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Ştefan de la Bărbuleşti (Ştefan from Bărbuleşti) is a Gypsy lăutar and manele singer, best known internationally as the artist of the song "Eu Vin Acasă Cu Drag". This song, however, is more recognized as the "Borat Television Programme" theme as shown on Channel 4, as part of the Ali G series starring Sacha Baron Cohen. | Ştefan de la Bărbuleşti is known at an international level. | 0 | Namun, lagu ini lebih dikenal sebagai tema "Program Televisi Borat" yang ditampilkan di Channel 4, sebagai bagian dari seri Ali yang menampilkan Sadis Baron Cohen. | ▪tefan de la BcKenzierbuleşti dikenal pada tingkat internasional. |
How to be a soccer goalie<br>Learn the basic rules of soccer. Before you can develop yourself into a goalie, you should know the rules of soccer. These rules and regulations are discussed by and decided upon by the international football association board (ifab), which is a committee within the fédération internationale de football association (fifa). | Basic rules of soccer are decided upon by half of members of IFAB | 1 | Bagaimana menjadi kiper sepak bola <br>Learn aturan dasar sepak bola. sebelum Anda dapat mengembangkan diri Anda menjadi kiper, Anda harus tahu aturan-aturan sepak bola. aturan-aturan dan peraturan ini dibahas oleh dan diputuskan oleh dewan asosiasi sepak bola internasional (ifab), yang merupakan komite dalam fédération internasional de football association (fifa). | Aturan dasar sepak bola diputuskan oleh setengah anggota IFAB |
A fight between inmates at the Regina Correctional Centre sent one person to hospital on Aug, 19. The inmate was taken to hospital with unknown injuries after the fight, but was later returned to the correctional centre. The facility was placed on lockdown after the fight to ensure the safety of all staff and inmates. The incident will be reviewed and the matter has been referred to the RCMP to determine if an investigation will be conducted. | The lockdown was put in place for the safety of all staff and inmates. | 0 | Perselisihan antara narapidana di Pusat LP Regina mengirim satu orang ke rumah sakit di Aug, 19 narapidana dibawa ke rumah sakit dengan cedera yang tidak diketahui setelah pertempuran, tapi kemudian dikembalikan ke pusat rehabilitasi fasilitas ditempatkan pada penguncian setelah pertarungan untuk memastikan keamanan semua staf dan tahanan insiden akan ditinjau dan masalah telah dirujuk ke RCMP untuk menentukan apakah penyelidikan akan dilakukan. | Penguncian ditempatkan untuk keselamatan semua staf dan narapidana. |
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell is a 2002 stealth video game developed by Ubi Soft Montreal and built on the Unreal Engine 2. It is the first "Splinter Cell" game in the series. Endorsed by author Tom Clancy, it follows the activities of NSA black ops agent Sam Fisher. The character of Fisher is voiced by actor Michael Ironside. | The character of Fisher is voiced by Tom Clancy. | 2 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell adalah video game siluman tahun 2002 yang dikembangkan oleh Ubi Soft Montreal dan dibangun di atas Mesin 2. | Karakter Fisher terdengar oleh Tom Clancy. |
2 is a compilation album of songs by the Spanish band Dover, released in 2007. It is a double CD greatest hits compilation from the band including singles: "Serenade", "Devil Came To Me" and "Loli Jackson" and featuring many singles and favourites from their past albums. | Dover comes from a latin country. | 0 | 2 adalah album kompilasi lagu oleh Dover, band Spanyol, dirilis pada tahun 2007. Ini adalah kompilasi hits ganda terbesar dari band termasuk single: "Serenade", "Devil Come To Me" dan "Loli Jackson" dan menampilkan banyak lagu single dan favorit dari album masa lalu mereka. | Dover berasal dari negara latin. |
North East Lincolnshire is a unitary authority area in the Yorkshire and the Humber region of England, bordering the unitary authority of North Lincolnshire and the non-metropolitan county of Lincolnshire. The population of the Unitary Authority at the 2011 Census was 159,616. These three administrative units make up the ceremonial county of Lincolnshire. | North East Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire and the non-metropolitan county of Lincolnshire make up the ceremonial county of Lincolnshire. | 0 | Lincolnshire Utara adalah daerah otoritas unitary di Yorkshire dan wilayah Humber di Inggris, berbatasan dengan otoritas unit Lincolnshire Utara dan non-metropolitan daerah Lincolnshire. populasi dari Otoritas Unitary pada 2011 Census adalah 159,616. tiga unit administratif ini membentuk wilayah seremonial Lincolnshire. | Lincolnshire Timur Utara, Lincolnshire Utara dan daerah non-metropolitan Lincolnshire membentuk wilayah seremonial Lincolnshire. |
The Portobello Film Festival is an independent international film festival based in London, which annually premiers over 700 new films, including features, shorts, documentaries, music films and animation. Additionally, workshops and talks with top film directors (such as Stephen Frears and John Maybury) are also featured. Admission to the three-week-long festival is free of charge. | You can spend 3 weeks at this festival and it's free! | 0 | Festival Film Portobello adalah festival film internasional independen yang berbasis di London, yang setiap tahun membintangi lebih dari 700 film baru, termasuk fitur, celana pendek, dokumenter, film musik dan animasi. | Anda dapat menghabiskan 3 minggu di festival ini dan itu gratis! |
Lucy Taylor is an American horror novel writer. Her novel, "The Safety of Unknown Cities" was awarded the Bram Stoker Award for Best First Novel and the International Horror Guild Award for Best First Novel in 1995, and the Deathrealm Award for Best Novel in 1996. Her collection "The Flesh Artist" was nominated for the Bram Stoker Award (Superior Achievement in a Fiction Collection) in 1994. | It took Lucy Taylor years to finally win an award for her collection "The Flesh Artist". | 1 | Lucy Taylor adalah penulis novel horor Amerika novelnya "The Safety of Unknown Cities" dianugerahi Penghargaan Bram Stoker untuk Best First Novel dan Penghargaan Horror International Guild Award for Best First Novel in 1995, dan Deathrealm Award for Best Novel pada tahun 1996. koleksinya "The Flesh Artist" dinominasikan untuk Penghargaan Bram Stoker (Achivement Superior dalam Fiction Collection) tahun 1994. | Butuh bertahun-tahun Lucy Taylor untuk akhirnya memenangkan penghargaan untuk koleksinya "The Flesh Artist." |
Edward George "Ed" Skrein ( ; born 29 March 1983) is an English actor and rapper. Outside his rap career, he is best known for his roles as Daario Naharis in Season 3 of "Game of Thrones", Frank Martin Jr. in "The Transporter Refueled" and Francis Freeman/Ajax in "Deadpool" (2016). | Skrein is more famous in England than America. | 1 | Edward George "Ed" Skrein (; lahir 29 Maret 1983) adalah aktor Inggris dan rapper. dia dikenal sebagai Daario Naharis di Season 3 dari "Game of Thrones", Frank Martin Jr. dalam "The Transporter Refueled" dan Francis Freeman / Ajax di "Deadpool" (2016). | Skrein lebih terkenal di Inggris daripada Amerika. |
"Tryin' to Hide a Fire in the Dark" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Billy Dean. It was released in November 1992 as the first single from Dean's album "Fire in the Dark". The song reached number 6 on the "Billboard" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart in March 1993 and number 1 on the "RPM" Country Tracks chart in Canada. It was written by Dean and Tim Nichols. | Tryin' to Hide a Fire in the Dark" reached the billboard charts in North America. | 0 | "Mencoba menyembunyikan api di kegelapan" adalah lagu yang ditulis oleh artis musik Amerika Billy Dean. yang dirilis pada bulan November 1992 sebagai album pertama Dean "Fire in the Dark" lagu mencapai nomor 6 pada lagu "Billboard" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart pada bulan Maret 1993 dan nomor 1 di "RPM" Country Tracks chart di Kanada. lagu itu ditulis oleh Dean dan Tim Nichols. | Mencoba menyembunyikan api di kegelapan" telah mencapai papan reklame di Amerika Utara. |
I want to help people help themselves, not have government tell people what to do. I just don't think it's the role of the United States to walk into a country and say, we do it this way, so should you. I think we can help. I know we've got to encourage democracy in the marketplaces. | This person wants other countries to be dependent on the US | 2 | Saya ingin membantu orang-orang untuk membantu diri mereka sendiri, tidak memiliki pemerintah memberitahu orang-orang apa yang harus dilakukan. saya hanya tidak berpikir itu adalah peran Amerika Serikat untuk berjalan ke negara dan berkata, kita melakukannya dengan cara ini, jadi seharusnya Anda. saya pikir kita bisa membantu. saya tahu kita harus mendorong demokrasi di pasar-pasar. | Orang ini ingin negara lain bergantung pada AS |
