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oh really yeah so he he's uh he's probably going to be going to jail and and the problem with him is he's on a guaranteed salary like for three years so whether he plays or not they've got to pay him ten million dollars so if they,"His income is on guaranteed terms, meaning that even if he is jailed and can't play, he still gets his salary as per normal.",0
Allow time in Thirasia to explore Santorini's smaller sibling islands.,Santorini has smaller sibling islands that are worth exploring.,0
yeah its too open yeah and there's uh they have got some forty to fifty foot high cliffs around Possum Kingdom and you just get up and ski uh adjacent to those and uh and it doesn't make any difference how windy it is you don't notice it,"No matter how windy it is, you won't notice as you ski adjacent to the forty foot cliffs around Possum Kingdom.",0
"The city was founded in the third millennium b.c. on the north shore of the bay, and reached a peak during the tenth century b.c. , when it was one of the most important cities in the Ionian Federation the poet Homer was born in S myrna during this period.",The city was founded in the third millennium,0
He reported masterfully on the '72 campaign and the Hell's Angels.,His reporting on the '72 campaign was very well-done.,0
yeah uh-huh oh yeah petting zoos and things,Petting zoos and things related.,0
"As a counterweight to the Singapore Chinese, he would bring in the North Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak, granting them special privileges for their indigenous populations and funds for the development of their backward economies.",The states of Sabah and Sarawak were granted special privileges for their indigenous populations.,0
oh yeah well i play softball a couple of times a year it's they're getting ready to start up the the season again,They play softball a couple of times per year,0
I have kept you and clothed you and fed you! ,I have clothed and fed you.,0
"Other advantages the Postal Service could retain relate to such things as the payment of taxes, the need for a return on investment, the right of eminent domain, and immunity from parking tickets.",The right of eminent domain is an advantage of the Postal Service.,0
They are the four sentences you always insert in plagiarized papers to throw the professor off track.,Professors can be thrown off track by four particular sentences in an otherwise plagiarized paper.,0
an d now we got the governor she's going to do that,Now we have the governor and she is going to do that.,0
2) This particular instance of it stinks.,This instance stinks. ,0
" ""You're not going to marry him, do you hear?"" he said dictatorially.","""You will not take him as your husband.""",0
"Troyes is also a center for shopping, with two outlet centers selling both French and international designer-name fashions and home accessories.",Troues had two outlet centers which sell clothes and home accessories.,0
"Territorial rights, in the form of a deck chair, can be assured for a nominal sum.",A deck chair can be used to show territorial rights.,0
"Although the accounting and reporting model needs to be updated, in my view, the current attest and assurance model is also out of date.",The accounting model needs to be updated in addition to the assurance model.,0
"Sixty percent of Americans are frustrated and angry with the health-care system, and 70 percent favor federal intervention.",Most Americans want to see major changes in the health-care system.,0
The arched gateway leads to a large swimming pool and the ruins of a Roman and Byzantine baths complex.,There is a bathing complex past the gateway.,0
well the difficulty is is if you look in the Old Testament and and the numbers of places that uh the Lord went out and just simply struck down and that was part of the problem when they went into the Promised Land that they that they uh they didn't destroy everybody and that that's,There were many places the Lord went and struck down that's mentioned in the Old Testament.,0
Excellent reviews for the collaboration between two of the '90s' most acclaimed jazz saxophonists.,The concert by the two saxophonists drew raves from critics.,0
'Would you like some tea?',DO you want a cup of tea?,0
i think Buffalo is an up an coming team they're going to they're showing some real promise for the next uh few years,"Buffalo is showing some real promise for the next few years, I think they are an up and coming team.",0
", First-Class Mail used by households to pay their bills) and the household bill mail (i.e.",First-Class Mail used by households to pay their bills,0
"It was replaced in 1910 by the famous old pontoon bridge with its seafood restaurants, which served until the present bridge was opened in 1992.","The famous old pontoon bridge with its seafood restaurants, served from 1910 until 1992.",0
they ought to take all them little misdemeanor people let them go let them go,they should let go the people in jail for misdemeanors,0
"Around the corner is the huge, domed, Neo-Classical Panth??on.",The Pantheon can be found immediately around the corner.,0
Act Accounting the Great Management Reform Act,Act accounting great management reform act ,0
"At the western end of Cowgate (where it meets Holyrood Road), you will see one of the few remaining sections of Edinburgh's old city wall (Flodden Wall), built following the Lang Siege of the 1570s.","Flodden Wall was built after the Lang Siege took place, in the 1570s.",0
Participation in the rulemaking process requires (1) the public to be aware of opportunities to participate and (2) systems that will allow agencies to receive comments in an efficient and effective manner.,The rulemaking process requires that the public be made aware of the opportunity to take part.,0
uh high humidity,"Warm, sweaty temperatures.",0
"The cane plantations, increasingly in the hands of American tycoons, found a ready market in the US.",The US market was ready for the cane plantations.,0
as long as you got congressmen and senators that are getting kickbacks kickbacks from these different companies that are getting awarded for the defense contracts that's never going to happen,It will never happen as long as there are congressmen and senators taking kickbacks from different companies.,0
no chemicals and plus then you can use it as a fertilizer and not have to worry about spreading those chemicals like on your lawn or your bushes or whatever,We don't want to use chemicals on our lawn,0
This fellow is flying a hot air balloon and suddenly realizes he is lost.,This fellow is flying a hot air balloon and is lost.,0
"In order to ensure these Americans are not left out of the justice system, a strong federal role in supporting legal services is vital.",A federal role in supporting legal services is vital so that no Americans are left out,0
and uh really they're about it they've got a guy named Herb Williams that that i guess sort of was supposed to take the place of uh Tarpley but he uh he just doesn't have the offensive skills,"If Herb Williams had more offensive skills, he would have taken Tarpley's place.",0
The purpose of the Diwan-i-Khas is hotly disputed; it is not necessarily the hall of private audience that its name implies.,The purpose of Diwan i Khas is disputed.,0
"Our efforts having been in vain, we had abandoned the matter, hoping that it might turn up of itself one day. ",We were no longer trying to solve the problem.,0
"When he's ready for a major strike, how many innocents do you suppose are going to suffer? To quote one of your contemporaries; 'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.' '","If he does a big strike, many people will suffer.",0
"And, just incidentally, the Sons of the Egg who'd attacked him in the hospital had tried to reach the camp twice already, once by interpenetrating into a shipment of mandrakes, which indicated to what measures they would resort.",The Sons of Egg attacked him in the hospital and were trying to reach the camp.,0
"Also downtown is the Flower Market, on Wall and 8th streets; fresh-cut flowers and a variety of plants can be had for bargain prices, but the best selections are found before dawn.",The best selection of flowers at the Flower Market can be found before dawn.,0
"In the north, the snowcapped Alps and jagged pink pinnacles of the Dolomites; the gleaming Alpine-backed lakes of Como, Garda, and Maggiore; the fertile and industrial plain of the Po, stretching from Turin and Milan across to ancient Verona; the Palladian-villa studded hills of Vicenza; and the romantic canals of Venice.",The Alps are covered in snow.,0
"This one-at-a-time, uncoordinated series of regulatory requirements for the power industry is not the optimal approach for the environment, the power generation sector, or American consumers.",This is not the optimal approach.,0
"Mykonos has had a head start as far as diving is concerned because it was never banned here (after all, there are no ancient sites to protect).",Diving was banned in places other than Mykonos.,0
I like ethnic humor.,I like jokes about race.,0
Then he gave in.,He gave in.,0
Title IV of the Clean Air Act (relating to acid deposition control),The fourth title in the CAA related to acid deposition. ,0
and it's just like college too i think that if a kid goes to college and you can help them fine but i don't think you should pay the whole way,"I believe you can help a kid with college, but not pay for the entire thing.",0
"The good news, however, can be found in reports like this one.",This report has good news in it. ,0
"There's a lot of villas all the way along, but by degrees they seemed to get more and more thinned out, and in the end we got to one that seemed the last of the bunch.","There were many homes the whole way, but as we traveled along they were further and further apart until it seemed like we reached the last one.",0
"In Japan, Mainichi Shimbun criticized the new Liberal Democratic Party leader Keizo Obuchi for being devoid of fresh ideas for reviving the Japanese economy.","Mainichi Shimbun was critical of Keizo Obuchi, the new Liberal Democratic Party Leader.",0
"The end is near! Then a shout went up, and Hanson jerked his eyes from the gears to focus on a group of rocs that were landing at the far end of the camp.",Hanson redirected his gaze from the gears to the group of rocs.,0
"Most of France went enthusiastically into World War I, and came out of it victorious yet bled white.",Most of France felt patriotic and supportive of WWI.,0
Jon ran as the tunnel collapsed behind him.,The tunnel collapsed behind Jon as he ran.,0
uh-huh oh yeah i hadn't heard that one let's see i can't oh gosh that that probably wipes out my whole inventory of TV shows other than um PBS i,The only TV shows remaining will be on PBS,0
"Perhaps a further password would be required, or, at any rate, some proof of identity.",Identity should be a minimum requirement.,0
"To keep the colors fresh, he dabbed the carcass with blood from a pail, then grabbed his paintbrushes to capture those lurid reds on canvas.",He lightly pressed blood from a pain onto the carcass.,0
Something may be better than nothing . If trials compared low-cost therapy to the complete AZT regimen it's likely that the new regimens will prove less effective.,It is better to have little than to have none at all.,0
"But he said he thought the Ledfords understood they could qualify only if he put down a stated income, typically an undocumented business income that raises the borrower's interest rate. ",He believed they could only qualify with a stated income.,0
all they you know thinking that they're going to have money and jobs and success and everything and then they then there is no jobs and they end up homeless and not knowing anybody and no money and it's terrible,They think they'll have money and success but end up with nothing. ,0
Many restaurants and cafes welcome children.,Children are welcome in many restaurants and cafes.,0
yeah i mean this this Escort even when the head gasket went i mean it would start first time every time,The Ford Escort worked even with a blown head gasket.,0
Then he shrugged.,He shrugged.,0
The cathedral in particular is impressive after dark.,The cathedral has a greater impressiveness during the night.,0
"Consider the Globe : As the respectable media have become sleazy, the Globe has become sleazier.",Both the Globe and respectable media have become sleazy.,0
The Committee intends that LSC consult with appropriate stakeholders in developing this proposal.,The Committee plans that LSC discuss this proposal with stakeholders.,0
There are also dozens of fabulous pictures.,Additionally we have many great pictures.,0
"This tax preference allows state and local governments to borrow at lower rates to build highways, schools, mass transit facilities, and water systems.",This tax type allows governments to borrow at lower rates.,0
Cybernetics had always been Derry's passion.,Derry had a passion for cybernetics.,0
excessively violent i was worried it's like golly if kids start imitating that,It was so violent I worried about the kids imitating that.,0
There are many such at the present time.,Currently there are many.,0
'No one in Large would ever try to harm us.,Not a single person in Large would have the intentions of hurting us.,0
"And it was exactly on such a day, as this carefully selected Wednesday (which blushed from this distinction), that the mini-anti-aggressor was going to make the biggest of impressions.",The mini-anti-aggressor is going to make an impression on Wednesday.,0
"In this situation, the value to the mailer of the improved service would be considered along with the cost of doing the work.",The cost of work and the value of improved service would be considered in this situation.,0
Small towns like Louisian lay scattered all over the Oil Fields; the main train line branched between them.,A main train line went between all the small towns.,0
yeah right uh-huh that's right yeah you you have to work on you really do,Yeah you have to work on that.,0
IQ boosting was achieved through a fetal replacement process where the embryos from two carefully selected mothers were to be switched from one to another.,IQ boosting can be done through fetal replacement.,0
"An organization's activities, core processes, and resources must be aligned to support its mission and help it achieve its goals.","An organization is successful if its activities, resources, and goals align.",0
so you know well a lot of the stuff you hear coming from South Africa now and from West Africa that's considered world music because it's not particularly using certain types of folk styles,They consider the West African music to be worldly since they do not rely on folk styles.,0
The average length of a rural route is 55 miles.,The rural route is on average 55 miles.,0
Friendly staff.,The staff is friendly.,0
Base year data will be actual receipt and outlay data for the last completed fiscal year,Base year data will be actual receipt and outlay data.,0
oh for heaven sakes for the drugs yeah uh-huh,For drugs.,0
Who? asked Tommy.,Tommy inquired about the identity of the person.,0
yeah uh yeah absolutely and the credit union has nine percent interest so yeah so that's,Yes and there's nine percent interest for the credit union.,0
"Then as he caught the other's sidelong glance, ""No, the chauffeur won't help you any.",The chauffeur will not help him to do anything.,0
"Thus, the net scale benefit is initially positive, whether or not we adjust for the wage premium.","The Initial net scale benefit is positive, with or without wage premiums.",0
yep because it's when it's self propelled it's heavy yeah,it's heavy when it's self propelled,0
Click Friedrich Hayek ring to go ...,Click Friedrick Hayey ring to go.,0
"The movie doesn't come to much, though.",This movie didn't amount to much.,0
The sacred is not mysterious to her.,The woman is familiar with the sacred.,0
How effectively DOD manages these funds will determine whether it receives a good return on its investment.,The DOD could receive a good return on these funds if it manages them well.,0
so i guess my experience is is just with what we did and and so they didn't really go through the child care route they were able to be home together,They were able to be home rather than having to worry about getting child care.,0
a good team but they're an underdog that's why i like them is the Philadelphia Eagles,The Philadelphia Eagles is great team.,0
" From Sant Francesc, take the road that leads southwest to Cap Berber?­a (the southernmost point in the Balearics).",You need to travel southwest from Sant Francesc to reach Cap Berbera,0
Because the paper did not say that.,The paper did not explain that.,0
um-hum right do where are you at what state,What state are you at?,0
"1 Lower and upper PMSD bounds were determined from the 10th and 90th percentile, respectively, of PMSD data from EPA's WET Interlaboratory Variability Study (USEPA, 2001a; USEPA, 2001b).",The EPA's WET Interlaboratory Variability Study served as the reference for the upper and lower PMSD numbers.,0
yeah i can usually i can put in oh probably mid March i can put anything in the ground you know beets and onions and stuff like that,"I can put pretty much anything in the ground, from beets to onions.",0
"Strom Thurmond , R-S.C., celebrated his 95 th birthday by announcing that he will relinquish the chairmanship of the Senate Armed Services Committee a year from now.",On his Birthday Strom Thurmond announced his retirement from the Senate Armed Services Committee in one year.,0
She did not reply.,She was silent.,0
"To see how The Bell Curve tries and fails to get around these inherent problems, see and .","Let's see how The Bell Curve tries, but fails, to get around these problems.",0
Don't miss the open-air market close by the wharves.,The open-air market near the wharves can't be missed.,0
"Each edition of the DSM is the product of arguments, negotiations, and compromises.",Many arguments and negotiations go into each edition of DSM.,0
or yeah exactly and that's what i say you'll you'll be you'll be so much better off for it as you get older because you know a lot of kids resent things that parents tell them and and stuff but it's because you've been there,Kids don't like what their parents have told them. ,0
"The National Association of State Information Resource Executives (NASIRE) represents state chief information officers (CIO) and information resource executives who share a mission to shape national information technology policy through collaborative partnerships, information sharing, and knowledge transfer.",The NA SIRE represents state chief information officers.,0
"But by one measure, it seems to have been static.",The one measure makes it appear that it is static.,0
Kentucky officials say there is a virtual epidemic of abusive relationships in the state.,There is a lot of domestic abuse in Kentucky.,0
Overlapping the others?,Overlying the others?,0
"And really it's a great relief to think he's going, Hastings, continued my honest friend. ",My honest friend expressed gratitude upon hearing that the man would be leaving.,0
In our family we have two sons in public life.,Our family has two sons in the public eye. ,0
"On the slopes of the hill you will find Edinburgh Zoo, located just behind Corstorphine Hospital.",Edinburgh Zoo is located on a giant hill.,0
"Ramses II did not build it from stone but had it hewn into the cliffs of the Nile valley at a spot that stands only 7 km (4 miles) from the Sudan border, in the ancient land of Nubia.",It was carved out of the cliffs of the Nile Valley and not made of stone. ,0
Windows 95 costs about $90 at my local computer superstore.,Windows 95 is under $100.,0
"I can FEEL him.""",I can sense his presence.,0
"Founded by Alexander the Great on the Mediterranean coast in 322 b.c. , Alexandria was capital of Egypt during the Ptolemaic era.","Alexandria, capital of Egypt during the Ptolemaic era, was founded in 322 b.c. by Alexander the Great.",0
Take a picnic and enjoy an alfresco lunch at this spectacular spot.,This spot is a great place to have a picnic.,0
"Despite all the hoopla over a pro-choice advocate's confession that he had lied about the circumstances under which the procedure is generally used, only five lawmakers switched their votes from no to yes.",The pro-choice advocate's admission to lying about the circumstances of the procedure didn't seem to matter to most lawmakers.,0
"Here you'll find many clothing stores for all ages and a large branch of Dunnes Stores, an Irish clothes- and food-shop chain.",The stores here have clothing for all ages.,0
"This number represents the most reliable, albeit conservative, estimate of cases closed in 1999 by LSC grantees.",This is an actual verified number of closed cases.,0
His plan was a simple a symmetrical design with straight streets and grand squares.,A symmetrical design with straight streets was visible on his plan.,0
The number of steps built down into the interior means that it is unsuitable for the infirm or those with heart problems.,It is unsuitable for those with heart issues because of the number of steps.,0
"There is nothing more to be done here, I think, unless, he stared earnestly and long at the dead ashes in the grate. ",There isn't anything left to do. ,0
Professor Rogers began her career by clerking for The Honorable Thomas D. Lambros of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio.,Professor Rogers started her career as a clerk.,0
There should be someone here who knew more of what was going on in this world than he did now.,"He knew things, but hoped someone else knew more. ",0
This one ended up being surprisingly easy!,This question was very easy to answer. ,0
"Behind the cathedral, croseover the Rue de la R??publique to the 15th-century Eglise Saint-Maclou, the richest example of Flam?­boy?­ant Gothic in the country.",Eglise Saint-Michel is built in a flamboyant Gothic style.,0
NHTSA noted that the only other possible interpretation of section 330 was to treat the phrase standards promulgated . . . prior to the enactment of this section as,"The only other possible interpretation of section 330 was to treat the phrase standards promulgated, as noted by NHTSA.",0
We start with the fine review of a shockingly funny comedy about eye disease.,The comedy about eye disease was hilarious.,0
