topicId,split,topicText,topicTarget,topicSentiment,claims.claimId,claims.stance,claims.claimCorrectedText,claims.claimOriginalText,claims.article.rawFile,claims.article.rawSpan.start,claims.article.rawSpan.end,claims.article.cleanFile,claims.article.cleanSpan.start,claims.article.cleanSpan.end,claims.Compatible,claims.claimTarget.text,claims.claimTarget.span.start,claims.claimTarget.span.end,claims.claimSentiment,claims.targetsRelation 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2973,PRO,Exposure to violent video games causes at least a temporary increase in aggression and this exposure correlates with aggression in the real world,exposure to violent video games causes at least a temporary increase in aggression and that this exposure correlates with aggression in the real world,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,490,640,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,418,568,yes,Exposure to violent video games,0.0,31.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2974,CON,video game violence is not related to serious aggressive behavior in real life,video game violence is not related to serious aggressive behavior in real life,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,1619,1697,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,829,907,yes,video game violence,0.0,19.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2975,CON,some violent video games may actually have a prosocial effect in some contexts,some violent video games may actually have a prosocial effect in some contexts,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,2011,2089,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,1004,1082,yes,some violent video games,0.0,24.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2977,PRO,exposure to violent video games causes both short term and long term aggression in players and decreases empathy and prosocial behavior,exposure to violent video games causes both short term and long term aggression in players and decreases empathy and prosocial behavior,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,3560,3695,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,1442,1577,yes,exposure to violent video games,0.0,31.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2978,PRO,Violent video games increase the violent tendencies among youth,they increase the violent tendencies among youth,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,8119,8167,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,3900,3948,yes,Violent video games,0.0,19.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2979,CON,No conclusive link was found between video game usage and violent activity,have shown no conclusive link between video game usage and violent activity,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,9092,9167,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,4124,4199,yes,video game usage,37.0,53.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2980,PRO,"violent video games are significantly associated with: increased aggressive behavior, thoughts, and affect; increased physiological arousal; and decreased pro-social (helping) behavior","violent video games are significantly associated with: increased aggressive behavior, thoughts, and affect; increased physiological arousal; and decreased pro-social (helping) behavior",articles/t1/raw_1.txt,11403,11587,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,5608,5792,yes,violent video games,0.0,19.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2981,PRO,"video game publishers unethically train children in the use of weapons and, more importantly, harden them emotionally to the act of murder","video game publishers unethically train children in the use of weapons and, more importantly, harden them emotionally to the act of murder",articles/t1/raw_1.txt,13767,13905,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,7084,7222,yes,video game publishers,0.0,21.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2982,PRO,violent video games may increase mild forms of aggressive behavior in children and young adults,violent video games may increase mild forms of aggressive behavior in children and young adults,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,14385,14480,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,7476,7571,yes,violent video games,0.0,19.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2983,PRO,"exposure to violent video games results in increased physiological arousal, aggression-related thoughts and feelings as well as decreased prosocial behavior","exposure to violent video games results in increased physiological arousal, aggression-related thoughts and feelings as well as decreased prosocial behavior",articles/t1/raw_1.txt,14508,14664,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,7599,7755,yes,exposure to violent video games,0.0,31.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2985,CON,No long-term relationship was found between playing violent video game and youth violence or bullying,no long-term relationship between playing violent video game and youth violence or bullying,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,18566,18657,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,9761,9852,yes,playing violent video game,44.0,70.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2986,CON,"aggressive children tend to select more violent video games, not the inverse","aggressive children tend to select more violent video games, not the inverse",articles/t1/raw_1.txt,18934,19010,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,9922,9998,no,,,,, 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2987,CON,No evidence has found that violent games are psychologically harmful to minors,no evidence violent games are psychologically harmful to minors,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,19029,19092,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,10017,10080,yes,violent games,27.0,40.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2988,CON,adolescents that don't play video games at all are most at-risk for violent behavior,adolescents that don't play video games at all are most at-risk for violent behavior,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,19826,19910,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,10575,10659,yes,adolescents that don't play video games at all,0.0,46.0,-1.0,-1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2989,CON,video game play is part of an adolescent boy's normal social setting,video game play is part of an adolescent boy's normal social setting,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,19965,20033,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,10714,10782,yes,video game play,0.0,15.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2990,CON,Biological theories of aggression and violence have specifically excluded video game and other media effects,Other biological theories of aggression and violence have specifically excluded video game and other media effects,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,25040,25154,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,12724,12838,yes,video game and other media effects,74.0,108.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2991,PRO,Reinforcement of sexist stereotypes has been claimed as an effect of violent video games,Reinforcement of sexist stereotypes has also been claimed as an effect of violent video games,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,31119,31212,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,16664,16757,yes,violent video games,69.0,88.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2992,PRO,A correlation was found between children playing violent video games and suffering psychological effects,a correlation between children playing violent video games and suffering psychological effects,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,34084,34209,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,17623,17717,yes,children playing violent video games,32.0,68.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2993,PRO,violent video games can increase children's aggression,violent video games can increase children's aggression,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,34400,34454,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,17887,17941,yes,violent video games,0.0,19.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2994,CON,Media influences are too weak and distant to have much influence on aggressiveness,media influences are too weak and distant to have much influence,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,62233,62297,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,31698,31762,yes,Media influences,0.0,16.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2995,PRO,"violent video games promote violent behavior, attitudes and beliefs by desensitizing an individual to aggression","violent video games promote violent behavior, attitudes and beliefs by desensitizing an individual to aggression",articles/t1/raw_1.txt,63121,63233,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,32354,32466,yes,violent video games,0.0,19.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2996,PRO,Excessive exposure to violent video games and other violent media has been linked to aggressive behaviour,Excessive exposure to violent video games and other violent media has been linked to aggressive behaviour,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,69681,69786,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,37325,37430,yes,Excessive exposure to violent video games and other violent media,0.0,65.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2997,PRO,Neurological link was found between playing violent video games and aggressive behaviour in children and teenagers,neurological link between playing violent video games and aggressive behaviour in children and teenagers,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,70426,70530,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,37791,37895,yes,playing violent video games,36.0,63.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2998,CON,There is no direct link between violent video games and their influence on children,there was no direct link between violent video games and their influence on children,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,72054,72138,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,38898,38982,yes,violent video games,32.0,51.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,2999,CON,Video games develop the individual's intelligence,Video games also develop the individual's intelligence,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,73631,73685,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,39621,39675,yes,Video games,0.0,11.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,3000,CON,violent games help students deal with stress and aggression,violent games help students deal with stress and aggression,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,74063,74122,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,40016,40075,yes,violent games,0.0,13.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,3001,CON,violent games affect students positively and not negatively,violent games affect students positively and not negatively,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,74299,74358,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,40248,40307,yes,violent games,0.0,13.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,3002,CON,"many skills can be learned from the gaming experience, it builds practical and intellectual skills","many skills can be learned from the gaming experience, it builds practical and intellectual skills",articles/t1/raw_1.txt,76782,76880,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,41967,42065,yes,the gaming experience,32.0,53.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,3003,CON,"media cannot cause violence because humans have the ability to recognize what is wrong, and what is right","media cannot cause violence because humans have the ability to recognize what is wrong, and what is right",articles/t1/raw_1.txt,77708,77813,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,42558,42663,yes,media,0.0,5.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,3004,CON,video games have many healthy and positive aspects,video games have many healthy and positive aspects,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,79070,79120,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,43272,43322,yes,video games,0.0,11.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,3005,CON,Video games can be a safe outlet for aggression and frustration,they can be a safe outlet for aggression and frustration,articles/t1/raw_1.txt,79134,79190,articles/t1/clean_1.txt,43336,43392,yes,Video games,0.0,11.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,95648,PRO,Violent video games are influencing children's view about violence,violent video games are influencing their children's view about violence,articles/t1/raw_506.txt,4351,4423,articles/t1/clean_506.txt,3617,3689,yes,Violent video games,0.0,19.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,95661,PRO,Various games are accused of causing addiction and even violent behavior,Various games have been accused of causing addiction and even violent behavior,articles/t1/raw_505.txt,48113,48216,articles/t1/clean_505.txt,28484,28562,yes,Various games,0.0,13.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,95823,PRO,exposure to graphic violence leads to desensitization to committing acts of violence in person,exposure to graphic violence leads to desensitization to committing acts of violence in person,articles/t1/raw_525.txt,2263,2361,articles/t1/clean_525.txt,2031,2125,yes,exposure to graphic violence,0.0,28.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,95824,PRO,violence in games hardens children to unethical acts,violence in games hardens children to unethical acts,articles/t1/raw_525.txt,4394,4446,articles/t1/clean_525.txt,3829,3881,yes,violence in games,0.0,17.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,96804,PRO,children may imitate aggressive behaviors witnessed in media,children may imitate aggressive behaviors witnessed in media,articles/t1/raw_504.txt,2922,2982,articles/t1/clean_504.txt,1926,1986,yes,aggressive behaviors witnessed in media,21.0,60.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,96805,CON,"children don't automatically imitate aggression, but rather consider the context of aggression","children don't automatically imitate aggression, but rather consider the context of aggression",articles/t1/raw_504.txt,3936,4030,articles/t1/clean_504.txt,2932,3026,no,,,,, 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,96806,CON,societal media consumption and violent crime rates are not well associated,societal media consumption and violent crime rates are not well associated,articles/t1/raw_504.txt,20428,20502,articles/t1/clean_504.txt,18448,18522,yes,societal media consumption,0.0,26.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,118265,PRO,media violence may increase aggression,media violence may increase aggression,articles/t1/raw_570.txt,74455,74493,articles/t1/clean_570.txt,51740,51778,yes,media violence,0.0,14.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,118266,CON,Evidence for harmful effects of video game violence were inconclusive,evidence for harmful effects were inconclusive,articles/t1/raw_570.txt,75249,75295,articles/t1/clean_570.txt,52028,52074,no,,,,, 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,123230,PRO,Violent video games - especially first-person shooter games - encourages real-life acts of violence in teenagers,violent video games—especially first-person shooter games—encouraged real-life acts of violence in teenagers,articles/t1/raw_520.txt,1244,1352,articles/t1/clean_520.txt,1082,1190,yes,Violent video games,0.0,19.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,123342,PRO,video games allow children to act out crimes,video games allow children to act out crimes,articles/t1/raw_522.txt,4939,4983,articles/t1/clean_522.txt,4192,4236,yes,video games,0.0,11.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,123343,CON,violence in video games is not causally linked with aggressive tendencies,violence in video games is not causally linked with aggressive tendencies,articles/t1/raw_522.txt,5608,5681,articles/t1/clean_522.txt,4750,4823,yes,violence in video games,0.0,23.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,123360,PRO,Correlations between violent gameplay and some comming childhood problems were found,correlations between violent gameplay and some common childhood problems,articles/t1/raw_524.txt,6166,6264,articles/t1/clean_524.txt,4762,4834,yes,violent gameplay,21.0,37.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,123361,CON,most children who play violent games do not have problems,most children who play violent games do not have problems,articles/t1/raw_524.txt,7107,7164,articles/t1/clean_524.txt,5667,5724,yes,most children who play violent games,0.0,36.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,123363,CON,"Many creative, social and emotional benefits from video game play have been documented - even games with violent content","many creative, social and emotional benefits from video game play—even games with violent content",articles/t1/raw_524.txt,7186,7283,articles/t1/clean_524.txt,5745,5842,yes,video game play,50.0,65.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,123448,CON,Not all depictions of violence are bad to witness,not all depictions of violence are even bad to witness,articles/t1/raw_508.txt,2222,2276,articles/t1/clean_508.txt,1651,1705,yes,depictions of violence,8.0,30.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,123449,CON,There is no connection between exposure to media violence and real life violence,no connection between exposure to media violence and real life violence,articles/t1/raw_508.txt,9902,9973,articles/t1/clean_508.txt,7266,7337,yes,exposure to media violence,31.0,57.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,123450,PRO,heavy exposure to media violence can lead to more aggressive behavior,heavy exposure to media violence can lead to more aggressive behavior,articles/t1/raw_508.txt,10010,10079,articles/t1/clean_508.txt,7374,7443,yes,heavy exposure to media violence,0.0,32.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,123451,CON,Exposure alone to media violence does not cause a child to commit crimes,exposure alone does not cause a child to commit crimes,articles/t1/raw_508.txt,10108,10162,articles/t1/clean_508.txt,7472,7526,yes,Exposure alone to media violence,0.0,32.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,123452,CON,there is no convincing evidence that prove that media violence cause violent crime or any type of real life violence,there is no convincing evidence that prove that media violence cause violent crime or any type of real life violence,articles/t1/raw_508.txt,12567,12683,articles/t1/clean_508.txt,9422,9538,yes,media violence,48.0,62.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,136190,PRO,Exposure to violent video games[REF] is related to increased aggressiveness in children,violent video games[REF] is related to increased aggressiveness in children,articles/t1/raw_542.txt,15343,15888,articles/t1/clean_542.txt,6811,6886,yes,Exposure to violent video games,0.0,31.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,136211,CON,numerous researchers have proposed potential positive effects of video games,numerous researchers have proposed potential positive effects of video games,articles/t1/raw_567.txt,8541,8617,articles/t1/clean_567.txt,6842,6918,yes,video games,65.0,76.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,136230,PRO,computer games cause violence,computer games cause violence,articles/t1/raw_568.txt,21426,21455,articles/t1/clean_568.txt,16284,16313,yes,computer games,0.0,14.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,136231,PRO,A correlation between violent content conveyed through media (including videogames) and violent or aggressive behavior has been shown,a correlation between violent content conveyed through media (including videogames) and violent or aggressive behavior,articles/t1/raw_568.txt,21787,21905,articles/t1/clean_568.txt,16645,16763,yes,violent content conveyed through media (including videogames),22.0,83.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,136232,PRO,Some serious psychological problems have been attributed to desensitization to violence in video games,Some serious psychological problems have been attributed to desensitization to violence in video games,articles/t1/raw_568.txt,28383,28518,articles/t1/clean_568.txt,21959,22061,yes,desensitization to violence in video games,60.0,102.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,138714,CON,Video games are protected speech under the First Amendment,video games were protected speech under the First Amendment,articles/t1/raw_507.txt,2334,2445,articles/t1/clean_507.txt,426,485,yes,Video games,0.0,11.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,138716,PRO,There is a connection between video games and violence,there was a connection between video games and violence,articles/t1/raw_507.txt,13491,13546,articles/t1/clean_507.txt,6355,6410,yes,video games,30.0,41.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,138717,CON,content-based regulations are presumptively invalid,content-based regulations are presumptively invalid,articles/t1/raw_507.txt,18888,18939,articles/t1/clean_507.txt,10054,10105,yes,content-based regulations,0.0,25.0,-1.0,-1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,138718,CON,No evidence links video games to youth violence,no evidence linked video games to youth violence,articles/t1/raw_507.txt,36704,36752,articles/t1/clean_507.txt,20016,20064,yes,video games,18.0,29.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,138719,CON,There is no compelling link between violent video games and its effects on children,"there was no ""compelling"" link between violent video games and its effects on children",articles/t1/raw_507.txt,43460,43546,articles/t1/clean_507.txt,23755,23841,yes,violent video games,36.0,55.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,138720,CON,content-based restrictions on games are unconstitutional,content-based restrictions on games are unconstitutional,articles/t1/raw_507.txt,48678,48734,articles/t1/clean_507.txt,27024,27080,yes,content-based restrictions on games,0.0,35.0,-1.0,-1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,138721,CON,"parents, not government bureaucrats, have the right to decide what is appropriate for their children","parents, not government bureaucrats, have the right to decide what is appropriate for their children",articles/t1/raw_507.txt,48745,48845,articles/t1/clean_507.txt,27091,27191,no,,,,, 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,138722,PRO,states should have the “right to regulate the sale of video games [that are violent] in order to protect minors,states should have the “right to regulate the sale of video games [that are violent] in order to protect minors,articles/t1/raw_507.txt,57494,57605,articles/t1/clean_507.txt,31868,31979,yes,the “right to regulate the sale of video games [that are violent],19.0,84.0,1.0,-1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,138723,CON,"parents should make the decision” about what video games they purchase for their children, and what constitutes “too violent","parents should make the decision” about what video games they purchase for their children, and what constitutes “too violent",articles/t1/raw_507.txt,57743,57867,articles/t1/clean_507.txt,32117,32241,no,,,,, 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,138724,CON,states do not have the right to decide that some video games are too violent for [minors,states do not have the right to decide that some video games are too violent for [minors,articles/t1/raw_507.txt,57910,57998,articles/t1/clean_507.txt,32284,32372,no,,,,, 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,143108,PRO,violent games cause youth violence,violent games cause youth violence,articles/t1/raw_503.txt,15051,15085,articles/t1/clean_503.txt,9150,9184,yes,violent games,0.0,13.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,143109,PRO,A high degree of relationship between violent games and youth violence has been indicated,a high degree of relationship between violent games and youth violence,articles/t1/raw_503.txt,15853,15923,articles/t1/clean_503.txt,9550,9620,yes,violent games,38.0,51.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,143110,PRO,video game violence leads to youth violence,video game violence leads to youth violence,articles/t1/raw_503.txt,16000,16043,articles/t1/clean_503.txt,9660,9703,yes,video game violence,0.0,19.0,-1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,143111,CON,Video game content is a form of freedom of expression,video game content was a form of freedom of expression,articles/t1/raw_503.txt,19257,19311,articles/t1/clean_503.txt,11435,11489,yes,Video game content,0.0,18.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,143112,CON,"there is social utility in expressive and imaginative forms of entertainment, even if they contain violence","there is social utility in expressive and imaginative forms of entertainment, even if they contain violence",articles/t1/raw_503.txt,21417,21524,articles/t1/clean_503.txt,12553,12660,yes,expressive and imaginative forms of entertainment,27.0,76.0,1.0,1.0 1,test,This house believes that the sale of violent video games to minors should be banned,the sale of violent video games to minors,-1,143113,CON,There are tangible benefits to violence in games,there are tangible benefits to violence in action games,articles/t1/raw_503.txt,64050,64105,articles/t1/clean_503.txt,34998,35053,yes,violence in games,31.0,48.0,1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,5911,CON,"The policy is controversial both within and outside China because of the manner in which the policy has been implemented, and because of concerns about negative social consequences","The policy is controversial both within and outside China because of the manner in which the policy has been implemented, and because of concerns about negative social consequences",articles/t21/raw_21.txt,2685,2865,articles/t21/clean_21.txt,1156,1336,yes,The policy,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,5913,CON,The policy is a possible cause behind China's gender imbalance,possible cause behind China's gender imbalance,articles/t21/raw_21.txt,4142,4206,articles/t21/clean_21.txt,1506,1552,yes,The policy,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,5914,PRO,The policy had proved remarkably effective,"it had proved ""remarkably effective",articles/t21/raw_21.txt,16906,16941,articles/t21/clean_21.txt,7339,7374,yes,The policy,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,5916,PRO,The policy is considered as a great success in helping to implement China's current economic growth,great success in helping to implement China's current economic growth,articles/t21/raw_21.txt,19235,19304,articles/t21/clean_21.txt,8348,8417,yes,The policy,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,5917,PRO,The reduction in the fertility rate and thus population growth has reduced the severity of problems that come with overpopulation,The reduction in the fertility rate and thus population growth has reduced the severity of problems that come with overpopulation,articles/t21/raw_21.txt,19306,19437,articles/t21/clean_21.txt,8419,8548,yes,The reduction in the fertility rate and thus population growth,0.0,62.0,1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,5918,PRO,the focus of China on population control helps provide a better health service for women,the focus of China on population control helps provide a better health service for women,articles/t21/raw_21.txt,19876,19964,articles/t21/clean_21.txt,8875,8963,yes,the focus of China on population control,0.0,40.0,1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,5919,PRO,The individual savings rate has increased since the one-child policy was introduced,The individual savings rate has increased since the one-child policy was introduced,articles/t21/raw_21.txt,20161,20244,articles/t21/clean_21.txt,9125,9208,yes,the one-child policy,48.0,68.0,1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,5920,CON,"less intrusive options, including those that emphasized delay and spacing of births, could have achieved the same results over an extended period of time","less intrusive options, including those that emphasized delay and spacing of births, could have achieved the same results over an extended period of time",articles/t21/raw_21.txt,22822,22975,articles/t21/clean_21.txt,10164,10317,yes,"less intrusive options, including those that emphasized delay and spacing of births",0.0,83.0,1.0,-1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,5921,CON,T]he policy itself is probably only partially responsible for the reduction in the total fertility rate,T]he policy itself is probably only partially responsible for the reduction in the total fertility rate,articles/t21/raw_21.txt,24816,24919,articles/t21/clean_21.txt,11583,11686,yes,T]he policy itself,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,5922,CON,"China could have expected a continued reduction in its fertility rate just from continued economic development, had it kept to the previous policy","China could have expected a continued reduction in its fertility rate just from continued economic development, had it kept to the previous policy",articles/t21/raw_21.txt,25478,25624,articles/t21/clean_21.txt,12225,12371,yes,had it kept to the previous policy,112.0,146.0,1.0,-1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,5923,CON,The one-child policy is challenged in principle and in practice for violating a human right to determine the size of one's own family,The one-child policy is challenged in principle and in practice for violating a human right to determine the size of one's own family,articles/t21/raw_21.txt,25652,25789,articles/t21/clean_21.txt,12374,12507,yes,The one-child policy,0.0,20.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,5924,CON,The policy leaves the older generations with increased chances of dependency on retirement funds or charity in order to receive support,leaves the older generations with increased chances of dependency on retirement funds or charity in order to receive support,articles/t21/raw_21.txt,31388,31512,articles/t21/clean_21.txt,15028,15152,yes,The policy,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,5925,CON,"If, for any reason, the single child is unable to care for their older adult relatives, the oldest generations would face a lack of resources and necessities","If, for any reason, the single child is unable to care for their older adult relatives, the oldest generations would face a lack of resources and necessities",articles/t21/raw_21.txt,31681,31838,articles/t21/clean_21.txt,15321,15478,no,,,,, 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,5926,CON,Some parents may over-indulge their only child,Some parents may over-indulge their only child,articles/t21/raw_21.txt,32787,32833,articles/t21/clean_21.txt,15757,15803,yes,only child,36.0,46.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,5927,CON,The one child policy creates social problems and personality disorders in young people,social problems and personality disorders in young people,articles/t21/raw_21.txt,34349,34406,articles/t21/clean_21.txt,16980,17037,yes,The one child policy,0.0,20.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,5929,CON,The one-child limit is too extreme. It violates nature’s law,The one-child limit is too extreme. It violates nature’s law,articles/t21/raw_21.txt,34851,34911,articles/t21/clean_21.txt,17466,17526,yes,The one-child limit,0.0,19.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,5930,CON,The social pressure exerted by the one-child policy has affected the rate at which parents abandon undesirable children,The social pressure exerted by the one-child policy has affected the rate at which parents abandon undesirable children,articles/t21/raw_21.txt,52871,52990,articles/t21/clean_21.txt,25847,25966,yes,The social pressure exerted by the one-child policy,0.0,51.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,5931,CON,China's family planning programs contribute to infanticide,China's family planning programs contribute to infanticide,articles/t21/raw_21.txt,56826,56884,articles/t21/clean_21.txt,28279,28337,yes,China's family planning programs,0.0,32.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,94252,CON,a single child would be left with having to provide support for his or her two parents and four grandparents,a single child would be left with having to provide support for his or her two parents and four grandparents,articles/t21/raw_514.txt,1466,1574,articles/t21/clean_514.txt,1151,1259,yes,a single child,0.0,14.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,95761,CON,Coercive sterilization to enforce the one child policy has occurred in China,Coercive sterilization to enforce the one child policy has occurred in China,articles/t21/raw_531.txt,9524,9604,articles/t21/clean_531.txt,5692,5768,yes,the one child policy,34.0,54.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,109549,PRO,"As a result of the one child policy, China successfully achieved its goal of a more stable and much-reduced fertility rate","As a result of the policy, China successfully achieved its goal of a more stable and much-reduced fertility rate",articles/t21/raw_461.txt,17642,17756,articles/t21/clean_461.txt,6458,6570,yes,the one child policy,15.0,35.0,1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,109550,PRO,Rapid population growth is seen as an obstacle to development,rapid population growth as an obstacle to development,articles/t21/raw_461.txt,23028,23081,articles/t21/clean_461.txt,11394,11447,yes,Rapid population growth,0.0,23.0,-1.0,-1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,109551,PRO,Population control is necessary for economic growth and improved living standards,population control was necessary for economic growth and improved living standards,articles/t21/raw_461.txt,24509,24597,articles/t21/clean_461.txt,12792,12874,yes,Population control,0.0,18.0,1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,109554,CON,Coercive measures were used to achieve the desired results of the one-child policy,coercive measures used to achieve the desired results of the one-child policy,articles/t21/raw_461.txt,28202,28279,articles/t21/clean_461.txt,16388,16465,yes,the one-child policy,62.0,82.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,109555,CON,Rapid fertility reduction associated with the one-child policy has potentially negative results,Rapid fertility reduction associated with the one-child policy has potentially negative results,articles/t21/raw_461.txt,29434,29529,articles/t21/clean_461.txt,17602,17697,yes,Rapid fertility reduction associated with the one-child policy,0.0,62.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,111125,PRO,a decrease in the human population would prevent a significant amount of man-made human suffering,a decrease in the human population would prevent a significant amount of man-made human suffering,articles/t21/raw_498.txt,1022,1119,articles/t21/clean_498.txt,421,518,yes,a decrease in the human population,0.0,34.0,1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,111323,PRO,A continuation of the rapid population growth that had been occurring would hinder China's development as a nation,a continuation of the rapid population growth that had been occurring would hinder their development as a nation,articles/t21/raw_495.txt,11464,11576,articles/t21/clean_495.txt,6699,6811,yes,A continuation of the rapid population growth that had been occurring,0.0,69.0,-1.0,-1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,111324,CON,the policy has created abuse for women in China,the policy has created abuse for women in China,articles/t21/raw_495.txt,12603,12650,articles/t21/clean_495.txt,7556,7603,yes,the policy,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,111325,CON,implementation of the policy has involved forced abortions and forced sterilization,implementation of the policy has involved forced abortions and forced sterilization,articles/t21/raw_495.txt,12664,12753,articles/t21/clean_495.txt,7617,7700,yes,implementation of the policy,0.0,28.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,114782,CON,China's gender imbalance is further increased by the One Child Policy,China's gender imbalance is further increased by the One Child Policy,articles/t21/raw_533.txt,15549,15620,articles/t21/clean_533.txt,8028,8097,yes,the One Child Policy,49.0,69.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,116924,CON,China's birth control policy contributes to forced abortions,it contributes to forced abortions,articles/t21/raw_518.txt,42225,42270,articles/t21/clean_518.txt,20961,20995,yes,China's birth control policy,0.0,28.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,116925,CON,China's birth control policy is thought to have been a significant contribution to the gender imbalance in mainland China,This is thought to have been a significant contribution to the gender imbalance in mainland China,articles/t21/raw_518.txt,42708,42805,articles/t21/clean_518.txt,21157,21254,yes,China's birth control policy,0.0,28.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,116926,CON,the one-child policy is not effective enough to justify its costs,the one-child policy is not effective enough to justify its costs,articles/t21/raw_518.txt,43946,44011,articles/t21/clean_518.txt,21422,21487,yes,the one-child policy,0.0,20.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,116927,CON,the dramatic decrease in Chinese fertility started before the program began in 1979 for unrelated factors,the dramatic decrease in Chinese fertility started before the program began in 1979 for unrelated factors,articles/t21/raw_518.txt,44022,44127,articles/t21/clean_518.txt,21498,21603,yes,the program,58.0,69.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,117366,PRO,Population control involve measures that improve people's lives,population control can involve measures that improve people's lives,articles/t21/raw_484.txt,956,1023,articles/t21/clean_484.txt,410,477,yes,Population control,0.0,18.0,1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,117367,PRO,A large increase in population brings certain poverty on the citizenry,"a large increase in population would bring, ""certain poverty on the citizenry",articles/t21/raw_484.txt,4812,4889,articles/t21/clean_484.txt,2920,2997,yes,A large increase in population,0.0,30.0,-1.0,-1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,117368,PRO,Excessive population growth may reduce output per worker,excessive growth may reduce output per worker,articles/t21/raw_484.txt,5416,5461,articles/t21/clean_484.txt,3227,3272,yes,Excessive population growth,0.0,27.0,-1.0,-1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,117369,CON,A larger population means more production,a larger population would mean more production,articles/t21/raw_484.txt,10823,10869,articles/t21/clean_484.txt,7096,7142,yes,A larger population,0.0,19.0,1.0,-1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,117371,PRO,"overpopulation has been blamed for a variety of issues, including increasing poverty","overpopulation has been blamed for a variety of issues, including increasing poverty",articles/t21/raw_484.txt,17894,17978,articles/t21/clean_484.txt,11579,11663,yes,overpopulation,0.0,14.0,-1.0,-1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,117372,PRO,reduction of the population is a key to economic growth,reduction of the population is a key to economic growth,articles/t21/raw_484.txt,20616,20671,articles/t21/clean_484.txt,13367,13422,yes,reduction of the population,0.0,27.0,1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,117373,CON,economists doubt that a correlation between population reduction and economic growth exists,economists doubt that a correlation between population reduction and economic growth exists,articles/t21/raw_484.txt,20820,20911,articles/t21/clean_484.txt,13567,13658,yes,population reduction,44.0,64.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,117374,CON,"poverty and famine are caused by bad government and bad economic policies, not by overpopulation","poverty and famine are caused by bad government and bad economic policies, not by overpopulation",articles/t21/raw_484.txt,21293,21389,articles/t21/clean_484.txt,13750,13846,yes,overpopulation,82.0,96.0,1.0,-1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,117375,CON,"higher population density leads to more specialization and technological innovation, which in turn leads to a higher standard of living","higher population density leads to more specialization and technological innovation, which in turn leads to a higher standard of living",articles/t21/raw_484.txt,21496,21667,articles/t21/clean_484.txt,13921,14056,yes,higher population density,0.0,25.0,1.0,-1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,117376,CON,human beings are the ultimate resource,human beings are the ultimate resource,articles/t21/raw_484.txt,21685,21723,articles/t21/clean_484.txt,14074,14112,no,,,,, 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,117377,CON,there is no correlation between population density and poverty and starvation,there is no correlation between population density and poverty and starvation,articles/t21/raw_484.txt,22535,22612,articles/t21/clean_484.txt,14473,14550,yes,population density,32.0,50.0,1.0,-1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,117378,PRO,There are a number of problems associated with overpopulation,number of problems associated with overpopulation,articles/t21/raw_484.txt,30275,30324,articles/t21/clean_484.txt,19847,19896,yes,overpopulation,47.0,61.0,-1.0,-1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,117379,CON,"The success of the policy has been questioned, and reduction in fertility has also been attributed to the modernization of China","The success of the policy has been questioned, and reduction in fertility has also been attributed to the modernization of China",articles/t21/raw_484.txt,32494,32622,articles/t21/clean_484.txt,21071,21199,yes,The success of the policy,0.0,25.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,117380,CON,The policy is controversial both within and outside of China,The policy is controversial both within and outside of China,articles/t21/raw_484.txt,32796,32856,articles/t21/clean_484.txt,21207,21267,yes,The policy,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,121511,CON,Parents have a basic human right to determine freely and responsibly the number and the spacing of their children,Parents have a basic human right to determine freely and responsibly the number and the spacing of their children,articles/t21/raw_532.txt,2497,2657,articles/t21/clean_532.txt,1499,1612,yes,to determine freely and responsibly the number and the spacing of their children,33.0,113.0,1.0,-1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,121512,CON,Parents have a basic right to decide freely and responsibly on the number and spacing of their children,Parents have a basic right to decide freely and responsibly on the number and spacing of their children,articles/t21/raw_532.txt,7633,7736,articles/t21/clean_532.txt,2956,3059,yes,to decide freely and responsibly on the number and spacing of their children,27.0,103.0,1.0,-1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,121513,CON,Parents have the exclusive right to determine freely and responsibly the number and spacing of their children,Parents have the exclusive right to determine freely and responsibly the number and spacing of their children,articles/t21/raw_532.txt,8217,8326,articles/t21/clean_532.txt,3513,3622,yes,to determine freely and responsibly the number and spacing of their children,33.0,109.0,1.0,-1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,121514,CON,governments have a responsibility to meet individuals' reproductive needs,governments have a responsibility to meet individuals' reproductive needs,articles/t21/raw_532.txt,8875,8948,articles/t21/clean_532.txt,3915,3988,yes,to meet individuals' reproductive needs,34.0,73.0,1.0,-1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,121515,CON,The human rights of women include their right to have control over and decide freely and responsibly on matters related to their sexuality,The human rights of women include their right to have control over and decide freely and responsibly on matters related to their sexuality,articles/t21/raw_532.txt,12523,12661,articles/t21/clean_532.txt,6541,6679,yes,their right to have control over and decide freely and responsibly on matters related to their sexuality,34.0,138.0,1.0,-1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,121516,CON,Control over reproduction is a basic need and a basic right for all women,Control over reproduction is a basic need and a basic right for all women,articles/t21/raw_532.txt,24572,24645,articles/t21/clean_532.txt,12587,12660,no,,,,, 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,121517,CON,Programs that do not take the interests of women into account are unlikely to succeed,Programs that do not take the interests of women into account are unlikely to succeed,articles/t21/raw_532.txt,25260,25345,articles/t21/clean_532.txt,13275,13360,yes,Programs that do not take the interests of women into account,0.0,61.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,121518,CON,The policies' narrow focus leads to coercion and decreased quality of care,the policies' narrow focus led to coercion and decreased quality of care,articles/t21/raw_532.txt,39463,39535,articles/t21/clean_532.txt,22870,22942,yes,The policies' narrow focus,0.0,26.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,136186,CON,this four-two-one reconfiguration of the familial structure has distinct ramifications for Chinese society,this four-two-one reconfiguration of the familial structure has distinct ramifications for Chinese society,articles/t21/raw_517.txt,4108,4214,articles/t21/clean_517.txt,3020,3126,yes,this four-two-one reconfiguration of the familial structure,0.0,59.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,136342,CON,only children are spoiled,only children are spoiled,articles/t21/raw_485.txt,4338,4363,articles/t21/clean_485.txt,2490,2515,yes,only children,0.0,13.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,136343,CON,only children have aversive social skills,only children have aversive social skills,articles/t21/raw_485.txt,4635,4676,articles/t21/clean_485.txt,2770,2811,yes,only children,0.0,13.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,136344,CON,Lack of siblings has been blamed for a number of social ills,the lack of siblings has been blamed for a number of social ills,articles/t21/raw_485.txt,5476,5540,articles/t21/clean_485.txt,3087,3151,yes,Lack of siblings,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,136345,CON,The one child policy has been speculated to be the underlying cause of forced abortions,The one child policy has also been speculated to be the underlying cause of forced abortions,articles/t21/raw_485.txt,5883,5977,articles/t21/clean_485.txt,3345,3437,yes,The one child policy,0.0,20.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,136346,CON,it is more difficult for only children to cooperate in a conventional family environment,it is more difficult for only children to cooperate in a conventional family environment,articles/t21/raw_485.txt,7411,7499,articles/t21/clean_485.txt,3770,3858,yes,only children,25.0,38.0,-1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,136347,PRO,only children are higher in achievement motivation,only children are higher in achievement motivation,articles/t21/raw_485.txt,9090,9140,articles/t21/clean_485.txt,4788,4838,yes,only children,0.0,13.0,1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,136348,PRO,children with many siblings receive fewer resources,children with many siblings receive fewer resources,articles/t21/raw_485.txt,10536,10587,articles/t21/clean_485.txt,5691,5742,yes,children with many siblings,0.0,27.0,-1.0,-1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,136349,PRO,Only children are more likely to make outside friends,Only children are also more likely to make outside friends,articles/t21/raw_485.txt,11304,11362,articles/t21/clean_485.txt,6202,6260,yes,Only children,0.0,13.0,1.0,1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,166868,PRO,rapid population growth damages the Earth's resources and diminishes human well-being,rapid population growth damages the Earth's resources and diminishes human well-being,articles/t21/raw_1282.txt,35421,35506,articles/t21/clean_1282.txt,18586,18671,yes,rapid population growth,0.0,23.0,-1.0,-1.0 21,test,This house supports the one-child policy of the republic of China,the one-child policy of the republic of China,1,166869,PRO,Overpopulation is seen as a serious threat to the quality of human life,overpopulation as a serious threat to the quality of human life,articles/t21/raw_1282.txt,100907,100970,articles/t21/clean_1282.txt,52097,52160,yes,Overpopulation,0.0,14.0,-1.0,-1.0 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,12914,CON,The use of drugs to enhance performance is considered unethical by most international sports organizations,The use of drugs to enhance performance is considered unethical by most international sports organizations,articles/t61/raw_61.txt,604,710,articles/t61/clean_61.txt,451,557,yes,The use of drugs to enhance performance,0.0,39.0,-1.0,1.0 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,12917,PRO,"The use of performance-enhancing drugs is little different from the use of new materials in the construction of suits and sporting equipment, which similarly aid performance and can give competitors an unfair advantage over others","it is little different from the use of new materials in the construction of suits and sporting equipment, which similarly aid performance and can give competitors an unfair advantage over others",articles/t61/raw_61.txt,803,997,articles/t61/clean_61.txt,646,840,yes,The use of performance-enhancing drugs,0.0,38.0,1.0,1.0 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,12918,CON,The use of anabolic steroids is now banned by all major sporting bodies,The use of anabolic steroids is now banned by all major sporting bodies,articles/t61/raw_61.txt,25833,25904,articles/t61/clean_61.txt,19437,19508,yes,The use of anabolic steroids,0.0,28.0,-1.0,1.0 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,12919,PRO,"drug testing can be wildly inconsistent and, in some instances, has gone unenforced","drug testing can be wildly inconsistent and, in some instances, has gone unenforced",articles/t61/raw_61.txt,26408,26491,articles/t61/clean_61.txt,19776,19859,yes,drug testing,0.0,12.0,-1.0,-1.0 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,12920,PRO,"There is little danger from anabolica, when the athletes are kept on strictly monitored programmes","there is little danger from anabolica, as they call it, when the athletes are kept on strictly monitored programmes",articles/t61/raw_61.txt,32343,32458,articles/t61/clean_61.txt,24707,24822,yes,anabolica,28.0,37.0,1.0,1.0 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,12921,CON,The extremely dangerous side-effects of performance-enhancing drugs are admitted,the extremely dangerous side-effects are admitted,articles/t61/raw_61.txt,32469,32518,articles/t61/clean_61.txt,24833,24882,yes,performance-enhancing drugs,40.0,67.0,-1.0,1.0 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,12922,CON,"Often, doping was carried out without the knowledge of the athletes, some of them as young as ten years of age","Often, doping was carried out without the knowledge of the athletes, some of them as young as ten years of age",articles/t61/raw_61.txt,36157,36267,articles/t61/clean_61.txt,27099,27209,yes,doping,7.0,13.0,-1.0,1.0 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,12923,CON,"around 10,000 former athletes bear the physical and mental scars of years of drug abuse","around 10,000 former athletes bear the physical and mental scars of years of drug abuse",articles/t61/raw_61.txt,36290,36377,articles/t61/clean_61.txt,27232,27319,yes,years of drug abuse,68.0,87.0,-1.0,1.0 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,12924,PRO,the pursuit of doping athletes has turned into a modern day witch-hunt,the pursuit of doping athletes has turned into a modern day witch-hunt,articles/t61/raw_61.txt,47373,47445,articles/t61/clean_61.txt,33691,33761,yes,the pursuit of doping athletes,0.0,30.0,-1.0,-1.0 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,12925,CON,Many sports organizations have banned the use of performance enhancing drugs and have very strict rules and consequences for people who are caught using them,Many sports organizations have banned the use of performance enhancing drugs and have very strict rules and consequences for people who are caught using them,articles/t61/raw_61.txt,47977,48134,articles/t61/clean_61.txt,34069,34226,yes,the use of performance enhancing drugs,38.0,76.0,-1.0,1.0 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,12926,PRO,"as outright prevention of doping is an impossibility, all doping should be legalised","as outright prevention of doping is an impossibility, all doping should be legalised",articles/t61/raw_61.txt,50280,50364,articles/t61/clean_61.txt,36253,36337,yes,all doping,54.0,64.0,1.0,1.0 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,12929,CON,There are harmful long-term effects of many doping agents,harmful long-term effects of many doping agents,articles/t61/raw_61.txt,50426,50473,articles/t61/clean_61.txt,36399,36446,yes,many doping agents,39.0,57.0,-1.0,1.0 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,12930,PRO,"With no medical data to support the claimed health problems caused by performance-enhancing drugs, it is, at best, questionable","with no medical data to support these claimed health problems, it is, at best, questionable",articles/t61/raw_61.txt,50484,50575,articles/t61/clean_61.txt,36457,36548,no,,,,, 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,12932,CON,"with doping legal, all competitive athletes would be compelled to use drugs, and the net effect would be a level playing field but with widespread health consequences","with doping legal, all competitive athletes would be compelled to use drugs, and the net effect would be a level playing field but with widespread health consequences",articles/t61/raw_61.txt,50598,50764,articles/t61/clean_61.txt,36571,36737,yes,with doping legal,0.0,17.0,-1.0,1.0 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,12934,PRO,"doping could be legalized to some extent using a drug whitelist and medical counseling, such that medical safety is ensured, with all usage published","doping could be legalized to some extent using a drug whitelist and medical counseling, such that medical safety is ensured, with all usage published",articles/t61/raw_61.txt,50982,51139,articles/t61/clean_61.txt,36952,37101,yes,doping,0.0,6.0,1.0,1.0 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,12936,PRO,some athletes point to the already dangerous environment in sports like football and martial arts and wonder if there is a double standard where health concerns brought by the aggressive nature of these sports is viewed acceptable but not PEDs,some athletes point to the already dangerous environment in sports like football and martial arts and wonder if there is a double standard where health concerns brought by the aggressive nature of these sports is viewed acceptable but not PEDs,articles/t61/raw_61.txt,57292,57535,articles/t61/clean_61.txt,41585,41828,no,,,,, 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,116196,PRO,anybody should be free to put any substance they choose into their own bodies for any reason,anybody should be free to put any substance they choose into their own bodies for any reason,articles/t61/raw_621.txt,26885,26977,articles/t61/clean_621.txt,15474,15566,no,,,,, 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,117170,CON,Substance abuse can be harmful to your health and may even be deadly in certain scenarios,Substance abuse can be harmful to your health and may even be deadly in certain scenarios,articles/t61/raw_649.txt,20421,20510,articles/t61/clean_649.txt,12774,12863,yes,Substance abuse,0.0,15.0,-1.0,1.0 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,136241,CON,"The use of performance-enhancing substances by players is illegal and ethically ""wrong","The use of performance-enhancing substances by players is illegal and ethically ""wrong",articles/t61/raw_602.txt,11840,11926,articles/t61/clean_602.txt,6925,7011,yes,The use of performance-enhancing substances by players,0.0,54.0,-1.0,1.0 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,136256,CON,There is a wide range of health concerns for users of anabolic steroids,There is a wide range of health concerns for users,articles/t61/raw_603.txt,561,611,articles/t61/clean_603.txt,430,480,yes,users of anabolic steroids,45.0,71.0,-1.0,1.0 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,137685,CON,Many former athletes suffer from health problems related to steroid consumption,Many former athletes suffer from health problems related to steroid consumption,articles/t61/raw_617.txt,526,605,articles/t61/clean_617.txt,388,467,yes,steroid consumption,60.0,79.0,-1.0,1.0 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,137686,CON,The extremely dangerous side-effects from anabolica are admitted,the extremely dangerous side-effects are admitted,articles/t61/raw_617.txt,2433,2482,articles/t61/clean_617.txt,1966,2015,yes,anabolica,42.0,51.0,-1.0,1.0 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,137688,CON,former athletes bear the physical and mental scars of years of drug abuse,former athletes bear the physical and mental scars of years of drug abuse,articles/t61/raw_617.txt,6342,6415,articles/t61/clean_617.txt,4448,4521,yes,years of drug abuse,54.0,73.0,-1.0,1.0 61,test,This house would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports,1,138570,CON,Health