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1/1/1930 | | Poem by Shri Mataji at the age of 7 | India | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Quote | English | 0 | null | null | null | null | null |
1/1/1961 | | Extract from souvenir, Dignity of Art | India | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Quote | English | 0 | null | null | null | null | null |
1/1/1970 | | Unidentified Hindi Talk, date unknown (extract on Swadishthana) | India | City Unknown | null | Reviewed | null | Draft | null | Y | Y | N | Talk to Sahaja Yogis | Hindi | 6 | Swadishthan Chakra. The quality of this Chakra is that you become creative. Your creativity increases. People who never even
wrote a line, start writing poetry. People who had never given a speech started giving long speeches and people who had never
painted, never been artistic, become artistic. Become very creative. We have our architects, who have scaled great heights. So
creativity comes into human, and he believes that his creativeness is very important. He does not care about money, he cares
about being creative and neither do many people want to get a big name, for which create some or the other weird thing. Today
many weird things are made so that we become famous, people will remember us a lot, but there is no art in that. So you receive
great degree of art (creativity) when this second Chakra of yours, the Swadishthan Chakra becomes alright. And because of this,
because of Swadishthan, what we think, we use the power of the the grey cells in our brain. So this Chakra supplies that required
power. This Chakra. So, people who think too much get all kinds of illnesses, which we call the right sided illnesses. One of the
illness is that the liver is spoilt and another is that he gets diabetes in his Pancreas. If not that then he could get kidney trouble, if
not tat then he could get constipation, if not that then he could get Asthma, if not that then he could get a Heart Attack and he
could also get Paralysis. So all right sided illnesses come from the Swadishthan Chakra and also the left sided illnesses come
from this Chakra. So it is very important that we maintain the Swadishthan Chakra in good condition. Now how the Kundalini
takes care of the Swadishthan Chakra and gives it….. that when you awaken the Kundalini of somebody and his Swadishthan
Chakra is caught then in the back, where the Swadishthan Chakra is there, you will think there is heart over there. When there is
fast throbbing, you know that this man’s Swadishthan Chakra is caught. When is right Swadishthan is cleared, then his attention
become pure and all the stress etc. which is within him nowadays is finished and he becomes settled in peace. Nowadays it is
very important that we keep our Swadishthan Chakra in good condition as we are burdened with innumerable workloads
nowadays. By keeping the Swadishthan Chakra clear, however much the human is troubled or he has nay problems , he sees
them in a peaceful and detached way and he understands what has gone wrong. Means that his Swadishthan Chakra gets so
much spoilt nowadays and so many illnesses are caused. Everything is there, but there is some specialty of the Swadishthan
Chakra that it is so bad in this Modern age. Then there are also those other diseases, I don’t want to go into their details but will
say this that other than diseases, human being become very dissatisfied and becomes very angry. Becomes right sided. In little
little thing he is short-tempered, he feels that I am a man of my such a position but no one respects me. A nobody also believes
that he is important person. This happens due to the right side Swadishthan and when the left side Swadishthan gets caught
then the Person becomes very worried and sad. He becomes depressed and he thinks that there is nobody worse than me.
Everybody is troubling me. I have problems. All kinds of Philological cases happen. So these two sides of the Chakra, the left and
right, should be taken great care of and this is very useful thing in Sahaja Yoga because both these chakras become cleared.
When they are clear then you understand everything as if you are watching yourself from the outside. Oh….so now you are
getting angry…., take a seat, you laugh at yourself. Make fun of yourself. You think about yourself …..Yes what I do….what I am
doing…. so in this way human put his attention in that place and your attention becomes enlightened and it corrects the
attention. Sahaja Yoga is very important for the Swadishthan Chakra and nowadays all the problems are due to the Swadishthan,
this I …….. | null | null | null | Swadishthan Chakra. The quality of this Chakra is that you become creative. Your creativity increases. People who never even
wrote a line, start writing poetry. People who had never given a speech started giving long speeches and people who had never
painted, never been artistic, become artistic. Become very creative. We have our architects, who have scaled great heights. So
creativity comes into human, and he believes that his creativeness is very important. He does not care about money, he cares
about being creative and neither do many people want to get a big name, for which create some or the other weird thing. Today
many weird things are made so that we become famous, people will remember us a lot, but there is no art in that. So you receive
great degree of art (creativity) when this second Chakra of yours, the Swadishthan Chakra becomes alright. And because of this,
because of Swadishthan, what we think, we use the power of the the grey cells in our brain. So this Chakra supplies that required
power. This Chakra. So, people who think too much get all kinds of illnesses, which we call the right sided illnesses. One of the
illness is that the liver is spoilt and another is that he gets diabetes in his Pancreas. If not that then he could get kidney trouble, if
not tat then he could get constipation, if not that then he could get Asthma, if not that then he could get a Heart Attack and he
could also get Paralysis. So all right sided illnesses come from the Swadishthan Chakra and also the left sided illnesses come
from this Chakra. So it is very important that we maintain the Swadishthan Chakra in good condition. Now how the Kundalini
takes care of the Swadishthan Chakra and gives it….. that when you awaken the Kundalini of somebody and his Swadishthan
Chakra is caught then in the back, where the Swadishthan Chakra is there, you will think there is heart over there. When there is
fast throbbing, you know that this man’s Swadishthan Chakra is caught. When is right Swadishthan is cleared, then his attention
become pure and all the stress etc. which is within him nowadays is finished and he becomes settled in peace. Nowadays it is
very important that we keep our Swadishthan Chakra in good condition as we are burdened with innumerable workloads
nowadays. By keeping the Swadishthan Chakra clear, however much the human is troubled or he has nay problems , he sees
them in a peaceful and detached way and he understands what has gone wrong. Means that his Swadishthan Chakra gets so
much spoilt nowadays and so many illnesses are caused. Everything is there, but there is some specialty of the Swadishthan
Chakra that it is so bad in this Modern age. Then there are also those other diseases, I don’t want to go into their details but will
say this that other than diseases, human being become very dissatisfied and becomes very angry. Becomes right sided. In little
little thing he is short-tempered, he feels that I am a man of my such a position but no one respects me. A nobody also believes
that he is important person. This happens due to the right side Swadishthan and when the left side Swadishthan gets caught
then the Person becomes very worried and sad. He becomes depressed and he thinks that there is nobody worse than me.
Everybody is troubling me. I have problems. All kinds of Philological cases happen. So these two sides of the Chakra, the left and
right, should be taken great care of and this is very useful thing in Sahaja Yoga because both these chakras become cleared.
When they are clear then you understand everything as if you are watching yourself from the outside. Oh….so now you are
getting angry…., take a seat, you laugh at yourself. Make fun of yourself. You think about yourself …..Yes what I do….what I am
doing…. so in this way human put his attention in that place and your attention becomes enlightened and it corrects the
attention. Sahaja Yoga is very important for the Swadishthan Chakra and nowadays all the problems are due to the Swadishthan,
this I …….. |
1/1/1970 | | Unidentified Hindi Talk, date unknown (Extract on Agnya Chakra) | India | New Delhi | null | VERIFIED | null | VERIFIED | null | Y | Y | N | Talk to Sahaja Yogis | Hindi | 9 | Translation from Hindi [...] you have come to the programme and whilst sitting here, you are still thinking about your problems
and worries. Oh, this happened to me, that happened to me. When should I discuss this with Mataji — what calamity has fallen
upon me? Mataji, you are the Goddess, these are my troubles. Instead of trying to understand what is being said, you continue to
overthink about your problems and are allured into illusions. These illusions cause you cancer, or else you get this disease or
that. This type of mental projections – what are we thinking? What type of thoughts do we get? Thoughts such as- we have this
grief, we have that grief, this mammoth problem. Instead, you should rather “count your blessings”. How many blessings the
Almighty has bestowed upon us? Crores of people live in this city of Delhi. How many of them have got Sahaja Yoga? We are
some special people; not some frivolous people who should spoil their attention. We have been blessed with Sahaja Yoga. We
should have a realization of this from within and should go deeper into that inner being. That is how you can get rid of these
deceitful limitations. If you will not break free from these limitations yourself, somehow you will start having such experiences
that will themselves break these shackles- when you think, this is ours. If you will say we are from Delhi, one day these people
from Delhi will outcast you. If you will say we are from Noida, then people from Noida will run after you with their guns. Then you
will realize why did I say I am from Noida. Then, when you will run towards Delhi, the people from Delhi will scorn you saying why
are you coming here now, you are from Noida. This way, you will belong nowhere and will have nowhere to call your own. The
reason for this is that your attention (Chitta) also belongs nowhere – neither this way nor that. Unless you realize and go deeper
into this, you might call yourself a Sahaja Yogini or a Sahaja Yogi, I don’t think you would have become one in the real sense.
Because the first attribute of a Sahaja Yogi is that he has tranquil attention (Chitta) and is extremely powerful – not scared of
anyone – is strong. And his life is very pure, his body is pure, his heart is pure and with the light of his Spirit (Atma) he spreads
love in the whole world. I think somebody who cannot love, cannot be a Sahaja Yogi at all. He hasn’t climbed even the first rung
of the ladder. Like you see, so many kites flying in the sky but the strings of all these kites are in someone’s hands (control). If
any of the kite’s string breaks, or if the grip is lost, one can never know where the kite will fly off. That hand is the Spirit (Atma).
So, keeping your attention towards your Spirit and making yourself pure in this process is the penance (tap swaroop) in Sahaja
Yoga. For this, you did a hawan today, this is also a penance (tapa) because fire engulfs and destroys all the things. Similarly, by
your penance all your bad thoughts, all the wrong and all your limitations within, are destroyed. Receiving this bliss is your right
and you can achieve this joy and you have achieved it too. But, to spread this joy, you must have the depth. If you go to Ganga Ji
(River Ganges) with a small bowl, you can fill water in it and come back. And, if you take a pitcher along, you can fill the pitcher
and be back. However, if you can make such arrangements that the water from the Ganges can be redirected towards you, you
can have all of the river water flowing around you. So, you should watch your state. Are you taking water in a bowl from Sahaja
Yoga? Are you limited to the joy of self? Or for everyone’s joy? Or, are you the source of this bliss. So, this Agnya Chakra is
penance (tapa), this is a penance. To attain depth, it is important to have austerity (tapaswita). We spread far and wide. Sahaja
Yoga spreads rapidly. Sometimes, you will see in programmes I wonder whether all people can be accommodated in the hall?
How will it be managed? It will spread rapidly. But how many attain the depth? So, for attaining this depth, austerity (tapaswita) is
required. By penance, I don’t mean you should sit and fast. It is not required. But, if your attention is on food, then you must
abstain from it. To watch your attention (Chitta) at all times, is the penance (tapaswita) in Sahaja Yoga. Because you may spoil
your Agnya due to your attention (Chitta). Where is my attention? What am I thinking? What am I doing at this moment? What am
I thinking? If you watch your attention, always watch your conscience (antarman), then your attention will be illuminated in the
Agnya. This is the penance (tapasya) to control your attention, observe and watch your attention and thoughts. Watch now,
where is your attention? I am talking and where is your attention. The moment you start talking about attention, where did it go?
The attention (Chitta) is so distracted. I am talking and where is your attention. So, you should watch your attention. Controlling
attention doesn’t mean doing it forcefully. But when you watch your attention in the light of your Spirit (atma), then your attention
becomes illuminated. You should be focused on watching your attention (Chitta). When you see anything, for example, this pillar
in front of me is adorned with beautiful flowers. Now in each vision you can observe something. I can remember everything,
where, which, wherever and how much is the difference. The whole image is formed. The attention’s (Chitta’s) concentration
(ekāgrata) is what forms these images. That is what improves your memory. You can know everything in totality. You come to
know of everything through your attention. But, if your attention is distracted, then you cannot grasp the depth or intensity of
anything. If your attention is moving outside all the time, you cannot remember anything. So, you see, I see this everywhere, like
at the airport – talking to someone here but looking elsewhere, looking here, then looking there. But you won’t remember
anything – who is it, what is it? So, pure attention (Chitta) is very focussed (ekāgra). And such attention will absorb only what is
worthy of being absorbed. Something that isn’t worthy, pure attention will not absorb it. It won’t look towards such things. It will
be averted from such things on its own. Because it is so pure, it can’t be corrupted by impure things. It won’t go there. Now this is
up to you that you watch within and see where your attention is going. This is the penance (tapa). In Sahaja Yoga this is the only
penance (tapa) – watch where the attention is going. Where am I going? Where is my heart going? If you can do this penance,
you will be able to cross the Agnya. And there are no doubts about Sahastrāra because I am already sitting there. | null | null | null | Translation from Hindi [...] you have come to the programme and whilst sitting here, you are still thinking about your problems
and worries. Oh, this happened to me, that happened to me. When should I discuss this with Mataji — what calamity has fallen
upon me? Mataji, you are the Goddess, these are my troubles. Instead of trying to understand what is being said, you continue to
overthink about your problems and are allured into illusions. These illusions cause you cancer, or else you get this disease or
that. This type of mental projections – what are we thinking? What type of thoughts do we get? Thoughts such as- we have this
grief, we have that grief, this mammoth problem. Instead, you should rather “count your blessings”. How many blessings the
Almighty has bestowed upon us? Crores of people live in this city of Delhi. How many of them have got Sahaja Yoga? We are
some special people; not some frivolous people who should spoil their attention. We have been blessed with Sahaja Yoga. We
should have a realization of this from within and should go deeper into that inner being. That is how you can get rid of these
deceitful limitations. If you will not break free from these limitations yourself, somehow you will start having such experiences
that will themselves break these shackles- when you think, this is ours. If you will say we are from Delhi, one day these people
from Delhi will outcast you. If you will say we are from Noida, then people from Noida will run after you with their guns. Then you
will realize why did I say I am from Noida. Then, when you will run towards Delhi, the people from Delhi will scorn you saying why
are you coming here now, you are from Noida. This way, you will belong nowhere and will have nowhere to call your own. The
reason for this is that your attention (Chitta) also belongs nowhere – neither this way nor that. Unless you realize and go deeper
into this, you might call yourself a Sahaja Yogini or a Sahaja Yogi, I don’t think you would have become one in the real sense.
Because the first attribute of a Sahaja Yogi is that he has tranquil attention (Chitta) and is extremely powerful – not scared of
anyone – is strong. And his life is very pure, his body is pure, his heart is pure and with the light of his Spirit (Atma) he spreads
love in the whole world. I think somebody who cannot love, cannot be a Sahaja Yogi at all. He hasn’t climbed even the first rung
of the ladder. Like you see, so many kites flying in the sky but the strings of all these kites are in someone’s hands (control). If
any of the kite’s string breaks, or if the grip is lost, one can never know where the kite will fly off. That hand is the Spirit (Atma).
So, keeping your attention towards your Spirit and making yourself pure in this process is the penance (tap swaroop) in Sahaja
Yoga. For this, you did a hawan today, this is also a penance (tapa) because fire engulfs and destroys all the things. Similarly, by
your penance all your bad thoughts, all the wrong and all your limitations within, are destroyed. Receiving this bliss is your right
and you can achieve this joy and you have achieved it too. But, to spread this joy, you must have the depth. If you go to Ganga Ji
(River Ganges) with a small bowl, you can fill water in it and come back. And, if you take a pitcher along, you can fill the pitcher
and be back. However, if you can make such arrangements that the water from the Ganges can be redirected towards you, you
can have all of the river water flowing around you. So, you should watch your state. Are you taking water in a bowl from Sahaja
Yoga? Are you limited to the joy of self? Or for everyone’s joy? Or, are you the source of this bliss. So, this Agnya Chakra is
penance (tapa), this is a penance. To attain depth, it is important to have austerity (tapaswita). We spread far and wide. Sahaja
Yoga spreads rapidly. Sometimes, you will see in programmes I wonder whether all people can be accommodated in the hall?
How will it be managed? It will spread rapidly. But how many attain the depth? So, for attaining this depth, austerity (tapaswita) is
required. By penance, I don’t mean you should sit and fast. It is not required. But, if your attention is on food, then you must
abstain from it. To watch your attention (Chitta) at all times, is the penance (tapaswita) in Sahaja Yoga. Because you may spoil
your Agnya due to your attention (Chitta). Where is my attention? What am I thinking? What am I doing at this moment? What am
I thinking? If you watch your attention, always watch your conscience (antarman), then your attention will be illuminated in the
Agnya. This is the penance (tapasya) to control your attention, observe and watch your attention and thoughts. Watch now,
where is your attention? I am talking and where is your attention. The moment you start talking about attention, where did it go?
The attention (Chitta) is so distracted. I am talking and where is your attention. So, you should watch your attention. Controlling
attention doesn’t mean doing it forcefully. But when you watch your attention in the light of your Spirit (atma), then your attention
becomes illuminated. You should be focused on watching your attention (Chitta). When you see anything, for example, this pillar
in front of me is adorned with beautiful flowers. Now in each vision you can observe something. I can remember everything,
where, which, wherever and how much is the difference. The whole image is formed. The attention’s (Chitta’s) concentration
(ekāgrata) is what forms these images. That is what improves your memory. You can know everything in totality. You come to
know of everything through your attention. But, if your attention is distracted, then you cannot grasp the depth or intensity of
anything. If your attention is moving outside all the time, you cannot remember anything. So, you see, I see this everywhere, like
at the airport – talking to someone here but looking elsewhere, looking here, then looking there. But you won’t remember
anything – who is it, what is it? So, pure attention (Chitta) is very focussed (ekāgra). And such attention will absorb only what is
worthy of being absorbed. Something that isn’t worthy, pure attention will not absorb it. It won’t look towards such things. It will
be averted from such things on its own. Because it is so pure, it can’t be corrupted by impure things. It won’t go there. Now this is
up to you that you watch within and see where your attention is going. This is the penance (tapa). In Sahaja Yoga this is the only
penance (tapa) – watch where the attention is going. Where am I going? Where is my heart going? If you can do this penance,
you will be able to cross the Agnya. And there are no doubts about Sahastrāra because I am already sitting there. |
1/1/1970 | | Ushering in the Satya Yuga (THE LIFE ETERNAL, 1981 ISSUE, PAGE 1) | Country Unknown | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Quote | English | 0 | Ushering in the Satya Yuga Human beings have various sources through which he constructs the picture of God Almighty. His
ideas about truth are also based on these different sources. Before realization it is .not possible to know what is the real source
and which is the imaginary plight. When people construct on their own and write books it gets confirmed by the masses as the
authentic version. For a real seeker it is necessary to open the mind to receive the light of self-realization. He should not discard
or accept anything before the self-realization. Because none of the knowledge whether real or fake has granted self-realization.
About Kundalini and spiritual happening also there are many books. Some of them are correct, some of them confused and
some of them are absolutely false. When one. gets realization the being acts like a computer as if the inner subtle mechanism
has been connected with the mains. Through vibrations of chaitanya which appeal like cool breeze one can detect for oneself as
to what is reality. The Being realizes that it becomes the carrier of the dynamic force of Divine Love. He understands and records
its working. Then only one realizes the meaning of human personality which has evolved from an amoeba to this stage. The
totality of man is felt through the spiritual synthesis of physical, emotional and mental beings. And, if it works like child’s play
why should you worry how it’s done? If you are hungry you should start eating. I leave it to your wisdom and to your freedom to
feel the longing from inside. Sahaja Yoga is the fantastic gift of Nature that has revealed truths for the emancipation and
evolution of the human race. So far our evolution has taken place without our knowledge, but the ascent of man now is going to
be in his full awareness. In thousands of years man could not reach the moon, but to-day it is possible. The ignorant do not
believe of the human landing on the moon. In the same way those who learnt about God through books, and not through Sahaja
meditation, are equally ignorant. They have always denied incarnations, real prophets and real gurus. On the tree of life there
might have been very few flowers, but now the blossom time has come. Their fragrance of longing has collectively materialised
the manifestation of Sahaja Yoga. Many are going to jump into the realm of Thoughtless Awareness where you get introduced to
yourself and start identifying with your Universal Nature. Let us open our hearts and receive the blessings of God Almighty.
Through Sahaja Yoga only can the Satya Yuga be felt in the human heart. | null | null | null | Ushering in the Satya Yuga Human beings have various sources through which he constructs the picture of God Almighty. His
ideas about truth are also based on these different sources. Before realization it is .not possible to know what is the real source
and which is the imaginary plight. When people construct on their own and write books it gets confirmed by the masses as the
authentic version. For a real seeker it is necessary to open the mind to receive the light of self-realization. He should not discard
or accept anything before the self-realization. Because none of the knowledge whether real or fake has granted self-realization.
About Kundalini and spiritual happening also there are many books. Some of them are correct, some of them confused and
some of them are absolutely false. When one. gets realization the being acts like a computer as if the inner subtle mechanism
has been connected with the mains. Through vibrations of chaitanya which appeal like cool breeze one can detect for oneself as
to what is reality. The Being realizes that it becomes the carrier of the dynamic force of Divine Love. He understands and records
its working. Then only one realizes the meaning of human personality which has evolved from an amoeba to this stage. The
totality of man is felt through the spiritual synthesis of physical, emotional and mental beings. And, if it works like child’s play
why should you worry how it’s done? If you are hungry you should start eating. I leave it to your wisdom and to your freedom to
feel the longing from inside. Sahaja Yoga is the fantastic gift of Nature that has revealed truths for the emancipation and
evolution of the human race. So far our evolution has taken place without our knowledge, but the ascent of man now is going to
be in his full awareness. In thousands of years man could not reach the moon, but to-day it is possible. The ignorant do not
believe of the human landing on the moon. In the same way those who learnt about God through books, and not through Sahaja
meditation, are equally ignorant. They have always denied incarnations, real prophets and real gurus. On the tree of life there
might have been very few flowers, but now the blossom time has come. Their fragrance of longing has collectively materialised
the manifestation of Sahaja Yoga. Many are going to jump into the realm of Thoughtless Awareness where you get introduced to
yourself and start identifying with your Universal Nature. Let us open our hearts and receive the blessings of God Almighty.
Through Sahaja Yoga only can the Satya Yuga be felt in the human heart. |
1/1/1970 | | Quote (THE LIFE ETERNAL, 1980 ISSUE, PAGE 50) | Country Unknown | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Quote | English | 0 | null | null | null | null | null |
1/1/1970 | | Quote (THE LIFE ETERNAL, 1980 ISSUE, PAGE 48) | Country Unknown | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Quote | English | 0 | null | null | null | null | null |
1/1/1970 | | Letter to Dr. Raul, from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 8 (Mar.-Apr. 1982), Page 23 | Country Unknown | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Letter / Poem | English | 0 | My dear Dr. Raul, I received a very detailed letter from Damle. It was a very wise step on your part to have met Shri Gagan Gadh
Maharaj. What he says about the miracle of Sahaja Yoga is absolutely true. The reason why this great sanctuary never
manifested in reality was that whenever Adi Shakti descended as incarnation (She) did not have all the chakras integrated
through Sahasrara. The complete harmony and unison merged into an integrated instrument of her personality is bringing forth
these fantastic results. So much so that I am surprised at myself. I think he (Gagan Gadh Maharaj) also cannot imagine the
dynamics of this Discovery and hence he feels that 'Avadhutas' have to be away in the forests and that Cancer can give you
reaction. You have cured the Cancer of Phadke's father. Did it give you any reaction? When you are at a giving end how can you
receive anything? You are reborn as Lotus which does not take anything bad from muddy surroundings but transforms its
surroundings with its beauty and fills it with fragrance. This is the magic of a realised soul. Do you think doctors will accept that
there exists the Kingdom of God and that it creates us and that the Lord of our autonomous nervous system is our Spirit which is
the reflection of God? You can quote the names of people like Mr. Bose and Mr. Daftary and Mr. Sharma who is miraculously
cured of his colour blindness through Sahaja Yoga. In any case I am going to America next year. One of my dear Sons Dr.
Lanjewar has now become the president of the Medical Practitioners Association of New York and is very anxious to have a
conference next year in New York. Due to our slavery for so many years, doctors in India have lost the capacity to know that we
are the people born on the Yoga Bhumi. Their thinking is so slavish that they think all our ideas about medicine are stupid while
western knowledge is very sensible. I bless you with all my heart that Dr. Ramlingam has good vibrations. Shri Rama in him
would have wisdom to understand the ways of God Almighty. I send you my love and protection so that you can break that
barriers of ignorance of our medical men. Let them know that the time has come, for them to accept that science is not
every-thing. It only discovers whatever exists and appears before the gross being. Once we become subtle rising in the fourth
dimension, we see the subtle being, the Spirit and contentment and Divine working of this love. It cannot be done by argument.
One has to be realised. One has to evolve through Sahaja Yoga spontaneously as this is a living process. For Cancer, best
treatment is of water, i.e., putting feet in the river, sea or in the water at home with the photograph. Water has the religion
(Dharma) of cleansing and hence Shri Vishnu and Dattatreya, who are responsible for the religion (Dharma) of human beings, are
to be worshipped. They help you to cure and also the local Deity of the Chakra that is attacked. Put the patient before the
photograph with the candle and his feet being in the water, bring down your hands across the sympathetic nervous system
towards the water. The patient will cool down gradually. If he gets realization, then he is cured. More in the next. Your loving
Mother Nirmala | null | null | null | My dear Dr. Raul, I received a very detailed letter from Damle. It was a very wise step on your part to have met Shri Gagan Gadh
Maharaj. What he says about the miracle of Sahaja Yoga is absolutely true. The reason why this great sanctuary never
manifested in reality was that whenever Adi Shakti descended as incarnation (She) did not have all the chakras integrated
through Sahasrara. The complete harmony and unison merged into an integrated instrument of her personality is bringing forth
these fantastic results. So much so that I am surprised at myself. I think he (Gagan Gadh Maharaj) also cannot imagine the
dynamics of this Discovery and hence he feels that 'Avadhutas' have to be away in the forests and that Cancer can give you
reaction. You have cured the Cancer of Phadke's father. Did it give you any reaction? When you are at a giving end how can you
receive anything? You are reborn as Lotus which does not take anything bad from muddy surroundings but transforms its
surroundings with its beauty and fills it with fragrance. This is the magic of a realised soul. Do you think doctors will accept that
there exists the Kingdom of God and that it creates us and that the Lord of our autonomous nervous system is our Spirit which is
the reflection of God? You can quote the names of people like Mr. Bose and Mr. Daftary and Mr. Sharma who is miraculously
cured of his colour blindness through Sahaja Yoga. In any case I am going to America next year. One of my dear Sons Dr.
Lanjewar has now become the president of the Medical Practitioners Association of New York and is very anxious to have a
conference next year in New York. Due to our slavery for so many years, doctors in India have lost the capacity to know that we
are the people born on the Yoga Bhumi. Their thinking is so slavish that they think all our ideas about medicine are stupid while
western knowledge is very sensible. I bless you with all my heart that Dr. Ramlingam has good vibrations. Shri Rama in him
would have wisdom to understand the ways of God Almighty. I send you my love and protection so that you can break that
barriers of ignorance of our medical men. Let them know that the time has come, for them to accept that science is not
every-thing. It only discovers whatever exists and appears before the gross being. Once we become subtle rising in the fourth
dimension, we see the subtle being, the Spirit and contentment and Divine working of this love. It cannot be done by argument.
One has to be realised. One has to evolve through Sahaja Yoga spontaneously as this is a living process. For Cancer, best
treatment is of water, i.e., putting feet in the river, sea or in the water at home with the photograph. Water has the religion
(Dharma) of cleansing and hence Shri Vishnu and Dattatreya, who are responsible for the religion (Dharma) of human beings, are
to be worshipped. They help you to cure and also the local Deity of the Chakra that is attacked. Put the patient before the
photograph with the candle and his feet being in the water, bring down your hands across the sympathetic nervous system
towards the water. The patient will cool down gradually. If he gets realization, then he is cured. More in the next. Your loving
Mother Nirmala |
1/1/1970 | | Quote (THE LIFE ETERNAL, 1980 ISSUE, PAGE 13) | Country Unknown | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Quote | English | 0 | "Nothing is easier than turning on the light in a room. You must press the switch button. But there is a big mechanism that works
it out - wires, power houses and the whole process of scientific discovery which mastered the use of electricity, there is a long
history behind the discovery of electricity. In the same way there ·is a great dynamic organisation that works out Self Realization,
let us first switch on your lamps and in their light we can understand the mechanism much better." | null | null | null | "Nothing is easier than turning on the light in a room. You must press the switch button. But there is a big mechanism that works
it out - wires, power houses and the whole process of scientific discovery which mastered the use of electricity, there is a long
history behind the discovery of electricity. In the same way there ·is a great dynamic organisation that works out Self Realization,
let us first switch on your lamps and in their light we can understand the mechanism much better." |
1/1/1970 | | Ego and Superego, from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 5 (Sep.-Oct. 1981), Page 4 | Country Unknown | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Quote | English | 0 | Man is still in a transitional stage. Little more he has to jump and he becomes that, for which he has been created. Human brain
and heart are the most evolved things. Human heart also has to be correlated with the brain. From our stomachs fat rises into
our brains passing through all the centers, evolving to be cells of the brain. The fat, to become brain, has to evolve, i.e., to achieve
certain amount of charges of human awareness. Human brain has a dimension, which animals do not have, a mental or
emotional dimension, with which we understand love. We understand how to receive and reciprocate. We understand beauty and
poetry; and we also understand how to create these. Brain is triangular and prismatic in nature. When the rays of God’s divine
power flow in, they get refracted into different angles and by the principle of of parallelogram of forces, a part of the power
escapes to left side and a part to right side. Therefore Man can think of past and future but animals cannot. In the transitional
period it is necessary to protect the brain carefully and make it independent of God’s will and make it used by itself so that it
develops another dimension of wisdom. For this purpose the system of ego and superego has been created which is the by
product or reaction, of human activities. Every activity has a reaction. If you say no to something, the reaction is ego If you
accept something the reaction is super ego. Ego and superego, completely cover fontanel bone and separate you from all
pervading power giving you freedom, to act as you like, to use your brain as you like to learn; because if the evolution has to go
any further you have to try. So, whatever God has done is for your good. He has not given you ego and superego to get spoiled
and finished. You must have ego and do not have to fight with it. Your ego should become one with that of God. Once you are
awakened once your light has come, then you can do it. | null | null | null | Man is still in a transitional stage. Little more he has to jump and he becomes that, for which he has been created. Human brain
and heart are the most evolved things. Human heart also has to be correlated with the brain. From our stomachs fat rises into
our brains passing through all the centers, evolving to be cells of the brain. The fat, to become brain, has to evolve, i.e., to achieve
certain amount of charges of human awareness. Human brain has a dimension, which animals do not have, a mental or
emotional dimension, with which we understand love. We understand how to receive and reciprocate. We understand beauty and
poetry; and we also understand how to create these. Brain is triangular and prismatic in nature. When the rays of God’s divine
power flow in, they get refracted into different angles and by the principle of of parallelogram of forces, a part of the power
escapes to left side and a part to right side. Therefore Man can think of past and future but animals cannot. In the transitional
period it is necessary to protect the brain carefully and make it independent of God’s will and make it used by itself so that it
develops another dimension of wisdom. For this purpose the system of ego and superego has been created which is the by
product or reaction, of human activities. Every activity has a reaction. If you say no to something, the reaction is ego If you
accept something the reaction is super ego. Ego and superego, completely cover fontanel bone and separate you from all
pervading power giving you freedom, to act as you like, to use your brain as you like to learn; because if the evolution has to go
any further you have to try. So, whatever God has done is for your good. He has not given you ego and superego to get spoiled
and finished. You must have ego and do not have to fight with it. Your ego should become one with that of God. Once you are
awakened once your light has come, then you can do it. |
1/1/1970 | | Letter in Marathi II from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 14 (March-April 1983), Page 11 | Country Unknown | City Unknown | null | null | NEEDED | null | Draft | N | N | N | Letter / Poem | Marathi | 0 | Letter in Marathi II I have received letters from all of you but have not been able to write because now in London Sahaja Yoga
work has started with great drive. Delhi Sahaja Yogis write very few letters but most of them are happy. Sahaja yogis of Bombay
are alright, Sahaja Yogis of Rahuri are enjoying. Sahaja Yogis of Bombay have great responsibility and therefore had to face
many attacks. The first attack came when I was in U.S.A. At that time many Sahaja Yogis were affected and many fell away.
Later on when an attack was on all London Sahaja Yogis collectively followed wrong path which was full of dangers and harms.
Many wicked people from that part are, still hiding themselves in some Sahaja Yogis in the form of ‘badhas’. You have to
vigorously use Sahaja Yoga methods against them. These wickeds attack you from Agnya and Heart. From Agnya they send
Anti-Sahaja Yoga ideas in your mind and from Heart they make complaints. If you identify them they will become ineffective.
There is one remedy for it which can be applied only after the realization. Because if your car does not start, your brakes and
accelerators are of no use. But if you do not use the accelerator even after it starts, how will your car move? You can attain any
destination that you fix. All your auto suggestions will materialise. The remedy that is to be used is : your attention should be on
Me and you should make the following conditioning of thoughts on your Agnya “ How fortunate we are to have been realized !
We are Sahaja Yogis. God has chosen us. How can we work if we remain weak ? Adi Shakti has given us the Power to redeem
the whole mankind. We can do it and we will do it". On heart you should criticise with these thoughts “ How deep is God's love for
us ! He has given us the realization. He is the ocean of mercy. Ignoring all our mistakes, He is working hard day and night for our
welfare and, instead of praying for His forgiveness of our mistakes, we are making complaints against Him and blaming Him" !
The following thoughts will please your Hearts, “O God, please give us the power of Your love. May I be the drop in the ocean of
Your love that is enveloping the whole universe, so that its loving pulsation is vibrated through my life and I remain engrossed in
that bliss”. May your life be flooded by the waves of Divine love. Always loving you, much more than myself. Your
Mother,—NIRMALA | null | null | null | Letter in Marathi II I have received letters from all of you but have not been able to write because now in London Sahaja Yoga
work has started with great drive. Delhi Sahaja Yogis write very few letters but most of them are happy. Sahaja yogis of Bombay
are alright, Sahaja Yogis of Rahuri are enjoying. Sahaja Yogis of Bombay have great responsibility and therefore had to face
many attacks. The first attack came when I was in U.S.A. At that time many Sahaja Yogis were affected and many fell away.
Later on when an attack was on all London Sahaja Yogis collectively followed wrong path which was full of dangers and harms.
Many wicked people from that part are, still hiding themselves in some Sahaja Yogis in the form of ‘badhas’. You have to
vigorously use Sahaja Yoga methods against them. These wickeds attack you from Agnya and Heart. From Agnya they send
Anti-Sahaja Yoga ideas in your mind and from Heart they make complaints. If you identify them they will become ineffective.
There is one remedy for it which can be applied only after the realization. Because if your car does not start, your brakes and
accelerators are of no use. But if you do not use the accelerator even after it starts, how will your car move? You can attain any
destination that you fix. All your auto suggestions will materialise. The remedy that is to be used is : your attention should be on
Me and you should make the following conditioning of thoughts on your Agnya “ How fortunate we are to have been realized !
We are Sahaja Yogis. God has chosen us. How can we work if we remain weak ? Adi Shakti has given us the Power to redeem
the whole mankind. We can do it and we will do it". On heart you should criticise with these thoughts “ How deep is God's love for
us ! He has given us the realization. He is the ocean of mercy. Ignoring all our mistakes, He is working hard day and night for our
welfare and, instead of praying for His forgiveness of our mistakes, we are making complaints against Him and blaming Him" !
The following thoughts will please your Hearts, “O God, please give us the power of Your love. May I be the drop in the ocean of
Your love that is enveloping the whole universe, so that its loving pulsation is vibrated through my life and I remain engrossed in
that bliss”. May your life be flooded by the waves of Divine love. Always loving you, much more than myself. Your
Mother,—NIRMALA |
1/1/1970 | | Letter to London Sahaja Yogis from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 4 (May-June 1981), Front Back Cover | Country Unknown | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Letter / Poem | English | 0 | View online.
Letter to London Sahaja Yogis My dearest Children, Thank you very much for the beautiful flowers you sent me. They remind me
of you all. I missed you very much all those days of separation. I hope you get my tapes from Australia, I have said lots of new
wonderful things. I am coming back very soon to enjoy your joyful and sweet company. Yours as ever,Your loving mother
Nirmala | null | null | null | View online.
Letter to London Sahaja Yogis My dearest Children, Thank you very much for the beautiful flowers you sent me. They remind me
of you all. I missed you very much all those days of separation. I hope you get my tapes from Australia, I have said lots of new
wonderful things. I am coming back very soon to enjoy your joyful and sweet company. Yours as ever,Your loving mother
Nirmala |
1/1/1970 | | Unidentified Talk after Evening Program, eve of Shri Ganesha Puja | India | City Unknown | Draft, In Progress | null | null | null | null | Y | N | N | Evening Program | English | 6 | Unidentified Talk Eve of Ganesha Puja Maharashtra India. [Gopa] saying please take me across this ocean of illusion, this
[pandurangara] is requesting Shri Krishna – Panduranga is Shri Krishna in Maharashtra is called as [unclear] Also there's a big
story about it but I'll tell you later on. So he says he is requesting please take me across and this is what I wanted.. But the way
he sang it with such devotion, sincerity and honesty. It's really just stirred up all the vibrations I know and you are feeling all that.
You see we Maharashtrans are very lucky people, that we had such saints who were realised souls. They knew about chaitanya.
They knew about vibrations. They knew about the higher life and all the time whatever they have sung is the hope that everybody
will get realisation, or they have described that state of realisation. I mean I must say the Maharashtrans are the luckiest people.
I don't know if they understand it or not but they are the most blessed people because there are so many saints who were
realised souls. They are [naftas] who were realised souls and all of them have sung the song and the place of this higher state
of life. And this one you can see now. This song also says same thing that let me go beyond this. But I must say one thing,
congratulating all these Sahaja Yogis from the west that they never had heard about these things, never. They never knew about
these things. They never knew there's another world so beautiful as that. But the way they have accepted it, they way they have
got into it and the way they are enjoying this Divine music is very remarkable. They have never studied any Indian music at all..
They have never heard any Indian music before, but the way they enjoy, it is because of chaitanya ok – because Indian music has
been coming from OM and that's why because you are Spirits you can enjoy it. [Hindi]. You see only an atma can appreciate this
song of atma. And that's why without understanding the language; without understanding the meaning; without understanding
the music and intricacies of that, just enjoying it. That's what we to do is to enjoy. After all why to have the – why to have
anything just to enjoy and this what we have to thank [unclear - Ajib?] for this thing. A great thing that he has done. He himself
has got his realisation and sings with that wonders and when he sings you see we get immediate vibrations. He is the only singer
I have seen so far and who has been that good, and who has been able to keep you united with the chaitanya. So we have to
thank him very much for this beautiful music which has touched all your heart and now in this song also he is saying, “Oh God
please make your heart large and give me realisation. So God always has a very large heart. Only thing you have to ask for
realisation you see it cannot be forced. So now the culmination of our spiritual life has come. All the saints have a meaning. All
the [shastas] are meaning. Every incarnation has a meaning today. Tomorrow we are going to do worship of Shri Ganesha.You
know how important he is and he has come here and he will also attend tomorrow's puja and everybody will help us there, and
I'm sure you will all enjoy it. May God bless you. | null | null | null | Unidentified Talk Eve of Ganesha Puja Maharashtra India. [Gopa] saying please take me across this ocean of illusion, this
[pandurangara] is requesting Shri Krishna – Panduranga is Shri Krishna in Maharashtra is called as [unclear] Also there's a big
story about it but I'll tell you later on. So he says he is requesting please take me across and this is what I wanted.. But the way
he sang it with such devotion, sincerity and honesty. It's really just stirred up all the vibrations I know and you are feeling all that.
You see we Maharashtrans are very lucky people, that we had such saints who were realised souls. They knew about chaitanya.
They knew about vibrations. They knew about the higher life and all the time whatever they have sung is the hope that everybody
will get realisation, or they have described that state of realisation. I mean I must say the Maharashtrans are the luckiest people.
I don't know if they understand it or not but they are the most blessed people because there are so many saints who were
realised souls. They are [naftas] who were realised souls and all of them have sung the song and the place of this higher state
of life. And this one you can see now. This song also says same thing that let me go beyond this. But I must say one thing,
congratulating all these Sahaja Yogis from the west that they never had heard about these things, never. They never knew about
these things. They never knew there's another world so beautiful as that. But the way they have accepted it, they way they have
got into it and the way they are enjoying this Divine music is very remarkable. They have never studied any Indian music at all..
They have never heard any Indian music before, but the way they enjoy, it is because of chaitanya ok – because Indian music has
been coming from OM and that's why because you are Spirits you can enjoy it. [Hindi]. You see only an atma can appreciate this
song of atma. And that's why without understanding the language; without understanding the meaning; without understanding
the music and intricacies of that, just enjoying it. That's what we to do is to enjoy. After all why to have the – why to have
anything just to enjoy and this what we have to thank [unclear - Ajib?] for this thing. A great thing that he has done. He himself
has got his realisation and sings with that wonders and when he sings you see we get immediate vibrations. He is the only singer
I have seen so far and who has been that good, and who has been able to keep you united with the chaitanya. So we have to
thank him very much for this beautiful music which has touched all your heart and now in this song also he is saying, “Oh God
please make your heart large and give me realisation. So God always has a very large heart. Only thing you have to ask for
realisation you see it cannot be forced. So now the culmination of our spiritual life has come. All the saints have a meaning. All
the [shastas] are meaning. Every incarnation has a meaning today. Tomorrow we are going to do worship of Shri Ganesha.You
know how important he is and he has come here and he will also attend tomorrow's puja and everybody will help us there, and
I'm sure you will all enjoy it. May God bless you. |
1/1/1970 | | Two quotes (MAHA AVATAR, ISSUE 1, JUL-SEP 1980, PAGE 11) | Country Unknown | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Quote | English | 0 | Two quotes (MAHA AVATAR, ISSUE 1, JUL-SEP 1980, PAGE 11) "The New revolution in your awareness has to take place
otherwise all human achievements have no meaning. It would be like arranging all the electrical decorations for the marriage
without the electrical current But when the light be on, you will seethe Bridegroom and the Bride." "My children, you must know I
am beyond insults and Pain. Do you know that when Christ was crucified he was a witness to his pain ? He can never be
humiliated. But these people are under the pressure of the satanic forces. We have to save them. Do you want them to go to hell
?" | null | null | null | Two quotes (MAHA AVATAR, ISSUE 1, JUL-SEP 1980, PAGE 11) "The New revolution in your awareness has to take place
otherwise all human achievements have no meaning. It would be like arranging all the electrical decorations for the marriage
without the electrical current But when the light be on, you will seethe Bridegroom and the Bride." "My children, you must know I
am beyond insults and Pain. Do you know that when Christ was crucified he was a witness to his pain ? He can never be
humiliated. But these people are under the pressure of the satanic forces. We have to save them. Do you want them to go to hell
?" |
1/1/1970 | | Message (MAHA AVATAR, ISSUE 1, JUL-SEP 1980) | Country Unknown | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Quote | English | 0 | Message (MAHA AVATAR, ISSUE 1) "Today, Sahaja Yaga has reached the state of Mahayoga, which is en-masse evolution
manifested through it. It is this day's Yuga Dharma. It is the way the last judgement is taking place. Announce it to all the seekers
of truth, to all the nations of the world, so that nobody misses the blessings of the divine to achieve their meaning, their absolute,
their spirit." | null | null | null | Message (MAHA AVATAR, ISSUE 1) "Today, Sahaja Yaga has reached the state of Mahayoga, which is en-masse evolution
manifested through it. It is this day's Yuga Dharma. It is the way the last judgement is taking place. Announce it to all the seekers
of truth, to all the nations of the world, so that nobody misses the blessings of the divine to achieve their meaning, their absolute,
their spirit." |
1/1/1970 | | Quote on Shri Agni (ANANT JEEVAN, ISSUE 4, FEB-APR 1980) | Country Unknown | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Quote | English | 0 | null | null | null | null | null |
1/1/1970 | | BEWARE, DEAR ASPIRANTS (THE LIFE ETERNAL, 1980 ISSUE, PAGE 25) | Country Unknown | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Quote | English | 0 | BEWARE, DEAR ASPIRANTS BEWARE, DEAR ASPIRANTS .THERE IS A JUDAS WITHIN US . BE CAREFUL. HE WALKS WITH US,
1/1/1970 | | Quote Sahaja Smile, from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 14 (March-April 1983), Page 15 | Country Unknown | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Quote | English | 0 | null | null | null | null | null |
1/1/1970 | | Sahaja Yoga a Unique Discovery (THE LIFE ETERNAL, 1980 ISSUE, PAGES 3–8) | Country Unknown | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Quote | English | 0 | Sahaja Yoga - A Unique Discoveryby Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 1979 The beautiful article, A Unique Discovery was
written by Shri Mataji Herself in 1979, and appeared in a magazine called “Yoga Today”, which does not exist any more. The
image shows what it originally looked like in the magazine. MAN in his search of joy and happiness is running away from his Self,
which is the real source of joy. He finds himself very ugly and boring because he doesn’t know his Self. A human being seeks joy
in money or possessions, in power or human limited love, and ultimately in religion that is also outside. The problem is how to
turn one’s attention inward. The inner being, which is our awareness, is energy. I call it the energy of Divine Love. All evolution
and the manifestation of material energy is guided by the supreme energy of Divine Love. We do not know how powerful and
thoughtful this unknown energy is. The silent working of awareness is so automatic, minute, dynamic, and precious that we take
it for granted. After self realisation, this energy appears to us as silent throbbing vibrations flowing through our being. But we
have been unable to achieve self realisation because we cannot fix our attention on something that lacks form (abstract Being).
Instead, our attention wanders outside on forms.Now there is a method to tap the Divine power - Sahaja Yoga. At the very outset,
I have to say that the working of Sahaja Yoga is very simple, although the operation within is quite complex. For example, if you
want to watch television, it is very easy. But to explain the engineering technique of a television set is very difficult and the
explanation is complicated. To learn about a television you also need a qualified engineer who understands it and who can
explain its working.I will try to explain Sahaja Yoga in the simplest way, but please note that it is really complicated if you want to
know it in detail. The best way to enjoy television is first to switch it on and watch. Then later you can try to understand its
engineering. As a Mother I would say that I have done the cooking for you. Why should you worry about how it is done? If you are
hungry you should start eating. If you are not actually hungry, but only inquisitive, what can I do? I can neither force you to eat nor
make you hungry with discussions or lecturing. I leave it to your wisdom and to your freedom to feel that longing. SOME
BACKGROUND ON SAHAJA YOGAThe word ‘Sahaja’ (Saha + ja) means born with you or inborn. Whatever is inborn manifests
without any effort. Hence Sahaja Yoga is the name given to my system, which is effortless, easy, and spontaneous. It is a part of
Nature, you may call it life’s source-the vitality of the Divine.To understand life, consider the case of something that is living: a
germinating seed. The seed grows by itself into a tree, blooms into flowers, and then the flowers become fruit. Any human effort
cannot change the process of growth from a seed into a tree. The gardener can only look after the growth of the tree. In the
same way, the process of the growth of our consciousness, to further evolution, takes place effortlessly.When a foetus is
between two and three months old, in the mother’s womb, a column of rays of consciousness, emitted through the all-pervading
Divine Love, pass through the developing brain to enlighten it. The shape of the human brain is prism-like. So, the column of rays
falling on it gets refracted into four diverse channels corresponding to the four aspects of the nervous system.These are:1.
Parasympathetic nervous system2. Sympathetic nervous system (right)3. Sympathetic nervous system (left)4. Central nervous
System (This need not be discussed as it is the link with objectivity).The set of rays that fall on the fontanel bone (apex of the
head known as Taloo) pierce in the center and pass straight into the medulla oblongata through a channel (Sushumna). This
energy, after leaving a very thread-like, thin line in the medulla oblongata, settles down in three and a half coils in the triangular
bone at the base of the spinal cord (Mooladhar). This coiled energy is known as Kundalini. The subtle energy enters through the
center of the brain (Sahasrara Brahmarandhra) and precipitates six more centers on its way down. The gross manifestation of
this subtle energy, in the Sushumna channel of the spinal cord, is termed the Parasympathetic nervous system. The centers of
Chakras are expressed as plexuses outside the spinal cord. Surprisingly, we have the same number of plexuses and sub
plexuses outside, as the number of Chakras and their petals inside, the spinal cord.Medical science knows very little about this
system. Science calls it the autonomous nervous system, meaning the system that works spontaneously-on its own. For
example, if we want to increase the rate of our heartbeat, we can do so by exerting ourselves (activity of the sympathetic nervous
system). But we cannot directly reduce the heart (activity of the parasympathetic nervous system). The parasympathetic
nervous system is a system that is like a petrol pump through which the petrol of Divine Love fills us. But when a human child is
born and the umbilical cord breaks, a gap is created in the Sushumna (the subtle channel in the spinal cord). And on the gross
level, one can see there is a gap between the solar plexus and the vagus nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system. This gap
is known as the void in the Zen system of religion and Maya (or Bhav- Sagar) in Indian thought. Later when ego and superego
bloat up like balloons and cover our brain at the apex of the left and right sympathetic nervous systems, the fontanel bone
calcifies, and the all-pervading vital force of Divine Love gets cut off completely.Then the human being identifies himself as a
separate entity and the consciousness of ‘I’ (Aham) presides. This is why Man does not know His universal unconscious. His
ego severs this subtle connection. VITAL ENERGYThe sympathetic nervous system uses the vital energy. There are two
systems-left and right. The two channels, which carry this energy, in subtle form (in the medulla oblongata), are known as Ida
and Pingala respectively. The right-side system (in the right-handed person) caters to the emergencies of the active
consciousness (extra efforts and emergencies). The left-side system (in medicine they say it remains dormant) caters to the
subconscious mind of the psyche (libido).Both these sympathetic-nerve systems are called the Sun and Moon channels (i.e.,
Surya nadi and Chandra nadi). Hatha Yoga comes from the words Ha and Tha, meaning the Sun and Moon. By this yoga you can
control the activity of the sympathetic; you can use more stored energy or else completely stop the activity of the sympathetic
for a short time. Just by using the stored energy you cannot achieve the eternal flow of the Divine. With control over the
sympathetic you can slow the heart rate or even stop the heart for a short time. You may achieve all the physical gross
symptoms of the parasympathetic. But you cannot activate the parasympathetic which is the channel for your real yoga
(meeting of the Divine). With Hatha Yoga you may even control your mind. But the mind thus governed is heavily conditioned for
the spiritual flight into the divine. One may keep good health and good mind to be a good citizen in a society, but that is not the
only aim of life. THE CHANNELS OF ATTENTIONBoth sympathetic and parasympathetic act on the plexuses, but in opposition to
each other. The parasympathetic relaxes the plexuses while the sympathetic squeezes the energy by constricting them. One fills
in the vitality and the other consumes it.There is a gap in the parasympathetic nervous system (Sushumna) but no gap in the
sympathetic nervous system (at the navel). This is the hurdle that has rendered all our searching-and entry into the
parasympathetic-fruitless so far. It is like three ladders, two of them touching the ground while the central one is hanging in the
air. So whenever we try to rise in our consciousness, we move on to the sympathetic system. If we pass toward the right side we
enter onto the activity that goes on bloating in the balloon of ego. Thus we feel responsible and active. When this activity
increases beyond limits, like a growing tree whose roots are not equally grown, the being falls to the ground.Over activity of the
sympathetic nervous system causes tension, sleeplessness, and ultimately all deadly diseases like cancer. These diseases are
caused by the constricted plexuses that have been drained of their energy. If you can make the parasympathetic dominate the
right side, then we can antidote the effects of over activity. Then all the diseases and the effects caused by this right side get
cured automatically.The left side sympathetic nervous system (libido) has the power to store all that is dead in us. It connects
you with store houses of the subconscious mind and with the collective subconscious (Bhootlok or Paralok).At the backside of
the brain, at the apex of this channel, the super ego exists like a balloon. It becomes heavy by storing, the conditioning of the
mind through libido. So if the tension is heavy it breaks the superego into many fragments. If you still overexert by conditioning, a
partial vacuum forms and this sucks another dead personality from the collective subconscious (Paralok) into your superego. So
in your pursuit of truth, if you take to further efforts and indulge in concentration, training of the mind, forced abstinence, forced
meditation, or complete slavery to the emotional attachment of the mind, the libido with the aid of the affected superego may
connect you to the collective subconscious (Paralok) where all dead souls-bad, good, or saintly-exist. These souls start
manifesting through you and you get siddhis or extra sensory perceptions. Actually these are the different subtle (dead)
personalities dominating us through super ego. DANGEROUS TECHNIQUESThere is another method that may be effortlessly
employed by many so called teachers. This method, by which they turn the Chakra in the direction of the libido, can put you into
your subconscious. This method either makes the aspirant go into a trance or accept the complete domination of the dead
spirits introduced by the teacher through the plexuses.In the first case, the Sadhaka feels relaxed, his mind is switched off. But
after a few years of practice, he realises his weakness. He cannot face reality and takes to heavy use of drugs. In the second
case, the aspirant becomes a complete slave of the teacher and starts giving away all material possessions to the teacher
without understanding the logic behind it. These teachers never explain the technique they have employed, nor do they give their
powers to anybody else. In short, all efforts in the name of religion, or the mishandling of Kundalini by so called realised people,
can only activate the sympathetic nervous system (Ida and Pingala). These activities cannot make any progress toward bringing
about the play of parasympathetic (Sushumna).All mesmerize powers such as materialization power (enslaving masses for
money or fame), visionary powers (Drishti Siddha), speech powers (Vani Siddha), curing powers, transcendental feelings
(powers of switching off the mind), separation of body, and many other powers, are very ordinarily found among those who
practice the control of spirits (Pret siddhi or Smashan Vidya). All such powers can be proved to be the powers of the dead in any
one of our experimental Centers.These are not Divine powers because the Divine has no interest in these gross subjects. It is
interested only in the miracle of the inner being and its further manifestation to bring about human evolution. Thus those who
indulge and use their attention (Chitta) on such ‘siddhis’ and those who run after such gross miracles find it difficult to follow
Sahaja Yoga.We have noted that when such people confront Sahaja Yoga, they start trembling and shaking like lunatics. If with
very great difficulty such a person reaches the state of Self-realisation, he completely loses all interest in such powers and in
their exhibition. He is freed of all extra dead personalities who dominated him. There is no need to pass through the
subconscious strata to jump the unconscious. The subconscious is an end by itself and one gets lost after entering its realms.
These strata are placed vertically. The only direct way is through the parasympathetic (through Sushumna)-the central path that
takes you to the Divine (the universal unconscious)-through Sahaja Yoga.It is very dangerous to use the powers of the
subconscious which may become uncontrollable and torture the practitioner and Sadhaka. Those who are temporarily benefited
may suffer irreparable loss to body, mind, or grace. THE PROMISED GOALAll religions have promised inner silence when you
reach the state of Self-realisation-the inner miracle of the subtle awareness and not gross jugglery. The Bhagavad Gita says that
you become the witness (Sakshi Swarup) of the play of the Divine. Many modern thinkers are also talking about the new
awareness. This has been described as ‘thoughtless awareness’ which results in collective consciousness. We hear of many
prophesies made by ancient and modern writers about the evolution of a new race of super-human beings of unique awareness.
These are no longer empty words. Through the discovery of Sahaja Yoga it is possible to achieve the transformation of the
human consciousness to the higher planes promised by various seers.The subject of Kundalini is no longer a matter of book
knowledge. Now you can see, with the naked eye, the breathing of the Kundalini at the Mooladhara. You can feel the different
Chakras in the spinal cord with your fingers. Formerly, bridging the gap in the Sushumna was the insurmountable problem. But it
is being discovered that this gap can be filled with the vibrating power of Divine Love. The Kundalini rises like a majestic mother
and breaks the apex of the brain (Brahmarandhra) without giving the slightest trouble to the child (Sadhaka). It happens in a split
second, in the short spell between two successive thoughts. Of course, if the aspirant (Sadhaka) is diseased or his Chakras are
constricted by over activity of the sympathetic nervous system, the Kundalini, being the Mother of every individual and the
embodiment of love, knowledge, and beauty, knows how to reveal Her love beautifully and to give rebirth to Her child without
causing any hurt. There are many descriptions about Kundalini warning us against the dangers and perils of the taming of
Kundalini. Also many books describe various gross or frightful experiences of the Kundalini awakening.Actually this is caused
because Kundalini cannot rise without Sahaja Yoga, i.e., if someone, who is not Self-realised, tries to awaken Her, the Kundalini
does not leave Her seat and, without the proper invitation, the Kundalini becomes adamant and angry. Thus the sympathetic gets
into activity. When She is accused of sex, She sends heat waves over the sympathetic nervous system which causes the
constriction or blockage of the plexuses and the path of the Kundalini is completely broken down.Sometimes one gets into funny
gesticulations or loses complete awareness of the outside. Moreover with mishandling of Chakras and Kundalini due to the
ignorance or greed of the teacher, the chance of realisation for the aspirant can become very poor and sometimes
impossible.The mind that is very much conditioned, or the mind that is the slave of self-indulgence or of egoistic actions and
thoughts, is also a very slow conveyance for Sahaja Yoga. Even if you read too much about the de-conditioning of the mind, you
may get only further conditioned. If you try to de-condition by efforts, you can become conditioned much worse than what you
were. De-conditioning is only possible through Divine Love. The main ‘condition’ of Sahaja Yoga is that your will and freedom are
always respected. In Sahaja Yoga the person is fully aware and alert and receives inner silence and experience without doing any
unnatural movements. He sits in a completely easy pose throughout or he also may lie down (Sahajasana or Shavasana). The
breathing is normal or less than normal. RELIGIONReligions are also the expressions and experiments of realised souls-the
seers. They also talk about the inner being, second birth, and about realization. In the beginning, in India, they tried to take the
attention inside by introducing symbols that they saw of this unconscious, universal being within. This gave rise to pantheism
and the aspirant’s attention got stuck to symbols (Sakar) and to rituals which killed the main objective.So the other type of
experiments of talking only about the abstract (Nirakar) gave rise to many other religions which ended up as dogmas or ‘isms.’
The reason is obvious. Talking about the flower or the honey cannot take you to the honey but can only create dogmatic ‘isms’ in
the mind. You have to be a bee to reach there, i.e., you have to be reborn. This has to happen within to take you inside. It is too
great an achievement and unbelievable, but I feel the search of ages has brought great results. THE END OF THE PATHThe mind,
with a child-like innocence achieves very quick results. Whatever may be the loads of the mind, if the longing is honest and
earnest, sooner or later, the aspirant can get Self-realisation. After reaching this state the vibrations start emitting from the
extremities. These are described by Adi Shankaracharya in his work ‘Ananda Lahari.’ These vibrations are the waves of Divine
Love that can fill also other persons’ inner being and give them the same experience of Self-realisation. This is how the chain
reaction starts. One light enlightens another.The physical manifestations are as follows:The pupils of the eyes become dilated
(Parasympathetic action). The face becomes radiant, the body becomes light, all tension is completely removed. The rising of
the Kundalini can be seen by others and felt by the aspirant. First the throbbing is clearly felt at Sahasrara (apex of the brain) and
when it stops, complete silence is felt within and in all awareness. The flow of grace is felt coming down, cooling the whole
being. As the attention moves to the subtle, gross attachments drop out. A person gradually loses identification with falsehood
and artificiality.In matter, he sees beauty and not its possession value. In knowledge, he identifies himself with the Truth and is
not afraid to profess, nor does he indulge in the double standards of life. His flow of love becomes spontaneous, generous,
without any tinge of attachment, possession or any return. The person becomes ageless-a hollow personality.Now let us see
what happens inside.The attention of the consciousness moves to the inner being (Kundalini). As the thread (Sutra) of a
necklace is passing through every bead of the necklace, the inner consciousness (Kundalini) is also passing through every
human being.As soon as our attention moves to our inner consciousness we can move on to everybody’s Kundalini. One starts
feeling the Kundalini, its nature, its position in other persons. Collective consciousness is thus established. Now you become a
universal being. After some days you cannot say who the other person is. The power of love is so great and dynamic that with
the movement of your fingers you can move the Kundalini of thousands. It becomes child’s play.This is how the en masse
evolution of human beings will take place. These are the signs of the advent of the Golden age of Truth (Satya Yoga).Let us
forget whatever hardships we have suffered in our search in the past. It does not matter if some could not find it before this. You
have to open your mind and understand that though the discovery is unprecedented, it does not make any seeker or predecessor
small. If some experiments are made, it does not matter if, ultimately, we have found out the way. It is a collective achievement.
Perhaps in the chaos of Kali Yoga it was to happen and many of us, who have been earnestly searching in many lives, are reborn
to have their promises fulfilled by the Divine. Maybe we were our own predecessors.On the tree of life there might have been very
few flowers but now the blossom time has come. Their fragrance of longing has collectively materialized the manifestation of
Sahaja Yoga. Many are going to jump into the realm of thoughtless awareness where you get introduced to yourself and start
identifying with your universal nature.Those who deserve will get the throne of their inner being which rules the skies of peace,
and the oceans of divine love and supreme knowledge within, which is limitless (Anand). | null | null | null | Sahaja Yoga - A Unique Discoveryby Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 1979 The beautiful article, A Unique Discovery was
written by Shri Mataji Herself in 1979, and appeared in a magazine called “Yoga Today”, which does not exist any more. The
image shows what it originally looked like in the magazine. MAN in his search of joy and happiness is running away from his Self,
which is the real source of joy. He finds himself very ugly and boring because he doesn’t know his Self. A human being seeks joy
in money or possessions, in power or human limited love, and ultimately in religion that is also outside. The problem is how to
turn one’s attention inward. The inner being, which is our awareness, is energy. I call it the energy of Divine Love. All evolution
and the manifestation of material energy is guided by the supreme energy of Divine Love. We do not know how powerful and
thoughtful this unknown energy is. The silent working of awareness is so automatic, minute, dynamic, and precious that we take
it for granted. After self realisation, this energy appears to us as silent throbbing vibrations flowing through our being. But we
have been unable to achieve self realisation because we cannot fix our attention on something that lacks form (abstract Being).
Instead, our attention wanders outside on forms.Now there is a method to tap the Divine power - Sahaja Yoga. At the very outset,
I have to say that the working of Sahaja Yoga is very simple, although the operation within is quite complex. For example, if you
want to watch television, it is very easy. But to explain the engineering technique of a television set is very difficult and the
explanation is complicated. To learn about a television you also need a qualified engineer who understands it and who can
explain its working.I will try to explain Sahaja Yoga in the simplest way, but please note that it is really complicated if you want to
know it in detail. The best way to enjoy television is first to switch it on and watch. Then later you can try to understand its
engineering. As a Mother I would say that I have done the cooking for you. Why should you worry about how it is done? If you are
hungry you should start eating. If you are not actually hungry, but only inquisitive, what can I do? I can neither force you to eat nor
make you hungry with discussions or lecturing. I leave it to your wisdom and to your freedom to feel that longing. SOME
BACKGROUND ON SAHAJA YOGAThe word ‘Sahaja’ (Saha + ja) means born with you or inborn. Whatever is inborn manifests
without any effort. Hence Sahaja Yoga is the name given to my system, which is effortless, easy, and spontaneous. It is a part of
Nature, you may call it life’s source-the vitality of the Divine.To understand life, consider the case of something that is living: a
germinating seed. The seed grows by itself into a tree, blooms into flowers, and then the flowers become fruit. Any human effort
cannot change the process of growth from a seed into a tree. The gardener can only look after the growth of the tree. In the
same way, the process of the growth of our consciousness, to further evolution, takes place effortlessly.When a foetus is
between two and three months old, in the mother’s womb, a column of rays of consciousness, emitted through the all-pervading
Divine Love, pass through the developing brain to enlighten it. The shape of the human brain is prism-like. So, the column of rays
falling on it gets refracted into four diverse channels corresponding to the four aspects of the nervous system.These are:1.
Parasympathetic nervous system2. Sympathetic nervous system (right)3. Sympathetic nervous system (left)4. Central nervous
System (This need not be discussed as it is the link with objectivity).The set of rays that fall on the fontanel bone (apex of the
head known as Taloo) pierce in the center and pass straight into the medulla oblongata through a channel (Sushumna). This
energy, after leaving a very thread-like, thin line in the medulla oblongata, settles down in three and a half coils in the triangular
bone at the base of the spinal cord (Mooladhar). This coiled energy is known as Kundalini. The subtle energy enters through the
center of the brain (Sahasrara Brahmarandhra) and precipitates six more centers on its way down. The gross manifestation of
this subtle energy, in the Sushumna channel of the spinal cord, is termed the Parasympathetic nervous system. The centers of
Chakras are expressed as plexuses outside the spinal cord. Surprisingly, we have the same number of plexuses and sub
plexuses outside, as the number of Chakras and their petals inside, the spinal cord.Medical science knows very little about this
system. Science calls it the autonomous nervous system, meaning the system that works spontaneously-on its own. For
example, if we want to increase the rate of our heartbeat, we can do so by exerting ourselves (activity of the sympathetic nervous
system). But we cannot directly reduce the heart (activity of the parasympathetic nervous system). The parasympathetic
nervous system is a system that is like a petrol pump through which the petrol of Divine Love fills us. But when a human child is
born and the umbilical cord breaks, a gap is created in the Sushumna (the subtle channel in the spinal cord). And on the gross
level, one can see there is a gap between the solar plexus and the vagus nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system. This gap
is known as the void in the Zen system of religion and Maya (or Bhav- Sagar) in Indian thought. Later when ego and superego
bloat up like balloons and cover our brain at the apex of the left and right sympathetic nervous systems, the fontanel bone
calcifies, and the all-pervading vital force of Divine Love gets cut off completely.Then the human being identifies himself as a
separate entity and the consciousness of ‘I’ (Aham) presides. This is why Man does not know His universal unconscious. His
ego severs this subtle connection. VITAL ENERGYThe sympathetic nervous system uses the vital energy. There are two
systems-left and right. The two channels, which carry this energy, in subtle form (in the medulla oblongata), are known as Ida
and Pingala respectively. The right-side system (in the right-handed person) caters to the emergencies of the active
consciousness (extra efforts and emergencies). The left-side system (in medicine they say it remains dormant) caters to the
subconscious mind of the psyche (libido).Both these sympathetic-nerve systems are called the Sun and Moon channels (i.e.,
Surya nadi and Chandra nadi). Hatha Yoga comes from the words Ha and Tha, meaning the Sun and Moon. By this yoga you can
control the activity of the sympathetic; you can use more stored energy or else completely stop the activity of the sympathetic
for a short time. Just by using the stored energy you cannot achieve the eternal flow of the Divine. With control over the
sympathetic you can slow the heart rate or even stop the heart for a short time. You may achieve all the physical gross
symptoms of the parasympathetic. But you cannot activate the parasympathetic which is the channel for your real yoga
(meeting of the Divine). With Hatha Yoga you may even control your mind. But the mind thus governed is heavily conditioned for
the spiritual flight into the divine. One may keep good health and good mind to be a good citizen in a society, but that is not the
only aim of life. THE CHANNELS OF ATTENTIONBoth sympathetic and parasympathetic act on the plexuses, but in opposition to
each other. The parasympathetic relaxes the plexuses while the sympathetic squeezes the energy by constricting them. One fills
in the vitality and the other consumes it.There is a gap in the parasympathetic nervous system (Sushumna) but no gap in the
sympathetic nervous system (at the navel). This is the hurdle that has rendered all our searching-and entry into the
parasympathetic-fruitless so far. It is like three ladders, two of them touching the ground while the central one is hanging in the
air. So whenever we try to rise in our consciousness, we move on to the sympathetic system. If we pass toward the right side we
enter onto the activity that goes on bloating in the balloon of ego. Thus we feel responsible and active. When this activity
increases beyond limits, like a growing tree whose roots are not equally grown, the being falls to the ground.Over activity of the
sympathetic nervous system causes tension, sleeplessness, and ultimately all deadly diseases like cancer. These diseases are
caused by the constricted plexuses that have been drained of their energy. If you can make the parasympathetic dominate the
right side, then we can antidote the effects of over activity. Then all the diseases and the effects caused by this right side get
cured automatically.The left side sympathetic nervous system (libido) has the power to store all that is dead in us. It connects
you with store houses of the subconscious mind and with the collective subconscious (Bhootlok or Paralok).At the backside of
the brain, at the apex of this channel, the super ego exists like a balloon. It becomes heavy by storing, the conditioning of the
mind through libido. So if the tension is heavy it breaks the superego into many fragments. If you still overexert by conditioning, a
partial vacuum forms and this sucks another dead personality from the collective subconscious (Paralok) into your superego. So
in your pursuit of truth, if you take to further efforts and indulge in concentration, training of the mind, forced abstinence, forced
meditation, or complete slavery to the emotional attachment of the mind, the libido with the aid of the affected superego may
connect you to the collective subconscious (Paralok) where all dead souls-bad, good, or saintly-exist. These souls start
manifesting through you and you get siddhis or extra sensory perceptions. Actually these are the different subtle (dead)
personalities dominating us through super ego. DANGEROUS TECHNIQUESThere is another method that may be effortlessly
employed by many so called teachers. This method, by which they turn the Chakra in the direction of the libido, can put you into
your subconscious. This method either makes the aspirant go into a trance or accept the complete domination of the dead
spirits introduced by the teacher through the plexuses.In the first case, the Sadhaka feels relaxed, his mind is switched off. But
after a few years of practice, he realises his weakness. He cannot face reality and takes to heavy use of drugs. In the second
case, the aspirant becomes a complete slave of the teacher and starts giving away all material possessions to the teacher
without understanding the logic behind it. These teachers never explain the technique they have employed, nor do they give their
powers to anybody else. In short, all efforts in the name of religion, or the mishandling of Kundalini by so called realised people,
can only activate the sympathetic nervous system (Ida and Pingala). These activities cannot make any progress toward bringing
about the play of parasympathetic (Sushumna).All mesmerize powers such as materialization power (enslaving masses for
money or fame), visionary powers (Drishti Siddha), speech powers (Vani Siddha), curing powers, transcendental feelings
(powers of switching off the mind), separation of body, and many other powers, are very ordinarily found among those who
practice the control of spirits (Pret siddhi or Smashan Vidya). All such powers can be proved to be the powers of the dead in any
one of our experimental Centers.These are not Divine powers because the Divine has no interest in these gross subjects. It is
interested only in the miracle of the inner being and its further manifestation to bring about human evolution. Thus those who
indulge and use their attention (Chitta) on such ‘siddhis’ and those who run after such gross miracles find it difficult to follow
Sahaja Yoga.We have noted that when such people confront Sahaja Yoga, they start trembling and shaking like lunatics. If with
very great difficulty such a person reaches the state of Self-realisation, he completely loses all interest in such powers and in
their exhibition. He is freed of all extra dead personalities who dominated him. There is no need to pass through the
subconscious strata to jump the unconscious. The subconscious is an end by itself and one gets lost after entering its realms.
These strata are placed vertically. The only direct way is through the parasympathetic (through Sushumna)-the central path that
takes you to the Divine (the universal unconscious)-through Sahaja Yoga.It is very dangerous to use the powers of the
subconscious which may become uncontrollable and torture the practitioner and Sadhaka. Those who are temporarily benefited
may suffer irreparable loss to body, mind, or grace. THE PROMISED GOALAll religions have promised inner silence when you
reach the state of Self-realisation-the inner miracle of the subtle awareness and not gross jugglery. The Bhagavad Gita says that
you become the witness (Sakshi Swarup) of the play of the Divine. Many modern thinkers are also talking about the new
awareness. This has been described as ‘thoughtless awareness’ which results in collective consciousness. We hear of many
prophesies made by ancient and modern writers about the evolution of a new race of super-human beings of unique awareness.
These are no longer empty words. Through the discovery of Sahaja Yoga it is possible to achieve the transformation of the
human consciousness to the higher planes promised by various seers.The subject of Kundalini is no longer a matter of book
knowledge. Now you can see, with the naked eye, the breathing of the Kundalini at the Mooladhara. You can feel the different
Chakras in the spinal cord with your fingers. Formerly, bridging the gap in the Sushumna was the insurmountable problem. But it
is being discovered that this gap can be filled with the vibrating power of Divine Love. The Kundalini rises like a majestic mother
and breaks the apex of the brain (Brahmarandhra) without giving the slightest trouble to the child (Sadhaka). It happens in a split
second, in the short spell between two successive thoughts. Of course, if the aspirant (Sadhaka) is diseased or his Chakras are
constricted by over activity of the sympathetic nervous system, the Kundalini, being the Mother of every individual and the
embodiment of love, knowledge, and beauty, knows how to reveal Her love beautifully and to give rebirth to Her child without
causing any hurt. There are many descriptions about Kundalini warning us against the dangers and perils of the taming of
Kundalini. Also many books describe various gross or frightful experiences of the Kundalini awakening.Actually this is caused
because Kundalini cannot rise without Sahaja Yoga, i.e., if someone, who is not Self-realised, tries to awaken Her, the Kundalini
does not leave Her seat and, without the proper invitation, the Kundalini becomes adamant and angry. Thus the sympathetic gets
into activity. When She is accused of sex, She sends heat waves over the sympathetic nervous system which causes the
constriction or blockage of the plexuses and the path of the Kundalini is completely broken down.Sometimes one gets into funny
gesticulations or loses complete awareness of the outside. Moreover with mishandling of Chakras and Kundalini due to the
ignorance or greed of the teacher, the chance of realisation for the aspirant can become very poor and sometimes
impossible.The mind that is very much conditioned, or the mind that is the slave of self-indulgence or of egoistic actions and
thoughts, is also a very slow conveyance for Sahaja Yoga. Even if you read too much about the de-conditioning of the mind, you
may get only further conditioned. If you try to de-condition by efforts, you can become conditioned much worse than what you
were. De-conditioning is only possible through Divine Love. The main ‘condition’ of Sahaja Yoga is that your will and freedom are
always respected. In Sahaja Yoga the person is fully aware and alert and receives inner silence and experience without doing any
unnatural movements. He sits in a completely easy pose throughout or he also may lie down (Sahajasana or Shavasana). The
breathing is normal or less than normal. RELIGIONReligions are also the expressions and experiments of realised souls-the
seers. They also talk about the inner being, second birth, and about realization. In the beginning, in India, they tried to take the
attention inside by introducing symbols that they saw of this unconscious, universal being within. This gave rise to pantheism
and the aspirant’s attention got stuck to symbols (Sakar) and to rituals which killed the main objective.So the other type of
experiments of talking only about the abstract (Nirakar) gave rise to many other religions which ended up as dogmas or ‘isms.’
The reason is obvious. Talking about the flower or the honey cannot take you to the honey but can only create dogmatic ‘isms’ in
the mind. You have to be a bee to reach there, i.e., you have to be reborn. This has to happen within to take you inside. It is too
great an achievement and unbelievable, but I feel the search of ages has brought great results. THE END OF THE PATHThe mind,
with a child-like innocence achieves very quick results. Whatever may be the loads of the mind, if the longing is honest and
earnest, sooner or later, the aspirant can get Self-realisation. After reaching this state the vibrations start emitting from the
extremities. These are described by Adi Shankaracharya in his work ‘Ananda Lahari.’ These vibrations are the waves of Divine
Love that can fill also other persons’ inner being and give them the same experience of Self-realisation. This is how the chain
reaction starts. One light enlightens another.The physical manifestations are as follows:The pupils of the eyes become dilated
(Parasympathetic action). The face becomes radiant, the body becomes light, all tension is completely removed. The rising of
the Kundalini can be seen by others and felt by the aspirant. First the throbbing is clearly felt at Sahasrara (apex of the brain) and
when it stops, complete silence is felt within and in all awareness. The flow of grace is felt coming down, cooling the whole
being. As the attention moves to the subtle, gross attachments drop out. A person gradually loses identification with falsehood
and artificiality.In matter, he sees beauty and not its possession value. In knowledge, he identifies himself with the Truth and is
not afraid to profess, nor does he indulge in the double standards of life. His flow of love becomes spontaneous, generous,
without any tinge of attachment, possession or any return. The person becomes ageless-a hollow personality.Now let us see
what happens inside.The attention of the consciousness moves to the inner being (Kundalini). As the thread (Sutra) of a
necklace is passing through every bead of the necklace, the inner consciousness (Kundalini) is also passing through every
human being.As soon as our attention moves to our inner consciousness we can move on to everybody’s Kundalini. One starts
feeling the Kundalini, its nature, its position in other persons. Collective consciousness is thus established. Now you become a
universal being. After some days you cannot say who the other person is. The power of love is so great and dynamic that with
the movement of your fingers you can move the Kundalini of thousands. It becomes child’s play.This is how the en masse
evolution of human beings will take place. These are the signs of the advent of the Golden age of Truth (Satya Yoga).Let us
forget whatever hardships we have suffered in our search in the past. It does not matter if some could not find it before this. You
have to open your mind and understand that though the discovery is unprecedented, it does not make any seeker or predecessor
small. If some experiments are made, it does not matter if, ultimately, we have found out the way. It is a collective achievement.
Perhaps in the chaos of Kali Yoga it was to happen and many of us, who have been earnestly searching in many lives, are reborn
to have their promises fulfilled by the Divine. Maybe we were our own predecessors.On the tree of life there might have been very
few flowers but now the blossom time has come. Their fragrance of longing has collectively materialized the manifestation of
Sahaja Yoga. Many are going to jump into the realm of thoughtless awareness where you get introduced to yourself and start
identifying with your universal nature.Those who deserve will get the throne of their inner being which rules the skies of peace,
and the oceans of divine love and supreme knowledge within, which is limitless (Anand). |
1/1/1970 | | Advice to Western Women from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 20 (March-April 1984), Pages 33–38 | Country Unknown | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Quote | English | 0 | Advice to Western Women from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 20 (March-April 1984), Pages 33--38 Now, this is in the West. Now, the
women are intelligent and the women of the west being intelligent and educated have developed a kind of a very complex
situation around themselves. These things have made them a kind of a man without manliness, and that is why their whole
behaviour becomes extremely odd. Sometimes I just don't understand, but now I've started understanding, that the way the
women are, they want to dominate men. But they don't understand that by dominating you cannot create good relationship. Now,
to dominate a man one way could be just to go on behaving like a man, you see, pushing him around and all that, saying, "Don't
do this. I don't like it. This is not good. That is not good". But that is not so sophisticated. So, the other way is to all the time talk
about the miseries of your past. "I am like this. This is wrong with me". All the time she's sick. All the time she's miserable. All the
time she's insecure. All the time she's so dependent, she needs her husband. She wants the attention of the husband. The
husband must look after her. Ultimately, I think the husbands must be getting absolutely fed up and running away from the
wives. And that must be why the prostitution is so strong here, because at least the prostitute tries to please the husband and
not to make him miserable, because she has to earn her living. And I think it is just the other way round in India. There the men
will fuss. The men will say, "This is not good". They will say, "We are sick and you must look after us", and all that. They don't say
that we have to look after you. They say that you have to look after us. And the women think that, because they are their wives,
they are their shaktis and they have to bear it upon themselves and give them the joy. Now, the women here have another very
bad capacity, in Sahaja Yoga I have seen it, that they always say that the negativity attacks, all the time, for any rhyme and
reason. Like just now somebody told me that when you have a child you feel more attacked by negativity because you are on
your own. Imagine ! When you have a child you have such a great company of your child. I mean, for an Indian mother, as soon
as she is pregnant she feels the happiness. When the child is born, she feels the company of the child. For her nothing more is
needed than that her own child is there, and then, through her child, she learns how to love other children. But here even when the
children are born they put the same nonsense on them. "Oh, how bad is my husband, he has done so much to me, and how bad is
this world, and how bad was my mother...'' And this is how they try to dominate the children, making that child absolutely
miserable. That is how we get to these "Les Miserables". From where it has come ?—the sources are here. Now, if they are
uneducated they are even worse, because they have a complex. If they are less intelligent there is another problem. They try to
play all dirty tricks with the husband and with other people. If their husband has any relationship with anyone they don't like it. It
is most surprising, isn't it ? Like friendship; or if the husband wants to talk to some other men,—not women of course, women
you can have some objection,—but I can't understand, that they don't like friends of the husband, to come in the house. It is the
other way round in India. The husband's friends are very much welcomed and looked after by the wife, and there is a sweet
relationship between them, and they call her the sister-in-law. It is very sweet. But here it is just the other way round. They just
abhor all the relations of the husband, and this is something most surprising because the husband is not single. All his relations
are part and parcel of him. He is obliged to them, related to them, or he is attached to them, and if she really loves the husband,
then she should accept the other relationships also. Then, all their lives they have lived like this, by making, I would say, a show
that they are miserable, and they continue with it after they are married. And in Sahaja Yoga also, I have seen the way they
behave. Towards any calamity an Indian woman will stand up. She is the one who will stand up, at the time of calamity.
Otherwise she will not show. She is not on the scene. Nobody will know there is a woman working, she is not the one who will
talk first. For example, if my husband and I are sitting and there is an interviewer, he will say that this woman is deaf and dumb,
she doesn't talk. Really, many people who have seen us together say, "We never knew about you. Your husband never said a
word about you." You see, like that, it is very common, woman just keeps outside. People didn't know that I could be Mataji
because those who had known me otherwise had never seen me talking, because you are not supposed to talk when your
husband is talking, you just keep quiet. Here it is the other way round. If there is an interviewer, the woman will talk first. The man
will be sitting like a big mouse, looking round and opening his mouth a little bit to say something. The aggression of these
women is very subtle. They come up with such sinister questions, anything they say has a sting and then you get fed up of such
a person and that is why there are divorces. The men of the west are much better than Indian men. They are not dominating.
They understand the value of women. They have given so much freedom to them. They have given them so much prestige and
honour. But if you give something to women, they should be capable of bearing it up, isn't it? What is the use of giving everything
equal to them when they have no capacity to bear it? That is why it is such an imbalance, I find, for women the way they are so
sinister about the whole of life. Life is beautiful, full of joy, happiness, bliss. Morning until evening if you go on making somebody
miserable then you are against life. You are against God. This they must realise. The whole thing is that they have got equality
without evolving themselves up to that point. It is rather like the Arabs. They got the Cadillacs. First they were on the camels or
on the donkeys, then they became rich Arabs and they had Cadillacs. Now, by sitting in the Cadillac you don't become a cultured
man. You see, in the same way if the women are suddenly made to feel, oh, they are equal, this, that; they have not developed
that panache, as you say in your language. They haven't developed that sophistication. So the inferiority works out and they go
on pinching the men all the time. Every word, and the tongue also doesn't have that sweetness. But in our Sahaja Yoga we have
seen some very great Sahaja Yoginis, who are really senior women, I would suggest. Like you can say......, a solid woman, very
solid woman, very solid woman, and she understands things very well. Like......she is a good wife, no doubt, she makes her
husband happy........... is another one. See, these people have that sweetness about their husbands and I have never seen them
telling me about their miseries or thinking about their past or anything. Never. Never. Always they said we were happily married.
...... told me, "we were happily married". Her husband was a Russian, and they had a problem because of the war, but she never
said that my husband made me miserable, or this thing, that thing. Never. I never heard them saying like that. And even if that is
the case, or something is there, you should be happy. Even if, say, your husband is a bad man, he is not a Sahaja Yogi, you should
be happy. In Sahaja Yoga it is compulsory that you should be happy, you should be joyous and you have to be joyful. There is no
place for people who are miserable. If they try to go on with this they w ill have to get out of Sahaja Yoga. Take it from me. All of
them w ill be thrown out. If you do not want to come up you will be out for good. So, it is a challenge for all the Sahaja Yoginis in
the West that you must be joyous. You must be happy people. Now, you see that in any case like this they build up their ego very
subtly. If you just say that, "No, that is not good", immediately they start crying, you know they are upset. Men don't know what to
do, because these women have picked up their own images and they want to do whatever they think, and if men see something
more than they do, and say, "Do this, this would be better", they are finished. They get identified with these things. So, you can't
say that they are left-sided, but they are egotistical. And in this ego there is a sinister attitude by which they make the men and
woman and children miserable. So, this must be stopped now. Anymore of this misery is to be stopped in the West. Nothing.
What is this misery you have got ? You should go and see the women of India who are smiling and laughing. They have children
to look after. They have ten, eleven, twelve children to look after. They have no money. Early in the morning, at four o'clock, they
have to get up and take their bath because of conditions in India. They cannot laze out like you do. And then they go to the well,
fill the water and bring it home. You see—beautiful, see their faces shining. They come home, put the food down there, slowly
wake up their husbands, put things for his bath, look after their children, clean the house. By the time the children are up they see
the clean house, you should see how much they work hard. And you will not know that they are working. Absolutely silent. You
have seen how these women used to cook. Did you ever hear any body outside ? As soon as people are coming they are serene.
They are looking after them. They are intelligent, I mean,...... is an income tax officer, do you know that ? an income tax
officer. They are officers, but how do they behave ? Have you ever seen them anywhere in anyway asserting themselves? Never.
In India education is very strong. Most of the girls in India are at least graduates, actually, at least. But there is no ego about it.
They understand their position as wife and as a woman, and they know that they are the ones who are the source of joy, and they
have to give that joy to others. Here the women don't understand how much they can give joy. After all your Mother is a woman
and if She can give so much joy why shouldn't you be able to? And this is what it is. I just don't understand, such a great potential,
such a great source just cut. Just cut. That is why, you see, the motherhood is lacking, nothing else but the motherhood. The
women are all right nothing wrong with them, it is the motherhood. Even a little child in India—see our Anupama is hardly now six
years old. She came to speak in my ear, "Who is this baby here sitting smiling ?*' I said his name is Machendra Nath. "Ah I this is
Machendra Nath."! She is a six year old girl, she doesn't know how to carry, you remember, she took the baby. Then she wanted
to give him something to eat. If you have any child bring it home. These two girls will look after it, give food to it, they will look
after it. They are just all the time, you know, nursing the children. Even to the grandfather, "Now,can I feed you ?" Grandmother of
course, but to the grandfather! "Can I feed you ? Would you like to have this ?'* I take my bath, I come out and she is there with
the powder to sprinkle on my feet and to wipe them with the towel. All the time they are running up and down. You can't imagine
how motherly they are, to me. To me, they are motherly. To their grandfather they are motherly. Early in the morning—this Shumi
was about two and a half years old, very small—so early in the morning she used to see the grandfather sitting there. She used to
go into the room, take his newspaper—just hardly used to walk, you see—and his spectacles and bring them to him. What does it
take ? But if the attention is all the time to extract others, it comes from some sort of very sinister idea. It is very repulsive. It is
not that I have seen it once, but when I talk to them, I really feel very disgusted sometimes. And I feel, oh God, these women
when they marry what will happen ? And when they marry, I see. And that is why the men here don't know what to do. You see, if
you have any problem, a woman has to bear it. Indian women have great courage. Like when the war started in India, a woman,
who was a widow and a queen, she rode on horse herself, she tied her sari, she took her child at the back—she was a queen—and
jumped from the fortress about a hundred feet down and she fought the British. She died, of course. The British killed her. But
the Britisher himself—the general—wrote that, "We won the battle, but the victory and the glory was that of Lakshmi Bai." Not only
that but there are many women like that. Wondrous. But they would only show up if there is a calamity. When things reach the
cusp of just drama, that time they come up. Otherwise they are quiet. You see, that kind of thing should be the womanhood. I
mean, if I have to tell you about Indian women, I will have to give you a big lecture. Really. And you have seen how they behave,
how dignified and how sweet and ...I must take my hat off to them. They are mature in the womanhood in the best possible way,
the potential of women. See they worked so hard. If you remember a little girl who was married and she invited us for breakfast,
about three years back, a little one, very small. We had gone to a canal and she said, "Tomorrow, Mother, you come and have
breakfast at my place"., and I said, "No, it is too much. We are so many people, about thirty five people. How will you feed us ?,"
And apart from that the other leaders were also there. "Oh, I will manage", she said, and when we went there she gave us such a
nice breakfast. And all the neighboring women—you see, they got up at 4 o'clock, did everything—and all of them in really great
joy, that Mother is coming to our house and they were so enamored about it. That is called as "fondness" in India. There are no
words for joy here. There are no words for different joys, but it is this fondness of people, and they were feeling obliged that we
were eating. And I ate and ate. I said, "No, I am too full, I can't eat any more," and they said, ''Mother, you didn't like anything, or
what ?"—and giving and giving. So sweet. And so many, I think I told them thirty five, there were fifty. Arranged like that also, and
in a small little house, they arranged in front of the thing. Very silent, very silent. Very efficient, because of the efficiency, you see,
of love, that they could manage it. It is so, sweet, and little, little things they do. It is so much energy that goes in. So nice. And
this time I am going to write even to the Poona ladies, that they should arrange our food, not in the Rajwade Karyalaya and you
will see how they will arrange it. They will get all the best vegetables of the market, the best chickens of the market, and the best
of everything and do the best that they can, put all their heart into it. "The saints are coming to our house, the saints are coming
to our house". The beauty is this, and despite this, many people think that Indian women are very much suppressed because of
their goodness. They don't mind. They say our goodness cannot be suppressed. Goodness is a thing that is more important than
suppression and oppression and all that. They don't take to all these nonsensical ideas. Not at all. It is so nice. And then the
husbands feet attached. You see, my daughter, now she receives her husband's phone calls practically every day from Saudi
Arabia. Look at my husband. Now, he is an old man of sixty-five years. If you leave it to him he will telephone to me ten times. I
tell him don't telephone all the time, but he will go on telephoning. You see, that is the source, so you want to talk and you want to
have something. But here it is the other way round, they want to extract from you. What is there for men to give ? It is women
who have to give. Women have to give. They don't realize their potential and they go on eating somebody's head all the time.
How can they love him? They cannot. And that is what I think of when I tell Indian men to marry western women. They shudder a
bit, because why should they make themselves miserable ? Just think, if they know about western women as they are. So, this
must change. We are Sahaja Yogis. We have nothing to do with western ideas of women and all that. I don't know, whatever
book I have read about western women, about the heroines and all that, they were never like this. This is something else I am
seeing actually from what I have read. (Question: Could western women imitate Indian women?) Also they should, but there is no
need to imitate, because you are Sahaja Yogis. You get it spontaneously. Just accept that. Now accept that. Whatever is the past
is past. You can do it. Our job is to make everybody happy and joyous. That is it. That is our job. That is the source we have got.
We are the source of joy. Accept this situation. We are the source of joy, of confidence, of love, and affection, and kindness and
gentleness. Then, once in a while, if the husband does wrong you have a right to tell him. He w ill never mind it. But all the time if
you go on coaxing him he will say, "Oh, this permanent, mundane, every day." This needed saying. Even Australian women should
be told. This is very common. But they are very sweet, ah? Don't trouble the girls, if they don't trouble you, then you shouldn't
trouble them. | null | null | null | Advice to Western Women from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 20 (March-April 1984), Pages 33--38 Now, this is in the West. Now, the
women are intelligent and the women of the west being intelligent and educated have developed a kind of a very complex
situation around themselves. These things have made them a kind of a man without manliness, and that is why their whole
behaviour becomes extremely odd. Sometimes I just don't understand, but now I've started understanding, that the way the
women are, they want to dominate men. But they don't understand that by dominating you cannot create good relationship. Now,
to dominate a man one way could be just to go on behaving like a man, you see, pushing him around and all that, saying, "Don't
do this. I don't like it. This is not good. That is not good". But that is not so sophisticated. So, the other way is to all the time talk
about the miseries of your past. "I am like this. This is wrong with me". All the time she's sick. All the time she's miserable. All the
time she's insecure. All the time she's so dependent, she needs her husband. She wants the attention of the husband. The
husband must look after her. Ultimately, I think the husbands must be getting absolutely fed up and running away from the
wives. And that must be why the prostitution is so strong here, because at least the prostitute tries to please the husband and
not to make him miserable, because she has to earn her living. And I think it is just the other way round in India. There the men
will fuss. The men will say, "This is not good". They will say, "We are sick and you must look after us", and all that. They don't say
that we have to look after you. They say that you have to look after us. And the women think that, because they are their wives,
they are their shaktis and they have to bear it upon themselves and give them the joy. Now, the women here have another very
bad capacity, in Sahaja Yoga I have seen it, that they always say that the negativity attacks, all the time, for any rhyme and
reason. Like just now somebody told me that when you have a child you feel more attacked by negativity because you are on
your own. Imagine ! When you have a child you have such a great company of your child. I mean, for an Indian mother, as soon
as she is pregnant she feels the happiness. When the child is born, she feels the company of the child. For her nothing more is
needed than that her own child is there, and then, through her child, she learns how to love other children. But here even when the
children are born they put the same nonsense on them. "Oh, how bad is my husband, he has done so much to me, and how bad is
this world, and how bad was my mother...'' And this is how they try to dominate the children, making that child absolutely
miserable. That is how we get to these "Les Miserables". From where it has come ?—the sources are here. Now, if they are
uneducated they are even worse, because they have a complex. If they are less intelligent there is another problem. They try to
play all dirty tricks with the husband and with other people. If their husband has any relationship with anyone they don't like it. It
is most surprising, isn't it ? Like friendship; or if the husband wants to talk to some other men,—not women of course, women
you can have some objection,—but I can't understand, that they don't like friends of the husband, to come in the house. It is the
other way round in India. The husband's friends are very much welcomed and looked after by the wife, and there is a sweet
relationship between them, and they call her the sister-in-law. It is very sweet. But here it is just the other way round. They just
abhor all the relations of the husband, and this is something most surprising because the husband is not single. All his relations
are part and parcel of him. He is obliged to them, related to them, or he is attached to them, and if she really loves the husband,
then she should accept the other relationships also. Then, all their lives they have lived like this, by making, I would say, a show
that they are miserable, and they continue with it after they are married. And in Sahaja Yoga also, I have seen the way they
behave. Towards any calamity an Indian woman will stand up. She is the one who will stand up, at the time of calamity.
Otherwise she will not show. She is not on the scene. Nobody will know there is a woman working, she is not the one who will
talk first. For example, if my husband and I are sitting and there is an interviewer, he will say that this woman is deaf and dumb,
she doesn't talk. Really, many people who have seen us together say, "We never knew about you. Your husband never said a
word about you." You see, like that, it is very common, woman just keeps outside. People didn't know that I could be Mataji
because those who had known me otherwise had never seen me talking, because you are not supposed to talk when your
husband is talking, you just keep quiet. Here it is the other way round. If there is an interviewer, the woman will talk first. The man
will be sitting like a big mouse, looking round and opening his mouth a little bit to say something. The aggression of these
women is very subtle. They come up with such sinister questions, anything they say has a sting and then you get fed up of such
a person and that is why there are divorces. The men of the west are much better than Indian men. They are not dominating.
They understand the value of women. They have given so much freedom to them. They have given them so much prestige and
honour. But if you give something to women, they should be capable of bearing it up, isn't it? What is the use of giving everything
equal to them when they have no capacity to bear it? That is why it is such an imbalance, I find, for women the way they are so
sinister about the whole of life. Life is beautiful, full of joy, happiness, bliss. Morning until evening if you go on making somebody
miserable then you are against life. You are against God. This they must realise. The whole thing is that they have got equality
without evolving themselves up to that point. It is rather like the Arabs. They got the Cadillacs. First they were on the camels or
on the donkeys, then they became rich Arabs and they had Cadillacs. Now, by sitting in the Cadillac you don't become a cultured
man. You see, in the same way if the women are suddenly made to feel, oh, they are equal, this, that; they have not developed
that panache, as you say in your language. They haven't developed that sophistication. So the inferiority works out and they go
on pinching the men all the time. Every word, and the tongue also doesn't have that sweetness. But in our Sahaja Yoga we have
seen some very great Sahaja Yoginis, who are really senior women, I would suggest. Like you can say......, a solid woman, very
solid woman, very solid woman, and she understands things very well. Like......she is a good wife, no doubt, she makes her
husband happy........... is another one. See, these people have that sweetness about their husbands and I have never seen them
telling me about their miseries or thinking about their past or anything. Never. Never. Always they said we were happily married.
...... told me, "we were happily married". Her husband was a Russian, and they had a problem because of the war, but she never
said that my husband made me miserable, or this thing, that thing. Never. I never heard them saying like that. And even if that is
the case, or something is there, you should be happy. Even if, say, your husband is a bad man, he is not a Sahaja Yogi, you should
be happy. In Sahaja Yoga it is compulsory that you should be happy, you should be joyous and you have to be joyful. There is no
place for people who are miserable. If they try to go on with this they w ill have to get out of Sahaja Yoga. Take it from me. All of
them w ill be thrown out. If you do not want to come up you will be out for good. So, it is a challenge for all the Sahaja Yoginis in
the West that you must be joyous. You must be happy people. Now, you see that in any case like this they build up their ego very
subtly. If you just say that, "No, that is not good", immediately they start crying, you know they are upset. Men don't know what to
do, because these women have picked up their own images and they want to do whatever they think, and if men see something
more than they do, and say, "Do this, this would be better", they are finished. They get identified with these things. So, you can't
say that they are left-sided, but they are egotistical. And in this ego there is a sinister attitude by which they make the men and
woman and children miserable. So, this must be stopped now. Anymore of this misery is to be stopped in the West. Nothing.
What is this misery you have got ? You should go and see the women of India who are smiling and laughing. They have children
to look after. They have ten, eleven, twelve children to look after. They have no money. Early in the morning, at four o'clock, they
have to get up and take their bath because of conditions in India. They cannot laze out like you do. And then they go to the well,
fill the water and bring it home. You see—beautiful, see their faces shining. They come home, put the food down there, slowly
wake up their husbands, put things for his bath, look after their children, clean the house. By the time the children are up they see
the clean house, you should see how much they work hard. And you will not know that they are working. Absolutely silent. You
have seen how these women used to cook. Did you ever hear any body outside ? As soon as people are coming they are serene.
They are looking after them. They are intelligent, I mean,...... is an income tax officer, do you know that ? an income tax
officer. They are officers, but how do they behave ? Have you ever seen them anywhere in anyway asserting themselves? Never.
In India education is very strong. Most of the girls in India are at least graduates, actually, at least. But there is no ego about it.
They understand their position as wife and as a woman, and they know that they are the ones who are the source of joy, and they
have to give that joy to others. Here the women don't understand how much they can give joy. After all your Mother is a woman
and if She can give so much joy why shouldn't you be able to? And this is what it is. I just don't understand, such a great potential,
such a great source just cut. Just cut. That is why, you see, the motherhood is lacking, nothing else but the motherhood. The
women are all right nothing wrong with them, it is the motherhood. Even a little child in India—see our Anupama is hardly now six
years old. She came to speak in my ear, "Who is this baby here sitting smiling ?*' I said his name is Machendra Nath. "Ah I this is
Machendra Nath."! She is a six year old girl, she doesn't know how to carry, you remember, she took the baby. Then she wanted
to give him something to eat. If you have any child bring it home. These two girls will look after it, give food to it, they will look
after it. They are just all the time, you know, nursing the children. Even to the grandfather, "Now,can I feed you ?" Grandmother of
course, but to the grandfather! "Can I feed you ? Would you like to have this ?'* I take my bath, I come out and she is there with
the powder to sprinkle on my feet and to wipe them with the towel. All the time they are running up and down. You can't imagine
how motherly they are, to me. To me, they are motherly. To their grandfather they are motherly. Early in the morning—this Shumi
was about two and a half years old, very small—so early in the morning she used to see the grandfather sitting there. She used to
go into the room, take his newspaper—just hardly used to walk, you see—and his spectacles and bring them to him. What does it
take ? But if the attention is all the time to extract others, it comes from some sort of very sinister idea. It is very repulsive. It is
not that I have seen it once, but when I talk to them, I really feel very disgusted sometimes. And I feel, oh God, these women
when they marry what will happen ? And when they marry, I see. And that is why the men here don't know what to do. You see, if
you have any problem, a woman has to bear it. Indian women have great courage. Like when the war started in India, a woman,
who was a widow and a queen, she rode on horse herself, she tied her sari, she took her child at the back—she was a queen—and
jumped from the fortress about a hundred feet down and she fought the British. She died, of course. The British killed her. But
the Britisher himself—the general—wrote that, "We won the battle, but the victory and the glory was that of Lakshmi Bai." Not only
that but there are many women like that. Wondrous. But they would only show up if there is a calamity. When things reach the
cusp of just drama, that time they come up. Otherwise they are quiet. You see, that kind of thing should be the womanhood. I
mean, if I have to tell you about Indian women, I will have to give you a big lecture. Really. And you have seen how they behave,
how dignified and how sweet and ...I must take my hat off to them. They are mature in the womanhood in the best possible way,
the potential of women. See they worked so hard. If you remember a little girl who was married and she invited us for breakfast,
about three years back, a little one, very small. We had gone to a canal and she said, "Tomorrow, Mother, you come and have
breakfast at my place"., and I said, "No, it is too much. We are so many people, about thirty five people. How will you feed us ?,"
And apart from that the other leaders were also there. "Oh, I will manage", she said, and when we went there she gave us such a
nice breakfast. And all the neighboring women—you see, they got up at 4 o'clock, did everything—and all of them in really great
joy, that Mother is coming to our house and they were so enamored about it. That is called as "fondness" in India. There are no
words for joy here. There are no words for different joys, but it is this fondness of people, and they were feeling obliged that we
were eating. And I ate and ate. I said, "No, I am too full, I can't eat any more," and they said, ''Mother, you didn't like anything, or
what ?"—and giving and giving. So sweet. And so many, I think I told them thirty five, there were fifty. Arranged like that also, and
in a small little house, they arranged in front of the thing. Very silent, very silent. Very efficient, because of the efficiency, you see,
of love, that they could manage it. It is so, sweet, and little, little things they do. It is so much energy that goes in. So nice. And
this time I am going to write even to the Poona ladies, that they should arrange our food, not in the Rajwade Karyalaya and you
will see how they will arrange it. They will get all the best vegetables of the market, the best chickens of the market, and the best
of everything and do the best that they can, put all their heart into it. "The saints are coming to our house, the saints are coming
to our house". The beauty is this, and despite this, many people think that Indian women are very much suppressed because of
their goodness. They don't mind. They say our goodness cannot be suppressed. Goodness is a thing that is more important than
suppression and oppression and all that. They don't take to all these nonsensical ideas. Not at all. It is so nice. And then the
husbands feet attached. You see, my daughter, now she receives her husband's phone calls practically every day from Saudi
Arabia. Look at my husband. Now, he is an old man of sixty-five years. If you leave it to him he will telephone to me ten times. I
tell him don't telephone all the time, but he will go on telephoning. You see, that is the source, so you want to talk and you want to
have something. But here it is the other way round, they want to extract from you. What is there for men to give ? It is women
who have to give. Women have to give. They don't realize their potential and they go on eating somebody's head all the time.
How can they love him? They cannot. And that is what I think of when I tell Indian men to marry western women. They shudder a
bit, because why should they make themselves miserable ? Just think, if they know about western women as they are. So, this
must change. We are Sahaja Yogis. We have nothing to do with western ideas of women and all that. I don't know, whatever
book I have read about western women, about the heroines and all that, they were never like this. This is something else I am
seeing actually from what I have read. (Question: Could western women imitate Indian women?) Also they should, but there is no
need to imitate, because you are Sahaja Yogis. You get it spontaneously. Just accept that. Now accept that. Whatever is the past
is past. You can do it. Our job is to make everybody happy and joyous. That is it. That is our job. That is the source we have got.
We are the source of joy. Accept this situation. We are the source of joy, of confidence, of love, and affection, and kindness and
gentleness. Then, once in a while, if the husband does wrong you have a right to tell him. He w ill never mind it. But all the time if
you go on coaxing him he will say, "Oh, this permanent, mundane, every day." This needed saying. Even Australian women should
be told. This is very common. But they are very sweet, ah? Don't trouble the girls, if they don't trouble you, then you shouldn't
trouble them. |
1/1/1970 | | The Essence of Sahaja Yoga, from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 19, Jan.-Feb. 1984, Pages 28–32 | Country Unknown | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Quote | English | 0 | The Essence of Sahaja Yoga, from Nirmala Yoga In today's talk I will dwell on the essence of Sahaja Yoga. I am sure that it has
been explained to you before. Besides, most of you are from Sahaja Yoga itself. So I need not go into details. First of all we need
to understand that we are passing through an extremely serious time pregnant with unpredictable consequences. When we look
at life we do not seem to understand that if we miss this opportunity which has come our way, for our evolution, we will not only
be depriving ourselves of it or this country, England, but also it will be a stupendous loss for the whole of creation. The trouble,
however, is that in the name of God, of evolution and of higher life, a plethora of of spurious people have come out making it
well-nigh difficult to convince anyone of the existence of truth. Under the circumstances one has to talk about truth. But mere
talking about truth rarely leads to the experience of truth. It is altogether a different realm, a new awareness which you will have
to get to understand the truth for which I do not know how many of you are really prepared or how many of you would like to
know. Or even if you would like to, yet how many of you will really achieve it. But the problem is the other way round. It is not a
problem that we have only a few people, nor that I cannot give realisation. It is also not a problem that you cannot know the truth.
The irony is that whatever is false, spurious or silly finds quick acceptance among the masses. Sometimes I feel that I have
developed a unique method by which I can give realisation en masse all over the world. But it really poses a problem for me if the
masses are not interested. In fact, it is only very few who take a keen interest in their evolutionary process and would like to
come out of their ignorance in which they have been living. In all the ego-oriented countries it is very difficult to bring home the
truth that we are still ignorant. We have to know a lot. It is very difficult because they think they know everything, because they
have been to the moon. The Russians, for instance, still say that they saw no God when they orbited in space, which is like saying
that one has been to the third floor but hasn't seen the top. Where does God reside ? Where does He manifest within us ? In what
manner does He manifest ? We do not know what to see. What we want to see is possible only through our effort. 'If we have not
been able to see God, then He does not exist.' This is how we develop our attitude in this matter. But better say 'no' to all that we
did not know through our effort. Because we have not known about Him. So He does not exist. You turn round in a cave. So when
you see a shadow of yourself you believe in that only and say, 'nothing else existed.' The light does not exist. That kind of attitude
I have persistently been facing. And sometimes I do not know how to give them realisation. Now you have to start the other way
round. You have to seek. You have to ask for it. Nobody is going to fall at your feet and say "Well, you get your realisation. You
have this, for heaven's sake, please have it". Because nothing is selling here. You are used to salesmanship, that is, if anything is
selling you have to be persuaded or requested. You can save pounds for a sale and all that. But nothing is for sale here. This is a
very difficult thing for people to understand. In this present day atmosphere, where we do not know if we can get anything which
is not for sale. However, I hope, slowly and steadily all of us have to get our realisation. Somehow, we have to work very hard.
Sometimes it is very frustrating and sometimes so stupid—the way people react. Like the other day when we had a meeting at
Brighton I was laughing all the while. It is so sad. A gentleman who came to our programme made complaints. Look, who has
got time to put him on a video; who is interested in taking his photograph. He says he is a managing director. So what ? In the
presence of the Divine what is a managing director or what is even a King ? Just think of it. Who is he ? What does he think of
himself ? He has complained against us. Even the laws are so stupid sometimes that one can hardly understand. Has he got any
right to complain if he comes to a programme which is being conducted with a video on me or if you are photographed ? How
can you complain? On one side I find such stupid people and on the other a host of genuine seekers. How to reach them ? They
are like a diamond covered with mud. So much mud. To find out the diamond in the mud, one has to dive into a mine of
ignorance, to get that diamond which is lost. It concerns me so much that I feel this mud is going to cover their brains and their
eyes whatever else they have, so that they may not receive their realisation. They may miss it. Actually the Divine does not know
what human beings have created. Really, I tell you, the Divine is in the dark as to all the nonsenses that you have created around
you. All kinds of nonsenses you have created out of your ignorance, out of your ego and out of the choice that you had. I can't
explain why people have created this kind of ignorance which cannot be broken or removed. Because you are so much identified
with it. It is like a stuck up stamp which refuses to come off. And when such a thing happens you feel 'O, God' ! The whole
creation has been created, the whole working has taken place and the human beings have grown so well having reached this
stage. But now in this modern life which they are leading you find them so stupid and foolish that they have begun deluding
others with their stupidity and foolishness. How are we to approach those people who are true seekers ? Those who have been
seekers for ages ? All their lives before have been lost. Sometimes it is very disappointing. But still hoping against hopes, I hope
we reach all the corners of the universe where we find all people who are true seekers. It is their power to know the Divine; know
the Divine. It is not for those who are managing directors or kings or something ! What does it matter in the presence of God.
They would be pushed out. They will not be allowed to enter the kingdom of God. That kingdom is only For those who have
known. Not for those who simply talk about God. Those who say that we are worshippers of God and we have learnt so much it
will be said, "that is well, then go back to the place where from you have come". Whatever you have known is through your
awareness, and in your awareness you have come to know. The awareness has to be enlightened. It is not what you know but
human awareness which has still to grow. It involves such a lot of journey even after our realisation. It takes no time sometimes
to give realisation to so many people. I know it has happened with so many. But they do not know what they have to achieve. The
ego is such a horrible stuff that people do not want to see what they haven't got with them, what they have to have and what they
deserve. They do not want to see that beauty, that light, that is the Spirit. The reflection of God's love is the most precious thing
that you could think of. I do not know how many times I have delivered lectures in England, apart from the hard work I have put
in. Of course there are results, but progress has been slow. Compared to the fake and artificial people who have made so much
money out of you, Sahaja Yoga is working slowly. I would not have been disappointed if it was at the time of Christ because then
there were very few seekers. Actually even the close disciples that Christ collected were not true seekers. You are seekers of
truth. So many of you have taken to this path just to pursue the truth. But where are we going ? What are we doing about it all ?
What are our ideas about the truth ? Is it that our ideas are but a by-product of our ego ? Is it that we do not want to seek the
truth? I have met all kinds of people in this country including those who occupy important positions at various levels—public and
private life—lords, ladies and a host of others. They ask "Who wants to change" ? I say "Really ?" That is true, because they think
they are the greatest. Born thus, they hope to carry their lordship and possessions with them to heaven ? When they say "who
wants to change" what can be said except that they have reached the dead-end, the full-stop from which no further journey is
possible. Now, this, I must say, can work out only with people who are, seekers who want to know through their awareness what
is the truth. You have to know your Spirit, for, without knowing your Spirit you cannot know the truth and whatever I may talk to
you is a waste of time—a complete waste of time. Because you haven't got the awareness, today, to know the truth I am talking
about. So, I must earnestly ask you to become the Spirit. Why should you hesitate to do what you are told to, so that you will get
your realisation, which means that you have to become the Spirit first. Until and unless this awareness is enlightened you cannot
see. It is like describing the nature of colours to a blind man. You have to open your eyes. But even this simple thing people find
difficult to accept. The reason is that they have become very naive. They don't know what it is, and also they do not have any
inclination to understand. Now you see a tree standing there and you must know, that they are rooted. Somebody has told you
there are roots but you do not believe it because they are not visible. It is as simple as that. But why don't you try to find out if the
trees have roots or not. Supposing somebody says "whatever are outside, that much more are inside." So why not try you to see
into it? This is the simple question we should ask ourselves "why should I put any barrier to seeing", if that is going to give the
best in the world, if it is going to give an inkling of that beautiful thing called the Spirit. Why should we not have it ? You don't
have to pay for it, not even to exert for it. You don't have to do anything. But you must desire. This is the Point I am trying to
make. If you do not desire it from your own heart, God is not going to fall at your feet, imploring "please desire me". And if you
understand that you have to really desire it because it is such a desirous thing that I must tell you that this Kundalini is the pure
desire within you. It is not yet manifested, not yet awakened, in the sense that it has not yet acted. Imagine how important it is.
You should have the desire to be one with the Divine, to be one with your Spirit. The desire has to be strong, if not, then you would
be challenging the Kundalini, that is, you turn anti-Kundalini. Then the Kundalini would not rise. But what has this brain achieved
so far ? Just look at it. You must understand. What have we achieved by this brain ? For example, ask this stupid managing
director "what good has he done for anybody. What does he know about the spiritual life ? What does he understand about
Christ's life?" But if he sends a letter, any newspaper is willing to publish it. Look at the stupidity of the whole thing. They do not
understand that anything that has to go to the masses must be sensible; from a sensible man who is said to be an authority on
spiritual life. What good has this fellow done to anybody. But if I write something or any Sahaja Yogi says that by coming to
Sahaja Yoga he has given up his bad habits or has got cured his cancer or diseases, then nobody wants to listen to you. Nor
does it make any news. On the other hand they think you are mad. But a man like him, if he writes, they publish it. So it shows
clearly we are not only contending with people who are not only mad but also absolutely foolish. Who have no sense at all as to
how they have to live and how they have to conduct themselves. Sometimes you have to take it upon yourself for going into and
discovering the truth. It is you who have to find it out. For example, I say that this is a place where there are lots of diamonds or
this is a cave in which there is a lot of gold. The gold is not going to come to you. You have to go to the cave and get it. It is as
simple. I am not saying you walk towards anything or do anything like that. You have to desire and desire from your heart It is
impossible for me to raise your Kundalini if you do not desire it, because Kundalini itself is the pure desire. What can I do about it
? Can I force it ? You cannot push it out. If you want to have a seed sprouted, you have to plant it in the mother earth, you cannot
take it out in bits and pieces. You have to have a pure desire. And if that desire is not there, then I am breaking my head against
the wall. So it is important to understand that you must have that desire which is the highest. But if you are satisfied with things
which are useless and nonsensical, then what am I to do about it ? There is no psychology which can do that, because you have
to have the desire to be alright. But this is something innate and does not work with people who do not have pure desire. This
has been written down since long; it cannot be changed-, it cannot be forced, explained, discussed or argued about. Nothing can
be done; it has to work out from within. Even if you have worked it out on someone, you may not achieve the results. So, when
the situation is difficult and the children are also so adamant what can Mother do ? Push them in ! / am very much concerned
because this ego which sometimes is selfish and conceited, satisfies itself and is very happy. It w ill not allow you to get to the
point where you really stand, where you have all your powers and where you are the master of being. The identification with the
ego is so much that it is easy to take a bull by the horns but to take an ego-oriented man to the practices of Sahaja Yoga is very
difficult. Today I am rather disgusted but other moods also come—the moods of compassion and tremendous love. I should do
something to bring sense to these people. Something should happen to them otherwise what I see is a complete disaster. It is
going to happen. I do not want to frighten you like Mrs Thatcher does about the Russians. That might be imaginary. But this is
real. I am warning you that the disaster is going to come as destruction itself. But the greatest thing is the failure of the desire
that it could not communicate with you who are chosen specially in order to bring the Kingdom of Heaven. But suddenly you will
find that they all have fallen into a sieve without a way out. The Sahaja Yogis too feel frustrated at times. Whatever it is, as far as
I am concerned they have tremendous desire. But I am so desireless that the desire may not always work out. You see, I am a a
desireless person. So I ask the Sahaja Yogis to desire, so that people will have the great desire to become the Spirit. This is the
greatest thing that we can give to our brothers and sisters, to the people, to the children, to this beautiful world we live in, to the
beautiful light and to the beautiful time they all have to enjoy. / hope those who come for the first time w ill understand my
difficulty and try to see that you should desire only your Self-realisation and nothing else. Just desire that, and forget about
everything else even if you are managing director or a king. Keep all your shoes outside and just desire your Spirit. You see the
difference between me and Christ. He got so fed up that he cried out "let me be crucified". Of course it was in the plan that he
should die on the cross. / have to see that you all get your realisation somehow. It is like a Mother's desire to give a bath to the
baby and get him cleansed. So whichever you like—whether to be desolate or like to receive a rebuke—/ am willing to work it out
But at least ensure that you desire to get your realisation. May God bless you. | null | null | null | The Essence of Sahaja Yoga, from Nirmala Yoga In today's talk I will dwell on the essence of Sahaja Yoga. I am sure that it has
been explained to you before. Besides, most of you are from Sahaja Yoga itself. So I need not go into details. First of all we need
to understand that we are passing through an extremely serious time pregnant with unpredictable consequences. When we look
at life we do not seem to understand that if we miss this opportunity which has come our way, for our evolution, we will not only
be depriving ourselves of it or this country, England, but also it will be a stupendous loss for the whole of creation. The trouble,
however, is that in the name of God, of evolution and of higher life, a plethora of of spurious people have come out making it
well-nigh difficult to convince anyone of the existence of truth. Under the circumstances one has to talk about truth. But mere
talking about truth rarely leads to the experience of truth. It is altogether a different realm, a new awareness which you will have
to get to understand the truth for which I do not know how many of you are really prepared or how many of you would like to
know. Or even if you would like to, yet how many of you will really achieve it. But the problem is the other way round. It is not a
problem that we have only a few people, nor that I cannot give realisation. It is also not a problem that you cannot know the truth.
The irony is that whatever is false, spurious or silly finds quick acceptance among the masses. Sometimes I feel that I have
developed a unique method by which I can give realisation en masse all over the world. But it really poses a problem for me if the
masses are not interested. In fact, it is only very few who take a keen interest in their evolutionary process and would like to
come out of their ignorance in which they have been living. In all the ego-oriented countries it is very difficult to bring home the
truth that we are still ignorant. We have to know a lot. It is very difficult because they think they know everything, because they
have been to the moon. The Russians, for instance, still say that they saw no God when they orbited in space, which is like saying
that one has been to the third floor but hasn't seen the top. Where does God reside ? Where does He manifest within us ? In what
manner does He manifest ? We do not know what to see. What we want to see is possible only through our effort. 'If we have not
been able to see God, then He does not exist.' This is how we develop our attitude in this matter. But better say 'no' to all that we
did not know through our effort. Because we have not known about Him. So He does not exist. You turn round in a cave. So when
you see a shadow of yourself you believe in that only and say, 'nothing else existed.' The light does not exist. That kind of attitude
I have persistently been facing. And sometimes I do not know how to give them realisation. Now you have to start the other way
round. You have to seek. You have to ask for it. Nobody is going to fall at your feet and say "Well, you get your realisation. You
have this, for heaven's sake, please have it". Because nothing is selling here. You are used to salesmanship, that is, if anything is
selling you have to be persuaded or requested. You can save pounds for a sale and all that. But nothing is for sale here. This is a
very difficult thing for people to understand. In this present day atmosphere, where we do not know if we can get anything which
is not for sale. However, I hope, slowly and steadily all of us have to get our realisation. Somehow, we have to work very hard.
Sometimes it is very frustrating and sometimes so stupid—the way people react. Like the other day when we had a meeting at
Brighton I was laughing all the while. It is so sad. A gentleman who came to our programme made complaints. Look, who has
got time to put him on a video; who is interested in taking his photograph. He says he is a managing director. So what ? In the
presence of the Divine what is a managing director or what is even a King ? Just think of it. Who is he ? What does he think of
himself ? He has complained against us. Even the laws are so stupid sometimes that one can hardly understand. Has he got any
right to complain if he comes to a programme which is being conducted with a video on me or if you are photographed ? How
can you complain? On one side I find such stupid people and on the other a host of genuine seekers. How to reach them ? They
are like a diamond covered with mud. So much mud. To find out the diamond in the mud, one has to dive into a mine of
ignorance, to get that diamond which is lost. It concerns me so much that I feel this mud is going to cover their brains and their
eyes whatever else they have, so that they may not receive their realisation. They may miss it. Actually the Divine does not know
what human beings have created. Really, I tell you, the Divine is in the dark as to all the nonsenses that you have created around
you. All kinds of nonsenses you have created out of your ignorance, out of your ego and out of the choice that you had. I can't
explain why people have created this kind of ignorance which cannot be broken or removed. Because you are so much identified
with it. It is like a stuck up stamp which refuses to come off. And when such a thing happens you feel 'O, God' ! The whole
creation has been created, the whole working has taken place and the human beings have grown so well having reached this
stage. But now in this modern life which they are leading you find them so stupid and foolish that they have begun deluding
others with their stupidity and foolishness. How are we to approach those people who are true seekers ? Those who have been
seekers for ages ? All their lives before have been lost. Sometimes it is very disappointing. But still hoping against hopes, I hope
we reach all the corners of the universe where we find all people who are true seekers. It is their power to know the Divine; know
the Divine. It is not for those who are managing directors or kings or something ! What does it matter in the presence of God.
They would be pushed out. They will not be allowed to enter the kingdom of God. That kingdom is only For those who have
known. Not for those who simply talk about God. Those who say that we are worshippers of God and we have learnt so much it
will be said, "that is well, then go back to the place where from you have come". Whatever you have known is through your
awareness, and in your awareness you have come to know. The awareness has to be enlightened. It is not what you know but
human awareness which has still to grow. It involves such a lot of journey even after our realisation. It takes no time sometimes
to give realisation to so many people. I know it has happened with so many. But they do not know what they have to achieve. The
ego is such a horrible stuff that people do not want to see what they haven't got with them, what they have to have and what they
deserve. They do not want to see that beauty, that light, that is the Spirit. The reflection of God's love is the most precious thing
that you could think of. I do not know how many times I have delivered lectures in England, apart from the hard work I have put
in. Of course there are results, but progress has been slow. Compared to the fake and artificial people who have made so much
money out of you, Sahaja Yoga is working slowly. I would not have been disappointed if it was at the time of Christ because then
there were very few seekers. Actually even the close disciples that Christ collected were not true seekers. You are seekers of
truth. So many of you have taken to this path just to pursue the truth. But where are we going ? What are we doing about it all ?
What are our ideas about the truth ? Is it that our ideas are but a by-product of our ego ? Is it that we do not want to seek the
truth? I have met all kinds of people in this country including those who occupy important positions at various levels—public and
private life—lords, ladies and a host of others. They ask "Who wants to change" ? I say "Really ?" That is true, because they think
they are the greatest. Born thus, they hope to carry their lordship and possessions with them to heaven ? When they say "who
wants to change" what can be said except that they have reached the dead-end, the full-stop from which no further journey is
possible. Now, this, I must say, can work out only with people who are, seekers who want to know through their awareness what
is the truth. You have to know your Spirit, for, without knowing your Spirit you cannot know the truth and whatever I may talk to
you is a waste of time—a complete waste of time. Because you haven't got the awareness, today, to know the truth I am talking
about. So, I must earnestly ask you to become the Spirit. Why should you hesitate to do what you are told to, so that you will get
your realisation, which means that you have to become the Spirit first. Until and unless this awareness is enlightened you cannot
see. It is like describing the nature of colours to a blind man. You have to open your eyes. But even this simple thing people find
difficult to accept. The reason is that they have become very naive. They don't know what it is, and also they do not have any
inclination to understand. Now you see a tree standing there and you must know, that they are rooted. Somebody has told you
there are roots but you do not believe it because they are not visible. It is as simple as that. But why don't you try to find out if the
trees have roots or not. Supposing somebody says "whatever are outside, that much more are inside." So why not try you to see
into it? This is the simple question we should ask ourselves "why should I put any barrier to seeing", if that is going to give the
best in the world, if it is going to give an inkling of that beautiful thing called the Spirit. Why should we not have it ? You don't
have to pay for it, not even to exert for it. You don't have to do anything. But you must desire. This is the Point I am trying to
make. If you do not desire it from your own heart, God is not going to fall at your feet, imploring "please desire me". And if you
understand that you have to really desire it because it is such a desirous thing that I must tell you that this Kundalini is the pure
desire within you. It is not yet manifested, not yet awakened, in the sense that it has not yet acted. Imagine how important it is.
You should have the desire to be one with the Divine, to be one with your Spirit. The desire has to be strong, if not, then you would
be challenging the Kundalini, that is, you turn anti-Kundalini. Then the Kundalini would not rise. But what has this brain achieved
so far ? Just look at it. You must understand. What have we achieved by this brain ? For example, ask this stupid managing
director "what good has he done for anybody. What does he know about the spiritual life ? What does he understand about
Christ's life?" But if he sends a letter, any newspaper is willing to publish it. Look at the stupidity of the whole thing. They do not
understand that anything that has to go to the masses must be sensible; from a sensible man who is said to be an authority on
spiritual life. What good has this fellow done to anybody. But if I write something or any Sahaja Yogi says that by coming to
Sahaja Yoga he has given up his bad habits or has got cured his cancer or diseases, then nobody wants to listen to you. Nor
does it make any news. On the other hand they think you are mad. But a man like him, if he writes, they publish it. So it shows
clearly we are not only contending with people who are not only mad but also absolutely foolish. Who have no sense at all as to
how they have to live and how they have to conduct themselves. Sometimes you have to take it upon yourself for going into and
discovering the truth. It is you who have to find it out. For example, I say that this is a place where there are lots of diamonds or
this is a cave in which there is a lot of gold. The gold is not going to come to you. You have to go to the cave and get it. It is as
simple. I am not saying you walk towards anything or do anything like that. You have to desire and desire from your heart It is
impossible for me to raise your Kundalini if you do not desire it, because Kundalini itself is the pure desire. What can I do about it
? Can I force it ? You cannot push it out. If you want to have a seed sprouted, you have to plant it in the mother earth, you cannot
take it out in bits and pieces. You have to have a pure desire. And if that desire is not there, then I am breaking my head against
the wall. So it is important to understand that you must have that desire which is the highest. But if you are satisfied with things
which are useless and nonsensical, then what am I to do about it ? There is no psychology which can do that, because you have
to have the desire to be alright. But this is something innate and does not work with people who do not have pure desire. This
has been written down since long; it cannot be changed-, it cannot be forced, explained, discussed or argued about. Nothing can
be done; it has to work out from within. Even if you have worked it out on someone, you may not achieve the results. So, when
the situation is difficult and the children are also so adamant what can Mother do ? Push them in ! / am very much concerned
because this ego which sometimes is selfish and conceited, satisfies itself and is very happy. It w ill not allow you to get to the
point where you really stand, where you have all your powers and where you are the master of being. The identification with the
ego is so much that it is easy to take a bull by the horns but to take an ego-oriented man to the practices of Sahaja Yoga is very
difficult. Today I am rather disgusted but other moods also come—the moods of compassion and tremendous love. I should do
something to bring sense to these people. Something should happen to them otherwise what I see is a complete disaster. It is
going to happen. I do not want to frighten you like Mrs Thatcher does about the Russians. That might be imaginary. But this is
real. I am warning you that the disaster is going to come as destruction itself. But the greatest thing is the failure of the desire
that it could not communicate with you who are chosen specially in order to bring the Kingdom of Heaven. But suddenly you will
find that they all have fallen into a sieve without a way out. The Sahaja Yogis too feel frustrated at times. Whatever it is, as far as
I am concerned they have tremendous desire. But I am so desireless that the desire may not always work out. You see, I am a a
desireless person. So I ask the Sahaja Yogis to desire, so that people will have the great desire to become the Spirit. This is the
greatest thing that we can give to our brothers and sisters, to the people, to the children, to this beautiful world we live in, to the
beautiful light and to the beautiful time they all have to enjoy. / hope those who come for the first time w ill understand my
difficulty and try to see that you should desire only your Self-realisation and nothing else. Just desire that, and forget about
everything else even if you are managing director or a king. Keep all your shoes outside and just desire your Spirit. You see the
difference between me and Christ. He got so fed up that he cried out "let me be crucified". Of course it was in the plan that he
should die on the cross. / have to see that you all get your realisation somehow. It is like a Mother's desire to give a bath to the
baby and get him cleansed. So whichever you like—whether to be desolate or like to receive a rebuke—/ am willing to work it out
But at least ensure that you desire to get your realisation. May God bless you. |
1/1/1970 | | Quote from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 12 (Nov.-Dec. 1982), Page 25 | Country Unknown | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Quote | English | 0 | Quote from Nirmala Yoga All should clean their inner beings. You should think “why have we come to Sahaja Yoga ? What
benefits have we got and what can we get? Where do we go wrong ? What should we do further ? Where are our pitfalls ? What
have we left and taken for our growth?” I find, even after coming to Sahaja Yoga, in most of our wakeful time, we think of external
things. We must see how much loving and devoted to God, we are. | null | null | null | Quote from Nirmala Yoga All should clean their inner beings. You should think “why have we come to Sahaja Yoga ? What
benefits have we got and what can we get? Where do we go wrong ? What should we do further ? Where are our pitfalls ? What
have we left and taken for our growth?” I find, even after coming to Sahaja Yoga, in most of our wakeful time, we think of external
things. We must see how much loving and devoted to God, we are. |
1/1/1970 | | Quote, from Advice given to Sahaja Mothers from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 16 (July-August 1983), Pages 29–31 | Country Unknown | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Quote | English | 0 | null | null | null | null | null |
1/1/1970 | | Quote 2, from Advice given to Sahaja Mothers from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 16 (July-August 1983), Pages 29–31 | Country Unknown | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Quote | English | 0 | null | null | null | null | null |
1/1/1970 | | Quote 1 from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 13 (Jan.-Feb. 1983), Pages 23 and 25 | Country Unknown | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Quote | English | 0 | Quote 1 from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 13 Magnanimity of mind is very pleasing and it attracts others. This magnanimity lies within
human being and is awakened by Kundalini. But how can those people have this joy of spontaneity who are living in artificial
atmosphere ? Although Kundalini has been awakened and She has pierced Brahmarandhra yet heart must be pierced. But some
Sahaja Yogis have hearts like stones, absolutely devoid of love; they use sarcastic words while talking to others and want to
show that they are great. On many occasions I have seen, people push others or shout at others even in my presence.
Particularly, when you shout at the children, I feel pain in my heart. At least Sahaja Yogis should have deep love for each other.
When you know that you are the children of the same Mother, why do you look down upon some people ? Are you perfect ? Are
there no faults in you ? We only talk of universal love. If you have no love for each other amongst you, then in which mankind will
it be seen ? All I want to tell you is to clean your minds of venomous thoughts that you have for other Sahaja Yogis.If a Sahaja
Yogi visits your town, invite him, look after him, as if he is your brother. His happiness will purify your homes. I cannot understand
how there can be groups among the Sahaja Yogis, because every moment your condition is improving or going down.Know that
making such groups is disastrous. Look at the good qualities of others and enjoy their love. Don’t worry about their bad qualities.
Leave them for me. You will realise in meditation that this is the only way of opening the fountains of bliss. | null | null | null | Quote 1 from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 13 Magnanimity of mind is very pleasing and it attracts others. This magnanimity lies within
human being and is awakened by Kundalini. But how can those people have this joy of spontaneity who are living in artificial
atmosphere ? Although Kundalini has been awakened and She has pierced Brahmarandhra yet heart must be pierced. But some
Sahaja Yogis have hearts like stones, absolutely devoid of love; they use sarcastic words while talking to others and want to
show that they are great. On many occasions I have seen, people push others or shout at others even in my presence.
Particularly, when you shout at the children, I feel pain in my heart. At least Sahaja Yogis should have deep love for each other.
When you know that you are the children of the same Mother, why do you look down upon some people ? Are you perfect ? Are
there no faults in you ? We only talk of universal love. If you have no love for each other amongst you, then in which mankind will
it be seen ? All I want to tell you is to clean your minds of venomous thoughts that you have for other Sahaja Yogis.If a Sahaja
Yogi visits your town, invite him, look after him, as if he is your brother. His happiness will purify your homes. I cannot understand
how there can be groups among the Sahaja Yogis, because every moment your condition is improving or going down.Know that
making such groups is disastrous. Look at the good qualities of others and enjoy their love. Don’t worry about their bad qualities.
Leave them for me. You will realise in meditation that this is the only way of opening the fountains of bliss. |
1/1/1970 | | Quote 2 from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 13 (Jan.-Feb. 1983), Page 25 | Country Unknown | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Quote | English | 0 | null | null | null | null | null |
1/1/1970 | | Quote 3 from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 13 (Jan.-Feb. 1983), Page 25 | Country Unknown | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Quote | English | 0 | null | null | null | null | null |
1/1/1970 | | Unknown Talk related to Guru Puja | Country Unknown | City Unknown | NEEDED | null | null | null | null | Y | N | N | Talk to Sahaja Yogis | English | 8 | null | null | null | null | null |
1/1/1970 | | Two quotes from “The Origins of the Nervous System” dated 1993-1106 | Country Unknown | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Quote | English | 0 | null | null | null | null | null |
1/1/1970 | | Evening Program | Country Unknown | City Unknown | VERIFIED | null | Draft | VERIFIED | null | Y | N | N | Evening Program | English, Marathi | 33 | It was really such a unique day and such a performance. Words really are not sufficient to describe our joy but as you are seeing
today about [unclear: alunda dihardy] I saw all of you becoming [aninda vehardis] absolutely. Now we have before us such a
great artist. His name is, you know [unclear] but have you seen the word [Alidia]? Perhaps you do not know that we worship Ali
and Fatima ji in a puja. There's a regular puja for them because to us they are Brahamadeva itself and that's why you will find
among these Shia people who have got such a talent of expression. In the Quran I am sorry to say that Mohammed Sahib was
tortured so much and also later on as you know Hassan and Hussein were killed in Karbella. They had no time to talk about the
universal nature. But such a great book is this Quran. They have written now some sort of a commentary on that and it's obvious
that he was the incarnation of the primordial master though he was so humble he was so much worried that he should not be
called as divine because people will again start doing all kinds of ritualism. But now you can see especially on tableau. Left side
of a muslim man is always very strong. I knew that. This is a blessing of that great incarnation of Ali. Brahamadeva only incarate
only twice. One was Ali who was not understood even by the followers from Mohammed Sahib. It's always so. But we know who
he is and we worship him [Marathi] and by taking his name we have cured many diabetic patients. But before that we have to be
connected with that divine power. Now I see two very great saints sitting next to [unclear: sahib]. They are really saints, born
realised. You can see that. Otherwise at this young age they cannot be so deft. They cannot. Such understanding, rapport and
deftness from last life. Might be they might have been with [unclear] I don't know but really they are prodigies. And such
prodigies are now born to great artists is also the blessing of the Divine I think. You choose your parents no doubt. But they
should be born to such great artist itself, it shows their own choice, and they are saints. I am happy they have come to
Maharashtra because you know Maharashtrans are absolutely drowned into music. We had saints and saints and [unclear]
saints, all kinds of things but we had no saints yet who had played sarod. So such beautiful things you see nowadays happening
in this world that these great people are taking birth in the families of great artists because they know the value of this art. Of this
great classical music art. You also now realise. I know because now you are realised souls and you understand it and you don't
like cheap type music. But see the dignity, the style and everything. Of course I always felt [unclear:] was like my son. Always.
This [inclear: sahib] is a big man I know but I always felt that kind of a feeling for him because he has that humility. With all that
art, with all that creativity he is so humble. He is not at all conscious of his own achievements at all. I give really a great credit to
him and to his two children also. You know how difficult it is for Me to be your Mother when you are a guru. It is a very difficult
situation. In the same way a father being your guru is very difficult, especially for such a music which requires complete [tapas
charia], complete dedication and complete respect of your guru. When he is your father it's very difficult. I don't know how things
are being managed by these children and how they have imbibed these things and such respect for their father. Because they
see what art he has. I feel a great vision is before Me of this great music and through music you have seen the chaitanya, the
vibrations are carried everywhere. So how far can you think of the dimensions in which all this beautiful divine music will spread.
I invite also [unclear] to My house in Cabella. I am not such a rich person. I won't be able to really give you support you the way I
would like to support all the artists. By all the audience, I will say they have got the blessings of the Saraswati but you must look
after their laksmi side. But I am not so well off I should say. Whatever is possible I will try to look after. It's what meditative mood
he was singing, just singing and he put you into meditation. Of course [unclear] is a very simple beautiful raga. The way he played
and his children. I must say this I've never heard such [unclear] before. Never heard. I must confess. I am the oldest woman here.
I have heard all kinds of people all My life but never such good [unclear] I have heard. It's such a [unclear] you see because it was
not [unclear] but three persons trigunamika was playing. With such poise, such dignity, such beauty. You all have enjoyed. I don’t
know how to thank [unclear: Sahib] coming himself and bringing his children to give us this joy. Also the rag by [unclear] which
you all appreciate very much and enjoy. But I think you really got lost with him completely. It was very meditative, very, very
meditative and I think all your thoughts had stopped completely. You had reached a state of nirvichara. I also was in another
world of music. Then the comaj and the bhajan which was the favourite song of Mahatma Gandhi. Unfortunately Mahatma
Gandhi never knew how to play any sarod nor he knew how to sing. You know I had been with him as a child for years together.
But such an interesting person he was that he could immediately make out if somebody was making any mistakes in the tala or
in the swarod. Surprisingly he never knew Indian music but he had that spirit within him. Immediately he used to say this is
wrong and he respected music very much. Very much he respected music and in his music he – you know that very well that his
personality was selected by Me quite a lot, especially the first prayer service. He used to ask though he was a realised soul he
used people who were of very mundane type, very ordinary materialistic people for the freedom of this country. I don't know he
was like some sort of a [unclear] as they say of something that just becomes whole. He was that kind of a leader who gave us
such a great idea of sarvadharma, samalatua. But more than that is in Sahaja Yoga. We do not feel that all dharma's are equal
but we worship all of them. All of them because they were all great people born on the tree of life as beautiful flowers. Now you
pluck them and the dead flowers will fight. But they work for only divinity and spirituality and nothing else. How could they work
for anything else? But we have as human beings always tried make a mess of everything. But Sahaja Yoga – all the Sahaja Yogis
worship them and this is the difference. Just feeling the same way about say Hindu, Muslims and all that is different from to
worship Mohammed Sahib as well as Shri Rama or Shri Krishna. It's much deeper because we know they are all one. They said
the same thing. They never wanted to create problems like this and in the music you find you forget all your differences, your
so-called brands, your countries, nations. Now you won't believe there are 55 nations sitting before you. Fifty five nations. We
have Muslims from Iran, from Algeria, from Tunisia. Also there are so many of them who have now absolutely achieved a state
of Sufi s. They respect and worship all the great saints. In India also we have a very big movement I should say of the great
saints [unclear]. You know that [unclear] was be another realised soul [unclear: they sing] in the qawalis. They have never – how
could Mohammed Sahib say that you should not have music how is it possible? How can it be? It's absolute wrong, impossible
there’s not much of a difference between [Raishmajana] and the sufi's. They are just the same. How could they say such a thing
and how could Christ say that you can have wine? All this is some sort of a manipulation I think. Is impossible. Music is divine. Of
course cheap type music would be very different. But without music how are you going to worship God? How are you going to
feel it? Only at the time of meditation you can be silent. But this music that you have heard today has shown you how we were all
tied in one [unclear], into one beautiful feeling of one-ness. So many countries are here. They have never learnt any classical
music. They don't know any ragas. They don't know any talas. Nothing. But the way they appreciate you'll be surprised, it's only
because now they have become the spirit. [Hindy] You are not supposed to wear topis in front of such great artists Sahaja Yogi:
Shri Mataji it's very difficult to use words after music and it's very difficult to use words after you have spoken. We heard many
performances of great musicians but as soon as these great artists came in we felt that we would be in your [durbah] at home
with someone who would play with the strings of our heart and that's what happened. We were I don't know where Shri Mataji.
Certainly in joy. We were feeling the closeness. We were proud of him as if we were his children or his family. This is strange to
have such a feeling for someone one has never met. We all see so very much and enjoy the joyful and buoyant performance of
the tala player who was sending notes of merriness and joy and we were very impressed by the children of the great artist.
Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, on behalf of all the Sahaja Yogis of all the world I would like also to thank [Hajesha] who has provided us
the opportunity to see you so pleased Shri Mataji, because this is what we have enjoyed. In so many words, thank you very much
for an exceptional evening. Thank you. Sahaja Yogini: Can I just say a few words. On behalf of Mataji when [unclear] rang us up
she wrote a formal letter and since I deal with correspondence I just said in a normal way I started writing since Mataji said
about Lakshmi and Saraswati. I have to mention this to you. I wrote that Lakshmi part of it. Then she wrote saying Mataji is going
to be here and this is a [unclear]. I said you asked me that's why I wrote. I didn't say you have to do anything for us. We just need
your blessings and I humbly requested to [unclear] and told her I'll be very happy. We both will be very honoured and blessed if
Mataji bless the children. So this is the first time we plan to bring mainly because of You Mataji - the children and fourteen years
ago when I was with [unclear] and marrying an artist who was love by all was a very difficult job for me to face the world and I did
not know [Malinga] musicians [unclear]. And I was very disturbed when I went to Mataji and I literally started crying. She took me
to Her room and sat with Her. She blessed me. Every since then I don't think I have ever looked back with Her blessings. Art and
culture I think without the love of people the listeners and of course the blessings of people like Mataji and God it cannot be
music. So I think with all Your blessings Mataji may it flourish more and more. Shr Mataji: May God bless you. Shri Mataji: This is
what happened when Christ vibrated the water it tasted like the grape juice. But they said it was wine. But this is the word used in
Hebrew – wine for a grape juice. How can you make wine in one minute instantaneously? It has to ferment. It has to rot. It has to
become absolutely rotten, otherwise it's not wine. So this is such a misunderstanding. That's why Mohammed Sahib had to say
again and again. | null | null | null | It was really such a unique day and such a performance. Words really are not sufficient to describe our joy but as you are seeing
today about [unclear: alunda dihardy] I saw all of you becoming [aninda vehardis] absolutely. Now we have before us such a
great artist. His name is, you know [unclear] but have you seen the word [Alidia]? Perhaps you do not know that we worship Ali
and Fatima ji in a puja. There's a regular puja for them because to us they are Brahamadeva itself and that's why you will find
among these Shia people who have got such a talent of expression. In the Quran I am sorry to say that Mohammed Sahib was
tortured so much and also later on as you know Hassan and Hussein were killed in Karbella. They had no time to talk about the
universal nature. But such a great book is this Quran. They have written now some sort of a commentary on that and it's obvious
that he was the incarnation of the primordial master though he was so humble he was so much worried that he should not be
called as divine because people will again start doing all kinds of ritualism. But now you can see especially on tableau. Left side
of a muslim man is always very strong. I knew that. This is a blessing of that great incarnation of Ali. Brahamadeva only incarate
only twice. One was Ali who was not understood even by the followers from Mohammed Sahib. It's always so. But we know who
he is and we worship him [Marathi] and by taking his name we have cured many diabetic patients. But before that we have to be
connected with that divine power. Now I see two very great saints sitting next to [unclear: sahib]. They are really saints, born
realised. You can see that. Otherwise at this young age they cannot be so deft. They cannot. Such understanding, rapport and
deftness from last life. Might be they might have been with [unclear] I don't know but really they are prodigies. And such
prodigies are now born to great artists is also the blessing of the Divine I think. You choose your parents no doubt. But they
should be born to such great artist itself, it shows their own choice, and they are saints. I am happy they have come to
Maharashtra because you know Maharashtrans are absolutely drowned into music. We had saints and saints and [unclear]
saints, all kinds of things but we had no saints yet who had played sarod. So such beautiful things you see nowadays happening
in this world that these great people are taking birth in the families of great artists because they know the value of this art. Of this
great classical music art. You also now realise. I know because now you are realised souls and you understand it and you don't
like cheap type music. But see the dignity, the style and everything. Of course I always felt [unclear:] was like my son. Always.
This [inclear: sahib] is a big man I know but I always felt that kind of a feeling for him because he has that humility. With all that
art, with all that creativity he is so humble. He is not at all conscious of his own achievements at all. I give really a great credit to
him and to his two children also. You know how difficult it is for Me to be your Mother when you are a guru. It is a very difficult
situation. In the same way a father being your guru is very difficult, especially for such a music which requires complete [tapas
charia], complete dedication and complete respect of your guru. When he is your father it's very difficult. I don't know how things
are being managed by these children and how they have imbibed these things and such respect for their father. Because they
see what art he has. I feel a great vision is before Me of this great music and through music you have seen the chaitanya, the
vibrations are carried everywhere. So how far can you think of the dimensions in which all this beautiful divine music will spread.
I invite also [unclear] to My house in Cabella. I am not such a rich person. I won't be able to really give you support you the way I
would like to support all the artists. By all the audience, I will say they have got the blessings of the Saraswati but you must look
after their laksmi side. But I am not so well off I should say. Whatever is possible I will try to look after. It's what meditative mood
he was singing, just singing and he put you into meditation. Of course [unclear] is a very simple beautiful raga. The way he played
and his children. I must say this I've never heard such [unclear] before. Never heard. I must confess. I am the oldest woman here.
I have heard all kinds of people all My life but never such good [unclear] I have heard. It's such a [unclear] you see because it was
not [unclear] but three persons trigunamika was playing. With such poise, such dignity, such beauty. You all have enjoyed. I don’t
know how to thank [unclear: Sahib] coming himself and bringing his children to give us this joy. Also the rag by [unclear] which
you all appreciate very much and enjoy. But I think you really got lost with him completely. It was very meditative, very, very
meditative and I think all your thoughts had stopped completely. You had reached a state of nirvichara. I also was in another
world of music. Then the comaj and the bhajan which was the favourite song of Mahatma Gandhi. Unfortunately Mahatma
Gandhi never knew how to play any sarod nor he knew how to sing. You know I had been with him as a child for years together.
But such an interesting person he was that he could immediately make out if somebody was making any mistakes in the tala or
in the swarod. Surprisingly he never knew Indian music but he had that spirit within him. Immediately he used to say this is
wrong and he respected music very much. Very much he respected music and in his music he – you know that very well that his
personality was selected by Me quite a lot, especially the first prayer service. He used to ask though he was a realised soul he
used people who were of very mundane type, very ordinary materialistic people for the freedom of this country. I don't know he
was like some sort of a [unclear] as they say of something that just becomes whole. He was that kind of a leader who gave us
such a great idea of sarvadharma, samalatua. But more than that is in Sahaja Yoga. We do not feel that all dharma's are equal
but we worship all of them. All of them because they were all great people born on the tree of life as beautiful flowers. Now you
pluck them and the dead flowers will fight. But they work for only divinity and spirituality and nothing else. How could they work
for anything else? But we have as human beings always tried make a mess of everything. But Sahaja Yoga – all the Sahaja Yogis
worship them and this is the difference. Just feeling the same way about say Hindu, Muslims and all that is different from to
worship Mohammed Sahib as well as Shri Rama or Shri Krishna. It's much deeper because we know they are all one. They said
the same thing. They never wanted to create problems like this and in the music you find you forget all your differences, your
so-called brands, your countries, nations. Now you won't believe there are 55 nations sitting before you. Fifty five nations. We
have Muslims from Iran, from Algeria, from Tunisia. Also there are so many of them who have now absolutely achieved a state
of Sufi s. They respect and worship all the great saints. In India also we have a very big movement I should say of the great
saints [unclear]. You know that [unclear] was be another realised soul [unclear: they sing] in the qawalis. They have never – how
could Mohammed Sahib say that you should not have music how is it possible? How can it be? It's absolute wrong, impossible
there’s not much of a difference between [Raishmajana] and the sufi's. They are just the same. How could they say such a thing
and how could Christ say that you can have wine? All this is some sort of a manipulation I think. Is impossible. Music is divine. Of
course cheap type music would be very different. But without music how are you going to worship God? How are you going to
feel it? Only at the time of meditation you can be silent. But this music that you have heard today has shown you how we were all
tied in one [unclear], into one beautiful feeling of one-ness. So many countries are here. They have never learnt any classical
music. They don't know any ragas. They don't know any talas. Nothing. But the way they appreciate you'll be surprised, it's only
because now they have become the spirit. [Hindy] You are not supposed to wear topis in front of such great artists Sahaja Yogi:
Shri Mataji it's very difficult to use words after music and it's very difficult to use words after you have spoken. We heard many
performances of great musicians but as soon as these great artists came in we felt that we would be in your [durbah] at home
with someone who would play with the strings of our heart and that's what happened. We were I don't know where Shri Mataji.
Certainly in joy. We were feeling the closeness. We were proud of him as if we were his children or his family. This is strange to
have such a feeling for someone one has never met. We all see so very much and enjoy the joyful and buoyant performance of
the tala player who was sending notes of merriness and joy and we were very impressed by the children of the great artist.
Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, on behalf of all the Sahaja Yogis of all the world I would like also to thank [Hajesha] who has provided us
the opportunity to see you so pleased Shri Mataji, because this is what we have enjoyed. In so many words, thank you very much
for an exceptional evening. Thank you. Sahaja Yogini: Can I just say a few words. On behalf of Mataji when [unclear] rang us up
she wrote a formal letter and since I deal with correspondence I just said in a normal way I started writing since Mataji said
about Lakshmi and Saraswati. I have to mention this to you. I wrote that Lakshmi part of it. Then she wrote saying Mataji is going
to be here and this is a [unclear]. I said you asked me that's why I wrote. I didn't say you have to do anything for us. We just need
your blessings and I humbly requested to [unclear] and told her I'll be very happy. We both will be very honoured and blessed if
Mataji bless the children. So this is the first time we plan to bring mainly because of You Mataji - the children and fourteen years
ago when I was with [unclear] and marrying an artist who was love by all was a very difficult job for me to face the world and I did
not know [Malinga] musicians [unclear]. And I was very disturbed when I went to Mataji and I literally started crying. She took me
to Her room and sat with Her. She blessed me. Every since then I don't think I have ever looked back with Her blessings. Art and
culture I think without the love of people the listeners and of course the blessings of people like Mataji and God it cannot be
music. So I think with all Your blessings Mataji may it flourish more and more. Shr Mataji: May God bless you. Shri Mataji: This is
what happened when Christ vibrated the water it tasted like the grape juice. But they said it was wine. But this is the word used in
Hebrew – wine for a grape juice. How can you make wine in one minute instantaneously? It has to ferment. It has to rot. It has to
become absolutely rotten, otherwise it's not wine. So this is such a misunderstanding. That's why Mohammed Sahib had to say
again and again. |
1/1/1970 | | Letter, Meaning of Puja | Country Unknown | City Unknown | null | null | null | null | Draft | N | N | N | Letter / Poem | Marathi | 0 | Old Letter in Marathi – Meaning of Puja. My dear Nirmala Many Blessings Received your loving letter. I have also very much
enjoyed Navaratri Puja. But Puja is also an external offering. Even your heart has said so. But you should understand how you get
the reward or blessings of the Puja and its prasad. A Puja or a prayer grows from your heart. Mantras are the words of your
Kundalini. But if Puja is not performed from heart or if Kundalini is not associated with recitation of Mantras then that Puja
becomes a ritual. If you become thoughtless in Puja, know that your heart is also involved in it. Collect the Puja material and
offer it sincerely. There should be no formality or bindings in the offerings. It is correct to wash hands, but is your heart washed?
When attention is on heart it does not go to others. Although you remain quiet from outside, you are speaking from within. Hence
you should not, be silent for long time. If man's heart is not clean, then the silence becomes very harmful. At the same time loose
talks can bring catastrophes. You should say the Mantras in Puja but with great faith (Shraddha). There is no alternative to
Shraddha. You should perform the Puja when Shraddha grows deep, so that heart itself gets all Puja performed. At that time
waves of bliss start flowing because it is the Spirit that is saying, how can any thought come at that time? People pour their wine
in the glass. Your Puja is like that. In that, wine is your faith and the glass is the recitation of Mantras and the worshipping. When
you are drinking that wine forgetting everything, how can a thought come! Then only bathing in the ocean of bliss! How can that
joy be expressed in thoughts? Who will pour that wine, back in the glass, which is to be drunk and that too in the inferior glass of
thoughts? However, the joy that you get after drinking the wine is eternal and ever-present. It becomes your asset. Many such
Pujas have been performed in my presence. Every time a big wave comes and take you to a new land. Experiences of many such
lands become your own. They give vastness to personality and open new gates of joy. Best is worshipping in the heart. If, the
photo by looking at it, can be placed in heart or, after the Puja, its view goes to heart, then the joy which you get only at that time,
can become everlasting and ever-present. Show this letter, to all Sahaja Yogis and send its copies. Your Mother Nirmala | null | null | null | Old Letter in Marathi – Meaning of Puja. My dear Nirmala Many Blessings Received your loving letter. I have also very much
enjoyed Navaratri Puja. But Puja is also an external offering. Even your heart has said so. But you should understand how you get
the reward or blessings of the Puja and its prasad. A Puja or a prayer grows from your heart. Mantras are the words of your
Kundalini. But if Puja is not performed from heart or if Kundalini is not associated with recitation of Mantras then that Puja
becomes a ritual. If you become thoughtless in Puja, know that your heart is also involved in it. Collect the Puja material and
offer it sincerely. There should be no formality or bindings in the offerings. It is correct to wash hands, but is your heart washed?
When attention is on heart it does not go to others. Although you remain quiet from outside, you are speaking from within. Hence
you should not, be silent for long time. If man's heart is not clean, then the silence becomes very harmful. At the same time loose
talks can bring catastrophes. You should say the Mantras in Puja but with great faith (Shraddha). There is no alternative to
Shraddha. You should perform the Puja when Shraddha grows deep, so that heart itself gets all Puja performed. At that time
waves of bliss start flowing because it is the Spirit that is saying, how can any thought come at that time? People pour their wine
in the glass. Your Puja is like that. In that, wine is your faith and the glass is the recitation of Mantras and the worshipping. When
you are drinking that wine forgetting everything, how can a thought come! Then only bathing in the ocean of bliss! How can that
joy be expressed in thoughts? Who will pour that wine, back in the glass, which is to be drunk and that too in the inferior glass of
thoughts? However, the joy that you get after drinking the wine is eternal and ever-present. It becomes your asset. Many such
Pujas have been performed in my presence. Every time a big wave comes and take you to a new land. Experiences of many such
lands become your own. They give vastness to personality and open new gates of joy. Best is worshipping in the heart. If, the
photo by looking at it, can be placed in heart or, after the Puja, its view goes to heart, then the joy which you get only at that time,
can become everlasting and ever-present. Show this letter, to all Sahaja Yogis and send its copies. Your Mother Nirmala |
1/1/1970 | | Unique Discovery – TV (date unknown) | Country Unknown | City Unknown | VERIFIED | null | null | null | null | N | Y | N | Public Program | English | 10 | Unique Discovery – TV (date unknown, location unknown) Shri Mataji: The truth is that we are not this body, this intellect,
emotions, this ego, the conditionings, but we are the spirit. And the second truth is that there is a subtle , All-pervading Divine
Power which is doing all the living work. Announcer: In 1970 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi founded Sahaja Yoga, a dynamic technique
for meditation that takes us beyond our limitations. Through the awakening of the spiritual energy within us, we can experience
the integration of all aspects of our life, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Thousands of people from more than 40
countries have experienced this enlightenment. True peace in the world will only be achieved through the inner transformation of
human beings. Sahaja yoga, [is] the unique discovery. Shri Mataji: I bow to all the seekers of truth. Truth is something, which can
not be changed. It can not be challenged. It can not be imagined. One has to feel the truth on your central nervous system. What
is the truth? The truth is that you are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not this intelligence, you are not these
conditionings or your ego, but you are pure spirit. This is one truth. The second one is that this whole universe is covered with a
very subtle energy, which is called as the All-pervading Power of God’s love. Or in Sanskrit language it is called as
Paramchaitanya. These are the two things which we have to seek, and this is what once we know what it is, then the truth you
can feel it on your central nervous system. For this happening, there is an element already made within our being, is a power
which is a residual power of Kundalini. It is called as Kundalini because it is coiled in three and half coils. It is resting in the
triangular bone called as sacrum. That shows that the Greeks knew that it was a sacred bone. Now, this is the energy that has to
be awakened, and when it is awakened, it rises through 6 very subtle energy centres and pierces through the fontanelle bone
area. And then you feel as if a cool breeze is coming out of your fontanel bone area. But this is just like a connection with the
mains, as we have for every instrument. With this happening, you become a self-realized person in the sense that you develop a
new dimension in your awareness in your central nervous system. On which you can feel the centres of these chakras of your
own being and that of others. So you get the self-knowledge , also you get the knowledge about others, what are their problems.
Thus, you become collectively conscious, as Jung has said that [the] next stage of human awareness is going to be collectively
conscious. So you become collectively conscious, it is a question of becoming it is not just a certificate, it is not exercise. Sahaja,
‘saha’ means with, and ‘ja’ is born with you. Also, sahaj means spontaneous. Yoga means the union with this All-pervading Divine
Power. . Sahaja Yoga is the right of every human being to achieve that ascent. In the evolutionary process, we have come to the
stage where we are human beings. But the knowledge that we have is not absolute, to get to the absolute knowledge, we have to
rise higher into [a] new realm beyond thought. And this [is] a new realm which you achieve after Sahaja yoga, by which you feel
the truth, the absolute truth, and everybody feels the same. With the awakening of the Kundalini, so many things also happen,
because it nourishes all your centres. By the nourishment of the centres, you find that your health suddenly improves. Definitely
Sahaja yoga has cured many psychosomatic diseases like cancer, no doubt about it. But it only happens if the Kundalini rises
and pierces through your fontanel bone area. Then it only happens, and it works out in a way that will definitely show you that
something new has happened. But apart from that you get your mental peace. Many mental cases have been cured. Also, you
get your intelligence suddenly sharpened up because the brain that you are using is just a bit part but, with the light of the spirit
comes into your brain, you start seeing things much more deeply and understanding them much better. It is such a remarkable
thing, that it has to happen to all of us as the last jump or breakthrough into the evolutionary process. As this Sahaja Yoga is not
a new thing, it has been there, but it was only transmitted from one master to one disciple. Only in the twelve century, somebody
wrote about it very clearly for the masses, and now it is becoming practical and thousands of people are getting realization all
over the world. May God bless you all. | null | null | null | Unique Discovery – TV (date unknown, location unknown) Shri Mataji: The truth is that we are not this body, this intellect,
emotions, this ego, the conditionings, but we are the spirit. And the second truth is that there is a subtle , All-pervading Divine
Power which is doing all the living work. Announcer: In 1970 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi founded Sahaja Yoga, a dynamic technique
for meditation that takes us beyond our limitations. Through the awakening of the spiritual energy within us, we can experience
the integration of all aspects of our life, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Thousands of people from more than 40
countries have experienced this enlightenment. True peace in the world will only be achieved through the inner transformation of
human beings. Sahaja yoga, [is] the unique discovery. Shri Mataji: I bow to all the seekers of truth. Truth is something, which can
not be changed. It can not be challenged. It can not be imagined. One has to feel the truth on your central nervous system. What
is the truth? The truth is that you are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not this intelligence, you are not these
conditionings or your ego, but you are pure spirit. This is one truth. The second one is that this whole universe is covered with a
very subtle energy, which is called as the All-pervading Power of God’s love. Or in Sanskrit language it is called as
Paramchaitanya. These are the two things which we have to seek, and this is what once we know what it is, then the truth you
can feel it on your central nervous system. For this happening, there is an element already made within our being, is a power
which is a residual power of Kundalini. It is called as Kundalini because it is coiled in three and half coils. It is resting in the
triangular bone called as sacrum. That shows that the Greeks knew that it was a sacred bone. Now, this is the energy that has to
be awakened, and when it is awakened, it rises through 6 very subtle energy centres and pierces through the fontanelle bone
area. And then you feel as if a cool breeze is coming out of your fontanel bone area. But this is just like a connection with the
mains, as we have for every instrument. With this happening, you become a self-realized person in the sense that you develop a
new dimension in your awareness in your central nervous system. On which you can feel the centres of these chakras of your
own being and that of others. So you get the self-knowledge , also you get the knowledge about others, what are their problems.
Thus, you become collectively conscious, as Jung has said that [the] next stage of human awareness is going to be collectively
conscious. So you become collectively conscious, it is a question of becoming it is not just a certificate, it is not exercise. Sahaja,
‘saha’ means with, and ‘ja’ is born with you. Also, sahaj means spontaneous. Yoga means the union with this All-pervading Divine
Power. . Sahaja Yoga is the right of every human being to achieve that ascent. In the evolutionary process, we have come to the
stage where we are human beings. But the knowledge that we have is not absolute, to get to the absolute knowledge, we have to
rise higher into [a] new realm beyond thought. And this [is] a new realm which you achieve after Sahaja yoga, by which you feel
the truth, the absolute truth, and everybody feels the same. With the awakening of the Kundalini, so many things also happen,
because it nourishes all your centres. By the nourishment of the centres, you find that your health suddenly improves. Definitely
Sahaja yoga has cured many psychosomatic diseases like cancer, no doubt about it. But it only happens if the Kundalini rises
and pierces through your fontanel bone area. Then it only happens, and it works out in a way that will definitely show you that
something new has happened. But apart from that you get your mental peace. Many mental cases have been cured. Also, you
get your intelligence suddenly sharpened up because the brain that you are using is just a bit part but, with the light of the spirit
comes into your brain, you start seeing things much more deeply and understanding them much better. It is such a remarkable
thing, that it has to happen to all of us as the last jump or breakthrough into the evolutionary process. As this Sahaja Yoga is not
a new thing, it has been there, but it was only transmitted from one master to one disciple. Only in the twelve century, somebody
wrote about it very clearly for the masses, and now it is becoming practical and thousands of people are getting realization all
over the world. May God bless you all. |
1/1/1970 | | Talk About Nizamuddin (date and location unknown) | Location Unknown | City Unknown | VERIFIED | null | null | null | null | Y | N | N | Talk to Sahaja Yogis | English | 6 | 1970-0101 Talk About Nizamuddin [Note - the talk has been taken from the tape: 1995-03-15 Conversation with Princess Nun
Bangkok] Nations land, where Hazrat Nizamuddin was buried, He was a great nabi and a sufi and in his whole poetry he has used
very symbolic things and for people of that level they do not think of any religion being exclusive. Even Mohammad saheb never
talked only of Islam. He talked of all the people who came before. Like Abraham, then he talked of Moses, then he talked of
Christ and his mother specially in Quran he has talked it. He never talked that I am something separate, never exclusive. They
can never be exclusive because they know that all these great people came on this earth to do the emancipation of human
beings, so their expertise and same as Hazarat Nizamuddin. Long time back before my marriage when I came here I was the first
I think to put a chadar of flowers on him and my father also was a great soul. He told me this is Hazarat Nizamuddin and his
disciple was Kusro was a great poet in Hindi language, he is regarded as a very great poet and he is the one who has written this
beautiful song, now the symbolic is this chap means is the Muslims. Tilaks are the Hindus. I have given up everything once I met
the reality. But it's very deep and beautifully explained and though they were born in the Muslim community, they saw the reality
in every religion and these sufis are everywhere and I am surprised they are in Turkey and also they are now when I went to
Tunisair they are there. All over the world the sufis are there. These are also the sufis but now they have become real Sahaja Yogi
sufis(Shri Mataji laughs) and this is something is exactly the Sahaja yoga. Spontaneously, as soon as I saw you I lost all this
nonsense. Very spontaneous. Sahaj and this is what so beautifully expressed in this song. I read, I read this song when I was a
very young girl. Wanted to see sometimes the tomb of Hazarat Nizamuddin Saheb. He was so great and whose brought so much
luck to this Delhi(unclear) aprat from that we are dam dam saheb(unclear) We have all these great people very dear, it's a very
precious place. So when I, we wanted to have a program here the police people came and told us that don't have it there because
there are lots of Muslims they will kill you. I said what sort of muslims there? They said, they are all disciples of Nizamuddin. I
said, they are my people. Don't worry. They won't do anything to me. I know that. So this oneness of spirit can only be felt by
people who have enlightenment. Those who do not have enlightenment, see everything separated different and fight but those
who are enlightened see. I always give an example of a Marathi poet. He went to, he was was himself a Tailor and he went to see
one another great saint who was just a potter. So this potter was kneading the mud. When this saint the Tailor, Namadeva went
and saw him kneading the mud. He just stopped and looked at him, and what he says that, In Marathi says " Nirgunachabheti
alou sagunachi" meaning, I came to see the aaa, Nirakar, I came to see here formless but here it is formless is in form. That is
you. Only a saint can appreciate a saint. Only can a saint can understand a saint. So, was Nizamuddin saheb, we have (unclear),
we have got Middin saheb, we have many sufis in India and they are worshipped and respected by all the communities. Shiridi
Sainath was another one Nath, regarded very great nath panthis. They were all enlightened people. They didn't have this kind of a
nonsense this dharam, that dharam, that dharam,no, for them only oneness with God and these two persons, Ameer Kusros,
(Unclear) When I was very young and I was surprised people never understood him. I wish you all could read his poetry and
understand with a symbolic meaning. May God bless you. | null | null | null | 1970-0101 Talk About Nizamuddin [Note - the talk has been taken from the tape: 1995-03-15 Conversation with Princess Nun
Bangkok] Nations land, where Hazrat Nizamuddin was buried, He was a great nabi and a sufi and in his whole poetry he has used
very symbolic things and for people of that level they do not think of any religion being exclusive. Even Mohammad saheb never
talked only of Islam. He talked of all the people who came before. Like Abraham, then he talked of Moses, then he talked of
Christ and his mother specially in Quran he has talked it. He never talked that I am something separate, never exclusive. They
can never be exclusive because they know that all these great people came on this earth to do the emancipation of human
beings, so their expertise and same as Hazarat Nizamuddin. Long time back before my marriage when I came here I was the first
I think to put a chadar of flowers on him and my father also was a great soul. He told me this is Hazarat Nizamuddin and his
disciple was Kusro was a great poet in Hindi language, he is regarded as a very great poet and he is the one who has written this
beautiful song, now the symbolic is this chap means is the Muslims. Tilaks are the Hindus. I have given up everything once I met
the reality. But it's very deep and beautifully explained and though they were born in the Muslim community, they saw the reality
in every religion and these sufis are everywhere and I am surprised they are in Turkey and also they are now when I went to
Tunisair they are there. All over the world the sufis are there. These are also the sufis but now they have become real Sahaja Yogi
sufis(Shri Mataji laughs) and this is something is exactly the Sahaja yoga. Spontaneously, as soon as I saw you I lost all this
nonsense. Very spontaneous. Sahaj and this is what so beautifully expressed in this song. I read, I read this song when I was a
very young girl. Wanted to see sometimes the tomb of Hazarat Nizamuddin Saheb. He was so great and whose brought so much
luck to this Delhi(unclear) aprat from that we are dam dam saheb(unclear) We have all these great people very dear, it's a very
precious place. So when I, we wanted to have a program here the police people came and told us that don't have it there because
there are lots of Muslims they will kill you. I said what sort of muslims there? They said, they are all disciples of Nizamuddin. I
said, they are my people. Don't worry. They won't do anything to me. I know that. So this oneness of spirit can only be felt by
people who have enlightenment. Those who do not have enlightenment, see everything separated different and fight but those
who are enlightened see. I always give an example of a Marathi poet. He went to, he was was himself a Tailor and he went to see
one another great saint who was just a potter. So this potter was kneading the mud. When this saint the Tailor, Namadeva went
and saw him kneading the mud. He just stopped and looked at him, and what he says that, In Marathi says " Nirgunachabheti
alou sagunachi" meaning, I came to see the aaa, Nirakar, I came to see here formless but here it is formless is in form. That is
you. Only a saint can appreciate a saint. Only can a saint can understand a saint. So, was Nizamuddin saheb, we have (unclear),
we have got Middin saheb, we have many sufis in India and they are worshipped and respected by all the communities. Shiridi
Sainath was another one Nath, regarded very great nath panthis. They were all enlightened people. They didn't have this kind of a
nonsense this dharam, that dharam, that dharam,no, for them only oneness with God and these two persons, Ameer Kusros,
(Unclear) When I was very young and I was surprised people never understood him. I wish you all could read his poetry and
understand with a symbolic meaning. May God bless you. |
1/1/1970 | | Letter in Marathi | Country Unknown | City Unknown | null | null | NEEDED | null | Draft | N | N | N | Letter / Poem | Marathi | 0 | Translation of an Old Marathi Letter I. Probably written in London, c.1975. My dear Modi and other Sahaja Yogis, Many blessings.
Received your letter. I am very glad to know that your Ida Nadi has become clean and I hope, Ida Nadis of all have become clean
at least to some extent. Here I had told all, that I would work, while under anesthesia, to clean the Ida channels of all. I worked for
3 days cleaning it by vomiting nearly 50 times every day and it is nice that the cleaning has become possible. This physical being
has to be used for the mission for which it has been taken and therefore I am not bothered by the illness and other troubles. On
the contrary all such and different experiments with this incarnation will have to be performed. Why are you so anxious about it ?
What else is the use of this body ? I never have any pains. All I want is that, in the laboratory of this body, some work or the other
must go on. Time is short while the work to be done is very big. You cannot do the cleaning of Ida channel only on the strength of
your realisation. I knew that it had to be cleaned from within. In ancient days all seekers had to do this action (Kriya) constantly
right from their childhood at the residences of their gurus at isolated places. The seekers had to do it individually in many lives.
Because, now you have attained the state of collectivity I have done it in collective consciousness. Although you say I have done
it, the distinction of you and I should not be there in collective consciousness. Mantras '’Twam Bhawani, Twam Durga, Twam
Ambika etc.’’ are good for Ida Channel, but when you are established in Sahaja Yoga, you will have to say 'Aham Bhavani’.
However this Mantra can be said only when your purity becomes one with that of 'Aham Bhavani’ and I tell you now itself that
this wiIl happen. After cleaning the Ida Channel I am awakening Pingala Nadi. Sahaja Yogis had become rather lethargic due to
the conditioning of Ida Channel. Laziness and a tendency of avoiding the work was dominating in them. Their attention was
being frittered away on avoiding the work. But I have now started the work of awakening Pingala Channel. All of you should raise
your right hand from right side over your head and leave it on the left side but while doing it, you must apply your will power so
that your desires will materialize.With the awakening of collectivity, you will have many people to share your work which you are
doing alone. The sphere of Sahasrara envelops your heart. When conditioning of heart is reduced, as if the glass of a lamp
becomes clean, rays of ever resplendent Spirit awaken Sahasrara sheath and the light of bliss spreads, which is felt in
Sahasrara. This light enlightens all sides of colorful heart and decorates it with the qualities which can be described as pleasing,
blissful etc. Gradually this state will grow and become stable within you. Most of the Sahaja Yogis should try this method, but
there should not be merely the mechanical movement of hands.Whatever you do, it should be done with the faith that you have in
worshipping, zeal of a warrior and sensitivity of an artist. There should be complete purity in the recitation of Mantras to awaken
the deities and your heart must be involved in it. Only then the awakening will take place.You should understand a simple
principle. How can a big fire be lit with a small match stick? Will a wick hold the flame if water is mixed in the oil? How can those
Sahaja Yogis have enlightenment who are using Sahaja Yoga to solve only their own petty problems? And why should God give
them the enlightenment? Lighthouses do not show light to themselves even for a moment. Therefore, they are considered so
important and are looked after. Please circulate this letter among all Sahaja Yogis. Your Mother, NIRMALA | null | null | null | Translation of an Old Marathi Letter I. Probably written in London, c.1975. My dear Modi and other Sahaja Yogis, Many blessings.
Received your letter. I am very glad to know that your Ida Nadi has become clean and I hope, Ida Nadis of all have become clean
at least to some extent. Here I had told all, that I would work, while under anesthesia, to clean the Ida channels of all. I worked for
3 days cleaning it by vomiting nearly 50 times every day and it is nice that the cleaning has become possible. This physical being
has to be used for the mission for which it has been taken and therefore I am not bothered by the illness and other troubles. On
the contrary all such and different experiments with this incarnation will have to be performed. Why are you so anxious about it ?
What else is the use of this body ? I never have any pains. All I want is that, in the laboratory of this body, some work or the other
must go on. Time is short while the work to be done is very big. You cannot do the cleaning of Ida channel only on the strength of
your realisation. I knew that it had to be cleaned from within. In ancient days all seekers had to do this action (Kriya) constantly
right from their childhood at the residences of their gurus at isolated places. The seekers had to do it individually in many lives.
Because, now you have attained the state of collectivity I have done it in collective consciousness. Although you say I have done
it, the distinction of you and I should not be there in collective consciousness. Mantras '’Twam Bhawani, Twam Durga, Twam
Ambika etc.’’ are good for Ida Channel, but when you are established in Sahaja Yoga, you will have to say 'Aham Bhavani’.
However this Mantra can be said only when your purity becomes one with that of 'Aham Bhavani’ and I tell you now itself that
this wiIl happen. After cleaning the Ida Channel I am awakening Pingala Nadi. Sahaja Yogis had become rather lethargic due to
the conditioning of Ida Channel. Laziness and a tendency of avoiding the work was dominating in them. Their attention was
being frittered away on avoiding the work. But I have now started the work of awakening Pingala Channel. All of you should raise
your right hand from right side over your head and leave it on the left side but while doing it, you must apply your will power so
that your desires will materialize.With the awakening of collectivity, you will have many people to share your work which you are
doing alone. The sphere of Sahasrara envelops your heart. When conditioning of heart is reduced, as if the glass of a lamp
becomes clean, rays of ever resplendent Spirit awaken Sahasrara sheath and the light of bliss spreads, which is felt in
Sahasrara. This light enlightens all sides of colorful heart and decorates it with the qualities which can be described as pleasing,
blissful etc. Gradually this state will grow and become stable within you. Most of the Sahaja Yogis should try this method, but
there should not be merely the mechanical movement of hands.Whatever you do, it should be done with the faith that you have in
worshipping, zeal of a warrior and sensitivity of an artist. There should be complete purity in the recitation of Mantras to awaken
the deities and your heart must be involved in it. Only then the awakening will take place.You should understand a simple
principle. How can a big fire be lit with a small match stick? Will a wick hold the flame if water is mixed in the oil? How can those
Sahaja Yogis have enlightenment who are using Sahaja Yoga to solve only their own petty problems? And why should God give
them the enlightenment? Lighthouses do not show light to themselves even for a moment. Therefore, they are considered so
important and are looked after. Please circulate this letter among all Sahaja Yogis. Your Mother, NIRMALA |
3/21/1970 | | Birthday Puja (year unknown) | India | Mumbai | VERIFIED | null | null | null | null | Y | N | N | Birthday | English | 16 | HH Shri Mataji, Birthday Puja Public Program, Mumbai, India [Yoginis singing a welcome song ends 6’55”] I bow to all the seekers
of truth. It is very kind of you all to have come to celebrate my birthday. It’s all your goodness. In modern times, who looks after
the mother? One of the signs of modern times is that the parents will be neglected by the children. They may have to stay in an
orphanage. But I find all of you here with such love, with such affection, all the way from all distances, you have come to greet
your Mother. Words stop at this point. I cannot understand the love that is pouring so much like an ocean over Me. I just get lost
into the beautiful feeling of a Mother who has thousands of children, who are so kind and also after my image of a good son or a
good daughter. We had another great mother here, in this Maharashtra, was Jijabai, Jija Mata. And she is the one she had an
image [unsure] of her son, that one day her son will be able to establish the kingdom of God, of honesty, of freedom, of character.
Such ” Yuvapurushas” are born in many years.Even his son could not come up to his standard, to his character. The way he
respected the daughter-in-law of Kalyan Subhedar, the way he came towards people, the way he led a life of dynamic bhakti.
Such people are rarely born and he could not even create someone like him. But today, I am so very fortunate to have children of
your great character, understanding and such spiritual values. Sahaja Yoga has created a new culture of spiritual value. The
value system has taken a funny shape in the modern times but in these modern times only when the shackles of this horrible
culture – whether you call it eastern, western, modern, ancient, anything, because all of them have gone to the collapsible
stages. One finds a new culture, a new life, a new age of a new race coming up. I am so gratified that you are all here to represent
that culture of spiritual values, where we do not believe in any separatist ideals. We are not reactions. We do not react to any
concept. We are self-made, standing on our self-experiences and the truth, that is so evident. We are not the people who have
taken to a kind of a violent or peaceful – if you call it – reaction to the society. Like we have many organizations today I find,
“This is a reaction to this, that is a reaction to that”. This is not the society that is demanding anything like money, power – nor is
it a society that calls itself a downtrodden or underprivileged people. It is the most privileged society we have today [unsure]. The
essence of this privilege is that you are all Yogis, you are all saints, you are all Safiyas [pure]. That there is satisfaction in your
heart, that now the time has come to give, no more asking for oil or for light. What you have got is the light and the oil all the time
flowing in you. You have to just spread this love into the whole world. Such confidence of love, such modesty of dynamism, such
sharpness of compassion, such deep peace. Its prevalent in the society of Sahaja Yogis: the friendship, the love like many waves
of beautiful thoughts and feelings. This ocean of a new understanding of a higher life, of a sober life, of a sublime life has to
break all the barriers, all the nonsensical work. Today we are facing face-to-face, thank God. Due to fundamentalist, due to
fanatics, due to non-believers, due to politicians, economics, scientists, all of them, who are conditioned by whatever false path
they have created. Scientists are very much more conditioned than anybody else. They just refuse to accept that there is God
Almighty above us. They are not scientists, because they have no open-mindedness. If you don’t have an open-mindedness, you
are not a scientist. Now the time has come for you to prove the existence of God and His realm, which gives us security, peace
and joy. About Kundalini – I don’t know how many lectures I’ve given and have worked it in so many ways that it should be
appreciated, understood, knowledgeable to all of you. Only the knowledge of Kundalini is not going to help us at all. You might
find some people who have much more knowledge of Kundalini than some of you have. They might have read at least hundred
books on Kundalini, but it is not known to them, its not the knowledge. It has to be within [unsure], it has to be known on your
central nervous system. It has to be in your being, that you should be able to know what is Kundalini. As soon as you see
somebody you should know where he stands – as far as spirituality is concerned. As soon as you feel the atmosphere, you
should know where you are as far as God’s realm is concerned. I must tell you a story. Once I was travelling with my husband in
Kashmir and just in a very wild place, I felt tremendous vibrations. And I said, “From where do these vibrations are coming?” So,
my husband said, “How can you have vibrations in this forlorn place?” He asked the driver. He said, “No, there is no temple,
nothing here, it’s a very wild place.” I said, “All right, let’s go the way this road is”. And we went one way ahead, about five miles
and there, some Muslims, poor Muslims were living there. So, the driver asked them, is there a temple here? They said, “No, there
is no temple. But about a mile ahead there is the Hazratbal (Mosque).” Hazratbal was the one hair of Mohammad Sahab. Can
you imagine the vibrations? I caught them about 5-6 miles away, from one hair of Mohammad Sahab. When we deny
Mohammad, or when we deny Christ, when we deny Krishna or we deny Dattatreya, we are denying the truth, because they are all
one. There’s no difference. They are like flowers on one tree of life. We are not their judge. They are our judge. We are not to
judge them, we haven‘t got that capacity to judge them. What capacity we have, that we have to achieve, that we have to reach,
that has to mature. The spirituality has to mature to that extent where it Hazrat Nizamudin or it is Chishti or it is Sainath. You
should see nothing but Dattatreya present in them. For that you have to have that sight of Kabira. You have to have that growth
of Nanaka. Otherwise, we just talk. Those who have understood Sahaja Yoga have understood that all these barriers of religion
has no meaning. It‘s all integrated, well-woven and worked out beautifully by sending all these Incarnations, all these Great
Prophets on this Earth. To create the humanity which is described by Confucius. To create valencies, our valencies, which are 10
valencies that we call as Dharma, of a human Dharma, which is described by Confucius. It is described in different, different
ways no doubt, but still, he says the same thing, same tone. As I said this morning Sahaja Yoga has only one theme and that is
pure love. It has no greed, it has no lust, it has no ambitions, nothing! It has nothing but pure love flowing through your channels
to the whole world. I hope we have achieved a very great height [unsure]. To think that we have people from all over the world
who follow this path of Sahaja Yoga. Now it is for others to see whether they can come up through all this turmoil [unsure]
because Sahaja Yoga is not a thing where you can be a member, you can pay some money or you can sort of put a sign-board
that I am a Sahaja Yogi. Its the becoming of Sahaja Yoga is important. Those who have that capacity will come to us. Don’t you
worry if the whole world doesn’t come. For Me, you are the world. Those who want to come, can join us and can enjoy
themselves, can have that. We cannot run after them, we cannot fall at their feet, that come along – take to God. Let them
themselves come on their own and enjoy the beauty of their own being, which is created by God specially for them. Today, I must
say that every year, the age reduces in a way because you are going towards your goal. But one has to remember that every year
you mature. You mature like a seed comes up to a tree, then becomes a flower and ultimately a fruit. And the fruit has to fall
again to the ground, to give the resurgence of the same. In the same way whatever it is, whether the time is passing, one has to
just judge how far have I matured in compassion, in love, in understanding of the truth. How far I can stand against all the
atrocities done to others who are suffering. We have to open our eyes to the society, to our surroundings, to our country, to other
countries, to everyone. We have to be alert. It’s not to be enjoyed only by you. It is to be given to others and for that those who
come to us, we have to tell them. I am sure one day will come many will open their eyes and see for themselves that the only
solution for this world’s turmoil is Self Realisation, to know the Self, that still they are not fully there yet. Once it happens I am
sure, I am very, very sure that this world will become a beautiful garden of oneness. May God bless you all! Audience applauds.
22’45” Indian Sahaja Yogi: By the grace of Shri Mataji, it has, all they have teached is that one must read [unsure] everyday
regarding this program [unsure] of Shri Mataji. May I, while passing make a remark, that Shri Mataji with Her own mantras has
given a different interpretation all together. Shri Mataji, with Her own interpretations, has given a different, all together, meaning
to Gita, Quran, what Nanak Sahab has said, and our Sahaja Yogis have been writing about it. One such, our Sudhakar, has written
this strotram Nirananda and I would request Shri Mataji to have Her blessings on this, this is strotram Nirananda. (Audience
applauds) Another Sahaja Yogi: Most Holy Mother, Shri Mataji, Shri Nirmala Devi, all of us who are Sahaja Yogis, we bow to You.
We thank You very much for having given us the Self Realisation, for having given us what we know as love. Today with Your
shining words You have given us depth, which we are and which we look forward to. I thank all of you who have come here today
to celebrate with us, on this great occasion of Shri Mataji’s birthday. All of us who are Sahaja Yogis over here, we promise You, O
Mother, that Your works, through us will carry far and to all corners of the world and with Your blessings, this world can be a
different place. Thank You very much. (Audience applauds) Sahaja Yogi: Jai Shri Mataji! | null | null | null | HH Shri Mataji, Birthday Puja Public Program, Mumbai, India [Yoginis singing a welcome song ends 6’55”] I bow to all the seekers
of truth. It is very kind of you all to have come to celebrate my birthday. It’s all your goodness. In modern times, who looks after
the mother? One of the signs of modern times is that the parents will be neglected by the children. They may have to stay in an
orphanage. But I find all of you here with such love, with such affection, all the way from all distances, you have come to greet
your Mother. Words stop at this point. I cannot understand the love that is pouring so much like an ocean over Me. I just get lost
into the beautiful feeling of a Mother who has thousands of children, who are so kind and also after my image of a good son or a
good daughter. We had another great mother here, in this Maharashtra, was Jijabai, Jija Mata. And she is the one she had an
image [unsure] of her son, that one day her son will be able to establish the kingdom of God, of honesty, of freedom, of character.
Such ” Yuvapurushas” are born in many years.Even his son could not come up to his standard, to his character. The way he
respected the daughter-in-law of Kalyan Subhedar, the way he came towards people, the way he led a life of dynamic bhakti.
Such people are rarely born and he could not even create someone like him. But today, I am so very fortunate to have children of
your great character, understanding and such spiritual values. Sahaja Yoga has created a new culture of spiritual value. The
value system has taken a funny shape in the modern times but in these modern times only when the shackles of this horrible
culture – whether you call it eastern, western, modern, ancient, anything, because all of them have gone to the collapsible
stages. One finds a new culture, a new life, a new age of a new race coming up. I am so gratified that you are all here to represent
that culture of spiritual values, where we do not believe in any separatist ideals. We are not reactions. We do not react to any
concept. We are self-made, standing on our self-experiences and the truth, that is so evident. We are not the people who have
taken to a kind of a violent or peaceful – if you call it – reaction to the society. Like we have many organizations today I find,
“This is a reaction to this, that is a reaction to that”. This is not the society that is demanding anything like money, power – nor is
it a society that calls itself a downtrodden or underprivileged people. It is the most privileged society we have today [unsure]. The
essence of this privilege is that you are all Yogis, you are all saints, you are all Safiyas [pure]. That there is satisfaction in your
heart, that now the time has come to give, no more asking for oil or for light. What you have got is the light and the oil all the time
flowing in you. You have to just spread this love into the whole world. Such confidence of love, such modesty of dynamism, such
sharpness of compassion, such deep peace. Its prevalent in the society of Sahaja Yogis: the friendship, the love like many waves
of beautiful thoughts and feelings. This ocean of a new understanding of a higher life, of a sober life, of a sublime life has to
break all the barriers, all the nonsensical work. Today we are facing face-to-face, thank God. Due to fundamentalist, due to
fanatics, due to non-believers, due to politicians, economics, scientists, all of them, who are conditioned by whatever false path
they have created. Scientists are very much more conditioned than anybody else. They just refuse to accept that there is God
Almighty above us. They are not scientists, because they have no open-mindedness. If you don’t have an open-mindedness, you
are not a scientist. Now the time has come for you to prove the existence of God and His realm, which gives us security, peace
and joy. About Kundalini – I don’t know how many lectures I’ve given and have worked it in so many ways that it should be
appreciated, understood, knowledgeable to all of you. Only the knowledge of Kundalini is not going to help us at all. You might
find some people who have much more knowledge of Kundalini than some of you have. They might have read at least hundred
books on Kundalini, but it is not known to them, its not the knowledge. It has to be within [unsure], it has to be known on your
central nervous system. It has to be in your being, that you should be able to know what is Kundalini. As soon as you see
somebody you should know where he stands – as far as spirituality is concerned. As soon as you feel the atmosphere, you
should know where you are as far as God’s realm is concerned. I must tell you a story. Once I was travelling with my husband in
Kashmir and just in a very wild place, I felt tremendous vibrations. And I said, “From where do these vibrations are coming?” So,
my husband said, “How can you have vibrations in this forlorn place?” He asked the driver. He said, “No, there is no temple,
nothing here, it’s a very wild place.” I said, “All right, let’s go the way this road is”. And we went one way ahead, about five miles
and there, some Muslims, poor Muslims were living there. So, the driver asked them, is there a temple here? They said, “No, there
is no temple. But about a mile ahead there is the Hazratbal (Mosque).” Hazratbal was the one hair of Mohammad Sahab. Can
you imagine the vibrations? I caught them about 5-6 miles away, from one hair of Mohammad Sahab. When we deny
Mohammad, or when we deny Christ, when we deny Krishna or we deny Dattatreya, we are denying the truth, because they are all
one. There’s no difference. They are like flowers on one tree of life. We are not their judge. They are our judge. We are not to
judge them, we haven‘t got that capacity to judge them. What capacity we have, that we have to achieve, that we have to reach,
that has to mature. The spirituality has to mature to that extent where it Hazrat Nizamudin or it is Chishti or it is Sainath. You
should see nothing but Dattatreya present in them. For that you have to have that sight of Kabira. You have to have that growth
of Nanaka. Otherwise, we just talk. Those who have understood Sahaja Yoga have understood that all these barriers of religion
has no meaning. It‘s all integrated, well-woven and worked out beautifully by sending all these Incarnations, all these Great
Prophets on this Earth. To create the humanity which is described by Confucius. To create valencies, our valencies, which are 10
valencies that we call as Dharma, of a human Dharma, which is described by Confucius. It is described in different, different
ways no doubt, but still, he says the same thing, same tone. As I said this morning Sahaja Yoga has only one theme and that is
pure love. It has no greed, it has no lust, it has no ambitions, nothing! It has nothing but pure love flowing through your channels
to the whole world. I hope we have achieved a very great height [unsure]. To think that we have people from all over the world
who follow this path of Sahaja Yoga. Now it is for others to see whether they can come up through all this turmoil [unsure]
because Sahaja Yoga is not a thing where you can be a member, you can pay some money or you can sort of put a sign-board
that I am a Sahaja Yogi. Its the becoming of Sahaja Yoga is important. Those who have that capacity will come to us. Don’t you
worry if the whole world doesn’t come. For Me, you are the world. Those who want to come, can join us and can enjoy
themselves, can have that. We cannot run after them, we cannot fall at their feet, that come along – take to God. Let them
themselves come on their own and enjoy the beauty of their own being, which is created by God specially for them. Today, I must
say that every year, the age reduces in a way because you are going towards your goal. But one has to remember that every year
you mature. You mature like a seed comes up to a tree, then becomes a flower and ultimately a fruit. And the fruit has to fall
again to the ground, to give the resurgence of the same. In the same way whatever it is, whether the time is passing, one has to
just judge how far have I matured in compassion, in love, in understanding of the truth. How far I can stand against all the
atrocities done to others who are suffering. We have to open our eyes to the society, to our surroundings, to our country, to other
countries, to everyone. We have to be alert. It’s not to be enjoyed only by you. It is to be given to others and for that those who
come to us, we have to tell them. I am sure one day will come many will open their eyes and see for themselves that the only
solution for this world’s turmoil is Self Realisation, to know the Self, that still they are not fully there yet. Once it happens I am
sure, I am very, very sure that this world will become a beautiful garden of oneness. May God bless you all! Audience applauds.
22’45” Indian Sahaja Yogi: By the grace of Shri Mataji, it has, all they have teached is that one must read [unsure] everyday
regarding this program [unsure] of Shri Mataji. May I, while passing make a remark, that Shri Mataji with Her own mantras has
given a different interpretation all together. Shri Mataji, with Her own interpretations, has given a different, all together, meaning
to Gita, Quran, what Nanak Sahab has said, and our Sahaja Yogis have been writing about it. One such, our Sudhakar, has written
this strotram Nirananda and I would request Shri Mataji to have Her blessings on this, this is strotram Nirananda. (Audience
applauds) Another Sahaja Yogi: Most Holy Mother, Shri Mataji, Shri Nirmala Devi, all of us who are Sahaja Yogis, we bow to You.
We thank You very much for having given us the Self Realisation, for having given us what we know as love. Today with Your
shining words You have given us depth, which we are and which we look forward to. I thank all of you who have come here today
to celebrate with us, on this great occasion of Shri Mataji’s birthday. All of us who are Sahaja Yogis over here, we promise You, O
Mother, that Your works, through us will carry far and to all corners of the world and with Your blessings, this world can be a
different place. Thank You very much. (Audience applauds) Sahaja Yogi: Jai Shri Mataji! |
1/1/1972 | | Letter | United States | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Letter / Poem | English | 0 | My Dear Children, What are you searching? Why are you aimlessly and listlessly running about? The joy that you have searched in
material gains, the joy that you are looking for in power, the joy that disappeared in the words of books--the so-called
knowledge--is all lost in yourself, and you are still searching and seeking! You can pay attention to everything outside yourself!
You are lost in your thoughts, like babes in the wood! But there is great hope that you can rise into the Heaven of "thoughtless"
awareness, which we call Self-realisation. I invite you to this feast of Divine Bliss, which is pouring around you, even in this
Kali-yuga, in these God-forsaken modern times. I hope you will come and enjoy the spiritual experience of the Life Eternal. With
all My love and blessings. Your Mother, NIRMALA | null | null | null | My Dear Children, What are you searching? Why are you aimlessly and listlessly running about? The joy that you have searched in
material gains, the joy that you are looking for in power, the joy that disappeared in the words of books--the so-called
knowledge--is all lost in yourself, and you are still searching and seeking! You can pay attention to everything outside yourself!
You are lost in your thoughts, like babes in the wood! But there is great hope that you can rise into the Heaven of "thoughtless"
awareness, which we call Self-realisation. I invite you to this feast of Divine Bliss, which is pouring around you, even in this
Kali-yuga, in these God-forsaken modern times. I hope you will come and enjoy the spiritual experience of the Life Eternal. With
all My love and blessings. Your Mother, NIRMALA |
1/1/1972 | | Poem: To My Flower Children | United States | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Letter / Poem | English | 0 | To My Flower Children You are angry with lifeLike small childrenWhose mother is lost in darknessYou sulk expressing despairAt
the fruitless end to your journeyYou wear ugliness to discover beautyYou name everything false in the name of truthYou drain
emotions to fill the cup of loveMy sweet children, my darlingsHow can you get peace by waging warWith yourself, with your
being, with joy itselfEnough are your efforts of renunciationThe artificial mask of consolation. Now rest in the petals of the lotus
flowerIn the lap of your gracious motherI will adorn your life with beautiful blossomsAnd fill your moments with joyful fragranceI
will anoint your head with divine loveFor I cannot bear your torture anymoreLet me engulf you in the ocean of joySo you lose your
being in the greater oneWho is smiling in your calyx of SelfSecretly hidden to tease you all the whileBe aware and you will find
himVibrating your every fibre with blissful joyCovering the whole Universe with light. Mother Nirmala This poem was written by
Shri Mataji in 1972 on Her first trip to America for the first public programs in Her presence. | null | null | null | To My Flower Children You are angry with lifeLike small childrenWhose mother is lost in darknessYou sulk expressing despairAt
the fruitless end to your journeyYou wear ugliness to discover beautyYou name everything false in the name of truthYou drain
emotions to fill the cup of loveMy sweet children, my darlingsHow can you get peace by waging warWith yourself, with your
being, with joy itselfEnough are your efforts of renunciationThe artificial mask of consolation. Now rest in the petals of the lotus
flowerIn the lap of your gracious motherI will adorn your life with beautiful blossomsAnd fill your moments with joyful fragranceI
will anoint your head with divine loveFor I cannot bear your torture anymoreLet me engulf you in the ocean of joySo you lose your
being in the greater oneWho is smiling in your calyx of SelfSecretly hidden to tease you all the whileBe aware and you will find
himVibrating your every fibre with blissful joyCovering the whole Universe with light. Mother Nirmala This poem was written by
Shri Mataji in 1972 on Her first trip to America for the first public programs in Her presence. |
1/1/1972 | | Public Program | India | Mumbai | null | null | In Progress, NEEDED | null | NEEDED | Y | N | N | Public Program | Marathi | 54 | null | null | null | null | null |
4/9/1972 | | Public Program | India | Dhule | null | null | Reviewed | null | Draft | Y | N | N | Public Program | Marathi | 71 | 1972-0409 Public Program A woman like Rajkunwar Raul is in Dhule, this is the great fortune of Dhule. I came here because of
the charm of her love. I told her I would come to Dhule once. And I am becoming aware of how much devotion and love there is
in this place. In our country, everyone has written a lot about religion since ancient times and there has been a lot of discussions.
Even in temples, bells are ringing now, people also go to churches, go to mosques, a lot of work has been done in our country in
the name of religion. But the real work doesn't seem to have happened anywhere. We go to the temple, we do everything
properly, we do everything for the pooja, we come home, but even then we don't feel that we have got anything. The inner peace,
inner love, inner joy, is never found. No matter how much we do, we do not feel that we are close to God. Or we have got this
Mauli(Mother), on whose lap we can rest our head and say comfortably, that we don't want to do anything now. I am not saying
that a person should not go to the temple. Let's go, must go. To identify the honey, let's do flower things first, then it will be fine.
So they created the embodiment of God [just to say / for good], that is, to name the flowers. From Vishnu to Shiva, as well as
from Muslims to Ali to Wali, from Christians to Christ to his mother, everyone had a genealogy. The names are all known. Even
after knowing the names of the flowers, the honey was not found! We worship Sakar, take the name of Vishnu. See, in his
description too, he has said - you may have heard the verse of Vishnu - that “Shantakaram Bhujagashayanam Padmanabham
Suresham. Vishvadharam gagansadrisham meghavarnam shubhangam. Lakshmikant Kamalnayanam. " So far so good. But
where is his fly? "योगिर्भिध्यानगम्यम्।" This is a description of what the yogi knows in meditation. I do not know. Even about each
deity, "Dhyanavasthita tadgaten manasa pashyanti yin yogino." Everywhere you look today, the tide of protectionist sentiment is
flowing. But what happens is we stop at the hint. Now let us call another type of religion that started, Christianity or Muslim
religion. In it, he said, "Look, if we do flower things, we don't get honey, so let's do honey things." He said that God who is is
formless, not materialized, you go into formless. But how to go? That's what happened. Hey, do things with honey, not flowers,
things are things. Things do not know the Supreme. So what happened is, a horse is tied behind the car and we are driving the
car! Saying, "Why doesn't the car run, Dharmachi?" Religion is within us, everyone has said it. Everyone has said that there is
Paramatma inside us. But what happens is that no matter how much is said, it remains to be said. I had gone to this (Gurudwara)
of a Sikh afternoon. So there he started singing, “Kahe re ban khojan Jai. Sada Nivasi Sada Alepa Tohe Sang Samai" (why you are
going out in search? it’s within you). The bamboo that grows in the flower, only when it is in the shade. In the same way, Hari
stayed, constantly looking for Ghathai, brother. Now the song is sung, "Look for less, find less." "Ah," he said, "what are you
singing?" If you want to take medicine and the doctor gives you medicine, "Look, you take some ginger-sugar, it will be good." So
when you come home like, "I take ginger-sugar, I take ginger-sugar," what medicine is he going to be? That is our way. That we
don't do what we want to do, we talk about it. Therefore, I say that we should meditate. But how to go? But no one says that. You
will meet so many speakers that we should love, love the whole world. Hey, Can love be taught? Can you love electricity? Love is
inherent and that is how we feel. We love our children, we love our fathers, we love our mothers, we love our wives, we love our
husbands, all of a sudden we feel love. There is no love in teaching. Then even religion is not taught. He is in us from birth, he has
to know. How to go now? This is in front of everyone, how to go? How to know that Paramatman? Say it. How to do
self-realization? Many people say, “Yes, it can happen. Do this, you stand on your head, stand up for twenty-five minutes every
day, and say God's name. " Nothing will happen! That's a lie. "You wear saffron clothes and dance, jump, he will find God!" It's so
easy, So what about painting a sari for two rupees and dancing? Someone will say, “It will not happen. You go to the temple and
take the boat. ” Ah, the name is like this, a man like Tulsidas - who wrote such a big Ramayana - used to take the name.
Raghuveer himself came to him three times and they planted Tila, sandalwood, and did not recognize him. Your "Hare Ramawale,
Hare Krishnawale" came to me from Mumbai. He said to me, "Mataji, you don't take the name of God!" "Hey," he said, "do you
know anything about naming?" Take someone's name! Tomorrow you will come to my door and say 'Mataji, Mataji,' and if you
meet me on the street, will you recognize me? Do you agree with me? ” I say, come in, get to know him first, it's going to be hard
to name even once [no / is]. Then they started saying, “We have all given up, we have given up so much. By doing this, by doing
that we went to the forest. Doing something, doing something and you sit in your house, you have children, grandchildren and
how do you do it? You didn't leave anything? ” I said, "Look, I tell you this, you have a challenge. Pick up any belongings in my
house, any object, even with the dust of the feet of the Supreme Being, even if it is with the dust particles." I'm ready. " Look
around Said, "Anything, pick up what you think." "Nothing like him," he said. He said, "Then there is nothing like him, then you left
and you caught!" "Hey, we didn't catch it, so what?" Now tomorrow is in front of the sea. If we decide in our mind that it is in our
name, we are caught, it means we are foolish or not! And then let's say we caught it and now we're free. We don't catch it, and
who cares, Melo means everything stays here, including the fort. It doesn't matter to you. Who is holding and who is leaving? If
God could be found with such stupidity, then God is also a fool! Ah, He is Almighty! What power he has! If a magnet with a very
strong power is in a place and you don't go there and dance in front of it with a small magnet, then jump, if not stand on your
head, by doing this, if it comes to you, do it, but is it possible? Just let go of the little power you have, just pull it off quickly. The
bus is there to pull. Its power is so great that we want to draw it into ourselves. But he wants it to happen in your will. You have to
have the will. He will not force you unless you want to. That is, he has raised man in his glory. His relationship is respectful. He
has all the freedom. Nowadays, people do a lot of hypnosis in Mumbai, that is, they do magic. And to make people dance like
crazy with magic charms on them, to jump, what, what… type! People ate thousands of rupees. And we love it, folks! People, don't
want freedom, don't want your glory and what are you! How big it is! Now Pradhan Saheb told about a beggar. Sometimes people
become beggars, they become intentional, we don't know that. Suppose there is a great queen in a birth, but she will have a lot of
trouble from her husband, from that king, a lot of trouble in the house, the burden of that queen will be very much on her. So she
can say, "Lord, make me a beggar in the next life, but don't make me a queen!" Her next birth will be that of a beggar, but on the
inside, she is a queen, in her health, she will be a queen. You may have seen many rich people are so poor, [So / so] beggar. And
how rich some of the poor are on the inside! So he has his struggle to know the Supreme, he is making all the arrangements for
you. You are born again and again, you reduce your preferences, you do it, you bring it to that place, you see religion there. I
mean, if such a person is a very devout Brahmin [says], "And now I hate all Muslims and all Mlenchchas in my heart", thinking
that if a Brahmin stood up today, you would be surprised that in the next life he would become a "Muslim". Should be! I tell you.
People who work hard here…, we had now gone to Tehran. In Tehran, people are meditating, while Muslims are ringing bells and
chanting. Here we see Brahmins in our Mumbai, they pray there. What madness! They go to one extreme and then to another. it
doesn't need to be seen, In the next life, you will be born "Harijan"! Do you have a right to your birth? But if you hate someone,
tomorrow the world will hate you. What I say will come back to me. My "Sahaja yoga" is very easy for a person who has come out
of this excess. Means "Sahaja yoga". If I told you to remove the seed from this seed, can anyone remove it from you? You cannot
germinate from a single seed, and what a man has his mind! Hey, building a house, what's up? Dead bricks and dead house! Is
there vitality in him? Can we do at least one living thing in the world? What a man has his mind! What does he think of himself?
Nothing you do. That is to say, whatever we do, we just feel like we are doing it. We don't do anything, we do everything. It will not
become one [truth / pakka] until we realize it [until] we experience some power of it [no]. Please don't believe me like a blind
person. It is impossible to get Paramatma by superstition. Suppose, in this room, you come from outside, it is dark. I now own
this room. I know all the windows, doors, and arrangements for this room. As soon as you come, I will say, “Look, sit here, here,
Sataranji is gone for you. Here is the lamp. There's a light switch. " You will see it slowly, you will understand, if it is, believe it, if
not, don't believe it at all. So sometimes he is an atheist rather than an atheist! That is not to say that believers are bad. My point
is that a person stuck to something can hardly get into that sea. If you want to get into the sea, you have to leave whatever is on
the shore. You have to leave all the ladders to get into this hall. Does that mean the ladders are bad? How do you get in without
leaving the ladder? Then comes the second question, “Ki Mataji, how is that possible? In the past, only one or two people had
self-realization. And now you say there are thousands, how is that possible? ” Why not? Hey, if in the past one or two trees used
to have flowers, [now] thousands of trees have blossomed, won't there be thousands of fruits? Have you never seen such a life?
Something may have increased in life. And this is going to happen in Kali Yuga only, otherwise, how will Satyayuga come? To
change Kali Yuga, to bring Satyayuga, something special, in all living beings, a mass must be done, otherwise, Satyayuga is not
possible. Instead there Now man is standing in such a place, where he is either in the pool of good, in the pool or the pool of evil,
evil & good. If people do not decide at this time that we want to bring Satya Yuga, then I do not doubt that the whole world will be
destroyed! But what is already sitting in your head should be emptied a little. Because it is like this, many people read a lot, "We
saw many gurus, sadhus came, they came." Hey, they must have come! Have they given you anything? Are you happy Have you
been given peace Have you been told to love, what is it? Love should flow from the hand, knock knock knock knock, it goes hand
in hand. These are our disciples sitting here, So I say I don't heal people because time is short, I want to make doctors. And all
these people just give it with their hands, like that, There should be no vision therapist, it should be open, What happens or not? It
was easy. But the man with the medical vision clung to something extravagant, saying how could he be pushed into the sea?
Anyone who wants to go to sea must leave the coast. I have indeed wandered on the shore till now, otherwise, I would have seen
the happiness on someone, I would have loved someone, that peace would have originated somewhere, but I have not seen it
anywhere. I have seen so many monks, hermits, and so on, not a single person has seen this thing, the thing that has come to our
disciples and will come to you. I had gone to Parva Vasai, a hundred people crossed! You will be surprised. And such an amazing
event! It's so amazing! How is it possible that people think that? But it is. That is to say, I was born in such a state from my
childhood that I had this consciousness and the transmigration consciousness remained with me. But in this birth, here, I
realized, that in this birth, as long as I don't give it to people, who are always born [with me] and don't just give speeches. Just tell
people, “You love, you become good people!” Many say that it will not work. There have been many book writers. But what
happened? Do it, do it, do it! So there has to be an arrangement where, if I bring them, somewhere, somehow [at least] to the fifth
garden and let them go, they will think that Mataji has taught us something, and beyond that, beyond what is seen. When they
see it, when they see it beyond, then they will think that it is, Now, look at us, how few, very few young people are young. Now
amid this youth, I had gone to Baroda. I put my speech at the university. So all our people (said), "We said we won't let go, (Mrs.)."
“But why, Dad? What is it? ” Getting rid of someone's corpse, if not, condemn someone, if not, kill, remove! This is the condition of
our children today, why? Because of him you. [We] have spent so much money in the name of religion, we have run so fast, they
know that this idiot [got what?] So why should we fall into this idiot? Somehow we have to do another thing, so they have done
another thing. This is the condition of our children. But this is not the case with young children in the United States. This is what
young children in America understand, That they did, religion, etc… they didn't get anything, otherwise why are they so angry?
How many defects are there in them? And what is Dharma Dharma? So he said, "Leave (all this), we don't want a house, we don't
need a door, we don't want a mother, we don't want a father, we all live together and live as we please." We don't want money, we
don't want anything, leave everything, they do all the business, with money! So, left. But who is going to benefit? So, left. But who
is going to benefit? So left. But who is going to benefit? Suppose we thought, we would hold on to it, or we would hold on to it.
We are standing on the ground. At that time, [man] does not want to give up anything. Wherever he stands, he stands in awe. The
whole system has been beautified by the Supreme Being within us since time immemorial. [Fall] into it. Your mother is in your
womb. She is just sitting there giving birth to you. And she is going to reincarnate you, put you in the state where you will be
second. She is sitting in you. But people have. Where is your vision How Much Money Do You Make Nowadays? No, then, stand
for election, if not, then serve the people somewhere! You can't go beyond that. But you can't go, you can't go down to Dharma
even after trying. Nowadays people, like sitting on a horse, want to save time, save time…, why save time? Hey, we want to see
where [the satisfaction is]. This is the attitude that God has given, the clock should also be said to be given by God. Everything
that is outside has come from within. And he gave the watch just so you can save time, why? Get inside! As soon as the time is
empty, the man becomes frightened. He runs away to the cinema somewhere…he can't spend his time sitting alone. For five
minutes I told him to sit alone, he can't meet himself, he runs away from there! Because he has the idea that we are very dirty.
The fact is we are so beautiful ourselves! If you tell me, 'You stay in this room for three months,' I will be happy! I will never be
bothered by it. Not because I'm beautiful, but because I'm beautiful, I can sit there and watch. Now, in today's Sahaja yoga, you
have to understand it in simple language. I mean, a lot of books have been written on Kundalini. Among them, many people say
that Kundalini deteriorates, if someone wakes up Kundalini, she will do something! He gets it, it happens! It tells many different
stories. The fact is that people who do Kundalini understand that something is a mechanical thing, a mechanical thing. And if
not, they make dirty accusations like sex. This is your "mother". Mom, everyone can forgive your murder. If you kill her, she won't
call you Br; But if you accuse her of sex, won't she get angry with you? As much as they say that Kundalini is irritated, they make
all sorts of allegations against that Kundalini, therefore! If there is a person in whom the love of God is flowing, then it is easy for
him to Just like when you water a tree, just as you water a tree, just as easily as a flower bears fruit, so can you. But you have to
give water if you pour kerosene on it! Water is life. The kerosene is dead. Kundalini cannot be awakened by dead things.
"Kundalini" means in simple words, now it's Mike, not mine, the one I'm talking about, we created it properly before. God has
created everything in such a way for man, for everyone. It doesn't matter if he is educated, uneducated, from India, or England, or
America. Just as a beautiful machine has been created, so man, created by the Supreme Spirit, has a connection attached to it.
Now, to bring this connection back to that Paramatman, such a task is 'Sahaja yoga'. Now he has a lot of scripture. I am also
writing books if anyone wants to read it. But why am I still writing a book? He wrote a book, he sat down (with a Bible) in his
hand, it is written in it, it has this mantra in it, he sat back reciting the mantra! So even writing a book makes me feel a little
stolen. The speech is the same. There are a lot of people in speech, too, who hold on to only that which will keep them out of the
way. I say, forget my speech too, forget everything - just like all the steps you took, [forgot] and came inside - to forget everything.
You don't want to say a mantra, you don't want to say, Guru, you don't want to chant, you don't want to chant, everyone has
thoughts. There is a small space between the two thoughts, from there I want to take your attention to me. So any thought -
whether it be Guru or Dharma or God's name - is the same thought for all of you. And once it happens then the Guru makes
sense, then the idol of Rama makes sense, everything makes sense. Now I am sitting on it, this shawl also has my vibrations.
These people cured many patients even by just taking photos of my feet. I mean, it makes sense. If water washed my feet, they
would cure many ailments. The real thing is! I'm not surprised, you might think. Because, if this is the power of the Supreme
Being who has designed all the creation, then what are the features in doing these small things! All diseases can go away. But
first, everyone must gain their inner strength. And should be obtained in complete freedom. And once it happens then the Guru
makes sense, then the idol of Rama makes sense, everything makes sense. Now I am sitting on it, this shawl also has my
vibrations. These people cured many patients even by just taking photos of my feet. I mean, it makes sense. If water washed my
feet, they would cure many ailments. The real thing is! I'm not surprised, you might think. Because, if this is the power of the
Supreme Being who has designed all the creation, then what are the features in doing these small things! All diseases can go
away. But first, everyone must gain their inner strength. And should be obtained in complete freedom. And once it happens then
the Guru makes sense, then the idol of Rama makes sense, everything makes sense. Now I am sitting on it, this shawl also has
my vibrations. These people cured many patients even by just taking photos of my feet. I mean, it makes sense. If water washed
my feet, they would cure many ailments. The real thing is! I'm not surprised, you might think. Because, if this is the power of the
Supreme Being who has designed all the creation, then what are the features in doing these small things! All diseases can go
away. But first, everyone must gain their inner strength. And should be obtained in complete freedom. These people cured many
patients even by just taking photos of my feet. I mean, it makes sense. If water washed my feet, they would cure many ailments.
The real thing is! I'm not surprised, you might think. Because, if this is the power of the Supreme Being who has designed all the
creation, then what are the features in doing these small things! All diseases can go away. But first, everyone must gain their
inner strength. And should be obtained in complete freedom. These people cured many patients even by just taking photos of
my feet. I mean, it makes sense. If water washed my feet, they would cure many ailments. The real thing is! I'm not surprised, you
might think. Because, if this is the power of the Supreme Being who has designed all the creation, then what are the features in
doing these small things! All diseases can go away. But first, everyone must gain their inner strength. And should be obtained in
complete freedom. What is Jupiter nowadays? Fifty of the footsteps are gone. Every village guru has left. The tide of America is
flowing. Do they go there and do this? Mohini Vidya (Mesmerism) (puts a weapon on you - this is a method - they seduce you by
putting a weapon. As much money as you have, it will be, it will be, you want to get rid of it all and after that, you have to do it
properly! I say, why does this work of God need money? It's a straightforward thing. Hey, this should be free. Everything
important was free. The breath we breathe tomorrow, the heart we breathe tomorrow, ask someone how it works? Ask the
doctor, they [will say, it's all automatic]. So who is that 'self'? Tell me, who is he? Who is driving it, heart, and how easy! Very easy.
[Also] this must be an important task. If it is difficult, it will not happen. You can't be too easy. You can't eat from here; Going
from here to there, going there, breaking our limbs four or five times, when we eat, we feel like we have eaten, if not, how could
we have eaten so easily! I give the example of a simple mother. I've cooked for you, okay. Are you hungry So, the plate has grown,
sit down to eat? If you are hungry, sit up straight. If not, say, “Mom, where did you go? Where did you get it How are you? ” If I give
you a radio prize tomorrow, you will immediately pick it up and see if your mother has given us a radio to listen to. Or do you just
sit and watch it all in engineering? "Don't say engineering first, we don't listen to the radio?" (Say so). Man has no idea about the
things of the world. Suppose tomorrow I say, "There's a diamond here." If such an announcement is made to Delhi, then people
from Delhi will come here by plane to see the diamond! Diamond [just take it ready] so look, then let's see! In the case of religion,
one goes backward. “How can you give so much without money? How easy is that? ” On the contrary. I just said that as
important as everything is, it should be easy. And a lot of people said to me in America, "Mataji, every man takes one and a half
to three hundred dollars from us and you don't take (one) money here, how come?" Said, "Look, you tell me how much it costs?" I
don't understand, what is the price? Do you pay the price? ” It is said that these are (all) subconscious people. They have come
here to fool you and you pay them like fools. Did you get Properly covered, it will withstand a lot of adverse conditions. And you
feel happy, wow! How we [fly/fly] for God !. Then when you go crazy, after ten years, you will come to me [easily / back]. That is to
say, all these kinds of things happen in the afterlife. As many Babaji people as there are, everyone learns the afterlife. They do all
these things by making demons place on you. All (your) money will be taken away, your children will be destroyed and you will be
made to stand on the street and tie your knots and leave for America! There are a lot of criminals (criminals, many criminals
today) who are sitting there with their hair tied up. People are now realizing that since they are aware of the art of throwing dust,
they are not aware of it! And you will be surprised that five demons and five demons have been born in this Kali Yuga! Everyone
is born from Ravana-Narkasur. And yours, showing your colors. But they will not call themselves Ravana! They will call
themselves God, God, so and so! They don't want to come to know you! There is magic in them! You may have heard that, the
illusory monster! They are all born and you are like a fool, “Ahaha! Babaji came, Babaji came and took out two hundred rupees
and gave it to us. ” Hey, brother, I gave you two hundred rupees, so who gave you something? You are a millionaire! Give no to a
poor person! Each of the rich is given a diamond necklace. What diamonds do they lack? Share with the poor? One of our
relatives came and said to me, "Babaji gave us a ring, a diamond!" They are very rich! I said, "How much, how much do you have,
a diamond (ring)?" "It will be, it will be ten-twelve!" He said, “So who else took this thirteenth? If you have not been happy since
ten or twelve, is it coming from the thirteenth? Who took it, brother? ” Say, "No, no, he saw my devotion." I said, “Hey, what is
devotion? Is there a reward in the market? Be crazy, Go to the market for as much as you want! ” (He said,) "No, I didn't pay much
for such things. I gave him only five-six thousand rupees. Later it came to my mind that they should be given money, something
the ring has been given. ' He is possessed by a demon. These rings are spinning and that's where the ghost is telling everything.
This is the [great] knowledge, the knowledge of the hereafter! And all the demons have come to this Kali Yuga. And here I am
alone, telling love stories to people! And says, “Come to Sahaja yoga. Light your lamp in us, ”meaning darkness will go away. Isn't
that going to kill the darkness and scream? This darkness is going to light up. Each of you has such a terrible lamp (such a bright
lamp), (which) burned and destroyed all these. And love too! And the characteristic of love is that, like the [shield] of the sea, no
matter how much the sea comes, it grows bigger, the love grows bigger. The weapon of love is above all weapons. The whole
world lost to that weapon. And the same weapon started flowing from you, see if everyone is running away with their babies!
[Everyone] must go through this world! I would even go so far as to say that if Lord Krishna comes, "Now don't kill Kamsa, Baba,
even if he dies, he is born again and again" and even if Rama comes, even if he kills Ravana, you are killing the body, he is born
again and again. Better a poor horse than no horse at all. That is, he will become a sadhu in the next life. Such a situation has
arisen. Let's see how you get it, Dhulya! Here, I have heard a lot of goodness. Diameters but close to saying, have a place. There
are such waves in the atmosphere here, they make me feel inside, work can happen. But I say about one or two things, "Don't be
stubborn!" The boy stubbornly sat down, that the mother is very upset! Explained, no matter how much you explain, children are
stubborn! It's too late now! Take it when we come. When Ganga came to the door, you didn't take it, so when will you take it? But
if your jug is full, what will Ganga do? Even if the sun comes to your door, and if you don't open your door, it's not the sun's fault!
Afterward, a householder came and said to me, 'Mataji, look, my daughter is so sick. If you treat her well, I will accept you! ' "I
don't treat anyone well," she said. This is your idea, I'm not doing anything to anyone! I'm just standing in the middle. " I'm just
standing in the middle like he's standing in the mic and I'm talking. Now, this mike will say tomorrow, 'I'm talking!' I'm nothing, I'm
standing in the middle. If he wants to be cured, he will do it, otherwise, he will not do it! I have nothing. I have no favors and I have
nothing to give or take. I'm just standing in the middle. Finally, tells a story, funny, of Radha and Krishna. Once, Radhe got jealous
of Murali (flute) and said, “Why, why are you in Krishna's mouth? What's so significant about a goat's head? ” So [Murali] said, “Oh
crazy, my only characteristic is that I have no characteristic at all. I am hollow [inside], I have nothing left. He plays, I just hear and
see. I have witnessed it. I'm just hollow. If I stand somewhere in the middle, won't his voice get worse? ” That's how you want to
be hollow. As soon as you become hollow you will realize how much beautiful music you have, and what beauty you have too!
Happy! It is "Sahaja yoga" to just start the flow that is coming to us. I hope all of us, especially children, benefit from this very
soon. Very children benefit so quickly because simple-minded creatures are quick to cross. And after crossing, he stands up and
tells me, "Mataji, he is going from here, he is not going from here, he is going from here." Exactly [get up] and say, [quickly]! Begin
to tell. Now Mumbai has a ten-year-old Muslim boy, Shabbir, he is over, so he is very cool! That's right. And you might be
surprised to learn that if someone has an obstacle, the right-hand clicks. And as many Babaji disciples as there are people, in
their hands in the hands of some people - you will be surprised, what is called - blisters (blisters) come, good blisters! Large
blisters appear. These are all powers and are working. If you want to be saved from this, you must first attain enlightenment.
Nowadays, when there is a drought in Maharashtra, it is going on in the minds of the people, I know what is going on in the minds
of some people. Or in such a drought, in this state of poverty, how will it [appear / decrease]? In a sense, I say famine has come,
a little better. One day while doing the same thing, I had said to a very big Minister of Maharashtra, "You, why don't you dig a well
here?" The Minister was for wells, "Wells should be dug, how many wells are there in Punjab?" So he said, “Hey, he will need a lot
of money. It will happen, it will happen. ”Now look! So there is wealth and poverty and misery and misery A man is very rich he is
not rich at all! Our driver is to Mumbai, I call him, this king is the man and he was, he was a pre-born king. And he saw, and,
behold, the chariot driver of my chariot, He is happier than I am. ” He said to God, “Oh God, make me a charioteer in the next life!
I'm tired of kingship! ” Then he became a born driver, but he is a king in health. So what is this rich thing! If one has he becomes
rich and if one has he becomes poor. There are only so many types of wealth and poverty. The man who becomes [Saint], he
doesn't need anything, everything is at his feet. What silver, what gold, what diamond! What, yes, there are stones! [Is this rich]?
Wealth is the mind. If one has he becomes rich and if one has he becomes poor. There are only so many types of wealth and
poverty. The man who becomes [Saint], he doesn't need anything, everything is at his feet. What silver, what gold, what diamond!
What, yes, there are stones! [Is this rich]? Wealth is the mind. If one has, he becomes rich and if one has he becomes poor. There
are only so many types of wealth and poverty. The man who becomes [Saint], he doesn't need anything, everything is at his feet.
What silver, what gold, what diamond! What, yes, there are stones! [Is this rich]? Wealth is the mind. Now my example is that our
servant eats ten times as much as me. Even if I have to eat once a day, nothing happens to me. Yet he stays hungry! One even if
you feed him jellies, there is another sweet of Milk. Poor thing! And i. He needs a bed to sleep in, neat, a fan! If you put me on the
ground, I will fall asleep. I will sleep even if I put it on the road. We are Shahensha, what about us? Hey, what's the rest of
Shahenshala? Comfort is at his feet. The one who sits on comfort sits on, is the real "emperor"! [So] poverty and wealth are
[thoughts] of our heads [below]. We should [see] in our nature. A woman is very poor, but what a gift she has! And even though a
woman is so rich, she just dies for a penny. You may have had many such experiences with stingy people. That is to say, Leave
all these things (poverty and wealth) inside and meet the Supreme Being, who gives you all the wealth from within. And all that
has happened in that creation, which we call money, and such great glory is not even with his toes or his fingers. [As] the boat
turned that Lakshmi [then you] !. Satya Yuga should come. With the advent of Satya Yuga, what is going to happen! I look forward
to that era. But first I wonder if he will come to India or America! I think people in India still want to go on many more cycles,
many times! Especially, our Mumbai! Let's see how Dhulya gets it! Is on the rise. His grace and His love are constantly flowing.
We do meditation experiments in Mumbai. If you want, you can meditate. In meditation, we just want to close our eyes, not do
anything. To do so would mean that you would be far from God! Nothing to do. I used to sit comfortably, just like I sit down to
eat, I used to sit with an easy attitude. The power that runs through me will run through you; If you are sick, you will be healed, if
you have any problem, she will let us know and, if your body is in good health and you are not clinging to something, you will
easily be thoughtless. Go beyond thoughts. It is very difficult to go beyond thoughts! That's what people say. I don't think so.
Now, if a person wants to go to Baroda from here, he will go to America, go to Japan and then reach Baroda, he will say so. But
since we know the way, it's very simple. It's easy to do, easy to do! It is very easy. You sit very easily, you will feel as if you have
become thoughtless. Once thoughtless, you want to get your hands on it. Our church will go and see if it has happened or not. If
it's okay (thoughtless), they'll tell you. There are many churches here today that are sick. If they have small children, take them
out if they are very small. Because she will cry and so on… and others will suffer. There is nothing to worry about when the result
will be in fifteen to twenty minutes. No one has ever suffered so much, at least not yet! Then, it won't happen to you either. When
thousands of people have Kundalini (awakened) and [no matter how many] thousands of people have passed, people have
introspection, then nothing will happen to anyone. (The first experience is that you will be thoughtless). You can know everything
about science that is just discussed. That's how simple it is. After all, I had said that if it was dark in this room and your eyes
were closed and you came in from the outside, you would not want to suggest anything. Someone holding your hand told you
that there is a lamp here, sit here, etc.slowly something will start flashing. However, the whole room will not be noticed. But
suppose, if a doer is such a subject, then he can add light to the whole room so that you can see everything. So if there is such a
doer, he can open your eyes wide and you can [see] everything inside. The eyes of the people in America are very open, in your
honor. Because everything happened to them, now they have money, they have a house, they have a door. See how fun this mind
is too, it is your vehicle and it is also your guru! You say I want to buy a watch now, for that watch that will drive you crazy! As
soon as he took the watch, he said, "It's still not fun!" Then run to something else, then run to a third! He would go with us
wherever our mind goes. But every time, happiness does not come to him. Each time, he says, “I'm not happy. I'm not happy. I
don't have a break. ” So you have an idea to find something else, and what do you want to find it? So, this mind is running from
here to there just like you. But if you oppress him, if he is oppressed, this mind will not help in the end. So, these types of minds
are different! I see meditation even when you are sitting, That this mind stands somewhere in the middle and tells you something
and sees you. The horse sees how far the owners can go! If the owner says to the horse, "Hey, look," he befriends him, "Look, I
want to go somewhere," and the horse is ready to say, "Well, let's go where you want to go." But friendship should be made with
the horse. Psychologists also say that one should befriend a horse. But where to go? How to go Nobody knows this! No one
knows how to get there. It happens automatically, it accumulates automatically, no one knows. But you have to be friends with
the horse. Psychologists also say that one should befriend a horse. But where to go? How to go Nobody knows this! No one
knows how to get there. It happens automatically, it accumulates automatically, no one knows. But you have to be friends with
the horse. Psychologists also say that one should befriend a horse. But where to go? How to go Nobody knows this! No one
knows how to get there. It happens automatically, it accumulates automatically, no one knows. Looking at the other side of
science, look at it physically, in science, people will ask where is this, Kundalini, etc.? So, when the baby is two months old in the
mother's womb, this life force enters the soul. This is where it enters. Heading down (inside) from the palate of the head, down
through the middle of the brain, through the vertebral cord - the so-called spinal cord - and down to the triangular part (bone).
When this Kundalini power goes, it stops occasionally, it causes chakras. And those chakras live inside as centers and outside
they are called by doctors as plexuses, i.e. parasympathetic nervous system. These people operate on this parasympathetic
nervous system, Called the autonomous nervous system. I asked them, 'Who is this self? Who is this auto? Who runs this heart? '
So the doctors don't answer it. When I met many neurologists in the United States, they told me, “We can't cure cancer for so
long, how to stimulate this parasympathetic nervous system. How do we do that? It goes on automatically. ” When I showed
them - practically - they were amazed at how you operate a parasympathetic nervous system! There are one or two types outside
of its identity. One of them is that the eyes dilate, the eyes get bigger. You see the eyes of all your realized people, their bubbles
have grown black. Now think, what greater miracle could there be in the world! [Moving it up / moving hands] Taking out two
hundred-three hundred rupees is not a miracle, taking out thumbs, etc. is not a miracle. This is a ghost case! Once, a very funny
thing happened. That is, the bridegroom came to a Brahmin. And UP knows how wide it is! As soon as he came, he said, "Then
the wedding came. Some people were naughty at the wedding." Now it is not an easy thing to do Dahivade and Brahmins in UP
do not do Dahivade in winter. So there was a Babaji, he was told that he used to bring such things. He was told, "Take as much
money as you want, but bring us Dahiwade." So Babaji messed up! He said, “Look, I order Dahiwade, but I will not stay here. I'll
take the money and walk with you. ” "Okay," he said, "you take the money and go." They paid him and Babaji ordered Dahivade.
The room was closed, there were two days inside. Everyone ate Dahiwade well and passed Babaji! Take the money and pass it
on! The next morning some demands from Mangwada came - we have Vajantri etc.… they are there as well - and they came, then
they take out Ushte(food eaten by someone), etc. So they said, “Who brought this kullad from here? Dahiwade was done there,
who brought it here? ” All the Brahmins got angry. Rusli all night. Why did you feed us [Dahiwade in Mangwada]? Now, to do this
work. That is, the demons that are subtle (do such things), they subtle their subtlety on any heavy object and bring it [in front] and
you don't see it, as long as there is mesmerism. This is ghosting! But what do they do? Feeding you today, [tomorrow they sit on
it too!]. Hey, we're the ones, now look, if you give someone a couple of bucks, you'll remember for a lifetime, "Hey, they came that
day, So I gave them two pennies, and they are not at all grateful to me. ” So what ghosts are they going to forget, thank them! If
they have done you any favors, suppose a man is healed. In England, there was a man, Dr. Lang, who died. And his ghost went
and sat on a soldier. And he told the soldier to go to my son. He lives here, lives there, and go and tell him, "Because I am his
father." The boy was amazed when the soldier went there! The boy said, "Well, tell me a few signs." He said with the right sign,
"There are such signs, there are such signs, this is, that is, everything!" Recognizing the boy, he said, "Well, what do you do now?"
He (the ghost) said, "You open my clinic and tell everyone that even if we have a letter from someone who has an illness, we will
come there and perform the surgery." We will heal you. ” And this [clinic/ghost] case started. Many friends of that doctor, Many
doctors were also demons and they all started working together. But when he does something, he will thank you for it. That
means ten more of their demons came into your house! Then you say to Mataji, "Mataji, what is this [crime/trouble]." There are
so many types it's hard to say. Some people may cast spells on you just by talking. Given the speech, people start [swinging],
dancing [swinging]. Begin to praise them. And they want people like that, to make money! To gain power! Given the speech,
people start [swinging], dancing [swinging]. Begin to praise them. And they want people like that, to make money! To gain power!
Given the speech, people start [swinging], dancing [swinging]. Begin to praise them. And they want people like that, to make
money! To gain power! So, classically, physically as much as we have plexuses, we have chakras. Now, these chakras written by
sages many years ago and look at them, are very similar! Now, look at the Muladhara Chakra. The Muladhara Chakra is called
Pelvic Plexus in English, if there are any doctors here, they will know what I am saying. Pelvic plexuses have four suplexes. The
Muladhara Chakra has only four, Chaturdalam, four, and four petals of that lotus. Pelvic plexus When a person is in a very normal
position, only his currents are visible. But a man who is fully illuminated, his pelvic plexus looks exactly like four lotus petals and
round in the middle. And you went to see in that sphere - I mean you can't see it right now but one tells a story like ours - if you
look at [it] inside, a point revolves around that sphere and you see in that point, you wonder, Ganesha! Shri Ganesh, this is not
something we have done. We didn't do anything, everything came from within. Shri Ganesh appears here, clear. So before Shri
Ganesh appears, his proboscis is visible and many seers have understood him as Kundalini, which is a big mistake! So sex,
which is a part of the pelvic plexus, is a hoax, with the Kundalini sitting there. And the scandal has become so big that your
mother (Kundalini) herself, who has nothing to do with sex, sits down and accuses her of having sex! And when it boils over and
bursts on you like its big fire [bombs] exploding, you write books that don't touch Kundalini, it chews on you, it will chew! Because
she is your real mother and what a dirty accusation you make against her! Well now look how beautiful this Shri Ganesha's [work]
is there. Ganesh! Shri Ganesha, this is a perpetual child, an eternal child. So, what does our unconscious mind tell us, or what
does the Lord who is sitting inside us tell us? That when you descend into your spirituality, in spirituality you feel like a child in
terms of sex. Your mother will have the vision of a small child, only when you are like a small child will your mother meet you,
otherwise, she will not meet! People who have such pride, “What a scholar we are! We have read this book, we have read that
book…, they never want to be realized! Mother, that's right, Ramdas Swami has said, "Mother" has grown up a bit, so let's see
what you do! But when the baby is small, how does the mother give him milk on time and take care of him? If you become like a
small child - that what you have read is useless, what we have learned is useless, we are children - that mother understands, that
your realization will happen. It doesn't happen to many, so people say, "Mataji, how come you want it to happen!" We don't even
want to! This is surprising. We don't want to make you realized, we don't want to do that, I mean we don't have any desire, we
don't want to! But he wants to do it, so he comes from "me" and does it from me, it seems that I am in front of you. His work is
going on inside. He does not (cross) you, I can tell him the reason. And the reason for that is that the childhood condition that
has come in you if you want to understand yourself in a polite and big way, look, there is no realization! Where are you? Who are
you before God? He is not a beggar and neither is Seth. He has a little boy who is not a beggar. You ask a child, well, it's
straightforward. There was a boy next to us. He began to speak very quickly. People say that a child [in reality] belongs to God!
So I asked him, “Munna (Son), who are you? Are you Hindustani? ” He said, "No." "Are you Japanese?" "No." "Are you a Hindu?"
"No." "Are you a Muslim?" "No." Even [scared], So I said, "Who are you, tell me?" (He said), “Mom, you forgot. I am your little one. ”
How true! The only truth is, "Mother, I am your child." There is no other truth than this, all these false labels became Hindustani
because they were born in India today, they became Pakistani because they were born in Pakistan tomorrow. What was written
on your head when you were born? Who created Hindustan? Made by humans. Even that God must be wondering, "Oh, Dad, I
never made this, it happened [somewhere / how]!" Hey, he filled in the picture, he created the universe. We made him a
Hindustan, we made him an American, we made him do this, he did that ते, what is the benefit? Quarreling and arguing over it;
We are Brahmins, we are Hindus, we are Muslims, we are so-and-so, who are you? No one, you. You are, [children] are all one
from here to there. Now we also have a few wives, these men, and we wives, Once, Meera had gone to Vrindavan. There,
Tulsidasji became a big celibate - some would say he was not realized, some would say no - and Mirabai sent a message saying,
"I want to see you." He said, "I am a child celibate," which means it is a lie. I mean, women are scared! So, Mirabai sent a reply to
him, "I did not think that there would be any man living in this Vrindavan without my Krishna. All my children live here. ” The man
was embarrassed and then said, "Mom, forgive me." This is the difference in our vision. This is all a difference in our vision. The
woman who gave birth to the whole world has a son. I have children. The eldest son was 92 years old. Was, I mean, it's gone
now. [All these] children, whether they were reborn or not. So if there is no sin in our attitude, then we are all children, that is
[attitude]. But to the woman, the woman must be; A man should be a man. It's not that women want to be men and men want to
be women! This is not the way our Sahaja yoga, which is a church, wants to run like men, women, and women. In Sahaja yoga,
men should be men, strong and women should be gentle, like women. Women in America said to me, “Wow! Wow! Wow! You
men rule over us! ” "Oh," she said, "what a kingdom they will rule! We are queens! ” How so This [wife] is in the house, carrying the
burden of everyone. How to pick up? [What?]. The woman who has the power [can only lift] the burden. If it is quiet, then what
happened is the same. Take the example of Sita. Rama told Sita, "You go to the forest." Now Sita would have been modern, she
would have sued, [four / ten] married in front of people and brought me and now you tell me to go to the forest. This is unfair and
I'm going to have kids now, so I would have filed a double lawsuit. And if two children had been born, two more would have been
filed. This is the work of modern people! But look at Sita's work, (she) left quietly (in the forest). If removed, it does not matter. All
the stigma remained. No matter, no matter how insulting it is, I agree. Children were born, raised. She did not vent her anger on
her children. We have wives who get angry at their husbands and children. What a wife! They are men. It is the custom of men,
not women, to vent their anger on him. Wives are those women who swallow anger and give happiness! That woman! That is to
say, "Yatra naryastu pujyante tatra ramante devata:" All the women who are revered [in life] and the women who shower
happiness! Don't compete with men. And men should not act like the washerman who removed Sita. Sita left her and stayed in
the forest. Just like her beauty! [Who will touch her]? Who will touch her chastity? Such a big Ravana but he did not run in front of
her! But she remained in the forest. You may not know for so many days that Sita, when she got back, Rama called her, called
her, at that time she said, "Done, look at your sacrifice and my sacrifice!" And she gave up. Gone. She fell to the ground, saying
nothing. No one slandered Rama, what happened! She was absorbed in our earth. Finally, Rama is said that he brought his life to
end, on the river Saryu., Sita. This became the custom of men. Men, men should stay. Wives, wives should stay. He has all the
beauty. How beautiful do women look? It will be a little late for them, it will be almost, they don't want to walk so well! They don't
want to walk so much [intellectually], they have, that is, they have to behave [insignificantly]. Suppose they feel bad about a man,
that he is bad, that is, he is bad. Men don't understand, "But how do you say that?" "But it felt inside. It's bad, it's bad." That's right,
they're right, and men are right. That he is evil means that he is evil. Men don't understand, "But how do you say that?" "But it felt
inside. It's bad, it's bad." That's right, they're right, and men are right. That he is evil means that he is evil. Men don't understand,
"But how do you say that?" "But it felt inside. It's bad, it's bad." That's right, they're right, and men are right. Here are some
examples of wives. Take Noor Jahan as an example. What a woman she was! Noor Jahan was in love with Salim and she had
decided to marry him. But the king, his father - Akbar - arranged her marriage to another man. So she left, in Bengal, near
Calcutta, where she stayed. Then she served him wholeheartedly. Stayed there with full dignity. But when this Salim became
king, [Jahangir], her husband was killed during his reign. She thought he had killed her! Now only God knows the truth! But look at
her behavior! Now she was a Muslim! But look at her behavior, no less than Sita! So it went to her and fell at her feet; But she
said, "I will not come." When she was arrested, she said, “Be careful! If you touch me, stay away. ” He did not dare. He then went
and arrested her and she went and lived in a small house on one side. Then he fell ill in her bereavement. Then his mother was
very kind, and she went and said to him, "Woman, I serve you." She didn't know it, because it was his mother. She served him very
well. So she said, Ask what you want. Today I am in good health. I will give you whatever you ask for. ” She said, "What do you
want?" So say, "Yes, I will give if I have it!" She said, "All I want is for you to marry my son." She said, "Yes, it does." Such a big
emperor, not ready to marry him! But ready to marry her son, this poor lady, this poor lady had become or was ready to get
married. She soon found out that he was the emperor and married her. Look at this! What about women, what about each
country! What an exemplary or what a unique thing these women are! The whole creation has stopped at the asthma of these
women. Can men oppress anyone? No matter how much she does, what will happen to her in the face of this woman's courage
and still she will continue to be showered with love, the same real woman! So, in Dharma, people who have come in the form of a
woman, and a man who has come in the form of a man, can come into our religion. But those who are half-people, [can dance -] -
Nowadays, you may have heard, they dance [naked], etc. This half-people are known as they become [naked] immediately!
People can come into our religion who have come in the form of a woman, and a man who has come in the form of a man. But
those who are half-people, [can dance -] So, in Dharma, what man should be like, and also from a scientific point of view, what I
am saying is all in our body. All the plexuses are in your body. So you have accepted it with wisdom. Now I'm trying to make you
understand. No matter how much I tell you that honey tastes like this, honey is obtained like this, where is it brought from, it
happens, it contains what it contains and it benefits the body like this. No matter how much you [tell] it, my speech is in vain
unless you [experience] it, see the effect on yourself! As evidence, I can say that in science, what we call the parasympathetic
nervous system, [I / He] is what I call Kundalini, I am the one who awakens, she [I] controls. From religion, the description of the
whole Kundalini, It's rising, lifting, etc., etc.… and the different, different pleasures that come from it, and the different, different
shapes that come out of it, and the benefits that come from it. What happens between us, what is the difference between us,
etc., etc.… Critical of all [things], I am going to write a book. But even after reading so many books, it will not be fun to get "him".
So get it first. Those who get want to get more, they will not get it without feeling it. In the homes of many rich people [there is a
situation], whether someone is dead or not! In such a rich house, money is all in the house; But father, father! Looks like you
came to the cemetery! Should feel. Oh, what love is [share,] don't feel like money, what do you feel about money! Share love.
Different happiness and the different, different shapes that come out of it and the benefits that come from it. What happens
between us, what is the difference between us, etc., etc.Critical of all [things], I am going to write a book. But even after reading
so many books, it will not be fun to get "him". So get it first. Those who get want to get more, they will not get it without feeling it.
In the homes of many rich people [there is a situation], whether someone is dead or not! In such a rich house, money is all in the
house; But father, father! Looks like you came to the cemetery! Should feel. Oh, what love is [share,] don't feel like money, what
do you feel about money! Share love. Different happiness and the different, different shapes that come out of it and the benefits
that come from it. What happens between us, what is the difference between us, etc., Critical of all [things], I am going to write a
book. But even after reading so many books, it will not be fun to get "him". So get it first. Those who get want to get more, they
will not get it without feeling it. In the homes of many rich people [there is a situation], whether someone is dead or not! In such a
rich house, money is all in the house; But father, father! Looks like you came to the cemetery! Should feel. Oh, what love is
[share,] don't feel like money, what do you feel about money! Share love. Etc.… Critical of all [things], I am only going to write a
book. But even after reading so many books, it will not be fun to get "him". So get it first. Those who get want to get more, they
will not get it without feeling it. In the homes of many rich people [there is a situation], whether someone is dead or not! In such a
rich house, money is all in the house; But father, father! Looks like you came to the cemetery! Should feel. Oh, what love is
[share,] don't feel like money, what do you feel about money! Share love. Etc.… Critical of all [things], I am only going to write a
book. But even after reading so many books, it will not be fun to get "him". So get it first. Those who get want to get more, they
will not get it without feeling it. In the homes of many rich people [there is a situation], whether someone is dead or not! In such a
rich house, money is all in the house; But father, father! Looks like you came to the cemetery! Should feel. Oh, what love is
[share,] don't feel like money, what do you feel about money! Share love. Whether someone has mailed or not! In such a rich
house, money is all in the house; But father, father! Looks like you came to the cemetery! Should feel. Oh, what love is [share,]
don't feel like money, what do you feel about money! Share love. Whether someone has mailed or not! In such a rich house,
money is all in the house; But father, father! Looks like you came to the cemetery! Should feel. Oh, what love is [share,] don't feel
like money, what do you feel about money! Share love. Look at how beautiful, you have the form of Lakshmi. To Lakshmi, the
whole body is given the form of a woman, that is, she must be the form of a mother. The man who has Lakshmi should have the
form of a mother. How much guilt your mother takes in your stomach! If a man hits his servant as Lakshmi, then he is not
Lakshmi (husband), he is a moneylender! Then she has two lotuses in her hand. What do lotuses mean? So [she] should be
beautiful, like a lotus [in her smile], on her face, in her demeanor, in her speech, in everything, she should be beautiful. A lot of
swear words are coming out of his mouth and he says Lakshmipati( Owner of Wealth and money)! What Lakshmipati!
Lakshmipati should be [like a lotus]. And a house like a lotus or its abode is very beautiful and comfortable in it, like a beetle
going inside and sleeping comfortably if anyone comes to [his] door, he should get comfort. No no, As soon as Lakshmipati
starts barking with the four dogs in the house, will not be seen. The identity of Lakshmipati has been given a lot more, it is one
hand and the other hand is that of Lakshmi. This hand means you have shelter. Someone went to your shelter and if you can't
shelter him, then what kind of Lakshmipati are you? There is no Lakshmipati in giving money to one's children! In animals, too,
the condition disappears, after a few days. But our human beings have a lower status than animals. Until he got old, he used to
save money for the boy like a miser, and when the boy grew up, he used to squander all that old man's money. But [some] said,
"Oh, give a poor man two bucks!" Dad! "Those who ask for it come every day (those who ask for it come every day)!" Your son,
your daughter, here too, you see, in meditation, your children will come forward for the first time, "Take-take, take-take." Hey, all
the kids are yours. Your son should be fine, your daughter should be fine. You, you, yours, yours…., Hey, in the end, the same kids
bother you! I will give because this love has no meaning. This is what limited love is, this is the death of love! His power going
into a tree, if water gets on him and gets stuck in a flower, the whole tree will die and that flower will die too! What good is such
love? If it is not in the hands of such Lakshmipati, it is an arrow (love), if it is not, then it is also not Lakshmipati. Thus in the past.
Lakshmipati's wife herself [Natun] is sitting and a woman next to her, who does not even have a piece of cloth on her body, [her
body/mind] will not have grief. [Looking at the other's plight] The heart that has not passed her is a heart or a stone! After all,
those same kids are bothering you! I will give because this love has no meaning. This is what limited love is, this is the death of
love! His power going into a tree, if water gets on him and gets stuck in a flower, the whole tree will die and that flower will die
too! What good is such love? If it is not in the hands of such Lakshmipati, it is an arrow (love), if it is not, then it is also not
Lakshmipati. Thus in the past. Lakshmipati's wife herself [Natun] is sitting and a woman next to her, who does not even have a
piece of cloth on her body, [her body/mind] will not have grief. [Looking at the other's plight] The heart that has not passed her is
a heart or a stone! After all, those same kids are bothering you! I will give because this love has no meaning. This is what limited
love is, this is the death of love! His power going into a tree, if water gets on him and gets stuck in a flower, the whole tree will die
and that flower will die too! What good is such love? If it is not in the hands of such Lakshmipati, it is an arrow (love), if it is not,
then it is also not Lakshmipati. Thus in the past. Lakshmipati's wife herself [Natun] is sitting and a woman next to her, who does
not even have a piece of cloth on her body, [her body/mind] will not have grief. [Looking at the other's plight] The heart that has
not passed her is a heart or a stone! If water gets on it and gets stuck in a flower, the whole tree will die and that flower will die
too! What good is such love? If it is not in the hands of such Lakshmipati, it is an arrow (love), if it is not, then it is also not
Lakshmipati. Thus in the past. Lakshmipati's wife herself [Natun] is sitting and a woman next to her, who does not even have a
piece of cloth on her body, [her body/mind] will not have grief. [Looking at the other's plight] The heart that has not passed her is
a heart or a stone! If water gets on it and gets stuck in a flower, the whole tree will die and that flower will die too! What good is
such love? If it is not in the hands of such Lakshmipati, it is an arrow (love), if it is not, then it is also not Lakshmipati. Thus in the
past. Lakshmipati's wife herself [Natun] is just sitting and a woman next to her, who doesn't even have a piece of cloth on her
body, [her body/mind] will not have grief. [Looking at the other's plight] The heart that has not passed her is a heart or a stone!
Whoever does not have a cloth on his body, his [body/mind] will not have grief. [Looking at the other's plight] The heart that has
not passed her is a heart or a stone! Whoever does not have a cloth on his body, his [body/mind] will not have grief. [Looking at
the other's plight] The heart that has not passed her is a heart or a stone! You do not know that I do all this work on your heart.
Just does it on the heartbeat, the whole game of the heart cycle. You have seen how the Kundalini moves on my hand! It's all
about love. All creation is done by the Supreme Being in pure love, we call it creative power, it is all His loving power. Just love,
love, love! Write on it three times. And the man who can't be loved, the stone man has no work here. A person who does not have
love, who cannot open his heart and take everyone with his heart, will not get this (this) religion. Some, some here [sticks] and
threats are going to get God? Or if you give a hundred rupees to a Pandit, he will get God, but he will not get God here. God is
hungry for love! What, even that God is hungry for love !. I mean, what a great thing, Hey! And once you start drowning in this
ocean of love, who else? With this hand, serve this hand and say, "Hey, how much did I serve you?" So you are all in my body.
When only one force starts flowing from inside you, just like only one force starts flowing from this body, if this finger touches,
then this finger comes to him quickly. Also, now that you see the people who have crossed, they immediately come running to
see you. The congregation, at your own expense, these have come to you. They don't want any money from you. They have come
here for you at all costs, why? To save you from that ocean! Because the inner love is the flow! For this love, I, too, have come
running to you. If this love is not in me, then I have so much wealth, leave outside, inside, I don't need anything. But compassion!
In compassion, compassion [pulls] so much from within, that even inner happiness feels useless! Janmajanmantari is [born /
gathered]! But in this birth, there is no way without giving. Night and day do one for you. You have to help me a little bit. | null | null | null | 1972-0409 Public Program A woman like Rajkunwar Raul is in Dhule, this is the great fortune of Dhule. I came here because of
the charm of her love. I told her I would come to Dhule once. And I am becoming aware of how much devotion and love there is
in this place. In our country, everyone has written a lot about religion since ancient times and there has been a lot of discussions.
Even in temples, bells are ringing now, people also go to churches, go to mosques, a lot of work has been done in our country in
the name of religion. But the real work doesn't seem to have happened anywhere. We go to the temple, we do everything
properly, we do everything for the pooja, we come home, but even then we don't feel that we have got anything. The inner peace,
inner love, inner joy, is never found. No matter how much we do, we do not feel that we are close to God. Or we have got this
Mauli(Mother), on whose lap we can rest our head and say comfortably, that we don't want to do anything now. I am not saying
that a person should not go to the temple. Let's go, must go. To identify the honey, let's do flower things first, then it will be fine.
So they created the embodiment of God [just to say / for good], that is, to name the flowers. From Vishnu to Shiva, as well as
from Muslims to Ali to Wali, from Christians to Christ to his mother, everyone had a genealogy. The names are all known. Even
after knowing the names of the flowers, the honey was not found! We worship Sakar, take the name of Vishnu. See, in his
description too, he has said - you may have heard the verse of Vishnu - that “Shantakaram Bhujagashayanam Padmanabham
Suresham. Vishvadharam gagansadrisham meghavarnam shubhangam. Lakshmikant Kamalnayanam. " So far so good. But
where is his fly? "योगिर्भिध्यानगम्यम्।" This is a description of what the yogi knows in meditation. I do not know. Even about each
deity, "Dhyanavasthita tadgaten manasa pashyanti yin yogino." Everywhere you look today, the tide of protectionist sentiment is
flowing. But what happens is we stop at the hint. Now let us call another type of religion that started, Christianity or Muslim
religion. In it, he said, "Look, if we do flower things, we don't get honey, so let's do honey things." He said that God who is is
formless, not materialized, you go into formless. But how to go? That's what happened. Hey, do things with honey, not flowers,
things are things. Things do not know the Supreme. So what happened is, a horse is tied behind the car and we are driving the
car! Saying, "Why doesn't the car run, Dharmachi?" Religion is within us, everyone has said it. Everyone has said that there is
Paramatma inside us. But what happens is that no matter how much is said, it remains to be said. I had gone to this (Gurudwara)
of a Sikh afternoon. So there he started singing, “Kahe re ban khojan Jai. Sada Nivasi Sada Alepa Tohe Sang Samai" (why you are
going out in search? it’s within you). The bamboo that grows in the flower, only when it is in the shade. In the same way, Hari
stayed, constantly looking for Ghathai, brother. Now the song is sung, "Look for less, find less." "Ah," he said, "what are you
singing?" If you want to take medicine and the doctor gives you medicine, "Look, you take some ginger-sugar, it will be good." So
when you come home like, "I take ginger-sugar, I take ginger-sugar," what medicine is he going to be? That is our way. That we
don't do what we want to do, we talk about it. Therefore, I say that we should meditate. But how to go? But no one says that. You
will meet so many speakers that we should love, love the whole world. Hey, Can love be taught? Can you love electricity? Love is
inherent and that is how we feel. We love our children, we love our fathers, we love our mothers, we love our wives, we love our
husbands, all of a sudden we feel love. There is no love in teaching. Then even religion is not taught. He is in us from birth, he has
to know. How to go now? This is in front of everyone, how to go? How to know that Paramatman? Say it. How to do
self-realization? Many people say, “Yes, it can happen. Do this, you stand on your head, stand up for twenty-five minutes every
day, and say God's name. " Nothing will happen! That's a lie. "You wear saffron clothes and dance, jump, he will find God!" It's so
easy, So what about painting a sari for two rupees and dancing? Someone will say, “It will not happen. You go to the temple and
take the boat. ” Ah, the name is like this, a man like Tulsidas - who wrote such a big Ramayana - used to take the name.
Raghuveer himself came to him three times and they planted Tila, sandalwood, and did not recognize him. Your "Hare Ramawale,
Hare Krishnawale" came to me from Mumbai. He said to me, "Mataji, you don't take the name of God!" "Hey," he said, "do you
know anything about naming?" Take someone's name! Tomorrow you will come to my door and say 'Mataji, Mataji,' and if you
meet me on the street, will you recognize me? Do you agree with me? ” I say, come in, get to know him first, it's going to be hard
to name even once [no / is]. Then they started saying, “We have all given up, we have given up so much. By doing this, by doing
that we went to the forest. Doing something, doing something and you sit in your house, you have children, grandchildren and
how do you do it? You didn't leave anything? ” I said, "Look, I tell you this, you have a challenge. Pick up any belongings in my
house, any object, even with the dust of the feet of the Supreme Being, even if it is with the dust particles." I'm ready. " Look
around Said, "Anything, pick up what you think." "Nothing like him," he said. He said, "Then there is nothing like him, then you left
and you caught!" "Hey, we didn't catch it, so what?" Now tomorrow is in front of the sea. If we decide in our mind that it is in our
name, we are caught, it means we are foolish or not! And then let's say we caught it and now we're free. We don't catch it, and
who cares, Melo means everything stays here, including the fort. It doesn't matter to you. Who is holding and who is leaving? If
God could be found with such stupidity, then God is also a fool! Ah, He is Almighty! What power he has! If a magnet with a very
strong power is in a place and you don't go there and dance in front of it with a small magnet, then jump, if not stand on your
head, by doing this, if it comes to you, do it, but is it possible? Just let go of the little power you have, just pull it off quickly. The
bus is there to pull. Its power is so great that we want to draw it into ourselves. But he wants it to happen in your will. You have to
have the will. He will not force you unless you want to. That is, he has raised man in his glory. His relationship is respectful. He
has all the freedom. Nowadays, people do a lot of hypnosis in Mumbai, that is, they do magic. And to make people dance like
crazy with magic charms on them, to jump, what, what… type! People ate thousands of rupees. And we love it, folks! People, don't
want freedom, don't want your glory and what are you! How big it is! Now Pradhan Saheb told about a beggar. Sometimes people
become beggars, they become intentional, we don't know that. Suppose there is a great queen in a birth, but she will have a lot of
trouble from her husband, from that king, a lot of trouble in the house, the burden of that queen will be very much on her. So she
can say, "Lord, make me a beggar in the next life, but don't make me a queen!" Her next birth will be that of a beggar, but on the
inside, she is a queen, in her health, she will be a queen. You may have seen many rich people are so poor, [So / so] beggar. And
how rich some of the poor are on the inside! So he has his struggle to know the Supreme, he is making all the arrangements for
you. You are born again and again, you reduce your preferences, you do it, you bring it to that place, you see religion there. I
mean, if such a person is a very devout Brahmin [says], "And now I hate all Muslims and all Mlenchchas in my heart", thinking
that if a Brahmin stood up today, you would be surprised that in the next life he would become a "Muslim". Should be! I tell you.
People who work hard here…, we had now gone to Tehran. In Tehran, people are meditating, while Muslims are ringing bells and
chanting. Here we see Brahmins in our Mumbai, they pray there. What madness! They go to one extreme and then to another. it
doesn't need to be seen, In the next life, you will be born "Harijan"! Do you have a right to your birth? But if you hate someone,
tomorrow the world will hate you. What I say will come back to me. My "Sahaja yoga" is very easy for a person who has come out
of this excess. Means "Sahaja yoga". If I told you to remove the seed from this seed, can anyone remove it from you? You cannot
germinate from a single seed, and what a man has his mind! Hey, building a house, what's up? Dead bricks and dead house! Is
there vitality in him? Can we do at least one living thing in the world? What a man has his mind! What does he think of himself?
Nothing you do. That is to say, whatever we do, we just feel like we are doing it. We don't do anything, we do everything. It will not
become one [truth / pakka] until we realize it [until] we experience some power of it [no]. Please don't believe me like a blind
person. It is impossible to get Paramatma by superstition. Suppose, in this room, you come from outside, it is dark. I now own
this room. I know all the windows, doors, and arrangements for this room. As soon as you come, I will say, “Look, sit here, here,
Sataranji is gone for you. Here is the lamp. There's a light switch. " You will see it slowly, you will understand, if it is, believe it, if
not, don't believe it at all. So sometimes he is an atheist rather than an atheist! That is not to say that believers are bad. My point
is that a person stuck to something can hardly get into that sea. If you want to get into the sea, you have to leave whatever is on
the shore. You have to leave all the ladders to get into this hall. Does that mean the ladders are bad? How do you get in without
leaving the ladder? Then comes the second question, “Ki Mataji, how is that possible? In the past, only one or two people had
self-realization. And now you say there are thousands, how is that possible? ” Why not? Hey, if in the past one or two trees used
to have flowers, [now] thousands of trees have blossomed, won't there be thousands of fruits? Have you never seen such a life?
Something may have increased in life. And this is going to happen in Kali Yuga only, otherwise, how will Satyayuga come? To
change Kali Yuga, to bring Satyayuga, something special, in all living beings, a mass must be done, otherwise, Satyayuga is not
possible. Instead there Now man is standing in such a place, where he is either in the pool of good, in the pool or the pool of evil,
evil & good. If people do not decide at this time that we want to bring Satya Yuga, then I do not doubt that the whole world will be
destroyed! But what is already sitting in your head should be emptied a little. Because it is like this, many people read a lot, "We
saw many gurus, sadhus came, they came." Hey, they must have come! Have they given you anything? Are you happy Have you
been given peace Have you been told to love, what is it? Love should flow from the hand, knock knock knock knock, it goes hand
in hand. These are our disciples sitting here, So I say I don't heal people because time is short, I want to make doctors. And all
these people just give it with their hands, like that, There should be no vision therapist, it should be open, What happens or not? It
was easy. But the man with the medical vision clung to something extravagant, saying how could he be pushed into the sea?
Anyone who wants to go to sea must leave the coast. I have indeed wandered on the shore till now, otherwise, I would have seen
the happiness on someone, I would have loved someone, that peace would have originated somewhere, but I have not seen it
anywhere. I have seen so many monks, hermits, and so on, not a single person has seen this thing, the thing that has come to our
disciples and will come to you. I had gone to Parva Vasai, a hundred people crossed! You will be surprised. And such an amazing
event! It's so amazing! How is it possible that people think that? But it is. That is to say, I was born in such a state from my
childhood that I had this consciousness and the transmigration consciousness remained with me. But in this birth, here, I
realized, that in this birth, as long as I don't give it to people, who are always born [with me] and don't just give speeches. Just tell
people, “You love, you become good people!” Many say that it will not work. There have been many book writers. But what
happened? Do it, do it, do it! So there has to be an arrangement where, if I bring them, somewhere, somehow [at least] to the fifth
garden and let them go, they will think that Mataji has taught us something, and beyond that, beyond what is seen. When they
see it, when they see it beyond, then they will think that it is, Now, look at us, how few, very few young people are young. Now
amid this youth, I had gone to Baroda. I put my speech at the university. So all our people (said), "We said we won't let go, (Mrs.)."
