import os |
import json |
import shutil |
from pathlib import Path |
import re |
def extract_info_from_filename(filename, attack_type): |
"""Extract relevant information from filename.""" |
label = 'True' if 'labelTrue' in filename else 'False' if 'labelFalse' in filename else None |
pred_match = re.search(r'pred(\d+)', filename) |
prediction = int(pred_match.group(1)) if pred_match else float('nan') |
base_num_match = re.search(r'[_](\d+)(?:_|\.)', filename) |
base_num = base_num_match.group(1) if base_num_match else None |
if filename.startswith('adv_'): |
img_type = 'adversarial' |
elif filename.startswith('orig_'): |
img_type = 'original' |
elif filename.startswith(('perturbation_', 'transformation_')): |
img_type = 'perturbation' |
else: |
img_type = None |
return label, prediction, img_type, base_num |
def create_new_filename(filename, attack_name, base_num): |
"""Create new filename with attack name and PCam-style numbering.""" |
name_parts = filename.rsplit('.', 1) |
extension = name_parts[1] if len(name_parts) > 1 else 'png' |
if filename.startswith(('perturbation_', 'transformation_')): |
prefix = 'perturbation_' if filename.startswith('perturbation_') else 'transformation_' |
return f"{prefix}{base_num}_{attack_name}.{extension}" |
elif filename.startswith('adv_'): |
return f"adv_{base_num}_{attack_name}.{extension}" |
elif filename.startswith('orig_'): |
return f"orig_{base_num}_{attack_name}.{extension}" |
return filename |
def determine_attack_category(path): |
"""Determine if the attack is black box or non-black box based on path.""" |
path_str = str(path).lower() |
if "black_box_attacks" in path_str: |
return "black_box_attacks" |
elif "non_black_box_attacks" in path_str: |
return "non_black_box_attacks" |
return None |
def organize_dataset(base_path, cleanup_original=False): |
""" |
Organize dataset into PCam-style structure with only train split. |
""" |
base_path = Path(base_path) |
output_base = base_path / "organized_dataset" |
labels = ['0', '1'] |
for label in labels: |
(output_base / 'train' / label).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) |
(output_base / 'perturbations').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) |
(output_base / 'originals').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) |
dataset_entries = [] |
file_groups = {} |
for root, _, files in os.walk(base_path): |
for file in files: |
if file.endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg')) and file != '.DS_Store': |
full_path = Path(root) / file |
attack_category = determine_attack_category(full_path) |
if not attack_category: |
continue |
attack_type = full_path.parent.name |
if attack_type in ['black_box_attacks', 'non_black_box_attacks', '.DS_Store']: |
continue |
label, prediction, img_type, base_num = extract_info_from_filename(file, attack_type) |
if base_num: |
key = (base_num, attack_type, attack_category) |
if key not in file_groups: |
file_groups[key] = [] |
file_groups[key].append((full_path, label, prediction, img_type)) |
for key, files in file_groups.items(): |
base_num, attack_type, attack_category = key |
entry = { |
"attack": attack_type, |
"type": attack_category, |
"perturbation": None, |
"adversarial": None, |
"original": [], |
"label": None, |
"prediction": None |
} |
for file_path, label, prediction, img_type in files: |
if img_type == 'adversarial' and label: |
entry["label"] = 1 if label == "True" else 0 |
entry["prediction"] = prediction |
break |
if entry["label"] is None: |
continue |
label_str = str(entry["label"]) |
dest_folder = output_base / 'train' / label_str |
for file_path, _, _, img_type in files: |
old_filename = file_path.name |
new_filename = create_new_filename(old_filename, attack_type, base_num) |
if img_type == 'perturbation': |
dest = output_base / 'perturbations' |
rel_path = f"perturbations/{new_filename}" |
elif img_type == 'original': |
dest = output_base / 'originals' |
rel_path = f"originals/{new_filename}" |
else: |
dest = dest_folder |
rel_path = f"train/{label_str}/{new_filename}" |
shutil.copy2(file_path, dest / new_filename) |
if img_type == 'perturbation': |
entry["perturbation"] = rel_path |
elif img_type == 'adversarial': |
entry["adversarial"] = rel_path |
elif img_type == 'original': |
entry["original"].append(rel_path) |
if entry["perturbation"] or entry["adversarial"] or entry["original"]: |
dataset_entries.append(entry) |
hf_dataset = { |
"train": { |
"features": { |
"image_path": {"dtype": "string", "_type": "Value"}, |
"label": {"dtype": "int64", "_type": "Value"}, |
"prediction": {"dtype": "int64", "_type": "Value"}, |
"attack": {"dtype": "string", "_type": "Value"}, |
"attack_type": {"dtype": "string", "_type": "Value"}, |
"perturbation_path": {"dtype": "string", "_type": "Value"}, |
"original_path": {"dtype": "string", "_type": "Value"} |
}, |
"rows": [] |
} |
} |
for entry in dataset_entries: |
if entry["adversarial"]: |
hf_entry = { |
"image_path": entry["adversarial"], |
"label": entry["label"], |
"prediction": entry["prediction"] if entry["prediction"] is not None else -1, |
"attack": entry["attack"], |
"attack_type": entry["type"], |
"perturbation_path": entry["perturbation"] if entry["perturbation"] else "", |
"original_path": entry["original"][0] if entry["original"] else "" |
} |
hf_dataset["train"]["rows"].append(hf_entry) |
with open(output_base / "dataset.json", 'w') as f: |
json.dump(hf_dataset, f, indent=4) |
if cleanup_original: |
print("Cleaning up original files...") |
for folder in ['black_box_attacks', 'non_black_box_attacks']: |
folder_path = base_path / folder |
if folder_path.exists(): |
shutil.rmtree(folder_path) |
print(f"Deleted {folder}") |
return output_base |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
cleanup = input("Do you want to delete original files after organization? (yes/no): ").lower() == 'yes' |
script_dir = Path(__file__).parent |
output_path = organize_dataset(script_dir, cleanup) |
print(f"Dataset organized and saved to: {output_path}") |