During the Clinton years, as you may recall, there was a fight over affirmative action. And there were many people, like myself, who opposed quotas, who felt there were places where it was overreaching. So we had a policy called "Mend it, don't end it. "We fixed it. | Quotas for affirmative action were not thought to be overreaching. | 2 | Selama tahun-tahun Clinton, seperti yang mungkin Anda ingat, ada perkelahian atas tindakan afirmatif, dan ada banyak orang, seperti saya, yang menentang kuota, yang merasa ada tempat di mana hal itu melampaui batas, jadi kami memiliki kebijakan yang disebut "Mend itu, tidak mengakhirinya." | Kuota untuk tindakan afirmatif tidak dianggap melampaui batas. |
Swift Rivers is a children's historical novel by Cornelia Meigs. Set initially in 1835 in Minnesota, it is a story of the early days of the logging industry, when logs were floated down the Mississippi to St. Louis. The novel, illustrated by Forrest W. Orr, was first published in 1931 and was a Newbery Honor recipient in 1933. | The novel won the Newberry Honor 2 years after it was published. | 0 | Swift Rivers adalah novel sejarah anak-anak karya Cornelia Meigs. yang pertama kali diterbitkan pada tahun 1931 dan merupakan penerima Honor Newbery pada tahun 1933. | Novel ini memenangkan Newberry Honor 2 tahun setelah diterbitkan. |
How to solar power your home<br>Call a professional. Grid tied systems are probably your best bet, especially if you live in an area with reliable power. By having a grid tied system, you are eligible for tax credits, plus you'll be able to sell your excess power back to your power company. | Don't call a professional. | 2 | Bagaimana tenaga surya rumah Anda<br>Call profesional. Sistem terikat jaringan mungkin adalah taruhan terbaik Anda, terutama jika Anda tinggal di daerah dengan kekuatan terpercaya. dengan memiliki jaringan sistem yang terikat, Anda memenuhi syarat untuk kredit pajak, ditambah Anda akan dapat menjual kelebihan Anda kembali ke perusahaan listrik Anda. | Jangan panggil profesional. |
Shoes<br>My mother had bought me a pair of new shoes. As I put them on my feet, my dog came over to lick them. I thought that my dog's feet might be cold. I took my shoes off and put them on my dog. Now I need another pair of new shoes. | My shoes fit the dog's feet. | 1 | Ibuku membelikanku sepasang sepatu baru. sekarang aku butuh sepasang sepatu baru. | Sepatuku sesuai dengan kaki anjing. |
Katariga is a small community in Sagnarigu District in the Northern Region of Ghana. It has a dispersed settlement having Kumbuyili, Sugashee and Gurugu as its neighboring communities. Farming is the most common occupation in this community. It is one of the few communities headed by a female(Tindana) in the Northern Region . | katariga is ran by men | 2 | Katariga adalah komunitas kecil di Distrik Sagnarigu di Wilayah Ghana Utara. yang memiliki pemukiman terpisah yang memiliki Kumbuyili, Sugashee dan Gurugu sebagai komunitas tetangga. | Katariga dijalankan oleh laki-laki |
Asbury First United Methodist Church is located on East Avenue in Rochester, New York, United States. It traces its heritage to several Rochester congregations dating back to the 1820s. In its current form, it is the result of a 1934 merger of First Church and Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church. With a congregation of 2,300 people, it is the largest United Methodist church in the Rochester area. | Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church will continue to be the largest church in the Rochester area. | 1 | Asbury First United Metodis Church terletak di East Avenue di Rochester, New York, Amerika Serikat, menelusuri warisannya ke beberapa sidang di Rochester yang berasal dari tahun 1820-an. | Gereja Episkopal Asbury akan terus menjadi gereja terbesar di wilayah Rochester. |
The José Celestino Mutis botanical garden is Colombia's biggest botanical garden. It serves both as a recreation and research center with an emphasis on Andean and Páramo ecosystems. The garden is located in Bogotá and features plants from every Colombian altitude, climate and region. It was founded in 1955, in honor of botanist and astronomer Jose Celestino Mutis. | Jose Celestino Mutis was in the opening of botanical garden. | 1 | Taman botani José Celestino Mutis adalah kebun botani terbesar Kolombia, yang berfungsi sebagai pusat rekreasi dan penelitian yang diutamakan bagi ekosistem Andean dan Páramo. taman ini terletak di Bogotá dan menyajikan tanaman dari setiap ketinggian, iklim, dan wilayah Kolombia yang didirikan pada tahun 1955, untuk menghormati ekosistem botani dan astronom Jose Celestino Mutis. | Jose Celestino Mutis berada di pembukaan kebun botani. |
Two bombs planted near an Islamic school in Pakistan killed eight people and injured 42 others yesterday in the latest outbreak of violence gripping the southern port of Karachi. | there have been other violent incidence in Karachi | 0 | Dua bom ditanam dekat sekolah Islam di Pakistan menewaskan delapan orang dan terluka 42 orang lain kemarin dalam wabah kekerasan terbaru mencengkeram pelabuhan selatan Karachi. | Ada kejadian kekerasan lainnya di Karachi. |
How to breathe during labor<br>Start with two breaths to one " blow. " a basic slow breathing pattern is breathing in twice to every single time you breathe out. It's a quicker breathing pattern than how you breathe normally, about twice as fast as normal. | It's a quicker breathing pattern than how you breathe normally, about twice as fast as normal. Men have it easier than women.
| 1 | Cara bernapas selama persalinan <br> Start dengan dua tiupan " pukulan." | Ini adalah pola pernapasan yang lebih cepat dari bagaimana Anda bernapas normal, sekitar dua kali lebih cepat normal. |
Mr. President, the next question is to you. We all know that Social Security is running out of money, and it has to be fixed. You have proposed to fix it by letting people put some of the money collected to pay benefits into private savings accounts. But the critics are saying that's going to mean finding $1 trillion over the next 10 years to continue paying benefits as those accounts are being set up. | The president is a man. | 0 | Pak Presiden, pertanyaan berikutnya adalah kepada Anda semua tahu bahwa Jaminan Sosial kehabisan uang, dan itu harus diperbaiki. anda telah mengusulkan untuk memperbaikinya dengan membiarkan orang-orang menaruh beberapa uang yang dikumpulkan untuk membayar keuntungan ke rekening tabungan pribadi. tapi kritikus mengatakan itu akan berarti menemukan 1 triliun dolar selama 10 tahun ke depan untuk terus membayar keuntungan sebagai akun tersebut sedang dibentuk. | Presiden adalah seorang pria. |
The 2014 Monaco GP2 Series round was a pair of motor races held on May 23 and 24, 2014 at the Circuit de Monaco in Monte Carlo as part of the GP2 Series. It was the third round of the 2014 GP2 Series season, and was part of the support programme for the 2014 Monaco Grand Prix. | The GP2 series was not very interesting | 1 | Putaran Seri GP2 Monaco 2014 adalah sepasang balapan motor yang diadakan pada 23 Mei dan 24, 2014 di Circuit de Monaco di Monte Carlo sebagai bagian dari Seri GP2. | Seri GP2 tidak terlalu menarik |
Clemson had its first scrimmage of fall camp on Saturday. Head coach Dabo Swinney, Offensive Coordinator Jeff Scott and Defensive Coordinator Brent Venables had plenty of positive things to say about the offenses’ performance. However, things weren’t so good for the defense. The Clemson Insider’s Ashley Pendergist bring you the coordinators edition of the two-minute drill. | Head coach Dabo Swinney, Offensive Coordinator Jeff Scott and Defensive Coordinator Brent Venables were pleased with the defense | 2 | Clemson memiliki scrimmage pertama dari kamp musim gugur pada hari Sabtu pelatih kepala Dabo Swinney, Koordinator Offensif Jeff Scott dan Defensive Coordinator Brent Venables memiliki banyak hal-hal positif untuk mengatakan tentang pelanggaran- pelanggaran itu. namun, hal-hal tidak begitu baik untuk pertahanan. | Kepala pelatih Dabo Swinney, Koordinator Offensif Jeff Scott dan Koordinator Defensif Brent Venables senang dengan pertahanan |
The East–West Shrine Game is an annual postseason college football all-star game played each January since 1925. The game is sponsored by the fraternal group Shriners International, and the net proceeds are earmarked to some of the Shrine's charitable works, most notably the Shriners Hospitals for Children. The game's slogan is "Strong Legs Run That Weak Legs May Walk". | The Shriners Hospitals for Children receive some money from the all-star game. | 0 | Permainan ini disponsori oleh kelompok persaudaraan Shriners International, dan hasil yang dihasilkan oleh beberapa karya amal Shrine's Temple, terutama Rumah Sakit Shrinzer untuk Children. | Rumah Sakit Shriners untuk Anak-anak menerima uang dari permainan all-star. |