"The almost midtown Massabielle quarter (faubourg de Massabielle), is sometimes described as the most picturesque in the city.",The Massabielle quarter is a very touristy place.,0
you sound like this girl that i talked to about books and we got into movies one night,You remind me of talking to a girl about books and movies.,0
Everything is a celebration.,All of the things are celebrations.,0
"Designed as a series of pleasure gardens in the Italianate style in 1865, with cascades, spectacular fountains, and rustic grottoes, an ongoing restoration hopes to bring them back to the original plan.",There is an ongoing restoration which hopes to restore the pleasure gardens to their original splendor.,0
Jon was about to require a lot from her.,A lot was going to be required from her.,0
"To help identify solutions to this problem, Senators Fred Thompson and John Glenn, Chairman and Ranking Minority Member, respectively, of the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, requested that we study organizations with superior security programs to identify management practices that could benefit federal agencies.",Senators Fred Thompson requested the study to benefit federal agencies.,0
"Since the mid 1990s, aggregate household wealth has swelled relative to disposable personal income, largely due to increases in the market value of households' existing assets (see figure 1.2).",The reason for the growth of aggregate wealth in households is the appreciating market value of existing assets following the mid 90s.,0
and uh i know what nothing is when i moved out there,I discovered what nothing was when I moved out there.,0
"67 through .67d, provide a mechanism for limiting the issues on which a trial-type hearing is required; allow the Postal Service to explain the unavailability of data that would otherwise have to be filed; and provide for data collection for the duration of the experiment.",67 through .67d provide mechanism for limiting issue on which trial-type hearing is required allowing postal service to explain unavailability of the data.,0
"6See also Internal Control Management and Evaluation Tool (GAO-01-1008G, August 2001).",The tool for control management.,0
Oh yeah? San Barenakedino? How's he? Clarisse and Onardo both asked.,"After not having talked to San Barenakedino for awhile, Clarisse and Onardo wondered how he was doing.",0
Do you want to see historic sights and tour museums and art galleries?,"Would you like to visit historic places, museums, and art galleries?",0
"Here you'll see the delightful but slowly disappearing indigenous FWI costume madras turban, madras skirt over petticoat, silk peplum, white blouse, and gold earrings, bracelets, and collier-choux necklace.","Here you can see FWI's traditional costume which includes a madras skirt, white blouse, and gold earrings.",0
"The other bank pays the fund interest based upon tiered account levels, more typical of a large commercial account.",The fund collects interest much like a large commercial account.,0
The doctor accepted quite readily the theory that Mrs. Vandemeyer had accidentally taken an overdose of chloral.,The doctor believed that the theory was correct.,0
so it's sociology,So it's social science ,0
"Still Bork waited, staring upwards.","Bork looked up, waiting for something.",0
"18 In 1989, rural carriers received an average of 34 cents per mile as a motor vehicle allowance.",The allowance for rural carriers was 34 cents per mile on average in 1989.,0
"This having come to his stepmother's ears, she taxed him with it on the afternoon before her death, and a quarrel ensued, part of which was overheard. ",A fight broke out between the stepmother and the man before her death.,0
uh it's in Georgia it's yeah it's right outside of Macon and and it's just a i like the way that i like the way that idea of the south is,It's located just outside of Macon in Georgia.,0
"Search out the House of Dionysos and the House of the Trident with their simple floor patterns, and the House of Dolphins and the House of Masks for more elaborate examples, including Dionysos riding a panther, on the floor of the House of Masks.",The House of Dolphins and the House of Masks are more elaborate than the House of Dionysos and the House of the Trident.,0
"Favorite items that will help preserve your memories of the rugged Lakeland countryside are clothing or blankets made from the local Herdwick wool, coasters of polished slate, or walking sticks with ram's-horn handles.",Favorite items can make you remember the countryside.,0
"It is, as you see, highly magnified. ",It is highly enlarges as you can observe.,0
and uh as a matter of fact he's a draft dodger,"They dodged the draft, I'll have you know.",0
"Broadly speaking, the CEF Moderate scenario can be thought of as a 50% increase in funding for programs that promote a variety of both demand-side and supply-side technologies.",A 50% increase in funding for programs promote a variety of both demand-side and supply-side technologies according to the CEF Moderate scenario.,0
"It recalls William Randolph Hearst's castle in Caleornia, with its imaginative juxtaposition of ancient Roman and Chinese sculpture, fine Venetian glass chandeliers, Syvres porcelain, old Flemish masters, and naughty French erotica.",William Randolph Hearst's castle housed a collection of sculptures and other fine arts.,0
yeah i think i'll probably just have to go with one of those splint braces or something,I most likely need to use a splint brace. ,0
"The man who had once come up with a has-been corner skit, in which, as Zmuda recalls, forgotten performers would be sent out to flounder in front of an audience ...",The has-been skit involved sending out former performers to struggle and fail.,0
"Regulators may not be totally supportive of a more comprehensive business model because they are concerned that the information would be based on a lot of judgment and, therefore, lack of precision, which could make enforcement of reporting standards difficult.",Being totally supportive of a more comprehensive business model is not something regulators may do.,0
"Then you're ready for the fray, either in the bustling great bazaars such as Delhi's Chandni Chowk or Mumbai's Bhuleshwar, or the more sedate ambience of grander shops and showrooms.",The grander showrooms and shops have a very calm atmosphere. ,0
He seemed too self-assured.,He is very cocky.,0
"Under Deng Xiaoping, Beijing actively sought to cultivate a good bilateral relationship.",Beijing sought to create a good relationship.,0
"As legal scholar Randall Kennedy wrote in his book Race, Crime, and the Law , Even if race is only one of several factors behind a decision, tolerating it at all means tolerating it as potentially the decisive factor.",Race is one of several factors in some judicial decisions,0
Nowadays it is bordered by ancient columns and lined with expensive shops.,Now it is surrounded by old pillars and pricey stores.,0
"In other words, the paper exhibited the all-too-typical journalistic tic of exposing potential conflicts of interest involving politicians while ignoring those involving journalists.","The paper shows, the journalists exposing potential conflicts of interests around politicians, but never exposing other journalists.",0
"Tax purists would argue that the value of the homemakers' hard work--and the intrafamily benefits they presumably receive in return for it--should, in fact, be treated as income and taxed, just like the wages paid to outside service providers such as baby sitters and housekeepers.","To tax purists, the value of the homemakers' hard work should be taxed.",0
The baby's father responded by filing a wrongful death suit.,The dad of the infant has filed a wrongful death suit.,0
"On Fox News Sunday , host Tony Snow touted a poll showing that 60 percent of Americans think the allegations represent a pattern of behavior.",Tony Snow touted a poll showing that 60 percent of Americans think the allegations represent a pattern of behavior.,0
yeah i have too and i found it real interesting but,"I have also, and I found it real interesting.",0
"To provide a useful perspective on how alternative levels of national saving affect future living standards, we also compared our simulation results to a historical benchmark.",National saving affect living standards according to our simulation results and a historical data set.,0
yeah that that i i had a i had a program due and uh one one window i had the program and the other one i had the program running so if there was ever a mistake i could easily check you know i could look at the program and say this is where i made the error,Because of the way it worked it was simple for me to keep track of my mistakes.,0
The baker was not jolly.,The baker wasn't happy.,0
"But, when I discovered that it was known all over the village that it was John who was attracted by the farmer's pretty wife, his silence bore quite a different interpretation. ",John was attracted to the farmer's pretty wife.,0
Their rights have been the source of conflicts in the central government.,Their rights have been an area of turmoil within the central government.,0
Turns out that Bill got one letter last year that just tore at his heartstrings.,Bill got one letter last year that tore at his heartstrings.,0
"If they have overestimated how far the CPI is off, Boskin and his commission may institutionalize an underestimated CPI--guaranteeing a yearly, stealth tax increase.",It is possible that they have overestimated how far the CPI is off. ,0
"The oldest continually occupied settlement on the island is Kastro, where most of the buildings date from the 14th century and were laid out in a circular pattern atop a rocky outcrop 100 m (300 ft) above the east coast.",Most of the houses on Kastro date back to the 14th century.,0
"Perhaps North Africans and eastern Europeans peopled the Ligurian coast, while the Adriatic and south may have been settled by people from the Balkans and Asia Minor.","It is possible that the Lingurian coast was populated by North Africans and eastern Europeans, whereas people from the Balkans and Asia Minor may have settled in the Adriatic and south.",0
"Indeed, said San'doro.",They were certain.,0
Energy-related activities are the primary source of U.S. man-made greenhouse gas emissions.,Producing energy is the main source of US greenhouse gas emissions.,0
"120 ""You do not think I ought to go to the police?""",Should I not go to the police?,0
Abortive countrywide revolts,The country is in unrest.,0
"It takes a deeper fire than most salamanders can stir, Ser Perth.",Most salamanders can't stir a fire that deep.,0
"Mr. Clinton rewards Mr. Knight for his fund raising, Mr. Gore lays the groundwork for his anticipated presidential bid four years from now, and the companies, by hiring Mr. Knight, get the administration's ear.",Mr. Clinton appreciated Mr. Knight for his fund raising.,0
"IRS Restructuring and Reform Act, its budget requests, and administration of various tax","Containing IRS Restructuring and Reform Act, its budget requests, and administration of various tax",0
Classic Castilian restaurant.,The restaurant is based off a classic Castilian style.,0
"The national mood is stressed on the octagonal spire of the University's Rajabai Clocktower, with 24 figures representing the castes of the Maharashtra State, of which Mumbai is the capital.","There are 24 figures on the Rajabai Clocktower that symbolize the castes of the Maharashtra State, which Mumbai is the capital.",0
"Pray be seated, mademoiselle.","Please be seated, ma'am.",0
"In the 1980s, a pragmatic socialist coalition government with the Christian Democrats brought a few years of unusual stability.",The environment was stable in the 1980s.,0
"You did, didn't you?""",Did you do it?,0
well no see i'm from a town named Panhandle,The town I'm from is Panhandle.,0
", less than ten years after the death of the prophet Mohamed.",The prophet Mohamed died.,0
in each square,Inside every square.,0
"The Irish Architectural Archive, a library of architectural materials, is at number 73 on the south side of the square.",At number 73 on the south side of the square the Irish Architectural Archive can be found.,0
"As with other types of internal controls, this is a cycle of activity, not an exercise with a defined beginning and end.","There is no clear beginning and end, it's a continuous cycle.",0
Your speeches are inflammatory.,Your speeches upset people.,0
(Hypothetical data for this example are given in table 2.2.),The possible data is in table 2.2,0
"IRS Restructuring and Reform Act, its budget requests, and administration of various tax",IRS Restructuring and Reform Act has budget requests.,0
Research and development is composed of,R&D is made up of.,0
"'Don't worry,' he whispered.",He was very calm and said not to worry.,0
"And he claimed she earned $11,000 a month - or $132,000 a year - from a home quilting business she had owned for 22 years.","He claimed that she had a home quilting business that made $132,000 each year.",0
Err...I don't know.,I am not sure.,0
so it's it's changing and the summers are getting hot and the winters are cold but i guess i can live with it,I can cope with the hot summers and the cold winters.,0
some of the professors i think imitate Big Bird,There are some professors that re an awful lot like Big Bird.,0
"David Cope, a professor of music at the University of California at Santa Cruz, claims to have created a 42 nd Mozart symphony.",Music Professor David Cope who specializes in Mozart's music claims to have created Mozart's 42nd symphony.,0
yeah because being a student i'm doing it for the money,"I'm a student, and I need the money I get by doing this.",0
oh sure sure right um-hum right,Okay sure,0
"To some critics, the mystery isn't, as Harris suggests, how women throughout history have exploited their sexual power over men, but how pimps like him have come away with the profit.",Harris suggests that it's a mystery how women have exploited men with their sexual power.,0
i bet it was that they do that you know they they have kittens out there in the garage or out in the barn and the first time you try to get around the kittens you know it's you'd have to catch them with a uh a fish net or something because they scamper away so quick,"If you have a fish net, you can catch your prey more quickly before your prey scampers away too quickly.",0
"Sun Ra's spaceships did not come, as it were, out of nowhere.",The spaceships did not come out of nowhere.,0
"Porches and stoops, those symbols of a vibrant social life, stopped being used as gathering places for a rather practical reason--air conditioning.",People simply prefer to be comfortable inside rather than outdoors in the sweltering heat.,0
"The fancifully decorated Macau Palace, a floating casino moored on the western waterfront, is fitted out with gambling tables, slot machines (known locally as hungry tigers ) and, for hungry humans, a restaurant.",Macau Palace is a casino that has what are known locally as hungry tigers.,0
um-hum with the ice yeah,Correct with the frozen water (ice).,0
it sure will well good to talk to,"That's true, and it was nice chatting.",0
"approaches for setting different requirements for sources that pose different levels of hazard (tiering); worst-case releases and other hazard assessment issues; accident information reporting; public participation; inherently safer approaches; and implementation and integration of section 112(r) with state programs, particularly state air permitting programs.",Different requirements are required for different levels of hazard.,0
"In the 19th century, when Kashmir was the most exotic hill-station of them all, the maharaja forbade the British to buy land there, so they then hit on the brilliant alternative of building luxuriously appointed houseboats moored on the lakes near Srinagar.",The maharaja allowed the British to build houseboats on the lakes.,0
it gets it,it gets it.,0
"In fact, the Flamingo would launch over two decades of strong mob presence in Las Vegas.",The Flamingo would launch and a large mob presence would exist in Las Vegas.,0
An important part of U.S. diplomacy is getting sovereign states to work together voluntarily.,It's important to get states to work together.,0
The leaves of the papyrus were dried and used by Ancient Egyptians as a form of paper.,Ancient Egyptians use papyrus leaves for paper.,0
"Yes, it does, admitted Tuppence.",Tuppence admitted something.,0
"His mother died when he was young, and he was adopted by the Brodkeys.","When his mother died, the Brodkeys took him in.",0
"Wagonheim said the program not only will benefit the needy, but also will help improve the public image of lawyers.",One of the benefits of the program is the boost to lawyers' public image.,0
i'm not exactly sure,I'm not sure.,0
"But there are two kinds of the pleasure of doing, and the pleasure of not doing; the pleasure of indulging, and the pleasure of abstinence.","But there are two kinds of the pleasure of doing, and the pleasure of not doing.",0
"They are levied through the power of the Government to compel payment, and the person or entity that pays these fees does not receive anything of value from the Government in exchange.",They are levied through the power of the Government to compel payment.,0
"Other pundits beam their opinions at us as through a time warp, from the hazy days of past administrations.",Other experts give their opinions through time warp from past administrations.,0
" ""An egg has got to hatch,"" he said.",He said an egg must hatch.,0
Some are reported as not having been wanted at all.,It has been reported that some are not desired at all.,0
"After several years of private practice from 1982-90, he became the judge of Decatur County Court for a year.",He was Decatur County's Court judge for one year.,0
And now they here put him in a coma.',The coma was caused by those people who were here around him. ,0
um-hum they have socialized socialized health care,They have socialized health care.,0
yeah no i don't know if there's any any series that i pay attention to i try to watch Cheers once in a while,"I watch Cheers everynow and then, but I don't watch many series.",0
"Nowadays, a poverty lawyer working for one of New York's many agencies representing the indigent - including Legal Aid, the South Brooklyn Legal Services, the Lawyers Alliance for New York, InMotion, the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, Volunteers of Legal Service, the Bronx Defenders and New York Lawyers for the Public Interest - might begin his or her career at $32,000 per annum, compared with the $125,000 average first-year associate salary at the city's larger firms.","Poverty lawyers might make $32,000 per year starting out.",0
Each working group met several times to develop recommendations for changes to the legal services delivery system.,Each working met more than once to discuss changes to the legal services delivery system.,0
"Sixty percent of Americans are frustrated and angry with the health-care system, and 70 percent favor federal intervention.",A majority of Americans are not happy with the health-care system.,0
yeah i've i wish they'd split that bowling season up into uh three seasons,Bowling season would be better split into thirds.,0
"Two, most other productive operations are easier to study and understand, since few firms have 40,000 locations and a large proportion of their workforce working outdoors.","There aren't a lot of firm that can boast 40,000 different workplace locations.",0
get something from from the Guess Who or,"Get something from the Guess Who,",0
"Anyway, she was found dead this morning.""",She died during the night but wasn't found until this morning.,0
"Under the leadership of Henry the Navigator, caravels set out from the westernmost point of the Algarve, in southern Portugal, in search of foreign lands, fame, and wealth.",Expeditions left the Algarve in southern Portugal in order to discover new countries and create fortunes.,0
because i always had to do it and so i just pay someone else to do it and they do the they do the cutting they fertilize they um edge and um i think this year i'm going to have some landscaping put in,"I am going to have someone landscape, since I always have someone do it. ",0
The chain wielder smiled at her.,The chain wielder was smiling.,0
"This provides insight into the important Japanese concept of katachi (form), the rough equivalent of It isn't what you do; it's the way that you do it. ","Katachi roughly means, it isn't what you do; it's the way you do it.",0
"Restored in 1967, the beautiful exterior is complemented by the fine period furniture housed inside.",The beautiful exterior was restored in 1967.,0
oh constantly,Constantly,0
oh i've never itemized yet,I've never itemized before.,0
the the Iranian borders are still open uh from what i understand understand um,From what I know the borders of Iran are still open.,0
Do not talk.,Don't say anything.,0
"Last year, they were spooked.",They were frightened last year. ,0
"Upriver, east of Blois, in a huge densely wooded park surrounded by 31 km (20 miles) of high walls, the brilliant white Ceteau de Cham?­?­bord is the most extravagant of all the royal residences in the Loire Valley.",Ceteau de Chambord is located in a wooded park.,0
well i meant when when you were when you were growing up i mean like Galveston,You grew up in Galveston.,0
Update on the Democratic fund-raising scandal : 1) President Clinton said FBI agents denied him advance warning about Chinese influence-buying efforts by telling his aides to keep the information secret.,Clinton said the agents had not told him anything about the issue.,0
"Sainte-Anne itself has a long, broad beach used not only by fishermen in vividly painted boats, but also by families with small children.",Families with small children and fishermen with boats can be seen along the beach in Sainte-Anne.,0
you know like CODA comes out of your out of your pay and the credit union comes out of your pay so we don't have to do anything there and the rest of it as far as my salary goes i just have it automatically deposited in into our bank,I set things up so that my salary automatically deposits into our bank.,0
