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Although Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson led the Brexit campaign, the ministry itself is seen as firmly pro-Remain and Eurosceptics would be aghast if it got more power over continuing negotiations with the EU. One source said keeping the Brexit department after Britain formally leaves the EU would send the wrong message to voters, given Theresa May’s pledge to take us out next year. “You can’t have a Department for Exiting the European Union after you’ve exited the European Union,” said the official. “We have to give people concrete evidence that we’ve left the EU." | Foreign secretary does not support withdrawing from the United Kingdom. | 2 | Meskipun Sekretaris Luar Negeri Boris Johnson memimpin kampanye Brexit, kementerian itu sendiri terlihat sebagai pro-Remain dan Euroceptics akan lebih berkuasa untuk terus bernegosiasi dengan Uni Eropa. satu sumber mengatakan menjaga departemen Brexit setelah Inggris secara resmi meninggalkan Uni Eropa secara resmi akan mengirim pesan yang salah kepada pemilih, memberikan Theresa May Cristians berjanji untuk membawa kami keluar tahun depan. Anda tidak dapat memiliki departemen untuk Keluar dari Uni Eropa setelah Anda keluar dari Uni Eropa, kata pejabat. | Sekretaris asing tidak mendukung mundur dari Kerajaan Inggris. |
How to write a personal interest statement<br>Look over the requirements for your personal statement. Each school or organization has its own guidelines for length and font. While some personal interest statements ask specific questions they want you to answer, others are wide open for you to write whatever you wish. | You can't write whatever you want in a personal interest statement. | 2 | Bagaimana menulis pernyataan bunga pribadi <br> Lihatlah persyaratan untuk pernyataan pribadi Anda. Setiap sekolah atau organisasi memiliki pedoman sendiri untuk panjang dan fonta. Sementara beberapa pernyataan bunga pribadi mengajukan pertanyaan spesifik mereka ingin Anda menjawab, yang lain terbuka lebar bagi Anda untuk menulis apa pun yang Anda inginkan. | Anda tidak dapat menulis apa pun yang Anda inginkan dalam pernyataan bunga pribadi. |
True as a Turtle is a 1957 British comedy film directed by Wendy Toye and starring John Gregson, Cecil Parker, June Thorburn and Keith Michell. In the film, a young couple embark on a voyage on a ketch named "Turtle". John Coates wrote the screenplay, based on his novel of the same name. | June Thoreburn liked the film Turtle | 1 | Benar sebagai Turtle adalah film komedi Inggris tahun 1957 yang disutradarai oleh Wendy Toye dan membintangi John Gregson, Cecil Parker, June Thorburn dan Keith Michell. | June Thoreburn menyukai film Turtle |
Editors are an English rock band, formed in 2002 in Birmingham. Previously known as Pilot, The Pride and Snowfield, the band currently consists of Tom Smith (lead vocals, guitar, piano), Russell Leetch (bass guitar, synthesizer, backing vocals), Ed Lay (drums, percussion, backing vocals), Justin Lockey (lead guitar), and Elliott Williams (keys, synthesizers, guitars, and backing vocals). | Four members of the Editors can play a guitar. | 0 | Editor adalah band rock Inggris, yang terbentuk pada tahun 2002 di Birmingham. Sebelumnya dikenal sebagai Pilot, The Pride and Snowfield, band yang saat ini terdiri dari Tom Smith (suara utama, gitar, piano), Russell Leetch (gitar Bass, synthesizer, penyanyi latar belakang), Ed Lay (drum, perkusi, vokal), Justin Lockey (giy guitar), dan Elliott Williams (kunci). | Empat anggota Editor bisa bermain gitar. |
Speaking of Jean Charles de Menezes, who was chased by armed officers into the station and shot five times at close range, his cousin, Alex Pereira, hinted today that his family would sue Scotland Yard over the killing. | Alex shot himself in the head after hearing about his cousin's death. | 2 | Berbicara tentang Jean Charles de Menezes, yang dikejar oleh petugas bersenjata ke stasiun dan ditembak lima kali jarak dekat, sepupunya, Alex Pereira, mengisyaratkan hari ini bahwa keluarganya akan menuntut Scotland Yard atas pembunuhan. | Alex menembak kepalanya sendiri setelah mendengar tentang kematian sepupunya. |
Coriolano: eroe senza patria (English Translation: Coriolanus: "Hero without a Country") is a 1963 Italian historical drama film set in Rome in 493 BC. The plot is an adaptation of the Roman legend about the general who won great victories for the Romans over their enemies the Volscians, but was then forced into exile by his political enemies at home. | Hero without a country was not successfull in the box office | 1 | Coriolanno: eroe senza patria (Terjemahan Inggris: Coriolanus: "Hero tanpa Negara") adalah drama sejarah Italia tahun 1963 yang diset di Roma pada tahun 493 SM. Alur ini adalah adaptasi legenda Romawi tentang jenderal yang memenangkan kemenangan besar bagi orang Romawi atas musuh - musuh mereka orang Volscian, tetapi kemudian dipaksa untuk diasingkan oleh musuh - musuh politiknya di rumah. | Pahlawan tanpa negara tidak berhasil di box office |
Bunny Cupcakes<br>Cindy was baking cupcakes with bunny faces for an Easter party. But she was not an experienced baker. When her cupcakes came out of the oven, the bunny faces were deformed. And Cindy was too embarrassed to take them to the party. She secretly ate all of the cupcakes on her own. | Cindy has a low paying job | 1 | Bunny Cupcakes<br>Cindy sedang memanggang cupcakes dengan wajah kelinci untuk pesta Paskah tapi dia bukan pembuat roti berpengalaman ketika kue mangkuknya keluar dari oven wajah kelinci itu cacat dan Cindy terlalu malu untuk membawa mereka ke pesta dia diam-diam memakan semua kue mangkuknya sendiri | Cindy memiliki pekerjaan bergaji rendah |
I look forward to our study of Bill C-54, and the appearance before the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce of the Privacy Commissioner, who for many years has advocated that his office act as supervisor of the application of the various privacy codes developed by financial and other institutions. | Bill C-54 legislates that Tommy Douglas be declared a national hero. | 1 | Saya berharap untuk studi kami tentang Bill C-54, dan penampilan sebelum Komite Senat Berdiri tentang Perbankan, Perdagangan dan Perdagangan Komisaris Privasi, yang selama bertahun-tahun telah menganjurkan bahwa kantornya bertindak sebagai pengawas aplikasi dari berbagai kode privasi dikembangkan oleh keuangan dan lembaga lainnya. | Bill C-54 legislates bahwa Tommy Douglas akan dinyatakan pahlawan nasional. |
Ochagavia is a genus of the botanical family Bromeliaceae, subfamily Bromelioideae. The genus is named for Sylvestris Ochagavia, Chilean minister of education. Endemic to southern and central Chile (including the Juan Fernández Islands), this genus is represented by four accepted species. | The highest concentration of Ochagavia can be found on the Juan Fernández Islands | 1 | Ochagavia adalah genus dari keluarga botani Bromeliaceae, subfamiy Bromelioideae. genus ini diwakili oleh empat spesies yang diterima oleh Sylvestris Ochagavia, menteri pendidikan di Chili bagian selatan dan tengah (termasuk Kepulauan Juan Fernández). | Konsentrasi tertinggi Ochagavia dapat ditemukan di Kepulauan Juan Fernández |
Shameless Self-Promotion Is the Sloppy Meateaters' first studio album. The album contained the two original members of the band Josh Chambers (Sloppy Josh) and drummer Kevin Highfield (Sloppy Kevin). Although only two members of the band were recorded on the album the cover of the re-released album contained Travis Gerke who joined the band after the original release. | The band went on tour all over the world | 1 | Album berisi dua anggota asli dari band Josh Chambers (Sloppy Josh) dan drummer Kevin Highfield (Sloppy Kevin) meskipun hanya dua anggota band yang direkam pada album sampul album re-release berisi Travis Gerke yang bergabung dengan band setelah rilis asli. | Band pergi tur di seluruh dunia |
Folks will be able to use a free Greeley Evans Transit shuttle to get around the 39th annual Greeley Arts Picnic from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. The bus will stop at 15th Street and 15th Avenue to board, which is wheelchair accessible, according to a news release. Greeley Central High School's north and west parking lots are available for shuttle parking. Shuttles will then drop people off on 10th Avenue across from Lincoln Park. The shuttle will run from both stops about every 10 minutes. | The bus used to also stop at 14th street, but it caused to many delays. | 1 | Orang-orang akan dapat menggunakan gratis Greeley Evans Transit shuttle untuk mendapatkan sekitar 39 tahunan Greeley Arts Picnic dari 9 pagi sampai 5 hari Sabtu dan 10 pagi sampai 4 malam Minggu. bus akan berhenti di 15th Street dan 15th Avenue ke papan tulis, yang dapat diakses oleh kursi roda, menurut berita. | Busnya juga berhenti di jalan 14th, tetapi menyebabkan banyak penundaan. |