The Abbottabad University of Science and Technology (also named "AUST"), is a public university located in Havelian (12 km from Abbottabad), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The University offers admissions in "Bachelors", "Masters", "MS/M. Phill" and "PHD" programs. | One cannot study at university and receive a degree in Pakistan. | 2 | The Abbottabad University of Science and Technology (juga bernama "Aust"), adalah sebuah universitas umum yang terletak di Havelian (12 km dari Abbottabad), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. | Seseorang tidak bisa belajar di universitas dan mendapatkan gelar di Pakistan. |
François-Xavier Roth (born 6 November 1971 in Paris) is a French conductor. His father is the organist Daniel Roth. His brother Vincent Roth is a violist. Before turning to conducting, François was a flautist. Roth graduated from the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique, where his teachers included Alain Marion and János Fürst. | His sister is a violist. | 2 | François-Xavier Roth (lahir 6 November 1971 di Paris) adalah seorang konduktor Prancis. ayahnya adalah organis Daniel Roth. saudaranya Vincent Roth adalah violist. sebelum beralih untuk memimpin, François adalah seorang flautis. Roth lulus dari Conservatoire National Supérieur desique, di mana gurunya termasuk Alain Marion dan János Fürst. | Adiknya adalah seorang violist. |
It is the country's aging nuclear facility that currently concerns Armenian environmental groups as well as those in neighboring countries. Twenty miles west of the capital Yerevan, Armenia's Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant was built in 1970s and houses two VVER-440 Model V230 nuclear reactors. Metsamor, which currently produces about 40 percent of the country's electricity, is located in a seismically active zone and was closed even before the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union because of the devastating Dec. 7, 1988, earthquake in Spitak. | The plant was built in the century before the current | 0 | Ini adalah fasilitas nuklir yang sedang mengalami penuaan di negara-negara sekitar 20 mil sebelah barat ibu kota Yerevan, Pabrik Tenaga Nuklir Metsamor Armenia dibangun pada tahun 1970-an dan rumah-rumah dua VVVer-440 Model V230 reaktor nuklir Metsamor, yang saat ini menghasilkan sekitar 40 persen dari listrik negara ini, terletak di zona aktif seismik dan bahkan ditutup sebelum jatuhnya Uni Soviet tahun 1991 karena menghancurkan 7, 1988, gempa bumi di Spitak. | Tanaman ini dibangun pada abad sebelum saat ini |
Co-producing the film is Happy Madison, the company owned by Sandler, who has been a compatriot of Schneider's since they met early in their careers, as mutually struggling stand-up comedians in Los Angeles. | Sandler has no affiliation with this film. | 2 | Co-memproduksi film adalah Happy Madison, perusahaan yang dimiliki oleh Sandler, yang telah menjadi rekan kerja Schneider sejak mereka bertemu awal karir mereka, sebagai komedian yang saling berjuang stand-up di Los Angeles. | Sandler tidak memiliki afiliasi dengan film ini. |
The State of California Department of Occupational Health and Safety released its report on the September 5 fatal accident on Disneyland's Big Thunder Mountain Railroad attraction. | There was an accident at Disneyland. | 0 | State of California Department of Occupational Health and Safety merilis laporannya pada 5 September kecelakaan fatal pada atraksi Big Thunder Mountain Railroad Disneyland. | Ada kecelakaan di Disneyland. |
Kensuke Tanaka (田中 賢介, born May 20, 1981) is a Japanese professional baseball left fielder who plays for the Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters of the Nippon Professional Baseball League. He has played for the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters of Nippon Professional Baseball and the San Francisco Giants of Major League Baseball. | Kensuke Tanaka's family enjoyed watching him play baseball. | 1 | Kensuke Tanaka (19 Mei 1981) lahir 20 Mei) adalah pemain baseball profesional Jepang yang bermain untuk Hokkaido Nippon Fighters of the Nippon Professional Baseball League. dia telah bermain untuk Hokkaido Nippon-Hum Fighters of Nippon Profesional Baseball dan Giants San Francisco dari Major League Baseball. | Keluarga Kensuke Tanaka senang melihatnya bermain bisbol. |
Lucy Maud Montgomery {'1': ", '2': ", '3': ", '4': "} (November 30, 1874 – April 24, 1942) published as L.M. Montgomery, was a Canadian author best known for a series of novels beginning in 1908 with "Anne of Green Gables". The book was an immediate success. The central character, Anne Shirley, an orphaned girl, made Montgomery famous in her lifetime and gave her an international following. | Montomery wrote for numerous novel series, include Anne of Green Gables. | 0 | Lucy Maud Montgomery {'1': ", '2':," '3': ", '4': "} (20 November, 1874, 24 April 1942) diterbitkan sebagai L.M. Montgomery, adalah penulis Kanada yang paling dikenal sebagai seri novel dimulai pada tahun 1908 dengan "Anne of Green Gables". | Montomery menulis untuk sejumlah seri novel, termasuk Anne of Green Gables. |
Vladimir Oiunovich Oidupaa (Russian: Владимир Ойунович Ойдупаа , Tuvan: Ойдупаа Владимир Ойун оглу, "Oidupaa Vladimir Oiun oglu" ] , 6 September 1949 – 25 September 2013) was a Tuvan musician, who performed Kargyraa and played bayan. He is considered one of the leading figures in the contemporary Tuvan music. | Vladimir Oiunovich Oidupaa is considered one of the leading figures in music. | 0 | Vladimir Oiunovich Oidupaa (Russia) (Russia): Rusia, "Oidupa Vladimir Oiun oglu," 6 September 1949 25 September 2013) adalah seorang musisi Tuvan, yang memainkan Kargyraa dan bermain bay. dia dianggap sebagai salah satu tokoh terkemuka dalam musik modern Tuvan Tu. | Vladimir Oiunovich Oidupaa dianggap sebagai salah satu tokoh terkemuka dalam musik. |
Camassia cusickii, common name Cussick's camas, is a species of plant in the Asparagaceae family (subfamily Agavoideae). It is native to parts of North America. It has linear leaves with parallel venation and flowers in parts of three. The flowers are usually ice blue or baby blue in color, although they can be various shades of blue, cream and white. | A new species of Camassia cusickii will be discoved that are red. | 1 | Camassia cusicki, nama umum Camas Cusssick, adalah spesies tanaman dalam keluarga Asparaceae (subfamial Agavoteae). ia berasal dari bagian-bagian Amerika Utara. ia memiliki daun linear dengan venalasi paralel dan bunga-bunga pada bagian dari tiga. bunga-bunga biasanya berwarna biru atau biru bayi, meskipun mereka dapat menjadi berbagai nuansa biru, krim dan putih. | Spesies baru Camassia cusicki akan discoved yang berwarna merah. |
The Mt. Kinka Ropeway (金華山ロープウェー , Kinkazan Rōpuwē ) is Japanese aerial lift line in Gifu, Gifu. This is the only line Gifu Kankō Ropeway (岐阜観光索道 , Gifu Kankō Sakudō ) operates. The company belongs to Meitetsu Group. The line, opened in 1955, climbs Mount Kinka, linking Gifu Park and Gifu Castle. | The Mt. Kinka Ropeway comes from japan. | 0 | Ini adalah satu-satunya jalur yang digunakan oleh Kinkazan Ruchow) oleh Jepang di Gifu, Gifu, mendaki Gunung Kinka, menghubungkan Gifu Park dan Gifu. | Gunung Kinka Taliway berasal dari Jepang. |
Chancellor Schroeder has presided over three years of almost zero growth in the economy and an unemployment rate that has remained stubbornly above four million people. | Prior to those three years, there were years of a lot of growth | 1 | Chancellor Schroeder telah memimpin lebih dari tiga tahun pertumbuhan hampir nol dalam perekonomian dan angka pengangguran yang tetap keras kepala di atas empat juta orang. | Sebelum tiga tahun, ada tahun banyak pertumbuhan |
Garrett Smithley (born April 27, 1992) is an American professional stock car racing driver. He currently competes full-time in the NASCAR Xfinity Series, driving the No. 0 Chevrolet Camaro for JD Motorsports and the No. 40 Toyota Camry for MBM Motorsports. Smithley has also competed in the Camping World Truck Series and ARCA Racing Series. | Smithley competes in racing competitions. | 0 | Garrett Smithley (awal 27 April 1992) adalah pembalap mobil profesional Amerika dia saat ini bersaing penuh waktu di NASCAR Xfinity Series, mengendarai No. 0 Chevrolet Camaro untuk JD Motorsports dan No. 40 Toyota Camry untuk MBM Motorsports. | Smithley bersaing dalam kompetisi balap. |
Well, I think during the campaign, particularly now during this difficult period, we ought to be speaking with one voice, and I appreciate the way the administration has worked hard to calm the tensions. Like the vice president, I call on Chairman Arafat to have his people pull back to make the peace. | This is a difficult time period. | 0 | aku pikir selama kampanye, khususnya sekarang selama masa sulit ini, kita harus berbicara dengan satu suara, dan aku menghargai cara administrasi telah bekerja keras untuk menenangkan ketegangan seperti wakil presiden, aku meminta Ketua Arafat agar rakyatnya mundur untuk membuat perdamaian. | Ini adalah periode waktu yang sulit. |