Our work has also shown that agencies can do a better job of providing incentives to encourage employees to improve performance and achieve results.,Employee performance can be improved with incentives.,0
if it had rained any more in the last two weeks instead of planting Saint Augustine grass in the front yard i think i would have plowed everything under and had a rice field,It's rained enough to make a rice patty.,0
uh the one we thought would be the most timid uh turned out to be the one that stuck with it and was the first to learn,The one that was first to learn was the one we anticipated to be timid. ,0
"You can find Manchester, Sheffield, and Cambridge in Jamaica, to name but three.","Cambridge, Manchester and Sheffield are all in Jamaica. ",0
Another alternative is that our heroes were pursuing the noble goal of academics everywhere--tenure.,Our heroes are going after their academic goals. ,0
he's a college graduate type guy he's been in all he's an entrepreneur and he gives very practical financial advice about cars very you know not not nothing college level basic stuff his name is Bruce Williams he's on national radio uh i don't know what it would be down there you might want to whatever your radio talk shows are down there he's on that channel it's uh it's five seventy up here,the entrepreneur advises people about the financial aspect of cars,0
"Kicked out of the house when she was only 16 (she was called Suzie in those days), Roy went to Delhi and then to architecture school, supporting herself by selling empty milk bottles (some say beer bottles).",Roy had to sell bottles to make money.,0
"Dublin has international restaurants galore, and the New Irish Cuisine is built upon fresh products of Ireland's seas, rivers, and farms.","Fresh products of Irelands seas, rivers, and farms are what New Irish Cuisine is built upon. ",0
DOD's common practice for managing this environment has been to create aggressive risk reduction efforts in its programs.,Creating risk reduction efforts is common practice.,0
He had never felt better.,He was in very good health.,0
The last stages of uploading are like a mental dry-heave.,The final part of uploading feels like a mental dry-heave.,0
oh yes how well i know i was laid off last year but i was i was lucky because i was one of the first groups to go,My group was one of the first to get laid off last year.,0
A federal employment training program can report on the number of participants.,The number of participants and a federal employment training program can be reported.,0
"We need to look at the implications that these differing roles have for a range of issues, such as SES core competencies, performance standards, recruitment sources, mobility, and training and development programs.",It is very important for us to consider the implications of the these distinct roles on the issues.,0
i ripped the ligaments in my right ankle,i tore the ligaments in my right ankle,0
"He leaned over Tommy, his face purple with excitement.","He hovered over Tommy, with a deep color in his face from the thrill.",0
you can get a hard copy of it and that's about it,Your only option is to get a hard copy.,0
"aChange in personal saving depends on how much of the $4,000 IRA contribution represents new saving.",Change in personal savings is dependent on how much the IRA contributes to the new saving,0
"Stale macho jokes and formulaic cliffhangers drive this chase-by-numbers thriller on the bumpy road to nowhere (Holden, the New York Times ).",The movie is riddled with cliches and male buddy humor that make the film boring.,0
This was the saturation and 125-piece walk sequence Enhanced Carrier Route mail volume in 1996.,The Enhanced Carrier Route was introduced prior to 1997.,0
It is extremely dangerous to Every trip to the store becomes a temptation.,There are dangerous temptations regarding going to the store.,0
"For their part, family-planning organizations and the Clinton administration seem equally adamant.",family-planning organizations agree with the Clinton administration about certain things.,0
no no not at all it,Not all of it,0
and maybe we'll run across each other again,Perhaps we will cross paths in the future.,0
Respondents to the Board's question on whether the alternatives of presenting costs of Federal mission PP&amp,The Board questioned the alternatives of presenting costs of Federal mission.,0
"Also, Time claims that for the past year, the FBI has been seeking Robert Jacques, a possible accomplice to Timothy McVeigh in the Oklahoma City bombing.",It is suggested the feds have been looking for an accomplice to the bombing for the past year.,0
The organizations usually allowed individual members who had changed employers to continue participation.,"The organizations usually allowed individual members who are working for others now, to still participate.",0
Are you sure?,Have you thought it through?,0
Or anything else you wanted and couldn't keep against magic.,There wasn't much that could withstand against magic. ,0
"Look here, you've been asking me a lot of questions.","Look here, you have been posing a lot of questions at me.",0
"Larger boats for up to 20 people, plus crew, offer organized gourmet cruises.","Larger boats that can fit up to 20 people (not including the crew), have gourmet cruises.",0
"As the road climbs toward the entrance, you'll pass fields full of Santorini's famed tomatoes growing on the steep slopes.","Along side the road leading to the entrance, you will pass fields of tomatoes.",0
i think that the people that are um have um a lower income which you automatically equate with lower education,I think lower income and lower education are related.,0
"The Varanasi Hindu University has an Art Museum with a superb collection of 16th-century Mughal miniatures, considered superior to the national collection in Delhi.",The Varanasi Hindu University has an art museum on its campus which may be superior objectively to the national collection in Delhi.,0
"There's nobody telling that landlord to fix the property, Simmons said. ",Simmons said that nobody told the landlord to fix the property.,0
"To some critics, the mystery isn't, as Harris suggests, how women throughout history have exploited their sexual power over men, but how pimps like him have come away with the profit.",Some critics think that it is a mystery how pimps have profited from women's sexuality.,0
"5 percent for educational lay programs relating to law and justice, and other public service programs such as the High School Mock Trial Competition and numerous publications.",Educational lay programs deal with law and justice.,0
Splendid! ,The speaker is excited by the situation.,0
so you um-hum so you think it comes down to education or or something like that,You think it comes down to education?,0
"Carmel Man, a relation of the Neanderthal family, lived here 600,000 years ago.",Carmel Man isn't alive today.,0
"That is, as the discount is increased in steps, the cost to the Postal Service of sorting the mail that becomes workshared on step 4 is probably greater than the cost of sorting the mail that becomes workshared on step 3. This assumption will be relaxed in Part III below, where larger discount changes are considered.",This assumption will be relaxed in Part III below.,0
so they don't deal much in cash anymore either,So they don't use cash a lot anymore.,0
"Normally, these discussions are kept secret.","In usual circumstances, what is said is not to be shared..",0
CHAPTER 3: FEDERAL MISSION PP ,The Federal Mission PP is Chapter 3,0
yep see we have cable here,"Yes, we have cable here.",0
"Later, Tom testified against John so as to avoid the electric chair.",Tom was willing to speak against the other man to avoid his own execution.,0
The campaigns seem to reach a new pool of contributors.,New people chose to donate to the cause ,0
"Bush the elder came of age when New England Republicans led the party, and patrician manners were boons to a Republican.",New England Republicans led the GOP.,0
Some travelers add Molokai and Lanai to their itineraries.,Several tourists decide to plan for traveling to Molokai and Lanai.,0
" Other villages are much less developed, and therein lies the essence of many delights.",The other villages and settlements are not as developed.,0
I was pulled into the bar.,I was dragged through the door of the pub.,0
but you're without a paycheck during that time and i don't at least that's my understanding is even you know the first time you go for counseling and it's six weeks before you're back to work,You don't have a paycheck for six week if you go.,0
"One of these walls, the Western Wall, is today a major reminder of Jerusalem's greatness under Herod.",Jerusalem's glory under Herod is best exemplified by the Western Wall.,0
so are can i just ask you are you Canadian,Are you from Canada?,0
Economic growth also depends on education to enhance the knowledge and skills of the nation's work,The knowledge and skills of the nation's work have an influence on the economic growth of the nation.,0
Blair has just published a volume of speeches and articles titled New Britain : My,Blair recently published an assortment of speeches.,0
Fast forward to 1994 and beyond.,Fast forward to 1994 and all the years after.,0
They make a pretty pair working together.,They work well together.,0
"In kampung workshops you can watch fantastic birds and butterflies being made of paper (and increasingly, nowadays, of plastic, too) drawn over strong, flexible bamboo frames.",Fantastic birds and butterflies can be seen being made of paper in the kampung workshops.,0
"Mr. Erlenborn attended undergraduate courses at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana University, the University of Illinois, and Loyala University of Chicago.",Mr. Erlenborn attended classes in at least four different universities.,0
yeah and they've got those bins that just stay there and they decorated them real cute you know with a bunch of big old flowers and stuff,The bins just stay there and are decorated.,0
and you know if i know that they're gonna be there you know you you i try to really watch it and like you say you know really dress up and if i know they're not you know i i've been doing a lot of reorganization you know the last couple of months the same way you are you know and it's just so it's just impossible to crawl down on the floor and dig through boxes in a dress you know it is so,I try to watch it.,0
We look forward to receiving comments from the readers of this paper.,Someone likes to get comments from readers of a paper.,0
there and they uh they in fact they had this was in uh the late twenties and they in fact used some of the equipment that had been left over and uh he turned them down it it's interesting that that most people don't realize how small the canal is have you ever been there,The canal is smaller than people expect it to be ,0
and they're fairly close to the water aren't they i mean they're right on the late,They are on the waterside aren't they.,0
"Taking an ecumenical tack, nation officials in Chicago recently issued edicts commanding preachers to back off their anti-Semitic rhetoric.",Nation officials in Chicago are involved in religious issues.,0
How do you propose to get in touch with your would-be employers?,How will you contact your potential employers?,0
We did it with the aid of consultants and other equal justice stakeholders.,The help from consultants and other stakeholders was useful in doing it.,0
"(In the short run, higher-income taxpayers may pay more taxes, not less, if a capgains rate cut leads them to sell more assets than they otherwise would have done.)",Richer people might have a tax increase.,0
"Most pundits side with bushy-headed George Stephanopoulos ( This Week ), arguing that only air strikes would be politically palatable.",Mr. Stephanopoulos has a very large pundit following due to his stance on air strikes only being politically palatable.,0
"Along with each step, certain practices proved especially important to the success of their efforts.",Certain practices were really important to their efforts,0
Information Computer Attacks at Department of Defense Pose Increasing Risks,Increased danger is coming from computer attacks at the Department of Defense.,0
"The recommendation comes from the court's Task Force on Civil Equal Justice Funding, created in 2001 to look for ways to cope with the sparse amount of money available for such cases.",The Task Force on Civil Equal Justice Funding was created in 2001. ,0
"You can alternate lazy days on the beach with some of the Medi?­ter?­ra?­nean's best deep-sea diving, boat excursions around pirate coves, canoeing and fishing on inland rivers, or hikes and picnics in the mountains.","Outdoor activities range from beach-going, deep-sea diving, boat excursions, canoeing, and fishing, to hikes and picnics out in the wilderness.",0
"The story also made the front page of the New York Times and the Financial Times of London, which said that more than 10,000 members of a mystic cult called Fa Lun Gong caused acute embarrassment to security forces by virtually surrounding the compound where China's leaders work.",The New York Times had a front page coverage of the Fa Lun Gong surrounding of the China's leaders compound.,0
He seemed too self-assured.,He is too confident.,0
Citing conservative critics of Brown vs.,Conservative critics wrote about the Brown case. ,0
Vishnu's wife Lakshmi is goddess of good fortune.,"Lakshmi is Vishnu's wife, and the goddess of good fortune.",0
medical and surgical expense coverage.,Medical and surgical expenses were fully covered,1
i've yeah i've done it before and when i was in high in high school and college and thoroughly enjoyed it and and it's really a a blast my wife hates it but that's the way life is i guess,I would like to do it again. ,1
but we're taking our time we're going uh try to make our decision by July,We need to think more before making the decision.,1
"In May 1967, Gallup found that the number of people who said they intensely disliked RFK--who was also probably more intensely liked than any other practicing politician--was twice as high as the number who intensely disliked Johnson, the architect of the increasingly unpopular war in Vietnam.","Due to his attitudes on cheesecake, RFK was more disliked than Johnson.",1
Nobody knows much about the early Etruscans.,There is no proof that early Etruscans ever existed.,1
"Sandstone and granite were the materials used to build the Baroque church of Bom Jesus, famous for its casket of St. Francis Xavier's relics in the mausoleum to the right of the altar.",Sandstone and granite were chosen as the materials for the Baroque church of Bom Jesus because of how sturdy they are.,1
"The most important directions are simply up and up leads eventually to the cathedral and fortress commanding the hilltop, and down inevitably leads to one of three gates through the wall to the new town.",The cathedral will be spotted midway along the path to the fortress at the summit.,1
The Edinburgh International Festival (held annually since 1947) is acknowledged as one of the world's most important arts festivals.,The festival showcases exhibitions from all seven continents. ,1
"All-inclusive packages and large resort hotels offer restaurants, sporting activities, entertainment, wide-screen sports channels in the bars, shopping, and a guaranteed suntan.",Large resort hotel restaurants are the best you can find.,1
"In DOD's current acquisition environment, the customer is willing to trade time and money for the highest performing weapon system possible.",This is so they can blow the most shit up.,1
no nobody's going to bother you,No one is going to bother you about your new haircut. ,1
"Jon replaced Susan's cloak with a white robe and a head scarf, also quite dirty.",He didn't want the men to recognize her. ,1
Net nonfederal saving,Net nonfederal saving was greater than net federal saving.,1
"To control land and sea routes to the south, the Mauryas still needed to conquer the eastern kingdom of Kalinga (modern Orissa).",The Mauryas had a large army capable of conquering Kalinga.,1
"Try a selection at the Whisky Heritage Centre (they have over 100 for you to sample), where you can then buy a bottle or two of your personal favorite in the shop or in stores around the city.",Whisky Heritage Centre was shut down during prohibition.,1
right well there's yeah there there's going to be some measure of incentive uh reward or whatever but the reward ultimately ultimately comes down to what you want,They need to entice them to get what they want.,1
She wears either revealing clothes or professional clothes (or perhaps both).,Sometimes her cleavage is showing and sometimes she's all covered up.,1
and i use a one of those black soaker hoses that actually oozes water every where so i lace it up and down there a couple of times and i only have to water about two hours a week,"I only have to water about two hours a week, except on rainy weeks.",1
"In the depths of the Cold War, many Americans suspected Communists had infiltrated Washington and were about to subvert our democracy.",Communists messed with American democracy during the Cold War.,1
: Adrin's Third Lesson,The first lessons had been easy.,1
Trays can be found in all sizes and those with a wooden stand make wonderful portable tables for the home.,Some trays can be great for watching tv and eating dinner.,1
do you think most states have that or,Do you think most states have that high murder rates?,1
The primary screen must be integrated into the standard intake procedure of the emergency setting and must be the responsibility of the staff to administer to all patients.,Integration of primary screens will prevent patients from leaving early.,1
These provisions may have to be reexamined as well.,The last provisions were initially examined incorrectly. ,1
well Jerry do you have a favorite team,"Jerry, do you follow any sports?",1
um-hum yeah when when i mentioned i've done this camping out of the car i've actually done of the situation just like that but what's interesting is it's through Texas Instruments,I camped out of my car when I was homeless.,1
"Just as in ancient times, without the River Nile, Egypt could not exist.",Many Egyptians take for granted how important the nile river is.,1
"You will learn later that the person who usually poured out Mrs. Inglethorp's medicine was always extremely careful not to shake the bottle, but to leave the sediment at the bottom of it undisturbed. ",The person was after Mrs. Inglethorp's vast fortune. ,1
"While the Freedom of Information Act, the Trade Secrets Act, and other statutes may generally protect certain categories of information from disclosure by an agency to the public, this protection does not justify withholding the information from GAO.",The GAO should know all information to prevent fraudulent politicians and officers. ,1
"That is, as the discount is increased in steps, the cost to the Postal Service of sorting the mail that becomes workshared on step 4 is probably greater than the cost of sorting the mail that becomes workshared on step 3. This assumption will be relaxed in Part III below, where larger discount changes are considered.",Part III will clear about concerns about the strictness of the assumption.,1
oh constantly,I jog constantly,1
"Daniel nodded, fetching me a glass of beer.",Daniel got me a glass of Bud Light.,1
"So he goes out and walks in the woods, little dreaming that Mrs. Inglethorp will open his desk, and discover the incriminating document. ","Taking his dog with him, he walks into the woods.",1
oh it's fun i call,I like calling my friends for fun.,1
if the United States had used full conventional power.,The United States is unable to maximize their potential.,1
yeah um gosh i think it was only like three and a half pounds and for me that's big that's why i'm saying i love to go fishing because i've never caught anything really really big um so because it's always been you know in the on a lake and uh i know they have bigger fish than that but you know three and a half pounds and that was huge for me,It was just a few pounds but I ate it all.,1
"Also, considerable sums are spent by the Postal Service analyzing the costs associated with worksharing, and mailers/competitors incur considerable expense litigating their positions on worksharing before the Postal Rate Commission.",Competitors spend more litigating around workshare than the Postal Service spends analyzing costs associated with worksharing.,1
yeah that's up here in New England that's we call that backpacking which is the same thing which is you're you've got everything on your back you know an aluminum camp frame uh,Everyone in New England goes backpacking on the weekends.,1
I'm busy now.,I won't be busy later if you still need help.,1
"A Newsday story on this incident reports that, Toobin said through a Random House spokesman ...",Toobin did not want to talk directly to them.,1
and i don't think they've repainted since,I don't think they've repainted their house.,1
"Despite its initial failings, Siegel's Flamingo survived him, as did mob infiltration of casinos.",Siegel likes to wear brightly colored shirts.,1
The Wall Street Journal Business Bulletin has a fact that dramatizes how profoundly well-off this country is--Americans throw out approximately 12 percent of the stuff they buy at the supermarket.,Americans just throw away 12 percent of what they buy at foreign supermarkets.,1
IQ boosting was achieved through a fetal replacement process where the embryos from two carefully selected mothers were to be switched from one to another.,IQ boosting can be done through fetal replacement in the first trimester.,1
In Loco Parentis Returnus,Located in Loco Parentis.,1
in our town of five thousand we have one that is uh local FM AM station and their news is fed from CNN too uh it's more of uh,The town did not have anything worth reporting on the radio about local events.,1
Also beyond city limits is the Legacy Golf Club in the nearby suburb of Henderson.,The Legacy Golf Club is outside the city limits so it can serve alcohol year round.,1
"(In the short run, higher-income taxpayers may pay more taxes, not less, if a capgains rate cut leads them to sell more assets than they otherwise would have done.)",Low income people will face a tax increase.,1
well UNLV they say UNLV may be the greatest amateur team ever,UNLV may be the greatest amateur baseball team ever.,1