“But why, Dad? What is it? ” Getting rid of someone's corpse, if not, condemn someone, if not, kill, remove! This is the condition of
our children today, why? Because of him you. [We] have spent so much money in the name of religion, we have run so fast, they
know that this idiot [got what?] So why should we fall into this idiot? Somehow we have to do another thing, so they have done
another thing. This is the condition of our children. But this is not the case with young children in the United States. This is what
young children in America understand, That they did, religion, etc… they didn't get anything, otherwise why are they so angry?
How many defects are there in them? And what is Dharma Dharma? So he said, "Leave (all this), we don't want a house, we don't
need a door, we don't want a mother, we don't want a father, we all live together and live as we please." We don't want money, we
don't want anything, leave everything, they do all the business, with money! So, left. But who is going to benefit? So, left. But who
is going to benefit? So left. But who is going to benefit? Suppose we thought, we would hold on to it, or we would hold on to it.
We are standing on the ground. At that time, [man] does not want to give up anything. Wherever he stands, he stands in awe. The
whole system has been beautified by the Supreme Being within us since time immemorial. [Fall] into it. Your mother is in your
womb. She is just sitting there giving birth to you. And she is going to reincarnate you, put you in the state where you will be
second. She is sitting in you. But people have. Where is your vision How Much Money Do You Make Nowadays? No, then, stand
for election, if not, then serve the people somewhere! You can't go beyond that. But you can't go, you can't go down to Dharma
even after trying. Nowadays people, like sitting on a horse, want to save time, save time…, why save time? Hey, we want to see
where [the satisfaction is]. This is the attitude that God has given, the clock should also be said to be given by God. Everything
that is outside has come from within. And he gave the watch just so you can save time, why? Get inside! As soon as the time is
empty, the man becomes frightened. He runs away to the cinema somewhere…he can't spend his time sitting alone. For five
minutes I told him to sit alone, he can't meet himself, he runs away from there! Because he has the idea that we are very dirty.
The fact is we are so beautiful ourselves! If you tell me, 'You stay in this room for three months,' I will be happy! I will never be
bothered by it. Not because I'm beautiful, but because I'm beautiful, I can sit there and watch. Now, in today's Sahaja yoga, you
have to understand it in simple language. I mean, a lot of books have been written on Kundalini. Among them, many people say
that Kundalini deteriorates, if someone wakes up Kundalini, she will do something! He gets it, it happens! It tells many different
stories. The fact is that people who do Kundalini understand that something is a mechanical thing, a mechanical thing. And if
not, they make dirty accusations like sex. This is your "mother". Mom, everyone can forgive your murder. If you kill her, she won't
call you Br; But if you accuse her of sex, won't she get angry with you? As much as they say that Kundalini is irritated, they make
all sorts of allegations against that Kundalini, therefore! If there is a person in whom the love of God is flowing, then it is easy for
him to Just like when you water a tree, just as you water a tree, just as easily as a flower bears fruit, so can you. But you have to
give water if you pour kerosene on it! Water is life. The kerosene is dead. Kundalini cannot be awakened by dead things.
"Kundalini" means in simple words, now it's Mike, not mine, the one I'm talking about, we created it properly before. God has
created everything in such a way for man, for everyone. It doesn't matter if he is educated, uneducated, from India, or England, or
America. Just as a beautiful machine has been created, so man, created by the Supreme Spirit, has a connection attached to it.
Now, to bring this connection back to that Paramatman, such a task is 'Sahaja yoga'. Now he has a lot of scripture. I am also
writing books if anyone wants to read it. But why am I still writing a book? He wrote a book, he sat down (with a Bible) in his
hand, it is written in it, it has this mantra in it, he sat back reciting the mantra! So even writing a book makes me feel a little
stolen. The speech is the same. There are a lot of people in speech, too, who hold on to only that which will keep them out of the
way. I say, forget my speech too, forget everything - just like all the steps you took, [forgot] and came inside - to forget everything.
You don't want to say a mantra, you don't want to say, Guru, you don't want to chant, you don't want to chant, everyone has
thoughts. There is a small space between the two thoughts, from there I want to take your attention to me. So any thought -
whether it be Guru or Dharma or God's name - is the same thought for all of you. And once it happens then the Guru makes
sense, then the idol of Rama makes sense, everything makes sense. Now I am sitting on it, this shawl also has my vibrations.
These people cured many patients even by just taking photos of my feet. I mean, it makes sense. If water washed my feet, they
would cure many ailments. The real thing is! I'm not surprised, you might think. Because, if this is the power of the Supreme
Being who has designed all the creation, then what are the features in doing these small things! All diseases can go away. But
first, everyone must gain their inner strength. And should be obtained in complete freedom. And once it happens then the Guru
makes sense, then the idol of Rama makes sense, everything makes sense. Now I am sitting on it, this shawl also has my
vibrations. These people cured many patients even by just taking photos of my feet. I mean, it makes sense. If water washed my
feet, they would cure many ailments. The real thing is! I'm not surprised, you might think. Because, if this is the power of the
Supreme Being who has designed all the creation, then what are the features in doing these small things! All diseases can go
away. But first, everyone must gain their inner strength. And should be obtained in complete freedom. And once it happens then
the Guru makes sense, then the idol of Rama makes sense, everything makes sense. Now I am sitting on it, this shawl also has
my vibrations. These people cured many patients even by just taking photos of my feet. I mean, it makes sense. If water washed
my feet, they would cure many ailments. The real thing is! I'm not surprised, you might think. Because, if this is the power of the
Supreme Being who has designed all the creation, then what are the features in doing these small things! All diseases can go
away. But first, everyone must gain their inner strength. And should be obtained in complete freedom. These people cured many
patients even by just taking photos of my feet. I mean, it makes sense. If water washed my feet, they would cure many ailments.
The real thing is! I'm not surprised, you might think. Because, if this is the power of the Supreme Being who has designed all the
creation, then what are the features in doing these small things! All diseases can go away. But first, everyone must gain their
inner strength. And should be obtained in complete freedom. These people cured many patients even by just taking photos of
my feet. I mean, it makes sense. If water washed my feet, they would cure many ailments. The real thing is! I'm not surprised, you
might think. Because, if this is the power of the Supreme Being who has designed all the creation, then what are the features in
doing these small things! All diseases can go away. But first, everyone must gain their inner strength. And should be obtained in
complete freedom. What is Jupiter nowadays? Fifty of the footsteps are gone. Every village guru has left. The tide of America is
flowing. Do they go there and do this? Mohini Vidya (Mesmerism) (puts a weapon on you - this is a method - they seduce you by
putting a weapon. As much money as you have, it will be, it will be, you want to get rid of it all and after that, you have to do it
properly! I say, why does this work of God need money? It's a straightforward thing. Hey, this should be free. Everything
important was free. The breath we breathe tomorrow, the heart we breathe tomorrow, ask someone how it works? Ask the
doctor, they [will say, it's all automatic]. So who is that 'self'? Tell me, who is he? Who is driving it, heart, and how easy! Very easy.
[Also] this must be an important task. If it is difficult, it will not happen. You can't be too easy. You can't eat from here; Going
from here to there, going there, breaking our limbs four or five times, when we eat, we feel like we have eaten, if not, how could
we have eaten so easily! I give the example of a simple mother. I've cooked for you, okay. Are you hungry So, the plate has grown,
sit down to eat? If you are hungry, sit up straight. If not, say, “Mom, where did you go? Where did you get it How are you? ” If I give
you a radio prize tomorrow, you will immediately pick it up and see if your mother has given us a radio to listen to. Or do you just
sit and watch it all in engineering? "Don't say engineering first, we don't listen to the radio?" (Say so). Man has no idea about the
things of the world. Suppose tomorrow I say, "There's a diamond here." If such an announcement is made to Delhi, then people
from Delhi will come here by plane to see the diamond! Diamond [just take it ready] so look, then let's see! In the case of religion,
one goes backward. “How can you give so much without money? How easy is that? ” On the contrary. I just said that as
important as everything is, it should be easy. And a lot of people said to me in America, "Mataji, every man takes one and a half
to three hundred dollars from us and you don't take (one) money here, how come?" Said, "Look, you tell me how much it costs?" I
don't understand, what is the price? Do you pay the price? ” It is said that these are (all) subconscious people. They have come
here to fool you and you pay them like fools. Did you get Properly covered, it will withstand a lot of adverse conditions. And you
feel happy, wow! How we [fly/fly] for God !. Then when you go crazy, after ten years, you will come to me [easily / back]. That is to
say, all these kinds of things happen in the afterlife. As many Babaji people as there are, everyone learns the afterlife. They do all
these things by making demons place on you. All (your) money will be taken away, your children will be destroyed and you will be
made to stand on the street and tie your knots and leave for America! There are a lot of criminals (criminals, many criminals
today) who are sitting there with their hair tied up. People are now realizing that since they are aware of the art of throwing dust,
they are not aware of it! And you will be surprised that five demons and five demons have been born in this Kali Yuga! Everyone
is born from Ravana-Narkasur. And yours, showing your colors. But they will not call themselves Ravana! They will call
themselves God, God, so and so! They don't want to come to know you! There is magic in them! You may have heard that, the
illusory monster! They are all born and you are like a fool, “Ahaha! Babaji came, Babaji came and took out two hundred rupees
and gave it to us. ” Hey, brother, I gave you two hundred rupees, so who gave you something? You are a millionaire! Give no to a
poor person! Each of the rich is given a diamond necklace. What diamonds do they lack? Share with the poor? One of our
relatives came and said to me, "Babaji gave us a ring, a diamond!" They are very rich! I said, "How much, how much do you have,
a diamond (ring)?" "It will be, it will be ten-twelve!" He said, “So who else took this thirteenth? If you have not been happy since
ten or twelve, is it coming from the thirteenth? Who took it, brother? ” Say, "No, no, he saw my devotion." I said, “Hey, what is
devotion? Is there a reward in the market? Be crazy, Go to the market for as much as you want! ” (He said,) "No, I didn't pay much
for such things. I gave him only five-six thousand rupees. Later it came to my mind that they should be given money, something
the ring has been given. ' He is possessed by a demon. These rings are spinning and that's where the ghost is telling everything.
This is the [great] knowledge, the knowledge of the hereafter! And all the demons have come to this Kali Yuga. And here I am
alone, telling love stories to people! And says, “Come to Sahaja yoga. Light your lamp in us, ”meaning darkness will go away. Isn't
that going to kill the darkness and scream? This darkness is going to light up. Each of you has such a terrible lamp (such a bright
lamp), (which) burned and destroyed all these. And love too! And the characteristic of love is that, like the [shield] of the sea, no
matter how much the sea comes, it grows bigger, the love grows bigger. The weapon of love is above all weapons. The whole
world lost to that weapon. And the same weapon started flowing from you, see if everyone is running away with their babies!
[Everyone] must go through this world! I would even go so far as to say that if Lord Krishna comes, "Now don't kill Kamsa, Baba,
even if he dies, he is born again and again" and even if Rama comes, even if he kills Ravana, you are killing the body, he is born
again and again. Better a poor horse than no horse at all. That is, he will become a sadhu in the next life. Such a situation has
arisen. Let's see how you get it, Dhulya! Here, I have heard a lot of goodness. Diameters but close to saying, have a place. There
are such waves in the atmosphere here, they make me feel inside, work can happen. But I say about one or two things, "Don't be
stubborn!" The boy stubbornly sat down, that the mother is very upset! Explained, no matter how much you explain, children are
stubborn! It's too late now! Take it when we come. When Ganga came to the door, you didn't take it, so when will you take it? But
if your jug is full, what will Ganga do? Even if the sun comes to your door, and if you don't open your door, it's not the sun's fault!
Afterward, a householder came and said to me, 'Mataji, look, my daughter is so sick. If you treat her well, I will accept you! ' "I
don't treat anyone well," she said. This is your idea, I'm not doing anything to anyone! I'm just standing in the middle. " I'm just
standing in the middle like he's standing in the mic and I'm talking. Now, this mike will say tomorrow, 'I'm talking!' I'm nothing, I'm
standing in the middle. If he wants to be cured, he will do it, otherwise, he will not do it! I have nothing. I have no favors and I have
nothing to give or take. I'm just standing in the middle. Finally, tells a story, funny, of Radha and Krishna. Once, Radhe got jealous
of Murali (flute) and said, “Why, why are you in Krishna's mouth? What's so significant about a goat's head? ” So [Murali] said, “Oh
crazy, my only characteristic is that I have no characteristic at all. I am hollow [inside], I have nothing left. He plays, I just hear and
see. I have witnessed it. I'm just hollow. If I stand somewhere in the middle, won't his voice get worse? ” That's how you want to
be hollow. As soon as you become hollow you will realize how much beautiful music you have, and what beauty you have too!
Happy! It is "Sahaja yoga" to just start the flow that is coming to us. I hope all of us, especially children, benefit from this very
soon. Very children benefit so quickly because simple-minded creatures are quick to cross. And after crossing, he stands up and
tells me, "Mataji, he is going from here, he is not going from here, he is going from here." Exactly [get up] and say, [quickly]! Begin
to tell. Now Mumbai has a ten-year-old Muslim boy, Shabbir, he is over, so he is very cool! That's right. And you might be
surprised to learn that if someone has an obstacle, the right-hand clicks. And as many Babaji disciples as there are people, in
their hands in the hands of some people - you will be surprised, what is called - blisters (blisters) come, good blisters! Large
blisters appear. These are all powers and are working. If you want to be saved from this, you must first attain enlightenment.
Nowadays, when there is a drought in Maharashtra, it is going on in the minds of the people, I know what is going on in the minds
of some people. Or in such a drought, in this state of poverty, how will it [appear / decrease]? In a sense, I say famine has come,
a little better. One day while doing the same thing, I had said to a very big Minister of Maharashtra, "You, why don't you dig a well
here?" The Minister was for wells, "Wells should be dug, how many wells are there in Punjab?" So he said, “Hey, he will need a lot
of money. It will happen, it will happen. ”Now look! So there is wealth and poverty and misery and misery A man is very rich he is
not rich at all! Our driver is to Mumbai, I call him, this king is the man and he was, he was a pre-born king. And he saw, and,
behold, the chariot driver of my chariot, He is happier than I am. ” He said to God, “Oh God, make me a charioteer in the next life!
I'm tired of kingship! ” Then he became a born driver, but he is a king in health. So what is this rich thing! If one has he becomes
rich and if one has he becomes poor. There are only so many types of wealth and poverty. The man who becomes [Saint], he
doesn't need anything, everything is at his feet. What silver, what gold, what diamond! What, yes, there are stones! [Is this rich]?
Wealth is the mind. If one has he becomes rich and if one has he becomes poor. There are only so many types of wealth and
poverty. The man who becomes [Saint], he doesn't need anything, everything is at his feet. What silver, what gold, what diamond!
What, yes, there are stones! [Is this rich]? Wealth is the mind. If one has, he becomes rich and if one has he becomes poor. There
are only so many types of wealth and poverty. The man who becomes [Saint], he doesn't need anything, everything is at his feet.
What silver, what gold, what diamond! What, yes, there are stones! [Is this rich]? Wealth is the mind. Now my example is that our
servant eats ten times as much as me. Even if I have to eat once a day, nothing happens to me. Yet he stays hungry! One even if
you feed him jellies, there is another sweet of Milk. Poor thing! And i. He needs a bed to sleep in, neat, a fan! If you put me on the
ground, I will fall asleep. I will sleep even if I put it on the road. We are Shahensha, what about us? Hey, what's the rest of
Shahenshala? Comfort is at his feet. The one who sits on comfort sits on, is the real "emperor"! [So] poverty and wealth are
[thoughts] of our heads [below]. We should [see] in our nature. A woman is very poor, but what a gift she has! And even though a
woman is so rich, she just dies for a penny. You may have had many such experiences with stingy people. That is to say, Leave
all these things (poverty and wealth) inside and meet the Supreme Being, who gives you all the wealth from within. And all that
has happened in that creation, which we call money, and such great glory is not even with his toes or his fingers. [As] the boat
turned that Lakshmi [then you] !. Satya Yuga should come. With the advent of Satya Yuga, what is going to happen! I look forward
to that era. But first I wonder if he will come to India or America! I think people in India still want to go on many more cycles,
many times! Especially, our Mumbai! Let's see how Dhulya gets it! Is on the rise. His grace and His love are constantly flowing.
We do meditation experiments in Mumbai. If you want, you can meditate. In meditation, we just want to close our eyes, not do
anything. To do so would mean that you would be far from God! Nothing to do. I used to sit comfortably, just like I sit down to
eat, I used to sit with an easy attitude. The power that runs through me will run through you; If you are sick, you will be healed, if
you have any problem, she will let us know and, if your body is in good health and you are not clinging to something, you will
easily be thoughtless. Go beyond thoughts. It is very difficult to go beyond thoughts! That's what people say. I don't think so.
Now, if a person wants to go to Baroda from here, he will go to America, go to Japan and then reach Baroda, he will say so. But
since we know the way, it's very simple. It's easy to do, easy to do! It is very easy. You sit very easily, you will feel as if you have
become thoughtless. Once thoughtless, you want to get your hands on it. Our church will go and see if it has happened or not. If
it's okay (thoughtless), they'll tell you. There are many churches here today that are sick. If they have small children, take them
out if they are very small. Because she will cry and so on… and others will suffer. There is nothing to worry about when the result
will be in fifteen to twenty minutes. No one has ever suffered so much, at least not yet! Then, it won't happen to you either. When
thousands of people have Kundalini (awakened) and [no matter how many] thousands of people have passed, people have
introspection, then nothing will happen to anyone. (The first experience is that you will be thoughtless). You can know everything
about science that is just discussed. That's how simple it is. After all, I had said that if it was dark in this room and your eyes
were closed and you came in from the outside, you would not want to suggest anything. Someone holding your hand told you
that there is a lamp here, sit here, etc.slowly something will start flashing. However, the whole room will not be noticed. But
suppose, if a doer is such a subject, then he can add light to the whole room so that you can see everything. So if there is such a
doer, he can open your eyes wide and you can [see] everything inside. The eyes of the people in America are very open, in your
honor. Because everything happened to them, now they have money, they have a house, they have a door. See how fun this mind
is too, it is your vehicle and it is also your guru! You say I want to buy a watch now, for that watch that will drive you crazy! As
soon as he took the watch, he said, "It's still not fun!" Then run to something else, then run to a third! He would go with us
wherever our mind goes. But every time, happiness does not come to him. Each time, he says, “I'm not happy. I'm not happy. I
don't have a break. ” So you have an idea to find something else, and what do you want to find it? So, this mind is running from
here to there just like you. But if you oppress him, if he is oppressed, this mind will not help in the end. So, these types of minds
are different! I see meditation even when you are sitting, That this mind stands somewhere in the middle and tells you something
and sees you. The horse sees how far the owners can go! If the owner says to the horse, "Hey, look," he befriends him, "Look, I
want to go somewhere," and the horse is ready to say, "Well, let's go where you want to go." But friendship should be made with
the horse. Psychologists also say that one should befriend a horse. But where to go? How to go Nobody knows this! No one
knows how to get there. It happens automatically, it accumulates automatically, no one knows. But you have to be friends with
the horse. Psychologists also say that one should befriend a horse. But where to go? How to go Nobody knows this! No one
knows how to get there. It happens automatically, it accumulates automatically, no one knows. But you have to be friends with
the horse. Psychologists also say that one should befriend a horse. But where to go? How to go Nobody knows this! No one
knows how to get there. It happens automatically, it accumulates automatically, no one knows. Looking at the other side of
science, look at it physically, in science, people will ask where is this, Kundalini, etc.? So, when the baby is two months old in the
mother's womb, this life force enters the soul. This is where it enters. Heading down (inside) from the palate of the head, down
through the middle of the brain, through the vertebral cord - the so-called spinal cord - and down to the triangular part (bone).
When this Kundalini power goes, it stops occasionally, it causes chakras. And those chakras live inside as centers and outside
they are called by doctors as plexuses, i.e. parasympathetic nervous system. These people operate on this parasympathetic
nervous system, Called the autonomous nervous system. I asked them, 'Who is this self? Who is this auto? Who runs this heart? '
So the doctors don't answer it. When I met many neurologists in the United States, they told me, “We can't cure cancer for so
long, how to stimulate this parasympathetic nervous system. How do we do that? It goes on automatically. ” When I showed
them - practically - they were amazed at how you operate a parasympathetic nervous system! There are one or two types outside
of its identity. One of them is that the eyes dilate, the eyes get bigger. You see the eyes of all your realized people, their bubbles
have grown black. Now think, what greater miracle could there be in the world! [Moving it up / moving hands] Taking out two
hundred-three hundred rupees is not a miracle, taking out thumbs, etc. is not a miracle. This is a ghost case! Once, a very funny
thing happened. That is, the bridegroom came to a Brahmin. And UP knows how wide it is! As soon as he came, he said, "Then
the wedding came. Some people were naughty at the wedding." Now it is not an easy thing to do Dahivade and Brahmins in UP
do not do Dahivade in winter. So there was a Babaji, he was told that he used to bring such things. He was told, "Take as much
money as you want, but bring us Dahiwade." So Babaji messed up! He said, “Look, I order Dahiwade, but I will not stay here. I'll
take the money and walk with you. ” "Okay," he said, "you take the money and go." They paid him and Babaji ordered Dahivade.
The room was closed, there were two days inside. Everyone ate Dahiwade well and passed Babaji! Take the money and pass it
on! The next morning some demands from Mangwada came - we have Vajantri etc.… they are there as well - and they came, then
they take out Ushte(food eaten by someone), etc. So they said, “Who brought this kullad from here? Dahiwade was done there,
who brought it here? ” All the Brahmins got angry. Rusli all night. Why did you feed us [Dahiwade in Mangwada]? Now, to do this
work. That is, the demons that are subtle (do such things), they subtle their subtlety on any heavy object and bring it [in front] and
you don't see it, as long as there is mesmerism. This is ghosting! But what do they do? Feeding you today, [tomorrow they sit on
it too!]. Hey, we're the ones, now look, if you give someone a couple of bucks, you'll remember for a lifetime, "Hey, they came that
day, So I gave them two pennies, and they are not at all grateful to me. ” So what ghosts are they going to forget, thank them! If
they have done you any favors, suppose a man is healed. In England, there was a man, Dr. Lang, who died. And his ghost went
and sat on a soldier. And he told the soldier to go to my son. He lives here, lives there, and go and tell him, "Because I am his
father." The boy was amazed when the soldier went there! The boy said, "Well, tell me a few signs." He said with the right sign,
"There are such signs, there are such signs, this is, that is, everything!" Recognizing the boy, he said, "Well, what do you do now?"
He (the ghost) said, "You open my clinic and tell everyone that even if we have a letter from someone who has an illness, we will
come there and perform the surgery." We will heal you. ” And this [clinic/ghost] case started. Many friends of that doctor, Many
doctors were also demons and they all started working together. But when he does something, he will thank you for it. That
means ten more of their demons came into your house! Then you say to Mataji, "Mataji, what is this [crime/trouble]." There are
so many types it's hard to say. Some people may cast spells on you just by talking. Given the speech, people start [swinging],
dancing [swinging]. Begin to praise them. And they want people like that, to make money! To gain power! Given the speech,
people start [swinging], dancing [swinging]. Begin to praise them. And they want people like that, to make money! To gain power!
Given the speech, people start [swinging], dancing [swinging]. Begin to praise them. And they want people like that, to make
money! To gain power! So, classically, physically as much as we have plexuses, we have chakras. Now, these chakras written by
sages many years ago and look at them, are very similar! Now, look at the Muladhara Chakra. The Muladhara Chakra is called
Pelvic Plexus in English, if there are any doctors here, they will know what I am saying. Pelvic plexuses have four suplexes. The
Muladhara Chakra has only four, Chaturdalam, four, and four petals of that lotus. Pelvic plexus When a person is in a very normal
position, only his currents are visible. But a man who is fully illuminated, his pelvic plexus looks exactly like four lotus petals and
round in the middle. And you went to see in that sphere - I mean you can't see it right now but one tells a story like ours - if you
look at [it] inside, a point revolves around that sphere and you see in that point, you wonder, Ganesha! Shri Ganesh, this is not
something we have done. We didn't do anything, everything came from within. Shri Ganesh appears here, clear. So before Shri
Ganesh appears, his proboscis is visible and many seers have understood him as Kundalini, which is a big mistake! So sex,
which is a part of the pelvic plexus, is a hoax, with the Kundalini sitting there. And the scandal has become so big that your
mother (Kundalini) herself, who has nothing to do with sex, sits down and accuses her of having sex! And when it boils over and
bursts on you like its big fire [bombs] exploding, you write books that don't touch Kundalini, it chews on you, it will chew! Because
she is your real mother and what a dirty accusation you make against her! Well now look how beautiful this Shri Ganesha's [work]
is there. Ganesh! Shri Ganesha, this is a perpetual child, an eternal child. So, what does our unconscious mind tell us, or what
does the Lord who is sitting inside us tell us? That when you descend into your spirituality, in spirituality you feel like a child in
terms of sex. Your mother will have the vision of a small child, only when you are like a small child will your mother meet you,
otherwise, she will not meet! People who have such pride, “What a scholar we are! We have read this book, we have read that
book…, they never want to be realized! Mother, that's right, Ramdas Swami has said, "Mother" has grown up a bit, so let's see
what you do! But when the baby is small, how does the mother give him milk on time and take care of him? If you become like a
small child - that what you have read is useless, what we have learned is useless, we are children - that mother understands, that
your realization will happen. It doesn't happen to many, so people say, "Mataji, how come you want it to happen!" We don't even
want to! This is surprising. We don't want to make you realized, we don't want to do that, I mean we don't have any desire, we
don't want to! But he wants to do it, so he comes from "me" and does it from me, it seems that I am in front of you. His work is
going on inside. He does not (cross) you, I can tell him the reason. And the reason for that is that the childhood condition that
has come in you if you want to understand yourself in a polite and big way, look, there is no realization! Where are you? Who are
you before God? He is not a beggar and neither is Seth. He has a little boy who is not a beggar. You ask a child, well, it's
straightforward. There was a boy next to us. He began to speak very quickly. People say that a child [in reality] belongs to God!
So I asked him, “Munna (Son), who are you? Are you Hindustani? ” He said, "No." "Are you Japanese?" "No." "Are you a Hindu?"
"No." "Are you a Muslim?" "No." Even [scared], So I said, "Who are you, tell me?" (He said), “Mom, you forgot. I am your little one. ”
How true! The only truth is, "Mother, I am your child." There is no other truth than this, all these false labels became Hindustani
because they were born in India today, they became Pakistani because they were born in Pakistan tomorrow. What was written
on your head when you were born? Who created Hindustan? Made by humans. Even that God must be wondering, "Oh, Dad, I
never made this, it happened [somewhere / how]!" Hey, he filled in the picture, he created the universe. We made him a
Hindustan, we made him an American, we made him do this, he did that ते, what is the benefit? Quarreling and arguing over it;
We are Brahmins, we are Hindus, we are Muslims, we are so-and-so, who are you? No one, you. You are, [children] are all one
from here to there. Now we also have a few wives, these men, and we wives, Once, Meera had gone to Vrindavan. There,
Tulsidasji became a big celibate - some would say he was not realized, some would say no - and Mirabai sent a message saying,
"I want to see you." He said, "I am a child celibate," which means it is a lie. I mean, women are scared! So, Mirabai sent a reply to
him, "I did not think that there would be any man living in this Vrindavan without my Krishna. All my children live here. ” The man
was embarrassed and then said, "Mom, forgive me." This is the difference in our vision. This is all a difference in our vision. The
woman who gave birth to the whole world has a son. I have children. The eldest son was 92 years old. Was, I mean, it's gone
now. [All these] children, whether they were reborn or not. So if there is no sin in our attitude, then we are all children, that is
[attitude]. But to the woman, the woman must be; A man should be a man. It's not that women want to be men and men want to
be women! This is not the way our Sahaja yoga, which is a church, wants to run like men, women, and women. In Sahaja yoga,
men should be men, strong and women should be gentle, like women. Women in America said to me, “Wow! Wow! Wow! You
men rule over us! ” "Oh," she said, "what a kingdom they will rule! We are queens! ” How so This [wife] is in the house, carrying the
burden of everyone. How to pick up? [What?]. The woman who has the power [can only lift] the burden. If it is quiet, then what
happened is the same. Take the example of Sita. Rama told Sita, "You go to the forest." Now Sita would have been modern, she
would have sued, [four / ten] married in front of people and brought me and now you tell me to go to the forest. This is unfair and
I'm going to have kids now, so I would have filed a double lawsuit. And if two children had been born, two more would have been
filed. This is the work of modern people! But look at Sita's work, (she) left quietly (in the forest). If removed, it does not matter. All
the stigma remained. No matter, no matter how insulting it is, I agree. Children were born, raised. She did not vent her anger on
her children. We have wives who get angry at their husbands and children. What a wife! They are men. It is the custom of men,
not women, to vent their anger on him. Wives are those women who swallow anger and give happiness! That woman! That is to
say, "Yatra naryastu pujyante tatra ramante devata:" All the women who are revered [in life] and the women who shower
happiness! Don't compete with men. And men should not act like the washerman who removed Sita. Sita left her and stayed in
the forest. Just like her beauty! [Who will touch her]? Who will touch her chastity? Such a big Ravana but he did not run in front of
her! But she remained in the forest. You may not know for so many days that Sita, when she got back, Rama called her, called
her, at that time she said, "Done, look at your sacrifice and my sacrifice!" And she gave up. Gone. She fell to the ground, saying
nothing. No one slandered Rama, what happened! She was absorbed in our earth. Finally, Rama is said that he brought his life to
end, on the river Saryu., Sita. This became the custom of men. Men, men should stay. Wives, wives should stay. He has all the
beauty. How beautiful do women look? It will be a little late for them, it will be almost, they don't want to walk so well! They don't
want to walk so much [intellectually], they have, that is, they have to behave [insignificantly]. Suppose they feel bad about a man,
that he is bad, that is, he is bad. Men don't understand, "But how do you say that?" "But it felt inside. It's bad, it's bad." That's right,
they're right, and men are right. That he is evil means that he is evil. Men don't understand, "But how do you say that?" "But it felt
inside. It's bad, it's bad." That's right, they're right, and men are right. That he is evil means that he is evil. Men don't understand,
"But how do you say that?" "But it felt inside. It's bad, it's bad." That's right, they're right, and men are right. Here are some
examples of wives. Take Noor Jahan as an example. What a woman she was! Noor Jahan was in love with Salim and she had
decided to marry him. But the king, his father - Akbar - arranged her marriage to another man. So she left, in Bengal, near
Calcutta, where she stayed. Then she served him wholeheartedly. Stayed there with full dignity. But when this Salim became
king, [Jahangir], her husband was killed during his reign. She thought he had killed her! Now only God knows the truth! But look at
her behavior! Now she was a Muslim! But look at her behavior, no less than Sita! So it went to her and fell at her feet; But she
said, "I will not come." When she was arrested, she said, “Be careful! If you touch me, stay away. ” He did not dare. He then went
and arrested her and she went and lived in a small house on one side. Then he fell ill in her bereavement. Then his mother was
very kind, and she went and said to him, "Woman, I serve you." She didn't know it, because it was his mother. She served him very
well. So she said, Ask what you want. Today I am in good health. I will give you whatever you ask for. ” She said, "What do you
want?" So say, "Yes, I will give if I have it!" She said, "All I want is for you to marry my son." She said, "Yes, it does." Such a big
emperor, not ready to marry him! But ready to marry her son, this poor lady, this poor lady had become or was ready to get
married. She soon found out that he was the emperor and married her. Look at this! What about women, what about each
country! What an exemplary or what a unique thing these women are! The whole creation has stopped at the asthma of these
women. Can men oppress anyone? No matter how much she does, what will happen to her in the face of this woman's courage
and still she will continue to be showered with love, the same real woman! So, in Dharma, people who have come in the form of a
woman, and a man who has come in the form of a man, can come into our religion. But those who are half-people, [can dance -] -
Nowadays, you may have heard, they dance [naked], etc. This half-people are known as they become [naked] immediately!
People can come into our religion who have come in the form of a woman, and a man who has come in the form of a man. But
those who are half-people, [can dance -] So, in Dharma, what man should be like, and also from a scientific point of view, what I
am saying is all in our body. All the plexuses are in your body. So you have accepted it with wisdom. Now I'm trying to make you
understand. No matter how much I tell you that honey tastes like this, honey is obtained like this, where is it brought from, it
happens, it contains what it contains and it benefits the body like this. No matter how much you [tell] it, my speech is in vain
unless you [experience] it, see the effect on yourself! As evidence, I can say that in science, what we call the parasympathetic
nervous system, [I / He] is what I call Kundalini, I am the one who awakens, she [I] controls. From religion, the description of the
whole Kundalini, It's rising, lifting, etc., etc.… and the different, different pleasures that come from it, and the different, different
shapes that come out of it, and the benefits that come from it. What happens between us, what is the difference between us,
etc., etc.… Critical of all [things], I am going to write a book. But even after reading so many books, it will not be fun to get "him".
So get it first. Those who get want to get more, they will not get it without feeling it. In the homes of many rich people [there is a
situation], whether someone is dead or not! In such a rich house, money is all in the house; But father, father! Looks like you
came to the cemetery! Should feel. Oh, what love is [share,] don't feel like money, what do you feel about money! Share love.
Different happiness and the different, different shapes that come out of it and the benefits that come from it. What happens
between us, what is the difference between us, etc., etc.Critical of all [things], I am going to write a book. But even after reading
so many books, it will not be fun to get "him". So get it first. Those who get want to get more, they will not get it without feeling it.
In the homes of many rich people [there is a situation], whether someone is dead or not! In such a rich house, money is all in the
house; But father, father! Looks like you came to the cemetery! Should feel. Oh, what love is [share,] don't feel like money, what
do you feel about money! Share love. Different happiness and the different, different shapes that come out of it and the benefits
that come from it. What happens between us, what is the difference between us, etc., Critical of all [things], I am going to write a
book. But even after reading so many books, it will not be fun to get "him". So get it first. Those who get want to get more, they
will not get it without feeling it. In the homes of many rich people [there is a situation], whether someone is dead or not! In such a
rich house, money is all in the house; But father, father! Looks like you came to the cemetery! Should feel. Oh, what love is
[share,] don't feel like money, what do you feel about money! Share love. Etc.… Critical of all [things], I am only going to write a
book. But even after reading so many books, it will not be fun to get "him". So get it first. Those who get want to get more, they
will not get it without feeling it. In the homes of many rich people [there is a situation], whether someone is dead or not! In such a
rich house, money is all in the house; But father, father! Looks like you came to the cemetery! Should feel. Oh, what love is
[share,] don't feel like money, what do you feel about money! Share love. Etc.… Critical of all [things], I am only going to write a
book. But even after reading so many books, it will not be fun to get "him". So get it first. Those who get want to get more, they
will not get it without feeling it. In the homes of many rich people [there is a situation], whether someone is dead or not! In such a
rich house, money is all in the house; But father, father! Looks like you came to the cemetery! Should feel. Oh, what love is
[share,] don't feel like money, what do you feel about money! Share love. Whether someone has mailed or not! In such a rich
house, money is all in the house; But father, father! Looks like you came to the cemetery! Should feel. Oh, what love is [share,]
don't feel like money, what do you feel about money! Share love. Whether someone has mailed or not! In such a rich house,
money is all in the house; But father, father! Looks like you came to the cemetery! Should feel. Oh, what love is [share,] don't feel
like money, what do you feel about money! Share love. Look at how beautiful, you have the form of Lakshmi. To Lakshmi, the
whole body is given the form of a woman, that is, she must be the form of a mother. The man who has Lakshmi should have the
form of a mother. How much guilt your mother takes in your stomach! If a man hits his servant as Lakshmi, then he is not
Lakshmi (husband), he is a moneylender! Then she has two lotuses in her hand. What do lotuses mean? So [she] should be
beautiful, like a lotus [in her smile], on her face, in her demeanor, in her speech, in everything, she should be beautiful. A lot of
swear words are coming out of his mouth and he says Lakshmipati( Owner of Wealth and money)! What Lakshmipati!
Lakshmipati should be [like a lotus]. And a house like a lotus or its abode is very beautiful and comfortable in it, like a beetle
going inside and sleeping comfortably if anyone comes to [his] door, he should get comfort. No no, As soon as Lakshmipati
starts barking with the four dogs in the house, will not be seen. The identity of Lakshmipati has been given a lot more, it is one
hand and the other hand is that of Lakshmi. This hand means you have shelter. Someone went to your shelter and if you can't
shelter him, then what kind of Lakshmipati are you? There is no Lakshmipati in giving money to one's children! In animals, too,
the condition disappears, after a few days. But our human beings have a lower status than animals. Until he got old, he used to
save money for the boy like a miser, and when the boy grew up, he used to squander all that old man's money. But [some] said,
"Oh, give a poor man two bucks!" Dad! "Those who ask for it come every day (those who ask for it come every day)!" Your son,
your daughter, here too, you see, in meditation, your children will come forward for the first time, "Take-take, take-take." Hey, all
the kids are yours. Your son should be fine, your daughter should be fine. You, you, yours, yours…., Hey, in the end, the same kids
bother you! I will give because this love has no meaning. This is what limited love is, this is the death of love! His power going
into a tree, if water gets on him and gets stuck in a flower, the whole tree will die and that flower will die too! What good is such
love? If it is not in the hands of such Lakshmipati, it is an arrow (love), if it is not, then it is also not Lakshmipati. Thus in the past.
Lakshmipati's wife herself [Natun] is sitting and a woman next to her, who does not even have a piece of cloth on her body, [her
body/mind] will not have grief. [Looking at the other's plight] The heart that has not passed her is a heart or a stone! After all,
those same kids are bothering you! I will give because this love has no meaning. This is what limited love is, this is the death of
love! His power going into a tree, if water gets on him and gets stuck in a flower, the whole tree will die and that flower will die
too! What good is such love? If it is not in the hands of such Lakshmipati, it is an arrow (love), if it is not, then it is also not
Lakshmipati. Thus in the past. Lakshmipati's wife herself [Natun] is sitting and a woman next to her, who does not even have a
piece of cloth on her body, [her body/mind] will not have grief. [Looking at the other's plight] The heart that has not passed her is
a heart or a stone! After all, those same kids are bothering you! I will give because this love has no meaning. This is what limited
love is, this is the death of love! His power going into a tree, if water gets on him and gets stuck in a flower, the whole tree will die
and that flower will die too! What good is such love? If it is not in the hands of such Lakshmipati, it is an arrow (love), if it is not,
then it is also not Lakshmipati. Thus in the past. Lakshmipati's wife herself [Natun] is sitting and a woman next to her, who does
not even have a piece of cloth on her body, [her body/mind] will not have grief. [Looking at the other's plight] The heart that has
not passed her is a heart or a stone! If water gets on it and gets stuck in a flower, the whole tree will die and that flower will die
too! What good is such love? If it is not in the hands of such Lakshmipati, it is an arrow (love), if it is not, then it is also not
Lakshmipati. Thus in the past. Lakshmipati's wife herself [Natun] is sitting and a woman next to her, who does not even have a
piece of cloth on her body, [her body/mind] will not have grief. [Looking at the other's plight] The heart that has not passed her is
a heart or a stone! If water gets on it and gets stuck in a flower, the whole tree will die and that flower will die too! What good is
such love? If it is not in the hands of such Lakshmipati, it is an arrow (love), if it is not, then it is also not Lakshmipati. Thus in the
past. Lakshmipati's wife herself [Natun] is just sitting and a woman next to her, who doesn't even have a piece of cloth on her
body, [her body/mind] will not have grief. [Looking at the other's plight] The heart that has not passed her is a heart or a stone!
Whoever does not have a cloth on his body, his [body/mind] will not have grief. [Looking at the other's plight] The heart that has
not passed her is a heart or a stone! Whoever does not have a cloth on his body, his [body/mind] will not have grief. [Looking at
the other's plight] The heart that has not passed her is a heart or a stone! You do not know that I do all this work on your heart.
Just does it on the heartbeat, the whole game of the heart cycle. You have seen how the Kundalini moves on my hand! It's all
about love. All creation is done by the Supreme Being in pure love, we call it creative power, it is all His loving power. Just love,
love, love! Write on it three times. And the man who can't be loved, the stone man has no work here. A person who does not have
love, who cannot open his heart and take everyone with his heart, will not get this (this) religion. Some, some here [sticks] and
threats are going to get God? Or if you give a hundred rupees to a Pandit, he will get God, but he will not get God here. God is
hungry for love! What, even that God is hungry for love !. I mean, what a great thing, Hey! And once you start drowning in this
ocean of love, who else? With this hand, serve this hand and say, "Hey, how much did I serve you?" So you are all in my body.
When only one force starts flowing from inside you, just like only one force starts flowing from this body, if this finger touches,
then this finger comes to him quickly. Also, now that you see the people who have crossed, they immediately come running to
see you. The congregation, at your own expense, these have come to you. They don't want any money from you. They have come
here for you at all costs, why? To save you from that ocean! Because the inner love is the flow! For this love, I, too, have come
running to you. If this love is not in me, then I have so much wealth, leave outside, inside, I don't need anything. But compassion!
In compassion, compassion [pulls] so much from within, that even inner happiness feels useless! Janmajanmantari is [born /
gathered]! But in this birth, there is no way without giving. Night and day do one for you. You have to help me a little bit. |
6/1/1972 | | Guru Purnima: Sahaja Yoga a New Discovery | India | Mumbai | null | Draft | null | Draft | null | Y | N | N | Guru | Hindi | 60 | Guru Purnima Puja. Mumbay (India), 1 June 1972. Dear People,Sahaja Yoga is a New Discovery. In reality how does the
discovery take place for that which is placed, that which is? Just as Columbus had started a journey to find India, then was India
not there? If it was not there then what would he be finding? Sahaja has been there from before. It has been found out only now.
Sahaja Yoga is the own way of the Supreme Essence. This is the way of the natures own method. This is the only way where
mankind can through evolution be taken to that dimension, by which mankind can be acquainted with that consciousness, can
be absorbed with that consciousness, by the support of which this entire creation and the heart of man is moving. Much has
been written about this. From ancient times the seeking for it has been going on. Man is seeking something all the time; whether
he is seeking after money, or whether he is seeking after power, or he seeks after love; he is running after one or another seeking.
But what is the thirst behind that seeking, he perhaps does not know. Behind this is only the seeking after Bliss. In his search
after happiness he thinks that if he collects a lot of wealth he can be happy. But there are many countries that have attained and
gained a lot of wealth and are extremely unhappy. Thousands are killing themselves. Behind all this seeking is the thirst for Joy
which is dragging you towards this unknown . When man after seeking everywhere can find no happiness then he turns towards
Dharma. And even when he turns towards Dharma he is seeking outside. The reason for this is that what he himself is he has
lost. He is ignorant and that is why man runs from himself. Each moment he is running from himself. He cannot sit with himself
for even two minutes. If he is told to sit with himself for two minutes he says ‘O God what punishment is this for me’. What we
call boredom nowadays. Why is man so fed up of himself? Why is man running away so fast from himself? Because he is
ignorant about his own self. He is ignorant about his own beauty, his own knowledge, his own glory, his own love and is running
outwards in the search of happiness. Joy is not outside. It is within. It is within you. People say you are in the form of God. Just
by talking about it, it is not going to happen. In Marathi they say,” Bolachach bhat bolachich kadhi” (Only making promises but
not fulfilling them). Whether I say that you seek the Formless or Formed, but these are only words. Thousands of discussions
have been done, crores of books have been written, how many lives were destroyed, but there is no end to a man’s thinking.
Whatever man thinks with his mind, he does so in the limitations of the mind. That which is beyond the mind and cannot be
understood by the mind….. Even this lecture of mine is only a talk, and by this talk you cannot know that Divine. Whatever I go on
talking it will all become like a weight on your mind. If I say that keep a weight then that too will become a weight. God has
created such an arrangement that whatever we do with our mind will become heavy like a weight. And being trapped under that
weight we cannot fly where we have to go. That is why seeking has always remained incomplete. But now I am going to tell you
about the New Creation. Not only a talk, but also its discovery which has been found out. In the path of revolution such has been
happening, that any person who goes into the expertise of anything he sinks, and finishes off. In the same way it is happening to
humans. There is so much competition and opposition going on, that man has made his brain so specialist that his brain is
bursting. Now a new type of man is needed that can know this Power beyond the mind. This power which moves this mind also
makes the heart beat. To know that Power you can talk all you want, or try all you want, you cannot reach there. This is without
any doubt. It is not written anywhere about which I am talking. I am not saying anything very special. You can read Nanaka,
Kabirdas, you read Vaishista, read about the guru of gurus Janak. Not only in our country but also in the foreign countries they
have been writing like this for thousands of years. They have all been writing about which I am talking. “What you have to get is
unexpectedly within.” But those poor things just kept saying. Maybe because they could not search it. If they were not able to
find out about it, it does not mean that they were any less. If Columbus was not able to find India it does not mean that he was
any less. And later those people who found it, they did not do it to belittle the ones who could not. This is not a collective search.
You all think separately, so the thought comes to many that Mataji is talking something different. No. I am telling you about all
the searching of all the searches. Until now man has born tremendous hardships to put their attention on this. Take the
psychologists, biologists and the big scientists. Many of them and even the realized souls got it to a certain extent but were not
able to give. The reason is time. For God, time is timeless. We are the ones who think that some are left behind and some have
moved forward. The ones who have died are great. Who has died, I want to ask? Nobody dies. All those who die sit in the other
world and then come back here, and then go back to the other world and come back again. From the animals some become
humans, but mostly people go to the other world and back again to this world. It is only a coming and going. No one dies. So it
can happen that from some of you who are sitting here, are also because of your seeking from many life times and you can get
it. If you can get it then why should there be such a discussion about it. It is such an ordinary thing and I find it really odd. It is
really odd that people make an issue about everything. A mother is giving you food to eat but by making an argument about it
how will it happen? It is not an argument. This is the Truth. This is the Truth. It is a very great seeking. The ones who are realized
who are sitting here, understand it. In the search for Dharma man has only been able to reach the other world. Till now he has not
reached the Supreme. And the ones who did reach the Eternal were unable to bring down the Supreme. This is very important for
others. Because just as you have had many rebirths so do I have many births. And I too have had a very close relationship with all
these great seekers. And these are so near to me and mine. Perhaps they are not so near to you. All those who carry big flags,
that we are Muslims or Hindus or this or that, only carry a false certificate and have no guarantee that in their past lives the one
who was a Hindu was a Muslim and the one who was a Muslim might have been a Christian. Now if it is a question of births and
rebirths, a question of joy, then one should think on that level. That level is such that whatever is Eternal is not gross. Whatever is
the Eternal Essence is not gross. That which is sucking is not growth. That which is subtle is not gross. Please understand this
properly. It can be enlightened in the gross but the Eternal is not interested in the gross. Like many people tell me that many
sadhus and saints ask God for something and God gives it to them. But God has not given it, this much I can say. God is not
interested that how many children you have, that you get lands, houses, and the world’s pleasures and leisure. God is not
interested in this at all. We have made a big mistake in understanding God. The Eternal Essence is only interested in giving the
Eternal, please remember and write this down. And people talk also that this Eternal or Supreme Essence is only got through the
Kundalini yoga. Many wrote about this too. But with Kundalini Yoga you get only Siddhis (Spiritual Powers), has never been
written anywhere. Yes, but those who have got the powers have never written that the powers should come through the
Kundalini. Kundalini is your mother. She is sitting inside you to give you your second birth. She is only going to give you your
second birth. She is not the foolish mother who will give you powers and throw you into the other world. The amount of
understanding you have, She is many times more wise, and more loving. She is not going to push you into a wrong place. She is
not the evil mother who will push you into Untruth. Till such time as with the Union of the Kundalini one does not get the
recognition, till then the Kundalini is not a union Yoga, and that is what Sahaja Yoga is. And God has made such a beautiful
arrangement of this within us, is a point to understand. When a child comes into the body of the mother then with the gross
elements his mind, brain, attention, ego is all made. But when the light comes in, it descends from the fontanel bone area in our
brain which is shaped like a prism, through this very area the energy (Shakti) gets divided into three parts. God has done this so
cleverly. If someone is a doctor here he can understand. We call this the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. In
our bodies are there two (Shaktis) energies present about which we know very little, and about which we find it very difficult to
find out specially about the para-sympathetic nervous system. In our Hindu Yoga Science these are called as Ida, Pingala and
Sushumna. Ida and Pingala are the subtle of the sympathetic nervous systems in our body, means that the gross (jad) of these
two is the sympathetic nervous system. Think about it like this that God fills the petrol from the top of our head in us, and when
filling the petrol a descent happens that the rays which pass through the prism and then deflect, and then it goes down and
makes two Nadis called as Ida and Pingala. And the one which is at the top of the head descends down the center and becomes
your Kundalini and goes into the triangular bone at the base of the spine and settles in there. One thing is proved that our
Kundalini is sitting in such a place which has no connection with sex. If you read books they say that by awakening the Kundalini
such and such happens. But the ones who raise the Kundalini, who I have met and known, they all take you into the sympathetic
and do not raise it through the Sushumna. If anyone is a doctor here will understand that parasympathetic nervous is the
Sushumna which is in the center, and recognition of it is that when the Kundalini rises then the eyes dilate. This is an outward
recognition. Ask any doctor that when the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, then the eyes dilate. And we can show
you outwardly if your eyes are open to see, because one has to give a proof about each and everything otherwise you cant
understand. There is a proof of this that which you can see the pulsation of the Kundalini at full strength at the base of the spine.
You know that there is no pulsation at the base of the spine. We can show you that there is a pulsation at the base of the spine
and slowly this pulsation rises upwards, and with this at some places it pulsates more. These are our centers. You can be shown
this and you can see its movement. When the Kundalini will rise through the Sushumna only then can you get realization. But for
this, one does not know why a very strong condition has been put by God. There is a very great stoppage here which you will
have to give. It is this that when the Kundalini will come on Sushumna only then God’s Infinite Love will come into that man. Till
that Love does not come down into man the Kundalini will not rise, no matter what you do. She can be annoyed or angry, but she
will never rise till the Infinite Love will come into Sushumna where a special place has been made. This place is made between
our Nabhi chakra and Anahata Chakra. Till this Love does not come down till then the flow from the Sushumna will not rise. For
example there are two ladders, and in the middle is another ladder and there is a gap between us and that ladder, and you are not
able to cross this gap in any way. There is no bridge by which you can cross it. The two stairs Ida and Pingala are down at the
level of the ground, which is the left and right of the sympathetic nervous systems. The central stair is hanging in the middle
which will take you to the Supreme. If there is any psychologist he can understand about the two stairs of the sympathetic
systems. The one on the left side takes you to your ego. And the one that is on the right hand side takes you to the super ego.
These two together spread onto our forehead, like a balloon and then they join together at the top of the head. Sometimes they
come and spread onto the whole head. Sometimes the super-ego is very strong and sometimes the ego. The one that is stronger
is spread on our brain. They then close the path of the middle ladder. Now the petrol which had been made by the
parasympathetic system, and filled with the Kundalini, its path and flow has stopped. Now we are separate. Now we have
become the Self and we feel that we are an individual. Now the ego started, that We Are. Now this is the reason for running away
from ourselves, because we do not know ourselves who we are. You are listening to me by putting your attention towards me but
I cannot put my attention on you. If I say put your attention on yourself then you cannot do that because you have been cut off
from that source which you are. One which is the super ego, a lot of weight keeps accumulating. Every type of weight; a weight in
which we are taught, do this, don’t do that, don’t go here, don’t eat this or that. Or we give big lectures to people that you must be
an Indian, or Japanese. Or you must hate so and so, or we are Hindus , Muslims or Christians, by all these, what we call,
conditionings or weight the super ego gets weighed down. And that which is the ego says we are so and so, we should do this.
The one that says Don’t Do is the super ego and the one that says Do is the ego. In reality neither do we not do or do. The Doer is
someone else. It is a useless thinking. The One who is Doer does what has to be done and will do. But this grossness is within us
that we use that petrol, by our Ida and Pingala and we condition ourselves with that and put it under a weight. In the center is the
Sushumna Nadi. Now many people have said to me that Mataji you talk against this one or that one. I am not talking against
anyone. But you have climbed the wrong ladder; I will have to make you come down that. Because I have to make you climb the
middle ladder. So whom am I opposing I don’t understand? What am I going to gain by opposing anyone? I am just telling you
that you have climbed the wrong ladder, and all will come down. I go to meet the big and great Gurus and talk to them that what
are you doing? By doing all this you cannot get God. You must understand by doing all this you will not get God. What I am
saying? Read Vaishista, or Adi Shankaracharya, because it is a historical thing. They have said the same thing that you get to
God you cannot do anything. But there is a slight difference between them and me that they had said that are very few who have
the authority to get to God. Some should remain in bhakti and others should do some yogas so that they can keep their
discipline. But they also said that a disciplined mind or a mind that is running after indulgences, both minds are useless for
ascent. One has to have a mind like a small child which is without sin, and is innocent. Such a one has the right to attain God.
This is what they have clearly said. But who reads them? The question is that we read a lot and we read about those who know
nothing about Dharma. And even if they know it is just a little bit. The ones who think they are very great Hindus they must first
read Adi Shankaracharya. Adi Shankaracharya had established the Hindu Dharma. Then why not read Adi Shankaracharya? You
read all the books of the world, but why don’t you read him and know him? The difference between what he said and I say is that
he said that in crores there are just one or two and I say in crores there are lakhs. This is not of a question of being hopeful but a
question of time. The time will come. The time of Kalyuga is a time of a very terrific battle. It is a time of total darkness. You don’t
know this as you are seeing me. Besides yourself you are not being able to see anything else, but those who are realized know
that what a pledge has been tied. Negativite and positive forces are both tying their force. There is the full force of sympathetic
and Parasympathetic. The sympathetic is sucking away the Parasympathetic. But no matter how much the sympathetic sucks it
out; if that Parasympathetic becomes one with that Ananda then this will go on filling it up. You can go on using up the petrol but
if that petrol is connected to the petrol pump and what is there to be afraid of. This is all due to the sympathetic. The active
consciousness side of the sympathetic, from where you do all your work, from where you spend your energy if that is over spent
then a disease like cancer sets in. And if the Superego is over used then madness comes in. I do not cure people’s diseases. To
say that I cure people’s diseases is a wrong concept. Because the parasympathetic system cools down the sympathetic system
by which a person gets cured. If there is some madness then that too will get cured. And if within you a disease like cancer sets
in, due to over activity that too will get cured. The cure for cancer is only Sahaja Yoga and there is no other cure in the world for it.
This point will be proved. I know that this will be proved with time that many have been cured of cancer. The people who are
sitting here can also tell you. One point I have been making from the beginning is that where is our attention? Is our attention on
that cancer which is destroying our body which is gross or is our attention on the consciousness (Chaitanya)? Then we should
think about consciousness. Till we do not keep our attention on Consciousness then the gross ( material) will also trouble us.
The whole work is by consciousness ; grossness (material) has no work in this. We have got so used to the gross and material
that man gets stuck on to little, little gross topics. One person used to come who got realization and started giving it to others
quite well. But realization doesn’t mean that you got busy. You are reborn and you have become like a child again. Now you have
to grow further. But the attention is on “My son should get alright, my children should become alright, my husband should get
alright.” Then after some time “My money problems should become alright.” Where is the attention? You have become realized
but the attention is exactly where you left it. The one who has kept his attention on consciousness/Chaitanya such a person has
risen very high. Sitting among you, are people who are very high. They are like the gods and worthy of reverence. These people
should be called gods who have been reborn. There is no need to fight with people who talk useless things. Those who want to
come should come and those who don’t want to come should not come. There is no time left to argue and have discussions with
them, because such people will go on discussing and arguing. As Adi Shankaracharya has said that low level people should keep
their minds disciplined and somehow live properly and protect themselves from becoming thieves etc. They should live like good
citizens. But the ones who have their attention on the Supreme, will not be satisfied with such things. Till you have not attained
the Supreme you should not have any belief in me too. There is no need of pretence. Whatever anyone tells you, you should not
believe it, but first get it within yourself, then only have belief in me. I am not here to open a shop or earn money or make a name
for myself. I am here only to transform human beings. If not in this birth then I will see in the next life. I am used to living in the
Eternal. But one should now think that the ones who have died, have died. Don’t take their topics and repeat them. Put your
attention on yourself. Maybe it might be that one of them is you who had written about it in your past lives. Can be that you are
the very great people who had written and have been reborn and come here today to take get your right. What has happened is
gone. In Sahaja a seeker has to do nothing. The one who is drowning in the water, if he does nothing it is better. But he saves the
others who are drowning. This is an easy way to explain Sahaja Yoga. Those who are in their source, those who have got their
realization, those who have become one with their Shakti/ Power, they will do everything. The rest who have not realization
should sit peacefully. They will come onto your source/sutra and give you love. They will come onto your source/sutra and heal
your chakras because you do not know your chakras as yet. When you get your realization then you will understand what I am
saying, that yes, here is this chakra, it is moving, that chakra is moving like that in another. Then only will you understand what is
the collective consciousness. The ones who keep no, no right from the beginning, this is not the place for them and neither is
there any arrangement for them. But such people no matter how conditioned they are, but who want that a transformation
should come within them, such are dear to me and I have full faith that they will get it in this lifetime, despite what the
conditioning is and despite how their Kundalini has been played around with. If I say that someone’s life is getting destroyed then
people are opposing me is really madness. If a mother sees that there is something wrong with a child, and she corrects that
then …. In your simplicity and innocence something has been spoiled within and I am here to correct it. But to think such things
from beforehand only, what is so sensible about this? What kind of demand is this? Today is Guru Purnima, and I have to explain
Sahaja Yoga fully to you. It is not possible in such a short time. I wanted to talk on many things but this subject is very
comprehensive. And in many of the meditation classes I have told people that those who are realized have reached such a stage
that they can understand it. Because from their hands the vibrations of Joy are flowing; those vibrations of Love are flowing by
which they can understand what collective consciousness is. One must understand that what is this ? There maybe many people
among you who feel your hands are shaking or getting hot when you put your hands towards me. You might feel so. So people
may say we are getting vibrations. These are not vibrations. That is because you are opposing me. Something within you is
opposing me. The love that I am giving you your hands are shaking because of your opposition. I believe the vibrations come
when your Sahasrara starts moving. Kabirdas has said “On the Top of the head the anahata (the unheard sound) beats.” It
means that just like the beating of heart the same happens at the top of the head. When the noise of this breaks and pierces then
you become one with God, then no noise comes nor do you see anything,nor is anything visible. Many people tell me that they
have Divine Visions, divine this or that. What are you going to get with visions? If you were to get all, by having visions, then why
this seeking? It is beyond vision or hearing with the ear. It has to be known from within. The one who has known it from within,
can only understand it. With vision many see many big, big miracles. Many people see pictures, and many people tell me that he
has miracles. I say, my son, God is beyond this. It is an experience. Leave all this. By leaving all this and when you will come into
Nirakara/Formless then you will get the Oneness with God, and then you will find the meaning of things that are Sakara/Formed.
Many have been cured by these Joy giving vibrations. Diseases have got cured. But the greatest thing that has happened and
that which has given me the greatest pleasure is that ten people have got their realization collectively. Now you will ask me how
they got their realization so fast. Many don’t get their realization so fast. They have been coming since four years to me. Many
ministers, governors, others, they don’t get their realization then what can I do? I don’t have to take money from them that you
give me 2000 rupees and I will give you a certificate that you are realized. If it has not happened then it has not happened and if it
has so it has. I had gone to America and there is one gentleman who is a big king, who was with me. He said “Mataji, whoever
comes, you give them realization but you don’t give me. What have I done?” I said,” Son, I wont say anything to you because you
will be upset. You have heard so many lectures on Dharma , but have you yourself ever established Dharma within you? Day and
night you are killing yourself is for what? Just think, leave all this to God” Four days passed and he said, “I believe you. I went to
India and all the people told me that you are realized. So do our work and give me money and they gave me certificates”. I said,
“All this does not work on here, what can I do?” Because what is going to happen will happen; no amount of recommendation or
cleverness of anyone will work. It is so ultra modern that nothing will happen. What will be, will be and what will not be, will not
be. Now if it doesn’t happen such people get upset and start talking against me. What can I do if it does not happen. I want that
you all should get it. Night and day I am working so hard so that you all get it. But if you do not get it then what can I do? It is your
blockage. To cure diseases is not the work of Sahaja Yoga. You must know this, because many people say that so and so has
cured them. What? What have they cured? Sahaja Yoga is the science of awakening the Kundalini and to get to God and nothing.
And don’t associate all this with the gross; because there are thousands of diseases. You must have heard of Dr Lang a very big
doctor in London who suddenly died. His dead spirit got inside the superego of a soldier in Vietnam and started telling him to
come with him to his son’s house in London. When they arrived he told him to tell his son that I have come inside your body. The
son did not believe him. Then this soldier told him all the secret talks the father had with him. So the son started believing him.
Then he told the son to help him to start his practice again. He said that in the other world there are many doctors who want to
manifest. They have a very big international organization. Are they true people? It is an untruth. They do not give the name of God
they say it is this way. And if you write to them they say that at 10 o’clock a man will come and do something and you just relax.
And right at that time you feel that something or someone has come within you and you have got alright. But they have cured
only the body and have not got the Param Tattwa/Supreme Essence. This body will get left behind here and then one will go
there and come back again. And on whom such practices are being done, they do not know, they are also innocent , that the very
spirits they are using for their work will one day come onto them. Dr Lang must have known this otherwise why did he not enter
his son? He can go into a soldier. And the body of spirits is not gross like ours that is why he can see much more than us. This is
what is called ESP or psychology or what you call the Pentacostals, blessings of the Atma/Soul, where a person jumps, screams,
yells, mesmerism. This is all the work of spirits. From these many are good spirits and many are extremely evil. Just as we are
so, are the spirits. Some are rakshasas and devils. Today you are not seeing them but I might show them to you later, just as
today you can see the rising of the Kundalini. They are there. You can see their reality their behavior. In every religion they have
been written about. In the Hindus the Sura and Asuras have been written about. What is, is. When you will talk of the positive and
the negative will have to be shown to you. Just to talk of Dharma and Adharma is just a talk. Just to talk only of dharma, then
how can it be? There is Dharma and adharma. What is dharma cannot be adharma and what is adharma cannot be dharma. This
confusion has been made somewhere but this is not true. What is negative is negative and what is positive is positive. One
should understand the negative. Negative means that which is dead, which is sitting in the sympathetic. And the effect of that
negative is more where it is very gross like the city of Bombay. We are very gross in this city of Bombay. Day and night there is
the sound of money, the flags of elections. Night and day the attention is stuck in all these things. Man‘s attention does not go
beyond this. There is no enquiry, no seeking. Is this why we are living? Is it to read all this that the gundas, gangsters, hit so and
so, they criticized and talked against another, they did this to someone. Have we come into this world to do all this? Man’s
thinking is all wrong. Be very careful of this gross level essence/jad tattwa. This gross level is your own surroundings. Besides
this there is also the collective subconscious, which can be called heaven and because of this the damage is being done is the
most in Sahaja Yoga. And if such a thing has happened with someone it becomes very difficult for him to get God in Sahaja
Yoga. In this it is neither my fault nor yours. It is partly the fault of your karmas (deeds). Otherwise why did you go to such a
place by which you got so damaged? Sahaja Yoga is life’s progress in full alertness taking place spontaneously. You cannot get
the Param from bhoots, prets,spirits or even saints. These are dead people. Param can come only when one is alive. If it was
among the dead then why would these dead people come here? Why are they sitting on us? To be alive is necessary. Till a man is
not alive, aware, and his awareness is not fully awakened till then Sahaja Yoga does not descend down into him. Whatever you
get in the fully awakened state, that is Param/Supreme. People think that in Samadhi we have put our eyes upwards and got lost,
are sitting for two, two hours. This will not happen through Sahaja Yoga. This is your entire subconscious which I call as region
/loka of death. This is where you are going. From all this there is going to be no benefit to you whatsoever. The one who wants
the Param/Supreme must think that that is what I must get is with full awareness and with full freedom. You have the full
freedom. In fact there should be no type of devotion feelings towards me. I am just like an ordinary, mild woman, an ordinary
housewife. You have not to think that I am something special. With such a thought you must have this type of freedom, only then
you will get. You might be ten or one it is enough for me. It does not happen with numbers though we will have to increase the
numbers. Because if the work gets done in full force. Actually the Param is flowing from above for a new creation, a new
awareness, for a new type of human. It has done the arrangement for it. A full of love, full of knowledge and a beautiful creation
of humans will have to be done and will be done. You people have listened to my lecture for such a long time. On the day of Guru
Purnima, that in this life I have become a Guru. I had not done this type of work in any other lifetime. It is the first time that I have
done the work of the Guru. Maybe it is because the Mother has to be the Guru. This is a matter of the Kalyuga. That is why the
tremendous Shakti of the Divine which must flow from the heart of a mother , and by Her grace and compassion the Kundalini
should be treasured and it should be taken to that top where She in Her glory, Her Joy, and Her splendor be seated, and perhaps
that is in my destiny. That is why in this birth this position of the Guru has been created. If the Mother becomes the Guru, it is a
very difficult, as a mother is very tender. A male Guru will beat up, hit or even scold but for a mother when she utters even one
harsh word her heart bleeds and pains a lot. When she sees that her children have come through such difficulties, and how she
has to gather them with love and care and take them across, that her responsibility grows so much that her entire character
changes. But from ancient times it has been known that no one is greater than the mother as a guru. Only make such a one your
guru who is greater than you, the one who is greater than you is God. It was said about Guru Ramdas swami that make only such
a person your guru who himself is paras/ touchstone, and who just by touching others does not make them into gold but makes
them elixir/touchstone. He makes others like himself. That is how the form of the mother is. A mother lives for her children.
Lives in the glory of her children. That is why perhaps in this lifetime the Divine wanted this that this love and this knowledge
should come through a mother. Now we will go into meditation and after this, so all of you sit with full attention. Leave your
thoughts and assumptions aside because you have to get your welfare and well-being. Be good to yourself. Don’t take out your
faults. If you are catching onto something then just leave it for the time being. I have nothing to take from you, and I don’t want to
take away your freedom. In any way I don’t want to snatch away your freedom. Like people will run after someone like mad, will
spend lakhs of rupees on them, give them things. Why do they take things? If he is a guru then he cannot take anything from you.
What will you give the Guru? What will you give me? You can give me nothing. You cannot even give me vibrations. You will be
surprised that you cannot give me vibrations. One day I hurt my foot and a lady doctor said that “Mother I will give you
vibrations.” I said “Ok give.” When she tried to give vibrations they flew so strongly that she went into meditation. She said
“Mataji, such tremendous vibrations are coming” And my injury became so light. Guru should be one who can take nothing from
you. The one who is sitting at the top, he will flow downwards; nothing from below can flow upwards towards him. It is
impossible. If I say, my son, please do not give me as this is just eyewash. You can give me nothing, in fact just the opposite. You
ask Me. Your whole personality just boils over and all the forceful and spectacular Shaktis/ energies start racing within with such
a force that with what kind of love should I look after this child, anyone has to ask for just a bit. Ask for the Param/Supreme. On
this Guru Purnima I bless all of you and all those who are realized, are very special people, and I would say to them that just as
you have got, give to others. You too have to bring them around. Might be that they may get annoyed with you,hit you, beat you,
they may not remain, but this is nothing. I have borne much more than this. That is why with joy and not arguments; they may not
believe in you, doesn’t matter. Leave them. They may argue, just leave them. The ones who believe in you give them. This is what
you have to give and this is all you can give that my love may reach each corner of the world and each house may be lit with it.
May God Bless You. | null | null | null | Guru Purnima Puja. Mumbay (India), 1 June 1972. Dear People,Sahaja Yoga is a New Discovery. In reality how does the
discovery take place for that which is placed, that which is? Just as Columbus had started a journey to find India, then was India
not there? If it was not there then what would he be finding? Sahaja has been there from before. It has been found out only now.
Sahaja Yoga is the own way of the Supreme Essence. This is the way of the natures own method. This is the only way where
mankind can through evolution be taken to that dimension, by which mankind can be acquainted with that consciousness, can
be absorbed with that consciousness, by the support of which this entire creation and the heart of man is moving. Much has
been written about this. From ancient times the seeking for it has been going on. Man is seeking something all the time; whether
he is seeking after money, or whether he is seeking after power, or he seeks after love; he is running after one or another seeking.
But what is the thirst behind that seeking, he perhaps does not know. Behind this is only the seeking after Bliss. In his search
after happiness he thinks that if he collects a lot of wealth he can be happy. But there are many countries that have attained and
gained a lot of wealth and are extremely unhappy. Thousands are killing themselves. Behind all this seeking is the thirst for Joy
which is dragging you towards this unknown . When man after seeking everywhere can find no happiness then he turns towards
Dharma. And even when he turns towards Dharma he is seeking outside. The reason for this is that what he himself is he has
lost. He is ignorant and that is why man runs from himself. Each moment he is running from himself. He cannot sit with himself
for even two minutes. If he is told to sit with himself for two minutes he says ‘O God what punishment is this for me’. What we
call boredom nowadays. Why is man so fed up of himself? Why is man running away so fast from himself? Because he is
ignorant about his own self. He is ignorant about his own beauty, his own knowledge, his own glory, his own love and is running
outwards in the search of happiness. Joy is not outside. It is within. It is within you. People say you are in the form of God. Just
by talking about it, it is not going to happen. In Marathi they say,” Bolachach bhat bolachich kadhi” (Only making promises but
not fulfilling them). Whether I say that you seek the Formless or Formed, but these are only words. Thousands of discussions
have been done, crores of books have been written, how many lives were destroyed, but there is no end to a man’s thinking.
Whatever man thinks with his mind, he does so in the limitations of the mind. That which is beyond the mind and cannot be
understood by the mind….. Even this lecture of mine is only a talk, and by this talk you cannot know that Divine. Whatever I go on
talking it will all become like a weight on your mind. If I say that keep a weight then that too will become a weight. God has
created such an arrangement that whatever we do with our mind will become heavy like a weight. And being trapped under that
weight we cannot fly where we have to go. That is why seeking has always remained incomplete. But now I am going to tell you
about the New Creation. Not only a talk, but also its discovery which has been found out. In the path of revolution such has been
happening, that any person who goes into the expertise of anything he sinks, and finishes off. In the same way it is happening to
humans. There is so much competition and opposition going on, that man has made his brain so specialist that his brain is
bursting. Now a new type of man is needed that can know this Power beyond the mind. This power which moves this mind also
makes the heart beat. To know that Power you can talk all you want, or try all you want, you cannot reach there. This is without
any doubt. It is not written anywhere about which I am talking. I am not saying anything very special. You can read Nanaka,
Kabirdas, you read Vaishista, read about the guru of gurus Janak. Not only in our country but also in the foreign countries they
have been writing like this for thousands of years. They have all been writing about which I am talking. “What you have to get is
unexpectedly within.” But those poor things just kept saying. Maybe because they could not search it. If they were not able to
find out about it, it does not mean that they were any less. If Columbus was not able to find India it does not mean that he was
any less. And later those people who found it, they did not do it to belittle the ones who could not. This is not a collective search.
You all think separately, so the thought comes to many that Mataji is talking something different. No. I am telling you about all
the searching of all the searches. Until now man has born tremendous hardships to put their attention on this. Take the
psychologists, biologists and the big scientists. Many of them and even the realized souls got it to a certain extent but were not
able to give. The reason is time. For God, time is timeless. We are the ones who think that some are left behind and some have
moved forward. The ones who have died are great. Who has died, I want to ask? Nobody dies. All those who die sit in the other
world and then come back here, and then go back to the other world and come back again. From the animals some become
humans, but mostly people go to the other world and back again to this world. It is only a coming and going. No one dies. So it
can happen that from some of you who are sitting here, are also because of your seeking from many life times and you can get
it. If you can get it then why should there be such a discussion about it. It is such an ordinary thing and I find it really odd. It is
really odd that people make an issue about everything. A mother is giving you food to eat but by making an argument about it
how will it happen? It is not an argument. This is the Truth. This is the Truth. It is a very great seeking. The ones who are realized
who are sitting here, understand it. In the search for Dharma man has only been able to reach the other world. Till now he has not
reached the Supreme. And the ones who did reach the Eternal were unable to bring down the Supreme. This is very important for
others. Because just as you have had many rebirths so do I have many births. And I too have had a very close relationship with all
these great seekers. And these are so near to me and mine. Perhaps they are not so near to you. All those who carry big flags,
that we are Muslims or Hindus or this or that, only carry a false certificate and have no guarantee that in their past lives the one
who was a Hindu was a Muslim and the one who was a Muslim might have been a Christian. Now if it is a question of births and
rebirths, a question of joy, then one should think on that level. That level is such that whatever is Eternal is not gross. Whatever is
the Eternal Essence is not gross. That which is sucking is not growth. That which is subtle is not gross. Please understand this
properly. It can be enlightened in the gross but the Eternal is not interested in the gross. Like many people tell me that many
sadhus and saints ask God for something and God gives it to them. But God has not given it, this much I can say. God is not
interested that how many children you have, that you get lands, houses, and the world’s pleasures and leisure. God is not
interested in this at all. We have made a big mistake in understanding God. The Eternal Essence is only interested in giving the
Eternal, please remember and write this down. And people talk also that this Eternal or Supreme Essence is only got through the
Kundalini yoga. Many wrote about this too. But with Kundalini Yoga you get only Siddhis (Spiritual Powers), has never been
written anywhere. Yes, but those who have got the powers have never written that the powers should come through the
Kundalini. Kundalini is your mother. She is sitting inside you to give you your second birth. She is only going to give you your
second birth. She is not the foolish mother who will give you powers and throw you into the other world. The amount of
understanding you have, She is many times more wise, and more loving. She is not going to push you into a wrong place. She is
not the evil mother who will push you into Untruth. Till such time as with the Union of the Kundalini one does not get the
recognition, till then the Kundalini is not a union Yoga, and that is what Sahaja Yoga is. And God has made such a beautiful
arrangement of this within us, is a point to understand. When a child comes into the body of the mother then with the gross
elements his mind, brain, attention, ego is all made. But when the light comes in, it descends from the fontanel bone area in our
brain which is shaped like a prism, through this very area the energy (Shakti) gets divided into three parts. God has done this so
cleverly. If someone is a doctor here he can understand. We call this the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. In
our bodies are there two (Shaktis) energies present about which we know very little, and about which we find it very difficult to
find out specially about the para-sympathetic nervous system. In our Hindu Yoga Science these are called as Ida, Pingala and
Sushumna. Ida and Pingala are the subtle of the sympathetic nervous systems in our body, means that the gross (jad) of these
two is the sympathetic nervous system. Think about it like this that God fills the petrol from the top of our head in us, and when
filling the petrol a descent happens that the rays which pass through the prism and then deflect, and then it goes down and
makes two Nadis called as Ida and Pingala. And the one which is at the top of the head descends down the center and becomes
your Kundalini and goes into the triangular bone at the base of the spine and settles in there. One thing is proved that our
Kundalini is sitting in such a place which has no connection with sex. If you read books they say that by awakening the Kundalini
such and such happens. But the ones who raise the Kundalini, who I have met and known, they all take you into the sympathetic
and do not raise it through the Sushumna. If anyone is a doctor here will understand that parasympathetic nervous is the
Sushumna which is in the center, and recognition of it is that when the Kundalini rises then the eyes dilate. This is an outward
recognition. Ask any doctor that when the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, then the eyes dilate. And we can show
you outwardly if your eyes are open to see, because one has to give a proof about each and everything otherwise you cant
understand. There is a proof of this that which you can see the pulsation of the Kundalini at full strength at the base of the spine.
You know that there is no pulsation at the base of the spine. We can show you that there is a pulsation at the base of the spine
and slowly this pulsation rises upwards, and with this at some places it pulsates more. These are our centers. You can be shown
this and you can see its movement. When the Kundalini will rise through the Sushumna only then can you get realization. But for
this, one does not know why a very strong condition has been put by God. There is a very great stoppage here which you will
have to give. It is this that when the Kundalini will come on Sushumna only then God’s Infinite Love will come into that man. Till
that Love does not come down into man the Kundalini will not rise, no matter what you do. She can be annoyed or angry, but she
will never rise till the Infinite Love will come into Sushumna where a special place has been made. This place is made between
our Nabhi chakra and Anahata Chakra. Till this Love does not come down till then the flow from the Sushumna will not rise. For
example there are two ladders, and in the middle is another ladder and there is a gap between us and that ladder, and you are not
able to cross this gap in any way. There is no bridge by which you can cross it. The two stairs Ida and Pingala are down at the
level of the ground, which is the left and right of the sympathetic nervous systems. The central stair is hanging in the middle
which will take you to the Supreme. If there is any psychologist he can understand about the two stairs of the sympathetic
systems. The one on the left side takes you to your ego. And the one that is on the right hand side takes you to the super ego.
These two together spread onto our forehead, like a balloon and then they join together at the top of the head. Sometimes they
come and spread onto the whole head. Sometimes the super-ego is very strong and sometimes the ego. The one that is stronger
is spread on our brain. They then close the path of the middle ladder. Now the petrol which had been made by the
parasympathetic system, and filled with the Kundalini, its path and flow has stopped. Now we are separate. Now we have
become the Self and we feel that we are an individual. Now the ego started, that We Are. Now this is the reason for running away
from ourselves, because we do not know ourselves who we are. You are listening to me by putting your attention towards me but
I cannot put my attention on you. If I say put your attention on yourself then you cannot do that because you have been cut off
from that source which you are. One which is the super ego, a lot of weight keeps accumulating. Every type of weight; a weight in
which we are taught, do this, don’t do that, don’t go here, don’t eat this or that. Or we give big lectures to people that you must be
an Indian, or Japanese. Or you must hate so and so, or we are Hindus , Muslims or Christians, by all these, what we call,
conditionings or weight the super ego gets weighed down. And that which is the ego says we are so and so, we should do this.
The one that says Don’t Do is the super ego and the one that says Do is the ego. In reality neither do we not do or do. The Doer is
someone else. It is a useless thinking. The One who is Doer does what has to be done and will do. But this grossness is within us
that we use that petrol, by our Ida and Pingala and we condition ourselves with that and put it under a weight. In the center is the
Sushumna Nadi. Now many people have said to me that Mataji you talk against this one or that one. I am not talking against
anyone. But you have climbed the wrong ladder; I will have to make you come down that. Because I have to make you climb the
middle ladder. So whom am I opposing I don’t understand? What am I going to gain by opposing anyone? I am just telling you
that you have climbed the wrong ladder, and all will come down. I go to meet the big and great Gurus and talk to them that what
are you doing? By doing all this you cannot get God. You must understand by doing all this you will not get God. What I am
saying? Read Vaishista, or Adi Shankaracharya, because it is a historical thing. They have said the same thing that you get to
God you cannot do anything. But there is a slight difference between them and me that they had said that are very few who have
the authority to get to God. Some should remain in bhakti and others should do some yogas so that they can keep their
discipline. But they also said that a disciplined mind or a mind that is running after indulgences, both minds are useless for
ascent. One has to have a mind like a small child which is without sin, and is innocent. Such a one has the right to attain God.
This is what they have clearly said. But who reads them? The question is that we read a lot and we read about those who know
nothing about Dharma. And even if they know it is just a little bit. The ones who think they are very great Hindus they must first
read Adi Shankaracharya. Adi Shankaracharya had established the Hindu Dharma. Then why not read Adi Shankaracharya? You
read all the books of the world, but why don’t you read him and know him? The difference between what he said and I say is that
he said that in crores there are just one or two and I say in crores there are lakhs. This is not of a question of being hopeful but a
question of time. The time will come. The time of Kalyuga is a time of a very terrific battle. It is a time of total darkness. You don’t
know this as you are seeing me. Besides yourself you are not being able to see anything else, but those who are realized know
that what a pledge has been tied. Negativite and positive forces are both tying their force. There is the full force of sympathetic
and Parasympathetic. The sympathetic is sucking away the Parasympathetic. But no matter how much the sympathetic sucks it
out; if that Parasympathetic becomes one with that Ananda then this will go on filling it up. You can go on using up the petrol but
if that petrol is connected to the petrol pump and what is there to be afraid of. This is all due to the sympathetic. The active
consciousness side of the sympathetic, from where you do all your work, from where you spend your energy if that is over spent
then a disease like cancer sets in. And if the Superego is over used then madness comes in. I do not cure people’s diseases. To
say that I cure people’s diseases is a wrong concept. Because the parasympathetic system cools down the sympathetic system
by which a person gets cured. If there is some madness then that too will get cured. And if within you a disease like cancer sets
in, due to over activity that too will get cured. The cure for cancer is only Sahaja Yoga and there is no other cure in the world for it.
This point will be proved. I know that this will be proved with time that many have been cured of cancer. The people who are
sitting here can also tell you. One point I have been making from the beginning is that where is our attention? Is our attention on
that cancer which is destroying our body which is gross or is our attention on the consciousness (Chaitanya)? Then we should
think about consciousness. Till we do not keep our attention on Consciousness then the gross ( material) will also trouble us.
The whole work is by consciousness ; grossness (material) has no work in this. We have got so used to the gross and material
that man gets stuck on to little, little gross topics. One person used to come who got realization and started giving it to others
quite well. But realization doesn’t mean that you got busy. You are reborn and you have become like a child again. Now you have
to grow further. But the attention is on “My son should get alright, my children should become alright, my husband should get
alright.” Then after some time “My money problems should become alright.” Where is the attention? You have become realized
but the attention is exactly where you left it. The one who has kept his attention on consciousness/Chaitanya such a person has
risen very high. Sitting among you, are people who are very high. They are like the gods and worthy of reverence. These people
should be called gods who have been reborn. There is no need to fight with people who talk useless things. Those who want to
come should come and those who don’t want to come should not come. There is no time left to argue and have discussions with
them, because such people will go on discussing and arguing. As Adi Shankaracharya has said that low level people should keep
their minds disciplined and somehow live properly and protect themselves from becoming thieves etc. They should live like good
citizens. But the ones who have their attention on the Supreme, will not be satisfied with such things. Till you have not attained
the Supreme you should not have any belief in me too. There is no need of pretence. Whatever anyone tells you, you should not
believe it, but first get it within yourself, then only have belief in me. I am not here to open a shop or earn money or make a name
for myself. I am here only to transform human beings. If not in this birth then I will see in the next life. I am used to living in the
Eternal. But one should now think that the ones who have died, have died. Don’t take their topics and repeat them. Put your
attention on yourself. Maybe it might be that one of them is you who had written about it in your past lives. Can be that you are
the very great people who had written and have been reborn and come here today to take get your right. What has happened is
gone. In Sahaja a seeker has to do nothing. The one who is drowning in the water, if he does nothing it is better. But he saves the
others who are drowning. This is an easy way to explain Sahaja Yoga. Those who are in their source, those who have got their
realization, those who have become one with their Shakti/ Power, they will do everything. The rest who have not realization
should sit peacefully. They will come onto your source/sutra and give you love. They will come onto your source/sutra and heal
your chakras because you do not know your chakras as yet. When you get your realization then you will understand what I am
saying, that yes, here is this chakra, it is moving, that chakra is moving like that in another. Then only will you understand what is
the collective consciousness. The ones who keep no, no right from the beginning, this is not the place for them and neither is
there any arrangement for them. But such people no matter how conditioned they are, but who want that a transformation
should come within them, such are dear to me and I have full faith that they will get it in this lifetime, despite what the
conditioning is and despite how their Kundalini has been played around with. If I say that someone’s life is getting destroyed then
people are opposing me is really madness. If a mother sees that there is something wrong with a child, and she corrects that
then …. In your simplicity and innocence something has been spoiled within and I am here to correct it. But to think such things
from beforehand only, what is so sensible about this? What kind of demand is this? Today is Guru Purnima, and I have to explain
Sahaja Yoga fully to you. It is not possible in such a short time. I wanted to talk on many things but this subject is very
comprehensive. And in many of the meditation classes I have told people that those who are realized have reached such a stage
that they can understand it. Because from their hands the vibrations of Joy are flowing; those vibrations of Love are flowing by
which they can understand what collective consciousness is. One must understand that what is this ? There maybe many people
among you who feel your hands are shaking or getting hot when you put your hands towards me. You might feel so. So people
may say we are getting vibrations. These are not vibrations. That is because you are opposing me. Something within you is
opposing me. The love that I am giving you your hands are shaking because of your opposition. I believe the vibrations come
when your Sahasrara starts moving. Kabirdas has said “On the Top of the head the anahata (the unheard sound) beats.” It
means that just like the beating of heart the same happens at the top of the head. When the noise of this breaks and pierces then
you become one with God, then no noise comes nor do you see anything,nor is anything visible. Many people tell me that they
have Divine Visions, divine this or that. What are you going to get with visions? If you were to get all, by having visions, then why
this seeking? It is beyond vision or hearing with the ear. It has to be known from within. The one who has known it from within,
can only understand it. With vision many see many big, big miracles. Many people see pictures, and many people tell me that he
has miracles. I say, my son, God is beyond this. It is an experience. Leave all this. By leaving all this and when you will come into
Nirakara/Formless then you will get the Oneness with God, and then you will find the meaning of things that are Sakara/Formed.
Many have been cured by these Joy giving vibrations. Diseases have got cured. But the greatest thing that has happened and
that which has given me the greatest pleasure is that ten people have got their realization collectively. Now you will ask me how
they got their realization so fast. Many don’t get their realization so fast. They have been coming since four years to me. Many
ministers, governors, others, they don’t get their realization then what can I do? I don’t have to take money from them that you
give me 2000 rupees and I will give you a certificate that you are realized. If it has not happened then it has not happened and if it
has so it has. I had gone to America and there is one gentleman who is a big king, who was with me. He said “Mataji, whoever
comes, you give them realization but you don’t give me. What have I done?” I said,” Son, I wont say anything to you because you
will be upset. You have heard so many lectures on Dharma , but have you yourself ever established Dharma within you? Day and
night you are killing yourself is for what? Just think, leave all this to God” Four days passed and he said, “I believe you. I went to
India and all the people told me that you are realized. So do our work and give me money and they gave me certificates”. I said,
“All this does not work on here, what can I do?” Because what is going to happen will happen; no amount of recommendation or
cleverness of anyone will work. It is so ultra modern that nothing will happen. What will be, will be and what will not be, will not
be. Now if it doesn’t happen such people get upset and start talking against me. What can I do if it does not happen. I want that
you all should get it. Night and day I am working so hard so that you all get it. But if you do not get it then what can I do? It is your
blockage. To cure diseases is not the work of Sahaja Yoga. You must know this, because many people say that so and so has
cured them. What? What have they cured? Sahaja Yoga is the science of awakening the Kundalini and to get to God and nothing.
And don’t associate all this with the gross; because there are thousands of diseases. You must have heard of Dr Lang a very big
doctor in London who suddenly died. His dead spirit got inside the superego of a soldier in Vietnam and started telling him to
come with him to his son’s house in London. When they arrived he told him to tell his son that I have come inside your body. The
son did not believe him. Then this soldier told him all the secret talks the father had with him. So the son started believing him.
Then he told the son to help him to start his practice again. He said that in the other world there are many doctors who want to
manifest. They have a very big international organization. Are they true people? It is an untruth. They do not give the name of God
they say it is this way. And if you write to them they say that at 10 o’clock a man will come and do something and you just relax.
And right at that time you feel that something or someone has come within you and you have got alright. But they have cured
only the body and have not got the Param Tattwa/Supreme Essence. This body will get left behind here and then one will go
there and come back again. And on whom such practices are being done, they do not know, they are also innocent , that the very
spirits they are using for their work will one day come onto them. Dr Lang must have known this otherwise why did he not enter
his son? He can go into a soldier. And the body of spirits is not gross like ours that is why he can see much more than us. This is
what is called ESP or psychology or what you call the Pentacostals, blessings of the Atma/Soul, where a person jumps, screams,
yells, mesmerism. This is all the work of spirits. From these many are good spirits and many are extremely evil. Just as we are
so, are the spirits. Some are rakshasas and devils. Today you are not seeing them but I might show them to you later, just as
today you can see the rising of the Kundalini. They are there. You can see their reality their behavior. In every religion they have
been written about. In the Hindus the Sura and Asuras have been written about. What is, is. When you will talk of the positive and
the negative will have to be shown to you. Just to talk of Dharma and Adharma is just a talk. Just to talk only of dharma, then
how can it be? There is Dharma and adharma. What is dharma cannot be adharma and what is adharma cannot be dharma. This
confusion has been made somewhere but this is not true. What is negative is negative and what is positive is positive. One
should understand the negative. Negative means that which is dead, which is sitting in the sympathetic. And the effect of that
negative is more where it is very gross like the city of Bombay. We are very gross in this city of Bombay. Day and night there is
the sound of money, the flags of elections. Night and day the attention is stuck in all these things. Man‘s attention does not go
beyond this. There is no enquiry, no seeking. Is this why we are living? Is it to read all this that the gundas, gangsters, hit so and
so, they criticized and talked against another, they did this to someone. Have we come into this world to do all this? Man’s
thinking is all wrong. Be very careful of this gross level essence/jad tattwa. This gross level is your own surroundings. Besides
this there is also the collective subconscious, which can be called heaven and because of this the damage is being done is the
most in Sahaja Yoga. And if such a thing has happened with someone it becomes very difficult for him to get God in Sahaja
Yoga. In this it is neither my fault nor yours. It is partly the fault of your karmas (deeds). Otherwise why did you go to such a
place by which you got so damaged? Sahaja Yoga is life’s progress in full alertness taking place spontaneously. You cannot get
the Param from bhoots, prets,spirits or even saints. These are dead people. Param can come only when one is alive. If it was
among the dead then why would these dead people come here? Why are they sitting on us? To be alive is necessary. Till a man is
not alive, aware, and his awareness is not fully awakened till then Sahaja Yoga does not descend down into him. Whatever you
get in the fully awakened state, that is Param/Supreme. People think that in Samadhi we have put our eyes upwards and got lost,
are sitting for two, two hours. This will not happen through Sahaja Yoga. This is your entire subconscious which I call as region
/loka of death. This is where you are going. From all this there is going to be no benefit to you whatsoever. The one who wants
the Param/Supreme must think that that is what I must get is with full awareness and with full freedom. You have the full
freedom. In fact there should be no type of devotion feelings towards me. I am just like an ordinary, mild woman, an ordinary
housewife. You have not to think that I am something special. With such a thought you must have this type of freedom, only then
you will get. You might be ten or one it is enough for me. It does not happen with numbers though we will have to increase the
numbers. Because if the work gets done in full force. Actually the Param is flowing from above for a new creation, a new
awareness, for a new type of human. It has done the arrangement for it. A full of love, full of knowledge and a beautiful creation
of humans will have to be done and will be done. You people have listened to my lecture for such a long time. On the day of Guru
Purnima, that in this life I have become a Guru. I had not done this type of work in any other lifetime. It is the first time that I have
done the work of the Guru. Maybe it is because the Mother has to be the Guru. This is a matter of the Kalyuga. That is why the
tremendous Shakti of the Divine which must flow from the heart of a mother , and by Her grace and compassion the Kundalini
should be treasured and it should be taken to that top where She in Her glory, Her Joy, and Her splendor be seated, and perhaps
that is in my destiny. That is why in this birth this position of the Guru has been created. If the Mother becomes the Guru, it is a
very difficult, as a mother is very tender. A male Guru will beat up, hit or even scold but for a mother when she utters even one
harsh word her heart bleeds and pains a lot. When she sees that her children have come through such difficulties, and how she
has to gather them with love and care and take them across, that her responsibility grows so much that her entire character
changes. But from ancient times it has been known that no one is greater than the mother as a guru. Only make such a one your
guru who is greater than you, the one who is greater than you is God. It was said about Guru Ramdas swami that make only such
a person your guru who himself is paras/ touchstone, and who just by touching others does not make them into gold but makes
them elixir/touchstone. He makes others like himself. That is how the form of the mother is. A mother lives for her children.
Lives in the glory of her children. That is why perhaps in this lifetime the Divine wanted this that this love and this knowledge
should come through a mother. Now we will go into meditation and after this, so all of you sit with full attention. Leave your
thoughts and assumptions aside because you have to get your welfare and well-being. Be good to yourself. Don’t take out your
faults. If you are catching onto something then just leave it for the time being. I have nothing to take from you, and I don’t want to
take away your freedom. In any way I don’t want to snatch away your freedom. Like people will run after someone like mad, will
spend lakhs of rupees on them, give them things. Why do they take things? If he is a guru then he cannot take anything from you.
What will you give the Guru? What will you give me? You can give me nothing. You cannot even give me vibrations. You will be
surprised that you cannot give me vibrations. One day I hurt my foot and a lady doctor said that “Mother I will give you
vibrations.” I said “Ok give.” When she tried to give vibrations they flew so strongly that she went into meditation. She said
“Mataji, such tremendous vibrations are coming” And my injury became so light. Guru should be one who can take nothing from
you. The one who is sitting at the top, he will flow downwards; nothing from below can flow upwards towards him. It is
impossible. If I say, my son, please do not give me as this is just eyewash. You can give me nothing, in fact just the opposite. You
ask Me. Your whole personality just boils over and all the forceful and spectacular Shaktis/ energies start racing within with such
a force that with what kind of love should I look after this child, anyone has to ask for just a bit. Ask for the Param/Supreme. On
this Guru Purnima I bless all of you and all those who are realized, are very special people, and I would say to them that just as
you have got, give to others. You too have to bring them around. Might be that they may get annoyed with you,hit you, beat you,
they may not remain, but this is nothing. I have borne much more than this. That is why with joy and not arguments; they may not
believe in you, doesn’t matter. Leave them. They may argue, just leave them. The ones who believe in you give them. This is what
you have to give and this is all you can give that my love may reach each corner of the world and each house may be lit with it.
May God Bless You. |
1/25/1973 | | Public Program | India | Bordi | null | VERIFIED | null | Draft | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | Hindi | 10 | Public Program, Bordi (India), January 25th, 1973 [Talk in Hindi] So, if there is any trouble in your Swadishthan chakra, you can
correct it by using your thumb. Now you have to see your importance as to who you are.You stand up in front of mirror, in this
pose; there will be a change taking place in you. You can make it out from the reflection falling on the mirror, what thing you are.
You see your own reflection in that mirror. Now you rub your Swadishthan using your hands, like this by pressing it, here also, like
this, you will have throbbing on your hand. Here, on your fingers also, here. Press it or shoot it, here. All the disturbances on your
Swadishthan will vanish away. The Swadishthan chakra is placed on the thumb. Above that is a place of Manipur chakra, which
is on a middle finger. All these (fingers) are not in a line, it is what it is. If there is a burning sensation on your middle finger then
you will see that the person, who is sitting in front of, has a problem on your Nabhi chakra. That is why, while eating, we never
keep this finger apart. It is always in alignment with other fingers. Many people keep this finger apart while eating. It is a wrong
practice. From the yoga point of view, it is wrong to eat with fork and spoons. Because you have vibrations in your hands. But
only for realized people. Those who are possessed, for them to eat with fork and spoon is a good practice. [Laughter]No, our own
bhoots go in our stomach. They are released from our hands, are doubled and some more are added and go back in stomach.
Therefore, those who are possessed with bhoots should use forks and spoons. That’s why, in the West, they quite often use
forks and spoons. [Laughter] No, no we have much more bhoots than the Westerners. Now these people [the Westerners] have
started eating with hands. Really, it’s true, ask them. Nowadays many of them don’t use forks and spoons. They eat with neat
and clean hands. Now, this Manipur chakra is over, if any person is gluttonous and his attention is always on food, then he
should rub this, the middle finger. Now what will happen? Manipur chakra will become cool. Put some oil, nicely. Now after this
Manipur chakra, there is the Anahata chakra. This is a most delicate chakra. Here is the finger for Anahata, this one-little finger
which is the smallest finger. This is your Anahata. If anybody has heart trouble or somebody is very romantic, always running
after women every day, from morning till evening, then he will have this weakness. Then he should rub it like this. And the one
who has a weakness for liquor should rub his Nabhi chakra’s finger. Now this Anahata chakra, those who are having disorders
on Anahata chakra, should worship Shri Saraswati. He should keep his attention towards reading and learning- no I am not
telling about Anahata, I am telling about Swadishthan. Listen once again this is Swadishthan chakra, the Swadishthan is below
the Nabhi. I will tell about Mooladhara later. Yes, the thumb represents the Swadishthan chakra. Ok. Now those who have
disturbances on Mooladhara should rub here. This, this is Mooladhara chakra. They should worship Ganesha ji. The one who has
a Mooladhara or a sex trouble should worship Shri Ganesha. Now this is Swadishthan and after this comes Manipur chakra.
Manipur chakra or Nabhi chakra or Solar plexus are the same thing. And rub this. And the one who has lust for food - it means
that person becomes gross in Swadishthan chakra and the trouble of Swadishthan is very gross. He eats a lot, a lot, and the
quantity is also very large. And he babbles a lot. Such a person who eats a lot, should look towards Shri Saraswati on his
Swadishthan chakra. Then he will get to finer fest [unsure]. He should be creative and start paintings, diversion will follow and
sublimation will take place. A man of Manipur chakra has interest in food. Politicians have a bad Nabhi chakra. To indulge in
mischief, to say something to this and something to that, is the symptom of a problem of the Nabhi chakra. The person who has
this temperament, whose outlook is very mischievous, that he is just not at all in peace. Unless and until he goes and sets a fire
in somebody’s house, he does not get peace. Such type of person cannot see the benevolence of others. Such a person is
required to clear his Nabhi chakra. Then, comes a person whose tongue is loose, the one who has no respect for others,
specially the one who speaks loosely about Sahaja Yoga. He has to clear his Nabhi chakra. Such a person is very “connoisseur”
of food. He does not eat much. He is not various, don’t each much but he is a “connoisseur”. He insists that the tea has to be
excellent, want this and that. He is very particular. He is also very delicate about the issue relating to women. First, he becomes
gross on Swadishthan and he wants a particular type of woman and in this case, he is choosy, etc. That person should go in
refuge of Shri Vishnu. The meaning of Shri Vishnu is symbolic; it does not mean to be a Hindu, a Christian, or a Muslim. Who is
Shri Vishnu? Palankarta, [the Maintainer of the universe] the breadwinner of the world. The one who has learnt how to look after
every one as a mother, she is not be particular about food. If any mother is coquetry about it then she should nurture four, five
children so her coquetry is all finished. The women who are very particular about food cannot look after children. Because
children will do potty, urinate, do this do that, she will get irritated. She should nurture eight, ten children. Her coquetry will soon
vanish away. There is a point in correcting ourselves. And see for yourself if you get a feeling of abhorrence with everyone, "I get
feeling of abhorrence from this and from that ", he should nurture eight, ten dogs. Then it will be done. And another point is that
he is to go deep down in Raja Yoga then it helps. By Raja Yoga I do not mean to that. I mean to say that go towards the glory of
Shri [Raja] Lakshmi. Now the glory of Lakshmi is not in money nor in husband. The meaning of Lakshmi is very extensive. Now
above Manipur chakra is "Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh" [the Trinity], Heart. [End of audio] | null | null | null | Public Program, Bordi (India), January 25th, 1973 [Talk in Hindi] So, if there is any trouble in your Swadishthan chakra, you can
correct it by using your thumb. Now you have to see your importance as to who you are.You stand up in front of mirror, in this
pose; there will be a change taking place in you. You can make it out from the reflection falling on the mirror, what thing you are.
You see your own reflection in that mirror. Now you rub your Swadishthan using your hands, like this by pressing it, here also, like
this, you will have throbbing on your hand. Here, on your fingers also, here. Press it or shoot it, here. All the disturbances on your
Swadishthan will vanish away. The Swadishthan chakra is placed on the thumb. Above that is a place of Manipur chakra, which
is on a middle finger. All these (fingers) are not in a line, it is what it is. If there is a burning sensation on your middle finger then
you will see that the person, who is sitting in front of, has a problem on your Nabhi chakra. That is why, while eating, we never
keep this finger apart. It is always in alignment with other fingers. Many people keep this finger apart while eating. It is a wrong
practice. From the yoga point of view, it is wrong to eat with fork and spoons. Because you have vibrations in your hands. But
only for realized people. Those who are possessed, for them to eat with fork and spoon is a good practice. [Laughter]No, our own
bhoots go in our stomach. They are released from our hands, are doubled and some more are added and go back in stomach.
Therefore, those who are possessed with bhoots should use forks and spoons. That’s why, in the West, they quite often use
forks and spoons. [Laughter] No, no we have much more bhoots than the Westerners. Now these people [the Westerners] have
started eating with hands. Really, it’s true, ask them. Nowadays many of them don’t use forks and spoons. They eat with neat
and clean hands. Now, this Manipur chakra is over, if any person is gluttonous and his attention is always on food, then he
should rub this, the middle finger. Now what will happen? Manipur chakra will become cool. Put some oil, nicely. Now after this
Manipur chakra, there is the Anahata chakra. This is a most delicate chakra. Here is the finger for Anahata, this one-little finger
which is the smallest finger. This is your Anahata. If anybody has heart trouble or somebody is very romantic, always running
after women every day, from morning till evening, then he will have this weakness. Then he should rub it like this. And the one
who has a weakness for liquor should rub his Nabhi chakra’s finger. Now this Anahata chakra, those who are having disorders
on Anahata chakra, should worship Shri Saraswati. He should keep his attention towards reading and learning- no I am not
telling about Anahata, I am telling about Swadishthan. Listen once again this is Swadishthan chakra, the Swadishthan is below
the Nabhi. I will tell about Mooladhara later. Yes, the thumb represents the Swadishthan chakra. Ok. Now those who have
disturbances on Mooladhara should rub here. This, this is Mooladhara chakra. They should worship Ganesha ji. The one who has
a Mooladhara or a sex trouble should worship Shri Ganesha. Now this is Swadishthan and after this comes Manipur chakra.
Manipur chakra or Nabhi chakra or Solar plexus are the same thing. And rub this. And the one who has lust for food - it means
that person becomes gross in Swadishthan chakra and the trouble of Swadishthan is very gross. He eats a lot, a lot, and the
quantity is also very large. And he babbles a lot. Such a person who eats a lot, should look towards Shri Saraswati on his
Swadishthan chakra. Then he will get to finer fest [unsure]. He should be creative and start paintings, diversion will follow and
sublimation will take place. A man of Manipur chakra has interest in food. Politicians have a bad Nabhi chakra. To indulge in
mischief, to say something to this and something to that, is the symptom of a problem of the Nabhi chakra. The person who has
this temperament, whose outlook is very mischievous, that he is just not at all in peace. Unless and until he goes and sets a fire
in somebody’s house, he does not get peace. Such type of person cannot see the benevolence of others. Such a person is
required to clear his Nabhi chakra. Then, comes a person whose tongue is loose, the one who has no respect for others,
specially the one who speaks loosely about Sahaja Yoga. He has to clear his Nabhi chakra. Such a person is very “connoisseur”
of food. He does not eat much. He is not various, don’t each much but he is a “connoisseur”. He insists that the tea has to be
excellent, want this and that. He is very particular. He is also very delicate about the issue relating to women. First, he becomes
gross on Swadishthan and he wants a particular type of woman and in this case, he is choosy, etc. That person should go in
refuge of Shri Vishnu. The meaning of Shri Vishnu is symbolic; it does not mean to be a Hindu, a Christian, or a Muslim. Who is
Shri Vishnu? Palankarta, [the Maintainer of the universe] the breadwinner of the world. The one who has learnt how to look after
every one as a mother, she is not be particular about food. If any mother is coquetry about it then she should nurture four, five
children so her coquetry is all finished. The women who are very particular about food cannot look after children. Because
children will do potty, urinate, do this do that, she will get irritated. She should nurture eight, ten children. Her coquetry will soon
vanish away. There is a point in correcting ourselves. And see for yourself if you get a feeling of abhorrence with everyone, "I get
feeling of abhorrence from this and from that ", he should nurture eight, ten dogs. Then it will be done. And another point is that
he is to go deep down in Raja Yoga then it helps. By Raja Yoga I do not mean to that. I mean to say that go towards the glory of
Shri [Raja] Lakshmi. Now the glory of Lakshmi is not in money nor in husband. The meaning of Lakshmi is very extensive. Now
above Manipur chakra is "Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh" [the Trinity], Heart. [End of audio] |
3/23/1973 | | How the Divine is working within us? | India | Mumbai | VERIFIED | null | null | null | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | English | 37 | Public Program, day 1 Jehangir Hall, Mumbai 23-03-1973 Shri Mataji: For example, if you discuss with a medical doctor, he will
not be able to tell you what is a libido, which is the basis of many psychological findings. If you ask the psychologist, he may not
be able to tell you what are the symptoms of the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous system. Then, “yogashastri”
(yoga experts) are regarded as something out of place. Perhaps we have never realised that all these knowledge springs from
one source, that is awareness. One source is giving all these flowers and still, we are separated. And we are fighting with each
other, not knowing that this is one source that has blossomed into so many flowers. This disintegration leads us to confusion.
And Kaliyuga, this modern age is known for its confusion. The religion, the dharma and the adharma, both are confused. Right
and wrong is a confused subject. Divine and satanic are confused. Keeping all things in view, we have to be very open-minded,
like a scientist. And find out how the Divine is working within us. Some biologists who have been working on the subject of life,
have brought about a very good thesis about the life that was created in such a short time. According to those biologists, the
time taken for a human life to evolve from the time when the earth seceded from the sun, is too short to even create a life. They
have given an explanation that if you apply the law of chance, this is an impossibility. Let us see what is the law of chance? The
law of chance can be understood by a simple analogy. Supposing there are fifty red marbles and fifty black marbles. Andthey are
put in a jar and allowed to shake through some mechanical means, then you find they all get mixed up. This is the chaos. And,
when you try to bring them back to their original position, you find that it takes a certain number of shaking which is the
minimum required. Please try to understand this analogy. It is a very simple analogy. There is a jar with fifty white or black and
red pebbles or you can call it small, round, these children play with that; that sort of thing. And you shake it. When you start
shaking it, they become all mixed up. So, from the chaos to the organised life, it is like a cell. Amoeba is an organised life,
compared to matter. Even the molecules are organised, even the atoms are organised, but they do not have the will to organise
themselves. Or will to protect themselves. So to get to this organism which is life itself should have normally taken much more
years than these two hundred billion years which is a very short time. According to them, the time taken is say, ‘n’ raised to the
power ‘xyz’. It is a mathematical thing; I don’t want to go into that. Now the time that is taken is only ‘n’; leave alone raised to the
power of anything. In that short time, to evolve such a complex structure like a human being by chance is an impossibility. Is
absolutely accepted.[UNCLEAR/accepted/absurd]. But when you see those pebbles, you can construct them in the proper way if
there is a juggler. If somebody who knows how to push the red ones to the red side and the black ones to the black side, you can
manage that. This indicates that there is a juggler; totally conscious and aware, with cosmic understanding and power, who is
managing the show in such a short time. For the scientist, it is only to point out that there is some juggler. They cannot explain
any further. [UNCLEAR/one]. Now let us see what the psychologists have to say on the subject. The psychologists believe and
have accepted in toto. The fact that there is a universal being within ourselves,without, they have not yet accepted. But within
ourselves who binds us together, because when we are asleep and when we submerge ourselves into our subconscious mind,
we find certain symbols appearing in our dream. There is a theory forwarded by many psychologists and supported by them; that
these symbols appear universally the same in everything. For example, if this Universal Unconscious wants to suggest that you
are going to be murdered, or there is a danger to you through some violence, or instrument of violence. You see a triangular,
elongated symbol. Whether you are an Indian, whether you are an American, whether you are a Japanese or a Russian, makes no
difference to the symbol. That means there is a Being which is working universally through the symbols. There is another thing
which many psychologists support, that the Unconscious is all the time trying to keep us on the right track. It gives us balance.
For example, I will quote Jung, j-u-n-g, who has given two examples of the balance that the Unconscious has suggested in
symptoms.[UNCLEAR]. One gentleman came to him and told him that, “I just dream. And in my dream, invariably, I am placed
before my son, who is a king. Sometimes I find I have lost my way. Sometimes I can’t catch a train. See all kinds of tragic things
in my dream and ultimately I find I am landed before my son who is sitting on a throne, like a king”. So, Mr Jung asked him, “What
are your relations with your son?”. This gentleman said, “You see, he is a son from my first wife, and my second wife is not very
happy with him. So I keep him out. But still, I should say I have done no justice to him as a father”. Mr Jung said, “The
Unconscious is teaching you that you respect him because he is a king”. One day such a man will repent in his own heart for
treating his own son like that, who depends on his father for all the love and protection. Another case is that of a girl who came
to him and told him that, “I dream that my mother is a witch. And it is so common that now I am fed up of that dream. And I don’t
want to accept such a horrible thing about my mother”. So he asked her, “How are you placed [UNCLEAR/living/placed] with your
mother? Are you happy with her?”. She said, “I am an only child born after a long time. I am very much pampered by her. And she
allows me to do whatever I like. She doesn’t say anything to me. She says, ‘I just want you to be happy and do whatever you feel.
I have nothing to say about it. Sometimes I am even confused. She gives me no guidance and takes no responsibility as guiding
me. Neither she discuss any one of her experiences with me. As a result, I have become a spoiled person. I have become a very
fussy person and I have become intolerably hot-tempered”. So the deduction was that the Unconscious is giving you the
suggestion that, “My child, be careful. You will become a witch. If you listen to this witch”. Now, by saying there is a universal
Being, there is a universal consciousness, an awareness that is working in us; you are just giving a name to something. It doesn’t
explain. It is like saying there is a juggler doing the job or like saying there is a Universal Being who is looking after you and
guiding you and giving you the balance. They call it the “intuition drive” and all the names. Now let us see the medical sciences;
what they have to say. When you go to a medical man and ask him a simple question that, “Please let me know what is making
my heart pulsate? What is controlling my diseases [UNCLEAR]. What is looking after my respiration?”. He will just say that “There
is a system known as the autonomous nervous system which is responsible for this regulation”. This is another name given to
the same Universal Divine. This is not to decry them at all nor in any way to belittle their efforts at finding. On the contrary,
whatever they have found out, they have reached a place where now they have to say there is something that is to be still
bridged. That is still to be understood. There are two autonomous nervous systems in our body. One is the parasympathetic and
another is the sympathetic nervous system. Now the sympathetic nervous system is again divided into the right and left side and
the parasympathetic nervous system is in the centre. The person who is a right-hander has his left side sympathetic working
while the left-hander has his left (should be right) side sympathetic working. Now one remains absolutely quiet. Now both these
sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are responsible, one for activity, another for inactivity. One constricts,
another relaxes. One puts you to tension, another one makes you absolutely restful. The sympathetic nervous system has placed
a very great, difficult problem for the doctors now. With the over-activity of the sympathetic nervous system, you get the disease
known as cancer. When there is an irritation in the body and when some sort of protection is needed, that part starts getting
more active and the cell starts multiplying. The sympathetic nervous system works to protect that part. But ultimately results in
the malignancy that is more activity of the cell in that part. This is a simple thing that is known as cancer. The advent of cancer in
the kaliyuga is now a challenge to all the scientists of the world. For nobody can escape it if they do not now realise that's not the
activity of man that is going to give him salvation – but the inactive. But for parasympathetic they say it is not humanly possible
to control the parasympathetic. For example, you can, by working harder or running more, you can make your heart pulsate more;
but you cannot relax your heart. That is not in your hands. They say there is another force working which looks after the
relaxation of the heart. The yogashastra which has, for so many years been describing the Kundalini is nothing but the [sinking]
parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system is the gross expression of that system which is in the
spinal cord. In the spinal cord, we call it the Kundalini and the chakras. The centres that guide; the centres and plexuses outside
are known as the chakras. For example, your hand has got a centre in the head. In the same way, these plexuses which are in our
being, which are namely, down below you can start, the pelvic plexus. Then you have got the aortic plexus, then you have got the
solar plexus, then you have got the cardiac plexus. Then you have got, I have forgotten the English name for it, you have got the
Swadishthana (Vishuddhi?) chakra here. Then we have got here, the Agyna chakra here we call it. But this one though we call it
the Agyna chakra in yogashastra; in the medical science, there is no name as Agyna chakra. But they accept that there can be a
“third eye”. But this is something very hypothetical as far as medical science is concerned. So the Agyna chakra which is actually
in the optic chiasma, in the centre of the brain, where both the optic nerves cross is, according to the yogashastra is the Agyna
chakra. It is placed there. And the Sahasrara , when you open out the brain, you will find that there are petal-like designs on the
brain. If you vertically cut it you will find that there are petals in petals. And these designs are, according to medical sciences, are
nine hundred and eighty-two. While according to the yogashastras, they are one thousand. Now, My own knowledge is not
scientific. I am very sorry to say that. Mine is subjective knowledge. Scientific knowledge is objective. I have seen all these
chakras within Myself. And you also can see all of them if you get realisation according to My Sahaja Yoga. And if you go deeper
into your being, you can see all of them. Because Self-realisation means, you should know yourself and the power that is guiding
you. The last Sahasrara is the one-thousand petalled .I have seen as flames, thousands of flames clustered together. In the Bible,
there is a beautiful sentence, “I will appear before you like the tons of flame”. And actually like the tons of flames you see that.
Whether you read the Bible or Koran, you will find many instances, many sentences by which you can see that there is an
integration of the Kundalini in all of them – and it is described. The only trouble is, that the Bible was written by many people who
[UNCLEAR] in different parts of the country and they also saw part by part. And because of this kind of separate experiences, the
knowledge that is in the Bible is scattered. But if somebody can sit down and try to find out, you can find the complete
description of the Kundalini in the Bible. So scientifically, when you talk about it, it is still of this. Now scientifically, I can prove
that this loudspeaker works in such and such way, that it carries the sound waves to you. But when I have to deal with life, you
have to come to the Divine, to the Divine Love. Just think, that man despite all his scientific findings has not been able to create
life. We cannot create one plant out of a seed. While somebody is doing that, crores and crores of these, so many wonderful
miracles every moment. And we have taken them for granted. Do we ever think how a flower suddenly becomes a fruit? If we
look at a flower scientifically, we can say that there is pollen, and there is a pollen jar and they mix it up and this happens. But
how? Why? Who works it out? What is the dominating force that works out? Can you do thatif you mix up pollen with pollen work
can you do (it) that way? You cannot. So there is some superhuman being, somebody who is much more powerful than you, who
is doing these things just like a play. So when you come to Divine Love, you know that it is just a play. Tomorrow I will be
explaining to you how My Sahaja Yoga works through Divine Love. And how it is effortless. But when we cannot take out even
one plant out of a seed, let us forget that we have done great work [UNCLEAR/work]. We are unnecessarily carrying the load of
doing something that is absolutely dead. If we have some dead stone and we create a beautiful building like this and we think we
have done a great job. Science can deal with the dead but not with the living. When they come to living sciences like biology,
medical science and psychology, you know what happens; they stop at a point. With physics, you can go on explaining things,
but with life, it is not possible. Even with physics, you cannot explain beyond a point. They will say there is gravity which is
attracting the Earth. But who has brought this gravity? From where it has come? If there was no gravity, we would not have been
here. If the ocean, the Atlantic Ocean or Pacific ocean, was slightly deeper than what it is; there would have been no life. There
are so many points that scientists can quote which show that the whole creation is very, very balanced and beautifully created.
But I know the question that is hovering in your mind,“Then why all this misery? Only the science can eradicate the misery”. It
can, up to partially, that is, physical. Very partially. But I have seen many physically fit people. They are very miserable. Some of
the “pehelwans” (wrestlers) they come to Me and tell Me, “Mataji, give us some peace of mind. We want some joy within
ourselves”. So, that is what science has done, that physically they have helped. Mentally also, some psychologists definitely have
helped also. You cannot deny that. But what do they help is just to keep you sane for a while. It is not just sanity; it is much more
than that. Much more dynamic which is working the whole plan of this universe. And this is the place we have reached now.
Which I call the modern times. Which is the most fitted for the jumping of the human beings to the other side of evolution. This is
the blossom time for us. Of course when there is the blossom time, you find also the serpents hovering around. So the equal and
opposite forces are at work. And scientists are the first who will help to build up the positivity in this respect, of that I am very
sure. Because in America when I talk to the doctors and the neurologists, some of them visited this place. And they going to
organise a conference of the doctors. I was amazed by the way they opened their mind to My speech. Of course, in America,
there is a funny law that you cannot cure anyone. If you cure, you will be put behind the bars if you are not a doctor. But I do not
know any cure. I just ask people to put their hands towards Me. Scientifically they cannot prove that I have done any cure. Except
that when they see the blood count and when they see the X-ray, they know that the cancer is cured. But otherwise, they cannot
catch Me. Still, I did not want to have that risk because I did not have that much foreign exchange. But I feel that knowledge will
come one day maybe from America, reflected back to India. If the medical people [UNCLEAR/people] and the psychologists, I
have some people who are My disciples and My children who have been very much benefitted, who are doctors as well as
psychiatrists. If they could come with a open heart. For I am a Mother. I am not here to (in) any way decry them or to insult them.
But to give them the whole, entire knowledge that they have been seeking. With all My love and dedication. If they could gather
up that much courage and don’t worry about their practice, it would never be [UNCLEAR]. For who creates the wealth? Who
creates the beauty? Who creates everything that is around? Is the one who is seeking, then you [UNCLEAR]. [UNCLEAR/try]
understand that these things which are so important to you scientifically, there is a science of economics; certain things are very
important. Your priorities change suddenly. Because after all, you all have been searching. The humankind is wandering, working,
labouring, just to find joy. All this is to have joy in people’s lives and when you get that, all artificial things that are supposed to
make you happy just drop off. Tomorrow we are going to have a meditation at about eight-thirty sharp. I would request you
people to come and see for yourself because I can scientifically show you the breathing of the Kundalini. If you get your
realisation as some of the doctors in Pune got it. I told them that, “Now I will show you the centres and chakras about which we
have been talking. You can come and see them with your own hands”. And they were amazed. They said, “How could we see
that?”. I said, “With the vibrations that you have [UNCLEAR/you are given]”. I will request you to come with a open mind and see
for yourself. Don’t depend on the stories of others. I don’t want any gurudom here. You cannot give Me anything, I can assure
you. Except that you accept My love which is overflowing from My Being. Just if you could spare some time and see for yourself,
the Kundalini, the breathing of the Kundalini. How it [UNCLEAR/stays] and how it works, so beautifully. And some of the mistakes
committed by very unwise psychologists like Freud has also been committed by some of the yogashastra people. Whatever they
feel in the books may not corrected; true. And because of a certain mistakes committed by them, the Kundalini itself has created
problems for seekers. But so far in Bombay, at least ten thousand people must have received Kundalini “jagruti” (awakening).
But not a single person I have known, who has suffered any kind of trouble, or any dancing, or becoming nude, or shouting. Or
any kind of foolish efforts to express, advertise that you are awakened [UNCLEAR/awakened]. [UNCLEAR].[there is a small
sentence which is unaudiable.] Whom are we deceiving? When it works, it works silently. Automatically within yourself. And the
greatest [UNCLEAR] scientific way, that you yourself know that you are realised. You yourself feel the vibrations through you and
you yourself can awaken the Kundalini of others and can see and feel the Kundalini of others. The Divine has no interest
whatsoever whether you are a householder or a sanyasi. [UNCLEAR for twenty to thirty seconds]. Just think of the divine and it’s
work. The divine has no interest at all that something have something. Like they give now a days [human being] like that.[ there
are two more sentences, which are not clear] On this subject also, I am going to speak on Thursday, where I will be describing the
libido. Tomorrow I will be [UNCLEAR] Sahaja Yoga where we will be describing the parasympathetic. And thirdday the libido
which is on the right-hand side of the sympathetic nervous system. After that, we will have a [UNCLEAR] session. All are cordially
invited to come. Never to feel before a Mother that you have committed a sin. It hurts the very soul of My heart to know that how
can My children sin? To a Mother, you are the dearest. And you yourself are so beautiful and so great. So glorious and so
fragrant with love that you are not aware. Once you are aware of that, you will be aware of that [UNCLEAR]. Thank you very much.
I really thank you. And I hope you will make it convenient to come tomorrow and the day after. [Applause and end of recording]. | null | null | null | Public Program, day 1 Jehangir Hall, Mumbai 23-03-1973 Shri Mataji: For example, if you discuss with a medical doctor, he will
not be able to tell you what is a libido, which is the basis of many psychological findings. If you ask the psychologist, he may not
be able to tell you what are the symptoms of the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous system. Then, “yogashastri”
(yoga experts) are regarded as something out of place. Perhaps we have never realised that all these knowledge springs from
one source, that is awareness. One source is giving all these flowers and still, we are separated. And we are fighting with each
other, not knowing that this is one source that has blossomed into so many flowers. This disintegration leads us to confusion.
And Kaliyuga, this modern age is known for its confusion. The religion, the dharma and the adharma, both are confused. Right
and wrong is a confused subject. Divine and satanic are confused. Keeping all things in view, we have to be very open-minded,
like a scientist. And find out how the Divine is working within us. Some biologists who have been working on the subject of life,
have brought about a very good thesis about the life that was created in such a short time. According to those biologists, the
time taken for a human life to evolve from the time when the earth seceded from the sun, is too short to even create a life. They
have given an explanation that if you apply the law of chance, this is an impossibility. Let us see what is the law of chance? The
law of chance can be understood by a simple analogy. Supposing there are fifty red marbles and fifty black marbles. Andthey are
put in a jar and allowed to shake through some mechanical means, then you find they all get mixed up. This is the chaos. And,
when you try to bring them back to their original position, you find that it takes a certain number of shaking which is the
minimum required. Please try to understand this analogy. It is a very simple analogy. There is a jar with fifty white or black and
red pebbles or you can call it small, round, these children play with that; that sort of thing. And you shake it. When you start
shaking it, they become all mixed up. So, from the chaos to the organised life, it is like a cell. Amoeba is an organised life,
compared to matter. Even the molecules are organised, even the atoms are organised, but they do not have the will to organise
themselves. Or will to protect themselves. So to get to this organism which is life itself should have normally taken much more
years than these two hundred billion years which is a very short time. According to them, the time taken is say, ‘n’ raised to the
power ‘xyz’. It is a mathematical thing; I don’t want to go into that. Now the time that is taken is only ‘n’; leave alone raised to the
power of anything. In that short time, to evolve such a complex structure like a human being by chance is an impossibility. Is
absolutely accepted.[UNCLEAR/accepted/absurd]. But when you see those pebbles, you can construct them in the proper way if
there is a juggler. If somebody who knows how to push the red ones to the red side and the black ones to the black side, you can
manage that. This indicates that there is a juggler; totally conscious and aware, with cosmic understanding and power, who is
managing the show in such a short time. For the scientist, it is only to point out that there is some juggler. They cannot explain
any further. [UNCLEAR/one]. Now let us see what the psychologists have to say on the subject. The psychologists believe and
have accepted in toto. The fact that there is a universal being within ourselves,without, they have not yet accepted. But within
ourselves who binds us together, because when we are asleep and when we submerge ourselves into our subconscious mind,
we find certain symbols appearing in our dream. There is a theory forwarded by many psychologists and supported by them; that
these symbols appear universally the same in everything. For example, if this Universal Unconscious wants to suggest that you
are going to be murdered, or there is a danger to you through some violence, or instrument of violence. You see a triangular,
elongated symbol. Whether you are an Indian, whether you are an American, whether you are a Japanese or a Russian, makes no
difference to the symbol. That means there is a Being which is working universally through the symbols. There is another thing
which many psychologists support, that the Unconscious is all the time trying to keep us on the right track. It gives us balance.
For example, I will quote Jung, j-u-n-g, who has given two examples of the balance that the Unconscious has suggested in
symptoms.[UNCLEAR]. One gentleman came to him and told him that, “I just dream. And in my dream, invariably, I am placed
before my son, who is a king. Sometimes I find I have lost my way. Sometimes I can’t catch a train. See all kinds of tragic things
in my dream and ultimately I find I am landed before my son who is sitting on a throne, like a king”. So, Mr Jung asked him, “What
are your relations with your son?”. This gentleman said, “You see, he is a son from my first wife, and my second wife is not very
happy with him. So I keep him out. But still, I should say I have done no justice to him as a father”. Mr Jung said, “The
Unconscious is teaching you that you respect him because he is a king”. One day such a man will repent in his own heart for
treating his own son like that, who depends on his father for all the love and protection. Another case is that of a girl who came
to him and told him that, “I dream that my mother is a witch. And it is so common that now I am fed up of that dream. And I don’t
want to accept such a horrible thing about my mother”. So he asked her, “How are you placed [UNCLEAR/living/placed] with your
mother? Are you happy with her?”. She said, “I am an only child born after a long time. I am very much pampered by her. And she
allows me to do whatever I like. She doesn’t say anything to me. She says, ‘I just want you to be happy and do whatever you feel.
I have nothing to say about it. Sometimes I am even confused. She gives me no guidance and takes no responsibility as guiding
me. Neither she discuss any one of her experiences with me. As a result, I have become a spoiled person. I have become a very
fussy person and I have become intolerably hot-tempered”. So the deduction was that the Unconscious is giving you the
suggestion that, “My child, be careful. You will become a witch. If you listen to this witch”. Now, by saying there is a universal
Being, there is a universal consciousness, an awareness that is working in us; you are just giving a name to something. It doesn’t
explain. It is like saying there is a juggler doing the job or like saying there is a Universal Being who is looking after you and
guiding you and giving you the balance. They call it the “intuition drive” and all the names. Now let us see the medical sciences;
what they have to say. When you go to a medical man and ask him a simple question that, “Please let me know what is making
my heart pulsate? What is controlling my diseases [UNCLEAR]. What is looking after my respiration?”. He will just say that “There
is a system known as the autonomous nervous system which is responsible for this regulation”. This is another name given to
the same Universal Divine. This is not to decry them at all nor in any way to belittle their efforts at finding. On the contrary,
whatever they have found out, they have reached a place where now they have to say there is something that is to be still
bridged. That is still to be understood. There are two autonomous nervous systems in our body. One is the parasympathetic and
another is the sympathetic nervous system. Now the sympathetic nervous system is again divided into the right and left side and
the parasympathetic nervous system is in the centre. The person who is a right-hander has his left side sympathetic working
while the left-hander has his left (should be right) side sympathetic working. Now one remains absolutely quiet. Now both these
sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are responsible, one for activity, another for inactivity. One constricts,
another relaxes. One puts you to tension, another one makes you absolutely restful. The sympathetic nervous system has placed
a very great, difficult problem for the doctors now. With the over-activity of the sympathetic nervous system, you get the disease
known as cancer. When there is an irritation in the body and when some sort of protection is needed, that part starts getting
more active and the cell starts multiplying. The sympathetic nervous system works to protect that part. But ultimately results in
the malignancy that is more activity of the cell in that part. This is a simple thing that is known as cancer. The advent of cancer in
the kaliyuga is now a challenge to all the scientists of the world. For nobody can escape it if they do not now realise that's not the
activity of man that is going to give him salvation – but the inactive. But for parasympathetic they say it is not humanly possible
to control the parasympathetic. For example, you can, by working harder or running more, you can make your heart pulsate more;
but you cannot relax your heart. That is not in your hands. They say there is another force working which looks after the
relaxation of the heart. The yogashastra which has, for so many years been describing the Kundalini is nothing but the [sinking]
parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system is the gross expression of that system which is in the
spinal cord. In the spinal cord, we call it the Kundalini and the chakras. The centres that guide; the centres and plexuses outside
are known as the chakras. For example, your hand has got a centre in the head. In the same way, these plexuses which are in our
being, which are namely, down below you can start, the pelvic plexus. Then you have got the aortic plexus, then you have got the
solar plexus, then you have got the cardiac plexus. Then you have got, I have forgotten the English name for it, you have got the
Swadishthana (Vishuddhi?) chakra here. Then we have got here, the Agyna chakra here we call it. But this one though we call it
the Agyna chakra in yogashastra; in the medical science, there is no name as Agyna chakra. But they accept that there can be a
“third eye”. But this is something very hypothetical as far as medical science is concerned. So the Agyna chakra which is actually
in the optic chiasma, in the centre of the brain, where both the optic nerves cross is, according to the yogashastra is the Agyna
chakra. It is placed there. And the Sahasrara , when you open out the brain, you will find that there are petal-like designs on the
brain. If you vertically cut it you will find that there are petals in petals. And these designs are, according to medical sciences, are
nine hundred and eighty-two. While according to the yogashastras, they are one thousand. Now, My own knowledge is not
scientific. I am very sorry to say that. Mine is subjective knowledge. Scientific knowledge is objective. I have seen all these
chakras within Myself. And you also can see all of them if you get realisation according to My Sahaja Yoga. And if you go deeper
into your being, you can see all of them. Because Self-realisation means, you should know yourself and the power that is guiding
you. The last Sahasrara is the one-thousand petalled .I have seen as flames, thousands of flames clustered together. In the Bible,
there is a beautiful sentence, “I will appear before you like the tons of flame”. And actually like the tons of flames you see that.
Whether you read the Bible or Koran, you will find many instances, many sentences by which you can see that there is an
integration of the Kundalini in all of them – and it is described. The only trouble is, that the Bible was written by many people who
[UNCLEAR] in different parts of the country and they also saw part by part. And because of this kind of separate experiences, the
knowledge that is in the Bible is scattered. But if somebody can sit down and try to find out, you can find the complete
description of the Kundalini in the Bible. So scientifically, when you talk about it, it is still of this. Now scientifically, I can prove
that this loudspeaker works in such and such way, that it carries the sound waves to you. But when I have to deal with life, you
have to come to the Divine, to the Divine Love. Just think, that man despite all his scientific findings has not been able to create
life. We cannot create one plant out of a seed. While somebody is doing that, crores and crores of these, so many wonderful
miracles every moment. And we have taken them for granted. Do we ever think how a flower suddenly becomes a fruit? If we
look at a flower scientifically, we can say that there is pollen, and there is a pollen jar and they mix it up and this happens. But
how? Why? Who works it out? What is the dominating force that works out? Can you do thatif you mix up pollen with pollen work
can you do (it) that way? You cannot. So there is some superhuman being, somebody who is much more powerful than you, who
is doing these things just like a play. So when you come to Divine Love, you know that it is just a play. Tomorrow I will be
explaining to you how My Sahaja Yoga works through Divine Love. And how it is effortless. But when we cannot take out even
one plant out of a seed, let us forget that we have done great work [UNCLEAR/work]. We are unnecessarily carrying the load of
doing something that is absolutely dead. If we have some dead stone and we create a beautiful building like this and we think we
have done a great job. Science can deal with the dead but not with the living. When they come to living sciences like biology,
medical science and psychology, you know what happens; they stop at a point. With physics, you can go on explaining things,
but with life, it is not possible. Even with physics, you cannot explain beyond a point. They will say there is gravity which is
attracting the Earth. But who has brought this gravity? From where it has come? If there was no gravity, we would not have been
here. If the ocean, the Atlantic Ocean or Pacific ocean, was slightly deeper than what it is; there would have been no life. There
are so many points that scientists can quote which show that the whole creation is very, very balanced and beautifully created.
But I know the question that is hovering in your mind,“Then why all this misery? Only the science can eradicate the misery”. It
can, up to partially, that is, physical. Very partially. But I have seen many physically fit people. They are very miserable. Some of
the “pehelwans” (wrestlers) they come to Me and tell Me, “Mataji, give us some peace of mind. We want some joy within
ourselves”. So, that is what science has done, that physically they have helped. Mentally also, some psychologists definitely have
helped also. You cannot deny that. But what do they help is just to keep you sane for a while. It is not just sanity; it is much more
than that. Much more dynamic which is working the whole plan of this universe. And this is the place we have reached now.
Which I call the modern times. Which is the most fitted for the jumping of the human beings to the other side of evolution. This is
the blossom time for us. Of course when there is the blossom time, you find also the serpents hovering around. So the equal and
opposite forces are at work. And scientists are the first who will help to build up the positivity in this respect, of that I am very
sure. Because in America when I talk to the doctors and the neurologists, some of them visited this place. And they going to
organise a conference of the doctors. I was amazed by the way they opened their mind to My speech. Of course, in America,
there is a funny law that you cannot cure anyone. If you cure, you will be put behind the bars if you are not a doctor. But I do not
know any cure. I just ask people to put their hands towards Me. Scientifically they cannot prove that I have done any cure. Except
that when they see the blood count and when they see the X-ray, they know that the cancer is cured. But otherwise, they cannot
catch Me. Still, I did not want to have that risk because I did not have that much foreign exchange. But I feel that knowledge will
come one day maybe from America, reflected back to India. If the medical people [UNCLEAR/people] and the psychologists, I
have some people who are My disciples and My children who have been very much benefitted, who are doctors as well as
psychiatrists. If they could come with a open heart. For I am a Mother. I am not here to (in) any way decry them or to insult them.
But to give them the whole, entire knowledge that they have been seeking. With all My love and dedication. If they could gather
up that much courage and don’t worry about their practice, it would never be [UNCLEAR]. For who creates the wealth? Who
creates the beauty? Who creates everything that is around? Is the one who is seeking, then you [UNCLEAR]. [UNCLEAR/try]
understand that these things which are so important to you scientifically, there is a science of economics; certain things are very
important. Your priorities change suddenly. Because after all, you all have been searching. The humankind is wandering, working,
labouring, just to find joy. All this is to have joy in people’s lives and when you get that, all artificial things that are supposed to
make you happy just drop off. Tomorrow we are going to have a meditation at about eight-thirty sharp. I would request you
people to come and see for yourself because I can scientifically show you the breathing of the Kundalini. If you get your
realisation as some of the doctors in Pune got it. I told them that, “Now I will show you the centres and chakras about which we
have been talking. You can come and see them with your own hands”. And they were amazed. They said, “How could we see
that?”. I said, “With the vibrations that you have [UNCLEAR/you are given]”. I will request you to come with a open mind and see
for yourself. Don’t depend on the stories of others. I don’t want any gurudom here. You cannot give Me anything, I can assure
you. Except that you accept My love which is overflowing from My Being. Just if you could spare some time and see for yourself,
the Kundalini, the breathing of the Kundalini. How it [UNCLEAR/stays] and how it works, so beautifully. And some of the mistakes
committed by very unwise psychologists like Freud has also been committed by some of the yogashastra people. Whatever they
feel in the books may not corrected; true. And because of a certain mistakes committed by them, the Kundalini itself has created
problems for seekers. But so far in Bombay, at least ten thousand people must have received Kundalini “jagruti” (awakening).
But not a single person I have known, who has suffered any kind of trouble, or any dancing, or becoming nude, or shouting. Or
any kind of foolish efforts to express, advertise that you are awakened [UNCLEAR/awakened]. [UNCLEAR].[there is a small
sentence which is unaudiable.] Whom are we deceiving? When it works, it works silently. Automatically within yourself. And the
greatest [UNCLEAR] scientific way, that you yourself know that you are realised. You yourself feel the vibrations through you and
you yourself can awaken the Kundalini of others and can see and feel the Kundalini of others. The Divine has no interest
whatsoever whether you are a householder or a sanyasi. [UNCLEAR for twenty to thirty seconds]. Just think of the divine and it’s
work. The divine has no interest at all that something have something. Like they give now a days [human being] like that.[ there
are two more sentences, which are not clear] On this subject also, I am going to speak on Thursday, where I will be describing the
libido. Tomorrow I will be [UNCLEAR] Sahaja Yoga where we will be describing the parasympathetic. And thirdday the libido
which is on the right-hand side of the sympathetic nervous system. After that, we will have a [UNCLEAR] session. All are cordially
invited to come. Never to feel before a Mother that you have committed a sin. It hurts the very soul of My heart to know that how
can My children sin? To a Mother, you are the dearest. And you yourself are so beautiful and so great. So glorious and so
fragrant with love that you are not aware. Once you are aware of that, you will be aware of that [UNCLEAR]. Thank you very much.
I really thank you. And I hope you will make it convenient to come tomorrow and the day after. [Applause and end of recording]. |
3/24/1973 | | Two forces | India | Mumbai | VERIFIED | null | null | null | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | English | 60 | TRANSCRIPT OF PUBLIC PROGRAM DAY 2 JEHANGIR HALL MUMBAI 24-03-1973 Shri Mataji: When we say it is the jet age, what
do we mean? It means we human beings have discovered a way of conquering the gravitational force through the jet. A
challenge of the gravitational force has been accepted and overcome now. We have, in this modern age created not only a jet
which has a propeller; if not the propeller we have got the supersonic arrangement – but also we have got spacecraft which can
carry us to the moon. This is a very, very unique discovery, fantastic beyond our imagination. When I was a young girl in a school,
they used to calculate all - the girls sitting down sometime; how many years it would take human beings to go to the moon with
the fastest train. Or at the most an aeroplane - that we had in our childhood. And in My own lifetime, I can see that people have
already landed there. We have advanced very much outside through the help of science. The outside expression has been
fantastic, beyond our comprehension. But the problem arises when the tree grows beyond its sources; huge and big, must seek
its source. Otherwise, it is going to die out. This is the problem of our jet age that we have gone too far away from our sources.
And now we must see the source on which we are existing and have to exist. And we must find out the core of that source. So,
that such a big organism which grown out of proportion must survive. If not, the complete destruction is awaiting us. There are
two forces always acting and interacting. One is the constructive, another is the destructive. Throughout, since the human being
– when he was a poor thing really; at the mercy of wild animals, grew in fear, later on, became a mighty power. And now is
conquering all the soil of the Universe. These two forces, as I call them positive and negative, are essential for any growth. But it
is for us, the intelligent, modern man to decide if we are heading for destruction. Are we doing anything to stop it? Where are we
going? And what are we going to give our children? The handling of the spacecraft or going to the moon. Is that all? Or these
dead buildings that are hovering all over the places? Jet age has a very great message that the responsibility of man is the
greatest. When we work out together, we put up a jet or a spacecraft. We have to work out together, en masse, to bring out the
inflow of the Divine power that has nourished us and is needed now for further [inaudible/discussion]. As I have told you, that My
knowledge is all subjective. I have not read any books on these subjects, perhaps I have no time to do that or I do not need to do
that. Of course, I have to know the terminology which is man-made and artificial. But to communicate, one has to know those
words. With this subjective knowledge, if I start talking to you, the whole thing will sound extremely fantastic. Because you are
still objective. Now the time has arrived for all you to be the subject, to be the witness of that great, dynamic force which has
brought about the whole creation. When I speak to you, it is through My subjective knowledge. It may not appeal to you today
perhaps, but it will when you get your self-realisation and go deep into the understanding of what I am talking to you. The
creation, how it was created I will be speaking later in that Hindi seminar. But let us see what has happened in the case of human
beings. In the case of human beings, the brain has a triangular shape. And this triangular shape acts like a prism when the ray of
consciousness passes through his fontanelle bone, the tip of his brain, and enters into his personality of the foetus which is
made out of the material power. There are two powers – the material power which creates the foetus and the conscious power,
the pranava, which enters the foetus at the age of three months. While passing through the brain, it gets refracted. You can see
from the prism that one ray, when it passes from the sun, gets refracted into seven colours. In the same way, this consciousness
gets refracted into three powers. Three energies. One energy is to enlighten our central nervous system which is necessary to
look after our body. The other two are the parasympathetic and the sympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous
system is not yet much known to the medical people. When I talk of Kundalini, I talk of the parasympathetic nervous system. One
of the energies – these three energies, the one that is the parasympathetic, pierces through the central part, here in the
fontanelle bone, passes through the central part of the brain, through the base of the brain; it is known as [inaudible/mudha] in
yoga shastra. Which is the place where the optic chiasma is created. And goes down into the spinal cord and coils, in three and a
half coils into the triangular bone. You can easily ask Me, “How do you say that?”. But now many doctors will support Me. Thank
God they are also realised. That they can feel it and see it themselves in their own being – the three powers working. It is a
luminosity that is visible after self-realisation when you reach the third stage which I call the “Soham Dasha” (Soham – I am That,
Dasha – state). This Kundalini, when it settles down in the triangular bone; why it is three and a half coils and all that - has a very
big meaning. Of course, I am writing a book; I am trying to write a book. So far I have not been able to start it also. Because every
time I start writing, I think it will become another Bible or Gita. And people will start remembering it by heart. And that may stop
their self-realisation altogether. This Kundalini, when it is settled in the triangular bone, it takes charge of the foetus and it is
responsible for the growth, the entire working of that foetus, and is the divine force that is all the time, settled in that part. This is
the Kundalini. The other two I will be discussing tomorrow when I discuss all the gurudom of India. They are all working on the
other thing – this or that. Now, this Kundalini – just now you have heard the shloka about the Bhagwati, who is the pranava rupa.
She is the embodiment of this awareness, which is called as pranava. It is the breath, the holy breath of the Holy Ghost as
described in the Bible. Who can incarnate also and has been incarnating many a time to save the whole world from disaster. This
Kundalini is your mother. Sitting in the triangular bone – is a very important point. Because this is what has caused the trouble
for people who do not know much about Kundalini and who are misusing their half-knowledge. Kundalini is in the triangular bone
which is the Mooladhara as we call it and not in the sex at all. This is a very, very important part of the yoga shastra which many
have missed – even the tantrikas have missed it completely. That is your mother sitting in the triangular bone to give you the
re-birth. The other day, a boy from a guruji came to Me and asked Me a question which you should know was very interesting.
“Mataji, after all, sex is important. We have come in this world for sex”. I said, “I agree”. Now even this is a funny statement, but I
said I agreed. But I said, “But you want to have your re-birth”. “Yes”, he said, “I want to have my re-birth”. “Now can you have your
re-birth by doing sex. Can you have your birth by doing sex?”. He said “No”. Then I said, “How can you get your re-birth through
sex?”. Just see. Now it is your mother settled down in the triangular bone for you to have your re-birth. And foolishly you are
putting sex on her. Can there be a greater insult to your mother? This is the Holy Ghost. This is again because of this jet age; this
is the age of confusion. Where the religion and irreligion, the dharma and adharma is completely confused. They will prescribe
the sex with the mother? That is why you find many books which tell you that the Kundalini gets angry. The Kundalini gets into a
temper and she rises, and she does this – she burns you and she does all kinds of things. She will; any mother would if she is a
mother. Thank God in India at least, Mr Freud has not been able to reach out much. We still have our motherhood in our country.
Thank God that something you have, something really great in this country. That a mother could be brought to the level of sex, is
something absurd. Mother will forgive, even if you kill her, murder her. But can she tolerate such nonsense? She cannot. In this
jet age, people have the freedom to seek. And do whatever they like. For example, if Ravana was to be born in this country, he
can very well settle down here. And call himself a God and preach such horrible things to destroy all the Sitas of this country. It is
quite possible in the jet age; everybody has the freedom to do whatever he likes. Persons like Freud who were
[inaudible/youngsters] must have been very perverted, of a degraded temperament at the time. Of course, they have been
discarded in other countries. But they have left a very indelible mark on society. And in America, I was shocked to see that how
the motherhood of American women is completely disturbed and just lost. They have no faith in their motherhood left. There
was a [UNCLEAR], who had a boy who was a twelve-year-old who had taken to drastic drugs. But when the child came to Me, I
hugged the child to My heart and I kissed the child and I said, “What is the matter?”. The child wept just like a [inaudible] and told
me that my mother has never loved me like that. And mother told Me, “You know, we have a system by which we are not
supposed to touch our children like this”. I said, “What system do you have here?”. She told Me when the child is born, it is kept
away while the dogs and the cats sleep in the bedroom. And the children, they do not know their mother, so when they are
sixteen or seventeen years old, they will marry a woman who is sixty years old. Naturally. Because they are seeking their mother.
Only through marriage, you can have a relationship with others, through sex only – otherwise, there is no relationship. This is
what the jet age is. Because the sublimation to the divine has also to come through sex? What is sex? It is just like a nose and
eyes you have, even much less important than that. So much importance has been given in psychology to this nonsensical thing.
Is also responsible for killing the motherhood of American women. Not only in America, in most of the Western countries, where
they are affluent. They are the richest people as far as spirituality is concerned. They are the people who have now gone beyond
materialism and are seeking. But this is the handicap with them, poor children – they have not known their mother. While in our
country – you know my husband was with Lal Bahadur Shastri. Shastriji used to get up every day in the morning four o clock, go
and sleep with his mother for a while, cuddle her and then go out for his work. He would never go out from his house before
touching his mother’s feet. And she would kiss him on his forehead; I have seen it with My own eyes. And there, the woman tells
Me, the mother tells Me that, “I will develop a guilt”. I said, “What guilt? What guilt? You are the Mother. You are beyond guilt”. But
this hypnotism of the psychologist – though they are very poor things now, and they have gone very far with the correction; they
have now written many books on this. But still mister Freud [inaudible/rules]. Because it is attractive to talk of something
nonsensical. People get attracted to that and they do not want to give up on the idea because it suits them also. But it does not
suit your Kundalini at all. And wherever you have heard about people getting into horrible experiences, of getting burnt, falling
down and so many are described in the big, big books written about Kundalini. Because your mother, see Kundalini is never
excited to sex but to divine love; to the pure holy love of a mother. Now, this morning you have seen I have given “jagruti”
(awakening) and realisation to quite a lot of people. And I have done that for so many people. You all can see for yourself that
sex has nothing to do. Whatever may be the efforts of the negativity to create darkness, one must know that this happens only
because the sun has to rise. There is the night because the day has to be there. And the morn will give you the blessings of the
Divine. In the jet age, the biggest problem is of misguided sex. Beware. I am not for suppression of the so-called asceticism,
sanyasa or the running away from the house or family. That is another extreme. Of perverseness. Is an advertisement that you
are very spiritual – you have sacrificed this; you have sacrificed that. These are the days of advertisement. Those who can
advertise are attractive. The attention has become so superficial that if somebody is well dressed, we suddenly think that he is
very nice. If somebody is not properly dressed, we cannot see the beauty of that personality. We just cannot. We have become
extremely superficial in this jet age. The biggest handicap I see, while giving realisation to people is the heaviness on the psyche
of these people with the artificial guilt created. That is why, in the countries which are very affluent, you will find more people
committing suicide. More people running away from reality. Or taking to another extreme of sanyasa. The other day some people
came to see Me and told Me, “Mataji, you are living in luxury”. I do not know what [inaudible]. “And how do you say you are
Goddess?”. They know My husband is supposed to be a very great man. Now, what am I to do? But you will be surprised that a
person who is endowed with the Divine – it does not matter whether he sleeps on the street or sleeps in the best possible place.
Such a person can walk for miles without fatigue and can dress like a queen in her beautiful clothes. But I was insulted the way
these people asked Me. So I told them, “ What have you done to get to religion – I would like to know.” So they started, “I have
sacrificed my family, we have sacrificed our houses, we have sacrificed everything”. I said, “If I am not holding onto anything,
what can I sacrifice, you tell Me. Can you sacrifice these keys?”. He said, “How can we because it is not ours”. I said, “ Who said it
is not yours?”. Only thing, foolishly you have registered it here that this thing is mine. Tomorrow when you die, you will leave
everything here, with the keys and everything lying for again the caretaker to come and dispose of it for income tax purposes.
Because you are holding on to that subtle idea that I have done this, I have done that, I have sacrificed this, I am a very great
sanyasi. You can never get to the real treasure that is inside. You should watch a tree for a living example – that a tree grows and
the vibrations inside that are keeping it alive; all this energy which is working within it is just flowing. What does it matter where
the flower comes, whether it is a blue flower or yellow flower? Doing anything in the name of religion brings you the other energy,
as I told you, the sympathetic nervous system. Which is right and left. The one who is a right-handed – his left sympathetic is
active and right is dormant. Now, in the solar plexus, we have a problem that the solar plexus is connected with both the
sympathetic nervous systems. As soon as your attention goes onto any activity, you go to sympathetic. And mother, the Mother
Divine, has to pass through the central path that is, the “madhyamarga” – is parasympathetic. Naturally, in the name of religion
also, you start doing something. And there suddenly you get in contact with over-activity leading to malignancy, or – which is
much more dangerous; you get in contact with “paralok”, the dead. So, in the jet age when I was born; from my childhood, I was
searching for a way out. For all of you to understand, that you are doing nothing. It is Me who is working through you and the ego
is deliberately created in you – to make you feel you have to do something. And ultimately the same ego is going to take you to
your awareness, to your consciousness through which you are getting your nourishment. Now as this mike is developed fully, in
the same way, a human being is developed- fully, completely. He may [inaudible/fall], he will see, he understands the creation.
And to enjoy. And to see the beauty of love. This connection has to be put to the main switch so that [inaudible/power can
operate]. This is what the Kundalini Yoga is, simple. Now if you ask Me the mechanism of this mike, it is a very difficult thing. The
engineering is done. I know your connections. I have to put it to the Divine. For this, you are not to sit on the fence in this jet age, I
must tell you. Because, either you come to the parasympathetic or you get to the dead that is the subconscious mind; which all
these gurus are trying on you. And otherwise, through your left-hand side sympathetic nervous system which is going to give you
diseases like cancer. Apart from this, the problem of the jet age is that before the advent of Rama, Ravana was born. And that is
why Rama had to come. Before the advent of Christ, Herod was born. Before Krishna – actually, Krishna got his birth because
Kamsa was there. And Bhagavati took her forms always to kill some demons. But I tell you, this is killing has helped us not much,
because all of them are back again. In the [inaudible]. This Krishna’s [inaudible] shakti, only their bodies were killed. And now
they are back again, with banners. As if they are the godmen. The other day is lady told Me that her teacher is a goddess. I said,
“How do you say?”. She said, “Yes, she is a Durga Goddess”. I said, “How do you know?”. “When you touch her, she falls down”. I
said, “Is that the way to know the Goddess? In the whole shastras, how She has been described, you should find out. She is a
Pranavarupa Kundalini. This woman does not even know what is the Kundalini. And still, she is talking about being the
Goddess?”. Kundalini must move on your finger. That is God. Is a sign of Mother Goddess. Just by proclaiming that you are this
and that – only in the jet age you can collect money and publicity and not [inaudible]. Can you transform human beings? But who
wants that? Who wants to give peace and joy to others? Who is in love with humanity? Who is thinking of thousands and
thousands of people being [inaudible] of their Kundalinis in this jet age? This is another problem of all the rakshasas being
reborn. All the negativity, all the darkness – is just darkness of the Kalayuga. This is against our structure. And to talk of
positivity, and to think of positivity; sometimes one gives but not [inaudible]. Because I know that I can give en masse realisation
to you all, and the source of that Divine can be brought to your own beautiful being. And there are thousands who are negative
but there are crores who are positive by nature. And the positivity is going to win over through the system of Sahaja Yoga, which I
have discovered. Actually, I have not discovered it; it was there but I did not know about it, how it works. The blossom time is
there, so many flowers. And the bees have to just hover around to transform them into fruits. The whole thing is going to be
planned and worked out by the Supreme. And I am sure of this; that this age of struggle and confusion will end. But please do not
sit on the fence. People always tell Me, “Mataji, you must give us a speech”. When I start giving them a speech, they will say they
forget. They will write it down. What are you doing? This is a real speechophobia, I call it. In this jet age, everybody wants to give
a speech. And people are so anxious to listen to the speech, they will not come for meditation – but they will come for speech.
Speech is just a thought. What is it going to give you – My speech is nothing to you. Even the touching of My Feet means nothing
to you because you are not realised. You cannot feel the vibrations that are flowing through these Feet. Unless and until you are
realised. But when I tell people they say – how can that be? That is so. You have to get your realisation. Do not sit on the fence.
You are doing the greatest offence not only to yourself but also to society. To the entire evolutionary method. If this same
[inaudible] fails, then we will be the one who will be blamed. And the great “samhara” or the destruction will be there. If you do
not get realisation, does not mean others cannot get it. You will also get it, have patience. Now so many people have asked Me,
”Mataji, how can there be so many realisations?”. Why not? Actually, it has been the opposite – negativity you catch like that.
Why shouldn’t you ask, why there are so many flu cases? If you can catch flu, you can catch a cold, devils are sitting on you –
their vibrations; why not the positivity? The blossom time has come. In this “mayapuri” (city of maya) that is Bombay, I have been
working for the last three years. It is with very great difficulty thousand people are being realised. And realisation does not mean
that you have become a perfect man. That you have become a perfect instrument of God. No. Whatever is missing is
[inaudible/good] is not so. You must see, that is a scientific way of looking, whatever is there. You must find out after realisation.
It is like the [inaudible] that has to grow. Some people tell Me, “Mataji, why do you call it self-realisation?”. I said, “What should I
call it?”. Supposing a child is born a human being, should I call him a bee? It has to grow. And then you have to grow into
doubtless awareness and into the soham state. In the beginning, you get the thoughtless awareness, the inner silence is
established. So many books have been written about this inner silence. “Do you mean to say, that is never going to fulfil?”. Yes,
the calm and peace can [inaudible] – do you mean to say God can never have mercy on you? But why this hesitation about
something. Supposing tomorrow I tell that there is a diamond for free distribution here. You won’t even think whether it is a
diamond or serpent sitting there. So why this hesitation in this absolutely free distribution of love? We have no time. People are
watching their watches. This is a very good thing which has happened, but we have no time. We are saving our time, most
definitely. Saving for what? “We must save time; we have got watches; we must save time”. There was a gentleman who was
very anxious to go to London. And he told Me, “I must go by this date”. I said, “Does not matter. Go tomorrow, does not matter;
you have not got a ticket”. He said, “No, no, you must organise”. I said, “It is too much, but still, so why do you want to go?”. So he
said something, “You know, I have to attend a ball which is in London.” You have never had such dinner parties, such card playing
or hold women in the club, as we have in the jet age. Our mothers were much more wiser than we are. Definitely. We have never
had all these problems before. The way we are running all of us, like mad people we are running morning and evening, running
and running and running – what has happened? Why are you running? Where are you running? Oh, you have a problem with
[inaudible]. Now go to America, learn from them – that those who have solved their material problems are asking for God.
[Inaudible for nearly 20 seconds]. Because they wanted to earn money to buy some helicopter to go to hell directly. This is what
the jet age is. Man is very intelligent no doubt, but he has no wisdom of any kind. He has no wisdom of any kind in this jet age. If
he had wisdom, he would have known how to preserve his Kundalini, his holiness and his purity. Now psychologically also, when
we talk of symbols, we must know that when you are realised – you go into thoughtless awareness which gives you collective
consciousness. Which you must have noticed in the morning when so many others who had got realisation could feel your
Kundalini. They tell me the psyche was heavy, it was burning. You should come and see for yourself. If you can spare some time
for cinema it is very important to come [inaudible]. Please come and have a look at this. I am not against cinema. I am not
against enjoyment. But you are really not enjoying yourself, I assure you. Not even your possessions which are so beautiful. I
have seen a beautiful painting in a house. And the gentleman was telling Me, “I have paid so much money for this, I have paid so
much money for that”. And I was just enjoying the painting. Because there was no thought between the painting and Myself. The
complete joy was vibrating into My being. You are not even enjoying a part of the music that was played today or ever played for
you. Because the thoughts that are there within [inaudible/seek] you to possess it. And also make you jump from moment to
moment to other places to take your attention outside. You cannot enjoy the beauty. Of the creation of matter, leave alone
human being which is the most beautiful creation. Which a realised person can. When a person gets realisation; those who are
realised – when they are placing their hands on the realised soul, the vibrations get reflected from that beautiful soul makes him
very happy and joyous. The joy that cannot be described. And they just go on saying, “Ah ha ha”, as if they have heard some
[inaudible/beautiful] melody, some beautiful raga. And it is various types, various varieties. Such beautiful human beings are
created in this jet age. And what are we seeking? Let us for a minute sit down and think, what are we seeking? Have we got
peace and joy which was promised with these possessions? I am not against possessions as I have told you. It is not only this
extreme or that extreme, I am talking of the madhyamarg. But then people who have discovered that the possessions are of no
use, they have become hippies. Now see the hippies. They have started giving up this, giving up that. And then taking to drugs. It
is not [inaudible] and accepting but standing up within yourself and see that you are a beautiful soul. That you are so glorious.
And you are just the instrument of that Divine Love which cures automatically. The other person who is asking for Divine Love.
With this awakening to the mother which is waiting for some divine vibrations to arise her and the signal that now you can rise.
This love fills the gap in the man which I call as Void and is physically [inaudible] above the solar plexus. Without filling the being
with love, with Divine Love, your mother is not going to rise. You must respect her. You must respect her. And with that respect,
when she gets the Divine Love, she rises in her dignity. And when she rises, she does not want to give you the slightest trouble.
[Inaudible], she stops, and [inaudible] she says, “Mother please cure me. Please cure my child otherwise I will not rise”. What a
loving Mother you have as Kundalini. And while all these things are said against her, it burns My heart. Your mother [inaudible],
you have refused, just spoilt to such a limit which is satanic. It is not ignorance, positively I can say, it is satanic. Do not play into
the hands of Satan. You yourself are the most powerful human. What I do is just throw you into your own ocean of power. I do
not do anything else. I just pour a little water on the seed of Kundalini and it rises and [inaudible]. My work is over and then you
find your own beauty. In the collective consciousness, you cure people. In the modern age, you have also got the idea to serve.
After the material search is the idea of serve others. Who is the other between you and Me, I do not know. Because your attention
is outside, that is why you are all separate and divided. But the [inaudible] who is continuous and if My [inaudible for a few
words], then who is the other? If this hand is hitting this hand, what is the [inaudible/favour] you are doing? What is the social
work you are doing? All is [inaudible] nothing. While, after realisation, you become much more active than the person who is
active. They appear more active but there is more strain because the idea that you are doing something is much more
[inaudible]. Even when you are giving vibrations you say that they are passing. They are flowing. When these are your hands, why
don’t you say that I am giving, I am doing. That is [inaudible]. So the first dasha of thoughtless awareness which is crossed is
that; between the thoughts, there is a [inaudible] gap through which you can jump onto your unconscious being. Unconscious
because it is not in the consciousness before. I do not mean the unconscious state called devilry where you have no awareness
of anything. That is another kind of mesmerism. So in the thoughtless awareness, as soon as you arise, you get the collective
consciousness. And the collective consciousness is absolutely automatic. You become an automatic receiver of the knowledge
of the Kundalini of that person. And your brain itself becomes like the Kundalini of other people because you suddenly move into
the Kundalini of others. The fear about Kundalini must be given up. It is like fearing your own mother. If you know what is a
mother, and her purity and holiness. And if you remember Sita, the mother; her purity could not be spoiled by Ravana. The
conception is not conceivable for American minds – no, they cannot. They think it is foolishness, it is impossible – how can they
have such a saint, like Christ? And so many people in the modern age do not believe that women can be [inaudible/saints] and
men can be [inaudible/devils]. Men can be devils, it is possible; such useless fellows. Jet age – even if Rama comes, he will be
considered absolutely useless, good for nothing man; He cannot even look at other women. This is what the dharma and
adharma is completely confused. But confusion is needed for [inaudible/creation]. And confusion is always welcome. In the
mud, only, the lotus has to rise. I hope that after this lecture, you do not think it is just a lecture. But the request of a Mother who
has tried to approach you, through the loving words that please do not sink yourself but be yourself through Sahaja Yoga. There
is no other yoga that can work it out, I assure you. All other yogas take you to the sympathetic nervous system. Even a person
like Buddha – he went round the whole world, did all sorts of renunciations and all that. Ultimately He got tired and when He was
lying at the feet of a tree, in that relaxed [inaudible] state, the all-pervading Mother just poured Her blessings on Him and He got
realisation. But now, it is possible for you to have mass realisation. In America, it has worked wonders, because I told you so
many sages who lived here in India are born there. And also very successful in Japan and in Germany. England, the trouble is,
people are still quite frigid. But I am sure the future generation will finish off all that is [inaudible]. But, in their finishing off, they
have gone to another extreme. They have gone to the [inaudible]. It is not what you do is important, it is not what you think is
important. It is what you are. Are you like a child within? Like, just like the lotus flower? A person who is very serious and does
not get his realisation – I tell him, “Go and see [inaudible] picture for one day”. It is true. You have to be a very light-hearted
person. Does not mean foolish. But just the play. Just seeing the play. Quiet, [inaudible]. I tell a joke that some people who were
going by a plane were carrying the luggage on their heads. And people asked why they were doing that. And they said, “We are
trying to lighten the load on the [inaudible/plane]. In the same way, we are very serious, maybe some [inaudible]. [Inaudible
sentence]. The plane that is carrying you is carrying the whole weight inside you. The one who has created the creation is looking
after you is the [inaudible]. It pulsates in your heart, is managing the whole show. This dead work should not put another dead on
your head. Just feel like a child. And do not sometimes assume a position where you say you do all the work and put the whole
fruits at the feet of the Lord. You cannot. On Gita also I am going to speak in my Marathi lecture, where I am going to tell you
what mistake we are committing about Gita. Gita is nothing but Sahaja Yoga. But see diplomacy of Shri Krishna which has
[inaudible/condensed] Sahaja Yoga, and here I am your Mother, I am telling you everything. The cart is not behind the horse; it is
in the horse himself. So Krishna said if you do not listen to Me, just go on driving the cart. Till you reach a point where you
understand it is wrong to bring the horse in front. After realisation, if you read Gita, or Bible or Koran, [inaudible] – even he was
realised. He was a great man. You will realize we have not yet understood, so far, [inaudible/real meaning] of these books. Nor
we have understood about the “aakaar” (form), “nirakaar” (formless), the [inaudible] and the form. The people who are worried
about whether it is a form, or it is an abstract should know that it is both. The abstract which is in [inaudible/conscious]
expresses as the symbol which becomes the form. For example, at the Mooladhara chakra, chakra which is the sex point; what
you see is not the Kundalini but Shri Ganesh. What a beautiful child. Shri Ganesh is an eternal child. And by bringing that symbol
on the Mooladhara it is suggested that you have to become like a child when finding your Divine Mother. But foolish people and
some of the half [inaudible], saw the Ganesha – they only saw the trunk of the Ganesha which was coiled, and they said, this is
the Kundalini. By doing this mistake they have accepted that the Kundalini is lying in their Mooladhara chakra. So the symbols
that are not abstract are also suggestive of the abstract – like the flowers are suggestive of the honey. But you have to be the
bee; no use talking about the flowers or the honey. In the modern age, the discovery was complete because I was bent upon it.
First time in my all lives, I have felt the need and I have worked it out. And I went to many people who claimed that they are
disciples. Because I never said a word. [Inaudible for two sentences]. And I found out this method of Sahaja Yoga, where the
Kundalini rises in the centre and breaks your Sahasrara. Many people will note that when you get realisation, you get a dilatation
of the pupil, which is a sign of the parasympathetic nervous system. Which you cannot get my mesmerism or any method but
through the [inaudible] of the parasympathetic nervous system which you cannot do. Humanly impossible to dilate somebody’s
parasympathetic nervous system. This is a gross expression, but there are many subtle expressions that [inaudible]. So I
suggest you [inaudible for a few words] and do come for the meditation tomorrow. We are going to have meditations in
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. [Inaudible] lighten your psyche and try to lighten your being [inaudible, disturbance in tape for at least
one minute]. Can you [inaudible] in the masses? That is the jet age of which human beings are proud. But see where we have
landed ourselves. We are even selling our religion in the masses and we are trying to buy it. It was all right when some ignorant
brahmins were doing that. But now the intelligent are [inaudible]. Please try to come [inaudible] and later on the in Bharatiya
Vidya Bhavan. And those who are suffering from any diseases .. [End of recording]. | null | null | null | TRANSCRIPT OF PUBLIC PROGRAM DAY 2 JEHANGIR HALL MUMBAI 24-03-1973 Shri Mataji: When we say it is the jet age, what
do we mean? It means we human beings have discovered a way of conquering the gravitational force through the jet. A
challenge of the gravitational force has been accepted and overcome now. We have, in this modern age created not only a jet
which has a propeller; if not the propeller we have got the supersonic arrangement – but also we have got spacecraft which can
carry us to the moon. This is a very, very unique discovery, fantastic beyond our imagination. When I was a young girl in a school,
they used to calculate all - the girls sitting down sometime; how many years it would take human beings to go to the moon with
the fastest train. Or at the most an aeroplane - that we had in our childhood. And in My own lifetime, I can see that people have
already landed there. We have advanced very much outside through the help of science. The outside expression has been
fantastic, beyond our comprehension. But the problem arises when the tree grows beyond its sources; huge and big, must seek
its source. Otherwise, it is going to die out. This is the problem of our jet age that we have gone too far away from our sources.
And now we must see the source on which we are existing and have to exist. And we must find out the core of that source. So,
that such a big organism which grown out of proportion must survive. If not, the complete destruction is awaiting us. There are
two forces always acting and interacting. One is the constructive, another is the destructive. Throughout, since the human being
– when he was a poor thing really; at the mercy of wild animals, grew in fear, later on, became a mighty power. And now is
conquering all the soil of the Universe. These two forces, as I call them positive and negative, are essential for any growth. But it
is for us, the intelligent, modern man to decide if we are heading for destruction. Are we doing anything to stop it? Where are we
going? And what are we going to give our children? The handling of the spacecraft or going to the moon. Is that all? Or these
dead buildings that are hovering all over the places? Jet age has a very great message that the responsibility of man is the
greatest. When we work out together, we put up a jet or a spacecraft. We have to work out together, en masse, to bring out the
inflow of the Divine power that has nourished us and is needed now for further [inaudible/discussion]. As I have told you, that My
knowledge is all subjective. I have not read any books on these subjects, perhaps I have no time to do that or I do not need to do
that. Of course, I have to know the terminology which is man-made and artificial. But to communicate, one has to know those
words. With this subjective knowledge, if I start talking to you, the whole thing will sound extremely fantastic. Because you are
still objective. Now the time has arrived for all you to be the subject, to be the witness of that great, dynamic force which has
brought about the whole creation. When I speak to you, it is through My subjective knowledge. It may not appeal to you today
perhaps, but it will when you get your self-realisation and go deep into the understanding of what I am talking to you. The
creation, how it was created I will be speaking later in that Hindi seminar. But let us see what has happened in the case of human
beings. In the case of human beings, the brain has a triangular shape. And this triangular shape acts like a prism when the ray of
consciousness passes through his fontanelle bone, the tip of his brain, and enters into his personality of the foetus which is
made out of the material power. There are two powers – the material power which creates the foetus and the conscious power,
the pranava, which enters the foetus at the age of three months. While passing through the brain, it gets refracted. You can see
from the prism that one ray, when it passes from the sun, gets refracted into seven colours. In the same way, this consciousness
gets refracted into three powers. Three energies. One energy is to enlighten our central nervous system which is necessary to
look after our body. The other two are the parasympathetic and the sympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous
system is not yet much known to the medical people. When I talk of Kundalini, I talk of the parasympathetic nervous system. One
of the energies – these three energies, the one that is the parasympathetic, pierces through the central part, here in the
fontanelle bone, passes through the central part of the brain, through the base of the brain; it is known as [inaudible/mudha] in
yoga shastra. Which is the place where the optic chiasma is created. And goes down into the spinal cord and coils, in three and a
half coils into the triangular bone. You can easily ask Me, “How do you say that?”. But now many doctors will support Me. Thank
God they are also realised. That they can feel it and see it themselves in their own being – the three powers working. It is a
luminosity that is visible after self-realisation when you reach the third stage which I call the “Soham Dasha” (Soham – I am That,
Dasha – state). This Kundalini, when it settles down in the triangular bone; why it is three and a half coils and all that - has a very
big meaning. Of course, I am writing a book; I am trying to write a book. So far I have not been able to start it also. Because every
time I start writing, I think it will become another Bible or Gita. And people will start remembering it by heart. And that may stop
their self-realisation altogether. This Kundalini, when it is settled in the triangular bone, it takes charge of the foetus and it is
responsible for the growth, the entire working of that foetus, and is the divine force that is all the time, settled in that part. This is
the Kundalini. The other two I will be discussing tomorrow when I discuss all the gurudom of India. They are all working on the
other thing – this or that. Now, this Kundalini – just now you have heard the shloka about the Bhagwati, who is the pranava rupa.
She is the embodiment of this awareness, which is called as pranava. It is the breath, the holy breath of the Holy Ghost as
described in the Bible. Who can incarnate also and has been incarnating many a time to save the whole world from disaster. This
Kundalini is your mother. Sitting in the triangular bone – is a very important point. Because this is what has caused the trouble
for people who do not know much about Kundalini and who are misusing their half-knowledge. Kundalini is in the triangular bone
which is the Mooladhara as we call it and not in the sex at all. This is a very, very important part of the yoga shastra which many
have missed – even the tantrikas have missed it completely. That is your mother sitting in the triangular bone to give you the
re-birth. The other day, a boy from a guruji came to Me and asked Me a question which you should know was very interesting.
“Mataji, after all, sex is important. We have come in this world for sex”. I said, “I agree”. Now even this is a funny statement, but I
said I agreed. But I said, “But you want to have your re-birth”. “Yes”, he said, “I want to have my re-birth”. “Now can you have your
re-birth by doing sex. Can you have your birth by doing sex?”. He said “No”. Then I said, “How can you get your re-birth through
sex?”. Just see. Now it is your mother settled down in the triangular bone for you to have your re-birth. And foolishly you are
putting sex on her. Can there be a greater insult to your mother? This is the Holy Ghost. This is again because of this jet age; this
is the age of confusion. Where the religion and irreligion, the dharma and adharma is completely confused. They will prescribe
the sex with the mother? That is why you find many books which tell you that the Kundalini gets angry. The Kundalini gets into a
temper and she rises, and she does this – she burns you and she does all kinds of things. She will; any mother would if she is a
mother. Thank God in India at least, Mr Freud has not been able to reach out much. We still have our motherhood in our country.
Thank God that something you have, something really great in this country. That a mother could be brought to the level of sex, is
something absurd. Mother will forgive, even if you kill her, murder her. But can she tolerate such nonsense? She cannot. In this
jet age, people have the freedom to seek. And do whatever they like. For example, if Ravana was to be born in this country, he
can very well settle down here. And call himself a God and preach such horrible things to destroy all the Sitas of this country. It is
quite possible in the jet age; everybody has the freedom to do whatever he likes. Persons like Freud who were
[inaudible/youngsters] must have been very perverted, of a degraded temperament at the time. Of course, they have been
discarded in other countries. But they have left a very indelible mark on society. And in America, I was shocked to see that how
the motherhood of American women is completely disturbed and just lost. They have no faith in their motherhood left. There
was a [UNCLEAR], who had a boy who was a twelve-year-old who had taken to drastic drugs. But when the child came to Me, I
hugged the child to My heart and I kissed the child and I said, “What is the matter?”. The child wept just like a [inaudible] and told
me that my mother has never loved me like that. And mother told Me, “You know, we have a system by which we are not
supposed to touch our children like this”. I said, “What system do you have here?”. She told Me when the child is born, it is kept
away while the dogs and the cats sleep in the bedroom. And the children, they do not know their mother, so when they are
sixteen or seventeen years old, they will marry a woman who is sixty years old. Naturally. Because they are seeking their mother.
Only through marriage, you can have a relationship with others, through sex only – otherwise, there is no relationship. This is
what the jet age is. Because the sublimation to the divine has also to come through sex? What is sex? It is just like a nose and
eyes you have, even much less important than that. So much importance has been given in psychology to this nonsensical thing.
Is also responsible for killing the motherhood of American women. Not only in America, in most of the Western countries, where
they are affluent. They are the richest people as far as spirituality is concerned. They are the people who have now gone beyond
materialism and are seeking. But this is the handicap with them, poor children – they have not known their mother. While in our
country – you know my husband was with Lal Bahadur Shastri. Shastriji used to get up every day in the morning four o clock, go
and sleep with his mother for a while, cuddle her and then go out for his work. He would never go out from his house before
touching his mother’s feet. And she would kiss him on his forehead; I have seen it with My own eyes. And there, the woman tells
Me, the mother tells Me that, “I will develop a guilt”. I said, “What guilt? What guilt? You are the Mother. You are beyond guilt”. But
this hypnotism of the psychologist – though they are very poor things now, and they have gone very far with the correction; they
have now written many books on this. But still mister Freud [inaudible/rules]. Because it is attractive to talk of something
nonsensical. People get attracted to that and they do not want to give up on the idea because it suits them also. But it does not
suit your Kundalini at all. And wherever you have heard about people getting into horrible experiences, of getting burnt, falling
down and so many are described in the big, big books written about Kundalini. Because your mother, see Kundalini is never
excited to sex but to divine love; to the pure holy love of a mother. Now, this morning you have seen I have given “jagruti”
(awakening) and realisation to quite a lot of people. And I have done that for so many people. You all can see for yourself that
sex has nothing to do. Whatever may be the efforts of the negativity to create darkness, one must know that this happens only
because the sun has to rise. There is the night because the day has to be there. And the morn will give you the blessings of the
Divine. In the jet age, the biggest problem is of misguided sex. Beware. I am not for suppression of the so-called asceticism,
sanyasa or the running away from the house or family. That is another extreme. Of perverseness. Is an advertisement that you
are very spiritual – you have sacrificed this; you have sacrificed that. These are the days of advertisement. Those who can
advertise are attractive. The attention has become so superficial that if somebody is well dressed, we suddenly think that he is
very nice. If somebody is not properly dressed, we cannot see the beauty of that personality. We just cannot. We have become
extremely superficial in this jet age. The biggest handicap I see, while giving realisation to people is the heaviness on the psyche
of these people with the artificial guilt created. That is why, in the countries which are very affluent, you will find more people
committing suicide. More people running away from reality. Or taking to another extreme of sanyasa. The other day some people
came to see Me and told Me, “Mataji, you are living in luxury”. I do not know what [inaudible]. “And how do you say you are
Goddess?”. They know My husband is supposed to be a very great man. Now, what am I to do? But you will be surprised that a
person who is endowed with the Divine – it does not matter whether he sleeps on the street or sleeps in the best possible place.
Such a person can walk for miles without fatigue and can dress like a queen in her beautiful clothes. But I was insulted the way
these people asked Me. So I told them, “ What have you done to get to religion – I would like to know.” So they started, “I have
sacrificed my family, we have sacrificed our houses, we have sacrificed everything”. I said, “If I am not holding onto anything,
what can I sacrifice, you tell Me. Can you sacrifice these keys?”. He said, “How can we because it is not ours”. I said, “ Who said it
is not yours?”. Only thing, foolishly you have registered it here that this thing is mine. Tomorrow when you die, you will leave
everything here, with the keys and everything lying for again the caretaker to come and dispose of it for income tax purposes.
Because you are holding on to that subtle idea that I have done this, I have done that, I have sacrificed this, I am a very great
sanyasi. You can never get to the real treasure that is inside. You should watch a tree for a living example – that a tree grows and
the vibrations inside that are keeping it alive; all this energy which is working within it is just flowing. What does it matter where
the flower comes, whether it is a blue flower or yellow flower? Doing anything in the name of religion brings you the other energy,
as I told you, the sympathetic nervous system. Which is right and left. The one who is a right-handed – his left sympathetic is
active and right is dormant. Now, in the solar plexus, we have a problem that the solar plexus is connected with both the
sympathetic nervous systems. As soon as your attention goes onto any activity, you go to sympathetic. And mother, the Mother
Divine, has to pass through the central path that is, the “madhyamarga” – is parasympathetic. Naturally, in the name of religion
also, you start doing something. And there suddenly you get in contact with over-activity leading to malignancy, or – which is
much more dangerous; you get in contact with “paralok”, the dead. So, in the jet age when I was born; from my childhood, I was
searching for a way out. For all of you to understand, that you are doing nothing. It is Me who is working through you and the ego
is deliberately created in you – to make you feel you have to do something. And ultimately the same ego is going to take you to
your awareness, to your consciousness through which you are getting your nourishment. Now as this mike is developed fully, in
the same way, a human being is developed- fully, completely. He may [inaudible/fall], he will see, he understands the creation.
And to enjoy. And to see the beauty of love. This connection has to be put to the main switch so that [inaudible/power can
operate]. This is what the Kundalini Yoga is, simple. Now if you ask Me the mechanism of this mike, it is a very difficult thing. The
engineering is done. I know your connections. I have to put it to the Divine. For this, you are not to sit on the fence in this jet age, I
must tell you. Because, either you come to the parasympathetic or you get to the dead that is the subconscious mind; which all
these gurus are trying on you. And otherwise, through your left-hand side sympathetic nervous system which is going to give you
diseases like cancer. Apart from this, the problem of the jet age is that before the advent of Rama, Ravana was born. And that is
why Rama had to come. Before the advent of Christ, Herod was born. Before Krishna – actually, Krishna got his birth because
Kamsa was there. And Bhagavati took her forms always to kill some demons. But I tell you, this is killing has helped us not much,
because all of them are back again. In the [inaudible]. This Krishna’s [inaudible] shakti, only their bodies were killed. And now
they are back again, with banners. As if they are the godmen. The other day is lady told Me that her teacher is a goddess. I said,
“How do you say?”. She said, “Yes, she is a Durga Goddess”. I said, “How do you know?”. “When you touch her, she falls down”. I
said, “Is that the way to know the Goddess? In the whole shastras, how She has been described, you should find out. She is a
Pranavarupa Kundalini. This woman does not even know what is the Kundalini. And still, she is talking about being the
Goddess?”. Kundalini must move on your finger. That is God. Is a sign of Mother Goddess. Just by proclaiming that you are this
and that – only in the jet age you can collect money and publicity and not [inaudible]. Can you transform human beings? But who
wants that? Who wants to give peace and joy to others? Who is in love with humanity? Who is thinking of thousands and
thousands of people being [inaudible] of their Kundalinis in this jet age? This is another problem of all the rakshasas being
reborn. All the negativity, all the darkness – is just darkness of the Kalayuga. This is against our structure. And to talk of
positivity, and to think of positivity; sometimes one gives but not [inaudible]. Because I know that I can give en masse realisation
to you all, and the source of that Divine can be brought to your own beautiful being. And there are thousands who are negative
but there are crores who are positive by nature. And the positivity is going to win over through the system of Sahaja Yoga, which I
have discovered. Actually, I have not discovered it; it was there but I did not know about it, how it works. The blossom time is
there, so many flowers. And the bees have to just hover around to transform them into fruits. The whole thing is going to be
planned and worked out by the Supreme. And I am sure of this; that this age of struggle and confusion will end. But please do not
sit on the fence. People always tell Me, “Mataji, you must give us a speech”. When I start giving them a speech, they will say they
forget. They will write it down. What are you doing? This is a real speechophobia, I call it. In this jet age, everybody wants to give
a speech. And people are so anxious to listen to the speech, they will not come for meditation – but they will come for speech.
Speech is just a thought. What is it going to give you – My speech is nothing to you. Even the touching of My Feet means nothing
to you because you are not realised. You cannot feel the vibrations that are flowing through these Feet. Unless and until you are
realised. But when I tell people they say – how can that be? That is so. You have to get your realisation. Do not sit on the fence.
You are doing the greatest offence not only to yourself but also to society. To the entire evolutionary method. If this same
[inaudible] fails, then we will be the one who will be blamed. And the great “samhara” or the destruction will be there. If you do
not get realisation, does not mean others cannot get it. You will also get it, have patience. Now so many people have asked Me,
”Mataji, how can there be so many realisations?”. Why not? Actually, it has been the opposite – negativity you catch like that.
Why shouldn’t you ask, why there are so many flu cases? If you can catch flu, you can catch a cold, devils are sitting on you –
their vibrations; why not the positivity? The blossom time has come. In this “mayapuri” (city of maya) that is Bombay, I have been
working for the last three years. It is with very great difficulty thousand people are being realised. And realisation does not mean
that you have become a perfect man. That you have become a perfect instrument of God. No. Whatever is missing is
[inaudible/good] is not so. You must see, that is a scientific way of looking, whatever is there. You must find out after realisation.
It is like the [inaudible] that has to grow. Some people tell Me, “Mataji, why do you call it self-realisation?”. I said, “What should I
call it?”. Supposing a child is born a human being, should I call him a bee? It has to grow. And then you have to grow into
doubtless awareness and into the soham state. In the beginning, you get the thoughtless awareness, the inner silence is
established. So many books have been written about this inner silence. “Do you mean to say, that is never going to fulfil?”. Yes,
the calm and peace can [inaudible] – do you mean to say God can never have mercy on you? But why this hesitation about
something. Supposing tomorrow I tell that there is a diamond for free distribution here. You won’t even think whether it is a
diamond or serpent sitting there. So why this hesitation in this absolutely free distribution of love? We have no time. People are
watching their watches. This is a very good thing which has happened, but we have no time. We are saving our time, most
definitely. Saving for what? “We must save time; we have got watches; we must save time”. There was a gentleman who was
very anxious to go to London. And he told Me, “I must go by this date”. I said, “Does not matter. Go tomorrow, does not matter;
you have not got a ticket”. He said, “No, no, you must organise”. I said, “It is too much, but still, so why do you want to go?”. So he
said something, “You know, I have to attend a ball which is in London.” You have never had such dinner parties, such card playing
or hold women in the club, as we have in the jet age. Our mothers were much more wiser than we are. Definitely. We have never
had all these problems before. The way we are running all of us, like mad people we are running morning and evening, running
and running and running – what has happened? Why are you running? Where are you running? Oh, you have a problem with
[inaudible]. Now go to America, learn from them – that those who have solved their material problems are asking for God.
[Inaudible for nearly 20 seconds]. Because they wanted to earn money to buy some helicopter to go to hell directly. This is what
the jet age is. Man is very intelligent no doubt, but he has no wisdom of any kind. He has no wisdom of any kind in this jet age. If
he had wisdom, he would have known how to preserve his Kundalini, his holiness and his purity. Now psychologically also, when
we talk of symbols, we must know that when you are realised – you go into thoughtless awareness which gives you collective
consciousness. Which you must have noticed in the morning when so many others who had got realisation could feel your
Kundalini. They tell me the psyche was heavy, it was burning. You should come and see for yourself. If you can spare some time
for cinema it is very important to come [inaudible]. Please come and have a look at this. I am not against cinema. I am not
against enjoyment. But you are really not enjoying yourself, I assure you. Not even your possessions which are so beautiful. I
have seen a beautiful painting in a house. And the gentleman was telling Me, “I have paid so much money for this, I have paid so
much money for that”. And I was just enjoying the painting. Because there was no thought between the painting and Myself. The
complete joy was vibrating into My being. You are not even enjoying a part of the music that was played today or ever played for
you. Because the thoughts that are there within [inaudible/seek] you to possess it. And also make you jump from moment to
moment to other places to take your attention outside. You cannot enjoy the beauty. Of the creation of matter, leave alone
human being which is the most beautiful creation. Which a realised person can. When a person gets realisation; those who are
realised – when they are placing their hands on the realised soul, the vibrations get reflected from that beautiful soul makes him
very happy and joyous. The joy that cannot be described. And they just go on saying, “Ah ha ha”, as if they have heard some
[inaudible/beautiful] melody, some beautiful raga. And it is various types, various varieties. Such beautiful human beings are
created in this jet age. And what are we seeking? Let us for a minute sit down and think, what are we seeking? Have we got
peace and joy which was promised with these possessions? I am not against possessions as I have told you. It is not only this
extreme or that extreme, I am talking of the madhyamarg. But then people who have discovered that the possessions are of no
use, they have become hippies. Now see the hippies. They have started giving up this, giving up that. And then taking to drugs. It
is not [inaudible] and accepting but standing up within yourself and see that you are a beautiful soul. That you are so glorious.
And you are just the instrument of that Divine Love which cures automatically. The other person who is asking for Divine Love.
With this awakening to the mother which is waiting for some divine vibrations to arise her and the signal that now you can rise.
This love fills the gap in the man which I call as Void and is physically [inaudible] above the solar plexus. Without filling the being
with love, with Divine Love, your mother is not going to rise. You must respect her. You must respect her. And with that respect,
when she gets the Divine Love, she rises in her dignity. And when she rises, she does not want to give you the slightest trouble.
[Inaudible], she stops, and [inaudible] she says, “Mother please cure me. Please cure my child otherwise I will not rise”. What a
loving Mother you have as Kundalini. And while all these things are said against her, it burns My heart. Your mother [inaudible],
you have refused, just spoilt to such a limit which is satanic. It is not ignorance, positively I can say, it is satanic. Do not play into
the hands of Satan. You yourself are the most powerful human. What I do is just throw you into your own ocean of power. I do
not do anything else. I just pour a little water on the seed of Kundalini and it rises and [inaudible]. My work is over and then you
find your own beauty. In the collective consciousness, you cure people. In the modern age, you have also got the idea to serve.
After the material search is the idea of serve others. Who is the other between you and Me, I do not know. Because your attention
is outside, that is why you are all separate and divided. But the [inaudible] who is continuous and if My [inaudible for a few
words], then who is the other? If this hand is hitting this hand, what is the [inaudible/favour] you are doing? What is the social
work you are doing? All is [inaudible] nothing. While, after realisation, you become much more active than the person who is
active. They appear more active but there is more strain because the idea that you are doing something is much more
[inaudible]. Even when you are giving vibrations you say that they are passing. They are flowing. When these are your hands, why
don’t you say that I am giving, I am doing. That is [inaudible]. So the first dasha of thoughtless awareness which is crossed is
that; between the thoughts, there is a [inaudible] gap through which you can jump onto your unconscious being. Unconscious
because it is not in the consciousness before. I do not mean the unconscious state called devilry where you have no awareness
of anything. That is another kind of mesmerism. So in the thoughtless awareness, as soon as you arise, you get the collective
consciousness. And the collective consciousness is absolutely automatic. You become an automatic receiver of the knowledge
of the Kundalini of that person. And your brain itself becomes like the Kundalini of other people because you suddenly move into
the Kundalini of others. The fear about Kundalini must be given up. It is like fearing your own mother. If you know what is a
mother, and her purity and holiness. And if you remember Sita, the mother; her purity could not be spoiled by Ravana. The
conception is not conceivable for American minds – no, they cannot. They think it is foolishness, it is impossible – how can they
have such a saint, like Christ? And so many people in the modern age do not believe that women can be [inaudible/saints] and
men can be [inaudible/devils]. Men can be devils, it is possible; such useless fellows. Jet age – even if Rama comes, he will be
considered absolutely useless, good for nothing man; He cannot even look at other women. This is what the dharma and
adharma is completely confused. But confusion is needed for [inaudible/creation]. And confusion is always welcome. In the
mud, only, the lotus has to rise. I hope that after this lecture, you do not think it is just a lecture. But the request of a Mother who
has tried to approach you, through the loving words that please do not sink yourself but be yourself through Sahaja Yoga. There
is no other yoga that can work it out, I assure you. All other yogas take you to the sympathetic nervous system. Even a person
like Buddha – he went round the whole world, did all sorts of renunciations and all that. Ultimately He got tired and when He was
lying at the feet of a tree, in that relaxed [inaudible] state, the all-pervading Mother just poured Her blessings on Him and He got
realisation. But now, it is possible for you to have mass realisation. In America, it has worked wonders, because I told you so
many sages who lived here in India are born there. And also very successful in Japan and in Germany. England, the trouble is,
people are still quite frigid. But I am sure the future generation will finish off all that is [inaudible]. But, in their finishing off, they
have gone to another extreme. They have gone to the [inaudible]. It is not what you do is important, it is not what you think is
important. It is what you are. Are you like a child within? Like, just like the lotus flower? A person who is very serious and does
not get his realisation – I tell him, “Go and see [inaudible] picture for one day”. It is true. You have to be a very light-hearted
person. Does not mean foolish. But just the play. Just seeing the play. Quiet, [inaudible]. I tell a joke that some people who were
going by a plane were carrying the luggage on their heads. And people asked why they were doing that. And they said, “We are
trying to lighten the load on the [inaudible/plane]. In the same way, we are very serious, maybe some [inaudible]. [Inaudible
sentence]. The plane that is carrying you is carrying the whole weight inside you. The one who has created the creation is looking
after you is the [inaudible]. It pulsates in your heart, is managing the whole show. This dead work should not put another dead on
your head. Just feel like a child. And do not sometimes assume a position where you say you do all the work and put the whole
fruits at the feet of the Lord. You cannot. On Gita also I am going to speak in my Marathi lecture, where I am going to tell you
what mistake we are committing about Gita. Gita is nothing but Sahaja Yoga. But see diplomacy of Shri Krishna which has
[inaudible/condensed] Sahaja Yoga, and here I am your Mother, I am telling you everything. The cart is not behind the horse; it is
in the horse himself. So Krishna said if you do not listen to Me, just go on driving the cart. Till you reach a point where you
understand it is wrong to bring the horse in front. After realisation, if you read Gita, or Bible or Koran, [inaudible] – even he was
realised. He was a great man. You will realize we have not yet understood, so far, [inaudible/real meaning] of these books. Nor
we have understood about the “aakaar” (form), “nirakaar” (formless), the [inaudible] and the form. The people who are worried
about whether it is a form, or it is an abstract should know that it is both. The abstract which is in [inaudible/conscious]
expresses as the symbol which becomes the form. For example, at the Mooladhara chakra, chakra which is the sex point; what
you see is not the Kundalini but Shri Ganesh. What a beautiful child. Shri Ganesh is an eternal child. And by bringing that symbol
on the Mooladhara it is suggested that you have to become like a child when finding your Divine Mother. But foolish people and
some of the half [inaudible], saw the Ganesha – they only saw the trunk of the Ganesha which was coiled, and they said, this is
the Kundalini. By doing this mistake they have accepted that the Kundalini is lying in their Mooladhara chakra. So the symbols
that are not abstract are also suggestive of the abstract – like the flowers are suggestive of the honey. But you have to be the
bee; no use talking about the flowers or the honey. In the modern age, the discovery was complete because I was bent upon it.
First time in my all lives, I have felt the need and I have worked it out. And I went to many people who claimed that they are
disciples. Because I never said a word. [Inaudible for two sentences]. And I found out this method of Sahaja Yoga, where the
Kundalini rises in the centre and breaks your Sahasrara. Many people will note that when you get realisation, you get a dilatation
of the pupil, which is a sign of the parasympathetic nervous system. Which you cannot get my mesmerism or any method but
through the [inaudible] of the parasympathetic nervous system which you cannot do. Humanly impossible to dilate somebody’s
parasympathetic nervous system. This is a gross expression, but there are many subtle expressions that [inaudible]. So I
suggest you [inaudible for a few words] and do come for the meditation tomorrow. We are going to have meditations in
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. [Inaudible] lighten your psyche and try to lighten your being [inaudible, disturbance in tape for at least
one minute]. Can you [inaudible] in the masses? That is the jet age of which human beings are proud. But see where we have
landed ourselves. We are even selling our religion in the masses and we are trying to buy it. It was all right when some ignorant
brahmins were doing that. But now the intelligent are [inaudible]. Please try to come [inaudible] and later on the in Bharatiya
Vidya Bhavan. And those who are suffering from any diseases .. [End of recording]. |
3/25/1973 | | On Paraloka | India | Mumbai | VERIFIED | null | null | null | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | English | 60 | PUBLIC PROGRAM DAY 3 JEHANGIR HALL MUMBAI 24-03-1973 We can throw some light on the awareness, as I have told you
before,is by stopping its search at a point saying that, "We cannot go any further". In our own being, we have got the negativity
and the positivity as sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous system. Even in the search of religion, when we start rising
our attention towards this, we start searching it outside. This is not because something wrong with us, but this has come to us
through our evolutionary habits. For example, a fish came out and became a reptile and started crawling. It felt the soil, the
hardness of the soil and started walking. In the same way, every evolutionary jumping has been by going out. But now the
evolution has to be within, because the last stage of the complete evolving of that instrument is built. Actually, it is now not the
evolution, but involution that has to take place. For example, I take a tape recorder from India to Singapore and start making it,
preparing the instrument, and then, I come back on the same. Recording all that has happened to you within yourself, it is the
involution. With that, the awareness of every manifestation, which was dead in the beginning, becomes apparent. In the human
being, when the ray of consciousness passes through the prism of this brain, it gets refracted and we get three types of energies.
Out of that, the sympathetic has got two; one is the right; another is the left. The left side of the sympathetic nervous system of a
man who is right-handed (now I will be only dealing with the right-handed man), is the storehouse of the subconscious. Or I
should say it is the plug through which we receive the intuition from our subconscious. The subconscious half is the receiving
house of all that is dead in our thoughts, in our memory, and all that is dead in the whole world. When we die, really we do not die;
most surprisingly, nothing dies. Only a very little part of our being recedes, manifested through the element that is Earth, dies.
Otherwise, we remain, in the atmosphere, in the Paraloka, as they call it, (in between the hell and the heaven, you can say), in the
paralok, where you can see them if you develop those eyes. They do exist. Now, we are sitting down here, there is another world
where we have to go, leaving these clothes here. Again, we come back to this world, this Paraloka [collective subconscious], or
we can say the world of the dead exists. The difference is, while we grow here, there they become smaller and smaller till they
reach a stage where they become a small, minute stick. They have got the willpower to work out and manifest their unfinished
ideas. Supposing, a doctor who has invented some great medicine and dies. He might manifest on someone after selecting, and
try to do good to people. In London, there is a very great organisation of Doctor Lang who died long time back. And one day a
soldier who was fighting on the battlefield suddenly felt that somebody had entered his mind. When somebody is shocked, they
can use that moment to enter the psyche – the psyche which is the super-conscious. When he entered the body, he told the man
that, “you should go and see my son who is in London and you tell him that I will work inyour body as a medium”. So he went, and
told the son, the son could not believe it. So, he told him many secret things which the son did not know and also the things that
nobody knew, but the son. This convinced the son and he started a very big organisation of Doctor Lang. I have met many people
who have been cured also by their help. Now, when one doctor connects your Self to that Paraloka; (for example, if I have a
connection with somebody in Los Angeles, I can connect myself with other people who are there), you can ask some other
doctors to come and help to cure to do good. This is what is known as spiritual healing that we have in our mind. I have a
disciple who was doing this kind of work for many years. And, after about sixteen years of her doing, she started feeling very
giddy, and she came to see Me. When I asked her to put her hands towards Me, I found she had become very sick. So, I asked
her, “What was the matter? Are you doing any spiritual healing?”. Naturally, the first answer was, “How do you know, Mataji?” I
said, “Forget it.” Then I had to tell her very frankly, “You must get rid of this on your psyche”. She is the wisest person I have yet
come across out of all those people who have been working as mediums. She said, “Mataji, I just do not want it. Please remove
all this. I just want the Supreme, the Param”. I said, “if you want it, you will get it”. She got it, and she lost her power of spiritual
healing due to which she used to shake her hand. And She got the natural curative power and the awakening power, and she is
one of the most dearest disciples of Mine. And one day she will go very far in her healing, because of this [NOT CLEAR]. So, we
have people who can do good, and they want to manifest through you. But, one must think why Doctor Lang did not come on his
own son? Because he did not want his own son to suffer in the long run. When anyone acts as medium, he is no good for Sahaja
Yoga. You are not independent. First, you have to be completely independent of all these astral aspirations on you, and then only
you can feel the beauty, the glory, of your own being. A person who is in the shackles cannot be made the King and requested to
take the throne. In our country, we have had from ages, people working on the “mohini vidya” [hypnosis] and the “Paraloka vidya”
[knowledge of the dead]. And in America, I have seen people having witchcraft. One thing great about American people is that
they are absolutely honest. If they are doing witchcraft, they say we are doing witchcraft. They won’t take up another name and
the witch won’t call oneself a Devi. They won't do like that. Now, this kind of working is, how it is worked out, is a very lengthy
thing. But, I can tell you in a short way. As I have told you, the libido, which contains all that is dead in you, all your subconscious
mind, is connected with your solar plexus directly. In the same way, the right-hand side and the left-hand side, both sympathetic
nervous systems, are connected with your solar plexus, the Manipur chakra, directly. Any doctor can guarantee that and can say
that, if it is. But unluckily, the parasympathetic is hanging above. The vagus nerve, which plays the most important part in
carrying the Kundalini into the backbone, has a Void, between the solar plexus [aortic plexus] and the vagus nerve. This Void has
been described in the great systems of religion and people have written books after books So as soon as your attention even
goes to religion, you start growing on to your sympathetic nervous system, either to the right or to the left. By growing to the
right side of the sympathetic nervous system, of course in the right-handed man, you go to the libido. Libido is connected from
sex point, up to the “muddha” (medulla oblongata?) that is the place below the brain, which touches your Agyna chakra here. So,
by doing any effort, you may get into that trap of getting into the libido – which is a connection already existing between you,
with yourself and the Parama. The other side is the sympathetic nervous system which is waiting for you to act to any
emergency. If there is any emergency, as I told you yesterday if there is an irritation in the hand, it will start acting so much so,
that it will overact, and a malignancy can be created. See now both the things, how they are for your destruction. Now, when you
see people being mesmerised – those who are honest say that we are mesmerisers and we have this hypnotists and all that,
very honest people are there also in this world, everybody is not a cheat. So, they tell plainly that we are the people who are going
to hypnotise. When they hypnotise, you get suddenly submerged into your subconscious mind, the conscious mind gets
submerged into it, and you become unconscious to the outside world. And there you start acting according to the demands of
the person who is hypnotising you. Now, why do you do that? If he says you start jumping, you will start jumping. If he says you
start feeling sick, you start feeling giddy. If he says that you start counting one thousand, from one to one thousand, you will start
doing it. There was a girl who was very anxious to go for a thing like that and she asked and I said, “Please do not go”. She would
not listen – she went there, and the gentleman asked her to count from one to one thousand. She was a very innocent girl, and I
knew what had happened to her. So, I went to see her just after that and I found that she had fainted. This is like, switching off
your mind – the conscious mind, with which you are listening to Me is just get switched off. You can also go to a subconscious.
Any movement towards sympathetic is against parasympathetic nervous system and against Kundalini. Ida and Pingala are the
two sympathetic nervous systems on which people have been working. And that is the reason they have never been able to get
their self-realisation. Because for parasympathetic nervous system, you must fill the Void with Divine Love. By mechanical
working, you cannot get to God, is a simple fact you must understand. [Inaudible question or comment from a seeker]. Shri
Mataji: I am happy you told me. Now, that we are connected with the libido through our efforts, when a person starts weeping
and crying for God, he might see that the garland from the deity is coming and garland himself. It’s quite possible. There is
nothing to be so much surprised. Depends on how much he is in connection with the paralok. There are so many saints who are
not realised, who have died and want to say that there is God. They can work it out. But if they are realised people they will never
enter into the psyche of those persons. They may give them certain indications like that. But, they will never enter the psyche, if
they are realised people because they have achieved their independence and they respect the independence of others. Now, if
you see the sympathetic nervous system, how it is worked out; you will be surprised, that the symptom of the sympathetic
nervous system is – you get more breathing, more pulse rate, more heartbeat and constriction of your intestine, which leads to
constipation and things like that. So, the mohini vidya, the way they learn it – first of all, they master the evil geniuses who have
died. If they come to know of someone who is an evil genius, such people who want to benefit by their evil methods, wait for their
death, and go into the “shmashanas” (funeral grounds) when they die. Because the dead – when they die, the body remains, but
the Atma hovers; at least for thirteen days. It does not take birth immediately. Some people take even five hundred years
because they are [inaudible]. So, that spirit which is hovering there is caught up by these people through their libido and they take
away some part of that spirit by removing a part of the dead matter. For example, they may take out the skull bone. They may
even take the ashes of that (the dead), because when the soul has to be reborn, he has to have that complete body. For that
those ashes are required, and if these ashes are kept in control by these people, then they (evil spirits) will be born with lame
hands or lame legs and there will be a problem. So, they go on hovering there and then, they (evil spirits) surrender themselves
and accept their domination completely. Now, these people come out in the public and announce that we can show you
miracles. They can, why not? Because, for us miracles are something foolish. For example, a relation of Mine came and told Me
that some sadhuji has given him a ring. I laughed at him and said, “How many rings have you got?”. He is a very rich man. He
said, “I have ten diamond rings”. I said, “He has given you the eleventh ring. Did you go to ask for the ring?”. He said, “No, no, I
went to ask him for something very divine”. I said, “Then why did you accept this ring? You should have thrown out.” You should
have told that I do not want this ring. “Why did you accept?”. He said, ”All right, now I don’t care for it, but you do something about
it”. Now, these are the experiments we have carried out, you can also come and see. It is all open to you. It is a laboratory which
is open to all of you, to come and see with open mind. Not just to sneer and to laugh at. But to see, with understanding, to do
good to the whole humanity. So, I told him. He said that, “now You give me realisation”. I said, “I cannot”. He said, “Why?” I said,
“you will have to remove that ring”. He said, “I will not”. Then, I said, “I cannot give you the realisation”. Then when I started; I told
him, “all right, you put your hands towards Me”. And he started shaking. He said, “What is this? Why am I shaking?”. I said, “now
you take out the ring”. Immediately shaking stopped. He said, “Throw this away”. I said, “You must know that ring you can buy in
the market, but can you purchase the Divine in the market? Why don’t you use your brain? You are a very intelligent man. What
has happened to you?” All such “miracles” are working. The other day, most surprising that it should happen at such a juncture
when I was to speak on the subject, that one gentleman, Mr Sharma from Punjab, came and was asking about Mataji. And some
of my people were there and they said, “What is the age of Mataji?. They said, “She is fifty”. “No, but I know of one Mataji who is
four years old and she calls herself something and all the [inaudible/cinema] people are after her. What about her, where is
she?”.They said, “we do not know”. He started making a lot of inquiries about her. So they thought he is from CBI (Central Bureau
of Investigation) or what is he doing. Then they said, “Now, you come here tomorrow for meditation and you will meet Mataji”.
Somehow or other, I again came back here. And he saw me and said, “No, no, no, no – this is not the Mataji I am talking about”.
Then he tells me, there was one boy, one gentleman who came to see Me and told him that, “you invest one thousand rupees or
one thousand five hundred rupees in this new venture. It is an enterprise. You please deposit this money with me. And I can
assure you, I will return you, double amount of it, within one month’s time”. He said, “How?” He said, ”I have a daughter who is
four-year-old and she is doing miracles”. He saw with his own eyes that she is taking out this and that from the air. Now the
four-year-old child cannot do anything positive, I mean consciously. But, the little child was picking out this; whatever you ask
her, she is doing like this and giving out like this. So he was wonderstruck, and he gave the money; immediately forward with the
money. Now the person has, he told Me that, “the gentleman had disappeared and when I read the name Mataji, I came to
inquire”. I said, “I do not need any money from you. But thank God you are here. Tomorrow you come for your meditation.
Perhaps one thousand five hundred is not such a great amount. If you get your self-realisation, you are saved forever”. Now, in
my search to find out the method how to impart this awareness of Mine to others, I have been to several of these gurus. Some of
them I will try to describe, and now you use your brains and see what happens. First of all, in my childhood, My father told me
there is a sadhu/fakir who has come and who is doing some great miracles. So, I went to see the gentleman. And what I found;
he had a “chimta” (tongs) in his hands, you know chimta? There is no word for that in English, I think. So he was using that hard
thing to hit every person who came to him. Then I said, “What sort of a person he is – I just cannot bear. It’s Impossible”. Actually
what he was doing was to hit the man, and put one devil on him, another devil on the other person. After some time, I found
people took out their rings, took out their everything and surrendered to him. I immediately put my hands towards him and found
out that he was a negative person. How do you make out a negative personality? That also I am going to tell. Very easy. I must
give you all the tricks. Then I went to another person in Haridwar. He was doing wonderful miracles in my father-in-law’s place.
As soon as he saw Me, he started shivering. Absolutely shivering. He said, “Mother, Mother”. I said, “What are you doing?” He
said, “I want to get rid of it. Please save me from all this. I am now sick, I am absolutely finished, please save me from this”. I
said, “Are you sure you are finished with this?”. He said, “Yes”. You will be surprised; within five minutes he got rid of his
maladies. And he got his realisation later on, much later; about two years back. In the same way, I went to Pune – there was one
gentleman, a “mantrika” (tantric) who came to see Me. Same time. He was staying with one Mr More and He told me that,
“Mataji, now I am fed up of this. I have cured many people. But now my head is very heavy and please save me from all this”. So I
asked him, “Have you decided to give up all that forever?” He said, “Mataji, save me in this life. I am not going to use that medium
anymore. Now I can see that separately . In the beginning, I did not know that it was a medium my guru had put on me. Now I am
seeing it separately, I can see my guru also sometimes. But I cannot sleep day and night”. I am having a terrible time. I said, “If
you are sure, then you are going to get realisation. Don’t you worry” And he got his realisation within five minutes. Surprisingly.
Perhaps he was really fed up and he was very honest. I told him, “You have lost all your power of seeing things, of telling things”.
He used to tell the future, He could see things. He used to tell them where has your father gone, where has your son lost. So he
went out and told Mr. More that, “How is it possible, Mataji is saying that, She has taken away all my siddhis. It is not possible.
Because, I have done this for twenty-five years”. He said, “All right, then you start your mantras”. Within five minutes he found out
he had lost all his powers. Then More told him, “Don’t you worry. Now, you have got the Divine quality . Be joyous and happy that
this Divine is flowing, and that you are doing it even without feeling that you are doing it. What a great joy – stand in your own
dignity and independence, and do not depend on this foolish material things which are going to die”. But, the negativity which
incarnates as rakshasas do not have one thing in them that we have – that is Love. They have no love for anyone. Then in the
course of my search, I went to so many people. They said you become my disciple. I said, “All right. I will become your disciple”. I
went to one gentleman. He said, “You have to take sanyasa”. I said, “that I will not do”. He said, “Why?” I said, “Because I am a
sanyasini”. He said, “That is true. But still, You have to take the dress (ochre robes)”. I said, “I will not”. He said, “Why”?. I said, “it
will hurt My Heart, it will hurt My family, it will hurt My mother, father, everyone. Why do you want Me to hurt them for nothing at
all?” So, he immediately started mesmerising Me with sympathy. He said, “But are You happy with Your husband? Is he treating
You all right?”. I said, “You do not know how he treats Me.” Then he started another trick, “Let him cry. Let him weep. What is he
going to do? After all, he will cry, weep and will be alright.” I was surprised. That he could not even see the love I have for My
husband, and the respect I have for him. The way he suggested – I told him, “How dare you say such things against My husband
whom I have known for twenty-five years now. And you want Me to accept this nonsensical thing on my body, hurting all My
family people. You have no love for mankind”. There are people who go and threaten their parents that, “If you do not give us
money, we will take to sanyas. We will die. We will become nude”. It’s another way of expressing your shabbiness towards your
parents. Our younger people if they think by revolting against their parents and by hurting them and troubling them, they are
becoming very beautiful – they should know that that is not the way to do it. Those who cannot love their parents cannot love
anybody in this whole world. All the blessings of the world come through your parents only. Those who have denied their parents
– of course, if the parents are telling you something wrong, I can understand. But, you should not deliberately go and hurt them
all the time. We have examples of such children in this country – this great country of Mine; where their vibrations are
everywhere. We have heard of Shravan. The complete Vithala’s temple is built on the devotion of one person, is there. These
(negative) people teach you to revolt against all that is beautiful that God has given. This is the first way they hit you by telling
you against your parents, against your husband, against your wife, they want to break all your shackles. This is not the way.
Religion is based on Love. And how do they do it? By putting these evil spirits on you. By which you bring money for them and
surrender all that you have at their feet. And they enjoy the luxuries of life. Even they are such foolish people. Why don’t they
understand that there is no joy in luxuries and in transitory fame? There was another sadhuji who told Me that, “You were my wife
in my last life”. I said, “Wonderful. I do not see that way about you”. It’s a very common thing with many sadhus who handle
women – you see, women are simple women. If somebody tells them against their husbands, they feel, yes, yes, there is
somebody who sympathises. With a little sympathy, you can win a woman, poor thing. So he tells me You were my wife in my
last life. I told him, “Sir, last life is dead and gone. If you are asking Me to do something because you were My husband in My last
life, what about the present one whom I have married? What do you think of this one?” This made him very furious, of course. I
said, “To Me, apart from My husband, all are My children including you”. Then, there are other ways of approaching people. It’s by
taking advantage of their weak side. To mesmerise in such a way that their subconscious automatically starts dominating them.
First of all, you ask somebody to breathe heavily. As soon as you start breathing heavily, you go onto the sympathetic trigger; is
an automatic thing. And then immediately you mesmerise the person with the devil. You give that person a necklace which has
got a devil sitting on that. Now this devil goes home with that gentleman and tells everything that is happening. We had a lady in
our group – in our own group, who was suffering already from astral trouble. She came to Me. In the beginning, you see, I did not
want to start this topic at all. Thanks to her, that now I am so open about it. She came to Me and she told Me, “Mataji, I can see
Your past”. I could find, first time, that there is a devil sitting on her. If not a devil, a saint. But you are not independent. Without
realisation, if you are seeing anything, it is no good. First of all such a person ever gets – there are only two cases within our
group who got such a horrible “jagruti” (awakening) shaking and all that. Both of them were absolutely
[inaudible/innocent/intact/insect]. So she took up the courage into herself. And when I went away to America, she started telling
everybody – I am this. I am an incarnation of this, I am an incarnation of that. And what was she telling? Where is your son lost?
Where is your money lost? And all the people who haverealisation from Me started losing their vibrations. They did not
understand why it was happening. Then one of them just thought, “is she realised?”. And when he tried found out she was not
realised but she was giving them past, terrible past. So he took up the whole thing into his hands and he told people that, “you
must see what is the interest of the Divine? Is the Divine interested in telling you what was your father? When you had so many
fathers in your previous lives? Or where did you lose your money or whether you are going to get money in the “satta” (card
gambling)”? Such people are very good at telling you the number of the horse. Not of the future, but they go and find out from the
jockey, through their medium. So this lady started doing this. And when I came back, I found most of my disciples had a heavy
head. I said, “What have you been doing?” And when I saw the lady, I found out Myself, within Myself, that she was very crudely
handling the astral body by beating them up with a stick. This is not possible for a self-realised person. Even to the greatest evil
genius, they cannot. This, like Krishna they may just kill the body, that is different, but they can never beat up the person. And all
these astral bodies took a revenge on her and they were all settled in her house. Now she started telling people what happened
yesterday in your house, what happened day before yesterday, who I was in the past and all that. It can be to such a limit, that
one of our sessions we had in Daadar, which many people have seen at least one hundred people must have been there, that one
maidservant, who was an ordinary Maharashtrian maidservant, had come for My darshan and she started shaking, and the lady
who was near her started shaking. So, I just caught hold of her hand and I asked her, “why are you here”. She changed her tone
and started speaking beautiful Marathi and using Sanskrit words. She said, “I am here for Your darshan”. All the people around
started asking, “who is Mataji and why have you come for Her darshan”? You will be surprised she gave a lecture in fifty shlokas
all describing about Me and My past lives. I said, “will you go from this woman or not”. She said, “I have come to sing Your praise
and to let people know who You are”. I said, “you better not worry about that and you better go away from here”. This is the truth
in which people have seen. You will also see this. If you come to Me regularly, many things like this. So when I told her that, “I do
not need your help – you take your rebirth and come back and you take your realisation”, She accepted. Since that day that lady
is all right. She is perfectly all right. My daughter’s ayah once in the night was going. So I told her, “not to go in the night, about 12
o’clock, these days the atmosphere in the Bombay is very much spoiled by rakshasas”. She didn't believe Me, she went out and.
next day My daughter rang Me up and said, “Mummy, what to do, she is vomiting too much, and she is feeling terrible, and she is
shaking her body”. I said, “You ask her to put her hands towards the sea and call My name”. She got all right in five. And when
she came back she told me that “there are two persons who went out of my body and I saw You sitting there with a garland and
all those things”. So many psychological cases which doctors cannot cure or most of the incurable diseases are because of
astral aspirations. And the more you allow these rakshasas to continue their work in this great city of Mumbadevi, of Mahalaxmi,
there are more chances of getting these people let out free to harm your children. There is another Babaji who puts people into
trance. He makes the people starve for two weeks. Now if there is somebody who is non-vegetarian. He says you must strictly
stick to vegetarian, You must take only to curd. Now the person is weak, and certainly he puts mesmerism on that, and another
devil is put onto that, and this person starts shaking and says I have got the vibrations. But in Nasik, one of his disciples was very
courageous and she told Me, “Mataji, though he says these are divine, I don’t believe him. Because I don’t eat fats, I get a terrible
headache, and there is no place of any joy within myself which Your disciples are enjoying”. There is another type who puts the
devil through this – the ones who put through this Manipur chakra are of course, much more dangerous. Because they give you
to eat some ashes; the bhoot goes inside. You eat the ashes with difficulty. Such people have given burning on the hand, so
much so that they have developed blisters on their hand. Our Patanjali [inaudible/Sethi?] who has written an article on him has
himself burnt his hand. There are so many who can tell you about this. So the mesmerism, very genuinely granted by these
people, only helps them to accumulate wealth. Now this gentleman was in America when I was there. So one day I went to see a
public garden, where they were so many of his disciples were distributing the handbills and all. So, I asked Chandubhai to collect
some of them and I would like to see. So Chandubhai, who is an expert now, he said, “Mataji, all their Agnya chakras are turning
in the opposite direction”. If there is any lunatic person, if you see any lunatic person, if you are realised, you will know how to
know the Agyna chakra’s movement, you will find, all the lunatics have their Agnya chakras turning in the opposite direction.
Nothing has happened to the Kundalini, but the chakra is moved on the sympathetic side, through which the libido is contacted,
and you are dominated by a bhoot. So I took aside one gentleman. He said, “No, I am already spoiled by him. He has given me a
thing here which I must have every day”. And the fellow was absolutely nervous and perspiring immediately. This gentleman, I
believe, later on, collected so much money in America, poor Americans, I tell you, sometimes I feel so sorry because they are very
genuine people. He has taken away even the last pie of so many of people from there and has brought them here like mad
people, they are washing his clothes, they are washing his feet, they are doing everything. How can a man who is spiritually alert
have so much attention towards his food, his clothes, his belongings, his possessions? Except for the beauty aspect of the
matter, the rest is all useless. Is a headache. It is headache to have many things. But, you cannot tell the people who are
mesmerised. If you tell them, they just walk off. They won't listen, do nothing, will be deaf. It’s a sign of a temperament which
refuses everything that is positive. “Oh, hum to kush hain, hum anand mein hain” – we are very happy, we are in joy. There are
some gurus who put you into trance for six-seven hours. What is all this nonsense going? Is it possible to be only in trans for
seven hours and later on you could be you? Your normal self? No. If you are realised, you are realised forever. For every moment
you are realised and that time, all the time you are meditative. There is not a single moment when you are not collectively
conscious. Supposing one these people if they are travelling by train, suddenly they find heaviness; a person standing in front
has got his Kundalini up there. We had a nice music party in Bordi , where two-three people had come. And when the musicians
started singing, their Kundalini rose up. Of course, I was not there for the realisation, but their Kundalini rose up. And it became
very heavy because they had some astral sitting on them. And they didn’t know that they started looking like that and they
started shaking. And they couldn’t understand. It is sometimes so comical. The way people start acting. Because the bhoots and
the devils have no sense of decency in them. They even hover around small children. They make you so slavish towards them
that you start behaving in the most obnoxious manner. Imagine, a good girl from a good family becoming naked – and her
photos being sold in America at a very high price. People say that it is better to see a cabaret dance for free like this, than to pay
so much for a cabaret dance in a bar. Is it dharma by any chance, you just think it over. What has happened to your brains? Now
these rakshasas, if I describe, you will be shocked how they behave. And in this Kaliyuga, how can they come, as Ravana or
Mahishasura they came here. Ravana was a very powerful preacher and had a very big library of his own. And with his speech he
used to mesmerise the people such a lot that they used to go into horrible states. He had that power within. And when Sita would
not allow him to come close to Her, he could not; because of Her holiness and chastity. And Her divine powers. He used to
threaten Her that in my next life I will come and destroy the chastity of every woman of Your country. All this; Mahishasura when
murdered and killed, by his own deeds, by Mother Kali, has promised all his people who were killed that let me reborn in the
Kaliyuga and I will see this Kali Mai, then I will stop Her. Even Putana, who became a very fat person while sucking the breast by
Krishna, she has come here to divide you, to direct you, and to take you to this path of sins. Holika, who was burnt because of her
vicious mind, who tried to kill Prahalad, is again back in this Kali Yuga which you will find. As I told you, there is a lady; if you
touch her, she falls on the ground. So they asked, “What is it”. They said, “She is so holy that you cannot touch her”. If the Ganges
river becomes like that, God saves the sinners. That if you touch somebody, that person has to fall down. The other day I met
somebody who asked Me about My opinion about a particular lady. I did not want to say much. I said, “All right, she is there but
she is just talking about bhakti. That is in separation”. Because I did not want to say anything so directly at that time. The same
gentleman, whose son got Realisation, went to see the lady. Where he found that the disciples didn’t have any 'jagruti'. They can
make out, even you can make out. So he said that, “How is it, for twenty-five years you have been with this lady, and you haven't
been given jagruti?” So, he tried to give them jagruti. Because they were having the astral on their head, they got it with a real
shake. Those who get it with a shake, means that. So they went and told her that, “What is this? For twenty-five years you have
wasted our lives?”. So she said, “All right. Call that boy here”. And the boy was called, and she just looked into his eyes. The boy
was Realised but only up to the thoughtless awareness, not beyond. You have to go beyond – into doubtless awareness, then
only you can avoid all these astral troubles completely. But, with thoughtless awareness also, you can make it out that there is an
astral problem on us, and we should remove it. We can remove it. But we can see that, and we can remove it. So this boy got that
trouble and he started vomiting. Naturally, you see, when a person is spiritually evolved, he cannot tolerate anything negative in
him. He started vomiting out whatever he had. And when he came home, he was about to die. Luckily, I came from America.
Immediately I know who was the person who has done the trick. Because I knew all of them, one by one. I know all their tricks.
And I am all alone, still, I am going to save them with love. Because Love has the power to engulf all that is negative like a light
has the power to give up all that is dark. But the darkness may disappear into nooks and corners and hide itself. And again may
surface. So you are there to find it out wherever there is darkness. And see to it that they are all destroyed in this Kali Yuga so
that complete Satya Yuga dawn upon us. It is now for you, the intelligent and the elite and the modern, to see to it for yourself
and find out what I am saying you is true or not. I can show you with my own experiments and the experiments they have carried
out, which they have described in the book, which please you should purchase and see what is written in that. You come and see
those people, the horrible things they are doing. Naturally, the one question that can be asked very intelligently and I accept it
that. “You might also be mesmerising people”. Yes, of course. “Or You may be Yourself an incarnation of some rakshasi”. Yes,
possible. Now how to explain? As I have told you, that the libido is in the sympathetic nervous system. And with that sympathetic
nervous system, the eyelid gets completely relaxed, the complete body feels relaxed and complete being feels absolutely,
absolute. With the parasympathetic, the first thing, it helps is the cancer, because cancer is the outcome of the sympathetic. But
the greatest sign of the parasympathetic acting on you is that, when you have closed your eyes, the parasympathetic is excited
by some Divine force then the eyelids become completely and in the eye, the pupil becomes completely dilated black. My
children should have eyes like Mine. Otherwise, how am I to know, so many children I have, thousands. And according to
Yoga-Shastras, the Sahasrara, this portion is Brahmarandra, the fontanelle bone, here are the Peethas. Those who get realisation
can check their bone here, and the whole of this portion might also become soft, like a [inaudible] going around. At the back also
you will find the softness, sometimes it comes down so much, that sometime it is difficult to describe. But there is nothing to
describe. It starts pulsating. This you cannot do through mesmerism. This is just this level [inaudible]; inside – I am not telling
you. So, there is another question which was asked. Of course, they thought it was very wise and I think it is a great help, that,
“when we put hands to You, we burn. But when Your disciples put hands to us, they burn. Now, who is positive and who is the
negative”? It is a complicated question. So for that, we have to use a person who is lunatic. Absolute accepted lunatic or
psychologically affected person. Ask that person to put the hands to Me or to My photograph and raise the Kundalini, he will
start shaking so much. Now, you ask a realised person to put his hands and go into meditation, , while a person who is suffering
from negativity will start shaking and burning. The one who is a certified person and a negative personality, the one who suffers
from inferiority complexes and the fear and all these symptoms of negativity, should be used as a [inaudible]. Gone. One
gentleman wanted to take full advantage of My [inaudible]. He took my photograph and all that and he also said he was My
disciple; very openly. Of course, I accepted that, “You be My guru if you can give Me something sensible. And then I got
something, he said you must let me say that I am your guru. I said if you want I will tell them, but I do not think you have done
anything unique. Even now he is [inaudible/paying] for it. He is telling people he is doing My work; if so, accepted. If so, then
those people when they come to Me then how is it that his disciples, when they come to Me, it is impossible to give them even
jagruti? Anyone of these gurus, if they are doing the work of the Divine, then how is it in Sahaja Yoga, they are complete failures?
While the innocent children are the first to get it. If somebody has got jagruti, at this moment you get a jagruti, it is done by bhoot.
Such gurus spoil the Kundalini to such an extent; see I have got people of such gurus for three years, poor things, I feel sorry that
the capacity to grow is lost in their spirits (inaudible). It breaks my complete being and shatters Me sometimes the way I see My
children have been spoiled. Their Kundalini has been hit by these thugs. If they want to earn the money, let them earn. [Inaudible
sentence]. Even if they want to use the name of dharma, let them – after all, the name of dharma is not going to get spoiled by
them. Doesn’t matter. But why play with the Kundalini? And spoil these people permanently. And make devils out of them for
their next life and next life and next life. Just for your own publicity, you want to do it. Because there is no love. Because you
think of the transient thing that is money and the public. You have no love for My children,who has been seeking love for ages
and at this juncture when they came to seek Me, they have taken this poison. This poison acts, but still, as I told you, that love is
like the bottom of the sea and the complete effort of sea to become bigger than the bottom cannot be [inaudible]. That’s why I
say no use killing these people now anymore. Finished. They come back. It’s better to transform them, and put some life of love.
They talk of love, they talk of religion, they talk of all the great truths that are written down. In every religion you will find such
people going around, and earning something out of it for money. You have to have the other brain which wants to have the real
Self . I want you to not to believe Me at all; not to have that blind faith and not to surrender yourself, your beautiful being to Me
who is nothing but just a person before you get your Realisation. I am just like you before you get your Realisation. When you
come to Me, at the most it is like you go to the temple, put your hands in the [inaudible] and do not get any vibrations. But once
you are Realised, then not only I but all the temples have a meaning. All the religions have a meaning. All these books have a
meaning. That is why, first of all, get the realisation. With Realisation, you not only develop a creative power because it is love,
but also awakening power and also the Realisation power you have to have. Because I am in the city perhaps, that’s why my
disciples have not been able to give Realisation. But the day I go from Bombay I am sure they are all going to rise higher and
higher. And for a Mother, the greatest pride, the day she sees her own children rising in their glory. Thank you very much.
[Applause. End of recording] | null | null | null | PUBLIC PROGRAM DAY 3 JEHANGIR HALL MUMBAI 24-03-1973 We can throw some light on the awareness, as I have told you
before,is by stopping its search at a point saying that, "We cannot go any further". In our own being, we have got the negativity
and the positivity as sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous system. Even in the search of religion, when we start rising
our attention towards this, we start searching it outside. This is not because something wrong with us, but this has come to us
through our evolutionary habits. For example, a fish came out and became a reptile and started crawling. It felt the soil, the
hardness of the soil and started walking. In the same way, every evolutionary jumping has been by going out. But now the
evolution has to be within, because the last stage of the complete evolving of that instrument is built. Actually, it is now not the
evolution, but involution that has to take place. For example, I take a tape recorder from India to Singapore and start making it,
preparing the instrument, and then, I come back on the same. Recording all that has happened to you within yourself, it is the
involution. With that, the awareness of every manifestation, which was dead in the beginning, becomes apparent. In the human
being, when the ray of consciousness passes through the prism of this brain, it gets refracted and we get three types of energies.
Out of that, the sympathetic has got two; one is the right; another is the left. The left side of the sympathetic nervous system of a
man who is right-handed (now I will be only dealing with the right-handed man), is the storehouse of the subconscious. Or I
should say it is the plug through which we receive the intuition from our subconscious. The subconscious half is the receiving
house of all that is dead in our thoughts, in our memory, and all that is dead in the whole world. When we die, really we do not die;
most surprisingly, nothing dies. Only a very little part of our being recedes, manifested through the element that is Earth, dies.
Otherwise, we remain, in the atmosphere, in the Paraloka, as they call it, (in between the hell and the heaven, you can say), in the
paralok, where you can see them if you develop those eyes. They do exist. Now, we are sitting down here, there is another world
where we have to go, leaving these clothes here. Again, we come back to this world, this Paraloka [collective subconscious], or
we can say the world of the dead exists. The difference is, while we grow here, there they become smaller and smaller till they
reach a stage where they become a small, minute stick. They have got the willpower to work out and manifest their unfinished
ideas. Supposing, a doctor who has invented some great medicine and dies. He might manifest on someone after selecting, and
try to do good to people. In London, there is a very great organisation of Doctor Lang who died long time back. And one day a
soldier who was fighting on the battlefield suddenly felt that somebody had entered his mind. When somebody is shocked, they
can use that moment to enter the psyche – the psyche which is the super-conscious. When he entered the body, he told the man
that, “you should go and see my son who is in London and you tell him that I will work inyour body as a medium”. So he went, and
told the son, the son could not believe it. So, he told him many secret things which the son did not know and also the things that
nobody knew, but the son. This convinced the son and he started a very big organisation of Doctor Lang. I have met many people
who have been cured also by their help. Now, when one doctor connects your Self to that Paraloka; (for example, if I have a
connection with somebody in Los Angeles, I can connect myself with other people who are there), you can ask some other
doctors to come and help to cure to do good. This is what is known as spiritual healing that we have in our mind. I have a
disciple who was doing this kind of work for many years. And, after about sixteen years of her doing, she started feeling very
giddy, and she came to see Me. When I asked her to put her hands towards Me, I found she had become very sick. So, I asked
her, “What was the matter? Are you doing any spiritual healing?”. Naturally, the first answer was, “How do you know, Mataji?” I
said, “Forget it.” Then I had to tell her very frankly, “You must get rid of this on your psyche”. She is the wisest person I have yet
come across out of all those people who have been working as mediums. She said, “Mataji, I just do not want it. Please remove
all this. I just want the Supreme, the Param”. I said, “if you want it, you will get it”. She got it, and she lost her power of spiritual
healing due to which she used to shake her hand. And She got the natural curative power and the awakening power, and she is
one of the most dearest disciples of Mine. And one day she will go very far in her healing, because of this [NOT CLEAR]. So, we
have people who can do good, and they want to manifest through you. But, one must think why Doctor Lang did not come on his
own son? Because he did not want his own son to suffer in the long run. When anyone acts as medium, he is no good for Sahaja
Yoga. You are not independent. First, you have to be completely independent of all these astral aspirations on you, and then only
you can feel the beauty, the glory, of your own being. A person who is in the shackles cannot be made the King and requested to
take the throne. In our country, we have had from ages, people working on the “mohini vidya” [hypnosis] and the “Paraloka vidya”
[knowledge of the dead]. And in America, I have seen people having witchcraft. One thing great about American people is that
they are absolutely honest. If they are doing witchcraft, they say we are doing witchcraft. They won’t take up another name and
the witch won’t call oneself a Devi. They won't do like that. Now, this kind of working is, how it is worked out, is a very lengthy
thing. But, I can tell you in a short way. As I have told you, the libido, which contains all that is dead in you, all your subconscious
mind, is connected with your solar plexus directly. In the same way, the right-hand side and the left-hand side, both sympathetic
nervous systems, are connected with your solar plexus, the Manipur chakra, directly. Any doctor can guarantee that and can say
that, if it is. But unluckily, the parasympathetic is hanging above. The vagus nerve, which plays the most important part in
carrying the Kundalini into the backbone, has a Void, between the solar plexus [aortic plexus] and the vagus nerve. This Void has
been described in the great systems of religion and people have written books after books So as soon as your attention even
goes to religion, you start growing on to your sympathetic nervous system, either to the right or to the left. By growing to the
right side of the sympathetic nervous system, of course in the right-handed man, you go to the libido. Libido is connected from
sex point, up to the “muddha” (medulla oblongata?) that is the place below the brain, which touches your Agyna chakra here. So,
by doing any effort, you may get into that trap of getting into the libido – which is a connection already existing between you,
with yourself and the Parama. The other side is the sympathetic nervous system which is waiting for you to act to any
emergency. If there is any emergency, as I told you yesterday if there is an irritation in the hand, it will start acting so much so,
that it will overact, and a malignancy can be created. See now both the things, how they are for your destruction. Now, when you
see people being mesmerised – those who are honest say that we are mesmerisers and we have this hypnotists and all that,
very honest people are there also in this world, everybody is not a cheat. So, they tell plainly that we are the people who are going
to hypnotise. When they hypnotise, you get suddenly submerged into your subconscious mind, the conscious mind gets
submerged into it, and you become unconscious to the outside world. And there you start acting according to the demands of
the person who is hypnotising you. Now, why do you do that? If he says you start jumping, you will start jumping. If he says you
start feeling sick, you start feeling giddy. If he says that you start counting one thousand, from one to one thousand, you will start
doing it. There was a girl who was very anxious to go for a thing like that and she asked and I said, “Please do not go”. She would
not listen – she went there, and the gentleman asked her to count from one to one thousand. She was a very innocent girl, and I
knew what had happened to her. So, I went to see her just after that and I found that she had fainted. This is like, switching off
your mind – the conscious mind, with which you are listening to Me is just get switched off. You can also go to a subconscious.
Any movement towards sympathetic is against parasympathetic nervous system and against Kundalini. Ida and Pingala are the
two sympathetic nervous systems on which people have been working. And that is the reason they have never been able to get
their self-realisation. Because for parasympathetic nervous system, you must fill the Void with Divine Love. By mechanical
working, you cannot get to God, is a simple fact you must understand. [Inaudible question or comment from a seeker]. Shri
Mataji: I am happy you told me. Now, that we are connected with the libido through our efforts, when a person starts weeping
and crying for God, he might see that the garland from the deity is coming and garland himself. It’s quite possible. There is
nothing to be so much surprised. Depends on how much he is in connection with the paralok. There are so many saints who are
not realised, who have died and want to say that there is God. They can work it out. But if they are realised people they will never
enter into the psyche of those persons. They may give them certain indications like that. But, they will never enter the psyche, if
they are realised people because they have achieved their independence and they respect the independence of others. Now, if
you see the sympathetic nervous system, how it is worked out; you will be surprised, that the symptom of the sympathetic
nervous system is – you get more breathing, more pulse rate, more heartbeat and constriction of your intestine, which leads to
constipation and things like that. So, the mohini vidya, the way they learn it – first of all, they master the evil geniuses who have
died. If they come to know of someone who is an evil genius, such people who want to benefit by their evil methods, wait for their
death, and go into the “shmashanas” (funeral grounds) when they die. Because the dead – when they die, the body remains, but
the Atma hovers; at least for thirteen days. It does not take birth immediately. Some people take even five hundred years
because they are [inaudible]. So, that spirit which is hovering there is caught up by these people through their libido and they take
away some part of that spirit by removing a part of the dead matter. For example, they may take out the skull bone. They may
even take the ashes of that (the dead), because when the soul has to be reborn, he has to have that complete body. For that
those ashes are required, and if these ashes are kept in control by these people, then they (evil spirits) will be born with lame
hands or lame legs and there will be a problem. So, they go on hovering there and then, they (evil spirits) surrender themselves
and accept their domination completely. Now, these people come out in the public and announce that we can show you
miracles. They can, why not? Because, for us miracles are something foolish. For example, a relation of Mine came and told Me
that some sadhuji has given him a ring. I laughed at him and said, “How many rings have you got?”. He is a very rich man. He
said, “I have ten diamond rings”. I said, “He has given you the eleventh ring. Did you go to ask for the ring?”. He said, “No, no, I
went to ask him for something very divine”. I said, “Then why did you accept this ring? You should have thrown out.” You should
have told that I do not want this ring. “Why did you accept?”. He said, ”All right, now I don’t care for it, but you do something about
it”. Now, these are the experiments we have carried out, you can also come and see. It is all open to you. It is a laboratory which
is open to all of you, to come and see with open mind. Not just to sneer and to laugh at. But to see, with understanding, to do
good to the whole humanity. So, I told him. He said that, “now You give me realisation”. I said, “I cannot”. He said, “Why?” I said,
“you will have to remove that ring”. He said, “I will not”. Then, I said, “I cannot give you the realisation”. Then when I started; I told
him, “all right, you put your hands towards Me”. And he started shaking. He said, “What is this? Why am I shaking?”. I said, “now
you take out the ring”. Immediately shaking stopped. He said, “Throw this away”. I said, “You must know that ring you can buy in
the market, but can you purchase the Divine in the market? Why don’t you use your brain? You are a very intelligent man. What
has happened to you?” All such “miracles” are working. The other day, most surprising that it should happen at such a juncture
when I was to speak on the subject, that one gentleman, Mr Sharma from Punjab, came and was asking about Mataji. And some
of my people were there and they said, “What is the age of Mataji?. They said, “She is fifty”. “No, but I know of one Mataji who is
four years old and she calls herself something and all the [inaudible/cinema] people are after her. What about her, where is
she?”.They said, “we do not know”. He started making a lot of inquiries about her. So they thought he is from CBI (Central Bureau
of Investigation) or what is he doing. Then they said, “Now, you come here tomorrow for meditation and you will meet Mataji”.
Somehow or other, I again came back here. And he saw me and said, “No, no, no, no – this is not the Mataji I am talking about”.
Then he tells me, there was one boy, one gentleman who came to see Me and told him that, “you invest one thousand rupees or
one thousand five hundred rupees in this new venture. It is an enterprise. You please deposit this money with me. And I can
assure you, I will return you, double amount of it, within one month’s time”. He said, “How?” He said, ”I have a daughter who is
four-year-old and she is doing miracles”. He saw with his own eyes that she is taking out this and that from the air. Now the
four-year-old child cannot do anything positive, I mean consciously. But, the little child was picking out this; whatever you ask
her, she is doing like this and giving out like this. So he was wonderstruck, and he gave the money; immediately forward with the
money. Now the person has, he told Me that, “the gentleman had disappeared and when I read the name Mataji, I came to
inquire”. I said, “I do not need any money from you. But thank God you are here. Tomorrow you come for your meditation.
Perhaps one thousand five hundred is not such a great amount. If you get your self-realisation, you are saved forever”. Now, in
my search to find out the method how to impart this awareness of Mine to others, I have been to several of these gurus. Some of
them I will try to describe, and now you use your brains and see what happens. First of all, in my childhood, My father told me
there is a sadhu/fakir who has come and who is doing some great miracles. So, I went to see the gentleman. And what I found;
he had a “chimta” (tongs) in his hands, you know chimta? There is no word for that in English, I think. So he was using that hard
thing to hit every person who came to him. Then I said, “What sort of a person he is – I just cannot bear. It’s Impossible”. Actually
what he was doing was to hit the man, and put one devil on him, another devil on the other person. After some time, I found
people took out their rings, took out their everything and surrendered to him. I immediately put my hands towards him and found
out that he was a negative person. How do you make out a negative personality? That also I am going to tell. Very easy. I must
give you all the tricks. Then I went to another person in Haridwar. He was doing wonderful miracles in my father-in-law’s place.
As soon as he saw Me, he started shivering. Absolutely shivering. He said, “Mother, Mother”. I said, “What are you doing?” He
said, “I want to get rid of it. Please save me from all this. I am now sick, I am absolutely finished, please save me from this”. I
said, “Are you sure you are finished with this?”. He said, “Yes”. You will be surprised; within five minutes he got rid of his
maladies. And he got his realisation later on, much later; about two years back. In the same way, I went to Pune – there was one
gentleman, a “mantrika” (tantric) who came to see Me. Same time. He was staying with one Mr More and He told me that,
“Mataji, now I am fed up of this. I have cured many people. But now my head is very heavy and please save me from all this”. So I
asked him, “Have you decided to give up all that forever?” He said, “Mataji, save me in this life. I am not going to use that medium
anymore. Now I can see that separately . In the beginning, I did not know that it was a medium my guru had put on me. Now I am
seeing it separately, I can see my guru also sometimes. But I cannot sleep day and night”. I am having a terrible time. I said, “If
you are sure, then you are going to get realisation. Don’t you worry” And he got his realisation within five minutes. Surprisingly.
Perhaps he was really fed up and he was very honest. I told him, “You have lost all your power of seeing things, of telling things”.
He used to tell the future, He could see things. He used to tell them where has your father gone, where has your son lost. So he
went out and told Mr. More that, “How is it possible, Mataji is saying that, She has taken away all my siddhis. It is not possible.
Because, I have done this for twenty-five years”. He said, “All right, then you start your mantras”. Within five minutes he found out
he had lost all his powers. Then More told him, “Don’t you worry. Now, you have got the Divine quality . Be joyous and happy that
this Divine is flowing, and that you are doing it even without feeling that you are doing it. What a great joy – stand in your own
dignity and independence, and do not depend on this foolish material things which are going to die”. But, the negativity which
incarnates as rakshasas do not have one thing in them that we have – that is Love. They have no love for anyone. Then in the
course of my search, I went to so many people. They said you become my disciple. I said, “All right. I will become your disciple”. I
went to one gentleman. He said, “You have to take sanyasa”. I said, “that I will not do”. He said, “Why?” I said, “Because I am a
sanyasini”. He said, “That is true. But still, You have to take the dress (ochre robes)”. I said, “I will not”. He said, “Why”?. I said, “it
will hurt My Heart, it will hurt My family, it will hurt My mother, father, everyone. Why do you want Me to hurt them for nothing at
all?” So, he immediately started mesmerising Me with sympathy. He said, “But are You happy with Your husband? Is he treating
You all right?”. I said, “You do not know how he treats Me.” Then he started another trick, “Let him cry. Let him weep. What is he
going to do? After all, he will cry, weep and will be alright.” I was surprised. That he could not even see the love I have for My
husband, and the respect I have for him. The way he suggested – I told him, “How dare you say such things against My husband
whom I have known for twenty-five years now. And you want Me to accept this nonsensical thing on my body, hurting all My
family people. You have no love for mankind”. There are people who go and threaten their parents that, “If you do not give us
money, we will take to sanyas. We will die. We will become nude”. It’s another way of expressing your shabbiness towards your
parents. Our younger people if they think by revolting against their parents and by hurting them and troubling them, they are
becoming very beautiful – they should know that that is not the way to do it. Those who cannot love their parents cannot love
anybody in this whole world. All the blessings of the world come through your parents only. Those who have denied their parents
– of course, if the parents are telling you something wrong, I can understand. But, you should not deliberately go and hurt them
all the time. We have examples of such children in this country – this great country of Mine; where their vibrations are
everywhere. We have heard of Shravan. The complete Vithala’s temple is built on the devotion of one person, is there. These
(negative) people teach you to revolt against all that is beautiful that God has given. This is the first way they hit you by telling
you against your parents, against your husband, against your wife, they want to break all your shackles. This is not the way.
Religion is based on Love. And how do they do it? By putting these evil spirits on you. By which you bring money for them and
surrender all that you have at their feet. And they enjoy the luxuries of life. Even they are such foolish people. Why don’t they
understand that there is no joy in luxuries and in transitory fame? There was another sadhuji who told Me that, “You were my wife
in my last life”. I said, “Wonderful. I do not see that way about you”. It’s a very common thing with many sadhus who handle
women – you see, women are simple women. If somebody tells them against their husbands, they feel, yes, yes, there is
somebody who sympathises. With a little sympathy, you can win a woman, poor thing. So he tells me You were my wife in my
last life. I told him, “Sir, last life is dead and gone. If you are asking Me to do something because you were My husband in My last
life, what about the present one whom I have married? What do you think of this one?” This made him very furious, of course. I
said, “To Me, apart from My husband, all are My children including you”. Then, there are other ways of approaching people. It’s by
taking advantage of their weak side. To mesmerise in such a way that their subconscious automatically starts dominating them.
First of all, you ask somebody to breathe heavily. As soon as you start breathing heavily, you go onto the sympathetic trigger; is
an automatic thing. And then immediately you mesmerise the person with the devil. You give that person a necklace which has
got a devil sitting on that. Now this devil goes home with that gentleman and tells everything that is happening. We had a lady in
our group – in our own group, who was suffering already from astral trouble. She came to Me. In the beginning, you see, I did not
want to start this topic at all. Thanks to her, that now I am so open about it. She came to Me and she told Me, “Mataji, I can see
Your past”. I could find, first time, that there is a devil sitting on her. If not a devil, a saint. But you are not independent. Without
realisation, if you are seeing anything, it is no good. First of all such a person ever gets – there are only two cases within our
group who got such a horrible “jagruti” (awakening) shaking and all that. Both of them were absolutely
[inaudible/innocent/intact/insect]. So she took up the courage into herself. And when I went away to America, she started telling
everybody – I am this. I am an incarnation of this, I am an incarnation of that. And what was she telling? Where is your son lost?
Where is your money lost? And all the people who haverealisation from Me started losing their vibrations. They did not
understand why it was happening. Then one of them just thought, “is she realised?”. And when he tried found out she was not
realised but she was giving them past, terrible past. So he took up the whole thing into his hands and he told people that, “you
must see what is the interest of the Divine? Is the Divine interested in telling you what was your father? When you had so many
fathers in your previous lives? Or where did you lose your money or whether you are going to get money in the “satta” (card
gambling)”? Such people are very good at telling you the number of the horse. Not of the future, but they go and find out from the
jockey, through their medium. So this lady started doing this. And when I came back, I found most of my disciples had a heavy
head. I said, “What have you been doing?” And when I saw the lady, I found out Myself, within Myself, that she was very crudely
handling the astral body by beating them up with a stick. This is not possible for a self-realised person. Even to the greatest evil
genius, they cannot. This, like Krishna they may just kill the body, that is different, but they can never beat up the person. And all
these astral bodies took a revenge on her and they were all settled in her house. Now she started telling people what happened
yesterday in your house, what happened day before yesterday, who I was in the past and all that. It can be to such a limit, that
one of our sessions we had in Daadar, which many people have seen at least one hundred people must have been there, that one
maidservant, who was an ordinary Maharashtrian maidservant, had come for My darshan and she started shaking, and the lady
who was near her started shaking. So, I just caught hold of her hand and I asked her, “why are you here”. She changed her tone
and started speaking beautiful Marathi and using Sanskrit words. She said, “I am here for Your darshan”. All the people around
started asking, “who is Mataji and why have you come for Her darshan”? You will be surprised she gave a lecture in fifty shlokas
all describing about Me and My past lives. I said, “will you go from this woman or not”. She said, “I have come to sing Your praise
and to let people know who You are”. I said, “you better not worry about that and you better go away from here”. This is the truth
in which people have seen. You will also see this. If you come to Me regularly, many things like this. So when I told her that, “I do
not need your help – you take your rebirth and come back and you take your realisation”, She accepted. Since that day that lady
is all right. She is perfectly all right. My daughter’s ayah once in the night was going. So I told her, “not to go in the night, about 12
o’clock, these days the atmosphere in the Bombay is very much spoiled by rakshasas”. She didn't believe Me, she went out and.
next day My daughter rang Me up and said, “Mummy, what to do, she is vomiting too much, and she is feeling terrible, and she is
shaking her body”. I said, “You ask her to put her hands towards the sea and call My name”. She got all right in five. And when
she came back she told me that “there are two persons who went out of my body and I saw You sitting there with a garland and
all those things”. So many psychological cases which doctors cannot cure or most of the incurable diseases are because of
astral aspirations. And the more you allow these rakshasas to continue their work in this great city of Mumbadevi, of Mahalaxmi,
there are more chances of getting these people let out free to harm your children. There is another Babaji who puts people into
trance. He makes the people starve for two weeks. Now if there is somebody who is non-vegetarian. He says you must strictly
stick to vegetarian, You must take only to curd. Now the person is weak, and certainly he puts mesmerism on that, and another
devil is put onto that, and this person starts shaking and says I have got the vibrations. But in Nasik, one of his disciples was very
courageous and she told Me, “Mataji, though he says these are divine, I don’t believe him. Because I don’t eat fats, I get a terrible
headache, and there is no place of any joy within myself which Your disciples are enjoying”. There is another type who puts the
devil through this – the ones who put through this Manipur chakra are of course, much more dangerous. Because they give you
to eat some ashes; the bhoot goes inside. You eat the ashes with difficulty. Such people have given burning on the hand, so
much so that they have developed blisters on their hand. Our Patanjali [inaudible/Sethi?] who has written an article on him has
himself burnt his hand. There are so many who can tell you about this. So the mesmerism, very genuinely granted by these
people, only helps them to accumulate wealth. Now this gentleman was in America when I was there. So one day I went to see a
public garden, where they were so many of his disciples were distributing the handbills and all. So, I asked Chandubhai to collect
some of them and I would like to see. So Chandubhai, who is an expert now, he said, “Mataji, all their Agnya chakras are turning
in the opposite direction”. If there is any lunatic person, if you see any lunatic person, if you are realised, you will know how to
know the Agyna chakra’s movement, you will find, all the lunatics have their Agnya chakras turning in the opposite direction.
Nothing has happened to the Kundalini, but the chakra is moved on the sympathetic side, through which the libido is contacted,
and you are dominated by a bhoot. So I took aside one gentleman. He said, “No, I am already spoiled by him. He has given me a
thing here which I must have every day”. And the fellow was absolutely nervous and perspiring immediately. This gentleman, I
believe, later on, collected so much money in America, poor Americans, I tell you, sometimes I feel so sorry because they are very
genuine people. He has taken away even the last pie of so many of people from there and has brought them here like mad
people, they are washing his clothes, they are washing his feet, they are doing everything. How can a man who is spiritually alert
have so much attention towards his food, his clothes, his belongings, his possessions? Except for the beauty aspect of the
matter, the rest is all useless. Is a headache. It is headache to have many things. But, you cannot tell the people who are
mesmerised. If you tell them, they just walk off. They won't listen, do nothing, will be deaf. It’s a sign of a temperament which
refuses everything that is positive. “Oh, hum to kush hain, hum anand mein hain” – we are very happy, we are in joy. There are
some gurus who put you into trance for six-seven hours. What is all this nonsense going? Is it possible to be only in trans for
seven hours and later on you could be you? Your normal self? No. If you are realised, you are realised forever. For every moment
you are realised and that time, all the time you are meditative. There is not a single moment when you are not collectively
conscious. Supposing one these people if they are travelling by train, suddenly they find heaviness; a person standing in front
has got his Kundalini up there. We had a nice music party in Bordi , where two-three people had come. And when the musicians
started singing, their Kundalini rose up. Of course, I was not there for the realisation, but their Kundalini rose up. And it became
very heavy because they had some astral sitting on them. And they didn’t know that they started looking like that and they
started shaking. And they couldn’t understand. It is sometimes so comical. The way people start acting. Because the bhoots and
the devils have no sense of decency in them. They even hover around small children. They make you so slavish towards them
that you start behaving in the most obnoxious manner. Imagine, a good girl from a good family becoming naked – and her
photos being sold in America at a very high price. People say that it is better to see a cabaret dance for free like this, than to pay
so much for a cabaret dance in a bar. Is it dharma by any chance, you just think it over. What has happened to your brains? Now
these rakshasas, if I describe, you will be shocked how they behave. And in this Kaliyuga, how can they come, as Ravana or
Mahishasura they came here. Ravana was a very powerful preacher and had a very big library of his own. And with his speech he
used to mesmerise the people such a lot that they used to go into horrible states. He had that power within. And when Sita would
not allow him to come close to Her, he could not; because of Her holiness and chastity. And Her divine powers. He used to
threaten Her that in my next life I will come and destroy the chastity of every woman of Your country. All this; Mahishasura when
murdered and killed, by his own deeds, by Mother Kali, has promised all his people who were killed that let me reborn in the
Kaliyuga and I will see this Kali Mai, then I will stop Her. Even Putana, who became a very fat person while sucking the breast by
Krishna, she has come here to divide you, to direct you, and to take you to this path of sins. Holika, who was burnt because of her
vicious mind, who tried to kill Prahalad, is again back in this Kali Yuga which you will find. As I told you, there is a lady; if you
touch her, she falls on the ground. So they asked, “What is it”. They said, “She is so holy that you cannot touch her”. If the Ganges
river becomes like that, God saves the sinners. That if you touch somebody, that person has to fall down. The other day I met
somebody who asked Me about My opinion about a particular lady. I did not want to say much. I said, “All right, she is there but
she is just talking about bhakti. That is in separation”. Because I did not want to say anything so directly at that time. The same
gentleman, whose son got Realisation, went to see the lady. Where he found that the disciples didn’t have any 'jagruti'. They can
make out, even you can make out. So he said that, “How is it, for twenty-five years you have been with this lady, and you haven't
been given jagruti?” So, he tried to give them jagruti. Because they were having the astral on their head, they got it with a real
shake. Those who get it with a shake, means that. So they went and told her that, “What is this? For twenty-five years you have
wasted our lives?”. So she said, “All right. Call that boy here”. And the boy was called, and she just looked into his eyes. The boy
was Realised but only up to the thoughtless awareness, not beyond. You have to go beyond – into doubtless awareness, then
only you can avoid all these astral troubles completely. But, with thoughtless awareness also, you can make it out that there is an
astral problem on us, and we should remove it. We can remove it. But we can see that, and we can remove it. So this boy got that
trouble and he started vomiting. Naturally, you see, when a person is spiritually evolved, he cannot tolerate anything negative in
him. He started vomiting out whatever he had. And when he came home, he was about to die. Luckily, I came from America.
Immediately I know who was the person who has done the trick. Because I knew all of them, one by one. I know all their tricks.
And I am all alone, still, I am going to save them with love. Because Love has the power to engulf all that is negative like a light
has the power to give up all that is dark. But the darkness may disappear into nooks and corners and hide itself. And again may
surface. So you are there to find it out wherever there is darkness. And see to it that they are all destroyed in this Kali Yuga so
that complete Satya Yuga dawn upon us. It is now for you, the intelligent and the elite and the modern, to see to it for yourself
and find out what I am saying you is true or not. I can show you with my own experiments and the experiments they have carried
out, which they have described in the book, which please you should purchase and see what is written in that. You come and see
those people, the horrible things they are doing. Naturally, the one question that can be asked very intelligently and I accept it
that. “You might also be mesmerising people”. Yes, of course. “Or You may be Yourself an incarnation of some rakshasi”. Yes,
possible. Now how to explain? As I have told you, that the libido is in the sympathetic nervous system. And with that sympathetic
nervous system, the eyelid gets completely relaxed, the complete body feels relaxed and complete being feels absolutely,
absolute. With the parasympathetic, the first thing, it helps is the cancer, because cancer is the outcome of the sympathetic. But
the greatest sign of the parasympathetic acting on you is that, when you have closed your eyes, the parasympathetic is excited
by some Divine force then the eyelids become completely and in the eye, the pupil becomes completely dilated black. My
children should have eyes like Mine. Otherwise, how am I to know, so many children I have, thousands. And according to
Yoga-Shastras, the Sahasrara, this portion is Brahmarandra, the fontanelle bone, here are the Peethas. Those who get realisation
can check their bone here, and the whole of this portion might also become soft, like a [inaudible] going around. At the back also
you will find the softness, sometimes it comes down so much, that sometime it is difficult to describe. But there is nothing to
describe. It starts pulsating. This you cannot do through mesmerism. This is just this level [inaudible]; inside – I am not telling
you. So, there is another question which was asked. Of course, they thought it was very wise and I think it is a great help, that,
“when we put hands to You, we burn. But when Your disciples put hands to us, they burn. Now, who is positive and who is the
negative”? It is a complicated question. So for that, we have to use a person who is lunatic. Absolute accepted lunatic or
psychologically affected person. Ask that person to put the hands to Me or to My photograph and raise the Kundalini, he will
start shaking so much. Now, you ask a realised person to put his hands and go into meditation, , while a person who is suffering
from negativity will start shaking and burning. The one who is a certified person and a negative personality, the one who suffers
from inferiority complexes and the fear and all these symptoms of negativity, should be used as a [inaudible]. Gone. One
gentleman wanted to take full advantage of My [inaudible]. He took my photograph and all that and he also said he was My
disciple; very openly. Of course, I accepted that, “You be My guru if you can give Me something sensible. And then I got
something, he said you must let me say that I am your guru. I said if you want I will tell them, but I do not think you have done
anything unique. Even now he is [inaudible/paying] for it. He is telling people he is doing My work; if so, accepted. If so, then
those people when they come to Me then how is it that his disciples, when they come to Me, it is impossible to give them even
jagruti? Anyone of these gurus, if they are doing the work of the Divine, then how is it in Sahaja Yoga, they are complete failures?
While the innocent children are the first to get it. If somebody has got jagruti, at this moment you get a jagruti, it is done by bhoot.
Such gurus spoil the Kundalini to such an extent; see I have got people of such gurus for three years, poor things, I feel sorry that
the capacity to grow is lost in their spirits (inaudible). It breaks my complete being and shatters Me sometimes the way I see My
children have been spoiled. Their Kundalini has been hit by these thugs. If they want to earn the money, let them earn. [Inaudible
sentence]. Even if they want to use the name of dharma, let them – after all, the name of dharma is not going to get spoiled by
them. Doesn’t matter. But why play with the Kundalini? And spoil these people permanently. And make devils out of them for
their next life and next life and next life. Just for your own publicity, you want to do it. Because there is no love. Because you
think of the transient thing that is money and the public. You have no love for My children,who has been seeking love for ages
and at this juncture when they came to seek Me, they have taken this poison. This poison acts, but still, as I told you, that love is
like the bottom of the sea and the complete effort of sea to become bigger than the bottom cannot be [inaudible]. That’s why I
say no use killing these people now anymore. Finished. They come back. It’s better to transform them, and put some life of love.
They talk of love, they talk of religion, they talk of all the great truths that are written down. In every religion you will find such
people going around, and earning something out of it for money. You have to have the other brain which wants to have the real
Self . I want you to not to believe Me at all; not to have that blind faith and not to surrender yourself, your beautiful being to Me
who is nothing but just a person before you get your Realisation. I am just like you before you get your Realisation. When you
come to Me, at the most it is like you go to the temple, put your hands in the [inaudible] and do not get any vibrations. But once
you are Realised, then not only I but all the temples have a meaning. All the religions have a meaning. All these books have a
meaning. That is why, first of all, get the realisation. With Realisation, you not only develop a creative power because it is love,
but also awakening power and also the Realisation power you have to have. Because I am in the city perhaps, that’s why my
disciples have not been able to give Realisation. But the day I go from Bombay I am sure they are all going to rise higher and
higher. And for a Mother, the greatest pride, the day she sees her own children rising in their glory. Thank you very much.
[Applause. End of recording] |
8/28/1973 | | Shri Krishna Puja: Most Dynamic Power of Love | India | Mumbai | VERIFIED | null | null | null | null | Y | N | N | Krishna | English | 32 | 28 August 1973, Shri Krishna Puja, Most Dynamic Power of Love, Mumbai (India) … by the Divine. For example, if I know only my
head, that is not sufficient. If I know only my neck, that is not sufficient. If I know only my legs, that is not sufficient. But the more
I know about myself, the more dynamic I become, the more expansive I become. And all the great that existed — or all the people
who were called as great — are great because they lived in many human beings. I feel that warmth in the atmosphere, as you are
feeling because you know they are not foreigners, they are your brothers and sisters. There are so many stories in Puranas like
this, that… I will not name it, but once two brothers met in a jungle. But they thought that they were enemies, and they wanted to
fight with each other. And when they came to blows, they couldn’t hit each other. Then they took out their arrows — the arrows
wouldn’t work. They were quite surprised at this, and when they asked each other, “Who is your mother?”, they found out mother
was the same. And then they realized that they were not foreigners neither enemies but they were made of the same fibre. What
sweetness, what beauty that knowledge has given them! And what security of understanding that everywhere in the whole world
we have brothers and sisters, who are on their inner being, on their divine, and how we are bound together with that love! When I
talk of love, people think that I am trying to make you weak people — because people think those who love are weak. But the
most dynamic power in this world is that of love. Is the most aggressive power — is that of love. Even we, when we suffer in love,
it is out of our strength that we suffer and not out of our weakness. For example, there was a teacher in China who used to teach
the cocks how to fight. And the king of that place took his cocks to that teacher and told him that “You please teach them how to
fight.” After one month, when the king went to take those cocks with him, he was surprised that the cocks were just silent, doing
nothing. And he told the teacher that “What have you done to my cocks? They are not at all aggressive, they are not doing
anything! How are they going to fight it out? There’s going to be a race, there’s going to be an exhibition of their strength, and
what are we going to do about it?” He said, “You just take them.” He took those two cocks with him and put them in the arena
where there were other cocks who had come to fight. These two cocks were very nicely standing. All the other cocks started
coaxing and torturing. They were just standing and looking at them. All the other cocks were surprised at their behaviour and
thought that they were very powerful. And they all fled away. The love that I’m talking about, the divine love, makes you not only
strong but dynamic. It is the greatest luminous power that we can think of. Only when love is surrounded by gross and is lost in
the gross, it looks as if it is weak and “under chains”. The time it is released, the dynamic power of love can transcend all the evil
powers of the world. When people get their Realization, automatically the ego drops out — to a great extent, I should say.