Club Fortuna provides revellers with wild orgies, x-rated shows and a series of play rooms for participants. The St Petersburg club charges £44 for people to attend and has said it will welcome Three Lions fans in June. One Russian club-goer said: "We get lots of foreign men and couples and Englishmen arriving for the World Cup will be very welcome. "But we want to see the well-mannered English and not the drunken types just looking for rough sex." | Three Lions fans are expected at the club in autumn. | 2 | Club Fortuna menyediakan pesta pora dengan pesta liar, x-rated shows dan serangkaian ruang bermain untuk peserta klub St Petersburg biaya £444 untuk orang untuk menghadiri dan telah mengatakan itu akan menyambut Three Lions penggemar pada bulan Juni satu orang Rusia klub-goer berkata: "Kami mendapatkan banyak orang asing dan pasangan-pasangan dan Inggris tiba untuk Piala Dunia akan sangat disambut. "Tapi kami ingin melihat orang Inggris sopan dan tidak mabuk jenis hanya mencari seks kasar. " | Penggemar Tiga Singa diharapkan di klub di musim gugur. |
Something Like Human is the second album by the band Fuel released in 2000 on Epic Records. "Something Like Human" reached #17 on the U.S. Billboard Top 200, and featured their first U.S. Top 40 hit with "Hemorrhage (In My Hands)" which reached #30 on the "Billboard" Hot 100 charts. It remains one of their most popular songs to date. | Hemorrhage (In My Hands)" which reached #38 on the "Billboard" Hot 100 charts. | 2 | Sesuatu seperti Manusia adalah album kedua dari band Fuel yang dirilis tahun 2000 di Epic Records. "Something Like Human" mencapai #17 pada 200 Billboard Amerika Serikat, dan menampilkan lagu pertama mereka yang paling populer sampai saat ini. | Hemorrhage (Di Tangan-Ku)" yang mencapai #38 pada "Bilboard" Hot 100 grafik. |
The Ghost & Mrs. Muir is an American sitcom based on the 1947 film of the same name, which was based on the 1945 novel by R. A. Dick. It premiered in September 1968 on NBC. After NBC canceled the series, it aired on ABC for one season before being canceled a final time. The program is currently seen weekday mornings on the digital subchannel "GetTV." | The Ghost & Mrs. Muir movie was a failure | 1 | The Ghost & Mrs Muir adalah sitcom Amerika berdasarkan film 1947 dari nama yang sama, yang didasarkan pada novel tahun 1945 oleh R.A. Dick. yang diremiering pada bulan September 1968 di NBC. setelah NBC membatalkan seri, itu ditayangkan pada ABC selama satu musim sebelum dibatalkan. | Film Ghost & Ny. Muir gagal. |
How to earn extra income as a working mom<br>Evaluate your schedule. Before you begin looking for a chance to earn extra income, determine what kind of time you can provide to another job. Ask for help. | Working moms should not worry about their schedules. | 2 | Bagaimana mendapatkan penghasilan ekstra sebagai ibu yang bekerja<br> mengevaluasi jadwal Anda. Sebelum Anda mulai mencari kesempatan untuk mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan, tentukan waktu apa yang dapat Anda sediakan untuk pekerjaan lain. Mintalah bantuan. | Ibu yang bekerja tidak perlu khawatir tentang jadwal mereka. |
The Beijing Municipal Administration & Communication Card (), more commonly known as the Yikatong (literally One-card pass), is a store-value contactless smart card used in Beijing, China, for public transportation and related uses. It is similar to Hong Kong's Octopus card, Singapore's CEPAS, or the Oyster Card used by Transport for London in London, England. | Beijing, China has an ez pass. | 1 | Beijing Municipal Administration & Communication Card (), yang lebih dikenal sebagai Yikatong (secara harfiah 1 kartu pass), adalah kartu cerdas tanpa kontak yang bernilai yang digunakan di Beijing, Cina, untuk transportasi umum dan kegunaan yang terkait. | Beijing, Cina memiliki ez lulus. |
Staunton Mall is a shopping mall in Augusta County, Virginia, United States. It is slightly outside the city limits of Staunton, Virginia. It has 4 anchors in operation include Belk, JCPenney, Peebles and Gold's Gym (previously Sears Surplus and Goody's Family Clothing), with former anchors including Books-A-Million and Steve & Barry's. | Staunton Mall is a mall in Augusta County, Virginia, | 0 | Staunton Mall adalah pusat perbelanjaan di Augusta County, Virginia, Amerika Serikat. di luar batas kota Staunton, Virginia. ada 4 jangkar yang beroperasi termasuk Belk, JCPenney, Peebles dan Gold's Gym (sebelumnya Searsplus dan Pakaian Keluarga Goody), dengan mantan jangkar termasuk Books-A-Million dan Steve & Barry. | Staunton Mall adalah mall di Augusta County, Virginia, |
Jennings fired a scoreless two-thirds of an inning in Sunday's 5-3 win over the Yankees, allowing a walk. The 30-year-old southpaw has seen action in three of his first four days with his new club, but Sunday's outing was the first in which he actually recorded an out. Jennings had put together a solid body of work with the White Sox prior to being traded, so he's expected to see plenty of work as a lefty specialist during the second half. | The White Sox are a baseball team. | 0 | Jennings menembak tanpa skor dua-pertiga dari sebuah inning di Minggu 5-3 menang atas Yankees, memungkinkan berjalan kaki. 30 tahun kidal telah melihat tindakan dalam tiga hari pertamanya dengan klub baru, tapi Minggu outing adalah yang pertama di mana ia benar-benar merekam keluar. Jennings telah menempatkan bersama tubuh solid kerja dengan White Sox sebelum diperdagangkan, jadi dia diharapkan untuk melihat banyak bekerja sebagai spesialis kidal selama paruh kedua. | White Sox adalah tim bisbol. |
Real Madrid Club de Fútbol C, commonly known as Real Madrid C, was a Spanish association football team that played in the Tercera División – Group 7. It was Real Madrid's second reserve team. They played their home games at La Ciudad del Real Madrid in Valdebebas outside the city of Madrid. At the end of the 2014–15 Tercera Division, Real Madrid C was disbanded. | Real Madrid Club de Fútbol C traveled very often for games out of the country | 1 | Real Madrid Club de Fútbol C, yang umumnya dikenal sebagai Real Madrid C, adalah tim sepak bola asosiasi Spanyol yang bermain di Tercera División Grup 7. | Real Madrid Club de Fútbol C bepergian sangat sering untuk permainan di luar negeri |
How to tell if another woman is bisexual<br>Notice whether she shows open appreciation for women. If the woman seems to generally appreciate women, including their sex appeal, there is a chance she is. Does she always notice other people's looks and comment on them in a sexualized way? [substeps] As with every potential clue, it's possible she is just admiring another woman without having a sexual attraction to her. | If the woman seems to generally appreciate other women's sex appeal, they are 100% bisexual | 2 | Bagaimana memberitahu jika wanita lain adalah biseksual<br>Noice apakah dia menunjukkan penghargaan terbuka untuk perempuan. jika wanita itu tampaknya secara umum menghargai wanita, termasuk daya tarik seks mereka, ada kemungkinan dia. apakah dia selalu melihat penampilan dan komentar orang lain pada mereka dengan cara seksual? [sublangkah] Seperti dengan setiap petunjuk potensial, itu mungkin dia hanya mengagumi wanita lain tanpa memiliki daya tarik seksual kepadanya. | Jika wanita pada umumnya menghargai daya tarik seks wanita lain, mereka 100% biseksual |
The Sector 15A locality in Noida, India, which is considered an elite enclave of rich industrialists, bureaucrats and professionals was in for a shock when Anant Gupta, son of Adobe India CEO Naresh Gupta was abducted in broad daylight by two unidentified men on Monday. The Noida police was subsequently notified but they were unable to locate the motor-cycle used by the kidnappers as no one was able to take down the registration number of the vehicle. A number of raiding teams have been formed by the police to track down the offenders. | Naresh Gupta has a son. | 0 | Sektor 15A lokal di Noida, India, yang dianggap sebagai kumpulan elit industrialis kaya, birokrat dan profesional berada dalam shock ketika Anant Gupta, putra dari Adobe India CEO Naresh Gupta diculik di siang hari yang luas oleh dua orang tak dikenal pada hari Senin. | Naresh Gupta punya seorang putra. |
And finally, I do believe in tax relief. I believe we can set our priorities. I don't believe, like the vice president does, in huge government. I believe in limited government. By having a limited government and a focused government, we can send some of the money back to the people who pay the bills. | The narrator supports lowering taxes. | 0 | Dan akhirnya, saya percaya pada keringanan pajak saya percaya kita dapat menetapkan prioritas kita saya tidak percaya, seperti yang dilakukan wakil presiden, dalam pemerintahan besar saya percaya pada pemerintah yang terbatas dengan memiliki pemerintah terbatas dan pemerintah yang terfokus, kita dapat mengirim sebagian uang kembali kepada orang-orang yang membayar tagihan. | narator mendukung menurunkan pajak. |