He had to try something.,Jared had to try to fix it somehow. ,1
"I understand, mademoiselle, I understand all you feel. ","I have been through the same experience, madam.",1
"But if you take it seriously, the anti-abortion position is definitive by definition.",People usually don't take anti-abortion positions seriously.,1
We've got to think.,We can think.,1
I felt like a rat.,I felt very weasily.,1
"Never trust a Sather, Bork said softly.","Never trust a Sather if you calue your life, Boork whispered.",1
oh uh-huh well no they wouldn't would they no,"No, they wouldn't go there.",1
"These gardens used to belong to the governor's mountain lodge, but the building was demolished by the Japanese during the occupation of Hong Kong.",The Japanese had twenty thousand soldiers occupying Hong Kong.,1
"But it was quite a natural suggestion for a layman to make.""",The layman thought it would be a good idea to question every parishioner. ,1
Princes Street is to Scots what Oxford Street is to the English the premier shopping street of the land.,Many high end retail outlets own stores on Princes Street.,1
"We're no nearer to finding Tuppence, and NEXT SUNDAY IS THE 29TH!""","If we don't find her soon, she might be left for dead.",1
"From that spot she could see all of them and, should she need to, she could see through them as well.",She could see through the ghosts with ease.,1
Comparing our experience on the Acid Rain Program with the NOx SIP Call and the Section 126 petitions demonstrates the benefit of having certain key issues decided by Congress rather than left to Agency rulemakings.,Agency rulemakings have better judgement than congress. ,1
GAO also issued over 160 reports detailing specific findings and made over 100 recommendations to agencies and to the President's Council on Year 2000 Conversion for improving the government's readiness.,The GAO issued roughly 170 reports about specific findings.,1
There were beads of perspiration on his brow.,The building sweat on his brow reflected the sunlight brightly.,1
no no but you know i was just thinking of getting one those for the yard because they they are really nice and um up here we have uh we have quite a few mosquitoes at nighttime,The mosquitoes are rough at night.,1
"Perhaps a further password would be required, or, at any rate, some proof of identity.",Having both a password and proof of identity greatly increases safety.,1
Congress' determination to make agencies accountable for their performance lay at the heart of two landmark reforms of the 1990 the Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act of 1990 and the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA).,The CFO and GPRA Acts have been successful in keeping agencies honest. ,1
The census of 1931 served as an alarm signal for the Malay national consciousness.,There was a census in June of 1931.,1
So he clearly found a way to project a bandwagon of strength without putting U.S. troops on the line.,He found a way to portray strength without putting troops in harms way but was villified for it.,1
The original wax models of the river gods are on display in the Civic Museum.,They have models made out of clay.,1
well that's uh i agree with you there i mean he didn't have the surrounding cast that Montana had there's no doubt about that,"I agree that he didn't have the same support as Montana, but he did well.",1
(j) Promotional items a member receives as a consequence of using travel or transportation services procured by the United States or accepted pursuant to 31,Frequent flyer miles are one of the promotional items a member can receive.,1
but uh TV is something that we try to not um deliberately try not to get hung up on it like you say,We think that other hobbies are more important than watching TV.,1
"An ancient Greek trading post, the town manages to combine the atmosphere of a resort with a gutsy, bustling city life.",Prior to becoming a Greek trading post the town was thought to have been a Macedonian fishing village.,1
"Lawyers in their first three years of practice or who are inactive pay $90, and retired lawyers pay nothing.",Lawyers pay $90 to be included in the directory.,1
Beyond the facade there are cavernous empty rooms.,The rooms are preserved how they historically looked.,1
"By contrast, their grandson, who assumed the throne in 1516, was born in Flanders in 1500, and Charles I could barely express himself in Spanish.",Charlies I was seen by his subjects as an outsider.,1
"Say, man, don't you know you've been given up for dead? ",You were given up for dead after we lost you in the desert for three weeks.,1
"As Jon looked at him, Barnam puffed out his chest.",Barnam wanted to impress Jon.,1
"18 In 1989, rural carriers received an average of 34 cents per mile as a motor vehicle allowance.",The allowance has been increased since 1989.,1
"Growth continued for ten years, and by 1915 the town had telephones, round-the-clock electricity, and a growing population many of whom worked in the railroad repair shop.",The town was hooked up to the electricity and telephone grids because of its geographical importance.,1
But the arguments that it would do harm seem unpersuasive.,The people did not worry about the amount of harm it could do. ,1
other side that's a good idea,Only after we finish the first side.,1
"No, Dave Hanson, you were too important to us for that.","No, Dave Hanson, we couldn't risk your life becaus you are too important to us.",1
"The vineyards hug the gentle slopes between the Vosges and the Rhine Valley along a single narrow 120-km (75-mile) strip that stretches from Marlenheim, just west of Strasbourg, down to Thann, outside Mulhouse.",The slopes between the Vosges and Rhine Valley are the only place appropriate for vineyards.,1
so uh listen i'll call Triple A uh auto club any time,Triple A covers my car out of state as well.,1
and ancient coins,Ancient coins are the only ones I buy.,1
"The Irish Architectural Archive, a library of architectural materials, is at number 73 on the south side of the square.",Next to the library on the south side of the square the Irish Architectural Archive can be found.,1
i've even heard of some people being sexually abused,Some people are mentally abused.,1
"She was taken to the infirmary, and on recovering consciousness gave her name as Jane Finn.",The hospital believed that her name was Jane Finn. ,1
"Clearly, GAO needs assistance to meet its looming human capital challenges.",GAO will soon be suffering from a shortage of qualified personnel.,1
Welts grew on each of the man's cheeks.,The welt the man got from battle were growing.,1
actually i think abortion's going to take a turn where there's not going to be as many because i think contraceptives are going to be more popular i mean i realize that they are popular now but i think,Contraceptives are becoming more popular because the prices are falling.,1
He grimaced at his own doubts.,He felt bad for doubting her.,1
"After being diagnosed with cancer, Carrey's Kaufman decides to do a show at Carnegie Hall.",Carrey's Kaufman eventually recovers from the cancer he was diagnosed with.,1
"A little past the small theater built for local dramatic performances, there's a fine view across the bay to Basse-Terre.",There are a number of art performances in the area.,1
"World demand increased with the growth of the motor-car and electrical industries, and sky-rocketed during World War I. By 1920, Malaya was producing 53 percent of the world's rubber, which had overtaken tin as its main source of income.","Without World War 1, Malaya would be a poorer country.",1
"I understand,"" continued the Coroner deliberately, ""that you were sitting reading on the bench just outside the long window of the boudoir. ","""Just outside the second window of the boudoir, I understand that you were sitting and reading Moby Dick"", continued the Coroner.",1
"By coordinating policy development and awareness activities in this manner, she helps ensure that new risks and policies are communicated promptly and that employees are periodically reminded of existing policies through means such as monthly bulletins, an intranet web site, and presentations to new employees.",There new employees are a risk.,1
At the fulcrum is a coffee bar and cafe under a giant screen television flanked by CD listening stations.,Only members can use the CD listening stations at the side.,1
For the first time I entertained the idea of taking my talents to that particular market… .,It turns out maybe I'd be quite good at that particular market.,1
"This testing of the marketplace may range from written or telephone contacts with knowledgeable federal and non-federal experts regarding similar or duplicate requirements and the results of any market test recently undertaken, to the more formal sources-sought announcements in pertinent publications (e.g.",Sources-sought announcements in pertinent publications are better for the marketplace testing.,1
i think Buffalo is an up an coming team they're going to they're showing some real promise for the next uh few years,The team had some good results in last seasons.,1
Blue says Blumenthal claimed Clinton had told him that Lewinsky had made unwanted sexual advances.,Clinton said that Monica Lewinsky made unwanted sexual advances during her time as a journalist in the White House. ,1
"Under Deng Xiaoping, Beijing actively sought to cultivate a good bilateral relationship.",Beijing sought to create a good relationship with Hong Kong.,1
Do you want to see historic sights and tour museums and art galleries?,"Since you love learning new things, would you like to visit some historic places, museums, and art galleries?",1
"What about the hole?"" They scanned the cliff-side narrowly.",They weren't sure if the hole was on the side of the cliff or not.,1
Adrin nodded.,Adrin agreed with what was said.,1
"There is very little left of old Ocho the scant remains of Ocho Rios Fort are probably the oldest and now lie in an industrial area, almost forgotten as the tide of progress has swept over the town.",You can visit the remains of the Ocho Rios Fort.,1
"France knew a good thing when she seized one, but then so did Britain.",France knew this was a good place to stay.,1
"However, the WRAP States may unanimously petition the Administrator to determine that the total emissions of affected EGUs are reasonably projected to exceed 271,000 tons in 2018 or a later year and to make affected EGUs subject to the requirements of the new WRAP trading program.",The WRAP States may unanimously petition the Administrator to overturn the smoking ban.,1
and that you're very much right but the jury may or may not see it that way so you get a little anticipate you know anxious there and go well you know,Jury's operate without the benefit of an education in law.,1
A sufficiently clever system of taxes and subsidies can induce people to make accurate reports of their own emotional distress.,It is statistically proven that a clever system of taxes can induce accurate reporting of emotional distress.,1
was it bad,Was it spoiled?,1
"3 It should be noted that the toxicity (LC50) of a sample observed in a range-finding test may be significantly different from the toxicity observed in the follow-up chronic definitive test (1) the definitive test is longer; and (2) the test may be performed with a sample collected at a different time, and possibly differing significantly in the level of toxicity.",The toxicity of a sample in the range-finding test might be very different from the toxicity in the follow-up test because solutions change depending on temperature.,1
uh-huh oh yeah i hadn't heard that one let's see i can't oh gosh that that probably wipes out my whole inventory of TV shows other than um PBS i,Some TV shows will be available.,1
and those are the people that you know can you rehabilitate them the some of the ones that are you know perpetual,"If people repeatedly commit the same crimes, why bother letting them out?",1
"The castle itself comprises an early 17th-century tower house, restored with Irish oak from the park which is held together without a single nail.","The Irish oak from the park does not need to be held together with nails, it has natural adhesive abilities.",1
you know getting clothes and stuff every once in awhile exactly,They get socks more often than shirts.,1
"Instead, we could recommend that, compared with other settings, the prevalence of alcohol problems among ED patients makes it worthy of careful consideration.",The vast majority of ED patients also suffer from alcohol dependency issues.,1
"will never be doused (Brit Hume, Fox News Sunday ; Tony Blankley, Late Edition ; Robert Novak, Capital Gang ; Tucker Carlson, The McLaughlin Group ). The middle way is best expressed by Howard Kurtz (NBC's Meet the Press )--he scolds Brill for undisclosed campaign contributions and for overstretching his legal case against Kenneth Starr but applauds him for casting light on the media.",They wanted the public to know where the funds came from.,1
"The chain swung again, hitting her arm and sending the palm knife into the crowd.",The knife injured someone in the crowd.,1
"On the west side of the square is Old King's House (built in 1762), which was the official residence of the British governor; it was here that the proclamation of emancipation was issued in 1838.",The Old King's House had an incident where the King was murdered inside of it.,1
"Many are based on industry-recognized models such as the Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO), PRICE, Putnam, and Jensen.",COCOMO is the most popular industry-recognised model.,1
Some are reported as not having been wanted at all.,Some are reported as not having been wanted at all due to breakage.,1
"Many had to leave their birthplaces, fleeing to Lesvos, Chios, and Samos, the Greek-ruled islands just offshore.",The Greek people were in danger.,1
uh uh yeah that well um the older you get the more convenience you try to bring with you i guess so i'm up to dragging the trailer around which is my next step is going to be probably Winnebago i hope if i only can afford one but that,"The older you get, the more you want to be spur of the moment.",1
"I will practice The Look on old French ladies who are happy to have any old look at all, I say, and then, as I get the hang of it, move gradually into the big leagues.",I will use the look on younger women after I improve.,1
"83 At that point, Poirot nudged me gently, indicating two men who were sitting together near the door. ",The two men looked mean.,1
"Among the sights in Beziers are the ancient Eglise Saint Jacques and Eglise Sainte Madeleine, the 19th-century Halles (covered market), and the massive Cathedrale Saint-Nazaire, from which there is a good view over the river valley.",Beziers has thousands of visitors from other countries every year.,1
million in savings this year.,The money saved will be used to grow the company internationally over the next 5 years.,1
"According to the Natural Resources Conservation Service, this single, voluntary program will provide flexible technical, financial, and educational assistance to farmers and ranchers who face serious threats to soil, water, and related natural resources on agricultural and other lands, including grazing lands, wetlands, forest lands, and wildlife habitats.",Farmers and ranchers must have all of their licenses and permits to qualify. ,1
"Paris and its immediate surroundings are a magnet for tourists, students, businessmen, artists, inventors ' in short, everyone except perhaps the farmer and fisherman, who may well come to the city to protest government policies.",Businessmen spend more time in Paris and its immediate surroundings than inventors do.,1
"'We can't find him, Benjamin,' Lincoln/Natalia said.","After 12 hours looking for him, Lincoln/Natalia gave up.",1
Cases in Comparative,These cases can be related to criminals.,1
Among the disadvantages are that the degree of innovation and product differentiation might continue to be limited.,The disadvantages of a poorly educated workforce include limited innovation. ,1
He's a bad lot. ,He's a dishonest person,1
"A chancy road winding up to the 475-metre (1,560-foot) summit is likely to test the engine and suspension of your car, as well as your own persistence.",Tourists often get into accidents trying to reach the summit because their cars weren't able to make it to the top.,1
"Just like we have hairpins and powder-puffs."" Tommy handed over a rather shabby green notebook, and Tuppence began writing busily.",Tommy handed Tuppence an empty shabby green notebook.,1
"When the next modernist revolution comes around, he'll be ready.",They have been prepping for years.,1
I mustn't keep you.,It would be too risky to keep you.,1
"Once there, he or she must alight from the vehicle and proceed to the mailbox, then return to the vehicle, turn it around and proceed to the road.","If there is no mailbox, they don't have to get out of the vehicle.",1
yeah i it just totally ridiculous i mean the Israeli's could have fixed the whole problem years ago if they just sent sent their guys in there and killed Saddam,They Israelis didn't do it because they knew they could save money getting the States to do it.,1
Can I help you?',Can i help you with that order?,1
"Much of Among Giants affords an agreeable blend of the gritty and the synthetic, and the two main actors are a treat.",Much Among Giants is a movie.,1
"The Throne Room is one of a series of apartments built during the reign of Charles II, though it was originally designed as a guard room that screened entrants to the private chambers beyond.",The Throne Room is available for tours daily.,1
yeah yeah i i went i went off to school wanting to either be a high school algebra teacher or high school French teacher because my two favorite people in the in high school were my algebra teacher and French teacher and uh and i was going to do that until the end of our sophomore year when we wanted uh we came time to sign up for majors and i had taken chemistry for the first time that year and surprised myself i did well in it,I was going to major in algebra or french but I ended falling in love with chemistry. ,1
they they are good,There are better ones out there.,1
"Unfortunately, the magnet schools began the undoing of desegregation in Charlotte.",Charlotte has always been overly segregated.,1
We will also need any able bodied men to help us spike the river.,We need men to help us spike the river to poison the enemy army.,1
LSC's State Planning Initiative began in 1995 primarily in response to the programmatic changes and budget cuts that were threatening the very survival of legal services delivery across the nation.,The LSC State Planning Initiative was the first of its kind among similar organizations.,1
"Local boy Gates wisely built his 45,000-square-foot castle in suburban Seattle.",Gates built his castle in the Seattle are because he likes the weather.,1
Act Accounting the Great Management Reform Act,Management reform is needed ,1
"Keep young skins safe by covering them with sunblock or a T-shirt, even when in the water.","The sun is usually intense there, causing sunburn easily.",1
and and so you know like every other day or or so they have like movies for a dollar Sometimes they're even free i think uh they showed uh Chima Para Diso free,All movies at the theater are cheaper than five dollars.,1
She will step down from the court in December 2002.,"She's going to step down from the court in the winter of 2002, after all those years.",1
Eve's Apple turns out to be a sturdier book than it seems.,Eve's Apple is a great book.,1
football and baseball and,Football and baseball were both popular.,1
away from the children,No adults allowed near the children,1
yeah i think i'll probably just have to go with one of those splint braces or something,The doctors will most likely say to use a splint brace. ,1
did you see it,It is right in front of you.,1
"First, injected cannabinoids may not mirror the effects of smoked marijuana.",Smoking marijuana gets people higher than injected them with cannabinoids.,1
uh-huh well maybe well i've enjoyed talking to you okay bye-bye,I liked talking to you about sports.,1
Classic Castilian restaurant.,The restaurant is one of many classic Italian eateries.,1
Each one planting itself in the sides of Stark's neck.,Stark had two swords stuck in his neck.,1
The most recent attraction at the pyramid complex is a small museum housing the remains of a solar barque (a cedar longboat) which was found in 1954.,The longboat most likely belonged to the royal family.,1
"The cane plantations, increasingly in the hands of American tycoons, found a ready market in the US.","The US market was ready for the cane plantations, according to the economists.",1
Many restaurants and bars have live music.,Many restaurants and bars have live music 7 nights a week.,1
"But if you take it seriously, the anti-abortion position is definitive by definition.","If you decide to be serious about supporting anti-abortion, it's a very run of the mill belief to hold.",1
"Something in his mind seemed also to have developed a ""tan"" that let him face the bite of chance without flinching.","He had already lost most of his life savings at the roulette wheel, so what did one more spin count for.",1
Err...I don't know.,I am not sure but I will find out.,1
facilitate suits for benefits by using the State and Federal courts and the independent bar on which those courts depend for the proper performance of their duties and responsibilities.,"Federal refers to national and state refers to local, duties and responsibilities may vary between Federal and State levels.",1
I nodded again.,I nodded twice in order to acknowledge I understood.,1
"On Fox News Sunday , host Tony Snow touted a poll showing that 60 percent of Americans think the allegations represent a pattern of behavior.",Tony Snow has been the host on Fox News Sunday for four years.,1
"OMB issued the guidance in Memorandum M0010, dated April 25, 2000.",Memorandum M0010 details fiscal checks.,1
"Alexander the Great, who passed through the city in 334 b.c. , paid for its completion; five of the original 30 columns have been restored to their full height.",Alexander the Great was so impressed with the city in 334 B.C. that he expressed a wish to live there one day.,1