How to start free running<br>You need to start off slow and small. During your first few months it is recommended that you condition your body every day and practice small techniques repetitively to build muscle coordination and confidence. Performing some form of calisthenics & a bit of weight training goes a long way. | Performing some form of calisthenics & a bit of weight training goes a short way. | 2 | Bagaimana memulai berjalan bebas <br> Anda perlu memulai dengan lambat dan kecil. Selama beberapa bulan pertama Anda direkomendasikan untuk mengkondisikan tubuh Anda setiap hari dan berlatih teknik kecil berulang-ulang untuk membangun koordinasi otot dan kepercayaan diri. Melakukan beberapa bentuk calisthenics & sedikit pelatihan berat berjalan jauh. | Melakukan beberapa bentuk calisthenics & sedikit pelatihan berat badan berjalan pendek. |
Hurting Eyes<br>I got a new job in an office. I worked on the computer all day. This caused my eyes to hurt badly. My mother bought me shades to wear while at work. Now my eyes would not hurt from the computer screen. | The computer did not cause his eyes to hurt. | 2 | Melukai Mata<br> saya mendapat pekerjaan baru di kantor. saya bekerja di komputer sepanjang hari. ini menyebabkan mata saya sakit parah. ibu saya membelikan saya nuansa untuk dipakai saat bekerja. sekarang mata saya tidak akan sakit dari layar komputer. | Komputer tidak menyebabkan matanya sakit. |
BEIJING — In the decade since the Chinese government began repressing Falun Gong, a crusade that human rights groups say has led to the imprisonment of tens of thousands of practitioners and claimed at least 2,000 lives, the world's attention has shifted elsewhere. The drive against the spiritual group has eliminated its leadership, decimated the ranks of faithful and convinced many Chinese that the group is an "evil cult," as the government contends. But 10 years on, the war on Falun Gong remains unfinished. | 2000 people had died | 0 | Dalam dekade ini, sejak pemerintah Cina mulai menekan Falah Gong, sebuah perang salib yang menurut kelompok hak asasi manusia telah menyebabkan penjara puluhan ribu praktisi dan mengklaim setidaknya 2.000 nyawa, perhatian dunia telah berubah di tempat lain. perang terhadap Falun Gong tetap belum selesai. | 2000 orang telah meninggal |
Yes, it does. Take, for example, Third World debt. I think we ought to be forgiving Third World debt under certain conditions. I think, for example, if we're convinced that a Third World country that's got a lot of debt would reform itself, that the money wouldn't go into the hands of a few but would go to help people, I think it makes sense for us to use our wealth in that way, or to trade debt for valuable rain forest lands, makes that much sense, yes. | The third world country would be indebted to us forever if they can't pay it back. | 1 | Ya, memang, sebagai contoh, sebagai contoh, utang Dunia Ketiga. saya pikir kita harus mengampuni hutang Dunia Ketiga dengan kondisi tertentu. saya pikir, sebagai contoh, jika kita yakin bahwa negara Dunia Ketiga yang punya banyak hutang akan mereformasi dirinya sendiri, bahwa uang tidak akan pergi ke tangan beberapa orang tapi akan pergi untuk membantu orang-orang, saya pikir masuk akal bagi kita untuk menggunakan kekayaan kita dengan cara itu, atau untuk perdagangan utang untuk hutan hujan yang berharga, masuk akal, ya. | Negara dunia ketiga akan berhutang budi kepada kita selamanya jika mereka tidak bisa membayarnya kembali. |
Haircut at home<br>Cayla wanted her hair cut. So she went and bought a brand new pair of scissors. She looked at pictures on the internet of many desired hairstyles. She decided on a haircut and began cutting her hair. Cayla is now sporting a brand new haircut. | Cayla make a mistake with the haircut | 1 | Haircut di rumah<br>Cayla ingin memotong rambutnya. jadi dia pergi dan membeli gunting baru. dia melihat foto-foto dari berbagai gaya rambut yang diinginkan. dia memutuskan potongan rambut dan mulai memotong rambutnya. | Cayla membuat kesalahan dengan potongan rambut |
Mattress Pad<br>We bought a foam mattress pad in February. It was 8 inches thick. It was comfortable but it made our bed very high. Yesterday we decided to get rid of it. We were still able to get a good night's rest. | The neighbors are going to throw out their mattress pad. | 1 | Mattress Pad<br> kami membeli kasur busa pada bulan Februari tebalnya 8 inci itu nyaman tapi membuat tempat tidur kami sangat tinggi kemarin kami memutuskan untuk menyingkirkannya kami masih bisa beristirahat malam | Para tetangga akan membuang bantalan kasur mereka. |
Snake Handler<br>Clark went to church with his second cousin. Clark was shocked when the preacher held a poisonous snake. Clark's cousin told him not to worry. Then the snake bit the preacher. Clark told his cousin that this church wasn't for him. | Clark enjoyed going to church. | 2 | Snake Handler<br>Clark pergi ke gereja dengan sepupu keduanya Clark terkejut ketika pengkhotbah memegang ular beracun sepupu Clark mengatakan kepadanya untuk tidak khawatir lalu ular menggigit pendeta Clark mengatakan pada sepupunya bahwa gereja ini bukan untuknya | Clark senang pergi ke gereja. |
According to Naeye, the newfangled telescopes will be able to peer so far back in space and, thus, time that they "will see the first galaxies assembling a few hundred million years after the Big Bang." | the agent is aged more than 0 | 0 | Menurut Naeye, teleskop yang baru rusak akan mampu mengintip begitu jauh di ruang angkasa dan, dengan demikian, waktu yang mereka "akan melihat galaksi pertama merakit beberapa ratus juta tahun setelah Big Bang. " | agen berusia lebih dari 0 |
Increased liabilities will add a little to the cost of marine insurance but commercial vessels insured in mutual protection and indemnity associations will probably see no substantive increase in insurance rates because coverage already provided by mutual associations is unlimited. | Insurance will go up with increased liabilities | 0 | Peningkatan kewajiban akan menambah sedikit biaya asuransi laut tapi pembuluh perdagangan yang diasuransikan dalam perlindungan bersama dan indemnitas asosiasi mungkin akan melihat tidak ada peningkatan substantif dalam tingkat asuransi karena cakupan yang telah disediakan oleh asosiasi bersama tidak terbatas. | Asuransi akan naik dengan kewajiban yang meningkat |
Beets<br>Warren didn't like beets and told his mom repeatedly. But as she never listened, he had some on his plate for dinner. He tried to give them to his dog. The dog sniffed them and walked away. Warren refused to eat the beets as his dog didn't want them either. | No root vegetables went through the digestive tract of the man or his canine. | 0 | Beets<br>Warren tidak suka bit dan mengatakan kepada ibunya berulang kali. tapi karena dia tidak pernah mendengarkan, dia memiliki beberapa di piringnya untuk makan malam. dia mencoba untuk memberikannya kepada anjingnya. anjing mengendus mereka dan berjalan pergi. Warren menolak untuk makan bit sebagai anjingnya tidak ingin mereka baik. | Tidak ada akar sayuran melalui saluran pencernaan manusia atau anjing. |
Contra Conspiracy (also known as Contra Control) is a 1988 action film written and directed by Thomas Dewier which is now distributed by Troma Entertainment. The film was produced by City Lights. The plot follows a Hollywood film crew shooting a movie in the Mojave Desert, only to be disrupted by a group of terrorists. | Contra Conspiracy has sold millions. | 1 | Contra Conspiracy (juga dikenal sebagai Contra Control) adalah film aksi tahun 1988 yang ditulis dan disutradarai oleh Thomas Dewier yang sekarang didistribusikan oleh Troma Entertainment. film ini diproduksi oleh City Lights. plot berikut kru film Hollywood menembak film di Gurun Mojave, hanya untuk diganggu oleh sekelompok teroris. | Konspirasi Kontra telah menjual jutaan dolar. |
The industrial espionage case involving GM and VW began with the hiring of Jos Ignacio Lopez, an employee of GM subsidiary Adam Opel, by VW as production director. | The industrial espionage case involving GM and YW began with the hiring of Jos Ignacio Lopez, an employee of GM subsidiary Adam Opel | 2 | Kasus spionase industri yang melibatkan GM dan VW dimulai dengan perekrutan Jos Ignacio Lopez, karyawan GM perusahaan Adam Opel, oleh VW sebagai direktur produksi. | Kasus spionase industri yang melibatkan GM dan YW dimulai dengan perekrutan Jos Ignacio Lopez, karyawan GM perusahaan Adam Opel |
Share this: Email Print Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Google Criminal procedure -- Impeachment of defendant's testimony -- Silence during police interview In November 2015, Brooke Connell had her purse stolen while she was shopping at a Wal-Mart in Berlin. Connell claimed that the thief assaulted her when she grabbed her purse back as he fled the scene. Three days later, Edward Brad Ward, Jr., appellant, ... | The thief stole money from Brooke Connell | 1 | Berbagi ini: Email Print Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Google Criminal prosedur -- Penemuan kesaksian terdakwa -- Diam selama wawancara polisi di bulan November 2015, Brooke Connell mencuri dompetnya saat dia berbelanja di Wal-Mart di Berlin. | Pencuri mencuri uang dari Brooke Connell |
