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''", "chunks":[ [ "Mr.", "Skinner" ], [ "disagreed" ], [ "calling" ], [ "the", "legislation" ], [ "a", "retreat" ], [ "from" ], [ "the", "policy" ], [ "of" ], [ "deregulaton" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "airline", "industry" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "disagreed" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "PP", "ADVP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"For example , copper for December delivery settled 4.5 cents lower at $ 1.2345 a pound .", "chunks":[ [ "For" ], [ "example" ], [ "copper" ], [ "for" ], [ "December", "delivery" ], [ "settled" ], [ "4.5", "cents" ], [ "lower" ], [ "at" ], [ "$", "1.2345" ], [ "a", "pound" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "example" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "ADVP", "VP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"The proposal would restore some discipline erased from the budget process by the 1974 Budget `` Reform '' Act .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "proposal" ], [ "would", "restore" ], [ "some", "discipline" ], [ "erased" ], [ "from" ], [ "the", "budget", "process" ], [ "by" ], [ "the", "1974", "Budget", "``", "Reform", "''", "Act" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "The", "proposal" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "ADVP", "VP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Lawmakers scrapped all of a $ 7.4 million State Department request for the 1992 Expo in Seville , Spain , but agreed elsewhere to $ 15,000 for an oil portrait of former Chief Justice Warren Burger .", "chunks":[ [ "Lawmakers" ], [ "scrapped" ], [ "all" ], [ "of" ], [ "a", "$", "7.4", "million", "State", "Department", "request" ], [ "for" ], [ "the", "1992", "Expo" ], [ "in" ], [ "Seville" ], [ "Spain" ], [ "agreed" ], [ "elsewhere" ], [ "to" ], [ "$", "15,000" ], [ "for" ], [ "an", "oil", "portrait" ], [ "of" ], [ "former", "Chief", "Justice", "Warren", "Burger" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Lawmakers" ], "options":[ "NP", "SBAR", "INTJ", "PP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Colgate 's results were at the high end of the range of analysts ' forecasts .", "chunks":[ [ "Colgate" ], [ "'s", "results" ], [ "were" ], [ "at" ], [ "the", "high", "end" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "range" ], [ 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about $ 150 million .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "U.S.", "Export-Import", "Bank" ], [ "tentatively", "decided", "to", "guarantee" ], [ "commercial", "bank", "financing" ], [ "for" ], [ "the", "purchase" ], [ "of" ], [ "two", "Boeing", "Co.", "767", "airliners" ], [ "by" ], [ "Avianca" ], [ "Colombia" ], [ "'s", "international", "airline" ], [ "at" ], [ "a", "cost" ], [ "of" ], [ "about", "$", "150", "million" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "of" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "ADJP", "NP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Until then , options had been traded only in the over-the-counter market , mostly in New York , and in an almost invisible secondary market operating chiefly by telephone .", "chunks":[ [ "Until" ], [ "then" ], [ "options" ], [ "had", "been", "traded" ], [ "only", "in" ], [ "the", "over-the-counter", "market" ], [ "mostly", "in" ], [ "New", "York" ], [ "and" ], [ "in" ], [ "an", "almost", "invisible", "secondary", "market" ], [ "operating" ], [ "chiefly" ], [ "by" ], [ "telephone" ] ], 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William Schaefer for blocking the use of possible sites in that state .", "chunks":[ [ "other", "Bush", "administration", "officials" ], [ "have", "criticized" ], [ "Maryland", "Gov.", "William", "Schaefer" ], [ "for" ], [ "blocking" ], [ "the", "use" ], [ "of" ], [ "possible", "sites" ], [ "in" ], [ "that", "state" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "other", "Bush", "administration", "officials" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "SBAR", "PP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"The newspaper also ran a series of controversial short stories by Nguyen Huy Thiep , a former history teacher , who stirred debate over his interpretation of Vietnamese culture and took a thinly veiled swipe at writers who had blocked his entry into their official association .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "newspaper" ], [ "also" ], [ "ran" ], [ "a", "series" ], [ "of" ], [ "controversial", "short", "stories" ], [ "by" ], [ "Nguyen", "Huy", "Thiep" ], [ "a", "former", "history", "teacher" ], [ "who" ], [ "stirred" ], [ "debate" ], [ "over" ], [ "his", "interpretation" ], [ "of" ], [ "Vietnamese", "culture" ], [ "took" ], [ "a", "thinly", "veiled", "swipe" ], [ "at" ], [ "writers" ], [ "who" ], [ "had", "blocked" ], [ "his", "entry" ], [ "into" ], [ "their", "official", "association" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "stirred" ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "NP", "SBAR" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Born-again Christians are the most visible targets of unscrupulous do-gooder investment pitches .", "chunks":[ [ "Born-again", "Christians" ], [ "are" ], [ "the", "most", "visible", "targets" ], [ "of" ], [ "unscrupulous", "do-gooder", "investment", "pitches" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "unscrupulous", "do-gooder", "investment", "pitches" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "ADJP", "VP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"`` But do n't pay 30 times earnings for a company that 's expected to grow at 15 % a year . 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''", "chunks":[ [ "We" ], [ "backed" ], [ "this", "bill" ], [ "because" ], [ "we" ], [ "thought" ], [ "it" ], [ "would", "help" ], [ "Skinner" ], [ "one", "Republican" ], [ "said" ], [ "now" ], [ "we" ], [ "'re" ], [ "out", "there" ], [ "dangling" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "wind" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "it" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "ADVP", "PP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Pacific Telesis said new telephone lines increased 4.5 % for a total of about $ 13.5 million for the quarter ; toll calls increased 9.6 % to 807 million and minutes of telephone usage increased to 9.9 billion .", "chunks":[ [ "Pacific", "Telesis" ], [ "said" ], [ "new", "telephone", "lines" ], [ "increased" ], [ "4.5", "%" ], [ "for" ], [ "a", "total" ], [ "of" ], [ "about", "$", "13.5", "million" ], [ "for" ], [ "the", "quarter" ], [ "toll", "calls" ], [ "increased" ], [ "9.6", "%" ], [ "to" ], [ "807", "million" ], [ "minutes" ], [ "of" ], [ "telephone", "usage" ], [ "increased" ], [ "to" ], [ "9.9", "billion" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "new", "telephone", "lines" ], "options":[ "NP", "SBAR", "PP", "VP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"The new edition lists the top 10 metropolitan areas as Anaheim-Santa Ana , Calif. ; Boston ; Louisville , Ky. ; Nassau-Suffolk , N.Y. ; New York ; Pittsburgh ; San Diego ; San Francisco ; Seattle ; and Washington .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "new", "edition" ], [ "lists" ], [ "the", "top", "10", "metropolitan", "areas" ], [ "as" ], [ "Anaheim-Santa", "Ana" ], [ "Calif." ], [ "Boston" ], [ "Louisville" ], [ "Ky." ], [ "Nassau-Suffolk" ], [ "N.Y." ], [ "New", "York" ], [ "Pittsburgh" ], [ "San", "Diego" ], [ "San", "Francisco" ], [ "Seattle" ], [ "Washington" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "The", "new", "edition" ], "options":[ "NP", "SBAR", "PP", "ADVP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"And laws requiring the reporting of more varieties of transactions have enabled the IRS to rely on computers to ferret out discrepancies with returns and to generate form-letter inquiries to taxpayers .", "chunks":[ [ "laws" ], [ "requiring" ], [ "the", "reporting" ], [ "of" ], [ "more", "varieties" ], [ "of" ], [ "transactions" ], [ "have", "enabled" ], [ "the", "IRS" ], [ "to", "rely" ], [ "on" ], [ "computers" ], [ "to", "ferret" ], [ "out" ], [ "discrepancies" ], [ "with" ], [ "returns" ], [ "to", "generate" ], [ "form-letter", "inquiries" ], [ "to" ], [ "taxpayers" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "with" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "NP", "ADVP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"And half the employees surveyed think companies dole out too little to them .", "chunks":[ [ "half", "the", "employees" ], [ "surveyed" ], [ "think" ], [ "companies" ], [ "dole" ], [ "out" ], [ "too", "little" ], [ "to" ], [ "them" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "think" ], "options":[ "VP", "ADVP", "PP", "NP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"The suit , which seeks compensatory and punitive damages of $ 1 million , alleges that the firing of Marcia Trees Levine violated New York state 's human-rights law .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "suit" ], [ "which" ], [ "seeks" ], [ "compensatory", "and", "punitive", "damages" ], [ "of" ], [ "$", "1", "million" ], [ "alleges" ], [ "that" ], [ "the", "firing" ], [ "of" ], [ "Marcia", "Trees", "Levine" ], [ "violated" ], [ "New", "York", "state" ], [ "'s", "human-rights", "law" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "the", "firing" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "SBAR", "PP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"When Dreyfus started the first advertising-backed retail fund in February 1974 , it was priced at $ 10 a share -LRB- and reached $ 1 billion in assets in one year . -RRB-", "chunks":[ [ "When" ], [ "Dreyfus" ], [ "started" ], [ "the", "first", "advertising-backed", "retail", "fund" ], [ "in" ], [ "February", "1974" ], [ "it" ], [ "was", "priced" ], [ "at" ], [ "$", "10" ], [ "a", "share" ], [ "reached" ], [ "$", "1", "billion" ], [ "in" ], [ "assets" ], [ "in" ], [ "one", "year" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "February", "1974" ], "options":[ "NP", "PRT", "VP", "PP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Pinnacle West slashed its quarterly dividend to 40 cents per share from 70 cents in December , saying at the time that it believed the new , lower dividend was `` sustainable . 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] ], "target_chunk":[ "through" ], "options":[ "PP", "NP", "VP", "ADVP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Left-stream economists I associate with -- fellows in the Union of Radical Political Economists , most particularly Robert Pollin of the economics faculty at the University of California at Riverside -- were not hypnotized in the manner of their pliant colleagues .", "chunks":[ [ "Left-stream", "economists" ], [ "I" ], [ "associate" ], [ "with" ], [ "fellows" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "Union" ], [ "of" ], [ "Radical", "Political", "Economists" ], [ "most", "particularly" ], [ "Robert", "Pollin" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "economics", "faculty" ], [ "at" ], [ "the", "University" ], [ "of" ], [ "California" ], [ "at" ], [ "Riverside" ], [ "were", "not", "hypnotized" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "manner" ], [ "of" ], [ "their", "pliant", "colleagues" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "at" ], "options":[ "PP", "ADVP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"In Illinois , lawmakers will vote before next spring on legislation 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, beset by declining demand for its computers , reported a $ 62.1 million , 38-cents-a-share loss in its first quarter ended Sept. 30 .", "chunks":[ [ "Wang", "Laboratories", "Inc." ], [ "Lowell" ], [ "Mass." ], [ "beset" ], [ "by" ], [ "declining", "demand" ], [ "for" ], [ "its", "computers" ], [ "reported" ], [ "a", "$", "62.1", "million", ",", "38-cents-a-share", "loss" ], [ "in" ], [ "its", "first", "quarter" ], [ "ended" ], [ "Sept.", "30" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "ended" ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "ADJP", "NP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Meanwhile , the company 's board , which had said nothing publicly about investor Donald Trump 's recently withdrawn $ 7.5 billion offer for AMR , issued a statement condemning `` ill-conceived and reckless '' bids and saying it was `` pleased '' that Mr. Trump had backed out .", "chunks":[ [ "Meanwhile" ], [ "the", "company" ], [ "'s", "board" ], [ "which" ], [ "had", "said" ], [ "nothing" ], [ "publicly" ], [ "about" ], [ "investor", "Donald", 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C. Olivetti & Co. for shares in Cie . Industriali Riunite , an Italian holding company .", "chunks":[ [ "AT&T" ], [ "said" ], [ "the", "expense", "increase" ], [ "will", "be", "largely", "offset" ], [ "by" ], [ "a", "gain" ], [ "from" ], [ "its", "previously", "announced", "plan" ], [ "to", "swap" ], [ "its", "holdings" ], [ "in" ], [ "Ing", ".", "C.", "Olivetti", "&", "Co." ], [ "for" ], [ "shares" ], [ "in" ], [ "Cie", ".", "Industriali", "Riunite" ], [ "an", "Italian", "holding", "company" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "in" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "NP", "ADJP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Reports in the West German press , citing sources in East Germany , suggest Mr. Krenz may serve only as a bridge between Mr. Honecker and a genuine reform leader .", "chunks":[ [ "Reports" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "West", "German", "press" ], [ "citing" ], [ "sources" ], [ "in" ], [ "East", "Germany" ], [ "suggest" ], [ "Mr.", "Krenz" ], [ "may", "serve" ], [ "only" ], [ "as" ], [ "a", "bridge" ], [ "between" ], [ "Mr.", "Honecker" ], [ "a", "genuine", "reform", "leader" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "citing" ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "ADVP", "NP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Senate Democrats favoring a cut in the capital-gains tax have decided , under pressure from their leaders , not to offer their own proposal , placing another obstacle in the path of President Bush 's legislative priority .", "chunks":[ [ "Senate", "Democrats" ], [ "favoring" ], [ "a", "cut" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "capital-gains", "tax" ], [ "have", "decided" ], [ "under" ], [ "pressure" ], [ "from" ], [ "their", "leaders" ], [ "to", "offer" ], [ "their", "own", "proposal" ], [ "placing" ], [ "another", "obstacle" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "path" ], [ "of" ], [ "President", "Bush" ], [ "'s", "legislative", "priority" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "under" ], "options":[ "PP", "SBAR", "VP", "NP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"B.A.T rose five pence -LRB- eight cents -RRB- to 756 pence -LRB- $ 11.91 -RRB- in London yesterday as a late market rally erased a 28-pence fall earlier in the day .", "chunks":[ [ "B.A.T" ], [ "rose" ], [ "five", "pence" ], [ "eight", "cents" ], [ "to" ], [ "756", "pence" ], [ "$", "11.91" ], [ "in" ], [ "London" ], [ "yesterday" ], [ "as" ], [ "a", "late", "market", "rally" ], [ "erased" ], [ "a", "28-pence", "fall" ], [ "earlier" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "day" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "rose" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "PP", "SBAR" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"The French state-controlled auto group and the Dutch truck maker plan to incorporate the new trucks into their product lines when they begin production toward the middle of the 1990s .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "French", "state-controlled", "auto", "group" ], [ "the", "Dutch", "truck", "maker" ], [ "plan", "to", "incorporate" ], [ "the", "new", "trucks" ], [ "into" ], [ "their", "product", "lines" ], [ "when" ], [ "they" ], [ "begin" ], [ "production" ], [ "toward" ], [ "the", "middle" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "1990s" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "toward" ], "options":[ "PP", "NP", "VP", "ADJP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Enter Mr. Guzman Cabrera , who has a clear understanding of where union leaders fit in the pro-enterprise regime of President Salinas .", "chunks":[ [ "Enter" ], [ "Mr.", "Guzman", "Cabrera" ], [ "who" ], [ "has" ], [ "a", "clear", "understanding" ], [ "of" ], [ "where" ], [ "union", "leaders" ], [ "fit" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "pro-enterprise", "regime" ], [ "of" ], [ "President", "Salinas" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "of" ], "options":[ "PP", "ADJP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Freddie Mac 9 % securities were at 97 4\\\/32 , down 1\\\/32 .", "chunks":[ [ "Freddie", "Mac", "9", "%", "securities" ], [ "were" ], [ "at" ], [ "97", "4\\\/32" ], [ "down" ], [ "1\\\/32" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "at" ], "options":[ "PP", "ADJP", "NP", "VP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"In developing that theme at Interpublic Group of Cos . ' Lintas : New York unit , account supervisor Lisa Buksbaum says she made a `` couple of phone calls '' to Dallas ad friends and reported her `` findings '' to a team of writers .", "chunks":[ [ "In" ], [ "developing" ], [ "that", "theme" ], [ "at" ], [ "Interpublic", "Group" ], [ "of" ], [ "Cos", ".", "'", "Lintas" ], [ "New", "York", "unit" ], [ "account", "supervisor", "Lisa", "Buksbaum" ], [ "says" ], [ "she" ], [ "made" ], [ "a", "``", "couple" ], [ "of" ], [ "phone", "calls" ], [ "to" ], [ "Dallas", "ad", "friends" ], [ "reported" ], [ "her", "``", "findings" ], [ "to" ], [ "a", "team" ], [ "of" ], [ "writers" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "of" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "ADVP", "NP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"The judge ordered that a hearing be held Nov. 17 to determine how much the city should pay Mr. Hoelzer for his services .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "judge" ], [ "ordered" ], [ "that" ], [ "a", "hearing" ], [ "be", "held" ], [ "Nov.", "17" ], [ "to", "determine" ], [ "how", "much" ], [ "the", "city" ], [ "should", "pay" ], [ "Mr.", "Hoelzer" ], [ "for" ], [ "his", "services" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "for" ], "options":[ "PP", "NP", "VP", "SBAR" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"The company said the dollar 's continued strengthening reduced world-wide sales growth by three percentage points .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "company" ], [ "said" ], [ "the", "dollar" ], [ "'s", "continued", "strengthening" ], [ "reduced" ], [ "world-wide", "sales", "growth" ], [ "by" ], [ "three", "percentage", "points" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "'s", "continued", "strengthening" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "PP", "ADVP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Producers Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer , who shepherded `` Flashdance '' through several scripts and ultimately produced the movie , bristle when Messrs. Guber and Peters take credit for the film .", "chunks":[ [ "Producers", "Don", "Simpson", "and", "Jerry", "Bruckheimer" ], [ "who" ], [ "shepherded" ], [ "Flashdance" ], [ "through" ], [ "several", "scripts" ], [ "ultimately", "produced" ], [ "the", "movie" ], [ "bristle" ], [ "when" ], [ "Messrs.", "Guber", "and", "Peters" ], [ "take" ], [ "credit" ], [ "for" ], [ "the", "film" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "when" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "PP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"In fact , yesterday the administration and Congress were still differing on what had been agreed to .", "chunks":[ [ "In" ], [ "fact" ], [ "yesterday" ], [ "the", "administration" ], [ "Congress" ], [ "were", "still", "differing" ], [ "on" ], [ "what" ], [ "had", "been", "agreed" ], [ "to" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "on" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "ADVP", "NP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"The foes of abortion hold the strong whip hand in Pennsylvania , where abortion-rights activists are so much on the defensive that their strategy is less to fight the proposed legislation than it is to stress how the state legislature does n't reflect the viewpoints of the state 's citizens .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "foes" ], [ "of" ], [ "abortion" ], [ "hold" ], [ "the", "strong", "whip", "hand" ], [ "in" ], [ "Pennsylvania" ], [ "where" ], [ "abortion-rights", "activists" ], [ "are" ], [ "so", "much" ], [ "on" ], [ "the", "defensive" ], [ "that" ], [ "their", "strategy" ], [ "is" ], [ "less" ], [ "to", "fight" ], [ "the", "proposed", "legislation" ], [ "than" ], [ "it" ], [ "is" ], [ "to", "stress" ], [ "how" ], [ "the", "state", "legislature" ], [ "does", "n't", "reflect" ], [ "the", "viewpoints" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "state" ], [ "'s", "citizens" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "the", "viewpoints" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "SBAR", "VP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"`` I am only afraid that with Vietnam 's poor-quality products we ca n't compete with neighboring countries .", "chunks":[ [ "I" ], [ "am" ], [ "only" ], [ "afraid" ], [ "that" ], [ "with" ], [ "Vietnam" ], [ "'s", "poor-quality", "products" ], [ "we" ], [ "ca", "n't", "compete" ], [ "with" ], [ "neighboring", "countries" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "we" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "VP", "PRT" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"As times get tougher , investors fret about whether companies will have enough money to pay their debts .", "chunks":[ [ "As" ], [ "times" ], [ "get" ], [ "tougher" ], [ "investors" ], [ "fret" ], [ "about" ], [ "whether" ], [ "companies" ], [ "will", "have" ], [ "enough", "money" ], [ "to", "pay" ], [ "their", "debts" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "whether" ], "options":[ "SBAR", "NP", "PP", "VP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"In all , the Los Angeles-based trust plans to sell its interests in 36 hotels , while the corporation will sell its management interests in 32 of those properties .", "chunks":[ [ "In" ], [ "all" ], [ "the", "Los", "Angeles-based", "trust" ], [ "plans", "to", "sell" ], [ "its", "interests" ], [ "in" ], [ "36", "hotels" ], [ "while" ], [ "the", "corporation" ], [ "will", "sell" ], [ "its", "management", "interests" ], [ "in" ], [ "32" ], [ "of" ], [ "those", "properties" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "the", "corporation" ], "options":[ "NP", "ADJP", "PP", "ADVP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"While the company said chemical margins continued to worsen this quarter , costs will be lower because the maintenance and expansions are complete .", "chunks":[ [ "While" ], [ "the", "company" ], [ "said" ], [ "chemical", "margins" ], [ "continued", "to", "worsen" ], [ "this", "quarter" ], [ "costs" ], [ "will", "be" ], [ "lower" ], [ "because" ], [ "the", "maintenance", "and", "expansions" ], [ "are" ], [ "complete" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "because" ], "options":[ "SBAR", "VP", "NP", "PP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"When Mr. Trump sued Bally , he sued only on behalf of himself .", "chunks":[ [ "When" ], [ "Mr.", "Trump" ], [ "sued" ], [ "Bally" ], [ "he" ], [ "sued" ], [ "only" ], [ "on" ], [ "behalf" ], [ "of" ], [ "himself" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "behalf" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "PP", "ADVP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Britain , France and Italy pull out of a proposal to build new NATO frigates ; the U.S. and West Germany have each withdrawn from missile projects .", "chunks":[ [ "Britain", ",", "France", "and", "Italy" ], [ "pull" ], [ "out" ], [ "of" ], [ "a", "proposal" ], [ "to", "build" ], [ "new", "NATO", "frigates" ], [ "the", "U.S." ], [ "West", "Germany" ], [ "have" ], [ "each" ], [ "withdrawn" ], [ "from" ], [ "missile", "projects" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "withdrawn" ], "options":[ "VP", "ADVP", "PP", "NP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Silicon Graphics Inc. 's first-quarter profit rose sharply to $ 5.2 million , or 28 cents a share , from $ 1 million , or six cents a share , a year ago .", "chunks":[ [ "Silicon", "Graphics", "Inc." ], [ "'s", "first-quarter", "profit" ], [ "rose" ], [ "sharply" ], [ "to" ], [ "$", "5.2", "million" ], [ "28", "cents" ], [ "a", "share" ], [ "from" ], [ "$", "1", "million" ], [ "six", "cents" ], [ "a", "share" ], [ "a", "year" ], [ "ago" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "a", "year" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "PP", "ADVP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Among the brands for sale are Beefeater gin , the No. 2 imported gin in the U.S. , and Laphroaig single-malt whiskey .", "chunks":[ [ "Among" ], [ "the", "brands" ], [ "for" ], [ "sale" ], [ "are" ], [ "Beefeater", "gin" ], [ "the", "No.", "2", "imported", "gin" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "U.S." ], [ "Laphroaig", "single-malt", "whiskey" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Among" ], "options":[ "PP", "SBAR", "VP", "NP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Excluding the volatile categories of energy and 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"toward" ], [ "HUD" ], [ "the", "place" ], [ "probably" ], [ "is" ], [ "beyond" ], [ "reform" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "the", "place" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "ADVP", "PRT" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"But few knew it then and most still think all pencils are wooden .", "chunks":[ [ "few" ], [ "knew" ], [ "it" ], [ "then" ], [ "most" ], [ "still" ], [ "think" ], [ "all", "pencils" ], [ "are" ], [ "wooden" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "still" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "PP", "NP", "VP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"It said that expanding nuclear-power capability is the quickest way to lessen that dependence .", "chunks":[ [ "It" ], [ "said" ], [ "that" ], [ "expanding" ], [ "nuclear-power", "capability" ], [ "is" ], [ "the", "quickest", "way" ], [ "to", "lessen" ], [ "that", "dependence" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "nuclear-power", "capability" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "SBAR", "PP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"`` This business is n't about personalities at the end of the day -- it s about whether the ink is red or black .", "chunks":[ [ "This", "business" ], [ "is" ], [ "about" ], [ "personalities" ], [ "at" ], [ "the", "end" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "day" ], [ "it" ], [ "s" ], [ "about" ], [ "the", "ink" ], [ "is" ], [ "red", "or", "black" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "it" ], "options":[ "NP", "SBAR", "PP", "VP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Now you discover that you never learned the most important lesson : How to send your kids to college .", "chunks":[ [ "Now" ], [ "you" ], [ "discover" ], [ "that" ], [ "you" ], [ "never" ], [ "learned" ], [ "the", "most", "important", "lesson" ], [ "How" ], [ "to", "send" ], [ "your", "kids" ], [ "to" ], [ "college" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "the", "most", "important", "lesson" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "PP", "ADJP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"In February 1987 , Bally thwarted a possible hostile takeover bid from Mr. Trump by agreeing to buy 2.6 million of Mr. Trump 's 3.1 million Bally shares for $ 83.7 million -- more than $ 18 million above market price .", "chunks":[ [ "In" ], [ "February", "1987" ], [ "Bally" ], [ "thwarted" ], [ "a", "possible", "hostile", "takeover", "bid" ], [ "from" ], [ "Mr.", "Trump" ], [ "by" ], [ "agreeing", "to", "buy" ], [ "2.6", "million" ], [ "of" ], [ "Mr.", "Trump" ], [ "'s", "3.1", "million", "Bally", "shares" ], [ "for" ], [ "$", "83.7", "million" ], [ "more", "than", "$", "18", "million" ], [ "above" ], [ "market", "price" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "more", "than", "$", "18", "million" ], "options":[ "NP", "ADVP", "PP", "VP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"The telecommunications company 's results included a one-time gain of $ 4 million , or two cents a share , from the sale of Contel Credit , a leasing and financial-services subsidiary .