Marry Him If You Dare (; lit. Mirae's Choice or Future's Choice) is a 2013 South Korean television series starring Yoon Eun-hye, Lee Dong-gun, Jung Yong-hwa, Han Chae-ah, and Choi Myung-gil. It aired on KBS2 from October 14 to December 3, 2013 on Mondays and Tuesdays at 22:00 for 16 episodes. | Marry Him If You Dare was one of the most popular shows in South Korea during it's time on the air. | 1 | Nikahi Dia Jika Anda Berani (; lit. pilihan Mirae atau Pilihan Masa Depan) adalah seri televisi Korea Selatan 2013 yang dibintangi Yoon Eun-hye, Lee Dong-gun, Jung Yong-hwa, Han Chae-ah, dan Choi Myung-gil. | Nikahi Dia Jika Anda Dare adalah salah satu acara paling populer di Korea Selatan selama waktu di udara. |
Aucuba chinensis is a shrub or small tree, native to southern China, Taiwan, Burma and northern Vietnam. Typically it grows to 6 meters tall, though it can be larger. The leaves are thick, dark green above and light green below, sometimes with teeth along the margins. | There are a plethora of plants native to southern China. | 1 | Aucuba chincensis adalah semak atau pohon kecil, asli Cina selatan, Taiwan, Burma dan Vietnam utara. | Ada sejumlah besar tanaman asli Cina selatan. |
All ministers I met with this week know it is our obligation to show leadership and to work together to come up with a package of risk management tools that the government could be involved in to encourage producers to get involved in what I refer to as commercial risk management. | There were no meetings with ministers outside of this week. | 1 | Semua menteri saya bertemu dengan minggu ini tahu itu adalah kewajiban kita untuk menunjukkan kepemimpinan dan untuk bekerja sama untuk datang dengan paket alat manajemen risiko bahwa pemerintah bisa terlibat dalam untuk mendorong produsen untuk terlibat dalam apa yang saya sebut sebagai manajemen risiko komersial. | Tidak ada pertemuan dengan menteri di luar minggu ini. |
Carissa is a genus of shrubs or small trees native to tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Australia and Asia. Until recently about 100 species were listed, but most of them have been relegated to the status of synonyms or assigned to other genera, such as "Acokanthera". | Parts of Africa, Australia and Asia possess tropical and/or subtropical climates. | 0 | Carissa adalah genus semak-semak atau pohon-pohon kecil asli daerah tropis dan subtropis Afrika, Australia dan Asia. | Bagian-bagian Afrika, Australia dan Asia memiliki iklim tropis dan/atau subtropis. |
Sierpe River (Spanish: "Rio Sierpe") is a river of Costa Rica. Boat traffic is common with both locals and tourists. A broad range of wildlife can be seen from the American Crocodile, various other reptile species, and exotic fish and birds. It joins the Rio Terraba. | Rio Serpe was named after the local river serpent | 1 | Sungai Sierpe (Spanyol: "Rio Sierpe") adalah sungai Kosta Rika. lalu lintas perahu umum dengan penduduk setempat maupun wisatawan. | Rio Serpe dinamai menurut nama ular sungai setempat |
"Edge of a Revolution" is a single by Canadian rock band Nickelback from their eighth studio album, "No Fixed Address". It was released as the album's lead single on August 18, 2014. It went for Active Rock adds on August 18, and was premiered on Clear Channel radio stations. It was released for sale on August 19, 2014. This was the first release under Nickelback's new label, Republic Records. | Nickelback has played at the superbowl during halftime. | 1 | "Edge of a Revolution" adalah satu-satunya band rock Canadian Nickelback dari album studio kedelapan mereka, "No Fixed Address". yang dirilis sebagai album utama tunggal pada tanggal 18 Agustus 2014. ia pergi untuk Active Rock menambahkan pada 18 Agustus 18 dan di premier di stasiun radio Clear Channel. dirilis untuk dijual pada 19 Agustus 2014. | Nickelback telah bermain di superbowl selama paruh waktu. |
The results of numerous epidemiological studies and recent clinical trials provide consistent evidence that diets rich in fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of chronic disease. | Chronic diseases are linked to the kinds of food we eat. | 0 | Hasil dari banyak penelitian epidemiologi dan uji klinis baru - baru ini memberikan bukti yang konsisten bahwa menu makanan yang kaya buah dan sayuran dapat mengurangi risiko penyakit kronis. | Penyakit kronis dikaitkan dengan jenis makanan yang kita makan. |
BBC experts Gianluca Vialli, Martin Keown and Jurgen Klinsmann discuss whether Italy or Spain will be victorious in the final of Euro 2012. The two countries, who played out a 1-1 draw in the group stage of the tournament, will go head to head in Kiev's Olympic Stadium on Sunday evening for the right to lift the Henri Delaunay trophy. Watch coverage of the match on BBC One, BBC One HD and the BBC Sport website from 1900 BST. Available to UK users only | There is no overtime in the group stage of the tournament. | 1 | Para ahli BBC Gianluca Vialli, Martin Keown dan Jurgen Klinsmann mendiskusikan apakah Italia atau Spanyol akan menang di final Euro 2012. kedua negara, yang bermain keluar 1-1 menarik dalam tahap grup turnamen, akan pergi ke kepala di Kiev's Olympic Stadium pada hari Minggu malam untuk hak mengangkat piala Henri Delaunay. | Tidak ada kerja lembur di panggung turnamen. |
Relient K is the debut studio album by American rock band Relient K. Many of the tracks are newer versions of those found on their 1998 demo "All Work & No Play". Typical of early Relient K albums, the lyrics use pop culture references for teaching and to illustrate Biblical principles. As of late 2006/early 2007, this album has sold around 400,000 copies. | The American rock band Relient K had a demo album in 1998. | 0 | Relient K adalah album studio debut oleh band rock Amerika Relient K. Banyak dari trek adalah versi baru dari mereka yang ditemukan pada demo 1998 "All Work & No Play". Biasanya album Relient K awal, liriknya menggunakan referensi budaya pop untuk mengajar dan untuk menggambarkan prinsip-prinsip Alkitab. | Band rock Amerika Relient K memiliki album demo pada tahun 1998. |
Four Pink Walls is the debut extended play (EP) by Canadian singer Alessia Cara. It was released on August 26, 2015 through Def Jam. With all songs containing writing by Cara, the preview of her upcoming debut studio album "Know-It-All" also includes major songwriting and production contributions from the duo Pop & Oak. | it was released after 2015 august 11 | 0 | Empat Pink Walls adalah pertunjukan perdana (EP) oleh penyanyi Kanada Alessia Cara yang dirilis pada 26 Agustus 2015 melalui Def Jam. dengan semua lagu yang ditulis oleh Cara, preview album debutnya yang akan datang "Tahu-It-All" juga termasuk lagu utama dan kontribusi produksi dari duo Pop & Oak. | itu dirilis setelah 11 Agustus 2015 |
Mirage Studios is an independent American comic book company founded in 1983 by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird in Dover, New Hampshire, and currently based in Northampton, Massachusetts. They are best known for the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" comic book series and the subsequent franchise it has spawned. | Only Americans have worked at Mirage Studios, | 1 | Mirage Studios adalah perusahaan buku komik Amerika independen yang didirikan pada tahun 1983 oleh Kevin Eastman dan Peter Laird di Dover, New Hampshire, dan saat ini berbasis di Northampton, Massachusetts, mereka paling dikenal sebagai seri komik "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" dan waralaba berikutnya telah berkembang. | Hanya orang Amerika yang bekerja di Mirage Studios, |
Ballymena United Football Club is a semi-professional football club from Northern Ireland. Based in Ballymena, County Antrim, the team competes in the NIFL Premiership and plays home matches at the Ballymena Showgrounds.The club is managed by iconic Irish League player/manager David Jeffrey. | Ballymena United Football Club is a popular club in Ireland | 1 | Ballymena United Football Club adalah klub sepak bola semi-profesional dari Irlandia Utara. berdasarkan Ballymena, County Antrim, tim bersaing di NIFL Premiership dan bermain rumah pertandingan di Ballymena Showgrounds. Klub ini dikelola oleh ikon Irish pemain Liga /manager David Jeffrey. | Ballymena United Football Club adalah klub populer di Irlandia |
Heemeyer equipped an old bulldozer with three television cameras and monitors so he could see to steer. | The cameras could zoom in on objects. | 1 | Heemeyer dilengkapi buldoser tua dengan tiga kamera televisi dan monitor sehingga ia bisa melihat untuk mengarahkan. | Kamera bisa memperbesar pada objek. |
hard work<br>Carl had been hired to work at a local factory. It was very hot with temperatures typically over one hundred degrees. Carl hated the job and wanted to quit. However, he had to stick with it to pay the bills. Eventually, Carl got use to job and learned to enjoy it. | Carl wears shorts to work. | 1 | kerja keras<br>Carl telah disewa untuk bekerja di pabrik lokal. sangat panas dengan suhu biasanya lebih dari seratus derajat. Carl benci pekerjaan dan ingin berhenti. namun, ia harus tetap dengan itu untuk membayar tagihan. akhirnya, Carl harus digunakan untuk bekerja dan belajar untuk menikmatinya. | Carl memakai celana pendek untuk bekerja. |