risks can be produced by long-term use or excessive doses of anabolic steroids,Health risks can be produced by long-term use or excessive doses of anabolic steroids,articles/t61/raw_616.txt,1811,1896,articles/t61/clean_616.txt,1351,1436,yes,long-term use or excessive doses of anabolic steroids,32.0,85.0,-1.0,1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,19801,PRO,Frequent and regular physical exercise boosts the immune system,Frequent and regular physical exercise boosts the immune system,articles/t81/raw_82.txt,536,601,articles/t81/clean_82.txt,313,376,yes,Frequent and regular physical exercise,0.0,38.0,1.0,1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,19802,PRO,Physical exercise helps prevent the diseases of affluence,"helps prevent the ""diseases of affluence",articles/t81/raw_82.txt,609,651,articles/t81/clean_82.txt,382,422,yes,Physical exercise,0.0,17.0,1.0,1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,19803,PRO,Physical exercise improves mental health,It also improves mental health,articles/t81/raw_82.txt,1051,1081,articles/t81/clean_82.txt,506,536,yes,Physical exercise,0.0,17.0,1.0,1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,19805,PRO,physical exercise may help decrease some of the effects of childhood and adult obesity,physical exercise may help decrease some of the effects of childhood and adult obesity,articles/t81/raw_82.txt,1911,1997,articles/t81/clean_82.txt,807,893,yes,physical exercise,0.0,17.0,1.0,1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,19806,PRO,Physical exercise is important for maintaining physical fitness,Physical exercise is important for maintaining physical fitness,articles/t81/raw_82.txt,6636,6701,articles/t81/clean_82.txt,2969,3032,yes,Physical exercise,0.0,17.0,1.0,1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,19807,PRO,Physical exercise can contribute positively to maintaining a healthy weight,can contribute positively to maintaining a healthy weight,articles/t81/raw_82.txt,6708,6765,articles/t81/clean_82.txt,3037,3094,yes,Physical exercise,0.0,17.0,1.0,1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,19808,PRO,Physical exercise can strenghten the immune system,strengthening the immune system,articles/t81/raw_82.txt,6916,6947,articles/t81/clean_82.txt,3245,3276,yes,Physical exercise,0.0,17.0,1.0,1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,19809,PRO,Frequent and regular aerobic exercise has been shown to help prevent or treat serious and life-threatening chronic conditions,Frequent and regular aerobic exercise has been shown to help prevent or treat serious and life-threatening chronic conditions,articles/t81/raw_82.txt,7601,7726,articles/t81/clean_82.txt,3391,3516,yes,Frequent and regular aerobic exercise,0.0,37.0,1.0,1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,19810,CON,Not everyone benefits equally from exercise,Not everyone benefits equally from exercise,articles/t81/raw_82.txt,11570,11613,articles/t81/clean_82.txt,5047,5090,no,,,,, 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,19811,PRO,moderate exercise has a beneficial effect on the human immune system,moderate exercise has a beneficial effect on the human immune system,articles/t81/raw_82.txt,16049,16119,articles/t81/clean_82.txt,6929,6997,yes,moderate exercise,0.0,17.0,1.0,1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,19812,PRO,Exercise alone is a potential prevention method and/or treatment for mild forms of depression,Exercise alone is a potential prevention method and/or treatment for mild forms of depression,articles/t81/raw_82.txt,24399,24492,articles/t81/clean_82.txt,10301,10394,yes,Exercise alone,0.0,14.0,1.0,1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,19813,CON,Too much exercise can be harmful,Too much exercise can be harmful,articles/t81/raw_82.txt,26630,26662,articles/t81/clean_82.txt,11700,11732,yes,Too much exercise,0.0,17.0,-1.0,1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,19814,CON,Inappropriate exercise can do more harm than good,Inappropriate exercise can do more harm than good,articles/t81/raw_82.txt,28428,28477,articles/t81/clean_82.txt,12062,12111,yes,Inappropriate exercise,0.0,22.0,-1.0,1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,19850,PRO,"Introducing students to activities like bowling, walking/hiking, or Frisbee at an early age can help students develop good activity habits that will carry over into adulthood","Introducing students to activities like bowling, walking/hiking, or Frisbee at an early age can help students develop good activity habits that will carry over into adulthood",articles/t81/raw_81.txt,830,1004,articles/t81/clean_81.txt,332,506,yes,"Introducing students to activities like bowling, walking/hiking, or Frisbee at an early age",0.0,91.0,1.0,1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,19851,PRO,"Teaching non-traditional sports to students may provide the necessary motivation for students to increase their activity, and can help students learn about different cultures","Teaching non-traditional sports to students may also provide the necessary motivation for students to increase their activity, and can help students learn about different cultures",articles/t81/raw_81.txt,1112,1291,articles/t81/clean_81.txt,614,793,yes,Teaching non-traditional sports to students,0.0,43.0,1.0,1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,19882,PRO,children who fail to engage in regular physical activity are at greater risk of obesity,children who fail to engage in regular physical activity are at greater risk of obesity,articles/t81/raw_83.txt,15291,15378,articles/t81/clean_83.txt,6307,6394,yes,children who fail to engage in regular physical activity,0.0,56.0,-1.0,-1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,123961,PRO,people can improve their health via exercise,people can improve their health via exercise,articles/t81/raw_1217.txt,8157,8203,articles/t81/clean_1217.txt,4417,4461,yes,exercise,36.0,44.0,1.0,1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,123990,PRO,P.E. actually increases test scores,P.E. actually increase test scores,articles/t81/raw_1226.txt,3529,3563,articles/t81/clean_1226.txt,2551,2585,yes,P.E.,0.0,4.0,1.0,1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,123991,PRO,youth do not get the physical outlet needed not only for their cognitive development but for their physical health,youth do not get the physical outlet needed not only for their cognitive development but for their physical health,articles/t81/raw_1226.txt,3962,4076,articles/t81/clean_1226.txt,2771,2885,yes,physical outlet,21.0,36.0,1.0,1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,134813,PRO,Excess weight has reached epidemic proportions globally,Excess weight has reached epidemic proportions globally,articles/t81/raw_1224.txt,885,940,articles/t81/clean_1224.txt,204,259,yes,Excess weight,0.0,13.0,-1.0,-1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,134830,PRO,Physical fitness can prevent or treat many chronic health conditions,Physical fitness can also prevent or treat many chronic health conditions,articles/t81/raw_1225.txt,3200,3273,articles/t81/clean_1225.txt,1761,1834,yes,Physical fitness,0.0,16.0,1.0,1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,134831,PRO,To stay healthy it is important to engage in physical activity,To stay healthy it is important to engage in physical activity,articles/t81/raw_1225.txt,3592,3654,articles/t81/clean_1225.txt,1932,1994,yes,physical activity,45.0,62.0,1.0,1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,136961,PRO,a lack of physical activity is thought to explain most cases of obesity,a lack of physical activity is thought to explain most cases of obesity,articles/t81/raw_1223.txt,31490,31565,articles/t81/clean_1223.txt,9640,9711,yes,a lack of physical activity,0.0,27.0,-1.0,-1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,136963,PRO,A sedentary lifestyle plays a significant role in obesity [REF,A sedentary lifestyle plays a significant role in obesity [REF,articles/t81/raw_1223.txt,42936,43027,articles/t81/clean_1223.txt,13731,13793,yes,A sedentary lifestyle,0.0,21.0,-1.0,-1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,143299,CON,the model of ideal education is that which occurs when people go on their own initiative to discover things,the model of ideal education is that which occurs when people go on their own initiative to discover things,articles/t81/raw_1211.txt,19515,19622,articles/t81/clean_1211.txt,13797,13904,no,,,,, 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,143310,PRO,Physical inactivity is increasing or high among many groups in the population,Physical inactivity is increasing or high among many groups in the population,articles/t81/raw_1214.txt,2476,2553,articles/t81/clean_1214.txt,1136,1213,no,,,,, 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,143311,PRO,people die as a result of physical inactivity,people die as a result of physical inactivity,articles/t81/raw_1214.txt,5129,5174,articles/t81/clean_1214.txt,2011,2056,yes,physical inactivity,26.0,45.0,-1.0,-1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,143312,PRO,Inactivity is one of the leading preventable causes of death worldwide,inactivity one of the leading preventable causes of death worldwide,articles/t81/raw_1214.txt,5317,5388,articles/t81/clean_1214.txt,2075,2142,yes,Inactivity,0.0,10.0,-1.0,-1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,143457,CON,"school should be made to fit the child, rather than the other way around","school should be made to fit the child, rather than the other way around",articles/t81/raw_1232.txt,1560,1632,articles/t81/clean_1232.txt,140,212,no,,,,, 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,143458,CON,children learn best with freedom from coercion,children learn best with freedom from coercion,articles/t81/raw_1232.txt,4086,4132,articles/t81/clean_1232.txt,1934,1980,yes,freedom from coercion,25.0,46.0,1.0,-1.0 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,143965,PRO,many children lead a relatively sedentary lifestyle,many children lead a relatively sedentary lifestyle,articles/t81/raw_1227.txt,9228,9279,articles/t81/clean_1227.txt,3334,3385,no,,,,, 81,test,This house would make physical education compulsory,make physical education compulsory,1,157595,PRO,There are many health related benefits to being physically active,There are many health related benefits to being physically active,articles/t81/raw_1338.txt,3331,3396,articles/t81/clean_1338.txt,2084,2149,yes,being physically active,42.0,65.0,1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,23724,PRO,Affirmative action counters the effects of a history of discrimination,countering the effects of a history of discrimination,articles/t101/raw_101.txt,865,920,articles/t101/clean_101.txt,233,286,yes,Affirmative action,0.0,18.0,1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,23725,PRO,"Affirmative action is intended to promote equal opportunity","Affirmative action is intended to promote equal opportunity",articles/t101/raw_101.txt,1953,2015,articles/t101/clean_101.txt,949,1009,yes,Affirmative action,0.0,18.0,1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,23727,PRO,Affirmative action is intended to ensure that minority groups within a society are included in all programs,to ensure that minority groups within a society are included in all programs,articles/t101/raw_101.txt,2081,2161,articles/t101/clean_101.txt,1073,1149,yes,Affirmative action,0.0,18.0,1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,23729,PRO,"Affirmative action helps to compensate for past discrimination, persecution or exploitation by the ruling class of a culture","it helps to compensate for past discrimination, persecution or exploitation by the ruling class of a culture",articles/t101/raw_101.txt,2212,2332,articles/t101/clean_101.txt,1200,1308,yes,Affirmative action,0.0,18.0,1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,23730,PRO,the principle of equality sometimes requires States parties to take affirmative action in order to diminish or eliminate conditions which cause or help to perpetuate discrimination prohibited by the Covenant,the principle of equality sometimes requires States parties to take affirmative action in order to diminish or eliminate conditions which cause or help to perpetuate discrimination prohibited by the Covenant,articles/t101/raw_101.txt,4081,4288,articles/t101/clean_101.txt,2475,2682,yes,affirmative action,68.0,86.0,1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,23731,CON,"In some countries which have laws on racial equality, affirmative action is rendered illegal because it does not treat all races equally","In some countries which have laws on racial equality, affirmative action is rendered illegal because it does not treat all races equally",articles/t101/raw_101.txt,5050,5186,articles/t101/clean_101.txt,3221,3357,yes,affirmative action,54.0,72.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,23732,CON,Affirmative action laws cause disproportionally high costs for small companies and reduce economic growth and employment,These laws cause disproportionally high costs for small companies and reduce economic growth and employment,articles/t101/raw_101.txt,31918,32031,articles/t101/clean_101.txt,21483,21590,yes,Affirmative action laws,0.0,23.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,23733,CON,it is impossible to favor somebody without discriminating against others,it is impossible to favor somebody without discriminating against others,articles/t101/raw_101.txt,32407,32479,articles/t101/clean_101.txt,21881,21953,yes,to favor somebody,17.0,34.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,23735,CON,affirmative action devalues the accomplishments of people who are chosen based on the social group to which they belong rather than their qualifications,affirmative action devalues the accomplishments of people who are chosen based on the social group to which they belong rather than their qualifications,articles/t101/raw_101.txt,34981,35133,articles/t101/clean_101.txt,23664,23816,yes,affirmative action,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,23737,CON,"affirmative action devalues the accomplishments of all those who belong to groups it is intended to help, therefore making affirmative action counterproductive","affirmative action devalues the accomplishments of all those who belong to groups it is intended to help, therefore making affirmative action counterproductive",articles/t101/raw_101.txt,35373,35532,articles/t101/clean_101.txt,23852,24011,yes,affirmative action,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,23739,CON,"affirmative action is ""reverse discrimination","affirmative action is ""reverse discrimination",articles/t101/raw_101.txt,35672,35719,articles/t101/clean_101.txt,24058,24103,yes,affirmative action,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,23740,CON,affirmative action has undesirable side-effects in addition to failing to achieve its goals,affirmative action has undesirable side-effects in addition to failing to achieve its goals,articles/t101/raw_101.txt,35743,35834,articles/t101/clean_101.txt,24125,24216,yes,affirmative action,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,23741,CON,Affirmative action may increase racial tension and benefit the more privileged people within minority groups at the expense of the least fortunate within majority groups,It may increase racial tension and benefit the more privileged people within minority groups at the expense of the least fortunate within majority groups,articles/t101/raw_101.txt,36049,36206,articles/t101/clean_101.txt,24431,24584,yes,Affirmative action,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,23743,CON,affirmative action policies encourage non-preferred groups to designate themselves as members of preferred groups,affirmative action policies encourage non-preferred groups to designate themselves as members of preferred groups,articles/t101/raw_101.txt,36700,36813,articles/t101/clean_101.txt,24854,24967,yes,affirmative action policies,0.0,27.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,23745,CON,Affirmative action policies tend to benefit primarily the most fortunate among the preferred group,they tend to benefit primarily the most fortunate among the preferred group,articles/t101/raw_101.txt,36919,36994,articles/t101/clean_101.txt,25073,25148,yes,Affirmative action policies,0.0,27.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,23749,CON,Affirmative action policies increase animosity toward preferred groups,they increase animosity toward preferred groups,articles/t101/raw_101.txt,37406,37453,articles/t101/clean_101.txt,25560,25607,yes,Affirmative action policies,0.0,27.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,23750,CON,affirmative action hurts its intended beneficiaries,affirmative action hurts its intended beneficiaries,articles/t101/raw_101.txt,38052,38103,articles/t101/clean_101.txt,26178,26229,yes,affirmative action,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,143166,CON,Merit should be a primary consideration during evaluation,"merit"" itself should be a primary consideration during evaluation",articles/t101/raw_1261.txt,1443,1508,articles/t101/clean_1261.txt,920,985,yes,Merit,0.0,5.0,1.0,-1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,144563,CON,You can't legislate morality,You can't legislate morality,articles/t101/raw_1345.txt,25898,25926,articles/t101/clean_1345.txt,15371,15399,yes,legislate morality,10.0,28.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,145470,CON,attempts at antidiscrimination have been criticized as reverse discrimination,attempts at antidiscrimination have been criticized as reverse discrimination,articles/t101/raw_1262.txt,32807,32887,articles/t101/clean_1262.txt,20013,20090,yes,attempts at antidiscrimination,0.0,30.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,145472,CON,Affirmative action discriminates against members of a dominant or majority group,affirmative action) discriminate against members of a dominant or majority group,articles/t101/raw_1262.txt,32939,33021,articles/t101/clean_1262.txt,20137,20217,yes,Affirmative action,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,145473,CON,each individual's civil rights include the right to be free from government sponsored social discrimination,each individual's civil rights include the right to be free from government sponsored social discrimination,articles/t101/raw_1262.txt,33939,34046,articles/t101/clean_1262.txt,20922,21029,yes,government sponsored social discrimination,65.0,107.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,145827,PRO,States must take measures to seek to eliminate prejudices,States must take measures to seek to eliminate prejudices,articles/t101/raw_1401.txt,2722,2779,articles/t101/clean_1401.txt,1012,1069,yes,to seek to eliminate prejudices,26.0,57.0,1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,147634,PRO,Historical racism continues to be reflected in socio-economic inequality,Historical racism continues to be reflected in socio-economic inequality,articles/t101/raw_1402.txt,1782,1854,articles/t101/clean_1402.txt,1097,1169,yes,Historical racism,0.0,17.0,-1.0,-1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,147635,PRO,Racial stratification continues to occur,Racial stratification continues to occur,articles/t101/raw_1402.txt,2841,2909,articles/t101/clean_1402.txt,1177,1217,no,,,,, 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,147636,CON,Policies adopted as affirmative action have been criticized as a form of referse discrimination,"have been criticized as a form of ""reverse discrimination",articles/t101/raw_1402.txt,60896,60955,articles/t101/clean_1402.txt,34441,34498,yes,Policies adopted as affirmative action,0.0,38.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,147637,PRO,Motivation for affirmative action policies is to redress the effects of past discrimination,Motivation for affirmative action policies is to redress the effects of past discrimination,articles/t101/raw_1402.txt,101007,101098,articles/t101/clean_1402.txt,58232,58323,yes,affirmative action policies,15.0,42.0,1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,147638,CON,Affirmative action policies demonstrate an overt preference for applicants from particular backgrounds over better-qualified (or equally-qualified) candidates from other backgrounds,these policies demonstrate an overt preference for applicants from particular backgrounds over better-qualified (or equally-qualified) candidates from other backgrounds,articles/t101/raw_1402.txt,101724,101892,articles/t101/clean_1402.txt,58905,59073,yes,Affirmative action policies,0.0,27.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,147639,CON,the only consideration in choosing between applicants should be merit,the only consideration in choosing between applicants should be merit,articles/t101/raw_1402.txt,101939,102008,articles/t101/clean_1402.txt,59120,59189,yes,merit,64.0,69.0,1.0,-1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,147640,CON,Affirmative action perpetuates racial division,it perpetuates racial division,articles/t101/raw_1402.txt,102070,102100,articles/t101/clean_1402.txt,59251,59281,yes,Affirmative action,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,147780,PRO,Differential treatment of racial groups is intended to ameliorate past discrimination,is intended to ameliorate past discrimination,articles/t101/raw_1337.txt,1105,1150,articles/t101/clean_1337.txt,922,967,yes,Differential treatment of racial groups,0.0,39.0,1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,152194,CON,recognition and rights accorded to specific groups may interfere with the state's need to establish a cohesive identity,recognition and rights accorded to specific groups may interfere with the state's need to establish a cohesive identity,articles/t101/raw_1354.txt,16405,16524,articles/t101/clean_1354.txt,12147,12266,yes,recognition and rights accorded to specific groups,0.0,50.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,152196,PRO,members of minorities require specific provisions and rights to ensure that they are not marginalised within society,members of minorities require specific provisions and rights to ensure that they are not marginalised within society,articles/t101/raw_1354.txt,17179,17295,articles/t101/clean_1354.txt,12646,12762,no,,,,, 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,152197,PRO,Affirmative action policies may be considered necessary because the minority group in question is socially disadvantaged,These may be considered necessary because the minority group in question is socially disadvantaged,articles/t101/raw_1354.txt,18217,18315,articles/t101/clean_1354.txt,13620,13718,yes,Affirmative action policies,0.0,27.0,1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,152206,CON,Racial prejudice and discrimination no longer exists,Racial prejudice and discrimination no longer exists,articles/t101/raw_1373.txt,1429,1481,articles/t101/clean_1373.txt,888,940,no,,,,, 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,152428,CON,"affirmative action is racial division, not racial reconciliation","affirmative action is racial division, not racial reconciliation",articles/t101/raw_1335.txt,3984,4048,articles/t101/clean_1335.txt,2287,2351,yes,affirmative action,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,152437,PRO,Affirmative action policies redress imbalances and promote equality,redress imbalances and promote equality,articles/t101/raw_1336.txt,9427,9466,articles/t101/clean_1336.txt,5654,5693,yes,Affirmative action policies,0.0,27.0,1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,152438,PRO,Affirmative action policies for specific racial groups guarantee the full and equal enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms,"affirmative action policies for specific racial groups to guarantee ""the full and equal enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms",articles/t101/raw_1336.txt,12798,12938,articles/t101/clean_1336.txt,7580,7718,yes,Affirmative action policies for specific racial groups,0.0,54.0,1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,152551,CON,Discrimination is inherent in affirmative action programs,discrimination inherent in affirmative action programs,articles/t101/raw_1333.txt,716,774,articles/t101/clean_1333.txt,592,646,yes,affirmative action programs,30.0,57.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,152552,PRO,identical treatment may sometimes act to preserve inequality rather than eliminate it,identical treatment may sometimes act to preserve inequality rather than eliminate it,articles/t101/raw_1333.txt,916,1001,articles/t101/clean_1333.txt,785,870,yes,identical treatment,0.0,19.0,-1.0,-1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,153206,CON,all people should be treated similarly,all people should be treated similarly,articles/t101/raw_1263.txt,339,377,articles/t101/clean_1263.txt,44,82,no,,,,, 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,153207,CON,jobs should go to those “most qualified,jobs should go to those “most qualified,articles/t101/raw_1263.txt,628,667,articles/t101/clean_1263.txt,307,346,yes,those “most qualified,18.0,39.0,1.0,-1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,153208,CON,The selection process should not be based on some arbitrary or irrelevant criterion,The selection process should not be based on some arbitrary or irrelevant criterion,articles/t101/raw_1263.txt,16843,16926,articles/t101/clean_1263.txt,5904,5987,yes,some arbitrary or irrelevant criterion,45.0,83.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,153209,CON,race and sex shouldn't matter when getting a job,race and sex shouldn't matter when getting a job,articles/t101/raw_1263.txt,24213,24261,articles/t101/clean_1263.txt,9790,9838,yes,race and sex,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,153210,CON,final selection for posts must be made according to the principle the best person for the job,final selection for posts must be made according to the principle the best person for the job,articles/t101/raw_1263.txt,30440,30535,articles/t101/clean_1263.txt,13026,13119,yes,the principle the best person for the job,52.0,93.0,1.0,-1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,153211,PRO,The overall idea of affirmitive action is to give children from less fortunate backgrounds more of a chance,the overall idea is to give children from less fortunate backgrounds more of a chance,articles/t101/raw_1263.txt,31053,31138,articles/t101/clean_1263.txt,13593,13678,yes,The overall idea of affirmitive action,0.0,38.0,1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,153212,PRO,The idea of affirmative action is to help disadvantaged groups get back to a normal starting position after a long period of discrimination,The idea is to help disadvantaged groups get back to a normal starting position after a long period of discrimination,articles/t101/raw_1263.txt,34721,34840,articles/t101/clean_1263.txt,15504,15621,yes,The idea of affirmative action,0.0,30.0,1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,153213,CON,any equalities achieved will entail future inequalities,any equalities achieved will entail future inequalities,articles/t101/raw_1263.txt,75831,75886,articles/t101/clean_1263.txt,37607,37662,yes,any equalities achieved,0.0,23.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,153214,CON,Equality of opportunity is an ideal that cannot and should not be realized through the actions of the government,it is an ideal that cannot and should not be realized through the actions of the government,articles/t101/raw_1263.txt,80123,80214,articles/t101/clean_1263.txt,39616,39707,no,,,,, 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,154763,PRO,The impetus towards affirmative action is to redress the disadvantages[REF][REF][REF][REF][REF] associated with overt historical discrimination,The impetus towards affirmative action is to redress the disadvantages[REF][REF][REF][REF][REF] associated with overt historical discrimination,articles/t101/raw_1352.txt,1362,3391,articles/t101/clean_1352.txt,542,685,yes,The impetus towards affirmative action,0.0,38.0,1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,154764,CON,Policies adopted as affirmative action have been criticised as a form of reverse discrimination,have been criticised as a form of reverse discrimination,articles/t101/raw_1352.txt,4251,4309,articles/t101/clean_1352.txt,1023,1079,yes,Policies adopted as affirmative action,0.0,38.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,154765,PRO,Affirmative action aims to correct the effects of past and present discrimination,"aims ""to correct the effects of past and present discrimination",articles/t101/raw_1352.txt,10494,10557,articles/t101/clean_1352.txt,5596,5659,yes,Affirmative action,0.0,18.0,1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,154766,CON,no one has a legal right to have any demographic characteristic they possess be considered a favorable point on their behalf,no one has a legal right to have any demographic characteristic they possess be considered a favorable point on their behalf,articles/t101/raw_1352.txt,21014,21138,articles/t101/clean_1352.txt,13817,13941,yes,a legal right to have any demographic characteristic they possess be considered a favorable point on their behalf,11.0,124.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,154767,PRO,Race-conscious affirmative action remains necessary to address race-based obstacles,Race-conscious affirmative action remains necessary to address race-based obstacles,articles/t101/raw_1352.txt,26511,26594,articles/t101/clean_1352.txt,17687,17770,yes,Race-conscious affirmative action,0.0,33.0,1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,154768,CON,Affirmative action is often contested on constitutional grounds,it is often contested on constitutional grounds,articles/t101/raw_1352.txt,28301,28379,articles/t101/clean_1352.txt,18752,18799,yes,Affirmative action,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,154769,CON,affirmative action requires the very discrimination it is seeking to eliminate,affirmative action requires the very discrimination it is seeking to eliminate,articles/t101/raw_1352.txt,32333,32411,articles/t101/clean_1352.txt,21414,21492,yes,affirmative action,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,154770,CON,Affirmative action is counter-productive,affirmative action counter-productive,articles/t101/raw_1352.txt,32468,32505,articles/t101/clean_1352.txt,21549,21586,yes,Affirmative action,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,154771,CON,affirmative action lowers the bar,affirmative action lowers the bar,articles/t101/raw_1352.txt,32830,32863,articles/t101/clean_1352.txt,21911,21944,yes,affirmative action,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,154773,CON,affirmative action has undesirable side-effects,affirmative action has undesirable side-effects,articles/t101/raw_1352.txt,33518,33565,articles/t101/clean_1352.txt,22371,22418,yes,affirmative action,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,154774,CON,Affirmative action fails to achieve its goals,it fails to achieve its goals,articles/t101/raw_1352.txt,33575,33604,articles/t101/clean_1352.txt,22428,22457,yes,Affirmative action,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,154775,CON,Affirmative action hinders reconciliation,it hinders reconciliation,articles/t101/raw_1352.txt,33622,33647,articles/t101/clean_1352.txt,22475,22500,yes,Affirmative action,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,154776,CON,Affirmative action replaces old wrongs with new wrongs,replaces old wrongs with new wrongs,articles/t101/raw_1352.txt,33649,33684,articles/t101/clean_1352.txt,22502,22537,yes,Affirmative action,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,154777,CON,Affirmative action undermines the achievements of minorities,undermines the achievements of minorities,articles/t101/raw_1352.txt,33686,33727,articles/t101/clean_1352.txt,22539,22580,yes,Affirmative action,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,154778,CON,"Affirmative action encourages groups to identify themselves as disadvantaged, even if they are not","encourages groups to identify themselves as disadvantaged, even if they are not",articles/t101/raw_1352.txt,33733,33812,articles/t101/clean_1352.txt,22586,22665,yes,Affirmative action,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,154779,CON,Affirmative action may increase racial tension,It may increase racial tension,articles/t101/raw_1352.txt,33923,33953,articles/t101/clean_1352.txt,22673,22703,yes,Affirmative action,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,154780,CON,affirmative action devalues the accomplishments of people who belong to a group it's supposed to help,affirmative action devalues the accomplishments of people who belong to a group it's supposed to help,articles/t101/raw_1352.txt,34792,34893,articles/t101/clean_1352.txt,23341,23442,yes,affirmative action,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,154782,CON,Affirmative action creates a cult of victimization,"it creates ""a cult of victimization",articles/t101/raw_1352.txt,35372,35407,articles/t101/clean_1352.txt,23794,23829,yes,Affirmative action,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,154783,CON,Affirmative action policies reduce the incentives of both the preferred and non-preferred to perform at their best,reduce the incentives of both the preferred and non-preferred to perform at their best,articles/t101/raw_1352.txt,36896,36982,articles/t101/clean_1352.txt,24654,24740,yes,Affirmative action policies,0.0,27.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,154784,CON,Affirmative action policies engender animosity toward preferred groups,they engender animosity toward preferred groups,articles/t101/raw_1352.txt,37150,37197,articles/t101/clean_1352.txt,24908,24955,yes,Affirmative action policies,0.0,27.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,154978,CON,Affirmative action violates the principle of equal treatment just as much as negative discrimination,it violates the principle of equal treatment just as much as negative discrimination,articles/t101/raw_1347.txt,13514,13598,articles/t101/clean_1347.txt,11389,11473,yes,Affirmative action,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,157608,CON,one group is favored at the expense of another whenever a quota is invoked,one group is favored at the expense of another whenever a quota is invoked,articles/t101/raw_1368.txt,4407,4481,articles/t101/clean_1368.txt,3019,3093,yes,whenever a quota is invoked,47.0,74.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,157609,CON,using quotas displaces individuals that would normally be favored based on their individual achievements,using quotas displaces individuals that would normally be favored based on their individual achievements,articles/t101/raw_1368.txt,4603,4707,articles/t101/clean_1368.txt,3215,3319,yes,using quotas,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,157610,CON,qualifications should be the only determining factor,qualifications should be the only determining factor,articles/t101/raw_1368.txt,4749,4801,articles/t101/clean_1368.txt,3361,3413,yes,qualifications,0.0,14.0,1.0,-1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,157682,CON,Types of affirmative action that give preference to individuals solely based on their race or gender should not be permitted,those that give preference to individuals solely based on their race or gender should not be permitted,articles/t101/raw_1400.txt,3455,3557,articles/t101/clean_1400.txt,2108,2210,yes,Types of affirmative action that give preference to individuals solely based on their race or gender,0.0,100.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,157683,CON,"social inequality today is due to ""cultural deficits"" of individual people or racial or ethnic groups","social inequality today is due to ""cultural deficits"" of individual people or racial or ethnic groups",articles/t101/raw_1400.txt,17140,17241,articles/t101/clean_1400.txt,10746,10847,yes,"cultural deficits"" of individual people or racial or ethnic groups",35.0,101.0,-1.0,-1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,157684,CON,"there is no need to pay ""systematic attention"" to any current inequities","there is no need to pay ""systematic attention"" to any current inequities",articles/t101/raw_1400.txt,17288,17360,articles/t101/clean_1400.txt,10894,10966,yes,"to pay ""systematic attention"" to any current inequities",17.0,72.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,158777,CON,Affirmative action programs have at best a negligible impact on the groups they are intended to assist,programs have at best a negligible impact on the groups they are intended to assist,articles/t101/raw_1355.txt,1382,1465,articles/t101/clean_1355.txt,477,560,yes,Affirmative action programs,0.0,27.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,158778,CON,Preference policies reduce the incentives of both the preferred and non-preferred to perform at their best,They reduce the incentives of both the preferred and non-preferred to perform at their best,articles/t101/raw_1355.txt,2574,2665,articles/t101/clean_1355.txt,1403,1494,yes,Preference policies,0.0,19.0,-1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,163904,PRO,Direct intervention in the distribution of assets and opportunities is needed to resolve the economic disparities,direct intervention in the distribution of assets and opportunities was needed to resolve the economic disparities,articles/t101/raw_1357.txt,1120,1234,articles/t101/clean_1357.txt,571,685,yes,Direct intervention in the distribution of assets and opportunities,0.0,67.0,1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,183731,PRO,Affirmative action is designed to improve the well being of perceived backward and under represented communities,affirmative action designed to improve the well being of perceived backward and under represented communities,articles/t101/raw_1371.txt,350,461,articles/t101/clean_1371.txt,37,146,yes,Affirmative action,0.0,18.0,1.0,1.0 101,test,This house believes in the use of affirmative action,the use of affirmative action,1,183732,CON,The identification of oppressed classes is difficult to carry out,the identification of oppressed classes was difficult to carry out,articles/t101/raw_1371.txt,24114,24202,articles/t101/clean_1371.txt,17065,17131,yes,The identification of oppressed classes,0.0,39.0,-1.0,1.0 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,32017,CON,boxing commissions and other sanctioning bodies were established to regulate the sport,boxing commissions and other sanctioning bodies were established to regulate the sport,articles/t121/raw_141.txt,10849,10935,articles/t121/clean_141.txt,7219,7305,no,,,,, 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,32018,CON,"fighters wear protective headgear, reducing the number of injuries, knockdowns, and knockouts","fighters wear protective headgear, reducing the number of injuries, knockdowns, and knockouts",articles/t121/raw_141.txt,17832,17925,articles/t121/clean_141.txt,14037,14130,no,,,,, 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,32019,CON,A referee monitors the fight to ensure that competitors use only legal blows,A referee monitors the fight to ensure that competitors use only legal blows,articles/t121/raw_141.txt,19533,19609,articles/t121/clean_141.txt,15544,15620,no,,,,, 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,32020,PRO,"Headgear is not permitted in professional bouts, and boxers are generally allowed to take much more damage before a fight is halted","Headgear is not permitted in professional bouts, and boxers are generally allowed to take much more damage before a fight is halted",articles/t121/raw_141.txt,21658,21789,articles/t121/clean_141.txt,17061,17192,no,,,,, 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,32021,CON,the referee may stop the contest if he believes that one participant cannot defend himself due to injury,the referee may stop the contest if he believes that one participant cannot defend himself due to injury,articles/t121/raw_141.txt,21813,21917,articles/t121/clean_141.txt,17216,17320,no,,,,, 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,32022,PRO,Knocking a person unconscious or even causing concussion may cause permanent brain damage,Knocking a person unconscious or even causing concussion may cause permanent brain damage,articles/t121/raw_141.txt,61507,61602,articles/t121/clean_141.txt,51468,51557,yes,Knocking a person unconscious or even causing concussion,0.0,56.0,-1.0,1.0 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,32023,PRO,There is no clear division between the force required to knock a person out and the force likely to kill a person,There is no clear division between the force required to knock a person out and the force likely to kill a person,articles/t121/raw_141.txt,61716,61829,articles/t121/clean_141.txt,51565,51678,yes,the force required to knock a person out,35.0,75.0,-1.0,1.0 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,32024,PRO,"amateur boxers, professional boxers and Toughman fighters have died as the result of ring or training injuries","amateur boxers, professional boxers and Toughman fighters have died as the result of ring or training injuries",articles/t121/raw_141.txt,61895,62026,articles/t121/clean_141.txt,51706,51816,yes,ring or training injuries,85.0,110.0,-1.0,1.0 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,32025,PRO,Boxing is an obscenity that should not be sanctioned by any civilized society,"boxing an ""obscenity"" that ""should not be sanctioned by any civilized society",articles/t121/raw_141.txt,62379,62456,articles/t121/clean_141.txt,51955,52032,yes,Boxing,0.0,6.0,-1.0,1.0 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,32026,PRO,Medical Associations have called for bans on boxing,Medical Associations also have called for bans on boxing,articles/t121/raw_141.txt,62922,62978,articles/t121/clean_141.txt,52104,52160,yes,boxing,45.0,51.0,-1.0,1.0 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,32028,PRO,boxing is the only sport where hurting the other athlete is the goal,boxing is the only sport where hurting the other athlete is the goal,articles/t121/raw_141.txt,63018,63086,articles/t121/clean_141.txt,52197,52265,yes,boxing,0.0,6.0,-1.0,1.0 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,32029,PRO,Boxing is the only sport where the intention is to inflict serious injury on your opponent,It is the only sport where the intention is to inflict serious injury on your opponent,articles/t121/raw_141.txt,63213,63299,articles/t121/clean_141.txt,52388,52474,yes,Boxing,0.0,6.0,-1.0,1.0 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,32030,PRO,Protective headgear does not prevent brain damage,protective headgear did not prevent brain damage,articles/t121/raw_141.txt,63495,63543,articles/t121/clean_141.txt,52584,52632,no,,,,, 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,32031,PRO,Amateur boxers face a high risk of brain damage,amateur boxers faced a high risk of brain damage,articles/t121/raw_141.txt,63811,63859,articles/t121/clean_141.txt,52662,52710,yes,Amateur boxers,0.0,14.0,-1.0,1.0 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,32056,CON,Referees will stop the bout if a boxer is seriously injured,Referees will stop the bout if a boxer is seriously injured,articles/t121/raw_124.txt,1558,1617,articles/t121/clean_124.txt,1358,1417,no,,,,, 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,32068,CON,The referee intervenes to avoid unnecessary damage or potential injury,The referee intervenes to avoid unnecessary damage or potential injury,articles/t121/raw_123.txt,3451,3521,articles/t121/clean_123.txt,2787,2857,no,,,,, 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,32069,PRO,The typical knock out results in a sustained loss of consciousness,the typical knock out which results in a sustained loss of consciousness,articles/t121/raw_123.txt,3994,4066,articles/t121/clean_123.txt,3289,3361,yes,The typical knock out,0.0,21.0,-1.0,1.0 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,32070,PRO,Repeated blows to the head are known to gradually cause permanent brain damage,Repeated blows to the head are known to gradually cause permanent brain damage,articles/t121/raw_123.txt,4961,5041,articles/t121/clean_123.txt,4205,4283,yes,Repeated blows to the head,0.0,26.0,-1.0,1.0 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,32072,PRO,In severe cases boxing may cause strokes or paralysis,In severe cases may cause strokes or paralysis,articles/t121/raw_123.txt,5046,5098,articles/t121/clean_123.txt,4285,4331,yes,boxing,16.0,22.0,-1.0,1.0 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,32073,PRO,many physicians advise against sports involving knockouts,many physicians advise against sports involving knockouts,articles/t121/raw_123.txt,5217,5278,articles/t121/clean_123.txt,4410,4467,yes,sports involving knockouts,31.0,57.0,-1.0,1.0 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,32082,CON,fatalities are rare in heavyweight matches,fatalities are rare in heavyweight matches,articles/t121/raw_122.txt,8136,8182,articles/t121/clean_122.txt,4649,4691,yes,heavyweight matches,23.0,42.0,1.0,1.0 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,32083,CON,rule changes have made certain kinds of boxing deaths far rarer,rule changes have made certain kinds of boxing deaths far rarer,articles/t121/raw_122.txt,9942,10005,articles/t121/clean_122.txt,5364,5427,no,,,,, 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,32084,PRO,boxing remains the 8th most deadly sport,boxing remains the 8th most deadly sport,articles/t121/raw_122.txt,10014,10054,articles/t121/clean_122.txt,5436,5476,yes,boxing,0.0,6.0,-1.0,1.0 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,148162,CON,Sports related to combat skills have been a part of human culture for thousands of years,Sports related to combat skills have been a part of human culture for thousands of years,articles/t121/raw_1386.txt,1239,1335,articles/t121/clean_1386.txt,630,718,yes,Sports related to combat skills,0.0,31.0,1.0,1.0 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,148204,PRO,Contact sports have a higher risk of transmission of blood-borne disease between players,Contact sports have a higher risk of transmission of blood-borne disease between players,articles/t121/raw_1391.txt,2157,2249,articles/t121/clean_1391.txt,1153,1241,yes,Contact sports,0.0,14.0,-1.0,1.0 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,148205,PRO,full-contact sports are barbaric,full-contact sports are barbaric,articles/t121/raw_1391.txt,3573,3617,articles/t121/clean_1391.txt,2313,2345,yes,full-contact sports,0.0,19.0,-1.0,1.0 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,148206,PRO,Full contact sports tend to cause injuries,tend to cause injuries,articles/t121/raw_1391.txt,3699,3730,articles/t121/clean_1391.txt,2389,2411,yes,Full contact sports,0.0,19.0,-1.0,1.0 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,148228,PRO,boxing may cause DP,boxing may cause DP,articles/t121/raw_1393.txt,1801,1820,articles/t121/clean_1393.txt,902,921,yes,boxing,0.0,6.0,-1.0,1.0 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,149070,PRO,Boxing is very brutal,boxing was very brutal,articles/t121/raw_1380.txt,685,707,articles/t121/clean_1380.txt,565,587,yes,Boxing,0.0,6.0,-1.0,1.0 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,149081,PRO,a powerpunch can do a lot of damage to a boxer,a powerpunch can do a lot of damage to a boxer,articles/t121/raw_1384.txt,9488,9534,articles/t121/clean_1384.txt,8286,8332,yes,a powerpunch,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 121,test,This house would ban boxing,boxing,-1,159761,PRO,medical groups have called for a ban on the sport,medical groups have called for a ban on the sport,articles/t121/raw_1388.txt,62673,62722,articles/t121/clean_1388.txt,29634,29683,no,,,,, 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,176201,PRO,Diversity must be prevalent and valued,Diversity must be prevalent and valued,articles/t181/raw_2038.txt,1981,2019,articles/t181/clean_2038.txt,1655,1693,yes,Diversity,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,176202,PRO,differences are recognized as a uniting component rather than a separating one,differences are recognized as a uniting component rather than a separating one,articles/t181/raw_2038.txt,2510,2588,articles/t181/clean_2038.txt,2157,2235,yes,differences,0.0,11.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,179327,CON,A multicultural society can never be strong,a multicultural society could never be strong,articles/t181/raw_204.txt,8838,8883,articles/t181/clean_204.txt,5629,5674,yes,A multicultural society,0.0,23.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,179328,CON,many multicultural societies have failed,many multicultural societies have failed,articles/t181/raw_204.txt,12780,12820,articles/t181/clean_204.txt,7870,7910,yes,many multicultural societies,0.0,28.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,179329,CON,Multiculturalism is a perilous concept on which to found policy,it is a perilous concept on which to found policy,articles/t181/raw_204.txt,13731,13780,articles/t181/clean_204.txt,8606,8655,yes,Multiculturalism,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,179330,CON,Multiculturalism results in political corruption,multiculturalism has resulted in political corruption,articles/t181/raw_204.txt,16221,16274,articles/t181/clean_204.txt,10148,10201,yes,Multiculturalism,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,181314,CON,Multiculturalism creates friction within society,it creates friction within society,articles/t181/raw_2067.txt,685,719,articles/t181/clean_2067.txt,496,530,yes,Multiculturalism,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,181318,PRO,"the diversity of cultural expressions is a ""rich asset for individuals and societies","the diversity of cultural expressions is a ""rich asset for individuals and societies",articles/t181/raw_2070.txt,2241,2325,articles/t181/clean_2070.txt,1537,1621,yes,the diversity of cultural expressions,0.0,37.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,181319,PRO,promotion and maintenance of cultural diversity are an essential requirement for sustainable development,promotion and maintenance of cultural diversity are an essential requirement for sustainable development,articles/t181/raw_2070.txt,2343,2453,articles/t181/clean_2070.txt,1639,1743,yes,promotion and maintenance of cultural diversity,0.0,47.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,181322,PRO,diversity brings progress and social cohesion,diversity brings progress and social cohesion,articles/t181/raw_2071.txt,10936,10981,articles/t181/clean_2071.txt,9001,9046,yes,diversity,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,181387,PRO,cultural diversity is as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for the nature,cultural diversity is as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for the nature,articles/t181/raw_2073.txt,1020,1106,articles/t181/clean_2073.txt,423,505,yes,cultural diversity,0.0,18.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,181388,PRO,Cultural diversity is the common heritage of humanity,it is the common heritage of humanity,articles/t181/raw_2073.txt,1123,1160,articles/t181/clean_2073.txt,522,559,yes,Cultural diversity,0.0,18.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,181766,PRO,cultural diversity may be vital for the long-term survival of humanity,cultural diversity may be vital for the long-term survival of humanity,articles/t181/raw_206.txt,1742,1812,articles/t181/clean_206.txt,1559,1629,yes,cultural diversity,0.0,18.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,181767,PRO,cultural diversity is as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for nature,cultural diversity is as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for nature,articles/t181/raw_206.txt,2124,2202,articles/t181/clean_206.txt,1925,2003,yes,cultural diversity,0.0,18.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,181768,CON,It is unethical to conserve less developed societies,"it is unethical deliberately to conserve ""less developed"" societies",articles/t181/raw_206.txt,2682,2749,articles/t181/clean_206.txt,2293,2360,yes,to conserve less developed societies,16.0,52.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,181769,CON,it is in the best interests of individuals and of humanity as a whole that all people adhere to a specific model for society,it is in the best interests of individuals and of humanity as a whole that all people adhere to a specific model for society,articles/t181/raw_206.txt,4561,4685,articles/t181/clean_206.txt,3817,3941,yes,all people adhere to a specific model for society,75.0,124.0,1.0,-1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,181851,CON,Multiculturalism can become a polite and euphemistic way of affirming and persisting unequal power relationships,Multiculturalism can become a polite and euphemistic way of affirming and persisting unequal power relationships,articles/t181/raw_2055.txt,10815,10927,articles/t181/clean_2055.txt,8528,8640,yes,Multiculturalism,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,181983,CON,Multiculturalism tends to emphasize the rights of ethnic minorities at the expense of the majority,Multiculturalism tends to emphasize the rights of ethnic minorities at the expense of the majority,articles/t181/raw_2066.txt,1111,1211,articles/t181/clean_2066.txt,1000,1098,yes,Multiculturalism,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,182805,CON,The idea of multiculturalism had reached the end of its useful life,had reached the end of its useful life,articles/t181/raw_2069.txt,6393,6431,articles/t181/clean_2069.txt,5942,5980,yes,The idea of multiculturalism,0.0,28.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,182806,CON,Multiculturalism can not be allowed to create a society where all values are equal,Multiculturalism could not be allowed to create a society where all values were equal,articles/t181/raw_2069.txt,6433,6518,articles/t181/clean_2069.txt,5982,6067,no,,,,, 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,182893,PRO,cultural differences within society are valuable and should be preserved,cultural differences within society are valuable and should be preserved,articles/t181/raw_207.txt,777,849,articles/t181/clean_207.txt,456,528,yes,cultural differences within society,0.0,35.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,182894,PRO,each ethnic and national group has the right to maintain and preserve its cultural distinction and integrity,each ethnic and national group has the right to maintain and preserve its cultural distinction and integrity,articles/t181/raw_207.txt,31185,31293,articles/t181/clean_207.txt,22895,23003,no,,,,, 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,182895,PRO,one does not need to assimilate or abandon one's heritage in order to blend in,one does not need to assimilate or abandon one's heritage in order to blend in,articles/t181/raw_207.txt,31304,31382,articles/t181/clean_207.txt,23014,23092,yes,to assimilate or abandon one's heritage,18.0,57.0,-1.0,-1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,182898,PRO,assimilation can hurt minority cultures by stripping away their distinctive features,assimilation can hurt minority cultures by stripping away their distinctive features,articles/t181/raw_207.txt,33326,33410,articles/t181/clean_207.txt,24620,24704,yes,assimilation,0.0,12.0,-1.0,-1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,182899,CON,"separating citizens by ethnicity or race and providing immigrant groups ""special privileges"" can harm the very groups they are intended to help","separating citizens by ethnicity or race and providing immigrant groups ""special privileges"" can harm the very groups they are intended to help",articles/t181/raw_207.txt,35450,35593,articles/t181/clean_207.txt,26627,26770,yes,"separating citizens by ethnicity or race and providing immigrant groups ""special privileges",0.0,91.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,182900,CON,the multiculturalist policy of freer immigration is unworkable in an era in which the supply of immigrants from third world countries seems limitless,the multiculturalist policy of freer immigration is unworkable in an era in which the supply of immigrants from third world countries seems limitless,articles/t181/raw_207.txt,36118,36271,articles/t181/clean_207.txt,27292,27441,yes,the multiculturalist policy of freer immigration,0.0,48.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,183691,PRO,There is no rational ground for curtailing cultural freedoms,there is no rational ground for curtailing the cultural freedoms,articles/t181/raw_2039.txt,15220,15284,articles/t181/clean_2039.txt,12132,12196,yes,curtailing cultural freedoms,32.0,60.0,-1.0,-1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,183697,PRO,multinationality in a single state should necessarily comprise the right to express and exercise national identity even by minorities,multinationality in a single state should necessarily comprise the right to express and exercise national identity even by minorities,articles/t181/raw_2040.txt,1197,1330,articles/t181/clean_2040.txt,875,1008,yes,the right to express and exercise national identity even by minorities,63.0,133.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,184341,PRO,Peoples have the right to the dignity and diversity of their cultures,Indigenous peoples have the right to the dignity and diversity of their cultures,articles/t181/raw_2034.txt,11609,11689,articles/t181/clean_2034.txt,8898,8978,yes,the right to the dignity and diversity of their cultures,13.0,69.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,184342,PRO,the distinctiveness of people's identity and their rights to preserve their heritage should be acknowledged,the distinctiveness of people's identity and their rights to preserve their heritage should be acknowledged,articles/t181/raw_2034.txt,26793,26900,articles/t181/clean_2034.txt,20965,21072,yes,the distinctiveness of people's identity and their rights to preserve their heritage,0.0,84.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,184590,PRO,Multicultural classrooms promote decision-making and critical thinking,Multicultural classrooms promote decision-making and critical thinking,articles/t181/raw_2037.txt,1152,1222,articles/t181/clean_2037.txt,934,1004,yes,Multicultural classrooms,0.0,24.