Because you say that the vibrations are passing; you don’t say that you are giving them. Because the dropping of the ego
sometimes it happens that you feel that whatever you wanted to have you have got it and you better not talk about it. When there
is any opposition from anywhere, you shun it and sit away from it. You don’t want to face the opposition — of any negative
opposition, whether it is by speech or by… even by evil methods. We run away from that, thinking, “Oh God! How are we going to
face it?” On the contrary, a person who is negative, who has got hatred, becomes [inaudible] as they call it, means a person who
talks big. Such a person talks, starts talking big. He thinks he is above everybody else, he can befool all the world. He takes a
responsibility on himself. He starts a big ashram or some big place where he sits down with all his ignorance and starts
spreading his knowledge — the so-called — to people. By his methods people get impressed, and they all go and fall at his feet.
While the Realized sits at home quietly, wondering what are these fools doing. But it is not now for the Realized to sit down and
to wonder and laugh at the foolishness of the people who are not yet Realized. Not even to take pity on them but to come out,
come out with the sword of love to win the whole world. It is very, very essential. If the creation has to be saved, then you are not
to keep mum about it. All the wrong ideas about love, all the falsehood about love has to be given up. One must know that it is
the dynamic power. And it won’t allow you to sit comfortably with yourself, enjoying the peace and the bliss, when the rest of the
world is not enjoying that and is playing into the hands of the evil geniuses who have come in this world to destroy and to bring
the satanic realm on this earth. Now the days are gone when the people had to suffer. Christ suffered for us. Of course, Christ
never suffered, because He never suffered. He never wept. He was like those cocks, a very powerful personality. But today is the
day to brighten up your understanding about your own strength that is within you. Those who are gross should worry about their
insecurities, and their problems, and their organizations — but not for the people who are realized. I have told you many a times
— and today he [presumably one of the yogis] also remarked — that you should know you are never alone when you are realized.
There have been many people who have been realized, before even you were born, who exist, who are anxious to help you at
every moment. In our shastras [scriptures] we call them chiranjivas [eternal beings], you know them. They are people who are
niranjanas [pure, free from falsehood]. As he said about Bhairava and Hanumana, all these people exist, and they are waiting just
for a call from you. Once we went to the market, and there was a problem about something. And I had somebody with Me, a
disciple… who was also with Me. I just wanted to see what will be his reaction. He tried to argue out with a person to tell him
about something. So, he told Me, “Mataji, let us go now.” When we came out of the shop, I said, “What are you going to do about
it?” He said, “I have already told Hanuman to look after that part.” And the work was done. It is gross, but it happens. When they
fail [Shri Mataji could mean “you fail”], you can leave it to anyone of them, and they will have to jolly well do it. Because it is you
who are on the stage and not they. They are the background people. They are the playbacks. But you must open your mouth;
otherwise, if they start thinking, what will people say? They are going to help you in every way, but how far are you standing on
your security? How far are you standing on your property, on your understanding of yourself? It’s a great war going on. You are
not aware of it? Some of you are. Some of you are definitely aware of it because they have had the experience of fighting it out.
It’s a big war on. Now specially, when ten rakshasas [demons] have taken their avataras [incarnations]. And for you to be so
feeble… You are still small children, no doubt, because you got your Realization only a few days back. But if you want, you can
grow very fast. You can grow into big, big giants. All of you can grow. Only thing, you have to decide that you have to grow within.
There are so many things that you only have discovered, by which a person grows. I can give you food, but you have to grow
yourself. Wherever you see the negativity, you have to stand up and say, “This is negativity and nothing else, whether you like it or
not.” In that, you love that person, you don’t hate. Only talking sweetly is not the idea of love. No, a mother sometimes even
scolds the child. Doesn’t mean that she doesn’t love him. If it is necessary, you have to tell the person that it is negativity. Of
course, if there’s a Realized person, he won’t mind any correction, because he wants the correction, he knows that it has to be
corrected. The instrument has to be corrected. But a person who doesn’t understand, you have to force your love on that person.
You can force that love, you know that — sitting down here. Many people have tried putting love around certain people who were
trying to be mischievous — and they have been able to achieve great results. Those people have turned back and come back.
Only by putting your hand and putting your attention on that person and moving this hand like this, the love encircles, and the
person comes back. There is no doubt that there is negativity and positivity, nothing in between these, you must remember.
There is no compromise between the two. Either it is light and darkness, or it is positive and negative — definitely there are two
things that are fighting. Only thing, your will — that’s the trouble with the whole joke. That your will is respected, your will is
throughout respected. If you have the will to be a giant that loves, you can be. The other day I met a psychiatrist, and he was
catching his superego very much. I said, “What’s wrong with you?” He said, “My childhood. My childhood, I couldn’t get much
love.” I said, “Now I am there. You come in My lap. Take the love.” He said, “I want to flow my love, Mother. I want to open out
myself, completely, without any fear.” I said, “You just start it. Don’t worry what people are going to misunderstand, what people
are going to say. It’s nothing important what people are going to say or anything. For love, the satisfaction is only love, that you
love another person.” “You just flow your love,” I said, “and you will see it will work out. Just decide that ‘I am going to love
people.’ And once you decide that, the whole heaven, the whole power of the heaven will fall at your feet. You believe Me in this.”
If you see otherwise, I am an ordinary housewife. Some people always say, “Mataji, how can be like You?” Why not? I am just like
you. I have the same problems as you have. But only thing I know, that I am nothing but embodiment of that love that is divine,
and I can’t exist without it. Every moment of My life let the love flow, let the love flow. Every wave of My mind conveys the love.
And that makes you completely powerful. If you read… I was reading Devi Mahatmyam that… they talk about a rakshasa who
faced Primordial Mother, the Divine Mother, and he laughed at Her: “You woman! What can you do to me, you are a woman! What
can you do to me?” And She smiled at him and said, “All right, come along, let us see.” And with one stroke, She cut his throat.
Very clearly that shows that positivity can cut the throat of negativity. There is no himsa [violence] in that. You must remember
the difference between the two. If negativity is cut and positive brought out, that is the greatest ahimsa [non-violence] you can do
to someone. You have seen what negativity does to people; you have now known what is negativity. You have seen how people
suffer with spirits on them. And here, they are also anxious to be loved your way, you’ll be surprised to know that — if you really
love them. They themselves come to Me and say, “Give me salvation, Mother.” They come to Me only for that — sometimes with
you — that I should give them salvation. And if I promise that, they take the birth again. But there are rakshasas, there are
rakshasas. As I told you the other day, the Kali Yuga has laid a beautiful stage, and a very wonderful drama is to be played — in
which the Ravana has to love Sita as a mother, the Kamsa has to fall at the feet of Radha. Perhaps, you do not know that Krishna
wanted to kill Kamsa. At that time, he was His uncle. So, you see, the feeling came in Him, of His mother, that [she would say]:
“After all, he is my brother.” So He asked Radha, and Radha killed him — the Radha, who loved the whole world at that time. She
is the embodiment of love, and She killed Kamsa — because it was to be. When you are playing in the hands of God, then, if He
wants to kill some body, it has to be slain. But first of all you have to be in the hands of God completely. It is His love only which
kills this body. And when the songs of their strength and victory is sung — you have seen it, all My chakras, how they start
working and vibrating. Because the strength of those victorious days is still lingering on, and it is going to work through you. But
what about your poor instrument, which is moving little slowly? The time when love has to rule, the Satya Yuga, if it has to come,
it is going to be through your efforts, now. Before Sahaja Yoga, no efforts. But now, all your efforts are divine. Whatever you do,
whatever sympathetic you activate, you are getting it through parasympathetic — you don’t do anything at all. But you can see
yourself what stakes are involved. You are the chosen ones, otherwise why is it that you are the only people who got this
Realization and so much you have come forward? Some of you got it only few days back and have gone very far. Why? You are
the chosen ones, and you have to take it upon yourself to be the channels of that divine love, that dynamic power, which is going
to transform the whole conception of hatred on which all these nations and all these differences are created. It looks
sometimes: how? how can it be? But now the days are gone, of Gokul [city where Shri Krishna spent His childhood]. I was
thinking of it. Of the time when Krishna used to play His flute and He tried His Sahaja Yoga on the gopis [cowherd girls] and the
gopas [cowherd boys]. Oh, we tried and tried and tried, in different lives! Nothing worked. And now it is going to click like a spark.
The chain reaction will start. But we have to have strong machines to carry that. Otherwise the fuse will be off. Only the strength
that is in you is to be felt by your attention. That’s the only thing you have to do — is to feel your attention and give up all that is
falsehood. All that is falsehood you see within yourself, and you will know what is falsehood and just drop it. Accept only the
truth, and the truth will give you that power to be the real instrument, to carry this channel, that force of love. It should not mean
that you have to be egoistic — you cannot be even if you try to. You cannot harm anyone even if you want to trouble. So many of
you have expressed that “Mataji, You are giving it to every Dick, Tom and Harry.” I can’t give it to Dick, Tom and Harry — it has to
be a man who has been searching, it has to be a woman who has been searching in their previous lives. You should know that
whatever you have got it, you have got it in your own right. So, a person may look like a Dick, Tom, Harry, but he is not, he’s a
great saint. They are all saints sitting here. It’s a centre and nucleus of saintliness where the complete Divine is flowing. Only
thing is, let it flow out from you. This power is that of God, and it is not your responsibility to worry as to whether it will do good or
bad. Even if you think that it may do some bad things according to the moral sciences of this world, ultimately it is going to be all
right. Why that Jarasandha was to be killed? Why that Kansa was to be killed? Why Ravana was to be killed? Of course, killing
doesn’t help much — that I have realized. Because all those who were killed are back again in their saddles. But still, you don’t
fight those horrible people. You just fight yourself out. You just watch yourself. Where are you? What are you doing? Are you on
the divine or on the gross? Just think about it every moment, every moment you are in meditation. Just think of the moment and
the dynamism of that moment. The complete power that is filling every moment just to go inside you. It will flow through your
Sahasrara inside your being, and completely revolve around your whole being, and transform the inside into a complete
Chaitanya Shakti, a complete Divine Power. Allow it to come in, accept it. Accept it without any fear. Let it get in. Every moment,
every moment keep awake. It’s a very precarious time that we are up to. I have only two hands, you can see that very clearly. And
though Mr. ___ says that I can do everything, I can do everything but not to make you do something. Your will will be respected
throughout. Every other thing can be looked after except for one — that you should be a perfect machine, a perfect channel, a
perfect flute for My Lord to play that tune of love. It is for you to clear out all your seven holes. It is for you to clear out your
hollowness and to be complete within yourself — and He knows His job. He is the artist. But you are the instruments. And the
harmonious music from so many souls can fill the ears of these evil people and can penetrate into their heart and put love into
them, and may be that they themselves will give up their evil ways and fall at the feet of love. Krishna is to be born within you
today. A five-year-old boy went to kill Kaliya [monstrous serpent who lived in river Yamuna and poisoned its water]. That Krishna
is to be born within you. [He] went and sat on the Kaliya’s Sahasrara and was pressing with His feet, and all the people were
seeing this great drama of Krishna’s dancing on the Kaliya’s Sahasrara. Krishna is to be born within your being. When you are
Krishna, you are not going to see Him. Let us now go to the state which is beyond words, beyond thoughts, into the realm of
thoughtless awareness, where the Divine is pouring its blessings. These people have decided today to have a puja, and you know
what happens to Me when you do My puja. So, with all those problems that we’ll be facing later, I would like all of you to be
attentive about the puja and to take full advantage of that. With this puja you get the Mother’s protection, to begin with. And My
chakras, when they start moving, they give you special powers of love, and bless all your chakras, and fill them up completely. So
I would like you — though some two people are coming to do this — all of you to feel that you all are doing it — and you can feel it
that way with oneness. And the blessings of My being will flow to you automatically. | null | null | null | 28 August 1973, Shri Krishna Puja, Most Dynamic Power of Love, Mumbai (India) … by the Divine. For example, if I know only my
head, that is not sufficient. If I know only my neck, that is not sufficient. If I know only my legs, that is not sufficient. But the more
I know about myself, the more dynamic I become, the more expansive I become. And all the great that existed — or all the people
who were called as great — are great because they lived in many human beings. I feel that warmth in the atmosphere, as you are
feeling because you know they are not foreigners, they are your brothers and sisters. There are so many stories in Puranas like
this, that… I will not name it, but once two brothers met in a jungle. But they thought that they were enemies, and they wanted to
fight with each other. And when they came to blows, they couldn’t hit each other. Then they took out their arrows — the arrows
wouldn’t work. They were quite surprised at this, and when they asked each other, “Who is your mother?”, they found out mother
was the same. And then they realized that they were not foreigners neither enemies but they were made of the same fibre. What
sweetness, what beauty that knowledge has given them! And what security of understanding that everywhere in the whole world
we have brothers and sisters, who are on their inner being, on their divine, and how we are bound together with that love! When I
talk of love, people think that I am trying to make you weak people — because people think those who love are weak. But the
most dynamic power in this world is that of love. Is the most aggressive power — is that of love. Even we, when we suffer in love,
it is out of our strength that we suffer and not out of our weakness. For example, there was a teacher in China who used to teach
the cocks how to fight. And the king of that place took his cocks to that teacher and told him that “You please teach them how to
fight.” After one month, when the king went to take those cocks with him, he was surprised that the cocks were just silent, doing
nothing. And he told the teacher that “What have you done to my cocks? They are not at all aggressive, they are not doing
anything! How are they going to fight it out? There’s going to be a race, there’s going to be an exhibition of their strength, and
what are we going to do about it?” He said, “You just take them.” He took those two cocks with him and put them in the arena
where there were other cocks who had come to fight. These two cocks were very nicely standing. All the other cocks started
coaxing and torturing. They were just standing and looking at them. All the other cocks were surprised at their behaviour and
thought that they were very powerful. And they all fled away. The love that I’m talking about, the divine love, makes you not only
strong but dynamic. It is the greatest luminous power that we can think of. Only when love is surrounded by gross and is lost in
the gross, it looks as if it is weak and “under chains”. The time it is released, the dynamic power of love can transcend all the evil
powers of the world. When people get their Realization, automatically the ego drops out — to a great extent, I should say.
Because you say that the vibrations are passing; you don’t say that you are giving them. Because the dropping of the ego
sometimes it happens that you feel that whatever you wanted to have you have got it and you better not talk about it. When there
is any opposition from anywhere, you shun it and sit away from it. You don’t want to face the opposition — of any negative
opposition, whether it is by speech or by… even by evil methods. We run away from that, thinking, “Oh God! How are we going to
face it?” On the contrary, a person who is negative, who has got hatred, becomes [inaudible] as they call it, means a person who
talks big. Such a person talks, starts talking big. He thinks he is above everybody else, he can befool all the world. He takes a
responsibility on himself. He starts a big ashram or some big place where he sits down with all his ignorance and starts
spreading his knowledge — the so-called — to people. By his methods people get impressed, and they all go and fall at his feet.
While the Realized sits at home quietly, wondering what are these fools doing. But it is not now for the Realized to sit down and
to wonder and laugh at the foolishness of the people who are not yet Realized. Not even to take pity on them but to come out,
come out with the sword of love to win the whole world. It is very, very essential. If the creation has to be saved, then you are not
to keep mum about it. All the wrong ideas about love, all the falsehood about love has to be given up. One must know that it is
the dynamic power. And it won’t allow you to sit comfortably with yourself, enjoying the peace and the bliss, when the rest of the
world is not enjoying that and is playing into the hands of the evil geniuses who have come in this world to destroy and to bring
the satanic realm on this earth. Now the days are gone when the people had to suffer. Christ suffered for us. Of course, Christ
never suffered, because He never suffered. He never wept. He was like those cocks, a very powerful personality. But today is the
day to brighten up your understanding about your own strength that is within you. Those who are gross should worry about their
insecurities, and their problems, and their organizations — but not for the people who are realized. I have told you many a times
— and today he [presumably one of the yogis] also remarked — that you should know you are never alone when you are realized.
There have been many people who have been realized, before even you were born, who exist, who are anxious to help you at
every moment. In our shastras [scriptures] we call them chiranjivas [eternal beings], you know them. They are people who are
niranjanas [pure, free from falsehood]. As he said about Bhairava and Hanumana, all these people exist, and they are waiting just
for a call from you. Once we went to the market, and there was a problem about something. And I had somebody with Me, a
disciple… who was also with Me. I just wanted to see what will be his reaction. He tried to argue out with a person to tell him
about something. So, he told Me, “Mataji, let us go now.” When we came out of the shop, I said, “What are you going to do about
it?” He said, “I have already told Hanuman to look after that part.” And the work was done. It is gross, but it happens. When they
fail [Shri Mataji could mean “you fail”], you can leave it to anyone of them, and they will have to jolly well do it. Because it is you
who are on the stage and not they. They are the background people. They are the playbacks. But you must open your mouth;
otherwise, if they start thinking, what will people say? They are going to help you in every way, but how far are you standing on
your security? How far are you standing on your property, on your understanding of yourself? It’s a great war going on. You are
not aware of it? Some of you are. Some of you are definitely aware of it because they have had the experience of fighting it out.
It’s a big war on. Now specially, when ten rakshasas [demons] have taken their avataras [incarnations]. And for you to be so
feeble… You are still small children, no doubt, because you got your Realization only a few days back. But if you want, you can
grow very fast. You can grow into big, big giants. All of you can grow. Only thing, you have to decide that you have to grow within.
There are so many things that you only have discovered, by which a person grows. I can give you food, but you have to grow
yourself. Wherever you see the negativity, you have to stand up and say, “This is negativity and nothing else, whether you like it or
not.” In that, you love that person, you don’t hate. Only talking sweetly is not the idea of love. No, a mother sometimes even
scolds the child. Doesn’t mean that she doesn’t love him. If it is necessary, you have to tell the person that it is negativity. Of
course, if there’s a Realized person, he won’t mind any correction, because he wants the correction, he knows that it has to be
corrected. The instrument has to be corrected. But a person who doesn’t understand, you have to force your love on that person.
You can force that love, you know that — sitting down here. Many people have tried putting love around certain people who were
trying to be mischievous — and they have been able to achieve great results. Those people have turned back and come back.
Only by putting your hand and putting your attention on that person and moving this hand like this, the love encircles, and the
person comes back. There is no doubt that there is negativity and positivity, nothing in between these, you must remember.
There is no compromise between the two. Either it is light and darkness, or it is positive and negative — definitely there are two
things that are fighting. Only thing, your will — that’s the trouble with the whole joke. That your will is respected, your will is
throughout respected. If you have the will to be a giant that loves, you can be. The other day I met a psychiatrist, and he was
catching his superego very much. I said, “What’s wrong with you?” He said, “My childhood. My childhood, I couldn’t get much
love.” I said, “Now I am there. You come in My lap. Take the love.” He said, “I want to flow my love, Mother. I want to open out
myself, completely, without any fear.” I said, “You just start it. Don’t worry what people are going to misunderstand, what people
are going to say. It’s nothing important what people are going to say or anything. For love, the satisfaction is only love, that you
love another person.” “You just flow your love,” I said, “and you will see it will work out. Just decide that ‘I am going to love
people.’ And once you decide that, the whole heaven, the whole power of the heaven will fall at your feet. You believe Me in this.”
If you see otherwise, I am an ordinary housewife. Some people always say, “Mataji, how can be like You?” Why not? I am just like
you. I have the same problems as you have. But only thing I know, that I am nothing but embodiment of that love that is divine,
and I can’t exist without it. Every moment of My life let the love flow, let the love flow. Every wave of My mind conveys the love.
And that makes you completely powerful. If you read… I was reading Devi Mahatmyam that… they talk about a rakshasa who
faced Primordial Mother, the Divine Mother, and he laughed at Her: “You woman! What can you do to me, you are a woman! What
can you do to me?” And She smiled at him and said, “All right, come along, let us see.” And with one stroke, She cut his throat.
Very clearly that shows that positivity can cut the throat of negativity. There is no himsa [violence] in that. You must remember
the difference between the two. If negativity is cut and positive brought out, that is the greatest ahimsa [non-violence] you can do
to someone. You have seen what negativity does to people; you have now known what is negativity. You have seen how people
suffer with spirits on them. And here, they are also anxious to be loved your way, you’ll be surprised to know that — if you really
love them. They themselves come to Me and say, “Give me salvation, Mother.” They come to Me only for that — sometimes with
you — that I should give them salvation. And if I promise that, they take the birth again. But there are rakshasas, there are
rakshasas. As I told you the other day, the Kali Yuga has laid a beautiful stage, and a very wonderful drama is to be played — in
which the Ravana has to love Sita as a mother, the Kamsa has to fall at the feet of Radha. Perhaps, you do not know that Krishna
wanted to kill Kamsa. At that time, he was His uncle. So, you see, the feeling came in Him, of His mother, that [she would say]:
“After all, he is my brother.” So He asked Radha, and Radha killed him — the Radha, who loved the whole world at that time. She
is the embodiment of love, and She killed Kamsa — because it was to be. When you are playing in the hands of God, then, if He
wants to kill some body, it has to be slain. But first of all you have to be in the hands of God completely. It is His love only which
kills this body. And when the songs of their strength and victory is sung — you have seen it, all My chakras, how they start
working and vibrating. Because the strength of those victorious days is still lingering on, and it is going to work through you. But
what about your poor instrument, which is moving little slowly? The time when love has to rule, the Satya Yuga, if it has to come,
it is going to be through your efforts, now. Before Sahaja Yoga, no efforts. But now, all your efforts are divine. Whatever you do,
whatever sympathetic you activate, you are getting it through parasympathetic — you don’t do anything at all. But you can see
yourself what stakes are involved. You are the chosen ones, otherwise why is it that you are the only people who got this
Realization and so much you have come forward? Some of you got it only few days back and have gone very far. Why? You are
the chosen ones, and you have to take it upon yourself to be the channels of that divine love, that dynamic power, which is going
to transform the whole conception of hatred on which all these nations and all these differences are created. It looks
sometimes: how? how can it be? But now the days are gone, of Gokul [city where Shri Krishna spent His childhood]. I was
thinking of it. Of the time when Krishna used to play His flute and He tried His Sahaja Yoga on the gopis [cowherd girls] and the
gopas [cowherd boys]. Oh, we tried and tried and tried, in different lives! Nothing worked. And now it is going to click like a spark.
The chain reaction will start. But we have to have strong machines to carry that. Otherwise the fuse will be off. Only the strength
that is in you is to be felt by your attention. That’s the only thing you have to do — is to feel your attention and give up all that is
falsehood. All that is falsehood you see within yourself, and you will know what is falsehood and just drop it. Accept only the
truth, and the truth will give you that power to be the real instrument, to carry this channel, that force of love. It should not mean
that you have to be egoistic — you cannot be even if you try to. You cannot harm anyone even if you want to trouble. So many of
you have expressed that “Mataji, You are giving it to every Dick, Tom and Harry.” I can’t give it to Dick, Tom and Harry — it has to
be a man who has been searching, it has to be a woman who has been searching in their previous lives. You should know that
whatever you have got it, you have got it in your own right. So, a person may look like a Dick, Tom, Harry, but he is not, he’s a
great saint. They are all saints sitting here. It’s a centre and nucleus of saintliness where the complete Divine is flowing. Only
thing is, let it flow out from you. This power is that of God, and it is not your responsibility to worry as to whether it will do good or
bad. Even if you think that it may do some bad things according to the moral sciences of this world, ultimately it is going to be all
right. Why that Jarasandha was to be killed? Why that Kansa was to be killed? Why Ravana was to be killed? Of course, killing
doesn’t help much — that I have realized. Because all those who were killed are back again in their saddles. But still, you don’t
fight those horrible people. You just fight yourself out. You just watch yourself. Where are you? What are you doing? Are you on
the divine or on the gross? Just think about it every moment, every moment you are in meditation. Just think of the moment and
the dynamism of that moment. The complete power that is filling every moment just to go inside you. It will flow through your
Sahasrara inside your being, and completely revolve around your whole being, and transform the inside into a complete
Chaitanya Shakti, a complete Divine Power. Allow it to come in, accept it. Accept it without any fear. Let it get in. Every moment,
every moment keep awake. It’s a very precarious time that we are up to. I have only two hands, you can see that very clearly. And
though Mr. ___ says that I can do everything, I can do everything but not to make you do something. Your will will be respected
throughout. Every other thing can be looked after except for one — that you should be a perfect machine, a perfect channel, a
perfect flute for My Lord to play that tune of love. It is for you to clear out all your seven holes. It is for you to clear out your
hollowness and to be complete within yourself — and He knows His job. He is the artist. But you are the instruments. And the
harmonious music from so many souls can fill the ears of these evil people and can penetrate into their heart and put love into
them, and may be that they themselves will give up their evil ways and fall at the feet of love. Krishna is to be born within you
today. A five-year-old boy went to kill Kaliya [monstrous serpent who lived in river Yamuna and poisoned its water]. That Krishna
is to be born within you. [He] went and sat on the Kaliya’s Sahasrara and was pressing with His feet, and all the people were
seeing this great drama of Krishna’s dancing on the Kaliya’s Sahasrara. Krishna is to be born within your being. When you are
Krishna, you are not going to see Him. Let us now go to the state which is beyond words, beyond thoughts, into the realm of
thoughtless awareness, where the Divine is pouring its blessings. These people have decided today to have a puja, and you know
what happens to Me when you do My puja. So, with all those problems that we’ll be facing later, I would like all of you to be
attentive about the puja and to take full advantage of that. With this puja you get the Mother’s protection, to begin with. And My
chakras, when they start moving, they give you special powers of love, and bless all your chakras, and fill them up completely. So
I would like you — though some two people are coming to do this — all of you to feel that you all are doing it — and you can feel it
that way with oneness. And the blessings of My being will flow to you automatically. |
9/3/1973 | | Understand your importance | India | Mumbai | null | Draft | null | VERIFIED | null | Y | N | N | Talk to Sahaja Yogis | Hindi | 58 | Understand your importance, Mumbai (India), September 3rd, 1973 [Translation from Hindi] Out of you, many are there who have
just got their realization, some are there who have got their realization a few days back and some are there who have got their
realization from a long time, who have understood this thing that what is our consciousness and how it works and how we make
it our own. Because of the three types of people here, I will have to repeat again and also explain what is the meaning of
realization, what is the speciality of a realized person and how we should stay in a realized state. Whatever you have read before,
for now just forget it. The first question is: what is the meaning of realization? When you come to My feet many are told that,
“You have not got your realization” and many are told that, “You are realized.” This means that realization has got nothing to do
with your outer body, mind, intellect, but it is with something within which connects in some and for others, it doesn’t. In
realization, when you come to My feet, the people can feel that the flow starts coming with a force on the hands. And you also
feel that something is happening within you even from the feet. In your directions the power of consciousness is playing, inside
and outside, like every tree has the power of consciousness inside it; it's leaves have the power of consciousness. And in this
way, the power of consciousness has its abode in the whole world. Just like the ether is in all four directions, in the same way,
this power of consciousness is flowing in all directions. Its abode is inside and outside. And the same power does the work of
the material power. This power is the Kundalini. It is only a word. Actually, God has given no name or meaning to anything, but
man has given it the name of Kundalini. The power that is called Kundalini is situated at the base of the spine in the sacrum
bone. I am going to write an article explaining the meaning and the scientific explanation about it. When you live as a normal
human you live in the body, mind and emotions, and you keep on searching for that thing by which you get joy. When you become
one with that power of consciousness by the awakening of the Kundalini, and it comes to the Sahasrara by becoming one with it,
then your attention goes on to your Kundalini. By going on your Kundalini your attention goes onto the Kundalini of others too. It
means that till now your attention went to three places and now it goes to a fourth place which is the formless power and by
doing that you go beyond thoughts and you start witnessing the mind, emotions and body as a witness. Now those people from
whose hands the vibrations are flowing, they don’t understand that “We have got these so easily that we don’t know what a great
thing we have got”. Now the biggest problem is how did we get such a great thing so easily. We must understand that we get
human birth so easily that we cannot understand how difficult it is to get a human birth. It is got after many births. And to get
reborn again is also after a lot of seeking and many lives. But this happens so easily that we are not able to understand its value.
We also think that how did it happen so quickly. The reason is that until now you were seeking outside and it is with you. Like
there is a diamond within you and you are searching for it all over the world. Then someone tells you that the diamond is with you
and you will say, “Why was I searching all over the world while the diamond was with me all along?”. This is an actuality which we
have got through Sahaja Yoga. In actuality, we get it so easily that we cannot understand from where to where we have reached.
Or one can say that in modern times you can go to the moon at once. If there is a method that you can go to the moon in a
second, then you will feel the same way as to where we have reached, “How can it be?” In the same way, this happening is so
spontaneous that to feel like this is natural. But something that happens spontaneously or happens with a lot of difficulties, then
we remember what we got with a lot of difficulties. This is the nature of man. And man considers what he earns through his
effort as important. If one gets lakhs of rupees from his father he will not have value for it. But if with his own effort he earns
even two rupees he feels that he has earned through his own effort. This is a sign of his Ego. But in Sahaja Yoga when the ego
gets broken, then to get anything through ego has no significance. The ego is dissatisfied within and thus raises such questions
such as, “Why is this in Sahaja?” Many of you have seen the methods of realization. In every book, you will find new methods,
that what such and such happens after realization. Now from these how many are realized and how many are not? God only
knows! But you people who have got your realization know that when you first get realized, your Sahasrara breaks open and you
become one with the vibrations. Then after that he remains here. His sight comes onto his and other’s Kundalini. But the
vibrations that are coming from within him sometimes stop at once. If he puts his hand on top of the head where there is a soft
spot is he will see that it calcifies. Now you got realization yesterday and it calcified. What is the cause of that? The cause is that
our ego and superego get parted and our attention comes into the centre but then they grow back again and become one so the
calcification takes place and the flow stops. But still, you can understand the Kundalini. How? If you come back and put your
hands towards Me and go into meditation you will be able to see that this hand or thumb has caught because they have their
realization. But an unrealized person when he sits with his hands towards Me he will not feel anything. They will feel that this
finger of mine is caught. It is coming in this one and not in the other. And from those who are knowledgeable will understand
which is the finger associated with which Chakra. This cannot be known through mental calculations. I did not tell you. Because
if I told you people will say that Mataji is just talking uselessly. So I felt better. See for yourself. Then when he put his hands
towards the other, his finger started burning. So then I said, “Keep your hand on his Nabhi chakra and see. Close your eyes and
see what chakra is moving. You will see that your Nabhi is moving. So when you put your hands towards him you saw that the
finger associated with the Nabhi chakra was burning.” And all will feel the same finger on themselves when they put their hands
towards that man. You can write any books about it but the way it works, it works like that only. Just yesterday a person was
arguing with Me about Gyaneshwari. If Gyaneshwar was here we could ask him today. He too was trying to find a way on how to
explain it. But he could not do it as he died at a very young age. Because of many people dying before their time a lot of
misunderstanding has spread in the world. And then the second mistake they did is that they wrote a book about this. That is
why I am afraid of writing books. Because the moment I write a book people will start learning by heart and with that also a kind
of conditioning comes in. So now instead of thinking what is in it and what happens you must think that this is a new experience,
a new thing, we are new people and we have to understand something new. We are going to sit here as new. Like a small child
from childhood listens to every new word and then learns by repeating many times. So, in the same way, you all who have come
into this new Divine Region must understand this divinity. Its sight (way of seeing) should be different. When I used to read this
name ‘Divyalok’(Divine Region), I used to think that the person who kept this name must have kept it after a lot of thinking. What
a beautiful name… Divyalok. The Divine Region that you have come into, you must understand that this is all new for you. All the
experience in it is new. It is not something written somewhere and experienced by others. It is what we have to experience. No
one has experienced something like this before. And nowhere in the world has this experiment been successful anywhere before
this because I too have come on this earth many times before. I have thought of doing this many times before and this is the first
time in this lifetime that this work has been successful. That is why whatever unfinished that is left you have to complete it. You
have not come to belittle or pull-down anyone. Whatever incompleteness has been left, you have to complete it. Just think that
you are new persons in this modern world with an expanded vision, and you have to guide the whole world. In this, all realized
people are sitting under one roof and getting this Supreme Shakti. A very great power is flowing from within you, which is not
there in other people in this world. You know this. You should have no doubt on that because now you are realized. Those who
still doubt is because they have just got their realization. In a few days, they too will not have doubts. Then it becomes necessary
that you understand your importance. The greatest importance is that you have now got the fourth dimension. Which fourth
dimension? That how you can go from this to that. Please understand this. Now from this how you can go to the other, stay
there, stay steady there. This is a very important point. If you look at your attention, you will see that there is a kind of an
expansion. Look at your attention and you will see how it goes to something and how you can remove it. It is expanding and you
can see it. Just like a balloon, which will expand like this. In the same way, you watch your attention. Your attention can go to
something and even come back. See how our attention has gone onto something. For example, your attention is on a sari. Now
when it is on a sari you can pull it back from there. You can take your attention and expand it or contract it. And you can take it
wherever you want. But you are completely spread out within it. Like the sea. In the sea, the water goes to every corner and goes
back. But its reality is in the centre of the ocean. The reality, the is-ness that which happens, is within. And the reaction of that is
consciousness. It goes to anything and then comes back again. With this, you learn detachment. Just become detached from
anything. Now, for example, that vehicle came. There is a very bad smell coming from it. If you take your attention to the bad
smell then it smells bad. If you take your attention away then the bad smell is not coming. You have got the power of
Detachment within you. Slowly, keep practicing on your attention. Man is sitting in the midst of the entire drama. He sees, “What
is this? What is this? What is this? This is also, this is also.” People say that this is all theirs. Put your attention to it. As you put
your attention to it you will know, you will know that you can also remove your attention from it. Your attention does not involve
anything. And whatever love you send towards it [with your attention] will just go around it and will come back to you but [thanks
to your attention] will not get lost. Understand this. Before when you used to observe something with thoughts like if something
moves from here, it will keep moving and its circumference will be kept. So [now] it will circle and then come back to you. It will
not catch. It will not catch hold of it. The attachment will also finish off in this way. Every attachment of mind, body and intellect
gets released but also of all the other things within us. This truth that we are humans first and last also gets released because
we have broken our attachment. The way to break the attachment in meditation is to always increase your attention. See? Now it
has increased, it has gone to a point and now bring it back. This special power has come to you after realization. Until now I had
told you many things and besides that also, pay attention to this. In deeper meditation what you have to do is the expansion of
your attention and its pulling back. When you will start doing contraction and expansion, you will be surprised that your depth will
grow. For example, if a person who spread a lot of wheat his spread is more. Then you gathered the wheat and made a pile, then
its height grew. In the same way, if you gathered your attention then see, your inner depth grew and knowledge came in. Then
you started to laugh that “Oh, I was wrapped up in all this? Is this anything to cling on to?” You will feel that this is not anything
great. There is a boy from here who got realization, went for an interview for a job. When he came back I asked him whether he
got it. He said that he did not feel whether he got it or not and will get it or not. He got selected for the job. The people on the
board told me that this boy was amazing and was not scared. He came, said very clearly what he had to say, was not frightened
and went. How did this happen? I had told them that he is now realized soul and, “Watch him and examine his uniqueness.” They
said he came and gave straight answers, there was no deception, he spoke clearly, and stood in a way that, “If you want to take
me or not that’s fine.” Neither did he insult us nor hang behind us wagging his tail. Attention is also like this. When the attention
has nature, then divinity comes into man when he gets realization. When his attention is entangled in every place, then his
attention becomes just like tendrils come out especially the climbing ivy. They come out and catch this, then catch the other, and
then she slowly climbs upwards. In the same way, a man who has not got realization catches onto this, onto that, then another,
and that is how he sustains himself this manner. Sometimes he thinks: “I have no position, how will I move in the world? Oh! I
have no money, how will I move in the world? Oh! I do not have this, how will I move in the world?”. But a tree which stands on
itself stands in its independence. Now, this is happening with you too. You are standing in your independence but because of
fear you are taking out tendrils from within yourself and catching this, then that, then another. As soon as you know you are
standing there, the first thing is not to oppose the attention. It should not be stopped. That attention will not be entangled
anywhere, you try, but it will not get entangled. Try this in deep meditation. Any big question comes before you, just look at it, and
you will be surprised that the attention goes there and comes back. The attention does not get entangled. Now think that a very
great tragedy has taken place here but the world is going on. Pain and Pleasure are our mental calculations: what is the great
thing that makes us unhappy or makes us very happy, or what is it that is painful or joy-giving that we hate someone or love
someone? There is no great reason that this should be. Slowly your attention will grow tremendously. Then the attention
becomes proficient. You have seen that your hands start burning, you work on someone and something happens to you. In the
beginning, this will happen. And should keep away from such a person. Wherever possible don’t put your hand in the fire. When a
girl learns to cook she learns first on a small stove. She puts a cloth to lift hot things and learns slowly. Once her hand has learnt
how to burn then she works on a bigger stove. First, she takes tongs then a Tava [on which Indian chapattis are made], and then
when she becomes an expert she makes Rotis with her hands. She can put her hands on a stove directly and flip the rotis. In the
same way what we in the beginning call evil also goes away. So that which is called evil will run away by itself. It will not affect
you. When this state comes then what is the need for Mother’s protection. You yourself will become great yourself. Then you will
not catch or anything. Wherever you go there negative people will run away. When such a capability comes then such a question
does not arise. Like I have said that there’re only two ways for this: one is a meditation from within and to watch the outside.
Now it is working out by itself. They say that first ‘do’ good karmas. ‘Good’ or ‘bad’ is also the thinking of humans. When Doing
becomes Non-doing it means, that we no more feel that we are doing anything, as the light of the sun, it is in non-doing though
work is being done through him. When the non-doing comes into one fully, which means that the cool breeze is flowing through
the hands and is happening, then whatever is within, then whatever karmas that are gathered within us from before, which we
say that we will have to bear the results of our karmas. Lots of sick people come and ask me: “These are our karmas, will you
suck them in?”. I say: “Yes, I will. Nothing to worry about”. You have come to the river Ganga so you should wash yourself. If
because of your karmas your hands and feet pain, then doesn’t matter, I can absorb it all. But your karmas went up from your
body into your mind. Now how will the karmas be removed from your mind? They ran away from your body due to Mataji. But the
karmas are sitting in the mind. You have got your realization, but still, will this filth get removed? That is why if you keep doing
these actions (of Sahaja Yoga) again and again, then all this gets drowned in akarma (non-action). And however much you do in
this life, that much your karmas will finish off. Slowly as you do your karmas, and so slowly get out, and when you are completely
cleared out from within, then from within that same good faith this likes, dislikes etc., nothing remains. If you are sitting, you are
just sitting. If you get food to eat then fine or don’t get to eat that is fine too. Whatever you do, you are doing the work of the
Divine. You are not doing anything of your own work. The work of the Divine is being done through you and you don’t even know
like the sun which is giving its light. The moon is reflecting the light of the sun from itself. This is the ocean is rising and ebbing
and sending clouds from within itself. All these karmas are being done. But no one thinks that we are doing. There are trees and
from them come the fruits and from the fruits come the seeds and then from the seeds the trees. They are doing such great
work. But none of them feels that we are doing something. Everything is moving leisurely. This question has come only into
humans. They all are in harmony. But we have this question because in humans God has specially given the boon of Ego by
which we can know Him. We have seen that by killing Ego it does not die. That is why if it gets released by itself, then this is the
way of Sahaja Yoga. It gets released from within you. What one has to do that whatever karma we can do with our hands we
should do. And the other is going into deep meditation, till that state does come within you where nothing is ‘bad’ or ‘good’. You
have seen that wherever I go neither any negativity catches Me nor bhoots catch Me or nor My finger catches nor My hands
catch. At each time the flow is the same. If you people feel any heat from Me, then it means that there is some fault within you.
This is an example in front of you. I am also like you but I am an example in front of you. So in the same way you become like this
then no devil or evil will remain. Whosoever will come in front of you should dissolve in your love. And if he does not dissolve
then he will run away. A day will come and that day you will not need this protection. You people have found many ways of
protection. These people can tell you about some of the ways if you want. You can ask them. Like taking vibrations on the photo.
Taking out (vibrations) with feet or taking out with water. How to put your own Bandhan etc. Taking different names, etc. There
are many types. If you want to know about them then you can talk to these people, then these people can tell you all this. But a
realized person when he sits for meditation firstly must see that what is coming from Mataji is there any of our catch in it? Are
we getting vibrations? If they have stopped then we should remove the cause. These people can tell you how to remove it. In the
same way, the vibrations have stopped then the cause of it can be removed. If the hand is burning then how to remove it? Just
blow on it, and remove it, and take the name, and it will just get removed by blowing it away. It will get removed in such a way
that you will feel that it was never there. It is in the atmosphere so one catches. Just like a small girl learns how to cook. And
when you become learned in this method then only have you become a real Yogi. When this ability has come fully, then you
become a real yogi. You get the perfect knowledge. When you get the perfect knowledge about this then you become the
knowledge. Means that you don’t do anything, it keeps happening automatically. If the microphone becomes perfect and My
voice is going through it perfectly then it does not have to do anything, it does not need to know anything. All of this records by
itself. So the Speaker, the Doer and the One who looks after everyone is the Divine who is on the head of everyone. Realized
people should know one more thing. This is also a very important point, by knowing which a kind of self-reliance can come, that
the Devatas are hovering over each realized soul. They say that on top of an evil person the bhoots hover, in the same way, the
Devatas are eager to help those people who are realized. They get the fragrance and they hover precisely around them. From
among you, some must have told, this lady was saying that there was a bhoot-badha on her brother-in-law. And at about
three-thirty, his condition deteriorated. And he started screaming. And then after that, she said that such a bad smell came and
they could not understand what to do. Then they started taking My name and started giving vibrations and just as he cooled
down a fragrance started coming and he became alright. You people should also before getting realization or after realization
get fragrance many times. So consciousness gives fragrance. Chaitanya gives a lot of fragrance. And is joy-giving. So with this,
you get the fragrance. There is so much that is non-fragrant, but it can fall by itself if you keep your meditative state alright,
means that you keep yourself steady. There is nothing to feel bad about it. You have seen that we are unique. We are higher than
the common man. So-and-so [Uncertain. Names may be: Chandu Bhai, Devade, Lal Sahib – ed.] is very great. Many have gone
much above. If you take their names then I think mostly all have gone ahead. And still all catch a bit. All catch a little bit. One
person had got caught up very badly. A few days before he had got caught up very badly. It’s ok if he got caught up. Doesn’t
matter. At least they understand that they are caught up and that is why this has happened, that he understood that he got
caught up. To remove it is very easy. For a realized person it is very easy. It should be removed in any way. How to remove it,
what to do about it, are the methods these people know. And experiment on yourself with different methods. Like it can be
removed by standing near the sea. Earlier many realized people used to go and sit in water. It is true. They used to get so
disturbed that their fingers would start burning. There is a Gagan Baba Maharaj who used to sit in water. His fingers had got
small with burning. He had got curative powers but he could not understand why his fingers had become small with burning. His
fingers got so small by burning; like you know how your fingers burn. But poor thing he didn’t know that. Now he does not come
to Bombay city because in Bombay the hands burn so much and he didn’t know how to make it alright so he has gone away from
here. And he keeps sitting in water. Now there is someone who knows and can tell you. There is someone who can explain that if
your hands are burning how to cure it. Save your hands. Our Mr Devade’s hands got burned very badly by working on 2-3 people,
that now if he looks at someone he gets nervous. He says, “Mataji, yesterday when that bearded man came his hands started
rotating in the air.” So now think that there is someone who can tell you, make you understand that after realization it is such a
dangerous thing. Anyone can catch you. You are just like small children. And such a small child that it is very necessary that you
should look after your state. My hand is on you all, all the time. And each moment I am thinking of you. I have a lot of love for you
all and I feel very proud and also get joy that so many are My children today. It is a feeling of great pride for a Mother that they
have got realization. But what you have got, don’t waste it on petty things. Just now Mr Jadhav had experience and was telling
Me, even Mr Patil and ladies can tell about it. How they got experiences and how they can make someone alright. Means that
whatever problem there is you can solve it. But you too should also learn. You too learn. You too get to know. You are the doctor
and you are the medicine. It is going to go through your hands and you are going to understand it. So if you got a little hurt
somewhere Mother is sitting here to heal you. Where were such people before? Because now, poor things, the ones who have
got their realization say that: “O God save us, from where have we got our realization”. Earlier when people got their realization
they would sit with tongs in their hands (to save themselves from negativity). It was not their fault. Anybody who came they
would beat them. If anyone came who would radiate heat or cause a burning sensation, they used to beat them with tongs. I
have seen them in my childhood. They used to be called ‘the Baba with the tongs’! I used to be surprised that whoever came he
would hit with a pair of tongs. But I have never hit with Tongs. Then who would go to them? The reason for this is that there was
no one to explain to them or guide them. Now you people are curing so many diseases. You have cured diseases like cancer.
You can cure cancer. You have removed so many types of badhas. You have done so much work. Naturally then something or
the other will catch you. But then there is a cure for it. There is a hospital for you and someone is sitting here to guide you. And
there is someone to explain the intricacies of it. So there is no need to get frightened. But if you are still scared then you cannot
progress in this lifetime. This is the question of realized people. But we should understand another thing. There are many Saints
who have died but they are not able to take their birth. They have not been able to find such a person. That is another question.
Such Saints are also reaching a viewpoint that among us there are people who can never be realized. There are many among us
who will never get realization because they have done such karmas before. Some have done planchette [calling spirits] where
they have got stuck or some such similar thing. Where they say that we should come into them. You will find badhas in them. But
they are stuck and there is no need to fight with them. In fact, the very clerical people among you will feel that Mataji is saying
such things. Don’t provoke them because if you provoke them then it can happen that the bhoots can go into them. Bhoots are
already within them. If there will be no bhoots then the saints will come. When the saints come, then our work will be done. That
is why in many people the saints have [come in/entered?]. They have expressed this to Me that they want to come. “But if we
come in the form of little children then what kind of help Shri Mataji can get?” So it is better that such people who come and one
can see that they can’t get realization. There are many people like that. The ones who are not getting their realization there is no
need to fight them, but such people will keep coming. They will come for 4 years or perhaps 10 years but doesn’t matter. Meet
them. They are coming and you know they have not got their realization. The ones who have got their realization will remain
realized, but the one who has not got realization and they are going in and out, there is no need to get involved with them. This I
need to tell you today. On them is the influence of the saints because they can’t do without it also. To drive away the bhoots and
badhas only the saintly people will work. Because you people can’t see and you cannot go to those worlds. So let them do this
work. These people come and say that they will keep working and will help you with your work. They will not cure you or anything
but they will do such work that they will work with others. They will drag people to come (in Sahaja Yoga) and bring many more
people who want to come. There was such a person who had even written an article on Me. But someone scared him so he ran
away. He was never going to get realization. There was someone else who rose against Me. Then, after that, poor thing got stuck
into his vortex, then another thing started and he got stuck with it. So you should save such people. Keep them in the company of
saints and at least they will remain in morality and no bhoots and badhas will come to them and if they have no bodily or mental
sufferings and their brains will remain alright, because the saints do not trouble anyone, that is why the saints should come into
them. But even the great souls are also hovering over you. They are also helping you. They too are helping and will help you with
many things: your body, mental, emotional will remain balanced and will see to your worldly affairs: they will look after your
house: they will look after your children. This is what these people hovering over you will do. But you should completely [be] one
with God. This is a great responsibility on you. Today I wanted that if anyone has any questions then they want to discuss then
please do so. Mr Shroff had …. You have to be like a gardener in a garden. You have to see how to maintain this garden, how to
plant it, how to move it, you will have to think it all out. You think about it and tell how it can be done. One thing he said is right.
He was saying that if we give realization and we don’t follow up with it, then the realization gets lost. If we, after giving it we don’t
follow up and protect them we don’t look after them, take them forward and it can be that their realization can be lost. And then it
will again awaken and till then they will be in difficulties. And all should meet at least once a month. Each and every realized
person should meet once a month. Make it such a way that every month a letter should go to each one. Or make a newspaper
where you can distribute it and no money should be taken. Do not give money anywhere or borrow money from anyone. Do not
get involved with money. Even the land the government gives for ashram never think that you will plant vegetables, then you are
selling vegetables. There is no need to get into such enterprises. We are not to earn money. You must have read what happened
to the Chairman of the State Bank. He went to the ashram and gave 90 lakhs there, 20 lakhs were given elsewhere for making
furniture. What a senseless thing to make furniture in an ashram. Please do not make furniture and then sell it, otherwise
tomorrow we will see that “These people are making furniture.” There is no need for that. It is forbidden for you to do gardening.
For this, there are many people. You are here for a special work. You have to help in meditation, vibrations, and alleviating the
suffering, and take time out to give them realization and giving vibrations. And where it concerns money just keep far away. And
take so much money, keep its accounts, there is no need for it. If you get involved with money and its accounts, you will get
caught up always. Money and God have no connection. If someone gives you a place for free, then it’s fine, and someone who
does not give it for free, then that fine too. It is all God’s work. If someone gave you a place to sit, then he was God’s man who
gave it, and if you didn’t get a place to sit, then it does not matter. No one becomes God with a position. There are many
ashrams. Don’t put your attention there. That we are going to do this or that, or do business in an ashram, I will never let such a
thing happen. And when I see that you are stuck in some business then it is not My responsibility. You have to do no business
whatsoever. You have not to collect money in any way, for nothing at all. One person said to me that he will sell My photos and
then that money he will give to the ashram. I said, “Which ashram? What money? Who said so? Why do you listen to others?”.
There is no need to worry about all this. The One who is doing and looking after us is Him. We are not doing our work. We are
doing His work. If He wants, He will give and doesn’t want to, He won’t give. And the same work we do night and day of eating
‘filth’, and if we are going to come here and do it, then it’s of no use. Don’t give Me ideas like this, because two or three have
given and I am very pained. Please do not give these kinds of suggestions. That way I am very straight and innocent but this way
I am very clever. I am not going to come into these tricks. I am telling you this beforehand, that if you try to trick Me into money
matters, I am not going to get conned into it, whether you get realization or not. It does not concern me at all. You must realize
that there is no connection between money and realization anywhere. The other thing is that there is no connection to politics
with this. There will such people who will come to you who will say to you to stand for elections as you have such a large
following. If you want to go into politics then you do that, but politics has been created by humans and not God. The one who
stands with the Divine has nothing to do with politics and government. You must understand this first. And there is no
connection with your position. If you think that you are a very big trustee or someone who thinks I am a very big secretary or a big
chairman – “I am a Chairman” – then there is no connection with any ‘chair’. And neither is there any throne or seat. Remember
this first of all. And nothing to talk about it. It has neither seat nor throne. There is no seat. Understand? There is no need to
make a special seat (in the future). Who is sitting on Adi Shankaracharya’s seat now, someone who is non-realized, so nothing
doing. Nobody is going to sit on any seat. All are sitting on their own seats. When we sit on someone’s seat we are afraid of
losing that seat (position). By sitting on your own seats and ruling over your own selves from your own seat, then a lot will be
done. Just tie a knot of these things I have said and remember them. The third thing that, a good character, good conduct and
purity, without this you cannot rise. If you have some bad habits you will have to make an effort to leave, take this vow on My
feet. Actually, it is this, that now you have shakti within you. Indians have a very bad habit of criticizing others. We are now
connected with love. We are all brothers and sisters. If something has happened amongst each other, can be that someone’s
foot slips, then it is not necessary that you go and discredit him all over the world. Come and tell me about it. But you should put
in all efforts in if necessary for saving your brothers by giving up your life for your brothers and sisters. For that whatever you
have to do, we will have to save him. It is a moral responsibility. It does not mean you have to pay money for that. Do not lend any
money to anyone. If someone asks for money don’t give a penny. There is no need to lend money to anyone. If some person, in
his spiritual life, where his Kundalini is being destroyed or falling then help him. If someone has got into some bad habits then all
of you should make a chakra with one’s love to help out. Till the Purity does not come into us fully, our work will be left
incomplete. You should know this that the eyes of the whole world are on you. By lighting diyas celebrate Diwali with this. People
do not have their sight on a house, but on the lamps that burn. The people’s attention is on you, in sense, they are watching that
those who have got realization and are curing many sicknesses in the world, how are they leading their own life. Sometimes you
criticize this one, criticize that one. Though I have not seen such criticism. At this moment such negativity has not come. But it
can be. If there is anything, just come and tell me. No one has perfect as yet. So come and tell me. I will cure that problem. And
whatever failings (problems) you have, never feel shy talking with your brothers and sisters. If you say that, “This is catching in
me”, then it can be cleared. If you don’t tell them how can it be cleared. There is no need to feel bad as you know that all catch
and all are doctors and doctors give free treatment among themselves. So all of you can get cured free among yourselves. You
must have brotherhood among yourself, and keep your attention on an extremely pure life. So purity is very necessary. Without
that nothing can be done. If I had spoken about purity before, then it would be a question of perversion, that you clear out on one
and catch another. You clear out on the second thing and you catch a third thing. But after realization, this problem does not
remain. After realization, a hole (Sahasrara) has been made on top of the head from where everything will go out from here. You
leave one thing and it will go out from the top of the head. It will go out fully. It will not enter anywhere else. That is the advantage
of the hole that has been made here. If you have some habits you have in keep it in your mind and then take it out from here.
Wherever the habit is there, you feel heavy. On the Nabhi some like to eat a lot. It does not look nice overeating. So pay attention
to your Nabhi. From Nabhi then slowly remove it. Then everything will come out from here, all the filth. Look at him. This
gentleman told me that I can now take a breath from here (top of head). This is good. Watching your breath, watching, hearing,
moving is all from here (Sahasrara). Everything happens due to consciousness, and when consciousness has come on top of the
head, then it will happen up here. The beating of the heart, the work of the whole body is done from here. So anything that you
want to take out from within yourself, then just press it and take it out from here. It will release by itself. It will all be released
from here. Because there is now a hole, it is of great help. The hole was not there so… Like they say that if you press the ocean
on one side, it grows on the other. But if a hole is made in it then it will flow out. So, if you press it on the side, it will not go to the
other side. Make an effort and look towards yourself as to what is impure within us. Like our Mother’s name is Nirmala, so too
we have to be Nirmal (Pure). And what is impure within us, and not within others. I was watching that some were looking at
others. No, no, I mean what is within us. Which “Hum” [Spirit] is it? What is it that is within us? These are our misidentifications,
means that we have thought of ourselves as Christians, we are Muslims, we are Hindus and the rest are useless. This is a
misidentification, “We Indians are the best, and the rest are useless”. These all are misidentifications and all are false. There is
just one truth that we are humans. That is the reality. First thing is, if you know this answer, then you will understand the rest that
you are. One must keep watching all your misidentifications at each moment. What are we thinking at this moment? We are
thinking that I have to go home and make food. Some are thinking that tomorrow is the office. What will happen in the office
tomorrow? People are thinking about various things, and I know what all they are thinking about. You should listen to My lecture
in Thoughtlessness. Not with these thoughts. The One who cooks for us is sitting here. We do not make food. Think about this
once that such a miracle has happened, that just sitting here you have become thoughtless. Because matter is also made from
that Conscious Power. See this. The Cook is sitting. Such questions will get answered. As soon as you go into Thoughtless
awareness you will understand that you have come under the protection of God, and in thoughtless awareness, His light has
come into you. If you have any questions please ask Me now as a lot of time has gone for meditation. Next time we will have
meditation. And at this moment let us have a puja by which you will be specially given a Protection by which no problem comes
to you. There are many devils roaming around outside and you can get into trouble. After this, the program is in Pune. Those who
want to come to Pune they can come, but try to attend this two -week program. Now, what I have said, just think about it. Now
with My lecture, you will not get conditioned. Your conditionings will also fall away. The greatest benefit of realization is that
nothing will now stick to you. Its gross will not stick to you, only its conscious may stick. Even if I speak in Urdu, Farsi or French,
but the conscious Power that is flowing through the words that will come into you. So with this, the vibrations will flow into you,
even if you don’t understand the language. The love that is flowing from within is what is touching you. Like you may not know
the name of the flower, but the fragrance is flowing into you. The fragrance is the Consciousness and the flower is the name. So,
even if you don’t understand the name, the fragrance comes through. Each human can smell it and he can tell even if he is
English, French or Indian. Everyone knows. There is no need to speak about it. So, in the same way, God’s fragrance which is the
consciousness Power can flow into anyone, whatever may be his language, “It is different to what I wanted to say, and what I
wanted to give is different, that has got established inside.” And any problems that were inside will be taken out from here
[Sahasrara]. A churning goes on inside, and whichever thing the chakra is blocked take it out and get rid of it, throw out it. Some
may get a heavy head, If you are catching from someone, don’t worry even your heaviness will also go out with it. Like I said
yesterday that take out with the left hand. If anyone wants to ask questions please do. | null | null | null | Understand your importance, Mumbai (India), September 3rd, 1973 [Translation from Hindi] Out of you, many are there who have
just got their realization, some are there who have got their realization a few days back and some are there who have got their
realization from a long time, who have understood this thing that what is our consciousness and how it works and how we make
it our own. Because of the three types of people here, I will have to repeat again and also explain what is the meaning of
realization, what is the speciality of a realized person and how we should stay in a realized state. Whatever you have read before,
for now just forget it. The first question is: what is the meaning of realization? When you come to My feet many are told that,
“You have not got your realization” and many are told that, “You are realized.” This means that realization has got nothing to do
with your outer body, mind, intellect, but it is with something within which connects in some and for others, it doesn’t. In
realization, when you come to My feet, the people can feel that the flow starts coming with a force on the hands. And you also
feel that something is happening within you even from the feet. In your directions the power of consciousness is playing, inside
and outside, like every tree has the power of consciousness inside it; it's leaves have the power of consciousness. And in this
way, the power of consciousness has its abode in the whole world. Just like the ether is in all four directions, in the same way,
this power of consciousness is flowing in all directions. Its abode is inside and outside. And the same power does the work of
the material power. This power is the Kundalini. It is only a word. Actually, God has given no name or meaning to anything, but
man has given it the name of Kundalini. The power that is called Kundalini is situated at the base of the spine in the sacrum
bone. I am going to write an article explaining the meaning and the scientific explanation about it. When you live as a normal
human you live in the body, mind and emotions, and you keep on searching for that thing by which you get joy. When you become
one with that power of consciousness by the awakening of the Kundalini, and it comes to the Sahasrara by becoming one with it,
then your attention goes on to your Kundalini. By going on your Kundalini your attention goes onto the Kundalini of others too. It
means that till now your attention went to three places and now it goes to a fourth place which is the formless power and by
doing that you go beyond thoughts and you start witnessing the mind, emotions and body as a witness. Now those people from
whose hands the vibrations are flowing, they don’t understand that “We have got these so easily that we don’t know what a great
thing we have got”. Now the biggest problem is how did we get such a great thing so easily. We must understand that we get
human birth so easily that we cannot understand how difficult it is to get a human birth. It is got after many births. And to get
reborn again is also after a lot of seeking and many lives. But this happens so easily that we are not able to understand its value.
We also think that how did it happen so quickly. The reason is that until now you were seeking outside and it is with you. Like
there is a diamond within you and you are searching for it all over the world. Then someone tells you that the diamond is with you
and you will say, “Why was I searching all over the world while the diamond was with me all along?”. This is an actuality which we
have got through Sahaja Yoga. In actuality, we get it so easily that we cannot understand from where to where we have reached.
Or one can say that in modern times you can go to the moon at once. If there is a method that you can go to the moon in a
second, then you will feel the same way as to where we have reached, “How can it be?” In the same way, this happening is so
spontaneous that to feel like this is natural. But something that happens spontaneously or happens with a lot of difficulties, then
we remember what we got with a lot of difficulties. This is the nature of man. And man considers what he earns through his
effort as important. If one gets lakhs of rupees from his father he will not have value for it. But if with his own effort he earns
even two rupees he feels that he has earned through his own effort. This is a sign of his Ego. But in Sahaja Yoga when the ego
gets broken, then to get anything through ego has no significance. The ego is dissatisfied within and thus raises such questions
such as, “Why is this in Sahaja?” Many of you have seen the methods of realization. In every book, you will find new methods,
that what such and such happens after realization. Now from these how many are realized and how many are not? God only
knows! But you people who have got your realization know that when you first get realized, your Sahasrara breaks open and you
become one with the vibrations. Then after that he remains here. His sight comes onto his and other’s Kundalini. But the
vibrations that are coming from within him sometimes stop at once. If he puts his hand on top of the head where there is a soft
spot is he will see that it calcifies. Now you got realization yesterday and it calcified. What is the cause of that? The cause is that
our ego and superego get parted and our attention comes into the centre but then they grow back again and become one so the
calcification takes place and the flow stops. But still, you can understand the Kundalini. How? If you come back and put your
hands towards Me and go into meditation you will be able to see that this hand or thumb has caught because they have their
realization. But an unrealized person when he sits with his hands towards Me he will not feel anything. They will feel that this
finger of mine is caught. It is coming in this one and not in the other. And from those who are knowledgeable will understand
which is the finger associated with which Chakra. This cannot be known through mental calculations. I did not tell you. Because
if I told you people will say that Mataji is just talking uselessly. So I felt better. See for yourself. Then when he put his hands
towards the other, his finger started burning. So then I said, “Keep your hand on his Nabhi chakra and see. Close your eyes and
see what chakra is moving. You will see that your Nabhi is moving. So when you put your hands towards him you saw that the
finger associated with the Nabhi chakra was burning.” And all will feel the same finger on themselves when they put their hands
towards that man. You can write any books about it but the way it works, it works like that only. Just yesterday a person was
arguing with Me about Gyaneshwari. If Gyaneshwar was here we could ask him today. He too was trying to find a way on how to
explain it. But he could not do it as he died at a very young age. Because of many people dying before their time a lot of
misunderstanding has spread in the world. And then the second mistake they did is that they wrote a book about this. That is
why I am afraid of writing books. Because the moment I write a book people will start learning by heart and with that also a kind
of conditioning comes in. So now instead of thinking what is in it and what happens you must think that this is a new experience,
a new thing, we are new people and we have to understand something new. We are going to sit here as new. Like a small child
from childhood listens to every new word and then learns by repeating many times. So, in the same way, you all who have come
into this new Divine Region must understand this divinity. Its sight (way of seeing) should be different. When I used to read this
name ‘Divyalok’(Divine Region), I used to think that the person who kept this name must have kept it after a lot of thinking. What
a beautiful name… Divyalok. The Divine Region that you have come into, you must understand that this is all new for you. All the
experience in it is new. It is not something written somewhere and experienced by others. It is what we have to experience. No
one has experienced something like this before. And nowhere in the world has this experiment been successful anywhere before
this because I too have come on this earth many times before. I have thought of doing this many times before and this is the first
time in this lifetime that this work has been successful. That is why whatever unfinished that is left you have to complete it. You
have not come to belittle or pull-down anyone. Whatever incompleteness has been left, you have to complete it. Just think that
you are new persons in this modern world with an expanded vision, and you have to guide the whole world. In this, all realized
people are sitting under one roof and getting this Supreme Shakti. A very great power is flowing from within you, which is not
there in other people in this world. You know this. You should have no doubt on that because now you are realized. Those who
still doubt is because they have just got their realization. In a few days, they too will not have doubts. Then it becomes necessary
that you understand your importance. The greatest importance is that you have now got the fourth dimension. Which fourth
dimension? That how you can go from this to that. Please understand this. Now from this how you can go to the other, stay
there, stay steady there. This is a very important point. If you look at your attention, you will see that there is a kind of an
expansion. Look at your attention and you will see how it goes to something and how you can remove it. It is expanding and you
can see it. Just like a balloon, which will expand like this. In the same way, you watch your attention. Your attention can go to
something and even come back. See how our attention has gone onto something. For example, your attention is on a sari. Now
when it is on a sari you can pull it back from there. You can take your attention and expand it or contract it. And you can take it
wherever you want. But you are completely spread out within it. Like the sea. In the sea, the water goes to every corner and goes
back. But its reality is in the centre of the ocean. The reality, the is-ness that which happens, is within. And the reaction of that is
consciousness. It goes to anything and then comes back again. With this, you learn detachment. Just become detached from
anything. Now, for example, that vehicle came. There is a very bad smell coming from it. If you take your attention to the bad
smell then it smells bad. If you take your attention away then the bad smell is not coming. You have got the power of
Detachment within you. Slowly, keep practicing on your attention. Man is sitting in the midst of the entire drama. He sees, “What
is this? What is this? What is this? This is also, this is also.” People say that this is all theirs. Put your attention to it. As you put
your attention to it you will know, you will know that you can also remove your attention from it. Your attention does not involve
anything. And whatever love you send towards it [with your attention] will just go around it and will come back to you but [thanks
to your attention] will not get lost. Understand this. Before when you used to observe something with thoughts like if something
moves from here, it will keep moving and its circumference will be kept. So [now] it will circle and then come back to you. It will
not catch. It will not catch hold of it. The attachment will also finish off in this way. Every attachment of mind, body and intellect
gets released but also of all the other things within us. This truth that we are humans first and last also gets released because
we have broken our attachment. The way to break the attachment in meditation is to always increase your attention. See? Now it
has increased, it has gone to a point and now bring it back. This special power has come to you after realization. Until now I had
told you many things and besides that also, pay attention to this. In deeper meditation what you have to do is the expansion of
your attention and its pulling back. When you will start doing contraction and expansion, you will be surprised that your depth will
grow. For example, if a person who spread a lot of wheat his spread is more. Then you gathered the wheat and made a pile, then
its height grew. In the same way, if you gathered your attention then see, your inner depth grew and knowledge came in. Then
you started to laugh that “Oh, I was wrapped up in all this? Is this anything to cling on to?” You will feel that this is not anything
great. There is a boy from here who got realization, went for an interview for a job. When he came back I asked him whether he
got it. He said that he did not feel whether he got it or not and will get it or not. He got selected for the job. The people on the
board told me that this boy was amazing and was not scared. He came, said very clearly what he had to say, was not frightened
and went. How did this happen? I had told them that he is now realized soul and, “Watch him and examine his uniqueness.” They
said he came and gave straight answers, there was no deception, he spoke clearly, and stood in a way that, “If you want to take
me or not that’s fine.” Neither did he insult us nor hang behind us wagging his tail. Attention is also like this. When the attention
has nature, then divinity comes into man when he gets realization. When his attention is entangled in every place, then his
attention becomes just like tendrils come out especially the climbing ivy. They come out and catch this, then catch the other, and
then she slowly climbs upwards. In the same way, a man who has not got realization catches onto this, onto that, then another,
and that is how he sustains himself this manner. Sometimes he thinks: “I have no position, how will I move in the world? Oh! I
have no money, how will I move in the world? Oh! I do not have this, how will I move in the world?”. But a tree which stands on
itself stands in its independence. Now, this is happening with you too. You are standing in your independence but because of
fear you are taking out tendrils from within yourself and catching this, then that, then another. As soon as you know you are
standing there, the first thing is not to oppose the attention. It should not be stopped. That attention will not be entangled
anywhere, you try, but it will not get entangled. Try this in deep meditation. Any big question comes before you, just look at it, and
you will be surprised that the attention goes there and comes back. The attention does not get entangled. Now think that a very
great tragedy has taken place here but the world is going on. Pain and Pleasure are our mental calculations: what is the great
thing that makes us unhappy or makes us very happy, or what is it that is painful or joy-giving that we hate someone or love
someone? There is no great reason that this should be. Slowly your attention will grow tremendously. Then the attention
becomes proficient. You have seen that your hands start burning, you work on someone and something happens to you. In the
beginning, this will happen. And should keep away from such a person. Wherever possible don’t put your hand in the fire. When a
girl learns to cook she learns first on a small stove. She puts a cloth to lift hot things and learns slowly. Once her hand has learnt
how to burn then she works on a bigger stove. First, she takes tongs then a Tava [on which Indian chapattis are made], and then
when she becomes an expert she makes Rotis with her hands. She can put her hands on a stove directly and flip the rotis. In the
same way what we in the beginning call evil also goes away. So that which is called evil will run away by itself. It will not affect
you. When this state comes then what is the need for Mother’s protection. You yourself will become great yourself. Then you will
not catch or anything. Wherever you go there negative people will run away. When such a capability comes then such a question
does not arise. Like I have said that there’re only two ways for this: one is a meditation from within and to watch the outside.
Now it is working out by itself. They say that first ‘do’ good karmas. ‘Good’ or ‘bad’ is also the thinking of humans. When Doing
becomes Non-doing it means, that we no more feel that we are doing anything, as the light of the sun, it is in non-doing though
work is being done through him. When the non-doing comes into one fully, which means that the cool breeze is flowing through
the hands and is happening, then whatever is within, then whatever karmas that are gathered within us from before, which we
say that we will have to bear the results of our karmas. Lots of sick people come and ask me: “These are our karmas, will you
suck them in?”. I say: “Yes, I will. Nothing to worry about”. You have come to the river Ganga so you should wash yourself. If
because of your karmas your hands and feet pain, then doesn’t matter, I can absorb it all. But your karmas went up from your
body into your mind. Now how will the karmas be removed from your mind? They ran away from your body due to Mataji. But the
karmas are sitting in the mind. You have got your realization, but still, will this filth get removed? That is why if you keep doing
these actions (of Sahaja Yoga) again and again, then all this gets drowned in akarma (non-action). And however much you do in
this life, that much your karmas will finish off. Slowly as you do your karmas, and so slowly get out, and when you are completely
cleared out from within, then from within that same good faith this likes, dislikes etc., nothing remains. If you are sitting, you are
just sitting. If you get food to eat then fine or don’t get to eat that is fine too. Whatever you do, you are doing the work of the
Divine. You are not doing anything of your own work. The work of the Divine is being done through you and you don’t even know
like the sun which is giving its light. The moon is reflecting the light of the sun from itself. This is the ocean is rising and ebbing
and sending clouds from within itself. All these karmas are being done. But no one thinks that we are doing. There are trees and
from them come the fruits and from the fruits come the seeds and then from the seeds the trees. They are doing such great
work. But none of them feels that we are doing something. Everything is moving leisurely. This question has come only into
humans. They all are in harmony. But we have this question because in humans God has specially given the boon of Ego by
which we can know Him. We have seen that by killing Ego it does not die. That is why if it gets released by itself, then this is the
way of Sahaja Yoga. It gets released from within you. What one has to do that whatever karma we can do with our hands we
should do. And the other is going into deep meditation, till that state does come within you where nothing is ‘bad’ or ‘good’. You
have seen that wherever I go neither any negativity catches Me nor bhoots catch Me or nor My finger catches nor My hands
catch. At each time the flow is the same. If you people feel any heat from Me, then it means that there is some fault within you.
This is an example in front of you. I am also like you but I am an example in front of you. So in the same way you become like this
then no devil or evil will remain. Whosoever will come in front of you should dissolve in your love. And if he does not dissolve
then he will run away. A day will come and that day you will not need this protection. You people have found many ways of
protection. These people can tell you about some of the ways if you want. You can ask them. Like taking vibrations on the photo.
Taking out (vibrations) with feet or taking out with water. How to put your own Bandhan etc. Taking different names, etc. There
are many types. If you want to know about them then you can talk to these people, then these people can tell you all this. But a
realized person when he sits for meditation firstly must see that what is coming from Mataji is there any of our catch in it? Are
we getting vibrations? If they have stopped then we should remove the cause. These people can tell you how to remove it. In the
same way, the vibrations have stopped then the cause of it can be removed. If the hand is burning then how to remove it? Just
blow on it, and remove it, and take the name, and it will just get removed by blowing it away. It will get removed in such a way
that you will feel that it was never there. It is in the atmosphere so one catches. Just like a small girl learns how to cook. And
when you become learned in this method then only have you become a real Yogi. When this ability has come fully, then you
become a real yogi. You get the perfect knowledge. When you get the perfect knowledge about this then you become the
knowledge. Means that you don’t do anything, it keeps happening automatically. If the microphone becomes perfect and My
voice is going through it perfectly then it does not have to do anything, it does not need to know anything. All of this records by
itself. So the Speaker, the Doer and the One who looks after everyone is the Divine who is on the head of everyone. Realized
people should know one more thing. This is also a very important point, by knowing which a kind of self-reliance can come, that
the Devatas are hovering over each realized soul. They say that on top of an evil person the bhoots hover, in the same way, the
Devatas are eager to help those people who are realized. They get the fragrance and they hover precisely around them. From
among you, some must have told, this lady was saying that there was a bhoot-badha on her brother-in-law. And at about
three-thirty, his condition deteriorated. And he started screaming. And then after that, she said that such a bad smell came and
they could not understand what to do. Then they started taking My name and started giving vibrations and just as he cooled
down a fragrance started coming and he became alright. You people should also before getting realization or after realization
get fragrance many times. So consciousness gives fragrance. Chaitanya gives a lot of fragrance. And is joy-giving. So with this,
you get the fragrance. There is so much that is non-fragrant, but it can fall by itself if you keep your meditative state alright,
means that you keep yourself steady. There is nothing to feel bad about it. You have seen that we are unique. We are higher than
the common man. So-and-so [Uncertain. Names may be: Chandu Bhai, Devade, Lal Sahib – ed.] is very great. Many have gone
much above. If you take their names then I think mostly all have gone ahead. And still all catch a bit. All catch a little bit. One
person had got caught up very badly. A few days before he had got caught up very badly. It’s ok if he got caught up. Doesn’t
matter. At least they understand that they are caught up and that is why this has happened, that he understood that he got
caught up. To remove it is very easy. For a realized person it is very easy. It should be removed in any way. How to remove it,
what to do about it, are the methods these people know. And experiment on yourself with different methods. Like it can be
removed by standing near the sea. Earlier many realized people used to go and sit in water. It is true. They used to get so
disturbed that their fingers would start burning. There is a Gagan Baba Maharaj who used to sit in water. His fingers had got
small with burning. He had got curative powers but he could not understand why his fingers had become small with burning. His
fingers got so small by burning; like you know how your fingers burn. But poor thing he didn’t know that. Now he does not come
to Bombay city because in Bombay the hands burn so much and he didn’t know how to make it alright so he has gone away from
here. And he keeps sitting in water. Now there is someone who knows and can tell you. There is someone who can explain that if
your hands are burning how to cure it. Save your hands. Our Mr Devade’s hands got burned very badly by working on 2-3 people,
that now if he looks at someone he gets nervous. He says, “Mataji, yesterday when that bearded man came his hands started
rotating in the air.” So now think that there is someone who can tell you, make you understand that after realization it is such a
dangerous thing. Anyone can catch you. You are just like small children. And such a small child that it is very necessary that you
should look after your state. My hand is on you all, all the time. And each moment I am thinking of you. I have a lot of love for you
all and I feel very proud and also get joy that so many are My children today. It is a feeling of great pride for a Mother that they
have got realization. But what you have got, don’t waste it on petty things. Just now Mr Jadhav had experience and was telling
Me, even Mr Patil and ladies can tell about it. How they got experiences and how they can make someone alright. Means that
whatever problem there is you can solve it. But you too should also learn. You too learn. You too get to know. You are the doctor
and you are the medicine. It is going to go through your hands and you are going to understand it. So if you got a little hurt
somewhere Mother is sitting here to heal you. Where were such people before? Because now, poor things, the ones who have
got their realization say that: “O God save us, from where have we got our realization”. Earlier when people got their realization
they would sit with tongs in their hands (to save themselves from negativity). It was not their fault. Anybody who came they
would beat them. If anyone came who would radiate heat or cause a burning sensation, they used to beat them with tongs. I
have seen them in my childhood. They used to be called ‘the Baba with the tongs’! I used to be surprised that whoever came he
would hit with a pair of tongs. But I have never hit with Tongs. Then who would go to them? The reason for this is that there was
no one to explain to them or guide them. Now you people are curing so many diseases. You have cured diseases like cancer.
You can cure cancer. You have removed so many types of badhas. You have done so much work. Naturally then something or
the other will catch you. But then there is a cure for it. There is a hospital for you and someone is sitting here to guide you. And
there is someone to explain the intricacies of it. So there is no need to get frightened. But if you are still scared then you cannot
progress in this lifetime. This is the question of realized people. But we should understand another thing. There are many Saints
who have died but they are not able to take their birth. They have not been able to find such a person. That is another question.
Such Saints are also reaching a viewpoint that among us there are people who can never be realized. There are many among us
who will never get realization because they have done such karmas before. Some have done planchette [calling spirits] where
they have got stuck or some such similar thing. Where they say that we should come into them. You will find badhas in them. But
they are stuck and there is no need to fight with them. In fact, the very clerical people among you will feel that Mataji is saying
such things. Don’t provoke them because if you provoke them then it can happen that the bhoots can go into them. Bhoots are
already within them. If there will be no bhoots then the saints will come. When the saints come, then our work will be done. That
is why in many people the saints have [come in/entered?]. They have expressed this to Me that they want to come. “But if we
come in the form of little children then what kind of help Shri Mataji can get?” So it is better that such people who come and one
can see that they can’t get realization. There are many people like that. The ones who are not getting their realization there is no
need to fight them, but such people will keep coming. They will come for 4 years or perhaps 10 years but doesn’t matter. Meet
them. They are coming and you know they have not got their realization. The ones who have got their realization will remain
realized, but the one who has not got realization and they are going in and out, there is no need to get involved with them. This I
need to tell you today. On them is the influence of the saints because they can’t do without it also. To drive away the bhoots and
badhas only the saintly people will work. Because you people can’t see and you cannot go to those worlds. So let them do this
work. These people come and say that they will keep working and will help you with your work. They will not cure you or anything
but they will do such work that they will work with others. They will drag people to come (in Sahaja Yoga) and bring many more
people who want to come. There was such a person who had even written an article on Me. But someone scared him so he ran
away. He was never going to get realization. There was someone else who rose against Me. Then, after that, poor thing got stuck
into his vortex, then another thing started and he got stuck with it. So you should save such people. Keep them in the company of
saints and at least they will remain in morality and no bhoots and badhas will come to them and if they have no bodily or mental
sufferings and their brains will remain alright, because the saints do not trouble anyone, that is why the saints should come into
them. But even the great souls are also hovering over you. They are also helping you. They too are helping and will help you with
many things: your body, mental, emotional will remain balanced and will see to your worldly affairs: they will look after your
house: they will look after your children. This is what these people hovering over you will do. But you should completely [be] one
with God. This is a great responsibility on you. Today I wanted that if anyone has any questions then they want to discuss then
please do so. Mr Shroff had …. You have to be like a gardener in a garden. You have to see how to maintain this garden, how to
plant it, how to move it, you will have to think it all out. You think about it and tell how it can be done. One thing he said is right.
He was saying that if we give realization and we don’t follow up with it, then the realization gets lost. If we, after giving it we don’t
follow up and protect them we don’t look after them, take them forward and it can be that their realization can be lost. And then it
will again awaken and till then they will be in difficulties. And all should meet at least once a month. Each and every realized
person should meet once a month. Make it such a way that every month a letter should go to each one. Or make a newspaper
where you can distribute it and no money should be taken. Do not give money anywhere or borrow money from anyone. Do not
get involved with money. Even the land the government gives for ashram never think that you will plant vegetables, then you are
selling vegetables. There is no need to get into such enterprises. We are not to earn money. You must have read what happened
to the Chairman of the State Bank. He went to the ashram and gave 90 lakhs there, 20 lakhs were given elsewhere for making
furniture. What a senseless thing to make furniture in an ashram. Please do not make furniture and then sell it, otherwise
tomorrow we will see that “These people are making furniture.” There is no need for that. It is forbidden for you to do gardening.
For this, there are many people. You are here for a special work. You have to help in meditation, vibrations, and alleviating the
suffering, and take time out to give them realization and giving vibrations. And where it concerns money just keep far away. And
take so much money, keep its accounts, there is no need for it. If you get involved with money and its accounts, you will get
caught up always. Money and God have no connection. If someone gives you a place for free, then it’s fine, and someone who
does not give it for free, then that fine too. It is all God’s work. If someone gave you a place to sit, then he was God’s man who
gave it, and if you didn’t get a place to sit, then it does not matter. No one becomes God with a position. There are many
ashrams. Don’t put your attention there. That we are going to do this or that, or do business in an ashram, I will never let such a
thing happen. And when I see that you are stuck in some business then it is not My responsibility. You have to do no business
whatsoever. You have not to collect money in any way, for nothing at all. One person said to me that he will sell My photos and
then that money he will give to the ashram. I said, “Which ashram? What money? Who said so? Why do you listen to others?”.
There is no need to worry about all this. The One who is doing and looking after us is Him. We are not doing our work. We are
doing His work. If He wants, He will give and doesn’t want to, He won’t give. And the same work we do night and day of eating
‘filth’, and if we are going to come here and do it, then it’s of no use. Don’t give Me ideas like this, because two or three have
given and I am very pained. Please do not give these kinds of suggestions. That way I am very straight and innocent but this way
I am very clever. I am not going to come into these tricks. I am telling you this beforehand, that if you try to trick Me into money
matters, I am not going to get conned into it, whether you get realization or not. It does not concern me at all. You must realize
that there is no connection between money and realization anywhere. The other thing is that there is no connection to politics
with this. There will such people who will come to you who will say to you to stand for elections as you have such a large
following. If you want to go into politics then you do that, but politics has been created by humans and not God. The one who
stands with the Divine has nothing to do with politics and government. You must understand this first. And there is no
connection with your position. If you think that you are a very big trustee or someone who thinks I am a very big secretary or a big
chairman – “I am a Chairman” – then there is no connection with any ‘chair’. And neither is there any throne or seat. Remember
this first of all. And nothing to talk about it. It has neither seat nor throne. There is no seat. Understand? There is no need to
make a special seat (in the future). Who is sitting on Adi Shankaracharya’s seat now, someone who is non-realized, so nothing
doing. Nobody is going to sit on any seat. All are sitting on their own seats. When we sit on someone’s seat we are afraid of
losing that seat (position). By sitting on your own seats and ruling over your own selves from your own seat, then a lot will be
done. Just tie a knot of these things I have said and remember them. The third thing that, a good character, good conduct and
purity, without this you cannot rise. If you have some bad habits you will have to make an effort to leave, take this vow on My
feet. Actually, it is this, that now you have shakti within you. Indians have a very bad habit of criticizing others. We are now
connected with love. We are all brothers and sisters. If something has happened amongst each other, can be that someone’s
foot slips, then it is not necessary that you go and discredit him all over the world. Come and tell me about it. But you should put
in all efforts in if necessary for saving your brothers by giving up your life for your brothers and sisters. For that whatever you
have to do, we will have to save him. It is a moral responsibility. It does not mean you have to pay money for that. Do not lend any
money to anyone. If someone asks for money don’t give a penny. There is no need to lend money to anyone. If some person, in
his spiritual life, where his Kundalini is being destroyed or falling then help him. If someone has got into some bad habits then all
of you should make a chakra with one’s love to help out. Till the Purity does not come into us fully, our work will be left
incomplete. You should know this that the eyes of the whole world are on you. By lighting diyas celebrate Diwali with this. People
do not have their sight on a house, but on the lamps that burn. The people’s attention is on you, in sense, they are watching that
those who have got realization and are curing many sicknesses in the world, how are they leading their own life. Sometimes you
criticize this one, criticize that one. Though I have not seen such criticism. At this moment such negativity has not come. But it
can be. If there is anything, just come and tell me. No one has perfect as yet. So come and tell me. I will cure that problem. And
whatever failings (problems) you have, never feel shy talking with your brothers and sisters. If you say that, “This is catching in
me”, then it can be cleared. If you don’t tell them how can it be cleared. There is no need to feel bad as you know that all catch
and all are doctors and doctors give free treatment among themselves. So all of you can get cured free among yourselves. You
must have brotherhood among yourself, and keep your attention on an extremely pure life. So purity is very necessary. Without
that nothing can be done. If I had spoken about purity before, then it would be a question of perversion, that you clear out on one
and catch another. You clear out on the second thing and you catch a third thing. But after realization, this problem does not
remain. After realization, a hole (Sahasrara) has been made on top of the head from where everything will go out from here. You
leave one thing and it will go out from the top of the head. It will go out fully. It will not enter anywhere else. That is the advantage
of the hole that has been made here. If you have some habits you have in keep it in your mind and then take it out from here.
Wherever the habit is there, you feel heavy. On the Nabhi some like to eat a lot. It does not look nice overeating. So pay attention
to your Nabhi. From Nabhi then slowly remove it. Then everything will come out from here, all the filth. Look at him. This
gentleman told me that I can now take a breath from here (top of head). This is good. Watching your breath, watching, hearing,
moving is all from here (Sahasrara). Everything happens due to consciousness, and when consciousness has come on top of the
head, then it will happen up here. The beating of the heart, the work of the whole body is done from here. So anything that you
want to take out from within yourself, then just press it and take it out from here. It will release by itself. It will all be released
from here. Because there is now a hole, it is of great help. The hole was not there so… Like they say that if you press the ocean
on one side, it grows on the other. But if a hole is made in it then it will flow out. So, if you press it on the side, it will not go to the
other side. Make an effort and look towards yourself as to what is impure within us. Like our Mother’s name is Nirmala, so too
we have to be Nirmal (Pure). And what is impure within us, and not within others. I was watching that some were looking at
others. No, no, I mean what is within us. Which “Hum” [Spirit] is it? What is it that is within us? These are our misidentifications,
means that we have thought of ourselves as Christians, we are Muslims, we are Hindus and the rest are useless. This is a
misidentification, “We Indians are the best, and the rest are useless”. These all are misidentifications and all are false. There is
just one truth that we are humans. That is the reality. First thing is, if you know this answer, then you will understand the rest that
you are. One must keep watching all your misidentifications at each moment. What are we thinking at this moment? We are
thinking that I have to go home and make food. Some are thinking that tomorrow is the office. What will happen in the office
tomorrow? People are thinking about various things, and I know what all they are thinking about. You should listen to My lecture
in Thoughtlessness. Not with these thoughts. The One who cooks for us is sitting here. We do not make food. Think about this
once that such a miracle has happened, that just sitting here you have become thoughtless. Because matter is also made from
that Conscious Power. See this. The Cook is sitting. Such questions will get answered. As soon as you go into Thoughtless
awareness you will understand that you have come under the protection of God, and in thoughtless awareness, His light has
come into you. If you have any questions please ask Me now as a lot of time has gone for meditation. Next time we will have
meditation. And at this moment let us have a puja by which you will be specially given a Protection by which no problem comes
to you. There are many devils roaming around outside and you can get into trouble. After this, the program is in Pune. Those who
want to come to Pune they can come, but try to attend this two -week program. Now, what I have said, just think about it. Now
with My lecture, you will not get conditioned. Your conditionings will also fall away. The greatest benefit of realization is that
nothing will now stick to you. Its gross will not stick to you, only its conscious may stick. Even if I speak in Urdu, Farsi or French,
but the conscious Power that is flowing through the words that will come into you. So with this, the vibrations will flow into you,
even if you don’t understand the language. The love that is flowing from within is what is touching you. Like you may not know
the name of the flower, but the fragrance is flowing into you. The fragrance is the Consciousness and the flower is the name. So,
even if you don’t understand the name, the fragrance comes through. Each human can smell it and he can tell even if he is
English, French or Indian. Everyone knows. There is no need to speak about it. So, in the same way, God’s fragrance which is the
consciousness Power can flow into anyone, whatever may be his language, “It is different to what I wanted to say, and what I
wanted to give is different, that has got established inside.” And any problems that were inside will be taken out from here
[Sahasrara]. A churning goes on inside, and whichever thing the chakra is blocked take it out and get rid of it, throw out it. Some
may get a heavy head, If you are catching from someone, don’t worry even your heaviness will also go out with it. Like I said
yesterday that take out with the left hand. If anyone wants to ask questions please do. |
9/10/1973 | | Public Program, Bholapan, Innocence | India | City Unknown | null | Draft | null | VERIFIED | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | Hindi | 53 | Public Program I told you in My earlier talks that the first thing required in Sahaja Yoga is love. A person, who cannot love, cannot
go deep into Sahaja Yoga. And I told you a little about love also. After that, I told you about purity. A person who does not have
the feeling of purity cannot get into Sahaja Yoga. Since ancient times, the feeling of purity have been there; I have said this only
after taking that into account. Today I have to tell you the third thing, especially for the Realised people, that Realisation is our
new birth. When a child is born, you see any child, it may be of any nationality of the world, Japanese, African, American, there
will be one thing in all, that is innocence. The specialty of the child is his innocence. That is why a person is called Realised only
when he gets completely into innocence. Anyway, the very clever, very shrewd, and those who have great intelligence and are
skilful in cheating thousands of people and telling lies, such people are totally worthless for Sahaja Yoga. That is why, those who
have been cheated and those who have been troubled, are most suitable for Sahaja Yoga. In the world, they may not be
reputable, but in Sahaja Yoga, they will be very reputable. Innocence is a big gift. A man gets it from the accumulated wealth of
many lives. You will see that while many old people are very innocent, very naive and very straightforward, and many small
children are very shrewd and sly. In these times, who takes a money by cheating someone, is considered a celebrity. To give an
example, we had a relative, we went to their house and he thought he was a great man, very knowledgeable and shrewd. And his
wife was illiterate. He does not think much of her. He says, "She is a fool and she will rob me of all my money". He was a first-rate
miser. We went to their house. He started telling us with pride, "This land and this house, I have taken on lease for forty years,
thirty years back and I am just paying a rent of one hundred rupees only. This land is in my custody and no one has the guts to
lay his hands on it". He is sitting in a relaxed manner. He does not go anywhere; he has usurped acres of land and laid his claim
on it. And he was saying,”My wife is foolish. I have difficulties because of her. I do not know how many buildings I would have
owned by now. Now I am residing in a rented house". He had no qualms about abusing her. But in relation, he was my older
brother-in-law, so we kept quiet, what could we say? After that, his poor wife heard him quietly and walked into the house. In the
meantime, a man came. He started saying, "Look, I have come on behalf of the home owner and the landlady was saying that
‘you have so many tamarind trees, she likes the tamarind of these trees immensely. Saheb, I will give you two rupees, and you
give us some tamarind". He got angry, "What do you think? How can you get tamarind for two rupees? We will give you some, if
you give five rupees". He created a scene. Then he told his wife, "Beware, this man should not climb the tree, and tamarind". He is
staying in his house at a rent of Rs 100. the ladlord is making a loss of at least three to four thousand rupees. Look at his wealth!
He can afford to pay. Now he started saying, "A law is being enacted. This house will become mine. I am going to usurp it. We
are waiting for that". Anyway, when the man was leaving, his wife called him inside. She started saying, "Whatever tamarind you
have been asked to get, pluck it". She then took a five rupee note and gave to him. He said, "Why are you giving me five rupees? I
have to pay you instead". She said, "Brother, you climbed in and out in the hard work. Five rupees for that. Convey my regards to
her. Go! Take these! Run away! If you need more come back tomorrow, come after twelve, when he goes away". Then he replied,
"I was waiting for him to leave so that I can pluck tamarind. I know you". And he thinks he is clever and smart. And all laugh at
him, He is an ass! This way such intelligent and those who think there is smartness in being clever, shrewd and telling lies, they
will remain where ever they are and such people cannot get into Sahaja Yoga. And if destruction starts tomorrow, they will be
chopped off first and innocent man will always be saved. An innocent man has a speciality. I am Myself very innocent, many
people tell Me. In My house, all are annoyed with Me, with My innocence. It so happened, one day, we were in Delhi at that time. It
is an old incident. We went to the market. A helpless fellow walked to Me and started telling me,’ I have got a lot of injuries, and I
do not know what to do, how will I live?’ I said ‘Come, sit in My car’. We brought him home. Since we brought him home, we
dressed his wounds. Anyway, it was necessary to dress his wounds, I moved My hand around him and the helpless fellow
became alright. He started having great regard for Me. And from morning till evening, if I got up at 4 am, he would also get up at
4 am and do all the work I was doing. But the people at My house were very worldly-wise. They would say, ‘We do not know
where he got his injuries, maybe he is a robber’. I said, ’Maybe he was, but now he has changed! There is so much change in his
behaviour. Believe him and see '.They said, ‘No, no, he should be handed over to Police, Police should investigate’. Every day they
were after him. My brother, My husband, and others were also there. They had a conference and said ‘he should be in police
custody’. I said,’ Forgive him once, see if he wants to rob, he will rob. If he does not rob, it will be good. What is there? What great
wealth do we have in the house?’ They were after him. One day we went for a wedding. He was made to sit outside, not inside the
house, they said, "He will rob, this will happen". I said, ‘Ok’. We wore our jewellery. We returned around 2 am. We were tired. My
husband also slept off. My brother also slept off. I also slept off. I kept my jewellery in the bathroom. No one in the house
thought there was a thief in the house. When we woke up in the morning my husband’s chappal (slippers) were missing. My
brother lost five hundred rupees. His shoes and coat were missing. His one box was empty. And all my costly jewellery was
intact, the ancestral jewellery, nothing was missing. He ran away with all their things, because he was a robber for them. He left
all my things alone and he was attracted to their things. They were saying, "This is surprising, we did not do anything to him". I
said, "You were after his life. Go to police, go to police. If only you believed him!" At home, have faith on your servants too and
see. Believe and trust. We do not believe because we do not have a belief in ourselves. Believe everyone in the world. As much as
we learn to trust, the others will reciprocate your trust. One or two in a million may cheat you. No one succeeds in cheating Me.
Even if he wants to cheat, he cannot cheat. You should not cheat. What do you get? Only a few rupees! By cheating what do you
get? Which treasure? They get a treasure of sins. Here many try to be clever with Me. They try to teach Me with this and that. I
am very innocent , but also very astute inside. I do not fall into anyone's trap. It is difficult to take Me for a ride. Someone may say
this and that, I won’t fall into the trap. I am very simple. There is a reason for that. The reason for this is that a realised person
and who has control of his attention, he does not get involved anywhere. If you try to act smart with Me, the Divine will deal with
it on the spot. If someone tries to be clever with Me, he will be dealt on the spot. I will give an example of this. Ramakrishna
Paramahansa and his wife were passing through a jungle. She was simple. While passing through the jungle it so happened that
Ramakrishna had gone ahead and she fell behind. The thieves thought we have a woman here, let us catch her. They started
following her. She said,’ Brother, it is good that you have come. Your son-in-law is ahead and I am left alone. Anyway, my brother
is here, my father is here, this is a very good thing that happened to me. There will be some rest for me. Otherwise, I was
wondering how I will find the way. What is your name? You are my brother. You are my father’. They said, ‘We were to kidnap her,
but she made us brother and father.’ They were moved by her simplicity and innocence, they took her home and treated her like
their daughter and Ramakrishna like their son-in-law, throughout their lives. Even thieves and robbers recognise love. Snake, tiger
and jackal, they all recognise love. Because the tiger does not eat its cubs, the snake does not bite young ones. And if we
become snakes, will the snake not recognise us? Innocence always helps. He who is innocent is always helped in this world and
I'll give you a modern example of that. One gentleman was at the customs. He was very simple, but he used to talk a lot. Simple
people talk a lot sometimes because you don't have cunningness in them. They will keep to themselves or sometimes they don't
speak, sometimes they speak. It's not necessary that every simple person talks. Even clever people jabber a lot sometimes. In
his innocence, he told this man, ‘I went there, I brought this camera’. He is telling a customs officer! He has come from the US
and he is telling the customs officer, ‘I bought a camera of this type, does anybody want to see it and he started showing. Here
people hide cameras. Then he started saying, ‘I got a diamond ring from there. Does anyone want to see it? Here it is’. He told
with so much innocence, the officer thought he was boasting. He would not have brought it. It must be glass stuff. He is making
a fool of me. If he has really brought the original, why will he talk like this? He said, ’You go now and don’t give me a headache.
And another person comes hiding his things and looking here and there. The officer will ask him, ’Come here, what do you have?’
Even otherwise, simple people are pitied upon. If someone troubles an innocent person, he will receive so many sighs because of
which he will forget harassing the person and if someone harasses an innocent person, he'll have to pay for it in many lives. That
is why an innocent man is the best. And if a person gets involved in something, mostly you see, very often it happens that, if he is
planning to do some mischief, he becomes serious. I have seen such a gentleman, who had the habit of taking bribes. He used
to tell my husband that you are a lousy type. You don't know how to make money. He used to say this. But I've seen that if
someone came to see him and wanted to talk about taking money, he used to become serious. From being jolly, he used to
become serious all of a sudden. You could figure out that some talk of bribery is on. I knew a person who was fond of going to
cabarets. And whenever there was talk of a cabaret, he used to become serious. Where to go? How to go? When to go? At other
times, he will be laughing. He will plan meticulously and take it seriously and go to cabaret. Why should he go to cabaret? If you
want to be serious, go to a temple and sit there. No, he will not go there. A person who used to laugh and who took life lightly,
why should he be stupid like this? An innocent person is also mischievous. His naughtiness comes from his innocence. Like he
would spark things off. Like I told you. One gentleman came to our house. He had a great hobby of going to cabaret dance. You
may not know what a cabaret dance is; there people dance naked. He could not talk about this to me because I was older than
him in relation. In our house, there was a senior Civil Servant. He was a naughty person. He told him, ‘take me there, I want to go
there’. Now he was an elderly man. He was mischievous. He took him to the police station in a taxi and he left him there and
said,’ I will not come, you go’. And he went in. When he went in and saw, all the police people were standing. He had come from a
village. He did not know what would happen. He thought police will be stationed at such places. That is why the police are here.
When he went inside, the police asked him, ‘what is your complaint?’. ‘No, I just came to look around’. They said, ’what?’ He said,’
Now you understand what it is about.’ They said, ’what is the issue’? He said,’ Why are you having fun? I have come here for what
it is meant for’? They said, ’Then come we will put you in the lockup’. ‘Lockup?’ he said. They said, ’Who has sent you for the
lockup?’ That way they are made fools. The tendency to run towards the subject makes a person cunning. Because to hide it, he
becomes cunning. The tendency of running towards the subject, makes him run towards it every time. After realisation, this gets
corrected; you can see, ‘why are we running towards it like a fool. Where are we running to?’ We can look towards us. We can see
our foolishness. We can also play with ourselves a little bit. We can be naughty with ourselves. We can play a lot with ourselves.
We can see in which foolishness we are caught up. An innocent man witnesses this play in a detached manner and says’ What
strange state am I in, I can't understand’. These are signs of innocence. An innocent man’s attention does not waver and he is in
his innocence. Like small children, if you leave them at a cabaret dance, you introduce them to a new person, they will start
crying. They scan them totally and they start crying. If you take a child to cabaret, he will cry loudly. You can try it. If you take 3-4
years old and a balanced child, he will start crying- what is happening here? Look at children’s condition, if they see some
insanity, or when they do not understand what is happening, they start crying or staring at it wondering what’s happening.And the
second thing, they straightforwardly say everything. They never have any attachment, concealment or bad feeling. How ever they
may be, they observe everything. Once someone said the person who is coming eats like a horse. The child heard that. He told
his wife, he did not tell him. When the guest came, the child kept looking at his face. After that, he said, ’Mummy, he is not eating
like a horse, you were saying he eats like a horse’. He did not feel, whether he is saying a good thing or bad thing, whether it will
hurt. He just stated the fact. Children understand the way a thing is being said, what is their mannerism. They imitate everyone, it
is the habit of children. The person who imitates is also innocent in some way because he can imitate only when he is a witness
and if he can imitate himself, then it is a big thing. He who can laugh at himself is the most innocent person. You do a foolish
thing, laugh at yourself. What is to be done, I have also done that. He who can say this, he can distance himself and look at
himself. You are also realised souls, you look at yourself, to see where you are running. You have a paunch; your hair has gone.
Where are you going? You do not have money in your pocket, how far can you look? What are you looking at? Where is your
attention? He who after taking realisation comes with devotion, finds himself in good company. He joins the company of saintly
peopleHe who does not want to go deep, he will look for excuses and fall in bad company. He will justify his moving in a bad
company by giving thousands of excuses. Those who want to come, please ask Devale Saheb. Devale Saheb has to go
somewhere. While he was walking, I found him and asked him to come with us. He sat in the motor car and we left. He had
another programme. He sat in the car and we went there. We spent three hours there, because the enjoyment we were having
here, we could not get anywhere else. But if you don’t enjoy it fully, your attention will wander. ‘Where did you go today?’ ‘Went to
the party’. ‘Why?’ ‘I had to go. It was like that, it was like this’. Those who come here every day, what happened to them? They
found the company of good people. Their attention does not go towards subjective things, they do not get interested in such
things. The attention doesn’t get entangled in such matters. Instead it thinks’run, there is a programme, run!’ There is a
congregation of good people. The joy you get in the company, how will you get it there? So much is (UNCLEAR) coming, which
can’t be seen. It is not visible, but it is coming. It is showering on everyone, and we are pulled towards the power of God’s
love…so much joy! Whether Mataji comes or not, just. sit down. The joy you get in meeting another realised soul, it is so great.
But if a possessed person comes, then they run off from him. But those who are not fully into it, they are still running towards
bhoots. Have to do, have to see, have to meet. You do not have to go anywhere, do anything and you do not have to see anything.
If your attention is here, then you will feel obligated to come here. If you are an alcoholic, you will go to the pub, if you are a
realised soul, you will seek a good company. What is the point of going to any other place? If the embodiment of joy is here, what
is the point in going around other places? Every time they keep shouting at home, let them. Drunkards shouts all the time. they
squander money. ‘Don’t drink, don’t do this, don’t do that.’ Does he leave his bottle? If not in the house, then outside, if not
outside, then at a friend’s place. Look at the person who plays rummy. If his wife shouts, he will go and play in his house. If
someone shouts, he will play at the beach. If the police catches hold of him, then he will go to some other place and play. He will
not leave it. That is why you should not get addicted. If you get addicted, you will not enjoy it anywhere. You will talk the same
thing, have the same thoughts, do the same thing, with whoever he meets. People say, ‘we are bored with Shri Mataji’. But you
are not going to get bored. You will say, ‘let's go and see’. Whatever someone may say, you will say, ‘let us go there first. Other
things later. We have got realisation. We have known it.’ And you can change everyone at home. People at home will not like it
until they get their realisation. It is nothing to be upset about, you should enjoy it. You should not get angry with them, nothing to
get angry about. It so happened once that a person got angry with Me and said, ‘You go all the time. he started throwing things,
so we also started throwing things’. I said, ‘what is that? You have started collecting things, so I started collecting too.
(UNCLEAR) ‘Look, you do what interests you, I will do what interests me. Whether you stop me or not, I will have to go. Even if I sit
here, My attention will be there.’ When you enjoy it...for example,, take the case of a theatre-lover. If he does not have five rupees,
he will go and watch with a three rupee ticket. Everywhere, you spend money to fulfil your desire. Here it is free to get your desire
fulfilled. When you learn it new, how much you enjoy it! Giving to others gives so much joy, you don’t find it elsewhere. People
spend thousands of rupees. They will say give donations here, donations there, they make a charitable committee. They will go
to Bihar and give donations. They will go out to Bangladesh and give donations. Charity is happening right here!. There is a small
child, he gets hurt. But nothing is going to happen to him. ‘Lagi nahin chhutey’ (Hindi saying meaning ‘once it’s stuck, it can’t be
undone’). It should first stick! It should stick to your tongue, but it does not. It depends on your mind and desire. That taste
should linger for a few days. The true enjoyment is in its depth and that will happen only when the person becomes so innocent
that whatever others may blabber, he is unaffected by it.. He saves himself through innocence. His innocence saves him. A man
becomes innocent only when he surrenders to Paramatma Because He does his planning. He is there to take care of everything.
Why is a child innocent? Because he is in the care of his mother. We have more weapons to treat people. You know that there are
many weapons. If someone is annoyed, use it. But first, you try it on yourself. Maybe you are influenced by your mind. Your mind
is explaining to you, ‘if not this, that, not this way’. When everything is quiet, no cinema is screened in Mumbai, no partying, no
wedding to attend, no guests at home, I think that such a day has never come, even when all the eight planets meet! We will
never meet that day. But you will get your realisation despite this. The desire to find the truthwill pull you inwards, and you have
to look inside. It is there inside; without that, you are not going to get your realisation. In your previous life and especially after My
leaving…I am not going to go. I may go for one or two months. Till I have the courage, I have the tenacity. See what happens
now? .How many are there among you, how many are thinking of this, that from my hand thousands are going to be
emancipated, from my hand thousands are going to get realisation. We are limited now, very few, but each one will grow in
thousands. Only today I spoke to Mr Bakshi (?). There is one Lakshman Ji Maharaj in Kashmir, a well-respected person, etc. I
agree. He is so considered, but like you, he is a self-realised soul. He does not know about Kundalini awakening; he does not
know how to give realisation. He does not know anything about these fingers. He is an educated man and is only self-realised
got his realisation. Even with that, he has established an organisation. In the world, people say, ‘meet him, meet him’.What are
you going to achieve after meeting him?Does he know about Kundalini awakening? If with these fingers, he can teach Kundalini
awakening, I will do whatever he says. But he is famous becausehe has established his organisation and is sitting with a flag…
Laxman Ji Maharaj. The entire world comes to meet him, the prime ministers meet him, take him here and there in the world, and
so he is sitting with a flag. If you are interested, I can tell you all about him, but you are not interested. Because from the signals
on your fingers, you can tell about his chakras. Ask him, if he can tell you about the chakras, then I will do what he says. If he can
tell about whose chakra is caught up where, or at least if the person is realised or not, I will do whatever he says. On seeing Me,
he could not tell if I am a realised soul or not. What further is to be said! Tell me after seeing Me, he could not tell whether I am
realised or not? Should we talk further? And you can identify or not? After seeing him, I could see the history of his family from
his father, grandfather up to many lives going back thousands of years. And this great man has not recognised and the whole
world knows him. Even in Mumbai, he is known, he is known in so many places. And for those thousands of Laxman jis’, so many
great people are sitting here, no one cares for them. Why? Because they are worldly people. They are sitting in the world. But on
the day, we think our world is everything, then the whole life and everything is a waste. Until you rise above this limited world and
start looking at the whole universe and till you do not put your full attention on it, giving you is a waste; I was thinking you are like
a stone. Each person here is greater than a gentleman who has thousands of followers. You can make out that from this that he
could not know whether I am realised or not. Even a small child will say that I am realised. There are thousands aftere him. There
are also people, those who are not even Realised, not even awakened and they are sitting with a flag. His followers raise
slogans,’ This man is great’. If they are brought in front of Me they will be shivering and exposed, nothing short of that. Even in
front of you, they will be shivering and exposed. They are such people! You just move your hand and you raise their Kundalini and
check. You know it, that is why you have become naughty. An innocent person knows everything, that is why he becomes
mischievous. We see it here. You have become slightly naughty. Like you play all pranks on others. What all the fun we have.
How much fun we have! Like in Holi (a festival). But those who think they are very intelligent, and those who think they are great
people and those who say, ‘we have set up a post and we are saints’. You don’t have to believe in such false things when you
have the truth with you. You know from your hand. Once you have known a person, the game is over. If he is inferior to you, it
does not make sense for you to bend before him, running towards him! That means that in your realisation you do not pay
attention to your mind. If you pay even a little attention to your mind, you will find that your mind is after material things. It is in its
mesmerism or its shine, in the artificiality. Because an innocent person does not know artificiality, he likes his simplicity before
everything else. There is no artificiality whatsoever. All the artificiality falls down. It is also artificiality that we are something, we
are such and such, Hindu, Muslim, all these are artificial. You understand what you are. we are Atmaj (born from the soul),
realised. We are all tied in one thread and at the cusp, we all smile together and we all cry together. All at once. I tell people in the
beginning, ‘come here, come here.’ One has to advertise even a pub initially. People announce banging on their drums, ‘come,
come, alcohol is cheap here. Once come and taste it, then it will be OK’. It's a question of getting a taste of it. All issues are
solved. Ask a drunkard. I was surprised to see very poor people drinking. Our servant, he drinks a little. He was to go to London
with Me. They said, ‘You have no relation with alcohol and he will get drunk’. I said, ’look, I can’t have alcohol in My house. He
said,"Mataji, I will drink in London". I said, "Then, you stay here". He said "It will be difficult for me to stop". I said, "I will help you
stop, but you have to promise that you will go with Me". He said, "It will be difficult. If You want, You take me, but I will drink
there". He is a genuine person. I said, "It is not going to work out, you stay here. It is straight forward. If you have to drink, you
can’t come there. If you can control it". He said, "I have no control over it". The same way you would say that ‘I have no control. I
am a different person now. What control do I have now? Now I will float in this joy now’. Slowly, members of your household will
also notice your behaviour. Those who are very miserly, they will realise that they were worried about money needlessly. They
will account for every paisa (one-hundredth part of a rupee), who took how much and who gave how much. You will get a
headache. Leave a few rupees, what will happen? Being stingy with a taxi driver, but a realised person will just give it. Surrender
everything to God. Gradually, a personbecomes so innocent- he becomes completely innocent. Absolutely innocent. Look at a
small child. He is totally dependent on his mother, He cries when he is hungry, then his mother gives him milk because he is
dependent on her. The child who goes out of the mother’s care, they she would say 'you go and feind for yourself’. But a child
who is totally dependent on his mother, he is dependent on his mother for some time, and he has no worries. He will get his milk
on time. He will be taken care of. When the mother of an ordinary human can do so much, then the Mother of the whole universe,
the guardian of the whole universe, how much care will She take? I told you many times, there is divinity in your realisation.
Those deities, who take care of divinity, they take care of you. Deities are with you. You do not know that, hundreds of deities
hover around each of you; they are protecting you every moment. When they notice that you are deceiving yourselves, they will
leave you and run away; they are not going to stop. You will lose your Divinity. Stoppage of Vibrations means losing Divinity. But
where there are Vibrations, there the fragrance spreads. Deities come there; they hover around you. As soon as the fragrance
stops, they run away. Their job is to hover around you like the honey bees hovering around flowers. It is your job. Humans have to
do it. Keep yourself in innocence, in simplicity and keep watching yourselfwhilst doing this work., ‘What tricks am I playing? Tell
yourself, ‘Hey mister, I have ventured out to play tricks!’ You will smile and say, ‘Ah, what trick I have played!’ But at once the
antidote to this tricky nature will be known. And you will know immediately about this and how we can correct this habit of
playing tricks. People come to Me and talk very smartly. I also act innocent and listen. ‘Keep telling Me. What trickery will you
show? What is that you can give to Me by talking like this?’ Anyone who tries to be smart and put a claw on Me, is not going to
succeed. On the other hand, I am won over by simplicity and innocence. I will die for such innocent people. That is why I can lay
down life for an innocent man. And such a tricky person, who thinks too much of himself, one day he will know that the whole
trickery has filled his head. It all moves in a parabolic manner- it stays wherever it goes. If we trick others, then we get affected
by it ourselves. When a person tricks another, everyone knows who is tricking whom and they end up tricking each other. That is
why both of them have a fall. This type of trickery UNCLEAR. Where does all this trickery come from? This trickery in us because
all the time we are afraid. Here, there is no question of being afraid. If some chakra of someone is caught up, we are not afraid.
We clear it and we say, ‘now you check mine’. If there is chaos at home, we do not go and tell our neighbours. We will hide it in
the house, ‘This has happened to our daughter, please do not tell anyone’. Because we are afraid of others. At most, we may tell
our wives. If the other person has become one with you, then what is there to be afraid of. All are our people. Whatever happens,
whatever fault we have in us, we make it evident, ’this is caught up, please clear it. Remove it.’ Now the catch of Heart chakra, if
you tell someone, ‘your Heart chakra is caught up, he will slap you on your face’. But if the Heart chakra of one of you is caught
up, you will say ‘Mataji, clear it, Remove it now. It has to be removed.’ Because whatever we take to be our fault, which is in us,
that I-ness is finished itself. We are…, these faults with our chakrasare not ours, because we are indestructible, immaculate.
Those are faults with the chakras. What is there to be afraid of in clearing the faults of the chakras? We are indestructible,
immaculate. We are standing alone. We are separate and these chakras are separate. If there is a problem with the chakras, if
we do not clear, another hand will remove it. when there is UNCLEAR, will the other hand not know?? It will remove it. Such an
innocent person…you are yourself so innocent, who comes and tells ‘this chakra is catching, such a thing has happened to me’.
This is innocence. Does anyone share his faults with anyone? No one will ever say I have become a lunatic. The day before
UNCLEAR brain was caught up. He came to me holding it in his hand. He said,’ Mother, my head is caught up’. Now also he keeps
telling everyone, ‘my head is caught up’. It gets caught up. Sometimes the brain gets heated up. This should not be construed as
a fault. Because what we are, we are different from Aham (our self). These are two different things. Brahma is different and we
are seeing it and we are not that what we identify ourselves with, with which we have got integrated. But we have integrated with
that which is indestructible, immaculate, which has no blemish. He, who is most powerful in fearlessness, knowledgeable, and is
full of love, is within us. A person who sees himself like this, why would he try to be tricky? He will never do it. A man who is cruel,
small-minded, coward, afraid, being looted by the whole world, only he will trick. He who stands like a king, who will he try to be
tricky with? One who has nothing to take, why will he try to be tricky? You watch yourself whenever you are doing something.
Sometimes people say, "Mataji, for You. we will pluck the moon and the stars". Go ahead, pluck, we have such a big sky. But
when it comes to doing, I observe that even for small things they slip away. For Me, it does not matter. All things move relatively,
not in absolute. It hooks onto something or the other. ‘Oh, I will do it if my son becomes all right’. Then you are gone. ‘Everything
in my house should be fine, then I will do it. When my daughter gets married, then I will come for meditation.’ You are gone. The
marriage will not take place and you will not come. There is a saying in Hindi ‘na nau man tel hoga, na Radha nachegi’ meaning
neither there will be 9 litres of oil, nor will Radha dance’ That’s it. Such resolutions and options are made by the ones who are not
fully enjoying their realisation. If this happens then I will do this, what does that mean? That is there, that’s enough. Whatever
there is is now, what you have to get it is at this moment, every moment is for getting it. Every minute is for getting it. And from a
simple, innocent man fragrance flows every moment. Such a person is liked by everyone. Someone likes him because he can be
fooled. Someone likes him because he can be exploited by taking away some money of him. Someone likes him because his
company is pleasant, soothing. He talks sweetly. Thieves and cheaters like children because they can snatch the chain from
around their neck and stealthe girdle from their waists. Thugs like children because they can sell them in the bazaar and earn
money out of them. But a compassionate person likes children because in their company you feel you are with flowers. With
them you also become children, that is why children look sweet. This depends on you. But the child does not change, be it for a
thief or a compassionate person; he is fragrant for all. Till such time he has the fragrance, nobody can rob him. Till such time he
has the power to get robbed of his fragrance, who can rob him? In this no one really robs. But one who loses his ability to spread
his fragrance, he will definitely be robbed through trickery. There is a lot of mental activity involved. There is also a lot of ego.
‘Mataji said come there for meditation.I am the daughter-in-law of such a reputable family. How will I go there and sit on the
floor? There everyone puts their hands on my head.’ ‘You are the daughter-in-law of such a reputable family today. What were
you yesterday? Even after being the daughter-in-law of such a reputable family, you did not get the joy’. If you get joy by sitting on
the floor, then you should accept it. If you do not have this wisdom, then don’t come. An innocent man does not have ego. He will
not have ego at all. He does not know what ego is. You ask him to sit on the floor, he will sit. You ask him to sit here, he will sit
here. Ego never hurts him. If somewhere your ego gets hurt, you should know that your realisation is a little raw. You are caught
up, come here and show. ‘Mataji, this thing is caught up’. Even in the smallest things, people's ego is hurt. Like I sat on a train,
one person will sit here and one person there. He will say I was not seated close by. If in such small matters, your ego is hurt, you
should think that you are not fully established in your realisation. Because you have seen Me. I do not understand anything,
although I hurt the ego of many. But I am a complete fool. I don’t know how to follow protocol. I don't know any protocol at all.
And I will not be able to learn it, I should do this to him, I have to talk like this to him, not talk like this to him. I sometimes hug a
person and sometimes I scold a person. But till I have the power to love, I am not going to lose anything. Because there is no
bigger protocol than love that can teach. They are sometimes in amazement. Recently I went there, they did not know Me. Her
father was crying about their daughter. I hugged her. He was stunned, what is in this Lady? They started crying here. Whatever is
thought, is all trickery. What will they say? We think like this. Let them say what they want to. Whatever I am, I will be. If someone
says or not, nothing is going to change. Anyone may blabber something, by blabbering does something change? Whatever you
are, you are. But you should be truthful to yourself. Don’t lie to yourself. Don’t play mind games with yourself. Don’t try to be
tricky. In reality, we keep cheating ourselves from dawn to dusk. Keep watching, what am I doing? When your mind says, ‘I am a
big cheat. I am cheating myself- I am a cheat and I am cheating myself’. Today, nearly everyone has got their realisation. For a
few people, it is blocked. When the vibrations stop, then to get them back, you have found out the method. What you have to do
to this photograph, how to give what and where. How to find which chakra is caught up. Like if you are not getting vibrations in
your hand, then check some finger or the other. From this, you should know. Like this middle finger is Nabhi Chakra. This is on
the Nabhi Chakra. Then this is Vishuddhi Chakra. Then this is Agnya Chakra and this is Swadishthan Chakra. This is your
Anahata Chakra, which is on your little finger because it is fragile. And is most innocent. The one who resides in Anahata Chakra,
He is most innocent. The heart is very innocent. Believe it, He is not even conscious that He has given boons to demons to
trouble Him. But it is a fact, an innocent man is not conscious to whom He is giving a boon to. He has given his wife to Ravana. If
such innocent Bhole Shankara dwells in the Heart, who can cheat Him? You cheat Shri Shankara and take away his wife, but then
you will be in trouble. And whatever boon He gives, there is always a loophole that gets created due to his innocence. He gives a
complete blessing. But in that, there will be one or the other loophole due to which the demon gets killed. You know in
Narasimha Avatar, He had given a boon. Once the demon got caught up, he was killed. Ravana was given a boon, he was killed.
Kamsa was given a boon, he was killed. Narkasura, Mahishasura, all were killed, after taking boons. This loophole is also part of
Shri Shankara’s innocence. And his naughtiness is in Shri Vishnu. That is why their combination works very well, Shri Shankar
and Shri Vishnu. It is a great combination. And till they are there, you don’t have to worry. Sometimes you go to Shri Shankara,
sometimes you go to Shri Vishnu. It is a light thing, not a serious thing. Not serious, very light. Keep your mind very light, like a
child. An airplane flies by, you look there. Something else comes there, you will look there, at everything. An airplane flies by a
thousand times. Whenever an airplane comes, all children will run after it and say bye, bye. Seawater comes twice. Each time the
water comes up, the children will run towards it, greet and come back. Wherever there is a commotion, they run towards that
place. What I mean is that an innocent is close to God, that’s why he is innocent. He will not look special, nothing about him
looks miraculous, nor does he look intellgent and tactful, but he is clean-hearted. Such a person is best for Sahaja Yoga. The one
who is innocent, straight forward, simple and mostly I have seen that such people are geniuses and even scholars are innocent.
Sometimes their innocence and their innocent talk makes Me feel like they are small children. Such learned people talking so
innocently, sometimes I am surprised. Whatever knowledge they have got, they have got it from God. It is there in them because
of their innocence. Whether they talk or not, that is not My point, but inside them, they have a jolly, playful world. Try to spend
most of the time in the company of children, not in the company of old people. Some 80-year-olds have become 18-year-olds! Be
in the company of those who are like children. And also keep your mind simple like children, it will be helpful in Sahaja Yoga, one
will progress. When children get their Realisation with me, I see that they have a lot of faith. You know I have two grandchildren;
both are Realised. Every day there is a fight, ‘I have to go for Puja with grandma’. I feel that both of them will sit in My lap. It is
better that I take them. After getting up in the morning, such small children, one and a half, two-year-olds, keep their hands
beneath My feet and touch their heads for half an hour, which child will do that without first having their milk. They do not start
the day without that, as if it is more necessary than milk. I have told the elder one about Kundalini. Now she says, ‘put Your feet
on Kundalini’, the younger one, as soon as I put My hand on her head, she sways like this. Now if the maid gets hot vibrations,‘ go,
fall at the feet of grandmother’, the elder one used to say. And they have dedication. ‘Grandma, please take us for Puja, grandma
take us for Puja’, they keep pleading day and night. Small children who normally like biscuits, chocolates, they do not want
chocolates, they don't want anything, they want to come for Puja- It is like a child crying for his mother, even if you give anything
of this world; they are like that. It does not happen by saying. It is not like my saying drink alcohol, drink alcohol. You will easily
get into the mood for alcohol, but you will not get into meditation. You will not get into meditation easily. Getting addicted to
alcohol is easy. When you get into the mood for meditation, I don’t have to say anything. That is why your desire is very
important. Your has more value, it is worshipped and that is why you have to desire, ‘God, let me have devotion towards You. Let
me dissolve in You completely’ The more and more one says this, steadily it will happen, it lives, it gets inside you, into your
depths. He will grow in his beauty. | null | null | null | Public Program I told you in My earlier talks that the first thing required in Sahaja Yoga is love. A person, who cannot love, cannot
go deep into Sahaja Yoga. And I told you a little about love also. After that, I told you about purity. A person who does not have
the feeling of purity cannot get into Sahaja Yoga. Since ancient times, the feeling of purity have been there; I have said this only
after taking that into account. Today I have to tell you the third thing, especially for the Realised people, that Realisation is our
new birth. When a child is born, you see any child, it may be of any nationality of the world, Japanese, African, American, there
will be one thing in all, that is innocence. The specialty of the child is his innocence. That is why a person is called Realised only
when he gets completely into innocence. Anyway, the very clever, very shrewd, and those who have great intelligence and are
skilful in cheating thousands of people and telling lies, such people are totally worthless for Sahaja Yoga. That is why, those who
have been cheated and those who have been troubled, are most suitable for Sahaja Yoga. In the world, they may not be
reputable, but in Sahaja Yoga, they will be very reputable. Innocence is a big gift. A man gets it from the accumulated wealth of
many lives. You will see that while many old people are very innocent, very naive and very straightforward, and many small
children are very shrewd and sly. In these times, who takes a money by cheating someone, is considered a celebrity. To give an
example, we had a relative, we went to their house and he thought he was a great man, very knowledgeable and shrewd. And his
wife was illiterate. He does not think much of her. He says, "She is a fool and she will rob me of all my money". He was a first-rate
miser. We went to their house. He started telling us with pride, "This land and this house, I have taken on lease for forty years,
thirty years back and I am just paying a rent of one hundred rupees only. This land is in my custody and no one has the guts to
lay his hands on it". He is sitting in a relaxed manner. He does not go anywhere; he has usurped acres of land and laid his claim
on it. And he was saying,”My wife is foolish. I have difficulties because of her. I do not know how many buildings I would have
owned by now. Now I am residing in a rented house". He had no qualms about abusing her. But in relation, he was my older
brother-in-law, so we kept quiet, what could we say? After that, his poor wife heard him quietly and walked into the house. In the
meantime, a man came. He started saying, "Look, I have come on behalf of the home owner and the landlady was saying that
‘you have so many tamarind trees, she likes the tamarind of these trees immensely. Saheb, I will give you two rupees, and you
give us some tamarind". He got angry, "What do you think? How can you get tamarind for two rupees? We will give you some, if
you give five rupees". He created a scene. Then he told his wife, "Beware, this man should not climb the tree, and tamarind". He is
staying in his house at a rent of Rs 100. the ladlord is making a loss of at least three to four thousand rupees. Look at his wealth!
He can afford to pay. Now he started saying, "A law is being enacted. This house will become mine. I am going to usurp it. We
are waiting for that". Anyway, when the man was leaving, his wife called him inside. She started saying, "Whatever tamarind you
have been asked to get, pluck it". She then took a five rupee note and gave to him. He said, "Why are you giving me five rupees? I
have to pay you instead". She said, "Brother, you climbed in and out in the hard work. Five rupees for that. Convey my regards to
her. Go! Take these! Run away! If you need more come back tomorrow, come after twelve, when he goes away". Then he replied,
"I was waiting for him to leave so that I can pluck tamarind. I know you". And he thinks he is clever and smart. And all laugh at
him, He is an ass! This way such intelligent and those who think there is smartness in being clever, shrewd and telling lies, they
will remain where ever they are and such people cannot get into Sahaja Yoga. And if destruction starts tomorrow, they will be
chopped off first and innocent man will always be saved. An innocent man has a speciality. I am Myself very innocent, many
people tell Me. In My house, all are annoyed with Me, with My innocence. It so happened, one day, we were in Delhi at that time. It
is an old incident. We went to the market. A helpless fellow walked to Me and started telling me,’ I have got a lot of injuries, and I
do not know what to do, how will I live?’ I said ‘Come, sit in My car’. We brought him home. Since we brought him home, we
dressed his wounds. Anyway, it was necessary to dress his wounds, I moved My hand around him and the helpless fellow
became alright. He started having great regard for Me. And from morning till evening, if I got up at 4 am, he would also get up at
4 am and do all the work I was doing. But the people at My house were very worldly-wise. They would say, ‘We do not know
where he got his injuries, maybe he is a robber’. I said, ’Maybe he was, but now he has changed! There is so much change in his
behaviour. Believe him and see '.They said, ‘No, no, he should be handed over to Police, Police should investigate’. Every day they
were after him. My brother, My husband, and others were also there. They had a conference and said ‘he should be in police
custody’. I said,’ Forgive him once, see if he wants to rob, he will rob. If he does not rob, it will be good. What is there? What great
wealth do we have in the house?’ They were after him. One day we went for a wedding. He was made to sit outside, not inside the
house, they said, "He will rob, this will happen". I said, ‘Ok’. We wore our jewellery. We returned around 2 am. We were tired. My
husband also slept off. My brother also slept off. I also slept off. I kept my jewellery in the bathroom. No one in the house
thought there was a thief in the house. When we woke up in the morning my husband’s chappal (slippers) were missing. My
brother lost five hundred rupees. His shoes and coat were missing. His one box was empty. And all my costly jewellery was
intact, the ancestral jewellery, nothing was missing. He ran away with all their things, because he was a robber for them. He left
all my things alone and he was attracted to their things. They were saying, "This is surprising, we did not do anything to him". I
said, "You were after his life. Go to police, go to police. If only you believed him!" At home, have faith on your servants too and
see. Believe and trust. We do not believe because we do not have a belief in ourselves. Believe everyone in the world. As much as
we learn to trust, the others will reciprocate your trust. One or two in a million may cheat you. No one succeeds in cheating Me.
Even if he wants to cheat, he cannot cheat. You should not cheat. What do you get? Only a few rupees! By cheating what do you
get? Which treasure? They get a treasure of sins. Here many try to be clever with Me. They try to teach Me with this and that. I
am very innocent , but also very astute inside. I do not fall into anyone's trap. It is difficult to take Me for a ride. Someone may say
this and that, I won’t fall into the trap. I am very simple. There is a reason for that. The reason for this is that a realised person
and who has control of his attention, he does not get involved anywhere. If you try to act smart with Me, the Divine will deal with
it on the spot. If someone tries to be clever with Me, he will be dealt on the spot. I will give an example of this. Ramakrishna
Paramahansa and his wife were passing through a jungle. She was simple. While passing through the jungle it so happened that
Ramakrishna had gone ahead and she fell behind. The thieves thought we have a woman here, let us catch her. They started
following her. She said,’ Brother, it is good that you have come. Your son-in-law is ahead and I am left alone. Anyway, my brother
is here, my father is here, this is a very good thing that happened to me. There will be some rest for me. Otherwise, I was
wondering how I will find the way. What is your name? You are my brother. You are my father’. They said, ‘We were to kidnap her,
but she made us brother and father.’ They were moved by her simplicity and innocence, they took her home and treated her like
their daughter and Ramakrishna like their son-in-law, throughout their lives. Even thieves and robbers recognise love. Snake, tiger
and jackal, they all recognise love. Because the tiger does not eat its cubs, the snake does not bite young ones. And if we
become snakes, will the snake not recognise us? Innocence always helps. He who is innocent is always helped in this world and
I'll give you a modern example of that. One gentleman was at the customs. He was very simple, but he used to talk a lot. Simple
people talk a lot sometimes because you don't have cunningness in them. They will keep to themselves or sometimes they don't
speak, sometimes they speak. It's not necessary that every simple person talks. Even clever people jabber a lot sometimes. In
his innocence, he told this man, ‘I went there, I brought this camera’. He is telling a customs officer! He has come from the US
and he is telling the customs officer, ‘I bought a camera of this type, does anybody want to see it and he started showing. Here
people hide cameras. Then he started saying, ‘I got a diamond ring from there. Does anyone want to see it? Here it is’. He told
with so much innocence, the officer thought he was boasting. He would not have brought it. It must be glass stuff. He is making
a fool of me. If he has really brought the original, why will he talk like this? He said, ’You go now and don’t give me a headache.
And another person comes hiding his things and looking here and there. The officer will ask him, ’Come here, what do you have?’
Even otherwise, simple people are pitied upon. If someone troubles an innocent person, he will receive so many sighs because of
which he will forget harassing the person and if someone harasses an innocent person, he'll have to pay for it in many lives. That
is why an innocent man is the best. And if a person gets involved in something, mostly you see, very often it happens that, if he is
planning to do some mischief, he becomes serious. I have seen such a gentleman, who had the habit of taking bribes. He used
to tell my husband that you are a lousy type. You don't know how to make money. He used to say this. But I've seen that if
someone came to see him and wanted to talk about taking money, he used to become serious. From being jolly, he used to
become serious all of a sudden. You could figure out that some talk of bribery is on. I knew a person who was fond of going to
cabarets. And whenever there was talk of a cabaret, he used to become serious. Where to go? How to go? When to go? At other
times, he will be laughing. He will plan meticulously and take it seriously and go to cabaret. Why should he go to cabaret? If you
want to be serious, go to a temple and sit there. No, he will not go there. A person who used to laugh and who took life lightly,
why should he be stupid like this? An innocent person is also mischievous. His naughtiness comes from his innocence. Like he
would spark things off. Like I told you. One gentleman came to our house. He had a great hobby of going to cabaret dance. You
may not know what a cabaret dance is; there people dance naked. He could not talk about this to me because I was older than
him in relation. In our house, there was a senior Civil Servant. He was a naughty person. He told him, ‘take me there, I want to go
there’. Now he was an elderly man. He was mischievous. He took him to the police station in a taxi and he left him there and
said,’ I will not come, you go’. And he went in. When he went in and saw, all the police people were standing. He had come from a
village. He did not know what would happen. He thought police will be stationed at such places. That is why the police are here.
When he went inside, the police asked him, ‘what is your complaint?’. ‘No, I just came to look around’. They said, ’what?’ He said,’
Now you understand what it is about.’ They said, ’what is the issue’? He said,’ Why are you having fun? I have come here for what
it is meant for’? They said, ’Then come we will put you in the lockup’. ‘Lockup?’ he said. They said, ’Who has sent you for the
lockup?’ That way they are made fools. The tendency to run towards the subject makes a person cunning. Because to hide it, he
becomes cunning. The tendency of running towards the subject, makes him run towards it every time. After realisation, this gets
corrected; you can see, ‘why are we running towards it like a fool. Where are we running to?’ We can look towards us. We can see
our foolishness. We can also play with ourselves a little bit. We can be naughty with ourselves. We can play a lot with ourselves.
We can see in which foolishness we are caught up. An innocent man witnesses this play in a detached manner and says’ What
strange state am I in, I can't understand’. These are signs of innocence. An innocent man’s attention does not waver and he is in
his innocence. Like small children, if you leave them at a cabaret dance, you introduce them to a new person, they will start
crying. They scan them totally and they start crying. If you take a child to cabaret, he will cry loudly. You can try it. If you take 3-4
years old and a balanced child, he will start crying- what is happening here? Look at children’s condition, if they see some
insanity, or when they do not understand what is happening, they start crying or staring at it wondering what’s happening.And the
second thing, they straightforwardly say everything. They never have any attachment, concealment or bad feeling. How ever they
may be, they observe everything. Once someone said the person who is coming eats like a horse. The child heard that. He told
his wife, he did not tell him. When the guest came, the child kept looking at his face. After that, he said, ’Mummy, he is not eating
like a horse, you were saying he eats like a horse’. He did not feel, whether he is saying a good thing or bad thing, whether it will
hurt. He just stated the fact. Children understand the way a thing is being said, what is their mannerism. They imitate everyone, it
is the habit of children. The person who imitates is also innocent in some way because he can imitate only when he is a witness
and if he can imitate himself, then it is a big thing. He who can laugh at himself is the most innocent person. You do a foolish
thing, laugh at yourself. What is to be done, I have also done that. He who can say this, he can distance himself and look at
himself. You are also realised souls, you look at yourself, to see where you are running. You have a paunch; your hair has gone.
Where are you going? You do not have money in your pocket, how far can you look? What are you looking at? Where is your
attention? He who after taking realisation comes with devotion, finds himself in good company. He joins the company of saintly
peopleHe who does not want to go deep, he will look for excuses and fall in bad company. He will justify his moving in a bad
company by giving thousands of excuses. Those who want to come, please ask Devale Saheb. Devale Saheb has to go
somewhere. While he was walking, I found him and asked him to come with us. He sat in the motor car and we left. He had
another programme. He sat in the car and we went there. We spent three hours there, because the enjoyment we were having
here, we could not get anywhere else. But if you don’t enjoy it fully, your attention will wander. ‘Where did you go today?’ ‘Went to
the party’. ‘Why?’ ‘I had to go. It was like that, it was like this’. Those who come here every day, what happened to them? They
found the company of good people. Their attention does not go towards subjective things, they do not get interested in such
things. The attention doesn’t get entangled in such matters. Instead it thinks’run, there is a programme, run!’ There is a
congregation of good people. The joy you get in the company, how will you get it there? So much is (UNCLEAR) coming, which
can’t be seen. It is not visible, but it is coming. It is showering on everyone, and we are pulled towards the power of God’s
love…so much joy! Whether Mataji comes or not, just. sit down. The joy you get in meeting another realised soul, it is so great.
But if a possessed person comes, then they run off from him. But those who are not fully into it, they are still running towards
bhoots. Have to do, have to see, have to meet. You do not have to go anywhere, do anything and you do not have to see anything.
If your attention is here, then you will feel obligated to come here. If you are an alcoholic, you will go to the pub, if you are a
realised soul, you will seek a good company. What is the point of going to any other place? If the embodiment of joy is here, what
is the point in going around other places? Every time they keep shouting at home, let them. Drunkards shouts all the time. they
squander money. ‘Don’t drink, don’t do this, don’t do that.’ Does he leave his bottle? If not in the house, then outside, if not
outside, then at a friend’s place. Look at the person who plays rummy. If his wife shouts, he will go and play in his house. If
someone shouts, he will play at the beach. If the police catches hold of him, then he will go to some other place and play. He will
not leave it. That is why you should not get addicted. If you get addicted, you will not enjoy it anywhere. You will talk the same
thing, have the same thoughts, do the same thing, with whoever he meets. People say, ‘we are bored with Shri Mataji’. But you
are not going to get bored. You will say, ‘let's go and see’. Whatever someone may say, you will say, ‘let us go there first. Other
things later. We have got realisation. We have known it.’ And you can change everyone at home. People at home will not like it
until they get their realisation. It is nothing to be upset about, you should enjoy it. You should not get angry with them, nothing to
get angry about. It so happened once that a person got angry with Me and said, ‘You go all the time. he started throwing things,
so we also started throwing things’. I said, ‘what is that? You have started collecting things, so I started collecting too.
(UNCLEAR) ‘Look, you do what interests you, I will do what interests me. Whether you stop me or not, I will have to go. Even if I sit
here, My attention will be there.’ When you enjoy it...for example,, take the case of a theatre-lover. If he does not have five rupees,
he will go and watch with a three rupee ticket. Everywhere, you spend money to fulfil your desire. Here it is free to get your desire
fulfilled. When you learn it new, how much you enjoy it! Giving to others gives so much joy, you don’t find it elsewhere. People
spend thousands of rupees. They will say give donations here, donations there, they make a charitable committee. They will go
to Bihar and give donations. They will go out to Bangladesh and give donations. Charity is happening right here!. There is a small
child, he gets hurt. But nothing is going to happen to him. ‘Lagi nahin chhutey’ (Hindi saying meaning ‘once it’s stuck, it can’t be
undone’). It should first stick! It should stick to your tongue, but it does not. It depends on your mind and desire. That taste
should linger for a few days. The true enjoyment is in its depth and that will happen only when the person becomes so innocent
that whatever others may blabber, he is unaffected by it.. He saves himself through innocence. His innocence saves him. A man
becomes innocent only when he surrenders to Paramatma Because He does his planning. He is there to take care of everything.
Why is a child innocent? Because he is in the care of his mother. We have more weapons to treat people. You know that there are
many weapons. If someone is annoyed, use it. But first, you try it on yourself. Maybe you are influenced by your mind. Your mind
is explaining to you, ‘if not this, that, not this way’. When everything is quiet, no cinema is screened in Mumbai, no partying, no
wedding to attend, no guests at home, I think that such a day has never come, even when all the eight planets meet! We will
never meet that day. But you will get your realisation despite this. The desire to find the truthwill pull you inwards, and you have
to look inside. It is there inside; without that, you are not going to get your realisation. In your previous life and especially after My
leaving…I am not going to go. I may go for one or two months. Till I have the courage, I have the tenacity. See what happens
now? .How many are there among you, how many are thinking of this, that from my hand thousands are going to be
emancipated, from my hand thousands are going to get realisation. We are limited now, very few, but each one will grow in
thousands. Only today I spoke to Mr Bakshi (?). There is one Lakshman Ji Maharaj in Kashmir, a well-respected person, etc. I
agree. He is so considered, but like you, he is a self-realised soul. He does not know about Kundalini awakening; he does not
know how to give realisation. He does not know anything about these fingers. He is an educated man and is only self-realised
got his realisation. Even with that, he has established an organisation. In the world, people say, ‘meet him, meet him’.What are
you going to achieve after meeting him?Does he know about Kundalini awakening? If with these fingers, he can teach Kundalini
awakening, I will do whatever he says. But he is famous becausehe has established his organisation and is sitting with a flag…
Laxman Ji Maharaj. The entire world comes to meet him, the prime ministers meet him, take him here and there in the world, and
so he is sitting with a flag. If you are interested, I can tell you all about him, but you are not interested. Because from the signals
on your fingers, you can tell about his chakras. Ask him, if he can tell you about the chakras, then I will do what he says. If he can
tell about whose chakra is caught up where, or at least if the person is realised or not, I will do whatever he says. On seeing Me,
he could not tell if I am a realised soul or not. What further is to be said! Tell me after seeing Me, he could not tell whether I am
realised or not? Should we talk further? And you can identify or not? After seeing him, I could see the history of his family from
his father, grandfather up to many lives going back thousands of years. And this great man has not recognised and the whole
world knows him. Even in Mumbai, he is known, he is known in so many places. And for those thousands of Laxman jis’, so many
great people are sitting here, no one cares for them. Why? Because they are worldly people. They are sitting in the world. But on
the day, we think our world is everything, then the whole life and everything is a waste. Until you rise above this limited world and
start looking at the whole universe and till you do not put your full attention on it, giving you is a waste; I was thinking you are like
a stone. Each person here is greater than a gentleman who has thousands of followers. You can make out that from this that he
could not know whether I am realised or not. Even a small child will say that I am realised. There are thousands aftere him. There
are also people, those who are not even Realised, not even awakened and they are sitting with a flag. His followers raise
slogans,’ This man is great’. If they are brought in front of Me they will be shivering and exposed, nothing short of that. Even in
front of you, they will be shivering and exposed. They are such people! You just move your hand and you raise their Kundalini and
check. You know it, that is why you have become naughty. An innocent person knows everything, that is why he becomes
mischievous. We see it here. You have become slightly naughty. Like you play all pranks on others. What all the fun we have.
How much fun we have! Like in Holi (a festival). But those who think they are very intelligent, and those who think they are great
people and those who say, ‘we have set up a post and we are saints’. You don’t have to believe in such false things when you
have the truth with you. You know from your hand. Once you have known a person, the game is over. If he is inferior to you, it
does not make sense for you to bend before him, running towards him! That means that in your realisation you do not pay
attention to your mind. If you pay even a little attention to your mind, you will find that your mind is after material things. It is in its
mesmerism or its shine, in the artificiality. Because an innocent person does not know artificiality, he likes his simplicity before
everything else. There is no artificiality whatsoever. All the artificiality falls down. It is also artificiality that we are something, we
are such and such, Hindu, Muslim, all these are artificial. You understand what you are. we are Atmaj (born from the soul),
realised. We are all tied in one thread and at the cusp, we all smile together and we all cry together. All at once. I tell people in the
beginning, ‘come here, come here.’ One has to advertise even a pub initially. People announce banging on their drums, ‘come,
come, alcohol is cheap here. Once come and taste it, then it will be OK’. It's a question of getting a taste of it. All issues are
solved. Ask a drunkard. I was surprised to see very poor people drinking. Our servant, he drinks a little. He was to go to London
with Me. They said, ‘You have no relation with alcohol and he will get drunk’. I said, ’look, I can’t have alcohol in My house. He
said,"Mataji, I will drink in London". I said, "Then, you stay here". He said "It will be difficult for me to stop". I said, "I will help you
stop, but you have to promise that you will go with Me". He said, "It will be difficult. If You want, You take me, but I will drink
there". He is a genuine person. I said, "It is not going to work out, you stay here. It is straight forward. If you have to drink, you
can’t come there. If you can control it". He said, "I have no control over it". The same way you would say that ‘I have no control. I
am a different person now. What control do I have now? Now I will float in this joy now’. Slowly, members of your household will
also notice your behaviour. Those who are very miserly, they will realise that they were worried about money needlessly. They
will account for every paisa (one-hundredth part of a rupee), who took how much and who gave how much. You will get a
headache. Leave a few rupees, what will happen? Being stingy with a taxi driver, but a realised person will just give it. Surrender
everything to God. Gradually, a personbecomes so innocent- he becomes completely innocent. Absolutely innocent. Look at a
small child. He is totally dependent on his mother, He cries when he is hungry, then his mother gives him milk because he is
dependent on her. The child who goes out of the mother’s care, they she would say 'you go and feind for yourself’. But a child
who is totally dependent on his mother, he is dependent on his mother for some time, and he has no worries. He will get his milk
on time. He will be taken care of. When the mother of an ordinary human can do so much, then the Mother of the whole universe,
the guardian of the whole universe, how much care will She take? I told you many times, there is divinity in your realisation.
Those deities, who take care of divinity, they take care of you. Deities are with you. You do not know that, hundreds of deities
hover around each of you; they are protecting you every moment. When they notice that you are deceiving yourselves, they will
leave you and run away; they are not going to stop. You will lose your Divinity. Stoppage of Vibrations means losing Divinity. But
where there are Vibrations, there the fragrance spreads. Deities come there; they hover around you. As soon as the fragrance
stops, they run away. Their job is to hover around you like the honey bees hovering around flowers. It is your job. Humans have to
do it. Keep yourself in innocence, in simplicity and keep watching yourselfwhilst doing this work., ‘What tricks am I playing? Tell
yourself, ‘Hey mister, I have ventured out to play tricks!’ You will smile and say, ‘Ah, what trick I have played!’ But at once the
antidote to this tricky nature will be known. And you will know immediately about this and how we can correct this habit of
playing tricks. People come to Me and talk very smartly. I also act innocent and listen. ‘Keep telling Me. What trickery will you
show? What is that you can give to Me by talking like this?’ Anyone who tries to be smart and put a claw on Me, is not going to
succeed. On the other hand, I am won over by simplicity and innocence. I will die for such innocent people. That is why I can lay
down life for an innocent man. And such a tricky person, who thinks too much of himself, one day he will know that the whole
trickery has filled his head. It all moves in a parabolic manner- it stays wherever it goes. If we trick others, then we get affected
by it ourselves. When a person tricks another, everyone knows who is tricking whom and they end up tricking each other. That is
why both of them have a fall. This type of trickery UNCLEAR. Where does all this trickery come from? This trickery in us because
all the time we are afraid. Here, there is no question of being afraid. If some chakra of someone is caught up, we are not afraid.
We clear it and we say, ‘now you check mine’. If there is chaos at home, we do not go and tell our neighbours. We will hide it in
the house, ‘This has happened to our daughter, please do not tell anyone’. Because we are afraid of others. At most, we may tell
our wives. If the other person has become one with you, then what is there to be afraid of. All are our people. Whatever happens,
whatever fault we have in us, we make it evident, ’this is caught up, please clear it. Remove it.’ Now the catch of Heart chakra, if
you tell someone, ‘your Heart chakra is caught up, he will slap you on your face’. But if the Heart chakra of one of you is caught
up, you will say ‘Mataji, clear it, Remove it now. It has to be removed.’ Because whatever we take to be our fault, which is in us,
that I-ness is finished itself. We are…, these faults with our chakrasare not ours, because we are indestructible, immaculate.
Those are faults with the chakras. What is there to be afraid of in clearing the faults of the chakras? We are indestructible,
immaculate. We are standing alone. We are separate and these chakras are separate. If there is a problem with the chakras, if
we do not clear, another hand will remove it. when there is UNCLEAR, will the other hand not know?? It will remove it. Such an
innocent person…you are yourself so innocent, who comes and tells ‘this chakra is catching, such a thing has happened to me’.
This is innocence. Does anyone share his faults with anyone? No one will ever say I have become a lunatic. The day before
UNCLEAR brain was caught up. He came to me holding it in his hand. He said,’ Mother, my head is caught up’. Now also he keeps
telling everyone, ‘my head is caught up’. It gets caught up. Sometimes the brain gets heated up. This should not be construed as
a fault. Because what we are, we are different from Aham (our self). These are two different things. Brahma is different and we
are seeing it and we are not that what we identify ourselves with, with which we have got integrated. But we have integrated with
that which is indestructible, immaculate, which has no blemish. He, who is most powerful in fearlessness, knowledgeable, and is
full of love, is within us. A person who sees himself like this, why would he try to be tricky? He will never do it. A man who is cruel,
small-minded, coward, afraid, being looted by the whole world, only he will trick. He who stands like a king, who will he try to be
tricky with? One who has nothing to take, why will he try to be tricky? You watch yourself whenever you are doing something.
Sometimes people say, "Mataji, for You. we will pluck the moon and the stars". Go ahead, pluck, we have such a big sky. But
when it comes to doing, I observe that even for small things they slip away. For Me, it does not matter. All things move relatively,
not in absolute. It hooks onto something or the other. ‘Oh, I will do it if my son becomes all right’. Then you are gone. ‘Everything
in my house should be fine, then I will do it. When my daughter gets married, then I will come for meditation.’ You are gone. The
marriage will not take place and you will not come. There is a saying in Hindi ‘na nau man tel hoga, na Radha nachegi’ meaning
neither there will be 9 litres of oil, nor will Radha dance’ That’s it. Such resolutions and options are made by the ones who are not
fully enjoying their realisation. If this happens then I will do this, what does that mean? That is there, that’s enough. Whatever
there is is now, what you have to get it is at this moment, every moment is for getting it. Every minute is for getting it. And from a
simple, innocent man fragrance flows every moment. Such a person is liked by everyone. Someone likes him because he can be
fooled. Someone likes him because he can be exploited by taking away some money of him. Someone likes him because his
company is pleasant, soothing. He talks sweetly. Thieves and cheaters like children because they can snatch the chain from
around their neck and stealthe girdle from their waists. Thugs like children because they can sell them in the bazaar and earn
money out of them. But a compassionate person likes children because in their company you feel you are with flowers. With
them you also become children, that is why children look sweet. This depends on you. But the child does not change, be it for a
thief or a compassionate person; he is fragrant for all. Till such time he has the fragrance, nobody can rob him. Till such time he
has the power to get robbed of his fragrance, who can rob him? In this no one really robs. But one who loses his ability to spread
his fragrance, he will definitely be robbed through trickery. There is a lot of mental activity involved. There is also a lot of ego.
‘Mataji said come there for meditation.I am the daughter-in-law of such a reputable family. How will I go there and sit on the
floor? There everyone puts their hands on my head.’ ‘You are the daughter-in-law of such a reputable family today. What were
you yesterday? Even after being the daughter-in-law of such a reputable family, you did not get the joy’. If you get joy by sitting on
the floor, then you should accept it. If you do not have this wisdom, then don’t come. An innocent man does not have ego. He will
not have ego at all. He does not know what ego is. You ask him to sit on the floor, he will sit. You ask him to sit here, he will sit
here. Ego never hurts him. If somewhere your ego gets hurt, you should know that your realisation is a little raw. You are caught
up, come here and show. ‘Mataji, this thing is caught up’. Even in the smallest things, people's ego is hurt. Like I sat on a train,
one person will sit here and one person there. He will say I was not seated close by. If in such small matters, your ego is hurt, you
should think that you are not fully established in your realisation. Because you have seen Me. I do not understand anything,
although I hurt the ego of many. But I am a complete fool. I don’t know how to follow protocol. I don't know any protocol at all.
And I will not be able to learn it, I should do this to him, I have to talk like this to him, not talk like this to him. I sometimes hug a
person and sometimes I scold a person. But till I have the power to love, I am not going to lose anything. Because there is no
bigger protocol than love that can teach. They are sometimes in amazement. Recently I went there, they did not know Me. Her
father was crying about their daughter. I hugged her. He was stunned, what is in this Lady? They started crying here. Whatever is
thought, is all trickery. What will they say? We think like this. Let them say what they want to. Whatever I am, I will be. If someone
says or not, nothing is going to change. Anyone may blabber something, by blabbering does something change? Whatever you
are, you are. But you should be truthful to yourself. Don’t lie to yourself. Don’t play mind games with yourself. Don’t try to be
tricky. In reality, we keep cheating ourselves from dawn to dusk. Keep watching, what am I doing? When your mind says, ‘I am a
big cheat. I am cheating myself- I am a cheat and I am cheating myself’. Today, nearly everyone has got their realisation. For a
few people, it is blocked. When the vibrations stop, then to get them back, you have found out the method. What you have to do
to this photograph, how to give what and where. How to find which chakra is caught up. Like if you are not getting vibrations in
your hand, then check some finger or the other. From this, you should know. Like this middle finger is Nabhi Chakra. This is on
the Nabhi Chakra. Then this is Vishuddhi Chakra. Then this is Agnya Chakra and this is Swadishthan Chakra. This is your
Anahata Chakra, which is on your little finger because it is fragile. And is most innocent. The one who resides in Anahata Chakra,
He is most innocent. The heart is very innocent. Believe it, He is not even conscious that He has given boons to demons to
trouble Him. But it is a fact, an innocent man is not conscious to whom He is giving a boon to. He has given his wife to Ravana. If
such innocent Bhole Shankara dwells in the Heart, who can cheat Him? You cheat Shri Shankara and take away his wife, but then
you will be in trouble. And whatever boon He gives, there is always a loophole that gets created due to his innocence. He gives a
complete blessing. But in that, there will be one or the other loophole due to which the demon gets killed. You know in
Narasimha Avatar, He had given a boon. Once the demon got caught up, he was killed. Ravana was given a boon, he was killed.
Kamsa was given a boon, he was killed. Narkasura, Mahishasura, all were killed, after taking boons. This loophole is also part of
Shri Shankara’s innocence. And his naughtiness is in Shri Vishnu. That is why their combination works very well, Shri Shankar
and Shri Vishnu. It is a great combination. And till they are there, you don’t have to worry. Sometimes you go to Shri Shankara,
sometimes you go to Shri Vishnu. It is a light thing, not a serious thing. Not serious, very light. Keep your mind very light, like a
child. An airplane flies by, you look there. Something else comes there, you will look there, at everything. An airplane flies by a
thousand times. Whenever an airplane comes, all children will run after it and say bye, bye. Seawater comes twice. Each time the
water comes up, the children will run towards it, greet and come back. Wherever there is a commotion, they run towards that
place. What I mean is that an innocent is close to God, that’s why he is innocent. He will not look special, nothing about him
looks miraculous, nor does he look intellgent and tactful, but he is clean-hearted. Such a person is best for Sahaja Yoga. The one
who is innocent, straight forward, simple and mostly I have seen that such people are geniuses and even scholars are innocent.
Sometimes their innocence and their innocent talk makes Me feel like they are small children. Such learned people talking so
innocently, sometimes I am surprised. Whatever knowledge they have got, they have got it from God. It is there in them because
of their innocence. Whether they talk or not, that is not My point, but inside them, they have a jolly, playful world. Try to spend
most of the time in the company of children, not in the company of old people. Some 80-year-olds have become 18-year-olds! Be
in the company of those who are like children. And also keep your mind simple like children, it will be helpful in Sahaja Yoga, one
will progress. When children get their Realisation with me, I see that they have a lot of faith. You know I have two grandchildren;
both are Realised. Every day there is a fight, ‘I have to go for Puja with grandma’. I feel that both of them will sit in My lap. It is
better that I take them. After getting up in the morning, such small children, one and a half, two-year-olds, keep their hands
beneath My feet and touch their heads for half an hour, which child will do that without first having their milk. They do not start
the day without that, as if it is more necessary than milk. I have told the elder one about Kundalini. Now she says, ‘put Your feet
on Kundalini’, the younger one, as soon as I put My hand on her head, she sways like this. Now if the maid gets hot vibrations,‘ go,
fall at the feet of grandmother’, the elder one used to say. And they have dedication. ‘Grandma, please take us for Puja, grandma
take us for Puja’, they keep pleading day and night. Small children who normally like biscuits, chocolates, they do not want
chocolates, they don't want anything, they want to come for Puja- It is like a child crying for his mother, even if you give anything
of this world; they are like that. It does not happen by saying. It is not like my saying drink alcohol, drink alcohol. You will easily
get into the mood for alcohol, but you will not get into meditation. You will not get into meditation easily. Getting addicted to
alcohol is easy. When you get into the mood for meditation, I don’t have to say anything. That is why your desire is very
important. Your has more value, it is worshipped and that is why you have to desire, ‘God, let me have devotion towards You. Let
me dissolve in You completely’ The more and more one says this, steadily it will happen, it lives, it gets inside you, into your
depths. He will grow in his beauty. |
9/14/1973 | | Public Program | India | Pune | null | null | null | null | NEEDED | Y | N | N | Public Program | Marathi | 62 | null | null | null | null | null |
9/16/1973 | | Public Program | India | Pune | null | null | Reviewed | null | NEEDED | Y | N | N | Public Program | Marathi | 71 | null | null | null | null | null |
9/19/1973 | | Public Program | India | Pune | null | null | null | null | NEEDED | Y | N | N | Public Program | Marathi | 60 | null | null | null | null | null |
11/15/1973 | | Kundalini Ani Sahajayoga | India | Mumbai | null | null | In Progress, NEEDED | null | NEEDED | Y | N | N | Public Program | Marathi | 53 | null | null | null | null | null |
11/17/1973 | | Kundalini Your Divine Mother In You | India | New Delhi | null | Reviewed | null | Draft | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | Hindi | 33 | Public Program, New Delhi (India), Hindi, November 17th, 1973 [Translation from Hindi to English] Those issues which are not at
all there in animals are there in human beings. For an animal there is no question of any issue, he just exists. He is not even
concerned about the power which is behind his existence that, ‘which is the power behind my existence’. The reason for that is
the chaitanya Shakti (vibratory power), which creates the whole universe, sustains it and organizes it. It flows through living
creatures and passes through them. Because of a particular reason in a human being and because concerning of his particular
way of life, there occur some developments by which he gets disconnected with that power. In simple words you can understand
that the ego which human beings have, animals don’t have. The condition of brain of human beings is one of different kind. His
brain is triangular. When a foetus is of 3 months in his mother’s womb, at that time, this power enters through this triangular
brain and then it is divided into three parts because of the retraction involved in this process. One part has gone down directly
through the middle of forehead and remaining two parts go down through the two angles of the brain and take a turn and go
down. It is because of these three type of powers only a man is different from an animal. This power which passes in the brain
through triangle and it passes through one angle of triangle, then it also develops another angle. And because of that particular
angle its powers changes in two forms. If you people are from physics then you will understand that power always passes in a
straight way. But when it comes to this side passing through like this then it has to go like that, so its changing form divides it in
two powers which are called as components. One goes outside like this and other goes down like that. It is only because of the
force that goes outside; man is compelled to get a feeling of going outside. For example there is an animal, if he sits on a stool
then he will think of sitting on a stool. But if a man sits on a stool then he will think how I would maintain this stool, where did it
come from, who has made this stool? Whatever he sees he gets involved into it. If he sees any human being then he gets
involved in him. This is not a case in an animal. He just lives. If his master comes then he becomes happy. If any stranger comes
then he starts barking. If any thief comes then he starts barking. He does not think of having it or this mike I should take . I would
get this table. It is called possession. It start covering his mind.He has no sense of aesthetics. He does not even think that there
is something beautiful or ugly, its colour is good or bad.He is just not bothered. But man gets involved in any particular thing. He
goes further to start thinking that “I am something, I have my identity, power, and I am something special” . For example, we are
born and we start thinking that, I am Nirmala; I am Hindustani (Indian).We are Hindu, Muslim, Christian. That is how we get
entangled with whatever type of outside identification we have. This type of tendency of going outside is there because of brain
of a human being is triangular in shape. If man does not go outside then, there would be no further problem. For example cats
and dogs have no question of any kind. The entire consciousness passes through them and goes downwards. There is no
question before them. There is no reaction in them. But such is not case with us. Whenever we look at anything we have our
reaction to it. Therefore it is just a reaction produced by a force which originates one from front and other from back within us
and two institutions, named as ego and super ego are formed and gathered here. Due to assembling of these, we are separated
from everywhere/ completely. We all are separated from the power which is present there, you are separated, you are separated,
and we all are standing separately. Actually we all are product to only one power. It is like somebody has filled petrol in us and
has removed from this side. Out of this power, the power which go through middle , goes down and is settled in three and half
circle in coils in the triangular bone in our backbone after getting twisted. That’s why it is called as Kundalini. This power is not
seen, that’s why many people may ask that whatever you are telling how can we believe this. But it will be seen by you after
reaching a certain extent. Like if we would say that you can see many things with the microscope, which can not be seen by
these eyes. For this you should have microscope. If you don’t get microscope you just can not see that thing. So a state comes
where you can see this shakties (powers), where it is sitting, how it is sitting, what is the shape? But this shakti (power) is settled
down in a formless state. When kundalini is awakened those people who have come here and those who are now realized and
the people who knows this work quite well can tell you that when your kundalini gets awakened and if anybody bows down
before me then throbbing in the spinal cord of backbone is seen. You never breath from this area but you can see her getting up
and down here whether you are realized or not. It is seen in many people but not in all. But in those who have obstacles, it is seen
very clearly. You can see throbbing for a long time. This Shakti is hidden there and sitted down there. But the same kundalini,
which is there within you, since all your previous lives, is nurtured in you. She records all things like a tape- what problems he has,
this is my son, what are his problems he has in his body, which thing he needs. She knows each and everything about you. Your
mother may have many children but you are the only child of this mother (kundalini). You are the only child. Ever since I was born,
I was observing that the kundalini in each person is frozen just there. She just does not rise. What is the reason? The rising path
of kundalini is fixed and she knows that I have to rise through this path. There is a big space in between; here those who are
doctors can understand that in this Void, which is in between vagus nerve and aortic plexus, there is vacuum. In the same way,
there is also a space in our sushumna nadi. Because of this space created in all the human beings that kundalini shakti is
inherent. I was just not able to understand that this kundalini shakti will rise, but how. The found out remedy to fill this gap is
what Sahaja Yoga is. When this kundalini shakti rises, then it goes upside and again it goes up through this path and
intermingles you with power which fills our vibrations. You see, it’s just like petrol. First, it was filled within us then we used it. We
have consumed it because of our outgoing tendency. Now to fill new petrol again, this cap has once again been opened up. And
for that person it is kundalini which opens it. From above, the Shakti (power) flows through you for whole time in the form of
grace. When this takes place, at that time, you will feel like there is some power flowing through your hands. Now it is surprising
that from the beginning, ever since the power of Chaitanya (vibrations) has been working ,the gross power and Chaitanya
(vibratory) power have been together .Like there is a tree, inside tree is it’s vibratory power, there is a light that is why it is being
nourished. But you don’t see that. You are watching only the growth of tree means you are watching the work of just gross
power. It is the Chaitanya shakti (vibratory power) which always runs the gross power, it regulates it and it does its work. But
time it is seen for the first time when you are realized . Then there is manifestation of this. For the first time, it starts flowing
through you when flow is opened from above and it start coming from inside. Cool –cool vibration comes in hands. But you,
yourself reach that state where thoughtless awareness gets established. There is antarmoh (inner attachment). If there is any
psychologist here, he can understand this, it is called universal unconscious. Any man or any person who has the cancer disease
and from which he is very upset, and has come today may be to get Sahaja Yoga, so that this disease can be cured. Those
persons who are Realized they can never get the disease of cancer because they know how to cure cancer. Many people say that
there were great people like Maharshi Raman, who had cancer, Rama Krishna got cancer. He got cancer, but there was nobody
to tell them that how to cure it. Very few people have written about these vibrations. And the biggest wonder is that only
Shankaracharya has written about it. But those who claim themselves to be biggest Hindus do not know Shankaracharya. Adi
Shankaracharya has talked of nothing but Sahaja Yoga. He had just said,’ na sankhen, na yogen’-God is not achieved either by
sankhya or yoga, he is achieved in a sahaja way, spontaneously. The growth is spontaneous and he had not made any caste. He
had said that there were three kind of people in the world, the one who of lower level, those who do not have much intelligence.
Those who have not yet developed fully as a human being. For example, this mike is not yet fully prepared as a machine, then
there is no need to connect it to the mains either and there is no use also. It is better that these types of people are remained in
‘bhakti rasa’- the essence of devotion.They are of no use. Second type of people, are those whose minds run here and there. That
is why they indulge in wrong things or they are stuck to such work which make their energy exhausted. These types of people
should get into yoga so that they should be able to save themselves by yoga. But the third type of people who are such mild and
are of such a pure form that this unique phenomenon takes place in them. Now the only difference between him
(adishankaracharya) and me is that he used to say there that there is one in millions and I say that there are thousands in
millions. This is the only difference between both of us. It may be possible that there used to be such people in sixth century but
as of today I see there are thousands of them who are getting this thing. You must have read a lot about the kundalini
awakening. If you have read those books you would have not come here. Because there are such things said about kundalini
awakening that when it is awakened there are lots of ----burning wounds arises in the body or there is heat . Some people say that
person becomes mad in it and lots of other things. But here there is no happening like this. But actually these people who call it
as kundalini awakening is not awakening of kundalini but it is displeasing kundalini. Since kundalini is only awakened through
the middle path from its place and if we try to awaken it somehow from other place, then it will be a wrong act. It can only be
awakened from the middle path if there is such a person who shares the love ,in the form of vibrations of the whole God.Only
that person can only fill the space, which goes in middle of a human being. In reality there are a few people like this ,there were
few, now we will say that there are many who have become like this .Only these people can be called realized, through which the
Chaitanya power flows. When these people who are realized – give realization to you then you will not see any manifestation of
kind people tell about kundalini. It is only so called phenomena that this type of thing happens. Now thousands of people have
got their awakening in front of us. In Bombay at least 10,000 people have got their awakening and three to four thousand have
been realized. But we have never seen any man enduring this kind of difficulty. Yes of course somewhat resistance, as described
by them, may occur because as we are loving you some one might be hating you and might be residing in you. That surely may
shake your body a little bit, may give you some trouble but that also get destroyed soon and run away. Because when it sees that
love is coming here then it also----? Like how the darkness run away after seeing the light. That also run away.But so far now we
have not seen any man getting pimples or abscess in him or he has gone mad. It is true. Just a few days back we went
somewhere. There was a gentleman who was sitting pointing his legs towards me. He was told not to sit like this. Then he
replied that kindly allow me to sit like this otherwise I will jump like a frog.Somebody asked him, ‘why’ then he said ‘my Guru has
told me that when your kundalini rises then you start jumping like a frog. Then we told him that you have not yet got your
awakening and job of your awakening is very difficult . Because in the middle nadi of sushumna, there is a space and apart from
that there are two other nadis built within us which are called sympathetic nervous system. We call them Ida and Pingala.
Because of exhaustion of these nadis only all things do happen. And whatever work you do in the name of God, that time that
heat comes in you. In other words to say if you put on heater without filling it with water then what will be the condition of
it(heater). First let there be flow of water of love. Unless and until there is addition of water of love in it, no work can be done. In
the same way when we try to do anything or act in the name of God without achieving him and his power, that time our
sympathetic nervous system starts running.Either Ida or Pingala. By movement of either nadi, by increasing your acting power,
your power are finished. If your ida nadi runs excessively then you may get terrible disease like cancer.What you call as over
activity. And if your pingla runs excessively then your conditioning will increase. All the things what you call as Bhoot badhas etc
will enter in to you. Both of these activities are considered to be prohibitory. But when you become just that then you just do not
act. Like a mike, what it is doing except for it is enabling my voice reach up to you. In the same way you become a hollow thing.
You become a hollow personality through which this power flows on its own. Because of this hollowness, kundalini residing in
you gets established. Kundalini is your mother. Mother is already sitting in you. It means that you are already sublimated. Many
people say that we have to sublime sex, it is a very absurd thing. You are already sublimated. You have no question of
sublimation. You are already placed somewhat higher and those people who have this kind perception they are themselves
insulting their own mother. And this is why in these people kundalini do not rise but surely her anger, the anger of kundalini start
running on your sympathetic and suffering from excessive heat people get mad.You must have heard of Kriya, yoga, etc. there
are similar things which people do. Now there are people who do jap-tap(ritual --). Jap-tap is also a thing of outside. You cannot
do anything in the name of God. To the extent you can say that you cannot do any living work. Man in his illusion thinks that ‘I do
something’. Cats and dogs do not think that way. We can only do what is a dead work. For example, when a tree falls you make
piller out of it and evet it. All the dead things not a single thing is living. Electricity and light, etc all these powers that you know
are gross power. None of these is a living shakti. You just cannot do any single work means that you cannot make a fruit out of a
flower. You cannot make a tree out of a seed. But man remains in illusion and thinks that ‘I do everything’. But you cannot say
that you do not do anything in front of the one who does millions of work. If you wonder that there is a heavy magnet which is
very powerful and in front of that you are just a small magnet. What can you do to pull that towards your side, except that to
finish the magnet in you? Just this is the job.A human being just cannot do anything and he does not. He is in illusion to think
that he does. Because there is manifestation of ego and super ego. This manifestation creates an illusion in human being that he
has to do something. In reality God has made you for his own. We are image of god. For example the power which is flowing in
us that is being worked out through these fingers. All these fingers are seen to us in a form of body.means gross we are in his
gross form which want to work out through us. That is in the form of shsakti. He knows all the things. He does all the thing. He
does all the planning. He know minute to minute things. But he is formless. He is working out within ourselves in form. There is
no fight between form and formless. When you come to kundalini then you will be surprised to find that no religion has any fight
against any religion. Yes, if there is Adharma then there will be. Jesus has once said that those who are not against me are with
me. How great thing he has said that those who are not against him, are not against chaitanya, are all with me only. This you can
see in your kundalini that your kundalini revalues in God knows how many rounds. You might be in your previous life be a Muslim,
at least it should be acceptable to those Hindus who believe in previous birth. It is possible that you might have been a Chinese.
The thing that you hate might be what were in your previous life. Because that time you used to hate--- so it is possible that you
have now got what were hating – this is not to be case--- Even if you are theistic or believer, God is there. By believing him or not,
he is not going to get erased and after all who are we to erase him.if this finger believe or not, there is powers in it. It does not
matter to him and to believe him or not it does not mean anything. All it needs is that the power must keep running through it, the
one who is connected to brain. Whatever it is telling, whatever it is creating to do through it, it should keep doing that only. In this
case there is a beautiful example of Radhaji. There are many worshipper of Radhaji that is why I am willing to talk of Radhaji.
Once, Radhaji got jealous of flute. She asked Shri Krishna what is so special about this flute that you always keep this flute near
your mouth. Then he replied that you better ask this question to flute itself. She went to ask flute that what is your speciality that
you are always attached to his mouth. Then the flute replied, ‘Oh, mad, you do not even know that I have nothing special, that’s
what is my speciality. I have become totally hollow. That is why he made me play. If ever I stand then his whole melody will go in
waste. I have become completely hollow. Then Radhaji asked Shri Krishna that you make me your flute in my next birth.In the
same way we have become hollow. But by becoming hollow does not mean that you would miss doing your job. Many people
say that they have no responsibility. In reality there is no responsibility of yours. But people say that we do not have any
responsibility. Because they are sitting in misunderstanding(are all confused). Like we are sitting under this roof and these
pillars are supporting this roof. But if any senseless person is there, he will unnecessarily hold it by touching the pillar. But the
one who is sensible/knowledable he knows that there are pillars to support the roof. Then who are we? In the same way till there
is ignorance man thinks that he is going to do all things and such work to be done (not understood clearly). And if I get into this
trouble then I will become Sadhu-sanyasi, saint, etc. and I would not be able to do any work. In reality you cannot do otherwise
also unless and until you are beyond thoughts and because the power inside you is so unique, so deep and so powerful that as
soon as that start flowing in you, there is addition of glory to you, in your conversation, in everything you show skill/excellence
within you. People will be amazed to see how did it happen. Now here is Miss. Maniklal. I am telling her example. That since she
is realized after her awakening, from her writing such things are coming that she herself says that I think, I am just not writing,
what is happening. Those people who could not even write a simple poem, after this (realization) they start doing such and such
poems. There was a girl, simple artist absolutely simple. She used to play with colors sitting in her home. After that when she
became realized, there began the exhibitions of her work and she earned millions more.You imagine if there is a politician, the
time when he become a witness, then he could see whole thing and apart from that when you are there in his refuge, when you
believe in him completely, his thousand hands are there around you. Angles start hovering you. You do not understand how the
things are being worked out, how people come, how things are being done, how things come around end/ how the entire work
has been done. Such wonderful things start happening that a man gets surprised that how things have worked out, how that
thing has worked out.But the vision of man must not be on that, what we will gain out of it. Many people say that kindly awaken
our kundalini so that power will come in us. In reality you become completely powerless because your kundalini becomes
powerful. The power of God gets flowed through you because you are surrendered to him becoming completely powerless. The
essence of whatever has been described in all the religion is only one and is to know thyself and to know this there is only one
way that is Sahaja Yoga which may be called as spontaneous growth what happen spontaneously. Buddha only got it from
Sahaja Yoga. He was wandering thousands of places here and there and one day while he was laying --- getting tired his
kundalini said that my son is too much tired, somehow to give him realization. That very moment the rays came down to his
head and stopped and from below the kundalini strike down his Sahasrara and got his realization. Nobody has ever got
realization --- Sahaja Yoga. The only thing is that for example to come to 4 Dupley lane we had to go to Hazrat Ganj, then we left
that place in Delhi. Then we left here Lucknow to shift to Delhi. The all had roaming in Delhi, went here to there, then somehow
from that place people told us that Gentleman, this the same thing. He is sitting in you, where are you going to? So we --- us going
here and there then went to Japan and then to China then after travelling there met here. There was a mess in that travelling that
ap--- caught hold of. But the one who has got it he is mostly established in a Samadhi. The best example of this is Shri
Gyaneshwara when his kundalini was awakened he wrote the sixth chapter then he got his awakening and when he was realized
by that time h is Gyaneshwari was completed. That time he took to Samadhi. Because when you got it then your entire quest is
w—less. This is what -------------------- so better take Samadhi. The entire quest is lost but nothing is lost. As soon as a man starts
seeking he reaches to a condition in which he has to get, receive kundalini along with firm standing re—everything. A man first
seeks in money; seek in possession, after that he says that there is nothing in this junk like what is in America. Then his kundalini
says ---- and he gets his birth. Then he seeks power, he wastes it then says what is there in it. Then he seeks in religion (dharma
is also outside). All our religious m—gone out, nobody knows the religion of inside. The entire thing is that of inside. But the
methods are of outside. That is why he seeks outside; in religion also he makes Guru, makes friendship, goes to temple asks for
God. But the essence of all the religion is to get it. Those who are realized, all such Gurus like Guru Nanak; he says that, ‘sahaja
Samadhi lago, sahaja Samadhi lago’. He says,’ why to go to forest when all is residing he is within us’. Just like that God is also-
seek within seek within.-------?Now, we are singing, we cramming, ‘Ghat hi khojo bhai’ (meaning seek within, seek within). It is just
like if a doctor has prescribed Anacin for your headache and you are cramming, ‘take Anacin, take Anacin’, but when will you take
it? If the patient will not take it, then how his headache will go. By seeking within means that to get established inside, to get lost
in it.-----28.35 It happens spontaneously when your time comes/arrives and time of thousands of people has come. All those of
who are sitting here you know your previous birth; it is the seeking of thousands of years which has brought you here. Because of
that you got your own right. We are just not doing anything. For example you go to a bank and you get your money by giving your
cheque. They have to give you money, otherwise where will they go? If we do not give you your self realization where will we go?
We have to give, because it is your fundamental right. Whatever you do, you do it in your authority. If you don’t have desire,
unless and until you have that authority, no work will be done without your desire. But one thing we must understand that are we
coming from the real or unreal. Your kundalini knows you. She knows all of you, everything about you. But she respects your
freedom that when in your freedom the day when you decide that we want absolute that very day your kundalini will rise, your
Sahasrara will open, we do not want anything else. We have to ask only the absolute thing. We do not want anything of body and
nothing else. We know ourselves in the refuge of the same Almighty Father, Parmatma (God), Parmeshwar. The one, who have
decided it, has become realized. If you have any question about your kundalini you may ask me. The subject of kundalini is very
large. There are two to four people who have come with us and are such realized that they have reached a state where they give
realization to others. Once you are realized the kundalini dances through your glances, through your glances. You yourself will
realize it you will raise the kundalini of thousand people just like this.These are very simple type of people, normal people. You
will not come to know about their power that how powerful they are. But just by their one glance their kundalini will rise and these
people will become realized. A very big task can be achieved when thousands of such people are ready. And a new lane will be
ready, a new type of people, a new type of institution, those who have achieved it from within, not from the great hypocrisy, not
by money. Those who have got it only from inner distresse(aartata) and their dedication towards God, their age will not be less
than 90. The one who in witnessed state, whatsoever is lane be, however power he has, but he never gets his ego. He will not
have ego because whenever he gives he says that it is going through me, this is happening, they are not being worked out, they
are worked out. Even if it is your son, you cannot say that he has become realized. When he gets it, then it is known that it has
been done. Such vibrations start coming from inside. You also get vibrations. And if you say forcefully, kindly give realization to
such a fellow then it is just not possible. No recommendation can be considered. No politics can be considered, no pressure can
be considered, no relation, no money can make it happen. Whatever falsehood which can be called as myth cannot hold it. Truth
is what it is, and it works out. Any work, any program, any method cannot change it. It works out automatically. But still you
should keep an eye on your mind that an ego in human being is so gig, so subtle, as soon as I say that there is nothing to be done
he gets shocked(dazzled). If I say that you stand on your head then he does it. But the thing, which is free to get and which is
achieved without any effort, human being just don’t believe. Because he has a great faith in his ego and he does not know ego of
God that if he moves his finger he can change the vision of the whole creation and if he wants that he can lit the lamp in the
small-small particles of this creation. If you have any genuine questions then ask otherwise we will experiment by going in slight
meditation because unless and until there is experience till that time all the conversation remains a mere conversation and what
is there in conversation. | null | null | null | Public Program, New Delhi (India), Hindi, November 17th, 1973 [Translation from Hindi to English] Those issues which are not at
all there in animals are there in human beings. For an animal there is no question of any issue, he just exists. He is not even
concerned about the power which is behind his existence that, ‘which is the power behind my existence’. The reason for that is
the chaitanya Shakti (vibratory power), which creates the whole universe, sustains it and organizes it. It flows through living
creatures and passes through them. Because of a particular reason in a human being and because concerning of his particular
way of life, there occur some developments by which he gets disconnected with that power. In simple words you can understand
that the ego which human beings have, animals don’t have. The condition of brain of human beings is one of different kind. His
brain is triangular. When a foetus is of 3 months in his mother’s womb, at that time, this power enters through this triangular
brain and then it is divided into three parts because of the retraction involved in this process. One part has gone down directly
through the middle of forehead and remaining two parts go down through the two angles of the brain and take a turn and go
down. It is because of these three type of powers only a man is different from an animal. This power which passes in the brain
through triangle and it passes through one angle of triangle, then it also develops another angle. And because of that particular
angle its powers changes in two forms. If you people are from physics then you will understand that power always passes in a
straight way. But when it comes to this side passing through like this then it has to go like that, so its changing form divides it in
two powers which are called as components. One goes outside like this and other goes down like that. It is only because of the
force that goes outside; man is compelled to get a feeling of going outside. For example there is an animal, if he sits on a stool
then he will think of sitting on a stool. But if a man sits on a stool then he will think how I would maintain this stool, where did it
come from, who has made this stool? Whatever he sees he gets involved into it. If he sees any human being then he gets
involved in him. This is not a case in an animal. He just lives. If his master comes then he becomes happy. If any stranger comes
then he starts barking. If any thief comes then he starts barking. He does not think of having it or this mike I should take . I would
get this table. It is called possession. It start covering his mind.He has no sense of aesthetics. He does not even think that there
is something beautiful or ugly, its colour is good or bad.He is just not bothered. But man gets involved in any particular thing. He
goes further to start thinking that “I am something, I have my identity, power, and I am something special” . For example, we are
born and we start thinking that, I am Nirmala; I am Hindustani (Indian).We are Hindu, Muslim, Christian. That is how we get
entangled with whatever type of outside identification we have. This type of tendency of going outside is there because of brain
of a human being is triangular in shape. If man does not go outside then, there would be no further problem. For example cats
and dogs have no question of any kind. The entire consciousness passes through them and goes downwards. There is no
question before them. There is no reaction in them. But such is not case with us. Whenever we look at anything we have our
reaction to it. Therefore it is just a reaction produced by a force which originates one from front and other from back within us
and two institutions, named as ego and super ego are formed and gathered here. Due to assembling of these, we are separated
from everywhere/ completely. We all are separated from the power which is present there, you are separated, you are separated,
and we all are standing separately. Actually we all are product to only one power. It is like somebody has filled petrol in us and
has removed from this side. Out of this power, the power which go through middle , goes down and is settled in three and half
circle in coils in the triangular bone in our backbone after getting twisted. That’s why it is called as Kundalini. This power is not
seen, that’s why many people may ask that whatever you are telling how can we believe this. But it will be seen by you after
reaching a certain extent. Like if we would say that you can see many things with the microscope, which can not be seen by
these eyes. For this you should have microscope. If you don’t get microscope you just can not see that thing. So a state comes
where you can see this shakties (powers), where it is sitting, how it is sitting, what is the shape? But this shakti (power) is settled
down in a formless state. When kundalini is awakened those people who have come here and those who are now realized and
the people who knows this work quite well can tell you that when your kundalini gets awakened and if anybody bows down
before me then throbbing in the spinal cord of backbone is seen. You never breath from this area but you can see her getting up
and down here whether you are realized or not. It is seen in many people but not in all. But in those who have obstacles, it is seen
very clearly. You can see throbbing for a long time. This Shakti is hidden there and sitted down there. But the same kundalini,
which is there within you, since all your previous lives, is nurtured in you. She records all things like a tape- what problems he has,
this is my son, what are his problems he has in his body, which thing he needs. She knows each and everything about you. Your
mother may have many children but you are the only child of this mother (kundalini). You are the only child. Ever since I was born,
I was observing that the kundalini in each person is frozen just there. She just does not rise. What is the reason? The rising path
of kundalini is fixed and she knows that I have to rise through this path. There is a big space in between; here those who are
doctors can understand that in this Void, which is in between vagus nerve and aortic plexus, there is vacuum. In the same way,
there is also a space in our sushumna nadi. Because of this space created in all the human beings that kundalini shakti is
inherent. I was just not able to understand that this kundalini shakti will rise, but how. The found out remedy to fill this gap is
what Sahaja Yoga is. When this kundalini shakti rises, then it goes upside and again it goes up through this path and
intermingles you with power which fills our vibrations. You see, it’s just like petrol. First, it was filled within us then we used it. We
have consumed it because of our outgoing tendency. Now to fill new petrol again, this cap has once again been opened up. And
for that person it is kundalini which opens it. From above, the Shakti (power) flows through you for whole time in the form of
grace. When this takes place, at that time, you will feel like there is some power flowing through your hands. Now it is surprising
that from the beginning, ever since the power of Chaitanya (vibrations) has been working ,the gross power and Chaitanya
(vibratory) power have been together .Like there is a tree, inside tree is it’s vibratory power, there is a light that is why it is being
nourished. But you don’t see that. You are watching only the growth of tree means you are watching the work of just gross
power. It is the Chaitanya shakti (vibratory power) which always runs the gross power, it regulates it and it does its work. But
time it is seen for the first time when you are realized . Then there is manifestation of this. For the first time, it starts flowing
through you when flow is opened from above and it start coming from inside. Cool –cool vibration comes in hands. But you,
yourself reach that state where thoughtless awareness gets established. There is antarmoh (inner attachment). If there is any
psychologist here, he can understand this, it is called universal unconscious. Any man or any person who has the cancer disease
and from which he is very upset, and has come today may be to get Sahaja Yoga, so that this disease can be cured. Those
persons who are Realized they can never get the disease of cancer because they know how to cure cancer. Many people say that
there were great people like Maharshi Raman, who had cancer, Rama Krishna got cancer. He got cancer, but there was nobody
to tell them that how to cure it. Very few people have written about these vibrations. And the biggest wonder is that only
Shankaracharya has written about it. But those who claim themselves to be biggest Hindus do not know Shankaracharya. Adi
Shankaracharya has talked of nothing but Sahaja Yoga. He had just said,’ na sankhen, na yogen’-God is not achieved either by
sankhya or yoga, he is achieved in a sahaja way, spontaneously. The growth is spontaneous and he had not made any caste. He
had said that there were three kind of people in the world, the one who of lower level, those who do not have much intelligence.
Those who have not yet developed fully as a human being. For example, this mike is not yet fully prepared as a machine, then
there is no need to connect it to the mains either and there is no use also. It is better that these types of people are remained in
‘bhakti rasa’- the essence of devotion.They are of no use. Second type of people, are those whose minds run here and there. That
is why they indulge in wrong things or they are stuck to such work which make their energy exhausted. These types of people
should get into yoga so that they should be able to save themselves by yoga. But the third type of people who are such mild and
are of such a pure form that this unique phenomenon takes place in them. Now the only difference between him
(adishankaracharya) and me is that he used to say there that there is one in millions and I say that there are thousands in
millions. This is the only difference between both of us. It may be possible that there used to be such people in sixth century but
as of today I see there are thousands of them who are getting this thing. You must have read a lot about the kundalini
awakening. If you have read those books you would have not come here. Because there are such things said about kundalini
awakening that when it is awakened there are lots of ----burning wounds arises in the body or there is heat . Some people say that
person becomes mad in it and lots of other things. But here there is no happening like this. But actually these people who call it
as kundalini awakening is not awakening of kundalini but it is displeasing kundalini. Since kundalini is only awakened through
the middle path from its place and if we try to awaken it somehow from other place, then it will be a wrong act. It can only be
awakened from the middle path if there is such a person who shares the love ,in the form of vibrations of the whole God.Only
that person can only fill the space, which goes in middle of a human being. In reality there are a few people like this ,there were
few, now we will say that there are many who have become like this .Only these people can be called realized, through which the
Chaitanya power flows. When these people who are realized – give realization to you then you will not see any manifestation of
kind people tell about kundalini. It is only so called phenomena that this type of thing happens. Now thousands of people have
got their awakening in front of us. In Bombay at least 10,000 people have got their awakening and three to four thousand have
been realized. But we have never seen any man enduring this kind of difficulty. Yes of course somewhat resistance, as described
by them, may occur because as we are loving you some one might be hating you and might be residing in you. That surely may
shake your body a little bit, may give you some trouble but that also get destroyed soon and run away. Because when it sees that
love is coming here then it also----? Like how the darkness run away after seeing the light. That also run away.But so far now we
have not seen any man getting pimples or abscess in him or he has gone mad. It is true. Just a few days back we went
somewhere. There was a gentleman who was sitting pointing his legs towards me. He was told not to sit like this. Then he
replied that kindly allow me to sit like this otherwise I will jump like a frog.Somebody asked him, ‘why’ then he said ‘my Guru has
told me that when your kundalini rises then you start jumping like a frog. Then we told him that you have not yet got your
awakening and job of your awakening is very difficult . Because in the middle nadi of sushumna, there is a space and apart from
that there are two other nadis built within us which are called sympathetic nervous system. We call them Ida and Pingala.
Because of exhaustion of these nadis only all things do happen. And whatever work you do in the name of God, that time that
heat comes in you. In other words to say if you put on heater without filling it with water then what will be the condition of
it(heater). First let there be flow of water of love. Unless and until there is addition of water of love in it, no work can be done. In
the same way when we try to do anything or act in the name of God without achieving him and his power, that time our
sympathetic nervous system starts running.Either Ida or Pingala. By movement of either nadi, by increasing your acting power,
your power are finished. If your ida nadi runs excessively then you may get terrible disease like cancer.What you call as over
activity. And if your pingla runs excessively then your conditioning will increase. All the things what you call as Bhoot badhas etc
will enter in to you. Both of these activities are considered to be prohibitory. But when you become just that then you just do not
act. Like a mike, what it is doing except for it is enabling my voice reach up to you. In the same way you become a hollow thing.
You become a hollow personality through which this power flows on its own. Because of this hollowness, kundalini residing in
you gets established. Kundalini is your mother. Mother is already sitting in you. It means that you are already sublimated. Many
people say that we have to sublime sex, it is a very absurd thing. You are already sublimated. You have no question of
sublimation. You are already placed somewhat higher and those people who have this kind perception they are themselves
insulting their own mother. And this is why in these people kundalini do not rise but surely her anger, the anger of kundalini start
running on your sympathetic and suffering from excessive heat people get mad.You must have heard of Kriya, yoga, etc. there
are similar things which people do. Now there are people who do jap-tap(ritual --). Jap-tap is also a thing of outside. You cannot
do anything in the name of God. To the extent you can say that you cannot do any living work. Man in his illusion thinks that ‘I do
something’. Cats and dogs do not think that way. We can only do what is a dead work. For example, when a tree falls you make
piller out of it and evet it. All the dead things not a single thing is living. Electricity and light, etc all these powers that you know
are gross power. None of these is a living shakti. You just cannot do any single work means that you cannot make a fruit out of a
flower. You cannot make a tree out of a seed. But man remains in illusion and thinks that ‘I do everything’. But you cannot say
that you do not do anything in front of the one who does millions of work. If you wonder that there is a heavy magnet which is
very powerful and in front of that you are just a small magnet. What can you do to pull that towards your side, except that to
finish the magnet in you? Just this is the job.A human being just cannot do anything and he does not. He is in illusion to think
that he does. Because there is manifestation of ego and super ego. This manifestation creates an illusion in human being that he
has to do something. In reality God has made you for his own. We are image of god. For example the power which is flowing in
us that is being worked out through these fingers. All these fingers are seen to us in a form of body.means gross we are in his
gross form which want to work out through us. That is in the form of shsakti. He knows all the things. He does all the thing. He
does all the planning. He know minute to minute things. But he is formless. He is working out within ourselves in form. There is
no fight between form and formless. When you come to kundalini then you will be surprised to find that no religion has any fight
against any religion. Yes, if there is Adharma then there will be. Jesus has once said that those who are not against me are with
me. How great thing he has said that those who are not against him, are not against chaitanya, are all with me only. This you can
see in your kundalini that your kundalini revalues in God knows how many rounds. You might be in your previous life be a Muslim,
at least it should be acceptable to those Hindus who believe in previous birth. It is possible that you might have been a Chinese.
The thing that you hate might be what were in your previous life. Because that time you used to hate--- so it is possible that you
have now got what were hating – this is not to be case--- Even if you are theistic or believer, God is there. By believing him or not,
he is not going to get erased and after all who are we to erase him.if this finger believe or not, there is powers in it. It does not
matter to him and to believe him or not it does not mean anything. All it needs is that the power must keep running through it, the
one who is connected to brain. Whatever it is telling, whatever it is creating to do through it, it should keep doing that only. In this
case there is a beautiful example of Radhaji. There are many worshipper of Radhaji that is why I am willing to talk of Radhaji.
Once, Radhaji got jealous of flute. She asked Shri Krishna what is so special about this flute that you always keep this flute near
your mouth. Then he replied that you better ask this question to flute itself. She went to ask flute that what is your speciality that
you are always attached to his mouth. Then the flute replied, ‘Oh, mad, you do not even know that I have nothing special, that’s
what is my speciality. I have become totally hollow. That is why he made me play. If ever I stand then his whole melody will go in
waste. I have become completely hollow. Then Radhaji asked Shri Krishna that you make me your flute in my next birth.In the
same way we have become hollow. But by becoming hollow does not mean that you would miss doing your job. Many people
say that they have no responsibility. In reality there is no responsibility of yours. But people say that we do not have any
responsibility. Because they are sitting in misunderstanding(are all confused). Like we are sitting under this roof and these
pillars are supporting this roof. But if any senseless person is there, he will unnecessarily hold it by touching the pillar. But the
one who is sensible/knowledable he knows that there are pillars to support the roof. Then who are we? In the same way till there
is ignorance man thinks that he is going to do all things and such work to be done (not understood clearly). And if I get into this
trouble then I will become Sadhu-sanyasi, saint, etc. and I would not be able to do any work. In reality you cannot do otherwise
also unless and until you are beyond thoughts and because the power inside you is so unique, so deep and so powerful that as
soon as that start flowing in you, there is addition of glory to you, in your conversation, in everything you show skill/excellence
within you. People will be amazed to see how did it happen. Now here is Miss. Maniklal. I am telling her example. That since she
is realized after her awakening, from her writing such things are coming that she herself says that I think, I am just not writing,
what is happening. Those people who could not even write a simple poem, after this (realization) they start doing such and such
poems. There was a girl, simple artist absolutely simple. She used to play with colors sitting in her home. After that when she
became realized, there began the exhibitions of her work and she earned millions more.You imagine if there is a politician, the
time when he become a witness, then he could see whole thing and apart from that when you are there in his refuge, when you
believe in him completely, his thousand hands are there around you. Angles start hovering you. You do not understand how the
things are being worked out, how people come, how things are being done, how things come around end/ how the entire work
has been done. Such wonderful things start happening that a man gets surprised that how things have worked out, how that
thing has worked out.But the vision of man must not be on that, what we will gain out of it. Many people say that kindly awaken
our kundalini so that power will come in us. In reality you become completely powerless because your kundalini becomes
powerful. The power of God gets flowed through you because you are surrendered to him becoming completely powerless. The
essence of whatever has been described in all the religion is only one and is to know thyself and to know this there is only one
way that is Sahaja Yoga which may be called as spontaneous growth what happen spontaneously. Buddha only got it from
Sahaja Yoga. He was wandering thousands of places here and there and one day while he was laying --- getting tired his
kundalini said that my son is too much tired, somehow to give him realization. That very moment the rays came down to his
head and stopped and from below the kundalini strike down his Sahasrara and got his realization. Nobody has ever got
realization --- Sahaja Yoga. The only thing is that for example to come to 4 Dupley lane we had to go to Hazrat Ganj, then we left
that place in Delhi. Then we left here Lucknow to shift to Delhi. The all had roaming in Delhi, went here to there, then somehow
from that place people told us that Gentleman, this the same thing. He is sitting in you, where are you going to? So we --- us going
here and there then went to Japan and then to China then after travelling there met here. There was a mess in that travelling that
ap--- caught hold of. But the one who has got it he is mostly established in a Samadhi. The best example of this is Shri
Gyaneshwara when his kundalini was awakened he wrote the sixth chapter then he got his awakening and when he was realized
by that time h is Gyaneshwari was completed. That time he took to Samadhi. Because when you got it then your entire quest is
w—less. This is what -------------------- so better take Samadhi. The entire quest is lost but nothing is lost. As soon as a man starts
seeking he reaches to a condition in which he has to get, receive kundalini along with firm standing re—everything. A man first
seeks in money; seek in possession, after that he says that there is nothing in this junk like what is in America. Then his kundalini
says ---- and he gets his birth. Then he seeks power, he wastes it then says what is there in it. Then he seeks in religion (dharma
is also outside). All our religious m—gone out, nobody knows the religion of inside. The entire thing is that of inside. But the
methods are of outside. That is why he seeks outside; in religion also he makes Guru, makes friendship, goes to temple asks for
God. But the essence of all the religion is to get it. Those who are realized, all such Gurus like Guru Nanak; he says that, ‘sahaja
Samadhi lago, sahaja Samadhi lago’. He says,’ why to go to forest when all is residing he is within us’. Just like that God is also-
seek within seek within.-------?Now, we are singing, we cramming, ‘Ghat hi khojo bhai’ (meaning seek within, seek within). It is just
like if a doctor has prescribed Anacin for your headache and you are cramming, ‘take Anacin, take Anacin’, but when will you take
it? If the patient will not take it, then how his headache will go. By seeking within means that to get established inside, to get lost
in it.-----28.35 It happens spontaneously when your time comes/arrives and time of thousands of people has come. All those of
who are sitting here you know your previous birth; it is the seeking of thousands of years which has brought you here. Because of
that you got your own right. We are just not doing anything. For example you go to a bank and you get your money by giving your
cheque. They have to give you money, otherwise where will they go? If we do not give you your self realization where will we go?
We have to give, because it is your fundamental right. Whatever you do, you do it in your authority. If you don’t have desire,
unless and until you have that authority, no work will be done without your desire. But one thing we must understand that are we
coming from the real or unreal. Your kundalini knows you. She knows all of you, everything about you. But she respects your
freedom that when in your freedom the day when you decide that we want absolute that very day your kundalini will rise, your
Sahasrara will open, we do not want anything else. We have to ask only the absolute thing. We do not want anything of body and
nothing else. We know ourselves in the refuge of the same Almighty Father, Parmatma (God), Parmeshwar. The one, who have
decided it, has become realized. If you have any question about your kundalini you may ask me. The subject of kundalini is very
large. There are two to four people who have come with us and are such realized that they have reached a state where they give
realization to others. Once you are realized the kundalini dances through your glances, through your glances. You yourself will
realize it you will raise the kundalini of thousand people just like this.These are very simple type of people, normal people. You
will not come to know about their power that how powerful they are. But just by their one glance their kundalini will rise and these
people will become realized. A very big task can be achieved when thousands of such people are ready. And a new lane will be
ready, a new type of people, a new type of institution, those who have achieved it from within, not from the great hypocrisy, not
by money. Those who have got it only from inner distresse(aartata) and their dedication towards God, their age will not be less
than 90. The one who in witnessed state, whatsoever is lane be, however power he has, but he never gets his ego. He will not
have ego because whenever he gives he says that it is going through me, this is happening, they are not being worked out, they
are worked out. Even if it is your son, you cannot say that he has become realized. When he gets it, then it is known that it has
been done. Such vibrations start coming from inside. You also get vibrations. And if you say forcefully, kindly give realization to
such a fellow then it is just not possible. No recommendation can be considered. No politics can be considered, no pressure can
be considered, no relation, no money can make it happen. Whatever falsehood which can be called as myth cannot hold it. Truth
is what it is, and it works out. Any work, any program, any method cannot change it. It works out automatically. But still you
should keep an eye on your mind that an ego in human being is so gig, so subtle, as soon as I say that there is nothing to be done
he gets shocked(dazzled). If I say that you stand on your head then he does it. But the thing, which is free to get and which is
achieved without any effort, human being just don’t believe. Because he has a great faith in his ego and he does not know ego of
God that if he moves his finger he can change the vision of the whole creation and if he wants that he can lit the lamp in the
small-small particles of this creation. If you have any genuine questions then ask otherwise we will experiment by going in slight
meditation because unless and until there is experience till that time all the conversation remains a mere conversation and what
is there in conversation. |
11/19/1973 | | Sahaj Yog | India | New Delhi | In Progress, NEEDED | null | null | null | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | English | 56 | null | null | null | null | null |
11/24/1973 | | Question And Answers | India | New Delhi | VERIFIED | null | null | null | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | English | 31 | QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS DELHI 1973-1124 Sahaja Yogi: This program is recorded at Delhi on 24 November 1973. Here Shri
Mataji is replying to the questions of the “sadhakas” (seekers) during the ten-day series of lectures held at Delhi. Shri Mataji: …to
your subject matter. I will just try to continue with my thoughts. And later on, if you have any problems, I’ll answer about them.
But as I told you, it is an ocean, ocean of knowledge,and I have been speaking like this for five years. And some of them have
been hearing Me for about five years. But still, everything I say, they want to record it and want to re-hear it and I don't know, soI
think it is all a bottomless pit. Now, what exactly Kundalini is? Let us start from this point, I will go one by one to different
subjects. Just before Kundalini, let us know what is creation. Because without creation you do not understand the place of
Kundalini. Which I will, in a very short form, tell. The entire creation, like the tree, is the manifestation of one seed, which we can
call as “Brahmabeej” ( seed of Brahma). Is the seed of creation. Now every seed has a germinating power. In the same way, the
Brahmabeej also has a germinating power. Now it’s a hypothesis for you. For all the scientific understanding, it is a hypothesis.
But we can establish it later on by our experiments. So, it becomes a law and a scientific fact. In the beginning, this seed, there is
no beginning and end, but let us start from a stage, from where the seed becomes the tree and the tree becomes the seed. The
seed vibrated first time, and the vibrations of Divine Love, which is the power of that seed of Brahma. Divine Love is awareness
itself and is a power which has got electricity, magnetism and all material powers in It. Also, a power that thinks, regulates, plans
and creates. You can’t conceive of such a power. Because such a power does not exist in the material world. So, from the seed,
the vibrations of awareness started. (I think you should put your hands like this so that your de-conditioning also goes on with
my speech.) So, the vibrations of that Divine Love spread on all the sides of the seed and formed the surface. This is what we
call as Shakti, is the power, the Divine Love. Or the Divine Power. So, the seed was separated. The seed of Brahma, which was
abstract, in the sense that it was not manifesting in any material appearances, manifestations, the seed was separated from the
Shakti, and we had two forces working, one was the Brahma itself as a seed and another as its power, as the Shakti. They call it,
the Shaivites call it as the Shiva and the Shakti. Vaishnavites call it as a Vishnu, Krishna and Radha. Whatever you call it, is not
the point. Actually, we human beings only call them by names and separate them. But, actually, there were only two things that
existed. The first, the Ishwara, the witness, the regulator, the supervisor, who was watching his own Shakti and the play of that
Shakti. The Shakti started manifesting itself. But, the Ishwara is the supervisor; He is the witness and He is silent. Shakti had
three powers. How She manifested, how She came into being, is another subject. How She has managed it is another subject.
But She has got three powers. First power is, through Her ego, which is an incarnating power. Second power is Her Divine power,
and the third power is Her material power. Divine power throughout regulated, created the whole Universe. Shakti, by another
movement, created three types of moods. Three moods She created by movement like that. Thrice She moved like that, around
Her ego and these three moods were, like a mother, She had a desire to have a child. Desire! So, She created “Tamo guna”. Then
She had to act on that, so, She created the “Rajo guna”, the activating force. And once she has created Her own creation, She
wanted to reveal her love. So, the “Sattva guna” was created, the Revelation. She is the Mother. If you can think of, She is the
mother of all the mother. How a mother sees her child, She sees Her creation. First, She creates through the Divine power, acting
on the material power, all the creation. And then, She comes again and again, again and again, in three different forms. She
comes as a mother Herself. Then She is most powerful and expressive. As she has come you know as Nava-Durga She has
come, as Mother Mary She has come, as Quan Yin She has come. She has come in many forms in many parts of the world. She
came as Muhammad’s daughter, She came as Nanaka’s sister, She came as Janaka’s daughter. Only one person all the time,
coming in this world in different forms. When She comes only as a Mother, She is very different, and She is very dynamic. But,
sometimes She comes as a wife and sometimes as a mother, then She is dormant. She acts, but She is not felt. Like, Radha of
Krishna. Same Mother comes, again and again, incarnates to help the people to evolve out of this Bhavasagara, the void. She
creates the Maya, She creates the illusion. Like a mother, like a mother bird who hides herself and calls her little one. The little
birdie. So, the little bird can spread its wings to find the mother. She creates all the illusion. And it is She only, who make you
realise that it is all an illusion. She makes you feel that you are separate from Her. The “I” ness in you She develops Herself. And
then She wants you to find out the means, the Mother, the all-pervading Chaitanya that is your Mother. And by this, doing this She
matures you throughout and creates a beautiful instrument out of a human being. And then She reveals Her love and exposes
Herself, Her love into your being. First, the material evolution took place as you know very well. I have spoken on that also. I
would not like to touch that now. Then, up to the human level it has stopped. Now the human being has raised his body. The
animal has not. But human being raised his body and his brain starts developing in a conical way. That conical structure gives it
a prism-like quality, by which, the Chaitanya, the light, when it pours into the brain, goes into refraction. I hope you understand the
word refraction. Means it passes through the prism, as you have seen, “kendrikaran” (centralisation) they call it. The rays are
separated. Only in the human beings, the rays of Chaitanya are separated, and not in the animals. And the rays that pass through
the center of the fontanelle bone here, which you call as “talu”, it is a very important thing. It passes through the apex of the brain
and goes straight directly down to the medulla oblongata and settles down at the back of the triangular bone known as the
coccyx [sacrum bone]. It is completely parasympathetic in its function, that is, it fills you up completely and that rests there as
the residual consciousness. That is the Kundalini. Doctors may not agree today but they will have to agree one day. I can show
you the breathing of the Kundalini in the coccyx [sacrom bone]. [Mother is talking aside to Sahaja Yogis]. So, in the centre of this,
in the centre of your head, at the coccyx, from there to the coccyx, is a line which goes down through the medulla oblongata and
is known as the channel of“Sushumna”. The two other things that pass across like that, are sympathetic in nature because they
are there to exhaust your energy, also, are known as sympathetic nervous system. But their channels are known as “Ida” and
“Pingala”. So, the Mother Kundalini settles down (as) the residual consciousness in the coccyx. She is very well settled there,
waiting for an opportunity to rise. And the opportunity is, when her child, she has only one child. And throughout his birth, she is
following him. She is all the time there. When the child dies, her vacuum is created. And (when the child is born again), again she
comes back in the same child. And she knows all the problems of the child. This Kundalini gives you the rebirth. You have heard
about “dwijaha” the one who is twice-born. Every religion,every religion, I mean religion; I do not mean irreligion – every religion
has preached that you have to be reborn. Those, who have not, are no religion. Religion in the Sanskrit language is “dharma”.
Dharma means “dharaiticha dharma”, the one which you sustain. Whatever you sustain is the dharma. Still, sustain does’nt have
that meaning, but still, you can say sustain. Because in the law ministry and all that, you hear this word, it is too much and so
cheaply. But one that sustains is the dharma. Sustains what? Sustains the meeting of the all-pervading. Not the “jadugar ka
kaam” (magician’s work), see the way that they go on “jadu, yahaan se nikaal diya, wahan se nikaal diya” (making things appear
out of nowhere), all this thing are not dharma. Remember one thing that all these things are not dharma. Dharma is only the one
that sustains the meeting of Atma (Spirit) with Paramatma (God Almighty). In the human being, in his heart, in every human
being, in the heart of all the living beings, is the reflection of the Atma, which is of the Paramatma, which is the Ishwara, which I
have told you about, He is reflected. And like a flicker of a flame, just like your thumb, it is there in your heart. Actually you, all
your growth, creation, everything, is managed by your heart – not by your brain. In the seat of the heart, in the centre of the heart.
[Inaudible/someone asks a question]. No, no, I will tell you what. Your point is all right. The doctor says the heart is here. The
heart is the organ. The heart is the organ, which is looked after by the cardiac plexus. So, part of the cardiac plexus is looking
after the heart. Because cardiac plexus has got many sub-plexuses. Out of which, except for four of them, the rest of them, that
is, the heart has got twelve sub-plexuses. Out of which eight of them are looking after the heart. Four of them, other things, I
mean, there is a mixture of all these things, some of them are looking after the heart and some of them are looking after the
mind. But this light is in your heart, in the organ heart – not in the plexus. Plexus is for the play of the Kundalini. But the Kundalini
moves in such a way that she goes to the heart later on and the enlightenment takes place. The spark starts from there. And
when we raise your Kundalini through Sahaja Yoga, the system is followed like this, the Kundalini rises because of a certain
condition being filled. There is a gap in your Sushumna, which is shown outside also, that below the heart, the vagus nerve ends
abruptly. And up to the aortic plexus, there is a Void. If there is a doctor, he will understand it. This Void is to be filled by the same
Divine love. If somebody, who has got the Divine love flowing through her or his being, then such a person can pour that love, that
water of love for your seeking journey. This is the condition of Sahaja Yoga. That is why a person who is not Realised cannot do
this. Even a Realised person may not be able to do this. Because he must be at a certain stage of that Divine love by which he
can give Realisation. For example, we have given Realisation to thousands of people both here and abroad and also awakening
to, I do not know how many thousands. But out of them, only eleven people so far can give Realisation. And they know the
technique of giving the realisation and telling the people how to maintain it. Only eleven in these five years. The day I have a
thousand like you, no problem. I need a thousand hands to fight the war between the dharma and adharma. Dharma can be
established. But the only problem of Sahaja Yoga is that you have to be completely independent and free. And that you must
choose it by your will. Your will will be respected till the end. If you have no will to have it, you cannot have it. It is not enticement
or mesmerism by which I can do it. So naturally, it will have to work slowly, gradually, according to your will. If you do not have
the will, I am going to respect you as a mother respects her grown-up son. It is for you to decide to have it. It is in your will, you
get the experience and you are sure of it. And once you get it, there is no doubt left in your mind. You know that. I beg your
pardon?[Inaudible/question about method]. Shri Mataji: Now, in this? There are different and different types of people and
different types of things they have done to their own Kundalini. The problem is how far you have kept your Kundalini alright. It is
very important. Because it falls in many places. We have seen, we are trying to pull it up and it’s going down. But nothing will
happen to you. You will not know a thing. Now, the method to be followed, I tell you that later on, with that course I will tell you.
Now, the method to be followed is not your job. Is not your job. It is to be done by the Divine Love itself. Why should you worry?
You never asked to be created. You never asked for all this headache. Why should you worry about these things? Let the Divine
look after you. But, in our ignorance, as human beings are, most of them are very ignorant people. They may be very learned. We
feel we are carrying the load of the world on our heads. The other day, as I told you a joke, that some villagers who were going by
plane. They were told not to carry such a lot of luggage. When they took their seats, they put all the luggage on their heads. And
when they were asked, “Why are you putting the luggage on your head?”, they said, “Oh, we are trying to reduce the weight of the
aeroplane”. The One who has created you, the One who is doing everything, the One who is pulsating your heart, every moment
every minute he is looking after your breathing. What can you do? What method do you have to produce one plant out of one
seed? One. I say, one. Human beings have no method to do anything that is living. But, in our ignorance, we think that we are
doing something. We are doing nothing whatsoever. We have to be the tool of the Divine. That is why we are born on Earth. And
Sahaja Yoga itself means Sahaja, means, born with you. Now, you know what do you do to digest your food? Nothing. What do
we do to make our heartbeat? Nothing. In the same way, you do nothing to get realisation. Actually, this is a fact. And what do I
do? I just love you. That’s all. If I say I love you, you might think it is a relative term, it is not. It is like the sunshine. As the sun
shines on you, My love shines on you. And the love pour into your being, deconditions you, and that void is filled, and the
Kundalini rises in her glory. But so far, all the other Kundalini jagruti (awakening) you might have heard about, you just forget
them. [Inaudible/someone asks or comments]. Oh, just forget. They are so confused, to such an extent. You may have read very,
very big books, I know. So many people have written, and I used to laugh at them. Now, some, they are so much confused that
they do not know that Mooladhara is separated very much from Mooladhara chakra. It is a very important point you have brought
out. I wish I could tell you because you are all matured people. Mooladhara is the coccyx where the Kundalini mother is sitting
there; your holy mother is sitting. Mother is a holy thing. You are already sublimated. You are not to be sublimated. Those who
talk of sex sublimation are foolish people, they have no idea. You are already having your mother seated there, just waiting for
this little happening. Mooladhara chakra is the only chakra in which is outside the medulla oblongata and is seated at a point
from where it also controls your sex. Sex is something like we have got an outlet in our household, “mori” (Marathi meaning
sink). A little of that energy flows there and it is settled at Mooladhara chakra. Finished. Do we, when we want to drink water, do
we pump out that mori and put up that water there – even if we do not have water to drink? How can you have evolution this way
by going through sex? Sex has nothing to do with Kundalini, I can assure you that. On the contrary, those who try these tricks,
putting the sex on their mother, are insulting their mother to such an extent that she gets angry and annoyed. And her temper
which crawls on your sympathetic nervous system gives you all these horrible experiences of shouting, screaming, jumping and
all doing all kinds of things. She is your mother. As an Indian, you can understandwhat is a mother Now that Freud was another
of rakshasa who preached all these nonsensical things about human beings. He only knew about libido, he had not the complete
knowledge about human beings. He just discussed libido. And with libido, he confused Kundalini, and he is talking about all
these suppressed feelings which are nothing but expression and manifestation of the libido. Libido is just a part on the side
which we call as Pingala Nadi. He has ruined the American mind by talking about this. And the American mothers, poor things
are completely crushed under it. At least, thank God in India, we do not have this problem. We have many others but not this.
Americans have solved lots of their problems and are now on the brink of realisation. But the only problem is this Mr Freud who
has put wrong ideas into their heads about their mothers. If that was not there, it is a wonderful place and beautiful people just
seeking realisation. About to get realisation. So, we as Indians understand what our mother is and putting the sex on her. Except
for Jung, who was right disciple, who has refuted allhis charges many a times and written books after books against this kind of
attitude, one-sided attitude of Freud. But few people have read Jung. That’s the tragedy. But as it is, now this is the wrong type of
Kundalini sadhana as they call it. She never gets angry. You do not know how much she loves. She loves you more than I do.
When I try to raise your Kundalini, she says first cure my child. This is the problem of my child of previous birth. This is the
problem of my child of this birth. Physically this is the problem. Will you please first cure the child? So, I have to jolly well cure
you, otherwise, she will not come up. [Inaudible/question about the position of Kundalini]. Now, her position in the medulla
oblongata is the coccyx in the triangular bone, where she sits in three and a half coils. Which you can see also, later on. When
you are realised and go to a certain state. And when you have got it, through your parasympathetic and you can go your
sympathetic and see all these things. They are so confused, if you read their books, don’t you find they are very much confused?
About their positions and everything that they talk about. Some say the Mooladhara chakra is here and some say it is there. How
can that be? Truth is only one. [Inaudible/Tantriks?] Tantriks are another type, I do not know what to call them. They are harming
themselves and all the rest of the world. And they will take ages to get realisation. Ages. It’s a sin they are committing. All the
tantrikas. What is a shakti without love? There is no shakti without love. Tantriks do not know where they are, what they are
doing. They are just doing it. Now, as far as Kundalini is concerned, I have covered that topic. Now, about tantrikas, as he has
come, let me talk about libido because that he is interested. But what about meditation then? Should we talk about tantrikas
tomorrow? All: Tomorrow. Shri Mataji: On Libido because we must have the experience, that is the main thing. Because
meditation is the most important. Realised, those who are realised understand the importance of Realisation. Because talks are
talks, reading is reading and Divine is Divine. You cannot reach there with your thoughts or reading. On the contrary, those who
have read too much, it is very difficult for me to make them understand this is all “avidya” (false knowledge How do you describe
your Mother in words? Have you got enough words to even describe the material mother you have? Then how can you
understand that Divine, which is the mother of all the mothers. It is for you to feel that love and jump into the ocean of that love
which is knowledge, complete knowledge. And beauty. | null | null | null | QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS DELHI 1973-1124 Sahaja Yogi: This program is recorded at Delhi on 24 November 1973. Here Shri
Mataji is replying to the questions of the “sadhakas” (seekers) during the ten-day series of lectures held at Delhi. Shri Mataji: …to
your subject matter. I will just try to continue with my thoughts. And later on, if you have any problems, I’ll answer about them.
But as I told you, it is an ocean, ocean of knowledge,and I have been speaking like this for five years. And some of them have
been hearing Me for about five years. But still, everything I say, they want to record it and want to re-hear it and I don't know, soI
think it is all a bottomless pit. Now, what exactly Kundalini is? Let us start from this point, I will go one by one to different
subjects. Just before Kundalini, let us know what is creation. Because without creation you do not understand the place of
Kundalini. Which I will, in a very short form, tell. The entire creation, like the tree, is the manifestation of one seed, which we can
call as “Brahmabeej” ( seed of Brahma). Is the seed of creation. Now every seed has a germinating power. In the same way, the
Brahmabeej also has a germinating power. Now it’s a hypothesis for you. For all the scientific understanding, it is a hypothesis.
But we can establish it later on by our experiments. So, it becomes a law and a scientific fact. In the beginning, this seed, there is
no beginning and end, but let us start from a stage, from where the seed becomes the tree and the tree becomes the seed. The
seed vibrated first time, and the vibrations of Divine Love, which is the power of that seed of Brahma. Divine Love is awareness
itself and is a power which has got electricity, magnetism and all material powers in It. Also, a power that thinks, regulates, plans
and creates. You can’t conceive of such a power. Because such a power does not exist in the material world. So, from the seed,
the vibrations of awareness started. (I think you should put your hands like this so that your de-conditioning also goes on with
my speech.) So, the vibrations of that Divine Love spread on all the sides of the seed and formed the surface. This is what we
call as Shakti, is the power, the Divine Love. Or the Divine Power. So, the seed was separated. The seed of Brahma, which was
abstract, in the sense that it was not manifesting in any material appearances, manifestations, the seed was separated from the
Shakti, and we had two forces working, one was the Brahma itself as a seed and another as its power, as the Shakti. They call it,
the Shaivites call it as the Shiva and the Shakti. Vaishnavites call it as a Vishnu, Krishna and Radha. Whatever you call it, is not
the point. Actually, we human beings only call them by names and separate them. But, actually, there were only two things that
existed. The first, the Ishwara, the witness, the regulator, the supervisor, who was watching his own Shakti and the play of that
Shakti. The Shakti started manifesting itself. But, the Ishwara is the supervisor; He is the witness and He is silent. Shakti had
three powers. How She manifested, how She came into being, is another subject. How She has managed it is another subject.
But She has got three powers. First power is, through Her ego, which is an incarnating power. Second power is Her Divine power,
and the third power is Her material power. Divine power throughout regulated, created the whole Universe. Shakti, by another
movement, created three types of moods. Three moods She created by movement like that. Thrice She moved like that, around
Her ego and these three moods were, like a mother, She had a desire to have a child. Desire! So, She created “Tamo guna”. Then
She had to act on that, so, She created the “Rajo guna”, the activating force. And once she has created Her own creation, She
wanted to reveal her love. So, the “Sattva guna” was created, the Revelation. She is the Mother. If you can think of, She is the
mother of all the mother. How a mother sees her child, She sees Her creation. First, She creates through the Divine power, acting
on the material power, all the creation. And then, She comes again and again, again and again, in three different forms. She
comes as a mother Herself. Then She is most powerful and expressive. As she has come you know as Nava-Durga She has
come, as Mother Mary She has come, as Quan Yin She has come. She has come in many forms in many parts of the world. She
came as Muhammad’s daughter, She came as Nanaka’s sister, She came as Janaka’s daughter. Only one person all the time,
coming in this world in different forms. When She comes only as a Mother, She is very different, and She is very dynamic. But,
sometimes She comes as a wife and sometimes as a mother, then She is dormant. She acts, but She is not felt. Like, Radha of
Krishna. Same Mother comes, again and again, incarnates to help the people to evolve out of this Bhavasagara, the void. She
creates the Maya, She creates the illusion. Like a mother, like a mother bird who hides herself and calls her little one. The little
birdie. So, the little bird can spread its wings to find the mother. She creates all the illusion. And it is She only, who make you
realise that it is all an illusion. She makes you feel that you are separate from Her. The “I” ness in you She develops Herself. And
then She wants you to find out the means, the Mother, the all-pervading Chaitanya that is your Mother. And by this, doing this She
matures you throughout and creates a beautiful instrument out of a human being. And then She reveals Her love and exposes
Herself, Her love into your being. First, the material evolution took place as you know very well. I have spoken on that also. I
would not like to touch that now. Then, up to the human level it has stopped. Now the human being has raised his body. The
animal has not. But human being raised his body and his brain starts developing in a conical way. That conical structure gives it
a prism-like quality, by which, the Chaitanya, the light, when it pours into the brain, goes into refraction. I hope you understand the
word refraction. Means it passes through the prism, as you have seen, “kendrikaran” (centralisation) they call it. The rays are
separated. Only in the human beings, the rays of Chaitanya are separated, and not in the animals. And the rays that pass through
the center of the fontanelle bone here, which you call as “talu”, it is a very important thing. It passes through the apex of the brain
and goes straight directly down to the medulla oblongata and settles down at the back of the triangular bone known as the
coccyx [sacrum bone]. It is completely parasympathetic in its function, that is, it fills you up completely and that rests there as
the residual consciousness. That is the Kundalini. Doctors may not agree today but they will have to agree one day. I can show
you the breathing of the Kundalini in the coccyx [sacrom bone]. [Mother is talking aside to Sahaja Yogis]. So, in the centre of this,
in the centre of your head, at the coccyx, from there to the coccyx, is a line which goes down through the medulla oblongata and
is known as the channel of“Sushumna”. The two other things that pass across like that, are sympathetic in nature because they
are there to exhaust your energy, also, are known as sympathetic nervous system. But their channels are known as “Ida” and
“Pingala”. So, the Mother Kundalini settles down (as) the residual consciousness in the coccyx. She is very well settled there,
waiting for an opportunity to rise. And the opportunity is, when her child, she has only one child. And throughout his birth, she is
following him. She is all the time there. When the child dies, her vacuum is created. And (when the child is born again), again she
comes back in the same child. And she knows all the problems of the child. This Kundalini gives you the rebirth. You have heard
about “dwijaha” the one who is twice-born. Every religion,every religion, I mean religion; I do not mean irreligion – every religion
has preached that you have to be reborn. Those, who have not, are no religion. Religion in the Sanskrit language is “dharma”.
Dharma means “dharaiticha dharma”, the one which you sustain. Whatever you sustain is the dharma. Still, sustain does’nt have
that meaning, but still, you can say sustain. Because in the law ministry and all that, you hear this word, it is too much and so
cheaply. But one that sustains is the dharma. Sustains what? Sustains the meeting of the all-pervading. Not the “jadugar ka
kaam” (magician’s work), see the way that they go on “jadu, yahaan se nikaal diya, wahan se nikaal diya” (making things appear
out of nowhere), all this thing are not dharma. Remember one thing that all these things are not dharma. Dharma is only the one
that sustains the meeting of Atma (Spirit) with Paramatma (God Almighty). In the human being, in his heart, in every human
being, in the heart of all the living beings, is the reflection of the Atma, which is of the Paramatma, which is the Ishwara, which I
have told you about, He is reflected. And like a flicker of a flame, just like your thumb, it is there in your heart. Actually you, all
your growth, creation, everything, is managed by your heart – not by your brain. In the seat of the heart, in the centre of the heart.
[Inaudible/someone asks a question]. No, no, I will tell you what. Your point is all right. The doctor says the heart is here. The
heart is the organ. The heart is the organ, which is looked after by the cardiac plexus. So, part of the cardiac plexus is looking
after the heart. Because cardiac plexus has got many sub-plexuses. Out of which, except for four of them, the rest of them, that
is, the heart has got twelve sub-plexuses. Out of which eight of them are looking after the heart. Four of them, other things, I
mean, there is a mixture of all these things, some of them are looking after the heart and some of them are looking after the
mind. But this light is in your heart, in the organ heart – not in the plexus. Plexus is for the play of the Kundalini. But the Kundalini
moves in such a way that she goes to the heart later on and the enlightenment takes place. The spark starts from there. And
when we raise your Kundalini through Sahaja Yoga, the system is followed like this, the Kundalini rises because of a certain
condition being filled. There is a gap in your Sushumna, which is shown outside also, that below the heart, the vagus nerve ends
abruptly. And up to the aortic plexus, there is a Void. If there is a doctor, he will understand it. This Void is to be filled by the same
Divine love. If somebody, who has got the Divine love flowing through her or his being, then such a person can pour that love, that
water of love for your seeking journey. This is the condition of Sahaja Yoga. That is why a person who is not Realised cannot do
this. Even a Realised person may not be able to do this. Because he must be at a certain stage of that Divine love by which he
can give Realisation. For example, we have given Realisation to thousands of people both here and abroad and also awakening
to, I do not know how many thousands. But out of them, only eleven people so far can give Realisation. And they know the
technique of giving the realisation and telling the people how to maintain it. Only eleven in these five years. The day I have a
thousand like you, no problem. I need a thousand hands to fight the war between the dharma and adharma. Dharma can be
established. But the only problem of Sahaja Yoga is that you have to be completely independent and free. And that you must
choose it by your will. Your will will be respected till the end. If you have no will to have it, you cannot have it. It is not enticement
or mesmerism by which I can do it. So naturally, it will have to work slowly, gradually, according to your will. If you do not have
the will, I am going to respect you as a mother respects her grown-up son. It is for you to decide to have it. It is in your will, you
get the experience and you are sure of it. And once you get it, there is no doubt left in your mind. You know that. I beg your
pardon?[Inaudible/question about method]. Shri Mataji: Now, in this? There are different and different types of people and
different types of things they have done to their own Kundalini. The problem is how far you have kept your Kundalini alright. It is
very important. Because it falls in many places. We have seen, we are trying to pull it up and it’s going down. But nothing will
happen to you. You will not know a thing. Now, the method to be followed, I tell you that later on, with that course I will tell you.
Now, the method to be followed is not your job. Is not your job. It is to be done by the Divine Love itself. Why should you worry?
You never asked to be created. You never asked for all this headache. Why should you worry about these things? Let the Divine
look after you. But, in our ignorance, as human beings are, most of them are very ignorant people. They may be very learned. We
feel we are carrying the load of the world on our heads. The other day, as I told you a joke, that some villagers who were going by
plane. They were told not to carry such a lot of luggage. When they took their seats, they put all the luggage on their heads. And
when they were asked, “Why are you putting the luggage on your head?”, they said, “Oh, we are trying to reduce the weight of the
aeroplane”. The One who has created you, the One who is doing everything, the One who is pulsating your heart, every moment
every minute he is looking after your breathing. What can you do? What method do you have to produce one plant out of one
seed? One. I say, one. Human beings have no method to do anything that is living. But, in our ignorance, we think that we are
doing something. We are doing nothing whatsoever. We have to be the tool of the Divine. That is why we are born on Earth. And
Sahaja Yoga itself means Sahaja, means, born with you. Now, you know what do you do to digest your food? Nothing. What do
we do to make our heartbeat? Nothing. In the same way, you do nothing to get realisation. Actually, this is a fact. And what do I
do? I just love you. That’s all. If I say I love you, you might think it is a relative term, it is not. It is like the sunshine. As the sun
shines on you, My love shines on you. And the love pour into your being, deconditions you, and that void is filled, and the
Kundalini rises in her glory. But so far, all the other Kundalini jagruti (awakening) you might have heard about, you just forget
them. [Inaudible/someone asks or comments]. Oh, just forget. They are so confused, to such an extent. You may have read very,
very big books, I know. So many people have written, and I used to laugh at them. Now, some, they are so much confused that
they do not know that Mooladhara is separated very much from Mooladhara chakra. It is a very important point you have brought
out. I wish I could tell you because you are all matured people. Mooladhara is the coccyx where the Kundalini mother is sitting
there; your holy mother is sitting. Mother is a holy thing. You are already sublimated. You are not to be sublimated. Those who
talk of sex sublimation are foolish people, they have no idea. You are already having your mother seated there, just waiting for
this little happening. Mooladhara chakra is the only chakra in which is outside the medulla oblongata and is seated at a point
from where it also controls your sex. Sex is something like we have got an outlet in our household, “mori” (Marathi meaning
sink). A little of that energy flows there and it is settled at Mooladhara chakra. Finished. Do we, when we want to drink water, do
we pump out that mori and put up that water there – even if we do not have water to drink? How can you have evolution this way
by going through sex? Sex has nothing to do with Kundalini, I can assure you that. On the contrary, those who try these tricks,
putting the sex on their mother, are insulting their mother to such an extent that she gets angry and annoyed. And her temper
which crawls on your sympathetic nervous system gives you all these horrible experiences of shouting, screaming, jumping and
all doing all kinds of things. She is your mother. As an Indian, you can understandwhat is a mother Now that Freud was another
of rakshasa who preached all these nonsensical things about human beings. He only knew about libido, he had not the complete
knowledge about human beings. He just discussed libido. And with libido, he confused Kundalini, and he is talking about all
these suppressed feelings which are nothing but expression and manifestation of the libido. Libido is just a part on the side
which we call as Pingala Nadi. He has ruined the American mind by talking about this. And the American mothers, poor things
are completely crushed under it. At least, thank God in India, we do not have this problem. We have many others but not this.
Americans have solved lots of their problems and are now on the brink of realisation. But the only problem is this Mr Freud who
has put wrong ideas into their heads about their mothers. If that was not there, it is a wonderful place and beautiful people just
seeking realisation. About to get realisation. So, we as Indians understand what our mother is and putting the sex on her. Except
for Jung, who was right disciple, who has refuted allhis charges many a times and written books after books against this kind of
attitude, one-sided attitude of Freud. But few people have read Jung. That’s the tragedy. But as it is, now this is the wrong type of
Kundalini sadhana as they call it. She never gets angry. You do not know how much she loves. She loves you more than I do.
When I try to raise your Kundalini, she says first cure my child. This is the problem of my child of previous birth. This is the
problem of my child of this birth. Physically this is the problem. Will you please first cure the child? So, I have to jolly well cure
you, otherwise, she will not come up. [Inaudible/question about the position of Kundalini]. Now, her position in the medulla
oblongata is the coccyx in the triangular bone, where she sits in three and a half coils. Which you can see also, later on. When
you are realised and go to a certain state. And when you have got it, through your parasympathetic and you can go your
sympathetic and see all these things. They are so confused, if you read their books, don’t you find they are very much confused?
About their positions and everything that they talk about. Some say the Mooladhara chakra is here and some say it is there. How
can that be? Truth is only one. [Inaudible/Tantriks?] Tantriks are another type, I do not know what to call them. They are harming
themselves and all the rest of the world. And they will take ages to get realisation. Ages. It’s a sin they are committing. All the
tantrikas. What is a shakti without love? There is no shakti without love. Tantriks do not know where they are, what they are
doing. They are just doing it. Now, as far as Kundalini is concerned, I have covered that topic. Now, about tantrikas, as he has
come, let me talk about libido because that he is interested. But what about meditation then? Should we talk about tantrikas
tomorrow? All: Tomorrow. Shri Mataji: On Libido because we must have the experience, that is the main thing. Because
meditation is the most important. Realised, those who are realised understand the importance of Realisation. Because talks are
talks, reading is reading and Divine is Divine. You cannot reach there with your thoughts or reading. On the contrary, those who
have read too much, it is very difficult for me to make them understand this is all “avidya” (false knowledge How do you describe
your Mother in words? Have you got enough words to even describe the material mother you have? Then how can you
understand that Divine, which is the mother of all the mothers. It is for you to feel that love and jump into the ocean of that love
which is knowledge, complete knowledge. And beauty. |
11/25/1973 | | Seven Chakras and their Deities, Paane ke baad | India | New Delhi | null | Reviewed | null | NEEDED | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | Hindi | 42 | Public program, talk after Self-realization, "Seven Chakras and their Deities" (Paane ke baad), translated from Hindi, November
25th,1973, Delhi, India You have to do nothing at all. In Sahaja Yoga, everything gets done. In day-to-day language, the meaning
of word Sahaja is 'easy’. The origin of this word is from 'Saha' and 'Ja'. These two words make the word ‘Sahaja’, meaning ‘easy’
and that is ‘born with you.’ The way our eyes are innately born, our nose is born within. We don't have to think about it. There is no
perfect image of it. The all-round beauty of a lake without ripples fully reflects within us. Not only this, but also establishes
complete harmony in the person who looks at it. Similarly, when you look at some beautiful sight and the beauty of the Divine
creation, you will go thoughtless and the moment you get into thoughtless awareness, the power of joy that lies within it, fully
reflects in your being and you get fully identified with it. God Almighty has similarly created many beautiful sights for you and
this beauty of nature is spread all over. By getting into the source of that beauty that joy is created in you. You have incarnated to
have the pleasure of the joy and not to make yourself miserable unnecessarily. Now many people have asked that what they
have to do further? Now you have to do something new; you have to watch only. When you go to see a movie and think as an
audience that what you have to do. the answer that you get is you have to watch. Keep on watching. You have to see the
transmigration the growth of trees and the chirping of the sparrows. You have to look at the auspicious and pure smile, you have
to listen to the adulating voice of Divine blessings. You have, nothing else to do. Only by seeing it you will be overjoyed with it.
Now you have to watch only. Nothing remains to be done. You have nothing to do for the health of your body, the way you have
been doing so far: yoga etc. You need not do many yoga exercises (yoga asanas). It's all right if you do some light yoga
exercises, but generally you have not to take much care of your body, because in it resides the God. You have to respect it. No
excesses should be done with it. If you want to get rid of alcohol or drugs, it's very easy. Whatever you decide about will happen.
You will not get conditioned. If you have decided to get rid of alcohol you will be relieved of it. Human beings consume liquor
because they do not want to face themselves. I am not asking to give up anything else but liquor because it damages your
consciousness. By just watching you could get rid of drinking because now you have begun to love yourself. Automatically you
will be in the state of joy. If by chance someone of you is imprisoned, you will say. 'Oh'! how nice! I will sit there and meditate.
One is in one's own glory. There remains no urge for liquor or smoking cigarette. Nothing remains to be said, all the vices go
away by themselves. In Bombay, condition is such that one could not get match box for Sahaj Yogis. While going to centres you
have to take it along to burn incense and to light a candle. No one smokes. The chain smokers, I don't know, how they have
stopped smoking! Some people used to play rami (cards), they say, we have given up playing cards. They are enjoying their lives;
they will enjoy themselves in the exams and also in the problems (mathematical). They will enjoy struggling with these problems
(mathematical). They will enjoy struggling with these problems. Now you have to take care that you do not have to struggle with
things as you used to do. You are not your old self; you are a changed personality Now you have to see whether the other people
are changing with us or not. You have to look to them. There is nothing to be afraid because you were also like them. Some
people think themselves to be of high position. They are so much position conscious. Some think themselves to be very rich and
others very religious. All are mad. Do not look to them. All the mad people in a lunatic asylum think themselves to be very wise.
When you were in that mad house, you used to think similarly. All these stupidities will go away slowly. Now you will realise the
truth. Now you are blessed with that power-such a power because of which you will not be affected by your thoughts. For
example, if one says to oneself. "I do not have to be angry, then ask yourself to be angry, stand before a mirror and ask yourself
to be angry. You will start laughing. In the state of anger keep laughing from within. All the time you keep laughing, while in
temper one gets involved with something or the other. All vices such as lust, anger, ego, envy etc have their own way. You have
to look at it. It is a play. You should watch it. because now you are within, not without. That is what you have to do in Sahaj, you
have to be within not without. While talking to others be within, that is. in thoughtlessness. Whenever you have to talk to
someone, get thoughtless first You will penetrate in them as soon as you gel into thoughtlessness first; their outlook will be
changed and you are already a changed being. If you are not in thoughtlessness (within), then, maybe, that they pull you back.
You could be pulled out because you have just gone within. For example, you have just come from the traffic and are made to sit
on the mountain but you have got used to the traffic, so mentally you think yourself still to be in the traffic. You have to see,
"Where am I standing?” You will know your state. This is what Self-realisation is. The first thing is that you are in oneness with
the beauty of the whole world. You know it is something new. unique and unbelievable. No one believes it but it's a fact. You
yourself will realise that you are a witness. At home if someone falls III then everyone starts running, creating difficulties, may be
just to show off, may be someone is really concerned. Nothing, absolutely no need to do anything You watch yourself and it will
dawn upon you as to what action you have to take. Whatever you feel you should do. If you feel like putting your hand on the
head, do it and if you feel like touching the foot, touch it. Whatever you are feeling, is for everyone, do it Second aspect is the
truth - that what should you tell, truth or untruth? What is truth and what is untruth? Most of the truth is manmade and man-made
truth is not truth at all. Many-a-times something that appears untruth happens to be great truth. So, you do not have to decide
about it. You just tell, tell in your thoughtlessness, talk to people about your state. Boldly you have to declare that this is alright,
this the truth and it should be done There is nothing to be afraid of. May be, that people take it for untruth and they laugh at you.
We went to Poona, there were some stupid people who published in the newspapers that "Shri Mataji was asking the seekers to
move their hands. She was mesmerising them." One gentleman asked a question that, "Why should She mesmerise people? Has
She nothing else to do?" They told that, “We cannot be mesmerised”. But you have got mesmerised Her way. Different type of
people are there in the world, you cannot understand them. Now you have got Chaitanaya in you, it is flowing in you, you have
seen it, you need confirmation. But you have not attained magnificence and this is the difference between you and the great
saints. The magnificence that you have attained recently is acute. It stands firmly and is not afraid to say that, that is the only
truth, everything else is untruth and a myth.' This quality could be found in great people like Christ, Shri Krishna and other great
saints. It could be found in Adi Shankaracharya. You read his books and you will get the confirmation. Now you read the
scriptures afresh, read the Gita and Bible afresh and you will find that confirming truths are there. But you yourself are powerful
enough, you do not need support and help of anyone else. The moment you start standing by your-self, in your glory, there is no
need to feel shy about it or be afraid of anything. But I find such people who hide themselves in their homes. It is said in the Bible
that the lamp is not to be kept under the table. It-is to be put on some higher place. If you have really become lamps (the
enlightened beings) then sit on a high pedestal and enlighten all others. You may belong to any religion. If you are a Sikh then see
in their scriptures, everywhere, it is written. It's a truth which could be confirmed. For your satisfaction the great saints have
written it in all the scriptures, shlokas after shlokas, could be said about it and lines of Quran could also be quoted. They all
confirm it. though they call it spiritual in English language, in Hindi it is called Adhyatmika and in Urdu, Roohani [spiritual
connection]. There are different names but 'Truth is the One’. If you all know that aspect, then you also know that there could be
no description of truth. What could be the description of an ocean? But every moment you will see the truth, that the truth is
spread all over; with your vibrations you will know of it, with the vibrations you could understand it. Then you will see vibrations
everywhere-in stones, in every-thing. If four-five chakras of a person are caught then there is no need to argue with him Such
persons are very difficult, beyond you. Immediately you will have no vibrations in your hands. A few days later, such a person will
run from himself because of the hot vibrations. Have no connections with the persons who have hot vibrations. It is not an
individual thought, it’s something spiritual. Here there is complete darkness. The tight between the light and darkness goes on
forever. Now, so many lamps have been lit, the whole atmosphere could change if a few more lamps are enlightened. So, always
keep your lamp lit, always weigh your vibrations, vibrations always flow from my photograph, they never stop. Stretch your hands
towards my photograph whenever you feel burning sensations on any of your fingers. Everything has got a meaning. You know
this is Manipura Chakra, this is Vishuddhi, this is Agnya. This is Swadhisthana and this one is Mooladhara. And in the centre of
your palm is the Sahasrara. It is round. If someone comes to you and tells that such and such person is unwell, please pray for
him. You have nothing to do, clear the affected chakra of that person and he will be benefitted. Sitting here, with the movement
of your fingers everything works out. Your attention has become Divine. You could check it yourself. Even on your feet there, all
the chakras are made. Man is a great creation of the Almighty. The God Almighty has made this instrument extremely beautiful.
What is needed is its enlightenment. That part is also done, but still a lot remains. Now, you have to work it out sincerely and see,
what it is? Because a small lamp has been lit, you are sitting with it. There is no need to sit. When you look within other people,
then you will come to know what it is. We have not thought of an organisation. In Bombay, there is an institution with the name of
Eternal Life. There is no membership of it, only the realised people are its members. Many peoples get Realisation but then they
go away. They come again and get it. There might be half-baked people amongst you also. I requested Mr. Bose, you make him
chairman or do as you like to. I will stay with him. His bungalow No. is 10. you could take his telephone number also. I will send
photograph etc. to him. However, he is very busy person, go to him at the fixed time. Friday is appropriate. Fix that day for your
weekly meditation. With attention, I will see all of you. You might have heard about the symbol of God like Shri Ganesha. His
carriage is mouse. Now your attentions are your carriages. Your power resides in your attention, where ever your attention goes
it works out. It is so wonderful. Sitting here you can exercise your power and improve everything. Everyone, you see is torturing
someone or the other. Bring them on Sahasrara and set them right. On Brahmarandhra, you will be amazed, their condition has
improved. There are wicked people, Dushasanas, there are saints and above all of them, we, Sahaja Yogis, are here. Give them
discretion. With the power of love people get changed because love is more powerful than hatred. Like ocean, the power of love
is fathomless. As there is no end to the expanse of the sea, there is no end of the ocean of love, it rises more than hatred. If its
power is lesser than the power of hatred then this world will be destroyed. You have not still understood your responsibilities.
You could not realise that this is the New Age, there are new people and new dimensions. You could understand this dimension
with your vibrations. The singer Siddheswari Bai who was just singing here; yesterday her condition was very bad. With great
reluctance she came to me and said, "I have to undergo such and such operation, this that." I just put my hand on her head and
today she has started singing! You all could do this work, there is nothing which I have not told you. Now only a curtain remains
within us. If you learn to tear out this curtain, then everything could be done. But to tear out this curtain becomes difficult.
However, you are realised now. So, first we have to remove this curtain because this is a stupendous work. The greatest thing in
it is love. With love we have to identity ourselves. While talking to someone we have to decide first that we have to love. It is all
love; you cannot change it. As people tell me, you see, everyone is giving Realisation. In America, there is difficulty with the
people that they could misuse it. I said, "How could they misuse it? They could only give Realisation; they could cure someone
with it". With love you cannot harm anyone. Think yourself, if you love someone how could you harm him? The quality of love is
this that one who loves cannot think of harming the object of love. Whatever is benevolent will take place. The only thing you
have to do is to respect yourself. When you begin to respect yourselves, you get established within because it is a temple: the
more you respect il the more Divine Light is there in it. With love you could get identified with It, only with love you could be one
with it, in complete harmony. Only pure love could emanate from you. The one which is Chaitanya is the Truth and the Beauty.
You sit in thoughtless awareness and you will be one with it. Thoughtlessness comes only when you cross this point (Agnya).
You have crossed il and now you are in thoughtless awareness. Your brain used to think. Now your Sahasrara is pierced and you
are above your brain. When this point is reached, you could check it with your hand. Those who are Realized, should check at this
point ‘Ardha Bindu’ and they will feel it, but those who are not, will not feel. Are you feeling it? Slowly, feel it, take your hands
slightly up-down. That is the place of the 'Ardha Bindu'. And above it, is ’Bindu' and 'Valaya' is above all. All that was made to
create this world, has also been within human beings. First 'Valaya’, then 'Bindu', after that 'Ardha Bindu', and then this Sahasrara,
then this whole kundalini was created. The Adi Kundalini itself penetrated in you and became your Kundalini. Some people
(Deities) were placed to establish the Adi Kundalini. In the beginning, it was necessary to establish someone. Shri Ganesha was
established first of all. Adi Shakti put Shri Ganesha only on one chakra. One Ganesha on the chakra. What is Shri Ganesha? He is
purity personified. Think of it. Suppose you have not taken bath for a few days and the body is not clean. But the vibrations clean
the impurities. Shri Ganesha is nothing but vibrations and purity because he is the Eternal Child. Eternal Child, and it is difficult to
find one like Him in the world. His whole love is purity and purity only and because of that purity he has been placed on your
Mooladhara chakra. On Mooladhara is the Mother. Its clear meaning is that in sex matters, you have to be like children. I mean
that when the dharma is established in you. you become childlike, innocent in sex matters. It is difficult to attain the heights of
Shri Ganesha because he is a very pure soul. His radiance is spreading all around. To penetrate within, we have to be very pure
otherwise no one else could be there except Shri Ganesha and His Mother. In the process of creation, Brahmadeva was made
the deity of the second chakra. But before Him, Shri Vishnu was created so that there is a Sustainer for this Divine creation. That
is the reason that we take birth from the Nabhi chakra of our Mother. And then there is the creation of fatherly Father. From the
Nabhi, Brahmadeva was created. That’s how it was done, the way someone is placed at some particular point. There is no
untruth in it. You yourself could verify it. Now this Void was created. It was all created, major nerves and pelvic plexus and
around it the Void. And in it was the emanating love for the creation. The whole creation got caught in this love. This love is the
All-pervading Power, in it is the creation. Now it is essential to cross this Void. But as I have told you earlier, the God and his
Power is present in our heart as our soul. So, as the child is born- not born, as soon as he is conceived in the womb of the
mother, the witness state God Almighty comes in his Heart and looks like a flame, the way this thumb is. This soul is in the left
heart. Many people get confused about it. They think soul is in the heart chakra, it is not in the heart chakra it is in the heart. The
soul resides in this plain. Why does He not reside in the Heart Chakra? Because it is the path of Kundalini to ascend. It is in the
central heart and the soul resides in the left heart. In the word 'Rama', 'Ra‘means energy and ‘m' means Mahesh, that is Shri
Shiva. Mahesh is Shiva as the God who resides in our heart. When 'Ra‘ is united with 'm' it becomes Ram. To make the people
cross the Void (Bhavasagara) He has to make some arrangement. So, the great power like Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh was created
and they were placed in the area of dharma. Dattatreya and the Adi Gurus incarnated in this world many a time. He incarnated as
king Janaka who was like the father of the Adi shakli. After that, He incarnated in Iran as Zoroaster, then as Machindranath, then
as Mohammad Saheb and Nanak Sahib. No one fought with each other. See what type of darkness you are in? Fatima, the
daughter of Mohammad Sahib was the same who became daughter of king Janaka. Whom are you fighting? Think over it. The
Nanaki of Guru Nanaka was no one else but Janaki. Shirdi Sai Nath was also an Adi Guru. They are the masters of all. Also, they
are my Gurus. These Adi Gurus taught me all this knowledge. In different incarnations, they kept teaching me. Ultimately, I had to
come and do this work. They could not do it and now they are placing me as a Guru so that I take up the job of a Guru. There was
an age when no one was willing to accept a woman as a Guru. But in Kali Yuga, only a Mother could do this work; it is beyond the
power of men. This work could not be done by force, only the love of a Mother could do it because already there is so much
pressure, tension in this world. The day it is forced upon the human being, they will break down. So, love is the only way out. So,
this Gurudom was given to me. Everything is acceptable to me. But I didn't know the qualities of a Guru. Gurus maintain distance
but Mother does not keep distance with the children. Children sit on her head. So, you people also could take liberty with me and
enjoy. Be with me with full freedom, you will neither be afraid nor be embarrassed. There is no problem, you could come and talk
to me boldly about your problems. You could complain to me as you do to your mother. I am freely available to you, freedom was
needed. Religion was required to be discussed openly, there is no secret, no secret about it. Ultimately, everything has to be
explained very clearly. All the secrets are to be told. Everything could not be said everywhere. I am telling all this to you people
who are Realised ones, because non-realised will doubt it. It has some meaning only for the Realised ones. You could attain
much higher state than this. Lot of work was done to cross the Void, some success was achieved and if you people could get it,
they are helpful today. They become eternal, the founder of Jaina Dhama. Shri Mahavira and Shri Buddha are amongst them.
They were born of the same Mother, born of the womb of Adi Shakti. Try to know their first relation that where were they born.
But it was experimental for all of them. All of them made experiments so that human beings could cross the Void. Very few,
however, could cross the Void. But en-masse Realisation could be done only in Kali Yuga. After that, Shri Rama incarnated in this
world but he forgot that he was an incarnation. He remained in this world as a human being, not as an incarnation so that you
could rise above the Bhavasagara. He was a perfect human being. During his incarnation a few seekers could get their
Realisation, there is no doubt about it. But en-mass Realisation could not be given. Six or seven thousand years ago, Shri Krishna
incarnated on this earth. Right from the beginning of this creation, all the seekers wished to cross the Bhavasagara. The poor
seekers had to face lot of problems. While meditating, they were tortured. So, the Adi Shakti incarnated on this earth 108 times in
her perfect form. You might have read about it. Read Devi Mahatmaya and you will know what I am saying. The Adi Shakti
incarnated in the form of the Devi and recognized the seekers. At that time, She came in the clear form of the Devi. There was no
Maya around Her. So, seekers could not get their Self-realisation form Her. The only thing they got was her protection. She killed
Mahishasura, Shumbha and Nishumbha and many others. All the rakshasas and negative people who used to torture the saints
were killed. But none of them got salvation because they were not perfect human beings. They could see only four chakras, that
is up to the heart plexus. So, Shri Radha incarnated after Shri Sita. She was placed on the fifth chakra, that is the Vishuddhi. She
is very humane and She sang the song of love. It is said that at the time of killing the Kansa, the maternal uncle (Kamsa) of Shri
Krishna. Shri Radha was called. Radha - ’Ra' means energy and 'dha' means the sustainer. The stream of Shri Radha starts
flowing in you. Shaivite people are the followers of Shri Shiva. They do not believe in Shri Krishna. There is no difference between
Shri Krishna and Shri Shiva. Shiva is placed in your heart as soul and Shri Krishna is on the Vishuddhi. Shri Krishna has sixteen
powers. Similarly, you have got sixteen plexuses. It is surprising that Shri Krishna is the deity of Vishuddhi chakra which has
sixteen petals. His power Radha was then divided into two. that is, Rukmini in Dwarika and Radha in Vrindavan; it is very
humanly. Shri Krishna had only one son who was Pranava (Divine power) incarnated. Think of it. He was 'Om' incarnated. He
incarnated on this earth. His name was Jesus Christ. Mary was his mother. He was placed on the Agnya Chakra. On Agnya one
has to face ego and superego. You see your Agnya Chakra controls your pineal and pituitary bodies; it is scientifically proved. So,
he pushes away the evil spirits from your Agnya because these spirits sit on the superego. They could sit in ego also because Ida
and Pingala nadis cross each other on Agnya Chakra. So, Shri Jesus put his hand on this plexus first of all. It was done at the
time of Nanaka Sahib. In all ages, these ghostly powers came to do encroachment. But Shri Krishna has such a destructive
power that He cut their throats. So; on Agnya Chakra is the name of Shri Jesus. Shri Mahalakshmi, whose praise we sing so
frequently, no one has described Her. Where is She placed? She is Mary Herself. Whenever She incarnates with her child and
husband, She is very peaceful. But when she comes alone, then She is tremendous. So, this plexus belongs to Bhagawati. The
plexus of Sahasrara belongs to Bhagawati. She Herself pierces it, all the seven chakras are there in it. Therefore, the Maya
(illusion) also has seven layers. It is very difficult to recognise Her. Seven human chakras get completed here. In nut shell, I have
told you what you have to do, how you have to complete your seeking. But if we talk about it methodically then we could say that
there is no particular time for it. All the times we could be in the state of thoughtless awareness. For example, you are sitting in a
thoughtless state, start thinking, then go into thoughtlessness. After there is thoughtless awareness and then comes the
doubtless awareness. You will have doubts but in the second stage you get the doubtless awareness. Doubts will be there: is
right or not? What Shri Mataji has said is not right? How could it be? Has it happened or not? Have we got Realisation or not?
This sort of doubts will come. How will these doubts be eradicated? When you have been given a seat, I mean when you are
seated on the throne and you have doubts as to whether it is a throne where I am sitting? Is it all right or not? You could check it
by your own hands, that now an unparalleled energy is flowing from your hands. When you will cure people by touching them
with your hands, when you will have such experiences then slowly and slowly your doubts will vanish. I mean that I have prepared
a boat for you, now you have to launch it in the water, fight with the waves, only then you will come to know whether it is a boat or
not. Maybe it is some wood only. The boat has been built or not could be tested by launching it into water and by rowing it on the
waves. If it withstands the pressure of the waves then you will be sure of it. Otherwise, doubts will remain. In the same way you
have to test your Realisation because man thinks no end of himself. One person out of our seekers went somewhere, a swamiji
was sitting with a boasted flag. Many people came there, had their food etc. This gentleman went to America with us, with the
movement of his hand he used to do things. You could also do it. With the movement of your hands, you could raise the kundalini
of someone. Siting here you move your hands and see how nice it is that the kundalini of the other person will move with your
fingers. The energy which is flowing from your hands will do it. So, this way that sadhu used to pretend to awaken the kundalini
of hundreds of Americans. Since many people were going to him. one of our Sahaja Yogi also went to him. I come to know of
everything as to who is hanging about and where. When he returned, he was miserable. I asked, "Why did you touch his feet?" He
said that, “Since everyone was touching his feet, I also touched”. I said, “You have to touch the feet of only those who are older to
you”. I asked him what was his condition, what was the condition of his kundalini, is he Realised? He replied, "No, he is not
Realised." His kundalini is overturned. I asked him, “You raise the kundalini of thousands of seekers with the movements of your
fingers. Why could you not think that you should not have touched his feet?" His kundalini is overturned; at least he should have
been a Realised person to touch his feet. One should touch the feet of one who is higher than yourself. Otherwise, why to touch
the feet at all? You know everything. You know the reason of it. You have the complete knowledge of it. You are so expert in it.
why did you touch his feet? You become egoless. You all live in such an unassuming way that no one could believe that you are
Realized. One becomes egoless. Completely egoless. He feels, how it has happened, how that has happened? But it has
happened. If this transformation has taken place in you. then you should think, "Why has this transformation taken place in you
only?" Many people live in Delhi. Why we have specially been given Realization? There might be some reason. You might have
been seeking for many lives. It is your right. You are saints, saints of high orders. You are not aware of this fact. If you were not
saints, how could I give Realization to you? Can I give Realization to stones? Thousands of people come but I cannot give
Realization to all of them. Only a few of you have got it. Definitely, there is some reason for it. But you cannot believe it. You think,
how could it be? This problem comes because of you are egoless. In a very ordinary way; you neither change the style of your
clothes nor any other showing-off. But you will see that you have become peaceful within. You are now altogether different
being. The style of your talking and doing things is of a Realized one. And you will become expert. You know about others that
such and such chakra of this person is catching, that is why he is behaving abnormally. Let me set it right. And within a little time,
that person is cooled down. Some people come to quarrel with me, but Sahaja Yogis calm them down by moving their Kundalini.
They play many tricks and within a little time, such people sit quietly. One fellow came and started quarrelling. It was the time for
him to take some sesamum. They put the sesamum on their hand and vibrated them. As soon as he ate those sesamum,
immediately he went into meditation. If someone is disturbing you too much then put your finger in the water and make him
drink that vibrated water. The work will be done. Chaitanya will awaken within that person. But still, you are newly born children.
Small child gets ill very soon, similarly you also catch very soon You have to stick to your position otherwise you will descend
very soon. Don’t leave your position, do not be shaken. Stick to your place because the boon given to you is such that one could
be unsteady. I am telling it to you. Therefore, power of collectivity should be there. There are people amongst you who come and
tell, “Shri Mataji my head is catching". Collectively you could clear the catches, whether it is in your waist, Agnya Chakra or
anywhere else, you could clear it yourself. Now these Sahaja Yogis are your brothers and sisters. This is the new world of love.
These are your relatives. You know them. At the time of difficulty, you will be surprised that they will run to help you. Because
Deities are there with you for your protection. Suddenly if you think about someone, immediately you find him before you and
saying, "I don’t know how I came here! I was going this way, I thought to come up to you". All your works are done, you will not
meet with accidents. Deities are hovering over you. If one Sahaja Yogi is there at the place of accident, then all others are also
saved because of him. Many things will happen. You keep on watching and recording. Watch the awakening and movements of
your Kundalini. There is going to be no problem in it. Sometimes it will titillate here and move there; sometimes it will enlighten
here and sometimes there. Your consciousness, which is connected to all these things, will get enlightened and it will enlighten
the whole world. Now you are sitting here, but you are not aware that thousands and millions of rays are emanating from you.
You will see that the whole atmosphere of Delhi will change; you will see it. I went to Calcutta only once. Have you seen the
atmosphere there? I said it there itself that the atmosphere of Calcutta will change. I stayed there for eight days and the whole
atmosphere changed, the minds of people were calmed down. Today, in Maharashtra it is going on very well. The reason is that
many people have got their Realisation. Now it is the turn of Delhi State. The Kundalini of the whole world is situated in India.
How tremendous! The seat of Kundalini of the whole world is in India. If our India improves, then whole world will improve. The
Sahasrara of the whole world is here. So, I need thousands and thousands of Indians who could give Realisation to others. May
God Bless you. | null | null | null | Public program, talk after Self-realization, "Seven Chakras and their Deities" (Paane ke baad), translated from Hindi, November
25th,1973, Delhi, India You have to do nothing at all. In Sahaja Yoga, everything gets done. In day-to-day language, the meaning
of word Sahaja is 'easy’. The origin of this word is from 'Saha' and 'Ja'. These two words make the word ‘Sahaja’, meaning ‘easy’
and that is ‘born with you.’ The way our eyes are innately born, our nose is born within. We don't have to think about it. There is no
perfect image of it. The all-round beauty of a lake without ripples fully reflects within us. Not only this, but also establishes
complete harmony in the person who looks at it. Similarly, when you look at some beautiful sight and the beauty of the Divine
creation, you will go thoughtless and the moment you get into thoughtless awareness, the power of joy that lies within it, fully
reflects in your being and you get fully identified with it. God Almighty has similarly created many beautiful sights for you and
this beauty of nature is spread all over. By getting into the source of that beauty that joy is created in you. You have incarnated to
have the pleasure of the joy and not to make yourself miserable unnecessarily. Now many people have asked that what they
have to do further? Now you have to do something new; you have to watch only. When you go to see a movie and think as an
audience that what you have to do. the answer that you get is you have to watch. Keep on watching. You have to see the
transmigration the growth of trees and the chirping of the sparrows. You have to look at the auspicious and pure smile, you have
to listen to the adulating voice of Divine blessings. You have, nothing else to do. Only by seeing it you will be overjoyed with it.
Now you have to watch only. Nothing remains to be done. You have nothing to do for the health of your body, the way you have
been doing so far: yoga etc. You need not do many yoga exercises (yoga asanas). It's all right if you do some light yoga
exercises, but generally you have not to take much care of your body, because in it resides the God. You have to respect it. No
excesses should be done with it. If you want to get rid of alcohol or drugs, it's very easy. Whatever you decide about will happen.
You will not get conditioned. If you have decided to get rid of alcohol you will be relieved of it. Human beings consume liquor
because they do not want to face themselves. I am not asking to give up anything else but liquor because it damages your
consciousness. By just watching you could get rid of drinking because now you have begun to love yourself. Automatically you
will be in the state of joy. If by chance someone of you is imprisoned, you will say. 'Oh'! how nice! I will sit there and meditate.