Wilson Dam is a dam spanning the Tennessee River between Lauderdale County and Colbert County in the U.S. state of Alabama. It impounds Wilson Lake. It is one of nine Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) dams on the Tennessee River. The dam was declared a National Historic Landmark on November 13, 1966. | Wilson Dam is a dam connecting the states of Tennessee and Alabama. | 0 | Wilson Dam adalah bendungan yang meliputi Sungai Tennessee antara Lauderdale County dan Colbert County di negara bagian Alabama. itu menyita Wilson Lake. ini adalah salah satu dari sembilan bendungan Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) di sungai Tennessee. bendungan itu dinyatakan National Historic Landmark pada 13 November 1966. | Wilson Dam adalah bendungan yang menghubungkan negara bagian Tennessee dan Alabama. |
The Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem or Basilica di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, (Latin: "Basilica Sanctae Crucis in Hierusalem" ) is a Roman Catholic minor basilica and titular church in rione Esquilino, Rome, Italy. It is one of the Seven Pilgrim Churches of Rome. | Rome has more than eight Pilgrim Churches. | 2 | The Basilica of the Holy Cross in the Jerusalem or Basilica di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, (Latin: "Basilica Sanctae Crucis in Hierusalem") adalah gereja kecil Katolik Roma kecil dan dada di Rione Esquilino, Roma, Italia. | Roma memiliki lebih dari delapan Gereja Pilgrim. |
In order to answer the question, we must realize that the governments of the last 25 years have come to understand that the population of our native peoples has increased to the extent that their numbers today are probably much larger than when the Europeans first arrived on the continent. | There are probably more native peoples now in this location than there were 300 years ago. | 0 | Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, kita harus menyadari bahwa pemerintah dari 25 tahun terakhir telah datang untuk memahami bahwa populasi penduduk asli kita telah meningkat hingga jumlah mereka saat ini mungkin jauh lebih besar daripada ketika orang Eropa pertama kali tiba di benua. | Mungkin ada lebih banyak penduduk asli sekarang di lokasi ini daripada 300 tahun yang lalu. |
Roy Anthony Cousins (born 1949 in Kingston, Jamaica) is a Jamaican reggae singer, producer, and record label owner, known for his work as leader of The Royals, his productions of artists such as Charlie Chaplin, Prince Far I, and Cornell Campbell, and his record labels such as Tamoki-Wambesi. | Roy Anthony Cousins does not even know the month he was born. | 1 | Roy Anthony Cousins (born 1949 di Kingston, Jamaika) adalah seorang penyanyi reggae, produser, dan pemilik label rekaman, dikenal karena karyanya sebagai pemimpin The Royals, produksinya seniman seperti Charlie Chaplin, Pangeran Far I, dan Cornell Campbell, dan label rekaman seperti Tamoki-Wambesi. | Roy Anthony Cousins bahkan tidak tahu bulan ia lahir. |
"Sultans of Swing" is a song by British rock band Dire Straits from their eponymous debut album, which band frontman Mark Knopfler wrote and composed. Although it was first released in 1978, it was its 1979 re-release that caused it to become a hit in both the UK and U.S. | The Dire Straits didn't want to re-release the song Sultans of Swing. | 1 | "Sultans of Swing" adalah lagu band rock Inggris Dire Straits dari album debut eponymous mereka, yang band frontman Mark Knopfler menulis dan menyusun. meskipun pertama kali dirilis pada tahun 1978, itu adalah 1979 re-release yang menyebabkan menjadi hit di baik Inggris dan AS. | Selat Dire tidak ingin merilis kembali lagu Sultans of Swing. |
Some people may think that there is no other way to grow plants other than in soil; there is however, another way. | The easiest way to grow plants is to plant them in soil | 1 | Beberapa orang mungkin berpikir bahwa tidak ada cara lain untuk menumbuhkan tanaman selain di tanah; namun, ada cara lain. | Cara termudah untuk tumbuh tanaman adalah dengan menanamnya di tanah |
The 2000 KNVB Cup Final was a football match between NEC and Roda JC on 21 May 2000 at De Kuip, Rotterdam. It was the final match of the 1999–2000 KNVB Cup competition. Roda JC won 2–0 after goals from Bob Peeters and Eric van der Luer. It was their second KNVB Cup win. | The 2000 KNVB Cup Final was held in Rotterdam between WEC and Roda JC. | 2 | Final Piala KNVB 2000 adalah pertandingan sepak bola antara NEC dan Roda JC pada 21 Mei 2000 di De Kuip, Rotterdam. | Final Piala KNVB 2000 diadakan di Rotterdam antara WEC dan Roda JC. |
I did not view and do not view the law as providing that there is some exhaustion requirement, although I understand some cases have said that. In this particular fact situation -- and I do think, I will say, on the issue of precedent, you can distinguish cases of -- and I'm not so sure I would be as fearful as some might be as to precedential value. I think this case is somewhat distinguishable, and I don't know that a judge in another situation would knee-jerk allow this type of testimony. We are in a very unique situation here, and that's what we have. | This is a unique situtation. | 0 | Saya tidak melihat dan tidak melihat hukum seperti yang menyediakan kebutuhan kelelahan, meskipun saya mengerti beberapa kasus telah mengatakan bahwa dalam situasi ini -- dan saya pikir, saya akan mengatakan, pada masalah preseden, Anda dapat membedakan kasus-kasus -- dan saya tidak begitu yakin saya akan setakut beberapa kasus mungkin seperti untuk nilai presedensial. saya pikir kasus ini agak berbeda, dan saya tidak tahu bahwa hakim dalam situasi lain akan memberikan kesaksian lutut-jerk ini. kita berada dalam situasi yang sangat unik di sini, dan itulah yang kita miliki. | Ini adalah situasi yang unik. |
That debate will go on at another time when we talk of serious offences like murder because Liberal legislation or the lack thereof allows convicted murderers and rapists, the Clifford Olsons and the Paul Bernardos of the country, after being sentenced to life in prison to put their victims through the trauma of a hearing after 15 years. | rapists don't exist. | 2 | Debat itu akan berlanjut di lain waktu ketika kita berbicara tentang pelanggaran serius seperti pembunuhan karena undang-undang Liberal atau kurangnya itu memungkinkan terdakwa pembunuhan dan pemerkosa, Clifford Olsons dan Paul Bernardos dari negara ini, setelah dijatuhi hukuman penjara seumur hidup untuk menempatkan korban mereka melalui trauma pendengaran setelah 15 tahun. | pemerkosa tidak ada. |
As we know, the business world, including the Conseil du patronat du Qubec, the Quebec chamber of commerce and the Quebec and Canadian association of manufacturers et exporters came and told the committee that Quebec should be allowed to manage its education sector, and that opting out with full compensation should be allowed, so that the money could be used based on Quebec's needs and realities. | Alaska is now going to manage the education sector of Quebec | 2 | Seperti yang kita tahu, dunia bisnis, termasuk Conseil du patronat du Qubec, Quebec ruang perdagangan dan Quebec dan Kanada asosiasi produsen et eksporters datang dan mengatakan kepada komite bahwa Quebec harus diizinkan untuk mengelola sektor pendidikannya, dan bahwa opting out dengan kompensasi penuh harus diperbolehkan, sehingga uang dapat digunakan berdasarkan kebutuhan dan realitas Quebec. | Alaska sekarang akan mengelola sektor pendidikan Quebec |
Benjamin Huger (1746 – 11 May 1779) was one of five Huger brothers from South Carolina who served in the American Revolutionary War. Huger became a close friend of La Fayette, having met him upon his arrival near Georgetown in 1777, and his son Francis Kinloch Huger had a role in getting La Fayette temporarily released from prison at Olomouc in the 1790s. | La Fayette was in prison for 10 years. | 1 | Benjamin Huger (1746 ▪ 11 Mei 1779) adalah salah satu dari lima Huger bersaudara dari Karolina Selatan yang melayani dalam Perang Revolusi Amerika. | La Fayette dipenjara 10 tahun. |
A man who died during the G20 protests was pushed back by a police line minutes earlier, independent investigators have said. Ian Tomlinson, 47, who died of a heart attack, was blocked from passing through a police cordon as he attempted to walk home from work at a newsagent, the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) said. He was caught on several CCTV cameras walking up King William Street where he was confronted by uniformed officers shortly before 7.30pm last Wednesday. | The police caused Ian Tomlinson to suffer a heart attack. | 1 | Seorang pria yang meninggal selama protes G20 didorong kembali oleh garis polisi menit sebelumnya, investigator independen telah mengatakan Ian Tomlinson, 47, yang meninggal karena serangan jantung, diblokir dari melewati barisan polisi saat ia mencoba untuk berjalan pulang dari pekerjaan di sebuah agen berita, polisi Independen mengeluh Komisi (IPCC) mengatakan. | Polisi menyebabkan Ian Tomlinson menderita serangan jantung. |