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,184592,PRO,multiculturalism is a tool for instilling students with pride and confidence in their unique and special backgrounds,multiculturalism is a tool for instilling students with pride and confidence in their unique and special backgrounds,articles/t181/raw_2037.txt,2871,2987,articles/t181/clean_2037.txt,2525,2641,yes,multiculturalism,0.0,16.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,184593,PRO,Multicultural education provides a relatively fairer learning environment for international students,Multicultural education provides a relatively fairer learning environment for international students,articles/t181/raw_2037.txt,3505,3605,articles/t181/clean_2037.txt,3113,3213,yes,Multicultural education,0.0,23.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,184594,CON,multicultural education may cause abandonment of original cultural,multicultural education may cause abandonment of original cultural,articles/t181/raw_2037.txt,3962,4028,articles/t181/clean_2037.txt,3570,3636,yes,multicultural education,0.0,23.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,184595,PRO,Diversity is intrinsically valuable to the dominant culture,Diversity is intrinsically valuable to the dominant culture,articles/t181/raw_2037.txt,8190,8249,articles/t181/clean_2037.txt,7211,7270,yes,Diversity,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,184596,PRO,A homogeneous community grounded on consensus may be unable to criticize the injustice and exclusionary practices that undermine it,A homogeneous community grounded on consensus may be unable to criticize the injustice and exclusionary practices that undermine it,articles/t181/raw_2037.txt,13960,14099,articles/t181/clean_2037.txt,12720,12851,yes,A homogeneous community grounded on consensus,0.0,45.0,-1.0,-1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,184597,PRO,Reform of cultural pathology often comes from the recognition of difference,Reform of cultural pathology often comes from the recognition of difference,articles/t181/raw_2037.txt,14103,14180,articles/t181/clean_2037.txt,12854,12929,yes,the recognition of difference,46.0,75.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,184598,PRO,Multiculturalism is a developmental journey through which an individual enhances knowledge and skills about different cultures,Multiculturalism is a developmental journey through which an individual enhances knowledge and skills about different cultures,articles/t181/raw_2037.txt,15993,16119,articles/t181/clean_2037.txt,14585,14711,yes,Multiculturalism,0.0,16.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,184599,PRO,Multicultural education in public schools would promote acceptance of diversity,Multicultural education in public schools would promote acceptance of diversity,articles/t181/raw_2037.txt,19492,19573,articles/t181/clean_2037.txt,17759,17838,yes,Multicultural education in public schools,0.0,41.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,184600,PRO,Citizens in a diverse democratic society should be able to maintain attachments to their cultural communities,Citizens in a diverse democratic society should be able to maintain attachments to their cultural communities,articles/t181/raw_2037.txt,20545,20654,articles/t181/clean_2037.txt,18754,18863,yes,to maintain attachments to their cultural communities,56.0,109.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,184601,PRO,Unity without diversity results in cultural repression,Unity without diversity results in cultural repression,articles/t181/raw_2037.txt,20724,20778,articles/t181/clean_2037.txt,18931,18985,yes,Unity without diversity,0.0,23.0,-1.0,-1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,184817,PRO,the strongest nations are those that are made up of different racial elements,the strongest nations are those that are made up of different racial elements,articles/t181/raw_202.txt,18463,18540,articles/t181/clean_202.txt,8151,8228,yes,different racial elements,52.0,77.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,184818,PRO,multiculturalism helps in bringing together immigrants and minorities in the country,multiculturalism helps in bringing together immigrants and minorities in the country,articles/t181/raw_202.txt,42334,42418,articles/t181/clean_202.txt,22067,22151,yes,multiculturalism,0.0,16.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,184819,CON,official multiculturalism limits the freedom of minority members,official multiculturalism limits the freedom of minority members,articles/t181/raw_202.txt,47914,47978,articles/t181/clean_202.txt,24350,24414,yes,official multiculturalism,0.0,25.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,184820,CON,multiculturalism works better in theory than in practice,multiculturalism works better in theory than in practice,articles/t181/raw_202.txt,49402,49458,articles/t181/clean_202.txt,25227,25283,yes,multiculturalism,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,184821,CON,Multiculturalism perpetuates conflicts between and within groups,it perpetuates conflicts between and within groups,articles/t181/raw_202.txt,50029,50079,articles/t181/clean_202.txt,25620,25670,yes,Multiculturalism,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,184822,CON,Multiculturalism hinders equity and equality in society,it hinders equity and equality in society,articles/t181/raw_202.txt,50085,50126,articles/t181/clean_202.txt,25676,25717,yes,Multiculturalism,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,186019,PRO,"diversity is valuable in itself, to preserve human historical heritage and knowledge","diversity is valuable in itself, to preserve human historical heritage and knowledge",articles/t181/raw_2035.txt,14495,14579,articles/t181/clean_2035.txt,10344,10428,yes,diversity,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,186020,PRO,Diversity makes available more ways of solving problems and responding to catastrophes,it makes available more ways of solving problems and responding to catastrophes,articles/t181/raw_2035.txt,14616,14695,articles/t181/clean_2035.txt,10465,10544,yes,Diversity,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,186021,CON,The greater public good warrants eliminating those cultural characteristics that promote conflict or prevent harmony,The greater public good warrants eliminating those cultural characteristics that promote conflict or prevent harmony,articles/t181/raw_2035.txt,24635,24751,articles/t181/clean_2035.txt,18327,18443,yes,those cultural characteristics that promote conflict or prevent harmony,45.0,116.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,186302,CON,"A community of separate cultures fosters a rights mentality, rather than a responsibilities mentality","A community of separate cultures fosters a rights mentality, rather than a responsibilities mentality",articles/t181/raw_205.txt,2875,2976,articles/t181/clean_205.txt,1843,1944,yes,A community of separate cultures,0.0,32.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,186303,CON,A community of separate cultures is divisive,It is divisive,articles/t181/raw_205.txt,2978,2992,articles/t181/clean_205.txt,1946,1960,yes,A community of separate cultures,0.0,32.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,186304,CON,A community of separate cultures works against quick and effective integration,It works against quick and effective integration,articles/t181/raw_205.txt,2994,3042,articles/t181/clean_205.txt,1962,2010,yes,A community of separate cultures,0.0,32.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,186305,CON,multiculturalism obscures the social costs associated with large scale immigration,multiculturalism obscures the social costs associated with large scale immigration,articles/t181/raw_205.txt,4847,4929,articles/t181/clean_205.txt,2675,2757,yes,multiculturalism,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,186308,CON,Multiculturalism is divisive,It is divisive,articles/t181/raw_205.txt,6900,6914,articles/t181/clean_205.txt,4420,4434,yes,Multiculturalism,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,186309,CON,Multiculturalism threatens social cohesion,It threatens social cohesion,articles/t181/raw_205.txt,6916,6944,articles/t181/clean_205.txt,4436,4464,yes,Multiculturalism,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,186315,CON,Multiculturalism undermines national unity,multiculturalism undermined national unity,articles/t181/raw_205.txt,36863,36905,articles/t181/clean_205.txt,19069,19111,yes,Multiculturalism,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,186316,CON,some forms of multiculturalism can divide people,some forms of multiculturalism can divide people,articles/t181/raw_205.txt,42369,42417,articles/t181/clean_205.txt,22904,22952,yes,some forms of multiculturalism,0.0,30.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,186317,CON,Multiculturalism is considered to be dangerous to the West,multiculturalism to be dangerous to the West,articles/t181/raw_205.txt,42972,43016,articles/t181/clean_205.txt,23303,23347,yes,Multiculturalism,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,186577,PRO,all cultures and civilizations are of equal value,all cultures and civilizations are of equal value,articles/t181/raw_2044.txt,1938,1987,articles/t181/clean_2044.txt,1692,1741,yes,all cultures and civilizations,0.0,30.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,186578,PRO,All cultures and civilizations should be treated and promoted equally,should be treated and promoted equally,articles/t181/raw_2044.txt,1992,2030,articles/t181/clean_2044.txt,1746,1784,yes,All cultures and civilizations,0.0,30.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,186579,PRO,people have the right to maintain an affiliation with one's ethnic group,people have the right to maintain an affiliation with one's ethnic group,articles/t181/raw_2044.txt,3919,3991,articles/t181/clean_2044.txt,3597,3669,yes,the right to maintain an affiliation with one's ethnic group,12.0,72.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,186700,PRO,the community is enriched as difference accrues,the community is enriched as difference accrues,articles/t181/raw_2061.txt,49860,49907,articles/t181/clean_2061.txt,40677,40724,yes,difference accrues,29.0,47.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,187209,CON,"multiculturalism has shifted from tolerating multiple cultures to tolerating multiple value systems, which can be hostile to liberalism","multiculturalism has shifted from tolerating multiple cultures to tolerating multiple value systems, which can be hostile to liberalism",articles/t181/raw_2068.txt,1796,1931,articles/t181/clean_2068.txt,770,905,yes,multiculturalism,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,187239,CON,Multiculturalism would lead to acceptance of barbaric practices,would lead to acceptance of barbaric practices,articles/t181/raw_203.txt,5905,5951,articles/t181/clean_203.txt,3470,3516,yes,Multiculturalism,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,187240,CON,homogeneity and integration are necessary for a society,homogeneity and integration are necessary for a society,articles/t181/raw_203.txt,7194,7249,articles/t181/clean_203.txt,4475,4530,yes,homogeneity and integration,0.0,27.0,1.0,-1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,187241,CON,Multiculturalism and immigration lead to adaptation problems,multiculturalism and immigration led to adaptation problems,articles/t181/raw_203.txt,7736,7795,articles/t181/clean_203.txt,5011,5070,yes,Multiculturalism and immigration,0.0,32.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,187242,CON,immigrants must always lose their own culture - that is the price of immigration,immigrants must always lose their own culture - that is the price of immigration,articles/t181/raw_203.txt,8272,8352,articles/t181/clean_203.txt,5506,5586,no,,,,, 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,187243,CON,Lack of integration threatens society,lack of integration threatened society,articles/t181/raw_203.txt,8621,8659,articles/t181/clean_203.txt,5848,5886,yes,Lack of integration,0.0,19.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,187244,CON,A liberal democracy cannot be multicultural,A liberal democracy cannot be multicultural,articles/t181/raw_203.txt,9254,9297,articles/t181/clean_203.txt,6265,6308,yes,be multicultural,27.0,43.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,187245,CON,Democracy and the rule of law can only be restored by abolishing multiculturalism,Democracy and the rule of law could only be restored by abolishing multiculturalism,articles/t181/raw_203.txt,9971,10054,articles/t181/clean_203.txt,6947,7030,yes,multiculturalism,65.0,81.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,187246,CON,The emphasis on group identity and group rights diminishes individual liberty for those within the minorities,the emphasis on group identity and group rights diminished individual liberty for those within the minorities,articles/t181/raw_203.txt,11834,11947,articles/t181/clean_203.txt,8227,8336,yes,The emphasis on group identity and group rights,0.0,47.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,187247,CON,Human beings are equal; cultures are not,Human beings are equal; cultures are not,articles/t181/raw_203.txt,13216,13256,articles/t181/clean_203.txt,9331,9371,no,,,,, 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,187438,CON,state multiculturalism has failed,state multiculturalism has failed,articles/t181/raw_201.txt,31307,31340,articles/t181/clean_201.txt,13685,13718,yes,state multiculturalism,0.0,22.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,187439,CON,Unity is seen as an essential feature of the nation and the nation-state,is seen as an essential feature of the nation and the nation-state,articles/t181/raw_201.txt,33369,33435,articles/t181/clean_201.txt,14533,14599,yes,Unity,0.0,5.0,1.0,-1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,187440,PRO,Multiculturalism allows people to truly express who they are within a society,allows people to truly express who they are within a society,articles/t181/raw_201.txt,62480,62540,articles/t181/clean_201.txt,31168,31228,yes,Multiculturalism,0.0,16.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,187441,PRO,Multiculturalism promotes respect for the dignity of the lives and voices of the forgotten,promotes respect for the dignity of the lives and voices of the forgotten,articles/t181/raw_201.txt,64996,65069,articles/t181/clean_201.txt,32958,33031,yes,Multiculturalism,0.0,16.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,187442,PRO,multiculturalism tries to restore a sense of wholeness in a postmodern era that fragments human life and thought,multiculturalism tries to restore a sense of wholeness in a postmodern era that fragments human life and thought,articles/t181/raw_201.txt,65405,65521,articles/t181/clean_201.txt,33097,33209,yes,multiculturalism,0.0,16.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,187443,CON,Multiculturalism ultimately erodes the host nations' distinct culture,ultimately erodes the host nations' distinct culture,articles/t181/raw_201.txt,68324,68376,articles/t181/clean_201.txt,34576,34628,yes,Multiculturalism,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,187444,CON,"the more racially diverse a community is, the greater the loss of trust","the more racially diverse a community is, the greater the loss of trust",articles/t181/raw_201.txt,69082,69153,articles/t181/clean_201.txt,34912,34983,yes,the more racially diverse a community is,0.0,40.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,188733,CON,recognition and rights accorded to specific groups may interfere with the state's need to establish a cohesive identity,recognition and rights accorded to specific groups may interfere with the state's need to establish a cohesive identity,articles/t181/raw_2053.txt,16405,16524,articles/t181/clean_2053.txt,12147,12266,yes,recognition and rights accorded to specific groups,0.0,50.0,-1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,188734,PRO,"where members of minorities see that their specific needs and ambitions have been acknowledged and catered for, they will commit themselves more willingly to accepting the legitimacy of the nation","where members of minorities see that their specific needs and ambitions have been acknowledged and catered for, they will commit themselves more willingly to accepting the legitimacy of the nation",articles/t181/raw_2053.txt,17581,17777,articles/t181/clean_2053.txt,13044,13240,yes,where members of minorities see that their specific needs and ambitions have been acknowledged and catered for,0.0,110.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,188735,PRO,the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities,the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities,articles/t181/raw_2053.txt,19698,19795,articles/t181/clean_2053.txt,14987,15084,yes,to protect minorities from oppression by majorities,46.0,97.0,1.0,1.0 181,test,This house would embrace multiculturalism,multiculturalism,1,190359,PRO,cultural appreciation of ethnic and religious diversity promotes a greater willingness to tolerate political differences,cultural appreciation of ethnic and religious diversity promotes a greater willingness to tolerate political differences,articles/t181/raw_2065.txt,54225,54345,articles/t181/clean_2065.txt,40622,40742,yes,cultural appreciation of ethnic and religious diversity,0.0,55.0,1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66164,CON,Gambling is a major international commercial activity,Gambling is also a major international commercial activity,articles/t221/raw_235.txt,1575,1633,articles/t221/clean_235.txt,973,1031,yes,Gambling,0.0,8.0,1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66165,CON,Catholic and Jewish traditions have even set aside days for gambling,Catholic and Jewish traditions have even set aside days for gambling,articles/t221/raw_235.txt,2132,2230,articles/t221/clean_235.txt,1330,1398,yes,gambling,60.0,68.0,1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66166,PRO,religious authorities generally disapprove of gambling,religious authorities generally disapprove of gambling,articles/t221/raw_235.txt,2518,2574,articles/t221/clean_235.txt,1435,1489,yes,gambling,46.0,54.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66167,CON,there is no moral impediment to gambling,there is no moral impediment to gambling,articles/t221/raw_235.txt,2913,2953,articles/t221/clean_235.txt,1655,1695,yes,gambling,32.0,40.0,1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66168,PRO,most legal jurisdictions limit gambling,most legal jurisdictions limit gambling,articles/t221/raw_235.txt,3573,3612,articles/t221/clean_235.txt,2024,2063,yes,gambling,31.0,39.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66169,PRO,"Many jurisdictions, local as well as national, either ban gambling or heavily control it by licensing","Many jurisdictions, local as well as national, either ban gambling or heavily control it by licensing",articles/t221/raw_235.txt,4505,4606,articles/t221/clean_235.txt,2497,2598,yes,gambling,58.0,66.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66170,CON,regulation generally leads to gambling tourism and illegal gambling,regulation generally leads to gambling tourism and illegal gambling,articles/t221/raw_235.txt,4613,4717,articles/t221/clean_235.txt,2605,2672,yes,regulation,0.0,10.0,-1.0,-1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66171,CON,legal gambling provides significant government revenue,legal gambling provides significant government revenue,articles/t221/raw_235.txt,4908,4962,articles/t221/clean_235.txt,2863,2917,yes,legal gambling,0.0,14.0,1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66172,PRO,"high-payoffs have very low probability, a house bias can quite easily be missed","high-payoffs have very low probability, a house bias can quite easily be missed",articles/t221/raw_235.txt,7240,7323,articles/t221/clean_235.txt,4821,4900,no,,,,, 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66173,CON,Betting on team sports has become an important service industry in many countries,Betting on team sports has become an important service industry in many countries,articles/t221/raw_235.txt,10834,10919,articles/t221/clean_235.txt,6785,6866,yes,Betting on team sports,0.0,22.0,1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66174,CON,many people participate in gambling as a form of recreation or even as a means to gain an income,many people participate in gambling as a form of recreation or even as a means to gain an income,articles/t221/raw_235.txt,16354,16454,articles/t221/clean_235.txt,11547,11643,yes,gambling,27.0,35.0,1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66175,PRO,"gambling, like any behavior which involves variation in brain chemistry, can become a psychologically addictive and harmful behavior","gambling, like any behavior which involves variation in brain chemistry, can become a psychologically addictive and harmful behavior",articles/t221/raw_235.txt,16456,16632,articles/t221/clean_235.txt,11645,11777,yes,gambling,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66178,PRO,gamblers persist in gambling even after repeated losses,gamblers persist in gambling even after repeated losses,articles/t221/raw_235.txt,16691,16746,articles/t221/clean_235.txt,11832,11887,yes,gamblers,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66194,PRO,the social and economic consequences of casino gambling outweigh the initial revenue that may be generated,the social and economic consequences of casino gambling outweigh the initial revenue that may be generated,articles/t221/raw_238.txt,527,633,articles/t221/clean_238.txt,290,396,yes,casino gambling,40.0,55.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66196,CON,gambling in some form or another has been seen in almost every society in history,gambling in some form or another has been seen in almost every society in history,articles/t221/raw_238.txt,4080,4161,articles/t221/clean_238.txt,2732,2813,yes,gambling in some form or another,0.0,32.0,1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66197,PRO,Most games played in the casino have mathematically-determined odds that ensure the house has at all times an advantage over the players,Most games played have mathematically-determined odds that ensure the house has at all times an advantage over the players,articles/t221/raw_238.txt,6366,6492,articles/t221/clean_238.txt,4321,4443,yes,Most games played in the casino,0.0,31.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66199,PRO,Slot machine is addictive,the modern day slot machine is addictive,articles/t221/raw_238.txt,7205,7245,articles/t221/clean_238.txt,5109,5149,yes,Slot machine,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66200,PRO,"Given the large amounts of currency handled within a casino, both patrons and staff may be tempted to cheat and steal","Given the large amounts of currency handled within a casino, both patrons and staff may be tempted to cheat and steal",articles/t221/raw_238.txt,12705,12822,articles/t221/clean_238.txt,8710,8827,yes,the large amounts of currency handled within a casino,6.0,59.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66201,PRO,One area of controversy surrounding casinos is their relationship to crime rates,One area of controversy surrounding casinos is their relationship to crime rates,articles/t221/raw_238.txt,15215,15295,articles/t221/clean_238.txt,10498,10578,yes,casinos,36.0,43.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66202,PRO,There is a positive relationship between casinos and crime,a positive relationship between casinos and crime,articles/t221/raw_238.txt,15328,15377,articles/t221/clean_238.txt,10611,10660,yes,casinos,41.0,48.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66213,CON,"In charity gambling profits from the venture go to the charity or group of charities, rather than to a municipality or private casino","profits from the venture go to the charity or group of charities, rather than to a municipality or private casino",articles/t221/raw_241.txt,289,404,articles/t221/clean_241.txt,171,284,yes,charity gambling,3.0,19.0,1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66219,PRO,problem gambling has been shown to cause dysfunctional families,problem gambling has been shown to cause dysfunctional families,articles/t221/raw_243.txt,811,897,articles/t221/clean_243.txt,437,500,yes,problem gambling,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66245,PRO,"As a result of gambling, some are driven to extreme lengths to cover debt","As a result of gambling, some are driven to extreme lengths to cover debt",articles/t221/raw_250.txt,426,501,articles/t221/clean_250.txt,355,428,yes,gambling,15.0,23.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66247,PRO,addicted gamblers spend most of their energy following their addiction,addicted gamblers spend most of their energy following their addiction,articles/t221/raw_250.txt,565,635,articles/t221/clean_250.txt,490,560,yes,addicted gamblers,0.0,17.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66248,PRO,Addicted gamblers cost companies loss of productivity and profit,They cost companies loss of productivity and profit,articles/t221/raw_250.txt,637,688,articles/t221/clean_250.txt,562,613,yes,Addicted gamblers,0.0,17.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66249,PRO,Gamblers may suffer from depression and bankruptcy,Gamblers themselves may suffer from depression and bankruptcy,articles/t221/raw_250.txt,690,751,articles/t221/clean_250.txt,615,676,yes,Gamblers,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66250,PRO,The social costs of gambling to society are varied,The social costs to society are varied,articles/t221/raw_250.txt,816,854,articles/t221/clean_250.txt,741,779,yes,gambling,20.0,28.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66251,CON,Gambling provides jobs,Gambling provides jobs,articles/t221/raw_250.txt,1709,1731,articles/t221/clean_250.txt,1406,1428,yes,Gambling,0.0,8.0,1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66253,CON,gambling increases aggregate demand for goods and services in the economy,gambling increases aggregate demand for goods and services in the economy,articles/t221/raw_250.txt,2413,2486,articles/t221/clean_250.txt,2110,2183,yes,gambling,0.0,8.0,1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66254,CON,Money from gambling goes directly towards stimulating the economy,money goes directly towards stimulating the economy,articles/t221/raw_250.txt,2569,2620,articles/t221/clean_250.txt,2266,2317,yes,Money from gambling,0.0,19.0,1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,66256,CON,it is economically beneficial for a state to allow and support gambling institutions,it is economically beneficial for a state to allow and support gambling institutions,articles/t221/raw_250.txt,4304,4388,articles/t221/clean_250.txt,3660,3744,yes,to allow and support gambling institutions,42.0,84.0,1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,68073,PRO,Pathological gambling is a common disorder that is associated with social costs,Pathological gambling is a common disorder that is associated with social costs,articles/t221/raw_236.txt,716,796,articles/t221/clean_236.txt,366,445,yes,Pathological gambling,0.0,21.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,68074,PRO,"Problem gambling leads to adverse consequences for the gambler, others, or for the community","leads to adverse consequences for the gambler, others, or for the community",articles/t221/raw_236.txt,2174,2249,articles/t221/clean_236.txt,1130,1205,yes,Problem gambling,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,68075,PRO,pathological gambling is an addiction similar to chemical addiction,pathological gambling is an addiction similar to chemical addiction,articles/t221/raw_236.txt,4547,4614,articles/t221/clean_236.txt,3132,3199,yes,pathological gambling,0.0,21.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,68076,PRO,"Problem gamblers have the erroneous belief that if they keep playing, they will eventually win","Problem gamblers have the erroneous belief that if they keep playing, they will eventually win",articles/t221/raw_236.txt,7629,7723,articles/t221/clean_236.txt,4798,4892,yes,Problem gamblers,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,68077,PRO,Pathological gambling is similar to many other impulse control disorders,Pathological gambling is similar to many other impulse control disorders,articles/t221/raw_236.txt,10102,10174,articles/t221/clean_236.txt,7076,7148,yes,Pathological gambling,0.0,21.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,68078,PRO,As debts build up people turn to other sources of money such as theft,As debts build up people turn to other sources of money such as theft,articles/t221/raw_236.txt,10995,11066,articles/t221/clean_236.txt,7637,7706,yes,debts build up,3.0,17.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,68080,PRO,Compulsive gambling is often very detrimental to personal relationships,Compulsive gambling is often very detrimental to personal relationships,articles/t221/raw_236.txt,11568,11639,articles/t221/clean_236.txt,8151,8222,yes,Compulsive gambling,0.0,19.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,68081,PRO,Abuse is common in homes where pathological gambling is present,Abuse is also common in homes where pathological gambling is present,articles/t221/raw_236.txt,11918,11988,articles/t221/clean_236.txt,8425,8493,yes,pathological gambling,31.0,52.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,68082,PRO,Problem gambling is often associated with increased suicidal ideation,Problem gambling is often associated with increased suicidal ideation,articles/t221/raw_236.txt,12449,12520,articles/t221/clean_236.txt,8767,8836,yes,Problem gambling,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,68085,PRO,problem gambling increases the lifetime risk of suicide,problem gambling increases the lifetime risk of suicide,articles/t221/raw_236.txt,13184,13239,articles/t221/clean_236.txt,8909,8964,yes,problem gambling,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,68105,PRO,Internet gambling is a growing problem for banks and credit card companies,Internet gambling is a growing problem for banks and credit card companies,articles/t221/raw_248.txt,10548,10622,articles/t221/clean_248.txt,5318,5392,yes,Internet gambling,0.0,17.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,68106,CON,Regulation of online gambling is a better alternative than the prohibition of internet gambling,regulation of online gambling is a better alternative,articles/t221/raw_248.txt,18066,18119,articles/t221/clean_248.txt,11615,11668,yes,Regulation of online gambling,0.0,29.0,1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,69588,CON,Internet gambling is a legitimate activity that citizens have the right to engage in,internet gambling as a legitimate activity that citizens have the right to engage in,articles/t221/raw_249.txt,6866,6950,articles/t221/clean_249.txt,4710,4794,yes,Internet gambling,0.0,17.0,1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,75996,CON,Internet gambling has become one of the most popular and lucrative business present on the Internet,Internet gambling has become one of the most popular and lucrative business present on the Internet,articles/t221/raw_239.txt,3339,3438,articles/t221/clean_239.txt,2601,2700,yes,Internet gambling,0.0,17.0,1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,75997,CON,"Gambling is now a diverse, vibrant and innovative industry","Gambling is now a diverse, vibrant and innovative industry",articles/t221/raw_239.txt,29924,29982,articles/t221/clean_239.txt,19095,19153,yes,Gambling,0.0,8.0,1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,76000,CON,Gambling is a popular leisure activity enjoyed in many forms by millions of people,a popular leisure activity enjoyed in many forms by millions of people,articles/t221/raw_239.txt,29987,30057,articles/t221/clean_239.txt,19158,19228,yes,Gambling,0.0,8.0,1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,76001,CON,Various forms of online gambling are legal and regulated in many countries,Various forms of online gambling are legal and regulated in many countries,articles/t221/raw_239.txt,31959,32033,articles/t221/clean_239.txt,20816,20890,yes,Various forms of online gambling,0.0,32.0,1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,76002,PRO,the high-speed instant gratification of Internet games and the high level of privacy they offer may exacerbate problem and pathological gambling,the high-speed instant gratification of Internet games and the high level of privacy they offer may exacerbate problem and pathological gambling,articles/t221/raw_239.txt,34348,34492,articles/t221/clean_239.txt,22693,22837,yes,the high-speed instant gratification of Internet games and the high level of privacy they offer,0.0,95.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,76003,PRO,electronic funds transfers inherent in online gambling are being exploited by criminal interests,electronic funds transfers inherent in online gambling are being exploited by criminal interests,articles/t221/raw_239.txt,36288,36384,articles/t221/clean_239.txt,24074,24170,yes,electronic funds transfers inherent in online gambling,0.0,54.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,76034,CON,The lotteries proved very popular and were hailed as a painless form of taxation,The lotteries proved very popular and were hailed as a painless form of taxation,articles/t221/raw_240.txt,4723,4805,articles/t221/clean_240.txt,4185,4265,yes,The lotteries,0.0,13.0,1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,76035,PRO,There can be some problems associated with winning a lottery jackpot,There can be some problems associated with winning a lottery jackpot,articles/t221/raw_240.txt,18880,18948,articles/t221/clean_240.txt,15832,15900,yes,winning a lottery jackpot,43.0,68.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,76036,PRO,Winners sometimes feel anomie from the dramatic change of lifestyles,Winners sometimes feel anomie from the dramatic change of lifestyles,articles/t221/raw_240.txt,19100,19172,articles/t221/clean_240.txt,16050,16118,yes,Winners,0.0,7.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,76038,PRO,lotteries facilitate a higher degree of inequality than a society should have,lotteries facilitate a higher degree of inequality than a society should have,articles/t221/raw_240.txt,19229,19306,articles/t221/clean_240.txt,16147,16224,yes,lotteries,0.0,9.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,76039,PRO,any social system that allocates resources based on chance is one that is corrupt,any social system that allocates resources based on chance is one that is corrupt,articles/t221/raw_240.txt,20118,20199,articles/t221/clean_240.txt,17024,17105,yes,any social system that allocates resources based on chance,0.0,58.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,76041,PRO,Any form of gambling is susceptible to fraud,"any form of gambling, is susceptible to fraud",articles/t221/raw_240.txt,20245,20290,articles/t221/clean_240.txt,17122,17167,yes,Any form of gambling,0.0,20.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,84887,PRO,"Gambling leads to increased political corruption, compulsive gambling and higher crime rates","it leads to increased political corruption, compulsive gambling and higher crime rates",articles/t221/raw_237.txt,1228,1322,articles/t221/clean_237.txt,441,527,yes,Gambling,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,84889,PRO,gambling is a type of regressive tax on the individuals,gambling is a type of regressive tax on the individuals,articles/t221/raw_237.txt,1342,1401,articles/t221/clean_237.txt,547,602,yes,gambling,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,84890,PRO,nearly all the western states' governments outlawed gambling,nearly all the western states' governments outlawed gambling,articles/t221/raw_237.txt,5506,5566,articles/t221/clean_237.txt,3520,3580,yes,gambling,52.0,60.0,-1.0,1.0 221,test,This house would ban gambling,gambling,-1,84891,CON,the majority of the states run some type of lottery to raise funds for state operations,the majority of the states run some type of lottery to raise funds for state operations,articles/t221/raw_237.txt,9669,9756,articles/t221/clean_237.txt,6645,6732,yes,some type of lottery,31.0,51.0,1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,91927,PRO,immigrants have high rates of criminality,immigrants have high rates of criminality,articles/t323/raw_348.txt,6363,6404,articles/t323/clean_348.txt,3084,3125,yes,immigrants,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,101425,PRO,immigrants are thought to compete with employees who are already in the country,immigrants are thought to compete with employees who are already in the country,articles/t323/raw_347.txt,10743,10822,articles/t323/clean_347.txt,8521,8600,yes,immigrants,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,101426,PRO,immigration threatens national identity,immigration threatens national identity,articles/t323/raw_347.txt,16203,16244,articles/t323/clean_347.txt,13289,13328,yes,immigration,0.0,11.0,-1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,101427,CON,freedom of movement is often recognized as a civil right,freedom of movement is often recognized as a civil right,articles/t323/raw_347.txt,18117,18177,articles/t323/clean_347.txt,14825,14881,yes,freedom of movement,0.0,19.0,1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,101428,CON,"everyone has the right to leave or enter a country, along with movement within it","everyone has the right to leave or enter a country, along with movement within it",articles/t323/raw_347.txt,18727,18808,articles/t323/clean_347.txt,15371,15452,yes,"the right to leave or enter a country, along with movement within it",13.0,81.0,1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,101429,CON,"everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country","everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country",articles/t323/raw_347.txt,19017,19109,articles/t323/clean_347.txt,15661,15753,yes,"to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country",23.0,92.0,1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,101430,CON,the freedom of movement both within and between countries is a basic human right,the freedom of movement both within and between countries is a basic human right,articles/t323/raw_347.txt,19183,19263,articles/t323/clean_347.txt,15777,15857,yes,the freedom of movement both within and between countries,0.0,57.0,1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,101432,CON,everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution,everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution,articles/t323/raw_347.txt,19860,19946,articles/t323/clean_347.txt,16385,16471,yes,the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution,13.0,86.0,1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,103640,CON,Political refugees may be fleeing for their lives,"political refugees, may be fleeing for their lives",articles/t323/raw_327.txt,1085,1135,articles/t323/clean_327.txt,800,850,yes,Political refugees,0.0,18.0,1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,103641,CON,The plight of the boat people became an international humanitarian crisis,The plight of the boat people became an international humanitarian crisis,articles/t323/raw_327.txt,7011,7084,articles/t323/clean_327.txt,5252,5325,no,,,,, 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,103653,CON,prohibition of forcible return is part of customary international law,prohibition of forcible return is part of customary international law,articles/t323/raw_328.txt,8469,8538,articles/t323/clean_328.txt,5687,5756,yes,prohibition of forcible return,0.0,30.0,1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,103671,PRO,Only a fraction of all the illegal immigrants is actually eligible for an asylum status,Only a fraction of all the illegal immigrants is actually eligible for this status,articles/t323/raw_323.txt,2485,2567,articles/t323/clean_323.txt,695,777,no,,,,, 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,103672,CON,In some of the illegal immigrants' countries of origin humanitarian hardship exists,In some of the illegal immigrants' countries of origin humanitarian hardship exists,articles/t323/raw_323.txt,4998,5081,articles/t323/clean_323.txt,2743,2826,yes,illegal immigrants' countries of origin,15.0,54.0,-1.0,-1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,103673,PRO,Illegal immigrants may serve as informants or as operatives of hostile states or terrorist organizations,they may serve as informants or as operatives of hostile states or terrorist organizations,articles/t323/raw_323.txt,10822,10920,articles/t323/clean_323.txt,7326,7416,yes,Illegal immigrants,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,103674,PRO,Immigrants are contributing to the congestion in the cities and to the rise in crime,they are contributing to the congestion in the cities and to the rise in crime,articles/t323/raw_323.txt,10932,11033,articles/t323/clean_323.txt,7428,7506,yes,Immigrants,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,103675,PRO,failing to stop the illegal immigration waves at an early stage will only lead to much larger waves of illegal immigration in the future,failing to stop the illegal immigration waves at an early stage will only lead to much larger waves of illegal immigration in the future,articles/t323/raw_323.txt,11262,11398,articles/t323/clean_323.txt,7685,7821,yes,failing to stop the illegal immigration waves at an early stage,0.0,63.0,-1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,103727,CON,refugees (legally defined to be people who are persecuted in their original country and then enter another country seeking safety) should be exempted from immigration laws,refugees (legally defined to be people who are persecuted in their original country and then enter another country seeking safety) should be exempted from immigration laws,articles/t323/raw_326.txt,37797,37968,articles/t323/clean_326.txt,23613,23784,yes,refugees,0.0,8.0,1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,103729,CON,repression and intolerance against immigrants will not solve the problems caused by the economic crisis,repression and intolerance against immigrants will not solve the problems caused by the economic crisis,articles/t323/raw_326.txt,43663,43789,articles/t323/clean_326.txt,28026,28129,yes,repression and intolerance against immigrants,0.0,45.0,-1.0,-1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,108263,CON,countries must be prepared to allow Open borders for people fleeing conflict,countries must be prepared to allow Open borders for people fleeing conflict,articles/t323/raw_322.txt,1899,1979,articles/t323/clean_322.txt,1180,1256,yes,Open borders for people fleeing conflict,36.0,76.0,1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,108264,CON,refugees have much to bring to the countries in which they are resettled in terms of culture and labor,refugees have much to bring to the countries in which they are resettled in terms of culture and labor,articles/t323/raw_322.txt,45512,45614,articles/t323/clean_322.txt,30244,30346,yes,refugees,0.0,8.0,1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,108265,PRO,"Frequently, countries of asylum are some of the world?s poorest nations and cannot handle the large influx of persons","Frequently, these countries of asylum are some of the world’s poorest nations and cannot handle the large influx of persons",articles/t323/raw_322.txt,46299,46422,articles/t323/clean_322.txt,30902,31025,yes,the large influx of persons,90.0,117.0,-1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,108266,CON,Refugee populations consist of people who are terrified and are away from familiar surroundings,Refugee populations consist of people who are terrified and are away from familiar surroundings,articles/t323/raw_322.txt,123931,124026,articles/t323/clean_322.txt,81165,81260,yes,Refugee populations,0.0,19.0,1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,108294,CON,application for asylum could be denied regardless of the legitimacy of their claim,application for asylum could be denied regardless of the legitimacy of their claim,articles/t323/raw_325.txt,2750,2832,articles/t323/clean_325.txt,2234,2316,no,,,,, 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,108368,PRO,Social and political issues surround the issue of immigration,social and political issues surrounding the issue of immigration,articles/t323/raw_332.txt,4677,4741,articles/t323/clean_332.txt,4207,4271,no,,,,, 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,108369,PRO,Asylum seekers are motivated by the availability of benefits,asylum seekers were motivated by the availability of benefits,articles/t323/raw_332.txt,87838,87899,articles/t323/clean_332.txt,74962,75023,yes,Asylum seekers,0.0,14.0,-1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,108370,CON,Migration provides a positive resource for the economy,migration provided a positive resource for the economy,articles/t323/raw_332.txt,116946,117000,articles/t323/clean_332.txt,97775,97829,yes,Migration,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,108391,CON,the opposition to high levels of immigration by refugees is based on racism,the opposition to high levels of immigration by refugees is based on racism,articles/t323/raw_333.txt,34770,34847,articles/t323/clean_333.txt,17996,18071,yes,the opposition to high levels of immigration by refugees,0.0,56.0,-1.0,-1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,108448,PRO,Immigrants are considered hostile or alien to the natural culture,the groups are considered hostile or alien to the natural culture,articles/t323/raw_346.txt,512,577,articles/t323/clean_346.txt,386,451,yes,Immigrants,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,108449,PRO,the immigrants will distort or spoil existing cultural values,the immigrants will distort or spoil existing cultural values,articles/t323/raw_346.txt,1248,1309,articles/t323/clean_346.txt,884,945,yes,the immigrants,0.0,14.0,-1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,108451,PRO,"Immigrants acquire jobs which would have otherwise been available to native citizens, suppressing wages","Acquire jobs which would have otherwise been available to native citizens, suppressing wages",articles/t323/raw_346.txt,27884,27976,articles/t323/clean_346.txt,18937,19029,yes,Immigrants,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,108452,PRO,Immigrants damage a sense of community and nationality,Damage a sense of community and nationality,articles/t323/raw_346.txt,27993,28036,articles/t323/clean_346.txt,19044,19087,yes,Immigrants,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,108453,PRO,Immigrants may overpopulate countries,May overpopulate countries,articles/t323/raw_346.txt,28271,28297,articles/t323/clean_346.txt,19283,19309,yes,Immigrants,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,108454,PRO,Immigrants can swamp a native population and replace its culture with their own,Can swamp a native population and replace its culture with their own,articles/t323/raw_346.txt,28311,28379,articles/t323/clean_346.txt,19321,19389,yes,Immigrants,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,108455,PRO,"immigrants can ""swamp"" a local population","immigrants can ""swamp"" a local population",articles/t323/raw_346.txt,28504,28545,articles/t323/clean_346.txt,19509,19550,yes,immigrants,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 323,test,This house believes that the right to asylum should not be absolute,the right to asylum,-1,108468,CON,everyone can exercise the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge in another state,everyone can exercise the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge in another state,articles/t323/raw_349.txt,6731,6827,articles/t323/clean_349.txt,5266,5350,yes,the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge in another state,22.0,84.0,1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,114501,PRO,The system of monarchy since antiquity has contrasted with forms of democracy,The system of monarchy since antiquity has contrasted with forms of democracy,articles/t381/raw_419.txt,4902,4981,articles/t381/clean_419.txt,3532,3609,yes,The system of monarchy,0.0,22.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,114502,CON,The monarch serves as a ceremonial figurehead symbol of national unity and state continuity,The monarch serves as a ceremonial figurehead symbol of national unity and state continuity,articles/t381/raw_419.txt,10376,10475,articles/t381/clean_419.txt,7656,7747,yes,The monarch,0.0,11.0,1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,114503,CON,"a morally-based, balanced monarchy is stressed as the ideal form of government","a morally-based, balanced monarchy is stressed as the ideal form of government",articles/t381/raw_419.txt,15675,15757,articles/t381/clean_419.txt,11771,11849,yes,"a morally-based, balanced monarchy",0.0,34.0,1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,114906,PRO,The hereditary nature of the monarchy is said to conflict with egalitarianism and dislike of inherited privilege,The hereditary nature of the monarchy is said to conflict with egalitarianism and dislike of inherited privilege,articles/t381/raw_425.txt,8518,8634,articles/t381/clean_425.txt,3862,3974,yes,The hereditary nature of the monarchy,0.0,37.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,114907,PRO,The laws of succession are held by some to be sexist,The laws of succession are held by some to be sexist,articles/t381/raw_425.txt,8636,8697,articles/t381/clean_425.txt,3976,4028,yes,The laws of succession,0.0,22.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,115392,CON,monarch may have strictly ceremonial duties,monarch may have strictly ceremonial duties,articles/t381/raw_429.txt,657,700,articles/t381/clean_429.txt,531,574,no,,,,, 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,115393,CON,A monarch serves the traditional role of embodying and representing the nation,serves the traditional role of embodying and representing the nation,articles/t381/raw_429.txt,7662,7730,articles/t381/clean_429.txt,6026,6094,yes,A monarch,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,115394,CON,Monarchy is a source of checks and balances against elected politicians who might seek powers in excess of those conferred by their respective constitutions,a source of checks and balances against elected politicians who might seek powers in excess of those conferred by their respective constitutions,articles/t381/raw_429.txt,12172,12316,articles/t381/clean_429.txt,9770,9914,yes,Monarchy,0.0,8.0,1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,115395,CON,Monarchy is a check against possible illegal action by politicians,a check against possible illegal action by politicians,articles/t381/raw_429.txt,14002,14056,articles/t381/clean_429.txt,11325,11379,yes,Monarchy,0.0,8.0,1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,116580,PRO,the monarch cannot be prosecuted for criminal offences,the monarch cannot be prosecuted for criminal offences,articles/t381/raw_457.txt,20578,20632,articles/t381/clean_457.txt,12156,12210,yes,the monarch,0.0,11.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,124229,CON,Social traditions or hierarchies are essential for social order,social traditions or hierarchies that are essential for social order,articles/t381/raw_445.txt,31479,31547,articles/t381/clean_445.txt,15231,15299,yes,Social traditions or hierarchies,0.0,32.0,1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,127294,CON,Monarchs rule with the intent of improving the lives of their subjects,monarchs ruled with the intent of improving the lives of their subjects,articles/t381/raw_455.txt,1861,1932,articles/t381/clean_455.txt,1286,1357,yes,Monarchs,0.0,8.0,1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,127295,CON,The sovereign knows the interests of his subjects better than they themselves,the sovereign knew the interests of his subjects better than they themselves,articles/t381/raw_455.txt,2023,2099,articles/t381/clean_455.txt,1448,1524,yes,The sovereign,0.0,13.0,1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,133772,CON,The monarchy works well,the monarchy had worked well,articles/t381/raw_424.txt,6430,6458,articles/t381/clean_424.txt,3322,3350,yes,The monarchy,0.0,12.0,1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,133773,PRO,the monarchy is an outdated and regressive institution,the monarchy is an outdated and regressive institution,articles/t381/raw_424.txt,28651,28705,articles/t381/clean_424.txt,12692,12746,yes,the monarchy,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,133774,PRO,Royals are simply celebrities who should not have any formal role,royals were simply celebrities who should not have any formal role,articles/t381/raw_424.txt,30652,30718,articles/t381/clean_424.txt,13979,14045,yes,Royals,0.0,6.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,133775,PRO,Constitutional monarchy is outdated,constitutional monarchy was outdated,articles/t381/raw_424.txt,34488,34524,articles/t381/clean_424.txt,16288,16324,yes,Constitutional monarchy,0.0,23.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135343,PRO,republicanism is the next logical step toward a fully democratic constitution,republicanism is the next logical step toward a fully democratic constitution,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,15546,15623,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,11169,11246,yes,republicanism,0.0,13.0,1.0,-1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135345,PRO,monarchy is unfair and elitist,monarchy is unfair and elitist,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,17192,17222,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,11706,11736,yes,monarchy,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135346,PRO,in a modern and democratic society no one should be expected to defer to another simply because of his birth,in a modern and democratic society no one should be expected to defer to another simply because of his birth,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,17240,17348,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,11754,11862,yes,to defer to another simply because of his birth,61.0,108.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135347,PRO,Monarchy encourages attitudes which are more suited to a bygone age of imperialism,it encourages attitudes which are more suited to a bygone age of imperialism,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,17440,17516,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,11954,12030,yes,Monarchy,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135349,PRO,maintaining a privileged royal family diminishes a society,maintaining a privileged royal family diminishes a society,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,17560,17618,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,12074,12132,yes,maintaining a privileged royal family,0.0,37.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135350,PRO,Monarchy encourages a feeling of dependency in many people who should instead have confidence in themselves and their fellow citizens,encourages a feeling of dependency in many people who should instead have confidence in themselves and their fellow citizens,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,17623,17747,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,12137,12261,yes,Monarchy,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135351,PRO,"the people', not the members of one family, should be sovereign","the people', not the members of one family, should be sovereign",articles/t381/raw_423.txt,17803,17866,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,12304,12367,no,,,,, 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135352,PRO,Monarchy contradicts democracy,Monarchy contradicts democracy,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,17894,17924,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,12377,12407,yes,Monarchy,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135354,PRO,it should be a fundamental right of the people of any nation to elect their head of state and for every citizen to be eligible to hold that office,it should be a fundamental right of the people of any nation to elect their head of state and for every citizen to be eligible to hold that office,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,18009,18155,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,12476,12622,yes,to elect their head of state,61.0,89.0,1.0,-1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135355,PRO,Monarchical prerogative powers can be used to circumvent normal democratic process with no accountability,Monarchical prerogative powers can be used to circumvent normal democratic process with no accountability,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,18460,18565,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,12810,12915,yes,Monarchical prerogative powers,0.0,30.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135356,PRO,Monarchy is ethnic-discrimination,Monarchy is ethnic-discrimination,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,18844,18877,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,13000,13033,yes,Monarchy,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135357,PRO,Monarchy is gender-discriminative,Monarchy is gender-discriminative,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,19633,19666,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,13705,13738,yes,Monarchy,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135358,PRO,A monarchy demands deference,A monarchy demands deference,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,20682,20710,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,14379,14407,yes,A monarchy,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135359,PRO,Monarchy is the enemy of merit and aspiration,It is the enemy of merit and aspiration,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,21031,21070,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,14592,14631,yes,Monarchy,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135360,PRO,Monarchy devalues intellect and achievement,It devalues intellect and achievement,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,21530,21567,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,15042,15079,yes,Monarchy,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135361,PRO,Monarchy harms the monarchs themselves,It harms the monarchs themselves,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,22712,22744,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,15842,15874,yes,Monarchy,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135362,PRO,a hereditary system condemns each heir to the throne to an abnormal childhood,a hereditary system condemns each heir to the throne to an abnormal childhood,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,22771,22848,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,15898,15975,yes,a hereditary system,0.0,19.