One is in one's own glory. There remains no urge for liquor or smoking cigarette. Nothing remains to be said, all the vices go
away by themselves. In Bombay, condition is such that one could not get match box for Sahaj Yogis. While going to centres you
have to take it along to burn incense and to light a candle. No one smokes. The chain smokers, I don't know, how they have
stopped smoking! Some people used to play rami (cards), they say, we have given up playing cards. They are enjoying their lives;
they will enjoy themselves in the exams and also in the problems (mathematical). They will enjoy struggling with these problems
(mathematical). They will enjoy struggling with these problems. Now you have to take care that you do not have to struggle with
things as you used to do. You are not your old self; you are a changed personality Now you have to see whether the other people
are changing with us or not. You have to look to them. There is nothing to be afraid because you were also like them. Some
people think themselves to be of high position. They are so much position conscious. Some think themselves to be very rich and
others very religious. All are mad. Do not look to them. All the mad people in a lunatic asylum think themselves to be very wise.
When you were in that mad house, you used to think similarly. All these stupidities will go away slowly. Now you will realise the
truth. Now you are blessed with that power-such a power because of which you will not be affected by your thoughts. For
example, if one says to oneself. "I do not have to be angry, then ask yourself to be angry, stand before a mirror and ask yourself
to be angry. You will start laughing. In the state of anger keep laughing from within. All the time you keep laughing, while in
temper one gets involved with something or the other. All vices such as lust, anger, ego, envy etc have their own way. You have
to look at it. It is a play. You should watch it. because now you are within, not without. That is what you have to do in Sahaj, you
have to be within not without. While talking to others be within, that is. in thoughtlessness. Whenever you have to talk to
someone, get thoughtless first You will penetrate in them as soon as you gel into thoughtlessness first; their outlook will be
changed and you are already a changed being. If you are not in thoughtlessness (within), then, maybe, that they pull you back.
You could be pulled out because you have just gone within. For example, you have just come from the traffic and are made to sit
on the mountain but you have got used to the traffic, so mentally you think yourself still to be in the traffic. You have to see,
"Where am I standing?” You will know your state. This is what Self-realisation is. The first thing is that you are in oneness with
the beauty of the whole world. You know it is something new. unique and unbelievable. No one believes it but it's a fact. You
yourself will realise that you are a witness. At home if someone falls III then everyone starts running, creating difficulties, may be
just to show off, may be someone is really concerned. Nothing, absolutely no need to do anything You watch yourself and it will
dawn upon you as to what action you have to take. Whatever you feel you should do. If you feel like putting your hand on the
head, do it and if you feel like touching the foot, touch it. Whatever you are feeling, is for everyone, do it Second aspect is the
truth - that what should you tell, truth or untruth? What is truth and what is untruth? Most of the truth is manmade and man-made
truth is not truth at all. Many-a-times something that appears untruth happens to be great truth. So, you do not have to decide
about it. You just tell, tell in your thoughtlessness, talk to people about your state. Boldly you have to declare that this is alright,
this the truth and it should be done There is nothing to be afraid of. May be, that people take it for untruth and they laugh at you.
We went to Poona, there were some stupid people who published in the newspapers that "Shri Mataji was asking the seekers to
move their hands. She was mesmerising them." One gentleman asked a question that, "Why should She mesmerise people? Has
She nothing else to do?" They told that, “We cannot be mesmerised”. But you have got mesmerised Her way. Different type of
people are there in the world, you cannot understand them. Now you have got Chaitanaya in you, it is flowing in you, you have
seen it, you need confirmation. But you have not attained magnificence and this is the difference between you and the great
saints. The magnificence that you have attained recently is acute. It stands firmly and is not afraid to say that, that is the only
truth, everything else is untruth and a myth.' This quality could be found in great people like Christ, Shri Krishna and other great
saints. It could be found in Adi Shankaracharya. You read his books and you will get the confirmation. Now you read the
scriptures afresh, read the Gita and Bible afresh and you will find that confirming truths are there. But you yourself are powerful
enough, you do not need support and help of anyone else. The moment you start standing by your-self, in your glory, there is no
need to feel shy about it or be afraid of anything. But I find such people who hide themselves in their homes. It is said in the Bible
that the lamp is not to be kept under the table. It-is to be put on some higher place. If you have really become lamps (the
enlightened beings) then sit on a high pedestal and enlighten all others. You may belong to any religion. If you are a Sikh then see
in their scriptures, everywhere, it is written. It's a truth which could be confirmed. For your satisfaction the great saints have
written it in all the scriptures, shlokas after shlokas, could be said about it and lines of Quran could also be quoted. They all
confirm it. though they call it spiritual in English language, in Hindi it is called Adhyatmika and in Urdu, Roohani [spiritual
connection]. There are different names but 'Truth is the One’. If you all know that aspect, then you also know that there could be
no description of truth. What could be the description of an ocean? But every moment you will see the truth, that the truth is
spread all over; with your vibrations you will know of it, with the vibrations you could understand it. Then you will see vibrations
everywhere-in stones, in every-thing. If four-five chakras of a person are caught then there is no need to argue with him Such
persons are very difficult, beyond you. Immediately you will have no vibrations in your hands. A few days later, such a person will
run from himself because of the hot vibrations. Have no connections with the persons who have hot vibrations. It is not an
individual thought, it’s something spiritual. Here there is complete darkness. The tight between the light and darkness goes on
forever. Now, so many lamps have been lit, the whole atmosphere could change if a few more lamps are enlightened. So, always
keep your lamp lit, always weigh your vibrations, vibrations always flow from my photograph, they never stop. Stretch your hands
towards my photograph whenever you feel burning sensations on any of your fingers. Everything has got a meaning. You know
this is Manipura Chakra, this is Vishuddhi, this is Agnya. This is Swadhisthana and this one is Mooladhara. And in the centre of
your palm is the Sahasrara. It is round. If someone comes to you and tells that such and such person is unwell, please pray for
him. You have nothing to do, clear the affected chakra of that person and he will be benefitted. Sitting here, with the movement
of your fingers everything works out. Your attention has become Divine. You could check it yourself. Even on your feet there, all
the chakras are made. Man is a great creation of the Almighty. The God Almighty has made this instrument extremely beautiful.
What is needed is its enlightenment. That part is also done, but still a lot remains. Now, you have to work it out sincerely and see,
what it is? Because a small lamp has been lit, you are sitting with it. There is no need to sit. When you look within other people,
then you will come to know what it is. We have not thought of an organisation. In Bombay, there is an institution with the name of
Eternal Life. There is no membership of it, only the realised people are its members. Many peoples get Realisation but then they
go away. They come again and get it. There might be half-baked people amongst you also. I requested Mr. Bose, you make him
chairman or do as you like to. I will stay with him. His bungalow No. is 10. you could take his telephone number also. I will send
photograph etc. to him. However, he is very busy person, go to him at the fixed time. Friday is appropriate. Fix that day for your
weekly meditation. With attention, I will see all of you. You might have heard about the symbol of God like Shri Ganesha. His
carriage is mouse. Now your attentions are your carriages. Your power resides in your attention, where ever your attention goes
it works out. It is so wonderful. Sitting here you can exercise your power and improve everything. Everyone, you see is torturing
someone or the other. Bring them on Sahasrara and set them right. On Brahmarandhra, you will be amazed, their condition has
improved. There are wicked people, Dushasanas, there are saints and above all of them, we, Sahaja Yogis, are here. Give them
discretion. With the power of love people get changed because love is more powerful than hatred. Like ocean, the power of love
is fathomless. As there is no end to the expanse of the sea, there is no end of the ocean of love, it rises more than hatred. If its
power is lesser than the power of hatred then this world will be destroyed. You have not still understood your responsibilities.
You could not realise that this is the New Age, there are new people and new dimensions. You could understand this dimension
with your vibrations. The singer Siddheswari Bai who was just singing here; yesterday her condition was very bad. With great
reluctance she came to me and said, "I have to undergo such and such operation, this that." I just put my hand on her head and
today she has started singing! You all could do this work, there is nothing which I have not told you. Now only a curtain remains
within us. If you learn to tear out this curtain, then everything could be done. But to tear out this curtain becomes difficult.
However, you are realised now. So, first we have to remove this curtain because this is a stupendous work. The greatest thing in
it is love. With love we have to identity ourselves. While talking to someone we have to decide first that we have to love. It is all
love; you cannot change it. As people tell me, you see, everyone is giving Realisation. In America, there is difficulty with the
people that they could misuse it. I said, "How could they misuse it? They could only give Realisation; they could cure someone
with it". With love you cannot harm anyone. Think yourself, if you love someone how could you harm him? The quality of love is
this that one who loves cannot think of harming the object of love. Whatever is benevolent will take place. The only thing you
have to do is to respect yourself. When you begin to respect yourselves, you get established within because it is a temple: the
more you respect il the more Divine Light is there in it. With love you could get identified with It, only with love you could be one
with it, in complete harmony. Only pure love could emanate from you. The one which is Chaitanya is the Truth and the Beauty.
You sit in thoughtless awareness and you will be one with it. Thoughtlessness comes only when you cross this point (Agnya).
You have crossed il and now you are in thoughtless awareness. Your brain used to think. Now your Sahasrara is pierced and you
are above your brain. When this point is reached, you could check it with your hand. Those who are Realized, should check at this
point ‘Ardha Bindu’ and they will feel it, but those who are not, will not feel. Are you feeling it? Slowly, feel it, take your hands
slightly up-down. That is the place of the 'Ardha Bindu'. And above it, is ’Bindu' and 'Valaya' is above all. All that was made to
create this world, has also been within human beings. First 'Valaya’, then 'Bindu', after that 'Ardha Bindu', and then this Sahasrara,
then this whole kundalini was created. The Adi Kundalini itself penetrated in you and became your Kundalini. Some people
(Deities) were placed to establish the Adi Kundalini. In the beginning, it was necessary to establish someone. Shri Ganesha was
established first of all. Adi Shakti put Shri Ganesha only on one chakra. One Ganesha on the chakra. What is Shri Ganesha? He is
purity personified. Think of it. Suppose you have not taken bath for a few days and the body is not clean. But the vibrations clean
the impurities. Shri Ganesha is nothing but vibrations and purity because he is the Eternal Child. Eternal Child, and it is difficult to
find one like Him in the world. His whole love is purity and purity only and because of that purity he has been placed on your
Mooladhara chakra. On Mooladhara is the Mother. Its clear meaning is that in sex matters, you have to be like children. I mean
that when the dharma is established in you. you become childlike, innocent in sex matters. It is difficult to attain the heights of
Shri Ganesha because he is a very pure soul. His radiance is spreading all around. To penetrate within, we have to be very pure
otherwise no one else could be there except Shri Ganesha and His Mother. In the process of creation, Brahmadeva was made
the deity of the second chakra. But before Him, Shri Vishnu was created so that there is a Sustainer for this Divine creation. That
is the reason that we take birth from the Nabhi chakra of our Mother. And then there is the creation of fatherly Father. From the
Nabhi, Brahmadeva was created. That’s how it was done, the way someone is placed at some particular point. There is no
untruth in it. You yourself could verify it. Now this Void was created. It was all created, major nerves and pelvic plexus and
around it the Void. And in it was the emanating love for the creation. The whole creation got caught in this love. This love is the
All-pervading Power, in it is the creation. Now it is essential to cross this Void. But as I have told you earlier, the God and his
Power is present in our heart as our soul. So, as the child is born- not born, as soon as he is conceived in the womb of the
mother, the witness state God Almighty comes in his Heart and looks like a flame, the way this thumb is. This soul is in the left
heart. Many people get confused about it. They think soul is in the heart chakra, it is not in the heart chakra it is in the heart. The
soul resides in this plain. Why does He not reside in the Heart Chakra? Because it is the path of Kundalini to ascend. It is in the
central heart and the soul resides in the left heart. In the word 'Rama', 'Ra‘means energy and ‘m' means Mahesh, that is Shri
Shiva. Mahesh is Shiva as the God who resides in our heart. When 'Ra‘ is united with 'm' it becomes Ram. To make the people
cross the Void (Bhavasagara) He has to make some arrangement. So, the great power like Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh was created
and they were placed in the area of dharma. Dattatreya and the Adi Gurus incarnated in this world many a time. He incarnated as
king Janaka who was like the father of the Adi shakli. After that, He incarnated in Iran as Zoroaster, then as Machindranath, then
as Mohammad Saheb and Nanak Sahib. No one fought with each other. See what type of darkness you are in? Fatima, the
daughter of Mohammad Sahib was the same who became daughter of king Janaka. Whom are you fighting? Think over it. The
Nanaki of Guru Nanaka was no one else but Janaki. Shirdi Sai Nath was also an Adi Guru. They are the masters of all. Also, they
are my Gurus. These Adi Gurus taught me all this knowledge. In different incarnations, they kept teaching me. Ultimately, I had to
come and do this work. They could not do it and now they are placing me as a Guru so that I take up the job of a Guru. There was
an age when no one was willing to accept a woman as a Guru. But in Kali Yuga, only a Mother could do this work; it is beyond the
power of men. This work could not be done by force, only the love of a Mother could do it because already there is so much
pressure, tension in this world. The day it is forced upon the human being, they will break down. So, love is the only way out. So,
this Gurudom was given to me. Everything is acceptable to me. But I didn't know the qualities of a Guru. Gurus maintain distance
but Mother does not keep distance with the children. Children sit on her head. So, you people also could take liberty with me and
enjoy. Be with me with full freedom, you will neither be afraid nor be embarrassed. There is no problem, you could come and talk
to me boldly about your problems. You could complain to me as you do to your mother. I am freely available to you, freedom was
needed. Religion was required to be discussed openly, there is no secret, no secret about it. Ultimately, everything has to be
explained very clearly. All the secrets are to be told. Everything could not be said everywhere. I am telling all this to you people
who are Realised ones, because non-realised will doubt it. It has some meaning only for the Realised ones. You could attain
much higher state than this. Lot of work was done to cross the Void, some success was achieved and if you people could get it,
they are helpful today. They become eternal, the founder of Jaina Dhama. Shri Mahavira and Shri Buddha are amongst them.
They were born of the same Mother, born of the womb of Adi Shakti. Try to know their first relation that where were they born.
But it was experimental for all of them. All of them made experiments so that human beings could cross the Void. Very few,
however, could cross the Void. But en-masse Realisation could be done only in Kali Yuga. After that, Shri Rama incarnated in this
world but he forgot that he was an incarnation. He remained in this world as a human being, not as an incarnation so that you
could rise above the Bhavasagara. He was a perfect human being. During his incarnation a few seekers could get their
Realisation, there is no doubt about it. But en-mass Realisation could not be given. Six or seven thousand years ago, Shri Krishna
incarnated on this earth. Right from the beginning of this creation, all the seekers wished to cross the Bhavasagara. The poor
seekers had to face lot of problems. While meditating, they were tortured. So, the Adi Shakti incarnated on this earth 108 times in
her perfect form. You might have read about it. Read Devi Mahatmaya and you will know what I am saying. The Adi Shakti
incarnated in the form of the Devi and recognized the seekers. At that time, She came in the clear form of the Devi. There was no
Maya around Her. So, seekers could not get their Self-realisation form Her. The only thing they got was her protection. She killed
Mahishasura, Shumbha and Nishumbha and many others. All the rakshasas and negative people who used to torture the saints
were killed. But none of them got salvation because they were not perfect human beings. They could see only four chakras, that
is up to the heart plexus. So, Shri Radha incarnated after Shri Sita. She was placed on the fifth chakra, that is the Vishuddhi. She
is very humane and She sang the song of love. It is said that at the time of killing the Kansa, the maternal uncle (Kamsa) of Shri
Krishna. Shri Radha was called. Radha - ’Ra' means energy and 'dha' means the sustainer. The stream of Shri Radha starts
flowing in you. Shaivite people are the followers of Shri Shiva. They do not believe in Shri Krishna. There is no difference between
Shri Krishna and Shri Shiva. Shiva is placed in your heart as soul and Shri Krishna is on the Vishuddhi. Shri Krishna has sixteen
powers. Similarly, you have got sixteen plexuses. It is surprising that Shri Krishna is the deity of Vishuddhi chakra which has
sixteen petals. His power Radha was then divided into two. that is, Rukmini in Dwarika and Radha in Vrindavan; it is very
humanly. Shri Krishna had only one son who was Pranava (Divine power) incarnated. Think of it. He was 'Om' incarnated. He
incarnated on this earth. His name was Jesus Christ. Mary was his mother. He was placed on the Agnya Chakra. On Agnya one
has to face ego and superego. You see your Agnya Chakra controls your pineal and pituitary bodies; it is scientifically proved. So,
he pushes away the evil spirits from your Agnya because these spirits sit on the superego. They could sit in ego also because Ida
and Pingala nadis cross each other on Agnya Chakra. So, Shri Jesus put his hand on this plexus first of all. It was done at the
time of Nanaka Sahib. In all ages, these ghostly powers came to do encroachment. But Shri Krishna has such a destructive
power that He cut their throats. So; on Agnya Chakra is the name of Shri Jesus. Shri Mahalakshmi, whose praise we sing so
frequently, no one has described Her. Where is She placed? She is Mary Herself. Whenever She incarnates with her child and
husband, She is very peaceful. But when she comes alone, then She is tremendous. So, this plexus belongs to Bhagawati. The
plexus of Sahasrara belongs to Bhagawati. She Herself pierces it, all the seven chakras are there in it. Therefore, the Maya
(illusion) also has seven layers. It is very difficult to recognise Her. Seven human chakras get completed here. In nut shell, I have
told you what you have to do, how you have to complete your seeking. But if we talk about it methodically then we could say that
there is no particular time for it. All the times we could be in the state of thoughtless awareness. For example, you are sitting in a
thoughtless state, start thinking, then go into thoughtlessness. After there is thoughtless awareness and then comes the
doubtless awareness. You will have doubts but in the second stage you get the doubtless awareness. Doubts will be there: is
right or not? What Shri Mataji has said is not right? How could it be? Has it happened or not? Have we got Realisation or not?
This sort of doubts will come. How will these doubts be eradicated? When you have been given a seat, I mean when you are
seated on the throne and you have doubts as to whether it is a throne where I am sitting? Is it all right or not? You could check it
by your own hands, that now an unparalleled energy is flowing from your hands. When you will cure people by touching them
with your hands, when you will have such experiences then slowly and slowly your doubts will vanish. I mean that I have prepared
a boat for you, now you have to launch it in the water, fight with the waves, only then you will come to know whether it is a boat or
not. Maybe it is some wood only. The boat has been built or not could be tested by launching it into water and by rowing it on the
waves. If it withstands the pressure of the waves then you will be sure of it. Otherwise, doubts will remain. In the same way you
have to test your Realisation because man thinks no end of himself. One person out of our seekers went somewhere, a swamiji
was sitting with a boasted flag. Many people came there, had their food etc. This gentleman went to America with us, with the
movement of his hand he used to do things. You could also do it. With the movement of your hands, you could raise the kundalini
of someone. Siting here you move your hands and see how nice it is that the kundalini of the other person will move with your
fingers. The energy which is flowing from your hands will do it. So, this way that sadhu used to pretend to awaken the kundalini
of hundreds of Americans. Since many people were going to him. one of our Sahaja Yogi also went to him. I come to know of
everything as to who is hanging about and where. When he returned, he was miserable. I asked, "Why did you touch his feet?" He
said that, “Since everyone was touching his feet, I also touched”. I said, “You have to touch the feet of only those who are older to
you”. I asked him what was his condition, what was the condition of his kundalini, is he Realised? He replied, "No, he is not
Realised." His kundalini is overturned. I asked him, “You raise the kundalini of thousands of seekers with the movements of your
fingers. Why could you not think that you should not have touched his feet?" His kundalini is overturned; at least he should have
been a Realised person to touch his feet. One should touch the feet of one who is higher than yourself. Otherwise, why to touch
the feet at all? You know everything. You know the reason of it. You have the complete knowledge of it. You are so expert in it.
why did you touch his feet? You become egoless. You all live in such an unassuming way that no one could believe that you are
Realized. One becomes egoless. Completely egoless. He feels, how it has happened, how that has happened? But it has
happened. If this transformation has taken place in you. then you should think, "Why has this transformation taken place in you
only?" Many people live in Delhi. Why we have specially been given Realization? There might be some reason. You might have
been seeking for many lives. It is your right. You are saints, saints of high orders. You are not aware of this fact. If you were not
saints, how could I give Realization to you? Can I give Realization to stones? Thousands of people come but I cannot give
Realization to all of them. Only a few of you have got it. Definitely, there is some reason for it. But you cannot believe it. You think,
how could it be? This problem comes because of you are egoless. In a very ordinary way; you neither change the style of your
clothes nor any other showing-off. But you will see that you have become peaceful within. You are now altogether different
being. The style of your talking and doing things is of a Realized one. And you will become expert. You know about others that
such and such chakra of this person is catching, that is why he is behaving abnormally. Let me set it right. And within a little time,
that person is cooled down. Some people come to quarrel with me, but Sahaja Yogis calm them down by moving their Kundalini.
They play many tricks and within a little time, such people sit quietly. One fellow came and started quarrelling. It was the time for
him to take some sesamum. They put the sesamum on their hand and vibrated them. As soon as he ate those sesamum,
immediately he went into meditation. If someone is disturbing you too much then put your finger in the water and make him
drink that vibrated water. The work will be done. Chaitanya will awaken within that person. But still, you are newly born children.
Small child gets ill very soon, similarly you also catch very soon You have to stick to your position otherwise you will descend
very soon. Don’t leave your position, do not be shaken. Stick to your place because the boon given to you is such that one could
be unsteady. I am telling it to you. Therefore, power of collectivity should be there. There are people amongst you who come and
tell, “Shri Mataji my head is catching". Collectively you could clear the catches, whether it is in your waist, Agnya Chakra or
anywhere else, you could clear it yourself. Now these Sahaja Yogis are your brothers and sisters. This is the new world of love.
These are your relatives. You know them. At the time of difficulty, you will be surprised that they will run to help you. Because
Deities are there with you for your protection. Suddenly if you think about someone, immediately you find him before you and
saying, "I don’t know how I came here! I was going this way, I thought to come up to you". All your works are done, you will not
meet with accidents. Deities are hovering over you. If one Sahaja Yogi is there at the place of accident, then all others are also
saved because of him. Many things will happen. You keep on watching and recording. Watch the awakening and movements of
your Kundalini. There is going to be no problem in it. Sometimes it will titillate here and move there; sometimes it will enlighten
here and sometimes there. Your consciousness, which is connected to all these things, will get enlightened and it will enlighten
the whole world. Now you are sitting here, but you are not aware that thousands and millions of rays are emanating from you.
You will see that the whole atmosphere of Delhi will change; you will see it. I went to Calcutta only once. Have you seen the
atmosphere there? I said it there itself that the atmosphere of Calcutta will change. I stayed there for eight days and the whole
atmosphere changed, the minds of people were calmed down. Today, in Maharashtra it is going on very well. The reason is that
many people have got their Realisation. Now it is the turn of Delhi State. The Kundalini of the whole world is situated in India.
How tremendous! The seat of Kundalini of the whole world is in India. If our India improves, then whole world will improve. The
Sahasrara of the whole world is here. So, I need thousands and thousands of Indians who could give Realisation to others. May
God Bless you. |
12/7/1973 | | Sahaja Yoga ki Utpatti, The origin of Sahaja Yoga | India | Mumbai | VERIFIED | Draft | null | Reviewed | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | Hindi | 45 | "The Origin of Sahaja Yoga", Public program, Birla Sport Center, Bombay (India), 12 July 1973 Love does not have any language,
so there are no words to describe it. When our mother loves us, how can she describe her love? Similarly, when God Almighty
loved us and created this universe, He had no words to describe His love. When a human being has prepared their instrument,
that’s when they can begin to praise God. I have not been given a particular subject for discussion today by the organisers of the
program as we have three days to fully understand everything. Today I will talk about evolution. What I say will be hypothetical.
All scientific experiments begin with a hypothesis. Hypothesis means: whatever is the discovery of science, that assumption
should be presented to the audience, and the truth within that hypothesis is researched. The day that hypothesis is proven, that’s
when it is considered a law of science. Similarly, what I say is a hypothesis to you, that can be proven and shown to you all. Also,
all that has been documented and observed in historic documents can prove this hypothesis. But the proof should not be in
accepting what is being said in documents or by a certain person but should be in the experience. Today I will talk about
evolution. It is the day of "pratham" [beginning] and I will explain the relationship of this day with Sahaja Yoga. It is said that
Brahma is beyond evolution, Brahma is separate from that which we consider to be awareness. Vibrations are a form of Brahma.
Whatever exists is a form of Brahma. Just like a seed manifests itself into a complete tree and then that tree ends up being a
seed again, in the same way, Brahma manifests Himself in a number of forms and then again transforms into a seed, and
limitless universes emerge from that seed. We can consider the seed of Brahma just like the seed of a plant. We can call it the
seed of Brahma [Brahma Beeja]. Every seed has a certain power of evolution. Every seed is comparable. Similarly, the power of
evolution of Brahma is known as Brahma and the power of Brahma. Why did God Almighty have to create this universe when He
is complete in Himself? Because however rich or accomplished a human being may be, he is never satisfied until he produces an
offspring. They think, “Who is all this wealth for?” There are a number of very rich people in the world that are childless who try
very hard to have at least one child to whom they can pass on their gathered wealth and reveal it to their child. In the same
manner when that feeling of love took birth within God Almighty, the powers flowing in Him gathered and got founded as Brahma
or Adi Shakti. So, what remains out of this process, in the centre, is God. These scientists tell me that they do not believe in God.
You may not believe in God, but you trust your heart and what resides in your heart is God. The One who is God Almighty is
reflected in our hearts as Spirit and He is our constant witness. He is a witness to every deed of ours and is watching everything.
He is the soul, also described by words such as Spirit, spiritual, and as human Spirit, when he takes birth. The one who resides as
a witness in our heart is God Almighty. His Agnya power, in the beginning, is equipped to begin the creation of the universe. At
that time three forms of transformation come into that power, or we can say that it transforms itself into three forms. First, it
gets the desire that, “I should have an offspring, a creation.” Due to this desire, she embeds Tamo Guna within Herself. I have
described this to you before as to how it takes place and what direction does it goes into. There is no blackboard available right
now to explain this flow in a diagram to you at the moment. This desire is critical to the creation of Valaya of Tamo Guna. All of
the Valaya moves with the Bindu Matra power of Agnya. You will be surprised to know that a bindu when it revolves to its original
position, it’s “valaya”, is parabolic. Einstein said that every movement is parabolic. You must have noticed in temples of Shiva,
that the power of Shiva is parabolic in shape. According to Einstein anything that moves, moves in a parabolic direction.
Similarly, we can say that love also moves in a parabolic direction. And Valaya also moves in parabolic direction and returns to
the same position from where it started. That’s what parabolic movement is. In that sense, we can say that first shape, the
Valaya created Tamo Guna in the universe. As a fan has three blades, in the same way, if you can imagine, the first parabolic
movement was started. As a fan has three blades, in the same way, if you can imagine, the first parabolic movement was
started. Second, when you desire something, an event has to take place for that. Some work had to be done. Without some work
it could not happen. Thus, some activating forces took birth that founded Rajo Guna. As a consequence of the second parabolic
movement, Rajo Guna was founded. And with this movement was that of desire that all love should be showered over the
creation. Showering love on your creation, your offspring, is revelation and this is what creates Sattvo Guna. So, we can see that
from one thing these three gunas are created. Such permutations and combinations are what creates this universe and within
that, this Earth gets created. The creation of Earth also took place out of a parabolic movement. Now, for those who have
studied science, the theory of explosion is well founded in people’s mind. A decade ago, I also used to say that an explosion had
taken place. Without such an explosion, this evolution of ours could not have taken place. This state of evolution has been
brought by multiple explosions. But people now have started saying that a certain mass exploded in an unexpected manner and
resulted in different systems like solar system, so today science is saying the same thing. After the creation of this Earth,
another explosion took place that brought life on Earth. As you know, the very first living beings were single-celled amoeba. After
that, slowly we reached the state of being a human being. We don’t have to go into the details of evolution. But if we think more
deeply on that topic, one well known biologist named Du Noüy [French mathematician and biologist] has written that if a human
being was created by chance, then how is it possible that it took such a short time for living beings to take human form. This was
not by chance. This type of creation cannot take place just like that. There was a force behind it, someone was doing this work,
someone was giving pace to this evolution and taking care of it and was leading it, without which not even an amoeba could not
have taken birth in this universe. This is called the law of chance in science. These biologists do not say ‘God’ but they say, “We
do not know of a human but must be a force that has created this universe.” Even saying this much by them is good enough.
When human beings look at the creation, they find themselves different from all animals. It is hard for us to imagine how
different we are from animals. It is surprising to believe that we have evolved from the animal to human stage. But it is not hard
to believe this if you think we can never go to the moon. About twenty-five to thirty years back we could not even think of going to
the Moon. Even if anyone thought like that, people would laugh at them; it was considered impossible. Today if man has reached
the moon, it is also a step towards evolution. You may have noticed that spacecrafts launched into space have four explosions
built in them. The first explosion takes them to a certain distance. Suppose their speed is 10,000 km/h. The second explosion
increases their speed about tenfold. The third explosion increases the speed of another tenfold. Fourth explosion increases the
speed by yet another tenfold. If these explosions did not take place, then with the same initial speed the spacecrafts could never
reach the Moon. The same thing has happened in the evolution of mankind. To reach a progressive state of evolution a forceful
explosion took place. That’s how human beings have reached a state in a very small period of time, in a surprisingly short period,
where he can learn a lot and understand a lot. But he still has to learn a lot more. What is causing our heart to beat? If you ask
this question to doctors, of any well-educated, reputable doctors, they will all have one response that, “It is caused by the
autonomic nervous system.” Mankind is not able to go beyond this. They have been only able to name this phenomenon. If we
ask how is our state functioning, then they will say there is an organisation called Government of India which is doing the work.
This is not a very scientific response because this answer does not explain what this organisation is, how it functions and how it
executes. Just giving it a name has not answered the question. But science has not evolved just to give a name to a
phenomenon but to explain how this evolution, this universe, this genesis, all this took place. Whether science reaches that goal
or not, you all can reach there. The viewpoint of science is very analytical. As you know, there is one doctor for one hand and
there is a different doctor for the other hand. It is very hard to get comprehensive knowledge from science. Like we see a tree
and all the flowers on the tree. Some people say that the colour of this flower should be yellow, some say this flower should be
blue. Only if one reaches the source of it all, can they explain the behaviour of the tree: why the flowers are of different colours,
why the leaves are all different to each other, because you haven’t reached the root of the subject. Here in Mumbai, when we talk
to people, they say, “Mother, people do not have food here, there is no sugar available, why are you talking about God?” This is
right for people to say. People say, “What are you, after all, during such periods?” But if you think for a moment, why is this all
happening that in our country there is not enough ration to feed public. In America people are committing suicide, running away
from their homes, going mad, where is there no human crisis. If you talk to anyone in the world, it will seem like everyone is in
grave difficulties. Whether people have food or not, children or not, there is not one single happy person in the world. If food
makes people happy, then why I don’t see people with full stomachs being happy either? What is the reason that they are
breaking down and disintegrating slowly? The reason is that if the tree becomes too big and expands a lot outwardly, but does
not get in touch with its own source and roots then it starts to disintegrate. It is important that we know where we get all the
power from and research the source from which we take the power. Until we reach the source of that power, each and every
human being in every country, it will all disintegrate. This world will have to come to an end. The One that gives origin, vitality; the
One that is Chaitanya itself, until we discover it, we will all become devoid of awareness; we will be as good as dead. The world
will come to an end. So, you can understand how important it is to find that power that is going on in our hearts as heartbeats,
and it is our responsibility to know what it is. This power within all of us is working our digestion, our respiration. So, go and find
out what is this power. Otherwise the whole universe, this Creation of God will come to an end. And this responsibility lies with
the mankind. It is only the human being, today, who is standing at the edge of the universe. Today humans have this power within
themselves that they can learn about. Animals like dogs and cats cannot understand that. Do I have to go to the forest, to the
dogs and cats, to suggest that they learn about their power? It is only you that I have to tell, again and again, that you must get to
know this power that is responsible for our life. And you see the result of not being familiar with this power: there is no peace for
humanity; they go to forests, leave their homes, leave this world, but there is no peace for them, there is no joy. Their power is
weakening and they are struggling. It can be simply explained that the fuel that has been filled in you, the fuel of the power that
has been filled in you, that power is going to guide you. One should use this power. If the fuel filled within you is not used the
instrument is wasted. This is important. But the process to refill the fuel is not available because when a child turns three years
of age the opening to fill the fuel is closed. And the way that fuel is being filled within him is broken down. This power is called
the power of Kundalini. You must have read and heard thousands of things about the power of Kundalini. But I believe that very
few people have knowledge of this power. Reading whatever has been written. Writing by copying what has been written, is no
real writing. If you come, join our meditation program, we will show you the movement of Kundalini within you. Below the spine in
the triangular bone resides the Kundalini. You can see it. Its movement, its rise and fall, you can witness it with the movement of
your hands. A number of doctors in our country and a number of psychologists have got their Realisation and they have been
able to feel this power. They accept this fact. But who listens to them? Who even listens to me? Maybe in another ten years, if
this concept comes from America, then we will pay attention to it, because it is hard for us to believe that anyone can do
something like this, so how can a simple housewife do a work like this? Actually, since childhood I could see the Kundalini and
knew everything about it, but I didn’t understand why humans are the way they are. Why do they think that they are Shivaji
Maharaj while watching a theatre play? Why does he forget that he is doing a play? Little children create their games and they
play them and then throw all that away. No one gets attached with those games. But here we think that any game is our own
game. Little children make homes in their games and break them. But we play this game and get attached to this game. Little
children make a play house and then leave it, create something else to play with, then leave that too. Children come to our
meditation program and ask Shri Mataji, “Why are you playing this doctor game?” They think this whole world is a game. Why is it
that when we grow up we do not take this as a game? What is there to get so serious about it? Like, some villagers were
travelling by plane, so they carried their luggage on their heads. So, someone asked them, “Why are you doing that?” They replied
very seriously that they are trying to reduce the burden of the plane! This is what we are doing! In reality, we have no work. We
don’t have to do anything, just like the work of this microphone is to take my voice to you, but if the microphone starts thinking
that it is its own job to speak, then I will have a problem with that. So, if the microphone starts speaking, then my voice will come
to an end. We don’t actually do anything. Like if these fingers think and one finger thinks that, “I am special and I have to do
something special.” This finger is part of this body and is running on the same power as the rest of the body is. It is a part and
parcel of the body, just a body part, but we think of this finger as separate. We are all running on the same power. It is possible
that this finger has been exchanged in the same way that we have been exchanged or have moved away from this power. All
these lights here are being enlightened by the same power. It is possible, that one light bulb is taken out and is attached to a
battery separately, but the battery is also charged by the same electricity. Maybe it is possible, that you all have separated
yourselves taking your own powers. There are two types of powers flowing in a human being. With one he fills it and with the
other he expands it. And two organisations called ego and superego develop and cover his whole being. And that is why he gets
separate from this All-pervading Power. This is what I need to open within you. As soon as it opens, you get to know this power
and you experience peace within. Not just that you get peace, but also patience. You are completely relaxed. It is very important.
And what is important is that it takes place. It has to take place. For example, when we see an object falling, we tend to prevent
it. Similarly, to stop the collapse of this world, God Almighty has invented Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga is not produced by Me. No
discovery is ever done by us anyway. Just like the discovery of gravity: it was not done by us; gravity was always there, we only
discovered it. What is within you and what is your birth right, I have discovered. You can have it. And to find it, I have spent a lot
of time. And now it has been found. This knowledge will need to be spread all over. Spreading this knowledge will take away all
your problems. Especially today’s youth, seeing them you all are perplexed that what has happened to them. As if there is no
control on them, something has to be done for them. There is no other way to fix them other than Sahaja Yoga. For children,
Sahaja Yoga works very fast; children get it unusually fast. Whenever I have made this arrangement in schools, I have seen that
eighty percent of the children get it immediately. The same small children, when they go to high school, it takes them longer
then. It drops to sixty to seventy percent in that age group. But students in India, who knows what are they made of. It is very
difficult for them. Some universities invited Me and the Vice Chancellors of those places come and tell Me, “Mataji, please do
something or we will be shamed: these children are like monkeys and you have to fix them!” I say, “Why Me? They say, “No, we
cannot do anything now. No, we won’t do anything.” These children have really reduced themselves to such a low level. The
Hippie’s movement has entered America but it is to come here too and you have to be careful about that. To ignore that problem
is not going to solve the issue. If you think about the progress of your country and that of other countries too, then remember
that the whole responsibility lies on the youth. They will have to be corrected via Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga means God
Almighty’s love. And only a Realised person can do it. Only the one who is laden with this love, and within whom this power is
flowing, can do this work. Those in Sahaja Yoga will get Realisation, they are the ones in the end to achieve this. But there are
very few people. You will be surprised that after working hard for five years in Mumbai, in reality there are about one thousand
realised people only; with a lot of difficulty, and they too have not reached there. And out of all those there are only eleven people
who are able to give Realisation to others. People get their Self-realisation very quickly in America but their style is different.
They change Gurus on a daily basis. One needs to measure its depth. We do not realise how critical it is, how urgently it is
needed. We do not understand that. The moment that we understand it will be a fortunate moment not just for us but for the
whole universe. I will continue to appeal to you. I will continue to say as a mother will continuously remind her children, but the
children should feel the hunger themselves. If they do not have an appetite then the mother can run around them and plead to
them as much as she can. Those who get their Self-realisation, and are equipped with this power, never have to face any
disease. And even if it comes, they can cure it, because they are given the knowledge as to how to cure which disease and how.
This power is called ‘spiritual awareness flowing in your hands’ by Adi Shankaracharya in his books. But no one is reading those
books any more these days. With these vibrations, you can do good for others too, while also doing good for yourselves. These
people become free of disease, and they make others free of disease and get longevity. They not only get longevity but they
achieve joy and happiness and on top of that they achieve collective consciousness, which has not been felt or learnt about by
anyone thus far. People do not know what collective consciousness is. Lots of people have talked about collective
consciousness but nothing specific or clear. When you go into meditation, that’s when you will understand what we mean by
collective consciousness. What it means is that we can understand other people’s vibrations, we can understand the movement
of other’s Kundalini, when we raise someone’s Kundalini with our love. We also understand the blockages in her way and remove
them. Sitting here you can feel Nixon’s Kundalini. It sounds surprising but yes, you can feel it. That way you can understand what
trouble he is in, what his blockage is and where the vibrations are stopping. It is not a biased assessment, that you don’t like
someone or hate someone. When you are removing someone’s Kundalini blockages and remove their obstacles, they will only
get well-being. It will only be for their good. There is no better voluntary service or social service out there because while doing
this the person does not think that this hand is doing something good for the other hand. It is an automatic phenomenon that if
one hand gets hurt, the other hand is raised to make it feel better. Tomorrow I will explain what Sahaja Yoga is, what is its
meaning, how to progress with it and how to get into it. The introduction given to you today is that there is no salvation in the
world without Sahaja Yoga. All the other yoga methods out there, whatever they could achieve, they cannot help you attain
salvation. If the world has to get its salvation then one has to embrace Sahaja Yoga. That is the path to God Almighty. He is the
one who is doing this work. All you have to do is to know it. The only thing is that Sahaja Yoga works in your freedom: if you do
not embrace it completely from within, it will not work. There was a gentleman who asked me to give him Realisation. He came
and stayed with me for four days but he did not get it. He was perplexed that regular, simple housewives can get it, then why not
him. He said, “Why am I not getting Realisation?” So, I said to him that, “The reason you are not getting Realisation is not because
of me, but you. I am making efforts to give you Realisation but it is not because of me that you are not getting it.” So, he asked
me, “Then what is the reason for it?” So, I said, “The reason is that you have to develop that love from within. You have to have
that feeling towards yourself too. The day you develop that love, you will yourself get the Realisation.” Then he took his bath at 4
a.m. and sat for meditation and got his Realisation. It seems like a wonderful and unique thing because it is a wonderful thing.
It’s not that wonderful things do not happen in the world. It should be adopted. One should not doubt it or be suspicious about it.
Today we have talked from evolution to human beings. Now where do humans have to go forward from here? But despite our
saying and indicating the direction, the work is not proceeding forward. Whether you have this need within you or not, you have
this desire in you or not, or are you still lost in something non-living, a lot depends on that. Tomorrow we will discuss what is in
Sahaja Yoga, what do you achieve in Sahaja Yoga, these topics in detail. People were of opinion about today’s program that
without meditation there is no value of Shri Mataji’s program, which is true also: meditation should take place. Those who would
want to meditate and achieve this, can stay back. Shortly, we will have meditation. After meditation, we will also see how many
people can actually achieve it. Tomorrow a meditation program has been scheduled for 9.30 a.m. You all should attend that.
Both those who get Realisation today, and also those who do not get it today, should attend that program because we should
devote some time to God. We do not give any time to God. We go to the cinema and sit there for three hours but how many hours
do we sit for God. The time we give to God is when we are doing something, when we are performing a puja, or remembering
him. There is no value of those things. First let your connection get established with God. Without any connection who are you
inviting and who are you remembering? Whoever wants to stay for meditation, please stay back for a little while. Those who do
not wish to meditate, please leave now as it is not a good idea to disturb others during meditation because these people are
seeking God. We should respect them. You should not get up and go during the meditation. The meditation will take about 20 to
25 minutes. Those who have already got their Realisation, can sit towards the back. | null | null | null | "The Origin of Sahaja Yoga", Public program, Birla Sport Center, Bombay (India), 12 July 1973 Love does not have any language,
so there are no words to describe it. When our mother loves us, how can she describe her love? Similarly, when God Almighty
loved us and created this universe, He had no words to describe His love. When a human being has prepared their instrument,
that’s when they can begin to praise God. I have not been given a particular subject for discussion today by the organisers of the
program as we have three days to fully understand everything. Today I will talk about evolution. What I say will be hypothetical.
All scientific experiments begin with a hypothesis. Hypothesis means: whatever is the discovery of science, that assumption
should be presented to the audience, and the truth within that hypothesis is researched. The day that hypothesis is proven, that’s
when it is considered a law of science. Similarly, what I say is a hypothesis to you, that can be proven and shown to you all. Also,
all that has been documented and observed in historic documents can prove this hypothesis. But the proof should not be in
accepting what is being said in documents or by a certain person but should be in the experience. Today I will talk about
evolution. It is the day of "pratham" [beginning] and I will explain the relationship of this day with Sahaja Yoga. It is said that
Brahma is beyond evolution, Brahma is separate from that which we consider to be awareness. Vibrations are a form of Brahma.
Whatever exists is a form of Brahma. Just like a seed manifests itself into a complete tree and then that tree ends up being a
seed again, in the same way, Brahma manifests Himself in a number of forms and then again transforms into a seed, and
limitless universes emerge from that seed. We can consider the seed of Brahma just like the seed of a plant. We can call it the
seed of Brahma [Brahma Beeja]. Every seed has a certain power of evolution. Every seed is comparable. Similarly, the power of
evolution of Brahma is known as Brahma and the power of Brahma. Why did God Almighty have to create this universe when He
is complete in Himself? Because however rich or accomplished a human being may be, he is never satisfied until he produces an
offspring. They think, “Who is all this wealth for?” There are a number of very rich people in the world that are childless who try
very hard to have at least one child to whom they can pass on their gathered wealth and reveal it to their child. In the same
manner when that feeling of love took birth within God Almighty, the powers flowing in Him gathered and got founded as Brahma
or Adi Shakti. So, what remains out of this process, in the centre, is God. These scientists tell me that they do not believe in God.
You may not believe in God, but you trust your heart and what resides in your heart is God. The One who is God Almighty is
reflected in our hearts as Spirit and He is our constant witness. He is a witness to every deed of ours and is watching everything.
He is the soul, also described by words such as Spirit, spiritual, and as human Spirit, when he takes birth. The one who resides as
a witness in our heart is God Almighty. His Agnya power, in the beginning, is equipped to begin the creation of the universe. At
that time three forms of transformation come into that power, or we can say that it transforms itself into three forms. First, it
gets the desire that, “I should have an offspring, a creation.” Due to this desire, she embeds Tamo Guna within Herself. I have
described this to you before as to how it takes place and what direction does it goes into. There is no blackboard available right
now to explain this flow in a diagram to you at the moment. This desire is critical to the creation of Valaya of Tamo Guna. All of
the Valaya moves with the Bindu Matra power of Agnya. You will be surprised to know that a bindu when it revolves to its original
position, it’s “valaya”, is parabolic. Einstein said that every movement is parabolic. You must have noticed in temples of Shiva,
that the power of Shiva is parabolic in shape. According to Einstein anything that moves, moves in a parabolic direction.
Similarly, we can say that love also moves in a parabolic direction. And Valaya also moves in parabolic direction and returns to
the same position from where it started. That’s what parabolic movement is. In that sense, we can say that first shape, the
Valaya created Tamo Guna in the universe. As a fan has three blades, in the same way, if you can imagine, the first parabolic
movement was started. As a fan has three blades, in the same way, if you can imagine, the first parabolic movement was
started. Second, when you desire something, an event has to take place for that. Some work had to be done. Without some work
it could not happen. Thus, some activating forces took birth that founded Rajo Guna. As a consequence of the second parabolic
movement, Rajo Guna was founded. And with this movement was that of desire that all love should be showered over the
creation. Showering love on your creation, your offspring, is revelation and this is what creates Sattvo Guna. So, we can see that
from one thing these three gunas are created. Such permutations and combinations are what creates this universe and within
that, this Earth gets created. The creation of Earth also took place out of a parabolic movement. Now, for those who have
studied science, the theory of explosion is well founded in people’s mind. A decade ago, I also used to say that an explosion had
taken place. Without such an explosion, this evolution of ours could not have taken place. This state of evolution has been
brought by multiple explosions. But people now have started saying that a certain mass exploded in an unexpected manner and
resulted in different systems like solar system, so today science is saying the same thing. After the creation of this Earth,
another explosion took place that brought life on Earth. As you know, the very first living beings were single-celled amoeba. After
that, slowly we reached the state of being a human being. We don’t have to go into the details of evolution. But if we think more
deeply on that topic, one well known biologist named Du Noüy [French mathematician and biologist] has written that if a human
being was created by chance, then how is it possible that it took such a short time for living beings to take human form. This was
not by chance. This type of creation cannot take place just like that. There was a force behind it, someone was doing this work,
someone was giving pace to this evolution and taking care of it and was leading it, without which not even an amoeba could not
have taken birth in this universe. This is called the law of chance in science. These biologists do not say ‘God’ but they say, “We
do not know of a human but must be a force that has created this universe.” Even saying this much by them is good enough.
When human beings look at the creation, they find themselves different from all animals. It is hard for us to imagine how
different we are from animals. It is surprising to believe that we have evolved from the animal to human stage. But it is not hard
to believe this if you think we can never go to the moon. About twenty-five to thirty years back we could not even think of going to
the Moon. Even if anyone thought like that, people would laugh at them; it was considered impossible. Today if man has reached
the moon, it is also a step towards evolution. You may have noticed that spacecrafts launched into space have four explosions
built in them. The first explosion takes them to a certain distance. Suppose their speed is 10,000 km/h. The second explosion
increases their speed about tenfold. The third explosion increases the speed of another tenfold. Fourth explosion increases the
speed by yet another tenfold. If these explosions did not take place, then with the same initial speed the spacecrafts could never
reach the Moon. The same thing has happened in the evolution of mankind. To reach a progressive state of evolution a forceful
explosion took place. That’s how human beings have reached a state in a very small period of time, in a surprisingly short period,
where he can learn a lot and understand a lot. But he still has to learn a lot more. What is causing our heart to beat? If you ask
this question to doctors, of any well-educated, reputable doctors, they will all have one response that, “It is caused by the
autonomic nervous system.” Mankind is not able to go beyond this. They have been only able to name this phenomenon. If we
ask how is our state functioning, then they will say there is an organisation called Government of India which is doing the work.
This is not a very scientific response because this answer does not explain what this organisation is, how it functions and how it
executes. Just giving it a name has not answered the question. But science has not evolved just to give a name to a
phenomenon but to explain how this evolution, this universe, this genesis, all this took place. Whether science reaches that goal
or not, you all can reach there. The viewpoint of science is very analytical. As you know, there is one doctor for one hand and
there is a different doctor for the other hand. It is very hard to get comprehensive knowledge from science. Like we see a tree
and all the flowers on the tree. Some people say that the colour of this flower should be yellow, some say this flower should be
blue. Only if one reaches the source of it all, can they explain the behaviour of the tree: why the flowers are of different colours,
why the leaves are all different to each other, because you haven’t reached the root of the subject. Here in Mumbai, when we talk
to people, they say, “Mother, people do not have food here, there is no sugar available, why are you talking about God?” This is
right for people to say. People say, “What are you, after all, during such periods?” But if you think for a moment, why is this all
happening that in our country there is not enough ration to feed public. In America people are committing suicide, running away
from their homes, going mad, where is there no human crisis. If you talk to anyone in the world, it will seem like everyone is in
grave difficulties. Whether people have food or not, children or not, there is not one single happy person in the world. If food
makes people happy, then why I don’t see people with full stomachs being happy either? What is the reason that they are
breaking down and disintegrating slowly? The reason is that if the tree becomes too big and expands a lot outwardly, but does
not get in touch with its own source and roots then it starts to disintegrate. It is important that we know where we get all the
power from and research the source from which we take the power. Until we reach the source of that power, each and every
human being in every country, it will all disintegrate. This world will have to come to an end. The One that gives origin, vitality; the
One that is Chaitanya itself, until we discover it, we will all become devoid of awareness; we will be as good as dead. The world
will come to an end. So, you can understand how important it is to find that power that is going on in our hearts as heartbeats,
and it is our responsibility to know what it is. This power within all of us is working our digestion, our respiration. So, go and find
out what is this power. Otherwise the whole universe, this Creation of God will come to an end. And this responsibility lies with
the mankind. It is only the human being, today, who is standing at the edge of the universe. Today humans have this power within
themselves that they can learn about. Animals like dogs and cats cannot understand that. Do I have to go to the forest, to the
dogs and cats, to suggest that they learn about their power? It is only you that I have to tell, again and again, that you must get to
know this power that is responsible for our life. And you see the result of not being familiar with this power: there is no peace for
humanity; they go to forests, leave their homes, leave this world, but there is no peace for them, there is no joy. Their power is
weakening and they are struggling. It can be simply explained that the fuel that has been filled in you, the fuel of the power that
has been filled in you, that power is going to guide you. One should use this power. If the fuel filled within you is not used the
instrument is wasted. This is important. But the process to refill the fuel is not available because when a child turns three years
of age the opening to fill the fuel is closed. And the way that fuel is being filled within him is broken down. This power is called
the power of Kundalini. You must have read and heard thousands of things about the power of Kundalini. But I believe that very
few people have knowledge of this power. Reading whatever has been written. Writing by copying what has been written, is no
real writing. If you come, join our meditation program, we will show you the movement of Kundalini within you. Below the spine in
the triangular bone resides the Kundalini. You can see it. Its movement, its rise and fall, you can witness it with the movement of
your hands. A number of doctors in our country and a number of psychologists have got their Realisation and they have been
able to feel this power. They accept this fact. But who listens to them? Who even listens to me? Maybe in another ten years, if
this concept comes from America, then we will pay attention to it, because it is hard for us to believe that anyone can do
something like this, so how can a simple housewife do a work like this? Actually, since childhood I could see the Kundalini and
knew everything about it, but I didn’t understand why humans are the way they are. Why do they think that they are Shivaji
Maharaj while watching a theatre play? Why does he forget that he is doing a play? Little children create their games and they
play them and then throw all that away. No one gets attached with those games. But here we think that any game is our own
game. Little children make homes in their games and break them. But we play this game and get attached to this game. Little
children make a play house and then leave it, create something else to play with, then leave that too. Children come to our
meditation program and ask Shri Mataji, “Why are you playing this doctor game?” They think this whole world is a game. Why is it
that when we grow up we do not take this as a game? What is there to get so serious about it? Like, some villagers were
travelling by plane, so they carried their luggage on their heads. So, someone asked them, “Why are you doing that?” They replied
very seriously that they are trying to reduce the burden of the plane! This is what we are doing! In reality, we have no work. We
don’t have to do anything, just like the work of this microphone is to take my voice to you, but if the microphone starts thinking
that it is its own job to speak, then I will have a problem with that. So, if the microphone starts speaking, then my voice will come
to an end. We don’t actually do anything. Like if these fingers think and one finger thinks that, “I am special and I have to do
something special.” This finger is part of this body and is running on the same power as the rest of the body is. It is a part and
parcel of the body, just a body part, but we think of this finger as separate. We are all running on the same power. It is possible
that this finger has been exchanged in the same way that we have been exchanged or have moved away from this power. All
these lights here are being enlightened by the same power. It is possible, that one light bulb is taken out and is attached to a
battery separately, but the battery is also charged by the same electricity. Maybe it is possible, that you all have separated
yourselves taking your own powers. There are two types of powers flowing in a human being. With one he fills it and with the
other he expands it. And two organisations called ego and superego develop and cover his whole being. And that is why he gets
separate from this All-pervading Power. This is what I need to open within you. As soon as it opens, you get to know this power
and you experience peace within. Not just that you get peace, but also patience. You are completely relaxed. It is very important.
And what is important is that it takes place. It has to take place. For example, when we see an object falling, we tend to prevent
it. Similarly, to stop the collapse of this world, God Almighty has invented Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga is not produced by Me. No
discovery is ever done by us anyway. Just like the discovery of gravity: it was not done by us; gravity was always there, we only
discovered it. What is within you and what is your birth right, I have discovered. You can have it. And to find it, I have spent a lot
of time. And now it has been found. This knowledge will need to be spread all over. Spreading this knowledge will take away all
your problems. Especially today’s youth, seeing them you all are perplexed that what has happened to them. As if there is no
control on them, something has to be done for them. There is no other way to fix them other than Sahaja Yoga. For children,
Sahaja Yoga works very fast; children get it unusually fast. Whenever I have made this arrangement in schools, I have seen that
eighty percent of the children get it immediately. The same small children, when they go to high school, it takes them longer
then. It drops to sixty to seventy percent in that age group. But students in India, who knows what are they made of. It is very
difficult for them. Some universities invited Me and the Vice Chancellors of those places come and tell Me, “Mataji, please do
something or we will be shamed: these children are like monkeys and you have to fix them!” I say, “Why Me? They say, “No, we
cannot do anything now. No, we won’t do anything.” These children have really reduced themselves to such a low level. The
Hippie’s movement has entered America but it is to come here too and you have to be careful about that. To ignore that problem
is not going to solve the issue. If you think about the progress of your country and that of other countries too, then remember
that the whole responsibility lies on the youth. They will have to be corrected via Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga means God
Almighty’s love. And only a Realised person can do it. Only the one who is laden with this love, and within whom this power is
flowing, can do this work. Those in Sahaja Yoga will get Realisation, they are the ones in the end to achieve this. But there are
very few people. You will be surprised that after working hard for five years in Mumbai, in reality there are about one thousand
realised people only; with a lot of difficulty, and they too have not reached there. And out of all those there are only eleven people
who are able to give Realisation to others. People get their Self-realisation very quickly in America but their style is different.
They change Gurus on a daily basis. One needs to measure its depth. We do not realise how critical it is, how urgently it is
needed. We do not understand that. The moment that we understand it will be a fortunate moment not just for us but for the
whole universe. I will continue to appeal to you. I will continue to say as a mother will continuously remind her children, but the
children should feel the hunger themselves. If they do not have an appetite then the mother can run around them and plead to
them as much as she can. Those who get their Self-realisation, and are equipped with this power, never have to face any
disease. And even if it comes, they can cure it, because they are given the knowledge as to how to cure which disease and how.
This power is called ‘spiritual awareness flowing in your hands’ by Adi Shankaracharya in his books. But no one is reading those
books any more these days. With these vibrations, you can do good for others too, while also doing good for yourselves. These
people become free of disease, and they make others free of disease and get longevity. They not only get longevity but they
achieve joy and happiness and on top of that they achieve collective consciousness, which has not been felt or learnt about by
anyone thus far. People do not know what collective consciousness is. Lots of people have talked about collective
consciousness but nothing specific or clear. When you go into meditation, that’s when you will understand what we mean by
collective consciousness. What it means is that we can understand other people’s vibrations, we can understand the movement
of other’s Kundalini, when we raise someone’s Kundalini with our love. We also understand the blockages in her way and remove
them. Sitting here you can feel Nixon’s Kundalini. It sounds surprising but yes, you can feel it. That way you can understand what
trouble he is in, what his blockage is and where the vibrations are stopping. It is not a biased assessment, that you don’t like
someone or hate someone. When you are removing someone’s Kundalini blockages and remove their obstacles, they will only
get well-being. It will only be for their good. There is no better voluntary service or social service out there because while doing
this the person does not think that this hand is doing something good for the other hand. It is an automatic phenomenon that if
one hand gets hurt, the other hand is raised to make it feel better. Tomorrow I will explain what Sahaja Yoga is, what is its
meaning, how to progress with it and how to get into it. The introduction given to you today is that there is no salvation in the
world without Sahaja Yoga. All the other yoga methods out there, whatever they could achieve, they cannot help you attain
salvation. If the world has to get its salvation then one has to embrace Sahaja Yoga. That is the path to God Almighty. He is the
one who is doing this work. All you have to do is to know it. The only thing is that Sahaja Yoga works in your freedom: if you do
not embrace it completely from within, it will not work. There was a gentleman who asked me to give him Realisation. He came
and stayed with me for four days but he did not get it. He was perplexed that regular, simple housewives can get it, then why not
him. He said, “Why am I not getting Realisation?” So, I said to him that, “The reason you are not getting Realisation is not because
of me, but you. I am making efforts to give you Realisation but it is not because of me that you are not getting it.” So, he asked
me, “Then what is the reason for it?” So, I said, “The reason is that you have to develop that love from within. You have to have
that feeling towards yourself too. The day you develop that love, you will yourself get the Realisation.” Then he took his bath at 4
a.m. and sat for meditation and got his Realisation. It seems like a wonderful and unique thing because it is a wonderful thing.
It’s not that wonderful things do not happen in the world. It should be adopted. One should not doubt it or be suspicious about it.
Today we have talked from evolution to human beings. Now where do humans have to go forward from here? But despite our
saying and indicating the direction, the work is not proceeding forward. Whether you have this need within you or not, you have
this desire in you or not, or are you still lost in something non-living, a lot depends on that. Tomorrow we will discuss what is in
Sahaja Yoga, what do you achieve in Sahaja Yoga, these topics in detail. People were of opinion about today’s program that
without meditation there is no value of Shri Mataji’s program, which is true also: meditation should take place. Those who would
want to meditate and achieve this, can stay back. Shortly, we will have meditation. After meditation, we will also see how many
people can actually achieve it. Tomorrow a meditation program has been scheduled for 9.30 a.m. You all should attend that.
Both those who get Realisation today, and also those who do not get it today, should attend that program because we should
devote some time to God. We do not give any time to God. We go to the cinema and sit there for three hours but how many hours
do we sit for God. The time we give to God is when we are doing something, when we are performing a puja, or remembering
him. There is no value of those things. First let your connection get established with God. Without any connection who are you
inviting and who are you remembering? Whoever wants to stay for meditation, please stay back for a little while. Those who do
not wish to meditate, please leave now as it is not a good idea to disturb others during meditation because these people are
seeking God. We should respect them. You should not get up and go during the meditation. The meditation will take about 20 to
25 minutes. Those who have already got their Realisation, can sit towards the back. |
12/8/1973 | | Public Program | India | Mumbai | null | Draft | null | Draft | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | Hindi | 57 | Public Program, Birla Kreeda Kendra, Mumbai (India)., Saturday, December 8th, 1973 [English Translation from Hindi] The energy
(Shakti) runs in the middle runs downwards our vertebral column into the triangular bone ends up and establishes herself there.
This we call as Kundalini. In the central path, the energy (shakti) descends in the vertebral column ending up in the triangular
bone, which we call as Kundalini because she coils up herself in three and a half coils. And the other two powers which I am
showing, as well enter our triangular, pendulum-like, prism-like brain crossing over, descends downwards as I have shown you.
Like this, I have shown you these three powers (Shaktis). One goes in the middle and the other two on the sides (Left and right
channels). Other than this there are other powers (energies) in the brain that enter which I am not showing. Which we call the
central nervous system. These three institutions which I am showing, the one in the middle, we call that as kundalini. Other than
this these two institutions (channels) which cross over that we are seeing, after crossing over has two flows. One is outside, and
the other is inside. The one that flows inside is the one filled in with petrol (energy). The energy that flows outside is the one we
go outwards and get attached to, have involvement with. Animals don’t any involvement, human beings do. “This is mine. This is
my son, this is my brother. This is my house. This is my country.” Mine, my ness comes in us because of this energy which is
flowing within us, pulls us outwardly. We very easily go outwardly. It’s like you have your attention on me quite easily. But if I ask
you a simple thing is to put your attention inside yourself. You can’t do it. Nothing simpler thing than this doing. But things don’t
happen. The reason is the energy that flows outwardly is more powerful and this energy gives us the name of sympathetic in our
nervous system, which is the reason we use the energy flowing in us. And we bring it in our use. This is our sympathetic nervous
system. And the one which stabilizes the flowing of energy is our parasympathetic. This means the one which comes within us
and establishes inside. Because of these two powers, we develop the two institutions named as ego and superego within us.
And because of these two (ego and superego) our brain gets covered, we easily forget the all-pervading, all-encompassing divine
power. The three and a half coiled kundalini when descending, immediately its length is increased and so gets disjointed in the
middle. Because of this break of the kundalini in the Sushumna Nadi (channel), where the kundalini descends, there is a gap
created. The vacuum is created. This vacuum is outside the abdomen (stomach), if there are doctors present here, may know the
vagus nerve and aortic plexus. Likewise, we also have that vacuum in us. This is the Void. This Bhavasagara (ocean of illusion) is
created primordially. In the beginning, the Adi Kundalini (Primordial Kundalini) was created. And from that, the Supreme Divine
Being (Paramatma) created the universe. And it’s complete reflection is the human being. The whole creation of God’s reflection
is the human being. As the child embodies life, there is the beating of his heart, likewise, Shiva, Ishwar (Supreme Being), the one
who I spoke about yesterday, He is seated in your hearts. And He looks like a thumb (like a candle flame). You can also see it, not
that you can’t. It’s like if you have a microscope you can see if you don’t you can’t. It doesn’t mean if you cannot see if you don’t
have the microscope. This is the Jiva (life) in the heart, and we call it Jivatma (self, soul). People call it a soul. And when it
establishes itself in the body, people call it Jivatma (living soul/self). Kundalini as I mentioned you is a power (shakti) and in the
heart is Shiva, is the light like a flame. Shiva and Shakti are both in a human being. Their union is necessary. Otherwise, in the
human essence, there is no establishment of Brahma’s (Divine) essence. Like you have seen the gas light here. I find it very
interesting. You must notice in it that there is a small light (flicker) that burns and then the whole gas light comes up when it is
fully opened. Likewise, enlightenment happens in a human being. She (kundalini) comes exactly from the Divine essence, that
first the power of Shiva in the heart is touched, and the Shakti (kundalini), or you can call Adishakti (primordial power/energy),
and Shiva who is Himself the Supreme Divine, in the witness form, is in the heart and the Shakti (Kundalini) is activated which is
in the triangular bone (sacrum), is our spiritual mother. I wish I could show you the pulsation of this power/energy (Shakti). Here I
have spent years trying to convince people. I don’t understand for such an important thing why should one argue so much. In the
end this is for your benevolence and auspiciousness, and for those who have achieved it they know it. But one would get crazy
explaining this to people. If tomorrow I place a diamond here and say to you that it is placed here, anybody can take it. Nobody
would fight, debate, or have an argument with me. One would grab the diamond and run. He won’t even think if it is real or fake.
Like that there are thousands of diamonds that are enlightened due to this shakti (kundalini), and for that shakti, I have to keep
on convincing the whole world. Sometimes I ponder that my whole life will go to waste? Won’t there be the people who would
understand me in this world?Because I am talking about giving this power (enlightenment) ‘en masse’. Talking about giving this
(self-realization) to lots. Not few, but to multitudes, is what I am thinking. But whoever over is half baked. Not wanting
completely. And that’s why, although I shouldn’t say this, if you understand me, I am doing whatever I can do. Within us in the
middle, centrally is the void. Likewise, the void is where the Adishakti (Primordial Energy) was. And in the void we know, on the
Nabhi our mother as we all know gives us our nourishment. Gives us the blood in the womb. Similarly, the Adishakti mother gives
her blood (nourishment) to this primordial human being, or the imagination of primordial human being we can say which has
been placed in the Nabhi. Like when we want to create a big organization, we think that we need to have a chairman, a
vice-chairman, two or three secretaries in it. Like this, we create different people or positions. Similarly, the Primordial Mother
(Adishakti) before making the human being thought of all this, and so from the five elements, the earth was created, which also
is another big lecture which we will leave it for next time. I will show you only the things that you can see. For these five elements
the power that was created, needed a guardian to look after. The establishment of that guardian is necessary. The construction
of the universe would be only done after the establishment if the guardian. For this reason on the Nabhi chakra, Shri Vishnu was
created. This is true, and I can prove it scientifically.I have not come here with any specialty towards Hinduism (Hindu Dharma)
or any dharma (religion). All religions have their uniqueness. The only thing is there is no liveliness in us. Shri Vishnu is verily
established in our Nabhi, because when I awaken people’s kundalini and when the Nabhi chakra is in problem, what I have
noticed as soon as Shri Vishnu’s name is recited the Nabhi chakra clears out. But the name should not be recited by a non
realized person. Non realized person is just like when you try to phone someone without any connection in the phone line. A
realized person while giving realization should see if the kundalini is rising above the Nabhi or not, on that he should take the
name of Shri Vishnu and with the recital of Shri Vishnu’s name the kundalini will rise. With the establishment of Shri Vishnu, Shri
Lakshmi is his power, which we all know. It is very good that in India (Hindustan) we have listened to these stories in our
childhood from our grandmothers. Now in the next lives what will happen to the people I can’t say? But knowing the present
situation lot of people know about Shri Vishnu. Shri Vishnu is a form or an image of God. But he is beyond the form. In
psychology, Jung and other famous psychologists have said, that a human in his dreams has projected such symbols, which are
universal, collective and sees similar things everywhere. For example, if a person is going to die and if there is any weapon that
would be used, then he sees a special triangular object (in his dream) and this could be whether he is Chinese, or Indian, or
American, educated or uneducated. And like these, there are a thousand examples, whereby one can conclude that there is a
special power within us, which has been called Unconscious. Universal Unconscious. Like this, there is some power which
presents within us and is out everywhere. This power which is in special symbolic form is also within us in subtle for, which we
establish ourselves into our spirituality, then we feel it or see it. Shri Vishnu’s seat is in our Nabhi chakra on this Nabhi, Shri
Vishnu who is swaying on this ocean is the ocean of love. It is said that from Shri Vishnu’s navel, Brahmadeva was born
(created), is true, and had to be worked out from the Nabhi. On this Nabhi the Primordial Mother (Adishakti) created Shri
Brahmadeva, who fabricated the whole world. In this, there is no religion involved. I tell you that all the religions (dharmas) are
established in our kundalini, need to integrate outwardly, all religions should be brought together, why talk unnecessary
nonsense. We are integrated within ourselves. We are sublimated within ourselves. At least try to look within ourselves. When
the universe was first created, the Supreme Being (Paramatma) created firstly Shri Ganesha. It has a reason, Shri Gauriji (before
meeting Shiva), the one who is the Adishakti created Shri Ganesha, who is his mother. Those people who feel vibrations, they
know the earth (Mother Earth) also emits vibrations. Gauri who is herself Adishakti personified, from her body created him,
meaning Shri Ganesha was created with vibrations. The making of Shri Ganesha is very necessary because Shri Ganesha is an
immortal universal child. Who is the incarnation of auspiciousness? Auspiciousness is his dharma (virtue), auspiciousness is his
karma (action), and he lives inauspiciousness. So this Shri Ganesha who was created, in the Mooladhara at the bottom, as I have
shown you, was established by his mother, Shri Gauri. Otherwise, the whole creation will be wasted if the auspiciousness is
removed from this universe. Today people are madly after destroying auspiciousness. You don’t know those who call
themselves modern, intellectuals, who disturb the auspiciousness, don’t know that auspiciousness is the very foundation of the
human race. This a lot of people might not like it. I apologize for that. But the truth is that without auspiciousness the whole
universe can get disturbed. That’s why Shri Ganesha is first. Why Shri Ganesha was not established in our Swadishthana and
down in the Mooladhara? There is a special reason. Because he came with one prime chakra of Shri Gauri, the first chakra, the
foundation chakra. It is said that Shri Gauri after creating him placed him at the door of her bathroom. It’s very symbolic. When
she was having a bath, to protect her auspiciousness, she is a mother, mother for her auspiciousness places a small child. The
meaning of this is when we want to establish ourselves in our dharma (righteousness/virtues), whenever we want to connect
with Supreme Divine, God (Paramatma), then we should be innocent by nature like a small innocent baby, towards the power
(Shakti) who is the Kundalini, in the motherly form in us. A lot of people today are using sex as a topic, that we should sublimate
ourselves towards sex (carnal), and then the kundalini will be awakened. Understand this very clearly. Just talking about mother
and relation of sex is disgusting. Kundalini your mother is seated here (Mooladhara). You are already sublimated. Your mother
(kundalini) is so very auspicious. She accompanies you in your past and presents lives. She has cared for you right up-till now.
And now when I try to awaken her within you, like you she says to me, “no first please cure my child, my child’s this chakra is
caught, first cure it.” For this reason, I have to cure your health firstly. If your brain is disturbed then the brain had to be cooled
down. Then the kundalini rises properly. Such a mother who only wants to give you. Who resides in you give you your rebirth, with
her you are only doing injustice to her. In my view, no greater injustice is done under the name of intellectualism. I say that even
when people crucified Christ, it is not an issue, but those who insult their mother (Kundalini), loses the kundalini. Not only the
kundalini lies in the dormant state for lifelong, but by insulting her she only gets angry and manifests in anger on the two
channels (Nadis) Ida and Pingala. By this heat the person gets disturbed, jumps, and shouts/yells in pain, and not only that, his
body gets blisters. Therefore people say not to touch (awaken) the kundalini. These are the same people who themselves don’t
understand mother’s auspiciousness, same people who don’t recognize themselves to be innocent like a small child, which they
have to become. These explanation (about sex) are by those people have gone in the wrong path and want to delude others, like
the people of rakshasa (demon) category. These people by their sinister wrongdoings have deluded others by teaching, justifying
sex with one's mother, sublimate the sex. Sex in our body is an outlet, like the bathroom (toilet) in our house. On that entrance (
of Mooladhara chakra) the Divine Mother has established Shri Ganesha so that people don’t perform any inauspicious activities
and enter inside wrongly. All these people (false gurus/Tantrikas) are doing unauthorized work. That is where you read how this
kundalini is awakened, with big names and titles given to it. And so many of these people come to my attention. Sometimes I get
very surprised how these people get the kundalini awakened? And now they say their kundalini is awakened. And say exactly at 5
O’clock their kundalini was awakened. Now one must think, does God has a clock that He will enlighten you exactly at 5 O’Clock.
This is a living work, that spontaneously awakens within you and transforms you. For example, a flower will transform into a fruit.
Can we say,” Sir, this is a flower, and at 5 O’Clock it will turn into a fruit.” Can anyone say that? This is all black magic, satanic
worshiping. I will talk about these tomorrow. Today will talk only auspicious topics. Before awakening this kundalini, Shri
Ganesha should be invoked/worshipped within. It’s always done and should be. There is no question of religion or non-religion.
Shri Ganesha is not contracted to only Hindus. Hindus might think that they are the contractors of Shri Ganesha. Recently when I
went to Pune lot of Brahmins opposed me saying, “we won’t let you lecture here.” So I said, “those Brahmins who have come
please come forward, I want to see who is a Brahmin?” So these Brahmins were shaking before me. So I asked, “what is this?”.
They said (Brahmins). “You are (to Shri Mataji) a Shakti, that’s why (we are shaking). So I (Shri Mataji) said, “can I give the
discourse or not?” They said, “we couldn’t believe first, now we would sit and listen. After that, they got self-realization, and now
laughingly admit to me, “how stupid we were”. Who is a Brahmin? Unless and until you get transformed, unless and until you
don’t become twice-born (Dwija), unless and until you have your rebirth (self-realization), till then you are not a Brahmin. Similarly,
when I went to Tehran, there in Mundo, the people said, “She is a kafir (infidel), the people everywhere think I am no good, all the
religions. “ Don’t listen to what She says, She can’t read namaz.” So I said, “you only make people read namaz, you need to
understand.” So they said, “we are Muslims.” So I (Shri Mataji) said, “explain to me the meaning of a Musalman (Muslim).
Musalman means the one who is reborn (self-realized). Are you?” So they said, “Yes we have.” So I said, “then read namaz
(prayers) in front of me.” The namaz was read, but their condition was not good. I (Shri Mataji) said, “if you are Musalman, you
can’t keep your hands in front of me for two minutes. You can’t keep your eyes closed, it flickers. So they said, “You are doing
some kind of magic.” I said, “yes I am doing magic, I am doing mantras if you are a true Musalamn then try and stop me.” You
cannot control things the way you like in the name of religion. You don’t have the authority. Unless and until you understand
Dharma (religion in reality), you don’t have any authority over it. It is like anybody coming to India with a flag-post in the ground
and claims it as mine. An Indian’s identity is through his dharmic (righteous) deeds. Once an English officer said to me, “what is
an Indian’s identity? They think they are very great, what’s their identity?” So I said, “It’s very simple to recognize an Indian person
and an English person, I can show you”. So he said, “how do you know?” I said, “an Indian if you put a garland on him, he will
immediately remove it in a minute. But if an Englishman is garlanded, he will keep it on himself roaming around the whole day,
even if you call him for dinner that night he will come to you with a garland on him. That is the identity of an Indian.” I said.
Similarly, a dharmic (righteous) person's identity is. Outwardly you might see a person a bad one, but a dharmic is standing on
righteousness innately, inwardly. Not outwardly. The one who is innately, inwardly dharmic is a different make. And the sly one,
talks lies, is a fraud and cunning, and never be dharmic. And that’s why our dharma (religions), the dharma of the whole world is
distorted. Nobody would believe now that Hindu dharma, was taken to such an epitome by saints like Adi Shankaracharya, who
was highly realized, where it has been now degraded. Where is Mohammad Sahab and what is his religion (Islam) now. Where
Jesus Christ and what his religion is now (Christianity). I can’t see how people are walking blindly in the wrong directions. The
kundalini, who is our mother, sitting in the Mooladhara, Shri Ganesha protects her. Sitting over there (in Mooladhara). But he is
an innocent child. A child who is protecting. But when aggressive people attack her then the mother inside manifests her anger
than all the negative problems against her manifest in you. As I mentioned, that Shri Vishnu is established in the Nabhi, and the
Swadishthana was made to manifest the creation. Like the uterus of the woman is controlled by the aortic plexus, which is
established through the Swadishthana chakra. Whatever we create it is from Swadishthana chakra. Which is the sixth number as
I showed? For example, any famous writer, or a famous saint, whatever original creativity human beings create, he creates by
praying to Shri Saraswati. Saraswati is the prime authority of this (Swadishthana chakra). That’s why after Shri Ganesha we do
Saraswati’s worship. And all these pujas and things we do there is so much subtle deep meaning is what I have come to prove.
Those who say this is falsehood is a very great thing, have very deep subtle meaning, haven’t understood the depth of this and
those who talk big about science, I want to show the meaning of these subtleties. Even science has originated from these.
Without Shri Saraswati, Einstein would have not known the theory of relativity. Even Einstein said at the beginning of his book, “I
was troubled and tired working in the laboratory, with reading books for the invention, and so went out in the garden playing soap
bubbles.” In that, he said, “when sometimes from the unknown the theory of relativity dawned upon me.” The signal is towards
the same, that the whole universe is created within us. Whatever superficial, it has to go. After that, I said the fifth chakra, the
Nabhi chakra, Shri Vishnu was established (created). And his consort is Shri Lakshmiji. Similarly, Shri Saraswati is also created
thoughtfully. We think of Shri Saraswati like any other. In this, the thoughtfulness is very subtle. The seers haven’t created them.
The Divine God created them. That is why His creation is very thoughtful. You keep that ShriSaraswati’s image in you and
worship her. She is adorned in white robes (saree). The color white is abstract. A lot of people ask,” Mother why do you wear
white?” I am a married woman. I generally don’t wear white. But during meditation (during realization), I don’t want the human
attention-getting entangled in colors. That’s why Shri Saraswati is created and has been given a Veena (stringed musical
instrument), which is incredible. Veena in India is traditionally a primordial musical instrument, meaning the human being who is
educated and knowledgeable, must know music the same as the worshipper off Shri Saraswati. You must notice that educated
intellectuals can be very dry, and a headache in pujas (worshipping). They don’t have any taste or aura. If you converse with them
you’d get bored. Once I met someone. He poured all his scholarship on me. People run away from these so-called intellectuals. A
person who is like that would never be a worshipper (follower) of Shri Saraswati. Been an educated intellectual and a follower of
Shri Saraswati are completely separate. Every educated intellectual should know music and art. Specializing in only one thing
doesn’t make someone intellectual. Then how one would be a worshipper of Shri Saraswati? Now I don’t understand one thing,
that is the economics of human laws, one which is beyond my comprehension, maybe because it is all so extremely artificial.
Maybe that’s why I don’t understand it. A person should excel in art when the Swadishthana chakra is in fulfillment. Then on
Nabhi chakra Shri Lakshmi is seated. Now if you see, Shri Lakshmi is also very beautifully created. In her two hands, there are
lotuses. One hand is raised in blessing and one is down in giving. Now those who are feeling vibrations will understand it, what it
means. The meaning of lotuses in her hand, the two hands, one is for self-respect and one is for grace. A miserly person can
never be regal or royal. A miserly person should never be called royal. He is miserly as well as rich. The one whose household
has grace, one who respects and values art, one who propagates art, only he is a royal person. And like the lotus which has
coziness, comfort giving, like when a bee enters and settles on it, it takes the bee in. A person like that should be called
Kamalapati (Shri Vishnu). But every man here thinks that he is a Lakshmipati (Lakshmi’s husband). To become Lakshmi’s
husband, one should become a protector and provider like Shri Vishnu, the one who like a father cares and looks after the whole
world as his own family. I have seen a few rich people, who can’t even look after their relatives. The one who doesn’t care for
other's needs, how would he be Lakshmipati? The one who cares looks after the whole world, he is the worshipper of Shri
Lakshmi. This is what we call an enlightened industrialist. If we get people like that then all the problems of the country will be
solved. The positions of Lakshmiji’s both hands has got a deep meaning. The hand downward means a rich person should
always be giving (charitable). To donate unobstructed. It should be spontaneous. There should not be any emotions in donating,
that I am donating. And the hand upwards means to give protection. When someone comes running under one's protection
saying, “Brother I am in trouble, please help me someway.” Instead, the doors will be closed. To get rid of the troubled person we
send five bodyguards. I don’t call such a person a Lakshmipati (regal person). Then people say, “ones you start giving, then there
won’t be any end to it. No end to people who will ask all the time. That’s not the thing. The one who comes to you for help and is
denied is the wrong thing. But you people probably don’t know this, that even a small giving, manifests in a big way. It becomes
very huge. In my limited life, my husband’s salary is not huge, which means he is not extremely rich, but I have noticed, whenever
I have helped, even a little help, had manifested in thousand folds. It had showered on my family. It had showered on my people
and also the world. One giving or charity never goes waste. I will give you an example. We were in Delhi and once a refugee came
to me (during the partition of India and Pakistan) and said, “Mother I will be delivering (baby) tomorrow, you have such a big
house, we don’t have anywhere to stay, can you please let us stay.” I said come in and stay. My husband came and got worried.
Said to me, “You are so innocent, letting anybody stay in our house. What if we have troubles with this.” I said, “If it comes, then
let it be. If our child comes to our house then there are chances that the troubles might come as well. No big thing about it.” So
he said, “I don’t understand your logic. I (Shri Mataji) said,” Ok, never mind, the outside room is vacant and I kept them there,
where is the problem? He said, “you have no idea who you have kept in there.” His point was on logic and mine illogical. But you
will understand my logic later on. The refugees stayed in the house. The couple also had a Muslim person with them and the
couple Hindus. The Muslim was their friend. So I let them all stay. So in Delhi, the people (who were rioting) said to me (Shri
Mataji), “You have kept a Muslim in your house, we know that as the servants have mentioned us. I lied to them completely. I
said, “You believe in them, have you seen my KumKum (red dot on the forehead). No Muslim is staying here.” They got scared
and left. Now, these days that Muslim person, is a well-known poet, India’s famous poet. And is alive today. He reveres me very
much. He has mentioned it even in his poetry. But during the riots, I did not know him, when he stayed at our place. Such a great
poet, if I had not given him refuge, he would have been dead by now and all his great poems wasted. The woman who stayed
back then is a big actress, very famous. After that incident, we never met. She kept searching for me after. But I was on the
move, with my husband’s job. Then after a while, once I came to Mumbai, so some of the young boys and girls decided to make a
movie. They said to me to ask the actress to act in the movie we were doing. I said, “I won’t ask her.” They asked,” Why”? I said,
“There are some limitations. Leave it.” When there was the launching ceremony, she (the actress) came. Seeing me she started
crying. She said, “Mother, why didn’t you mentioned to me that the movie is yours!” I said that’s why I didn’t mention, because you
knowing that it was my movie, would jump into doing it (without asking the price). Like this, I can give lots of examples, that
whatever charity you do never goes waste. That is which is always held on tightly will always go waste. If tomorrow you have
demonization then you will be all done by. Any mishap that happens, then that will be it of you. Give with both the hands. Don’t be
scared. Give it with one hand, and you will receive it with another. The establishment of Lakshmiji on our Nabhi is for this very
reason. Whatever we eat, we consume, the food in our stomach, its digestion is the activity managed by Shri Vishnu. You would
be surprised that I always suggest donating to people who have diabetes. A charity that is done by human beings always returns
in a thousandfold blessing. That is all the ailments of our abdomen, the cure is Shri Vishnu. To imbibe Shri Vishnu in us means
we have within us the charitable quality. The person who is growing in charity will never have stomach problems or complaints. It
is somewhat like that, which might look or seem strange to you, but it is true. You try and do it. Anybody who has stomach
problems, go and donate something to someone. Anybody who has a bloated stomach will feel relief in it. This is scientific
because I have tried it. Makes a lot of difference. After this on the heart chakra, as I mentioned before, that Shivji is the Divine
Lord (Ishwara). Shivji’s presence within us is very necessary. Because he is the witness. (Shretragnya) Witnessing the whole
creation is who He is. He knows everything, He is the witness. Within us, there is somebody is what we feel, who knows us
inside. If we speak lies, speak the truth, speak good, give charity, if we are great or small. Knowing everyone inside us is seated in
our heart in a witness state. He is the Divine God, who is the pure self within (Atmaswaroop), is seated in our hearts. But before
reaching the heart chakra, the gap I showed you, is all the ocean of illusion (Bhavsagara). In the center is the seat of Shri Vishnu
and on it, Shri Brahmadeva creates the whole universe. He made this ocean of illusion. After creating the ocean of illusion, the
question was how to cross it over? The human being was created, but how to make him realize it (Self realize)? How to make
human beings recognize it? In him how to activate the Divine essence (Brahmatatwa). Meaning how to get the union of Shiva
and Shakti within him? How would the connection (yoga) be established? For this, a special personality was created in this
world. This was created by the combined essence (powers) of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh, who we acknowledge as Shri
Dattatreya. Shri Dattatreya is none other than Adiguru (Primordial Master). He is my guru. He has mentored me all his past lives.
If you hear about his birth and all his previous lives you would be amazed. We have forgotten such a great thing. Shri Duttatraya’s
incarnations are numerous. Firstly he came as King Janaka. Shri Sitaji was his daughter, who was the embodiment of Shakti
herself. Then he came as Machindranath, Zorashtra, and Mohammad Sahab, who were a completely different type of human
being. They trialed out lots of different things. Shri Dutta, the primordial masters firstly in this world educated (guided) us about
the symbolic forms within us. And then also said that you people (humans) got entangled in symbolism, in idol worshipping.
Their meaning was to go beyond and recognize the power (Shakti) within these idols. That’s why they talked about the idols. For
example, there is a flower, and to describe the honey within the flower, they talked about the flower first. From which the people
would taste the honey. But people got stuck to flower. So then they took incarnations and talked about the honey. In that, they
talked about God in the abstract. They deliberately didn’t talk about the reincarnation of life. Because as soon as you talk about
past lives, people ask me, “Mataji, tell me about my past lives.” The life that has passed, why do you want to know that? Whether
you were a king or a pauper, what difference it will make? That’s why they (Primordial Masters) did not discuss past lives.
Mohammad Sahab was the same, Duttatraya’s incarnation, and the same incarnation was King Janaka. The same incarnation
was Nakaka, whose sister Nanaki, was the same Adishakti (Primordial energy). She was Sitaji. Now, what can I say, you would be
surprised, that the Shia sect that started after Mohammad Sahab, his daughter was Fatima, she was also Adishakti, and her two
children were, Hassan and Hussain, back then when they saw even after the annihilation of the world, the human beings did not
understand, then they were born as Buddha and Mahavira and they brought the non-violence as religion, and attempted that
maybe with the establishment of non-violence people will achieve self-realization. But couldn’t do it. Now you are fighting
amongst each other. I always say if a Muslim gets obstructed from getting his realization, you take the name of Dattatreya. And
if Hindu gets obstructed, I say you take Mohammad Sahab’s name. You don’t know that those who project themselves as great
Hindus, were Muslims in their previous lives. When I went to Iran, I saw that there people meditating, ringing bells and applying
tilak (red dot on the forehead) and doing aarti (flame of candle used as a worshipping act to the Divine). Because anybody on
one extreme can go to other extremes, like a pendulum. Be in the middle, nor Hindu nor Muslim. Everything is in our void
(stomach). Now you must see that you put your hands up in meditation. This morning lots of people put their hand up, now you
all also do it, will benefit you. This is Namaz. But does the Muslim knows what this thing is? Do Hindus know what this is? And
putting the hands on top of the head in the Christians, you know when they baptize, they put water on the Sahasrara (chakra).
Then Shivji who is in our hearts, to know Him, is a very difficult task. He is extremely innocent, meaning he is only in witness
state. He only watches, is a supervisor. He witnesses the Shakti’s play. But when the kundalini rises and passes over the Heart
Chakra, not in the heart. I have heard that some great writers, said the heart is here. The heart is placed here, but the Heart
chakra is in the center, where only Sushumna is present. There is a reason, that the Shakti (inner energy) is always separate until
she reaches upwards in the brain, which is called the limbic area, does not reach there, till this energy (kundalini), singularly,
reaches up in the limbic area, and then showers her flow on both the sides (two channels), then in the heart (left side) union is
achieved. And then lower in the Nabhi they unite creating the Brahmatatwa (Divine essence), again rising in the Agnya chakra,
which is crossed over, opens up (in Sahasrara). Whatever has been said about Shivji’s consort is absolutely the truth. You have
read Devi Mahatmya. Not one word is wrong in it. Markandeya Swami was a great seer. Not a word by him is untrue. Not a word
is distorted. I am sometimes surprised, how far did humans have seen these things so minutely. You all say this is Maya
(illusion), and even with so much Maya, you have recognized it. This is also a human's great feat. But have anyone heard
Markandeya Swami’s name? He in Saptasadi described Shri Durga. This is true. Because in the ocean of illusion when people
were seeking, to help them, that Shakti (Divine energy) had to come in a lot of different forms. So then the Shakti came on this
earth, all by Herself. She back then in a lot of forms annihilated, killed all the rakshasas (demons) who were harassing Her
bhaktas (devotees). But no use of it. They were (rakshasas) annihilated, but now they are born again and have spread around in
this Kaliyuga (modern/dark age). They have come back. But back then the devotees had to be protected. Back then no question
of giving realization. There the situation was of protecting the humans. That’s when they (rakshasas) were annihilated. That is
the Devi, who we know her by the name of Adishakti, Bhagawati. She as Shivji’s consort, back then, killed all these rakshasas.
After that Agnya chakra, when we come Agnya chakra, you would be surprised that we suddenly arrived in a very modern era.
Before Mohammad Sahab, a few days earlier, Jesus Christ was born. Jesus Christ was himself the life force (Pranava)of the
universe. Verily life force. You know about Shri Ganesha, who is the same Jesus Christ! The cross I showed you, the same cross,
which is Shri Ganesha, who you must have seen as been shown as Swastika. The Swastika is Cross. That Shri Ganesha is the
form of life force (Pranava) when in human form incarnated in this world is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ extracted out the evil or
negative forces, and no one else did. He annihilated all of them. All of them says so, that he killed them. I am talking about Jesus
Christ first because on Vishuddhi chakra is Shri Krishna. But Jesus Christ’s mother was Radha herself. That’s why I am
discussing his form first. This is on the Agnya chakra on number two. Shri Krishna and his wife Radha. ‘Ra’ means energy, ‘Dha’
means the one sustains it. Radha works on Vishuddhi chakra. Now over here, if you ask the doctors, are sixteen sub plexuses on
the cervical plexus, have her sixteen attributes (powers). They are complete. But even being complete he (Shri Krishna) could not
finish the work he came for because all his life finished fighting the evil people. He came at a very evil era and got all wasted.
Although the description of Leela (Shri Krishna’s playful activities) is all Sahaj. This is Sahajyoga. You would be surprised him
(Shri Krishna) breaking the earthen pots, tying the people around in a group, breaking Radhaji’s earthen pots, was all Sahaja
yoga. Because she uses to carry the vibrated water from the river Yamuna, that water would get spilled on the lanes and the road
was the reason he would her pot. You think Radha didn’t know about that, of course, she fully knew it. But back then you could
not get the people together in a hall like today and say,” You people go into meditation”. Then people would have said,” Have you
gone insane. We are householders, how could we get into meditation?” In reality, Sahaja yoga would only work for those who
have a family and are householders. That’s why Shri Krishna experimented with Sahaja yoga with simple Gopa-Gopikas (his
village friends form Gokul). Chose simple people living simple lives. You don’t know that those who think are great religious
mendicants and ascetics have become someone religious, from them no one would get emancipated. Nobody would get there
salvation. Yes, it might be, that a great yogi, or an ascetic if he wants to reduce someone to ashes with a glance (by yogic
powers). You must have read Bhagirathi’s trials. In that, it has been mentioned that the poor fellow Bhagirathi’s forefathers were
reduced to ashes. Is this anything great, that one reduces anyone to ashes? This pativrata (women who faithful and devoted to
their husbands) people, which are Savitri’s power, those who talk about Savitri, Gayatri, be aware that those people will never be
peaceful, happy, and compassionate from within inside. Yes, they might be luminous and powerful. Because as I showed, the
moon channel is been overpowered by them. Having that power what would one achieve? Today burn someone, then next they
will burn you. All the sadhus (ascetics), and those who think they are great and have achieved a certain power, don’t understand
that they have not achieved the essence of love, albeit achieving all other powers. And like all these ascetics, God save those
from such people, who have imbibed themselves with Savitri’s powers (Right side channel), what work of emancipation they
have done? They destroyed even my Krishna with the curse (Shri Mataji is referring to Gandhari from Mahabharata). What’s the
use of such extremism that one could not recognize him (Shri Krishna). Very selfish of them. There is nothing in it that is
compassionate for the whole community or the world. You think of it! That’s why all those who work on Ida Nadi (left channel)
and all those who work on the Pingala Nadi (right channel) are all the same. Meaning those who follow abstinence, ascetics
means, all those people, and those who say eat this and eat that, drink alcohol, eat and drink, are all just the same (in extremes).
One side (left side) brings in the realm of dead souls/entities (Bhootyoni) and the other (right side) brings in the
luminous/vigorous realm. From both the country, this world would not be devoid of any calamity, neither it will achieve the
compassionate state nor any emancipation within us. The redeemer was necessary, that’s why Christ was established here
(Agnya) who was Radha’s son. You would be surprised that Mary herself was Radha. There is a reason for this, a great reason.
Sitaji was Shri Rama’s wife. Was married. The injustice that was done to her by the society, made her leave the house, by
accusing her falsely, disgraced her. Why back then these great people had a blindfold on? Why didn’t they said, that she is our
mother? You are asking her to leave the house? She already had passed the test, bypassing the fire. Why were they
dumbfounded then? What happened to their vigor back then? All were so-called very great then. Nobody raised any point on that.
To teach them a lesson Radhaji did not marry Krishna under the societal norms. But still, the whole world knows Shri Krishna as
RadhaKrishna. But for him (Shri Krishna) the formal marriage is important, that’s why there was no child. But in the next life, she
(Radha) came as Mary and her child (Christ) glorified her, who was a virgin. A not difficult thing to have a child as a virgin. If you
are a realized soul then you are that state, as these days I give birth to thousands from my Sahasrara. Not a difficult thing. But
she (Mary) did it. Not difficult if someone wants to birth a child from her womb. She did it without any difficulty. Even though in
the world’s eyes, in society's norm it is not ok, but now the world recognizes Mary as a great woman. People call her Divine
Mother. This is her child’s (Jesus Christ) doing. Such a child who was Divinity personified was not spared. They crucified him. At
the age of 34 years, all of them killed him. This society calling themselves, Hindus, Muslims, etc. the so-called contractors of
religions killed him. Nobody thought that such a great soul is departing the world. At such a young age he had to leave this world.
Now we have made a big religion under his name. What’s the meaning of this? No proper construct of religion happened. What
he (Christ) is and what religion they made up from him? He stressed one thing, that is the destructive forces, which are negative
forces, which he called Satan, called possessions, also spirits (dead souls), to get rid of them. And today the whole Christianity
works on spirits (possessions, negative forces). It is shameful that for those things he always denied, we follow the same things
again and again. Like Mohammad Sahab constantly said, “at least don’t drink alcohol.” But the Muslims drink so much, and the
amount of poetry they have created in the name of drinking and wine, you won’t find anywhere in the world. Meaning is I say on
behalf of Mohammad Sahab, Is this the religion of Muslims? On behalf of Issah Masiha (Jesus Christ), “ Is this Christian religion?
And on behalf of Adi Shankaracharya, I ask, “ Is this Hindu religion?” Which are based on myths and the one who said the whole
world is a big myth, Shri Adi Shankaracharya, has been falsified by these people. He (Jesus Christ) is residing in this Agnya
chakra. Here the people who misuse the Agnya chakra, and the person who is mad on this chakra, the ones who have
psychosomatic troubles, those people are said to have psychological trouble. We also have a psychologist, who is a great
person. He is also working on this. He also says taking the name of Issah Masiha (Jesus Christ), the bhoots run away. We can rid
of anyone’s negativity. But we people recite anyone’s name anywhere we want. At least we must know the place (of the Divine
incarnations on chakras). We should know the reason. It’s application be known. I want to tell you all about it. But it all depends
on your understanding and acceptance. After Agnya chakra is Sahasrara, we have thousand, nine hundred and eighty-two nerves
are what the doctors say. They don’t say a thousand. I have seen them. How does it look? Let’s understand it. Like a very big
lotus. Like in the bible it is said tongues of flames as if the flames of fire entwined with itself. Like a big fiery flame, a large one,
like a lotus. Entwined in lots of flames of fire, is how it looks. And in the middle of it is the Brahmarandra (cosmic small opening
on top of the head) in the Sahasrara, which is pierced. When realization happens the crossing over of kundalini happens in a
human being. A lot of time has passed now and the topic today was different. Was somewhat new. Today or tomorrow, I will talk
about how in Sahaja yoga we can pierce it (Sahasrara) and what it means. Come to meditation tomorrow. Whatever I said is all a
waste unless and until you experience it. You will only understand after the experience. But there is no other choice without
telling you all about it. That is why I explained, and you all take it that it is all done and over with the explanation. Tomorrow is
meditation time. You all come during that time. Today evening we could not meditate. Tomorrow morning we will work hard till
late, by which you all get self-realized. And we will have a lecture as well as meditation. We have to give some time for God
Almighty. Just a little bit. I don’t want a lot. To know yourself within, need a little time and it will suffice. Today lots got realized. I
am very happy that a lot of you got a realization. And hope so tomorrow lots more will get realization. And you recognize it. The
thing I am talking about for which the whole universe was created, the whole creation is standing at the end of an epitome, of
that universe’s responsibility lies upon you. Nothing needs to be done as such. Nothing has to be brought and be given. If you all
could take something from me, I would be very thankful to you. | null | null | null | Public Program, Birla Kreeda Kendra, Mumbai (India)., Saturday, December 8th, 1973 [English Translation from Hindi] The energy
(Shakti) runs in the middle runs downwards our vertebral column into the triangular bone ends up and establishes herself there.
This we call as Kundalini. In the central path, the energy (shakti) descends in the vertebral column ending up in the triangular
bone, which we call as Kundalini because she coils up herself in three and a half coils. And the other two powers which I am
showing, as well enter our triangular, pendulum-like, prism-like brain crossing over, descends downwards as I have shown you.
Like this, I have shown you these three powers (Shaktis). One goes in the middle and the other two on the sides (Left and right
channels). Other than this there are other powers (energies) in the brain that enter which I am not showing. Which we call the
central nervous system. These three institutions which I am showing, the one in the middle, we call that as kundalini. Other than
this these two institutions (channels) which cross over that we are seeing, after crossing over has two flows. One is outside, and
the other is inside. The one that flows inside is the one filled in with petrol (energy). The energy that flows outside is the one we
go outwards and get attached to, have involvement with. Animals don’t any involvement, human beings do. “This is mine. This is
my son, this is my brother. This is my house. This is my country.” Mine, my ness comes in us because of this energy which is
flowing within us, pulls us outwardly. We very easily go outwardly. It’s like you have your attention on me quite easily. But if I ask
you a simple thing is to put your attention inside yourself. You can’t do it. Nothing simpler thing than this doing. But things don’t
happen. The reason is the energy that flows outwardly is more powerful and this energy gives us the name of sympathetic in our
nervous system, which is the reason we use the energy flowing in us. And we bring it in our use. This is our sympathetic nervous
system. And the one which stabilizes the flowing of energy is our parasympathetic. This means the one which comes within us
and establishes inside. Because of these two powers, we develop the two institutions named as ego and superego within us.
And because of these two (ego and superego) our brain gets covered, we easily forget the all-pervading, all-encompassing divine
power. The three and a half coiled kundalini when descending, immediately its length is increased and so gets disjointed in the
middle. Because of this break of the kundalini in the Sushumna Nadi (channel), where the kundalini descends, there is a gap
created. The vacuum is created. This vacuum is outside the abdomen (stomach), if there are doctors present here, may know the
vagus nerve and aortic plexus. Likewise, we also have that vacuum in us. This is the Void. This Bhavasagara (ocean of illusion) is
created primordially. In the beginning, the Adi Kundalini (Primordial Kundalini) was created. And from that, the Supreme Divine
Being (Paramatma) created the universe. And it’s complete reflection is the human being. The whole creation of God’s reflection
is the human being. As the child embodies life, there is the beating of his heart, likewise, Shiva, Ishwar (Supreme Being), the one
who I spoke about yesterday, He is seated in your hearts. And He looks like a thumb (like a candle flame). You can also see it, not
that you can’t. It’s like if you have a microscope you can see if you don’t you can’t. It doesn’t mean if you cannot see if you don’t
have the microscope. This is the Jiva (life) in the heart, and we call it Jivatma (self, soul). People call it a soul. And when it
establishes itself in the body, people call it Jivatma (living soul/self). Kundalini as I mentioned you is a power (shakti) and in the
heart is Shiva, is the light like a flame. Shiva and Shakti are both in a human being. Their union is necessary. Otherwise, in the
human essence, there is no establishment of Brahma’s (Divine) essence. Like you have seen the gas light here. I find it very
interesting. You must notice in it that there is a small light (flicker) that burns and then the whole gas light comes up when it is
fully opened. Likewise, enlightenment happens in a human being. She (kundalini) comes exactly from the Divine essence, that
first the power of Shiva in the heart is touched, and the Shakti (kundalini), or you can call Adishakti (primordial power/energy),
and Shiva who is Himself the Supreme Divine, in the witness form, is in the heart and the Shakti (Kundalini) is activated which is
in the triangular bone (sacrum), is our spiritual mother. I wish I could show you the pulsation of this power/energy (Shakti). Here I
have spent years trying to convince people. I don’t understand for such an important thing why should one argue so much. In the
end this is for your benevolence and auspiciousness, and for those who have achieved it they know it. But one would get crazy
explaining this to people. If tomorrow I place a diamond here and say to you that it is placed here, anybody can take it. Nobody
would fight, debate, or have an argument with me. One would grab the diamond and run. He won’t even think if it is real or fake.
Like that there are thousands of diamonds that are enlightened due to this shakti (kundalini), and for that shakti, I have to keep
on convincing the whole world. Sometimes I ponder that my whole life will go to waste? Won’t there be the people who would
understand me in this world?Because I am talking about giving this power (enlightenment) ‘en masse’. Talking about giving this
(self-realization) to lots. Not few, but to multitudes, is what I am thinking. But whoever over is half baked. Not wanting
completely. And that’s why, although I shouldn’t say this, if you understand me, I am doing whatever I can do. Within us in the
middle, centrally is the void. Likewise, the void is where the Adishakti (Primordial Energy) was. And in the void we know, on the
Nabhi our mother as we all know gives us our nourishment. Gives us the blood in the womb. Similarly, the Adishakti mother gives
her blood (nourishment) to this primordial human being, or the imagination of primordial human being we can say which has
been placed in the Nabhi. Like when we want to create a big organization, we think that we need to have a chairman, a
vice-chairman, two or three secretaries in it. Like this, we create different people or positions. Similarly, the Primordial Mother
(Adishakti) before making the human being thought of all this, and so from the five elements, the earth was created, which also
is another big lecture which we will leave it for next time. I will show you only the things that you can see. For these five elements
the power that was created, needed a guardian to look after. The establishment of that guardian is necessary. The construction
of the universe would be only done after the establishment if the guardian. For this reason on the Nabhi chakra, Shri Vishnu was
created. This is true, and I can prove it scientifically.I have not come here with any specialty towards Hinduism (Hindu Dharma)
or any dharma (religion). All religions have their uniqueness. The only thing is there is no liveliness in us. Shri Vishnu is verily
established in our Nabhi, because when I awaken people’s kundalini and when the Nabhi chakra is in problem, what I have
noticed as soon as Shri Vishnu’s name is recited the Nabhi chakra clears out. But the name should not be recited by a non
realized person. Non realized person is just like when you try to phone someone without any connection in the phone line. A
realized person while giving realization should see if the kundalini is rising above the Nabhi or not, on that he should take the
name of Shri Vishnu and with the recital of Shri Vishnu’s name the kundalini will rise. With the establishment of Shri Vishnu, Shri
Lakshmi is his power, which we all know. It is very good that in India (Hindustan) we have listened to these stories in our
childhood from our grandmothers. Now in the next lives what will happen to the people I can’t say? But knowing the present
situation lot of people know about Shri Vishnu. Shri Vishnu is a form or an image of God. But he is beyond the form. In
psychology, Jung and other famous psychologists have said, that a human in his dreams has projected such symbols, which are
universal, collective and sees similar things everywhere. For example, if a person is going to die and if there is any weapon that
would be used, then he sees a special triangular object (in his dream) and this could be whether he is Chinese, or Indian, or
American, educated or uneducated. And like these, there are a thousand examples, whereby one can conclude that there is a
special power within us, which has been called Unconscious. Universal Unconscious. Like this, there is some power which
presents within us and is out everywhere. This power which is in special symbolic form is also within us in subtle for, which we
establish ourselves into our spirituality, then we feel it or see it. Shri Vishnu’s seat is in our Nabhi chakra on this Nabhi, Shri
Vishnu who is swaying on this ocean is the ocean of love. It is said that from Shri Vishnu’s navel, Brahmadeva was born
(created), is true, and had to be worked out from the Nabhi. On this Nabhi the Primordial Mother (Adishakti) created Shri
Brahmadeva, who fabricated the whole world. In this, there is no religion involved. I tell you that all the religions (dharmas) are
established in our kundalini, need to integrate outwardly, all religions should be brought together, why talk unnecessary
nonsense. We are integrated within ourselves. We are sublimated within ourselves. At least try to look within ourselves. When
the universe was first created, the Supreme Being (Paramatma) created firstly Shri Ganesha. It has a reason, Shri Gauriji (before
meeting Shiva), the one who is the Adishakti created Shri Ganesha, who is his mother. Those people who feel vibrations, they
know the earth (Mother Earth) also emits vibrations. Gauri who is herself Adishakti personified, from her body created him,
meaning Shri Ganesha was created with vibrations. The making of Shri Ganesha is very necessary because Shri Ganesha is an
immortal universal child. Who is the incarnation of auspiciousness? Auspiciousness is his dharma (virtue), auspiciousness is his
karma (action), and he lives inauspiciousness. So this Shri Ganesha who was created, in the Mooladhara at the bottom, as I have
shown you, was established by his mother, Shri Gauri. Otherwise, the whole creation will be wasted if the auspiciousness is
removed from this universe. Today people are madly after destroying auspiciousness. You don’t know those who call
themselves modern, intellectuals, who disturb the auspiciousness, don’t know that auspiciousness is the very foundation of the
human race. This a lot of people might not like it. I apologize for that. But the truth is that without auspiciousness the whole
universe can get disturbed. That’s why Shri Ganesha is first. Why Shri Ganesha was not established in our Swadishthana and
down in the Mooladhara? There is a special reason. Because he came with one prime chakra of Shri Gauri, the first chakra, the
foundation chakra. It is said that Shri Gauri after creating him placed him at the door of her bathroom. It’s very symbolic. When
she was having a bath, to protect her auspiciousness, she is a mother, mother for her auspiciousness places a small child. The
meaning of this is when we want to establish ourselves in our dharma (righteousness/virtues), whenever we want to connect
with Supreme Divine, God (Paramatma), then we should be innocent by nature like a small innocent baby, towards the power
(Shakti) who is the Kundalini, in the motherly form in us. A lot of people today are using sex as a topic, that we should sublimate
ourselves towards sex (carnal), and then the kundalini will be awakened. Understand this very clearly. Just talking about mother
and relation of sex is disgusting. Kundalini your mother is seated here (Mooladhara). You are already sublimated. Your mother
(kundalini) is so very auspicious. She accompanies you in your past and presents lives. She has cared for you right up-till now.
And now when I try to awaken her within you, like you she says to me, “no first please cure my child, my child’s this chakra is
caught, first cure it.” For this reason, I have to cure your health firstly. If your brain is disturbed then the brain had to be cooled
down. Then the kundalini rises properly. Such a mother who only wants to give you. Who resides in you give you your rebirth, with
her you are only doing injustice to her. In my view, no greater injustice is done under the name of intellectualism. I say that even
when people crucified Christ, it is not an issue, but those who insult their mother (Kundalini), loses the kundalini. Not only the
kundalini lies in the dormant state for lifelong, but by insulting her she only gets angry and manifests in anger on the two
channels (Nadis) Ida and Pingala. By this heat the person gets disturbed, jumps, and shouts/yells in pain, and not only that, his
body gets blisters. Therefore people say not to touch (awaken) the kundalini. These are the same people who themselves don’t
understand mother’s auspiciousness, same people who don’t recognize themselves to be innocent like a small child, which they
have to become. These explanation (about sex) are by those people have gone in the wrong path and want to delude others, like
the people of rakshasa (demon) category. These people by their sinister wrongdoings have deluded others by teaching, justifying
sex with one's mother, sublimate the sex. Sex in our body is an outlet, like the bathroom (toilet) in our house. On that entrance (
of Mooladhara chakra) the Divine Mother has established Shri Ganesha so that people don’t perform any inauspicious activities
and enter inside wrongly. All these people (false gurus/Tantrikas) are doing unauthorized work. That is where you read how this
kundalini is awakened, with big names and titles given to it. And so many of these people come to my attention. Sometimes I get
very surprised how these people get the kundalini awakened? And now they say their kundalini is awakened. And say exactly at 5
O’clock their kundalini was awakened. Now one must think, does God has a clock that He will enlighten you exactly at 5 O’Clock.
This is a living work, that spontaneously awakens within you and transforms you. For example, a flower will transform into a fruit.
Can we say,” Sir, this is a flower, and at 5 O’Clock it will turn into a fruit.” Can anyone say that? This is all black magic, satanic
worshiping. I will talk about these tomorrow. Today will talk only auspicious topics. Before awakening this kundalini, Shri
Ganesha should be invoked/worshipped within. It’s always done and should be. There is no question of religion or non-religion.
Shri Ganesha is not contracted to only Hindus. Hindus might think that they are the contractors of Shri Ganesha. Recently when I
went to Pune lot of Brahmins opposed me saying, “we won’t let you lecture here.” So I said, “those Brahmins who have come
please come forward, I want to see who is a Brahmin?” So these Brahmins were shaking before me. So I asked, “what is this?”.
They said (Brahmins). “You are (to Shri Mataji) a Shakti, that’s why (we are shaking). So I (Shri Mataji) said, “can I give the
discourse or not?” They said, “we couldn’t believe first, now we would sit and listen. After that, they got self-realization, and now
laughingly admit to me, “how stupid we were”. Who is a Brahmin? Unless and until you get transformed, unless and until you
don’t become twice-born (Dwija), unless and until you have your rebirth (self-realization), till then you are not a Brahmin. Similarly,
when I went to Tehran, there in Mundo, the people said, “She is a kafir (infidel), the people everywhere think I am no good, all the
religions. “ Don’t listen to what She says, She can’t read namaz.” So I said, “you only make people read namaz, you need to
understand.” So they said, “we are Muslims.” So I (Shri Mataji) said, “explain to me the meaning of a Musalman (Muslim).
Musalman means the one who is reborn (self-realized). Are you?” So they said, “Yes we have.” So I said, “then read namaz
(prayers) in front of me.” The namaz was read, but their condition was not good. I (Shri Mataji) said, “if you are Musalman, you
can’t keep your hands in front of me for two minutes. You can’t keep your eyes closed, it flickers. So they said, “You are doing
some kind of magic.” I said, “yes I am doing magic, I am doing mantras if you are a true Musalamn then try and stop me.” You
cannot control things the way you like in the name of religion. You don’t have the authority. Unless and until you understand
Dharma (religion in reality), you don’t have any authority over it. It is like anybody coming to India with a flag-post in the ground
and claims it as mine. An Indian’s identity is through his dharmic (righteous) deeds. Once an English officer said to me, “what is
an Indian’s identity? They think they are very great, what’s their identity?” So I said, “It’s very simple to recognize an Indian person
and an English person, I can show you”. So he said, “how do you know?” I said, “an Indian if you put a garland on him, he will
immediately remove it in a minute. But if an Englishman is garlanded, he will keep it on himself roaming around the whole day,
even if you call him for dinner that night he will come to you with a garland on him. That is the identity of an Indian.” I said.
Similarly, a dharmic (righteous) person's identity is. Outwardly you might see a person a bad one, but a dharmic is standing on
righteousness innately, inwardly. Not outwardly. The one who is innately, inwardly dharmic is a different make. And the sly one,
talks lies, is a fraud and cunning, and never be dharmic. And that’s why our dharma (religions), the dharma of the whole world is
distorted. Nobody would believe now that Hindu dharma, was taken to such an epitome by saints like Adi Shankaracharya, who
was highly realized, where it has been now degraded. Where is Mohammad Sahab and what is his religion (Islam) now. Where
Jesus Christ and what his religion is now (Christianity). I can’t see how people are walking blindly in the wrong directions. The
kundalini, who is our mother, sitting in the Mooladhara, Shri Ganesha protects her. Sitting over there (in Mooladhara). But he is
an innocent child. A child who is protecting. But when aggressive people attack her then the mother inside manifests her anger
than all the negative problems against her manifest in you. As I mentioned, that Shri Vishnu is established in the Nabhi, and the
Swadishthana was made to manifest the creation. Like the uterus of the woman is controlled by the aortic plexus, which is
established through the Swadishthana chakra. Whatever we create it is from Swadishthana chakra. Which is the sixth number as
I showed? For example, any famous writer, or a famous saint, whatever original creativity human beings create, he creates by
praying to Shri Saraswati. Saraswati is the prime authority of this (Swadishthana chakra). That’s why after Shri Ganesha we do
Saraswati’s worship. And all these pujas and things we do there is so much subtle deep meaning is what I have come to prove.
Those who say this is falsehood is a very great thing, have very deep subtle meaning, haven’t understood the depth of this and
those who talk big about science, I want to show the meaning of these subtleties. Even science has originated from these.
Without Shri Saraswati, Einstein would have not known the theory of relativity. Even Einstein said at the beginning of his book, “I
was troubled and tired working in the laboratory, with reading books for the invention, and so went out in the garden playing soap
bubbles.” In that, he said, “when sometimes from the unknown the theory of relativity dawned upon me.” The signal is towards
the same, that the whole universe is created within us. Whatever superficial, it has to go. After that, I said the fifth chakra, the
Nabhi chakra, Shri Vishnu was established (created). And his consort is Shri Lakshmiji. Similarly, Shri Saraswati is also created
thoughtfully. We think of Shri Saraswati like any other. In this, the thoughtfulness is very subtle. The seers haven’t created them.
The Divine God created them. That is why His creation is very thoughtful. You keep that ShriSaraswati’s image in you and
worship her. She is adorned in white robes (saree). The color white is abstract. A lot of people ask,” Mother why do you wear
white?” I am a married woman. I generally don’t wear white. But during meditation (during realization), I don’t want the human
attention-getting entangled in colors. That’s why Shri Saraswati is created and has been given a Veena (stringed musical
instrument), which is incredible. Veena in India is traditionally a primordial musical instrument, meaning the human being who is
educated and knowledgeable, must know music the same as the worshipper off Shri Saraswati. You must notice that educated
intellectuals can be very dry, and a headache in pujas (worshipping). They don’t have any taste or aura. If you converse with them
you’d get bored. Once I met someone. He poured all his scholarship on me. People run away from these so-called intellectuals. A
person who is like that would never be a worshipper (follower) of Shri Saraswati. Been an educated intellectual and a follower of
Shri Saraswati are completely separate. Every educated intellectual should know music and art. Specializing in only one thing
doesn’t make someone intellectual. Then how one would be a worshipper of Shri Saraswati? Now I don’t understand one thing,
that is the economics of human laws, one which is beyond my comprehension, maybe because it is all so extremely artificial.
Maybe that’s why I don’t understand it. A person should excel in art when the Swadishthana chakra is in fulfillment. Then on
Nabhi chakra Shri Lakshmi is seated. Now if you see, Shri Lakshmi is also very beautifully created. In her two hands, there are
lotuses. One hand is raised in blessing and one is down in giving. Now those who are feeling vibrations will understand it, what it
means. The meaning of lotuses in her hand, the two hands, one is for self-respect and one is for grace. A miserly person can
never be regal or royal. A miserly person should never be called royal. He is miserly as well as rich. The one whose household
has grace, one who respects and values art, one who propagates art, only he is a royal person. And like the lotus which has
coziness, comfort giving, like when a bee enters and settles on it, it takes the bee in. A person like that should be called
Kamalapati (Shri Vishnu). But every man here thinks that he is a Lakshmipati (Lakshmi’s husband). To become Lakshmi’s
husband, one should become a protector and provider like Shri Vishnu, the one who like a father cares and looks after the whole
world as his own family. I have seen a few rich people, who can’t even look after their relatives. The one who doesn’t care for
other's needs, how would he be Lakshmipati? The one who cares looks after the whole world, he is the worshipper of Shri
Lakshmi. This is what we call an enlightened industrialist. If we get people like that then all the problems of the country will be
solved. The positions of Lakshmiji’s both hands has got a deep meaning. The hand downward means a rich person should
always be giving (charitable). To donate unobstructed. It should be spontaneous. There should not be any emotions in donating,
that I am donating. And the hand upwards means to give protection. When someone comes running under one's protection
saying, “Brother I am in trouble, please help me someway.” Instead, the doors will be closed. To get rid of the troubled person we
send five bodyguards. I don’t call such a person a Lakshmipati (regal person). Then people say, “ones you start giving, then there
won’t be any end to it. No end to people who will ask all the time. That’s not the thing. The one who comes to you for help and is
denied is the wrong thing. But you people probably don’t know this, that even a small giving, manifests in a big way. It becomes
very huge. In my limited life, my husband’s salary is not huge, which means he is not extremely rich, but I have noticed, whenever
I have helped, even a little help, had manifested in thousand folds. It had showered on my family. It had showered on my people
and also the world. One giving or charity never goes waste. I will give you an example. We were in Delhi and once a refugee came
to me (during the partition of India and Pakistan) and said, “Mother I will be delivering (baby) tomorrow, you have such a big
house, we don’t have anywhere to stay, can you please let us stay.” I said come in and stay. My husband came and got worried.
Said to me, “You are so innocent, letting anybody stay in our house. What if we have troubles with this.” I said, “If it comes, then
let it be. If our child comes to our house then there are chances that the troubles might come as well. No big thing about it.” So
he said, “I don’t understand your logic. I (Shri Mataji) said,” Ok, never mind, the outside room is vacant and I kept them there,
where is the problem? He said, “you have no idea who you have kept in there.” His point was on logic and mine illogical. But you
will understand my logic later on. The refugees stayed in the house. The couple also had a Muslim person with them and the
couple Hindus. The Muslim was their friend. So I let them all stay. So in Delhi, the people (who were rioting) said to me (Shri
Mataji), “You have kept a Muslim in your house, we know that as the servants have mentioned us. I lied to them completely. I
said, “You believe in them, have you seen my KumKum (red dot on the forehead). No Muslim is staying here.” They got scared
and left. Now, these days that Muslim person, is a well-known poet, India’s famous poet. And is alive today. He reveres me very
much. He has mentioned it even in his poetry. But during the riots, I did not know him, when he stayed at our place. Such a great
poet, if I had not given him refuge, he would have been dead by now and all his great poems wasted. The woman who stayed
back then is a big actress, very famous. After that incident, we never met. She kept searching for me after. But I was on the
move, with my husband’s job. Then after a while, once I came to Mumbai, so some of the young boys and girls decided to make a
movie. They said to me to ask the actress to act in the movie we were doing. I said, “I won’t ask her.” They asked,” Why”? I said,
“There are some limitations. Leave it.” When there was the launching ceremony, she (the actress) came. Seeing me she started
crying. She said, “Mother, why didn’t you mentioned to me that the movie is yours!” I said that’s why I didn’t mention, because you
knowing that it was my movie, would jump into doing it (without asking the price). Like this, I can give lots of examples, that
whatever charity you do never goes waste. That is which is always held on tightly will always go waste. If tomorrow you have
demonization then you will be all done by. Any mishap that happens, then that will be it of you. Give with both the hands. Don’t be
scared. Give it with one hand, and you will receive it with another. The establishment of Lakshmiji on our Nabhi is for this very
reason. Whatever we eat, we consume, the food in our stomach, its digestion is the activity managed by Shri Vishnu. You would
be surprised that I always suggest donating to people who have diabetes. A charity that is done by human beings always returns
in a thousandfold blessing. That is all the ailments of our abdomen, the cure is Shri Vishnu. To imbibe Shri Vishnu in us means
we have within us the charitable quality. The person who is growing in charity will never have stomach problems or complaints. It
is somewhat like that, which might look or seem strange to you, but it is true. You try and do it. Anybody who has stomach
problems, go and donate something to someone. Anybody who has a bloated stomach will feel relief in it. This is scientific
because I have tried it. Makes a lot of difference. After this on the heart chakra, as I mentioned before, that Shivji is the Divine
Lord (Ishwara). Shivji’s presence within us is very necessary. Because he is the witness. (Shretragnya) Witnessing the whole
creation is who He is. He knows everything, He is the witness. Within us, there is somebody is what we feel, who knows us
inside. If we speak lies, speak the truth, speak good, give charity, if we are great or small. Knowing everyone inside us is seated in
our heart in a witness state. He is the Divine God, who is the pure self within (Atmaswaroop), is seated in our hearts. But before
reaching the heart chakra, the gap I showed you, is all the ocean of illusion (Bhavsagara). In the center is the seat of Shri Vishnu
and on it, Shri Brahmadeva creates the whole universe. He made this ocean of illusion. After creating the ocean of illusion, the
question was how to cross it over? The human being was created, but how to make him realize it (Self realize)? How to make
human beings recognize it? In him how to activate the Divine essence (Brahmatatwa). Meaning how to get the union of Shiva
and Shakti within him? How would the connection (yoga) be established? For this, a special personality was created in this
world. This was created by the combined essence (powers) of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh, who we acknowledge as Shri
Dattatreya. Shri Dattatreya is none other than Adiguru (Primordial Master). He is my guru. He has mentored me all his past lives.
If you hear about his birth and all his previous lives you would be amazed. We have forgotten such a great thing. Shri Duttatraya’s
incarnations are numerous. Firstly he came as King Janaka. Shri Sitaji was his daughter, who was the embodiment of Shakti
herself. Then he came as Machindranath, Zorashtra, and Mohammad Sahab, who were a completely different type of human
being. They trialed out lots of different things. Shri Dutta, the primordial masters firstly in this world educated (guided) us about
the symbolic forms within us. And then also said that you people (humans) got entangled in symbolism, in idol worshipping.
Their meaning was to go beyond and recognize the power (Shakti) within these idols. That’s why they talked about the idols. For
example, there is a flower, and to describe the honey within the flower, they talked about the flower first. From which the people
would taste the honey. But people got stuck to flower. So then they took incarnations and talked about the honey. In that, they
talked about God in the abstract. They deliberately didn’t talk about the reincarnation of life. Because as soon as you talk about
past lives, people ask me, “Mataji, tell me about my past lives.” The life that has passed, why do you want to know that? Whether
you were a king or a pauper, what difference it will make? That’s why they (Primordial Masters) did not discuss past lives.
Mohammad Sahab was the same, Duttatraya’s incarnation, and the same incarnation was King Janaka. The same incarnation
was Nakaka, whose sister Nanaki, was the same Adishakti (Primordial energy). She was Sitaji. Now, what can I say, you would be
surprised, that the Shia sect that started after Mohammad Sahab, his daughter was Fatima, she was also Adishakti, and her two
children were, Hassan and Hussain, back then when they saw even after the annihilation of the world, the human beings did not
understand, then they were born as Buddha and Mahavira and they brought the non-violence as religion, and attempted that
maybe with the establishment of non-violence people will achieve self-realization. But couldn’t do it. Now you are fighting
amongst each other. I always say if a Muslim gets obstructed from getting his realization, you take the name of Dattatreya. And
if Hindu gets obstructed, I say you take Mohammad Sahab’s name. You don’t know that those who project themselves as great
Hindus, were Muslims in their previous lives. When I went to Iran, I saw that there people meditating, ringing bells and applying
tilak (red dot on the forehead) and doing aarti (flame of candle used as a worshipping act to the Divine). Because anybody on
one extreme can go to other extremes, like a pendulum. Be in the middle, nor Hindu nor Muslim. Everything is in our void
(stomach). Now you must see that you put your hands up in meditation. This morning lots of people put their hand up, now you
all also do it, will benefit you. This is Namaz. But does the Muslim knows what this thing is? Do Hindus know what this is? And
putting the hands on top of the head in the Christians, you know when they baptize, they put water on the Sahasrara (chakra).
Then Shivji who is in our hearts, to know Him, is a very difficult task. He is extremely innocent, meaning he is only in witness
state. He only watches, is a supervisor. He witnesses the Shakti’s play. But when the kundalini rises and passes over the Heart
Chakra, not in the heart. I have heard that some great writers, said the heart is here. The heart is placed here, but the Heart
chakra is in the center, where only Sushumna is present. There is a reason, that the Shakti (inner energy) is always separate until
she reaches upwards in the brain, which is called the limbic area, does not reach there, till this energy (kundalini), singularly,
reaches up in the limbic area, and then showers her flow on both the sides (two channels), then in the heart (left side) union is
achieved. And then lower in the Nabhi they unite creating the Brahmatatwa (Divine essence), again rising in the Agnya chakra,
which is crossed over, opens up (in Sahasrara). Whatever has been said about Shivji’s consort is absolutely the truth. You have
read Devi Mahatmya. Not one word is wrong in it. Markandeya Swami was a great seer. Not a word by him is untrue. Not a word
is distorted. I am sometimes surprised, how far did humans have seen these things so minutely. You all say this is Maya
(illusion), and even with so much Maya, you have recognized it. This is also a human's great feat. But have anyone heard
Markandeya Swami’s name? He in Saptasadi described Shri Durga. This is true. Because in the ocean of illusion when people
were seeking, to help them, that Shakti (Divine energy) had to come in a lot of different forms. So then the Shakti came on this
earth, all by Herself. She back then in a lot of forms annihilated, killed all the rakshasas (demons) who were harassing Her
bhaktas (devotees). But no use of it. They were (rakshasas) annihilated, but now they are born again and have spread around in
this Kaliyuga (modern/dark age). They have come back. But back then the devotees had to be protected. Back then no question
of giving realization. There the situation was of protecting the humans. That’s when they (rakshasas) were annihilated. That is
the Devi, who we know her by the name of Adishakti, Bhagawati. She as Shivji’s consort, back then, killed all these rakshasas.
After that Agnya chakra, when we come Agnya chakra, you would be surprised that we suddenly arrived in a very modern era.
Before Mohammad Sahab, a few days earlier, Jesus Christ was born. Jesus Christ was himself the life force (Pranava)of the
universe. Verily life force. You know about Shri Ganesha, who is the same Jesus Christ! The cross I showed you, the same cross,
which is Shri Ganesha, who you must have seen as been shown as Swastika. The Swastika is Cross. That Shri Ganesha is the
form of life force (Pranava) when in human form incarnated in this world is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ extracted out the evil or
negative forces, and no one else did. He annihilated all of them. All of them says so, that he killed them. I am talking about Jesus
Christ first because on Vishuddhi chakra is Shri Krishna. But Jesus Christ’s mother was Radha herself. That’s why I am
discussing his form first. This is on the Agnya chakra on number two. Shri Krishna and his wife Radha. ‘Ra’ means energy, ‘Dha’
means the one sustains it. Radha works on Vishuddhi chakra. Now over here, if you ask the doctors, are sixteen sub plexuses on
the cervical plexus, have her sixteen attributes (powers). They are complete. But even being complete he (Shri Krishna) could not
finish the work he came for because all his life finished fighting the evil people. He came at a very evil era and got all wasted.
Although the description of Leela (Shri Krishna’s playful activities) is all Sahaj. This is Sahajyoga. You would be surprised him
(Shri Krishna) breaking the earthen pots, tying the people around in a group, breaking Radhaji’s earthen pots, was all Sahaja
yoga. Because she uses to carry the vibrated water from the river Yamuna, that water would get spilled on the lanes and the road
was the reason he would her pot. You think Radha didn’t know about that, of course, she fully knew it. But back then you could
not get the people together in a hall like today and say,” You people go into meditation”. Then people would have said,” Have you
gone insane. We are householders, how could we get into meditation?” In reality, Sahaja yoga would only work for those who
have a family and are householders. That’s why Shri Krishna experimented with Sahaja yoga with simple Gopa-Gopikas (his
village friends form Gokul). Chose simple people living simple lives. You don’t know that those who think are great religious
mendicants and ascetics have become someone religious, from them no one would get emancipated. Nobody would get there
salvation. Yes, it might be, that a great yogi, or an ascetic if he wants to reduce someone to ashes with a glance (by yogic
powers). You must have read Bhagirathi’s trials. In that, it has been mentioned that the poor fellow Bhagirathi’s forefathers were
reduced to ashes. Is this anything great, that one reduces anyone to ashes? This pativrata (women who faithful and devoted to
their husbands) people, which are Savitri’s power, those who talk about Savitri, Gayatri, be aware that those people will never be
peaceful, happy, and compassionate from within inside. Yes, they might be luminous and powerful. Because as I showed, the
moon channel is been overpowered by them. Having that power what would one achieve? Today burn someone, then next they
will burn you. All the sadhus (ascetics), and those who think they are great and have achieved a certain power, don’t understand
that they have not achieved the essence of love, albeit achieving all other powers. And like all these ascetics, God save those
from such people, who have imbibed themselves with Savitri’s powers (Right side channel), what work of emancipation they
have done? They destroyed even my Krishna with the curse (Shri Mataji is referring to Gandhari from Mahabharata). What’s the
use of such extremism that one could not recognize him (Shri Krishna). Very selfish of them. There is nothing in it that is
compassionate for the whole community or the world. You think of it! That’s why all those who work on Ida Nadi (left channel)
and all those who work on the Pingala Nadi (right channel) are all the same. Meaning those who follow abstinence, ascetics
means, all those people, and those who say eat this and eat that, drink alcohol, eat and drink, are all just the same (in extremes).
One side (left side) brings in the realm of dead souls/entities (Bhootyoni) and the other (right side) brings in the
luminous/vigorous realm. From both the country, this world would not be devoid of any calamity, neither it will achieve the
compassionate state nor any emancipation within us. The redeemer was necessary, that’s why Christ was established here
(Agnya) who was Radha’s son. You would be surprised that Mary herself was Radha. There is a reason for this, a great reason.
Sitaji was Shri Rama’s wife. Was married. The injustice that was done to her by the society, made her leave the house, by
accusing her falsely, disgraced her. Why back then these great people had a blindfold on? Why didn’t they said, that she is our
mother? You are asking her to leave the house? She already had passed the test, bypassing the fire. Why were they
dumbfounded then? What happened to their vigor back then? All were so-called very great then. Nobody raised any point on that.
To teach them a lesson Radhaji did not marry Krishna under the societal norms. But still, the whole world knows Shri Krishna as
RadhaKrishna. But for him (Shri Krishna) the formal marriage is important, that’s why there was no child. But in the next life, she
(Radha) came as Mary and her child (Christ) glorified her, who was a virgin. A not difficult thing to have a child as a virgin. If you
are a realized soul then you are that state, as these days I give birth to thousands from my Sahasrara. Not a difficult thing. But
she (Mary) did it. Not difficult if someone wants to birth a child from her womb. She did it without any difficulty. Even though in
the world’s eyes, in society's norm it is not ok, but now the world recognizes Mary as a great woman. People call her Divine
Mother. This is her child’s (Jesus Christ) doing. Such a child who was Divinity personified was not spared. They crucified him. At
the age of 34 years, all of them killed him. This society calling themselves, Hindus, Muslims, etc. the so-called contractors of
religions killed him. Nobody thought that such a great soul is departing the world. At such a young age he had to leave this world.
Now we have made a big religion under his name. What’s the meaning of this? No proper construct of religion happened. What
he (Christ) is and what religion they made up from him? He stressed one thing, that is the destructive forces, which are negative
forces, which he called Satan, called possessions, also spirits (dead souls), to get rid of them. And today the whole Christianity
works on spirits (possessions, negative forces). It is shameful that for those things he always denied, we follow the same things
again and again. Like Mohammad Sahab constantly said, “at least don’t drink alcohol.” But the Muslims drink so much, and the
amount of poetry they have created in the name of drinking and wine, you won’t find anywhere in the world. Meaning is I say on
behalf of Mohammad Sahab, Is this the religion of Muslims? On behalf of Issah Masiha (Jesus Christ), “ Is this Christian religion?
And on behalf of Adi Shankaracharya, I ask, “ Is this Hindu religion?” Which are based on myths and the one who said the whole
world is a big myth, Shri Adi Shankaracharya, has been falsified by these people. He (Jesus Christ) is residing in this Agnya
chakra. Here the people who misuse the Agnya chakra, and the person who is mad on this chakra, the ones who have
psychosomatic troubles, those people are said to have psychological trouble. We also have a psychologist, who is a great
person. He is also working on this. He also says taking the name of Issah Masiha (Jesus Christ), the bhoots run away. We can rid
of anyone’s negativity. But we people recite anyone’s name anywhere we want. At least we must know the place (of the Divine
incarnations on chakras). We should know the reason. It’s application be known. I want to tell you all about it. But it all depends
on your understanding and acceptance. After Agnya chakra is Sahasrara, we have thousand, nine hundred and eighty-two nerves
are what the doctors say. They don’t say a thousand. I have seen them. How does it look? Let’s understand it. Like a very big
lotus. Like in the bible it is said tongues of flames as if the flames of fire entwined with itself. Like a big fiery flame, a large one,
like a lotus. Entwined in lots of flames of fire, is how it looks. And in the middle of it is the Brahmarandra (cosmic small opening
on top of the head) in the Sahasrara, which is pierced. When realization happens the crossing over of kundalini happens in a
human being. A lot of time has passed now and the topic today was different. Was somewhat new. Today or tomorrow, I will talk
about how in Sahaja yoga we can pierce it (Sahasrara) and what it means. Come to meditation tomorrow. Whatever I said is all a
waste unless and until you experience it. You will only understand after the experience. But there is no other choice without
telling you all about it. That is why I explained, and you all take it that it is all done and over with the explanation. Tomorrow is
meditation time. You all come during that time. Today evening we could not meditate. Tomorrow morning we will work hard till
late, by which you all get self-realized. And we will have a lecture as well as meditation. We have to give some time for God
Almighty. Just a little bit. I don’t want a lot. To know yourself within, need a little time and it will suffice. Today lots got realized. I
am very happy that a lot of you got a realization. And hope so tomorrow lots more will get realization. And you recognize it. The
thing I am talking about for which the whole universe was created, the whole creation is standing at the end of an epitome, of
that universe’s responsibility lies upon you. Nothing needs to be done as such. Nothing has to be brought and be given. If you all
could take something from me, I would be very thankful to you. |
12/9/1973 | | Seminar on Shri Dattatreya Jayanti, Day 3 | India | Mumbai | null | Draft | null | Draft | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | Hindi | 43 | Seminar on Shri Dattatreya Jayanti, Day 3, (Hindi), Mumbai, December 9th, 1973 Today is Shri Datta Jayanti centenary. Today, it’s
a very great day. I think this day has come only because of His blessings that Sahaja Yoga has been blossomed in you people. I
bow to the Guru of all the Gurus – Adi Guru, Shri Datta Maharaja. He is my Guru also. He has taught Me quite a lot on Sahaja
Yoga all through my many births. And because of that only, I have been able to do some work in this birth also, and I am
continuing to do. "Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru devo Maheshwara, Guru sakshat Parabrahma tasmai Guru dev namaha." The
Guru is Brahma [the Creator], Vishnu [the Sustainer] and Mahesh [the Destroyer] and the Guru who is Himself God, I offer my
obeisance to him. After creating the entire universe, like how a King spread out his kingdom and comes to see the world
thereafter in a disguise, in the same way Adi Shakti has also incarnated on this earth many a times. But no matter how supreme
is Adi Shakti she still needs a human Guru. The place of man is still superior to that power. If Shakti has to take form of a human
being, then she is required to come on this earth only after having completed her father sometimes, her brother sometimes and
her son sometimes. First of all, try to understand that entire universe was created by Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesha. At that time,
a thought came in Adi Shakti’s mind to lift people out of the world, who were stuck in it, and that if these three principles
[Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva] were to be combined together somehow and the childlikeness and innocence of Shri Ganesha could be
absorbed by it, then it is possible to form a Guru from them who has to do a great task. Adi Shakti incarnated in the form of sati
Anusuya. This is the only such a sati [a chaste woman faithful to husband] in the whole world who has thought of emancipation
of the human beings. This is a very great thing. These three children came to Anusuya. The meaning of the name Anusuya is: "
The one who is without envy; she does not envy anyone, who is the universal love". In such a person, there is no place for
insignificant, petty thoughts such as jealousy, anger etc. The one who does not have any asuya [jealousy] she is Anusuya. It is
said that these three went to her door to examine her. And that moment she used her tejbal [powerful radiance]. What was this
tejbal? This was the love of mother, very much divine, love of a powerful mother. This tejbal fell on them and they became small
children. Their complete unified form is Shri Datta Maharaj. He is a strange majesty; whatsoever description is made of him but
will fall short. And even if this is made to be explained, it will be beyond explanation. This is Shri Datta Maharaj who is full of
triguna [three attributes]. He came in the world in form of Adi Guru many times to teach how to cross the Bhavasagara [Void].
Yesterday, I have told you that we fight in the world by forming many religions. The same Shri Datta incarnated many a times on
the earth. As I told you yesterday, King Janaka was one of them. King Janaka was the father of Janaki [Sitaji]. He was none other
than the incarnation of Shri Dattatreya. Thereafter, Machindranath, most have you must have heard his name, was also one of
his incarnation. After that, Zoroaster, who came three times on the earth, was also one of his incarnation. After that, Mohammad
Sahib, who was his incarnation, when he was asked that, "Bhai [brother] there must have been others also before you?" then he
replied, "Yes, there a Mohammad." Then again, he was asked who was before him. He replied, "There was one Mohammad."
'Mohammad' means 'Praised': the one who is praised, the one who deserves to be praised and is the one who is redeemer of the
world. They were all Mohammads, they were all Dattatreyas, who came on earth regularly. After that Nanaka, Guru Nanaka. If you
ever read his teachings, if you read his talks then you will be surprised that he has always talked in a Sahaja. He has said, “Sahaja
Samadhi lago.” He has said, “Kahe re ban khojan jayi, sada niwasi sada alepa tohe sang samai, pushpa madhya jo was basat hai
mukur mahi jas chhayee, taise hi hari base nirantar ghat hi khojo bhai” – “Why to go to the forest to find Him? He is always there
with you, just like there is a fragrance in a flower and just as the reflection is there in a mirror. In the same way, God is residing in
you eternally. Seek Him within. He is just inside, achieve him just inside. We are just singing poems, singing songs, we are just
cramming his prescription.” The talk of seeking this absolute principle, residing just inside the heart, has been made since
ancient times by these Adi Gurus, who are incarnated on this earth again and again. After the birth of the daughter of
Mohammad Sahib, Fatima, as I said yesterday also, there was the beginning of the caste “Shia” in Islam. 'Shia' word has been
derived from 'Sia'. The word which comes from 'Sia' became 'Shia' – 'Sia' means 'Sitaji'. If you go to UP [Uttar Pradesh, India] then
nobody says 'Sitaji', they say 'Siaji', “Siavar Ramchandra Ki Jai.” Everyone takes the name of Sia. She was Sitaji, the Adi Shakti
herself. And her two sons, who were Hassan and Hussain, destroyed many evils. When they ultimately died after getting tried,
then in the next birth they thought of establishment of non-violence, because violence led them nowhere. They were born as
Mahavira and Buddha to make a new experiment. Experiments do happen. After Nanak Sahib, around 50-60 years ago in our
Maharashtra, Dattatreya incarnated as Saibaba of Shirdi. If you want proof of it, then you get your Realization and after that, if
you put your hand on anyone, then you will get vibration of same kind. From just vibration only you can know about all. As you
must have eyes to see any shape, its colour, in the same way you are required to feel vibrations so that you may know all the
gurus of the world and will be able to know as who is a true Guru and who is a liar, who is equal to that incarnation of Adi Guru
Dattatreya. For mere saying, there are thousands of gurus in modern times. No one becomes a guru just by talking about another
guru. And by believing in a guru also, one does not become a guru. The meaning of the word ‘guru’ is very large. This must be
understood. Today I want to talk on this issue: who is a guru and who is not. The obvious meaning of ‘guru’ means the one who
is bigger than us, the one who is sitting at a place higher than us. As the water collected at a height, spontaneously flows down, it
is also eager to find a surface for itself, and to bring everyone to its surface. You keep water to a certain height; it will be willing
to [inaudible] everyone. This is the very meaning of ‘guru’. The one who is not that kind is not a guru. He is above us in every
matter, not just in one matter. That is why we, people, who are wandering in street to street believing in guru should remember
that the number of gurus is in thousands. The guru who talks of the absolute principle is a real guru. Those who talk of God and
of God and who uplift you are real gurus. Those who make money from you are not gurus. Those who charge money for their
speech, they can never be gurus. Because the speech which has come from God is a precious thing, the value of which you just
cannot give. The day when you give value of it then that thing cannot be of God. You cannot go and purchase God from market.
Remember, today we are confronting thousands of such people who are making money in the name of God. Nothing can be a
bigger injustice and meanness than this. If there is any dust, substance or a thing in this world which is equal to the kick of the
feet of the God, then we can say that we are watching God. You see, just now there was someone who came to our house,
making himself to be greatest guru, started telling Me that, "Shri Mataji, you have all kind of things in your house, and you are
working like a normal housewife, then how can you talk of God? I have given up this, I have given up that." I told him that, "If you
genuinely know what is renouncing, then you should also know that, from all these things, whatever you think is equal to dust of
feet of my Lord, is even equal to the particles, then you pick up that thing, but weigh equally." He started watching here and there,
saw this, saw that. After that, he became embarrassed. I asked him, "Did you discover anything?" "No, no. Nothing was found
equal to what was asked for." Then, I said, "Son, what actually have you given up? What have you given up? Whose flag you are
flowing from morning to evening, wearing saffron clothes and getting head bald, you are roaming in the whole world, crying?
What have you given up? Only, these stones, this soil?" In reality Sahaja Yoga is getting nurtured in normal people who are
leading a household life. Sahaja Yoga can never nurture in those who dig their flags. Those people who live with simple
spontaneous emotions, who live in majesty given by God, in his happiness and joy, live with love, only such people of middle path
reach to God. You should know what is the meaning of guru. Now, those who collect money wearing saffron clothes, they can
never be gurus. Those who had once broken bicycles are now moving in Impala (car) can never be gurus. The one who has found
God, if he wishes, he can sleep on the ground and if he wishes he can sleep in a palace comfortably. For this reason, I will give
the example of King Janaka. Once, a very great arch called Nachiketa went to see the King Janaka. He was first suspicious and
eager. He asked his guru, "Why do you pay visit to him since he is a householder and also a king? And then why do you bow down
before him and touch his feet? He is just a householder!" Then he replied, "All right, you should go to the place of King Janaka
and stay there. You know that he is called as a videhi [beyond body], he was a dehati [a country person]." When Nachiketa lived
with him then he saw that there was so much wealth, people were eating and living comfortably. The King enjoyed all type of
meals; he roams and has children. How it is possible that such a man, should know God? The next day he said to the king, "I am
leaving just now, I’m just leaving now. I do not have to live here." Then the king said, "All right, let’s go for a bath first." They went
to bath in a river. He took him to Sharayu River for bath. While bathing in the river, suddenly somebody informed the king that, "O
Lord, your palace is on fire." King Janaka said, "Let it be, just now I’m in meditation." He replied with a smile. This poor Nachiketa
got little worried. After a while someone came to say, "All of your family members have to run away and fire is fast approaching
you." Then he said, "To hell with it, now I’m in meditation." Afterwards, they told him, "Fire has reached up to here and all your
ornaments and clothes will get burnt." Then all the bodyguards also ran away. This Nachiketa, whose one or two clothes were
lying outside, he thought that if these too were burnt then what will happen him? So, he also ran away. He picked up all his
clothes. Even then, Janaka was in meditation. When he came back, Nachiketa was very much surprised. He asked, "King, didn’t
you worry that your clothes would be burnt?" Then Janaka replied, "What is myth will perish, there is no need to save it. Till it is
there, keep it there, or if it is not there, then leave it." This is a true fact. Those gurus who do not consider myth as myth, then
what are you going to find in them? There is one occurrence in my in-law's family. Once there came a Barat [wedding procession]
to our house. There was a demand of Dahi-Wada [a fried dish dipped in sweetened curd] from them. The Baratis usually have
some coquetry and during the days of winter people told them, "Look in these days of winter it is very difficult to curdle because
during winter evening curdling of milk is not done." But they were adamant on having Dahi Wada - get it just now. In those times,
a baba [a wanderer] used to live there. He was called for and was requested to arrange dish somehow. He replied that he would
do it but then would not live here anymore. It was agreed and then he closed one window then another. After some time, he said,
"Look here it is your Dahi Wada, now enjoy it." People began to eat Dahi Wadas, they were all happy. But this babaji ran away. He
ran to save his life during the night. People could not understand why babaji had to run away. The next morning, people from low
caste came to take the remaining of the food. They came and when they saw all the utensils, they began saying that, "Who
brought our pots here; these are our pots, who carried them here?" The marriage was accomplished somehow that is why the girl
went to her in-law's house otherwise nobody could have sent her there. The reason was that all the people had got annoyed.
They started telling, "Who brought the pots here?" Our ancestors and also those of my grandfather’s, did not believe in all these
things. These were called Bhanamatis in Maharashtra. Nobody used to believe in all these things before, that something came
from above [heaven] and they ate all the Dahi Wadas. You people should also think that, "Does he have only one business to
serve you people Dahi Wadas?" When you make anybody a big guru that he gives Rs.200 to you then I would say if such are the
donors then why not solve the economic problem? Give them all. They get you watches made in Switzerland. We will believe only
if they get one made by God. This must be considered that we want to get that supreme. But your seeking is also in these gross
things, in these stones, money and wealth, that is why you consider these people as gurus. Money is lost so is wealth. When all
of your money is lost then you come to Me. Yesterday a woman came, you saw her, how she was dancing and jumping. I asked
her, "Why have you come now?" She replied, "What to do? I have become like this only!" I said, "All right, people make you fool and
have I opened a mental hospital? You went there to find what? Can God be achieved by dancing and jumping?" All the rules and
regulations for the human beings, those people who made these laws had no idea that how disgust human beings can be. All
those who have made these laws were very dignified and very auspicious people. They could just not recognize the disgust and
evilness of human beings and how much he is entangled in filthy jobs from within. If those people had known that, then new laws
would have been done to catch these people, all the people. Jesus Christ was crucified by these people. That was easy. But
nobody can catch these people who are plundering money from you day and night and are bent on destroying you. And they are
ready to send your kids to mental hospitals tomorrow. You should at once try to take notice of it and think what is happening. To
distribute gross material in the name of God is what kind of generosity? Do you not ever think about it? In this Kali Yuga, I think
the man has such a penetrative intelligence and has such a wisdom. Does he sell all his wisdom that he just could not
understand, that we are running like a mad after this kind of mesmerism and enlightenment, and false assumptions and absolute
myth within us, which make us believe that we are in complete peace? We are cheating ourselves and others also. When you are
Realized then you do not have to go too far, do not have to read too much. You can understand that you are Realized, there will
be a sudden peace in you. I see that there are gurus of so many people and after reaching age of 30-40 years of age, they die out
of a heart attack. It is impossible for you to get even an accident; no question of heart attack, once a little bit of Realization has
awakened in you. There are many incidents like this with us. Just a day before yesterday they were telling that there was a boy
who was coming in a train and the train was completely over-turned, not a single person was injured in the compartment in
which the boy was present and they all crossed over it. Deities should wander above you. If divine cannot come down to you then
what is the use of this realization. Now you know our people, that how many are realized, even cancer was treated; there is
nothing special about it. The only thing is that these people are not interested in curing. They are just interested in realization.
Because the joy you have got, the same joy you want others to enjoy, spontaneously. If you have money, wealth then you want to
spend money to feed people. In the same way a Realized soul wishes to awaken others and realize them and they can do it. If
there is a light entered in you then there is a no need to swear in for that. If there is fragrance of musk then there is no need for
you to take a vow that there is fragrance of musk. But who is seeking musk? This should be considered first, otherwise what is
the use of wandering in such pursuits? On one hand there are these people who are playing with our subconscious, with our
gross awareness, with our past. I know these kinds of people. In this seeking I have seen many guru ghantals [fraud gurus] and I
know all their tricks that what kind of condition they create and how they destroy your kundalini for generations. I know many
such people who would tell you about your previous lives and you are mesmerized by that. Somebody just says that, "I’m your
husband." A woman came to me and told me that, "Now I have given up all of me to him." I asked her, "What! Why did you give
in?" She replied, "He told me that, 'I’m your husband'." I asked, "Your husband! You are really a big chaste woman! If you are such
a chaste that you are so much blind about your dead husband then what about your living husband? Do you have no chastity
towards him? And the one who is a money cheater, to whom you have given all of your jewellery because he told you that he is
your husband!" Somebody was telling that, "This fellow was telling us that, 'I am the incarnation of God, I am God almighty'."
What is getting lost in saying anything in this country? It does not cost anything. We are perfect in saying lie, whatever lie can be
said. It is called sigmoid personality in psychology. If you have read psychology then you can understand that psychologist have
also found it about these people. And if you think that they have not found then it is no true! They are big thieves. They just stand
up and start telling any nonsense and people start believing in them. This has been said in the Bible that these kinds of people
will come in the world, be careful. They claim that they are God. If they are God then there must be some powers in them also.
There was a gentleman who was telling me. I asked him, "Why you have such an assemblage of so many women around you?
What are you doing inside the room while keeping the doors closed? What kind of such things are you doing in the name of
God?" Because he has tortured a woman, she was telling me in private. I told her to go to the court and pray for the arrest of this
man. Then she said, "How we can talk in the court, there will be a plague on us, we have our respect, and we have family." Then I
told her, "If you would not tell it in the court then how can this man be exposed?" Then I went to this gentleman, and asked him,
"What are you doing? Why are you committing such a sin? What will you get out of it in the name of God?" Then he told me, "You
do not know that I’m Shri Krishna?" I said, "What a thing! Your face is that of a bhoot and you are claiming to be Shri Krishna. How
come you are Shri Krishna?" I asked him, "How much you about Shri Krishna? The one who had destroyed the Kalia [serpent
devil] in just 5 years of his age, charging on his head, where is he now?" I told him in humour that, "If I just scratch your beard here
you won’t be able to get up." After that I have heard that someone got caught of his beard for half an hour and he was kept on
shaking like this. I just said it in a light way. Second gentleman started telling me that, "I make woman nude because Shri Krishna
also used to do the same." Just tell me what kind of nonsense is this? Shri Krishna was a child of five years old! It was his
childlike activities. How can a five-year-old child make women nude? He was very deep and used to do the activities of Sahaja
Yoga. For a 5-year-old boy, who is elder and who is younger? Could he understand all these things at that age? He was not even 5
years old, less than that. Then I asked him, "If this was the case then while living in Dwarka why did he run on occasion of
Draupadi chir haran [tearing of clothes] taking with him Shankh, Chakra, Gada, Padam, and Garud? Why did he run? If he had no
sense of chastity of a woman then why did he run?’ On this issue that "shri krishna" [referred person] became silent. On one hand,
there is Shri Krishna who is holding a mountain on one finger and on other hand these [fraud krishnas] are just being formed in
every street and market. Get them where you want, whether "shri Krishna" or "shivji". Where is The Lord Shiva? Have you saved
any amount of your intelligence or not? I’m surprised sometimes and very much surprised because man has reached to such a
level of penetrability in his intelligence! To whom God has opened all the shell of intelligence, then why there is curtain on the
issue of religion? Not only in this country but it is very sad to say that such darkness prevailing in foreign countries also. There
was another yogiji; his disciple came to meet us. He came before me. What we saw that his Agnya and Nabhi Chakra both were
rotated [opposite]. And he was singing his bhajans. To rotate opposite means the person who is mad. When you are realized
then you will also see that when a man becomes mad then his Agnya and Nabhi Chakra get oppositely turned. This ill practice of
pret vidya [knowledge of possessing a bhoot] and shamshan vidya [cemetery knowledge] have been continuously running since
long in our country. This is not the case where nobody knows about it, but it is sure that in view of modern education, attention
could not go that side. It is also called as karani in Marathi. These possessed women who are often called as "devi", can come in
anyone’s body and we go to apply kumkum to them. bhoots do enter them. Why we cannot understand it? These all are nothing
but pret vidya [knowledge of possessing a bhoot] and shamshan vidya [cemetery knowledge]. There is a big science of this field.
I will tell you about it sometime later if you wish. But today I’m speaking at the feet of Datta Maharaj. This should be clearly
understood that these are symptoms of great fall that we sell ourselves in the hands of others. At least try to put your
intelligence alright, just jerk it. Whenever you go listen a lecture, then you just think that, "What this person is speaking about and
what he is doing?" Try to distinguish between what he is saying and what he is doing. He just cannot be a Guru. You should
understand it! If we say just now that we are this and that and tomorrow, we start getting after mundane things, then we cannot
be like that. I mean to say that this world is not a useless but a state of witness should at least come in Gurus. There are many
gurus who have appeared for Kundalini. You tell me about them. Yesterday also I told you that God has no watch to tell you that,
"At 4’0 clock I will raise your Kundalini." These are all arrangements of bhoots. I will give you a very good example on this. There
was a big doctor called Dr.Lane, who lived in London. He had done quite research and he wanted that people get cured through
him but suddenly he died in an accident therefore he could not take his research to people. So, when he died – when we die, we
do not die in full way, a small portion is fallen, remaining subtle body leaves slowly –slowly. So, he thought why not try what it is
like entering in some body. So, there was a Vietnamese soldier who was fighting, he entered in him and asked him to go to his
son and tell him about such and such things. Now just think if Dr. Lane had to do it somehow then why he did not enter into his
son? Because he knew that there are consequences of doing this. So, he said, "Look, you narrate the whole story to my son and
he will agree to it." When this soldier went to meet his son then his son was convinced. He said, "These things were known only
to my father and no other person know about it and so let’s open a clinic." They formed a very big organization through which
they used to cure people. Other doctors also got associated with Dr. Lane. They also do these kinds of things that are being done
still now. They tell you that, "If you have any problem then write a letter to us." They tell that at 5’o clock evening something will
happen inside you, someone will come in you, in your psyche which we call as superego. He will enter through it and work it out.
They take out a bhoot and replace it with another. If there is a drunkard then his drinking will go away but he will start getting
angry. This is their work. But they are simple poor fellows because at least they tell you that they do the work of spirit and they do
not say that, "We do the work of God." But in our country people just not do the work of solid bhoots but of devils and give the
name of God to it. If such types of people cure anybody to some extent, then you can imagine what will be his state whose
Kundalini is damaged, where there is an injury to our Mother. There is no need to go to any of these places. If not today, all of you
become Realized tomorrow for sure but do not go to wrong path. Once your Kundalini is damaged then I just cannot do anything.
The whole job will be finished. Those whose Kundalini has been wronged you know about them. Amongst you many have got
Realization, they know how much difficulties we have beard upon ourselves. While we put our hand on them some of them got
big, big blisters on them, very big blisters have come out. And when they put hands towards me then they get small bit of blisters
and many people feel burning sensation in their hands. From me there are cool, cool breezes flowing out but their hands are
burning. I’m willing to get them [realized people] established in their powers. But there is different kind of power which sitting in
them [false gurus]. Try to save yourself from these gurus because there is no law to prevent it. If anyhow it has to be prevented
then think from your intelligence that, "Who is a true guru? The one who give you absolute." One woman asked me a question; it
was a very on spot question. She asked me, "If you have seen any realized souls in this world who are realized without coming to
you." There have been many and they are still now. That is why I took many of my disciples to a very great Guru, who used to live
in Kolhapur, in a forest mountain. It is Gagangarh, seven miles away. I took them there, "Today is an auspicious day, is a very
great occasion there." I asked them, "Just open your hands like this." Cool-cool vibrations were coming. "Mother, who is this
person here? Why he had gone to a forest?" This is also a question to think that all those great people why they live in jungles.
You have mentioned about Nityananda, he was a great person in reality. He was such a person that when anybody used to come
near him then he used to throw stones at him saying, "Get lost from here." The same can be said of Baba Tabbudin in our
Nagpur. He was a poor guy who lived in jungle, which is now a populated area. Why these people run away to jungles? There are
few reasons. You have just seen here, there were some children sitting, their hands were burning, and they were doing something
like this. In the same way their body starts burning. Many poor sadhus just have to live in water, because in your psyche, in super
ego, bhoots are sitting to burn and to torture these bhaktas. Therefore, they decide to run away to jungles. Because you don’t
know what are you doing! You don’t understand vibrations that is why these poor people are staying in jungles to save
themselves. How could they redeem themselves? Now just look at Gagangarh Maharaj, it is true that he cured many people, but
the problem is that his fingers moved inside like a telescope and those of feet also. The poor man lives on a tree or moves on a
lion. Apart from this he cannot move anywhere. But when I reached to him, these people were with me, he quickly recognized
me. There is no doubt about it. He has not yet seen me in this lifetime. But from many years he knew about me. He is elder to
me. He began to say, "Mother, I have been waiting for you for many years. Today I am so fortunate that you have come here." He
is a nagpanthi, so he is just like Macchindranath and a very great person. Once I went to Himalaya, there also I found a few; the
same were in Haridwar; they live in many parts. I told them the blossom time will come. I will tell you how to save your powers
and how to return back the punch of these people. I am sitting, you at least come, I will cure everybody, I can tackle them easily.
Many of them [sadhus] have said, "Mother, we will come, we will come, surely." But poor chaps don’t have courage. Their hands
and legs have been broken; they [false gurus] have put blisters in them, they have burnt them. All these are work of devils. Up till
now I have counted ten demons and six demoness who have come in this Kali Yuga. Nowadays, suppose Ravana comes here,
then also he will never say that he is Ravana, he will claim himself to be God. If he will claim to be Ravana then he will be put in
prison. The identity of Ravana is also the one of a demon. That too, I am going to tell you about, you will be benefited. The man
who has eyes like a cat- if you see the eyes of cat then you will understand. Many people just don’t see many things. The eyes of
cat - which has an eyeball inside - pupil of eye, as soon as you see it, it becomes small and in no time, it disappears, it is just
similar to the eyes of demons. I know them quite well. I have seen them in each and every birth. You can know them through their
eyes that they are demons. Their pupil of eye just become small and disappears. This is their identification. Whether you can call
them 'God' or anything else, but they are demons. And these people have achieved many siddhis [powers]. This is work of our
Bhole Shankaraji [Shiva]. What to do? They [demons] have achieved many siddhis. As Shiva gave one siddhi to Ravana that when
he used to speak and give lectures then something used to happen on Nabhi Chakra [of the listener] that a bhoot would sit there.
Thousands of people were overwhelmed listening to his speeches. Even to this extent that nobody was ready to fight against
Rama (but) he convinced all of them. Similarly, Mahishasura had also siddhis. All demons have their own siddhis. And because
of their siddhis, these people always kept on suppressing goodness and light, and kept on pouring darkness. Today in Kali Yuga,
the situation is quite similar, and you are thinking that, "I have only two hands." It is your work and it will happen through you
people only. You will be surprised because deities are also sitting at one side and demons on other. Fierce battle is going on.
Today when I see this scene- what are these troubles? Is this because of your thinking? No, not at all! Thess devils and demons
work through the pret yoni [dead spirits] and satiate you people so that you come running in their feet. All this is the work of
these people. And if you have to defeat these people, then you have to lit the light in you. If you want to enlighten it, then all have
to lit a light within themselves. You yourself will become a light. And what is surprising is - at this time God also wants that man
should come on the stage, man himself should work. A man should become Parmatma Swaroop [form of God] and becomes a
superman, there be establishment of superman. A new dimension is going to come in you. But the only thing is that you should
learn to take it, should learn to absorb it. It cannot be compared with the standard of intelligence as of now, because if you try to
understand through the intelligence, then you can only see my hand but not un-manifested streams which are flowing from
them. Those people who are very big pandits, if they want, they should read Kabir Das, Nanakaji and if possible, also read
Shankaracharya, he is the best. If you read Adi Shankaracharya then you can understand what is this Chaitanya Lahari
[Vibrations], I am talking about. I have not yet met anyone who has systematically said or explained about Kundalini. You know
that little knowledge is a dangerous thing. The same can be said about Kundalini. Otherwise how they could have written this
kind of strange things? I do not know on what basis. But still the witness state of human being is so high, so high that if you read
the Devi Bhagawatam, the Saptashati of Markandeya Swami, then you will be surprised how deeply, in small detail they have
understood this thing. The truth is that unless and until you are Realized anything you do is a waste. Krishna has said the same
thing. Krishna has also said the same thing that, "First get him within." But those who were supposed to understand it could not
understand it, "He was saying to get him inside and you are saying go outside to fight." He meant that you should be a witness. It
is happening in akarma [inaction] it is being done through you. You just do not do. Ego is finished and superego is finished. The
one, who is a doer, is abolished. It was this, what he was talking about, but he was not listened to. He was a diplomat. Krishna
has his own guru tattva. His guru tattva is also very interesting. He was a very big politician. I used to call him an absolute, pure
politician. He was such a big politician, and he knew that this is the only way to get these fools all right. When a child tries to
drive a cart by attaching his horses at back then his father comes and says, "Keep whipping it, carry on, you will reach." But after
getting tired when a child thinks that the horse is just not moving, then he comes to know that first put the horse in front of the
cart then whip it. Therefore, he said to do karma yoga [yoga of action]. Now here you should notice the diplomacy of Krishna. It is
difficult to find a guru like Krishna. He is such a guru that requires a lot of intensity and depth of intelligence. What I am going to
tell you now, no one would have told you this so far, you listen to it. He said that, "You do the action and leave the fruitfulness of
action to God." It is just not possible, an absolute absurd condition. When you are doing something and you know it, then how
can you leave it to someone else? You are keeping horse at back and whipping it. Secondly, he said that, "You do bhakti
[devotion]". See in it, it is very beautiful. You do the ananya bhakti [absolute devotion]. When there is no one else then how there
can be devotion? Means that when union has taken place then whom to devote? He said, "Pushpam, Falam, Toyam" – "Whatever
fruits, flowers, water you offer I will accept it." But he has said that you should do "Ananya bhakti [absolute devotion]" while
giving it! This is absurd, because on absurdity, the mind of man will be confused then he will come to terms. Perhaps he just did
not think that man is going to learn easily. But I am a mother and if a mother has to say something, she will just say it. So far as
possible she will tear her throat to say what she has to say to her son. It is very different kind of heart of a mother, she could not
tolerate diplomacy, it is too late, it is high time, much has been lost, there is disturbance, there is a pile of suffering. Now it, the
time has come to do this work and it is being done. You people are also achieving this thing. Those who have found it and those
who have known it, there is a program tomorrow; they should come tomorrow for the program. Those who have not yet achieved
it, they should also come. We have also other places. We are trying to get permanently Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan so that people can
come there. There are many people here who are realized. You too can give realization just after getting it. There are people who
know about chakras and have become knowledgeable and there are some who can give realization. The glory of India is that it is
a Yoga Bhoomi [land of Yoga, union]. Our country is the highest of all the countries of the world. The vibrations of our country are
the highest. There is no doubt about it. And our country is the spinal cord of the entire world. And the place of Kundalini is also
here. She can put the world alright one day. But as of now, all our Chakras are caught up. The movement of Kundalini is getting
difficult. If you can get rid of your blockages in the chakras, then it is possible that from this country itself this message could be
sent out so that the whole world can be changed and it can stand to another, another path where there is a call for Satya Yuga,
that Satya Yuga is going to come. This is the coming of Satya Yuga. But now it is left on your freedom and authority whether you
accept it or go for your destruction. As diseases like cancer and things like war, all these can destroy our world. If you want you
should take it with you and put the world in light and if not, then darkness will arrive. If God wishes He can create thousands of
conditions thinking that an experiment has failed. Such he will think. Now it is a last jump. It has to be seen that how many
people dedicate themselves to it. Many, many thanks to you. This 'three days seminar' was completed with lots of love. So many
people accept this love! That is why, being a mother, I thank you very much. Our many children have already worked hard, day
and night, and they have worked hard to redeem others, and they should keep doing this. I bless you all for this purpose. I take
my leave by giving you blessing of my love. | null | null | null | Seminar on Shri Dattatreya Jayanti, Day 3, (Hindi), Mumbai, December 9th, 1973 Today is Shri Datta Jayanti centenary. Today, it’s
a very great day. I think this day has come only because of His blessings that Sahaja Yoga has been blossomed in you people. I
bow to the Guru of all the Gurus – Adi Guru, Shri Datta Maharaja. He is my Guru also. He has taught Me quite a lot on Sahaja
Yoga all through my many births. And because of that only, I have been able to do some work in this birth also, and I am
continuing to do. "Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru devo Maheshwara, Guru sakshat Parabrahma tasmai Guru dev namaha." The
Guru is Brahma [the Creator], Vishnu [the Sustainer] and Mahesh [the Destroyer] and the Guru who is Himself God, I offer my
obeisance to him. After creating the entire universe, like how a King spread out his kingdom and comes to see the world
thereafter in a disguise, in the same way Adi Shakti has also incarnated on this earth many a times. But no matter how supreme
is Adi Shakti she still needs a human Guru. The place of man is still superior to that power. If Shakti has to take form of a human
being, then she is required to come on this earth only after having completed her father sometimes, her brother sometimes and
her son sometimes. First of all, try to understand that entire universe was created by Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesha. At that time,
a thought came in Adi Shakti’s mind to lift people out of the world, who were stuck in it, and that if these three principles
[Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva] were to be combined together somehow and the childlikeness and innocence of Shri Ganesha could be
absorbed by it, then it is possible to form a Guru from them who has to do a great task. Adi Shakti incarnated in the form of sati
Anusuya. This is the only such a sati [a chaste woman faithful to husband] in the whole world who has thought of emancipation
of the human beings. This is a very great thing. These three children came to Anusuya. The meaning of the name Anusuya is: "
The one who is without envy; she does not envy anyone, who is the universal love". In such a person, there is no place for
insignificant, petty thoughts such as jealousy, anger etc. The one who does not have any asuya [jealousy] she is Anusuya. It is
said that these three went to her door to examine her. And that moment she used her tejbal [powerful radiance]. What was this
tejbal? This was the love of mother, very much divine, love of a powerful mother. This tejbal fell on them and they became small
children. Their complete unified form is Shri Datta Maharaj. He is a strange majesty; whatsoever description is made of him but
will fall short. And even if this is made to be explained, it will be beyond explanation. This is Shri Datta Maharaj who is full of
triguna [three attributes]. He came in the world in form of Adi Guru many times to teach how to cross the Bhavasagara [Void].
Yesterday, I have told you that we fight in the world by forming many religions. The same Shri Datta incarnated many a times on
the earth. As I told you yesterday, King Janaka was one of them. King Janaka was the father of Janaki [Sitaji]. He was none other
than the incarnation of Shri Dattatreya. Thereafter, Machindranath, most have you must have heard his name, was also one of
his incarnation. After that, Zoroaster, who came three times on the earth, was also one of his incarnation. After that, Mohammad
Sahib, who was his incarnation, when he was asked that, "Bhai [brother] there must have been others also before you?" then he
replied, "Yes, there a Mohammad." Then again, he was asked who was before him. He replied, "There was one Mohammad."
'Mohammad' means 'Praised': the one who is praised, the one who deserves to be praised and is the one who is redeemer of the
world. They were all Mohammads, they were all Dattatreyas, who came on earth regularly. After that Nanaka, Guru Nanaka. If you
ever read his teachings, if you read his talks then you will be surprised that he has always talked in a Sahaja. He has said, “Sahaja
Samadhi lago.” He has said, “Kahe re ban khojan jayi, sada niwasi sada alepa tohe sang samai, pushpa madhya jo was basat hai
mukur mahi jas chhayee, taise hi hari base nirantar ghat hi khojo bhai” – “Why to go to the forest to find Him? He is always there
with you, just like there is a fragrance in a flower and just as the reflection is there in a mirror. In the same way, God is residing in
you eternally. Seek Him within. He is just inside, achieve him just inside. We are just singing poems, singing songs, we are just
cramming his prescription.” The talk of seeking this absolute principle, residing just inside the heart, has been made since
ancient times by these Adi Gurus, who are incarnated on this earth again and again. After the birth of the daughter of
Mohammad Sahib, Fatima, as I said yesterday also, there was the beginning of the caste “Shia” in Islam. 'Shia' word has been
derived from 'Sia'. The word which comes from 'Sia' became 'Shia' – 'Sia' means 'Sitaji'. If you go to UP [Uttar Pradesh, India] then
nobody says 'Sitaji', they say 'Siaji', “Siavar Ramchandra Ki Jai.” Everyone takes the name of Sia. She was Sitaji, the Adi Shakti
herself. And her two sons, who were Hassan and Hussain, destroyed many evils. When they ultimately died after getting tried,
then in the next birth they thought of establishment of non-violence, because violence led them nowhere. They were born as
Mahavira and Buddha to make a new experiment. Experiments do happen. After Nanak Sahib, around 50-60 years ago in our
Maharashtra, Dattatreya incarnated as Saibaba of Shirdi. If you want proof of it, then you get your Realization and after that, if
you put your hand on anyone, then you will get vibration of same kind. From just vibration only you can know about all. As you
must have eyes to see any shape, its colour, in the same way you are required to feel vibrations so that you may know all the
gurus of the world and will be able to know as who is a true Guru and who is a liar, who is equal to that incarnation of Adi Guru
Dattatreya. For mere saying, there are thousands of gurus in modern times. No one becomes a guru just by talking about another
guru. And by believing in a guru also, one does not become a guru. The meaning of the word ‘guru’ is very large. This must be
understood. Today I want to talk on this issue: who is a guru and who is not. The obvious meaning of ‘guru’ means the one who
is bigger than us, the one who is sitting at a place higher than us. As the water collected at a height, spontaneously flows down, it
is also eager to find a surface for itself, and to bring everyone to its surface. You keep water to a certain height; it will be willing
to [inaudible] everyone. This is the very meaning of ‘guru’. The one who is not that kind is not a guru. He is above us in every
matter, not just in one matter. That is why we, people, who are wandering in street to street believing in guru should remember
that the number of gurus is in thousands. The guru who talks of the absolute principle is a real guru. Those who talk of God and
of God and who uplift you are real gurus. Those who make money from you are not gurus. Those who charge money for their
speech, they can never be gurus. Because the speech which has come from God is a precious thing, the value of which you just
cannot give. The day when you give value of it then that thing cannot be of God. You cannot go and purchase God from market.
Remember, today we are confronting thousands of such people who are making money in the name of God. Nothing can be a
bigger injustice and meanness than this. If there is any dust, substance or a thing in this world which is equal to the kick of the
feet of the God, then we can say that we are watching God. You see, just now there was someone who came to our house,
making himself to be greatest guru, started telling Me that, "Shri Mataji, you have all kind of things in your house, and you are
working like a normal housewife, then how can you talk of God? I have given up this, I have given up that." I told him that, "If you
genuinely know what is renouncing, then you should also know that, from all these things, whatever you think is equal to dust of
feet of my Lord, is even equal to the particles, then you pick up that thing, but weigh equally." He started watching here and there,
saw this, saw that. After that, he became embarrassed. I asked him, "Did you discover anything?" "No, no. Nothing was found
equal to what was asked for." Then, I said, "Son, what actually have you given up? What have you given up? Whose flag you are
flowing from morning to evening, wearing saffron clothes and getting head bald, you are roaming in the whole world, crying?
What have you given up? Only, these stones, this soil?" In reality Sahaja Yoga is getting nurtured in normal people who are
leading a household life. Sahaja Yoga can never nurture in those who dig their flags. Those people who live with simple
spontaneous emotions, who live in majesty given by God, in his happiness and joy, live with love, only such people of middle path
reach to God. You should know what is the meaning of guru. Now, those who collect money wearing saffron clothes, they can
never be gurus. Those who had once broken bicycles are now moving in Impala (car) can never be gurus. The one who has found
God, if he wishes, he can sleep on the ground and if he wishes he can sleep in a palace comfortably. For this reason, I will give
the example of King Janaka. Once, a very great arch called Nachiketa went to see the King Janaka. He was first suspicious and
eager. He asked his guru, "Why do you pay visit to him since he is a householder and also a king? And then why do you bow down
before him and touch his feet? He is just a householder!" Then he replied, "All right, you should go to the place of King Janaka
and stay there. You know that he is called as a videhi [beyond body], he was a dehati [a country person]." When Nachiketa lived
with him then he saw that there was so much wealth, people were eating and living comfortably. The King enjoyed all type of
meals; he roams and has children. How it is possible that such a man, should know God? The next day he said to the king, "I am
leaving just now, I’m just leaving now. I do not have to live here." Then the king said, "All right, let’s go for a bath first." They went
to bath in a river. He took him to Sharayu River for bath. While bathing in the river, suddenly somebody informed the king that, "O
Lord, your palace is on fire." King Janaka said, "Let it be, just now I’m in meditation." He replied with a smile. This poor Nachiketa
got little worried. After a while someone came to say, "All of your family members have to run away and fire is fast approaching
you." Then he said, "To hell with it, now I’m in meditation." Afterwards, they told him, "Fire has reached up to here and all your
ornaments and clothes will get burnt." Then all the bodyguards also ran away. This Nachiketa, whose one or two clothes were
lying outside, he thought that if these too were burnt then what will happen him? So, he also ran away. He picked up all his
clothes. Even then, Janaka was in meditation. When he came back, Nachiketa was very much surprised. He asked, "King, didn’t
you worry that your clothes would be burnt?" Then Janaka replied, "What is myth will perish, there is no need to save it. Till it is
there, keep it there, or if it is not there, then leave it." This is a true fact. Those gurus who do not consider myth as myth, then
what are you going to find in them? There is one occurrence in my in-law's family. Once there came a Barat [wedding procession]
to our house. There was a demand of Dahi-Wada [a fried dish dipped in sweetened curd] from them. The Baratis usually have
some coquetry and during the days of winter people told them, "Look in these days of winter it is very difficult to curdle because
during winter evening curdling of milk is not done." But they were adamant on having Dahi Wada - get it just now. In those times,
a baba [a wanderer] used to live there. He was called for and was requested to arrange dish somehow. He replied that he would
do it but then would not live here anymore. It was agreed and then he closed one window then another. After some time, he said,
"Look here it is your Dahi Wada, now enjoy it." People began to eat Dahi Wadas, they were all happy. But this babaji ran away. He
ran to save his life during the night. People could not understand why babaji had to run away. The next morning, people from low
caste came to take the remaining of the food. They came and when they saw all the utensils, they began saying that, "Who
brought our pots here; these are our pots, who carried them here?" The marriage was accomplished somehow that is why the girl
went to her in-law's house otherwise nobody could have sent her there. The reason was that all the people had got annoyed.
They started telling, "Who brought the pots here?" Our ancestors and also those of my grandfather’s, did not believe in all these
things. These were called Bhanamatis in Maharashtra. Nobody used to believe in all these things before, that something came
from above [heaven] and they ate all the Dahi Wadas. You people should also think that, "Does he have only one business to
serve you people Dahi Wadas?" When you make anybody a big guru that he gives Rs.200 to you then I would say if such are the
donors then why not solve the economic problem? Give them all. They get you watches made in Switzerland. We will believe only
if they get one made by God. This must be considered that we want to get that supreme. But your seeking is also in these gross
things, in these stones, money and wealth, that is why you consider these people as gurus. Money is lost so is wealth. When all
of your money is lost then you come to Me. Yesterday a woman came, you saw her, how she was dancing and jumping. I asked
her, "Why have you come now?" She replied, "What to do? I have become like this only!" I said, "All right, people make you fool and
have I opened a mental hospital? You went there to find what? Can God be achieved by dancing and jumping?" All the rules and
regulations for the human beings, those people who made these laws had no idea that how disgust human beings can be. All
those who have made these laws were very dignified and very auspicious people. They could just not recognize the disgust and
evilness of human beings and how much he is entangled in filthy jobs from within. If those people had known that, then new laws
would have been done to catch these people, all the people. Jesus Christ was crucified by these people. That was easy. But
nobody can catch these people who are plundering money from you day and night and are bent on destroying you. And they are
ready to send your kids to mental hospitals tomorrow. You should at once try to take notice of it and think what is happening. To
distribute gross material in the name of God is what kind of generosity? Do you not ever think about it? In this Kali Yuga, I think
the man has such a penetrative intelligence and has such a wisdom. Does he sell all his wisdom that he just could not
understand, that we are running like a mad after this kind of mesmerism and enlightenment, and false assumptions and absolute
myth within us, which make us believe that we are in complete peace? We are cheating ourselves and others also. When you are
Realized then you do not have to go too far, do not have to read too much. You can understand that you are Realized, there will
be a sudden peace in you. I see that there are gurus of so many people and after reaching age of 30-40 years of age, they die out
of a heart attack. It is impossible for you to get even an accident; no question of heart attack, once a little bit of Realization has
awakened in you. There are many incidents like this with us. Just a day before yesterday they were telling that there was a boy
who was coming in a train and the train was completely over-turned, not a single person was injured in the compartment in
which the boy was present and they all crossed over it. Deities should wander above you. If divine cannot come down to you then
what is the use of this realization. Now you know our people, that how many are realized, even cancer was treated; there is
nothing special about it. The only thing is that these people are not interested in curing. They are just interested in realization.
Because the joy you have got, the same joy you want others to enjoy, spontaneously. If you have money, wealth then you want to
spend money to feed people. In the same way a Realized soul wishes to awaken others and realize them and they can do it. If
there is a light entered in you then there is a no need to swear in for that. If there is fragrance of musk then there is no need for
you to take a vow that there is fragrance of musk. But who is seeking musk? This should be considered first, otherwise what is
the use of wandering in such pursuits? On one hand there are these people who are playing with our subconscious, with our
gross awareness, with our past. I know these kinds of people. In this seeking I have seen many guru ghantals [fraud gurus] and I
know all their tricks that what kind of condition they create and how they destroy your kundalini for generations. I know many
such people who would tell you about your previous lives and you are mesmerized by that. Somebody just says that, "I’m your
husband." A woman came to me and told me that, "Now I have given up all of me to him." I asked her, "What! Why did you give
in?" She replied, "He told me that, 'I’m your husband'." I asked, "Your husband! You are really a big chaste woman! If you are such
a chaste that you are so much blind about your dead husband then what about your living husband? Do you have no chastity
towards him? And the one who is a money cheater, to whom you have given all of your jewellery because he told you that he is
your husband!" Somebody was telling that, "This fellow was telling us that, 'I am the incarnation of God, I am God almighty'."
What is getting lost in saying anything in this country? It does not cost anything. We are perfect in saying lie, whatever lie can be
said. It is called sigmoid personality in psychology. If you have read psychology then you can understand that psychologist have
also found it about these people. And if you think that they have not found then it is no true! They are big thieves. They just stand
up and start telling any nonsense and people start believing in them. This has been said in the Bible that these kinds of people
will come in the world, be careful. They claim that they are God. If they are God then there must be some powers in them also.
There was a gentleman who was telling me. I asked him, "Why you have such an assemblage of so many women around you?
What are you doing inside the room while keeping the doors closed? What kind of such things are you doing in the name of
God?" Because he has tortured a woman, she was telling me in private. I told her to go to the court and pray for the arrest of this
man. Then she said, "How we can talk in the court, there will be a plague on us, we have our respect, and we have family." Then I
told her, "If you would not tell it in the court then how can this man be exposed?" Then I went to this gentleman, and asked him,
"What are you doing? Why are you committing such a sin? What will you get out of it in the name of God?" Then he told me, "You
do not know that I’m Shri Krishna?" I said, "What a thing! Your face is that of a bhoot and you are claiming to be Shri Krishna. How
come you are Shri Krishna?" I asked him, "How much you about Shri Krishna? The one who had destroyed the Kalia [serpent
devil] in just 5 years of his age, charging on his head, where is he now?" I told him in humour that, "If I just scratch your beard here
you won’t be able to get up." After that I have heard that someone got caught of his beard for half an hour and he was kept on
shaking like this. I just said it in a light way. Second gentleman started telling me that, "I make woman nude because Shri Krishna
also used to do the same." Just tell me what kind of nonsense is this? Shri Krishna was a child of five years old! It was his
childlike activities. How can a five-year-old child make women nude? He was very deep and used to do the activities of Sahaja
Yoga. For a 5-year-old boy, who is elder and who is younger? Could he understand all these things at that age? He was not even 5
years old, less than that. Then I asked him, "If this was the case then while living in Dwarka why did he run on occasion of
Draupadi chir haran [tearing of clothes] taking with him Shankh, Chakra, Gada, Padam, and Garud? Why did he run? If he had no
sense of chastity of a woman then why did he run?’ On this issue that "shri krishna" [referred person] became silent. On one hand,
there is Shri Krishna who is holding a mountain on one finger and on other hand these [fraud krishnas] are just being formed in
every street and market. Get them where you want, whether "shri Krishna" or "shivji". Where is The Lord Shiva? Have you saved
any amount of your intelligence or not? I’m surprised sometimes and very much surprised because man has reached to such a
level of penetrability in his intelligence! To whom God has opened all the shell of intelligence, then why there is curtain on the
issue of religion? Not only in this country but it is very sad to say that such darkness prevailing in foreign countries also. There
was another yogiji; his disciple came to meet us. He came before me. What we saw that his Agnya and Nabhi Chakra both were
rotated [opposite]. And he was singing his bhajans. To rotate opposite means the person who is mad. When you are realized
then you will also see that when a man becomes mad then his Agnya and Nabhi Chakra get oppositely turned. This ill practice of
pret vidya [knowledge of possessing a bhoot] and shamshan vidya [cemetery knowledge] have been continuously running since
long in our country. This is not the case where nobody knows about it, but it is sure that in view of modern education, attention
could not go that side. It is also called as karani in Marathi. These possessed women who are often called as "devi", can come in
anyone’s body and we go to apply kumkum to them. bhoots do enter them. Why we cannot understand it? These all are nothing
but pret vidya [knowledge of possessing a bhoot] and shamshan vidya [cemetery knowledge]. There is a big science of this field.
I will tell you about it sometime later if you wish. But today I’m speaking at the feet of Datta Maharaj. This should be clearly
understood that these are symptoms of great fall that we sell ourselves in the hands of others. At least try to put your
intelligence alright, just jerk it. Whenever you go listen a lecture, then you just think that, "What this person is speaking about and
what he is doing?" Try to distinguish between what he is saying and what he is doing. He just cannot be a Guru. You should
understand it! If we say just now that we are this and that and tomorrow, we start getting after mundane things, then we cannot
be like that. I mean to say that this world is not a useless but a state of witness should at least come in Gurus. There are many
gurus who have appeared for Kundalini. You tell me about them. Yesterday also I told you that God has no watch to tell you that,
"At 4’0 clock I will raise your Kundalini." These are all arrangements of bhoots. I will give you a very good example on this. There
was a big doctor called Dr.Lane, who lived in London. He had done quite research and he wanted that people get cured through
him but suddenly he died in an accident therefore he could not take his research to people. So, when he died – when we die, we
do not die in full way, a small portion is fallen, remaining subtle body leaves slowly –slowly. So, he thought why not try what it is
like entering in some body. So, there was a Vietnamese soldier who was fighting, he entered in him and asked him to go to his
son and tell him about such and such things. Now just think if Dr. Lane had to do it somehow then why he did not enter into his
son? Because he knew that there are consequences of doing this. So, he said, "Look, you narrate the whole story to my son and
he will agree to it." When this soldier went to meet his son then his son was convinced. He said, "These things were known only
to my father and no other person know about it and so let’s open a clinic." They formed a very big organization through which
they used to cure people. Other doctors also got associated with Dr. Lane. They also do these kinds of things that are being done
still now. They tell you that, "If you have any problem then write a letter to us." They tell that at 5’o clock evening something will
happen inside you, someone will come in you, in your psyche which we call as superego. He will enter through it and work it out.
They take out a bhoot and replace it with another. If there is a drunkard then his drinking will go away but he will start getting
angry. This is their work. But they are simple poor fellows because at least they tell you that they do the work of spirit and they do
not say that, "We do the work of God." But in our country people just not do the work of solid bhoots but of devils and give the
name of God to it. If such types of people cure anybody to some extent, then you can imagine what will be his state whose
Kundalini is damaged, where there is an injury to our Mother. There is no need to go to any of these places. If not today, all of you
become Realized tomorrow for sure but do not go to wrong path. Once your Kundalini is damaged then I just cannot do anything.
The whole job will be finished. Those whose Kundalini has been wronged you know about them. Amongst you many have got
Realization, they know how much difficulties we have beard upon ourselves. While we put our hand on them some of them got
big, big blisters on them, very big blisters have come out. And when they put hands towards me then they get small bit of blisters
and many people feel burning sensation in their hands. From me there are cool, cool breezes flowing out but their hands are
burning. I’m willing to get them [realized people] established in their powers. But there is different kind of power which sitting in
them [false gurus]. Try to save yourself from these gurus because there is no law to prevent it. If anyhow it has to be prevented
then think from your intelligence that, "Who is a true guru? The one who give you absolute." One woman asked me a question; it
was a very on spot question. She asked me, "If you have seen any realized souls in this world who are realized without coming to
you." There have been many and they are still now. That is why I took many of my disciples to a very great Guru, who used to live
in Kolhapur, in a forest mountain. It is Gagangarh, seven miles away. I took them there, "Today is an auspicious day, is a very
great occasion there." I asked them, "Just open your hands like this." Cool-cool vibrations were coming. "Mother, who is this
person here? Why he had gone to a forest?" This is also a question to think that all those great people why they live in jungles.
You have mentioned about Nityananda, he was a great person in reality. He was such a person that when anybody used to come
near him then he used to throw stones at him saying, "Get lost from here." The same can be said of Baba Tabbudin in our
Nagpur. He was a poor guy who lived in jungle, which is now a populated area. Why these people run away to jungles? There are
few reasons. You have just seen here, there were some children sitting, their hands were burning, and they were doing something
like this. In the same way their body starts burning. Many poor sadhus just have to live in water, because in your psyche, in super
ego, bhoots are sitting to burn and to torture these bhaktas. Therefore, they decide to run away to jungles. Because you don’t
know what are you doing! You don’t understand vibrations that is why these poor people are staying in jungles to save
themselves. How could they redeem themselves? Now just look at Gagangarh Maharaj, it is true that he cured many people, but
the problem is that his fingers moved inside like a telescope and those of feet also. The poor man lives on a tree or moves on a
lion. Apart from this he cannot move anywhere. But when I reached to him, these people were with me, he quickly recognized
me. There is no doubt about it. He has not yet seen me in this lifetime. But from many years he knew about me. He is elder to
me. He began to say, "Mother, I have been waiting for you for many years. Today I am so fortunate that you have come here." He
is a nagpanthi, so he is just like Macchindranath and a very great person. Once I went to Himalaya, there also I found a few; the
same were in Haridwar; they live in many parts. I told them the blossom time will come. I will tell you how to save your powers
and how to return back the punch of these people. I am sitting, you at least come, I will cure everybody, I can tackle them easily.
Many of them [sadhus] have said, "Mother, we will come, we will come, surely." But poor chaps don’t have courage. Their hands
and legs have been broken; they [false gurus] have put blisters in them, they have burnt them. All these are work of devils. Up till
now I have counted ten demons and six demoness who have come in this Kali Yuga. Nowadays, suppose Ravana comes here,
then also he will never say that he is Ravana, he will claim himself to be God. If he will claim to be Ravana then he will be put in
prison. The identity of Ravana is also the one of a demon. That too, I am going to tell you about, you will be benefited. The man
who has eyes like a cat- if you see the eyes of cat then you will understand. Many people just don’t see many things. The eyes of
cat - which has an eyeball inside - pupil of eye, as soon as you see it, it becomes small and in no time, it disappears, it is just
similar to the eyes of demons. I know them quite well. I have seen them in each and every birth. You can know them through their
eyes that they are demons. Their pupil of eye just become small and disappears. This is their identification. Whether you can call
them 'God' or anything else, but they are demons. And these people have achieved many siddhis [powers]. This is work of our
Bhole Shankaraji [Shiva]. What to do? They [demons] have achieved many siddhis. As Shiva gave one siddhi to Ravana that when
he used to speak and give lectures then something used to happen on Nabhi Chakra [of the listener] that a bhoot would sit there.
Thousands of people were overwhelmed listening to his speeches. Even to this extent that nobody was ready to fight against
Rama (but) he convinced all of them. Similarly, Mahishasura had also siddhis. All demons have their own siddhis. And because
of their siddhis, these people always kept on suppressing goodness and light, and kept on pouring darkness. Today in Kali Yuga,
the situation is quite similar, and you are thinking that, "I have only two hands." It is your work and it will happen through you
people only. You will be surprised because deities are also sitting at one side and demons on other. Fierce battle is going on.
Today when I see this scene- what are these troubles? Is this because of your thinking? No, not at all! Thess devils and demons
work through the pret yoni [dead spirits] and satiate you people so that you come running in their feet. All this is the work of
these people. And if you have to defeat these people, then you have to lit the light in you. If you want to enlighten it, then all have
to lit a light within themselves. You yourself will become a light. And what is surprising is - at this time God also wants that man
should come on the stage, man himself should work. A man should become Parmatma Swaroop [form of God] and becomes a
superman, there be establishment of superman. A new dimension is going to come in you. But the only thing is that you should
learn to take it, should learn to absorb it. It cannot be compared with the standard of intelligence as of now, because if you try to
understand through the intelligence, then you can only see my hand but not un-manifested streams which are flowing from
them. Those people who are very big pandits, if they want, they should read Kabir Das, Nanakaji and if possible, also read
Shankaracharya, he is the best. If you read Adi Shankaracharya then you can understand what is this Chaitanya Lahari
[Vibrations], I am talking about. I have not yet met anyone who has systematically said or explained about Kundalini. You know
that little knowledge is a dangerous thing. The same can be said about Kundalini. Otherwise how they could have written this
kind of strange things? I do not know on what basis. But still the witness state of human being is so high, so high that if you read
the Devi Bhagawatam, the Saptashati of Markandeya Swami, then you will be surprised how deeply, in small detail they have
understood this thing. The truth is that unless and until you are Realized anything you do is a waste. Krishna has said the same
thing. Krishna has also said the same thing that, "First get him within." But those who were supposed to understand it could not
understand it, "He was saying to get him inside and you are saying go outside to fight." He meant that you should be a witness. It
is happening in akarma [inaction] it is being done through you. You just do not do. Ego is finished and superego is finished. The
one, who is a doer, is abolished. It was this, what he was talking about, but he was not listened to. He was a diplomat. Krishna
has his own guru tattva. His guru tattva is also very interesting. He was a very big politician. I used to call him an absolute, pure
politician. He was such a big politician, and he knew that this is the only way to get these fools all right. When a child tries to
drive a cart by attaching his horses at back then his father comes and says, "Keep whipping it, carry on, you will reach." But after
getting tired when a child thinks that the horse is just not moving, then he comes to know that first put the horse in front of the
cart then whip it. Therefore, he said to do karma yoga [yoga of action]. Now here you should notice the diplomacy of Krishna. It is
difficult to find a guru like Krishna. He is such a guru that requires a lot of intensity and depth of intelligence. What I am going to
tell you now, no one would have told you this so far, you listen to it. He said that, "You do the action and leave the fruitfulness of
action to God." It is just not possible, an absolute absurd condition. When you are doing something and you know it, then how
can you leave it to someone else? You are keeping horse at back and whipping it. Secondly, he said that, "You do bhakti
[devotion]". See in it, it is very beautiful. You do the ananya bhakti [absolute devotion]. When there is no one else then how there
can be devotion? Means that when union has taken place then whom to devote? He said, "Pushpam, Falam, Toyam" – "Whatever
fruits, flowers, water you offer I will accept it." But he has said that you should do "Ananya bhakti [absolute devotion]" while
giving it! This is absurd, because on absurdity, the mind of man will be confused then he will come to terms. Perhaps he just did
not think that man is going to learn easily. But I am a mother and if a mother has to say something, she will just say it. So far as
possible she will tear her throat to say what she has to say to her son. It is very different kind of heart of a mother, she could not
tolerate diplomacy, it is too late, it is high time, much has been lost, there is disturbance, there is a pile of suffering. Now it, the
time has come to do this work and it is being done. You people are also achieving this thing. Those who have found it and those
who have known it, there is a program tomorrow; they should come tomorrow for the program. Those who have not yet achieved
it, they should also come. We have also other places. We are trying to get permanently Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan so that people can
come there. There are many people here who are realized. You too can give realization just after getting it. There are people who
know about chakras and have become knowledgeable and there are some who can give realization. The glory of India is that it is
a Yoga Bhoomi [land of Yoga, union]. Our country is the highest of all the countries of the world. The vibrations of our country are
the highest. There is no doubt about it. And our country is the spinal cord of the entire world. And the place of Kundalini is also
here. She can put the world alright one day. But as of now, all our Chakras are caught up. The movement of Kundalini is getting
difficult. If you can get rid of your blockages in the chakras, then it is possible that from this country itself this message could be
sent out so that the whole world can be changed and it can stand to another, another path where there is a call for Satya Yuga,
that Satya Yuga is going to come. This is the coming of Satya Yuga. But now it is left on your freedom and authority whether you
accept it or go for your destruction. As diseases like cancer and things like war, all these can destroy our world. If you want you
should take it with you and put the world in light and if not, then darkness will arrive. If God wishes He can create thousands of
conditions thinking that an experiment has failed. Such he will think. Now it is a last jump. It has to be seen that how many
people dedicate themselves to it. Many, many thanks to you. This 'three days seminar' was completed with lots of love. So many
people accept this love! That is why, being a mother, I thank you very much. Our many children have already worked hard, day
and night, and they have worked hard to redeem others, and they should keep doing this. I bless you all for this purpose. I take
my leave by giving you blessing of my love. |
12/22/1973 | | Public Program | India | Nagpur | null | Draft | null | Draft | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | Hindi | 44 | Public Program (Hindi), Nagpur, Maharastra, 1973 [English translation from Hindi] Long time ago, there came many occasions
spontaneously when I had to give lectures in front of very great audience, to say before thousands of people and there was an
incident in 1930 when Gandhiji did fast. My father was also a good orator, you must be knowing about him, but he had to leave to
home because of some important work. Everybody started telling that, ‘Salve Sir, if you will not give the lecture then all the
people will run. How things will work?’ He said, ‘Brother, I am simply going. Here is my daughter and I am leaving her as a
bailment, I am going and I will come back then I will give a speech.’ But it was very late and he did not return. Everybody told that,
‘He has not yet come and has left his daughter as a bailment. Now what will happen? Who will give speech? And there are the
people from Chitnis Park; if they become angry then they will start pelting stones.’ There was a gentleman sitting there, he told,
‘Why not ask her to give a speech?’ I was asked, ‘Would you give a speech?’ I replied, ‘OK, I will give.’ That time I was just 7 years
old. If there are some people of that period, they must be remembering that I gave a speech for about 15-20 minutes and I
narrated the story of marriage of dolls (gudda-guddi). Now I think after so many years, I have come with new topic amongst my
own people, my own brothers and sisters. Quite a bit of old memories are also coming. From the childhood itself, the thing that I
had known very well, to talk about that I never got a chance. The reason behind it was that a person who is born on tenth floor,
the one who knows about the things of tenth floor: what can he talk with those who belongs to first floor? Even if he says
anything then nobody will believe. From early childhood I used to talk about it with my parents, especially with my father and
used to discuss much about the religion but I saw that He too thought that these things will not be understood by anyone. For
example, Mr. Barin [name unsure], who is a local advocate, he used to teach me in my childhood, he too knows Me very well and
my brothers and sisters and many people from here with whom my father was acquainted; I used to consider about all these
people that they would not be able to understand my point. Therefore this was not the proper time to discuss these things. At
least these people should reach to first floor- fifth floor then some of my talks will go in their heads. To say such a thing suddenly
that make people think what a mad person is speaking, then what is the gain out of it? I was too in the same search to find out
that what the problem of human being is and how it is going to be solved? You will be surprised to know that I had a great habit
of meditation since my childhood. And when we used to live at Mount Road then also, I have heard that now a very nice garden
has been made, there is a temple of Mother Mary there, I used to go there and think for hours on this subject, I used to think that
there is a confusion in human being, there is a problem; there is only one problem- very normal, that problem is such that the God
has made this entire Universe, created entire "lila". Why? Just like a play is going on and a man has conceded that he has to play
this play very seriously. And I am the only one. For example, there is a man and he is told to become Shivaji and play the role of
Shivaji. Now he starts thinking that I am Shivaji, myself! So, how to remove this madness? It is really a problem because all the
people think that we are what we are, we are the only one! Apart from that they just cannot think that they can be different from
what they are. And when he just cannot think about it then who will want to know about it?Everybody has this thinking that the
play which is going on is the ultimate truth. If you ask children then children consider the whole world as a play. There was one
child who used to come in our house. One day he asked me, ‘Aunty, why are you playing this doctor-doctor?’ They think that this
also is a play: there is a speech, people come and sit and then it is all over. In reality, this is the truth. Children know each and
everything. But we people have taken untruth for truth. For example, we think that since we are born in Nagpur then we start
belonging to Nagpur. Then we are born in Hindustan (India) so we start belonging to Hindustan. Then we are born in Christian
religion so we start belonging to Christian religion. But if you ever ask a little child, ‘Son, who are you? Are you a Japanese or
American?’ Then he will be astonished. He will be more astonished, if you ask him, ‘Are you a Hindu or a Muslim?’ If you ask a
little child, ‘Son, who are you? To maximum he may say, ‘Mother, I am your child and who else? Have you forgotten me?’ In fact
we are human beings in reality; this truth we forget and we believe in what is untruth. When the British ruled here then they were
in a very great untruth that we are British and these are Indians. They had forgotten they were too human beings and these were
also human beings and this is a very big truth. This truth is like that this is one finger and in the same way this is another finger,
then third, fourth, fifth, all fingers of just one hand. But this hand is also a part of one body. We all are entangled in one thing, this
is a great truth and this is the true fact. But if this finger thinks that I am separate and this finger tries to press other and if it tries
to bite it, if my teeth start biting my legs; such things I used to see in this world. I just could not understand that how to convince
these people-‘Look you are all one’. Therefore, it was necessary that everybody should feel that their pain can be felt by them and
vice versa. So what to do then? Because I used to feel it and I knew it. Just now what Barin Sir [inaudible] told is true. When he
came to Bombay he had told Me, but he did not give Me the reference. He said that, ‘You have such guts in giving speeches and
if you are such dynamic and everything then you should come in political field. People like you should come in the political field.’
I told him, ‘Brother, please forgive me, this is not my cup of tea.’ When he continued to insist then I replied to him, ‘A circle of light
is what just revolves in my mind.’ Because the reason was that it has been actually revolving since long, but how to convince to
people that what it is that I’m seeing .This was the big question in my mind. Therefore, I studied little bit of medical science to
understand what a human being is. What is the name of this fuss? I am going to talk to you on this tomorrow.But while seeking it
I went to lots of sadhus (sages). Someone said you become my disciple, someone said become this, I said, ‘Ok.’ There is a
Sadhuji in Haridwar, I stayed with him for many days and then with many more Sadhus. Slowly-slowly I came to know that they
were all 420 (frauds). They did not know anything about God. They did not know anything about themselves. They did not know
about kundalini. All they were looking was either money or women. They were all useless, they had no purity. They were all liars. I
find it very-very rare to get a real Sadhu. Even if there is one or two, they were all staying in Jungles. Therefore, I was
disappointed to know that the lie people do in the name of religion; I think they do not do more in any other thing or in any
business. But the way religion is made a business, the business to make money, there can be no bigger abhorrent thing other
than this. That is why you must have heard about Jesus Christ, the one who was a big priest of peace, once took a hunter in his
hand started to hit those who were having their shops near temples. In our country, those people who run their shops near
temples, nobody hit them. But those who have made temples as their shops, those who are selling God in streets and those who
have collected millions of rupees, earned millions of foreign exchange, by making all foul and making them mad by bhoot vidya,
shamshan vidya, preta vidya (art of possessing dead spirit) and are looting them, there can no bigger Adharma and Pap
(non-religion and sin) than this. This bundle of sins just cannot be brought down from their heads. Because they just not only
scratch your money, if they had to scratch your money, just take it, if you have to pick pocket ;have it, there is no harm in it.
Because all these things are perishable. They are going to be remained in this world, but the source of your power which is your
own, which is kundalini, when they just spoil it, when they damage its path and debauch you by prêt and bhoot vidya. Then they
should know that no one has taken with himself this bundle of money and nor any one will. But what will happen to them while
they carry the bundle of sin? But many of them are incarnation of devils. Big-big devils, these people who have come on this
earth, these devils take name of God. I have seen these people very closely and I came to know how conjurers are they, their
tricks are simply tremendous. Like Sitaji; how Ravana took her away, poor Sitaji- who was Adishakti incarnate, could not come to
sense that this Ravana has taken her away.The same types of great devils have come and are doing this evil work in the world.
Due to this Pret and Shamshan vidya so much troubles and evils have come in our world. Because these evil souls are able to
convert even a good man in to a unholy man. They destroy their wisdom. It is wrong to play in their hands. When we do anything
with over- enthusiasm then we think we are doing right thing but when the act is over then we feel so bad and suffer: how we
have become so fool to have done such a thing. In reality, it is all Preta Vidya, it is mass hypnotism. We are running amongst
them and we do not have any idea that for small-small things we are murdering and doing mischief. These people have collected
3-3, 4-4 crores of rupees, if you go and see in their houses then you will be surprised to see that they live in big-big mansions,
lives just like a great king. Another kind of people has also come out of the world, who teaches to give up and take
self-renunciation, take this and take that. In reality, they want to befool you. Has God made self-renunciation? No, the one which
is not made by God cannot be spiritual. God has neither made renunciation nor has made such a strange thing to believe.
Self-renunciation is a matter of inside, it does not belong to outside. There are few men who are recluses from inside whether
they are sitting in a royal palace or anywhere, they are recluses, their feeling is that of a recluse.I can say this for my father that
he was absolutely a recluse by nature, extremely recluse by nature; it was just narrated by advocate Sahab. But we have seen
very closely that his generosity was to that extent that if he had anything and if anyone reaches to him and says, ‘Salve Sahab, I
am in big trouble and this is happening and that is happening’, then immediately he will take out his ring and give him. One day
someone told him, ‘Salve Sahab, whenever we see, you start giving, at least see if he deserves it or not. This must be considered
that you too have children.’ He replied, ‘Who are my children? Whoever’s children are they, He will take care of them.’ And this is
the reality, the one whose children are, he has taken care of them. You know that he has not left any money for us nor he had
made any will for anyone. Such type of man also lives in this world, makes his name and leaves becoming a big man. And there
is also other who collects the dirt and filth of the world in the name of religion, collects money. If by getting money a man can
become happy then why I hear of movements in the countries where there is a lot of money and so much to eat.Now I have
come here for benevolence of you people: these people have got us down and told us do not go there, people will pelt stones. I
said, ‘is this is the way, we are not giving them more or less of cereals.’ But see the illusion of intellect that they have left to throw
stones at us. The reason is that we give so much importance to Khana-peena (eat- drink). In reality, eating drinking is not such
important. Nothing is such important; here nobody is dying of hunger. If there was anyone to die- then you see in Cinema, there
are thousands of people standing out to get a ticket, buying tickets in black. All the rickshaw-walas(tricycle pullers ) and
tange-walas (horse cart pullers) keep standing there. There is no such a case for which you are throwing stones. But all this is
bhoot vidya. You do not know- it is just a bhoot vidya. All this are the symptoms of pret vidya and nothing else. Otherwise a
human being is not such a fool to do this kind of foolish acts. So, in this way, in whichever country there is so much affluence,
where people are very rich like America. In America, there is so much money that a simple maid servant arrives in Cadillac car.
So I used to think if there is so much of money here then why people are sad? Today she arrives in Cadillac car and tomorrow
she commits suicide. I said, ‘why are you committing suicide? After all, what is the matter?’ In spite of so much of affluence in
America the largest suicides are taking place in America. This is surprising. One evident meaning must be clearly understood
that it is not just money which is everything in the world. There is a much bigger thing than money; which we are seeking in
money. What a human being is seeking? He is seeking peace and joy. He is not seeking money. He is seeking money just to get
peace and joy. Peace and joy are obtained on the support of dharma.And the dharma is not one of outside but one of inside- the
one upon which we conceptualize. The day a human being comes to know that, what is the power behind his sustenance, the
very day he becomes peaceful. I used to tell in a humor, if we go by an airplane and we find some rustic people also travelling for
the first time in an airplane, they were advised to carry less baggage. As soon as they got down to their seat, they took their
baggage on their head. People told them ‘what are you doing?’ They replied, ‘we are simply trying to reduce the burden of
airplane.’ In reality we are also reducing the burden of God, of that divine power, of that eternal power which has made us,
formed us and the one who is going to nurture and care for us like a newborn. In the same way we are carrying his burden on us.
The day when we will come to know that the one who has made us, who has nurtured us, who has raised us -is our only
protagonist; the very day the burden which is there on our head will instantly fall off and man will come to know that it is just a
play.As you are watching here that lots of lights are on, bulbs are on, you see here that the fans are also running; all this is
happening with a power. But if any bulb thinks that I am the only one who is lighting separately and it is me who has to lighten
and if I will not lit then there will be darkness all over. Then we will say to him that you are the greatest fool. But if we look at
ourselves, we find ourselves to be in the same position. The day when we will come to know that there is one power which is
running from inside and we are enlightened only because of the support of that power. Now the modern people say that, ‘Mataji,
how we should believe that there is such power, so and so.’ I say, ‘To which extent the man has gone so far? To which extent
science has reached towards?’The straight issue is that if anybody ask you then you should ask him, ‘Does your heart beats?’ if
there is any doctor, he will say, ‘Yes, so what?’ Then he will say, ‘Yes, it beats automatically.’ There must be someone who has to
do it. Who is he?’ Then he replied, ‘Nobody does it. There is a system which we call as autonomous nervous system, that
autonomous nervous system runs it.’ Then you ask him, ‘Then who is that auto?’ There has to be someone who is putting it in
motion. Whether you call it auto or God or call it his power, whatever you name it, there is some power which makes it run. We
are having our digestion - automatically, how it is happening? We are breathing automatically, how it is happening? Now you
have given it a name that it is autonomous. But it is just a name that you have given; by just giving it a name you have not said
anything scientific. By scientific means that you have to give full detail about it, you have to tell what thing it is. You just do not
know anything about it. He started telling, ‘that is automatic’. But imagine if anyone says that you can get command over it by
your own and achieve it, then people from science will stand up and say that she is merely a housewife and moreover she is from
Nagpur and we know what she can do. By science things cannot be understood. This thing lies within ourselves and whatever of
the world is known, whatsoever knowledge which you are finding in books, these are all known within. Nothing is known through
outside. Very great scientist like Einstein has also said that I have been seeking quite a lot, I had become tired of seeking, and I
could not understand what this theory of relativity is? After getting tired he said, to hell with it and left laboratory and moved to a
garden and started playing with the surf of soap bubbles. He has written in English that while playing with the surf of soap
bubbles suddenly, ‘Somewhere from some unknown; theory of relativity dawned upon me. From somewhere unknown this light
came to me.’ What is that unknown place? If anyone comes across it, if we happen to know the same so that the invisible
becomes visible then any man with scientific bent of mind should keep his eyes open. For what thing the science is about?
Science is for the redemption of human beings, to enhance it, for its well being, not for his destruction. And if science is made for
this cause then what can be a bigger thing than this, which introduces you to yourselves. You think, that you all are listening Me
and if I tell you a small thing that you pay your attention to yourself then nobody can pay attention to himself. There are many big
pandits, they will give lectures to others, there will be many lectures. But if I say that, ‘Brother, ‘Just look at yourself where are you
sitting?’Then you will say, ‘How is it possible? How to look at ourselves? Nobody can look at himself.’ You can look at others but
not at yourself and to carry that glance to yourself is- what sahaja yoga is! As soon as we know ourselves then we know that
source through which the entire universe has been created. Just like there are small-small gems in a necklace; in the same way
you people are small-small gems. Since your attention is different on the gems that is, why you think that you are different. When
your attention will go to that source which is flowing in everyone, you will be able to know the source of others too. This is what
happens in Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja- the meaning of ‘Saha’ is ‘along with’ and ‘ja’ means ‘born’, the Yoga which is born with you. In
other words the instrument by which one is going to be united with that power ,that is born with you, is spontaneously kept within
you, for that you do not have to do anything. What is to be done for that? What do you do for anything which is a living thing?
Suppose there is a seed and you want a tree to come out of it then do you stand on your head or take Sanyas (renunciation) or
get the seed sanyas or do anything of human beings which makes seed sprout? You just do not do anything. What a human
being can actually do? He does all dead work. If a tree dies than he make a table out of it. He takes a big pride in doing so. If at all
a human being can do anything which is a living work then we will be convinced that he can do something.We do this! We do
that! Now there was soil here and they have made a hall out of it. What a great accomplishment! This is all a dead work. Where is
living thing in it? The work done by a man is automatically get closed, but the work of God is the work of nature .The work of
nature gets automatically done , the seed gets automatically sprouted, to do anything about it is not going to yield anything. That
is why we just cannot do anything. This is done automatically within. But the biggest work for a human being is when he is
supposed to do nothing! Therefore putting him in a prison becomes greatest teaching for him. Ultimately it is a blessing for Me if
I am to be put in prison, and if you are to be imprisoned then it will be a jail to you because what is to be done there while for me
it will be a joy without having to do anything. We are running away from ourselves, we are not able to sit with ourselves even for a
minute. If we are happened to sit for 10 minutes with ourselves then we become bore, let’s go for cinema, and let us meet him! If
a human being is asked to sit for 5 minutes with himself then he just cannot sit.But whatever we are inside, are so beautiful and
are so noble, our innermost is so much dignified and so effective that once it is seen, a man instantly forgets everything. But
since it has not been known; as if musk is hidden within and musk deer is searching it out in this world. Same can be applied to
the religion. Like- Nanaka sahib has said, ‘kahe re ban khojan jayi, sada niwasi sada alepa tohe sang samai, pushpa madhya jo
was basat hai mukur mahi jas chhayee, taise hi hari base nirantar ghat hi khojo bhai’- why to go to forest to find Him, He is
always there with you just like there is a fragrance in a flower and just as there is reflection in a mirror, in the same way God is
residing in you eternally, seek Him within. They will repeatedly say ‘ghat hi khojo’ (seek Him within) ‘ghat hi khojo.’ It was just the
prescription that they gave to take the medicine and we are just cramming that prescription. Religion is also a prescription which
we are cramming; nobody knows how to do it? And what is to be done. In matter of religion whatever is to be done, then it would
be like I keep on speaking without establishing a connection. Will you be able to hear it? There is no telephone connection and I
keep on dialing; telephone will go out of order and nobody will be able to hear. First of all you should have your connection.
Sahaja Yoga is method of God’s nature which connects you to the Ananya (eternal) power, He has made this, and the same is to
be achieved by human beings. The day when a human being will realize that this is what is to be achieved, that is the reason why
God has created us. He has made you a human being so that you make your own instrument, in a full way. A special system has
been created within you, because of which two institutions namely ego and super ego are formed in your brain, which separate
you from that power. You make your own battery. Now when you have your own battery then you what you do with your
instrument is that you go here and there- ‘I have to do this, I have to do that’. You seek - first you seek in money, then in power. If
in this birth any person has abundant money, then in next birth he will say, ‘I do not want money, make me a minister
somewhere.’ Then he will seek in power. If he has not found it in power then he will seek in religion. But all of his seeking is done
from outside. The moment he is tired of all his seeking like Buddha also ; who was tired from all corners and he laid down getting
exhausted (and thought), ‘No, I am not going to find it in this way, I did not get it in it what I was seeking.’ The moment he got
tired, the very moment he was blessed and he ultimately found it. He too got it from Sahaja Yoga itself and all the big Gurus of
this world too have got it from Sahaja Yoga, everyone had achieved it through Sahaja Yoga. You cannot seek God through any
other yoga. I bow to Adi Shankaracharya, who is the eldest son of our country; he is very big man of our country. Although, Hindu
religion is very much degraded and we just could not understood what Hindu religion is all about. Adi Shankaracharya has clearly
said, ‘na sankhen, na yogen’ – God can’t be achieved by anything. And he also has said that there are three types of people. First
types of persons are those who seek God in devotion, they do not have intelligence; they do not understand they have not yet
established a connection, then how they can talk to God. They cram like mad, shouts like mad and die after getting mad. But I
would have no objection if it would have stopped just here, sometimes in this madness a man gets connected to Paraloka (world
of the dead) and bhoot vidya etc. enters in him. It may happen. Second type of person is a person with very sharp intelligence,
very intelligent, but he has very unstable mind. He runs here and there, run this way and that way. So such a person thinks of
yoga practice, so that one can control mind. This is also very wrong attitude. You cannot reach there by controlling mind. So that
person controls the mind, thinks that by controlling he will reach (there). Such disciplined mind, such mind cannot take you to
God, the car in which brakes are applied cannot take you there. But from this it should not be understood that the one who is
indulgent or is very voluptuous, he can reach God. He can never reach to God. But the person who leaves all these things to
thinks that I have to seek that and he disciplines himself too much in the name of religion, he also does not reach. Actually, we
have to become, we have to just become. Like, recently these ‘Hare-Rama’ people came to me and said, ‘Mataji, you have all the
luxuries in your house.’ Yes, it is there, my husband is in good position so I have everything in my house. Such is the arrangement
of God that’s why we are living there. Then how can you say that God has situations like so and so? So I asked, ‘Brother, do you
mean to say by this, does all this things make any difference in me?’ I said, ‘When you have not caught anything then how can
you leave it?’ "I have given up this, I have given up that, I have taken renunciation". I said, "You are advertising it!" To leave and to
hold is possible only when a man knows that you can hold something and you can leave something. But if any human being who
just knows it that nothing is caught and nothing is left then what is the meaning of renunciation? You don’t even need
renunciation. Now see this tree: it is just standing, is it an ascetic or a householder? You also just exist.The day when you will just
become, you will just become a witness then the all outward things will mean to be just a play going on; keep on watching. If
people are throwing stones even then you are watching, people are garlanding you even then you are watching, people are
coming to your feet then also you are watching, people are beating you with shoes then also you are watching, both the things
are to be seen: Everything is a play. Like when Jesus Christ was crucified, everybody cried watching it: ‘He is crucified, He is
crucified’; for Him it was just a play. What does it matter to Him, crucifixion has no meaning for Him. The man who stopped a
storm, could He not have stopped this people? You just think, such a powerful person who could stop a storm, could he not have
stopped these donkeys? If He had wished he would have thrown the cross and could have destroyed everything. But he was
saying, ‘Let us make these fools a little fool!’ Therefore, He went on to fool and we think that He was crucified. How could He be
crucified? Indestructible being cannot be crucified; they come regularly in this world and benefit the world. Neither can anyone
kill them, nor can anybody take away their life. Nobody can give them misery and nobody can give them happiness. They live in
the state of joy. Sahaja Yoga makes human being in the same state. In fact, till now nobody came to know about it so strongly,
as I did, but it is surprising that I came to know about it. In my previous lives also, many a times I tried it. When I was born, I was
born in your Nagpur; there is something special about it. I was born in Chhindwara near Nagpur and the parents that I chose
must be special and also my brothers and sisters and you people who are also residents of my Nagpur, there must be something
special in it. And all of you people who have reached here today, there must be something special in it also. It may be possible
that you have come here because of your good deeds in previous lives and you may get it. Now many people also say that,
‘Mataji, it is very difficult.’ People say that kundalini awakening takes time, and it is not achieved so easily, it happens to one in
million. I say that, ‘Yes, may be it happens to one in million but this is not today’s situation.’ Now we have reached moon. If we
tell our grandmother that we have reached moon she will say, ‘It is just not possible.’ Even if she is shown the photograph then
also she will say, ‘No you have falsely made this photo and showing it for no reason, it is just not possible. How one can go to
moon?’ We believe we have reached moon, but the world which has reached moon, the one which has explored outside, it will
surely search it inside one day. Otherwise if the tree which grows too much outside, if it does not search its source, if it does not
find out its power, then it is possible that tomorrow it may get destroyed. And this is what is going to happen. If you have not
known your powers and the collective consciousness within; by knowing I don’t mean understanding it, this is not a subject to be
understood by intelligence; it just enters in you. Now, some people who have come with us from Bombay, those who are realized,
by the indication of fingers they will tell you what problem you have? They can feel ii through vibrations. Each and every person
emits from within different types of vibrations. With this they can tell accurately what problem this person has, which may be
physical, mental, intellectual, every type of defect it may be; it may be from your previous birth, may be traditional. You can
understand all types of such problems by the indication of your fingers. And kundalini which resides in us and about which I will
tell you tomorrow, when kundalini starts raising upwards then she enables a man to see what a spectacle he is! And only by the
indication of fingers these people understands what it is? If this is true and if it is happening then what is there to worry about?
What is there to doubt in it? If tomorrow I say that I have got a diamond, it is kept here, whoever wants it, take it, it is free. What
do you think, does anybody will doubt? Is there anyone amongst you who will doubt? Everybody will run and say that ‘It is a
diamond whether it is of glass or anything else, take it, it is just free.’ If I say that this thing is free, which is joy giving: people in
America were surprised to hear that. They said that, ‘That Mahesh yogi came here, he takes 277 dollars, such a fellow came he
takes 377 dollars, and you should also take somewhat 77 for your work!’ I was surprised. I said, ‘See, as far as I am concerned, I
don’t understand this. You better decide its value. You only decide its price, whatever price you can give for this, you give.
Anything which is indestructible in this world, tell me if you can purchase it. If there is something which is equal to the dust of
feet of indestructible thing in this world then there is point where a man can say whether he want to leave it or take it. You cannot
purchase it.’ If you could purchase God from market then how He would have been God? Here all these sadhus are selling God in
market, at that time we should apply our mind that what are they doing? One person came to Me and said one Babaji (wanderer)
has given me a ring. So, I asked, why did you take it, you have already millions of rings and if he is such a big donor then he
should solve the economic problem of our country, he should give everybody food, rings, watches; there will be celebration
everywhere. But he gives it to only rich people, he doesn’t give it to any poor, what is it? And then one should also think for two
minutes that after all what interest does God has in giving you a ring? Does he have no other concerns but to give you ring and
bangles? If he wants to give you something then he will give something of Param (ultimate) only. The one who gives you the
ultimate is the Guru, and others are all thieves, you must understand this. I have seen many brainsick things about Sahaja Yoga
that I feel like laughing on the stupidity of man, whether I should take money for this or I should do ‘Dravidi Pranayam’ (exercise)
or people should make me dance or I should put them in any trouble otherwise how it is possible? If it is possible then why not
take it. Sometimes I tell people in a very normal way that I am your Mother and I have cooked food for you, however I have made
it is not your business. If you are hungry then taste it. Recently I went to Singapore. There is a very famous international doctor of
Malaysia whose name is Dr. Liang. He is a great man. When he came to know that I have come, he came running; he came home
straight from airport. That time I was dining. After coming there he said, ‘Mother, I am hungry, please give me some food.’ I said,
‘Ok, so you have come!’ I washed my hands so our hostess got upset that, ‘at least have food.’ I said, ‘No, now my son is hungry, I
should go’. Though, he is 15-20 years elder than me. But today he is settled down in it and within one minute he was realized,
within a minute he got it. After getting it he has worked very hard and he says that this is the only way to achieve God. But he was
eager so he settled down. Otherwise others have to be said, ‘this is the thing -that is the thing’, and they need to be convinced.
The one who desires gets it in no time. You should achieve the reality. But the thing should be real. That’s why I say that just now
there is no need to come to my feet. Considering his or her self esteem in mind no one should go at anybody’s feet. Therefore,
Mohammad Sahab prevented to go to anybody’s feet, nobody needs to go. Yes but when you get your realization, when you
achieve quite enough, then you will come to know that these vibrations flows tremendously through these feet only. And without
coming to feet this thing cannot be completed. This is true, then it is ok, otherwise there is no need to come to my feet. You will
get Darshan (act of seeing), it is a kind of disease in our country to take Darshan; that we will take Darshan of Shri Mataji. Now
what is there in having just a Darshan? Try to get something genuine, I am here to give genuine. There are not people to receive
anything genuine, at least in this city where I have lived for many years and in 42’s movement (Freedom Struggle)also I have
worked very hard here. I was very young at that time even though I never got afraid. You must be knowing that police troubled me
a lot; my brothers etc. will tell you. I was given electric shocks also and kept me on ice, but I never was afraid. My whole family
was frightened, but I never felt it. I said, ‘Let it go on, everything is a play.’ But for a long time it has been my desire to introduce
this thing for once in my birth place. But there is one saying in Marathi that, ‘Jithe pikte tithe vikat nahi’ means that where there is
abundance of something then it is not much appreciated. That’s why I thought let some time pass; perhaps people of Nagpur will
realize that a very big task is going to take place from here. The place of Nagpur is very high, in my point of view, Nagpur is the
Nabhi of the whole world. So, you understand it that how much carefully and how properly Nagpurians have to live and should
behave and how wisely they should think! Whereas whole world is afraid of Nagpurians! Once I went to Lata Mangeshkar and
asked her to come to a program. She replied, ‘No question of me, I will not allow even anybody else to go there, Once I went
there, they threw shoes at me.’ Another person also had same experience. I said, ‘I am going to my parent’s place.’ They got Me
down half way in Badnera, where Rukmani haran took place and they brought me here stealthily in the same way (Rukmani
haran) saying that ‘don’t go there otherwise people will throw stones at you.’ The one which is the Nabhi of the whole world,
where there is power of sustaining this universe, where there is a place of Shri Vishnu on our Nabhi; who is ‘Palankarta’
(sustainer), where He resides; if so much stupidity is prevailing there then what to say? But it is going to continue until you reach
your place. Like there is a son of a beggar, he is wandering, he is begging. But the day he comes to know that he is a son of a
King then will he beg? This applies to the people of Nagpur that they have a special fortune.First of all our country is a Yoga
Bhoomi (land of yoga), rest are Bhog Bhoomis (land of indulgence). We are running after Bhog Bhoomi like fools. This land of
yoga, in this land of Yoga, Bhoomi, there are lots of vibrations, in each particle. The people, who were with us, began telling even
before footing in Nagpur, ‘Shri Mataji, what fantastic are the vibrations of Nagpur!’ Everyone is saying that what fantastic are the
vibrations of Nagpur and here are you people, uninfluenced. You are just not aware of the air which is spreading here. And in this
place which is the Nabhi of whole nation. First, India is the body of the whole creation. The human body is what India is and
inside it is the Nabhi chakra, which was established first of all in the form of a sustainer and which is Nagpur then you should
know that how high the place of Nagpur. And is your place is so high. If it is possible today then you must get it and the biggest
thing is first to get it. Do not just come to feet, get something of it today. It will take some time, I am ready for the session, and
you should also be ready to sit. Sit comfortably and get it. After getting it you cannot have the disease of cancer. The disease of
cancer can only be cured through Sahaja Yoga. I am saying it today and after ten years when this fact will come from America
then you will think that, ‘Oh, she was saying it!’ Get the 'disease' of Sahaja Yoga and you will get rid of all your diseases! Through
Sahaja Yoga all the diseases will be cured. Disease of Heart chakra, Vishudhhi chakra which is called cervical plexus like cough,
cold etc., diseases of brain- madness, of Bhoot Vidya, Shamshan Vidya, of stomach; all these diseases will be cured. Except for
two or four diseases which affect having come from outside, there is no cure or something which is dead. Now in cancer,
doctors say that take out the brain. They have just brought a big patient, they told me to see him, he was unconscious, he got a
big relief. But how I can bring his brain, they have removed it. I told them that it is a repairing shop, if you have just removed the
very thing then what we can do? So except this kind of things, all the diseases are cured.Peace and thoughtless awareness will
be established in you: you are in Antarmaun (inner silence) but aware of all outside things. Your vision will have a state of
witness. Your intelligence will become dynamic, it becomes unique. Such go up your measurement that you yourself become
knowledge. By knowledge, for example we had once a very normal artist; poor one who used to come to Me. Now she is having
her big-big paintings are on display. One very simple musician got his realization, nowadays he is singing in Canada and
everywhere. When people say what is material benefit of it then I say what you get is a total material gain, what else! From where
this materialism has come? And from where all these powers have come? Whatever we think, consider: from where this has
come? The source of all above, in the Ganga (river) of which you are to be bathed but if your pitcher is already filled, then what I
can do? Empty a little bit of your pitcher. As far as the devotion is concerned, Mr.Lal has just spoken on this subject; there is a
fear of some misunderstanding. Therefore I want to say that there is no need to have any devotion to me. Only thing is that you
should be devoted to yourself. The issue is not having devotion to Me, but only towards yourself. Don’t fight with yourself; don’t
abuse yourself as to why I have done this and that. For some time leave all papa-punya (sins and good virtues) outside. You have
to have faith in yourself, it will work out. It is like rays of sun, in this way the love is flowing. For that there is no need of any faith
or something: it will be worked out on its own. But you should have faith in yourself, that yes we can get it. After all, it is
something special when it has happened to thousands of people in the sinful place like Bombay then it must happen in this
spiritual place also. Tomorrow also, there is a program of meditation, etc. I don’t know, my time does not belong to Me, you ask
these people. Today also there was a mess that everybody told me that the speech is scheduled at 5.30 but actually it was at
5.00. So, tomorrow also you take a note about this later. And now you go in meditation, do as I say, what happens in it I will tell
you in advance so that you are able to understand it. You just put your both hands like this towards Me. Kindly leave some space
around you for the reason that you people don’t know how to swim. Imagine that you are sinking and then swimmers are going
to save you. You don’t have to do anything. If you will move your hands or legs then there work will go in vain. You sit normally
and if there is anything tight in your body then just loose it little bit. Sit comfortably as you do while eating. If there is any Tabiz
(amulet) etc. in your neck then kindly remove it. There should be nothing like amulets in your body; take it out, and sit
comfortably. And after some time when I will ask you to close your eyes then kindly pay your attention to your fontanel bone and
don’t rotate your eyes upwards. As you think about your household just sitting here, in the same way you should think what is
happening here. Just watch and see your thoughts and say to your mind with love, with love, ‘hello mind, just tell me what are you
thinking?’ Say it with love to your mind. You will see that suddenly you have reached to such a place where you find that you have
become thoughtless. After getting thoughtlessness you will feel that some kinds of waves are slowly-slowly coming on your
hands. Just as it comes from a cooler ; cool-cool. Some people will feel warm in the beginning, doesn’t matter, and if hot are
coming then jerk it. But some people’s hands will shiver, somebody’s heart will beat. It may be possible that somebody starts
swinging or something is happening inside him then such person should kindly go out. Before it starts, you go out. People will
look after them outside. They should not disturb others sitting inside. If somebody’s hands are burning simply then take it out
yourself, if they are burning extremely then look at Me with open eyes. If somebody is feeling giddiness then they should also
look at Me. Those who have major diseases like serious type of diabetes, serious type of heart trouble then those people should
go outside. Those people will look after them. But if somebody is sick normally then they need not worry like if there is stomach
illness or other it does not matter. I do not see any serious heart patient here.If you try to be a little wise then everything will work
out. Don’t scream, don’t shout, and don’t make noises. Lots of people have problem of arrival of 'devis' (possession). We have
seen in our meditation that no 'devis' come in anybody. Does Devi has no other business? These are all bhoots (possession)
which comes in your body. Therefore nobody should talk about the arrival of the Devi. And the one in whom 'devi' comes, he
should go out. Kindly go out and tell them that you have this trouble, they will look after you. | null | null | null | Public Program (Hindi), Nagpur, Maharastra, 1973 [English translation from Hindi] Long time ago, there came many occasions
spontaneously when I had to give lectures in front of very great audience, to say before thousands of people and there was an
incident in 1930 when Gandhiji did fast. My father was also a good orator, you must be knowing about him, but he had to leave to
home because of some important work. Everybody started telling that, ‘Salve Sir, if you will not give the lecture then all the
people will run. How things will work?’ He said, ‘Brother, I am simply going. Here is my daughter and I am leaving her as a
bailment, I am going and I will come back then I will give a speech.’ But it was very late and he did not return. Everybody told that,
‘He has not yet come and has left his daughter as a bailment. Now what will happen? Who will give speech? And there are the
people from Chitnis Park; if they become angry then they will start pelting stones.’ There was a gentleman sitting there, he told,
‘Why not ask her to give a speech?’ I was asked, ‘Would you give a speech?’ I replied, ‘OK, I will give.’ That time I was just 7 years
old. If there are some people of that period, they must be remembering that I gave a speech for about 15-20 minutes and I
narrated the story of marriage of dolls (gudda-guddi). Now I think after so many years, I have come with new topic amongst my
own people, my own brothers and sisters. Quite a bit of old memories are also coming. From the childhood itself, the thing that I
had known very well, to talk about that I never got a chance. The reason behind it was that a person who is born on tenth floor,
the one who knows about the things of tenth floor: what can he talk with those who belongs to first floor? Even if he says
anything then nobody will believe. From early childhood I used to talk about it with my parents, especially with my father and
used to discuss much about the religion but I saw that He too thought that these things will not be understood by anyone. For
example, Mr. Barin [name unsure], who is a local advocate, he used to teach me in my childhood, he too knows Me very well and
my brothers and sisters and many people from here with whom my father was acquainted; I used to consider about all these
people that they would not be able to understand my point. Therefore this was not the proper time to discuss these things. At
least these people should reach to first floor- fifth floor then some of my talks will go in their heads. To say such a thing suddenly
that make people think what a mad person is speaking, then what is the gain out of it? I was too in the same search to find out
that what the problem of human being is and how it is going to be solved? You will be surprised to know that I had a great habit
of meditation since my childhood. And when we used to live at Mount Road then also, I have heard that now a very nice garden
has been made, there is a temple of Mother Mary there, I used to go there and think for hours on this subject, I used to think that
there is a confusion in human being, there is a problem; there is only one problem- very normal, that problem is such that the God
has made this entire Universe, created entire "lila". Why? Just like a play is going on and a man has conceded that he has to play
this play very seriously. And I am the only one. For example, there is a man and he is told to become Shivaji and play the role of
Shivaji. Now he starts thinking that I am Shivaji, myself! So, how to remove this madness? It is really a problem because all the
people think that we are what we are, we are the only one! Apart from that they just cannot think that they can be different from
what they are. And when he just cannot think about it then who will want to know about it?Everybody has this thinking that the
play which is going on is the ultimate truth. If you ask children then children consider the whole world as a play. There was one
child who used to come in our house. One day he asked me, ‘Aunty, why are you playing this doctor-doctor?’ They think that this
also is a play: there is a speech, people come and sit and then it is all over. In reality, this is the truth. Children know each and
everything. But we people have taken untruth for truth. For example, we think that since we are born in Nagpur then we start
belonging to Nagpur. Then we are born in Hindustan (India) so we start belonging to Hindustan. Then we are born in Christian
religion so we start belonging to Christian religion. But if you ever ask a little child, ‘Son, who are you? Are you a Japanese or
American?’ Then he will be astonished. He will be more astonished, if you ask him, ‘Are you a Hindu or a Muslim?’ If you ask a
little child, ‘Son, who are you? To maximum he may say, ‘Mother, I am your child and who else? Have you forgotten me?’ In fact
we are human beings in reality; this truth we forget and we believe in what is untruth. When the British ruled here then they were
in a very great untruth that we are British and these are Indians. They had forgotten they were too human beings and these were
also human beings and this is a very big truth. This truth is like that this is one finger and in the same way this is another finger,
then third, fourth, fifth, all fingers of just one hand. But this hand is also a part of one body. We all are entangled in one thing, this
is a great truth and this is the true fact. But if this finger thinks that I am separate and this finger tries to press other and if it tries
to bite it, if my teeth start biting my legs; such things I used to see in this world. I just could not understand that how to convince
these people-‘Look you are all one’. Therefore, it was necessary that everybody should feel that their pain can be felt by them and
vice versa. So what to do then? Because I used to feel it and I knew it. Just now what Barin Sir [inaudible] told is true. When he
came to Bombay he had told Me, but he did not give Me the reference. He said that, ‘You have such guts in giving speeches and
if you are such dynamic and everything then you should come in political field. People like you should come in the political field.’
I told him, ‘Brother, please forgive me, this is not my cup of tea.’ When he continued to insist then I replied to him, ‘A circle of light
is what just revolves in my mind.’ Because the reason was that it has been actually revolving since long, but how to convince to
people that what it is that I’m seeing .This was the big question in my mind. Therefore, I studied little bit of medical science to
understand what a human being is. What is the name of this fuss? I am going to talk to you on this tomorrow.But while seeking it
I went to lots of sadhus (sages). Someone said you become my disciple, someone said become this, I said, ‘Ok.’ There is a
Sadhuji in Haridwar, I stayed with him for many days and then with many more Sadhus. Slowly-slowly I came to know that they
were all 420 (frauds). They did not know anything about God. They did not know anything about themselves. They did not know
about kundalini. All they were looking was either money or women. They were all useless, they had no purity. They were all liars. I
find it very-very rare to get a real Sadhu. Even if there is one or two, they were all staying in Jungles. Therefore, I was
disappointed to know that the lie people do in the name of religion; I think they do not do more in any other thing or in any
business. But the way religion is made a business, the business to make money, there can be no bigger abhorrent thing other
than this. That is why you must have heard about Jesus Christ, the one who was a big priest of peace, once took a hunter in his
hand started to hit those who were having their shops near temples. In our country, those people who run their shops near
temples, nobody hit them. But those who have made temples as their shops, those who are selling God in streets and those who
have collected millions of rupees, earned millions of foreign exchange, by making all foul and making them mad by bhoot vidya,
shamshan vidya, preta vidya (art of possessing dead spirit) and are looting them, there can no bigger Adharma and Pap
(non-religion and sin) than this. This bundle of sins just cannot be brought down from their heads. Because they just not only
scratch your money, if they had to scratch your money, just take it, if you have to pick pocket ;have it, there is no harm in it.
Because all these things are perishable. They are going to be remained in this world, but the source of your power which is your
own, which is kundalini, when they just spoil it, when they damage its path and debauch you by prêt and bhoot vidya. Then they
should know that no one has taken with himself this bundle of money and nor any one will. But what will happen to them while
they carry the bundle of sin? But many of them are incarnation of devils. Big-big devils, these people who have come on this
earth, these devils take name of God. I have seen these people very closely and I came to know how conjurers are they, their
tricks are simply tremendous. Like Sitaji; how Ravana took her away, poor Sitaji- who was Adishakti incarnate, could not come to
sense that this Ravana has taken her away.The same types of great devils have come and are doing this evil work in the world.
Due to this Pret and Shamshan vidya so much troubles and evils have come in our world. Because these evil souls are able to
convert even a good man in to a unholy man. They destroy their wisdom. It is wrong to play in their hands. When we do anything
with over- enthusiasm then we think we are doing right thing but when the act is over then we feel so bad and suffer: how we
have become so fool to have done such a thing. In reality, it is all Preta Vidya, it is mass hypnotism. We are running amongst
them and we do not have any idea that for small-small things we are murdering and doing mischief. These people have collected
3-3, 4-4 crores of rupees, if you go and see in their houses then you will be surprised to see that they live in big-big mansions,
lives just like a great king. Another kind of people has also come out of the world, who teaches to give up and take
self-renunciation, take this and take that. In reality, they want to befool you. Has God made self-renunciation? No, the one which
is not made by God cannot be spiritual. God has neither made renunciation nor has made such a strange thing to believe.
Self-renunciation is a matter of inside, it does not belong to outside. There are few men who are recluses from inside whether
they are sitting in a royal palace or anywhere, they are recluses, their feeling is that of a recluse.I can say this for my father that
he was absolutely a recluse by nature, extremely recluse by nature; it was just narrated by advocate Sahab. But we have seen
very closely that his generosity was to that extent that if he had anything and if anyone reaches to him and says, ‘Salve Sahab, I
am in big trouble and this is happening and that is happening’, then immediately he will take out his ring and give him. One day
someone told him, ‘Salve Sahab, whenever we see, you start giving, at least see if he deserves it or not. This must be considered
that you too have children.’ He replied, ‘Who are my children? Whoever’s children are they, He will take care of them.’ And this is
the reality, the one whose children are, he has taken care of them. You know that he has not left any money for us nor he had
made any will for anyone. Such type of man also lives in this world, makes his name and leaves becoming a big man. And there
is also other who collects the dirt and filth of the world in the name of religion, collects money. If by getting money a man can
become happy then why I hear of movements in the countries where there is a lot of money and so much to eat.Now I have
come here for benevolence of you people: these people have got us down and told us do not go there, people will pelt stones. I
said, ‘is this is the way, we are not giving them more or less of cereals.’ But see the illusion of intellect that they have left to throw
stones at us. The reason is that we give so much importance to Khana-peena (eat- drink). In reality, eating drinking is not such
important. Nothing is such important; here nobody is dying of hunger. If there was anyone to die- then you see in Cinema, there
are thousands of people standing out to get a ticket, buying tickets in black. All the rickshaw-walas(tricycle pullers ) and
tange-walas (horse cart pullers) keep standing there. There is no such a case for which you are throwing stones. But all this is
bhoot vidya. You do not know- it is just a bhoot vidya. All this are the symptoms of pret vidya and nothing else. Otherwise a
human being is not such a fool to do this kind of foolish acts. So, in this way, in whichever country there is so much affluence,
where people are very rich like America. In America, there is so much money that a simple maid servant arrives in Cadillac car.
So I used to think if there is so much of money here then why people are sad? Today she arrives in Cadillac car and tomorrow
she commits suicide. I said, ‘why are you committing suicide? After all, what is the matter?’ In spite of so much of affluence in
America the largest suicides are taking place in America. This is surprising. One evident meaning must be clearly understood
that it is not just money which is everything in the world. There is a much bigger thing than money; which we are seeking in
money. What a human being is seeking? He is seeking peace and joy. He is not seeking money. He is seeking money just to get
peace and joy. Peace and joy are obtained on the support of dharma.And the dharma is not one of outside but one of inside- the
one upon which we conceptualize. The day a human being comes to know that, what is the power behind his sustenance, the
very day he becomes peaceful. I used to tell in a humor, if we go by an airplane and we find some rustic people also travelling for
the first time in an airplane, they were advised to carry less baggage. As soon as they got down to their seat, they took their
baggage on their head. People told them ‘what are you doing?’ They replied, ‘we are simply trying to reduce the burden of
airplane.’ In reality we are also reducing the burden of God, of that divine power, of that eternal power which has made us,
formed us and the one who is going to nurture and care for us like a newborn. In the same way we are carrying his burden on us.
The day when we will come to know that the one who has made us, who has nurtured us, who has raised us -is our only
protagonist; the very day the burden which is there on our head will instantly fall off and man will come to know that it is just a
play.As you are watching here that lots of lights are on, bulbs are on, you see here that the fans are also running; all this is
happening with a power. But if any bulb thinks that I am the only one who is lighting separately and it is me who has to lighten
and if I will not lit then there will be darkness all over. Then we will say to him that you are the greatest fool. But if we look at
ourselves, we find ourselves to be in the same position. The day when we will come to know that there is one power which is
running from inside and we are enlightened only because of the support of that power. Now the modern people say that, ‘Mataji,
how we should believe that there is such power, so and so.’ I say, ‘To which extent the man has gone so far? To which extent
science has reached towards?’The straight issue is that if anybody ask you then you should ask him, ‘Does your heart beats?’ if
there is any doctor, he will say, ‘Yes, so what?’ Then he will say, ‘Yes, it beats automatically.’ There must be someone who has to
do it. Who is he?’ Then he replied, ‘Nobody does it. There is a system which we call as autonomous nervous system, that
autonomous nervous system runs it.’ Then you ask him, ‘Then who is that auto?’ There has to be someone who is putting it in
motion. Whether you call it auto or God or call it his power, whatever you name it, there is some power which makes it run. We
are having our digestion - automatically, how it is happening? We are breathing automatically, how it is happening? Now you
have given it a name that it is autonomous. But it is just a name that you have given; by just giving it a name you have not said
anything scientific. By scientific means that you have to give full detail about it, you have to tell what thing it is. You just do not
know anything about it. He started telling, ‘that is automatic’. But imagine if anyone says that you can get command over it by
your own and achieve it, then people from science will stand up and say that she is merely a housewife and moreover she is from
Nagpur and we know what she can do. By science things cannot be understood. This thing lies within ourselves and whatever of
the world is known, whatsoever knowledge which you are finding in books, these are all known within. Nothing is known through
outside. Very great scientist like Einstein has also said that I have been seeking quite a lot, I had become tired of seeking, and I
could not understand what this theory of relativity is? After getting tired he said, to hell with it and left laboratory and moved to a
garden and started playing with the surf of soap bubbles. He has written in English that while playing with the surf of soap
bubbles suddenly, ‘Somewhere from some unknown; theory of relativity dawned upon me. From somewhere unknown this light
came to me.’ What is that unknown place? If anyone comes across it, if we happen to know the same so that the invisible
becomes visible then any man with scientific bent of mind should keep his eyes open. For what thing the science is about?
Science is for the redemption of human beings, to enhance it, for its well being, not for his destruction. And if science is made for
this cause then what can be a bigger thing than this, which introduces you to yourselves. You think, that you all are listening Me
and if I tell you a small thing that you pay your attention to yourself then nobody can pay attention to himself. There are many big
pandits, they will give lectures to others, there will be many lectures. But if I say that, ‘Brother, ‘Just look at yourself where are you
sitting?’Then you will say, ‘How is it possible? How to look at ourselves? Nobody can look at himself.’ You can look at others but
not at yourself and to carry that glance to yourself is- what sahaja yoga is! As soon as we know ourselves then we know that
source through which the entire universe has been created. Just like there are small-small gems in a necklace; in the same way
you people are small-small gems. Since your attention is different on the gems that is, why you think that you are different. When
your attention will go to that source which is flowing in everyone, you will be able to know the source of others too. This is what
happens in Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja- the meaning of ‘Saha’ is ‘along with’ and ‘ja’ means ‘born’, the Yoga which is born with you. In
other words the instrument by which one is going to be united with that power ,that is born with you, is spontaneously kept within
you, for that you do not have to do anything. What is to be done for that? What do you do for anything which is a living thing?
Suppose there is a seed and you want a tree to come out of it then do you stand on your head or take Sanyas (renunciation) or
get the seed sanyas or do anything of human beings which makes seed sprout? You just do not do anything. What a human
being can actually do? He does all dead work. If a tree dies than he make a table out of it. He takes a big pride in doing so. If at all
a human being can do anything which is a living work then we will be convinced that he can do something.We do this! We do
that! Now there was soil here and they have made a hall out of it. What a great accomplishment! This is all a dead work. Where is
living thing in it? The work done by a man is automatically get closed, but the work of God is the work of nature .The work of
nature gets automatically done , the seed gets automatically sprouted, to do anything about it is not going to yield anything. That
is why we just cannot do anything. This is done automatically within. But the biggest work for a human being is when he is
supposed to do nothing! Therefore putting him in a prison becomes greatest teaching for him. Ultimately it is a blessing for Me if
I am to be put in prison, and if you are to be imprisoned then it will be a jail to you because what is to be done there while for me
it will be a joy without having to do anything. We are running away from ourselves, we are not able to sit with ourselves even for a
minute. If we are happened to sit for 10 minutes with ourselves then we become bore, let’s go for cinema, and let us meet him! If
a human being is asked to sit for 5 minutes with himself then he just cannot sit.But whatever we are inside, are so beautiful and
are so noble, our innermost is so much dignified and so effective that once it is seen, a man instantly forgets everything. But
since it has not been known; as if musk is hidden within and musk deer is searching it out in this world. Same can be applied to
the religion. Like- Nanaka sahib has said, ‘kahe re ban khojan jayi, sada niwasi sada alepa tohe sang samai, pushpa madhya jo
was basat hai mukur mahi jas chhayee, taise hi hari base nirantar ghat hi khojo bhai’- why to go to forest to find Him, He is
always there with you just like there is a fragrance in a flower and just as there is reflection in a mirror, in the same way God is
residing in you eternally, seek Him within. They will repeatedly say ‘ghat hi khojo’ (seek Him within) ‘ghat hi khojo.’ It was just the
prescription that they gave to take the medicine and we are just cramming that prescription. Religion is also a prescription which
we are cramming; nobody knows how to do it? And what is to be done. In matter of religion whatever is to be done, then it would
be like I keep on speaking without establishing a connection. Will you be able to hear it? There is no telephone connection and I
keep on dialing; telephone will go out of order and nobody will be able to hear. First of all you should have your connection.
Sahaja Yoga is method of God’s nature which connects you to the Ananya (eternal) power, He has made this, and the same is to
be achieved by human beings. The day when a human being will realize that this is what is to be achieved, that is the reason why
God has created us. He has made you a human being so that you make your own instrument, in a full way. A special system has
been created within you, because of which two institutions namely ego and super ego are formed in your brain, which separate
you from that power. You make your own battery. Now when you have your own battery then you what you do with your
instrument is that you go here and there- ‘I have to do this, I have to do that’. You seek - first you seek in money, then in power. If
in this birth any person has abundant money, then in next birth he will say, ‘I do not want money, make me a minister
somewhere.’ Then he will seek in power. If he has not found it in power then he will seek in religion. But all of his seeking is done
from outside. The moment he is tired of all his seeking like Buddha also ; who was tired from all corners and he laid down getting
exhausted (and thought), ‘No, I am not going to find it in this way, I did not get it in it what I was seeking.’ The moment he got
tired, the very moment he was blessed and he ultimately found it. He too got it from Sahaja Yoga itself and all the big Gurus of
this world too have got it from Sahaja Yoga, everyone had achieved it through Sahaja Yoga. You cannot seek God through any
other yoga. I bow to Adi Shankaracharya, who is the eldest son of our country; he is very big man of our country. Although, Hindu
religion is very much degraded and we just could not understood what Hindu religion is all about. Adi Shankaracharya has clearly
said, ‘na sankhen, na yogen’ – God can’t be achieved by anything. And he also has said that there are three types of people. First
types of persons are those who seek God in devotion, they do not have intelligence; they do not understand they have not yet
established a connection, then how they can talk to God. They cram like mad, shouts like mad and die after getting mad. But I
would have no objection if it would have stopped just here, sometimes in this madness a man gets connected to Paraloka (world
of the dead) and bhoot vidya etc. enters in him. It may happen. Second type of person is a person with very sharp intelligence,
very intelligent, but he has very unstable mind. He runs here and there, run this way and that way. So such a person thinks of
yoga practice, so that one can control mind. This is also very wrong attitude. You cannot reach there by controlling mind. So that
person controls the mind, thinks that by controlling he will reach (there). Such disciplined mind, such mind cannot take you to
God, the car in which brakes are applied cannot take you there. But from this it should not be understood that the one who is
indulgent or is very voluptuous, he can reach God. He can never reach to God. But the person who leaves all these things to
thinks that I have to seek that and he disciplines himself too much in the name of religion, he also does not reach. Actually, we
have to become, we have to just become. Like, recently these ‘Hare-Rama’ people came to me and said, ‘Mataji, you have all the
luxuries in your house.’ Yes, it is there, my husband is in good position so I have everything in my house. Such is the arrangement
of God that’s why we are living there. Then how can you say that God has situations like so and so? So I asked, ‘Brother, do you
mean to say by this, does all this things make any difference in me?’ I said, ‘When you have not caught anything then how can
you leave it?’ "I have given up this, I have given up that, I have taken renunciation". I said, "You are advertising it!" To leave and to
hold is possible only when a man knows that you can hold something and you can leave something. But if any human being who
just knows it that nothing is caught and nothing is left then what is the meaning of renunciation? You don’t even need
renunciation. Now see this tree: it is just standing, is it an ascetic or a householder? You also just exist.The day when you will just
become, you will just become a witness then the all outward things will mean to be just a play going on; keep on watching. If
people are throwing stones even then you are watching, people are garlanding you even then you are watching, people are
coming to your feet then also you are watching, people are beating you with shoes then also you are watching, both the things
are to be seen: Everything is a play. Like when Jesus Christ was crucified, everybody cried watching it: ‘He is crucified, He is
crucified’; for Him it was just a play. What does it matter to Him, crucifixion has no meaning for Him. The man who stopped a
storm, could He not have stopped this people? You just think, such a powerful person who could stop a storm, could he not have
stopped these donkeys? If He had wished he would have thrown the cross and could have destroyed everything. But he was
saying, ‘Let us make these fools a little fool!’ Therefore, He went on to fool and we think that He was crucified. How could He be
crucified? Indestructible being cannot be crucified; they come regularly in this world and benefit the world. Neither can anyone
kill them, nor can anybody take away their life. Nobody can give them misery and nobody can give them happiness. They live in
the state of joy. Sahaja Yoga makes human being in the same state. In fact, till now nobody came to know about it so strongly,
as I did, but it is surprising that I came to know about it. In my previous lives also, many a times I tried it. When I was born, I was
born in your Nagpur; there is something special about it. I was born in Chhindwara near Nagpur and the parents that I chose
must be special and also my brothers and sisters and you people who are also residents of my Nagpur, there must be something
special in it. And all of you people who have reached here today, there must be something special in it also. It may be possible
that you have come here because of your good deeds in previous lives and you may get it. Now many people also say that,
‘Mataji, it is very difficult.’ People say that kundalini awakening takes time, and it is not achieved so easily, it happens to one in
million. I say that, ‘Yes, may be it happens to one in million but this is not today’s situation.’ Now we have reached moon. If we
tell our grandmother that we have reached moon she will say, ‘It is just not possible.’ Even if she is shown the photograph then
also she will say, ‘No you have falsely made this photo and showing it for no reason, it is just not possible. How one can go to
moon?’ We believe we have reached moon, but the world which has reached moon, the one which has explored outside, it will
surely search it inside one day. Otherwise if the tree which grows too much outside, if it does not search its source, if it does not
find out its power, then it is possible that tomorrow it may get destroyed. And this is what is going to happen. If you have not
known your powers and the collective consciousness within; by knowing I don’t mean understanding it, this is not a subject to be
understood by intelligence; it just enters in you. Now, some people who have come with us from Bombay, those who are realized,
by the indication of fingers they will tell you what problem you have? They can feel ii through vibrations. Each and every person
emits from within different types of vibrations. With this they can tell accurately what problem this person has, which may be
physical, mental, intellectual, every type of defect it may be; it may be from your previous birth, may be traditional. You can
understand all types of such problems by the indication of your fingers. And kundalini which resides in us and about which I will
tell you tomorrow, when kundalini starts raising upwards then she enables a man to see what a spectacle he is! And only by the
indication of fingers these people understands what it is? If this is true and if it is happening then what is there to worry about?
What is there to doubt in it? If tomorrow I say that I have got a diamond, it is kept here, whoever wants it, take it, it is free. What
do you think, does anybody will doubt? Is there anyone amongst you who will doubt? Everybody will run and say that ‘It is a
diamond whether it is of glass or anything else, take it, it is just free.’ If I say that this thing is free, which is joy giving: people in
America were surprised to hear that. They said that, ‘That Mahesh yogi came here, he takes 277 dollars, such a fellow came he
takes 377 dollars, and you should also take somewhat 77 for your work!’ I was surprised. I said, ‘See, as far as I am concerned, I
don’t understand this. You better decide its value. You only decide its price, whatever price you can give for this, you give.
Anything which is indestructible in this world, tell me if you can purchase it. If there is something which is equal to the dust of
feet of indestructible thing in this world then there is point where a man can say whether he want to leave it or take it. You cannot
purchase it.’ If you could purchase God from market then how He would have been God? Here all these sadhus are selling God in
market, at that time we should apply our mind that what are they doing? One person came to Me and said one Babaji (wanderer)
has given me a ring. So, I asked, why did you take it, you have already millions of rings and if he is such a big donor then he
should solve the economic problem of our country, he should give everybody food, rings, watches; there will be celebration
everywhere. But he gives it to only rich people, he doesn’t give it to any poor, what is it? And then one should also think for two
minutes that after all what interest does God has in giving you a ring? Does he have no other concerns but to give you ring and
bangles? If he wants to give you something then he will give something of Param (ultimate) only. The one who gives you the
ultimate is the Guru, and others are all thieves, you must understand this. I have seen many brainsick things about Sahaja Yoga
that I feel like laughing on the stupidity of man, whether I should take money for this or I should do ‘Dravidi Pranayam’ (exercise)
or people should make me dance or I should put them in any trouble otherwise how it is possible? If it is possible then why not
take it. Sometimes I tell people in a very normal way that I am your Mother and I have cooked food for you, however I have made
it is not your business. If you are hungry then taste it. Recently I went to Singapore. There is a very famous international doctor of
Malaysia whose name is Dr. Liang. He is a great man. When he came to know that I have come, he came running; he came home
straight from airport. That time I was dining. After coming there he said, ‘Mother, I am hungry, please give me some food.’ I said,
‘Ok, so you have come!’ I washed my hands so our hostess got upset that, ‘at least have food.’ I said, ‘No, now my son is hungry, I
should go’. Though, he is 15-20 years elder than me. But today he is settled down in it and within one minute he was realized,
within a minute he got it. After getting it he has worked very hard and he says that this is the only way to achieve God. But he was
eager so he settled down. Otherwise others have to be said, ‘this is the thing -that is the thing’, and they need to be convinced.