How to enjoy a hayride<br>Find a hayride near you. Many farms offer hayride experiences near to towns and cities. Look in notices in the paper, online, or ask around for recommendations by word-of-mouth. | You can look for notices in the paper or online. | 0 | Bagaimana menikmati sebuah hayride<br> Find a hayride di dekat Anda. Banyak peternakan menawarkan pengalaman hayride dekat dengan kota-kota. Lihat dalam pemberitahuan di koran, online, atau bertanya-tanya sekitar untuk rekomendasi oleh kata-of-mulut. | Anda dapat mencari pemberitahuan di koran atau online. |
How to refinance an underwater mortgage<br>Check your payment history. You must be current on your mortgage, and not have been delinquent on any payments in the last 12 months. Find out who owns your mortgage. | You should find out the Donald Duck probably doesn't not own your mortgage. | 1 | Bagaimana mengembalikan hipotek bawah air <br> cek riwayat pembayaran Anda. Anda harus saat ini pada hipotek Anda, dan tidak telah nakal pada setiap pembayaran dalam 12 bulan terakhir. cari tahu siapa yang memiliki hipotek Anda. | Anda harus mencari tahu Donald Duck mungkin tidak memiliki hipotek Anda. |
Tyndall Air Force Base is a United States Air Force Base located 12 mi east of Panama City, Florida. The base was named in honor of World War I pilot 1st Lt Frank Benjamin Tyndall. The base operating unit and host wing is the 325th Fighter Wing (325 FW) of the Air Combat Command (ACC). The base is delineated as a census-designated place and had a resident population of 2,994 at the 2010 census. | Tyndall Air Force Base is located 12 mi west of Panama City, Florida. | 2 | Pangkalan Angkatan Udara Tyndall adalah Pangkalan Angkatan Udara Amerika Serikat terletak 12 mil sebelah timur Panama City, Florida basis ini dinamai untuk menghormati Perang Dunia I pilot 1st Lt Frank Benjamin Tyndall. basis operasi dan sayap tuan rumah adalah 325 FW (325 FW) dari Komando Tempur (ACC). basis ini didelinekan sebagai tempat sensus yang dirancang dan memiliki penduduk 2,994 pada sensus 2010. | Pangkalan Angkatan Udara Tyndall terletak 12 mi barat Panama City, Florida. |
Gwen Graham running for Governor Former US Rep. Gwen Graham announced Tuesday, May 2, 2017 that she is running for governor at Carol City park in Miami Gardens. Emily Michot Miami Herald × SHARE COPY LINK Former US Rep. Gwen Graham announced Tuesday, May 2, 2017 that she is running for governor at Carol City park in Miami Gardens. Emily Michot Miami Herald | Gwen Graham running for Governor current US Rep. Gwen Graham announced Tuesday, May 2, 2017 that she is running for governor at Carol City park in Miami Gardens | 2 | Gwen Graham mencalonkan diri sebagai Gubernur Mantan Rep AS Gwen Graham mengumumkan Selasa, 2 Mei 2017 bahwa dia mencalonkan diri menjadi gubernur di taman Carol City di Miami Gardens Emily Michot Miami Herald × SHARE COPY LINK Mantan Rep AS. | Gwen Graham mencalonkan diri sebagai Gubernur Rep AS saat ini Gwen Graham mengumumkan Selasa, 2 Mei 2017 bahwa dia mencalonkan diri menjadi gubernur di taman Carol City di Miami Gardens |
Greedy Child.<br>Earnest was a greedy child. He ate his food very fast without chewing properly. One day while he ate a fresh peach he choked on the pit. His family unsuccessfully tried the Heimlich maneuver on him. He died as a result of his greediness. | Earnest loved fruit. | 1 | dia memakan makanannya dengan cepat tanpa mengunyah dengan benar suatu hari ketika dia makan buah persik segar dia tersedak di lubang keluarganya tidak berhasil mencoba manuver Heimlich padanya dia meninggal karena keserakahannya | Buah yang paling disukai. |
Paolo Romano, also known as Paolo Tuccone and as Paolo di Mariano di Tuccio Taccone was an Italian early Renaissance sculptor and goldsmith. Giorgio Vasari in his "Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects" recounts that Paolo Romano was a modest man whose sculpture was far superior to that of his boastful contemporary Mino del Reame. | Paolo Romano was an artist in the early Renaissance. | 0 | Paolo Romano, juga dikenal sebagai Paolo Tuccone dan sebagai Paolo di Mariano di Tuccio Taccone adalah pemahat dan tukang emas masa awal Renaisans dari Italia. | Paolo Romano adalah seorang seniman di awal Renaissance. |
How to yodel<br>Identify the break between the chest and upper registers. Yodeling requires you to switch between your chest register (normal voice) and upper register (falsetto). Where normal voice transitions to falsetto, there will be a break or voiceless gap in your tone. | Yodeling is easier if you have eaten food before hand | 1 | Bagaimana yodel<br>Identifikasi istirahat antara dada dan register atas. Yodeling mengharuskan Anda untuk beralih antara register dada Anda (normal voice) dan register atas (fallsetto). Di mana suara normal transisi ke falstto, akan ada celah pecah atau tanpa suara dalam nada Anda. | Yodeling lebih mudah jika Anda telah makan makanan sebelum tangan |
YOUNGSTOWN, OH (WKBN) – We are past the halfway point of the football season and the list of undefeated teams continues to dwindle. Just six undefeated teams are left: Canfield, Poland, Girard, South Range, Wilmington and Grove City. Before we flip the page to Week 7, we took a look back at the week that was, Sports Team 27 saw 19 games this week and we cut all the video down to the best of the best in our Top Plays of the Week. | Football is played very often in Ohio | 1 | Kami melewati setengah musim sepak bola dan daftar tim yang tak terkalahkan terus berkurang hanya tersisa enam tim yang tak terkalahkan: Canfield, Polandia, Girard, South Range, Wilmington dan Grove City sebelum kami membalik halaman ke Minggu 7, kami melihat kembali pada minggu itu, Tim Olahraga 27 melihat 19 pertandingan minggu ini dan kami memotong semua video menjadi yang terbaik di Top Plays of the Week. | Sepakbola sering dimainkan di Ohio |
David Scott "Dave" Foley (born January 4, 1963) is a Canadian actor, stand-up comedian, director, producer and writer. He is known as a co-founder of the comedy group "The Kids in the Hall", responsible for their eponymous sketch show and the feature-length film "". He played Dave Nelson in the sitcom "NewsRadio", voiced Flik in "A Bug's Life" and hosted the game show "Celebrity Poker Showdown". | David Foley was born in January on a cold day | 1 | David Scott "Dave" Foley (lahir 4 Januari 1963) adalah aktor Kanada, komedian stand-up, direktur, produser dan penulis. dia dikenal sebagai co-founder dari kelompok komedi "The Kids in the Hall", bertanggung jawab untuk sketsa eponymus show mereka dan fitur-length film "" Dia memainkan Dave Nelson dalam sitcom "NewsRadio", voiced Flik in "A Bug's Life" dan menjadi tuan rumah acara "Celebrity Showdown." | David Foley lahir pada bulan Januari pada hari yang dingin |
The 2010 Duke Blue Devils football team represented Duke University in the 2010 NCAA Division I FBS football season. The Blue Devils were led by 3rd year head coach David Cutcliffe and played their home games at Wallace Wade Stadium. They are members of the Atlantic Coast Conference in the Coastal Division. They finished the season 3–9, 1–7 in ACC play. | The 2010 Duke Blue Devils football team won a game in overtime. | 1 | Tim sepak bola Duke Blue Devils 2010 mewakili Duke University di tahun 2010 Divisi NCAA I FBS musim sepak bola. | Tim sepak bola Duke Blue Devils 2010 memenangkan pertandingan tambahan. |
Beilin District () is one of nine districts of Xi'an, the capital of Shanxi province, China. The well-known Small Wild Goose Pagoda is also located in the district. The smallest, but most densely populated, of Xi'an's county-level divisions, it borders the districts of Xincheng to the northeast, Yanta to the south, and Lianhu to the northwest. | Beilin District contains 2 million people. | 1 | Distrik Beilin () adalah salah satu dari sembilan distrik Xi'an, ibu kota Provinsi Shanxi, Cina. | Distrik Beilin berisi 2 juta orang. |
You rifle through your visual memory and there it is: Vermeer, the 17th-Century Dutch artist who painted extraordinary portraits of women engaged in the ordinary -- writing a letter, making lace or putting on a necklace of pearls. | Vermeer painted women engaged in outlandish behavior. | 2 | Anda menembak melalui memori visual Anda dan inilah dia: Vermeer, seniman Belanda ke-17 yang melukis potret luar biasa dari wanita yang terlibat dalam hal-hal biasa -- menulis surat, membuat renda atau memakai kalung mutiara. | Vermeer melukis wanita dengan perilaku aneh. |
Ansar al-Sharia in Tunisia (""Supporters of Islamic Law in Tunisia"") is a radical Islamist group that operates in Tunisia. It has around 1,000 people as part of the movement. It has been listed as a terrorist group by the Tunisian government as well by the United Nations, the UAE, the United Kingdom and the United States. Some of its members may be linked to the 2015 Sousse attacks. | Members of the group live in New York. | 1 | Ansar al-Sharia di Tunisia ("Pelapor Hukum Islam di Tunisia"") adalah kelompok Islamis radikal yang beroperasi di Tunisia, yang memiliki sekitar 1.000 orang sebagai bagian dari pergerakan, yang terdaftar sebagai kelompok teroris oleh pemerintah Tunisia dan juga oleh PBB, UAE, Kerajaan Amerika Serikat beberapa anggotanya mungkin terkait dengan serangan Sousse 2015. | Anggota grup tinggal di New York. |