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135365,PRO,Monarchs lack accountability,lack accountability,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,23245,23264,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,16271,16290,yes,Monarchs,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135366,PRO,monarchs are not impartial,monarchs are not impartial,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,23291,23317,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,16314,16340,yes,monarchs,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135367,PRO,monarchs are not accountable,monarchs are not accountable,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,23419,23449,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,16442,16470,yes,monarchs,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135369,PRO,monarchy is expensive,monarchy is expensive,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,24649,24670,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,17014,17035,yes,monarchy,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135370,PRO,Monarchy is archaic,it is archaic,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,27607,27620,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,18765,18778,yes,Monarchy,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135371,CON,Monarchy provides a safeguard against government instability,Provides a safeguard against government instability,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,28776,28827,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,19429,19480,yes,Monarchy,0.0,8.0,1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135372,CON,Monarchy safeguards the constitutional rights of the individual,Safeguards the constitutional rights of the individual,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,29383,29437,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,19872,19926,yes,Monarchy,0.0,8.0,1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135373,CON,Monarchy provides an impartial arbiter,Provides an impartial arbiter,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,31033,31062,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,21049,21078,yes,Monarchy,0.0,8.0,1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135374,CON,A monarch can act as an effective intermediary between vaious levels of government and political parties,can act as an effective intermediary between various levels of government and political parties,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,31243,31338,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,21256,21351,yes,A monarch,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135375,CON,the Crown is a guarantor against the misuse of constitutional power by politicians,the Crown is a guarantor against the misuse of constitutional power by politicians,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,31571,31655,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,21531,21613,yes,the Crown,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135377,CON,Monarchy provides a focal point for unity and tradition,Provides a focal point for unity and tradition,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,32066,32112,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,21905,21951,yes,Monarchy,0.0,8.0,1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135378,CON,A constitutional monarch with limited powers and non-partisan nature can provide a focus for national unity,can provide a focus for national unity,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,32236,32274,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,22044,22082,yes,A constitutional monarch with limited powers and non-partisan nature,0.0,68.0,1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135379,CON,Monarchy provides continuity and stability,Provides continuity and stability,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,32484,32517,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,22219,22252,yes,Monarchy,0.0,8.0,1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135380,CON,Having a long serving monarch increases the sense of duty and continued stability of a nation,having a long serving monarch would increase the sense of duty and continued stability of a nation,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,32544,32642,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,22276,22374,yes,Having a long serving monarch,0.0,29.0,1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,135381,CON,monarchy is an impetus for significantly greater national income from tourism,monarchy is an impetus for significantly greater national income from tourism,articles/t381/raw_423.txt,33647,33724,articles/t381/clean_423.txt,23218,23295,yes,monarchy,0.0,8.0,1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,136939,PRO,the monarchy is inherently contrary to egalitarianism and multiculturalism,the monarchy is inherently contrary to egalitarianism and multiculturalism,articles/t381/raw_430.txt,3735,3815,articles/t381/clean_430.txt,1637,1711,yes,the monarchy,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,136941,PRO,national pride is diminished by the monarchy,national pride is diminished by the monarchy,articles/t381/raw_430.txt,7837,7881,articles/t381/clean_430.txt,2166,2210,yes,the monarchy,32.0,44.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,136942,PRO,monarchies are unfashionable,monarchies are unfashionable,articles/t381/raw_430.txt,12568,12596,articles/t381/clean_430.txt,3677,3705,yes,monarchies,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,136943,PRO,people are given greater dignity from choosing their head of state,people are given greater dignity from choosing their head of state,articles/t381/raw_430.txt,12699,12765,articles/t381/clean_430.txt,3776,3842,yes,choosing their head of state,38.0,66.0,1.0,-1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,136944,PRO,Hereditary succession is outdated,hereditary succession was outdated,articles/t381/raw_430.txt,19315,19349,articles/t381/clean_430.txt,6839,6873,yes,Hereditary succession,0.0,21.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,136945,PRO,the country's head of state should be elected,the country's head of state should be elected,articles/t381/raw_430.txt,19360,19405,articles/t381/clean_430.txt,6884,6929,no,,,,, 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,136946,PRO,Monarchy is viewed as outdated and irrelevant,"monarchy as ""outdated and irrelevant",articles/t381/raw_430.txt,25687,25723,articles/t381/clean_430.txt,10216,10252,yes,Monarchy,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,136947,PRO,The monarchy remains a symbol of imperialism and colonialism,The monarchy remains a symbol of imperialism and colonialism,articles/t381/raw_430.txt,43037,43097,articles/t381/clean_430.txt,19520,19580,yes,The monarchy,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,138505,CON,The principal advantage of hereditary monarchy is the immediate continuity of leadership,The principal advantage of hereditary monarchy is the immediate continuity of leadership,articles/t381/raw_450.txt,4094,4182,articles/t381/clean_450.txt,3187,3275,yes,hereditary monarchy,27.0,46.0,1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,138626,CON,Monarchy strengthens popular liberty,it strengthens popular liberty,articles/t381/raw_449.txt,5672,5702,articles/t381/clean_449.txt,4750,4780,yes,Monarchy,0.0,8.0,1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,138672,PRO,The monarch is immune from criminal prosecution,The monarch is immune from criminal prosecution,articles/t381/raw_436.txt,27058,27105,articles/t381/clean_436.txt,16180,16227,yes,The monarch,0.0,11.0,-1.0,1.0 381,test,This house would abolish the monarchy,the monarchy,-1,138673,PRO,"a republic is ""inevitable","a republic is ""inevitable",articles/t381/raw_436.txt,56496,56521,articles/t381/clean_436.txt,33549,33574,yes,a republic,0.0,10.0,1.0,-1.0 641,test,This house would abolish all collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,-1,193965,CON,"collective bargaining is ""in the public interest","collective bargaining is ""in the public interest",articles/t641/raw_2168.txt,544,592,articles/t641/clean_2168.txt,452,500,yes,collective bargaining,0.0,21.0,1.0,1.0 641,test,This house would abolish all collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,-1,193966,CON,Collective bargaining contributes to the effective conduct of public business,"it ""contributes to the effective conduct of public business",articles/t641/raw_2168.txt,623,682,articles/t641/clean_2168.txt,531,590,yes,Collective bargaining,0.0,21.0,1.0,1.0 641,test,This house would abolish all collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,-1,193967,CON,Collective bargaining facilitates and encourages the amicable settlements of disputes between employees and their employers,facilitates and encourages the amicable settlements of disputes between employees and their employers,articles/t641/raw_2168.txt,689,790,articles/t641/clean_2168.txt,597,698,yes,Collective bargaining,0.0,21.0,1.0,1.0 641,test,This house would abolish all collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,-1,199717,PRO,Unionization frequently produces higher wages at the expense of fewer jobs,frequently produces higher wages at the expense of fewer jobs,articles/t641/raw_2136.txt,1634,1695,articles/t641/clean_2136.txt,643,704,yes,Unionization,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 641,test,This house would abolish all collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,-1,199718,PRO,unions promote deadweight loss,unions promote deadweight loss,articles/t641/raw_2136.txt,3115,3147,articles/t641/clean_2136.txt,1911,1941,yes,unions,0.0,6.0,-1.0,1.0 641,test,This house would abolish all collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,-1,199719,PRO,The effect of union activities to influence pricing is potentially very harmful,The effect of union activities to influence pricing is potentially very harmful,articles/t641/raw_2136.txt,4275,4354,articles/t641/clean_2136.txt,2672,2751,yes,The effect of union activities to influence pricing,0.0,51.0,-1.0,1.0 641,test,This house would abolish all collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,-1,199720,PRO,unionized workers raise their own wages above their natural rate at the expense of their businesses or other workers,unionized workers raise their own wages above their natural rate at the expense of their businesses or other workers,articles/t641/raw_2136.txt,7565,7681,articles/t641/clean_2136.txt,5384,5500,yes,unionized workers,0.0,17.0,-1.0,1.0 641,test,This house would abolish all collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,-1,199721,PRO,unions never raise productivity to compensate for higher wages,unions never raise productivity to compensate for higher wages,articles/t641/raw_2136.txt,7695,7757,articles/t641/clean_2136.txt,5514,5576,yes,unions,0.0,6.0,-1.0,1.0 641,test,This house would abolish all collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,-1,199722,CON,"unionized workers will spend their higher wages, driving economic growth and creating new jobs","unionized workers will spend their higher wages, driving economic growth and creating new jobs",articles/t641/raw_2136.txt,8851,8945,articles/t641/clean_2136.txt,6090,6184,yes,unionized workers,0.0,17.0,1.0,1.0 641,test,This house would abolish all collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,-1,199723,CON,Unions may serve the practical purpose of leveling the playing-field between workers and powerful oligopolies,Unions may serve the practical purpose of leveling the playing-field between workers and powerful oligopolies,articles/t641/raw_2136.txt,12072,12181,articles/t641/clean_2136.txt,7325,7434,yes,Unions,0.0,6.0,1.0,1.0 641,test,This house would abolish all collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,-1,199729,CON,there is an inherent right to collective bargaining,there is an inherent right to collective bargaining,articles/t641/raw_2170.txt,18108,18159,articles/t641/clean_2170.txt,2623,2674,yes,collective bargaining,30.0,51.0,1.0,1.0 641,test,This house would abolish all collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,-1,202328,PRO,unionisation produces higher wages (for the union members) at the expense of fewer jobs,unionisation produces higher wages (for the union members) at the expense of fewer jobs,articles/t641/raw_2156.txt,61412,61499,articles/t641/clean_2156.txt,45837,45924,yes,unionisation,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 641,test,This house would abolish all collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,-1,205307,CON,an individual cannot stand alone against the power of the company,an individual cannot stand alone against the power of the company,articles/t641/raw_2157.txt,6260,6325,articles/t641/clean_2157.txt,4802,4867,yes,stand alone against the power of the company,21.0,65.0,-1.0,-1.0 641,test,This house would abolish all collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,-1,207100,CON,The right to collectively bargain is recognized through international human rights conventions,The right to collectively bargain is recognized through international human rights conventions,articles/t641/raw_2135.txt,2715,2809,articles/t641/clean_2135.txt,1579,1673,yes,The right to collectively bargain,0.0,33.0,1.0,1.0 641,test,This house would abolish all collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,-1,207101,CON,The freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining are defined as an essential right of workers,"the ""freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining"" as an essential right of workers",articles/t641/raw_2135.txt,3315,3448,articles/t641/clean_2135.txt,1933,2062,yes,The freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining,0.0,94.0,1.0,1.0 641,test,This house would abolish all collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,-1,207102,CON,Collective bargaining is regarded as a human right,collective bargaining as a human right,articles/t641/raw_2135.txt,3816,3854,articles/t641/clean_2135.txt,2162,2200,yes,Collective bargaining,0.0,21.0,1.0,1.0 641,test,This house would abolish all collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,-1,207103,CON,The right to bargain collectively with an employer enhances the human dignity,The right to bargain collectively with an employer enhances the human dignity,articles/t641/raw_2135.txt,4003,4080,articles/t641/clean_2135.txt,2329,2406,yes,The right to bargain collectively with an employer,0.0,50.0,1.0,1.0 641,test,This house would abolish all collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,-1,207104,CON,Collective bargaining is intrinsically valuable as an experience in self-government,it] is intrinsically valuable as an experience in self-government,articles/t641/raw_2135.txt,4367,4432,articles/t641/clean_2135.txt,2692,2757,yes,Collective bargaining,0.0,21.0,1.0,1.0 641,test,This house would abolish all collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions,-1,207105,CON,Collective bargaining permits workers to achieve a form of workplace democracy,Collective bargaining permits workers to achieve a form of workplace democracy,articles/t641/raw_2135.txt,4436,4516,articles/t641/clean_2135.txt,2760,2838,yes,Collective bargaining,0.0,21.0,1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,192467,PRO,abortion has negative effects on society,abortion has negative effects on society,articles/t642/raw_2149.txt,998,1038,articles/t642/clean_2149.txt,784,824,yes,abortion,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,192517,PRO,the state has an interest in preserving fetal life,the state has an interest in preserving fetal life,articles/t642/raw_2154.txt,10630,10684,articles/t642/clean_2154.txt,4302,4352,yes,preserving fetal life,29.0,50.0,1.0,-1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,192518,PRO,Intact dilation and extraction is never needed to protect the health of a pregnant woman,intact dilation and extraction procedure is never needed to protect the health of a pregnant woman,articles/t642/raw_2154.txt,10831,10931,articles/t642/clean_2154.txt,4497,4595,yes,Intact dilation and extraction,0.0,30.0,-1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,195742,PRO,partial-birth abortion .. is .. unnecessary to preserve the health of the mother,partial-birth abortion .. is .. unnecessary to preserve the health of the mother,articles/t642/raw_2142.txt,5743,5825,articles/t642/clean_2142.txt,1193,1273,yes,partial-birth abortion,0.0,22.0,-1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,195743,PRO,A partial-birth abortion bears no relevance to any measure needed to advance the health of any woman,a partial-birth abortion bore no relevance to any measure needed to advance the health of any woman,articles/t642/raw_2142.txt,6475,6574,articles/t642/clean_2142.txt,1902,2001,yes,A partial-birth abortion,0.0,24.0,-1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199223,PRO,abortion causes mental health problems,abortion causes mental health problems,articles/t642/raw_2147.txt,18575,18613,articles/t642/clean_2147.txt,9195,9233,yes,abortion,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199251,CON,the right of personal privacy includes the abortion decision,the right of personal privacy includes the abortion decision,articles/t642/raw_2150.txt,327,387,articles/t642/clean_2150.txt,273,333,yes,the abortion decision,39.0,60.0,1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199252,CON,there is a fundamental right to privacy encompassing the decision about abortion,there is a fundamental right to privacy encompassing the decision about abortion,articles/t642/raw_2150.txt,1291,1371,articles/t642/clean_2150.txt,953,1033,yes,the decision about abortion,53.0,80.0,1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199253,CON,abortions should be legal under any circumstances,abortions should be legal under any circumstances,articles/t642/raw_2150.txt,45209,45258,articles/t642/clean_2150.txt,25727,25776,yes,abortions,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199255,PRO,Unborn children have an inherent right to life,unborn children to have an inherent right to life,articles/t642/raw_2150.txt,59194,59243,articles/t642/clean_2150.txt,28750,28799,yes,Unborn children,0.0,15.0,1.0,-1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199266,PRO,"abortion, and especially late-term abortion, is unjust","abortion, and especially late-term abortion, is unjust",articles/t642/raw_2152.txt,10053,10111,articles/t642/clean_2152.txt,5287,5341,yes,"abortion, and especially late-term abortion",0.0,43.0,-1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199268,PRO,Critics consider the IDX procedure to be infanticide,Critics consider the procedure to be infanticide,articles/t642/raw_2152.txt,10113,10163,articles/t642/clean_2152.txt,5343,5391,yes,the IDX procedure,17.0,34.0,-1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199278,CON,abortion should be legal in all circumstances,abortion should be legal in all circumstances,articles/t642/raw_2193.txt,3141,3186,articles/t642/clean_2193.txt,1951,1996,yes,abortion,0.0,8.0,1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199279,CON,The government should not interfere with a woman’s ability to have an abortion,The government should not interfere with a woman’s ability to have an abortion,articles/t642/raw_2193.txt,17088,17166,articles/t642/clean_2193.txt,3164,3242,yes,a woman’s ability to have an abortion,41.0,78.0,1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199392,PRO,The human fetus is a person and therefore has a right to life,is a person and therefore has a right to life,articles/t642/raw_2197.txt,2121,2170,articles/t642/clean_2197.txt,918,963,yes,The human fetus,0.0,15.0,1.0,-1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199393,CON,whether or not to continue with a pregnancy is an inviolable personal choice,whether or not to continue with a pregnancy is an inviolable personal choice,articles/t642/raw_2197.txt,2272,2348,articles/t642/clean_2197.txt,1003,1079,no,,,,, 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199394,CON,legal abortion under medically controlled conditions is preferable to illegal back-alley abortion without proper medical supervision,legal abortion under medically controlled conditions is preferable to illegal back-alley abortion without proper medical supervision,articles/t642/raw_2197.txt,3457,3593,articles/t642/clean_2197.txt,2181,2313,yes,legal abortion under medically controlled conditions,0.0,52.0,1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199395,CON,Certain restrictions on abortion could be used to form a slippery slope against all abortions,they could be used to form a slippery slope against all abortions,articles/t642/raw_2197.txt,5962,6031,articles/t642/clean_2197.txt,4095,4160,yes,Certain restrictions on abortion,0.0,32.0,-1.0,-1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199396,CON,women's lives are lost due to unsafe abortions when abortion is illegal,women's lives are lost due to unsafe abortions when abortion is illegal,articles/t642/raw_2197.txt,18080,18155,articles/t642/clean_2197.txt,11209,11280,yes,when abortion is illegal,47.0,71.0,-1.0,-1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199507,PRO,life begins at conception,life begins at conception,articles/t642/raw_2158.txt,932,957,articles/t642/clean_2158.txt,255,280,yes,conception,15.0,25.0,1.0,-1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199508,PRO,"Abortion, which would involve the deliberate destruction of life, should be rejected","abortion, which would then involve the deliberate destruction of life, should be rejected",articles/t642/raw_2158.txt,967,1056,articles/t642/clean_2158.txt,290,379,yes,"Abortion, which would involve the deliberate destruction of life",0.0,64.0,-1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199509,CON,abortion should be approved or disapproved according to each circumstance,abortion should be approved or disapproved according to each circumstance,articles/t642/raw_2158.txt,1763,1836,articles/t642/clean_2158.txt,651,724,no,,,,, 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199518,CON,one must abort a fetus if the continuation of pregnancy might imperil the life of the woman,one must abort a fetus if the continuation of pregnancy might imperil the life of the woman,articles/t642/raw_2155.txt,2614,2705,articles/t642/clean_2155.txt,2233,2324,yes,abort a fetus,9.0,22.0,1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199520,CON,abortion is justifiable if a continuation of pregnancy might cause the woman severe physical or psychological harm,abortion is justifiable if a continuation of pregnancy might cause the woman severe physical or psychological harm,articles/t642/raw_2155.txt,15156,15270,articles/t642/clean_2155.txt,12075,12189,yes,abortion,0.0,8.0,1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199521,CON,"In all circumstances, it should be the woman's decision whether or not to terminate a pregnancy","In all circumstances, it should be her decision whether or not to terminate a pregnancy",articles/t642/raw_2155.txt,16541,16628,articles/t642/clean_2155.txt,13352,13439,yes,the woman's decision whether or not to terminate a pregnancy,35.0,95.0,1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199522,CON,any decision should be left up to the woman within whose body the fetus is growing,any decision should be left up to the woman within whose body the fetus is growing,articles/t642/raw_2155.txt,16852,16934,articles/t642/clean_2155.txt,13663,13745,no,,,,, 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199670,CON,Abortion is deemed a fundamental right,abortion a fundamental right,articles/t642/raw_2151.txt,13723,13753,articles/t642/clean_2151.txt,7141,7169,yes,Abortion,0.0,8.0,1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199671,CON,the decision to abort must be left to the mother and her physician,the decision to abort must be left to the mother and her physician,articles/t642/raw_2151.txt,15630,15696,articles/t642/clean_2151.txt,8232,8298,no,,,,, 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199672,CON,A state's ban on partial birth abortion is unconstitutional,"a state's ban on ""partial birth abortion"" was unconstitutional",articles/t642/raw_2151.txt,55443,55505,articles/t642/clean_2151.txt,25772,25834,yes,A state's ban on partial birth abortion,0.0,39.0,-1.0,-1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199762,PRO,moral right to life of human beings (human organisms) begins at or near conception-fertilization,moral right to life of human beings (human organisms) begins at or near conception-fertilization,articles/t642/raw_2146.txt,445,543,articles/t642/clean_2146.txt,369,465,no,,,,, 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199763,PRO,induced abortion is the deliberate and unjust killing of the embryo in violation of its right to life,induced abortion is the deliberate and unjust killing of the embryo in violation of its right to life,articles/t642/raw_2146.txt,556,661,articles/t642/clean_2146.txt,476,577,yes,induced abortion,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199764,CON,women have a right to control what happens in and to their own bodies,women have a right to control what happens in and to their own bodies,articles/t642/raw_2146.txt,849,918,articles/t642/clean_2146.txt,764,833,no,,,,, 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199765,CON,the law should not criminalize just exercises of the right to control one’s own body,the law should not criminalize just exercises of the right to control one’s own body,articles/t642/raw_2146.txt,985,1069,articles/t642/clean_2146.txt,900,984,yes,the right to control one’s own body,49.0,84.0,1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199766,CON,criminalizing abortion will lead to the deaths of many women through ‘back-alley abortions,criminalizing abortion will lead to the deaths of many women through ‘back-alley abortions,articles/t642/raw_2146.txt,1711,1805,articles/t642/clean_2146.txt,1603,1693,yes,criminalizing abortion,0.0,22.0,-1.0,-1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199767,PRO,the embryo has a right to life,the embryo has a right to life,articles/t642/raw_2146.txt,2515,2545,articles/t642/clean_2146.txt,2299,2329,yes,the embryo,0.0,10.0,1.0,-1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199768,PRO,the right to life begins at conception,the right to life begins at conception,articles/t642/raw_2146.txt,11578,11616,articles/t642/clean_2146.txt,8840,8878,no,,,,, 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199769,PRO,abortion is wrong because it deprives the embryo of a valuable future,abortion is wrong because it deprives the embryo of a valuable future,articles/t642/raw_2146.txt,15564,15633,articles/t642/clean_2146.txt,11611,11680,yes,abortion,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199770,PRO,"as a standard embryo does have a highly valuable future, killing it is seriously wrong","as a standard embryo does have a highly valuable future, killing it is seriously wrong",articles/t642/raw_2146.txt,16510,16604,articles/t642/clean_2146.txt,12243,12329,no,,,,, 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199771,PRO,deliberate abortions are seriously immoral,deliberate abortions are seriously immoral,articles/t642/raw_2146.txt,16672,16714,articles/t642/clean_2146.txt,12374,12416,yes,deliberate abortions,0.0,20.0,-1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199772,PRO,the fetus has a right to life,the fetus has a right to life,articles/t642/raw_2146.txt,30548,30577,articles/t642/clean_2146.txt,22760,22789,yes,the fetus,0.0,9.0,1.0,-1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199816,CON,it should be illegal for governments to regulate abortion,it should be illegal for governments to regulate abortion,articles/t642/raw_2145.txt,8255,8312,articles/t642/clean_2145.txt,4768,4825,yes,to regulate abortion,37.0,57.0,-1.0,-1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199817,PRO,"the state has an ""important and legitimate interest in protecting the potentiality of human life","the state has an ""important and legitimate interest in protecting the potentiality of human life",articles/t642/raw_2145.txt,15489,15585,articles/t642/clean_2145.txt,8165,8261,yes,protecting the potentiality of human life,55.0,96.0,1.0,-1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199818,CON,"while the state has an interest in protecting the fetus ""at some point"", this interest cannot override that of the pregnant woman","while the state has an interest in protecting the fetus ""at some point"", this interest cannot override that of the pregnant woman",articles/t642/raw_2145.txt,21433,21562,articles/t642/clean_2145.txt,9765,9894,yes,protecting the fetus,35.0,55.0,-1.0,-1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199819,PRO,abortion is morally wrong,abortion is morally wrong,articles/t642/raw_2145.txt,33633,33658,articles/t642/clean_2145.txt,17424,17449,yes,abortion,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199821,CON,"while the fetus is innocent and biologically human, it is not a person with a right to life","while the fetus is innocent and biologically human, it is not a person with a right to life",articles/t642/raw_2145.txt,34033,34138,articles/t642/clean_2145.txt,17729,17820,yes,the fetus,6.0,15.0,-1.0,-1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199822,PRO,A right to life begins at conception,a right to life beginning at conception,articles/t642/raw_2145.txt,37419,37481,articles/t642/clean_2145.txt,20090,20129,no,,,,, 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199823,PRO,abortion involves unjust discrimination against the unborn,abortion involves unjust discrimination against the unborn,articles/t642/raw_2145.txt,46224,46286,articles/t642/clean_2145.txt,25486,25544,yes,abortion,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199825,PRO,"deliberate abortions are placed in the ""same moral category"" as killing an innocent adult human being","deliberate abortions are placed in the ""same moral category"" as killing an innocent adult human being",articles/t642/raw_2145.txt,48191,48292,articles/t642/clean_2145.txt,26753,26854,yes,deliberate abortions,0.0,20.0,-1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199826,PRO,having an abortion is equivalent to consciously taking the risk of killing another,having an abortion is equivalent to consciously taking the risk of killing another,articles/t642/raw_2145.txt,50039,50121,articles/t642/clean_2145.txt,28208,28290,yes,having an abortion,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,199827,PRO,Abortion is considered to be morally wrong,abortion to be morally wrong,articles/t642/raw_2145.txt,52761,52789,articles/t642/clean_2145.txt,29868,29896,yes,Abortion,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,200449,CON,A state law banning certain forms of abortion is unconstitutional,a state law banning certain forms of abortion was unconstitutional,articles/t642/raw_2153.txt,2533,2603,articles/t642/clean_2153.txt,967,1033,yes,A state law banning certain forms of abortion,0.0,45.0,-1.0,-1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,200450,CON,D&X would be safer and would involve fewer risks for the women,it would be safer and would involve fewer risks for the women,articles/t642/raw_2153.txt,4239,4300,articles/t642/clean_2153.txt,2366,2427,yes,D&X,0.0,3.0,1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,200451,PRO,D&X abortions are never medically necessary,D&X abortions were never medically necessary,articles/t642/raw_2153.txt,6103,6147,articles/t642/clean_2153.txt,4147,4191,yes,D&X abortions,0.0,13.0,-1.0,1.0 642,test,This house would ban partial birth abortions,partial birth abortions,-1,200452,CON,Government has no right to force doctors to perform any procedure other than what they felt would be the safest,government had no right to force doctors to perform any procedure other than what they felt would be the safest,articles/t642/raw_2153.txt,7765,7876,articles/t642/clean_2153.txt,5709,5820,no,,,,, 644,test,This house would introduce year round schooling,year round schooling,1,191361,PRO,working parents wish their children to be supervised,working parents wish their children to be supervised,articles/t644/raw_2177.txt,1605,1657,articles/t644/clean_2177.txt,1335,1387,yes,their children to be supervised,21.0,52.0,1.0,1.0 644,test,This house would introduce year round schooling,year round schooling,1,194527,PRO,summer vacation is a period when students’ rate of academic development declines relative to the school year,summer vacation is a period when students’ rate of academic development declines relative to the school year,articles/t644/raw_2173.txt,879,987,articles/t644/clean_2173.txt,784,892,no,,,,, 644,test,This house would introduce year round schooling,year round schooling,1,194528,PRO,All children lose academic skills during the summer months,All children lose academic skills during the summer months,articles/t644/raw_2173.txt,990,1048,articles/t644/clean_2173.txt,894,952,no,,,,, 644,test,This house would introduce year round schooling,year round schooling,1,200480,CON,children need the 2–3 months off to relax and also to take a break from other childhood stresses associated with school,children need the 2–3 months off to relax and also to take a break from other childhood stresses associated with school,articles/t644/raw_2172.txt,1379,1498,articles/t644/clean_2172.txt,685,804,yes,the 2–3 months off,14.0,32.0,1.0,-1.0 644,test,This house would introduce year round schooling,year round schooling,1,210232,PRO,Multitrack schedules reportedly bring many benefits to schools that use them,Multitrack schedules reportedly bring many benefits to schools that use them,articles/t644/raw_2223.txt,2858,2934,articles/t644/clean_2223.txt,2177,2253,yes,Multitrack schedules,0.0,20.0,1.0,1.0 644,test,This house would introduce year round schooling,year round schooling,1,210233,PRO,"for every three multitrack schools, one less school must be built","for every three multitrack schools, one less school must be built",articles/t644/raw_2223.txt,3400,3465,articles/t644/clean_2223.txt,2715,2780,yes,multitrack schools,16.0,34.0,1.0,1.0 644,test,This house would introduce year round schooling,year round schooling,1,210234,PRO,students’ attitudes towards school did significantly increase as they spent more time on a year-round schedule,students’ attitudes towards school did significantly increase as they spent more time on a year-round schedule,articles/t644/raw_2223.txt,4580,4690,articles/t644/clean_2223.txt,3537,3647,yes,a year-round schedule,89.0,110.0,1.0,1.0 644,test,This house would introduce year round schooling,year round schooling,1,210235,PRO,Students who attend year-round school say that their calendar is more balanced than their peers who have a typical school calendar,Students who attend year-round school say that their calendar is more balanced than their peers who have a typical school calendar,articles/t644/raw_2223.txt,4972,5102,articles/t644/clean_2223.txt,3654,3784,yes,year-round school,20.0,37.0,1.0,1.0 644,test,This house would introduce year round schooling,year round schooling,1,210236,PRO,"year-round schools showed a substantial gain in academic achievement for at-risk, low performing students","year-round schools showed a substantial gain in academic achievement for at-risk, low performing students",articles/t644/raw_2223.txt,5755,5860,articles/t644/clean_2223.txt,4175,4280,yes,year-round schools,0.0,18.0,1.0,1.0 644,test,This house would introduce year round schooling,year round schooling,1,210237,PRO,"More frequent, short breaks provide struggling students more time for help","More frequent, short breaks provide struggling students more time for help",articles/t644/raw_2223.txt,5863,5937,articles/t644/clean_2223.txt,4282,4356,yes,"More frequent, short breaks",0.0,27.0,1.0,1.0 644,test,This house would introduce year round schooling,year round schooling,1,210238,PRO,parents are in favor of the year-round schedule,parents are in favor of the year-round schedule,articles/t644/raw_2223.txt,6831,6878,articles/t644/clean_2223.txt,4684,4731,yes,the year-round schedule,24.0,47.0,1.0,1.0 644,test,This house would introduce year round schooling,year round schooling,1,210239,PRO,The year round schedule provides more opportunities for family vacations,The year round schedule provides more opportunities for family vacations,articles/t644/raw_2223.txt,7072,7144,articles/t644/clean_2223.txt,4892,4964,yes,The year round schedule,0.0,23.0,1.0,1.0 644,test,This house would introduce year round schooling,year round schooling,1,210240,CON,If schools are open for longer the operating and maintenance costs may increase,If schools are open for longer the operating and maintenance costs may increase,articles/t644/raw_2223.txt,7502,7581,articles/t644/clean_2223.txt,5079,5158,yes,If schools are open for longer,0.0,30.0,-1.0,1.0 644,test,This house would introduce year round schooling,year round schooling,1,210241,CON,Year round schooling may create difficulties for teens to be able to maintain part-time or summer job,Year round schooling may create difficulties for teens to be able to maintain part-time or summer job,articles/t644/raw_2223.txt,8205,8306,articles/t644/clean_2223.txt,5570,5671,yes,Year round schooling,0.0,20.0,-1.0,1.0 644,test,This house would introduce year round schooling,year round schooling,1,210242,CON,Students with attention learning disabilities may experience difficulties with longer school days,Students with attention learning disabilities may experience difficulties with longer school days,articles/t644/raw_2223.txt,8503,8600,articles/t644/clean_2223.txt,5703,5800,yes,longer school days,79.0,97.0,-1.0,1.0 644,test,This house would introduce year round schooling,year round schooling,1,210243,CON,Students that attend year round schooling may miss out on experiences,Students that attend year round schooling may miss out on experiences,articles/t644/raw_2223.txt,8935,9004,articles/t644/clean_2223.txt,6001,6070,yes,Students that attend year round schooling,0.0,41.0,-1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,191506,PRO,welfare empowers individuals,welfare empowers individuals,articles/t645/raw_2222.txt,491,519,articles/t645/clean_2222.txt,468,496,yes,welfare,0.0,7.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,191508,CON,Welfare breeds dependence on government aid,breeds dependence on government aid,articles/t645/raw_2222.txt,523,558,articles/t645/clean_2222.txt,500,535,yes,Welfare,0.0,7.0,-1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,191510,CON,Welfare only breeds dependence on the government,welfare only bred dependence on the government,articles/t645/raw_2222.txt,6888,6934,articles/t645/clean_2222.txt,4560,4606,yes,Welfare,0.0,7.0,-1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,191511,PRO,welfare has demonstrated some proven effects for helping impoverished families,welfare has demonstrated some proven effects for helping impoverished families,articles/t645/raw_2222.txt,9942,10020,articles/t645/clean_2222.txt,6914,6992,yes,welfare,0.0,7.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,191520,CON,foreign aid is seen to be serving the interests of the donor more than the recipient,foreign aid is seen to be serving the interests of the donor more than the recipient,articles/t645/raw_2213.txt,28266,28350,articles/t645/clean_2213.txt,18799,18883,yes,foreign aid,0.0,11.0,-1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,192211,CON,Subsidies may distort markets,Subsidies may distort markets,articles/t645/raw_2178.txt,1869,1898,articles/t645/clean_2178.txt,1272,1301,yes,Subsidies,0.0,9.0,-1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,192212,CON,subsidies may distort the market,subsidies may distort the market,articles/t645/raw_2178.txt,4888,4920,articles/t645/clean_2178.txt,3668,3700,yes,subsidies,0.0,9.0,-1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,192213,CON,Subsidies produce inefficiencies,produce inefficiencies,articles/t645/raw_2178.txt,4925,4947,articles/t645/clean_2178.txt,3705,3727,yes,Subsidies,0.0,9.0,-1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,192214,CON,Subsidies are inefficient,they are inefficient,articles/t645/raw_2178.txt,7956,7976,articles/t645/clean_2178.txt,6372,6392,yes,Subsidies,0.0,9.0,-1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,194636,PRO,Welfare reduces poverty,welfare has reduced poverty,articles/t645/raw_2191.txt,605,632,articles/t645/clean_2191.txt,244,271,yes,Welfare,0.0,7.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,194637,CON,Welfare sustains or even creates poverty,sustains or even creates poverty,articles/t645/raw_2191.txt,745,777,articles/t645/clean_2191.txt,380,412,yes,Welfare,0.0,7.0,-1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,194638,PRO,poverty decreases after countries adapt welfare programs,poverty decreases after countries adapt welfare programs,articles/t645/raw_2191.txt,1715,1771,articles/t645/clean_2191.txt,461,517,yes,welfare programs,40.0,56.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,194639,CON,welfare creates a dependence,welfare creates a dependence,articles/t645/raw_2191.txt,5789,5817,articles/t645/clean_2191.txt,2873,2901,yes,welfare,0.0,7.0,-1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,194640,CON,Welfare makes an incentive to not find work,makes an incentive to not find work,articles/t645/raw_2191.txt,5822,5857,articles/t645/clean_2191.txt,2906,2941,yes,Welfare,0.0,7.0,-1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,194641,CON,welfare not only increases poverty but also increases other problems,welfare not only increases poverty but also increases other problems,articles/t645/raw_2191.txt,6306,6374,articles/t645/clean_2191.txt,3240,3308,yes,welfare,0.0,7.0,-1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,198567,PRO,"Safety nets redistribute income to the poorest and most vulnerable, with an immediate impact on poverty","Safety nets redistribute income to the poorest and most vulnerable, with an immediate impact on poverty",articles/t645/raw_2190.txt,1943,2046,articles/t645/clean_2190.txt,1555,1658,yes,Safety nets,0.0,11.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,198569,PRO,Safety nets enable households to make productive investments in their future that they may otherwise miss,Safety nets enable households to make productive investments in their future that they may otherwise miss,articles/t645/raw_2190.txt,2065,2170,articles/t645/clean_2190.txt,1675,1780,yes,Safety nets,0.0,11.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,198570,PRO,CCT Programs have been proved to be very well-targeted and effective,CCT Programs have been proved to be very well-targeted and effective,articles/t645/raw_2190.txt,10279,10347,articles/t645/clean_2190.txt,7165,7233,yes,CCT Programs,0.0,12.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,198571,PRO,CCT Programs are efficient tools for reducing poverty and inequality,CCT Programs are efficient tools for reducing poverty and inequality,articles/t645/raw_2190.txt,11777,11845,articles/t645/clean_2190.txt,8270,8338,yes,CCT Programs,0.0,12.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,198572,PRO,Subsidies guarantee access to essential commodities at prices that consumers can afford,Subsidies guarantee access to essential commodities at prices that consumers can afford,articles/t645/raw_2190.txt,19036,19123,articles/t645/clean_2190.txt,13850,13937,yes,Subsidies,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,198573,CON,Subsidies tend to be expensive and regressive,they tend to be expensive and regressive,articles/t645/raw_2190.txt,19375,19415,articles/t645/clean_2190.txt,14171,14211,yes,Subsidies,0.0,9.0,-1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,198575,CON,Subsidies may distort production incentives,May distort production incentives,articles/t645/raw_2190.txt,20826,20859,articles/t645/clean_2190.txt,15536,15569,yes,Subsidies,0.0,9.0,-1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,198576,PRO,Safety nets protect households facing hard times from falling into deeper poverty and help them manage risk,Safety nets in low-income countries are increasingly being recognized as effective tools to reach out to the most vulnerable,articles/t645/raw_2190.txt,28238,28365,articles/t645/clean_2190.txt,21189,21313,yes,Safety nets,0.0,11.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,198577,PRO,Safety nets protect households facing hard times from falling into deeper poverty and help them manage risk,they protect households facing hard times from falling into deeper poverty and help them manage risk,articles/t645/raw_2190.txt,28383,28483,articles/t645/clean_2190.txt,21331,21431,yes,Safety nets,0.0,11.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,198578,PRO,Safety nets can provide households with a cushion to invest resources more efficiently,they can provide households with a cushion to invest resources more efficiently,articles/t645/raw_2190.txt,28573,28652,articles/t645/clean_2190.txt,21521,21600,yes,Safety nets,0.0,11.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,199614,PRO,less stratified economies are more socially just,less stratified economies are more socially just,articles/t645/raw_2232.txt,3737,3882,articles/t645/clean_2232.txt,2521,2569,yes,less stratified economies,0.0,25.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,199616,PRO,"the rich have an obligation to assist the poor, thus creating a more financially egalitarian society","the rich have an obligation to assist the poor, thus creating a more financially egalitarian society",articles/t645/raw_2232.txt,4288,4407,articles/t645/clean_2232.txt,2776,2876,yes,an obligation to assist the poor,14.0,46.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,199617,PRO,"the rich exploit the poor or otherwise gain unfair benefits, and thus should return some of those benefits","the rich exploit the poor or otherwise gain unfair benefits, and thus should return some of those benefits",articles/t645/raw_2232.txt,5040,5201,articles/t645/clean_2232.txt,3440,3546,yes,return some of those benefits,77.0,106.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,199618,PRO,a larger middle class benefits an economy by enabling more people to be consumers,a larger middle class benefits an economy by enabling more people to be consumers,articles/t645/raw_2232.txt,5228,5313,articles/t645/clean_2232.txt,3573,3654,yes,a larger middle class,0.0,21.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,199619,PRO,economic inequality contributes to crime,economic inequality contributes to crime,articles/t645/raw_2232.txt,5705,5747,articles/t645/clean_2232.txt,3899,3939,yes,economic inequality,0.0,19.0,-1.0,-1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,199620,PRO,a lower rate of redistribution in a given society increases the inequality found among future incomes,a lower rate of redistribution in a given society increases the inequality found among future incomes,articles/t645/raw_2232.txt,5908,6009,articles/t645/clean_2232.txt,4058,4159,yes,a lower rate of redistribution in a given society,0.0,49.0,-1.0,-1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,199621,PRO,wealth and income inequality are a cause of economic crises,wealth and income inequality are a cause of economic crises,articles/t645/raw_2232.txt,6666,6727,articles/t645/clean_2232.txt,4533,4592,yes,wealth and income inequality,0.0,28.0,-1.0,-1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,199622,PRO,Reducing wealth and income inequalities is one way to prevent or ameliorate economic crises,reducing these inequalities is one way to prevent or ameliorate economic crises,articles/t645/raw_2232.txt,6740,6819,articles/t645/clean_2232.txt,4603,4682,yes,Reducing wealth and income inequalities,0.0,39.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,199623,PRO,Governmental redistribution of wealth improves social stability,it improves social stability,articles/t645/raw_2232.txt,8585,8613,articles/t645/clean_2232.txt,5957,5985,yes,Governmental redistribution of wealth,0.0,37.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,199624,CON,there is no encouragement of those receiving aid to resume working,there is no encouragement of those receiving aid to resume working,articles/t645/raw_2232.txt,16797,16863,articles/t645/clean_2232.txt,11708,11774,yes,those receiving aid,29.0,48.0,-1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,199625,CON,redistribution of legitimately obtained property cannot ever be just,redistribution of legitimately obtained property cannot ever be just,articles/t645/raw_2232.txt,20874,20942,articles/t645/clean_2232.txt,14875,14943,yes,redistribution of legitimately obtained property,0.0,48.0,-1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,199626,CON,redistribution tends to benefit those with political clout to set spending priorities more than those in need,redistribution tends to benefit those with political clout to set spending priorities more than those in need,articles/t645/raw_2232.txt,21201,21310,articles/t645/clean_2232.txt,14984,15093,yes,redistribution,0.0,14.0,-1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,199658,PRO,"poverty, once started, is likely to continue unless there is outside intervention","poverty, once started, is likely to continue unless there is outside intervention",articles/t645/raw_2189.txt,87,168,articles/t645/clean_2189.txt,77,158,yes,outside intervention,61.0,81.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,199927,CON,"the welfare state has produced a generation of dependents who, instead of working, rely solely upon the state for income","the welfare state has produced a generation of dependents who, instead of working, rely solely upon the state for income",articles/t645/raw_2192.txt,1148,1268,articles/t645/clean_2192.txt,954,1074,yes,the welfare state,0.0,17.0,-1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,199929,CON,Social welfare creates dependence to the state,it creates dependence to the state,articles/t645/raw_2192.txt,4805,4839,articles/t645/clean_2192.txt,3045,3079,yes,Social welfare,0.0,14.0,-1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,201247,PRO,Higher levels of economic inequality tend to intensify social hierarchies and generally degrade the quality of social relations,Higher levels of economic inequality tend to intensify social hierarchies and generally degrade the quality of social relations,articles/t645/raw_2221.txt,48132,48259,articles/t645/clean_2221.txt,31288,31415,yes,Higher levels of economic inequality,0.0,36.0,-1.0,-1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,201248,PRO,Economic inequality is thought to reduce distributive efficiency within society,Economic inequality is thought to reduce distributive efficiency within society,articles/t645/raw_2221.txt,48887,48970,articles/t645/clean_2221.txt,31951,32030,yes,Economic inequality,0.0,19.0,-1.0,-1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,201249,PRO,a society with more equality will have higher aggregate utility,a society with more equality will have higher aggregate utility,articles/t645/raw_2221.txt,49739,49802,articles/t645/clean_2221.txt,32763,32826,yes,a society with more equality,0.0,28.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,201250,PRO,"in societies where inequality is lower, population-wide satisfaction and happiness tend to be higher","in societies where inequality is lower, population-wide satisfaction and happiness tend to be higher",articles/t645/raw_2221.txt,49912,50012,articles/t645/clean_2221.txt,32936,33036,yes,societies where inequality is lower,3.0,38.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,201251,CON,an increased gap between rich and poor increases the incentives for competition and innovation within an economy,an increased gap between rich and poor increases the incentives for competition and innovation within an economy,articles/t645/raw_2221.txt,53585,53709,articles/t645/clean_2221.txt,36008,36120,yes,an increased gap between rich and poor,0.0,38.0,1.0,-1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,201252,PRO,inequality is harmful for economic development,inequality is harmful for economic development,articles/t645/raw_2221.txt,57952,57998,articles/t645/clean_2221.txt,39584,39630,yes,inequality,0.0,10.0,-1.0,-1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,201253,CON,Redistributive policies have an adverse effect on investment and economic growth,redistributive policies that have an adverse effect on investment and economic growth,articles/t645/raw_2221.txt,58048,58133,articles/t645/clean_2221.txt,39680,39765,yes,Redistributive policies,0.0,23.0,-1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,201254,PRO,economic equality is necessary for political freedom,economic equality is necessary for political freedom,articles/t645/raw_2221.txt,65963,66015,articles/t645/clean_2221.txt,46269,46321,yes,economic equality,0.0,17.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,201255,PRO,when there is economic inequality then political inequality is assured,when there is economic inequality then political inequality is assured,articles/t645/raw_2221.txt,66028,66098,articles/t645/clean_2221.txt,46334,46404,yes,economic inequality,14.0,33.0,-1.0,-1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,201256,PRO,a certain amount of redistribution would be justified,a certain amount of redistribution would be justified,articles/t645/raw_2221.txt,68629,68682,articles/t645/clean_2221.txt,48759,48812,yes,a certain amount of redistribution,0.0,34.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,201257,PRO,"without redistribution, one generation's successful individuals would become the next generation's embedded caste","without redistribution, one generation's successful individuals would become the next generation's embedded caste",articles/t645/raw_2221.txt,69816,69929,articles/t645/clean_2221.txt,49853,49966,yes,redistribution,8.0,22.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,201258,PRO,social justice requires redistribution of high incomes and large concentrations of wealth in a way that spreads it more widely,social justice requires redistribution of high incomes and large concentrations of wealth in a way that spreads it more widely,articles/t645/raw_2221.txt,70014,70142,articles/t645/clean_2221.txt,50033,50159,yes,redistribution of high incomes and large concentrations of wealth in a way that spreads it more widely,24.0,126.0,1.0,1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,201259,PRO,economic inequality reduces social cohesion and increases social unrest,economic inequality reduces social cohesion and increases social unrest,articles/t645/raw_2221.txt,70959,71030,articles/t645/clean_2221.txt,50542,50613,yes,economic inequality,0.0,19.0,-1.0,-1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,201260,PRO,economic inequality invariably translates to political inequality,economic inequality invariably translates to political inequality,articles/t645/raw_2221.txt,71517,71582,articles/t645/clean_2221.txt,50962,51027,yes,economic inequality,0.0,19.0,-1.0,-1.0 645,test,This house would subsidize poor communities,subsidize poor communities,1,210351,CON,The availability of government funds leads to tensions within the community,the availability of government funds has led to tensions within the community,articles/t645/raw_2211.txt,20626,20703,articles/t645/clean_2211.txt,18299,18376,yes,The availability of government funds,0.0,36.0,-1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,199131,CON,"Because current science can't figure out exactly how life started, it must be God who caused life to start","Because current science can't figure out exactly how life started, it must be God who caused life to start",articles/t648/raw_2254.txt,6449,6555,articles/t648/clean_2254.txt,4116,4222,yes,God,78.0,81.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,199981,CON,there are insufficient grounds to assert authoritatively that any supreme being does not exist,there are insufficient grounds to assert authoritatively that any supreme being does not exist,articles/t648/raw_2226.txt,7572,7666,articles/t648/clean_2226.txt,985,1079,yes,to assert authoritatively that any supreme being does not exist,31.0,94.0,-1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,199982,CON,acknowledgment of God or the gods is a major factor in motivating people towards moral behavior,acknowledgment of God or the gods is a major factor in motivating people towards moral behavior,articles/t648/raw_2226.txt,13114,13209,articles/t648/clean_2226.txt,3083,3178,yes,acknowledgment of God or the gods,0.0,33.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,199983,CON,Atheism has been criticized as a faith in itself,Atheism has been criticized as a faith in itself,articles/t648/raw_2226.txt,21042,21090,articles/t648/clean_2226.txt,7070,7118,yes,Atheism,0.0,7.0,-1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,199984,CON,atheism systematically influences people to do bad things,atheism systematically influences people to do bad things,articles/t648/raw_2226.txt,41308,41365,articles/t648/clean_2226.txt,18096,18153,yes,atheism,0.0,7.0,-1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,200789,PRO,The existences of a god and of evil are logically incompatible,the existences of such a god and of evil are logically incompatible,articles/t648/raw_2242.txt,635,702,articles/t648/clean_2242.txt,225,292,yes,The existences of a god,0.0,23.