The one who desires gets it in no time. You should achieve the reality. But the thing should be real. That’s why I say that just now
there is no need to come to my feet. Considering his or her self esteem in mind no one should go at anybody’s feet. Therefore,
Mohammad Sahab prevented to go to anybody’s feet, nobody needs to go. Yes but when you get your realization, when you
achieve quite enough, then you will come to know that these vibrations flows tremendously through these feet only. And without
coming to feet this thing cannot be completed. This is true, then it is ok, otherwise there is no need to come to my feet. You will
get Darshan (act of seeing), it is a kind of disease in our country to take Darshan; that we will take Darshan of Shri Mataji. Now
what is there in having just a Darshan? Try to get something genuine, I am here to give genuine. There are not people to receive
anything genuine, at least in this city where I have lived for many years and in 42’s movement (Freedom Struggle)also I have
worked very hard here. I was very young at that time even though I never got afraid. You must be knowing that police troubled me
a lot; my brothers etc. will tell you. I was given electric shocks also and kept me on ice, but I never was afraid. My whole family
was frightened, but I never felt it. I said, ‘Let it go on, everything is a play.’ But for a long time it has been my desire to introduce
this thing for once in my birth place. But there is one saying in Marathi that, ‘Jithe pikte tithe vikat nahi’ means that where there is
abundance of something then it is not much appreciated. That’s why I thought let some time pass; perhaps people of Nagpur will
realize that a very big task is going to take place from here. The place of Nagpur is very high, in my point of view, Nagpur is the
Nabhi of the whole world. So, you understand it that how much carefully and how properly Nagpurians have to live and should
behave and how wisely they should think! Whereas whole world is afraid of Nagpurians! Once I went to Lata Mangeshkar and
asked her to come to a program. She replied, ‘No question of me, I will not allow even anybody else to go there, Once I went
there, they threw shoes at me.’ Another person also had same experience. I said, ‘I am going to my parent’s place.’ They got Me
down half way in Badnera, where Rukmani haran took place and they brought me here stealthily in the same way (Rukmani
haran) saying that ‘don’t go there otherwise people will throw stones at you.’ The one which is the Nabhi of the whole world,
where there is power of sustaining this universe, where there is a place of Shri Vishnu on our Nabhi; who is ‘Palankarta’
(sustainer), where He resides; if so much stupidity is prevailing there then what to say? But it is going to continue until you reach
your place. Like there is a son of a beggar, he is wandering, he is begging. But the day he comes to know that he is a son of a
King then will he beg? This applies to the people of Nagpur that they have a special fortune.First of all our country is a Yoga
Bhoomi (land of yoga), rest are Bhog Bhoomis (land of indulgence). We are running after Bhog Bhoomi like fools. This land of
yoga, in this land of Yoga, Bhoomi, there are lots of vibrations, in each particle. The people, who were with us, began telling even
before footing in Nagpur, ‘Shri Mataji, what fantastic are the vibrations of Nagpur!’ Everyone is saying that what fantastic are the
vibrations of Nagpur and here are you people, uninfluenced. You are just not aware of the air which is spreading here. And in this
place which is the Nabhi of whole nation. First, India is the body of the whole creation. The human body is what India is and
inside it is the Nabhi chakra, which was established first of all in the form of a sustainer and which is Nagpur then you should
know that how high the place of Nagpur. And is your place is so high. If it is possible today then you must get it and the biggest
thing is first to get it. Do not just come to feet, get something of it today. It will take some time, I am ready for the session, and
you should also be ready to sit. Sit comfortably and get it. After getting it you cannot have the disease of cancer. The disease of
cancer can only be cured through Sahaja Yoga. I am saying it today and after ten years when this fact will come from America
then you will think that, ‘Oh, she was saying it!’ Get the 'disease' of Sahaja Yoga and you will get rid of all your diseases! Through
Sahaja Yoga all the diseases will be cured. Disease of Heart chakra, Vishudhhi chakra which is called cervical plexus like cough,
cold etc., diseases of brain- madness, of Bhoot Vidya, Shamshan Vidya, of stomach; all these diseases will be cured. Except for
two or four diseases which affect having come from outside, there is no cure or something which is dead. Now in cancer,
doctors say that take out the brain. They have just brought a big patient, they told me to see him, he was unconscious, he got a
big relief. But how I can bring his brain, they have removed it. I told them that it is a repairing shop, if you have just removed the
very thing then what we can do? So except this kind of things, all the diseases are cured.Peace and thoughtless awareness will
be established in you: you are in Antarmaun (inner silence) but aware of all outside things. Your vision will have a state of
witness. Your intelligence will become dynamic, it becomes unique. Such go up your measurement that you yourself become
knowledge. By knowledge, for example we had once a very normal artist; poor one who used to come to Me. Now she is having
her big-big paintings are on display. One very simple musician got his realization, nowadays he is singing in Canada and
everywhere. When people say what is material benefit of it then I say what you get is a total material gain, what else! From where
this materialism has come? And from where all these powers have come? Whatever we think, consider: from where this has
come? The source of all above, in the Ganga (river) of which you are to be bathed but if your pitcher is already filled, then what I
can do? Empty a little bit of your pitcher. As far as the devotion is concerned, Mr.Lal has just spoken on this subject; there is a
fear of some misunderstanding. Therefore I want to say that there is no need to have any devotion to me. Only thing is that you
should be devoted to yourself. The issue is not having devotion to Me, but only towards yourself. Don’t fight with yourself; don’t
abuse yourself as to why I have done this and that. For some time leave all papa-punya (sins and good virtues) outside. You have
to have faith in yourself, it will work out. It is like rays of sun, in this way the love is flowing. For that there is no need of any faith
or something: it will be worked out on its own. But you should have faith in yourself, that yes we can get it. After all, it is
something special when it has happened to thousands of people in the sinful place like Bombay then it must happen in this
spiritual place also. Tomorrow also, there is a program of meditation, etc. I don’t know, my time does not belong to Me, you ask
these people. Today also there was a mess that everybody told me that the speech is scheduled at 5.30 but actually it was at
5.00. So, tomorrow also you take a note about this later. And now you go in meditation, do as I say, what happens in it I will tell
you in advance so that you are able to understand it. You just put your both hands like this towards Me. Kindly leave some space
around you for the reason that you people don’t know how to swim. Imagine that you are sinking and then swimmers are going
to save you. You don’t have to do anything. If you will move your hands or legs then there work will go in vain. You sit normally
and if there is anything tight in your body then just loose it little bit. Sit comfortably as you do while eating. If there is any Tabiz
(amulet) etc. in your neck then kindly remove it. There should be nothing like amulets in your body; take it out, and sit
comfortably. And after some time when I will ask you to close your eyes then kindly pay your attention to your fontanel bone and
don’t rotate your eyes upwards. As you think about your household just sitting here, in the same way you should think what is
happening here. Just watch and see your thoughts and say to your mind with love, with love, ‘hello mind, just tell me what are you
thinking?’ Say it with love to your mind. You will see that suddenly you have reached to such a place where you find that you have
become thoughtless. After getting thoughtlessness you will feel that some kinds of waves are slowly-slowly coming on your
hands. Just as it comes from a cooler ; cool-cool. Some people will feel warm in the beginning, doesn’t matter, and if hot are
coming then jerk it. But some people’s hands will shiver, somebody’s heart will beat. It may be possible that somebody starts
swinging or something is happening inside him then such person should kindly go out. Before it starts, you go out. People will
look after them outside. They should not disturb others sitting inside. If somebody’s hands are burning simply then take it out
yourself, if they are burning extremely then look at Me with open eyes. If somebody is feeling giddiness then they should also
look at Me. Those who have major diseases like serious type of diabetes, serious type of heart trouble then those people should
go outside. Those people will look after them. But if somebody is sick normally then they need not worry like if there is stomach
illness or other it does not matter. I do not see any serious heart patient here.If you try to be a little wise then everything will work
out. Don’t scream, don’t shout, and don’t make noises. Lots of people have problem of arrival of 'devis' (possession). We have
seen in our meditation that no 'devis' come in anybody. Does Devi has no other business? These are all bhoots (possession)
which comes in your body. Therefore nobody should talk about the arrival of the Devi. And the one in whom 'devi' comes, he
should go out. Kindly go out and tell them that you have this trouble, they will look after you. |
3/25/1974 | | Public Program Day 1 | India | Mumbai | null | Draft | null | Reviewed | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | Hindi | 71 | Public Program [English translation from Hindi] What is the meaning of Param Tatva, the ultimate element? How does it create?
What is it? Lots of books have been written about it. Lots of speeches, lots of discourses were given about it in this world. Much
has been said about it. The word ‘Param’ is emblematic of Paramatma. This is divine power, which dwells in each atom and
molecule and sets in motion and does God’s work. If you tell this and talk like this, no one believes this in this era. No one agrees
with this. But, as I told you even earlier, I saw a picture recently in London in which molecules of sulphur dioxide were shown. It
was shown that between sulphur and oxygen molecules, there was a bond between them and waves were coming out and even
scientists call them vibrations. This was seen and you can also see with your eyes. Scientists can tell about what is a molecule
and what is an atom, how they are and how they are located. The scientist can tell about the zad tatva ( root element). But about
the Chaitanya (conscious) which gets agitated in it what they refer to as vibrations, they are quite ignorant and they can not tell
you anything about it. Everywhere, that tatva is getting agitated; it is in the matter, flora and fauna and you. They are agitated in
their place and the whole is also conscious. That means that the param tatva which is gaining consciousness in you, is also in
Baitak, this meeting. The only difference is that one who has to know the Chetan tatva( conscious element), is not still awakened
to the required level, but only in human beings, the awakening has taken place, to feel the Chetan tatva. Only this Chetan tatva,
the param tatva, operates the whole world. Whatever is there in the whole world is made by this. If you say this is a fan, who has
made this? This has also been made by that power and today it has come in the shape of a fan. Even science is activated
through the conscious element and its influence, it is ingrained in the intellect. Even the voice which comes out of our face is
governed by the Chetan tatva. Everything is propelled by this Chetan tatva. From this account, you understand that life inside us
is also due to the same Chetan tatva, which is non-stop. The day heart stops working you will see that the speech will stop, the
eyes will stop seeing, thoughts will stop, talking and hearing will stop, this body will become a waste and finished just like an
extinguished lamp. Then what is the need to know about the Chetan tatva? This, one should surely find out. In this era, human
beings think where is the need to know all this. What is the need for taking God’s name? What do we gain by that? Why are we
running after this? Why are we wasting time? Why do not we enjoy life? But there is one big truth which is hidden from us, in the
form of illusion, happiness in the Chetan Swaroop. That is why you ask anyone in this world, ‘are you happy? He will say ‘no’! ‘Are
you joyful?’ “no’! Leave our country, but in other countries, where physical progress has been made, where people have reached
such heights, they have everything. Why are they very sad? Something to ponder! Many do not even get a thought, why are we
not happy. We run after everything. In all economic science basics, one sentence is mentioned ‘no economic want is satiable’.
Today you need bangles, you get them, after bangles you get the sari. After getting the sari, you need something else. After that,
you need something else. In general ‘no economic want is satiable’. That means your mind is searching for it in everything, but
nothing gives you satisfaction. You do not get satisfaction anywhere. No satisfaction anywhere, thirst goes on increasing, goes
on increasing. The thirsty man dies, is born again, he runs with that thirst. At home he is restless. He is not happy, he is not joyful.
The reason for this is only one, the thing that gives happiness, that thing is still not awakened within us. If there is a lamp, and it
wants light inside and outside, you have to light the lamp, there is no other way. If it wants to run away from light, light another,
how will it happen? You can never get happiness in this world if you turn away from Param tatva. I am not telling you anything
new. These things have been told by our saints and sages for thousands of years in this country, the yog bhumi and in bhog
bhumis also many others have said. And they said and died also. Again they said this again and died again. Lots of things have
happened but no one got this. The difference is I am showing a glimpse of joy. To get this joy you have to your darshan, visit or
see yourself. The one which is giving you joy inside is you and the eligibility to look inside is built within you. I only just do this; I
clean your mirror. Even about this people discuss and say ‘a human can get into this state only after eons and ages’ and how is it
possible? In this kali yuga man has become so disgusting, how can he get it? It has to be replied like this; only in this kali yuga if a
man can reach the moon, he may also be able to get inside oneself! Such compassion may come by itself to take you to that
state. Why can not it happen? After all, for so long, you have been ringing bells, aartis have been given, evocations were given,
thousands of Gods were propitiated. And in Mosques God was being called with a loud voice, was He deaf? He could not hear?
Either He was deaf or you were a complete idiot. And if you have been heard and arrangements have been made for it, where is
the need to doubt so much? I do not take anything from your sack, I do not ask you for anything. I am awakening you. I am giving
your powers to you. But the man is very funny! He likes the one who snatches his powers and makes him dance to his tunes. He
rules you from life to life and loots your money, your respect, you like to dance behind him. Man’s mentality is very peculiar.
Thousands of people follow him, who dominates them and throws them down and makes them into a small crocodile and
damns them birth after birth. People race to him very fast and you do not want to look at a person who is trying to establish you
and worship you. Why do not you get this thought or why do not you think in the mad state I was running to him, what power did I
get which is my own. He is a guru who creates power inside you and who introduces you to yourself. He who snatches your
power and makes a fool of you, is he a guru or bell. You have to think for yourself. I see these peculiar faults in human beings. It
surprises me. Maybe it is difficult for me to understand a human being. Like it is difficult to look at us for humans. The second
fault I notice, is when a human is alive, they make his life miserable and after his death glorify him. Sitaji was driven out of her
house, no saint bothered about it. When she died they built thousands of temples for her. Christ was put on the cross and when
He died they built hundreds of temples. I can not understand this. When He was alive, did people not have eyes- those who
understood him, at least one or two were there. They did not listen to them. He had done amazing things they did not notice that
and they put Him on the cross! Mohammad saheb also met the same fate. Gnaneswar met a different fate. When he died, they
made scores of temples in this city of Mumbai. It is very difficult to understand humans. When a great man is alive, a man turns
away from him and when he dies in his spirit, then he will carry him on his head and try to identify with him and goes about
claiming he was so and so, his disciple, etc. Why is a human attracted to dead things, I do not understand. Why does a man love
destructive things? Only after realisation, I see the mind works smartly. Paying attention to dead things, the matter is the same
as death for oneself. Even if I make Virat’s picture of Virat to be displayed in front of you, it is not going to help. I sometimes feel
like that. Is man’s search for truth or untruth? Why is a man in love with untruth? However, if you look at it, no one likes the
untruth. If I tell a lie to you, will you like Me? But if a man tries to search at the micro-level, he pays great attention to the matter
and dead things and he is sad, he is a sad person, the whole world is sad. What can we do to these fools? They are sad for no
reason. It is like this; Your lamp is embellished, decorated. You also light a beautiful lamp with a wick. You decorate the rest also.
You light the lamp, still you are unhappy, you are in darkness. You have to note this. You have to think about it. A fierce war is
going on in the world. You have known about the war which took place during the time of Kali’s avatar, now even more fierce war
is going on. Whoever wins in this, only he will decide whether the creation of the universe will be completed or finished. On one
side are devils and their armies, but largely they are in a dead state. Some devils have taken birth. Should we support them or do
we have to bring satyug into this world? Many people ask me, how will the poverty of this country go? Will it go with your chatter?
How will the Vietnam war end? Will it end with your worry? It will not, is it not? When you are talking about all this, you are
diverting your mind from reality. The war which is going on in Vietnam is happening within you also. The discussion of rich and
poor is happening inside you also. If you want to become rich, it is within you, if you want to be poor it is within you. If the Atma
of this country is poor, then how can the country become rich? There is poverty in our Atma. Because clouds have gathered,
clouds of ignorance. What I call negativity, clouds of that negativity have covered the whole world. But I see that most of the
ghosts have landed in this country. Did they not get any other place? You have given shelter to them in your heart. Without
distancing the poverty from your mind, the entire time spent on embellishment is wasted. You gave shelter to such devils in your
heart in this country, you can not destroy these devils also because their 'nishchar' (nocturnal elements) have entered inside you.
If they are destroyed, those nischars will eat you up. When you remove them, the same day you will not know their whereabouts.
But first, you decide whether you want to know about param tatva fully with all sincerity. There is no greater wealth in this world.
This is Param Dhan(wealth). You have to get all the Param Anand (Happiness) in this. You get it. There is no need to shift your
mind’s attention from here to there and there to here on all useless things. How will poverty go? Are you the prime minister of
India? Have you taken it on contract for all these issues? Maybe poverty will perhaps go but your ghosts will not go. In other
countries, there is no poverty, but other kinds of ghosts are active. In London, Christ has said, "Do not get entangled with ghosts".
He had told this, maybe a hundred times. All the Christian countries are caught up in the issues of ghosts. The old people there
are so busy in so many meetings etc, and the younger ones are being looted by those who go from here. Everyone is going
around on the issue of ghosts. No one has searched for param tatva, not even looked at it. They call themselves great disciples
of Christ. It is the same story in the USA - witchcraft is practiced openly. They do various things like Banamati etc which we
practice here. There are regular societies for it there. Here it is done in the name of religion and God because we have double
standards in our country. Here we do not know we have a lot of pretenses. In this country, we have a lot of pretensions. We do
not know how to identify pretense, what do we do with the truth? These pretentious people have written it and you are running
after them with closed eyes. Maybe you are immersed in attraction, on the world stage you are sitting. You will be surprised to
know that you are the chosen ones. You are exalted ones that is why you have got your realisation. Please go and check how
many people in this world get vibrations from their hands. I have seen the so-called great people like sadhus etc., Who are those
people who get vibrations from within, I want to see. They all are pretentious people. You are getting vibrations from your hand.
About these many great people have described that man gets these in his exalted state. Many have said this. You do not do
anything. You have to do something and show it. That is the matter. When I see this, I am surprised. Do not you try to be smart
with me? All the cunningness has come from my stomach. Do not you try to be smart with me? They sit in front of me like
sadhus. I know their cunningness. These vibrations are flowing out from whatever little innocence you have within you. This
innocence has come from your Mother. Only that is flowing. Nobody can con an innocent man. This is true. Even if someone
tries to con, there will be such a drama, the person himself will be conned. If Sita was caught in the guile of Ravana, it was a
display of her innocence. He had no stature to hold her hand or misbehave with her. Where is the glory of innocence and where is
the cunningness of Ravana? No one can aggress an ordinary woman. But till such time he carried Sita on his head, he
remembered his own mother. All his greatness was reduced to the size of a small child. You have heard the story of Sati
Anasuya, is it not? The condition of Ravana was also similar. She has made her innocence dance. She got into Sahaja Yoga in
her innocence. That will give you motherhood. Only you are on the stage (Maybe Shri Mataji is referring to someone). No one
else comes. No one comes, if someone comes, I could show my miracles. They think, let it go on. Because nowadays a socialist
pattern is in vogue. Only ordinary people have to do extraordinary things. Ordinary people have to be made into extraordinary
people. That is why no one comes, people go and sit in jungles. You have come onto the stage and ganas etc., are seated in the
background. You will also know about it. But remember that every action of yours, every matter which you hide from me, every
trouble you create, everything is being written down. They will throw you down in such a way, do not ask me why this has
happened, we serve only you. With this, you can not get realisation. That is why I am telling you, again and again, to be careful.
You need a lot of innocence in Sahaja yoga and also whoever is innocent, they are all waiting to serve you. They are ready to fall
at your feet. Do not try to be cunning. Then you are spared. You are protected. Then you are in My shield. Save yourself from
cunningness. Today, at this auspicious moment, every time I have to say only one thing. Only certain moments in life are
important. We go from this shore to that shore. We cross the Bhavasagara (Void) after getting all the beating. When we reach the
other shore, after crossing the Bhavasagara, it is important to keep new hopes. Otherwise, you will not gain anything by crossing
the Bhavasagara. Whatever experiences you get after Realisation get wasted at the shore. I do not understand which injection I
should give so that they get up and stand. (maybe reference to someone in the gathering). Today everyone has to take a pledge,
who have got Realisation. From our hands let it be passed on to the hearts of many. Whatever joy we felt, we will share with all.
This pledge you all have to take. What are we doing about this? How prepared are we for this? No guru ever had so many
disciples as children. Our children are more than disciples. Kali Yuga and Mother's actions, if you add them, there is a need to be
careful. Establishing Mother happens with great difficulty. If it happens, such a person can become very powerful. Do not waste
your powers in fighting among yourselves. You fight with yourself, look at yourself, watch yourself. And ask yourself why am I
becoming so weak. Why? What is the matter? What is that I have not given you. What is the thing that I have not explained to
you? Someone said to give to charities, I have given to charities. Someone said dye my hair! I have done! Someone wanted a son,
I have given that. Whatever has been asked that has been given. Someone asked for the knowledge, the secrets I gave it. If after
giving each and everything, if there is hollowness, what can be done. I will only give, I am not going to take anything. But if you
still want to get something, You have to rise. You have to take a pledge within yourself. I notice that in small issues man gets
frightened. I asked one person to sit here, another person to sit there, they have slipped away. I have asked someone to recite the
mantras, he slipped away. Have I not given you the knowledge of Atma tatva? Have I not told you about Param Tatva? Was I
stingy in such matters? Foolish people, who fight, what will they get? Someone can sit there, someone can sit there, wherever
one sits, one has to find a place in Mother’s heart. Even if one person dies with the chair, I will believe that there is some
importance to the chair. Everyone leaves his chair and also his sitting. Have a spiritual sitting. One who gets into the depths, he
will sit on the floor. You have nothing to do with the others. You can recognise Me, within yourself. You can reach Me but you
have to get inside yourself. Those who look at others, those who have their attention on others, I want to tell them again and
again that the organisation does not mean anything to me. I do not understand anything about the organisation. Are you
managing the organisation which is inside your body? Your heart is beating regularly, your lungs are breathing, all the digestion is
taking place within your stomach, what is that organisation? Are you managing it? Who is managing it, that organisation? It is the
param tatva inside. The same Param Tatva is your organisation and it manages your feelings and handles that great job. But the
habit of putting spokes, we should be ashamed of it. In this country, such great people have lived here. In that dust, such mean
people are born, I can not understand, is it signaling the arrival of kali yug. Whenever your mind is filled with jealousy, you hate
yourself. Today on an auspicious day, I have talked about these things, stinking. ..bad, bad. It is such a good time, such a joyful
time. Such clouds were to form as if in this world some fresh breeze blows. In its place what do I see? Talk about jealousies.
These are our enemies, remember. In our great work, in our param work, param tatva wants to live and grow and fill with all the
happiness and joy of this world. You be alert and get that. If there is a small shortcoming of Sahaja yoga, it is that your freedom
will be accepted and it will be respected. Do not use your independence to hand over the control to others. Respect your
independence and know your freedom. I bet on that. There are some new seekers. Many are old Sahaja Yogis. They got their
Realisation and they have vibrations. Your vibrations pull me. You have a lot of vibrations but they have less intensity inside. The
transmission is less. You have a lot of vibrations. They have pulled me from London. I have come running only because of these
vibrations. I feel as if a thousand-petalled lotus is blossoming in this city of Mumbai. Lotus is blossoming at its place, but the
petals are looking pale. There be life in it, they know their life, they become fragrant and fragrance from all petals spread to the
whole world! That same day paradise and Paramatma will appear to you here in an integrated form. | null | null | null | Public Program [English translation from Hindi] What is the meaning of Param Tatva, the ultimate element? How does it create?
What is it? Lots of books have been written about it. Lots of speeches, lots of discourses were given about it in this world. Much
has been said about it. The word ‘Param’ is emblematic of Paramatma. This is divine power, which dwells in each atom and
molecule and sets in motion and does God’s work. If you tell this and talk like this, no one believes this in this era. No one agrees
with this. But, as I told you even earlier, I saw a picture recently in London in which molecules of sulphur dioxide were shown. It
was shown that between sulphur and oxygen molecules, there was a bond between them and waves were coming out and even
scientists call them vibrations. This was seen and you can also see with your eyes. Scientists can tell about what is a molecule
and what is an atom, how they are and how they are located. The scientist can tell about the zad tatva ( root element). But about
the Chaitanya (conscious) which gets agitated in it what they refer to as vibrations, they are quite ignorant and they can not tell
you anything about it. Everywhere, that tatva is getting agitated; it is in the matter, flora and fauna and you. They are agitated in
their place and the whole is also conscious. That means that the param tatva which is gaining consciousness in you, is also in
Baitak, this meeting. The only difference is that one who has to know the Chetan tatva( conscious element), is not still awakened
to the required level, but only in human beings, the awakening has taken place, to feel the Chetan tatva. Only this Chetan tatva,
the param tatva, operates the whole world. Whatever is there in the whole world is made by this. If you say this is a fan, who has
made this? This has also been made by that power and today it has come in the shape of a fan. Even science is activated
through the conscious element and its influence, it is ingrained in the intellect. Even the voice which comes out of our face is
governed by the Chetan tatva. Everything is propelled by this Chetan tatva. From this account, you understand that life inside us
is also due to the same Chetan tatva, which is non-stop. The day heart stops working you will see that the speech will stop, the
eyes will stop seeing, thoughts will stop, talking and hearing will stop, this body will become a waste and finished just like an
extinguished lamp. Then what is the need to know about the Chetan tatva? This, one should surely find out. In this era, human
beings think where is the need to know all this. What is the need for taking God’s name? What do we gain by that? Why are we
running after this? Why are we wasting time? Why do not we enjoy life? But there is one big truth which is hidden from us, in the
form of illusion, happiness in the Chetan Swaroop. That is why you ask anyone in this world, ‘are you happy? He will say ‘no’! ‘Are
you joyful?’ “no’! Leave our country, but in other countries, where physical progress has been made, where people have reached
such heights, they have everything. Why are they very sad? Something to ponder! Many do not even get a thought, why are we
not happy. We run after everything. In all economic science basics, one sentence is mentioned ‘no economic want is satiable’.
Today you need bangles, you get them, after bangles you get the sari. After getting the sari, you need something else. After that,
you need something else. In general ‘no economic want is satiable’. That means your mind is searching for it in everything, but
nothing gives you satisfaction. You do not get satisfaction anywhere. No satisfaction anywhere, thirst goes on increasing, goes
on increasing. The thirsty man dies, is born again, he runs with that thirst. At home he is restless. He is not happy, he is not joyful.
The reason for this is only one, the thing that gives happiness, that thing is still not awakened within us. If there is a lamp, and it
wants light inside and outside, you have to light the lamp, there is no other way. If it wants to run away from light, light another,
how will it happen? You can never get happiness in this world if you turn away from Param tatva. I am not telling you anything
new. These things have been told by our saints and sages for thousands of years in this country, the yog bhumi and in bhog
bhumis also many others have said. And they said and died also. Again they said this again and died again. Lots of things have
happened but no one got this. The difference is I am showing a glimpse of joy. To get this joy you have to your darshan, visit or
see yourself. The one which is giving you joy inside is you and the eligibility to look inside is built within you. I only just do this; I
clean your mirror. Even about this people discuss and say ‘a human can get into this state only after eons and ages’ and how is it
possible? In this kali yuga man has become so disgusting, how can he get it? It has to be replied like this; only in this kali yuga if a
man can reach the moon, he may also be able to get inside oneself! Such compassion may come by itself to take you to that
state. Why can not it happen? After all, for so long, you have been ringing bells, aartis have been given, evocations were given,
thousands of Gods were propitiated. And in Mosques God was being called with a loud voice, was He deaf? He could not hear?
Either He was deaf or you were a complete idiot. And if you have been heard and arrangements have been made for it, where is
the need to doubt so much? I do not take anything from your sack, I do not ask you for anything. I am awakening you. I am giving
your powers to you. But the man is very funny! He likes the one who snatches his powers and makes him dance to his tunes. He
rules you from life to life and loots your money, your respect, you like to dance behind him. Man’s mentality is very peculiar.
Thousands of people follow him, who dominates them and throws them down and makes them into a small crocodile and
damns them birth after birth. People race to him very fast and you do not want to look at a person who is trying to establish you
and worship you. Why do not you get this thought or why do not you think in the mad state I was running to him, what power did I
get which is my own. He is a guru who creates power inside you and who introduces you to yourself. He who snatches your
power and makes a fool of you, is he a guru or bell. You have to think for yourself. I see these peculiar faults in human beings. It
surprises me. Maybe it is difficult for me to understand a human being. Like it is difficult to look at us for humans. The second
fault I notice, is when a human is alive, they make his life miserable and after his death glorify him. Sitaji was driven out of her
house, no saint bothered about it. When she died they built thousands of temples for her. Christ was put on the cross and when
He died they built hundreds of temples. I can not understand this. When He was alive, did people not have eyes- those who
understood him, at least one or two were there. They did not listen to them. He had done amazing things they did not notice that
and they put Him on the cross! Mohammad saheb also met the same fate. Gnaneswar met a different fate. When he died, they
made scores of temples in this city of Mumbai. It is very difficult to understand humans. When a great man is alive, a man turns
away from him and when he dies in his spirit, then he will carry him on his head and try to identify with him and goes about
claiming he was so and so, his disciple, etc. Why is a human attracted to dead things, I do not understand. Why does a man love
destructive things? Only after realisation, I see the mind works smartly. Paying attention to dead things, the matter is the same
as death for oneself. Even if I make Virat’s picture of Virat to be displayed in front of you, it is not going to help. I sometimes feel
like that. Is man’s search for truth or untruth? Why is a man in love with untruth? However, if you look at it, no one likes the
untruth. If I tell a lie to you, will you like Me? But if a man tries to search at the micro-level, he pays great attention to the matter
and dead things and he is sad, he is a sad person, the whole world is sad. What can we do to these fools? They are sad for no
reason. It is like this; Your lamp is embellished, decorated. You also light a beautiful lamp with a wick. You decorate the rest also.
You light the lamp, still you are unhappy, you are in darkness. You have to note this. You have to think about it. A fierce war is
going on in the world. You have known about the war which took place during the time of Kali’s avatar, now even more fierce war
is going on. Whoever wins in this, only he will decide whether the creation of the universe will be completed or finished. On one
side are devils and their armies, but largely they are in a dead state. Some devils have taken birth. Should we support them or do
we have to bring satyug into this world? Many people ask me, how will the poverty of this country go? Will it go with your chatter?
How will the Vietnam war end? Will it end with your worry? It will not, is it not? When you are talking about all this, you are
diverting your mind from reality. The war which is going on in Vietnam is happening within you also. The discussion of rich and
poor is happening inside you also. If you want to become rich, it is within you, if you want to be poor it is within you. If the Atma
of this country is poor, then how can the country become rich? There is poverty in our Atma. Because clouds have gathered,
clouds of ignorance. What I call negativity, clouds of that negativity have covered the whole world. But I see that most of the
ghosts have landed in this country. Did they not get any other place? You have given shelter to them in your heart. Without
distancing the poverty from your mind, the entire time spent on embellishment is wasted. You gave shelter to such devils in your
heart in this country, you can not destroy these devils also because their 'nishchar' (nocturnal elements) have entered inside you.
If they are destroyed, those nischars will eat you up. When you remove them, the same day you will not know their whereabouts.
But first, you decide whether you want to know about param tatva fully with all sincerity. There is no greater wealth in this world.
This is Param Dhan(wealth). You have to get all the Param Anand (Happiness) in this. You get it. There is no need to shift your
mind’s attention from here to there and there to here on all useless things. How will poverty go? Are you the prime minister of
India? Have you taken it on contract for all these issues? Maybe poverty will perhaps go but your ghosts will not go. In other
countries, there is no poverty, but other kinds of ghosts are active. In London, Christ has said, "Do not get entangled with ghosts".
He had told this, maybe a hundred times. All the Christian countries are caught up in the issues of ghosts. The old people there
are so busy in so many meetings etc, and the younger ones are being looted by those who go from here. Everyone is going
around on the issue of ghosts. No one has searched for param tatva, not even looked at it. They call themselves great disciples
of Christ. It is the same story in the USA - witchcraft is practiced openly. They do various things like Banamati etc which we
practice here. There are regular societies for it there. Here it is done in the name of religion and God because we have double
standards in our country. Here we do not know we have a lot of pretenses. In this country, we have a lot of pretensions. We do
not know how to identify pretense, what do we do with the truth? These pretentious people have written it and you are running
after them with closed eyes. Maybe you are immersed in attraction, on the world stage you are sitting. You will be surprised to
know that you are the chosen ones. You are exalted ones that is why you have got your realisation. Please go and check how
many people in this world get vibrations from their hands. I have seen the so-called great people like sadhus etc., Who are those
people who get vibrations from within, I want to see. They all are pretentious people. You are getting vibrations from your hand.
About these many great people have described that man gets these in his exalted state. Many have said this. You do not do
anything. You have to do something and show it. That is the matter. When I see this, I am surprised. Do not you try to be smart
with me? All the cunningness has come from my stomach. Do not you try to be smart with me? They sit in front of me like
sadhus. I know their cunningness. These vibrations are flowing out from whatever little innocence you have within you. This
innocence has come from your Mother. Only that is flowing. Nobody can con an innocent man. This is true. Even if someone
tries to con, there will be such a drama, the person himself will be conned. If Sita was caught in the guile of Ravana, it was a
display of her innocence. He had no stature to hold her hand or misbehave with her. Where is the glory of innocence and where is
the cunningness of Ravana? No one can aggress an ordinary woman. But till such time he carried Sita on his head, he
remembered his own mother. All his greatness was reduced to the size of a small child. You have heard the story of Sati
Anasuya, is it not? The condition of Ravana was also similar. She has made her innocence dance. She got into Sahaja Yoga in
her innocence. That will give you motherhood. Only you are on the stage (Maybe Shri Mataji is referring to someone). No one
else comes. No one comes, if someone comes, I could show my miracles. They think, let it go on. Because nowadays a socialist
pattern is in vogue. Only ordinary people have to do extraordinary things. Ordinary people have to be made into extraordinary
people. That is why no one comes, people go and sit in jungles. You have come onto the stage and ganas etc., are seated in the
background. You will also know about it. But remember that every action of yours, every matter which you hide from me, every
trouble you create, everything is being written down. They will throw you down in such a way, do not ask me why this has
happened, we serve only you. With this, you can not get realisation. That is why I am telling you, again and again, to be careful.
You need a lot of innocence in Sahaja yoga and also whoever is innocent, they are all waiting to serve you. They are ready to fall
at your feet. Do not try to be cunning. Then you are spared. You are protected. Then you are in My shield. Save yourself from
cunningness. Today, at this auspicious moment, every time I have to say only one thing. Only certain moments in life are
important. We go from this shore to that shore. We cross the Bhavasagara (Void) after getting all the beating. When we reach the
other shore, after crossing the Bhavasagara, it is important to keep new hopes. Otherwise, you will not gain anything by crossing
the Bhavasagara. Whatever experiences you get after Realisation get wasted at the shore. I do not understand which injection I
should give so that they get up and stand. (maybe reference to someone in the gathering). Today everyone has to take a pledge,
who have got Realisation. From our hands let it be passed on to the hearts of many. Whatever joy we felt, we will share with all.
This pledge you all have to take. What are we doing about this? How prepared are we for this? No guru ever had so many
disciples as children. Our children are more than disciples. Kali Yuga and Mother's actions, if you add them, there is a need to be
careful. Establishing Mother happens with great difficulty. If it happens, such a person can become very powerful. Do not waste
your powers in fighting among yourselves. You fight with yourself, look at yourself, watch yourself. And ask yourself why am I
becoming so weak. Why? What is the matter? What is that I have not given you. What is the thing that I have not explained to
you? Someone said to give to charities, I have given to charities. Someone said dye my hair! I have done! Someone wanted a son,
I have given that. Whatever has been asked that has been given. Someone asked for the knowledge, the secrets I gave it. If after
giving each and everything, if there is hollowness, what can be done. I will only give, I am not going to take anything. But if you
still want to get something, You have to rise. You have to take a pledge within yourself. I notice that in small issues man gets
frightened. I asked one person to sit here, another person to sit there, they have slipped away. I have asked someone to recite the
mantras, he slipped away. Have I not given you the knowledge of Atma tatva? Have I not told you about Param Tatva? Was I
stingy in such matters? Foolish people, who fight, what will they get? Someone can sit there, someone can sit there, wherever
one sits, one has to find a place in Mother’s heart. Even if one person dies with the chair, I will believe that there is some
importance to the chair. Everyone leaves his chair and also his sitting. Have a spiritual sitting. One who gets into the depths, he
will sit on the floor. You have nothing to do with the others. You can recognise Me, within yourself. You can reach Me but you
have to get inside yourself. Those who look at others, those who have their attention on others, I want to tell them again and
again that the organisation does not mean anything to me. I do not understand anything about the organisation. Are you
managing the organisation which is inside your body? Your heart is beating regularly, your lungs are breathing, all the digestion is
taking place within your stomach, what is that organisation? Are you managing it? Who is managing it, that organisation? It is the
param tatva inside. The same Param Tatva is your organisation and it manages your feelings and handles that great job. But the
habit of putting spokes, we should be ashamed of it. In this country, such great people have lived here. In that dust, such mean
people are born, I can not understand, is it signaling the arrival of kali yug. Whenever your mind is filled with jealousy, you hate
yourself. Today on an auspicious day, I have talked about these things, stinking. ..bad, bad. It is such a good time, such a joyful
time. Such clouds were to form as if in this world some fresh breeze blows. In its place what do I see? Talk about jealousies.
These are our enemies, remember. In our great work, in our param work, param tatva wants to live and grow and fill with all the
happiness and joy of this world. You be alert and get that. If there is a small shortcoming of Sahaja yoga, it is that your freedom
will be accepted and it will be respected. Do not use your independence to hand over the control to others. Respect your
independence and know your freedom. I bet on that. There are some new seekers. Many are old Sahaja Yogis. They got their
Realisation and they have vibrations. Your vibrations pull me. You have a lot of vibrations but they have less intensity inside. The
transmission is less. You have a lot of vibrations. They have pulled me from London. I have come running only because of these
vibrations. I feel as if a thousand-petalled lotus is blossoming in this city of Mumbai. Lotus is blossoming at its place, but the
petals are looking pale. There be life in it, they know their life, they become fragrant and fragrance from all petals spread to the
whole world! That same day paradise and Paramatma will appear to you here in an integrated form. |
3/26/1974 | | Public Program Day 2 | India | Mumbai | null | NEEDED | null | Reviewed | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | Hindi | 35 | Public Program, 26-03-1974, Mumbai, India. God’s existence or His non-existence doesn't depend on whether you trust God or
not. However, much I may say that God exists, even if you believe it, it is not going to make any difference. If you do not believe, it
is in your ignorance that you do not believe; even if you believe it, it is still in your ignorance. Without getting it – Self Realisation,
even believing will be still ignorance; not believing will also be ignorance. So, when I am talking on this subject, you should sit
with an open mind like a scientist, like a researcher who doesn't know anything, who doesn't have any preconceived ideas, who
has not thought of anything in the beginning. I do not know how many books have been written on this subject. It is like a vast
ocean. I do not know; how many have written untruths in these books. What is the identity of truth and untruth? The identity of
truth is that it is obvious in every circumstance and on any criterion, if that cannot be proven to be a lie, that is truth. Whatever
discussion I will have with you or whatever I tell you, listening to it like a scientist, means that I am placing before you a
hypothesis, a concept. I can prove this to you later and those who are sitting here and are familiar with My work, they know that it
is proved. But keep your mind open. It is very necessary because among you, many have read a lot on this subject. Writing is not
difficult. It is very easy if you have some money or some disciples to help you- You can go on writing book after book. And you
don't need to search for the truth. In matters of religion, who is there is to question you, why you have written like this? On
religion, anything can be said. A Person like Hitler talked about religion. Napoleon also talked about religion. Because in the
matters of religion, no law is there under which they can be caught. If in the name of religion, if someone sells Adharm (wrong
doing), is there a law to put him in Jail? But if you are the worshipper of only truth, and if you want to know only the truth, you
should not fully believe whatever I am saying until such time that you see the reality of what I am saying. You are a human and
you should stand solid. What someone writes or someone tells you, it should not overly impress you; it is not at all, the
characteristic of a human. If someone who stands on the step of freedom and says ‘God, You are not there’, he is a much better
person than the paratantra (one who is under the control of others) person says ‘God You are there’. In Sahaja Yoga, we can't do
anything about a paratantra person. Yesterday I told you the same thing that in Sahaja Yoga, your innocence is very necessary,
but freedom is essential. That is why I want you to sit with full freedom. Don't say yes to what I say. Don’t say no to what I say
and don't accept what I say, till you get it. You can’t know what I am saying until you get your Self-Realisation. You can’t
understand what I am saying. Just like, without having your connection, dialing a phone makes no sense. When someone wants
to know about religion, he should have in the least his Realisation. Before that, a human is not eligible to know about religion.
Like they used to say only a Brahman can know about the religion. Brahman meant a Realised person. But everyone cannot be a
Brahman. I told you that, today, I will talk about Srusti (creation), Srashta (creator), and Brahma, etc. I have told earlier also, like if
there is a seed and there is a map (Characteristics) of whatever has to be born out of that, inside it. In the same way, consider
Brahma Swaroop (Form of Brahma) and that only Brahma Swaroop is present. There is no beginning and end of that. Like a tree
comes out of a seed and a seed comes out of a tree, this is eternal. You bear in mind that you are formed in the eternal image of
Brahma Beej (seed) Swaroop. The state of that Brahma is similar to an ordinary seed, which is endowed with the Germinating
power. Like there is a small seed and inside, it has the Germinating power or Srujan Sakti, in the same way, there is Germinating
power in this Brahma. And when it first splits, when it first pulsates, at the same moment, Pranav (Lifeforce) is established. This
power is established. This power separates from the seed and establishes itself in its ego and creates the whole universe, and
that seed becomes Ishwar (God) Swaroop and watches its play. Like a television set is kept and it is watching it. If the program
is to its liking, it watches and if the program is not to its liking, it will switch off. In our scriptures, Ishwar is referred to as Shiv and
His Sakti is known as Shibani. We call it Maha Shiv. The same is referred to by various names, Ishwar, Father, God, Paramatma
and what we call Sakti, people refer to it by many names such as Holy Ghost, Rhu, etc. This Sakti does all the Creation. When it
starts Creation, at that time, it does it in its style. It has its own style. On reaching the human state, in this Sakti, as I told you
yesterday, there are Zad Tatva (Root element) and Chaitanya Tatva (Vibratory element). This whole universe is made from these
two Tatvas. When the Chaitanya Tatva works with Zad Tatva, this whole universe is created and the whole universe is made. And
in the process, we reach the human state. I have surely told you several times in detail; but today I have to talk about Kundalini.
So, I want to take you there in a hurry. In the case of a human, when the Zad Sakti enters a child- when he is two to three months
old in his mother's womb- it pulsates for the first time. This pulsation that happens for the first time in the child’s heart is
Ishwar’s. We call this Atma. Paramatma comes as Atma Swaroop in our hearts for the first time. And the Sakti enters our head,
after piercing the fontanel bone area and passes through the spinal cord in the backside and settles down in the triangular bone
as a full bone. ‘Whether it settles down or not, whether it is there are not, what state is it in, whether it is true or not, we believe
because you are saying’, don’t believe me. But I can show it to you. Whether you have got your Realisation or not, if you have eyes
and you are not blind, you can see that it is stationed there in the name of kundalini. Whenever someone comes to My feet,
immediately there will be pulsation there, where the triangular bone is located. There is no reason for pulsation in the triangular
bone because the heart is not located there. No heart is located there. But you can see the pulsation at that point through the
person’s clothes movement-going up and down. Sometimes it moves quite fast. After that you notice, when the Kundalini, moves
up this way, it stops at some places and pulsates; in some places, the pulsation is very rapid-where the heart chakra is located,
on the backside, the cloth there moves up and down this way. That is why we have conducted experiments and people have very
clearly seen this. These people say that there is nothing like Kundalini and they don’t believe in Kundalini. You must come once
and experience that Kundalini exists inside you, Sakti exists inside you and it is located in your triangular bone, not at any other
place. It can present before you. You can see with these eyes, naked eyes that Kundalini is at this place. After that, you also see
that on your back you feel something is moving slowly. For some people just as soon as they see Me, at once, they feel
something is moving up. This is the result of punyas (good deeds) done in their previous lives. They have accumulated punyas
and it presents itself at once and Kundalini is opened. And for some people, they feel stoppage. Moves up, comes down and for
some people, they feel the heat at that point. The cause for this is the path of Kundalini inside you, is as I am showing you here,
like a trident -one is this way and one is this way- You are seeing it, is it not? These two more Shaktis are also inside us, which are
called Ida and Pingala. I will talk about these tomorrow. For some reason or the other, they pull the path towards them. And
because of this, the path gets blocked and Kundalini is unable to move upwards and stops at that place, where the path is
blocked. This Kundalini is itself Chaitanya swaroopini (in the form of vibrations). The meaning of Chaitanya swaroopini, I told you
yesterday. Chaitanya means: Chaitanya knows everything, Chaitanya recognises everything. Not only that all the creation in this
world happens through Chaitanya. Chaitanya is full of love. This Kundalini is in the form of love and is your own mother. But
there is a small difference. Your own mother does not have any other son. She knows everything about you. As if in a tape
recorder everything is written: what are the defects of this boy? What problems has he faced? What are the illnesses he is having
in his body? What mental tensions is he having? What difficulties has he encountered? She is present. These days in this modern
age, if someone talks about Kundalini people will not believe. But in this time, when science is being praised no end, the moment
has come, when you have to turn towards the path of religion. Because science has realised, it has not found anything
whatsoever. In medical science, no one is able to understand about cancer. They are not able to know, what cancer is due to.
Those, who in the name of science proudly brag, let them tell me what is cancer? Even renowned doctors will not be able to tell. I
will tell you that it is due to a problem with the autonomous nervous system; it is due to overactivity. And it can be treated only
through Sahaja yoga and nothing else. What I am saying today will be acknowledged, perhaps, ten years from now. But so many
people would have died of cancer. The world is strange! You discover something. A human mind works in such a fashion; let him
be hanged. Don’t listen to him. But after death, they will build temples and honour him. I am today alive and telling you that
cancer is a disease, which is caused due to the overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system. Doctors are not ready to accept
it. But if a doctor gets cancer, he wants to come into the protection of Shri Mataji. But Mataji does not have time. I am after
giving Realisation, but not after cancer. But if doctors open their eyes and try to understand this and not worry about the money -
they may not be able to make, then they can treat cancer and cure people. That is why, if you want to ask about Kundalini from
the scientific point of view, then I will ask, do trust your eyes or not? If you trust, then see with your eyes, the pulsations on the
spine on the back of a person, what are they after all? And after that in your full consciousness if you become thoughtless, what
it is due to which you can go into thoughtlessness. You ask even the best psychologist, can you establish thoughtlessness in us?
May not give trance, may silence the mind, but if in full consciousness establishing the inner silence and peace inside, if you can
do that, I will accept your science is superior. Unless you have peace inside, you cannot establish peace outside. But open all the
books of psychology and go through them and go to these psychologists and see if they have peace inside them. How can they
treat us! They are themselves afflicted with our ailment. But whatever I say, whichever way I tell, save ‘yourselves’; this is the time
of Kalki. And only in this kali Yuga, the time for emancipation has come. And with that for the whole world, the arrangement is in
place, because Ishwar, who is donning the role of the supervisor, who is a complete witness, He is very anxious to switch off, He
is watching and if there is play, we will win and if not will be finished. You are watching what type of problems are there in this
world, are surfacing in the world today, wars, poverty, diseases, you cannot bear to see them. Man cannot postpone finding a
solution for these. Some say bring communism, some say bring socialism, some say bring that particular ism, some say
something has to be done. To manage all these, until you get paramanand, without the power to connect to the source, you can
never get joy and you can never be satisfied. Man can get happiness at the feet of Paramatma. But when I talk about
Paramatma, ‘Mataji has fallen inline’. Man is okay till I talk about science. But, as soon as I talk about Paramatma, he gets into
much ego. So egoistic he becomes! What does he take himself to be? Paramatma who has made us, Who has created the whole
universe, we are challenging Him! You are Radish from which garden? Tomorrow you will be plucked and thrown away-A Hindi
language phrase to show how small the man is in the eyes of Divine. We are seeing Adharm in the name of Paramatma. If you
talk about sex in the name of Paramatma, you are called Dharmatma (saint). There is a limit even to kali Yug. We are drowned in
the limits of sin. If you can wash off your sins with science, if you can make love with science, then I will accept defeat with
science. But if my talk remains a mere talk, if you do not experience anything, if you do not get it despite my presence, my
coming is also a waste and my talk is also a waste. Such a terrible Kali Yug, such darkness of ego has engulfed us, we do not
think anything of the person in front of us. They are not even equivalent to speck of dust of one foot of the creation of
Paramatma. I do not want to convince you. But one day I will make you a witness to all this. First, you prepare for it. To the youth
of today and to the current society in the making, whatever you tell them; it will not get into their heads. The reason for this in
place of dharma (religion), maha adharma (great wrong doing) has been placed. No one has talked about Kundalini. Who will talk
about Kundalini in those days? Poor fellows, they have not spoken anything, still, they were put on the cross. Kundalini is present
there inside and it can manifest. And if you want to see, come. If you do not want to see, if you do not want to know, you will have
to put up with the consequences of 'agnyan' (falsehood). But you have to ask yourself what are we doing? Where are we running?
What are we getting? Inside us, inside our body, all the Deities are dwelling. Now as I say this, it does not get into the brain. How
is Mataji saying that Deities are dwelling within us? I will give you proof of that also. There was a sahib, he had a complaint. He
comes to Me. He says he gets pain in the stomach. A second person comes, she says ‘’I do not get children”. I said ‘put your
hands towards Me’. Notice that Kundalini is sitting in her Swadishthan chakra. A small kid will tell that he is getting heat here in
this finger. All those who are seated here, you observe, with closed eyes they will tell that they are getting heat in this finger, this
thumb. What better science can be there, all are saying the same thing, we are getting heat here. I am not telling you. I asked him
‘what is your disease? ‘I get a lot of pain in the stomach; the second person says I have this complaint and someone said I do not
have children’. They are all problems associated with aortic plexus which is activated through Swadishthan chakra and you can
feel them on this finger. What more proof should I give you? Two-year-old shows this thumb and all others show this thumb and
say ‘Mother it is here’. Then I ask this man to take the name of Brahmadeva and Saraswati. As soon as he takes the names, it is
over and he says, "Mother I am all right now". Now, do you need better proof than this? Brahmadeva and Saraswati are sitting
there in person. If it is not so, how did it work out? If you take any other name it will not work out. Now, what more proof do you
need to be placed before you? Should I call this rationality or foolishness, even while seeing it they do not accept it. Whoever has
a problem with Mooladhara chakra, he will have heat here (hand). If he has a big problem, the problem could be due to
obstruction or some may have a problem from ghosts, then they will have a lot of heat, even blisters may form. Many people are
going around calling themselves God etc. Leave them; even with their disciples, we will have blisters on the hand. Our hands
burned. Fingers burned. All had fingers burnt at the same time. Now my two-year-old born realised granddaughter, runs away
from such people. The same finger gets heated for all, getting heat for all on the same finger, which means his Agnya chakra is
caught up. Christ has been crucified on the cross at the Agnya chakra, and Christ is there, whether you are a Christian or not. We
get the manifestation of it. People claim they are Hindus and people claim they are Christians. They learn the ways of hating.
Has anyone learned the ways of loving? For all of us, inside here is the place of Christ and He is Ganesha. If in the human form
Pranav is recognised, He was the father of Ganesha and also of Christ. But if a person is mad, or he is haunted by ghosts, if
someone is mentally reticent, and if he comes to me, I will help him by clearing his Agnya chakra. If I say take the name of Jesus
Christ, Agnya chakra opens at once. How do I know? This is not a valid question, because I know. And even after that happens, if
you do not believe this, that Adisakti has made a place for different Deities on different chakras much before the time when there
was not even a trace of you. And those who are fighting amongst themselves, they should also know, for whom they are fighting
among themselves, are the same; like for Mohammad Sahib and Guru Nanak. Mohammad Sahib and Guru Nanak was the same
person. They had one identity. From the life of Nanak Ji, I will tell you once He was lying down. People asked him, ‘Why are You
lying down with Your feet towards Mecca, where there is Kaaba?’. He said. ‘Ok I turn My feet, Kaaba has tuned’. What is Kaaba? It
is dust from Mohammad sahib’s feet and the same is of Nanak Sahib also. Both are the same person and I will introduce them in
Kundalini. When someone gets cancer, he can be cured by either Nanak sahib or Mohammad sahib, no one else. Because what
we call Void, is known to doctors. We call it Bhavasagara. Dattatreya, who is Adiguru, who helps us in crossing the Bhavasagara,
where all gurus are present. Unless you take the name of one of them, you are not going to be free from problems of the
Bhavasagara, which manifests as cancer. You can recognise cancer from the throb here. You cannot be cured. I want to ask
‘How many Muslims are here and how many Sikhs?’ One thing, Mohammad sahib has prohibited the drinking of alcohol. He said
don’t touch alcohol. He did not say anything. He was murdered. I know to what state He was reduced to. Sometimes at the
Mosque, there will be fights over small left overs. And I want to ask those Muslims who drink and remind them about
Mohammad sahib. They won’t like it and they definitely will drink alcohol. Not only that they wrote poetry on alcohol. For them
alcohol is God. When we, who have shown the path to truth, you try to break the same path by hating yourself and think of
spreading hatred in the whole world. Then what else can we do? And that is why there is ego. So much concealed ego is in us in
the subtlest form? That ego was given to you so that you can ask; ‘What do I have to do? What do I have to get? Whose work do I
have to do? Give me the power for that.’ Take a brush -what should it do? It has to dedicate itself to the artist’s hand. It has to
surrender. Leaving aside that dedication, in that ego, the way, the material world has been created, look at it. Sometimes Arabs
are sitting in arrogance, sometimes these people are arrogant, sometimes those people. Hearts of all of them are about to open.
You should know that if there is any disaster in any country, not only will that country but the whole world will be erased. In the
same way, if something inside us is harmed, the power which creates the universe and which flows in a subtle form in all of us
will be affected. And what scientific proof do you want? For the blind, no scientific proof is enough. For them, it looks strange
that a woman, a housewife, how does She know all this? Who was Sita Ji? Who was Radha Ji? And who was Mary? Are these
ladies knowledgeable? To recognise them, you should have a love for yourself. As soon as some love sprouts in you, I will put
Kundalini in its place. It is full of love. It loves you very much. If a man loves one so much, what does he want? That, this love
spread to the whole world. This is because he wants this happiness to be felt by everyone. Whatever we are doing, it is only
through the light of love. You have been equipped for the light of this love as I said. Your lamp will be lit. But keep it hidden. You
have been chosen for a big task. You are a great person. Thousands have been chosen. Don’t tell me later, Mother, You did not
tell us this, You did not tell us that. I am ready to tell you everything. And will tell you through your science. We will give every type
of protection. It is not that you have run to jungles from this world. No need. You don’t have to say anything abnormal. Within in
your household with your family, this is going to happen within you. Spring time has come, but you have no news of that. You
must certainly decorate with flowers. You are seated in front of me; like a dead flower in front of me. I wish that I can take out the
fragrance from your heart and spread it. Then you can give it to another. In the creation, the smartest work done in the universe,
is the creation of human being! Human is the most beautiful thing. He is giver of happiness. And one who can know these
vibrations, who can know this love, who can feel this joy and own it, is only one thing and that is human. I want that joy is seen in
such a beautiful human being’s heart. And then they become one with that. Please put your hands towards Me and sit. For some
of you, you will get in your hands; you will feel coolness like that coming from an air-conditioner. Look at your brain. You are not
getting any thoughts. No thoughts at all. But you are conscious, fully conscious. You see your eyes are open! [Hindi speech
concludes. Shri Mataji spoke a few sentences in English. Audio abruptly cut after a couple of sentences, and a few more
sentences are given later. ] | null | null | null | Public Program, 26-03-1974, Mumbai, India. God’s existence or His non-existence doesn't depend on whether you trust God or
not. However, much I may say that God exists, even if you believe it, it is not going to make any difference. If you do not believe, it
is in your ignorance that you do not believe; even if you believe it, it is still in your ignorance. Without getting it – Self Realisation,
even believing will be still ignorance; not believing will also be ignorance. So, when I am talking on this subject, you should sit
with an open mind like a scientist, like a researcher who doesn't know anything, who doesn't have any preconceived ideas, who
has not thought of anything in the beginning. I do not know how many books have been written on this subject. It is like a vast
ocean. I do not know; how many have written untruths in these books. What is the identity of truth and untruth? The identity of
truth is that it is obvious in every circumstance and on any criterion, if that cannot be proven to be a lie, that is truth. Whatever
discussion I will have with you or whatever I tell you, listening to it like a scientist, means that I am placing before you a
hypothesis, a concept. I can prove this to you later and those who are sitting here and are familiar with My work, they know that it
is proved. But keep your mind open. It is very necessary because among you, many have read a lot on this subject. Writing is not
difficult. It is very easy if you have some money or some disciples to help you- You can go on writing book after book. And you
don't need to search for the truth. In matters of religion, who is there is to question you, why you have written like this? On
religion, anything can be said. A Person like Hitler talked about religion. Napoleon also talked about religion. Because in the
matters of religion, no law is there under which they can be caught. If in the name of religion, if someone sells Adharm (wrong
doing), is there a law to put him in Jail? But if you are the worshipper of only truth, and if you want to know only the truth, you
should not fully believe whatever I am saying until such time that you see the reality of what I am saying. You are a human and
you should stand solid. What someone writes or someone tells you, it should not overly impress you; it is not at all, the
characteristic of a human. If someone who stands on the step of freedom and says ‘God, You are not there’, he is a much better
person than the paratantra (one who is under the control of others) person says ‘God You are there’. In Sahaja Yoga, we can't do
anything about a paratantra person. Yesterday I told you the same thing that in Sahaja Yoga, your innocence is very necessary,
but freedom is essential. That is why I want you to sit with full freedom. Don't say yes to what I say. Don’t say no to what I say
and don't accept what I say, till you get it. You can’t know what I am saying until you get your Self-Realisation. You can’t
understand what I am saying. Just like, without having your connection, dialing a phone makes no sense. When someone wants
to know about religion, he should have in the least his Realisation. Before that, a human is not eligible to know about religion.
Like they used to say only a Brahman can know about the religion. Brahman meant a Realised person. But everyone cannot be a
Brahman. I told you that, today, I will talk about Srusti (creation), Srashta (creator), and Brahma, etc. I have told earlier also, like if
there is a seed and there is a map (Characteristics) of whatever has to be born out of that, inside it. In the same way, consider
Brahma Swaroop (Form of Brahma) and that only Brahma Swaroop is present. There is no beginning and end of that. Like a tree
comes out of a seed and a seed comes out of a tree, this is eternal. You bear in mind that you are formed in the eternal image of
Brahma Beej (seed) Swaroop. The state of that Brahma is similar to an ordinary seed, which is endowed with the Germinating
power. Like there is a small seed and inside, it has the Germinating power or Srujan Sakti, in the same way, there is Germinating
power in this Brahma. And when it first splits, when it first pulsates, at the same moment, Pranav (Lifeforce) is established. This
power is established. This power separates from the seed and establishes itself in its ego and creates the whole universe, and
that seed becomes Ishwar (God) Swaroop and watches its play. Like a television set is kept and it is watching it. If the program
is to its liking, it watches and if the program is not to its liking, it will switch off. In our scriptures, Ishwar is referred to as Shiv and
His Sakti is known as Shibani. We call it Maha Shiv. The same is referred to by various names, Ishwar, Father, God, Paramatma
and what we call Sakti, people refer to it by many names such as Holy Ghost, Rhu, etc. This Sakti does all the Creation. When it
starts Creation, at that time, it does it in its style. It has its own style. On reaching the human state, in this Sakti, as I told you
yesterday, there are Zad Tatva (Root element) and Chaitanya Tatva (Vibratory element). This whole universe is made from these
two Tatvas. When the Chaitanya Tatva works with Zad Tatva, this whole universe is created and the whole universe is made. And
in the process, we reach the human state. I have surely told you several times in detail; but today I have to talk about Kundalini.
So, I want to take you there in a hurry. In the case of a human, when the Zad Sakti enters a child- when he is two to three months
old in his mother's womb- it pulsates for the first time. This pulsation that happens for the first time in the child’s heart is
Ishwar’s. We call this Atma. Paramatma comes as Atma Swaroop in our hearts for the first time. And the Sakti enters our head,
after piercing the fontanel bone area and passes through the spinal cord in the backside and settles down in the triangular bone
as a full bone. ‘Whether it settles down or not, whether it is there are not, what state is it in, whether it is true or not, we believe
because you are saying’, don’t believe me. But I can show it to you. Whether you have got your Realisation or not, if you have eyes
and you are not blind, you can see that it is stationed there in the name of kundalini. Whenever someone comes to My feet,
immediately there will be pulsation there, where the triangular bone is located. There is no reason for pulsation in the triangular
bone because the heart is not located there. No heart is located there. But you can see the pulsation at that point through the
person’s clothes movement-going up and down. Sometimes it moves quite fast. After that you notice, when the Kundalini, moves
up this way, it stops at some places and pulsates; in some places, the pulsation is very rapid-where the heart chakra is located,
on the backside, the cloth there moves up and down this way. That is why we have conducted experiments and people have very
clearly seen this. These people say that there is nothing like Kundalini and they don’t believe in Kundalini. You must come once
and experience that Kundalini exists inside you, Sakti exists inside you and it is located in your triangular bone, not at any other
place. It can present before you. You can see with these eyes, naked eyes that Kundalini is at this place. After that, you also see
that on your back you feel something is moving slowly. For some people just as soon as they see Me, at once, they feel
something is moving up. This is the result of punyas (good deeds) done in their previous lives. They have accumulated punyas
and it presents itself at once and Kundalini is opened. And for some people, they feel stoppage. Moves up, comes down and for
some people, they feel the heat at that point. The cause for this is the path of Kundalini inside you, is as I am showing you here,
like a trident -one is this way and one is this way- You are seeing it, is it not? These two more Shaktis are also inside us, which are
called Ida and Pingala. I will talk about these tomorrow. For some reason or the other, they pull the path towards them. And
because of this, the path gets blocked and Kundalini is unable to move upwards and stops at that place, where the path is
blocked. This Kundalini is itself Chaitanya swaroopini (in the form of vibrations). The meaning of Chaitanya swaroopini, I told you
yesterday. Chaitanya means: Chaitanya knows everything, Chaitanya recognises everything. Not only that all the creation in this
world happens through Chaitanya. Chaitanya is full of love. This Kundalini is in the form of love and is your own mother. But
there is a small difference. Your own mother does not have any other son. She knows everything about you. As if in a tape
recorder everything is written: what are the defects of this boy? What problems has he faced? What are the illnesses he is having
in his body? What mental tensions is he having? What difficulties has he encountered? She is present. These days in this modern
age, if someone talks about Kundalini people will not believe. But in this time, when science is being praised no end, the moment
has come, when you have to turn towards the path of religion. Because science has realised, it has not found anything
whatsoever. In medical science, no one is able to understand about cancer. They are not able to know, what cancer is due to.
Those, who in the name of science proudly brag, let them tell me what is cancer? Even renowned doctors will not be able to tell. I
will tell you that it is due to a problem with the autonomous nervous system; it is due to overactivity. And it can be treated only
through Sahaja yoga and nothing else. What I am saying today will be acknowledged, perhaps, ten years from now. But so many
people would have died of cancer. The world is strange! You discover something. A human mind works in such a fashion; let him
be hanged. Don’t listen to him. But after death, they will build temples and honour him. I am today alive and telling you that
cancer is a disease, which is caused due to the overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system. Doctors are not ready to accept
it. But if a doctor gets cancer, he wants to come into the protection of Shri Mataji. But Mataji does not have time. I am after
giving Realisation, but not after cancer. But if doctors open their eyes and try to understand this and not worry about the money -
they may not be able to make, then they can treat cancer and cure people. That is why, if you want to ask about Kundalini from
the scientific point of view, then I will ask, do trust your eyes or not? If you trust, then see with your eyes, the pulsations on the
spine on the back of a person, what are they after all? And after that in your full consciousness if you become thoughtless, what
it is due to which you can go into thoughtlessness. You ask even the best psychologist, can you establish thoughtlessness in us?
May not give trance, may silence the mind, but if in full consciousness establishing the inner silence and peace inside, if you can
do that, I will accept your science is superior. Unless you have peace inside, you cannot establish peace outside. But open all the
books of psychology and go through them and go to these psychologists and see if they have peace inside them. How can they
treat us! They are themselves afflicted with our ailment. But whatever I say, whichever way I tell, save ‘yourselves’; this is the time
of Kalki. And only in this kali Yuga, the time for emancipation has come. And with that for the whole world, the arrangement is in
place, because Ishwar, who is donning the role of the supervisor, who is a complete witness, He is very anxious to switch off, He
is watching and if there is play, we will win and if not will be finished. You are watching what type of problems are there in this
world, are surfacing in the world today, wars, poverty, diseases, you cannot bear to see them. Man cannot postpone finding a
solution for these. Some say bring communism, some say bring socialism, some say bring that particular ism, some say
something has to be done. To manage all these, until you get paramanand, without the power to connect to the source, you can
never get joy and you can never be satisfied. Man can get happiness at the feet of Paramatma. But when I talk about
Paramatma, ‘Mataji has fallen inline’. Man is okay till I talk about science. But, as soon as I talk about Paramatma, he gets into
much ego. So egoistic he becomes! What does he take himself to be? Paramatma who has made us, Who has created the whole
universe, we are challenging Him! You are Radish from which garden? Tomorrow you will be plucked and thrown away-A Hindi
language phrase to show how small the man is in the eyes of Divine. We are seeing Adharm in the name of Paramatma. If you
talk about sex in the name of Paramatma, you are called Dharmatma (saint). There is a limit even to kali Yug. We are drowned in
the limits of sin. If you can wash off your sins with science, if you can make love with science, then I will accept defeat with
science. But if my talk remains a mere talk, if you do not experience anything, if you do not get it despite my presence, my
coming is also a waste and my talk is also a waste. Such a terrible Kali Yug, such darkness of ego has engulfed us, we do not
think anything of the person in front of us. They are not even equivalent to speck of dust of one foot of the creation of
Paramatma. I do not want to convince you. But one day I will make you a witness to all this. First, you prepare for it. To the youth
of today and to the current society in the making, whatever you tell them; it will not get into their heads. The reason for this in
place of dharma (religion), maha adharma (great wrong doing) has been placed. No one has talked about Kundalini. Who will talk
about Kundalini in those days? Poor fellows, they have not spoken anything, still, they were put on the cross. Kundalini is present
there inside and it can manifest. And if you want to see, come. If you do not want to see, if you do not want to know, you will have
to put up with the consequences of 'agnyan' (falsehood). But you have to ask yourself what are we doing? Where are we running?
What are we getting? Inside us, inside our body, all the Deities are dwelling. Now as I say this, it does not get into the brain. How
is Mataji saying that Deities are dwelling within us? I will give you proof of that also. There was a sahib, he had a complaint. He
comes to Me. He says he gets pain in the stomach. A second person comes, she says ‘’I do not get children”. I said ‘put your
hands towards Me’. Notice that Kundalini is sitting in her Swadishthan chakra. A small kid will tell that he is getting heat here in
this finger. All those who are seated here, you observe, with closed eyes they will tell that they are getting heat in this finger, this
thumb. What better science can be there, all are saying the same thing, we are getting heat here. I am not telling you. I asked him
‘what is your disease? ‘I get a lot of pain in the stomach; the second person says I have this complaint and someone said I do not
have children’. They are all problems associated with aortic plexus which is activated through Swadishthan chakra and you can
feel them on this finger. What more proof should I give you? Two-year-old shows this thumb and all others show this thumb and
say ‘Mother it is here’. Then I ask this man to take the name of Brahmadeva and Saraswati. As soon as he takes the names, it is
over and he says, "Mother I am all right now". Now, do you need better proof than this? Brahmadeva and Saraswati are sitting
there in person. If it is not so, how did it work out? If you take any other name it will not work out. Now, what more proof do you
need to be placed before you? Should I call this rationality or foolishness, even while seeing it they do not accept it. Whoever has
a problem with Mooladhara chakra, he will have heat here (hand). If he has a big problem, the problem could be due to
obstruction or some may have a problem from ghosts, then they will have a lot of heat, even blisters may form. Many people are
going around calling themselves God etc. Leave them; even with their disciples, we will have blisters on the hand. Our hands
burned. Fingers burned. All had fingers burnt at the same time. Now my two-year-old born realised granddaughter, runs away
from such people. The same finger gets heated for all, getting heat for all on the same finger, which means his Agnya chakra is
caught up. Christ has been crucified on the cross at the Agnya chakra, and Christ is there, whether you are a Christian or not. We
get the manifestation of it. People claim they are Hindus and people claim they are Christians. They learn the ways of hating.
Has anyone learned the ways of loving? For all of us, inside here is the place of Christ and He is Ganesha. If in the human form
Pranav is recognised, He was the father of Ganesha and also of Christ. But if a person is mad, or he is haunted by ghosts, if
someone is mentally reticent, and if he comes to me, I will help him by clearing his Agnya chakra. If I say take the name of Jesus
Christ, Agnya chakra opens at once. How do I know? This is not a valid question, because I know. And even after that happens, if
you do not believe this, that Adisakti has made a place for different Deities on different chakras much before the time when there
was not even a trace of you. And those who are fighting amongst themselves, they should also know, for whom they are fighting
among themselves, are the same; like for Mohammad Sahib and Guru Nanak. Mohammad Sahib and Guru Nanak was the same
person. They had one identity. From the life of Nanak Ji, I will tell you once He was lying down. People asked him, ‘Why are You
lying down with Your feet towards Mecca, where there is Kaaba?’. He said. ‘Ok I turn My feet, Kaaba has tuned’. What is Kaaba? It
is dust from Mohammad sahib’s feet and the same is of Nanak Sahib also. Both are the same person and I will introduce them in
Kundalini. When someone gets cancer, he can be cured by either Nanak sahib or Mohammad sahib, no one else. Because what
we call Void, is known to doctors. We call it Bhavasagara. Dattatreya, who is Adiguru, who helps us in crossing the Bhavasagara,
where all gurus are present. Unless you take the name of one of them, you are not going to be free from problems of the
Bhavasagara, which manifests as cancer. You can recognise cancer from the throb here. You cannot be cured. I want to ask
‘How many Muslims are here and how many Sikhs?’ One thing, Mohammad sahib has prohibited the drinking of alcohol. He said
don’t touch alcohol. He did not say anything. He was murdered. I know to what state He was reduced to. Sometimes at the
Mosque, there will be fights over small left overs. And I want to ask those Muslims who drink and remind them about
Mohammad sahib. They won’t like it and they definitely will drink alcohol. Not only that they wrote poetry on alcohol. For them
alcohol is God. When we, who have shown the path to truth, you try to break the same path by hating yourself and think of
spreading hatred in the whole world. Then what else can we do? And that is why there is ego. So much concealed ego is in us in
the subtlest form? That ego was given to you so that you can ask; ‘What do I have to do? What do I have to get? Whose work do I
have to do? Give me the power for that.’ Take a brush -what should it do? It has to dedicate itself to the artist’s hand. It has to
surrender. Leaving aside that dedication, in that ego, the way, the material world has been created, look at it. Sometimes Arabs
are sitting in arrogance, sometimes these people are arrogant, sometimes those people. Hearts of all of them are about to open.
You should know that if there is any disaster in any country, not only will that country but the whole world will be erased. In the
same way, if something inside us is harmed, the power which creates the universe and which flows in a subtle form in all of us
will be affected. And what scientific proof do you want? For the blind, no scientific proof is enough. For them, it looks strange
that a woman, a housewife, how does She know all this? Who was Sita Ji? Who was Radha Ji? And who was Mary? Are these
ladies knowledgeable? To recognise them, you should have a love for yourself. As soon as some love sprouts in you, I will put
Kundalini in its place. It is full of love. It loves you very much. If a man loves one so much, what does he want? That, this love
spread to the whole world. This is because he wants this happiness to be felt by everyone. Whatever we are doing, it is only
through the light of love. You have been equipped for the light of this love as I said. Your lamp will be lit. But keep it hidden. You
have been chosen for a big task. You are a great person. Thousands have been chosen. Don’t tell me later, Mother, You did not
tell us this, You did not tell us that. I am ready to tell you everything. And will tell you through your science. We will give every type
of protection. It is not that you have run to jungles from this world. No need. You don’t have to say anything abnormal. Within in
your household with your family, this is going to happen within you. Spring time has come, but you have no news of that. You
must certainly decorate with flowers. You are seated in front of me; like a dead flower in front of me. I wish that I can take out the
fragrance from your heart and spread it. Then you can give it to another. In the creation, the smartest work done in the universe,
is the creation of human being! Human is the most beautiful thing. He is giver of happiness. And one who can know these
vibrations, who can know this love, who can feel this joy and own it, is only one thing and that is human. I want that joy is seen in
such a beautiful human being’s heart. And then they become one with that. Please put your hands towards Me and sit. For some
of you, you will get in your hands; you will feel coolness like that coming from an air-conditioner. Look at your brain. You are not
getting any thoughts. No thoughts at all. But you are conscious, fully conscious. You see your eyes are open! [Hindi speech
concludes. Shri Mataji spoke a few sentences in English. Audio abruptly cut after a couple of sentences, and a few more
sentences are given later. ] |
3/27/1974 | | Public Program Day 3: Vibrations that is Love | India | Mumbai | null | Draft | null | VERIFIED | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | Hindi | 74 | 1974-03-27 Public Program 3 at Birla Kreeda Kendra, Vibrations that is Love, Mumbai [English translation from Hindi] Vibrations,
that is love, that is knowledge, that is joy. The first word is vibration, which you can call waves or Param (Absolute). When you
touch a wire, the waves of music that are generated, you can call these vibrations. There is a big mess about languages. Anyway,
you can call it anything, but you can see these in actuality. Recently when I was in London, they were showing photographs of
molecules captured through Electro-microscope on the TV. There they showed one molecule of Sulphur ioxide, in which there
was one Sulphur molecule and there were two Oxygen molecules and these were bonded together. It could be seen by the eyes,
the picture was visible. About this, there was no question, or language i+ssue or doubt. You are seeing with the eyes. In this way,
some energy was flowing in the centre of the three points, like something is flowing from the two hands, as though Sulphur has
two hands and it is throwing towards Oxygen with its hands and something is coming from Oxygen to Sulphur. You can see it
with your eyes. It felt as if it was shaking.About this they said that there are three types of vibrations, three types of waves are
pr+ esent in the matter and science has discovered it now. And this was told by many in the world from time immemorial. These
vibrations which are present, can be seen clearly in the matter, you cannot have doubt about them. What is known and what can
be seen-these vibrations, what are they? In the sulphur dioxide molecule, which has infinite atoms, with what is it vibrated? What
are vibrations in this? About this science has used just one word- vibrations, nothing else. I told you earlier also that if you ask
doctors, what is the Shakti( power) behind the pulsation in the heart, they cannot give any details, except for saying it is done by
'Autonomous Nervous System'. It does not mean that they did not do research on it, but the knowledge they have is incomplete
and very little, only a small part. About this Newton had once said, ‘I am like a small child collecting pebbles on the shores of
knowledge’. Even a great intellectual like Newton felt that he was quite ignorant. A man starts becoming knowledgeable when he
starts thinking ' Oh God, remove all the ignorance of Surdas'- (quote from Surdas who was a great devotee of Lord Krishna and a
poet). You are not able to say anything about the vibrations, which are seen. Is the man's knowledge so hollow that he is not able
to say anything about the vibrations which are rising from every molecule and atom? That means that it is no knowledge.
Vibrations, which are knowledge itself, which is knowledge and complete knowledge is stationed in each and every molecule and
atom. Like My complete language and knowledge which is coming out of my mouth is contained in both but they both are
unaware of the knowledge flowing through them. Inside us, the same knowledge is flowing, but just like the Sulphur and Oxygen
molecules, we are also unaware of the knowledge that is flushed inside us and what we take to be the truth. And whenever
someone comes to identify the truth, since we are standing on untruth-’asatya’, we grudge. Even if someone comes to show us a
glimpse of that truth, we put him on the cross or we murder him; we finish him so that the truth is not revealed. Can there be
anything more childishness than this? The truth due to which, the Joy wants to blossom inside you, enter your heart and dwell
there, you are closing that path due to your ignorance. If you want to understand it in another way, then let me tell you about the
tanpura(a musical instrument). It is made of wood and has a bottom chamber where the sound resonates and there are strings
on the top. Until the fingers pluck the strings, no music will be made or no music will be heard. But our fingers aren’t on the
strings. Our attention is not on the strings, which give us joy; our attention is on that tanpura, which is our body, our mind, our
intelligence, our ego, etc. Until your fingers pluck the strings, you will not get joy from anything. You may look for anything in this
world, and despite all the searches you have carried on since ages, you do it you will get joy only in when you pluck the strings
spontaneously and the music is generated. The search for the strings is being carried out only from a distance. Like I told you the
vibrations in the molecule of Sulphur dioxide- they are the strings I am talking about, the same vibrations can flow through you
and split and complete the task for which you have come into this world in human form duly decorated with ego, etc. In the end,
you become the enjoyer of that music. Grand arrangements were made for this music and the great effort made to create the
colour to carefully decorate the human being – this colour cannot be found easily. If there is no one to pluck the strings, how can
the music be generated? That is why, I have not seen the joy anywhere in the world, where there are rich people, strong people,
where there are powerful people. You also will not notice any joy in them. The reason for this is only one; you could not lay your
hands on the strings which give you joy, because it is not physical and it does not have any particular shape. It does not have any
shape. It is like energy; if you can hold electricity, you can hold it also. But you cannot hold electricity and you cannot hold this as
well, though it is inside you, it pulsates in your heart and it does all your autonomous activities of mental, physical and
intellectual functions. And that is pulling you towards it. Knowing it is not only necessary but is also the aim of the supreme life.
Until the world thinks about it and puts its full attention on it, no problem in this world can be solved. Recently I was talking to
some people in London; people ask peculiar questions! One gentleman was saying, ‘so many people are dying in Vietnam and
you are engrossed in your Sahaja Yoga!’ I said, ‘in any case, by your blabbering, Vietnam war is not going to stop’. He was saying,
‘suppose someone comes with a gun and takes an aim at you, what will You do?’ I said, ‘let them come with the gun first’. So far,
no one has tried the power of Vibrations. If someone comes even with some ill-feelings, he will shiver and he will have problems
in his hands and face. Many among you have seen that. No one has tried the power of love, and we talk of it. We take it lightly,
even though it's power is working in each molecule and in each pulsation of the human heart. Love is one Shakti (power) which
does all work in planning, creation of the entire universe. This power of love is also called Divine. However you may call it, you
have to understand it; In India, Shankaracharya has very clearly declared very clearly, " Getting these vibrations is the attainment
ofGod Realisation and with that man becomes an instrument of Paramatma (God Almighty), he carries on all His work in a
witness state". But who reads Shankaracharya? The modern man is in a bizarre state. Until some Adharmic (inauspicious)
matter is written in Dharmic (religious) books, no one reads it. How weird is it? Unless some sex is included, he will not read
religious text. There is no connection between sex and religion. Whether it is today or whether it is in olden time, a man may not
admit, he may not understand, whatever he may say, there is no connection between sex and religion. I can prove and show it to
you if you come to any of our programmes. The awakening of Kundalini is not at all related to sex. On the contrary, when
Kundalini is awakened, a person becomes child-like. In this way, there is a strange confusion. Vibrations being seen at these
times, at least point to the fact that however much a man may pretend, he knows very little. He could know very little. Very little!
What he could not know, he gave big names to that. What I referred to as Vibrations, man calls it the Autonomous System in
some places and at some places, he calls it the Universal Unconsciousness. All the problems of the world can only be solved
with Sahaja Yoga. Even when I say this, these people get annoyed, ‘how did She say this?’ But if you know and achieve mastery
over this Shakti which drives the whole world, the Vibrations which inundate each and every atom and molecule, when it starts
flowing through your hands, is there anything impossible for you? Man is a worshipper of Shakti. He says 'if I get the Shakti, I will
do Sahaja Yoga.' He needs some change. In reality, you have the power inside you anyway but it is in a dull state. Giving it
freedom, liberating it, this is what Sahaja Yoga does. This is liberation, this is ‘Mukti’ (emancipation), about which man has
written thousands of books. These are ignorant books and are written by ignorant people. Books of knowledge are those which
are available every day, at every place and which are proven. Ignorance appears to have flooded the world. When a man gets the
knowledge, just the knowledge of who he is, which Shakti he is made of and in which Shakti he is established, at once his inner
being will change. His state will change and his ways will change. What he perceives as sorrow, from which he trembles and runs
away, in reality, in actuality it appears very beautiful for him. Just these vibrations have to flow out of us, then from these
vibrations, you can know, you get the knowledge of who the other person is. Start from here. What is the other person? When a
realised soul comes or when children come- two-year-olds who are realised, who have vibrations flowing inside them, when they
put their hands towards anyone, they will say 'this finger (little finger) is burning'. You ask that person, ‘do you have heart
trouble?’, he will say 'yes, I have heart trouble'. This is the place of the Heart Chakra, and at least fifty percent of those sitting here
can testify to this- absolutely right. You can know them on your fingers, even children can know. If someone comes, you can
immediately say about what condition the person is in, which chakras are catching, which centres are catching that inside us. We
can show it to you, but you have to come for some time to our meditation session, if you have time- you are busy people! Then
you can know on these fingers, you can test and know who is a saint, who is dissatisfied, who is evil, who is greater evil and who
is a demon. This is knowledge. Someone comes well dressed like a saint and he will sweetly tell you, 'I love you'. Later, you
realise UNCLEAR Then you think, ‘he was looking like a good person, a saint, from the face but he’s cut my throat’. Humans have
no knowledge about themselves. However, mmost humans are very beautiful and extremely dignified like the buds in the garden-
they have not bloomed yet, and no one realises, spring has come in this garden. When these vibrations are released from inside
you, when you point your hands towards others, you enjoy. You enjoy it, you see so much of it. People say, ‘this man is strange,
he does not talk to anyone!’ No, no, look inside him, he is so beautiful. Between them, there is fragrance, music; it is worth
watching, you get a lot of joy from humans! However, we keep running from each other from dawn to dusk, what a weird
situation? An acquaintance may sometimes wonder whether he has walked into a strange lunatic asylum! Because of ignorance,
human being is so ignorant of the bliss with which Paramatma (God Almighty) created it. Only Sahaja Yoga is such a thing, such
a method, which is Paramatma's own method, because of which vibrations flow out of your hand, flow from your feet. They flow
from your entire body, like the sun's rays and peep inside others and awaken love in them and give a push so that it starts to flow
in them also and start a sort of chain reaction. But for thousands of lamps to be lit, the lamps themselves should be genuine.
You are just a lamp, realise this and you are nothing else- with which there will be light in the entire world and you also have that
thing inside you to light the lamp. But if you have turned your face away, what can anyone say to you? How much we grudge!
This is the specialty of our country; the specialty of our country is ill-feeling. We don't like it if something good is happening to
others, how strange! If a flower blooms in someone's house we don't feel good, but if someone throws cow dung into someone's
house, we feel like that. How strange is the human! You tell me if a flower blooms in someone's house, you will also get the
fragrance and you will also get fragrant air. Only because of ill-feeling, we are unable to get this knowledge fully. The waves
inside have come to teach us love, give love and spread this love in the entire world. Our hearts are pulsating only to bring the
kingdom of love into this world; otherwise did Paramatma not have any other business than to bring such ignorant people into
this world? Did He not have wisdom thatHe created such fools, who were His own? But when one gets this knowledge andknows
about this one thing that is the great truth that once the thing about Param Satya (the ultimate truth) is understood that whatever
is pulsating in us is also pulsating in others., The vibrations which are flowing inside us, they are eager to come out and flow
from others and you can feel them on your hands, your fingers and on your spine and they are active on your head. Humans have
to descend into a new dimension and arrangements for this have been made, but merely because I am speaking to you in
Mumbai, and I am not a leader, or I am not having two horns, they may not listen to Me. All the problems of the world can be
overcome in an instant if the whole world accepts Sahaja Yoga, but for the present, it appears to be difficult. But at least you,
though a small number, get your realisation. Nothing else is to be done, in Sahaj. I am going to talk about Kundalini Yoga, which
is born with you, tomorrow. It is also ignorance if you do not understand this pulsation. If you want to adopt the power of love,
you should definitely have one thing called innocence. If you are not innocent, Mother Kundalini will not awaken. You may be
outwardly very decent, you may be well known in this world, your photos would have been published, you may be a saint, people
may worship you as God, despite that Mother Kundalini will not awaken. What should we do? She has kept Shri Ganesha at the
door, Who Himself is innocence. For a man, a little innocence is necessary. People ask 'Mataji, what should we do?' I say,
'nothing, how much innocence is there? just measure it'. Check in a balance, how much innocence you have and how much
cunningness you have in your body? You complete this and that will be your bank balance for your wellbeing. You always keep
checking your bank balance, how much you have and how much you don't have. And based on that, you work and based on that
your ego builds up.In Sahaja Yoga whatever innocence you have accumulated over your various lives, that will be encashed.
Such people get their realisation instantly and there are others who are struggling to get it for years. There is no one like a bad
person, I have not seen a specifically bad person. Those who come here, they cannot be bad people. But there is one thing; you
are showing a little cunningness. With cunningness, you can not realise Paramatma; cunningness is human's quality. You
measure your innocence. There is no measurement for this, no criteria for this. Only you can know, no one else can know. That is
why children get it instantly and after getting their realisation, they say 'we are getting it. He is getting cool vibrations and he is
getting hot’. At My place, we have a two-year-old granddaughter. If any cunning person comes, she will ring a bell; she has kept a
bell with her to say thatthe person has come and we come to know she is feeling the heat and she is feeling the discomfort. They
played a song about it, it is a big thing, it is a big thing. They came into this world to uplift the world. The poor people- their hands
got burnt and destroyed , legs have burnt and destroyed, how much trouble they faced from demonic, evil people? The innocent
people like Christ have been crucified, Mohammad Sahib has been murdered, is there anyone whom they have not harassed? Are
you with them or with innocence? At least you think of your children, what do you want to give them? What type of world are you
making for them, what statute have you thought for them? Or history will record that Sahaja Yoga was founded during your time
and you did not adopt it. That’s when you do not have to give anything for that, you cannot give Me anything. You are at the
receiving end, what will you give Me? You realise that you cannot even give Me love. Because you have less love in you. You
awaken love inside you, and once you do that, what difference will be there between us to think about giving and taking. You
have to give nothing, only you have to make preparation for receiving. Like River Ganges might be flowing with strong current,
just in front of your door, if you throw a stone into it, will the stone collect any water? You will need a vessel, and the vessel will
also be made of innocence. Only one thing, con yourself, there is no harm. If you are conned nothing is going to be lost, nothing
from this world will accompany you except your innocence. Keep your innocence intact. Those who thought themselves to be
smart, have been conned the most because they’ve lost the valuable thing and accumulated stones and sand. Today, we thought
we would do some experiments. You also have come, I am thinking, tomorrow at 8:30 pm, we will again have meditation at
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. But some people are sitting, nothing is going to come out of chit chat- you get your realisation. If you
want to become something, go ahead. But after getting realisation, I see that many just sit at home, I get so many letters in
London; ‘Mataji you have uplifted us, we have a lot of joy, this has happened to us'. What next? Are the lamps lit so that they can
be placed under the table? After getting your realisation, you should understand that you are the chosen one. You are the token
of that light which will enlighten the world. Leave the little boundaries, leave behind the moments of joy which you have got and
come in the open and give light to the world. If you want to give to Sahaja Yoga, this is it and nothing else. Day after tomorrow, I
want to talk about the subject, about which a lot of illusions are spread, but it is a huge ignorance, which we call ‘Pralok Vidya’
and in English, it is called psychology, subconscious. How people use it, how people are confused, and what are its identities; I
will tell you about all these. That is the plan for three days. What I have spoken so openly in this life, I have never spoken before.
At that time, people were not intelligent enough to be told about these. I am telling even the most secret things openly so that
people do not say later, we did not know, otherwise, we would have stayed back. You are only listening to what I am saying, you
will understand it only when you get your realisation. If you want to ask questions, do it now, otherwise, they will confront you
when you are meditating. One or two things I will tell you, which generally people ask. How is that people get their realisation so
quickly? Why not, why don't you think like that? How is that man landed on the moon? If you go and tell My grandmother, she will
not believe it even now. If someone can reach the moon, some can surely reach vibrations. Some discovery can take place in this
world. If something is discovered, it should at least be tried. Even before trying, you ask questions,' Sir, how is it possible?' In the
matters of ‘dharma’ (religion), man does not ask questions when ‘adharma’ (non-religion) is sold in the name of Dharm (religion)
because his freedom is taken away. I will talk about it the day after tomorrow. I am telling you that when man will come fully into
enticement, he forgets to ask questions. Not only does Sahaja Yoga accept your freedom but also respects it because giving
freedom is the obligation of Sahaja Yoga. If you are enslaved, then what is the use of giving this freedom? There is a lot of
difference between swachandata (independence) and swatantrata (freedom), one should understand this. Freedom comes from
man's wisdom. Do not be misguided. You have to take care of yourself, your well-being. What do we have to bother with anyone?
Why should we talk about anyone? So and so wrote like this, so and so wrote like this, so and so said this. We have to be alright,
we have to meditate. When people sit in meditation, they say ‘Mataji, please cure us’. But, I say that the diseases will be removed
from the roots. Why don't you adopt that which removes all ignorance from the roots? The darkness is from the matter, why don't
you burn it so that it is finished. Now, we will all go into meditation for some time, if you have half an hour's time for yourself,
please sit down. Don't get up in the middle, those who want to go, they may go at the beginning itself. It will take at least half an
hour and those who want to leave can do so now because they may want to go to a cinema, they have to do some big work,
someone has to go for ballroom dance, all those can go. Sahaja Yoga is not for them. Those who want to seek Parmatma, may
sit down and get it, at least half an hour you should sit in silence and give your time. Rest all your work will be taken care of. | null | null | null | 1974-03-27 Public Program 3 at Birla Kreeda Kendra, Vibrations that is Love, Mumbai [English translation from Hindi] Vibrations,
that is love, that is knowledge, that is joy. The first word is vibration, which you can call waves or Param (Absolute). When you
touch a wire, the waves of music that are generated, you can call these vibrations. There is a big mess about languages. Anyway,
you can call it anything, but you can see these in actuality. Recently when I was in London, they were showing photographs of
molecules captured through Electro-microscope on the TV. There they showed one molecule of Sulphur ioxide, in which there
was one Sulphur molecule and there were two Oxygen molecules and these were bonded together. It could be seen by the eyes,
the picture was visible. About this, there was no question, or language i+ssue or doubt. You are seeing with the eyes. In this way,
some energy was flowing in the centre of the three points, like something is flowing from the two hands, as though Sulphur has
two hands and it is throwing towards Oxygen with its hands and something is coming from Oxygen to Sulphur. You can see it
with your eyes. It felt as if it was shaking.About this they said that there are three types of vibrations, three types of waves are
pr+ esent in the matter and science has discovered it now. And this was told by many in the world from time immemorial. These
vibrations which are present, can be seen clearly in the matter, you cannot have doubt about them. What is known and what can
be seen-these vibrations, what are they? In the sulphur dioxide molecule, which has infinite atoms, with what is it vibrated? What
are vibrations in this? About this science has used just one word- vibrations, nothing else. I told you earlier also that if you ask
doctors, what is the Shakti( power) behind the pulsation in the heart, they cannot give any details, except for saying it is done by
'Autonomous Nervous System'. It does not mean that they did not do research on it, but the knowledge they have is incomplete
and very little, only a small part. About this Newton had once said, ‘I am like a small child collecting pebbles on the shores of
knowledge’. Even a great intellectual like Newton felt that he was quite ignorant. A man starts becoming knowledgeable when he
starts thinking ' Oh God, remove all the ignorance of Surdas'- (quote from Surdas who was a great devotee of Lord Krishna and a
poet). You are not able to say anything about the vibrations, which are seen. Is the man's knowledge so hollow that he is not able
to say anything about the vibrations which are rising from every molecule and atom? That means that it is no knowledge.
Vibrations, which are knowledge itself, which is knowledge and complete knowledge is stationed in each and every molecule and
atom. Like My complete language and knowledge which is coming out of my mouth is contained in both but they both are
unaware of the knowledge flowing through them. Inside us, the same knowledge is flowing, but just like the Sulphur and Oxygen
molecules, we are also unaware of the knowledge that is flushed inside us and what we take to be the truth. And whenever
someone comes to identify the truth, since we are standing on untruth-’asatya’, we grudge. Even if someone comes to show us a
glimpse of that truth, we put him on the cross or we murder him; we finish him so that the truth is not revealed. Can there be
anything more childishness than this? The truth due to which, the Joy wants to blossom inside you, enter your heart and dwell
there, you are closing that path due to your ignorance. If you want to understand it in another way, then let me tell you about the
tanpura(a musical instrument). It is made of wood and has a bottom chamber where the sound resonates and there are strings
on the top. Until the fingers pluck the strings, no music will be made or no music will be heard. But our fingers aren’t on the
strings. Our attention is not on the strings, which give us joy; our attention is on that tanpura, which is our body, our mind, our
intelligence, our ego, etc. Until your fingers pluck the strings, you will not get joy from anything. You may look for anything in this
world, and despite all the searches you have carried on since ages, you do it you will get joy only in when you pluck the strings
spontaneously and the music is generated. The search for the strings is being carried out only from a distance. Like I told you the
vibrations in the molecule of Sulphur dioxide- they are the strings I am talking about, the same vibrations can flow through you
and split and complete the task for which you have come into this world in human form duly decorated with ego, etc. In the end,
you become the enjoyer of that music. Grand arrangements were made for this music and the great effort made to create the
colour to carefully decorate the human being – this colour cannot be found easily. If there is no one to pluck the strings, how can
the music be generated? That is why, I have not seen the joy anywhere in the world, where there are rich people, strong people,
where there are powerful people. You also will not notice any joy in them. The reason for this is only one; you could not lay your
hands on the strings which give you joy, because it is not physical and it does not have any particular shape. It does not have any
shape. It is like energy; if you can hold electricity, you can hold it also. But you cannot hold electricity and you cannot hold this as
well, though it is inside you, it pulsates in your heart and it does all your autonomous activities of mental, physical and
intellectual functions. And that is pulling you towards it. Knowing it is not only necessary but is also the aim of the supreme life.
Until the world thinks about it and puts its full attention on it, no problem in this world can be solved. Recently I was talking to
some people in London; people ask peculiar questions! One gentleman was saying, ‘so many people are dying in Vietnam and
you are engrossed in your Sahaja Yoga!’ I said, ‘in any case, by your blabbering, Vietnam war is not going to stop’. He was saying,
‘suppose someone comes with a gun and takes an aim at you, what will You do?’ I said, ‘let them come with the gun first’. So far,
no one has tried the power of Vibrations. If someone comes even with some ill-feelings, he will shiver and he will have problems
in his hands and face. Many among you have seen that. No one has tried the power of love, and we talk of it. We take it lightly,
even though it's power is working in each molecule and in each pulsation of the human heart. Love is one Shakti (power) which
does all work in planning, creation of the entire universe. This power of love is also called Divine. However you may call it, you
have to understand it; In India, Shankaracharya has very clearly declared very clearly, " Getting these vibrations is the attainment
ofGod Realisation and with that man becomes an instrument of Paramatma (God Almighty), he carries on all His work in a
witness state". But who reads Shankaracharya? The modern man is in a bizarre state. Until some Adharmic (inauspicious)
matter is written in Dharmic (religious) books, no one reads it. How weird is it? Unless some sex is included, he will not read
religious text. There is no connection between sex and religion. Whether it is today or whether it is in olden time, a man may not
admit, he may not understand, whatever he may say, there is no connection between sex and religion. I can prove and show it to
you if you come to any of our programmes. The awakening of Kundalini is not at all related to sex. On the contrary, when
Kundalini is awakened, a person becomes child-like. In this way, there is a strange confusion. Vibrations being seen at these
times, at least point to the fact that however much a man may pretend, he knows very little. He could know very little. Very little!
What he could not know, he gave big names to that. What I referred to as Vibrations, man calls it the Autonomous System in
some places and at some places, he calls it the Universal Unconsciousness. All the problems of the world can only be solved
with Sahaja Yoga. Even when I say this, these people get annoyed, ‘how did She say this?’ But if you know and achieve mastery
over this Shakti which drives the whole world, the Vibrations which inundate each and every atom and molecule, when it starts
flowing through your hands, is there anything impossible for you? Man is a worshipper of Shakti. He says 'if I get the Shakti, I will
do Sahaja Yoga.' He needs some change. In reality, you have the power inside you anyway but it is in a dull state. Giving it
freedom, liberating it, this is what Sahaja Yoga does. This is liberation, this is ‘Mukti’ (emancipation), about which man has
written thousands of books. These are ignorant books and are written by ignorant people. Books of knowledge are those which
are available every day, at every place and which are proven. Ignorance appears to have flooded the world. When a man gets the
knowledge, just the knowledge of who he is, which Shakti he is made of and in which Shakti he is established, at once his inner
being will change. His state will change and his ways will change. What he perceives as sorrow, from which he trembles and runs
away, in reality, in actuality it appears very beautiful for him. Just these vibrations have to flow out of us, then from these
vibrations, you can know, you get the knowledge of who the other person is. Start from here. What is the other person? When a
realised soul comes or when children come- two-year-olds who are realised, who have vibrations flowing inside them, when they
put their hands towards anyone, they will say 'this finger (little finger) is burning'. You ask that person, ‘do you have heart
trouble?’, he will say 'yes, I have heart trouble'. This is the place of the Heart Chakra, and at least fifty percent of those sitting here
can testify to this- absolutely right. You can know them on your fingers, even children can know. If someone comes, you can
immediately say about what condition the person is in, which chakras are catching, which centres are catching that inside us. We
can show it to you, but you have to come for some time to our meditation session, if you have time- you are busy people! Then
you can know on these fingers, you can test and know who is a saint, who is dissatisfied, who is evil, who is greater evil and who
is a demon. This is knowledge. Someone comes well dressed like a saint and he will sweetly tell you, 'I love you'. Later, you
realise UNCLEAR Then you think, ‘he was looking like a good person, a saint, from the face but he’s cut my throat’. Humans have
no knowledge about themselves. However, mmost humans are very beautiful and extremely dignified like the buds in the garden-
they have not bloomed yet, and no one realises, spring has come in this garden. When these vibrations are released from inside
you, when you point your hands towards others, you enjoy. You enjoy it, you see so much of it. People say, ‘this man is strange,
he does not talk to anyone!’ No, no, look inside him, he is so beautiful. Between them, there is fragrance, music; it is worth
watching, you get a lot of joy from humans! However, we keep running from each other from dawn to dusk, what a weird
situation? An acquaintance may sometimes wonder whether he has walked into a strange lunatic asylum! Because of ignorance,
human being is so ignorant of the bliss with which Paramatma (God Almighty) created it. Only Sahaja Yoga is such a thing, such
a method, which is Paramatma's own method, because of which vibrations flow out of your hand, flow from your feet. They flow
from your entire body, like the sun's rays and peep inside others and awaken love in them and give a push so that it starts to flow
in them also and start a sort of chain reaction. But for thousands of lamps to be lit, the lamps themselves should be genuine.
You are just a lamp, realise this and you are nothing else- with which there will be light in the entire world and you also have that
thing inside you to light the lamp. But if you have turned your face away, what can anyone say to you? How much we grudge!
This is the specialty of our country; the specialty of our country is ill-feeling. We don't like it if something good is happening to
others, how strange! If a flower blooms in someone's house we don't feel good, but if someone throws cow dung into someone's
house, we feel like that. How strange is the human! You tell me if a flower blooms in someone's house, you will also get the
fragrance and you will also get fragrant air. Only because of ill-feeling, we are unable to get this knowledge fully. The waves
inside have come to teach us love, give love and spread this love in the entire world. Our hearts are pulsating only to bring the
kingdom of love into this world; otherwise did Paramatma not have any other business than to bring such ignorant people into
this world? Did He not have wisdom thatHe created such fools, who were His own? But when one gets this knowledge andknows
about this one thing that is the great truth that once the thing about Param Satya (the ultimate truth) is understood that whatever
is pulsating in us is also pulsating in others., The vibrations which are flowing inside us, they are eager to come out and flow
from others and you can feel them on your hands, your fingers and on your spine and they are active on your head. Humans have
to descend into a new dimension and arrangements for this have been made, but merely because I am speaking to you in
Mumbai, and I am not a leader, or I am not having two horns, they may not listen to Me. All the problems of the world can be
overcome in an instant if the whole world accepts Sahaja Yoga, but for the present, it appears to be difficult. But at least you,
though a small number, get your realisation. Nothing else is to be done, in Sahaj. I am going to talk about Kundalini Yoga, which
is born with you, tomorrow. It is also ignorance if you do not understand this pulsation. If you want to adopt the power of love,
you should definitely have one thing called innocence. If you are not innocent, Mother Kundalini will not awaken. You may be
outwardly very decent, you may be well known in this world, your photos would have been published, you may be a saint, people
may worship you as God, despite that Mother Kundalini will not awaken. What should we do? She has kept Shri Ganesha at the
door, Who Himself is innocence. For a man, a little innocence is necessary. People ask 'Mataji, what should we do?' I say,
'nothing, how much innocence is there? just measure it'. Check in a balance, how much innocence you have and how much
cunningness you have in your body? You complete this and that will be your bank balance for your wellbeing. You always keep
checking your bank balance, how much you have and how much you don't have. And based on that, you work and based on that
your ego builds up.In Sahaja Yoga whatever innocence you have accumulated over your various lives, that will be encashed.
Such people get their realisation instantly and there are others who are struggling to get it for years. There is no one like a bad
person, I have not seen a specifically bad person. Those who come here, they cannot be bad people. But there is one thing; you
are showing a little cunningness. With cunningness, you can not realise Paramatma; cunningness is human's quality. You
measure your innocence. There is no measurement for this, no criteria for this. Only you can know, no one else can know. That is
why children get it instantly and after getting their realisation, they say 'we are getting it. He is getting cool vibrations and he is
getting hot’. At My place, we have a two-year-old granddaughter. If any cunning person comes, she will ring a bell; she has kept a
bell with her to say thatthe person has come and we come to know she is feeling the heat and she is feeling the discomfort. They
played a song about it, it is a big thing, it is a big thing. They came into this world to uplift the world. The poor people- their hands
got burnt and destroyed , legs have burnt and destroyed, how much trouble they faced from demonic, evil people? The innocent
people like Christ have been crucified, Mohammad Sahib has been murdered, is there anyone whom they have not harassed? Are
you with them or with innocence? At least you think of your children, what do you want to give them? What type of world are you
making for them, what statute have you thought for them? Or history will record that Sahaja Yoga was founded during your time
and you did not adopt it. That’s when you do not have to give anything for that, you cannot give Me anything. You are at the
receiving end, what will you give Me? You realise that you cannot even give Me love. Because you have less love in you. You
awaken love inside you, and once you do that, what difference will be there between us to think about giving and taking. You
have to give nothing, only you have to make preparation for receiving. Like River Ganges might be flowing with strong current,
just in front of your door, if you throw a stone into it, will the stone collect any water? You will need a vessel, and the vessel will
also be made of innocence. Only one thing, con yourself, there is no harm. If you are conned nothing is going to be lost, nothing
from this world will accompany you except your innocence. Keep your innocence intact. Those who thought themselves to be
smart, have been conned the most because they’ve lost the valuable thing and accumulated stones and sand. Today, we thought
we would do some experiments. You also have come, I am thinking, tomorrow at 8:30 pm, we will again have meditation at
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. But some people are sitting, nothing is going to come out of chit chat- you get your realisation. If you
want to become something, go ahead. But after getting realisation, I see that many just sit at home, I get so many letters in
London; ‘Mataji you have uplifted us, we have a lot of joy, this has happened to us'. What next? Are the lamps lit so that they can
be placed under the table? After getting your realisation, you should understand that you are the chosen one. You are the token
of that light which will enlighten the world. Leave the little boundaries, leave behind the moments of joy which you have got and
come in the open and give light to the world. If you want to give to Sahaja Yoga, this is it and nothing else. Day after tomorrow, I
want to talk about the subject, about which a lot of illusions are spread, but it is a huge ignorance, which we call ‘Pralok Vidya’
and in English, it is called psychology, subconscious. How people use it, how people are confused, and what are its identities; I
will tell you about all these. That is the plan for three days. What I have spoken so openly in this life, I have never spoken before.
At that time, people were not intelligent enough to be told about these. I am telling even the most secret things openly so that
people do not say later, we did not know, otherwise, we would have stayed back. You are only listening to what I am saying, you
will understand it only when you get your realisation. If you want to ask questions, do it now, otherwise, they will confront you
when you are meditating. One or two things I will tell you, which generally people ask. How is that people get their realisation so
quickly? Why not, why don't you think like that? How is that man landed on the moon? If you go and tell My grandmother, she will
not believe it even now. If someone can reach the moon, some can surely reach vibrations. Some discovery can take place in this
world. If something is discovered, it should at least be tried. Even before trying, you ask questions,' Sir, how is it possible?' In the
matters of ‘dharma’ (religion), man does not ask questions when ‘adharma’ (non-religion) is sold in the name of Dharm (religion)
because his freedom is taken away. I will talk about it the day after tomorrow. I am telling you that when man will come fully into
enticement, he forgets to ask questions. Not only does Sahaja Yoga accept your freedom but also respects it because giving
freedom is the obligation of Sahaja Yoga. If you are enslaved, then what is the use of giving this freedom? There is a lot of
difference between swachandata (independence) and swatantrata (freedom), one should understand this. Freedom comes from
man's wisdom. Do not be misguided. You have to take care of yourself, your well-being. What do we have to bother with anyone?
Why should we talk about anyone? So and so wrote like this, so and so wrote like this, so and so said this. We have to be alright,
we have to meditate. When people sit in meditation, they say ‘Mataji, please cure us’. But, I say that the diseases will be removed
from the roots. Why don't you adopt that which removes all ignorance from the roots? The darkness is from the matter, why don't
you burn it so that it is finished. Now, we will all go into meditation for some time, if you have half an hour's time for yourself,
please sit down. Don't get up in the middle, those who want to go, they may go at the beginning itself. It will take at least half an
hour and those who want to leave can do so now because they may want to go to a cinema, they have to do some big work,
someone has to go for ballroom dance, all those can go. Sahaja Yoga is not for them. Those who want to seek Parmatma, may
sit down and get it, at least half an hour you should sit in silence and give your time. Rest all your work will be taken care of. |
1/1/1975 | | Letter to Sahaja Yogis, Parklands, Ice House Wood, Oxted, Surrey (ANANT JEEVAN, ISSUE 4, Feb-April 1980) | England | Oxted | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Letter / Poem | English | 0 | View online.
Letter to Sahaja Yogis My dear Sahaja Yogis,I left you with a heavy heart and the silent sorrow in your expression made me feel
helpless. How rich you are in your feelings ! As if the sea of Love was rising and its every crest wept in your hearts. I could feel
the tempest of my Kundalini. How can words express the sorrow which was witnessed by us in silence.The three months passed
away so fast. The only record of all the eventful moments is the deep feeling of gratitude for all of you who did so much to
acquire a place for Sahaja Yoga. How much you worked day and night and in such a short time achieved your target. This is the
miracle of Sahaja Yoga working through you my beautiful dearest children.You are not like other people who have gone away
from the field of kuruskshetra. Some are not even yet born to take the load of the future building of Sahaja Yoga. Your task is
tremendous and worthy of great glory. May God bless you all.All such adventures are to be treated like sports (rflHr). Your metal
will be judged and your power of love will be tested. Do not get entangled in the webs of 'Maya that reduces your I. Please calm
down and humble down yourself before the Lord. Sharpness of language does not, behove a Sahaja Yogi. First develope a sweet
tongue and then try to clean your hearts. Some people have a very clean heart but an excitable nature. Now with Sahaja Yoga try
to calm down your excitability. Bhajan singing will help you a lot. Bhakti will calm your hearts. After realization you all had lots of
knowledge about Kundalini and Sahaja Yoga but without Bhakti you cannot achieve the balance. You have to get lost in Bhakti.
Bhakti enriches your feelings. Try to feel the other Sahaja Yogis without criticizing them. I am enjoying your beings, the beamy
and glory that you are. I wish you all could do that and feel like a drop in the ocean of love thus becoming the ocean itself. Bhakti
will dissolve your angularities and impediments in the collective oneness. I do not know how to thank you individually.I will be
writing to you later. With all my blessings to you. Your Mother—Nirmala. | null | null | null | View online.
Letter to Sahaja Yogis My dear Sahaja Yogis,I left you with a heavy heart and the silent sorrow in your expression made me feel
helpless. How rich you are in your feelings ! As if the sea of Love was rising and its every crest wept in your hearts. I could feel
the tempest of my Kundalini. How can words express the sorrow which was witnessed by us in silence.The three months passed
away so fast. The only record of all the eventful moments is the deep feeling of gratitude for all of you who did so much to
acquire a place for Sahaja Yoga. How much you worked day and night and in such a short time achieved your target. This is the
miracle of Sahaja Yoga working through you my beautiful dearest children.You are not like other people who have gone away
from the field of kuruskshetra. Some are not even yet born to take the load of the future building of Sahaja Yoga. Your task is
tremendous and worthy of great glory. May God bless you all.All such adventures are to be treated like sports (rflHr). Your metal
will be judged and your power of love will be tested. Do not get entangled in the webs of 'Maya that reduces your I. Please calm
down and humble down yourself before the Lord. Sharpness of language does not, behove a Sahaja Yogi. First develope a sweet
tongue and then try to clean your hearts. Some people have a very clean heart but an excitable nature. Now with Sahaja Yoga try
to calm down your excitability. Bhajan singing will help you a lot. Bhakti will calm your hearts. After realization you all had lots of
knowledge about Kundalini and Sahaja Yoga but without Bhakti you cannot achieve the balance. You have to get lost in Bhakti.
Bhakti enriches your feelings. Try to feel the other Sahaja Yogis without criticizing them. I am enjoying your beings, the beamy
and glory that you are. I wish you all could do that and feel like a drop in the ocean of love thus becoming the ocean itself. Bhakti
will dissolve your angularities and impediments in the collective oneness. I do not know how to thank you individually.I will be
writing to you later. With all my blessings to you. Your Mother—Nirmala. |
1/20/1975 | | Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Kshma Ki Shakti Ka Mahatav, Power of Forgiveness | India | Mumbai | null | Draft | null | Draft | null | Y | N | N | Talk to Sahaja Yogis | Hindi | 57 | Talk to Yogis. Mumbai (India), 20 January 1975. [Translation from Hindi to English] In Kali Yuga, there is no greater method than
forgiveness. The larger the power of forgiveness, the more powerful you will be. Forgive everyone. Only the one who is big can
forgive. What can a small minded person forgive? I had said this morning to know the Dharma. Know the Dharma that is within
you. You are standing in Dharma. The one who is standing in Dharma has such tremendous powers within. Know this Dharma.
Aah! It is so beautiful, those who are standing in Dharma. The one who is standing on Adharma we do not have a competition
with him. We are standing in Dharma. Our ways are different. The one who is standing in Dharma his method is different from
the one who is standing in Adharma. The one who is standing in Dharma cannot have any accord with one who is standing in
Adharma. We are having problems, discomforts but we are standing in our Dharma. It is the greatest thing. Know your Powers
within which is only based on Dharma. And Dharma is nothing but love. And if love is everything then forgiveness becomes its
part. How much can a person commit atrocities by seeing our love? How much evil can a person do? How much can another
trouble you, upset you? Let them. Everything will be washed away with love. This is the only way in Kali Yuga that works out. I
can't understand any other way. If you think that there should be some old methods to use then it is not possible. There is only
one reason which I have told you before and I am telling you again that there are no complete saints or sadhus in this world. In
each sadhu, they have sent one, one rakshasa. They must have gone into your attention. Have you understood? If it is some
sadhu then its all right. "Paritraya Sadhunam vinashaya cha duskritaam" ( for the redemption of the saints and the destruction of
the devils). But if with the sadhu there is the devil sitting inside then he will have to be removed with a lot of love, isn’t it? What a
difficult work this is! You are standing in the saintly position and there is also the devil within. But if you are standing as a saint
and there is a devil within, you can remove it. But tell me how many pure souls are there in this world? It’s a difference of
degrees. And those who are going towards sainthood should collect saintliness. They should have nothing to do with those who
are not saintly. They are unsaintly, thieves and bilanders! What comparison with them? They are thieves and we cannot be them,
they cannot be us. It just cannot be. They are moving on another line and we moving on another line. To rise in Dharma is the aim
of Sahaja Yoga. There is no other aim. It is a straight calculation. Sahaja Yoga has nothing to do with any of these things. You
have to be awakened in your own Dharma, you have you get your own light and to know yourself. Someone says, "Mataji, what to
do? My chakra is caught this way, this or that has happened." To move them this way or that are all primordial movements, which
I am telling you. "Adi gati", Primordial movements, primordial. These have been made. But to make it flow in a pure manner….if
there are mixed things within then when you move your hands then it is moving mixed. Without forgiveness, purity cannot come
within. When purity will come then the light of Dharma will be spread…Pure and Nirmal. Means the one who has Dharma will have
to come into the light. Will have to talk about it, speak about it. But he should note in his own behavior whether he is seeing
Dharma or Adharma. If I had given you a lecture before Realization, it would have been very wrong because it is a conditioning
and that is the reason that all psychologists have finished the dharma. They teach that whatever Dharma, they teach don’t do
this , don’t do that. So, the mind gets conditioned. But now this will not happen. Now whatever you want from the mind you can
do. There will be no conditioning at all. Because I have taken your chitta and put it between ego and super- ego. Dharma is rising
by itself and you have done that. You have found its way. And whatever worldly things you have known…that it is like this or that
in the world, with that you cannot measure the Divine. You cannot join the value of Divine with that. I am talking about Divine and
you are joined to the worldly. The three dimensions of worldliness have finished. Those who want to move to the fourth
dimension with seriousness and depth… I am talking about the fourth dimension… You cannot know the value of the Divine
through worldly things. What or how have we been troubled? Not at all troubled… I say that we are very comfortable. The way I
have seen difficulties and seen people in terrible difficulties and you will not find their descriptions also. These are such super
rascals and such descriptions I cant explain. But the state of society is much better now. And even your state is very good. But
you must not deceive and cheat yourself. It is a straight calculation. Whatever you are doing with Sahaja Yoga you are doing with
yourself. Now this question arises many times in administration. Such a question arises that what should we do? Is this correct
or not. But this is so easy, so easy that before taking any decision go into Thoughtlessness. Whatever decision comes in front do
that. That can never be wrong. But the decision will be spontaneous in thoughtlessness. And if you took that decision in thought
then it will be biased because your ego and super ego both will work in that. Whatever are your "samskaras", or worldly things
you have earned will be standing behind you. But if you do it in thoughtlessness then it will be an "abhinav", Divine, a miracle. A
miracle. So, when I am talking about Divinity then whatever worldly created ideas - pre-conceived ideas of human beings cannot
guide God. You must know that. He has His own standing and His own Being. If you desire that God becomes like you then it is
similar to the one who sells God for four rupees and says I will place him there. You will reach that level. He will as He is give
Light and you keep seeking your path.You must know your Dharma within. To know your Dharma is very necessary, as to what a
beautiful thing has been placed in you. In this destructible body what an indestructible thing is flowing. Just like a confluence of
the three rivers, Ganga, Saraswati and Yamuna. Its stream is flowing. You cannot know this thing with the destructible within, or
that which is worldly. For a second, go into thoughtlessness and when you take decisions, you will take such decisions which is
not in the likes of many- dynamic! Absolutely dynamic! Then worry, fear, anger, servility, slavishness, inferiority and all complexes
will all fall away. He will speak in his grandeur. He has his own humility. Because he is so gentle, so gentle and delicate, that it is
impossible to know how he came in. Just like the moonlight came in. So, now that you have been chosen then your importance
is very great. Now you maybe thinking that I am such an ordinary person, how come I have been chosen? The choosing will be
among ordinary people only. And these very, very great people whom you see in this world who are highly awarded, they will all
become missing links. It has always happened. In every stage of evolution this has happened you have seen. All those who were
great mammoths, became over developed physically, they are all finished. They were missing links. Only the elephant got saved.
In the same way those who were over-developed mentally they are now coming like the fox. And from those also there are much
more developed. But from them the dog got saved. In the same way it is in the humans who will rise from the ordinary. This has
always happened that it has risen from the ordinary. And the so called extraordinary who are the third dimension, they are not
going to do anything. They will become the missing links in the evolution stage. People will not know them as they don’t know
that the chimpanzee was a missing link. In evolution only ordinary people will be chosen. One has to be normal. All these big
Sanyasis who are roaming are not going to reach anywhere, you will see. They will all go into the missing link. And these highly
awarded- I have given Realization to all these kings, secretaries, but to what avail? They are all sitting on their positions. Do they
feel that why the light should be lit within us? They write to me that I am feeling great joy… Do they think of doing something
about this? That we have got it and should share it? When you have a special place then you have to be special too. From this
ordinary only will the extraordinary come out. Only that will blossom. Slowly, you yourself will understand that they all are
extremely foolish; who can talk to them? They might be big doctors, so what? They are just sitting. They have done nothing of
value. Our position is very high. For this you cannot be educated. There can be no education that I am going to teach you A B C D.
This is to be experienced with your daily experience. This morning I had told you something very great that in Sahaja Yoga you
are a part of the whole, not of the individual, but the whole. Know this point. Gagangiri Maharaj is very great. At a much higher
position than you people, let us assume. But for twenty-on thousand years he was just going around in circles, poor man. Where
did it happen spontaneously. He took rebirths twenty-one thousand times, kept falling at the feet of God and lived in jungles then
only did he get these vibrations. And now how come you are getting it so easily? Because this is a new world. It is a new thing.
You are the parts of this body of the Virata. He was made a symbolic man. But you are all in the Collective. The one who wants to
get out of the collective he must know that he will become cancer and be destroyed. None of you is good or bad. One finger
pains and the other finger will press it. If this hand pains the other will press it. You are all joined together. You know that. When
you can share your badhas, then why cant you share your wealth? You catch badhas immediately, but why not wealth? The entire
reason is this that at the moment we are just walking. You are still very little children. We are going to burn ourselves, fall down a
bit. One day when you grow up you will take the hands of thousands and make them walk. If you get cheated, doesn’t matter.
You are little. Come into innocence. But those who are cheating and thinking that they are very clever must know that they will be
removed like cancer.There is another way too, where the one who goes never returns. But there is also a way to hell. Lot of
people walk on that way. They think that to come in front of Mataji, touch Her feet, wash Her feet means they are great Sahaja
Yogis. This way is also moving alongside. When the flower blossoms then anything that has to fall off the bud falls out and
breaks and the fragrance comes out of that. That which has to grow, grows; and that which has to fall, falls. They both move
together. Life is like that. That which has to grow, life will make it and the one that has to die, life will finish it. But there is a time
for its storing and they go too. And some go in such a way and they never return. From the animal state you become humans and
what is the use that you become insects after the human birth. Your competition should be on Dharma. Are we in Dharma or not?
Think like this for yourselves and about others think that how deep are they in Dharma. And if they are in Adharma then why are
they so? What chakra of theirs is catching? Look at it without expectations. Its only a chakra catching? Then you can remove it
by just sitting here by your desire. If he is a gone case then let it be. He has got cancer. Leave it. But the one whom you feel
sympathies with and one whom you feel will become all right, can be improved, you have the ways. These are primordial
movements and you can put them right with those. Share with each other. Increase each others chakras. You should not feel bad
at all. The one who feels bad he will be as wrong as the one who is troubling others. To feel bad and to trouble are the same; are
the two parts of the same movement. So one should not feel bad at all. If someone says your chakra is catching you should be
grateful to him that he could recognize it and you could not. If someone points out to you that a snake is biting, you are grateful
to that person, so the one’s whose chakra has been caught up should feel grateful that person that he has pointed it out and you
can clean it. Never feel bad. You are so different from others because you have felt the vibrations. How many have felt it? You
are greater than the big people. But as yet you are children. You are children in Sahaja Yoga. Pope doesn’t have any vibrations.
All these so called Great people, these Shankaracharyas, and all, no one knows what kind of vibrations they have. You people can
give realization and take them beyond. And you are twirling the Kundalinis of people. What a great thing you are doing. Besides
Ganesha no one else could do this before. That is why the snake which is in Shri Ganesha’s hand is symbolic. With that he would
twirl the Kundalinis of people. At least you have got one of the powers that you can raise the Kundalini of all. And still you are
looking at the worldly. It is Divine, timeless. It has no location. It puts everything right. Just as much as it is delicate and loving
that much it is destructive. It will move according to its way. You just move the way you have to. First of all put your Heart Chakra
right. Clean your heart. Is our heart clean or not? Do we have anger towards anyone? Do we have suspicion for another in our
hearts? Check your heart. Heart is the greatest thing because the heart controls the brain, and it is from the heart that we do all
work. Yours and My connection is with the heart only. So clean you heart chakra completely. On our part we think that a thing is
like this Why the heart chakra? How much love have we given? How much did we trouble another? Mr Desai wrote to me that you
have helped my wife so much. I was very Happy. Then Mr Desai wrote a very helpless letter about his wife. I said to so many
people I have given so much and how has did she die? I sent her vibrations from London. You must help each other in every way.
Love each other. We will all become one in this bandhan. We are one body of the Virata. And you people are sitting there on the
Sahasrara of the Virata. I have made you sit on the Sahasrara of the Virata. And what madness are you doing! I have to make one
thousand humans sit on the Sahasrara of the Virata Purusha. It looks like a big thing. By my saying this how many of you are
feeling vibrations in your hand? You understand about the Kundalini, there is no doubt among any of you? What of Me? I have
ploughed the land and will wait and watch. I know everything. Whatever you do anywhere I know it. Nothing is hidden from me.
Within you all there is a lot of mess. You should live in your Dharma, Peaceful and balanced. You have got a very big thing. Be
satisfied. What is this making plans? What is this, like a stupid person. Other people may do this but you all? For little things…this
is not done…that is not done. What is this? this is not done…that is not done….? In which direction are you going and thinking?
You have to go to Delhi from here, and you think what is the price of flour there? But you have to go where no flour or anything
works. Dharma works there so know the value of Dharma. What is the need for Dharmic people to know the price of lentils and
flour? Or what politics is cooking there? You know it. If you did not feel vibrations then it is a different thing. This flowing of
vibrations is very little. As yet you are babies. I am not ready to even celebrate one year of your birth so at this stage a Ram Ram
(taking god’s name) has been done forcefully. Look at yourselves. I am not going to tell you. ‘Has any change come into me or
not? Has peace come within me or not? Has any change come or not?’ I have pulled you out from the very subtle nadi within the
Sushumna. I have pulled you on a very line which is as fine as a strand of hair. The Sushumna itself is as wide as a strand of hair,
and there are 4 layers on top of it. But it is through these vibrations that people are getting better. One lady came whose face
looked different. She said her asthma got cured. What is so great that asthma got cured, cancer got cured! This is bound to
happen. Whats so great about it? If you got electricity in your house then everything will become visible. If the electricity came in
it brought light. What is so important about that? But by the light coming in what knowledge did you get? What new dimension
did you see? What new thing did you do? What I am saying, is it going through your head or your heart? If it goes through your
head then there will be arguments. A dogma will be made of it. Let it go through the heart, there will be light. If you want to enjoy
love then bring it to the heart. The Heart Chakra is what the Christians call the Sacred Heart. Within it is the place of Bhavani,
Durga which is a very great place. It is not within you to understand Durga. That all the rakshasas are also Her children. The
whole world is Hers. A mother’s Shakti destroyed them for the sake of Her love for Her children. To pull one’s own hands is very
difficult. To give an injection to oneself with one’s own hands is very difficult. So, to kill one’s own children to protect other
children is even more difficult. But to kill is a very great act of the Shakti; a very great act of forgiveness. That is Her power of
forgiveness but in Kali Yuga there is no need for you people to become Bhavani. Just become peaceful. Very peaceful…very
peaceful. Your peacefulness will take forward the work of Sahaja. You will see that people will say that in Sahaja Yoga we have
seen such people who were so full of anger, who were statues of servility and completely suppressed, have become
miraculously changed. You are your own advertisements. What other advertisement do you want? People should say what a
man he is. He has such a large heart and is so wide in all aspects. It is happening. There is a lot of change from before. But it can
be done with full force. It is now all upto you. Just as you understand, feel, listen to others, hear others peacefully. Feel others.
You have got it en masse with others. Like this hand knows from the other hand; and from the same hand the brain also knows;
the heart also knows and all these are moving together integrated. In the same way, you will have to integrate. Then only will the
thousand hands be ready, which in human form will be used. The same thousands hands which have come out from the
Sahasrara of the Virata will come out from human beings. And these humans will be very ordinary. No great Rishis or Munis are
needed for this to make them sit on the chakras. All these big people are sitting on the chakras. Only the ordinary will come out
from the Sahasrara. I am saying that start bathing each other every morning in your own homes with vibrations. First check your
chakras between yourselves and then go out after bathing. Keep on cleaning. Everything becomes pure. There is such turmoil in
the world. You have no idea as to what is going on. A criminality is about to come. There is such a rule of the rakshasas which
you are not aware of. And the rakshasas speak in such a way that they have a great fraternity. They stick to each other like glue.
And among us, the way they work that they fall in an instant. Another falls there! That too in freedom. The rakshasas have a great
unity. What fun they are having by killing one and throttling another. When the group of saints will be made, then just think what
can be! Saints have never had a group. This is the first time. But if the saints give up their sainthood then what is the use of such
a group? All the qualities of a saint should shine through from you. Now tell all your worldly and gross problems before. Then we
will do the puja at leisure. Take all this questions’ cow dung and throw it out. If someone has more faults then you can get
together and put him right. But keep it without expectations. You are not you and the same with the other. So, have no
expectations and be awakened to another in that state. If someone has a lot of problems then put him right. But you should not
feel bad. If someone feels bad then do it subtly. Treat him like who is sick. When you are coming to my feet then you can always
tell by signaling. Each one will point out the same thing. So clear out the problem. We should all clear out each other together.
There is no difference but it actually happens that one moves five steps ahead and then six steps behind. So the question is,
"After how many years will they reach? Or will they ever reach?" When you are in awareness then all will move in unison. Like the
ocean is huge but its waves move together. The movement should move together. Man: Please don’t feel bad, may I say that I
am neither here or there. In a small group this happens that they think that he is big, or he is small, his chakras are new, he has
this "badha" and this or that. I listen to both… Shri Mataji: Now it is like this, you have one stick. Either you hit yourself or hit
another. Better that you hit yourself. There is no big or small. There is no seniority in this. There is a reason for this that you have
come from the worldly. Where you see that one is big, one is small, one is officer, one is below, one is this or that, one is king.
Then one is sadhu, one is sanyasi. This is nothing but a churning. One is up then down, up and then down. I am just churning and
nothing else. But we have to see who steals the butter. This churning is going on. Sometimes the cold will come sometimes the
heat will come. The butter will come on top. The butter will float as it has become light. There is no high or low in this. Look at
Modi, where he is. I purposely pushed the Kundalini there. Did you see that? No one is big or small. The one who thinks that I am
big, or small, then remember then there is the Mahamaya sitting there. I will catch hold of the Kundalini in a such that I will see
who is superior or inferior. The ones who think they are very great will be out. I will deliberately make the Kundalini go down a few
times. Because if I don’t make it go down then raise it and again I make it go down, and again raise it then it will not work out. I
will deliberately make it go down. [The man who is talking to Shri Mataji is an old man. So, Shri Mataji says:] Old people will also
have to be a little wiser. This is for all the old people. I too am included in this!! All the elderly people should know that in the
worldly life you people are the leaders. You are the elders in the worldly way. So you all should be especially better. All of you
become one. You should tell the children in this worldly way. Like Mr Modi, he is a very great man no doubt. But he also goes
down. But one thing I have noticed that in every letter he makes a confession. His attention is on himself all the time. That is why
I am fond of him as he confesses as to his faults, that Ma you are right. Such a person will be able to climb the first ladder. He
wants to go higher he will climb again and again. But the one who thinks I am on a very high ladder….. We should look within and
think within and see that we are climbing and falling, climbing and falling. It happens to everyone, because a churning is going
on. In the churning [Samudra Manthan] there is no special position for anyone. The way of Sahaja Yoga is like a drama and is
something that is new and never been tried before. No one has ever done it or such a churning has taken place. One Gagangiri
Maharaj sat for years in the forests doing tapasya. His churning did not take place. He made himself on his own power all alone.
His matter is different. Yes he got the guidance as Ganesha’s guidance to you all. But who shakes his head many times? How to
make him understand? You are Ganeshas. In fact, you are babies. They are stuck in My churning, poor things. One thing is true,
that whether he is Shankaracharya or someone else, but no one knew so much about vibrations, the technicalities, the
primordial, the movements. Read Shankaracharya or others, where is it written? It is not written anywhere. [Shri Mataji greets a
little girl who just came and related a story about her granddaughter, Aradhana.] These highly realized souls have come on this
earth, who are amazing! They are all getting ready within the age of 10 or 12 years. But till then you people don’t break my
platform by wrestling among yourselves!! If this is done then will my children do then?! They have come to play a big game. Now
a little bit is alright but no dance of destruction! The organization will become harmonious when this movement becomes one. If
one man is speaking more then just cool down. Cool down! Cool down! You feel cool so become cool also. Not hot, just cool.
Coolness…Seriousness…. I am cool, on absolute zero. Earlier one went to the Himalayas. Now there is no need for the
Himalayas. You can all start your air-conditioners here. Be alert towards yourselves. Look at your own faults. Look at your own
chakras and help the chakras of others secretly. There is no need to tell. You can move your hands secretly. When realisation is
happening while walking on the road then what! The more secretly you do the more pure it will be. The more love-filled it will be.
It feels very good when something gets done secretly. It is happening with the land. They are saying it is being done, it will be
done in whatever way. For that one person should get after the land. Ring up Swami Sahib and phone him and find out about the
land. They will do it. (The Sahaja Yogis discuss with Shri Mataji whom they have to meet for the land.) I want a program in April
and I wanted to talk about the incarnation of the Adi Shakti. But at this stage perhaps it is too early as yet people do not
understand what the Adi Shakti is. This Dilip Kumar the cinema person has also got his realization as he knows my brother very
well. My brother told me that he can ask Dilip and get the cinema people to help as well. So please tell me. If you want then the
poetry on the Adi Shakti, different types, then we can quote them but I don’t know how much people will have interest in this….
(one Sahaja Yogi suggests quoting Meerabai as she is very well known). If some lady comes who is made ready on this subject.
Like Gopi Krishna (the dancer) who has many small children, or give it to some organization.. (the Sahaja Yogi says that for that
one will have to prepare the song, then a list. It cant be done so fast) So, I think, lets have a variety entertainment. Because the
subject of Meerabai is of ‘separation’. We are talking of ‘union’ (with Divine). So, better than that is to have a variety
entertainment. On the subject of the Adi Shakti, every religion will come in. So, for the variety entertainment there should be the
subject of the Adi Shakti. We should make 3 teams. One team to collect money, second team should see to it that the program is
done properly and the third team should see to the expenses. There should be coordination. There should also see to the printing
of a souvenir where the printing etc can be seen to. For the program arrangement get the musical minded Sahaja Yogis to see to
it. [Conversation goes on]. | null | null | null | Talk to Yogis. Mumbai (India), 20 January 1975. [Translation from Hindi to English] In Kali Yuga, there is no greater method than
forgiveness. The larger the power of forgiveness, the more powerful you will be. Forgive everyone. Only the one who is big can
forgive. What can a small minded person forgive? I had said this morning to know the Dharma. Know the Dharma that is within
you. You are standing in Dharma. The one who is standing in Dharma has such tremendous powers within. Know this Dharma.
Aah! It is so beautiful, those who are standing in Dharma. The one who is standing on Adharma we do not have a competition
with him. We are standing in Dharma. Our ways are different. The one who is standing in Dharma his method is different from
the one who is standing in Adharma. The one who is standing in Dharma cannot have any accord with one who is standing in
Adharma. We are having problems, discomforts but we are standing in our Dharma. It is the greatest thing. Know your Powers
within which is only based on Dharma. And Dharma is nothing but love. And if love is everything then forgiveness becomes its
part. How much can a person commit atrocities by seeing our love? How much evil can a person do? How much can another
trouble you, upset you? Let them. Everything will be washed away with love. This is the only way in Kali Yuga that works out. I
can't understand any other way. If you think that there should be some old methods to use then it is not possible. There is only
one reason which I have told you before and I am telling you again that there are no complete saints or sadhus in this world. In
each sadhu, they have sent one, one rakshasa. They must have gone into your attention. Have you understood? If it is some
sadhu then its all right. "Paritraya Sadhunam vinashaya cha duskritaam" ( for the redemption of the saints and the destruction of
the devils). But if with the sadhu there is the devil sitting inside then he will have to be removed with a lot of love, isn’t it? What a
difficult work this is! You are standing in the saintly position and there is also the devil within. But if you are standing as a saint
and there is a devil within, you can remove it. But tell me how many pure souls are there in this world? It’s a difference of
degrees. And those who are going towards sainthood should collect saintliness. They should have nothing to do with those who
are not saintly. They are unsaintly, thieves and bilanders! What comparison with them? They are thieves and we cannot be them,
they cannot be us. It just cannot be. They are moving on another line and we moving on another line. To rise in Dharma is the aim
of Sahaja Yoga. There is no other aim. It is a straight calculation. Sahaja Yoga has nothing to do with any of these things. You
have to be awakened in your own Dharma, you have you get your own light and to know yourself. Someone says, "Mataji, what to
do? My chakra is caught this way, this or that has happened." To move them this way or that are all primordial movements, which
I am telling you. "Adi gati", Primordial movements, primordial. These have been made. But to make it flow in a pure manner….if
there are mixed things within then when you move your hands then it is moving mixed. Without forgiveness, purity cannot come
within. When purity will come then the light of Dharma will be spread…Pure and Nirmal. Means the one who has Dharma will have
to come into the light. Will have to talk about it, speak about it. But he should note in his own behavior whether he is seeing
Dharma or Adharma. If I had given you a lecture before Realization, it would have been very wrong because it is a conditioning
and that is the reason that all psychologists have finished the dharma. They teach that whatever Dharma, they teach don’t do
this , don’t do that. So, the mind gets conditioned. But now this will not happen. Now whatever you want from the mind you can
do. There will be no conditioning at all. Because I have taken your chitta and put it between ego and super- ego. Dharma is rising
by itself and you have done that. You have found its way. And whatever worldly things you have known…that it is like this or that
in the world, with that you cannot measure the Divine. You cannot join the value of Divine with that. I am talking about Divine and
you are joined to the worldly. The three dimensions of worldliness have finished. Those who want to move to the fourth
dimension with seriousness and depth… I am talking about the fourth dimension… You cannot know the value of the Divine
through worldly things. What or how have we been troubled? Not at all troubled… I say that we are very comfortable. The way I
have seen difficulties and seen people in terrible difficulties and you will not find their descriptions also. These are such super
rascals and such descriptions I cant explain. But the state of society is much better now. And even your state is very good. But
you must not deceive and cheat yourself. It is a straight calculation. Whatever you are doing with Sahaja Yoga you are doing with
yourself. Now this question arises many times in administration. Such a question arises that what should we do? Is this correct
or not. But this is so easy, so easy that before taking any decision go into Thoughtlessness. Whatever decision comes in front do
that. That can never be wrong. But the decision will be spontaneous in thoughtlessness. And if you took that decision in thought
then it will be biased because your ego and super ego both will work in that. Whatever are your "samskaras", or worldly things
you have earned will be standing behind you. But if you do it in thoughtlessness then it will be an "abhinav", Divine, a miracle. A
miracle. So, when I am talking about Divinity then whatever worldly created ideas - pre-conceived ideas of human beings cannot
guide God. You must know that. He has His own standing and His own Being. If you desire that God becomes like you then it is
similar to the one who sells God for four rupees and says I will place him there. You will reach that level. He will as He is give
Light and you keep seeking your path.You must know your Dharma within. To know your Dharma is very necessary, as to what a
beautiful thing has been placed in you. In this destructible body what an indestructible thing is flowing. Just like a confluence of
the three rivers, Ganga, Saraswati and Yamuna. Its stream is flowing. You cannot know this thing with the destructible within, or
that which is worldly. For a second, go into thoughtlessness and when you take decisions, you will take such decisions which is
not in the likes of many- dynamic! Absolutely dynamic! Then worry, fear, anger, servility, slavishness, inferiority and all complexes
will all fall away. He will speak in his grandeur. He has his own humility. Because he is so gentle, so gentle and delicate, that it is
impossible to know how he came in. Just like the moonlight came in. So, now that you have been chosen then your importance
is very great. Now you maybe thinking that I am such an ordinary person, how come I have been chosen? The choosing will be
among ordinary people only. And these very, very great people whom you see in this world who are highly awarded, they will all
become missing links. It has always happened. In every stage of evolution this has happened you have seen. All those who were
great mammoths, became over developed physically, they are all finished. They were missing links. Only the elephant got saved.
In the same way those who were over-developed mentally they are now coming like the fox. And from those also there are much
more developed. But from them the dog got saved. In the same way it is in the humans who will rise from the ordinary. This has
always happened that it has risen from the ordinary. And the so called extraordinary who are the third dimension, they are not
going to do anything. They will become the missing links in the evolution stage. People will not know them as they don’t know
that the chimpanzee was a missing link. In evolution only ordinary people will be chosen. One has to be normal. All these big
Sanyasis who are roaming are not going to reach anywhere, you will see. They will all go into the missing link. And these highly
awarded- I have given Realization to all these kings, secretaries, but to what avail? They are all sitting on their positions. Do they
feel that why the light should be lit within us? They write to me that I am feeling great joy… Do they think of doing something
about this? That we have got it and should share it? When you have a special place then you have to be special too. From this
ordinary only will the extraordinary come out. Only that will blossom. Slowly, you yourself will understand that they all are
extremely foolish; who can talk to them? They might be big doctors, so what? They are just sitting. They have done nothing of
value. Our position is very high. For this you cannot be educated. There can be no education that I am going to teach you A B C D.
This is to be experienced with your daily experience. This morning I had told you something very great that in Sahaja Yoga you
are a part of the whole, not of the individual, but the whole. Know this point. Gagangiri Maharaj is very great. At a much higher
position than you people, let us assume. But for twenty-on thousand years he was just going around in circles, poor man. Where
did it happen spontaneously. He took rebirths twenty-one thousand times, kept falling at the feet of God and lived in jungles then
only did he get these vibrations. And now how come you are getting it so easily? Because this is a new world. It is a new thing.
You are the parts of this body of the Virata. He was made a symbolic man. But you are all in the Collective. The one who wants to
get out of the collective he must know that he will become cancer and be destroyed. None of you is good or bad. One finger
pains and the other finger will press it. If this hand pains the other will press it. You are all joined together. You know that. When
you can share your badhas, then why cant you share your wealth? You catch badhas immediately, but why not wealth? The entire
reason is this that at the moment we are just walking. You are still very little children. We are going to burn ourselves, fall down a
bit. One day when you grow up you will take the hands of thousands and make them walk. If you get cheated, doesn’t matter.
You are little. Come into innocence. But those who are cheating and thinking that they are very clever must know that they will be
removed like cancer.There is another way too, where the one who goes never returns. But there is also a way to hell. Lot of
people walk on that way. They think that to come in front of Mataji, touch Her feet, wash Her feet means they are great Sahaja
Yogis. This way is also moving alongside. When the flower blossoms then anything that has to fall off the bud falls out and
breaks and the fragrance comes out of that. That which has to grow, grows; and that which has to fall, falls. They both move
together. Life is like that. That which has to grow, life will make it and the one that has to die, life will finish it. But there is a time
for its storing and they go too. And some go in such a way and they never return. From the animal state you become humans and
what is the use that you become insects after the human birth. Your competition should be on Dharma. Are we in Dharma or not?
Think like this for yourselves and about others think that how deep are they in Dharma. And if they are in Adharma then why are
they so? What chakra of theirs is catching? Look at it without expectations. Its only a chakra catching? Then you can remove it
by just sitting here by your desire. If he is a gone case then let it be. He has got cancer. Leave it. But the one whom you feel
sympathies with and one whom you feel will become all right, can be improved, you have the ways. These are primordial
movements and you can put them right with those. Share with each other. Increase each others chakras. You should not feel bad
at all. The one who feels bad he will be as wrong as the one who is troubling others. To feel bad and to trouble are the same; are
the two parts of the same movement. So one should not feel bad at all. If someone says your chakra is catching you should be
grateful to him that he could recognize it and you could not. If someone points out to you that a snake is biting, you are grateful
to that person, so the one’s whose chakra has been caught up should feel grateful that person that he has pointed it out and you
can clean it. Never feel bad. You are so different from others because you have felt the vibrations. How many have felt it? You
are greater than the big people. But as yet you are children. You are children in Sahaja Yoga. Pope doesn’t have any vibrations.
All these so called Great people, these Shankaracharyas, and all, no one knows what kind of vibrations they have. You people can
give realization and take them beyond. And you are twirling the Kundalinis of people. What a great thing you are doing. Besides
Ganesha no one else could do this before. That is why the snake which is in Shri Ganesha’s hand is symbolic. With that he would
twirl the Kundalinis of people. At least you have got one of the powers that you can raise the Kundalini of all. And still you are
looking at the worldly. It is Divine, timeless. It has no location. It puts everything right. Just as much as it is delicate and loving
that much it is destructive. It will move according to its way. You just move the way you have to. First of all put your Heart Chakra
right. Clean your heart. Is our heart clean or not? Do we have anger towards anyone? Do we have suspicion for another in our
hearts? Check your heart. Heart is the greatest thing because the heart controls the brain, and it is from the heart that we do all
work. Yours and My connection is with the heart only. So clean you heart chakra completely. On our part we think that a thing is
like this Why the heart chakra? How much love have we given? How much did we trouble another? Mr Desai wrote to me that you
have helped my wife so much. I was very Happy. Then Mr Desai wrote a very helpless letter about his wife. I said to so many
people I have given so much and how has did she die? I sent her vibrations from London. You must help each other in every way.
Love each other. We will all become one in this bandhan. We are one body of the Virata. And you people are sitting there on the
Sahasrara of the Virata. I have made you sit on the Sahasrara of the Virata. And what madness are you doing! I have to make one
thousand humans sit on the Sahasrara of the Virata Purusha. It looks like a big thing. By my saying this how many of you are
feeling vibrations in your hand? You understand about the Kundalini, there is no doubt among any of you? What of Me? I have
ploughed the land and will wait and watch. I know everything. Whatever you do anywhere I know it. Nothing is hidden from me.
Within you all there is a lot of mess. You should live in your Dharma, Peaceful and balanced. You have got a very big thing. Be
satisfied. What is this making plans? What is this, like a stupid person. Other people may do this but you all? For little things…this
is not done…that is not done. What is this? this is not done…that is not done….? In which direction are you going and thinking?
You have to go to Delhi from here, and you think what is the price of flour there? But you have to go where no flour or anything
works. Dharma works there so know the value of Dharma. What is the need for Dharmic people to know the price of lentils and
flour? Or what politics is cooking there? You know it. If you did not feel vibrations then it is a different thing. This flowing of
vibrations is very little. As yet you are babies. I am not ready to even celebrate one year of your birth so at this stage a Ram Ram
(taking god’s name) has been done forcefully. Look at yourselves. I am not going to tell you. ‘Has any change come into me or
not? Has peace come within me or not? Has any change come or not?’ I have pulled you out from the very subtle nadi within the
Sushumna. I have pulled you on a very line which is as fine as a strand of hair. The Sushumna itself is as wide as a strand of hair,
and there are 4 layers on top of it. But it is through these vibrations that people are getting better. One lady came whose face
looked different. She said her asthma got cured. What is so great that asthma got cured, cancer got cured! This is bound to
happen. Whats so great about it? If you got electricity in your house then everything will become visible. If the electricity came in
it brought light. What is so important about that? But by the light coming in what knowledge did you get? What new dimension
did you see? What new thing did you do? What I am saying, is it going through your head or your heart? If it goes through your
head then there will be arguments. A dogma will be made of it. Let it go through the heart, there will be light. If you want to enjoy
love then bring it to the heart. The Heart Chakra is what the Christians call the Sacred Heart. Within it is the place of Bhavani,
Durga which is a very great place. It is not within you to understand Durga. That all the rakshasas are also Her children. The
whole world is Hers. A mother’s Shakti destroyed them for the sake of Her love for Her children. To pull one’s own hands is very
difficult. To give an injection to oneself with one’s own hands is very difficult. So, to kill one’s own children to protect other
children is even more difficult. But to kill is a very great act of the Shakti; a very great act of forgiveness. That is Her power of
forgiveness but in Kali Yuga there is no need for you people to become Bhavani. Just become peaceful. Very peaceful…very
peaceful. Your peacefulness will take forward the work of Sahaja. You will see that people will say that in Sahaja Yoga we have
seen such people who were so full of anger, who were statues of servility and completely suppressed, have become
miraculously changed. You are your own advertisements. What other advertisement do you want? People should say what a
man he is. He has such a large heart and is so wide in all aspects. It is happening. There is a lot of change from before. But it can
be done with full force. It is now all upto you. Just as you understand, feel, listen to others, hear others peacefully. Feel others.
You have got it en masse with others. Like this hand knows from the other hand; and from the same hand the brain also knows;
the heart also knows and all these are moving together integrated. In the same way, you will have to integrate. Then only will the
thousand hands be ready, which in human form will be used. The same thousands hands which have come out from the
Sahasrara of the Virata will come out from human beings. And these humans will be very ordinary. No great Rishis or Munis are
needed for this to make them sit on the chakras. All these big people are sitting on the chakras. Only the ordinary will come out
from the Sahasrara. I am saying that start bathing each other every morning in your own homes with vibrations. First check your
chakras between yourselves and then go out after bathing. Keep on cleaning. Everything becomes pure. There is such turmoil in
the world. You have no idea as to what is going on. A criminality is about to come. There is such a rule of the rakshasas which
you are not aware of. And the rakshasas speak in such a way that they have a great fraternity. They stick to each other like glue.
And among us, the way they work that they fall in an instant. Another falls there! That too in freedom. The rakshasas have a great
unity. What fun they are having by killing one and throttling another. When the group of saints will be made, then just think what
can be! Saints have never had a group. This is the first time. But if the saints give up their sainthood then what is the use of such
a group? All the qualities of a saint should shine through from you. Now tell all your worldly and gross problems before. Then we
will do the puja at leisure. Take all this questions’ cow dung and throw it out. If someone has more faults then you can get
together and put him right. But keep it without expectations. You are not you and the same with the other. So, have no
expectations and be awakened to another in that state. If someone has a lot of problems then put him right. But you should not
feel bad. If someone feels bad then do it subtly. Treat him like who is sick. When you are coming to my feet then you can always
tell by signaling. Each one will point out the same thing. So clear out the problem. We should all clear out each other together.
There is no difference but it actually happens that one moves five steps ahead and then six steps behind. So the question is,
"After how many years will they reach? Or will they ever reach?" When you are in awareness then all will move in unison. Like the
ocean is huge but its waves move together. The movement should move together. Man: Please don’t feel bad, may I say that I
am neither here or there. In a small group this happens that they think that he is big, or he is small, his chakras are new, he has
this "badha" and this or that. I listen to both… Shri Mataji: Now it is like this, you have one stick. Either you hit yourself or hit
another. Better that you hit yourself. There is no big or small. There is no seniority in this. There is a reason for this that you have
come from the worldly. Where you see that one is big, one is small, one is officer, one is below, one is this or that, one is king.
Then one is sadhu, one is sanyasi. This is nothing but a churning. One is up then down, up and then down. I am just churning and
nothing else. But we have to see who steals the butter. This churning is going on. Sometimes the cold will come sometimes the
heat will come. The butter will come on top. The butter will float as it has become light. There is no high or low in this. Look at
Modi, where he is. I purposely pushed the Kundalini there. Did you see that? No one is big or small. The one who thinks that I am
big, or small, then remember then there is the Mahamaya sitting there. I will catch hold of the Kundalini in a such that I will see
who is superior or inferior. The ones who think they are very great will be out. I will deliberately make the Kundalini go down a few
times. Because if I don’t make it go down then raise it and again I make it go down, and again raise it then it will not work out. I
will deliberately make it go down. [The man who is talking to Shri Mataji is an old man. So, Shri Mataji says:] Old people will also
have to be a little wiser. This is for all the old people. I too am included in this!! All the elderly people should know that in the
worldly life you people are the leaders. You are the elders in the worldly way. So you all should be especially better. All of you
become one. You should tell the children in this worldly way. Like Mr Modi, he is a very great man no doubt. But he also goes
down. But one thing I have noticed that in every letter he makes a confession. His attention is on himself all the time. That is why
I am fond of him as he confesses as to his faults, that Ma you are right. Such a person will be able to climb the first ladder. He
wants to go higher he will climb again and again. But the one who thinks I am on a very high ladder….. We should look within and
think within and see that we are climbing and falling, climbing and falling. It happens to everyone, because a churning is going
on. In the churning [Samudra Manthan] there is no special position for anyone. The way of Sahaja Yoga is like a drama and is
something that is new and never been tried before. No one has ever done it or such a churning has taken place. One Gagangiri
Maharaj sat for years in the forests doing tapasya. His churning did not take place. He made himself on his own power all alone.
His matter is different. Yes he got the guidance as Ganesha’s guidance to you all. But who shakes his head many times? How to
make him understand? You are Ganeshas. In fact, you are babies. They are stuck in My churning, poor things. One thing is true,
that whether he is Shankaracharya or someone else, but no one knew so much about vibrations, the technicalities, the
primordial, the movements. Read Shankaracharya or others, where is it written? It is not written anywhere. [Shri Mataji greets a
little girl who just came and related a story about her granddaughter, Aradhana.] These highly realized souls have come on this
earth, who are amazing! They are all getting ready within the age of 10 or 12 years. But till then you people don’t break my
platform by wrestling among yourselves!! If this is done then will my children do then?! They have come to play a big game. Now
a little bit is alright but no dance of destruction! The organization will become harmonious when this movement becomes one. If
one man is speaking more then just cool down. Cool down! Cool down! You feel cool so become cool also. Not hot, just cool.
Coolness…Seriousness…. I am cool, on absolute zero. Earlier one went to the Himalayas. Now there is no need for the
Himalayas. You can all start your air-conditioners here. Be alert towards yourselves. Look at your own faults. Look at your own
chakras and help the chakras of others secretly. There is no need to tell. You can move your hands secretly. When realisation is
happening while walking on the road then what! The more secretly you do the more pure it will be. The more love-filled it will be.
It feels very good when something gets done secretly. It is happening with the land. They are saying it is being done, it will be
done in whatever way. For that one person should get after the land. Ring up Swami Sahib and phone him and find out about the
land. They will do it. (The Sahaja Yogis discuss with Shri Mataji whom they have to meet for the land.) I want a program in April
and I wanted to talk about the incarnation of the Adi Shakti. But at this stage perhaps it is too early as yet people do not
understand what the Adi Shakti is. This Dilip Kumar the cinema person has also got his realization as he knows my brother very
well. My brother told me that he can ask Dilip and get the cinema people to help as well. So please tell me. If you want then the
poetry on the Adi Shakti, different types, then we can quote them but I don’t know how much people will have interest in this….
(one Sahaja Yogi suggests quoting Meerabai as she is very well known). If some lady comes who is made ready on this subject.
Like Gopi Krishna (the dancer) who has many small children, or give it to some organization.. (the Sahaja Yogi says that for that
one will have to prepare the song, then a list. It cant be done so fast) So, I think, lets have a variety entertainment. Because the
subject of Meerabai is of ‘separation’. We are talking of ‘union’ (with Divine). So, better than that is to have a variety
entertainment. On the subject of the Adi Shakti, every religion will come in. So, for the variety entertainment there should be the
subject of the Adi Shakti. We should make 3 teams. One team to collect money, second team should see to it that the program is
done properly and the third team should see to the expenses. There should be coordination. There should also see to the printing
of a souvenir where the printing etc can be seen to. For the program arrangement get the musical minded Sahaja Yogis to see to
it. [Conversation goes on]. |
1/20/1975 | | Dharm Va Adharm | India | Mumbai | null | Draft | null | Draft | null | Y | N | N | Talk to Sahaja Yogis | Hindi | 40 | 1975-0101 Dharm Va Adharm [Hindi] Mumbai (India) 40min Part 1 – 30 mins First line (Unclear). In Kalyuga, for human beings,
there are no other means except forgiveness and more the power of forgiveness is with you, more you will be powerful. Forgive
Everyone. Only those who are big can forgive, how can a small person forgive. Today morning I said, know the Dharma, know the
Dharma which is inside you. We are standing on Dharma. A person who is standing on Dharma is so powerful. Know the Dharma.
Aha ! how beautiful it is. We are standing in Dharma. We have no competition with those standing in Adharma. But we are
standing in Dharma. Those standing in Dharma have a different way from those standing in Adharma. A Dharmic person cannot
have a relation with an adharmic person. Even if we have a problem and hardships, but we are standing on our Dharma. That's
the most important thing. Know your Shakti from inside which is Dharma and Dharma is nothing but love and when love is
everything then forgiveness becomes one of its aspects. Who can oppress and how much in front of our love, let us see. Who
can be evil, who can strike behind the back, who can give suffering, who can…(word unclear) ? Let them do it, in front of love
everything…(word unclear). This is the only thing that fits into this kalyug. There is no other method in my understanding. If you
think any of the older methods can be used, it cannot be done. There is one reason for that which I have told you earlier also and
I am repeating now, there is no complete saint in kalyuga. Every saint ..(word not clear). They have entered into your attention.
Have you understood? If there is someone who is completely saint, then its ok, paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam
(परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम्), but there is an evil sitting with every saint person, then you have to separate that with
extreme love. Now how difficult that task is? Whether you are standing on saintliness or evilness, is up to you, but if any evil is
glued on you, you can remove that as well. But how many of such pure beings we have in this world today? There is a difference
in degrees. And those who are going towards saintliness should collect (qualities of) saintliness. They should have no
relationship with unsaintly. Those who are thieves, shrewd are unsaintly. What is their comparison with us ? That is theft. They
cannot become us and we cannot become that. It cannot happen. They are on a different line and we are on a different line. To
awake in Dharma is the only aim of Sahaja Yoga, there is no other aim of Sahaja Yoga. This is very simple, Sahaja Yoga doesn't
have any relationship to all this. We have to rise in our Dharma, we have to achieve our enlightenment, we have to know
ourselves. Some people ask, what to do Shri Mataji? Do we spin the chakras like this, like that? All these are primordial
movements that I am telling you. But it will have a meaning only when it flows purely. If there is mixed (impurity) in you, and when
you move hands then mixed (impurity) moves inside you. There cannot be purity inside us without forgiveness. And when purity
comes inside us then the light of dharma spreads around, pure, Nirmal. Means, those who have dharma have to come in light,
have to speak, have to share. But there should be dharma in his every gesture. He should think by himself that whether dharma
or adharma is reflecting in his behaviour. If I would have given this lecture before realization, it would have been wrong because
there is conditioning. That's why all psychologists have finished dharma and taught that each dharma has made us more
conditioned by telling us do's and dont's. This is correct. But it is not going to happen now. Now whatever you want to do, you
can do. There will be no conditioning at all. Because now your attention has been brought in between ego and superego. Dharma
is rising by itself within you. You have yourself awakened it. It's way ..(words not clear). And whatever worldly knowledge you
have known, you cannot compare it with divine knowledge. You cannot attach the value of worldly knowledge with divine
knowledge. I am talking of divine and you are seeing it as worldly. The three dimensions of worldly knowledge are over. Those
who have to move into the fourth dimension with depth and seriousness, I am talking of walking into the fourth dimension. You
cannot benchmark worldly with the divine. Words not clear …the suffering which I have seen and the people which I have seen,
you won't find any abusive words for them, you won't find any description for them. Very evil people. But that state of society is
very good these days. And your state is also good. But don't do trickery against yourself. Simple thing. Whatever you are doing
with Sahaja Yoga, you are doing it with you…words not clear. Yes, words not clear….in administration, the question of what to do?
Whether this is right or not? And This is so simple, before taking any decision, go to nirvicharita. Whatever decision comes from
nirvicharita, juts do that. It cannot be wrong. Decision taken in nirvicharita will be spontaneous, and that taken by thought will be
biased because your ego and superego are working in that. Whatever conditionings and worldly you have earned is behind you.
But if you do in nirvicharita, it will be never like that. It will be divine, miraculous, miracle. Because in hindi, miracle means
something very high and in Marathi, it means something odd. One will be miraculous of Hindi meaning and another will of
Marathi meaning. So when we are talking of divine, your worldly formed pre-conceived ideas cannot guide God. He has His
standing and His being. You want that God should be like us, so this same as those selling God (idol) for money. That level
…words not clear. God is what He is, He will enlighten your way. You keep opening your way. Awaken Dharma within you. Know
Dharma within you, it is very important to know this Dharma. How beautiful it is inside. There is so immortal thing flowing inside
this mortal body, like confluence of three rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati, stream flowing. Hence you cannot know it
through which is worldly and mortal. If you go into one second of Nirvicharita and take any decision, you will take such decisions
which even these big people cannot take, dynamic, absolutely dynamic. Worries, Fear, Anger, Servility, Slavishness, Inferiority, all
complexes will shed. He will speak in his pride. He has got his humility because it is so sweet so sweet, how it goes inside one
doesn’t know. Words not clear. And when you are elected (by God), your importance is very high. Now you are thinking I am
ordinary person, how am I chosen ? It will elected from ordinary persons only. And all these extraordinary person whom you see
in world, in big big positions, will all become missing links tomorrow. It has always happened in the history of evolution. In every
stage of evolution it has happened. Those who became mammoth, developed very big physically, became extinct, became
missing links. Elephant was saved in them who was in the middle (path). Elephant …words not clear. Likewise those who
developed too much mentally, for ex. Fox became missing links and many like that but dog was saved. Similarly among human
beings, who will rise from ordinary only. It has always risen from ordinary. And the so called extraordinary in three dimensions,
are not going to do anything. They will become missing links in the evolution stage. People will know them as they know
chimpanzee was a missing link. In evolution, from ordinary only will be chosen. One should be very normal. Those who are
roaming like big sanyasis (saints/ascetics) are not going to reach anywhere, all are going to become missing links. And those
who are in big positions also are not going to reach anywhere. So many have been given realisations, kings and words not clear.
All are sitting in their thrones, does anyone feel like why this lamp is lit inside us ? They write letters to Me that they are in bliss,
does anyone thinks to give it to others. If you have a special place, you have to be special. From ordinary only, extraordinary is
going to come. That is going to refine. Slowly you will understand that these are big fools, who is going to talk to them. They are
big doctors, what to do ? Big fools they are, they have not done anything in whole life. Lets leave it, what we have to do with it.
Marathi words ..Our position is very high. And there cannot be education about this thing to human beings. It cannot be that I
educate you and teach A,B,C,D to you. This you have to see in daily experiences. And the key thing which I told you today
morning, you should know it that in Sahaja Yoga you are in Totality, not in Individuality. Now there is Gagangiri Maharaj, he is on
a very high position as compared to you (Sahaja Yogis), he spent 21000 years, 21000 times he took birth and remained in jungles
and he kept at Gods feet every time and then he got these vibrations. And why you (Sahaja Yogis) have got it instantly ? Because
it’s a new world, it’s a new thing, you are part and parcel of body of Virata. He was made a symbolic man (apparently She is
speaking about Gagangiri Maharaj). Its done. Forget about him. You all are in the form of totality. Those of you who want to be
away from totality, should know, he will become cancer and will be finished. No one is bad among you and no one is good. If one
finger pains, press it with another finger. If this hand pains, press it with another hand. You all are connected together, you all
know that you all are connected together. When you share your badhas, why do not share your Dharmas. You call catch Badha
instantaneously. Marathi words .. You all catch Badha instantaneously, then why not catch Dharma. What is the reason ? Simple
reason is that we are now rising, we are small, growing up, we are small children now. First we will burn a little, fall a little. One
day when (Sahaja Yogis) will grow up, (they) we will make thousands walk with (their) fingers. They are small now. No issue if
you get robbed. Be in your innocence. But those who are robbing are thinking they are very smart, they should understand that
they will be thrown out like cancerous cells. That’s also another path, where one if goes, never returns. There also a way to hell.
Many people walk on that path, they don’t know, they come and think that it will be a big deed if I touch Mothers feet, if I wash
Her feet. That path is also there, parallely running. When a flower blooms, the remains of a bud falls off and there is fragrance
from the remains. Whatever has to fall, falls and whatever has to blossom, blossoms. Both happens at the same time. Life
evolves like that. Those who have to fall, life will make them fall, will make them finish but they also have a storing time, a storing
period. They also go and some go in manner that they do not return. From animals, they became humans. What is the use if from
human life, you go to insect life ? There should be mutual competition in Dharma. Think that whether I am in Dharma or not ? And
think about others that how much are they in Dharma. How much I am into Dharma and how much he (others) is into Dharma,
and if he is in Adharma, why is he in Adharma. His which chakra is catching ? Only because of Chakra catching (he might be in
Adharma), there is no other thing. See from detached point of view. Only chakra is catching, so it can be corrected by desiring. If
it’s a gone case, then leave it, it will be a cancer. Leave it. Bury it. But if you think that he (other) can be corrected, if you have
compassion, if you think his condition can be improved, then you have all the methods. These are primordial movements. You
can correct them by those. Share between yourselves. Done feel bad. To feel bad is same as to give pain to others. To feel bad
and to give pain to others is same thing. So do not feel bad. If some (sahaja yogi) says that your chakra is catching, then you
should be grateful to him. If someone informs you that a snake is biting from here, you are greatful to him. In same manner you
should be grateful to one who tells you about your chakra catching. Remove that (catch), cleanse that. However you are bigger
than the rest of the world, because you have got the vibrations. How many people in the world have got it ? Even such a big Pope
doesn’t have it, I have seen it. You are bigger than these big big people, but still you are children. You are children in Sahaja Yoga.
Even Pope doesn’t have vibrations, these big big names, Shankaracharya etc. whom world bows down, don’t have vibrations.
You all can give awakening and self realisation. You all are managing kundalini’s (of others) on your finger tips. How big a thing
this is. Noone else except Ganesha could do this. The small snake in Ganeshas hand was symbolic of this because he used to
manage everyones kundalini. At least now you are capable of raising others kundalini. (Speaking to Sahaja Yogi Mr Damle in
Marathi). That is divine. There is no (word not clear). Word not clear. The more delicate and loving it is, equally devastating it is. It
is going to move in its own way. You just move like this. Marathi words. First of all, cleanse you heart. Is my heart clean or not.
Do I have anger against anyone in my heart. Do I have apprehensions about anyone in my heart. This is the biggest thing
because heart controls the brain and we do all work by heart and you and Me and connected through the heart. That’s why first
of all completely cleanse your heart chakra. We think from our angle that this is how it is. Towards heart chakra. How much love
we have given to others. How much …words not clear. I got letter from your Desai. He has written for him he helps my wife very
much. I was so happy to read this. My joy knew no bounds listening this. Words unclear. I said I have given to so many people,
how is it that she is suffering. Why I am bothered, I can send vibrations from London but why you have been given this
(vibrations) for ? Words unclear. Love among yourselves. We will get tied in this one knot. There is one body of virata aud you are
on Sahastrar of that body. I have put you on the Sahastrar of the virata and what these mad people are doing ? 1000 people have
to be made sit on Sahastrar of the Virata. It look like a very big thing. It is. How many people have got vibrations on hand. You
have received it. You understand kundalini, there is no doubt in that. What about me. I have ploughed the field, will see. Marathi
sentence. Worldly people might complain, but why you (Sahaja Yogis) complain of small small things ? This thing didn’t happen,
that thing didn’t happen. What does all this means. Which line are you in and what you are thinking. Now if you have to go to
Delhi from here, you have to know the rate of flour there. But if you have to go where this flour etc. doesn’t exist, Dharma exists,
then you should know the price of Dharma. For Dharmic people, What is the need to know the price of Flours & Pulses ? In place
of what Dharma is running there, (we pay attention to) what politics is cooking there. You know all this. If you don’t get vibrations,
then it’s a separate matter. This flowing (of vibrations) is a very small thing. It is almost nothing. You are just children. I am not
even prepared to celebrate your 1st birthday. As of now, it is coerced (chanting of) Ram Ram. You should look at yourself, have I
changed or not ? is there a difference in me or not ? Am I peaceful or not ? I have pulled you from the ultrasensitive nadi of
sushumna (central channel). Drawn on one single thin line which I should say is equal to a hair strand. If you see Sushumna itself
is that thick (hair strand). And it has four layers, one upon the other. But it is due to these vibrations only that people are getting
cured. Today a lady came whose face was looking totally different. She was saying her asthama got cured. So what is the big
deal in that ? If your asthama, cancer etc get cured, what is big deal in that ? It has to happen. There is no big deal in that. If
electricity is brought in a home, then everything will be visible. Least of least this will happen. If light has come, then what is its
purpose ? At least you should be able to see everything. There is no special thing in that. But after coming of this light, what is
that you have known, what you have learnt, which new dimension you have seen ? This is the speciality. Whatever is being said,
is it going above the head or from the heart. It should go from the heart. If it will go from the head, then arguments wlll be there,
there will be dogma. If you allow it to pass through heart, light will be there. If you want to experience joy of love, then bring it on
heart. Sacred Heart in Christianity is Heart Chakra only. And it is the place of Goddess Bhawani, Durga. And it is a very big place
in the heart. It is not possible for you to understand Durga. All these rakshasas (evil people) are also her children. This whole
world is her place. Sentence not clear. It is not easy to give onself an injection from own hands. It is not easy to kill your own
children to save another (set of) children. But that killing is also a work of Shakti (power) and Kshama (Forgiveness). It is very big
work of forgiveness. In Kalyuga, you don't have to become Bhawani. Become peaceful, become extremely peaceful, extremely
extremely peaceful. Your peace is only going to help our work. People will say we have seen Sahaja Yogis who were
ambassadors of anger, servility, and fear who became so gracious. You people only are our advertisements. Who else is
advertisement? People should say to you, you have such a huge persona, first class, you have so good temperament, you are
wider in every sense. It is happening, happening a lot. Lot of difference from the past. But it can happen even faster. Part 2 – 12
mins Now everything is up to you. Up to how you think about it, understand it. Listen to others, understand others peacefully, feel
others, identify with others, like one hand knows the other, this had is connected with brain also, heart also and all things are
moving in an integrated manner. All of you have to integrate. Only then those 1000 hands will be prepared which will be used in
human form. Those 1000 hands which are in Sahastrar of Virata, they will come out of human beings and from commoners. Big
rishi munis are not required, those have been made to sit at chakras. Those who are big are sitting at chakras and doing their
work. At Sahastrar only common people are going to come. Marathi sentence. First, clean the home. I am saying that you start
cleansing each other with vibrations. You give to him and he gives to you. First, see the chakras among each other and then
move out (to give others) after having cleansed and getting ready. You met Sharad, Sharad cleansed you, you cleansed Sharad,
cleanse and move forward. It is done then, the situation is Nirmal. There is a lot of trouble going on in the outside world, you do
not know what all is happening. Criminality is going to come, there is a kingdom of demons. Demons talk to each other and they
form a group, they get stuck together like glue and those who work for us, they go here and get separated and they go there and
get separated because they are in complete freedom. And see these demonic personalities, how they are collective, how they are
enjoying, they kill, they murder. When there will be collectivity of saints, think what can happen. There hasn't been collectivity of
saints till now. This is happening for the first time. If saint leaves his saintliness, what is the use of such collectivity? All qualities
of saints should reflect from within us. (She speaks to someone) "Lal Saab, you all had a meeting, you do it and then do puja.
Word meaning not clear …I will not be able to speak then. Words meaning not clear. Now you tell, any problem, worldly, gross,
everything, lets talk. And then do the pujan with comfort. All this dung, please collect it and cleanse it and throw it and then we
will talk. Marathi (What are the problems). If someone has a problem, you all can help and correct him but keep neutrality
(nirpekshita). You are not you, you are nirmal inside. You remain alert about others with neutrality, if you see any major problem
with someone, then correct it. Don't feel bad. If someone feels bad, then communicate with signs. For ex. If you come to touch
my feet, and someone feels bad, so it can be told in gestures. All will signal towards here. Let's remove it. We all can collectively
cleanse each other. Yogi: There is no difference between each other Shri Mataji: There is none. But it happens so that we move 5
steps forward and then 6 steps backward. And again 5 forward and 6 backward and then the question arises in how many years
they will reach. Like this, they won't reach at all, they are standing there only. This is the thing. Yogi: Sound/Words not clear. Shri
Mataji: That also is correct. When you get to your awareness, it will move as one. For ex, in such a big sea, all its waves move as
one. Your all movements should be one. Now it is that either you hit this one stick to yourself or to others. It is better to hit a stick
to yourself only. There is no big and small in this. There is no seniority here. It has a reason, you all are coming from the
mundane world where you have seen that there a big, a small, an officer, a king, a sadhu (saint), dand sanyasi (ascetic). There is
nothing as such here. It is churning going on here. One up and one down, it's like that. I am doing churning only and nothing else.
Now, who steals the butter remains to be seen. The intelligent one will steal the butter. This churning is already going on.
Sometimes it will be hot, sometimes cool (vibrations) and butter will come on top. It will float in lightness. No one is high or low
in this at all. One who thinks he is higher or lower, then there is Mahamaya also sitting, understand it. Their kundalini will be held
in such a manner that they will see who is big. This is churning. Sometimes kundalini will also be brought down intentionally, also
because reason is that unless it is brought down, then up and again brought down and up repeatedly, it is not going to happen.
Intentionally she (kundalini) will be brought down. Those who are old should know that from a worldly point of view, they are the
leaders. You all aged and old and hence you all have to be even better. You all get together and tell children from the mundane
world view. Yes, spiritual anyone can. Those who are looking higher, even if they are standing at the first step, they will rise. Even
if they step down, again and again, they will rise. But if anyone is thinking that only he is at a higher step, that is wrong. You
should see and think from inside that you rise and you fall, you rise and you fall. It happens with everyone. Because churning is
happening. In churning, there is no permanent place for anyone. The way of Sahaja Yoga is absolutely new and till now no one
has done it and neither churning has taken place. One man Gagangarh Maharaj, who sat in the jungle doing penance for years,
you have no relation with him in this matter and he will not be able to make you understand anything because his churning has
not happened. He has made himself on his own, alone. His matter is different. His guidance is just like Ganesha, who strikes his
head many times as to how to make these people (Sahaja Yogis) understand. Now you are Ganesha (apparently Gagangiri
Maharaj), these (apparently Sahaja Yogis) are not Ganesha, these are children. Agreed that you (G.Maharaj) are very big but
these are children. And they are tied in my manthan (churning). I am the one in between and making understand. One thing is
there, whether it was Shankaracharya or anyone else, no one knew about vibrations so much. So many technicalities, primordial
movements, no one knew. You may read Shankaracharya or anyone else. Is it written anywhere? Nowhere it is written. Some
200-250 living beings have come on this earth. What beings are they, My God! They will be prepared in 10-12 years. Now till that
time, you (Yogis) don't break my platform (laughter). If my platform breaks, what will my children do? They have come to play in
this world. A little bit is okay but do not do Tandav Nritya. Organisation says that everything will fall in place if you all remain one.
If anyone tries to be bigger, then others should remain cool, cool, cool. You get cool vibrations, no. Should remain cool also.
Coolness. Deep. Dharma is cool. It exists on absolute zero, minus 275. On absolute zero it exists. That's why people used to go
to Himalayas. Now you don't need the Himalayas, you open your air conditioner (vibrations) here itself. Look at yourself, be
aware of your chakras and help in chakras of others, first secretly. No need to tell others when you can lay hand secretly. When
awakening is happening on roads by just walking, so what is it? The more secretly its done, purer it will be and more lovingly it
will be. Feels very good when you do something very secretly. | null | null | null | 1975-0101 Dharm Va Adharm [Hindi] Mumbai (India) 40min Part 1 – 30 mins First line (Unclear). In Kalyuga, for human beings,
there are no other means except forgiveness and more the power of forgiveness is with you, more you will be powerful. Forgive
Everyone. Only those who are big can forgive, how can a small person forgive. Today morning I said, know the Dharma, know the
Dharma which is inside you. We are standing on Dharma. A person who is standing on Dharma is so powerful. Know the Dharma.
Aha ! how beautiful it is. We are standing in Dharma. We have no competition with those standing in Adharma. But we are
standing in Dharma. Those standing in Dharma have a different way from those standing in Adharma. A Dharmic person cannot
have a relation with an adharmic person. Even if we have a problem and hardships, but we are standing on our Dharma. That's
the most important thing. Know your Shakti from inside which is Dharma and Dharma is nothing but love and when love is
everything then forgiveness becomes one of its aspects. Who can oppress and how much in front of our love, let us see. Who
can be evil, who can strike behind the back, who can give suffering, who can…(word unclear) ? Let them do it, in front of love
everything…(word unclear). This is the only thing that fits into this kalyug. There is no other method in my understanding. If you
think any of the older methods can be used, it cannot be done. There is one reason for that which I have told you earlier also and
I am repeating now, there is no complete saint in kalyuga. Every saint ..(word not clear). They have entered into your attention.
Have you understood? If there is someone who is completely saint, then its ok, paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam
(परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम्), but there is an evil sitting with every saint person, then you have to separate that with
extreme love. Now how difficult that task is? Whether you are standing on saintliness or evilness, is up to you, but if any evil is
glued on you, you can remove that as well. But how many of such pure beings we have in this world today? There is a difference
in degrees. And those who are going towards saintliness should collect (qualities of) saintliness. They should have no
relationship with unsaintly. Those who are thieves, shrewd are unsaintly. What is their comparison with us ? That is theft. They
cannot become us and we cannot become that. It cannot happen. They are on a different line and we are on a different line. To
awake in Dharma is the only aim of Sahaja Yoga, there is no other aim of Sahaja Yoga. This is very simple, Sahaja Yoga doesn't
have any relationship to all this. We have to rise in our Dharma, we have to achieve our enlightenment, we have to know
ourselves. Some people ask, what to do Shri Mataji? Do we spin the chakras like this, like that? All these are primordial
movements that I am telling you. But it will have a meaning only when it flows purely. If there is mixed (impurity) in you, and when
you move hands then mixed (impurity) moves inside you. There cannot be purity inside us without forgiveness. And when purity
comes inside us then the light of dharma spreads around, pure, Nirmal. Means, those who have dharma have to come in light,
have to speak, have to share. But there should be dharma in his every gesture. He should think by himself that whether dharma
or adharma is reflecting in his behaviour. If I would have given this lecture before realization, it would have been wrong because
there is conditioning. That's why all psychologists have finished dharma and taught that each dharma has made us more
conditioned by telling us do's and dont's. This is correct. But it is not going to happen now. Now whatever you want to do, you
can do. There will be no conditioning at all. Because now your attention has been brought in between ego and superego. Dharma
is rising by itself within you. You have yourself awakened it. It's way ..(words not clear). And whatever worldly knowledge you
have known, you cannot compare it with divine knowledge. You cannot attach the value of worldly knowledge with divine
knowledge. I am talking of divine and you are seeing it as worldly. The three dimensions of worldly knowledge are over. Those
who have to move into the fourth dimension with depth and seriousness, I am talking of walking into the fourth dimension. You
cannot benchmark worldly with the divine. Words not clear …the suffering which I have seen and the people which I have seen,
you won't find any abusive words for them, you won't find any description for them. Very evil people. But that state of society is
very good these days. And your state is also good. But don't do trickery against yourself. Simple thing. Whatever you are doing
with Sahaja Yoga, you are doing it with you…words not clear. Yes, words not clear….in administration, the question of what to do?
Whether this is right or not? And This is so simple, before taking any decision, go to nirvicharita. Whatever decision comes from
nirvicharita, juts do that. It cannot be wrong. Decision taken in nirvicharita will be spontaneous, and that taken by thought will be
biased because your ego and superego are working in that. Whatever conditionings and worldly you have earned is behind you.
But if you do in nirvicharita, it will be never like that. It will be divine, miraculous, miracle. Because in hindi, miracle means
something very high and in Marathi, it means something odd. One will be miraculous of Hindi meaning and another will of
Marathi meaning. So when we are talking of divine, your worldly formed pre-conceived ideas cannot guide God. He has His
standing and His being. You want that God should be like us, so this same as those selling God (idol) for money. That level
…words not clear. God is what He is, He will enlighten your way. You keep opening your way. Awaken Dharma within you. Know
Dharma within you, it is very important to know this Dharma. How beautiful it is inside. There is so immortal thing flowing inside
this mortal body, like confluence of three rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati, stream flowing. Hence you cannot know it
through which is worldly and mortal. If you go into one second of Nirvicharita and take any decision, you will take such decisions
which even these big people cannot take, dynamic, absolutely dynamic. Worries, Fear, Anger, Servility, Slavishness, Inferiority, all
complexes will shed. He will speak in his pride. He has got his humility because it is so sweet so sweet, how it goes inside one
doesn’t know. Words not clear. And when you are elected (by God), your importance is very high. Now you are thinking I am
ordinary person, how am I chosen ? It will elected from ordinary persons only. And all these extraordinary person whom you see
in world, in big big positions, will all become missing links tomorrow. It has always happened in the history of evolution. In every
stage of evolution it has happened. Those who became mammoth, developed very big physically, became extinct, became
missing links. Elephant was saved in them who was in the middle (path). Elephant …words not clear. Likewise those who
developed too much mentally, for ex. Fox became missing links and many like that but dog was saved. Similarly among human
beings, who will rise from ordinary only. It has always risen from ordinary. And the so called extraordinary in three dimensions,
are not going to do anything. They will become missing links in the evolution stage. People will know them as they know
chimpanzee was a missing link. In evolution, from ordinary only will be chosen. One should be very normal. Those who are
roaming like big sanyasis (saints/ascetics) are not going to reach anywhere, all are going to become missing links. And those
who are in big positions also are not going to reach anywhere. So many have been given realisations, kings and words not clear.
All are sitting in their thrones, does anyone feel like why this lamp is lit inside us ? They write letters to Me that they are in bliss,
does anyone thinks to give it to others. If you have a special place, you have to be special. From ordinary only, extraordinary is
going to come. That is going to refine. Slowly you will understand that these are big fools, who is going to talk to them. They are
big doctors, what to do ? Big fools they are, they have not done anything in whole life. Lets leave it, what we have to do with it.
Marathi words ..Our position is very high. And there cannot be education about this thing to human beings. It cannot be that I
educate you and teach A,B,C,D to you. This you have to see in daily experiences. And the key thing which I told you today
morning, you should know it that in Sahaja Yoga you are in Totality, not in Individuality. Now there is Gagangiri Maharaj, he is on
a very high position as compared to you (Sahaja Yogis), he spent 21000 years, 21000 times he took birth and remained in jungles
and he kept at Gods feet every time and then he got these vibrations. And why you (Sahaja Yogis) have got it instantly ? Because
it’s a new world, it’s a new thing, you are part and parcel of body of Virata. He was made a symbolic man (apparently She is
speaking about Gagangiri Maharaj). Its done. Forget about him. You all are in the form of totality. Those of you who want to be
away from totality, should know, he will become cancer and will be finished. No one is bad among you and no one is good. If one
finger pains, press it with another finger. If this hand pains, press it with another hand. You all are connected together, you all
know that you all are connected together. When you share your badhas, why do not share your Dharmas. You call catch Badha
instantaneously. Marathi words .. You all catch Badha instantaneously, then why not catch Dharma. What is the reason ? Simple
reason is that we are now rising, we are small, growing up, we are small children now. First we will burn a little, fall a little. One
day when (Sahaja Yogis) will grow up, (they) we will make thousands walk with (their) fingers. They are small now. No issue if
you get robbed. Be in your innocence. But those who are robbing are thinking they are very smart, they should understand that
they will be thrown out like cancerous cells. That’s also another path, where one if goes, never returns. There also a way to hell.
Many people walk on that path, they don’t know, they come and think that it will be a big deed if I touch Mothers feet, if I wash
Her feet. That path is also there, parallely running. When a flower blooms, the remains of a bud falls off and there is fragrance
from the remains. Whatever has to fall, falls and whatever has to blossom, blossoms. Both happens at the same time. Life
evolves like that. Those who have to fall, life will make them fall, will make them finish but they also have a storing time, a storing
period. They also go and some go in manner that they do not return. From animals, they became humans. What is the use if from
human life, you go to insect life ? There should be mutual competition in Dharma. Think that whether I am in Dharma or not ? And
think about others that how much are they in Dharma. How much I am into Dharma and how much he (others) is into Dharma,
and if he is in Adharma, why is he in Adharma. His which chakra is catching ? Only because of Chakra catching (he might be in
Adharma), there is no other thing. See from detached point of view. Only chakra is catching, so it can be corrected by desiring. If
it’s a gone case, then leave it, it will be a cancer. Leave it. Bury it. But if you think that he (other) can be corrected, if you have
compassion, if you think his condition can be improved, then you have all the methods. These are primordial movements. You
can correct them by those. Share between yourselves. Done feel bad. To feel bad is same as to give pain to others. To feel bad
and to give pain to others is same thing. So do not feel bad. If some (sahaja yogi) says that your chakra is catching, then you
should be grateful to him. If someone informs you that a snake is biting from here, you are greatful to him. In same manner you
should be grateful to one who tells you about your chakra catching. Remove that (catch), cleanse that. However you are bigger
than the rest of the world, because you have got the vibrations. How many people in the world have got it ? Even such a big Pope
doesn’t have it, I have seen it. You are bigger than these big big people, but still you are children. You are children in Sahaja Yoga.
Even Pope doesn’t have vibrations, these big big names, Shankaracharya etc. whom world bows down, don’t have vibrations.
You all can give awakening and self realisation. You all are managing kundalini’s (of others) on your finger tips. How big a thing
this is. Noone else except Ganesha could do this. The small snake in Ganeshas hand was symbolic of this because he used to
manage everyones kundalini. At least now you are capable of raising others kundalini. (Speaking to Sahaja Yogi Mr Damle in
Marathi). That is divine. There is no (word not clear). Word not clear. The more delicate and loving it is, equally devastating it is. It
is going to move in its own way. You just move like this. Marathi words. First of all, cleanse you heart. Is my heart clean or not.
Do I have anger against anyone in my heart. Do I have apprehensions about anyone in my heart. This is the biggest thing
because heart controls the brain and we do all work by heart and you and Me and connected through the heart. That’s why first
of all completely cleanse your heart chakra. We think from our angle that this is how it is. Towards heart chakra. How much love
we have given to others. How much …words not clear. I got letter from your Desai. He has written for him he helps my wife very
much. I was so happy to read this. My joy knew no bounds listening this. Words unclear. I said I have given to so many people,
how is it that she is suffering. Why I am bothered, I can send vibrations from London but why you have been given this
(vibrations) for ? Words unclear. Love among yourselves. We will get tied in this one knot. There is one body of virata aud you are
on Sahastrar of that body. I have put you on the Sahastrar of the virata and what these mad people are doing ? 1000 people have
to be made sit on Sahastrar of the Virata. It look like a very big thing. It is. How many people have got vibrations on hand. You
have received it. You understand kundalini, there is no doubt in that. What about me. I have ploughed the field, will see. Marathi
sentence. Worldly people might complain, but why you (Sahaja Yogis) complain of small small things ? This thing didn’t happen,
that thing didn’t happen. What does all this means. Which line are you in and what you are thinking. Now if you have to go to
Delhi from here, you have to know the rate of flour there. But if you have to go where this flour etc. doesn’t exist, Dharma exists,
then you should know the price of Dharma. For Dharmic people, What is the need to know the price of Flours & Pulses ? In place
of what Dharma is running there, (we pay attention to) what politics is cooking there. You know all this. If you don’t get vibrations,
then it’s a separate matter. This flowing (of vibrations) is a very small thing. It is almost nothing. You are just children. I am not
even prepared to celebrate your 1st birthday. As of now, it is coerced (chanting of) Ram Ram. You should look at yourself, have I
changed or not ? is there a difference in me or not ? Am I peaceful or not ? I have pulled you from the ultrasensitive nadi of
sushumna (central channel). Drawn on one single thin line which I should say is equal to a hair strand. If you see Sushumna itself
is that thick (hair strand). And it has four layers, one upon the other. But it is due to these vibrations only that people are getting
cured. Today a lady came whose face was looking totally different. She was saying her asthama got cured. So what is the big
deal in that ? If your asthama, cancer etc get cured, what is big deal in that ? It has to happen. There is no big deal in that. If
electricity is brought in a home, then everything will be visible. Least of least this will happen. If light has come, then what is its
purpose ? At least you should be able to see everything. There is no special thing in that. But after coming of this light, what is
that you have known, what you have learnt, which new dimension you have seen ? This is the speciality. Whatever is being said,
is it going above the head or from the heart. It should go from the heart. If it will go from the head, then arguments wlll be there,
there will be dogma. If you allow it to pass through heart, light will be there. If you want to experience joy of love, then bring it on
heart. Sacred Heart in Christianity is Heart Chakra only. And it is the place of Goddess Bhawani, Durga. And it is a very big place
in the heart. It is not possible for you to understand Durga. All these rakshasas (evil people) are also her children. This whole
world is her place. Sentence not clear. It is not easy to give onself an injection from own hands. It is not easy to kill your own
children to save another (set of) children. But that killing is also a work of Shakti (power) and Kshama (Forgiveness). It is very big
work of forgiveness. In Kalyuga, you don't have to become Bhawani. Become peaceful, become extremely peaceful, extremely
extremely peaceful. Your peace is only going to help our work. People will say we have seen Sahaja Yogis who were
ambassadors of anger, servility, and fear who became so gracious. You people only are our advertisements. Who else is
advertisement? People should say to you, you have such a huge persona, first class, you have so good temperament, you are
wider in every sense. It is happening, happening a lot. Lot of difference from the past. But it can happen even faster. Part 2 – 12
mins Now everything is up to you. Up to how you think about it, understand it. Listen to others, understand others peacefully, feel
others, identify with others, like one hand knows the other, this had is connected with brain also, heart also and all things are
moving in an integrated manner. All of you have to integrate. Only then those 1000 hands will be prepared which will be used in
human form. Those 1000 hands which are in Sahastrar of Virata, they will come out of human beings and from commoners. Big
rishi munis are not required, those have been made to sit at chakras. Those who are big are sitting at chakras and doing their
work. At Sahastrar only common people are going to come. Marathi sentence. First, clean the home. I am saying that you start
cleansing each other with vibrations. You give to him and he gives to you. First, see the chakras among each other and then
move out (to give others) after having cleansed and getting ready. You met Sharad, Sharad cleansed you, you cleansed Sharad,
cleanse and move forward. It is done then, the situation is Nirmal. There is a lot of trouble going on in the outside world, you do
not know what all is happening. Criminality is going to come, there is a kingdom of demons. Demons talk to each other and they
form a group, they get stuck together like glue and those who work for us, they go here and get separated and they go there and
get separated because they are in complete freedom. And see these demonic personalities, how they are collective, how they are
enjoying, they kill, they murder. When there will be collectivity of saints, think what can happen. There hasn't been collectivity of
saints till now. This is happening for the first time. If saint leaves his saintliness, what is the use of such collectivity? All qualities
of saints should reflect from within us. (She speaks to someone) "Lal Saab, you all had a meeting, you do it and then do puja.
Word meaning not clear …I will not be able to speak then. Words meaning not clear. Now you tell, any problem, worldly, gross,
everything, lets talk. And then do the pujan with comfort. All this dung, please collect it and cleanse it and throw it and then we
will talk. Marathi (What are the problems). If someone has a problem, you all can help and correct him but keep neutrality
(nirpekshita). You are not you, you are nirmal inside. You remain alert about others with neutrality, if you see any major problem
with someone, then correct it. Don't feel bad. If someone feels bad, then communicate with signs. For ex. If you come to touch
my feet, and someone feels bad, so it can be told in gestures. All will signal towards here. Let's remove it. We all can collectively
cleanse each other. Yogi: There is no difference between each other Shri Mataji: There is none. But it happens so that we move 5
steps forward and then 6 steps backward. And again 5 forward and 6 backward and then the question arises in how many years
they will reach. Like this, they won't reach at all, they are standing there only. This is the thing. Yogi: Sound/Words not clear. Shri
Mataji: That also is correct. When you get to your awareness, it will move as one. For ex, in such a big sea, all its waves move as
one. Your all movements should be one. Now it is that either you hit this one stick to yourself or to others. It is better to hit a stick
to yourself only. There is no big and small in this. There is no seniority here. It has a reason, you all are coming from the
mundane world where you have seen that there a big, a small, an officer, a king, a sadhu (saint), dand sanyasi (ascetic). There is
nothing as such here. It is churning going on here. One up and one down, it's like that. I am doing churning only and nothing else.
Now, who steals the butter remains to be seen. The intelligent one will steal the butter. This churning is already going on.
Sometimes it will be hot, sometimes cool (vibrations) and butter will come on top. It will float in lightness. No one is high or low
in this at all. One who thinks he is higher or lower, then there is Mahamaya also sitting, understand it. Their kundalini will be held
in such a manner that they will see who is big. This is churning. Sometimes kundalini will also be brought down intentionally, also
because reason is that unless it is brought down, then up and again brought down and up repeatedly, it is not going to happen.
Intentionally she (kundalini) will be brought down. Those who are old should know that from a worldly point of view, they are the
leaders. You all aged and old and hence you all have to be even better. You all get together and tell children from the mundane
world view. Yes, spiritual anyone can. Those who are looking higher, even if they are standing at the first step, they will rise. Even
if they step down, again and again, they will rise. But if anyone is thinking that only he is at a higher step, that is wrong. You
should see and think from inside that you rise and you fall, you rise and you fall. It happens with everyone. Because churning is
happening. In churning, there is no permanent place for anyone. The way of Sahaja Yoga is absolutely new and till now no one
has done it and neither churning has taken place. One man Gagangarh Maharaj, who sat in the jungle doing penance for years,
you have no relation with him in this matter and he will not be able to make you understand anything because his churning has
not happened. He has made himself on his own, alone. His matter is different. His guidance is just like Ganesha, who strikes his
head many times as to how to make these people (Sahaja Yogis) understand. Now you are Ganesha (apparently Gagangiri
Maharaj), these (apparently Sahaja Yogis) are not Ganesha, these are children. Agreed that you (G.Maharaj) are very big but
these are children. And they are tied in my manthan (churning). I am the one in between and making understand. One thing is
there, whether it was Shankaracharya or anyone else, no one knew about vibrations so much. So many technicalities, primordial
movements, no one knew. You may read Shankaracharya or anyone else. Is it written anywhere? Nowhere it is written. Some
200-250 living beings have come on this earth. What beings are they, My God! They will be prepared in 10-12 years. Now till that
time, you (Yogis) don't break my platform (laughter). If my platform breaks, what will my children do? They have come to play in
this world. A little bit is okay but do not do Tandav Nritya. Organisation says that everything will fall in place if you all remain one.
If anyone tries to be bigger, then others should remain cool, cool, cool. You get cool vibrations, no. Should remain cool also.
Coolness. Deep. Dharma is cool. It exists on absolute zero, minus 275. On absolute zero it exists. That's why people used to go
to Himalayas. Now you don't need the Himalayas, you open your air conditioner (vibrations) here itself. Look at yourself, be
aware of your chakras and help in chakras of others, first secretly. No need to tell others when you can lay hand secretly. When
awakening is happening on roads by just walking, so what is it? The more secretly its done, purer it will be and more lovingly it
will be. Feels very good when you do something very secretly. |
1/21/1975 | | Teen Shaktiya (Three Powers) | India | Mumbai | null | VERIFIED | Draft | VERIFIED | NEEDED | Y | N | N | Talk to Sahaja Yogis | Hindi, Marathi | 24 | “Teen Shaktiyan” “Three Powers”, Seminar & Meeting, 21st January 1975, Mumbai (Dadar) [Hindi to English Translation v1] Just
like a gardener cultivates a garden and nurtures it with love, and then he watches out for the blooming flowers in the garden, the
joy the gardener feels upon seeing those flowers is inexplicable. The name 'Krishna' is derived from 'Krishi'. 'Krishi', you know, is
'agriculture'. During Shri Krishna’s time it was primarily agriculture, and during Christ’s time it was irrigated with his blood. The
fertile land of this world has been adorned by so many incarnations before. Today, in this age of Kali Yuga, the time has come
when we can witness the blossoming of of that farming, to breathe in the fragrance of those flowers. These vibrations
[Chaitanya Lehriyān] flowing from your hands is the same fragrance, because of which the entire world, the entire creation and
the entire nature is functioning. But today you are those chosen flowers, chosen over the ages, to blossom so that today your
vibrations and your fragrance should spread across the world, cleanse its sludge and eliminate the filth of this ocean of illusion
[Maya Sagar]. When looking at it, one may wonder how it is possible, Mataji is making a big statement. But this is a continuous
process [Silsila] and, when the destination has arrived in front you, then thinking, "Why it has arrived? How has it come? How can
this happen? When you were walking, did the destination not arrive? When you were seeking, will you not get your place?"! But,
when you have got it, why should there be any doubts about it? Today, I want to tell you about three powers that the Almighty is
one. He is not two or many. I am just one. I am not many. But I am your Mataji, my husband’s wife, my kids’ mother, I am your
heavenly mother, their worldly mother. Similarly, even the Almighty has three forms, three aspects. In the first aspect, He is the
Witness Form [Sakshi Swaroop]. He is the Witness to His play, of His power, Shakti, that He watches. We call Him Ishwar. We call
His power, Ishwareeya Shakti or Ishwari. In our Sahaja Yoga, we call this the power of Mahakali. The moment when this witness
form of His comes to an end, meaning when He doesn’t want to see anything else, He dislikes something, He shuts His eyes to
the play of His Shakti, at that time everything comes to an end. That is why we call it as the power of destruction [Sanhārak
Shakti]. In reality, it is not destructive [Sanhārak]. But it actually does all the organisational work for whole of the world’s affairs
and ends it too. The second power that the Almighty utilizes is His Trigunātmika Shakti, with which He creates the whole world.
All the huge planets, stars are created and an immensely pure Earth is created in this manner. In this state, the Almighty is known
as Hiranyagarbha and His wife is Hiranyagarbhini. In our Sahaja Yoga, we call this Mahasaraswati. The third power of the
Almighty is the Virāta form, the power of Virāta because of which creatures are born in this world. They achieve their evolution.
Animals evolve into humans and humans [Mānav] evolve into super humans [Ati mānav], and the super humans evolve into the
Almighty [Parmātma]. This power of Virat is known as Mahalakshmi in Sahaja Yoga. In this way, there are three powers of the
Almighty that spread His splendour. The first power is known as Ishwari Shakti, the second is Hiranyagarbhini, and the third is
Viraatangna. Sahaja Yoga work is the work of Viraat. The Almighty has bestowed all the three powers in humans too. With one
power, whatever is dead, man collects. This is the power of Mahakali. With another power, man does all the future planning,
thinking or reflection. This is the power of Mahasaraswati. The power with which he achieves his evolution is the power of
Mahalakshmi. All these three powers integrate in the body of the Viraat, in His Sahasrara. He is the Adi Purush [Primordial Man].
The Almighty has made all the arrangements to create human beings in His own image. The Mahalakshmi power ensures Her
work is well organized for living beings. She makes so many selections, makes several choices and ascends the deserving
people, deserving animals to a certain level of evolution. But a human being gets complete freedom to achieve that state so that
in his consciousness, in his awareness, he can seek his evolution and know how he has achieved his evolution. An animal can’t
think about its evolution, but a human can think about it, can see it and can know it too when these vibrations start flowing
through his hands. The destination has arrived. You all have reached courtyard. How easy. And Sahaja is all this. But humans
have really complicated themselves too much. It becomes very difficult for a human being to live with simplicity and innocence.
Religion is nothing else but simplicity and innocence. But when so many brains are involved, how can we talk of innocence? That
is why many small children attain realization very easily because they are innocent. Many things are happening in Kali Yuga that
you probably aren’t aware of. As soon as the power of Virāta is strengthened, at the same time the powers of many people who
were downgraded to hell [Pātāl] like waste materials, whom we say ‘rakshasas’, grow remarkably too. Both the powers are
competing against each other. One power is dead and the other is living. The dead energy can never be stronger than the living
power. However, the living power is very sensitive. For this reason, it is difficult for it to flourish. A plastic flower can never be
more beautiful or more important than a real flower. Thousands of plastic flowers can be made but just one or two natural
flowers bloom. That is why those who have thrived in Sahaja Yoga, who have achieved in Sahaja Yoga, they also wither, then
thrive again, and then again wither. Like a mother nurtures her child with utmost care and love, likewise Sahaja Yoga nurtures
and nourishes. But the child also has a power by which it must recognize its powers. Through Sahaja Yoga, man can attain the
highest state in a short span of time, for which the great saints and sages had to take thousands of births and had to do austere
penance for thousands of years, and meditate for ages. We are extremely fortunate that we are born in this special era. We are
normal people born for unusual work. This unusual force is working from behind the curtain, helping you. The ordinary people
have been chosen by Virata to reside its Sahastrāra, because the ordinary has the Power, not the extraordinary. In Sahaja Yoga
the foremost thing is that there should be innocence and peace within. Peace is satisfaction. Someone or the other has some
sorrow, some grief, some confusion. A gentleman in London started saying, “There is a fierce war ongoing in Vietnam, what are
you talking about?” I replied, “Are you going to Vietnam? Are you the Prime Minister? Why are you so bothered? You watch your
inner Self.” We shouldn’t fill our lives with small, trivial problems. Your eye can get damaged even if a small speck goes in your
eye. This is not significant. Be peaceful, because the time has come when the Kingdom of God is going to established on this
earth. Be content. Sahaja yogis should be more peaceful than other people. They must be full of satisfaction and fill the whole
world with their joy. Sahaja Yoga will demonstrate the innate miracles. A forceful churn is going on, shake-up is going on. Some
of you here are new people who have come, some are quite old. Some new people easily reach great levels while some older
ones are still sitting here. The one who has faith in the limitless grace of God Almighty [Paramatma], knows that He is the creator
of the entire universe and it is He who helps us sail through, such a person achieves realization in Sahaja Yoga instantaneously
and establishes himself. And once he settles down, he never regresses. Strengthen your faith because such a thing is flowing
through your hands. You have witnessed its miracles. Believe in yourself. Know yourself. A lot more is happening. I have seen
many children, small children, being born, they are actually those great saints, your fathers and forefathers who are taking rebirth
to help you all. Within 10 to 12 years, many great people will come in this world. Preparations are going on for their welcome.
They were hung on a cross; they were beaten. They are all going to take rebirth now. A new era will dawn upon this world. There
is a small waiting time now. Have faith in God. The essence, blessings and hope of all the religions is that man will get
connected to God and become the truth. Now, we will go into meditation for some time. There isn’t anything to do. Within you the
seed which is in a dormant state, will flourish. Close your eyes and witness your thoughts. People who are unwell, in physical
pain, tormented because of lack of the blessings of the Goddess Lakshmi [financial problems] and other types of problems, they
all will get solutions to all their problems. However, feeling of the real (unclear) is most important. Everyone should place their
hands like this in front of me. All that is dead from the past, your knowledge, sorrows, troubles and all the plans about the future,
hopes, disappointments, and all worldly things that are troubling you, leave them now at this moment, and get awakened. Only by
being in the present, will this fourth dimension open. It is not in the future or the past, that’s why you should get it at this moment.
Only this moment is important, and as you are sitting down now, you have to make this jump and progress further. To get
awakened in this moment, is Sahaja yoga, is spontaneous salvation. Don’t move and with your eyes closed take your attention to
your forehead, to your Sahasrara. Take your attention to where the fontanelle bone area is. Don’t force it. With ease, just think
about what’s happening on the top. Like sitting down here, you think about the matters of your home peacefully. And slowly in
your hands, is possible that some of you might feel little heat. You can shake your hands if you are feeling heat. If there is no
heat, then keep your hands straight like this, and you will feel that there is a cool breeze coming from inside. If you take your
attention to the forehead, you will see that there are no thoughts. This is thoughtlessness, you will become thoughtless. Just sit
with complete peace from within. Tell you mind that, "You are trying to tell me many things and don’t try to trick me. I want to go
there." This mind that is tricking you, is testing you, you ask it to stop. Sahaja Yoga works in collectivity, it’s not for one person,
it’s not individual. You all are the pores of one collective being [Virat]. It doesn’t depend on one person. You will know that you are
the parts of one body. You are not alone in collective consciousness [Samuhik Chetna]. You are all part and parcel of the same
body. There isn’t the other. You will feel that everyone is our own. People who have come for the first time and haven’t been here
before, please stay seated. Those who have been here before, have had their realisation and understand, they can get up slowly
and move to the back one by one and stand at the back and look after others. Please don’t disturb others, move slowly to the
back. Those who have just come, please stay seated with eyes closed. The new people who can feel vibrations on their hands,
who can feel something flowing through their hands, please raise your hand. [Hindi to English Translation v2] 1975-01-23
Seminar Mumbai, (Hindi) [Translation] Just like a gardener cultivates a garden, and nurtures it with love, and then he watches out
for the blooming flowers in the garden. The joy the gardener feels upon seeing those flowers is inexplicable. The name “Krishna”
is derived , from Krishi, Krishi – you know is agriculture. During Shri Krishna’s time it was primarily agriculture, and, during
Christ’s time it was irrigated with his blood. The fertile land of This world has been adorned by so many incarnations before.
Today, in this age of Kaliyuga, the time has come when we can witness the blossoming of that farming, to breathe in the
fragrance of those flowers. These vibrations (Chaitanya Lehriyān) flowing from your hands is the same fragrance, because of
which the entire world, the entire creation and the entire nature is functioning. But, today you are those chosen flowers, chosen
over the ages, to blossom so that today your vibrations and your fragrance should spread across the world, cleanse its sludge
and eliminate the filth of this ocean of illusion (Maya Sagar). When looking at it, one may wonder how it is possible? Mataji is
making a big statement. But, this is a continuous process (Silsila), and, when the destination has arrived in front you, then
thinking why it has arrived? How has it come? How can this happen? When you were walking, did the destination not arrive?
When you were seeking, will you not get your place? But, when you have got it, why should there be any doubts about it? Today, I
want to tell you about three powers that the Almighty is one. He is not two or many. I am just one. I am not many. But, I am your
Mataji, my husband’s wife, my kids’ mother, I am your heavenly mother, their worldly mother. Similarly, even the Almighty has
three forms, three aspects. In the first aspect, He is the Witness Form (Sakshi Swaroop). He is the Witness to His play of his
power, shakti , that He watches. We call Him Ishwar. We call His power – Ishwareeya Shakti or Ishwari. In our Sahaja Yoga, we
call this, the power of Mahakali. The moment when this witness form of His comes to an end, meaning when He doesn’t want to
see anything else, He dislikes something, He shuts His eyes to the play of his /shakti, at that time, everything comes to an end.
That is why we call it, as the power of destruction (Sanhārak Shakti). In reality, it is not destructive (Sanhārak). But, it actually
does all the organisation work for the whole of the world’s affairs and ends it too. The second power that the Almighty utilizes is
His Trigunātmika Shakti, with which he creates the whole world. All the huge planets, stars are created and an immensely pure
Earth is created in this manner. In this state, the Almighty is known as Hiranyagarbha and His wife is Hiranyagarbhini. In our
Sahaja Yoga, we call this Mahasaraswati. The third power of the Almighty is the Virāta form, the power of Virāta because of
which creatures are born in this world. They achieve their evolution. Animals evolve into humans and humans (Mānav) evolve
into superhumans (Ati mānav), and the super humans evolve into the Almighty (Parmātma). This power of Viraat is known as
Mahalakshmi in Sahaja Yoga. In this way, there are three powers of the Almighty that spread His splendour. The first power is
known as Ishwari Shakti, the second is Hiranyagarbhini, and the third is Viraatangna. Sahaja Yoga work is the work of Viraat. The
Almighty has bestowed all the three powers in humans too. With one power, whatever is dead, man collects. This is the power of
Mahakali. With another power, man does all the future planning, thinking or reflection- this is the power of Mahasaraswati. The
power with which he achieves his evolution is the power of Mahalakshmi. All these three powers integrate in the body of the
Viraat, in his Sahasrara. He is the Adi Purush (Primordial man). The Almighty has made all the arrangements to create human
beings in his own image. The Mahalakshmi power ensures Her work is well organized for living beings. She makes so many
selections, makes several choices and ascends the deserving people, deserving animals to a certain level of evolution(unclear).
But, a human being gets complete freedom to achieve that state so that in his consciousness, in his awareness, he can seek his
evolution and know how he has achieved his evolution. An animal can’t think about its evolution, but a human can think about it,
can see it, and can know it too, when these vibrations start flowing through his hands. The destination has arrived. You all have
reached the courtyard. How easy and Sahaja is all this, but humans have really complicated themselves, too much. It becomes
very difficult for a human being to live with simplicity and innocence. Religion is nothing else but simplicity and innocence. But
when so many brains are involved, how can we talk of innocence? That is why many small children attain realization very easily
because they are innocent. Many things are happening in kaliyuga that you probably aren’t aware of. As soon as the power of
Virāta is strengthened , at the same time the powers of many people who were downgraded to hell (Pātāl) like waste materials
whom we say ‘rakshasas’, grow remarkably too. Both the powers are competing against each other. One power is dead and the
other is living. The dead energy can never be stronger than the living power. However, the living power is very sensitive . For this
reason, it is difficult for it to flourish. A plastic flower can never be more beautiful or more important than a real flower.
Thousands of plastic flowers can be made, but just one or two natural flowers bloom. That is why those who have thrived in
Sahaja Yoga, who have achieved in Sahaja Yoga, they also wither, then thrive again, and then again wither. Like a mother
nurtures her child with utmost care and love, likewise, Sahaja Yoga nurtures and nourishes. But the child also has a power by
which it must recognize its powers. Through Sahaja Yoga man can attain the highest state in a short span of time, for which the
great saints and sages had to take thousands of births and had to do austere penance for thousands of years, and meditate for
ages. We are extremely fortunate that we are born in this special era. We are normal people born for unusual work. This unusual
force is working from behind the curtain , helping you. The ordinary people have been chosen by Virata to reside in His
Sahasrāra, because the ordinary has the power, not the extraordinary . In Sahaja Yoga the foremost thing is that there should be
innocence and peace within. Peace is satisfaction. Someone or the other has some sorrow, some grief, some confusion. A
gentleman in London started saying, “there is a fierce war ongoing in Vietnam, what are you talking about?” I replied, “are you
going to Vietnam? Are you the Prime Minister? Why are you so bothered? You watch your inner self.” We shouldn’t fill our lives
with small, trivial problems. Your eye can get damaged even if a small speck goes in your eye. . This is not significant. Be
peaceful, because the time has come when the kingdom of God is going to be established on this earth. Be content. Sahaja yogis
should be more peaceful than other people. They must be full of satisfaction and fill the whole world with their joy. Sahaja Yoga
will demonstrate the innate miracles. A forceful churn is going on, shake-up is going on. Some of you here are new people who
have come, some are quite old. Some new people easily reach great levels while some older ones are still sitting here. The one
who has faith in the limitless grace of God Almighty (Paramatma), knows that He is the creator of the entire universe and it is He
who helps us sail through, such a person achieves realization in Sahaja Yoga instantaneously and establishes himself. And once
he settles down, he never regresses. Strengthen your faith because such a thing is flowing through your hands. You have
witnessed its miracles. Believe in yourself. Know yourself. A lot more is happening. I have seen many children, small children,
being born. They are actually those great saints, your fathers and forefathers who are taking rebirth to help you all. Within 10 to
12 years, many great people will come in this world. Preparations are going on for their welcome. They were hung on a cross,
they were beaten. They are all going to take rebirth now. A new era will dawn upon this world. There is a small waiting time now.
Have faith in God. The essence, blessings and hope of all the religions is that man will get connected to God and become the
truth. Now, we will go into meditation for some time. There isn’t anything to do. Within you the seed which is in a dormant state,
will flourish. | null | null | null | “Teen Shaktiyan” “Three Powers”, Seminar & Meeting, 21st January 1975, Mumbai (Dadar) [Hindi to English Translation v1] Just
like a gardener cultivates a garden and nurtures it with love, and then he watches out for the blooming flowers in the garden, the
joy the gardener feels upon seeing those flowers is inexplicable. The name 'Krishna' is derived from 'Krishi'. 'Krishi', you know, is
'agriculture'. During Shri Krishna’s time it was primarily agriculture, and during Christ’s time it was irrigated with his blood. The
fertile land of this world has been adorned by so many incarnations before. Today, in this age of Kali Yuga, the time has come
when we can witness the blossoming of of that farming, to breathe in the fragrance of those flowers. These vibrations
[Chaitanya Lehriyān] flowing from your hands is the same fragrance, because of which the entire world, the entire creation and
the entire nature is functioning. But today you are those chosen flowers, chosen over the ages, to blossom so that today your
vibrations and your fragrance should spread across the world, cleanse its sludge and eliminate the filth of this ocean of illusion
[Maya Sagar]. When looking at it, one may wonder how it is possible, Mataji is making a big statement. But this is a continuous
process [Silsila] and, when the destination has arrived in front you, then thinking, "Why it has arrived? How has it come? How can
this happen? When you were walking, did the destination not arrive? When you were seeking, will you not get your place?"! But,
when you have got it, why should there be any doubts about it? Today, I want to tell you about three powers that the Almighty is
one. He is not two or many. I am just one. I am not many. But I am your Mataji, my husband’s wife, my kids’ mother, I am your
heavenly mother, their worldly mother. Similarly, even the Almighty has three forms, three aspects. In the first aspect, He is the
Witness Form [Sakshi Swaroop]. He is the Witness to His play, of His power, Shakti, that He watches. We call Him Ishwar. We call
His power, Ishwareeya Shakti or Ishwari. In our Sahaja Yoga, we call this the power of Mahakali. The moment when this witness
form of His comes to an end, meaning when He doesn’t want to see anything else, He dislikes something, He shuts His eyes to
the play of His Shakti, at that time everything comes to an end. That is why we call it as the power of destruction [Sanhārak
Shakti]. In reality, it is not destructive [Sanhārak]. But it actually does all the organisational work for whole of the world’s affairs
and ends it too. The second power that the Almighty utilizes is His Trigunātmika Shakti, with which He creates the whole world.
All the huge planets, stars are created and an immensely pure Earth is created in this manner. In this state, the Almighty is known
as Hiranyagarbha and His wife is Hiranyagarbhini. In our Sahaja Yoga, we call this Mahasaraswati. The third power of the
Almighty is the Virāta form, the power of Virāta because of which creatures are born in this world. They achieve their evolution.
Animals evolve into humans and humans [Mānav] evolve into super humans [Ati mānav], and the super humans evolve into the
Almighty [Parmātma]. This power of Virat is known as Mahalakshmi in Sahaja Yoga. In this way, there are three powers of the
Almighty that spread His splendour. The first power is known as Ishwari Shakti, the second is Hiranyagarbhini, and the third is
Viraatangna. Sahaja Yoga work is the work of Viraat. The Almighty has bestowed all the three powers in humans too. With one
power, whatever is dead, man collects. This is the power of Mahakali. With another power, man does all the future planning,
thinking or reflection. This is the power of Mahasaraswati. The power with which he achieves his evolution is the power of
Mahalakshmi. All these three powers integrate in the body of the Viraat, in His Sahasrara. He is the Adi Purush [Primordial Man].
The Almighty has made all the arrangements to create human beings in His own image. The Mahalakshmi power ensures Her
work is well organized for living beings. She makes so many selections, makes several choices and ascends the deserving
people, deserving animals to a certain level of evolution. But a human being gets complete freedom to achieve that state so that
in his consciousness, in his awareness, he can seek his evolution and know how he has achieved his evolution. An animal can’t
think about its evolution, but a human can think about it, can see it and can know it too when these vibrations start flowing
through his hands. The destination has arrived. You all have reached courtyard. How easy. And Sahaja is all this. But humans
have really complicated themselves too much. It becomes very difficult for a human being to live with simplicity and innocence.
Religion is nothing else but simplicity and innocence. But when so many brains are involved, how can we talk of innocence? That
is why many small children attain realization very easily because they are innocent. Many things are happening in Kali Yuga that
you probably aren’t aware of. As soon as the power of Virāta is strengthened, at the same time the powers of many people who
were downgraded to hell [Pātāl] like waste materials, whom we say ‘rakshasas’, grow remarkably too. Both the powers are
competing against each other. One power is dead and the other is living. The dead energy can never be stronger than the living
power. However, the living power is very sensitive. For this reason, it is difficult for it to flourish. A plastic flower can never be
more beautiful or more important than a real flower. Thousands of plastic flowers can be made but just one or two natural
flowers bloom. That is why those who have thrived in Sahaja Yoga, who have achieved in Sahaja Yoga, they also wither, then
thrive again, and then again wither. Like a mother nurtures her child with utmost care and love, likewise Sahaja Yoga nurtures
and nourishes. But the child also has a power by which it must recognize its powers. Through Sahaja Yoga, man can attain the
highest state in a short span of time, for which the great saints and sages had to take thousands of births and had to do austere
penance for thousands of years, and meditate for ages. We are extremely fortunate that we are born in this special era. We are
normal people born for unusual work. This unusual force is working from behind the curtain, helping you. The ordinary people
have been chosen by Virata to reside its Sahastrāra, because the ordinary has the Power, not the extraordinary. In Sahaja Yoga
the foremost thing is that there should be innocence and peace within. Peace is satisfaction. Someone or the other has some
sorrow, some grief, some confusion. A gentleman in London started saying, “There is a fierce war ongoing in Vietnam, what are
you talking about?” I replied, “Are you going to Vietnam? Are you the Prime Minister? Why are you so bothered? You watch your
inner Self.” We shouldn’t fill our lives with small, trivial problems. Your eye can get damaged even if a small speck goes in your
eye. This is not significant. Be peaceful, because the time has come when the Kingdom of God is going to established on this
earth. Be content. Sahaja yogis should be more peaceful than other people. They must be full of satisfaction and fill the whole
world with their joy. Sahaja Yoga will demonstrate the innate miracles. A forceful churn is going on, shake-up is going on. Some
of you here are new people who have come, some are quite old. Some new people easily reach great levels while some older
ones are still sitting here. The one who has faith in the limitless grace of God Almighty [Paramatma], knows that He is the creator
of the entire universe and it is He who helps us sail through, such a person achieves realization in Sahaja Yoga instantaneously
and establishes himself. And once he settles down, he never regresses. Strengthen your faith because such a thing is flowing
through your hands. You have witnessed its miracles. Believe in yourself. Know yourself. A lot more is happening. I have seen
many children, small children, being born, they are actually those great saints, your fathers and forefathers who are taking rebirth
to help you all. Within 10 to 12 years, many great people will come in this world. Preparations are going on for their welcome.
They were hung on a cross; they were beaten. They are all going to take rebirth now. A new era will dawn upon this world. There
is a small waiting time now. Have faith in God. The essence, blessings and hope of all the religions is that man will get
connected to God and become the truth. Now, we will go into meditation for some time. There isn’t anything to do. Within you the
seed which is in a dormant state, will flourish. Close your eyes and witness your thoughts. People who are unwell, in physical
pain, tormented because of lack of the blessings of the Goddess Lakshmi [financial problems] and other types of problems, they
all will get solutions to all their problems. However, feeling of the real (unclear) is most important. Everyone should place their
hands like this in front of me. All that is dead from the past, your knowledge, sorrows, troubles and all the plans about the future,
hopes, disappointments, and all worldly things that are troubling you, leave them now at this moment, and get awakened. Only by
being in the present, will this fourth dimension open. It is not in the future or the past, that’s why you should get it at this moment.
Only this moment is important, and as you are sitting down now, you have to make this jump and progress further. To get
awakened in this moment, is Sahaja yoga, is spontaneous salvation. Don’t move and with your eyes closed take your attention to
your forehead, to your Sahasrara. Take your attention to where the fontanelle bone area is. Don’t force it. With ease, just think
about what’s happening on the top. Like sitting down here, you think about the matters of your home peacefully. And slowly in
your hands, is possible that some of you might feel little heat. You can shake your hands if you are feeling heat. If there is no
heat, then keep your hands straight like this, and you will feel that there is a cool breeze coming from inside. If you take your
attention to the forehead, you will see that there are no thoughts. This is thoughtlessness, you will become thoughtless. Just sit
with complete peace from within. Tell you mind that, "You are trying to tell me many things and don’t try to trick me. I want to go
there." This mind that is tricking you, is testing you, you ask it to stop. Sahaja Yoga works in collectivity, it’s not for one person,
it’s not individual. You all are the pores of one collective being [Virat]. It doesn’t depend on one person. You will know that you are
the parts of one body. You are not alone in collective consciousness [Samuhik Chetna]. You are all part and parcel of the same
body. There isn’t the other. You will feel that everyone is our own. People who have come for the first time and haven’t been here
before, please stay seated. Those who have been here before, have had their realisation and understand, they can get up slowly
and move to the back one by one and stand at the back and look after others. Please don’t disturb others, move slowly to the
back. Those who have just come, please stay seated with eyes closed. The new people who can feel vibrations on their hands,
who can feel something flowing through their hands, please raise your hand. [Hindi to English Translation v2] 1975-01-23
Seminar Mumbai, (Hindi) [Translation] Just like a gardener cultivates a garden, and nurtures it with love, and then he watches out
for the blooming flowers in the garden. The joy the gardener feels upon seeing those flowers is inexplicable. The name “Krishna”
is derived , from Krishi, Krishi – you know is agriculture. During Shri Krishna’s time it was primarily agriculture, and, during
Christ’s time it was irrigated with his blood. The fertile land of This world has been adorned by so many incarnations before.
Today, in this age of Kaliyuga, the time has come when we can witness the blossoming of that farming, to breathe in the
fragrance of those flowers. These vibrations (Chaitanya Lehriyān) flowing from your hands is the same fragrance, because of
which the entire world, the entire creation and the entire nature is functioning. But, today you are those chosen flowers, chosen
over the ages, to blossom so that today your vibrations and your fragrance should spread across the world, cleanse its sludge
and eliminate the filth of this ocean of illusion (Maya Sagar). When looking at it, one may wonder how it is possible? Mataji is
making a big statement. But, this is a continuous process (Silsila), and, when the destination has arrived in front you, then
thinking why it has arrived? How has it come? How can this happen? When you were walking, did the destination not arrive?
When you were seeking, will you not get your place? But, when you have got it, why should there be any doubts about it? Today, I
want to tell you about three powers that the Almighty is one. He is not two or many. I am just one. I am not many. But, I am your
Mataji, my husband’s wife, my kids’ mother, I am your heavenly mother, their worldly mother. Similarly, even the Almighty has
three forms, three aspects. In the first aspect, He is the Witness Form (Sakshi Swaroop). He is the Witness to His play of his
power, shakti , that He watches. We call Him Ishwar. We call His power – Ishwareeya Shakti or Ishwari. In our Sahaja Yoga, we
call this, the power of Mahakali. The moment when this witness form of His comes to an end, meaning when He doesn’t want to
see anything else, He dislikes something, He shuts His eyes to the play of his /shakti, at that time, everything comes to an end.
That is why we call it, as the power of destruction (Sanhārak Shakti). In reality, it is not destructive (Sanhārak). But, it actually
does all the organisation work for the whole of the world’s affairs and ends it too. The second power that the Almighty utilizes is
His Trigunātmika Shakti, with which he creates the whole world. All the huge planets, stars are created and an immensely pure
Earth is created in this manner. In this state, the Almighty is known as Hiranyagarbha and His wife is Hiranyagarbhini. In our
Sahaja Yoga, we call this Mahasaraswati. The third power of the Almighty is the Virāta form, the power of Virāta because of
which creatures are born in this world. They achieve their evolution. Animals evolve into humans and humans (Mānav) evolve
into superhumans (Ati mānav), and the super humans evolve into the Almighty (Parmātma). This power of Viraat is known as
Mahalakshmi in Sahaja Yoga. In this way, there are three powers of the Almighty that spread His splendour. The first power is
known as Ishwari Shakti, the second is Hiranyagarbhini, and the third is Viraatangna. Sahaja Yoga work is the work of Viraat. The
Almighty has bestowed all the three powers in humans too. With one power, whatever is dead, man collects. This is the power of
Mahakali. With another power, man does all the future planning, thinking or reflection- this is the power of Mahasaraswati. The
power with which he achieves his evolution is the power of Mahalakshmi. All these three powers integrate in the body of the
Viraat, in his Sahasrara. He is the Adi Purush (Primordial man). The Almighty has made all the arrangements to create human
beings in his own image. The Mahalakshmi power ensures Her work is well organized for living beings. She makes so many
selections, makes several choices and ascends the deserving people, deserving animals to a certain level of evolution(unclear).
But, a human being gets complete freedom to achieve that state so that in his consciousness, in his awareness, he can seek his
evolution and know how he has achieved his evolution. An animal can’t think about its evolution, but a human can think about it,
can see it, and can know it too, when these vibrations start flowing through his hands. The destination has arrived. You all have
reached the courtyard. How easy and Sahaja is all this, but humans have really complicated themselves, too much. It becomes
very difficult for a human being to live with simplicity and innocence. Religion is nothing else but simplicity and innocence. But
when so many brains are involved, how can we talk of innocence? That is why many small children attain realization very easily
because they are innocent. Many things are happening in kaliyuga that you probably aren’t aware of. As soon as the power of
Virāta is strengthened , at the same time the powers of many people who were downgraded to hell (Pātāl) like waste materials
whom we say ‘rakshasas’, grow remarkably too. Both the powers are competing against each other. One power is dead and the
other is living. The dead energy can never be stronger than the living power. However, the living power is very sensitive . For this
reason, it is difficult for it to flourish. A plastic flower can never be more beautiful or more important than a real flower.
Thousands of plastic flowers can be made, but just one or two natural flowers bloom. That is why those who have thrived in
Sahaja Yoga, who have achieved in Sahaja Yoga, they also wither, then thrive again, and then again wither. Like a mother
nurtures her child with utmost care and love, likewise, Sahaja Yoga nurtures and nourishes. But the child also has a power by
which it must recognize its powers. Through Sahaja Yoga man can attain the highest state in a short span of time, for which the
great saints and sages had to take thousands of births and had to do austere penance for thousands of years, and meditate for
ages. We are extremely fortunate that we are born in this special era. We are normal people born for unusual work. This unusual
force is working from behind the curtain , helping you. The ordinary people have been chosen by Virata to reside in His
Sahasrāra, because the ordinary has the power, not the extraordinary . In Sahaja Yoga the foremost thing is that there should be
innocence and peace within. Peace is satisfaction. Someone or the other has some sorrow, some grief, some confusion. A
gentleman in London started saying, “there is a fierce war ongoing in Vietnam, what are you talking about?” I replied, “are you
going to Vietnam? Are you the Prime Minister? Why are you so bothered? You watch your inner self.” We shouldn’t fill our lives
with small, trivial problems. Your eye can get damaged even if a small speck goes in your eye. . This is not significant. Be
peaceful, because the time has come when the kingdom of God is going to be established on this earth. Be content. Sahaja yogis
should be more peaceful than other people. They must be full of satisfaction and fill the whole world with their joy. Sahaja Yoga
will demonstrate the innate miracles. A forceful churn is going on, shake-up is going on. Some of you here are new people who
have come, some are quite old. Some new people easily reach great levels while some older ones are still sitting here. The one
who has faith in the limitless grace of God Almighty (Paramatma), knows that He is the creator of the entire universe and it is He
who helps us sail through, such a person achieves realization in Sahaja Yoga instantaneously and establishes himself. And once
he settles down, he never regresses. Strengthen your faith because such a thing is flowing through your hands. You have
witnessed its miracles. Believe in yourself. Know yourself. A lot more is happening. I have seen many children, small children,
being born. They are actually those great saints, your fathers and forefathers who are taking rebirth to help you all. Within 10 to
12 years, many great people will come in this world. Preparations are going on for their welcome. They were hung on a cross,
they were beaten. They are all going to take rebirth now. A new era will dawn upon this world. There is a small waiting time now.
Have faith in God. The essence, blessings and hope of all the religions is that man will get connected to God and become the
truth. Now, we will go into meditation for some time. There isn’t anything to do. Within you the seed which is in a dormant state,
will flourish. |
1/22/1975 | | Talk, Bholepana ani nirvicharitecha killa | India | Mumbai | null | null | Draft | null | Draft | Y | N | N | Talk to Sahaja Yogis | Marathi | 31 | Talk, Bholepana ani nirvicharitecha killa [Marathi to English Translation] Yesterday, at the Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, I spoke about
the 3 powers of the Divine. Many people who were present said that a lot of things that were told went over their heads. [They
couldn’t understand a lot of what Mother was saying.] So it is best that I tell you only the things that go through the heart. It is
true. The brain cannot comprehend such things. Many people who claim to be very educated/learned are not able to take to
Sahaja. I have seen many such cases. And then there are people – the ones who are not educated, who don’t even have proper
means of livelihood – I have seen Sahaja manifests in them very beautifully. You cannot understand God through education.
Although if I say this, all the big shots in the education industry would come after me! You may be able to understand how the
everyday world works through education. But to grasp the workings of the divine you need different ways, different qualities. Out
of them, the most important one is the quality of ‘Bholepana’ - which translates to 'innocence' in English. Children have
innocence in them. Although you will find a few grown-ups who are also very innocent. They get cheated, people take advantage
of their innocence and trouble them a lot. Hence all the saints have suffered at the hands of people in this world, and they still
do. That is what makes me feel sad at times. All you people who have got your realization – that is what you are – saints. Not
only saints but you are the members of the divine kingdom. The same ones that have been described in the Puranas [ancient
Indian scriptures]. These gods have now been awakened inside of you all. So it is obvious that the bhoots [evils] will try to take
you away from this state of divinity and trouble you. I say, "Let them." They can only trouble you to a certain extent – until they
reach their limits. Their powers are restricted to the 3 dimensions of this world. At the most they may harm you physically or
emotionally. And you may suffer those pains as well. But there is a solution – I have shown you a fort inside yourselves – the fort
of Nirvicharita [thoughtless awareness]. Be assured that no one can even touch you if you establish yourself inside that fort.
Always keep that in mind. But you must form a habit to make yourself sit inside it. They call Shri Krishna as Ranchhoddas [the
one who runs away from battlegrounds]. That is what it is – running away from these negativities into that fort where you are
safe from all harm. There are indeed a lot of negativities out there: black magic, people practicing all sorts of dark arts, troubling
the good ones. We are all aware of all this. But you should be able to challenge all these negativities to come and try attacking
you in that fort of your thoughtless awareness. So you should never forget this fort. This safe haven that had never been granted
to humans before, has now been made available to you through great difficulties. Let us see which negativity has the nerve to
even get close to you! Such is the power of this fort. You need to establish yourself inside it. Even if your family members oppose
you, even if the society, the entire world opposes you, you should be able to establish your foothold inside that fort. And not only
that but we also need to pull others inside it. And then all these negative people [the ones practicing the dark arts] will realize
that all their efforts are futile, that they are powerless against this giant fortress of our united forts. All these people are doing
nothing but digging their own graves, opening the gates to hell through their own hands. There is no need to be scared - but be
alert. So if you are all prepared, let us create that giant fortress. There is no force strong enough to face the Goddess in this Kali
Yuga; no one with the nerve to stand up to me and challenge me. Only a few who try attacking my children from the back, so
don’t pay attention there. Be assured that no harm will come your way – but you need to keep the roof of that fort above your
head and not fall into their trap. I came to know of few such people in Dadar [an area in Mumbai, India] who practiced the dark
arts. These false gurus have destroyed many a home so far. They are still out there. I can see a few sitting here. These people
are selling bhoots [negativity] under the name of God. That is worse than making money in the name of God. It would be hard for
the divine to forgive all such people. Such people will never be pardoned. They put these bands and strings around the wrists of
people and send them home packing with all sorts of bhoots. I was amazed that this sort of business is going on in London too,
and on a much larger scale. Like London had turned into a city of bhoots. Christ – who had warned against walking the path of
such bhoots – the so-called followers of the same Christ, these Christians, are now scavenging the graveyards for blood and
ashes and are practicing these dark arts. Christ had spoken to great lengths about them and the damages they cause. So had
Nanak. And now all these Christians of England – who used to rule over India once – have now been possessed by the bhoots.
The streets and alleys of London are rampant with businesses selling bhoot vidya [the knowledge of dark arts]. And when I speak
out against them, the people there don’t accept it. The only difference is the people out here in India sell it under the name of God
while people out there sell it as it is: the art of Satan, witchcraft, etc. There is no falsity there like we have in India. But those arts
have been ‘exported’ there from India. All those false gurus who went there from India have now become rich businessman, each
with multiple Rolls Royces [luxury cars]. This is what the situation is in England. And it is no less worse in India. You need to first
decide as to what you want: Dharma [Righteousness] or adharma [iniquity]. If you want Dharma then you need to stand on truth.
For those that are looking for untruth, I don’t have it, I don’t have chamatkars [magic tricks], I won’t pull out rings to give you if
you want those sorts of things. I have meditation. I want to teach you the art to unlock the great potential placed inside of you by
the divine. I want to ask all these false gurus who are doing such gimmicks like giving out rings, "Why don’t you give them to the
poor in India, why not solve their problems, why do you entertain only the rich?" And it is surprising that the rich are stupid
enough to go to such people. Such is the state of affairs. The divine will never forgive such people. What you are not aware of is
the fact that the reason this country is facing such a pitiable state, is because of all these bhoots. So never seek help from such
people. If you are expecting monetary benefits, never stand at their doorstep. All the blessings including wealth and even much
beyond, all of them are encompassed by the Dharma. All of it is created by Dharma alone. There is nothing that exists beyond it.
And that what exists beyond cannot be described to you. Generations of hell if you wish to suffer them, if you want to get out of
the cycle of human birth and step into the one of insects, only then you may walk on the path of this bhoot vidya. You need to
stand up and speak out loud against it. And you shouldn’t be scared to do that. All these false magical gimmicks should end. The
real magic that exists inside of you should manifest, the light of divine should shine inside of you. And the flowers that bloom in
that divine joy everywhere, the scent from them should spread everywhere so that this mess of a dirt gets transformed into a
lake of lotuses. The time has come. The entire nature is ready to assist you. The Pancha-Maha-Bhootas [the five elements] are
standing at your side to help you out. All the great incarnations are showering blessings upon you to carry out this great task.
Everyone is fully prepared to help you out in every imaginable way. It is now up to the humans to make a decision, "Are you going
to stand up in Dharma or take to Adharma? What do you want: truth or untruth?" It is not possible to buy truth. Those who have
made a business out of god, those who have made a mockery of Dharma by fooling and cheating the innocent, all those will have
to suffer for their sins. But the biggest sin of all is to torture the saints. There is no greater sin than distracting the seekers from
their path to seek God. And the punishment for that sin is so horrific that it cannot be described. So never take to such evil.
Dharma is beautiful, it is guiding, it is loving, it is encompassing. It is all of those qualities in the extreme. But it also is equally
destructive. It can scorch and burn everything and everyone out. It has got the very same qualities of Agni [fire], bear that in
mind. Today, we are giving so much pain to our very own loved ones: our mothers, sisters, children. It is only the humans
themselves who are harming their fellow human beings. No one else is responsible except them alone. They are the ones slitting
each other’s throats. And the reason this is happening is because the rakshasas [demons] have entered the humans. And inside
the human, resides the bhakta [devotee] as well. So it is obvious that the demon would want to slit the devotee’s throat – that is
what rakshasas do. But it doesn’t end there – the situation is worse as the rakshasas have entered the saints as well. The one
who I have made my daughter, my son, my child – there is a rakshasa already present inside. And this becomes a dilemma for
me: I can’t kill this child of mine, neither can I bring it closer to myself. How helpless can a mother get in a situation like this! The
child, whom the mother has come to visit, is hosting a bhoot in its head. Now what can I do? Throw away all those rakshasas
who are dancing on your heads! Why are you carrying them with all that pride? What good have they ever done to you? The sun,
the sea – the whole of nature has given up against this stupidity of humans. The people troubling the saints should keep this in
their minds – if you make a saint suffer to make a few pennies, you will have to answer for it, not only in this lifetime, but all the
ones after it. I am the mother of the rakshasas as well, as I am yours. But I have been killing them to protect you. Hopefully some
of them will ascend and take births as humans, we will see. And I’ll continue killing them for your protection as I have been doing
time and again, don’t worry. But don’t you fall for their illusions. As it is, the nation is in ruins - but don’t ruin the future of coming
generations. Great souls are taking births in these times. Create something beautiful and heaven-like to welcome them on this
earth. We all [the Gods] are standing here to help you. But from where can we bring the wisdom? It is only you who can bring it to
the table – the wisdom lies within yourself. Just get that and we will take over the rest. It is true: the seed lies inside you. Vaalya
transformed into Vaalmiki. He didn’t know how to transform but he had the wisdom. When he realized that he is killing his soul
through his acts, he gave them all up once and for all. That how he transformed. It pains me tremendously, every moment, to see
you all suffer. I want to light dipas [oil lamp] - inside you all – the light of which will spread all over the world. You will be
surprised but it is going to be this country itself – India – that is going to become the light of the world. It is only a matter of time.
It is you all from this country, who are going to one day sit on top of the vibrations. And there is a reason for that. Granted,
everything is messed up in this country – but we still haven’t learnt to disrespect our mothers, we still haven’t lost that morality.
And until this situation changes, the position of this country in the Kingdom of God is not going to slide down. This country is the
Yog Bhumi, Bhog Bhumi. It has already been decided by the Gods. And you the people who have taken birth in this country, why
should you consider yourselves any lesser? Don’t compare yourselves with the folks in England. They will start crying even if
there is something wrong with the collars on their shirts. It is you who can sleep wherever, eat whatever and find joy in
everything. You are the true Sanyasis. You have the blessings of your Mother. (Shri Mataji is scolding the false gurus now.) So if
you want to go ahead and disrespect you Mother by following such negativities and befooling the innocent, so be it. And then
suffer the consequences. Granted, you can get offended by your Mother – but if there is a relationship in this world that has the
highest rank, it is that of a Mother and only in Her will you be able to find God. And it is only the mothers of this country that have
the capacity to bear so many pains. You will never find mothers like these elsewhere in the world. And is this how you honor your
mother? Stop this nonsense – return the money you have taken from people now. Give up these ways of living. (Shri Mataji turns
soft again.) So, whatever it is, right now - in this lifetime we need to get our realization. Let's eat the laadoos [sweets] first and
then we will sort out the rest. Mother has prepared such nice food for you all and then she has to scold you! But I have to do it
sometimes. So now relax and sit down to eat. And take in the amrut [nectar], the amrut of love. Let this amrut flows from you
throughout the world. Here we are – all set on changing the course of this world – and you are still involved with petty nuisances.
All these things are going to get recorded in the history of this world – keep that mind, all the people who have committed such
stupidities. All your names will be remembered and people will spit upon them. So rise up, enlighten yourself. That is all I wish to
see. Go into meditation – close your eyes. (Shri Mataji switches to Hindi- ) The talk I had to give today, it had to be in Marathi.
You see, Marathi is a very heroic language, I can’t manage to do the same in Hindi. So forgive me if I didn’t speak Hindi. I needed
to tell somethings to some specific people – it was not meant for you. (Someone in the audience asks a question referring to
some guru.) Don’t say names. At least for the time-being. You won’t know who the real guru is until you get realized, until you get
the vibratory awareness. So first learn how to get that awareness and then decide who the real gurus are. Get the eyes to see the
real guru. Till then keep all the gurus to the side. For now, you are your own guru and I am your Mother. | null | null | null | Talk, Bholepana ani nirvicharitecha killa [Marathi to English Translation] Yesterday, at the Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, I spoke about
the 3 powers of the Divine. Many people who were present said that a lot of things that were told went over their heads. [They
couldn’t understand a lot of what Mother was saying.] So it is best that I tell you only the things that go through the heart. It is
true. The brain cannot comprehend such things. Many people who claim to be very educated/learned are not able to take to
Sahaja. I have seen many such cases. And then there are people – the ones who are not educated, who don’t even have proper
means of livelihood – I have seen Sahaja manifests in them very beautifully. You cannot understand God through education.
Although if I say this, all the big shots in the education industry would come after me! You may be able to understand how the
everyday world works through education. But to grasp the workings of the divine you need different ways, different qualities. Out
of them, the most important one is the quality of ‘Bholepana’ - which translates to 'innocence' in English. Children have
innocence in them. Although you will find a few grown-ups who are also very innocent. They get cheated, people take advantage
of their innocence and trouble them a lot. Hence all the saints have suffered at the hands of people in this world, and they still
do. That is what makes me feel sad at times. All you people who have got your realization – that is what you are – saints. Not
only saints but you are the members of the divine kingdom. The same ones that have been described in the Puranas [ancient
Indian scriptures]. These gods have now been awakened inside of you all. So it is obvious that the bhoots [evils] will try to take
you away from this state of divinity and trouble you. I say, "Let them." They can only trouble you to a certain extent – until they
reach their limits. Their powers are restricted to the 3 dimensions of this world. At the most they may harm you physically or
emotionally. And you may suffer those pains as well. But there is a solution – I have shown you a fort inside yourselves – the fort
of Nirvicharita [thoughtless awareness]. Be assured that no one can even touch you if you establish yourself inside that fort.
Always keep that in mind. But you must form a habit to make yourself sit inside it. They call Shri Krishna as Ranchhoddas [the
one who runs away from battlegrounds]. That is what it is – running away from these negativities into that fort where you are
safe from all harm. There are indeed a lot of negativities out there: black magic, people practicing all sorts of dark arts, troubling
the good ones. We are all aware of all this. But you should be able to challenge all these negativities to come and try attacking
you in that fort of your thoughtless awareness. So you should never forget this fort. This safe haven that had never been granted
to humans before, has now been made available to you through great difficulties. Let us see which negativity has the nerve to
even get close to you! Such is the power of this fort. You need to establish yourself inside it. Even if your family members oppose
you, even if the society, the entire world opposes you, you should be able to establish your foothold inside that fort. And not only
that but we also need to pull others inside it. And then all these negative people [the ones practicing the dark arts] will realize
that all their efforts are futile, that they are powerless against this giant fortress of our united forts. All these people are doing
nothing but digging their own graves, opening the gates to hell through their own hands. There is no need to be scared - but be
alert. So if you are all prepared, let us create that giant fortress. There is no force strong enough to face the Goddess in this Kali
Yuga; no one with the nerve to stand up to me and challenge me. Only a few who try attacking my children from the back, so
don’t pay attention there. Be assured that no harm will come your way – but you need to keep the roof of that fort above your
head and not fall into their trap. I came to know of few such people in Dadar [an area in Mumbai, India] who practiced the dark
arts. These false gurus have destroyed many a home so far. They are still out there. I can see a few sitting here. These people
are selling bhoots [negativity] under the name of God. That is worse than making money in the name of God. It would be hard for
the divine to forgive all such people. Such people will never be pardoned. They put these bands and strings around the wrists of
people and send them home packing with all sorts of bhoots. I was amazed that this sort of business is going on in London too,
and on a much larger scale. Like London had turned into a city of bhoots. Christ – who had warned against walking the path of
such bhoots – the so-called followers of the same Christ, these Christians, are now scavenging the graveyards for blood and
ashes and are practicing these dark arts. Christ had spoken to great lengths about them and the damages they cause. So had
Nanak. And now all these Christians of England – who used to rule over India once – have now been possessed by the bhoots.
The streets and alleys of London are rampant with businesses selling bhoot vidya [the knowledge of dark arts]. And when I speak
out against them, the people there don’t accept it. The only difference is the people out here in India sell it under the name of God
while people out there sell it as it is: the art of Satan, witchcraft, etc. There is no falsity there like we have in India. But those arts
have been ‘exported’ there from India. All those false gurus who went there from India have now become rich businessman, each
with multiple Rolls Royces [luxury cars]. This is what the situation is in England. And it is no less worse in India. You need to first
decide as to what you want: Dharma [Righteousness] or adharma [iniquity]. If you want Dharma then you need to stand on truth.
For those that are looking for untruth, I don’t have it, I don’t have chamatkars [magic tricks], I won’t pull out rings to give you if
you want those sorts of things. I have meditation. I want to teach you the art to unlock the great potential placed inside of you by
the divine. I want to ask all these false gurus who are doing such gimmicks like giving out rings, "Why don’t you give them to the
poor in India, why not solve their problems, why do you entertain only the rich?" And it is surprising that the rich are stupid
enough to go to such people. Such is the state of affairs. The divine will never forgive such people. What you are not aware of is
the fact that the reason this country is facing such a pitiable state, is because of all these bhoots. So never seek help from such
people. If you are expecting monetary benefits, never stand at their doorstep. All the blessings including wealth and even much
beyond, all of them are encompassed by the Dharma. All of it is created by Dharma alone. There is nothing that exists beyond it.
And that what exists beyond cannot be described to you. Generations of hell if you wish to suffer them, if you want to get out of
the cycle of human birth and step into the one of insects, only then you may walk on the path of this bhoot vidya. You need to
stand up and speak out loud against it. And you shouldn’t be scared to do that. All these false magical gimmicks should end. The
real magic that exists inside of you should manifest, the light of divine should shine inside of you. And the flowers that bloom in
that divine joy everywhere, the scent from them should spread everywhere so that this mess of a dirt gets transformed into a
lake of lotuses. The time has come. The entire nature is ready to assist you. The Pancha-Maha-Bhootas [the five elements] are
standing at your side to help you out. All the great incarnations are showering blessings upon you to carry out this great task.
Everyone is fully prepared to help you out in every imaginable way. It is now up to the humans to make a decision, "Are you going
to stand up in Dharma or take to Adharma? What do you want: truth or untruth?" It is not possible to buy truth. Those who have
made a business out of god, those who have made a mockery of Dharma by fooling and cheating the innocent, all those will have
to suffer for their sins. But the biggest sin of all is to torture the saints. There is no greater sin than distracting the seekers from
their path to seek God. And the punishment for that sin is so horrific that it cannot be described. So never take to such evil.
Dharma is beautiful, it is guiding, it is loving, it is encompassing. It is all of those qualities in the extreme. But it also is equally
destructive. It can scorch and burn everything and everyone out. It has got the very same qualities of Agni [fire], bear that in
mind. Today, we are giving so much pain to our very own loved ones: our mothers, sisters, children. It is only the humans
themselves who are harming their fellow human beings. No one else is responsible except them alone. They are the ones slitting
each other’s throats. And the reason this is happening is because the rakshasas [demons] have entered the humans. And inside
the human, resides the bhakta [devotee] as well. So it is obvious that the demon would want to slit the devotee’s throat – that is
what rakshasas do. But it doesn’t end there – the situation is worse as the rakshasas have entered the saints as well. The one
who I have made my daughter, my son, my child – there is a rakshasa already present inside. And this becomes a dilemma for
me: I can’t kill this child of mine, neither can I bring it closer to myself. How helpless can a mother get in a situation like this! The
child, whom the mother has come to visit, is hosting a bhoot in its head. Now what can I do? Throw away all those rakshasas
who are dancing on your heads! Why are you carrying them with all that pride? What good have they ever done to you? The sun,
the sea – the whole of nature has given up against this stupidity of humans. The people troubling the saints should keep this in
their minds – if you make a saint suffer to make a few pennies, you will have to answer for it, not only in this lifetime, but all the
ones after it. I am the mother of the rakshasas as well, as I am yours. But I have been killing them to protect you. Hopefully some
of them will ascend and take births as humans, we will see. And I’ll continue killing them for your protection as I have been doing
time and again, don’t worry. But don’t you fall for their illusions. As it is, the nation is in ruins - but don’t ruin the future of coming
generations. Great souls are taking births in these times. Create something beautiful and heaven-like to welcome them on this
earth. We all [the Gods] are standing here to help you. But from where can we bring the wisdom? It is only you who can bring it to
the table – the wisdom lies within yourself. Just get that and we will take over the rest. It is true: the seed lies inside you. Vaalya
transformed into Vaalmiki. He didn’t know how to transform but he had the wisdom. When he realized that he is killing his soul
through his acts, he gave them all up once and for all. That how he transformed. It pains me tremendously, every moment, to see
you all suffer. I want to light dipas [oil lamp] - inside you all – the light of which will spread all over the world. You will be
surprised but it is going to be this country itself – India – that is going to become the light of the world. It is only a matter of time.
It is you all from this country, who are going to one day sit on top of the vibrations. And there is a reason for that. Granted,
everything is messed up in this country – but we still haven’t learnt to disrespect our mothers, we still haven’t lost that morality.
And until this situation changes, the position of this country in the Kingdom of God is not going to slide down. This country is the
Yog Bhumi, Bhog Bhumi. It has already been decided by the Gods. And you the people who have taken birth in this country, why
should you consider yourselves any lesser? Don’t compare yourselves with the folks in England. They will start crying even if
there is something wrong with the collars on their shirts. It is you who can sleep wherever, eat whatever and find joy in
everything. You are the true Sanyasis. You have the blessings of your Mother. (Shri Mataji is scolding the false gurus now.) So if
you want to go ahead and disrespect you Mother by following such negativities and befooling the innocent, so be it. And then
suffer the consequences. Granted, you can get offended by your Mother – but if there is a relationship in this world that has the
highest rank, it is that of a Mother and only in Her will you be able to find God. And it is only the mothers of this country that have
the capacity to bear so many pains. You will never find mothers like these elsewhere in the world. And is this how you honor your
mother? Stop this nonsense – return the money you have taken from people now. Give up these ways of living. (Shri Mataji turns
soft again.) So, whatever it is, right now - in this lifetime we need to get our realization. Let's eat the laadoos [sweets] first and
then we will sort out the rest. Mother has prepared such nice food for you all and then she has to scold you! But I have to do it
sometimes. So now relax and sit down to eat. And take in the amrut [nectar], the amrut of love. Let this amrut flows from you
throughout the world. Here we are – all set on changing the course of this world – and you are still involved with petty nuisances.
All these things are going to get recorded in the history of this world – keep that mind, all the people who have committed such
stupidities. All your names will be remembered and people will spit upon them. So rise up, enlighten yourself. That is all I wish to
see. Go into meditation – close your eyes. (Shri Mataji switches to Hindi- ) The talk I had to give today, it had to be in Marathi.
You see, Marathi is a very heroic language, I can’t manage to do the same in Hindi. So forgive me if I didn’t speak Hindi. I needed
to tell somethings to some specific people – it was not meant for you. (Someone in the audience asks a question referring to
some guru.) Don’t say names. At least for the time-being. You won’t know who the real guru is until you get realized, until you get
the vibratory awareness. So first learn how to get that awareness and then decide who the real gurus are. Get the eyes to see the
real guru. Till then keep all the gurus to the side. For now, you are your own guru and I am your Mother. |
1/25/1975 | | Talk to Sahaja Yogis: I can’t think of anything other than Sahaja Yoga | India | Mumbai | null | Draft | null | Draft | null | Y | N | N | Talk to Sahaja Yogis | Hindi | 44 | Talk to yogis (Hindi). Mumbay (India), 25 January 1975. [English Translation from Hindi Version 1] Sahaja has been created for
you only. But for mankind to understand Sahaja Yoga is not so easy. Because if some very great thing is obtained effortlessly, a
lacking remains for its importance, its measure, faith and devotion for that Shakti, to absorb it with complete attention within
through hard work. That’s why you see that mostly Sahaja Yogis are very casual. But those other Swamis, as you know, how they
put people into meditation, and how they take advantage of them. Those who take money from you, make you work hard and
make you stand on your heads, make you exercise, etc. So your ego gets satisfied with it and you get stuck to it. You must have
seen such people who have given their all, their money, etc and then sweep the floors for these Sadhus. The getting of Sahaja
Yoga is done so effortlessly [sahaja] that people remain casual towards it. Like we got our eye so effortlessly, so we are so
casual about it. We have no value that this eye is so precious. But the day we get a slight pain in the eye then we realize, “O God!"
That is why it is so necessary to get badhas. If there are no badhas then Sahaja Yogis will never bother. (A person in the
audience asks about badhas. Shri Mataji answers.) Badha is dependent on you. Till you catch, there is badha. What to do? There
are some people who have got Realisation and they have gone beyond. Badha doesn’t catch them. They never get caught up.
Because there are a lot of merits [Punyas] from their past lives. But they should also be alert. They should not forget that, "We do
not catch so we are something special", doesn’t matter. To be casual towards Sahaja Yoga will cost us dearly! If you are casual
towards your eye then it does not matter because there is someone ready to look after your eyes, hands, feet, body. You don’t
have to look after that. But you have to look after your Sahaja Yoga. There is a lot of difference between the two. Someone will
look after your body, and all that is three dimensional will be looked after, but you yourself have to see to Sahaja Yoga. We have
to grow in it, but we are so casual that even if a person is sitting in our neighbourhood we will not talk about it. Whoever you
meet, talk about it. You will have to give this dedication about Sahaja Yoga. There are many people who… Their bodies are
separate. Like yesterday, one girl had a badha, and when her brother came he got his Realisation . In this world there are many
parts of you all over, whom you have to gather. This is also a very big Sahaja Yoga. Even in your own house how can someone
live without Sahaja Yoga, “If you live in my house then you all will have to come to Sahaja Yoga. You will have to get Realisation
and keep no badha.” There should be an insistence but there is no need to get angry. You must tell them. This casualness will
not do. Sahaja Yoga will have to be established with eating, waking, with every breath being taken. Because if you think of
yourself as something special, if you think that your body is a temple and there is something special about it then the voice of the
Temple bells must keep ringing. Otherwise it will go to waste. Sahaja Yoga can also go to waste. Please understand this! Also
the second thing I better tell you that without Sahaja Yoga you now have no personality. Without it you have no blossoming.
Without that you have no place. Because when you have come to the Kingdom of God you will have to take its citizenship.
Yesterday one family member came and he said that, Yesterday I went to Gajanan Maharaj." "Who is this Gajanan Maharaj?" I
saw that Agnya Chakra, Vishuddhi chakra, three chakras were catching. He said that he catches with the photo of Gajanan
Maharaj. I said, "Here I am your sister sitting in your own house and why did you go to Gajanan Maharaj?" First he said, “No, he is
a saint.” I said, “At least check the vibrations that he is a saint or not?” They just went casually. They should also see, "Is this
Sahaja Yoga?" After becoming a king then wanting to become a beggar, such people should be thrown out! But they said they did
not become beggars deliberately. It was in casualness that they went off there, "What to do, our wife is like this, what could we
do?” "What could we do our father is like that." "Our daughter said, 'Let's go' so we went..” So then they came and said, “Mataji,
my Agnya Chakra got caught. My stomach chakra got caught.” Three chakras of theirs got caught yesterday. "I am your real
sister sitting here then what was the need for you to go to Gajanan Maharaj?" Then they said, ”Our state has gone really bad so
now we will go to Sai Baba." So I told them that, "You better come here and then go to Sai Baba otherwise the same will happen
there. What wisdom will you gain there? Thousands go there, so what is it you want there? You want material things from Sai
Baba? Will these desires of human beings get fulfilled? You have got all materially. Now what is it you are wanting? You have got
kingdoms, palaces now what do you want?" The one who has come to give, and what you have to get, is of great importance for
humanity. God has made you with great care. All this filth which you have collected in your brain, just throw it all away! You have
collected all these useless things, all this junk in this temple of yourself. Establish this temple. In every heart you have to light
lamps. Purify your house, purify your family, and purify your society. You are very concerned about your relatives. Your mother in
law has come, "I have to do for her; I have to give her." What will your mother-in-law give you? She will beat you with shoes! You
must know that your relatives are the Sahaja Yogis. There are no other relatives besides Sahaja Yogis. Sahaja Yogis are the
relatives of Sahaja Yogis, because they speak another language, their ways are different; their manner is different. For this you
will have to burn your life force [Prana]. For this you will have to share Love. Love will flow on the edge of your Attention [Chitta].
First make your Attention alright. Make it light. If you keep everything else on your attention how will Sahaja Yoga come? It is
coming down through your Attention, [Chitta] only. God is waiting to pour this into you, but where is your attention? In two
minutes your attention runs here and there. Just put your attention at God’s feet. He does not want your money, wealth or
anything else. Keep this all with you. This is the stupidity of humans. And which you have gathered, what is the importance of all
this? Give importance to your attention because it is on this attention that God will come. He has made you young like 20-year
olds. Your bodies have healed; He has made your hearts Pure. Collective Consciousness has come into you. Now what? You are
still running after this or the other. You consider all those things more important. In your past lives you had earned all this
rubbish and left it all behind. Now again you will collect all this wealth and you will again leave it all behind. To live casually for a
Sahaja Yogi is a very dangerous thing. What we call as carelessness. There is a great war going on. You know how other ways
and methods have got started for destruction. Sahaja Yoga is like a lotus standing in these murky waters. Delicate, Fragrant,
Beautiful, and you are the petals of that lotus. Any filth which falls on you will just slide off when you get to know that you are
lotuses. So if any chakra is catching then get rid of the filth. You are lotuses; you have been made into lotuses so if any filth falls
onto the lotus then the lotus should just throw it off. Each one of you will have to be awakened towards Sahaja Yoga if you have
to take the boat of Sahaja Yoga across. Don’t sit with your tiny and petty problems of your relatives, homes, and your small petty
questions. Till when are you going to keep hanging onto this filth? None of this lot is going to side with you, "Will my son or
daughter get married?" Etc. If it happens fine and if it doesn’t then fine also. You will spend money there, try and get a name
there. And for Sahaja Yoga? You have no time for Sahaja Yoga. The big thing is that people in India do not have too much money.
Their own monetary condition is not too good. But we must know that in this India there are VIBRATIONS which control
everything. Any other country would have collapsed by now. You are living because of the support of vibrations. What a great
country this is! What a country you are born in! You know this. I don’t know how to tell the foreigners about the importance of the
Devi. They don’t know what is the Devi, what is the Mother. They are such dirty people who don’t understand the relationship of
the Mother, I feel like crying. And you people have become so casual. Like you shave your beard, you meditate in the same way.
How is this going to happen? My brothers tell me, “Why are you killing yourself from morning to evening? Something might go
wrong with your health, and then what will your husband tell us? You sleep at 4-5 am, day long you are working so hard, why are
you doing this, what are you going to get by this?” I can fight alone but what benefits are you all going to get by it? To be casual,
to live casually, it is a dismal attitude towards yourself. It is your own insult. It is like a king who has got all the wealth and he is
living casually. There are rules to ascend the throne! Are you going to finish off Sahaja Yoga by taking up petty little things?!
Clean your insides; clean your heart. Leave this cunningness and clean your heart and see if we are sitting in innocence. You are
doing me no favour. What you were seeking from lifetimes you are getting that only. Now that you have, come to the last stage.
Then what is this crazy behaviour? You may not have seen the one who has come to the last stage, but I have seen many like
that. First I have to get them stuck to it. Stick! Stick! Stick! Sometimes you have such thoughts that, ”What can we do? Our
country is so bad, and we are so poor here. And what good can we do to our country?” Good that you don’t have money. I have
given realization to so many people who are rich. Where are they? Just two or three! And they too are such misers. There is no
one here with too much money. I have given Realisation to people with lakhs and crores. What are they doing? Good there is not
so much money and its nuisance! Good that this money is not stuck to you. You have less money which is really good. I have
seen these rich, so called, these ministers, they have no joy like you people have. They got their Realisation and then just sat
down very nicely! There they will sit with money! Big ministers, secretaries have got Realisation! What have they done? God
protect us from their egos! Who is a secretary or a king with God? Answer this. Is Shri Mataji right? It is such an important day.
Who am I before you? Go where you go for your Pujas to these temples! Are they going to come on this earth get your own
temple ready? These little children who just came in are more lucky and blessed than you people. They are beyond money,
positions and all this foolishness. They just want Mataji. Yesterday some of these children had come and they pleaded with their
mothers to let them be at my program for a longer time. I was not giving them any chocolate or anything like that but they
wanted to sit more with Mataji. They understand more than you people. Leave your past and become like children. You have
become like children. What a beautiful form! You too were like this my children. You all were like this. Where have you got lost
and become disfigured? Be afraid of your ugliness. Look at the beauty of others. When I will go away, when the Mother leaves
then it is the duty of the children to look after the house. When I come back, I see that my children have been spreading Sahaja
Yoga. But here when I come, I see that 8-10 people have their Agnyas caught up, some others have their Nabhi caught up and yet
others have Vishuddhi caught up. Someone went to someone else [guru], while others have fallen sick, someone is in bad shape,
someone’s wife is in hospital and another has gone to the lunatic asylum. Oh, what happened? And don't think you are small
people. You are very great people. All these "big" people are of no use. They don’t get their Realisation! Know your greatness and
then talk. Open yourself and talk. One who speaks even one word in Sahaja Yoga, then Sakshat Saraswati herself will come and
sit there. I am telling you. Just speak and then see. Just start talking about Sahaja Yoga and you will see Saraswati coming into
your voice. Start writing about it and She will come into your writings. Take up any work in Sahaja and Sakshat Hanuman is
standing and he tells me, “Mother, with whom should I stand?” Hanumanji is doing all your work. Take up any work in the name
of your Mother, even of work of the world. For Sahaja Yoga the five Immortals [Chiranjeevs] are standing there for you. All these
deities are ready with their Shaktis standing in the background for you. And what do they see? That the actor who has come is in
very bad shape. He is looking here and there. How will the drama go on? This half-baked attitude won’t do. “Mataji, I don’t get
time to sit for meditation.” What do you mean that you get no time? What is time meant for? Who has given you this time? If you
have no time for yourself then how will you get time for God? How do you get no time? You should wake up at 4am. You have
seen your Mother. How many hours does She sleep? Wake up at 4 in the morning. Tell yourself. You have to go into meditation
from 4 to 5 am. Throw away your sleep! Give up keeping awake in the night. Stop talking with useless people. Stop these useless
associations, these relatives, all these useless people. All these are bhoots. Have we come here to waste our time on these
people? I don’t spend even one moment on telling you about Sahaja Yoga. Not even one moment. I have to meet thousands of
people from my husband’s office with whom I have to shake hands at receptions; I use it for giving Realisation. They shake
hands and I give them Realisation. I see that he has got Realisation and I feel like laughing. Whichever country I go to I keep
giving Realisation. Whoever I speak to I keep giving Realisation. He keeps talking and I keep on giving Realisation. He goes on
talking about his own things. Where I get a chance I keep giving Realisation. On Victoria station a Pakistani Muslim was
collecting tickets. The line was very long and I was giving Realisation to him standing in the line and also to the people standing
in the line in front of me. Just as he gave me the ticket and looked at Me, he got his Realisation. He gave all their tickets and
came and sat in my compartment, where I'm sitting alone. He asked, ”Who are you? How do you have such an attraction?” I
asked who he was. He said he is Hussain. So I told him to sit down and put his hands towards Me. He says, ”What is this
happening? Cool? Who are You?” I said, “See and recognize.” I went to Rome, where many artists were sitting and painting
something. I gave one Realisation, then he got up and said something to the one next to him, and then came and caught hold of
my feet and started crying bitterly, saying, ”Mother, When did You come?” I had gone there as the wife of a big officer with three
or four official people standing beside me. They all got embarrassed wondering what he is doing. He started saying, ”Mother, I
have found You. In the night You had come in my dreams and said that, 'I will wear such and such sari' and You have come in the
same sari.” Even a moment I think of nothing but Sahaja Yoga. I have forgotten all the past. I have had big births, big people. I
have forgotten all the past and future. In this moment I remember only Sahaja Yoga and nothing else. In the same way you
people should think of Sahaja Yoga only at each moment. Wherever you sit there should be Sahaja Yoga. Throw away your
watches! Throw away this servitude to watches! Sahaja Yoga is your watch. If it is 12:30 it does not matter. It is 3 am. You are
sitting in Sahaja Yoga. Is Sahaja Yoga the servant of a watch or time? We are not servants of any laws or rituals. We are standing
only in Sahaja Yoga. We keep sitting even if it takes time. Are we some servants of our stomachs? We are servants of no one.