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "telecommunications", "company" ], [ "'s", "results" ], [ "included" ], [ "a", "one-time", "gain" ], [ "of" ], [ "$", "4", "million" ], [ "two", "cents" ], [ "a", "share" ], [ "from" ], [ "the", "sale" ], [ "of" ], [ "Contel", "Credit" ], [ "a", "leasing", "and", 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"coursed" ], "options":[ "VP", "ADVP", "SBAR", "NP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Both accounts reflect significant increases from fiscal 1989 , although the amount for peace-keeping shows a 27 % cut from the administration 's request .", "chunks":[ [ "Both", "accounts" ], [ "reflect" ], [ "significant", "increases" ], [ "from" ], [ "fiscal", "1989" ], [ "although" ], [ "the", "amount" ], [ "for" ], [ "peace-keeping" ], [ "shows" ], [ "a", "27", "%", "cut" ], [ "from" ], [ "the", "administration" ], [ "'s", "request" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "a", "27", "%", "cut" ], "options":[ "NP", "ADVP", "ADJP", "PP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Judge Hastings , who was acquitted of similar charges by a federal jury in 1983 , claims he is being victimized and that the impeachment proceedings against him constitute double jeopardy .", "chunks":[ [ "Judge", "Hastings" ], [ "who" ], [ "was", "acquitted" ], [ "of" ], [ "similar", "charges" ], [ "by" ], [ "a", "federal", "jury" ], [ "in" ], [ "1983" ], [ "claims" 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"from" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "NP", "SBAR" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Moreover , ticket splitting appears to take the same peculiar pattern at the state government level as it does at the federal level .", "chunks":[ [ "Moreover" ], [ "ticket", "splitting" ], [ "appears", "to", "take" ], [ "the", "same", "peculiar", "pattern" ], [ "at" ], [ "the", "state", "government", "level" ], [ "as" ], [ "it" ], [ "does" ], [ "at" ], [ "the", "federal", "level" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "the", "same", "peculiar", "pattern" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "ADVP", "PP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"But Mr. Fitzwater said , `` There will be , I think quite obviously , a very large amount of money required from all levels of government . 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"year" ], [ "to" ], [ "new", "restrictions" ], [ "on" ], [ "abortion" ], [ "Ms.", "Ehman" ], [ "opened" ], [ "her", "mind" ], [ "to" ], [ "Democratic", "politics" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "new", "restrictions" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "ADVP", "PP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"The firm said that losers outnumbered gainers by more than three to one among the 122 funds it tracks .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "firm" ], [ "said" ], [ "that" ], [ "losers" ], [ "outnumbered" ], [ "gainers" ], [ "by" ], [ "more" ], [ "than" ], [ "three" ], [ "to" ], [ "one" ], [ "among" ], [ "the", "122", "funds" ], [ "it" ], [ "tracks" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "the", "122", "funds" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "VP", "ADJP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Many professions long have seemed to be targets because of the exotic or ludicrous efforts of some members to offset high income with fake losses from phony tax shelters : dentists who invested in dubiously dubbed foreign films or airline pilots who raised racehorses on their 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its most loyal customers than on people who buy competitive brands .", "chunks":[ [ "Campbell", "Soup", "Co." ], [ "for" ], [ "one" ], [ "has", "concluded" ], [ "that" ], [ "it" ], [ "makes" ], [ "good", "sense" ], [ "to", "focus" ], [ "more" ], [ "on" ], [ "its", "most", "loyal", "customers" ], [ "than" ], [ "on" ], [ "people" ], [ "who" ], [ "buy" ], [ "competitive", "brands" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "good", "sense" ], "options":[ "NP", "ADVP", "PP", "CONJP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"We ran into the house to get Mame , but the next tremor threw me in the air and bounced me as I tried to get to my feet .", "chunks":[ [ "We" ], [ "ran" ], [ "into" ], [ "the", "house" ], [ "to", "get" ], [ "Mame" ], [ "the", "next", "tremor" ], [ "threw" ], [ "me" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "air" ], [ "bounced" ], [ "me" ], [ "as" ], [ "I" ], [ "tried", "to", "get" ], [ "to" ], [ "my", "feet" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "ran" ], "options":[ "VP", "ADVP", "NP", "PP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"The Senate Finance 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''", "chunks":[ [ "I" ], [ "think" ], [ "it" ], [ "will", "shake" ], [ "confidence" ], [ "one", "more", "time" ], [ "a", "lot" ], [ "of" ], [ "this", "business" ], [ "is", "based" ], [ "on" ], [ "client", "confidence" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "client", "confidence" ], "options":[ "NP", "ADVP", "PP", "VP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Under it , the former billionaire 's assets would be liquidated with the IRS getting 80 % of the proceeds and the rest being divided among other creditors , including Minpeco and Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. , which is seeking repayment of a $ 36 million loan .", "chunks":[ [ "Under" ], [ "it" ], [ "the", "former", "billionaire" ], [ "'s", "assets" ], [ "would", "be", "liquidated" ], [ "with" ], [ "the", "IRS" ], [ "getting" ], [ "80", "%" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "proceeds" ], [ "the", "rest" ], [ "being", "divided" ], [ "among" ], [ "other", "creditors" ], [ "including" ], [ "Minpeco" ], [ "Manufacturers", "Hanover", "Trust", "Co." ], [ "which" ], [ "is", "seeking" ], [ "repayment" ], [ "of" ], [ "a", "$", "36", "million", "loan" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "getting" ], "options":[ "VP", "SBAR", "PP", "NP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Among other software issues , Autodesk jumped 1 1\\\/4 to 42 , Lotus Development was unchanged at 32 1\\\/2 , Novell jumped 7\\\/8 to 30 3\\\/4 , Ashton-Tate gained 1\\\/4 to 10 5\\\/8 , and Oracle Systems rose 3\\\/4 to 25 3\\\/4 .", "chunks":[ [ "Among" ], [ "other", "software", "issues" ], [ "Autodesk" ], [ "jumped" ], [ "1", "1\\\/4" ], [ "to" ], [ "42" ], [ "Lotus", "Development" ], [ "was" ], [ "unchanged" ], [ "at" ], [ "32", "1\\\/2" ], [ "Novell" ], [ "jumped" ], [ "7\\\/8" ], [ "to" ], [ "30", "3\\\/4" ], [ "Ashton-Tate" ], [ "gained" ], [ "1\\\/4" ], [ "to" ], [ "10", "5\\\/8" ], [ "Oracle", "Systems" ], [ "rose" ], [ "3\\\/4" ], [ "to" ], [ "25", "3\\\/4" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "25", "3\\\/4" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "VP", "SBAR" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"The Amex Market Value Index recorded its sharpest gain of the year by climbing 4.74 to 382.81 .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "Amex", "Market", "Value", "Index" ], [ "recorded" ], [ "its", "sharpest", "gain" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "year" ], [ "by" ], [ "climbing" ], [ "4.74" ], [ "to" ], [ "382.81" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "382.81" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "ADVP", "VP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"With MGM\\\/UA 's `` Rainman , '' for instance , Messrs. Guber and Peters had virtually nothing to do with day-to-day production , but their names still appear in big letters on the credits , and they are inevitably associated with its success .", "chunks":[ [ "With" ], [ "MGM\\\/UA" ], [ "'s", "``", "Rainman" ], [ "for" ], [ "instance" ], [ "Messrs.", "Guber", "and", "Peters" ], [ "had" ], [ "virtually", "nothing" ], [ "to", "do" ], [ "with" ], [ "day-to-day", "production" ], [ "their", "names" ], [ "still" ], [ "appear" ], [ "in" ], [ "big", "letters" ], [ "on" ], [ "the", "credits" ], [ "they" ], [ "are", "inevitably", "associated" ], [ "with" ], [ "its", "success" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "to", "do" ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "ADVP", "NP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"According to the Illinois attorney general 's suit , Watson & Hughey sent mailings indicating that recipients were guaranteed cash prizes , and could win up to an additional $ 1,000 on top of them , if they contributed as little as $ 7 .", "chunks":[ [ "According" ], [ "to" ], [ "the", "Illinois", "attorney", "general" ], [ "'s", "suit" ], [ "Watson", "&", "Hughey" ], [ "sent" ], [ "mailings" ], [ "indicating" ], [ "that" ], [ "recipients" ], [ "were", "guaranteed" ], [ "cash", "prizes" ], [ "could", "win" ], [ "up" ], [ "to" ], [ "an", "additional", "$", "1,000" ], [ "on" ], [ "top" ], [ "of" ], [ "them" ], [ "if" ], [ "they" ], [ "contributed" ], [ "as", "little", "as", "$", "7" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "top" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "VP", "ADVP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Interest expense in the 1988 third quarter was $ 75.3 million .", "chunks":[ [ "Interest", "expense" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "1988", "third", "quarter" ], [ "was" ], [ "$", "75.3", "million" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "was" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "PP", "ADJP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Its largest previous rise this year came Aug. 7 , when it gained 4.31 .", "chunks":[ [ "Its", "largest", "previous", "rise" ], [ "this", "year" ], [ "came" ], [ "Aug.", "7" ], [ "when" ], [ "it" ], [ "gained" ], [ "4.31" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "came" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "PP", "SBAR" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"American International Group climbed 4 to 106 5\\\/8 , General Re rose 3 1\\\/8 to 89 5\\\/8 , Kemper added 2 1\\\/2 to 48 , AON went up 1 3\\\/8 to 36 and Chubb rose 1 1\\\/4 to 82 1\\\/4 .", "chunks":[ [ "American", "International", "Group" ], [ "climbed" ], [ "4" ], [ "to" ], [ "106", "5\\\/8" ], [ "General", "Re" ], [ "rose" ], [ "3", "1\\\/8" ], [ "to" ], [ "89", "5\\\/8" ], [ "Kemper" ], [ "added" ], [ "2", "1\\\/2" ], [ "to" ], [ "48" ], [ "AON" ], [ "went" ], [ "up" ], [ "1", "3\\\/8" ], [ "to" ], [ "36" ], [ "Chubb" ], [ "rose" ], [ "1", "1\\\/4" ], [ "to" ], [ "82", "1\\\/4" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "to" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "NP", "ADVP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"The Sandinista government and the U.S.-backed insurgents agreed in March to suspend offensive operations , but there has been sporadic fighting .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "Sandinista", "government" ], [ "the", "U.S.-backed", "insurgents" ], [ "agreed" ], [ "in" ], [ "March" ], [ "to", "suspend" ], [ "offensive", "operations" ], [ "there" ], [ "has", "been" ], [ "sporadic", "fighting" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "has", "been" ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "NP", "SBAR" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"I walked along Shattuck between Delaware and Cedar at a few minutes before eight this morning .", "chunks":[ [ "I" ], [ "walked" ], [ "along" ], [ "Shattuck" ], [ "between" ], [ "Delaware", "and", "Cedar" ], [ "at" ], [ "a", "few", "minutes" ], [ "before" ], [ "eight" ], [ "this", "morning" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "a", "few", "minutes" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "SBAR", "PP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"IBM rose 2 3\\\/8 to 104 1\\\/8 as 2.2 million shares changed hands .", "chunks":[ [ "IBM" ], [ "rose" ], [ "2", "3\\\/8" ], [ "to" ], [ "104", "1\\\/8" ], [ "as" ], [ "2.2", "million", "shares" ], [ "changed" ], [ "hands" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "changed" ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "SBAR", "NP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"The owner of the company , Stephen Smith , who has since pleaded guilty to state and federal fraud charges , confided to investors that he had a secret agreement with Amoco Oil Co. and said the location of his wells was confidential , according to a civil suit filed in a Florida state court by the Florida comptroller 's office .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "owner" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "company" ], [ "Stephen", "Smith" ], [ "who" ], [ "has", "since", "pleaded" ], [ "guilty" ], [ "to" ], [ "state", "and", "federal", "fraud", "charges" ], [ "confided" ], [ "to" ], [ "investors" ], [ "that" ], [ "he" ], [ "had" ], [ "a", "secret", "agreement" ], [ "with" ], [ "Amoco", "Oil", "Co." ], [ "said" ], [ "the", "location" ], [ "of" ], [ "his", "wells" ], [ "was" ], [ "confidential" ], [ "according" ], [ "to" ], [ "a", "civil", "suit" ], [ "filed" ], [ "in" ], [ "a", "Florida", "state", "court" ], [ "by" ], [ "the", "Florida", "comptroller" ], [ "'s", "office" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "confided" ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "ADJP", "NP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Mr. Dillow said the data show the economy `` is still quite strong , '' but suggestions that much of the spending went on services rather than consumer goods should reduce fears of more import rises .", "chunks":[ [ "Mr.", "Dillow" ], [ "said" ], [ "the", "data" ], [ "show" ], [ "the", "economy" ], [ "is" ], [ "still" ], [ "quite", "strong" ], [ "suggestions" ], [ "that" ], [ "much" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "spending" ], [ "went" ], [ "on" ], [ "services" ], [ "rather", "than" ], [ "consumer", "goods" ], [ "should", "reduce" ], [ "fears" ], [ "of" ], [ "more", "import", "rises" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "should", "reduce" ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "NP", "SBAR" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"The average yield on the bills was 7.35 % , down from 7.61 % at the previous 52-week bill auction Sept. 21 .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "average", "yield" ], [ "on" ], [ "the", "bills" ], [ "was" ], [ "7.35", "%" ], [ "down" ], [ "from" ], [ "7.61", "%" ], [ "at" ], [ "the", "previous", "52-week", "bill", "auction" ], [ "Sept.", "21" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "at" ], "options":[ "PP", "SBAR", "NP", "VP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Thomas M. Bloch , president and chief operating officer , says `` I would disagree '' that the tax business is mature .", "chunks":[ [ "Thomas", "M.", "Bloch" ], [ "president" ], [ "chief", "operating", "officer" ], [ "says" ], [ "I" ], [ "would", "disagree" ], [ "that" ], [ "the", "tax", "business" ], [ "is" ], [ "mature" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "president" ], "options":[ "NP", "ADJP", "VP", "PP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"In his letter and on the basis of his losing vote Tuesday against U.S. aid for the Nicaraguan opposition , Senator Kerry makes clear he has not made that intellectual leap .", "chunks":[ [ "In" ], [ "his", "letter" ], [ "and" ], [ "on" ], [ "the", "basis" ], [ "of" ], [ "his", "losing", "vote" ], [ "Tuesday" ], [ "against" ], [ "U.S.", "aid" ], [ "for" ], [ "the", "Nicaraguan", "opposition" ], [ "Senator", "Kerry" ], [ "makes" ], [ "clear" ], [ "he" ], [ "has", "not", "made" ], [ "that", "intellectual", "leap" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "his", "letter" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "ADVP", "VP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Consolidated , which had 1988 revenue of $ 400 million , makes aluminum sheet and foil products at its Hannibal , Ohio , and Jackson , Tenn. , rolling mills and recycles aluminum at a plant in Bens Run , W.Va .", "chunks":[ [ "Consolidated" ], [ "which" ], [ "had" ], [ "1988", "revenue" ], [ "of" ], [ "$", "400", "million" ], [ "makes" ], [ "aluminum", "sheet", "and", "foil", "products" ], [ "at" ], [ "its", "Hannibal", ",", "Ohio", ",", "and", "Jackson", ",", "Tenn.", ",", "rolling", "mills" ], [ "recycles" ], [ "aluminum" ], [ "at" ], [ "a", "plant" ], [ "in" ], [ "Bens", "Run" ], [ "W.Va" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "aluminum", "sheet", "and", "foil", "products" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "SBAR", "VP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Because these freshmen placed far more emphasis on their partisan role -- spreading the Reagan revolution -- in national policy making , they were more vulnerable to defeat .", "chunks":[ [ "Because" ], [ "these", "freshmen" ], [ "placed" ], [ "far", "more", "emphasis" ], [ "on" ], [ "their", "partisan", "role" ], [ "spreading" ], [ "the", "Reagan", "revolution" ], [ "in" ], [ "national", "policy", "making" ], [ "they" ], [ "were" ], [ "more", "vulnerable" ], [ "to" ], [ "defeat" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "on" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "SBAR", "NP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Westmoreland Coal Co. , realizing benefits of a sustained effort to cut costs and boost productivity , reported sharply improved third-quarter results .", "chunks":[ [ "Westmoreland", "Coal", "Co." ], [ "realizing" ], [ "benefits" ], [ "of" ], [ "a", "sustained", "effort" ], [ "to", "cut" ], [ "costs" ], [ "boost" ], [ "productivity" ], [ "reported" ], [ "sharply", "improved", "third-quarter", "results" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "a", "sustained", "effort" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "PP", "ADVP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"The vote , in which 11 GOP lawmakers voted against Mr. Bush 's position , was a victory for Democratic leaders , who opposed the amendment as an intrusion on the Bill of Rights .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "vote" ], [ "in" ], [ "which" ], [ "11", "GOP", "lawmakers" ], [ "voted" ], [ "against" ], [ "Mr.", "Bush" ], [ "'s", "position" ], [ "was" ], [ "a", "victory" ], [ "for" ], [ "Democratic", "leaders" ], [ "who" ], [ "opposed" ], [ "the", "amendment" ], [ "as" ], [ "an", "intrusion" ], [ "on" ], [ "the", "Bill" ], [ "of" ], [ "Rights" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "The", "vote" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "VP", "SBAR" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Six partners in the Richmond , Va. , firm of Browder , Russell , Morris & Butcher announced they are resigning .", "chunks":[ [ "Six", "partners" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "Richmond", ",", "Va.", ",", "firm" ], [ "of" ], [ "Browder", ",", "Russell", ",", "Morris", "&", "Butcher" ], [ "announced" ], [ "they" ], [ "are", "resigning" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "announced" ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "SBAR", "NP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Mr. Carrion , who will now serve as president and chief 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"text":"$ 150 million of 9 % depository receipts due Nov. 27 , 1994 , priced at 101.60 to yield 9.07 % less fees , via Bankers Trust International Ltd .", "chunks":[ [ "$", "150", "million" ], [ "of" ], [ "9", "%", "depository", "receipts" ], [ "due" ], [ "Nov.", "27", ",", "1994" ], [ "priced" ], [ "at" ], [ "101.60" ], [ "to", "yield" ], [ "9.07", "%" ], [ "less" ], [ "fees" ], [ "via" ], [ "Bankers", "Trust", "International", "Ltd" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "of" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "NP", "ADJP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"On Wednesday , Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. had to slash the size of Continental Airlines ' junk-bond offering to $ 71 million from $ 150 million .", "chunks":[ [ "On" ], [ "Wednesday" ], [ "Drexel", "Burnham", "Lambert", "Inc." ], [ "had", "to", "slash" ], [ "the", "size" ], [ "of" ], [ "Continental", "Airlines" ], [ "'", "junk-bond", "offering" ], [ "to" ], [ "$", "71", "million" ], [ "from" ], [ "$", "150", "million" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "from" ], "options":[ "PP", "NP", "VP", "ADVP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Financial Corp. also is proposing to exchange each of its 130,000 outstanding shares of cumulative convertible preferred series A stock for two shares of common .", "chunks":[ [ "Financial", "Corp." ], [ "also" ], [ "is", "proposing", "to", "exchange" ], [ "each" ], [ "of" ], [ "its", "130,000", "outstanding", "shares" ], [ "of" ], [ "cumulative", "convertible", "preferred", "series", "A", "stock" ], [ "for" ], [ "two", "shares" ], [ "of" ], [ "common" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "for" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "ADJP", "NP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Mr. Krenz is not only closely identified with his mentor , Mr. Honecker , but also blamed for ordering violent police action against protesters this month and for praising China for sending tanks against student demonstrators .", "chunks":[ [ "Mr.", "Krenz" ], [ "is" ], [ "not", "only" ], [ "closely", "identified" ], [ "with" ], [ "his", "mentor" ], [ "Mr.", "Honecker" ], [ "but", "also" ], [ "blamed" ], [ "for" ], [ "ordering" ], [ "violent", "police", "action" ], [ "against" ], [ "protesters" ], [ "this", "month" ], [ "and" ], [ "for" ], [ "praising" ], [ "China" ], [ "for" ], [ "sending" ], [ "tanks" ], [ "against" ], [ "student", "demonstrators" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "protesters" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "PP", "ADVP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Philip Morris added 1 1\\\/8 to 44 1\\\/2 in Big Board composite trading of 3.7 million shares , Coca-Cola Co. gained 2 3\\\/8 to 70 3\\\/8 , Merck gained 1 3\\\/8 to 77 3\\\/8 and American Telephone & Telegraph advanced 7\\\/8 to 43 3\\\/8 on 2.5 million shares .", "chunks":[ [ "Philip", "Morris" ], [ "added" ], [ "1", "1\\\/8" ], [ "to" ], [ "44", "1\\\/2" ], [ "in" ], [ "Big", "Board", "composite", "trading" ], [ "of" ], [ "3.7", "million", "shares" ], [ "Coca-Cola", "Co." ], [ "gained" ], [ "2", "3\\\/8" ], [ "to" ], [ "70", "3\\\/8" ], [ "Merck" ], [ "gained" ], [ "1", "3\\\/8" ], [ "to" ], [ "77", "3\\\/8" ], [ "American", 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"debt" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "PP", "ADVP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"In the Marina District , residents spent yesterday assessing damage , cleaning up and trying to find friends and neighbors .", "chunks":[ [ "In" ], [ "the", "Marina", "District" ], [ "residents" ], [ "spent" ], [ "yesterday" ], [ "assessing" ], [ "damage" ], [ "cleaning" ], [ "up" ], [ "trying", "to", "find" ], [ "friends", "and", "neighbors" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "trying", "to", "find" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "SBAR", "ADVP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Erasing the differences still dividing Europe , and the vast international reordering that implies , wo n't endanger the statehood of a Poland or a Hungary .", "chunks":[ [ "Erasing" ], [ "the", "differences" ], [ "still", "dividing" ], [ "Europe" ], [ "the", "vast", "international", "reordering" ], [ "that" ], [ "implies" ], [ "wo", "n't", "endanger" ], [ "the", "statehood" ], [ "of" ], [ "a", "Poland" ], [ "a", "Hungary" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "the", "vast", 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"ADJP", "PP", "VP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"The discount rate on three-month Treasury bills rose to 7.56 % from 7.51 % Wednesday , while the rate on six-month bills rose to 7.57 % from 7.53 % .