $s(H)$. The Cop number of a map $M$, denoted $C(M)$, is the minimum number of Cops required to guarantee that the Robber is caught. The police want to catch the Robber with a minimum number of Cops, but time is of the essence. For a map $M$ and a fixed number of Cops $c \geq C(M)$, define the capture time, denoted $D(M, c)$, to be the minimum number of days required to guarantee a capture using $c$ Cops. For example, in the graph below, if three Cops are deployed, they might catch the Robber in the first day, but if they don't, there is a strategy that will guarantee they will capture the Robber within two days. Therefore the capture time is $D\left(\mathcal{C}_{6}, 3\right)=2$. Definition: A map is bipartite if it can be partitioned into two sets of hideouts, $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{B}$, such that $\mathcal{A} \cap \mathcal{B}=\emptyset$, and each hideout in $\mathcal{A}$ is adjacent only to hideouts in $\mathcal{B}$, and each hideout in $\mathcal{B}$ is adjacent only to hideouts in $\mathcal{A}$. Prove that $C(M) \leq n / 2$ for any map $M$ with the property that, for all hideouts $H_{1}$ and $H_{2}$, either all paths from $H_{1}$ to $H_{2}$ contain an odd number of edges, or all paths from $H_{1}$ to $H_{2}$ contain an even number of edges.
This Question involves one Robber and one or more Cops. After robbing a bank, the Robber retreats to a network of hideouts, represented by dots in the diagram below. Every day, the Robber stays holed up in a single hideout, and every night, the Robber moves to an adjacent hideout. Two hideouts are adjacent if and only if they are connected by an edge in the diagram, also called a hideout map (or map). For the purposes of this Power Question, the map must be connected; that is, given any two hideouts, there must be a path from one to the other. To clarify, the Robber may not stay in the same hideout for two consecutive days, although he may return to a hideout he has previously visited. For example, in the map below, if the Robber holes up in hideout $C$ for day 1 , then he would have to move to $B$ for day 2 , and would then have to move to either $A, C$, or $D$ on day 3. Every day, each Cop searches one hideout: the Cops know the location of all hideouts and which hideouts are adjacent to which. Cops are thorough searchers, so if the Robber is present in the hideout searched, he is found and arrested. If the Robber is not present in the hideout searched, his location is not revealed. That is, the Cops only know that the Robber was not caught at any of the hideouts searched; they get no specific information (other than what they can derive by logic) about what hideout he was in. Cops are not constrained by edges on the map: a Cop may search any hideout on any day, regardless of whether it is adjacent to the hideout searched the previous day. A Cop may search the same hideout on consecutive days, and multiple Cops may search different hideouts on the same day. In the map above, a Cop could search $A$ on day 1 and day 2, and then search $C$ on day 3 . The focus of this Power Question is to determine, given a hideout map and a fixed number of Cops, whether the Cops can be sure of catching the Robber within some time limit. Map Notation: The following notation may be useful when writing your solutions. For a map $M$, let $h(M)$ be the number of hideouts and $e(M)$ be the number of edges in $M$. The safety of a hideout $H$ is the number of hideouts adjacent to $H$, and is denoted by $s(H)$. The Cop number of a map $M$, denoted $C(M)$, is the minimum number of Cops required to guarantee that the Robber is caught. The police want to catch the Robber with a minimum number of Cops, but time is of the essence. For a map $M$ and a fixed number of Cops $c \geq C(M)$, define the capture time, denoted $D(M, c)$, to be the minimum number of days required to guarantee a capture using $c$ Cops. For example, in the graph below, if three Cops are deployed, they might catch the Robber in the first day, but if they don't, there is a strategy that will guarantee they will capture the Robber within two days. Therefore the capture time is $D\left(\mathcal{C}_{6}, 3\right)=2$. Definition: A map is bipartite if it can be partitioned into two sets of hideouts, $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{B}$, such that $\mathcal{A} \cap \mathcal{B}=\emptyset$, and each hideout in $\mathcal{A}$ is adjacent only to hideouts in $\mathcal{B}$, and each hideout in $\mathcal{B}$ is adjacent only to hideouts in $\mathcal{A}$. A map $M$ is called $k$-perfect if its hideout set $H$ can be partitioned into equal-sized subsets $\mathcal{A}_{1}, \mathcal{A}_{2}, \ldots, \mathcal{A}_{k}$ such that for any $j$, the hideouts of $\mathcal{A}_{j}$ are only adjacent to hideouts in $\mathcal{A}_{j+1}$ or $\mathcal{A}_{j-1}$. (The indices are taken modulo $k$ : the hideouts of $\mathcal{A}_{1}$ may be adjacent to the hideouts of $\mathcal{A}_{k}$.) Show that if $M$ is $k$-perfect, then $C(M) \leq \frac{2 n}{k}$.
This Question involves one Robber and one or more Cops. After robbing a bank, the Robber retreats to a network of hideouts, represented by dots in the diagram below. Every day, the Robber stays holed up in a single hideout, and every night, the Robber moves to an adjacent hideout. Two hideouts are adjacent if and only if they are connected by an edge in the diagram, also called a hideout map (or map). For the purposes of this Power Question, the map must be connected; that is, given any two hideouts, there must be a path from one to the other. To clarify, the Robber may not stay in the same hideout for two consecutive days, although he may return to a hideout he has previously visited. For example, in the map below, if the Robber holes up in hideout $C$ for day 1 , then he would have to move to $B$ for day 2 , and would then have to move to either $A, C$, or $D$ on day 3. Every day, each Cop searches one hideout: the Cops know the location of all hideouts and which hideouts are adjacent to which. Cops are thorough searchers, so if the Robber is present in the hideout searched, he is found and arrested. If the Robber is not present in the hideout searched, his location is not revealed. That is, the Cops only know that the Robber was not caught at any of the hideouts searched; they get no specific information (other than what they can derive by logic) about what hideout he was in. Cops are not constrained by edges on the map: a Cop may search any hideout on any day, regardless of whether it is adjacent to the hideout searched the previous day. A Cop may search the same hideout on consecutive days, and multiple Cops may search different hideouts on the same day. In the map above, a Cop could search $A$ on day 1 and day 2, and then search $C$ on day 3 . The focus of this Power Question is to determine, given a hideout map and a fixed number of Cops, whether the Cops can be sure of catching the Robber within some time limit. Map Notation: The following notation may be useful when writing your solutions. For a map $M$, let $h(M)$ be the number of hideouts and $e(M)$ be the number of edges in $M$. The safety of a hideout $H$ is the number of hideouts adjacent to $H$, and is denoted by $s(H)$. The Cop number of a map $M$, denoted $C(M)$, is the minimum number of Cops required to guarantee that the Robber is caught. The police want to catch the Robber with a minimum number of Cops, but time is of the essence. For a map $M$ and a fixed number of Cops $c \geq C(M)$, define the capture time, denoted $D(M, c)$, to be the minimum number of days required to guarantee a capture using $c$ Cops. For example, in the graph below, if three Cops are deployed, they might catch the Robber in the first day, but if they don't, there is a strategy that will guarantee they will capture the Robber within two days. Therefore the capture time is $D\left(\mathcal{C}_{6}, 3\right)=2$. Definition: The workday number of $M$, denoted $W(M)$, is the minimum number of Cop workdays needed to guarantee the Robber's capture. For example, a strategy that guarantees capture within three days using 17 Cops on the first day, 11 Cops on the second day, and only 6 Cops on the third day would require a total of $17+11+6=34$ Cop workdays. Definition: A map is bipartite if it can be partitioned into two sets of hideouts, $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{B}$, such that $\mathcal{A} \cap \mathcal{B}=\emptyset$, and each hideout in $\mathcal{A}$ is adjacent only to hideouts in $\mathcal{B}$, and each hideout in $\mathcal{B}$ is adjacent only to hideouts in $\mathcal{A}$. Find an example of a map $M$ with 2012 hideouts such that $C(M)=17$ and $W(M)=34$, or prove that no such map exists.
This Question involves one Robber and one or more Cops. After robbing a bank, the Robber retreats to a network of hideouts, represented by dots in the diagram below. Every day, the Robber stays holed up in a single hideout, and every night, the Robber moves to an adjacent hideout. Two hideouts are adjacent if and only if they are connected by an edge in the diagram, also called a hideout map (or map). For the purposes of this Power Question, the map must be connected; that is, given any two hideouts, there must be a path from one to the other. To clarify, the Robber may not stay in the same hideout for two consecutive days, although he may return to a hideout he has previously visited. For example, in the map below, if the Robber holes up in hideout $C$ for day 1 , then he would have to move to $B$ for day 2 , and would then have to move to either $A, C$, or $D$ on day 3. Every day, each Cop searches one hideout: the Cops know the location of all hideouts and which hideouts are adjacent to which. Cops are thorough searchers, so if the Robber is present in the hideout searched, he is found and arrested. If the Robber is not present in the hideout searched, his location is not revealed. That is, the Cops only know that the Robber was not caught at any of the hideouts searched; they get no specific information (other than what they can derive by logic) about what hideout he was in. Cops are not constrained by edges on the map: a Cop may search any hideout on any day, regardless of whether it is adjacent to the hideout searched the previous day. A Cop may search the same hideout on consecutive days, and multiple Cops may search different hideouts on the same day. In the map above, a Cop could search $A$ on day 1 and day 2, and then search $C$ on day 3 . The focus of this Power Question is to determine, given a hideout map and a fixed number of Cops, whether the Cops can be sure of catching the Robber within some time limit. Map Notation: The following notation may be useful when writing your solutions. For a map $M$, let $h(M)$ be the number of hideouts and $e(M)$ be the number of edges in $M$. The safety of a hideout $H$ is the number of hideouts adjacent to $H$, and is denoted by $s(H)$. The Cop number of a map $M$, denoted $C(M)$, is the minimum number of Cops required to guarantee that the Robber is caught. The police want to catch the Robber with a minimum number of Cops, but time is of the essence. For a map $M$ and a fixed number of Cops $c \geq C(M)$, define the capture time, denoted $D(M, c)$, to be the minimum number of days required to guarantee a capture using $c$ Cops. For example, in the graph below, if three Cops are deployed, they might catch the Robber in the first day, but if they don't, there is a strategy that will guarantee they will capture the Robber within two days. Therefore the capture time is $D\left(\mathcal{C}_{6}, 3\right)=2$. Definition: The workday number of $M$, denoted $W(M)$, is the minimum number of Cop workdays needed to guarantee the Robber's capture. For example, a strategy that guarantees capture within three days using 17 Cops on the first day, 11 Cops on the second day, and only 6 Cops on the third day would require a total of $17+11+6=34$ Cop workdays. Find an example of a map $M$ with 4 or more hideouts such that $W(M)=3$, or prove that no such map exists.
An $\boldsymbol{n}$-label is a permutation of the numbers 1 through $n$. For example, $J=35214$ is a 5 -label and $K=132$ is a 3 -label. For a fixed positive integer $p$, where $p \leq n$, consider consecutive blocks of $p$ numbers in an $n$-label. For example, when $p=3$ and $L=263415$, the blocks are 263,634,341, and 415. We can associate to each of these blocks a $p$-label that corresponds to the relative order of the numbers in that block. For $L=263415$, we get the following: $$ \underline{263} 415 \rightarrow 132 ; \quad 2 \underline{63415} \rightarrow 312 ; \quad 26 \underline{341} 5 \rightarrow 231 ; \quad 263 \underline{415} \rightarrow 213 $$ Moving from left to right in the $n$-label, there are $n-p+1$ such blocks, which means we obtain an $(n-p+1)$-tuple of $p$-labels. For $L=263415$, we get the 4 -tuple $(132,312,231,213)$. We will call this $(n-p+1)$-tuple the $\boldsymbol{p}$-signature of $L$ (or signature, if $p$ is clear from the context) and denote it by $S_{p}[L]$; the $p$-labels in the signature are called windows. For $L=263415$, the windows are $132,312,231$, and 213 , and we write $$ S_{3}[263415]=(132,312,231,213) $$ More generally, we will call any $(n-p+1)$-tuple of $p$-labels a $p$-signature, even if we do not know of an $n$-label to which it corresponds (and even if no such label exists). A signature that occurs for exactly one $n$-label is called unique, and a signature that doesn't occur for any $n$-labels is called impossible. A possible signature is one that occurs for at least one $n$-label. In this power question, you will be asked to analyze some of the properties of labels and signatures. We can associate a shape to a given 2-signature: a diagram of up and down steps that indicates the relative order of adjacent numbers. For example, the following shape corresponds to the 2-signature $(12,12,12,21,12,21)$ : A 7-label with this 2-signature corresponds to placing the numbers 1 through 7 at the nodes above so that numbers increase with each up step and decrease with each down step. The 7-label 2347165 is shown below: Prove that the following signature is possible. $(123,132,213)$,
An $\boldsymbol{n}$-label is a permutation of the numbers 1 through $n$. For example, $J=35214$ is a 5 -label and $K=132$ is a 3 -label. For a fixed positive integer $p$, where $p \leq n$, consider consecutive blocks of $p$ numbers in an $n$-label. For example, when $p=3$ and $L=263415$, the blocks are 263,634,341, and 415. We can associate to each of these blocks a $p$-label that corresponds to the relative order of the numbers in that block. For $L=263415$, we get the following: $$ \underline{263} 415 \rightarrow 132 ; \quad 2 \underline{63415} \rightarrow 312 ; \quad 26 \underline{341} 5 \rightarrow 231 ; \quad 263 \underline{415} \rightarrow 213 $$ Moving from left to right in the $n$-label, there are $n-p+1$ such blocks, which means we obtain an $(n-p+1)$-tuple of $p$-labels. For $L=263415$, we get the 4 -tuple $(132,312,231,213)$. We will call this $(n-p+1)$-tuple the $\boldsymbol{p}$-signature of $L$ (or signature, if $p$ is clear from the context) and denote it by $S_{p}[L]$; the $p$-labels in the signature are called windows. For $L=263415$, the windows are $132,312,231$, and 213 , and we write $$ S_{3}[263415]=(132,312,231,213) $$ More generally, we will call any $(n-p+1)$-tuple of $p$-labels a $p$-signature, even if we do not know of an $n$-label to which it corresponds (and even if no such label exists). A signature that occurs for exactly one $n$-label is called unique, and a signature that doesn't occur for any $n$-labels is called impossible. A possible signature is one that occurs for at least one $n$-label. In this power question, you will be asked to analyze some of the properties of labels and signatures. We can associate a shape to a given 2-signature: a diagram of up and down steps that indicates the relative order of adjacent numbers. For example, the following shape corresponds to the 2-signature $(12,12,12,21,12,21)$ : A 7-label with this 2-signature corresponds to placing the numbers 1 through 7 at the nodes above so that numbers increase with each up step and decrease with each down step. The 7-label 2347165 is shown below: Prove that the following signature is impossible: $(321,312,213)$.
An $\boldsymbol{n}$-label is a permutation of the numbers 1 through $n$. For example, $J=35214$ is a 5 -label and $K=132$ is a 3 -label. For a fixed positive integer $p$, where $p \leq n$, consider consecutive blocks of $p$ numbers in an $n$-label. For example, when $p=3$ and $L=263415$, the blocks are 263,634,341, and 415. We can associate to each of these blocks a $p$-label that corresponds to the relative order of the numbers in that block. For $L=263415$, we get the following: $$ \underline{263} 415 \rightarrow 132 ; \quad 2 \underline{63415} \rightarrow 312 ; \quad 26 \underline{341} 5 \rightarrow 231 ; \quad 263 \underline{415} \rightarrow 213 $$ Moving from left to right in the $n$-label, there are $n-p+1$ such blocks, which means we obtain an $(n-p+1)$-tuple of $p$-labels. For $L=263415$, we get the 4 -tuple $(132,312,231,213)$. We will call this $(n-p+1)$-tuple the $\boldsymbol{p}$-signature of $L$ (or signature, if $p$ is clear from the context) and denote it by $S_{p}[L]$; the $p$-labels in the signature are called windows. For $L=263415$, the windows are $132,312,231$, and 213 , and we write $$ S_{3}[263415]=(132,312,231,213) $$ More generally, we will call any $(n-p+1)$-tuple of $p$-labels a $p$-signature, even if we do not know of an $n$-label to which it corresponds (and even if no such label exists). A signature that occurs for exactly one $n$-label is called unique, and a signature that doesn't occur for any $n$-labels is called impossible. A possible signature is one that occurs for at least one $n$-label. In this power question, you will be asked to analyze some of the properties of labels and signatures. We can associate a shape to a given 2-signature: a diagram of up and down steps that indicates the relative order of adjacent numbers. For example, the following shape corresponds to the 2-signature $(12,12,12,21,12,21)$ : A 7-label with this 2-signature corresponds to placing the numbers 1 through 7 at the nodes above so that numbers increase with each up step and decrease with each down step. The 7-label 2347165 is shown below: Show that $(312,231,312,132)$ is not a unique 3 -signature.
An $\boldsymbol{n}$-label is a permutation of the numbers 1 through $n$. For example, $J=35214$ is a 5 -label and $K=132$ is a 3 -label. For a fixed positive integer $p$, where $p \leq n$, consider consecutive blocks of $p$ numbers in an $n$-label. For example, when $p=3$ and $L=263415$, the blocks are 263,634,341, and 415. We can associate to each of these blocks a $p$-label that corresponds to the relative order of the numbers in that block. For $L=263415$, we get the following: $$ \underline{263} 415 \rightarrow 132 ; \quad 2 \underline{63415} \rightarrow 312 ; \quad 26 \underline{341} 5 \rightarrow 231 ; \quad 263 \underline{415} \rightarrow 213 $$ Moving from left to right in the $n$-label, there are $n-p+1$ such blocks, which means we obtain an $(n-p+1)$-tuple of $p$-labels. For $L=263415$, we get the 4 -tuple $(132,312,231,213)$. We will call this $(n-p+1)$-tuple the $\boldsymbol{p}$-signature of $L$ (or signature, if $p$ is clear from the context) and denote it by $S_{p}[L]$; the $p$-labels in the signature are called windows. For $L=263415$, the windows are $132,312,231$, and 213 , and we write $$ S_{3}[263415]=(132,312,231,213) $$ More generally, we will call any $(n-p+1)$-tuple of $p$-labels a $p$-signature, even if we do not know of an $n$-label to which it corresponds (and even if no such label exists). A signature that occurs for exactly one $n$-label is called unique, and a signature that doesn't occur for any $n$-labels is called impossible. A possible signature is one that occurs for at least one $n$-label. In this power question, you will be asked to analyze some of the properties of labels and signatures. We can associate a shape to a given 2-signature: a diagram of up and down steps that indicates the relative order of adjacent numbers. For example, the following shape corresponds to the 2-signature $(12,12,12,21,12,21)$ : A 7-label with this 2-signature corresponds to placing the numbers 1 through 7 at the nodes above so that numbers increase with each up step and decrease with each down step. The 7-label 2347165 is shown below: Show that $(231,213,123,132)$ is a unique 3 -signature.
An $\boldsymbol{n}$-label is a permutation of the numbers 1 through $n$. For example, $J=35214$ is a 5 -label and $K=132$ is a 3 -label. For a fixed positive integer $p$, where $p \leq n$, consider consecutive blocks of $p$ numbers in an $n$-label. For example, when $p=3$ and $L=263415$, the blocks are 263,634,341, and 415. We can associate to each of these blocks a $p$-label that corresponds to the relative order of the numbers in that block. For $L=263415$, we get the following: $$ \underline{263} 415 \rightarrow 132 ; \quad 2 \underline{63415} \rightarrow 312 ; \quad 26 \underline{341} 5 \rightarrow 231 ; \quad 263 \underline{415} \rightarrow 213 $$ Moving from left to right in the $n$-label, there are $n-p+1$ such blocks, which means we obtain an $(n-p+1)$-tuple of $p$-labels. For $L=263415$, we get the 4 -tuple $(132,312,231,213)$. We will call this $(n-p+1)$-tuple the $\boldsymbol{p}$-signature of $L$ (or signature, if $p$ is clear from the context) and denote it by $S_{p}[L]$; the $p$-labels in the signature are called windows. For $L=263415$, the windows are $132,312,231$, and 213 , and we write $$ S_{3}[263415]=(132,312,231,213) $$ More generally, we will call any $(n-p+1)$-tuple of $p$-labels a $p$-signature, even if we do not know of an $n$-label to which it corresponds (and even if no such label exists). A signature that occurs for exactly one $n$-label is called unique, and a signature that doesn't occur for any $n$-labels is called impossible. A possible signature is one that occurs for at least one $n$-label. In this power question, you will be asked to analyze some of the properties of labels and signatures. We can associate a shape to a given 2-signature: a diagram of up and down steps that indicates the relative order of adjacent numbers. For example, the following shape corresponds to the 2-signature $(12,12,12,21,12,21)$ : A 7-label with this 2-signature corresponds to placing the numbers 1 through 7 at the nodes above so that numbers increase with each up step and decrease with each down step. The 7-label 2347165 is shown below: Prove that $S_{5}[495138627]$ is unique.
An $\boldsymbol{n}$-label is a permutation of the numbers 1 through $n$. For example, $J=35214$ is a 5 -label and $K=132$ is a 3 -label. For a fixed positive integer $p$, where $p \leq n$, consider consecutive blocks of $p$ numbers in an $n$-label. For example, when $p=3$ and $L=263415$, the blocks are 263,634,341, and 415. We can associate to each of these blocks a $p$-label that corresponds to the relative order of the numbers in that block. For $L=263415$, we get the following: $$ \underline{263} 415 \rightarrow 132 ; \quad 2 \underline{63415} \rightarrow 312 ; \quad 26 \underline{341} 5 \rightarrow 231 ; \quad 263 \underline{415} \rightarrow 213 $$ Moving from left to right in the $n$-label, there are $n-p+1$ such blocks, which means we obtain an $(n-p+1)$-tuple of $p$-labels. For $L=263415$, we get the 4 -tuple $(132,312,231,213)$. We will call this $(n-p+1)$-tuple the $\boldsymbol{p}$-signature of $L$ (or signature, if $p$ is clear from the context) and denote it by $S_{p}[L]$; the $p$-labels in the signature are called windows. For $L=263415$, the windows are $132,312,231$, and 213 , and we write $$ S_{3}[263415]=(132,312,231,213) $$ More generally, we will call any $(n-p+1)$-tuple of $p$-labels a $p$-signature, even if we do not know of an $n$-label to which it corresponds (and even if no such label exists). A signature that occurs for exactly one $n$-label is called unique, and a signature that doesn't occur for any $n$-labels is called impossible. A possible signature is one that occurs for at least one $n$-label. In this power question, you will be asked to analyze some of the properties of labels and signatures. We can associate a shape to a given 2-signature: a diagram of up and down steps that indicates the relative order of adjacent numbers. For example, the following shape corresponds to the 2-signature $(12,12,12,21,12,21)$ : A 7-label with this 2-signature corresponds to placing the numbers 1 through 7 at the nodes above so that numbers increase with each up step and decrease with each down step. The 7-label 2347165 is shown below: Show that for each $k \geq 2$, the number of unique $2^{k-1}$-signatures on the set of $2^{k}$-labels is at least $2^{2^{k}-3}$.