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,200790,PRO,"God cannot exist with, or would want to prevent, all evils","God cannot exist with, or would want to prevent, all evils",articles/t648/raw_2242.txt,4944,5002,articles/t648/clean_2242.txt,2630,2688,yes,God,0.0,3.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,200791,PRO,God and evil are logically incompatible,God and evil are logically incompatible,articles/t648/raw_2242.txt,6124,6165,articles/t648/clean_2242.txt,3502,3541,no,,,,, 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,200792,PRO,"An omniscient, wholly good being would prevent the occurrence of any intense suffering","An omniscient, wholly good being would prevent the occurrence of any intense suffering",articles/t648/raw_2242.txt,7716,7802,articles/t648/clean_2242.txt,4496,4582,yes,"An omniscient, wholly good being",0.0,32.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,200872,PRO,belief in a higher being is the product of fear,belief in a higher being is the product of fear,articles/t648/raw_2258.txt,1696,1743,articles/t648/clean_2258.txt,868,915,yes,belief in a higher being,0.0,24.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,201570,PRO,we do not need God to explain things,we do not need God to explain things,articles/t648/raw_2250.txt,7611,7647,articles/t648/clean_2250.txt,5391,5427,yes,God,15.0,18.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,201571,CON,the most immoral acts in human history were performed by atheists,the most immoral acts in human history were performed by atheists,articles/t648/raw_2250.txt,19172,19237,articles/t648/clean_2250.txt,14239,14304,yes,atheists,57.0,65.0,-1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,201572,PRO,the human race no longer needs religion,the human race no longer needs religion,articles/t648/raw_2250.txt,20405,20444,articles/t648/clean_2250.txt,15273,15312,yes,religion,31.0,39.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,201573,PRO,all attempts to reconcile faith with science and reason are consigned to failure,all attempts to reconcile faith with science and reason are consigned to failure,articles/t648/raw_2250.txt,22518,22598,articles/t648/clean_2250.txt,16798,16878,yes,faith,26.0,31.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205452,CON,human reason is incapable of providing sufficient rational grounds to justify the belief that deities either do or do not exist,human reason is incapable of providing sufficient rational grounds to justify the belief that deities either do or do not exist,articles/t648/raw_2248.txt,2496,2623,articles/t648/clean_2248.txt,731,858,no,,,,, 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205453,CON,"God, the beginning and end of all, can, by the natural light of human reason, be known with certainty from the works of creation","God, the beginning and end of all, can, by the natural light of human reason, be known with certainty from the works of creation",articles/t648/raw_2248.txt,10137,10265,articles/t648/clean_2248.txt,4616,4744,yes,"God, the beginning and end of all",0.0,33.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205692,PRO,unproven religious propositions deserve as much disbelief as all other unproven propositions,unproven religious propositions deserve as much disbelief as all other unproven propositions,articles/t648/raw_2224.txt,28934,29069,articles/t648/clean_2224.txt,9635,9727,yes,unproven religious propositions,0.0,31.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205693,CON,atheists are quick to believe in God in times of crisis,atheists are quick to believe in God in times of crisis,articles/t648/raw_2224.txt,31495,31550,articles/t648/clean_2224.txt,10784,10839,yes,atheists,0.0,8.0,-1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205694,PRO,God and other religious beliefs are human inventions,God and other religious beliefs are human inventions,articles/t648/raw_2224.txt,41765,41817,articles/t648/clean_2224.txt,15117,15169,yes,God and other religious beliefs,0.0,31.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205695,PRO,"belief in God and religion are social functions, used by those in power to oppress the working class","belief in God and religion are social functions, used by those in power to oppress the working class",articles/t648/raw_2224.txt,42119,42219,articles/t648/clean_2224.txt,15368,15468,yes,belief in God and religion,0.0,26.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205696,PRO,the idea of God implies the abdication of human reason and justice,the idea of God implies the abdication of human reason and justice,articles/t648/raw_2224.txt,42256,42322,articles/t648/clean_2224.txt,15501,15567,yes,the idea of God,0.0,15.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205697,PRO,The idea of God is the most decisive negation of human liberty,it is the most decisive negation of human liberty,articles/t648/raw_2224.txt,42324,42373,articles/t648/clean_2224.txt,15569,15618,yes,The idea of God,0.0,15.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205698,PRO,The idea of God necessarily ends in the enslavement of mankind,necessarily ends in the enslavement of mankind,articles/t648/raw_2224.txt,42379,42425,articles/t648/clean_2224.txt,15624,15670,yes,The idea of God,0.0,15.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205699,CON,"denying the existence of a god leads to moral relativism, leaving one with no moral or ethical foundation","denying the existence of a god leads to moral relativism, leaving one with no moral or ethical foundation",articles/t648/raw_2224.txt,43662,43771,articles/t648/clean_2224.txt,16364,16469,yes,denying the existence of a god,0.0,30.0,-1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205700,CON,Denying the existence of a god renders life meaningless and miserable,renders life meaningless and miserable,articles/t648/raw_2224.txt,44042,44112,articles/t648/clean_2224.txt,16479,16517,yes,Denying the existence of a god,0.0,30.0,-1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205701,PRO,Religion is viewed as a human invention used to frighten people into following moral order,religion as a human invention used to frighten people into following moral order,articles/t648/raw_2224.txt,52776,52856,articles/t648/clean_2224.txt,20533,20613,yes,Religion,0.0,8.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205702,PRO,atheism is a superior basis for ethics,atheism is a superior basis for ethics,articles/t648/raw_2224.txt,105085,105123,articles/t648/clean_2224.txt,40582,40620,yes,atheism,0.0,7.0,1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205703,CON,religions provide a net benefit to individuals and society,religions provide a net benefit to individuals and society,articles/t648/raw_2224.txt,107420,107478,articles/t648/clean_2224.txt,41913,41971,yes,religions,0.0,9.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205704,PRO,religions can be harmful,religions can be harmful,articles/t648/raw_2224.txt,107503,107527,articles/t648/clean_2224.txt,41993,42017,yes,religions,0.0,9.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205705,PRO,reliance on divine authority lends itself to authoritarianism and dogmatism,reliance on divine authority lends itself to authoritarianism and dogmatism,articles/t648/raw_2224.txt,107593,107676,articles/t648/clean_2224.txt,42083,42158,yes,reliance on divine authority,0.0,28.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205766,CON,God must exist to give force to moral obligations,God must exist to give force to moral obligations,articles/t648/raw_2263.txt,761,810,articles/t648/clean_2263.txt,675,724,yes,God,0.0,3.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205767,CON,"objective moral truths and the binding nature of obligations suggests a high power to enforce them, regarded as God","objective moral truths and the binding nature of obligations suggests a high power to enforce them, regarded as God",articles/t648/raw_2263.txt,1337,1452,articles/t648/clean_2263.txt,960,1075,yes,God,112.0,115.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205768,CON,only the existence of God as orthodoxly conceived could support the existence of moral order in the world,only the existence of God as orthodoxly conceived could support the existence of moral order in the world,articles/t648/raw_2263.txt,2801,2906,articles/t648/clean_2263.txt,2094,2199,yes,the existence of God as orthodoxly conceived,5.0,49.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205769,CON,"A natural moral order requires the existence of God as orthodoxly conceived, so god must exist","A natural moral order requires the existence of God as orthodoxly conceived, so god must exist",articles/t648/raw_2263.txt,3547,3641,articles/t648/clean_2263.txt,2546,2640,yes,the existence of God as orthodoxly conceived,31.0,75.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205770,CON,there is not good argument for God's existence that arises from pure reason alone,there is not good argument for God's existence that arises from pure reason alone,articles/t648/raw_2263.txt,3935,4016,articles/t648/clean_2263.txt,2719,2800,yes,argument for God's existence,18.0,46.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205771,CON,all moral thought requires the assumption that God exists,all moral thought requires the assumption that God exists,articles/t648/raw_2263.txt,4348,4405,articles/t648/clean_2263.txt,3082,3139,yes,the assumption that God exists,27.0,57.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205772,CON,"theists are able to offer justification for morality, while atheists are not","theists are able to offer justification for morality, while atheists are not",articles/t648/raw_2263.txt,5138,5228,articles/t648/clean_2263.txt,3736,3812,yes,theists,0.0,7.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,205773,PRO,the natural is all that exists,the natural is all that exists,articles/t648/raw_2263.txt,6210,6240,articles/t648/clean_2263.txt,4667,4697,yes,the natural,0.0,11.0,1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,207383,PRO,the universe can be explained without any reference to the supernatural,the universe can be explained without any reference to the supernatural,articles/t648/raw_2247.txt,14970,15041,articles/t648/clean_2247.txt,7325,7396,yes,any reference to the supernatural,38.0,71.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,207384,CON,God exists and this can be proven,God exists and this can be proven,articles/t648/raw_2247.txt,17325,17358,articles/t648/clean_2247.txt,8966,8999,yes,God,0.0,3.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,207385,PRO,none of the arguments for God's existence are compelling,none of the arguments for God's existence are compelling,articles/t648/raw_2247.txt,27109,27165,articles/t648/clean_2247.txt,14380,14436,yes,the arguments for God's existence,8.0,41.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,209776,CON,life and the universe were created by a deity,life and the universe were created by a deity,articles/t648/raw_2231.txt,33343,33396,articles/t648/clean_2231.txt,13437,13482,yes,a deity,38.0,45.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,209777,PRO,faith − belief that is not based on evidence − is one of the world's great evils,faith − belief that is not based on evidence − is one of the world's great evils,articles/t648/raw_2231.txt,45596,45676,articles/t648/clean_2231.txt,18188,18268,yes,faith,0.0,5.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,209778,PRO,"atheism is evidence of a healthy, independent mind","atheism is evidence of a healthy, independent mind",articles/t648/raw_2231.txt,51154,51204,articles/t648/clean_2231.txt,19715,19765,yes,atheism,0.0,7.0,1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,209974,PRO,nothing exists beyond the natural universe,nothing exists beyond the natural universe,articles/t648/raw_2281.txt,248,290,articles/t648/clean_2281.txt,136,178,no,,,,, 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,209975,PRO,nature is all there is,nature is all there is,articles/t648/raw_2281.txt,3102,3124,articles/t648/clean_2281.txt,1138,1160,yes,nature,0.0,6.0,1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,209988,CON,"everything in the Universe has a purpose, which must have been caused by God","everything in the Universe has a purpose, which must have been caused by God",articles/t648/raw_2260.txt,16387,16463,articles/t648/clean_2260.txt,3667,3743,yes,God,73.0,76.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,209989,CON,"everything in the Universe follows laws, which must have been created by God","everything in the Universe follows laws, which must have been created by God",articles/t648/raw_2260.txt,16875,16951,articles/t648/clean_2260.txt,4140,4216,yes,God,73.0,76.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211518,PRO,arguments for the existence of God show insufficient reason to believe,arguments for the existence of God show insufficient reason to believe,articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,1407,1477,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,869,939,yes,arguments for the existence of God,0.0,34.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211519,CON,"The universe includes ideas not perceptible to mankind (or not always perceptible), and there must therefore exist an omniscient superobserver","the universe includes ""ideas"" not perceptible to mankind (or not always perceptible), and that there must therefore exist an omniscient superobserver",articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,11910,12059,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,9063,9212,yes,an omniscient superobserver,115.0,142.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211520,CON,"there was a ""first cause"", or ""prime mover"" who is identified as God","there was a ""first cause"", or ""prime mover"" who is identified as God",articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,14001,14069,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,10371,10439,yes,God,65.0,68.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211521,CON,the universe's order and complexity are best explained by reference to a creator God,the universe's order and complexity are best explained by reference to a creator God,articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,14196,14304,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,10560,10644,yes,a creator God,71.0,84.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211522,CON,certain features of the universe and of living things are the product of an intelligent cause,certain features of the universe and of living things are the product of an intelligent cause,articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,14604,14735,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,10937,11030,yes,the product of an intelligent cause,58.0,93.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211523,CON,"basic facts, such as humanity's existence, are best explained by the existence of God","basic facts, such as humanity's existence, are best explained by the existence of God",articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,17021,17106,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,11791,11876,yes,the existence of God,65.0,85.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211524,CON,"ethics, and other serious matters do not make sense in the absence of God","ethics, and other serious matters do not make sense in the absence of God",articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,17465,17540,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,12156,12229,yes,the absence of God,55.0,73.0,-1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211525,CON,atheistic arguments must ultimately refute themselves if pressed with rigorous consistency,atheistic arguments must ultimately refute themselves if pressed with rigorous consistency,articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,17551,17641,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,12240,12330,yes,atheistic arguments,0.0,19.0,-1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211526,CON,the theism of people throughout most of recorded history and in many different places provides prima facie demonstration of God's existence,the theism of people throughout most of recorded history and in many different places provides prima facie demonstration of God's existence,articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,26319,26466,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,18922,19061,yes,God's existence,124.0,139.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211527,PRO,when a person's understanding ponders over the existence of God it encounters nothing but contradictions,when a person's understanding ponders over the existence of God it encounters nothing but contradictions,articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,28406,28510,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,20722,20826,yes,the existence of God,43.0,63.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211528,PRO,natural (non-supernatural) theories adequately explain the development of religion and belief in gods,natural (non-supernatural) theories adequately explain the development of religion and belief in gods,articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,33314,33419,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,24440,24541,yes,natural (non-supernatural) theories,0.0,35.0,1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211529,PRO,The argument for the existence of god is a logical fallacy,The argument for the existence of god is then a logical fallacy,articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,34542,34605,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,25420,25483,yes,The argument for the existence of god,0.0,37.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211530,PRO,the concept of an omnipotent entity is logically contradictory,the concept of an omnipotent entity is logically contradictory,articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,34937,35003,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,25801,25863,yes,the concept of an omnipotent entity,0.0,35.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211531,CON,things cannot exist without creators,things cannot exist without creators,articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,36367,36403,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,27193,27229,yes,creators,28.0,36.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211532,PRO,"an omnipotent and omniscient being would not have any reason to act in any way, specifically by creating the universe","an omnipotent and omniscient being would not have any reason to act in any way, specifically by creating the universe",articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,37685,37802,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,28412,28529,yes,an omnipotent and omniscient being,0.0,34.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211533,PRO,"if, when asked for, there is no visible help from God, there is no reason to believe that there is a God","if, when asked for, there is no visible help from God, there is no reason to believe that there is a God",articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,39961,40065,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,30472,30576,yes,God,50.0,53.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211534,PRO,an unchanging God cannot be the source of an ever changing world,an unchanging God cannot be the source of an ever changing world,articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,40765,40829,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,31009,31073,yes,an unchanging God,0.0,17.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211535,PRO,the idea of God is inconceivable and self-contradictory,the idea of God is inconceivable and self-contradictory,articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,41110,41165,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,31206,31261,yes,the idea of God,0.0,15.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211536,PRO,a perfect God can have no need to create a world,a perfect God can have no need to create a world,articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,41290,41338,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,31382,31430,yes,a perfect God,0.0,13.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211537,PRO,"a benevolent deity ought to create only happy creatures, not an imperfect world like the real world","a benevolent deity ought to create only happy creatures, not an imperfect world like the real world",articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,41511,41610,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,31603,31702,yes,a benevolent deity,0.0,18.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211538,PRO,The evidence allegedly proving the existence of God is insufficient,the evidence allegedly proving the existence of God was insufficient,articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,41869,41937,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,31804,31872,yes,The evidence allegedly proving the existence of God,0.0,51.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211539,CON,"God's existence ""can be known with certainty from the created world by the natural light of human reason","God's existence ""can be known with certainty from the created world by the natural light of human reason",articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,43753,43857,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,33089,33193,yes,God's existence,0.0,15.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211540,CON,God's existence can be demonstrated,God's existence can be demonstrated,articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,44070,44105,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,33257,33292,yes,God's existence,0.0,15.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211541,CON,"all human experience and action (even the condition of unbelief, itself) is a proof for the existence of God","all human experience and action (even the condition of unbelief, itself) is a proof for the existence of God",articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,47494,47602,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,36423,36531,yes,the existence of God,88.0,108.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211542,PRO,there is insufficient reason to believe that any gods exist,there is insufficient reason to believe that any gods exist,articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,51261,51320,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,39343,39402,yes,to believe that any gods exist,29.0,59.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211543,PRO,the existence of some or all gods is logically impossible,the existence of some or all gods is logically impossible,articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,51725,51782,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,39774,39831,yes,the existence of some or all gods,0.0,33.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211544,PRO,The combination of attributes which God may be asserted to have are logically contradictory,are logically contradictory,articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,52004,52031,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,40008,40035,yes,The combination of attributes which God may be asserted to have,0.0,63.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211545,PRO,there are no good reasons and no credible grounds for believing that gods exist,there are no good reasons and no credible grounds for believing that gods exist,articles/t648/raw_2225.txt,53195,53274,articles/t648/clean_2225.txt,41103,41182,yes,believing that gods exist,54.0,79.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211563,PRO,humanity would be better off without religion or belief in God,humanity would be better off without religion or belief in God,articles/t648/raw_2227.txt,876,942,articles/t648/clean_2227.txt,149,211,yes,religion or belief in God,37.0,62.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211564,PRO,Faith is divisive and dangerous,is divisive and dangerous,articles/t648/raw_2227.txt,2514,2539,articles/t648/clean_2227.txt,1488,1513,yes,Faith,0.0,5.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211565,PRO,atheism is not a recipe for despair but just the opposite,atheism is not a recipe for despair but just the opposite,articles/t648/raw_2227.txt,22280,22337,articles/t648/clean_2227.txt,17595,17652,yes,atheism,0.0,7.0,1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211566,PRO,Atheism is life-affirming in a way that religion can never be,is life-affirming in a way that religion can never be,articles/t648/raw_2227.txt,22573,22626,articles/t648/clean_2227.txt,17888,17941,yes,Atheism,0.0,7.0,1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211567,PRO,religion does more harm than good,religion does more harm than good,articles/t648/raw_2227.txt,25376,25409,articles/t648/clean_2227.txt,19610,19643,yes,religion,0.0,8.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211601,PRO,all phenomena could be understood as resulting from purely natural causes,all phenomena could be understood as resulting from purely natural causes,articles/t648/raw_2228.txt,2137,2210,articles/t648/clean_2228.txt,1451,1524,yes,purely natural causes,52.0,73.0,1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211602,PRO,religion was born of fear and ignorance,religion was born of fear and ignorance,articles/t648/raw_2228.txt,2252,2291,articles/t648/clean_2228.txt,1562,1601,yes,religion,0.0,8.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211603,PRO,Religions require beliefs that are irrational,they require beliefs that are irrational,articles/t648/raw_2228.txt,5593,5633,articles/t648/clean_2228.txt,3048,3088,yes,Religions,0.0,9.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211604,PRO,religious beliefs and traditions lack scientific or rational foundations,religious beliefs and traditions lack scientific or rational foundations,articles/t648/raw_2228.txt,5686,5758,articles/t648/clean_2228.txt,3141,3213,yes,religious beliefs and traditions,0.0,32.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211605,PRO,Religions often posit facts that are contradicted by scientific evidence,Religions often posit facts that are contradicted by scientific evidence,articles/t648/raw_2228.txt,5822,5894,articles/t648/clean_2228.txt,3275,3347,yes,Religions,0.0,9.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211606,PRO,Religions teachings are outdated in comparison with modern Western morals,their teachings are outdated in comparison with modern Western morals,articles/t648/raw_2228.txt,7634,7703,articles/t648/clean_2228.txt,4241,4310,yes,Religions teachings,0.0,19.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211607,PRO,Religions have promoted facts and histories that are contradicted by science,Religions have promoted facts and histories that are contradicted by science,articles/t648/raw_2228.txt,8067,8143,articles/t648/clean_2228.txt,4632,4708,yes,Religions,0.0,9.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211608,PRO,"theist religions and their holy books are not divinely inspired, but instead are fabrications of non-divine human individuals","theist religions and their holy books are not divinely inspired, but instead are fabrications of non-divine human individuals",articles/t648/raw_2228.txt,13827,13969,articles/t648/clean_2228.txt,7779,7904,yes,theist religions and their holy books,0.0,37.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211609,CON,there are reasonable arguments supporting the existence of God,there are reasonable arguments supporting the existence of God,articles/t648/raw_2228.txt,18865,18929,articles/t648/clean_2228.txt,9886,9948,yes,the existence of God,42.0,62.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211610,PRO,religious belief is a delusion,religious belief is a delusion,articles/t648/raw_2228.txt,30052,30084,articles/t648/clean_2228.txt,15619,15649,yes,religious belief,0.0,16.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211612,PRO,religion is nothing more than a social construct that primitive humans evolved,religion is nothing more than a social construct that primitive humans evolved,articles/t648/raw_2228.txt,31512,31628,articles/t648/clean_2228.txt,16702,16780,yes,religion,0.0,8.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211614,PRO,the need for explaining life and death can be met by science and philosophy,the need for explaining life and death can be met by science and philosophy,articles/t648/raw_2228.txt,33883,33960,articles/t648/clean_2228.txt,18566,18641,yes,science and philosophy,53.0,75.0,1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211615,CON,"atheism was responsible for ""some 20th century atrocities","atheism was responsible for ""some 20th century atrocities",articles/t648/raw_2228.txt,74384,74441,articles/t648/clean_2228.txt,36718,36775,yes,atheism,0.0,7.0,-1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211616,PRO,theistic religions devalue human compassion and morality,theistic religions devalue human compassion and morality,articles/t648/raw_2228.txt,88095,88151,articles/t648/clean_2228.txt,41316,41372,yes,theistic religions,0.0,18.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211617,CON,religion is a positive civilizing influence on society,religion is a positive civilizing influence on society,articles/t648/raw_2228.txt,112351,112405,articles/t648/clean_2228.txt,50731,50785,yes,religion,0.0,8.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211622,PRO,"the effect of religious belief, is positively harmful","the effect of religious belief, is positively harmful",articles/t648/raw_2249.txt,1231,1284,articles/t648/clean_2249.txt,1070,1123,yes,religious belief,14.0,30.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211623,CON,There is evidence for the existence of a God,there is evidence even for the existence of a God,articles/t648/raw_2249.txt,4370,4419,articles/t648/clean_2249.txt,3510,3559,yes,the existence of a God,22.0,44.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211644,PRO,evolution can explain the apparent design in nature,evolution can explain the apparent design in nature,articles/t648/raw_2236.txt,4603,4654,articles/t648/clean_2236.txt,1453,1504,yes,evolution,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211645,PRO,"Natural selection and similar scientific theories are superior to a ""God hypothesis""—the illusion of intelligent design—in explaining the living world and the cosmos","Natural selection and similar scientific theories are superior to a ""God hypothesis""—the illusion of intelligent design—in explaining the living world and the cosmos",articles/t648/raw_2236.txt,7302,7473,articles/t648/clean_2236.txt,3072,3237,yes,Natural selection and similar scientific theories,0.0,49.0,1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211647,PRO,evolution by natural selection can explain apparent design in nature,evolution by natural selection can explain apparent design in nature,articles/t648/raw_2236.txt,9556,9626,articles/t648/clean_2236.txt,4431,4499,yes,evolution by natural selection,0.0,30.0,1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211648,PRO,the designer hypothesis immediately raises the larger problem of who designed the designer,the designer hypothesis immediately raises the larger problem of who designed the designer,articles/t648/raw_2236.txt,10677,10767,articles/t648/clean_2236.txt,5378,5468,yes,the designer hypothesis,0.0,23.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211649,PRO,the theory of a universe without a God is preferable to the theory of a universe with a God,the theory of a universe without a God is preferable to the theory of a universe with a God,articles/t648/raw_2236.txt,11403,11494,articles/t648/clean_2236.txt,6025,6116,yes,the theory of a universe without a God,0.0,38.0,1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211650,CON,religion is needed to make us behave morally,religion is needed to make us behave morally,articles/t648/raw_2236.txt,12875,12919,articles/t648/clean_2236.txt,7018,7062,yes,religion,0.0,8.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211651,CON,Religion fills a much needed gap,"fills a ""much needed gap",articles/t648/raw_2236.txt,15522,15546,articles/t648/clean_2236.txt,8384,8408,yes,Religion,0.0,8.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211652,PRO,religion is socially dangerous,religion is socially dangerous,articles/t648/raw_2236.txt,20690,20720,articles/t648/clean_2236.txt,10392,10422,yes,religion,0.0,8.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211676,PRO,The God hypothesis is considered inferior to evolution by natural selection as explanations for the complexity of life,the God hypothesis inferior to evolution by natural selection as explanations for the complexity of life,articles/t648/raw_2235.txt,1295,1403,articles/t648/clean_2235.txt,1034,1138,yes,The God hypothesis,0.0,18.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211677,PRO,"where design fails to explain complexity, evolution by natural selection succeeds","where design fails to explain complexity, evolution by natural selection succeeds",articles/t648/raw_2235.txt,3102,3183,articles/t648/clean_2235.txt,2250,2331,yes,evolution by natural selection,42.0,72.0,1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211678,PRO,"The theory of natural selection is much simpler than the theory of the existence of such a complex being, and thus preferable","The theory of natural selection is much simpler than the theory of the existence of such a complex being, and thus preferable",articles/t648/raw_2235.txt,6926,7051,articles/t648/clean_2235.txt,3379,3504,yes,The theory of natural selection,0.0,31.0,1.0,1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211679,PRO,God is improbable,God is improbable,articles/t648/raw_2235.txt,17631,17648,articles/t648/clean_2235.txt,10049,10066,yes,God,0.0,3.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211680,PRO,a creator of a universe with such complexity would have to be complex and improbable,a creator of a universe with such complexity would have to be complex and improbable,articles/t648/raw_2235.txt,18249,18333,articles/t648/clean_2235.txt,10543,10627,yes,a creator of a universe with such complexity,0.0,44.0,-1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,211681,CON,"there must be a first cause, which can be given the name God","there must be a first cause, which can be given the name God",articles/t648/raw_2235.txt,19085,19171,articles/t648/clean_2235.txt,11277,11337,yes,"a first cause, which can be given the name God",14.0,60.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,212466,CON,"something caused the Universe to exist, and this First Cause must be God","something caused the Universe to exist, and this First Cause must be God",articles/t648/raw_2238.txt,887,959,articles/t648/clean_2238.txt,698,770,yes,God,69.0,72.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,212467,CON,existence must be due to an agent cause,existence must be due to an agent cause,articles/t648/raw_2238.txt,5632,5683,articles/t648/clean_2238.txt,4341,4380,yes,an agent cause,25.0,39.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,212468,CON,"the existence of the Universe requires an explanation, and the creation of the Universe by a First Cause, generally assumed to be God, is that explanation","the existence of the Universe requires an explanation, and the creation of the Universe by a First Cause, generally assumed to be God, is that explanation",articles/t648/raw_2238.txt,8005,8159,articles/t648/clean_2238.txt,6009,6163,yes,"the creation of the Universe by a First Cause, generally assumed to be God",59.0,133.0,1.0,-1.0 648,test,This house believes atheism is the only way,atheism,1,212469,CON,a god created the Universe,a god created the Universe,articles/t648/raw_2238.txt,17211,17237,articles/t648/clean_2238.txt,12718,12744,yes,a god,0.0,5.0,1.0,-1.0 661,test,This house would institute a mandatory retirement age,institute a mandatory retirement age,1,215337,PRO,Normal aging is associated with a decline in various memory abilities in many cognitive tasks,Normal aging is associated with a decline in various memory abilities in many cognitive tasks,articles/t661/raw_2368.txt,2979,3072,articles/t661/clean_2368.txt,2125,2218,yes,Normal aging,0.0,12.0,-1.0,-1.0 661,test,This house would institute a mandatory retirement age,institute a mandatory retirement age,1,216552,PRO,separation of older people from active roles in society is normal and appropriate,separation of older people from active roles in society is normal and appropriate,articles/t661/raw_2365.txt,46743,46824,articles/t661/clean_2365.txt,30177,30258,yes,separation of older people from active roles in society,0.0,55.0,1.0,1.0 661,test,This house would institute a mandatory retirement age,institute a mandatory retirement age,1,216553,PRO,Separation of older people from active roles in society benefits both society and older individuals,benefits both society and older individuals,articles/t661/raw_2365.txt,46830,46873,articles/t661/clean_2365.txt,30264,30307,yes,Separation of older people from active roles in society,0.0,55.0,1.0,1.0 661,test,This house would institute a mandatory retirement age,institute a mandatory retirement age,1,216554,CON,"the more active elderly people are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with life","the more active elderly people are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with life",articles/t661/raw_2365.txt,47606,47692,articles/t661/clean_2365.txt,30964,31050,yes,the more active elderly people are,0.0,34.0,1.0,-1.0 661,test,This house would institute a mandatory retirement age,institute a mandatory retirement age,1,217233,PRO,older workers are more expensive than younger ones,older workers are more expensive than younger ones,articles/t661/raw_2369.txt,694,744,articles/t661/clean_2369.txt,559,609,yes,older workers,0.0,13.0,-1.0,-1.0 661,test,This house would institute a mandatory retirement age,institute a mandatory retirement age,1,217234,PRO,Older workers lack up-to-date skills,they lack up-to-date skills,articles/t661/raw_2369.txt,751,778,articles/t661/clean_2369.txt,616,643,yes,Older workers,0.0,13.0,-1.0,-1.0 661,test,This house would institute a mandatory retirement age,institute a mandatory retirement age,1,217235,PRO,Older people are seen as a group that acts as more of a cost than an asset to the company,older people as a group that acts as more of a cost than an asset to the company,articles/t661/raw_2369.txt,2148,2228,articles/t661/clean_2369.txt,1727,1807,yes,Older people,0.0,12.0,-1.0,-1.0 661,test,This house would institute a mandatory retirement age,institute a mandatory retirement age,1,217236,PRO,The older generation workers often require more benefits from the company due to their age,The older generation workers often require more benefits from the company due to their age,articles/t661/raw_2369.txt,2334,2424,articles/t661/clean_2369.txt,1898,1988,yes,The older generation workers,0.0,28.0,-1.0,-1.0 661,test,This house would institute a mandatory retirement age,institute a mandatory retirement age,1,217314,CON,the age at which retirement is mandated is often somewhat arbitrary and not based upon an actual physical evaluation of an individual person,the age at which retirement is mandated is often somewhat arbitrary and not based upon an actual physical evaluation of an individual person,articles/t661/raw_2363.txt,461,601,articles/t661/clean_2363.txt,404,544,yes,the age at which retirement is mandated,0.0,39.0,-1.0,1.0 661,test,This house would institute a mandatory retirement age,institute a mandatory retirement age,1,217315,CON,"The practice is viewed as a form of age discrimination, or ageism","the practice as a form of age discrimination, or ageism",articles/t661/raw_2363.txt,613,674,articles/t661/clean_2363.txt,556,611,yes,The practice,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 661,test,This house would institute a mandatory retirement age,institute a mandatory retirement age,1,217316,CON,it is unlawful to discriminate against a person because of his/her age,it is unlawful to discriminate against a person because of his/her age,articles/t661/raw_2363.txt,1388,1458,articles/t661/clean_2363.txt,1198,1268,yes,to discriminate against a person because of his/her age,15.0,70.0,-1.0,1.0 662,test,This house believes that democratic governments should require voters to present photo identification at the polling station,democratic governments should require voters to present photo identification at the polling station,1,215412,CON,Identification requirements may heighten the opportunities for confusion and voter intimidation,"identification requirements, however, may heighten the opportunities for confusion and voter intimidation",articles/t662/raw_2376.txt,17806,17911,articles/t662/clean_2376.txt,12213,12318,yes,Identification requirements,0.0,27.0,-1.0,1.0 662,test,This house believes that democratic governments should require voters to present photo identification at the polling station,democratic governments should require voters to present photo identification at the polling station,1,215414,CON,Identification requirements may reduce rather than expand the electorate,may reduce rather than expand the electorate,articles/t662/raw_2376.txt,17917,17961,articles/t662/clean_2376.txt,12324,12368,yes,Identification requirements,0.0,27.0,-1.0,1.0 662,test,This house believes that democratic governments should require voters to present photo identification at the polling station,democratic governments should require voters to present photo identification at the polling station,1,215415,CON,Voter identification laws could suppress the turnout by voters,voter identification laws that could suppress the turnout by voters,articles/t662/raw_2376.txt,18838,18905,articles/t662/clean_2376.txt,12923,12990,yes,Voter identification laws,0.0,25.0,-1.0,1.0 662,test,This house believes that democratic governments should require voters to present photo identification at the polling station,democratic governments should require voters to present photo identification at the polling station,1,221759,PRO,Presenting photographic IDs is a minor inconvenience when weighed against the possibility of ineligible voters affecting elections,presenting them is a minor inconvenience when weighed against the possibility of ineligible voters affecting elections,articles/t662/raw_2377.txt,3595,3713,articles/t662/clean_2377.txt,2153,2271,yes,Presenting photographic IDs,0.0,27.0,1.0,1.0 662,test,This house believes that democratic governments should require voters to present photo identification at the polling station,democratic governments should require voters to present photo identification at the polling station,1,221760,CON,photo ID requirements disproportionately affect minority and elderly voters,photo ID requirements disproportionately affect minority and elderly voters,articles/t662/raw_2377.txt,3736,3811,articles/t662/clean_2377.txt,2294,2369,yes,photo ID requirements,0.0,21.0,-1.0,1.0 662,test,This house believes that democratic governments should require voters to present photo identification at the polling station,democratic governments should require voters to present photo identification at the polling station,1,221762,PRO,Photo identification is necessary to prevent widespread voter fraud,photo identification was necessary to prevent widespread voter fraud,articles/t662/raw_2377.txt,5504,5574,articles/t662/clean_2377.txt,3194,3262,yes,Photo identification,0.0,20.0,1.0,1.0 662,test,This house believes that democratic governments should require voters to present photo identification at the polling station,democratic governments should require voters to present photo identification at the polling station,1,221763,CON,Photo identification would decrease voting,would decrease voting,articles/t662/raw_2377.txt,5704,5725,articles/t662/clean_2377.txt,3392,3413,yes,Photo identification,0.0,20.0,-1.0,1.0 662,test,This house believes that democratic governments should require voters to present photo identification at the polling station,democratic governments should require voters to present photo identification at the polling station,1,221765,PRO,The danger of voter fraud threatens the integrity of the entire electoral process,The danger of voter fraud threatens the integrity of the entire electoral process,articles/t662/raw_2377.txt,6086,6167,articles/t662/clean_2377.txt,3737,3818,yes,The danger of voter fraud,0.0,25.0,-1.0,-1.0 662,test,This house believes that democratic governments should require voters to present photo identification at the polling station,democratic governments should require voters to present photo identification at the polling station,1,221766,CON,"Legislation to impose restrictive photo ID requirements has the potential to block millions of eligible American voters, and thus suppress the right to vote","it ""has the potential to block millions of eligible American voters, and thus suppress the right to vote",articles/t662/raw_2377.txt,7050,7154,articles/t662/clean_2377.txt,4551,4655,yes,Legislation to impose restrictive photo ID requirements,0.0,55.0,-1.0,1.0 662,test,This house believes that democratic governments should require voters to present photo identification at the polling station,democratic governments should require voters to present photo identification at the polling station,1,221778,CON,Procedures for acquiring an ID are too burdensome and costly for some low income or elderly voters,procedures for acquiring an ID were too burdensome and costly for some low income or elderly voters,articles/t662/raw_2381.txt,4897,4996,articles/t662/clean_2381.txt,3655,3754,yes,Procedures for acquiring an ID,0.0,30.0,-1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,215938,PRO,military service provides job skills,military service provides job skills,articles/t663/raw_2389.txt,11506,11542,articles/t663/clean_2389.txt,9685,9721,yes,military service,0.0,16.0,1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,215939,PRO,personal and technical skills learned in the military will improve later employment prospects in civilian life,personal and technical skills learned in the military will improve later employment prospects in civilian life,articles/t663/raw_2389.txt,11575,11685,articles/t663/clean_2389.txt,9753,9863,yes,personal and technical skills learned in the military,0.0,53.0,1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,215940,PRO,leadership skills acquired during military training can absolutely enhance one’s chances for success in corporate life,leadership skills acquired during military training can absolutely enhance one’s chances for success in corporate life,articles/t663/raw_2389.txt,12333,12451,articles/t663/clean_2389.txt,10272,10390,yes,leadership skills acquired during military training,0.0,51.0,1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,215945,PRO,in the case of a mandatory draft members of the U.S. Congress would be much less likely to authorize an unnecessary war,in the case of a mandatory draft members of the U.S. Congress would be much less likely to authorize an unnecessary war,articles/t663/raw_2390.txt,469,588,articles/t663/clean_2390.txt,323,442,yes,a mandatory draft,15.0,32.0,1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,215947,PRO,bringing back the draft would remedy the social disparity,bringing back the draft would remedy the social disparity,articles/t663/raw_2390.txt,1214,1271,articles/t663/clean_2390.txt,905,962,yes,bringing back the draft,0.0,23.0,1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,215954,PRO,a draft would make the military more representative of the American public at large,a draft would make the military more representative of the American public at large,articles/t663/raw_2391.txt,62762,62845,articles/t663/clean_2391.txt,33577,33660,yes,a draft,0.0,7.0,1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,215955,PRO,Fairness dictates that the sons and daughters of the white middle and upper classes share the burden of war,Fairness dictates that the sons and daughters of the white middle and upper classes share the burden of war,articles/t663/raw_2391.txt,62950,63057,articles/t663/clean_2391.txt,33765,33872,yes,the sons and daughters of the white middle and upper classes share the burden of war,23.0,107.0,1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224489,PRO,"some service is better than none at all, bringing citizens in contact with their military","some service is better than none at all, bringing citizens in contact with their military",articles/t663/raw_2388.txt,14875,14964,articles/t663/clean_2388.txt,11974,12063,yes,some service,0.0,12.0,1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224491,PRO,the abolition of the draft would lead to recruitment shortages even for higher ranking positions,the abolition of the draft would lead to recruitment shortages even for higher ranking positions,articles/t663/raw_2388.txt,15391,15487,articles/t663/clean_2388.txt,12487,12583,yes,the abolition of the draft,0.0,26.0,-1.0,-1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224492,CON,Considerable savings in defence spending from abolishing the draft are expected,considerable savings in defence spending from abolishing the draft,articles/t663/raw_2388.txt,15558,15624,articles/t663/clean_2388.txt,12622,12688,yes,abolishing the draft,47.0,67.0,1.0,-1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224493,PRO,professional armed forces can be more expensive than a draft-based military,professional armed forces can be more expensive than a draft-based military,articles/t663/raw_2388.txt,16213,16288,articles/t663/clean_2388.txt,13266,13341,yes,professional armed forces,0.0,25.0,-1.0,-1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224494,CON,the draft was simply anachronistic,the draft was simply anachronistic,articles/t663/raw_2388.txt,16789,16823,articles/t663/clean_2388.txt,13814,13848,yes,the draft,0.0,9.0,-1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224495,PRO,The draft obliged male citizens to pay society back through their military or civilian service,The draft obliged male citizens to pay society back through their military or civilian service,articles/t663/raw_2388.txt,17075,17169,articles/t663/clean_2388.txt,14100,14194,yes,The draft,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224594,CON,Conscription violates individual rights,it violates individual rights,articles/t663/raw_2384.txt,1921,1950,articles/t663/clean_2384.txt,1010,1039,yes,Conscription,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224597,CON,Conscription represents slavery and involuntary servitude,represents slavery and involuntary servitude,articles/t663/raw_2384.txt,74707,74751,articles/t663/clean_2384.txt,40776,40820,yes,Conscription,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224598,CON,"Of all the statist violations of individual rights in a mixed economy, the military draft is the worst","Of all the statist violations of individual rights in a mixed economy, the military draft is the worst",articles/t663/raw_2384.txt,74945,75047,articles/t663/clean_2384.txt,40873,40975,yes,the military draft,71.0,89.0,-1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224599,CON,The military draft is an abrogation of rights,It is an abrogation of rights,articles/t663/raw_2384.txt,75049,75078,articles/t663/clean_2384.txt,40977,41006,yes,The military draft,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224600,CON,The military draft negates man’s fundamental right—the right to life,It negates man’s fundamental right—the right to life,articles/t663/raw_2384.txt,75080,75132,articles/t663/clean_2384.txt,41008,41060,yes,The military draft,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224601,PRO,the very conception of a just government in its duty to the citizen includes the reciprocal obligation of the citizen to render military service in case of need,the very conception of a just government in its duty to the citizen includes the reciprocal obligation of the citizen to render military service in case of need,articles/t663/raw_2384.txt,76023,76183,articles/t663/clean_2384.txt,41839,41999,yes,the reciprocal obligation of the citizen to render military service in case of need,77.0,160.0,1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224602,CON,"in a cost-to-benefit ratio, conscription during peace time is not worthwhile","in a cost-to-benefit ratio, conscription during peace time is not worthwhile",articles/t663/raw_2384.txt,76366,76442,articles/t663/clean_2384.txt,42056,42132,yes,conscription during peace time,28.0,58.0,-1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224603,CON,Months or years of service amongst the most fit and capable subtracts from the productivity of the economy,Months or years of service amongst the most fit and capable subtracts from the productivity of the economy,articles/t663/raw_2384.txt,76596,76702,articles/t663/clean_2384.txt,42140,42246,yes,Months or years of service amongst the most fit and capable,0.0,59.0,-1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224604,CON,The work effort of the conscripts is effectively wasted,The work effort of the conscripts is effectively wasted,articles/t663/raw_2384.txt,77366,77421,articles/t663/clean_2384.txt,42898,42953,yes,The work effort of the conscripts,0.0,33.0,-1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224605,CON,Professionally-skilled conscripts are difficult to replace in the civilian workforce,professionally-skilled conscripts are also difficult to replace in the civilian workforce,articles/t663/raw_2384.txt,77668,77757,articles/t663/clean_2384.txt,43200,43289,yes,Professionally-skilled conscripts,0.0,33.0,-1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224606,CON,"Every soldier conscripted in the army is taken away from his civilian work, and away from contributing to the economy which funds the military","Every soldier conscripted in the army is taken away from his civilian work, and away from contributing to the economy which funds the military",articles/t663/raw_2384.txt,77759,77901,articles/t663/clean_2384.txt,43291,43433,yes,Every soldier conscripted in the army,0.0,37.0,-1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224607,PRO,It is the right and privilege of every citizen to participate to the defense of the whole society,it was the right and privilege of every citizen to participate to the defense of the whole society,articles/t663/raw_2384.txt,78993,79091,articles/t663/clean_2384.txt,44084,44182,yes,to participate to the defense of the whole society,47.0,97.0,1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224609,PRO,Mandatory military and national service are considered as ways of instilling maturity in young adults,mandatory military and national service as ways of instilling maturity in young adults,articles/t663/raw_2384.txt,79919,80009,articles/t663/clean_2384.txt,44761,44847,yes,Mandatory military and national service,0.0,39.0,1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224625,CON,conscription would not provide adequate protection for the rights of conscientious objectors,conscription would not provide adequate protection for the rights of conscientious objectors,articles/t663/raw_2383.txt,16438,16532,articles/t663/clean_2383.txt,12482,12574,yes,conscription,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224626,CON,adequate military strength could be maintained without having conscription,adequate military strength could be maintained without having conscription,articles/t663/raw_2383.txt,38412,38486,articles/t663/clean_2383.txt,28244,28318,yes,conscription,62.0,74.0,-1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224627,CON,the draft is fundamentally unfair,the draft is fundamentally unfair,articles/t663/raw_2383.txt,53432,53465,articles/t663/clean_2383.txt,38100,38133,yes,the draft,0.0,9.0,-1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224628,CON,The draft has been perceived by some as unfairly targeting the poor and lower middle classes,The draft has been perceived by some as unfairly targeting the poor and lower middle classes,articles/t663/raw_2383.txt,54323,54415,articles/t663/clean_2383.txt,38920,39012,yes,The draft,0.0,9.0,-1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224629,PRO,It is less likely that a republic with conscription would engage in preemptive wars,it was less likely that a republic with conscription would engage in preemptive wars,articles/t663/raw_2383.txt,57758,57842,articles/t663/clean_2383.txt,42162,42246,yes,a republic with conscription,23.0,51.0,1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224630,PRO,the draft should be reinstated to make the military more equal,the draft should be reinstated to make the military more equal,articles/t663/raw_2383.txt,65750,65812,articles/t663/clean_2383.txt,47201,47263,yes,the draft,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 663,test,This house would reintroduce national service,national service,1,224631,PRO,"the draft ""does bring people from all quarters of our society together in the common purpose of serving","the draft ""does bring people from all quarters of our society together in the common purpose of serving",articles/t663/raw_2383.txt,66074,66177,articles/t663/clean_2383.txt,47525,47628,yes,the draft,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 665,test,This house believes that housewives should be paid for their work,housewives should be paid for their work,1,219780,PRO,Care work is acknowledged as central to economic development and human well-being,care work as central to economic development and human well-being,articles/t665/raw_2387.txt,27369,27436,articles/t665/clean_2387.txt,18147,18212,yes,Care work,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 665,test,This house believes that housewives should be paid for their work,housewives should be paid for their work,1,219781,PRO,unpaid domestic work is just as valuable as paid work,unpaid domestic work is just as valuable as paid work,articles/t665/raw_2387.txt,27725,27782,articles/t665/clean_2387.txt,18501,18554,yes,unpaid domestic work,0.0,20.0,1.0,1.0 665,test,This house believes that housewives should be paid for their work,housewives should be paid for their work,1,219782,PRO,domestic labor is work,domestic labor is work,articles/t665/raw_2387.txt,38105,38127,articles/t665/clean_2387.txt,26991,27013,yes,domestic labor,0.0,14.0,1.0,1.0 665,test,This house believes that housewives should be paid for their work,housewives should be paid for their work,1,221730,PRO,Care work is essential to human well-being,Care work is essential to human well-being,articles/t665/raw_2385.txt,2655,2699,articles/t665/clean_2385.txt,1809,1851,yes,Care work,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 665,test,This house believes that housewives should be paid for their work,housewives should be paid for their work,1,221731,PRO,care work is directly related to the health of a society as well as to the economic development of that society,care work is directly related to the health of a society as well as to the economic development of that society,articles/t665/raw_2385.txt,3277,3392,articles/t665/clean_2385.txt,2296,2407,yes,care work,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 665,test,This house believes that housewives should be paid for their work,housewives should be paid for their work,1,221732,CON,"the household sector is a wealth spender, and not a wealth creator","the household sector is a wealth spender, and not a wealth creator",articles/t665/raw_2385.txt,5032,5098,articles/t665/clean_2385.txt,3884,3950,yes,the household sector,0.0,20.0,-1.0,1.0 665,test,This house believes that housewives should be paid for their work,housewives should be paid for their work,1,221733,PRO,the household sector plays a very important role in wealth creation,the household sector plays a very important role in wealth creation,articles/t665/raw_2385.txt,5135,5202,articles/t665/clean_2385.txt,3987,4054,yes,the household sector,0.0,20.0,1.0,1.0 665,test,This house believes that housewives should be paid for their work,housewives should be paid for their work,1,221734,CON,Women's jobs in the home are not part of any market,women's jobs in the home were not part of any market,articles/t665/raw_2385.txt,6906,6958,articles/t665/clean_2385.txt,5492,5544,yes,Women's jobs in the home,0.0,24.0,-1.0,1.0 665,test,This house believes that housewives should be paid for their work,housewives should be paid for their work,1,221735,CON,the household does not form wealth,the household does not form wealth,articles/t665/raw_2385.txt,15958,15992,articles/t665/clean_2385.txt,13277,13311,yes,the household,0.0,13.0,-1.0,1.0 665,test,This house believes that housewives should be paid for their work,housewives should be paid for their work,1,221736,CON,the quality of care may decrease in response to the call for profit-making and efficiency,the quality of care may decrease in response to the call for profit-making and efficiency,articles/t665/raw_2385.txt,17021,17110,articles/t665/clean_2385.txt,13972,14061,yes,the call for profit-making and efficiency,48.0,89.