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "discount", "rate" ], [ "on" ], [ "three-month", "Treasury", "bills" ], [ "rose" ], [ "to" ], [ "7.56", "%" ], [ "from" ], [ "7.51", "%" ], [ "Wednesday" ], [ "while" ], [ "the", "rate" ], [ "on" ], [ "six-month", "bills" ], [ "rose" ], [ "to" ], [ "7.57", "%" ], [ "from" ], [ "7.53", "%" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "rose" ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "SBAR", "NP" ], "label":0 }, { "text":"Defense lawyers , perhaps understandably , say that plaintiffs ' lawyers taking such an approach will have little success in pursuing their claims , though they add that the facts of each case must be looked at individually .", "chunks":[ [ "Defense", "lawyers" ], [ "perhaps", "understandably" ], [ "say" ], [ "that" ], [ "plaintiffs" ], [ "'", "lawyers" ], [ "taking" ], [ "such", "an", 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"NP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"`` That means we can accept orders '' and begin getting back to normal , says Ms. Tharp .", "chunks":[ [ "That" ], [ "means" ], [ "we" ], [ "can", "accept" ], [ "orders" ], [ "begin", "getting" ], [ "back" ], [ "to" ], [ "normal" ], [ "says" ], [ "Ms.", "Tharp" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "we" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "PP", "SBAR" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Another federal agency not normally associated with disaster relief -- the Internal Revenue Service -- moved quickly as well .", "chunks":[ [ "Another", "federal", "agency" ], [ "not", "normally", "associated" ], [ "with" ], [ "disaster", "relief" ], [ "the", "Internal", "Revenue", "Service" ], [ "moved" ], [ "quickly" ], [ "as", "well" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Another", "federal", "agency" ], "options":[ "PP", "NP", "VP", "ADJP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"It also temporarily closed Quantum , because of the internal investigation , as well as the FDA 's ongoing inquiry .", "chunks":[ [ "It" ], [ "also" ], [ "temporarily" ], [ "closed" ], [ "Quantum" ], [ "because", "of" ], [ "the", "internal", "investigation" ], [ ",", "as", "well", "as" ], [ "the", "FDA" ], [ "'s", "ongoing", "inquiry" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "the", "internal", "investigation" ], "options":[ "PRT", "NP", "ADVP", "VP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"We 'll have to wait and see '' how the plan develops .", "chunks":[ [ "We" ], [ "'ll", "have", "to", "wait" ], [ "see" ], [ "how" ], [ "the", "plan" ], [ "develops" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "the", "plan" ], "options":[ "PP", "NP", "VP", "ADVP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"In addition to the $ 15.6 billion of Treasury bills to be sold at next week 's regular Monday auction , the government will sell $ 10 billion of new two-year Treasury notes .", "chunks":[ [ "In" ], [ "addition" ], [ "to" ], [ "the", "$", "15.6", "billion" ], [ "of" ], [ "Treasury", "bills" ], [ "to", "be", "sold" ], [ "at" ], [ "next", "week" ], [ "'s", "regular", "Monday", "auction" ], [ "the", "government" ], [ "will", "sell" ], [ "$", "10", "billion" ], [ "of" ], [ "new", "two-year", "Treasury", "notes" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "'s", "regular", "Monday", "auction" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "NP", "VP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"When market tremors start , it is crucial that as much information about transaction prices and the supply-demand curve -LRB- buy and sell orders at various prices -RRB- be made available to all , not just to market makers .", "chunks":[ [ "When" ], [ "market", "tremors" ], [ "start" ], [ "it" ], [ "is" ], [ "crucial" ], [ "that" ], [ "as", "much", "information" ], [ "about" ], [ "transaction", "prices" ], [ "the", "supply-demand", "curve" ], [ "buy", "and", "sell", "orders" ], [ "at" ], [ "various", "prices" ], [ "be", "made" ], [ "available" ], [ "to" ], [ "all" ], [ "not", "just" ], [ "to" ], [ "market", "makers" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "at" ], "options":[ "ADJP", "PP", "NP", "VP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"I realized what was happening and screamed into the house for the dogs 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''", "chunks":[ [ "Paramount", "Domestic", "TV" ], [ "MCA", "TV" ], [ "formed" ], [ "a", "joint", "venture" ], [ "last", "month" ], [ "named" ], [ "Premier", "Advertiser", "Sales" ], [ "to", "sell" ], [ "advertising" ], [ "in" ], [ "programs" ], [ "syndicated" ], [ "by" ], [ "both", "companies" ], [ "such", "as" ], [ "Star", "Trek" ], [ "the", "Next", "Generation" ], [ "Charles" ], [ "in" ], [ "Charge" ], [ "Friday" ], [ "the", "13th" ], [ "the", "Series" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "both", "companies" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "PP", "ADVP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Among the brands for sale are Beefeater gin , the No. 2 imported gin in the U.S. , and Laphroaig single-malt whiskey .", "chunks":[ [ "Among" ], [ "the", "brands" ], [ "for" ], [ "sale" ], [ "are" ], [ "Beefeater", "gin" ], [ "the", "No.", "2", "imported", "gin" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "U.S." ], [ "Laphroaig", "single-malt", "whiskey" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "the", "No.", "2", "imported", "gin" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "PP", "ADVP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Some hotels in the hurricane-stricken Caribbean promise money-back guarantees .", "chunks":[ [ "Some", "hotels" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "hurricane-stricken", "Caribbean" ], [ "promise" ], [ "money-back", "guarantees" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "in" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "VP", "ADVP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"All anyone need do is hang up a shingle and start planning .", "chunks":[ [ "All" ], [ "anyone" ], [ "need", "do" ], [ "is" ], [ "hang" ], [ "up" ], [ "a", "shingle" ], [ "start", "planning" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "is" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "ADVP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Fittingly , the Tela Accords were nicknamed by Hondurans `` the Dodd plan . 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''", "chunks":[ [ "The", "lawsuit" ], [ "states" ], [ "that" ], [ "unless" ], [ "the", "sanctions" ], [ "are", "halted" ], [ "pending" ], [ "an", "appeal" ], [ "the", "broker" ], [ "his", "firm" ], [ "will", "be", "irreparably", "injured" ], [ "their", "business" ], [ "will", "be", "totally", "and", "permanently", "destroyed" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "states" ], "options":[ "SBAR", "VP", "NP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Mr. Agnos complained that he was `` ticked off '' that Vice President Dan Quayle , who toured the earthquake site Wednesday , did n't schedule a private meeting with him .", "chunks":[ [ "Mr.", "Agnos" ], [ "complained" ], [ "that" ], [ "he" ], [ "was", "``", "ticked" ], [ "off" ], [ "that" ], [ "Vice", "President", "Dan", "Quayle" ], [ "who" ], [ "toured" ], [ "the", "earthquake", "site" ], [ "Wednesday" ], [ "did", "n't", "schedule" ], [ "a", "private", "meeting" ], [ "with" ], [ "him" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "that" ], "options":[ "NP", "SBAR", "ADVP", "VP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Total operating expenses increased 3.5 % to $ 2.78 billion from $ 2.69 billion .", "chunks":[ [ "Total", "operating", "expenses" ], [ "increased" ], [ "3.5", "%" ], [ "to" ], [ "$", "2.78", "billion" ], [ "from" ], [ "$", "2.69", "billion" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "to" ], "options":[ "PRT", "PP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"The uncertainty was multiplied by the persistent strength of the dollar , traders said , and by the U.S. trade deficit , which widened by 31 % in August from the previous month .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "uncertainty" ], [ "was", "multiplied" ], [ "by" ], [ "the", "persistent", "strength" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "dollar" ], [ "traders" ], [ "said" ], [ "and" ], [ "by" ], [ "the", "U.S.", "trade", "deficit" ], [ "which" ], [ "widened" ], [ "by" ], [ "31", "%" ], [ "in" ], [ "August" ], [ "from" ], [ "the", "previous", "month" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "by" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "SBAR", "VP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"It also temporarily closed Quantum , because of the internal investigation , as well as the FDA 's ongoing inquiry .", "chunks":[ [ "It" ], [ "also" ], [ "temporarily" ], [ "closed" ], [ "Quantum" ], [ "because", "of" ], [ "the", "internal", "investigation" ], [ ",", "as", "well", "as" ], [ "the", "FDA" ], [ "'s", "ongoing", "inquiry" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "temporarily" ], "options":[ "VP", "ADVP", "PP", "NP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Only 23 % of trash-bag users in the Journal survey usually buy the same brand , and just 29 % of battery buyers stick to one brand .", "chunks":[ [ "Only", "23", "%" ], [ "of" ], [ "trash-bag", "users" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "Journal", "survey" ], [ "usually" ], [ "buy" ], [ "the", "same", "brand" ], [ "just", "29", "%" ], [ "of" ], [ "battery", "buyers" ], [ "stick" ], [ "to" ], [ "one", "brand" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "in" ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "NP", "ADJP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"David Rahill of A. Foster Higgins & Co. said that clients of his consulting firm report that utilization management reduces their hospital care bills by about 5 % , but he agreed that for the health-care system as whole , some of these savings are offset by administrative and outpatient care costs .", "chunks":[ [ "David", "Rahill" ], [ "of" ], [ "A.", "Foster", "Higgins", "&", "Co." ], [ "said" ], [ "that" ], [ "clients" ], [ "of" ], [ "his", "consulting", "firm" ], [ "report" ], [ "utilization", "management" ], [ "reduces" ], [ "their", "hospital", "care", "bills" ], [ "by" ], [ "about", "5", "%" ], [ "he" ], [ "agreed" ], [ "that" ], [ "for" ], [ "the", "health-care", "system" ], [ "as" ], [ "whole" ], [ "some" ], [ "of" ], [ "these", "savings" ], [ "are", "offset" ], [ "by" ], [ "outpatient", "care" ], [ "costs" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "of" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "PP", "NP", "VP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"DISCOUNT RATE : 7 % .", "chunks":[ [ "DISCOUNT", "RATE" ], [ "7", "%" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "DISCOUNT", "RATE" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "NP", "PP", "VP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"For example , he noted , operating profit was weaker than he had anticipated , but nonoperating earnings of $ 14.6 million and a lower tax rate helped boost net income .", "chunks":[ [ "For" ], [ "example" ], [ "he" ], [ "noted" ], [ "operating", "profit" ], [ "was" ], [ "weaker" ], [ "than" ], [ "he" ], [ "had", "anticipated" ], [ "nonoperating", "earnings" ], [ "of" ], [ "$", "14.6", "million" ], [ "a", "lower", "tax", "rate" ], [ "helped", "boost" ], [ "net", "income" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "weaker" ], "options":[ "NP", "ADJP", "VP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"By any measure , third-quarter earnings were still robust , equivalent to a 0.92 % return on assets even excluding tax credits .", "chunks":[ [ "By" ], [ "any", "measure" ], [ "third-quarter", "earnings" ], [ "were" ], [ "still" ], [ "robust" ], [ "equivalent" ], [ "to" ], [ "a", "0.92", "%", "return" ], [ "on" ], [ "assets" ], [ "even", "excluding" ], [ "tax", "credits" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "tax", "credits" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "NP", "VP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Digital , based in Maynard , Mass. , hopes to stage a repeat performance in mainframes , and it has spent almost $ 1 billion developing the new technology .", "chunks":[ [ "Digital" ], [ "based" ], [ "in" ], [ "Maynard" ], [ "Mass." ], [ "hopes", "to", "stage" ], [ "a", "repeat", "performance" ], [ "in" ], [ "mainframes" ], [ "it" ], [ "has", "spent" ], [ "almost", "$", "1", "billion" ], [ "developing" ], [ "the", "new", "technology" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "developing" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "ADVP", "NP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Huge fire from broken gas main in the Marina in SF .", "chunks":[ [ "Huge", "fire" ], [ "from" ], [ "broken", "gas", "main" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "Marina" ], [ "in" ], [ "SF" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "SF" ], "options":[ "ADJP", "NP", "VP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"The highest yielding taxable fund this week was Harbor 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"SBAR", "PP", "NP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"He earlier denied the allegations against him in the lawsuit by Norton and GE .", "chunks":[ [ "He" ], [ "earlier" ], [ "denied" ], [ "the", "allegations" ], [ "against" ], [ "him" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "lawsuit" ], [ "by" ], [ "Norton", "and", "GE" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "in" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "VP", "ADVP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Profit rose 38 % at American Express Information Services to $ 21.6 million .", "chunks":[ [ "Profit" ], [ "rose" ], [ "38", "%" ], [ "at" ], [ "American", "Express", "Information", "Services" ], [ "to" ], [ "$", "21.6", "million" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Profit" ], "options":[ "PP", "NP", "ADVP", "VP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"BankAmerica Corp. reported a 34 % jump in third-quarter earnings , as its rocket-like recovery from nearly ruinous losses several years ago continued to be fueled by growth in consumer loans , higher interest margins and negligible loan losses .", "chunks":[ [ "BankAmerica", "Corp." ], [ "reported" ], [ "a", "34", "%", "jump" ], [ "in" ], [ "third-quarter", "earnings" ], [ "as" ], [ "its", "rocket-like", "recovery" ], [ "from" ], [ "nearly", "ruinous", "losses" ], [ "several", "years" ], [ "ago" ], [ "continued", "to", "be", "fueled" ], [ "by" ], [ "growth" ], [ "in" ], [ "consumer", "loans" ], [ "higher", "interest", "margins" ], [ "negligible", "loan", "losses" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "consumer", "loans" ], "options":[ "PP", "NP", "ADVP", "VP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Asset-backed securities `` are an attractive investment compared to bank certificates of deposit or other corporate bonds , '' says Craig J. Goldberg , managing director and head of the asset-backed securities group at Merrill Lynch Capital Markets .", "chunks":[ [ "Asset-backed", "securities" ], [ "are" ], [ "an", "attractive", "investment" ], [ "compared" ], [ "to" ], [ "bank", "certificates" ], [ "of" ], [ "deposit" ], [ "other", "corporate", "bonds" ], [ "says" ], [ "Craig", "J.", "Goldberg" ], [ "managing", "director" ], [ "head" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "asset-backed", "securities", "group" ], [ "at" ], [ "Merrill", "Lynch", "Capital", "Markets" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "the", "asset-backed", "securities", "group" ], "options":[ "PP", "NP", "VP", "ADVP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"The predicament , he added , was similar to the Hong Kong 1982-83 property-price collapse , which exposed the involvement of Bank Bumiputra 's former subsidiary in the colony in the largest banking scandal in Malaysia 's history .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "predicament" ], [ "he" ], [ "added" ], [ "was" ], [ "similar" ], [ "to" ], [ "the", "Hong", "Kong", "1982-83", "property-price", "collapse" ], [ "which" ], [ "exposed" ], [ "the", "involvement" ], [ "of" ], [ "Bank", "Bumiputra" ], [ "'s", "former", "subsidiary" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "colony" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "largest", "banking", "scandal" ], [ "in" ], [ "Malaysia" ], [ "'s", "history" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "added" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "SBAR", "NP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Most of the expenses stem from the company 's huge Mirage resort-casino scheduled to open next month along the Strip , and an April 1989 financing by units operating the downtown Golden Nugget property .", "chunks":[ [ "Most" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "expenses" ], [ "stem" ], [ "from" ], [ "the", "company" ], [ "'s", "huge", "Mirage", "resort-casino" ], [ "scheduled", "to", "open" ], [ "next", "month" ], [ "along" ], [ "the", "Strip" ], [ "an", "April", "1989", "financing" ], [ "by" ], [ "units" ], [ "operating" ], [ "the", "downtown", "Golden", "Nugget", "property" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "operating" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "NP", "SBAR" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Ginnie Mae 9 % securities ended at 98 6\\\/32 , up 9\\\/32 , and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 9 % securities were at 97 10\\\/32 , up 6\\\/32 .", "chunks":[ [ "Ginnie", "Mae", "9", "%", "securities" ], [ "ended" ], [ "at" ], [ "98", "6\\\/32" ], [ "up" ], [ "9\\\/32" ], [ "Federal", "Home", "Loan", "Mortgage", "Corp.", "9", "%", "securities" ], [ "were" ], [ "at" ], [ "97", "10\\\/32" ], [ "up" ], [ "6\\\/32" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Ginnie", "Mae", "9", "%", "securities" ], "options":[ "SBAR", "NP", "PRT", "VP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"U.K. composite , or non-life , insurers , which some equity analysts said might be heavily hit by the earthquake disaster , helped support the London market by showing only narrow losses in early trading .", "chunks":[ [ "U.K.", "composite", ",", "or", "non-life", ",", "insurers" ], [ "which" ], [ "some", "equity", "analysts" ], [ "said" ], [ "might", "be", "heavily", "hit" ], [ "by" ], [ "the", "earthquake", "disaster" ], [ "helped", "support" ], [ "the", "London", "market" ], [ "by" ], [ "showing" ], [ "only", "narrow", "losses" ], [ "in" ], [ "early", "trading" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "the", "London", "market" ], "options":[ "SBAR", "NP", "VP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"`` The -LCB- buy-out -RCB- consortium ceased to exist because our American partners were not capable of organizing the financing , '' a British Air spokesman said .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "-LCB-", "buy-out", "-RCB-", "consortium" ], [ "ceased", "to", "exist" ], [ "because" ], [ "our", "American", "partners" ], [ "were" ], [ "not", "capable" ], [ "of" ], [ "organizing" ], [ "the", "financing" ], [ "a", "British", "Air", "spokesman" ], [ "said" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "The", "-LCB-", "buy-out", "-RCB-", "consortium" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "PP", "ADVP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"A.P. 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''", "chunks":[ [ "It" ], [ "'s" ], [ "the", "end" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "world" ], [ "if" ], [ "you" ], [ "shake" ], [ "them" ], [ "up" ], [ "a", "little", "bit" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "up" ], "options":[ "NP", "PRT", "PP", "VP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"The company said it may install additional processing units at the refinery to produce higher octane gasolines and other products .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "company" ], [ "said" ], [ "it" ], [ "may", "install" ], [ "additional", "processing", "units" ], [ "at" ], [ "the", "refinery" ], [ "to", "produce" ], [ "higher", "octane", "gasolines" ], [ "other", "products" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "at" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "VP", "SBAR" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Over at the Shell station , owner Rudi van Dyk , who doubles as Morgenzon 's mayor , worries that the Orange Workers have made his town the laughingstock of the nation .", "chunks":[ [ "Over" ], [ "at" ], [ "the", "Shell", "station" ], [ "owner", "Rudi", "van", "Dyk" ], [ "who" ], [ "doubles" ], [ "as" ], [ "Morgenzon" ], [ "'s", "mayor" ], [ "worries" ], [ "that" ], [ "the", "Orange", "Workers" ], [ "have", "made" ], [ "his", "town" ], [ "the", "laughingstock" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "nation" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "have", "made" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "ADVP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"That 's a significant change from earlier this year when the plant worked substantial overtime only to have sales fall short of the company 's bullish expectations .", "chunks":[ [ "That" ], [ "'s" ], [ "a", "significant", "change" ], [ "from" ], [ "earlier", "this", "year" ], [ "when" ], [ "the", "plant" ], [ "worked" ], [ "substantial", "overtime" ], [ "only" ], [ "to", "have" ], [ "sales" ], [ "fall" ], [ "short" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "company" ], [ "'s", "bullish", "expectations" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "from" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "ADJP", "VP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"The industrials were up about 60 points in the afternoon , but cautious investors took profits before the close .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "industrials" ], [ "were" ], [ "up" ], [ "about", "60", "points" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "afternoon" ], [ "cautious", "investors" ], [ "took" ], [ "profits" ], [ "before" ], [ "the", "close" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "The", "industrials" ], "options":[ "PP", "NP", "UCP", "VP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"In the 1989 second quarter , Shearson had net income of $ 55 million , or 54 cents a share .", "chunks":[ [ "In" ], [ "the", "1989", "second", "quarter" ], [ "Shearson" ], [ "had" ], [ "net", "income" ], [ "of" ], [ "$", "55", "million" ], [ "54", "cents" ], [ "a", "share" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "$", "55", "million" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "PP", "ADVP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"B.A.T said it purchased 2.5 million shares at 785 .", "chunks":[ [ "B.A.T" ], [ "said" ], [ "it" ], [ "purchased" ], [ "2.5", "million", "shares" ], [ "at" ], [ "785" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "said" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "NP", "ADVP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Rorer in July had projected lower third-quarter operating profit but higher profit for all of 1989 .", "chunks":[ [ "Rorer" ], [ "in" ], [ "July" ], [ "had", "projected" ], [ "lower", "third-quarter", "operating", "profit" ], [ "higher", "profit" ], [ "for" ], [ "all" ], [ "of" ], [ "1989" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "all" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "NP", "VP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Illinois , for instance , currently has under investigation 10 of the 30 companies drumming up funds for charities soliciting there .", "chunks":[ [ "Illinois" ], [ "for" ], [ "instance" ], [ "currently" ], [ "has" ], [ "under" ], [ "investigation" ], [ "10" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "30", "companies" ], [ "drumming" ], [ "up" ], [ "funds" ], [ "for" ], [ "charities" ], [ "soliciting" ], [ "there" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Illinois" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "NP", "VP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"I expected to see more volatility as some of the institutions who were spooked last Friday did some selling , '' said Raymond F. 