His proud reserve--a product of 40 years in the spotlight--is refreshing but does not bode well for his capacity to shepherd big ideas through Congress.,He is way too loud.,1
exercise is not supposed to do that to you,Exercise isn't supposed to make you that sore.,1
yeah i mean this this Escort even when the head gasket went i mean it would start first time every time,It cost me about $1000 to fix.,1
"Meanwhile, critics on the left argue that because the United States failed to intervene in Rwanda, its intervention in Kosovo is morally suspect and probably racist.",The US intervention in Kosovo is racist based.,1
Such experience better enables the CIOs to work with business managers to build a shared vision for meeting mission needs.,They have put in a lot of time and effort.,1
This call to play fortuneteller is not easily refused.,"It's not easily refused the call to play fortuneteller, said the man.",1
"You are sure that you did not in any way disclose your identity?"" Tommy shook his head.",You are sure that you did not in any way disclose that your last name is Smith? ,1
"She was 96 just turning away when she heard a piercing whistle, and the faithful Albert came running from the building to join her.",Albert was a dog that came running when he heard the whistle. ,1
Today it is the effects of pollution that are taking their toll on Agra's monuments.,Nowadays there is so much pollution that Agra has had to take measures to protect its monuments.,1
"The Ovitz deal, however, contained none of these goodies.",The Ovitz deal did contain some alternative goodies.,1
"Thus, the net scale benefit is initially positive, whether or not we adjust for the wage premium.",Net scale benefits can become negative over time.,1
well i hear my kids are needing me again so i'll go see what they need and we'll maybe talk to you again,My kids are hungry and need to be fed dinner.,1
we have tickets waiting for us,We have tickets to the Browns waiting for us.,1
Catch up on the Indian avant-garde and the bohemian people of Caletta at the Academy of Fine Arts on the southeast corner of the Maidan.,The Academy of Fine Arts is a prominent school for all up and coming artists.,1
"At the delta of the Rh??ne, where its two arms spill into the Medi?­ter?­ra?­nean, the Camargue has been reclaimed from the sea to form a national nature reserve.",The reclamation effort was contracted out to a Dutch company that specializes in dikes and sea water management.,1
"Calcutta seems to be the only other production center having any pretensions to artistic creativity at all, but ironically you're actually more likely to see the works of Satyajit Ray or Mrinal Sen shown in Europe or North America than in India itself.",Most of Mrinal Sen's work can be found in European collections.,1
"IDPA's OIG's mission is to prevent, detect, and eliminate fraud, waste, abuse, and misconduct in various payment programs.",IDPA's OIG's mission took 3 days to be written.,1
"After the purge of foreigners, only a few stayed on, strictly confined to Dejima Island in Nagasaki Bay.",A few foreigners were confined to Dejima Island because they were dangerous.,1
yeah right right yeah i know i uh i remember my college days and having to do that too,I didn't have to do that once I left college.,1
"'I don't know what happened, exactly.' I said.",Something strange was going on.,1
in well i think i think my long-term sense of of budget concerns is that we're going is a lot of others government's spending goes on goes towards this uh health care and things like that and a lot of causes of poor health or need for health care are brought about by various factors such as such as pollution stress you know work work environment conditions and so forth but generally the government is,It's better to prevent some of the strain on the health care system by limiting pollution but the political capital isn't necessarily there.,1
And that squatting he does--it's as uncomfortable as it looks.,He squats because his back is bothering him.,1
but uh these guys were actually on the road uh two thousand miles from from home when they had to file their uh their final exams and send them in,These men were driving in a blue Cadillac when they filed their final exams.,1
Respondents to the Board's question on whether the alternatives of presenting costs of Federal mission PP&amp,The board has bad history with presenting federal costs in the past.,1
The Implementation of National and European Legislation Concerning Air Emissions from Large Combustion Plants in Germany,Germany's air emissions must be reduced by 25%.,1
Egg cattle merry wedged marvelous,They were so excited.,1
"It has served as a fortress for the Gallo-Romans, the Visigoths, Franks, and medieval French (you can see the layers of their masonry in the ramparts).",The fortress was built by the medieval French in 1173.,1
"It was replaced in 1910 by the famous old pontoon bridge with its seafood restaurants, which served until the present bridge was opened in 1992.",The pontoon bridge had shops as well as restaurants.,1
"The activities included in the Unified Agenda are, in general, those expected to have a regulatory action within the next 12 months, although agencies may include activities with an even longer time frame.",Most of the activities taken under the regulatory actions have been longer that 12 months.,1
"He married Dona Filipa Moniz (Perestrelo), the daughter of Porto Santo's first governor, and lived on the island for a period, fathering a son there.",Soon after his son was born he decided to leave the island.,1
"I am glad she wasn't, said Jon.",Jon was happy that Jane was not going to the dance. ,1
yeah it's definitely a way out of the way where where as,"Yes. There is a definitely a way out of there, where as there isn't a way out of the other field.",1
"It may be that the best way to read this text in the years ahead will not be with a magnifying glass, but through the looking glass--as a prism to discern what the political culture that produced Nixon shares with our own.",Many things are shared between the Nixon culture and our own,1
"Founded in 1979, AFFIRM's members include information resource management professionals within the federal, academic, and industry sectors.",AFFIRM recruits the top members in the management professions.,1
"Ask Cook if she's missed any."" It occurred to me very forcibly at that moment that to harbour Miss Howard and Alfred Inglethorp under the same roof, and keep the peace between them, was likely to prove a Herculean task, and I did not envy John. ","To keep the peace between Miss Howard and Alfred Inglethorp would be difficult, in the aftermath of their divorce. ",1
… I succeeded in my false career.,I was very good at pretending to work.,1
Each working group met several times to develop recommendations for changes to the legal services delivery system.,"The groups disagreed on the appropriate action to take, but they finally found a solution. ",1
It was utterly mad.,It was utterly mad for him to suggest that.,1
"The Indigenous Project, a new program run by the Oregon Law Center, is one of only a handful of places in the United States where indigenous farmworkers from Mexico and Central America can find free and confidential legal aid.",The Indigenous Project is run by the Oregon Law Center in Portland.,1
"First, get the basics right, that is, the blocking and tackling of financial reporting.",The basics are actually difficult to understand for most,1
"The great attraction of the church is the splendid exterior, which is crowned by golden onion-shaped cupolas.","The interior of the church, while still lovely, is much plainer.",1
"The arches that flank the nave are filled with tiers of columns and the walls with windows, while the arches above the entrance and the apse are backed by semi-domes, further increasing the interior space.",The arches on either side of the structure are spaced evenly.,1
Very few emperors were reluctant to submit to Fujiwara domination.,Fujiwara dominated many emperors and is renown for his success as a warlord.,1
"How did you get it?"" A chair was overturned. ","""Did you get this object by persuading her of our intentions?""",1
but i don't know you know maybe you could do that for a certain period of time but i mean how long does that kind of a thing take you know to to um say to question the person or to get into their head,I'm sure it wouldn't take very long to question the person.,1
The red moon made her skin glow.,Her skin was painfully glowing from the red moon.,1
"To the sociologists' speculations, add mine.","Add my speculation to the sociologists', said the old man.",1
"If you have any questions regarding this report, please call me at (202) 512-4841.",I receive three phone calls a day asking about the report. ,1
During the Crimean War (1854 56) she set up a hospital in the huge Selimiye Barracks (Selimiye Kelase).,The hospital set up in the Selimiye Barracks is no longer standing.,1
There are also ferries to Discovery Bay.,The ferries to Discovery Bay are expensive.,1
Near Jerusalem,It is three miles from Jerusalem.,1
taken up by the oh okay oh so you know well that's i had wondered sometimes i knew that there was a lot of a lot of effort and a lot of work went into a lot of that and i just wondered if if it lasted and if it took you know like yeah,It cost a lot of money to put forth all that effort. ,1
"Many Lakeland hotels also quote a D, B and B (dinner, bed, and breakfast) rate, which includes the evening meal and is often quite cost-effective.","Many Lakeland hotels also quote an affordable dinner, bed, and breakfast rate, but there is not a shortage of affordable dinner restaurants in the area if one chooses not to eat at the hotel.",1
"It recalls William Randolph Hearst's castle in Caleornia, with its imaginative juxtaposition of ancient Roman and Chinese sculpture, fine Venetian glass chandeliers, Syvres porcelain, old Flemish masters, and naughty French erotica.","William Randolph Hearst didn't love chandeliers, but kept them to make his lady happy.",1
"That's it. The girl looked at him, then passed her hand across her forehead.",The girl looked at him with great interest.,1
"First, the horsemen brought out a teaser horse.","First, the horsemen brought out a teaser horse because the main horse has not arrived yet.",1
"The editors, for their part, arrange to have them all written just in case I do.","There are two editors, and one is more often responsible for arranging for them to get written than the other.",1
"H-2A aliens, as the only category of eligible aliens who reside in the United States temporarily, are particularly affected by the issue before the Commission because of their necessarily short periods of time in the United States.",Most H-2A aliens are from somewhere beyond Mars orbit.,1
"A stable funding level not only supports GAO's strong return on investment of $57 for every $1 spent, it creates the environment necessary to recruit, retain, compensate, train and motivate a strong and capable workforce.",This is one of the highest returns on investment out of all the government agencies.,1
"1 Lower and upper PMSD bounds were determined from the 10th and 90th percentile, respectively, of PMSD data from EPA's WET Interlaboratory Variability Study (USEPA, 2001a; USEPA, 2001b).",The data obtained from the EPA's WET Interlaboratory Variability Study was considered the most reliable and therefore used to establish the upper and lower PMSD bounds.,1
"Usually, sites for program effects case studies should be selected with great care for criteria such as whether there is evidence that the program has been implemented at the site, whether the site has been subjected to changes that could have the same effects as the program or that could mask its effects, and how the addition of this site to the group of sites being studied supports the generalizability of the findings.",Some sites have undergone changes since the last program implementation on those sites.,1
"Until all members of our society are afforded that access, this promise of our government will continue to be unfulfilled.",The government is flawed and unfulfilled. ,1
Lydians and Persians,Lydians and Persians were friendly nations.,1
"Today the strait is busy with commercial shipping, ferries, and fishing boats, and its wooded shores are lined with pretty fishing villages, old Ottoman mansions, and the villas of Istanbul's wealthier citizens.",Istanbul is still considered a third world country.,1
"A funny place for a piece of brown paper, I mused. ","I looked down at my desk, which was a mess, as usual, and had some white and brown papers on it.",1
yes uh i bought a uh Bristol thirty five five for my wife,I bought the Bristol from the old pawn shop near the docks.,1
"For instance, when Clinton cited executive privilege as a reason for holding back a memo from FBI Director Louis Freeh criticizing his drug policies, Bob Dole asserted that the president had no basis for refusing to divulge it.",Bob Dole stated that Clinton had no right to privilege for actions not involving the presidency.,1
Grantees statistically sample the cases closed in the previous year to determine if the sampled cases generally meet the requirements for reporting cases to LSC.,Grantees are afraid of wasting the LSC's time.,1
Daniel took it upon himself to explain a few things.,Daniel explained why the group was doing what they were doing.,1
so we're expecting our local economy to,We expect our local economy to start booming within a year.,1
"The 28 sta?­tues representing the kings of Judah and Israel have been remodeled after the drawings of Viollet-le-Duc; the original ones were pulled down during the Revolution, since they were thought to be the kings of France.",The people who pulled down the statues were executed.,1
With a little practice almost anyone can flip off to an interesting rock formation and watch the multi-coloured fish pass in review.,"Practicing lets you do anything you put your mind to, like flipping off a rock.",1
Bork shuddered.,Bork shuddered because he was starting to feel cold.,1
"However, the associated cost is primarily some of the costs of assessing and collecting duties on imported merchandise, such as the salaries of import specialists (who classify merchandise) and the costs of processing paperwork.",the associated cost is how much people spend relative to this amount,1
see now in a situation like that the boys are only sixteen years old and they were sexually involved with her and i think like at that particular point she was twenty three you know so she wasn't really that much older than them and being a boy at that age i think that they're very um you know let's face it that's at a point in your life when you you're just starting to realize all the things of life,"With this small of an age gap, charges should not be pressed.",1
Four infinite minutes went by.,"Those four minutes felt like infinity, due to the anticipation that everybody felt.",1
there's certain times of the year of course that uh that it probably wouldn't do very well because of the temperature and stuff but but uh the right time of year it works pretty good,"At the right time of year, this paint is great.",1
Endorphins were flowing.,I was very scared and my endorphins were flowing.,1
There are also dozens of fabulous pictures.,These product photographs show off the beauty of our craftsmanship.,1
"Then you're ready for the fray, either in the bustling great bazaars such as Delhi's Chandni Chowk or Mumbai's Bhuleshwar, or the more sedate ambience of grander shops and showrooms.",All of the great bazaars are bustling at all times. ,1
Many Greeks in Asia Minor were forced to leave their homes and brought an influence of eastern cadences with them.,The poor Greeks shouldn't have had to leave their homes. ,1
"In 392 the Emperor Theodosius proclaimed Christianity to be the official religion of the Roman Empire, and on his death in 395 the empire was split once more, between his two sons, and was never again to be reunited.","The empire was split between two sons, who fought endlessly, and so the empire was never again reunited.",1
"Try a selection at the Whisky Heritage Centre (they have over 100 for you to sample), where you can then buy a bottle or two of your personal favorite in the shop or in stores around the city.",Whisky Heritage Centre was established in the 1800s and has been a destination ever since.,1
He sat for a moment in silence.,"Seated, he enjoyed the silence. ",1
"As for the divisive issue of whether the Mass is a sacrifice for the remission of sins, the statement affirms that Christ's death upon the cross ...",The statement has ended the controversy over whether the Mass is a sacrifice for the remission of sins.,1
uh whether one might conceive no pun intended of the possibility that there might be a kind of a deliberate uh um,You might think of the possibility of going to that event.,1
"At that event, legal services personnel, court personnel, and other technology experts saw demonstrations by four companies on their products, and assessed their utility for preparing pro se documents.",Legal services personnel saw product demonstrations on software that would help file cases quickly.,1
"(A bigger contribution may or may not mean, I really, really support Candidate X.) Freedom of association is an even bigger stretch--one that Justice Thomas would laugh out of court if some liberal proposed it.",There were some liberals opposed to it.,1
A niche incumbent might provide delivery less frequently or to a subset of possible stops.,Deliveries consist almost entirely of fifty five gallon drums of turnip juice.,1
uh i don't know i i have mixed emotions about him uh sometimes i like him but at the same times i love to see somebody beat him,"I think he is good, but not the best.",1
From the Index: Average number of public school students expelled each school day last year for gun 34.,The number of school students expelled is dependent on the availability of guns.,1
Where is art?,What is the place of art? Asked the teacher.,1
"Auditors from another country engaged to conduct audits in their country should meet the professional qualifications to practice under that country's laws and regulations or other acceptable standards, such as those issued by the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions.",The majority of the world abides by a common auditing code.,1
" The Garden Island is lush with botanical estates and Waimea Canyon, the grand Canyon of the Pacific .",Waimea Canyon was formed by icebergs similar to the Grand Canyon.,1
"On the northern slopes of this rocky outcropping is the site of the ancient capital of the island, also called Thira, which dates from the third century b.c. (when the Aegean was under Ptolemaic rule).",The ancient capital has some of the most stunning architecture of the entire island.,1
"The Wither's eldest boy, one of the four of the town militia, saluted in the old style with his stick sword.",The boy carved the sword by hand. ,1
and once we came here it was like gosh i just miss that because it really is exciting to be around people of different,It was exciting when we first came here. ,1
Overlapping the others?,Overlapping the other photos?,1
"It describes six applications of case study methods, including the purposes and pitfalls of each, and explains similarities and differences among the six.",There are six applications for the case studies of pollutants.,1
paid back down it uh,I paid off the balance.,1
"Republican consultants agree that conservative candidates in the South, Southwest, Midwest, and Rocky Mountains will beg for Reed's talents and connections.",Candidates in the Rocky Mountains will beg the loudest.,1
"In this rule, cost refers to historical cost and market refers to the current replacement cost by purchase or production.",The historical cost is used by the manufacturing industry.,1
"The Passaic office is refusing to join in that reconfiguration, which goes into effect Jan.",It will be reconfigured on January 4.,1
The interim rule was reviewed by INS and EOIR under Executive Order,INS and EOIR found some errors in the rule.,1
"The increased investment has contributed to higher GDP growth in recent years, and the stronger economy should help in servicing the debt owed to foreigners.","Higher GDP growth in recent years has been contributed to increased investment, which made the people happy to have a great economy. ",1
We need your help with another new feature that starts next week.,You are the only person who can help us with the new feature.,1
The disorder hardly seemed to exist before the stimulant Ritalin came along.,Attention Deficit Disorder didn't seem as prevalent before Ritalin was around.,1
"China could never trump the warhead blizzard Washington would send in retaliation against any atomic attack, though the country would be loath to cede to U.S. missile defenses the deterrence afforded by its handfuls of warheads.",China will likely never shoot a warhead at the United States because they don't have as many.,1
And you are wrong in condemning it. ,Everybody does it; it's normal.,1
yep that's what he's worried about the trees or a bush because lilac bushes they they grow fast some people uh would really like to have them and then the people that do have them they spread and they sprout all over their their lawn,He's worried about the trees because the lilac bushes grow so fast they could wrap around them.,1
"Yes, sir.",They could never say no.,1
okay i guess i'll get back to my laundry,I will go complete my weekly handwash load which is 80 percent done already. ,1
"In short, we all got tired of clever analyses of what might happen; and throughout economics there was a shift in focus away from theorizing, toward data collection and careful statistical analysis.",We all got tired of data collection and clever analyses of what might happen; economists need to change their style.,1
"In 1995 and again in 1998, the Legal Services Corporation recognized that legal services programs were going to have to change the method and manner in which they conducted their business if they were going to remain viable and responsive to the needs of low income persons.",Low income persons have very difficult needs to meet.,1
"If she wasn't, how would they have known Jane Finn had got the papers?",Who had told them that Jane Finn had acquired the papers?,1