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,228017,CON,property rights encourage their holders to develop the property,property rights encourage their holders to develop the property,articles/t681/raw_2501.txt,6551,6614,articles/t681/clean_2501.txt,4818,4881,yes,property rights,0.0,15.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,228018,CON,property rights encourage their holders to develop their property or generate wealth,property rights encourage their holders to develop their property or generate wealth,articles/t681/raw_2501.txt,9244,9328,articles/t681/clean_2501.txt,7118,7202,yes,property rights,0.0,15.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,228019,PRO,interference by the state over the centuries in property ownership has had dire consequences for justice as well as for economic productivity,interference by the state over the centuries in property ownership has had dire consequences for justice as well as for economic productivity,articles/t681/raw_2501.txt,35392,35533,articles/t681/clean_2501.txt,27807,27948,yes,interference by the state over the centuries in property ownership,0.0,66.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,229429,CON,Patents provide incentives for economically efficient research and development,Patents provide incentives for economically efficient research and development,articles/t681/raw_2443.txt,28289,28369,articles/t681/clean_2443.txt,18628,18706,yes,Patents,0.0,7.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,229430,CON,patents facilitate and encourage disclosure of innovations into the public domain for the common good,patents facilitate and encourage disclosure of innovations into the public domain for the common good,articles/t681/raw_2443.txt,30003,30114,articles/t681/clean_2443.txt,19689,19790,yes,patents,0.0,7.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,229431,CON,"If inventors did not have the legal protection of patents, in many cases, they would prefer or tend to keep their inventions secret","If inventors did not have the legal protection of patents, in many cases, they would prefer or tend to keep their inventions secret",articles/t681/raw_2443.txt,30118,30253,articles/t681/clean_2443.txt,19792,19923,yes,the legal protection of patents,26.0,57.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,229432,CON,Awarding patents generally makes the details of new technology publicly available,Awarding patents generally makes the details of new technology publicly available,articles/t681/raw_2443.txt,30294,30375,articles/t681/clean_2443.txt,19926,20007,yes,Awarding patents,0.0,16.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,229433,CON,"when a patent's term has expired, the public record ensures that the patentee's idea is not lost to humanity","when a patent's term has expired, the public record ensures that the patentee's idea is not lost to humanity",articles/t681/raw_2443.txt,30490,30617,articles/t681/clean_2443.txt,20122,20230,yes,"when a patent's term has expired, the public record",0.0,51.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,229434,PRO,Patents are criticised as inonsistent with free trade,patents have been criticized as inconsistent with free trade,articles/t681/raw_2443.txt,32573,32635,articles/t681/clean_2443.txt,21709,21769,yes,Patents,0.0,7.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,231823,PRO,copyright law protects corporate interests while criminalizing legitimate use,copyright law protects corporate interests while criminalizing legitimate use,articles/t681/raw_2430.txt,4483,4560,articles/t681/clean_2430.txt,3416,3493,yes,copyright law,0.0,13.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,231824,CON,Copyright law is fair and just,the law is fair and just,articles/t681/raw_2430.txt,4585,4609,articles/t681/clean_2430.txt,3518,3542,yes,Copyright law,0.0,13.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,231825,CON,patent and copyright laws support in fundamental and thoroughgoing ways the expansion of the range of creative human activities that can be commodified,patent and copyright laws support in fundamental and thoroughgoing ways the expansion of the range of creative human activities that can be commodified,articles/t681/raw_2430.txt,8031,8182,articles/t681/clean_2430.txt,6056,6207,yes,patent and copyright laws,0.0,25.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,252863,CON,intellectual property is desirable because it encourages innovation,intellectual property is desirable because it encourages innovation,articles/t681/raw_2427.txt,7584,7651,articles/t681/clean_2427.txt,4433,4500,yes,intellectual property,0.0,21.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,252864,CON,creators will not have sufficient incentive to invent unless they are legally entitled to capture the full social value of their inventions,creators will not have sufficient incentive to invent unless they are legally entitled to capture the full social value of their inventions,articles/t681/raw_2427.txt,7703,7842,articles/t681/clean_2427.txt,4552,4691,yes,legally entitled to capture the full social value of their inventions,70.0,139.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,252865,CON,intellectual property rights are essential to maintaining economic growth,intellectual property rights are essential to maintaining economic growth,articles/t681/raw_2427.txt,9280,9353,articles/t681/clean_2427.txt,5337,5410,yes,intellectual property rights,0.0,28.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,252866,CON,Intellectual property laws give statutory expression to the moral and economic rights of creators in their creations,give statutory expression to the moral and economic rights of creators in their creations,articles/t681/raw_2427.txt,9472,9561,articles/t681/clean_2427.txt,5513,5602,yes,Intellectual property laws,0.0,26.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,252867,CON,"Intellectual property laws promote, as a deliberate act of Government policy, creativity","promote, as a deliberate act of Government policy, creativity",articles/t681/raw_2427.txt,9638,9699,articles/t681/clean_2427.txt,5679,5740,yes,Intellectual property laws,0.0,26.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,252868,CON,Intellectual property laws encourage fair trading which would contribute to economic and social development,encourage fair trading which would contribute to economic and social development,articles/t681/raw_2427.txt,9760,9840,articles/t681/clean_2427.txt,5801,5881,yes,Intellectual property laws,0.0,26.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,252869,CON,effective enforcement of intellectual property rights is critical to sustaining economic growth,effective enforcement of intellectual property rights is critical to sustaining economic growth,articles/t681/raw_2427.txt,10007,10102,articles/t681/clean_2427.txt,5951,6046,yes,effective enforcement of intellectual property rights,0.0,53.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,252870,CON,A positive correlation between the strengthening of the IP system and subsequent economic growth was found,a positive correlation between the strengthening of the IP system and subsequent economic growth,articles/t681/raw_2427.txt,11100,11196,articles/t681/clean_2427.txt,6516,6612,yes,the strengthening of the IP system,31.0,65.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,252871,PRO,IP can be a disincentive to innovation,IP can be a disincentive to innovation,articles/t681/raw_2427.txt,11392,11430,articles/t681/clean_2427.txt,6656,6694,yes,IP,0.0,2.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,252872,CON,Intellectual property rights promote public welfare,they promote public welfare,articles/t681/raw_2427.txt,14979,15006,articles/t681/clean_2427.txt,8605,8632,yes,Intellectual property rights,0.0,28.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,252873,CON,To violate intellectual property is no different morally than violating other property rights,To violate intellectual property is therefore no different morally than violating other property rights,articles/t681/raw_2427.txt,16394,16497,articles/t681/clean_2427.txt,9342,9445,yes,To violate intellectual property,0.0,32.0,-1.0,-1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,252874,PRO,allowing property rights in ideas and information creates artificial scarcity,allowing property rights in ideas and information creates artificial scarcity,articles/t681/raw_2427.txt,20826,20905,articles/t681/clean_2427.txt,11858,11935,yes,allowing property rights in ideas and information,0.0,49.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,252875,PRO,Allowing property rights in ideas and information infringes on the right to own tangible property,infringes on the right to own tangible property,articles/t681/raw_2427.txt,20912,20959,articles/t681/clean_2427.txt,11940,11987,yes,Allowing property rights in ideas and information,0.0,49.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,252910,CON,Patents and copyrights are the legal implementation of the base of all property rights: a man's right to the product of his mind,Patents and copyrights are the legal implementation of the base of all property rights: a man's right to the product of his mind,articles/t681/raw_2429.txt,569,697,articles/t681/clean_2429.txt,417,545,yes,Patents and copyrights,0.0,22.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,252911,PRO,intellectual property laws can actually hinder innovation,intellectual property laws can actually hinder innovation,articles/t681/raw_2429.txt,3120,3177,articles/t681/clean_2429.txt,2749,2806,yes,intellectual property laws,0.0,26.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,252912,PRO,Patents divert resources from research and development to patent filing and lawsuits,they divert resources from research and development to patent filing and lawsuits,articles/t681/raw_2429.txt,4813,4894,articles/t681/clean_2429.txt,3955,4036,yes,Patents,0.0,7.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,252913,PRO,Ideas are not a legitimate subject of property rights,are not a legitimate subject of property rights,articles/t681/raw_2429.txt,5346,5393,articles/t681/clean_2429.txt,4416,4463,no,,,,, 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,252914,PRO,the only way that intellectual property rights can be implemented is by limiting others' physical property rights,the only way that intellectual property rights can be implemented is by limiting others' physical property rights,articles/t681/raw_2429.txt,5408,5521,articles/t681/clean_2429.txt,4478,4591,yes,intellectual property rights,18.0,46.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,252915,PRO,"prohibiting people from using, reproducing, and trading copyrighted material is an infringement of freedom of speech","prohibiting people from using, reproducing, and trading copyrighted material is an infringement of freedom of speech",articles/t681/raw_2429.txt,5894,6012,articles/t681/clean_2429.txt,4957,5073,yes,"prohibiting people from using, reproducing, and trading copyrighted material",0.0,76.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,252916,PRO,one cannot own information without owning other people,one cannot own information without owning other people,articles/t681/raw_2429.txt,6126,6180,articles/t681/clean_2429.txt,5181,5235,yes,own information,11.0,26.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,252917,PRO,the patent monopoly..consists in protecting inventors..against competition for a period long enough to extort from the people a reward enormously in excess of the labor measure of their services,the patent monopoly..consists in protecting inventors..against competition for a period long enough to extort from the people a reward enormously in excess of the labor measure of their services,articles/t681/raw_2429.txt,6780,6976,articles/t681/clean_2429.txt,5638,5832,yes,the patent monopoly,0.0,19.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,252918,PRO,The allegedly absurd lengths that copyright enforcement is taken to have hindered the ability of consumers to buy the products they want,have hindered the ability of consumers to buy the products they want,articles/t681/raw_2429.txt,8988,9056,articles/t681/clean_2429.txt,6814,6882,yes,The allegedly absurd lengths that copyright enforcement is taken to have,0.0,72.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,252943,PRO,all information should be freely distributed and unrestricted,all information should be freely distributed and unrestricted,articles/t681/raw_2502.txt,1845,1906,articles/t681/clean_2502.txt,859,920,yes,freely distributed and unrestricted,26.0,61.0,1.0,-1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,256559,CON,granting developers temporary monopolies over their works encourages further development and creativity,granting developers temporary monopolies over their works encourages further development and creativity,articles/t681/raw_2431.txt,981,1088,articles/t681/clean_2431.txt,281,384,yes,granting developers temporary monopolies over their works,0.0,57.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,256560,PRO,copyright has never been of net benefit to society,copyright has never been of net benefit to society,articles/t681/raw_2431.txt,1367,1417,articles/t681/clean_2431.txt,588,638,yes,copyright,0.0,9.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,256561,PRO,Copyright serves to enrich a few at the expense of creativity,serves to enrich a few at the expense of creativity,articles/t681/raw_2431.txt,1430,1481,articles/t681/clean_2431.txt,651,702,yes,Copyright,0.0,9.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,256562,PRO,"copyright is invalid because, unlike physical property, intellectual property is not scarce","copyright is invalid because, unlike physical property, intellectual property is not scarce",articles/t681/raw_2431.txt,12214,12307,articles/t681/clean_2431.txt,4909,5000,yes,copyright,0.0,9.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,256563,PRO,Copyright law is obsolete,is obsolete,articles/t681/raw_2431.txt,13646,13657,articles/t681/clean_2431.txt,5824,5835,yes,Copyright law,0.0,13.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,256564,PRO,The cost of trying to enforce copyright is unreasonable,the cost of trying to enforce it is unreasonable,articles/t681/raw_2431.txt,14659,14707,articles/t681/clean_2431.txt,6822,6870,yes,The cost of trying to enforce copyright,0.0,39.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,256565,PRO,"knowledge should be ""shared in solidarity","knowledge should be ""shared in solidarity",articles/t681/raw_2431.txt,15219,15260,articles/t681/clean_2431.txt,7066,7107,no,,,,, 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,256566,PRO,Copyright law is seen as preventing or slowing human progress,copyright law as preventing or slowing human progress,articles/t681/raw_2431.txt,15897,15950,articles/t681/clean_2431.txt,7543,7596,yes,Copyright law,0.0,13.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,256567,CON,"without an intellectual property rights regime, authors would have no incentive to further create","without an intellectual property rights regime, authors would have no incentive to further create",articles/t681/raw_2431.txt,17896,17997,articles/t681/clean_2431.txt,9194,9291,yes,an intellectual property rights regime,8.0,46.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,256568,CON,artists cannot produce new works without an economic incentive,artists cannot produce new works without an economic incentive,articles/t681/raw_2431.txt,18008,18070,articles/t681/clean_2431.txt,9302,9364,yes,an economic incentive,41.0,62.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,256569,CON,copyright drives the economy by compelling creativity,copyright drives the economy by compelling creativity,articles/t681/raw_2431.txt,19012,19065,articles/t681/clean_2431.txt,10163,10216,yes,copyright,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,256570,CON,Copyright is a fundamental right for both creators and consumers,is a fundamental right for both creators and consumers,articles/t681/raw_2431.txt,19071,19125,articles/t681/clean_2431.txt,10222,10276,yes,Copyright,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,256571,CON,all proposed alternatives to copyright protection do not allow for viable business models,all proposed alternatives to copyright protection do not allow for viable business models,articles/t681/raw_2431.txt,19142,19235,articles/t681/clean_2431.txt,10293,10382,yes,all proposed alternatives to copyright protection,0.0,49.0,-1.0,-1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,256572,CON,content creators would not have incentive to produce their products if they cannot be guaranteed payment,content creators would not have incentive to produce their products if they cannot be guaranteed payment,articles/t681/raw_2431.txt,19240,19344,articles/t681/clean_2431.txt,10387,10491,yes,be guaranteed payment,83.0,104.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,257421,PRO,Patents are obstructing research,patents were obstructing research,articles/t681/raw_2428.txt,1565,1598,articles/t681/clean_2428.txt,1126,1159,yes,Patents,0.0,7.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,257422,PRO,Patents are critisized as state-granted monopolies inconsistent with free trade,patents as state-granted monopolies inconsistent with free trade,articles/t681/raw_2428.txt,2782,2848,articles/t681/clean_2428.txt,1869,1933,yes,Patents,0.0,7.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,257423,PRO,Patents may hinder innovation,they may hinder innovation,articles/t681/raw_2428.txt,3532,3558,articles/t681/clean_2428.txt,2204,2230,yes,Patents,0.0,7.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,257424,PRO,Patents give rise to troll entities,"give rise to ""troll"" entities",articles/t681/raw_2428.txt,3563,3592,articles/t681/clean_2428.txt,2235,2264,yes,Patents,0.0,7.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,257425,PRO,"intellectual property rights may become so fragmented that, effectively, no one can take advantage of them","intellectual property rights may become so fragmented that, effectively, no one can take advantage of them",articles/t681/raw_2428.txt,8829,8935,articles/t681/clean_2428.txt,5789,5895,yes,intellectual property rights,0.0,28.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,264451,CON,Intellectual property is viewed as a necessary way of incentivising the creation of new creative works,intellectual property as a necessary way of incentivising the creation of new creative works,articles/t681/raw_2432.txt,2768,2860,articles/t681/clean_2432.txt,2546,2638,yes,Intellectual property,0.0,21.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,264452,CON,"in the absence of intellectual property protections such as copyright and patents, various types of intangible assets would be under-produced","in the absence of intellectual property protections such as copyright and patents, various types of intangible assets would be under-produced",articles/t681/raw_2432.txt,3598,3747,articles/t681/clean_2432.txt,3104,3245,yes,intellectual property protections such as copyright and patents,18.0,81.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,264453,CON,"copyright remains the fundamental way by which authors, sculptors, artists, musicians and others can fund the creation of new works","copyright remains the fundamental way by which authors, sculptors, artists, musicians and others can fund the creation of new works",articles/t681/raw_2432.txt,5163,5294,articles/t681/clean_2432.txt,4410,4541,yes,copyright,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,264454,CON,"without a significant period of legal protection of their future income, many valuable books and artworks would not be created","without a significant period of legal protection of their future income, many valuable books and artworks would not be created",articles/t681/raw_2432.txt,5305,5431,articles/t681/clean_2432.txt,4552,4678,yes,a significant period of legal protection of their future income,8.0,71.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,264455,CON,"Without a feasible way to recoup investments of creative time through copyright, there would be little economic incentive to produce","Without a feasible way to recoup investments of creative time through copyright, there would be little economic incentive to produce",articles/t681/raw_2432.txt,6567,6699,articles/t681/clean_2432.txt,5338,5470,yes,a feasible way to recoup investments of creative time through copyright,8.0,79.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,264456,CON,The present system of strong copyrights has been largely successful in financing the creation and distribution of a wide variety of works,it has been largely successful in financing the creation and distribution of a wide variety of works,articles/t681/raw_2432.txt,7498,7598,articles/t681/clean_2432.txt,6102,6202,yes,The present system of strong copyrights,0.0,39.0,1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,264457,PRO,the very concept of copyright has never benefited society,the very concept of copyright has never benefited society,articles/t681/raw_2432.txt,9547,9604,articles/t681/clean_2432.txt,7679,7736,yes,the very concept of copyright,0.0,29.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,264458,PRO,The very concept of copyright has always served simply to enrich a few at the expense of creativity,has always served simply to enrich a few at the expense of creativity,articles/t681/raw_2432.txt,9610,9679,articles/t681/clean_2432.txt,7742,7811,yes,The very concept of copyright,0.0,29.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,264459,PRO,the current (international) copyright system undermines its own goal,the current (international) copyright system undermines its own goal,articles/t681/raw_2432.txt,10842,10910,articles/t681/clean_2432.txt,8922,8990,yes,the current (international) copyright system,0.0,44.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,264460,PRO,quality works can be created even in the absence of a copyright-enforced monopoly rent,quality works can be created even in the absence of a copyright-enforced monopoly rent,articles/t681/raw_2432.txt,12752,12838,articles/t681/clean_2432.txt,10498,10584,yes,a copyright-enforced monopoly rent,52.0,86.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,264461,PRO,Copyright can be used to stifle political criticism,Copyright can also be used to stifle political criticism,articles/t681/raw_2432.txt,13800,13856,articles/t681/clean_2432.txt,11458,11514,yes,Copyright,0.0,9.0,-1.0,1.0 681,test,This house would abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights,-1,264462,CON,The copyright system has made and continues to make a valuable even essential contribution to the creation and dissemination of works,has made and continues to make a valuable even essential contribution to the creation and dissemination of works,articles/t681/raw_2432.txt,15193,15305,articles/t681/clean_2432.txt,12673,12785,yes,The copyright system,0.0,20.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,227598,PRO,Renewable energy is sustainable in its production,Renewable energy is sustainable in its production,articles/t683/raw_2448.txt,45633,45684,articles/t683/clean_2448.txt,25168,25217,yes,Renewable energy,0.0,16.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,227830,CON,Wind power is an intermittent energy source,Wind power is an intermittent energy source,articles/t683/raw_2451.txt,153,198,articles/t683/clean_2451.txt,106,149,yes,Wind power,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,227831,CON,integrating wind energy into the utility grid can be problematic,integrating wind energy into the utility grid can be problematic,articles/t683/raw_2451.txt,670,734,articles/t683/clean_2451.txt,612,676,yes,integrating wind energy into the utility grid,0.0,45.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,227832,CON,Electricity generated from wind power can be highly variable,Electricity generated from wind power can be highly variable,articles/t683/raw_2451.txt,12277,12337,articles/t683/clean_2451.txt,6024,6084,yes,Electricity generated from wind power,0.0,37.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,227833,CON,predictability of wind plant output remains low,predictability of wind plant output remains low,articles/t683/raw_2451.txt,12676,12723,articles/t683/clean_2451.txt,6423,6470,yes,predictability of wind plant output,0.0,35.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,227834,CON,the non-dispatchable nature of wind energy production can raise costs,the non-dispatchable nature of wind energy production can raise costs,articles/t683/raw_2451.txt,13032,13144,articles/t683/clean_2451.txt,6745,6814,yes,the non-dispatchable nature of wind energy production,0.0,53.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,227835,CON,peak wind speeds may not coincide with peak demand for electrical power,peak wind speeds may not coincide with peak demand for electrical power,articles/t683/raw_2451.txt,16005,16076,articles/t683/clean_2451.txt,8853,8924,yes,peak wind speeds,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,265498,PRO,The production of zero carbon electricity at the wind farm is expected to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide,The production of zero carbon electricity at the wind farm is expected to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide,articles/t683/raw_2449.txt,6658,6766,articles/t683/clean_2449.txt,3802,3910,yes,The production of zero carbon electricity at the wind farm,0.0,58.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,265499,CON,"wind power ""cannot be relied upon to provide significant levels of power","wind power ""cannot be relied upon to provide significant levels of power",articles/t683/raw_2449.txt,12075,12147,articles/t683/clean_2449.txt,6840,6912,yes,wind power,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,265500,PRO,Wind power is rated as the cleanest source of renewable energy,wind power as the cleanest source of renewable energy,articles/t683/raw_2449.txt,17575,17628,articles/t683/clean_2449.txt,9983,10036,yes,Wind power,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,265501,PRO,wind farms are necessary to meet current and future energy needs,wind farms are necessary to meet current and future energy needs,articles/t683/raw_2449.txt,17806,17870,articles/t683/clean_2449.txt,10122,10186,yes,wind farms,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,265635,PRO,"Compared to the environmental impact of traditional energy sources, the environmental impact of wind power is relatively minor","Compared to the environmental impact of traditional energy sources, the environmental impact of wind power is relatively minor",articles/t683/raw_2435.txt,576,708,articles/t683/clean_2435.txt,0,126,yes,the environmental impact of wind power,68.0,106.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,265637,PRO,Wind power emits no air pollution,emits no air pollution,articles/t683/raw_2435.txt,747,771,articles/t683/clean_2435.txt,161,183,yes,Wind power,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,265638,PRO,Wind power consumes no fuel and no water,Wind power consumes no fuel and no water,articles/t683/raw_2435.txt,2830,2870,articles/t683/clean_2435.txt,1126,1166,yes,Wind power,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,265639,PRO,Producing electricity from wind reduces the consumption of fossil fuels and therefore leads to emissions savings,Producing electricity from wind reduces the consumption of fossil fuels and therefore leads to emissions savings,articles/t683/raw_2435.txt,4517,4629,articles/t683/clean_2435.txt,2142,2254,yes,Producing electricity from wind,0.0,31.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,265640,PRO,Wind turbines do not consume fuel or produce pollution during normal operation,Wind turbines do not consume fuel or produce pollution during normal operation,articles/t683/raw_2435.txt,36319,36397,articles/t683/clean_2435.txt,16560,16638,yes,Wind turbines,0.0,13.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,265641,PRO,Wind farms have a smaller footprint than other forms of energy generation,They have a smaller footprint than other forms of energy generation,articles/t683/raw_2435.txt,43205,43272,articles/t683/clean_2435.txt,19282,19349,yes,Wind farms,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,265642,CON,wind farms will damage tourism,wind farms will damage tourism,articles/t683/raw_2435.txt,44095,44125,articles/t683/clean_2435.txt,19714,19744,yes,wind farms,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,265643,CON,Wind turbines may cause physiological problems,may cause physiological problems,articles/t683/raw_2435.txt,48899,48931,articles/t683/clean_2435.txt,21723,21755,yes,Wind turbines,0.0,13.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,265644,CON,people living near wind power facilities are increasingly complaining of health problems,people living near wind power facilities are increasingly complaining of health problems,articles/t683/raw_2435.txt,55758,55846,articles/t683/clean_2435.txt,24414,24502,yes,wind power facilities,19.0,40.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,265645,CON,Wind farms are causing annoyance and ill health in people,wind farms causing annoyance and ill health in people,articles/t683/raw_2435.txt,61149,61202,articles/t683/clean_2435.txt,28329,28382,yes,Wind farms,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,265659,PRO,Wind power is a product with no hidden costs and economically the most inexpensive form of energy production,Wind power is a product with no hidden costs and economically the most inexpensive form of energy production,articles/t683/raw_2438.txt,4458,4570,articles/t683/clean_2438.txt,2835,2943,yes,Wind power,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,265660,PRO,The use of wind power reduces the necessity for importing electricity from abroad,The use of wind power reduces the necessity for importing electricity from abroad,articles/t683/raw_2438.txt,6517,6598,articles/t683/clean_2438.txt,3820,3901,yes,The use of wind power,0.0,21.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,265661,PRO,Production of wind power does not release any pollutants,Production of wind power does not release any pollutants,articles/t683/raw_2438.txt,7219,7275,articles/t683/clean_2438.txt,4258,4314,yes,Production of wind power,0.0,24.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,265662,PRO,wind power does not pose a threat to people or the environment,wind power does not pose a threat to people or the environment,articles/t683/raw_2438.txt,7809,7871,articles/t683/clean_2438.txt,4629,4691,yes,wind power,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,265714,CON,Wind power has poor capacity contribution,Wind power has poor capacity contribution,articles/t683/raw_2439.txt,24895,24936,articles/t683/clean_2439.txt,16715,16756,yes,Wind power,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,265995,PRO,the environmental effects of wind power are relatively minor,the environmental effects of wind power are relatively minor,articles/t683/raw_2507.txt,12482,12542,articles/t683/clean_2507.txt,7306,7366,yes,the environmental effects of wind power,0.0,39.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,265996,PRO,Wind power consumes no fuel,Wind power consumes no fuel,articles/t683/raw_2507.txt,12546,12575,articles/t683/clean_2507.txt,7368,7395,yes,Wind power,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,266480,PRO,Wind power has gained very high social acceptance,Wind power has gained very high social acceptance,articles/t683/raw_2446.txt,4319,4368,articles/t683/clean_2446.txt,2883,2932,yes,Wind power,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,266482,PRO,Wind energy is a clean energy source,Wind energy is a clean energy source,articles/t683/raw_2446.txt,19028,19064,articles/t683/clean_2446.txt,12333,12369,yes,Wind energy,0.0,11.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,266484,PRO,Wind energy does not emit greenhouse gases or carbon dioxide,does not emit greenhouse gases or carbon dioxide,articles/t683/raw_2446.txt,19069,19117,articles/t683/clean_2446.txt,12374,12422,yes,Wind energy,0.0,11.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,266485,CON,Many find wind turbines to not be very aesthetically pleasing and consider them to be an eyesore,Many find wind turbines to not be very aesthetically pleasing and consider them to be an eyesore,articles/t683/raw_2446.txt,22292,22388,articles/t683/clean_2446.txt,14635,14731,yes,wind turbines,10.0,23.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,266486,CON,Wind turbines have the potential to have adverse effects on tourism,Wind turbines have the potential to have adverse effects on tourism,articles/t683/raw_2446.txt,23094,23161,articles/t683/clean_2446.txt,15354,15421,yes,Wind turbines,0.0,13.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,266499,PRO,Wind power is a proven and reliable technology,is a proven and reliable technology,articles/t683/raw_2437.txt,30,65,articles/t683/clean_2437.txt,24,59,yes,Wind power,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,266500,PRO,"The operating costs are relatively low, with each additional unit of wind power costing very little to produce","The operating costs are relatively low, with each additional unit of wind power costing very little to produce",articles/t683/raw_2437.txt,10341,10451,articles/t683/clean_2437.txt,5573,5683,yes,each additional unit of wind power,45.0,79.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,266501,PRO,wind energy is one of the most cost efficient sources of renewable energy,wind energy is one of the most cost efficient sources of renewable energy,articles/t683/raw_2437.txt,10950,11023,articles/t683/clean_2437.txt,5988,6061,yes,wind energy,0.0,11.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,266502,PRO,A wind farm has one of the lowest environmental impacts of all energy sources,has one of the lowest environmental impacts of all energy sources,articles/t683/raw_2437.txt,12214,12279,articles/t683/clean_2437.txt,6782,6847,yes,A wind farm,0.0,11.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,266503,PRO,There is very little emission or pollution produced by a wind farm's operation,There is very little emission or pollution produced by its operation,articles/t683/raw_2437.txt,12828,12896,articles/t683/clean_2437.txt,7274,7342,yes,a wind farm's operation,55.0,78.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,266504,PRO,wind power produces a net decrease in greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution,wind power produces a net decrease in greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution,articles/t683/raw_2437.txt,12974,13054,articles/t683/clean_2437.txt,7418,7498,yes,wind power,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,266534,CON,An important limiting factor of wind power is variable power generated by wind farms,An important limiting factor of wind power is variable power generated by wind farms,articles/t683/raw_2434.txt,25504,25618,articles/t683/clean_2434.txt,11779,11863,yes,wind power,32.0,42.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,266536,PRO,the environmental impact of wind power is relatively minor,the environmental impact of wind power is relatively minor,articles/t683/raw_2434.txt,34888,34946,articles/t683/clean_2434.txt,15149,15207,yes,the environmental impact of wind power,0.0,38.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,266539,CON,Wind farms can interfere with ground radar systems,Wind farms can interfere with ground radar systems,articles/t683/raw_2434.txt,37524,37578,articles/t683/clean_2434.txt,16706,16756,yes,Wind farms,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,268070,CON,Wind-generated power is a variable resource,Wind-generated power is a variable resource,articles/t683/raw_2445.txt,9915,10202,articles/t683/clean_2445.txt,4718,4761,yes,Wind-generated power,0.0,20.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,268071,CON,"Wind power is ""highly non-dispatchable","Wind power is ""highly non-dispatchable",articles/t683/raw_2445.txt,12325,12363,articles/t683/clean_2445.txt,5829,5867,yes,Wind power,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,268072,PRO,A wind farm is highly reliable,A wind farm is highly reliable,articles/t683/raw_2445.txt,13571,13601,articles/t683/clean_2445.txt,6193,6223,yes,A wind farm,0.0,11.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,268073,CON,the power output from wind varies,the power output from wind varies,articles/t683/raw_2445.txt,41284,41317,articles/t683/clean_2445.txt,23917,23950,yes,the power output from wind,0.0,26.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,268074,CON,wind power is dependent on weather systems,wind power is dependent on weather systems,articles/t683/raw_2445.txt,47696,47738,articles/t683/clean_2445.txt,28293,28335,yes,wind power,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,268075,CON,"wind must be backed by an equal amount of ""back-up capacity","wind must be backed by an equal amount of ""back-up capacity",articles/t683/raw_2445.txt,65860,65919,articles/t683/clean_2445.txt,41635,41694,yes,wind,0.0,4.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,268076,CON,every wind turbine must be backed up by reliable power,every wind turbine must be backed up by reliable power,articles/t683/raw_2445.txt,76078,76132,articles/t683/clean_2445.txt,47876,47930,yes,every wind turbine,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,283867,PRO,The total amount of available power from the wind is considerably more than present human power use from all sources,The total amount of available power from the wind is considerably more than present human power use from all sources,articles/t683/raw_2433.txt,769,885,articles/t683/clean_2433.txt,228,344,yes,The total amount of available power from the wind,0.0,49.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,283868,PRO,"Wind power, as an alternative to fossil fuels, is plentiful","Wind power, as an alternative to fossil fuels, is plentiful",articles/t683/raw_2433.txt,4496,4559,articles/t683/clean_2433.txt,2420,2479,yes,Wind power,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,283870,PRO,Wind power produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation,produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation,articles/t683/raw_2433.txt,4620,4677,articles/t683/clean_2433.txt,2519,2572,yes,Wind power,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,283871,PRO,Wind power uses little land,uses little land,articles/t683/raw_2433.txt,4683,4699,articles/t683/clean_2433.txt,2578,2594,yes,Wind power,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,283872,PRO,any effects on the environment from wind power are generally much less problematic than those of any other power source,any effects on the environment from wind power are generally much less problematic than those of any other power source,articles/t683/raw_2433.txt,4912,5070,articles/t683/clean_2433.txt,2792,2911,yes,any effects on the environment from wind power,0.0,46.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,283873,PRO,The total amount of economically extractable power available from the wind is considerably more than present human power use from all sources,The total amount of economically extractable power available from the wind is considerably more than present human power use from all sources,articles/t683/raw_2433.txt,8549,8690,articles/t683/clean_2433.txt,5327,5468,yes,The total amount of economically extractable power available from the wind,0.0,74.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,283876,CON,variability can present substantial challenges to incorporating large amounts of wind power,variability can present substantial challenges to incorporating large amounts of wind power,articles/t683/raw_2433.txt,25102,25193,articles/t683/clean_2433.txt,17071,17162,yes,incorporating large amounts of wind power,50.0,91.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,283877,CON,the non-dispatchable nature of wind energy production can raise costs for regulation,the non-dispatchable nature of wind energy production can raise costs for regulation,articles/t683/raw_2433.txt,25232,25359,articles/t683/clean_2433.txt,17201,17285,yes,the non-dispatchable nature of wind energy production,0.0,53.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,283879,PRO,Wind power has low ongoing costs,Wind power has low ongoing costs,articles/t683/raw_2433.txt,32142,32174,articles/t683/clean_2433.txt,22935,22967,yes,Wind power,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,283880,CON,Wind is estimated to be more expensive than other sources,wind to be more expensive than other sources,articles/t683/raw_2433.txt,34365,34409,articles/t683/clean_2433.txt,24958,25002,yes,Wind,0.0,4.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,283881,PRO,The presence of wind energy can reduce costs for consumers,can reduce costs for consumers,articles/t683/raw_2433.txt,34861,34891,articles/t683/clean_2433.txt,25412,25442,yes,The presence of wind energy,0.0,27.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,283885,CON,Wind farms 'ruin the landscape',they 'ruin the landscape,articles/t683/raw_2433.txt,38926,38950,articles/t683/clean_2433.txt,28344,28368,yes,Wind farms,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,283887,PRO,Wind projects revitalize the economy of rural communities,Wind projects also revitalize the economy of rural communities,articles/t683/raw_2433.txt,47036,47098,articles/t683/clean_2433.txt,31782,31844,yes,Wind projects,0.0,13.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,283945,CON,the unpredictable intervals of near-zero output render windpower unsuitable as a base generating capacity,the unpredictable intervals of near-zero output render windpower unsuitable as a base generating capacity,articles/t683/raw_2436.txt,14969,15074,articles/t683/clean_2436.txt,9766,9871,yes,windpower,55.0,64.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,283955,PRO,A modern wind farm has one of the lowest environmental impacts of all energy sources,has one of the lowest environmental impacts of all energy sources,articles/t683/raw_2506.txt,26337,26402,articles/t683/clean_2506.txt,15054,15119,yes,A modern wind farm,0.0,18.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,283956,PRO,There are no emissions or pollution produced by a modern wind farm's operation,There are no emissions or pollution produced by its operation,articles/t683/raw_2506.txt,26878,26939,articles/t683/clean_2506.txt,15477,15538,yes,a modern wind farm's operation,48.0,78.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,284090,PRO,wind power can help to reduce energy imports,wind power can help to reduce energy imports,articles/t683/raw_2453.txt,11571,11615,articles/t683/clean_2453.txt,5241,5285,yes,wind power,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,284091,CON,wind power is the most expensive energy generating technology being considered for large scale deployment,wind power is the most expensive energy generating technology being considered for large scale deployment,articles/t683/raw_2453.txt,11879,11984,articles/t683/clean_2453.txt,5534,5639,yes,wind power,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,284439,PRO,wind power can improve energy security,wind power can improve energy security,articles/t683/raw_2450.txt,23948,23986,articles/t683/clean_2450.txt,9070,9108,yes,wind power,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,284441,PRO,wind power will produce jobs and other forms of economic benefits,wind power will produce jobs and other forms of economic benefits,articles/t683/raw_2450.txt,24062,24127,articles/t683/clean_2450.txt,9184,9249,yes,wind power,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,284442,PRO,Wind power development cuts dependence on fossil fuels,it cuts dependence on fossil fuels,articles/t683/raw_2450.txt,24509,24543,articles/t683/clean_2450.txt,9618,9652,yes,Wind power development,0.0,22.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,284443,PRO,Wind power development creates jobs,creates jobs,articles/t683/raw_2450.txt,24548,24560,articles/t683/clean_2450.txt,9657,9669,yes,Wind power development,0.0,22.0,1.0,1.0 683,test,This house believes that wind power should be a primary focus of future energy supply,wind power,1,284466,CON,wind facilities do not have full control over the times and quantities of their electricity output,wind facilities do not have full control over the times and quantities of their electricity output,articles/t683/raw_2452.txt,71079,71177,articles/t683/clean_2452.txt,34094,34192,yes,wind facilities,0.0,15.0,-1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,229204,PRO,biodiversity is inherently valuable,biodiversity is inherently valuable,articles/t701/raw_2542.txt,373,408,articles/t701/clean_2542.txt,176,211,yes,biodiversity,0.0,12.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,229205,PRO,Diverse ecosystems are typically more productive than non-diverse ones,Diverse ecosystems are typically more productive than non-diverse ones,articles/t701/raw_2542.txt,449,523,articles/t701/clean_2542.txt,249,319,yes,Diverse ecosystems,0.0,18.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,229206,PRO,human economic productivity is largely reliant on Earth's ecosystems,human economic productivity is largely reliant on Earth's ecosystems,articles/t701/raw_2542.txt,629,697,articles/t701/clean_2542.txt,400,468,yes,Earth's ecosystems,50.0,68.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,229207,PRO,Biodiversity is a source of economic wealth,Biodiversity is a source of economic wealth,articles/t701/raw_2542.txt,5899,5942,articles/t701/clean_2542.txt,4637,4680,yes,Biodiversity,0.0,12.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,229444,PRO,nature does not exist simply to be used or consumed by humans,nature does not exist simply to be used or consumed by humans,articles/t701/raw_2544.txt,1279,1358,articles/t701/clean_2544.txt,440,501,no,,,,, 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,229446,PRO,"any actions which negatively affect the living systems of which we are a part, adversely affect us as well","any actions which negatively affect the living systems of which we are a part, adversely affect us as well",articles/t701/raw_2544.txt,1729,1835,articles/t701/clean_2544.txt,607,713,yes,any actions which negatively affect the living systems of which we are a part,0.0,77.0,-1.0,-1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,229447,PRO,all species have inherent value,all species have inherent value,articles/t701/raw_2544.txt,2389,2422,articles/t701/clean_2544.txt,808,839,yes,all species,0.0,11.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,229448,PRO,each organism has a purpose and a reason for being,each organism has a purpose and a reason for being,articles/t701/raw_2544.txt,3462,3512,articles/t701/clean_2544.txt,1515,1565,yes,each organism,0.0,13.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,229562,PRO,The cost of repairing damaged ecosystems is considered to be much higher than the cost of conserving natural ecosystems,The cost of repairing damaged ecosystems is considered to be much higher than the cost of conserving natural ecosystems,articles/t701/raw_2550.txt,1669,1788,articles/t701/clean_2550.txt,994,1113,yes,the cost of conserving natural ecosystems,78.0,119.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,231508,CON,"As long as species have been evolving, species have been going extinct","As long as species have been evolving, species have been going extinct",articles/t701/raw_2482.txt,9283,9353,articles/t701/clean_2482.txt,5669,5739,yes,species have been going extinct,39.0,70.0,1.0,-1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,231509,PRO,The loss of native species is seen as a loss to ecotourism,the loss of native species as a loss to ecotourism,articles/t701/raw_2482.txt,38262,38314,articles/t701/clean_2482.txt,21234,21284,yes,The loss of native species,0.0,26.0,-1.0,-1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,231510,PRO,People who live close to nature can be dependent on the survival of all the species in their environment,People who live close to nature can be dependent on the survival of all the species in their environment,articles/t701/raw_2482.txt,39357,39461,articles/t701/clean_2482.txt,21908,22012,yes,the survival of all the species in their environment,52.0,104.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,231511,CON,The very fact that a species is near extinction implies that its final demise will have negligible impact,The very fact that a species is near extinction implies that its final demise will have negligible impact,articles/t701/raw_2482.txt,40098,40203,articles/t701/clean_2482.txt,22400,22505,no,,,,, 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,231512,CON,"since species become extinct ""all the time"" the disappearance of a few more will not destroy the ecosystem","since species become extinct ""all the time"" the disappearance of a few more will not destroy the ecosystem",articles/t701/raw_2482.txt,42517,42625,articles/t701/clean_2482.txt,23626,23732,yes,the disappearance of a few more,44.0,75.0,1.0,-1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,281446,PRO,nature has an intrinsic value,nature has an intrinsic value,articles/t701/raw_2541.txt,42027,42083,articles/t701/clean_2541.txt,17893,17922,yes,nature,0.0,6.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,281447,PRO,rapid rates of biodiversity loss threatens the sustained well-being of humanity,rapid rates of biodiversity loss threatens the sustained well-being of humanity,articles/t701/raw_2541.txt,44981,45060,articles/t701/clean_2541.txt,19412,19491,yes,rapid rates of biodiversity loss,0.0,32.0,-1.0,-1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,281448,PRO,species are irreplaceable components of the global ecosystem,species are irreplaceable components of the global ecosystem,articles/t701/raw_2541.txt,52275,52335,articles/t701/clean_2541.txt,22615,22675,yes,species,0.0,7.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,281449,PRO,Species richness and genetic biodiversity contributes to and engenders ecosystem stability,Species richness and genetic biodiversity contributes to and engenders ecosystem stability,articles/t701/raw_2541.txt,52947,53037,articles/t701/clean_2541.txt,23207,23297,yes,Species richness and genetic biodiversity,0.0,41.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,283898,PRO,wealth of biodiversity is important for future generations,wealth of biodiversity is important for future generations,articles/t701/raw_2484.txt,308,370,articles/t701/clean_2484.txt,211,269,yes,wealth of biodiversity,0.0,22.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,283899,PRO,Conservation is vital for future study,Conservation is vital for future study,articles/t701/raw_2484.txt,533,571,articles/t701/clean_2484.txt,395,433,yes,Conservation,0.0,12.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,283901,PRO,biological richness is an unmeasurable aesthetic that may be developed into commercial recreational attractions,biological richness is an unmeasurable aesthetic that may be developed into commercial recreational attractions,articles/t701/raw_2484.txt,629,744,articles/t701/clean_2484.txt,487,598,yes,biological richness,0.0,19.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,283902,PRO,Research on natural processes can only occur if habitat is preserved and organisms continue to thrive,Research on natural processes can only occur if habitat is preserved and organisms continue to thrive,articles/t701/raw_2484.txt,958,1063,articles/t701/clean_2484.txt,793,894,yes,habitat is preserved and organisms continue to thrive,48.0,101.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,287034,PRO,The conservation of biological diversity is an integral part of the development process,is an integral part of the development process,articles/t701/raw_2483.txt,2266,2312,articles/t701/clean_2483.txt,1377,1423,yes,The conservation of biological diversity,0.0,40.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,287035,PRO,there is a threat of significant reduction or loss of biological diversity,there is a threat of significant reduction or loss of biological diversity,articles/t701/raw_2483.txt,3552,3626,articles/t701/clean_2483.txt,2612,2686,yes,significant reduction or loss of biological diversity,21.0,74.0,-1.0,-1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,287057,PRO,"like humanity, the living environment as a whole has the same right to live and flourish","like humanity, the living environment as a whole has the same right to live and flourish",articles/t701/raw_2543.txt,609,708,articles/t701/clean_2543.txt,491,579,yes,the living environment as a whole,15.0,48.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,287058,PRO,the right of all forms [of life] to live is a universal right,the right of all forms [of life] to live is a universal right,articles/t701/raw_2543.txt,2767,2828,articles/t701/clean_2543.txt,2390,2451,yes,the right of all forms [of life] to live,0.0,40.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,287060,PRO,All life has intrinsic value,All life has intrinsic value,articles/t701/raw_2543.txt,26690,26718,articles/t701/clean_2543.txt,18694,18722,yes,All life,0.0,8.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,287707,PRO,"Other life-forms warrant our respect, whether or not they are of immediate benefit to us","They warrant our respect, whether or not they are of immediate benefit to us",articles/t701/raw_2545.txt,3281,3357,articles/t701/clean_2545.txt,2997,3073,yes,Other life-forms,0.0,16.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,287708,PRO,we have a responsibility to act as custodians for nature,we have a responsibility to act as custodians for nature,articles/t701/raw_2545.txt,3794,3850,articles/t701/clean_2545.txt,3510,3566,yes,to act as custodians for nature,25.0,56.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,295061,PRO,More biologically diverse communities appear to be more productive,More biologically diverse communities appear to be more productive,articles/t701/raw_2548.txt,1041,1107,articles/t701/clean_2548.txt,753,819,yes,More biologically diverse communities,0.0,37.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,295062,PRO,More biologically diverse communities appear to be more stable,they appear to be more stable,articles/t701/raw_2548.txt,1184,1213,articles/t701/clean_2548.txt,892,921,yes,More biologically diverse communities,0.0,37.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,295065,PRO,there are direct economic consequences of losing diversity in certain ecosystems and in the world as a whole,there are direct economic consequences of losing diversity in certain ecosystems and in the world as a whole,articles/t701/raw_2548.txt,4364,4472,articles/t701/clean_2548.txt,3385,3493,yes,losing diversity in certain ecosystems and in the world as a whole,42.0,108.0,-1.0,-1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,295066,PRO,diverse ecosystems actually resist invasion and disease better than their less diverse equivalents,diverse ecosystems actually resist invasion and disease better than their less diverse equivalents,articles/t701/raw_2548.txt,16441,16539,articles/t701/clean_2548.txt,11550,11648,yes,diverse ecosystems,0.0,18.