A king strapped for cash is forced to sell off his kingdom $U=\left\{(x, y): x^{2}+y^{2} \leq 1\right\}$. He sells the two circular plots $C$ and $C^{\prime}$ centered at $\left( \pm \frac{1}{2}, 0\right)$ with radius $\frac{1}{2}$. The retained parts of the kingdom form two regions, each bordered by three arcs of circles; in what follows, we will call such regions curvilinear triangles, or $c$-triangles ( $\mathrm{c} \triangle$ ) for short. This sad day marks day 0 of a new fiscal era. Unfortunately, these drastic measures are not enough, and so each day thereafter, court geometers mark off the largest possible circle contained in each c-triangle in the remaining property. This circle is tangent to all three arcs of the c-triangle, and will be referred to as the incircle of the c-triangle. At the end of the day, all incircles demarcated that day are sold off, and the following day, the remaining c-triangles are partitioned in the same manner. Some notation: when discussing mutually tangent circles (or arcs), it is convenient to refer to the curvature of a circle rather than its radius. We define curvature as follows. Suppose that circle $A$ of radius $r_{a}$ is externally tangent to circle $B$ of radius $r_{b}$. Then the curvatures of the circles are simply the reciprocals of their radii, $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$ and $\frac{1}{r_{b}}$. If circle $A$ is internally tangent to circle $B$, however, as in the right diagram below, the curvature of circle $A$ is still $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$, while the curvature of circle $B$ is $-\frac{1}{r_{b}}$, the opposite of the reciprocal of its radius. Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature 1 . Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature -1 . Using these conventions allows us to express a beautiful theorem of Descartes: when four circles $A, B, C, D$ are pairwise tangent, with respective curvatures $a, b, c, d$, then $$ (a+b+c+d)^{2}=2\left(a^{2}+b^{2}+c^{2}+d^{2}\right), $$ where (as before) $a$ is taken to be negative if $B, C, D$ are internally tangent to $A$, and correspondingly for $b, c$, or $d$. Without using Descartes' Circle Formula, Show that the circles marked off and sold on day 1 are centered at $\left(0, \pm \frac{2}{3}\right)$ with radius $\frac{1}{3}$.
A king strapped for cash is forced to sell off his kingdom $U=\left\{(x, y): x^{2}+y^{2} \leq 1\right\}$. He sells the two circular plots $C$ and $C^{\prime}$ centered at $\left( \pm \frac{1}{2}, 0\right)$ with radius $\frac{1}{2}$. The retained parts of the kingdom form two regions, each bordered by three arcs of circles; in what follows, we will call such regions curvilinear triangles, or $c$-triangles ( $\mathrm{c} \triangle$ ) for short. This sad day marks day 0 of a new fiscal era. Unfortunately, these drastic measures are not enough, and so each day thereafter, court geometers mark off the largest possible circle contained in each c-triangle in the remaining property. This circle is tangent to all three arcs of the c-triangle, and will be referred to as the incircle of the c-triangle. At the end of the day, all incircles demarcated that day are sold off, and the following day, the remaining c-triangles are partitioned in the same manner. Some notation: when discussing mutually tangent circles (or arcs), it is convenient to refer to the curvature of a circle rather than its radius. We define curvature as follows. Suppose that circle $A$ of radius $r_{a}$ is externally tangent to circle $B$ of radius $r_{b}$. Then the curvatures of the circles are simply the reciprocals of their radii, $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$ and $\frac{1}{r_{b}}$. If circle $A$ is internally tangent to circle $B$, however, as in the right diagram below, the curvature of circle $A$ is still $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$, while the curvature of circle $B$ is $-\frac{1}{r_{b}}$, the opposite of the reciprocal of its radius. Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature 1 . Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature -1 . Using these conventions allows us to express a beautiful theorem of Descartes: when four circles $A, B, C, D$ are pairwise tangent, with respective curvatures $a, b, c, d$, then $$ (a+b+c+d)^{2}=2\left(a^{2}+b^{2}+c^{2}+d^{2}\right), $$ where (as before) $a$ is taken to be negative if $B, C, D$ are internally tangent to $A$, and correspondingly for $b, c$, or $d$. Given three mutually tangent circles with curvatures $a, b, c>0$, suppose that $(a, b, c, 0)$ does not satisfy Descartes' Circle Formula. Show that there are two distinct values of $r$ such that there is a circle of radius $r$ tangent to the given circles.
A king strapped for cash is forced to sell off his kingdom $U=\left\{(x, y): x^{2}+y^{2} \leq 1\right\}$. He sells the two circular plots $C$ and $C^{\prime}$ centered at $\left( \pm \frac{1}{2}, 0\right)$ with radius $\frac{1}{2}$. The retained parts of the kingdom form two regions, each bordered by three arcs of circles; in what follows, we will call such regions curvilinear triangles, or $c$-triangles ( $\mathrm{c} \triangle$ ) for short. This sad day marks day 0 of a new fiscal era. Unfortunately, these drastic measures are not enough, and so each day thereafter, court geometers mark off the largest possible circle contained in each c-triangle in the remaining property. This circle is tangent to all three arcs of the c-triangle, and will be referred to as the incircle of the c-triangle. At the end of the day, all incircles demarcated that day are sold off, and the following day, the remaining c-triangles are partitioned in the same manner. Some notation: when discussing mutually tangent circles (or arcs), it is convenient to refer to the curvature of a circle rather than its radius. We define curvature as follows. Suppose that circle $A$ of radius $r_{a}$ is externally tangent to circle $B$ of radius $r_{b}$. Then the curvatures of the circles are simply the reciprocals of their radii, $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$ and $\frac{1}{r_{b}}$. If circle $A$ is internally tangent to circle $B$, however, as in the right diagram below, the curvature of circle $A$ is still $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$, while the curvature of circle $B$ is $-\frac{1}{r_{b}}$, the opposite of the reciprocal of its radius. Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature 1 . Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature -1 . Using these conventions allows us to express a beautiful theorem of Descartes: when four circles $A, B, C, D$ are pairwise tangent, with respective curvatures $a, b, c, d$, then $$ (a+b+c+d)^{2}=2\left(a^{2}+b^{2}+c^{2}+d^{2}\right), $$ where (as before) $a$ is taken to be negative if $B, C, D$ are internally tangent to $A$, and correspondingly for $b, c$, or $d$. Algebraically, it is possible for a quadruple $(a, b, c, 0)$ to satisfy Descartes' Circle Formula, as occurs when $a=b=1$ and $c=4$. Find a geometric interpretation for this situation.
A king strapped for cash is forced to sell off his kingdom $U=\left\{(x, y): x^{2}+y^{2} \leq 1\right\}$. He sells the two circular plots $C$ and $C^{\prime}$ centered at $\left( \pm \frac{1}{2}, 0\right)$ with radius $\frac{1}{2}$. The retained parts of the kingdom form two regions, each bordered by three arcs of circles; in what follows, we will call such regions curvilinear triangles, or $c$-triangles ( $\mathrm{c} \triangle$ ) for short. This sad day marks day 0 of a new fiscal era. Unfortunately, these drastic measures are not enough, and so each day thereafter, court geometers mark off the largest possible circle contained in each c-triangle in the remaining property. This circle is tangent to all three arcs of the c-triangle, and will be referred to as the incircle of the c-triangle. At the end of the day, all incircles demarcated that day are sold off, and the following day, the remaining c-triangles are partitioned in the same manner. Some notation: when discussing mutually tangent circles (or arcs), it is convenient to refer to the curvature of a circle rather than its radius. We define curvature as follows. Suppose that circle $A$ of radius $r_{a}$ is externally tangent to circle $B$ of radius $r_{b}$. Then the curvatures of the circles are simply the reciprocals of their radii, $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$ and $\frac{1}{r_{b}}$. If circle $A$ is internally tangent to circle $B$, however, as in the right diagram below, the curvature of circle $A$ is still $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$, while the curvature of circle $B$ is $-\frac{1}{r_{b}}$, the opposite of the reciprocal of its radius. Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature 1 . Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature -1 . Using these conventions allows us to express a beautiful theorem of Descartes: when four circles $A, B, C, D$ are pairwise tangent, with respective curvatures $a, b, c, d$, then $$ (a+b+c+d)^{2}=2\left(a^{2}+b^{2}+c^{2}+d^{2}\right), $$ where (as before) $a$ is taken to be negative if $B, C, D$ are internally tangent to $A$, and correspondingly for $b, c$, or $d$. Let $\phi=\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}$, and let $\rho=\phi+\sqrt{\phi}$. Prove that $\rho^{4}=2 \rho^{3}+2 \rho^{2}+2 \rho-1$.
A king strapped for cash is forced to sell off his kingdom $U=\left\{(x, y): x^{2}+y^{2} \leq 1\right\}$. He sells the two circular plots $C$ and $C^{\prime}$ centered at $\left( \pm \frac{1}{2}, 0\right)$ with radius $\frac{1}{2}$. The retained parts of the kingdom form two regions, each bordered by three arcs of circles; in what follows, we will call such regions curvilinear triangles, or $c$-triangles ( $\mathrm{c} \triangle$ ) for short. This sad day marks day 0 of a new fiscal era. Unfortunately, these drastic measures are not enough, and so each day thereafter, court geometers mark off the largest possible circle contained in each c-triangle in the remaining property. This circle is tangent to all three arcs of the c-triangle, and will be referred to as the incircle of the c-triangle. At the end of the day, all incircles demarcated that day are sold off, and the following day, the remaining c-triangles are partitioned in the same manner. Some notation: when discussing mutually tangent circles (or arcs), it is convenient to refer to the curvature of a circle rather than its radius. We define curvature as follows. Suppose that circle $A$ of radius $r_{a}$ is externally tangent to circle $B$ of radius $r_{b}$. Then the curvatures of the circles are simply the reciprocals of their radii, $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$ and $\frac{1}{r_{b}}$. If circle $A$ is internally tangent to circle $B$, however, as in the right diagram below, the curvature of circle $A$ is still $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$, while the curvature of circle $B$ is $-\frac{1}{r_{b}}$, the opposite of the reciprocal of its radius. Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature 1 . Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature -1 . Using these conventions allows us to express a beautiful theorem of Descartes: when four circles $A, B, C, D$ are pairwise tangent, with respective curvatures $a, b, c, d$, then $$ (a+b+c+d)^{2}=2\left(a^{2}+b^{2}+c^{2}+d^{2}\right), $$ where (as before) $a$ is taken to be negative if $B, C, D$ are internally tangent to $A$, and correspondingly for $b, c$, or $d$. Let $\phi=\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}$, and let $\rho=\phi+\sqrt{\phi}$. Show that four pairwise externally tangent circles with nonequal radii in geometric progression must have common ratio $\rho$.
A king strapped for cash is forced to sell off his kingdom $U=\left\{(x, y): x^{2}+y^{2} \leq 1\right\}$. He sells the two circular plots $C$ and $C^{\prime}$ centered at $\left( \pm \frac{1}{2}, 0\right)$ with radius $\frac{1}{2}$. The retained parts of the kingdom form two regions, each bordered by three arcs of circles; in what follows, we will call such regions curvilinear triangles, or $c$-triangles ( $\mathrm{c} \triangle$ ) for short. This sad day marks day 0 of a new fiscal era. Unfortunately, these drastic measures are not enough, and so each day thereafter, court geometers mark off the largest possible circle contained in each c-triangle in the remaining property. This circle is tangent to all three arcs of the c-triangle, and will be referred to as the incircle of the c-triangle. At the end of the day, all incircles demarcated that day are sold off, and the following day, the remaining c-triangles are partitioned in the same manner. Some notation: when discussing mutually tangent circles (or arcs), it is convenient to refer to the curvature of a circle rather than its radius. We define curvature as follows. Suppose that circle $A$ of radius $r_{a}$ is externally tangent to circle $B$ of radius $r_{b}$. Then the curvatures of the circles are simply the reciprocals of their radii, $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$ and $\frac{1}{r_{b}}$. If circle $A$ is internally tangent to circle $B$, however, as in the right diagram below, the curvature of circle $A$ is still $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$, while the curvature of circle $B$ is $-\frac{1}{r_{b}}$, the opposite of the reciprocal of its radius. Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature 1 . Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature -1 . Using these conventions allows us to express a beautiful theorem of Descartes: when four circles $A, B, C, D$ are pairwise tangent, with respective curvatures $a, b, c, d$, then $$ (a+b+c+d)^{2}=2\left(a^{2}+b^{2}+c^{2}+d^{2}\right), $$ where (as before) $a$ is taken to be negative if $B, C, D$ are internally tangent to $A$, and correspondingly for $b, c$, or $d$. Given $A, B, C, D$ as above with $s=a+b+c+d$, if there is a second circle $A^{\prime}$ with curvature $a^{\prime}$ also tangent to $B, C$, and $D$. We can describe $A$ and $A^{\prime}$ as conjugate circles. Use Descartes' Circle Formula to show that $a^{\prime}=2 s-3 a$ and therefore $s^{\prime}=a^{\prime}+b+c+d=$ $3 s-4 a$.
A king strapped for cash is forced to sell off his kingdom $U=\left\{(x, y): x^{2}+y^{2} \leq 1\right\}$. He sells the two circular plots $C$ and $C^{\prime}$ centered at $\left( \pm \frac{1}{2}, 0\right)$ with radius $\frac{1}{2}$. The retained parts of the kingdom form two regions, each bordered by three arcs of circles; in what follows, we will call such regions curvilinear triangles, or $c$-triangles ( $\mathrm{c} \triangle$ ) for short. This sad day marks day 0 of a new fiscal era. Unfortunately, these drastic measures are not enough, and so each day thereafter, court geometers mark off the largest possible circle contained in each c-triangle in the remaining property. This circle is tangent to all three arcs of the c-triangle, and will be referred to as the incircle of the c-triangle. At the end of the day, all incircles demarcated that day are sold off, and the following day, the remaining c-triangles are partitioned in the same manner. Some notation: when discussing mutually tangent circles (or arcs), it is convenient to refer to the curvature of a circle rather than its radius. We define curvature as follows. Suppose that circle $A$ of radius $r_{a}$ is externally tangent to circle $B$ of radius $r_{b}$. Then the curvatures of the circles are simply the reciprocals of their radii, $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$ and $\frac{1}{r_{b}}$. If circle $A$ is internally tangent to circle $B$, however, as in the right diagram below, the curvature of circle $A$ is still $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$, while the curvature of circle $B$ is $-\frac{1}{r_{b}}$, the opposite of the reciprocal of its radius. Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature 1 . Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature -1 . Using these conventions allows us to express a beautiful theorem of Descartes: when four circles $A, B, C, D$ are pairwise tangent, with respective curvatures $a, b, c, d$, then $$ (a+b+c+d)^{2}=2\left(a^{2}+b^{2}+c^{2}+d^{2}\right), $$ where (as before) $a$ is taken to be negative if $B, C, D$ are internally tangent to $A$, and correspondingly for $b, c$, or $d$. Show that by area, $12 \%$ of the kingdom is sold on day 2 .
A king strapped for cash is forced to sell off his kingdom $U=\left\{(x, y): x^{2}+y^{2} \leq 1\right\}$. He sells the two circular plots $C$ and $C^{\prime}$ centered at $\left( \pm \frac{1}{2}, 0\right)$ with radius $\frac{1}{2}$. The retained parts of the kingdom form two regions, each bordered by three arcs of circles; in what follows, we will call such regions curvilinear triangles, or $c$-triangles ( $\mathrm{c} \triangle$ ) for short. This sad day marks day 0 of a new fiscal era. Unfortunately, these drastic measures are not enough, and so each day thereafter, court geometers mark off the largest possible circle contained in each c-triangle in the remaining property. This circle is tangent to all three arcs of the c-triangle, and will be referred to as the incircle of the c-triangle. At the end of the day, all incircles demarcated that day are sold off, and the following day, the remaining c-triangles are partitioned in the same manner. Some notation: when discussing mutually tangent circles (or arcs), it is convenient to refer to the curvature of a circle rather than its radius. We define curvature as follows. Suppose that circle $A$ of radius $r_{a}$ is externally tangent to circle $B$ of radius $r_{b}$. Then the curvatures of the circles are simply the reciprocals of their radii, $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$ and $\frac{1}{r_{b}}$. If circle $A$ is internally tangent to circle $B$, however, as in the right diagram below, the curvature of circle $A$ is still $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$, while the curvature of circle $B$ is $-\frac{1}{r_{b}}$, the opposite of the reciprocal of its radius. Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature 1 . Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature -1 . Using these conventions allows us to express a beautiful theorem of Descartes: when four circles $A, B, C, D$ are pairwise tangent, with respective curvatures $a, b, c, d$, then $$ (a+b+c+d)^{2}=2\left(a^{2}+b^{2}+c^{2}+d^{2}\right), $$ where (as before) $a$ is taken to be negative if $B, C, D$ are internally tangent to $A$, and correspondingly for $b, c$, or $d$. Show that the plots sold on day 3 have mean curvature of 23.
A king strapped for cash is forced to sell off his kingdom $U=\left\{(x, y): x^{2}+y^{2} \leq 1\right\}$. He sells the two circular plots $C$ and $C^{\prime}$ centered at $\left( \pm \frac{1}{2}, 0\right)$ with radius $\frac{1}{2}$. The retained parts of the kingdom form two regions, each bordered by three arcs of circles; in what follows, we will call such regions curvilinear triangles, or $c$-triangles ( $\mathrm{c} \triangle$ ) for short. This sad day marks day 0 of a new fiscal era. Unfortunately, these drastic measures are not enough, and so each day thereafter, court geometers mark off the largest possible circle contained in each c-triangle in the remaining property. This circle is tangent to all three arcs of the c-triangle, and will be referred to as the incircle of the c-triangle. At the end of the day, all incircles demarcated that day are sold off, and the following day, the remaining c-triangles are partitioned in the same manner. Some notation: when discussing mutually tangent circles (or arcs), it is convenient to refer to the curvature of a circle rather than its radius. We define curvature as follows. Suppose that circle $A$ of radius $r_{a}$ is externally tangent to circle $B$ of radius $r_{b}$. Then the curvatures of the circles are simply the reciprocals of their radii, $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$ and $\frac{1}{r_{b}}$. If circle $A$ is internally tangent to circle $B$, however, as in the right diagram below, the curvature of circle $A$ is still $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$, while the curvature of circle $B$ is $-\frac{1}{r_{b}}$, the opposite of the reciprocal of its radius. Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature 1 . Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature -1 . Using these conventions allows us to express a beautiful theorem of Descartes: when four circles $A, B, C, D$ are pairwise tangent, with respective curvatures $a, b, c, d$, then $$ (a+b+c+d)^{2}=2\left(a^{2}+b^{2}+c^{2}+d^{2}\right), $$ where (as before) $a$ is taken to be negative if $B, C, D$ are internally tangent to $A$, and correspondingly for $b, c$, or $d$. Prove that the curvature of each circular plot is an integer.
A king strapped for cash is forced to sell off his kingdom $U=\left\{(x, y): x^{2}+y^{2} \leq 1\right\}$. He sells the two circular plots $C$ and $C^{\prime}$ centered at $\left( \pm \frac{1}{2}, 0\right)$ with radius $\frac{1}{2}$. The retained parts of the kingdom form two regions, each bordered by three arcs of circles; in what follows, we will call such regions curvilinear triangles, or $c$-triangles ( $\mathrm{c} \triangle$ ) for short. This sad day marks day 0 of a new fiscal era. Unfortunately, these drastic measures are not enough, and so each day thereafter, court geometers mark off the largest possible circle contained in each c-triangle in the remaining property. This circle is tangent to all three arcs of the c-triangle, and will be referred to as the incircle of the c-triangle. At the end of the day, all incircles demarcated that day are sold off, and the following day, the remaining c-triangles are partitioned in the same manner. Some notation: when discussing mutually tangent circles (or arcs), it is convenient to refer to the curvature of a circle rather than its radius. We define curvature as follows. Suppose that circle $A$ of radius $r_{a}$ is externally tangent to circle $B$ of radius $r_{b}$. Then the curvatures of the circles are simply the reciprocals of their radii, $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$ and $\frac{1}{r_{b}}$. If circle $A$ is internally tangent to circle $B$, however, as in the right diagram below, the curvature of circle $A$ is still $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$, while the curvature of circle $B$ is $-\frac{1}{r_{b}}$, the opposite of the reciprocal of its radius. Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature 1 . Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature -1 . Using these conventions allows us to express a beautiful theorem of Descartes: when four circles $A, B, C, D$ are pairwise tangent, with respective curvatures $a, b, c, d$, then $$ (a+b+c+d)^{2}=2\left(a^{2}+b^{2}+c^{2}+d^{2}\right), $$ where (as before) $a$ is taken to be negative if $B, C, D$ are internally tangent to $A$, and correspondingly for $b, c$, or $d$. Descartes' Circle Formula can be extended by interpreting the coordinates of points on the plane as complex numbers in the usual way: the point $(x, y)$ represents the complex number $x+y i$. On the complex plane, let $z_{A}, z_{B}, z_{C}, z_{D}$ be the centers of circles $A, B, C, D$ respectively; as before, $a, b, c, d$ are the curvatures of their respective circles. Then Descartes' Extended Circle Formula states $$ \left(a \cdot z_{A}+b \cdot z_{B}+c \cdot z_{C}+d \cdot z_{D}\right)^{2}=2\left(a^{2} z_{A}^{2}+b^{2} z_{B}^{2}+c^{2} z_{C}^{2}+d^{2} z_{D}^{2}\right) . $$ Prove that the center of each circular plot has coordinates $\left(\frac{u}{c}, \frac{v}{c}\right)$ where $u$ and $v$ are integers, and $c$ is the curvature of the plot.
