"""DUDE dataset loader""" |
import os |
from pathlib import Path |
import time |
import copy |
import json |
import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
from tqdm import tqdm |
from io import BytesIO |
tqdm.pandas() |
from joblib import Parallel, delayed |
import pdf2image |
import PyPDF2 |
from PIL import Image as PIL_Image |
from datasets import load_dataset_builder, load_dataset, logging |
logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) |
MAX_PAGES = 50 |
MAX_PDF_SIZE = 100000000 |
MIN_WIDTH, MIN_HEIGHT = 150, 150 |
def load_json(json_path): |
return json.load(open(json_path, "r")) |
def save_json(json_path, data): |
with open(json_path, "w") as f: |
json.dump(data, f) |
def get_images_pdf2image(document_filepath, chunksize=10): |
info = pdf2image.pdfinfo_from_path(document_filepath, userpw=None, poppler_path=None) |
maxPages = info["Pages"] |
maxPages = min(maxPages, maxPages) |
images = [] |
for page in range(1, maxPages + 1, chunksize): |
try: |
images.extend( |
pdf2image.convert_from_path( |
document_filepath, first_page=page, last_page=min(page + chunksize - 1, maxPages) |
) |
) |
except Exception as e: |
logger.warning(f"page: {page} get_images {e}") |
return images |
def pdf_to_images(document_filepath, converter="PyPDF2"): |
def images_to_pagenames(images, document_filepath, page_image_dir): |
page_image_names = [] |
for page_idx, page_image in enumerate(images): |
page_image_name = document_filepath.replace("PDF", "images").replace( |
".pdf", f"_{page_idx}.jpg" |
) |
page_image_names.append(page_image_name.replace(page_image_dir, page_image_dir.split('/')[-1])) |
if not os.path.exists(page_image_name): |
page_image.convert("RGB").save(page_image_name) |
return page_image_names |
example = {} |
example["num_pages"] = 0 |
example["page_image_names"] = [] |
images = [] |
page_image_dir = "/".join(document_filepath.split("/")[:-1]).replace("PDF", "images") |
if not os.path.exists(page_image_dir): |
os.makedirs(page_image_dir) |
reached_page_limit = False |
if converter == "PyPDF2": |
try: |
reader = PyPDF2.PdfReader(document_filepath) |
except Exception as e: |
logger.warning(f"read_pdf {e}") |
return example |
for p, page in enumerate(reader.pages): |
if reached_page_limit: |
break |
try: |
for image in page.images: |
if len(images) == MAX_PAGES: |
reached_page_limit = True |
break |
im = PIL_Image.open(BytesIO(image.data)) |
if im.width < MIN_WIDTH and im.height < MIN_HEIGHT: |
continue |
images.append(im) |
except Exception as e: |
logger.warning(f"get_images {e}") |
elif converter == "pdf2image": |
images = get_images_pdf2image(document_filepath) |
example["num_pages"] = len(images) |
if len(images) == 0: |
return example |
example["page_image_names"] = images_to_pagenames(images, document_filepath, page_image_dir) |
return example |
def pdf_to_images_block(document_paths_blocks, converter): |
new_doc_metadata = {} |
for document_filepath in document_paths_blocks: |
docId = document_filepath.split("/")[-1].replace(".pdf", "") |
new_doc_metadata[docId] = pdf_to_images(document_filepath, converter=converter) |
return new_doc_metadata |
def parse_textract_bbox(box): |
return np.array([box["Left"], box["Width"], box["Top"], box["Height"]]) |
def parse_azure_box(box, page_width, page_height): |
left = min(box[0], box[6]) |
right = max(box[2], box[4]) |
top = min(box[1], box[3]) |
bottom = max(box[5], box[7]) |
width = right - left |
height = bottom - top |
left = left / page_width |
top = top / page_height |
width = width / page_width |
height = height / page_height |
return [left, width, top, height] |
def get_ocr_information(ocr_path, num_pages): |
ocr_info = load_json(ocr_path) |
ocr_pages = ocr_info[0]["DocumentMetadata"]["Pages"] |
if num_pages != ocr_pages: |
raise AssertionError("Pages from images and OCR not matching, should go for pdf2image") |
page_ocr_tokens = [[] for page_ix in range(num_pages)] |
page_ocr_boxes = [[] for page_ix in range(num_pages)] |
for ocr_block in ocr_info: |
for ocr_extraction in ocr_block["Blocks"]: |
if ocr_extraction["BlockType"] == "WORD": |
text = ocr_extraction["Text"].lower() |
bounding_box = parse_textract_bbox( |
ocr_extraction["Geometry"]["BoundingBox"] |
).tolist() |
page = ocr_extraction["Page"] - 1 |
page_ocr_tokens[page].append(text) |
page_ocr_boxes[page].append(bounding_box) |
""" |
for page in range(num_pages): |
page_ocr_boxes[page] = np.array(page_ocr_boxes[page]) |
""" |
return page_ocr_tokens, page_ocr_boxes |
def create_header(split, version, has_answer): |
header = { |
"creation_time": time.time(), |
"version": version, |
"dataset_type": split, |
"has_answer": has_answer, |
} |
return header |
def get_document_info(documents_metadata, docId): |
doc_metadata = documents_metadata[docId] |