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Lynn , president of Axe Core Investors Inc. , an indexer based in Tarrytown , N.Y .", "chunks":[ [ "Indexing" ], [ "has", "been" ], [ "the", "most", "single", "successful", "investment", "concept" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "last", "decade" ], [ "the", "index", "money" ], [ "has", "been", "just", "sort", "of", "sitting" ], [ "there" ], [ "says" ], [ "Seth", "M.", "Lynn" ], [ "president" ], [ "of" ], [ "Axe", "Core", "Investors", "Inc." ], [ "an", "indexer" ], [ "based" ], [ "in" ], [ "Tarrytown" ], [ "N.Y" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "N.Y" ], "options":[ "PP", "NP", "VP", "ADVP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Instead , both congressional and administration officials agreed , it grew out of talks about coup-planning in Panama that were initiated by the administration in July 1988 and stretched into last October .", "chunks":[ [ "Instead" ], [ "both", "congressional", "and", "administration", "officials" ], [ "agreed" ], [ "it" ], [ "grew" ], [ "out" ], [ "of" ], [ "talks" ], [ "about" ], [ "coup-planning" ], [ "in" ], [ "Panama" ], [ "that" ], [ "were", "initiated" ], [ "by" ], [ "the", "administration" ], [ "in" ], [ "July", "1988" ], [ "stretched" ], [ "into" ], [ "last", "October" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "into" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "ADVP", "VP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"USACafes Limited Partnership said it completed the sale of its Bonanza restaurant franchise system to a subsidiary of Metromedia Co. for $ 71 million in cash .", "chunks":[ [ "USACafes", "Limited", "Partnership" ], [ "said" ], [ "it" ], [ "completed" ], [ "the", "sale" ], [ "of" ], [ "its", "Bonanza", "restaurant", "franchise", "system" ], [ "to" ], [ "a", "subsidiary" ], [ "of" ], [ "Metromedia", "Co." ], [ "for" ], [ "$", "71", "million" ], [ "in" ], [ "cash" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "in" ], "options":[ "SBAR", "PP", "NP", "ADVP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"This maker and marketer of cartridge tape systems said it completed the sale of 2.85 million shares of common priced at $ 10 a share in an initial public offering .", "chunks":[ [ "This", "maker", "and", "marketer" ], [ "of" ], [ "cartridge", "tape", "systems" ], [ "said" ], [ "it" ], [ "completed" ], [ "the", "sale" ], [ "of" ], [ "2.85", "million", "shares" ], [ "of" ], [ "common" ], [ "priced" ], [ "at" ], [ "$", "10" ], [ "a", "share" ], [ "in" ], [ "an", "initial", "public", "offering" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "said" ], "options":[ "ADJP", "VP", "NP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Galveston-Houston Co. said it will redeem all 3,950 shares of its privately held 6.5 % convertible Series C preferred stock Nov. 8 .", "chunks":[ [ "Galveston-Houston", "Co." ], [ "said" ], [ "it" ], [ "will", "redeem" ], [ "all", "3,950", "shares" ], [ "of" ], [ "its", "privately", "held", "6.5", "%", "convertible", "Series", "C", "preferred", "stock" ], [ "Nov.", "8" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "its", "privately", "held", "6.5", "%", "convertible", "Series", "C", "preferred", "stock" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "NP", "VP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"But many others , who want to qualify for employee benefits and unemployment compensation , become tipsters for the IRS , says Jerry Lackey , who manages the IRS project 's force of nine agents in north and central Florida from Orlando .", "chunks":[ [ "many", "others" ], [ "who" ], [ "want", "to", "qualify" ], [ "for" ], [ "employee", "benefits" ], [ "unemployment", "compensation" ], [ "become" ], [ "tipsters" ], [ "for" ], [ "the", "IRS" ], [ "says" ], [ "Jerry", "Lackey" ], [ "who" ], [ "manages" ], [ "the", "IRS", "project" ], [ "'s", "force" ], [ "of" ], [ "nine", "agents" ], [ "in" ], [ "north", "and", "central", "Florida" ], [ "from" ], [ "Orlando" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "the", "IRS", "project" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "NP", "VP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"He said the company expects to be `` on target '' with analysts ' projections by year end but conceded that the fourth quarter represents `` a significant challenge . ''", "chunks":[ [ "He" ], [ "said" ], [ "the", "company" ], [ "expects", "to", "be" ], [ "on" ], [ "target" ], [ "with" ], [ "analysts" ], [ "'", "projections" ], [ "by" ], [ "year", "end" ], [ "conceded" ], [ "that" ], [ "the", "fourth", "quarter" ], [ "represents" ], [ "a", "significant", "challenge" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "with" ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "NP", "ADVP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Galileo 's photos of Europa will be more than 1,000 times as sharp as Voyager 's , according to Torrence Johnson , Galileo 's project scientist , and may show whether it actually has the only known ocean other than those on Earth .", "chunks":[ [ "Galileo" ], [ "'s", "photos" ], [ "of" ], [ "Europa" ], [ "will", "be" ], [ "more", "than", "1,000", "times", "as", "sharp" ], [ "as" ], [ "Voyager" ], [ "'s" ], [ "according" ], [ "to" ], [ "Torrence", "Johnson" ], [ "Galileo" ], [ "'s", "project", "scientist" ], [ "may", "show" ], [ "whether" ], [ "it" ], [ "actually" ], [ "has" ], [ "the", "only", 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"instance" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "ADJP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Beneficiaries aged 65 through 69 will be able to earn $ 9,360 without losing any Social Security benefits in 1990 , up from $ 8,880 this year .", "chunks":[ [ "Beneficiaries" ], [ "aged" ], [ "65", "through", "69" ], [ "will", "be" ], [ "able" ], [ "to", "earn" ], [ "$", "9,360" ], [ "without" ], [ "losing" ], [ "any", "Social", "Security", "benefits" ], [ "in" ], [ "1990" ], [ "up" ], [ "from" ], [ "$", "8,880" ], [ "this", "year" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "$", "8,880" ], "options":[ "SBAR", "NP", "VP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"`` I want to know who made the decision that it was safe for 186,000 people to use every day , '' said Richard Katz , a state legislator who is chairman of the California Assembly 's transportation committee .", "chunks":[ [ "I" ], [ "want", "to", "know" ], [ "who" ], [ "made" ], [ "the", "decision" ], [ "that" ], [ "it" ], [ "was" ], [ "safe" ], [ "for" ], [ "186,000", "people" ], [ 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[ "the", "Khmer", "Rouge" ], [ "have", "changed" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "that" ], "options":[ "PP", "SBAR", "VP", "NP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Each $ 5,000 bond carries one warrant , exercisable from Dec. 1 , 1989 , through Nov. 2 , 1993 , to buy company shares at an expected premium of 2 1\\\/2 % to the closing share price when terms are fixed Oct. 24 .", "chunks":[ [ "Each", "$", "5,000", "bond" ], [ "carries" ], [ "one", "warrant" ], [ "exercisable" ], [ "from" ], [ "Dec.", "1", ",", "1989" ], [ "through" ], [ "Nov.", "2", ",", "1993" ], [ "to", "buy" ], [ "company", "shares" ], [ "at" ], [ "an", "expected", "premium" ], [ "of" ], [ "2", "1\\\/2", "%" ], [ "to" ], [ "the", "closing", "share", "price" ], [ "when" ], [ "terms" ], [ "are", "fixed" ], [ "Oct.", "24" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "carries" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "ADVP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Mitsubishi Trust & Banking Corp . -LRB- Japan -RRB- -- 200 million Swiss francs of privately placed convertible notes due March 31 , 1994 , with a fixed 0.75 % coupon at par , via Union Bank of Switzerland .", "chunks":[ [ "Mitsubishi", "Trust", "&", "Banking", "Corp" ], [ "Japan" ], [ "200", "million", "Swiss", "francs" ], [ "of" ], [ "privately", "placed", "convertible", "notes" ], [ "due" ], [ "March", "31", ",", "1994" ], [ "with" ], [ "a", "fixed", "0.75", "%", "coupon" ], [ "at" ], [ "par" ], [ "via" ], [ "Union", "Bank" ], [ "of" ], [ "Switzerland" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Mitsubishi", "Trust", "&", "Banking", "Corp" ], "options":[ "PP", "NP", "ADVP", "SBAR" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"The Tucson , Ariz. , operator of addiction-treatment centers said proceeds will be used for expansion , to pay debt and for general corporate purposes .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "Tucson", ",", "Ariz.", ",", "operator" ], [ "of" ], [ "addiction-treatment", "centers" ], [ "said" ], [ "proceeds" ], [ "will", "be", "used" ], [ "for" ], [ "expansion" ], [ "to", "pay" ], [ "debt" ], [ "for" ], [ "general", "corporate", "purposes" 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[ "agreement" ], [ "aparently" ], [ "could", "n't", "be", "reached" ], [ "because", "of" ], [ "opposition" ], [ "from" ], [ "the", "states" ], [ "of" ], [ "Hamburg", "and", "Bremen" ], [ "which" ], [ "are", "demanding" ], [ "more", "influence" ], [ "over" ], [ "the", "German", "Airbus", "operations" ], [ "a", "better", "guarantee" ], [ "against" ], [ "job", "losses" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "troubled", "Northern", "German", "region" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "aparently" ], "options":[ "NP", "ADVP", "PP", "SBAR" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Caere was underwritten by Alex . 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"marketing" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "ADVP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"But in introductory material for the campaign , the trade group urges members to `` arm '' for a `` revolution '' against big , out-of-state bank-holding companies .", "chunks":[ [ "in" ], [ "introductory", "material" ], [ "for" ], [ "the", "campaign" ], [ "the", "trade", "group" ], [ "urges" ], [ "members" ], [ "to", "``", "arm" ], [ "for" ], [ "a", "``", "revolution" ], [ "against" ], [ "big", ",", "out-of-state", "bank-holding", "companies" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "against" ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "NP", "ADVP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"According to the officials , Mr. Bush even read to the senators selections from a highly classified letter from the committee to the White House discussing the guidelines .", "chunks":[ [ "According" ], [ "to" ], [ "the", "officials" ], [ "Mr.", "Bush" ], [ "even" ], [ "read" ], [ "to" ], [ "the", "senators" ], [ "selections" ], [ "from" ], [ "a", "highly", "classified", 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], [ "Profit", "Systems" ], [ "common", "shares" ], [ "62.42", "%" ], [ "the", "filing" ], [ "said" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "control" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "ADJP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Furthermore , it is also likely to encourage those on Capitol Hill asking for cuts in the assistance to El Salvador if President Cristiani does not bend to demands of the Marxist guerrillas .", "chunks":[ [ "Furthermore" ], [ "it" ], [ "is" ], [ "also" ], [ "likely" ], [ "to", "encourage" ], [ "those" ], [ "on" ], [ "Capitol", "Hill" ], [ "asking" ], [ "for" ], [ "cuts" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "assistance" ], [ "to" ], [ "El", "Salvador" ], [ "if" ], [ "President", "Cristiani" ], [ "does", "not", "bend" ], [ "to" ], [ "demands" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "Marxist", "guerrillas" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "to" ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "ADVP", "NP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"In its ruling , the NRC said that because Seabrook will be allowed to charge rates sufficient to run the plant and make payments on 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and is seeking other brokers to take over its policies , according to individuals familiar with the New York firm .", "chunks":[ [ "Helmsley", "Enterprises", "Inc." ], [ "plans", "to", "close" ], [ "its", "company-owned", "insurance", "business" ], [ "is", "seeking" ], [ "other", "brokers" ], [ "to", "take" ], [ "over" ], [ "its", "policies" ], [ "according" ], [ "to" ], [ "individuals" ], [ "familiar" ], [ "with" ], [ "the", "New", "York", "firm" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "its", "policies" ], "options":[ "SBAR", "NP", "VP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Among the city 's banks , Bank of America said all but eight of its 850 branches were open .", "chunks":[ [ "Among" ], [ "the", "city" ], [ "'s", "banks" ], [ "Bank" ], [ "of" ], [ "America" ], [ "said" ], [ "all", "but", "eight" ], [ "of" ], [ "its", "850", "branches" ], [ "were" ], [ "open" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "said" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "NP", "ADVP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Instead , China is likely to shell out ever-greater 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"in" ], [ "new", "credit", "guarantees" ], [ "for" ], [ "industrial", "projects" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "for" ], "options":[ "ADJP", "PP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Personnel spent the morning inspecting buildings for structural weaknesses , mopping up water from broken pipes and clearing ceiling tiles and other debris from factory floors .", "chunks":[ [ "Personnel" ], [ "spent" ], [ "the", "morning" ], [ "inspecting" ], [ "buildings" ], [ "for" ], [ "structural", "weaknesses" ], [ "mopping" ], [ "up" ], [ "water" ], [ "from" ], [ "broken", "pipes" ], [ "clearing" ], [ "ceiling", "tiles" ], [ "other", "debris" ], [ "from" ], [ "factory", "floors" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "other", "debris" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "ADVP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"For the first six months , wholesale sales rose 12.3 % from the year before , reflecting to a 11.5 % jump in domestic sales and a 14.6 % boost in foreign sales .", "chunks":[ [ "For" ], [ "the", "first", "six", "months" ], [ "wholesale", "sales" ], [ "rose" ], [ "12.3", "%" ], [ "from" ], [ "the", "year" ], [ "before" ], [ "reflecting" ], [ "to" ], [ "a", "11.5", "%", "jump" ], [ "in" ], [ "domestic", "sales" ], [ "a", "14.6", "%", "boost" ], [ "in" ], [ "foreign", "sales" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "reflecting" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "VP", "NP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Suffering from a downturn in heavy truck production that cut orders for its engines , Caterpillar also said it will indefinitely lay off about 325 workers in the Peoria area and temporarily shut its plant in York , Pa. , for two weeks in both November and December .", "chunks":[ [ "Suffering" ], [ "from" ], [ "a", "downturn" ], [ "in" ], [ "heavy", "truck", "production" ], [ "that" ], [ "cut" ], [ "orders" ], [ "for" ], [ "its", "engines" ], [ "Caterpillar" ], [ "also" ], [ "said" ], [ "it" ], [ "will", "indefinitely", "lay" ], [ "off" ], [ "about", "325", "workers" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "Peoria", "area" ], [ "temporarily", "shut" ], [ 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Panama , the U.S. will come to its defense .", "chunks":[ [ "A", "poll" ], [ "conducted" ], [ "in" ], [ "July" ], [ "by" ], [ "a", "Gallup", "affiliate" ], [ "showed" ], [ "that" ], [ "64", "%" ], [ "of" ], [ "Costa", "Ricans" ], [ "believe" ], [ "that" ], [ "if" ], [ "their", "country" ], [ "is", "militarily", "attacked" ], [ "by" ], [ "either", "Nicaragua", "or", "Panama" ], [ "the", "U.S." ], [ "will", "come" ], [ "to" ], [ "its", "defense" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "to" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "SBAR", "VP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"The firm was indicted in Tampa , Fla. , on money-laundering charges .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "firm" ], [ "was", "indicted" ], [ "in" ], [ "Tampa" ], [ "Fla." ], [ "on" ], [ "money-laundering", "charges" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "on" ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "NP", "SBAR" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"A House-Senate conference reached agreement Oct. 5 on virtually all major provisions of the bill , but final settlement has been stalled because of differences between the two men over the fate of a modest Arkansas-based program to provide technical information to farmers seeking to reduce their dependence on chemical fertilizers and pesticides .", "chunks":[ [ "A", "House-Senate", "conference" ], [ "reached" ], [ "agreement" ], [ "Oct.", "5" ], [ "on" ], [ "virtually", "all", "major", "provisions" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "bill" ], [ "final", "settlement" ], [ "has", "been", "stalled" ], [ "because", "of" ], [ "differences" ], [ "between" ], [ "the", "two", "men" ], [ "over" ], [ "the", "fate" ], [ "of" ], [ "a", "modest", "Arkansas-based", "program" ], [ "to", "provide" ], [ "technical", "information" ], [ "to" ], [ "farmers" ], [ "seeking", "to", "reduce" ], [ "their", "dependence" ], [ "on" ], [ "chemical", "fertilizers", "and", "pesticides" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "to" ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "NP", "ADVP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"To add aftershock-damping power to America 's markets , a modern , electronic trading system should be implemented that permits equal access to the trading arena -LRB- and the information that would automatically accompany such access -RRB- by investors -- particularly institutional investors .", "chunks":[ [ "To", "add" ], [ "aftershock-damping", "power" ], [ "to" ], [ "America" ], [ "'s", "markets" ], [ "a", "modern", ",", "electronic", "trading", "system" ], [ "should", "be", "implemented" ], [ "that" ], [ "permits" ], [ "equal", "access" ], [ "to" ], [ "the", "trading", "arena" ], [ "the", "information" ], [ "that" ], [ "would", "automatically", "accompany" ], [ "such", "access" ], [ "by" ], [ "investors" ], [ "particularly" ], [ "institutional", "investors" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "to" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "PRT", "VP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"In charges filed last week in federal district court in Charlotte , N.C. , the SEC alleged that Venture Capitalists Inc. , Venture Finance Corp. and New Ventures Fund Inc. , all of Charlotte , failed repeatedly to file proper documents 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"PRT", "NP", "VP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"4 . 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American Telephone & Telegraph Co. will reduce its managerial staff by 15,000 through attrition ; the oil market turned weaker ; there was n't any investor demand for bullion ; and the dollar strengthened during the day , putting pressure on gold .", "chunks":[ [ "Other", "news" ], [ "that" ], [ "weighed" ], [ "on" ], [ "the", "market" ], [ "Initial", "unemployment", "claims" ], [ "rose" ], [ "by" ], [ "62,000" ], [ "last", "week" ], [ "American", "Telephone", "&", "Telegraph", "Co." ], [ "will", "reduce" ], [ "its", "managerial", "staff" ], [ "by" ], [ "15,000" ], [ "through" ], [ "attrition" ], [ "the", "oil", "market" ], [ "turned" ], [ "weaker" ], [ "there" ], [ "was" ], [ "any", "investor", "demand" ], [ "for" ], [ "bullion" ], [ "the", "dollar" ], [ "strengthened" ], [ "during" ], [ "the", "day" ], [ "putting" ], [ "pressure" ], [ "on" ], [ "gold" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Other", "news" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "PP", "ADJP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"But some attorneys who are familiar with the matter said the $ 6.5 million payment will be shared by Bally and Mr. Trump , with the casino and hotel concern probably paying the bulk of the money .", "chunks":[ [ "some", "attorneys" ], [ "who" ], [ "are" ], [ "familiar" ], [ "with" ], [ "the", "matter" ], [ "said" ], [ "the", "$", "6.5", "million", "payment" ], [ "will", "be", "shared" ], [ "by" ], [ "Bally" ], [ "Mr.", "Trump" ], [ "with" ], [ "the", "casino", "and", "hotel", "concern" ], [ "probably" ], [ "paying" ], [ "the", "bulk" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "money" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "with" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "VP", "SBAR" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"The Boeing 727 , en route to Honduras from Costa Rica via Nicaragua , smashed into the hills outside Tegucigalpa as it approached the capital 's airport in high winds and low clouds .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "Boeing", "727" ], [ "en" ], [ "route" ], [ "to" ], [ "Honduras" ], [ "from" ], [ "Costa", "Rica" ], [ "via" ], [ "Nicaragua" ], [ "smashed" ], [ "into" ], [ "the", "hills" ], [ "outside" ], [ "Tegucigalpa" ], [ "as" ], [ "it" ], [ "approached" ], [ "the", "capital" ], [ "'s", "airport" ], [ "in" ], [ "high", "winds" ], [ "low", "clouds" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "via" ], "options":[ "SBAR", "PP", "NP", "VP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"`` McDonald 's has also been running negative all year , '' the analyst says .", "chunks":[ [ "McDonald" ], [ "'s" ], [ "has", "also", "been", "running" ], [ "negative" ], [ "all", "year" ], [ "the", "analyst" ], [ "says" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "McDonald" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "NP", "PP", "VP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"That railroad is operating trains but with delays caused by employees unable to get to work .", "chunks":[ [ "That", "railroad" ], [ "is", "operating" ], [ "trains" ], [ "but" ], [ "with" ], [ "delays" ], [ "caused" ], [ "by" ], [ "employees" ], [ "unable" ], [ "to", "get" ], [ "to" ], [ "work" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "unable" ], "options":[ "PP", "ADJP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Steve Kloves , the young writer and director -LRB- he is n't yet 30 -RRB- , has only one produced picture to his credit ; he wrote the screenplay for `` Racing With the Moon , '' a lovely coming-of-age picture set in the '40s .", "chunks":[ [ "Steve", "Kloves" ], [ "the", "young", "writer", "and", "director" ], [ "he" ], [ "is" ], [ "yet" ], [ "30" ], [ "has" ], [ "only", "one", "produced", "picture" ], [ "to" ], [ "his", "credit" ], [ "he" ], [ "wrote" ], [ "the", "screenplay" ], [ "for" ], [ "Racing" ], [ "With" ], [ "the", "Moon" ], [ "a", "lovely", "coming-of-age", "picture" ], [ "set" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "'40s" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "With" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "PP", "NP", "VP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"`` There is a lot of attention paid to housing as a form of household wealth , '' says Edward N. Wolff , professor of economics at New York University .", "chunks":[ [ "There" ], [ "is" ], [ "a", "lot" ], [ "of" ], [ "attention" ], [ "paid" ], [ "to" ], [ "housing" ], [ "as" ], [ "a", "form" ], [ "of" ], [ "household", "wealth" ], [ "says" ], [ "Edward", "N.", "Wolff" ], [ "professor" ], [ "of" ], [ "economics" ], [ "at" ], [ "New", "York", "University" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "There" ], "options":[ "PP", "NP", "ADVP", "VP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"The Tax Court did n't believe that the Rubins , who earned $ 65,619 in their regular jobs , treated the sideline as a real business and derived `` merely incidental elements of recreation and other personal pleasure and benefits '' from it .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "Tax", "Court" ], [ "did", "n't", "believe" ], [ "that" ], [ "the", "Rubins" ], [ "who" ], [ "earned" ], [ "$", "65,619" ], [ "in" ], [ "their", "regular", "jobs" ], [ "treated" ], [ "the", "sideline" ], [ "as" ], [ "a", "real", "business" ], [ "derived" ], [ "merely", "incidental", "elements" ], [ "of" ], [ "recreation" ], [ "other", "personal", "pleasure", "and", "benefits" ], [ "from" ], [ "it" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "it" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "ADVP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Now , says Mr. Biehl , value investing often means `` looking for downtrodden companies with terrible management that are in real trouble . 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from tax withholding or yacht owners deducting losses from sideline charter businesses .", "chunks":[ [ "In" ], [ "most", "cases" ], [ "the", "IRS" ], [ "says" ], [ "these", "projects" ], [ "are" ], [ "local", "or", "regional" ], [ "rather", "than" ], [ "national" ], [ "arise" ], [ "because" ], [ "auditors" ], [ "in" ], [ "an", "area" ], [ "detect" ], [ "some", "pattern" ], [ "of" ], [ "abuse" ], [ "among" ], [ "say" ], [ "factory", "workers" ], [ "claiming" ], [ "that" ], [ "having" ], [ "a", "multitude" ], [ "of" ], [ "dependents" ], [ "frees" ], [ "them" ], [ "from" ], [ "tax", "withholding" ], [ "yacht", "owners" ], [ "deducting" ], [ "losses" ], [ "from" ], [ "sideline", "charter", "businesses" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "these", "projects" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "NP", "VP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"The companies will retain their current regular quarterly dividend of 25 cents during the sale process , Mr. Rothman said .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "companies" ], [ "will", "retain" ], 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Grace & Co. , New York , said its earnings for the third quarter nearly doubled as a result of a $ 114.4 million pre-tax gain from restructuring its energy operations and other adjustments .", "chunks":[ [ "W.R.", "Grace", "&", "Co." ], [ "New", "York" ], [ "said" ], [ "its", "earnings" ], [ "for" ], [ "the", "third", "quarter" ], [ "nearly", "doubled" ], [ "as" ], [ "a", "result" ], [ "of" ], [ "a", "$", "114.4", "million", "pre-tax", "gain" ], [ "from" ], [ "restructuring" ], [ "its", "energy", "operations" ], [ "other", "adjustments" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "restructuring" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "ADVP", "NP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"The bank 's Third World debt portfolio totals $ 560 million , down from $ 2.2 billion at the end of 1986 .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "bank" ], [ "'s", "Third", "World", "debt", "portfolio" ], [ "totals" ], [ "$", "560", "million" ], [ "down" ], [ "from" ], [ "$", "2.2", "billion" ], [ "at" ], [ "the", "end" ], [ "of" ], [ "1986" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "down" ], "options":[ "NP", "ADVP", "PP", "VP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"The jump reflected record results in Las Vegas , Nev. , and Atlantic City , N.J. , as well as a full quarter 's results from Harrah 's Del Rio in Laughlin , Nev .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "jump" ], [ "reflected" ], [ "record", "results" ], [ "in" ], [ "Las", "Vegas" ], [ "Nev." ], [ "Atlantic", "City" ], [ "N.J." ], [ "as", "well", "as" ], [ "a", "full", "quarter" ], [ "'s", "results" ], [ "from" ], [ "Harrah" ], [ "'s", "Del", "Rio" ], [ "in" ], [ "Laughlin" ], [ "Nev" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "a", "full", "quarter" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "NP", "VP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"Abortion-rights advocates won last week 's battles , but the war over the nation 's most-contentious social question is about to pick up again on turf that favors those seeking to restrict abortions .", "chunks":[ [ "Abortion-rights", "advocates" ], [ "won" ], [ "last", "week" ], [ "'s", "battles" ], [ "the", "war" ], [ "over" ], [ "the", "nation" ], [ "'s", "most-contentious", "social", "question" ], [ "is" ], [ "to", "pick" ], [ "up" ], [ "again" ], [ "on" ], [ "turf" ], [ "that" ], [ "favors" ], [ "those" ], [ "seeking", "to", "restrict" ], [ "abortions" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "those" ], "options":[ "SBAR", "NP", "PP", "PRT" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"NewsEdge is pricey : $ 7,500 a year for a limited version , $ 40,000 a year if the cost of all the news wires is included .", "chunks":[ [ "NewsEdge" ], [ "is" ], [ "pricey" ], [ "$", "7,500" ], [ "a", "year" ], [ "for" ], [ "a", "limited", "version" ], [ "$", "40,000" ], [ "a", "year" ], [ "if" ], [ "the", "cost" ], [ "of" ], [ "all", "the", "news", "wires" ], [ "is", "included" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "$", "7,500" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "NP", "VP", "PP" ], "label":1 }, { "text":"`` Next year , earnings will hold steady , but we just do n't see a big turnaround in the trend in advertising . 