Bernard Taylor, CBE (born 1934 in Wiltshire, England) is a British author of horror, suspense and romantic fiction and of true-crime non-fiction. He has written several plays for the theatre, and has also written for television and radio. He has more recently written novels under the pseudonym Jess Foley. | Bernard Taylor doesn't have hands. | 2 | Bernard Taylor, CBE (dilahirkan 1934 di Wiltshire, Inggris) adalah pengarang horor, ketegangan dan fiksi romantis dan dari non-fiksi kejahatan sejati. dan juga telah menulis beberapa drama untuk teater, dan juga ditulis untuk televisi dan radio. dia memiliki novel yang baru-baru ini ditulis di bawah pseudonim Jess Foley. | Bernard Taylor tak punya tangan. |
Wonder Woman is a never-aired television pilot produced by Warner Bros. Television and DC Entertainment for NBC, based on the DC Comics character of the same name. David E. Kelley wrote the pilot, which was directed by Jeffrey Reiner. Adrianne Palicki starred as the main character. | Jeffrey Reiner became famous thanks to Wonder Woman. | 1 | Wonder Woman adalah pilot televisi yang tak pernah mengudara yang diproduksi oleh Warner Bros televisi dan DC Entertainment untuk NBC, berdasarkan karakter DC Comics dari nama yang sama David E. Kelley menulis pilot, yang diarahkan oleh Jeffrey Reiner Adrianne Palicki dibintangi sebagai karakter utama. | Jeffrey Reiner menjadi terkenal berkat Wonder Woman. |
Silvana, J. 87, is an opera by Carl Maria von Weber, first performed in Frankfurt am Main on 16 September 1810. The libretto, by , is a reworking of an earlier, unsuccessful opera by Weber, "Das Waldmädchen ". Weber also reused music from the same piece in "Silvana". | Carl Maria von Weber was described among his peers as having a funny personality. | 1 | Silvana, J. 87, adalah opera oleh Carl Maria von Weber, yang pertama kali dilakukan di Frankfurt am Main pada 16 September 1810, libretto, oleh, adalah reworking opera sebelumnya, berhasil oleh Weber, "Das Waldmädchen" Weber juga menggunakan kembali musik dari bagian yang sama dalam "Silvana" | Carl Maria von Weber digambarkan di antara rekan-rekannya memiliki kepribadian yang lucu. |
Wayne Philip Colin Sleep OBE (born 17 July 1948) is a British dancer, director, choreographer, actor and panellist. He was a Principal Dancer with the Royal Ballet and has appeared as a Guest Artist with several other ballet companies. He was a judge on the ITV entertainment series "Stepping Out". | Wayne Philip Colin Was born in 1942 | 2 | Wayne Philip Colin Sleep OBE (dilahirkan 17 Juli 1948) adalah seorang penari Inggris, direktur, koreografer, aktor dan panelis. dia adalah seorang kepala sekolah Dancer dengan Royal Ballet dan telah muncul sebagai artis tamu dengan beberapa perusahaan balet lainnya. | Wayne Philip Colin lahir pada tahun 1942 |
A Long Hike<br>Martha was in the middle of an extremely long hike. She was super tired and getting ready to give up. At this point she was so far in that turning back was useless. She forced herself to trudge through her laziness. When she did finish the hike, she felt thrilled and proud of herself. | Martha was very lazy | 1 | Sebuah Hike<br>Martha berada di tengah perjalanan yang sangat panjang dia sangat lelah dan bersiap-siap untuk menyerah pada titik ini dia begitu jauh dalam berbalik kembali tidak berguna dia memaksa dirinya untuk berjalan melalui kemalasan nya ketika dia menyelesaikan pendakian, dia merasa senang dan bangga pada dirinya sendiri. | Martha sangat malas |
In Greek mythology, Orthrus (Greek: Ὄρθρος , "Orthros") or Orthus (Greek: Ὄρθος , "Orthos") was, according to the mythographer Apollodorus, a two-headed dog who guarded Geryon's cattle and was killed by Heracles. He was the offspring of the monsters Echidna and Typhon, and the brother of Cerberus, who was also a multi-headed guard dog. | Orthus was an offspring of monsters. | 0 | Dalam mitologi Yunani, Orthrus (Orthrus) adalah, menurut ahli mitos Apollodorus, anjing berkepala dua yang menjaga ternak Geryon dan dibunuh oleh Herecles. dia adalah keturunan dari monster Echidna dan Typhon, dan saudara dari Cereus, yang juga merupakan anjing penjaga berkepala dua. | Orthus adalah keturunan monster. |
How to make american chop suey<br>Soak the macaroni in hot water. Take 1 pound (454 g) of elbow macaroni or another tube-shaped pasta, and place it in a large bowl. Pour enough hot water over the pasta to cover it, and add salt to taste to season the mixture. | Macaroni does not come in elbow shapes. | 2 | Bagaimana membuat american chop stikey<br> Soak makaroni dalam air panas. Ambil 1 pon (4454 gram) dari makaroni siku atau pasta berbentuk tabung lain, dan masukkan ke dalam mangkuk besar. tuangkan air panas yang cukup di atas pasta untuk menutupinya, dan tambahkan garam untuk bumbu campuran. | Makaroni tidak datang dalam bentuk siku. |
How to go to the gyeongbokgung palace<br>Take the jogno bus 11 if you're spending the day in jogno. The jongno bus 11 makes a perfect sightseeing loop through the historical district with stops along the east side of the palace grounds. Get off at the national folk museum stop and walk from there to the main entrance. | the jongno bus 11 is not a good way to sightsee in the historical district | 2 | Bagaimana untuk pergi ke istana gyeongbokgung<br>Ambil bus jogno 11 jika Anda menghabiskan hari di jogno. bus jongno 11 membuat loop wisata sempurna melalui distrik sejarah dengan berhenti sepanjang sisi timur halaman istana. turun di museum rakyat nasional berhenti dan berjalan dari sana ke pintu masuk utama. | bus jongno 11 bukan cara yang baik untuk melihat-lihat di distrik sejarah |
Kuhn & Komor, also known colloquially as "K&K", was a Hungarian multinational luxury jewelry and specialty retailer, having headquarters in Shanghai, China. K&K produced jewelry, sterling silver, china, crystal, stationery, and personal accessories. K&K was renowned in East Asia for its luxury goods, also being called the "Asprey of Asia." | Some Hungarian companies have their headquarters in China. | 0 | Kuhn & Komor, juga dikenal sebagai "K&K", adalah perhiasan mewah multinasional Hungaria dan pengecer khusus, memiliki kantor pusat di Shanghai, Cina. K&K memproduksi perhiasan, perak sterling, cina, kristal, alat tulis, dan aksesoris pribadi K&K terkenal di Asia Timur untuk barang-barang mewah, juga disebut "Asprey of Asia." | Beberapa perusahaan Hungaria memiliki markas di Cina. |
ESPN’s Jemele Hill called the Quincy Harris Morning Show with K. Foxx to talk about our Philadelphia Eagles. Jemele does not think they are going to win and Quincy makes a bet with her. She also explains that she was not fired from ESPN, that her new job, The Undefeated, is owned by ESPN and why she made that decision. Listen below: Also On 100.3: | Jemele hill is unemployed. | 2 | Dia juga menjelaskan bahwa dia tidak dipecat dari ESPN, bahwa pekerjaan barunya, yang tak terkalahkan, dimiliki oleh ESPN dan mengapa dia membuat keputusan itu. | Jemele Hill menganggur. |
How to choose ibs friendly beverages<br>Be aware of your triggers. Ibs is a very hard condition to manage and control. Everyone has different symptoms and may have different triggers. | All the symptoms of Ibs must be present for Ibs to be diagnosed | 2 | Bagaimana memilih minuman ramah <br> menyadari pemicu Anda. Ibs adalah kondisi yang sangat sulit untuk mengelola dan mengendalikan. setiap orang memiliki gejala yang berbeda dan mungkin memiliki pemicu yang berbeda. | Semua gejala Ibs harus ada di sana agar Ibs bisa didiagnosis |
The Townsend Thoresen cross-Channel ferry Herald of Free Enterprise capsized outside the Belgian port of Zeebrugge on the 6th of March with the loss of 135 lives. | The ferry was in need of repairs before it capsized. | 1 | Townsend Thoresen cross-Channel Herald dari Free Enterprise terbalik di luar pelabuhan Belgia Zeebruge pada 6 Maret dengan hilangnya 135 nyawa. | Feri membutuhkan perbaikan sebelum terbalik. |
Brandon Hughes (born September 25, 1980), better known by his stage name 6 Tre G is an American hip hop recording artist, record producer, and CEO from Fayette, Alabama. He is also the founder and CEO of Mazerati Records. 6 Tre G has released many studio albums Don Mazerati, Boss Muzik, El Trapo and many more. | 6 Tre G has released more than 3 studio albums. | 0 | Brandon Hughes (lahir September 25, 1980), yang lebih dikenal dengan nama panggungnya 6 Tre G adalah artis rekaman hip hop Amerika, produser rekaman, dan CEO dari Fayette, Alabama. dia juga pendiri dan CEO dari Mazerati Records. 6 Tre G telah merilis banyak album studio Don Mazerati, Boss Muzik, El Traco dan banyak lagi. | 6 Tre G telah merilis lebih dari 3 album studio. |
College Rivalry<br>It was the first time these two teams had played in 15 years. Much had changed for both schools in that time. The fans were excited to experience the rivalry game. The team that used to dominate, had weakened over the years. It was a close game, but the home team eventually won. | the away team won | 2 | College Rivalry<br>It adalah pertama kalinya kedua tim ini telah bermain dalam 15 tahun banyak yang telah berubah untuk kedua sekolah pada waktu itu. para penggemar bersemangat untuk mengalami permainan persaingan. tim yang digunakan untuk mendominasi, telah melemah selama bertahun-tahun. itu adalah permainan dekat, tetapi tim rumah akhirnya menang. | tim jauh menang |