A king strapped for cash is forced to sell off his kingdom $U=\left\{(x, y): x^{2}+y^{2} \leq 1\right\}$. He sells the two circular plots $C$ and $C^{\prime}$ centered at $\left( \pm \frac{1}{2}, 0\right)$ with radius $\frac{1}{2}$. The retained parts of the kingdom form two regions, each bordered by three arcs of circles; in what follows, we will call such regions curvilinear triangles, or $c$-triangles ( $\mathrm{c} \triangle$ ) for short. This sad day marks day 0 of a new fiscal era. Unfortunately, these drastic measures are not enough, and so each day thereafter, court geometers mark off the largest possible circle contained in each c-triangle in the remaining property. This circle is tangent to all three arcs of the c-triangle, and will be referred to as the incircle of the c-triangle. At the end of the day, all incircles demarcated that day are sold off, and the following day, the remaining c-triangles are partitioned in the same manner. Some notation: when discussing mutually tangent circles (or arcs), it is convenient to refer to the curvature of a circle rather than its radius. We define curvature as follows. Suppose that circle $A$ of radius $r_{a}$ is externally tangent to circle $B$ of radius $r_{b}$. Then the curvatures of the circles are simply the reciprocals of their radii, $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$ and $\frac{1}{r_{b}}$. If circle $A$ is internally tangent to circle $B$, however, as in the right diagram below, the curvature of circle $A$ is still $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$, while the curvature of circle $B$ is $-\frac{1}{r_{b}}$, the opposite of the reciprocal of its radius. Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature 1 . Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature -1 . Using these conventions allows us to express a beautiful theorem of Descartes: when four circles $A, B, C, D$ are pairwise tangent, with respective curvatures $a, b, c, d$, then $$ (a+b+c+d)^{2}=2\left(a^{2}+b^{2}+c^{2}+d^{2}\right), $$ where (as before) $a$ is taken to be negative if $B, C, D$ are internally tangent to $A$, and correspondingly for $b, c$, or $d$. Descartes' Circle Formula can be extended by interpreting the coordinates of points on the plane as complex numbers in the usual way: the point $(x, y)$ represents the complex number $x+y i$. On the complex plane, let $z_{A}, z_{B}, z_{C}, z_{D}$ be the centers of circles $A, B, C, D$ respectively; as before, $a, b, c, d$ are the curvatures of their respective circles. Then Descartes' Extended Circle Formula states $$ \left(a \cdot z_{A}+b \cdot z_{B}+c \cdot z_{C}+d \cdot z_{D}\right)^{2}=2\left(a^{2} z_{A}^{2}+b^{2} z_{B}^{2}+c^{2} z_{C}^{2}+d^{2} z_{D}^{2}\right) . $$ Given a c-triangle $T$, let $a, b$, and $c$ be the curvatures of the three $\operatorname{arcs}$ bounding $T$, with $a \leq b \leq c$, and let $d$ be the curvature of the incircle of $T$. Define the circle configuration associated with $T$ to be $\mathcal{C}(T)=(a, b, c, d)$. Define the c-triangle $T$ to be proper if $c \leq d$. For example, circles of curvatures $-1,2$, and 3 determine two c-triangles. The incircle of one has curvature 6 , so it is proper; the incircle of the other has curvature 2 , so it is not proper. Let $P$ and $Q$ be two c-triangles, with associated configurations $\mathcal{C}(P)=(a, b, c, d)$ and $\mathcal{C}(Q)=$ $(w, x, y, z)$. We say that $P$ dominates $Q$ if $a \leq w, b \leq x, c \leq y$, and $d \leq z$. (The term "dominates" refers to the fact that the radii of the arcs defining $Q$ cannot be larger than the radii of the arcs defining $P$.) Removing the incircle from $T$ gives three c-triangles, $T^{(1)}, T^{(2)}, T^{(3)}$, each bounded by the incircle of $T$ and two of the arcs that bound $T$. These triangles have associated configurations $$ \begin{aligned} \mathcal{C}\left(T^{(1)}\right) & =\left(b, c, d, a^{\prime}\right), \\ \mathcal{C}\left(T^{(2)}\right) & =\left(a, c, d, b^{\prime}\right), \\ \mathcal{C}\left(T^{(3)}\right) & =\left(a, b, d, c^{\prime}\right), \end{aligned} $$ Let $P$ and $Q$ be two proper c-triangles such that $P$ dominates $Q$. Let $\mathcal{C}(P)=(a, b, c, d)$ and $\mathcal{C}(Q)=(w, x, y, z)$. Show that $P^{(3)}$ dominates $P^{(2)}$ and that $P^{(2)}$ dominates $P^{(1)}$.
A king strapped for cash is forced to sell off his kingdom $U=\left\{(x, y): x^{2}+y^{2} \leq 1\right\}$. He sells the two circular plots $C$ and $C^{\prime}$ centered at $\left( \pm \frac{1}{2}, 0\right)$ with radius $\frac{1}{2}$. The retained parts of the kingdom form two regions, each bordered by three arcs of circles; in what follows, we will call such regions curvilinear triangles, or $c$-triangles ( $\mathrm{c} \triangle$ ) for short. This sad day marks day 0 of a new fiscal era. Unfortunately, these drastic measures are not enough, and so each day thereafter, court geometers mark off the largest possible circle contained in each c-triangle in the remaining property. This circle is tangent to all three arcs of the c-triangle, and will be referred to as the incircle of the c-triangle. At the end of the day, all incircles demarcated that day are sold off, and the following day, the remaining c-triangles are partitioned in the same manner. Some notation: when discussing mutually tangent circles (or arcs), it is convenient to refer to the curvature of a circle rather than its radius. We define curvature as follows. Suppose that circle $A$ of radius $r_{a}$ is externally tangent to circle $B$ of radius $r_{b}$. Then the curvatures of the circles are simply the reciprocals of their radii, $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$ and $\frac{1}{r_{b}}$. If circle $A$ is internally tangent to circle $B$, however, as in the right diagram below, the curvature of circle $A$ is still $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$, while the curvature of circle $B$ is $-\frac{1}{r_{b}}$, the opposite of the reciprocal of its radius. Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature 1 . Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature -1 . Using these conventions allows us to express a beautiful theorem of Descartes: when four circles $A, B, C, D$ are pairwise tangent, with respective curvatures $a, b, c, d$, then $$ (a+b+c+d)^{2}=2\left(a^{2}+b^{2}+c^{2}+d^{2}\right), $$ where (as before) $a$ is taken to be negative if $B, C, D$ are internally tangent to $A$, and correspondingly for $b, c$, or $d$. Descartes' Circle Formula can be extended by interpreting the coordinates of points on the plane as complex numbers in the usual way: the point $(x, y)$ represents the complex number $x+y i$. On the complex plane, let $z_{A}, z_{B}, z_{C}, z_{D}$ be the centers of circles $A, B, C, D$ respectively; as before, $a, b, c, d$ are the curvatures of their respective circles. Then Descartes' Extended Circle Formula states $$ \left(a \cdot z_{A}+b \cdot z_{B}+c \cdot z_{C}+d \cdot z_{D}\right)^{2}=2\left(a^{2} z_{A}^{2}+b^{2} z_{B}^{2}+c^{2} z_{C}^{2}+d^{2} z_{D}^{2}\right) . $$ Given a c-triangle $T$, let $a, b$, and $c$ be the curvatures of the three $\operatorname{arcs}$ bounding $T$, with $a \leq b \leq c$, and let $d$ be the curvature of the incircle of $T$. Define the circle configuration associated with $T$ to be $\mathcal{C}(T)=(a, b, c, d)$. Define the c-triangle $T$ to be proper if $c \leq d$. For example, circles of curvatures $-1,2$, and 3 determine two c-triangles. The incircle of one has curvature 6 , so it is proper; the incircle of the other has curvature 2 , so it is not proper. Let $P$ and $Q$ be two c-triangles, with associated configurations $\mathcal{C}(P)=(a, b, c, d)$ and $\mathcal{C}(Q)=$ $(w, x, y, z)$. We say that $P$ dominates $Q$ if $a \leq w, b \leq x, c \leq y$, and $d \leq z$. (The term "dominates" refers to the fact that the radii of the arcs defining $Q$ cannot be larger than the radii of the arcs defining $P$.) Removing the incircle from $T$ gives three c-triangles, $T^{(1)}, T^{(2)}, T^{(3)}$, each bounded by the incircle of $T$ and two of the arcs that bound $T$. These triangles have associated configurations $$ \begin{aligned} \mathcal{C}\left(T^{(1)}\right) & =\left(b, c, d, a^{\prime}\right), \\ \mathcal{C}\left(T^{(2)}\right) & =\left(a, c, d, b^{\prime}\right), \\ \mathcal{C}\left(T^{(3)}\right) & =\left(a, b, d, c^{\prime}\right), \end{aligned} $$ Let $P$ and $Q$ be two proper c-triangles such that $P$ dominates $Q$. Let $\mathcal{C}(P)=(a, b, c, d)$ and $\mathcal{C}(Q)=(w, x, y, z)$. Prove that $P^{(1)}$ dominates $Q^{(1)}$.
A king strapped for cash is forced to sell off his kingdom $U=\left\{(x, y): x^{2}+y^{2} \leq 1\right\}$. He sells the two circular plots $C$ and $C^{\prime}$ centered at $\left( \pm \frac{1}{2}, 0\right)$ with radius $\frac{1}{2}$. The retained parts of the kingdom form two regions, each bordered by three arcs of circles; in what follows, we will call such regions curvilinear triangles, or $c$-triangles ( $\mathrm{c} \triangle$ ) for short. This sad day marks day 0 of a new fiscal era. Unfortunately, these drastic measures are not enough, and so each day thereafter, court geometers mark off the largest possible circle contained in each c-triangle in the remaining property. This circle is tangent to all three arcs of the c-triangle, and will be referred to as the incircle of the c-triangle. At the end of the day, all incircles demarcated that day are sold off, and the following day, the remaining c-triangles are partitioned in the same manner. Some notation: when discussing mutually tangent circles (or arcs), it is convenient to refer to the curvature of a circle rather than its radius. We define curvature as follows. Suppose that circle $A$ of radius $r_{a}$ is externally tangent to circle $B$ of radius $r_{b}$. Then the curvatures of the circles are simply the reciprocals of their radii, $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$ and $\frac{1}{r_{b}}$. If circle $A$ is internally tangent to circle $B$, however, as in the right diagram below, the curvature of circle $A$ is still $\frac{1}{r_{a}}$, while the curvature of circle $B$ is $-\frac{1}{r_{b}}$, the opposite of the reciprocal of its radius. Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature 1 . Circle $A$ has curvature 2; circle $B$ has curvature -1 . Using these conventions allows us to express a beautiful theorem of Descartes: when four circles $A, B, C, D$ are pairwise tangent, with respective curvatures $a, b, c, d$, then $$ (a+b+c+d)^{2}=2\left(a^{2}+b^{2}+c^{2}+d^{2}\right), $$ where (as before) $a$ is taken to be negative if $B, C, D$ are internally tangent to $A$, and correspondingly for $b, c$, or $d$. Descartes' Circle Formula can be extended by interpreting the coordinates of points on the plane as complex numbers in the usual way: the point $(x, y)$ represents the complex number $x+y i$. On the complex plane, let $z_{A}, z_{B}, z_{C}, z_{D}$ be the centers of circles $A, B, C, D$ respectively; as before, $a, b, c, d$ are the curvatures of their respective circles. Then Descartes' Extended Circle Formula states $$ \left(a \cdot z_{A}+b \cdot z_{B}+c \cdot z_{C}+d \cdot z_{D}\right)^{2}=2\left(a^{2} z_{A}^{2}+b^{2} z_{B}^{2}+c^{2} z_{C}^{2}+d^{2} z_{D}^{2}\right) . $$ Given a c-triangle $T$, let $a, b$, and $c$ be the curvatures of the three $\operatorname{arcs}$ bounding $T$, with $a \leq b \leq c$, and let $d$ be the curvature of the incircle of $T$. Define the circle configuration associated with $T$ to be $\mathcal{C}(T)=(a, b, c, d)$. Define the c-triangle $T$ to be proper if $c \leq d$. For example, circles of curvatures $-1,2$, and 3 determine two c-triangles. The incircle of one has curvature 6 , so it is proper; the incircle of the other has curvature 2 , so it is not proper. Let $P$ and $Q$ be two c-triangles, with associated configurations $\mathcal{C}(P)=(a, b, c, d)$ and $\mathcal{C}(Q)=$ $(w, x, y, z)$. We say that $P$ dominates $Q$ if $a \leq w, b \leq x, c \leq y$, and $d \leq z$. (The term "dominates" refers to the fact that the radii of the arcs defining $Q$ cannot be larger than the radii of the arcs defining $P$.) Removing the incircle from $T$ gives three c-triangles, $T^{(1)}, T^{(2)}, T^{(3)}$, each bounded by the incircle of $T$ and two of the arcs that bound $T$. These triangles have associated configurations $$ \begin{aligned} \mathcal{C}\left(T^{(1)}\right) & =\left(b, c, d, a^{\prime}\right), \\ \mathcal{C}\left(T^{(2)}\right) & =\left(a, c, d, b^{\prime}\right), \\ \mathcal{C}\left(T^{(3)}\right) & =\left(a, b, d, c^{\prime}\right), \end{aligned} $$ Let $P$ and $Q$ be two proper c-triangles such that $P$ dominates $Q$. Let $\mathcal{C}(P)=(a, b, c, d)$ and $\mathcal{C}(Q)=(w, x, y, z)$. Prove that $P^{(3)}$ dominates $Q^{(3)}$.
The arrangement of numbers known as Pascal's Triangle has fascinated mathematicians for centuries. In fact, about 700 years before Pascal, the Indian mathematician Halayudha wrote about it in his commentaries to a then-1000-year-old treatise on verse structure by the Indian poet and mathematician Pingala, who called it the Meruprastāra, or "Mountain of Gems". In this Power Question, we'll explore some properties of Pingala's/Pascal's Triangle ("PT") and its variants. Unless otherwise specified, the only definition, notation, and formulas you may use for PT are the definition, notation, and formulas given below. PT consists of an infinite number of rows, numbered from 0 onwards. The $n^{\text {th }}$ row contains $n+1$ numbers, identified as $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)$, where $0 \leq k \leq n$. For all $n$, define $\mathrm{Pa}(n, 0)=\operatorname{Pa}(n, n)=1$. Then for $n>1$ and $1 \leq k \leq n-1$, define $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)=\mathrm{Pa}(n-1, k-1)+\mathrm{Pa}(n-1, k)$. It is convenient to define $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)=0$ when $k<0$ or $k>n$. We write the nonzero values of $\mathrm{PT}$ in the familiar pyramid shown below. As is well known, $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)$ gives the number of ways of choosing a committee of $k$ people from a set of $n$ people, so a simple formula for $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)$ is $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)=\frac{n !}{k !(n-k) !}$. You may use this formula or the recursive definition above throughout this Power Question. Consider the parity of each entry: define $$ \operatorname{PaP}(n, k)= \begin{cases}1 & \text { if } \mathrm{Pa}(n, k) \text { is odd } \\ 0 & \text { if } \mathrm{Pa}(n, k) \text { is even }\end{cases} $$ Prove that $\operatorname{PaP}(n, 0)=\operatorname{PaP}(n, n)=1$ for all nonnegative integers $n$.
The arrangement of numbers known as Pascal's Triangle has fascinated mathematicians for centuries. In fact, about 700 years before Pascal, the Indian mathematician Halayudha wrote about it in his commentaries to a then-1000-year-old treatise on verse structure by the Indian poet and mathematician Pingala, who called it the Meruprastāra, or "Mountain of Gems". In this Power Question, we'll explore some properties of Pingala's/Pascal's Triangle ("PT") and its variants. Unless otherwise specified, the only definition, notation, and formulas you may use for PT are the definition, notation, and formulas given below. PT consists of an infinite number of rows, numbered from 0 onwards. The $n^{\text {th }}$ row contains $n+1$ numbers, identified as $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)$, where $0 \leq k \leq n$. For all $n$, define $\mathrm{Pa}(n, 0)=\operatorname{Pa}(n, n)=1$. Then for $n>1$ and $1 \leq k \leq n-1$, define $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)=\mathrm{Pa}(n-1, k-1)+\mathrm{Pa}(n-1, k)$. It is convenient to define $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)=0$ when $k<0$ or $k>n$. We write the nonzero values of $\mathrm{PT}$ in the familiar pyramid shown below. As is well known, $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)$ gives the number of ways of choosing a committee of $k$ people from a set of $n$ people, so a simple formula for $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)$ is $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)=\frac{n !}{k !(n-k) !}$. You may use this formula or the recursive definition above throughout this Power Question. Consider the parity of each entry: define $$ \operatorname{PaP}(n, k)= \begin{cases}1 & \text { if } \mathrm{Pa}(n, k) \text { is odd } \\ 0 & \text { if } \mathrm{Pa}(n, k) \text { is even }\end{cases} $$ If $n=2^{j}$ for some nonnegative integer $j$, and $0<k<n$, show that $\operatorname{PaP}(n, k)=0$.
The arrangement of numbers known as Pascal's Triangle has fascinated mathematicians for centuries. In fact, about 700 years before Pascal, the Indian mathematician Halayudha wrote about it in his commentaries to a then-1000-year-old treatise on verse structure by the Indian poet and mathematician Pingala, who called it the Meruprastāra, or "Mountain of Gems". In this Power Question, we'll explore some properties of Pingala's/Pascal's Triangle ("PT") and its variants. Unless otherwise specified, the only definition, notation, and formulas you may use for PT are the definition, notation, and formulas given below. PT consists of an infinite number of rows, numbered from 0 onwards. The $n^{\text {th }}$ row contains $n+1$ numbers, identified as $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)$, where $0 \leq k \leq n$. For all $n$, define $\mathrm{Pa}(n, 0)=\operatorname{Pa}(n, n)=1$. Then for $n>1$ and $1 \leq k \leq n-1$, define $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)=\mathrm{Pa}(n-1, k-1)+\mathrm{Pa}(n-1, k)$. It is convenient to define $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)=0$ when $k<0$ or $k>n$. We write the nonzero values of $\mathrm{PT}$ in the familiar pyramid shown below. As is well known, $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)$ gives the number of ways of choosing a committee of $k$ people from a set of $n$ people, so a simple formula for $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)$ is $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)=\frac{n !}{k !(n-k) !}$. You may use this formula or the recursive definition above throughout this Power Question. Consider the parity of each entry: define $$ \operatorname{PaP}(n, k)= \begin{cases}1 & \text { if } \mathrm{Pa}(n, k) \text { is odd } \\ 0 & \text { if } \mathrm{Pa}(n, k) \text { is even }\end{cases} $$ Let $j \geq 0$, and suppose $n \geq 2^{j}$. Prove that $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)$ has the same parity as the sum $\operatorname{Pa}\left(n-2^{j}, k-2^{j}\right)+\operatorname{Pa}\left(n-2^{j}, k\right)$, i.e., either both $\operatorname{Pa}(n, k)$ and the given sum are even, or both are odd.
The arrangement of numbers known as Pascal's Triangle has fascinated mathematicians for centuries. In fact, about 700 years before Pascal, the Indian mathematician Halayudha wrote about it in his commentaries to a then-1000-year-old treatise on verse structure by the Indian poet and mathematician Pingala, who called it the Meruprastāra, or "Mountain of Gems". In this Power Question, we'll explore some properties of Pingala's/Pascal's Triangle ("PT") and its variants. Unless otherwise specified, the only definition, notation, and formulas you may use for PT are the definition, notation, and formulas given below. PT consists of an infinite number of rows, numbered from 0 onwards. The $n^{\text {th }}$ row contains $n+1$ numbers, identified as $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)$, where $0 \leq k \leq n$. For all $n$, define $\mathrm{Pa}(n, 0)=\operatorname{Pa}(n, n)=1$. Then for $n>1$ and $1 \leq k \leq n-1$, define $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)=\mathrm{Pa}(n-1, k-1)+\mathrm{Pa}(n-1, k)$. It is convenient to define $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)=0$ when $k<0$ or $k>n$. We write the nonzero values of $\mathrm{PT}$ in the familiar pyramid shown below. As is well known, $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)$ gives the number of ways of choosing a committee of $k$ people from a set of $n$ people, so a simple formula for $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)$ is $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)=\frac{n !}{k !(n-k) !}$. You may use this formula or the recursive definition above throughout this Power Question. Consider the parity of each entry: define $$ \operatorname{PaP}(n, k)= \begin{cases}1 & \text { if } \mathrm{Pa}(n, k) \text { is odd } \\ 0 & \text { if } \mathrm{Pa}(n, k) \text { is even }\end{cases} $$ If $j$ is an integer such that $2^{j} \leq n<2^{j+1}$, and $k<2^{j}$, prove that $$ \operatorname{PaP}(n, k)=\operatorname{PaP}\left(n-2^{j}, k\right) . $$
The arrangement of numbers known as Pascal's Triangle has fascinated mathematicians for centuries. In fact, about 700 years before Pascal, the Indian mathematician Halayudha wrote about it in his commentaries to a then-1000-year-old treatise on verse structure by the Indian poet and mathematician Pingala, who called it the Meruprastāra, or "Mountain of Gems". In this Power Question, we'll explore some properties of Pingala's/Pascal's Triangle ("PT") and its variants. Unless otherwise specified, the only definition, notation, and formulas you may use for PT are the definition, notation, and formulas given below. PT consists of an infinite number of rows, numbered from 0 onwards. The $n^{\text {th }}$ row contains $n+1$ numbers, identified as $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)$, where $0 \leq k \leq n$. For all $n$, define $\mathrm{Pa}(n, 0)=\operatorname{Pa}(n, n)=1$. Then for $n>1$ and $1 \leq k \leq n-1$, define $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)=\mathrm{Pa}(n-1, k-1)+\mathrm{Pa}(n-1, k)$. It is convenient to define $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)=0$ when $k<0$ or $k>n$. We write the nonzero values of $\mathrm{PT}$ in the familiar pyramid shown below. As is well known, $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)$ gives the number of ways of choosing a committee of $k$ people from a set of $n$ people, so a simple formula for $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)$ is $\mathrm{Pa}(n, k)=\frac{n !}{k !(n-k) !}$. You may use this formula or the recursive definition above throughout this Power Question. Clark's Triangle: If the left side of PT is replaced with consecutive multiples of 6 , starting with 0 , but the right entries (except the first) and the generating rule are left unchanged, the result is called Clark's Triangle. If the $k^{\text {th }}$ entry of the $n^{\text {th }}$ row is denoted by $\mathrm{Cl}(n, k)$, then the formal rule is: $$ \begin{cases}\mathrm{Cl}(n, 0)=6 n & \text { for all } n \\ \mathrm{Cl}(n, n)=1 & \text { for } n \geq 1 \\ \mathrm{Cl}(n, k)=\mathrm{Cl}(n-1, k-1)+\mathrm{Cl}(n-1, k) & \text { for } n \geq 1 \text { and } 1 \leq k \leq n-1\end{cases} $$ The first four rows of Clark's Triangle are given below. Prove the formula $\mathrm{Cl}(n, 1)=3 n^{2}-3 n+1$.
Leibniz's Harmonic Triangle: Consider the triangle formed by the rule $$ \begin{cases}\operatorname{Le}(n, 0)=\frac{1}{n+1} & \text { for all } n \\ \operatorname{Le}(n, n)=\frac{1}{n+1} & \text { for all } n \\ \operatorname{Le}(n, k)=\operatorname{Le}(n+1, k)+\operatorname{Le}(n+1, k+1) & \text { for all } n \text { and } 0 \leq k \leq n\end{cases} $$ This triangle, discovered first by Leibniz, consists of reciprocals of integers as shown below. For this contest, you may assume that $\operatorname{Le}(n, k)>0$ whenever $0 \leq k \leq n$, and that $\operatorname{Le}(n, k)$ is undefined if $k<0$ or $k>n$. If $\sum_{i=m}^{\infty} \operatorname{Le}(i, m)=\operatorname{Le}(n, k)$, prove that $n=k=m-1$.