yeah uh yeah absolutely and the credit union has nine percent interest so yeah so that's,High interest rates increase the debt of the average individual.,1
Where lies the real Japan?,The real Japan can be found.,1
Decline in total expenditure (income) elasticity of demand from 0.36 to 0.25 over same period.,This decline in elasticity of demand is due to changes in trends in the market.,1
from grocery store baggers that want to buy my car because it's a Trans Am they're high school seniors seventeen years old and they got to impress their girl friend,I wouldn't sell my Trans Am even if I was offered a million dollars.,1
"The students' reaction was swift and contentious, as if their feelings had been hurt.",The students reacted with horror.,1
"Daniel sat buried by the lights, occasionally pressing things.",Daniel sat on the sidewalk covered in Christmas lights. ,1
but i think a lot of kids it's funny get the same kind of fears like there's somebody under the bed,I'm sure most children don't think it's amusing at all.,1
"What the judge really wants are the facts -- he wants to make a good decision, he said.",In the end the judge made a bad decision since he imprisoned someone innocent.,1
well that's pretty typical though uh i don't uh i don't guess it's going to be any much different uh than than it has been in the past so i expect uh July and August we'll see our or uh share of hundred degree days,I hate the hundred degree days but we get them.,1
that's really true a lot of it is um the color certain colors seem to be more acceptable,Blue is more acceptable.,1
"Personal Communication with P. Croteau, Babcock Borsig Power, August 2001.","In August 2001, there was personal communication between P. Croteau and Babcock Borsig Power about technology contracts for the coming year. ",1
"His arm came up over his eyes, cutting off the glare.","Having been in complete darkness for hours, it took him a while to get adjusted to the sunlight.",1
"After four years, Clinton has learned how to avoid looking unpresidential.","After four torturous years, Clinton finally gets how to avoid unpresidential behavior.",1
There is simply no historical precedent for a large empire calling it quits because it could not compete economically or technologically.,Empires are too large to fail and cannot quit just because they are struggling financially.,1
"It can be done, he said at last. ","It won't be easy, but it can be done. ",1
"Meanwhile, a site established for the WorldAid '96 Global Expo and Conference on Emergency Relief, which took place last fall, gives you a firsthand glimpse of the frequently crass world of the relief business (note the long list of commercial exhibitors in attendance).",WorldAid had a GLobal expo in 2002.,1
"NEH-supported exhibitions were distinguished by their elaborate wall panels--educational maps, photomurals, stenciled treatises--which competed with the objects themselves for space and attention.",The wall panels in the exhibition are louder and more noticeable than the actual objects themselves. ,1
"Even if auditors do not follow such other standards and methodologies, they may still serve as a useful source of guidance to auditors in planning their work under GAGAS.",GAGAS requires strict compliance for auditors to follow.,1
"In the final rule, HCFA revised certain regulations pertaining to the costs of graduate medical education programs to conform to a recently enacted statute.","Regulations were revised by HCFA pertaining to the costs of graduate programs, because they neglected those programs.",1
"The most comfortable courses are in the cooler hill stations, notably Cameron Highlands and Fraser's Hill.",They built the stations where people could enjoy them year-round.,1
oh of course,Of course she will ,1
"Yes, it does, admitted Tuppence.",Tuppence wasn't very happy about admitting it did.,1
"The riotous revelry roars right past Mardi Gras (Shrove Tuesday) when red-costumed children star as devils, to its peak on Ash Wednesday.",Mardi Gras is only the more common name because it is not specifically linked to religion.,1
"They keep romance and marriage apart "" Tommy flushed.",Tommy said they don't mix romance and marriage and they have a good relationship.,1
"What about the hole?"" They scanned the cliff-side narrowly.",They looked from the top of the cliff for the hole.,1
made by the FCIC based on such comments are discussed in the preambles to the final rules.,The final rules are very complex and long. ,1
"Given the limits on the WTO's jurisdiction, it was probably unreasonable of Kodak to expect a real victory.",Kodak was naive and is still just a baby of a company.,1
"Designed as a series of pleasure gardens in the Italianate style in 1865, with cascades, spectacular fountains, and rustic grottoes, an ongoing restoration hopes to bring them back to the original plan.",The ongoing restoration of the pleasure gardens requires funding.,1
The woman rolled and drew two spears before the horse had rolled and broken the rest.,They were in rotation on the ground grabbing their weapons.,1
and i look back on that and i bought shoes i went shopping i did not need that money i did not need it i didn't need it i shouldn't have even qualified to get it i didn't need it and it would have been a little rough i might have eaten some bologna instead of roast beef out of the deli but i did not need it and as i look back now now we're paying that back i told my son if you have to live in the ghetto to go to college do it but don't take out ten thousand dollars in loans don't do it and i don't i hope don't think he'll have to do that but i just so like we might if we didn't have those loans we could have saved in the last five years the money for that and i believe we would have because God's really put it in our heart not to get in debt you know but we have friends at church that do this on a constant basis that are totally debt free and they pay cash for everything they buy,My friends should look towards me as a model of saving money.,1
i don't know i i do i can think of all the uh the biblical things about it too where what did they say to uh i can't think of the scripture Render unto Caesar's what is Caesar's so,I know this because I own a bible.,1
The purpose of this paper is to analyze rural delivery costs and compare them with city delivery costs.,Rural delivery is more expensive than city.,1
"Ickes apparently made calls to donors from his government office, but there is no evidence so far that anyone else solicited funds in a federal building.",Ickes may have solicited donors and prostitutes from his government office.,1
were sort of a double sign with a a big miles per hour and a little kilometers per hour type uh marking on the side,A double sign will be useful,1
The year of 1820 was a pivotal one in the story of the King?­dom of Hawaii.,Hawaii has improved so much since 1820.,1
Julius nodded gravely.,Julius nodded solemnly after hearing sad news. ,1
well the floor was uneven you know,"well, you know that part of the floor sits half an inch higher than the other part",1
uh there's uh some very nice places like the bass which is a uh sort of a huge monolithic rocks that you can you can walk up the beach and into these uh enormous caverns that are partially submerged and you can wade in the pools and so forth very popular tourist spot,The rocks have a lot of different species of lichen on them. ,1
A federal employment training program can report on the number of participants.,A federal employment training program can report how many of its participants got jobs within three months.,1
oh you know i like what i'm doing right now,I do a few things right now.,1
She's smiling but her eyes are closed.,Her eyes would not open but she is smiling.,1
Flying at a discount should be more dangerous.,Discounted flight deals offered by some travel agents come with an element of risk.,1
"For example, the CFO Council and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) are aggressively working on eight priority initiatives outlined in the1998 Federal Financial Management Status Report and FiveYear Plan.",The CFO Council and the OMB are lax about the priority initiatives.,2
They proclaimed Japan's mission to bring progress to its backward Asian neighbors in language not so very different from that of the Europeans in Africa or the US in Latin America.,Japan had no intention of progressing its Asian neighbors in the area of language.,2
"The commentary is chanted by a chorus of six to eight narrators (reminiscent of the chorus in Greek tragedy) who sit at the side of the stage, while musicians positioned at the back of the stage provide stark accompaniment with flute and drums.",The chorus is usually made of two or three people.,2
"They returned to live in the Galilee village of Nazareth, making pilgrimages to Jerusalem.",They lived in Jerusalem but would make pilgrimages to Galilee.,2
"They found plenty of water pouring down from the mountains, and more timber than anyone knew what to do with.",There was no water found pouring down from the mountains.,2
"In a magical space looking out over the sea, the beautifully sculpted columns of the cloister create a perfect framework of grace and delicacy for a moment's meditation.","The cloister is bawdy, raucous, and not a good place to stop and think.",2
"But they persevered, she said, firm and optimistic in their search, until they were finally allowed by a packed restaurant to eat their dinner off the floor.",They were seated at a table that they could eat at.,2
Among runners-up is Boston solo Eleanor Newhoff.,Boston solo Eleanor Newhoff won.,2
"My last afternoon in Louisian was supposed to be no different- but the hotel room was small and claustrophobic, and I was utterly bored.",My last day in Louisian was very exciting.,2
have you read Tom Clancy,He asked if he read Stephen King.,2
Everybody has this quote from NBA commissioner David You cannot strike your boss and still hold your job--unless you play in the NBA.,NBA commissioner said he hates NBA players.,2
"More reserved and remote but a better administrator and financier than his uncle, Charles Brooke imposed on his men his own austere, efficient style of life.","The uncle had no match in administration; certainly not in his inefficient and careless nephew, Charles Brooke.",2
"This is the island's main city and financial, governmental, and administrative centre, and its charms match those of other Mediterranean jewels. ",The city is nowhere near as charming as other Mediterranean cities. ,2
"Land of Lincoln helped Tasha Johnson of Marion get Social Security benefits to support her four children after the 29-year-old woman was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, a type of cancer, she said.",She was cancer free at 29 years of age.,2
and uh really they're about it they've got a guy named Herb Williams that that i guess sort of was supposed to take the place of uh Tarpley but he uh he just doesn't have the offensive skills,Herb Williams and Tarpley are on par in terms of skills.,2
"Sixty percent of Americans are frustrated and angry with the health-care system, and 70 percent favor federal intervention.",The majority of Americans are satisfied with the health-care system.,2
Now they're telling mothers to deny food to infants all night long once the kids are a few months old.,Infants are allowed to feed at night during their first months.,2
well camping is one thing that i i could never get used to uh i i used to take the kids to go fishing and things like that but i never went uh never went camping,Camping is great and I ended up being very good at it and could do all the normal skills associated with camping.,2
"The sunlight, piercing through the branches, turned the auburn of her hair to quivering gold. ","When the sunlight pierced through the branches, her hair turned a darker shade of red.",2
The last thing we want is any more attention or any more bounty hunters.,They waived their hands to get more attention.,2
you don't think it's a deterrent,You have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that it will not be a deterrent,2
Routine screening and intervention will require engendering a sense of role responsibility among emergency department clinicians towards addressing substance abuse.,Routine screening has no impact on substance abuse prevention.,2
His family had lost a son and a daughter now.,The son and daughter had lost their father.,2
"Rather, kids today are not only little bundles of joy but also are perhaps the ultimate symbols of worldly success and status.","Kids today are not bundles of joy, and are symbols of failure. ",2
"My bottom line is that I would recommend the book to students and colleagues and I hope it does well, despite its anti-intellectual p.c.","I can't stomach this book, so I'm not going to recommend it",2
"The judge gave vent to a faint murmur of disapprobation, and the prisoner in the dock leant forward angrily. ",The prisoner in the dock remained still and expressionless.,2
"The main funding source for Maryland's legal services to the poor has fallen on hard times, and advocates are preparing to seek unprecedented state financial help - even as they keep an eye on a legal challenge that threatens to cut off a main source of funding for such services nationwide.",Nationwide legal services have a surplus of funding from both state and local governments. ,2
Adrin nodded.,Adrin stood silent and unmoving.,2
He and his associates weren't operating at the level of metaphor.,His associates' boss was operating at the level of the metaphor. ,2
oh yeah IBM uh i mean uh a lot of people use human factors folks but IBM is what i'm looking at right now,No one thinks about human factors and I'm not interested in IBM.,2
"All the steps of data reduction and coding are described, along with the basis for transformations in these steps.",Only the resultant data set is presented.,2
"They won't be killing off George Clooney's character at ER like they did to Jimmy Smits at NYPD . Instead, Dr. Doug Ross is being forced out over the next two episodes because the maverick heartthrob gives an unauthorized painkiller to a terminally ill boy (Thursday, 10 p.m.).",George Clooney will lose his job because the producers don't think he can act. ,2
"It's a great novelty, but very expensive.",It's fairly cheap and mundane.,2
Programs that do this typically have successful cost and schedule outcomes.,None of the programs have successful costs.,2
"It is the official solution, Liq. ","This is an unofficial solution, Liq.",2
"Hong Kong has long been China's handiest window on the West, and the city is unrivaled in its commercial know-how and managerial expertise.",Hong Kong doesn't have capable people.,2
I never said you were a mandrake-man.,I have said you were a mandrake.,2
"It was planned in the 1820s as a symbol of Scottish national pride and designed as a mini-Parthenon, in deference to the neoclassical style popular at the time.",It was designed to look just like the White House. ,2
right oh they've really done uh good job of keeping everybody informed of what's going on sometimes i've wondered if it wasn't almost more than we needed to know,"I think I have shared too much information with everyone, so next year I will share less. ",2
trying to keep grass alive during a summer on a piece of ground that big was expensive,There was no cost in keeping the grass alive in the summer time.,2
The celebrity-obsessed magazine surpasses itself in the post-Oscar issue.,The magazine is not interested in celebrities.,2
"The day may well come, as Barlow and Dyson seem to believe, when book publishers as we know them will disappear.",Barlow and Dyson do not believe that book publishers have the possibility of disappearing.,2
"Last year, they were spooked.",They were spooky. ,2
"In fact, it's wise to drive as little as possible inside Paris; the p??riph??rique ringroad runs around the city and it's worth staying on it until you're as close as possible to your destination.","Driving in Paris is fun, easy, and safe. ",2
" Most menu prices include taxes and a service charge, but it's customary to leave a tip if you were served satisfactorily.","Tips are not accepted at most restaurants, as there is already a sales tax.",2
oh i'll bet they did,I'm sure they didn't.,2
"As a basic guide, the symbols below have been used to indicate high-season rates in Hong Kong dollars, based on double occupancy, with bath or shower.",This page intentionally left blank.,2
do you do you put it in the refrigerator then or you,You don't have a refrigerator.,2
it's just it's the morals of the people which i mean i guess we everybody's responsible for the society but if i had a child that that did things so bad it's not they don't care about anybody these people they're stealing from they're just the big bad rich guy,I have no issue with people stealing from others. ,2
"She was 96 just turning away when she heard a piercing whistle, and the faithful Albert came running from the building to join her.",It was eerily silent when she saw Albert running towards her. ,2
yeah most mine generally stay in the windows they're they're,i never put mine in the windows,2
"36 million could mean the state's legal services for the poor will lose six of their 21 regional offices, the head of a poverty-law resource center said.",LSC could lose 80% of their funding.,2
"They made little effort, despite the Jesuit presence in Asia, to convert local inhabitants to Christianity or to expand their territory into the interior.","The Jesuit presence in Asia helped to convert local residents to Christianity, allowing them to expand their territory. ",2
"He asserted that the area was blessed with the highest concentration of exactly those natural features that, when combined, create the most pleasing and relaxing vistas possible landscapes composed of lakes representing the source of life in water, trees offering the promise of shelter, smooth areas providing easy walking and a curved shoreline or path in the distance to stimulate curiosity. ",He did not believe his assertions of the area's beauty.,2
(Hypothetical data for this example are given in table 2.2.),The days doesn't exist,2
The FCC has created two tiers of small business for this service with the approval of the SBA.,"Though the FCC is still waiting for SBA approval, they have decided to create just one tier.",2
There 214 was some talk of sending me to a specialist in Paris.,A specialist from Paris will meet me in New York,2
you know we keep a couple hundred dollars um if that much charged on those which isn't too bad it's just your normal,"We have money on there, which isn't great",2
"These gardens used to belong to the governor's mountain lodge, but the building was demolished by the Japanese during the occupation of Hong Kong.",These gardens belong to the governor's mountain lodge.,2
yeah i mean this this Escort even when the head gasket went i mean it would start first time every time,"Once the head gasket went out, the Escort stopped working.",2
right and that was back in nineteen fifty nine,It will be in the future.,2
i think Buffalo is an up an coming team they're going to they're showing some real promise for the next uh few years,I think Buffalo sucks.,2
"If the data from a series of tests performed with the same toxicant, toxicant concentrations, and test species, were analyzed with hypothesis tests, precision could only be assessed by a qualitative comparison of the NOEC-LOEC intervals, with the understanding that maximum precision would be attained if all tests yielded the same NOEC-LOEC interval.",They did not have enough resources to run more than one test.,2
"You wonder what youre going to be when you grow up, lawyer Smith said. ",You have no dreams for the future.,2
Acute Bronchitis Upper Respiratory Symptoms Lower Respiratory Symptoms Work Loss Days Minor Restricted Activity Days (minus asthma attacks),Acute bronchitis does not lead to loss of work days.,2
Poirot remained lost in thought for a few minutes. ,Poirot didn't think.,2
"Some 72,000 volcano-zone residents were evacuated at great cost to the French government.","720,000 volcano-zone residents were evacuated at the expense of the French government.",2
Windows 95 costs about $90 at my local computer superstore.,Windows 95 is no longer sold.,2
"The central porch is still intact, depicting Jesus's entry into Jerusalem, the Crucifixion, and other scenes from the Bible.",The central porch was destroyed long ago.,2
Other Major Museums,A single minor museum.,2
Emergency physician attitudes concerning intervention for alcohol abuse/dependence in the emergency department.,Physicians were never consulted about substance abuse interventions in the ER.,2
"The fascinating exhibits include a section of the massive chain that the Byzantines used to stretch across the mouth of the Golden Horn to keep out enemy ships, as well as captured enemy cannon and military banners, the campaign tents from which the Ottoman sultans controlled their armies, and examples of uniforms, armour, and weapons from the earliest days of the Empire down to the 20th century.","The exhibits are dull and boring, everything is made from paper, and there is nothing about the Byzantines.",2
", less than ten years after the death of the prophet Mohamed.",The prophet Mohamed didn't exist.,2
"The rule prohibits the sale of nicotine-containing cigarettes and smokeless tobacco to individuals under the age of 18; requires manufacturers, distributors, and retailers to comply with various conditions regarding the sale and distribution of these products; requires retailers to verify a purchaser's age by photographic identification; prohibits all free samples; limits the distribution of these products through vending machines and self-service displays by permitting such methods of sale only in facilities where access by individuals under 18 is prohibited; limits the advertising and labeling to which children and adolescents are exposed; prohibits promotional, non-tobacco items such as hats and tee shirts; prohibits sponsorship of",This rule will make the sale of tobacco products to people under 18 years old legal in every state and Mexico. ,2
Emeralds? ,Diamonds?,2