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] ], "target_chunk":[ "raised" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "VP", "ADJP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Now , with a semblance of normalcy returning , some advisers say it 's time for investors to take a hard , cold look at the stocks they own and consider some careful pruning .", "chunks":[ [ "Now" ], [ "with" ], [ "a", "semblance" ], [ "of" ], [ "normalcy" ], [ "returning" ], [ "some", "advisers" ], [ "say" ], [ "it" ], [ "'s" ], [ "time" ], [ "for" ], [ "investors" ], [ "to", "take" ], [ "a", "hard", ",", "cold", "look" ], [ "at" ], [ "the", "stocks" ], [ "they" ], [ "own" ], [ "consider" ], [ "some", "careful", "pruning" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "they" ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "NP", "SBAR" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Some may have forgotten -- and some younger ones may never have experienced -- what it 's like to invest during a recession .", "chunks":[ [ "Some" ], [ "may", "have", "forgotten" ], [ "some", "younger", "ones" ], [ "may", "never", "have", "experienced" ], [ "what" ], [ "it" ], [ "'s" ], [ "like" ], [ "to", "invest" ], [ "during" ], [ "a", "recession" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "may", "have", "forgotten" ], "options":[ "NP", "ADVP", "VP", "ADJP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Echoing the response of almost all big corporations in the Bay Area , Don Waite , Seagate 's chief financial officer , said , `` I would n't expect this to have any significant financial impact . ''", "chunks":[ [ "Echoing" ], [ "the", "response" ], [ "of" ], [ "almost", "all", "big", "corporations" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "Bay", "Area" ], [ "Don", "Waite" ], [ "Seagate" ], [ "'s", "chief", "financial", "officer" ], [ "said" ], [ "I" ], [ "would", "n't", "expect" ], [ "this" ], [ "to", "have" ], [ "any", "significant", "financial", "impact" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "almost", "all", "big", "corporations" ], "options":[ "PP", "ADJP", "NP", "SBAR" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Daniel J. Terra , a director of First Illinois Corp. , said that in August he reduced his stake in First Illinois to 26.48 % of the common shares outstanding .", "chunks":[ [ "Daniel", "J.", "Terra" ], [ "a", "director" ], [ "of" ], [ "First", "Illinois", "Corp." ], [ "said" ], [ "that" ], [ "in" ], [ "August" ], [ "he" ], [ "reduced" ], [ "his", "stake" ], [ "in" ], [ "First", "Illinois" ], [ "to" ], [ "26.48", "%" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "common", "shares" ], [ "outstanding" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "of" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "PP", "SBAR" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"That would be all right with Amex , which could then lock in its investment profit , but it does n't add up to a `` smart money '' move for me .", "chunks":[ [ "That" ], [ "would", "be" ], [ "all", "right" ], [ "with" ], [ "Amex" ], [ "which" ], [ "could", "then", "lock" ], [ "in" ], [ "its", "investment", "profit" ], [ "it" ], [ "does", "n't", "add" ], [ "up" ], [ "to" ], [ "a", "``", "smart", "money", "''", "move" ], [ "for" ], [ "me" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Amex" ], "options":[ "PP", "ADVP", "NP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"All the numbers were adjusted for normal seasonal variations in building activity .", "chunks":[ [ "All", "the", "numbers" ], [ "were", "adjusted" ], [ "for" ], [ "normal", "seasonal", "variations" ], [ "in" ], [ "building", "activity" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "for" ], "options":[ "NP", "ADVP", "PP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"They have maintained that banks remain interested in financing the transaction .", "chunks":[ [ "They" ], [ "have", "maintained" ], [ "that" ], [ "banks" ], [ "remain" ], [ "interested" ], [ "in" ], [ "financing" ], [ "the", "transaction" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "banks" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "NP", "ADVP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Analysts estimate that sales of the two businesses could raise roughly $ 2 billion .", "chunks":[ [ "Analysts" ], [ "estimate" ], [ "that" ], [ "sales" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "two", "businesses" ], [ "could", "raise" ], [ "roughly", "$", "2", "billion" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "of" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "PP", "ADJP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Earlier this week , a Fifth Circuit appellate panel upheld Judge Maloney 's dismissal of Mr. Gaubert 's claim as a shareholder but said the judge should reconsider Mr. Gaubert 's claim for the loss of his property .", "chunks":[ [ "Earlier", "this", "week" ], [ "a", "Fifth", "Circuit", "appellate", "panel" ], [ "upheld" ], [ "Judge", "Maloney" ], [ "'s", "dismissal" ], [ "of" ], [ "Mr.", "Gaubert" ], [ "'s", "claim" ], [ "as" ], [ "a", "shareholder" ], [ "said" ], [ "the", "judge" ], [ "should", "reconsider" ], [ "Mr.", "Gaubert" ], [ "'s", "claim" ], [ "for" ], [ "the", "loss" ], [ "of" ], [ "his", "property" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "of" ], "options":[ "NP", "SBAR", "PP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"The lyric chosen -- `` long strange night '' -- may be an apt footnote to television spots by both candidates intended to portray each other as a liar .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "lyric" ], [ "chosen" ], [ "long", "strange", "night" ], [ "may", "be" ], [ "an", "apt", "footnote" ], [ "to" ], [ "television", "spots" ], [ "by" ], [ "both", "candidates" ], [ "intended", "to", "portray" ], [ "each", "other" ], [ "as" ], [ "a", "liar" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "The", "lyric" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "NP", "SBAR" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Mrs. Thi says Hochiminh City Food last year increased pretax profit 60 % to the equivalent of about $ 2.7 million on sales of $ 150 million .", "chunks":[ [ "Mrs.", "Thi" ], [ "says" ], [ "Hochiminh", "City", "Food" ], [ "last", "year" ], [ "increased" ], [ "pretax", "profit" ], [ "60", "%" ], [ "to" ], [ "the", "equivalent" ], [ "of" ], [ "about", "$", "2.7", "million" ], [ "on" ], [ "sales" ], [ "of" ], [ "$", "150", "million" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "$", "150", "million" ], "options":[ "VP", "ADVP", "NP", "PP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Dayton Hudson said it accepted all odd-lot shares tendered at or below the final $ 62.875 price ; the preliminary proration factor for other shares tendered at or below the final price is 98 % .", "chunks":[ [ "Dayton", "Hudson" ], [ "said" ], [ "it" ], [ "accepted" ], [ "all", "odd-lot", "shares" ], [ "tendered" ], [ "at", "or", "below" ], [ "the", "final", "$", "62.875", "price" ], [ "the", "preliminary", "proration", "factor" ], [ "for" ], [ "other", "shares" ], [ "tendered" ], [ "at", "or", "below" ], [ "the", "final", "price" ], [ "is" ], [ "98", "%" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "all", "odd-lot", "shares" ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "NP", "ADVP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"A group of investors , including Giancarlo Parretti 's Pathe Communications Corp. and Sasea Holding S.A. , have agreed to buy 76.66 % of Odeon Finanziaria , a financially troubled Italian TV station .", "chunks":[ [ "A", "group" ], [ "of" ], [ "investors" ], [ "including" ], [ "Giancarlo", "Parretti" ], [ "'s", "Pathe", "Communications", "Corp." ], [ "Sasea", "Holding", "S.A." ], [ "have", "agreed", "to", "buy" ], [ "76.66", "%" ], [ "of" ], [ "Odeon", "Finanziaria" ], [ "a", "financially", "troubled", "Italian", "TV", "station" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "including" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "NP", "VP", "PP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"`` Newsprint and postage prices this year have not gone up , '' said Peter R. Kann , president of Dow Jones .", "chunks":[ [ "Newsprint", "and", "postage", "prices" ], [ "this", "year" ], [ "have", "not", "gone" ], [ "up" ], [ "said" ], [ "Peter", "R.", "Kann" ], [ "president" ], [ "of" ], [ "Dow", "Jones" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "president" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "NP", "ADVP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"`` The pigs in the trough may have to give a little bit of the slop back and then the deal can go through , '' said Peter C. Canellos , tax partner at Wachtell , Lipton , Rosen & Katz .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "pigs" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "trough" ], [ "may", "have", "to", "give" ], [ "a", "little", "bit" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "slop" ], [ "back" ], [ "the", "deal" ], [ "can", "go" ], [ "through" ], [ "said" ], [ "Peter", "C.", "Canellos" ], [ "tax", "partner" ], [ "at" ], [ "Wachtell", ",", "Lipton", ",", "Rosen", "&", "Katz" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "in" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "PP", "ADVP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Mr. Krenz , 52 , was named the new party chief just minutes after the Party 's 163-member Central Committee convened in East Berlin .", "chunks":[ [ "Mr.", "Krenz" ], [ "52" ], [ "was", "named" ], [ "the", "new", "party", "chief" ], [ "just", "minutes" ], [ "after" ], [ "the", "Party" ], [ "'s", "163-member", "Central", "Committee" ], [ "convened" ], [ "in" ], [ "East", "Berlin" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "convened" ], "options":[ "PP", "NP", "VP", "SBAR" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Leading the pack , Microsoft soared 3 3\\\/4 , or 4 % , to a record price of 84 1\\\/4 on 1.2 million shares .", "chunks":[ [ "Leading" ], [ "the", "pack" ], [ "Microsoft" ], [ "soared" ], [ "3", "3\\\/4" ], [ "4", "%" ], [ "to" ], [ "a", "record", "price" ], [ "of" ], [ "84", "1\\\/4" ], [ "on" ], [ "1.2", "million", "shares" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "to" ], "options":[ "SBAR", "NP", "PP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"The newly chartered bank will assume about $ 125.7 million in 10,300 deposit accounts and pay the FDIC a purchase premium of $ 2.9 million .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "newly", "chartered", "bank" ], [ "will", "assume" ], [ "about", "$", "125.7", "million" ], [ "in" ], [ "10,300", "deposit", "accounts" ], [ "pay" ], [ "the", "FDIC" ], [ "a", "purchase", "premium" ], [ "of" ], [ "$", "2.9", "million" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "The", "newly", "chartered", "bank" ], "options":[ "ADJP", "VP", "NP", "PP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"If a machine has a big computing task , Task Broker asks other computers in the network for `` bids '' on the job .", "chunks":[ [ "If" ], [ "a", "machine" ], [ "has" ], [ "a", "big", "computing", "task" ], [ "Task", "Broker" ], [ "asks" ], [ "other", "computers" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "network" ], [ "for" ], [ "bids" ], [ "on" ], [ "the", "job" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "other", "computers" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "NP", "SBAR" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"One preliminary estimate put the retrofitting cost at as much as $ 50 million .", "chunks":[ [ "One", "preliminary", "estimate" ], [ "put" ], [ "the", "retrofitting", "cost" ], [ "at" ], [ "as", "much", "as", "$", "50", "million" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "at" ], "options":[ "NP", "ADVP", "PP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"And it works best in high-powered personal computers .", "chunks":[ [ "it" ], [ "works" ], [ "best" ], [ "in" ], [ "high-powered", "personal", "computers" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "it" ], "options":[ "VP", "ADVP", "NP", "PP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"There are seemingly endless twists to universal 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"whose", "book" ], [ "on" ], [ "East", "Germany" ], [ "entitled" ], [ "The", "Unloved", "Country" ], [ "was", "published" ], [ "this", "month" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "East", "Germany" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "NP", "ADVP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"`` By putting these pithy statements on the solicitations , hundreds of thousands of dollars are claimed to have been spent on education to consumers when in fact this represents the costs of sending the newsletters . ''", "chunks":[ [ "By" ], [ "putting" ], [ "these", "pithy", "statements" ], [ "on" ], [ "the", "solicitations" ], [ "hundreds" ], [ "of" ], [ "thousands" ], [ "of" ], [ "dollars" ], [ "are", "claimed", "to", "have", "been", "spent" ], [ "on" ], [ "education" ], [ "to" ], [ "consumers" ], [ "when" ], [ "in" ], [ "fact" ], [ "this" ], [ "represents" ], [ "the", "costs" ], [ "of" ], [ "sending" ], [ "the", "newsletters" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "consumers" ], "options":[ "PP", "ADVP", "NP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"The situation was further aggravated early this month , when McDonald 's set plans to heat up the discounting by offering coupons .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "situation" ], [ "was", "further", "aggravated" ], [ "early", "this", "month" ], [ "when" ], [ "McDonald" ], [ "'s" ], [ "set" ], [ "plans" ], [ "to", "heat" ], [ "up" ], [ "the", "discounting" ], [ "by" ], [ "offering" ], [ "coupons" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "when" ], "options":[ "PP", "NP", "ADVP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"UAL declined to comment on British Air 's statement .", "chunks":[ [ "UAL" ], [ "declined", "to", "comment" ], [ "on" ], [ "British", "Air" ], [ "'s", "statement" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "'s", "statement" ], "options":[ "SBAR", "PP", "NP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"A Lufthansa spokeswoman in Tokyo said the head of Lufthansa 's cargo operations had been in Toyko last week for talks with JAL .", "chunks":[ [ "A", "Lufthansa", "spokeswoman" ], [ "in" ], [ "Tokyo" ], [ "said" ], [ "the", "head" ], [ "of" ], [ "Lufthansa" ], [ "'s", "cargo", "operations" ], [ "had", "been" ], [ "in" ], [ "Toyko" ], [ "last", "week" ], [ "for" ], [ "talks" ], [ "with" ], [ "JAL" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "in" ], "options":[ "ADJP", "VP", "PP", "NP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"The short-term shift in the political climate surrounding abortion reflects two factors that are likely to govern the debate in the next several months : the reawakening of the abortion-rights movement as a potent force after years of lassitude , and the ability of each side to counter the other 's advance in one arena with a victory of its own elsewhere .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "short-term", "shift" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "political", "climate" ], [ "surrounding" ], [ "abortion" ], [ "reflects" ], [ "two", "factors" ], [ "that" ], [ "are" ], [ "likely" ], [ "to", "govern" ], [ "the", "debate" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "next", "several", "months" ], [ "the", "reawakening" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "abortion-rights", "movement" ], [ "as" ], [ "a", "potent", "force" ], [ "after" ], [ "years" ], [ "of" ], [ "lassitude" ], [ "the", "ability" ], [ "of" ], [ "each", "side" ], [ "to", "counter" ], [ "the", "other" ], [ "'s", "advance" ], [ "in" ], [ "one", "arena" ], [ "with" ], [ "a", "victory" ], [ "of" ], [ "its", "own" ], [ "elsewhere" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "surrounding" ], "options":[ "NP", "ADJP", "VP", "PP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"But sooner or later , most of us have to think about life insurance , just as we often have to think about having root-canal work .", "chunks":[ [ "sooner", "or", "later" ], [ "most" ], [ "of" ], [ "us" ], [ "have", "to", "think" ], [ "about" ], [ "life", "insurance" ], [ "just", "as" ], [ "we" ], [ "often" ], [ "have", "to", "think" ], [ "about" ], [ "having" ], [ "root-canal", "work" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "have", "to", "think" ], "options":[ "ADJP", "PP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"One price-depressing development was the lower-than-expected increase of only 0.2 % in the consumer price index for September , an analyst said .", "chunks":[ [ "One", "price-depressing", "development" ], [ "was" ], [ "the", "lower-than-expected", "increase" ], [ "of" ], [ "only", "0.2", "%" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "consumer", "price", "index" ], [ "for" ], [ "September" ], [ "an", "analyst" ], [ "said" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "said" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "VP", "SBAR" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"The company , which is retaining most of its wine and all of its soft-drink interests , did n't break out results for the businesses it plans to sell .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "company" ], [ "which" ], [ "is", "retaining" ], [ "most" ], [ "of" ], [ "its", "wine" ], [ "all" ], [ "of" ], [ "its", "soft-drink" ], [ "interests" ], [ "did", "n't", "break" ], [ "out" ], [ "results" ], [ "for" ], [ "the", "businesses" ], [ "it" ], [ "plans", "to", "sell" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "did", "n't", "break" ], "options":[ "SBAR", "PP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Such schemes , says Tony Adamski , chief of the financial-crimes unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Washington , D.C. , appeal to investors ' `` desire to believe this is really true and that they are part of a chosen group being given this opportunity . ''", "chunks":[ [ "Such", "schemes" ], [ "says" ], [ "Tony", "Adamski" ], [ "chief" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "financial-crimes", "unit" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "Federal", "Bureau" ], [ "of" ], [ "Investigation" ], [ "in" ], [ "Washington" ], [ "D.C." ], [ "appeal" ], [ "to" ], [ "investors" ], [ "'", "``", "desire" ], [ "to", "believe" ], [ "this" ], [ "is" ], [ "really" ], [ "true" ], [ "that" ], [ "they" ], [ "are" ], [ "part" ], [ "of" ], [ "a", "chosen", "group" ], [ "being", "given" ], [ "this", "opportunity" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "in" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "VP", "PP", "NP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Northrop said sales fell because of the decline in B-2 development dollars from the government as the plane continues its initial production stage and because fewer F\\\/A-18 fighter sections are being produced in its subcontract work with prime contractor McDonnell Douglas Corp .", "chunks":[ [ "Northrop" ], [ "said" ], [ "sales" ], [ "fell" ], [ "because", "of" ], [ "the", "decline" ], [ "in" ], [ "B-2", "development", "dollars" ], [ "from" ], [ "the", "government" ], [ "as" ], [ "the", "plane" ], [ "continues" ], [ "its", "initial", "production", "stage" ], [ "because" ], [ "fewer", "F\\\/A-18", "fighter", "sections" ], [ "are", "being", "produced" ], [ "in" ], [ "its", "subcontract", "work" ], [ "with" ], [ "prime", "contractor", "McDonnell", "Douglas", "Corp" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Northrop" ], "options":[ "PP", "SBAR", "NP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"I felt the temblor begin and glanced at the table next to mine , smiled that guilty smile and we both mouthed the words , `` Earth-quake ! 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year ending March 31 .", "chunks":[ [ "the", "plan" ], [ "is", "approved" ], [ "Tan", "Sri", "Basir" ], [ "said" ], [ "most" ], [ "of" ], [ "Bank", "Bumiputra" ], [ "'s", "nonperforming", "loans" ], [ "will", "have", "been", "fully", "provided" ], [ "for" ], [ "the", "bank" ], [ "will", "be" ], [ "on" ], [ "track" ], [ "to", "report" ], [ "a", "pretax", "profit" ], [ "of" ], [ "between", "M$", "160", "million", "and", "M$", "170", "million" ], [ "for" ], [ "the", "fiscal", "year" ], [ "ending" ], [ "March", "31" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "ending" ], "options":[ "NP", "PRT", "VP", "PP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Unlike other writers who either battled the fascists during the Civil War , or left Spain when Franco triumphed , Mr. Cela fought briefly on the general 's side , no doubt earning with his war wound some forbearance when he went on to depict a country with a high population of vagabonds , murderers and rural idiots trudging aimlessly through a dried-out land .", "chunks":[ [ "Unlike" 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"target_chunk":[ "Timken", "Co." ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "NP", "ADJP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"`` This decision will have a very considerable impact , '' said Kenneth Abraham , professor of environmental law and insurance law at the University of Virginia , because many commercial insurance policies are issued by companies based in New York .", "chunks":[ [ "This", "decision" ], [ "will", "have" ], [ "a", "very", "considerable", "impact" ], [ "said" ], [ "Kenneth", "Abraham" ], [ "professor" ], [ "of" ], [ "environmental", "law" ], [ "insurance", "law" ], [ "at" ], [ "the", "University" ], [ "of" ], [ "Virginia" ], [ "because" ], [ "many", "commercial", "insurance", "policies" ], [ "are", "issued" ], [ "by" ], [ "companies" ], [ "based" ], [ "in" ], [ "New", "York" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Kenneth", "Abraham" ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "NP", "ADVP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Revenue fell 3 % , to $ 105.2 million from $ 108.4 million .", "chunks":[ [ "Revenue" ], [ "fell" ], [ "3", "%" 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Campbell , economist at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. , New York , noted that large increases in construction activity along with government and private relief efforts could offset loss of production in those areas .", "chunks":[ [ "Edward", "J.", "Campbell" ], [ "economist" ], [ "at" ], [ "Brown", "Brothers", "Harriman", "&", "Co." ], [ "New", "York" ], [ "noted" ], [ "that" ], [ "large", "increases" ], [ "in" ], [ "construction", "activity" ], [ "along" ], [ "with" ], [ "government", "and", "private", "relief", "efforts" ], [ "could", "offset" ], [ "loss" ], [ "of" ], [ "production" ], [ "in" ], [ "those", "areas" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "economist" ], "options":[ "VP", "ADVP", "NP", "PP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Next March , the shuttle Discovery will launch the Hubble space telescope , a $ 1.5 billion instrument designed to see the faintest galaxies in the universe .", "chunks":[ [ "Next", "March" ], [ "the", "shuttle", "Discovery" ], [ "will", "launch" ], [ "the", "Hubble", 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"confidence" ], [ "of" ], [ "East", "Germans" ], [ "who" ], [ "have", "taken" ], [ "to" ], [ "the", "streets" ], [ "by" ], [ "the", "thousands" ], [ "in" ], [ "recent", "weeks" ], [ "to", "demand" ], [ "democratic", "changes" ], [ "depends" ], [ "largely" ], [ "on" ], [ "whether" ], [ "they" ], [ "feel" ], [ "they" ], [ "can", "trust" ], [ "Mr.", "Krenz" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "the", "thousands" ], "options":[ "VP", "ADVP", "NP", "ADJP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"By combining his strengths in innovation and quality control with the lower costs of production abroad , he says he has been able to produce high-quality goods at low cost .", "chunks":[ [ "By" ], [ "combining" ], [ "his", "strengths" ], [ "in" ], [ "innovation" ], [ "quality", "control" ], [ "with" ], [ "the", "lower", "costs" ], [ "of" ], [ "production", "abroad" ], [ "he" ], [ "says" ], [ "he" ], [ "has", "been" ], [ "able" ], [ "to", "produce" ], [ "high-quality", "goods" ], [ "at" ], [ "low", "cost" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "combining" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "NP", "VP", "PP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Another factor to consider : Some of the companies currently earning very high yields are doing so through substantial investment in junk bonds , and you know how nervous the market has been about those lately .", "chunks":[ [ "Another", "factor" ], [ "to", "consider" ], [ "Some" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "companies" ], [ "currently", "earning" ], [ "very", "high", "yields" ], [ "are", "doing" ], [ "so" ], [ "through" ], [ "substantial", "investment" ], [ "in" ], [ "junk", "bonds" ], [ "you" ], [ "know" ], [ "how", "nervous" ], [ "the", "market" ], [ "has", "been" ], [ "about" ], [ "those" ], [ "lately" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "to", "consider" ], "options":[ "NP", "SBAR", "VP", "PP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Meanwhile , East Germany 's growing openness may even allow the state-controlled news media to display a muted sense of humor .", "chunks":[ [ "Meanwhile" ], [ "East", "Germany" ], [ "'s", "growing", "openness" 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Stanley Pons , were at the meeting .", "chunks":[ [ "Neither" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "two", "chemists" ], [ "whose", "Utah", "experiments" ], [ "triggered" ], [ "the", "cold", "fusion", "uproar" ], [ "Martin", "Fleischmann" ], [ "B.", "Stanley", "Pons" ], [ "were" ], [ "at" ], [ "the", "meeting" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "of" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "PP", "PRT" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Thus , any machine that breaks large amounts of eggs at once has the potential to spread salmonella if a bad egg gets in with the good ones .", "chunks":[ [ "Thus" ], [ "any", "machine" ], [ "that" ], [ "breaks" ], [ "large", "amounts" ], [ "of" ], [ "eggs" ], [ "at", "once" ], [ "has" ], [ "the", "potential" ], [ "to", "spread" ], [ "salmonella" ], [ "if" ], [ "a", "bad", "egg" ], [ "gets" ], [ "in" ], [ "with" ], [ "the", "good", "ones" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "with" ], "options":[ "ADJP", "VP", "PP", "NP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"In terms of diversions , Denver 's Stapleton International may have experienced the most far-flung : A United flight from Japan was rerouted there .", "chunks":[ [ "In" ], [ "terms" ], [ "of" ], [ "diversions" ], [ "Denver" ], [ "'s", "Stapleton", "International" ], [ "may", "have", "experienced" ], [ "the", "most", "far-flung" ], [ "A", "United", "flight" ], [ "from" ], [ "Japan" ], [ "was", "rerouted" ], [ "there" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "of" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "NP", "PP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Separately , the casino operator said its board approved a plan to buy-back as many as three million common shares from time to time , either in the open market or through private transactions .", "chunks":[ [ "Separately" ], [ "the", "casino", "operator" ], [ "said" ], [ "its", "board" ], [ "approved" ], [ "a", "plan" ], [ "to", "buy-back" ], [ "as", "many", "as", "three", "million", "common", "shares" ], [ "from" ], [ "time" ], [ "to" ], [ "time" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "open", "market" ], [ "or" ], [ "through" ], [ "private", "transactions" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "to", "buy-back" ], "options":[ "PP", "ADVP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"The following were among yesterday 's offerings