4. A complex dance In this problem, we will solve a number of differential equations corresponding to very different physical phenomena that are unified by the idea of oscillation. Oscillations are captured elegantly by extending our notion of numbers to include the imaginary unit number $i$, strangely defined to obey $i^{2}=-1$. In other words, rather than using real numbers, it is more convenient for us to work in terms of complex numbers. Exponentials are usually associated with rapid growth or decay. However, with the inclusion of complex numbers, imaginary "growth" and "decay" can be translated into oscillations by the Euler identity: $$ e^{i \theta}=\cos \theta+i \sin \theta \tag{1} $$
(a) The usual form of Newton's second law $(\vec{F}=m \vec{a})$ breaks down when we go into a rotating frame, where both the centrifugal and Coriolis forces become important to account for. Newton's second law then takes the form $$ \vec{F}=m(\vec{a}+2 \vec{v} \times \vec{\Omega}+\vec{\Omega} \times(\vec{\Omega} \times \vec{r})) \tag{2} $$ For a particle free of forces confined to the $x-y$ plane in a frame which rotates about the $z$ axis with angular frequency $\Omega$, this becomes the complicated-looking system of differential equations, $$ \begin{aligned} & 0=\ddot{x}+2 \Omega \dot{y}-\Omega^{2} x \\ & 0=\ddot{x}-2 \Omega \dot{x}-\Omega^{2} y \end{aligned} \tag{3} $$ where dots represent time derivatives. Defining $\eta=x+i y$, show that Equations 3 are equivalent to the following single (complex) equation: $$ 0=\ddot{\eta}-2 i \Omega \dot{\eta}-\Omega^{2} \eta \tag{4} $$
4. A complex dance In this problem, we will solve a number of differential equations corresponding to very different physical phenomena that are unified by the idea of oscillation. Oscillations are captured elegantly by extending our notion of numbers to include the imaginary unit number $i$, strangely defined to obey $i^{2}=-1$. In other words, rather than using real numbers, it is more convenient for us to work in terms of complex numbers. Exponentials are usually associated with rapid growth or decay. However, with the inclusion of complex numbers, imaginary "growth" and "decay" can be translated into oscillations by the Euler identity: $$ e^{i \theta}=\cos \theta+i \sin \theta \tag{1} $$ Context question: (a) The usual form of Newton's second law $(\vec{F}=m \vec{a})$ breaks down when we go into a rotating frame, where both the centrifugal and Coriolis forces become important to account for. Newton's second law then takes the form $$ \vec{F}=m(\vec{a}+2 \vec{v} \times \vec{\Omega}+\vec{\Omega} \times(\vec{\Omega} \times \vec{r})) \tag{2} $$ For a particle free of forces confined to the $x-y$ plane in a frame which rotates about the $z$ axis with angular frequency $\Omega$, this becomes the complicated-looking system of differential equations, $$ \begin{aligned} & 0=\ddot{x}+2 \Omega \dot{y}-\Omega^{2} x \\ & 0=\ddot{x}-2 \Omega \dot{x}-\Omega^{2} y \end{aligned} \tag{3} $$ where dots represent time derivatives. Defining $\eta=x+i y$, show that Equations 3 are equivalent to the following single (complex) equation: $$ 0=\ddot{\eta}-2 i \Omega \dot{\eta}-\Omega^{2} \eta \tag{4} $$ Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (b) Equation 4 is a version of the damped harmonic oscillator, and can be solved by guessing a solution $\eta=\alpha e^{\lambda t}$. Plugging in this guess, what must $\lambda$ be? Context answer: \boxed{$\lambda=i \Omega$} Context question: (c) Using your answer to part (b), and defining $\alpha=A e^{i \phi}$ where $A$ and $\phi$ are real, find $\mathbf{x}(\mathbf{t})$ and $\mathbf{y}(\mathbf{t})$. This is the trajectory for a particle which is stationary with respect to the symmetry axis. While not required for this problem, an additional guess would reveal that $\eta=\beta t e^{\lambda t}$ is also a solution. Context answer: \boxed{$x(t)=A \cos (\Omega t+\phi)$ , $y(t)=A \sin (\Omega t+\phi)$} Context question: (d) The one-dimensional diffusion equation (also called the "heat equation") is given (for a free particle) by $$ \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t}=a \frac{\partial^{2} \psi}{\partial x^{2}} \tag{5} $$ A spatial wave can be written as $\sim e^{i k x}$ (larger $k$ 's correspond to waves oscillating on smaller length scales). Guessing a solution $\psi(x, t)=A e^{i k x-i \omega t}$, find $\omega$ in terms of k. A relationship of this time is called a "dispersion relation." Context answer: \boxed{$\omega=-i k^{2} a$} Context question: (e) The most important equation of non-relativistic quantum mechanics is the Schrödinger equation, which is given by $$ i \hbar \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t}=-\frac{\hbar^{2}}{2 m} \frac{\partial^{2} \psi}{\partial x^{2}} \tag{6} $$ Using your answer to part (d), what is the dispersion relation of the Schrödinger equation? Context answer: \boxed{$\omega=\frac{\hbar k^{2}}{2 m}$}
(f) If the energy of a wave is $E=\hbar \omega$ and the momentum is $p=\hbar k$, show that the dispersion relation found in part (e) resembles the classical expectation for the kinetic energy of a particle, $\mathrm{E}=\mathrm{mv}^{2} / \mathbf{2}$.
5. Polarization and Oscillation In this problem, we will understand the polarization of metallic bodies and the method of images that simplifies the math in certain geometrical configurations. Throughout the problem, suppose that metals are excellent conductors and they polarize significantly faster than the classical relaxation of the system. Context question: (a) Explain in words why there can't be a non-zero electric field in a metallic body, and why this leads to constant electric potential throughout the body. Context answer: 开放性回答
(b) Laplace's equation is a second order differential equation $$ \nabla^{2} \phi=\frac{\partial^{2} \phi}{\partial x^{2}}+\frac{\partial^{2} \phi}{\partial y^{2}}+\frac{\partial^{2} \phi}{\partial z^{2}}=0 \tag{8} $$ Solutions to this equation are called harmonic functions. One of the most important properties satisfied by these functions is the maximum principle. It states that a harmonic function attains extremes on the boundary. Using this, prove the uniqueness theorem: Solution to Laplace's equation in a volume $V$ is uniquely determined if its solution on the boundary is specified. That is, if $\nabla^{2} \phi_{1}=0$, $\nabla^{2} \phi_{2}=0$ and $\phi_{1}=\phi_{2}$ on the boundary of $V$, then $\phi_{1}=\phi_{2}$ in $V$. Hint: Consider $\phi=\phi_{1}-\phi_{2}$.
Modern Physics
4. Lorentz Boost In Newtonian kinematics, inertial frames moving relatively to each other are related by the following transformations called Galilean boosts: $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =x-v t \\ t^{\prime} & =t \end{aligned} $$ In relativistic kinematics, inertial frames are similarly related by the Lorentz boosts: $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-v^{2} / c^{2}}}(x-v t) \\ t^{\prime} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-v^{2} / c^{2}}}\left(t-\frac{v}{c^{2}} x\right) \end{aligned} $$ In this problem you will derive the Lorentz transformations from a minimal set of postulates: the homogeneity of space and time, the isotropy of space, and the principle of relativity. You will show that these assumptions about the structure of space-time imply either (a) there is a universal "speed limit" which is frame invariant, which results in the Lorentz boost, or (b) there is no universal "speed limit," which results in the Galilean boost. For simplicity, consider a one-dimensional problem only. Let two frames $F$ and $F^{\prime}$ be such that the frame $F^{\prime}$ moves at relative velocity $v$ in the positive- $x$ direction compared to frame $F$. Denote the coordinates of $F$ as $(x, t)$ and the coordinates of $F^{\prime}$ as $\left(x^{\prime}, t^{\prime}\right)$. The most general coordinate transformations between $F$ and $F^{\prime}$ are given by functions $X, T$, $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =X(x, t, v) \\ t^{\prime} & =T(x, t, v) \end{aligned} $$ which we will refer to as the generalized boost.
(a) The homogeneity of space and time imply that the laws of physics are the same no matter where in space and time you are. In other words, they do not depend on a choice of origin for coordinates $x$ and $t$. Use this fact to show that $\frac{\partial X}{\partial x}$ is independent of the position $x$ and $\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}$ is independent of the time $t$. (Hint: Recall the definition of the partial derivative.)
Modern Physics
4. Lorentz Boost In Newtonian kinematics, inertial frames moving relatively to each other are related by the following transformations called Galilean boosts: $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =x-v t \\ t^{\prime} & =t \end{aligned} $$ In relativistic kinematics, inertial frames are similarly related by the Lorentz boosts: $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-v^{2} / c^{2}}}(x-v t) \\ t^{\prime} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-v^{2} / c^{2}}}\left(t-\frac{v}{c^{2}} x\right) \end{aligned} $$ In this problem you will derive the Lorentz transformations from a minimal set of postulates: the homogeneity of space and time, the isotropy of space, and the principle of relativity. You will show that these assumptions about the structure of space-time imply either (a) there is a universal "speed limit" which is frame invariant, which results in the Lorentz boost, or (b) there is no universal "speed limit," which results in the Galilean boost. For simplicity, consider a one-dimensional problem only. Let two frames $F$ and $F^{\prime}$ be such that the frame $F^{\prime}$ moves at relative velocity $v$ in the positive- $x$ direction compared to frame $F$. Denote the coordinates of $F$ as $(x, t)$ and the coordinates of $F^{\prime}$ as $\left(x^{\prime}, t^{\prime}\right)$. The most general coordinate transformations between $F$ and $F^{\prime}$ are given by functions $X, T$, $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =X(x, t, v) \\ t^{\prime} & =T(x, t, v) \end{aligned} $$ which we will refer to as the generalized boost. Context question: (a) The homogeneity of space and time imply that the laws of physics are the same no matter where in space and time you are. In other words, they do not depend on a choice of origin for coordinates $x$ and $t$. Use this fact to show that $\frac{\partial X}{\partial x}$ is independent of the position $x$ and $\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}$ is independent of the time $t$. (Hint: Recall the definition of the partial derivative.) Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: Analogously, we can conclude additionally that $\frac{\partial X}{\partial x}$ is independent of both $x$ and $t$ and $\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}$ is independent of $x$ and $t$. It can be shown that $X, T$ may be given in the form $$ \begin{aligned} X(x, t, v) & =A(v) x+B(v) t \\ T(x, t, v) & =C(v) x+D(v) t \end{aligned} $$ where $A, B, C, D$ are functions of $v$. In other words, the generalized boost is a linear transformation of coordinates.
(b) The isotropy of space implies that there is no preferred direction in the universe, i.e., that the laws of physics are the same in all directions. Use this to study the general coordinate transformations $X, T$ after setting $x \rightarrow-x$ and $x^{\prime} \rightarrow-x^{\prime}$ and conclude that $A(v), D(v)$ are even functions of $v$ and $B(v), C(v)$ are odd functions of $v$. (Hint: the relative velocity $v$ is a number which is measured by the $F$ frame using $v=\frac{d x}{d t}$.)
Modern Physics
4. Lorentz Boost In Newtonian kinematics, inertial frames moving relatively to each other are related by the following transformations called Galilean boosts: $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =x-v t \\ t^{\prime} & =t \end{aligned} $$ In relativistic kinematics, inertial frames are similarly related by the Lorentz boosts: $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-v^{2} / c^{2}}}(x-v t) \\ t^{\prime} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-v^{2} / c^{2}}}\left(t-\frac{v}{c^{2}} x\right) \end{aligned} $$ In this problem you will derive the Lorentz transformations from a minimal set of postulates: the homogeneity of space and time, the isotropy of space, and the principle of relativity. You will show that these assumptions about the structure of space-time imply either (a) there is a universal "speed limit" which is frame invariant, which results in the Lorentz boost, or (b) there is no universal "speed limit," which results in the Galilean boost. For simplicity, consider a one-dimensional problem only. Let two frames $F$ and $F^{\prime}$ be such that the frame $F^{\prime}$ moves at relative velocity $v$ in the positive- $x$ direction compared to frame $F$. Denote the coordinates of $F$ as $(x, t)$ and the coordinates of $F^{\prime}$ as $\left(x^{\prime}, t^{\prime}\right)$. The most general coordinate transformations between $F$ and $F^{\prime}$ are given by functions $X, T$, $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =X(x, t, v) \\ t^{\prime} & =T(x, t, v) \end{aligned} $$ which we will refer to as the generalized boost. Context question: (a) The homogeneity of space and time imply that the laws of physics are the same no matter where in space and time you are. In other words, they do not depend on a choice of origin for coordinates $x$ and $t$. Use this fact to show that $\frac{\partial X}{\partial x}$ is independent of the position $x$ and $\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}$ is independent of the time $t$. (Hint: Recall the definition of the partial derivative.) Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: Analogously, we can conclude additionally that $\frac{\partial X}{\partial x}$ is independent of both $x$ and $t$ and $\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}$ is independent of $x$ and $t$. It can be shown that $X, T$ may be given in the form $$ \begin{aligned} X(x, t, v) & =A(v) x+B(v) t \\ T(x, t, v) & =C(v) x+D(v) t \end{aligned} $$ where $A, B, C, D$ are functions of $v$. In other words, the generalized boost is a linear transformation of coordinates. Context question: (b) The isotropy of space implies that there is no preferred direction in the universe, i.e., that the laws of physics are the same in all directions. Use this to study the general coordinate transformations $X, T$ after setting $x \rightarrow-x$ and $x^{\prime} \rightarrow-x^{\prime}$ and conclude that $A(v), D(v)$ are even functions of $v$ and $B(v), C(v)$ are odd functions of $v$. (Hint: the relative velocity $v$ is a number which is measured by the $F$ frame using $v=\frac{d x}{d t}$.) Context answer: \boxed{证明题}
(c) The principle of relativity implies that the laws of physics are agreed upon by observers in inertial frames. This implies that the general coordinate transformations $X, T$ are invertible and their inverses have the same functional form as $X, T$ after setting $v \rightarrow-v$. Use this fact to show the following system of equations hold: $$ \begin{aligned} A(v)^{2}-B(v) C(v) & =1 \\ D(v)^{2}-B(v) C(v) & =1 \\ C(v)(A(v)-D(v)) & =0 \\ B(v)(A(v)-D(v)) & =0 . \end{aligned} $$ (Hint: It's convenient to write $X, T$ as matrices and recall the definition of matrix inverses.) Physically, we must have that $B(v)$ and $C(v)$ are not both identically zero for nonzero $v$. So, we can conclude from the above that $D(v)=A(v)$ and $C(v)=\frac{A(v)^{2}-1}{B(v)}$.
Modern Physics
4. Lorentz Boost In Newtonian kinematics, inertial frames moving relatively to each other are related by the following transformations called Galilean boosts: $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =x-v t \\ t^{\prime} & =t \end{aligned} $$ In relativistic kinematics, inertial frames are similarly related by the Lorentz boosts: $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-v^{2} / c^{2}}}(x-v t) \\ t^{\prime} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-v^{2} / c^{2}}}\left(t-\frac{v}{c^{2}} x\right) \end{aligned} $$ In this problem you will derive the Lorentz transformations from a minimal set of postulates: the homogeneity of space and time, the isotropy of space, and the principle of relativity. You will show that these assumptions about the structure of space-time imply either (a) there is a universal "speed limit" which is frame invariant, which results in the Lorentz boost, or (b) there is no universal "speed limit," which results in the Galilean boost. For simplicity, consider a one-dimensional problem only. Let two frames $F$ and $F^{\prime}$ be such that the frame $F^{\prime}$ moves at relative velocity $v$ in the positive- $x$ direction compared to frame $F$. Denote the coordinates of $F$ as $(x, t)$ and the coordinates of $F^{\prime}$ as $\left(x^{\prime}, t^{\prime}\right)$. The most general coordinate transformations between $F$ and $F^{\prime}$ are given by functions $X, T$, $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =X(x, t, v) \\ t^{\prime} & =T(x, t, v) \end{aligned} $$ which we will refer to as the generalized boost. Context question: (a) The homogeneity of space and time imply that the laws of physics are the same no matter where in space and time you are. In other words, they do not depend on a choice of origin for coordinates $x$ and $t$. Use this fact to show that $\frac{\partial X}{\partial x}$ is independent of the position $x$ and $\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}$ is independent of the time $t$. (Hint: Recall the definition of the partial derivative.) Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: Analogously, we can conclude additionally that $\frac{\partial X}{\partial x}$ is independent of both $x$ and $t$ and $\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}$ is independent of $x$ and $t$. It can be shown that $X, T$ may be given in the form $$ \begin{aligned} X(x, t, v) & =A(v) x+B(v) t \\ T(x, t, v) & =C(v) x+D(v) t \end{aligned} $$ where $A, B, C, D$ are functions of $v$. In other words, the generalized boost is a linear transformation of coordinates. Context question: (b) The isotropy of space implies that there is no preferred direction in the universe, i.e., that the laws of physics are the same in all directions. Use this to study the general coordinate transformations $X, T$ after setting $x \rightarrow-x$ and $x^{\prime} \rightarrow-x^{\prime}$ and conclude that $A(v), D(v)$ are even functions of $v$ and $B(v), C(v)$ are odd functions of $v$. (Hint: the relative velocity $v$ is a number which is measured by the $F$ frame using $v=\frac{d x}{d t}$.) Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (c) The principle of relativity implies that the laws of physics are agreed upon by observers in inertial frames. This implies that the general coordinate transformations $X, T$ are invertible and their inverses have the same functional form as $X, T$ after setting $v \rightarrow-v$. Use this fact to show the following system of equations hold: $$ \begin{aligned} A(v)^{2}-B(v) C(v) & =1 \\ D(v)^{2}-B(v) C(v) & =1 \\ C(v)(A(v)-D(v)) & =0 \\ B(v)(A(v)-D(v)) & =0 . \end{aligned} $$ (Hint: It's convenient to write $X, T$ as matrices and recall the definition of matrix inverses.) Physically, we must have that $B(v)$ and $C(v)$ are not both identically zero for nonzero $v$. So, we can conclude from the above that $D(v)=A(v)$ and $C(v)=\frac{A(v)^{2}-1}{B(v)}$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题}
(d) Use the previous results and the fact that the location of the $F^{\prime}$ frame may be given by $x=v t$ in the $F$ frame to conclude that the coordinate transformations have the following form: $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =A(v) x-v A(v) t \\ t^{\prime} & =-\left(\frac{A(v)^{2}-1}{v A(v)}\right) x+A(v) t \end{aligned} $$
Modern Physics
4. Lorentz Boost In Newtonian kinematics, inertial frames moving relatively to each other are related by the following transformations called Galilean boosts: $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =x-v t \\ t^{\prime} & =t \end{aligned} $$ In relativistic kinematics, inertial frames are similarly related by the Lorentz boosts: $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-v^{2} / c^{2}}}(x-v t) \\ t^{\prime} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-v^{2} / c^{2}}}\left(t-\frac{v}{c^{2}} x\right) \end{aligned} $$ In this problem you will derive the Lorentz transformations from a minimal set of postulates: the homogeneity of space and time, the isotropy of space, and the principle of relativity. You will show that these assumptions about the structure of space-time imply either (a) there is a universal "speed limit" which is frame invariant, which results in the Lorentz boost, or (b) there is no universal "speed limit," which results in the Galilean boost. For simplicity, consider a one-dimensional problem only. Let two frames $F$ and $F^{\prime}$ be such that the frame $F^{\prime}$ moves at relative velocity $v$ in the positive- $x$ direction compared to frame $F$. Denote the coordinates of $F$ as $(x, t)$ and the coordinates of $F^{\prime}$ as $\left(x^{\prime}, t^{\prime}\right)$. The most general coordinate transformations between $F$ and $F^{\prime}$ are given by functions $X, T$, $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =X(x, t, v) \\ t^{\prime} & =T(x, t, v) \end{aligned} $$ which we will refer to as the generalized boost. Context question: (a) The homogeneity of space and time imply that the laws of physics are the same no matter where in space and time you are. In other words, they do not depend on a choice of origin for coordinates $x$ and $t$. Use this fact to show that $\frac{\partial X}{\partial x}$ is independent of the position $x$ and $\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}$ is independent of the time $t$. (Hint: Recall the definition of the partial derivative.) Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: Analogously, we can conclude additionally that $\frac{\partial X}{\partial x}$ is independent of both $x$ and $t$ and $\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}$ is independent of $x$ and $t$. It can be shown that $X, T$ may be given in the form $$ \begin{aligned} X(x, t, v) & =A(v) x+B(v) t \\ T(x, t, v) & =C(v) x+D(v) t \end{aligned} $$ where $A, B, C, D$ are functions of $v$. In other words, the generalized boost is a linear transformation of coordinates. Context question: (b) The isotropy of space implies that there is no preferred direction in the universe, i.e., that the laws of physics are the same in all directions. Use this to study the general coordinate transformations $X, T$ after setting $x \rightarrow-x$ and $x^{\prime} \rightarrow-x^{\prime}$ and conclude that $A(v), D(v)$ are even functions of $v$ and $B(v), C(v)$ are odd functions of $v$. (Hint: the relative velocity $v$ is a number which is measured by the $F$ frame using $v=\frac{d x}{d t}$.) Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (c) The principle of relativity implies that the laws of physics are agreed upon by observers in inertial frames. This implies that the general coordinate transformations $X, T$ are invertible and their inverses have the same functional form as $X, T$ after setting $v \rightarrow-v$. Use this fact to show the following system of equations hold: $$ \begin{aligned} A(v)^{2}-B(v) C(v) & =1 \\ D(v)^{2}-B(v) C(v) & =1 \\ C(v)(A(v)-D(v)) & =0 \\ B(v)(A(v)-D(v)) & =0 . \end{aligned} $$ (Hint: It's convenient to write $X, T$ as matrices and recall the definition of matrix inverses.) Physically, we must have that $B(v)$ and $C(v)$ are not both identically zero for nonzero $v$. So, we can conclude from the above that $D(v)=A(v)$ and $C(v)=\frac{A(v)^{2}-1}{B(v)}$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (d) Use the previous results and the fact that the location of the $F^{\prime}$ frame may be given by $x=v t$ in the $F$ frame to conclude that the coordinate transformations have the following form: $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =A(v) x-v A(v) t \\ t^{\prime} & =-\left(\frac{A(v)^{2}-1}{v A(v)}\right) x+A(v) t \end{aligned} $$ Context answer: \boxed{证明题}
(e) Assume that a composition of boosts results in a boost of the same functional form. Use this fact and all the previous results you have derived about these generalized boosts to conclude that $$ \frac{A(v)^{2}-1}{v^{2} A(v)}=\kappa . $$ for an arbitrary constant $\kappa$.