Dame Nicola Mary Brewer DCMG is a British diplomat and university administrator. In May 2014 she was appointed Vice-Provost (International) at University College London. She is a non-executive director of Aggreko. Brewer was British High Commissioner to South Africa from 2009 to 2013. | Brewer started being British High Commissioner to South Africa in 2009 | 0 | Dame Mary Brewer DCMG adalah diplomat Inggris dan administrator universitas. pada bulan Mei 2014 dia diangkat menjadi Wakil Provost (Internasional) di Universitas College London. dia adalah direktur non-ektif Aggreko. | Brewer mulai menjadi Komisaris Tinggi Inggris ke Afrika Selatan pada 2009 |
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are figures from chapter 3 of the Book of Daniel, three Hebrew men thrown into a fiery furnace by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, when they refuse to bow down to the king's image; the three are preserved from harm and the king sees four men walking in the flames, "the fourth ... like a son of God". | The king was inspired by the men. | 1 | Shadrakh, Mesakh dan Abednego adalah tokoh - tokoh dari pasal 3 buku Daniel, tiga orang Ibrani dilemparkan ke dalam tanur berapi oleh Nebukhadnezar, raja Babilon, sewaktu mereka tidak mau sujud kepada patung raja; ketiga - tiganya diselamatkan dari celaka dan raja melihat empat orang berjalan dalam api, " keempat... seperti putra Allah." | Raja terinspirasi oleh orang-orang. |
In this class, we will enjoy periods of meditation mixed with short talks and question/answer periods regarding Zen practice. Discover the special power of group meditation! Class will meet Sunday 4/23 from 9-10:30am. Registration: $71 OR $59 for CFU Members. | Registration was $80 last year. | 1 | Di kelas ini, kita akan menikmati periode meditasi dicampur dengan pembicaraan singkat dan periode pertanyaan/penyeram mengenai praktek Zen. Temukan kekuatan khusus kelompok meditasi! kelas akan bertemu Minggu 4/23 dari 9-10:30. Pendaftaran: 71 OR 599 untuk Anggota CFU. | Pendaftaran adalah $ 80 tahun lalu. |
Marks was a manor house located near Marks Gate at the northern tip of the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham in London, England, the house standing on what is now Warren Hall Farm. The name Marks (historically Markes) is believed to have been derived from the "de Merk" family who build the original manor in the 14th Century. The manor house was demolished in 1808 | The de Merk family never lived in the manor | 1 | Marks adalah rumah manor yang terletak dekat Marks Gate di ujung utara London Borough of Barking dan Dagenham di London, Inggris, rumah berdiri di atas apa yang sekarang Warren Hall Farm. | Keluarga de Merk tidak pernah tinggal di rumah |
The first is to give the people of Canada more democratic control over representation in the upper house by electing those representatives, and to ensure that senators, whoever they are and whatever they are and whatever they do, are servants of the people of Canada, not servants of the party of the prime minister who appointed them. | Senators in Canada are referenced in the text. | 0 | Yang pertama adalah untuk memberikan orang-orang Kanada kontrol lebih demokratis atas representasi di rumah atas dengan memilih wakil-wakil tersebut, dan untuk memastikan bahwa senator, siapa pun mereka dan apa pun mereka dan apa pun yang mereka lakukan, adalah pelayan orang-orang Kanada, bukan pelayan partai perdana menteri yang menunjuk mereka. | Senator di Kanada direferensikan dalam teks. |
Tabitha Anastasia "Tibby" Tomko-Rollins is a fictional character in the 2001 novel "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" and the 2005 film based upon it. She is a member of the titular club, along with her friends Lena Kaligaris, Bridget Vreeland and Carmen Lowell. She was portrayed by Amber Tamblyn in the film. | The 2005 film is not based on a non fictional book. | 0 | Tabitha Anastasia "Tibby" Tomko-Rollins adalah karakter fiksi dalam novel 2001 "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" dan film 2005 berdasarkan itu. dia adalah anggota dari klub titular, bersama temannya Lena Kaligaris, Bridget Vreeland dan Carmen Lowell. dia digambarkan oleh Amber Tambyn dalam film. | Film 2005 tidak didasarkan pada buku non fiksi. |
How to read topographic maps<br>Use the thicker contour lines to determine the elevation. Contour lines represent paths or segments of the earth. Topographic maps are covered in contour lines. | Contour lines represent portals and Segways of the earth, topographic maps are created by minotaurs, while elevation is determined by sick rhymes. | 2 | Cara membaca peta topografis<br> Gunakan garis kontur yang lebih tebal untuk menentukan ketinggian. Garis kontur mewakili jalur atau segmen bumi. Peta topografis ditutupi garis kontur. | Garis kontur menggambarkan portal dan Segways bumi, peta topografi diciptakan oleh minotaur, sedangkan ketinggian ditentukan oleh rima sakit. |
Born into Brothels: Calcutta's Red Light Kids is a 2004 Indian-American documentary film about the children of prostitutes in Sonagachi, Kolkata's red light district. The widely acclaimed film, written and directed by Zana Briski and Ross Kauffman, won a string of accolades including the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature in 2004. | The film took place in India. | 0 | Lahir di Brothels: Calcutta's Red Light Kids adalah film dokumenter India-Amerika 2004 tentang anak-anak pelacur di Sonagachi, distrik cahaya merah Kolkata. | Film itu berlangsung di India. |
The Howling is a 1981 American horror film directed by Joe Dante, and starring Dee Wallace, Patrick Macnee, Dennis Dugan, and Robert Picardo. Based on the novel of the same name by Gary Brandner, the film follows a television newswoman sent to a remote mountain resort after a fatal incident with a serial killer, unaware that the inhabiting residents are werewolves. | Fans of the book did not see The Howling in theaters. | 1 | Howling adalah film horor Amerika tahun 1981 yang disutradarai oleh Joe Dante, dan dibintangi Dee Wallace, Patrick Macnee, Dennis Dugan, dan Robert Picardo. | Fans buku tidak melihat Howling di teater. |
Gianluca Cologna (born 17 May 1990) is a Swiss cross-country skier. His brother Dario Cologna is also a professional cross-country skier. He competed in the 2014 Winter Olympics in the Men's team sprint with his brother Dario and finished 5th in the final. | Gianluca Cologna also competed with his sister in the 2014 Winter Olympics. | 1 | Gianluca Cologna (di lahir 17 Mei 1990) adalah pemain ski lintas negara Swiss. | Gianluca Cologna juga bersaing dengan adiknya di Olimpiade Musim Dingin 2014. |
The Blood Cell is a BBC Books original novel written by James Goss and based on the long-running British science fiction television series "Doctor Who". It features the Twelfth Doctor and Clara Oswald. The book was released on 11 September 2014 along with "Silhouette" and "The Crawling Terror". | James Goss has no knowledge of Doctor Who | 2 | Sel Darah adalah novel asli BBC Books yang ditulis oleh James Goss dan berdasarkan seri televisi fiksi ilmiah Inggris "Dokter Who" yang menampilkan The Twelfth Doctor and Clara Oswald. buku itu dirilis pada 11 September 2014 bersama dengan "Silhouette" dan "The Crawling Terror" | James Goss tidak tahu Dokter Siapa |
Mars Audiac Quintet is the third album by the band Stereolab, released in August 1994. Initial releases of the CD came with bonus two-track disk, the double vinyl album came with a 7". During the recording of the album, guitarist Sean O'Hagan left as a full-time member to form his own group, while keyboardist Katharine Gifford was added. | Mars Audiac Quintet originally came with a two-track bonus disk. | 0 | Mars Audiac Quintet adalah album ketiga oleh band Stereolab, dirilis pada bulan Agustus 1994. rilis awal dari CD datang dengan bonus dua-track disk, album vinyl ganda datang dengan 7". selama rekaman album, gitaris Sean O'Hagan pergi sebagai anggota penuh waktu untuk membentuk kelompoknya sendiri, sementara keyboardist Katharine Gifford ditambahkan. | Mars Audiac Quintet awalnya datang dengan dua-track disk bonus. |
The sense is that if we partner together effectively, if we build a relationship with First Nations and ask for their input and advice on taking the recommendations of the royal commission and building a plan of action together, engaging the provinces and the private sector, including Canadians in that process, we will find the solutions we need to ensure that aboriginal people are able to benefit from the wealth and prosperity of Canada. | They want the aboriginal people to benefit from the partnership. | 0 | Masuk akal adalah bahwa jika kita bekerja sama secara efektif, jika kita membangun hubungan dengan First Nations dan meminta masukan dan saran mereka untuk mengambil rekomendasi dari komisi kerajaan dan membangun rencana tindakan bersama-sama, melibatkan provinsi-provinsi dan sektor swasta, termasuk Kanada dalam proses itu, kita akan menemukan solusi yang kita butuhkan untuk memastikan bahwa masyarakat aborigin dapat memperoleh manfaat dari kekayaan dan kemakmuran Kanada. | Mereka ingin orang-orang aborigin mendapat manfaat dari kemitraan. |