and pricings in the U.S. and non-U.S. capital markets , with terms and syndicate manager , as compiled by Dow Jones Capital Markets Report :", "chunks":[ [ "The", "following" ], [ "were" ], [ "among" ], [ "yesterday" ], [ "'s", "offerings", "and", "pricings" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "U.S.", "and", "non-U.S.", "capital", "markets" ], [ "with" ], [ "terms", "and", "syndicate", "manager" ], [ "as" ], [ "compiled" ], [ "by" ], [ "Dow", "Jones", "Capital", "Markets", "Report" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "by" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "PP", "ADVP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"`` There 's a bottomless pit of dollar demand '' by Japanese investors , said Graham Beale , managing director of foreign exchange at Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp. in New York , adding that purely speculative demand would n't hold the dollar at its recent levels against the Japanese currency .", "chunks":[ [ "There" ], [ "'s" ], [ "a", "bottomless", "pit" ], [ "of" ], [ "dollar", "demand" ], [ "by" ], [ "Japanese", "investors" ], [ "said" ], [ "Graham", "Beale" ], [ "managing", "director" ], [ "of" ], [ "foreign", "exchange" ], [ "at" ], [ "Hongkong", "&", "Shanghai", "Banking", "Corp." ], [ "in" ], [ "New", "York" ], [ "adding" ], [ "that" ], [ "purely", "speculative", "demand" ], [ "would", "n't", "hold" ], [ "the", "dollar" ], [ "at" ], [ "its", "recent", "levels" ], [ "against" ], [ "the", "Japanese", "currency" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "at" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "PP", "ADJP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Guber Peters stock , which traded as low as $ 6 a share last year , closed yesterday at $ 16.625 .", "chunks":[ [ "Guber", "Peters", "stock" ], [ "which" ], [ "traded" ], [ "as", "low" ], [ "as" ], [ "$", "6" ], [ "a", "share" ], [ "last", "year" ], [ "closed" ], [ "yesterday" ], [ "at" ], [ "$", "16.625" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "as" ], "options":[ "ADJP", "NP", "PP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"`` We 've had whopping declines in consumer energy prices in each of the past three months , and at the wholesale level those are fully behind us now , '' said Jay Woodworth , chief domestic economist at Bankers Trust Co. in New York .", "chunks":[ [ "We" ], [ "'ve", "had" ], [ "whopping", "declines" ], [ "in" ], [ "consumer", "energy", "prices" ], [ "in" ], [ "each" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "past", "three", "months" ], [ "at" ], [ "the", "wholesale", "level" ], [ "those" ], [ "are" ], [ "fully" ], [ "behind" ], [ "us" ], [ "now" ], [ "said" ], [ "Jay", "Woodworth" ], [ "chief", "domestic", "economist" ], [ "at" ], [ "Bankers", "Trust", "Co." ], [ "in" ], [ "New", "York" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "fully" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "ADVP", "PP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"`` But how many more times we 're going to feel good in the next 15 is another question . ''", "chunks":[ [ "how", "many", "more", "times" ], [ "we" ], [ "'re", "going", "to", "feel" ], [ "good" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "next", "15" ], [ "is" ], [ "another", "question" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "'re", "going", "to", "feel" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "NP", "VP", "PP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Only three of the 25 corporate pension fund managers attending a Lowry Consulting Group client conference say they plan to change the asset allocation mix in their portfolios because of the market drop .", "chunks":[ [ "Only", "three" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "25", "corporate", "pension", "fund", "managers" ], [ "attending" ], [ "a", "Lowry", "Consulting", "Group", "client", "conference" ], [ "say" ], [ "they" ], [ "plan", "to", "change" ], [ "the", "asset", "allocation", "mix" ], [ "in" ], [ "their", "portfolios" ], [ "because", "of" ], [ "the", "market", "drop" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "their", "portfolios" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "NP", "ADVP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"During the 15-month survey , 43 % of all legal-services programs said that at some period they were unable to accept new clients unless they had an emergency .", "chunks":[ [ "During" ], [ "the", "15-month", "survey" ], [ "43", "%" ], [ "of" ], [ "all", "legal-services", "programs" ], [ "said" ], [ "that" ], [ "at" ], [ "some", "period" ], [ "they" ], [ "were" ], [ "unable" ], [ "to", "accept" ], [ "new", "clients" ], [ "unless" ], [ "they" ], [ "had" ], [ "an", "emergency" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "they" ], "options":[ "SBAR", "ADVP", "NP", "PP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"She says it 'd create 600 jobs and bring Cleveland tourist revenue .", "chunks":[ [ "She" ], [ "says" ], [ "it" ], [ "'d", "create" ], [ "600", "jobs" ], [ "bring" ], [ "Cleveland" ], [ "tourist", "revenue" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "it" ], "options":[ "VP", "ADVP", "NP", "PP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"After failing to find a buyer for the Sears Tower in Chicago , Sears , Roebuck & Co. is negotiating with Boston pension fund adviser Aldrich , Eastman & Waltch Inc. to refinance the property for close to $ 850 million , according to people close to the negotiations .", "chunks":[ [ "After" ], [ "failing", "to", "find" ], [ "a", "buyer" ], [ "for" ], [ "the", "Sears", "Tower" ], [ "in" ], [ "Chicago" ], [ "Sears", ",", "Roebuck", "&", "Co." ], [ "is", "negotiating" ], [ "with" ], [ "Boston", "pension", "fund", "adviser", "Aldrich", ",", "Eastman", "&", "Waltch", "Inc." ], [ "to", "refinance" ], [ "the", "property" ], [ "for" ], [ "close", "to", "$", "850", "million" ], [ "according" ], [ "to" ], [ "people" ], [ "close" ], [ "to" ], [ "the", "negotiations" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "in" ], "options":[ "VP", "ADVP", "PP", "NP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Brands made by the Kraft General Foods unit of Philip Morris Cos. had about 95 % of the market share .", "chunks":[ [ "Brands" ], [ "made" ], [ "by" ], [ "the", "Kraft", "General", "Foods", "unit" ], [ "of" ], [ "Philip", "Morris", "Cos." ], [ "had" ], [ "about", "95", "%" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "market", "share" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "about", "95", "%" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "PP", "NP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Prudential currently is seeking approval to offer a new fund offering a return equal to the S&P 500 index plus 5\\\/100 of a percentage point .", "chunks":[ [ "Prudential" ], [ "currently" ], [ "is", "seeking" ], [ "approval" ], [ "to", "offer" ], [ "a", "new", "fund" ], [ "offering" ], [ "a", "return" ], [ "equal" ], [ "to" ], [ "the", "S&P", "500", "index" ], [ "plus" ], [ "5\\\/100" ], [ "of" ], [ "a", "percentage", "point" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "a", "percentage", "point" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "NP", "ADVP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"And while it 's too soon to tell how sales will fare in the important 1989 Christmas season , some companies take steps to ease the usual 11th-hour crush .", "chunks":[ [ "while" ], [ "it" ], [ "'s" ], [ "too", "soon" ], [ "to", "tell" ], [ "how" ], [ "sales" ], [ "will", "fare" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "important", "1989", "Christmas", "season" ], [ "some", "companies" ], [ "take" ], [ "steps" ], [ "to", "ease" ], [ "the", "usual", "11th-hour", "crush" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "in" ], "options":[ "VP", "SBAR", "PP", "NP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"`` Much of what we set out to do is completed . 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Ahmanson eased 3\\\/8 to 22 1\\\/4 , CalFed slid 3\\\/4 to 24 1\\\/8 , Great Western Financial dropped 1\\\/2 to 21 1\\\/4 and Golden West Financial fell 5\\\/8 to 29 1\\\/4 .", "chunks":[ [ "Among" ], [ "California", "savings-and-loan", "stocks" ], [ "H.F.", "Ahmanson" ], [ "eased" ], [ "3\\\/8" ], [ "to" ], [ "22", "1\\\/4" ], [ "CalFed" ], [ "slid" ], [ "3\\\/4" ], [ "to" ], [ "24", "1\\\/8" ], [ "Great", "Western", "Financial" ], [ "dropped" ], [ "1\\\/2" ], [ "to" ], [ "21", "1\\\/4" ], [ "Golden", "West", "Financial" ], [ "fell" ], [ "5\\\/8" ], [ "to" ], [ "29", "1\\\/4" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "3\\\/8" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "NP", "ADVP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"`` Before , they were interested in hard assets and they saw magazines as soft .", "chunks":[ [ "Before" ], [ "they" ], [ "were" ], [ "interested" ], [ "in" ], [ "hard", "assets" ], [ "they" ], [ "saw" ], [ "magazines" ], [ "as" ], [ "soft" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "as" ], "options":[ "NP", "SBAR", "PP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Congress would have 20 days to reject the package with a 50 % majority , but then a President could veto that rejection .", "chunks":[ [ "Congress" ], [ "would", "have" ], [ "20", "days" ], [ "to", "reject" ], [ "the", "package" ], [ "with" ], [ "a", "50", "%", "majority" ], [ "then" ], [ "a", "President" ], [ "could", "veto" ], [ "that", "rejection" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "could", "veto" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "VP", "ADVP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"In the end , Mr. Davis used junk bonds so that he could raise Paramount 's bid to $ 200 a share .", "chunks":[ [ "In" ], [ "the", "end" ], [ "Mr.", "Davis" ], [ "used" ], [ "junk", "bonds" ], [ "so", "that" ], [ "he" ], [ "could", "raise" ], [ "Paramount" ], [ "'s", "bid" ], [ "to" ], [ "$", "200" ], [ "a", "share" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Mr.", "Davis" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "VP", "NP", "PP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"IBM rose 2 3\\\/8 to 104 1\\\/8 as 2.2 million shares changed hands .", "chunks":[ [ "IBM" ], [ "rose" ], [ "2", "3\\\/8" ], [ "to" ], [ "104", "1\\\/8" ], [ "as" ], [ "2.2", "million", "shares" ], [ "changed" ], [ "hands" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "rose" ], "options":[ "ADJP", "PP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"A year later , it was 5.7 million .", "chunks":[ [ "A", "year" ], [ "later" ], [ "it" ], [ "was" ], [ "5.7", "million" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "A", "year" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "VP", "NP", "PP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"By retreating to the apparent security of , say , money-market funds , investors may not be earning enough investment return to pay for a comfortable retirement .", "chunks":[ [ "By" ], [ "retreating" ], [ "to" ], [ "the", "apparent", "security" ], [ "of" ], [ "say" ], [ "money-market", "funds" ], [ "investors" ], [ "may", "not", "be", "earning" ], [ "enough", "investment", "return" ], [ "to", "pay" ], [ "for" ], [ "a", "comfortable", "retirement" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "retreating" ], "options":[ "PP", "NP", "VP", "ADVP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Regrettably , too , Mr. Ortiz resorts to the familiar `` numbers game '' when he boasts that `` fewer than 392 -LCB- state enterprises -RCB- currently remain in the public sector , '' down from the `` 1,155 public entities that existed in 1982 .", "chunks":[ [ "Regrettably" ], [ "too" ], [ "Mr.", "Ortiz" ], [ "resorts" ], [ "to" ], [ "the", "familiar", "``", "numbers", "game" ], [ "when" ], [ "he" ], [ "boasts" ], [ "that" ], [ "fewer", "than", "392" ], [ "currently" ], [ "remain" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "public", "sector" ], [ "down" ], [ "from" ], [ "the", "``", "1,155", "public", "entities" ], [ "that" ], [ "existed" ], [ "in" ], [ "1982" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "boasts" ], "options":[ "PP", "ADVP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"In 1976 , he teamed up with record producer Neil Bogart in Casablanca Records and Filmworks -- later called Polygram Pictures -- where they produced such hits as as `` The Deep , '' and `` Midnight Express . ''", "chunks":[ [ "In" ], [ "1976" ], [ "he" ], [ "teamed" ], [ "up" ], [ "with" ], [ "record", "producer", "Neil", "Bogart" ], [ "in" ], [ "Casablanca", "Records", "and", "Filmworks" ], [ "later", "called" ], [ "Polygram", "Pictures" ], [ "where" ], [ "they" ], [ "produced" ], [ "such", "hits" ], [ "as" ], [ "as" ], [ "The", "Deep" ], [ "Midnight", "Express" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "In" ], "options":[ "NP", "ADVP", "PP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Takanori Mizuno , chief economist of the Institute for Financial Affairs Inc. , a Tokyo research center on finance and economics , says , `` The junk bond market became very jittery , and there 's a fear of a coming recession and the possible bankruptcy of LBO companies .", "chunks":[ [ "Takanori", "Mizuno" ], [ "chief", "economist" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "Institute" ], [ "for" ], [ "Financial", "Affairs", "Inc." ], [ "a", "Tokyo", "research", "center" ], [ "on" ], [ "finance", "and", "economics" ], [ "says" ], [ "The", "junk", "bond", "market" ], [ "became" ], [ "very", "jittery" ], [ "there" ], [ "'s" ], [ "a", "fear" ], [ "of" ], [ "a", "coming", "recession" ], [ "the", "possible", "bankruptcy" ], [ "of" ], [ "LBO", "companies" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "chief", "economist" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "VP", "NP", "CONJP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"The volume resulted in dial-tone delays that were as short as 15 seconds and as long as five minutes .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "volume" ], [ "resulted" ], [ "in" ], [ "dial-tone", "delays" ], [ "that" ], [ "were" ], [ "as", "short" ], [ "as" ], [ "15", "seconds" ], [ "as", "long" ], [ "as" ], [ "five", "minutes" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "The", "volume" ], "options":[ "PP", "ADVP", "NP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"One article recounted a decade-long struggle by a wounded soldier to prove , officially , he was alive .", "chunks":[ [ "One", "article" ], [ "recounted" ], [ "a", "decade-long", "struggle" ], [ "by" ], [ "a", "wounded", "soldier" ], [ "to", "prove" ], [ "officially" ], [ "he" ], [ "was" ], [ "alive" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "recounted" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "PP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"However , relying on an ardent critic of the Reagan administration and the Contra movement for help in delaying the disarming of the Contras was risky business .", "chunks":[ [ "However" ], [ "relying" ], [ "on" ], [ "an", "ardent", "critic" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "Reagan", "administration" ], [ "the", "Contra", "movement" ], [ "for" ], [ "help" ], [ "in" ], [ "delaying" ], [ "the", "disarming" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "Contras" ], [ "was" ], [ "risky", "business" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "However" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "ADVP", "NP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"But he then borrowed a palladium rod from chemists at Texas A&M who said they were getting excess heat .", "chunks":[ [ "he" ], [ "then" ], [ "borrowed" ], [ "a", "palladium", "rod" ], [ "from" ], [ "chemists" ], [ "at" ], [ "Texas", "A&M" ], [ "who" ], [ "said" ], [ "they" ], [ "were", "getting" ], [ "excess", "heat" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "were", "getting" ], "options":[ "NP", "ADJP", "VP", "PP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"In fact , sophisticated big-bucks boiler-room scams are known generically among law-enforcement types as `` Newport Beach '' operations .", "chunks":[ [ "In" ], [ "fact" ], [ "sophisticated", "big-bucks", "boiler-room", "scams" ], [ "are", "known" ], [ "generically" ], [ "among" ], [ "law-enforcement", "types" ], [ "as" ], [ "Newport", "Beach" ], [ "''", "operations" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "sophisticated", "big-bucks", "boiler-room", "scams" ], "options":[ "ADJP", "SBAR", "NP", "PP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"`` We 're strongly recommending that anyone who has eaten in the cafeteria this month have the shot , '' Mr. Mattausch added , `` and that means virtually everyone who works here .", "chunks":[ [ "We" ], [ "'re", "strongly", "recommending" ], [ "that" ], [ "anyone" ], [ "who" ], [ "has", "eaten" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "cafeteria" ], [ "this", "month" ], [ "have" ], [ "the", "shot" ], [ "Mr.", "Mattausch" ], [ "added" ], [ "that" ], [ "means" ], [ "virtually", "everyone" ], [ "who" ], [ "works" ], [ "here" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Mr.", "Mattausch" ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "NP", "ADVP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"This is clearly not good news to all you people who sleep like babies every night , lulled by visions of your money sitting risk-free in six-month CDs .", "chunks":[ [ "This" ], [ "is" ], [ "clearly" ], [ "good", "news" ], [ "to" ], [ "all", "you", "people" ], [ "who" ], [ "sleep" ], [ "like" ], [ "babies" ], [ "every", "night" ], [ "lulled" ], [ "by" ], [ "visions" ], [ "of" ], [ "your", "money" ], [ "sitting" ], [ "risk-free" ], [ "in" ], [ "six-month", "CDs" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "risk-free" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "ADVP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"He 's got a wife and two kids and a house in the suburbs ; the audience sees only the house , and only near the end of the movie .", "chunks":[ [ "He" ], [ "'s", "got" ], [ "a", "wife" ], [ "two", "kids" ], [ "a", "house" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "suburbs" ], [ "the", "audience" ], [ "sees" ], [ "only", "the", "house" ], [ "only" ], [ "near" ], [ "the", "end" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "movie" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "the", "movie" ], "options":[ "ADJP", "VP", "NP", "PP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Estimated and actual results involving losses are omitted .", "chunks":[ [ "Estimated", "and", "actual", "results" ], [ "involving" ], [ "losses" ], [ "are", "omitted" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "involving" ], "options":[ "PP", "SBAR", "VP", "NP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"The Deerfield , Ill. , medical products and services company posted net of $ 102 million , or 34 cents a share , compared with $ 85 million , or 28 cents a share , a year ago .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "Deerfield", ",", "Ill.", ",", "medical", "products", "and", "services", "company" ], [ "posted" ], [ "net" ], [ "of" ], [ "$", "102", "million" ], [ "34", "cents" ], [ "a", "share" ], [ "compared" ], [ "with" ], [ "$", "85", "million" ], [ "28", "cents" ], [ "a", "share" ], [ "a", "year" ], [ "ago" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "28", "cents" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "PP", "NP", "ADJP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"But we are , in reality , witnessing the continuing decline of the political economy of capitalism : not so much the end of history but the history of the end .", "chunks":[ [ "we" ], [ "are" ], [ "in" ], [ "reality" ], [ "witnessing" ], [ "the", "continuing", "decline" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "political", "economy" ], [ "of" ], [ "capitalism" ], [ "not" ], [ "so", "much" ], [ "the", "end" ], [ "of" ], [ "history" ], [ "the", "history" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "end" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "of" ], "options":[ "VP", "PRT", "PP", "NP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"A company does n't have to post a loss to be a candidate for sale , says Charles I. Clough Jr. , chief market strategist at Merrill Lynch & Co .", "chunks":[ [ "A", "company" ], [ "does", "n't", "have", "to", "post" ], [ "a", "loss" ], [ "to", "be" ], [ "a", "candidate" ], [ "for" ], [ "sale" ], [ "says" ], [ "Charles", "I.", "Clough", "Jr." ], [ "chief", "market", "strategist" ], [ "at" ], [ "Merrill", "Lynch", "&", "Co" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Charles", "I.", "Clough", "Jr." ], "options":[ "PP", "ADVP", "NP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"The surge in production , analysts say , raises questions about capacity outpacing demand .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "surge" ], [ "in" ], [ "production" ], [ "analysts" ], [ "say" ], [ "raises" ], [ "questions" ], [ "about" ], [ "capacity" ], [ "outpacing" ], [ "demand" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "The", "surge" ], "options":[ "VP", "ADVP", "NP", "PP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"In New York Stock Exchange composite trading yesterday , Pfizer closed at $ 67.75 a share , up 75 cents .", "chunks":[ [ "In" ], [ "New", "York", "Stock", "Exchange", "composite", "trading" ], [ "yesterday" ], [ "Pfizer" ], [ "closed" ], [ "at" ], [ "$", "67.75" ], [ "a", "share" ], [ "up" ], [ "75", "cents" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "up" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "ADVP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"In addition , a group of 24 industrialized countries , including the U.S. and Japan and coordinated by the European Community Commission , has promised Poland and Hungary trade advice and a line of credit equivalent to $ 1.11 billion through the European Investment Bank , while the EC plans $ 222 million in direct aid .", "chunks":[ [ "In" ], [ "addition" ], [ "a", "group" ], [ "of" ], [ "24", "industrialized", "countries" ], [ "including" ], [ "the", "U.S." ], [ "Japan" ], [ "coordinated" ], [ "by" ], [ "the", "European", "Community", "Commission" ], [ "has", "promised" ], [ "Poland", "and", "Hungary" ], [ "trade", "advice" ], [ "a", "line" ], [ "of" ], [ "credit" ], [ "equivalent" ], [ "to" ], [ "$", "1.11", "billion" ], [ "through" ], [ "the", "European", "Investment", "Bank" ], [ "while" ], [ "the", "EC" ], [ "plans" ], [ "$", "222", "million" ], [ "in" ], [ "direct", "aid" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "in" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "PP", "ADVP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"But Richard Anderson , head of the Forum for College Financing Alternatives , at Columbia University , a research group partly financed by the federal government , says zeros are particularly ill-suited .", "chunks":[ [ "Richard", "Anderson" ], [ "head" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "Forum" ], [ "for" ], [ "College", "Financing", "Alternatives" ], [ "at" ], [ "Columbia", "University" ], [ "a", "research", "group" ], [ "partly", "financed" ], [ "by" ], [ "the", "federal", "government" ], [ "says" ], [ "zeros" ], [ "are" ], [ "particularly", "ill-suited" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "partly", "financed" ], "options":[ "PP", "NP", "VP", "ADJP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Digital Equipment gained 1 3\\\/8 to 89 3\\\/4 despite reporting earnings for the September quarter that were on 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], "target_chunk":[ "closed" ], "options":[ "NP", "PRT", "VP", "PP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Outside the white-walled headquarters of the socalled Society of Orange Workers , all seems normal in South Africa 's abnormal society .", "chunks":[ [ "Outside" ], [ "the", "white-walled", "headquarters" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "socalled", "Society" ], [ "of" ], [ "Orange", "Workers" ], [ "all" ], [ "seems" ], [ "normal" ], [ "in" ], [ "South", "Africa" ], [ "'s", "abnormal", "society" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Orange", "Workers" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "PP", "NP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Because the exchange 's computer was rerouting orders to the exchange 's trading operations in Los Angeles , `` business is as usual '' Mr. Vyas said .", "chunks":[ [ "Because" ], [ "the", "exchange" ], [ "'s", "computer" ], [ "was", "rerouting" ], [ "orders" ], [ "to" ], [ "the", "exchange" ], [ "'s", "trading", "operations" ], [ "in" ], [ "Los", "Angeles" ], [ "business" ], [ "is" ], [ "as" ], [ "usual" 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Sprenger , president and chief executive officer of LifeSpan Inc. , and Peter S. Willmott , chairman and chief executive officer of Willmott Services Inc .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "new", "directors" ], [ "are" ], [ "Gordon", "M.", "Sprenger" ], [ "president" ], [ "chief", "executive", "officer" ], [ "of" ], [ "LifeSpan", "Inc." ], [ "Peter", "S.", "Willmott" ], [ "chairman" ], [ "chief", "executive", "officer" ], [ "of" ], [ "Willmott", "Services", "Inc" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "of" ], "options":[ "NP", "ADVP", "PP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"A few weeks ago , Mr. Skinner testified before Congress that it would be `` cleaner , more efficient '' if he had authority to block buy-outs in advance .", "chunks":[ [ "A", "few", "weeks" ], [ "ago" ], [ "Mr.", "Skinner" ], [ "testified" ], [ "before" ], [ "Congress" ], [ "that" ], [ "it" ], [ "would", "be" ], [ "cleaner" ], [ "more", "efficient" ], [ "if" ], [ "he" ], [ "had" ], [ "authority" ], [ "to", "block" ], [ "buy-outs" ], [ "in" ], [ "advance" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Mr.", "Skinner" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "ADJP", "NP", "SBAR" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Sales rose 7 % to $ 3.8 billion .", "chunks":[ [ "Sales" ], [ "rose" ], [ "7", "%" ], [ "to" ], [ "$", "3.8", "billion" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "7", "%" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "PRT", "NP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"`` There is n't a boatload -LCB- of big investors -RCB- out there still waiting to get into indexing , '' says P. James Kartalia , vice president of ANB Investment Management Co. , Chicago , which offers both indexing and active management services .", "chunks":[ [ "There" ], [ "is" ], [ "a", "boatload" ], [ "of" ], [ "big", "investors" ], [ "out", "there" ], [ "still" ], [ "waiting", "to", "get" ], [ "into" ], [ "indexing" ], [ "says" ], [ "P.", "James", "Kartalia" ], [ "vice", "president" ], [ "of" ], [ "ANB", "Investment", "Management", "Co." ], [ "Chicago" ], [ "which" ], [ "offers" ], [ "both" ], [ "indexing" ], [ "active", "management", "services" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "says" ], "options":[ "PP", "NP", "VP", "ADVP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Besides term life and whole life -LRB- the old standbys -RRB- , we now have universal life , universal variable life , flexible adjustable universal life , policies with persistency bonuses , policies festooned with exotic riders , living benefit policies , and on and on .", "chunks":[ [ "Besides" ], [ "term", "life" ], [ "whole", "life" ], [ "the", "old", "standbys" ], [ "we" ], [ "now" ], [ "have" ], [ "universal", "life" ], [ "universal", "variable", "life" ], [ "flexible", "adjustable", "universal", "life" ], [ "policies" ], [ "with" ], [ "persistency", "bonuses" ], [ "policies" ], [ "festooned" ], [ "with" ], [ "exotic", "riders" ], [ "living", "benefit", "policies" ], [ "on", "and", "on" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "policies" ], "options":[ "ADJP", "ADVP", "NP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"The newly chartered bank will assume about $ 125.7 million in 10,300 deposit accounts and pay the FDIC a purchase premium of $ 2.9 million .