Modern Physics
4. Lorentz Boost In Newtonian kinematics, inertial frames moving relatively to each other are related by the following transformations called Galilean boosts: $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =x-v t \\ t^{\prime} & =t \end{aligned} $$ In relativistic kinematics, inertial frames are similarly related by the Lorentz boosts: $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-v^{2} / c^{2}}}(x-v t) \\ t^{\prime} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-v^{2} / c^{2}}}\left(t-\frac{v}{c^{2}} x\right) \end{aligned} $$ In this problem you will derive the Lorentz transformations from a minimal set of postulates: the homogeneity of space and time, the isotropy of space, and the principle of relativity. You will show that these assumptions about the structure of space-time imply either (a) there is a universal "speed limit" which is frame invariant, which results in the Lorentz boost, or (b) there is no universal "speed limit," which results in the Galilean boost. For simplicity, consider a one-dimensional problem only. Let two frames $F$ and $F^{\prime}$ be such that the frame $F^{\prime}$ moves at relative velocity $v$ in the positive- $x$ direction compared to frame $F$. Denote the coordinates of $F$ as $(x, t)$ and the coordinates of $F^{\prime}$ as $\left(x^{\prime}, t^{\prime}\right)$. The most general coordinate transformations between $F$ and $F^{\prime}$ are given by functions $X, T$, $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =X(x, t, v) \\ t^{\prime} & =T(x, t, v) \end{aligned} $$ which we will refer to as the generalized boost. Context question: (a) The homogeneity of space and time imply that the laws of physics are the same no matter where in space and time you are. In other words, they do not depend on a choice of origin for coordinates $x$ and $t$. Use this fact to show that $\frac{\partial X}{\partial x}$ is independent of the position $x$ and $\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}$ is independent of the time $t$. (Hint: Recall the definition of the partial derivative.) Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: Analogously, we can conclude additionally that $\frac{\partial X}{\partial x}$ is independent of both $x$ and $t$ and $\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}$ is independent of $x$ and $t$. It can be shown that $X, T$ may be given in the form $$ \begin{aligned} X(x, t, v) & =A(v) x+B(v) t \\ T(x, t, v) & =C(v) x+D(v) t \end{aligned} $$ where $A, B, C, D$ are functions of $v$. In other words, the generalized boost is a linear transformation of coordinates. Context question: (b) The isotropy of space implies that there is no preferred direction in the universe, i.e., that the laws of physics are the same in all directions. Use this to study the general coordinate transformations $X, T$ after setting $x \rightarrow-x$ and $x^{\prime} \rightarrow-x^{\prime}$ and conclude that $A(v), D(v)$ are even functions of $v$ and $B(v), C(v)$ are odd functions of $v$. (Hint: the relative velocity $v$ is a number which is measured by the $F$ frame using $v=\frac{d x}{d t}$.) Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (c) The principle of relativity implies that the laws of physics are agreed upon by observers in inertial frames. This implies that the general coordinate transformations $X, T$ are invertible and their inverses have the same functional form as $X, T$ after setting $v \rightarrow-v$. Use this fact to show the following system of equations hold: $$ \begin{aligned} A(v)^{2}-B(v) C(v) & =1 \\ D(v)^{2}-B(v) C(v) & =1 \\ C(v)(A(v)-D(v)) & =0 \\ B(v)(A(v)-D(v)) & =0 . \end{aligned} $$ (Hint: It's convenient to write $X, T$ as matrices and recall the definition of matrix inverses.) Physically, we must have that $B(v)$ and $C(v)$ are not both identically zero for nonzero $v$. So, we can conclude from the above that $D(v)=A(v)$ and $C(v)=\frac{A(v)^{2}-1}{B(v)}$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (d) Use the previous results and the fact that the location of the $F^{\prime}$ frame may be given by $x=v t$ in the $F$ frame to conclude that the coordinate transformations have the following form: $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =A(v) x-v A(v) t \\ t^{\prime} & =-\left(\frac{A(v)^{2}-1}{v A(v)}\right) x+A(v) t \end{aligned} $$ Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (e) Assume that a composition of boosts results in a boost of the same functional form. Use this fact and all the previous results you have derived about these generalized boosts to conclude that $$ \frac{A(v)^{2}-1}{v^{2} A(v)}=\kappa . $$ for an arbitrary constant $\kappa$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题}
(f) (1 point) Show that $\kappa$ has dimensions of (velocity $)^{-2}$, and show that the generalized boost now has the form $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\kappa v^{2}}}(x-v t) \\ t^{\prime} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\kappa v^{2}}}(t-\kappa v x) \end{aligned} $$
Modern Physics
4. Lorentz Boost In Newtonian kinematics, inertial frames moving relatively to each other are related by the following transformations called Galilean boosts: $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =x-v t \\ t^{\prime} & =t \end{aligned} $$ In relativistic kinematics, inertial frames are similarly related by the Lorentz boosts: $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-v^{2} / c^{2}}}(x-v t) \\ t^{\prime} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-v^{2} / c^{2}}}\left(t-\frac{v}{c^{2}} x\right) \end{aligned} $$ In this problem you will derive the Lorentz transformations from a minimal set of postulates: the homogeneity of space and time, the isotropy of space, and the principle of relativity. You will show that these assumptions about the structure of space-time imply either (a) there is a universal "speed limit" which is frame invariant, which results in the Lorentz boost, or (b) there is no universal "speed limit," which results in the Galilean boost. For simplicity, consider a one-dimensional problem only. Let two frames $F$ and $F^{\prime}$ be such that the frame $F^{\prime}$ moves at relative velocity $v$ in the positive- $x$ direction compared to frame $F$. Denote the coordinates of $F$ as $(x, t)$ and the coordinates of $F^{\prime}$ as $\left(x^{\prime}, t^{\prime}\right)$. The most general coordinate transformations between $F$ and $F^{\prime}$ are given by functions $X, T$, $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =X(x, t, v) \\ t^{\prime} & =T(x, t, v) \end{aligned} $$ which we will refer to as the generalized boost. Context question: (a) The homogeneity of space and time imply that the laws of physics are the same no matter where in space and time you are. In other words, they do not depend on a choice of origin for coordinates $x$ and $t$. Use this fact to show that $\frac{\partial X}{\partial x}$ is independent of the position $x$ and $\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}$ is independent of the time $t$. (Hint: Recall the definition of the partial derivative.) Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: Analogously, we can conclude additionally that $\frac{\partial X}{\partial x}$ is independent of both $x$ and $t$ and $\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}$ is independent of $x$ and $t$. It can be shown that $X, T$ may be given in the form $$ \begin{aligned} X(x, t, v) & =A(v) x+B(v) t \\ T(x, t, v) & =C(v) x+D(v) t \end{aligned} $$ where $A, B, C, D$ are functions of $v$. In other words, the generalized boost is a linear transformation of coordinates. Context question: (b) The isotropy of space implies that there is no preferred direction in the universe, i.e., that the laws of physics are the same in all directions. Use this to study the general coordinate transformations $X, T$ after setting $x \rightarrow-x$ and $x^{\prime} \rightarrow-x^{\prime}$ and conclude that $A(v), D(v)$ are even functions of $v$ and $B(v), C(v)$ are odd functions of $v$. (Hint: the relative velocity $v$ is a number which is measured by the $F$ frame using $v=\frac{d x}{d t}$.) Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (c) The principle of relativity implies that the laws of physics are agreed upon by observers in inertial frames. This implies that the general coordinate transformations $X, T$ are invertible and their inverses have the same functional form as $X, T$ after setting $v \rightarrow-v$. Use this fact to show the following system of equations hold: $$ \begin{aligned} A(v)^{2}-B(v) C(v) & =1 \\ D(v)^{2}-B(v) C(v) & =1 \\ C(v)(A(v)-D(v)) & =0 \\ B(v)(A(v)-D(v)) & =0 . \end{aligned} $$ (Hint: It's convenient to write $X, T$ as matrices and recall the definition of matrix inverses.) Physically, we must have that $B(v)$ and $C(v)$ are not both identically zero for nonzero $v$. So, we can conclude from the above that $D(v)=A(v)$ and $C(v)=\frac{A(v)^{2}-1}{B(v)}$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (d) Use the previous results and the fact that the location of the $F^{\prime}$ frame may be given by $x=v t$ in the $F$ frame to conclude that the coordinate transformations have the following form: $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =A(v) x-v A(v) t \\ t^{\prime} & =-\left(\frac{A(v)^{2}-1}{v A(v)}\right) x+A(v) t \end{aligned} $$ Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (e) Assume that a composition of boosts results in a boost of the same functional form. Use this fact and all the previous results you have derived about these generalized boosts to conclude that $$ \frac{A(v)^{2}-1}{v^{2} A(v)}=\kappa . $$ for an arbitrary constant $\kappa$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (f) (1 point) Show that $\kappa$ has dimensions of (velocity $)^{-2}$, and show that the generalized boost now has the form $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\kappa v^{2}}}(x-v t) \\ t^{\prime} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\kappa v^{2}}}(t-\kappa v x) \end{aligned} $$ Context answer: \boxed{证明题}
(g) Assume that $v$ may be infinite. Argue that $\kappa=0$ and show that you recover the Galilean boost. Under this assumption, explain using a Galilean boost why this implies that a particle may travel arbitrarily fast.
Modern Physics
4. Lorentz Boost In Newtonian kinematics, inertial frames moving relatively to each other are related by the following transformations called Galilean boosts: $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =x-v t \\ t^{\prime} & =t \end{aligned} $$ In relativistic kinematics, inertial frames are similarly related by the Lorentz boosts: $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-v^{2} / c^{2}}}(x-v t) \\ t^{\prime} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-v^{2} / c^{2}}}\left(t-\frac{v}{c^{2}} x\right) \end{aligned} $$ In this problem you will derive the Lorentz transformations from a minimal set of postulates: the homogeneity of space and time, the isotropy of space, and the principle of relativity. You will show that these assumptions about the structure of space-time imply either (a) there is a universal "speed limit" which is frame invariant, which results in the Lorentz boost, or (b) there is no universal "speed limit," which results in the Galilean boost. For simplicity, consider a one-dimensional problem only. Let two frames $F$ and $F^{\prime}$ be such that the frame $F^{\prime}$ moves at relative velocity $v$ in the positive- $x$ direction compared to frame $F$. Denote the coordinates of $F$ as $(x, t)$ and the coordinates of $F^{\prime}$ as $\left(x^{\prime}, t^{\prime}\right)$. The most general coordinate transformations between $F$ and $F^{\prime}$ are given by functions $X, T$, $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =X(x, t, v) \\ t^{\prime} & =T(x, t, v) \end{aligned} $$ which we will refer to as the generalized boost. Context question: (a) The homogeneity of space and time imply that the laws of physics are the same no matter where in space and time you are. In other words, they do not depend on a choice of origin for coordinates $x$ and $t$. Use this fact to show that $\frac{\partial X}{\partial x}$ is independent of the position $x$ and $\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}$ is independent of the time $t$. (Hint: Recall the definition of the partial derivative.) Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: Analogously, we can conclude additionally that $\frac{\partial X}{\partial x}$ is independent of both $x$ and $t$ and $\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}$ is independent of $x$ and $t$. It can be shown that $X, T$ may be given in the form $$ \begin{aligned} X(x, t, v) & =A(v) x+B(v) t \\ T(x, t, v) & =C(v) x+D(v) t \end{aligned} $$ where $A, B, C, D$ are functions of $v$. In other words, the generalized boost is a linear transformation of coordinates. Context question: (b) The isotropy of space implies that there is no preferred direction in the universe, i.e., that the laws of physics are the same in all directions. Use this to study the general coordinate transformations $X, T$ after setting $x \rightarrow-x$ and $x^{\prime} \rightarrow-x^{\prime}$ and conclude that $A(v), D(v)$ are even functions of $v$ and $B(v), C(v)$ are odd functions of $v$. (Hint: the relative velocity $v$ is a number which is measured by the $F$ frame using $v=\frac{d x}{d t}$.) Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (c) The principle of relativity implies that the laws of physics are agreed upon by observers in inertial frames. This implies that the general coordinate transformations $X, T$ are invertible and their inverses have the same functional form as $X, T$ after setting $v \rightarrow-v$. Use this fact to show the following system of equations hold: $$ \begin{aligned} A(v)^{2}-B(v) C(v) & =1 \\ D(v)^{2}-B(v) C(v) & =1 \\ C(v)(A(v)-D(v)) & =0 \\ B(v)(A(v)-D(v)) & =0 . \end{aligned} $$ (Hint: It's convenient to write $X, T$ as matrices and recall the definition of matrix inverses.) Physically, we must have that $B(v)$ and $C(v)$ are not both identically zero for nonzero $v$. So, we can conclude from the above that $D(v)=A(v)$ and $C(v)=\frac{A(v)^{2}-1}{B(v)}$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (d) Use the previous results and the fact that the location of the $F^{\prime}$ frame may be given by $x=v t$ in the $F$ frame to conclude that the coordinate transformations have the following form: $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =A(v) x-v A(v) t \\ t^{\prime} & =-\left(\frac{A(v)^{2}-1}{v A(v)}\right) x+A(v) t \end{aligned} $$ Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (e) Assume that a composition of boosts results in a boost of the same functional form. Use this fact and all the previous results you have derived about these generalized boosts to conclude that $$ \frac{A(v)^{2}-1}{v^{2} A(v)}=\kappa . $$ for an arbitrary constant $\kappa$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (f) (1 point) Show that $\kappa$ has dimensions of (velocity $)^{-2}$, and show that the generalized boost now has the form $$ \begin{aligned} x^{\prime} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\kappa v^{2}}}(x-v t) \\ t^{\prime} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\kappa v^{2}}}(t-\kappa v x) \end{aligned} $$ Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (g) Assume that $v$ may be infinite. Argue that $\kappa=0$ and show that you recover the Galilean boost. Under this assumption, explain using a Galilean boost why this implies that a particle may travel arbitrarily fast. Context answer: \boxed{证明题}
(h) Assume that $v$ must be smaller than a finite value. Show that $1 / \sqrt{\kappa}$ is the maximum allowable speed, and that this speed is frame invariant, i.e., $\frac{d x^{\prime}}{d t^{\prime}}=\frac{d x}{d t}$ for something moving at speed $1 / \sqrt{\kappa}$. Experiment has shown that this speed is $c$, the speed of light. Setting $\kappa=1 / c^{2}$, show that you recover the Lorentz boost.
2. Johnson-Nyquist noise In this problem we study thermal noise in electrical circuits. The goal is to derive the JohnsonNyquist spectral (per-frequency, $f$ ) density of noise produced by a resistor, $R$ : $$ \frac{d\left\langle V^{2}\right\rangle}{d f}=4 k T R \tag{2} $$ Here, \langle\rangle denotes an average over time, so $\left\langle V^{2}\right\rangle$ is the mean-square value of the voltage fluctuations due to thermal noise. $f$ is the angular frequency, $k$ is Boltzmann's constant, and $T$ is temperature. It says that every frequency range $[f, f+d f]$ contributes a roughly equal amount of noise to the total noise in the resistor; this is called white noise. Electromagnetic modes in a resistor We first establish the properties of thermally excited electromagnetic modes $$ V_{n}(x)=V_{0} \cos \left(k_{n} x-\omega_{n} t\right) \tag{3} $$ in a resistor of length $L$. The speed of light $c^{\prime}=\omega_{n} / k_{n}$ in the resistor is independent of $n$.
(a) The electromagnetic modes travel through the ends, $x=0$ and $x=L$, of the resistor. Show that the wavevectors corresponding to periodic waves on the interval $[0, L]$ are $k_{n}=\frac{2 \pi n}{L}$. Then, show that the number of states per angular frequency is $\frac{d n}{d \omega_{n}}=\frac{L}{2 \pi c^{\prime}}$.
2. Johnson-Nyquist noise In this problem we study thermal noise in electrical circuits. The goal is to derive the JohnsonNyquist spectral (per-frequency, $f$ ) density of noise produced by a resistor, $R$ : $$ \frac{d\left\langle V^{2}\right\rangle}{d f}=4 k T R \tag{2} $$ Here, \langle\rangle denotes an average over time, so $\left\langle V^{2}\right\rangle$ is the mean-square value of the voltage fluctuations due to thermal noise. $f$ is the angular frequency, $k$ is Boltzmann's constant, and $T$ is temperature. It says that every frequency range $[f, f+d f]$ contributes a roughly equal amount of noise to the total noise in the resistor; this is called white noise. Electromagnetic modes in a resistor We first establish the properties of thermally excited electromagnetic modes $$ V_{n}(x)=V_{0} \cos \left(k_{n} x-\omega_{n} t\right) \tag{3} $$ in a resistor of length $L$. The speed of light $c^{\prime}=\omega_{n} / k_{n}$ in the resistor is independent of $n$. Context question: (a) The electromagnetic modes travel through the ends, $x=0$ and $x=L$, of the resistor. Show that the wavevectors corresponding to periodic waves on the interval $[0, L]$ are $k_{n}=\frac{2 \pi n}{L}$. Then, show that the number of states per angular frequency is $\frac{d n}{d \omega_{n}}=\frac{L}{2 \pi c^{\prime}}$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题}
(b) Each mode $n$ in the resistor can be thought of as a species of particle, called a bosonic collective mode. This particle obeys Bose-Einstein statistics: the average number of particles $\left\langle N_{n}\right\rangle$ in the mode $n$ is $$ \left\langle N_{n}\right\rangle=\frac{1}{\exp \frac{\hbar \omega_{n}}{k T}-1} \tag{4} $$ In the low-energy limit $\hbar \omega_{n} \ll k T$, show that $$ \left\langle N_{n}\right\rangle \approx \frac{k T}{\hbar \omega_{n}} \tag{5} $$ You can use the Taylor expansion $e^{x} \approx 1+x$ for small $x$.
2. Johnson-Nyquist noise In this problem we study thermal noise in electrical circuits. The goal is to derive the JohnsonNyquist spectral (per-frequency, $f$ ) density of noise produced by a resistor, $R$ : $$ \frac{d\left\langle V^{2}\right\rangle}{d f}=4 k T R \tag{2} $$ Here, \langle\rangle denotes an average over time, so $\left\langle V^{2}\right\rangle$ is the mean-square value of the voltage fluctuations due to thermal noise. $f$ is the angular frequency, $k$ is Boltzmann's constant, and $T$ is temperature. It says that every frequency range $[f, f+d f]$ contributes a roughly equal amount of noise to the total noise in the resistor; this is called white noise. Electromagnetic modes in a resistor We first establish the properties of thermally excited electromagnetic modes $$ V_{n}(x)=V_{0} \cos \left(k_{n} x-\omega_{n} t\right) \tag{3} $$ in a resistor of length $L$. The speed of light $c^{\prime}=\omega_{n} / k_{n}$ in the resistor is independent of $n$. Context question: (a) The electromagnetic modes travel through the ends, $x=0$ and $x=L$, of the resistor. Show that the wavevectors corresponding to periodic waves on the interval $[0, L]$ are $k_{n}=\frac{2 \pi n}{L}$. Then, show that the number of states per angular frequency is $\frac{d n}{d \omega_{n}}=\frac{L}{2 \pi c^{\prime}}$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (b) Each mode $n$ in the resistor can be thought of as a species of particle, called a bosonic collective mode. This particle obeys Bose-Einstein statistics: the average number of particles $\left\langle N_{n}\right\rangle$ in the mode $n$ is $$ \left\langle N_{n}\right\rangle=\frac{1}{\exp \frac{\hbar \omega_{n}}{k T}-1} \tag{4} $$ In the low-energy limit $\hbar \omega_{n} \ll k T$, show that $$ \left\langle N_{n}\right\rangle \approx \frac{k T}{\hbar \omega_{n}} \tag{5} $$ You can use the Taylor expansion $e^{x} \approx 1+x$ for small $x$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题}
(c) By analogy to the photon, explain why the energy of each particle in the mode $n$ is $\hbar \omega_{n}$.
2. Johnson-Nyquist noise In this problem we study thermal noise in electrical circuits. The goal is to derive the JohnsonNyquist spectral (per-frequency, $f$ ) density of noise produced by a resistor, $R$ : $$ \frac{d\left\langle V^{2}\right\rangle}{d f}=4 k T R \tag{2} $$ Here, \langle\rangle denotes an average over time, so $\left\langle V^{2}\right\rangle$ is the mean-square value of the voltage fluctuations due to thermal noise. $f$ is the angular frequency, $k$ is Boltzmann's constant, and $T$ is temperature. It says that every frequency range $[f, f+d f]$ contributes a roughly equal amount of noise to the total noise in the resistor; this is called white noise. Electromagnetic modes in a resistor We first establish the properties of thermally excited electromagnetic modes $$ V_{n}(x)=V_{0} \cos \left(k_{n} x-\omega_{n} t\right) \tag{3} $$ in a resistor of length $L$. The speed of light $c^{\prime}=\omega_{n} / k_{n}$ in the resistor is independent of $n$. Context question: (a) The electromagnetic modes travel through the ends, $x=0$ and $x=L$, of the resistor. Show that the wavevectors corresponding to periodic waves on the interval $[0, L]$ are $k_{n}=\frac{2 \pi n}{L}$. Then, show that the number of states per angular frequency is $\frac{d n}{d \omega_{n}}=\frac{L}{2 \pi c^{\prime}}$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (b) Each mode $n$ in the resistor can be thought of as a species of particle, called a bosonic collective mode. This particle obeys Bose-Einstein statistics: the average number of particles $\left\langle N_{n}\right\rangle$ in the mode $n$ is $$ \left\langle N_{n}\right\rangle=\frac{1}{\exp \frac{\hbar \omega_{n}}{k T}-1} \tag{4} $$ In the low-energy limit $\hbar \omega_{n} \ll k T$, show that $$ \left\langle N_{n}\right\rangle \approx \frac{k T}{\hbar \omega_{n}} \tag{5} $$ You can use the Taylor expansion $e^{x} \approx 1+x$ for small $x$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (c) By analogy to the photon, explain why the energy of each particle in the mode $n$ is $\hbar \omega_{n}$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题}
(d) Using parts (a), (b), and (c), show that the average power delivered to the resistor (or produced by the resistor) per frequency interval is $$ P[f, f+d f] \approx k T d f . \tag{6} $$ Here, $f=\omega / 2 \pi$ is the frequency. $P[f, f+d f]$ is known as the available noise power of the resistor. (Hint: Power is delivered to the resistor when particles enter at $x=0$, with speed $c^{\prime}$, and produced by the resistor when they exit at $x=L$.)
2. Johnson-Nyquist noise In this problem we study thermal noise in electrical circuits. The goal is to derive the JohnsonNyquist spectral (per-frequency, $f$ ) density of noise produced by a resistor, $R$ : $$ \frac{d\left\langle V^{2}\right\rangle}{d f}=4 k T R \tag{2} $$ Here, \langle\rangle denotes an average over time, so $\left\langle V^{2}\right\rangle$ is the mean-square value of the voltage fluctuations due to thermal noise. $f$ is the angular frequency, $k$ is Boltzmann's constant, and $T$ is temperature. It says that every frequency range $[f, f+d f]$ contributes a roughly equal amount of noise to the total noise in the resistor; this is called white noise. Electromagnetic modes in a resistor We first establish the properties of thermally excited electromagnetic modes $$ V_{n}(x)=V_{0} \cos \left(k_{n} x-\omega_{n} t\right) \tag{3} $$ in a resistor of length $L$. The speed of light $c^{\prime}=\omega_{n} / k_{n}$ in the resistor is independent of $n$. Context question: (a) The electromagnetic modes travel through the ends, $x=0$ and $x=L$, of the resistor. Show that the wavevectors corresponding to periodic waves on the interval $[0, L]$ are $k_{n}=\frac{2 \pi n}{L}$. Then, show that the number of states per angular frequency is $\frac{d n}{d \omega_{n}}=\frac{L}{2 \pi c^{\prime}}$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (b) Each mode $n$ in the resistor can be thought of as a species of particle, called a bosonic collective mode. This particle obeys Bose-Einstein statistics: the average number of particles $\left\langle N_{n}\right\rangle$ in the mode $n$ is $$ \left\langle N_{n}\right\rangle=\frac{1}{\exp \frac{\hbar \omega_{n}}{k T}-1} \tag{4} $$ In the low-energy limit $\hbar \omega_{n} \ll k T$, show that $$ \left\langle N_{n}\right\rangle \approx \frac{k T}{\hbar \omega_{n}} \tag{5} $$ You can use the Taylor expansion $e^{x} \approx 1+x$ for small $x$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (c) By analogy to the photon, explain why the energy of each particle in the mode $n$ is $\hbar \omega_{n}$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (d) Using parts (a), (b), and (c), show that the average power delivered to the resistor (or produced by the resistor) per frequency interval is $$ P[f, f+d f] \approx k T d f . \tag{6} $$ Here, $f=\omega / 2 \pi$ is the frequency. $P[f, f+d f]$ is known as the available noise power of the resistor. (Hint: Power is delivered to the resistor when particles enter at $x=0$, with speed $c^{\prime}$, and produced by the resistor when they exit at $x=L$.) Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: Nyquist equivalent noisy voltage source The formula $\frac{d\left\langle V^{2}\right\rangle}{d f}=4 k T R$ is the per-frequency, mean-squared value of an equivalent noisy voltage source, $V$, which would dissipate the available noise power, $\frac{d P}{d f}=k T$, from the resistor $R$ into a second resistor $r$.