oh really yeah so he he's uh he's probably going to be going to jail and and the problem with him is he's on a guaranteed salary like for three years so whether he plays or not they've got to pay him ten million dollars so if they,"He is so hardworking and has helped the team achieve so much, I don't see anything wrong with paying him a million dollar salary.",2
"(In the short run, higher-income taxpayers may pay more taxes, not less, if a capgains rate cut leads them to sell more assets than they otherwise would have done.)",A capgains tax would make people buy more assets.,2
"Using a threestep development planning process, managers assess their current capabilities, determine their specific development needs, and build and execute a development plan.",Building and executing a development plan is impossible.,2
i don't know what kind of a summer we're expecting this year i imagine it's going to be hot again,"I work in the weather station, so I know all about the predictions for the weather this summer.",2
China's civil war sent distressing echoes to Hong Kong.,Japan fought a civil war.,2
"Off El Hurriya Street you'll find the Neo-Classical facade of the Greco-Roman Museum with a fine collection of both Roman, Greek, and Ptolemaic artifacts found around the city and under the waters of the harbor, along with many ancient Egyptian pieces.",The museum is barren and has no artifacts or exhibits. It's a shit museum.,2
Tuppence frowned.,"Tuppence made a face, then smiled. ",2
"Even the most aged and infirm travel here to die, for nothing is more blessed for a devout Hindu than to die in the great waters of the Varanasi and thus be released from the eternal cycle of rebirth.",There is nothing special to Hindus about the water of the Varanasi.,2
"There are no shares of a stock that might someday come back, just piles of options as worthless as those shares of Cook's American Business Alliance.",No shares of a stock will come back because of Cook's American Business Alliance.,2
The museum is well laid out and the perfect size for relaxing away a couple of hours on a wet day.,The museum isn't planned out very well and too large for a single visit.,2
He says men are here.,He said that the men were not here. ,2
"He wanted silk and encouraged the Dutch and British as good, nonproselytizing Protestants just interested in trade.",He had no interest in silk or trading.,2
"For example, the first number in Column (10) shows that in FY 1997, the volume of mail sent by households to other households represented 6.6 percent of total First-Class volume.","In 1998, mail sent between households represented 7 percent of total mail sent.",2
The H-2A worker must depart the country and is subject to deportation for failing to do so.,The H-2A worker is being forced to enter the country for work.,2
"To accommodate these fluctuations and use resources evenly, it would seem reasonable to offer two tiers of rapid and deferred, with air transportation being used for the rapid product.",air transportation is not a feasible option for the rapid production option.,2
Such parties may include,Parties don't include,2
"All-inclusive packages and large resort hotels offer restaurants, sporting activities, entertainment, wide-screen sports channels in the bars, shopping, and a guaranteed suntan.",Suntans are not included.,2
and they're fairly close to the water aren't they i mean they're right on the late,They're a distance from the water aren't they.,2
Lydians and Persians,Persians and Lydians did not exist.,2
The management of the cafe has established the rules for the use of their facility.,The management of the cafe is extremely lax.,2
Not yourself.,Only you,2
Gerth's prize-winning articles do not mention a CIA report concluding that U.S. security was not harmed by the 1996 accident review.,Gerth talks at length about the important CIA report.,2
8 million in relief in the form of emergency housing.,No money was spent on emergency housing relief.,2
"But you have to have money to save it, and not many couples with young children have the luxury of tucking away $2,000 apiece annually for their Golden Years.",Couples always put their retirement ahead of their kids.,2
"Many Lakeland hotels also quote a D, B and B (dinner, bed, and breakfast) rate, which includes the evening meal and is often quite cost-effective.","The only way to stay at a Lakeland hotel is to pay for a full-day package, which includes 3 meals and is often quite expensive. ",2
"Massive tidal waves swept over Crete, and other parts of the Mediterranean, smashing buildings and drowning many thousands of people.",The residents of Crete fled to higher ground and on one was harmed.,2
"Designed as a series of pleasure gardens in the Italianate style in 1865, with cascades, spectacular fountains, and rustic grottoes, an ongoing restoration hopes to bring them back to the original plan.",The pleasure gardens will be left as is from now on.,2
Title IV of the Clean Air Act (relating to acid deposition control),The Clean Air Act only has a single title.,2
From the corner of his eye he saw Jamus look over the broken mare.,Jamus was blinded by the sandstorm.,2
John Panzar has characterized street delivery as a bottleneck function because a single firm can deliver to a recipient at a lower total cost than multiple firms delivering to the same customer.,"There are no cost differences, according to John Panzar, between one or multiple firms delivering to a customer.",2
yeah yeah you know we're kind of that way too i try to i'm the same way you are i kind of try to judge from day to day i know you know where i am we work a lot with the customers and we have a lot of government folks come in all the time and,We've never had a visit from someone from the government.,2
The other is retrospective and intended to help those who review case study reports to assess the quality of completed case studies.,There is no help given to reviewers of case studies.,2
"With an area of just 541 sq km (209 sq miles), it is slightly smaller than the Isle of Man or twice Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts.",Martha's Vineyard is four times the size of the Isle of Man.,2
"Further, given the dynamic environment agencies face, employees need incentives, training, and support to help them continually learn and adapt.",Over time agencies faced rigid environments where nothing changed.,2
British action wouldn't have mattered.,"If Britain got involved, things would have gotten worse.",2
"It is housed in a Martello A series of such towers, some 12 m (40 ft) high and 2.5 m (8 ft) thick, were constructed along the coast at the beginning of the 19th century to guard against invasion by Napoleon.",The largest tower built along the coast was 30 feet high and 6 feet thick.,2
yeah well i i started uh studying mathematics basically because i was really good at that in high school,My worst subject in high-school was mathematics.,2
"Other functional components of the Postal Service are presumed here not to exhibit significant scale economies, although this has not been demonstrated.",The Postal Service only operates very large scale economies.,2
"Today, the island is little more than a forgotten backwater with few ferry connections to other islands, but its strong natural defenses gave it advantages in ancient times.",The backwater has multiple ferry connections to other islands.,2
This breakdown of PA-Israeli cooperation is the basis for the Israeli complaint that Arafat is culpable for last week's Jerusalem bombing.,This breakdown of PA-Israeli cooperation is not the basis for Israeli complaints that Arafat is culpable for last weeks Jerusalem bombing.,2
"You will also see hippie-made jewellery on sale, especially at the market in Punta Arab?­.",The Punta Arab market does not have a jewelry section. ,2
"So, as he and Tipper walked out, my friend and I were right behind them, and I took the opportunity to say hello and reintroduce myself--as a journalist, I might add--and we chatted about the movie for a few minutes.","I wish I had seen Tipper, but I didn't get to.",2
And the trunk? Big? Mother asked again to keep up appearances.,"Mother, trying to be humble, asked if the trunk was small.",2
"He went down on his knees, examining it minutely, even going so far as to smell it. ",He didn't even look at it. ,2
and the like a guy does it and he has his own pigs,He doesn't have any pigs so he borrows them.,2
Maybe I am too.,I'm definitely not.,2
It was other-worldly.,It was grounded in reality.,2
Three more days went by in dreary inaction.,The next three days were packed with action.,2
Load time is divided into elemental and coverage related load time.,Load time is comprised of three parts.,2
"Robust came in third among words and phrases submitted (220 citations in the CR ), and unlike the previous two, it seems to be a genuinely new cliche; at any rate, Chatterbox hadn't previously been aware of its overuse.",Robust came in last place among the submitted words and phrases.,2
The cathedral in particular is impressive after dark.,The cathedral is unimpressive at night.,2
"However, co-requesters cannot approve additional co-requesters or restrict the timing of the release of the product after it is issued.",They will restrict timing of the release of the product.,2
"3 It should be noted that the toxicity (LC50) of a sample observed in a range-finding test may be significantly different from the toxicity observed in the follow-up chronic definitive test (1) the definitive test is longer; and (2) the test may be performed with a sample collected at a different time, and possibly differing significantly in the level of toxicity.",The toxicity of a sample in the range-finding test will be exactly the same as the toxicity in the follow-up test.,2
"Or, eligibility could be restricted to those who have already been pregnant, or at least sexually active; to those over age 13, or under age 21; or some combination thereof.",The eligibility can not be restricted at all.,2
"As for the divisive issue of whether the Mass is a sacrifice for the remission of sins, the statement affirms that Christ's death upon the cross ...",The statement does not say anything about Christ's death on the cross.,2
"Designed by George Meikle Kemp, an unknown draftsman of humble birth, the monument took its inspiration from the design of MelroseAbbey.",The design was completely original and uncopied. ,2
Wear a nicely ventilated hat and keep to the shade in the street.,The buildings are so low that there is no shade in the streets.,2
He was standing in front of a grey backdrop- somewhere that could be anywhere.,It was obvious where he was at.,2
"Suddenly she started, and her face blanched.","She stood immobile, and had a stern expression on her face.",2
sort of a building season season yeah,Like a season without any building.,2
well that's right because uh one day it'll be eighty and the next day it'll be about thirty below i tell you what and uh,"The temperature is usually in the sixties all the time, it's constant.",2
"However, the extent to which these comments were electronically available and the role that this access played in the rulemaking process varied substantially.",The comments and the extent of their availability played no role in the rule making process. ,2
"Britain's best-selling tabloid, the Sun , announced as a front-page world exclusive Friday that Texan model Jerry Hall has started divorce proceedings against aging rock star Mick Jagger at the High Court in London.",There aren't any tabloid publications sold in Europe.,2
The road along the coastline to the south travels through busy agricultural towns and fishing villages untouched by tourism.,The road going south has no civilization along it.,2
"Also, lack of winter freezes means that mites normally killed off by the cold will survive.",During the heat wave the mites burst into flames.,2
"But I guess I can take it we were wrong, pursued Julius.",Julius believed that we were accurate. ,2
"Hersheimmer ""WELL,"" said Tuppence, recovering herself, ""it really seems as though it were meant to be."" Carter nodded.",Carter disagreed.,2
Small towns like Louisian lay scattered all over the Oil Fields; the main train line branched between them.,There was only one town in the oil fields.,2
or they had somebody at home that was ill that they had to tend to i mean you can't make it everybody,They did not have anything to do.,2
"It is also sometimes called simply Beaubourg, after the 13th-century neighborhood that surrounds it.",It is usually referred to as Little Paris because of the many French immigrants.,2
The tabs are getting fed up with women who have become rich and famous by telling everyone else how to be better.,Men who have become rich and famous by telling everyone else how to be better are making people fed up.,2
i can believe i can believe that,I don't believe that for a second.,2
"In America, his colleagues are mostly defeated (Miss Mudd, his predecessor on his first job, has retired early in disgust) when they aren't sadistic.","When his colleagues aren't sadistic, they are successful.",2
"However, SCR installations designed to comply with the NOX SIP Call are generally already into the installation process or, at a minimum, into the engineering phase of the project.",SCR installs don't have NOX SIP to comply with.,2
"Without the discount, nobody would buy the stock.",Nobody would buy the stock if there was a discount.,2
"During the half-century of its existence, Israel has absorbed approximately 2.5 million Jewish immigrants, displaced persons, refugees, and survivors of the Nazi Holocaust.",Israel shunned the Jewish people from entering to escape the Nazi Holocaust.,2
yeah uh yeah absolutely and the credit union has nine percent interest so yeah so that's,The credit union has one hundred percent interest so yeah.,2
yep and then i had probably lived the last eleven years in Massachusetts so you know what does that make me an honorary Yankee or,I've lived the last 15 years in El Paso so I'm basically Texan.,2
"(A bigger contribution may or may not mean, I really, really support Candidate X.) Freedom of association is an even bigger stretch--one that Justice Thomas would laugh out of court if some liberal proposed it.",A bigger contribution means to support candidate Y.,2
that's true um-hum well that's true the America's paying all this money to have other people give uh aid to other countries so they could be paying their own people and training their own people at the same time,America has spent nothing on foreign aid so how would they be able to train and pay their own people.,2
"Mortifyingly enough, it is all the difficulty, the laziness, the pathetic formlessness in youth, the round peg in the square hole, the whatever do you want?",Youth are known to be go-getters.,2
It was here in 1952 that King Farouk signed his abdication before boarding his yacht for exile in Italy.,"King Farouk was exiled to France in 1952, after signing his resignation.",2
Hughes has accomplished this in part by the unusual technique of double ghosting.,He was not able to ghost.,2
of course you could annex Cuba but they wouldn't like that a bit,Annexing Cuba is a great idea.,2
"Shortly after stepping out on the bridge, Jon felt the entire walkway narrow.",The walkway widened soon after Jon stepped on the bridge.,2
and the wind started blowing and it was one of my earlier trips to be really out in the middle of,I was glad that the wind was calm.,2
"He leaned over Tommy, his face purple with excitement.","He leaned over Tommy, his face red with boredom.",2
There's a dramatic difference between someone like Michael Dell and someone like Al Dunlap.,They are actually twins separated from birth. ,2
and it's just like college too i think that if a kid goes to college and you can help them fine but i don't think you should pay the whole way,You should pay the whole way for the kid's college tuition.,2
"A Newsday story on this incident reports that, Toobin said through a Random House spokesman ...",There were no reports on the situation.,2
"After being diagnosed with cancer, Carrey's Kaufman decides to do a show at Carnegie Hall.",Carrey's Kaufman is only diagnosed with cancer after doing a show at Carnegie Hall.,2
Both professors soon realized that creating a new language was not an easy task.,Professors realized it was easy to make a new language.,2
you'd be crazy if you trust them but anyway call it what is it McCarthyism no i'm not like that i just got enough common sense that nope to you come repent make a world apology for all the wrongs that you've done and yeah we've done wrongs but we've not done near the atrocities they've done and we need to maybe do that also you know,I am glad we have opened up our borders and are offering help to our neighbors in need.,2
yes they would they just wouldn't be able to own the kind of automobiles that they think they deserve to own or the kind of homes that we think we deserve to own we might have to you know just be able to i think if we a generation went without debt then the next generation like if if our our generation my husband and i we're twenty eight if we lived our lives and didn't become you know indebted like you know our generation before us that um the budget would balance and that we became accustomed to living with what we could afford which we wouldn't be destitute i mean we wouldn't be living on the street by any means but just compared to how spoiled we are we would be in our own minds but i feel like the generation after us would oh man it it would be so good it would be so much better it wouldn't be perfect but then they could learn to live with what what they could afford to save to buy and if you want a nicer car than that well you save a little longer,I am glad our generation has no debt.,2
to uh working a steady eight hour job as it were i had been working for a camp and had relatively real long hours sixteen years old and could handle getting up at five and not getting to bed until ten or eleven and,I gave up on working for the camp due to the long working hours.,2
oh i don't know either the other growing up all i knew was,I know because I learned it growing up,2
"Around the corner is the huge, domed, Neo-Classical Panth??on.",The Pantheon is from the Classical era.,2
"A stable funding level not only supports GAO's strong return on investment of $57 for every $1 spent, it creates the environment necessary to recruit, retain, compensate, train and motivate a strong and capable workforce.",GAO has a ROI of $12 for every dollar that is spent.,2
taken up by the oh okay oh so you know well that's i had wondered sometimes i knew that there was a lot of a lot of effort and a lot of work went into a lot of that and i just wondered if if it lasted and if it took you know like yeah,It was easy to do and did not take much effort. ,2
Then he is very sure. ,He is not at all sure.,2
"Some of the unmet needs are among people who can pay, but who are deterred from seeking a lawyer because of the uncertainty about legal fees and their fear of the profession.",Everyone involved has plenty of money.,2
"Ocho Rios is Spanish for eight rivers, but this name is not descriptive of the area.","Ocho Rios means pink penguins in Spanish, and this name describes the area.",2
"To help identify solutions to this problem, Senators Fred Thompson and John Glenn, Chairman and Ranking Minority Member, respectively, of the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, requested that we study organizations with superior security programs to identify management practices that could benefit federal agencies.",There are no problems in the security of federal agencies. ,2
yeah well i'm a hot weather person i'm i can take the heat but i don't like the cold,I do not like warm weather at all. ,2
"While the NIPA measure reflects how government saving affects national saving available for investment, the unified budget measure is the more common frame of reference for discussing federal fiscal policy issues.",The NIPA was never a useful metric and wasn't used by anyone for anything.,2
He walked out into the street and I followed.,I watched him go but didn't follow.,2
"Oh, I I haven't quite worked that out.",I have figured it all out.,2
"A lot of people are going to look at it and say, 'Well, I took the exam the way it is and that's what I had to do it,' said Mr. Curnin. ",A lot of animals are going to say the exam was very hard.,2
The man looked at the girl.,The man never noticed the girl was there. ,2
probably yeah i would imagine the judge could throw it out,I cannot believe the judge threw the book at them so fast.,2
Reports on attestation engagements should state that the engagement was made in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards.,Reports don't need to follow government standards.,2
Kom Ombo is an unusual temple in that it is dedicated to two gods.,"Standard in every way, Kom Ombo is a temple devoted to several deities. ",2
"Tell me, how did those scribbled words on the envelope help you to discover that a will was made yesterday afternoon?"" Poirot smiled. ",How could you not figure out that there was a will written yesterday?,2
"Little is recorded about this group, but they were probably the ancestors of the Gododdin, whose feats are told in a seventh-century Old Welsh manuscript.",Gododdin's deeds were never written down because it was to be passed down only orally. ,2
"It was a splendid life ”I loved it."" There was a smile on her face, and her head was thrown back. ",She said that she had hated her life.,2
"Most of France went enthusiastically into World War I, and came out of it victorious yet bled white.",French citizens were not supportive of their participation in WWI.,2
"experiencing cost growth, manufacturing problems with test aircraft, and testing delays.",There are no cost growths associated with testing aircraft. ,2
yeah plus uh you know look at the you know the besides the pollution the the aspect of invasion of privacy there's a big pollution aspect too i find i throw out a lot of those flyers and i have no interest in,I don't think that flyers are a big deal.,2
and going to school is also always very prohibitive now unless your parents are wealthy,Wealthy parents are not necessary.,2
"Conversely, an increase in government saving adds to the supply of resources available for investment and may put downward pressure on interest rates.",Interest rates should increase to increase saving.,2