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "newly", "chartered", "bank" ], [ "will", "assume" ], [ "about", "$", "125.7", "million" ], [ "in" ], [ "10,300", "deposit", "accounts" ], [ "pay" ], [ "the", "FDIC" ], [ "a", "purchase", "premium" ], [ "of" ], [ "$", "2.9", "million" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "$", "2.9", "million" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "NP", "ADVP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Many of Wednesday 's winners were losers 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[ "was", "jointly", "sponsored" ], [ "by" ], [ "of" ], [ "Technology" ], [ "School" ], [ "of" ], [ "Management" ], [ "the", "Armed", "Forces", "Communications", "and", "Electronics", "Association" ], [ "a", "joint", "industry-government", "trade", "group" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "of" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "PP", "ADVP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Only three of the 25 corporate pension fund managers attending a Lowry Consulting Group client conference say they plan to change the asset allocation mix in their portfolios because of the market drop .", "chunks":[ [ "Only", "three" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "25", "corporate", "pension", "fund", "managers" ], [ "attending" ], [ "a", "Lowry", "Consulting", "Group", "client", "conference" ], [ "say" ], [ "they" ], [ "plan", "to", "change" ], [ "the", "asset", "allocation", "mix" ], [ "in" ], [ "their", "portfolios" ], [ "because", "of" ], [ "the", "market", "drop" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "of" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "PP", "ADVP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"The company agreed to sell its minority investments in makers of steam-generating and related equipment , Stein Industrie and Energie & Verfahrenstechnik , to the major shareholder in the companies , Dutch-based GEC Alsthom N.V .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "company" ], [ "agreed", "to", "sell" ], [ "its", "minority", "investments" ], [ "in" ], [ "makers" ], [ "of" ], [ "steam-generating", "and", "related", "equipment" ], [ "Stein", "Industrie" ], [ "Energie", "&", "Verfahrenstechnik" ], [ "to" ], [ "the", "major", "shareholder" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "companies" ], [ "Dutch-based", "GEC", "Alsthom", "N.V" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "in" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "PP", "ADJP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"The Philanthropic Advisory Service of the BBB reviews hundreds of new charities every year , measuring them against minimum standards for accountability ; for accuracy and honesty in solicitation ; and for percentage of funds actually going to work for which the charity was supposedly 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"payment" ], [ "for" ], [ "the", "land" ], [ "underneath" ], [ "the", "building" ], [ "the", "rest" ], [ "was" ], [ "for" ], [ "the", "building" ], [ "itself" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "payment" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "NP", "ADJP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Evelyn Boccone , 85 years old , has lived in the district most of her life .", "chunks":[ [ "Evelyn", "Boccone" ], [ "85", "years" ], [ "old" ], [ "has", "lived" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "district" ], [ "most" ], [ "of" ], [ "her", "life" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "in" ], "options":[ "SBAR", "VP", "PP", "NP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Concerned for her state of mind , I dropped them -- and the market instantly began its steady climb back to health .", "chunks":[ [ "Concerned" ], [ "for" ], [ "her", "state" ], [ "of" ], [ "mind" ], [ "I" ], [ "dropped" ], [ "them" ], [ "the", "market" ], [ "instantly" ], [ "began" ], [ "its", "steady", "climb" ], [ "back" ], [ "to" ], [ "health" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "of" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "PP", "ADJP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"He succeeds Paul P. 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], "options":[ "PP", "ADVP", "NP", "SBAR" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"The plan was complete except for finishing touches , and there was talk that it would be unveiled as early as yesterday .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "plan" ], [ "was" ], [ "complete" ], [ "except" ], [ "for" ], [ "finishing", "touches" ], [ "there" ], [ "was" ], [ "talk" ], [ "that" ], [ "it" ], [ "would", "be", "unveiled" ], [ "as", "early" ], [ "as" ], [ "yesterday" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "for" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "PP", "ADVP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"There are also other factors at work that are outside IBM 's control , such as currency exchange rates .", "chunks":[ [ "There" ], [ "are" ], [ "also" ], [ "other", "factors" ], [ "at" ], [ "work" ], [ "that" ], [ "are" ], [ "outside" ], [ "IBM" ], [ "'s", "control" ], [ "such", "as" ], [ "currency", "exchange", "rates" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "at" ], "options":[ "NP", "ADJP", "PP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"One reason , they said , was that the official reports on 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"VP", "ADVP", "NP", "ADJP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Barbara Donovan , an expert on East Germany at Radio Free Europe in Munich , says Mr. Krenz may project a smooth image , but she doubts he 's a true reformer .", "chunks":[ [ "Barbara", "Donovan" ], [ "an", "expert" ], [ "on" ], [ "East", "Germany" ], [ "at" ], [ "Radio", "Free", "Europe" ], [ "in" ], [ "Munich" ], [ "says" ], [ "Mr.", "Krenz" ], [ "may", "project" ], [ "a", "smooth", "image" ], [ "she" ], [ "doubts" ], [ "he" ], [ "'s" ], [ "a", "true", "reformer" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Radio", "Free", "Europe" ], "options":[ "SBAR", "VP", "NP", "PP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Shearson Lehman Hutton Holdings Inc. , as previously reported , had net of $ 65.9 million , reversing a $ 3.5 million loss a year earlier ; its latest results include a $ 37 million gain from the sale of an institutional money management business .", "chunks":[ [ "Shearson", "Lehman", "Hutton", "Holdings", "Inc." ], [ "previously" ], [ "reported" ], [ "had" ], [ "net" ], [ "of" ], [ "$", "65.9", "million" ], [ "reversing" ], [ "a", "$", "3.5", "million", "loss" ], [ "a", "year" ], [ "earlier" ], [ "its", "latest", "results" ], [ "include" ], [ "a", "$", "37", "million", "gain" ], [ "from" ], [ "the", "sale" ], [ "of" ], [ "an", "institutional", "money", "management", "business" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "net" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "NP", "ADJP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has pressed hard for a change in East Germany 's rigid stance .", "chunks":[ [ "Soviet", "leader", "Mikhail", "Gorbachev" ], [ "has", "pressed" ], [ "hard" ], [ "for" ], [ "a", "change" ], [ "in" ], [ "East", "Germany" ], [ "'s", "rigid", "stance" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "has", "pressed" ], "options":[ "SBAR", "PP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Fourth , the theory indicates why the Republican Party may have a difficult time attracting viable candidates for congressional office .", "chunks":[ [ "Fourth" ], [ "the", "theory" ], [ "indicates" ], [ "why" ], [ "the", "Republican", "Party" ], [ "may", "have" ], [ "a", "difficult", "time" ], [ "attracting" ], [ "viable", "candidates" ], [ "for" ], [ "congressional", "office" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "a", "difficult", "time" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "PP", "NP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Much of Washington thought it detected George Bush in a characteristic waffle on abortion the past week .", "chunks":[ [ "Much" ], [ "of" ], [ "Washington" ], [ "thought" ], [ "it" ], [ "detected" ], [ "George", "Bush" ], [ "in" ], [ "a", "characteristic", "waffle" ], [ "on" ], [ "abortion" ], [ "the", "past", "week" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Much" ], "options":[ "SBAR", "PP", "NP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"The figures occasionally include incomplete transactions in restricted stock .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "figures" ], [ "occasionally" ], [ "include" ], [ "incomplete", "transactions" ], [ "in" ], [ "restricted", "stock" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "in" ], "options":[ "NP", "SBAR", "PP", "VP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"The Street knows all about the predictability of its earnings , which are headed for a ninth consecutive yearly increase .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "Street" ], [ "knows" ], [ "all", "about" ], [ "the", "predictability" ], [ "of" ], [ "its", "earnings" ], [ "which" ], [ "are", "headed" ], [ "for" ], [ "a", "ninth", "consecutive", "yearly", "increase" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "of" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "PP", "SBAR" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"Varity has proposed to acquire K-H Corp. , consisting of the auto parts division and some debt of Fruehauf Corp. , for $ 577.3 million of cash and securities .", "chunks":[ [ "Varity" ], [ "has", "proposed", "to", "acquire" ], [ "K-H", "Corp." ], [ "consisting" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "auto", "parts", "division" ], [ "some", "debt" ], [ "of" ], [ "Fruehauf", "Corp." ], [ "for" ], [ "$", "577.3", "million" ], [ "of" ], [ "cash", "and", "securities" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "of" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "PP", "ADVP" ], 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"reached" ], [ "in" ], [ "1990" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "it" ], "options":[ "ADJP", "VP", "NP", "PP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"The company said earnings for the year ending Jan. 28 , 1990 , are expected to be 25 to 35 cents a share , compared with a previous estimate of 50 to 60 cents a share .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "company" ], [ "said" ], [ "earnings" ], [ "for" ], [ "the", "year" ], [ "ending" ], [ "Jan.", "28", ",", "1990" ], [ "are", "expected", "to", "be" ], [ "25", "to", "35", "cents" ], [ "a", "share" ], [ "compared" ], [ "with" ], [ "a", "previous", "estimate" ], [ "of" ], [ "50", "to", "60", "cents" ], [ "a", "share" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "a", "share" ], "options":[ "ADJP", "VP", "NP", "PP" ], "label":2 }, { "text":"From the perspective of East Germany 's old guard , reforms that smack of capitalism and Western-style democracy could eliminate their country 's reason for being .", "chunks":[ [ "From" ], [ "the", "perspective" ], [ "of" ], [ "East", "Germany" ], [ "'s", "old", 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"the", "letter" ], [ "warns" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "warns" ], "options":[ "SBAR", "PP", "NP", "VP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Digital Equipment 's profit fell 32 % in the latest quarter , prompting forecasts of weaker results ahead .", "chunks":[ [ "Digital", "Equipment" ], [ "'s", "profit" ], [ "fell" ], [ "32", "%" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "latest", "quarter" ], [ "prompting" ], [ "forecasts" ], [ "of" ], [ "weaker", "results" ], [ "ahead" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "weaker", "results" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "ADVP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Darla St. Martin , of the National Right to Life Committee , says exit polls from the 1988 election had single-issue , pro-life voters giving Mr. Bush about five more percentage points of support than pro-choice voters gave Michael Dukakis .", "chunks":[ [ "Darla", "St.", "Martin" ], [ "of" ], [ "to" ], [ "Life" ], [ "Committee" ], [ "says" ], [ "exit", "polls" ], [ "from" ], [ "the", "1988", "election" ], [ "had" ], [ "single-issue", ",", 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"Park" ], [ "reports" ], [ "$", "10", "million", "to", "$", "15", "million" ], [ "in" ], [ "damage" ], [ "including" ], [ "shattered", "porcelains", "and", "stone", "figures" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "shattered", "porcelains", "and", "stone", "figures" ], "options":[ "VP", "SBAR", "PP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Such companies `` are increasingly being left behind '' in the global liquor business , says Nomura 's Mr. Littleboy .", "chunks":[ [ "Such", "companies" ], [ "are", "increasingly", "being" ], [ "behind" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "global", "liquor", "business" ], [ "says" ], [ "Nomura" ], [ "'s", "Mr.", "Littleboy" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "'s", "Mr.", "Littleboy" ], "options":[ "PP", "ADVP", "ADJP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"The key will be whether Arizona real estate turns around or at least stabilizes , he said .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "key" ], [ "will", "be" ], [ "whether" ], [ "Arizona", "real", "estate" ], [ "turns" ], [ "around" ], [ "at", "least", "stabilizes" ], [ "he" 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"options":[ "PP", "ADVP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"The debentures may be converted into common stock of the Westborough , Mass. , home health care concern at $ 52.50 a share .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "debentures" ], [ "may", "be", "converted" ], [ "into" ], [ "common", "stock" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "Westborough", ",", "Mass.", ",", "home", "health", "care", "concern" ], [ "at" ], [ "$", "52.50" ], [ "a", "share" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "a", "share" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "ADJP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"The National Restaurant Association says quick-service restaurant units in the U.S. rose 14 % to 131,146 between 1983 and 1987 , the last year for which figures are available .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "National", "Restaurant", "Association" ], [ "says" ], [ "quick-service", "restaurant", "units" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "U.S." ], [ "rose" ], [ "14", "%" ], [ "to" ], [ "131,146" ], [ "between" ], [ "1983" ], [ "1987" ], [ "the", "last", "year" ], [ "for" ], [ "which" ], [ "figures" ], [ "are" ], [ "available" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "figures" ], "options":[ "ADJP", "VP", "ADVP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"`` He does n't know himself , '' Kathy Stanwick of the Abortion Rights League says of Mr. Courter 's position .", "chunks":[ [ "He" ], [ "does", "n't", "know" ], [ "himself" ], [ "Kathy", "Stanwick" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "Abortion", "Rights", "League" ], [ "says" ], [ "of" ], [ "Mr.", "Courter" ], [ "'s", "position" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Mr.", "Courter" ], "options":[ "ADJP", "VP", "PP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"He noted that the `` core inflation rate , '' which excludes food and energy , was also low at 0.2 % .", "chunks":[ [ "He" ], [ "noted" ], [ "that" ], [ "the", "``", "core", "inflation", "rate" ], [ "which" ], [ "excludes" ], [ "food", "and", "energy" ], [ "was" ], [ "also" ], [ "low" ], [ "at" ], [ "0.2", "%" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "that" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "PP", "SBAR" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"But with industrial growth stagnant and inflation showing signs of easing , some voices may call for measures to pump new life into the economy .", "chunks":[ [ "with" ], [ "industrial", "growth" ], [ "stagnant" ], [ "inflation" ], [ "showing" ], [ "signs" ], [ "of" ], [ "easing" ], [ "some", "voices" ], [ "may", "call" ], [ "for" ], [ "measures" ], [ "to", "pump" ], [ "new", "life" ], [ "into" ], [ "the", "economy" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "with" ], "options":[ "NP", "ADJP", "VP", "SBAR" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Michael L. Bandler , vice president for network technology at Pacific Bell Telephone Co. , says nearly all the network 's computer switches , which move thousands of calls a minute from one location to another , changed to battery power when the city lost power .", "chunks":[ [ "Michael", "L.", "Bandler" ], [ "vice", "president" ], [ "for" ], [ "network", "technology" ], [ "at" ], [ "Pacific", "Bell", "Telephone", "Co." ], [ "says" ], [ "the", "network" ], [ "'s", "computer", "switches" ], [ "which" ], [ "move" ], [ "thousands" ], [ "of" ], [ "calls" ], [ "a", "minute" ], [ "from" ], [ "one", "location" ], [ "to" ], [ "another" ], [ "changed" ], [ "to" ], [ "battery", "power" ], [ "when" ], [ "the", "city" ], [ "lost" ], [ "power" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "to" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "NP", "VP", "PP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Still , without the assurance of British Airways ' financial backing , it will be tougher for the buy-out group to convince already-reluctant banks to make loan commitments for a revised bid , especially since British Air 's original investment represented 78 % of the cash equity contribution for the bid .", "chunks":[ [ "Still" ], [ "without" ], [ "the", "assurance" ], [ "of" ], [ "British", "Airways" ], [ "'", "financial", "backing" ], [ "it" ], [ "will", "be" ], [ "tougher" ], [ "for" ], [ "the", "buy-out", "group" ], [ "to", "convince" ], [ "already-reluctant", "banks" ], [ "to", "make" ], [ "loan", "commitments" ], [ "for" ], [ "a", "revised", "bid" ], [ "especially" ], [ "since" ], [ "British", "Air" ], [ "'s", "original", "investment" ], [ "represented" ], [ "78", "%" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "cash", "equity", "contribution" ], [ "for" ], [ "the", "bid" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "will", "be" ], "options":[ "PP", "NP", "ADVP", "VP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"There are n't any such listings for asset-backed securities .", "chunks":[ [ "There" ], [ "are" ], [ "any", "such", "listings" ], [ "for" ], [ "asset-backed", "securities" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "asset-backed", "securities" ], "options":[ "VP", "ADVP", "PP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"The company said that it is selling two million shares and that the rest are being sold by certain stockholders .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "company" ], [ "said" ], [ "that" ], [ "it" ], [ "is", "selling" ], [ "two", "million", "shares" ], [ "that" ], [ "the", "rest" ], [ "are", "being", "sold" ], [ "by" ], [ "certain", "stockholders" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "certain", "stockholders" ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "ADVP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Or would he interpret it as instruction to give more weight to these other objectives that the secretary represents -- low interest rates , short-run economic expansion , and stabilization of exchange rates at internationally managed levels ?", "chunks":[ [ "he" ], [ "interpret" ], [ "it" ], [ "as" ], [ "instruction" ], [ "to", "give" ], [ "more", "weight" ], [ "to" ], [ "these", "other", "objectives" ], [ "that" ], [ "the", "secretary" ], [ "represents" 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"target_chunk":[ "$", "86.4", "million" ], "options":[ "VP", "PRT", "PP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"While some 100 million ounces of silver once held by Mr. Hunt and Middle Eastern associates are n't hanging over the market anymore , the price surge of 1979-80 precipitated an expansion of mine production and scrap recovery and encouraged silver consumers to economize on silver use , Mr. Edgar says .", "chunks":[ [ "While" ], [ "some", "100", "million", "ounces" ], [ "of" ], [ "silver" ], [ "once", "held" ], [ "by" ], [ "Mr.", "Hunt" ], [ "Middle", "Eastern", "associates" ], [ "are", "n't", "hanging" ], [ "over" ], [ "the", "market" ], [ "anymore" ], [ "the", "price", "surge" ], [ "of" ], [ "1979-80" ], [ "precipitated" ], [ "an", "expansion" ], [ "of" ], [ "mine", "production" ], [ "scrap", "recovery" ], [ "encouraged" ], [ "silver", "consumers" ], [ "to", "economize" ], [ "on" ], [ "silver", "use" ], [ "Mr.", "Edgar" ], [ "says" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "encouraged" ], "options":[ "PP", "NP", "INTJ", "VP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"`` Nope , we still say to stick with Treasurys , '' Mr. Corcoran replies .", "chunks":[ [ "Nope" ], [ "we" ], [ "still" ], [ "say", "to", "stick" ], [ "with" ], [ "Treasurys" ], [ "Mr.", "Corcoran" ], [ "replies" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "with" ], "options":[ "NP", "VP", "ADVP", "PP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"On Oct. 19 , 1987 , some investors learned the consequences of entering `` good-til-canceled limit orders '' and then forgetting about them .", "chunks":[ [ "On" ], [ "Oct.", "19", ",", "1987" ], [ "some", "investors" ], [ "learned" ], [ "the", "consequences" ], [ "of" ], [ "entering" ], [ "good-til-canceled", "limit", "orders" ], [ "forgetting" ], [ "about" ], [ "them" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "good-til-canceled", "limit", "orders" ], "options":[ "ADJP", "VP", "PP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"In the multipart offering , the company sold a portion of secured notes but shelved all the unsecured notes .", "chunks":[ [ "In" ], [ "the", "multipart", "offering" ], [ "the", "company" ], [ "sold" ], [ "a", "portion" ], [ "of" ], [ "secured", "notes" ], [ "shelved" ], [ "all", "the", "unsecured", "notes" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "secured", "notes" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "ADVP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"In a suit filed in state court in Manhattan , the American Civil Liberties Union is representing the former maitre 'd of the chic Odeon restaurant .", "chunks":[ [ "In" ], [ "a", "suit" ], [ "filed" ], [ "in" ], [ "state", "court" ], [ "in" ], [ "Manhattan" ], [ "the", "American", "Civil", "Liberties", "Union" ], [ "is", "representing" ], [ "the", "former", "maitre", "'d" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "chic", "Odeon", "restaurant" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "the", "former", "maitre", "'d" ], "options":[ "PP", "ADJP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Under it , the former billionaire 's assets would be liquidated with the IRS getting 80 % of the proceeds and the rest being divided among other creditors , including Minpeco and Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. , which is seeking repayment of a $ 36 million loan .", "chunks":[ [ "Under" ], [ "it" ], [ "the", "former", "billionaire" ], [ "'s", "assets" ], [ "would", "be", "liquidated" ], [ "with" ], [ "the", "IRS" ], [ "getting" ], [ "80", "%" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "proceeds" ], [ "the", "rest" ], [ "being", "divided" ], [ "among" ], [ "other", "creditors" ], [ "including" ], [ "Minpeco" ], [ "Manufacturers", "Hanover", "Trust", "Co." ], [ "which" ], [ "is", "seeking" ], [ "repayment" ], [ "of" ], [ "a", "$", "36", "million", "loan" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "'s", "assets" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "ADJP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"A labor-management group is preparing a revised buy-out bid for United Airlines parent UAL Corp. that would transfer majority ownership to employees while leaving some stock in public hands , according to people familiar with the group .", "chunks":[ [ "A", "labor-management", "group" ], [ "is", "preparing" ], [ "a", "revised", "buy-out", "bid" ], [ "for" ], [ "United", "Airlines", "parent", "UAL", "Corp." ], [ "that" ], [ "would", "transfer" ], [ "majority", "ownership" ], [ "to" ], [ "employees" ], [ "while" ], [ "leaving" ], [ "some", "stock" ], [ "in" ], [ "public", "hands" ], [ "according" ], [ "to" ], [ "people" ], [ "familiar" ], [ "with" ], [ "the", "group" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "public", "hands" ], "options":[ "SBAR", "PP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"With the $ 3 million received from investors , he took frequent junkets with friends to exotic locales and leased an expensive BMW for his girlfriend , whom he met at the shop where he got his custom-tailored suits .", "chunks":[ [ "With" ], [ "the", "$", "3", "million" ], [ "received" ], [ "from" ], [ "investors" ], [ "he" ], [ "took" ], [ "frequent", "junkets" ], [ "with" ], [ "friends" ], [ "to" ], [ "exotic", "locales" ], [ "leased" ], [ "an", "expensive", "BMW" ], [ "for" ], [ "his", "girlfriend" ], [ "whom" ], [ "he" ], [ "met" ], [ "at" ], [ "the", "shop" ], [ "where" ], [ "he" ], [ "got" ], [ "his", "custom-tailored", "suits" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "received" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "PP", "NP", "VP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"`` I see it as a sewage treatment plant , '' he says .", "chunks":[ [ "I" ], [ "see" ], [ "it" ], [ "as" ], [ "a", "sewage", "treatment", "plant" ], [ "he" ], [ "says" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "a", "sewage", "treatment", "plant" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "PP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"St. Johns River Water Management District , Fla. -- $ 50,005,000 of land acquisition revenue bonds , Series 1989 , due 1990-2000 , 2003 , 2006 and 2009 , tentatively priced by a Smith Barney , Harris Upham & Co. group to yield from 6 % in 1990 to about 7.03 % in 2003 .", "chunks":[ [ "St.", "Johns", "River", "Water", "Management", "District" ], [ "Fla." ], [ "$", "50,005,000" ], [ "of" ], [ "land", "acquisition", "revenue", "bonds" ], [ "Series", "1989" ], [ "due" ], [ "1990-2000", ",", "2003", ",", "2006", "and", "2009" ], [ "tentatively", "priced" ], [ "by" ], [ "a", "Smith", "Barney", ",", "Harris", "Upham", "&", "Co.", "group" ], [ "to", "yield" ], [ "from" ], [ "6", "%" ], [ "in" ], [ "1990" ], [ "to" ], [ "about", "7.03", "%" ], [ "in" ], [ "2003" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "to" ], "options":[ "VP", "NP", "ADVP", "PP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Second , the $ 5,760 I 'd get back would be much diminished in purchasing power by 10 years of inflation ; Amex , not I , would get the benefit of the investment income on my money , income that would have exceeded the inflation rate and thus given the company a real profit .", "chunks":[ [ "Second" ], [ "the", "$", "5,760" ], [ "I" ], [ "'d", "get" ], [ "back" ], [ "would", "be", "much", "diminished" ], [ "in" ], [ "purchasing", "power" ], [ "by" ], [ "10", "years" ], [ "of" ], [ "inflation" ], [ "Amex", ",", "not", "I" ], [ "would", "get" ], [ "the", "benefit" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "investment", "income" ], [ "on" ], [ "my", "money" ], [ "income" 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"thwarted" ], [ "by" ], [ "official", "indifference" ], [ "bureaucratic", "resistance" ], [ "a", "legal", "system" ], [ "that" ], [ "operates" ], [ "at" ], [ "a", "snail" ], [ "'s", "pace" ], [ "political", "opposition" ], [ "government", "misjudgments" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "bureaucratic", "resistance" ], "options":[ "PP", "ADVP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Con men hate snow .", "chunks":[ [ "Con", "men" ], [ "hate" ], [ "snow" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Con", "men" ], "options":[ "ADJP", "PP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"The major gateway to Asia and one of the nation 's 10 busiest airports was closed to all but emergency traffic from the time the quake hit Tuesday afternoon , until 6 a.m. PDT yesterday when controllers returned to the tower .