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,296487,PRO,the indirect effects of losing many species as well as the diversity of ecosystems in general are enormous,the indirect effects of losing many species as well as the diversity of ecosystems in general are enormous,articles/t701/raw_2549.txt,19450,19556,articles/t701/clean_2549.txt,15195,15301,yes,losing many species as well as the diversity of ecosystems in general,24.0,93.0,-1.0,-1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,296488,PRO,"When biodiversity is lost, the environment loses many species that provide valuable and unique roles to the ecosystem","When biodiversity is lost, the environment loses many species that provide valuable and unique roles to the ecosystem",articles/t701/raw_2549.txt,19558,19675,articles/t701/clean_2549.txt,15303,15420,yes,When biodiversity is lost,0.0,25.0,-1.0,-1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,296489,PRO,The environment and all its inhabitants rely on biodiversity,The environment and all its inhabitants rely on biodiversity,articles/t701/raw_2549.txt,19677,19737,articles/t701/clean_2549.txt,15422,15482,yes,biodiversity,48.0,60.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,296490,PRO,humans are losing animals that could have served as biological control agents,humans are losing animals that could have served as biological control agents,articles/t701/raw_2549.txt,20013,20090,articles/t701/clean_2549.txt,15758,15835,no,,,,, 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,296491,CON,Any efforts to protect the world’s remaining natural habitat and biodiversity will compete directly with humans’ growing demand for natural resources,Any efforts to protect the world’s remaining natural habitat and biodiversity will compete directly with humans’ growing demand for natural resources,articles/t701/raw_2549.txt,22676,22825,articles/t701/clean_2549.txt,18245,18394,yes,Any efforts to protect the world’s remaining natural habitat and biodiversity,0.0,77.0,-1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,309520,PRO,Earth's surviving biodiversity provides resources for increasing the range of food and other products suitable for human use,Earth's surviving biodiversity provides resources for increasing the range of food and other products suitable for human use,articles/t701/raw_2481.txt,29630,29754,articles/t701/clean_2481.txt,14827,14951,yes,Earth's surviving biodiversity,0.0,30.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,309521,PRO,Biodiversity is known to have an important role in reducing disaster risk,Biodiversity is also known to have an important role in reducing disaster risk,articles/t701/raw_2481.txt,33202,33280,articles/t701/clean_2481.txt,16707,16785,yes,Biodiversity,0.0,12.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,309523,PRO,Biodiversity provides critical support for drug discovery and the availability of medicinal resources,Biodiversity provides critical support for drug discovery and the availability of medicinal resources,articles/t701/raw_2481.txt,33774,33875,articles/t701/clean_2481.txt,16845,16946,yes,Biodiversity,0.0,12.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,309524,PRO,Biodiversity has been critical to advances throughout the field of bionics,Biodiversity has been critical to advances throughout the field of bionics,articles/t701/raw_2481.txt,34491,34567,articles/t701/clean_2481.txt,17408,17482,yes,Biodiversity,0.0,12.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,309525,PRO,Biodiversity is important to the security of resources,Biodiversity is also important to the security of resources,articles/t701/raw_2481.txt,36997,37056,articles/t701/clean_2481.txt,18225,18284,yes,Biodiversity,0.0,12.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,309526,PRO,biodiversity has intrinsic aesthetic and spiritual value to mankind,biodiversity has intrinsic aesthetic and spiritual value to mankind,articles/t701/raw_2481.txt,39016,39091,articles/t701/clean_2481.txt,19410,19477,yes,biodiversity,0.0,12.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,309528,PRO,Biodiversity supports many ecosystem services,Biodiversity supports many ecosystem services,articles/t701/raw_2481.txt,39537,39584,articles/t701/clean_2481.txt,19672,19717,yes,Biodiversity,0.0,12.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,309529,PRO,Biodiversity is directly involved in water purification,Biodiversity is directly involved in water purification,articles/t701/raw_2481.txt,39711,39768,articles/t701/clean_2481.txt,19834,19889,yes,Biodiversity,0.0,12.0,1.0,1.0 701,test,This house believes that endangered species should be protected,endangered species,1,309530,PRO,Loss of biodiversity results in the loss of natural capital that supplies ecosystem goods and services,Loss of biodiversity results in the loss of natural capital that supplies ecosystem goods and services,articles/t701/raw_2481.txt,67554,67681,articles/t701/clean_2481.txt,30368,30470,yes,Loss of biodiversity,0.0,20.0,-1.0,-1.0 721,test,This house believes that Europe should weaken its austerity measures to guarantee its citizens greater social support,austerity measures,-1,230449,PRO,the state should provide citizens their demands in order to achieve people's well-being,the state should provide citizens their demands in order to achieve people's well-being,articles/t721/raw_2561.txt,3873,3960,articles/t721/clean_2561.txt,2129,2216,yes,provide citizens their demands,17.0,47.0,1.0,-1.0 721,test,This house believes that Europe should weaken its austerity measures to guarantee its citizens greater social support,austerity measures,-1,287643,PRO,Austerity programs tend to have an impact on the poorest segments of the population,they tend to have an impact on the poorest segments of the population,articles/t721/raw_2553.txt,2696,2765,articles/t721/clean_2553.txt,2388,2457,yes,Austerity programs,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 721,test,This house believes that Europe should weaken its austerity measures to guarantee its citizens greater social support,austerity measures,-1,287644,PRO,"rather than 'punish' the banks and others truly responsible for the crisis, the government is instead 'punishing' regular people for the 'crimes' of others","rather than 'punish' the banks and others truly responsible for the crisis, the government is instead 'punishing' regular people for the 'crimes' of others",articles/t721/raw_2553.txt,7082,7237,articles/t721/clean_2553.txt,6107,6262,yes,'punishing' regular people for the 'crimes' of others,102.0,155.0,-1.0,1.0 721,test,This house believes that Europe should weaken its austerity measures to guarantee its citizens greater social support,austerity measures,-1,287645,PRO,austerity measures tend to be counterproductive,austerity measures tend to be counterproductive,articles/t721/raw_2553.txt,25795,25842,articles/t721/clean_2553.txt,16189,16236,yes,austerity measures,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 721,test,This house believes that Europe should weaken its austerity measures to guarantee its citizens greater social support,austerity measures,-1,287646,PRO,austerity simply depresses economic growth,austerity simply depresses economic growth,articles/t721/raw_2553.txt,26293,26335,articles/t721/clean_2553.txt,16477,16519,yes,austerity,0.0,9.0,-1.0,1.0 721,test,This house believes that Europe should weaken its austerity measures to guarantee its citizens greater social support,austerity measures,-1,287648,PRO,austerity can engender deflation which inflates existing debt,austerity can engender deflation which inflates existing debt,articles/t721/raw_2553.txt,26591,26652,articles/t721/clean_2553.txt,16775,16836,yes,austerity,0.0,9.0,-1.0,1.0 721,test,This house believes that Europe should weaken its austerity measures to guarantee its citizens greater social support,austerity measures,-1,288136,CON,government austerity can result in economic expansion,government austerity can result in economic expansion,articles/t721/raw_2551.txt,1714,1767,articles/t721/clean_2551.txt,504,557,yes,government austerity,0.0,20.0,1.0,1.0 721,test,This house believes that Europe should weaken its austerity measures to guarantee its citizens greater social support,austerity measures,-1,288137,PRO,Austerity programs tend to have an adverse impact on the poorest segments of the population,they tend to have an adverse impact on the poorest segments of the population,articles/t721/raw_2551.txt,4306,4383,articles/t721/clean_2551.txt,2644,2721,yes,Austerity programs,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 721,test,This house believes that Europe should weaken its austerity measures to guarantee its citizens greater social support,austerity measures,-1,288138,PRO,austerity measures tend to depress economic growth,austerity measures tend to depress economic growth,articles/t721/raw_2551.txt,6838,6888,articles/t721/clean_2551.txt,4029,4079,yes,austerity measures,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 721,test,This house believes that Europe should weaken its austerity measures to guarantee its citizens greater social support,austerity measures,-1,290808,PRO,Some of the austerity measures are irrational,some of the austerity measures were irrational,articles/t721/raw_2569.txt,80646,80692,articles/t721/clean_2569.txt,36994,37040,yes,Some of the austerity measures,0.0,30.0,-1.0,1.0 721,test,This house believes that Europe should weaken its austerity measures to guarantee its citizens greater social support,austerity measures,-1,290809,PRO,negative impact of tighter fiscal policy could offset the positive impact,negative impact of tighter fiscal policy could offset the positive impact,articles/t721/raw_2569.txt,121456,121529,articles/t721/clean_2569.txt,59351,59424,yes,tighter fiscal policy,19.0,40.0,-1.0,1.0 721,test,This house believes that Europe should weaken its austerity measures to guarantee its citizens greater social support,austerity measures,-1,290810,PRO,social disruption could have a significantly negative impact on investment and growth in the longer term,social disruption could have a significantly negative impact on investment and growth in the longer term,articles/t721/raw_2569.txt,121559,121663,articles/t721/clean_2569.txt,59454,59558,yes,social disruption,0.0,17.0,-1.0,1.0 721,test,This house believes that Europe should weaken its austerity measures to guarantee its citizens greater social support,austerity measures,-1,290811,PRO,policy makers consistently underestimated the disastrous effects of rigid spending cuts on economic growth,policy makers consistently underestimated the disastrous effects of rigid spending cuts on economic growth,articles/t721/raw_2569.txt,121776,121882,articles/t721/clean_2569.txt,59671,59777,yes,rigid spending cuts,68.0,87.0,-1.0,1.0 721,test,This house believes that Europe should weaken its austerity measures to guarantee its citizens greater social support,austerity measures,-1,290812,CON,Short-term sacrifices are necessary for long-term success,short-term sacrifices necessary for long-term success,articles/t721/raw_2569.txt,133774,133827,articles/t721/clean_2569.txt,65188,65241,yes,Short-term sacrifices,0.0,21.0,1.0,1.0 721,test,This house believes that Europe should weaken its austerity measures to guarantee its citizens greater social support,austerity measures,-1,290813,CON,"Governments borrowed too much, now they're paying the price, and fiscal austerity is the only answer","Governments borrowed too much, now they're paying the price, and fiscal austerity is the only answer",articles/t721/raw_2569.txt,145361,145461,articles/t721/clean_2569.txt,71102,71202,yes,fiscal austerity,65.0,81.0,1.0,1.0 721,test,This house believes that Europe should weaken its austerity measures to guarantee its citizens greater social support,austerity measures,-1,307287,CON,government should always run a balanced budget,government should always run a balanced budget,articles/t721/raw_2555.txt,2005,2057,articles/t721/clean_2555.txt,1504,1550,yes,a balanced budget,29.0,46.0,1.0,1.0 721,test,This house believes that Europe should weaken its austerity measures to guarantee its citizens greater social support,austerity measures,-1,307288,CON,deficit spending is always bad policy,deficit spending is always bad policy,articles/t721/raw_2555.txt,2119,2160,articles/t721/clean_2555.txt,1610,1647,yes,deficit spending,0.0,16.0,-1.0,-1.0 721,test,This house believes that Europe should weaken its austerity measures to guarantee its citizens greater social support,austerity measures,-1,307289,CON,government deficits are inflationary,government deficits are inflationary,articles/t721/raw_2555.txt,4094,4132,articles/t721/clean_2555.txt,3298,3334,yes,government deficits,0.0,19.0,-1.0,-1.0 721,test,This house believes that Europe should weaken its austerity measures to guarantee its citizens greater social support,austerity measures,-1,307290,CON,deficit spending may create inflation,deficit spending may create inflation,articles/t721/raw_2555.txt,12029,12068,articles/t721/clean_2555.txt,10472,10509,yes,deficit spending,0.0,16.0,-1.0,-1.0 721,test,This house believes that Europe should weaken its austerity measures to guarantee its citizens greater social support,austerity measures,-1,307291,CON,an increase in government spending will lead to inflation,an increase in government spending will lead to inflation,articles/t721/raw_2555.txt,12620,12677,articles/t721/clean_2555.txt,11051,11108,yes,an increase in government spending,0.0,34.0,-1.0,-1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,232258,CON,most guns are in the hands of people who are unlikely to misuse them,most guns are in the hands of people who are unlikely to misuse them,articles/t742/raw_2623.txt,7220,7288,articles/t742/clean_2623.txt,3237,3305,yes,most guns,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,232260,CON,the right to bear arms is absolute and unqualified,the right to bear arms is absolute and unqualified,articles/t742/raw_2623.txt,21823,21873,articles/t742/clean_2623.txt,12298,12348,yes,the right to bear arms,0.0,22.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,232261,CON,Americans have an individual right described in the Second Amendment to possess firearms,Americans have an individual right described in the Second Amendment to possess firearms,articles/t742/raw_2623.txt,40842,40930,articles/t742/clean_2623.txt,22067,22155,yes,to possess firearms,69.0,88.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,232858,CON,gun ownership is a civil liberty,gun ownership is a civil liberty,articles/t742/raw_2612.txt,1645,1679,articles/t742/clean_2612.txt,656,688,yes,gun ownership,0.0,13.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,232859,CON,citizens need to arm themselves to safeguard political liberties against threats by the government,citizens need to arm themselves to safeguard political liberties against threats by the government,articles/t742/raw_2612.txt,40371,40469,articles/t742/clean_2612.txt,29941,30039,yes,to arm themselves,14.0,31.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,332306,CON,no rights should ever be allowed to be taken away by the government,no rights should ever be allowed to be taken away by the government,articles/t742/raw_2641.txt,4398,4465,articles/t742/clean_2641.txt,2750,2817,no,,,,, 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,332307,CON,it would be of no use to forbid law-abiding citizens to own legal registered guns in accordance to the law,it would be of no use to forbid law-abiding citizens to own legal registered guns in accordance to the law,articles/t742/raw_2641.txt,4934,5040,articles/t742/clean_2641.txt,3214,3320,yes,to forbid law-abiding citizens to own legal registered guns in accordance to the law,22.0,106.0,-1.0,-1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,332308,CON,Regions where gun ownership is widespread are the ones with the smallest number of gun-related deaths,regions where gun ownership is widespread were the ones with the smallest number of gun-related deaths,articles/t742/raw_2641.txt,5101,5203,articles/t742/clean_2641.txt,3381,3483,yes,Regions where gun ownership is widespread,0.0,41.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,332309,PRO,guns are dangerous for society,guns are dangerous for society,articles/t742/raw_2641.txt,5567,5597,articles/t742/clean_2641.txt,3757,3787,yes,guns,0.0,4.0,-1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,332310,PRO,Guns' only reason to exist is to harm others,their only reason to exist is to harm others,articles/t742/raw_2641.txt,5607,5651,articles/t742/clean_2641.txt,3797,3841,yes,Guns,0.0,4.0,-1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,332311,CON,guns are needed for personal security,guns are needed for personal security,articles/t742/raw_2641.txt,6348,6385,articles/t742/clean_2641.txt,4304,4341,yes,guns,0.0,4.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,333657,PRO,There are significant correlations between gun ownership and gun-related suicide and homicide rates,there were significant correlations between gun ownership and gun-related suicide and homicide rates,articles/t742/raw_2607.txt,1790,1890,articles/t742/clean_2607.txt,1019,1119,yes,gun ownership,43.0,56.0,-1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,333658,PRO,the access to guns leads to more violence,the access to guns leads to more violence,articles/t742/raw_2607.txt,3794,3835,articles/t742/clean_2607.txt,1709,1750,yes,the access to guns,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,333659,CON,"laws which make it easier for law-abiding citizens to get a permit to carry a gun in public places, cause reductions in crime","laws which make it easier for law-abiding citizens to get a permit to carry a gun in public places, cause reductions in crime",articles/t742/raw_2607.txt,12184,12309,articles/t742/clean_2607.txt,7171,7296,yes,laws which make it easier for law-abiding citizens to get a permit to carry a gun in public places,0.0,98.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,333660,CON,allowing law-abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms deters crime,allowing law-abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms deters crime,articles/t742/raw_2607.txt,12339,12409,articles/t742/clean_2607.txt,7326,7396,yes,allowing law-abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms,0.0,57.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,333661,CON,Gun laws generally have no significant effect on violent crime rates or suicide rates,gun laws generally had no significant effect on violent crime rates or suicide rates,articles/t742/raw_2607.txt,13986,14070,articles/t742/clean_2607.txt,8769,8853,yes,Gun laws,0.0,8.0,-1.0,-1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,333662,CON,Self-defense is considered to be a fundamental and inalienable human right,self-defense to be a fundamental and inalienable human right,articles/t742/raw_2607.txt,16411,16494,articles/t742/clean_2607.txt,10518,10578,yes,Self-defense,0.0,12.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,333663,CON,The prohibition of an effective means of self defense is considered to be unethical,the prohibition of an effective means of self defense to be unethical,articles/t742/raw_2607.txt,16590,16668,articles/t742/clean_2607.txt,10672,10741,yes,The prohibition of an effective means of self defense,0.0,53.0,-1.0,-1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,333665,CON,laws that forbid the carrying of arms .. disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes,laws that forbid the carrying of arms .. disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes,articles/t742/raw_2607.txt,16774,16890,articles/t742/clean_2607.txt,10837,10952,yes,laws that forbid the carrying of arms,0.0,37.0,-1.0,-1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,333666,CON,Gun ownership is seen as a civil right,gun ownership as a civil right,articles/t742/raw_2607.txt,25449,25479,articles/t742/clean_2607.txt,16022,16052,yes,Gun ownership,0.0,13.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,333667,CON,gun possession is a civil right,gun possession is a civil right,articles/t742/raw_2607.txt,26065,26096,articles/t742/clean_2607.txt,16509,16540,yes,gun possession,0.0,14.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,333668,CON,an armed citizens' militia can help deter crime and tyranny,an armed citizens' militia can help deter crime and tyranny,articles/t742/raw_2607.txt,31415,31474,articles/t742/clean_2607.txt,20510,20569,yes,an armed citizens' militia,0.0,26.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,333697,PRO,There are substantial correlations between gun ownership and gun-related suicide and homicide rates,there were substantial correlations between gun ownership and gun-related suicide and homicide rates,articles/t742/raw_2608.txt,71607,71707,articles/t742/clean_2608.txt,49720,49820,yes,gun ownership,43.0,56.0,-1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,333698,PRO,easier access to guns lead to more violence,easier access to guns lead to more violence,articles/t742/raw_2608.txt,73621,73664,articles/t742/clean_2608.txt,50417,50460,yes,easier access to guns,0.0,21.0,-1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,333703,CON,Laws that forbid the carrying of arms make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants,laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants,articles/t742/raw_2608.txt,86405,86475,articles/t742/clean_2608.txt,58445,58515,yes,Laws that forbid the carrying of arms,0.0,37.0,-1.0,-1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,333704,CON,Laws that forbid the carrying of arms serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides,they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides,articles/t742/raw_2608.txt,86477,86533,articles/t742/clean_2608.txt,58517,58573,yes,Laws that forbid the carrying of arms,0.0,37.0,-1.0,-1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,336498,CON,The personal right to bear arms is thought to be a paramount right by which other rights could be protected,the personal right to bear arms to be a paramount right by which other rights could be protected,articles/t742/raw_2613.txt,46849,46945,articles/t742/clean_2613.txt,22774,22870,yes,The personal right to bear arms,0.0,31.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,338976,CON,gun possession is a fundamental civil right,gun possession is a fundamental civil right,articles/t742/raw_2609.txt,867,910,articles/t742/clean_2609.txt,637,680,yes,gun possession,0.0,14.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,338977,CON,"the people have a right to ""keep and bear arms"" as a protection from the government","the people have a right to ""keep and bear arms"" as a protection from the government",articles/t742/raw_2609.txt,11367,11450,articles/t742/clean_2609.txt,6869,6952,yes,"a right to ""keep and bear arms",16.0,46.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,338978,CON,"the right to bear arms is necessary for the citizens to protect themselves from the ""tyranny in government","the right to bear arms is necessary for the citizens to protect themselves from the ""tyranny in government",articles/t742/raw_2609.txt,11710,11816,articles/t742/clean_2609.txt,7165,7271,yes,the right to bear arms,0.0,22.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,338979,CON,an armed citizenry is the population's last line of defense against tyranny by their own government,an armed citizenry is the population's last line of defense against tyranny by their own government,articles/t742/raw_2609.txt,12731,12834,articles/t742/clean_2609.txt,7439,7538,yes,an armed citizenry,0.0,18.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,338980,CON,arms allow for successful rebellions against tyranny,arms allow for successful rebellions against tyranny,articles/t742/raw_2609.txt,18305,18357,articles/t742/clean_2609.txt,11929,11981,yes,arms,0.0,4.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,338981,CON,a well-armed citizenry prevents crime,a well-armed citizenry prevents crime,articles/t742/raw_2609.txt,22878,22915,articles/t742/clean_2609.txt,14643,14680,yes,a well-armed citizenry,0.0,22.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,338982,CON,making civilian ownership of firearms illegal would increase the crime rate,making civilian ownership of firearms illegal would increase the crime rate,articles/t742/raw_2609.txt,22925,23002,articles/t742/clean_2609.txt,14690,14765,yes,making civilian ownership of firearms illegal,0.0,45.0,-1.0,-1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,338983,PRO,increased gun ownership leads to higher levels of crime,increased gun ownership leads to higher levels of crime,articles/t742/raw_2609.txt,24224,24279,articles/t742/clean_2609.txt,15124,15179,yes,increased gun ownership,0.0,23.0,-1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,338984,CON,Armed citizens play their role in crime control,Armed citizens play their role in crime control,articles/t742/raw_2609.txt,32216,32263,articles/t742/clean_2609.txt,20915,20962,yes,Armed citizens,0.0,14.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,338985,CON,criminals ignore gun control laws,criminals ignore gun control laws,articles/t742/raw_2609.txt,32538,32571,articles/t742/clean_2609.txt,21225,21258,yes,gun control laws,17.0,33.0,-1.0,-1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,338986,CON,Criminals are effectively deterred by armed intended victims,are effectively deterred by armed intended victims,articles/t742/raw_2609.txt,32576,32626,articles/t742/clean_2609.txt,21263,21313,yes,armed intended victims,38.0,60.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,338987,PRO,people who keep a gun at home increase their risk of homicide,people who keep a gun at home increase their risk of homicide,articles/t742/raw_2609.txt,38579,38640,articles/t742/clean_2609.txt,24787,24848,yes,people who keep a gun at home,0.0,29.0,-1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,338989,CON,The possibility of getting shot by an armed victim is a substantial deterrent to crime,The possibility of getting shot by an armed victim is a substantial deterrent to crime,articles/t742/raw_2609.txt,42118,42204,articles/t742/clean_2609.txt,26578,26664,yes,The possibility of getting shot by an armed victim,0.0,50.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,339010,PRO,the likelihood that a death will result is significantly increased when either the victim or the attacker has a firearm,the likelihood that a death will result is significantly increased when either the victim or the attacker has a firearm,articles/t742/raw_2614.txt,19525,19644,articles/t742/clean_2614.txt,6744,6863,yes,when either the victim or the attacker has a firearm,67.0,119.0,-1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,339011,PRO,criminal use of guns is far more common than self-defense use of guns,criminal use of guns is far more common than self-defense use of guns,articles/t742/raw_2614.txt,33821,33890,articles/t742/clean_2614.txt,13503,13572,yes,criminal use of guns,0.0,20.0,-1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,339012,CON,more guns can reduce crime,more guns can reduce crime,articles/t742/raw_2614.txt,37870,37896,articles/t742/clean_2614.txt,16001,16027,yes,more guns,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,339013,CON,limiting access to guns by law-abiding people makes them more vulnerable to armed criminals,limiting access to guns by law-abiding people makes them more vulnerable to armed criminals,articles/t742/raw_2614.txt,38482,38573,articles/t742/clean_2614.txt,16126,16217,yes,limiting access to guns by law-abiding people,0.0,45.0,-1.0,-1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,339014,CON,Right-to-carry laws serve as a deterrent against crime,serve as a deterrent against crime,articles/t742/raw_2614.txt,61159,61224,articles/t742/clean_2614.txt,27418,27452,yes,Right-to-carry laws,0.0,19.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,339023,CON,guns provide some level of protection against criminality and tyranny,guns provide some level of protection against criminality and tyranny,articles/t742/raw_2616.txt,4954,5029,articles/t742/clean_2616.txt,3547,3616,yes,guns,0.0,4.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,339024,CON,widespread gun ownership is protection against tyranny,widespread gun ownership is protection against tyranny,articles/t742/raw_2616.txt,5182,5236,articles/t742/clean_2616.txt,3767,3821,yes,widespread gun ownership,0.0,24.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,339039,PRO,gun control laws are effective in reducing gun-related accidents and crime,gun control laws are effective in reducing gun-related accidents and crime,articles/t742/raw_2642.txt,549,623,articles/t742/clean_2642.txt,450,524,yes,gun control laws,0.0,16.0,1.0,-1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,339040,CON,gun control laws are ineffective in reducing gun-related accidents and crime,gun control laws are ineffective in reducing gun-related accidents and crime,articles/t742/raw_2642.txt,687,763,articles/t742/clean_2642.txt,587,663,yes,gun control laws,0.0,16.0,-1.0,-1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,339041,CON,the Second Amendment guarantees an individual's right to own a firearm,the Second Amendment guarantees an individual's right to own a firearm,articles/t742/raw_2642.txt,1405,1475,articles/t742/clean_2642.txt,898,968,yes,an individual's right to own a firearm,32.0,70.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,339042,PRO,fewer restrictions on handguns will result in increasing numbers of injuries and deaths,fewer restrictions on handguns will result in increasing numbers of injuries and deaths,articles/t742/raw_2642.txt,17821,17908,articles/t742/clean_2642.txt,11541,11628,yes,fewer restrictions on handguns,0.0,30.0,-1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,339043,CON,Defensive use of guns is both common and effective in preventing injury and property loss,Defensive use of guns is both common and effective in preventing injury and property loss,articles/t742/raw_2642.txt,19532,19621,articles/t742/clean_2642.txt,12902,12991,yes,Defensive use of guns,0.0,21.0,1.0,1.0 742,test,This house would limit the right to bear arms,the right to bear arms,-1,339045,CON,gun bans would increase injuries and deaths,gun bans would increase injuries and deaths,articles/t742/raw_2642.txt,20791,20834,articles/t742/clean_2642.txt,14105,14148,yes,gun bans,0.0,8.0,-1.0,-1.0 743,test,This house believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable,bribery,1,231639,CON,Corruption and economic crimes undermine the value of democracy,undermine the value of democracy,articles/t743/raw_2620.txt,3230,3264,articles/t743/clean_2620.txt,1416,1448,yes,Corruption and economic crimes,0.0,30.0,-1.0,1.0 743,test,This house believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable,bribery,1,346754,CON,Bribery in bureaucracy has been viewed as a reason for higher cost of production of goods and services,Bribery in bureaucracy has been viewed as a reason for higher cost of production of goods and services,articles/t743/raw_2578.txt,1331,1433,articles/t743/clean_2578.txt,711,813,yes,Bribery in bureaucracy,0.0,22.0,-1.0,1.0 743,test,This house believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable,bribery,1,346755,PRO,Expectations of when a monetary transaction is appropriate can differ from place to place,Expectations of when a monetary transaction is appropriate can differ from place to place,articles/t743/raw_2578.txt,2307,2396,articles/t743/clean_2578.txt,1299,1388,no,,,,, 743,test,This house believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable,bribery,1,346756,CON,Bribery encourages rent seeking behaviour,it encourages rent seeking behaviour,articles/t743/raw_2578.txt,7636,7676,articles/t743/clean_2578.txt,6140,6176,yes,Bribery,0.0,7.0,-1.0,1.0 743,test,This house believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable,bribery,1,346757,CON,the bribery of government officials impedes the democratic process,the bribery of government officials impedes the democratic process,articles/t743/raw_2578.txt,7843,7909,articles/t743/clean_2578.txt,6303,6369,yes,the bribery of government officials,0.0,35.0,-1.0,1.0 743,test,This house believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable,bribery,1,346758,CON,The bribery of government officials may interfere with good government,may interfere with good government,articles/t743/raw_2578.txt,7914,7948,articles/t743/clean_2578.txt,6374,6408,yes,The bribery of government officials,0.0,35.0,-1.0,1.0 743,test,This house believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable,bribery,1,346759,PRO,"In some cases where the system of law is not well-implemented, bribes may be a way for companies to continue their businesses","In some cases where the system of law is not well-implemented, bribes may be a way for companies to continue their businesses",articles/t743/raw_2578.txt,11334,11459,articles/t743/clean_2578.txt,8978,9103,yes,bribes,63.0,69.0,1.0,1.0 743,test,This house believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable,bribery,1,362485,CON,Corruption poses a serious development challenge,Corruption poses a serious development challenge,articles/t743/raw_2579.txt,2477,2525,articles/t743/clean_2579.txt,1378,1426,yes,Corruption,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 743,test,This house believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable,bribery,1,362486,CON,Corruption undermines democracy and good governance,it undermines democracy and good governance,articles/t743/raw_2579.txt,2551,2596,articles/t743/clean_2579.txt,1452,1495,yes,Corruption,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 743,test,This house believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable,bribery,1,362487,CON,Corruption undermines the legitimacy of government and democratic values,corruption undermines the legitimacy of government and such democratic values,articles/t743/raw_2579.txt,3207,3284,articles/t743/clean_2579.txt,2091,2168,yes,Corruption,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 743,test,This house believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable,bribery,1,362488,CON,corruption increases the cost of business,corruption increases the cost of business,articles/t743/raw_2579.txt,3395,3436,articles/t743/clean_2579.txt,2217,2258,yes,corruption,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 743,test,This house believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable,bribery,1,362489,PRO,corruption reduces costs by cutting bureaucracy,corruption reduces costs by cutting bureaucracy,articles/t743/raw_2579.txt,3608,3657,articles/t743/clean_2579.txt,2430,2477,yes,corruption,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 743,test,This house believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable,bribery,1,362490,CON,Availability of bribes can induce officials to contrive new rules and delays,availability of bribes can also induce officials to contrive new rules and delays,articles/t743/raw_2579.txt,3665,3746,articles/t743/clean_2579.txt,2483,2564,yes,Availability of bribes,0.0,22.0,-1.0,1.0 743,test,This house believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable,bribery,1,362491,CON,corruption inflates the cost of business,corruption inflates the cost of business,articles/t743/raw_2579.txt,3872,3912,articles/t743/clean_2579.txt,2690,2730,yes,corruption,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 743,test,This house believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable,bribery,1,362492,CON,Corruption generates economic distortions,Corruption also generates economic distortions,articles/t743/raw_2579.txt,4353,4399,articles/t743/clean_2579.txt,2868,2914,yes,Corruption,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 743,test,This house believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable,bribery,1,362493,CON,Corruption reduces the quality of government services and infrastructure,reduces the quality of government services and infrastructure,articles/t743/raw_2579.txt,5044,5105,articles/t743/clean_2579.txt,3288,3349,yes,Corruption,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 743,test,This house believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable,bribery,1,362494,PRO,"In some countries the culture of corruption extends to every aspect of public life, making it extremely difficult for individuals to stay in business without resorting to bribes","In some countries the culture of corruption extends to every aspect of public life, making it extremely difficult for individuals to stay in business without resorting to bribes",articles/t743/raw_2579.txt,12685,12866,articles/t743/clean_2579.txt,9134,9311,yes,the culture of corruption,18.0,43.0,-1.0,1.0 743,test,This house believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable,bribery,1,362507,CON,Corruption adds to economic inequality,adds to economic inequality,articles/t743/raw_2647.txt,1691,1718,articles/t743/clean_2647.txt,1453,1480,yes,Corruption,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 743,test,This house believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable,bribery,1,362508,CON,"Corruption favors the most connected and unscrupulous, rather than the efficient","Corruption favors the most connected and unscrupulous, rather than the efficient",articles/t743/raw_2647.txt,17182,17262,articles/t743/clean_2647.txt,14546,14626,yes,Corruption,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 743,test,This house believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable,bribery,1,362509,CON,Bribes lead to a misdirection of resources,Bribes also lead to a misdirection of resources,articles/t743/raw_2647.txt,17518,17565,articles/t743/clean_2647.txt,14838,14885,yes,Bribes,0.0,6.0,-1.0,1.0 743,test,This house believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable,bribery,1,362511,CON,Corruption is never a better option to honest public policy,Corruption is never a better option to honest public policy,articles/t743/raw_2647.txt,18151,18210,articles/t743/clean_2647.txt,15447,15506,yes,Corruption,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 743,test,This house believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable,bribery,1,362512,CON,Corruption distorts and retards development,it distorts and retards development,articles/t743/raw_2647.txt,18232,18267,articles/t743/clean_2647.txt,15528,15563,yes,Corruption,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 743,test,This house believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable,bribery,1,362513,PRO,"corruption may act as a ""lubricant"" to ""loosen up"" the bureaucracy and facilitate commercial exchanges","corruption may act as a ""lubricant"" to ""loosen up"" the bureaucracy and facilitate commercial exchanges",articles/t743/raw_2647.txt,18539,18641,articles/t743/clean_2647.txt,15812,15914,yes,corruption,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 744,test,This house would re-engage with Myanmar,re-engage with Myanmar,1,231685,CON,sanctions are designed to pressure the regime to enter into dialogue with the demcoracy movement,sanctions are designed to pressure the regime to enter into dialogue with the demcoracy movement,articles/t744/raw_2604.txt,5666,5762,articles/t744/clean_2604.txt,3875,3971,yes,sanctions,0.0,9.0,1.0,-1.0 744,test,This house would re-engage with Myanmar,re-engage with Myanmar,1,232091,CON,Burma's rulers continue to defy the world's just demand to stop their vicious persecution,Burma's rulers continue to defy the world's just demand to stop their vicious persecution,articles/t744/raw_2662.txt,79912,80001,articles/t744/clean_2662.txt,47418,47507,yes,Burma's rulers,0.0,14.0,-1.0,1.0 744,test,This house would re-engage with Myanmar,re-engage with Myanmar,1,232092,PRO,the government wants to engage again in constructive dialogue,the government wants to engage again in constructive dialogue,articles/t744/raw_2662.txt,81694,81755,articles/t744/clean_2662.txt,48721,48782,yes,the government,0.0,14.0,1.0,1.0 744,test,This house would re-engage with Myanmar,re-engage with Myanmar,1,347856,PRO,economic sanctions and political pressure by Western countries on Burma was counter-productive and futile,economic sanctions and political pressure by Western countries on Burma was counter-productive and futile,articles/t744/raw_2646.txt,2096,2201,articles/t744/clean_2646.txt,1929,2034,yes,economic sanctions and political pressure by Western countries on Burma,0.0,71.0,-1.0,-1.0 744,test,This house would re-engage with Myanmar,re-engage with Myanmar,1,347858,CON,economic sanctions and political pressure on the Burmese military regime remain the only feasible policy to achieve a restoration of democracy and human rights in Burma,economic sanctions and political pressure on the Burmese military regime remain the only feasible policy to achieve a restoration of democracy and human rights in Burma,articles/t744/raw_2646.txt,5071,5239,articles/t744/clean_2646.txt,4864,5032,yes,economic sanctions and political pressure on the Burmese military regime,0.0,72.0,1.0,-1.0 744,test,This house would re-engage with Myanmar,re-engage with Myanmar,1,347859,PRO,efforts to sanction Burma were useless,efforts to sanction Burma were useless,articles/t744/raw_2646.txt,5632,5670,articles/t744/clean_2646.txt,5402,5440,yes,efforts to sanction Burma,0.0,25.0,-1.0,-1.0 744,test,This house would re-engage with Myanmar,re-engage with Myanmar,1,348714,PRO,the best way to go is through engagement and encouragement,the best way to go is through engagement and encouragement,articles/t744/raw_2661.txt,11457,11515,articles/t744/clean_2661.txt,7212,7270,yes,engagement and encouragement,30.0,58.0,1.0,1.0 744,test,This house would re-engage with Myanmar,re-engage with Myanmar,1,348715,CON,constructive engagement with the Burmese junta has failed,constructive engagement with the Burmese junta has failed,articles/t744/raw_2661.txt,14323,14382,articles/t744/clean_2661.txt,8335,8392,yes,constructive engagement with the Burmese junta,0.0,46.0,-1.0,1.0 744,test,This house would re-engage with Myanmar,re-engage with Myanmar,1,348716,PRO,The use of force is the last thing Burma needs right now,The use of force is the last thing Burma needs right now,articles/t744/raw_2661.txt,24944,25000,articles/t744/clean_2661.txt,14494,14550,yes,The use of force,0.0,16.0,-1.0,-1.0 744,test,This house would re-engage with Myanmar,re-engage with Myanmar,1,348721,PRO,American-led sanctions have had adverse effects on the civilian population,American-led sanctions have had adverse effects on the civilian population,articles/t744/raw_2606.txt,3209,3283,articles/t744/clean_2606.txt,2052,2126,yes,American-led sanctions,0.0,22.0,-1.0,-1.0 744,test,This house would re-engage with Myanmar,re-engage with Myanmar,1,348733,PRO,the government has embarked on a series of reforms toward liberal democracy,the government has embarked on a series of reforms toward liberal democracy,articles/t744/raw_2610.txt,39390,39467,articles/t744/clean_2610.txt,20840,20915,yes,the government,0.0,14.0,1.0,1.0 744,test,This house would re-engage with Myanmar,re-engage with Myanmar,1,348734,CON,the military regime in Burma is one of the world's most repressive and abusive regimes,the military regime in Burma is one of the world's most repressive and abusive regimes,articles/t744/raw_2610.txt,56220,56306,articles/t744/clean_2610.txt,30141,30227,yes,the military regime in Burma,0.0,28.0,-1.0,1.0 744,test,This house would re-engage with Myanmar,re-engage with Myanmar,1,348735,CON,the Burmese regime has marked certain ethnic minorities such as the Karen for extermination,the Burmese regime has marked certain ethnic minorities such as the Karen for extermination,articles/t744/raw_2610.txt,59172,59280,articles/t744/clean_2610.txt,31312,31403,yes,the Burmese regime,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 744,test,This house would re-engage with Myanmar,re-engage with Myanmar,1,348736,PRO,"since the transition to new government in August 2011, Burma's human rights record has been improving","since the transition to new government in August 2011, Burma's human rights record has been improving",articles/t744/raw_2610.txt,60478,60579,articles/t744/clean_2610.txt,31933,32034,yes,Burma's human rights record,55.0,82.0,1.0,1.0 744,test,This house would re-engage with Myanmar,re-engage with Myanmar,1,348738,PRO,the American-led sanctions have had adverse effects on the civilian population,the American-led sanctions have had adverse effects on the civilian population,articles/t744/raw_2610.txt,69961,70039,articles/t744/clean_2610.txt,36334,36412,yes,the American-led sanctions,0.0,26.0,-1.0,-1.0 761,test,This house would build the Keystone XL pipeline,build the Keystone XL pipeline,1,365735,CON,Oil sands extraction is generally held to be more environmentally damaging than conventional crude oil,Oil sands extraction is generally held to be more environmentally damaging than conventional crude oil,articles/t761/raw_2664.txt,37267,37369,articles/t761/clean_2664.txt,23232,23334,yes,Oil sands extraction,0.0,20.0,-1.0,1.0 761,test,This house would build the Keystone XL pipeline,build the Keystone XL pipeline,1,365736,CON,The production of bitumen and synthetic crude oil emits more greenhouse gases than the production of conventional crude oil,The production of bitumen and synthetic crude oil emits more greenhouse gases than the production of conventional crude oil,articles/t761/raw_2664.txt,49881,50004,articles/t761/clean_2664.txt,28868,28991,yes,The production of bitumen and synthetic crude oil,0.0,49.0,-1.0,1.0 761,test,This house would build the Keystone XL pipeline,build the Keystone XL pipeline,1,365737,CON,oil sands industry has been identified as the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions growth in Canada,oil sands industry has been identified as the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions growth in Canada,articles/t761/raw_2664.txt,50881,50995,articles/t761/clean_2664.txt,29463,29573,yes,oil sands industry,0.0,18.0,-1.0,1.0 761,test,This house would build the Keystone XL pipeline,build the Keystone XL pipeline,1,365738,CON,wildlife has been negatively affected by the oil sands,wildlife has been negatively affected by the oil sands,articles/t761/raw_2664.txt,59793,59847,articles/t761/clean_2664.txt,33673,33727,yes,the oil sands,41.0,54.0,-1.0,1.0 761,test,This house would build the Keystone XL pipeline,build the Keystone XL pipeline,1,368257,PRO,"Pipelines are generally the most economical way to transport large quantities of oil, refined oil products or natural gas over land","Pipelines are generally the most economical way to transport large quantities of oil, refined oil products or natural gas over land",articles/t761/raw_2665.txt,2176,2315,articles/t761/clean_2665.txt,959,1090,yes,Pipelines,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 761,test,This house would build the Keystone XL pipeline,build the Keystone XL pipeline,1,368258,PRO,oil and gas pipelines are an important asset of the economic development of almost any country,oil and gas pipelines are an important asset of the economic development of almost any country,articles/t761/raw_2665.txt,20406,20500,articles/t761/clean_2665.txt,13418,13512,yes,oil and gas pipelines,0.0,21.0,1.0,1.0 761,test,This house would build the Keystone XL pipeline,build the Keystone XL pipeline,1,368829,CON,The pipeline would present significant adverse effects to certain cultural resources,"it would present ""significant adverse effects to certain cultural resources",articles/t761/raw_2663.txt,11872,11947,articles/t761/clean_2663.txt,3341,3416,yes,The pipeline,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 761,test,This house would build the Keystone XL pipeline,build the Keystone XL pipeline,1,368830,CON,the new pipeline has been beset with cost overruns,the new pipeline has been beset with cost overruns,articles/t761/raw_2663.txt,27273,27323,articles/t761/clean_2663.txt,9674,9724,yes,the new pipeline,0.0,16.0,-1.0,1.0 761,test,This house would build the Keystone XL pipeline,build the Keystone XL pipeline,1,368831,CON,The pipeline's permit was based on a deficient environmental impact statement,its permit was based on a deficient environmental impact statement,articles/t761/raw_2663.txt,27497,27563,articles/t761/clean_2663.txt,9858,9924,yes,The pipeline's permit,0.0,21.0,-1.0,1.0 761,test,This house would build the Keystone XL pipeline,build the Keystone XL pipeline,1,368832,CON,the pipeline could pollute air and water supplies,the pipeline could pollute air and water supplies,articles/t761/raw_2663.txt,28837,28886,articles/t761/clean_2663.txt,10212,10261,yes,the pipeline,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 761,test,This house would build the Keystone XL pipeline,build the Keystone XL pipeline,1,368834,PRO,this is the most technologically advanced and safest pipeline ever proposed,this is the most technologically advanced and safest pipeline ever proposed,articles/t761/raw_2663.txt,33175,33250,articles/t761/clean_2663.txt,12531,12606,yes,this,0.0,4.0,1.0,1.0 761,test,This house would build the Keystone XL pipeline,build the Keystone XL pipeline,1,368835,CON,the Keystone XL Pipeline undermines the U.S. commitment to a clean energy economy,the Keystone XL Pipeline undermines the U.S. commitment to a clean energy economy,articles/t761/raw_2663.txt,34538,34623,articles/t761/clean_2663.txt,13108,13189,yes,the Keystone XL Pipeline,0.0,24.0,-1.0,1.0 761,test,This house would build the Keystone XL pipeline,build the Keystone XL pipeline,1,368837,CON,building this pipeline has the potential to undermine America's clean energy future and international leadership on climate change,building this pipeline has the potential to undermine America's clean energy future and international leadership on climate change,articles/t761/raw_2663.txt,35019,35149,articles/t761/clean_2663.txt,13360,13490,yes,building this pipeline,0.0,22.0,-1.0,1.0 761,test,This house would build the Keystone XL pipeline,build the Keystone XL pipeline,1,368838,CON,this pipeline is a multi-billion dollar investment to expand our reliance on the dirtiest source of transportation fuel currently available,this pipeline is a multi-billion dollar investment to expand our reliance on the dirtiest source of transportation fuel currently available,articles/t761/raw_2663.txt,35985,36124,articles/t761/clean_2663.txt,13670,13809,yes,this pipeline,0.0,13.0,-1.0,1.0 761,test,This house would build the Keystone XL pipeline,build the Keystone XL pipeline,1,368839,PRO,The Keystone XL pipeline would allow the U.S. to increase its energy security and reduce its dependence on foreign oil,it would allow the U.S. to increase its energy security and reduce its dependence on foreign oil,articles/t761/raw_2663.txt,42269,42365,articles/t761/clean_2663.txt,16719,16815,yes,The Keystone XL pipeline,0.0,24.0,1.0,1.0 761,test,This house would build the Keystone XL pipeline,build the Keystone XL pipeline,1,368840,CON,there is an extensive overcapacity of oil pipelines from Canada,there is an extensive overcapacity of oil pipelines from Canada,articles/t761/raw_2663.txt,48886,48949,articles/t761/clean_2663.txt,19437,19500,yes,oil pipelines from Canada,38.0,63.0,-1.0,1.0 761,test,This house would build the Keystone XL pipeline,build the Keystone XL pipeline,1,368841,CON,"After completion of the Keystone XL line, oil pipelines to the U.S. may run nearly half-empty","After completion of the Keystone XL line, oil pipelines to the U.S. may run nearly half-empty",articles/t761/raw_2663.txt,49350,49443,articles/t761/clean_2663.txt,19508,19601,yes,completion of the Keystone XL line,6.0,40.0,-1.0,1.0 761,test,This house would build the Keystone XL pipeline,build the Keystone XL pipeline,1,368842,CON,"the pipeline would be ""game over for the planet","the pipeline would be ""game over for the planet",articles/t761/raw_2663.txt,51101,51148,articles/t761/clean_2663.txt,20671,20718,yes,the pipeline,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447277,CON,the blockade is necessary to limit Palestinian rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip,the blockade is necessary to limit Palestinian rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip,articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,2715,2837,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,1050,1131,yes,the blockade,0.0,12.0,1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447279,PRO,The blockade is considered illegal,the blockade illegal,articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,8763,8783,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,3718,3738,yes,The blockade,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447280,PRO,the Israeli blockade and closures had pushed the Palestinian economy into a stage of de-development,the Israeli blockade and closures had pushed the Palestinian economy into a stage of de-development,articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,13655,13754,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,5227,5326,yes,the Israeli blockade and closures,0.0,33.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447281,PRO,Even if the blockade is eased it remains illegal under international law,Even if the blockade is eased it remains illegal under international law,articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,49231,49303,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,24450,24522,yes,the blockade,8.0,20.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447283,PRO,The blockade is a collective form of punishment on a civilian population,it is a collective form of punishment on a civilian population,articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,49307,49369,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,24526,24588,yes,The blockade,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447285,CON,The purpose of the blockade is to pressure Hamas into ending the rocket attacks and to deprive them of the supplies necessary for the continuation of rocket attacks,the purpose of the blockade was to pressure Hamas into ending the rocket attacks and to deprive them of the supplies necessary for the continuation of rocket attacks,articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,89411,89580,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,50914,51079,yes,The purpose of the blockade,0.0,27.0,1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447286,CON,"the blockade of the Gaza Strip [among other security and deterrence measures], have brought about a quiet","the blockade of the Gaza Strip [among other security and deterrence measures], have brought about a quiet",articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,91049,91154,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,51437,51542,yes,the blockade of the Gaza Strip,0.0,30.0,1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447287,CON,the blockade is necessary to prevent weapons from reaching Gaza,the blockade is necessary to prevent weapons from reaching Gaza,articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,91707,91770,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,51868,51931,yes,the blockade,0.0,12.0,1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447288,CON,"the consequences of Israel’s failure to maintain the blockade would be “an Iranian port in Gaza, only a few dozen kilometers from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem","the consequences of Israel’s failure to maintain the blockade would be “an Iranian port in Gaza, only a few dozen kilometers from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem",articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,92234,92386,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,52392,52544,yes,Israel’s failure to maintain the blockade,20.0,61.0,-1.0,-1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447289,CON,"Israel ""could not lift the embargo altogether as long as Hamas remains in control"" of Gaza","Israel ""could not lift the embargo altogether as long as Hamas remains in control"" of Gaza",articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,93095,93185,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,52926,53016,yes,lift the embargo altogether,18.0,45.0,-1.0,-1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447290,PRO,both the blockade and its enforcement are illegal,both the blockade and its enforcement are illegal,articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,95112,95161,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,54077,54126,yes,both the blockade and its enforcement,0.0,37.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447292,CON,the blockade is legal,the blockade is legal,articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,95462,95483,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,54220,54241,yes,the blockade,0.0,12.0,1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447293,PRO,The blockade amounts to a flagrant contravention of international human rights and humanitarian law,"the blockade amounted to a ""flagrant contravention of international human rights and humanitarian law",articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,95703,95804,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,54389,54490,yes,The blockade,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447294,PRO,The blockade constitutes collective punishment under international law,The blockade constitutes collective punishment under international law,articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,99377,99447,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,56631,56701,yes,The blockade,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447295,PRO,"as the occupying power, Israel has a duty under international law to ensure the welfare of Gaza’s inhabitants","as the occupying power, Israel has a duty under international law to ensure the welfare of Gaza’s inhabitants",articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,99490,99599,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,56744,56853,yes,to ensure the welfare of Gaza’s inhabitants,66.0,109.0,1.0,-1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447297,PRO,"the blockade of Gaza is causing ""unacceptable suffering","the blockade of Gaza is causing ""unacceptable suffering",articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,104331,104386,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,59102,59157,yes,the blockade of Gaza,0.0,20.