Everything keeps happening. It has to happen. Throw away this servitude to all your old bindings! Throw away your watches!
There is no system made for anything. In Sahaja Yoga there can never be a system. It makes its own system. Let it be made. If
you try and make systems then it will be destroyed. Don’t make disciplines. Let the discipline of Sahaja Yoga keep moving within
you. Yes for those who have not got their realization for them the discipline is important. You do that. But those who have got
realization such people have to get their own discipline inside. The discipline will come by itself within. Sahaja Yogis have an
inbuilt discipline. There is no forgiveness for this. The one who is not a Sahaja Yogi should be forgiven because he does not
understand what discipline is. He only knows the worldly discipline of the stick. Let the discipline come from within and awaken
from within for Sahaja Yogis. See how much you are moving in the discipline of Sahaja. You are moving with its hand and feet
and rising with its waves. How much is the discipline tied with the waves of an ocean? You can tell sitting here at what time low
tide or high tide will come in London; who has tied its discipline; that you have started tying other’s discipline! Learn to step into
the discipline of the within. Learn to move in the directions and methods of within. Its methods are moving. Don’t make your
own. Make your own this, that. Let's get more into Sahaja, spend time for Sahaja. If you have to wear watches then wear it for
Sahaja Yoga. If you have to put alarm then let it be for Sahaja Yoga.(To a person who just entered: Come and sit.) You are all
within my heart. Are you far away? You must understand this. Even one leaf in this world cannot move without His discipline.
Blend yourself in His discipline and merge in with His harmony. Harmonize yourself totally. When it rises you rise, when it falls
you fall. When we try to do our own thing then we are left behind. Keep molding yourself with it. This can happen only through
Sahaja Yoga and not through any worldly things. There is only one way, which I have said a thousand times and I am saying
again, that your fortress is Thoughtlessness [Nirvicharita]! Know in Thoughtless Awareness and you will know everything.
Anything you have to do, go into Thoughtlessness. Once you do all worldly works in thoughtless awareness then you will know
that how dynamic it has become. Who has seen flowers bloom or become fruits? Who has seen the living work of this world? It
is being done. You are moving in the dynamism and in this living thing. It is coming from thoughtlessness. When you sit there the
whole world becomes pale. Try to make a habit of remaining in Thoughtlessness. Every work is done through thoughtlessness
and so will yours. Your movement within has to be done by you. There is no age limit for this, that we have become old. You are
not old. You have been reborn hardly 3-4 years ago. You are just small little children. It is not a question of age. One should
remain in Thoughtlessness. This is your place, your wealth, your strength [Shakti]. This is your form. This is your beauty. This is
your life. Thoughtless! As soon as you are thoughtless the outside methods, the whole of it starts moving in your hands. Live in
thoughtlessness. Over there, there is no Time, no Direction, nor can anyone touch it. There is only a vision of the Living. There is
only a vision of Life and how it blooms. There is vision of its Beauty, its Capability, its Prosperity and its Truth. Watch it from
where the stream of life is flowing. But when you become brainless, or extremely stupid, then how will It show you? Or to be
heartless, without love, selfish, self centered, to be ugly, to do atrocities, to keep on thinking about yourself, to think that you are
something very great, then how will It show you the way? In the movement of Sahaja Yoga there should be such beauty. While
doing it there should be tremendous faith. When raising the Kundalini there should be so much Devotion that it is like you are
praying to the Kundalini or Mother of another. There should be great respect for that state, so much thought about it. In
everything, in your behaviour, your talk, the way you talk, in your touch, your laughter, and your tears, in everything there should be
such a vision of your heart. It is massive. This massiveness should show from within you. There should be a Vision of the Skies
within you. The Purity of Water should reflect from within you. The Brilliance of the Sun should show from your face, the
Coolness of the Moon should flow from within you. Flowing everywhere, you should be like the Wind. Your Breath is beating in
everyone at this time. Know this! Don’t play with your life. By being extremely reverent and humble just accept it, the new life the
Divine is putting within us. May you accept His Grace, His Love. You don’t need to bathe or wash your hands for it, you need to do
nothing but clean your heart. Clean your heart, “O God, please clean our hearts and make us leave our cunning and deceitful
ways." Clean your hearts as He is going to descend in the lotus of your hearts. Clean your hearts. Are our hearts clean? Who are
you deceiving? To whom are you telling lies? You are all one. I can never say to one person only. I am speaking to each one of
you that you are all in one body; and that too in my body. You are my projection. I am telling myself. To whom else shall I say?
Who is the other? When you are sick, I feel pain within just like I myself have got sick. And when you are happy then I feel
tremendous joy just like I have myself become happy. When you are unhappy then I too don’t enjoy any joy. I keep awake night
and day for you. Whatever or whichever way you can do, one must give time, give full time. Now we are going to make an
ashram, so the ones who have money can give money. You will have to give. You spend money here and there. Of what use has it
been your spending money here and there. I don’t need your money. I need nothing. I don’t need to spend anywhere. This ashram
is being made for you, your brothers and sisters, who are going to live there. Now these realized children are being born, they
need a school and someone who can look after them. Give money for that. How will the money come? Any money that comes
from you is very important. Such people come here who do not want to spend even one rupee. There are not such poor people
here - if that is the case then it is alright. But those who cannot give even one rupee can such people be Sahaja Yogis? I get really
amazed that they trouble for giving one rupee or five rupees! You will have to give in thousands. Who has given you this money? I
don’t want it. What can you give me? At least give for yourself, for your children, for your benefit. Tomorrow you yourself will
come and live in those ashrams. I know it. There is no need to be such misers or be freeloaders. Live like kings. Just like I don’t
eat for free you should also not eat for free. Whoever can do, do. One who has time, give time. One who can work, then work. One
who has to give realization, then give realization. One has to take out the bhoots then take out the bhoots. Do for Sahaja Yoga.
You will have to. Without doing so your ego will not die, and neither will your super ego die unless and until you do not do
something for Sahaja Yoga. Again your Agnya will catch, “Mataji, my head is caught.” “Mataji my daughter ran away.” “Mataji,
such and such happened to my father.” It will happen. I don’t do anything. The Ganas don’t do anything. Wherever you have a
weakness, there only the bhoots will catch you. They don’t catch Me. Why don’t they catch Me? "What has Mataji given us! She
has given so much to someone else." Ach! He had to get so he got it. What you have got is no less. You have no value for what
you have got. There should be a satisfaction within. Catch hold of that Satisfaction. Stand in that satisfaction. How can I tell
you? There are also computers and points about this. Press the Satisfaction key and Satisfaction gets awakened within. Press
another key and your Innocence will awaken. Press another and Truth will awaken. This is all within you. By pressing the fingers,
the whole program can get set. But first at least there should be innocence. There should be some satisfaction otherwise when
you press the finger what will come out? Vacuum? One who has pressed Satisfaction has arrived at Satisfaction. They have
arrived at wealth. They are sitting in wealth. Some have collected your wealth from years by burning your bodies for years and
are now standing before you. In the same way you must collect things one by one: Satisfaction, come into Innocence, come into
Wealth, come into Beauty, come into Truth, come into Love. All the buttons are there. How are we going to do it, how will we do
it? There is no word like, "How will we...?" in Sahaja Yoga. Whatever you want to earn, you can within yourself. You can earn
satisfaction within yourself; you can earn everything within yourself. Press the button and whatever you want will keep on
coming to you. You will become a machine within. I can’t understand how to get that attainment within you and join you. Let us
now go into Meditation. [English Translation from Hindi Version 2] Sahaja Yoga has emerged, but it is not so easy for a human to
understand Sahaja Yoga. If you get a great thing like Sahaja Yoga so easily, its greatness, its assessment, reverence for the
shakti, devotion for the Shakti, the hard work required to fully integrate it inside with full mind, all these things will be lacking.
That is why you notice that many are very casual. But the other swamijis, you know how they consider the people, and how they
exploit them. They take money from you, make you do hard work, make you stand on your head, make you do bodily work, some
or other hard work so that your ego gets satisfied a little bit and you stick to it. You may also have seen such people, who give
away everything they have, like money, etc. to these swamijis and then they sweep at Swamiji’s place. One gets Sahaja Yoga with
such ease, they are casual towards it. Like they got their eyes so easily, they are casual, they do not know the value of these
eyes. But the day we have a problem with the eye, we will say ‘Oh, God’. That is why one must have difficulties. If there is no
difficulty, the Sahaja Yogi will not care for it at all. … Audience talk..unclear.. How long difficulties will be there will depend on you,
it will be there till you hold on to them, what can be done about it? There are some people, you know, once they are realised, they
are realised; it will not touch them. They will never have difficulties; it is due to the Punyas (good deeds) from their previous lives.
They should also be alert. They should not be unduly happy, ‘We do not have any difficulty, so we are special, no problem’. Being
casual towards Sahaja Yoga will prove costly. If you are casual towards yourself, there is no harm, because there is someone to
look after your eyes, hands, legs, body-there is someone to look after, ready. You don’t have to look after it. But your Sahaja Yoga,
you have to look after yourselves. There is a big difference between the two. All your body will be managed, whatever other
things which, I call your three dimensions, will all be managed. But your Sahaja Yoga, only you have to practice. You have to flow
in that, but you are so casual, so casual, even if someone is sitting next to you, you don’t tell him, meet him, talk about this and
dedicate to Sahaja Yoga. There are many people and different parts of the body – (alluding to the Sahaja Yogis)- are separated.
Yesterday a girl had a problem and her brother came, he got realisation in a split second. Lots of your limbs have fallen in this
world and you have to gather them, even that is a big Sahaja Yoga. In your own house, how can one be outside Sahaja Yoga? If
you are in my house, you have to come to Sahaja Yoga, get realisation and you should not have any problem. You should insist,
you should not get angry with them. You have to tell them about this, talk about this, but you should not be casual. Eat, rise, sit
and as you take a breath and with every breath, you have to propose Sahaja Yoga. Because, if you consider yourself a special
form, and if you think that there is something special about your temple, there should be ringing of bells all the time, otherwise it
will be a waste. Sahaja Yoga also can go waste. You understand this. Another thing I want to tell you is that without Sahaja Yoga,
you do not have a personality now. Without that there is no glow. Without that there is no acceptance. If you come into the
kingdom of God, you have to take citizenship! I heard from many people, my brother came yesterday, he said’ ‘I went to Gajanand
Maharaj’. I do not know who Gajanand Maharaj is. Phadke talked about Gajanand Maharaj. Then, I saw that Agnya chakra,
Vishuddhi chakra, and another chakra – three chakras were caught up. He told his experience that he gets a catch from his
photograph itself. Three chakras were caught up. I said, ‘I am your sister sitting here and why did you go to Gajanand Maharaj?’
He said ‘All told me, he is a saint’. I said check from Vibrations, whether he is a saint or not. He went casually. He should have
checked. Is this Sahaja Yoga? After becoming a King, one who becomes a beggar, he should be removed. But you are becoming
a beggar knowingly. Went casually, went there also. What to do, my wife is like this, what to do, my father is like this what to do,
my daughter said let us go and I went. Then what happened, After coming back, Mataji, my Agnya chakra is caught up, have a
catch in the stomach, Nabhi chakra is caught up, three chakras are caught up. I am your own sister sitting here, who asked you
to go to Gajanand Maharaj? Then we thought our condition was bad, so let us go to Saibaba. Then I said, first you come here, get
the stomach fixed, then go to Saibaba. If you go there also what wisdom will you get? Thousands go there, what happens there?
What do you want to ask? Want to ask for material things from Saibaba? When will man’s material desires be fulfilled?
Everything is done, what do you want materially? You have become a king, what do you still want? What I have come to give,
what you have to get, that is very important. For the human race, God has made a human after a lot of contemplation. There is so
much dirt in your brains collected from here and there, throw it away. You have collected a lot of useless things, junk. Throw
away from this temple and make that temple prestigious. Have to light a lamp in each and every heart. Purify your house, purify
your family, purify your society. You care a lot for your relatives! You have a lot of relatives. ‘I have come for them, my
mother-in-law has come, I have to give her, I have to do something for her. What will your mother-in-law give you, When you go,
she will give you thrashing with footwear. These are your relatives, Know that. You do not have any relatives, other than these.
Only a Sahaja Yogi is the relative of a Sahaja Yogi because they speak a distinct language. Their ways are different, their stride is
different. You have to give your life. You have to share your love. Love will flow on the edge of the mind, Correct your mind, make
your mind light. If you keep so much in your mind, how will Sahaja Yoga get in there? It is working on the mind, watch. God is
sitting to pour on you. But where is your attention? It keeps wavering every two minutes. You have to put your attention at His
feet, He does not want your money, etc. Keep it with you. What is the importance of all the collections made from deaths? Make
your attention important. God will descend on that mind. He has made you younger by ten to twenty years. Your body has
become alright. Thoughts of your mind have been purified. You have got collective consciousness. Now what? Still, you are
running after this and that. Do you attach more importance to that? In your previous lives, you have earned a lot of dung. You
have left it here and gone. Again gather it! You will again leave it here and go. It is very dangerous to be casual for a Sahaja Yogi.
This is called negligence. A big war has arisen. You know that other ways of destruction have been kept ready. Sahaja Yoga is
standing like a lotus in this mud; delicate, aromatic, fragrant, beautiful and you are petals of that. All the mud which is there will
fall off once you know that you are the lotus, you are not the mud. But by chance if a chakra catches, it is mud, remove it. You
have been made a lotus. You are the lotus and if the mud falls on the lotus, the lotus should throw it away and also it is also not
going to stick. Everyone has to be aware of Sahaja Yoga. If you have to cross with the ferry of Sahaja Yoga, don’t get bogged
down by small problems of family and small problems in the house. How long are you going to hold onto this mud with your
hand? There is no one to support you. The boy is to be married, the girl is to be married, it may happen, may not happen. You will
spend money on that. You will earn a name in that. And for Sahaja Yoga, you have no time. The most important thing is that
Indians don’t have much money. if you look at it, their financial condition is not that good. But we should know that vibrations are
there only in India, which controls everything. If it were any other country it would have collapsed by now. You are living only with
the help of those Vibrations. What a big country! You are born in such a great country. You know everything. I don’t know how to
tell the English about Devi mahatmyam, they have not read it. They don’t know what Devi is and what Maa is. They are such dirty
people they don’t know what Maa is; how can I tell them what Maa is, I feel like crying. And you have become so casual and you
sit in meditation as if for a shave. How will it happen?! My brothers asked me ‘why are you struggling day in and day out? If your
health gets affected, what will we tell your husband? You sleep at night at 4 or 5 and the whole day you are working. Why are you
doing it? what are you going to get, we don’t understand’. Now they will not understand nor will I! When we both have an
understanding then only something will happen. I can fight it out alone, but how will you benefit from that? Being casual, walking
casually are signs of showing apathy towards yourself. It’s disrespectful to yourself. The king who got the entire wealth is being
so casual. Rule, Relax! Are you going to finish Sahaja Yoga on small issues? You clean your inner being, you clean your heart.
Leave the over smartness. Cleanse your heart and check ‘Are we sitting in innocence?’ You are not doing a favour to me. It is for
you; you are getting what you have been asking, what you have been searching for ages, you are getting. When you have reached
the pinnacle, why are you being mad? You may not have seen those who turn their face away when they reach the pinnacle, but I
have seen. First, you have to make them stick. Have to keep on saying, ‘stick-on, stick on!’ Sometimes I think of you like this;
‘what can we do? Things are so bad in our country. We are poor people, we have our problems, how can we uplift the country,
Mataji? You have put us on a higher pedestal’. It is good that you don’t have money. I have given realisation to so many rich
people here. Where are they? See only 2 or 4 here. They are even very miserly, we don’t have a rich man among us. I have given
realisation to millionaires. What are they doing? It is good you don’t have money, it is a hassle. Very little is sticking to you. Less
money is very good. I have seen rich people, people holding positions, Ministers. They don’t have the happiness which you have.
They get realisation and sit back in style, and sit with a lot of money. Ministers and Secretaries have got their realisation. What
have they done? God save us from their arrogance. For God who is Secretary and who is king? …….Marathi conversation of Shri
Mataji….. They are better than you because they do not have the dirt of money. They do not have any position, to make them
stupid. They just want Mataji. Yesterday a few children came. Their mother said, ‘let us go’. They were saying ‘let us stay back’.
They were not getting any chocolates, nothing. ‘We don’t want any cinema, we only want Mataji. Let’s go to Mataji’. They know
more than you. You also become like them. Leave everything of the past and become like them. Now you become children. How
beautiful you are. You are also like this, son! You were also like this. Now you have all become deformed, disgusting. Be worried
about it. See the beauty of others. I will go. When the mother is away it becomes the responsibility of children to look after the
house. When I come back I should see that My children have spread Sahaja Yoga. Otherwise, I will see that someone has a catch
of Agnya chakra, someone has a problem with the Nabhi chakra, someone has Vishuddhi problem. Someone went there,
someone went there. Someone has fallen sick, someone is unwell, someone’s wife is in hospital and someone is in a Lunatic
Asylum. What has happened? Don’t think that we are small people. You are a very great person. So-called great people are
useless, they don’t get their realisation. You realise your greatness and talk. You talk openly. If one speaks one letter of Sahaja
Yoga, Goddess Saraswati will come and sit there, I am telling you. You speak and see. You will experience it. Start talking about
Sahaja Yoga, Saraswati will be in your voice, you start writing, Saraswati will be in your writing. Start any work Hanumana will
stand there with folded hands, Mother tell me, ‘with whom shall I stand?’ Hanuman Ji is doing all your work. Whatever work you
take up in the name of Mataji whatever work you take in this world, whatever it may be, he will do it. For Sahaja Yoga work all the
five Chiranjeevis- long lived-are standing by. All of them are putting powers behind you and standing in the background. And Nat
Ji who has come, he is in a bad shape, he is looking here and there. How will the play be composed? We don’t want a
half-hearted approach. ‘I don’t get time to meditate’. What do you mean I don’t get the time? For what do you have time? Who has
given you time? If you don’t get time for yourselves, God saves you. How do you not get the time? Get up at 4 in the morning. You
have woken up your Mother. How many hours does She sleep? Get up at 4 in the morning. Tell your mind, I have to meditate from
4 to 5. Throw away the sleep. Stop staying awake in the nights, stop talking to useless people. Leave worthless associations,
leave aside relatives, they are all useless people. They are all bhoots. Have we come to waste our time for them? I don’t spend
even one moment, you will be surprised, on anything other than Sahaja Yoga. Thousands of people come to my husband’s office,
whenever there is a reception; they all ask for their realisation Shake hands and they ask for realisation! Whichever country I go
to, I give realisation. They keep talking to me, I give realisation while talking. I see that they have got realisation in a split second.
He keeps on talking about so many things. Wherever I get an opportunity, I keep giving realisation. At Victoria station, there was
a ticket collector. He was a Muslim. When I was buying the ticket, there was a long queue and I was giving realisation. Maybe he
was from Pakistan-from wherever he maybe. I think he was from Pakistan. While standing I was giving realisation and even to
others who were standing there, I was giving realisation. While he was issuing a ticket to me, he looked at me and he got his
realisation. So he gave a ticket to all and came inside and sat inside my compartment. I was sitting alone in that compartment.
He asked Me, ‘Who are You? Why is there so much attraction in you? I asked him, ‘who are you?’. He said his name was Hussain.
I said, ‘Sit down, Hussain mian’. I said, ‘Put your hand like this’. He said, ‘What is this cool breeze coming? Who are you? I said,
‘See and recognise.’ I went to Rome. It is an incident that happened long back. Many artists were sitting there. They were
painting something. Gave realisation to one. He got up, told something to someone and fell at my feet, sat, caught hold of both
My feet and started crying, saying loudly, ‘Mother, when did you come?’ I went there as the wife of an officer; three people were
standing on this side and four people on that side. Those people were embarrassed- what is this man doing? He said, ‘No
Mother, I found You. I saw You in my dream last night. You said you will come wearing a white sari. And you have come wearing
that’. Even for one moment, I can’t think of anything other than Sahaja Yoga. I have forgotten all my past, there have been great
lives, they have all become great. I have forgotten everything, all the details. I only remember Sahaja Yoga. I don’t remember
anything. In the same way. every moment you have to think of Sahaja Yoga, wherever you are sitting there itself. Throw away
your watches first. Throw away slavery to watches. Become a slave of Sahaja Yoga, Sahaja Yoga is your watch. It was 12:30, no
harm, you were sitting there, it is 3 you were still sitting there. You were sitting in Sahaja Yoga. Is Sahaja Yoga slave of the watch
or time? We are not slaves of any regulation or law. We are only standing in Sahaja Yoga. Whatever time it may take, we will sit
there. Wherever we are sitting, we will sit there. Are we slaves to the stomach that we have to eat on time? We are not slaves to
anything. Everything keeps happening, it is going to happen. First of all, you leave your slavery of everything, whatever old slavery
is there leave it. First of all, throw away watches. No system has been made for anything. No system can be made in Sahaja
Yoga. Its own systems are being made, let them be made. If you make the system, that will be hailed. Don’t enforce discipline.
Let its discipline be working inside. Yes, those who have not got their realisation, discipline is required; you enforce it. But those
who are realised, they have to enforce discipline inside them. The discipline will happen inside by itself. Sahaja Yogi has an inner
discipline. But if there is indiscipline here, it can’t be forgiven. But one who is not a Sahaja Yogi, forgive him because he does not
know what discipline is. He knows worldly discipline enforced through ‘the cane’. Let the Sahaja Yogi get the discipline from
within, let him be awakened from within. Look at its discipline with which you are moving. You are moving your limbs with its
discipline, with its waves. Who has enforced discipline on the ocean’s waves? Sitting here you can tell the time of high tide and
low tide in London. Who has enforced its discipline? You are trying to enforce someone else’s!? Learn to get into its discipline.
Learn to grow with its signals and its mechanism. Its machine is working. Don’t make any of your own. Just say, ‘let us get into
Sahaja Yoga, Let us go, let us invest time in Sahaja Yoga’. If you wear a watch, it is for Sahaja Yoga. If you put an alarm, it should
be for Sahaja Yoga. …..Marathi words….See this, this age and this is Sahaja Yoga. ..Marathi…silence…. Not even a leaf in this
world can move without its discipline. Become one with it; get into its harmony – Get fully harmonised with it; when it rises you
rise when it falls you fall. If we make something of our own, we will not be in touch with it. You mold yourself with that. It can
happen only with Sahaja Yoga. It can not happen with anything else, it can’t happen with any earthly thing of the world. There is
only one way, I have told you thousands of times, I am telling you again and again; your fortress is ‘Nirvicharita
(thoughtlessness). Find out in Nirvicharita. You will know everything. Whatever you have to do, go into Nirvicharita. Do all worldly
things in Nirvicharita, you will see that it becomes dynamic. Who has seen the blooming of flowers, who has seen fruits growing,
who has seen the execution of all the worldly work? It is happening; you are moving in the same dynamism, in the same living
thing. It is coming from Nirvicharita, is n’t it?. You sit in that place, from where the whole world blooms. Make a habit of
Nirvicharita, try to be always in thoughtlessness. All the work of this world happens through that and yours also will happen. All
useless things will happen, but you have to operate the inner system yourself. There is no age problem; no one is old. You are
just born, maybe two or four years. You are all small babies. There is no issue of age. You have to be in Nirvicharita. This is your
place, this is your wealth, this is your strength, this is your power, this is your form, this is your beauty, this is your life, Nirvichar.
As soon as you become thoughtless, the machine outside starts to fully spin in your hands. Be in thoughtlessness. There, there
is no time, no direction, nor anyone can touch you. You will get to see the life process, how life blooms. You will see its beauty, its
ability. Its opulence, its truth; gaze from the place where the stream of life flows. But becoming ill-advised, becoming a fool, how
will it show to you?! Or heart becoming empty, loveless, selfish, self-centered, thinking about oneself, thinking big of oneself, how
can it show you the path- being ugly, torturing. How much beauty should be there in the movement and speed of Sahaja Yoga?
When you are doing it, there should be reverence. When you are raising the Kundalini, there should be spirituality in your hands;
you are worshipping someone’s Kundalini, someone’s mother. How much respect you should have? How much thought you
should give. In everything, in your behaviour, in your language, in your speech, in your laughter, in your caress, in your crying, in
everything you do, your heart should be seen, vastness should be seen, the sky should be seen. A glimpse of the purity of water
should be seen inside you. The glow of the sun should be seen on your face, the coolness of the moon should flow from you.
Like the air, you should be outgoing. Your life is pulsating in the lives of all, realise this and don’t play with your life. Be very
reverent and devoted and accept it with humility, the new life which is being poured into us by Paramatma. Accept its love and
compassion. Just there is no need for taking a bath, no need for washing hands, nothing is required. Only the cleanliness of the
heart is required. Clean your heart. Pray, ‘God clean my heart’. Give up your deceit and guile. Clean your heart. You are to get into
the lotus of the heart. Clean your heart. Is my heart clean? Who are you cheating, who are you telling lies to? You are all one. It
never happens that I am telling a particular person. I am telling you all that you are all part of one body; even that is My body,
inside My body you are My projection. I am telling Myself. Who other can I tell? Who is the other? If you get sick, I feel the pain, as
if I have become sick. And when you are happy, I feel I am very happy. If you are not happy, I don’t feel happy about anything.
That is why I stay awake all day and night for your sake. The one who gets, who has time, he should give time for this. Give full
time for this. Our ashram will be built, those of you who have money can donate. You have to give because you spend so much,
what did we gain by the money you have spent so far? I don’t want your money, I don’t want to spend your money. The ashram is
being built for you, it is being built for your brothers and sisters. They have to live there. They are getting children, they are
realised; they have to go to school. There we need someone to take care of these children. Give money for that. Without money
how can the building be brought up? Even if we get one Rupee from your heart, It has a lot of significance. I am surprised. Such
people come here who hesitate to give one Rupee. There are no poor people here if it were so it is ok. Even for giving one Rupee
if they are miserly, how can they be in Sahaja Yoga. When I hear this, I am surprised. They bother you even for giving one Rupee
or five Rupees. When you have money, you donate, you have to give in thousands, in tens of thousands. Who has given you the
money? I do n’t want it. What need do I have? Please give it to yourself. Give for your well being. You will live in those ashrams
with your kith and kin, I know. You do not have to live on freebies, live like a king. I don’t eat for free, you should also not eat for
free. Whatever you can contribute, contribute. If you have time, spare your time, if you can put in some hard work, do it. If you can
awaken Kundalini, do it if you can give realisation, give it If you can remove bhoots, remove bhoots. Contribute to Sahaja Yoga. If
you don’t do it, your ego is not going to die, your superego is not going to run away. Till you do something for Sahaja Yoga, it will
again bother you. ‘ Mother my head is caught up, Mother my daughter ran away, Mataji, this happened to my father’. It will
happen. I don’t do anything. Ganas also don’t do anything. The bhoots will catch your weakness. They don’t trouble Me. Do you
know why they don’t catch Me? ‘What has Mataji given me, Mataji has so much to him’. He had to get so much. He got it. What
you got also is not less. You don’t value what you got. You should be satisfied within. Catch hold of satisfaction from inside.
Establish yourself on that satisfaction. How should I tell you this, there is a computer for this, it has points. If you press one
finger, your satisfaction will be awakened, if you press one finger your innocence will be awakened, if you press one finger truth
will be awakened. This is all inside you, by pressing the fingers like this, the entire program can be set. Shri Mataji keeps doing
this. In the first place, there should be innocence there. There should be some satisfaction there, otherwise, you press the finger,
what will come out from there-vacuum?! There is nothing inside. One who has added satisfaction, he will reach satisfaction. We
are sitting in satisfaction at this time. We have reached righteousness. We are sitting in righteousness at this time. All have
accumulated wealth after burning the body for years and now it is present before you. Like this, you have to keep adding
everything, add satisfaction, a lot of it. Come into innocence, come into righteousness. Come into the truth, come into the beauty,
Come into love, you have a button for everything. How will it happen, how to do it? Sahaja Yoga does n’t have to do it. It all
happens. There is no such word like ‘How?’ in Sahaja Yoga. You can earn whatever you want to be inside you. If you want
satisfaction, you can earn satisfaction. You can earn everything and keep inside. Press a button and you will keep getting what
you want. A machine will manifest inside you. I don’t know how you will earn these-You add your earning! | null | null | null | Talk to yogis (Hindi). Mumbay (India), 25 January 1975. [English Translation from Hindi Version 1] Sahaja has been created for
you only. But for mankind to understand Sahaja Yoga is not so easy. Because if some very great thing is obtained effortlessly, a
lacking remains for its importance, its measure, faith and devotion for that Shakti, to absorb it with complete attention within
through hard work. That’s why you see that mostly Sahaja Yogis are very casual. But those other Swamis, as you know, how they
put people into meditation, and how they take advantage of them. Those who take money from you, make you work hard and
make you stand on your heads, make you exercise, etc. So your ego gets satisfied with it and you get stuck to it. You must have
seen such people who have given their all, their money, etc and then sweep the floors for these Sadhus. The getting of Sahaja
Yoga is done so effortlessly [sahaja] that people remain casual towards it. Like we got our eye so effortlessly, so we are so
casual about it. We have no value that this eye is so precious. But the day we get a slight pain in the eye then we realize, “O God!"
That is why it is so necessary to get badhas. If there are no badhas then Sahaja Yogis will never bother. (A person in the
audience asks about badhas. Shri Mataji answers.) Badha is dependent on you. Till you catch, there is badha. What to do? There
are some people who have got Realisation and they have gone beyond. Badha doesn’t catch them. They never get caught up.
Because there are a lot of merits [Punyas] from their past lives. But they should also be alert. They should not forget that, "We do
not catch so we are something special", doesn’t matter. To be casual towards Sahaja Yoga will cost us dearly! If you are casual
towards your eye then it does not matter because there is someone ready to look after your eyes, hands, feet, body. You don’t
have to look after that. But you have to look after your Sahaja Yoga. There is a lot of difference between the two. Someone will
look after your body, and all that is three dimensional will be looked after, but you yourself have to see to Sahaja Yoga. We have
to grow in it, but we are so casual that even if a person is sitting in our neighbourhood we will not talk about it. Whoever you
meet, talk about it. You will have to give this dedication about Sahaja Yoga. There are many people who… Their bodies are
separate. Like yesterday, one girl had a badha, and when her brother came he got his Realisation . In this world there are many
parts of you all over, whom you have to gather. This is also a very big Sahaja Yoga. Even in your own house how can someone
live without Sahaja Yoga, “If you live in my house then you all will have to come to Sahaja Yoga. You will have to get Realisation
and keep no badha.” There should be an insistence but there is no need to get angry. You must tell them. This casualness will
not do. Sahaja Yoga will have to be established with eating, waking, with every breath being taken. Because if you think of
yourself as something special, if you think that your body is a temple and there is something special about it then the voice of the
Temple bells must keep ringing. Otherwise it will go to waste. Sahaja Yoga can also go to waste. Please understand this! Also
the second thing I better tell you that without Sahaja Yoga you now have no personality. Without it you have no blossoming.
Without that you have no place. Because when you have come to the Kingdom of God you will have to take its citizenship.
Yesterday one family member came and he said that, Yesterday I went to Gajanan Maharaj." "Who is this Gajanan Maharaj?" I
saw that Agnya Chakra, Vishuddhi chakra, three chakras were catching. He said that he catches with the photo of Gajanan
Maharaj. I said, "Here I am your sister sitting in your own house and why did you go to Gajanan Maharaj?" First he said, “No, he is
a saint.” I said, “At least check the vibrations that he is a saint or not?” They just went casually. They should also see, "Is this
Sahaja Yoga?" After becoming a king then wanting to become a beggar, such people should be thrown out! But they said they did
not become beggars deliberately. It was in casualness that they went off there, "What to do, our wife is like this, what could we
do?” "What could we do our father is like that." "Our daughter said, 'Let's go' so we went..” So then they came and said, “Mataji,
my Agnya Chakra got caught. My stomach chakra got caught.” Three chakras of theirs got caught yesterday. "I am your real
sister sitting here then what was the need for you to go to Gajanan Maharaj?" Then they said, ”Our state has gone really bad so
now we will go to Sai Baba." So I told them that, "You better come here and then go to Sai Baba otherwise the same will happen
there. What wisdom will you gain there? Thousands go there, so what is it you want there? You want material things from Sai
Baba? Will these desires of human beings get fulfilled? You have got all materially. Now what is it you are wanting? You have got
kingdoms, palaces now what do you want?" The one who has come to give, and what you have to get, is of great importance for
humanity. God has made you with great care. All this filth which you have collected in your brain, just throw it all away! You have
collected all these useless things, all this junk in this temple of yourself. Establish this temple. In every heart you have to light
lamps. Purify your house, purify your family, and purify your society. You are very concerned about your relatives. Your mother in
law has come, "I have to do for her; I have to give her." What will your mother-in-law give you? She will beat you with shoes! You
must know that your relatives are the Sahaja Yogis. There are no other relatives besides Sahaja Yogis. Sahaja Yogis are the
relatives of Sahaja Yogis, because they speak another language, their ways are different; their manner is different. For this you
will have to burn your life force [Prana]. For this you will have to share Love. Love will flow on the edge of your Attention [Chitta].
First make your Attention alright. Make it light. If you keep everything else on your attention how will Sahaja Yoga come? It is
coming down through your Attention, [Chitta] only. God is waiting to pour this into you, but where is your attention? In two
minutes your attention runs here and there. Just put your attention at God’s feet. He does not want your money, wealth or
anything else. Keep this all with you. This is the stupidity of humans. And which you have gathered, what is the importance of all
this? Give importance to your attention because it is on this attention that God will come. He has made you young like 20-year
olds. Your bodies have healed; He has made your hearts Pure. Collective Consciousness has come into you. Now what? You are
still running after this or the other. You consider all those things more important. In your past lives you had earned all this
rubbish and left it all behind. Now again you will collect all this wealth and you will again leave it all behind. To live casually for a
Sahaja Yogi is a very dangerous thing. What we call as carelessness. There is a great war going on. You know how other ways
and methods have got started for destruction. Sahaja Yoga is like a lotus standing in these murky waters. Delicate, Fragrant,
Beautiful, and you are the petals of that lotus. Any filth which falls on you will just slide off when you get to know that you are
lotuses. So if any chakra is catching then get rid of the filth. You are lotuses; you have been made into lotuses so if any filth falls
onto the lotus then the lotus should just throw it off. Each one of you will have to be awakened towards Sahaja Yoga if you have
to take the boat of Sahaja Yoga across. Don’t sit with your tiny and petty problems of your relatives, homes, and your small petty
questions. Till when are you going to keep hanging onto this filth? None of this lot is going to side with you, "Will my son or
daughter get married?" Etc. If it happens fine and if it doesn’t then fine also. You will spend money there, try and get a name
there. And for Sahaja Yoga? You have no time for Sahaja Yoga. The big thing is that people in India do not have too much money.
Their own monetary condition is not too good. But we must know that in this India there are VIBRATIONS which control
everything. Any other country would have collapsed by now. You are living because of the support of vibrations. What a great
country this is! What a country you are born in! You know this. I don’t know how to tell the foreigners about the importance of the
Devi. They don’t know what is the Devi, what is the Mother. They are such dirty people who don’t understand the relationship of
the Mother, I feel like crying. And you people have become so casual. Like you shave your beard, you meditate in the same way.
How is this going to happen? My brothers tell me, “Why are you killing yourself from morning to evening? Something might go
wrong with your health, and then what will your husband tell us? You sleep at 4-5 am, day long you are working so hard, why are
you doing this, what are you going to get by this?” I can fight alone but what benefits are you all going to get by it? To be casual,
to live casually, it is a dismal attitude towards yourself. It is your own insult. It is like a king who has got all the wealth and he is
living casually. There are rules to ascend the throne! Are you going to finish off Sahaja Yoga by taking up petty little things?!
Clean your insides; clean your heart. Leave this cunningness and clean your heart and see if we are sitting in innocence. You are
doing me no favour. What you were seeking from lifetimes you are getting that only. Now that you have, come to the last stage.
Then what is this crazy behaviour? You may not have seen the one who has come to the last stage, but I have seen many like
that. First I have to get them stuck to it. Stick! Stick! Stick! Sometimes you have such thoughts that, ”What can we do? Our
country is so bad, and we are so poor here. And what good can we do to our country?” Good that you don’t have money. I have
given realization to so many people who are rich. Where are they? Just two or three! And they too are such misers. There is no
one here with too much money. I have given Realisation to people with lakhs and crores. What are they doing? Good there is not
so much money and its nuisance! Good that this money is not stuck to you. You have less money which is really good. I have
seen these rich, so called, these ministers, they have no joy like you people have. They got their Realisation and then just sat
down very nicely! There they will sit with money! Big ministers, secretaries have got Realisation! What have they done? God
protect us from their egos! Who is a secretary or a king with God? Answer this. Is Shri Mataji right? It is such an important day.
Who am I before you? Go where you go for your Pujas to these temples! Are they going to come on this earth get your own
temple ready? These little children who just came in are more lucky and blessed than you people. They are beyond money,
positions and all this foolishness. They just want Mataji. Yesterday some of these children had come and they pleaded with their
mothers to let them be at my program for a longer time. I was not giving them any chocolate or anything like that but they
wanted to sit more with Mataji. They understand more than you people. Leave your past and become like children. You have
become like children. What a beautiful form! You too were like this my children. You all were like this. Where have you got lost
and become disfigured? Be afraid of your ugliness. Look at the beauty of others. When I will go away, when the Mother leaves
then it is the duty of the children to look after the house. When I come back, I see that my children have been spreading Sahaja
Yoga. But here when I come, I see that 8-10 people have their Agnyas caught up, some others have their Nabhi caught up and yet
others have Vishuddhi caught up. Someone went to someone else [guru], while others have fallen sick, someone is in bad shape,
someone’s wife is in hospital and another has gone to the lunatic asylum. Oh, what happened? And don't think you are small
people. You are very great people. All these "big" people are of no use. They don’t get their Realisation! Know your greatness and
then talk. Open yourself and talk. One who speaks even one word in Sahaja Yoga, then Sakshat Saraswati herself will come and
sit there. I am telling you. Just speak and then see. Just start talking about Sahaja Yoga and you will see Saraswati coming into
your voice. Start writing about it and She will come into your writings. Take up any work in Sahaja and Sakshat Hanuman is
standing and he tells me, “Mother, with whom should I stand?” Hanumanji is doing all your work. Take up any work in the name
of your Mother, even of work of the world. For Sahaja Yoga the five Immortals [Chiranjeevs] are standing there for you. All these
deities are ready with their Shaktis standing in the background for you. And what do they see? That the actor who has come is in
very bad shape. He is looking here and there. How will the drama go on? This half-baked attitude won’t do. “Mataji, I don’t get
time to sit for meditation.” What do you mean that you get no time? What is time meant for? Who has given you this time? If you
have no time for yourself then how will you get time for God? How do you get no time? You should wake up at 4am. You have
seen your Mother. How many hours does She sleep? Wake up at 4 in the morning. Tell yourself. You have to go into meditation
from 4 to 5 am. Throw away your sleep! Give up keeping awake in the night. Stop talking with useless people. Stop these useless
associations, these relatives, all these useless people. All these are bhoots. Have we come here to waste our time on these
people? I don’t spend even one moment on telling you about Sahaja Yoga. Not even one moment. I have to meet thousands of
people from my husband’s office with whom I have to shake hands at receptions; I use it for giving Realisation. They shake
hands and I give them Realisation. I see that he has got Realisation and I feel like laughing. Whichever country I go to I keep
giving Realisation. Whoever I speak to I keep giving Realisation. He keeps talking and I keep on giving Realisation. He goes on
talking about his own things. Where I get a chance I keep giving Realisation. On Victoria station a Pakistani Muslim was
collecting tickets. The line was very long and I was giving Realisation to him standing in the line and also to the people standing
in the line in front of me. Just as he gave me the ticket and looked at Me, he got his Realisation. He gave all their tickets and
came and sat in my compartment, where I'm sitting alone. He asked, ”Who are you? How do you have such an attraction?” I
asked who he was. He said he is Hussain. So I told him to sit down and put his hands towards Me. He says, ”What is this
happening? Cool? Who are You?” I said, “See and recognize.” I went to Rome, where many artists were sitting and painting
something. I gave one Realisation, then he got up and said something to the one next to him, and then came and caught hold of
my feet and started crying bitterly, saying, ”Mother, When did You come?” I had gone there as the wife of a big officer with three
or four official people standing beside me. They all got embarrassed wondering what he is doing. He started saying, ”Mother, I
have found You. In the night You had come in my dreams and said that, 'I will wear such and such sari' and You have come in the
same sari.” Even a moment I think of nothing but Sahaja Yoga. I have forgotten all the past. I have had big births, big people. I
have forgotten all the past and future. In this moment I remember only Sahaja Yoga and nothing else. In the same way you
people should think of Sahaja Yoga only at each moment. Wherever you sit there should be Sahaja Yoga. Throw away your
watches! Throw away this servitude to watches! Sahaja Yoga is your watch. If it is 12:30 it does not matter. It is 3 am. You are
sitting in Sahaja Yoga. Is Sahaja Yoga the servant of a watch or time? We are not servants of any laws or rituals. We are standing
only in Sahaja Yoga. We keep sitting even if it takes time. Are we some servants of our stomachs? We are servants of no one.
Everything keeps happening. It has to happen. Throw away this servitude to all your old bindings! Throw away your watches!
There is no system made for anything. In Sahaja Yoga there can never be a system. It makes its own system. Let it be made. If
you try and make systems then it will be destroyed. Don’t make disciplines. Let the discipline of Sahaja Yoga keep moving within
you. Yes for those who have not got their realization for them the discipline is important. You do that. But those who have got
realization such people have to get their own discipline inside. The discipline will come by itself within. Sahaja Yogis have an
inbuilt discipline. There is no forgiveness for this. The one who is not a Sahaja Yogi should be forgiven because he does not
understand what discipline is. He only knows the worldly discipline of the stick. Let the discipline come from within and awaken
from within for Sahaja Yogis. See how much you are moving in the discipline of Sahaja. You are moving with its hand and feet
and rising with its waves. How much is the discipline tied with the waves of an ocean? You can tell sitting here at what time low
tide or high tide will come in London; who has tied its discipline; that you have started tying other’s discipline! Learn to step into
the discipline of the within. Learn to move in the directions and methods of within. Its methods are moving. Don’t make your
own. Make your own this, that. Let's get more into Sahaja, spend time for Sahaja. If you have to wear watches then wear it for
Sahaja Yoga. If you have to put alarm then let it be for Sahaja Yoga.(To a person who just entered: Come and sit.) You are all
within my heart. Are you far away? You must understand this. Even one leaf in this world cannot move without His discipline.
Blend yourself in His discipline and merge in with His harmony. Harmonize yourself totally. When it rises you rise, when it falls
you fall. When we try to do our own thing then we are left behind. Keep molding yourself with it. This can happen only through
Sahaja Yoga and not through any worldly things. There is only one way, which I have said a thousand times and I am saying
again, that your fortress is Thoughtlessness [Nirvicharita]! Know in Thoughtless Awareness and you will know everything.
Anything you have to do, go into Thoughtlessness. Once you do all worldly works in thoughtless awareness then you will know
that how dynamic it has become. Who has seen flowers bloom or become fruits? Who has seen the living work of this world? It
is being done. You are moving in the dynamism and in this living thing. It is coming from thoughtlessness. When you sit there the
whole world becomes pale. Try to make a habit of remaining in Thoughtlessness. Every work is done through thoughtlessness
and so will yours. Your movement within has to be done by you. There is no age limit for this, that we have become old. You are
not old. You have been reborn hardly 3-4 years ago. You are just small little children. It is not a question of age. One should
remain in Thoughtlessness. This is your place, your wealth, your strength [Shakti]. This is your form. This is your beauty. This is
your life. Thoughtless! As soon as you are thoughtless the outside methods, the whole of it starts moving in your hands. Live in
thoughtlessness. Over there, there is no Time, no Direction, nor can anyone touch it. There is only a vision of the Living. There is
only a vision of Life and how it blooms. There is vision of its Beauty, its Capability, its Prosperity and its Truth. Watch it from
where the stream of life is flowing. But when you become brainless, or extremely stupid, then how will It show you? Or to be
heartless, without love, selfish, self centered, to be ugly, to do atrocities, to keep on thinking about yourself, to think that you are
something very great, then how will It show you the way? In the movement of Sahaja Yoga there should be such beauty. While
doing it there should be tremendous faith. When raising the Kundalini there should be so much Devotion that it is like you are
praying to the Kundalini or Mother of another. There should be great respect for that state, so much thought about it. In
everything, in your behaviour, your talk, the way you talk, in your touch, your laughter, and your tears, in everything there should be
such a vision of your heart. It is massive. This massiveness should show from within you. There should be a Vision of the Skies
within you. The Purity of Water should reflect from within you. The Brilliance of the Sun should show from your face, the
Coolness of the Moon should flow from within you. Flowing everywhere, you should be like the Wind. Your Breath is beating in
everyone at this time. Know this! Don’t play with your life. By being extremely reverent and humble just accept it, the new life the
Divine is putting within us. May you accept His Grace, His Love. You don’t need to bathe or wash your hands for it, you need to do
nothing but clean your heart. Clean your heart, “O God, please clean our hearts and make us leave our cunning and deceitful
ways." Clean your hearts as He is going to descend in the lotus of your hearts. Clean your hearts. Are our hearts clean? Who are
you deceiving? To whom are you telling lies? You are all one. I can never say to one person only. I am speaking to each one of
you that you are all in one body; and that too in my body. You are my projection. I am telling myself. To whom else shall I say?
Who is the other? When you are sick, I feel pain within just like I myself have got sick. And when you are happy then I feel
tremendous joy just like I have myself become happy. When you are unhappy then I too don’t enjoy any joy. I keep awake night
and day for you. Whatever or whichever way you can do, one must give time, give full time. Now we are going to make an
ashram, so the ones who have money can give money. You will have to give. You spend money here and there. Of what use has it
been your spending money here and there. I don’t need your money. I need nothing. I don’t need to spend anywhere. This ashram
is being made for you, your brothers and sisters, who are going to live there. Now these realized children are being born, they
need a school and someone who can look after them. Give money for that. How will the money come? Any money that comes
from you is very important. Such people come here who do not want to spend even one rupee. There are not such poor people
here - if that is the case then it is alright. But those who cannot give even one rupee can such people be Sahaja Yogis? I get really
amazed that they trouble for giving one rupee or five rupees! You will have to give in thousands. Who has given you this money? I
don’t want it. What can you give me? At least give for yourself, for your children, for your benefit. Tomorrow you yourself will
come and live in those ashrams. I know it. There is no need to be such misers or be freeloaders. Live like kings. Just like I don’t
eat for free you should also not eat for free. Whoever can do, do. One who has time, give time. One who can work, then work. One
who has to give realization, then give realization. One has to take out the bhoots then take out the bhoots. Do for Sahaja Yoga.
You will have to. Without doing so your ego will not die, and neither will your super ego die unless and until you do not do
something for Sahaja Yoga. Again your Agnya will catch, “Mataji, my head is caught.” “Mataji my daughter ran away.” “Mataji,
such and such happened to my father.” It will happen. I don’t do anything. The Ganas don’t do anything. Wherever you have a
weakness, there only the bhoots will catch you. They don’t catch Me. Why don’t they catch Me? "What has Mataji given us! She
has given so much to someone else." Ach! He had to get so he got it. What you have got is no less. You have no value for what
you have got. There should be a satisfaction within. Catch hold of that Satisfaction. Stand in that satisfaction. How can I tell
you? There are also computers and points about this. Press the Satisfaction key and Satisfaction gets awakened within. Press
another key and your Innocence will awaken. Press another and Truth will awaken. This is all within you. By pressing the fingers,
the whole program can get set. But first at least there should be innocence. There should be some satisfaction otherwise when
you press the finger what will come out? Vacuum? One who has pressed Satisfaction has arrived at Satisfaction. They have
arrived at wealth. They are sitting in wealth. Some have collected your wealth from years by burning your bodies for years and
are now standing before you. In the same way you must collect things one by one: Satisfaction, come into Innocence, come into
Wealth, come into Beauty, come into Truth, come into Love. All the buttons are there. How are we going to do it, how will we do
it? There is no word like, "How will we...?" in Sahaja Yoga. Whatever you want to earn, you can within yourself. You can earn
satisfaction within yourself; you can earn everything within yourself. Press the button and whatever you want will keep on
coming to you. You will become a machine within. I can’t understand how to get that attainment within you and join you. Let us
now go into Meditation. [English Translation from Hindi Version 2] Sahaja Yoga has emerged, but it is not so easy for a human to
understand Sahaja Yoga. If you get a great thing like Sahaja Yoga so easily, its greatness, its assessment, reverence for the
shakti, devotion for the Shakti, the hard work required to fully integrate it inside with full mind, all these things will be lacking.
That is why you notice that many are very casual. But the other swamijis, you know how they consider the people, and how they
exploit them. They take money from you, make you do hard work, make you stand on your head, make you do bodily work, some
or other hard work so that your ego gets satisfied a little bit and you stick to it. You may also have seen such people, who give
away everything they have, like money, etc. to these swamijis and then they sweep at Swamiji’s place. One gets Sahaja Yoga with
such ease, they are casual towards it. Like they got their eyes so easily, they are casual, they do not know the value of these
eyes. But the day we have a problem with the eye, we will say ‘Oh, God’. That is why one must have difficulties. If there is no
difficulty, the Sahaja Yogi will not care for it at all. … Audience talk..unclear.. How long difficulties will be there will depend on you,
it will be there till you hold on to them, what can be done about it? There are some people, you know, once they are realised, they
are realised; it will not touch them. They will never have difficulties; it is due to the Punyas (good deeds) from their previous lives.
They should also be alert. They should not be unduly happy, ‘We do not have any difficulty, so we are special, no problem’. Being
casual towards Sahaja Yoga will prove costly. If you are casual towards yourself, there is no harm, because there is someone to
look after your eyes, hands, legs, body-there is someone to look after, ready. You don’t have to look after it. But your Sahaja Yoga,
you have to look after yourselves. There is a big difference between the two. All your body will be managed, whatever other
things which, I call your three dimensions, will all be managed. But your Sahaja Yoga, only you have to practice. You have to flow
in that, but you are so casual, so casual, even if someone is sitting next to you, you don’t tell him, meet him, talk about this and
dedicate to Sahaja Yoga. There are many people and different parts of the body – (alluding to the Sahaja Yogis)- are separated.
Yesterday a girl had a problem and her brother came, he got realisation in a split second. Lots of your limbs have fallen in this
world and you have to gather them, even that is a big Sahaja Yoga. In your own house, how can one be outside Sahaja Yoga? If
you are in my house, you have to come to Sahaja Yoga, get realisation and you should not have any problem. You should insist,
you should not get angry with them. You have to tell them about this, talk about this, but you should not be casual. Eat, rise, sit
and as you take a breath and with every breath, you have to propose Sahaja Yoga. Because, if you consider yourself a special
form, and if you think that there is something special about your temple, there should be ringing of bells all the time, otherwise it
will be a waste. Sahaja Yoga also can go waste. You understand this. Another thing I want to tell you is that without Sahaja Yoga,
you do not have a personality now. Without that there is no glow. Without that there is no acceptance. If you come into the
kingdom of God, you have to take citizenship! I heard from many people, my brother came yesterday, he said’ ‘I went to Gajanand
Maharaj’. I do not know who Gajanand Maharaj is. Phadke talked about Gajanand Maharaj. Then, I saw that Agnya chakra,
Vishuddhi chakra, and another chakra – three chakras were caught up. He told his experience that he gets a catch from his
photograph itself. Three chakras were caught up. I said, ‘I am your sister sitting here and why did you go to Gajanand Maharaj?’
He said ‘All told me, he is a saint’. I said check from Vibrations, whether he is a saint or not. He went casually. He should have
checked. Is this Sahaja Yoga? After becoming a King, one who becomes a beggar, he should be removed. But you are becoming
a beggar knowingly. Went casually, went there also. What to do, my wife is like this, what to do, my father is like this what to do,
my daughter said let us go and I went. Then what happened, After coming back, Mataji, my Agnya chakra is caught up, have a
catch in the stomach, Nabhi chakra is caught up, three chakras are caught up. I am your own sister sitting here, who asked you
to go to Gajanand Maharaj? Then we thought our condition was bad, so let us go to Saibaba. Then I said, first you come here, get
the stomach fixed, then go to Saibaba. If you go there also what wisdom will you get? Thousands go there, what happens there?
What do you want to ask? Want to ask for material things from Saibaba? When will man’s material desires be fulfilled?
Everything is done, what do you want materially? You have become a king, what do you still want? What I have come to give,
what you have to get, that is very important. For the human race, God has made a human after a lot of contemplation. There is so
much dirt in your brains collected from here and there, throw it away. You have collected a lot of useless things, junk. Throw
away from this temple and make that temple prestigious. Have to light a lamp in each and every heart. Purify your house, purify
your family, purify your society. You care a lot for your relatives! You have a lot of relatives. ‘I have come for them, my
mother-in-law has come, I have to give her, I have to do something for her. What will your mother-in-law give you, When you go,
she will give you thrashing with footwear. These are your relatives, Know that. You do not have any relatives, other than these.
Only a Sahaja Yogi is the relative of a Sahaja Yogi because they speak a distinct language. Their ways are different, their stride is
different. You have to give your life. You have to share your love. Love will flow on the edge of the mind, Correct your mind, make
your mind light. If you keep so much in your mind, how will Sahaja Yoga get in there? It is working on the mind, watch. God is
sitting to pour on you. But where is your attention? It keeps wavering every two minutes. You have to put your attention at His
feet, He does not want your money, etc. Keep it with you. What is the importance of all the collections made from deaths? Make
your attention important. God will descend on that mind. He has made you younger by ten to twenty years. Your body has
become alright. Thoughts of your mind have been purified. You have got collective consciousness. Now what? Still, you are
running after this and that. Do you attach more importance to that? In your previous lives, you have earned a lot of dung. You
have left it here and gone. Again gather it! You will again leave it here and go. It is very dangerous to be casual for a Sahaja Yogi.
This is called negligence. A big war has arisen. You know that other ways of destruction have been kept ready. Sahaja Yoga is
standing like a lotus in this mud; delicate, aromatic, fragrant, beautiful and you are petals of that. All the mud which is there will
fall off once you know that you are the lotus, you are not the mud. But by chance if a chakra catches, it is mud, remove it. You
have been made a lotus. You are the lotus and if the mud falls on the lotus, the lotus should throw it away and also it is also not
going to stick. Everyone has to be aware of Sahaja Yoga. If you have to cross with the ferry of Sahaja Yoga, don’t get bogged
down by small problems of family and small problems in the house. How long are you going to hold onto this mud with your
hand? There is no one to support you. The boy is to be married, the girl is to be married, it may happen, may not happen. You will
spend money on that. You will earn a name in that. And for Sahaja Yoga, you have no time. The most important thing is that
Indians don’t have much money. if you look at it, their financial condition is not that good. But we should know that vibrations are
there only in India, which controls everything. If it were any other country it would have collapsed by now. You are living only with
the help of those Vibrations. What a big country! You are born in such a great country. You know everything. I don’t know how to
tell the English about Devi mahatmyam, they have not read it. They don’t know what Devi is and what Maa is. They are such dirty
people they don’t know what Maa is; how can I tell them what Maa is, I feel like crying. And you have become so casual and you
sit in meditation as if for a shave. How will it happen?! My brothers asked me ‘why are you struggling day in and day out? If your
health gets affected, what will we tell your husband? You sleep at night at 4 or 5 and the whole day you are working. Why are you
doing it? what are you going to get, we don’t understand’. Now they will not understand nor will I! When we both have an
understanding then only something will happen. I can fight it out alone, but how will you benefit from that? Being casual, walking
casually are signs of showing apathy towards yourself. It’s disrespectful to yourself. The king who got the entire wealth is being
so casual. Rule, Relax! Are you going to finish Sahaja Yoga on small issues? You clean your inner being, you clean your heart.
Leave the over smartness. Cleanse your heart and check ‘Are we sitting in innocence?’ You are not doing a favour to me. It is for
you; you are getting what you have been asking, what you have been searching for ages, you are getting. When you have reached
the pinnacle, why are you being mad? You may not have seen those who turn their face away when they reach the pinnacle, but I
have seen. First, you have to make them stick. Have to keep on saying, ‘stick-on, stick on!’ Sometimes I think of you like this;
‘what can we do? Things are so bad in our country. We are poor people, we have our problems, how can we uplift the country,
Mataji? You have put us on a higher pedestal’. It is good that you don’t have money. I have given realisation to so many rich
people here. Where are they? See only 2 or 4 here. They are even very miserly, we don’t have a rich man among us. I have given
realisation to millionaires. What are they doing? It is good you don’t have money, it is a hassle. Very little is sticking to you. Less
money is very good. I have seen rich people, people holding positions, Ministers. They don’t have the happiness which you have.
They get realisation and sit back in style, and sit with a lot of money. Ministers and Secretaries have got their realisation. What
have they done? God save us from their arrogance. For God who is Secretary and who is king? …….Marathi conversation of Shri
Mataji….. They are better than you because they do not have the dirt of money. They do not have any position, to make them
stupid. They just want Mataji. Yesterday a few children came. Their mother said, ‘let us go’. They were saying ‘let us stay back’.
They were not getting any chocolates, nothing. ‘We don’t want any cinema, we only want Mataji. Let’s go to Mataji’. They know
more than you. You also become like them. Leave everything of the past and become like them. Now you become children. How
beautiful you are. You are also like this, son! You were also like this. Now you have all become deformed, disgusting. Be worried
about it. See the beauty of others. I will go. When the mother is away it becomes the responsibility of children to look after the
house. When I come back I should see that My children have spread Sahaja Yoga. Otherwise, I will see that someone has a catch
of Agnya chakra, someone has a problem with the Nabhi chakra, someone has Vishuddhi problem. Someone went there,
someone went there. Someone has fallen sick, someone is unwell, someone’s wife is in hospital and someone is in a Lunatic
Asylum. What has happened? Don’t think that we are small people. You are a very great person. So-called great people are
useless, they don’t get their realisation. You realise your greatness and talk. You talk openly. If one speaks one letter of Sahaja
Yoga, Goddess Saraswati will come and sit there, I am telling you. You speak and see. You will experience it. Start talking about
Sahaja Yoga, Saraswati will be in your voice, you start writing, Saraswati will be in your writing. Start any work Hanumana will
stand there with folded hands, Mother tell me, ‘with whom shall I stand?’ Hanuman Ji is doing all your work. Whatever work you
take up in the name of Mataji whatever work you take in this world, whatever it may be, he will do it. For Sahaja Yoga work all the
five Chiranjeevis- long lived-are standing by. All of them are putting powers behind you and standing in the background. And Nat
Ji who has come, he is in a bad shape, he is looking here and there. How will the play be composed? We don’t want a
half-hearted approach. ‘I don’t get time to meditate’. What do you mean I don’t get the time? For what do you have time? Who has
given you time? If you don’t get time for yourselves, God saves you. How do you not get the time? Get up at 4 in the morning. You
have woken up your Mother. How many hours does She sleep? Get up at 4 in the morning. Tell your mind, I have to meditate from
4 to 5. Throw away the sleep. Stop staying awake in the nights, stop talking to useless people. Leave worthless associations,
leave aside relatives, they are all useless people. They are all bhoots. Have we come to waste our time for them? I don’t spend
even one moment, you will be surprised, on anything other than Sahaja Yoga. Thousands of people come to my husband’s office,
whenever there is a reception; they all ask for their realisation Shake hands and they ask for realisation! Whichever country I go
to, I give realisation. They keep talking to me, I give realisation while talking. I see that they have got realisation in a split second.
He keeps on talking about so many things. Wherever I get an opportunity, I keep giving realisation. At Victoria station, there was
a ticket collector. He was a Muslim. When I was buying the ticket, there was a long queue and I was giving realisation. Maybe he
was from Pakistan-from wherever he maybe. I think he was from Pakistan. While standing I was giving realisation and even to
others who were standing there, I was giving realisation. While he was issuing a ticket to me, he looked at me and he got his
realisation. So he gave a ticket to all and came inside and sat inside my compartment. I was sitting alone in that compartment.
He asked Me, ‘Who are You? Why is there so much attraction in you? I asked him, ‘who are you?’. He said his name was Hussain.
I said, ‘Sit down, Hussain mian’. I said, ‘Put your hand like this’. He said, ‘What is this cool breeze coming? Who are you? I said,
‘See and recognise.’ I went to Rome. It is an incident that happened long back. Many artists were sitting there. They were
painting something. Gave realisation to one. He got up, told something to someone and fell at my feet, sat, caught hold of both
My feet and started crying, saying loudly, ‘Mother, when did you come?’ I went there as the wife of an officer; three people were
standing on this side and four people on that side. Those people were embarrassed- what is this man doing? He said, ‘No
Mother, I found You. I saw You in my dream last night. You said you will come wearing a white sari. And you have come wearing
that’. Even for one moment, I can’t think of anything other than Sahaja Yoga. I have forgotten all my past, there have been great
lives, they have all become great. I have forgotten everything, all the details. I only remember Sahaja Yoga. I don’t remember
anything. In the same way. every moment you have to think of Sahaja Yoga, wherever you are sitting there itself. Throw away
your watches first. Throw away slavery to watches. Become a slave of Sahaja Yoga, Sahaja Yoga is your watch. It was 12:30, no
harm, you were sitting there, it is 3 you were still sitting there. You were sitting in Sahaja Yoga. Is Sahaja Yoga slave of the watch
or time? We are not slaves of any regulation or law. We are only standing in Sahaja Yoga. Whatever time it may take, we will sit
there. Wherever we are sitting, we will sit there. Are we slaves to the stomach that we have to eat on time? We are not slaves to
anything. Everything keeps happening, it is going to happen. First of all, you leave your slavery of everything, whatever old slavery
is there leave it. First of all, throw away watches. No system has been made for anything. No system can be made in Sahaja
Yoga. Its own systems are being made, let them be made. If you make the system, that will be hailed. Don’t enforce discipline.
Let its discipline be working inside. Yes, those who have not got their realisation, discipline is required; you enforce it. But those
who are realised, they have to enforce discipline inside them. The discipline will happen inside by itself. Sahaja Yogi has an inner
discipline. But if there is indiscipline here, it can’t be forgiven. But one who is not a Sahaja Yogi, forgive him because he does not
know what discipline is. He knows worldly discipline enforced through ‘the cane’. Let the Sahaja Yogi get the discipline from
within, let him be awakened from within. Look at its discipline with which you are moving. You are moving your limbs with its
discipline, with its waves. Who has enforced discipline on the ocean’s waves? Sitting here you can tell the time of high tide and
low tide in London. Who has enforced its discipline? You are trying to enforce someone else’s!? Learn to get into its discipline.
Learn to grow with its signals and its mechanism. Its machine is working. Don’t make any of your own. Just say, ‘let us get into
Sahaja Yoga, Let us go, let us invest time in Sahaja Yoga’. If you wear a watch, it is for Sahaja Yoga. If you put an alarm, it should
be for Sahaja Yoga. …..Marathi words….See this, this age and this is Sahaja Yoga. ..Marathi…silence…. Not even a leaf in this
world can move without its discipline. Become one with it; get into its harmony – Get fully harmonised with it; when it rises you
rise when it falls you fall. If we make something of our own, we will not be in touch with it. You mold yourself with that. It can
happen only with Sahaja Yoga. It can not happen with anything else, it can’t happen with any earthly thing of the world. There is
only one way, I have told you thousands of times, I am telling you again and again; your fortress is ‘Nirvicharita
(thoughtlessness). Find out in Nirvicharita. You will know everything. Whatever you have to do, go into Nirvicharita. Do all worldly
things in Nirvicharita, you will see that it becomes dynamic. Who has seen the blooming of flowers, who has seen fruits growing,
who has seen the execution of all the worldly work? It is happening; you are moving in the same dynamism, in the same living
thing. It is coming from Nirvicharita, is n’t it?. You sit in that place, from where the whole world blooms. Make a habit of
Nirvicharita, try to be always in thoughtlessness. All the work of this world happens through that and yours also will happen. All
useless things will happen, but you have to operate the inner system yourself. There is no age problem; no one is old. You are
just born, maybe two or four years. You are all small babies. There is no issue of age. You have to be in Nirvicharita. This is your
place, this is your wealth, this is your strength, this is your power, this is your form, this is your beauty, this is your life, Nirvichar.
As soon as you become thoughtless, the machine outside starts to fully spin in your hands. Be in thoughtlessness. There, there
is no time, no direction, nor anyone can touch you. You will get to see the life process, how life blooms. You will see its beauty, its
ability. Its opulence, its truth; gaze from the place where the stream of life flows. But becoming ill-advised, becoming a fool, how
will it show to you?! Or heart becoming empty, loveless, selfish, self-centered, thinking about oneself, thinking big of oneself, how
can it show you the path- being ugly, torturing. How much beauty should be there in the movement and speed of Sahaja Yoga?
When you are doing it, there should be reverence. When you are raising the Kundalini, there should be spirituality in your hands;
you are worshipping someone’s Kundalini, someone’s mother. How much respect you should have? How much thought you
should give. In everything, in your behaviour, in your language, in your speech, in your laughter, in your caress, in your crying, in
everything you do, your heart should be seen, vastness should be seen, the sky should be seen. A glimpse of the purity of water
should be seen inside you. The glow of the sun should be seen on your face, the coolness of the moon should flow from you.
Like the air, you should be outgoing. Your life is pulsating in the lives of all, realise this and don’t play with your life. Be very
reverent and devoted and accept it with humility, the new life which is being poured into us by Paramatma. Accept its love and
compassion. Just there is no need for taking a bath, no need for washing hands, nothing is required. Only the cleanliness of the
heart is required. Clean your heart. Pray, ‘God clean my heart’. Give up your deceit and guile. Clean your heart. You are to get into
the lotus of the heart. Clean your heart. Is my heart clean? Who are you cheating, who are you telling lies to? You are all one. It
never happens that I am telling a particular person. I am telling you all that you are all part of one body; even that is My body,
inside My body you are My projection. I am telling Myself. Who other can I tell? Who is the other? If you get sick, I feel the pain, as
if I have become sick. And when you are happy, I feel I am very happy. If you are not happy, I don’t feel happy about anything.
That is why I stay awake all day and night for your sake. The one who gets, who has time, he should give time for this. Give full
time for this. Our ashram will be built, those of you who have money can donate. You have to give because you spend so much,
what did we gain by the money you have spent so far? I don’t want your money, I don’t want to spend your money. The ashram is
being built for you, it is being built for your brothers and sisters. They have to live there. They are getting children, they are
realised; they have to go to school. There we need someone to take care of these children. Give money for that. Without money
how can the building be brought up? Even if we get one Rupee from your heart, It has a lot of significance. I am surprised. Such
people come here who hesitate to give one Rupee. There are no poor people here if it were so it is ok. Even for giving one Rupee
if they are miserly, how can they be in Sahaja Yoga. When I hear this, I am surprised. They bother you even for giving one Rupee
or five Rupees. When you have money, you donate, you have to give in thousands, in tens of thousands. Who has given you the
money? I do n’t want it. What need do I have? Please give it to yourself. Give for your well being. You will live in those ashrams
with your kith and kin, I know. You do not have to live on freebies, live like a king. I don’t eat for free, you should also not eat for
free. Whatever you can contribute, contribute. If you have time, spare your time, if you can put in some hard work, do it. If you can
awaken Kundalini, do it if you can give realisation, give it If you can remove bhoots, remove bhoots. Contribute to Sahaja Yoga. If
you don’t do it, your ego is not going to die, your superego is not going to run away. Till you do something for Sahaja Yoga, it will
again bother you. ‘ Mother my head is caught up, Mother my daughter ran away, Mataji, this happened to my father’. It will
happen. I don’t do anything. Ganas also don’t do anything. The bhoots will catch your weakness. They don’t trouble Me. Do you
know why they don’t catch Me? ‘What has Mataji given me, Mataji has so much to him’. He had to get so much. He got it. What
you got also is not less. You don’t value what you got. You should be satisfied within. Catch hold of satisfaction from inside.
Establish yourself on that satisfaction. How should I tell you this, there is a computer for this, it has points. If you press one
finger, your satisfaction will be awakened, if you press one finger your innocence will be awakened, if you press one finger truth
will be awakened. This is all inside you, by pressing the fingers like this, the entire program can be set. Shri Mataji keeps doing
this. In the first place, there should be innocence there. There should be some satisfaction there, otherwise, you press the finger,
what will come out from there-vacuum?! There is nothing inside. One who has added satisfaction, he will reach satisfaction. We
are sitting in satisfaction at this time. We have reached righteousness. We are sitting in righteousness at this time. All have
accumulated wealth after burning the body for years and now it is present before you. Like this, you have to keep adding
everything, add satisfaction, a lot of it. Come into innocence, come into righteousness. Come into the truth, come into the beauty,
Come into love, you have a button for everything. How will it happen, how to do it? Sahaja Yoga does n’t have to do it. It all
happens. There is no such word like ‘How?’ in Sahaja Yoga. You can earn whatever you want to be inside you. If you want
satisfaction, you can earn satisfaction. You can earn everything and keep inside. Press a button and you will keep getting what
you want. A machine will manifest inside you. I don’t know how you will earn these-You add your earning! |
2/9/1975 | | Meditation and Prayer, Prayer To The Almighty, Dhyan Aur Prathna | India | Mumbai | null | Reviewed | null | Draft | null | Y | N | N | Talk to Sahaja Yogis | Hindi | 44 | 1975-02-09, Meditation and Prayer, Mumbai The most important part of Sahaja Yoga is that, to progress in it, you have to
meditate. Meditation is very important. Even if you don’t do anything else but meditate, you can progress in Sahaja Yoga. As I
told you, this is a new path, a new dimension. A new thing. In which you have jumped in. In your mind, in that Sea you have gone
in. But if you want to get inside of it, you have to meditate. Some people say, Mother I don’t get time to meditate. Modern man
has clock now a days to save time. But he doesn’t know what is he saving time for? That he doesn’t know. The time is being
saved for Sahaja Yoga. There was this gentleman who wanted to go to London. He was saying, Mother please get me the ticket,
talk to someone in air India, please let me go there, I have to go through this plane only. Mother asked : « what’s the matter, what
is important ? » He said : « Mother I must go there I have to save time. » « What’s the matter, why are you saving time to go there?
» « Mother because there is a special dinner and then there is a ballroom. » Just remember that the watch on your hands is just
for Sahaja Yoga. For a person who spends his whole time in Sahaja Yoga, it is not important that he does office work or house
work, but he should do it in Meditation. While doing every task, you can be nirvachar. When you are in thoughtless, you’ll get all:
beauty, knowledge of that task and all joy of that task. People don’t understand this, this is why they start fighting that they are
not getting time for meditation. But what you start enjoying It, you realize that once you start meditating, even your sleep gets
shorter, even in your sleep you go into meditation. You don’t have to leave or decrease anything. But what we think are very
important don’t stay as important, and what we don’t think special become special. Before meditation remember one thing,
which instrument (Veena) in which this alaap (the first notes of Raaga) is going to start should be clean (synchronised). You are
not that Veena or that Alaap but you are owner of it. You are the one who is playing it and enjoying alaap. If that Veena is not in
tune, wires are rusted, then it is important that you clean it. If they are not right, then you don’t have that sweetness in your life,
you can’t get that beauty. You have that biliousness, dryness and instability in your vision. It becomes a big thing for Me to see
that some Sahaja yogis are meditating with that determination and going deeper. Whereas others are not. I can’t say if all of you
can go into that state. Whatever you can achieve (in Sahaja yoga) you should try to achieve in this life time itself. Whatever time
you gain should be spent on this. The other things do not matter. People will talk about everything else but not about going
deeper than this. Like about meditation, improving yourself, cleaning yourself. « He said this, he said that, this should have
happened, this shouldn’t have happened », Does it look good for a Sahaja Yogi? When you have this huge wealth of Nirvichar
(Thoughlessness) then we should bring it out fully. You know that every moment you are getting it and also losing it. Every
moment is important. What about holding or letting it go, have I told you anything. « So should I leave family life? » No, did I leave
it? You know that I work harder than most of you. But I am not tired, because you give Me joy, when I see you, it gives Me joy. My
heart fills with joy. Whatever has importance, keep your attention there. I don’t say that you should sit here 24 hours. But
wherever you are sitting, just keep sitting there on that throne. So many people don’t have physical problems, but there are still
some mental questions. Forget about all those things. Every person can get it. It is your birth right because it was with you at
your birth. But you have to meditate. But don’t worry about arranging it, don’t worry about it. How does it matter if there are 10
people more or 10 people less? Instead of 1000 bad people, just 10 good people is good for Sahaja. Please be one of those 10
people who are enjoying Sahaja, doing Sahaja work with extreme love, enjoying it, and are standing in first lane. Like the
Himalayas who is the highest and everyone looks at it. Let everyone look at you and think, that: « I should be like that person, if I
grow in Sahaja, I grow like him. » This is something of inside and not outside. I know who is going where. You are blocking
yourself, no one else can stop you. No person in the world, mantra tantra can stop you. You stay with Your Self. Just witness
which person talks about what, you’ll know that there is some negativity in that person which is why he or she is talking about
that. Whether it is your husband or wife, you don’t have to argue, there is no point. He or she will get better on their own. Not just
that, you know that if you have any deformities, you know how to move your hands and clean them. Even in your fingers and
hands, all gods are awakened. But it is very important that these gods are not insulted anywhere. They should be worshipped in
properly. Our hands should be like , that they are worshippable. People should feel that these hands have the flow of Shri Ganga.
The reason why River Ganga is pure, that is because of the vibrations, is flowing through your hands. The energy which is running
whole universe is flowing through you. This hands and legs where the energy is flowing, keep them pure. It is not about just
cleansing but about doing things from it do it with beauty and in worshipping way. Your job is to get speed up in meditation,
that’s your job. If someone says that I do this or that, then you should know that I release My Maya and a lot of people have got
hurt because of it. Its just happening, like this is moving, this is coming. Do everything in akarma. Like the Sun never says that I
am giving the light to everyone. He is just giving. He is flowing that huge energy from it. Just like that those energies are flowing
you because you are micro machines. You are not a machine like the sun, but a very special machine, a micro machine. The
vibrations which flow through you will not only give you a special experience but also to others. You can cure the very subtle
aspects of their body and the minute instruments within them. The energy which is flowing is of love and thus I do not know how
to describe it. If you want to clean this worldly machine, you can fix them by changing parts, rubbing against something, filing.
But the human machines are much more complex than that. They cannot be fixed that way. They could be cleansed only by love.
They have so many scars. You can only fix those with love. Human is very sad. These vibrations are nothing but love. When you
lose love, you lose vibrations. « Mother we had a badha, these vibrations have stopped coming! » It ’s because the love has
stopped. When it starts [again], vibrations will start flowing again. If you are holding on to Love, vibrations will keep flowing.
These vibrations, which is the love of God, keeps on flowing. That is the only thing which is flowing. This is an amazing feeling, it
is an amazing moment. Will it get destroyed because you did not give Me your full support ? Everything you can know yourself,
else I am here to explain you everything. But I have to give a small suggestion, just think about it, are you qualified to get it? Just
because you came to my programs you don’t become eligible. You become eligible when you get those depth. Like the pot, the
deep it is, more water it gets. If it is small, it will overflow. You have to have that depth in your meditation. Look at those
meditating. Go deeper in that after thoughtlessness. You will reach the Unconscious [the Collective Consciousness] through your
conscious. Your own consciousness will go away and then you will know the Unconscious. It is the first time that you know
yourself and others via Collective Consciousness. But very few people value it. Some of you say, Mother if you take money from
people, they will value it. But Money is a Bhoot. If by taking money you understand its value, then its better you don’t. No one can
understand it from money, you have to give yourself. And what you get in return is much more and very quickly. You have to
come fully in meditation as group. It is very important. Even if you do it once a month, you have to do it. It’s part of the Virata, so
every part of it has to awaken. The more it is awakened the more lamps will be lit. Even if you meditate everyday at home you can
see you didn’t do much as compared to those 6-7 people who came here everyday and rose. If in meditation your eyes are
blinking it means your Agnya chakra is getting hurt. Nothing to take personally here, it means you have to fix it. If you are sitting
in meditation but your body is shaking, that means your Mooladhara chakra is getting hurt. Which is much more dangerous. So
your Mooladhara has to be fixed. In order to understand, you can listen to all my lecture and know everything. But a few new
comers can go ahead of you. It’s not about something to learn and teach. It’s not about that. If your hands are shaking then you
should understand that there is some serious problem inside you. For this problem, beating with shoes is the best solution.
Yesterday a gentleman had come who told me that he was feeling heaviness and began shaking in front of Me. So I asked him: «
who is your guru ? » He replied that there is one Mr Bhagawat in Pune. I asked him what does he do ? He said that “he has started
a spiritual center and he gave me a diksha (initiated me)”. So I asked him what diksha did he receive? The diksha of shaking. So
he said: « In 16 years I had health problems and even lost the job. » I said « did you not have wisdom? If you have guru then it
shouldn’t have happened. How much have you paid? » For the moment I have already paid five to six thousand rupees. So I said:
« You have paid five to six thousand rupees and got all the sicknesses?! » Then we did shoe beating to this Mr Bhagawat and
also the center. Then the shaking of hands stopped. This happened in front of all of you yesterday. We should talk to them
clearly that you have a guru and a badha (catch), there is nothing to feel bad about. But I have noticed that if one has a catch
then another person who has the catch is attracted to such a person. All the persons having catches sit together in a line. You
should not sit this way. You should sit separately. Don’t make group. Making group is bad. For example people from Thane (a
town north of Mumbai) sit together. You should sit separately. There are some old persons, some of medium age and some are
kids. For kids there is no problem. Elders should sit with youngsters and youngsters should sit with the elders. If elders sit
together it creates a problem, if youngers sit together it also creates a problem. You will see it happens. The understanding of
old and young is [inaudible] and can be understood in collective vibrations. Elder should be wise, they should have baddapan (big
heart), and youngsters should listen to elders and in youngsters, activities should me more than elders. If elders are respectable,
then people will respect them. But elders should try to be respectful and youngsters should respect elders. One Sahaja Yogi
should not show disrespect another Sahaja Yogi because you are all like gods and goddesses. You can understand all this in
your meditation. When you’ll earnestly try to think about somebody, you’ ll know that it is happening because other person has
Agnya catch or say Heart catch, so it is happening. That’s why the sound [from our body which is like a veena] even is not
emitted correctly and you’ll not feel bad and the other person will also not feel bad. But if you feel bad that itself is a very big
negativity. People even feel bad of what I say so what can one says about others. So you should not feel bad of whatever I say
because I tell it for your own good. Whenever you are talking about anything, make sure that you are talking that where is your
kundalini? where are we going? how is it? Everything else is useless. How much have we established ourselves in dharma? How
much joy have we got? how much are we enjoying the love of God? These are the only experiences we have to share between us,
everything else is vain. Concerning the discussion about other things, maouna (silence) is the best approach. When you get
these kind of Sahaja Yogis, it will create a huge difference. The reflection of Sahaja Yoga will come from you. Whenever you want
to reflect, you should be very clean. When you become fully reflective, then there will be no [inaudible]. Sahaja Yoga won’t spread
from big bands, events, big size nope. Nothing will happen from all this. I have never seen these many realized people in my life.
This is amazing. But as I say, in modern times, no one is a complete saint. You were saints before, lived in jungles. Now you have
taken birth in this world and are a part of it. Try to get down into this saintliness, you’ll enjoy. It will be like in this river Ganga
Yamuna, Saraswati will start flowing. When you are going to meditation, forget about all the outside sounds. When you are in
meditation, and close your ears, you can still hear because you listen from Sahasrara. Those boys who came here who couldn't
hear started hearing a bit from Sahasrara. If your Sahasrara is open, in your lymbic area, you have certain points in your lymbic
area which when excited do the exact same job which your mouth, ear, nose do. All the organs can feel. If we open same
Sahasrara, we don’t need to breath and smell from nose, you can do it from Sahasrara. Even if all your body is destroyed still you
can do everything from your Sahasrara. But it doesn’t happen. Health of the body is constantly improving, diseases have already
disappeared. Even if some (diseases) are left, they get cured easily. In meditation, if you want to grow, there is one guna which
you really need. It is called innocence. Like a child. You can see how small kids can rise so quickly. Cunning people, over smart
people, they can’t go through. If you give pain, or hurt someone, this is also against the innocence. If we sit on the heads of so
many people, can we be innocent? If someone is hurt (by our behaviour), that person cannot be innocent. Innocence itself
means, that flower like open which only gives joy to the world, good smell. Never give pain or hurt anyone. Yes, sometimes
people feel hurt because of their stupidity, it is understandable. But don’t do it consciously. You don’t have innocence switch. If
you’ve had the switch of innocence , as soon as it is put on your Agnya will be cleared immediately. You neither have the switch
of peace, kindness, you do not have all these switches inside you. First awaken all the deities in you and then one by one all
these switches will come up. But most easy to put is innocence one because we were very innocent when we were kids. When
you spend time with kids and talk to them, or remember their words then you develop a lot of innocence. Those who become
innocent, they become eligible for kingdom of heaven. In your meditation, just see where is my mind diverting now in what
cunning plan, what stupidity. Just witness it. Thoughlessness is innocence. When you go into meditation — we won’t meditate
for that long today — but check which chakra is catching. On your fingers you can tell which fingers are catch, if they are burning
just shake it or put a bandhan. But stay in thoughtlessness with your attention on the Sahasrara. Those who have come for the
first time, we have to see if they have received their Realization or not. What troubles they are suffering from and what chakras
are catching. All these catches are outside. Even by moving the hands in this way you can put a bandhan. You can press it like
that or throw away like that. This is also a big surrender in itself. Right in the center is a Shushumna Nadi. It has to be awakened.
If it is awakened, it means, from all these fingers you ll get cool air. If you are feeling these cool breeze and you are thoughtless,
you are moving forward, like you are in aeroplane and moving forward, you don’t know where it is going but you are going. Whilst
I am here, the Sahaja yogis should participate actively and progress. Even when I go, don’t destroy collectivity. For anything
stupid you say, you have to punish yourself. You should prohibit others to talk about anything else except Sahaja Yoga. Don’t talk
about outside. Talk about inside. Whoever is getting catch, clean it. You need not feel ashamed. If your hands are burning you
should clean them (chakras). What else can you do? You know other ways to clean yourself in meditation. Don’t take umbrage
when I tell you to do footsoak. Why you feel bad. It is stupidity to feel bad on such trivial things if I tell you some things. Who are
you ? Are you a big saint ? Even big saints cleanse themselves. Like Kabira said that, “Das Kabir jatan se odhi” (This body of
mine, the sheet which is created by God, I kept it as I got it, didn’t spoil it) even when he was such a great man. So why should
you feel bad. If I ask anyone to bring a matka [earthen pot] he feels hurt. And then he brings a very big matka ! We should
abandon whatever foolish ideas we have about ourselves. We have to be childlike and not childish. Now we will go into
meditation You will all sit this way. As I said before, just fill yourself with love. You know that I am your Mother, that means you
have complete protection, nothing bad is going to happen. Just put your hands towards me. Just close your eyes slowly and look
at your thoughts and you ll be thoughtless. As soon as you are thoughtless you will go within yourself. You should just decide
that from today I will not hurt anyone. And God forgive all who have hurt me and please forgive me because I have also hurt a lot
of people. Whatever you say, God will do it. Ask for peace, he will give you peace, but you do not ask for peace. If you ask for
satisfaction he will grant it to you. But you do not ask. If you ask for a good character, he will grant it to you. Now prayer has a
meaning because now you have connection with God. Please give me love. Love for whole world. Please give me sweetness,
madhurya. Please give me pleasantness. Whatever you will ask for, He will give you. Don’t ask for anything else, ask only for
yourself:"Please protect me at Your feet.Give me a place at Your feet.Take this drop in Your ocean.Whatever impurity I have,
please remove it". Whatever you pray to God, that will happen:"Please, make me vast.Please, make me wise.Please, give me Your
wisdom.Please, give me Your knowledge.Let the whole Universe be blessed.Let there be love in whole world.Let there be
Kingdom of love on earth.Please, let this lamp burn for that.Let my body, my heart, my mind burn for that". Ask whatever is
beautiful. He will give you. You ask for ugly, He still gives you. Even when you ask for useless things He gives them to you. So
when you ask for real, will He not give you that? Don’t ask superficially but from your heart. You must pray to God and ask what
you want. Ask for: "Please, give me complete satisfaction in my heart, joy in my heart, bliss in my heart, so that the whole world
becomes blissful.Give me love, love that I could love the whole world and that the whole world becomes one in love.Give
salvation to this humanity which is suffering.Take me to Your feet.Cleanse me with Thy love". Now see if there is God or not?
You can feel it within yourself. He hears you. He understands you. He’s the glory of all the glory. He loves you. He protects you.
He guides you. He created you to reveal His love, but accept it. Any time, any thought is coming you pray and you will be moving
in the waves of that ocean which is Unconscious Mind, which starts with thoughtless awareness. [Long pause] If you cannot
become thoughtless, you pray to Him: “Forgive me for what I have done and forgive those who have done harm to me.” | null | null | null | 1975-02-09, Meditation and Prayer, Mumbai The most important part of Sahaja Yoga is that, to progress in it, you have to
meditate. Meditation is very important. Even if you don’t do anything else but meditate, you can progress in Sahaja Yoga. As I
told you, this is a new path, a new dimension. A new thing. In which you have jumped in. In your mind, in that Sea you have gone
in. But if you want to get inside of it, you have to meditate. Some people say, Mother I don’t get time to meditate. Modern man
has clock now a days to save time. But he doesn’t know what is he saving time for? That he doesn’t know. The time is being
saved for Sahaja Yoga. There was this gentleman who wanted to go to London. He was saying, Mother please get me the ticket,
talk to someone in air India, please let me go there, I have to go through this plane only. Mother asked : « what’s the matter, what
is important ? » He said : « Mother I must go there I have to save time. » « What’s the matter, why are you saving time to go there?
» « Mother because there is a special dinner and then there is a ballroom. » Just remember that the watch on your hands is just
for Sahaja Yoga. For a person who spends his whole time in Sahaja Yoga, it is not important that he does office work or house
work, but he should do it in Meditation. While doing every task, you can be nirvachar. When you are in thoughtless, you’ll get all:
beauty, knowledge of that task and all joy of that task. People don’t understand this, this is why they start fighting that they are
not getting time for meditation. But what you start enjoying It, you realize that once you start meditating, even your sleep gets
shorter, even in your sleep you go into meditation. You don’t have to leave or decrease anything. But what we think are very
important don’t stay as important, and what we don’t think special become special. Before meditation remember one thing,
which instrument (Veena) in which this alaap (the first notes of Raaga) is going to start should be clean (synchronised). You are
not that Veena or that Alaap but you are owner of it. You are the one who is playing it and enjoying alaap. If that Veena is not in
tune, wires are rusted, then it is important that you clean it. If they are not right, then you don’t have that sweetness in your life,
you can’t get that beauty. You have that biliousness, dryness and instability in your vision. It becomes a big thing for Me to see
that some Sahaja yogis are meditating with that determination and going deeper. Whereas others are not. I can’t say if all of you
can go into that state. Whatever you can achieve (in Sahaja yoga) you should try to achieve in this life time itself. Whatever time
you gain should be spent on this. The other things do not matter. People will talk about everything else but not about going
deeper than this. Like about meditation, improving yourself, cleaning yourself. « He said this, he said that, this should have
happened, this shouldn’t have happened », Does it look good for a Sahaja Yogi? When you have this huge wealth of Nirvichar
(Thoughlessness) then we should bring it out fully. You know that every moment you are getting it and also losing it. Every
moment is important. What about holding or letting it go, have I told you anything. « So should I leave family life? » No, did I leave
it? You know that I work harder than most of you. But I am not tired, because you give Me joy, when I see you, it gives Me joy. My
heart fills with joy. Whatever has importance, keep your attention there. I don’t say that you should sit here 24 hours. But
wherever you are sitting, just keep sitting there on that throne. So many people don’t have physical problems, but there are still
some mental questions. Forget about all those things. Every person can get it. It is your birth right because it was with you at
your birth. But you have to meditate. But don’t worry about arranging it, don’t worry about it. How does it matter if there are 10
people more or 10 people less? Instead of 1000 bad people, just 10 good people is good for Sahaja. Please be one of those 10
people who are enjoying Sahaja, doing Sahaja work with extreme love, enjoying it, and are standing in first lane. Like the
Himalayas who is the highest and everyone looks at it. Let everyone look at you and think, that: « I should be like that person, if I
grow in Sahaja, I grow like him. » This is something of inside and not outside. I know who is going where. You are blocking
yourself, no one else can stop you. No person in the world, mantra tantra can stop you. You stay with Your Self. Just witness
which person talks about what, you’ll know that there is some negativity in that person which is why he or she is talking about
that. Whether it is your husband or wife, you don’t have to argue, there is no point. He or she will get better on their own. Not just
that, you know that if you have any deformities, you know how to move your hands and clean them. Even in your fingers and
hands, all gods are awakened. But it is very important that these gods are not insulted anywhere. They should be worshipped in
properly. Our hands should be like , that they are worshippable. People should feel that these hands have the flow of Shri Ganga.
The reason why River Ganga is pure, that is because of the vibrations, is flowing through your hands. The energy which is running
whole universe is flowing through you. This hands and legs where the energy is flowing, keep them pure. It is not about just
cleansing but about doing things from it do it with beauty and in worshipping way. Your job is to get speed up in meditation,
that’s your job. If someone says that I do this or that, then you should know that I release My Maya and a lot of people have got
hurt because of it. Its just happening, like this is moving, this is coming. Do everything in akarma. Like the Sun never says that I
am giving the light to everyone. He is just giving. He is flowing that huge energy from it. Just like that those energies are flowing
you because you are micro machines. You are not a machine like the sun, but a very special machine, a micro machine. The
vibrations which flow through you will not only give you a special experience but also to others. You can cure the very subtle
aspects of their body and the minute instruments within them. The energy which is flowing is of love and thus I do not know how
to describe it. If you want to clean this worldly machine, you can fix them by changing parts, rubbing against something, filing.
But the human machines are much more complex than that. They cannot be fixed that way. They could be cleansed only by love.
They have so many scars. You can only fix those with love. Human is very sad. These vibrations are nothing but love. When you
lose love, you lose vibrations. « Mother we had a badha, these vibrations have stopped coming! » It ’s because the love has
stopped. When it starts [again], vibrations will start flowing again. If you are holding on to Love, vibrations will keep flowing.
These vibrations, which is the love of God, keeps on flowing. That is the only thing which is flowing. This is an amazing feeling, it
is an amazing moment. Will it get destroyed because you did not give Me your full support ? Everything you can know yourself,
else I am here to explain you everything. But I have to give a small suggestion, just think about it, are you qualified to get it? Just
because you came to my programs you don’t become eligible. You become eligible when you get those depth. Like the pot, the
deep it is, more water it gets. If it is small, it will overflow. You have to have that depth in your meditation. Look at those
meditating. Go deeper in that after thoughtlessness. You will reach the Unconscious [the Collective Consciousness] through your
conscious. Your own consciousness will go away and then you will know the Unconscious. It is the first time that you know
yourself and others via Collective Consciousness. But very few people value it. Some of you say, Mother if you take money from
people, they will value it. But Money is a Bhoot. If by taking money you understand its value, then its better you don’t. No one can
understand it from money, you have to give yourself. And what you get in return is much more and very quickly. You have to
come fully in meditation as group. It is very important. Even if you do it once a month, you have to do it. It’s part of the Virata, so
every part of it has to awaken. The more it is awakened the more lamps will be lit. Even if you meditate everyday at home you can
see you didn’t do much as compared to those 6-7 people who came here everyday and rose. If in meditation your eyes are
blinking it means your Agnya chakra is getting hurt. Nothing to take personally here, it means you have to fix it. If you are sitting
in meditation but your body is shaking, that means your Mooladhara chakra is getting hurt. Which is much more dangerous. So
your Mooladhara has to be fixed. In order to understand, you can listen to all my lecture and know everything. But a few new
comers can go ahead of you. It’s not about something to learn and teach. It’s not about that. If your hands are shaking then you
should understand that there is some serious problem inside you. For this problem, beating with shoes is the best solution.
Yesterday a gentleman had come who told me that he was feeling heaviness and began shaking in front of Me. So I asked him: «
who is your guru ? » He replied that there is one Mr Bhagawat in Pune. I asked him what does he do ? He said that “he has started
a spiritual center and he gave me a diksha (initiated me)”. So I asked him what diksha did he receive? The diksha of shaking. So
he said: « In 16 years I had health problems and even lost the job. » I said « did you not have wisdom? If you have guru then it
shouldn’t have happened. How much have you paid? » For the moment I have already paid five to six thousand rupees. So I said:
« You have paid five to six thousand rupees and got all the sicknesses?! » Then we did shoe beating to this Mr Bhagawat and
also the center. Then the shaking of hands stopped. This happened in front of all of you yesterday. We should talk to them
clearly that you have a guru and a badha (catch), there is nothing to feel bad about. But I have noticed that if one has a catch
then another person who has the catch is attracted to such a person. All the persons having catches sit together in a line. You
should not sit this way. You should sit separately. Don’t make group. Making group is bad. For example people from Thane (a
town north of Mumbai) sit together. You should sit separately. There are some old persons, some of medium age and some are
kids. For kids there is no problem. Elders should sit with youngsters and youngsters should sit with the elders. If elders sit
together it creates a problem, if youngers sit together it also creates a problem. You will see it happens. The understanding of
old and young is [inaudible] and can be understood in collective vibrations. Elder should be wise, they should have baddapan (big
heart), and youngsters should listen to elders and in youngsters, activities should me more than elders. If elders are respectable,
then people will respect them. But elders should try to be respectful and youngsters should respect elders. One Sahaja Yogi
should not show disrespect another Sahaja Yogi because you are all like gods and goddesses. You can understand all this in
your meditation. When you’ll earnestly try to think about somebody, you’ ll know that it is happening because other person has
Agnya catch or say Heart catch, so it is happening. That’s why the sound [from our body which is like a veena] even is not
emitted correctly and you’ll not feel bad and the other person will also not feel bad. But if you feel bad that itself is a very big
negativity. People even feel bad of what I say so what can one says about others. So you should not feel bad of whatever I say
because I tell it for your own good. Whenever you are talking about anything, make sure that you are talking that where is your
kundalini? where are we going? how is it? Everything else is useless. How much have we established ourselves in dharma? How
much joy have we got? how much are we enjoying the love of God? These are the only experiences we have to share between us,
everything else is vain. Concerning the discussion about other things, maouna (silence) is the best approach. When you get
these kind of Sahaja Yogis, it will create a huge difference. The reflection of Sahaja Yoga will come from you. Whenever you want
to reflect, you should be very clean. When you become fully reflective, then there will be no [inaudible]. Sahaja Yoga won’t spread
from big bands, events, big size nope. Nothing will happen from all this. I have never seen these many realized people in my life.
This is amazing. But as I say, in modern times, no one is a complete saint. You were saints before, lived in jungles. Now you have
taken birth in this world and are a part of it. Try to get down into this saintliness, you’ll enjoy. It will be like in this river Ganga
Yamuna, Saraswati will start flowing. When you are going to meditation, forget about all the outside sounds. When you are in
meditation, and close your ears, you can still hear because you listen from Sahasrara. Those boys who came here who couldn't
hear started hearing a bit from Sahasrara. If your Sahasrara is open, in your lymbic area, you have certain points in your lymbic
area which when excited do the exact same job which your mouth, ear, nose do. All the organs can feel. If we open same
Sahasrara, we don’t need to breath and smell from nose, you can do it from Sahasrara. Even if all your body is destroyed still you
can do everything from your Sahasrara. But it doesn’t happen. Health of the body is constantly improving, diseases have already
disappeared. Even if some (diseases) are left, they get cured easily. In meditation, if you want to grow, there is one guna which
you really need. It is called innocence. Like a child. You can see how small kids can rise so quickly. Cunning people, over smart
people, they can’t go through. If you give pain, or hurt someone, this is also against the innocence. If we sit on the heads of so
many people, can we be innocent? If someone is hurt (by our behaviour), that person cannot be innocent. Innocence itself
means, that flower like open which only gives joy to the world, good smell. Never give pain or hurt anyone. Yes, sometimes
people feel hurt because of their stupidity, it is understandable. But don’t do it consciously. You don’t have innocence switch. If
you’ve had the switch of innocence , as soon as it is put on your Agnya will be cleared immediately. You neither have the switch
of peace, kindness, you do not have all these switches inside you. First awaken all the deities in you and then one by one all
these switches will come up. But most easy to put is innocence one because we were very innocent when we were kids. When
you spend time with kids and talk to them, or remember their words then you develop a lot of innocence. Those who become
innocent, they become eligible for kingdom of heaven. In your meditation, just see where is my mind diverting now in what
cunning plan, what stupidity. Just witness it. Thoughlessness is innocence. When you go into meditation — we won’t meditate
for that long today — but check which chakra is catching. On your fingers you can tell which fingers are catch, if they are burning
just shake it or put a bandhan. But stay in thoughtlessness with your attention on the Sahasrara. Those who have come for the
first time, we have to see if they have received their Realization or not. What troubles they are suffering from and what chakras
are catching. All these catches are outside. Even by moving the hands in this way you can put a bandhan. You can press it like
that or throw away like that. This is also a big surrender in itself. Right in the center is a Shushumna Nadi. It has to be awakened.
If it is awakened, it means, from all these fingers you ll get cool air. If you are feeling these cool breeze and you are thoughtless,
you are moving forward, like you are in aeroplane and moving forward, you don’t know where it is going but you are going. Whilst
I am here, the Sahaja yogis should participate actively and progress. Even when I go, don’t destroy collectivity. For anything
stupid you say, you have to punish yourself. You should prohibit others to talk about anything else except Sahaja Yoga. Don’t talk
about outside. Talk about inside. Whoever is getting catch, clean it. You need not feel ashamed. If your hands are burning you
should clean them (chakras). What else can you do? You know other ways to clean yourself in meditation. Don’t take umbrage
when I tell you to do footsoak. Why you feel bad. It is stupidity to feel bad on such trivial things if I tell you some things. Who are
you ? Are you a big saint ? Even big saints cleanse themselves. Like Kabira said that, “Das Kabir jatan se odhi” (This body of
mine, the sheet which is created by God, I kept it as I got it, didn’t spoil it) even when he was such a great man. So why should
you feel bad. If I ask anyone to bring a matka [earthen pot] he feels hurt. And then he brings a very big matka ! We should
abandon whatever foolish ideas we have about ourselves. We have to be childlike and not childish. Now we will go into
meditation You will all sit this way. As I said before, just fill yourself with love. You know that I am your Mother, that means you
have complete protection, nothing bad is going to happen. Just put your hands towards me. Just close your eyes slowly and look
at your thoughts and you ll be thoughtless. As soon as you are thoughtless you will go within yourself. You should just decide
that from today I will not hurt anyone. And God forgive all who have hurt me and please forgive me because I have also hurt a lot
of people. Whatever you say, God will do it. Ask for peace, he will give you peace, but you do not ask for peace. If you ask for
satisfaction he will grant it to you. But you do not ask. If you ask for a good character, he will grant it to you. Now prayer has a
meaning because now you have connection with God. Please give me love. Love for whole world. Please give me sweetness,
madhurya. Please give me pleasantness. Whatever you will ask for, He will give you. Don’t ask for anything else, ask only for
yourself:"Please protect me at Your feet.Give me a place at Your feet.Take this drop in Your ocean.Whatever impurity I have,
please remove it". Whatever you pray to God, that will happen:"Please, make me vast.Please, make me wise.Please, give me Your
wisdom.Please, give me Your knowledge.Let the whole Universe be blessed.Let there be love in whole world.Let there be
Kingdom of love on earth.Please, let this lamp burn for that.Let my body, my heart, my mind burn for that". Ask whatever is
beautiful. He will give you. You ask for ugly, He still gives you. Even when you ask for useless things He gives them to you. So
when you ask for real, will He not give you that? Don’t ask superficially but from your heart. You must pray to God and ask what
you want. Ask for: "Please, give me complete satisfaction in my heart, joy in my heart, bliss in my heart, so that the whole world
becomes blissful.Give me love, love that I could love the whole world and that the whole world becomes one in love.Give
salvation to this humanity which is suffering.Take me to Your feet.Cleanse me with Thy love". Now see if there is God or not?
You can feel it within yourself. He hears you. He understands you. He’s the glory of all the glory. He loves you. He protects you.
He guides you. He created you to reveal His love, but accept it. Any time, any thought is coming you pray and you will be moving
in the waves of that ocean which is Unconscious Mind, which starts with thoughtless awareness. [Long pause] If you cannot
become thoughtless, you pray to Him: “Forgive me for what I have done and forgive those who have done harm to me.” |
2/13/1975 | | Public Program | India | Mumbai | null | NEEDED | null | VERIFIED | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | Hindi | 32 | Sweet Home Hall, Dadar, 1975-02-13 The self-realisation, which we know by the name of Kundalini, does not awaken through
external factors such as one's practice, effort, money, labour, influence. In every religion, different arrangements have been made
for Kundalini awakening. For instance, the ‘namaaz’ for Muslims is a complete arrangement for Kundalini awakening…putting
hands like this (palm facing upwards), bending, lowering the head, holding ears, putting fingers in ears, etc. are all for Kundalini
awakening. But it is all mechanical, artificial. Like any part of a machine can't function without power, in the same way, the subtle
vibration inside us, which we know by the name of Kundalini, this also can't be awakened, with any human effort or through any
artificial instrument. In the same way, in the prayers of Christians, there is an arrangement for Kundalini awakening right from the
beginning, they give initiation to a child, which is called 'Baptising'. Before Christ, whenever people were initiated into religion,
they were made to take a dip in the river. You are aware of how much relief you get when you get into a river after your
realisation. Those who were making people take a dip were not realised souls. Those who told them about religion were not
accomplished people. They were doing it in an artificial manner. They brought someone, dipped them in water, brought them out
and baptised them by performing some religious rituals. Even there, there is a ritual called 'communion ', in which wine is used.
Actually, it should not be wine, but grape juice, but they have made it into wine and they give two things to everyone to eat. You
know that we also give water, and ‘chana’ (roasted chickpea) for clearing the Nabhi chakra. This is the arrangement for clearing
Nabhi Chakra. In Hindu religion, for ages people have made arrangements primarily for Kundalini awakening. But we saw it in the
most beautiful form in the incarnation of Shri Krishna. The rationale behind the antics of Krishna such as stealing of butter and
tying people up around himself was that if they were all tied to his Nabhi chakra, their Nabhis will also be cleared. The purpose
behind Radha Ji going into river Yamuna and filling water was to vibrate the water of Yamuna river. When She carried the earthen
water pitcher on Her head, Shri Krishna would break it by throwing a stone at it, the water would again trickle down Her back
through Her Kundalini, getting double vibrated and ultimately falling on the land and vibrating the entire earth. So much
calculation and planning was done. Only Radha Ji could do it, no one else was capable of doing it. Gopis (playmates and
devotees of Krishna) going to the ‘pan-ghat’ (waterway) has a lot of significance for us. During the incarnation of Krishna, gopis
used to do many other chores, but getting water from ‘panghat’ was considered very special. Its symbolic significance was that
Radha Ji used to sit with Her feet in the river and the water used to get vibrated. The gopis used to fill their pitchers with this
water and take it home and this cleared their Nabhi chakra. Ras Leela is also nothing but Sahaja Yoga. You have seen that many
times I tell you to sit whilst holding each others’ hands. This is not a mechanical thing; in Sahaja Yoga, many people turn
mechanical. They start doing things mechanically. It is not at all a mechanical thing. Every action has to be understood carefully
and you should know the meaning of every action and which chakra is getting relief due to that. Whatever chakras we have in our
body, in all those chakras My powers are in-built. When we bring them into use, those chakras become weak, their powers get
reduced. There is only one nadi (channel) called Sushumna Nadi, whose internal power becomes Kundalini and gets hidden. We
can’t bring it to use and presiding deities of all the chakras are only seated on that nadi. When we expend the energies of these
chakras and go on exhausting them, we reach such a state where all the energy is exhausted and presiding deities residing in
those chakras become tired, dry and may disappear. In such a state, diseases like cancer can start. Due to excessive usage of
any chakra- the area surrounding the chakra which it nourishes with its energy, becomes depleted and the nerves and organs of
the body become diseased. But this Shakti has to be used. In all circumstances, this power has to be used. When you use it for
religious purposes, our dharmic power gets exhausted. When we use it for dharmic (religious) purposes, the dharmic shakti also
gets exhausted. That is why, for dharmic people, there is a lot of pressure, especially on the Vishuddhi Chakra, like reciting
mantras. Reciting mantras harms 'vaikhari', because the voice comes out of here. When we take the mantras in a very
mechanical way, this power becomes weak and you will be surprised that at this place of Shri Krishna at the Vishuddhi chakra,
for those who chant the names of Radha-Krishna day and night, their chakra becomes weak. It is very surprising that you take
the name of Radha-Krishna and your Vishuddhi chakra gets damaged! Many people chant the name of Shiv Ji in all possible
ways. I have not seen so far that anyone who takes the name of Shiv Ji before realisation, does not have a catch in their Heart
Chakra. It will have to catch because His name is taken in the Heart chakra and your Vishuddhi chakra will be caught up too
because you take His name through ‘vaikhari’; Vishuddhi chakra will be caught up and also the Heart chakra will be caught up.
This way we keep committing all types of mistakes, because when a blind man…. Roughly for three minutes….Audio -missing,
unintelligible and poor quality. From 10.55 to 13.45 That is the same condition for all efforts like Pranayam. Those who do Hatha
Yoga, those who think they are doing Hatha Yoga, in reality, you can't do Hatha Yoga, because Hatha Yoga means, 'Ha' and 'Tha' -
these are two Nadis (channels); 'Ha' is what we call 'Surya (Sun) Nadi'. Whatever they do, they do on Surya Nadi, but doing it on
'Tha Nadi' is very difficult (and 'Tha' is what we call 'Chandra (Moon) Nadi') and to get into your Chandra Nadi means you have to
go beyond your mind. Those who are only on Chandra Nadi, they learn 'Bhoot vidya' and those who are on Surya Nadi, they
become egoistic demons or egoistic saints, whom we may call charismatic, but they can't love anyone or uplift anyone- they can
only curse. That is why even in the matters of religion, many mistakes have been committed - it keeps happening. That is why a
person who looks very dharmic outwardly, does not get realisation easily and he who looks very adharmic, he may get his
realisation in a split second. What is the thing of essence? It is not that either the desire or inward seeking is less. What is the
difference between the two, one should understand this; one person's attention is complicated and another person's attention is
light. One person's attention is on fasting on Saturday and if he does not fast on a Saturday, he will not sleep at least the whole
week. Such a person will never get his realisation. Whether you fast on Saturday or Sunday, how does it matter to God? Has God
given you birth for fasting? But he has also not given you birth just for eating. A person's attention is on food because he has to
fast, or he has to think of food all the time, the attention of both is gone. For many people, they are bent on getting up at 4 am,
even if the world goes upside down. On a day when they can't get up at 4 am but 5 am, they will trouble everyone. How does that
matter? We will get up at whatever time when we feel like we get up, feel the joy, otherwise we will not get up. For any resolution
of this type, our attention sticks like a calculating accountant. Some are like this and some are lazy and neglectful. He constantly
thinks about when he can sleep peacefully. All the thinking is about sleeping. ‘The bed has to be like this, this arrangement has to
be there. I need this comfort, I need that comfort. I need a dress like this. If I don't get a dress like that, he won't touch or wear it.’
If his suit is not ironed one day, he will lift the whole house on his head, but his suit has to be ironed first. If her sari does not
match...that’s it! The body matches or not, whether she is matching with the world or not… whether she is in harmony or not -
that is not important. The sari not matching is more important and she will make everyone's life miserable, from mother-in-law to
father-in-law. This is the hold of attention. For a person whose attention is spent for so long on any mundane issue, he will not
get his realisation. If the attention of anyone sticks on anything, his attention will get caught up in such a way that he is lost to
the world. No one can tell him why he is caught up like this and then it becomes a mania., He gets into madness as if troubled by
a bug that’s got into his brain. If you ask him if a bug got into your brain, he will not admit it. But if he does not get his realisation,
he will ask. 'Why am I not getting my realisation?' 'Look, it is because a bug has got into your brain'. We can call it obsessiveness,
but sometimes it becomes so heightened that it reached its limit. Like some people are obsessed with cleanliness, especially
Maharashtrian women. ‘I want everything absolutely clean.’ They make men's and everyone’s lives in the household miserable
for cleanliness. ‘I want cleanliness.’ This type of madness must be surprising to you. You must have heard that some people
come to me for treatment for this. Recently a lady came. I asked, 'What is her problem?' ‘She washes her hands very frequently
and if she goes to the bathroom, she spends hours there. She scratches her hair- she does not like them.’ It is madness. And the
other extreme is to remain unclean, whatever may happen, whether they feel itchy or any other thing may happen. They think they
have become saints and it doesn’t matter if they get itchy. Both are extreme behaviours and because of this, your attention
wavers from one place to another. Extreme behaviour can be like an intoxication with alcohol. Man doesn’t realise that he slowly
becomes superfluous. He thinks that ‘it is my birth right to be extravagant and the entire world will say,' Let us keep him cool.
God save us from him and keep us well’'. Becoming extravagant is not the path to Sahaja Yoga. The path of Sahaja Yoga is in the
centre. If someone wants to make money, he will keep on making money. It is another madness. They are not satisfied, even
though they are earning throughout their lives. Some are after positions and they are running after positions but they are not
satisfied. The other side is INAUDIBLE AUDIO ….. They have also written a poem on beggary! Sahaja Yoga is not for those who
live in slums or palaces. Sahaja Yoga is not for those who despite living in a palace want to get another ten built. Sahaja Yoga is
only for such a person, who has contentment in him, one who thinks, ‘I have earned enough and have got enough possessions, a
little more for carrying on day-to-day life is all that I need’. One should have contentment. He who lives in a palace but is content
is alright for Sahaja Yoga. He who lives in slums and has contentment, he is also okay for Sahaja Yoga. Contentment is in the
middle path. When the man is contended, his chakras do not open much and there is no pressure on them. We have a lot of
fantasies about our responsibilities in our minds. Being extreme on this count is against Sahaja Yoga. There is no excess of
anything in Sahaja Yoga. That means that whatever is there, you should be frank about it. I am not against anything. Those who
want to earn money like mad people, let them earn. Those who want to beg, let them beg. We don’t have to respond to them. But
those who want to come into Sahaja Yoga, they should understand that some satisfaction is required. Another thing is those
people who are very vindictive. I can express it better in Marathi as I have seen my elders do this....Shri Mataji speaks in Marathi.
Those who say, I do not like this at all- who are you to say that?. ‘I don't like this, I don't like that’- one who uses such language is
not any good for Sahaja Yoga. If someone is vindictive, or tries to be overbearing, just say ‘I don't care. Where do I have the time
for talking to such beggars? Where do I have time for talking to such affluent people or such useless people?’ Only when this
happens, Sahaja Yoga can get established, because Sahaja Yoga is a revolutionary path in the centre. Such people, I told you
earlier, will be called missing links. When you live in that kingdom, they will be called ‘missing links’, who are extreme. When you
will be in the state of evolution, these people will be known as missing links, those who live in extremes. That is why forgiveness
is built in as a cure for this inside a human being. First, you should have contentment and secondly, if you can forgive people, half
of your energy is saved. Supposing you abuse Me and I keep thinking, how can I abuse you back. If I don't know how to abuse, I
would go to a friend for advice on ‘how can I abuse this person who used these abusive words against me?’ I keep on thinking, I
run here, I run there. Instead, if someone abuses and I forgive, it's all over. That chapter is over! Nothing further! As soon as you
forgive, the other person will also change. There is no bigger weapon than to know how to forgive. The day you know the mantra
of forgiveness, the same day your Kundalini will cross your Sahasrar. Let us look at Agnya chakra, which the Kundalini finds very
difficult to pierce. If the Kundalini stops there, if you have a problem with your Agnya chakra, the first thing you should learn is to
forgive. If you get any thoughts against anyone in your mind, you should tell yourself, 'Beware, forgive'. Whoever comes to trouble
you, forgive. Another person comes, 'You came to beat me the other day, forgive'. He will go. Now comes the third person, 'you
abused me, I forgive'. Fourth one comes, 'he had insulted you, forgive'. If at Agnya chakra, one can't forgive, it is very difficult to
keep Agnya chakra in proper condition. It is not that you do it to please Me. Not for Me. You- for your own sake, in your mind and
with a clean heart say, 'I have forgiven everyone'. If you don't forgive, all your energy will be spent in planning revenge- ‘hit him,
beat him, do this, do that, abuse him’. If he has hurled 4 abuses against you, you hurl 10 abuses, take an army from here, take an
army from there. Just by saying the word 'forgive', all your Agnya chakras have cleared. Forgiveness is such a tremendous
attribute. The other thing which is very essential for Sahaj yogis is that they should have love in their hearts. The heart should be
clean. There should be a cleansing of the heart. Those who deceive, tell lies, say this here, say that there, say bad things behind
others’ backs, such people will never get their realisation. Even if they get it, they will have catches on their chakras very
frequently. Those who gossip around, their heart will catch and also surely Agnya Chakra will also catch because they will lose
their ability to forgive. God rarely forgives such people. Someone who deceives, cheats, pretends, lies and who without
realisation gives discourses for money, is committing a very big crime. God will never forgive such people. Whoever does any
religious work without getting his self-realisation, he will be a big criminal in the eyes of Paramatma (God) and that is why God
will never forgive him. One who makes money in the name of religion in the society, in a temple or a mosque, there is no one
more unholy and evil than him. I told you that when I went to Mathura, I noticed that all the chiefs of the cults are demons who
have taken birth in Kali Yug and are working there as 'Pandas' (religious persons performing rituals). It is like this in all religions.
All the demons (rakshasas) are wearing religious masks but their crimes are unforgivable. You are daring to cheat in the court of
Paramatma; there can't be a greater stupidity than this. In the essence of all endeavours, the important quality that should be
there in a human being is purity, you call it innocence. Purity. Keeping oneself pure, not talking ill of others, not allowing any
impure thought to come into one’s mind- this is the biggest YAgnya (sacrifice), which happens after Sahaja Yoga. That is why
small children get their realisation very quickly and get it. The essence of all things flows from the feet of Shri Ganesha, which
we know by the name of auspiciousness. He’s the one who has created the universe and will also bring forth the dissolution of
this creation and because of whom a new type of human being can also be created that Sahaja Yoga is establishing. That’s why
a person who does not have any aspect of the auspiciousness is not human but... (Audio abruptly cut) End of Recording | null | null | null | Sweet Home Hall, Dadar, 1975-02-13 The self-realisation, which we know by the name of Kundalini, does not awaken through
external factors such as one's practice, effort, money, labour, influence. In every religion, different arrangements have been made
for Kundalini awakening. For instance, the ‘namaaz’ for Muslims is a complete arrangement for Kundalini awakening…putting
hands like this (palm facing upwards), bending, lowering the head, holding ears, putting fingers in ears, etc. are all for Kundalini
awakening. But it is all mechanical, artificial. Like any part of a machine can't function without power, in the same way, the subtle
vibration inside us, which we know by the name of Kundalini, this also can't be awakened, with any human effort or through any
artificial instrument. In the same way, in the prayers of Christians, there is an arrangement for Kundalini awakening right from the
beginning, they give initiation to a child, which is called 'Baptising'. Before Christ, whenever people were initiated into religion,
they were made to take a dip in the river. You are aware of how much relief you get when you get into a river after your
realisation. Those who were making people take a dip were not realised souls. Those who told them about religion were not
accomplished people. They were doing it in an artificial manner. They brought someone, dipped them in water, brought them out
and baptised them by performing some religious rituals. Even there, there is a ritual called 'communion ', in which wine is used.
Actually, it should not be wine, but grape juice, but they have made it into wine and they give two things to everyone to eat. You
know that we also give water, and ‘chana’ (roasted chickpea) for clearing the Nabhi chakra. This is the arrangement for clearing
Nabhi Chakra. In Hindu religion, for ages people have made arrangements primarily for Kundalini awakening. But we saw it in the
most beautiful form in the incarnation of Shri Krishna. The rationale behind the antics of Krishna such as stealing of butter and
tying people up around himself was that if they were all tied to his Nabhi chakra, their Nabhis will also be cleared. The purpose
behind Radha Ji going into river Yamuna and filling water was to vibrate the water of Yamuna river. When She carried the earthen
water pitcher on Her head, Shri Krishna would break it by throwing a stone at it, the water would again trickle down Her back
through Her Kundalini, getting double vibrated and ultimately falling on the land and vibrating the entire earth. So much
calculation and planning was done. Only Radha Ji could do it, no one else was capable of doing it. Gopis (playmates and
devotees of Krishna) going to the ‘pan-ghat’ (waterway) has a lot of significance for us. During the incarnation of Krishna, gopis
used to do many other chores, but getting water from ‘panghat’ was considered very special. Its symbolic significance was that
Radha Ji used to sit with Her feet in the river and the water used to get vibrated. The gopis used to fill their pitchers with this
water and take it home and this cleared their Nabhi chakra. Ras Leela is also nothing but Sahaja Yoga. You have seen that many
times I tell you to sit whilst holding each others’ hands. This is not a mechanical thing; in Sahaja Yoga, many people turn
mechanical. They start doing things mechanically. It is not at all a mechanical thing. Every action has to be understood carefully
and you should know the meaning of every action and which chakra is getting relief due to that. Whatever chakras we have in our
body, in all those chakras My powers are in-built. When we bring them into use, those chakras become weak, their powers get
reduced. There is only one nadi (channel) called Sushumna Nadi, whose internal power becomes Kundalini and gets hidden. We
can’t bring it to use and presiding deities of all the chakras are only seated on that nadi. When we expend the energies of these
chakras and go on exhausting them, we reach such a state where all the energy is exhausted and presiding deities residing in
those chakras become tired, dry and may disappear. In such a state, diseases like cancer can start. Due to excessive usage of
any chakra- the area surrounding the chakra which it nourishes with its energy, becomes depleted and the nerves and organs of
the body become diseased. But this Shakti has to be used. In all circumstances, this power has to be used. When you use it for
religious purposes, our dharmic power gets exhausted. When we use it for dharmic (religious) purposes, the dharmic shakti also
gets exhausted. That is why, for dharmic people, there is a lot of pressure, especially on the Vishuddhi Chakra, like reciting
mantras. Reciting mantras harms 'vaikhari', because the voice comes out of here. When we take the mantras in a very
mechanical way, this power becomes weak and you will be surprised that at this place of Shri Krishna at the Vishuddhi chakra,
for those who chant the names of Radha-Krishna day and night, their chakra becomes weak. It is very surprising that you take
the name of Radha-Krishna and your Vishuddhi chakra gets damaged! Many people chant the name of Shiv Ji in all possible
ways. I have not seen so far that anyone who takes the name of Shiv Ji before realisation, does not have a catch in their Heart
Chakra. It will have to catch because His name is taken in the Heart chakra and your Vishuddhi chakra will be caught up too
because you take His name through ‘vaikhari’; Vishuddhi chakra will be caught up and also the Heart chakra will be caught up.
This way we keep committing all types of mistakes, because when a blind man…. Roughly for three minutes….Audio -missing,
unintelligible and poor quality. From 10.55 to 13.45 That is the same condition for all efforts like Pranayam. Those who do Hatha
Yoga, those who think they are doing Hatha Yoga, in reality, you can't do Hatha Yoga, because Hatha Yoga means, 'Ha' and 'Tha' -
these are two Nadis (channels); 'Ha' is what we call 'Surya (Sun) Nadi'. Whatever they do, they do on Surya Nadi, but doing it on
'Tha Nadi' is very difficult (and 'Tha' is what we call 'Chandra (Moon) Nadi') and to get into your Chandra Nadi means you have to
go beyond your mind. Those who are only on Chandra Nadi, they learn 'Bhoot vidya' and those who are on Surya Nadi, they
become egoistic demons or egoistic saints, whom we may call charismatic, but they can't love anyone or uplift anyone- they can
only curse. That is why even in the matters of religion, many mistakes have been committed - it keeps happening. That is why a
person who looks very dharmic outwardly, does not get realisation easily and he who looks very adharmic, he may get his
realisation in a split second. What is the thing of essence? It is not that either the desire or inward seeking is less. What is the
difference between the two, one should understand this; one person's attention is complicated and another person's attention is
light. One person's attention is on fasting on Saturday and if he does not fast on a Saturday, he will not sleep at least the whole
week. Such a person will never get his realisation. Whether you fast on Saturday or Sunday, how does it matter to God? Has God
given you birth for fasting? But he has also not given you birth just for eating. A person's attention is on food because he has to
fast, or he has to think of food all the time, the attention of both is gone. For many people, they are bent on getting up at 4 am,
even if the world goes upside down. On a day when they can't get up at 4 am but 5 am, they will trouble everyone. How does that
matter? We will get up at whatever time when we feel like we get up, feel the joy, otherwise we will not get up. For any resolution
of this type, our attention sticks like a calculating accountant. Some are like this and some are lazy and neglectful. He constantly
thinks about when he can sleep peacefully. All the thinking is about sleeping. ‘The bed has to be like this, this arrangement has to
be there. I need this comfort, I need that comfort. I need a dress like this. If I don't get a dress like that, he won't touch or wear it.’
If his suit is not ironed one day, he will lift the whole house on his head, but his suit has to be ironed first. If her sari does not
match...that’s it! The body matches or not, whether she is matching with the world or not… whether she is in harmony or not -
that is not important. The sari not matching is more important and she will make everyone's life miserable, from mother-in-law to
father-in-law. This is the hold of attention. For a person whose attention is spent for so long on any mundane issue, he will not
get his realisation. If the attention of anyone sticks on anything, his attention will get caught up in such a way that he is lost to
the world. No one can tell him why he is caught up like this and then it becomes a mania., He gets into madness as if troubled by
a bug that’s got into his brain. If you ask him if a bug got into your brain, he will not admit it. But if he does not get his realisation,
he will ask. 'Why am I not getting my realisation?' 'Look, it is because a bug has got into your brain'. We can call it obsessiveness,
but sometimes it becomes so heightened that it reached its limit. Like some people are obsessed with cleanliness, especially
Maharashtrian women. ‘I want everything absolutely clean.’ They make men's and everyone’s lives in the household miserable
for cleanliness. ‘I want cleanliness.’ This type of madness must be surprising to you. You must have heard that some people
come to me for treatment for this. Recently a lady came. I asked, 'What is her problem?' ‘She washes her hands very frequently
and if she goes to the bathroom, she spends hours there. She scratches her hair- she does not like them.’ It is madness. And the
other extreme is to remain unclean, whatever may happen, whether they feel itchy or any other thing may happen. They think they
have become saints and it doesn’t matter if they get itchy. Both are extreme behaviours and because of this, your attention
wavers from one place to another. Extreme behaviour can be like an intoxication with alcohol. Man doesn’t realise that he slowly
becomes superfluous. He thinks that ‘it is my birth right to be extravagant and the entire world will say,' Let us keep him cool.
God save us from him and keep us well’'. Becoming extravagant is not the path to Sahaja Yoga. The path of Sahaja Yoga is in the
centre. If someone wants to make money, he will keep on making money. It is another madness. They are not satisfied, even
though they are earning throughout their lives. Some are after positions and they are running after positions but they are not
satisfied. The other side is INAUDIBLE AUDIO ….. They have also written a poem on beggary! Sahaja Yoga is not for those who
live in slums or palaces. Sahaja Yoga is not for those who despite living in a palace want to get another ten built. Sahaja Yoga is
only for such a person, who has contentment in him, one who thinks, ‘I have earned enough and have got enough possessions, a
little more for carrying on day-to-day life is all that I need’. One should have contentment. He who lives in a palace but is content
is alright for Sahaja Yoga. He who lives in slums and has contentment, he is also okay for Sahaja Yoga. Contentment is in the
middle path. When the man is contended, his chakras do not open much and there is no pressure on them. We have a lot of
fantasies about our responsibilities in our minds. Being extreme on this count is against Sahaja Yoga. There is no excess of
anything in Sahaja Yoga. That means that whatever is there, you should be frank about it. I am not against anything. Those who
want to earn money like mad people, let them earn. Those who want to beg, let them beg. We don’t have to respond to them. But
those who want to come into Sahaja Yoga, they should understand that some satisfaction is required. Another thing is those
people who are very vindictive. I can express it better in Marathi as I have seen my elders do this....Shri Mataji speaks in Marathi.
Those who say, I do not like this at all- who are you to say that?. ‘I don't like this, I don't like that’- one who uses such language is
not any good for Sahaja Yoga. If someone is vindictive, or tries to be overbearing, just say ‘I don't care. Where do I have the time
for talking to such beggars? Where do I have time for talking to such affluent people or such useless people?’ Only when this
happens, Sahaja Yoga can get established, because Sahaja Yoga is a revolutionary path in the centre. Such people, I told you
earlier, will be called missing links. When you live in that kingdom, they will be called ‘missing links’, who are extreme. When you
will be in the state of evolution, these people will be known as missing links, those who live in extremes. That is why forgiveness
is built in as a cure for this inside a human being. First, you should have contentment and secondly, if you can forgive people, half
of your energy is saved. Supposing you abuse Me and I keep thinking, how can I abuse you back. If I don't know how to abuse, I
would go to a friend for advice on ‘how can I abuse this person who used these abusive words against me?’ I keep on thinking, I
run here, I run there. Instead, if someone abuses and I forgive, it's all over. That chapter is over! Nothing further! As soon as you
forgive, the other person will also change. There is no bigger weapon than to know how to forgive. The day you know the mantra
of forgiveness, the same day your Kundalini will cross your Sahasrar. Let us look at Agnya chakra, which the Kundalini finds very
difficult to pierce. If the Kundalini stops there, if you have a problem with your Agnya chakra, the first thing you should learn is to
forgive. If you get any thoughts against anyone in your mind, you should tell yourself, 'Beware, forgive'. Whoever comes to trouble
you, forgive. Another person comes, 'You came to beat me the other day, forgive'. He will go. Now comes the third person, 'you
abused me, I forgive'. Fourth one comes, 'he had insulted you, forgive'. If at Agnya chakra, one can't forgive, it is very difficult to
keep Agnya chakra in proper condition. It is not that you do it to please Me. Not for Me. You- for your own sake, in your mind and
with a clean heart say, 'I have forgiven everyone'. If you don't forgive, all your energy will be spent in planning revenge- ‘hit him,
beat him, do this, do that, abuse him’. If he has hurled 4 abuses against you, you hurl 10 abuses, take an army from here, take an
army from there. Just by saying the word 'forgive', all your Agnya chakras have cleared. Forgiveness is such a tremendous
attribute. The other thing which is very essential for Sahaj yogis is that they should have love in their hearts. The heart should be
clean. There should be a cleansing of the heart. Those who deceive, tell lies, say this here, say that there, say bad things behind
others’ backs, such people will never get their realisation. Even if they get it, they will have catches on their chakras very
frequently. Those who gossip around, their heart will catch and also surely Agnya Chakra will also catch because they will lose
their ability to forgive. God rarely forgives such people. Someone who deceives, cheats, pretends, lies and who without
realisation gives discourses for money, is committing a very big crime. God will never forgive such people. Whoever does any
religious work without getting his self-realisation, he will be a big criminal in the eyes of Paramatma (God) and that is why God
will never forgive him. One who makes money in the name of religion in the society, in a temple or a mosque, there is no one
more unholy and evil than him. I told you that when I went to Mathura, I noticed that all the chiefs of the cults are demons who
have taken birth in Kali Yug and are working there as 'Pandas' (religious persons performing rituals). It is like this in all religions.
All the demons (rakshasas) are wearing religious masks but their crimes are unforgivable. You are daring to cheat in the court of
Paramatma; there can't be a greater stupidity than this. In the essence of all endeavours, the important quality that should be
there in a human being is purity, you call it innocence. Purity. Keeping oneself pure, not talking ill of others, not allowing any
impure thought to come into one’s mind- this is the biggest YAgnya (sacrifice), which happens after Sahaja Yoga. That is why
small children get their realisation very quickly and get it. The essence of all things flows from the feet of Shri Ganesha, which
we know by the name of auspiciousness. He’s the one who has created the universe and will also bring forth the dissolution of
this creation and because of whom a new type of human being can also be created that Sahaja Yoga is establishing. That’s why
a person who does not have any aspect of the auspiciousness is not human but... (Audio abruptly cut) End of Recording |
2/16/1975 | | Public Program: Sharirik bimariya Vaibration se thik ho sakti hai | India | Mumbai | null | Draft | null | NEEDED | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | Hindi | 55 | null | null | null | null | null |
2/19/1975 | | Two minds, lying vertically parallel on both the sides of the Sushumna | India | Mumbai | VERIFIED | null | null | null | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | English | 51 | Public program day 3, Mumbai, India, 19-02-1975 Yesterday I explained to you the position of the kundalini in our spinal cord and
why it exists there, and what are its functions. God has created human beings in his own image and all these things that I have
told you yesterday are first built up in the body of the Virata that is the aspect of God in which all that is created exists. But let us
see in the human being in what way this kundalini came. As I have told you yesterday that there are three powers that exist in the
body and the most important one is the central one which is incarnated as Mahalakshmi which helped us to evolve into a
superhuman being. That channel is known as Sushumna which I have shown you in the centre. And there is a gap between the
navel point and the abode of the kundalini. This portion of that channel or you can say of that energy is settled down here and
kundalini, which is not used till you get the chance of meeting somebody who can give you self-realization and that is the only
time the kundalini rises. These two exist within us psychological. One has the constructive power by which we think, or we can
say the preconscious mind , the Mana the postman which is every moment receiving something from the conscious mind and
putting it into the subconscious mind. For example, you are listening to me, you are paying attention to me. I am talking
something, you are receiving it from me and it is going into your past. Again you are receiving from me and it is going into the
past. So this represents the preconscious mind while the other is the storing of all your experiences is the subconscious mind.
We have two minds, lying vertically parallel on both the sides of the Sushumna. This is one of the greatest facts most of the
people who have been searching God have not understood. That to go to your Sushumna Nadi or to go to your present moment.
And this moment when you are listening to me moment to moment you are living, this conscious mind, to approach that
conscious mind and stay there at that point one need not go to the subconscious or to the preconscious. One need not to control
the preconscious mind. That is the Mana, neither it is necessary for you to go to the subconscious mind as have these siddhis
and things like that and go to the bhootvidya and pretavidya. Both things are not at all necessary, on the contrary, those who go
on these lines might be able to see the kundalini, they might be able to see all the chakras from the backdoor, while in the centre
when you rise in the Sushumna Nadi then you do not see anything whatsoever but you just jump out. Later on you can come
down and see all this. For example, I live in London. In my house, is about ten miles drive from the station. Some people, visitors
are coming to see me, so I have to receive them at the station. I go there, receive them and they come to my house, direct. You
know about London that nobody is seen on the streets. It’s a very small village so there is nobody on the streets. You can’t meet
anybody. You just come straight to your own house, and then you enter inside the house. You stay there, then you know your
neighbours gradually. But supposing somebody arrives without telling me, and he has to find out my house. So he goes from
places to places to the backdoors, because front door nobody is willing to open in England, especially in London, people are
afraid. So he goes from the backdoor. Goes from one house to another house inquiring as to where is this house, where I have to
go? And the people call him inside, give him tea, offering something and the person is lost there. He never reaches the real
house. In the same way, those people who go on the sides either by preconscious method, or by the subconscious method both
of them jump into something else which has nothing to do with the central path and are thrown sideways either to the right or to
the left to the resonance. And there are some people who want you to be deluded, to be stopped, to be sponged, exploited so
they stop you going that side. That is what enticement is, that is what we call as the hypnosis. When you hypnotize a person
what happens is that his attention immediately goes into his subconscious mind and he is hypnotized. But we do not understand
that by hypnosis it is not only our subconscious in which we are existing. While we sleep we are in our subconscious, but there is
no hypnosis. Actually in the subconscious mind, beyond the subconscious mind, is the connection to the collective
subconscious which we call the Paralok. The complete dead exist there. All those who died exist there. So these people enter
into your psyche, become one with your psyche, and they dominate your personality in your head and you become absolutely
hypnotized. Then you can do whatever you like with that person. The thinking power is completely finished, your brain is
completely washed off. You may call it conditioning, I think it is much worse than that. Conditioning is a very very mild word.
Actually, we never get conditioned if we are left to ourselves. But we get conditioned when we start reading other people. When
we start attending to such people, meeting them, taking prasad from them, food from them. You have seen such people with
dhoras and dandhas and things like that. All these things carry the germ of conditionings and hypnosis. The dead sit in that.
They exist whether you like it or not, whether you accept it or not. Even the psychologists, I have some very great psychologists
as my disciples, they were arguing with me “Why do you call it the Spirit?” then I said what do you call it ? They said it can be
because you know the person, it might be your father or your mother. You must have seen the pictures I have shown you, where
he was trying to copy his mother. I said what about the people who you have never seen, you have not known? You talk like that
person, and if you verify it you will find it’s true. In London, I visited one lunatic asylum, where I found there were patients they
could not understand. When I talked to them, they started talking as if somebody said that “I do not belong to this place, I belong
to Paris, and I live there and this thing happened, and there was an accident and I died. And this lady had come to Paris and I got
off – oh over” I asked this lady what happened and she would not say anything. She didn’t know she was doing.....[UNCLEAR].
Then we inquired. I told them to find out. And there was such and such person who died at such and such point, with an
accident. And this lady had gone there and had a shock because her husband was lost somewhere and she was in a shock
condition and this shock identity went into her. But all such identities that enter into your psyche are one of the most deprived
people, absolutely depravity personified. They are the worst type of people you could think. They can tell all kinds of lies. They
can do whatever is possible under the sun. I mean even the animals won’t do the things they can do. Those who are good people
never enter into the body but sometimes they hover around. For example, somebody has died, or the wife has died or the mother
dies, especially the mother. If the mother dies in very small childhood, then the mother doesn’t want to leave the son or the
daughter because she wants to protect it. She is with the child all the time, but she doesn’t harm. But of course, that affects the
child’s personality too and the child’s manifestation to become himself because of the hovering of the mother. I have found out
during these 6-7 years of my experiments with people, that on your hands you can feel it if there is such an affectation on a
person. It can happen to anybody, even to the most religious, to the nicest person. And sometimes it can happen to a person
who is shocked, who is under some kind of a mental strain. In London, there is an organization known as the Universal Curative
Centre or something like that by Dr.Lang. This doctor doesn’t exist, he died a long time back. There are many organizations like
that. I am giving you an example. He died long time back. Of course, they are honest people, they tell the truth, they don’t tell lies,
but they don’t know the effects of this kind of thing. This fellow died in London and he said that his manifestation or whatever he
wanted to do was not complete and he was dissatisfied. So when one soldier was fighting in Vietnam, he was shocked with
something. This doctor entered into his being and told him that “You go to my son and ask him to open his dispensary and I will
talk to him. You just don’t worry. And he drove this man mad, so that he could not help it and he had to go to London. He was an
uneducated soldier. He went and talked to this son of his, and told him that “I am such and such and that you’d better open your
dispensary, I want to start my work and also my operations. He was amazed, this soldier was such an uncouth person and he
never seen what is surgery. How is he going to operate? So, the person inside him told him “No, I am your father, believe me”.
And he told him lots of secrets which passed between the son and the father. And he was quite convinced and they opened this
universal curative centre or whatever you may call it. You can give it any name. And they started curing people. They said at
about 5 o’clock at this time you will feel something. And 5 o’clock anywhere in the world when they sent you the letter, that at 5
O’clock in your place I will appear, the person felt shivering. The person felt terrible shivering in the body and the person felt
alright and better and many things get cured. But later on after one year or two years that person would start be suffering from
neurosis. All kinds of trouble came to him and his family lost all fortunes and all kinds of problems and his body started aching
and everything happened. All these things are absolute truth. We have patients from that centre whom I have treated myself.
These are the spirits which enter into your body and cure you. And don’t believe in all such cures. You should be cured by your
own powers that is your kundalini which is lying here. Which is is going to recharge your batteries. Don’t depend on all these
cures which people are giving you that “Oh, I will give you some mantras, you put it here”. Those mantras mean nothing else but
a spirit. I can prove it to you. Many people who have been with me in the beginning were very against me, when I told them about
it, but gradually they realized that this is a thing in us. It is working. There is a very big war on between the evil forces and the
Divine forces. You cannot see that. They are having a strategy now, a wonderful strategy, as all clever, cunning, worthless people
have; is to come on this Earth as human beings, take the name of God, and act as fifth column. Supposing, Russians want to
invade America, or Americans want to invade Russia. They take the name of Americans, go there live like Americans, or they may
take the name of the Russians, and live like Russians. They call them God, incarnations, all kinds of things. In London, somebody
told me that Christ has come. I said “Really? I never knew that. How do you believe he is Christ?” “Because he says he is Christ”. I
said everybody can say that. What is so great in that? “No Christ has come. He says ‘I am Christ’”. I said there is a very simple
test of Christ. You go find out. “You tell him to control the elements. Can he control the elements?” Christ used to control the
elements. If someone says “I am the Adishakti”. You ask him “Can you control the kundalini of people?”. If you cannot, then you
are not Adishakti. All these signs and symptoms are already given in our books. We have not to believe these people, what they
tell us, these fake people. We have to understand that this is all given in our books. The problem is this modern generation is
most uneducated. If you read the Devi Mahatmyam, a simple book written by Markandeya Swami, you will know that all these
things given in that, like how to make out a person, who is an incarnation, who is not an incarnation. Of course, there is an
incarnating power which has incarnated which I have told you about yesterday and is going to incarnate But you must know that
if these people have taken some garb, the incarnation is also going to take some garb to hide and work secretly. You are the
people who should know how to judge a person who is real and who is unreal. Who are the people who have come into this world
to destroy all the good forces, all the constructive forces, and establish complete destruction . You have to judge. You have to
find out and that is the force I am talking about which is the we call the negative forces. That is at work. Believe me, you may not
like it because you just refuse it, whatever is new to you. It exists. In this city of Bombay you will be surprised there are many
centres like that which are working secretly to harm other people. You go and pay some money to that person. He will take some
money from you and he can put a spell on the enemies of that person. Even for five rupees these dirty people can put a spell on
another person, and they do not know that what are they up to. You can live without food in this world, but with such sinful lives,
God knows what is going to happen to these people. I always say forgive them. It is a tremendous profession which these people
are working at. They will show you miracles. You will feel it is a very great thing that has happened. It all works out through these
negative forces. You beware of them. They will show you chamatkaras. All kinds of chamatkaras can be shown. And you may
start believing them, thinking that they are very great people. The Sahaja Yoga has come at the time when you people do not
know much about it. Your forefathers knew better. That time Sahaja Yoga did not come where they would never believe in a
sadhu who.... [UNCLEAR] Never, never, never. In my own family we had once a very interesting incident when there was a
wedding on, and the people who came were very fussy people. You know in U.P people can fuss a lot about things. They said we
will have dahi vadas. You cannot make it so quickly and they said it is very difficult to make it. But there is one Bhigad Baba who
was sitting outside the city. “We can call him and he will do it” So they called that Bhigad Baba and Bhigad Baba came and said
that “There is no dahi vada in the city just now, but I will get you dahi vada, no doubt, but you should allow me to go away next
moment.” He closed all the doors, one window he left it open and he sat down. After sometime he opened the door and they saw
the dahi vada lying there. Naturally everybody was so worried, that they took the dahi vada and started distributing it. But when
they returned back to see the Bhigad baba had disappeared, nicely from there. From the window he has run away. Next day,
Mahar you know we have got these Mahar people. Of course, still we are continuing with that dirty method of having some
people as untouchables. They came over to me and they saw these utensils, what we call as kulad. And they said who has
brought these dahi vadas from our place? We were having dinner there and suddenly all disappeared. Who has brought this
here? And all the barathis got so annoyed and angry they said “What, is this. These Maharis have brought Dahi vadas and you
have given us Mahari dahi vadas” and then they realized why Bhigad baba had ran away. They take a subtle form. They first of
all, control them. They go in the smashanas. They go everywhere Most of these vibhutis that is coming, are coming from
smashanas. Don’t eat it. For heaven’s sake never eat these vibuthis. Your this chakra will be completely ruined. Open your head.
Which god gave vibhuti for people to eat? This Bhigad baba had run away. I wish all of them run away. That is the best way to
solve a problem. But it is you who believe in all these things. There is a very rich man who came to me and he said certain
gentleman had given me, some babaji had given me a very big diamond ring.I knew the gentleman very well. I said how many
rings you have got? He said I dont know. Then I said why did you ask for the ring. He said “Mataji, I never asked for the ring. But
the gentleman gave me. And I thought it was ashirvad I took it.” I said “why didn’t he give it to your driver who is a poor man.”
Then I said but why have you come to me now. Your baba has given you anguti. You sit down at home. You do his bhajans raat
din sing his bhajan Praise him, praise the lord who has given you anguti. So the fellow got very upset and he said “Then I must
tell you something that I have come for.” I said what is it? He said from my house many diamonds are missing. I said very nice. I
said you please call your wife next time, I’ll have a talk with her. The wife came and I took out her badha from her and I said now
talk. I said what is it happening to you? She said there is somebody in my head embedded in this ring I think? who is telling me
this all worldly things are useless. You give them to baba, give all this to baba. And I am giving it to baba. That lady is a lady
doctor you see. She is not an ordinary woman. She is an educated lady, a lady doctor of very great eminence. I was amazed, I
said what has happened to your brain? Have you sold them out? Just think about one thing, that the thing that are stones that are
useless things, worthless things for you, why are they so important to Sri Babaji? Why is he taking them and why are you giving
him the stones. That struck her mind. She came to her senses. She said “Oh I never thought of it. And every time I go he asks me
how many have you brought?” This is what happens to your brain. You are washed out. People will tell you you to take a sanyas.
Very nicely you all take a sanyas and give your money up. I will manage your income tax, come along. Very good way of taking
sanyas. This is what these people are doing to you and that is one of the greatest impediments I am facing in this country and
abroad. When I find people and when I try to give them kundalini, they say “Mataji, we have just went for his lecture” “ And then?”
“No once I danced there.” “And what else?” “No, I just didn’t do much I only paid one thousand rupees. I said “Very nice you have
paid one thousand rupees for five or six of them sitting on your head. You have no freedom at all left. From one conditioning to
another conditioning you are willing to go, but not to a person who will tell you to be free. You will stay with one person who will
condition you with something. It is a very nice thing that only by dancing you get God. Very wonderful thing of doing things. There
is one gentleman who goes to America very often. He has made lots of money also. He puts you into Trance. One of his disciples
came to India and he discovered about me and then he came to London to see me. His name is Mr. Jean. He told me that
“Mataji, I have a very funny thing that is happening to me. I said what happened. ? “He said that I am the disciple of such and
such person”. And then what happened? What is wrong with you? He said the problem is when I started meditating according to
him. I got into trance. And when I came down from trance, I felt that I must kill my parents. They are good for nothing, why should
I have my parents? I must kill them. Who are they to me? “But I started judging. This is not religion. This nobody has done. Rama
obeyed his parents. Who has killed his parents? I started thinking about it. So when I went again into a trance, I came back and I
felt I must kill myself.” And he said I have tried to kill myself many a times. Many a times I have tried to kill. He is the son of a rich
man. And my father sent me to India to meet you. You were not there so I have come here. I asked him “Jean what did your
master tell you, what mantra?” So he told me one name of a very great rishi. Shringa was a very great rishi who was responsible
for the yagnya done by Dashrata for having a son. I said how can such a great man enter into the psychic it’s impossible? So I
said to take the name of Shringa. How do you do it? So he closed his eyes and started taking the name Shringa, Shringa.
Immediately that fellow, a horrible one came on his face, I could see. He had two horrible eyes and very big teeth and he had one,
only one unicorn. That also you know, is known as Shringa. Shringa also means the horn. And it was this fellow with one horn. So
I know all these tricks very well. I tied this Mr.Sringa, I brought him home, and I tied him on to one of the, don’t get frightened.
centre. Nothing to be serious about. When the mother is there she has to tell you everything. I tied him to a tree and I said Mr.
Shringa please tell me what you are up to. Otherwise I will never relieve you. I must know what is he up to. As you catch some
spies and you take out all that has happened on the other side of the earth. Mr. Shringa came out with the reality. He told me that
we are-on the other side on the negative side are trying to build up our empire of destruction, of depravity and for that we few
rakshasas are working for one of this gentlemen who is a rakshas. And he told me the name of the rakshas who was once upon
a time killed by the Devi Durga. And this fellow is in contact with about thousands of rakshasas but there are few who can enter
into the psyche of human beings. So I am trained that whenever I am called because there are subtle bodies. I come to those
people, I enter into their psyche, guide them, and through me I put these other rakshasas into other people’s psyche. So the thing
start expanding. You get surprised thousands of people thronging for what introduction for that spirit in you. They introduce this
spiritual .........[UNCLEAR]. They do not know that they do not care for it. Like it is the introduction of the spirit they do not believe
in it. They will never accept it. They will go on with it and go on with it. But then I said “Why is it? Why is it that you made this
fellow kill himself?” He said “It is because we want more dead people. We want more dead people to come in to help us to enter
into the psyche of human beings”. And then because he refused to kill his parents, we wanted him to kill him. “And then what do
you want ultimately?” He said that “There will be an epidemic of criminality in the United States”. And that’s the fact. They work
when there are drugs on. You take the drugs, your awareness goes out and immediately they enter in. This is a very wonderful
way of doing things. Here I am alone standing with my half hearted disciples. Because I do not entice them. They are free,
absolutely free in their own freedom. In their entire awareness they have to accept it and take it and to practice it and to go
ahead with the war of love. We on one side are preaching love the other side is hatred, but they will take the name of love and hit
at it. That’s why you will find they are always contradicting themselves. There is no other proof. But you will find in their minds a
tormenting soul. A person who talks of religion has to be a very peace-loving, affectionate, kind, helpful person. While these
dharmic people-if you find them-they will beat their wives, beat their children, beat everyone that is possible. If it is possible, they
can kill also. Because there is a depraved personality inside. And ultimately they will have a senile. They will die of insanity. At
this moment in kali yuga we are standing so precariously on this verge of destruction. I am not telling you stories. Believe me, it
is. If you want the complete transformation, of this age, into a beautiful age of reality, of truth and love and bliss. It is in your
hands to choose today in your own freedom. You have to gather courage and know that you are the chosen ones who have to do
this job. Nothing is needed much. Nothing is to be done but to accept the bliss of God. Do not play into their hands. Yesterday as
I told you, that when you get self-realization, then you jump into your unconscious mind. Then you find these are vibrations
flowing from your fingers, you can when I am speaking put your hands towards me, doesn’t matter. It helps. You will find there
are vibrations, cool vibrations flowing towards you. Please put your hands. There is nothing wrong. Don’t be obstinate. You will
find very cool breeze flowing into your being. I am cooling you down, making you tranquil and peaceful. It is not a trance, you are
aware. Absolutely aware. You are listening to me, what I am talking. And on your hands, you will find that there are these chakras
represented. These chakras are the centers I talked to you about. They are absolutely there. For example if you have ten people
and blindfolded, if they had to test one man, you put them together-all of them together-put also five children and when you ask
them what is the matter they will all raise one finger. That means on the right hand side the vishuddhi chakra is caught up. You
ask the person “Are you suffering from any trouble of the throat?” He says “I have been suffering for many years” If you put your
vibrations on his vishuddhi chakra at the back from far, this chakra will open out and you will find he will start getting the
vibrations. Here we have shown you, but I don’t know if you can see, I will show you on my own hand that these are the two
hands of right and left. I have told you on the left hand side is the negative side or we can say is the side that belongs to the
Chandra nadi. And this belongs to the Surya nadi. Where they meet in the center are the deities. Now this hand has got five
fingers. This is the Mooladhara chakra, you can see, and these are the three channels which we know which side is the heart and
which side is the aortic plexus which you can say as the Swadishthana chakra. This is the Hriday chakra and this is the
Swadishthana chakra which is guided by Brahmadeva and this is guided by Shiva. Now if this finger is burning then you must
know on the left hand side, on the Heart, means on the heart organ itself there is a problem. If you take the name of Shiva or if
you say ‘Om namah Shiva’ if you are realized, otherwise not. Then you will find the problem will go away and the person will be
alright. It is absolutely automatic. You don’t have to get education for this, to understand this nothing. For small children I have
seen, they find a little burning, they go on rubbing. They go on rubbing their fingers you find the person is cured. Children are very
simple, are very simple and it works very fast with them. Now in the centre is the Nabhi chakra which is controlling the solar
plexus. Here this finger in the centre. This is the Nabhi chakra. Now, this centre when you start getting burning in your hand, all
the problems of the Nabhi chakra are denoted through this. This finger, I have already told you , the vishuddhi chakra is here. For
this there is no education needed nothing. Only thing you need to do is raise your finger if you do it like this. Even the most
uneducated can do it. You just jolly well have to do it. It is the truth and a fact and a science. I am not telling you stories. You
come find out for yourself. This portion of the hand, if it starts burning or these portions if they start burning here, then it is an
inheritance in you. So you have to ask your parents in your heart to depart. Maybe your mother or your father is hovering, or
something is happening on this chakra or this part, or the inheritance. This finger is now very important because it is here. You
must have known that anytime you have to apply to left to God, you have to use this finger, and on this finger, is the Agnya
chakra, which is like one rod moving. Here in the front is Christ, and here, this side is Shri Ganesh, Bhairav and Hanuman. Two of
them join here but actually Christ is controlling. If this chakra is caught up, you have to take the name of Christ and it works out.
It opens up. These devils that are working out their satanic forces are working through this chakra or Nabhi chakra because
these are the two places where they hit. The turn this in the opposite direction and throw something inside so that you become
ascetic. The other day I had some gentleman who came to see, started arguing with me too much because he thought he was all
very knowledgeable. I asked, “Who is your guru?” and he gave me some name of somebody in Puna. I said “Alright put your
hands” and he started shaking. And afterwards he said “I am getting frozen now, Mataji” I said “I am not freezing you, I assure
you I am not freezing you. Tt is somebody inside you that is freezing you. It will go away” He said “ What is to be done?” I said
“Can you beat your guru with shoes?” He said “That’s too much” I said you have to do it. You try. You try. So I told him how to
beat. This is Quran-e-Sharief has written. These things are given in Quran-e-Sharief. I said “You take out your shoes from your
feet, and beat him there. I will tell you how to do it with a parabola around it.” And this fellow couldn’t bear it, he could not do
anything. He said “How can I beat?” I asked somebody else to do it and he immediately became normal. I said “How much
money have you given to your guru to begin with?” He said “ Only seven thousand rupees”. I said “Only? And what else?” He said
“For sixteen years, Mataji, I have suffered like that. I have lost my job, I have no money, I given also whatever I had to him”. In
London I meet so many boys, young boys, english boys, and american boys, and german boys, who do not even have shoes to
wear because they have given away all their money to these gurus, and the gurus are moving in big Rolls Royce . They should be
ashamed of themselves. Their parents have drained out all their property to satisfy these children. And then gaanja, all these
things are available with these gurus, in a secret manner. To them religion means nothing, no holiness nothing. They will flirt with
women. They are gurus after all, yes they are all Krishna. They are all Shri Krishna’s Avatar they tell me. That’s why they are
flirting with women. There was one gentleman like that who told me he was Krishna’s avatar. I told him that if I catch hold of your
dadi you’ll be shaking. The one who at five years of age who killed Kalia. What are you talking about? And you’ll be surprised, I
didn’t curse him but after a day somebody caught hold of his dadi, and he was dancing for half an hour. That’s what I heard from
people. There is Shri Krishna. There is Shri Rama. These are all the enemies. The Kansa has taken,the Ravan has taken birth and
are calling themselves by the name of God. So in this hands, you can see for yourself in these two hands these are the temples
of God. These two hands are the temples of God. In bhakti, if genuinely you ask Him, your bhakti becomes aakaar. It becomes
avatar, and it comes on this earth to save you, and give you salvation. These two hands are not to be spoiled by doing wrong
things. There are the deities sitting. When you talk of doing seva to others, remember you are not doing any seva to anybody else
but yourself. Sahaja Yoga is the only method by which you do this collective seva without doing any karma. You are curing
people automatically. You are improving their conditions, you are improving their minds, you are giving them peace, their family
life is improved. They are chaste people. They are wiser people, they are healthier people, they are beautiful people. What other
kinds of social work you are doing? This is the greatest social work you can do to others. is to just stand and give vibrations,
which is pouring through you. You just keep on the medium of that Divine power. And not only that you are giving but it gives you
the joy, the complete joy. How does it gives you the complete joy? I will tell you. It is very short. We have three beings :emotional,
mental and also physical beings. These three beings exist within us that we know of and at least you believe in. The fourth one
we do not believe in is the religious being, doesn’t matter. But when we think of our physical being, we want to enjoy the body by
giving it comfort. But while trying all that we form habits, we become slaves of this life. Why be the slaves of this life while we
can be the king. Then we start possessing things. For example, the myth of possession works onto you like a headache and you
develop tension and tension and tension. Because when I look at this all I think “Oh God how will I take this home?, how will I get
money? Where will I go, how will do it?” All ideas come into you. You listen to music, you start thinking who is the musician, who
is singing, what is he singing, is he correct or wrong. All the thoughts in between. But if you are listening to that music, absolutely
in thoughtless awareness, in silence when there is not a ripple of thought in complete freedom. The artist is pouring his heart
before you. All the joy that great artist is pouring through that, you feel a wave of enjoyment falling on to you from top. The bliss
coming on to you. You don’t say anything. The silent, the silent joy of creation becomes one, identified with yourself. And you feel
the joy. In mental pursuits also we are searching out. In the science we find out this, in science we find out that, this we found.
Are we happy with what we found? You are not. It doesn’t give you happiness. And spirit is out. You find out one theory, it is
thrown out. You find out another, it is thrown out. But this just responds to the absolute knowledge. Then the whole thing
becomes open like a book. And the greatest knowledge: you feel it that we are all one. There is only one thread passing through
all these beads of beautiful pearls. Only one thread. And Once you jump onto that thread, you become one with God. his
knowledge is the greatest knowledge of all. And then all the knowledge pours in Because now you are at that point from where
the knowledge sprung out. The whole dictionary the whole library of knowledge is open to you. Whenever you want to know
something, just dip a little handkerchief in that ocean and you know it. You become one with that knowledge, so you get the
complete enjoyment, in the emotional side also. Your emotional being, you love your husband. Husband dies means you are
finished. You love your wife. Wife dies means you are finished your own children The idea of conviction of your husband and
children. If the husband dies you will be crying for the husband but you will never do what he wanted all his life. See the conflict.
This is the thinking and the knowledge and the love. There is no integration between the three. Even if you rationally understand,
“Yes, my husband said so, that I should have done this, I should have done it, and he was very much wanting to do it” But still
physically, you will say ‘Oh I can’t.’ There is no integration between these three things. And the love that is bound in one’s love,
the sap of love, it is finished in one flower, can kill the whole tree and the flower dies automatically. All such love is the death of
love. But the love that just pours, the love that flows without any ask, like the sunshine, the love that just gives, and the joy that it
is filled with flows and flows to pour the joy-that infinite love of God can be yours at this moment-that is what is flowing, this
pranava, this omkar, this roop, this unhalak. This is flowing through you which is controlling on one side-the gross of all the
masses, the creative part-the other side, all the storing of the dead and the third side your evolution. The same pranava is acting
in three forms, the powers of Adishakti. The mother is the primordial mother, the spouse of our father. May God Bless You. I
would request you to stay on for meditation for sometime. Yesterday, some people did get vibrations and it was very good. I saw
them this morning, I was overjoyed. Today also I hope that you get it and do come for meditation tomorrow morning. Try to
come because there we can find out. Give little time to yourself. I know you all are very busy people doing very important work,
but little time you can give to yourself. You should try to give a little time to yourself. You are the people who should first become
doctors, and then you can treat other people. You can treat and you can improve them. You can give them awakening and also
realization. In these three days, I could not cover up the whole thing. It is impossible even if you give me the whole year. And
people have been with me for five years and every time they say “ Mataji, this we did not know, that we did not know.” Now, the
trouble is that I want you to subject yourself to be the knowledge yourself so that you will know what I am talking about. I will not
tell you. You are your own guru. I am only a mother who looks after the child when the child is born, for sometime. Then when
you are grown, you are matured, nobody can affect you. You are prophets. Then that is the glory of the mother to see her children
grow. | null | null | null | Public program day 3, Mumbai, India, 19-02-1975 Yesterday I explained to you the position of the kundalini in our spinal cord and
why it exists there, and what are its functions. God has created human beings in his own image and all these things that I have
told you yesterday are first built up in the body of the Virata that is the aspect of God in which all that is created exists. But let us
see in the human being in what way this kundalini came. As I have told you yesterday that there are three powers that exist in the
body and the most important one is the central one which is incarnated as Mahalakshmi which helped us to evolve into a
superhuman being. That channel is known as Sushumna which I have shown you in the centre. And there is a gap between the
navel point and the abode of the kundalini. This portion of that channel or you can say of that energy is settled down here and
kundalini, which is not used till you get the chance of meeting somebody who can give you self-realization and that is the only
time the kundalini rises. These two exist within us psychological. One has the constructive power by which we think, or we can
say the preconscious mind , the Mana the postman which is every moment receiving something from the conscious mind and
putting it into the subconscious mind. For example, you are listening to me, you are paying attention to me. I am talking
something, you are receiving it from me and it is going into your past. Again you are receiving from me and it is going into the
past. So this represents the preconscious mind while the other is the storing of all your experiences is the subconscious mind.
We have two minds, lying vertically parallel on both the sides of the Sushumna. This is one of the greatest facts most of the
people who have been searching God have not understood. That to go to your Sushumna Nadi or to go to your present moment.
And this moment when you are listening to me moment to moment you are living, this conscious mind, to approach that
conscious mind and stay there at that point one need not go to the subconscious or to the preconscious. One need not to control
the preconscious mind. That is the Mana, neither it is necessary for you to go to the subconscious mind as have these siddhis
and things like that and go to the bhootvidya and pretavidya. Both things are not at all necessary, on the contrary, those who go
on these lines might be able to see the kundalini, they might be able to see all the chakras from the backdoor, while in the centre
when you rise in the Sushumna Nadi then you do not see anything whatsoever but you just jump out. Later on you can come
down and see all this. For example, I live in London. In my house, is about ten miles drive from the station. Some people, visitors
are coming to see me, so I have to receive them at the station. I go there, receive them and they come to my house, direct. You
know about London that nobody is seen on the streets. It’s a very small village so there is nobody on the streets. You can’t meet
anybody. You just come straight to your own house, and then you enter inside the house. You stay there, then you know your
neighbours gradually. But supposing somebody arrives without telling me, and he has to find out my house. So he goes from
places to places to the backdoors, because front door nobody is willing to open in England, especially in London, people are
afraid. So he goes from the backdoor. Goes from one house to another house inquiring as to where is this house, where I have to
go? And the people call him inside, give him tea, offering something and the person is lost there. He never reaches the real
house. In the same way, those people who go on the sides either by preconscious method, or by the subconscious method both
of them jump into something else which has nothing to do with the central path and are thrown sideways either to the right or to
the left to the resonance. And there are some people who want you to be deluded, to be stopped, to be sponged, exploited so
they stop you going that side. That is what enticement is, that is what we call as the hypnosis. When you hypnotize a person
what happens is that his attention immediately goes into his subconscious mind and he is hypnotized. But we do not understand
that by hypnosis it is not only our subconscious in which we are existing. While we sleep we are in our subconscious, but there is
no hypnosis. Actually in the subconscious mind, beyond the subconscious mind, is the connection to the collective
subconscious which we call the Paralok. The complete dead exist there. All those who died exist there. So these people enter
into your psyche, become one with your psyche, and they dominate your personality in your head and you become absolutely
hypnotized. Then you can do whatever you like with that person. The thinking power is completely finished, your brain is
completely washed off. You may call it conditioning, I think it is much worse than that. Conditioning is a very very mild word.
Actually, we never get conditioned if we are left to ourselves. But we get conditioned when we start reading other people. When
we start attending to such people, meeting them, taking prasad from them, food from them. You have seen such people with
dhoras and dandhas and things like that. All these things carry the germ of conditionings and hypnosis. The dead sit in that.
They exist whether you like it or not, whether you accept it or not. Even the psychologists, I have some very great psychologists
as my disciples, they were arguing with me “Why do you call it the Spirit?” then I said what do you call it ? They said it can be
because you know the person, it might be your father or your mother. You must have seen the pictures I have shown you, where
he was trying to copy his mother. I said what about the people who you have never seen, you have not known? You talk like that
person, and if you verify it you will find it’s true. In London, I visited one lunatic asylum, where I found there were patients they
could not understand. When I talked to them, they started talking as if somebody said that “I do not belong to this place, I belong
to Paris, and I live there and this thing happened, and there was an accident and I died. And this lady had come to Paris and I got
off – oh over” I asked this lady what happened and she would not say anything. She didn’t know she was doing.....[UNCLEAR].
Then we inquired. I told them to find out. And there was such and such person who died at such and such point, with an
accident. And this lady had gone there and had a shock because her husband was lost somewhere and she was in a shock
condition and this shock identity went into her. But all such identities that enter into your psyche are one of the most deprived
people, absolutely depravity personified. They are the worst type of people you could think. They can tell all kinds of lies. They
can do whatever is possible under the sun. I mean even the animals won’t do the things they can do. Those who are good people
never enter into the body but sometimes they hover around. For example, somebody has died, or the wife has died or the mother
dies, especially the mother. If the mother dies in very small childhood, then the mother doesn’t want to leave the son or the
daughter because she wants to protect it. She is with the child all the time, but she doesn’t harm. But of course, that affects the
child’s personality too and the child’s manifestation to become himself because of the hovering of the mother. I have found out
during these 6-7 years of my experiments with people, that on your hands you can feel it if there is such an affectation on a
person. It can happen to anybody, even to the most religious, to the nicest person. And sometimes it can happen to a person
who is shocked, who is under some kind of a mental strain. In London, there is an organization known as the Universal Curative
Centre or something like that by Dr.Lang. This doctor doesn’t exist, he died a long time back. There are many organizations like
that. I am giving you an example. He died long time back. Of course, they are honest people, they tell the truth, they don’t tell lies,
but they don’t know the effects of this kind of thing. This fellow died in London and he said that his manifestation or whatever he
wanted to do was not complete and he was dissatisfied. So when one soldier was fighting in Vietnam, he was shocked with
something. This doctor entered into his being and told him that “You go to my son and ask him to open his dispensary and I will
talk to him. You just don’t worry. And he drove this man mad, so that he could not help it and he had to go to London. He was an
uneducated soldier. He went and talked to this son of his, and told him that “I am such and such and that you’d better open your
dispensary, I want to start my work and also my operations. He was amazed, this soldier was such an uncouth person and he
never seen what is surgery. How is he going to operate? So, the person inside him told him “No, I am your father, believe me”.
And he told him lots of secrets which passed between the son and the father. And he was quite convinced and they opened this
universal curative centre or whatever you may call it. You can give it any name. And they started curing people. They said at
about 5 o’clock at this time you will feel something. And 5 o’clock anywhere in the world when they sent you the letter, that at 5
O’clock in your place I will appear, the person felt shivering. The person felt terrible shivering in the body and the person felt
alright and better and many things get cured. But later on after one year or two years that person would start be suffering from
neurosis. All kinds of trouble came to him and his family lost all fortunes and all kinds of problems and his body started aching
and everything happened. All these things are absolute truth. We have patients from that centre whom I have treated myself.
These are the spirits which enter into your body and cure you. And don’t believe in all such cures. You should be cured by your
own powers that is your kundalini which is lying here. Which is is going to recharge your batteries. Don’t depend on all these
cures which people are giving you that “Oh, I will give you some mantras, you put it here”. Those mantras mean nothing else but
a spirit. I can prove it to you. Many people who have been with me in the beginning were very against me, when I told them about
it, but gradually they realized that this is a thing in us. It is working. There is a very big war on between the evil forces and the
Divine forces. You cannot see that. They are having a strategy now, a wonderful strategy, as all clever, cunning, worthless people
have; is to come on this Earth as human beings, take the name of God, and act as fifth column. Supposing, Russians want to
invade America, or Americans want to invade Russia. They take the name of Americans, go there live like Americans, or they may
take the name of the Russians, and live like Russians. They call them God, incarnations, all kinds of things. In London, somebody
told me that Christ has come. I said “Really? I never knew that. How do you believe he is Christ?” “Because he says he is Christ”. I
said everybody can say that. What is so great in that? “No Christ has come. He says ‘I am Christ’”. I said there is a very simple
test of Christ. You go find out. “You tell him to control the elements. Can he control the elements?” Christ used to control the
elements. If someone says “I am the Adishakti”. You ask him “Can you control the kundalini of people?”. If you cannot, then you
are not Adishakti. All these signs and symptoms are already given in our books. We have not to believe these people, what they
tell us, these fake people. We have to understand that this is all given in our books. The problem is this modern generation is
most uneducated. If you read the Devi Mahatmyam, a simple book written by Markandeya Swami, you will know that all these
things given in that, like how to make out a person, who is an incarnation, who is not an incarnation. Of course, there is an
incarnating power which has incarnated which I have told you about yesterday and is going to incarnate But you must know that
if these people have taken some garb, the incarnation is also going to take some garb to hide and work secretly. You are the
people who should know how to judge a person who is real and who is unreal. Who are the people who have come into this world
to destroy all the good forces, all the constructive forces, and establish complete destruction . You have to judge. You have to
find out and that is the force I am talking about which is the we call the negative forces. That is at work. Believe me, you may not
like it because you just refuse it, whatever is new to you. It exists. In this city of Bombay you will be surprised there are many
centres like that which are working secretly to harm other people. You go and pay some money to that person. He will take some
money from you and he can put a spell on the enemies of that person. Even for five rupees these dirty people can put a spell on
another person, and they do not know that what are they up to. You can live without food in this world, but with such sinful lives,
God knows what is going to happen to these people. I always say forgive them. It is a tremendous profession which these people
are working at. They will show you miracles. You will feel it is a very great thing that has happened. It all works out through these
negative forces. You beware of them. They will show you chamatkaras. All kinds of chamatkaras can be shown. And you may
start believing them, thinking that they are very great people. The Sahaja Yoga has come at the time when you people do not
know much about it. Your forefathers knew better. That time Sahaja Yoga did not come where they would never believe in a
sadhu who.... [UNCLEAR] Never, never, never. In my own family we had once a very interesting incident when there was a
wedding on, and the people who came were very fussy people. You know in U.P people can fuss a lot about things. They said we
will have dahi vadas. You cannot make it so quickly and they said it is very difficult to make it. But there is one Bhigad Baba who
was sitting outside the city. “We can call him and he will do it” So they called that Bhigad Baba and Bhigad Baba came and said
that “There is no dahi vada in the city just now, but I will get you dahi vada, no doubt, but you should allow me to go away next
moment.” He closed all the doors, one window he left it open and he sat down. After sometime he opened the door and they saw
the dahi vada lying there. Naturally everybody was so worried, that they took the dahi vada and started distributing it. But when
they returned back to see the Bhigad baba had disappeared, nicely from there. From the window he has run away. Next day,
Mahar you know we have got these Mahar people. Of course, still we are continuing with that dirty method of having some
people as untouchables. They came over to me and they saw these utensils, what we call as kulad. And they said who has
brought these dahi vadas from our place? We were having dinner there and suddenly all disappeared. Who has brought this
here? And all the barathis got so annoyed and angry they said “What, is this. These Maharis have brought Dahi vadas and you
have given us Mahari dahi vadas” and then they realized why Bhigad baba had ran away. They take a subtle form. They first of
all, control them. They go in the smashanas. They go everywhere Most of these vibhutis that is coming, are coming from
smashanas. Don’t eat it. For heaven’s sake never eat these vibuthis. Your this chakra will be completely ruined. Open your head.
Which god gave vibhuti for people to eat? This Bhigad baba had run away. I wish all of them run away. That is the best way to
solve a problem. But it is you who believe in all these things. There is a very rich man who came to me and he said certain
gentleman had given me, some babaji had given me a very big diamond ring.I knew the gentleman very well. I said how many
rings you have got? He said I dont know. Then I said why did you ask for the ring. He said “Mataji, I never asked for the ring. But
the gentleman gave me. And I thought it was ashirvad I took it.” I said “why didn’t he give it to your driver who is a poor man.”
Then I said but why have you come to me now. Your baba has given you anguti. You sit down at home. You do his bhajans raat
din sing his bhajan Praise him, praise the lord who has given you anguti. So the fellow got very upset and he said “Then I must
tell you something that I have come for.” I said what is it? He said from my house many diamonds are missing. I said very nice. I
said you please call your wife next time, I’ll have a talk with her. The wife came and I took out her badha from her and I said now
talk. I said what is it happening to you? She said there is somebody in my head embedded in this ring I think? who is telling me
this all worldly things are useless. You give them to baba, give all this to baba. And I am giving it to baba. That lady is a lady
doctor you see. She is not an ordinary woman. She is an educated lady, a lady doctor of very great eminence. I was amazed, I
said what has happened to your brain? Have you sold them out? Just think about one thing, that the thing that are stones that are
useless things, worthless things for you, why are they so important to Sri Babaji? Why is he taking them and why are you giving
him the stones. That struck her mind. She came to her senses. She said “Oh I never thought of it. And every time I go he asks me
how many have you brought?” This is what happens to your brain. You are washed out. People will tell you you to take a sanyas.
Very nicely you all take a sanyas and give your money up. I will manage your income tax, come along. Very good way of taking
sanyas. This is what these people are doing to you and that is one of the greatest impediments I am facing in this country and
abroad. When I find people and when I try to give them kundalini, they say “Mataji, we have just went for his lecture” “ And then?”
“No once I danced there.” “And what else?” “No, I just didn’t do much I only paid one thousand rupees. I said “Very nice you have
paid one thousand rupees for five or six of them sitting on your head. You have no freedom at all left. From one conditioning to
another conditioning you are willing to go, but not to a person who will tell you to be free. You will stay with one person who will
condition you with something. It is a very nice thing that only by dancing you get God. Very wonderful thing of doing things. There
is one gentleman who goes to America very often. He has made lots of money also. He puts you into Trance. One of his disciples
came to India and he discovered about me and then he came to London to see me. His name is Mr. Jean. He told me that
“Mataji, I have a very funny thing that is happening to me. I said what happened. ? “He said that I am the disciple of such and
such person”. And then what happened? What is wrong with you? He said the problem is when I started meditating according to
him. I got into trance. And when I came down from trance, I felt that I must kill my parents. They are good for nothing, why should
I have my parents? I must kill them. Who are they to me? “But I started judging. This is not religion. This nobody has done. Rama
obeyed his parents. Who has killed his parents? I started thinking about it. So when I went again into a trance, I came back and I
felt I must kill myself.” And he said I have tried to kill myself many a times. Many a times I have tried to kill. He is the son of a rich
man. And my father sent me to India to meet you. You were not there so I have come here. I asked him “Jean what did your
master tell you, what mantra?” So he told me one name of a very great rishi. Shringa was a very great rishi who was responsible
for the yagnya done by Dashrata for having a son. I said how can such a great man enter into the psychic it’s impossible? So I
said to take the name of Shringa. How do you do it? So he closed his eyes and started taking the name Shringa, Shringa.
Immediately that fellow, a horrible one came on his face, I could see. He had two horrible eyes and very big teeth and he had one,
only one unicorn. That also you know, is known as Shringa. Shringa also means the horn. And it was this fellow with one horn. So
I know all these tricks very well. I tied this Mr.Sringa, I brought him home, and I tied him on to one of the, don’t get frightened.
centre. Nothing to be serious about. When the mother is there she has to tell you everything. I tied him to a tree and I said Mr.
Shringa please tell me what you are up to. Otherwise I will never relieve you. I must know what is he up to. As you catch some
spies and you take out all that has happened on the other side of the earth. Mr. Shringa came out with the reality. He told me that
we are-on the other side on the negative side are trying to build up our empire of destruction, of depravity and for that we few
rakshasas are working for one of this gentlemen who is a rakshas. And he told me the name of the rakshas who was once upon
a time killed by the Devi Durga. And this fellow is in contact with about thousands of rakshasas but there are few who can enter
into the psyche of human beings. So I am trained that whenever I am called because there are subtle bodies. I come to those
people, I enter into their psyche, guide them, and through me I put these other rakshasas into other people’s psyche. So the thing
start expanding. You get surprised thousands of people thronging for what introduction for that spirit in you. They introduce this
spiritual .........[UNCLEAR]. They do not know that they do not care for it. Like it is the introduction of the spirit they do not believe
in it. They will never accept it. They will go on with it and go on with it. But then I said “Why is it? Why is it that you made this
fellow kill himself?” He said “It is because we want more dead people. We want more dead people to come in to help us to enter
into the psyche of human beings”. And then because he refused to kill his parents, we wanted him to kill him. “And then what do
you want ultimately?” He said that “There will be an epidemic of criminality in the United States”. And that’s the fact. They work
when there are drugs on. You take the drugs, your awareness goes out and immediately they enter in. This is a very wonderful
way of doing things. Here I am alone standing with my half hearted disciples. Because I do not entice them. They are free,
absolutely free in their own freedom. In their entire awareness they have to accept it and take it and to practice it and to go
ahead with the war of love. We on one side are preaching love the other side is hatred, but they will take the name of love and hit
at it. That’s why you will find they are always contradicting themselves. There is no other proof. But you will find in their minds a
tormenting soul. A person who talks of religion has to be a very peace-loving, affectionate, kind, helpful person. While these
dharmic people-if you find them-they will beat their wives, beat their children, beat everyone that is possible. If it is possible, they
can kill also. Because there is a depraved personality inside. And ultimately they will have a senile. They will die of insanity. At
this moment in kali yuga we are standing so precariously on this verge of destruction. I am not telling you stories. Believe me, it
is. If you want the complete transformation, of this age, into a beautiful age of reality, of truth and love and bliss. It is in your
hands to choose today in your own freedom. You have to gather courage and know that you are the chosen ones who have to do
this job. Nothing is needed much. Nothing is to be done but to accept the bliss of God. Do not play into their hands. Yesterday as
I told you, that when you get self-realization, then you jump into your unconscious mind. Then you find these are vibrations
flowing from your fingers, you can when I am speaking put your hands towards me, doesn’t matter. It helps. You will find there
are vibrations, cool vibrations flowing towards you. Please put your hands. There is nothing wrong. Don’t be obstinate. You will
find very cool breeze flowing into your being. I am cooling you down, making you tranquil and peaceful. It is not a trance, you are
aware. Absolutely aware. You are listening to me, what I am talking. And on your hands, you will find that there are these chakras
represented. These chakras are the centers I talked to you about. They are absolutely there. For example if you have ten people
and blindfolded, if they had to test one man, you put them together-all of them together-put also five children and when you ask
them what is the matter they will all raise one finger. That means on the right hand side the vishuddhi chakra is caught up. You
ask the person “Are you suffering from any trouble of the throat?” He says “I have been suffering for many years” If you put your
vibrations on his vishuddhi chakra at the back from far, this chakra will open out and you will find he will start getting the
vibrations. Here we have shown you, but I don’t know if you can see, I will show you on my own hand that these are the two
hands of right and left. I have told you on the left hand side is the negative side or we can say is the side that belongs to the
Chandra nadi. And this belongs to the Surya nadi. Where they meet in the center are the deities. Now this hand has got five
fingers. This is the Mooladhara chakra, you can see, and these are the three channels which we know which side is the heart and
which side is the aortic plexus which you can say as the Swadishthana chakra. This is the Hriday chakra and this is the
Swadishthana chakra which is guided by Brahmadeva and this is guided by Shiva. Now if this finger is burning then you must
know on the left hand side, on the Heart, means on the heart organ itself there is a problem. If you take the name of Shiva or if
you say ‘Om namah Shiva’ if you are realized, otherwise not. Then you will find the problem will go away and the person will be
alright. It is absolutely automatic. You don’t have to get education for this, to understand this nothing. For small children I have
seen, they find a little burning, they go on rubbing. They go on rubbing their fingers you find the person is cured. Children are very
simple, are very simple and it works very fast with them. Now in the centre is the Nabhi chakra which is controlling the solar
plexus. Here this finger in the centre. This is the Nabhi chakra. Now, this centre when you start getting burning in your hand, all
the problems of the Nabhi chakra are denoted through this. This finger, I have already told you , the vishuddhi chakra is here. For
this there is no education needed nothing. Only thing you need to do is raise your finger if you do it like this. Even the most
uneducated can do it. You just jolly well have to do it. It is the truth and a fact and a science. I am not telling you stories. You
come find out for yourself. This portion of the hand, if it starts burning or these portions if they start burning here, then it is an
inheritance in you. So you have to ask your parents in your heart to depart. Maybe your mother or your father is hovering, or
something is happening on this chakra or this part, or the inheritance. This finger is now very important because it is here. You
must have known that anytime you have to apply to left to God, you have to use this finger, and on this finger, is the Agnya
chakra, which is like one rod moving. Here in the front is Christ, and here, this side is Shri Ganesh, Bhairav and Hanuman. Two of
them join here but actually Christ is controlling. If this chakra is caught up, you have to take the name of Christ and it works out.
It opens up. These devils that are working out their satanic forces are working through this chakra or Nabhi chakra because
these are the two places where they hit. The turn this in the opposite direction and throw something inside so that you become
ascetic. The other day I had some gentleman who came to see, started arguing with me too much because he thought he was all
very knowledgeable. I asked, “Who is your guru?” and he gave me some name of somebody in Puna. I said “Alright put your
hands” and he started shaking. And afterwards he said “I am getting frozen now, Mataji” I said “I am not freezing you, I assure
you I am not freezing you. Tt is somebody inside you that is freezing you. It will go away” He said “ What is to be done?” I said
“Can you beat your guru with shoes?” He said “That’s too much” I said you have to do it. You try. You try. So I told him how to
beat. This is Quran-e-Sharief has written. These things are given in Quran-e-Sharief. I said “You take out your shoes from your
feet, and beat him there. I will tell you how to do it with a parabola around it.” And this fellow couldn’t bear it, he could not do
anything. He said “How can I beat?” I asked somebody else to do it and he immediately became normal. I said “How much
money have you given to your guru to begin with?” He said “ Only seven thousand rupees”. I said “Only? And what else?” He said
“For sixteen years, Mataji, I have suffered like that. I have lost my job, I have no money, I given also whatever I had to him”. In
London I meet so many boys, young boys, english boys, and american boys, and german boys, who do not even have shoes to
wear because they have given away all their money to these gurus, and the gurus are moving in big Rolls Royce . They should be
ashamed of themselves. Their parents have drained out all their property to satisfy these children. And then gaanja, all these
things are available with these gurus, in a secret manner. To them religion means nothing, no holiness nothing. They will flirt with
women. They are gurus after all, yes they are all Krishna. They are all Shri Krishna’s Avatar they tell me. That’s why they are
flirting with women. There was one gentleman like that who told me he was Krishna’s avatar. I told him that if I catch hold of your
dadi you’ll be shaking. The one who at five years of age who killed Kalia. What are you talking about? And you’ll be surprised, I
didn’t curse him but after a day somebody caught hold of his dadi, and he was dancing for half an hour. That’s what I heard from
people. There is Shri Krishna. There is Shri Rama. These are all the enemies. The Kansa has taken,the Ravan has taken birth and
are calling themselves by the name of God. So in this hands, you can see for yourself in these two hands these are the temples
of God. These two hands are the temples of God. In bhakti, if genuinely you ask Him, your bhakti becomes aakaar. It becomes
avatar, and it comes on this earth to save you, and give you salvation. These two hands are not to be spoiled by doing wrong
things. There are the deities sitting. When you talk of doing seva to others, remember you are not doing any seva to anybody else
but yourself. Sahaja Yoga is the only method by which you do this collective seva without doing any karma. You are curing
people automatically. You are improving their conditions, you are improving their minds, you are giving them peace, their family
life is improved. They are chaste people. They are wiser people, they are healthier people, they are beautiful people. What other
kinds of social work you are doing? This is the greatest social work you can do to others. is to just stand and give vibrations,
which is pouring through you. You just keep on the medium of that Divine power. And not only that you are giving but it gives you
the joy, the complete joy. How does it gives you the complete joy? I will tell you. It is very short. We have three beings :emotional,
mental and also physical beings. These three beings exist within us that we know of and at least you believe in. The fourth one
we do not believe in is the religious being, doesn’t matter. But when we think of our physical being, we want to enjoy the body by
giving it comfort. But while trying all that we form habits, we become slaves of this life. Why be the slaves of this life while we
can be the king. Then we start possessing things. For example, the myth of possession works onto you like a headache and you
develop tension and tension and tension. Because when I look at this all I think “Oh God how will I take this home?, how will I get
money? Where will I go, how will do it?” All ideas come into you. You listen to music, you start thinking who is the musician, who
is singing, what is he singing, is he correct or wrong. All the thoughts in between. But if you are listening to that music, absolutely
in thoughtless awareness, in silence when there is not a ripple of thought in complete freedom. The artist is pouring his heart
before you. All the joy that great artist is pouring through that, you feel a wave of enjoyment falling on to you from top. The bliss
coming on to you. You don’t say anything. The silent, the silent joy of creation becomes one, identified with yourself. And you feel
the joy. In mental pursuits also we are searching out. In the science we find out this, in science we find out that, this we found.
Are we happy with what we found? You are not. It doesn’t give you happiness. And spirit is out. You find out one theory, it is
thrown out. You find out another, it is thrown out. But this just responds to the absolute knowledge. Then the whole thing
becomes open like a book. And the greatest knowledge: you feel it that we are all one. There is only one thread passing through
all these beads of beautiful pearls. Only one thread. And Once you jump onto that thread, you become one with God. his
knowledge is the greatest knowledge of all. And then all the knowledge pours in Because now you are at that point from where
the knowledge sprung out. The whole dictionary the whole library of knowledge is open to you. Whenever you want to know
something, just dip a little handkerchief in that ocean and you know it. You become one with that knowledge, so you get the
complete enjoyment, in the emotional side also. Your emotional being, you love your husband. Husband dies means you are
finished. You love your wife. Wife dies means you are finished your own children The idea of conviction of your husband and
children. If the husband dies you will be crying for the husband but you will never do what he wanted all his life. See the conflict.
This is the thinking and the knowledge and the love. There is no integration between the three. Even if you rationally understand,
“Yes, my husband said so, that I should have done this, I should have done it, and he was very much wanting to do it” But still
physically, you will say ‘Oh I can’t.’ There is no integration between these three things. And the love that is bound in one’s love,
the sap of love, it is finished in one flower, can kill the whole tree and the flower dies automatically. All such love is the death of
love. But the love that just pours, the love that flows without any ask, like the sunshine, the love that just gives, and the joy that it
is filled with flows and flows to pour the joy-that infinite love of God can be yours at this moment-that is what is flowing, this
pranava, this omkar, this roop, this unhalak. This is flowing through you which is controlling on one side-the gross of all the
masses, the creative part-the other side, all the storing of the dead and the third side your evolution. The same pranava is acting
in three forms, the powers of Adishakti. The mother is the primordial mother, the spouse of our father. May God Bless You. I
would request you to stay on for meditation for sometime. Yesterday, some people did get vibrations and it was very good. I saw
them this morning, I was overjoyed. Today also I hope that you get it and do come for meditation tomorrow morning. Try to
come because there we can find out. Give little time to yourself. I know you all are very busy people doing very important work,
but little time you can give to yourself. You should try to give a little time to yourself. You are the people who should first become
doctors, and then you can treat other people. You can treat and you can improve them. You can give them awakening and also
realization. In these three days, I could not cover up the whole thing. It is impossible even if you give me the whole year. And
people have been with me for five years and every time they say “ Mataji, this we did not know, that we did not know.” Now, the
trouble is that I want you to subject yourself to be the knowledge yourself so that you will know what I am talking about. I will not
tell you. You are your own guru. I am only a mother who looks after the child when the child is born, for sometime. Then when
you are grown, you are matured, nobody can affect you. You are prophets. Then that is the glory of the mother to see her children
grow. |
3/3/1975 | | Public Program: Parmatma ka swarup | India | Mumbai | null | Draft | null | Reviewed | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | Hindi | 38 | Public Program, 03-03-1975 [English translation from Hindi] If you give even one rupee [UNCLEAR], then two lakh twenty
thousand rupees will be needed to buy the land. It is not a show business [UNCLEAR]. Whatever one can contribute should
contribute. That space is for you only, for your children and everyone. Not only meditation will be conducted there but people will
also be cured, and they will get their self-realization. And it will be a great work of dharma [ethical practices]. We have never
spent anything on our dharma, thinking about ‘self’ all the time, self-centred. Do something for dharma. Without dharma, there
will be the empire of adharma [unethical practices] in this world. If adharma is established, then you will not get the joy of your
money, you will not get the joy of your children, you will not be able to enjoy anything. This place is being developed for the
establishment of dharma. You all know that I don’t need money at all. I will also contribute money for buying this land. By the
grace of God, I don’t need anyone’s money. But everyone should contribute here. So many people come to Mataji [Shri Mataji].
They say, “Mataji please cure my father, Mataji please cure my sister, please cure my brother.” I have cured so many like this. But
at the time of contributing money, they run away. That’s allright. I don’t get upet with such people. It’s all about your own dharma.
Whoever contributes, will is authorized. Whoever does dharma, he has right, he has understanding, he can achieve. I don’t need
anything for myself. You all know very well that the place is going to be constructed for you all. We have to collect money for
that. Its registration has been done, so the money is required. Everybody should contribute as much as possible thinking that,
“We are working for dharma and we will get dharma.” We always give our children and relatives. But what do we give for
dharma? -Likewise, we are going to conduct a program for this purpose. Whoever can help in the program souvenirs Can take it
from us but don’t keep it at home. Prepare it, add some money in it and bring. There are many people. For example, Mrs Lal, she
is not in a good financial condition. But as soon as she heard about it, donated hundred and one rupees from her savings even
though she is facing financial trouble. I have seen many rich people they are such misers that they give money to their children,
but not for the work of dharma. They waste money on drinking alcohol but not in dharma. They spend their money on useless
things like cinema, etc. They do take the benefit from vibrations. It’s not that they don’t take benefits of vibrations. But are not
awaken in Dharma. (Shri Mataji speaking few lines to organisers in Marathi which is not transcribed and relevant here). I have
told you earlier that how one Power gets divided into three Powers and works in the form of three qualities [Triguna]. How does it
work in the form of Triguna? The first Power whom we call Mahakali’s Power, is a form of Adi Shakti. From this power activities,
events and creation take place in the world. We are here because of this power. The same power is also responsible to close the
event. The way a switch can be turned on and off as well. Because of this power we can get completely destroyed too. If God
decides to close his eyes and does not look after the work done by this power, then this power destroys us. But what’s contained
in this power? Which form of God (Parmatma) exists in it? I have told you that this form of God is known as ‘Ishwari Shakti’. It is
‘Ishwari’ form of God (Parmatma). With the Effect of this Ishwari Power, God sits in the witness state. And we also get witness
state within us. But what is the aim of this witness state in the world? How does this witness state work out? Whatwe know as
vibrations today, is the name of pulsation flowing from this power. The power that is flowing from our inner Self. The vibrations
that are flowing from us is Ishwari Shakti only. It is omnipresent. Whether that thing is dead or active or alive, everything has
vibrations. Means, this power exists in molecules, atoms, as a witness. Many people can call it ‘Chaitanya Lahari’ [Divine flow].
But I will not call it ”Chaitanya”. If “Chaitanya” is the name of God’s Complete Power then You cannot call it ‘Chaitanya’; call it
‘Lahari’ only, the Flow of God’s Love [vibrations], Pulsations of His divine Love. In the human being, this power stays in his heart.
And it pulsates. A life that pulsates in the heart of human being, is the same Power. So, you can call it ‘the Power of Life’ and this
power is the source of life in the world. The second Power whom we can call ‘the Power of Brahma’ or ‘Maha Saraswati’s Power’,
is the Creator of the whole world. Whole Universe is created by this Power. It is responsible for the creation of all matters like
planets, stars, moon sun, earth, etc. This creative force is known as Power of Maha Saraswati. This Power is situated in our
stomach and in the stomach of Virat. It exists in the stomach of all living beings. You can call it ‘an evolving force’. If any amoeba
was not hungry, it would not have evolved, it would not have progressed. This power is situated in the stomach. We know it by
the name of Rajogun. Activation of this Power has brought humans to the level of evolution. The third Power is situated equally
in the middle of it. It is situated right below the Sahasrara of the Virat at the limbic area. The consciousness that is conscious, is
known as awareness. Awareness Power which is situated in our -brain is known as Mahalakshmi’s Power. The work of this
Power is to be aware of all happening in the world. For example, if any amoeba gets hungry or any animal gets hungry and it
goes towards something to eat or stretch its neck towards something, and its neck starts getting taller. But this Power has the
power to understand whether its hunger is satisfied or not. And this is known as Satvaguni Power. When we achieve all the three
powers togetherthen we get salvation. It is “Gunateet” state. Means vibrations start flowing from your hands as soon as you get
your Self-Realisation. This is its proof. You are conscious about it, and you know that vibrations are flowing from you and you
also know that whether other person has vibrations or not. And you also know at which point another person’s Kundalini is
getting stuck. And third is that you have got power to evolve others. You can give Self-Realisation to others. Do you understand
that you have become so great that you are evolving others? These thoughts don’t come to your brain. You are not able to
understand that all these three powers of God are flowing together within you. And therefore you are conscious about it and you
are aware of it. …. This is the state of Gunateeta . When we cross all these three states,we reach the fourth state where all three
Gunas combine together and flow in one form. This is the fourth dimension. And when we start moving in the fourth dimension
then we reach the state of Gunateeta. At this state, all our Gunas are left behind. Then you are at the conscious state and you are
one with absolute knowledge, absolute love and absolute bliss. The leftover energy which is saved within you to do this job that
should be called ‘Residual Energy’. This Power is hidden behind your triangular bone [sacrum bone] and it is being used for this
purpose. This Power only pierces all these three powers to make them one. Then only you reach Gunateet state. And after that,
you get your consciousness and you are honoured with these three things due to which vibrations start flowing from your hands.
That’s the reason you start understanding other’s Kundalini. And you can give Realisation to others. These three powers activate
within us, we are not aware of it. Our heart pulsates but we can’t hear our heart-beat through our brain. If there is any pressure in
our hearts, we can’t understand it. We can’t understand if any problem exists in our stomach except feeling little pain in it. But if
you are at Gunateet state, you can understand all your Chakras and find out where the problem is. You can understand yourself
that where the catch is and you will tell me yourself that, “Mother my Agnya is catching. My Agnya is catching.” Earlier, you were
not aware of it. You and your instrument were same and you could not understand where the defect exists in the machinery. You
were catching ghosts, you never understood. You were catching diseases you were not aware. Now when you reached Gunateet
state then you start understanding that this particular ‘Mister’ [our ego] is different and ‘I am’ [our soul] is different. This is a
machine whose Agnya [Agnya Chakra] is caught. And its wheel is not working properly. Its dynamo is down. You are telling
yourself that your Mooladhar is catching. I don’t have to say this, you yourself tell. But till the time this distinction is not
understood properly, meditation practice is very difficult. Till then human will keep moving between higher and lower state: from
Guna state to Gunateet state, Gunateet state to Guna state. If someone tells him that, “Your Agnya Chakra is catching”, he
becomes very angry. If somebody tells him that, “Your heart is catching”, he gets very angry. But once he understands that it is a
machine only and might be caught and he can cure it through Sahaja techniques then he doesn’t feel bad and can cure himself.
Then he shoe-beats himself from morning to evening. Because now he knows that he is not shoe-beating himself, he is
shoe-beating to misidentification which he had. Only such a person can grow up in meditation. And who does not understand it
till now and keeps himself away from it, he can’t grow in meditation in spite of whatever he says about himself. Now there are so
many people here [in Sahaja Yoga] who are dwarfs [from the depth in meditation angle], very dwarfs. Some are a little higher.
Some are half grown. And some have reached the great state. Now, people who have reached very high, I know them, not you.
And it is necessary that who have reached higher can come more near to me. Because they can understand me better. I have
different bonding with them. The feeling of oneness existed. And I see that others feel jealous about it. It shows their smallness.
If you feel jealous, your Heart Chakra will catch immediately. I don’t have to say anything your finger will start burning. I don’t say
anything. You start feeling jealous of someone, your heart will catch very badly. I don’t say. Your heart will catch so badly that
you will be scared. I will not say this. You will sit with your hand on the head. Your Agnya Chakra will catch badly. It will
automatically catch. I am not troubling you. You are catching yourself. Slowly you will understand. When this starts then only you
will understand that if the Mother has said, then shoe-beat the [false] guru. You have tried all available solutions [techniques].
Now try only one solution: remove your Self from you. Now how to remove? We have been asking this question since centuries
that how will it be done? Shri Krishna has already said that be at witness state. But how? How to get it done? How can this
jumping be possible? How to get it? How can we believe that it happens? How can we become a source of that image which we
are watching? We are sitting on that image. How can we become subjective? Now you have reached that state. You have
become that, is for sure otherwise how would you have known your Agnya Chakra, your Nabhi [Nabhi Chakra] which is catching
right now? And you are feeling it pinches here. And you are trying to throw this catch by the movement of your hand. But you
have got all this very simply and easily. You did not pay anything for this. You did not do any hard work for this. I have done my
farming. Some seeds are rotten while farming. Whatever hard work you do for them, whatever way you try, they will remain
brainless, heartless and useless. They would not be of any use whatever you do. They will keep following the same way, they will
not improve, will keep doing the same again and again. You can try anything to them. Love them, scold them, speak to them
whatever you do they will never improve. Let them be, something may happen to them after ten-fifteen births. Now circles came
up in Sahaja Yoga in this way. Some people come in the inner circle. Some people stay in the outer circle. And some people who
stay at the outermost circle, are thrown out of Sahaja Yoga. They think of themselves too intelligent and believe that they are not
a concern, they are better in staying away. They don’t achieve anything. What can you give after reaching here? You only have to
take. It is like that one has come in a religious feast and says that he is so intelligent that he has not eaten anything. Somebody
goes near the river Ganga but says that he will not take a bath in Ganga, he is bathing in the well. This kind of intelligent people
come. They think that people who are enjoying a bath in the river, taking a dip and have the courage to jump into it, are mindless.
And they get angry at the Ganga for making them jump like this. My dear, they only are jumping with joy; I am not making them
jump. You people who are standing at the shore, feeling jealous of them who are jumping. My dear, they are jumping because
they have the power to jump, and you don’t have the power to jump. Instead of wasting your time sitting at the shore, get into the
river at least a little bit. This is the reason that some people grow very fast and some don’t. People ask me frequently that,
“Mataji! some people grow very deep, and some don’t. Why?” Its simple calculation only that as much as you move forward, you
will grow deep. As much you stand behind, you will not grow. It is simple calculation. If someone enters from that door and sees
that I am sitting here, he may ask that, “Why are you sitting there and why am I standing here”? Is there any answer to it? The
answer is: what can I do if you are standing there? I am sitting here because I am sitting here. Why can’t you walk and come
here? They will not come but will ask questions from the place they are standing that, “How others reached forward, and I am
standing back?” “My dear move straight and come forward.” But all easy ways don’t get into our minds. We are complicated and
brainless. We are completely brainless in this matter. We only understand complicated things. I have already told that there
cannot be any education in it. There cannot be any donation in it. Nothing can be done here. There should only be oneness. Be
completely clean inside and learn to be one with God . Learn to be very humble. Learn to make yourself completely humble. Then
you will progress. But humans gets upset with small-small things, useless things. What kind of mind humans have? I don’t
understand. I am here to grant you the absolute truth. And I am saying this without fear in front of everyone. All big saints are
hiding in the jungle. They don’t have the courage to speak the absolute truth. You all will crucify them. I am no less troubled by
you all. I am also being insulted here and there. You all don’t leave even me. There are so many people who backbite me. But I
don’t care. Anyway, I am not scared of anyone. You must have seen lioness. If anyone even touches her cubs, nothing can be as
furious as her. She does not even think that who has put a sword or who has put a gun on her. She fights with everyone.My
condition is the same as that of the lioness. Neither I am scared of anyone nor I need to be scared. I am speaking openly and
clearly that what I am, I am, and what I am not, I am not. In earlier times, it used to happen that people who wanted to write the
truth in their books, for example, Darwin, he told to publish his book after his death. Because such people were always scared
that, who will accept the truth? As soon as a human sees the truth, his eyes get blurred. Human starts jittering and withering in
front of the truth. He thinks that, “Kill the person who is telling the truth.” A human can’t handle the truth. He wishes to stay with
false. He doesn’t have the power to accept the truth. he is not able to analyse the truth. That is why he completely believes in
false. And whoever speaks the truth, he crucifies him, kills him, puts him in an awfully bad condition. All kinds of wicked things
he does to the speaker of truth. A human cannot tolerate it that anyone can stay with the truth. But, now in Kalyug, human has
the capacity to withstand the truth. I know this. He never had this power earlier but now he has. I am showing you the practical
analysis of truth. Just now he told me, “Mataji! I am not getting vibrations in my right hand.” I told him, “Son! Shoebeat ten times.”
As soon as he did, he started getting vibrations. He is sitting in front of me. I am sitting here only. And you can see it practically.
It is all in front of you. I don’t need to show you any book for this practical. I don’t have to give you any other analysis that this
person has said this, and that person said this. It is all I am showing you practically. You can see and understand. You can see
whether your hands move on other’s Kundalini. You can make sure whether you can understand other’s Chakras or not. Or
whether it is the same chakra or not. It is all practical. It is a practical religion. It is not a superficial religion which may say that
speak only truth. One may ask, “Why should we speak the truth? If we speak the truth we may go to jail. Then why speak the
truth?” Here [in Sahaja Yoga] you must speak the truth because if you tell a lie your vibrations will stop. It is a clear calculation.
You can see. If you look at a woman with something bad in mind, your vibrations have to stop. You will understand dharma
immediately. You will say that, “Mataji what’s wrong with me?” If you have picked up alcohol with the desire to drink, your
vibrations will immediately stop. I am not putting any restriction. I am just sitting here. I may be sitting in London then also you
will see that vibrations will stop. I don’t stop you; I don’t say anything. But you will see that if you smoke your Vishuddhi Chakra
will catch. You will say, “Mataji it is paining here.” I will ask, “Why? Did you smoke Son?” You will say, “Yes”. Then I will say, “Bear
the pain.” Now you have become real Brahmin. Now you have become real Muslim. Now you have really become a dharmic
person, you can’t ignore dharma. You have to carry it on your heads. You have to take dharma with you. Whenever you leave
dharma, your vibrations will stop. It’s simple. Even a little insult to dharma will stop your vibrations. In small-small things, you will
see that vibrations stopped. For example yesterday my typist told me that, “Mataji! Your tape is not working.” I said, “Show, let
me see”. I saw that a small switch was off at place from where I was speaking. I told him, “Son! See this was off. If you switch it
on, it will start.” He said that “What a minute adjustment is there!” I said, “Human beings also have similar adjustments.”
Disturbance in any adjustment will stop vibrations. Vibrations are the judgment of our doings. Who is the true guru and who is
false? There are only two types of gurus. There are only two castes available in gurus: one is true guru; another is a false guru.
There is no other caste in between. Whoever has got the certificate from God, whoever has got vibrations flowing from hands,
who is self-realised, who learned this knowledge, Only that person can teach dharma. No other person has the right to become a
guru. All such gurus shiver in a funny manner in front of me. Why does this happen to them? A person who has dharma and is
appointed by God, only he can teach dharma to the world. The rest of them who are teaching dharma are false gurus. Some are
demons, out of them some are very bad devils, some are very cruel and some are “normal”. Winning a seat in the elections by
telling lies, will not invite that big punishment. The maximum you will be fined or you will be jailed. Or maximum you will be
hanged. But in the case of dharma whoever is doing this kind of business, they will be punished very badly. From Patal lok to
seven path such bad vagaries are made that these people should be very careful. Because they are diverting people from the
right path, diverting them from right path for their own selfishness and for money. Smugglers will be saved. Thieves will be
saved. But these people will not be saved. For their ego, for their name, to earn money or dirty desires they are pretending as
religious and guru. They are going to get the toughest punishment. So, you all don’t be part of them. Be away from them. They
themselves will go to hell but carry you also along with them. It was ok until you were not aware of true and false. But now you
know true or false through your vibrations. There should not be any doubt about it. Now you have got the vibrations, you know
the vibrations. When you are blessed by God with vibrations, then it is the biggest sin to insult it through your mind, body or act.
Since you have got it free don’t ignore (disregard) it. It is the biggest dharma. Adi Shakti has decorated you with great difficulty,
brought you at this state and showered Her love on you. Now Her insult can never be tolerated by Father. And don’t try to be over
smart with it because it is an illusion [Maya]. And under the influence of Maya, a human can never understand how easily he got
it. You don’t know the value of it and what a great thing you have got. You have got such a great treasure so simply that you
ignore it. But you should know that if you have to estimate its value then find out what you have got. Understand its seriousness.
You can’t play with it. You can’t mess up with this. You can’t do politics with it. You can’t do any fraud with it. If you have done it, I
never had any grudge against you in mind and it can never get into my mind because no such thing stays in my mind. But one
great Power is sitting above you which is watching all this game. Be aware of it. It is a great matter of dharma. Now after getting
vibrations, if you drink alcohol it is a big sin. I told you earlier that you can’t insult your consciousness. It is an insult of yourself
because the lamp of Divine Power is enlightened within you. You need to put oil of dharma for this lamp. I don’t mean dharma as
hypocrisy here. Dharma means to me here is the inculcation of ethical practices [dharma]. You need to respect yourself
completely because you yourself have become a temple. God has enlightened His lamp inside it. You have to take good care of
this body. You have to look after this body and keep it beautiful. You have to keep your mind clean and beautiful. Do not allow
any dirty thoughts inside it. Now you will not have any conditioning, any problem. If you decide that, “No I am not going to do it, I
have to move in the way of dharma”, no power in the world can attack you. You decide that, Whatever nonsense anyone says, I
don’t care for that. My route of dharma is decided, I have to move ahead. Not to become superior in the world, but to become an
instrument for the flow of the world’s most superior thing, most dynamic thing. It should flow fully through me and I turn into. it’s
vehicle.” Humans are very foolish also, extremely foolish. They are so foolish that its hard to understand why even after
becoming so educated, being in such higher posts, being so rich, they think they have become very successful; but the truth is
they are extremely foolish. They don’t have wisdom at all. They can’t even think where they have gotten themselves stuck. There
is no evaluation of it. It is more important for them if any cinema actress arrives then everybody will rush to her. Once I was
invited to a program where some cinema actors had also come. They had all the chakras caught. I was given a seat among
them. (Shri Mataji is laughing.) I saw that everyone was running to see them. What is there in cinema actresses? It’s all adharma,
very wrong. Why are people running to see adharma? Why is human running eagerly towards it? Why is he trying to catch it?
What is he going to get? He is running towards it for the sake of his weaknesses. So, you should know that the basis of these
vibrations is dharma. Its basis is dharma. If you are telling a lie, doing duplicity and you want that your vibrations flow freely, it is
not possible, dear son. And you see where these vibrations are flowing freely, everything becomes dynamic. Just now one
person was telling me that, “Mataji! I earn enough money but all the money gets spent. Money does not stay in my home.” I told
him that, “Nabhi Chakra of your wife is caught, clean it.” If the person has wisdom then he will think that, “Mataji is saying for my
betterment.” If the person has no wisdom then he will think that, “Nabhi Chakra of my wife can never catch.” Then what should I
speak to him? Am I going to get any benefit by saying this? Whatever I am saying is for your betterment, for your well-being, for
your benefit. That is why I am telling this to you. There are so many people among you who have achieved a lot, who have done a
lot and they have gone deep inside. You all grow like this. Now I am here for one or two months. Afterwards, I will go. There is no
reason for worry, remarkable creation and achievement has been done in this regard. So many people have got it. But, here you
should all know that I am talking about the fourth dimension. I am not talking about the third dimension where you ask me,
“Mataji my husband does not have a job, please get him a job. Mataji my brother has this or that problem. My father-in-law is
suffering from stroke please cure him.” These things are of three dimensions. What you have to achieve is your own spiritual
growth and betterment. Think of that only. Don’t think what others say in this regard. Think about others while giving but, think
about yourself only while taking. Don’t give importance to others, no matter how close they are, you achieve your state. One
person is here whom I asked how he cleared his wife’s Nabhi Chakra. He answered that, “Everyday morning I shoe-beat her.”
Somebody will think that, “How Mataji can tell to beat someone with shoes?” No, you have to write the name of the person and
shoe-beat at it. And her Nabhi got cleared.She started feeling better. But not yet completely clear. Then I told him to tell his wife
to shoe-beat herself then it will get completely clear. When she started shoe-beating herself then it got completely cleared.
Earlier, the wife was not ready to shoe-beat herself. She used to think of herself highly intelligent. It was their loss, loss of family
members and everyone. But she insisted on not to shoe-beat herself. She used to think herself great. And the truth is something
that people don’t want to listen. They will immediately try to avoid it. If you speak some truth human being will avoid it because
he wants that the false he is sitting on as the truth, “If Mataji is not speaking what I like, then Mataji is of no use.” But, what you
like is beneficial for you or not? You understand this also. If it is not then the Mother has to tell the truth to children. Is there any
mother in the world who can say, “Son! If you like then go and burn your hands and come”? Have you seen any such type of
mother? No mother can do this whether she is -dull-witted, ill-mannered, misdemeanant or unworthy. Then why do you expect
me to tell you to burn your hands? Such great courage, such fearlessness! I am doing all this for your love only. Otherwise, even
great people feel terrorised in saying this. You know this. They think a lot before saying even a small piece of truththat too
secretly. No one is able to say the truth openly in this manner. I am telling all this by getting courage from you people only. You
are also supposed to stand on truth itself. Believe in truth only. We are also nothing here, only truth is everything within us and let
the illusion of ‘I’ be broken. Keep this in mind then move ahead. Then see how strong you become. How powerful you become.
When a very strong force needs to be carried,we need some solid thing which can carry it. Those wires also need to be very solid
and strong which are tightened with the criterion of truth. And such kind of people, who have got vibrations in this way, who have
become strong in this way, not only they became very strong themselves but also make others strong. They make others also
capable. Such people grace like flowers, the path that leads to the welfare of the whole world It’s enough of the lecture today but
it is necessary to be in meditation for a few moments. Nothing is fruitful without meditation! | null | null | null | Public Program, 03-03-1975 [English translation from Hindi] If you give even one rupee [UNCLEAR], then two lakh twenty
thousand rupees will be needed to buy the land. It is not a show business [UNCLEAR]. Whatever one can contribute should
contribute. That space is for you only, for your children and everyone. Not only meditation will be conducted there but people will
also be cured, and they will get their self-realization. And it will be a great work of dharma [ethical practices]. We have never
spent anything on our dharma, thinking about ‘self’ all the time, self-centred. Do something for dharma. Without dharma, there
will be the empire of adharma [unethical practices] in this world. If adharma is established, then you will not get the joy of your
money, you will not get the joy of your children, you will not be able to enjoy anything. This place is being developed for the
establishment of dharma. You all know that I don’t need money at all. I will also contribute money for buying this land. By the
grace of God, I don’t need anyone’s money. But everyone should contribute here. So many people come to Mataji [Shri Mataji].
They say, “Mataji please cure my father, Mataji please cure my sister, please cure my brother.” I have cured so many like this. But
at the time of contributing money, they run away. That’s allright. I don’t get upet with such people. It’s all about your own dharma.
Whoever contributes, will is authorized. Whoever does dharma, he has right, he has understanding, he can achieve. I don’t need
anything for myself. You all know very well that the place is going to be constructed for you all. We have to collect money for
that. Its registration has been done, so the money is required. Everybody should contribute as much as possible thinking that,
“We are working for dharma and we will get dharma.” We always give our children and relatives. But what do we give for
dharma? -Likewise, we are going to conduct a program for this purpose. Whoever can help in the program souvenirs Can take it
from us but don’t keep it at home. Prepare it, add some money in it and bring. There are many people. For example, Mrs Lal, she
is not in a good financial condition. But as soon as she heard about it, donated hundred and one rupees from her savings even
though she is facing financial trouble. I have seen many rich people they are such misers that they give money to their children,
but not for the work of dharma. They waste money on drinking alcohol but not in dharma. They spend their money on useless
things like cinema, etc. They do take the benefit from vibrations. It’s not that they don’t take benefits of vibrations. But are not
awaken in Dharma. (Shri Mataji speaking few lines to organisers in Marathi which is not transcribed and relevant here). I have
told you earlier that how one Power gets divided into three Powers and works in the form of three qualities [Triguna]. How does it
work in the form of Triguna? The first Power whom we call Mahakali’s Power, is a form of Adi Shakti. From this power activities,
events and creation take place in the world. We are here because of this power. The same power is also responsible to close the
event. The way a switch can be turned on and off as well. Because of this power we can get completely destroyed too. If God
decides to close his eyes and does not look after the work done by this power, then this power destroys us. But what’s contained
in this power? Which form of God (Parmatma) exists in it? I have told you that this form of God is known as ‘Ishwari Shakti’. It is
‘Ishwari’ form of God (Parmatma). With the Effect of this Ishwari Power, God sits in the witness state. And we also get witness
state within us. But what is the aim of this witness state in the world? How does this witness state work out? Whatwe know as
vibrations today, is the name of pulsation flowing from this power. The power that is flowing from our inner Self. The vibrations
that are flowing from us is Ishwari Shakti only. It is omnipresent. Whether that thing is dead or active or alive, everything has
vibrations. Means, this power exists in molecules, atoms, as a witness. Many people can call it ‘Chaitanya Lahari’ [Divine flow].
But I will not call it ”Chaitanya”. If “Chaitanya” is the name of God’s Complete Power then You cannot call it ‘Chaitanya’; call it
‘Lahari’ only, the Flow of God’s Love [vibrations], Pulsations of His divine Love. In the human being, this power stays in his heart.
And it pulsates. A life that pulsates in the heart of human being, is the same Power. So, you can call it ‘the Power of Life’ and this
power is the source of life in the world. The second Power whom we can call ‘the Power of Brahma’ or ‘Maha Saraswati’s Power’,
is the Creator of the whole world. Whole Universe is created by this Power. It is responsible for the creation of all matters like
planets, stars, moon sun, earth, etc. This creative force is known as Power of Maha Saraswati. This Power is situated in our
stomach and in the stomach of Virat. It exists in the stomach of all living beings. You can call it ‘an evolving force’. If any amoeba
was not hungry, it would not have evolved, it would not have progressed. This power is situated in the stomach. We know it by
the name of Rajogun. Activation of this Power has brought humans to the level of evolution. The third Power is situated equally
in the middle of it. It is situated right below the Sahasrara of the Virat at the limbic area. The consciousness that is conscious, is
known as awareness. Awareness Power which is situated in our -brain is known as Mahalakshmi’s Power. The work of this
Power is to be aware of all happening in the world. For example, if any amoeba gets hungry or any animal gets hungry and it
goes towards something to eat or stretch its neck towards something, and its neck starts getting taller. But this Power has the
power to understand whether its hunger is satisfied or not. And this is known as Satvaguni Power. When we achieve all the three
powers togetherthen we get salvation. It is “Gunateet” state. Means vibrations start flowing from your hands as soon as you get
your Self-Realisation. This is its proof. You are conscious about it, and you know that vibrations are flowing from you and you
also know that whether other person has vibrations or not. And you also know at which point another person’s Kundalini is
getting stuck. And third is that you have got power to evolve others. You can give Self-Realisation to others. Do you understand
that you have become so great that you are evolving others? These thoughts don’t come to your brain. You are not able to
understand that all these three powers of God are flowing together within you. And therefore you are conscious about it and you
are aware of it. …. This is the state of Gunateeta . When we cross all these three states,we reach the fourth state where all three
Gunas combine together and flow in one form. This is the fourth dimension. And when we start moving in the fourth dimension
then we reach the state of Gunateeta. At this state, all our Gunas are left behind. Then you are at the conscious state and you are
one with absolute knowledge, absolute love and absolute bliss. The leftover energy which is saved within you to do this job that
should be called ‘Residual Energy’. This Power is hidden behind your triangular bone [sacrum bone] and it is being used for this
purpose. This Power only pierces all these three powers to make them one. Then only you reach Gunateet state. And after that,
you get your consciousness and you are honoured with these three things due to which vibrations start flowing from your hands.
That’s the reason you start understanding other’s Kundalini. And you can give Realisation to others. These three powers activate
within us, we are not aware of it. Our heart pulsates but we can’t hear our heart-beat through our brain. If there is any pressure in
our hearts, we can’t understand it. We can’t understand if any problem exists in our stomach except feeling little pain in it. But if
you are at Gunateet state, you can understand all your Chakras and find out where the problem is. You can understand yourself
that where the catch is and you will tell me yourself that, “Mother my Agnya is catching. My Agnya is catching.” Earlier, you were
not aware of it. You and your instrument were same and you could not understand where the defect exists in the machinery. You
were catching ghosts, you never understood. You were catching diseases you were not aware. Now when you reached Gunateet
state then you start understanding that this particular ‘Mister’ [our ego] is different and ‘I am’ [our soul] is different. This is a
machine whose Agnya [Agnya Chakra] is caught. And its wheel is not working properly. Its dynamo is down. You are telling
yourself that your Mooladhar is catching. I don’t have to say this, you yourself tell. But till the time this distinction is not
understood properly, meditation practice is very difficult. Till then human will keep moving between higher and lower state: from
Guna state to Gunateet state, Gunateet state to Guna state. If someone tells him that, “Your Agnya Chakra is catching”, he
becomes very angry. If somebody tells him that, “Your heart is catching”, he gets very angry. But once he understands that it is a
machine only and might be caught and he can cure it through Sahaja techniques then he doesn’t feel bad and can cure himself.
Then he shoe-beats himself from morning to evening. Because now he knows that he is not shoe-beating himself, he is
shoe-beating to misidentification which he had. Only such a person can grow up in meditation. And who does not understand it
till now and keeps himself away from it, he can’t grow in meditation in spite of whatever he says about himself. Now there are so
many people here [in Sahaja Yoga] who are dwarfs [from the depth in meditation angle], very dwarfs. Some are a little higher.
Some are half grown. And some have reached the great state. Now, people who have reached very high, I know them, not you.
And it is necessary that who have reached higher can come more near to me. Because they can understand me better. I have
different bonding with them. The feeling of oneness existed. And I see that others feel jealous about it. It shows their smallness.
If you feel jealous, your Heart Chakra will catch immediately. I don’t have to say anything your finger will start burning. I don’t say
anything. You start feeling jealous of someone, your heart will catch very badly. I don’t say. Your heart will catch so badly that
you will be scared. I will not say this. You will sit with your hand on the head. Your Agnya Chakra will catch badly. It will
automatically catch. I am not troubling you. You are catching yourself. Slowly you will understand. When this starts then only you
will understand that if the Mother has said, then shoe-beat the [false] guru. You have tried all available solutions [techniques].
Now try only one solution: remove your Self from you. Now how to remove? We have been asking this question since centuries
that how will it be done? Shri Krishna has already said that be at witness state. But how? How to get it done? How can this
jumping be possible? How to get it? How can we believe that it happens? How can we become a source of that image which we
are watching? We are sitting on that image. How can we become subjective? Now you have reached that state. You have
become that, is for sure otherwise how would you have known your Agnya Chakra, your Nabhi [Nabhi Chakra] which is catching
right now? And you are feeling it pinches here. And you are trying to throw this catch by the movement of your hand. But you
have got all this very simply and easily. You did not pay anything for this. You did not do any hard work for this. I have done my
farming. Some seeds are rotten while farming. Whatever hard work you do for them, whatever way you try, they will remain
brainless, heartless and useless. They would not be of any use whatever you do. They will keep following the same way, they will
not improve, will keep doing the same again and again. You can try anything to them. Love them, scold them, speak to them
whatever you do they will never improve. Let them be, something may happen to them after ten-fifteen births. Now circles came
up in Sahaja Yoga in this way. Some people come in the inner circle. Some people stay in the outer circle. And some people who
stay at the outermost circle, are thrown out of Sahaja Yoga. They think of themselves too intelligent and believe that they are not
a concern, they are better in staying away. They don’t achieve anything. What can you give after reaching here? You only have to
take. It is like that one has come in a religious feast and says that he is so intelligent that he has not eaten anything. Somebody
goes near the river Ganga but says that he will not take a bath in Ganga, he is bathing in the well. This kind of intelligent people
come. They think that people who are enjoying a bath in the river, taking a dip and have the courage to jump into it, are mindless.
And they get angry at the Ganga for making them jump like this. My dear, they only are jumping with joy; I am not making them
jump. You people who are standing at the shore, feeling jealous of them who are jumping. My dear, they are jumping because
they have the power to jump, and you don’t have the power to jump. Instead of wasting your time sitting at the shore, get into the
river at least a little bit. This is the reason that some people grow very fast and some don’t. People ask me frequently that,
“Mataji! some people grow very deep, and some don’t. Why?” Its simple calculation only that as much as you move forward, you
will grow deep. As much you stand behind, you will not grow. It is simple calculation. If someone enters from that door and sees
that I am sitting here, he may ask that, “Why are you sitting there and why am I standing here”? Is there any answer to it? The
answer is: what can I do if you are standing there? I am sitting here because I am sitting here. Why can’t you walk and come
here? They will not come but will ask questions from the place they are standing that, “How others reached forward, and I am
standing back?” “My dear move straight and come forward.” But all easy ways don’t get into our minds. We are complicated and
brainless. We are completely brainless in this matter. We only understand complicated things. I have already told that there
cannot be any education in it. There cannot be any donation in it. Nothing can be done here. There should only be oneness. Be
completely clean inside and learn to be one with God . Learn to be very humble. Learn to make yourself completely humble. Then
you will progress. But humans gets upset with small-small things, useless things. What kind of mind humans have? I don’t
understand. I am here to grant you the absolute truth. And I am saying this without fear in front of everyone. All big saints are
hiding in the jungle. They don’t have the courage to speak the absolute truth. You all will crucify them. I am no less troubled by
you all. I am also being insulted here and there. You all don’t leave even me. There are so many people who backbite me. But I
don’t care. Anyway, I am not scared of anyone. You must have seen lioness. If anyone even touches her cubs, nothing can be as
furious as her. She does not even think that who has put a sword or who has put a gun on her. She fights with everyone.My
condition is the same as that of the lioness. Neither I am scared of anyone nor I need to be scared. I am speaking openly and
clearly that what I am, I am, and what I am not, I am not. In earlier times, it used to happen that people who wanted to write the
truth in their books, for example, Darwin, he told to publish his book after his death. Because such people were always scared
that, who will accept the truth? As soon as a human sees the truth, his eyes get blurred. Human starts jittering and withering in
front of the truth. He thinks that, “Kill the person who is telling the truth.” A human can’t handle the truth. He wishes to stay with
false. He doesn’t have the power to accept the truth. he is not able to analyse the truth. That is why he completely believes in
false. And whoever speaks the truth, he crucifies him, kills him, puts him in an awfully bad condition. All kinds of wicked things
he does to the speaker of truth. A human cannot tolerate it that anyone can stay with the truth. But, now in Kalyug, human has
the capacity to withstand the truth. I know this. He never had this power earlier but now he has. I am showing you the practical
analysis of truth. Just now he told me, “Mataji! I am not getting vibrations in my right hand.” I told him, “Son! Shoebeat ten times.”
As soon as he did, he started getting vibrations. He is sitting in front of me. I am sitting here only. And you can see it practically.
It is all in front of you. I don’t need to show you any book for this practical. I don’t have to give you any other analysis that this
person has said this, and that person said this. It is all I am showing you practically. You can see and understand. You can see
whether your hands move on other’s Kundalini. You can make sure whether you can understand other’s Chakras or not. Or
whether it is the same chakra or not. It is all practical. It is a practical religion. It is not a superficial religion which may say that
speak only truth. One may ask, “Why should we speak the truth? If we speak the truth we may go to jail. Then why speak the
truth?” Here [in Sahaja Yoga] you must speak the truth because if you tell a lie your vibrations will stop. It is a clear calculation.
You can see. If you look at a woman with something bad in mind, your vibrations have to stop. You will understand dharma
immediately. You will say that, “Mataji what’s wrong with me?” If you have picked up alcohol with the desire to drink, your
vibrations will immediately stop. I am not putting any restriction. I am just sitting here. I may be sitting in London then also you
will see that vibrations will stop. I don’t stop you; I don’t say anything. But you will see that if you smoke your Vishuddhi Chakra
will catch. You will say, “Mataji it is paining here.” I will ask, “Why? Did you smoke Son?” You will say, “Yes”. Then I will say, “Bear
the pain.” Now you have become real Brahmin. Now you have become real Muslim. Now you have really become a dharmic
person, you can’t ignore dharma. You have to carry it on your heads. You have to take dharma with you. Whenever you leave
dharma, your vibrations will stop. It’s simple. Even a little insult to dharma will stop your vibrations. In small-small things, you will
see that vibrations stopped. For example yesterday my typist told me that, “Mataji! Your tape is not working.” I said, “Show, let
me see”. I saw that a small switch was off at place from where I was speaking. I told him, “Son! See this was off. If you switch it
on, it will start.” He said that “What a minute adjustment is there!” I said, “Human beings also have similar adjustments.”
Disturbance in any adjustment will stop vibrations. Vibrations are the judgment of our doings. Who is the true guru and who is
false? There are only two types of gurus. There are only two castes available in gurus: one is true guru; another is a false guru.
There is no other caste in between. Whoever has got the certificate from God, whoever has got vibrations flowing from hands,
who is self-realised, who learned this knowledge, Only that person can teach dharma. No other person has the right to become a
guru. All such gurus shiver in a funny manner in front of me. Why does this happen to them? A person who has dharma and is
appointed by God, only he can teach dharma to the world. The rest of them who are teaching dharma are false gurus. Some are
demons, out of them some are very bad devils, some are very cruel and some are “normal”. Winning a seat in the elections by
telling lies, will not invite that big punishment. The maximum you will be fined or you will be jailed. Or maximum you will be
hanged. But in the case of dharma whoever is doing this kind of business, they will be punished very badly. From Patal lok to
seven path such bad vagaries are made that these people should be very careful. Because they are diverting people from the
right path, diverting them from right path for their own selfishness and for money. Smugglers will be saved. Thieves will be
saved. But these people will not be saved. For their ego, for their name, to earn money or dirty desires they are pretending as
religious and guru. They are going to get the toughest punishment. So, you all don’t be part of them. Be away from them. They
themselves will go to hell but carry you also along with them. It was ok until you were not aware of true and false. But now you
know true or false through your vibrations. There should not be any doubt about it. Now you have got the vibrations, you know
the vibrations. When you are blessed by God with vibrations, then it is the biggest sin to insult it through your mind, body or act.
Since you have got it free don’t ignore (disregard) it. It is the biggest dharma. Adi Shakti has decorated you with great difficulty,
brought you at this state and showered Her love on you. Now Her insult can never be tolerated by Father. And don’t try to be over
smart with it because it is an illusion [Maya]. And under the influence of Maya, a human can never understand how easily he got
it. You don’t know the value of it and what a great thing you have got. You have got such a great treasure so simply that you
ignore it. But you should know that if you have to estimate its value then find out what you have got. Understand its seriousness.
You can’t play with it. You can’t mess up with this. You can’t do politics with it. You can’t do any fraud with it. If you have done it, I
never had any grudge against you in mind and it can never get into my mind because no such thing stays in my mind. But one
great Power is sitting above you which is watching all this game. Be aware of it. It is a great matter of dharma. Now after getting
vibrations, if you drink alcohol it is a big sin. I told you earlier that you can’t insult your consciousness. It is an insult of yourself
because the lamp of Divine Power is enlightened within you. You need to put oil of dharma for this lamp. I don’t mean dharma as
hypocrisy here. Dharma means to me here is the inculcation of ethical practices [dharma]. You need to respect yourself
completely because you yourself have become a temple. God has enlightened His lamp inside it. You have to take good care of
this body. You have to look after this body and keep it beautiful. You have to keep your mind clean and beautiful. Do not allow
any dirty thoughts inside it. Now you will not have any conditioning, any problem. If you decide that, “No I am not going to do it, I
have to move in the way of dharma”, no power in the world can attack you. You decide that, Whatever nonsense anyone says, I
don’t care for that. My route of dharma is decided, I have to move ahead. Not to become superior in the world, but to become an
instrument for the flow of the world’s most superior thing, most dynamic thing. It should flow fully through me and I turn into. it’s
vehicle.” Humans are very foolish also, extremely foolish. They are so foolish that its hard to understand why even after
becoming so educated, being in such higher posts, being so rich, they think they have become very successful; but the truth is
they are extremely foolish. They don’t have wisdom at all. They can’t even think where they have gotten themselves stuck. There
is no evaluation of it. It is more important for them if any cinema actress arrives then everybody will rush to her. Once I was
invited to a program where some cinema actors had also come. They had all the chakras caught. I was given a seat among
them. (Shri Mataji is laughing.) I saw that everyone was running to see them. What is there in cinema actresses? It’s all adharma,
very wrong. Why are people running to see adharma? Why is human running eagerly towards it? Why is he trying to catch it?
What is he going to get? He is running towards it for the sake of his weaknesses. So, you should know that the basis of these
vibrations is dharma. Its basis is dharma. If you are telling a lie, doing duplicity and you want that your vibrations flow freely, it is
not possible, dear son. And you see where these vibrations are flowing freely, everything becomes dynamic. Just now one
person was telling me that, “Mataji! I earn enough money but all the money gets spent. Money does not stay in my home.” I told
him that, “Nabhi Chakra of your wife is caught, clean it.” If the person has wisdom then he will think that, “Mataji is saying for my
betterment.” If the person has no wisdom then he will think that, “Nabhi Chakra of my wife can never catch.” Then what should I
speak to him? Am I going to get any benefit by saying this? Whatever I am saying is for your betterment, for your well-being, for
your benefit. That is why I am telling this to you. There are so many people among you who have achieved a lot, who have done a
lot and they have gone deep inside. You all grow like this. Now I am here for one or two months. Afterwards, I will go. There is no
reason for worry, remarkable creation and achievement has been done in this regard. So many people have got it. But, here you
should all know that I am talking about the fourth dimension. I am not talking about the third dimension where you ask me,
“Mataji my husband does not have a job, please get him a job. Mataji my brother has this or that problem. My father-in-law is
suffering from stroke please cure him.” These things are of three dimensions. What you have to achieve is your own spiritual
growth and betterment. Think of that only. Don’t think what others say in this regard. Think about others while giving but, think
about yourself only while taking. Don’t give importance to others, no matter how close they are, you achieve your state. One
person is here whom I asked how he cleared his wife’s Nabhi Chakra. He answered that, “Everyday morning I shoe-beat her.”
Somebody will think that, “How Mataji can tell to beat someone with shoes?” No, you have to write the name of the person and
shoe-beat at it. And her Nabhi got cleared.She started feeling better. But not yet completely clear. Then I told him to tell his wife
to shoe-beat herself then it will get completely clear. When she started shoe-beating herself then it got completely cleared.
Earlier, the wife was not ready to shoe-beat herself. She used to think of herself highly intelligent. It was their loss, loss of family
members and everyone. But she insisted on not to shoe-beat herself. She used to think herself great. And the truth is something
that people don’t want to listen. They will immediately try to avoid it. If you speak some truth human being will avoid it because
he wants that the false he is sitting on as the truth, “If Mataji is not speaking what I like, then Mataji is of no use.” But, what you
like is beneficial for you or not? You understand this also. If it is not then the Mother has to tell the truth to children. Is there any
mother in the world who can say, “Son! If you like then go and burn your hands and come”? Have you seen any such type of
mother? No mother can do this whether she is -dull-witted, ill-mannered, misdemeanant or unworthy. Then why do you expect
me to tell you to burn your hands? Such great courage, such fearlessness! I am doing all this for your love only. Otherwise, even
great people feel terrorised in saying this. You know this. They think a lot before saying even a small piece of truththat too
secretly. No one is able to say the truth openly in this manner. I am telling all this by getting courage from you people only. You
are also supposed to stand on truth itself. Believe in truth only. We are also nothing here, only truth is everything within us and let
the illusion of ‘I’ be broken. Keep this in mind then move ahead. Then see how strong you become. How powerful you become.
When a very strong force needs to be carried,we need some solid thing which can carry it. Those wires also need to be very solid
and strong which are tightened with the criterion of truth. And such kind of people, who have got vibrations in this way, who have
become strong in this way, not only they became very strong themselves but also make others strong. They make others also
capable. Such people grace like flowers, the path that leads to the welfare of the whole world It’s enough of the lecture today but
it is necessary to be in meditation for a few moments. Nothing is fruitful without meditation! |
3/5/1975 | | Public Program: Chitt apni aur rakhiye | India | Mumbai | null | VERIFIED | null | NEEDED | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | Hindi | 46 | null | null | null | null | null |
3/13/1975 | | Gunateet – Beyond the Three Gunas | India | City Unknown | null | Draft | null | Draft | null | Y | N | N | Talk to Sahaja Yogis | Hindi | 32 | Talk, India, 1975-03-13 Those for whom it has to happen it will happen. Some people have badhas [problems/issues]. This is
such a new thing and it has to happen. Kundalini needs to rise. The pranav that happens in heart needs to happen in all parts of
body. If you look at such a person with stethoscope, you will see anahat passes through many centres. This is beyond the three
gunas [qualities of tamas/rajas/sattva]. People who come to it, do not understand the importance. They think this can happen in
other organizations. But it cannot. But it needs to have been established. When there is a problem in human ascent in terms of
their ways, then such organizations go against humanity. We are not against any organization. Lot of people come just for the
name of it. Very few people understand it. There is a churn of such people. The one who understands it in his/her being then only
they will do it with the understanding of it. There are lots of brainless people who think they have become Sahaja Yogi. Meaning
of Sahaja Yogi is that people find themselves beyond Gunas. All illusions [mithya] will drop. This simple test will determine your
depth. 'I' ness goes away. People catch. Taking out each catch takes time. People feel bad if told that they have badhas in them.
Those who take these out understand the pain it's. Be thankful to those who help cleanse your badhas. Clean your life, yourself,
clean your heart, be humble, don't be bad, don't complain, don't cheat, don't take people off of the path of truth. Lot of people are
not up to the quality needed to be in the Kingdom of God. You have to be beyond the three qualities. Then problems do not come
to you. Yesterday a 16-year-old kid who had issues was cleansed in 30 min. He was shivering. Some people who have come
went to other gurus, came here to be cleansed. It is a very important thing to be beyond the gunas. When you come to me it is
not for me it is for your own benevolence. You have to raise to the level where you are clean and beyond gunas and can cleanse
others. Fill the heart of others with such love that others also become beyond gunas like you. There are such people here and
there are others who are not up to the mark. Such people go out and talk ill about us. They still have jealousy. Some people feel
they are senior. But government seniority does not work here. You have to take a sword and get rid of the badhas of people.
Such people are senior. Most people are mediocre. Once a very old man came here, got Realization. He came in a chair lifted by
others. He went down walking. He lived 3 years and passed away. Realization is not associated to age. In your awareness find
the quality of beyond gunas. Your kundalini is your individual Mother and She can tell you whether you are beyond gunas. Full of
vibrations, you ascend. You take others also across. Your sight or your hand movements can raise Kundalini of others. Lot of
saints could not do it. But you can do it. You should understand your importance. A maid became a queen but her movements
still remained like that of maid. A person who is a king internally will remain like that. The certificate of being beyond gunas is
that you can give Realization to others. How many people have you taken badhas out of? You should know that our past birth
actions impact us this birth. Therefore, it is important to be beyond gunas. All issues around you will go away. You will become
like a king. Now for example this person came 2-3 days back. His wife has a badha and that was impacting him. He got
Realization but his wife did not. He shoebeats everyday on his and his wife's name. He is getting vibrations now. Lot of times
people get cleansed, then they get badhas again then back and forth sort of like laundry gets dirty and clean again. It is not a big
deal to clear badhas. But it is important to know your importance and cleanse them. Be in thoughtlessness always. Talk to each
other, learn from each other. I leave tomorrow. Ask any questions you have. Question: Our past actions give us trouble. Why?
Answer: Now they go hand in hand. If you walk carefully you do not get dirty otherwise you will get dirty. We and dirt both dirty
our clothes. If someone talks bad of Sahaja Yoga and you bow down to them, you catch. If you are totally capable then you do
not catch. When an earthen pot is being made until it is ready it keeps attracting dirt. When it is ready it does not gather dirt. You
are still growing up in Sahaja Yoga. As you grow you will see your device separately from Self and you will clean it with a
detached feeling. Ambarnath is a very great person. He came and told me his Agnya and Vishuddhi are caught up. He was
detached from the problem. That is the difference between an incarnation and a human being. Your Agnya catch bothers you.
But an avatar's Agnya catch creates a lot of soldiers. Such a person's fever will cure a lot of people's fever. This creates
antibodies. Avatar's problems cure issues for a lot of people. Another question: I have colitis. I came once. Why am I not cured?
Answer: First clear your colitis your hand. One hand on your colitis other towards me. You came once. Clear your issues, then
grow deeper in Sahaja Yoga. Kundalini is your Mother. She will bother me when you have issues. I am not a doctor. Some others
came and their physical problem got cleared and they got realization. If your body is important then it does not work. For the one
who thinks that, "Body is a vehicle and I need to know my true Self", such a person will get Realization and also get cured. Those
who are thoughtless in Nirvichar they do not have a lot of questions. If you have photos of Gods/Goddesses at home, not an
issue. If people make such pictures with complete devotion then it is fine. But usually the person who makes it is full of badhas
then that comes into his/her work. That is why it is important to check vibrations before doing anything. I went to a photo vendor
and saw all pictures have bad vibrations. I took one picture home but it has such bad vibrations that I had to dispose it in water
[visarjan]. I asked someone to get some artificial black bead necklace. They got a plastic one without much vibrations and it felt
as though there is a fight going in. After 2-3 days I saw that bad vibrations in the necklace. There were Shri Krishna's enemies
who got stuck in my throat and got ended. Vibrations get bad. Some people still have roving eyes when they come for
meditation. That is not right. They have bad thoughts in heart. Similarly Paramatma has his own working. There are some
Chiranjivis. There are 12 like Shri Ganesha's, full of vibrations. Kolhapur Bhavani, Mount Mary, Mahalaxmi temple, Mumba Devi
has lot of vibrations. There are lot of bhoots also sitting there. Put bindi for you for $5 and give you bhoots. You purchased bhoot
for $5. Sidhi Vinayak is also very well known. (Some Marathi talk.) 'Gunateet' means 'one who is beyond the three gunas or
qualities'. First by which Chit - pranava swaroop - left sympathetic nervous system. Second by which you witness - sakshi
swaroop, and constructive. In your belly, creative - right sympathetic nervous system. Third evolutionary power is the third
Central Parasympathetic nervous system. It is unaware to human. Once your Kundalini/evolutionary energy which is
resident/inactive gets activated then all of it raises and the three powers meet and make you beyond gunas and push Kundalini
up your Sahasrara. In three dimensions: Tamogun [left] you become Sthit/stable, Rajogun [right] activates it and Sattvagun takes
you in Dharma/righteousness. Fourth dimension is when human is beyond these three, in Nirvichar [thoughtlessness]/universal
unconsciousness. | null | null | null | Talk, India, 1975-03-13 Those for whom it has to happen it will happen. Some people have badhas [problems/issues]. This is
such a new thing and it has to happen. Kundalini needs to rise. The pranav that happens in heart needs to happen in all parts of
body. If you look at such a person with stethoscope, you will see anahat passes through many centres. This is beyond the three
gunas [qualities of tamas/rajas/sattva]. People who come to it, do not understand the importance. They think this can happen in
other organizations. But it cannot. But it needs to have been established. When there is a problem in human ascent in terms of
their ways, then such organizations go against humanity. We are not against any organization. Lot of people come just for the
name of it. Very few people understand it. There is a churn of such people. The one who understands it in his/her being then only
they will do it with the understanding of it. There are lots of brainless people who think they have become Sahaja Yogi. Meaning
of Sahaja Yogi is that people find themselves beyond Gunas. All illusions [mithya] will drop. This simple test will determine your
depth. 'I' ness goes away. People catch. Taking out each catch takes time. People feel bad if told that they have badhas in them.
Those who take these out understand the pain it's. Be thankful to those who help cleanse your badhas. Clean your life, yourself,
clean your heart, be humble, don't be bad, don't complain, don't cheat, don't take people off of the path of truth. Lot of people are
not up to the quality needed to be in the Kingdom of God. You have to be beyond the three qualities. Then problems do not come
to you. Yesterday a 16-year-old kid who had issues was cleansed in 30 min. He was shivering. Some people who have come
went to other gurus, came here to be cleansed. It is a very important thing to be beyond the gunas. When you come to me it is
not for me it is for your own benevolence. You have to raise to the level where you are clean and beyond gunas and can cleanse
others. Fill the heart of others with such love that others also become beyond gunas like you. There are such people here and
there are others who are not up to the mark. Such people go out and talk ill about us. They still have jealousy. Some people feel
they are senior. But government seniority does not work here. You have to take a sword and get rid of the badhas of people.
Such people are senior. Most people are mediocre. Once a very old man came here, got Realization. He came in a chair lifted by
others. He went down walking. He lived 3 years and passed away. Realization is not associated to age. In your awareness find
the quality of beyond gunas. Your kundalini is your individual Mother and She can tell you whether you are beyond gunas. Full of
vibrations, you ascend. You take others also across. Your sight or your hand movements can raise Kundalini of others. Lot of
saints could not do it. But you can do it. You should understand your importance. A maid became a queen but her movements
still remained like that of maid. A person who is a king internally will remain like that. The certificate of being beyond gunas is
that you can give Realization to others. How many people have you taken badhas out of? You should know that our past birth
actions impact us this birth. Therefore, it is important to be beyond gunas. All issues around you will go away. You will become
like a king. Now for example this person came 2-3 days back. His wife has a badha and that was impacting him. He got
Realization but his wife did not. He shoebeats everyday on his and his wife's name. He is getting vibrations now. Lot of times
people get cleansed, then they get badhas again then back and forth sort of like laundry gets dirty and clean again. It is not a big
deal to clear badhas. But it is important to know your importance and cleanse them. Be in thoughtlessness always. Talk to each
other, learn from each other. I leave tomorrow. Ask any questions you have. Question: Our past actions give us trouble. Why?
Answer: Now they go hand in hand. If you walk carefully you do not get dirty otherwise you will get dirty. We and dirt both dirty
our clothes. If someone talks bad of Sahaja Yoga and you bow down to them, you catch. If you are totally capable then you do
not catch. When an earthen pot is being made until it is ready it keeps attracting dirt. When it is ready it does not gather dirt. You
are still growing up in Sahaja Yoga. As you grow you will see your device separately from Self and you will clean it with a
detached feeling. Ambarnath is a very great person. He came and told me his Agnya and Vishuddhi are caught up. He was
detached from the problem. That is the difference between an incarnation and a human being. Your Agnya catch bothers you.
But an avatar's Agnya catch creates a lot of soldiers. Such a person's fever will cure a lot of people's fever. This creates
antibodies. Avatar's problems cure issues for a lot of people. Another question: I have colitis. I came once. Why am I not cured?
Answer: First clear your colitis your hand. One hand on your colitis other towards me. You came once. Clear your issues, then
grow deeper in Sahaja Yoga. Kundalini is your Mother. She will bother me when you have issues. I am not a doctor. Some others
came and their physical problem got cleared and they got realization. If your body is important then it does not work. For the one
who thinks that, "Body is a vehicle and I need to know my true Self", such a person will get Realization and also get cured. Those
who are thoughtless in Nirvichar they do not have a lot of questions. If you have photos of Gods/Goddesses at home, not an
issue. If people make such pictures with complete devotion then it is fine. But usually the person who makes it is full of badhas
then that comes into his/her work. That is why it is important to check vibrations before doing anything. I went to a photo vendor
and saw all pictures have bad vibrations. I took one picture home but it has such bad vibrations that I had to dispose it in water
[visarjan]. I asked someone to get some artificial black bead necklace. They got a plastic one without much vibrations and it felt
as though there is a fight going in. After 2-3 days I saw that bad vibrations in the necklace. There were Shri Krishna's enemies
who got stuck in my throat and got ended. Vibrations get bad. Some people still have roving eyes when they come for
meditation. That is not right. They have bad thoughts in heart. Similarly Paramatma has his own working. There are some
Chiranjivis. There are 12 like Shri Ganesha's, full of vibrations. Kolhapur Bhavani, Mount Mary, Mahalaxmi temple, Mumba Devi
has lot of vibrations. There are lot of bhoots also sitting there. Put bindi for you for $5 and give you bhoots. You purchased bhoot
for $5. Sidhi Vinayak is also very well known. (Some Marathi talk.) 'Gunateet' means 'one who is beyond the three gunas or
qualities'. First by which Chit - pranava swaroop - left sympathetic nervous system. Second by which you witness - sakshi
swaroop, and constructive. In your belly, creative - right sympathetic nervous system. Third evolutionary power is the third
Central Parasympathetic nervous system. It is unaware to human. Once your Kundalini/evolutionary energy which is
resident/inactive gets activated then all of it raises and the three powers meet and make you beyond gunas and push Kundalini
up your Sahasrara. In three dimensions: Tamogun [left] you become Sthit/stable, Rajogun [right] activates it and Sattvagun takes
you in Dharma/righteousness. Fourth dimension is when human is beyond these three, in Nirvichar [thoughtlessness]/universal
unconsciousness. |
3/17/1975 | | Public Program | India | Mumbai | null | Reviewed | Draft | NEEDED | NEEDED | Y | N | N | Public Program | Hindi, Marathi | 95 | null | null | null | null | null |
3/18/1975 | | Talk to Sahaja Yogis | India | Mumbai | null | Draft | null | Draft | Draft | Y | N | N | Talk to Sahaja Yogis | Hindi | 5 | Talk to Sahaja Yogis "Please cure this person’s cancer. Please cure this in my sister." But why should this be done? Your Mother
has to go ask people for assistance. The so-called rich people come asking for cure for sister, mother, etc. But when it comes to
donating money, they are not forthcoming. This is not right. I am telling you I will blacklist such big people. I can tell the names of
such people. (Marathi Talk.)Please sit child. Write your name. Take a receipt too. Money will not be misused here. We do not
need your money personally, this money will be used to buy some land and make a meditation hall. This will be done before I
leave. None needs your money for their personal use here. Everyone should take the receipt. Similarly, make it a point to pay for
the photo. Whatever the fixed little price is being asked, pay it. You needn’t pay more. Pay the price that is set. No one should
tamper with this money. All Sahaja Yogis should know that money should never be misused or tampered with. This is public
money. Each and every penny of public money is equivalent to my blood drop. So beware of misusing money. You shouldn’t
mess around with even 1 penny. Dharma [Righteousness] does not mean words. And actions are out of synchronisation. You
should have the utmost purity when it comes to money. Public money needs to be used for public work. No reason to use it
anywhere else. If it comes to me, I do not need any money from you. You cannot give me anything.All of you please sit with your
hands like this. In 15-20 min I will tell you about the other side like I told you about Hatha Yoga yesterday, how Hatha Yoga raised
questions in people and how people internally become dry.Now another side of ours is today’s system. When Sahaja Yoga
awakens in this system, when you start receiving vibrations, then from there only all grace enters into you. This Power is
All-Pervading, All Existing, that Power awakens within you and there is a space between your ego and superego. Now watch
both. Now lot of people think that badha [problems] means bad thing and mother is saying something bad. That is not right. You
hold badhas dearly all the time. All the time these affect you. Your Agnya Chakra is open. Badhas can enter into you. Badhas can
also enter you via your Nabhi Chakra through food/drink. It can go into you in any way. You can only cleanse it. You can also
observe your catches. Your kundalini recedes from you.Tomorrow I will tell you what Sahaja Yoga is and how it happens, how it
manifests, what are the advantages. I will speak tomorrow about these.Now yesterday we did not progress much in dhyan
[meditation]. So go back into meditation and watch over each other how you are progressing. You needn’t come on to my feet.
There will be no advantage of coming to my feet. Everyone be seated wherever you are. Today I need to go back early. I will seat
in in meditation and go. Please don’t touch my feet today. Try going deeper in your meditation. Be peaceful. That is the only way
to achieve. Not without getting it. | null | null | null | Talk to Sahaja Yogis "Please cure this person’s cancer. Please cure this in my sister." But why should this be done? Your Mother
has to go ask people for assistance. The so-called rich people come asking for cure for sister, mother, etc. But when it comes to
donating money, they are not forthcoming. This is not right. I am telling you I will blacklist such big people. I can tell the names of
such people. (Marathi Talk.)Please sit child. Write your name. Take a receipt too. Money will not be misused here. We do not
need your money personally, this money will be used to buy some land and make a meditation hall. This will be done before I
leave. None needs your money for their personal use here. Everyone should take the receipt. Similarly, make it a point to pay for
the photo. Whatever the fixed little price is being asked, pay it. You needn’t pay more. Pay the price that is set. No one should
tamper with this money. All Sahaja Yogis should know that money should never be misused or tampered with. This is public
money. Each and every penny of public money is equivalent to my blood drop. So beware of misusing money. You shouldn’t
mess around with even 1 penny. Dharma [Righteousness] does not mean words. And actions are out of synchronisation. You
should have the utmost purity when it comes to money. Public money needs to be used for public work. No reason to use it
anywhere else. If it comes to me, I do not need any money from you. You cannot give me anything.All of you please sit with your
hands like this. In 15-20 min I will tell you about the other side like I told you about Hatha Yoga yesterday, how Hatha Yoga raised
questions in people and how people internally become dry.Now another side of ours is today’s system. When Sahaja Yoga
awakens in this system, when you start receiving vibrations, then from there only all grace enters into you. This Power is
All-Pervading, All Existing, that Power awakens within you and there is a space between your ego and superego. Now watch
both. Now lot of people think that badha [problems] means bad thing and mother is saying something bad. That is not right. You
hold badhas dearly all the time. All the time these affect you. Your Agnya Chakra is open. Badhas can enter into you. Badhas can
also enter you via your Nabhi Chakra through food/drink. It can go into you in any way. You can only cleanse it. You can also
observe your catches. Your kundalini recedes from you.Tomorrow I will tell you what Sahaja Yoga is and how it happens, how it
manifests, what are the advantages. I will speak tomorrow about these.Now yesterday we did not progress much in dhyan
[meditation]. So go back into meditation and watch over each other how you are progressing. You needn’t come on to my feet.
There will be no advantage of coming to my feet. Everyone be seated wherever you are. Today I need to go back early. I will seat
in in meditation and go. Please don’t touch my feet today. Try going deeper in your meditation. Be peaceful. That is the only way
to achieve. Not without getting it. |
3/29/1975 | | Public Program: Science/Trigunatmika | India | Mumbai | null | Draft | null | Draft | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | Hindi | 26 | 1975-03-29 Science/Trigunatmika (Side B) To you people I have told you many times by explaining adequately, displaying and by
practically doing it. Prior to this I have said also that what Sahaja Yoga is, what happens in this, how it happens. I have given
scientific explanations and scientific definitions sufficiently. However that which we call "science". "Science" has not been
created by man but they have searched and found it. They call it "science" but they have not created anything of the universe. No
laws of the universe have been made by them. No Shastra [science] had been made by them. Its laws and methods all that had
been made by God. For example you see a circle and its diameter. There is a ratio or proportion between the circumference and
its diameter that has not been made by you. Its law has been made by God only that it is neither more or less. It will always be
the same. That ratio has been fixed. All the laws and the regulations that have been made are by God only.Many of you have
asked Me, "Shri Mataji, why do you say 3 and ½ coil? Why 3+1/2 coils of Kundalini is said to be?" It is absolutely scientific thing.
Those who might have seen the circle of a clock can understand this. In the clock, the diameter D [Vyas 2R] of a circle and the
circumference C [Paridhi 2ΠR=ΠD where R = radius of a circle], if diameter is 7 then circumference has to be 22. Neither less nor
more. Their relationship is always 22/7 and it has been made as coefficient and its name is given as "pi" [Π] which means
C/D=2ΠR/2R = Π = 22/7. If 7 become 8 then in the same proportion the circumference will be. When this goes through the
midpoint [of 3 ½ coils] then it has to become 7. In the same way within us Sushumna Nadi has gone through. In that also 7 come.
In that also 7 chakras [energy centres] are made. And in it also becomes [3+1/2] when you divide diameter [7] by 2. If you make
[3+1/2] coils, in that ratio of "pi" [Π], one over the other like Kundalini and draw a line through its central point then it well be
divided into 7 parts. But is actually [3+1/2] coils only. Is there any scientist or mathematician here? When you make coil one over
the other and when you make hole through its centre point then it will cut at 7 places, therefore we have 7 chakras within us. But
in case of circumference it is different. When you divide 22 by 2 then it is 11 and make half of 7 then it is 3.5 or [3+1/2]. But you
see how much mathematics are there in it. You can see it. That which goes through middle is as per seven. And that goes
through the light is as per eleven. That is why when in our place we give money then we give 11 rupees. Now you might have
understood the importance of 11.Whatever is written in our ancient Shastras [sciences] are endless [Anadi]. It cannot be
understood by great mathematician also. Because whatever those sages found had written that Kundalini is a coil consisting of
three and half [3+1/2] coil. But they had not been able to tell why it is so. But scientists may be able to say why it is so. When you
wrap three and half like this then the whole circumference is covered. Without that it cannot happen at all. And when you make 7
holes from top to bottom the 7 chakras are made. Now scientists are searching this side [in modern times] and they [ancient
sages] found in the past. So whatever has happened between these two is due to Sahaja Yoga. Where science has no way to go
ahead, reach at dead end, where science has bowed down and defeated, there Sahaja Yoga can give them hope and tell them
that whatever have been told by them [ancient sages]. The same things are written in your books of science also. Only there is
difference of definitions and what are the reasons for that. Sahaja Yoga is adequately beyond those sages also. It also takes us
beyond those Rishi Muni [Pure Personalities] who have found the truth. But we have seen here many great sages and yogis who
do not collect money. They are very great people. They are out of worldly affairs and serve the world with their vibrations. But we
have not yet seen anybody like those who can raise Kundalini of people like you by a visual signal, except Shri Ganesha. In the
hand of Shri Ganesha there is a small snake that is the symbol of your Kundalini. Except Ganesha and you who are my sons and
daughters and are born out of My Sahasrara, I have not seen anybody who can raise Kundalini just by a signal. It is really true. By
this many people will say that, "How can these people have done so much effort and have done so much?"Let Me tell you a
special thing that a king has his minister who knows everything about how to run the government and he looks after all the
management of the kingdom. But the Gruha Laxmi [the queen] gives the keys of the palace to Her children and not to the
minister. Maybe there will be big scholars of high status. Those who are not born out of My Sahasrara, as long as they do not
accept this fact that they are My children, they have no authority and the same is not granted to them. Therefore My own
disciples also put many questions and answers to Me. They say that they had gone to those big people but they do not know the
way what we know. We know which chakra is caught and where it is caught. We can so easily clear it. And with our invitation
Kundalini of thousands rises and we get them realized. How is it? The reason is that you are born out of My Sahasrara. One more
person is there like this Jesus Christ who was born out Mother's heart. He also has the authority. But at that time was not proper
that such work could be done. Now the time has come that you people are prepared for it. Now it may happen because we are
the normal people. We are absolutely normal and how we can do this work even we do not know. But we are doing it, no doubt
about it.You people can see and raise Kundalini of all and correct it, etc. You can drive out and throw thousands of bhoot, badhas
and diseases and all the worldly problems. And now you see these people. I have seen big Mahantas [Priests of Mathas]. When
we went to them we too had been caught by epilepsy. He had taken somebody's epilepsy in him but do not get paralyzed. And
nothing can hurt you and your health becomes all right when you are realized. If anybody's health is bad then it will be cured
easily. You have these experiences. In Rahuri also I was asked the same questions. There I did not tell this thing that you are
born out of My Sahasrara. I had created you out of My head that's why you have got special privilege. You are specially
authorized people. I accept that there are people who are also realized from Sahaja Yoga. Great sages are realized through
Sahaja Yoga with many practices and penances of thousands of years but within them even now there is no acceptance for Me.
Today I am openly telling you. As long as you do not accept Me [as your Mother], this work will not be done. This thing I did not
say earlier. Like Shri Krishna said, "Sarva dharmanam paritajya mamekam sharanam vraja" [means forget all dharmas and
surrender Me], the same is My saying. As Christ had said, "I am the Light, I am the Path", same is My statement, "I am the
Destination, not only the Path."I did not say this to you because I had very bad experiences. This is the only reason. You people
have to come to My refuge. You have to accept Me as Mother and live like My sons. Without that your work will not be done. With
this small reason, the great sages and souls have reached a state of tiredness but they will not achieve. They have not
recognized Me. And the other thing is that their mind is still hardened with this kind ego of being something special because they
have got realization without knowing and they do not know who is the Mother. But you people have recognized Me then you have
got realization. Now keep it in that if a little bit you go stray then your vibration is lost then you say, "Mataji is All Pervading, then
how vibrations have left you?" In All Pervading too from where the vibrations come? One has to think. Wherever you will be at any
place, when you will utter a single word against Sahaja Yoga, your vibrations will be lost and after that whatever you do or remain
engaged in whatever work in that bhoots will accompany you but Mother will not be there. I have seen such people who come to
My place and take vibrations for few days and when bhoot-badhas settle in them, then they do work of bhoot-badhas only. That
becomes their style and method of working. Their way of telling becomes different. Then they do not see Kundalini. They tell
what is the number of the horse, what has happened to your father, what will happen to your mother. They do not come to the
reality. Many such people came to our Sahaja Yoga and got lost. For few days they remained and did this and that work. They
worked as if they were great saint and great soul and after sometime it was found that great badhas are settled in them and they
were in great troubles.Therefore try to understand one thing that if you commit sin against Sahaja Yoga, I may forgive but God
Almighty will never forgive you. In our own house, My own daughter, I will tell you, one she became a little angry. Immediately
from her ears hot air started blowing out. Then I told her to rub her ears and say, "Please forgive me doing such thing is wrong."
Although you are My own daughter but if you say anything against Sahaja Yoga, it is not authorized, it is unauthorized effort.
Today I am standing before you, is because of your call and it was My duty. It is not like this that devotees here and there call
Mother in temples and mosques, then the Mother's heart starts pulsating. You might have seen whenever you call Me with the
depth of your heart, then countless vibrations start flowing. If I hear such a song or listen a record or in cinema it is seen where
Mother is being called then from My body crowds of waves of vibrations generate. This you might have also experienced and
seen also. You also understand that such is the quality [Love] of the Mother. Today the time has come where your asking, your
wanting and your calling become manifested within Me. I have not come of My own, I have come on account of your calling Me.