(a) Assume that resistors $R$ and $r$ are in series with a voltage $V . R$ and $V$ are fixed, but $r$ can vary. Show the maximum power dissipation across $r$ is $$ P_{\max }=\frac{V^{2}}{4 R} . \tag{7} $$ Give the optimal value of $r$ in terms of $R$ and $V$.
2. Johnson-Nyquist noise In this problem we study thermal noise in electrical circuits. The goal is to derive the JohnsonNyquist spectral (per-frequency, $f$ ) density of noise produced by a resistor, $R$ : $$ \frac{d\left\langle V^{2}\right\rangle}{d f}=4 k T R \tag{2} $$ Here, \langle\rangle denotes an average over time, so $\left\langle V^{2}\right\rangle$ is the mean-square value of the voltage fluctuations due to thermal noise. $f$ is the angular frequency, $k$ is Boltzmann's constant, and $T$ is temperature. It says that every frequency range $[f, f+d f]$ contributes a roughly equal amount of noise to the total noise in the resistor; this is called white noise. Electromagnetic modes in a resistor We first establish the properties of thermally excited electromagnetic modes $$ V_{n}(x)=V_{0} \cos \left(k_{n} x-\omega_{n} t\right) \tag{3} $$ in a resistor of length $L$. The speed of light $c^{\prime}=\omega_{n} / k_{n}$ in the resistor is independent of $n$. Context question: (a) The electromagnetic modes travel through the ends, $x=0$ and $x=L$, of the resistor. Show that the wavevectors corresponding to periodic waves on the interval $[0, L]$ are $k_{n}=\frac{2 \pi n}{L}$. Then, show that the number of states per angular frequency is $\frac{d n}{d \omega_{n}}=\frac{L}{2 \pi c^{\prime}}$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (b) Each mode $n$ in the resistor can be thought of as a species of particle, called a bosonic collective mode. This particle obeys Bose-Einstein statistics: the average number of particles $\left\langle N_{n}\right\rangle$ in the mode $n$ is $$ \left\langle N_{n}\right\rangle=\frac{1}{\exp \frac{\hbar \omega_{n}}{k T}-1} \tag{4} $$ In the low-energy limit $\hbar \omega_{n} \ll k T$, show that $$ \left\langle N_{n}\right\rangle \approx \frac{k T}{\hbar \omega_{n}} \tag{5} $$ You can use the Taylor expansion $e^{x} \approx 1+x$ for small $x$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (c) By analogy to the photon, explain why the energy of each particle in the mode $n$ is $\hbar \omega_{n}$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (d) Using parts (a), (b), and (c), show that the average power delivered to the resistor (or produced by the resistor) per frequency interval is $$ P[f, f+d f] \approx k T d f . \tag{6} $$ Here, $f=\omega / 2 \pi$ is the frequency. $P[f, f+d f]$ is known as the available noise power of the resistor. (Hint: Power is delivered to the resistor when particles enter at $x=0$, with speed $c^{\prime}$, and produced by the resistor when they exit at $x=L$.) Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: Nyquist equivalent noisy voltage source The formula $\frac{d\left\langle V^{2}\right\rangle}{d f}=4 k T R$ is the per-frequency, mean-squared value of an equivalent noisy voltage source, $V$, which would dissipate the available noise power, $\frac{d P}{d f}=k T$, from the resistor $R$ into a second resistor $r$. Context question: (a) Assume that resistors $R$ and $r$ are in series with a voltage $V . R$ and $V$ are fixed, but $r$ can vary. Show the maximum power dissipation across $r$ is $$ P_{\max }=\frac{V^{2}}{4 R} . \tag{7} $$ Give the optimal value of $r$ in terms of $R$ and $V$. Context answer: 证明题
(b) If the average power per frequency interval delivered to the resistor $r$ is $\frac{d\left\langle P_{\max }\right\rangle}{d f}=$ $\frac{d E}{d f}=k T$, show that $\frac{d\left\langle V^{2}\right\rangle}{d f}=4 k T R$.
2. Johnson-Nyquist noise In this problem we study thermal noise in electrical circuits. The goal is to derive the JohnsonNyquist spectral (per-frequency, $f$ ) density of noise produced by a resistor, $R$ : $$ \frac{d\left\langle V^{2}\right\rangle}{d f}=4 k T R \tag{2} $$ Here, \langle\rangle denotes an average over time, so $\left\langle V^{2}\right\rangle$ is the mean-square value of the voltage fluctuations due to thermal noise. $f$ is the angular frequency, $k$ is Boltzmann's constant, and $T$ is temperature. It says that every frequency range $[f, f+d f]$ contributes a roughly equal amount of noise to the total noise in the resistor; this is called white noise. Electromagnetic modes in a resistor We first establish the properties of thermally excited electromagnetic modes $$ V_{n}(x)=V_{0} \cos \left(k_{n} x-\omega_{n} t\right) \tag{3} $$ in a resistor of length $L$. The speed of light $c^{\prime}=\omega_{n} / k_{n}$ in the resistor is independent of $n$. Context question: (a) The electromagnetic modes travel through the ends, $x=0$ and $x=L$, of the resistor. Show that the wavevectors corresponding to periodic waves on the interval $[0, L]$ are $k_{n}=\frac{2 \pi n}{L}$. Then, show that the number of states per angular frequency is $\frac{d n}{d \omega_{n}}=\frac{L}{2 \pi c^{\prime}}$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (b) Each mode $n$ in the resistor can be thought of as a species of particle, called a bosonic collective mode. This particle obeys Bose-Einstein statistics: the average number of particles $\left\langle N_{n}\right\rangle$ in the mode $n$ is $$ \left\langle N_{n}\right\rangle=\frac{1}{\exp \frac{\hbar \omega_{n}}{k T}-1} \tag{4} $$ In the low-energy limit $\hbar \omega_{n} \ll k T$, show that $$ \left\langle N_{n}\right\rangle \approx \frac{k T}{\hbar \omega_{n}} \tag{5} $$ You can use the Taylor expansion $e^{x} \approx 1+x$ for small $x$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (c) By analogy to the photon, explain why the energy of each particle in the mode $n$ is $\hbar \omega_{n}$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (d) Using parts (a), (b), and (c), show that the average power delivered to the resistor (or produced by the resistor) per frequency interval is $$ P[f, f+d f] \approx k T d f . \tag{6} $$ Here, $f=\omega / 2 \pi$ is the frequency. $P[f, f+d f]$ is known as the available noise power of the resistor. (Hint: Power is delivered to the resistor when particles enter at $x=0$, with speed $c^{\prime}$, and produced by the resistor when they exit at $x=L$.) Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: Nyquist equivalent noisy voltage source The formula $\frac{d\left\langle V^{2}\right\rangle}{d f}=4 k T R$ is the per-frequency, mean-squared value of an equivalent noisy voltage source, $V$, which would dissipate the available noise power, $\frac{d P}{d f}=k T$, from the resistor $R$ into a second resistor $r$. Context question: (a) Assume that resistors $R$ and $r$ are in series with a voltage $V . R$ and $V$ are fixed, but $r$ can vary. Show the maximum power dissipation across $r$ is $$ P_{\max }=\frac{V^{2}}{4 R} . \tag{7} $$ Give the optimal value of $r$ in terms of $R$ and $V$. Context answer: 证明题 Context question: (b) If the average power per frequency interval delivered to the resistor $r$ is $\frac{d\left\langle P_{\max }\right\rangle}{d f}=$ $\frac{d E}{d f}=k T$, show that $\frac{d\left\langle V^{2}\right\rangle}{d f}=4 k T R$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: Other circuit elements We derived the Johnson-Nyquist noise due to a resistor, $R$. It turns out the equation $\frac{d\left\langle V^{2}\right\rangle}{d f}=$ $4 k T R$ is not generalizable to inductors or capacitors.
(a) Explain why no Johnson-Nyquist noise is produced by ideal inductors or capacitors. There are multiple explanations; any explanation will be accepted. (Hint: the impedance of an ideal inductor or capacitor is purely imaginary.)
Modern Physics
Global Positioning System (GPS) is a navigation technology which uses signal from satellites to determine the position of an object (for example an airplane). However, due to the satellites high speed movement in orbit, there should be a special relativistic correction, and due to their high altitude, there should be a general relativistic correction. Both corrections seem to be small but are very important for precise measurement of position. We will explore both corrections in this problem. First we will investigate the special relativistic effect on an accelerated particle. We consider two types of frame, the first one is the rest frame (called $S$ or Earth's frame), where the particle is at rest initially. The other is the proper frame (called $S^{\prime}$ ), a frame that instantaneously moves together with the accelerated particle. Note that this is not an accelerated frame, it is a constant velocity frame that at a particular moment has the same velocity with the accelerated particle. At that short moment, the time rate experienced by the particle is the same as the proper frame's time rate. Of course this proper frame is only good for an infinitesimally short time, and then we need to define a new proper frame afterward. At the beginning we synchronize the particle's clock with the clock in the rest frame by setting them to zero, $t=\tau=0$ ( $t$ is the time in the rest frame, and $\tau$ is the time shown by particle's clock). By applying equivalence principle, we can obtain general relativistic effects from special relavistic results which does not involve complicated metric tensor calculations. By combining the special and general relativistic effects, we can calculate the corrections needed for a GPS (global positioning system) satellite to provide accurate positioning. Some mathematics formulas that might be useful - $\sinh x=\frac{e^{x}-e^{-x}}{2}$ - $\cosh x=\frac{e^{x}+e^{-x}}{2}$ - $\tanh x=\frac{\sinh x}{\cosh x}$ - $1+\sinh ^{2} x=\cosh ^{2} x$ - $\sinh (x-y)=\sinh x \cosh y-\cosh x \sinh y$ - $\int \frac{d x}{\left(1-x^{2}\right)^{\frac{3}{2}}}=\frac{x}{\sqrt{1-x^{2}}}+C$ - $\int \frac{d x}{1-x^{2}}=\ln \sqrt{\frac{1+x}{1-x}}+C$ Part A. Single Accelerated Particle Consider a particle with a rest mass $m$ under a constant and uniform force field $F$ (defined in the rest frame) pointing in the positive $x$ direction. Initially $(t=\tau=0)$ the particle is at rest at the origin $(x=0)$. Context question: 1. When the velocity of the particle is $v$, calculate the acceleration of the particle, $a$ (with respect to the rest frame). Context answer: \boxed{$a=\frac{F}{\gamma^{3} m}$} Context question: 2. Calculate the velocity of the particle $\beta(t)=\frac{v(t)}{c}$ at time $t$ (in rest frame), in terms of $F, m, t$ and $c$. Context answer: \boxed{$\beta=\frac{\frac{F t}{m c}}{\sqrt{1+\left(\frac{F t}{m c}\right)^{2}}}$} Context question: 3. Calculate the position of the particle $x(t)$ at time $t$, in term of $F, m, t$ and $c$. Context answer: \boxed{$x=\frac{m c^{2}}{F}\left(\sqrt{1+\left(\frac{F t}{m c}\right)^{2}}-1\right)$}
4. Show that the proper acceleration of the particle, $a^{\prime} \equiv g=F / m$, is a constant. The proper acceleration is the acceleration of the particle measured in the instantaneous proper frame.
Modern Physics
Global Positioning System (GPS) is a navigation technology which uses signal from satellites to determine the position of an object (for example an airplane). However, due to the satellites high speed movement in orbit, there should be a special relativistic correction, and due to their high altitude, there should be a general relativistic correction. Both corrections seem to be small but are very important for precise measurement of position. We will explore both corrections in this problem. First we will investigate the special relativistic effect on an accelerated particle. We consider two types of frame, the first one is the rest frame (called $S$ or Earth's frame), where the particle is at rest initially. The other is the proper frame (called $S^{\prime}$ ), a frame that instantaneously moves together with the accelerated particle. Note that this is not an accelerated frame, it is a constant velocity frame that at a particular moment has the same velocity with the accelerated particle. At that short moment, the time rate experienced by the particle is the same as the proper frame's time rate. Of course this proper frame is only good for an infinitesimally short time, and then we need to define a new proper frame afterward. At the beginning we synchronize the particle's clock with the clock in the rest frame by setting them to zero, $t=\tau=0$ ( $t$ is the time in the rest frame, and $\tau$ is the time shown by particle's clock). By applying equivalence principle, we can obtain general relativistic effects from special relavistic results which does not involve complicated metric tensor calculations. By combining the special and general relativistic effects, we can calculate the corrections needed for a GPS (global positioning system) satellite to provide accurate positioning. Some mathematics formulas that might be useful - $\sinh x=\frac{e^{x}-e^{-x}}{2}$ - $\cosh x=\frac{e^{x}+e^{-x}}{2}$ - $\tanh x=\frac{\sinh x}{\cosh x}$ - $1+\sinh ^{2} x=\cosh ^{2} x$ - $\sinh (x-y)=\sinh x \cosh y-\cosh x \sinh y$ - $\int \frac{d x}{\left(1-x^{2}\right)^{\frac{3}{2}}}=\frac{x}{\sqrt{1-x^{2}}}+C$ - $\int \frac{d x}{1-x^{2}}=\ln \sqrt{\frac{1+x}{1-x}}+C$ Part A. Single Accelerated Particle Consider a particle with a rest mass $m$ under a constant and uniform force field $F$ (defined in the rest frame) pointing in the positive $x$ direction. Initially $(t=\tau=0)$ the particle is at rest at the origin $(x=0)$. Context question: 1. When the velocity of the particle is $v$, calculate the acceleration of the particle, $a$ (with respect to the rest frame). Context answer: \boxed{$a=\frac{F}{\gamma^{3} m}$} Context question: 2. Calculate the velocity of the particle $\beta(t)=\frac{v(t)}{c}$ at time $t$ (in rest frame), in terms of $F, m, t$ and $c$. Context answer: \boxed{$\beta=\frac{\frac{F t}{m c}}{\sqrt{1+\left(\frac{F t}{m c}\right)^{2}}}$} Context question: 3. Calculate the position of the particle $x(t)$ at time $t$, in term of $F, m, t$ and $c$. Context answer: \boxed{$x=\frac{m c^{2}}{F}\left(\sqrt{1+\left(\frac{F t}{m c}\right)^{2}}-1\right)$} Context question: 4. Show that the proper acceleration of the particle, $a^{\prime} \equiv g=F / m$, is a constant. The proper acceleration is the acceleration of the particle measured in the instantaneous proper frame. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: 5. Calculate the velocity of the particle $\beta(\tau)$, when the time as experienced by the particle is $\tau$. Express the answer in $g, \tau$, and $c$. Context answer: \boxed{$\beta=\tanh \frac{g \tau}{c}$} Context question: 6. ( $\mathbf{0 . 4} \mathbf{~ p t s )}$ Also calculate the time $t$ in the rest frame in terms of $g, \tau$, and $c$. Context answer: \boxed{$t=\frac{c}{g} \sinh \frac{g \tau}{c}$} Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: Part B. Flight Time The first part has not taken into account the flight time of the information to arrive to the observer. This part is the only part in the whole problem where the flight time is considered. The particle moves as in part A.
1. At a certain moment, the time experienced by the particle is $\tau$. What reading $t_{0}$ on a stationary clock located at $x=0$ will be observed by the particle? After a long period of time, does the observed reading $t_{0}$ approach a certain value? If so, what is the value?
Modern Physics
Global Positioning System (GPS) is a navigation technology which uses signal from satellites to determine the position of an object (for example an airplane). However, due to the satellites high speed movement in orbit, there should be a special relativistic correction, and due to their high altitude, there should be a general relativistic correction. Both corrections seem to be small but are very important for precise measurement of position. We will explore both corrections in this problem. First we will investigate the special relativistic effect on an accelerated particle. We consider two types of frame, the first one is the rest frame (called $S$ or Earth's frame), where the particle is at rest initially. The other is the proper frame (called $S^{\prime}$ ), a frame that instantaneously moves together with the accelerated particle. Note that this is not an accelerated frame, it is a constant velocity frame that at a particular moment has the same velocity with the accelerated particle. At that short moment, the time rate experienced by the particle is the same as the proper frame's time rate. Of course this proper frame is only good for an infinitesimally short time, and then we need to define a new proper frame afterward. At the beginning we synchronize the particle's clock with the clock in the rest frame by setting them to zero, $t=\tau=0$ ( $t$ is the time in the rest frame, and $\tau$ is the time shown by particle's clock). By applying equivalence principle, we can obtain general relativistic effects from special relavistic results which does not involve complicated metric tensor calculations. By combining the special and general relativistic effects, we can calculate the corrections needed for a GPS (global positioning system) satellite to provide accurate positioning. Some mathematics formulas that might be useful - $\sinh x=\frac{e^{x}-e^{-x}}{2}$ - $\cosh x=\frac{e^{x}+e^{-x}}{2}$ - $\tanh x=\frac{\sinh x}{\cosh x}$ - $1+\sinh ^{2} x=\cosh ^{2} x$ - $\sinh (x-y)=\sinh x \cosh y-\cosh x \sinh y$ - $\int \frac{d x}{\left(1-x^{2}\right)^{\frac{3}{2}}}=\frac{x}{\sqrt{1-x^{2}}}+C$ - $\int \frac{d x}{1-x^{2}}=\ln \sqrt{\frac{1+x}{1-x}}+C$ Part A. Single Accelerated Particle Consider a particle with a rest mass $m$ under a constant and uniform force field $F$ (defined in the rest frame) pointing in the positive $x$ direction. Initially $(t=\tau=0)$ the particle is at rest at the origin $(x=0)$. Context question: 1. When the velocity of the particle is $v$, calculate the acceleration of the particle, $a$ (with respect to the rest frame). Context answer: \boxed{$a=\frac{F}{\gamma^{3} m}$} Context question: 2. Calculate the velocity of the particle $\beta(t)=\frac{v(t)}{c}$ at time $t$ (in rest frame), in terms of $F, m, t$ and $c$. Context answer: \boxed{$\beta=\frac{\frac{F t}{m c}}{\sqrt{1+\left(\frac{F t}{m c}\right)^{2}}}$} Context question: 3. Calculate the position of the particle $x(t)$ at time $t$, in term of $F, m, t$ and $c$. Context answer: \boxed{$x=\frac{m c^{2}}{F}\left(\sqrt{1+\left(\frac{F t}{m c}\right)^{2}}-1\right)$} Context question: 4. Show that the proper acceleration of the particle, $a^{\prime} \equiv g=F / m$, is a constant. The proper acceleration is the acceleration of the particle measured in the instantaneous proper frame. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: 5. Calculate the velocity of the particle $\beta(\tau)$, when the time as experienced by the particle is $\tau$. Express the answer in $g, \tau$, and $c$. Context answer: \boxed{$\beta=\tanh \frac{g \tau}{c}$} Context question: 6. ( $\mathbf{0 . 4} \mathbf{~ p t s )}$ Also calculate the time $t$ in the rest frame in terms of $g, \tau$, and $c$. Context answer: \boxed{$t=\frac{c}{g} \sinh \frac{g \tau}{c}$} Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: Part B. Flight Time The first part has not taken into account the flight time of the information to arrive to the observer. This part is the only part in the whole problem where the flight time is considered. The particle moves as in part A. Context question: 1. At a certain moment, the time experienced by the particle is $\tau$. What reading $t_{0}$ on a stationary clock located at $x=0$ will be observed by the particle? After a long period of time, does the observed reading $t_{0}$ approach a certain value? If so, what is the value? Context answer: \boxed{证明题}
2. Now consider the opposite point of view. If an observer at the initial point $(x=0)$ is observing the particle's clock when the observer's time is $t$, what is the reading of the particle's clock $\tau_{0}$ ? After a long period of time, will this reading approach a certain value? If so, what is the value?
Modern Physics
All matters in the universe have fundamental properties called spin, besides their mass and charge. Spin is an intrinsic form of angular momentum carried by particles. Despite the fact that quantum mechanics is needed for a full treatment of spin, we can still study the physics of spin using the usual classical formalism. In this problem, we are investigating the influence of magnetic field on spin using its classical analogue. The classical torque equation of spin is given by $$ \boldsymbol{\tau}=\frac{d \boldsymbol{L}}{d t}=\boldsymbol{\mu} \times \boldsymbol{B} $$ In this case, the angular momentum $\boldsymbol{L}$ represents the "intrinsic" spin of the particles, $\boldsymbol{\mu}$ is the magnetic moment of the particles, and $\boldsymbol{B}$ is magnetic field. The spin of a particle is associated with a magnetic moment via the equation $$ \boldsymbol{\mu}=-\gamma \boldsymbol{L} $$ where $\gamma$ is the gyromagnetic ratio. In this problem, the term "frequency" means angular frequency (rad/s), which is a scalar quantity. All bold letters represent vectors; otherwise they represent scalars. Part A. Larmor precession
1. Prove that the magnitude of magnetic moment $\mu$ is always constant under the influence of a magnetic field $\boldsymbol{B}$. For a special case of stationary (constant) magnetic field, also show that the angle between $\boldsymbol{\mu}$ and $\boldsymbol{B}$ is constant. (Hint: You can use properties of vector products.)