Jessica Litman, a law professor at Michigan's Wayne State University, has specialized in copyright law and Internet law for more than 20 years. | Jessica Litman has specialized in copyright law and Internet law for more than 22 years. | 2 | Jessica Litman, seorang profesor hukum di Universitas Wayne State, Michigan, telah mengkhususkan diri dalam hukum hak cipta dan hukum Internet selama lebih dari 20 tahun. | Jessica Litman memiliki spesialisasi dalam hukum hak cipta dan hukum Internet selama lebih dari 22 tahun. |
Marie Hedwig Auguste of Sulzbach (German: "Marie Hedwig Auguste von Sulzbach" ; born: 15 April 1650 in Sulzbach; died: 23 November 1681 in Hamburg) was a Countess Palatine of Sulzbach by birth and by marriage, Archduchess of Austria and by her second marriage, Duchess of Saxe-Lauenburg. | Marie Hedwig Auguste of Sulzbach died from cancer. | 1 | Marie Hedwig Auguste of Sulzbach (Jerman: "Marie Hedwig Auguste von Sulzbach"; lahir: 15 April 1650 di Sulzbach; meninggal: 23 November 1681 di Hamburg) adalah seorang Countess Palatine of Sulzbach oleh kelahiran dan oleh perkawinan, Archduchess Austria dan oleh perkawinan keduanya, Duchess dari Saxe-Lauenburg. | Marie Hedwig Auguste dari Sulzbach meninggal karena kanker. |
The FDA would not say in which states the pills had been sold, but instead recommended that customers determine whether products they bought are being recalled by checking the store list on the FDA Web site, and the batch list. The batch numbers appear on the container's label. | The FDA wasn't being helpful. | 2 | FDA tidak akan mengatakan di mana pil telah dijual, tetapi sebaliknya disarankan bahwa pelanggan menentukan apakah produk yang mereka beli sedang ditarik kembali dengan memeriksa daftar toko di situs Web FDA, dan daftar batch. Jumlah batch muncul pada label kontainer. | FDA tidak membantu. |
President Yoweri Museveni today addressed parliament on the state of security. Login to license this image from 1$. In short The President said that dogs are very effective in tracking criminals from a scene-of-crime and urged Members of Parliament to sensitize citizens not to tamper with crimes scene if dogs are to effectively track criminals. | Today, Yoweri Museveni did not urge citizens not to tamper with crime scenes. | 2 | Presiden Yoweri Museveni hari ini berbicara kepada parlemen tentang negara bagian keamanan login untuk lisensi gambar ini dari 1$ dalam waktu singkat Presiden mengatakan bahwa anjing sangat efektif dalam melacak penjahat dari TKP dan mendesak anggota parlemen untuk menilai warga negara untuk tidak merusak TKP jika anjing secara efektif melacak penjahat. | Dewasa ini, Yoweri Museveni tidak mendesak warga untuk tidak merusak TKP. |
I'm a Born Liar: A Fellini Lexicon is a book combining film stills and photographs with transcripts of the last filmed interviews with Federico Fellini conducted by Canadian filmmaker Damian Pettigrew in Rome in 1991 and 1992. The interviews are edited and introduced by Pettigrew with a preface by Italian film critic and Fellini biographer Tullio Kezich. | I'm a Born Liar was the last book written about Federico Fellini. | 1 | A Fellini Lexicon adalah buku gabungan film stills dan foto-foto dengan transkrip wawancara terakhir dengan Federico Fellini yang diadakan oleh pembuat film Kanada Damian Pettigrew di Roma pada tahun 1991 dan 1992. | Aku asli pembohong adalah buku terakhir yang ditulis tentang Federico Fellini. |
The Golden Fetter is a 1917 American romance silent film directed by Edward LeSaint and written by Charles Tenney Jackson and Charles Maigne. The film stars Wallace Reid, Anita King, Tully Marshall, Guy Oliver, Walter Long and Mrs. Lewis McCord. The film was released on January 25, 1917, by Paramount Pictures. | The Golden Fetter was created in 1918. | 2 | Golden Fetter adalah film romantis Amerika tahun 1917 yang disutradarai oleh Edward LeSaint dan ditulis oleh Charles Tenney Jackson dan Charles Maigne bintang film Wallace, Anita King, Tully Marshall, Guy Oliver, Walter Long dan Mrs Lewis McCord Film itu dirilis pada 25 Januari 1917, oleh Paramount Pictures. | The Golden Fetter diciptakan pada tahun 1918. |
CIOs Graeme Thompson and David Chou discuss what it takes to build a reputation as a data-driven organization that customers can trust, and why every business leader needs to understand the importance of data trustworthiness and security. How do I listen to this podcast? You can listen to this podcast episode right now using the player at the top of this page. And you can subscribe to this podcast series from your favorite podcast app on your mobile device to listen to any time, so you won't miss an episode. Just click the desired podcast app's button below to subscribe. | Podcast subscriptions can help you avoid missing episodes. | 0 | CIOs Graeme Thompson dan David Chou mendiskusikan apa yang diperlukan untuk membangun reputasi sebagai organisasi data-driven yang dapat dipercaya oleh para pelanggan, dan mengapa setiap pemimpin bisnis perlu memahami pentingnya kepercayaan dan keamanan data. Bagaimana saya mendengarkan podcast ini? Anda dapat mendengarkan episode podcast ini sekarang menggunakan pemutar di atas halaman ini. dan Anda dapat berlangganan ke serial podcast ini dari aplikasi podcast favorit Anda pada perangkat ponsel Anda untuk mendengarkan setiap saat, sehingga Anda tidak akan melewatkan sebuah episode. Klik tombol podcast yang diinginkan di bawah untuk berlangganan. | berlangganan Podcast dapat membantu Anda menghindari episoda yang hilang. |
And as for why it happened, I'm no expert on the Texas procedures, but what my friends there tell me is that the governor opposed a measure put forward by Democrats in the legislature to expand the number of children that would be covered. And instead directed the money toward a tax cut, a significant part of which went to wealthy interests. | The number of children would have been expanded but the number of adults would stay the same. | 1 | Dan mengapa hal itu terjadi, saya bukan ahli dalam prosedur Texas, tapi apa yang teman-teman saya katakan adalah bahwa gubernur menentang tindakan yang diajukan oleh Demokrat di legislatif untuk memperluas jumlah anak-anak yang akan ditutupi. | Jumlah anak akan diperluas tetapi jumlah orang dewasa akan tetap sama. |
The Valley of Fire Road (also called the Valley of Fire Highway) is a road in northeastern Clark County, Nevada serving the Valley of Fire State Park. The roadway was previously designated State Route 40 (SR 40), and the segment within the state park is currently designated a Nevada Scenic Byway. | The Valley of Fire Road (also called the Valley of Fire Highway) is a street in northeastern Clark County, Nevada serving the Valley of Fire State Park. | 0 | Jalan Valley of Fire Road (juga disebut Lembah Api Highway) adalah jalan di sebelah timur laut Clark County, Nevada yang melayani Lembah Taman Negara Api. | Lembah Api (juga disebut Lembah Api Highway) adalah jalan di sebelah timur laut Clark County, Nevada yang melayani Lembah Taman Negara Api. |
The Original Rude Girl is the second studio album by Puerto Rican reggaeton recording artist Ivy Queen released on December 15, 1998 by Sony Discos. It is the follow up studio album to Queen's debut effort "En Mi Imperio" released in 1997. The album includes Queen's debut single "In The Zone" featuring Wyclef Jean, which helped to increase the album and Queen's exposure to American audiences. | The album includes Queen's third single "Dime" featuring Wyclef Jean. | 1 | The Original Rude Girl adalah album studio kedua oleh Puerto Rico reggaeton artis rekaman Ivy Queen dirilis pada 15 Desember 1998 oleh Sony Discos. album studio berikut untuk upaya debut Ratu "En Mi Imperio" dirilis pada tahun 1997. | Album ini termasuk Ratu ketiga tunggal "Dime" menampilkan Wyclef Jean. |
The administration deserves credit for having made it work. It is important for NATO to have it work. It's important for NATO to be strong and confident and to help keep the peace in Europe. And one of the reasons I felt so strongly that the United States needed to participate was because of our relations with NATO, and NATO is going to be an important part of keeping the peace in the future. | It does not matter to NATO if it works or not | 2 | administrasi layak mendapatkan penghargaan karena telah berhasil penting bagi NATO untuk melakukannya penting bagi NATO untuk menjadi kuat dan percaya diri dan untuk membantu menjaga perdamaian di Eropa dan salah satu alasan saya merasa begitu kuat bahwa Amerika Serikat perlu untuk berpartisipasi adalah karena hubungan kita dengan NATO, dan NATO akan menjadi bagian penting untuk menjaga perdamaian di masa depan | Tidak masalah bagi NATO jika berhasil atau tidak. |