Demi Lovato: Live in Concert (also known as the Summer Tour 2009) was the debut headlining concert tour by American singer Demi Lovato, launched in support of her debut album "Don't Forget" (2008) and the second studio album "Here We Go Again" (2009). | In 2008 Demi Lovato had more studio than live performance experience | 0 | Demi Lovato: Live in Concert (juga dikenal sebagai Summer Tour 2009) adalah debut tur konser oleh penyanyi Amerika Demi Lovato, yang diluncurkan untuk mendukung album debutnya "Don't Forget" (2008) dan album studio kedua " Here We Go Again" (2009). | Pada tahun 2008 Demi Lovato memiliki lebih banyak studio daripada pengalaman pertunjukan langsung |
But the most important thing to relieve the pressure on all of the armed forces is frankly to run a foreign policy that recognizes that America is strongest when we are working with real alliances, when we are sharing the burdens of the world by working through our statesmanship at the highest levels and our diplomacy to bring other nations to our side. | America does not want to work with other nations, nor does it want to bring other nations to its side, and America would also rather run a foreign policy that harbors resentment among its peers. | 2 | Tapi hal yang paling penting untuk meringankan tekanan pada semua angkatan bersenjata adalah terus terang menjalankan kebijakan luar negeri yang mengakui bahwa Amerika adalah terkuat ketika kita bekerja dengan aliansi nyata, ketika kita berbagi beban dunia dengan bekerja melalui keahlian negara kita pada tingkat tertinggi dan diplomasi kita untuk membawa negara lain ke pihak kita. | Amerika tidak ingin bekerja dengan bangsa-bangsa lain, juga tidak ingin untuk membawa bangsa-bangsa lain ke sisinya, dan Amerika juga lebih memilih menjalankan kebijakan luar negeri yang menyimpan kebencian di kalangan rekan-rekannya. |
Marion Anna Fischer (born July 18, 1986 in East Berlin) is a German actress and singer. Since 2003, she appeared in over 30 film and television roles in appearance. She is most recognised to international audiences as the innocent vampire "Nora" in Dennis Gansel's drama film "We Are The Night" | Marion Anna Fischer is engaged to a director she met on a set. | 1 | Marion Anna Fischer (awal 18 Juli 1986 di Berlin Timur) adalah seorang aktris dan penyanyi Jerman sejak 2003, dia tampil di lebih dari 30 film dan peran televisi dalam penampilan dia paling dikenal oleh penonton internasional sebagai "Nora" dalam film drama Dennis Gansel "We Are The Night" | Marion Anna Fischer bertunangan dengan direktur dia bertemu di set. |
Blue<br>We have a cat named Blue. We found him as a small kitten. He has very large ears. Even small noises make him jump! He is the biggest scaredy-cat I have ever seen! | The Cat's name is not a color | 2 | Blue<br> Kami memiliki kucing bernama Blue. kami menemukannya sebagai anak kucing kecil. dia memiliki telinga yang sangat besar. bahkan suara kecil membuat dia melompat! dia adalah kucing penakut terbesar yang pernah saya lihat! | Nama Kucing bukanlah warna |
It makes me so nervous .<br>Just let me tell my story and do n't say anything till I get through -- and then no doubt you 'll say plenty , '' Anne concluded , but in thought only .<br>`` I wo n't say another word , '' said Mr. Harrison , and he did n't .<br>But Ginger was not bound by any contract of silence and kept ejaculating , `` Redheaded snippet '' at intervals until Anne felt quite wild . | It makes me so giddy. | 2 | Ini membuat saya begitu gugup.<br>Just biarkan aku menceritakan kisah saya dan melakukann't mengatakan apa-apa sampai aku bisa melalui -- dan kemudian tidak diragukan lagi Anda 'akan mengatakan banyak,' Anne menyimpulkan, tetapi dalam pikiran hanya.<br> Saya tidak mengatakan apa-apa lagi, 'kata Mr Harrison, dan dia tidak. <br> Ginger Tapi tidak terikat oleh kontrak keheningan dan terus ejakulasi, ▪ Redheaded snippet' pada interval sampai Anne merasa cukup liar. | Itu membuatku sangat pusing. |
Weezer, also known as the White Album, is the eponymous tenth studio album by American rock band Weezer, released on April 1, 2016. The album marks their fourth self-titled release and their first produced by Jake Sinclair. It is the first release through Crush Music and was distributed by Atlantic Records. | Weezer is also known as the Black Album | 2 | Weezer, juga dikenal sebagai White Album, adalah album studio kesepuluh yang penuh tanggung jawab oleh band rock Amerika Weezer, dirilis pada 1 April 2016 album ini menandai rilis diri keempat mereka dan pertama mereka diproduksi oleh Jake Sinclair. ini adalah rilis pertama melalui Crush Music dan didistribusikan oleh Atlantic Records. | Weezer juga dikenal sebagai Album Hitam |
Fudge<br>My Dad was hard to buy gifts for. He had most of what he wanted and was a bit picky. It was his birthday and I needed a gift. I decided to buy him some fudge. I knew he liked it when he hid it so no one else could have any! | he hid the fudge and forgot about it | 2 | Fudge<br> Ayahku sulit untuk membeli hadiah untuk dia dia memiliki sebagian besar apa yang dia inginkan dan sedikit pemilih itu adalah ulang tahunnya dan aku membutuhkan hadiah aku memutuskan untuk membelikan dia beberapa fudge aku tahu dia menyukainya ketika dia menyembunyikannya sehingga tidak ada orang lain yang bisa memilikinya! | ia menyembunyikan fudge dan lupa tentang hal itu |
Princess Maria Gabriella of Savoy (Maria Gabriella Giuseppa Aldegonda Adelaide Ludovica Felicita Gennara; born 24 February 1940) is the middle daughter of Italy's last king, Umberto II, and Marie José of Belgium, the "May Queen", and a sister of the pretender to their father's throne, Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples. She is an historical writer. | She is known has April Queen. | 2 | Putri Maria Gabriella dari Savoy (Maria Gabriella Giusepa Aldegonda Adelaide Ludovica Gennara; lahir 24 Februari 1940) adalah putri tengah dari raja terakhir Italia, Umberto II, dan Marie José dari Belgia, "May Queen", dan saudari dari peniru takhta ayah mereka, Vittorio Emanuele, Pangeran Napoli. | Dia dikenal memiliki Ratu April. |
Stolen Cat<br>Tim was walking home one day. He saw a cat and took it with him. After a while a neighbor knocked on his door. The cat was theirs and they wanted it back. Tim reluctantly returned it. | Tim is 18 years old | 1 | Dicuri Cat<br>Tim sedang berjalan pulang suatu hari dia melihat seekor kucing dan membawanya bersamanya. setelah beberapa saat seorang tetangga mengetuk pintu rumahnya. kucing itu milik mereka dan mereka menginginkannya kembali. Tim enggan mengembalikannya. | Tim berusia 18 tahun |
Don Brash leader of the New Zealand National Party said that the White Crusaders of the Racial Holy War are "a small, fascist underbelly, hell-bent on causing division and destroying New Zealand's egalitarian ethos." | Don Brash is an impartial source of information. | 2 | Don Brash pemimpin Partai Nasional Selandia Baru mengatakan bahwa Perang Salib Putih dari Perang Suci Racial adalah "sedikit, fasis underbelly, bersikeras untuk menyebabkan divisi dan menghancurkan ethos Selandia Baru." | Don Brash adalah sumber informasi yang tidak memihak. |
The Second is the second studio album by Canadian-American rock band Steppenwolf, released in October 1968 on ABC Dunhill Records. The album contains one of Steppenwolf's most famous songs, "Magic Carpet Ride". The background of the original ABC LP cover was a shiny "foil", in contrast to later (MCA Records) LP issues and the modern CD sleeve. | The LP cover was shiny. | 0 | The Second is the second studio album by Canadian-American rock band Steppenwolf, dirilis pada bulan Oktober 1968 di ABC Dunhill Records. | Cover LP mengkilap. |
Nichola McAuliffe (born 27 August 1955) is an English television and stage actress and writer, best known for her role as Sheila Sabatini in the ITV sitcom "Surgical Spirit" (1989-1995). She has also starred in several stage musicals and won the 1988 Olivier Award for Best Actress in a Musical for her role in "Kiss Me, Kate". | In 1988, Nichola Mcauliffe was passed up for the Oliver Award for Best Actress in a Musical. | 2 | Nichola McAuliffe (lahir 27 Agustus 1955) adalah seorang aktris dan penulis dari Inggris, yang paling dikenal sebagai Sheila Sabatini dalam film ITV sitcom "Sargic Spirit" (1989-1995). dia juga membintangi beberapa drama musikal panggung dan memenangkan 1988 Olivier Award for Best Actress in a Musical for his peran dalam "Kiss Me, Kate" | Pada tahun 1988, Nichola Mcauliffe dilewatkan untuk Oliver Award untuk Aktris Terbaik dalam Musikal. |
The Soundtrack of Your Summer Tour was a tour that was co-headlined by Good Charlotte, and pop-rock band, Boys Like Girls. The Soundtrack of Your Summer Tour included guest bands such as Metro Station and The Maine on selected dates. The tour consisted of 39 dates in the United States and two in Canada. The name of the tour came from a line in the Boys Like Girls song, "Thunder". | The Soundtrack of Your Summer Tour had 39 dates | 0 | The Soundtrack of Your Summer Tour adalah tur bersama-sama terarah oleh Good Charlotte, dan band pop-rock, Boys Like Girls. The Soundtrack of Your Summer Tour termasuk band-band tamu seperti Metro Station and the Maine on picked date. tur terdiri dari 39 tanggal di Amerika Serikat dan dua di Kanada. | Soundtrack Tour Musim Panas Anda memiliki 39 tanggal |