Some travelers add Molokai and Lanai to their itineraries.,No one decides to go to Molokai and Lanai.,2
The fine weave and pattern are typical of a Scottish weaver's attention to detail.,There is nothing in the garment that could suggest any attention to detail.,2
The inspired centuries-old design sense of the Italians has turned their country into a delightful emporium of style and elegance for the foreign visitor.,Italy has nothing of interest for foreign visitors.,2
Monday's Question (No.,There was a question on Tuesday.,2
You know.,You do not know.,2
"Do you know what this is?"" With a dramatic gesture she flung back the left side of her coat and exposed a small enamelled badge.",She was not wearing a coat during the time.,2
"To their good fortune, he's proving them right.",He is showing that they are wrong.,2
little too much maybe,It's just the right amount.,2
yeah well that's not really immigration,That is the focus of immigration.,2
"(The employee was later rehired, and Bob denies the charge.)",The employee did not get their job back.,2
CHAPTER 3: FEDERAL MISSION PP ,Chapter 3 covers topics not related to The Federal Mission PP.,2
Vatican II gave rise to a less hierarchical and more outward-looking Catholicism and set the stage for once-unthinkable innovations like plainclothes nuns and the celebration of the Mass in English and other modern languages.,Vatican II led to a greater centralization of power within the Catholic church.,2
uh well i figured if i had it done in the garage at the Toyota dealer i would be looking at probably three or four hundred dollars,I had it done at the Toyota dealer's for fifty bucks.,2
(Read Slate 's on how Bush flaunts the courage of his cliches.,Slate talks about how Bush is ashamed of his cliches.,2
Ca'daan's mouth hung open.,Ca'daan kept his mouth shut.,2
"It's an interesting account of the violent history of modern Israel, and ends in the Scafeld Room where nine Jews were executed.",It's tells the story of Israel's peaceful ancient history and ends in the Scafelf Room where Moses was buried.,2
Many Gothic and Renaissance buildings have been lovingly restored.,The Gothic and Renaissance buildings have been terribly neglected.,2
Click Friedrich Hayek ring to go ...,Clicking will not bring you anywhere.,2
"Once or twice, but they seem more show than battle, said Adrin.",Adrin said they were amazing warriors.,2
Interpreters will be provided by APALRC.,Interpreters won't be distributed by the APALRC company.,2
They were inferior.,He was superior.,2
"With the gap still of landslide proportions in most polls, Dole has been written off, correctly or otherwise, by the pundits.",The pundits could not get enough of them.,2
ooh that does get high yeah i mean,"No, that stays pretty low overall. ",2
that doesn't seem fair does it,That might possibly be fair.,2
and they just put instructors out there and you you sign up for instruction and they just give you an arm band and if you see an instructor who's not doing anything you just tap him on the shoulder and ask him questions and they'll show you things,"The instructors are marked with armbands, and anytime you want to know anything, you just find one of them. ",2
We make simulacra out of mandrakes--like the manicurist in the barber shop.,We don't use mandrake in anything. ,2
"No, don't answer.",Please respond.,2
"Taking an ecumenical tack, nation officials in Chicago recently issued edicts commanding preachers to back off their anti-Semitic rhetoric.",Nation officials in Chicago refuse to get involved in religious issues.,2
'So I assume he hacked into the autopilot and reprogrammed it to-',I don't think he hacked into anything.,2
and they're more independent and there's things to do then it's good for them to go to different i mean it he goes to a a mother's day out program now once a week both of my kids do,Independence does not grant anymore options for them.,2
"The gardens are among the greatest in Europe, and take in a view of the Sugar Loaf Mountain as part of their design.",The gardens are totally unimpressive.,2
You will find two principal fino and olorose,You won't find any fino or olorose.,2
Some management consultants describe dysfunctional interactions with one's fellow workers as value-subtracting behavior.,No interactions between workers can reduce value for consultants.,2
"High Crimes is painfully shoddy, even for a book rushed to press.",High Crimes was carefully written and was not rushed. ,2
no no but you know i was just thinking of getting one those for the yard because they they are really nice and um up here we have uh we have quite a few mosquitoes at nighttime,I am not bothered by the mosquitoes. ,2
they'll they'll say yeah why didn't you buy why didn't you try something more mainline,They will scoff at you for doing something so mainline.,2
These alone could have valuable uses.,They aren't valueable. ,2
we were talking . Try to behave,"We are having an argument, come at me if you dare!",2
"Indeed, recent economic research suggests that investment in information technology explains most of the acceleration in labor productivity growth-a major component of overall economic growth-since 1995.",Investment in the financial sector explains most of the acceleration in labor productivity.,2
"Something in his mind seemed also to have developed a ""tan"" that let him face the bite of chance without flinching.",Despite all his experiences he still flinched at the prospect of chance.,2
We know essentially nothing about life beyond Earth.,We know everything about life beyond Earth. ,2
"You claimed to be a repairman for such devices."" Hanson bent to study it again, using a diamond lens one of the warlocks handed him.","Hanson took it and threw it aside, knowing it was useless.",2
It's absurd but I can't help it. Sir James nodded again.,Sir James thinks it's totally reasonable.,2
how long has he been in his present position,How long has did he hold his last position?,2
"But it was quite a natural suggestion for a layman to make.""",No one could think of a single idea. ,2
4) Not enough is known about how nontransportation costs vary with distance.,There's more than enough known concerning the ways in which costs associated with nontransportation change according to the distance.,2
"For example, the moderate scenario assumes a 50% or $1.",Moderate scenario absdorns 0%,2
"However, the other young lady was most kind. ",I was told to leave immediately by the other young lady who was rather rude to me.,2
Today it is possible to walk through the old agora (marketplace) and stroll along Roman roads.,Thre is nothing left today of the old Roman roads. ,2
"Look for these items in the picturesque open-air market of Sa Penya (Ibiza Town) or for a wider selection at the bustling, covered central market in the newer part of town (carrer d'Extremadura).",You can't find anything at the open-air market.,2
'You burned down my house.',"'Even though you tried to burn it down, my house is in perfect state.'",2
need the car the next day type deal so,You need the car several weeks later.,2
"But by one measure, it seems to have been static.",They were not able to use any measures.,2
"Nothing prior to May 7, 1915.",Nothing before January 1915.,2
"Bauerstein.""",Alfred Inglethorp,2
I lay awake waiting until I judged it must be about two o'clock in the morning.,I fell asleep before midnight and didn't wake up until six in the morning. ,2
um-hum yeah i know what that's like uh-huh,I have no idea what that is like.,2
"the approving official's knowledge true, correct, and accurate, and in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and legal decisions.",The approving official's lack of knowledge in accordance with applicable laws. ,2
no North Carolina State,North Carolina is a county,2
"What the judge really wants are the facts -- he wants to make a good decision, he said.","The judge does not care about the facts, everything he des is based on feeling.",2
Gary Oldman turns himself into some sort of gigantic hominid-bat creature and flaps about in Dracula . The Vampire Master in John Carpenter's Vampires can fly down the road fast enough to catch a speeding car and can stick to the ceiling of a motel room.,Oldman was just a man in the production.,2
"The policy succeeded, and I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to make that contribution to my people.",The policy failed and I am glad to have not helped my people.,2
"Also, the tobacco executives who told Congress they didn't consider nicotine addictive might now be prosecuted for fraud and perjury.",The tobacco executives told Congress that nicotine was addictive.,2
He watched the river flow.,The riverbed was completely dry.,2
The media focused on Liggett's admissions of the obvious--that cigarettes are addictive and cause cancer and heart disease--and its agreement to pay the states a quarter of its (relatively small) pretax profits for the next 25 years.,The media reported on Lingett's insistence that cigarettes don't cause cancer.,2
Introduction,The line considered is referencing the conclusion of a given work.,2
i know that you know the further we go from Adam the worse the food is for you but God still somehow makes us all be able to still live i think it's a miracle we're all still alive after so many generations well the last couple of processed foods you know i mean but i don't know i like to i like to my i like to be able to eat really healthy you know what am saying and i guess i'm going to have to wait for the millennium i think though because i do don't think we're going to restore the earth to you know i think Jesus is the only one that can make this earth be restored to what it should be,"The further from Adam we go, the better the food become for you.",2
Mallorca prospered.,Mallorca suffered.,2
Look out for that overseer up there.,You do not need to worry about that overseer.,2
"Stale macho jokes and formulaic cliffhangers drive this chase-by-numbers thriller on the bumpy road to nowhere (Holden, the New York Times ).",It is a classic of the thriller genre.,2
right right well you know i think uh i think it's going to happen i don't know i don't know what else i could suggest to them you know if they ask me what should we do i don't know i wouldn't know what else to suggest to them just education start with these little kids you know and like you said you know start making it practice you know start showing all the street signs and all the cars of course i think all the cars are manufactured that way they aren't aren't all of them most o f the new ones i'm seeing are are made with miles per hour and kilometers on them,Educating the kids and making them practice with street signs and cars will not make it happen.,2
"Occasionally, he'd wince and apologise for any incoherence.",He would never apologize for his incoherent speech.,2
"So unlike people who are fortunate enough to be able to afford attorneys and can go to another lawyer, our clients are simply lost in the legal system if they cannot get access to it from us.",Our clients can afford attorneys and bouncing between lawyers.,2
"On the northern slopes of this rocky outcropping is the site of the ancient capital of the island, also called Thira, which dates from the third century b.c. (when the Aegean was under Ptolemaic rule).","Is the site of the ancient asteroid impact, also called Thira.",2
The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs of OMB approved the,Nothing was ever approved by OMB.,2
The researchers found expected stresses like the loss of a check in the mail and the illness of loved ones.,The stresses affected people much diffferently than the researchers expected.,2
"He unleashed a 16-day reign of terror that left 300 Madeirans dead, stocks of sugar destroyed, and the island plundered.",He unleashed a large debate over the 16-day reign that ended in a peaceful protest.,2
"According to the Natural Resources Conservation Service, this single, voluntary program will provide flexible technical, financial, and educational assistance to farmers and ranchers who face serious threats to soil, water, and related natural resources on agricultural and other lands, including grazing lands, wetlands, forest lands, and wildlife habitats.",This program aims to destroy all farms. ,2
uh the one we thought would be the most timid uh turned out to be the one that stuck with it and was the first to learn,The one we thought was timid ended up being the last one to learn.,2
"In the midst of a final desultory polishing of her silver, Tuppence was disturbed by the ringing of the front door bell, and went to answer it.",Tuppence was able to polish her silver without any disruptions.,2
"Missouri was asked to continue its planning efforts and file a supplemental planning report with LSC on or before October 1, 1999.",Missouri was told to cease all planning efforts immediately. ,2
"But you would not trust me.""",You trust me implicitly. ,2
from grocery store baggers that want to buy my car because it's a Trans Am they're high school seniors seventeen years old and they got to impress their girl friend,My Trans Am isn't popular at all.,2
"A piece describes the Learning Channel's new women-targeted reality TV A Wedding Story , A Baby Story , and A Dating Story , featuring real-life marriages, babies, and dates.",The LEarning Channel focuses on the male audience.,2
IQ boosting was achieved through a fetal replacement process where the embryos from two carefully selected mothers were to be switched from one to another.,IQ boosting cannot be done through fetal replacement.,2
"Although claims data provide the most accurate information about health care use, ensuring adequate follow-up for purposes of obtaining information from patient self-report is important because many people do not report alcohol-related events to insurance compa-nies.",Patients naturally always report to insurance companies when health problems may be a direct result of alcohol. ,2
"Puri also has a beautiful beach, southwest of town, which is ideal for cooling off but those aren't sandcastles the Indians are making, they're miniature temples, for this is the Swarga Dwara (Heaven's Gateway), where the faithful wash away their sins.","Puri is landlocked, so you'll have to travel fifty miles away to get to a beach.",2
you know it's it's not easy to do but,You know it's very easy.,2
"Lalley also is enthused about other bar efforts on behalf of the poor, most notably the Legal Assistance Center will operate out of the new courthouse.",The Legal Assistance Center will keep offering its services from its current location.,2
'Of course.',Of course not.,2
Participation in the rulemaking process requires (1) the public to be aware of opportunities to participate and (2) systems that will allow agencies to receive comments in an efficient and effective manner.,The public need not be made aware of any opportunities for rulemaking processes.,2
"Managing better requires that agencies have, and rely upon, sound financial and program information.","To manage better, agencies often need to rely on unsound information.",2
"Cirque du Soleil's The latest from the acclaimed international troupe, O dazzles in an aquatic environment that utilizes 1.5 million gallons (6.8 million liters) of water.",Cirque du Soleil is all from America.,2
"The first historical mention of Agra is in 1501, when Sultan Sikandar Lodi made it his capital.",The first historical mention of Agra is in 1911.,2
The case law is a whole body unto itself.,The criminal law is a whole body unto itself.,2
"Traffic, also, has been controlled, and if you're staying here you might want to consider getting around by bicycle; there's no better way to explore an island that measures no more than 20 km (121.2 miles) from end to end, one-fifth the size of Ibiza.",The traffic is completely uncontrolled and very heavy.,2
and these poor guys out there uh trying to uphold the law um i don't know i kind of think they should bring back capital punishment,I think that capital punishment should remain illegal.,2
yeah yeah i think well i know it's true you see a lot of that you know rally behind the female she may lose but by golly we're going to make a statement here,It wouldn't count for anything if we rallied behind a female candidate.,2
"Jon was fighting at full speed, sweat forming on his brow.",Jon was bleeding from his brow.,2
The tree-lined avenue extends less than three blocks to the sea.,You must travel two miles via the avenue to the sea.,2
aCondition Assessment Survey (CAS).,TV Marketing Study,2
"The second missing benefit includes gains in environmental quality, especially improved health benefits.",The second benefit has no effect on health.,2
"Oh, sorry, wrong church.",It was the right church.,2
you know and then how long are they supposed to take it,You don't know the length of time they're supposed to take the medication.,2
"The setting--wherever it might be--always seems authentic, not as if it were a Hollywood back lot.",They had trouble believing the setting was based on a real place.,2
"aChange in personal saving depends on how much of the $4,000 IRA contribution represents new saving.",The IRA contributes nothing to saving,2
"For big Raj-buffs, the supreme example of Indo-Gothic style is the Victoria Terminus, affectionately abbreviated to VT nowadays, once the railway station that launched adventures inland, now handling mostly suburban traffic.",The Victoria Terminus is still the main departure point for travelers heading deeper into the country.,2
A recorded menu will provide information on how to obtain these lists.,Recorded menus do not provide any information at this time. ,2
yeah right uh-huh that's right yeah you you have to work on you really do,You don't really have to work at it.,2
The new rights are nice enough,"In all honesty, the rights recently put in place are nowhere near enough",2
"It was replaced in 1910 by the famous old pontoon bridge with its seafood restaurants, which served until the present bridge was opened in 1992.",The famous old pontoon bridge was erected in 1920.,2
"It is worth a visit, if only to see the theater itself.",It's advisable to skip seeing the place entirely.,2
yeah i know the motor oil,I know nothing about the motor oil.,2
well um i uh exercise regularly i work at a university and i swim almost everyday,I am a lazy unfit person.,2
The order was founded by James VII (James II of England) and continues today.,James VII never founded anything that lasted beyond his reign.,2
uh it's in Georgia it's yeah it's right outside of Macon and and it's just a i like the way that i like the way that idea of the south is,It's in Georgia but it's a very long distance from Macon.,2
"Still Bork waited, staring upwards.","Bork stared at the ground, giving up on waiting.",2
The number of steps built down into the interior means that it is unsuitable for the infirm or those with heart problems.,The interior is well suited for those with cardiac issues.,2
In the vaults of the Bank.,In the cash register at the bank.,2
you know some of the really the really emotional ones have you followed the Dallas elections on zoning,I hope you haven't been paying any attention to the Dallas elections.,2
Blair has just published a volume of speeches and articles titled New Britain : My,Blair has never published anything before.,2
"But if you do, kill them.","If the situation is that, you should wait to kill them.",2
yeah right right yeah i know i uh i remember my college days and having to do that too,I remember that when I went to college we didn't have anything like that.,2
This popular show spawned the aquatic show at the Bellagio.,This popular show is unrelated to the origins of Bellogio's water display.,2
"The Saver-Spender Theory of Fiscal Policy, Working Paper 7571.",The paper was number 1738.,2
"Sun Ra's spaceships did not come, as it were, out of nowhere.",The spaceships came from nowhere.,2
"While obviously constrained by their bondage, blacks nonetheless forged a culture rich with religious observances, folk tales, family traditions, song, and so on.",Clearly are constrained by their folk tales and traditions.,2
There is uncertainty associated with all of the numbers presented in this paper due to sampling error and estimation error in econometric estimation procedure used to recover household-level demand functions,"Instead of sampling humans for this data, researchers sampled pet rocks.",2
OMB has approved the information collection contained on the Form ADV and has,OMB staunchly opposed the information collection contained on the Form ADV.,2
"After their savage battles, the warriors recuperated through meditation in the peace of a Zen monastery rock garden.",The warriors had savage battles at a Zen monastery rock garden.,2
The category of qualifying teen-agers and women could include all recipients of welfare or other public assistance (including daughters of recipients) who are competent to give informed consent to the implant procedure.,Women who are on welfare will not qualify for the implant.,2
My unborn children will never appear on the Today show.,My sons and daughter will be anchors on the Today show.,2
paid back down it uh,The debt was left to accumulate.,2
And the door into Mr. Inglethorp's room? ,Don't tell me anything about the door to Mr. Inglethorp's room?,2
The Lake District is not the place to come if you want lots of action into the early morning hours.,The lake district is open 24/7.,2
Complacency came easily after a couple of weeks without capture.,We stayed vigilant.,2
and for regular readers who are a bit confused about our schedule (and who can blame them?),who can blame who greatly appreciates our schedule?,2
"The AMS system also allows users to search the full text of the public comments, identifies form letter comments and ex parte communications,8 and provides a list of related government web sites-features that are currently not available in the DOT docket management system.",The AMS system is the most popular hot dog stand outside of the Pentagon.,2
"To provide a common understanding of what is needed and expected in information technology security programs, NIST developed and published Generally Accepted Principles and Practices for Securing Information Technology Systems (Special Pub 800-14) in September 1996.",No common understanding of what is needed and expected in information technology security programs has been established. ,2