From the time immemorial whatever your callings and screamings were heard by Me and that is why I have taken up My body.
Now also you are common [normal] people who will recognize Me first. And those who have become great sadhus and saints
and Babaji and sitting, they will not recognize Me. They had not recognized Christ nor Radha and have not recognized Me. And
now also they will not recognize Me. Even now they are sitting as Babaji with their ego. The person who does not know their
Mother, how can they recognize the Father? One should think Sahaja Yoga as an ordinary thing. Sahaja Yoga is not an ordinary
thing. This is absolutely incomparable, unique thing, extraordinarily unique thing I have brought. You will not find in any book
written like this that which of your chakra is caught. This is Vishuddhi chakra. Did you know anywhere that this is Nabhi chakra
and this is Sahasrara chakra? Has anybody anytime told you these things? Has anybody so much openly told you about
Kundalini and shown? Nobody till today and earlier done this work in the world like today [we are doing]. But your people's
incompleteness or halfway work done will destroy it. That you have come here to take with you is very great thing, very very great
thing. You might not have imagined that a day will come, maybe before My eyes or later when it will spread in the world, that we
people have attained a new dimension.But by you people's half-heartedness, it may happen that the process of destruction will
come immediate. The wheel of dharma is moving anti-clockwise, that you know and also it is seen. The work of moving it in the
right way can be done only by Sahaja Yoga. But those people who are coming to Sahaja Yoga have to be extremely dharmik,
truthful and generous. They must learn complete explanation of dharma. Only vibrations will not work. Many people come before
Me and vibrations go into them vigorously and when they go away then nothing happens. In fact you must get vibrations from
everywhere. Is there any place where I am not present? At every place you must feel vibrations and it must come so much that
whatever you do, vibrations flow over you because you are living being.Recently we sat at the place of Ganapati of [Rajanaon].
There we saw the Ganapati and found that less vibrations were coming. Those who were with Me were surprised to know why
less vibrations are coming when it is an awakened place. I told them, "First you try to know that who has recognized this
awakening." Is it found by a human being that it is an awakened place? He must have been a highly realized saint who might
have seen the vibrations and said that it was a holy place. Then a vibrated stone might have been brought there. Maybe
somebody might have moved around his hand to give a shape. It might be so and also might not be because a man's mind runs
according to his own, isn't it? There was no necessity to touch it. After that in the temple its pujari [in charge of worship], all his
chakras were badly caught. Chakras of all pujaris who were there were caught. On it sindoor [vermilion], donations, all those
which had been offered were caught. One thing is naturally there in a man that it was an awakened and holy place but does not
have that much sense that the vibrations coming from there is half of full. Three chakras of his [pujari's] were also caught. Even
now I did not understand when I went inside the temple then Pundit told Me that, "You cannot sit inside, you sit outside and you
cannot touch it [statue of Ganapati]. Then I thought that if I could not touch it then the statue will remain like as before. Then I
went from behind and saw the statue and went near it and put My Sahasrara on it. Then vibrations gushed out strongly.Therefore
it must be understood that you are the living instrument of Divine. If we say within you, more vibrations can come out compared
to these temples. But first of all you must be living instrument of Divine. Those who like to have dead things, talk about dead
things, they die. They become living dead. To run after dead objects [jada vastu] is a kind of hobby. To run after that or to run
away from it is the same thing. To take to sanyasa [leave family life and go to Himalaya] and to run away from sanyasa, there is
no difference between these two. You have to be firm on your position. First thing is you have to make your position. Second is
you have to make your dharma. Dharma means you have to allow the flow of these vibrations out continuously. Sometimes you
desire to go somewhere, you see somebody has fallen down. Then run and take hold of him and give vibrations and save him.
Let the world say anything. Vibrations are flowing from you and that is your dharma. I have told you that the quality of gold is not
that it is yellow. Its dharma is also not that ornaments can be made from it. Its dharma is only one and that it is never get spoiled
by anything. Similarly diamond has its own dharma that it can cut everything. It is the hardest thing. In the same way the man
has also his dharma to achieve God and know Him and those people who have achieved has their dharma to assimilate it
completely and spread it all over the world. But when you talk this and that then you will not get either of them. Your vibrations
will vanish and all My efforts will become of no use.There is no religion in the world where Divine vibrations have been told. It
means nobody has said so that vibrations are dharma. They call it "Ruh", "Water of Life". They say anything but we say vibrations
are real dharmas [religion]. You have plainly known about it, how much it has been enunciated. Adi Shankaracharya has also
praised it. It cannot be taught, written and explained. It has to happen. It does not happen to many intellectuals who think that
they are well read and know more. To such great persons [egoists] nothing happens. What can I do? It is an automatic
happening. It happens to many, happens to thousands. But if you stick to false and useless things and then you also talk about
false things and you continue to catch and remain with false things which make you inert [immobile] then with that inertia
[jadata] you will become stuck to that. The Chaitanya [living power] which is flowing from your person, you have to know how to
spread it and for that you have to give some time, I have told you earlier. It is true. But the 'priority' is also a thing. You have to
change your priority. Within few days you will be established in your priority then you will enjoy it. You will get all the joy of the
whole world. Whatever are the attractions and beauty of the world, all the wealth and Laxmi, whatever is there which you call
knowledge, it is the source of all these things. It also knows, also loves and is the beauty too. It is the same Divine Power [Divya
Shakti] about which we have read and known about it thousands times.And by this Divine Power the whole creation is created.
You are created and by this only you will know it that it is the Shakti. This is a great thing. Slowly and slowly it will shine. Any
living process takes time and it grows slowly. It does not bear any quick process. But I see that its roots have gone very deep.
Now I have come from Rahuri. I was very happy to know that the scientists there have proved it scientifically. They have done
experiments on their plants and crops and made it a scientific thing. They were telling that they will go and tell the people about
it [vibrations] that this is the only Truth. Rest it is untruth. We will tell everybody about its name [Kundalini] that his only is the
Shakti which is your own. Your own shakti is becoming useless by the one which is sitting within you. For example in Yamuna
river there were many pitchers filled with water but when in those pitcher holes are made then the waters of pitchers mix with
waters of Yamuna and become one with it. In the same way you should also become [like pitchers]. But I want that you should
know it fully and get it like Gopies and Gopes were searching in the times of Shri Krishna. That thing today you have got within
yourself. I have told you many times that its depth [subtlety] is beyond microscopes. I have come to tell you the thing of that
depth but become authorized. Those who have no authority, I cannot tell them. Therefore the thing I have told you today, I did not
say earlier anytime. If anybody from you wants to ask any question then one or two persons may ask Me. Please ask Me a
question if anybody wants because I do not know what are your questions. Translation by C.L. PATEL, May 2010 | null | null | null | 1975-03-29 Science/Trigunatmika (Side B) To you people I have told you many times by explaining adequately, displaying and by
practically doing it. Prior to this I have said also that what Sahaja Yoga is, what happens in this, how it happens. I have given
scientific explanations and scientific definitions sufficiently. However that which we call "science". "Science" has not been
created by man but they have searched and found it. They call it "science" but they have not created anything of the universe. No
laws of the universe have been made by them. No Shastra [science] had been made by them. Its laws and methods all that had
been made by God. For example you see a circle and its diameter. There is a ratio or proportion between the circumference and
its diameter that has not been made by you. Its law has been made by God only that it is neither more or less. It will always be
the same. That ratio has been fixed. All the laws and the regulations that have been made are by God only.Many of you have
asked Me, "Shri Mataji, why do you say 3 and ½ coil? Why 3+1/2 coils of Kundalini is said to be?" It is absolutely scientific thing.
Those who might have seen the circle of a clock can understand this. In the clock, the diameter D [Vyas 2R] of a circle and the
circumference C [Paridhi 2ΠR=ΠD where R = radius of a circle], if diameter is 7 then circumference has to be 22. Neither less nor
more. Their relationship is always 22/7 and it has been made as coefficient and its name is given as "pi" [Π] which means
C/D=2ΠR/2R = Π = 22/7. If 7 become 8 then in the same proportion the circumference will be. When this goes through the
midpoint [of 3 ½ coils] then it has to become 7. In the same way within us Sushumna Nadi has gone through. In that also 7 come.
In that also 7 chakras [energy centres] are made. And in it also becomes [3+1/2] when you divide diameter [7] by 2. If you make
[3+1/2] coils, in that ratio of "pi" [Π], one over the other like Kundalini and draw a line through its central point then it well be
divided into 7 parts. But is actually [3+1/2] coils only. Is there any scientist or mathematician here? When you make coil one over
the other and when you make hole through its centre point then it will cut at 7 places, therefore we have 7 chakras within us. But
in case of circumference it is different. When you divide 22 by 2 then it is 11 and make half of 7 then it is 3.5 or [3+1/2]. But you
see how much mathematics are there in it. You can see it. That which goes through middle is as per seven. And that goes
through the light is as per eleven. That is why when in our place we give money then we give 11 rupees. Now you might have
understood the importance of 11.Whatever is written in our ancient Shastras [sciences] are endless [Anadi]. It cannot be
understood by great mathematician also. Because whatever those sages found had written that Kundalini is a coil consisting of
three and half [3+1/2] coil. But they had not been able to tell why it is so. But scientists may be able to say why it is so. When you
wrap three and half like this then the whole circumference is covered. Without that it cannot happen at all. And when you make 7
holes from top to bottom the 7 chakras are made. Now scientists are searching this side [in modern times] and they [ancient
sages] found in the past. So whatever has happened between these two is due to Sahaja Yoga. Where science has no way to go
ahead, reach at dead end, where science has bowed down and defeated, there Sahaja Yoga can give them hope and tell them
that whatever have been told by them [ancient sages]. The same things are written in your books of science also. Only there is
difference of definitions and what are the reasons for that. Sahaja Yoga is adequately beyond those sages also. It also takes us
beyond those Rishi Muni [Pure Personalities] who have found the truth. But we have seen here many great sages and yogis who
do not collect money. They are very great people. They are out of worldly affairs and serve the world with their vibrations. But we
have not yet seen anybody like those who can raise Kundalini of people like you by a visual signal, except Shri Ganesha. In the
hand of Shri Ganesha there is a small snake that is the symbol of your Kundalini. Except Ganesha and you who are my sons and
daughters and are born out of My Sahasrara, I have not seen anybody who can raise Kundalini just by a signal. It is really true. By
this many people will say that, "How can these people have done so much effort and have done so much?"Let Me tell you a
special thing that a king has his minister who knows everything about how to run the government and he looks after all the
management of the kingdom. But the Gruha Laxmi [the queen] gives the keys of the palace to Her children and not to the
minister. Maybe there will be big scholars of high status. Those who are not born out of My Sahasrara, as long as they do not
accept this fact that they are My children, they have no authority and the same is not granted to them. Therefore My own
disciples also put many questions and answers to Me. They say that they had gone to those big people but they do not know the
way what we know. We know which chakra is caught and where it is caught. We can so easily clear it. And with our invitation
Kundalini of thousands rises and we get them realized. How is it? The reason is that you are born out of My Sahasrara. One more
person is there like this Jesus Christ who was born out Mother's heart. He also has the authority. But at that time was not proper
that such work could be done. Now the time has come that you people are prepared for it. Now it may happen because we are
the normal people. We are absolutely normal and how we can do this work even we do not know. But we are doing it, no doubt
about it.You people can see and raise Kundalini of all and correct it, etc. You can drive out and throw thousands of bhoot, badhas
and diseases and all the worldly problems. And now you see these people. I have seen big Mahantas [Priests of Mathas]. When
we went to them we too had been caught by epilepsy. He had taken somebody's epilepsy in him but do not get paralyzed. And
nothing can hurt you and your health becomes all right when you are realized. If anybody's health is bad then it will be cured
easily. You have these experiences. In Rahuri also I was asked the same questions. There I did not tell this thing that you are
born out of My Sahasrara. I had created you out of My head that's why you have got special privilege. You are specially
authorized people. I accept that there are people who are also realized from Sahaja Yoga. Great sages are realized through
Sahaja Yoga with many practices and penances of thousands of years but within them even now there is no acceptance for Me.
Today I am openly telling you. As long as you do not accept Me [as your Mother], this work will not be done. This thing I did not
say earlier. Like Shri Krishna said, "Sarva dharmanam paritajya mamekam sharanam vraja" [means forget all dharmas and
surrender Me], the same is My saying. As Christ had said, "I am the Light, I am the Path", same is My statement, "I am the
Destination, not only the Path."I did not say this to you because I had very bad experiences. This is the only reason. You people
have to come to My refuge. You have to accept Me as Mother and live like My sons. Without that your work will not be done. With
this small reason, the great sages and souls have reached a state of tiredness but they will not achieve. They have not
recognized Me. And the other thing is that their mind is still hardened with this kind ego of being something special because they
have got realization without knowing and they do not know who is the Mother. But you people have recognized Me then you have
got realization. Now keep it in that if a little bit you go stray then your vibration is lost then you say, "Mataji is All Pervading, then
how vibrations have left you?" In All Pervading too from where the vibrations come? One has to think. Wherever you will be at any
place, when you will utter a single word against Sahaja Yoga, your vibrations will be lost and after that whatever you do or remain
engaged in whatever work in that bhoots will accompany you but Mother will not be there. I have seen such people who come to
My place and take vibrations for few days and when bhoot-badhas settle in them, then they do work of bhoot-badhas only. That
becomes their style and method of working. Their way of telling becomes different. Then they do not see Kundalini. They tell
what is the number of the horse, what has happened to your father, what will happen to your mother. They do not come to the
reality. Many such people came to our Sahaja Yoga and got lost. For few days they remained and did this and that work. They
worked as if they were great saint and great soul and after sometime it was found that great badhas are settled in them and they
were in great troubles.Therefore try to understand one thing that if you commit sin against Sahaja Yoga, I may forgive but God
Almighty will never forgive you. In our own house, My own daughter, I will tell you, one she became a little angry. Immediately
from her ears hot air started blowing out. Then I told her to rub her ears and say, "Please forgive me doing such thing is wrong."
Although you are My own daughter but if you say anything against Sahaja Yoga, it is not authorized, it is unauthorized effort.
Today I am standing before you, is because of your call and it was My duty. It is not like this that devotees here and there call
Mother in temples and mosques, then the Mother's heart starts pulsating. You might have seen whenever you call Me with the
depth of your heart, then countless vibrations start flowing. If I hear such a song or listen a record or in cinema it is seen where
Mother is being called then from My body crowds of waves of vibrations generate. This you might have also experienced and
seen also. You also understand that such is the quality [Love] of the Mother. Today the time has come where your asking, your
wanting and your calling become manifested within Me. I have not come of My own, I have come on account of your calling Me.
From the time immemorial whatever your callings and screamings were heard by Me and that is why I have taken up My body.
Now also you are common [normal] people who will recognize Me first. And those who have become great sadhus and saints
and Babaji and sitting, they will not recognize Me. They had not recognized Christ nor Radha and have not recognized Me. And
now also they will not recognize Me. Even now they are sitting as Babaji with their ego. The person who does not know their
Mother, how can they recognize the Father? One should think Sahaja Yoga as an ordinary thing. Sahaja Yoga is not an ordinary
thing. This is absolutely incomparable, unique thing, extraordinarily unique thing I have brought. You will not find in any book
written like this that which of your chakra is caught. This is Vishuddhi chakra. Did you know anywhere that this is Nabhi chakra
and this is Sahasrara chakra? Has anybody anytime told you these things? Has anybody so much openly told you about
Kundalini and shown? Nobody till today and earlier done this work in the world like today [we are doing]. But your people's
incompleteness or halfway work done will destroy it. That you have come here to take with you is very great thing, very very great
thing. You might not have imagined that a day will come, maybe before My eyes or later when it will spread in the world, that we
people have attained a new dimension.But by you people's half-heartedness, it may happen that the process of destruction will
come immediate. The wheel of dharma is moving anti-clockwise, that you know and also it is seen. The work of moving it in the
right way can be done only by Sahaja Yoga. But those people who are coming to Sahaja Yoga have to be extremely dharmik,
truthful and generous. They must learn complete explanation of dharma. Only vibrations will not work. Many people come before
Me and vibrations go into them vigorously and when they go away then nothing happens. In fact you must get vibrations from
everywhere. Is there any place where I am not present? At every place you must feel vibrations and it must come so much that
whatever you do, vibrations flow over you because you are living being.Recently we sat at the place of Ganapati of [Rajanaon].
There we saw the Ganapati and found that less vibrations were coming. Those who were with Me were surprised to know why
less vibrations are coming when it is an awakened place. I told them, "First you try to know that who has recognized this
awakening." Is it found by a human being that it is an awakened place? He must have been a highly realized saint who might
have seen the vibrations and said that it was a holy place. Then a vibrated stone might have been brought there. Maybe
somebody might have moved around his hand to give a shape. It might be so and also might not be because a man's mind runs
according to his own, isn't it? There was no necessity to touch it. After that in the temple its pujari [in charge of worship], all his
chakras were badly caught. Chakras of all pujaris who were there were caught. On it sindoor [vermilion], donations, all those
which had been offered were caught. One thing is naturally there in a man that it was an awakened and holy place but does not
have that much sense that the vibrations coming from there is half of full. Three chakras of his [pujari's] were also caught. Even
now I did not understand when I went inside the temple then Pundit told Me that, "You cannot sit inside, you sit outside and you
cannot touch it [statue of Ganapati]. Then I thought that if I could not touch it then the statue will remain like as before. Then I
went from behind and saw the statue and went near it and put My Sahasrara on it. Then vibrations gushed out strongly.Therefore
it must be understood that you are the living instrument of Divine. If we say within you, more vibrations can come out compared
to these temples. But first of all you must be living instrument of Divine. Those who like to have dead things, talk about dead
things, they die. They become living dead. To run after dead objects [jada vastu] is a kind of hobby. To run after that or to run
away from it is the same thing. To take to sanyasa [leave family life and go to Himalaya] and to run away from sanyasa, there is
no difference between these two. You have to be firm on your position. First thing is you have to make your position. Second is
you have to make your dharma. Dharma means you have to allow the flow of these vibrations out continuously. Sometimes you
desire to go somewhere, you see somebody has fallen down. Then run and take hold of him and give vibrations and save him.
Let the world say anything. Vibrations are flowing from you and that is your dharma. I have told you that the quality of gold is not
that it is yellow. Its dharma is also not that ornaments can be made from it. Its dharma is only one and that it is never get spoiled
by anything. Similarly diamond has its own dharma that it can cut everything. It is the hardest thing. In the same way the man
has also his dharma to achieve God and know Him and those people who have achieved has their dharma to assimilate it
completely and spread it all over the world. But when you talk this and that then you will not get either of them. Your vibrations
will vanish and all My efforts will become of no use.There is no religion in the world where Divine vibrations have been told. It
means nobody has said so that vibrations are dharma. They call it "Ruh", "Water of Life". They say anything but we say vibrations
are real dharmas [religion]. You have plainly known about it, how much it has been enunciated. Adi Shankaracharya has also
praised it. It cannot be taught, written and explained. It has to happen. It does not happen to many intellectuals who think that
they are well read and know more. To such great persons [egoists] nothing happens. What can I do? It is an automatic
happening. It happens to many, happens to thousands. But if you stick to false and useless things and then you also talk about
false things and you continue to catch and remain with false things which make you inert [immobile] then with that inertia
[jadata] you will become stuck to that. The Chaitanya [living power] which is flowing from your person, you have to know how to
spread it and for that you have to give some time, I have told you earlier. It is true. But the 'priority' is also a thing. You have to
change your priority. Within few days you will be established in your priority then you will enjoy it. You will get all the joy of the
whole world. Whatever are the attractions and beauty of the world, all the wealth and Laxmi, whatever is there which you call
knowledge, it is the source of all these things. It also knows, also loves and is the beauty too. It is the same Divine Power [Divya
Shakti] about which we have read and known about it thousands times.And by this Divine Power the whole creation is created.
You are created and by this only you will know it that it is the Shakti. This is a great thing. Slowly and slowly it will shine. Any
living process takes time and it grows slowly. It does not bear any quick process. But I see that its roots have gone very deep.
Now I have come from Rahuri. I was very happy to know that the scientists there have proved it scientifically. They have done
experiments on their plants and crops and made it a scientific thing. They were telling that they will go and tell the people about
it [vibrations] that this is the only Truth. Rest it is untruth. We will tell everybody about its name [Kundalini] that his only is the
Shakti which is your own. Your own shakti is becoming useless by the one which is sitting within you. For example in Yamuna
river there were many pitchers filled with water but when in those pitcher holes are made then the waters of pitchers mix with
waters of Yamuna and become one with it. In the same way you should also become [like pitchers]. But I want that you should
know it fully and get it like Gopies and Gopes were searching in the times of Shri Krishna. That thing today you have got within
yourself. I have told you many times that its depth [subtlety] is beyond microscopes. I have come to tell you the thing of that
depth but become authorized. Those who have no authority, I cannot tell them. Therefore the thing I have told you today, I did not
say earlier anytime. If anybody from you wants to ask any question then one or two persons may ask Me. Please ask Me a
question if anybody wants because I do not know what are your questions. Translation by C.L. PATEL, May 2010 |
3/30/1975 | | Public Program 2, Science, Trigunatmika | India | Mumbai | null | Draft | null | Draft | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | Hindi | 31 | Public programme- 30th March 1975 (Side A) Yesterday, I told you….can you all hear me at the back? I have told you that the
human body, his mind, his wisdom, etc, all his personality whatever he has is made up of three kinds of powers. One power or
energy which gives us our existence in this world, it resides in the human being as Pran [life force] and its place is in our hearts.
Bring him to the front. The second power which is in our stomach by which we have evolved up to the level of human being is
“Dharma” and the third power which is full of awareness by which we have achieved the support of our consciousness in many
ways. But all these three powers are found by the All Pervading Divine Love of God Almighty. This all-pervading power of Divine
Love of God Almighty activates all these three powers and integrates them. For example in the inert object [Jada vastu] in which
you see vibrations which you call “electro-magnetic vibrations”, even that also is the form of Pran [life force] but it is in a dormant
state. But when it is awakened, then it becomes Pran (alive]. That force which is in a very tiny amoeba in the stomach, causing
starvation, gets awakened in the form of “Dharma” in human beings. Dharma is in everything. As I have said that the Dharma of
gold is not that because it is yellow in colour. Its dharma is not even that you can make ornaments from it. But the dharma
[quality] of gold is that it doesn’t get tarnished or spoilt under any circumstance. Now the third thing is the Awareness or
Consciousness which is much more developed in the minds of the human being. Man has now become completely mature in all
these three powers. He has developed and become prepared to know the power which is the integration of all these three
powers, which is the Love of God. This one power of God has been divided into these three powers and let it become one with it.
Within us, a small part of that Absolute Power of God sleeps in our triangular bone in the form of Kundalini. When any such
person, who has achieved this power of Love of God within himself and in whom this power is completely integrated and flowing
means he has become a realized soul, then he can awaken the Kundalini of a Sadhak [seeker]. So Kundalini being your mother is
awakened in you. But if a seeker thinks that I will awaken my “Kundalini” by myself, then it is same as somebody who doesn’t
know how to drive tries to drive the motor car. So if someone who does not know to drive a motor car, drives it, then the car
might end up getting smashed and spoilt. In the same way, those people who want to awaken their own Kundalini, they can
completely destroy the instrument of their own Kundalini. If anybody who has no knowledge wants to awaken someone’s
Kundalini, then also the same thing happens. If an impure person comes towards your Mother Kundalini and wants to awaken
Her, then also the same thing happens. And anybody for the sake of money, and to loot you and by befooling you, tries to his
hand on your Kundalini, then it also results in the same thing. So only a person who is filled with the Love of God and in whom the
collective consciousness is flowing completely, is empowered to do this work of inviting the Kundalini to be awakened. Invitation
to Kundalini cannot be sent by a person who is engaged in obscure practices and he can become complicit in great sins. Those
who spoil or destroy other’s Kundalini, then their own Kundalini is destroyed for ages and they take births in the form of all kinds
of worms. Therefore, one should never dare to play with Kundalini. In other things, it is all right. You can do smuggling, stealing
and take all things of the world, that does not matter. But you must please keep yourself away in the matters of Kundalini.
Nobody can give authority to awaken Kundalini except God Almighty. As long as the Shakti of God Herself does not give you the
authority, until then you do not have any authority that you can go to any college and get a degree and say that you can awaken
Kundalini. This kind of false people are seen in large numbers in the world nowadays and they do not that they are committing
extremely grave sins. The work of Kundalini has to be done with great aptitude and care, not only this, but with absolutely pure
love. The purity is the power pervading completely in dharma. A person who is not pure and whose attention is full of obscene
thoughts and engaged in grabbing others’ money or wives and in looting others, such person should spend his time in some
other activities but never try to lay hands on Kundalini. Just as much Kundalini is graceful, compassionate, bestower of boons,
with a heart flowing with motherly love, Her protector ‘Ganas’ (destroying powers to Shri Shiva) are equally extremely powerful
and effulgent. If any kind of immoral acts are committed against Kundalini, then they are always ready to protect Her and they
destroy those people who do such sins against Her. The greatest sin in the world is to awaken Kundalini of any seeker [Sadhak]
without any authority. There is no greater sin in the world than this. It is even greater than the murder of one’s own mother that
you are laying hands on somebody’s Kundalini without any authority. God has created the whole creation with His Divine Love
and has filled it with purity. The whole creation is absolutely pure. Whatever is impure, low quality and bad in this world has been
made only by humans, because human being is the only living being who has freedom. Rest of the creation, dances and acts
according to the desire of God. Not a single leaf of a tree moves without His dictates. In the whole creation that which is meaner
than the meanest, is hell and the greatest hell and the most sinful amongst the greatest sins have been created only by man. It is
created by man only and such mean people, when they reach the lowest state, then they move in the form of Satan. God has not
created Satan. Man has made Satan and he worships the Satan because he has created him. Until we call out a ‘Satan’ as
‘Satan’, ‘adharm’ (unrighteousness) as ‘adharm’, and ‘evil’ as ‘evil’, the goodness within us will not be awakened. You might have
heard that when people go to Mecca, there they see on the way a statue of a “Satan” and all the people from their houses, take
their old shoes [chappal] and first they beat the “Satan” means they condemn him. Without condemning him, God will not accept
you and without His acceptance, you will not get anything. Whatever you may do, you cannot have His blessings. You must have
His mercy. His love must be poured on you. He is extremely merciful, compassionate, omnipotent, Lord God Almighty. But, if you
are committing gravest crimes and worshipping Satan who has created this strange atmosphere of adharma in the world, where
many of his followers are born, and are spreading adharma in this world, you can’t be blessed by God, unless you condemn the
Satan fully. In this matter if you have half-heartedness, then you are deceiving yourself. You have to completely discredit,
disregard and condeemn Satan. You have to discord him and throw him otherwise that which is myth will continue to be seated
within you and that which is truth in you, will not get manifested. Then how can the truth spread in the world? For example, if the
Sun is covered by clouds then darkness spreads and when the clouds move away, then again the Sun shines. In the same way,
man has made Satan by indulging in the meanest sins and the clouds of that Satan are badly covering the whole world even
today. It may be that in case Sahaja Yoga is not fully established in the world, those days are not far that we may all be
completely destroyed and fall into the abyss of darkness. But those souls who have worked hard in Sahaja Yoga absolutely will
shine like stars. They will be glorified like stars. That is a very high position for you. Today, you are not able to understand this
but it will be discussed in the history of spirituality that how many Sahaja Yogis stood firmly into the truth. Leave the idea of
incompleteness behind. There is no need to get entangled in small things. You have firmly occupied a very big position. Such
people who have occupied big positions should not divert their attention towards small things. The power within you flows only
depending on your own preparedness. If you are less prepared, then the power will also show less intensity. If you are fully
prepared and also you have the power to reject Satan fully, then only from within you, great saints and masters will emerge. And
now a great generation is taking birth. Starting from a five year old child, many newly born children and many souls have taken
birth in the world as if their whole family has descended down here. I see many children are born realized but only you are the
foundation stones. You are the foundation stones of Sahaja Yoga. I have already told you people many times that these days all
those who have raised false fights in the name of religion, and look at each other with hatred, using the name of dharma, they all
are the children of Satan. They are not sent by God. God had never allowed hatred and jealousy, but He has opposed them and
also destroyed them. Those who have bound themselves into small boundaries and say that they are such and such people,
cannot go to the lap of the Infinite- who has no limits, is beyond limits. You have to break your boundaries which are made out of
stupidity. No religion binds you into a boundary. But those people who have made stupid religions, cannot be corrected. In fact,
in the world there are only two religions; one is ‘dharma’ and the other is ‘adharma’. There is no third ‘dharma’ (religion). One is
‘dharma’ which leads to manifestation with in us and the other is ‘adharma’.All great masters who have come here have fought
for dharma and at that time those who were in adharma, with them they had fought. You can call them Muslim, Hindu or
Christians. But all their followers were not truthful like them. They made their disparate small groups and started fighting among
them as two adharmas or false religions. One false religion was fighting with another false religion. In fact, there is no fighting
between true religions. There are no skirmishes in religions. All dharmas (religions) are one and the same within all. Only one is
present in all. There is no argument in them. When you all will put your hands towards them and will tell, “Mother, we are feeling
burning from this man here at Agnya Chakra”, you all will say the same thing. Same thing will be told and no difference will be
there. Just like when you see the colour of the ceiling of this hall, you all will say it is white in colour. Everybody feel the same
way. When you laugh, you laugh in the same way and when you will cry, then tears will fall from your eyes in the same way. Even
beyond that, religion has many forms which are pervading in all and are similar within all. In that religion, there cannot be any
possibility of fighting. If there arises any kind of mutual jealousy and enmity, then you must know that one false religion
(adharma) is fighting with another. Religion never fights with another religion. A person who calls himself religious, and calls
another person religious too but fights with him, then he does not understand what is religion. In Sahaja Yoga, how the
integration happens and awakening of Kundalini takes place, etc. I have already told you all that and will again tell you sometime.
But it is joyful to see that you yourself get this power. When the first power which is in your heart by which the Pran [vital living
force] becomes love and that dharma which is in your stomach becomes manifested in this whole world and the ‘chetna’
[awareness] which is in your head becomes the knowledge of the whole world, at that time you can know that how awakening of
Kundalini takes place by movement of your hand.You know how Kundalini rises by movement of your hand and with your
bandhan [making auras], how this adharma suffocates and dies by boundary lines drawn by you. You can see yourself when a
few arrows are shot by you on this adharma, it leaves its path and goes away and the Kundalini comes to Her straight forward
path. The hidden negativity in this way is totally destroyed and Kundalini rises up in the front and flows on like the Ganges
brought by the king Bhagirath. To bring The Ganges, Bhagirath had done tremendous efforts, and for bringing this Kundalini [into
your awareness] I have also done many many efforts, in My earlier incarnations and also in this life time. Now you see its result
that This Ganges is flowing at your doorsteps. Kundalini will move with your signals and you can give realization to people while
going on your way. By your hands, many diseases like cancer are cured and this is true and we must accept this too. How does
this happen? The reason is that you have become the weapons of the All Pervading Power of Divine Love of God Almighty. He is
using you. The same power is flowing within you and you are doing the work of the same power. Now where is the question of
fighting arise? Does this hand of Mine fights with My other hand? The day this fight begins then we will say that this hand has
separated with the other one. They are not our hands at all. In the same way when we achieve this All Pervading Power within us
then we become all powerful. Many people have already got it but they were still very few people.I must say that when I read
about Zen… Zen was started in the 6th century in Japan and at that time Viditama had done the work of Kundalini awakening and
about 26 people of them got realization. And now for the last 3 or 4 centuries, nobody has got their realization. So you can
understand, here thousands of people are getting their realization and many have got it. It may not happen to someone but
ultimately it happens. Until now, there is not one, who has persistently come and not got it. Whosoever has come and sat here
and tried to get it, has got it. It is not known so far that anybody has not got it. But one thing is that one should come prepared,
that you will have to hit the Satan with shoes. You have to recognize Satan. You have to expel Satan from your heart. And who is
Satan and who is God is recognized only with these ‘divine vibrations’. If you do not have it with you, then listen to those who
have it and know it. You should listen to those who have tried and tested it. By this, you will be able to recognise who is Satan
and who is God, who is real Guru and who is false. In this world, there are natural flowers and also plastic flowers. But the
distinction is made by your eyes, nose and mouth to distinguish between a plastic and a real flower. But to know the dharma you
only require vibrations. Without it, you will not be able to know whether this person is crafty or false or adharmik or a devil or a
religious one. He is dharmik or an incarnation or is very powerful, you will not know unless and until you have divine vibrations on
your hands. Therefore you must first get this thing and real cool vibrations are coming from your hands. These cool vibrations
come from your hand, like they are coming from a cooler. Apart from this, your thoughts come under your control and you
become thoughtless and when you see your thoughts, then immediately you become thoughtless. No any thought is coming,
whenever you watch your thoughts. Thoughtlessness, it is a reality, it is the truth that is why I do not give you false promise. I
have no false recommendation to make to you. In this, I cannot give you false statement. As long as you are not realized, you will
not become, even if you are My relation in anyway. You may offer Me any amount of money but I cannot give realization. You
might be a well read, intelligent person, you sit at your home, I cannot give you realisation. You may be anybody. I am helpless, I
cannot give you such a false certificate. In this, no falsehood can do. Any kind of falsehood cannot do anything here. This kind of
truth must be in you and you must have your own experience. It should be seen by you and the flow from your hand must awaken
others, then only you are realized. Yes, I will cleanse you by washing and shining. With love, I will cleanse you. I will advise your
Kundalini and do all things but this has to happen to you. To whom it does not happen, they indulge in all sorts of rituals and
tricks. They create false shows but I have nothing to bother about them. You people too do not bother about them and look after
your own welfare and wellbeing and establish your truth. Keep yourself on the path of truth. If there are a few people less or
thousand more, it will make no difference. Now we will go into meditation. Everyone put your hands like this. In the beginning, do
not close your eyes. | null | null | null | Public programme- 30th March 1975 (Side A) Yesterday, I told you….can you all hear me at the back? I have told you that the
human body, his mind, his wisdom, etc, all his personality whatever he has is made up of three kinds of powers. One power or
energy which gives us our existence in this world, it resides in the human being as Pran [life force] and its place is in our hearts.
Bring him to the front. The second power which is in our stomach by which we have evolved up to the level of human being is
“Dharma” and the third power which is full of awareness by which we have achieved the support of our consciousness in many
ways. But all these three powers are found by the All Pervading Divine Love of God Almighty. This all-pervading power of Divine
Love of God Almighty activates all these three powers and integrates them. For example in the inert object [Jada vastu] in which
you see vibrations which you call “electro-magnetic vibrations”, even that also is the form of Pran [life force] but it is in a dormant
state. But when it is awakened, then it becomes Pran (alive]. That force which is in a very tiny amoeba in the stomach, causing
starvation, gets awakened in the form of “Dharma” in human beings. Dharma is in everything. As I have said that the Dharma of
gold is not that because it is yellow in colour. Its dharma is not even that you can make ornaments from it. But the dharma
[quality] of gold is that it doesn’t get tarnished or spoilt under any circumstance. Now the third thing is the Awareness or
Consciousness which is much more developed in the minds of the human being. Man has now become completely mature in all
these three powers. He has developed and become prepared to know the power which is the integration of all these three
powers, which is the Love of God. This one power of God has been divided into these three powers and let it become one with it.
Within us, a small part of that Absolute Power of God sleeps in our triangular bone in the form of Kundalini. When any such
person, who has achieved this power of Love of God within himself and in whom this power is completely integrated and flowing
means he has become a realized soul, then he can awaken the Kundalini of a Sadhak [seeker]. So Kundalini being your mother is
awakened in you. But if a seeker thinks that I will awaken my “Kundalini” by myself, then it is same as somebody who doesn’t
know how to drive tries to drive the motor car. So if someone who does not know to drive a motor car, drives it, then the car
might end up getting smashed and spoilt. In the same way, those people who want to awaken their own Kundalini, they can
completely destroy the instrument of their own Kundalini. If anybody who has no knowledge wants to awaken someone’s
Kundalini, then also the same thing happens. If an impure person comes towards your Mother Kundalini and wants to awaken
Her, then also the same thing happens. And anybody for the sake of money, and to loot you and by befooling you, tries to his
hand on your Kundalini, then it also results in the same thing. So only a person who is filled with the Love of God and in whom the
collective consciousness is flowing completely, is empowered to do this work of inviting the Kundalini to be awakened. Invitation
to Kundalini cannot be sent by a person who is engaged in obscure practices and he can become complicit in great sins. Those
who spoil or destroy other’s Kundalini, then their own Kundalini is destroyed for ages and they take births in the form of all kinds
of worms. Therefore, one should never dare to play with Kundalini. In other things, it is all right. You can do smuggling, stealing
and take all things of the world, that does not matter. But you must please keep yourself away in the matters of Kundalini.
Nobody can give authority to awaken Kundalini except God Almighty. As long as the Shakti of God Herself does not give you the
authority, until then you do not have any authority that you can go to any college and get a degree and say that you can awaken
Kundalini. This kind of false people are seen in large numbers in the world nowadays and they do not that they are committing
extremely grave sins. The work of Kundalini has to be done with great aptitude and care, not only this, but with absolutely pure
love. The purity is the power pervading completely in dharma. A person who is not pure and whose attention is full of obscene
thoughts and engaged in grabbing others’ money or wives and in looting others, such person should spend his time in some
other activities but never try to lay hands on Kundalini. Just as much Kundalini is graceful, compassionate, bestower of boons,
with a heart flowing with motherly love, Her protector ‘Ganas’ (destroying powers to Shri Shiva) are equally extremely powerful
and effulgent. If any kind of immoral acts are committed against Kundalini, then they are always ready to protect Her and they
destroy those people who do such sins against Her. The greatest sin in the world is to awaken Kundalini of any seeker [Sadhak]
without any authority. There is no greater sin in the world than this. It is even greater than the murder of one’s own mother that
you are laying hands on somebody’s Kundalini without any authority. God has created the whole creation with His Divine Love
and has filled it with purity. The whole creation is absolutely pure. Whatever is impure, low quality and bad in this world has been
made only by humans, because human being is the only living being who has freedom. Rest of the creation, dances and acts
according to the desire of God. Not a single leaf of a tree moves without His dictates. In the whole creation that which is meaner
than the meanest, is hell and the greatest hell and the most sinful amongst the greatest sins have been created only by man. It is
created by man only and such mean people, when they reach the lowest state, then they move in the form of Satan. God has not
created Satan. Man has made Satan and he worships the Satan because he has created him. Until we call out a ‘Satan’ as
‘Satan’, ‘adharm’ (unrighteousness) as ‘adharm’, and ‘evil’ as ‘evil’, the goodness within us will not be awakened. You might have
heard that when people go to Mecca, there they see on the way a statue of a “Satan” and all the people from their houses, take
their old shoes [chappal] and first they beat the “Satan” means they condemn him. Without condemning him, God will not accept
you and without His acceptance, you will not get anything. Whatever you may do, you cannot have His blessings. You must have
His mercy. His love must be poured on you. He is extremely merciful, compassionate, omnipotent, Lord God Almighty. But, if you
are committing gravest crimes and worshipping Satan who has created this strange atmosphere of adharma in the world, where
many of his followers are born, and are spreading adharma in this world, you can’t be blessed by God, unless you condemn the
Satan fully. In this matter if you have half-heartedness, then you are deceiving yourself. You have to completely discredit,
disregard and condeemn Satan. You have to discord him and throw him otherwise that which is myth will continue to be seated
within you and that which is truth in you, will not get manifested. Then how can the truth spread in the world? For example, if the
Sun is covered by clouds then darkness spreads and when the clouds move away, then again the Sun shines. In the same way,
man has made Satan by indulging in the meanest sins and the clouds of that Satan are badly covering the whole world even
today. It may be that in case Sahaja Yoga is not fully established in the world, those days are not far that we may all be
completely destroyed and fall into the abyss of darkness. But those souls who have worked hard in Sahaja Yoga absolutely will
shine like stars. They will be glorified like stars. That is a very high position for you. Today, you are not able to understand this
but it will be discussed in the history of spirituality that how many Sahaja Yogis stood firmly into the truth. Leave the idea of
incompleteness behind. There is no need to get entangled in small things. You have firmly occupied a very big position. Such
people who have occupied big positions should not divert their attention towards small things. The power within you flows only
depending on your own preparedness. If you are less prepared, then the power will also show less intensity. If you are fully
prepared and also you have the power to reject Satan fully, then only from within you, great saints and masters will emerge. And
now a great generation is taking birth. Starting from a five year old child, many newly born children and many souls have taken
birth in the world as if their whole family has descended down here. I see many children are born realized but only you are the
foundation stones. You are the foundation stones of Sahaja Yoga. I have already told you people many times that these days all
those who have raised false fights in the name of religion, and look at each other with hatred, using the name of dharma, they all
are the children of Satan. They are not sent by God. God had never allowed hatred and jealousy, but He has opposed them and
also destroyed them. Those who have bound themselves into small boundaries and say that they are such and such people,
cannot go to the lap of the Infinite- who has no limits, is beyond limits. You have to break your boundaries which are made out of
stupidity. No religion binds you into a boundary. But those people who have made stupid religions, cannot be corrected. In fact,
in the world there are only two religions; one is ‘dharma’ and the other is ‘adharma’. There is no third ‘dharma’ (religion). One is
‘dharma’ which leads to manifestation with in us and the other is ‘adharma’.All great masters who have come here have fought
for dharma and at that time those who were in adharma, with them they had fought. You can call them Muslim, Hindu or
Christians. But all their followers were not truthful like them. They made their disparate small groups and started fighting among
them as two adharmas or false religions. One false religion was fighting with another false religion. In fact, there is no fighting
between true religions. There are no skirmishes in religions. All dharmas (religions) are one and the same within all. Only one is
present in all. There is no argument in them. When you all will put your hands towards them and will tell, “Mother, we are feeling
burning from this man here at Agnya Chakra”, you all will say the same thing. Same thing will be told and no difference will be
there. Just like when you see the colour of the ceiling of this hall, you all will say it is white in colour. Everybody feel the same
way. When you laugh, you laugh in the same way and when you will cry, then tears will fall from your eyes in the same way. Even
beyond that, religion has many forms which are pervading in all and are similar within all. In that religion, there cannot be any
possibility of fighting. If there arises any kind of mutual jealousy and enmity, then you must know that one false religion
(adharma) is fighting with another. Religion never fights with another religion. A person who calls himself religious, and calls
another person religious too but fights with him, then he does not understand what is religion. In Sahaja Yoga, how the
integration happens and awakening of Kundalini takes place, etc. I have already told you all that and will again tell you sometime.
But it is joyful to see that you yourself get this power. When the first power which is in your heart by which the Pran [vital living
force] becomes love and that dharma which is in your stomach becomes manifested in this whole world and the ‘chetna’
[awareness] which is in your head becomes the knowledge of the whole world, at that time you can know that how awakening of
Kundalini takes place by movement of your hand.You know how Kundalini rises by movement of your hand and with your
bandhan [making auras], how this adharma suffocates and dies by boundary lines drawn by you. You can see yourself when a
few arrows are shot by you on this adharma, it leaves its path and goes away and the Kundalini comes to Her straight forward
path. The hidden negativity in this way is totally destroyed and Kundalini rises up in the front and flows on like the Ganges
brought by the king Bhagirath. To bring The Ganges, Bhagirath had done tremendous efforts, and for bringing this Kundalini [into
your awareness] I have also done many many efforts, in My earlier incarnations and also in this life time. Now you see its result
that This Ganges is flowing at your doorsteps. Kundalini will move with your signals and you can give realization to people while
going on your way. By your hands, many diseases like cancer are cured and this is true and we must accept this too. How does
this happen? The reason is that you have become the weapons of the All Pervading Power of Divine Love of God Almighty. He is
using you. The same power is flowing within you and you are doing the work of the same power. Now where is the question of
fighting arise? Does this hand of Mine fights with My other hand? The day this fight begins then we will say that this hand has
separated with the other one. They are not our hands at all. In the same way when we achieve this All Pervading Power within us
then we become all powerful. Many people have already got it but they were still very few people.I must say that when I read
about Zen… Zen was started in the 6th century in Japan and at that time Viditama had done the work of Kundalini awakening and
about 26 people of them got realization. And now for the last 3 or 4 centuries, nobody has got their realization. So you can
understand, here thousands of people are getting their realization and many have got it. It may not happen to someone but
ultimately it happens. Until now, there is not one, who has persistently come and not got it. Whosoever has come and sat here
and tried to get it, has got it. It is not known so far that anybody has not got it. But one thing is that one should come prepared,
that you will have to hit the Satan with shoes. You have to recognize Satan. You have to expel Satan from your heart. And who is
Satan and who is God is recognized only with these ‘divine vibrations’. If you do not have it with you, then listen to those who
have it and know it. You should listen to those who have tried and tested it. By this, you will be able to recognise who is Satan
and who is God, who is real Guru and who is false. In this world, there are natural flowers and also plastic flowers. But the
distinction is made by your eyes, nose and mouth to distinguish between a plastic and a real flower. But to know the dharma you
only require vibrations. Without it, you will not be able to know whether this person is crafty or false or adharmik or a devil or a
religious one. He is dharmik or an incarnation or is very powerful, you will not know unless and until you have divine vibrations on
your hands. Therefore you must first get this thing and real cool vibrations are coming from your hands. These cool vibrations
come from your hand, like they are coming from a cooler. Apart from this, your thoughts come under your control and you
become thoughtless and when you see your thoughts, then immediately you become thoughtless. No any thought is coming,
whenever you watch your thoughts. Thoughtlessness, it is a reality, it is the truth that is why I do not give you false promise. I
have no false recommendation to make to you. In this, I cannot give you false statement. As long as you are not realized, you will
not become, even if you are My relation in anyway. You may offer Me any amount of money but I cannot give realization. You
might be a well read, intelligent person, you sit at your home, I cannot give you realisation. You may be anybody. I am helpless, I
cannot give you such a false certificate. In this, no falsehood can do. Any kind of falsehood cannot do anything here. This kind of
truth must be in you and you must have your own experience. It should be seen by you and the flow from your hand must awaken
others, then only you are realized. Yes, I will cleanse you by washing and shining. With love, I will cleanse you. I will advise your
Kundalini and do all things but this has to happen to you. To whom it does not happen, they indulge in all sorts of rituals and
tricks. They create false shows but I have nothing to bother about them. You people too do not bother about them and look after
your own welfare and wellbeing and establish your truth. Keep yourself on the path of truth. If there are a few people less or
thousand more, it will make no difference. Now we will go into meditation. Everyone put your hands like this. In the beginning, do
not close your eyes. |
3/31/1975 | | Talk to Sahaja Yogis | India | Mumbai | null | VERIFIED | null | Draft | null | Y | N | N | Talk to Sahaja Yogis | Hindi | 15 | Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai (India), 31-03-1975 [English translation from Hindi] People who had come
earlier to meditate I had told them that the Lord Almighty has three aspects that is why His three powers work in this world. First
one is Mahalakshmi, second is Mahasaraswati and third is Mahakali power. The Makahali Power lives in all jada jeeva [inanimate
life] and all things as pranav which is the vibrations you are feeling that exist only in human and in living hearts. It beats in the
living forms. When this Mahakali shakti lives in inanimate life it feels as electromagnetic waves and in living things it shows up
as vibrations. The world’s existence is because of Mahakali power. When this power goes away from molecule the molecule
gets destroyed. This is the power used in atomic energy and hydrogen bombs. When reversed this energy is very destructive.
Like so srujan [unclear; at 2:30] works. Because this is the witness power. Lord Almighty watches over the world with this energy,
using Adi shakti’s power. When Lord Almighty stops enjoying this creation of His, when world goes astray and world cannot run
anymore then this power goes as tandav in this world and destroys the world. This energy as witness power, in every form as
bhoot matra ( 3:58 ) meaning what has happened, has become, it becomes alive. When it comes up in human beings it comes as
vibrations. It is a part of left sympathetic nervous system. In human heart there is Shri Shiva’s place from where Shri Shiva
witnesses everything. He manages the emotional side of the world. And this is Pranav which comes into the heart and vibrates.
When this energy raises in human beings it is felt as vibrations in the heart. When it is felt in heart it is called 'Anahat' meaning
'without percussion'. Then you can feel the vibrations. The second power of Paramatma - the Lord Almighty - the Saraswati
Power is the Creative Power. The Mahakali Power witnesses the creation like a person watching herself in mirror. Now in the
Virat’s body all the universes are created by the Mahasaraswati Power. Virat = the great God. This is seen in our right
sympathetic nervous system. This works in our human brain called the limbic area. It is also in Virat’s brain where it plans,
becomes aware. It exists in human beings as mental being. When Adi shakti is Trigunatmak [possessing three gunas] then there
is Mahakali Shakti that witnesses and destroys everything if it does not like its creation. The second Shakti/Power is the Hiranya
Garbhini aka. Mahasaraswati Power is in human abdomen ruled by Shri Brahma Dev who is in Swadishthan that is why
Bhavsagar is created in humans and in Virat. In Virat’s Bhavsagar we were all created. It is this energy which creates the 5
elements from which the universe and human body are created. It is also called the Creative Power. The first Shakti is Tamo
Guna: desiring power; second one [Rajo Guna] is activating power aka, creating power; third one is Sattva Guna, called
Mahalakshmi, the power present for evolution of human beings in this world. The third energy works in human beings for
evolution. The beings are unaware of the existence of this power. When human beings were in evolution as monkeys they were
unaware of it. When you have to go beyond human then these three Powers have to unite, these three Gunas have to merge. The
Kundalini leaves the Sahasrara together where the three Powers merge. This Power resides in humans as Kundalini. This Power
also incarnates in the world and helps human ascent. In this energy evolution happened and Mahalaxmi changes incarnations.
Like Mahalakshmi is Shri Gauri who is representation of Kundalini and Mahalakshmi is also resident in humans as Shri Lakshmi
who is Shri Vishnu’s power and She is also Shri Saraswati, Shri Brahman’s power. This same Power also is Shri Durga and Shri
Sita, and when it raises further the same Power is also Shri Radha who is Shri Krishna’s power, and on Agnya Chakra She is Shri
Mary, Shri Christ’s Mother. The same energy is the Trigunatmak when it raises to Sahasrara, where all three Powers unite. That is
why through Sahaja Yoga you go beyond the three Gunas. The pranav flows through you which is Mahakali Power and your
creativity opens up, your collective consciousness opens up. You can raise other people’s Kundalini. With creative power you
become conscious. With Sahaja Yoga all the three Powers integrate and you can feel vibrations, other people’s chakras, catches
and you have evolved. Your evolution has happened when these three Powers unite and people who can go beyond these three
Gunas are Sahaja Yogis. When your Awareness/Chetana, Vibrations and your Evolution/ascent, all integrate, then you become
beyond Gunas/qualities. This is what has been spoken of at various times in the world. Mahalakshmi has incarnated in the world
many a times. This cannot happen by conviction. It has to happen. You have to get your Self Realization. | null | null | null | Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai (India), 31-03-1975 [English translation from Hindi] People who had come
earlier to meditate I had told them that the Lord Almighty has three aspects that is why His three powers work in this world. First
one is Mahalakshmi, second is Mahasaraswati and third is Mahakali power. The Makahali Power lives in all jada jeeva [inanimate
life] and all things as pranav which is the vibrations you are feeling that exist only in human and in living hearts. It beats in the
living forms. When this Mahakali shakti lives in inanimate life it feels as electromagnetic waves and in living things it shows up
as vibrations. The world’s existence is because of Mahakali power. When this power goes away from molecule the molecule
gets destroyed. This is the power used in atomic energy and hydrogen bombs. When reversed this energy is very destructive.
Like so srujan [unclear; at 2:30] works. Because this is the witness power. Lord Almighty watches over the world with this energy,
using Adi shakti’s power. When Lord Almighty stops enjoying this creation of His, when world goes astray and world cannot run
anymore then this power goes as tandav in this world and destroys the world. This energy as witness power, in every form as
bhoot matra ( 3:58 ) meaning what has happened, has become, it becomes alive. When it comes up in human beings it comes as
vibrations. It is a part of left sympathetic nervous system. In human heart there is Shri Shiva’s place from where Shri Shiva
witnesses everything. He manages the emotional side of the world. And this is Pranav which comes into the heart and vibrates.
When this energy raises in human beings it is felt as vibrations in the heart. When it is felt in heart it is called 'Anahat' meaning
'without percussion'. Then you can feel the vibrations. The second power of Paramatma - the Lord Almighty - the Saraswati
Power is the Creative Power. The Mahakali Power witnesses the creation like a person watching herself in mirror. Now in the
Virat’s body all the universes are created by the Mahasaraswati Power. Virat = the great God. This is seen in our right
sympathetic nervous system. This works in our human brain called the limbic area. It is also in Virat’s brain where it plans,
becomes aware. It exists in human beings as mental being. When Adi shakti is Trigunatmak [possessing three gunas] then there
is Mahakali Shakti that witnesses and destroys everything if it does not like its creation. The second Shakti/Power is the Hiranya
Garbhini aka. Mahasaraswati Power is in human abdomen ruled by Shri Brahma Dev who is in Swadishthan that is why
Bhavsagar is created in humans and in Virat. In Virat’s Bhavsagar we were all created. It is this energy which creates the 5
elements from which the universe and human body are created. It is also called the Creative Power. The first Shakti is Tamo
Guna: desiring power; second one [Rajo Guna] is activating power aka, creating power; third one is Sattva Guna, called
Mahalakshmi, the power present for evolution of human beings in this world. The third energy works in human beings for
evolution. The beings are unaware of the existence of this power. When human beings were in evolution as monkeys they were
unaware of it. When you have to go beyond human then these three Powers have to unite, these three Gunas have to merge. The
Kundalini leaves the Sahasrara together where the three Powers merge. This Power resides in humans as Kundalini. This Power
also incarnates in the world and helps human ascent. In this energy evolution happened and Mahalaxmi changes incarnations.
Like Mahalakshmi is Shri Gauri who is representation of Kundalini and Mahalakshmi is also resident in humans as Shri Lakshmi
who is Shri Vishnu’s power and She is also Shri Saraswati, Shri Brahman’s power. This same Power also is Shri Durga and Shri
Sita, and when it raises further the same Power is also Shri Radha who is Shri Krishna’s power, and on Agnya Chakra She is Shri
Mary, Shri Christ’s Mother. The same energy is the Trigunatmak when it raises to Sahasrara, where all three Powers unite. That is
why through Sahaja Yoga you go beyond the three Gunas. The pranav flows through you which is Mahakali Power and your
creativity opens up, your collective consciousness opens up. You can raise other people’s Kundalini. With creative power you
become conscious. With Sahaja Yoga all the three Powers integrate and you can feel vibrations, other people’s chakras, catches
and you have evolved. Your evolution has happened when these three Powers unite and people who can go beyond these three
Gunas are Sahaja Yogis. When your Awareness/Chetana, Vibrations and your Evolution/ascent, all integrate, then you become
beyond Gunas/qualities. This is what has been spoken of at various times in the world. Mahalakshmi has incarnated in the world
many a times. This cannot happen by conviction. It has to happen. You have to get your Self Realization. |
5/5/1975 | | Letter on Mithya | Country Unknown | City Unknown | null | null | null | null | Draft | N | N | N | Letter / Poem | Marathi | 0 | Letter on Mithya (Translation of Her Holiness Mataji's letter in Marathi sent on the occasion of Sahasrarday celebrations on
5.5.1975.), 5 May 75. My dear Damle,Many blessings, Received your letter It is a very good sign to feel a pull on Sahasrar,
because only through Sahasrar endless rays are poured in man's heart and new doors of inner being are opened. But before this
grace descends in, there should be a pull in Sahasrar. We understand the pull of heart which is also silent, but fop-sided, that is
emotional. But pull of Sahasrar becomes all-round. There, man is in integrated state, in that Dharma (righteousness) and
awareness implore for chaitanya (Divine Consciousness) that is God's love. This happens spontaneously. Although it is the skill
of your Kundalini, your personality should strengthen the Kundalini You earned that quality in previous lives and hence this life is
great that gems of persons are available for my work. If you understand that although my physical being is here I am all over, it
should also be realized that even this body is an unreal (Mithya) appearance. It is difficult to come to this stage but if gradually
unreal is discerned, the truth will be established effortlessly and waves of great bliss will envelop your being. I am explaining, in
this letter, what is unreal (Mithya). It should be read out to all and assimilated by all. Unreal starts soon after the birth in this
world. Your name, village, country, horoscope, forecasts, many such things get attached to you or others attach them to you.
Once Brahmarandhra is closed, many types of illusory ideas become a part of your mind. False thoughts like 'it is mine or they
are mine,' identify with outside objects ! Besides, man-made bindings such as "My body should be healthy and beautiful" are
inculcated. Then unreal relationships like, 'he is my father, he is my brother, she is my mother', are on your head. As ego
develops, foolish ideas, such as, 'I am rich, I am poor, I am helpless, or I belong to high family etc. come in your head. Many
officials and and politicians become egoists (Donkeys). Then, there are anger, hatred forbearance, separation, sorrow,
attachment under the cover of love and temptations in the guise of social status. Man with great affection keeps clinging to this
unreal way of life. If you think of getting rid of all these, and make efforts, what you get is illusory knowledge, because the
attention (Chitta) moves along Pingala Channel, and then you are involved in Siddhis (Powers) and other temptations. A vision of
Kundalini and Chakras is also illusory because there is no gain from it, on the contrary it is harmful. Whatever self-controls and
mortifications you insist on practicing effectively, all of them add to the limitations on your Chitta (attention). As such there is no
way for liberation. But all unreal does not fall off with the Self-Realization. It can be broken off gradually. If, with firm conviction,
you deny from Your heart all that is unreal (Mithya), you will have the realization of the Self (Atman) in its pure form. Thereafter it
is established within you. Albeit, the same mortal human Chitta is drenched in that which is of the nature of love, truth, having no
beginning and end, verify the Shiva. Human Chitta is meant for realizing that reality. This Chitta must become one with that
Atman. Only that Chitta, which progresses renouncing all unreal (Mithya), breaks all known and unknown bindings and becomes
verify the Self. Atma is never disturbed or destroyed. Only human attention (Chitta), in pursuit of desires, leaves its inner path.
This is Maya (the illusion). She has been intentionally created. Without her the attention (Chitta) would not have developed. You
should not be afraid of Maya and should recognize her so that She will illuminate your path. Cloud hides the sun as also makes it
seen. In the same way once the Maya is identified she moves aside and the sun is seen. The sun is always there but what is the
purpose of cloud ? Because of cloud you have an urge to see the sun which shines for a moment and again hides somewhere. It
gives strength and courage to your sight to see the sun. Man has been created with such great efforts Only one step on his feet
and all is successful. But, still it is not becoming possible. Hence, I have come as your Mother. Write your problems to me in
letters. Sit down in meditation. It is best to discuss only Sahaja Yoga even amongst each other. Attention (Chitta) should always
be kept going deeper and deeper within. Forget outside as much as possible. Have confidence that everything about it is taken
care of. There are many instances to prove it. Then, in whatever you do, your Chitta (attention) remains in oneness with the Self.
All bindings of sin (Pap) and merit (Punya) are snapped. Distinctions like worldly and non worldly vanish, because that wicked
darkness, which has created all the discriminations, ends. Everything becomes auspicious in the light of true knowledge, whether
it is the destruction done by Shri Krishna or the Cross of Shri Jesus. All this will not be understood by explaining. Just showing
the path will not help. The path will be known only after walking on it. When I get your letters I fix the targets. After some time
even that will not be necessary. But, for the present all should write their own experiences and progress. When I come, we will
see how many of Virata's channels (Nadis) you have awakened. It appears, this work will come up in the case of holy land of
India, and when fully developed, it will spread in all countries and directions. When Sahasrar day was celebrated in London today,
I invited only about 20-25 people and decided further course of action. Many blessings and infinite love to all. Ever yours Your
Mother Nirmala | null | null | null | Letter on Mithya (Translation of Her Holiness Mataji's letter in Marathi sent on the occasion of Sahasrarday celebrations on
5.5.1975.), 5 May 75. My dear Damle,Many blessings, Received your letter It is a very good sign to feel a pull on Sahasrar,
because only through Sahasrar endless rays are poured in man's heart and new doors of inner being are opened. But before this
grace descends in, there should be a pull in Sahasrar. We understand the pull of heart which is also silent, but fop-sided, that is
emotional. But pull of Sahasrar becomes all-round. There, man is in integrated state, in that Dharma (righteousness) and
awareness implore for chaitanya (Divine Consciousness) that is God's love. This happens spontaneously. Although it is the skill
of your Kundalini, your personality should strengthen the Kundalini You earned that quality in previous lives and hence this life is
great that gems of persons are available for my work. If you understand that although my physical being is here I am all over, it
should also be realized that even this body is an unreal (Mithya) appearance. It is difficult to come to this stage but if gradually
unreal is discerned, the truth will be established effortlessly and waves of great bliss will envelop your being. I am explaining, in
this letter, what is unreal (Mithya). It should be read out to all and assimilated by all. Unreal starts soon after the birth in this
world. Your name, village, country, horoscope, forecasts, many such things get attached to you or others attach them to you.
Once Brahmarandhra is closed, many types of illusory ideas become a part of your mind. False thoughts like 'it is mine or they
are mine,' identify with outside objects ! Besides, man-made bindings such as "My body should be healthy and beautiful" are
inculcated. Then unreal relationships like, 'he is my father, he is my brother, she is my mother', are on your head. As ego
develops, foolish ideas, such as, 'I am rich, I am poor, I am helpless, or I belong to high family etc. come in your head. Many
officials and and politicians become egoists (Donkeys). Then, there are anger, hatred forbearance, separation, sorrow,
attachment under the cover of love and temptations in the guise of social status. Man with great affection keeps clinging to this
unreal way of life. If you think of getting rid of all these, and make efforts, what you get is illusory knowledge, because the
attention (Chitta) moves along Pingala Channel, and then you are involved in Siddhis (Powers) and other temptations. A vision of
Kundalini and Chakras is also illusory because there is no gain from it, on the contrary it is harmful. Whatever self-controls and
mortifications you insist on practicing effectively, all of them add to the limitations on your Chitta (attention). As such there is no
way for liberation. But all unreal does not fall off with the Self-Realization. It can be broken off gradually. If, with firm conviction,
you deny from Your heart all that is unreal (Mithya), you will have the realization of the Self (Atman) in its pure form. Thereafter it
is established within you. Albeit, the same mortal human Chitta is drenched in that which is of the nature of love, truth, having no
beginning and end, verify the Shiva. Human Chitta is meant for realizing that reality. This Chitta must become one with that
Atman. Only that Chitta, which progresses renouncing all unreal (Mithya), breaks all known and unknown bindings and becomes
verify the Self. Atma is never disturbed or destroyed. Only human attention (Chitta), in pursuit of desires, leaves its inner path.
This is Maya (the illusion). She has been intentionally created. Without her the attention (Chitta) would not have developed. You
should not be afraid of Maya and should recognize her so that She will illuminate your path. Cloud hides the sun as also makes it
seen. In the same way once the Maya is identified she moves aside and the sun is seen. The sun is always there but what is the
purpose of cloud ? Because of cloud you have an urge to see the sun which shines for a moment and again hides somewhere. It
gives strength and courage to your sight to see the sun. Man has been created with such great efforts Only one step on his feet
and all is successful. But, still it is not becoming possible. Hence, I have come as your Mother. Write your problems to me in
letters. Sit down in meditation. It is best to discuss only Sahaja Yoga even amongst each other. Attention (Chitta) should always
be kept going deeper and deeper within. Forget outside as much as possible. Have confidence that everything about it is taken
care of. There are many instances to prove it. Then, in whatever you do, your Chitta (attention) remains in oneness with the Self.
All bindings of sin (Pap) and merit (Punya) are snapped. Distinctions like worldly and non worldly vanish, because that wicked
darkness, which has created all the discriminations, ends. Everything becomes auspicious in the light of true knowledge, whether
it is the destruction done by Shri Krishna or the Cross of Shri Jesus. All this will not be understood by explaining. Just showing
the path will not help. The path will be known only after walking on it. When I get your letters I fix the targets. After some time
even that will not be necessary. But, for the present all should write their own experiences and progress. When I come, we will
see how many of Virata's channels (Nadis) you have awakened. It appears, this work will come up in the case of holy land of
India, and when fully developed, it will spread in all countries and directions. When Sahasrar day was celebrated in London today,
I invited only about 20-25 people and decided further course of action. Many blessings and infinite love to all. Ever yours Your
Mother Nirmala |
8/26/1975 | | Letter from London (THE LIFE ETERNAL, 1980 ISSUE, PAGES 17-18) | England | London | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Letter / Poem | English | 0 | Letter My dear Doctor Raul, I have already written to you one letter. In this, I will explain to you, why you do not get
electro-magnetic vibrations in the machine. The explanation is more to make the scientist understand. Chaitanya is the
integrated force of your physical, mental, emotional and religious (sustenance) selves. Science is the analysis of that synthesis.
If we have to record the electro-magnetic vibrations of any matter, we have to reduce it or analyse it in such a manner that
electro-magnetic vibrations are liberated from the bondage of synthesis. A human body has electro-magnetic vibrations but they
cannot be recorded because they are synthesised in a living body. But by any method if you can liberate or separate the
electromagnetic vibrations from a human being, you can record them Where we can find a machine that couId record
synthesized living vibrations of Chaitanya and even a machine that could record the aesthetics of Matters? Science can only
record the dry side of Matter. Till the human stage for working of the sympathetic nervous system expresses the synthesis of
our three Dimensions but the fourth one (Religion) though existent is not understood or felt within. Religion sustains the human
being. lt acts through Nabhi Chakra. Everything in the creation has sustenance (Dharma). Therefore, human beings have to know
law of Dharma. The Ten Commandments in the Bible, is the description of the human Dharma, in a nutshell. But Indian
Philosophy has dealt with it in much more details and clarity. The opposite of Dharma is sin. The greatest sin is to sin against
your mother (sex perversions). In all the Scientifically advanced countries this sin has been capturing the minds of human beings
in the holy name of liberation of sex. In the underdeveloped countries the sin that has prospered is the sin against God
(Almighty). That is to say, to forget that there is God who is our father who is looking after us and we should not worry about our
well being. The developed countries started their fall by committing the second sin to begin with. They worked on their Sun line
to improve their condition but they got completely exhausted . Now they have reached a state that they have no interest in
money. But now they have fallen on to the other side of their being (Ida Nadi or Chandra Nadi) by which they are in a terrible
mess. The confusion of Ganesha with Mooladhara (Mother’s Abode) has reached its climax. These people if they do not take the
Sahaja Yoga will be following the line of Rakshasas. Therefore with all the advancement there is no sanity in their lives;
contentment has no existence in their hearts. If Indians of the Great Yoga Bhumi could understand its heritage and give up the
nonsense of money hankerings by cheating and cutthroat foxy methods, they can short-circuit their progress to Divinity.
Otherwise, gradually they are going to lose their Dharma, the part which others have already lost. The reason why I have written
so much about Dharma is to explain why the human being, who is the synthesis of the most evolved physical (electromagnetic
vibrations), mental, emotional being must have the fourth being of Dharma established through Temperance and Piety. He
receives the Blessings of the Mother through Chaitanya. Chaitanya (Pranva), which is the power of Adi Shakti. It is the force
which is the integrated completely synthesized one power which vibrates. So, it is impossible to record them on the machine.
The existence and working of Chaitanya Lahiri can be only verified by the curing of people through working of parasympathetic
nervous system which is expressed as awareness and is felt through central nervous system. The integration is like the
assembling of lamp, wick and the oil. The Sahaja Yoga is the igniter that enlightens the lamp. This light is felt through central
nervous system. The Sahaja Yogis reach a state of higher synthesis when all four human selves synthesise or integrate through
the fifth force which is the source of all the four. Thus, he becomes the recording machine of the parasympathetic and the
sympathetic nervous system. Instead of a dead machine, a living machine is created which records, corrects the problems and
fulfills the patient with medicines, the source of all the medicines the greatest i.e., Divine Love. For the psychologist there is a
great discovery of the universal unconscious made so easy. They are still plodding to create the stage for Sahaja Yogis but the
people who made the stage never stop on to it. Therefore, I have not got much hopes about them. Their thinking has definitely
exposed to the human understanding the existence of universal unconscious. You, Sahaja Yogis, have already entered the realm
of universal unconscious. But how can the psychologists who have built the stage can step on to it because the stage builders
can never get on to the stage. In the same way scientists have created a stage which they cannot enter. They just say that further
than this we cannot explain or understand. For example, in the human beings the mode of action of Acetylcholine and Adrenaline
cannot be explained. A Sahaja Yogi can explain because he knows the know-how of Kundalini. You know from factual experience
that the deities are looking after it and managing the show. Please convey my blessings to all the Sahaja Yogis, all my blessings
and all my love to all of you. Yours forever Your Mother NIRMALA | null | null | null | Letter My dear Doctor Raul, I have already written to you one letter. In this, I will explain to you, why you do not get
electro-magnetic vibrations in the machine. The explanation is more to make the scientist understand. Chaitanya is the
integrated force of your physical, mental, emotional and religious (sustenance) selves. Science is the analysis of that synthesis.
If we have to record the electro-magnetic vibrations of any matter, we have to reduce it or analyse it in such a manner that
electro-magnetic vibrations are liberated from the bondage of synthesis. A human body has electro-magnetic vibrations but they
cannot be recorded because they are synthesised in a living body. But by any method if you can liberate or separate the
electromagnetic vibrations from a human being, you can record them Where we can find a machine that couId record
synthesized living vibrations of Chaitanya and even a machine that could record the aesthetics of Matters? Science can only
record the dry side of Matter. Till the human stage for working of the sympathetic nervous system expresses the synthesis of
our three Dimensions but the fourth one (Religion) though existent is not understood or felt within. Religion sustains the human
being. lt acts through Nabhi Chakra. Everything in the creation has sustenance (Dharma). Therefore, human beings have to know
law of Dharma. The Ten Commandments in the Bible, is the description of the human Dharma, in a nutshell. But Indian
Philosophy has dealt with it in much more details and clarity. The opposite of Dharma is sin. The greatest sin is to sin against
your mother (sex perversions). In all the Scientifically advanced countries this sin has been capturing the minds of human beings
in the holy name of liberation of sex. In the underdeveloped countries the sin that has prospered is the sin against God
(Almighty). That is to say, to forget that there is God who is our father who is looking after us and we should not worry about our
well being. The developed countries started their fall by committing the second sin to begin with. They worked on their Sun line
to improve their condition but they got completely exhausted . Now they have reached a state that they have no interest in
money. But now they have fallen on to the other side of their being (Ida Nadi or Chandra Nadi) by which they are in a terrible
mess. The confusion of Ganesha with Mooladhara (Mother’s Abode) has reached its climax. These people if they do not take the
Sahaja Yoga will be following the line of Rakshasas. Therefore with all the advancement there is no sanity in their lives;
contentment has no existence in their hearts. If Indians of the Great Yoga Bhumi could understand its heritage and give up the
nonsense of money hankerings by cheating and cutthroat foxy methods, they can short-circuit their progress to Divinity.
Otherwise, gradually they are going to lose their Dharma, the part which others have already lost. The reason why I have written
so much about Dharma is to explain why the human being, who is the synthesis of the most evolved physical (electromagnetic
vibrations), mental, emotional being must have the fourth being of Dharma established through Temperance and Piety. He
receives the Blessings of the Mother through Chaitanya. Chaitanya (Pranva), which is the power of Adi Shakti. It is the force
which is the integrated completely synthesized one power which vibrates. So, it is impossible to record them on the machine.
The existence and working of Chaitanya Lahiri can be only verified by the curing of people through working of parasympathetic
nervous system which is expressed as awareness and is felt through central nervous system. The integration is like the
assembling of lamp, wick and the oil. The Sahaja Yoga is the igniter that enlightens the lamp. This light is felt through central
nervous system. The Sahaja Yogis reach a state of higher synthesis when all four human selves synthesise or integrate through
the fifth force which is the source of all the four. Thus, he becomes the recording machine of the parasympathetic and the
sympathetic nervous system. Instead of a dead machine, a living machine is created which records, corrects the problems and
fulfills the patient with medicines, the source of all the medicines the greatest i.e., Divine Love. For the psychologist there is a
great discovery of the universal unconscious made so easy. They are still plodding to create the stage for Sahaja Yogis but the
people who made the stage never stop on to it. Therefore, I have not got much hopes about them. Their thinking has definitely
exposed to the human understanding the existence of universal unconscious. You, Sahaja Yogis, have already entered the realm
of universal unconscious. But how can the psychologists who have built the stage can step on to it because the stage builders
can never get on to the stage. In the same way scientists have created a stage which they cannot enter. They just say that further
than this we cannot explain or understand. For example, in the human beings the mode of action of Acetylcholine and Adrenaline
cannot be explained. A Sahaja Yogi can explain because he knows the know-how of Kundalini. You know from factual experience
that the deities are looking after it and managing the show. Please convey my blessings to all the Sahaja Yogis, all my blessings
and all my love to all of you. Yours forever Your Mother NIRMALA |
11/8/1975 | | Letter, 8th November | England | London | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Letter / Poem | English | 0 | Letter, 8th November We celebrated Diwali with 'Yagnya' of Vishnu’s 1000 names. I have done it first time in all my lives. I was
very good at Sanskrit difficult words, to my great surprise. This will do lot of good to this country and the world at large. It will
expedite the evolutionary process by blasting many age old adharmas of Western life. I wish I could meet your mother. You may
write to her that the source of joy is from within and not from without. No one can give you that, so why worry about your
surroundings? If you awaken and arise, you may illumine the darkness around you and give others the joy of your Being. | null | null | null | Letter, 8th November We celebrated Diwali with 'Yagnya' of Vishnu’s 1000 names. I have done it first time in all my lives. I was
very good at Sanskrit difficult words, to my great surprise. This will do lot of good to this country and the world at large. It will
expedite the evolutionary process by blasting many age old adharmas of Western life. I wish I could meet your mother. You may
write to her that the source of joy is from within and not from without. No one can give you that, so why worry about your
surroundings? If you awaken and arise, you may illumine the darkness around you and give others the joy of your Being. |
12/21/1975 | | Talk to Sahaja Yogis: Sahaja Yogi need to be prepared. They are like roses | India | Mumbai | null | null | Reviewed | null | Draft | Y | N | N | Talk to Sahaja Yogis | Marathi | 29 | Talk to Sahaja Yogis [Marathi to English Translation] What madness is going on? Talk of crying, I feel like laughing. You are
whining, what foolishness. Why behaving like a fool? I don't know how to explain it. Be like small kids. In front sun is there, but
still not able to see. Then what should I Say? If a blind person is there then we can understand, he can't see, he doesn't
understand. But if everything is clear like sun, and in front of the door of joy, if one can't enjoy then what's wrong with you.
Everything is going above your head. It’s all old beliefs. Leave them. Once you leave them then you will find your own thing.
Whatever is bothering us, let it go, leave all old one, leave all the moment behind. It only has to get into it. I am there to help you
to achieve that. But don't sit on my head. If few will stay behind, it's ok Everything will be alright. It's only Divine play. It's not that
hard, what you have to do. Don't argue, No arguments among Sahaja yogis. If your Agnya catching, it's catching. If Heart is
catching, it's catching. So why there is an argument and feel bad about it? To clear the blockages then better clean them. Now if
cancer is there, and doctor will tell that it is there, then would you go and hit the doctor? If the problem is there then you will say,
"Clear it!" Same way if Agnya is catching, you will say, "Mother it is not possible." If it is there, then clean that. Sahasrara has
some blockages then clear them. Whatever is bad, it has to go out. This simple thing, you don't understand? Why there is an
argument or talk about it? If by just talking and listening if you clear Agnya or by doing arguments then clear it. It will not happen
only with talk. It's a matter of Love. Through Love it's possible. You have got realization. Have you got your realization by
Arguments? Or have you got your realization through your books or education? How did you get your realization? One miracle
happened and quickly you got realization. Saint Gaganghad was saying, "Mataji how it happened, you came and everyone's
Kundalini raised?" I don't understand. He did not give realization to anyone and thousand people are ready to give their life for
him. He asked me, "How many are ready to sacrifice their lives for you?" I told him, "I am ready to sacrifice life for them, why
would they sacrifice life for me?" He said, "What is the use?" I said, "What the use is for you they are ready to sacrifice their lives?
And how many are ready to get their realization? I have people who are ready to take realization. " He said, "That's your giving."
"Yes, that's fine, but I have realized people. Show me if you have at least one who is realized." So many are going to him at his
feet. "Have you given realization to at least one person?" "Mother, I will do it, when you will do it." "After 12 years, you have still
not done anything for these people. I am Mother, now please have mercy on you and be quick." In 1977 in Mumbai I wanted to do
a big program, thinking of doing Sahaja Yoga international conference. "Sahaja Yogi need to be prepared. They are like roses",
that's what I am thinking. You are my representative. Don't just think about small or stay in your comfort. I have decided to reach
out to America. And still, you are thinking about here. If that is not possible for you, but see what is possible for others. Just see
for yourself, where you were and where have you reached. Now if you take the water of River Ganges with paper, then how would
you take it? For that you need a pot. If you are not ready to take that then what I should do? That is your problem, don't blame
Sahaja Yoga. Once you have pot then you can take water from River Ganges. With a paper boat you can't achieve anything in
Sahaja Yoga. Here great people (saintly people) will come. Now I have to tell you the good news that in London nearly 200
children are realized. One boy of 12 years of age, it's very hard to find a boy like him. One boy of 8 years of age, a very amazing
boy! Very talented boy, he came to my feet, did not know how to stand. He was a Roman in a previous life. I asked him, "What is
Mataji?" He said, "That is Holiest of Holiest name. It is all above all the names." He was only 8 years of age. When I was coming
down, He was saying everyone with anger that, "She is coming down, there is no red carpet for her." And then he brought one red
carpet from home. Then he sat down. He has drawn some maps of all countries by his hand. Very smart boy. He said, "Mother,
bless all these people." Then he drew some strange drawing, then said this is the mind of human beings. Then he showed the
place of ghosts. Drew different things. He said to bless them and, "Close this door. Many are influenced by them, are here. Close
this door." Felt like I have heard this, have different experiences. You will be surprised. If you listen to his experience then you will
say, "Mother, great people, they are." Very strong people are coming. They played Indian classical music, they were dancing.
Then I asked, "How do you understand this music?" Then they were telling me, "This is the music of heaven!" Recently one
disciple came, you met him. He was very knowledgeable. You listened to his talk. He sent one letter. When did he meet me? He
might have met me 8 to 10 days. Now see him, he Became a big officer in United Nations in Nepal. He became a big man, very
educated and knowledgeable. But he knows that is not that important. Have so many experiences. See the children. Don't say
anything. About Kundalini, they do it by themselves. One boy of eight years of age, with his toy gun he tried to kill the negativity,
tried to threaten them and started applying Sindur [red powder used for Bindi] on his face. Two to four people were there to talk
nonsense and for show off, he put them right. Some others also came to become over smart, he put them also right: with his two
feet he started to noise. There is big good news that they know about Kundalini. One boy was there and the other boy was sitting
in front of him, His Vishuddhi was little blocked, he wore his shoes. I told him, "Keep him there." He slapped for some time on his
back to clear his Vishuddhi. There is no need to tell them anything, what kundalini is and what not. There are no arguments, no
need to talk. One old person came and asked, "What and how it happened that small boy went down, brought 2 to 4 lemons, and
started hitting with that till it gets cleared?" I saw his work was going on. He was not quiet for one minute. Everyone was
meditating and he was moving around in dark, and trying to touch their Kundalini, pulling some one's ears, nose. He was trying to
cleanse them. These children will not listen [that means they are realized children]. Their parents are wrong, they are committing
mistakes, but these kids are doing right things. One boy of 12 years of age said, "Mother, they are Jews, they are Christians,
means those who were Followers of Christ, Jews opposed them. We are as Christians, they are like Jews, and they did the
opposition. They can never recognize you, they can't recognize you." Then I said, "Do you recognize me?" "Yes, we can." "Then
who are you?" Then close their hands and trying to find out, very thoughtless, closed eyes in meditation and did not say anything.
Like this there were 200 children. Children will be spoiled as we [parents] are not complete [not responsible], we are still halfway.
In Hindustan there are more talented kids, they are very strong to correct their parents. Foreign parents teaching kids wrong
things [dirty talks] create bad feelings in their hearts. After listening every time kids also are spoiled. In India it's very different,
they go against parents if they are doing something wrong. Children are getting prepared. In ten years they will be ready. Those
kinds of kids will take their birth. Even you have kids in your house when they will grow, and they will stand with their power. You
don't have to teach them Sahaja Yoga, they are old Yogis, they are ours. But still, I will say that Mumbai Yogis are like stone.
Sahaj Yoga is accepted and practised by the Mumbai people. Keep in mind. So please don't become unstable. There is no need
to have fear. And don't get attracted by the false impression of wrong people. Keep your self-respect and self-impression. More
people have come to get a cure. No need to take an impression [false praise] from them. Make your personality. These kinds of
people are very strong. No need to listen to anyone wrong things. Keep in mind. We are one. Children of one mother. Don't Think
negative, it's against Sahaja Yoga. Even though if you think that something went wrong with you don't think bad, otherwise I feel
really bad in my heart. That you understand. I have given a place in my heart and put all you on top. If you do something wrong
then it's not that you are against me that means you go against God. So I will not support those kinds of things [Shri Mataji
showed her anger in those words]. Don't have a misunderstanding among each other or have jealousy. No sin is bigger than this
one. That's a big sin. Other mistakes are forgiven. Do you remember, there were 12 people were not getting realization! Then I
just told about this thing, and on one fight I gave them realization. That means if you act very smart then most of them will go
back. But I will not forgive if you make people fight with each other, and with one topic you feel very great. (Mother is angry here.)
I will not forgive you! You have to think about what you have sacrificed. I have a habit of a son, Christ, has resurrected, He
resurrected for you all. What sacrifice you have done or what did you lose, even financially? You all have been blessed with
health, house. You can see all these benefits. Now if you want to see the benefits in the future, then keep talking of foolishness
aside and go deeper. Some are very wise and they have achieved peace. Very peaceful! If I say name then you will think, "Shri
Mataji's is giving importance to this person or that person." I know that. I don't keep anybody near to me. I am detached. But you
have to keep me close to you. Now you have to learn to love me. This you have to think about it, God is going to be pleased with
you. You will be blessed with the showering of vibrations. What I can do if you don't understand me? God will not like it. If you
don't have a love for me, you will not receive Joy that is the thing. No matter how much I say, but Joy only flows once you
develop unconditional love for me, that is simple understanding [Tasa Tyacha Hisobe ahe]. God has sent me to you all. By
putting your attention anywhere you will not get anything. That’s if the fact, that’s the truth. Well if you have given love then He
will give you everything. Now what can I do? I said, "It's ok. They are small children." He said, "No, it's not accepted." Now I am
telling you that my position is very different in a way that I am stepping to your door, and begging for love. Because God is not
listening. I am telling you the truth. He is like that [Shri Mataji is telling about God]. It says but the truth is truth, and that is only
working out, nothing happens with imaginary things or thinking. If you have thought this is not like this, or not like that, whatever
is there, it’s there. Whatever is going to happen, it will happen. That you all have learned in Sahaja Yoga. Now how we can
increase the Yogis' number, that is the question. In Sahaja, Yoga people progress slowly. The reason is they are looking at you.
They might be thinking, "God saves us. We don't want to practice Sahaj." Sahaja will expand after looking at you people. So many
times people said that, "We will establish an organization [Institution]." This type of Sahaja Yogi, that kind of Sahaja Yogi, I told,
"Don't do that, they will be stuck like glue. Don't want to do that way." They were asking why. I said, "Today he is MA and
tomorrow he will behave like a donkey, today he is in the sky and tomorrow in hell. You can't give anyone a degree. If you give a
degree then it will be problematic." Now I have come, tell me what you have thought, or think at home, going for one month.
There are 2 to 3 days of the program. And let me see what you will do. Sit in meditation for 3 days? Check in your meditation who
will do in giving Sahaj program, who will be useful, put attention on them whom you know. Your attention has great power. That
attention you use it, put attention on them, and apply Bandhan, give Bandhan after going home today. God will bless you. Don't
get identified by other people, "This person lives here" or "Something wrong happened to this person." "What I can do for Sahaja
Yoga, that person has to come, that one has to come, other has to come", put attention. Power is sitting in your attention. If you
apply that attention to a wrong thing then it will be useless. If you apply in Sahaj Yoga then it will be nourished, "That person I
have cured, another person I have cured sickness." Sit and apply attention to them. Now don't talk to me other than Sahaja yoga.
I am not ready to hear anything else than Sahaja Yoga. Not it's enough. "My wife has run away. My husband has run away. My
child is not doing well", I am not going to listen from Sahaja Yogis. If anyone wants to talk like this then better quit Sahaja Yoga.
For those if you want to feel Joy they can come here, to receive the love they can come here. Those who want to get all
happiness can come here. God who has kept all His grace [Sampada], if you want, then come here. Now you all are leaders. You
are a leader of this power which is going to come. Your name will be gone in History. For this great work if you are not interested,
then don't come. I am telling you the first time, those who want to receive and stand up then come individually, don't come from
any kind of group. Now one drop becomes an ocean. If you don't come that way then you will carry everyone's dirt or problems.
In that there is no discussion, talk. I will not talk other than Sahaja Yoga. That you decide. You all are very much in a big group. I
did not get so many people in any lifetime. As you are in a big number, with your help Boat will be sailed. So I have a request, if I
have loved you, then there should be no mistake in time to sow the fruit. Maturity has to come. To become big-hearted, don’t act
like a child, keep quiet if someone talks childish, don't listen to them. Talk like elderly people. they become fruit. You keep the
peace, stay calm, and enjoy. Break all conditionings. Within you live blood will flow with joy and happiness. (Now Shri Mataji is
giving them experience of self-realization.) Today I have to say something new. Is any new person come today, keep both hands
up. New people can sit in the front. Remaining can sit in back, children can sit separately. Don't talk while doing meditation, don't
laugh, sit quiet, and don't laugh. Keep hands like this. Now in England, so many children have increased. You have to progress.
You all are great people. Slowly progress has to take place. Otherwise, you will face demotion. New people come forward and sit
in the front. Now recite a regular mantra. Mr Damle you take mantra three times. Now you say Mantra for Fire element. Many
people have found out this mantra and it's very effective. Now new people look at me. Look at my Kumkum. | null | null | null | Talk to Sahaja Yogis [Marathi to English Translation] What madness is going on? Talk of crying, I feel like laughing. You are
whining, what foolishness. Why behaving like a fool? I don't know how to explain it. Be like small kids. In front sun is there, but
still not able to see. Then what should I Say? If a blind person is there then we can understand, he can't see, he doesn't
understand. But if everything is clear like sun, and in front of the door of joy, if one can't enjoy then what's wrong with you.
Everything is going above your head. It’s all old beliefs. Leave them. Once you leave them then you will find your own thing.
Whatever is bothering us, let it go, leave all old one, leave all the moment behind. It only has to get into it. I am there to help you
to achieve that. But don't sit on my head. If few will stay behind, it's ok Everything will be alright. It's only Divine play. It's not that
hard, what you have to do. Don't argue, No arguments among Sahaja yogis. If your Agnya catching, it's catching. If Heart is
catching, it's catching. So why there is an argument and feel bad about it? To clear the blockages then better clean them. Now if
cancer is there, and doctor will tell that it is there, then would you go and hit the doctor? If the problem is there then you will say,
"Clear it!" Same way if Agnya is catching, you will say, "Mother it is not possible." If it is there, then clean that. Sahasrara has
some blockages then clear them. Whatever is bad, it has to go out. This simple thing, you don't understand? Why there is an
argument or talk about it? If by just talking and listening if you clear Agnya or by doing arguments then clear it. It will not happen
only with talk. It's a matter of Love. Through Love it's possible. You have got realization. Have you got your realization by
Arguments? Or have you got your realization through your books or education? How did you get your realization? One miracle
happened and quickly you got realization. Saint Gaganghad was saying, "Mataji how it happened, you came and everyone's
Kundalini raised?" I don't understand. He did not give realization to anyone and thousand people are ready to give their life for
him. He asked me, "How many are ready to sacrifice their lives for you?" I told him, "I am ready to sacrifice life for them, why
would they sacrifice life for me?" He said, "What is the use?" I said, "What the use is for you they are ready to sacrifice their lives?
And how many are ready to get their realization? I have people who are ready to take realization. " He said, "That's your giving."
"Yes, that's fine, but I have realized people. Show me if you have at least one who is realized." So many are going to him at his
feet. "Have you given realization to at least one person?" "Mother, I will do it, when you will do it." "After 12 years, you have still
not done anything for these people. I am Mother, now please have mercy on you and be quick." In 1977 in Mumbai I wanted to do
a big program, thinking of doing Sahaja Yoga international conference. "Sahaja Yogi need to be prepared. They are like roses",
that's what I am thinking. You are my representative. Don't just think about small or stay in your comfort. I have decided to reach
out to America. And still, you are thinking about here. If that is not possible for you, but see what is possible for others. Just see
for yourself, where you were and where have you reached. Now if you take the water of River Ganges with paper, then how would
you take it? For that you need a pot. If you are not ready to take that then what I should do? That is your problem, don't blame
Sahaja Yoga. Once you have pot then you can take water from River Ganges. With a paper boat you can't achieve anything in
Sahaja Yoga. Here great people (saintly people) will come. Now I have to tell you the good news that in London nearly 200
children are realized. One boy of 12 years of age, it's very hard to find a boy like him. One boy of 8 years of age, a very amazing
boy! Very talented boy, he came to my feet, did not know how to stand. He was a Roman in a previous life. I asked him, "What is
Mataji?" He said, "That is Holiest of Holiest name. It is all above all the names." He was only 8 years of age. When I was coming
down, He was saying everyone with anger that, "She is coming down, there is no red carpet for her." And then he brought one red
carpet from home. Then he sat down. He has drawn some maps of all countries by his hand. Very smart boy. He said, "Mother,
bless all these people." Then he drew some strange drawing, then said this is the mind of human beings. Then he showed the
place of ghosts. Drew different things. He said to bless them and, "Close this door. Many are influenced by them, are here. Close
this door." Felt like I have heard this, have different experiences. You will be surprised. If you listen to his experience then you will
say, "Mother, great people, they are." Very strong people are coming. They played Indian classical music, they were dancing.
Then I asked, "How do you understand this music?" Then they were telling me, "This is the music of heaven!" Recently one
disciple came, you met him. He was very knowledgeable. You listened to his talk. He sent one letter. When did he meet me? He
might have met me 8 to 10 days. Now see him, he Became a big officer in United Nations in Nepal. He became a big man, very
educated and knowledgeable. But he knows that is not that important. Have so many experiences. See the children. Don't say
anything. About Kundalini, they do it by themselves. One boy of eight years of age, with his toy gun he tried to kill the negativity,
tried to threaten them and started applying Sindur [red powder used for Bindi] on his face. Two to four people were there to talk
nonsense and for show off, he put them right. Some others also came to become over smart, he put them also right: with his two
feet he started to noise. There is big good news that they know about Kundalini. One boy was there and the other boy was sitting
in front of him, His Vishuddhi was little blocked, he wore his shoes. I told him, "Keep him there." He slapped for some time on his
back to clear his Vishuddhi. There is no need to tell them anything, what kundalini is and what not. There are no arguments, no
need to talk. One old person came and asked, "What and how it happened that small boy went down, brought 2 to 4 lemons, and
started hitting with that till it gets cleared?" I saw his work was going on. He was not quiet for one minute. Everyone was
meditating and he was moving around in dark, and trying to touch their Kundalini, pulling some one's ears, nose. He was trying to
cleanse them. These children will not listen [that means they are realized children]. Their parents are wrong, they are committing
mistakes, but these kids are doing right things. One boy of 12 years of age said, "Mother, they are Jews, they are Christians,
means those who were Followers of Christ, Jews opposed them. We are as Christians, they are like Jews, and they did the
opposition. They can never recognize you, they can't recognize you." Then I said, "Do you recognize me?" "Yes, we can." "Then
who are you?" Then close their hands and trying to find out, very thoughtless, closed eyes in meditation and did not say anything.
Like this there were 200 children. Children will be spoiled as we [parents] are not complete [not responsible], we are still halfway.
In Hindustan there are more talented kids, they are very strong to correct their parents. Foreign parents teaching kids wrong
things [dirty talks] create bad feelings in their hearts. After listening every time kids also are spoiled. In India it's very different,
they go against parents if they are doing something wrong. Children are getting prepared. In ten years they will be ready. Those
kinds of kids will take their birth. Even you have kids in your house when they will grow, and they will stand with their power. You
don't have to teach them Sahaja Yoga, they are old Yogis, they are ours. But still, I will say that Mumbai Yogis are like stone.
Sahaj Yoga is accepted and practised by the Mumbai people. Keep in mind. So please don't become unstable. There is no need
to have fear. And don't get attracted by the false impression of wrong people. Keep your self-respect and self-impression. More
people have come to get a cure. No need to take an impression [false praise] from them. Make your personality. These kinds of
people are very strong. No need to listen to anyone wrong things. Keep in mind. We are one. Children of one mother. Don't Think
negative, it's against Sahaja Yoga. Even though if you think that something went wrong with you don't think bad, otherwise I feel
really bad in my heart. That you understand. I have given a place in my heart and put all you on top. If you do something wrong
then it's not that you are against me that means you go against God. So I will not support those kinds of things [Shri Mataji
showed her anger in those words]. Don't have a misunderstanding among each other or have jealousy. No sin is bigger than this
one. That's a big sin. Other mistakes are forgiven. Do you remember, there were 12 people were not getting realization! Then I
just told about this thing, and on one fight I gave them realization. That means if you act very smart then most of them will go
back. But I will not forgive if you make people fight with each other, and with one topic you feel very great. (Mother is angry here.)
I will not forgive you! You have to think about what you have sacrificed. I have a habit of a son, Christ, has resurrected, He
resurrected for you all. What sacrifice you have done or what did you lose, even financially? You all have been blessed with
health, house. You can see all these benefits. Now if you want to see the benefits in the future, then keep talking of foolishness
aside and go deeper. Some are very wise and they have achieved peace. Very peaceful! If I say name then you will think, "Shri
Mataji's is giving importance to this person or that person." I know that. I don't keep anybody near to me. I am detached. But you
have to keep me close to you. Now you have to learn to love me. This you have to think about it, God is going to be pleased with
you. You will be blessed with the showering of vibrations. What I can do if you don't understand me? God will not like it. If you
don't have a love for me, you will not receive Joy that is the thing. No matter how much I say, but Joy only flows once you
develop unconditional love for me, that is simple understanding [Tasa Tyacha Hisobe ahe]. God has sent me to you all. By
putting your attention anywhere you will not get anything. That’s if the fact, that’s the truth. Well if you have given love then He
will give you everything. Now what can I do? I said, "It's ok. They are small children." He said, "No, it's not accepted." Now I am
telling you that my position is very different in a way that I am stepping to your door, and begging for love. Because God is not
listening. I am telling you the truth. He is like that [Shri Mataji is telling about God]. It says but the truth is truth, and that is only
working out, nothing happens with imaginary things or thinking. If you have thought this is not like this, or not like that, whatever
is there, it’s there. Whatever is going to happen, it will happen. That you all have learned in Sahaja Yoga. Now how we can
increase the Yogis' number, that is the question. In Sahaja, Yoga people progress slowly. The reason is they are looking at you.
They might be thinking, "God saves us. We don't want to practice Sahaj." Sahaja will expand after looking at you people. So many
times people said that, "We will establish an organization [Institution]." This type of Sahaja Yogi, that kind of Sahaja Yogi, I told,
"Don't do that, they will be stuck like glue. Don't want to do that way." They were asking why. I said, "Today he is MA and
tomorrow he will behave like a donkey, today he is in the sky and tomorrow in hell. You can't give anyone a degree. If you give a
degree then it will be problematic." Now I have come, tell me what you have thought, or think at home, going for one month.
There are 2 to 3 days of the program. And let me see what you will do. Sit in meditation for 3 days? Check in your meditation who
will do in giving Sahaj program, who will be useful, put attention on them whom you know. Your attention has great power. That
attention you use it, put attention on them, and apply Bandhan, give Bandhan after going home today. God will bless you. Don't
get identified by other people, "This person lives here" or "Something wrong happened to this person." "What I can do for Sahaja
Yoga, that person has to come, that one has to come, other has to come", put attention. Power is sitting in your attention. If you
apply that attention to a wrong thing then it will be useless. If you apply in Sahaj Yoga then it will be nourished, "That person I
have cured, another person I have cured sickness." Sit and apply attention to them. Now don't talk to me other than Sahaja yoga.
I am not ready to hear anything else than Sahaja Yoga. Not it's enough. "My wife has run away. My husband has run away. My
child is not doing well", I am not going to listen from Sahaja Yogis. If anyone wants to talk like this then better quit Sahaja Yoga.
For those if you want to feel Joy they can come here, to receive the love they can come here. Those who want to get all
happiness can come here. God who has kept all His grace [Sampada], if you want, then come here. Now you all are leaders. You
are a leader of this power which is going to come. Your name will be gone in History. For this great work if you are not interested,
then don't come. I am telling you the first time, those who want to receive and stand up then come individually, don't come from
any kind of group. Now one drop becomes an ocean. If you don't come that way then you will carry everyone's dirt or problems.
In that there is no discussion, talk. I will not talk other than Sahaja Yoga. That you decide. You all are very much in a big group. I
did not get so many people in any lifetime. As you are in a big number, with your help Boat will be sailed. So I have a request, if I
have loved you, then there should be no mistake in time to sow the fruit. Maturity has to come. To become big-hearted, don’t act
like a child, keep quiet if someone talks childish, don't listen to them. Talk like elderly people. they become fruit. You keep the
peace, stay calm, and enjoy. Break all conditionings. Within you live blood will flow with joy and happiness. (Now Shri Mataji is
giving them experience of self-realization.) Today I have to say something new. Is any new person come today, keep both hands
up. New people can sit in the front. Remaining can sit in back, children can sit separately. Don't talk while doing meditation, don't
laugh, sit quiet, and don't laugh. Keep hands like this. Now in England, so many children have increased. You have to progress.
You all are great people. Slowly progress has to take place. Otherwise, you will face demotion. New people come forward and sit
in the front. Now recite a regular mantra. Mr Damle you take mantra three times. Now you say Mantra for Fire element. Many
people have found out this mantra and it's very effective. Now new people look at me. Look at my Kumkum. |
12/21/1975 | | Keep the attention on yourself | India | Mumbai | null | Draft | null | Draft | null | Y | N | N | Talk to Sahaja Yogis | Hindi | 54 | Keep the attention on yourself, Bombay (India), 21 December 1975. [English translation from Hindi] The love of Sahaj Yogis is so
overwhelming that I cant find words what to talk… You might be knowing that today in whole world the Sahaj Yogis are heading
towards their evolution. Many Sahaj Yogis have reached a very high state, the source of joy flows in them. Some of them became
subtle and are active in a special way. But in every country I see that they have their own style or conditionings… human being is
everywhere same… and Sahaj Yoga is an innate state of being which has no relation from outside. Still, the ‘Attention’ which is a
form of the nature, which we know as Kundalini… has the tape record of all the countries you have been through, all the births
you have taken, the ways through which you passed and whatever states you have experienced… this is the reason I see that
every country’s human being is little different. Its very surprising that human being catches so strongly to whatever is
‘illusion’….and to catch the truth how much he is arrogant. He is so lethargic…with such difficulty he accepts it… but very badly he
keeps sticking to the untruth. That’s why it is so surprising for me. In the beginning I used to think that human being considers
his name, village, position and all these degrees as important, but it is amazing to see that how deeply it affects. As soon as it all
gets vanished…. As soon as all this illusion gets erased… we make our attention lighter and lighter. In Sahaj Yoga this ‘ attention’
goes and unites with the God. This ‘attention’ gets dissolved in the omnipresent enlightened Param Chaitanya. This same human
attention which we consider as form of nature, this flower which is the part of nature gets dipped in the ocean of Divine love! But
sometimes it is amazing to see that this human attention is so heavy…so scattered… There is only one way to recognize sahaj
yoga is that how much joy you are in, how much peace you are in, and how much love you are into… The people who are living in
illusion cannot get Sahaj Yoga. What can be done through my hard work? Is that I can take your Kundalini on mine and leave you
there but you always drop it… You cannot even enjoy where I take you to. In every country there are different type of problems.
We must first understand what is the problem of our country, because first of all we should know our own problem. And what is
the problem of other country also should be understood. Like, recently in U.K I have started my work, very slowly, I have taken
very few people in my hands. I didn’t want to take many people, I thought first at least to establish twenty five people who should
be established in Sahaj Yoga. You will be surprised to know that those people are very great souls! They have eternal faith in
Sahaj Yoga, they understand that there is no other cure except Sahaj Yoga. After reaching the final stage, Sahaj Yoga is
extremely ‘dynamic’ thing. And if there is any program of Sahaj Yoga, then there is nothing else greater and important for them.
And for hours they will be involved in it…. As if don’t know what is this thing which came from God which is to be given to this
world…. And the truth is that, ‘It Is’!! no doubt about it, but even after knowing this truth , I wont call it their fault but the reason for
their shortcoming is that they did not get birth in Yoga Bhoomi (Land of Yoga) of India. Don’t know why God gave birth to such
great people on that bhoga bhoomi (Land of Materialism) and you people have got birth on this Yoga Bhoomi. That bhoga
bhoomi where they have no culture. They don’t even know if they have to wear sindoor (kumkum) on the forehead or on the nose.
They don’t know the protocols of Puja, they don’t know the protocol of praying…they have no knowledge about God. They don’t
know even how to sit on the ground. They don’t know anything, they don’t even know how to give claps while performing the
‘Aarti’. And such great souls… so innate they are… so loving…they love me so much… such respect they have towards me.. that I
am surprised. Whenever they walk in front of me, in fact they don’t, but whenever they pass they bow and pass with their head
bent down. They love me so much that anything in this whole world has no meaning for them in front of me. They have such
deep feeling for me that they don’t know how should they respect me, in what way. I am surprised that how they have so much
understanding of all this about me. But for themselves they are so much upset, they are behind themselves with a stick. I told
them that, “ you can shoe beat yourself 108 times” but they do it thrice 108 times… wherever they get chance they start shoe
beating themselves. They say that we want to scold ourselves. I did not hear from them anything else about others individually,
no complaints about anyone, nothing, but only about themselves they think and speak, and for other person they say, “ He is such
a nice person that I feel shame on myself in front of him” They don’t look at the other person in wrong way. They just look at
themselves as wrong. You will be really surprised that all the time they are behind themselves with a stick. Here (in India) I see
that all the vision is outside, just opposite. Such dedication they have that when I was coming, there were tears flowing from their
eyes, I tried, but their tears didn’t stop. So much sahaj and simple is their feeling… Till now I could only get around 21 people like
them. But, they are deep, what we call as genuine.. they themselves come and say that we are not genuine…as if somebody is
coming and telling me that I am not genuine. “Mother, I have this fault, I have that mistake and untruthy within me…I am carrying
untruth within me...” they say it with completely opened heart. And they don’t feel shy for it… to call themselves bad they don’t
feel shy… but they don’t judge others. And they also tell me about the reasons why they are like this. They will come and say, “ I
am like this because My Father was like this, this thing happened and so…psychologically it is like this so I am doing like this.”
they tell the reason why they did something wrong, because it happened so at that time, that’s why I am doing like this. One or
two people also come who have lot of badhas (negativities). They work hard and are quiet. They don’t speak anything but say
that, “ please let all the untruth get out of me, may be something is still hiding within me” they are so much deep in silence within.
But they have this problem that they don’t know how to do Puja, how to worship, poor people don’t even understand how to do
it…. I told them that I don’t even send any money to you still how you manage? Once I told them that I like this bread very much.
So every time they came they brought same bread for me. I told them: “Who will eat so many breads?” I just said, but they don’t
understand how to surrender, how to give. They are very well educated and intellectuals, they have read all your scriptures and
literature. So its not difficult to make them understand Sahaj Yoga. They say that, Sahaj Yoga is the process of getting to subtle
from gross state. They have written an introductory book about me. You wont believe it, they brought all the philosophers of the
world and put them on Mother’s feet… They say, “They are nothing… these philosophers raised only questions, but Mother has
answered all questions!!” They praise their fate and say that we are so fortunate to have Mother…One day Sahaj Yoga is going to
reach a very great height and recognition. You are my foundations. Imagine how strong the foundation stones have to be. First
thing bring in your attention “Are we genuine?” look at yourself, not on others… Look at yourself! Am I genuine? Look, they even
don’t know how to pronounce the mantras, they cant even say “Shri Krishna” with lot of difficulty they are able to pronounce
‘Radha Krishna’. For you it is so easy… that you can cleanse your Vishuddhi. You just say ‘Radha Krishna’ and its cured… Now,
they cant pronounce clearly ‘Radha Krishna’, so Shri Krishna gets little angry on it. Their pronunciation is also not all right, but,
with you its easy and you can awaken him easily. They don’t know how to put kumkum. They don’t know what is kumkum for.
They don’t know how to offer flowers, they don’t know how to make Shri Ganesha, they don’t know how to make swastika, every
time they make it reverse. They never knew all these things. But even being so much surrendered and devoted, they are unable to
achieve what you people have achieved. You have received a lot, but its value, still very few have understood deep within. Not
that I have not given them Sahaj, not that I have not given them free of cost… I have given them same as you people have got
from me. But, the Love they have for me is so unlimited. It seems that they have understood my relation with them since many
births but you people have not yet been able to understand it. Why are you so limited to yourself? Being cells of same body, being
part and parcel of same body, still you feel each other as separate and different. And there, no question of teamwork raises, they
solve it among themselves. One boy there started smoking. All of them just got behind him. They made him all right in such a
way that he left smoking. They corrected all his arguments, helped him in every way, as soon as they saw him smoking, they
used to call him, sit with him. Went to their home and took all the packets out where ever they found and hid them. It wasn’t
cigarette smoking, it was something else, what you call it…drug. And they said that if you continue then we will inform in Police.
And, that boy did not feel bad about it, he said that please you do something about it. That boy himself said and used to run to
them and say “ please save me, that desire is approaching me, please save me, anyhow”. So much hard work they are doing to
correct themselves. Here (in India) your society itself is corrected one! You don’t know in what heavenly land you are living in.
there they don’t know about mother or sister… Such a filth and dirty is there… every house there is liquor… drinking… such bad
relations they have... Nothing like family, don’t know about mother, don’t know about father. You ask someone what about your
mother? He will say, “ don’t know, she has married someone else and gone”. Characterless… everyone with damaged
Mooladhara. Even being born in such country they came with Shri Ganesha to me… “ Mother please give us innocence” they
broke the head in front of Shri Ganesha, catching ears…asking for forgiveness... and a bravery in it. They are so much aware of
themselves and also about others. They told about so many miracles and experiences of Sahaj Yoga. You have got one letter
which I sent. It was all of them who found that thing out about me. About me they found out the fact. Still, you people could not
understand it and haven’t seen it, but they could. They understood that yes it is like this, this is it... to say it is Mahamaya but
within us it is truth. They have not achieved what you have. But they have put everything for it, all their efforts, they have
understood that the time of evolution has come and Sat Yuga is standing on the door. They know that if this door wont open
then destruction could not be stopped. And they feel responsible for it, they feel that everyone has to be responsible that we
have to do it. They are responsible for Sahaj Yoga. No one can dare to speak against Sahaj Yoga. They don’t speak against Sahaj
among themselves, but if someone else speaks then they just take him to task and make him understand what it is. If I tell them
that 24 hours you sit without food, they will…!!! But, it does not mean that you people are less than that. Some of you have
achieved the heights and state, its extraordinary. But that feeling of achieving is the problem about self. There is a meaning in
keeping the attention steady. It doesn’t mean that you look here or there. The attention is steady only when all the dirt over it gets
cleansed. When it becomes light. There is a very big curse on our country (India). It’s a very deeply located within us and that I
call as ‘Sin against the Father’. We have committed sin against our Father in heaven. What is it? It is all the time thinking that “we
are poor, we have poverty.. We don’t have money, how will it go like this…what about my stomach... all these beggar like thinking.
How will we pull on with money, what will happen to my children. If you have faith in God then at least leave this to him that he
will give you food, otherwise what is there to have faith in God that even he cannot give you food and look after your needs. This
is very great sin we are doing. If we leave this food and all arrangements on God, then Indians can achieve very great height.
There are two kinds of Sin. One is to doubt on the fatherhood of the father, and second I call as ‘Sin against the Mother’ that is
there in West in which there is immorality, indulgences, materialism, comfort and to get totally free... out of control, this is the
problem there. Both the ways lead you straight to hell. Doing anything for Money, whatever wrong you have to do to make
money... its all right. this is the sin of Indians. I am not talking about government. I am talking about God about the kingdom of
God. When you are in the Kingdom of God then, he will give if he desires or he will not if he doesnt… what’s the problem in at least
having this attitude within? He will do if he will and he will not if he wont… “ As you keep me, I shall be” if a Sahaj yogi just has this
feeling within that “ As you will keep me, I shall live!!!, let me see how you will keep me” you can just enjoy everything. You just
start enjoying it… you say, “ let me see how you will keep me, you will keep me hungry? O.K let me see how many days you will
keep me starving!!!” “As you will let me live, I shall live!!! You make me walk, I will…, make me sit on horse, I will…., you will get into
this bliss and joy….!!!!! You people are lucky to have been born in this great country that rest everything is all right, your parents
are all right, your wife and children are all right, you are moral… most of you. Some of you are... But not so bad… it can be
corrected. There is so much sin, the other one, that everybody’s eyes just keep moving…like this… this… all the time, of every man
and woman… its such a negativity in them. Transmitting the negativity to each other through eyes. One woman goes, she looks
on men, then the men look on women, then other,… it just goes on there like this… I said what is this? they said, ‘ Mother what to
do here everyone gets this negativity in eyes.. what to do?” I said, “keep your eyes to the ground.” How was Shri Lakshmana, he
only used to see the feet of Shri Sita. Keep the eyes low. Gradually all these badhas will go away spontaneously. If you will not do
all this then what will that negativity do living in you? That bhoot which is playing through you and doing all this and using you,
will run away by itself. If you don’t move your eyes here and there then that bhoot will just run away from you. And, till you will
keep moving your eyes, the bhoots will keep sitting there in you. They accepted it… and now when they walk on the street they
walk with eyes like this on the mother earth… low… this is obedience… Mother said and it is accepted and agreed!! These are the
sign of true children. It is for your benevolence, for your wellbeing. You must understand this, that whatever you have got in sahaj
yoga, you have to achieve it in this life itself. I have to achieve it, not the other… I have to… not others, leave of others, don’t worry
about others, look within, how much I have achieved the state till now, how profound and deep I have gone in sahaj yoga? How
am I behaving with myself, why am I acting with myself? Why am I cheating myself? Why am I lying to myself. Why am I torturing
myself? What have I got? Look….. all the treasure is opened for you… just come in…. no matter how you are, just come in, get
inside.. I will give you bath and make you sit cleansed. Then what to think? How deep have we got inside the cool wave of Ganga.
It is just flowing completely… “take whatever you want…take it my child…” how much pitcher we have filled? Our attention is just
scattered and running here and there… the moment you will have look within, you will understand that it is you who has cheated
yourself, no one else. This is a very big gap. It is harmful for sahaj yoga. Not to keep attention toward self is the most harmful
thing in Sahaj Yoga. And this introspection is only in that person’s nature who had been seeking since many lives…. And knows
that because of my mistakes I could not get it till now, so I wont commit mistakes anymore. Its like you are closed in a dark
house and cant see the way to get out of it. The one who has broken his head by striking against the walls in darkness knows
and thinks… No, look towards the door…keep the attention towards the door.. to the way to the door. He doesn’t know anything
else but knows and says… yes, I know, I have got it, the vibrations are flowing from within… My Sahasrara is pierced and I have
known the truth!!! And his face is towards the door… he is catching that door and then if Mother says anything then it is not that “
I don’t believe or I don’t agree..” whatever Mother is saying, every word is truth! And the moment they say this.. all the wisdom
starts flowing through them. Your baithak (sitting) should be perfect. It should be strong. I cant even tell them about baithak.
They don’t even know this word. English language is useless... They don’t have any culture of that sort, no talks like this. So
unfortunate they are… Here you have sages and saints. You people are so fortunate. I took birth in your country. On this Yoga
Bhoomi I was born. But you have to see what you have got, not what others have got or did not get, what others say, where
others are… nothing to do with this. What have you achieved and got. The moment you will get it, you will become surrendered to
God. What are you? you are just a little part within Him, isn’t it? I have told you hundred times that I need 1000 people who can sit
on this Sahasrara. I need 1000 people to sit on horse who never get caught. Is it difficult. Those who are detached… If you are
doing something for Sahaj Yoga, you are doing for yourself. If there is someone who says that I went to the market and
purchased so much gold for myself, so many things and did shopping.. I worked so hard. Whatever you worked hard, whatever
you did, it is for yourself, isn’t it? Not for anyone else. You have seen, that whatever you have done till now, you are enjoying the
benefits of it. There were so many people till now in this world who could achieve. One or two were there in every Yuga (era) you
have met, seen and known, so many people in this world, how many are realized? Very few you will find. And today it is great
naad (sound) of Kali Yuga… There are so many animals today… The animals without tails. But in this Kali Yuga itself, in this dirty
mud a great work has to be accomplished, you know it is happening… in this time, you must take as much as you can. Otherwise
you will be thrown out of this evolutionary process. That time is not far away, I told about it. In 1979. That till 1979 this work has
to be done and by the year 1999 Satya Yuga (the era of truth) will get fully matured. Now it depends on your wisdom, otherwise
Kali Yuga will also flourish because of you only. If you people wont like to work it out then the responsibility of destruction will be
on your head… use your wisdom in such a way, bring your intellect to wisdom and think that ‘ what have I taken from Ganga?
What did I achieved and what have I to yet get?’ you have got so much joy and still you have to get much more. You must keep
remembering that moment of what you have got. And you must tell your mind that “I have to be always in that moment (of
realisation)”. You will get sticked to it. And rest all useless thoughts which are coming, just stop them. It is not prohibited to
anyone of any age. It is not restricted to the person of any colour or complexion, it is not restricted for the person of any state or
caste. But most of the people are cutting their own feet with their own hands. Making groups. I don’t understand what should I
say for all this… how are you separate and different from each other? If I move my finger here, everyone’s Sahasrara gets
activated. If I shake my feet a little… it just can be felt on everyone’s Sahasrara. How are you different and other.. that you keep
talking as separate individuals. Don’t you understand it? You cannot be separate. It is just like you break one hand and take it
away and that hand says that Oh! I am doing such a great job! I am very sad to be united with this body, so I must get away…it is
something about instinct. When the human being desires its own death then he starts doing all this. But, that person who could
understand that you are part and parcel of one ‘collective personality’ On that very moment everything gets solved. You know
that you are…you are aware of it. All sahaj yogis know this. Anyone who comes from England, from America or from India, he will
talk same… that Agnya is catching or heart or anything else… others cannot know about it. They even don’t know this language of
our’s. It’s a new language!! Have you ever thought of it? Immediately you come to know, what is the problem, what is catching…
what is the depth of the person... whatever is happening. The only difference is that because our attention is not on self, so we
cant see what’s problem within us but can see what is problem in other very clearly. It is same like this hand is getting rotten and
the other hand is not bothered about it, then that hand will get senseless and what will this hand get out of it. No one has to fall
down, and also not the other should fall down, but first thing is that you should not fall down. It is working and is activated all the
time all around enveloping… what we call as unconscious! What is called as pranav (divine breath) to what I call as ‘Divine Love’
is all around…for helping you, circling around you. Bhairavnath is sitting here, Hanumanaji is sitting here… there are thousands of
them with you, working hard on you, for you. This experience and Realization which you have got, how many could get it till
today? Tell me… Might have been great sages and great saints, could anyone know so clearly about ‘Collective Consciousness’
how much you people know? No matter how many books you read. And those great sadhus (sages) and saints ask me that, ‘for
what have you given them this, what for?’ It’s a very great thing… I have given you birth on My Sahasrara!! I have not given them
this… I came on them but to you people I gave you place in my heart but have given you birth through My Sahasrara. Such great
state you are in! I have not even given birth to Shri Ganesha like this as I have given to you!! Its something special…with immense
love I have nourished and given to you. Love thyself, when you will love yourself then you will shed away your faults and
weaknesses. As you like this sari… you see there is something wrong…you take it out and make it all right… whatever you love
anything you try to make it all right... to keep it perfectly all right. And whatever you don’t love…you abandon it. I have loved you
so much, how much have you loved yourself? Be loving towards yourself! I am looking forward to that day when this wave will
become synchronized as one thread! Now you people have no doubts on it, because you have felt vibrations. No one is doubtful
about it. Whatever Mother is saying is truth we know because we can feel it through vibrations, so no doubts should be there.
Some of you have reached there to that state. Look at them who have raised to those heights, that level…and head towards that
direction. You will be just pulled up!! Like the fishes are pulled on one single net…same way you will be pulled… but first keep
strangled in that net of Love! You should not come out of the net of Mother’s Love. Don’t use your brains into it… I know how
much intellect and brain you have. Did you know where is Kundalini and all this… you knew nothing, isn’t it? Some of you are even
elder to me are aged than me in age, but I am million years old. How can you be elder than me? You are my son, my child… I wish
that you all should get into this ocean of joy and work it out for whole world. Just a little you need a push, a little effort and the
boat will get across!! It is just moving little left and right, going forward and backward... Still I don’t say that the boat of sahaj has
gone across, you people keep pulling it, pulling it here and some are pulling it there…. The boat has to be brought across to the
shore. But the ‘Groupism’ is not to be done. “This man is not good, that man is not good, he did this, he did that…” No one will tell
me all these complaints. I know each and everyone inside out! I am not going to listen to anyone’s complaints. You just keep
watching where you were and where you have reached and where you have to reach further. That’s all. When you are walking on
your way, do you keep saying all this? You just keep saying: “ when will I reach there, when will I reach there, when will I reach”.
First throw that out which is torturing you within… leave everything behind and move…leave every second behind you…leave every
past moment behind you and stand on this very second... it is the question of getting inside! I am sitting here to push you all
there. But all of you don’t fall on my head… two or four will fall, its all right… What argument can be in Sahaj Yoga? If your heart is
caught, it is caught, if your Agnya is caught, it is caught… nothing to argue…you have to accept. What is there to feel bad about it?
If it is caught, it is caught… If you have to get rid of it, you have to get rid… that’s all. If you get cancer and go to the doctor and he
says “you got cancer”… will you beat the doctor? You will say: “All right if it is so, I have cancer so please cure me now... make me
all right.” Same way if your Agnya is catching, the how can you say, No Mother, how can it be, its not caught… If it is caught then
you have to get rid of it. Whatever is negative within has to be taken out… that’s all, finished…! Cant you understand such simple
straight thing… what is there to argue and what to say? If by saying or arguing someone’s Agnya chakra gets all right then try it. It
is not going to work out with talks... it is subtlest of the subtle Love which works out. Those who have got realization… have they
got by your arguments? By your speeches or by the books they have or written or you have read? How did it happen then? It was
like a miracle and spontaneously…in second you got realization... Gagangarh maharaj (Mother mentions about him in the
incident with happened when he tried to stop rain when Mother went to meet him and Mother did not let him to) used to say that,
“What is this Mother? That’s you just came and everyone’s Kundalini got awakened!! Not even single person Gagangarh maharaj
gave realisation and thousands of his disciples are ready to give life for him. How many of you are ready to give life for me? I
don’t want it… you have to just take out what’s negative in you…. just this... that’s all. Here our children will also get spoilt like this
because we are ourselves half baked. There are so many nice children in India… but even they have got jealousy and hatred in
their mind through parents… they get spoilt by listening to the talks of parents all the time. But there it is not so… they are such
strong children that they even stand against their parents who are wrong. All those children are getting ready and prepared. In
next 10 years those children will get ready. And in your house also such children will come. There are… many.. Those who are
standing on their feet, firm. As soon as they will grow they will stand on their feet. No need to teach them sahaj yoga, they are all
already learnt, they are my own. But I would again say that you people from Bombay are the foundation stones. Everyone says
that people grow very slowly in Sahaj Yoga.. It is spreading very slowly. The reason for it is that they see you people and say, may
God save me are they sahaj yogis? We don’t want such sahaj Yoga. By seeing you people Sahaj Yoga is going to spread… Many
people told me that we must add the organization to name... like sahaj yogi Amte, sahaj yogi Tamte, I said, “no” otherwise it will
get stick… we cant add this to anyone’s name. They said: why? I told them that this is like today you are graduate and tomorrow
you will be a donkey totally. Today you are on sky and tomorrow below ground. We are not to give any degree to anyone, if you
give a degree then it will be just difficult. So now I have come, and now you think and tell Me what all you have to work out
further. Go home and think about it. Taken a months leave, now there are going to be programs in coming two three days, let me
see what talents you show in it. Sit in meditation… sit in meditation for three days. Go in meditation and say that, who all will
come for meditation, what all will they do in meditation, in collectivity… put your attention on them. Put attention on them whom
you know personally. You attention has all that power. Take that attention, use it… that ‘he can come, they must come, they
should come…’ put your attention, give bandhan for them to bring them to program. Also give bandhan to yourself after reaching
home. The blessing of God will come on you! Don’t identify yourself with anyone else... that he is my this relation and he lives
there… etc.. they are mine and this thing wrong happened with him… Not this. But, “What can I do for Sahaj Yoga, this person
should come, from there they should come, those people should come…” put your attention… On your attention is the Shakti….
Shakti is sitting on your attention. If you will put it on wrong things or mundane things then it will just sleep. If you will put it in
Sahaj Yoga then it will awaken and shine. I met him, I talked to him, I cured him… sit down today in meditation and take your
attention on all of them. You are not going to talk to me anything other than Sahaj Yoga, I am not going to listen to anything else.
Its enough… my wife ran away, my husband ran away…my child got this… etc… I am not going to listen to this from Sahaj Yogis.
He told me this, he scolded me, he troubles me… all this… I am not going to listen to. And those who have to talk all this or tell me
all this should leave Sahaj Yoga. The one who has to enjoy the bliss… should come here, the one who has to enjoy love should
come here, the one who has to enjoy the whole world should come here. All the property of joy which God has made for you is
flowing on you, if you have to take it, then come here. And you all are the leaders. You are the leaders of that Sat Yuga (era of
truth) which is going to come. Go to the history… If you are not going to be important for this, then please don’t come here. I am
saying this for the first time to you. The one who has to achieve, the one who has to get should individually come, not as a group.
Individually. And when individually you will get inside it then you will become like a drop when becomes Ocean. Otherwise you
will carry the dirt of everyone along with you. You must decide that except Sahaj Yoga I will not talk anything else with anyone…
no discussions, arguments, etc. You are so many… I never got so many people in any incarnation as many as you all are. So
many!! And with their help the boat will go across. So, its my prayer and request to you…that if really I have loved you and have
given love to you, then when the fruit is to come then you wont have to do any stupidity. Of any kind. You must get maturity…
don’t act childish. And those who talk childish, you must say “ Keep quiet” and don’t listen to them. Talk like matured elders… You
have become matured fruits. Be silent within… and enjoy!! Break all illusions and differences… and the blood of life will start
flowing within you… and will fill you with joy, peace and bliss!! Talk ends here. | null | null | null | Keep the attention on yourself, Bombay (India), 21 December 1975. [English translation from Hindi] The love of Sahaj Yogis is so
overwhelming that I cant find words what to talk… You might be knowing that today in whole world the Sahaj Yogis are heading
towards their evolution. Many Sahaj Yogis have reached a very high state, the source of joy flows in them. Some of them became
subtle and are active in a special way. But in every country I see that they have their own style or conditionings… human being is
everywhere same… and Sahaj Yoga is an innate state of being which has no relation from outside. Still, the ‘Attention’ which is a
form of the nature, which we know as Kundalini… has the tape record of all the countries you have been through, all the births
you have taken, the ways through which you passed and whatever states you have experienced… this is the reason I see that
every country’s human being is little different. Its very surprising that human being catches so strongly to whatever is
‘illusion’….and to catch the truth how much he is arrogant. He is so lethargic…with such difficulty he accepts it… but very badly he
keeps sticking to the untruth. That’s why it is so surprising for me. In the beginning I used to think that human being considers
his name, village, position and all these degrees as important, but it is amazing to see that how deeply it affects. As soon as it all
gets vanished…. As soon as all this illusion gets erased… we make our attention lighter and lighter. In Sahaj Yoga this ‘ attention’
goes and unites with the God. This ‘attention’ gets dissolved in the omnipresent enlightened Param Chaitanya. This same human
attention which we consider as form of nature, this flower which is the part of nature gets dipped in the ocean of Divine love! But
sometimes it is amazing to see that this human attention is so heavy…so scattered… There is only one way to recognize sahaj
yoga is that how much joy you are in, how much peace you are in, and how much love you are into… The people who are living in
illusion cannot get Sahaj Yoga. What can be done through my hard work? Is that I can take your Kundalini on mine and leave you
there but you always drop it… You cannot even enjoy where I take you to. In every country there are different type of problems.
We must first understand what is the problem of our country, because first of all we should know our own problem. And what is
the problem of other country also should be understood. Like, recently in U.K I have started my work, very slowly, I have taken
very few people in my hands. I didn’t want to take many people, I thought first at least to establish twenty five people who should
be established in Sahaj Yoga. You will be surprised to know that those people are very great souls! They have eternal faith in
Sahaj Yoga, they understand that there is no other cure except Sahaj Yoga. After reaching the final stage, Sahaj Yoga is
extremely ‘dynamic’ thing. And if there is any program of Sahaj Yoga, then there is nothing else greater and important for them.
And for hours they will be involved in it…. As if don’t know what is this thing which came from God which is to be given to this
world…. And the truth is that, ‘It Is’!! no doubt about it, but even after knowing this truth , I wont call it their fault but the reason for
their shortcoming is that they did not get birth in Yoga Bhoomi (Land of Yoga) of India. Don’t know why God gave birth to such
great people on that bhoga bhoomi (Land of Materialism) and you people have got birth on this Yoga Bhoomi. That bhoga
bhoomi where they have no culture. They don’t even know if they have to wear sindoor (kumkum) on the forehead or on the nose.
They don’t know the protocols of Puja, they don’t know the protocol of praying…they have no knowledge about God. They don’t
know even how to sit on the ground. They don’t know anything, they don’t even know how to give claps while performing the
‘Aarti’. And such great souls… so innate they are… so loving…they love me so much… such respect they have towards me.. that I
am surprised. Whenever they walk in front of me, in fact they don’t, but whenever they pass they bow and pass with their head
bent down. They love me so much that anything in this whole world has no meaning for them in front of me. They have such
deep feeling for me that they don’t know how should they respect me, in what way. I am surprised that how they have so much
understanding of all this about me. But for themselves they are so much upset, they are behind themselves with a stick. I told
them that, “ you can shoe beat yourself 108 times” but they do it thrice 108 times… wherever they get chance they start shoe
beating themselves. They say that we want to scold ourselves. I did not hear from them anything else about others individually,
no complaints about anyone, nothing, but only about themselves they think and speak, and for other person they say, “ He is such
a nice person that I feel shame on myself in front of him” They don’t look at the other person in wrong way. They just look at
themselves as wrong. You will be really surprised that all the time they are behind themselves with a stick. Here (in India) I see
that all the vision is outside, just opposite. Such dedication they have that when I was coming, there were tears flowing from their
eyes, I tried, but their tears didn’t stop. So much sahaj and simple is their feeling… Till now I could only get around 21 people like
them. But, they are deep, what we call as genuine.. they themselves come and say that we are not genuine…as if somebody is
coming and telling me that I am not genuine. “Mother, I have this fault, I have that mistake and untruthy within me…I am carrying
untruth within me...” they say it with completely opened heart. And they don’t feel shy for it… to call themselves bad they don’t
feel shy… but they don’t judge others. And they also tell me about the reasons why they are like this. They will come and say, “ I
am like this because My Father was like this, this thing happened and so…psychologically it is like this so I am doing like this.”
they tell the reason why they did something wrong, because it happened so at that time, that’s why I am doing like this. One or
two people also come who have lot of badhas (negativities). They work hard and are quiet. They don’t speak anything but say
that, “ please let all the untruth get out of me, may be something is still hiding within me” they are so much deep in silence within.
But they have this problem that they don’t know how to do Puja, how to worship, poor people don’t even understand how to do
it…. I told them that I don’t even send any money to you still how you manage? Once I told them that I like this bread very much.
So every time they came they brought same bread for me. I told them: “Who will eat so many breads?” I just said, but they don’t
understand how to surrender, how to give. They are very well educated and intellectuals, they have read all your scriptures and
literature. So its not difficult to make them understand Sahaj Yoga. They say that, Sahaj Yoga is the process of getting to subtle
from gross state. They have written an introductory book about me. You wont believe it, they brought all the philosophers of the
world and put them on Mother’s feet… They say, “They are nothing… these philosophers raised only questions, but Mother has
answered all questions!!” They praise their fate and say that we are so fortunate to have Mother…One day Sahaj Yoga is going to
reach a very great height and recognition. You are my foundations. Imagine how strong the foundation stones have to be. First
thing bring in your attention “Are we genuine?” look at yourself, not on others… Look at yourself! Am I genuine? Look, they even
don’t know how to pronounce the mantras, they cant even say “Shri Krishna” with lot of difficulty they are able to pronounce
‘Radha Krishna’. For you it is so easy… that you can cleanse your Vishuddhi. You just say ‘Radha Krishna’ and its cured… Now,
they cant pronounce clearly ‘Radha Krishna’, so Shri Krishna gets little angry on it. Their pronunciation is also not all right, but,
with you its easy and you can awaken him easily. They don’t know how to put kumkum. They don’t know what is kumkum for.
They don’t know how to offer flowers, they don’t know how to make Shri Ganesha, they don’t know how to make swastika, every
time they make it reverse. They never knew all these things. But even being so much surrendered and devoted, they are unable to
achieve what you people have achieved. You have received a lot, but its value, still very few have understood deep within. Not
that I have not given them Sahaj, not that I have not given them free of cost… I have given them same as you people have got
from me. But, the Love they have for me is so unlimited. It seems that they have understood my relation with them since many
births but you people have not yet been able to understand it. Why are you so limited to yourself? Being cells of same body, being
part and parcel of same body, still you feel each other as separate and different. And there, no question of teamwork raises, they
solve it among themselves. One boy there started smoking. All of them just got behind him. They made him all right in such a
way that he left smoking. They corrected all his arguments, helped him in every way, as soon as they saw him smoking, they
used to call him, sit with him. Went to their home and took all the packets out where ever they found and hid them. It wasn’t
cigarette smoking, it was something else, what you call it…drug. And they said that if you continue then we will inform in Police.
And, that boy did not feel bad about it, he said that please you do something about it. That boy himself said and used to run to
them and say “ please save me, that desire is approaching me, please save me, anyhow”. So much hard work they are doing to
correct themselves. Here (in India) your society itself is corrected one! You don’t know in what heavenly land you are living in.
there they don’t know about mother or sister… Such a filth and dirty is there… every house there is liquor… drinking… such bad
relations they have... Nothing like family, don’t know about mother, don’t know about father. You ask someone what about your
mother? He will say, “ don’t know, she has married someone else and gone”. Characterless… everyone with damaged
Mooladhara. Even being born in such country they came with Shri Ganesha to me… “ Mother please give us innocence” they
broke the head in front of Shri Ganesha, catching ears…asking for forgiveness... and a bravery in it. They are so much aware of
themselves and also about others. They told about so many miracles and experiences of Sahaj Yoga. You have got one letter
which I sent. It was all of them who found that thing out about me. About me they found out the fact. Still, you people could not
understand it and haven’t seen it, but they could. They understood that yes it is like this, this is it... to say it is Mahamaya but
within us it is truth. They have not achieved what you have. But they have put everything for it, all their efforts, they have
understood that the time of evolution has come and Sat Yuga is standing on the door. They know that if this door wont open
then destruction could not be stopped. And they feel responsible for it, they feel that everyone has to be responsible that we
have to do it. They are responsible for Sahaj Yoga. No one can dare to speak against Sahaj Yoga. They don’t speak against Sahaj
among themselves, but if someone else speaks then they just take him to task and make him understand what it is. If I tell them
that 24 hours you sit without food, they will…!!! But, it does not mean that you people are less than that. Some of you have
achieved the heights and state, its extraordinary. But that feeling of achieving is the problem about self. There is a meaning in
keeping the attention steady. It doesn’t mean that you look here or there. The attention is steady only when all the dirt over it gets
cleansed. When it becomes light. There is a very big curse on our country (India). It’s a very deeply located within us and that I
call as ‘Sin against the Father’. We have committed sin against our Father in heaven. What is it? It is all the time thinking that “we
are poor, we have poverty.. We don’t have money, how will it go like this…what about my stomach... all these beggar like thinking.
How will we pull on with money, what will happen to my children. If you have faith in God then at least leave this to him that he
will give you food, otherwise what is there to have faith in God that even he cannot give you food and look after your needs. This
is very great sin we are doing. If we leave this food and all arrangements on God, then Indians can achieve very great height.
There are two kinds of Sin. One is to doubt on the fatherhood of the father, and second I call as ‘Sin against the Mother’ that is
there in West in which there is immorality, indulgences, materialism, comfort and to get totally free... out of control, this is the
problem there. Both the ways lead you straight to hell. Doing anything for Money, whatever wrong you have to do to make
money... its all right. this is the sin of Indians. I am not talking about government. I am talking about God about the kingdom of
God. When you are in the Kingdom of God then, he will give if he desires or he will not if he doesnt… what’s the problem in at least
having this attitude within? He will do if he will and he will not if he wont… “ As you keep me, I shall be” if a Sahaj yogi just has this
feeling within that “ As you will keep me, I shall live!!!, let me see how you will keep me” you can just enjoy everything. You just
start enjoying it… you say, “ let me see how you will keep me, you will keep me hungry? O.K let me see how many days you will
keep me starving!!!” “As you will let me live, I shall live!!! You make me walk, I will…, make me sit on horse, I will…., you will get into
this bliss and joy….!!!!! You people are lucky to have been born in this great country that rest everything is all right, your parents
are all right, your wife and children are all right, you are moral… most of you. Some of you are... But not so bad… it can be
corrected. There is so much sin, the other one, that everybody’s eyes just keep moving…like this… this… all the time, of every man
and woman… its such a negativity in them. Transmitting the negativity to each other through eyes. One woman goes, she looks
on men, then the men look on women, then other,… it just goes on there like this… I said what is this? they said, ‘ Mother what to
do here everyone gets this negativity in eyes.. what to do?” I said, “keep your eyes to the ground.” How was Shri Lakshmana, he
only used to see the feet of Shri Sita. Keep the eyes low. Gradually all these badhas will go away spontaneously. If you will not do
all this then what will that negativity do living in you? That bhoot which is playing through you and doing all this and using you,
will run away by itself. If you don’t move your eyes here and there then that bhoot will just run away from you. And, till you will
keep moving your eyes, the bhoots will keep sitting there in you. They accepted it… and now when they walk on the street they
walk with eyes like this on the mother earth… low… this is obedience… Mother said and it is accepted and agreed!! These are the
sign of true children. It is for your benevolence, for your wellbeing. You must understand this, that whatever you have got in sahaj
yoga, you have to achieve it in this life itself. I have to achieve it, not the other… I have to… not others, leave of others, don’t worry
about others, look within, how much I have achieved the state till now, how profound and deep I have gone in sahaj yoga? How
am I behaving with myself, why am I acting with myself? Why am I cheating myself? Why am I lying to myself. Why am I torturing
myself? What have I got? Look….. all the treasure is opened for you… just come in…. no matter how you are, just come in, get
inside.. I will give you bath and make you sit cleansed. Then what to think? How deep have we got inside the cool wave of Ganga.
It is just flowing completely… “take whatever you want…take it my child…” how much pitcher we have filled? Our attention is just
scattered and running here and there… the moment you will have look within, you will understand that it is you who has cheated
yourself, no one else. This is a very big gap. It is harmful for sahaj yoga. Not to keep attention toward self is the most harmful
thing in Sahaj Yoga. And this introspection is only in that person’s nature who had been seeking since many lives…. And knows
that because of my mistakes I could not get it till now, so I wont commit mistakes anymore. Its like you are closed in a dark
house and cant see the way to get out of it. The one who has broken his head by striking against the walls in darkness knows
and thinks… No, look towards the door…keep the attention towards the door.. to the way to the door. He doesn’t know anything
else but knows and says… yes, I know, I have got it, the vibrations are flowing from within… My Sahasrara is pierced and I have
known the truth!!! And his face is towards the door… he is catching that door and then if Mother says anything then it is not that “
I don’t believe or I don’t agree..” whatever Mother is saying, every word is truth! And the moment they say this.. all the wisdom
starts flowing through them. Your baithak (sitting) should be perfect. It should be strong. I cant even tell them about baithak.
They don’t even know this word. English language is useless... They don’t have any culture of that sort, no talks like this. So
unfortunate they are… Here you have sages and saints. You people are so fortunate. I took birth in your country. On this Yoga
Bhoomi I was born. But you have to see what you have got, not what others have got or did not get, what others say, where
others are… nothing to do with this. What have you achieved and got. The moment you will get it, you will become surrendered to
God. What are you? you are just a little part within Him, isn’t it? I have told you hundred times that I need 1000 people who can sit
on this Sahasrara. I need 1000 people to sit on horse who never get caught. Is it difficult. Those who are detached… If you are
doing something for Sahaj Yoga, you are doing for yourself. If there is someone who says that I went to the market and
purchased so much gold for myself, so many things and did shopping.. I worked so hard. Whatever you worked hard, whatever
you did, it is for yourself, isn’t it? Not for anyone else. You have seen, that whatever you have done till now, you are enjoying the
benefits of it. There were so many people till now in this world who could achieve. One or two were there in every Yuga (era) you
have met, seen and known, so many people in this world, how many are realized? Very few you will find. And today it is great
naad (sound) of Kali Yuga… There are so many animals today… The animals without tails. But in this Kali Yuga itself, in this dirty
mud a great work has to be accomplished, you know it is happening… in this time, you must take as much as you can. Otherwise
you will be thrown out of this evolutionary process. That time is not far away, I told about it. In 1979. That till 1979 this work has
to be done and by the year 1999 Satya Yuga (the era of truth) will get fully matured. Now it depends on your wisdom, otherwise
Kali Yuga will also flourish because of you only. If you people wont like to work it out then the responsibility of destruction will be
on your head… use your wisdom in such a way, bring your intellect to wisdom and think that ‘ what have I taken from Ganga?
What did I achieved and what have I to yet get?’ you have got so much joy and still you have to get much more. You must keep
remembering that moment of what you have got. And you must tell your mind that “I have to be always in that moment (of
realisation)”. You will get sticked to it. And rest all useless thoughts which are coming, just stop them. It is not prohibited to
anyone of any age. It is not restricted to the person of any colour or complexion, it is not restricted for the person of any state or
caste. But most of the people are cutting their own feet with their own hands. Making groups. I don’t understand what should I
say for all this… how are you separate and different from each other? If I move my finger here, everyone’s Sahasrara gets
activated. If I shake my feet a little… it just can be felt on everyone’s Sahasrara. How are you different and other.. that you keep
talking as separate individuals. Don’t you understand it? You cannot be separate. It is just like you break one hand and take it
away and that hand says that Oh! I am doing such a great job! I am very sad to be united with this body, so I must get away…it is
something about instinct. When the human being desires its own death then he starts doing all this. But, that person who could
understand that you are part and parcel of one ‘collective personality’ On that very moment everything gets solved. You know
that you are…you are aware of it. All sahaj yogis know this. Anyone who comes from England, from America or from India, he will
talk same… that Agnya is catching or heart or anything else… others cannot know about it. They even don’t know this language of
our’s. It’s a new language!! Have you ever thought of it? Immediately you come to know, what is the problem, what is catching…
what is the depth of the person... whatever is happening. The only difference is that because our attention is not on self, so we
cant see what’s problem within us but can see what is problem in other very clearly. It is same like this hand is getting rotten and
the other hand is not bothered about it, then that hand will get senseless and what will this hand get out of it. No one has to fall
down, and also not the other should fall down, but first thing is that you should not fall down. It is working and is activated all the
time all around enveloping… what we call as unconscious! What is called as pranav (divine breath) to what I call as ‘Divine Love’
is all around…for helping you, circling around you. Bhairavnath is sitting here, Hanumanaji is sitting here… there are thousands of
them with you, working hard on you, for you. This experience and Realization which you have got, how many could get it till
today? Tell me… Might have been great sages and great saints, could anyone know so clearly about ‘Collective Consciousness’
how much you people know? No matter how many books you read. And those great sadhus (sages) and saints ask me that, ‘for
what have you given them this, what for?’ It’s a very great thing… I have given you birth on My Sahasrara!! I have not given them
this… I came on them but to you people I gave you place in my heart but have given you birth through My Sahasrara. Such great
state you are in! I have not even given birth to Shri Ganesha like this as I have given to you!! Its something special…with immense
love I have nourished and given to you. Love thyself, when you will love yourself then you will shed away your faults and
weaknesses. As you like this sari… you see there is something wrong…you take it out and make it all right… whatever you love
anything you try to make it all right... to keep it perfectly all right. And whatever you don’t love…you abandon it. I have loved you
so much, how much have you loved yourself? Be loving towards yourself! I am looking forward to that day when this wave will
become synchronized as one thread! Now you people have no doubts on it, because you have felt vibrations. No one is doubtful
about it. Whatever Mother is saying is truth we know because we can feel it through vibrations, so no doubts should be there.
Some of you have reached there to that state. Look at them who have raised to those heights, that level…and head towards that
direction. You will be just pulled up!! Like the fishes are pulled on one single net…same way you will be pulled… but first keep
strangled in that net of Love! You should not come out of the net of Mother’s Love. Don’t use your brains into it… I know how
much intellect and brain you have. Did you know where is Kundalini and all this… you knew nothing, isn’t it? Some of you are even
elder to me are aged than me in age, but I am million years old. How can you be elder than me? You are my son, my child… I wish
that you all should get into this ocean of joy and work it out for whole world. Just a little you need a push, a little effort and the
boat will get across!! It is just moving little left and right, going forward and backward... Still I don’t say that the boat of sahaj has
gone across, you people keep pulling it, pulling it here and some are pulling it there…. The boat has to be brought across to the
shore. But the ‘Groupism’ is not to be done. “This man is not good, that man is not good, he did this, he did that…” No one will tell
me all these complaints. I know each and everyone inside out! I am not going to listen to anyone’s complaints. You just keep
watching where you were and where you have reached and where you have to reach further. That’s all. When you are walking on
your way, do you keep saying all this? You just keep saying: “ when will I reach there, when will I reach there, when will I reach”.
First throw that out which is torturing you within… leave everything behind and move…leave every second behind you…leave every
past moment behind you and stand on this very second... it is the question of getting inside! I am sitting here to push you all
there. But all of you don’t fall on my head… two or four will fall, its all right… What argument can be in Sahaj Yoga? If your heart is
caught, it is caught, if your Agnya is caught, it is caught… nothing to argue…you have to accept. What is there to feel bad about it?
If it is caught, it is caught… If you have to get rid of it, you have to get rid… that’s all. If you get cancer and go to the doctor and he
says “you got cancer”… will you beat the doctor? You will say: “All right if it is so, I have cancer so please cure me now... make me
all right.” Same way if your Agnya is catching, the how can you say, No Mother, how can it be, its not caught… If it is caught then
you have to get rid of it. Whatever is negative within has to be taken out… that’s all, finished…! Cant you understand such simple
straight thing… what is there to argue and what to say? If by saying or arguing someone’s Agnya chakra gets all right then try it. It
is not going to work out with talks... it is subtlest of the subtle Love which works out. Those who have got realization… have they
got by your arguments? By your speeches or by the books they have or written or you have read? How did it happen then? It was
like a miracle and spontaneously…in second you got realization... Gagangarh maharaj (Mother mentions about him in the
incident with happened when he tried to stop rain when Mother went to meet him and Mother did not let him to) used to say that,
“What is this Mother? That’s you just came and everyone’s Kundalini got awakened!! Not even single person Gagangarh maharaj
gave realisation and thousands of his disciples are ready to give life for him. How many of you are ready to give life for me? I
don’t want it… you have to just take out what’s negative in you…. just this... that’s all. Here our children will also get spoilt like this
because we are ourselves half baked. There are so many nice children in India… but even they have got jealousy and hatred in
their mind through parents… they get spoilt by listening to the talks of parents all the time. But there it is not so… they are such
strong children that they even stand against their parents who are wrong. All those children are getting ready and prepared. In
next 10 years those children will get ready. And in your house also such children will come. There are… many.. Those who are
standing on their feet, firm. As soon as they will grow they will stand on their feet. No need to teach them sahaj yoga, they are all
already learnt, they are my own. But I would again say that you people from Bombay are the foundation stones. Everyone says
that people grow very slowly in Sahaj Yoga.. It is spreading very slowly. The reason for it is that they see you people and say, may
God save me are they sahaj yogis? We don’t want such sahaj Yoga. By seeing you people Sahaj Yoga is going to spread… Many
people told me that we must add the organization to name... like sahaj yogi Amte, sahaj yogi Tamte, I said, “no” otherwise it will
get stick… we cant add this to anyone’s name. They said: why? I told them that this is like today you are graduate and tomorrow
you will be a donkey totally. Today you are on sky and tomorrow below ground. We are not to give any degree to anyone, if you
give a degree then it will be just difficult. So now I have come, and now you think and tell Me what all you have to work out
further. Go home and think about it. Taken a months leave, now there are going to be programs in coming two three days, let me
see what talents you show in it. Sit in meditation… sit in meditation for three days. Go in meditation and say that, who all will
come for meditation, what all will they do in meditation, in collectivity… put your attention on them. Put attention on them whom
you know personally. You attention has all that power. Take that attention, use it… that ‘he can come, they must come, they
should come…’ put your attention, give bandhan for them to bring them to program. Also give bandhan to yourself after reaching
home. The blessing of God will come on you! Don’t identify yourself with anyone else... that he is my this relation and he lives
there… etc.. they are mine and this thing wrong happened with him… Not this. But, “What can I do for Sahaj Yoga, this person
should come, from there they should come, those people should come…” put your attention… On your attention is the Shakti….
Shakti is sitting on your attention. If you will put it on wrong things or mundane things then it will just sleep. If you will put it in
Sahaj Yoga then it will awaken and shine. I met him, I talked to him, I cured him… sit down today in meditation and take your
attention on all of them. You are not going to talk to me anything other than Sahaj Yoga, I am not going to listen to anything else.
Its enough… my wife ran away, my husband ran away…my child got this… etc… I am not going to listen to this from Sahaj Yogis.
He told me this, he scolded me, he troubles me… all this… I am not going to listen to. And those who have to talk all this or tell me
all this should leave Sahaj Yoga. The one who has to enjoy the bliss… should come here, the one who has to enjoy love should
come here, the one who has to enjoy the whole world should come here. All the property of joy which God has made for you is
flowing on you, if you have to take it, then come here. And you all are the leaders. You are the leaders of that Sat Yuga (era of
truth) which is going to come. Go to the history… If you are not going to be important for this, then please don’t come here. I am
saying this for the first time to you. The one who has to achieve, the one who has to get should individually come, not as a group.
Individually. And when individually you will get inside it then you will become like a drop when becomes Ocean. Otherwise you
will carry the dirt of everyone along with you. You must decide that except Sahaj Yoga I will not talk anything else with anyone…
no discussions, arguments, etc. You are so many… I never got so many people in any incarnation as many as you all are. So
many!! And with their help the boat will go across. So, its my prayer and request to you…that if really I have loved you and have
given love to you, then when the fruit is to come then you wont have to do any stupidity. Of any kind. You must get maturity…
don’t act childish. And those who talk childish, you must say “ Keep quiet” and don’t listen to them. Talk like matured elders… You
have become matured fruits. Be silent within… and enjoy!! Break all illusions and differences… and the blood of life will start
flowing within you… and will fill you with joy, peace and bliss!! Talk ends here. |
12/22/1975 | | Public Program, The Experience Of God’s Love, Prabhu ke Prem ka Anubhav (or 27th) | India | Mumbai | null | In Progress, NEEDED | null | Draft | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | Hindi | 70 | Public Program, The Experience Of God's Love, Prabhu ke Prem ka Anubhav Our respected Justice Vaidya is My son and a
mother feels proud to see her son at such a high position. Among you, the residents of Mumbai, there are many who are blessed
by Sahaja Yoga and there are those who have come here for the first time to accept God’s love. I welcome all of them. Whatever
Justice Vaidya has said, he is an extremely learned man. I have not read anything in the form of books in My life. Despite reading
everything and searching through all books, his vision has a devotion like that of Hanuman that ‘it is not there in this too’, ‘it is not
there in these words’, ‘this has only signs’, ‘I have not got that thing yet’ and as soon as he got it, he recognized it. This is a
special kind of devotion. Most educated people never accepted God. You will be surprised to know that it was a judge who
sentenced Jesus to crucifixion. Look at the greatness of this Kali Yuga that a judge has not only accepted that God but also has
described Him beautifully. He has been a great personage through many of his previous births but he does not know so much
about himself as of now. This was the reason that the seeking was present within him and this is the reason the seeking is
present within many people. If you read all the philosophers from the beginning, I haven’t read but My disciples tell Me. Recently,
a great, learned Frenchman arrived in London and he too got what I call 'Realization'. In a letter, he wrote to me that since the
beginning of time, every philosopher had indicated towards one fact that we are material and how can our mind which is also
material and finite enter into That which is subtle. How can it enter into this Infinite? The question is simple. We are made of
matter and are finite and if God is infinite, then how can it (mind) enter into That and how can it know That? If we use our mind to
know God, then we will read and write. Books will be opened in front of us. But how can we jump into That which is our source?
The whole question stops here. The whole problem is just this one that how can we enter into that Consciousness from this
material body. How will that Consciousness be known through this materiality? That is why, till today, if anyone talks about God
at any time, people laugh at him. Many say, “Alright, he has said something, that’s why God definitely exists.” If some other things
are said like, “Look how the world works, how the earth is moving and despite such a great speed of the earth, none of us are
falling off”, and using many such arguments even if we believe intellectually that there is a great power behind all this which is
running this world, still how can that power be known and understood through the human intellect? Bhajans [devotional songs]
were sung in temples, people stood on their heads, necks were broken, yoga's were done, people lived in jungles and God was
thought of. But there was always a wall. Something has to take place for this by which man drowns in that Infinite. Indian
scientists have not yet reached those shores which western scientists have reached. This is unfortunate. They have reached that
shore, that point from which they are telling – like there are psychologists and they are now saying that psycho-synthesis should
take place by some means. That is, this mind, which is divided into so many parts, should become integrated. In fact, they have
started talking about Higher Self because they get many patients who say, “We have seen some higher Self, we have had a
strange experience.” They call them ‘patients’. Everywhere, people are intent upon finding out about this. But they say repeatedly
that we cannot enter into that Infinite from this materiality. Due to this reason, we should not make any efforts in this direction.
The reason is that as soon as we start making efforts, all the dormant material forces within us start working. Now, in Russia
they did a lot of experiments, in America they did a lot of experiments. As a result of these experiments they saw that wheat and
rice started flowing through them. Some saw that objects started rising, a table rose from here and went there. But their brains
got extremely afraid. People have done such experiments especially in Russia and their books have been published which if you
read sometime, you can also understand. They say that they did not get peace through this. They got some strange experiences.
What are these forces that are coming into us? They don’t know this fact that these are the forces of our subconscious which is
placed within us in a collective form. Whatever is dead is also placed within us. That those dead people are helping us is not
known by them [scientists]. Some scientists had come to me and they were great scientists from a great country, some of whom
had reached the moon. They came and told me, “Mother, we want to know how to fly in the sky.” They have done experiments on
this. You will be surprised that an Indian scientist has not reached that limit where he can think of such a thing. It is good that we
are a bit behind in science. I said, “Son, why do you want to fly? You have already reached the moon, now what do you want?”
They said, “We want to fly in the sky without anybody’s help.” I said, “If I say that bhoots [dead spirits] help you with this, then will
you do it?” They said, “Yes, we will do it because some other country is also doing the same thing.” I said, “If they are being
helped by bhoots then why do you wish to fall into the hands of these bhoots, my son? Stand up on your own power.” It was not
so necessary to go to the moon. Today, the world has developed a lot. There are a few problems with our country too, but they
will be solved. Problems of food have been solved in those countries. Many such problems in these countries have been solved.
But the people of those nations are sadder than you. Every home is being torn apart. Fathers are torturing children, children are
torturing fathers, there is no news about mothers and sisters – a terrifying Kali Yuga has developed there. Their experiences are
so saddening that let alone God, they don’t even believe in happiness, that there is something called 'happiness' in the world.
They are troubled by such internal pain. Science cannot discover that thing because science separates everything into parts, that
is, it analyses. The power that integrates them is the Kundalini. You will be surprised that those who have read a lot about
Kundalini, I don’t have to explain about Kundalini to them. In our country, educated people don’t know about Kundalini, except
you people. Now they accept that without Kundalini’s awakening, a person cannot reach that Infinite. But there are thousands of
discussions in this world that the person who raises the Kundalini [Shri Mataji probably means the one whose Kundalini is
raised], experiences this and that. I have read descriptions that people start to shout, jump and scream. It is strange to think that
the awakening of Kundalini, who is your Mother, can lead to such things. It should be understood that instead of being Kundalini
awakening, it is an awakening of an evil nature. Now, about Me. If everyone has accepted that Kundalini is the only means to
enter into this Infinite, you people have not accepted because the scientists here don’t read about it at all. What can I do? Then
one has to think that what arrangements God has made for the awakening of Kundalini. Today’s topic is “The experience of
God’s Love.” The experience of God’s love has been described in many books of ours but nobody believes in them. For example,
when Prahlad, in whose presence Narasimha incarnated, was asked, “What do you want?” he replied, “Tawa charana-arvinde
preeti [the love of your lotus feet]” that is, “O God, give me the love of your lotus feet.” Such a Prahlad is not there in the world
nowadays nor is there any chance of a Narasimha incarnation. That is why all that feels like a lie. It feels that all that is a lie and
has no meaning, the concept of incarnations and other things is false and have been said simply to fool people. Alright, it is good
in a way that man has considered himself to be so intelligent. But when you say that Kali Yuga has come and that a great and
terrible Kali Yuga has come when every person is suffering from its sting, diseases like cancer are consuming the body,
mountains of suffering are crashing on men, nobody can be trusted, nobody is a brother, nobody is a sister and no relationship in
the world remains firm, at such a time who can accept a talk about God’s love? But it is not about talking. During these times, the
love of God is raining down from all directions in a way that never happened before in this world. I accept that you cannot see it
and you cannot know it. That is because you were made in a way that the Unconscious which psychologists are talking about
today, which has been described totally that there is an Unconscious mind, is helping us in certain ways but we are not
connected to it. It has its connections and its protective grace but we are not able to achieve it. It is helping you out in many
ways. For the first time, He is helping you in such a manner that in the whole of mankind there is a thought, “We must save time,
we must save time, we must save time, time is being wasted, time is being wasted.” But at this point, man’s foolishness also
comes into play in that he saves his time to waste it elsewhere. If he thinks even for an instant, “This time that I am saving, where
have I to use it?” he comes into balance. To obtain that torrential rain of God falling on the people of this Kali Yuga, only a little
balance is required. He [Justice Vaidya] just told that Kundalini is described in Yoga. It is written in Patanjali’s Yoga Shastra that
this can be achieved only after practicing six techniques, living in forests and serving a guru with complete dedication. Now,
there was a great saint of Gagangad who said, “Mataji, after a penance of 21,000 years, the vibrations started flowing in my
hands and you are giving it simply to these people.” If you have read Shankaracharya, then he too has written a lot of verses on
Chaitanya lahari [the waves of Chaitanya]. Either he was a liar or if he was not then where did those waves go about which he
had described? God, who is in the Unconscious form in the whole world, actually nothing is more conscious than Him but we are
not conscious of Him. It is another thing that we were not able to know Him and feel Him. We have to achieve Him. This has to
manifest in this Kali Yuga irrespective of which religion, organisation, race or country you may belong to. Kali Yuga should end
from 1979 and this has begun. (Applause.) And it is a fact that Satya Yuga will begin in 1999. (Applause.) But this should not
remain simply as a fact. This can remain simply as a fact if you people do not accept the truth. There are a thousand ways by
which you can accept untruth. Man can adhere to any untruth with an immeasurable force but does not stay with truth for long.
One can ask that why man had to take up so much suffering and pain. Such things tear a mother’s heart apart. But what to do?
Without them man won’t accept that [the truth], he won’t think about that. Man is very stubborn. He is very proud and egoistic.
Also, he is always surrendered to untruth. If he sees some magic tricks, he runs towards it. If someone gives him two rupees, he
runs towards that. Whatever untruth exists like if there is hatred towards someone in your mind – for example if I say, “You are
all Indians and you should hate the whole world”, all the Indians would unite. If I say that you are citizens of a Yoga-bhoomi [Land
of Yoga] and you should love the whole world, then people start lecturing Me saying, “Mataji, you are teaching us about love but
they do not love us.” Man is holding onto untruth so much that truth is moving out but he does not accept it. He is so stubborn
that he is holding onto untruth, does not leave it and believes that to be everything. Man was given a special freedom by God, the
Unconscious, and by God’s Love which we call as Pranav which is the Light of God. Purposely, it gave you freedom. If you have
listened to my earlier lectures then you would know how it was worked out in our brain to separate us from that Unconscious
Power that exists in all directions. We were separated from that Infinite and bound into the finite and each person became
different. Why was it done this way? It was done because you want to become an instrument in God’s hands and the
responsibility to put that instrument into balance was left to you. Man is such a great thing. Among all the creations in the whole
world and the whole universe till today, among people living on this earth today, the common man who is a householder is the
highest. Nothing else in the world can achieve as much as he can. There was a need for a great balance. In our brain, there are
two packets, two curtains called the super-ego and the ego. They were created purposely. One increases from one side and the
other increases from the other side. The one who is in the centre, the one who comes into balance, the one who comes into
temperance and the one who does not go to extremes can get Realization. Within such a one only, the Kundalini rises through
the centre and nourishes him. His attention is placed on the Kundalini within him and takes him into the Unconscious. As soon
as this takes place, this Unconscious starts flowing into you from above. You become one with that ocean like a drop becomes
the ocean when it falls into it. It rises and falls with the ocean’s waves. If someone asks it, “What are you doing?” it replies, “What
am I doing? This is going and coming.” The waves start flowing through him. His inner being becomes absolutely silent. The
waves of silence start gently flowing from above. This is the truth. This is not a cock-and-bull story. It is the truth, a great truth
and you can experience it. It has to be made stable after getting it. But some people do not need it [stability]. For example, he
[Justice Vaidya] does not need it because he has reached that height as soon as he achieved it. But in some people that stability
has to be brought about. No problem. You have obtained that thing, you recognized it, you reached there and there is a complete
arrangement for bringing stability. As soon as that stability is achieved, in absolute peace and joy, you achieve that witness state
described by Shri Krishna, by Jesus, by all the scriptures whether by Zoroaster, Socrates, Confucius or any of Dattatreya’s
incarnations. Till today, these people who were of a higher state, who would take birth in a higher state, would talk in a manner
that others were unable to understand. They could see matters of the tenth floor, and others would remain on the first floor and
they would just not understand what was being talked about. Sahaja Yoga has always been there. You have become humans
from animals through Sahaja Yoga only. But you enter from the finite and become one with the Infinite through the Sahaja Yoga
of this Kali Yuga. The respect that you have shown Me in inviting Me here is representative of the respect that you should show
to God who is standing at your door. This thing takes place in a moment and then joy is obtained. But many people have this
misunderstanding that by doing things of this sort, one will leave all worldly matters and it won’t be practical. People talk a lot
about practical things, “Mataji will say, ‘Keep telling the truth always’ but how will our business work then?” Many people also ask
me this, “Mataji, I go to work and how will by job go on?” Such questions arise as long as you are not Realized. As soon as you
get Realization, when you enter into God’s kingdom, then you understand, “Oh, He is anyways doing everything!” For example, in
Sahaja Yoga, if a person is Realized, he cannot die before the age of 70 years. Those people, about whom it was said that their
lives would end after so many years, they would die in 20 years, also came to Me. After Sahaja Yoga, they are still alive and
kicking. Recently it so happened that we got some news by mistake that a Sahaja Yogi who was around 40-45 years of age had
died. Those people wrote a letter to Me and I said, “Impossible. This cannot happen.” Then I checked the vibrations and found
out that he was alive. Then I wrote a letter and asked My disciples in London about him. They said, “No Mother, he is alive.”
That’s because, when a person dies, vibrations of a different sort start flowing in your hands. When these people got the letter,
they immediately sent a telegram saying, “He is hale and hearty.” So, it is impossible. What greater experience can I tell you
about? You know that we have cured many cases of cancer. But I must tell you beforehand that this is not our job. That’s
because as soon as I tell this, everyone brings cancer patients to Me. The same thing happened with Christ. He cured only 21
people but My disciples have cured 500 people each. Now, a gentleman has come from Rahuri, he is from a university in Rahuri
and he cured a patient of brain cancer. Yes, cancer cannot be cured by anything apart from Sahaja Yoga. I have told this before
and I am telling it now as well. Also, we will be going to the Health Ministry. But the problem is this that as soon as we tell that we
can cure cancer, we won’t be able to make any doctors by the time we cure all cases of cancer. We have to give Realization to
people and when they get their Realization, their cancer has to get cured. Every kind of disease can be cured. You will look
younger by at least 20 years because the responsibilities which you have taken on your head that, "I have to do this and that" and
which you are searching all come to an end while everything works out. Everything keeps working out. It does not mean that
things will work out the way we want them to. What He [God] desires, works out and what He desires is the best for us. I will give
you an example from My life itself. You know that My husband was formerly the chairman of the Shipping Corporation and he
was offered a big job in England. But, due to some reasons, some political things, he was not appointed there and he got some
lower kind of job. So, he thought it better to not go there. But I was in My own enjoyment and he asked, “Does it not bother you?”
and I said, “Wherever I am, I am. I am not bothered by this, why do you bother? I have lots of joy.” Also, whatever happens,
happens for our good. We should think like this only. In everything, there is some sign or the other from God. I said, “If you
consider a job to be so important then that too must have some sign from God.” The next year, there was a big election and 176
nations chose him to such a high position which was higher than the previous position he had wanted. He was very surprised at
that. But I said, “Even if they had not given that position, I would have thought that it is alright.” So, when we left India and went to
foreign countries, people said, “Mataji, you say that your field of work is in India which is a yoga-bhoomi. “ I said, “It is a
yoga-bhoomi but what can I do if all the yogis are born here [in the other countries]?” This is a fact. You will be surprised to know
that all the yogis of India are taking their birth in those countries nowadays, not here. I feel that this place is like a bog. Forgive
me, but it is. If you see those people, you will be surprised to see how each one is such a great personality, how great a thing God
is for them and how much truth and depth is present in their seeking. They wish to sacrifice everything and remain in this [union
with the Divine] every moment. Now, a gentleman had come here who is a big officer in the United Nations who met our people.
They were surprised because he said, “Teach me the puja of Ganapati [another name of Shri Ganesha].” People asked him, “You
will do the puja of Ganapati? But you are a Christian.” He said, “No, I am not a Christian nor do I belong to any religion. I am a
Sahaja Yogi. Nothing can work out without Ganapati!" What is puja? Puja is also a means to enter into that Infinite. What is
namaaz [Muslim prayer]? It is a mantra to enter that Infinite. What is prayer? It is a rendition to enter into that Infinite. But,
without permission, without connection there is no meaning to these. You can do as much puja as you wish, it is worthless. Only
today a lady came to Me saying, “Mataji, I have a lot of heart problems.” I said, “What mantra do you take?” She said, “I say, ‘Om
Namah Shivaya’.” Now see, the name of Shiva who resides in the heart, it is impossible for a person’s heart to be troubled if he
has attained Shri Shiva. Now she is chanting ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ and her heart is having problems. How is this possible? I just
thought of Him once and her heart became alright, Shri Shiva was awakened over there. What is the difference? The only
difference between her and Me is that I am connected to Shri Shiva. I have taken permission from Him. If you have to go to
someone’s house then you have to take permission from them. Now, if you have to go to Justice Vaidya’s place and if you go
and bang at his door then he will get you arrested. But if you go to him with protocol, then he will welcome you saying: “Come,
have a seat.” Without connection whatever puja and worship takes place, that too when it goes into extremes and out of balance,
becomes harmful. He talked about Hatha Yoga also. It is very surprising that till today my experience with Hatha Yogis - there are
many Hatha Yogis in America also - has been that all of them have heart troubles. It is very surprising. Hatha Yogis are especially
great worshippers of Shri Shiva. The reason is that Hatha Yoga is not for people leading a worldly life but for those living in the
jungles, like Parashurama. It is another thing to do a little within balance but Hatha Yoga is not meant for you people. If you do it
in extreme then your heart will suffer from problems. Now, you are seeing that in this world there are people chanting ‘Hare
Rama, hare Krishna’. In London, so many of their disciples come to Me and they have cancer here. This is a fact that I am sharing
with you. I am your Mother and I have to tell you what is false. They have cancer here. You will be surprised that in this throat
resides Shri Krishna. When anyone faces a problem in the throat or in the cervical plexus then the name of Radha-Krishna has to
be taken in the science of Kundalini. Now look at their Kundalinis which are not awakened and Shri Krishna is sitting angrily at
this point. He has disappeared from there. What is the reason? We think, “Oh they are spreading our culture!” though they don’t
spread any culture. I have seen their ponytails falling off, their dhotis [lower garment worn traditionally in India] falling off and it
looks so ugly. But forget that. How did cancer come in the Vishuddhi chakra, the residence of Shri Krishna, of these people who
are jumping and shouting in the name of God? The reason is the same. But otherwise also, it is enough to think of Him just once.
What is the need of thinking of Him so much? Those who wish to go to Him just need to say, “Krishna” once. Then, with the
Sudarshan Chakra ['chakra' meaning 'discus' here] – Shankha chakra gadaa Padma, garuda layi sidhaari [He took off on the
eagle bearing with Him the conch, discus, mace and lotus]. Why do you need to torment yourself so much for Him? What is the
need to cause so much trouble? What is the need to make such an exhibition? He is in reality present within you every moment.
But you are so stubborn. If you really believe in God then be surrendered to Him. In silence, know Him and it will definitely
actualize within you. Think of it, the God who has made this universe, who has made this Creation, will He destroy this Creation?
God’s Love has come into action especially in Kali Yuga. With regards to diseases you know that many have been cured by the
disciples themselves, many mental diseases of people have also been cured. This is not something special. This has to happen.
The temple of God is being cleaned by everyone from Bhairava to Hanuman ji. Whether they exist or not is to be seen by coming
into this kingdom. If you stand outside and say that I should show you then how can I do it? How can a blind man who wishes to
understand colour be told about it? If an ant wants to learn about our politics and political institutions, how can we explain such
things to it? Come into the Kingdom of God and it is completely free of cost. You don’t need to do anything. It is man who thinks
that he can purchase God, it is man’s intellect that makes him think that he can own God. No, you have to become one with Him,
you have to surrender to Him. Come into this Kingdom by being surrendered in the Kingdom of God’s Love. Now there are many
Sahaja Yogis here and if I wish to write their experiences down then I don’t know how many books will be written. But a Sahaja
Yogi is made gradually. Now, the population of bhoots is great. If someone gives a speech then thousands will become his
disciples because he will put a mohini-mantra [enchantment spell] on you and you will listen to him in that enchantment and you
won’t know when the speech ended. You will go insane and will start doing strange acts seeing which your family will ask, “Now
what kind of a sadhu [sage] is he a disciple of?” The whole day he hits the wife and then will sit next to that “sadhu”. He will ask
money from you and you will keep giving it to him. What can I do about this intellect of man? Gradually, a Sahaja Yogi is made.
Truth always evolves gradually. If I have to make plastic flowers then I can make thousands of them in one hour using a
machine. But if I have to blossom real roses then some time has to be spent. Despite all this, the specialty of this Kali Yuga is
that God’s Love is bubbling so much, His compassion is flowing so much that I have tried these things in many births but only in
this birth, in this Kali Yuga’s special courtyard, many people get their Realization in a moment - the most ordinary people. Even
Krishna, and in His time, I too worked very hard to give Realization to the cowherds, but it didn’t work so well. None of Christ’s
disciples could get Realization though He worked so hard and tried so much. In that era, he [Justice Vaidya] was also there and
some among you people were also there. Today, those same people are sitting amongst you. You are not of today but you are
seekers of many births together. You used to roam in the jungles in the early ages and you used to run after gurus. If you have
come today to achieve the fruition of all those thousands of years of seeking in a moment then why do you doubt it? This was
promised a long time ago that in the Kali Yuga only such a time would come and it is being fulfilled now. Why are you so
surprised at this? Why is there so much doubt, so much argument and so much delay in this? In coming to Sahaja Yoga, you
know that it is a play of seven chakras. Especially, you people are worried about Lakshmi ji (She represents wealth) here in India.
This is not the case in other countries. In other countries, people roam around dressed like beggars. They are fed up with the
grace of Lakshmi ji and don’t want any more. Recently I had been to Mombasa and they said, “Mataji, Lakshmi ji’s grace is there
but now give us peace because our wives have gone crazy, our homes are disturbed, all the children have gone crazy, there is
mental derangement and the most number of suicides are taking place here.” The situation in America is the same. Wherever
you go, wherever there is money in excess, there the people are more insane. But in Sahaja Yoga, Lakshmi ji’s grace also rains
down upon you. Even that balance comes in. You go into that Kingdom and enter into that special blessing which makes
everything such that your path becomes easy and sahaj. We have many people who can bear witness to this. You see, the
Mother has to give the temptation of everything to Her children that, “My child, eat this now. If not then I will give you this thing
and then you eat it. I will give you two paise (Indian currency) but you eat it please.” If he doesn’t accept that then She says,
“Alright, I will build you a palace but you eat it. This is my condition." I am trying to please you in every way and I am giving
everything. I am giving you a lot of love also. But I ask for only one thing that, "My child, know yourself, establish yourself in that
power which is within you and ask for that. Ask for that which is Reality and don’t go after what is artificial." Despite the wealth,
property, prosperity, power or position you have, you might be kings and queens but you won’t get joy unless you stand in the
kingdom of joy. When you stand in the kingdom of joy then in any case you become kings and queens. No one can purchase you
or conquer you. You conquer everything. You become kings. Such great kings have come and gone in this country. In this
Maharashtra, a great personage took birth who lived in a small village in Shirdi. People never understood his kingship, in what
enjoyment he used to live. In this India, there was another king in Guru Nanak. Another was Kabir. Did they enjoy any royal
comforts? Today, the whole world lies at their feet. I am present before you today only to bring fulfilment to all their teachings
and their work. Nothing they said was false. What Jesus said, what Krishna said, what is written in the Gita, what is written in the
Bible, what is written in the Quran will be proved by Me. In looks, I am just an ordinary lady. Alright, the power flowing through Me
will prove how the Unconscious is working. When you get your Realization, then that power tells you through the chakras on the
fingertips about the problems of a person. It does not tell you in words but it tells you by burning, by cooling. Like, if it is flowing
as a cool breeze then it is a blessing that is flowing as if from the Himalayas. This is a subjective knowledge which means that
the doer knows it. You become the doer, you get the knowledge of the doer, that is you become what you really are. There is no
need to read about it outside. There is no need to look into books, the whole library is here. If some learned people come to Me,
they say, “Mataji, what you are talking about is written in Gheranda Samhita.” Let alone this Samhita, I have never read the
Upanishads, never read the Gita. Then how did I know about this? The source of knowledge is inside, in My brain. If there is a
library inside you, you can read whatever book you want. You become replete with knowledge. Then what you say is the truth,
you become replete with truth. Whatever you say, you can manifest. The Kundalini will rise just by the movement of your hands.
Leave My case alone. There are many people present here, who look just like you but the Kundalini rises just by their gestures.
Sometimes they can raise the Kundalinis of thousands. Don’t believe me blindly but experience it. In London, I was surprised, a
gentleman gave Realization to six people only using My photograph. They just sat with their hands towards the photograph and
the six of them transformed completely. I was quite surprised and when I saw that I said, “Ahahaha, what great personalities of
time immemorial have come in this world! I don’t know whether to touch their feet or embrace them with all My heart. Where
should I keep them? What more can be said about you who got Realization just by looking at the photograph?” Another great
blessing that is taking effect in this world – perhaps this is not known to you – many children below the age of 8, I have seen
some 12 year-olds also; they are there in America, there are many in London and they are here too; they are great personalities
who have taken their birth and are expert in the science of Kundalini. Today, there was a five-year-old boy who was hitting his
father’s Nabhi and Agnya chakras and he knew what was catching in his father. Nothing was told to the boy but he continued to
hit his father until the chakras cleared out. Such people are Knowledge in reality. Every gesture, every movement, every word they
speak is full of knowledge. I too have a granddaughter, both my granddaughters are quite great and they were born this way. We
went to the airport and they started moving their hands this way and I asked, “What are you doing?” They said, “Grandmother, I
am tying everyone up. So many dark people are here.” For them, ‘dark’ means ‘negative'. When she was three years old, she used
to tell Sahaja Yogis, “See, our mind is a horse. Sit on the horse and don’t let the horse sit on you. Always sit on the white horse.”
Now see, it is said that in the Kali Yuga the rider will sit on a white horse. A three-year-old child said this. I have seen many
children like this; in your India, I have seen at least 300 children. No matter how terrible the Kali Yuga is, these people will take
birth. They have come. Apart from this, demons are also taking their birth. Otherwise, how will the Kali Yuga show its colours?
Also, many animals are taking birth. Ordinary people hesitate a bit to take birth because they know that the conditions are bad.
So many animals are taking birth that the population is also increasing rapidly. The day Satya Yuga arrives, this number will
reduce by itself. Ordinary man will take birth. If a person sees this terrifying state of affairs, why will he take birth? Why should he
come into this menace where fathers are no longer fathers, sisters are no longer sisters? Who will wish to trap himself in this
menace? Many such great personages are anyways taking birth but other powers are also taking birth along with them. In your
India, 16 rakshasas have taken birth. If there was one, he could have been given Realization. Now, there is no point in killing them
because one of them died and as a bhoot he has become more potent. How will you people understand from where have such
evil characters come into this world and what is their source? How will you people solve this problem? Let the scientists tell how
this is happening. Can you tell through science? Now the state of the scientists is this. In America, many people have started
smoking marijuana and other drugs. So, a committee of 5 scientists was formed to find out what are the effects of taking these
drugs. When they went to find out, they got possessed by bhoots. As a result, the scientists themselves started smoking drugs
and resigned from their jobs. If they were such great scientists then why did they start smoking marijuana? Why do they drink so
much alcohol? Mohammed Sahib told that alcohol should be avoided and Nanak Sahib told that alcohol should be avoided. But
if they can do the same through science then I will accept that science is great. Are these people happy? At least you people
have some happiness. But those people who have advanced so much with science are in great unhappiness. Do you know that
there is a great problem facing the United Nations? The problem is in deciding whether to trap the developing countries in the
mess that the developed countries are trapped in. People reported that especially in Nepal, people are poor but they are very
happy and satisfied. They are enjoying their lives. So why do you want to spoil it all? Looking at you people too, many say that
Indians are quite well-balanced and alright. “They are yet to fall in the trap of unhappiness so why do you want to develop them
and put them into the mess that we are in?” Now, we have to think whether we can short-circuit the whole thing and reduce this
advancement. You can surely do it. Only you have the right to attain that Infinite that is doing everything, that is the collection of
all sciences and that is everything. You have to attain that and reach the central point. Sahaja Yoga is the invention of God’s
Love. Until today, you people were not aware of God’s Love because you were not connected. Once the connection is
established, things will work out. Now, only those who are sitting in this hall can listen to My speech. In the same way, only those
who enter the Kingdom of God can see the principle of His all-pervading form being present in every particle. There will be no
doubt. What a great thing it is! What a miracle it is! Now in London, anyways, churches are being sold. What can be done? Sell the
churches! Just as they were bought, they are being sold. Ashrams are being sold in India. Unless a living thing is seen in this
world, God’s name itself cannot be there, isn’t it? But God is Living and the only thing you have to do is to attain Him. Now, you
people are on the stage. Only through you, only because of you this is going to work out because all of you people are on the
stage. It all depends on your ability to do the work and show the world. If the world is destroyed, then the responsibility is yours
and not anybody else’s. It sounds fantastic. Today’s humans cannot believe how this can happen. They say, “All this cannot be
believed, Mataji is just cooking up some story.” Just think of this that you are going to get an invaluable diamond in a moment
and you have to take it. Please put your hands towards Me for some time. Please don’t look at the watch for some time. This
[Realization] is important, is the most important thing. (Sahaja Yogis take the mantra of Shri Kalki Swarupini repeatedly.) Close
your eyes and see if there is thoughtless awareness. Some people might be getting some coolness on their hands but
thoughtless awareness comes first. Please don’t get up in between for some time, please sit down for five minutes. Keep both
your feet straight. If you are unable to close your eyes and your eyelids are flickering then keep your eyes open. Many people
among you have become thoughtlessly aware. I know this. It means that upon closing your eyes if you look at your mind then
there is no thought. If there is only thoughtless awareness then you should know that the Kundalini has crossed the Agnya
Chakra and has spread in the Sahasrara Chakra but has not pierced through here. But if someone is getting a cool breeze in their
hands then they should know that the Brahmarandhra has been opened. In any case, our program will once again be in Bal
Mohan and you will get photos outside which you can take. You should also try out experiments on the photo. First sit with your
hands towards the photo and if you get the cool breeze then you should know that it is alright. If there is any disease, then you
can use the photo but take care that the photo is respected. Don’t throw the photo here and there because many things come
along with it. If a cool breeze starts flowing from it, then there is no problem, everything is alright. But if you get a hot breeze it
means that your health is not alright. There is some problem or discomfort within you. Especially if this hand gets the heat then
keep that hand towards the photo and keep the other hand pointed outwards. But if there is some trembling in your hands or if
your eyes are flickering then it shows that there is a very bad nervous tension upon you. So, you should point both hands towards
the photo and light a candle or lamp in front of it and keep both your feet in water. As soon as you do that, the vibrations from the
photo will come and go through you into the water. It is a great thing that in the photo itself the vibrations are flowing. See what a
great thing God has done! The vibrations flow from the photo and in great force but not as great as from Me. But that is enough.
You should take the photo from outside and take the vibrations from it. Any disease or problem you have, you will see that it will
go away. If you have problems of sleep, if there is a lot of discomfort in your body, if there is some mental problem or if someone
in your house is insane, any problem you have, you can try it out on the photo. But if the cool breeze is flowing through you, you
can cure any disease yourself. Keep one hand towards the photo and the other towards that person. The vibrations will flow
through you because you have become hollow from within. You should try it out and do come to Bal Mohan where I will be able
to tell you more in detail about how to proceed further with this. If within seven days, the cool breeze does not flow through you,
then you should keep both hands towards the photo and keep your feet in water and light a lamp. It might be that you have a
serious disease that you don’t know about. It might also be that you are possessed. You should keep both hands towards the
photo and both your feet in a basin of water with some salt. Try it out and see how much it benefits you. When you come to Bal
Mohan then I shall tell you more about it. It is true that this science is very difficult, the engineering is very complex but its
working is very simple and sahaj. It’s like if you wish to have light, you just have to switch it on. It’s very simple and you should
see that with the photo, you will benefit from it. All I want to say is that, believe Me, God exists in reality. He exists everywhere.
Also, if you have tremendous love, this love of Mine that you are seeing is His love only. He loves you so much that today it is you
who have been made the king and only through you, this great play of His is going to manifest in this world. Many thanks to you
and I hope to meet you again. | null | null | null | Public Program, The Experience Of God's Love, Prabhu ke Prem ka Anubhav Our respected Justice Vaidya is My son and a
mother feels proud to see her son at such a high position. Among you, the residents of Mumbai, there are many who are blessed
by Sahaja Yoga and there are those who have come here for the first time to accept God’s love. I welcome all of them. Whatever
Justice Vaidya has said, he is an extremely learned man. I have not read anything in the form of books in My life. Despite reading
everything and searching through all books, his vision has a devotion like that of Hanuman that ‘it is not there in this too’, ‘it is not
there in these words’, ‘this has only signs’, ‘I have not got that thing yet’ and as soon as he got it, he recognized it. This is a
special kind of devotion. Most educated people never accepted God. You will be surprised to know that it was a judge who
sentenced Jesus to crucifixion. Look at the greatness of this Kali Yuga that a judge has not only accepted that God but also has
described Him beautifully. He has been a great personage through many of his previous births but he does not know so much
about himself as of now. This was the reason that the seeking was present within him and this is the reason the seeking is
present within many people. If you read all the philosophers from the beginning, I haven’t read but My disciples tell Me. Recently,
a great, learned Frenchman arrived in London and he too got what I call 'Realization'. In a letter, he wrote to me that since the
beginning of time, every philosopher had indicated towards one fact that we are material and how can our mind which is also
material and finite enter into That which is subtle. How can it enter into this Infinite? The question is simple. We are made of
matter and are finite and if God is infinite, then how can it (mind) enter into That and how can it know That? If we use our mind to
know God, then we will read and write. Books will be opened in front of us. But how can we jump into That which is our source?
The whole question stops here. The whole problem is just this one that how can we enter into that Consciousness from this
material body. How will that Consciousness be known through this materiality? That is why, till today, if anyone talks about God
at any time, people laugh at him. Many say, “Alright, he has said something, that’s why God definitely exists.” If some other things
are said like, “Look how the world works, how the earth is moving and despite such a great speed of the earth, none of us are
falling off”, and using many such arguments even if we believe intellectually that there is a great power behind all this which is
running this world, still how can that power be known and understood through the human intellect? Bhajans [devotional songs]
were sung in temples, people stood on their heads, necks were broken, yoga's were done, people lived in jungles and God was
thought of. But there was always a wall. Something has to take place for this by which man drowns in that Infinite. Indian
scientists have not yet reached those shores which western scientists have reached. This is unfortunate. They have reached that
shore, that point from which they are telling – like there are psychologists and they are now saying that psycho-synthesis should
take place by some means. That is, this mind, which is divided into so many parts, should become integrated. In fact, they have
started talking about Higher Self because they get many patients who say, “We have seen some higher Self, we have had a
strange experience.” They call them ‘patients’. Everywhere, people are intent upon finding out about this. But they say repeatedly
that we cannot enter into that Infinite from this materiality. Due to this reason, we should not make any efforts in this direction.
The reason is that as soon as we start making efforts, all the dormant material forces within us start working. Now, in Russia
they did a lot of experiments, in America they did a lot of experiments. As a result of these experiments they saw that wheat and
rice started flowing through them. Some saw that objects started rising, a table rose from here and went there. But their brains
got extremely afraid. People have done such experiments especially in Russia and their books have been published which if you
read sometime, you can also understand. They say that they did not get peace through this. They got some strange experiences.
What are these forces that are coming into us? They don’t know this fact that these are the forces of our subconscious which is
placed within us in a collective form. Whatever is dead is also placed within us. That those dead people are helping us is not
known by them [scientists]. Some scientists had come to me and they were great scientists from a great country, some of whom
had reached the moon. They came and told me, “Mother, we want to know how to fly in the sky.” They have done experiments on
this. You will be surprised that an Indian scientist has not reached that limit where he can think of such a thing. It is good that we
are a bit behind in science. I said, “Son, why do you want to fly? You have already reached the moon, now what do you want?”
They said, “We want to fly in the sky without anybody’s help.” I said, “If I say that bhoots [dead spirits] help you with this, then will
you do it?” They said, “Yes, we will do it because some other country is also doing the same thing.” I said, “If they are being
helped by bhoots then why do you wish to fall into the hands of these bhoots, my son? Stand up on your own power.” It was not
so necessary to go to the moon. Today, the world has developed a lot. There are a few problems with our country too, but they
will be solved. Problems of food have been solved in those countries. Many such problems in these countries have been solved.
But the people of those nations are sadder than you. Every home is being torn apart. Fathers are torturing children, children are
torturing fathers, there is no news about mothers and sisters – a terrifying Kali Yuga has developed there. Their experiences are
so saddening that let alone God, they don’t even believe in happiness, that there is something called 'happiness' in the world.
They are troubled by such internal pain. Science cannot discover that thing because science separates everything into parts, that
is, it analyses. The power that integrates them is the Kundalini. You will be surprised that those who have read a lot about
Kundalini, I don’t have to explain about Kundalini to them. In our country, educated people don’t know about Kundalini, except
you people. Now they accept that without Kundalini’s awakening, a person cannot reach that Infinite. But there are thousands of
discussions in this world that the person who raises the Kundalini [Shri Mataji probably means the one whose Kundalini is
raised], experiences this and that. I have read descriptions that people start to shout, jump and scream. It is strange to think that
the awakening of Kundalini, who is your Mother, can lead to such things. It should be understood that instead of being Kundalini
awakening, it is an awakening of an evil nature. Now, about Me. If everyone has accepted that Kundalini is the only means to
enter into this Infinite, you people have not accepted because the scientists here don’t read about it at all. What can I do? Then
one has to think that what arrangements God has made for the awakening of Kundalini. Today’s topic is “The experience of
God’s Love.” The experience of God’s love has been described in many books of ours but nobody believes in them. For example,
when Prahlad, in whose presence Narasimha incarnated, was asked, “What do you want?” he replied, “Tawa charana-arvinde
preeti [the love of your lotus feet]” that is, “O God, give me the love of your lotus feet.” Such a Prahlad is not there in the world
nowadays nor is there any chance of a Narasimha incarnation. That is why all that feels like a lie. It feels that all that is a lie and
has no meaning, the concept of incarnations and other things is false and have been said simply to fool people. Alright, it is good
in a way that man has considered himself to be so intelligent. But when you say that Kali Yuga has come and that a great and
terrible Kali Yuga has come when every person is suffering from its sting, diseases like cancer are consuming the body,
mountains of suffering are crashing on men, nobody can be trusted, nobody is a brother, nobody is a sister and no relationship in
the world remains firm, at such a time who can accept a talk about God’s love? But it is not about talking. During these times, the
love of God is raining down from all directions in a way that never happened before in this world. I accept that you cannot see it
and you cannot know it. That is because you were made in a way that the Unconscious which psychologists are talking about
today, which has been described totally that there is an Unconscious mind, is helping us in certain ways but we are not
connected to it. It has its connections and its protective grace but we are not able to achieve it. It is helping you out in many
ways. For the first time, He is helping you in such a manner that in the whole of mankind there is a thought, “We must save time,
we must save time, we must save time, time is being wasted, time is being wasted.” But at this point, man’s foolishness also
comes into play in that he saves his time to waste it elsewhere. If he thinks even for an instant, “This time that I am saving, where
have I to use it?” he comes into balance. To obtain that torrential rain of God falling on the people of this Kali Yuga, only a little
balance is required. He [Justice Vaidya] just told that Kundalini is described in Yoga. It is written in Patanjali’s Yoga Shastra that
this can be achieved only after practicing six techniques, living in forests and serving a guru with complete dedication. Now,
there was a great saint of Gagangad who said, “Mataji, after a penance of 21,000 years, the vibrations started flowing in my
hands and you are giving it simply to these people.” If you have read Shankaracharya, then he too has written a lot of verses on
Chaitanya lahari [the waves of Chaitanya]. Either he was a liar or if he was not then where did those waves go about which he
had described? God, who is in the Unconscious form in the whole world, actually nothing is more conscious than Him but we are
not conscious of Him. It is another thing that we were not able to know Him and feel Him. We have to achieve Him. This has to
manifest in this Kali Yuga irrespective of which religion, organisation, race or country you may belong to. Kali Yuga should end
from 1979 and this has begun. (Applause.) And it is a fact that Satya Yuga will begin in 1999. (Applause.) But this should not
remain simply as a fact. This can remain simply as a fact if you people do not accept the truth. There are a thousand ways by
which you can accept untruth. Man can adhere to any untruth with an immeasurable force but does not stay with truth for long.
One can ask that why man had to take up so much suffering and pain. Such things tear a mother’s heart apart. But what to do?
Without them man won’t accept that [the truth], he won’t think about that. Man is very stubborn. He is very proud and egoistic.
Also, he is always surrendered to untruth. If he sees some magic tricks, he runs towards it. If someone gives him two rupees, he
runs towards that. Whatever untruth exists like if there is hatred towards someone in your mind – for example if I say, “You are
all Indians and you should hate the whole world”, all the Indians would unite. If I say that you are citizens of a Yoga-bhoomi [Land
of Yoga] and you should love the whole world, then people start lecturing Me saying, “Mataji, you are teaching us about love but
they do not love us.” Man is holding onto untruth so much that truth is moving out but he does not accept it. He is so stubborn
that he is holding onto untruth, does not leave it and believes that to be everything. Man was given a special freedom by God, the
Unconscious, and by God’s Love which we call as Pranav which is the Light of God. Purposely, it gave you freedom. If you have
listened to my earlier lectures then you would know how it was worked out in our brain to separate us from that Unconscious
Power that exists in all directions. We were separated from that Infinite and bound into the finite and each person became
different. Why was it done this way? It was done because you want to become an instrument in God’s hands and the
responsibility to put that instrument into balance was left to you. Man is such a great thing. Among all the creations in the whole
world and the whole universe till today, among people living on this earth today, the common man who is a householder is the
highest. Nothing else in the world can achieve as much as he can. There was a need for a great balance. In our brain, there are
two packets, two curtains called the super-ego and the ego. They were created purposely. One increases from one side and the
other increases from the other side. The one who is in the centre, the one who comes into balance, the one who comes into
temperance and the one who does not go to extremes can get Realization. Within such a one only, the Kundalini rises through
the centre and nourishes him. His attention is placed on the Kundalini within him and takes him into the Unconscious. As soon
as this takes place, this Unconscious starts flowing into you from above. You become one with that ocean like a drop becomes
the ocean when it falls into it. It rises and falls with the ocean’s waves. If someone asks it, “What are you doing?” it replies, “What
am I doing? This is going and coming.” The waves start flowing through him. His inner being becomes absolutely silent. The
waves of silence start gently flowing from above. This is the truth. This is not a cock-and-bull story. It is the truth, a great truth
and you can experience it. It has to be made stable after getting it. But some people do not need it [stability]. For example, he
[Justice Vaidya] does not need it because he has reached that height as soon as he achieved it. But in some people that stability
has to be brought about. No problem. You have obtained that thing, you recognized it, you reached there and there is a complete
arrangement for bringing stability. As soon as that stability is achieved, in absolute peace and joy, you achieve that witness state
described by Shri Krishna, by Jesus, by all the scriptures whether by Zoroaster, Socrates, Confucius or any of Dattatreya’s
incarnations. Till today, these people who were of a higher state, who would take birth in a higher state, would talk in a manner
that others were unable to understand. They could see matters of the tenth floor, and others would remain on the first floor and
they would just not understand what was being talked about. Sahaja Yoga has always been there. You have become humans
from animals through Sahaja Yoga only. But you enter from the finite and become one with the Infinite through the Sahaja Yoga
of this Kali Yuga. The respect that you have shown Me in inviting Me here is representative of the respect that you should show
to God who is standing at your door. This thing takes place in a moment and then joy is obtained. But many people have this
misunderstanding that by doing things of this sort, one will leave all worldly matters and it won’t be practical. People talk a lot
about practical things, “Mataji will say, ‘Keep telling the truth always’ but how will our business work then?” Many people also ask
me this, “Mataji, I go to work and how will by job go on?” Such questions arise as long as you are not Realized. As soon as you
get Realization, when you enter into God’s kingdom, then you understand, “Oh, He is anyways doing everything!” For example, in
Sahaja Yoga, if a person is Realized, he cannot die before the age of 70 years. Those people, about whom it was said that their
lives would end after so many years, they would die in 20 years, also came to Me. After Sahaja Yoga, they are still alive and
kicking. Recently it so happened that we got some news by mistake that a Sahaja Yogi who was around 40-45 years of age had
died. Those people wrote a letter to Me and I said, “Impossible. This cannot happen.” Then I checked the vibrations and found
out that he was alive. Then I wrote a letter and asked My disciples in London about him. They said, “No Mother, he is alive.”
That’s because, when a person dies, vibrations of a different sort start flowing in your hands. When these people got the letter,
they immediately sent a telegram saying, “He is hale and hearty.” So, it is impossible. What greater experience can I tell you
about? You know that we have cured many cases of cancer. But I must tell you beforehand that this is not our job. That’s
because as soon as I tell this, everyone brings cancer patients to Me. The same thing happened with Christ. He cured only 21
people but My disciples have cured 500 people each. Now, a gentleman has come from Rahuri, he is from a university in Rahuri
and he cured a patient of brain cancer. Yes, cancer cannot be cured by anything apart from Sahaja Yoga. I have told this before
and I am telling it now as well. Also, we will be going to the Health Ministry. But the problem is this that as soon as we tell that we
can cure cancer, we won’t be able to make any doctors by the time we cure all cases of cancer. We have to give Realization to
people and when they get their Realization, their cancer has to get cured. Every kind of disease can be cured. You will look
younger by at least 20 years because the responsibilities which you have taken on your head that, "I have to do this and that" and
which you are searching all come to an end while everything works out. Everything keeps working out. It does not mean that
things will work out the way we want them to. What He [God] desires, works out and what He desires is the best for us. I will give
you an example from My life itself. You know that My husband was formerly the chairman of the Shipping Corporation and he
was offered a big job in England. But, due to some reasons, some political things, he was not appointed there and he got some
lower kind of job. So, he thought it better to not go there. But I was in My own enjoyment and he asked, “Does it not bother you?”
and I said, “Wherever I am, I am. I am not bothered by this, why do you bother? I have lots of joy.” Also, whatever happens,
happens for our good. We should think like this only. In everything, there is some sign or the other from God. I said, “If you
consider a job to be so important then that too must have some sign from God.” The next year, there was a big election and 176
nations chose him to such a high position which was higher than the previous position he had wanted. He was very surprised at
that. But I said, “Even if they had not given that position, I would have thought that it is alright.” So, when we left India and went to
foreign countries, people said, “Mataji, you say that your field of work is in India which is a yoga-bhoomi. “ I said, “It is a
yoga-bhoomi but what can I do if all the yogis are born here [in the other countries]?” This is a fact. You will be surprised to know
that all the yogis of India are taking their birth in those countries nowadays, not here. I feel that this place is like a bog. Forgive
me, but it is. If you see those people, you will be surprised to see how each one is such a great personality, how great a thing God
is for them and how much truth and depth is present in their seeking. They wish to sacrifice everything and remain in this [union
with the Divine] every moment. Now, a gentleman had come here who is a big officer in the United Nations who met our people.
They were surprised because he said, “Teach me the puja of Ganapati [another name of Shri Ganesha].” People asked him, “You
will do the puja of Ganapati? But you are a Christian.” He said, “No, I am not a Christian nor do I belong to any religion. I am a
Sahaja Yogi. Nothing can work out without Ganapati!" What is puja? Puja is also a means to enter into that Infinite. What is
namaaz [Muslim prayer]? It is a mantra to enter that Infinite. What is prayer? It is a rendition to enter into that Infinite. But,
without permission, without connection there is no meaning to these. You can do as much puja as you wish, it is worthless. Only
today a lady came to Me saying, “Mataji, I have a lot of heart problems.” I said, “What mantra do you take?” She said, “I say, ‘Om
Namah Shivaya’.” Now see, the name of Shiva who resides in the heart, it is impossible for a person’s heart to be troubled if he
has attained Shri Shiva. Now she is chanting ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ and her heart is having problems. How is this possible? I just
thought of Him once and her heart became alright, Shri Shiva was awakened over there. What is the difference? The only
difference between her and Me is that I am connected to Shri Shiva. I have taken permission from Him. If you have to go to
someone’s house then you have to take permission from them. Now, if you have to go to Justice Vaidya’s place and if you go
and bang at his door then he will get you arrested. But if you go to him with protocol, then he will welcome you saying: “Come,
have a seat.” Without connection whatever puja and worship takes place, that too when it goes into extremes and out of balance,
becomes harmful. He talked about Hatha Yoga also. It is very surprising that till today my experience with Hatha Yogis - there are
many Hatha Yogis in America also - has been that all of them have heart troubles. It is very surprising. Hatha Yogis are especially
great worshippers of Shri Shiva. The reason is that Hatha Yoga is not for people leading a worldly life but for those living in the
jungles, like Parashurama. It is another thing to do a little within balance but Hatha Yoga is not meant for you people. If you do it
in extreme then your heart will suffer from problems. Now, you are seeing that in this world there are people chanting ‘Hare
Rama, hare Krishna’. In London, so many of their disciples come to Me and they have cancer here. This is a fact that I am sharing
with you. I am your Mother and I have to tell you what is false. They have cancer here. You will be surprised that in this throat
resides Shri Krishna. When anyone faces a problem in the throat or in the cervical plexus then the name of Radha-Krishna has to
be taken in the science of Kundalini. Now look at their Kundalinis which are not awakened and Shri Krishna is sitting angrily at
this point. He has disappeared from there. What is the reason? We think, “Oh they are spreading our culture!” though they don’t
spread any culture. I have seen their ponytails falling off, their dhotis [lower garment worn traditionally in India] falling off and it
looks so ugly. But forget that. How did cancer come in the Vishuddhi chakra, the residence of Shri Krishna, of these people who
are jumping and shouting in the name of God? The reason is the same. But otherwise also, it is enough to think of Him just once.
What is the need of thinking of Him so much? Those who wish to go to Him just need to say, “Krishna” once. Then, with the
Sudarshan Chakra ['chakra' meaning 'discus' here] – Shankha chakra gadaa Padma, garuda layi sidhaari [He took off on the
eagle bearing with Him the conch, discus, mace and lotus]. Why do you need to torment yourself so much for Him? What is the
need to cause so much trouble? What is the need to make such an exhibition? He is in reality present within you every moment.
But you are so stubborn. If you really believe in God then be surrendered to Him. In silence, know Him and it will definitely
actualize within you. Think of it, the God who has made this universe, who has made this Creation, will He destroy this Creation?
God’s Love has come into action especially in Kali Yuga. With regards to diseases you know that many have been cured by the
disciples themselves, many mental diseases of people have also been cured. This is not something special. This has to happen.
The temple of God is being cleaned by everyone from Bhairava to Hanuman ji. Whether they exist or not is to be seen by coming
into this kingdom. If you stand outside and say that I should show you then how can I do it? How can a blind man who wishes to
understand colour be told about it? If an ant wants to learn about our politics and political institutions, how can we explain such
things to it? Come into the Kingdom of God and it is completely free of cost. You don’t need to do anything. It is man who thinks
that he can purchase God, it is man’s intellect that makes him think that he can own God. No, you have to become one with Him,
you have to surrender to Him. Come into this Kingdom by being surrendered in the Kingdom of God’s Love. Now there are many
Sahaja Yogis here and if I wish to write their experiences down then I don’t know how many books will be written. But a Sahaja
Yogi is made gradually. Now, the population of bhoots is great. If someone gives a speech then thousands will become his
disciples because he will put a mohini-mantra [enchantment spell] on you and you will listen to him in that enchantment and you
won’t know when the speech ended. You will go insane and will start doing strange acts seeing which your family will ask, “Now
what kind of a sadhu [sage] is he a disciple of?” The whole day he hits the wife and then will sit next to that “sadhu”. He will ask
money from you and you will keep giving it to him. What can I do about this intellect of man? Gradually, a Sahaja Yogi is made.
Truth always evolves gradually. If I have to make plastic flowers then I can make thousands of them in one hour using a
machine. But if I have to blossom real roses then some time has to be spent. Despite all this, the specialty of this Kali Yuga is
that God’s Love is bubbling so much, His compassion is flowing so much that I have tried these things in many births but only in
this birth, in this Kali Yuga’s special courtyard, many people get their Realization in a moment - the most ordinary people. Even
Krishna, and in His time, I too worked very hard to give Realization to the cowherds, but it didn’t work so well. None of Christ’s
disciples could get Realization though He worked so hard and tried so much. In that era, he [Justice Vaidya] was also there and
some among you people were also there. Today, those same people are sitting amongst you. You are not of today but you are
seekers of many births together. You used to roam in the jungles in the early ages and you used to run after gurus. If you have
come today to achieve the fruition of all those thousands of years of seeking in a moment then why do you doubt it? This was
promised a long time ago that in the Kali Yuga only such a time would come and it is being fulfilled now. Why are you so
surprised at this? Why is there so much doubt, so much argument and so much delay in this? In coming to Sahaja Yoga, you
know that it is a play of seven chakras. Especially, you people are worried about Lakshmi ji (She represents wealth) here in India.
This is not the case in other countries. In other countries, people roam around dressed like beggars. They are fed up with the
grace of Lakshmi ji and don’t want any more. Recently I had been to Mombasa and they said, “Mataji, Lakshmi ji’s grace is there
but now give us peace because our wives have gone crazy, our homes are disturbed, all the children have gone crazy, there is
mental derangement and the most number of suicides are taking place here.” The situation in America is the same. Wherever
you go, wherever there is money in excess, there the people are more insane. But in Sahaja Yoga, Lakshmi ji’s grace also rains
down upon you. Even that balance comes in. You go into that Kingdom and enter into that special blessing which makes
everything such that your path becomes easy and sahaj. We have many people who can bear witness to this. You see, the
Mother has to give the temptation of everything to Her children that, “My child, eat this now. If not then I will give you this thing
and then you eat it. I will give you two paise (Indian currency) but you eat it please.” If he doesn’t accept that then She says,
“Alright, I will build you a palace but you eat it. This is my condition." I am trying to please you in every way and I am giving
everything. I am giving you a lot of love also. But I ask for only one thing that, "My child, know yourself, establish yourself in that
power which is within you and ask for that. Ask for that which is Reality and don’t go after what is artificial." Despite the wealth,
property, prosperity, power or position you have, you might be kings and queens but you won’t get joy unless you stand in the
kingdom of joy. When you stand in the kingdom of joy then in any case you become kings and queens. No one can purchase you
or conquer you. You conquer everything. You become kings. Such great kings have come and gone in this country. In this
Maharashtra, a great personage took birth who lived in a small village in Shirdi. People never understood his kingship, in what
enjoyment he used to live. In this India, there was another king in Guru Nanak. Another was Kabir. Did they enjoy any royal
comforts? Today, the whole world lies at their feet. I am present before you today only to bring fulfilment to all their teachings
and their work. Nothing they said was false. What Jesus said, what Krishna said, what is written in the Gita, what is written in the
Bible, what is written in the Quran will be proved by Me. In looks, I am just an ordinary lady. Alright, the power flowing through Me
will prove how the Unconscious is working. When you get your Realization, then that power tells you through the chakras on the
fingertips about the problems of a person. It does not tell you in words but it tells you by burning, by cooling. Like, if it is flowing
as a cool breeze then it is a blessing that is flowing as if from the Himalayas. This is a subjective knowledge which means that
the doer knows it. You become the doer, you get the knowledge of the doer, that is you become what you really are. There is no
need to read about it outside. There is no need to look into books, the whole library is here. If some learned people come to Me,
they say, “Mataji, what you are talking about is written in Gheranda Samhita.” Let alone this Samhita, I have never read the
Upanishads, never read the Gita. Then how did I know about this? The source of knowledge is inside, in My brain. If there is a
library inside you, you can read whatever book you want. You become replete with knowledge. Then what you say is the truth,
you become replete with truth. Whatever you say, you can manifest. The Kundalini will rise just by the movement of your hands.
Leave My case alone. There are many people present here, who look just like you but the Kundalini rises just by their gestures.
Sometimes they can raise the Kundalinis of thousands. Don’t believe me blindly but experience it. In London, I was surprised, a
gentleman gave Realization to six people only using My photograph. They just sat with their hands towards the photograph and
the six of them transformed completely. I was quite surprised and when I saw that I said, “Ahahaha, what great personalities of
time immemorial have come in this world! I don’t know whether to touch their feet or embrace them with all My heart. Where
should I keep them? What more can be said about you who got Realization just by looking at the photograph?” Another great
blessing that is taking effect in this world – perhaps this is not known to you – many children below the age of 8, I have seen
some 12 year-olds also; they are there in America, there are many in London and they are here too; they are great personalities
who have taken their birth and are expert in the science of Kundalini. Today, there was a five-year-old boy who was hitting his
father’s Nabhi and Agnya chakras and he knew what was catching in his father. Nothing was told to the boy but he continued to
hit his father until the chakras cleared out. Such people are Knowledge in reality. Every gesture, every movement, every word they
speak is full of knowledge. I too have a granddaughter, both my granddaughters are quite great and they were born this way. We
went to the airport and they started moving their hands this way and I asked, “What are you doing?” They said, “Grandmother, I
am tying everyone up. So many dark people are here.” For them, ‘dark’ means ‘negative'. When she was three years old, she used
to tell Sahaja Yogis, “See, our mind is a horse. Sit on the horse and don’t let the horse sit on you. Always sit on the white horse.”
Now see, it is said that in the Kali Yuga the rider will sit on a white horse. A three-year-old child said this. I have seen many
children like this; in your India, I have seen at least 300 children. No matter how terrible the Kali Yuga is, these people will take
birth. They have come. Apart from this, demons are also taking their birth. Otherwise, how will the Kali Yuga show its colours?
Also, many animals are taking birth. Ordinary people hesitate a bit to take birth because they know that the conditions are bad.
So many animals are taking birth that the population is also increasing rapidly. The day Satya Yuga arrives, this number will
reduce by itself. Ordinary man will take birth. If a person sees this terrifying state of affairs, why will he take birth? Why should he
come into this menace where fathers are no longer fathers, sisters are no longer sisters? Who will wish to trap himself in this
menace? Many such great personages are anyways taking birth but other powers are also taking birth along with them. In your
India, 16 rakshasas have taken birth. If there was one, he could have been given Realization. Now, there is no point in killing them
because one of them died and as a bhoot he has become more potent. How will you people understand from where have such
evil characters come into this world and what is their source? How will you people solve this problem? Let the scientists tell how
this is happening. Can you tell through science? Now the state of the scientists is this. In America, many people have started
smoking marijuana and other drugs. So, a committee of 5 scientists was formed to find out what are the effects of taking these
drugs. When they went to find out, they got possessed by bhoots. As a result, the scientists themselves started smoking drugs
and resigned from their jobs. If they were such great scientists then why did they start smoking marijuana? Why do they drink so
much alcohol? Mohammed Sahib told that alcohol should be avoided and Nanak Sahib told that alcohol should be avoided. But
if they can do the same through science then I will accept that science is great. Are these people happy? At least you people
have some happiness. But those people who have advanced so much with science are in great unhappiness. Do you know that
there is a great problem facing the United Nations? The problem is in deciding whether to trap the developing countries in the
mess that the developed countries are trapped in. People reported that especially in Nepal, people are poor but they are very
happy and satisfied. They are enjoying their lives. So why do you want to spoil it all? Looking at you people too, many say that
Indians are quite well-balanced and alright. “They are yet to fall in the trap of unhappiness so why do you want to develop them
and put them into the mess that we are in?” Now, we have to think whether we can short-circuit the whole thing and reduce this
advancement. You can surely do it. Only you have the right to attain that Infinite that is doing everything, that is the collection of
all sciences and that is everything. You have to attain that and reach the central point. Sahaja Yoga is the invention of God’s
Love. Until today, you people were not aware of God’s Love because you were not connected. Once the connection is
established, things will work out. Now, only those who are sitting in this hall can listen to My speech. In the same way, only those
who enter the Kingdom of God can see the principle of His all-pervading form being present in every particle. There will be no
doubt. What a great thing it is! What a miracle it is! Now in London, anyways, churches are being sold. What can be done? Sell the
churches! Just as they were bought, they are being sold. Ashrams are being sold in India. Unless a living thing is seen in this
world, God’s name itself cannot be there, isn’t it? But God is Living and the only thing you have to do is to attain Him. Now, you
people are on the stage. Only through you, only because of you this is going to work out because all of you people are on the
stage. It all depends on your ability to do the work and show the world. If the world is destroyed, then the responsibility is yours
and not anybody else’s. It sounds fantastic. Today’s humans cannot believe how this can happen. They say, “All this cannot be
believed, Mataji is just cooking up some story.” Just think of this that you are going to get an invaluable diamond in a moment
and you have to take it. Please put your hands towards Me for some time. Please don’t look at the watch for some time. This
[Realization] is important, is the most important thing. (Sahaja Yogis take the mantra of Shri Kalki Swarupini repeatedly.) Close
your eyes and see if there is thoughtless awareness. Some people might be getting some coolness on their hands but
thoughtless awareness comes first. Please don’t get up in between for some time, please sit down for five minutes. Keep both
your feet straight. If you are unable to close your eyes and your eyelids are flickering then keep your eyes open. Many people
among you have become thoughtlessly aware. I know this. It means that upon closing your eyes if you look at your mind then
there is no thought. If there is only thoughtless awareness then you should know that the Kundalini has crossed the Agnya
Chakra and has spread in the Sahasrara Chakra but has not pierced through here. But if someone is getting a cool breeze in their
hands then they should know that the Brahmarandhra has been opened. In any case, our program will once again be in Bal
Mohan and you will get photos outside which you can take. You should also try out experiments on the photo. First sit with your
hands towards the photo and if you get the cool breeze then you should know that it is alright. If there is any disease, then you
can use the photo but take care that the photo is respected. Don’t throw the photo here and there because many things come
along with it. If a cool breeze starts flowing from it, then there is no problem, everything is alright. But if you get a hot breeze it
means that your health is not alright. There is some problem or discomfort within you. Especially if this hand gets the heat then
keep that hand towards the photo and keep the other hand pointed outwards. But if there is some trembling in your hands or if
your eyes are flickering then it shows that there is a very bad nervous tension upon you. So, you should point both hands towards
the photo and light a candle or lamp in front of it and keep both your feet in water. As soon as you do that, the vibrations from the
photo will come and go through you into the water. It is a great thing that in the photo itself the vibrations are flowing. See what a
great thing God has done! The vibrations flow from the photo and in great force but not as great as from Me. But that is enough.
You should take the photo from outside and take the vibrations from it. Any disease or problem you have, you will see that it will
go away. If you have problems of sleep, if there is a lot of discomfort in your body, if there is some mental problem or if someone
in your house is insane, any problem you have, you can try it out on the photo. But if the cool breeze is flowing through you, you
can cure any disease yourself. Keep one hand towards the photo and the other towards that person. The vibrations will flow
through you because you have become hollow from within. You should try it out and do come to Bal Mohan where I will be able
to tell you more in detail about how to proceed further with this. If within seven days, the cool breeze does not flow through you,
then you should keep both hands towards the photo and keep your feet in water and light a lamp. It might be that you have a
serious disease that you don’t know about. It might also be that you are possessed. You should keep both hands towards the
photo and both your feet in a basin of water with some salt. Try it out and see how much it benefits you. When you come to Bal
Mohan then I shall tell you more about it. It is true that this science is very difficult, the engineering is very complex but its
working is very simple and sahaj. It’s like if you wish to have light, you just have to switch it on. It’s very simple and you should
see that with the photo, you will benefit from it. All I want to say is that, believe Me, God exists in reality. He exists everywhere.
Also, if you have tremendous love, this love of Mine that you are seeing is His love only. He loves you so much that today it is you
who have been made the king and only through you, this great play of His is going to manifest in this world. Many thanks to you
and I hope to meet you again. |
12/23/1975 | | Public Program, God’s Love, Parmatma Ka Prem | India | Mumbai | null | Reviewed | null | Draft | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | Hindi | 40 | God’s Love, Mumbai, India 23-12-1975 [English translation from Hindi] I bow to you all who are seekers of truth. Yesterday, you
were present in large numbers at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. Today, I am going to talk about things that follow from yesterday’s
lecture. The topic was, “Experiences of divine love.” In today’s age of science, it seems almost comical to talk about God and
then to talk about His love seems even more comical. Especially in India, as I told yesterday, scientists here have not yet reached
that limit where they can think about God. This is a sad thing. But in other countries, scientists have reached that point where
they concede that they don’t know what is beyond. They also say, “What we have known comes through science, that is true, but
this is nothing. The source of all these things is a strange thing which we are unable to understand.” For example, great
scientists of chemistry say that they are not able to understand how these periodic laws (of elements) have been made. Such a
unique and beautiful creation has been made where every atom contains a universe that the scientists are unable to understand
how it has come about. They say that this work of creation cannot be done by them. Not only that but also we cannot tell how
this has been created. This earth is rotating so fast and how is it able to do so and how this gravity works on it. We can say that,
"This is working", but science cannot tell us how exactly it is working. A great scientist like Einstein said repeatedly that there is
some unknown land from where we are getting this knowledge. Those countries that have reached the frontiers of science have
every possible amenity. Food shortage is not a problem there. People say that the country has affluence and that affluence has
given them a lot of money. So, their children have left their houses and are roaming around like ascetics. Some are coming to
India, some are running to Nepal. They are saying, “Leave all this. Our parents have collected all stones and bricks and we are not
going to follow them.” But after leaving all that, they have become hippies and are smoking drugs. But all these things cannot
prove the existence of God. Only after arguing, debating and rationalizing, a person reaches a position where he says that there
is definitely something beyond all this. But I am not going to tell you this. I am going to tell you about the actualization of the
experience. For many years, forget our Scriptures, but in other countries too, great psychologists and philosophers have enquired
about how to enter that subtle state from this gross one. Mind and thoughts are gross so how to enter that thoughtless state
with the help of these thoughts, how to enter the Infinite with this finitude and how to enter the Boundless using these bondages
has been a great problem for mankind since the beginning. And I have now brought the solution to this problem. The solution is
not only in words but also in action and it can happen to you also. This is because the time has come for it to happen. Its chance
has come and it has to take place in this Kali Yuga. Until the Kali Yuga had not developed completely, man had not reached that
balance which he had to reach. God’s work would not have come into action until man had not developed completely like this
mike was not put to the mains until it was developed completely. Only in the fire of this Kali Yuga that seems to be extremely
terrifying, painful and frightening will you become what you had to become. But there is only one question, one request to you
that what do you accept, what do you wish for – whether you wish for the truth or the untruth? Man is uneasy, more so in those
countries where there is a surplus of food and water. People are going mad. There is a great crisis going on and you don’t know
how unhappy those people are who have much more food than you. There are so many suicides in those places. You still feel
that you have to earn money. Those people don’t want to do anything of the sort. So what will they do next? They have gone mad
trying to understand why they have come on this earth. They are like people in a closed, dark room and are crashing into various
things. You people are also walking the path of so-called development and you are taking that road which they have already
taken. The only difference is that those things that are important for them are not important for you. But do you also want to take
that road or do you want to take a shortcut if you get one? You should know that this land of India is a land of Yoga. Most of the
incarnations came on this land. You have taken birth on a great land and this choice of yours is a great thing. However, there is
some problem of food and water and some people are great cheats. Despite that, your choice to enter the courtyard of the
vibrations of this country is a great one and you don’t know how God has blessed you. Today, your children are sitting with you
and your parents are standing by you. This why Sahaja Yoga has sprouted in India first. Only through this India is going to rule
the world. Now it is not a topic of debate whether God’s love exists or not or whether God exists or not. Firstly some great people
have taken birth in this country. Take Adi Shankaracharya for example who has given us a prior understanding of Chaitanya
Lahari [waves of vibrations] and other things. We have so many Scriptures in which the form and manifestation of God has been
discussed a lot. But why should we believe them? Why should we accept it just because Shankaracharya has said it? One
gentleman was asking me yesterday that, "What madness possessed a pundit like Gyaneshawar to sing the praise of Shri
Ganesha?" It is surprising that you consider Gyaneshwar as a great pundit. Do you consider him a pundit because he has made
skilful use of words? These Scriptures have been written by people who were born on a very high level. Their consciousness was
much higher than ours and their vision was directed at something else altogether. Think of a personality born on the tenth floor
and the ordinary society was born at the lowest level. There was nothing to connect them both except the fact that society below
tortured such personalities while they were alive and made money by means of temples and other institutions in their name after
their death. This is quite clear. They were quite active in trying to explain such things to the people but were unable to reach
anywhere with it. Until the people below are not lifted a little higher, until their human awareness is not lifted higher, they won’t be
able to understand that there is something above this level also. So, you cannot blame such people also. If they don’t believe
this, then too there is no need to blame them. If they don’t believe in God then too there is no need to blame them. This is
because man has been made in this manner itself. Man was created in this way that for some time, he was separated from and
deprived of God’s love. He was separated from the all-pervading love of God which he can know and in which he can live. Man
was separated like a drop from the ocean. This was done in a special manner. I have talked about this many times how the
Kundalini enters a person and how the ego and super-ego come together and make a cage in his head because of which he
asserts his own identity by getting separated from this all-pervading light of God, "I am different, you are different and you are
different." In this way, this special creation is placed in man because of his triangular head. Three powers enter him which,
according to the Scriptures, are known as Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati and Mahakali. Of these three powers, Mahasaraswati is
that power which creates, Mahakali is that power by which we exist and because of Mahalakshmi power we have become men
from stones, we have evolved. Gold has its own dharma that it does not get tarnished. Its yellow colour is not its dharma but its
dharma is that it does not tarnish. In the same way, man has a dharma. It is Mahalakshmi’s job to change the dharmas. It is also
Shri Vishnu’s job who finally becomes Virata. Now, you will be surprised at how beautifully God has made arrangements within
man. You are unaware of it. Some doctors know about it but they simply say, “We cannot explain the mode of action.” God has
made a beautiful arrangement within man. You can say that He has made an office from man’s brain to the bottom of the spinal
cord. Now you will ask, “Who is Shri Ganesha? How do we believe whether Shri Ganesha exists or not?” It is a pertinent question.
You have not seen Shri Ganesha, you have not known Him so you should not believe in Him. But it is a strange thing that unless
you come inside you cannot see and as long as you are standing outside you will not believe. For example, you are standing
outside and you are saying, “We have not seen Mataji so how should we believe that She is there?” Then I would say, “Come
inside and have a look.” But you would say, “Show us outside itself.” When His governance is inside, then you have to come
inside isn’t it? Unless you go inside you won’t be able to see it. So, before creating this Creation, before creating the Adi Kundalini,
before creating this universe, Shri Ganesha was established. Today, being Tuesday, is an auspicious day. He is in reality the
incarnation of purity. He resides within us but you don’t have the eyes to see Him. In the centre called 'Mooladhara' which is
surrounded by the prostate gland [in men] and which is called as pelvic plexus, He is reflected within every person. He might be
asleep but He resides there. This Deity is such that He never falls asleep completely. When a person becomes a complete devil,
then He disappears from there. But He is present within everyone. This is the first centre within us which is called as Mooladhara
chakra. You are Sanskrit pundits so you know that ‘mool’ means ‘root’ and ‘adhara’ means ‘support.’ So it is the support of the
root, root of this creation. He sits at the support of the root of this creation and that’s why He was created before anything else.
This was done so that the whole universe is filled with purity and remains immersed in purity and innocence. Many people say,
“Mataji, is not right to be so innocent, you have no practical sense. You should have practical sense.” Nothing is more practical
than God. He is the source of all the intelligence that you have. The only difference is that He is source of wisdom, not
foolishness. What you call ‘practical’ is actually a great foolishness. In the end you are proved to be a big fool but the real mark
of foolishness is when you don’t return from there. You live in the world while considering yourself to be very intelligent but just
one movement of Shri Ganesha’s trunk, all your schemes turn upon yourself in such a way that you end up straight in hell. You
cannot be clever with God! I am a Mother, so I forgive even if you tell many lies but Shri Ganesha is very clever though He is the
symbol of eternal childhood. The meaning of this is that when you think of your ascent, when you think of God, He becomes like
a small child. The meaning of His being present in the pelvic plexus itself means that there is no connection between God and
sex. There is no need to fall into the trap of those who are teaching you all sorts of such wrong things. They are all demons
incarnate. 16 rakshasas have taken their birth in this world and are roaming around in the garb of mahagurus. They are all doing
a business of making money. Each one has his own traps and they have fallen into those traps but they want to make one final
swipe at all those fools who are enticed by them. There is absolutely no relation, no relation, no relation between God and sex! To
prove this point, Shri Ganesha is sitting there to protect His Mother who is sitting in Her house which is the triangular bone at the
bottom of the spine present within every person. He is guarding that house, which is the house of your Mother whose name is
'Kundalini' who is of the form of Gauri. The person who prays to Shri Ganesha understands this fact that the position of the
Mother is very high and has absolutely no relation with sex. An Indian understands this very well. The person who does such a
thing is punished so badly by Shri Ganesha when their Kundalini is about to rise that they get burnt. Their Kundalini does not rise,
She is not mad enough to do that, but the heat generated by Shri Ganesha at that time burns them off completely. A person
starts hopping like a frog, starts screaming, removes his clothes and these are signs of those who are condemned. They are
goblins who are spreading sin in this world. What is sin is sin and what is dharma is dharma. The two cannot be mixed. These
people are turning dharma to adharma and merits into sin. These people are so successful because you people justify your
weaknesses in such actions. If there is sex in God’s name then, "There is nothing better. "They smoke marijuana in the name of
God. What can be said now? 'Confusion' is the name of Kali Yuga. There was a small mistake done in the past that some people
understood the trunk of Shri Ganesha in the Mooladhara Chakra to be the Kundalini. This was a mistake but this mistake was
extrapolated to new heights. Because the pelvic plexus governs sex they related sex to Kundalini. Thus they became tantriks and
mantriks and are nothing else but demons. They are devils in the garb of men and protect yourselves and your children from
them. There are many such people in Dadar also, I know. I have worked a lot in Dadar. These people take money and use their
tantra vidya and mantra vidya on others. In reality, unless a person is extremely pure, he cannot reach even the feet of Shri
Ganesha. These people keep Shri Ganesha in front and worship Him, you will be surprised, and call dead spirits [bhoots]. How
does this work? When there is an an-adhikar-cheshta [unauthorized attempt], when an impure person repeatedly calls on God,
then Shri Ganesha sleeps off over there. All these deities are very sensitive. As soon as He sleeps off, the demons arrive over
there and start making the sound ‘hoo-hoo’ and show some magic tricks by conjuring some stone or a ring. There Shri Ganesha
has slept off. First, Shri Ganesha is made to sleep with the help of their un-godliness and dirty behaviour. After putting Him in a
state of absolute sleep, they call the demons over there and do their work. Tantriks and mantriks of this kind should know that
you will earn money in this country but along with it you are purchasing a ticket to hell and you will remain in hell permanently
and won’t return from there. Be careful of this money. In reality, even if man falls to this depth, God is so compassionate. I had
gone to Pune and there was a big mantrik over there. He came to Me and I was staying at the DIG’s [Deputy Inspector General]
place. The DIG told Me that this mantrik had helped them a lot by catching many thieves and asked Me to help him out. This
mantrik came to My feet and started crying desperately saying, “Mother release me from their grip, they are eating me up. You
understand all these things.” I asked, “Why did you take the help of these bhoots? Why did you wreak such devilry with the help of
these demons?” He said, “I did not do any evil, I have always used them for good.” I said, “Whether it is good or bad, why did you
do something that was unauthorized?” He said, “Alright forgive me. I just ask for one thing that give me the Supreme.” I said, “Say
three times that, 'I want the Supreme'.” Then I prayed to God and immediately he got his Realization. How boundless He is and
His love cannot be expressed in words. Although he had worshipped only gross things throughout his life when he finally asked
Me, God rained down upon him. As he was leaving, he told the DIG, “I have been practicing this for 25 years in the cemeteries and
how Mataji can say that all my powers have gone away?” So, the DIG said, “Alright, say your mantras let’s see whether someone
comes or not.” He went on saying the mantras for half an hour but nothing happened. Then he came and fell at My feet saying,
“Mother, all that has finished.” I said, “Those who were responsible for those powers within you, they have disappeared, so how
can those powers work? Now those are awakened within you who will bring about your powers.” As soon as they are awakened
within a person, all his bad qualities fall off, “All the demons sitting in your head who were using you, all of them were destroyed.”
When these deities are awakened within you, you become divine. That is why it is said, “Nar jaise karni kare, nar ka Narayan ho”
[if a man does the right thing, he can become divine]. The ‘right thing’ means that the person should take his realization, the
deities within him should get awakened. Shri Ganesha always brings balance within us. Now I will tell you the psychology
because people of science always go towards psychology. What science calls 'the Id' is Shri Ganesha. They say that the
Unconscious is built in such a way that through the symbols in our dreams we can know that there is some effort to bring us into
balance and to correct us. Something is being taught to us. There are many such things. Even Freud, although he too was a
rakshasa, and many of his students, and the extent to which psychology has reached today, has concluded this thing saying that
the Unconscious is some great thing with intelligence. It keeps us on the right track. It is Shri Ganesha. Psychologists have not
yet been able to reach Shri Ganesha because they don’t know that to reach Shri Ganesha, our life has to be pure. How can people
who drink alcohol day and night, reach Shri Ganesha? One who has not made his life pure, one whose life is not in balance, one
who runs behind other women leaving his wife cannot reach Shri Ganesha who is in reality the Incarnation of Purity. But the
miracles of purity are so many that recently I had gone to an agricultural university in Rahuri. Some professors there are My
disciples and they said, “Give us some vibrated water by which our yield will increase.” I said, “Alright take it.” I moved My hand
like this and gave them some water. They came yesterday and they were telling their stories. They said that they put that water in
a well and the yield of crops irrigated with that water was hundred times the normal yield. They said, “Mother, we knew already
that this would happen with the vibrations because this has happened earlier. But the greatest surprise was this that earlier rats
would spoil around 250 sacks of grain and it would rot. But this time, in the go down in which this grain was kept rats did not
even touch the grain though there were holes in the sacks. Also, beside these sacks there was some other grain which is called
‘pen’ and rats never eat this but this time around the rats ate that and spared the vibrated grain.” Now you will ask, “How is this
possible?” Scientists will say that they cannot believe this but this is in front of you. Now see, he is a scientist, a professor at that
university, Mr. Chavan and he said, “Mother we were amazed at what we saw.” But when we tell this in the university, other
scientists say, “No, no it must be a coincidence.” They said, “But how can it be such a big coincidence that no rat even touched
it?” When it is about God, it is coincidence and when it is about science then it is sure-shot. This is because to accept God is very
difficult for man’s ego. Ego has covered his head so much. If the ego is pulled a little on this side, a place is created in the middle
for Sahaja Yoga. Because of this ego, they do not want to know how it happened. You know that cancer has been treated in
many people through Sahaja Yoga. In Delhi too, many people were cured of cancer. So much so, the Delhi government said that
they wanted to know how cancer was cured with Sahaja Yoga. So, I sent a disciple of mine who is a doctor to explain to them.
The secretary there wrote to Me saying that this was beyond his understanding. When I was in London, I got someone’s letter
who was suffering from colour blindness. The next day, I went in meditation and the same day his colour blindness was cured.
He was Government Servant, a Director and he had lost his job. But no one was willing to believe that his colour blindness had
gone away. Then I wrote a letter to a Secretary asking him to at least conduct a test for this person. When the examination was
done then they were surprised at how his colour blindness had been cured. Here too, many people are sitting who have got their
second birth. Ask them and they will give you their testimony. Then they said that, "Send some doctor and we will test it out in a
medical college." That doctor then wrote to Me saying, “Initially, I got tired of fighting with these scientists.” In that time,
emergency was declared and the discussion has been suspended. But they say that, "This won’t happen here." I said that,
"Sahaja Yoga is a gift of India and if I have found a way to cure cancer, why can’t you take a look at this?" No doctor is ready to
take a look. There is a disciple of Mine in America, called Dr. Langevar, who is a good doctor, and he asked Me, “Mother give me
a blessing such that I can spread Sahaja Yoga to the whole world.” Just before arriving here from London, I got a letter from him
saying that he has become the Chairman of the Association of all the Doctors of New York. Now he has asked Me to come there
and, "We will present to them in a conference that we have now been able to control the parasympathetic nervous system." Now
I am telling the doctors here that if they don’t want to accept this then let it come from America, what can be done? When we
borrow all things from America, then what can I do about it? In this manner, many diseases can be cured through Sahaja Yoga.
The seven centres within you, the beautiful arrangement made within you by God get enlightened with the light of Kundalini
through Sahaja Yoga and these deities put it into balance after getting awakened. They organize the working of the whole body
and give energy to the whole body which flows within us from above. To understand this, think of a car whose petrol is being
consumed and if the petrol decreases below a level, there is a tension created within us. But if there is an arrangement that you
have petrol all the time with you then there is no question of tiring, of spending. The same thing happens within us. This is called
as parasympathetic nervous system. Now, you will be surprised to know that all this is being said by doctors that
parasympathetic nervous system cannot be controlled. They are also saying that if psycho-synthesis has to take place, that is if
all the parts of the mind and body have to be integrated then that is possible only through the parasympathetic. This stage has
been constructed for us by them. What they are saying is the same thing as what we are doing but if I say that you jump up on
the stage then no scholar is ready to do that. (Recording ends.) | null | null | null | God’s Love, Mumbai, India 23-12-1975 [English translation from Hindi] I bow to you all who are seekers of truth. Yesterday, you
were present in large numbers at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. Today, I am going to talk about things that follow from yesterday’s
lecture. The topic was, “Experiences of divine love.” In today’s age of science, it seems almost comical to talk about God and
then to talk about His love seems even more comical. Especially in India, as I told yesterday, scientists here have not yet reached
that limit where they can think about God. This is a sad thing. But in other countries, scientists have reached that point where
they concede that they don’t know what is beyond. They also say, “What we have known comes through science, that is true, but
this is nothing. The source of all these things is a strange thing which we are unable to understand.” For example, great
scientists of chemistry say that they are not able to understand how these periodic laws (of elements) have been made. Such a
unique and beautiful creation has been made where every atom contains a universe that the scientists are unable to understand
how it has come about. They say that this work of creation cannot be done by them. Not only that but also we cannot tell how
this has been created. This earth is rotating so fast and how is it able to do so and how this gravity works on it. We can say that,
"This is working", but science cannot tell us how exactly it is working. A great scientist like Einstein said repeatedly that there is
some unknown land from where we are getting this knowledge. Those countries that have reached the frontiers of science have
every possible amenity. Food shortage is not a problem there. People say that the country has affluence and that affluence has
given them a lot of money. So, their children have left their houses and are roaming around like ascetics. Some are coming to
India, some are running to Nepal. They are saying, “Leave all this. Our parents have collected all stones and bricks and we are not
going to follow them.” But after leaving all that, they have become hippies and are smoking drugs. But all these things cannot
prove the existence of God. Only after arguing, debating and rationalizing, a person reaches a position where he says that there
is definitely something beyond all this. But I am not going to tell you this. I am going to tell you about the actualization of the
experience. For many years, forget our Scriptures, but in other countries too, great psychologists and philosophers have enquired
about how to enter that subtle state from this gross one. Mind and thoughts are gross so how to enter that thoughtless state
with the help of these thoughts, how to enter the Infinite with this finitude and how to enter the Boundless using these bondages
has been a great problem for mankind since the beginning. And I have now brought the solution to this problem. The solution is
not only in words but also in action and it can happen to you also. This is because the time has come for it to happen. Its chance
has come and it has to take place in this Kali Yuga. Until the Kali Yuga had not developed completely, man had not reached that
balance which he had to reach. God’s work would not have come into action until man had not developed completely like this
mike was not put to the mains until it was developed completely. Only in the fire of this Kali Yuga that seems to be extremely
terrifying, painful and frightening will you become what you had to become. But there is only one question, one request to you
that what do you accept, what do you wish for – whether you wish for the truth or the untruth? Man is uneasy, more so in those
countries where there is a surplus of food and water. People are going mad. There is a great crisis going on and you don’t know
how unhappy those people are who have much more food than you. There are so many suicides in those places. You still feel
that you have to earn money. Those people don’t want to do anything of the sort. So what will they do next? They have gone mad
trying to understand why they have come on this earth. They are like people in a closed, dark room and are crashing into various
things. You people are also walking the path of so-called development and you are taking that road which they have already
taken. The only difference is that those things that are important for them are not important for you. But do you also want to take
that road or do you want to take a shortcut if you get one? You should know that this land of India is a land of Yoga. Most of the
incarnations came on this land. You have taken birth on a great land and this choice of yours is a great thing. However, there is
some problem of food and water and some people are great cheats. Despite that, your choice to enter the courtyard of the
vibrations of this country is a great one and you don’t know how God has blessed you. Today, your children are sitting with you
and your parents are standing by you. This why Sahaja Yoga has sprouted in India first. Only through this India is going to rule
the world. Now it is not a topic of debate whether God’s love exists or not or whether God exists or not. Firstly some great people
have taken birth in this country. Take Adi Shankaracharya for example who has given us a prior understanding of Chaitanya
Lahari [waves of vibrations] and other things. We have so many Scriptures in which the form and manifestation of God has been
discussed a lot. But why should we believe them? Why should we accept it just because Shankaracharya has said it? One
gentleman was asking me yesterday that, "What madness possessed a pundit like Gyaneshawar to sing the praise of Shri
Ganesha?" It is surprising that you consider Gyaneshwar as a great pundit. Do you consider him a pundit because he has made
skilful use of words? These Scriptures have been written by people who were born on a very high level. Their consciousness was
much higher than ours and their vision was directed at something else altogether. Think of a personality born on the tenth floor
and the ordinary society was born at the lowest level. There was nothing to connect them both except the fact that society below
tortured such personalities while they were alive and made money by means of temples and other institutions in their name after
their death. This is quite clear. They were quite active in trying to explain such things to the people but were unable to reach
anywhere with it. Until the people below are not lifted a little higher, until their human awareness is not lifted higher, they won’t be
able to understand that there is something above this level also. So, you cannot blame such people also. If they don’t believe
this, then too there is no need to blame them. If they don’t believe in God then too there is no need to blame them. This is
because man has been made in this manner itself. Man was created in this way that for some time, he was separated from and
deprived of God’s love. He was separated from the all-pervading love of God which he can know and in which he can live. Man
was separated like a drop from the ocean. This was done in a special manner. I have talked about this many times how the
Kundalini enters a person and how the ego and super-ego come together and make a cage in his head because of which he
asserts his own identity by getting separated from this all-pervading light of God, "I am different, you are different and you are
different." In this way, this special creation is placed in man because of his triangular head. Three powers enter him which,
according to the Scriptures, are known as Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati and Mahakali. Of these three powers, Mahasaraswati is
that power which creates, Mahakali is that power by which we exist and because of Mahalakshmi power we have become men
from stones, we have evolved. Gold has its own dharma that it does not get tarnished. Its yellow colour is not its dharma but its
dharma is that it does not tarnish. In the same way, man has a dharma. It is Mahalakshmi’s job to change the dharmas. It is also
Shri Vishnu’s job who finally becomes Virata. Now, you will be surprised at how beautifully God has made arrangements within
man. You are unaware of it. Some doctors know about it but they simply say, “We cannot explain the mode of action.” God has
made a beautiful arrangement within man. You can say that He has made an office from man’s brain to the bottom of the spinal
cord. Now you will ask, “Who is Shri Ganesha? How do we believe whether Shri Ganesha exists or not?” It is a pertinent question.
You have not seen Shri Ganesha, you have not known Him so you should not believe in Him. But it is a strange thing that unless
you come inside you cannot see and as long as you are standing outside you will not believe. For example, you are standing
outside and you are saying, “We have not seen Mataji so how should we believe that She is there?” Then I would say, “Come
inside and have a look.” But you would say, “Show us outside itself.” When His governance is inside, then you have to come
inside isn’t it? Unless you go inside you won’t be able to see it. So, before creating this Creation, before creating the Adi Kundalini,
before creating this universe, Shri Ganesha was established. Today, being Tuesday, is an auspicious day. He is in reality the
incarnation of purity. He resides within us but you don’t have the eyes to see Him. In the centre called 'Mooladhara' which is
surrounded by the prostate gland [in men] and which is called as pelvic plexus, He is reflected within every person. He might be
asleep but He resides there. This Deity is such that He never falls asleep completely. When a person becomes a complete devil,
then He disappears from there. But He is present within everyone. This is the first centre within us which is called as Mooladhara
chakra. You are Sanskrit pundits so you know that ‘mool’ means ‘root’ and ‘adhara’ means ‘support.’ So it is the support of the
root, root of this creation. He sits at the support of the root of this creation and that’s why He was created before anything else.
This was done so that the whole universe is filled with purity and remains immersed in purity and innocence. Many people say,
“Mataji, is not right to be so innocent, you have no practical sense. You should have practical sense.” Nothing is more practical
than God. He is the source of all the intelligence that you have. The only difference is that He is source of wisdom, not
foolishness. What you call ‘practical’ is actually a great foolishness. In the end you are proved to be a big fool but the real mark
of foolishness is when you don’t return from there. You live in the world while considering yourself to be very intelligent but just
one movement of Shri Ganesha’s trunk, all your schemes turn upon yourself in such a way that you end up straight in hell. You
cannot be clever with God! I am a Mother, so I forgive even if you tell many lies but Shri Ganesha is very clever though He is the
symbol of eternal childhood. The meaning of this is that when you think of your ascent, when you think of God, He becomes like
a small child. The meaning of His being present in the pelvic plexus itself means that there is no connection between God and
sex. There is no need to fall into the trap of those who are teaching you all sorts of such wrong things. They are all demons
incarnate. 16 rakshasas have taken their birth in this world and are roaming around in the garb of mahagurus. They are all doing
a business of making money. Each one has his own traps and they have fallen into those traps but they want to make one final
swipe at all those fools who are enticed by them. There is absolutely no relation, no relation, no relation between God and sex! To
prove this point, Shri Ganesha is sitting there to protect His Mother who is sitting in Her house which is the triangular bone at the
bottom of the spine present within every person. He is guarding that house, which is the house of your Mother whose name is
'Kundalini' who is of the form of Gauri. The person who prays to Shri Ganesha understands this fact that the position of the
Mother is very high and has absolutely no relation with sex. An Indian understands this very well. The person who does such a
thing is punished so badly by Shri Ganesha when their Kundalini is about to rise that they get burnt. Their Kundalini does not rise,
She is not mad enough to do that, but the heat generated by Shri Ganesha at that time burns them off completely. A person
starts hopping like a frog, starts screaming, removes his clothes and these are signs of those who are condemned. They are
goblins who are spreading sin in this world. What is sin is sin and what is dharma is dharma. The two cannot be mixed. These
people are turning dharma to adharma and merits into sin. These people are so successful because you people justify your
weaknesses in such actions. If there is sex in God’s name then, "There is nothing better. "They smoke marijuana in the name of
God. What can be said now? 'Confusion' is the name of Kali Yuga. There was a small mistake done in the past that some people
understood the trunk of Shri Ganesha in the Mooladhara Chakra to be the Kundalini. This was a mistake but this mistake was
extrapolated to new heights. Because the pelvic plexus governs sex they related sex to Kundalini. Thus they became tantriks and
mantriks and are nothing else but demons. They are devils in the garb of men and protect yourselves and your children from
them. There are many such people in Dadar also, I know. I have worked a lot in Dadar. These people take money and use their
tantra vidya and mantra vidya on others. In reality, unless a person is extremely pure, he cannot reach even the feet of Shri
Ganesha. These people keep Shri Ganesha in front and worship Him, you will be surprised, and call dead spirits [bhoots]. How
does this work? When there is an an-adhikar-cheshta [unauthorized attempt], when an impure person repeatedly calls on God,
then Shri Ganesha sleeps off over there. All these deities are very sensitive. As soon as He sleeps off, the demons arrive over
there and start making the sound ‘hoo-hoo’ and show some magic tricks by conjuring some stone or a ring. There Shri Ganesha
has slept off. First, Shri Ganesha is made to sleep with the help of their un-godliness and dirty behaviour. After putting Him in a
state of absolute sleep, they call the demons over there and do their work. Tantriks and mantriks of this kind should know that
you will earn money in this country but along with it you are purchasing a ticket to hell and you will remain in hell permanently
and won’t return from there. Be careful of this money. In reality, even if man falls to this depth, God is so compassionate. I had
gone to Pune and there was a big mantrik over there. He came to Me and I was staying at the DIG’s [Deputy Inspector General]
place. The DIG told Me that this mantrik had helped them a lot by catching many thieves and asked Me to help him out. This
mantrik came to My feet and started crying desperately saying, “Mother release me from their grip, they are eating me up. You
understand all these things.” I asked, “Why did you take the help of these bhoots? Why did you wreak such devilry with the help of
these demons?” He said, “I did not do any evil, I have always used them for good.” I said, “Whether it is good or bad, why did you
do something that was unauthorized?” He said, “Alright forgive me. I just ask for one thing that give me the Supreme.” I said, “Say
three times that, 'I want the Supreme'.” Then I prayed to God and immediately he got his Realization. How boundless He is and
His love cannot be expressed in words. Although he had worshipped only gross things throughout his life when he finally asked
Me, God rained down upon him. As he was leaving, he told the DIG, “I have been practicing this for 25 years in the cemeteries and
how Mataji can say that all my powers have gone away?” So, the DIG said, “Alright, say your mantras let’s see whether someone
comes or not.” He went on saying the mantras for half an hour but nothing happened. Then he came and fell at My feet saying,
“Mother, all that has finished.” I said, “Those who were responsible for those powers within you, they have disappeared, so how
can those powers work? Now those are awakened within you who will bring about your powers.” As soon as they are awakened
within a person, all his bad qualities fall off, “All the demons sitting in your head who were using you, all of them were destroyed.”
When these deities are awakened within you, you become divine. That is why it is said, “Nar jaise karni kare, nar ka Narayan ho”
[if a man does the right thing, he can become divine]. The ‘right thing’ means that the person should take his realization, the
deities within him should get awakened. Shri Ganesha always brings balance within us. Now I will tell you the psychology
because people of science always go towards psychology. What science calls 'the Id' is Shri Ganesha. They say that the
Unconscious is built in such a way that through the symbols in our dreams we can know that there is some effort to bring us into
balance and to correct us. Something is being taught to us. There are many such things. Even Freud, although he too was a
rakshasa, and many of his students, and the extent to which psychology has reached today, has concluded this thing saying that
the Unconscious is some great thing with intelligence. It keeps us on the right track. It is Shri Ganesha. Psychologists have not
yet been able to reach Shri Ganesha because they don’t know that to reach Shri Ganesha, our life has to be pure. How can people
who drink alcohol day and night, reach Shri Ganesha? One who has not made his life pure, one whose life is not in balance, one
who runs behind other women leaving his wife cannot reach Shri Ganesha who is in reality the Incarnation of Purity. But the
miracles of purity are so many that recently I had gone to an agricultural university in Rahuri. Some professors there are My
disciples and they said, “Give us some vibrated water by which our yield will increase.” I said, “Alright take it.” I moved My hand
like this and gave them some water. They came yesterday and they were telling their stories. They said that they put that water in
a well and the yield of crops irrigated with that water was hundred times the normal yield. They said, “Mother, we knew already
that this would happen with the vibrations because this has happened earlier. But the greatest surprise was this that earlier rats
would spoil around 250 sacks of grain and it would rot. But this time, in the go down in which this grain was kept rats did not
even touch the grain though there were holes in the sacks. Also, beside these sacks there was some other grain which is called
‘pen’ and rats never eat this but this time around the rats ate that and spared the vibrated grain.” Now you will ask, “How is this
possible?” Scientists will say that they cannot believe this but this is in front of you. Now see, he is a scientist, a professor at that
university, Mr. Chavan and he said, “Mother we were amazed at what we saw.” But when we tell this in the university, other
scientists say, “No, no it must be a coincidence.” They said, “But how can it be such a big coincidence that no rat even touched
it?” When it is about God, it is coincidence and when it is about science then it is sure-shot. This is because to accept God is very
difficult for man’s ego. Ego has covered his head so much. If the ego is pulled a little on this side, a place is created in the middle
for Sahaja Yoga. Because of this ego, they do not want to know how it happened. You know that cancer has been treated in
many people through Sahaja Yoga. In Delhi too, many people were cured of cancer. So much so, the Delhi government said that
they wanted to know how cancer was cured with Sahaja Yoga. So, I sent a disciple of mine who is a doctor to explain to them.
The secretary there wrote to Me saying that this was beyond his understanding. When I was in London, I got someone’s letter
who was suffering from colour blindness. The next day, I went in meditation and the same day his colour blindness was cured.
He was Government Servant, a Director and he had lost his job. But no one was willing to believe that his colour blindness had
gone away. Then I wrote a letter to a Secretary asking him to at least conduct a test for this person. When the examination was
done then they were surprised at how his colour blindness had been cured. Here too, many people are sitting who have got their
second birth. Ask them and they will give you their testimony. Then they said that, "Send some doctor and we will test it out in a
medical college." That doctor then wrote to Me saying, “Initially, I got tired of fighting with these scientists.” In that time,
emergency was declared and the discussion has been suspended. But they say that, "This won’t happen here." I said that,
"Sahaja Yoga is a gift of India and if I have found a way to cure cancer, why can’t you take a look at this?" No doctor is ready to
take a look. There is a disciple of Mine in America, called Dr. Langevar, who is a good doctor, and he asked Me, “Mother give me
a blessing such that I can spread Sahaja Yoga to the whole world.” Just before arriving here from London, I got a letter from him
saying that he has become the Chairman of the Association of all the Doctors of New York. Now he has asked Me to come there
and, "We will present to them in a conference that we have now been able to control the parasympathetic nervous system." Now
I am telling the doctors here that if they don’t want to accept this then let it come from America, what can be done? When we
borrow all things from America, then what can I do about it? In this manner, many diseases can be cured through Sahaja Yoga.
The seven centres within you, the beautiful arrangement made within you by God get enlightened with the light of Kundalini
through Sahaja Yoga and these deities put it into balance after getting awakened. They organize the working of the whole body
and give energy to the whole body which flows within us from above. To understand this, think of a car whose petrol is being
consumed and if the petrol decreases below a level, there is a tension created within us. But if there is an arrangement that you
have petrol all the time with you then there is no question of tiring, of spending. The same thing happens within us. This is called
as parasympathetic nervous system. Now, you will be surprised to know that all this is being said by doctors that
parasympathetic nervous system cannot be controlled. They are also saying that if psycho-synthesis has to take place, that is if
all the parts of the mind and body have to be integrated then that is possible only through the parasympathetic. This stage has
been constructed for us by them. What they are saying is the same thing as what we are doing but if I say that you jump up on
the stage then no scholar is ready to do that. (Recording ends.) |
12/26/1975 | | God’s Love | India | Mumbai | null | Draft | null | Reviewed | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | Hindi | 40 | God's Love (Parmatma ka Pyaar), Public Program, Bal Mohan Mandir, Mumbai (India) [Hindi to English Translation] I bow to all of
you, seekers of truth. Yesterday you were present in big numbers at Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan. And in continuation, whatever needs
to be told further, I am going to talk to you today. The topic was “Experiences Of Divine Love’. In today's times when science is
more prevalent, talking about God is laughable, and talking about God's love is all the more laughable. Like I had mentioned
yesterday, especially in India, the scientists here have not reached a state where they can think about God, it is sad to know.
Whereas, in foreign countries, scientists have reached a state where they are unable to scientifically explain what’s next and they
also say that, it is correct that whatever we know is falling in the parameters of science but what we know is nothing. The source
of this knowledge is some weird thing that we are unable to understand. Like big scientists of Chemistry say that these periodic
laws are beyond our understanding. It is a unique invention done so beautifully. The way each atom and molecule is designed.
The way each atom contains a whole universe, this is beyond our understanding. They say that we can never invent something
like this. We even can't explain how this was invented. This earth is rotating at a particular speed and how and how the gravity is
working on it? We can tell that it is working but how is it working, science cannot tell. Great scientist like Einstein, has repeatedly
said that there is some unknown land from where we are receiving all this love. And the countries which have achieved great
heights in science, they have all the facilities, they all have sufficient food, they are prospering. People say they are affluent, they
have a lot of money but their children have left homes and ran away. They all are roaming like sanyasis (ascetics). Some are
running to India, some to Nepal. They are saying that leave all this. We don’t know what our parents have collected all bricks and
stones we are not going to sit behind them (follow them). But despite leaving all this, these children now have become hippies,
taking all kinds of drugs. But you cannot achieve God by all this. Man tries to rationalize all this through his intelligence and
reaches a point where he says there is some Power beyond this. No I am not going to tell you this. I am going to tell you what is
living. The actualization of the experience. For so many years, leave aside our Yog Shastras (scriptures), but even big
psychologists and philosophers from foreign countries, what they have spoken is how to achieve the subtle state from this gross
state. Our brain is gross, our thoughts are gross. How to achieve the thoughtlessness through the thoughts, how to achieve the
infinite through the finite? Since ancient times this big question has been facing mankind. Today, I have brought those answers
to you. The answer is not just in words but in action. It can be experienced by you because the time for it to happen has come.
The opportunity has arrived. This is supposed to take place in Kaliyuga only. Till the time Kaliyuga had not manifested
completely, mankind had not achieved the right balance, till the time man was not ready towards the divine, this work would not
have been completed. The way you can see, till the time this microphone was not ready completely it was not connected to the
mains. In Kaliyuga only, which appears to be grievous and painful, appears to be gruesome and dangerous, you will become
what you were supposed to become only after you burn in this fire of Kaliyuga. Only one question, only one request I have for
you, that what do you accept, what do you respect, what do you want, do you want the truth or the untruth. Man is restless, more
than you in those countries where there is ample to eat. People are going crazy, these are disastrous times. You don’t know how
unhappy are those people who have so much more than you to eat. There are so many suicides happening there. You people still
have an aim that you have to earn money, they don’t even have that, so now what would they do further? They have just gone
mad, they are unable to understand why have they come on this earth. They find themselves as if, stuck in a closed room and
banging here and there. You all are also going on the path of development, what you call development. And you all are also going
through the same path, which they have already walked. The only difference is what they consider important, you don't. But,
would you like to go through the same path? Or if you find a short cut, will you take the short cut? You should be aware that this
land of Bharat (India) is the land of Yog (Yogbhumi). Most incarnations have taken birth on this land. You have been elected to
take birth on this Holy land, it is a very big thing. Though there is a little bit of crisis of food. People are a little sly, despite that,
you have elected to come to the courtyard of this country which is full of vibrations. This is a very big decision on your side and
you don’t know how much you are blessed by the Divine. Today your children are sitting with you, your parents are standing with
you in support. This is the reason why Sahaja Yoga has grown so beautifully in India. It will first grow in India only. And this is the
reason why India will soon be leading the world. Now, whether God's love exists or God exists or not, it is beyond any debate.
First of all, so many great souls have been born in this country, like Shri Aadishankaracharya, who has explained about vibrations
etc., to us much in advance. We have so many scriptures, wherein there have been mentions about the Divine existence. But why
should we believe them? Why should we agree because Shankaracharya has written it? Yesterday, someone was telling me that
Sant Gyaneshwar was such an intelligent man, and what foolishness that he used to praise Lord Ganesha. You think that
Gyaneshwar Ji was intelligent, this, itself is surprising. Do you consider him intelligent because of his knowledge of words?
Whatever is written in the scriptures is written by those who were born as higher beings. Their attention was much higher. They
had a different eye to see things. Think that someone was born on a very high, 10th floor and other ordinary people in the society
took birth at a very low level, on the 1st floor. There was no connection between the two except for the fact that till they were
alive the society which was born at a low level kept harassing them and when they died, the society made temples and whatnot
for them and started earning money in their name. This is a straight thing, because though they worked hard to explain (the truth)
but couldn’t reach the point. Till the time this (low) level of people are not lifted high, till the time their limited attention, which is
the attention of human beings, is not lifted higher, it’s not their (human being's) fault either, otherwise, how will they ever
understand that there exists something which is higher, a higher level of attention. If they do not have faith, still they shouldn't be
blamed. If they do not have faith in the Divine, even then they shouldn't be blamed. Because human beings have been created
this way that he has been deprived of the Divine Love for some time. The Divine love which has been flowing all around, which he
can recognize and enjoy, the human being has been taken away from that. As a drop of the ocean has been taken away from the
Ocean. It has been done in a uniquely. I have spoken about this many times, how Mother Kundalini enters the human body and
how Ego and Super Ego get together in the brain and convert it into some kind of prison. Because of this, human being gets away
from the all-embracing light of the divine and makes his personality like I am different, you are different and you are different too.
There is a special creation in each human being's triangular brain. Three powers that enter this. According to the scriptures, we
know these three powers as MahaSaraswati, MahaKaali, and Mahalakshmi. Out of these, MahaSaraswati’s power creates,
MahaKaali’s power creates memory, because of which we exist and with Power of Mahalakshmi today we have become human
beings from a stone. We were uplifted, our evolution took place. There is Dharma (property) in Gold also. You know the Dharma
of Gold is that it never gets spoilt. Gold’s dharma is not in the colour yellow, but its dharma is that it does not tarnish. The same
way human beings also have Dharma. The work of changing the Dharma is of Shri Mahalakshmi and Shri Vishnu, who appears in
the end in His Viraat form. Now, you will be surprised to know, the Divine has made such a beautiful arrangement in human
beings. You all are unaware, some doctors know but they also say that “we cannot explain the mode of action”. In the human
body, The Divine has created a beautiful design from his brain until the end of the spinal cord bone. It’s like an office that has
been opened by the Divine. Now you will ask who is Shri Ganesha? Does Shri Ganesha exist or no.. how should we believe? You
are right, you haven’t seen Shri Ganesha, you haven’t known Him, you should not believe. But it is a strange arrangement that
unless you go inside, you cannot see Him and till you are standing outside, you do not recognize Him. Suppose you are standing
outside of this room, and you haven’t seen me but you say how do we believe that Mother is there. Then I will say, you come
inside and see and then you say no you show me from the outside. When His kingdom is inside then you only will have to come
inside, isn’t it? Unless you go inside, you won’t be able to see this thing. So, first of all before Mother Nature was created before
Aadi Kundalini was created before the entire universe was created, Shri Ganesha was established. Today, it’s an auspicious day,
Tuesday. He is the complete incarnation of purity. He resides within us but you don't have the eyes to see Him. His reflection is
within each one of us in a centre called Mooladhara, which is surrounded by the prostate gland, which we all know as the pelvic
plexus. Though He is dormant, not active, however, He is there. This deity is such that He never becomes completely dormant
unless human beings become a demon. If a man completely becomes a demon, then He disappears from there. Otherwise, Shri
Ganesha resides in every human being. This is the first centre within us, which is called The Mooladhar. Mooladhar, you all are
great scholars of Sanskrit, Mool means and Aadhar means to support. Support of the root. The root of this creation. Shri
Ganesha is sitting to support the root, which is why He was created first. So, the entire universe is filled with purity. So, the
universe is immersed in purity and innocence. Many people tell me, “Mother, it’s not good to be so innocent. You don't have any
practical sense. You should have practical sense." There is no one more practical than God. Whatever wisdom you have, the
source of that is God only. The only difference is that He is the source of wisdom, not of foolishness. What you call "being
practical" is in reality, foolishness. In the end, you prove yourself to be foolish but at that time, it’s difficult for you to return. You
move in this world thinking you are very intelligent. Only once if Shri Ganesha moves His trunk, all your thievery is turned around
and you land yourself in hell. You can’t show your cleverness in front of God. Once, you lie to me, I may forgive you because I am
The Mother, but, Shri Ganesha is very wise. Though he is like a little child. Eternal childhood, He is the symbol of eternal
childhood. This means that, when you think of your ascent when you think of God, you should be childlike, especially regarding
sex. The entire reason behind the symbol of Shri Ganesha being present at pelvic plexus is to prove that there is no connection
between the Divine and sex. Those who try to teach you all these nonsensical things. Please don’t be wooed by them. They are
all demons. Sixteen demons have taken birth on this earth and roaming around posing to be the great Spiritual Gurus. They are
all behind money. They have their issues in which they are going to be strangled themselves, but they want to play their last card
and watch how many fools get caught by them. There is no connection, no connection between sex and God. To prove this Shri
Ganesha is sitting there, to protect His Mother, who is sitting in Her house, which is the triangular bone inside human beings. He
is sitting in front of that house. And that house belongs to your Mother too. Your Mother is called Kundalini, who is another form
of Shri Gauri. The person, who worships Shri Ganesha, knows that the Mother’s place is at a very high level and is nowhere
connected with sex. An Indian understands this very well. And the person who does anything against this, he is troubled so badly
by Shri Ganesha that when such a person’s kundalini rises, everyone gets burnt. No, kundalini does not rise, Kundalini is not
foolish to rise but the heat that Shri Ganesha produces. It burns everything. The man starts jumping like a frog, starts shouting,
removes his clothes. All these signs come from disgusting kind of people. They are ghosts themselves. They have come on this
earth and are spreading sinful negativity. What is Sin, is Sin and what is Dharma is Dharma. Both cannot be mixed. Converting
dharma (righteousness) into adharma (wrongdoings), converting what is holy into sins, this is what they are doing. And they are
becoming successful in this cause you people are supporting as your weaknesses are being taken care of. If there is sex in the
name of God then what else you need? Very good. Taking drugs in the name of God, very nice. This kind of confusion, is what
Kaliyuga is all about. There was a little mistake in the ancient times, some people considered Shri Ganesha’s trunk as Kundalini.