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "major", "gateway" ], [ "to" ], [ "Asia" ], [ "one" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "nation" ], [ "'s", "10", "busiest", "airports" ], [ "was", "closed" ], [ "to" ], [ "all" ], [ "emergency", "traffic" ], [ "from" ], [ "the", "time" ], [ "the", "quake" ], [ "hit" ], [ "Tuesday", "afternoon" ], [ "until" ], [ "6", "a.m.", "PDT", "yesterday" ], [ "when" ], [ "controllers" ], [ "returned" ], [ "to" ], [ "the", "tower" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "6", "a.m.", "PDT", "yesterday" ], "options":[ "PP", "ADJP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Apple Computer added that it was being `` cautiously optimistic , '' despite not yet closely eyeballing all of its 50 buildings in the region .", "chunks":[ [ "Apple", "Computer" ], [ "added" ], [ "that" ], [ "it" ], [ "was", "being" ], [ "cautiously", "optimistic" ], [ "despite" ], [ "not", "yet" ], [ "closely", "eyeballing" ], [ "all" ], [ "of" ], [ "its", "50", "buildings" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "region" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "the", "region" ], "options":[ "ADJP", "PP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"The Dow Jones Industrial Average drifted through the session within a trading range of about 30 points before closing with a gain of 4.92 at 2643.65 .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "Dow", "Jones", "Industrial", "Average" ], [ "drifted" ], [ "through" ], [ "the", "session" ], [ "within" ], [ "a", "trading", "range" ], [ "of" ], [ "about", "30", "points" ], [ "before" ], [ "closing" ], [ "with" ], [ "a", "gain" ], [ "of" ], [ "4.92" ], [ "at" ], [ "2643.65" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "4.92" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "SBAR", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"January platinum was down $ 3.60 an ounce at $ 491.10 .", "chunks":[ [ "January", "platinum" ], [ "was" ], [ "down" ], [ "$", "3.60" ], [ "an", "ounce" ], [ "at" ], [ "$", "491.10" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "$", "491.10" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "PRT", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Interest payments on the bonds will be payable semiannually .", "chunks":[ [ "Interest", "payments" ], [ "on" ], [ "the", "bonds" ], [ "will", "be" ], [ "payable" ], [ "semiannually" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "the", "bonds" ], "options":[ "ADJP", "VP", "PP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"SEC Chairman Richard Breeden said the cooperation by the exchanges would enable investors to buy and sell options listed solely on the Pacific exchange , guaranteeing the liquidity of the market .", "chunks":[ [ "SEC", "Chairman", "Richard", "Breeden" ], [ "said" ], [ "the", "cooperation" ], [ "by" ], [ "the", "exchanges" ], [ "would", "enable" ], [ "investors" ], [ "to", "buy", "and", "sell" ], [ "options" ], [ "listed" ], [ "solely" ], [ "on" ], [ "the", "Pacific", "exchange" ], [ "guaranteeing" ], [ "the", "liquidity" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "market" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "investors" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "PP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Zacks Investment Research counts five brokerage houses that consider the stock a buy , and four that call it a hold .", "chunks":[ [ "Zacks", "Investment", "Research" ], [ "counts" ], [ "five", "brokerage", "houses" ], [ "that" ], [ "consider" ], [ "the", "stock" ], [ "a", "buy" ], [ "four" ], [ "that" ], [ "call" ], [ "it" ], [ "a", "hold" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "that" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "VP", "PP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"A letter from Senator John Kerry chides us today for implying that he had `` flip-flopped '' on Manuel Noriega .", "chunks":[ [ "A", "letter" ], [ "from" ], [ "Senator", "John", "Kerry" ], [ "chides" ], [ "us" ], [ "today" ], [ "for" ], [ "implying" ], [ "that" ], [ "he" ], [ "had", "``", "flip-flopped" ], [ "on" ], [ "Manuel", "Noriega" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "that" ], "options":[ "NP", "ADVP", "VP", "SBAR" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"`` This is one where I cross party lines , '' she says , rejecting the anti-abortion stance of Rep. 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James Courter .", "chunks":[ [ "This" ], [ "is" ], [ "one" ], [ "where" ], [ "I" ], [ "cross" ], [ "party", "lines" ], [ "she" ], [ "says" ], [ "rejecting" ], [ "the", "anti-abortion", "stance" ], [ "of" ], [ "Rep.", "Florio" ], [ "'s", "opponent" ], [ "Reagan-Republican", "Rep.", "James", "Courter" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "I" ], "options":[ "PP", "ADJP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Even the minority of them who must register with the Securities and Exchange Commission as `` investment advisers '' -- people who are in the business of counseling others on the buying and selling of securities specifically -- have been enough to swamp the agency 's capacity .", "chunks":[ [ "Even", "the", "minority" ], [ "of" ], [ "them" ], [ "who" ], [ "must", "register" ], [ "with" ], [ "the", "Securities", "and", "Exchange", "Commission" ], [ "as" ], [ "investment", "advisers" ], [ "people" ], [ "who" ], [ "are" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "business" ], [ "of" ], [ "counseling" ], [ "others" ], [ "on" 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"potential" ], [ "as" ], [ "a", "treatment" ], [ "for" ], [ "disruptions" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "immune", "system" ], [ "ranging" ], [ "from" ], [ "organ-transplant", "rejection" ], [ "to" ], [ "allergies", "and", "asthma" ], [ "Immunex", "Corp." ], [ "said" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "allergies", "and", "asthma" ], "options":[ "PP", "ADJP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Since all four Republicans on the committee are co-sponsors of my bill , it is the Democrats who will be held fully accountable if an earnings test amendment is not allowed from the floor .", "chunks":[ [ "Since" ], [ "all", "four", "Republicans" ], [ "on" ], [ "the", "committee" ], [ "are" ], [ "co-sponsors" ], [ "of" ], [ "my", "bill" ], [ "it" ], [ "is" ], [ "the", "Democrats" ], [ "who" ], [ "will", "be", "held" ], [ "fully", "accountable" ], [ "if" ], [ "an", "earnings", "test", "amendment" ], [ "is", "not", "allowed" ], [ "from" ], [ "the", "floor" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "if" ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "NP", "SBAR" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"In the first half , Lotus struggled to keep market share with costly promotions while customers awaited the launch of 1-2-3 Release 3 , the upgraded spreadsheet software .", "chunks":[ [ "In" ], [ "the", "first", "half" ], [ "Lotus" ], [ "struggled", "to", "keep" ], [ "market", "share" ], [ "with" ], [ "costly", "promotions" ], [ "while" ], [ "customers" ], [ "awaited" ], [ "the", "launch" ], [ "of" ], [ "1-2-3", "Release", "3" ], [ "the", "upgraded", "spreadsheet", "software" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "market", "share" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "ADVP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"But sale increases were offset by slumping sales in flat glass and fiberglass reinforcements , the company said .", "chunks":[ [ "sale", "increases" ], [ "were", "offset" ], [ "by" ], [ "slumping", "sales" ], [ "in" ], [ "flat", "glass" ], [ "fiberglass", "reinforcements" ], [ "the", "company" ], [ "said" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "fiberglass", "reinforcements" ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "ADVP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Domestic wholesale sales rose 11.9 % from a year earlier , while foreign sales jumped 17.3 % , Istat said .", "chunks":[ [ "Domestic", "wholesale", "sales" ], [ "rose" ], [ "11.9", "%" ], [ "from" ], [ "a", "year" ], [ "earlier" ], [ "while" ], [ "foreign", "sales" ], [ "jumped" ], [ "17.3", "%" ], [ "Istat" ], [ "said" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Istat" ], "options":[ "PP", "SBAR", "VP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"One of the few hints the excess heat might be produced by fusion came from brief remarks by chemist John Bockris of Texas A&M University .", "chunks":[ [ "One" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "few", "hints" ], [ "the", "excess", "heat" ], [ "might", "be", "produced" ], [ "by" ], [ "fusion" ], [ "came" ], [ "from" ], [ "brief", "remarks" ], [ "by" ], [ "chemist", "John", "Bockris" ], [ "of" ], [ "Texas", "A&M", "University" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "the", "excess", "heat" ], "options":[ "PP", "ADVP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { 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"chunks":[ [ "Philips", "Industries", "Inc." ], [ "said" ], [ "its", "board" ], [ "authorized" ], [ "the", "redemption" ], [ "Dec.", "6" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "company" ], [ "'s" ], [ "$" ], [ "cumulative", "convertible", "special", "preferred", "stock" ], [ "at" ], [ "$", "37.50" ], [ "a", "share" ], [ "not", "including" ], [ "a", "25", "cent", "dividend" ], [ "for" ], [ "the", "current", "quarter" ], [ "the", "$", "3", "cumulative", "convertible", "preferred", "stock" ], [ "at" ], [ "$", "75" ], [ "plus" ], [ "a", "75", "cent", "dividend" ], [ "for" ], [ "the", "current", "quarter" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "the", "redemption" ], "options":[ "SBAR", "PP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Second , it explains why voters hold Congress in disdain but generally love their own congressional representatives : Any individual legislator 's constituents appreciate the specific benefits that the legislator wins for them but not the overall cost associated with every other legislator doing 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's Saran Wrap .", "chunks":[ [ "Since" ], [ "then" ], [ "Della", "Femina" ], [ "won" ], [ "Pan", "Am" ], [ "as" ], [ "an", "international", "client" ], [ "also" ], [ "does" ], [ "work" ], [ "for" ], [ "a", "few", "packaged-goods", "clients" ], [ "including" ], [ "Dow", "Chemical", "Co." ], [ "'s", "Saran", "Wrap" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "an", "international", "client" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "PP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"He resigned as an officer of Central Life to accept the Manhattan National presidency .", "chunks":[ [ "He" ], [ "resigned" ], [ "as" ], [ "an", "officer" ], [ "of" ], [ "Central", "Life" ], [ "to", "accept" ], [ "the", "Manhattan", "National", "presidency" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "of" ], "options":[ "VP", "ADJP", "NP", "PP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Figuring that their money would more likely go toward a bottle of Night Train Express , most people have little trouble saying no to propositions like this .", "chunks":[ [ "Figuring" ], [ "their", "money" ], [ 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"Mitsubishi", "Rayon" ], [ "a", "leading", "advancer" ], [ "Wednesday" ], [ "fell" ], [ "44" ], [ "to" ], [ "861" ], [ "as" ], [ "investors" ], [ "grabbed" ], [ "profits" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "investors" ], "options":[ "CONJP", "VP", "PP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Fortunately , the Hubble Space Telescope -- set to be launched on the shuttle next year in a search for distant solar systems and light emitted 14 billion years ago from the farthest reaches of the universe -- was moved from Sunnyvale to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida at the beginning of October .", "chunks":[ [ "Fortunately" ], [ "the", "Hubble", "Space", "Telescope" ], [ "set", "to", "be", "launched" ], [ "on" ], [ "the", "shuttle" ], [ "next", "year" ], [ "in" ], [ "a", "search" ], [ "for" ], [ "distant", "solar", "systems" ], [ "light" ], [ "emitted" ], [ "14", "billion", "years" ], [ "ago" ], [ "from" ], [ "the", "farthest", "reaches" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "universe" ], [ "was", "moved" ], [ "from" ], [ 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"1984-85" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Bank", "Bumiputra" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "PP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Kidder Peabody raised its investment rating on the stock and its earnings estimates for 1989 and 1990 , based on optimism that the company 's ABC television network will continue to fare well in the ratings .", "chunks":[ [ "Kidder", "Peabody" ], [ "raised" ], [ "its", "investment", "rating" ], [ "on" ], [ "the", "stock" ], [ "its", "earnings", "estimates" ], [ "for" ], [ "1989", "and", "1990" ], [ "based" ], [ "on" ], [ "optimism" ], [ "that" ], [ "the", "company" ], [ "'s", "ABC", "television", "network" ], [ "will", "continue", "to", "fare" ], [ "well" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "ratings" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "its", "investment", "rating" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "VP", "PP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"The Amex short interest volume leader again was Texas Air Corp. , rising to 3,820,634 shares from 3,363,949 .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "Amex", "short", "interest", "volume", "leader" ], [ "again" ], [ "was" ], [ "Texas", "Air", "Corp." ], [ "rising" ], [ "to" ], [ "3,820,634", "shares" ], [ "from" ], [ "3,363,949" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Texas", "Air", "Corp." ], "options":[ "VP", "PP", "SBAR", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"However , Mr. Krenz also has a reputation for being politically savvy .", "chunks":[ [ "However" ], [ "Mr.", "Krenz" ], [ "also" ], [ "has" ], [ "a", "reputation" ], [ "for" ], [ "being" ], [ "politically", "savvy" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "being" ], "options":[ "NP", "ADVP", "PP", "VP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"The new B.A.T will be a smaller tobacco and financial-services hybrid whose price-earnings ratio may more closely reflect the lower-growth tobacco business than the higher-multiple financial-services business , these holders believe .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "new", "B.A.T" ], [ "will", "be" ], [ "a", "smaller", "tobacco", "and", "financial-services", "hybrid" ], [ "whose", "price-earnings", "ratio" ], [ "more", "closely" ], [ 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"target_chunk":[ "At" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "VP", "NP", "PP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"In making cases , the authorities frequently zero in on alleged misrepresentations made by the charities ' fund raisers .", "chunks":[ [ "In" ], [ "making" ], [ "cases" ], [ "the", "authorities" ], [ "frequently" ], [ "zero" ], [ "in" ], [ "on" ], [ "alleged", "misrepresentations" ], [ "made" ], [ "by" ], [ "the", "charities" ], [ "'", "fund", "raisers" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "alleged", "misrepresentations" ], "options":[ "SBAR", "PP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"They succeed Robert W. 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"Patients" ], "options":[ "PP", "ADVP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"`` It was like a comedy of errors , '' says Martin J. `` Hoot '' McInerney , a big dealer whose Star Lincoln-Mercury-Merkur operation in Southfield , Mich. , sold more XR4Ti 's than any other dealership .", "chunks":[ [ "It" ], [ "was" ], [ "like" ], [ "a", "comedy" ], [ "of" ], [ "errors" ], [ "says" ], [ "Martin", "J.", "``", "Hoot", "''", "McInerney" ], [ "a", "big", "dealer" ], [ "whose", "Star", "Lincoln-Mercury-Merkur", "operation" ], [ "in" ], [ "Southfield" ], [ "Mich." ], [ "sold" ], [ "more", "XR4Ti", "'s" ], [ "than" ], [ "any", "other", "dealership" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "sold" ], "options":[ "PP", "ADVP", "NP", "VP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Therefore , engineering firms , construction contractors and developers can be sued for not keeping structures up to standard , and government agencies can be held accountable for failing to properly protect citizens from such a foreseeable disaster , if 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assisting with traffic control , and a Navy ship was moved from a naval station at Treasure Island near the Bay Bridge to San Francisco to help fight fires .", "chunks":[ [ "In" ], [ "addition" ], [ "20", "military", "police" ], [ "from" ], [ "the", "Presidio" ], [ "a", "military", "base" ], [ "in" ], [ "San", "Francisco" ], [ "are", "assisting" ], [ "with" ], [ "traffic", "control" ], [ "a", "Navy", "ship" ], [ "was", "moved" ], [ "from" ], [ "a", "naval", "station" ], [ "at" ], [ "Treasure", "Island" ], [ "near" ], [ "the", "Bay", "Bridge" ], [ "to" ], [ "San", "Francisco" ], [ "to", "help", "fight" ], [ "fires" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "the", "Presidio" ], "options":[ "ADJP", "PP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"The best course for individual investors is to sell these stocks now , the two advisers say .", "chunks":[ [ "The", "best", "course" ], [ "for" ], [ "individual", "investors" ], [ "is" ], [ "to", "sell" ], [ "these", "stocks" ], [ "now" ], [ "the", "two", "advisers" ], [ "say" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "The", "best", "course" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "VP", "PP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Pride Petroleum Services Inc. said it agreed to buy well-servicing assets of two companies and expects to report higher third-quarter revenue and earnings .", "chunks":[ [ "Pride", "Petroleum", "Services", "Inc." ], [ "said" ], [ "it" ], [ "agreed", "to", "buy" ], [ "well-servicing", "assets" ], [ "of" ], [ "two", "companies" ], [ "expects", "to", "report" ], [ "higher", "third-quarter", "revenue", "and", "earnings" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "two", "companies" ], "options":[ "SBAR", "ADVP", "PP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"That means investors have to focus on the quality of the debt that lies beneath the securities , as well as on the credit enhancement for the issue and the credit ratings the issue has received .", "chunks":[ [ "That" ], [ "means" ], [ "investors" ], [ "have", "to", "focus" ], [ "on" ], [ "the", "quality" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "debt" ], [ "that" ], [ "lies" ], [ "beneath" ], [ "the", "securities" ], [ "as", "well", "as" ], [ "on" ], [ "the", "credit", "enhancement" ], [ "for" ], [ "the", "issue" ], [ "the", "credit", "ratings" ], [ "the", "issue" ], [ "has", "received" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "the", "debt" ], "options":[ "VP", "ADVP", "PP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"But many others , who want to qualify for employee benefits and unemployment compensation , become tipsters for the IRS , says Jerry Lackey , who manages the IRS project 's force of nine agents in north and central Florida from Orlando .", "chunks":[ [ "many", "others" ], [ "who" ], [ "want", "to", "qualify" ], [ "for" ], [ "employee", "benefits" ], [ "unemployment", "compensation" ], [ "become" ], [ "tipsters" ], [ "for" ], [ "the", "IRS" ], [ "says" ], [ "Jerry", "Lackey" ], [ "who" ], [ "manages" ], [ "the", "IRS", "project" ], [ "'s", "force" ], [ "of" ], [ "nine", "agents" ], [ "in" ], [ "north", "and", "central", "Florida" ], [ "from" ], [ "Orlando" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "Jerry", "Lackey" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "PP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"It never hurt anyone , that is , unless the growth funds do n't grow when you need them to .", "chunks":[ [ "It" ], [ "never" ], [ "hurt" ], [ "anyone" ], [ "that", "is" ], [ "unless" ], [ "the", "growth", "funds" ], [ "do", "n't", "grow" ], [ "when" ], [ "you" ], [ "need" ], [ "them" ], [ "to" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "never" ], "options":[ "NP", "PP", "VP", "ADVP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Even though electronic espionage may cost U.S. firms billions of dollars a year , most are n't yet taking precautions , the experts said .", "chunks":[ [ "Even", "though" ], [ "electronic", "espionage" ], [ "may", "cost" ], [ "U.S.", "firms" ], [ "billions" ], [ "of" ], [ "dollars" ], [ "a", "year" ], [ "most" ], [ "are", "n't", "yet", "taking" ], [ "precautions" ], [ "the", "experts" ], [ "said" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "are", "n't", "yet", "taking" ], "options":[ "NP", "ADVP", "PP", "VP" ], "label":3 }, 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[ "that" ], [ "has", "n't", "backed" ], [ "a", "Democratic", "presidential", "candidate" ], [ "since" ], [ "Adlai", "Stevenson" ], [ "is" ], [ "another", "reminder" ], [ "that" ], [ "at", "least" ], [ "at" ], [ "the", "federal", "level" ], [ "political", "``", "ticket", "splitting" ], [ "has", "been" ], [ "on" ], [ "the", "rise" ], [ "over" ], [ "the", "past", "half", "century" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "'s", "rout" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "PP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"In composite New York Stock Exchange trading , stock in Georgia Gulf , which has been mentioned as a takeover candidate , rose $ 2.125 a share to close at $ 46.125 .", "chunks":[ [ "In" ], [ "composite", "New", "York", "Stock", "Exchange", "trading" ], [ "stock" ], [ "in" ], [ "Georgia", "Gulf" ], [ "which" ], [ "has", "been", "mentioned" ], [ "as" ], [ "a", "takeover", "candidate" ], [ "rose" ], [ "$", "2.125" ], [ "a", "share" ], [ "to", "close" ], [ "at" ], [ "$", "46.125" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "a", "takeover", "candidate" ], "options":[ "PP", "VP", "SBAR", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Olivetti also plans to sell the CP486 computer in the U.S. starting next year through Olivetti USA and through its ISC\\\/Bunker Ramo unit , which specializes in automating bank-branch networks .", "chunks":[ [ "Olivetti" ], [ "also" ], [ "plans", "to", "sell" ], [ "the", "CP486", "computer" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "U.S." ], [ "starting" ], [ "next", "year" ], [ "through" ], [ "Olivetti", "USA" ], [ "and" ], [ "through" ], [ "its", "ISC\\\/Bunker", "Ramo", "unit" ], [ "which" ], [ "specializes" ], [ "in" ], [ "automating" ], [ "bank-branch", "networks" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "bank-branch", "networks" ], "options":[ "PP", "ADJP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"It 's already that in the Bush administration , at least for any job in which abortion is even remotely an issue .", "chunks":[ [ "It" ], [ "'s" ], [ "already" ], [ "that" ], [ "in" ], [ "the", "Bush", "administration" ], [ "at", "least" 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"sure" ], [ "they" ], [ "were" ], [ "in" ], [ "danger" ], [ "of" ], [ "crumbling" ], [ "the", "bulk" ], [ "of" ], [ "the", "place" ], [ "is" ], [ "in" ], [ "pretty", "good", "shape" ], [ "an", "official" ], [ "said" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "danger" ], "options":[ "ADVP", "PP", "VP", "NP" ], "label":3 }, { "text":"Here a fund may promise to pay back , say , $ 95 of every $ 100 invested for a year , even if the market goes much lower .", "chunks":[ [ "Here" ], [ "a", "fund" ], [ "may", "promise", "to", "pay" ], [ "back" ], [ "say" ], [ "$", "95" ], [ "of" ], [ "every", "$", "100" ], [ "invested" ], [ "for" ], [ "a", "year" ], [ "even", "if" ], [ "the", "market" ], [ "goes" ], [ "much", "lower" ] ], "target_chunk":[ "invested" ], "options":[ "NP", "SBAR", "PP", "VP" ], "label":3 } ]