Modern Physics
All matters in the universe have fundamental properties called spin, besides their mass and charge. Spin is an intrinsic form of angular momentum carried by particles. Despite the fact that quantum mechanics is needed for a full treatment of spin, we can still study the physics of spin using the usual classical formalism. In this problem, we are investigating the influence of magnetic field on spin using its classical analogue. The classical torque equation of spin is given by $$ \boldsymbol{\tau}=\frac{d \boldsymbol{L}}{d t}=\boldsymbol{\mu} \times \boldsymbol{B} $$ In this case, the angular momentum $\boldsymbol{L}$ represents the "intrinsic" spin of the particles, $\boldsymbol{\mu}$ is the magnetic moment of the particles, and $\boldsymbol{B}$ is magnetic field. The spin of a particle is associated with a magnetic moment via the equation $$ \boldsymbol{\mu}=-\gamma \boldsymbol{L} $$ where $\gamma$ is the gyromagnetic ratio. In this problem, the term "frequency" means angular frequency (rad/s), which is a scalar quantity. All bold letters represent vectors; otherwise they represent scalars. Part A. Larmor precession Context question: 1. Prove that the magnitude of magnetic moment $\mu$ is always constant under the influence of a magnetic field $\boldsymbol{B}$. For a special case of stationary (constant) magnetic field, also show that the angle between $\boldsymbol{\mu}$ and $\boldsymbol{B}$ is constant. (Hint: You can use properties of vector products.) Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: 2. A uniform magnetic field $\boldsymbol{B}$ exists and it makes an angle $\phi$ with a particle's magnetic moment $\boldsymbol{\mu}$. Due to the torque by the magnetic field, the magnetic moment $\boldsymbol{\mu}$ rotates around the field $\boldsymbol{B}$, which is also known as Larmor precession. Determine the Larmor precession frequency $\omega_{0}$ of the magnetic moment with respect to $\boldsymbol{B}=B_{0} \boldsymbol{k}$. Context answer: \boxed{$\omega_{0}=\gamma B_{0}$} Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: Part B. Rotating frame In this section, we choose a rotating frame $S^{\prime}$ as our frame of reference. The rotating frame $S^{\prime}=\left(x^{\prime}, y^{\prime}, z^{\prime}\right)$ rotates with an angular velocity $\omega \boldsymbol{k}$ as seen by an observer in the laboratory frame $S=(x, y, z)$, where the axes $x^{\prime}, y^{\prime}, z^{\prime}$ intersect with $x, y, z$ at time $t=0$. Any vector $\boldsymbol{A}=A_{x} \boldsymbol{i}+A_{y} \boldsymbol{j}+A_{z} \boldsymbol{k}$ in a lab frame can be written as $\boldsymbol{A}=A_{x}{ }^{\prime} \boldsymbol{i}^{\prime}+A_{y}{ }^{\prime} \boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}+A_{z}{ }^{\prime} \boldsymbol{k}^{\prime}$ in the rotating frame $S^{\prime}$. The time derivative of the vector becomes $$ \frac{d \boldsymbol{A}}{d t}=\left(\frac{d A_{x}{ }^{\prime}}{d t} \boldsymbol{i}^{\prime}+\frac{d A_{y}{ }^{\prime}}{d t} \boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}+\frac{d A_{z}{ }^{\prime}}{d t} \boldsymbol{k}^{\prime}\right)+\left(A_{x}{ }^{\prime} \frac{d \boldsymbol{i}^{\prime}}{d t}+A_{y}{ }^{\prime} \frac{d \boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}}{d t}+A_{z}{ }^{\prime} \frac{d \boldsymbol{k}^{\prime}}{d t}\right) $$ $$ \left(\frac{d \boldsymbol{A}}{d t}\right)_{l a b}=\left(\frac{d \boldsymbol{A}}{d t}\right)_{r o t}+(\omega \mathbf{k} \times \boldsymbol{A}) $$ where $\left(\frac{d \boldsymbol{A}}{d t}\right)_{l a b}$ is the time derivative of vector $\boldsymbol{A}$ seen by an observer in the lab frame, and $\left(\frac{d A}{d t}\right)_{\text {rot }}$ is the time derivative seen by an observer in the rotating frame. For all the following problems in this part, the answers are referred to the rotating frame $S^{\prime}$.
1. Show that the time evolution of the magnetic moment follows the equation $$ \left(\frac{d \boldsymbol{\mu}}{d t}\right)_{r o t}=-\gamma \boldsymbol{\mu} \times \boldsymbol{B}_{e f f} $$ where $\boldsymbol{B}_{\text {eff }}=\boldsymbol{B}-\frac{\omega}{\gamma} \boldsymbol{k}^{\prime}$ is the effective magnetic field.
Modern Physics
All matters in the universe have fundamental properties called spin, besides their mass and charge. Spin is an intrinsic form of angular momentum carried by particles. Despite the fact that quantum mechanics is needed for a full treatment of spin, we can still study the physics of spin using the usual classical formalism. In this problem, we are investigating the influence of magnetic field on spin using its classical analogue. The classical torque equation of spin is given by $$ \boldsymbol{\tau}=\frac{d \boldsymbol{L}}{d t}=\boldsymbol{\mu} \times \boldsymbol{B} $$ In this case, the angular momentum $\boldsymbol{L}$ represents the "intrinsic" spin of the particles, $\boldsymbol{\mu}$ is the magnetic moment of the particles, and $\boldsymbol{B}$ is magnetic field. The spin of a particle is associated with a magnetic moment via the equation $$ \boldsymbol{\mu}=-\gamma \boldsymbol{L} $$ where $\gamma$ is the gyromagnetic ratio. In this problem, the term "frequency" means angular frequency (rad/s), which is a scalar quantity. All bold letters represent vectors; otherwise they represent scalars. Part A. Larmor precession Context question: 1. Prove that the magnitude of magnetic moment $\mu$ is always constant under the influence of a magnetic field $\boldsymbol{B}$. For a special case of stationary (constant) magnetic field, also show that the angle between $\boldsymbol{\mu}$ and $\boldsymbol{B}$ is constant. (Hint: You can use properties of vector products.) Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: 2. A uniform magnetic field $\boldsymbol{B}$ exists and it makes an angle $\phi$ with a particle's magnetic moment $\boldsymbol{\mu}$. Due to the torque by the magnetic field, the magnetic moment $\boldsymbol{\mu}$ rotates around the field $\boldsymbol{B}$, which is also known as Larmor precession. Determine the Larmor precession frequency $\omega_{0}$ of the magnetic moment with respect to $\boldsymbol{B}=B_{0} \boldsymbol{k}$. Context answer: \boxed{$\omega_{0}=\gamma B_{0}$} Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: Part B. Rotating frame In this section, we choose a rotating frame $S^{\prime}$ as our frame of reference. The rotating frame $S^{\prime}=\left(x^{\prime}, y^{\prime}, z^{\prime}\right)$ rotates with an angular velocity $\omega \boldsymbol{k}$ as seen by an observer in the laboratory frame $S=(x, y, z)$, where the axes $x^{\prime}, y^{\prime}, z^{\prime}$ intersect with $x, y, z$ at time $t=0$. Any vector $\boldsymbol{A}=A_{x} \boldsymbol{i}+A_{y} \boldsymbol{j}+A_{z} \boldsymbol{k}$ in a lab frame can be written as $\boldsymbol{A}=A_{x}{ }^{\prime} \boldsymbol{i}^{\prime}+A_{y}{ }^{\prime} \boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}+A_{z}{ }^{\prime} \boldsymbol{k}^{\prime}$ in the rotating frame $S^{\prime}$. The time derivative of the vector becomes $$ \frac{d \boldsymbol{A}}{d t}=\left(\frac{d A_{x}{ }^{\prime}}{d t} \boldsymbol{i}^{\prime}+\frac{d A_{y}{ }^{\prime}}{d t} \boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}+\frac{d A_{z}{ }^{\prime}}{d t} \boldsymbol{k}^{\prime}\right)+\left(A_{x}{ }^{\prime} \frac{d \boldsymbol{i}^{\prime}}{d t}+A_{y}{ }^{\prime} \frac{d \boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}}{d t}+A_{z}{ }^{\prime} \frac{d \boldsymbol{k}^{\prime}}{d t}\right) $$ $$ \left(\frac{d \boldsymbol{A}}{d t}\right)_{l a b}=\left(\frac{d \boldsymbol{A}}{d t}\right)_{r o t}+(\omega \mathbf{k} \times \boldsymbol{A}) $$ where $\left(\frac{d \boldsymbol{A}}{d t}\right)_{l a b}$ is the time derivative of vector $\boldsymbol{A}$ seen by an observer in the lab frame, and $\left(\frac{d A}{d t}\right)_{\text {rot }}$ is the time derivative seen by an observer in the rotating frame. For all the following problems in this part, the answers are referred to the rotating frame $S^{\prime}$. Context question: 1. Show that the time evolution of the magnetic moment follows the equation $$ \left(\frac{d \boldsymbol{\mu}}{d t}\right)_{r o t}=-\gamma \boldsymbol{\mu} \times \boldsymbol{B}_{e f f} $$ where $\boldsymbol{B}_{\text {eff }}=\boldsymbol{B}-\frac{\omega}{\gamma} \boldsymbol{k}^{\prime}$ is the effective magnetic field. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: 2. For $\boldsymbol{B}=B_{0} \boldsymbol{k}$, what is the new precession frequency $\Delta$ in terms of $\omega_{0}$ and $\omega$ ? Context answer: \boxed{$\Delta =\gamma B_{0}-\omega$}
3. Now, let us consider the case of a time-varying magnetic field. Besides a constant magnetic field, we also apply a rotating magnetic field $\boldsymbol{b}(t)=b(\cos \omega t \boldsymbol{i}+\sin \omega t \boldsymbol{j})$, so $\boldsymbol{B}=B_{0} \boldsymbol{k}+\boldsymbol{b}(t)$. Show that the new Larmor precession frequency of the magnetic moment is $$ \Omega=\gamma \sqrt{\left(B_{0}-\frac{\omega}{\gamma}\right)^{2}+b^{2}} $$
Modern Physics
All matters in the universe have fundamental properties called spin, besides their mass and charge. Spin is an intrinsic form of angular momentum carried by particles. Despite the fact that quantum mechanics is needed for a full treatment of spin, we can still study the physics of spin using the usual classical formalism. In this problem, we are investigating the influence of magnetic field on spin using its classical analogue. The classical torque equation of spin is given by $$ \boldsymbol{\tau}=\frac{d \boldsymbol{L}}{d t}=\boldsymbol{\mu} \times \boldsymbol{B} $$ In this case, the angular momentum $\boldsymbol{L}$ represents the "intrinsic" spin of the particles, $\boldsymbol{\mu}$ is the magnetic moment of the particles, and $\boldsymbol{B}$ is magnetic field. The spin of a particle is associated with a magnetic moment via the equation $$ \boldsymbol{\mu}=-\gamma \boldsymbol{L} $$ where $\gamma$ is the gyromagnetic ratio. In this problem, the term "frequency" means angular frequency (rad/s), which is a scalar quantity. All bold letters represent vectors; otherwise they represent scalars. Part A. Larmor precession Context question: 1. Prove that the magnitude of magnetic moment $\mu$ is always constant under the influence of a magnetic field $\boldsymbol{B}$. For a special case of stationary (constant) magnetic field, also show that the angle between $\boldsymbol{\mu}$ and $\boldsymbol{B}$ is constant. (Hint: You can use properties of vector products.) Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: 2. A uniform magnetic field $\boldsymbol{B}$ exists and it makes an angle $\phi$ with a particle's magnetic moment $\boldsymbol{\mu}$. Due to the torque by the magnetic field, the magnetic moment $\boldsymbol{\mu}$ rotates around the field $\boldsymbol{B}$, which is also known as Larmor precession. Determine the Larmor precession frequency $\omega_{0}$ of the magnetic moment with respect to $\boldsymbol{B}=B_{0} \boldsymbol{k}$. Context answer: \boxed{$\omega_{0}=\gamma B_{0}$} Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: Part B. Rotating frame In this section, we choose a rotating frame $S^{\prime}$ as our frame of reference. The rotating frame $S^{\prime}=\left(x^{\prime}, y^{\prime}, z^{\prime}\right)$ rotates with an angular velocity $\omega \boldsymbol{k}$ as seen by an observer in the laboratory frame $S=(x, y, z)$, where the axes $x^{\prime}, y^{\prime}, z^{\prime}$ intersect with $x, y, z$ at time $t=0$. Any vector $\boldsymbol{A}=A_{x} \boldsymbol{i}+A_{y} \boldsymbol{j}+A_{z} \boldsymbol{k}$ in a lab frame can be written as $\boldsymbol{A}=A_{x}{ }^{\prime} \boldsymbol{i}^{\prime}+A_{y}{ }^{\prime} \boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}+A_{z}{ }^{\prime} \boldsymbol{k}^{\prime}$ in the rotating frame $S^{\prime}$. The time derivative of the vector becomes $$ \frac{d \boldsymbol{A}}{d t}=\left(\frac{d A_{x}{ }^{\prime}}{d t} \boldsymbol{i}^{\prime}+\frac{d A_{y}{ }^{\prime}}{d t} \boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}+\frac{d A_{z}{ }^{\prime}}{d t} \boldsymbol{k}^{\prime}\right)+\left(A_{x}{ }^{\prime} \frac{d \boldsymbol{i}^{\prime}}{d t}+A_{y}{ }^{\prime} \frac{d \boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}}{d t}+A_{z}{ }^{\prime} \frac{d \boldsymbol{k}^{\prime}}{d t}\right) $$ $$ \left(\frac{d \boldsymbol{A}}{d t}\right)_{l a b}=\left(\frac{d \boldsymbol{A}}{d t}\right)_{r o t}+(\omega \mathbf{k} \times \boldsymbol{A}) $$ where $\left(\frac{d \boldsymbol{A}}{d t}\right)_{l a b}$ is the time derivative of vector $\boldsymbol{A}$ seen by an observer in the lab frame, and $\left(\frac{d A}{d t}\right)_{\text {rot }}$ is the time derivative seen by an observer in the rotating frame. For all the following problems in this part, the answers are referred to the rotating frame $S^{\prime}$. Context question: 1. Show that the time evolution of the magnetic moment follows the equation $$ \left(\frac{d \boldsymbol{\mu}}{d t}\right)_{r o t}=-\gamma \boldsymbol{\mu} \times \boldsymbol{B}_{e f f} $$ where $\boldsymbol{B}_{\text {eff }}=\boldsymbol{B}-\frac{\omega}{\gamma} \boldsymbol{k}^{\prime}$ is the effective magnetic field. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: 2. For $\boldsymbol{B}=B_{0} \boldsymbol{k}$, what is the new precession frequency $\Delta$ in terms of $\omega_{0}$ and $\omega$ ? Context answer: \boxed{$\Delta =\gamma B_{0}-\omega$} Context question: 3. Now, let us consider the case of a time-varying magnetic field. Besides a constant magnetic field, we also apply a rotating magnetic field $\boldsymbol{b}(t)=b(\cos \omega t \boldsymbol{i}+\sin \omega t \boldsymbol{j})$, so $\boldsymbol{B}=B_{0} \boldsymbol{k}+\boldsymbol{b}(t)$. Show that the new Larmor precession frequency of the magnetic moment is $$ \Omega=\gamma \sqrt{\left(B_{0}-\frac{\omega}{\gamma}\right)^{2}+b^{2}} $$ Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: 4. Instead of applying the field $\boldsymbol{b}(t)=b(\cos \omega t \boldsymbol{i}+\sin \omega t \boldsymbol{j})$, now we apply $\boldsymbol{b}(t)=b(\cos \omega t \boldsymbol{i}-\sin \omega t \boldsymbol{j})$, which rotates in the opposite direction and hence $\boldsymbol{B}=B_{0} \boldsymbol{k}+b(\cos \omega t \boldsymbol{i}-\sin \omega t \boldsymbol{j})$. What is the effective magnetic field $\boldsymbol{B}_{\text {eff }}$ for this case (in terms of the unit vectors $\boldsymbol{i}^{\prime}, \boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}, \boldsymbol{k}^{\prime}$ )? What is its time average, $\overline{\boldsymbol{B}_{\text {eff }}}$ (recall that $\overline{\cos 2 \pi t / T}=\overline{\sin 2 \pi t / T}=0$ )? Context answer: \boxed{$\mathbf{B}_{\mathrm{eff}}=\left(B_{0}-\frac{\omega}{\gamma}\right) \mathbf{k}^{\prime}+b\left(\cos 2 \omega t \mathbf{i}^{\prime}-\sin 2 \omega t \mathbf{j}^{\prime}\right)$ , $\overline{\mathbf{B}_{\mathrm{eff}}}=\left(B_{0}-\frac{\omega}{\gamma}\right) \mathbf{k}^{\prime}$} Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: Part C. Rabi oscillation For an ensemble of $N$ particles under the influence of a large magnetic field, the spin can have two quantum states: "up" and "down". Consequently, the total population of spin up $N_{\uparrow}$ and down $N_{\downarrow}$ obeys the equation $$ N_{\uparrow}+N_{\downarrow}=N $$ The difference of spin up population and spin down population yields the macroscopic magnetization along the $z$ axis: $$ M=\left(N_{\uparrow}-N_{\downarrow}\right) \mu=N \mu_{z} . $$ In a real experiment, two magnetic fields are usually applied, a large bias field $B_{0} \boldsymbol{k}$ and an oscillating field with amplitude $2 b$ perpendicular to the bias field $\left(b \ll B_{0}\right)$. Initially, only the large bias is applied, causing all the particles lie in the spin up states ( $\boldsymbol{\mu}$ is oriented in the $z$-direction at $t=0$ ). Then, the oscillating field is turned on, where its frequency $\omega$ is chosen to be in resonance with the Larmor precession frequency $\omega_{0}$, i.e. $\omega=\omega_{0}$. In other words, the total field after time $t=0$ is given by $$ \boldsymbol{B}(t)=B_{0} \boldsymbol{k}+2 b \cos \omega_{0} t \boldsymbol{i} . $$ Context question: 1. In the rotating frame $S^{\prime}$, show that the effective field can be approximated by $$ \boldsymbol{B}_{\text {eff }} \approx b \boldsymbol{i}^{\prime}, $$ which is commonly known as rotating wave approximation. What is the precession frequency $\Omega$ in frame $S^{\prime}$ ? Context answer: \boxed{$\Omega=\gamma b$}
2. Determine the angle $\alpha$ that $\boldsymbol{\mu}$ makes with $\boldsymbol{B}_{\text {eff }}$. Also, prove that the magnetization varies with time as $$ M(t)=N \mu(\cos \Omega t) . $$
5. Polarization and Oscillation In this problem, we will understand the polarization of metallic bodies and the method of images that simplifies the math in certain geometrical configurations. Throughout the problem, suppose that metals are excellent conductors and they polarize significantly faster than the classical relaxation of the system. Context question: (a) Explain in words why there can't be a non-zero electric field in a metallic body, and why this leads to constant electric potential throughout the body. Context answer: 开放性回答 Context question: (b) Laplace's equation is a second order differential equation $$ \nabla^{2} \phi=\frac{\partial^{2} \phi}{\partial x^{2}}+\frac{\partial^{2} \phi}{\partial y^{2}}+\frac{\partial^{2} \phi}{\partial z^{2}}=0 \tag{8} $$ Solutions to this equation are called harmonic functions. One of the most important properties satisfied by these functions is the maximum principle. It states that a harmonic function attains extremes on the boundary. Using this, prove the uniqueness theorem: Solution to Laplace's equation in a volume $V$ is uniquely determined if its solution on the boundary is specified. That is, if $\nabla^{2} \phi_{1}=0$, $\nabla^{2} \phi_{2}=0$ and $\phi_{1}=\phi_{2}$ on the boundary of $V$, then $\phi_{1}=\phi_{2}$ in $V$. Hint: Consider $\phi=\phi_{1}-\phi_{2}$. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (c) The uniqueness theorem allows us to use "image" charges in certain settings to describe the system. Consider one such example: There is a point-like charge $q$ at a distance $L$ from a metallic sphere of radius $R$ attached to the ground. As you argued in part (a), sphere will be polarized to make sure the electric potential is constant throughout its body. Since it is attached to the ground, the constant potential will be zero. Place an image charge inside the sphere to counter the non-uniform potential of the outer charge $q$ on the surface. Where should this charge be placed, and what is its value? Context answer: \boxed{$x=\frac{R^{2}}{L}$ , $q_{0}=-q \frac{R}{L}$} Context question: (d) Argue from the uniqueness theorem that the electric field created by this image charge outside the sphere will be the same as the field created by the complicated polarization of the sphere. Context answer: 开放性回答 Context question: (e) Find the force of attraction between the charge and the sphere. Context answer: \boxed{$F=\frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon_{0}} \frac{q^{2} \frac{R}{L}}{\left(L-\frac{R^{2}}{L}\right)^{2}}$}
(f) Now suppose that we attach the point-like charge to a wall with a rod of length a. Any perturbation from the equilibrium will cause a perturbation of the polarization of the sphere. Prove that this equilibrium is stable and find the frequency of oscillation around it. The charge and rod have masses $m$ and $M$, respectively and assume that $L>R+a$.
4. The fundamental rocket equation In this problem, we will investigate the acceleration of rockets. Rocket repulsion In empty space, an accelerating rocket must "throw" something backward to gain speed from repulsion. Assume there is zero gravity. The rocket ejects fuel from its tail to propel itself forward. From the rocket's frame of reference, the fuel is ejected at a constant (relative) velocity $\mathbf{u}$. The rate of fuel ejection is $\mu=d m / d t<0$, and this rate is constant until the fuel runs out. <img_4415> Figure 1: Rocket (and fuel inside) with mass $m$, ejecting fuel at rate $\mu=d m / d t$ with relative velocity $\mathbf{u}$. (Note: the $m$ in $\mu=d m / d t$ denotes the mass of rocket plus fuel, not the mass of an empty rocket.) Context question: (a) Consider a small time interval $\Delta t$ in the rocket's frame. $\Delta t$ is small enough that the rocket's frame can be considered an inertial frame (i.e., the frame has no acceleration). The amount of fuel ejected in this time is $\Delta m=|\mu| \Delta t$. (See Figure 2.) <img_4337> Figure 2: Rocket gaining speed $\Delta \mathbf{v}$ during interval $\Delta t$ by ejecting mass $\Delta m$ with relative velocity u. Write down the momentum-conservation relation between $\mathbf{u}, \Delta \mathbf{v}, \Delta m$ and $m$ (the total mass of the rocket and the fuel inside at the moment). What is the acceleration $\mathbf{a}=d \mathbf{v} / d t$ (independent of reference frame) in terms of $\mathbf{u}, \mu$ and $m$ ? Context answer: \boxed{$\mathbf{u} \Delta m+m \Delta \mathbf{v}=0$ , $\mathbf{a}=-\frac{\mu}{m} \mathbf{u}$} Context question: (b) Suppose that the rocket is stationary at time $t=0$. The empty rocket has mass $m_{0}$ and the rocket full of fuel has mass $9 m_{0}$. The engine is turned on at time $t=0$, and fuel is ejected at the rate $\mu$ and relative velocity $\mathbf{u}$ described previously. What will be the speed of the rocket when it runs out of fuel, in terms of $u=|\mathbf{u}|$ ? (Hint: useful integral formula: $\int_{a}^{b} \frac{1}{x} d x=\ln \left(\frac{b}{a}\right)$, and $\ln (10) \approx 2.302, \ln (9) \approx 2.197$.) Context answer: $u \ln 10$
(c) Discuss the factors that limit the final speed of the rocket.