Károly Pánczél (born April 3, 1961) is a Hungarian teacher and politician, member of the National Assembly (MP) for Ráckeve (Pest County Constituency XIII) from 2002 to 2006 and from 2010 to 2014. He was also Member of Parliament from the Pest County Regional List of Fidesz between 1998–2002 and 2006–2010. He was elected MP for Dabas (Pest County Constituency XI) in 2014. | Panczel was a teacher, politician and lived in Hungary. | 0 | Károly Pánczél (lahir 3 April 1961) adalah guru dan politisi Hongaria, anggota Majelis Nasional (MP) untuk Ráckeve (Pest County Constituensi XII) dari tahun 2002 sampai 2006 dan dari 2010 hingga 2014. Dia juga anggota Parlemen dari Pest County Fidesz antara 1998 (192002 dan 20062010) pada 2014. | Panczel adalah seorang guru, politikus dan tinggal di Hongaria. |
Heartburn<br>Liam was at the county fair. He ate a sausage link he bought from a booth. The sausage was spicy. It gave Liam heartburn. When he left the fair, he went to the store to get medicine. | Liam went to the store after he went to the fair. | 0 | Heartburn<br>Liam berada di pameran daerah. dia makan sosis yang dibelinya dari sebuah stan. sosis itu pedas. itu memberikan Liam heartburn. ketika dia meninggalkan pameran, dia pergi ke toko untuk mendapatkan obat. | Liam pergi ke toko setelah ia pergi ke pameran. |
Betty Currie (born Betty Grace Williams; November 10, 1939) is the former personal secretary for Bill Clinton (during his tenure as President of the United States). She became well known as a figure in the Lewinsky scandal for her alleged handling of gifts given to Monica Lewinsky by President Clinton. | Betty Currie was a secretary for the president. | 0 | Betty Currie (bayi Betty Grace Williams; 10 November 1939) adalah mantan sekretaris pribadi Bill Clinton (selama masa jabatannya sebagai Presiden Amerika Serikat). | Betty Currie adalah sekretaris presiden. |
Hot towel<br>I went to the barber shop for a general hair cut. The barber noticed I had a beard. He suggested that I get the hot towel treatment. I went with it and it felt great. I always get the hot towel treatment from now on. | The barber suggested that I get the cold shoulder treatment. | 2 | Hot towel<br>I pergi ke salon tukang cukur untuk potong rambut umum. tukang cukur melihat aku punya jenggot. dia menyarankan agar aku mendapatkan perawatan handuk panas. aku pergi dengan itu dan rasanya hebat. aku selalu mendapatkan perawatan handuk panas mulai sekarang. | Tukang cukur menyarankan agar saya mendapat perawatan bahu dingin. |
assignment<br>When i was in high school i was to lazy to do assignments. One day our teacher gave us assignment to be submitted the next day. But i didn't do it instead i watch a movie that night. Next morning i convinced my friend that i will copy her assignment. But she did not let me because she wants me to learn my lesson. | i was happy to do assignments | 2 | tugas<br> ketika saya masih di SMA saya malas untuk melakukan tugas. suatu hari guru kami memberi kami tugas untuk diserahkan keesokan harinya. tapi saya tidak melakukannya sebagai gantinya saya menonton film malam itu. pagi berikutnya saya meyakinkan teman saya bahwa saya akan menyalin tugasnya. tapi dia tidak membiarkan saya karena dia ingin saya belajar pelajaran saya. | saya senang untuk melakukan tugas |
Anorexia in males accounted for approximately six percent of cases seen in an eating disorder clinic. | The eating disorder clinic seen over two thousand males with anorexia | 1 | Anoreksia pada pria bertanggung jawab atas kira - kira enam persen kasus yang terlihat di klinik kelainan perilaku makan. | Klinik gangguan makan terlihat lebih dari dua ribu laki-laki dengan anoreksia |
Legacy is the debut album from underground hip hop artist Akir. It was released on March 20, 2006 on Viper Records. Guest performers on the album include Immortal Technique and Jean Grae. Producers include SouthPaw, Akir, and Apex, and the album was executive produced by Immortal Technique. "Politricks" was released as a single on July 22, 2005. | Akir retired from the music industry in 2007. | 1 | Legacy adalah album debut dari artis hip hop bawah tanah Akir. itu dirilis pada 20 Maret 2006 di Viper Records. para artis tamu pada albumnya termasuk Eternal Technique dan Jean Grae. produser termasuk SouthPaw, Akir, dan Apex, dan Apex, dan album itu dibuat oleh Emortal Technique. "Politricks" dirilis sebagai single pada tanggal 22 Juli 2005. | Akir pensiun dari industri musik tahun 2007. |
Once With Feeling<br>After the band played the crowd clapped politely. The band leader thought that they could do better. He raised his baton and conducted the song once more. He gestured to the musicians to play better and with more feeling. At the end of the second play the crowd went wild. | The crowd asked to hear the song again. | 1 | Setelah Merasa<br> Setelah band memainkan kerumunan bertepuk tangan dengan sopan. pemimpin band berpikir bahwa mereka bisa berbuat lebih baik. dia mengangkat tongkat dan memainkan lagu sekali lagi. dia isyarat kepada musisi untuk bermain lebih baik dan lebih berperasaan. pada akhir drama kedua orang-orang menjadi liar. | Orang-orang meminta untuk mendengar lagu itu lagi. |
Moreover, Canada encourages an expansion of religious freedom in China, including Tibet, and I do not doubt that Canada would welcome a dialogue between Chinese authorities and the Dalai Lama, a world spiritual leader who earned the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 for his dedication to peace and human rights. | The Dalai Lama agrees with Canadians on their views of China not accepting Tibet's religious freedom. | 1 | Selain itu, Kanada menganjurkan perluasan kebebasan beragama di Cina, termasuk Tibet, dan saya tidak ragu bahwa Kanada akan menyambut dialog antara kalangan berwenang Cina dan Dalai Lama, seorang pemimpin rohani dunia yang memperoleh Hadiah Perdamaian Nobel pada tahun 1989 untuk pembaktiannya kepada perdamaian dan hak asasi manusia. | Dalai Lama setuju dengan orang Kanada tentang pandangan mereka tentang Cina tidak menerima kebebasan beragama Tibet. |
MoneyWeek's comprehensive guide to the best of this week's share tips from the rest of the UK’s financial press. Three to buy Residential Secure Income The Mail on Sunday This residential trust, which provides funding to housing associations that offer subsidised rents and shared-ownership schemes, is scheduled to float later this month. The trust's contracts are with the associations rather than the tenants, which provides a degree of security. An opportunity to help to boost the supply of affordable houses "and earn decent returns at [...] | Housing associations in the UK may not act as landlords. | 1 | MoneyWeek apos; s panduan komprehensif untuk yang terbaik minggu ini tips saham dari sisa perusahaan keuangan Inggris. tiga untuk membeli Surat Keamanan Residental pada hari Minggu ini, yang menyediakan pendanaan kepada asosiasi perumahan yang menawarkan subsidi sewa dan skema berbagi-pemilik, dijadwalkan untuk mengapung kemudian bulan ini. kontrak kepercayaan adalah dengan asosiasi daripada para penyewa, yang menyediakan tingkat keamanan. kesempatan untuk membantu meningkatkan pasokan rumah yang terjangkau "dan mendapatkan kembali layak pada [...] [...] | Asosiasi perumahan di Inggris mungkin tidak bertindak sebagai tuan tanah. |
Victory is the eleventh studio album by German band Running Wild. It is the third and final album in a trilogy of a theme of good versus evil, started with "Masquerade" and continued with "The Rivalry", and is the only album in their discography not to include any pirate-themed songs/topics. | Running Wild is a British band. | 2 | Kemenangan adalah album studio kesebelas oleh band Jerman Running Wild. Ini adalah album ketiga dan terakhir dalam trilogi dari tema baik melawan kejahatan, dimulai dengan "Masquerade" dan melanjutkan dengan "The Rivalry" dan adalah satu-satunya album dalam discografi mereka untuk tidak termasuk setiap bajak laut bertema lagu/topik. | Menjalankan Wild adalah band Inggris. |
Sterling Knight (born March 5, 1989) is an American actor and musician. He is best known for playing the roles as Alex in "17 Again", Chad Dylan Cooper in Disney Channel Original Series "Sonny with a Chance" and its spinoff "So Random!", Zander Carlson in "Melissa & Joey", and Christopher Wilde in the Disney Channel Original Movie "Starstruck". | The actor enjoys acting more than music. | 1 | Sterling Knight (lahir 5 Maret 1989) adalah aktor dan musisi Amerika. dia paling terkenal memainkan peran sebagai Alex di "17 Lagi", Chad Dylan Cooper di Channel Disney Original "Sonny with a Chance" and the spinoff "So Random!", Zander Carlson in "Melissa & Joey", dan Christopher Wilde in the Disney Channel Original Movie "Starstrack" | Aktor menikmati bertindak lebih dari musik. |
Sir Christopher Edward Wollaston MacKenzie Geidt {'1': ", '2': ", '3': ", '4': "} (born 17 August 1961) was the private secretary to Queen Elizabeth II from September 2007 to 2017. As of July 2016, Geidt also serves as the Chairman of the Council of King's College London, succeeding the Duke of Wellington. | Sir Christopher succeeding the Duke of Norway in 2016. | 2 | Sir Christopher Edward Wollaston MacKenzie Geidt {'1': ", '2': ", '3': "} (lahir 17 Agustus 1961) adalah sekretaris pribadi Ratu Elizabeth II dari September 2007 sampai 2017. | Sir Christopher menggantikan Duke of Norwegia tahun 2016. |
Subsets and Splits