Gedney Hill is a village and civil parish South Holland district of Lincolnshire, England. The population of the civil parish at the 2011 census was 737. It is situated close to the border of Cambridgeshire, and approximately 9 mi south-east from Spalding, 8 mi west from Wisbech and 9 miles south from Holbeach. | The population of the civil parish has nearly doubled since the 2011 census. | 1 | Gedney Hill adalah sebuah desa dan paroki sipil di Belanda Selatan distrik Lincolnshire, Inggris populasi paroki sipil pada sensus tahun 2011 adalah 737 terletak dekat dengan perbatasan Cambridgeshire, dan sekitar 9 mi-tim sebelah selatan dari Spalding, 8 mi barat dari Wisbech dan 9 mil selatan dari Holbeach. | Populasi paroki sipil telah hampir dua kali lipat sejak sensus 2011. |
The Kirsten Flagstad Prize is awarded to outstanding Norwegian singers by the Flagstad Society. The Flagstad Society was founded by Torstein Gunnarson and Øystein Gaukstad in connection with the Norwegian soprano Kirsten Flagstad's 80th birthday in 1975, aiming to spread knowledge about Kirsten Flagstad's art and keep her name alive. | The Flagstad Society is a North American society. | 2 | Hadiah Kirsten Flagstad diberikan kepada penyanyi Norwegia yang luar biasa oleh Lembaga Flagstad, Lembaga Flagstad didirikan oleh Torstein Gunnarson dan Gaukstad karya Torstein Gaukstad sehubungan dengan perayaan ulang tahun Norwegia soprano Kirsten Flagstad yang ke-80 pada tahun 1975, bertujuan untuk menyebarkan pengetahuan tentang seni Kirsten Flagstad dan menjaga namanya tetap hidup. | The Flagstad Society adalah masyarakat Amerika Utara. |
How to earn extra income as a working mom<br>Evaluate your schedule. Before you begin looking for a chance to earn extra income, determine what kind of time you can provide to another job. Ask for help. | they are talking about cats only | 2 | Bagaimana mendapatkan penghasilan ekstra sebagai ibu yang bekerja<br> mengevaluasi jadwal Anda. Sebelum Anda mulai mencari kesempatan untuk mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan, tentukan waktu apa yang dapat Anda sediakan untuk pekerjaan lain. Mintalah bantuan. | mereka berbicara tentang kucing hanya |
How to clean a felt hat<br>Brush it with a hat brush. Use a hat brush to remove dust and dirt from the surface of your hat. Gently brush the hat counterclockwise, starting at the front and working your way all around. | hats can be cleaned with a brush | 0 | Cara membersihkan topi yang terasa <br> sikat dengan sikat topi. Gunakan sikat topi untuk menghapus debu dan kotoran dari permukaan topi Anda. dengan lembut sikat topi berlawanan arah jarum jam, mulai dari depan dan bekerja dengan cara Anda. | Topi dapat dibersihkan dengan sikat |
Limnocharis flava (commonly known as yellow velvetleaf, sawah flower rush, sawah lettuce) is a species of aquatic flowering plant which is native to Mexico, Central America, South America, Cuba, Haiti and the Dominican Republic but widely naturalized in southern and southeastern Asia: India, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia and southern China (Guangdong, Yunnan). | The yellow velvet leaf can be found in Mexico. | 0 | Limnocharis flava (yang hanya dikenal sebagai velveleaf kuning, sawah rimbun selada bunga) adalah spesies tanaman berbunga air yang berasal dari Meksiko, Amerika Tengah, Amerika Tengah, Kuba, Haiti, dan Republik Dominika, tetapi secara luas bersifat naturalisasi di Asia bagian selatan dan tenggara: India, Sri Lanka, Kamboja, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, dan Cina Selatan (Guangdong, Yunnan). | Daun beludru kuning dapat ditemukan di Meksiko. |
How to find time for coffee in the morning<br>Every night prepare your coffee. Put a filter and the amount of ground coffee you need in the coffee maker. Pour in the amount of water you'll need as well. | The guide does not advise people to prepare the coffee in the early morning. | 0 | Bagaimana menemukan waktu untuk kopi di pagi hari<br> Setiap malam siapkan kopi Anda. Masukkan filter dan jumlah kopi tanah yang Anda butuhkan di pembuat kopi. tuangkan dalam jumlah air yang akan Anda butuhkan juga. | Pemandu tidak menyarankan orang - orang untuk mempersiapkan kopi pada pagi - pagi sekali. |
Vladimir Oiunovich Oidupaa (Russian: Владимир Ойунович Ойдупаа , Tuvan: Ойдупаа Владимир Ойун оглу, "Oidupaa Vladimir Oiun oglu" ] , 6 September 1949 – 25 September 2013) was a Tuvan musician, who performed Kargyraa and played bayan. He is considered one of the leading figures in the contemporary Tuvan music. | Vladimir Oiunovich Oidupaa was born after 1940 | 0 | Vladimir Oiunovich Oidupaa (Russia) (Russia): Rusia, "Oidupa Vladimir Oiun oglu," 6 September 1949 25 September 2013) adalah seorang musisi Tuvan, yang memainkan Kargyraa dan bermain bay. dia dianggap sebagai salah satu tokoh terkemuka dalam musik modern Tuvan Tu. | Vladimir Oiunovich Oidupaa lahir setelah 1940 |
But the best way to protect our citizens from guns is to prosecute those who commit crimes with guns. And that's why early in my administration I called the attorney general and the U. S. attorneys and said: Put together a task force all around the country to prosecute those who commit crimes with guns. And the prosecutions are up by about 68 percent -- I believe -- is the number. | The number mentioned in the text is not a prime number. | 0 | Tapi cara terbaik untuk melindungi warga negara kita dari senjata adalah dengan menuntut mereka yang melakukan kejahatan dengan senjata. dan penuntutan meningkat sekitar 68 persen -- saya percaya -- adalah nomor tersebut. | Angka yang disebutkan dalam teks bukanlah bilangan prima. |
Grant Taylor (Born October 30,1991) is an American professional skateboarder. He is the son of former professional skateboarder Thomas Taylor and won Thrasher Magazine's "Skater of The Year" in 2011. Grant’s style of skateboarding is known to be fast and powerful. He is recognized for his unique versatile skateboarding. | Grant Taylor's parents were married in 1991. | 1 | Grant Taylor (Born October 30,1991) adalah pemain skateboard profesional Amerika dia adalah putra dari mantan pemain skateboard profesional Thomas Taylor Taylor dan memenangkan "Skater of The Year" tahun 2011 gaya skateboard Grant (Skater of The Year) dikenal cepat dan kuat. | Orang tua Grant Taylor menikah pada tahun 1991. |
James Michael Smith (born July 26, 1988) is an American football cornerback for the Baltimore Ravens of the National Football League (NFL). He was drafted by the Ravens with the 27th pick in the 2011 NFL Draft. He played college football at University of Colorado. | James Michael Smith (born July 26, 1988) plays on NFL | 0 | James Michael Smith (lahir 26 Juli 1988) adalah pemain belakang sepak bola Amerika untuk Baltimore Ravens of the National Football League (NFL). | James Michael Smith (born July 26, 1988) bermain di NFL |
The 1919–20 WPI Engineers men's basketball team represented Worcester Polytechnic Institute during the 1919–20 NCAA men's basketball season. They were coached by Henry C. Swasey. The Engineers played their home games at Alumni Gym in Worcester, Massachusetts. The team won its first ever championship and finished the season with 14 wins and 2 losses. | Abraham Lincoln was the president when the Engineers played. | 1 | Tim basket WPI 20 WPI Engineers tim basket mewakili Institut Politeknik Worcester pada tahun 191920 NCAA pada musim basket mereka dilatih oleh Henry C. Swasey. para insinyur memainkan permainan rumah mereka di Alumni Gym di Worcester, Massachusetts. | Abraham Lincoln adalah presiden saat Engineers bermain. |
"I Don't Know What It Is" is a song written and performed by Canadian-American singer-songwriter Rufus Wainwright. It was the first single from Wainwright's third studio album "Want One" and was released in a slim-line jewel case format on July 26, 2004. | It was the first single from Wainwright's most hated studio album "Want One". | 1 | "I Don't Know What It Is" adalah lagu yang ditulis dan dilakukan oleh penulis lagu Kanada-Amerika Rufus Wainwright. album pertama dari album studio ketiga Wainwright "Want One" dan dirilis dalam format kasus permata tipis pada 26 Juli 2004. | Itu adalah single pertama dari Wainwright album studio paling dibenci "Want One". |
Erwin Mulder (] ; born 3 March 1989) is a Dutch professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Premier League club Swansea City. He is a former Netherlands U20's international and also received a call up to the senior Netherlands side in 2012. | Erwin Mulder has a pet dog named whisky. | 1 | Erwin Mulder (]; lahir 3 Maret 1989) adalah seorang pesepakbola profesional Belanda yang bermain sebagai penjaga gawang untuk klub Premier League Swansea City. | Erwin Mulder punya anjing peliharaan bernama whisky. |