Modern Physics
X-ray Diffraction from a crystal. We wish to study X-ray diffraction by a cubic crystal lattice. To do this we start with the diffraction of a plane, monochromatic wave that falls perpendicularly on a 2-dimensional grid that consists of $\mathrm{N}_{1} \times \mathrm{N}_{2}$ slits with separations $\mathrm{d}_{1}$ and $\mathrm{d}_{2}$. The diffraction pattern is observed on a screen at a distance $L$ from the grid. The screen is parallel to the grid and $\mathrm{L}$ is much larger than $\mathrm{d}_{1}$ and $\mathrm{d}_{2}$. Context question: a - Determine the positions and widths of the principal maximum on the screen. The width is defined as the distance between the minima on either side of the maxima. Context answer: $(x_{n_{1},} y_{n_{2}})=(\frac{n_{1} \cdot \lambda \cdot L}{d_{1}}, \frac{n_{2} \cdot \lambda \cdot L}{d_{2}})$; $2 \cdot \Delta x=2 \cdot \frac{\lambda \cdot L}{N_{1} \cdot d_{1}} ; \quad 2 \cdot \Delta y=2 \cdot \frac{\lambda \cdot L}{N_{2} \cdot d_{2}}$ Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: We consider now a cubic crystal, with lattice spacing a and size $\mathrm{N}_{0} \cdot a \times \mathrm{N}_{0} \cdot a \times \mathrm{N}_{1} \cdot a \cdot \mathrm{N}_{1}$ is much smaller than $\mathrm{N}_{0}$. The crystal is placed in a parallel X-ray beam along the z-axis at an angle $\Theta$ (see Fig. 1). The diffraction pattern is again observed on a screen at a great distance from the crystal. <img_4346> Figure 1 Diffraction of a parallel X-ray beam along the z-axis. The angle between the crystal and the $y$-axis is $\Theta$. Context question: b - Calculate the position and width of the maxima as a function of the angle $\Theta$ (for small $\Theta)$. Context answer: position is $(x_{n_{1}},y_{n_{2}},y_{n_{3}}^{\prime})=(\frac{n_{1} \lambda L}{a},\frac{n_{2} \lambda L}{a \cos (\theta)},\frac{n_{3} \lambda L}{a \sin (\theta)})$, and the width $\Delta x=2 \frac{\lambda L}{N_{0} a}$, $\Delta y=2 \frac{\lambda L}{N_{0} a \cos (\theta)}$, $\Delta y^{\prime}=2 \frac{\lambda L}{N_{1} a \sin (\theta)}$ Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: The diffraction pattern can also be derived by means of Bragg's theory, in which it is assumed that the X-rays are reflected from atomic planes in the lattice. The diffraction pattern then arises from interference of these reflected rays with each other.
c - Show that this so-called Bragg reflection yields the same conditions for the maxima as those that you found in $b$.
Electric experiments in the magnetosphere of the earth. In May 1991 the spaceship Atlantis will be placed in orbit around the earth. We shall assume that this orbit will be circular and that it lies in the earth's equatorial plane. At some predetermined moment the spaceship will release a satellite $S$, which is attached to a conducting rod of length $\mathrm{L}$. We suppose that the rod is rigid, has negligible mass, and is covered by an electrical insulator. We also neglect all friction. Let $\alpha$ be the angle that the rod makes to the line between the Atlantis and the centre of the earth. (see Fig. 1). S also lies in the equatorial plane. Assume that the mass of the satellite is much smaller than that of the Atlantis, and that $\mathrm{L}$ is much smaller than the radius of the orbit. <img_4434> Figure 1 The spaceship Atlantis (A) with a satellite (S) in an orbit around the earth. The orbit lies in the earth's equatorial plane. The magnetic field (B) is perpendicular to the diagram and is directed towards the reader. Context question: $a_{1}$ - Deduce for which value(s) of $\alpha$ the configuration of the spaceship and satellite remain unchanged (with respect to the earth)? In other words, for which value(s) of $\alpha$ is $\alpha$ constant? Context answer: \boxed{$0,\pi,\frac{\pi}{2},\frac{3\pi}{2}$}
$a_{2}$ - Discuss the stability of the equilibrium for each case.
Electric experiments in the magnetosphere of the earth. In May 1991 the spaceship Atlantis will be placed in orbit around the earth. We shall assume that this orbit will be circular and that it lies in the earth's equatorial plane. At some predetermined moment the spaceship will release a satellite $S$, which is attached to a conducting rod of length $\mathrm{L}$. We suppose that the rod is rigid, has negligible mass, and is covered by an electrical insulator. We also neglect all friction. Let $\alpha$ be the angle that the rod makes to the line between the Atlantis and the centre of the earth. (see Fig. 1). S also lies in the equatorial plane. Assume that the mass of the satellite is much smaller than that of the Atlantis, and that $\mathrm{L}$ is much smaller than the radius of the orbit. <img_4434> Figure 1 The spaceship Atlantis (A) with a satellite (S) in an orbit around the earth. The orbit lies in the earth's equatorial plane. The magnetic field (B) is perpendicular to the diagram and is directed towards the reader. Context question: $a_{1}$ - Deduce for which value(s) of $\alpha$ the configuration of the spaceship and satellite remain unchanged (with respect to the earth)? In other words, for which value(s) of $\alpha$ is $\alpha$ constant? Context answer: \boxed{$0,\pi,\frac{\pi}{2},\frac{3\pi}{2}$} Context question: $a_{2}$ - Discuss the stability of the equilibrium for each case. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: Suppose that, at a given moment, the rod deviates from the stable configuration by a small angle. The system will begin to swing like a pendulum.
$\mathrm{b}$ - Express the period of the swinging in terms of the period of revolution of the system around the earth.
a) Consider a plane-parallel transparent plate, where the refractive index, $n$, varies with distance, $z$, from the lower surface (see figure). Show that $n_{A} \sin \alpha=n_{B} \sin \beta$. The notation is that of the figure.
Context question: a) Consider a plane-parallel transparent plate, where the refractive index, $n$, varies with distance, $z$, from the lower surface (see figure). Show that $n_{A} \sin \alpha=n_{B} \sin \beta$. The notation is that of the figure. <img_4366> Context answer: \boxed{证明题}
b) Assume that you are standing in a large flat desert. At some distance you see what appears to be a water surface. When you approach the "water" is seems to move away such that the distance to the "water" is always constant. Explain the phenomenon.
Electrostatic lens Consider a uniformly charged metallic ring of radius $R$ and total charge $q$. The ring is a hollow toroid of thickness $2 a \ll R$. This thickness can be neglected in parts A, B, C, and E. The $x y$ plane coincides with the plane of the ring, while the $z$-axis is perpendicular to it, as shown in Figure 1. In parts A and B you might need to use the formula (Taylor expansion) $$ (1+x)^{\varepsilon} \approx 1+\varepsilon x+\frac{1}{2} \varepsilon(\varepsilon-1) x^{2}, \text { when }|x| \ll 1 \text {. } $$ <img_4405> Figure 1. A charged ring of radius $R$. Part A. Electrostatic potential on the axis of the ring (1 point) Context question: A.1 Calculate the electrostatic potential $\Phi(z)$ along the axis of the ring at a $z$ distance from its center (point A in Figure 1). Context answer: \boxed{$\Phi(z)=\frac{q}{4 \pi \varepsilon_{0}} \frac{1}{\sqrt{R^{2}+z^{2}}}$.} Context question: A.2 Calculate the electrostatic potential $\Phi(z)$ to the lowest non-zero power of $z$, assuming $z \ll R$. Context answer: \boxed{$\Phi(z) \approx \frac{q}{4 \pi \varepsilon_{0} R}(1-\frac{z^{2}}{2 R^{2}})$} Context question: A.3 An electron (mass $m$ and charge $-e$ ) is placed at point A (Figure 1, $z \ll R$ ). What is the force acting on the electron? Looking at the expression of the force, determine the sign of $q$ so that the resulting motion would correspond to oscillations. The moving electron does not influence the charge distribution on the ring. Context answer: $F(z)=-\frac{q e}{4 \pi \varepsilon_{0} R^{3}} z$, q>0 Context question: A.4 What is the angular frequency $\omega$ of such harmonic oscillations? Context answer: \boxed{$\omega=\sqrt{\frac{q e}{4 \pi m \varepsilon_{0} R^{3}}}$} Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: Part B. Electrostatic potential in the plane of the ring In this part of the problem you will have to analyze the potential $\Phi(r)$ in the plane of the ring $(z=0)$ for $r \ll R$ (point $\mathrm{B}$ in Figure 1). To the lowest non-zero power of $r$ the electrostatic potential is given by $\Phi(r) \approx q\left(\alpha+\beta r^{2}\right)$. Context question: B.1 Find the expression for $\beta$. You might need to use the Taylor expansion formula given above. Context answer: \boxed{$\beta=\frac{1}{16 \pi \varepsilon_{0} R^{3}}$} Context question: B.2 An electron is placed at point $\mathrm{B}$ (Figure $1, r \ll R$ ). What is the force acting on the electron? Looking at the expression of the force, determine the sign of $q$ so that the resulting motion would correspond to harmonic oscillations. The moving electron does not influence the charge distribution on the ring. Context answer: $F(r)=+\frac{q e}{8 \pi \varepsilon_{0} R^{3}} r . \quad q<0$. Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: Part C. The focal length of the idealized electrostatic lens: instantaneous charging One wants to build a device to focus electrons-an electrostatic lens. Let us consider the following construction. The ring is situated perpendicularly to the $z$-axis, as shown in Figure 2. We have a source that produces on-demand packets of non-relativistic electrons. Kinetic energy of these electrons is $E=m v^{2} / 2$ ( $v$ is velocity) and they leave the source at precisely controlled moments. The system is programmed so that the ring is charge-neutral most of the time, but its charge becomes $q$ when electrons are closer than a distance $d / 2(d \ll R)$ from the plane of the ring (shaded region in Figure 2, called "active region"). In part $\mathrm{C}$ assume that charging and de-charging processes are instantaneous and the electric field "fills the space" instantaneously as well. One can neglect magnetic fields and assume that the velocity of electrons in the $z$-direction is constant. Moving electrons do not perturb the charge distribution on the ring. <img_4381> Figure 2. A model of an electrostatic lens. Context question: C.1 Determine the focal length $f$ of this lens. Assume that $f \gg d$. Express your answer in terms of the constant $\beta$ from question B. 1 and other known quantities. Assume that before reaching the "active region" the electron packet is parallel to the $z$-axis and $r \ll R$. The sign of $q$ is such so that the lens is focusing. Context answer: \boxed{$f=-\frac{E}{e q d \beta}$} Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: In reality the electron source is placed on the $z$-axis at a distance $b>f$ from the center of the ring. Consider that electrons are no longer parallel to the $z$-axis before reaching the "active region", but are emitted from a point source at a range of different angles $\gamma \ll 1$ rad to the $z$-axis. Electrons are focused in a point situated at a distance $c$ from the center of the ring. Context question: C.2 Find $c$. Express your answer in terms of the constant $\beta$ from question B.1 and other known quantities. Context answer: \boxed{$c=-\frac{1}{\frac{e q \beta d}{E}+\frac{1}{b}}$.}
C.3 Is the equation of a thin optical lens $$ \frac{1}{b}+\frac{1}{c}=\frac{1}{f} $$ fulfilled for the electrostatic lens? Show it by explicitly calculating $1 / b+1 / c$.
Modern Physics
Particles and Waves Wave-particle duality, which states that each particle can be described as a wave and vice versa, is one of the central concepts of quantum mechanics. In this problem, we will rely on this notion and just a few other basic assumptions to explore a selection of quantum phenomena covering the two distinct types of particles of the microworld-fermions and bosons. Part A. Quantum particle in a box Consider a particle of mass $m$ moving in a one-dimensional potential well, where its potential energy $V(x)$ is given by $$ V(x)= \begin{cases}0, & 0 \leq x \leq L \\ \infty, & x<0 \text { or } x>L\end{cases} \tag{1} $$ While classical particle can move in such a potential having any kinetic energy, for quantum particle only some specific positive discrete energy levels are allowed. In any such allowed state, the particle can be described as a standing de Broglie wave with nodes at the walls. Context question: A.1 Determine the minimal possible energy $E_{\min }$ of the quantum particle in the well. Express your answer in terms of $m, L$, and the Planck's constant $h$. Context answer: \boxed{$E_{\min }=\frac{h^{2}}{8 m L^{2}}$} Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: The particle's state with minimal possible energy is called the ground state, and all the rest allowed states are called excited states. Let us sort all the possible energy values in the increasing order and denote them as $E_{n}$, starting from $E_{1}$ for the ground state. Context question: A.2 Find the general expression for the energy $E_{n}$ (here $n=1,2,3, \ldots$ ). Context answer: \boxed{$E_{n}=\frac{h^{2} n^{2}}{8 m L^{2}}$} Context question: A.3 Particle can undergo instantaneous transition from one state to another only by emitting or absorbing a photon of the corresponding energy difference. Find the wavelength $\lambda_{21}$ of the photon emitted during the transition of the particle from the first excited state $\left(E_{2}\right)$ to the ground state $\left(E_{1}\right)$. Context answer: \boxed{$\lambda_{21}=\frac{8 m c L^{2}}{3 h}$} Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: Part C. Bose-Einstein condensation This part is not directly related to Parts A and B. Here, we will study the collective behaviour of bosonic particles. Bosons do not respect the Pauli exclusion principle, and-at low temperatures or high densitiesexperience a dramatic phenomenon known as the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC). This is a phase transition to an intriguing collective quantum state: a large number of identical particles 'condense' into a single quantum state and start behaving as a single wave. The transition is typically reached by cooling a fixed number of particles below the critical temperature. In principle, it can also be induced by keeping the temperature fixed and driving the particle density past its critical value. We begin by exploring the relation between the temperature and the particle density at the transition. As it turns out, estimates of their critical values can be deduced from a simple observation: Bose-Einstein condensation takes place when the de Broglie wavelength corresponding to the mean square speed of the particles is equal to the characteristic distance between the particles in a gas. Context question: C.1 Given a non-interacting gas of ${ }^{87} \mathrm{Rb}$ atoms in thermal equilibrium, write the expressions for their typical linear momentum $p$ and the typical de Broglie wavelength $\lambda_{\mathrm{dB}}$ as a function of atom's mass $m$, temperature $T$ and physical constants. Context answer: \boxed{$p=\sqrt{3 m k_{\mathrm{B}} T}$ , $\lambda_{\mathrm{dB}}=\frac{h}{\sqrt{3 m k_{\mathrm{B}} T}}$} Context question: C.2 Calculate the typical distance between the particles in a gas, $\ell$, as a function of particle density $n$. Hence deduce the critical temperature $T_{c}$ as a function of atom's mass, their density and physical constants. Context answer: \boxed{$\ell=n^{-1 / 3}$ , $T_{c}=\frac{h^{2} n^{2 / 3}}{3 m k_{\mathrm{B}}}$} Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: To realize BEC in the lab, the experimentalists have to cool gases to temperatures as low as $T_{c}=100 \mathrm{nK}$. Context question: C.3 What is the particle density of the Rb gas $n_{c}$ if the transition takes place at such= a temperature? For the sake of comparison, calculate also the 'ordinary' particle density $n_{0}$ of an ideal gas at the standard temperature and pressure (STP), i.e. $T_{0}=300 \mathrm{~K}$ and $p_{0}=10^{5} \mathrm{~Pa}$. How many times is the 'ordinary' gas denser? You may assume that the mass of the atoms is equal to 87 atomic mass units $\left(m_{\mathrm{amu}}\right)$. Context answer: Expression: $n_{c}=\frac{\left(3 \cdot 87 m_{\mathrm{amu}} k_{\mathrm{B}} T_{c}\right)^{3 / 2}}{h^{3}}$. Numerical value: $n_{c} \approx 1.59 \cdot 10^{18} \mathrm{~m}^{-3}$. Expression: $n_{0}=p /\left(k_{\mathrm{B}} T\right)$. Numerical value: $n_{0} / n_{c} \approx 1.5 \cdot 10^{7}$. Extra Supplementary Reading Materials: Part D. Three-beam optical lattices The first Bose-Einstein condensates were produced back in 1995, and since then the experimental work has branched out in diverse directions. In this part, you will investigate one particularly fruitful idea to load the condensate into spatially periodic potentials created by interfering a number of coherent laser beams. Due to the periodic nature of the resulting interference patterns, they are referred to as optical lattices. The potential energy $V(\vec{r})$ of an atom moving in an optical lattice is proportional to the local intensity of the light, and in your calculations you may assume that $$ V(\vec{r})=-\alpha\left\langle|\vec{E}(\vec{r}, t)|^{2}\right\rangle \tag{2} $$ Here, $\alpha$ is a positive constant, and the angle brackets indicate time-averaging which eliminates the rapidly oscillating terms. The electric field produced by the $i$-th laser is described by $$ \vec{E}_{i}=E_{0, i} \vec{\varepsilon}_{i} \cos \left(\vec{k}_{i} \cdot \vec{r}-\omega t\right) \tag{3} $$ with the amplitude $E_{0, i}$, the wave vector $\vec{k}_{i}$, and the unit-length polarization vector $\vec{\varepsilon}_{i}$. <img_4443> (a) <img_4554> (b) <img_4345> (c) Figure 2. (a) Three-beam optical lattice: three plane waves with wave vectors $\vec{k}_{1,2,3}$ intersect and interfere in the area indicated by the grey circle. (b) Symmetries of a regular hexagon: solid and dashed lines show two sets of symmetry axes. (c) Saddle point: a point on a surface where the slopes in orthogonal directions are all zero, but which is not a local extremum of the plotted function. Travelling along the trajectory marked by the full line one encounters an apparent minimum. Additional analysis of the perpendicular direction (dashed line) is needed to distinguish a true minimum from a saddle point (shown). Your task is to study triangular optical lattices that are produced by interfering three coherent laser beams of equal intensity. A typical setup is shown in Fig. 2a. Here, all three beams are polarized in the $z$ direction, propagate in the $x y$ plane and intersect at equal angles of $120^{\circ}$. Choose the direction of the $x$ axis parallel to the wave vector $\vec{k}_{1}$. Context question: D.1 Using Eqs. 2 and 3 obtain the expression for the potential energy $V(\vec{r})$ as a function of $\vec{r}=(x, y)$ in the plane of the beams. Hint: the result can be neatly expressed as a constant term plus a sum of three cosine functions of arguments $\vec{b}_{i} \cdot \vec{r}$. Please write your result in this form and identify the vectors $\vec{b}_{i}$. Context answer: \boxed{$V(\vec{r})=-\alpha E_{0}^{2}\left(\frac{3}{2}+\sum_{j=1}^{3} \cos \vec{b}_{j} \cdot \vec{r}\right)$,$\vec{b}_{1}=\vec{k}_{2}-\vec{k}_{3}, \quad \vec{b}_{2}=\vec{k}_{3}-\vec{k}_{1}, \quad \vec{b}_{3}=\vec{k}_{1}-\vec{k}_{2}$}
D.2 The resulting potential energy has a sixfold rotational symmetry axis, i.e., the potential distribution is invariant with respect to a rotation by a multiple of $60^{\circ}$ around the origin. Provide a simple argument to prove that this is indeed the case.
Figure 1.1 <img_4357> A plane monochromatic light wave, wavelength $\lambda$ and frequency $f$, is incident normally on two identical narrow slits, separated by a distance $d$, as indicated in Figure 1.1. The light wave emerging at each slit is given, at a distance $x$ in a direction $\theta$ at time $t$, by $$ y=a \cos [2 \pi(f t-x / \lambda)] $$ where the amplitude $a$ is the same for both waves. (Assume $x$ is much larger than $d$ ).
(i) Show that the two waves observed at an angle $\theta$ to a normal to the slits, have a resultant amplitude A which can be obtained by adding two vectors, each having magnitude $a$, and each with an associated direction determined by the phase of the light wave. Verify geometrically, from the vector diagram, that $$ A=2 a \cos \theta $$ where $$ \beta=\frac{\pi}{\lambda} d \sin \theta $$
Figure 1.1 <img_4357> A plane monochromatic light wave, wavelength $\lambda$ and frequency $f$, is incident normally on two identical narrow slits, separated by a distance $d$, as indicated in Figure 1.1. The light wave emerging at each slit is given, at a distance $x$ in a direction $\theta$ at time $t$, by $$ y=a \cos [2 \pi(f t-x / \lambda)] $$ where the amplitude $a$ is the same for both waves. (Assume $x$ is much larger than $d$ ). Context question: (i) Show that the two waves observed at an angle $\theta$ to a normal to the slits, have a resultant amplitude A which can be obtained by adding two vectors, each having magnitude $a$, and each with an associated direction determined by the phase of the light wave. Verify geometrically, from the vector diagram, that $$ A=2 a \cos \theta $$ where $$ \beta=\frac{\pi}{\lambda} d \sin \theta $$ Context answer: \boxed{证明题}
(ii) The double slit is replaced by a diffraction grating with $N$ equally spaced slits, adjacent slits being separated by a distance $d$. Use the vector method of adding amplitudes to show that the vector amplitudes, each of magnitude $a$, form a part of a regular polygon with vertices on a circle of radius $R$ given by $$ R=\frac{a}{2 \sin \beta} $$ Deduce that the resultant amplitude is $$ \frac{a \sin N \beta}{\sin \beta} $$ and obtain the resultant phase difference relative to that of the light from the slit at the edge of the grating.
Figure 1.1 <img_4357> A plane monochromatic light wave, wavelength $\lambda$ and frequency $f$, is incident normally on two identical narrow slits, separated by a distance $d$, as indicated in Figure 1.1. The light wave emerging at each slit is given, at a distance $x$ in a direction $\theta$ at time $t$, by $$ y=a \cos [2 \pi(f t-x / \lambda)] $$ where the amplitude $a$ is the same for both waves. (Assume $x$ is much larger than $d$ ). Context question: (i) Show that the two waves observed at an angle $\theta$ to a normal to the slits, have a resultant amplitude A which can be obtained by adding two vectors, each having magnitude $a$, and each with an associated direction determined by the phase of the light wave. Verify geometrically, from the vector diagram, that $$ A=2 a \cos \theta $$ where $$ \beta=\frac{\pi}{\lambda} d \sin \theta $$ Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (ii) The double slit is replaced by a diffraction grating with $N$ equally spaced slits, adjacent slits being separated by a distance $d$. Use the vector method of adding amplitudes to show that the vector amplitudes, each of magnitude $a$, form a part of a regular polygon with vertices on a circle of radius $R$ given by $$ R=\frac{a}{2 \sin \beta} $$ Deduce that the resultant amplitude is $$ \frac{a \sin N \beta}{\sin \beta} $$ and obtain the resultant phase difference relative to that of the light from the slit at the edge of the grating. Context answer: \boxed{证明题} Context question: (iv) Determine the intensities of the principal intensity maxima. Context answer: \boxed{$N^{2} a^{2}$}
(v) Show that the number of principal maxima cannot exceed $$ \left(\frac{2 d}{\lambda}+1\right) $$
Three particles, each of mass $m$, are in equilibrium and joined by unstretched massless springs, each with Hooke's Law spring constant $k$. They are constrained to move in a circular path as indicated in Figure 3.1. Figure 3.1 <img_4463> Context question: (i) If each mass is displaced from equilibrium by small displacements $u_{1}, u_{2}$ and $u_{3}$ respectively, write down the equation of motion for each mass. Context answer: $$ \begin{aligned} & m \frac{d^{2} u_{1}}{d t^{2}}=k\left(u_{2}-u_{1}\right)+k\left(u_{3}-u_{1}\right) \\ & m \frac{d^{2} u_{2}}{d t^{2}}=k\left(u_{3}-u_{2}\right)+k\left(u_{1}-u_{2}\right) \\ & m \frac{d^{2} u_{3}}{d t^{2}}=k\left(u_{1}-u_{3}\right)+k\left(u_{2}-u_{3}\right) \end{aligned} $$
(ii) Verify that the system has simple harmonic solutions of the form $$ u_{n}=a_{n} \cos \omega t $$ with accelerations, $\left(-\omega^{2} u_{n}\right)$ where $a_{n}(n=1,2,3)$ are constant amplitudes, and $\omega$, the angular frequency, can have 3 possible values, $$ \omega_{o} \sqrt{3}, \omega_{o} \sqrt{3} \text { and } 0 \text {. where } \omega_{o}^{2}=\frac{k}{m} \text {. } $$