num_pages = doc_metadata["num_pages"] |
page_image_names = doc_metadata["page_image_names"] |
return num_pages, page_image_names |
def format_answers(answers_list): |
answers_list = list(set([answer.lower() for answer in answers_list])) |
return answers_list |
def create_imdb_record_from_json( |
record, documents_metadata, documents_ocr_info, split, include_answers, include_variants=False |
): |
docId = record["docId"].split("_")[0] |
try: |
num_pages, page_image_names = get_document_info(documents_metadata, docId) |
document_ocr_info = documents_ocr_info[docId] |
except Exception as e: |
print( |
"Missing: ", |
e, |
docId, |
) |
return {} |
if include_answers: |
answers = format_answers(record["answers"]) |
else: |
answers = None |
if include_variants: |
import pdb; pdb.set_trace() |
page_image_names = [split+image_name for image_name in page_image_names if image_name.startswith('/')] |
imdb_record = { |
"question_id": record["questionId"], |
"question": record["question"], |
"docId": docId, |
"image_name": page_image_names, |
"num_pages": num_pages, |
"ocr_tokens": document_ocr_info["ocr_tokens"], |
"ocr_normalized_boxes": document_ocr_info["ocr_boxes"], |
"set_name": split, |
"answers": answers, |
"answer_page": None, |
"extra": { |
"answer_type": record["answer_type"], |
}, |
} |
return imdb_record |
def create_imdb_from_json( |
data, documents_metadata, documents_ocr_info, split, version, include_answers=True |
): |
imdb_header = create_header(split, version, include_answers) |
imdb_records = [] |
for record in tqdm(data): |
imdb_record = create_imdb_record_from_json( |
record, documents_metadata, documents_ocr_info, split, include_answers |
) |
if imdb_record: |
imdb_records.append(imdb_record) |
imdb = [imdb_header] + imdb_records |
return imdb |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
dataset = load_dataset( |
"../DUDE_loader/DUDE_loader.py", |
"DUDE", |
data_dir="/home/jordy/Downloads/DUDE_train-val-test_binaries", |
) |
splits = dataset.keys() |
for split in splits: |
split_indices = [] |
OCR_paths = [] |
document_paths = [] |
for i, x in enumerate(dataset[split]): |
if x["data_split"] != split: |
continue |
if x["document"] not in document_paths: |
document_paths.append(x["document"]) |
OCR_paths.append(x["OCR"]) |
split_indices.append(i) |
documents_metadata_filename = f"{split}-documents_metadata.json" |
if os.path.exists(documents_metadata_filename): |
print(f"Loading from disk: {documents_metadata_filename}") |
documents_metadata = load_json(documents_metadata_filename) |
else: |
documents_metadata = {} |
num_jobs = 6 |
block_size = int(len(document_paths) / num_jobs) + 1 |
print(f"{block_size} * {num_jobs} = {block_size*num_jobs} ({len(document_paths)})") |
document_blocks = [ |
document_paths[block_size * i : block_size * i + block_size] |
for i in range(num_jobs) |
] |
print( |
"chunksize", |
len(set([docId for doc_block in document_blocks for docId in doc_block])), |
) |
parallel_results = Parallel(n_jobs=num_jobs)( |
delayed(pdf_to_images_block)(document_blocks[i], "pdf2image") |
for i in range(num_jobs) |
) |
for block_result in parallel_results: |
for docId, metadata in tqdm(block_result.items()): |
if docId not in documents_metadata: |
documents_metadata[docId] = metadata |
save_json(documents_metadata_filename, documents_metadata) |
documents_ocr_filename = f"{split}-documents_ocr.json" |
if os.path.exists(documents_ocr_filename): |
print(f"Loading from disk: {documents_ocr_filename}") |
documents_ocr_info = load_json(documents_ocr_filename) |
else: |
documents_ocr_info = {} |
no_ocr = [] |
error_ocr = [] |
for i, document_filepath in enumerate(document_paths): |
docId = document_filepath.split("/")[-1].replace(".pdf", "") |
try: |
ocr_tokens, ocr_boxes = get_ocr_information( |
OCR_paths[i], documents_metadata[docId]["num_pages"] |
) |
documents_ocr_info[docId] = {"ocr_tokens": ocr_tokens, "ocr_boxes": ocr_boxes} |
except AssertionError as e: |
print(f"image2pages issue: {e}") |
error_ocr.append(docId) |
except IndexError as e: |
print(f"pages issue: {e}") |
error_ocr.append(docId) |
except FileNotFoundError: |
print(f"FileNotFoundError issue: {e}") |
no_ocr.append(docId) |
except KeyError: |
print(f"Keyerror issue: {e}") |
error_ocr.append(docId) |
save_json(documents_ocr_filename, documents_ocr_info) |
imdb_filename = f"imdb_{split}.npy" |
if os.path.exists(imdb_filename): |
print(f"Loading from disk: {imdb_filename}") |
imdb = np.load(imdb_filename, allow_pickle=True) |
import pdb; pdb.set_trace() |
else: |
imdb = create_imdb_from_json( |
dataset[split], |
documents_metadata=documents_metadata, |
documents_ocr_info=documents_ocr_info, |
split=split, |
version="0.1", |
include_answers=True, |
) |
np.save(imdb_filename, imdb) |