Abu Eisa al-Hindi was said to have been involved in a plot to attack Heathrow airport, details of which were allegedly discovered on the computer of Abu Eisa al-Hindi, 25, an al-Qa'ida suspect recently arrested in Pakistan. | Abu Eisa al-Hindi has attacked airports before. | 1 | Abu Eisa al-Hindi dikatakan telah terlibat dalam plot untuk menyerang bandara Heathrow, rincian yang diduga ditemukan di komputer Abu Eisa al-Hindi, 25, tersangka al-Qa'ida baru-baru ini ditangkap di Pakistan. | Abu Eisa al-Hindi telah menyerang bandara sebelumnya. |
The Shahid Dastgerdi Stadium (also known as PAS Tehran Stadium) (Persian: ورزشگاه شهيد دستگردی ) is a football stadium located in the Ekbatan area of Tehran, Iran. It was named after a casualty of the Iran–Iraq War. It is the former home of PAS Tehran F.C. and now hosts the Iran national under-20 football team. | The stadium is painted white and gold. | 1 | Stadion Shahid Dastgerdi (juga dikenal sebagai Stadion PAS Teheran) (Persias: Khasiat: (Persiat Dastrad Dastgerdi) adalah stadion sepak bola yang terletak di daerah Ekbatan Teheran, Iran, yang dinamai menurut nama korban Perang Iran. | Stadion dicat putih dan emas. |
The Strangers is an American country band best known as the back-up band for singer-songwriter Merle Haggard. Formed in 1965 in Bakersfield, California, United States, the band continued to tour with original co-founding member Norman Hamlet, as well as Haggard's children Dana and Ben. | Merle Haggard started his back up band in 1965 in California. | 0 | The Strangers adalah band negara Amerika yang paling dikenal sebagai band back-up untuk penyanyi-seongwriter Merle Haggard. dan juga anak-anak Haggard di Bakersfield, California, Amerika Serikat, band terus tur dengan anggota pendiri asli Norman Hamlet, serta anak-anak Haggard dan Ben. | Merle Haggard memulai bandnya di tahun 1965 di California. |
Does the Minister of Canadian Heritage really think that increasing the tax write-off to 100% for corporate boxes, lowering the taxes sports millionaires pay to American levels, and writing off professional sports facilities in one year, which will cost hundreds of millions of dollars in lost tax revenues, will fly with Canadian taxpayers? | Lost tax revenue will make Canadian taxpayers upset. | 1 | Apakah Menteri Warisan Kanada benar-benar berpikir bahwa meningkatkan pajak write-off untuk 100% untuk kotak-kotak perusahaan, menurunkan pajak olahraga jutawan membayar ke tingkat Amerika, dan menulis off profesional fasilitas olahraga dalam satu tahun, yang akan biaya ratusan juta dolar dalam pendapatan pajak yang hilang, akan terbang dengan Kanada pembayar pajak? | Pendapatan pajak yang hilang akan membuat para pembayar pajak Kanada marah. |
Mercy Yvonne Debrah-Karikari is a career diplomat and the first female to be secretary to the cabinet of the government of Ghana. She was appointed to occupy this position by the current President Nana Akufo-Addo. Her appointment took effect on the 14th of February 2017. | Mercy was appointed as secretary to the cabinet on the 14th of February 2017 | 0 | Mercy Yvonne Debrah-Karikari adalah diplomat karir dan wanita pertama yang menjadi sekretaris kabinet pemerintah Ghana. | Mercy ditunjuk sebagai sekretaris kabinet pada 14 Februari 2017 |
Cyrinda Foxe (born Kathleen Victoria Hetzekian; February 22, 1952 – September 7, 2002) was an American actress, model and publicist, best known for her role in "Andy Warhol's Bad" (1977). She was married to both David Johansen of the proto-punk band New York Dolls and Steven Tyler of the hard rock band Aerosmith. She is the mother of Mia Tyler. | Cyrinda Foxe was married to two rockstars. | 0 | Cyrinda Foxe (lahir Kathleen Victoria Hetzekian; 22 Februari 1952 7 September 1952) adalah seorang aktris, model dan publikasi Amerika, yang paling dikenal sebagai perannya dalam "Andy Warhol's Bad" (1977). dia menikah dengan David Johansen dari band proto-punk New York Dolls dan Steven Tyler dari band rock Aerosmith. | Cyrinda Foxe menikah dengan dua bintang rock. |
Staff Reporter David Shan Zheng Bo, a Chinese student studying Urdu literature at the Government College University Lahore, Tuesday presented a photo exhibition at the Minhas Art Gallery depicting daily life of the university's students and their participation in co-curricular and sports activities. Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Hassan Amir Shah inaugurated the one-day photo exhibition which was also attended by the Chinese community residing in the provincial metropolis. | David Shan Zheng Bo created a photo exhibition containing 350 photos. | 1 | Reporter Staf David Shan Zheng Bo, seorang mahasiswa Cina mempelajari literatur Urdu di Government College University Lahore, Selasa menyajikan pameran foto di Galeri Seni Minhas menggambarkan kehidupan setiap hari mahasiswa dan partisipasi mereka dalam kegiatan co-kuricular dan olahraga. | David Shan Zheng Bo membuat pameran foto berisi 350 foto. |
Crawford County (county code CR) is a county located in Southeast Kansas. As of the 2010 census, the county population was 39,134. Its county seat is Girard, and its most populous city is Pittsburg. The county was named in honor of Samuel J. Crawford, Governor of Kansas. | Crawford County is the most populous county in Kansas | 1 | Crawford County (county code CR) adalah sebuah daerah yang terletak di Kansas Tenggara. dan kota ini dinamai untuk menghormati Samuel J. Crawford, Gubernur Kansas. | Daerah Crawford adalah daerah paling padat penduduk di Kansas |
Finance Minister Colm Imbert says the NIF fund is a way for the government to give back to citizens. Minister Colm Imbert explains that the government was able to recover from CLICO investment back 4 and half billion dollars worth of Republic Bank shares. He also says part of the assets of WITCO, Angostura and OCM have been put into the NIF which was launched last week. The offer document says priority will be given to individual applicants. | Colm's surname is Imbert. | 0 | Menteri Keuangan Colm Imbert mengatakan dana NIF adalah cara bagi pemerintah untuk memberikan kembali kepada warga negara. dia juga mengatakan bagian dari aset WITCO, Angostura dan OCM telah dimasukkan ke dalam NIF yang diluncurkan minggu lalu. | Nama keluarga Colm adalah Imbert. |
The American Textile History Museum (ATHM), located in Lowell, Massachusetts, was founded as the Merrimack Valley Textile Museum (MVTM) in North Andover, Massachusetts in 1960 by Caroline Stevens Rogers. ATHM told America’s story through the art, science, and history of textiles. In June 2016, the museum closed. | The reason the museum closed is that no one wanted to run it anymore. | 1 | Museum Sejarah Tekstil Amerika (ATHM), yang terletak di Lowell, Massachusetts, didirikan sebagai Museum Tekstil Lembah Merrimack (MVTM) di North Andover, Massachusetts pada tahun 1960 oleh Caroline Stevens Rogers. | Alasan museum ditutup adalah bahwa tidak ada yang ingin menjalankannya lagi. |
FROM two tiny rooms high up and far back in St. Augustine's Episcopal Church, with its neo-Georgian archways, straight-backed pews and simple, graceful detail, the legacy of slavery in Manhattan looks down. The stone church, on Henry Street near Montgomery Street on the Lower East Side, was built for a patrician white congregation. But although it was completed in 1828, a year after slavery was legally abolished in New York State, behind the balcony and on either side of the organ are two cramped rooms, built so that black churchgoers could worship there without being seen by white parishioners. | People like the church. | 1 | DARI dua ruangan kecil yang tinggi dan jauh di belakang gereja Episkopal St. Augustine, di jalan Henry Montgomery dekat Lower East Side, dibangun untuk sebuah lorong putih patrikia, tetapi meskipun diselesaikan pada tahun 1828, setahun setelah perbudakan secara hukum dihapuskan di New York State, di belakang balkon dan di kedua sisi organ adalah dua ruang sempit, dibangun sehingga gereja hitam dapat disembah oleh jemaat kulit putih. | Orang-orang seperti gereja. |
A front page editorial in South Africa's largest weekly newspaper, The Sunday Times, criticizes President Thabo Mbeki's "incompetent" handling of the country's ongoing anti-immigrant violence, and urges him to resign from office. "Either he will not lead or he cannot lead. Whichever is the case, the conclusion is the same: he must go," the editorial reads. "And so we appeal to President Mbeki: Stand down in the interests of your country." | The very first word in the statement is Africa | 2 | Sebuah editorial halaman depan di surat kabar mingguan terbesar di Afrika Selatan, The Sunday Times, mengkritik Presiden Thabo Mbeki yang "tidak kompeten" menangani negara ini yang sedang berlangsung anti-imigran, dan mendesaknya untuk mengundurkan diri dari kantor. | Kata yang paling pertama dalam pernyataan adalah Afrika |
Subsets and Splits