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447298,PRO,The blockade is possibly a crime against humanity,the blockade was possibly a crime against humanity,articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,104805,104857,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,59369,59419,yes,The blockade,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447299,PRO,the formal economy in Gaza has collapsed since the imposition of the blockade,the formal economy in Gaza has collapsed since the imposition of the blockade,articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,105087,105164,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,59636,59713,yes,the imposition of the blockade,47.0,77.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447300,PRO,"the ""restrictions imposed on the civilian population by the continuing blockade of the Gaza Strip amount to collective punishment, a violation of international humanitarian law","the ""restrictions imposed on the civilian population by the continuing blockade of the Gaza Strip amount to collective punishment, a violation of international humanitarian law",articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,105565,105741,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,59743,59919,yes,"the ""restrictions imposed on the civilian population by the continuing blockade of the Gaza Strip",0.0,97.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447302,PRO,Israel's inhuman blockade of Gaza represents a threat to regional peace and stability,Israel's inhuman blockade of Gaza represents a threat to regional peace and stability,articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,109432,109517,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,62286,62371,yes,Israel's inhuman blockade of Gaza,0.0,33.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447303,PRO,"all that is being achieved through the blockade is to ""enrich Hamas and marginalize even further the voices of moderation","all that is being achieved through the blockade is to ""enrich Hamas and marginalize even further the voices of moderation",articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,110260,110381,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,62805,62926,yes,the blockade,35.0,47.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447304,PRO,the blockade actually strengthens Hamas's grip on the economy and on Gaza,the blockade actually strengthens Hamas's grip on the economy and on Gaza,articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,110811,110884,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,63138,63211,yes,the blockade,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447305,PRO,Gaza cannot and must not be allowed to remain a prison camp,Gaza cannot and must not be allowed to remain a prison camp,articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,111518,111577,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,63586,63645,yes,to remain a prison camp,36.0,59.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447306,PRO,the blockade on Gaza is neither sustainable nor tenable in its present form,the blockade on Gaza is neither sustainable nor tenable in its present form,articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,112783,112858,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,64248,64323,yes,the blockade on Gaza,0.0,20.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447307,PRO,What is going on in Gaza is a humanitarian catastrophe,What is going on in Gaza is a humanitarian catastrophe,articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,113284,113338,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,64506,64560,yes,What is going on in Gaza,0.0,24.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447308,PRO,current Israeli restrictions are counterproductive for Israel's long term security,current Israeli restrictions are counterproductive for Israel's long term security,articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,114241,114323,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,65236,65318,yes,current Israeli restrictions,0.0,28.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,447310,PRO,The situation in Gaza is unsustainable and unacceptable,The situation in Gaza is unsustainable and unacceptable,articles/t861/raw_2783.txt,115504,115559,articles/t861/clean_2783.txt,65808,65863,yes,The situation in Gaza,0.0,21.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,451022,CON,The naval blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip by Israel conforms to the rules of international law,the naval blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip by Israel conformed to the rules of international law,articles/t861/raw_2788.txt,11951,12049,articles/t861/clean_2788.txt,6549,6647,yes,The naval blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip by Israel,0.0,54.0,1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,451023,CON,"The naval blockade was imposed on the Gaza Strip lawfully, with Israel complying with the conditions for imposing it","The naval blockade was imposed on the Gaza Strip lawfully, with Israel complying with the conditions for imposing it",articles/t861/raw_2788.txt,12351,12467,articles/t861/clean_2788.txt,6949,7065,yes,The naval blockade,0.0,18.0,1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,451024,CON,the damage to the civilian population is not excessive in relation to the real and direct military advantage anticipated from the blockade,the damage to the civilian population is not excessive in relation to the real and direct military advantage anticipated from the blockade,articles/t861/raw_2788.txt,12809,12947,articles/t861/clean_2788.txt,7390,7528,yes,the blockade,126.0,138.0,1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,451169,PRO,"Gaza Palestinians ""do not want or deserve to be dependent on humanitarian aid","Gaza Palestinians ""do not want or deserve to be dependent on humanitarian aid",articles/t861/raw_2790.txt,215213,215290,articles/t861/clean_2790.txt,100355,100432,yes,to be dependent on humanitarian aid,42.0,77.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,451170,PRO,"the ""limited trickle"" of items into Gaza continue the effective collective punishment of the civilian population","the ""limited trickle"" of items into Gaza continue the effective collective punishment of the civilian population",articles/t861/raw_2790.txt,215301,215413,articles/t861/clean_2790.txt,100443,100555,yes,"the ""limited trickle"" of items into Gaza",0.0,40.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,451172,PRO,The limited trickle of items into Gaza force the counter-productive reliance on tunnels for daily essentials,force the counter-productive reliance on tunnels for daily essentials,articles/t861/raw_2790.txt,215418,215487,articles/t861/clean_2790.txt,100560,100629,yes,The limited trickle of items into Gaza,0.0,38.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,451943,CON,The Israeli blockade is legal,the Israeli blockade was legal,articles/t861/raw_2792.txt,2589,2619,articles/t861/clean_2792.txt,1614,1644,yes,The Israeli blockade,0.0,20.0,1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,451944,CON,The Israeli blockade of Gaza is legal,the Israeli blockade of Gaza was legal,articles/t861/raw_2792.txt,101964,102002,articles/t861/clean_2792.txt,50880,50918,yes,The Israeli blockade of Gaza,0.0,28.0,1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,451945,PRO,inadequate amounts of goods are entering Gaza to meet Gaza's humanitarian and reconstruction needs,inadequate amounts of goods are entering Gaza to meet Gaza's humanitarian and reconstruction needs,articles/t861/raw_2792.txt,119055,119153,articles/t861/clean_2792.txt,58129,58227,no,,,,, 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,451946,PRO,Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip was described as totally intolerable and unacceptable in the 21st century,"Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip as ""totally intolerable and unacceptable in the 21st century",articles/t861/raw_2792.txt,132395,132491,articles/t861/clean_2792.txt,65760,65856,yes,Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip,0.0,35.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,451947,CON,Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip was determined to be legal,Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip to be legal,articles/t861/raw_2792.txt,136291,136342,articles/t861/clean_2792.txt,67732,67779,yes,Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip,0.0,35.0,1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,451948,CON,The naval blockade was imposed as a legitimate security measure in order to prevent weapons from entering Gaza,The naval blockade was imposed as a legitimate security measure in order to prevent weapons from entering Gaza,articles/t861/raw_2792.txt,138589,138699,articles/t861/clean_2792.txt,69265,69375,yes,The naval blockade,0.0,18.0,1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,451949,CON,The naval blockade's implementation complied with the requirements of international law.,its implementation complied with the requirements of international law,articles/t861/raw_2792.txt,138711,138781,articles/t861/clean_2792.txt,69387,69457,yes,The naval blockade's implementation,0.0,35.0,1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,451950,PRO,The Gaza blockade is illegal,the Gaza blockade was illegal,articles/t861/raw_2792.txt,148352,148381,articles/t861/clean_2792.txt,74870,74899,yes,The Gaza blockade,0.0,17.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,451974,PRO,Israel restricts the ability for the Palestinian authority to exercise control,restricts the ability for the Palestinian authority to exercise control,articles/t861/raw_2789.txt,20172,20243,articles/t861/clean_2789.txt,12773,12844,yes,Israel,0.0,6.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,451975,PRO,Israel is inflicting collective punishment on the Gaza population,Israel was inflicting collective punishment on the Gaza population,articles/t861/raw_2789.txt,37550,37620,articles/t861/clean_2789.txt,20720,20786,yes,Israel,0.0,6.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,451976,CON,Gaza was blockaded by Israel in response to the rocket and mortar attacks by Hamas and other militant groups operating inside Gaza,Gaza was blockaded by Israel in response to the rocket and mortar attacks by Hamas and other militant groups operating inside Gaza,articles/t861/raw_2789.txt,43910,44040,articles/t861/clean_2789.txt,24086,24216,yes,Gaza was blockaded by Israel,0.0,28.0,1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,451977,PRO,The blockade is harming the Gazan economy,the blockade was harming the Gazan economy,articles/t861/raw_2789.txt,52075,52117,articles/t861/clean_2789.txt,26981,27023,yes,The blockade,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,451978,CON,an open seaport in the Gaza Strip endangered the security of Israel,an open seaport in the Gaza Strip endangered the security of Israel,articles/t861/raw_2789.txt,52584,52651,articles/t861/clean_2789.txt,27306,27373,yes,an open seaport in the Gaza Strip,0.0,33.0,-1.0,-1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,451979,PRO,The blockade was called an action outside of international law.”,"the blockade ""an action outside of international law",articles/t861/raw_2789.txt,53231,53283,articles/t861/clean_2789.txt,27736,27788,yes,The blockade,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,451980,PRO,Humanitarian goods and people must flow in both directions,Humanitarian goods and people must flow in both directions,articles/t861/raw_2789.txt,53643,53701,articles/t861/clean_2789.txt,27884,27942,no,,,,, 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,451982,CON,The situation in Gaza is the direct result of Hamas' rule and priorities,The situation in Gaza is the direct result of Hamas' rule and priorities,articles/t861/raw_2789.txt,54245,54317,articles/t861/clean_2789.txt,28153,28225,yes,Hamas' rule and priorities,46.0,72.0,-1.0,-1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,451999,CON,"the purpose of the restrictions in import of goods into Gaza are to pressure Hamas, which does not recognise Israel and backs attacks on its citizens","the purpose of the restrictions in import of goods into Gaza are to pressure Hamas, which does not recognise Israel and backs attacks on its citizens",articles/t861/raw_2791.txt,1721,1870,articles/t861/clean_2791.txt,895,1044,yes,the restrictions in import of goods into Gaza,15.0,60.0,1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,452000,CON,The stated purpose of the blockade was to pressure Hamas into ending the rocket attacks,The stated purpose of the blockade was to pressure Hamas into ending the rocket attacks,articles/t861/raw_2791.txt,2866,2957,articles/t861/clean_2791.txt,1469,1556,yes,the blockade,22.0,34.0,1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,452001,CON,Israel is not legally responsible for Gaza and not obliged to help a hostile territory beyond whatever is necessary to avoid a humanitarian crisis,it is not legally responsible for Gaza and not obliged to help a hostile territory beyond whatever is necessary to avoid a humanitarian crisis,articles/t861/raw_2791.txt,4249,4395,articles/t861/clean_2791.txt,1754,1896,yes,Israel,0.0,6.0,1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,452002,CON,the importation curbs are in place to pressure Hamas,the importation curbs are in place to pressure Hamas,articles/t861/raw_2791.txt,18206,18258,articles/t861/clean_2791.txt,12432,12484,yes,the importation curbs,0.0,21.0,1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,452003,CON,A country has the right to decide that it chooses not to engage in economic relations or to give economic assistance to the other party to the conflict,A country has the right to decide that it chooses not to engage in economic relations or to give economic assistance to the other party to the conflict,articles/t861/raw_2791.txt,18403,18554,articles/t861/clean_2791.txt,12613,12764,yes,not to engage in economic relations or to give economic assistance to the other party to the conflict,50.0,151.0,1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,452008,PRO,deteriorating economic conditions could result in a derailment of the peace process,deteriorating economic conditions could result in a derailment of the peace process,articles/t861/raw_2821.txt,9641,9724,articles/t861/clean_2821.txt,3669,3752,yes,deteriorating economic conditions,0.0,33.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,452047,PRO,Israel's blockade violates the Geneva Conventions,Israel's blockade violated the Geneva Conventions,articles/t861/raw_2787.txt,6680,6731,articles/t861/clean_2787.txt,3152,3201,yes,Israel's blockade,0.0,17.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,452048,PRO,The Gaza blockade inflicted excessive damage to the civilian population in relation to the concrete military advantage expected,"it inflicted ""excessive damage to the civilian population in relation to the concrete military advantage expected",articles/t861/raw_2787.txt,8995,9109,articles/t861/clean_2787.txt,4700,4813,yes,The Gaza blockade,0.0,17.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,452049,PRO,"As a form of collective punishment, Israel’s continuing blockade of Gaza is a flagrant violation of international law","As a form of collective punishment, Israel’s continuing blockade of Gaza is a flagrant violation of international law",articles/t861/raw_2787.txt,9432,9549,articles/t861/clean_2787.txt,4906,5023,yes,Israel’s continuing blockade of Gaza,36.0,72.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,452051,PRO,The Gaza blockade was called collective punishment in contravention of international humanitarian law,"the Gaza blockade ""collective punishment in contravention of international humanitarian law",articles/t861/raw_2787.txt,9915,10006,articles/t861/clean_2787.txt,5098,5189,yes,The Gaza blockade,0.0,17.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,452052,CON,blockades are lawful during times of armed conflict,blockades are lawful during times of armed conflict,articles/t861/raw_2787.txt,13029,13080,articles/t861/clean_2787.txt,6342,6393,yes,blockades,0.0,9.0,1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,452053,PRO,the blockade of a terrorist organization constitutes a collective penalty against civilians,the blockade of a terrorist organization constitutes a collective penalty against civilians,articles/t861/raw_2787.txt,14881,14972,articles/t861/clean_2787.txt,7431,7522,yes,the blockade of a terrorist organization,0.0,40.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,452054,CON,Blockades and other forms of economic sanction are permitted in international law,Blockades and other forms of economic sanction are permitted in international law,articles/t861/raw_2787.txt,15080,15161,articles/t861/clean_2787.txt,7630,7711,yes,Blockades and other forms of economic sanction,0.0,46.0,1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,452055,PRO,Israel's blockade of Gaza is illegal,Israel's blockade of Gaza was illegal,articles/t861/raw_2787.txt,25136,25173,articles/t861/clean_2787.txt,11479,11516,yes,Israel's blockade of Gaza,0.0,25.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,452062,PRO,"Gaza Strip is ""an immense concentration camp","Gaza Strip is ""an immense concentration camp",articles/t861/raw_2793.txt,35390,35434,articles/t861/clean_2793.txt,14577,14621,yes,Gaza Strip,0.0,10.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,452064,PRO,the Israeli blockade of the city had caused the humanitarian situation in Gaza to have reached its worst point since Israel occupied the territory in the 1967 Six-Day War,the Israeli blockade of the city had caused the humanitarian situation in Gaza to have reached its worst point since Israel occupied the territory in the 1967 Six-Day War,articles/t861/raw_2793.txt,54457,54627,articles/t861/clean_2793.txt,22843,23013,yes,the Israeli blockade of the city,0.0,32.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,452065,PRO,the world is furious over the blockade on Gaza,the world is furious over the blockade on Gaza,articles/t861/raw_2793.txt,132958,133004,articles/t861/clean_2793.txt,50564,50610,yes,the blockade on Gaza,26.0,46.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,452649,PRO,The blockade is a crime,the blockade was a crime,articles/t861/raw_2784.txt,2433,2457,articles/t861/clean_2784.txt,1079,1103,yes,The blockade,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,452650,PRO,It is a crime to continue imposing the blockade against the Gaza Strip,it was a crime to continue imposing the blockade against the Gaza Strip,articles/t861/raw_2784.txt,49983,50054,articles/t861/clean_2784.txt,23436,23507,yes,to continue imposing the blockade against the Gaza Strip,14.0,70.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,452651,PRO,economic recovery is blocked by sweeping restrictions on the movement of goods and people,economic recovery is blocked by sweeping restrictions on the movement of goods and people,articles/t861/raw_2784.txt,59993,60082,articles/t861/clean_2784.txt,28510,28599,yes,sweeping restrictions on the movement of goods and people,32.0,89.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,452652,CON,The absence of a blockade would allow the free passage of arms to the terror-embracing Hamas government,The absence of a blockade would allow the free passage of arms to the terror-embracing Hamas government,articles/t861/raw_2784.txt,61964,62067,articles/t861/clean_2784.txt,29547,29650,yes,The absence of a blockade,0.0,25.0,-1.0,-1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,452654,CON,Israel's blockade of Gaza is a direct consequence of attacks launched from within the territory,Israel's blockade of Gaza is a direct consequence of attacks launched from within the territory,articles/t861/raw_2784.txt,62154,62249,articles/t861/clean_2784.txt,29737,29832,yes,Israel's blockade of Gaza,0.0,25.0,1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,452655,PRO,The blockade is deemed illegal,the blockade was deemed illegal,articles/t861/raw_2784.txt,62889,62920,articles/t861/clean_2784.txt,30102,30133,yes,The blockade,0.0,12.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,452656,PRO,Humanity cannot continue allowing a city to be slowly strangled,Humanity cannot continue allowing a city to be slowly strangled,articles/t861/raw_2784.txt,63496,63559,articles/t861/clean_2784.txt,30704,30767,yes,allowing a city to be slowly strangled,25.0,63.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,453185,PRO,tragedies are completely inevitable if Israel does not listen to the callings of the international community to end the unacceptable and counter-productive blockade of Gaza,tragedies are completely inevitable if Israel does not listen to the callings of the international community to end the unacceptable and counter-productive blockade of Gaza,articles/t861/raw_2785.txt,7142,7314,articles/t861/clean_2785.txt,3190,3362,yes,the unacceptable and counter-productive blockade of Gaza,116.0,172.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,453186,PRO,tragedies are entirely avoidable if Israel heeds the repeated calls of the international community to end its counterproductive and unacceptable blockade of Gaza,tragedies are entirely avoidable if Israel heeds the repeated calls of the international community to end its counterproductive and unacceptable blockade of Gaza,articles/t861/raw_2785.txt,7798,7959,articles/t861/clean_2785.txt,3556,3717,yes,its counterproductive and unacceptable blockade of Gaza,106.0,161.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,453188,PRO,Peace and stability will not come to the region as long as the blockade of Gaza persists,Peace and stability will not come to the region as long as the blockade of Gaza persists,articles/t861/raw_2785.txt,46630,46718,articles/t861/clean_2785.txt,25010,25098,yes,the blockade of Gaza,59.0,79.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,453189,PRO,Israeli blockade in Gaza is a violation of international law,Israeli blockade in Gaza is a violation of international law,articles/t861/raw_2785.txt,67666,67726,articles/t861/clean_2785.txt,36364,36424,yes,Israeli blockade in Gaza,0.0,24.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,453190,PRO,The blockade action is a violation of international law,the blockade action was a violation of international law,articles/t861/raw_2785.txt,88407,88463,articles/t861/clean_2785.txt,46829,46885,yes,The blockade action,0.0,19.0,-1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,453191,CON,Israel has a right to stop weapons from going into Gaza,Israel has a right to stop weapons from going into Gaza,articles/t861/raw_2785.txt,133531,133586,articles/t861/clean_2785.txt,69364,69419,yes,to stop weapons from going into Gaza,19.0,55.0,1.0,1.0 861,test,This house believes that Israel should lift the blockade of Gaza,the blockade of Gaza,-1,453192,CON,Israel is entirely within its rights to prevent Hamas from linking with groups suspected of supplying arms and money to terrorists,Israel is entirely within its rights to prevent Hamas from linking with groups suspected of supplying arms and money to terrorists,articles/t861/raw_2785.txt,137219,137349,articles/t861/clean_2785.txt,72194,72324,yes,Israel,0.0,6.0,1.0,1.0 923,test,This house would encourage the creation of private universities in the UK,the creation of private universities in the UK,1,383013,CON,Tuition fees at private universities tend to be higher than at public universities,Tuition fees at private universities tend to be higher than at public universities,articles/t923/raw_2966.txt,42591,42677,articles/t923/clean_2966.txt,30606,30688,yes,Tuition fees at private universities,0.0,36.0,-1.0,1.0 923,test,This house would encourage the creation of private universities in the UK,the creation of private universities in the UK,1,383168,CON,Public universities often have much lower tuition than private universities,Public universities often have much lower tuition than private universities,articles/t923/raw_3022.txt,5222,5297,articles/t923/clean_3022.txt,2629,2704,yes,Public universities,0.0,19.0,1.0,-1.0 923,test,This house would encourage the creation of private universities in the UK,the creation of private universities in the UK,1,383170,CON,private universities charge much higher tuition than their public counterparts,private universities charge much higher tuition than their public counterparts,articles/t923/raw_3022.txt,35418,35496,articles/t923/clean_3022.txt,24871,24949,yes,private universities,0.0,20.0,-1.0,1.0 923,test,This house would encourage the creation of private universities in the UK,the creation of private universities in the UK,1,514016,PRO,privatization consistently improves efficiency,privatization consistently improves efficiency,articles/t923/raw_3002.txt,8521,8567,articles/t923/clean_3002.txt,6157,6203,yes,privatization,0.0,13.0,1.0,1.0 923,test,This house would encourage the creation of private universities in the UK,the creation of private universities in the UK,1,514017,PRO,corruption is more prevalent in non-privatized sectors,corruption is more prevalent in non-privatized sectors,articles/t923/raw_3002.txt,11842,11896,articles/t923/clean_3002.txt,8809,8863,yes,non-privatized sectors,32.0,54.0,-1.0,-1.0 923,test,This house would encourage the creation of private universities in the UK,the creation of private universities in the UK,1,514018,PRO,private market factors can more efficiently deliver many goods or service than governments,private market factors can more efficiently deliver many goods or service than governments,articles/t923/raw_3002.txt,12461,12551,articles/t923/clean_3002.txt,9028,9118,yes,private market factors,0.0,22.0,1.0,1.0 923,test,This house would encourage the creation of private universities in the UK,the creation of private universities in the UK,1,514019,PRO,governments have few incentives to ensure that the enterprises they own are well run,governments have few incentives to ensure that the enterprises they own are well run,articles/t923/raw_3002.txt,13213,13301,articles/t923/clean_3002.txt,9631,9715,yes,governments,0.0,11.0,-1.0,-1.0 923,test,This house would encourage the creation of private universities in the UK,the creation of private universities in the UK,1,514020,PRO,A state-monopolized function is prone to corruption,A state-monopolized function is prone to corruption,articles/t923/raw_3002.txt,15822,15885,articles/t923/clean_3002.txt,12105,12156,yes,A state-monopolized function,0.0,28.0,-1.0,-1.0 923,test,This house would encourage the creation of private universities in the UK,the creation of private universities in the UK,1,514021,PRO,Nationalized industries are prone to interference from politicians for political or populist reasons,Nationalized industries are prone to interference from politicians for political or populist reasons,articles/t923/raw_3002.txt,18909,19030,articles/t923/clean_3002.txt,15125,15225,yes,Nationalized industries,0.0,23.0,-1.0,-1.0 923,test,This house would encourage the creation of private universities in the UK,the creation of private universities in the UK,1,514022,CON,certain public goods and services should remain primarily in the hands of government in order to ensure that everyone in society has access to them,certain public goods and services should remain primarily in the hands of government in order to ensure that everyone in society has access to them,articles/t923/raw_3002.txt,20587,20750,articles/t923/clean_3002.txt,16519,16666,yes,remain primarily in the hands of government,41.0,84.0,1.0,-1.0 923,test,This house would encourage the creation of private universities in the UK,the creation of private universities in the UK,1,514023,PRO,private entities are more efficiently run,private entities are more efficiently run,articles/t923/raw_3002.txt,31799,31840,articles/t923/clean_3002.txt,26161,26202,yes,private entities,0.0,16.0,1.0,1.0 923,test,This house would encourage the creation of private universities in the UK,the creation of private universities in the UK,1,514985,PRO,higher education has been a closed shop in the UK for too long,higher education has been a closed shop in the UK for too long,articles/t923/raw_2965.txt,4186,4248,articles/t923/clean_2965.txt,1604,1666,no,,,,, 923,test,This house would encourage the creation of private universities in the UK,the creation of private universities in the UK,1,514986,PRO,Academics are demoralized by government interference with admissions procedures,academics demoralized by government interference with admissions procedures,articles/t923/raw_2965.txt,24737,24812,articles/t923/clean_2965.txt,12439,12514,yes,government interference with admissions procedures,29.0,79.0,-1.0,-1.0 923,test,This house would encourage the creation of private universities in the UK,the creation of private universities in the UK,1,514988,PRO,all over the world there are excellent universities run independently of the state,all over the world there are excellent universities run independently of the state,articles/t923/raw_2965.txt,24989,25071,articles/t923/clean_2965.txt,12664,12746,yes,universities run independently of the state,39.0,82.0,1.0,1.0 923,test,This house would encourage the creation of private universities in the UK,the creation of private universities in the UK,1,514989,CON,It is dangerous to have a university funded by private equity,it was dangerous to have a university funded by private equity,articles/t923/raw_2965.txt,27662,27724,articles/t923/clean_2965.txt,14321,14383,yes,to have a university funded by private equity,16.0,61.0,-1.0,1.0 923,test,This house would encourage the creation of private universities in the UK,the creation of private universities in the UK,1,516247,PRO,"if universities are ""to nurture genuinely free and creative academic research"" and ""be the guardians of liberty which a free society needs"" they must be independent of government funding","if universities are ""to nurture genuinely free and creative academic research"" and ""be the guardians of liberty which a free society needs"" they must be independent of government funding",articles/t923/raw_3001.txt,1579,1765,articles/t923/clean_3001.txt,912,1098,yes,independent of government funding,153.0,186.0,1.0,1.0 923,test,This house would encourage the creation of private universities in the UK,the creation of private universities in the UK,1,516249,PRO,academics will only be able to challenge prevailing opinion if they are independent of government funding,academics will only be able to challenge prevailing opinion if they are independent of government funding,articles/t923/raw_3001.txt,2203,2308,articles/t923/clean_3001.txt,1282,1387,yes,independent of government funding,72.0,105.0,1.0,1.0 923,test,This house would encourage the creation of private universities in the UK,the creation of private universities in the UK,1,516250,PRO,Dependence on government funding has had disastrous effects on the higher education sector in continental Europe,has had disastrous effects on the higher education sector in continental Europe,articles/t923/raw_3001.txt,2565,2644,articles/t923/clean_3001.txt,1443,1522,yes,Dependence on government funding,0.0,32.0,-1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,385019,PRO,Abstinence is the only way to avoid sexually transmitted diseases,abstinence was the only way to avoid sexually transmitted diseases,articles/t941/raw_3155.txt,10715,10781,articles/t941/clean_3155.txt,6620,6686,yes,Abstinence,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,385020,CON,education on condom use reduces behaviors that increase the risk of breakage and slippage,education on condom use reduces behaviors that increase the risk of breakage and slippage,articles/t941/raw_3155.txt,60100,60189,articles/t941/clean_3155.txt,31215,31304,yes,education on condom use,0.0,23.0,1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,385021,CON,no studies have shown abstinence-only programs to result in delayed intercourse,no studies have shown abstinence-only programs to result in delayed intercourse,articles/t941/raw_3155.txt,66287,66366,articles/t941/clean_3155.txt,34560,34639,yes,abstinence-only programs,22.0,46.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,385022,CON,parents want their children to receive comprehensive sexuality education including condom use,parents want their children to receive comprehensive sexuality education including condom use,articles/t941/raw_3155.txt,66415,66508,articles/t941/clean_3155.txt,34688,34781,yes,comprehensive sexuality education including condom use,39.0,93.0,1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,385023,PRO,condom-promotion programs encourage promiscuity,condom-promotion programs encourage promiscuity,articles/t941/raw_3155.txt,81100,81147,articles/t941/clean_3155.txt,44284,44331,yes,condom-promotion programs,0.0,25.0,-1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,385035,PRO,educating children about sex can encourage them to engage in it,educating children about sex can encourage them to engage in it,articles/t941/raw_3156.txt,37275,37338,articles/t941/clean_3156.txt,20649,20712,yes,educating children about sex,0.0,28.0,-1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510484,PRO,"The majority of parents reject the so-called ""comprehensive"" sex education approach","The majority of parents reject the so-called ""comprehensive"" sex education approach",articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,4681,4764,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,2336,2419,yes,"the so-called ""comprehensive"" sex education approach",31.0,83.0,-1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510485,PRO,"the importance of the ""wait to have sex"" message ends up being lost when programs demonstrate and encourage the use of contraception","the importance of the ""wait to have sex"" message ends up being lost when programs demonstrate and encourage the use of contraception",articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,4870,5002,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,2525,2657,yes,when programs demonstrate and encourage the use of contraception,68.0,132.0,-1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510486,CON,"sexual behavior after puberty is a given, and it is therefore crucial to provide information about the risks and how they can be minimized","sexual behavior after puberty is a given, and it is therefore crucial to provide information about the risks and how they can be minimized",articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,12904,13042,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,6900,7038,yes,to provide information about the risks and how they can be minimized,70.0,138.0,1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510487,CON,abstinence-only sex ed and conservative moralizing will only alienate students,abstinence-only sex ed and conservative moralizing will only alienate students,articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,13059,13161,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,7055,7133,yes,abstinence-only sex ed and conservative moralizing,0.0,50.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510488,CON,Adolescents who begin having sexual intercourse need to understand the importance of using an effective contraceptive every time they have sex,Adolescents who begin having sexual intercourse need to understand the importance of using an effective contraceptive every time they have sex,articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,13974,14116,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,7672,7814,yes,to understand the importance of using an effective contraceptive every time they have sex,53.0,142.0,1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510489,CON,the comprehensive programs work for youth population across the spectrum,the comprehensive programs work for youth population across the spectrum,articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,14822,14894,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,8485,8557,yes,the comprehensive programs,0.0,26.0,1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510490,PRO,Premarital sex is considered to be morally objectionable,premarital sex to be morally objectionable,articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,16016,16058,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,9547,9589,yes,Premarital sex,0.0,14.0,-1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510491,PRO,teaching of contraception for school children presume premarital sex from the outset and somewhat imply that such things are morally permissible,teaching of contraception for school children presume premarital sex from the outset and somewhat imply that such things are morally permissible,articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,16245,16389,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,9776,9920,yes,teaching of contraception for school children,0.0,45.0,-1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510492,PRO,Comprehensive curricula fail to teach moral behavior,comprehensive curricula which fail to teach moral behavior,articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,16902,16960,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,10394,10452,yes,Comprehensive curricula,0.0,23.0,-1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510493,CON,sex education programs focusing on both abstinence and contraception had a positive effect on teen sexual behavior,sex education programs focusing on both abstinence and contraception had a positive effect on teen sexual behavior,articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,17343,17457,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,10832,10946,yes,sex education programs focusing on both abstinence and contraception,0.0,68.0,1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510494,PRO,Programs that stress abstinence as the only acceptable behavior for unmarried teens delay the initiation of sex,programs that stress abstinence as the only acceptable behavior for unmarried teens delayed the initiation of sex,articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,17504,17617,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,10993,11106,yes,Programs that stress abstinence as the only acceptable behavior for unmarried teens,0.0,83.0,1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510495,CON,there does not exist strong evidence that any particular abstinence program is effective at delaying sex or reducing sexual behavior,there does not exist strong evidence that any particular abstinence program is effective at delaying sex or reducing sexual behavior,articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,17932,18064,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,11239,11371,yes,any particular abstinence program,42.0,75.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510496,CON,studies of abstinence programs have not produced sufficient evidence to justify their widespread dissemination,studies of abstinence programs have not produced sufficient evidence to justify their widespread dissemination,articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,18321,18431,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,11628,11738,yes,abstinence programs,11.0,30.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510497,PRO,"a morality based on sex only within the bounds of marriage is ""healthy and constructive","a morality based on sex only within the bounds of marriage is ""healthy and constructive",articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,18587,18674,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,11881,11968,yes,a morality based on sex only within the bounds of marriage,0.0,58.0,1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510499,PRO,Abstinence is the most effective preventative measure against both pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases,is the most effective preventative measure against both pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases,articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,19786,19889,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,12671,12770,yes,Abstinence,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510500,PRO,sexual activity outside of the context of marriage is likely to have harmful psychological and physical effects,sexual activity outside of the context of marriage is likely to have harmful psychological and physical effects,articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,21541,21652,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,13914,14025,yes,sexual activity outside of the context of marriage,0.0,50.0,-1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510502,CON,Denying teens factual information leads to unwanted pregnancies and STIs,denying teens such factual information leads to unwanted pregnancies and STIs,articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,33803,33880,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,19251,19328,yes,Denying teens factual information,0.0,33.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510503,CON,abstinence-only programs deprive teenagers of critical information about sexuality,abstinence-only programs deprive teenagers of critical information about sexuality,articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,36207,36289,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,20387,20469,yes,abstinence-only programs,0.0,24.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510504,CON,sex education needs to be comprehensive to be effective,sex education needs to be comprehensive to be effective,articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,41426,41481,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,23810,23865,yes,to be comprehensive,20.0,39.0,1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510505,CON,Abstinence-only programs have not demonstrated successful outcomes,Abstinence-only programs have not demonstrated successful outcomes,articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,42071,42137,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,24435,24501,yes,Abstinence-only programs,0.0,24.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510507,PRO,"abstinence-only sex education programs ""reduce risky sexual behaviours","abstinence-only sex education programs ""reduce risky sexual behaviours",articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,42713,42783,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,25055,25125,yes,abstinence-only sex education programs,0.0,38.0,1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510508,CON,Sex education programs focusing on both abstinence and contraception have a positive effect on teen sexual behavior,sex education programs focusing on both abstinence and contraception had a positive effect on teen sexual behavior,articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,43912,44026,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,25390,25504,yes,Sex education programs focusing on both abstinence and contraception,0.0,68.0,1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510509,PRO,Abstinence-only programs delay the initiation of sex,abstinence-only programs delayed the initiation of sex,articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,44073,44127,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,25551,25605,yes,Abstinence-only programs,0.0,24.0,1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510512,CON,abstinence-only sex education leads to the opposite of the intended results by spreading ignorance regarding sexually transmitted diseases and the proper use of contraceptives,abstinence-only sex education leads to the opposite of the intended results by spreading ignorance regarding sexually transmitted diseases and the proper use of contraceptives,articles/t941/raw_3131.txt,45645,45820,articles/t941/clean_3131.txt,26564,26739,yes,abstinence-only sex education,0.0,29.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510603,CON,Abstinence only sex education does not decrease rates of unplanned pregnancy,does not decrease rates of unplanned pregnancy,articles/t941/raw_3132.txt,1506,1554,articles/t941/clean_3132.txt,610,656,yes,Abstinence only sex education,0.0,29.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510604,CON,abstinence-only education is ineffective,abstinence-only education is ineffective,articles/t941/raw_3132.txt,1763,1803,articles/t941/clean_3132.txt,843,883,yes,abstinence-only education,0.0,25.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510605,CON,"abstinence-only education is motivated by religious teachings, which have no place in the classroom","abstinence-only education is motivated by religious teachings, which have no place in the classroom",articles/t941/raw_3132.txt,1813,1912,articles/t941/clean_3132.txt,893,992,yes,abstinence-only education,0.0,25.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510606,PRO,sex before marriage and at a young age has heavy physical and emotional costs,sex before marriage and at a young age has heavy physical and emotional costs,articles/t941/raw_3132.txt,3843,3946,articles/t941/clean_3132.txt,1680,1757,yes,sex before marriage and at a young age,0.0,38.0,-1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510607,CON,such programs fail to provide adequate information to protect the health of adolescents,such programs fail to provide adequate information to protect the health of adolescents,articles/t941/raw_3132.txt,4581,4670,articles/t941/clean_3132.txt,2190,2277,yes,such programs,0.0,13.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510608,CON,such programs verge on religious interference in secular education,such programs verge on religious interference in secular education,articles/t941/raw_3132.txt,4703,4769,articles/t941/clean_3132.txt,2308,2374,yes,such programs,0.0,13.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510609,CON,abstinence-only sex education distorts information about contraceptives,abstinence-only sex education distorts information about contraceptives,articles/t941/raw_3132.txt,6840,6911,articles/t941/clean_3132.txt,2834,2905,yes,abstinence-only sex education,0.0,29.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510610,CON,Evidence has not supported the effective use of abstinence-only sex education,Evidence has not supported the effective use of abstinence-only sex education,articles/t941/raw_3132.txt,7193,7270,articles/t941/clean_3132.txt,3023,3100,yes,the effective use of abstinence-only sex education,27.0,77.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510611,CON,Abstinence-only sex education does not decrease rates of unplanned pregnancy,does not decrease rates of unplanned pregnancy,articles/t941/raw_3132.txt,7413,7461,articles/t941/clean_3132.txt,3200,3246,yes,Abstinence-only sex education,0.0,29.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510612,CON,abstinence-only-until-marriage programs are ineffective,abstinence-only-until-marriage programs are ineffective,articles/t941/raw_3132.txt,7987,8042,articles/t941/clean_3132.txt,3569,3624,yes,abstinence-only-until-marriage programs,0.0,39.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510721,PRO,early sexual activity - whether in or out of a romantic relationship - does far more harm than good,early sexual activity - whether in or out of a romantic relationship - does far more harm than good,articles/t941/raw_3133.txt,2733,2832,articles/t941/clean_3133.txt,2065,2164,yes,early sexual activity,0.0,21.0,-1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510722,CON,"Comprehensive sex education covers abstinence as a positive choice, but also teaches about contraception and avoidance of STIs","Comprehensive sex education covers abstinence as a positive choice, but also teaches about contraception and avoidance of STIs",articles/t941/raw_3133.txt,50853,50979,articles/t941/clean_3133.txt,42406,42532,yes,Comprehensive sex education,0.0,27.0,1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510732,CON,all abstinence programs are ineffective,all abstinence programs are ineffective,articles/t941/raw_3133.txt,57509,57548,articles/t941/clean_3133.txt,48403,48442,yes,all abstinence programs,0.0,23.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510748,CON,abstinence only sex education is ineffective,abstinence only sex education is ineffective,articles/t941/raw_3134.txt,1458,1502,articles/t941/clean_3134.txt,1396,1440,yes,abstinence only sex education,0.0,29.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510749,PRO,Abstinence until marriage is the most effective way to avoid HIV infection,"abstinence until marriage, the most effective way to avoid HIV infection",articles/t941/raw_3134.txt,2985,3057,articles/t941/clean_3134.txt,1846,1918,yes,Abstinence until marriage,0.0,25.0,1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510750,PRO,abstinence is the only guaranteed way of avoiding unwanted pregnancies and contraction of STDs,abstinence is the only guaranteed way of avoiding unwanted pregnancies and contraction of STDs,articles/t941/raw_3134.txt,4659,4753,articles/t941/clean_3134.txt,3142,3236,yes,abstinence,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510760,CON,"The lack of education on safe sex, whether it’s from parents, schools, or otherwise, is a cause of teenage pregnancy","The lack of education on safe sex, whether it’s from parents, schools, or otherwise, is a cause of teenage pregnancy",articles/t941/raw_3144.txt,28265,28381,articles/t941/clean_3144.txt,15449,15565,yes,The lack of education on safe sex,0.0,33.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510761,CON,comprehensive sex education would effectively reduce the number of teenage pregnancies,comprehensive sex education would effectively reduce the number of teenage pregnancies,articles/t941/raw_3144.txt,53667,53757,articles/t941/clean_3144.txt,30436,30522,yes,comprehensive sex education,0.0,27.0,1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,510762,PRO,Comprehensive sex education encourages more and earlier sexual activity,such education encourages more and earlier sexual activity,articles/t941/raw_3144.txt,53789,53847,articles/t941/clean_3144.txt,30554,30612,yes,Comprehensive sex education,0.0,27.0,-1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,511940,CON,Evidence does not support the use of abstinence only sex education,Evidence does not support the use of abstinence only sex education,articles/t941/raw_3145.txt,27434,27500,articles/t941/clean_3145.txt,17041,17107,yes,the use of abstinence only sex education,26.0,66.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,511941,PRO,Providing safe-sex education promotes promiscuity,providing such education promotes promiscuity,articles/t941/raw_3145.txt,28502,28549,articles/t941/clean_3145.txt,17442,17487,yes,Providing safe-sex education,0.0,28.0,-1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,513193,CON,Abstinence-only programs have no positive effects,abstinence-only programs to have no positive effects,articles/t941/raw_3183.txt,34176,34228,articles/t941/clean_3183.txt,18101,18153,yes,Abstinence-only programs,0.0,24.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,514950,CON,sex education is necessary to prepare the young for the task ahead,sex education is necessary to prepare the young for the task ahead,articles/t941/raw_3130.txt,5613,5679,articles/t941/clean_3130.txt,4762,4828,yes,sex education,0.0,13.0,1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,514951,CON,Countries with conservative attitudes towards sex education have a higher incidence of STIs and teenage pregnancy,have a higher incidence of STIs and teenage pregnancy,articles/t941/raw_3130.txt,8479,8532,articles/t941/clean_3130.txt,7209,7262,yes,Countries with conservative attitudes towards sex education,0.0,59.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,514952,CON,broad sex education programs have global benefits,broad sex education programs have global benefits,articles/t941/raw_3130.txt,9098,9147,articles/t941/clean_3130.txt,7592,7641,yes,broad sex education programs,0.0,28.0,1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,514953,CON,Sex education in school makes it easier for parents to talk to their adolescents about sex,sex education in school makes it easier for them to talk to their adolescents about sex,articles/t941/raw_3130.txt,10192,10279,articles/t941/clean_3130.txt,8252,8339,yes,Sex education in school,0.0,23.0,1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,514954,CON,Adolescents want both to talk to their parents about sex and to have comprehensive in-school sex education,they want both to talk to their parents about sex and to have comprehensive in-school sex education,articles/t941/raw_3130.txt,10478,10577,articles/t941/clean_3130.txt,8384,8483,yes,to talk to their parents about sex and to have comprehensive in-school sex education,22.0,106.0,1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,514956,CON,abstinence-only programs did not reduce the likelihood of pregnancy,abstinence-only programs did not reduce the likelihood of pregnancy,articles/t941/raw_3130.txt,11677,11744,articles/t941/clean_3130.txt,9002,9069,yes,abstinence-only programs,0.0,24.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,514959,CON,the vast majority of Americans favor broader sex education programs over those that teach only abstinence,the vast majority of Americans favor broader sex education programs over those that teach only abstinence,articles/t941/raw_3130.txt,38483,38588,articles/t941/clean_3130.txt,26940,27045,yes,broader sex education programs,37.0,67.0,1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,514964,CON,open dialogue about physical intimacy and health education can generate more self-esteem,open dialogue about physical intimacy and health education can generate more self-esteem,articles/t941/raw_3130.txt,54353,54441,articles/t941/clean_3130.txt,32943,33031,yes,open dialogue about physical intimacy and health education,0.0,58.0,1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,514965,PRO,sexual behavior outside of marriage is immoral,sexual behavior outside of marriage is immoral,articles/t941/raw_3130.txt,55423,55469,articles/t941/clean_3130.txt,33787,33833,yes,sexual behavior outside of marriage,0.0,35.0,-1.0,-1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,534316,PRO,Abstinence is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy,Abstinence is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy,articles/t941/raw_3146.txt,13071,13123,articles/t941/clean_3146.txt,6247,6299,yes,Abstinence,0.0,10.0,1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,534317,CON,Abstinence-only education programs often provide inaccurate information about contraceptives and sexuality,often provide inaccurate information about contraceptives and sexuality,articles/t941/raw_3146.txt,57476,57547,articles/t941/clean_3146.txt,28982,29053,yes,Abstinence-only education programs,0.0,34.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,534319,PRO,Abstinence-only education will result in decreased rates of teenage pregnancy and STD infection,will result in decreased rates of teenage pregnancy and STD infection,articles/t941/raw_3146.txt,57999,58068,articles/t941/clean_3146.txt,29247,29316,yes,Abstinence-only education,0.0,25.0,1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,534321,CON,Abstinence-only sex education programs show an increase in the rates of pregnancy and STDs of a teenage population,Abstinence-only sex education programs show an increase in the rates of pregnancy and STDs of a teenage population,articles/t941/raw_3146.txt,58075,58189,articles/t941/clean_3146.txt,29320,29434,yes,Abstinence-only sex education programs,0.0,38.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,534322,CON,Professional medical organizations oppose the sole use of abstinence-only sex education,oppose the sole use of abstinence-only sex education,articles/t941/raw_3146.txt,59325,59377,articles/t941/clean_3146.txt,29686,29738,yes,the sole use of abstinence-only sex education,42.0,87.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,534350,PRO,sexual abstinence confers numerous health benefits,sexual abstinence confers numerous health benefits,articles/t941/raw_3150.txt,5566,5616,articles/t941/clean_3150.txt,4868,4918,yes,sexual abstinence,0.0,17.0,1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,534351,PRO,Sexual abstinence diminishes the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases,Sexual abstinence diminishes the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases,articles/t941/raw_3150.txt,8072,8188,articles/t941/clean_3150.txt,7193,7275,yes,Sexual abstinence,0.0,17.0,1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,534352,PRO,sexual abstinence in teenagers decreases the risk of contracting STDs and having children outside marriage,sexual abstinence in teenagers decreases the risk of contracting STDs and having children outside marriage,articles/t941/raw_3150.txt,9604,9710,articles/t941/clean_3150.txt,8363,8469,yes,sexual abstinence in teenagers,0.0,30.0,1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,534353,CON,excessive repression of the sexual instinct leads to an increase in the overall level of aggression in a given society,excessive repression of the sexual instinct leads to an increase in the overall level of aggression in a given society,articles/t941/raw_3150.txt,10817,10935,articles/t941/clean_3150.txt,9335,9453,yes,excessive repression of the sexual instinct,0.0,43.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,534355,CON,Education programs which focus exclusively on abstinence have never been shown to delay sexual activity,Education programs which focus exclusively on abstinence have never been shown to delay sexual activity,articles/t941/raw_3150.txt,12345,12448,articles/t941/clean_3150.txt,10481,10584,yes,Education programs which focus exclusively on abstinence,0.0,56.0,-1.0,1.0 941,test,This house would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,only teach abstinence for sex education in schools,1,534357,CON,"Sex-abstinence programs do not stop risky sexual behavior, or help in the prevention of unwanted pregnancy","they do not stop risky sexual behavior, or help in the prevention of unwanted pregnancy",articles/t941/raw_3150.txt,16178,16265,articles/t941/clean_3150.txt,13092,13179,yes,Sex-abstinence programs,0.0,23.0,-1.0,1.0