It was a mistake. But people are stretching that mistake like how. Just because pelvic plexus is related to sex, they considered
that sex is related to Kundalini. They became tantric out of it. They are all demons. They are all demons in human form. Be safe
from them and save your kids from them. There are such people in Dadar I know, I have worked a lot in Dadar. They take the
money and do some tantric activities on others. In reality, unless a man is extremely pure, he cannot even reach the feet of Shri
Ganesha. And these people keep Shri Ganesha in front and worship Shri Ganesha, you will be shocked, and call ghosts, how is
this possible. When there is an undeserving activity. When an impure person tries to cheat God like this and troubles Him again
and again, so Shri Ganesha Himself becomes dormant. All these deities are very sensitive. The moment the deities become
dormant, all demons come there and these demons fool you. They try to woo you with some miracles like removing some ring or
some stone, this and that. And here Shri Ganesha sleeps. Put Shri Ganesha to sleep with all the Atheism and disgusting habits.
After putting Shri Ganesha in a completely dormant state, they call the demons and complete their work. These kinds of tantriks
should also know, that in this country, though you are earning money, you are also getting yourself a ticket to hell. And you will
stay permanently in hell and never return. Please be safe from such money. Let me tell you, despite human beings becoming
Adharmi, the Divine is so compassionate. I had gone to Pune. A very big tantrik from there came to me. I was staying at the DIG's
(Deputy Inspector General of Police) house at that time. Mr DIG told me that this tantric has helped us a lot, got so many thieves
caught. Please help him. He came running, fell on to my feet and started crying and pleading that “Mother, Please save me. All
these are eating me up. You understand everything.” I asked him why did you help these ghosts? Why were you being such an
evil and helping these demons? He said I was not being evil, I have always done good deeds" I said, whether it is a good deed or
a bad deed, why you did an undeserving activity. He said, “Ok Mother, Please forgive me. I just pray to you to give me the
Ultimate (Param)” I said, Ask for the Ultimate (Param) three times. I prayed to the Divine, and he received his self-realization.
Such unlimited compassion of the Divine. One cannot define His Love. Though all his life, the tantrik was worshipping all the
gross things. Only in the end he asked me for it and The Divine bestowed His blessings on him and he achieved self-realization.
And when he went out he told Mr DIG, "Mother is saying all your knowledge is lost. How is it possible? I have been in penance for
the last 25 years in the crematorium. How can it go?” He asked, “Ok say your mantras. Let’s see if any of your ghosts come?” He
kept chanting his mantras for half an hour but nothing happened. He again fell at my feet and asked, “Mother, is everything
over?” I said, the reason for those powers in you has disappeared, so how will anything happen. Now, your powers have been
awakened. When the Divine awakens in human beings all the negative knowledge falls apart. All those negative ghosts who were
residing in your head, using you, all of them get destroyed. Once the deities are awakened in you, you become like a deity. That’s
why they say “as per his actions, a human being can become a deity.” Here your actions mean awakening the deities within. Shri
Ganesha always brings in a balance within us. If, I tell you psychologically because scientists always rely on psychology. What
they call "It” in science, He is no one but Shri Ganesha himself. They say that the unconscious mind is such that in our dreams,
we get such signs n symbols that we come to know that someone is trying to bring in a balance within us. Someone is trying to
correct us. We are being explained something. These kinds of many findings have been made like in the case of Freud. Though,
he was a demon. But Freud indicated towards this study and today many of his followers and also all other psychologists and
scientists have concluded that "The Unconscious is something really wise and great. It guides us in the right direction." The
psychologists have not yet reached Shri Ganesha because they are unaware that to reach Shri Ganesha first you have to lead a
pure life. Those who consume alcohol, how can they reach Shri Ganesha? Those who don't lead a pure lifestyle, those who have
no balance in their life, those who leave their wives and get involved with other women, will Shri Ganesha appear for such sinful
people? He is an incarnation of purity and auspiciousness. But there are so many miracles of purity. I had recently visited a
University in Rahuri. Some professors there are my disciples. They asked me, “Mother please give us some vibrated water so
that our agricultural yield is increased.” So I just moved my hand on the water and gave them. Yesterday they had come and told
their stories. They said that they put that water in the well and whatever yields were produced from that water, it was 100 times
more. But they said, “Mother we knew that it would happen so with vibrations as it happened earlier too. But the most surprising
thing was that a lot of produce, almost 250 big gunny bags were eaten by mice. Though the bags were kept in the same
warehouse and those gunny bags even had small holes but still the mice did not touch their teeth. And nearby there was another
produce kept from another place, the mice ate all of that which they never used to eat. And they didn’t touch the wheat. It was
kept as it is. Now you will ask me, how is it possible? Scientists will never agree to this but this has happened. This has been told
to me by a scientist only from there. He is a professor, Mr Chavan, he told me, “Mother we were amazed to see this. Now when
we inform this in the university, the other scientists there say, that it must be a coincidence.” But how can this be a coincidence
that not a single mouse touched a single bag? When it is concerning God, it is a coincidence, and when it is concerning Science,
we say, that it has happened for “sure shot”? Because to understand the Divine is a tough thing for a human being’s ego. The ego
has covered the brains of human beings in such a way. If you just pull the curtain of this ego from your brain a bit, you will make
someplace for my Sahaja Yoga in between. Only because of this Ego people don’t want to understand. Many people have been
cured of Cancer through Sahaja Yoga, you are aware. In Delhi also, many people suffering from cancer have been cured. To the
extent that their Government wanted to know how we have cured cancer through Sahaja Yoga. So I asked one of my disciples
who is also a doctor to tell them how it has been cured. Their secretary wrote to us, that we are unable to understand this. Once, I
was in London, I received a letter from a man who was colour blind. The next day I went into meditation and that man was cured
of his colour blindness. He was a Government Servant at the post of a Director. He had lost his job. But nobody believed his
colour blindness was cured. When I wrote a letter to the secretary saying at least get him examined, they examined him and they
were astonished to know that his colour blindness was cured. There are many sitting here also, who have been blessed with a
rebirth, many people are there who can be a witness to such incidents, and they can tell you. So then, the government officials
asked us to send a doctor. They wanted to get it checked in a medical college. That doctor then wrote a letter to me that initially I
got tired of arguing with these scientists and then there was some emergency that’s why the discussion has been postponed.
But they say that this won’t happen here. I told everyone that Sahaja Yoga is India’s gift to mankind. I have already figured out the
cure of cancer, why you don’t look into it. But no doctor is ready to look into it. Now you see, there is a very renowned doctor in
America named Dr Lanjewar. He is my disciple. He had once asked me, “Mother please bless me so that I can spread Sahaja
Yoga in the world." Just before coming from London, I received a phone call from him informing me that he has become the
chairman of the Association of all the doctors in New York. So he asked me to come to New York so that he can arrange a
conference for all the doctors and we can put forth the case studies of cancer and everything else. We can tell them that we
have controlled the parasympathetic system. Now I am telling you all openly. If the intellectuals present here do not want to
accept this then it's fine, let it come from America. When all the things we want to take from America, then how can I help it. In
this way, many diseases have been healed through Sahaja Yoga. With the help of Sahaja Yoga, the seven centres present inside
you, the beautiful creation that the divine has made inside you that gets enlightened with the light of Kundalini. All the deities get
awakened and keep the entire system in balance, run the activities of the entire body and provide the energy to the entire body
that flows from the cosmos, towards us. Like, if we are utilizing the petrol of a car and if the tank is getting empty, so {inaudible}.
But if there is an arrangement that throughout the petrol gets filled in you, then there is no question of getting tired of the tank
becoming empty. This is what is called The Parasympathetic Nervous System. Now you will be amazed to know that, on one
hand doctors say that Parasympathetic Nervous System cannot be controlled and on the other hand they say that in case
psychosynthesis needs to be conducted, in case you have to connect the brain, intelligence, ego, etc. Then you have to go to the
Parasympathetic system. So they have created the entire stage for us. They are telling the same thing about what we are doing.
But if we ask them to jump and come up on the stage, no intellectual is ready for that. | null | null | null | God's Love (Parmatma ka Pyaar), Public Program, Bal Mohan Mandir, Mumbai (India) [Hindi to English Translation] I bow to all of
you, seekers of truth. Yesterday you were present in big numbers at Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan. And in continuation, whatever needs
to be told further, I am going to talk to you today. The topic was “Experiences Of Divine Love’. In today's times when science is
more prevalent, talking about God is laughable, and talking about God's love is all the more laughable. Like I had mentioned
yesterday, especially in India, the scientists here have not reached a state where they can think about God, it is sad to know.
Whereas, in foreign countries, scientists have reached a state where they are unable to scientifically explain what’s next and they
also say that, it is correct that whatever we know is falling in the parameters of science but what we know is nothing. The source
of this knowledge is some weird thing that we are unable to understand. Like big scientists of Chemistry say that these periodic
laws are beyond our understanding. It is a unique invention done so beautifully. The way each atom and molecule is designed.
The way each atom contains a whole universe, this is beyond our understanding. They say that we can never invent something
like this. We even can't explain how this was invented. This earth is rotating at a particular speed and how and how the gravity is
working on it? We can tell that it is working but how is it working, science cannot tell. Great scientist like Einstein, has repeatedly
said that there is some unknown land from where we are receiving all this love. And the countries which have achieved great
heights in science, they have all the facilities, they all have sufficient food, they are prospering. People say they are affluent, they
have a lot of money but their children have left homes and ran away. They all are roaming like sanyasis (ascetics). Some are
running to India, some to Nepal. They are saying that leave all this. We don’t know what our parents have collected all bricks and
stones we are not going to sit behind them (follow them). But despite leaving all this, these children now have become hippies,
taking all kinds of drugs. But you cannot achieve God by all this. Man tries to rationalize all this through his intelligence and
reaches a point where he says there is some Power beyond this. No I am not going to tell you this. I am going to tell you what is
living. The actualization of the experience. For so many years, leave aside our Yog Shastras (scriptures), but even big
psychologists and philosophers from foreign countries, what they have spoken is how to achieve the subtle state from this gross
state. Our brain is gross, our thoughts are gross. How to achieve the thoughtlessness through the thoughts, how to achieve the
infinite through the finite? Since ancient times this big question has been facing mankind. Today, I have brought those answers
to you. The answer is not just in words but in action. It can be experienced by you because the time for it to happen has come.
The opportunity has arrived. This is supposed to take place in Kaliyuga only. Till the time Kaliyuga had not manifested
completely, mankind had not achieved the right balance, till the time man was not ready towards the divine, this work would not
have been completed. The way you can see, till the time this microphone was not ready completely it was not connected to the
mains. In Kaliyuga only, which appears to be grievous and painful, appears to be gruesome and dangerous, you will become
what you were supposed to become only after you burn in this fire of Kaliyuga. Only one question, only one request I have for
you, that what do you accept, what do you respect, what do you want, do you want the truth or the untruth. Man is restless, more
than you in those countries where there is ample to eat. People are going crazy, these are disastrous times. You don’t know how
unhappy are those people who have so much more than you to eat. There are so many suicides happening there. You people still
have an aim that you have to earn money, they don’t even have that, so now what would they do further? They have just gone
mad, they are unable to understand why have they come on this earth. They find themselves as if, stuck in a closed room and
banging here and there. You all are also going on the path of development, what you call development. And you all are also going
through the same path, which they have already walked. The only difference is what they consider important, you don't. But,
would you like to go through the same path? Or if you find a short cut, will you take the short cut? You should be aware that this
land of Bharat (India) is the land of Yog (Yogbhumi). Most incarnations have taken birth on this land. You have been elected to
take birth on this Holy land, it is a very big thing. Though there is a little bit of crisis of food. People are a little sly, despite that,
you have elected to come to the courtyard of this country which is full of vibrations. This is a very big decision on your side and
you don’t know how much you are blessed by the Divine. Today your children are sitting with you, your parents are standing with
you in support. This is the reason why Sahaja Yoga has grown so beautifully in India. It will first grow in India only. And this is the
reason why India will soon be leading the world. Now, whether God's love exists or God exists or not, it is beyond any debate.
First of all, so many great souls have been born in this country, like Shri Aadishankaracharya, who has explained about vibrations
etc., to us much in advance. We have so many scriptures, wherein there have been mentions about the Divine existence. But why
should we believe them? Why should we agree because Shankaracharya has written it? Yesterday, someone was telling me that
Sant Gyaneshwar was such an intelligent man, and what foolishness that he used to praise Lord Ganesha. You think that
Gyaneshwar Ji was intelligent, this, itself is surprising. Do you consider him intelligent because of his knowledge of words?
Whatever is written in the scriptures is written by those who were born as higher beings. Their attention was much higher. They
had a different eye to see things. Think that someone was born on a very high, 10th floor and other ordinary people in the society
took birth at a very low level, on the 1st floor. There was no connection between the two except for the fact that till they were
alive the society which was born at a low level kept harassing them and when they died, the society made temples and whatnot
for them and started earning money in their name. This is a straight thing, because though they worked hard to explain (the truth)
but couldn’t reach the point. Till the time this (low) level of people are not lifted high, till the time their limited attention, which is
the attention of human beings, is not lifted higher, it’s not their (human being's) fault either, otherwise, how will they ever
understand that there exists something which is higher, a higher level of attention. If they do not have faith, still they shouldn't be
blamed. If they do not have faith in the Divine, even then they shouldn't be blamed. Because human beings have been created
this way that he has been deprived of the Divine Love for some time. The Divine love which has been flowing all around, which he
can recognize and enjoy, the human being has been taken away from that. As a drop of the ocean has been taken away from the
Ocean. It has been done in a uniquely. I have spoken about this many times, how Mother Kundalini enters the human body and
how Ego and Super Ego get together in the brain and convert it into some kind of prison. Because of this, human being gets away
from the all-embracing light of the divine and makes his personality like I am different, you are different and you are different too.
There is a special creation in each human being's triangular brain. Three powers that enter this. According to the scriptures, we
know these three powers as MahaSaraswati, MahaKaali, and Mahalakshmi. Out of these, MahaSaraswati’s power creates,
MahaKaali’s power creates memory, because of which we exist and with Power of Mahalakshmi today we have become human
beings from a stone. We were uplifted, our evolution took place. There is Dharma (property) in Gold also. You know the Dharma
of Gold is that it never gets spoilt. Gold’s dharma is not in the colour yellow, but its dharma is that it does not tarnish. The same
way human beings also have Dharma. The work of changing the Dharma is of Shri Mahalakshmi and Shri Vishnu, who appears in
the end in His Viraat form. Now, you will be surprised to know, the Divine has made such a beautiful arrangement in human
beings. You all are unaware, some doctors know but they also say that “we cannot explain the mode of action”. In the human
body, The Divine has created a beautiful design from his brain until the end of the spinal cord bone. It’s like an office that has
been opened by the Divine. Now you will ask who is Shri Ganesha? Does Shri Ganesha exist or no.. how should we believe? You
are right, you haven’t seen Shri Ganesha, you haven’t known Him, you should not believe. But it is a strange arrangement that
unless you go inside, you cannot see Him and till you are standing outside, you do not recognize Him. Suppose you are standing
outside of this room, and you haven’t seen me but you say how do we believe that Mother is there. Then I will say, you come
inside and see and then you say no you show me from the outside. When His kingdom is inside then you only will have to come
inside, isn’t it? Unless you go inside, you won’t be able to see this thing. So, first of all before Mother Nature was created before
Aadi Kundalini was created before the entire universe was created, Shri Ganesha was established. Today, it’s an auspicious day,
Tuesday. He is the complete incarnation of purity. He resides within us but you don't have the eyes to see Him. His reflection is
within each one of us in a centre called Mooladhara, which is surrounded by the prostate gland, which we all know as the pelvic
plexus. Though He is dormant, not active, however, He is there. This deity is such that He never becomes completely dormant
unless human beings become a demon. If a man completely becomes a demon, then He disappears from there. Otherwise, Shri
Ganesha resides in every human being. This is the first centre within us, which is called The Mooladhar. Mooladhar, you all are
great scholars of Sanskrit, Mool means and Aadhar means to support. Support of the root. The root of this creation. Shri
Ganesha is sitting to support the root, which is why He was created first. So, the entire universe is filled with purity. So, the
universe is immersed in purity and innocence. Many people tell me, “Mother, it’s not good to be so innocent. You don't have any
practical sense. You should have practical sense." There is no one more practical than God. Whatever wisdom you have, the
source of that is God only. The only difference is that He is the source of wisdom, not of foolishness. What you call "being
practical" is in reality, foolishness. In the end, you prove yourself to be foolish but at that time, it’s difficult for you to return. You
move in this world thinking you are very intelligent. Only once if Shri Ganesha moves His trunk, all your thievery is turned around
and you land yourself in hell. You can’t show your cleverness in front of God. Once, you lie to me, I may forgive you because I am
The Mother, but, Shri Ganesha is very wise. Though he is like a little child. Eternal childhood, He is the symbol of eternal
childhood. This means that, when you think of your ascent when you think of God, you should be childlike, especially regarding
sex. The entire reason behind the symbol of Shri Ganesha being present at pelvic plexus is to prove that there is no connection
between the Divine and sex. Those who try to teach you all these nonsensical things. Please don’t be wooed by them. They are
all demons. Sixteen demons have taken birth on this earth and roaming around posing to be the great Spiritual Gurus. They are
all behind money. They have their issues in which they are going to be strangled themselves, but they want to play their last card
and watch how many fools get caught by them. There is no connection, no connection between sex and God. To prove this Shri
Ganesha is sitting there, to protect His Mother, who is sitting in Her house, which is the triangular bone inside human beings. He
is sitting in front of that house. And that house belongs to your Mother too. Your Mother is called Kundalini, who is another form
of Shri Gauri. The person, who worships Shri Ganesha, knows that the Mother’s place is at a very high level and is nowhere
connected with sex. An Indian understands this very well. And the person who does anything against this, he is troubled so badly
by Shri Ganesha that when such a person’s kundalini rises, everyone gets burnt. No, kundalini does not rise, Kundalini is not
foolish to rise but the heat that Shri Ganesha produces. It burns everything. The man starts jumping like a frog, starts shouting,
removes his clothes. All these signs come from disgusting kind of people. They are ghosts themselves. They have come on this
earth and are spreading sinful negativity. What is Sin, is Sin and what is Dharma is Dharma. Both cannot be mixed. Converting
dharma (righteousness) into adharma (wrongdoings), converting what is holy into sins, this is what they are doing. And they are
becoming successful in this cause you people are supporting as your weaknesses are being taken care of. If there is sex in the
name of God then what else you need? Very good. Taking drugs in the name of God, very nice. This kind of confusion, is what
Kaliyuga is all about. There was a little mistake in the ancient times, some people considered Shri Ganesha’s trunk as Kundalini.
It was a mistake. But people are stretching that mistake like how. Just because pelvic plexus is related to sex, they considered
that sex is related to Kundalini. They became tantric out of it. They are all demons. They are all demons in human form. Be safe
from them and save your kids from them. There are such people in Dadar I know, I have worked a lot in Dadar. They take the
money and do some tantric activities on others. In reality, unless a man is extremely pure, he cannot even reach the feet of Shri
Ganesha. And these people keep Shri Ganesha in front and worship Shri Ganesha, you will be shocked, and call ghosts, how is
this possible. When there is an undeserving activity. When an impure person tries to cheat God like this and troubles Him again
and again, so Shri Ganesha Himself becomes dormant. All these deities are very sensitive. The moment the deities become
dormant, all demons come there and these demons fool you. They try to woo you with some miracles like removing some ring or
some stone, this and that. And here Shri Ganesha sleeps. Put Shri Ganesha to sleep with all the Atheism and disgusting habits.
After putting Shri Ganesha in a completely dormant state, they call the demons and complete their work. These kinds of tantriks
should also know, that in this country, though you are earning money, you are also getting yourself a ticket to hell. And you will
stay permanently in hell and never return. Please be safe from such money. Let me tell you, despite human beings becoming
Adharmi, the Divine is so compassionate. I had gone to Pune. A very big tantrik from there came to me. I was staying at the DIG's
(Deputy Inspector General of Police) house at that time. Mr DIG told me that this tantric has helped us a lot, got so many thieves
caught. Please help him. He came running, fell on to my feet and started crying and pleading that “Mother, Please save me. All
these are eating me up. You understand everything.” I asked him why did you help these ghosts? Why were you being such an
evil and helping these demons? He said I was not being evil, I have always done good deeds" I said, whether it is a good deed or
a bad deed, why you did an undeserving activity. He said, “Ok Mother, Please forgive me. I just pray to you to give me the
Ultimate (Param)” I said, Ask for the Ultimate (Param) three times. I prayed to the Divine, and he received his self-realization.
Such unlimited compassion of the Divine. One cannot define His Love. Though all his life, the tantrik was worshipping all the
gross things. Only in the end he asked me for it and The Divine bestowed His blessings on him and he achieved self-realization.
And when he went out he told Mr DIG, "Mother is saying all your knowledge is lost. How is it possible? I have been in penance for
the last 25 years in the crematorium. How can it go?” He asked, “Ok say your mantras. Let’s see if any of your ghosts come?” He
kept chanting his mantras for half an hour but nothing happened. He again fell at my feet and asked, “Mother, is everything
over?” I said, the reason for those powers in you has disappeared, so how will anything happen. Now, your powers have been
awakened. When the Divine awakens in human beings all the negative knowledge falls apart. All those negative ghosts who were
residing in your head, using you, all of them get destroyed. Once the deities are awakened in you, you become like a deity. That’s
why they say “as per his actions, a human being can become a deity.” Here your actions mean awakening the deities within. Shri
Ganesha always brings in a balance within us. If, I tell you psychologically because scientists always rely on psychology. What
they call "It” in science, He is no one but Shri Ganesha himself. They say that the unconscious mind is such that in our dreams,
we get such signs n symbols that we come to know that someone is trying to bring in a balance within us. Someone is trying to
correct us. We are being explained something. These kinds of many findings have been made like in the case of Freud. Though,
he was a demon. But Freud indicated towards this study and today many of his followers and also all other psychologists and
scientists have concluded that "The Unconscious is something really wise and great. It guides us in the right direction." The
psychologists have not yet reached Shri Ganesha because they are unaware that to reach Shri Ganesha first you have to lead a
pure life. Those who consume alcohol, how can they reach Shri Ganesha? Those who don't lead a pure lifestyle, those who have
no balance in their life, those who leave their wives and get involved with other women, will Shri Ganesha appear for such sinful
people? He is an incarnation of purity and auspiciousness. But there are so many miracles of purity. I had recently visited a
University in Rahuri. Some professors there are my disciples. They asked me, “Mother please give us some vibrated water so
that our agricultural yield is increased.” So I just moved my hand on the water and gave them. Yesterday they had come and told
their stories. They said that they put that water in the well and whatever yields were produced from that water, it was 100 times
more. But they said, “Mother we knew that it would happen so with vibrations as it happened earlier too. But the most surprising
thing was that a lot of produce, almost 250 big gunny bags were eaten by mice. Though the bags were kept in the same
warehouse and those gunny bags even had small holes but still the mice did not touch their teeth. And nearby there was another
produce kept from another place, the mice ate all of that which they never used to eat. And they didn’t touch the wheat. It was
kept as it is. Now you will ask me, how is it possible? Scientists will never agree to this but this has happened. This has been told
to me by a scientist only from there. He is a professor, Mr Chavan, he told me, “Mother we were amazed to see this. Now when
we inform this in the university, the other scientists there say, that it must be a coincidence.” But how can this be a coincidence
that not a single mouse touched a single bag? When it is concerning God, it is a coincidence, and when it is concerning Science,
we say, that it has happened for “sure shot”? Because to understand the Divine is a tough thing for a human being’s ego. The ego
has covered the brains of human beings in such a way. If you just pull the curtain of this ego from your brain a bit, you will make
someplace for my Sahaja Yoga in between. Only because of this Ego people don’t want to understand. Many people have been
cured of Cancer through Sahaja Yoga, you are aware. In Delhi also, many people suffering from cancer have been cured. To the
extent that their Government wanted to know how we have cured cancer through Sahaja Yoga. So I asked one of my disciples
who is also a doctor to tell them how it has been cured. Their secretary wrote to us, that we are unable to understand this. Once, I
was in London, I received a letter from a man who was colour blind. The next day I went into meditation and that man was cured
of his colour blindness. He was a Government Servant at the post of a Director. He had lost his job. But nobody believed his
colour blindness was cured. When I wrote a letter to the secretary saying at least get him examined, they examined him and they
were astonished to know that his colour blindness was cured. There are many sitting here also, who have been blessed with a
rebirth, many people are there who can be a witness to such incidents, and they can tell you. So then, the government officials
asked us to send a doctor. They wanted to get it checked in a medical college. That doctor then wrote a letter to me that initially I
got tired of arguing with these scientists and then there was some emergency that’s why the discussion has been postponed.
But they say that this won’t happen here. I told everyone that Sahaja Yoga is India’s gift to mankind. I have already figured out the
cure of cancer, why you don’t look into it. But no doctor is ready to look into it. Now you see, there is a very renowned doctor in
America named Dr Lanjewar. He is my disciple. He had once asked me, “Mother please bless me so that I can spread Sahaja
Yoga in the world." Just before coming from London, I received a phone call from him informing me that he has become the
chairman of the Association of all the doctors in New York. So he asked me to come to New York so that he can arrange a
conference for all the doctors and we can put forth the case studies of cancer and everything else. We can tell them that we
have controlled the parasympathetic system. Now I am telling you all openly. If the intellectuals present here do not want to
accept this then it's fine, let it come from America. When all the things we want to take from America, then how can I help it. In
this way, many diseases have been healed through Sahaja Yoga. With the help of Sahaja Yoga, the seven centres present inside
you, the beautiful creation that the divine has made inside you that gets enlightened with the light of Kundalini. All the deities get
awakened and keep the entire system in balance, run the activities of the entire body and provide the energy to the entire body
that flows from the cosmos, towards us. Like, if we are utilizing the petrol of a car and if the tank is getting empty, so {inaudible}.
But if there is an arrangement that throughout the petrol gets filled in you, then there is no question of getting tired of the tank
becoming empty. This is what is called The Parasympathetic Nervous System. Now you will be amazed to know that, on one
hand doctors say that Parasympathetic Nervous System cannot be controlled and on the other hand they say that in case
psychosynthesis needs to be conducted, in case you have to connect the brain, intelligence, ego, etc. Then you have to go to the
Parasympathetic system. So they have created the entire stage for us. They are telling the same thing about what we are doing.
But if we ask them to jump and come up on the stage, no intellectual is ready for that. |
1/23/1976 | | Description of Kundalini | India | New Delhi | VERIFIED | null | null | null | null | Y | N | N | Public Program | English | 62 | Public program, “Description of Kundalini”, Delhi (India), January 23rd, 1976. Honourable Justice Tatachari and the citizens of
Delhi and Sahaja Yogis, we are now at a juncture of history where it has become imminent that we have to prove the existence of
divine power. We have read about this All-pervading power. In our shastras, there has been elaborate descriptions about the
divine power flowing through us, through each and every particle that is being manifested in this universe. But so far very few
people have been able to enter into the realm of divinity to feel that divine power. Those were born at such a higher level that
they could not communicate with the rest of the people. They only sang the songs of divinity which was carried to the people
who never felt the existence of that divine power which those people felt it like reality. It has been, as I have told you before, a
search of human beings to jump into infinity but the finite rationality and understanding, the buddhi of human being could not
permeate into the infinity. So, the whole thing became such a mechanical process, the religions lost their significance and
people could not believe in the talks of religions or divine power. But the time has come for people to have en masse entry into
the Kingdom of God to feel His existence throbbing being within themselves. As she told you, in 1970, I realized that human
beings are not even awakened seekers. And that’s why all the mistakes have been committed because those who were born on
the 10th story could not explain to people who were not even in the first story. When I got this human Realization and the
reasons why this was happening, I started working on various people and found out their problems on the path of their
awakening. In doing so within 2 years’ time I was hardly able to give Realization or I should say the people could realize, only to
twelve people and it was a very hard task because the people who came to me were not so much attracted. They felt, “What is
the proof that there is divine power beyond us?” But when they realized and when they started getting vibrations from their
fingertips, the vibrations which we call Chaitanya Lahari, by which they became Nirvakara, by which they started curing other
people, by which they started giving awakening to other people and giving them Realization, it became a proof with them, they
have reached Self-actualization. It is a truth, it is not falsehood, it is not any propaganda, it has to happen within you, you cannot
give false certificate to anybody that it has happened, it has to happen fully into you and you have to feel it that it has happened
and when you use it you know it has happened. The other day you have seen the rising of the Kundalini with your naked eyes.
Some of you have never even known the word ‘Kundalini’. But you have seen the throbbing of the Kundalini, how it rose and how
it came up through the spine. When the Kundalini rises you actually can see the movement of Kundalini. There have been many
people who have been talking of Kundalini awakening, actually none of them who says so have shown the rising of the Kundalini,
the reason being the Kundalini never rose. The Kundalini only rises when there is somebody who is already enlightened and who
knows the job of rising the Kundalini. So, they have described that, by raising the Kundalini, you actually become very heated up
or sometimes you start dancing, sometimes you start shouting and sometimes you get blisters all over your body. The way they
have described Kundalini one would think that it is better to remain as you are than to go into such kind of ordeal where you get
completely finished and fract out . Kundalini is your Mother and She rests in the triangular bone which is placed higher than
Mooladhara Chakra. The triangular bone is known as the Mooladhara. You are all, you all know Sanskrit and you know what is
the meaning of the Mooladhara. She rests there and those who try to incite Her from the wrong side, Shri Ganesha who is sitting
on the Mooladhara Chakra gets angry and that anger is expressed which people say that the Kundalini is angry. The Kundalini
will never rise. She knows your problems. She loves you. She is the only Mother you have and She has been with you for ages for
many lives. So, She doesn’t rise at all, She stays there. Only Shri Ganesha gets angry because He is supposed to look after the
chastity of your Mother, the protocol of your Mother. Now whether there is Shri Ganesha or not we start from that. From the
scratch one has to start. People say that they have seen Shri Ganesha symbol inside the being. Whether Shri Ganesha is there or
not can be verified in Sahaj Yoga. Because when you find somebody suffering like that you have to request to Shri Ganesh that,
“Please don’t be angry”, the person has done it in that ignorance and He listens to you immediately you find such a person
becomes cool down. His blisters disappear and he feels very much comforted. Last time in Delhi if you remember there was one
man who came rushing to me. First, he has gone to Bombay and then he has come back again to Delhi. He was a resident of
Delhi and he told me that somebody has excited his Kundalini and he was running all over the place helter-skelter shouting “What
heat, what heat” as if lots of wasps have bitten. I asked him, “How did you get your awakening? Who was the man who did it?”
And he told me it was such a hideous method that decency prohibited to talk about that. And when I saw that I told him that,
“How can you believe that God can be achieved through such hideous and useless method?” And he was a very educated man.
Then I asked Shri Ganesh that, “Please forgive him because he doesn’t know he is an ignorant person and somebody who tried
to take the money out of him or somebody who tried to show off his knowledge, has played with his Kundalini, so please excuse
him.” And there are so many people who witnessed that immediately he cooled down and he was all right. All the Deities that are
on your Kundalini, whether they are there or not, because somebody has written, because somebody has said it, because they
are in the shastras also, why should we accept? Because rational man does not want to accept anything! Your children are not
going to accept it. We can prove the existence of Shri Ganesha, in the same way we can prove the existence of all these Deities
that are on the chakras that are within human spine. Now to say of Indian culture and Hindu culture and Muslim culture and
other cultures, it is most surprising that Kundalini or we can say the Primordial Kundalini of the Virata has got all these great
incarnations whether they were Muslims, whether they were Christians, whether they were Indians, seated on the chakras. For
example, if you start from the Mooladhara Chakra upwards then we have got on the second chakra, Swadishthan Chakra, Shri
Brahmadeva who is the creative power, creative aspect of God, and His power is Saraswati. You have seen that in Delhi you all
were caught with Swadishthan Chakra. All of you have got this problem of Swadishthan Chakra because Delhi is the place where
we are planning too much and the power of planning, the power of future thinking comes from Swadishthan Chakra, and that’s
how many of you are caught up with Swadishthan Chakra. The third chakra which is known as the Nabhi Chakra, actually it is
known as Manipur Chakra, rests above this triangular bone and it controls the solar plexus in the gross [physical] form in the
human beings and this is the chakra which represents our dharma, our religion. Now when I talk of religion immediately the
modern mind will get after me saying that, “What are you talking of this, out of these things?” When I say ‘dharma’ I mean
“dareithi sadharma”) it is human beings have got certain religion as everything has got religion. For example, you take a mango
from the mango tree. If you plant it you will get the mango. Or else you can see as I told you yesterday that a gold bangle is gold
because it is not tarnishable, that is the dharma of gold. The water has got purification dharma. In the same way a human being
has got his own dharma which is expressed in the Bible as Ten Commandments. These are ten dharmas a human being is born
with. He is born with it. But he has to establish himself into dharma when he has to go into dharmarthi state, is beyond that. But
these ten must be established. If these are not established, we cannot play about with them! If you play about with them then
this is a problem in your awakening and in your Realization. The Nabhi Chakra is the most important one and there rests the
great incarnation or we can say the aspect of God which we call as ‘Narayana’ Himself, Shri Vishnu, and His power is Shri
Lakshmi. Vishnu represents the sustenance, the dharma aspect of God. And Vishnu is responsible for the evolution of human
beings. We never find out why a amoeba has become a human being, what has made him come up to the level of human being
and what is going to happen to this human being, after all why is he made a human being? You are made for some purpose.
What is going to happen to this human being afterwards, we never think of that. This evolutionary power comes to us through
Shri Vishnu Himself. Shri Vishnu is not Hindu’s God. He does not belong to India; he does not belong to one particular state or
one particular area. He belongs in the Primordial Being, in the great Primordial Being who we call as Islam we call it ‘Allah hu
Akbar’. He is the expression of that Primordial Being who is great. God has many aspects and one of the aspects is of His
greatness. And that’s why as Vishnu He wants us to be great. Yesterday, I told you that the body of Virata contains everything
that He manifests and we have to realize that we are a part and parcel of that great Virata. And that we are in the process of
realizing Him because we are made in the image of God. Then comes the most important part of our body is the stomach. It
represents the Bhavasagara, Is the maya in which we are placed. We are born in this Bhavasagara when Shri Vishnu Himself
incarnates again and again. You have seen as matsyavatara and purvamavtara, and He Himself leads the human beings in their
evolutionary path. He is helped by another Deity whom we call as ‘Primordial Guru’, the Adi Guru Dattatreya. Shri Vishnu rises
from Bhavasagara and gives you the leadership to rise within yourself. He builds up your awareness step by step and today you
are as a human being. In your being itself, He creates two more chakras one on the Hriday [Heart] Chakra and above that is the
Vishuddhi Chakra which is placed here, which is called as the complete incarnation of Shri Krishna. At the Vishuddhi Chakra, Shri
Vishnu completes His incarnation, He is the complete Virata. He is represented here in the Vishuddhi Chakra. Whether He is
there or not you can find out when the Kundalini is awakened. On the left-hand side are the Virata, in the heart resides Shiva
Himself. Shiva is the symbol of God’s aspect of existence. It is Shiva who makes the whole manifestation to existence and when
He does not like the show, when He does not like the play, He switches off. That’s why He is also known as a destroyer. If he
likes it, if it is moving in the right direction, He continues to watch the show. But if He does not like it, He just switches off. So,
there are three aspects of God we have seen: one is of His Sthithi, existence, another of His creativity by Brahmadeva and the
third one which is the evolutionary but which is based on Dharma itself. A one person can have three attitudes, can have three
aspects. God has many more aspects but the aspects that are manifested are these three. Now these three aspects, the
essence of these aspects or we can say the innocence of these three aspects is combined in the Primordial Guru or the Adi Guru
Dattatreya who resides in the Bhavasagara and helps Shri Vishnu for your evolution. Now he has taken many incarnations,
mainly ten incarnations, and these are very important and we have to understand them in their full entirety. If you accept Him as
a Dattatreya you have to also accept Him as Raja Janaka. It’s easy for Hindu mind to accept Raja Janaka but it cannot accept
Mohammad Sahib who was the same as Raja Janaka. It is a fact and you can prove it on your Kundalini. A person who is
suffering from cancer of the stomach, now this is the thing when I say that Sahaja Yoga can cure your cancer, you have to give
up certain notions that we have in our head. A person, supposing he is a Hindu and he is suffering from the stomach cancer, I
have to ask him to take the name of Mohammad Sahib. If I fail to ask him or if I do not convince him, I cannot cure his cancer. I
am sorry I tell him I just cannot do it. But if he is Muslim, I have to tell him, “You have to take the name of Dattatreya.” Human
beings like fools have taken away the living flowers of one tree and now are fighting on something that is dead. He was
Dattatreya, there is no doubt about it. And His daughter Fatima was nobody else but Sita Janaki Herself. And Her two sons
Hassan and Hussain were nobody else but Luv and Kush. They were born again and again. They were born as Mahavira and
Buddha and then they were born as Hassan and Hussain. It is only possible through Sahaja Yoga to realize that this is the truth,
this is the fact. He was born as Nanaka and Nanaki was nobody else but Janaki. In Nanaka’s life He has expressed it. Of course, I
don’t know how many people have read about Nanaka. Nanaka one day was sleeping and his feet were towards Kaaba and
people were getting vibrations from that side so they said, “What are you doing? Your feet are towards Kaaba!” So, he said,
“Alright I will turn my feet on the other side” and they started getting vibrations from the other side. They said, “What? Kaaba has
moved or what?” He has in a way, showed, but how dare they said many things? When they said very few things, they have killed
these people and tortured them. If you read Mohammad Sahib’s life you will feel what foolish people we have been, the way we
have tortured. For fanaticism, the way He was killed actually he was poisoned. He had no place where to hide his head the way
people were after Him because He was telling the truth and fanaticism is one thing He fought. So, Guru Tatva [principe] is killed
as soon as you become a fanatic person. Your Guru Tatva is immediately finished as soon as you take to fanaticism of any kind.
You come up now to the Heart Chakra. Heart Chakra is divided into three parts. In the centre of the Heart Chakra resides
Jagadamba Herself. But the left side, as I have told you, resides Shiva and His power is Parvati. When Parvati Herself separates
Her identity with Her lord and enters in the centre to save Her children from the domination of the evil spirits, then She resides in
the centre and She is the Jagadamba. This is called as ‘sacred heart’ in the Bible. She resides as Jagadamba. She has taken
many incarnations to save. Today there was Lalita Panchami, they sang the song of Lalita, the way She took Her incarnation to
fight the evil forces to save the bhaktas from the domination of satanic and depraving personalities. She is there within you also.
If not awakened She can be awakened. She is all the time there to save you from those satanic forces. Today so many rakshasas
have taken birth in this Kali Yuga. They are here as some of them call themselves “Gods” and “God’s men”. But from their
behaviour and from their character, you can make out that they are not human beings, they are less than human beings. All such
horrid incarnations have come in a camouflage, in the maya, because this is Kali Yuga. Ravana is not going to come out as
Ravana, he is not going to say, “I am Ravana” but from his ideologies and from his methods, you can make out that he is “the
Ravana”. There are challenging religion today. There are people who are preaching that sex should be used for sublimation into
God. How can that be? Sex has nothing to do with your awakening. Because sex point as I told you, is much lower than the
Mooladhara where your Mother resides. It’s such an absurd idea which has already taken over in the West. I don’t know how
people have lost all their brains not to understand! And such ideologies are today spreading in this country. And I want Justice
Tatachari to put little pressure to the people who have made laws to see that these horrid things do not come up, that they are
not accepted by people. Because when you subject yourself to such horrible satanic forces, they come to you as entities, they
possess you, you get possessed. Then you start giving everything that you have. Whatever money you have, you give to them.
Whatever attention you have, you give it to them. Ultimately you find out that they have now landed in the courts and now are
enjoying some sentences for life. It is better that you should be all warned, that you must understand that a religious person, a
person who is really awakened, cannot take even a single pai from you. When you are so self-respecting, how can a person, the
one who has got the blessing of God, will accept anything from you? This is the way they satisfy your ego, that you feel that you
have been able to purchase a religious personality. You cannot purchase God in the market. You must understand that. And
when a person tries to satisfy your ego, by doing all these things, you must know that it is…, it is an act which is adharmic. Man
must understand that God is above everything. It is his Grace that can take you there, you cannot do anything about Him. It is He
who should pour his Grace onto you. What can the seed do when it wants to germinate? Nothing. But to be there and the
gardener pours his Grace, his love on that seed and it sprouts by itself. That is what ‘sahaja’ is. That means that it is born with
you, like the seed you have to sprout. But you have to be very careful with those horrible destructive forces that have come in so
many ways. I can tell you there are 16 rakshasas whom know have bin taken birth. Mahishasura is there, Narakasura is there,
Ruktasura is there. There are 6 rakshasis who have taken birth. And you have no idea to what they are doing. They will do all
kinds of tricks to convince you that they are godly people. But must only ask for the Supreme, for the last which is being
described by so many sages like Markandeya, like Shankaracharya. We are so lucky that we have had such great people who
have elaborately said, who have clearly said that, “This is what is the supreme, ask for the reality and do not ask for something
cheapish.” You cannot cheapen God. You do not try to mold Him in your own small cups. Above that chakra as I told you on the
right-hand side of the Heart Chakra is placed the Deity of Shri Rama and Sita. Now they are placed on the side because He was
made to forget His power as Vishnu. He became a human being in every way. He had to be a human being, every way. And that’s
why He behaved in such a manner that He showed the maryada purushottama. He is on the right side. He is the ideal king about
which the philosophers have told you. He is the person who does all the raja karan. He is the person who gives us the way the
evolutionary stage, to which a person who is in this world and who is in position higher level of administration, should follow too.
And He is maryada purushottama, Rama who is on the right-hand side. And you know His power is Sita. She is Adi Shakti who is
born again and again. On the Vishuddhi Chakra rest the great Deity of Shri Krishna. He represents the Virata, the Akbar, Allah hu
Akbar. He is represented here and this is the finger for Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna has manifested and has shown to Arjuna His
Virata Swarupa, but Arjuna got frightened. Imagine that time it was not possible for Arjuna to see all that, he got frightened. Now
in the Kali Yuga the time has come for you to see the Virata. You can if you get your realization through Sahaja Yoga. If you raise
your awareness to that extent where you can see Virata, you can see that. About Shri Krishna I need not say much, you all know
about Him but the essence of His life, the essence of His teachings was one simple thing that it is all a play going on. When you
are complete, when you are sampurna, then only you feel you are just a sakshi. When you are sakshi you are watching the whole
thing. Here at this point you meet oneness with complete vairAgnya within and love outside. The vairAgnya within flows that love
outside. Actually, it’s such a wonderful thing it cannot be explained. For example, today’s puja filled me up with vibrations. So
many vibrations started flowing through my chakras that I didn’t know what to do, then they started flowing out. That’s why
yesterday I said that Sahaja Yoga teaches you how you become the capitalist of vibrations, and when it flows out you know it is
the communist because you cannot help it. Once they are inside you want to give away, you have to feed others with what you
have got because you cannot carry on with that capital that you have achieved. You see it is so spontaneous and automatic that
the release is necessary. For example, if I have such a problem, I must meet my Sahaja Yogis. If I don’t find them, I go to the see
and stand there and give my vibrations to the see or to the tree or to the akasha because I must give away, because they are
working out and they have to cross this finite being in which the infinite is pushing through. It is such an interesting thing that
when we say, “You press the feet of your parents you get the blessings”, it is absolute truth because when you press the feet of
your parents, the chakras that move the vibrations, they come into us and they sooth us while they feel sooth and we also feel
sooth. Above this chakra is the Agnya Chakra, which is a very, very important chakra, which is the door, which is the door of the
Sahasrara. At the Agnya Chakra resides Mahavishnu. Those who have read about Mahavishnu in the Markandeya Purana or in
the Devi Bhagwat, you will know what I am talking about but we do not know when He incarnated and who He was. He was
nobody else but Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was the only son of Mary who was Radha. She was Mahalakshmi. It was
Mahalakshmi who incarnated as Mary and Jesus Christ was nobody else but Mahavishnu. If you want to know about
Mahavishnu you must read Devi Bhagwat. There it’s described in all elaboration. But whether He is there or not, whether it’s a
fact or not, can be seen because, somebody’s Agnya Chakra is caught up, we have to take the name of Jesus Christ. He is Omkar
Swarup so you can even take the name of Omkara. But you have to take the name of Jesus Christ. If you do not take His name, if
you do not accept Him, I cannot open your Agnya Chakra. I am sorry but it is so. Because for Hindus it’s very difficult to accept
and for Christians it is very difficult to accept the other side of it. You see, whether you accept it or not that’s a fact. Because of
your secluded temperaments, because of your limited energies, because of your I should say a very narrow vision of God and
religion, you cannot accept the truth which is so wide and so great. But it’s a fact and it’s to be seen. In the Agnya Chakra, He
resides. He controls your ego and superego both. He removes the entities that are in you and He kills your darpa, your ego. He
looks after your ego also. If you bend before somebody who is not a realized soul, who is just doing anadhikar chestha,
unauthorized, He is asking. You are serviliant or you are subjection; He gets angry and that’s how the Agnya Chakra closes down.
Agnya chakra is in the center of the optic thalamus of the human beings and is one of the most important things and once it
opens out it’s much easier for you to get your realization. Among you there are at least 50% people who are already realized, who
know how to handle the Kundalini, who have mastered the Kundalini. So, when I am telling you is just a repetition but there are
many new comers that’s why I have to tell them about it. The last is the most important, is the limbic area where resides the
Sahasrara. There are 982 nerves in our brain and there are 8 other nerves so we can say that there are 1000 nerves. There is no
use quarreling with these doctors because they will be all the time fighting with you and telling you, “No, no, it is not so. No, it is
not so.” But they will never come and see. Because we have cured cancer, we have cured so many people, they will never come
and see it. We have so many doctors who have been realized now and who accept that Sahaja Yoga is the only way the cancer
can be cured. But still they are not going to accept it because the ego is too much. How are they going to accept it because that’s
what they are depending on? And now they have to accept, they have to jump to something. Are they going to accept Christ? Are
they going to accept Ganesha? Oh God, that’s too much for scientists to accept Shri Ganesha because Christ is the human
incarnation of Shri Ganesha. He is the embodiment of eternal childhood. In the Sahasrara we are the integration of all these
chakras which we call as the seven peethas. They are placed there and because of this integration in the Sahasrara one has to
workout on the Sahasrara. Now the Sahasrara opening happened when, 1970, when I saw how one can handle all these 7
chakras in the Sahasrara. Here resides Shri Bhagvati who coordinates, cooperates with those seven chakras in such a manner
that all the permutations and combinations of these 7 chakras can be worked out in the Sahasrara. Once She works it on that,
She can give you the realization too and that’s how we have got 7 chakras. On top of this there are 3 more abstract forms in
which one has to rise. Above this is the trikona which is the brain, above that lies the ardha matra, as they call it, then the bindu,
and then the, they call it the varthuna. But the thing is all these things I am talking about should not mean anything to you unless
and until you have achieved something because this all you can read in the books. I am not here to give you some books and you
know that so far I have not written books and I don’t know if I am really going to complete the so called book I am writing.
Because once you write the book, people start getting involved into it so much that they do not ask for the reality. So, you first
see the reality yourself. Now all over the world, there are Sahaja Yogis who have seen the Kundalini rising, who has mastered the
Kundalini, who know what Is happening because after realization you start feeling it on your fingers. You feel theChaitanya
Lahari coming into you but not only that, it’s not only that the Chaitanya Lahari starts coming but it is the communication is
established with the all-pervading power, with God, and you start feeling on the fingers what is the problem of the other person.
For example, if you place your hand towards a person and you feel burning here you know it’s a Agnya Chakra. Now for a person
who is novice, who is recently come for the first time, who places his hand, he will say this is the finger. Even a child can say that.
My granddaughter who is a born realized soul she can just say like this, you know from the distance she tells me nani yeh hai.
Now she knows the names also! So, the communication is given to you silently: it burns you, it makes you uneasy, sometimes
you feel the throbbing, sometimes you feel something is flowing in. That’s how you know. It is a subjective knowledge for this
you do not need to go to school. Everybody knows if it is burning, they saw it is the finger that is burning. But I am here to decode
all that, to tell you and then you verify it, you tally it and find out if it is so or not. Not only that you feel the other person but with
that you can raise the Kundalini of another person. With the raising of the Kundalini you can remove the problems that are
physical, emotional and mental. By giving them Realization, you can remove their spiritual problems and that’s how they enter
also into the Kingdom of God where there is communication. [Speeker] If any one of you wants to put any question and get some
ideas clarified, Mataji is prepared to reply. Seeker: [Inaudible]. Shri Mataji: Your attention has to be free. At the time of your
realization, when the Kundalini is awakened, all your attention is extracted within and the Kundalini while rising takes it on his
head, or on her head, and brings the attention outside the Sahasrara. So, at that time, best thing is to let loose yourself. Just sit
down, watch it, what is happening, instead of putting any effort. It is an effortless, that helps you the best. So, no mantra is to be
chanted. After realization you must know what mantra is to be chanted where. There is a big science about it. So, the complete
tantra, what you call ‘Kundalini’ is there but you must know how to handle it, what mantra is to be said, what is to be said and
which chakra lacks a thing and it is that you have to master it. And there are many here in Delhi also who have mastered it. So, it
is not difficult. Anybody can master it. It is not difficult. Even a little girl like Pradnya has mastered the Kundalini. She can do it so
why not you people can do it. So, you have to just find out what are the chakras which are defective and you can treat it also.
Just now those who are not Realized, you’ll get your realization no doubt so you would go and meet those people at D288,
Pandara Road, and there you go and they will guide you as to what is to done in future. And go deep into it and make yourself
established and be a master of Kundalini. All that is guhya guhya taram, I have told them. And you will get all the knowledge
about it. Seeker: [Inaudible]. Shri Mataji: That’s a very good question. He asks why universal consciousness, it is all deliberate,
why it is kept sleeping in the human being? Now in the growth of evolution, from a small amoeba, you come to a human stage. At
the human stage, articulation takes place. Means like a shell of the egg is developed. For the egg to develop, the shell is
developed. You are made limited. Through the growth of your ego and superego within yourself, your Brahmarandhra is closed
down, your “talu” is closed down, and you are left to yourself. I’ll tell you an analogy by which you will understand. For e.g., if I
have to use this mic, first of all it is developed somewhere, away from the mains, then it is brought and put to the mains. In the
same way human being is cut from the mains. He is given “I-ness” from him to develop his instrument, his awareness; in such a
manner that when he receives the mains, he can communicate it, he could understand it, and for that development, articulation
was done. Just like an egg is made in a shell for protection and for its growth and then when the chick is ready in that shell, it is
broken by the mother; here just like I break your Brahmarandhra, is the same, it’s that. Seeker: What is the idea of Atmadhyan Shri
Mataji: Now the idea of Atmadhyan, if it is read in the books, it is rather difficult to make you understand. But what happens with
the rise of Kundalini? First of all, you enter into that infinite thing, the people, some people rise like steep, we can say a very
strong jet like speed they get. But some of them rise very slowly and then we can see the stages into which they rise. The first
thing that happens is that you become thoughtless. But you are aware. First stage that happens is thoughtless awareness.
Thoughtless awareness means that you start watching the thoughts. That means you are separated from yourself. Like you were
in water and now you jumped on to the boat and you see the water now so that you are separated. This is what happens, those
who have gradual ascent. You become thoughtlessly aware, which we call in the Hatha Yoga as asampragnyat samadhi. Of
course, according to them it’s a very higher stage. But you become thoughtlessly aware and the vibrations start flowing from
your hand by which you know that something is flowing. You start getting cool breeze from me and you start getting cool breeze
from other Sahaja Yogis and when you give it to others you find it is flowing. This we can say is the first thing that happens. That
means you become collectively conscious of another personality. This is the first thing that happens. The second stage into
which, do you jump is Nirvikalpa, means in that stage you become doubtless. Then you don’t ask me questions. There are some
people who are like that here. So, they have no questions, they have felt it, they have known it. I say it in a different way that
supposing I give you a thousand rupees. Now if you do not spend it how will you know what is the value of that? You will say,
“What you have given, thousand? What is there you have given? Just give us vibrations.” But once you start using it, then you will
see tremendous powers you have got. And the powers of this so called, I mean what you call just ordinary vibrations, some
people think like that, it is so easily available, it happens to you so sahaja, that you do not understand the value of it. But once you
start using them and then you see the tremendous thing that you have got it. It gives the bliss and the joy that flows into you. You
come into the stage of doubtless awareness. The third one I would say, when the complete Self-realization is established. Now,
in the thoughtless awareness, as you can say that now, supposing now as you have got Justice sitting here, so then he is a
Justice, he has certain powers. In the same way when you rise to the doubtless, thoughtless awareness you have certain powers
by which you can give awakening to people. Just move hand and the Kundalini of the people will move. It surprises, but it does.
You can move the hand and you can feel the Kundalini, you can feel the Kundalini of other persons, you can feel the chakras of
another person. It happens; only with thoughtless awareness. But with doubtless awareness you start giving them realization.
Absolutely, you can just like that. And with higher Self-realization what happens? That you just become a sakshi [witness]. No
problem. You never catch anything. You see, normally what happens when a person come to you, you place your hand for that
person and you feel it, “Oh! disgusting, this fellow is burning.” You don’t like it because you see the chakras of that person are
burning your fingers. And you know it’s burning. Then sometimes you catch also, you get involved into it. But later on, when you
are completely self-realized you become a Nirlepa. You do not catch any such things and you rise into the realm where you are
into complete vairag, you are just flowing, you are into sakshi state. But after these three stages, is the stage of God’s realization
in which you start controlling the nature completely. Some people, of course, through Hatha Yoga, they try to control certain
nature, but that is just upside down. We start it from top and go down. First of all, let us go to the divine stage and then come
down. Then establish into the…, we control the nature. See if you can control the say rain, you can control the sun. All this can be
done. But that is you see you lose interest in those thing. But automatically you can do it. For example, when I was going to see
one maharaj like that who is a very evolved soul and he has got it through you see thousands of years of tapasya. Say he was
sitting down there and he was pouring rain, the rain was pouring down and he didn’t want me to get drenched and so he was
trying to control rain. I know he can control rain. But the rain was pouring. And he didn’t know what to do and was so disgusted
with himself. When I went up, he said, “Did you want to kill my ego that you didn’t allow the rain to stop?” I said, “No, it was not so.
You see, I am a mother.” So, I told him very sweetly that, “I know that you have bought a saree for me and if I was not drenched,
you will not give me the saree. So, I just wanted the rain to.” And that’s how you see, the little ego that was there that, “I am
controlling the rain” dropped off, so it is the thing that happens automatically. You do not want to do it but it just happens. You
just don’t want to bother about these things but it happens. Wherever you are it just happens. That is that state where you start
rising into God’s realization. When you are in God’s realization, whether you are sitting here or anywhere you can see things, you
can influence people, you can help them. You can do lot of things sitting down anywhere. You may sit in Himalayas. There are
people like that who are sitting in the Himalayas and are helping you. So, they can do it and they are one. For example, this
gentleman about whom I am telling you, who is a very great saint, he saw at my time, at the time of my birth, everything that
happened. He knows about my past lives for thousands of years. He recognizes me much better. There is another one who
came to see Me from Amarnath who is three hundred years old. He is also of the same type and he also said all those things. But
you see, their style is different and your style is different. You are people are like Ganesha, they are not. They still catch. You don’t
know. That’s why that three-hundred-year old man, had some catches on his body. I said, “What have you done Nagnath Baba?
How you got it?” He said, “I got it from one man, horrible fellow he touched me.” I said, “You got it, alright. I will take it out for
you.” Then he said, “What about you?” I said, “Not me. I do not get it, I am a mother. A mother does not get it. Mother never
catches because of children.” In the same way you people also don’t catch. There are some people here who have cured cancer.
They have never caught anything from anybody. So, you see, you have much more power because you are people who are
simple, who are like Shri Ganesha. Because Shri Ganesha has much more power than any one of the Deities there are. Because
He is so simple, He’s so dedicated to the Mother. Seeker: [Inaudible]. Shri Mataji: We are living in this world because we have to
become the instrument in the hands of God. He wants to use us. You see we have to be a good instrument into his hand. For
example, an artist has a brush. Why is the brush there? For the artist to use the brush. Now, I will tell you a very sweet story about
it. Once Radhaji was very jealous of the murli, that Shri Krishna was carrying on his lips. So, she asked “What is your speciality…”
She asked the murli, “What is your specialty that you are all the time near the lips of my lord?” So, she said that, “My specialty is
that I am no special. I have become a hollow person. The melody is going through me. He is using me just as an instrument and I
laugh at the people when they say that, ‘You have been slave.’ I say, ‘I am just watching like a sakshi, like a witness. And if I stand
anywhere in between then his melody will be spoilt’.” This is the purpose and if you don’t achieve this purpose then all this
recklessness comes in, these problems comes in, which we can say in a gross way, then your parasympathetic is taxed. When
your parasympathetic is taxed, then you start thinking, “What are we to do? Where are we to jump now?” This whole petrol is
being exhausted in this body. But, once you open out to the mains, it starts pouring into you. And you are absolutely relaxed.
Seeker: [Inaudible]. Shri Mataji: It just takes a second if you are ready. For every ordinary person it really takes a second. Then it
rises, it takes a second to rise. But what happens, that Kundalini is your Mother. So now, supposing your mother is coming to see
you and you are sick. So, first of all, what she will do is to see that your sickness is removed. Then she sees that you are mentally
upset. So, she looks after your mental problems. Then she sees that you are wrongly placed spiritually. So, she corrects you. And
ultimately, she blesses you. So, if somebody is in temperance, empathy, who has got a good health, of normal health, he is living
a normal married life, he is the best suited. And there are some who have got it like just that. But some people are rather sick,
they have some trouble because they have gone through various ordeals of life. They have been troubled, even tortured, they
have got some mental problem. The Mother has to soothe them. So if there is, you see, you cannot say that, when this seed is
going to sprout, it will sprout. Can you say that, at this day, the flowers will appear? Can you say that, at this day, all fruits will be
coming? No, you cannot! There is no time for living things. It works itself. It is a living process so it works itself. It works for the
organism, that is yourself, and then it clicks itself. That is what is sahaja. Seeker: [Inaudible, asking for Realization]. Shri Mataji:
Realization? Yeah! Why not, why not? I am here only for that. (Hindi.) Seeker: [Inaudible]. Shri Mataji: Right, for anybody who is
not realized that should be the question, that you see, around such a lot of miseries. Now he has asked two questions. You see,
he has confused two questions. The first one of misery, the second one about over population. So first, I will answer the first
question of misery. Now you say that there are miseries. I accept it that there are miseries and miseries are there because of
human beings themselves. Because they haven’t got the divine within themselves. If they have divine, they will not dominate,
they will not bear domination, they will be different people. But we can say one thing, how will reduce the miseries of people
when you get Realized? See, I have told you that there are seven chakras in the human beings. When they are awakened what
happens? Let us see. First of all, your physical problems are solved, your health improves, you lead a very healthy life. You will be
amazed and in Sahaja Yoga, nobody dies before he is 70 years of age. He leads a very, very healthy life to begin with. First misery
of physical life is over. Not only that he lives a physically good life, but he makes others physically alright. He makes them
physically fit without taking a single pai [paisa/rupees] from them. The vibrations that flow from him, he cures them and the
other person gets all right. Now as I have told you that there are people here who have treated so many people, have cured so
many people without taking a single pai, because this love is flowing and that’s yourselves! So, the physical problem is solved.
Then the second problem is your emotional problem. The person suffers emotionally. They become emotionally disturbed,
sometimes there are possessions. They come into it from their subconscious mind and there are problems from the emotional
side. Now, after Realization, people become sakshi in the sense that emotionally they do not get involved into the things, that
they do not feel disturbed about it but they see the things. I will give you a very concrete example. I had a grandchild, first
grandchild born in my family. This child was born with a heart which was all time, permanently, there was a clotage which cannot
be cured. Because it’s a basic problem and I knew about it the day she was born. But I was silent and on the 5th day I said to the
doctor that, “You must take her under the x-ray and see what is the thing.” Doctor was surprised. He said, “Why do you think so?
Such a little child should not be exposed to x-ray.” I said, “You take her.” I took her secretly and showed her to the doctor. They
found that, the enlargement of the heart. Now, when I came home, I didn’t tell my daughter, I didn’t tell my husband who was to
come from Delhi. When he came back, with very great introduction I told him. Immediately he fainted. He is a very healthy man
and, I mean that way emotionally he is supposed to be a very sensitive person, very balanced, but he fainted. We told this to the
father of the child, he fainted. My daughter fainted. They couldn’t bear it. I took the child to the hospital. I admitted her in the
hospital because the doctor said they had to do other tests. Then we had to take the child to America and I knew that the child
was going to die. But I said “alright”. If they think, the child has to be taken, I took. None of them could take. They couldn’t take
the child. I took there. The so-called miserable people actually are overdoing things. By which they are spoiling every body’s life
and making themselves miserable also. The ways we talk of our misery actually are so exaggerating. I do not know if they are
really that miserable the way they talk about. And they cannot do anything about it because unless and until you are separated
from the problem, how are you going to solve it? You see, you have to be separated. Unless and until you are a doctor, you are
not going to operate. Supposing you are the patient, how are you going to operate yourself? So, the doctor in you must be
separated. This is what the Sahaja Yoga does. Because you are the patient and you are the doctor that’s why the whole thing is
more exaggerated. If you find any doctor being sick, he’ll be the worst patient. I have seen that in practice it is so. That’s why
those who are miserable are much more miserable than they are really because they themselves do not know how to cure it. So,
the emotional problem is solved, like this. Now, then there is another problem which we face all the time is of our dharma, of our
dignity. How to be dignified, how to be ourselves? The spiritual problem, and that is solved. No doubt. Because then you find the
divine flowing through you. You really become a dynamic personality apart from that, for this worldly things I have to tell you
another thing which happened to people who are Sahaja Yogis. That is, your Laxmi is awaken. Now you know what is Laxmi.
Such a person cannot become a beggar. Cannot! A Sahaja Yogi cannot become a beggar because his Laxmi is awakened. He is
looked after. See, there is God Almighty who’s looking after you! This is the sin against God that all the time you are so
unsecured. The One who has created you, the One who is looking after you is going to look after you everywhere. But you want to
run after other things. You want to do smuggling, you want to do all kind of things, you want to cut each other’s throat and then
you want to see that you are happy, you cannot l. You have to depend on Him and on His grace. And the person who is realized,
he is like a badshah, he is the king. He is always the king. He doesn’t bother. I can tell you about myself. I never feel I have dearth
of money or dearth of anything. Never! You see if you ask me, I can sleep on the ground. Perhaps I was born in very rich family
and my husband is quiet rich, but if you ask me, I can live anywhere. I can do without food for days together. It doesn't matter of
all the time people talk about eating, eating. How much do you eat? There is no need to eat such a lot. That’s why some people
are poor. Some people eat such a lot that there are some people who are poor. But automatically your attention fromfood and all
drops out. You just get it. If you get it well and good, you don’t get it well and good. Sorry this morning I had no breakfast and all
that. I didn’t know that I had no. And I had not even my lunch, I would not… Because this body is filled with energy you don’t need.
Actually, this is the first time the energy is filling you all. Then you give vibrations. In Rahuri, [Maharashtra state], there is one
university there they have experimented. In the University,first time they have experimented in agriculture university, ith these
vibrations. They have found that the growth of all this wheat was 10 ten times more. They found that the fruits that came out of it
were beautiful and they were so tasty and so lusty. They found that when the cow was given vibrated water, Indian cow started
giving milk like an Australian cow. But I cannot write a guarantee check for you. That is one thing. So, all the miseries so called
will drop out. Now the overpopulation problem. That’s very interesting. I'll tell you what it is. Why there is such an overpopulation.
You see the congenial atmosphere for the rakshasas and for the bhoots, giving chance for bhoots to come as human beings.
Once this congenial atmosphere for them will disappear, only the saintly will come and they are not so many. And they will not
need also so many things. A saintly person does not need much. With very little he is so satisfied, he doesn’t want. You see, he is
a badshah. It’s only the mental attitude that makes us biharis . Otherwise, we are not. We are very rich people. What else? Seeker:
[Inaudible]. Shri Mataji: Now I would say that really some who are really hungry will ask for the ultimate but those who are not will
be asking me questions. As I say I have cooked the food for you and those who are hungry will say, “Mother give us. Now it’s too
much. Now these people are just wasting our time. We are very hungry.” And that’s the stuff. And that’s the thing you should ask
for. That’s the real thing you should ask for and you should get it. | null | null | null | Public program, “Description of Kundalini”, Delhi (India), January 23rd, 1976. Honourable Justice Tatachari and the citizens of
Delhi and Sahaja Yogis, we are now at a juncture of history where it has become imminent that we have to prove the existence of
divine power. We have read about this All-pervading power. In our shastras, there has been elaborate descriptions about the
divine power flowing through us, through each and every particle that is being manifested in this universe. But so far very few
people have been able to enter into the realm of divinity to feel that divine power. Those were born at such a higher level that
they could not communicate with the rest of the people. They only sang the songs of divinity which was carried to the people
who never felt the existence of that divine power which those people felt it like reality. It has been, as I have told you before, a
search of human beings to jump into infinity but the finite rationality and understanding, the buddhi of human being could not
permeate into the infinity. So, the whole thing became such a mechanical process, the religions lost their significance and
people could not believe in the talks of religions or divine power. But the time has come for people to have en masse entry into
the Kingdom of God to feel His existence throbbing being within themselves. As she told you, in 1970, I realized that human
beings are not even awakened seekers. And that’s why all the mistakes have been committed because those who were born on
the 10th story could not explain to people who were not even in the first story. When I got this human Realization and the
reasons why this was happening, I started working on various people and found out their problems on the path of their
awakening. In doing so within 2 years’ time I was hardly able to give Realization or I should say the people could realize, only to
twelve people and it was a very hard task because the people who came to me were not so much attracted. They felt, “What is
the proof that there is divine power beyond us?” But when they realized and when they started getting vibrations from their
fingertips, the vibrations which we call Chaitanya Lahari, by which they became Nirvakara, by which they started curing other
people, by which they started giving awakening to other people and giving them Realization, it became a proof with them, they
have reached Self-actualization. It is a truth, it is not falsehood, it is not any propaganda, it has to happen within you, you cannot
give false certificate to anybody that it has happened, it has to happen fully into you and you have to feel it that it has happened
and when you use it you know it has happened. The other day you have seen the rising of the Kundalini with your naked eyes.
Some of you have never even known the word ‘Kundalini’. But you have seen the throbbing of the Kundalini, how it rose and how
it came up through the spine. When the Kundalini rises you actually can see the movement of Kundalini. There have been many
people who have been talking of Kundalini awakening, actually none of them who says so have shown the rising of the Kundalini,
the reason being the Kundalini never rose. The Kundalini only rises when there is somebody who is already enlightened and who
knows the job of rising the Kundalini. So, they have described that, by raising the Kundalini, you actually become very heated up
or sometimes you start dancing, sometimes you start shouting and sometimes you get blisters all over your body. The way they
have described Kundalini one would think that it is better to remain as you are than to go into such kind of ordeal where you get
completely finished and fract out . Kundalini is your Mother and She rests in the triangular bone which is placed higher than
Mooladhara Chakra. The triangular bone is known as the Mooladhara. You are all, you all know Sanskrit and you know what is
the meaning of the Mooladhara. She rests there and those who try to incite Her from the wrong side, Shri Ganesha who is sitting
on the Mooladhara Chakra gets angry and that anger is expressed which people say that the Kundalini is angry. The Kundalini
will never rise. She knows your problems. She loves you. She is the only Mother you have and She has been with you for ages for
many lives. So, She doesn’t rise at all, She stays there. Only Shri Ganesha gets angry because He is supposed to look after the
chastity of your Mother, the protocol of your Mother. Now whether there is Shri Ganesha or not we start from that. From the
scratch one has to start. People say that they have seen Shri Ganesha symbol inside the being. Whether Shri Ganesha is there or
not can be verified in Sahaj Yoga. Because when you find somebody suffering like that you have to request to Shri Ganesh that,
“Please don’t be angry”, the person has done it in that ignorance and He listens to you immediately you find such a person
becomes cool down. His blisters disappear and he feels very much comforted. Last time in Delhi if you remember there was one
man who came rushing to me. First, he has gone to Bombay and then he has come back again to Delhi. He was a resident of
Delhi and he told me that somebody has excited his Kundalini and he was running all over the place helter-skelter shouting “What
heat, what heat” as if lots of wasps have bitten. I asked him, “How did you get your awakening? Who was the man who did it?”
And he told me it was such a hideous method that decency prohibited to talk about that. And when I saw that I told him that,
“How can you believe that God can be achieved through such hideous and useless method?” And he was a very educated man.
Then I asked Shri Ganesh that, “Please forgive him because he doesn’t know he is an ignorant person and somebody who tried
to take the money out of him or somebody who tried to show off his knowledge, has played with his Kundalini, so please excuse
him.” And there are so many people who witnessed that immediately he cooled down and he was all right. All the Deities that are
on your Kundalini, whether they are there or not, because somebody has written, because somebody has said it, because they
are in the shastras also, why should we accept? Because rational man does not want to accept anything! Your children are not
going to accept it. We can prove the existence of Shri Ganesha, in the same way we can prove the existence of all these Deities
that are on the chakras that are within human spine. Now to say of Indian culture and Hindu culture and Muslim culture and
other cultures, it is most surprising that Kundalini or we can say the Primordial Kundalini of the Virata has got all these great
incarnations whether they were Muslims, whether they were Christians, whether they were Indians, seated on the chakras. For
example, if you start from the Mooladhara Chakra upwards then we have got on the second chakra, Swadishthan Chakra, Shri
Brahmadeva who is the creative power, creative aspect of God, and His power is Saraswati. You have seen that in Delhi you all
were caught with Swadishthan Chakra. All of you have got this problem of Swadishthan Chakra because Delhi is the place where
we are planning too much and the power of planning, the power of future thinking comes from Swadishthan Chakra, and that’s
how many of you are caught up with Swadishthan Chakra. The third chakra which is known as the Nabhi Chakra, actually it is
known as Manipur Chakra, rests above this triangular bone and it controls the solar plexus in the gross [physical] form in the
human beings and this is the chakra which represents our dharma, our religion. Now when I talk of religion immediately the
modern mind will get after me saying that, “What are you talking of this, out of these things?” When I say ‘dharma’ I mean
“dareithi sadharma”) it is human beings have got certain religion as everything has got religion. For example, you take a mango
from the mango tree. If you plant it you will get the mango. Or else you can see as I told you yesterday that a gold bangle is gold
because it is not tarnishable, that is the dharma of gold. The water has got purification dharma. In the same way a human being
has got his own dharma which is expressed in the Bible as Ten Commandments. These are ten dharmas a human being is born
with. He is born with it. But he has to establish himself into dharma when he has to go into dharmarthi state, is beyond that. But
these ten must be established. If these are not established, we cannot play about with them! If you play about with them then
this is a problem in your awakening and in your Realization. The Nabhi Chakra is the most important one and there rests the
great incarnation or we can say the aspect of God which we call as ‘Narayana’ Himself, Shri Vishnu, and His power is Shri
Lakshmi. Vishnu represents the sustenance, the dharma aspect of God. And Vishnu is responsible for the evolution of human
beings. We never find out why a amoeba has become a human being, what has made him come up to the level of human being
and what is going to happen to this human being, after all why is he made a human being? You are made for some purpose.
What is going to happen to this human being afterwards, we never think of that. This evolutionary power comes to us through
Shri Vishnu Himself. Shri Vishnu is not Hindu’s God. He does not belong to India; he does not belong to one particular state or
one particular area. He belongs in the Primordial Being, in the great Primordial Being who we call as Islam we call it ‘Allah hu
Akbar’. He is the expression of that Primordial Being who is great. God has many aspects and one of the aspects is of His
greatness. And that’s why as Vishnu He wants us to be great. Yesterday, I told you that the body of Virata contains everything
that He manifests and we have to realize that we are a part and parcel of that great Virata. And that we are in the process of
realizing Him because we are made in the image of God. Then comes the most important part of our body is the stomach. It
represents the Bhavasagara, Is the maya in which we are placed. We are born in this Bhavasagara when Shri Vishnu Himself
incarnates again and again. You have seen as matsyavatara and purvamavtara, and He Himself leads the human beings in their
evolutionary path. He is helped by another Deity whom we call as ‘Primordial Guru’, the Adi Guru Dattatreya. Shri Vishnu rises
from Bhavasagara and gives you the leadership to rise within yourself. He builds up your awareness step by step and today you
are as a human being. In your being itself, He creates two more chakras one on the Hriday [Heart] Chakra and above that is the
Vishuddhi Chakra which is placed here, which is called as the complete incarnation of Shri Krishna. At the Vishuddhi Chakra, Shri
Vishnu completes His incarnation, He is the complete Virata. He is represented here in the Vishuddhi Chakra. Whether He is
there or not you can find out when the Kundalini is awakened. On the left-hand side are the Virata, in the heart resides Shiva
Himself. Shiva is the symbol of God’s aspect of existence. It is Shiva who makes the whole manifestation to existence and when
He does not like the show, when He does not like the play, He switches off. That’s why He is also known as a destroyer. If he
likes it, if it is moving in the right direction, He continues to watch the show. But if He does not like it, He just switches off. So,
there are three aspects of God we have seen: one is of His Sthithi, existence, another of His creativity by Brahmadeva and the
third one which is the evolutionary but which is based on Dharma itself. A one person can have three attitudes, can have three
aspects. God has many more aspects but the aspects that are manifested are these three. Now these three aspects, the
essence of these aspects or we can say the innocence of these three aspects is combined in the Primordial Guru or the Adi Guru
Dattatreya who resides in the Bhavasagara and helps Shri Vishnu for your evolution. Now he has taken many incarnations,
mainly ten incarnations, and these are very important and we have to understand them in their full entirety. If you accept Him as
a Dattatreya you have to also accept Him as Raja Janaka. It’s easy for Hindu mind to accept Raja Janaka but it cannot accept
Mohammad Sahib who was the same as Raja Janaka. It is a fact and you can prove it on your Kundalini. A person who is
suffering from cancer of the stomach, now this is the thing when I say that Sahaja Yoga can cure your cancer, you have to give
up certain notions that we have in our head. A person, supposing he is a Hindu and he is suffering from the stomach cancer, I
have to ask him to take the name of Mohammad Sahib. If I fail to ask him or if I do not convince him, I cannot cure his cancer. I
am sorry I tell him I just cannot do it. But if he is Muslim, I have to tell him, “You have to take the name of Dattatreya.” Human
beings like fools have taken away the living flowers of one tree and now are fighting on something that is dead. He was
Dattatreya, there is no doubt about it. And His daughter Fatima was nobody else but Sita Janaki Herself. And Her two sons
Hassan and Hussain were nobody else but Luv and Kush. They were born again and again. They were born as Mahavira and
Buddha and then they were born as Hassan and Hussain. It is only possible through Sahaja Yoga to realize that this is the truth,
this is the fact. He was born as Nanaka and Nanaki was nobody else but Janaki. In Nanaka’s life He has expressed it. Of course, I
don’t know how many people have read about Nanaka. Nanaka one day was sleeping and his feet were towards Kaaba and
people were getting vibrations from that side so they said, “What are you doing? Your feet are towards Kaaba!” So, he said,
“Alright I will turn my feet on the other side” and they started getting vibrations from the other side. They said, “What? Kaaba has
moved or what?” He has in a way, showed, but how dare they said many things? When they said very few things, they have killed
these people and tortured them. If you read Mohammad Sahib’s life you will feel what foolish people we have been, the way we
have tortured. For fanaticism, the way He was killed actually he was poisoned. He had no place where to hide his head the way
people were after Him because He was telling the truth and fanaticism is one thing He fought. So, Guru Tatva [principe] is killed
as soon as you become a fanatic person. Your Guru Tatva is immediately finished as soon as you take to fanaticism of any kind.
You come up now to the Heart Chakra. Heart Chakra is divided into three parts. In the centre of the Heart Chakra resides
Jagadamba Herself. But the left side, as I have told you, resides Shiva and His power is Parvati. When Parvati Herself separates
Her identity with Her lord and enters in the centre to save Her children from the domination of the evil spirits, then She resides in
the centre and She is the Jagadamba. This is called as ‘sacred heart’ in the Bible. She resides as Jagadamba. She has taken
many incarnations to save. Today there was Lalita Panchami, they sang the song of Lalita, the way She took Her incarnation to
fight the evil forces to save the bhaktas from the domination of satanic and depraving personalities. She is there within you also.
If not awakened She can be awakened. She is all the time there to save you from those satanic forces. Today so many rakshasas
have taken birth in this Kali Yuga. They are here as some of them call themselves “Gods” and “God’s men”. But from their
behaviour and from their character, you can make out that they are not human beings, they are less than human beings. All such
horrid incarnations have come in a camouflage, in the maya, because this is Kali Yuga. Ravana is not going to come out as
Ravana, he is not going to say, “I am Ravana” but from his ideologies and from his methods, you can make out that he is “the
Ravana”. There are challenging religion today. There are people who are preaching that sex should be used for sublimation into
God. How can that be? Sex has nothing to do with your awakening. Because sex point as I told you, is much lower than the
Mooladhara where your Mother resides. It’s such an absurd idea which has already taken over in the West. I don’t know how
people have lost all their brains not to understand! And such ideologies are today spreading in this country. And I want Justice
Tatachari to put little pressure to the people who have made laws to see that these horrid things do not come up, that they are
not accepted by people. Because when you subject yourself to such horrible satanic forces, they come to you as entities, they
possess you, you get possessed. Then you start giving everything that you have. Whatever money you have, you give to them.
Whatever attention you have, you give it to them. Ultimately you find out that they have now landed in the courts and now are
enjoying some sentences for life. It is better that you should be all warned, that you must understand that a religious person, a
person who is really awakened, cannot take even a single pai from you. When you are so self-respecting, how can a person, the
one who has got the blessing of God, will accept anything from you? This is the way they satisfy your ego, that you feel that you
have been able to purchase a religious personality. You cannot purchase God in the market. You must understand that. And
when a person tries to satisfy your ego, by doing all these things, you must know that it is…, it is an act which is adharmic. Man
must understand that God is above everything. It is his Grace that can take you there, you cannot do anything about Him. It is He
who should pour his Grace onto you. What can the seed do when it wants to germinate? Nothing. But to be there and the
gardener pours his Grace, his love on that seed and it sprouts by itself. That is what ‘sahaja’ is. That means that it is born with
you, like the seed you have to sprout. But you have to be very careful with those horrible destructive forces that have come in so
many ways. I can tell you there are 16 rakshasas whom know have bin taken birth. Mahishasura is there, Narakasura is there,
Ruktasura is there. There are 6 rakshasis who have taken birth. And you have no idea to what they are doing. They will do all
kinds of tricks to convince you that they are godly people. But must only ask for the Supreme, for the last which is being
described by so many sages like Markandeya, like Shankaracharya. We are so lucky that we have had such great people who
have elaborately said, who have clearly said that, “This is what is the supreme, ask for the reality and do not ask for something
cheapish.” You cannot cheapen God. You do not try to mold Him in your own small cups. Above that chakra as I told you on the
right-hand side of the Heart Chakra is placed the Deity of Shri Rama and Sita. Now they are placed on the side because He was
made to forget His power as Vishnu. He became a human being in every way. He had to be a human being, every way. And that’s
why He behaved in such a manner that He showed the maryada purushottama. He is on the right side. He is the ideal king about
which the philosophers have told you. He is the person who does all the raja karan. He is the person who gives us the way the
evolutionary stage, to which a person who is in this world and who is in position higher level of administration, should follow too.
And He is maryada purushottama, Rama who is on the right-hand side. And you know His power is Sita. She is Adi Shakti who is
born again and again. On the Vishuddhi Chakra rest the great Deity of Shri Krishna. He represents the Virata, the Akbar, Allah hu
Akbar. He is represented here and this is the finger for Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna has manifested and has shown to Arjuna His
Virata Swarupa, but Arjuna got frightened. Imagine that time it was not possible for Arjuna to see all that, he got frightened. Now
in the Kali Yuga the time has come for you to see the Virata. You can if you get your realization through Sahaja Yoga. If you raise
your awareness to that extent where you can see Virata, you can see that. About Shri Krishna I need not say much, you all know
about Him but the essence of His life, the essence of His teachings was one simple thing that it is all a play going on. When you
are complete, when you are sampurna, then only you feel you are just a sakshi. When you are sakshi you are watching the whole
thing. Here at this point you meet oneness with complete vairAgnya within and love outside. The vairAgnya within flows that love
outside. Actually, it’s such a wonderful thing it cannot be explained. For example, today’s puja filled me up with vibrations. So
many vibrations started flowing through my chakras that I didn’t know what to do, then they started flowing out. That’s why
yesterday I said that Sahaja Yoga teaches you how you become the capitalist of vibrations, and when it flows out you know it is
the communist because you cannot help it. Once they are inside you want to give away, you have to feed others with what you
have got because you cannot carry on with that capital that you have achieved. You see it is so spontaneous and automatic that
the release is necessary. For example, if I have such a problem, I must meet my Sahaja Yogis. If I don’t find them, I go to the see
and stand there and give my vibrations to the see or to the tree or to the akasha because I must give away, because they are
working out and they have to cross this finite being in which the infinite is pushing through. It is such an interesting thing that
when we say, “You press the feet of your parents you get the blessings”, it is absolute truth because when you press the feet of
your parents, the chakras that move the vibrations, they come into us and they sooth us while they feel sooth and we also feel
sooth. Above this chakra is the Agnya Chakra, which is a very, very important chakra, which is the door, which is the door of the
Sahasrara. At the Agnya Chakra resides Mahavishnu. Those who have read about Mahavishnu in the Markandeya Purana or in
the Devi Bhagwat, you will know what I am talking about but we do not know when He incarnated and who He was. He was
nobody else but Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was the only son of Mary who was Radha. She was Mahalakshmi. It was
Mahalakshmi who incarnated as Mary and Jesus Christ was nobody else but Mahavishnu. If you want to know about
Mahavishnu you must read Devi Bhagwat. There it’s described in all elaboration. But whether He is there or not, whether it’s a
fact or not, can be seen because, somebody’s Agnya Chakra is caught up, we have to take the name of Jesus Christ. He is Omkar
Swarup so you can even take the name of Omkara. But you have to take the name of Jesus Christ. If you do not take His name, if
you do not accept Him, I cannot open your Agnya Chakra. I am sorry but it is so. Because for Hindus it’s very difficult to accept
and for Christians it is very difficult to accept the other side of it. You see, whether you accept it or not that’s a fact. Because of
your secluded temperaments, because of your limited energies, because of your I should say a very narrow vision of God and
religion, you cannot accept the truth which is so wide and so great. But it’s a fact and it’s to be seen. In the Agnya Chakra, He
resides. He controls your ego and superego both. He removes the entities that are in you and He kills your darpa, your ego. He
looks after your ego also. If you bend before somebody who is not a realized soul, who is just doing anadhikar chestha,
unauthorized, He is asking. You are serviliant or you are subjection; He gets angry and that’s how the Agnya Chakra closes down.
Agnya chakra is in the center of the optic thalamus of the human beings and is one of the most important things and once it
opens out it’s much easier for you to get your realization. Among you there are at least 50% people who are already realized, who
know how to handle the Kundalini, who have mastered the Kundalini. So, when I am telling you is just a repetition but there are
many new comers that’s why I have to tell them about it. The last is the most important, is the limbic area where resides the
Sahasrara. There are 982 nerves in our brain and there are 8 other nerves so we can say that there are 1000 nerves. There is no
use quarreling with these doctors because they will be all the time fighting with you and telling you, “No, no, it is not so. No, it is
not so.” But they will never come and see. Because we have cured cancer, we have cured so many people, they will never come
and see it. We have so many doctors who have been realized now and who accept that Sahaja Yoga is the only way the cancer
can be cured. But still they are not going to accept it because the ego is too much. How are they going to accept it because that’s
what they are depending on? And now they have to accept, they have to jump to something. Are they going to accept Christ? Are
they going to accept Ganesha? Oh God, that’s too much for scientists to accept Shri Ganesha because Christ is the human
incarnation of Shri Ganesha. He is the embodiment of eternal childhood. In the Sahasrara we are the integration of all these
chakras which we call as the seven peethas. They are placed there and because of this integration in the Sahasrara one has to
workout on the Sahasrara. Now the Sahasrara opening happened when, 1970, when I saw how one can handle all these 7
chakras in the Sahasrara. Here resides Shri Bhagvati who coordinates, cooperates with those seven chakras in such a manner
that all the permutations and combinations of these 7 chakras can be worked out in the Sahasrara. Once She works it on that,
She can give you the realization too and that’s how we have got 7 chakras. On top of this there are 3 more abstract forms in
which one has to rise. Above this is the trikona which is the brain, above that lies the ardha matra, as they call it, then the bindu,
and then the, they call it the varthuna. But the thing is all these things I am talking about should not mean anything to you unless
and until you have achieved something because this all you can read in the books. I am not here to give you some books and you
know that so far I have not written books and I don’t know if I am really going to complete the so called book I am writing.
Because once you write the book, people start getting involved into it so much that they do not ask for the reality. So, you first
see the reality yourself. Now all over the world, there are Sahaja Yogis who have seen the Kundalini rising, who has mastered the
Kundalini, who know what Is happening because after realization you start feeling it on your fingers. You feel theChaitanya
Lahari coming into you but not only that, it’s not only that the Chaitanya Lahari starts coming but it is the communication is
established with the all-pervading power, with God, and you start feeling on the fingers what is the problem of the other person.
For example, if you place your hand towards a person and you feel burning here you know it’s a Agnya Chakra. Now for a person
who is novice, who is recently come for the first time, who places his hand, he will say this is the finger. Even a child can say that.
My granddaughter who is a born realized soul she can just say like this, you know from the distance she tells me nani yeh hai.
Now she knows the names also! So, the communication is given to you silently: it burns you, it makes you uneasy, sometimes
you feel the throbbing, sometimes you feel something is flowing in. That’s how you know. It is a subjective knowledge for this
you do not need to go to school. Everybody knows if it is burning, they saw it is the finger that is burning. But I am here to decode
all that, to tell you and then you verify it, you tally it and find out if it is so or not. Not only that you feel the other person but with
that you can raise the Kundalini of another person. With the raising of the Kundalini you can remove the problems that are
physical, emotional and mental. By giving them Realization, you can remove their spiritual problems and that’s how they enter
also into the Kingdom of God where there is communication. [Speeker] If any one of you wants to put any question and get some
ideas clarified, Mataji is prepared to reply. Seeker: [Inaudible]. Shri Mataji: Your attention has to be free. At the time of your
realization, when the Kundalini is awakened, all your attention is extracted within and the Kundalini while rising takes it on his
head, or on her head, and brings the attention outside the Sahasrara. So, at that time, best thing is to let loose yourself. Just sit
down, watch it, what is happening, instead of putting any effort. It is an effortless, that helps you the best. So, no mantra is to be
chanted. After realization you must know what mantra is to be chanted where. There is a big science about it. So, the complete
tantra, what you call ‘Kundalini’ is there but you must know how to handle it, what mantra is to be said, what is to be said and
which chakra lacks a thing and it is that you have to master it. And there are many here in Delhi also who have mastered it. So, it
is not difficult. Anybody can master it. It is not difficult. Even a little girl like Pradnya has mastered the Kundalini. She can do it so
why not you people can do it. So, you have to just find out what are the chakras which are defective and you can treat it also.
Just now those who are not Realized, you’ll get your realization no doubt so you would go and meet those people at D288,
Pandara Road, and there you go and they will guide you as to what is to done in future. And go deep into it and make yourself
established and be a master of Kundalini. All that is guhya guhya taram, I have told them. And you will get all the knowledge
about it. Seeker: [Inaudible]. Shri Mataji: That’s a very good question. He asks why universal consciousness, it is all deliberate,
why it is kept sleeping in the human being? Now in the growth of evolution, from a small amoeba, you come to a human stage. At
the human stage, articulation takes place. Means like a shell of the egg is developed. For the egg to develop, the shell is
developed. You are made limited. Through the growth of your ego and superego within yourself, your Brahmarandhra is closed
down, your “talu” is closed down, and you are left to yourself. I’ll tell you an analogy by which you will understand. For e.g., if I
have to use this mic, first of all it is developed somewhere, away from the mains, then it is brought and put to the mains. In the
same way human being is cut from the mains. He is given “I-ness” from him to develop his instrument, his awareness; in such a
manner that when he receives the mains, he can communicate it, he could understand it, and for that development, articulation
was done. Just like an egg is made in a shell for protection and for its growth and then when the chick is ready in that shell, it is
broken by the mother; here just like I break your Brahmarandhra, is the same, it’s that. Seeker: What is the idea of Atmadhyan Shri
Mataji: Now the idea of Atmadhyan, if it is read in the books, it is rather difficult to make you understand. But what happens with
the rise of Kundalini? First of all, you enter into that infinite thing, the people, some people rise like steep, we can say a very
strong jet like speed they get. But some of them rise very slowly and then we can see the stages into which they rise. The first
thing that happens is that you become thoughtless. But you are aware. First stage that happens is thoughtless awareness.
Thoughtless awareness means that you start watching the thoughts. That means you are separated from yourself. Like you were
in water and now you jumped on to the boat and you see the water now so that you are separated. This is what happens, those
who have gradual ascent. You become thoughtlessly aware, which we call in the Hatha Yoga as asampragnyat samadhi. Of
course, according to them it’s a very higher stage. But you become thoughtlessly aware and the vibrations start flowing from
your hand by which you know that something is flowing. You start getting cool breeze from me and you start getting cool breeze
from other Sahaja Yogis and when you give it to others you find it is flowing. This we can say is the first thing that happens. That
means you become collectively conscious of another personality. This is the first thing that happens. The second stage into
which, do you jump is Nirvikalpa, means in that stage you become doubtless. Then you don’t ask me questions. There are some
people who are like that here. So, they have no questions, they have felt it, they have known it. I say it in a different way that
supposing I give you a thousand rupees. Now if you do not spend it how will you know what is the value of that? You will say,
“What you have given, thousand? What is there you have given? Just give us vibrations.” But once you start using it, then you will
see tremendous powers you have got. And the powers of this so called, I mean what you call just ordinary vibrations, some
people think like that, it is so easily available, it happens to you so sahaja, that you do not understand the value of it. But once you
start using them and then you see the tremendous thing that you have got it. It gives the bliss and the joy that flows into you. You
come into the stage of doubtless awareness. The third one I would say, when the complete Self-realization is established. Now,
in the thoughtless awareness, as you can say that now, supposing now as you have got Justice sitting here, so then he is a
Justice, he has certain powers. In the same way when you rise to the doubtless, thoughtless awareness you have certain powers
by which you can give awakening to people. Just move hand and the Kundalini of the people will move. It surprises, but it does.
You can move the hand and you can feel the Kundalini, you can feel the Kundalini of other persons, you can feel the chakras of
another person. It happens; only with thoughtless awareness. But with doubtless awareness you start giving them realization.
Absolutely, you can just like that. And with higher Self-realization what happens? That you just become a sakshi [witness]. No
problem. You never catch anything. You see, normally what happens when a person come to you, you place your hand for that
person and you feel it, “Oh! disgusting, this fellow is burning.” You don’t like it because you see the chakras of that person are
burning your fingers. And you know it’s burning. Then sometimes you catch also, you get involved into it. But later on, when you
are completely self-realized you become a Nirlepa. You do not catch any such things and you rise into the realm where you are
into complete vairag, you are just flowing, you are into sakshi state. But after these three stages, is the stage of God’s realization
in which you start controlling the nature completely. Some people, of course, through Hatha Yoga, they try to control certain
nature, but that is just upside down. We start it from top and go down. First of all, let us go to the divine stage and then come
down. Then establish into the…, we control the nature. See if you can control the say rain, you can control the sun. All this can be
done. But that is you see you lose interest in those thing. But automatically you can do it. For example, when I was going to see
one maharaj like that who is a very evolved soul and he has got it through you see thousands of years of tapasya. Say he was
sitting down there and he was pouring rain, the rain was pouring down and he didn’t want me to get drenched and so he was
trying to control rain. I know he can control rain. But the rain was pouring. And he didn’t know what to do and was so disgusted
with himself. When I went up, he said, “Did you want to kill my ego that you didn’t allow the rain to stop?” I said, “No, it was not so.
You see, I am a mother.” So, I told him very sweetly that, “I know that you have bought a saree for me and if I was not drenched,
you will not give me the saree. So, I just wanted the rain to.” And that’s how you see, the little ego that was there that, “I am
controlling the rain” dropped off, so it is the thing that happens automatically. You do not want to do it but it just happens. You
just don’t want to bother about these things but it happens. Wherever you are it just happens. That is that state where you start
rising into God’s realization. When you are in God’s realization, whether you are sitting here or anywhere you can see things, you
can influence people, you can help them. You can do lot of things sitting down anywhere. You may sit in Himalayas. There are
people like that who are sitting in the Himalayas and are helping you. So, they can do it and they are one. For example, this
gentleman about whom I am telling you, who is a very great saint, he saw at my time, at the time of my birth, everything that
happened. He knows about my past lives for thousands of years. He recognizes me much better. There is another one who
came to see Me from Amarnath who is three hundred years old. He is also of the same type and he also said all those things. But
you see, their style is different and your style is different. You are people are like Ganesha, they are not. They still catch. You don’t
know. That’s why that three-hundred-year old man, had some catches on his body. I said, “What have you done Nagnath Baba?
How you got it?” He said, “I got it from one man, horrible fellow he touched me.” I said, “You got it, alright. I will take it out for
you.” Then he said, “What about you?” I said, “Not me. I do not get it, I am a mother. A mother does not get it. Mother never
catches because of children.” In the same way you people also don’t catch. There are some people here who have cured cancer.
They have never caught anything from anybody. So, you see, you have much more power because you are people who are
simple, who are like Shri Ganesha. Because Shri Ganesha has much more power than any one of the Deities there are. Because
He is so simple, He’s so dedicated to the Mother. Seeker: [Inaudible]. Shri Mataji: We are living in this world because we have to
become the instrument in the hands of God. He wants to use us. You see we have to be a good instrument into his hand. For
example, an artist has a brush. Why is the brush there? For the artist to use the brush. Now, I will tell you a very sweet story about
it. Once Radhaji was very jealous of the murli, that Shri Krishna was carrying on his lips. So, she asked “What is your speciality…”
She asked the murli, “What is your specialty that you are all the time near the lips of my lord?” So, she said that, “My specialty is
that I am no special. I have become a hollow person. The melody is going through me. He is using me just as an instrument and I
laugh at the people when they say that, ‘You have been slave.’ I say, ‘I am just watching like a sakshi, like a witness. And if I stand
anywhere in between then his melody will be spoilt’.” This is the purpose and if you don’t achieve this purpose then all this
recklessness comes in, these problems comes in, which we can say in a gross way, then your parasympathetic is taxed. When
your parasympathetic is taxed, then you start thinking, “What are we to do? Where are we to jump now?” This whole petrol is
being exhausted in this body. But, once you open out to the mains, it starts pouring into you. And you are absolutely relaxed.
Seeker: [Inaudible]. Shri Mataji: It just takes a second if you are ready. For every ordinary person it really takes a second. Then it
rises, it takes a second to rise. But what happens, that Kundalini is your Mother. So now, supposing your mother is coming to see
you and you are sick. So, first of all, what she will do is to see that your sickness is removed. Then she sees that you are mentally
upset. So, she looks after your mental problems. Then she sees that you are wrongly placed spiritually. So, she corrects you. And
ultimately, she blesses you. So, if somebody is in temperance, empathy, who has got a good health, of normal health, he is living
a normal married life, he is the best suited. And there are some who have got it like just that. But some people are rather sick,
they have some trouble because they have gone through various ordeals of life. They have been troubled, even tortured, they
have got some mental problem. The Mother has to soothe them. So if there is, you see, you cannot say that, when this seed is
going to sprout, it will sprout. Can you say that, at this day, the flowers will appear? Can you say that, at this day, all fruits will be
coming? No, you cannot! There is no time for living things. It works itself. It is a living process so it works itself. It works for the
organism, that is yourself, and then it clicks itself. That is what is sahaja. Seeker: [Inaudible, asking for Realization]. Shri Mataji:
Realization? Yeah! Why not, why not? I am here only for that. (Hindi.) Seeker: [Inaudible]. Shri Mataji: Right, for anybody who is
not realized that should be the question, that you see, around such a lot of miseries. Now he has asked two questions. You see,
he has confused two questions. The first one of misery, the second one about over population. So first, I will answer the first
question of misery. Now you say that there are miseries. I accept it that there are miseries and miseries are there because of
human beings themselves. Because they haven’t got the divine within themselves. If they have divine, they will not dominate,
they will not bear domination, they will be different people. But we can say one thing, how will reduce the miseries of people
when you get Realized? See, I have told you that there are seven chakras in the human beings. When they are awakened what
happens? Let us see. First of all, your physical problems are solved, your health improves, you lead a very healthy life. You will be
amazed and in Sahaja Yoga, nobody dies before he is 70 years of age. He leads a very, very healthy life to begin with. First misery
of physical life is over. Not only that he lives a physically good life, but he makes others physically alright. He makes them
physically fit without taking a single pai [paisa/rupees] from them. The vibrations that flow from him, he cures them and the
other person gets all right. Now as I have told you that there are people here who have treated so many people, have cured so
many people without taking a single pai, because this love is flowing and that’s yourselves! So, the physical problem is solved.
Then the second problem is your emotional problem. The person suffers emotionally. They become emotionally disturbed,
sometimes there are possessions. They come into it from their subconscious mind and there are problems from the emotional
side. Now, after Realization, people become sakshi in the sense that emotionally they do not get involved into the things, that
they do not feel disturbed about it but they see the things. I will give you a very concrete example. I had a grandchild, first
grandchild born in my family. This child was born with a heart which was all time, permanently, there was a clotage which cannot
be cured. Because it’s a basic problem and I knew about it the day she was born. But I was silent and on the 5th day I said to the
doctor that, “You must take her under the x-ray and see what is the thing.” Doctor was surprised. He said, “Why do you think so?
Such a little child should not be exposed to x-ray.” I said, “You take her.” I took her secretly and showed her to the doctor. They
found that, the enlargement of the heart. Now, when I came home, I didn’t tell my daughter, I didn’t tell my husband who was to
come from Delhi. When he came back, with very great introduction I told him. Immediately he fainted. He is a very healthy man
and, I mean that way emotionally he is supposed to be a very sensitive person, very balanced, but he fainted. We told this to the
father of the child, he fainted. My daughter fainted. They couldn’t bear it. I took the child to the hospital. I admitted her in the
hospital because the doctor said they had to do other tests. Then we had to take the child to America and I knew that the child
was going to die. But I said “alright”. If they think, the child has to be taken, I took. None of them could take. They couldn’t take
the child. I took there. The so-called miserable people actually are overdoing things. By which they are spoiling every body’s life
and making themselves miserable also. The ways we talk of our misery actually are so exaggerating. I do not know if they are
really that miserable the way they talk about. And they cannot do anything about it because unless and until you are separated
from the problem, how are you going to solve it? You see, you have to be separated. Unless and until you are a doctor, you are
not going to operate. Supposing you are the patient, how are you going to operate yourself? So, the doctor in you must be
separated. This is what the Sahaja Yoga does. Because you are the patient and you are the doctor that’s why the whole thing is
more exaggerated. If you find any doctor being sick, he’ll be the worst patient. I have seen that in practice it is so. That’s why
those who are miserable are much more miserable than they are really because they themselves do not know how to cure it. So,
the emotional problem is solved, like this. Now, then there is another problem which we face all the time is of our dharma, of our
dignity. How to be dignified, how to be ourselves? The spiritual problem, and that is solved. No doubt. Because then you find the
divine flowing through you. You really become a dynamic personality apart from that, for this worldly things I have to tell you
another thing which happened to people who are Sahaja Yogis. That is, your Laxmi is awaken. Now you know what is Laxmi.
Such a person cannot become a beggar. Cannot! A Sahaja Yogi cannot become a beggar because his Laxmi is awakened. He is
looked after. See, there is God Almighty who’s looking after you! This is the sin against God that all the time you are so
unsecured. The One who has created you, the One who is looking after you is going to look after you everywhere. But you want to
run after other things. You want to do smuggling, you want to do all kind of things, you want to cut each other’s throat and then
you want to see that you are happy, you cannot l. You have to depend on Him and on His grace. And the person who is realized,
he is like a badshah, he is the king. He is always the king. He doesn’t bother. I can tell you about myself. I never feel I have dearth
of money or dearth of anything. Never! You see if you ask me, I can sleep on the ground. Perhaps I was born in very rich family
and my husband is quiet rich, but if you ask me, I can live anywhere. I can do without food for days together. It doesn't matter of
all the time people talk about eating, eating. How much do you eat? There is no need to eat such a lot. That’s why some people
are poor. Some people eat such a lot that there are some people who are poor. But automatically your attention fromfood and all
drops out. You just get it. If you get it well and good, you don’t get it well and good. Sorry this morning I had no breakfast and all
that. I didn’t know that I had no. And I had not even my lunch, I would not… Because this body is filled with energy you don’t need.
Actually, this is the first time the energy is filling you all. Then you give vibrations. In Rahuri, [Maharashtra state], there is one
university there they have experimented. In the University,first time they have experimented in agriculture university, ith these
vibrations. They have found that the growth of all this wheat was 10 ten times more. They found that the fruits that came out of it
were beautiful and they were so tasty and so lusty. They found that when the cow was given vibrated water, Indian cow started
giving milk like an Australian cow. But I cannot write a guarantee check for you. That is one thing. So, all the miseries so called
will drop out. Now the overpopulation problem. That’s very interesting. I'll tell you what it is. Why there is such an overpopulation.
You see the congenial atmosphere for the rakshasas and for the bhoots, giving chance for bhoots to come as human beings.
Once this congenial atmosphere for them will disappear, only the saintly will come and they are not so many. And they will not
need also so many things. A saintly person does not need much. With very little he is so satisfied, he doesn’t want. You see, he is
a badshah. It’s only the mental attitude that makes us biharis . Otherwise, we are not. We are very rich people. What else? Seeker:
[Inaudible]. Shri Mataji: Now I would say that really some who are really hungry will ask for the ultimate but those who are not will
be asking me questions. As I say I have cooked the food for you and those who are hungry will say, “Mother give us. Now it’s too
much. Now these people are just wasting our time. We are very hungry.” And that’s the stuff. And that’s the thing you should ask
for. That’s the real thing you should ask for and you should get it. |
2/5/1976 | | Lalita Panchami Puja | India | Mumbai | null | VERIFIED | null | Draft | null | Y | N | N | Devi | Hindi | 20 | 1976-02-05 Lalita Panchami, Beneficence, Wit, Intelligence, Mumbai [Translation for 1976-0205 Upkar-Buddhi Lalita Panchami,
Version 1, Part 1 (Talk in Hindi) ] Even after having all this lot of people ask me how have we been benefited? Inherent in this
question there is a very small thing hidden that whatever we have towards that we do not have a sense of gratitude. We lack this
sense of gratitude and think that what did we gain by being a Sahaja Yogi. This upkar Budhi or sense of gratitude as it is called in
English until we have that, our understanding of everything will be opposite. Today is a very auspicious day. It is Lalitha
Panchami. 'Lalith' means 'beautiful', 'very beautiful' and Lalitha is Shri Gauri’s name and because tomorrow is Shri Ganesha’s
birthday that is why today is celebrated for Shri Gauri. Anyways you also know that my Kundalini means 'Kundali' and its name is
'Lalitha'. Lalitya is a name for beauty. Human beings are that beauty, that person who has a sense of gratitude is the most
beautiful. The person who does not have a sense of gratitude is equal to an animal. Animals also have it. Dogs also have it. If
you take care of a dog for a few days you will be surprised that it will be loyal to you. Once you have this sense of gratitude
awakened in you, then you will see love coming from within you. Lot of people say that, "Mother we are surrendered to you." I
laugh at them. What will you surrender to me? I never asked you for anything. I am here to give and I have no part in it. But Lord
Almighty watches you whether you have that sense of gratitude or not. When you do not have that then all my recommendations
for you to him are ignored. That is why lot of people who think they have received self-realization, they have evolved, are at the
same place. They are walking the same. It is very important to awaken the sense of gratitude in you. Without that everything is
ugly. Lalitya ends with that. Such people cannot achieve lalitya / beauty who do not have a sense of gratitude. This sense of
gratitude is very important. People are weird, they compromise with themselves, do not recognize the lalitya / beauty in their own
Selves and live with their ugliness all the time. And they think that living with this ugliness they are huge people. Watch from the
beginning, from your birth, see what all God did for you. Lord made you a human from animal. The whole creation is in so
captivating, so beautiful and so organized, it is all done for us and we have no sense of gratitude for it. We take it all for granted.
We feel entitled to all this as though we have the right to all this, so what people think. When man lives in such false thoughts, he
cannot see his own dirt, truth is not visible to him. Truth is that you are living with your own dirt. You are living off of the bad
things in you. Man fails to understand it because he is blind and he thinks it is great to have this blindness, he compromises. We
can call this as bhoots / troubles or anything. All Sahaja Yogis should make it a habit that they will cleanse their own dirt. Like we
wash our hands when they get dirty. This man knows. Animals do not wash their hands. Man takes a bath, washes his hands, will
clean his body quickly. But all this dirt accumulated in our mind [actual word used is 'mann' means 'virtual mind' / 'thoughts'] with
which we live and will continue to live for many more lives, if you think this will end in this lifetime, that is incorrect. This dirt
inside will go around for many lifetimes and will take you to a place which is very bad which we call 'hell'. Today is such a
beautiful day that I do not want to talk about this place. But you are making such a bad place in yourself with this dirt. Of course
Mother gave you self-realization but then what? Those who think that, "Mother has done us a great favor!" sarcastically how can
such people evolve? Today we are going to perform a havan for Shri Vishnu. We need to understand what this havan is. Those
who are here with a pure heart will benefit from it and those who are here with an impure heart there will be no impact. For such
people this is a waste: havan or puja, prayer, namaz, chanting the mantras, tantras ['tantra' means' the mechanism inside us'],
etc. 'Tantra' does not mean 'the bad stuff in us' but 'the Kundalini itself'. All these things show us the path on which we need to
ascend, that which enlightens us, that which is triggered, that things trigger in our life as though we jump in it; from this limited
life we just jump into the unlimited. Shri Vishnu’s havan is beneficial to entire Bombay because I am going to perform it with my
hands. Shri Vishnu’s havan means that Shri Vishnu is the collaborator in our evolution. He incarnated as Shri Krishna. We are
triggering this ritual of Shri Vishnu in the whole world, we are putting shine in it. We can raise new waves in it, with which man
can look towards his evolution, by which man can be free of the bondage of the three dimensions, these three entanglements.
But you also need to understand that Lord cannot achieve anything with servants. What will a servant bow down in reverence to
the Lord? I know that you still do not have the capacity to detach yourself from all these ties, things. But nevertheless, be
prepared, be ready to give up everything false, be prepared that, “I will give up all the lies that I am holding on to”. You cannot do
good for Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga can do good for you. If you think you are here for the benefit of Sahaja Yoga you are
mistaken because Sahaja Yoga is really a way of audience with the Lord Almighty. Those who are willing to take, those who are
willing to grow, only those can move forward and those who are here to give, they cannot achieve anything here. Giving is far
away, you just need to be thankful for it that you have received self-realization and been enlightened. We can feel our Kundalini
on our fingertips and we can give realization to others by moving our hands. No one dare do this. You have perhaps seen lot of
people talk about this, but all of you capable of raising others Kundalinis who are sitting here should be thankful to the Lord that,
“Lord what is my speciality that you bestowed upon me this capability? You have been so merciful. What is my limited
personality? What great punya [good deed] did we do to be blessed with this knowledge of the Kundalini?” You all now have the
subtle knowledge of this inner working. Forget about the fools' talk. You are talking about great fools who think they are great.
Remember whether you came here to be fooled or to be smart. I do not fool or entice you. In reality, you have to climb that
ladder. There is only one way out, do not come half-hearted. With complete surrender tell the Lord that, "He has given you so
much, what do we need to do?" We sometimes ask for worldly things, power, money; you are still entangled in little things. The
supreme Self that I am talking of is all seeing. Yogakshemam vahamyaham: prosperity and welfare [Yoga and Ksema] are looked
after by Him. See now there is nothing superior to Him in this world. What in this world can stand in comparison to the Lord? The
entire world is functioning because of this superior entity. After being submerged in that supreme, after receiving that nectar
what are you talking of drinking bath water etc? You are unaware of His blessings on you because you are still dipping and
emerging on the shores of that. Remember that this Shri Vishnu’s havan being performed today is for your own evolution. I do
not need this. Not only this today in Bombay these vibrations will shine. With these vibrations, today in Bombay, these sparks full
of Shri Vishnu’s evolution will be lighted. You should understand that this is what is important. Maybe only 5-10 of you are here
today but be here with your full attention. Concentrate here. Do not look here or there. If anyone comes in, your attention goes
there. Keep your attention here. Surrender yourself completely. You should ask for it and then only it will happen. Until you ask it
won’t happen. Nothing can happen with my actions. Incarnations also happen because of people’s prayers. Incarnations come
to answer people’s prayers, without that they do not happen. But the people who desire for incarnations are incomplete, why?
Bring your complete attention here and our havan today can be great. Lot can happen with the havan. We did a havan in London
too. Lot of difference came about in London. The climate changed. You need to change the climate. With this the atmosphere
will be awakened. Sometimes such a lot of vibrations flow from my body that they cannot go into the atmosphere. Atmosphere
cannot absorb it. You all need to be awakened and fix your vibrations. With complete devotion invite. And when they arrive, when
they are awakened, then absorb them. With the offering of everything that is here you are expressing your sense of gratitude.
"You have done us a lot of favor". We show that to the Gods, "Here is the offering of wood that you gave us, we are expressing
our gratitude." This is the meaning of havan. With that all the dirt in your heart, let it burn in this fire. This fire can purify you if you
offer the items with that feeling. It is not difficult. I am here with you to see everything, to know everything. Sometimes I explain
to you, sometimes I scold you, sometimes I love you, just like a Mother should. Children need to understand that if a Mother says
something for their good then only a Mother can do that, none else. You should think that this is a great blessing to you and be
thankful for it. You need to recognize that your Mother’s love is behind all this. If you fail to recognize love then Sahaja Yoga is
not for you because all of this is a display of love. With each other you need to see this love. But until you cleanse yourself
completely and cannot see yourself in the mirror of others, until then you cannot see yourself, you cannot recognize that love.
You see this distorted image of yourself in others and think others are distorted. I hope that with this havan our hearts will be
cleansed and it will help our evolution. And go, rest on the shore of that infinite such that there is no talk of returning from there.
Today is a very auspicious day and you need to understand this about Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha does not know anything in
this world except His Mother and this is why He is at the highest seat. Completely surrendered to His Mother. Because His
Mother did not scold Him? Don’t you think His Mother never explained to Him? So, let us remember Shri Ganesha now who takes
up everything on His head and finish this havan. Participate in this havan completely and do not carry any doubts. Lot of you are
self-realized. Those who aren’t self-realized too, they will also be benefited for sure. Eternal blessings to you all! | null | null | null | 1976-02-05 Lalita Panchami, Beneficence, Wit, Intelligence, Mumbai [Translation for 1976-0205 Upkar-Buddhi Lalita Panchami,
Version 1, Part 1 (Talk in Hindi) ] Even after having all this lot of people ask me how have we been benefited? Inherent in this
question there is a very small thing hidden that whatever we have towards that we do not have a sense of gratitude. We lack this
sense of gratitude and think that what did we gain by being a Sahaja Yogi. This upkar Budhi or sense of gratitude as it is called in
English until we have that, our understanding of everything will be opposite. Today is a very auspicious day. It is Lalitha
Panchami. 'Lalith' means 'beautiful', 'very beautiful' and Lalitha is Shri Gauri’s name and because tomorrow is Shri Ganesha’s
birthday that is why today is celebrated for Shri Gauri. Anyways you also know that my Kundalini means 'Kundali' and its name is
'Lalitha'. Lalitya is a name for beauty. Human beings are that beauty, that person who has a sense of gratitude is the most
beautiful. The person who does not have a sense of gratitude is equal to an animal. Animals also have it. Dogs also have it. If
you take care of a dog for a few days you will be surprised that it will be loyal to you. Once you have this sense of gratitude
awakened in you, then you will see love coming from within you. Lot of people say that, "Mother we are surrendered to you." I
laugh at them. What will you surrender to me? I never asked you for anything. I am here to give and I have no part in it. But Lord
Almighty watches you whether you have that sense of gratitude or not. When you do not have that then all my recommendations
for you to him are ignored. That is why lot of people who think they have received self-realization, they have evolved, are at the
same place. They are walking the same. It is very important to awaken the sense of gratitude in you. Without that everything is
ugly. Lalitya ends with that. Such people cannot achieve lalitya / beauty who do not have a sense of gratitude. This sense of
gratitude is very important. People are weird, they compromise with themselves, do not recognize the lalitya / beauty in their own
Selves and live with their ugliness all the time. And they think that living with this ugliness they are huge people. Watch from the
beginning, from your birth, see what all God did for you. Lord made you a human from animal. The whole creation is in so
captivating, so beautiful and so organized, it is all done for us and we have no sense of gratitude for it. We take it all for granted.
We feel entitled to all this as though we have the right to all this, so what people think. When man lives in such false thoughts, he
cannot see his own dirt, truth is not visible to him. Truth is that you are living with your own dirt. You are living off of the bad
things in you. Man fails to understand it because he is blind and he thinks it is great to have this blindness, he compromises. We
can call this as bhoots / troubles or anything. All Sahaja Yogis should make it a habit that they will cleanse their own dirt. Like we
wash our hands when they get dirty. This man knows. Animals do not wash their hands. Man takes a bath, washes his hands, will
clean his body quickly. But all this dirt accumulated in our mind [actual word used is 'mann' means 'virtual mind' / 'thoughts'] with
which we live and will continue to live for many more lives, if you think this will end in this lifetime, that is incorrect. This dirt
inside will go around for many lifetimes and will take you to a place which is very bad which we call 'hell'. Today is such a
beautiful day that I do not want to talk about this place. But you are making such a bad place in yourself with this dirt. Of course
Mother gave you self-realization but then what? Those who think that, "Mother has done us a great favor!" sarcastically how can
such people evolve? Today we are going to perform a havan for Shri Vishnu. We need to understand what this havan is. Those
who are here with a pure heart will benefit from it and those who are here with an impure heart there will be no impact. For such
people this is a waste: havan or puja, prayer, namaz, chanting the mantras, tantras ['tantra' means' the mechanism inside us'],
etc. 'Tantra' does not mean 'the bad stuff in us' but 'the Kundalini itself'. All these things show us the path on which we need to
ascend, that which enlightens us, that which is triggered, that things trigger in our life as though we jump in it; from this limited
life we just jump into the unlimited. Shri Vishnu’s havan is beneficial to entire Bombay because I am going to perform it with my
hands. Shri Vishnu’s havan means that Shri Vishnu is the collaborator in our evolution. He incarnated as Shri Krishna. We are
triggering this ritual of Shri Vishnu in the whole world, we are putting shine in it. We can raise new waves in it, with which man
can look towards his evolution, by which man can be free of the bondage of the three dimensions, these three entanglements.
But you also need to understand that Lord cannot achieve anything with servants. What will a servant bow down in reverence to
the Lord? I know that you still do not have the capacity to detach yourself from all these ties, things. But nevertheless, be
prepared, be ready to give up everything false, be prepared that, “I will give up all the lies that I am holding on to”. You cannot do
good for Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga can do good for you. If you think you are here for the benefit of Sahaja Yoga you are
mistaken because Sahaja Yoga is really a way of audience with the Lord Almighty. Those who are willing to take, those who are
willing to grow, only those can move forward and those who are here to give, they cannot achieve anything here. Giving is far
away, you just need to be thankful for it that you have received self-realization and been enlightened. We can feel our Kundalini
on our fingertips and we can give realization to others by moving our hands. No one dare do this. You have perhaps seen lot of
people talk about this, but all of you capable of raising others Kundalinis who are sitting here should be thankful to the Lord that,
“Lord what is my speciality that you bestowed upon me this capability? You have been so merciful. What is my limited
personality? What great punya [good deed] did we do to be blessed with this knowledge of the Kundalini?” You all now have the
subtle knowledge of this inner working. Forget about the fools' talk. You are talking about great fools who think they are great.
Remember whether you came here to be fooled or to be smart. I do not fool or entice you. In reality, you have to climb that
ladder. There is only one way out, do not come half-hearted. With complete surrender tell the Lord that, "He has given you so
much, what do we need to do?" We sometimes ask for worldly things, power, money; you are still entangled in little things. The
supreme Self that I am talking of is all seeing. Yogakshemam vahamyaham: prosperity and welfare [Yoga and Ksema] are looked
after by Him. See now there is nothing superior to Him in this world. What in this world can stand in comparison to the Lord? The
entire world is functioning because of this superior entity. After being submerged in that supreme, after receiving that nectar
what are you talking of drinking bath water etc? You are unaware of His blessings on you because you are still dipping and
emerging on the shores of that. Remember that this Shri Vishnu’s havan being performed today is for your own evolution. I do
not need this. Not only this today in Bombay these vibrations will shine. With these vibrations, today in Bombay, these sparks full
of Shri Vishnu’s evolution will be lighted. You should understand that this is what is important. Maybe only 5-10 of you are here
today but be here with your full attention. Concentrate here. Do not look here or there. If anyone comes in, your attention goes
there. Keep your attention here. Surrender yourself completely. You should ask for it and then only it will happen. Until you ask it
won’t happen. Nothing can happen with my actions. Incarnations also happen because of people’s prayers. Incarnations come
to answer people’s prayers, without that they do not happen. But the people who desire for incarnations are incomplete, why?
Bring your complete attention here and our havan today can be great. Lot can happen with the havan. We did a havan in London
too. Lot of difference came about in London. The climate changed. You need to change the climate. With this the atmosphere
will be awakened. Sometimes such a lot of vibrations flow from my body that they cannot go into the atmosphere. Atmosphere
cannot absorb it. You all need to be awakened and fix your vibrations. With complete devotion invite. And when they arrive, when
they are awakened, then absorb them. With the offering of everything that is here you are expressing your sense of gratitude.
"You have done us a lot of favor". We show that to the Gods, "Here is the offering of wood that you gave us, we are expressing
our gratitude." This is the meaning of havan. With that all the dirt in your heart, let it burn in this fire. This fire can purify you if you
offer the items with that feeling. It is not difficult. I am here with you to see everything, to know everything. Sometimes I explain
to you, sometimes I scold you, sometimes I love you, just like a Mother should. Children need to understand that if a Mother says
something for their good then only a Mother can do that, none else. You should think that this is a great blessing to you and be
thankful for it. You need to recognize that your Mother’s love is behind all this. If you fail to recognize love then Sahaja Yoga is
not for you because all of this is a display of love. With each other you need to see this love. But until you cleanse yourself
completely and cannot see yourself in the mirror of others, until then you cannot see yourself, you cannot recognize that love.
You see this distorted image of yourself in others and think others are distorted. I hope that with this havan our hearts will be
cleansed and it will help our evolution. And go, rest on the shore of that infinite such that there is no talk of returning from there.
Today is a very auspicious day and you need to understand this about Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha does not know anything in
this world except His Mother and this is why He is at the highest seat. Completely surrendered to His Mother. Because His
Mother did not scold Him? Don’t you think His Mother never explained to Him? So, let us remember Shri Ganesha now who takes
up everything on His head and finish this havan. Participate in this havan completely and do not carry any doubts. Lot of you are
self-realized. Those who aren’t self-realized too, they will also be benefited for sure. Eternal blessings to you all! |
2/29/1976 | | Mahashivaratri Puja: Utpatti – Adi Shakti aur Shiva ka Swaroop | India | Mumbai | null | VERIFIED | null | VERIFIED | null | Y | N | N | Mahashivaratri | Hindi | 20 | 1976-02-29 Mahashivaratri Puja: Utpatti - Adi Shakti aur Shiva ka Swaroop, Mumbai I told you about origin first because on the
day of Shivratri when we have to talk about Shiv ji, then it begins with creation therefore He is the beginning. When the first form
of God Almighty manifests- when He becomes resplendent with Brahma, then He is called Sada Shiva. That's why Shiv ji is
considered to be the beginning. One can understand that before a tree takes its complete form, one has to look at it in its form
as a seed. It is in the form of a seed. Therefore, Shiv ji has great importance. After His manifestation, His own Shakti [Energy]
assumes its form and is then known as Adi Shakti. Then this Adi Shakti enlightens the three forms of Parmatma [God Almighty]
separately, that you know of, they are Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh meaning Shiv Shankar. Adi Shakti sieves through the 3
aspects of the same diamond. During the time of ultimate destruction, when all the created creation, all the manifested world
dissolves and incarnates as the Brahma, even then Sada Shiva remains unaffected. He is related to that part of God Almighty
that never incarnates, that who is a non-being. All the powers of God that incarnate are from His being, the ones that don't, are
from the non-being that stay with Him. In all this, the position of Sada Shiv is the same as that of a diamond that even when
broken into many small pieces, remains resplendent, whose sheen never diminishes. This is what Sada Shiv's state is. Sada
Shiva gives the sthiti [state], and in the world, if there is no sthiti, there can be no creation. First, the sthiti has to be developed.
Existence – identity has to be brought in. Identity exists because of the Shakti [Power] of Sada Shiv. Due to this, in the creation
His contribution is the same as that of a foundation in a huge palace or house, which can't be seen. The foundation doesn't show
but without it, no building can stand. In the same way, Sada Shiv resides in our heart in the form of our Spirit. Till He resides in
our hearts as Spirit, only till then our lives continue in this world. The day He closes His eyes, that day we cease to exist. We leave
this world and our state passes on to parlok [the other world]. Shiv ji, as you know resides in our Chandra Nadi [moon channel],
and whilst sitting in our Chandra Nadi, He maintains Its sthiti within us. He also maintains the sthiti of our pran [life]. Our lives
can't continue without Shiv ji. These are all detailed conversations I have clarified in my book in a detailed way. By nature, Shiv ji
is a great sanyasi [ascetic]. Like it is an aspect of the God Almighty, that from within, He is an ascetic. He doesn't create for a
reason. He has no reason. He does it from His whim, for His joy. If He wants, He creates, otherwise He destroys. He is symbolic
of many ascetic people who live in this world. I do not mean asceticism to be the way it's considered in the world. You all know
asceticism should be where a man, after being self-realised has reached a state where he is a sakshi [in a witness state]. He is
an ascetic from within. From outside, he lives in the world, but from within he is a great ascetic. He doesn't have to say that, "I am
a sanyasi [an ascetic], I have taken sanyaas [ascetism]" but he has taken sanyaas from within. Then when our mind observes
sanyaas from within, that form is a manifestation of Shri Shiv. The world we live in and work in, the world that we enjoy, that
enjoyment comes from the Vishnu form of the God Almighty, that's why in the form of Vishnu, He is the enjoyer; in the form of
Shiv, He is the ascetic, and in the form of Brahma, He is the creator that creates. Looking at this ascetic, one sees this strange
thing that His body is blue in colour. That is because He is sitting on the line of 'Chandrama' (moon). There are snakes around
His neck and arms. His whole decoration is with snakes. Snakes are cooling and peaceful. They drink away any heat. He keeps
all these snakes on His body symbolising that all the wicked, horrible, poisonous and powerful things that are trying to destroy
this world, He is holding them all on His being. He has drunk all the poison of the world. You know He has already drunk the
poison in the beginning. He drinks all the poison that is in the world to keep the world cool and give joy to the creation. All that
dies, gets destroyed, goes and settles down in His kingdom. By the dust of His feet, the prisons of all the useless people, evil
people get shut down. By Shiv ji's grace, they are kept in control. On His head, resides Chandrama. Chandrama Himself is the
brother, is Lakshmi's, that's why it's said that He is got his brother-in-law on His head. The poets have described Him in a weird
way, and some time very beautifully. He has got the load of Ganga on His head as if He removes the pride of all beings. He has
tied even the proud Ganga in His dreadlocks. His dreadlocks are so tremendous. He sucks away all the ego from human beings,
and this way He protects the people from egoistical people. He is incomparable, He can't be described in words. But He has a
very remarkable, extraordinary power which no other god has- the power of forgiveness. He can forgive even the most evil.
Those who can't be forgiven even by Shri Ganesh or Yeshu Masih [Jesus Christ] can’t forgive, Sada Shiva can forgive even them.
That's why, when one has to ask for forgiveness, one has to ask Him because there are some things that Ganesh cannot forgive
at all such as sin against the Mother. Shri Ganesh can never forgive all sex related sins. It's very difficult to pacify Him. Jesus
Christ also can't forgive, ever. Only Mahadev, Shiv Shankar is capable of forgiving such sins. Even these two can't understand
Him, therefore He must be worshipped. It's a strange thing that people fast on this day. I don't understand on what basis this
custom was made. May be some crooked people have written this in the shastras [old religious texts]. On this day, He drank the
poison. Today you are allowed to eat anything, even if you drink poison. You have started fasting on this day. I can feel such a
strain on my heart chakra today. Any Sahaj Yogi who has fasted today, is straining my heart chakra today. Sahaj Yogis should
not act blindly. One should understand that this is a day of celebration when Shiv ji drank all the poison to become victorious in
this world. It is a such a grand occasion today. Who said one has to starve to death on this day? When a person is happy, he eats
more on such a day. Today is a day to eat two extra chapatis and everyone's fasting! That's why Shiv ji is cross with everyone as
He can also not forgive such a thing. So now you people will be emancipated. That's why all these big devotees of Shiva, get
heart attacks first. Today is a day of rejoicing. He drank all the poison of the world. All that was not benevolent, all the sins, all
the evil that was spread in the world, he sucked it all. On this day of this great festival, we should not do something so
inauspicious. If we fast on the day of someone's birthday, so will we eat on the day he dies? All this reverse business happens
here. When someone dies, all the brahmins sit down and eat. When someone is born, all the family sit down and fast. How can
this be explained? Which shastra says so? And even in the shastras, the idiotic people have filled in such things. Wherever you
see, they have filled all the religious texts with all sorts of wrong stuff. One must keep some sense. What is the sense in fasting
today? Everyone should eat sweets. Because in the temples all the people want to eat sweets, so sweets should be offered. Now
throughout the night, they will consume bhang [an intoxicating drink] and charas and then they will say, "Shiv ji used to consume
it, so we are having charas and bhang." Shiv ji used to have charas and bhang, because if one has to go into the sub-conscious,
one has to eat it. He can eat anything; it doesn't mean anything to Him. You can understand if there is an aeroplane and you have
to go somewhere, then you have to be a pilot first. Those that have consumed bhang or charas, can't become Shiv ji. It is only
Shiv ji, who has drunk the poison from the world, bhang from all over the world and is consuming it. Otherwise, where else can it
dumped? All these things were filled inside Him, because you are verily the sthiti [state], you can drink bhang. Now everyone is
trying to copy Him by drinking bhang. You think you are becoming Shiv ji by drinking bhang? How many of you here are even
worth the dust of Shiv ji's feet? He drinks it because it is all stored inside Him. There is bhang in this world. There are rakshasas
[demons] and evil people. Where can they be kept? Inside the house? If you have something like this, then you also have to make
arrangements to store it. Shiv ji said, "Alright bring me, I will drink the poison of the world." That’s why these things are stored
inside Him. You people, who are consuming charas and bhang in His name, there are no greater morons in this world than
yourselves. Sahaj Yogis should think that you haven't felt vibrations yet. You don't know what this thing is? What is this flowing
from inside you? What is the thing inside you? It is something very new, tremendous and remarkable. Then the thoughts should
change, habits should change. I don't understand why we make everything the opposite of what it should be and with every such
thing. Shiv ji will leave this world and then it will be very difficult to make Him settle down and if He stays standing for too long,
He will start His taandav [dance of destruction]. He is unpredictable. So you should be thoughtful of this. Today is His very great
day. You must promise me today that the next Shiv Ratri will be a huge celebration. He will be praised. He doesn't like ornaments
like Vishnu ji. He has different decorations. Get babhoot [ash] for Him. You can offer Him ashes from across the world. He is
ready for all this. But if He's mentioned fasting, then I am not aware of this. The word 'vrat' has changed. It now has become
'fasting'. You should fast when, for example, Shri Ram Chandra ji went into exile in the forests. When there is repentance, then it's
understandable. Are you repenting that He has drunk poison? One must think. All the hardships of the world, all the turmoil's, all
the poison of the world, He drank on this great day, that's why it's called Maha Shiv Ratri. He took the whole dark night into
Himself. He has absorbed all the darkness of the world inside Him. I can't force you, but you should try it out. You should decide
that at the next Maha Shiv Ratri, we will not fast and see how strongly the vibrations flow. And ask for forgiveness. | null | null | null | 1976-02-29 Mahashivaratri Puja: Utpatti - Adi Shakti aur Shiva ka Swaroop, Mumbai I told you about origin first because on the
day of Shivratri when we have to talk about Shiv ji, then it begins with creation therefore He is the beginning. When the first form
of God Almighty manifests- when He becomes resplendent with Brahma, then He is called Sada Shiva. That's why Shiv ji is
considered to be the beginning. One can understand that before a tree takes its complete form, one has to look at it in its form
as a seed. It is in the form of a seed. Therefore, Shiv ji has great importance. After His manifestation, His own Shakti [Energy]
assumes its form and is then known as Adi Shakti. Then this Adi Shakti enlightens the three forms of Parmatma [God Almighty]
separately, that you know of, they are Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh meaning Shiv Shankar. Adi Shakti sieves through the 3
aspects of the same diamond. During the time of ultimate destruction, when all the created creation, all the manifested world
dissolves and incarnates as the Brahma, even then Sada Shiva remains unaffected. He is related to that part of God Almighty
that never incarnates, that who is a non-being. All the powers of God that incarnate are from His being, the ones that don't, are
from the non-being that stay with Him. In all this, the position of Sada Shiv is the same as that of a diamond that even when
broken into many small pieces, remains resplendent, whose sheen never diminishes. This is what Sada Shiv's state is. Sada
Shiva gives the sthiti [state], and in the world, if there is no sthiti, there can be no creation. First, the sthiti has to be developed.
Existence – identity has to be brought in. Identity exists because of the Shakti [Power] of Sada Shiv. Due to this, in the creation
His contribution is the same as that of a foundation in a huge palace or house, which can't be seen. The foundation doesn't show
but without it, no building can stand. In the same way, Sada Shiv resides in our heart in the form of our Spirit. Till He resides in
our hearts as Spirit, only till then our lives continue in this world. The day He closes His eyes, that day we cease to exist. We leave
this world and our state passes on to parlok [the other world]. Shiv ji, as you know resides in our Chandra Nadi [moon channel],
and whilst sitting in our Chandra Nadi, He maintains Its sthiti within us. He also maintains the sthiti of our pran [life]. Our lives
can't continue without Shiv ji. These are all detailed conversations I have clarified in my book in a detailed way. By nature, Shiv ji
is a great sanyasi [ascetic]. Like it is an aspect of the God Almighty, that from within, He is an ascetic. He doesn't create for a
reason. He has no reason. He does it from His whim, for His joy. If He wants, He creates, otherwise He destroys. He is symbolic
of many ascetic people who live in this world. I do not mean asceticism to be the way it's considered in the world. You all know
asceticism should be where a man, after being self-realised has reached a state where he is a sakshi [in a witness state]. He is
an ascetic from within. From outside, he lives in the world, but from within he is a great ascetic. He doesn't have to say that, "I am
a sanyasi [an ascetic], I have taken sanyaas [ascetism]" but he has taken sanyaas from within. Then when our mind observes
sanyaas from within, that form is a manifestation of Shri Shiv. The world we live in and work in, the world that we enjoy, that
enjoyment comes from the Vishnu form of the God Almighty, that's why in the form of Vishnu, He is the enjoyer; in the form of
Shiv, He is the ascetic, and in the form of Brahma, He is the creator that creates. Looking at this ascetic, one sees this strange
thing that His body is blue in colour. That is because He is sitting on the line of 'Chandrama' (moon). There are snakes around
His neck and arms. His whole decoration is with snakes. Snakes are cooling and peaceful. They drink away any heat. He keeps
all these snakes on His body symbolising that all the wicked, horrible, poisonous and powerful things that are trying to destroy
this world, He is holding them all on His being. He has drunk all the poison of the world. You know He has already drunk the
poison in the beginning. He drinks all the poison that is in the world to keep the world cool and give joy to the creation. All that
dies, gets destroyed, goes and settles down in His kingdom. By the dust of His feet, the prisons of all the useless people, evil
people get shut down. By Shiv ji's grace, they are kept in control. On His head, resides Chandrama. Chandrama Himself is the
brother, is Lakshmi's, that's why it's said that He is got his brother-in-law on His head. The poets have described Him in a weird
way, and some time very beautifully. He has got the load of Ganga on His head as if He removes the pride of all beings. He has
tied even the proud Ganga in His dreadlocks. His dreadlocks are so tremendous. He sucks away all the ego from human beings,
and this way He protects the people from egoistical people. He is incomparable, He can't be described in words. But He has a
very remarkable, extraordinary power which no other god has- the power of forgiveness. He can forgive even the most evil.
Those who can't be forgiven even by Shri Ganesh or Yeshu Masih [Jesus Christ] can’t forgive, Sada Shiva can forgive even them.
That's why, when one has to ask for forgiveness, one has to ask Him because there are some things that Ganesh cannot forgive
at all such as sin against the Mother. Shri Ganesh can never forgive all sex related sins. It's very difficult to pacify Him. Jesus
Christ also can't forgive, ever. Only Mahadev, Shiv Shankar is capable of forgiving such sins. Even these two can't understand
Him, therefore He must be worshipped. It's a strange thing that people fast on this day. I don't understand on what basis this
custom was made. May be some crooked people have written this in the shastras [old religious texts]. On this day, He drank the
poison. Today you are allowed to eat anything, even if you drink poison. You have started fasting on this day. I can feel such a
strain on my heart chakra today. Any Sahaj Yogi who has fasted today, is straining my heart chakra today. Sahaj Yogis should
not act blindly. One should understand that this is a day of celebration when Shiv ji drank all the poison to become victorious in
this world. It is a such a grand occasion today. Who said one has to starve to death on this day? When a person is happy, he eats
more on such a day. Today is a day to eat two extra chapatis and everyone's fasting! That's why Shiv ji is cross with everyone as
He can also not forgive such a thing. So now you people will be emancipated. That's why all these big devotees of Shiva, get
heart attacks first. Today is a day of rejoicing. He drank all the poison of the world. All that was not benevolent, all the sins, all
the evil that was spread in the world, he sucked it all. On this day of this great festival, we should not do something so
inauspicious. If we fast on the day of someone's birthday, so will we eat on the day he dies? All this reverse business happens
here. When someone dies, all the brahmins sit down and eat. When someone is born, all the family sit down and fast. How can
this be explained? Which shastra says so? And even in the shastras, the idiotic people have filled in such things. Wherever you
see, they have filled all the religious texts with all sorts of wrong stuff. One must keep some sense. What is the sense in fasting
today? Everyone should eat sweets. Because in the temples all the people want to eat sweets, so sweets should be offered. Now
throughout the night, they will consume bhang [an intoxicating drink] and charas and then they will say, "Shiv ji used to consume
it, so we are having charas and bhang." Shiv ji used to have charas and bhang, because if one has to go into the sub-conscious,
one has to eat it. He can eat anything; it doesn't mean anything to Him. You can understand if there is an aeroplane and you have
to go somewhere, then you have to be a pilot first. Those that have consumed bhang or charas, can't become Shiv ji. It is only
Shiv ji, who has drunk the poison from the world, bhang from all over the world and is consuming it. Otherwise, where else can it
dumped? All these things were filled inside Him, because you are verily the sthiti [state], you can drink bhang. Now everyone is
trying to copy Him by drinking bhang. You think you are becoming Shiv ji by drinking bhang? How many of you here are even
worth the dust of Shiv ji's feet? He drinks it because it is all stored inside Him. There is bhang in this world. There are rakshasas
[demons] and evil people. Where can they be kept? Inside the house? If you have something like this, then you also have to make
arrangements to store it. Shiv ji said, "Alright bring me, I will drink the poison of the world." That’s why these things are stored
inside Him. You people, who are consuming charas and bhang in His name, there are no greater morons in this world than
yourselves. Sahaj Yogis should think that you haven't felt vibrations yet. You don't know what this thing is? What is this flowing
from inside you? What is the thing inside you? It is something very new, tremendous and remarkable. Then the thoughts should
change, habits should change. I don't understand why we make everything the opposite of what it should be and with every such
thing. Shiv ji will leave this world and then it will be very difficult to make Him settle down and if He stays standing for too long,
He will start His taandav [dance of destruction]. He is unpredictable. So you should be thoughtful of this. Today is His very great
day. You must promise me today that the next Shiv Ratri will be a huge celebration. He will be praised. He doesn't like ornaments
like Vishnu ji. He has different decorations. Get babhoot [ash] for Him. You can offer Him ashes from across the world. He is
ready for all this. But if He's mentioned fasting, then I am not aware of this. The word 'vrat' has changed. It now has become
'fasting'. You should fast when, for example, Shri Ram Chandra ji went into exile in the forests. When there is repentance, then it's
understandable. Are you repenting that He has drunk poison? One must think. All the hardships of the world, all the turmoil's, all
the poison of the world, He drank on this great day, that's why it's called Maha Shiv Ratri. He took the whole dark night into
Himself. He has absorbed all the darkness of the world inside Him. I can't force you, but you should try it out. You should decide
that at the next Maha Shiv Ratri, we will not fast and see how strongly the vibrations flow. And ask for forgiveness. |
3/2/1976 | | Shri Brahmadeva havan – Prajapati yagnya: Lord of Creatures | India | Mumbai | null | Draft | null | Draft | null | Y | N | N | Havan | Hindi | 23 | Shri Brahmadeva havan- Prajapati yagnya: Lord of Creatures, Mumbai, India, 1976-03-02 Translated from Hindi: In this world, the
greatest illusion is that of learned fools. Learned fools are those whom Kabirdas has described as “Padhi padhi pandit murakh
bhaye” [as they went on reading, the pundits turned into fools]. This is why I was afraid to write a book and now that I have
thought of writing one, it should not fall into the hands of such great fools. These people are like a person who has not been to
some country and tells all false things about that country to the whole world. He says, “I had been there and I saw that thing and
this was here and that was there and someone said this and someone said that.” He does not have an experience of his own. But
you who are Sahaja Yogis, have got this experience. The vibrations have spurted from within you and this means that this
chaitanya is flowing. You have felt the experience of what chaitanya is. You are sitting in a great position. Those people can give
great speeches, can describe this chaitanya, can read great shlokas [Sanskrit verses] but they don’t have even a wee bit of
experience and are quite far from God’s Kingdom while you have entered it already. There is a special reason for it. You would
have read that Shri Ganesha was born only through His Mother. Before creating this creation, itself, She had given birth to a Son.
The Mother did all this by Herself so that later, He can know the Father. Also, She made Him especially powerful so that even
Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh could not raise their eyes to look at Him. He was that powerful. He was a special form of a Child.
This same happening has taken place now in this Kali Yuga. I have given birth to you too through My Sahasrara, in a special way.
That’s why the vibrations are flowing through you. But how many of you respect yourselves? Understand that we have got some
special thing, that we should live in that special kind of way and that we should make our lives in a similar manner! Your place is
above even that of Devlok [Realm of the Gods]. Your place is such that the Gods might even be jealous of you. Apart from Shri
Ganesha, no other deity has raised the Kundalini under their fingers. None of the sages and saints could do it despite penances
of thousands of years. Not only are you Self-Realized but you can raise the Kundalini with a gesture and you know where and
how is the Kundalini of any person. Despite getting such a great thing, you have not respected yourselves. Maybe My fortune is
bad that I got only fake coins which can never work. There is so much half-heartedness that sometimes I feel that I should
discontinue this Sahaja Yoga. Sometimes I scold, sometimes I explain and sometimes I talk lovingly that, “Steady yourself,
steady yourself. Where is your attention wandering?” You know that by your hands, thousands are getting alright and can get
better. Your diseases have run away. God’s power of Love, which is all-pervading, is moving with you all the time, is supporting
you, is watching your mistakes and is also watching when you tell lies. It also knows when you criticize Mother and it also knows
if you are living a frivolous and superficial life. This power also knows if your commitment towards Sahaja Yoga is extremely
poor. Despite all this, it supports you and guides you at every place and every moment. Even then you are misguided. You are
stooping so low for all the world’s money and power. (Shri Mataji expresses disgust at this point.) You are in a position worthy of
worship. Your position is such that puja can be done to each and every one of you. If such people, who never were and never will
be in such a high position, start doing such things then what will the world say? What kind of a name will go into history? You
know that many among you have even given Self-Realization and then have fallen. It is very easy to fall from such a high position
as yours. You are not to see Sahaja Yoga in worldly things. You have come here to know the expression and manifestation
[swarup] of God. It does not behove a Sahaja Yogi to give importance to lowly, worldly matters like “How much money I made
and how much profit I made.” You have come to Me to ask for God and not for worldly things. You have also not come here to
gain some false knowledge by simply listening to some of My speeches. No. You should gain the real knowledge. The
knowledge will flow from within when you ask for it, you can see for yourself. Everything will be seen clearly and you will know
that this is the knowledge. Enough worrying about your children and household! You have been given a special position and only
those people who are special will be instrumental in working out special things. You have transformed from humans to
super-humans. Two yagnyas [havans] were done previously for you and you know that I am trying my level best that all your
body-parts are, in the very least, surrendered to God. We have to surrender ourselves to Him. In order to attain that necessary
purity, just like a mother bathes and cleans the children before the father comes home to give a clean presentation, we are doing
this yagnya with great love. I can nourish you with the powers that flow out of all My chakras but sometimes it seems to Me like I
am talking to a wall and I am banging My head against a rock. It seems like, “These devils are not going to listen to what I say.” It
should not be so. You must go deeper in Sahaja Yoga. All the pleasures of the whole world cannot be compared to the bliss of
the lotus feet of God. Once a person attains that greatest joy, he does not turn towards any of these worldly pleasures. It is like a
person who drinks ambrosia [the Sanskrit word is "amrut", literally “not dead”], doesn’t drink any "dead" liquid. His powers are
infinite and are flowing through your hands. You can’t understand how they are working and in what place. I have told you
repeatedly…[unclear] Today, the yagnya of Shri Prajapati [Brahmadeva] is to be done. You know that man is made of five
elements. To do the puja of these five elements is to do the puja of Shri Brahma because these are His weapons. These too have
been given to Shri Prajapati by the Mother. Light was created when She saw [ed. opened Her eyes]. That’s why the tanmatra
[essence of the element] of Tej [light] was created. When the Mother inhaled Fragrance [ed. She smelled with Her nose], this
Earth was created out of that Fragrance. In this way, the element of Earth was created. The element of Sound [ed. Sound is the
causal of the Ether element] was created when the Mother spoke. You can call it "Naad". In this way, the tanmatras were created
and the elements were created from these tanmatras. All this is the work of Shri Prajapati, of Shri Brahmadeva. Now, puja is not
done to Shri Brahmadeva. The reason is that He is doing all the work of this universe. He is doing the work of your bodies and of
your elements. There is no need to worship Him for this as He is doing His work from His place. You should do puja to only two
entities, one is Shri Shiva by whom your existence and your life are maintained and the other is Shri Vishnu by whom your
evolution takes place. But it is important to do the yagnya of Shri Prajapati. This is so that the tanmatras of the five elements
within you are awakened and bestow you with their glory. Earlier, the yagnya of only Shri Prajapati was done. Later, they were
done to Shri Vishnu also. People feel that yagnya of Shri Shiva should also take place but yagnya is not done to Him, Rudra is
done to Him. There are reasons for this also. Whatever rituals are described in the scriptures have very deep reasons. That’s why
if you follow whatever is written, there is no blindness in it. When you have the vibrations with you, you can investigate with the
vibrations whether what is written in the books is correct or not. In many places some wrong additions have been made and this
has been done in every book [ed. Scripture]. You can judge these too by the vibrations: who has such means of knowing, whose
Kundalini is awakened, whose is not, who is Realized, who is not, who is God-Realized, who is ordinarily Realized and who is
Jivan-mukt [liberated while alive] can be known through these vibrations. Everything that is in the Unconscious which man has
never known, can be known by you. You can understand the intricacies of the vibrations. They [vibrations] have different types,
different methods and different rhythms. But now, the basis itself is not made, so how can I teach you about higher things? You
are just sitting in the first grade and in there you are scratching, pulling at and fighting with one another like fools. Correct your
basis and then using the permutations and combinations of these vibrations you can know anything that you wish to know. Not
only that but you are ascending too. As man keeps ascending, he knows more. It is like when you stand at the bottom, you are
not able to see much. Then you go up and can see more. When you go way up then you see something different altogether. If
you go to the moon, the earth appears different to you. You can see it rotating completely from there but on the ground, it
appears to be rectangular. There is only one way to ascend – keep getting rid of your weights. Throw away your weights and as
you throw them away, you rise automatically. Worthless weights like, “My father is like this, my mother is like that, my brother is
like that, he needs it, she needs it, this is my power [political]” and “this is my money” are all foolishness and misidentifications. If
you want to achieve [Self-Realization], then achieve it, and if you don’t want to, then leave me alone. Both these things can’t be
done together. You have come here to dissolve in the Supreme Principle [Param Tattwa] and not to earn money. Neither have
you come here to float any kind of enterprise. There is no bargaining done here. The only thing is that I will introduce the
Supreme Principle to you. In order to do that, sometimes I have to scold you, get angry at you, teach you and love you. If you are
eager to achieve this and have come here to ask for it, then it is alright. If not, how am I concerned? I am an Auliya [Saint] and I
can close my book anytime [ed. Mother probably means that She can stop Sahaja Yoga at any time]. You have come for your
concerns, not for mine. I am concerned because a Mother is always concerned for Her children. But this Mother is strange
because She is also detached. She is extremely detached. She can bring things to halt immediately if She wants. At the same
time, She is also extremely loving and affectionate. Today’s yagnya has to be done with complete attention and complete
surrender. As this yagnya is done especially for the five elements, you will understand it better this is on the Jad Tattwa
[inanimate/material principle]. But the Jad Tattwa is also necessary because if the Jad Tattwa is not pure then the rest cannot
be established and your Jad Tattwas themselves have problems. When your Jad Tattwas are purified, then My work will be done
very elegantly. Maybe, only one or two programs will be done without you. As you know that on 19th, 20th and 21st My program
will be held in Cowasji Jahangir Hall. In the morning, there will be meditation and, in the evening, there will be lectures and other
things. In the morning we will have meditation and curative sessions. For these three days, with full dedication, wherever you are
living, however you are, don’t make any excuses. You are fooling only yourself. It is like attending a great marriage yagnya for
three days. Attend with your full heart. Bring others along with you like your friends. Spread the news around and go to every
house. I was thinking of printing hand-bills but if these sheets get printed instead of the hand-bills, then mail it to those people
whom you think might be interested. Do it any way possible, the people will come. But only those people who come truthfully will
get it. If they have even a little falsehood, God is not going to give them anything. No one is sitting here as your servant. This is
not some kind of politics. You don’t have to vote for Me but I have to vote for you. It’s the other way around. I have to give you the
certificate. If I am displeased with you then God is displeased with you and Sahaja Yoga is displeased with you. That’s why you
have to make Me happy and pleased. I have to give you the vote. The thing is the other way around. It is impossible for me to
collect disciples with money. So, remember this thing - if you have to come anywhere, to any program, then come with complete
simplicity and innocence. You have to come there with the attitude that we have to achieve it [Self-Realization] in this. Also,
nobody should come with their household problems. It is a very wrong thing to do. It’s alright that I cure the diseases but Sahaja
Yoga is not meant for those people who are involved in their household day and night. Come with the dedication to achieve and
understand the Supreme and tell everyone that it is very important to achieve that. I have told many things in the past and also
today but God alone knows how much has gone inside the head and how much has stayed outside. Think on this. Mother says
again and again, in every possible way, sometimes by breaking her head and if it does not work then She opens Her heart
completely. She tries whatever is possible to keep your Kundalini completely awakened and completely cleansed through
Sahasrara and very elegantly showers petals on the Kundalini. But if your nose itself is shut, if your eyes themselves are shut, if
your ears themselves are shut and if all the instruments of knowing are shut, then what can I give through Sahaja Yoga? That is
why in today’s yagnya, I am going to open these five instruments [ed. probably means the five senses and the five elements
associated with them]. I will try. So you too surrender yourselves and say, “O God, open these instruments.” Pray to Shri
Prajapati, “Open these instruments of ours.” I don’t need anything else and keep all your worthless things outside with your
shoes. Keep all worthless things outside and sit here and then receive the Love of the Infinite. | null | null | null | Shri Brahmadeva havan- Prajapati yagnya: Lord of Creatures, Mumbai, India, 1976-03-02 Translated from Hindi: In this world, the
greatest illusion is that of learned fools. Learned fools are those whom Kabirdas has described as “Padhi padhi pandit murakh
bhaye” [as they went on reading, the pundits turned into fools]. This is why I was afraid to write a book and now that I have
thought of writing one, it should not fall into the hands of such great fools. These people are like a person who has not been to
some country and tells all false things about that country to the whole world. He says, “I had been there and I saw that thing and
this was here and that was there and someone said this and someone said that.” He does not have an experience of his own. But
you who are Sahaja Yogis, have got this experience. The vibrations have spurted from within you and this means that this
chaitanya is flowing. You have felt the experience of what chaitanya is. You are sitting in a great position. Those people can give
great speeches, can describe this chaitanya, can read great shlokas [Sanskrit verses] but they don’t have even a wee bit of
experience and are quite far from God’s Kingdom while you have entered it already. There is a special reason for it. You would
have read that Shri Ganesha was born only through His Mother. Before creating this creation, itself, She had given birth to a Son.
The Mother did all this by Herself so that later, He can know the Father. Also, She made Him especially powerful so that even
Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh could not raise their eyes to look at Him. He was that powerful. He was a special form of a Child.
This same happening has taken place now in this Kali Yuga. I have given birth to you too through My Sahasrara, in a special way.
That’s why the vibrations are flowing through you. But how many of you respect yourselves? Understand that we have got some
special thing, that we should live in that special kind of way and that we should make our lives in a similar manner! Your place is
above even that of Devlok [Realm of the Gods]. Your place is such that the Gods might even be jealous of you. Apart from Shri
Ganesha, no other deity has raised the Kundalini under their fingers. None of the sages and saints could do it despite penances
of thousands of years. Not only are you Self-Realized but you can raise the Kundalini with a gesture and you know where and
how is the Kundalini of any person. Despite getting such a great thing, you have not respected yourselves. Maybe My fortune is
bad that I got only fake coins which can never work. There is so much half-heartedness that sometimes I feel that I should
discontinue this Sahaja Yoga. Sometimes I scold, sometimes I explain and sometimes I talk lovingly that, “Steady yourself,
steady yourself. Where is your attention wandering?” You know that by your hands, thousands are getting alright and can get
better. Your diseases have run away. God’s power of Love, which is all-pervading, is moving with you all the time, is supporting
you, is watching your mistakes and is also watching when you tell lies. It also knows when you criticize Mother and it also knows
if you are living a frivolous and superficial life. This power also knows if your commitment towards Sahaja Yoga is extremely
poor. Despite all this, it supports you and guides you at every place and every moment. Even then you are misguided. You are
stooping so low for all the world’s money and power. (Shri Mataji expresses disgust at this point.) You are in a position worthy of
worship. Your position is such that puja can be done to each and every one of you. If such people, who never were and never will
be in such a high position, start doing such things then what will the world say? What kind of a name will go into history? You
know that many among you have even given Self-Realization and then have fallen. It is very easy to fall from such a high position
as yours. You are not to see Sahaja Yoga in worldly things. You have come here to know the expression and manifestation
[swarup] of God. It does not behove a Sahaja Yogi to give importance to lowly, worldly matters like “How much money I made
and how much profit I made.” You have come to Me to ask for God and not for worldly things. You have also not come here to
gain some false knowledge by simply listening to some of My speeches. No. You should gain the real knowledge. The
knowledge will flow from within when you ask for it, you can see for yourself. Everything will be seen clearly and you will know
that this is the knowledge. Enough worrying about your children and household! You have been given a special position and only
those people who are special will be instrumental in working out special things. You have transformed from humans to
super-humans. Two yagnyas [havans] were done previously for you and you know that I am trying my level best that all your
body-parts are, in the very least, surrendered to God. We have to surrender ourselves to Him. In order to attain that necessary
purity, just like a mother bathes and cleans the children before the father comes home to give a clean presentation, we are doing
this yagnya with great love. I can nourish you with the powers that flow out of all My chakras but sometimes it seems to Me like I
am talking to a wall and I am banging My head against a rock. It seems like, “These devils are not going to listen to what I say.” It
should not be so. You must go deeper in Sahaja Yoga. All the pleasures of the whole world cannot be compared to the bliss of
the lotus feet of God. Once a person attains that greatest joy, he does not turn towards any of these worldly pleasures. It is like a
person who drinks ambrosia [the Sanskrit word is "amrut", literally “not dead”], doesn’t drink any "dead" liquid. His powers are
infinite and are flowing through your hands. You can’t understand how they are working and in what place. I have told you
repeatedly…[unclear] Today, the yagnya of Shri Prajapati [Brahmadeva] is to be done. You know that man is made of five
elements. To do the puja of these five elements is to do the puja of Shri Brahma because these are His weapons. These too have
been given to Shri Prajapati by the Mother. Light was created when She saw [ed. opened Her eyes]. That’s why the tanmatra
[essence of the element] of Tej [light] was created. When the Mother inhaled Fragrance [ed. She smelled with Her nose], this
Earth was created out of that Fragrance. In this way, the element of Earth was created. The element of Sound [ed. Sound is the
causal of the Ether element] was created when the Mother spoke. You can call it "Naad". In this way, the tanmatras were created
and the elements were created from these tanmatras. All this is the work of Shri Prajapati, of Shri Brahmadeva. Now, puja is not
done to Shri Brahmadeva. The reason is that He is doing all the work of this universe. He is doing the work of your bodies and of
your elements. There is no need to worship Him for this as He is doing His work from His place. You should do puja to only two
entities, one is Shri Shiva by whom your existence and your life are maintained and the other is Shri Vishnu by whom your
evolution takes place. But it is important to do the yagnya of Shri Prajapati. This is so that the tanmatras of the five elements
within you are awakened and bestow you with their glory. Earlier, the yagnya of only Shri Prajapati was done. Later, they were
done to Shri Vishnu also. People feel that yagnya of Shri Shiva should also take place but yagnya is not done to Him, Rudra is
done to Him. There are reasons for this also. Whatever rituals are described in the scriptures have very deep reasons. That’s why
if you follow whatever is written, there is no blindness in it. When you have the vibrations with you, you can investigate with the
vibrations whether what is written in the books is correct or not. In many places some wrong additions have been made and this
has been done in every book [ed. Scripture]. You can judge these too by the vibrations: who has such means of knowing, whose
Kundalini is awakened, whose is not, who is Realized, who is not, who is God-Realized, who is ordinarily Realized and who is
Jivan-mukt [liberated while alive] can be known through these vibrations. Everything that is in the Unconscious which man has
never known, can be known by you. You can understand the intricacies of the vibrations. They [vibrations] have different types,
different methods and different rhythms. But now, the basis itself is not made, so how can I teach you about higher things? You
are just sitting in the first grade and in there you are scratching, pulling at and fighting with one another like fools. Correct your
basis and then using the permutations and combinations of these vibrations you can know anything that you wish to know. Not
only that but you are ascending too. As man keeps ascending, he knows more. It is like when you stand at the bottom, you are
not able to see much. Then you go up and can see more. When you go way up then you see something different altogether. If
you go to the moon, the earth appears different to you. You can see it rotating completely from there but on the ground, it
appears to be rectangular. There is only one way to ascend – keep getting rid of your weights. Throw away your weights and as
you throw them away, you rise automatically. Worthless weights like, “My father is like this, my mother is like that, my brother is
like that, he needs it, she needs it, this is my power [political]” and “this is my money” are all foolishness and misidentifications. If
you want to achieve [Self-Realization], then achieve it, and if you don’t want to, then leave me alone. Both these things can’t be
done together. You have come here to dissolve in the Supreme Principle [Param Tattwa] and not to earn money. Neither have
you come here to float any kind of enterprise. There is no bargaining done here. The only thing is that I will introduce the
Supreme Principle to you. In order to do that, sometimes I have to scold you, get angry at you, teach you and love you. If you are
eager to achieve this and have come here to ask for it, then it is alright. If not, how am I concerned? I am an Auliya [Saint] and I
can close my book anytime [ed. Mother probably means that She can stop Sahaja Yoga at any time]. You have come for your
concerns, not for mine. I am concerned because a Mother is always concerned for Her children. But this Mother is strange
because She is also detached. She is extremely detached. She can bring things to halt immediately if She wants. At the same
time, She is also extremely loving and affectionate. Today’s yagnya has to be done with complete attention and complete
surrender. As this yagnya is done especially for the five elements, you will understand it better this is on the Jad Tattwa
[inanimate/material principle]. But the Jad Tattwa is also necessary because if the Jad Tattwa is not pure then the rest cannot
be established and your Jad Tattwas themselves have problems. When your Jad Tattwas are purified, then My work will be done
very elegantly. Maybe, only one or two programs will be done without you. As you know that on 19th, 20th and 21st My program
will be held in Cowasji Jahangir Hall. In the morning, there will be meditation and, in the evening, there will be lectures and other
things. In the morning we will have meditation and curative sessions. For these three days, with full dedication, wherever you are
living, however you are, don’t make any excuses. You are fooling only yourself. It is like attending a great marriage yagnya for
three days. Attend with your full heart. Bring others along with you like your friends. Spread the news around and go to every
house. I was thinking of printing hand-bills but if these sheets get printed instead of the hand-bills, then mail it to those people
whom you think might be interested. Do it any way possible, the people will come. But only those people who come truthfully will
get it. If they have even a little falsehood, God is not going to give them anything. No one is sitting here as your servant. This is
not some kind of politics. You don’t have to vote for Me but I have to vote for you. It’s the other way around. I have to give you the
certificate. If I am displeased with you then God is displeased with you and Sahaja Yoga is displeased with you. That’s why you
have to make Me happy and pleased. I have to give you the vote. The thing is the other way around. It is impossible for me to
collect disciples with money. So, remember this thing - if you have to come anywhere, to any program, then come with complete
simplicity and innocence. You have to come there with the attitude that we have to achieve it [Self-Realization] in this. Also,
nobody should come with their household problems. It is a very wrong thing to do. It’s alright that I cure the diseases but Sahaja
Yoga is not meant for those people who are involved in their household day and night. Come with the dedication to achieve and
understand the Supreme and tell everyone that it is very important to achieve that. I have told many things in the past and also
today but God alone knows how much has gone inside the head and how much has stayed outside. Think on this. Mother says
again and again, in every possible way, sometimes by breaking her head and if it does not work then She opens Her heart
completely. She tries whatever is possible to keep your Kundalini completely awakened and completely cleansed through
Sahasrara and very elegantly showers petals on the Kundalini. But if your nose itself is shut, if your eyes themselves are shut, if
your ears themselves are shut and if all the instruments of knowing are shut, then what can I give through Sahaja Yoga? That is
why in today’s yagnya, I am going to open these five instruments [ed. probably means the five senses and the five elements
associated with them]. I will try. So you too surrender yourselves and say, “O God, open these instruments.” Pray to Shri
Prajapati, “Open these instruments of ours.” I don’t need anything else and keep all your worthless things outside with your
shoes. Keep all worthless things outside and sit here and then receive the Love of the Infinite. |
3/14/1976 | | Public Program | India | Rahuri | null | null | VERIFIED | null | In Progress, NEEDED | Y | N | N | Public Program | Marathi | 22 | null | null | null | null | null |
3/19/1976 | | Seminar Day 1 (incomplete) | India | Mumbai | VERIFIED | null | null | null | null | Y | N | N | Talk to Sahaja Yogis | English | 20 | SEMINAR DAY 1 MARCH 19, 1976, Cowasji Jehangir Hall, Mumbai, India Sahaja Yogi: This is the recording of the advice given by
Her Holiness Shri Mataji on the occasion of three days seminar held at Cowasji Jehangir Hall [Mumbai] from 19 to 21st March
1976. This is a recording of the first day that is of the 19th March 1976. Shri Mataji: After a very long time, we are again
assembled in this hall. When Sahaja Yoga was just in its infancy, we had arranged a program in this hall. Since then, by God’s
grace, Sahaja Yoga has settled, in the minds of the Sahaja Yogis. As if the rain has been absorbed by the hungry Earth. Sahaja
Yoga is not meant for people who are superficial and are not seeking within themselves and with all the earnestness and the
hankering of all seekers. It is not meant for people who are seeking God in the books. Because God is not there. It is also not
meant for people who think they can achieve God. That they can by their efforts, by their extreme ‘hatha‘ as we call it, ‘obstinacy’,
win the grace of God. It is meant for those people who are, from the heart, all the time asking for Him. And looking for Him, for
the genuine and for the reality. ‘Sahaja’ – I have told you many a time, ‘saha’ means ‘within’ and ‘ja’ means ‘born with you’. I have
elaborately told you many a time what is ‘sahaja‘. It is a ‘spontaneous’ growth of your being into that infinite realm of God’s
grace. We have to enter into the Kingdom of God. Not by words, not by deeds, but it has to be the actualisation of the experience.
If you are satisfied by the tomfoolery and the spiritual jugglery that is going on, it is better that you take to that course and be
lost. But for Sahaja, you have to be an earnest and genuine seeker. Whatever mistakes you have committed in your search will be
forgiven by God, because He knows that it was in ignorance that all these mistakes were committed. We have here some Sahaja
Yogis who know this. But when I see people, and I have experience of them, I am sometimes surprised the way they are
contradictory to themselves. How they live with those contradictory ideas; it is something beyond the imagination of God
Almighty also. It has been since ages, one simple question, “How to reach the Infinite, through this finite mind, through this
rationality which God has given us.” This is the eternal problem which has been there from the times of Socrates, Confucius,
Kant, Hegel. All these great philosophers have been only asking this question in all their findings and searches, “How to reach the
Infinite through this finite?” As it is, the human being is made that way, that he has to worry for himself and also worry about
God’s knowing. He is also worried about how God is going to give him this blessing. Who has created you? Who has created this
Universe? Who has created this beautiful heaven for you here? But you are worried how He is going to give you that blessing by
which you will know the heaven within yourself. You are worried how He is going to bestow upon you the bliss of self-knowledge.
You need not worry. It is His job. But He has made you like this. He has made you this way, especially, with a purpose. The
articulation of your personality came into being. Just like any egg develops a shell around itself to grow, in the same way, you
also develop a shell in which you have to develop your personality, your being in such a manner that ultimately you become the
proper instrument to receive that knowledge that is God, that is Divine. And then to emit it to others. And to see it. To be aware of
it. To be a Sakshi. To be a witness. Of that Divine flowing through you. Of course, some of these philosophers never had any
inkling of that Divine. Some of them did have; that is why there is such a disparity to what they say. But then have been really
genuine people, most of them. And they have been honest about not finding it or finding it. But today, it is the worst time of
hypocrisy, known as Kali Yuga, in which every Dick, Tom, Harry has started claiming that he is the person who is going to
introduce you to Him. And he has formed his own ideas and his own imagination to give you that, this is how you are going to
receive Him, “I have got it, all right.” There is one good thing about Kali Yuga I think – that all the ancient scriptures are for you
written down a long time back. And you have to tally. If it is the Bible, it is there. If it is Koran, it is there. And if it is anyone of the
Vedas, it is there. But when you start your new scriptures and new ideologies and try to fit in everything according to that, when
you try to mould God into your own sorts of weaknesses, then how can you be sahaj, spontaneous? So, the problem today is Kali
Yuga. Is much worse than it was ever before. Because apart from the original articulation we have had, we have many more
articulations on us. The worst of all is the mental articulation, that we think by reading books, by talking about it, by giving
lectures and receiving lectures, you are going to achieve it. You are sadly mistaken. This is the greatest maya or illusion, I think,
of the present. Other mayas can be conquered, but this is one of the most elusive temptations for the modern man, that he
thinks by reading, by listening about God, he is going to achieve. It is spontaneous. Let us understand what is spontaneous.
Spontaneous is a natural, living thing that happens to us. For example, if you see a seed – if you plant it, it spontaneously grows.
Do you stand on your head in front of that seed? Or do you read books? Or does the seed have to read books of germination, to
get germinated? Not that. Never! But it is only a human being who thinks foolishly, which an ordinary dog also does not do that.
You may say that; there are books which are Truth, there are books which are pouring reality. But have you got the measure to
know which are the books which are pouring reality, and which are not? There are gurus, who are of course prospering materially
better because they tell you to take sanyasa, “You take sanyasa, you renounce and bring all the money to me”. And foolishly so
many human beings are attached and attracted towards such people. Why? Because our articulation has given way to this
darkness that we go to something false much faster than to reality. We are shaken up within ourselves. We do not have the
strength to hold onto the reality, to ask for the reality. They have to give us reality! So, anybody who speaks, you see, in a
bombastic manner, quotations over quotations, reading this, reading that, giving big lectures; people are very much fascinated.
They think by listening to lectures, you are going to have it. Never, never. It is going to happen to you. You have been to so many
lectures before. You have listened to so many people. There have been many gurus – good and bad. Have you been able to
make out who is a real guru and who is not? How will you know that this man is talking from the seventh heaven? It may be a
rakshasa, talking to you. It may be a devil incarnated in these horrible days. He could be anything who is talking to you. What
makes you believe that some person who is behaving like a godman is a real godman or not? There is a way. And that is why,
when is more necessary, the things happen by which you know. You have to become something else to know what is wrong. You
have to be reborn. You have to be baptized. You have to become a Brahmin. You have to become a Mussalman. You have to
become a Christian. You are to be reborn. You are born with a body; you are born with a mind which is articulated. You have to
jump into that Infinite Love of God to know Who is emitting that Love. And then the knowledge comes to you. Unless and until
your eyes are opened, don’t believe into any personality because he knows how to impress you people, and even not Me, unless
and until I give you everything, I give you that which you are seeking. You must ask for the Reality. Ask for that from Me. I cannot
give you anything else but that. Unless and until you have had that experience, the actualisation of that, of the Sahaja Yoga by
which you receive the blessings within yourselves and you feel it and it emits through your extremities. And you see that power
flowing through you which is known as the Chaitanya Lahari [Waves of Bliss] which was very well described by Adi
Shankaracharya, whom nobody reads these days. They want to read somebody who talks of sex. The mind is so much attached
to sex, that everything must come through sex; otherwise, nothing goes here. These people who try to impress you try to work on
your weakness. But a Mother is not going to do that. A Mother is going to give you the real that is there and is going to tell you
that, “My child, this has been wrong and you have to get detached from that idea. And stand within yourselves.” Every one of
them, those who have been great, has been saying, “Na yoga, na sankya” [neither yoga nor reasoning] – Shankaracharya’s. But
Hindus are the first who will go to yoga – to hatha yoga. When Shankaracharya never did anyone of these yoga’s. Yoga’s are
meant for very, very few people. For very few people who live with a guru, in the jungles. You have to do six things simultaneously
under the guidance of an evolved soul. But everybody is trying to do yoga because they want to slim down. God is not to be used
for these frivolous things. All right, you do exercises. But this is not yoga. Yoga means ‘union with God’. It is union with God. It is
not union with the worldly things that you think so important. Those who go to the extremes of things are also no good for
Sahaja Yoga. Extreme takes you away from reality which was said by Gautama Buddha. He said, “Take to the middle path, keep
to the middle path.” But His disciples have gone to the extreme path. Of foolishness. He said, “Do not worship any Gods or
Goddesses at that time”, because He was in sahaja. So, His disciples started worshipping his tooth, nail, everything. Of course,
that too has a meaning. But not for people who are not realised. How can you make out that the hair of Mohammad Saheb is in
that place in Kashmir or it is of some imposter? Have you got any method by which you can detect? I can say that it is the hair of
Mohammad Saheb. I say that. But why should you accept me also? With all your brains and intelligence, why should you accept
anything which is not actually focused within your awareness? Which is not actually brought within your awareness. There is a
method. There is a way. There is an education. But it is a spontaneous one. It happens to you. You just become. This education
comes to you in such a manner, in such a way, that even a child knows. It is a subjective knowledge that comes to you. When you
jump into that Divine Love through Sahaja Yoga, then you become one with the collective consciousness. It is not that I tell you
that you are collectively conscious, but you become conscious. For example, now, for Me, when I say that this sari has got a
border, you will say, “Yes of course we know.” | null | null | null | SEMINAR DAY 1 MARCH 19, 1976, Cowasji Jehangir Hall, Mumbai, India Sahaja Yogi: This is the recording of the advice given by
Her Holiness Shri Mataji on the occasion of three days seminar held at Cowasji Jehangir Hall [Mumbai] from 19 to 21st March
1976. This is a recording of the first day that is of the 19th March 1976. Shri Mataji: After a very long time, we are again
assembled in this hall. When Sahaja Yoga was just in its infancy, we had arranged a program in this hall. Since then, by God’s
grace, Sahaja Yoga has settled, in the minds of the Sahaja Yogis. As if the rain has been absorbed by the hungry Earth. Sahaja
Yoga is not meant for people who are superficial and are not seeking within themselves and with all the earnestness and the
hankering of all seekers. It is not meant for people who are seeking God in the books. Because God is not there. It is also not
meant for people who think they can achieve God. That they can by their efforts, by their extreme ‘hatha‘ as we call it, ‘obstinacy’,
win the grace of God. It is meant for those people who are, from the heart, all the time asking for Him. And looking for Him, for
the genuine and for the reality. ‘Sahaja’ – I have told you many a time, ‘saha’ means ‘within’ and ‘ja’ means ‘born with you’. I have
elaborately told you many a time what is ‘sahaja‘. It is a ‘spontaneous’ growth of your being into that infinite realm of God’s
grace. We have to enter into the Kingdom of God. Not by words, not by deeds, but it has to be the actualisation of the experience.
If you are satisfied by the tomfoolery and the spiritual jugglery that is going on, it is better that you take to that course and be
lost. But for Sahaja, you have to be an earnest and genuine seeker. Whatever mistakes you have committed in your search will be
forgiven by God, because He knows that it was in ignorance that all these mistakes were committed. We have here some Sahaja
Yogis who know this. But when I see people, and I have experience of them, I am sometimes surprised the way they are
contradictory to themselves. How they live with those contradictory ideas; it is something beyond the imagination of God
Almighty also. It has been since ages, one simple question, “How to reach the Infinite, through this finite mind, through this
rationality which God has given us.” This is the eternal problem which has been there from the times of Socrates, Confucius,
Kant, Hegel. All these great philosophers have been only asking this question in all their findings and searches, “How to reach the
Infinite through this finite?” As it is, the human being is made that way, that he has to worry for himself and also worry about
God’s knowing. He is also worried about how God is going to give him this blessing. Who has created you? Who has created this
Universe? Who has created this beautiful heaven for you here? But you are worried how He is going to give you that blessing by
which you will know the heaven within yourself. You are worried how He is going to bestow upon you the bliss of self-knowledge.
You need not worry. It is His job. But He has made you like this. He has made you this way, especially, with a purpose. The
articulation of your personality came into being. Just like any egg develops a shell around itself to grow, in the same way, you
also develop a shell in which you have to develop your personality, your being in such a manner that ultimately you become the
proper instrument to receive that knowledge that is God, that is Divine. And then to emit it to others. And to see it. To be aware of
it. To be a Sakshi. To be a witness. Of that Divine flowing through you. Of course, some of these philosophers never had any
inkling of that Divine. Some of them did have; that is why there is such a disparity to what they say. But then have been really
genuine people, most of them. And they have been honest about not finding it or finding it. But today, it is the worst time of
hypocrisy, known as Kali Yuga, in which every Dick, Tom, Harry has started claiming that he is the person who is going to
introduce you to Him. And he has formed his own ideas and his own imagination to give you that, this is how you are going to
receive Him, “I have got it, all right.” There is one good thing about Kali Yuga I think – that all the ancient scriptures are for you
written down a long time back. And you have to tally. If it is the Bible, it is there. If it is Koran, it is there. And if it is anyone of the
Vedas, it is there. But when you start your new scriptures and new ideologies and try to fit in everything according to that, when
you try to mould God into your own sorts of weaknesses, then how can you be sahaj, spontaneous? So, the problem today is Kali
Yuga. Is much worse than it was ever before. Because apart from the original articulation we have had, we have many more
articulations on us. The worst of all is the mental articulation, that we think by reading books, by talking about it, by giving
lectures and receiving lectures, you are going to achieve it. You are sadly mistaken. This is the greatest maya or illusion, I think,
of the present. Other mayas can be conquered, but this is one of the most elusive temptations for the modern man, that he
thinks by reading, by listening about God, he is going to achieve. It is spontaneous. Let us understand what is spontaneous.
Spontaneous is a natural, living thing that happens to us. For example, if you see a seed – if you plant it, it spontaneously grows.
Do you stand on your head in front of that seed? Or do you read books? Or does the seed have to read books of germination, to
get germinated? Not that. Never! But it is only a human being who thinks foolishly, which an ordinary dog also does not do that.
You may say that; there are books which are Truth, there are books which are pouring reality. But have you got the measure to
know which are the books which are pouring reality, and which are not? There are gurus, who are of course prospering materially
better because they tell you to take sanyasa, “You take sanyasa, you renounce and bring all the money to me”. And foolishly so
many human beings are attached and attracted towards such people. Why? Because our articulation has given way to this
darkness that we go to something false much faster than to reality. We are shaken up within ourselves. We do not have the
strength to hold onto the reality, to ask for the reality. They have to give us reality! So, anybody who speaks, you see, in a
bombastic manner, quotations over quotations, reading this, reading that, giving big lectures; people are very much fascinated.
They think by listening to lectures, you are going to have it. Never, never. It is going to happen to you. You have been to so many
lectures before. You have listened to so many people. There have been many gurus – good and bad. Have you been able to
make out who is a real guru and who is not? How will you know that this man is talking from the seventh heaven? It may be a
rakshasa, talking to you. It may be a devil incarnated in these horrible days. He could be anything who is talking to you. What
makes you believe that some person who is behaving like a godman is a real godman or not? There is a way. And that is why,
when is more necessary, the things happen by which you know. You have to become something else to know what is wrong. You
have to be reborn. You have to be baptized. You have to become a Brahmin. You have to become a Mussalman. You have to
become a Christian. You are to be reborn. You are born with a body; you are born with a mind which is articulated. You have to
jump into that Infinite Love of God to know Who is emitting that Love. And then the knowledge comes to you. Unless and until
your eyes are opened, don’t believe into any personality because he knows how to impress you people, and even not Me, unless
and until I give you everything, I give you that which you are seeking. You must ask for the Reality. Ask for that from Me. I cannot
give you anything else but that. Unless and until you have had that experience, the actualisation of that, of the Sahaja Yoga by
which you receive the blessings within yourselves and you feel it and it emits through your extremities. And you see that power
flowing through you which is known as the Chaitanya Lahari [Waves of Bliss] which was very well described by Adi
Shankaracharya, whom nobody reads these days. They want to read somebody who talks of sex. The mind is so much attached
to sex, that everything must come through sex; otherwise, nothing goes here. These people who try to impress you try to work on
your weakness. But a Mother is not going to do that. A Mother is going to give you the real that is there and is going to tell you
that, “My child, this has been wrong and you have to get detached from that idea. And stand within yourselves.” Every one of
them, those who have been great, has been saying, “Na yoga, na sankya” [neither yoga nor reasoning] – Shankaracharya’s. But
Hindus are the first who will go to yoga – to hatha yoga. When Shankaracharya never did anyone of these yoga’s. Yoga’s are
meant for very, very few people. For very few people who live with a guru, in the jungles. You have to do six things simultaneously
under the guidance of an evolved soul. But everybody is trying to do yoga because they want to slim down. God is not to be used
for these frivolous things. All right, you do exercises. But this is not yoga. Yoga means ‘union with God’. It is union with God. It is
not union with the worldly things that you think so important. Those who go to the extremes of things are also no good for
Sahaja Yoga. Extreme takes you away from reality which was said by Gautama Buddha. He said, “Take to the middle path, keep
to the middle path.” But His disciples have gone to the extreme path. Of foolishness. He said, “Do not worship any Gods or
Goddesses at that time”, because He was in sahaja. So, His disciples started worshipping his tooth, nail, everything. Of course,
that too has a meaning. But not for people who are not realised. How can you make out that the hair of Mohammad Saheb is in
that place in Kashmir or it is of some imposter? Have you got any method by which you can detect? I can say that it is the hair of
Mohammad Saheb. I say that. But why should you accept me also? With all your brains and intelligence, why should you accept
anything which is not actually focused within your awareness? Which is not actually brought within your awareness. There is a
method. There is a way. There is an education. But it is a spontaneous one. It happens to you. You just become. This education
comes to you in such a manner, in such a way, that even a child knows. It is a subjective knowledge that comes to you. When you
jump into that Divine Love through Sahaja Yoga, then you become one with the collective consciousness. It is not that I tell you
that you are collectively conscious, but you become conscious. For example, now, for Me, when I say that this sari has got a
border, you will say, “Yes of course we know.” |
3/20/1976 | | Letter | India | Mumbai | Reviewed | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Letter / Poem | English | 0 | Letter March 20th 1976 First a pattern of the path is created by the first seeker, is to be made with greatest care and love and
once all the map is ready you know which is the shortest way. This knowledge then becomes the part of the unconscious, which
helps much faster…. The unconscious plays the role of registration of all the findings of the conscious being and enacts
according to the findings of Sahaja Yogis as well as Adi Shakti. | null | null | null | Letter March 20th 1976 First a pattern of the path is created by the first seeker, is to be made with greatest care and love and
once all the map is ready you know which is the shortest way. This knowledge then becomes the part of the unconscious, which
helps much faster…. The unconscious plays the role of registration of all the findings of the conscious being and enacts
according to the findings of Sahaja Yogis as well as Adi Shakti. |
3/30/1976 | | Gudi Padwa, Meditation in thoughtless awareness | India | New Delhi | VERIFIED | null | null | null | null | Y | N | N | Gudi Padwa | English | 30 | Gudi Padwa, "Meditation in thoughtless awareness". Delhi (India), 30 March 1976. We cannot meditate; we only can be in
meditation. When we say we are going to meditate it has no meaning. We have to be in meditation. Either you are inside the
house or outside the house. You cannot be inside the house and then say that: “Now I'm outside the house.” Or when you are
outside the house you cannot say: “I'm inside the house.” In the same way, you are moving in three dimensions of your life - of
emotional and physical and mental being. You are not inside yourself. But when you are inside that you are in thoughtless
awareness. Then, not only that you are there, but you are everywhere, because that is the place, that is the point where you are
really in universal... From there you are in contact with the Principle, with the Shakti, with the Power that permeates into every
particle that is matter, into every thought that is emotion, into every planning and thinking of the whole world. You permeate into
all the elements that have created this beautiful Earth. You permeate into earth; you permeate into Akasha [sky, ether], into teja
[light], into sound. But your movement is very slow. Then you say: “I'm meditating,” that means you are moving in permeation
with the Universal Being. But you are not moving yourself, you are just unloading yourself to be free from the weight of things
that do not allow you to move. When you are in meditation you must allow yourself to be in thoughtless awareness. There, the
Unconscious Itself, the Achetana itself will take charge of you. You will start moving with the force of Achetana. The
Unconscious is going to work it out. It is going to take you there, where It wants you to go. You keep to thoughtless awareness all
the time. Try to keep to thoughtless awareness as much as you can. When you are in thoughtless awareness you must know that
you are in the Kingdom of God and His people, His arrangements, His consciousness, is going to look after you. Even when you
are giving vibrations to other people, I have noticed that you are not in thoughtless awareness. If you give vibrations in
thoughtless awareness, you will not catch anything because all these entities that enter into you, all these material problems that
come into you, come when you are in those three dimensions. Through Sahaja Yoga, you have opened your gates of your own
being. You have entered into your own kingdom, but you do not keep there. You come out of it and again you go back and settle
down - doesn't matter. You should not feel so disappointed about it, so frustrated. You know people have worked for thousands
of years and they could not separate themselves from themselves. Only you people, the Sahaja Yogis, whom are made after the
pattern of Shri Ganesh himself, are so powerful, that they can give awakening and realisation to other people. Even if you are
caught up, you have seen you have powers. Even if you feel that the vibrations are not coming, you know you have powers. You
can give realisations to others. In your presence people get realisation. But you have to be that power completely. Supposing
there's something wrong with your car: But as long as it is moving, it's alright. You have to repair it. You have to repair all the time
all our moods, which we have caused ourselves by our foolishness, by our lust, by our greed, by so many false identifications we
carried with ourselves. We must have a complete attention towards our weaknesses and not towards our achievements. If we
know what are our weaknesses it's better, that we can really swim across better. Supposing, on a ship there is a hole and the
water is coming in through that hole, the attention of all the crew, of all the staff and the captain itself will be on that hole from
where the water is coming in, and nowhere else. In the same way, you must be on the watch-out. There are so many pitfalls for a
Sahaja Yogi - I have seen it. Of course, even the past is over- even the past can be overcome. In the present also they have many
shadows of the past working. For example, when you are sitting in a group, you are involved with each other. Those who are
involved with each other, by any relationship whatsoever, must know that this kind of involvement is not going to help them to
attain their individual ascent. Everybody is ascending individually though you are collectively contacted with each other and in
communication; but the ascendance is individual, absolutely individual. So whether he is your son, brother, sister, wife, friend,
you must remember that you are not responsible for their ascendance. You cannot help them for their ascendance. Only
Mother's Grace and their own desire, their own effort, to give up all that is three dimensional will help them. So whenever a
thought comes like that, you must know that you have not attained the thoughtless awareness in its full extent and that's how
you have problems, which are three-dimensional. Sometimes, a Sahaja Yogi will find, an emotion will come into his mind. It will
be an emotion of dejection or frustration and he will be disgusted with himself or with others. Both things are just the same. I
have seen some Sahaja Yogis get very disgusted with others. There should be no disgust that is lasting. Of course, for a short
time, you might feel a disgust. It's alright. It's a passing phase. Or you might feel disgusted with yourself - may be a passing
phase. But if you go on hankering on to it, or if you go on clinging to it, that means you are conditioning yourself, that means you
are not in thoughtless awareness, that means that you are in your past, you are making your past a solid mass on your head. In
the present everything is fleeting. Everything is fleeting that is not eternal. In the present the eternal stays, the rest all drops out.
It's like a moving river which doesn't stop anywhere. But the moving river is eternal. The rest of the things are all changing. If you
are on the Eternal Principle, all that is not eternal changes and drops out, dissolves and becomes nonexistent. We have to
understand our own dignity, our own essence. The first and foremost is that all the Sahaja Yogis are the chosen ones. They are
the people whom God has chosen. In this city of Delhi there are thousands and thousands of people. All over the world there are
so many people that we are suffering from overpopulation, but in Sahaja Yoga there are very, very few people. And when you are
chosen the first, you must also realise that you are the foundations. You are the stones that are to be laid down and have to be
strong, have to be forbearing and that's why it is necessary that all of you who are now few, who are the first lamps that are
going to enlighten other lamps in the world, you have to enjoy the strength of eternity, the strength of Divine Love, the strength of
this Universal Being that you are. This is what meditation is. So when Sahaja Yogis ask me: “What should we do for meditation?”
You be in thoughtless awareness that's all. Don't do anything. At that time, not [only] that you are moving towards the goal, or
that the Unconscious is taking charge of you, not only that, but also that you are emitting, for the first time, the Divine into the
nature, into your surroundings, into other people who are universally connected to you. Only thing is that we are used to one
thing, that is we must do something about it, and so that's why we start doing something. Meditation is the most Sahaja
method.Then we have prayers and we have also puja. Prayers are also, if said in your heart, with the feeling of complete
surrendering and asking for the Eternal, it will be granted. Just ask for that and the rest will take [you] step-by-step. All the Sahaja
Yogis have a problem. And they have problems because of their past, because of their future aspirations. Now when you have
problems, in Sahaja Yoga you have learnt how to overcome them. There are so many methods other than meditation - you know
them very well that, you must know what is the chakra where the Kundalini is. Now, if the Kundalini has been stopped, by a
certain chakra which is not working, you shouldn't get frustrated about it. Supposing your instrument or your car has stopped on
the way, what's the use of getting frustrated with it? You have to learn the mechanism. You have to be a good technician and
then you can manage it very well. So all the techniques of Sahaja Yoga must be learned and mastered. This you can only do by
giving it to others and learning from correcting them and correcting yourself. There is nothing to be frustrated. That's the worst
thing. If you get frustrated and unhappy with yourself then there is going to be a problem. You have to laugh at yourself and
laugh at your mechanism that is out of gear. When you start identifying yourself even with the instrument, then you are not there.
You are not the chakras, you are not the different channels. You are the awareness, you are the power, you are the Kundalini. So
you don't have to worry about all these things being not in their proper conditions. If they are not, you can solve it. Just now the
lights went off. If the lights have went off because of the electricity failure, it's a serious thing. But if the lights have gone out
because there is a fused bulb: oh, you can replace it, you can do all that. So there is no need to worry if your chakras are spoilt.
Worrying itself, or frustrating yourself, itself is a wrong attitude towards Sahaja Yoga. 'Sahaja', in other terminology also means,
is ‘a simple thing’. ‘Sahaja’means to be Sahaja means in - I can say how Tulsidas (Kabir) has said: “Jaise rakha hu taise hi rahu”
[You keep me as you like]. That kind of an attitude takes your attention inside, because outside it is let alone, to the dogs; let
alone. We are not bothered about the outside part. “As you keep me, I will be, in that manner”. And you will be surprised
everything clicks out very well. Even, sometimes, you might feel: “I should reach a certain place”, “I must have this bhajan done”,
“I must get these things done” and it's not done sometimes. Sometimes by mistake something as you want is not done. You
must accept it as the will of God. That is what He desires. It's alright. That is the desire of God and now you are one with His
desire. You are here to communicate the desire of God to the whole world and, at this stage, if you start having your own desires
and ideas about yourself then, when will you become the desire of God? This ‘I-ness’ has to go away. That is what meditation is.
Where you are no more 'I' but it is 'You'. Kabirdasji has written a beautiful poem about it that, when the goat is living and
[kicking?], she says: “Mai, mai”, that is “I, I”. But then she dies and her intestines are drawn out into wires and some saint fixes
them on the "tutari", that instrument that they have, ektari [one string] as they call it. And he goes on pulling it with his fingers,
then it says: “Tuhi, Tuhi, Tuhi,” that is: “You are, You are, You are”. That is how we have to die and we have to be resurrected. You
have been already, but Sahaja yoga as I have told you, is a kheer [Indian milk sweet], or what you call, the sweet dish cooked in a
raw pot: "Kachche ghade ki kheer hai [kheer cooked in clay pot]. So the soil of the raw pot also is mixed up. But your attention
can be with the kheer, with the milk, and can drop out all that is the mud of the raw pot. That discrimination is spontaneous. It is
there. You have got it: self-actualisation. You can feel yourself. You know you are not that. You have started talking about your
chakras in the same manner. But the only thing, the only problem, or the only defect that is with the Sahaja yogi is that, still,
though he is there, his attention is involved with outside. That's the only defect. If the attention is to remove?
That's the point. That is the first thing. Once you say, “how to remove?” means you have created the three-dimensional
involvement. You are not to remove. It is [already] there! If your attention is outside, then I would have said: “No, your attention
has to go inside. It has not got yet.” But it is there. You are sitting there. I am sitting here. But my attention is outside. I have to
just feel myself where I am, that's all. Some have felt it, some have achieved it. You know among yourselves there are some who
have gone very high up. The other method we employ is of puja. I've found that works very well with human beings – puja -
because it satisfies lots of demands of the past habits that you feel that you are doing something about it. Then you start giving
whatever you think God has given you - the blessings. And the Rishi and Muni have found out - they're very clever people - they
have found out how to please the Deities, how to please the Mother. So they have told you, as they have told you even in this
lifetime of mine, how to please Her. They say She is Stutipriya, that means ‘She likes praises’. It's not that. But when you praise
someone from the heart that means you are accepting it, and that is the time the chakras start creating a force by which you are
thrown, you are triggered, into that realm of God. So these puja methods and prayer methods and the mantra methods have been
devised and found out by great thinkers of Sahaja Yoga, the great masters of Sahaja Yoga. And it is the effort, or you can say the
effortless effort, of the Sahaja yogis that makes my body vibrate, extracts the essence from my body, I should say. They make, it
makes, the Infinite release Itself through this finite being. And it works, it clicks, I have seen it, it works out very well. But you
know that, after puja, I get little tired because, if you cannot receive it, that Force, I want to sleep and get rid of that additional
vibrations into "sushupti" [deep sleep] by entering into the Infinite State. If you could receive whatever I am emitting, in balance,
with your puja, then only it helps better. That means, when you are doing puja also, receive it. Be in thoughtless awareness when
you are doing puja, completely concentrated in receiving. But while [doing] puja people are talking. I've seen that they’re moving
about. I mean, I don't know how to explain it! That's the time something is oozing out, the nectar, and you just receive it at that
time with full devotion. It is oozing out. If you feel my vibrations of my chakras at that time, you will realise that even the minute,
small little, wheels in my body are moving at different spaces, at different speed, at different dimension. And I really don't know
how to explain! But, you see, it creates a melody. You have to receive it and it is a melody individually, suitable for every
individual. And when you receive it, it triggers in you that state of infinity. So at the time of puja you must know that all your
attention should be in reception. Today is a very great day with the New Year. Within two years from today, Satya Yuga is going
to start. It’s a great day for many things that nine days are celebrated after this, for the advent of Mother. It is the date, or I should
say, the calendar was started by my forefathers and they perceived that this is the day when the Mother started creating. And
this is the day She created Ganesha to begin with. In the Utpatti stage [first stage, Genesis], She started her work this day. And
that’s why they put this date as the first date because the time started from this date long time back. And that’s why this date is
very important, and if you cross this date then you are beyond time. You have to step on to this date and go beyond. You have to
step on your dharma, on to your religion, and go beyond : ‘dharmateet’. You have to be those three gunas and to go beyond :
‘gunateet’. You are all those three. But the steps on which you are standing have to be all right, or those which are crossed or,
have to be all right too. So, when you are beyond, you have to repair those steps, which you have crossed somehow. This can be
done through meditation, puja, prayers. But the most important, the greatest advancement is done by giving the Universal
through your universal being. You all must dedicate your life to Sahaja Yoga and give more and more. Among us, there are some
people who have given a lot and by that they have achieved a lot too. You have to give, talk about it, spread it and bring more
people to get this. Otherwise, they will be left out of evolutionary processes. There’s no time for you to doubt and think; don’t
waste your time in all these useless activities. If you have still doubts, it’s better to give up. It’s high time that you get into the
process. So, today, I wish you happy New Year for a journey in the spiritual life of this world. You have to think of all the Sahaja
Yogis who are far away from us and our thoughts should carry our love for them and they should be blessed as you all are
blessed here. I hope these important days that I am here, you will fully dedicate yourself for your emancipation on those four
lines that I have told you. And whatever program comes in, take it sahaj. You should not insist on times and timings. Whatever
comes sahaaj, accept it. May God bless you. | null | null | null | Gudi Padwa, "Meditation in thoughtless awareness". Delhi (India), 30 March 1976. We cannot meditate; we only can be in
meditation. When we say we are going to meditate it has no meaning. We have to be in meditation. Either you are inside the
house or outside the house. You cannot be inside the house and then say that: “Now I'm outside the house.” Or when you are
outside the house you cannot say: “I'm inside the house.” In the same way, you are moving in three dimensions of your life - of
emotional and physical and mental being. You are not inside yourself. But when you are inside that you are in thoughtless
awareness. Then, not only that you are there, but you are everywhere, because that is the place, that is the point where you are
really in universal... From there you are in contact with the Principle, with the Shakti, with the Power that permeates into every
particle that is matter, into every thought that is emotion, into every planning and thinking of the whole world. You permeate into
all the elements that have created this beautiful Earth. You permeate into earth; you permeate into Akasha [sky, ether], into teja
[light], into sound. But your movement is very slow. Then you say: “I'm meditating,” that means you are moving in permeation
with the Universal Being. But you are not moving yourself, you are just unloading yourself to be free from the weight of things
that do not allow you to move. When you are in meditation you must allow yourself to be in thoughtless awareness. There, the
Unconscious Itself, the Achetana itself will take charge of you. You will start moving with the force of Achetana. The
Unconscious is going to work it out. It is going to take you there, where It wants you to go. You keep to thoughtless awareness all
the time. Try to keep to thoughtless awareness as much as you can. When you are in thoughtless awareness you must know that
you are in the Kingdom of God and His people, His arrangements, His consciousness, is going to look after you. Even when you
are giving vibrations to other people, I have noticed that you are not in thoughtless awareness. If you give vibrations in
thoughtless awareness, you will not catch anything because all these entities that enter into you, all these material problems that
come into you, come when you are in those three dimensions. Through Sahaja Yoga, you have opened your gates of your own
being. You have entered into your own kingdom, but you do not keep there. You come out of it and again you go back and settle
down - doesn't matter. You should not feel so disappointed about it, so frustrated. You know people have worked for thousands
of years and they could not separate themselves from themselves. Only you people, the Sahaja Yogis, whom are made after the
pattern of Shri Ganesh himself, are so powerful, that they can give awakening and realisation to other people. Even if you are
caught up, you have seen you have powers. Even if you feel that the vibrations are not coming, you know you have powers. You
can give realisations to others. In your presence people get realisation. But you have to be that power completely. Supposing
there's something wrong with your car: But as long as it is moving, it's alright. You have to repair it. You have to repair all the time
all our moods, which we have caused ourselves by our foolishness, by our lust, by our greed, by so many false identifications we
carried with ourselves. We must have a complete attention towards our weaknesses and not towards our achievements. If we
know what are our weaknesses it's better, that we can really swim across better. Supposing, on a ship there is a hole and the
water is coming in through that hole, the attention of all the crew, of all the staff and the captain itself will be on that hole from
where the water is coming in, and nowhere else. In the same way, you must be on the watch-out. There are so many pitfalls for a
Sahaja Yogi - I have seen it. Of course, even the past is over- even the past can be overcome. In the present also they have many
shadows of the past working. For example, when you are sitting in a group, you are involved with each other. Those who are
involved with each other, by any relationship whatsoever, must know that this kind of involvement is not going to help them to
attain their individual ascent. Everybody is ascending individually though you are collectively contacted with each other and in
communication; but the ascendance is individual, absolutely individual. So whether he is your son, brother, sister, wife, friend,
you must remember that you are not responsible for their ascendance. You cannot help them for their ascendance. Only
Mother's Grace and their own desire, their own effort, to give up all that is three dimensional will help them. So whenever a
thought comes like that, you must know that you have not attained the thoughtless awareness in its full extent and that's how
you have problems, which are three-dimensional. Sometimes, a Sahaja Yogi will find, an emotion will come into his mind. It will
be an emotion of dejection or frustration and he will be disgusted with himself or with others. Both things are just the same. I
have seen some Sahaja Yogis get very disgusted with others. There should be no disgust that is lasting. Of course, for a short
time, you might feel a disgust. It's alright. It's a passing phase. Or you might feel disgusted with yourself - may be a passing
phase. But if you go on hankering on to it, or if you go on clinging to it, that means you are conditioning yourself, that means you
are not in thoughtless awareness, that means that you are in your past, you are making your past a solid mass on your head. In
the present everything is fleeting. Everything is fleeting that is not eternal. In the present the eternal stays, the rest all drops out.
It's like a moving river which doesn't stop anywhere. But the moving river is eternal. The rest of the things are all changing. If you
are on the Eternal Principle, all that is not eternal changes and drops out, dissolves and becomes nonexistent. We have to
understand our own dignity, our own essence. The first and foremost is that all the Sahaja Yogis are the chosen ones. They are
the people whom God has chosen. In this city of Delhi there are thousands and thousands of people. All over the world there are
so many people that we are suffering from overpopulation, but in Sahaja Yoga there are very, very few people. And when you are
chosen the first, you must also realise that you are the foundations. You are the stones that are to be laid down and have to be
strong, have to be forbearing and that's why it is necessary that all of you who are now few, who are the first lamps that are
going to enlighten other lamps in the world, you have to enjoy the strength of eternity, the strength of Divine Love, the strength of
this Universal Being that you are. This is what meditation is. So when Sahaja Yogis ask me: “What should we do for meditation?”
You be in thoughtless awareness that's all. Don't do anything. At that time, not [only] that you are moving towards the goal, or
that the Unconscious is taking charge of you, not only that, but also that you are emitting, for the first time, the Divine into the
nature, into your surroundings, into other people who are universally connected to you. Only thing is that we are used to one
thing, that is we must do something about it, and so that's why we start doing something. Meditation is the most Sahaja
method.Then we have prayers and we have also puja. Prayers are also, if said in your heart, with the feeling of complete
surrendering and asking for the Eternal, it will be granted. Just ask for that and the rest will take [you] step-by-step. All the Sahaja
Yogis have a problem. And they have problems because of their past, because of their future aspirations. Now when you have
problems, in Sahaja Yoga you have learnt how to overcome them. There are so many methods other than meditation - you know
them very well that, you must know what is the chakra where the Kundalini is. Now, if the Kundalini has been stopped, by a
certain chakra which is not working, you shouldn't get frustrated about it. Supposing your instrument or your car has stopped on
the way, what's the use of getting frustrated with it? You have to learn the mechanism. You have to be a good technician and
then you can manage it very well. So all the techniques of Sahaja Yoga must be learned and mastered. This you can only do by
giving it to others and learning from correcting them and correcting yourself. There is nothing to be frustrated. That's the worst
thing. If you get frustrated and unhappy with yourself then there is going to be a problem. You have to laugh at yourself and
laugh at your mechanism that is out of gear. When you start identifying yourself even with the instrument, then you are not there.
You are not the chakras, you are not the different channels. You are the awareness, you are the power, you are the Kundalini. So
you don't have to worry about all these things being not in their proper conditions. If they are not, you can solve it. Just now the
lights went off. If the lights have went off because of the electricity failure, it's a serious thing. But if the lights have gone out
because there is a fused bulb: oh, you can replace it, you can do all that. So there is no need to worry if your chakras are spoilt.
Worrying itself, or frustrating yourself, itself is a wrong attitude towards Sahaja Yoga. 'Sahaja', in other terminology also means,
is ‘a simple thing’. ‘Sahaja’means to be Sahaja means in - I can say how Tulsidas (Kabir) has said: “Jaise rakha hu taise hi rahu”
[You keep me as you like]. That kind of an attitude takes your attention inside, because outside it is let alone, to the dogs; let
alone. We are not bothered about the outside part. “As you keep me, I will be, in that manner”. And you will be surprised
everything clicks out very well. Even, sometimes, you might feel: “I should reach a certain place”, “I must have this bhajan done”,
“I must get these things done” and it's not done sometimes. Sometimes by mistake something as you want is not done. You
must accept it as the will of God. That is what He desires. It's alright. That is the desire of God and now you are one with His
desire. You are here to communicate the desire of God to the whole world and, at this stage, if you start having your own desires
and ideas about yourself then, when will you become the desire of God? This ‘I-ness’ has to go away. That is what meditation is.
Where you are no more 'I' but it is 'You'. Kabirdasji has written a beautiful poem about it that, when the goat is living and
[kicking?], she says: “Mai, mai”, that is “I, I”. But then she dies and her intestines are drawn out into wires and some saint fixes
them on the "tutari", that instrument that they have, ektari [one string] as they call it. And he goes on pulling it with his fingers,
then it says: “Tuhi, Tuhi, Tuhi,” that is: “You are, You are, You are”. That is how we have to die and we have to be resurrected. You
have been already, but Sahaja yoga as I have told you, is a kheer [Indian milk sweet], or what you call, the sweet dish cooked in a
raw pot: "Kachche ghade ki kheer hai [kheer cooked in clay pot]. So the soil of the raw pot also is mixed up. But your attention
can be with the kheer, with the milk, and can drop out all that is the mud of the raw pot. That discrimination is spontaneous. It is
there. You have got it: self-actualisation. You can feel yourself. You know you are not that. You have started talking about your
chakras in the same manner. But the only thing, the only problem, or the only defect that is with the Sahaja yogi is that, still,
though he is there, his attention is involved with outside. That's the only defect. If the attention is to remove?
That's the point. That is the first thing. Once you say, “how to remove?” means you have created the three-dimensional
involvement. You are not to remove. It is [already] there! If your attention is outside, then I would have said: “No, your attention
has to go inside. It has not got yet.” But it is there. You are sitting there. I am sitting here. But my attention is outside. I have to
just feel myself where I am, that's all. Some have felt it, some have achieved it. You know among yourselves there are some who
have gone very high up. The other method we employ is of puja. I've found that works very well with human beings – puja -
because it satisfies lots of demands of the past habits that you feel that you are doing something about it. Then you start giving
whatever you think God has given you - the blessings. And the Rishi and Muni have found out - they're very clever people - they
have found out how to please the Deities, how to please the Mother. So they have told you, as they have told you even in this
lifetime of mine, how to please Her. They say She is Stutipriya, that means ‘She likes praises’. It's not that. But when you praise
someone from the heart that means you are accepting it, and that is the time the chakras start creating a force by which you are
thrown, you are triggered, into that realm of God. So these puja methods and prayer methods and the mantra methods have been
devised and found out by great thinkers of Sahaja Yoga, the great masters of Sahaja Yoga. And it is the effort, or you can say the
effortless effort, of the Sahaja yogis that makes my body vibrate, extracts the essence from my body, I should say. They make, it
makes, the Infinite release Itself through this finite being. And it works, it clicks, I have seen it, it works out very well. But you
know that, after puja, I get little tired because, if you cannot receive it, that Force, I want to sleep and get rid of that additional
vibrations into "sushupti" [deep sleep] by entering into the Infinite State. If you could receive whatever I am emitting, in balance,
with your puja, then only it helps better. That means, when you are doing puja also, receive it. Be in thoughtless awareness when
you are doing puja, completely concentrated in receiving. But while [doing] puja people are talking. I've seen that they’re moving
about. I mean, I don't know how to explain it! That's the time something is oozing out, the nectar, and you just receive it at that
time with full devotion. It is oozing out. If you feel my vibrations of my chakras at that time, you will realise that even the minute,
small little, wheels in my body are moving at different spaces, at different speed, at different dimension. And I really don't know
how to explain! But, you see, it creates a melody. You have to receive it and it is a melody individually, suitable for every
individual. And when you receive it, it triggers in you that state of infinity. So at the time of puja you must know that all your
attention should be in reception. Today is a very great day with the New Year. Within two years from today, Satya Yuga is going
to start. It’s a great day for many things that nine days are celebrated after this, for the advent of Mother. It is the date, or I should
say, the calendar was started by my forefathers and they perceived that this is the day when the Mother started creating. And
this is the day She created Ganesha to begin with. In the Utpatti stage [first stage, Genesis], She started her work this day. And
that’s why they put this date as the first date because the time started from this date long time back. And that’s why this date is
very important, and if you cross this date then you are beyond time. You have to step on to this date and go beyond. You have to
step on your dharma, on to your religion, and go beyond : ‘dharmateet’. You have to be those three gunas and to go beyond :
‘gunateet’. You are all those three. But the steps on which you are standing have to be all right, or those which are crossed or,
have to be all right too. So, when you are beyond, you have to repair those steps, which you have crossed somehow. This can be
done through meditation, puja, prayers. But the most important, the greatest advancement is done by giving the Universal
through your universal being. You all must dedicate your life to Sahaja Yoga and give more and more. Among us, there are some
people who have given a lot and by that they have achieved a lot too. You have to give, talk about it, spread it and bring more
people to get this. Otherwise, they will be left out of evolutionary processes. There’s no time for you to doubt and think; don’t
waste your time in all these useless activities. If you have still doubts, it’s better to give up. It’s high time that you get into the
process. So, today, I wish you happy New Year for a journey in the spiritual life of this world. You have to think of all the Sahaja
Yogis who are far away from us and our thoughts should carry our love for them and they should be blessed as you all are
blessed here. I hope these important days that I am here, you will fully dedicate yourself for your emancipation on those four
lines that I have told you. And whatever program comes in, take it sahaj. You should not insist on times and timings. Whatever
comes sahaaj, accept it. May God bless you. |
4/2/1976 | | The Role of Tongue, Sight and Feet in Spiritual Evolution | India | New Delhi | VERIFIED | null | null | null | null | Y | N | N | Talk to Sahaja Yogis | English | 20 | "The Role of Tongue, Sight and Feet in Spiritual Evolution". Delhi (India), 2 April 1976. I was telling about how difficult it is to be a
Mother and a Guru, because both are very contradictory functions. And specially for a person who wants to be in charge of your
salvation, to be the Moksha Dayini, it is extremely difficult. Because the path is so delicate and so treacherous that all of you
have to come yourself, walk across. And if you fall this side or that side there is disaster for you. I am watching your climbing,
and I see you coming up, with a Mother’s heart and a Guru’s hand. And then I get the glimpses of people falling. I try to tell them,
“Come up”. Sometimes I shout, sometimes I pull them up, sometimes I love them, caress them. You can yourself judge, within
yourself, how much I have worked on you, how much I have loved you. But how much do you love yourself is the point. I have told
you that, for a Sahaja Yogi, the whole thing should be decided by the witnessing power. Now the witnessing power is silent, it
doesn’t talk. If you are a very talkative person, then it’s not going to help you much. You have to come in balance. For the first
time in this incarnation I have started talking, and I get so troubled because I am not used to this kind of talking. So, for you
people, it is necessary that you should not talk unless and until you feel like talking. And very few sentences, conclusive. As I told
you before, the tongue is the master of all the organs of distractions. If you could master your tongue you have mastered all of
them, in a way. Because everything has to be palatable. For example, you look at a woman: if she is not palatable, then she may
be beautiful but you don’t want to look at her. She decides, the tongue decides, about a person. If you want to eat some food, if it
is not palatable, then you don’t want to eat that food. It has to be palatable. Then a thought also. A thought has to be palatable. If
it is not palatable, you are not going to have it. So, the deciding factor is the tongue. The root of the tongue goes up to the
Vishuddhi chakra, which controls your ego and superego. Or you can say that the tongue is reflected in superego and ego in a
way. Through your tongue, when you speak, one can make out whether you are in the realm of ego or superego. She expresses,
she decides. But if you understand her, then you know how to handle her. She is your friend. And Sarasvati Herself resides in
your tongue. If you know how to handle your tongue then Sahaja Yoga can rise very high up. Because when others meet you, as
Sahaja Yogis, they also see the way you talk, the way you eat, the way that things are palatable to you. It is the tongue that
decides. If you are really very much evolved, you will be amazed that, if you eat some food somewhere, immediately the tongue
will immediately throw it out. It won’t have it if it is something wrong. If some "prasad", so-called, is given to you, which is given
by some wrong type of a man, immediately your tongue will throw it away. It won’t be able to take it in. And even if you take,
somehow or other, and it’s forced down in the stomach, still the tongue will inform the brain that, “Throw it out!” and the brain will
inform the stomach that, “Throw it out!” It will be unpalatable. So, the reaction of Vishnu in the stomach, up to the action of Shri
Krishna - I mean, the same personality - is all judged by your tongue. So, you must know how pure, holy, your tongue should be.
But when you take the name of your Mother with this tongue, you must know it has to be the holiest of holy. It is very important
how you use your tongue. Those who talk very bluntly are just the same [as] those who talk very sweetly: to get something out of
you is the intention. As I have told you, it controls ego and superego. Even the Sahaja Yogis understand that The Witness is also
here at the Vishuddhi chakra: so your witnessing power will increase and decrease according to your tongue. Of course, it
controls sixteen sub-plexuses. It also controls the muscles of the eyes, it controls all these muscles, it controls the palate, it
controls the teeth. It controls the ears. But [with] ears, you hear something [but] you cannot control it. With tongue you can,
because that is the thing which releases, which goes out. With the ear you cannot give anything to others, that is just one way.
This [tongue] is double way thing: you take in something and also can throw out something. It has a double purpose. It is a very
important organ and that’s why we have to look after our tongues. When the Kundalini is rising that means one thing is there, that
your attention has become subtle: from gross to subtle. But it has to become subtler and subtlest, and then it has to go beyond
that. By becoming subtle only, it comes up through the Agnya. Because Agnya is just like a hole in a needle. So it penetrates
through that, through the subtle there. Because of that subtleness, your attention sees everything, but in a subtle form. Now, this
is a new experience for you, that’s why you do not recognise what is that. In a group of Sahaj Yogis, you can witness these things
very carefully and clearly. There is one person whose eyes are roving still, around: he’s a Sahaj Yogi; he’s sitting down, he’s
looking here, looking there, looking that side, who is coming, who is going. Of course, this person is still in the gross state you
can say. Though he’s got his attention up here by Mataji’s pulling it out, you see, and hanging onto it! (Laughing) But still the
person himself is still dragging outside into the gross. So, don’t bother about that type. But even the person who is now, say,
attentive: we can say attentive, because, you see, words are not so precise. Even if you notice such a person, you will find his two
forces in a very subtle way are acting: one is his subtle ego, another is a subtle superego. When you become subtle, suddenly you
get, also, powers of the subtle. Let us see the ego side of it. You start feeling, inside yourself - in a very subtle way, that you do
not recognise that it is ego, [as] it is too subtle to be recognised - that you have got powers now to cure. You start feeling that
now you have powers to raise the Kundalini. See how it goes down sedimenting into you. Then you start feeling you have powers
to express yourself, because you think you have learnt Sahaj Yoga, and now you know the essence of it and you can talk about it.
This subtle ego develops into you. And the fourth type of subtle ego develops when you see the other person’s superego is
developing. That is the most dangerous! It so happens that some people, whose superego develops now, because they have had
previous gurus, previous problems: the way they have been following religion, some mistakes and all that. Because of their
mistakes, their superego develops. You see something happening to them. Say Mr. X sees Y: that a superego is coming onto
him, some negativity is flowing into him, so his ego starts developing against that force, in a subtle way. Now he calls it a
positive force, it is a positive force, no doubt, but he over-crosses it. When he over-crosses that side, he tries to push the
superego [of] another person [and] he trips over. He thinks he is doing the right thing. Of course, he is doing in a way, but [only] to
a point. And then he becomes very hot-tempered. He goes on passing remarks about others. He says harsh things. That’s how
the subtlest point starts. To a point is all right, to a point, because, in this I would say Ganesh and Jesus should be treated as the
judging points. Christ did not mind when He was crucified. Not only that but He asked for forgiveness for all those. But if His
Mother was even touched by somebody, He would have taken out His Eleven Rudras and killed them. That’s the point. When it
comes to your Mother then, of course, your ego and superego both have a meaning. But beyond that, if it starts [becoming]
directed at every Sahaj Yogi, then you don’t know where to have the balance. For example then, such people, anything done to
them also, they identify themselves with Mother, and they think, “No, no, he has said it to me, that means it is to Mother also.” It
is not. You must know where you are criticised and where your Mother is criticised. These are two things. That’s why I said [the]
judging point is Christ. When He was crucified, He accepted it, though He was so much one with His Mother. But still He could
strike that lining (balance). When you are crucified, you are not Christ. But if anybody says anything against the Mother, then of
course. Now try to understand yourself. Now you are watching yourself. Whatever I am saying, you are watching yourself. It is for
your good. That is how you find somewhere a person who gets a superego invasion. First of all, superego invasion is very, very
deep and subtle, it’s extremely deep. It comes into you in such a manner, that you do not understand it. The other person who is
very positive, so-called, will think that, “That person has got a negativity.” But he won’t know that he is over-crossing his positivity
towards negativity itself. Because once you cross this line you go to this side. Once you cross this line you go to this side. So
immediately you are becoming negative once you cross this point. And it’s the Sahasrara, is the Brahmarandhra. Beyond the
Brahmarandhra, if you are pushing down, then you are crossing to the other side. You are playing into hands of other people.
Now, you must judge yourself and see, “Now, Hello Mr. X, how are you behaving now?” Immediately you become a witness, you
see, witness of yourself. Now, how the superego and ego? You see sometimes in some people sometimes the ego presses the
superego and the superego presses the ego. I have seen it. They don’t know whether they are egoistical or whether they are
dominated. They really do not know. They cannot decide, because it’s such a wobbling going on all the time. That’s why I say,
“Baithak.” [Meaning that] you must sit down, settle down. See for yourself. “Am I settled?”. Watch in yourself. Even you can feel
the force, actually you can feel the force moving from this side to this side. You’ll feel the force moving from this side to this
side. Try to bring it in the centre. Now, ego and superego, when they go on like that, you can say wobble from one to another, it
happens like this: at one moment you start feeling dejected, frustrated, fed up with yourself: “Nonsense! Get out!”. The other
moment you sit on yourself, sit on other people. You ask others to, “Get out! This is bad! I didn’t like that man!” “That fellow came,
that fellow caught me!” “That thing happened, this thing happened!” Two extremes you move to. That’s not the way to Sahaj
Yoga. Sahaj Yoga - Saha-ja means that you are a witness. Saha-ja. It has double meaning. Sahaj is normally used for a word
which is ‘simple’ - sahaj. You are in a sahaj method, means you are a witness, you watch it. Look at these trees, they are just
witnessing, they are not saying anything, they are just there. It is ‘to be’. It is just to be at this point. Are we that? Every movement,
dealing with anything. Then you will not have any organisational problems. We have organisational problems because you are
not a witness. You will find two types of people; one who will say, “I am suffering too much”, the others who will say, “No, not
me!” Then they interchange also, their attitudes interchange. They can mix up (She laughs). But you can just know where to stop
it. You become a witness, silent. After talking for one minute you just become silent. That’s the best way, I think, I can say, a
practical way. It's for your tongue to be silent. As far as possible to be silent and be watching. But some people are silent and
brooding, that’s the worst thing that you are doing. No, silent and watching. Neither brooding, not planning how to hurt others.
And then suddenly your sentence will come out which would be so filthy, so cutting, so horrid, so full of venom, that you think,
“From where it has come? Oh God!” Such silence is absolutely useless. It should be like a river flowing. The river has its own
depth and on top it is flowing. It’s such one mass. That kind of a silence one should have. Not a forced one, but a silence of a
witness. Even such a person is talking [but], inside, the flow of the silence is there. You are one with that silence, it is filling you
up all the time. And you can witness that in every leaf, in every movement of the leaf, you see the silence flowing. They do not
speak even, but they manifest. In the same way, you do not speak, you manifest. Of course, human beings are higher than them
because they speak, but if speech becomes a burden, a problem, a cutting instrument, it is better not to speak. Another thing a
Sahaja Yogi must know, that eyes are very important for Sahaj Yoga. When the Kundalini rises, then the dilatation of the pupils
takes place, because you have seen the children how their eyes are dilated at you. They keep gaping at everything that is
happening - just gaping, silence, the complete silent seeing goes on through the eyes. And that’s why eyes are very important.
You must learn to fix your eyes within yourself, in your heart. Humble down, in your heart. Fix your eyes in your heart. I say that
way, but I don’t know if you can do it. I don’t know if you can do it. But if you could do that’s a very good way of doing things.
Looking at everyone, gazing at everyone, seeing this, seeing that, is a very bad exercise for your eyes, it’s a very bad habit. Try to
keep your eyes low, on the Earth, Mother Earth, watching the lower part of the body than the face. Because face, if you are made
that way that you can watch the face it’s all right, but you are not yet made. Best thing is to see to the feet. And your eyes will
touch their gross sense, feet, from where the sensation of vibrations go up, upward, and the Kundalini rises better. Actually those
who suffer from low Kundalini rising, if they could rub oil on their feet and wash their feet, it’s a very good thing. That’s why Christ
washed the feet of His disciples. I wish I could do that, if you allow Me in subtlety. Because the whole grossness is in the feet,
and if you touch somebody with your eyes, Realised people I am saying, their feet, most of their grossness will disappear. And
you won’t have that much problem with them. That’s why Christ washed the feet of His disciples. You also wash your feet and
keep them clean so that the grossness drops out. I have explained in brief way, but if you want to ask me questions, ask,
because still I find that the Sahaja Yogis are not rising as fast as they could. Because the bringing Kundalini up to this, and up to
this, is possible for Me, but taking it back into your gross being is your own job which you have to do it. In Marathi as they say,
“Da adi karatza maga paiya”– I have built the top, the dome for you, and the dome is now to be supported by you. I have taken
you to the dome, but you cannot bring it down, because either you are frustrated with yourself - but being frustrated what are you
going to gain? - or else, you are frustrated with others. Just be silent and be witnessing. As Sai Baba has said, "saburi", patience,
it comes in. H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi | null | null | null | "The Role of Tongue, Sight and Feet in Spiritual Evolution". Delhi (India), 2 April 1976. I was telling about how difficult it is to be a
Mother and a Guru, because both are very contradictory functions. And specially for a person who wants to be in charge of your
salvation, to be the Moksha Dayini, it is extremely difficult. Because the path is so delicate and so treacherous that all of you
have to come yourself, walk across. And if you fall this side or that side there is disaster for you. I am watching your climbing,
and I see you coming up, with a Mother’s heart and a Guru’s hand. And then I get the glimpses of people falling. I try to tell them,
“Come up”. Sometimes I shout, sometimes I pull them up, sometimes I love them, caress them. You can yourself judge, within
yourself, how much I have worked on you, how much I have loved you. But how much do you love yourself is the point. I have told
you that, for a Sahaja Yogi, the whole thing should be decided by the witnessing power. Now the witnessing power is silent, it
doesn’t talk. If you are a very talkative person, then it’s not going to help you much. You have to come in balance. For the first
time in this incarnation I have started talking, and I get so troubled because I am not used to this kind of talking. So, for you
people, it is necessary that you should not talk unless and until you feel like talking. And very few sentences, conclusive. As I told
you before, the tongue is the master of all the organs of distractions. If you could master your tongue you have mastered all of
them, in a way. Because everything has to be palatable. For example, you look at a woman: if she is not palatable, then she may
be beautiful but you don’t want to look at her. She decides, the tongue decides, about a person. If you want to eat some food, if it
is not palatable, then you don’t want to eat that food. It has to be palatable. Then a thought also. A thought has to be palatable. If
it is not palatable, you are not going to have it. So, the deciding factor is the tongue. The root of the tongue goes up to the
Vishuddhi chakra, which controls your ego and superego. Or you can say that the tongue is reflected in superego and ego in a
way. Through your tongue, when you speak, one can make out whether you are in the realm of ego or superego. She expresses,
she decides. But if you understand her, then you know how to handle her. She is your friend. And Sarasvati Herself resides in
your tongue. If you know how to handle your tongue then Sahaja Yoga can rise very high up. Because when others meet you, as
Sahaja Yogis, they also see the way you talk, the way you eat, the way that things are palatable to you. It is the tongue that
decides. If you are really very much evolved, you will be amazed that, if you eat some food somewhere, immediately the tongue
will immediately throw it out. It won’t have it if it is something wrong. If some "prasad", so-called, is given to you, which is given
by some wrong type of a man, immediately your tongue will throw it away. It won’t be able to take it in. And even if you take,
somehow or other, and it’s forced down in the stomach, still the tongue will inform the brain that, “Throw it out!” and the brain will
inform the stomach that, “Throw it out!” It will be unpalatable. So, the reaction of Vishnu in the stomach, up to the action of Shri
Krishna - I mean, the same personality - is all judged by your tongue. So, you must know how pure, holy, your tongue should be.
But when you take the name of your Mother with this tongue, you must know it has to be the holiest of holy. It is very important
how you use your tongue. Those who talk very bluntly are just the same [as] those who talk very sweetly: to get something out of
you is the intention. As I have told you, it controls ego and superego. Even the Sahaja Yogis understand that The Witness is also
here at the Vishuddhi chakra: so your witnessing power will increase and decrease according to your tongue. Of course, it
controls sixteen sub-plexuses. It also controls the muscles of the eyes, it controls all these muscles, it controls the palate, it
controls the teeth. It controls the ears. But [with] ears, you hear something [but] you cannot control it. With tongue you can,
because that is the thing which releases, which goes out. With the ear you cannot give anything to others, that is just one way.
This [tongue] is double way thing: you take in something and also can throw out something. It has a double purpose. It is a very
important organ and that’s why we have to look after our tongues. When the Kundalini is rising that means one thing is there, that
your attention has become subtle: from gross to subtle. But it has to become subtler and subtlest, and then it has to go beyond
that. By becoming subtle only, it comes up through the Agnya. Because Agnya is just like a hole in a needle. So it penetrates
through that, through the subtle there. Because of that subtleness, your attention sees everything, but in a subtle form. Now, this
is a new experience for you, that’s why you do not recognise what is that. In a group of Sahaj Yogis, you can witness these things
very carefully and clearly. There is one person whose eyes are roving still, around: he’s a Sahaj Yogi; he’s sitting down, he’s
looking here, looking there, looking that side, who is coming, who is going. Of course, this person is still in the gross state you
can say. Though he’s got his attention up here by Mataji’s pulling it out, you see, and hanging onto it! (Laughing) But still the
person himself is still dragging outside into the gross. So, don’t bother about that type. But even the person who is now, say,
attentive: we can say attentive, because, you see, words are not so precise. Even if you notice such a person, you will find his two
forces in a very subtle way are acting: one is his subtle ego, another is a subtle superego. When you become subtle, suddenly you
get, also, powers of the subtle. Let us see the ego side of it. You start feeling, inside yourself - in a very subtle way, that you do
not recognise that it is ego, [as] it is too subtle to be recognised - that you have got powers now to cure. You start feeling that
now you have powers to raise the Kundalini. See how it goes down sedimenting into you. Then you start feeling you have powers
to express yourself, because you think you have learnt Sahaj Yoga, and now you know the essence of it and you can talk about it.
This subtle ego develops into you. And the fourth type of subtle ego develops when you see the other person’s superego is
developing. That is the most dangerous! It so happens that some people, whose superego develops now, because they have had
previous gurus, previous problems: the way they have been following religion, some mistakes and all that. Because of their
mistakes, their superego develops. You see something happening to them. Say Mr. X sees Y: that a superego is coming onto
him, some negativity is flowing into him, so his ego starts developing against that force, in a subtle way. Now he calls it a
positive force, it is a positive force, no doubt, but he over-crosses it. When he over-crosses that side, he tries to push the
superego [of] another person [and] he trips over. He thinks he is doing the right thing. Of course, he is doing in a way, but [only] to
a point. And then he becomes very hot-tempered. He goes on passing remarks about others. He says harsh things. That’s how
the subtlest point starts. To a point is all right, to a point, because, in this I would say Ganesh and Jesus should be treated as the
judging points. Christ did not mind when He was crucified. Not only that but He asked for forgiveness for all those. But if His
Mother was even touched by somebody, He would have taken out His Eleven Rudras and killed them. That’s the point. When it
comes to your Mother then, of course, your ego and superego both have a meaning. But beyond that, if it starts [becoming]
directed at every Sahaj Yogi, then you don’t know where to have the balance. For example then, such people, anything done to
them also, they identify themselves with Mother, and they think, “No, no, he has said it to me, that means it is to Mother also.” It
is not. You must know where you are criticised and where your Mother is criticised. These are two things. That’s why I said [the]
judging point is Christ. When He was crucified, He accepted it, though He was so much one with His Mother. But still He could
strike that lining (balance). When you are crucified, you are not Christ. But if anybody says anything against the Mother, then of
course. Now try to understand yourself. Now you are watching yourself. Whatever I am saying, you are watching yourself. It is for
your good. That is how you find somewhere a person who gets a superego invasion. First of all, superego invasion is very, very
deep and subtle, it’s extremely deep. It comes into you in such a manner, that you do not understand it. The other person who is
very positive, so-called, will think that, “That person has got a negativity.” But he won’t know that he is over-crossing his positivity
towards negativity itself. Because once you cross this line you go to this side. Once you cross this line you go to this side. So
immediately you are becoming negative once you cross this point. And it’s the Sahasrara, is the Brahmarandhra. Beyond the
Brahmarandhra, if you are pushing down, then you are crossing to the other side. You are playing into hands of other people.
Now, you must judge yourself and see, “Now, Hello Mr. X, how are you behaving now?” Immediately you become a witness, you
see, witness of yourself. Now, how the superego and ego? You see sometimes in some people sometimes the ego presses the
superego and the superego presses the ego. I have seen it. They don’t know whether they are egoistical or whether they are
dominated. They really do not know. They cannot decide, because it’s such a wobbling going on all the time. That’s why I say,
“Baithak.” [Meaning that] you must sit down, settle down. See for yourself. “Am I settled?”. Watch in yourself. Even you can feel
the force, actually you can feel the force moving from this side to this side. You’ll feel the force moving from this side to this
side. Try to bring it in the centre. Now, ego and superego, when they go on like that, you can say wobble from one to another, it
happens like this: at one moment you start feeling dejected, frustrated, fed up with yourself: “Nonsense! Get out!”. The other
moment you sit on yourself, sit on other people. You ask others to, “Get out! This is bad! I didn’t like that man!” “That fellow came,
that fellow caught me!” “That thing happened, this thing happened!” Two extremes you move to. That’s not the way to Sahaj
Yoga. Sahaj Yoga - Saha-ja means that you are a witness. Saha-ja. It has double meaning. Sahaj is normally used for a word
which is ‘simple’ - sahaj. You are in a sahaj method, means you are a witness, you watch it. Look at these trees, they are just
witnessing, they are not saying anything, they are just there. It is ‘to be’. It is just to be at this point. Are we that? Every movement,
dealing with anything. Then you will not have any organisational problems. We have organisational problems because you are
not a witness. You will find two types of people; one who will say, “I am suffering too much”, the others who will say, “No, not
me!” Then they interchange also, their attitudes interchange. They can mix up (She laughs). But you can just know where to stop
it. You become a witness, silent. After talking for one minute you just become silent. That’s the best way, I think, I can say, a
practical way. It's for your tongue to be silent. As far as possible to be silent and be watching. But some people are silent and
brooding, that’s the worst thing that you are doing. No, silent and watching. Neither brooding, not planning how to hurt others.
And then suddenly your sentence will come out which would be so filthy, so cutting, so horrid, so full of venom, that you think,
“From where it has come? Oh God!” Such silence is absolutely useless. It should be like a river flowing. The river has its own
depth and on top it is flowing. It’s such one mass. That kind of a silence one should have. Not a forced one, but a silence of a
witness. Even such a person is talking [but], inside, the flow of the silence is there. You are one with that silence, it is filling you
up all the time. And you can witness that in every leaf, in every movement of the leaf, you see the silence flowing. They do not
speak even, but they manifest. In the same way, you do not speak, you manifest. Of course, human beings are higher than them
because they speak, but if speech becomes a burden, a problem, a cutting instrument, it is better not to speak. Another thing a
Sahaja Yogi must know, that eyes are very important for Sahaj Yoga. When the Kundalini rises, then the dilatation of the pupils
takes place, because you have seen the children how their eyes are dilated at you. They keep gaping at everything that is
happening - just gaping, silence, the complete silent seeing goes on through the eyes. And that’s why eyes are very important.
You must learn to fix your eyes within yourself, in your heart. Humble down, in your heart. Fix your eyes in your heart. I say that
way, but I don’t know if you can do it. I don’t know if you can do it. But if you could do that’s a very good way of doing things.
Looking at everyone, gazing at everyone, seeing this, seeing that, is a very bad exercise for your eyes, it’s a very bad habit. Try to
keep your eyes low, on the Earth, Mother Earth, watching the lower part of the body than the face. Because face, if you are made
that way that you can watch the face it’s all right, but you are not yet made. Best thing is to see to the feet. And your eyes will
touch their gross sense, feet, from where the sensation of vibrations go up, upward, and the Kundalini rises better. Actually those
who suffer from low Kundalini rising, if they could rub oil on their feet and wash their feet, it’s a very good thing. That’s why Christ
washed the feet of His disciples. I wish I could do that, if you allow Me in subtlety. Because the whole grossness is in the feet,
and if you touch somebody with your eyes, Realised people I am saying, their feet, most of their grossness will disappear. And
you won’t have that much problem with them. That’s why Christ washed the feet of His disciples. You also wash your feet and
keep them clean so that the grossness drops out. I have explained in brief way, but if you want to ask me questions, ask,
because still I find that the Sahaja Yogis are not rising as fast as they could. Because the bringing Kundalini up to this, and up to
this, is possible for Me, but taking it back into your gross being is your own job which you have to do it. In Marathi as they say,
“Da adi karatza maga paiya”– I have built the top, the dome for you, and the dome is now to be supported by you. I have taken
you to the dome, but you cannot bring it down, because either you are frustrated with yourself - but being frustrated what are you
going to gain? - or else, you are frustrated with others. Just be silent and be witnessing. As Sai Baba has said, "saburi", patience,
it comes in. H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi |
4/6/1976 | | Nirvicharita | India | Mumbai | null | Draft | Draft | Draft | Draft | Y | N | N | Talk to Sahaja Yogis | Hindi, Marathi | 57 | Talk to Sahaja Yogis [Hindi-Marathi to English Translation] You people will feel bad, so let me speak in Marathi only. I am saying,
whatever question you have in front of you, leave those questions in unconsciousness, it is flowing in my feet. That means if you
have any questions let us say about your daughter then nothing is going to happen by using your mind. Whatever the question is,
leave it here, you will get the answer. Now if you think this thing will benefit, that’s not the point. What God thinks beneficial for
you it will happen. You can’t even do that. So, leave it to the divine. Why are you interfering? Why are you getting disturbed? You
don’t have to get disturbed if you leave it to Him. Leave to those who are sitting on the committee to solve all your questions.
That’s what is amazing in Sahaja Yoga! [that you can leave the burden of your head to the divine]. Leave and watch and you will
be amazed by the miracles. But it becomes a matter of human self-respect, till the end, he keeps thinking that, "I have to do, I
have to do." In the end, you will find that you reached nowhere and you will go to a mental asylum. There is a huge committee
sitting around to solve your questions. The ruler of the five elements is sitting in it [Brahma dev], those who make the whole
religion are sitting [Vishnu], taking the position and rhythm of the whole world, [Shiva] is sitting there. Give them the chance too.
Or will you fix all the questions? And the moment from when you start to remain in thoughtless awareness, you will see that all
these three powers will come inside you, will resolve on its own [Religion, Meaning and Work]. It will sit in the right places. By
remaining thoughtless, you will see a cosmic change in your questions. (An internal event occurs. Event occurs at its source.)
E.g.: A man is drinking. He comes to me for getting rid of this. By awakening his Kundalini, the condition inside him becomes
such that whenever he drinks alcohol, he vomits. Then it can also happen that the alcoholic power of alcohol can also be
destroyed, all the destructive power is destroyed! But by solving these questions from your little mind, it gets messed up.
Absolutely thoughtless! The people on my feet, yet they keep thinking. I am so surprised. At least give up your thoughts to my
feet. I am trying so hard. Tandav dance is going on and even then, you are thinking like this. At least you should know to leave the
thoughts to my feet. And then gradually this habit will be formed [to remain in thoughtless awareness]. But the only small thing is
there, trying to be thoughtless, any question is there. Then remain thoughtless. Although I give small suggestions time to time
that what is this chakra, why it catches, you should understand it. Keep your body fit. Keep your hearts alright. There are many
diseases of “Maan” also. Women have the problem. Keep your attention there. Be thoughtless. By doing the small thing, there is
a self-sitting in your heart, its light will start spreading. And that is the light which is spreading as vibrations through you. The
divine part that is settled inside you is the Self. It goes into the whole world and comes back to you [in a parabola]. Its waves
move and come round to you in your heart. Put your lamps alright [keep awaken your Kundalini]. Keep your body alright. Don’t
destroy the Shakti within you [which is the oil of lamp] in mundane thoughts. Keep the flame straight. Stick the upper part of the
flame with Mother’s feet. Straight flame burns fearlessly in thoughtlessness. And if such a person stands somewhere then
people will ask that, "Who is your Guru? Who did you get this from?" This is what you have to do for Sahaja Yoga, to be nirvichara
[thoughtless] as far as possible. I am pushing your Kundalini; you also try yourself. There should not be any thoughts. And do not
bow your forehead to anyone. Whoever is there. Many people are Sahaja Yogis bowing their heads in front of Sahaja Yogis. I
have seen. There is no need to do such unnecessary things. Even look at the idols, whose vibrations are fine. You are very big
idols; you are a temple yourself. Does that idol know your vibrations? From those idols only the vibrations are coming while you
can move your hands, you can give realization to others. If there is any problem in the chakras of somebody you can even correct
it. Idol, on the other hand, is just giving the vibrations. In Sahaja Yoga, there is a lot of work done in the Bombay centre no doubt.
And people have lifted themselves very high. And, a lot of work has happened in a small village in Maharashtra. The deeper you
go, the deeper the divine work will occur. We don’t require a large number of people but whatever they are they should be strong
or deep. Rajkaran should be like Shri Krishna. The rajkaran from which the world is benefited, that rajkaran should be adopted by
the Sahaja Yogi. It should be done like you get out the benefit of the person beautifully, taking out the goodness in him
intelligently. As you are not going to take by hand directly, so by wrapping up the chocolate, we can give. No one is more rajkarni
than me. Be saved, I am very rajkarni. And if someone is more negative then I give him a negative man to fight among
themselves. Fight and die. But my rajkaran is for your benefit. Directly they don’t come and then I have to play the rajkaran, and at
the end, they come. But what is the wisdom? It is in good thinking, thinking the hita of ourselves. This is hita’s Ganga which is
flowing. How does the second negativity come in a man? Keep an eye on yourself. In this negativity who do we like to meet
more? Stop meeting. If somebody is of more than 50 years of age, they will form the group. It does not take a human being to
form a group. Did God make you in a group? It is a matter of landing at the international level, then at the universal level. (40:07)
The biggest enemy we have is rajkaran [without hita]. It’s a very big enemy inside us. Besides these Kama [lust], Krodh [anger],
Maad [drunkenness], Matsar [jealousy], is a different enemy within us which is Rajakarni [manipulation] nature inside us. So, say
to yourself, “Oh Mr Rajkarni shut up. Don’t tell us." Big thief is sitting in. Take care of him. How does the second negativity come?
This is due to misidentification! That we are Hindustani. You are no more Hindustani; you are a human being. And that’s the
truth! (Unclear.) Now whose name should I suggest? That we are from the village, from where the mud of Ganpati comes? These
kinds of misidentification people always have. When you have faith in different janmas [births] then how can you believe in such
misidentifications? If today you are Brahmin [sage], then you can be chamar [fly swatter] tomorrow. And it can be possible that
from Muslim now you have become Brahmin. Do you know about your past? And if you by chance see the past and analyse then
you will realize that from where I have gathered this mud of foolishness. It's all rubbish. In one janma I was Muslim, then king,
and in these times, I am beggar. And then you should think that, "How I have gathered this mud of foolishness?" You should see
tatwa. And that tatwa is the tatwa of Mahakali. All this past is due to our foolishness and we should understand the Mahakali
Principle. "I was the daughter of Shivaji Maharaj." Where is he? And where you are? Will they come on the horse? "We have come
from here; we have come from there, we are the pope of there, etc, etc." All these are misidentification of this age also [this
janma also]. What are you at this time? Only one thing is the truth that you all are my son; nothing is truth beside that. I have
given birth to all of you from the Sahasrara. Besides this, there is no truth. Receive it. This who doesn’t understand this truth
never progresses. He will always pull others. He will pull others from his negativity howsoever intelligent he thinks about himself.
But he should understand that neither he is rising nor he is letting others rise. You all are children of one mother and not only this,
you are the chakra that settles in the same body. Do you know this? There are many cells inside the Virata, small, small muscles.
From these ones you are enlightened ones or awake ones. You all are enlightened. Some of you are in the heart, some of you are
in the brain, some of you are in lungs, some are in the stomach. All those muscles! You are very important. This kind of
identification tadatmya [sameness of nature] is not in you. Although you say, "We are this and we are that ", but for us, you are
what just like a dust particle. But in relation to Sahaja Yoga only, you are important. Otherwise, there is no relation with God.
Understand this. Otherwise, you are just like 1000’s of them who are dust particles only. Your greatness is only in relation to
Sahaja Yoga. The state of mind of Hindustani man and Chinese man, British man are different. Everyone has built their matka
[pot] of different shapes. There should be no harm in this. But the spices are also unique in it. Now, this misidentification is also
so big that we all are different. There is same fragrance in all of us. This, one should realize. First truth is that you all are Sahaja
Yogis, means you all have taken birth from Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. And the other truth is that you can be identified with the
truth only not with the untruth [false]. The moment you do so your vibrations will stop that moment. So whatever wrong ideas are
there within you [because my mother has taught me this, because I have studied in the school, etc, etc.], get rid of them. Then
only you can rise. There should be a union with God. Add friendship with God Almighty. Must be united in His all-powerful form.
When you will understand this, you should identify it with yourself, as truth is known by all of us, and there are many who can give
a lecture on this. But after knowing this truth, you are not sitting there, you are sitting here. Your side is changed [you are
transformed]. You are not looking at the sun but now you yourself have become the sun. Now you have just faced towards the
sun sometime, later you will be sun yourself. Look your chastity. Measure your holes. I want all of you to be like sun. Instead of
this, I don’t want anything. Those people who are unable to understand this, are short-sighted people. There is no
abundance/vastness in them. But you all should try to become huge/vast/bountiful. Even if the other person gets smaller, you
still make yourself huge /bountiful in different ways. By this abundance within you, all this smallness will vanish. Don’t condemn
yourself while looking at your faults. Because that is also a way of not correcting yourself [or running from yourself]. It is the very
best way the human has made to run from himself. This I have understood now. The way is like this: if someone has said, "You
are very bad" then that person will say, "Shri Mataji I am very bad." That is, you become shameless now. Just like it is said that
there should be no hypocrisy in the world. I think hypocrites are more better from shameless people. Like shameless people
saying that, "I am naughty [bad mash], devil, I don’t get afraid from anybody", then all the people will become naughty and evil
people. By this, there would be an increase in shamelessness. By hypocrisy, at least the number will not increase [number of
shameless people]. The middle path or the central path is to see your faults and wipe them off by looking at them. Don’t even try
to describe it. It’s your own, internal matter. You improve yourself; this is your private matter. I don’t say anything for a long time.
I just observe and don’t say anything to you, even by knowing that there is a fault in you, by looking at the fault. But yes, when it
crosses the limit, when it affects the Sahaja Yogis and when it affects the others, then I say that, "See, you can’t do this!" Don’t try
to confess for anything, by coming to me. Uplift yourself high. You cleanse yourself, welcome yourself, respect yourself, keep
your prestige, uplift yourself. Become such that you can have pride in yourself [dignified person]. Everybody understands this
that whatever he is doing is good or bad for him [or the thing he is doing will give pride to him or will give a bad name to him].
Everyone can understand. But don’t do anything with which you have to leave your dignity. In the darkness of this Kali Yuga, you
have to shine like stars. You are going to guide people [pathfinders]. How can I find a path for anyone because I have neither
walked any path nor I have reached anywhere! I am where I am, I live where I live. But you people have found the path. You have
been uplifted from darkness [ignorance]. People will see you. For me, people say that, "She is holiest of holy. She is saint." So, it
is you only who has to shine like stars [it is you only who have to uplift yourself]. It is very bad to criticize the other Sahaja Yogi.
It’s very bad. Because every Sahaja Yogi is part and parcel of me. And what would be more stupid than that, that one hand is
cutting the fingers of the other hand? If there is any problem in Sahaja Yogi then give bandhan to him silently, do shoe beating,
try correcting but shoe beat for yourself also after that. Although you are improving and rectifying yourself from the previous
years. And before 5-6 years, slowly and gradually the progress is going on. Nobody is falling. Some are those who fall down, get
out, but still, they will rise. If the attention is towards yourself and me then it is possible to work out. | null | null | null | Talk to Sahaja Yogis [Hindi-Marathi to English Translation] You people will feel bad, so let me speak in Marathi only. I am saying,
whatever question you have in front of you, leave those questions in unconsciousness, it is flowing in my feet. That means if you
have any questions let us say about your daughter then nothing is going to happen by using your mind. Whatever the question is,
leave it here, you will get the answer. Now if you think this thing will benefit, that’s not the point. What God thinks beneficial for
you it will happen. You can’t even do that. So, leave it to the divine. Why are you interfering? Why are you getting disturbed? You
don’t have to get disturbed if you leave it to Him. Leave to those who are sitting on the committee to solve all your questions.
That’s what is amazing in Sahaja Yoga! [that you can leave the burden of your head to the divine]. Leave and watch and you will
be amazed by the miracles. But it becomes a matter of human self-respect, till the end, he keeps thinking that, "I have to do, I
have to do." In the end, you will find that you reached nowhere and you will go to a mental asylum. There is a huge committee
sitting around to solve your questions. The ruler of the five elements is sitting in it [Brahma dev], those who make the whole
religion are sitting [Vishnu], taking the position and rhythm of the whole world, [Shiva] is sitting there. Give them the chance too.
Or will you fix all the questions? And the moment from when you start to remain in thoughtless awareness, you will see that all
these three powers will come inside you, will resolve on its own [Religion, Meaning and Work]. It will sit in the right places. By
remaining thoughtless, you will see a cosmic change in your questions. (An internal event occurs. Event occurs at its source.)
E.g.: A man is drinking. He comes to me for getting rid of this. By awakening his Kundalini, the condition inside him becomes
such that whenever he drinks alcohol, he vomits. Then it can also happen that the alcoholic power of alcohol can also be
destroyed, all the destructive power is destroyed! But by solving these questions from your little mind, it gets messed up.
Absolutely thoughtless! The people on my feet, yet they keep thinking. I am so surprised. At least give up your thoughts to my
feet. I am trying so hard. Tandav dance is going on and even then, you are thinking like this. At least you should know to leave the
thoughts to my feet. And then gradually this habit will be formed [to remain in thoughtless awareness]. But the only small thing is
there, trying to be thoughtless, any question is there. Then remain thoughtless. Although I give small suggestions time to time
that what is this chakra, why it catches, you should understand it. Keep your body fit. Keep your hearts alright. There are many
diseases of “Maan” also. Women have the problem. Keep your attention there. Be thoughtless. By doing the small thing, there is
a self-sitting in your heart, its light will start spreading. And that is the light which is spreading as vibrations through you. The
divine part that is settled inside you is the Self. It goes into the whole world and comes back to you [in a parabola]. Its waves
move and come round to you in your heart. Put your lamps alright [keep awaken your Kundalini]. Keep your body alright. Don’t
destroy the Shakti within you [which is the oil of lamp] in mundane thoughts. Keep the flame straight. Stick the upper part of the
flame with Mother’s feet. Straight flame burns fearlessly in thoughtlessness. And if such a person stands somewhere then
people will ask that, "Who is your Guru? Who did you get this from?" This is what you have to do for Sahaja Yoga, to be nirvichara
[thoughtless] as far as possible. I am pushing your Kundalini; you also try yourself. There should not be any thoughts. And do not
bow your forehead to anyone. Whoever is there. Many people are Sahaja Yogis bowing their heads in front of Sahaja Yogis. I
have seen. There is no need to do such unnecessary things. Even look at the idols, whose vibrations are fine. You are very big
idols; you are a temple yourself. Does that idol know your vibrations? From those idols only the vibrations are coming while you
can move your hands, you can give realization to others. If there is any problem in the chakras of somebody you can even correct
it. Idol, on the other hand, is just giving the vibrations. In Sahaja Yoga, there is a lot of work done in the Bombay centre no doubt.
And people have lifted themselves very high. And, a lot of work has happened in a small village in Maharashtra. The deeper you
go, the deeper the divine work will occur. We don’t require a large number of people but whatever they are they should be strong
or deep. Rajkaran should be like Shri Krishna. The rajkaran from which the world is benefited, that rajkaran should be adopted by
the Sahaja Yogi. It should be done like you get out the benefit of the person beautifully, taking out the goodness in him
intelligently. As you are not going to take by hand directly, so by wrapping up the chocolate, we can give. No one is more rajkarni
than me. Be saved, I am very rajkarni. And if someone is more negative then I give him a negative man to fight among
themselves. Fight and die. But my rajkaran is for your benefit. Directly they don’t come and then I have to play the rajkaran, and at
the end, they come. But what is the wisdom? It is in good thinking, thinking the hita of ourselves. This is hita’s Ganga which is
flowing. How does the second negativity come in a man? Keep an eye on yourself. In this negativity who do we like to meet
more? Stop meeting. If somebody is of more than 50 years of age, they will form the group. It does not take a human being to
form a group. Did God make you in a group? It is a matter of landing at the international level, then at the universal level. (40:07)
The biggest enemy we have is rajkaran [without hita]. It’s a very big enemy inside us. Besides these Kama [lust], Krodh [anger],
Maad [drunkenness], Matsar [jealousy], is a different enemy within us which is Rajakarni [manipulation] nature inside us. So, say
to yourself, “Oh Mr Rajkarni shut up. Don’t tell us." Big thief is sitting in. Take care of him. How does the second negativity come?
This is due to misidentification! That we are Hindustani. You are no more Hindustani; you are a human being. And that’s the
truth! (Unclear.) Now whose name should I suggest? That we are from the village, from where the mud of Ganpati comes? These
kinds of misidentification people always have. When you have faith in different janmas [births] then how can you believe in such
misidentifications? If today you are Brahmin [sage], then you can be chamar [fly swatter] tomorrow. And it can be possible that
from Muslim now you have become Brahmin. Do you know about your past? And if you by chance see the past and analyse then
you will realize that from where I have gathered this mud of foolishness. It's all rubbish. In one janma I was Muslim, then king,
and in these times, I am beggar. And then you should think that, "How I have gathered this mud of foolishness?" You should see
tatwa. And that tatwa is the tatwa of Mahakali. All this past is due to our foolishness and we should understand the Mahakali
Principle. "I was the daughter of Shivaji Maharaj." Where is he? And where you are? Will they come on the horse? "We have come
from here; we have come from there, we are the pope of there, etc, etc." All these are misidentification of this age also [this
janma also]. What are you at this time? Only one thing is the truth that you all are my son; nothing is truth beside that. I have
given birth to all of you from the Sahasrara. Besides this, there is no truth. Receive it. This who doesn’t understand this truth
never progresses. He will always pull others. He will pull others from his negativity howsoever intelligent he thinks about himself.
But he should understand that neither he is rising nor he is letting others rise. You all are children of one mother and not only this,
you are the chakra that settles in the same body. Do you know this? There are many cells inside the Virata, small, small muscles.
From these ones you are enlightened ones or awake ones. You all are enlightened. Some of you are in the heart, some of you are
in the brain, some of you are in lungs, some are in the stomach. All those muscles! You are very important. This kind of
identification tadatmya [sameness of nature] is not in you. Although you say, "We are this and we are that ", but for us, you are
what just like a dust particle. But in relation to Sahaja Yoga only, you are important. Otherwise, there is no relation with God.
Understand this. Otherwise, you are just like 1000’s of them who are dust particles only. Your greatness is only in relation to
Sahaja Yoga. The state of mind of Hindustani man and Chinese man, British man are different. Everyone has built their matka
[pot] of different shapes. There should be no harm in this. But the spices are also unique in it. Now, this misidentification is also
so big that we all are different. There is same fragrance in all of us. This, one should realize. First truth is that you all are Sahaja
Yogis, means you all have taken birth from Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. And the other truth is that you can be identified with the
truth only not with the untruth [false]. The moment you do so your vibrations will stop that moment. So whatever wrong ideas are
there within you [because my mother has taught me this, because I have studied in the school, etc, etc.], get rid of them. Then
only you can rise. There should be a union with God. Add friendship with God Almighty. Must be united in His all-powerful form.
When you will understand this, you should identify it with yourself, as truth is known by all of us, and there are many who can give
a lecture on this. But after knowing this truth, you are not sitting there, you are sitting here. Your side is changed [you are
transformed]. You are not looking at the sun but now you yourself have become the sun. Now you have just faced towards the
sun sometime, later you will be sun yourself. Look your chastity. Measure your holes. I want all of you to be like sun. Instead of
this, I don’t want anything. Those people who are unable to understand this, are short-sighted people. There is no
abundance/vastness in them. But you all should try to become huge/vast/bountiful. Even if the other person gets smaller, you
still make yourself huge /bountiful in different ways. By this abundance within you, all this smallness will vanish. Don’t condemn
yourself while looking at your faults. Because that is also a way of not correcting yourself [or running from yourself]. It is the very
best way the human has made to run from himself. This I have understood now. The way is like this: if someone has said, "You
are very bad" then that person will say, "Shri Mataji I am very bad." That is, you become shameless now. Just like it is said that
there should be no hypocrisy in the world. I think hypocrites are more better from shameless people. Like shameless people
saying that, "I am naughty [bad mash], devil, I don’t get afraid from anybody", then all the people will become naughty and evil
people. By this, there would be an increase in shamelessness. By hypocrisy, at least the number will not increase [number of
shameless people]. The middle path or the central path is to see your faults and wipe them off by looking at them. Don’t even try
to describe it. It’s your own, internal matter. You improve yourself; this is your private matter. I don’t say anything for a long time.
I just observe and don’t say anything to you, even by knowing that there is a fault in you, by looking at the fault. But yes, when it
crosses the limit, when it affects the Sahaja Yogis and when it affects the others, then I say that, "See, you can’t do this!" Don’t try
to confess for anything, by coming to me. Uplift yourself high. You cleanse yourself, welcome yourself, respect yourself, keep
your prestige, uplift yourself. Become such that you can have pride in yourself [dignified person]. Everybody understands this
that whatever he is doing is good or bad for him [or the thing he is doing will give pride to him or will give a bad name to him].
Everyone can understand. But don’t do anything with which you have to leave your dignity. In the darkness of this Kali Yuga, you
have to shine like stars. You are going to guide people [pathfinders]. How can I find a path for anyone because I have neither
walked any path nor I have reached anywhere! I am where I am, I live where I live. But you people have found the path. You have
been uplifted from darkness [ignorance]. People will see you. For me, people say that, "She is holiest of holy. She is saint." So, it
is you only who has to shine like stars [it is you only who have to uplift yourself]. It is very bad to criticize the other Sahaja Yogi.
It’s very bad. Because every Sahaja Yogi is part and parcel of me. And what would be more stupid than that, that one hand is
cutting the fingers of the other hand? If there is any problem in Sahaja Yogi then give bandhan to him silently, do shoe beating,
try correcting but shoe beat for yourself also after that. Although you are improving and rectifying yourself from the previous
years. And before 5-6 years, slowly and gradually the progress is going on. Nobody is falling. Some are those who fall down, get
out, but still, they will rise. If the attention is towards yourself and me then it is possible to work out. |
5/10/1976 | | Letter | Country Unknown | City Unknown | Draft | null | null | null | null | N | N | N | Letter / Poem | English | 0 | Letter Human beings take for granted all the miraculous divine happenings. This is part of Maya for I do not want all of you to get
startled and shocked. The veil has to be lifted in such a smooth movement that you should not loose even a ripple of Joy that is
beaming through the drama of your ascent. Perhaps you were short sighted about yourself. You did not know your capabilities
and hence you were struggling. This made the simple thing so complicated and difficult. Just think about it. After all, what sins
can overcome the Divine Love? What human foolishness of destruction can bring forth the destruction of the Creation or its
Creator that resides within you? So, arise and awake yourself to the great advent of Satya Yuga. All your fatigue and impatience
would disappear if you feel the morning breeze of blossoming bliss of God Almighty. Your most loving Mother, Nirmala | null | null | null | Letter Human beings take for granted all the miraculous divine happenings. This is part of Maya for I do not want all of you to get
startled and shocked. The veil has to be lifted in such a smooth movement that you should not loose even a ripple of Joy that is
beaming through the drama of your ascent. Perhaps you were short sighted about yourself. You did not know your capabilities
and hence you were struggling. This made the simple thing so complicated and difficult. Just think about it. After all, what sins
can overcome the Divine Love? What human foolishness of destruction can bring forth the destruction of the Creation or its
Creator that resides within you? So, arise and awake yourself to the great advent of Satya Yuga. All your fatigue and impatience
would disappear if you feel the morning breeze of blossoming bliss of God Almighty. Your most loving Mother, Nirmala |
5/27/1976 | | Sahajayoga Baddal Sarvanna Sangayche, Responsibility of Sahaja Yoga | India | Mumbai | null | null | VERIFIED | null | VERIFIED | Y | N | N | Talk to Sahaja Yogis | Marathi | 38 | Sahajyoga Sahajyoga Baddal Sarvanna Sangayche Mumbai 27-05-1976 [English translation from Marathi] One Sahaj yogi said
on Sahaj Yoga that “Mataji, you make first summit and then make the foundation. First you make our summit.” And this is really
true. That means for entrancement (Samadhi) whatever people have done till now, hard work etc.etc. yoga , hat yoga, raja yoga
whatever they have done , means among them some true and some false, all this together, whatever those people have done or
achieved, is like Dravidi Paranayam or even more cumbersome that that. To correct this it will need a thick compendium. For
example the book on Patanjali Yoga shastra (scripture) is itself so large. Of course it is one of them. There are many other old
scriptures(shastras) written to guide people how to achieve spirituality and how to grow spiritually and attain heights. There are
quite a few ancient sacred writings (puranas) that have been written. But among them some are true and some are false, some
are scams and some simply stupidity. The reason for all this is that the seekers were basically blind. But while seeking they
found the truth, they became enlightened. After enlightenment, they took a position that, we have achieved all this in blindness
so everyone should seek it the same way or they will get it the same way. It is right. From their perspective it is right. It is like this.
A person who always travels in bullock cart cannot imagine what it is to travel in aeroplane. However hard he may try, how can
he imagine? It is quite similar in Sahaj Yoga too. While seeking spirituality, people tortured their limbs, stood on their heads for
years, practised breathing and contemplated , for them it is very difficult to even imagine that in Sahaj Yoga how can Shri Mataji,
just on fingertips raises people to that higher levels of spirituality. If people feel dismayed, no need to feel bad about it. They
proclaimed that there are three types of Samadhi (state of oneness with Divine). Of these, the first one they say. All of them say,
not me, at first there is Salokhya (harmony- Union) Samadhi. In this state, people have visions. Now how can you see? You see.
Means you can actually see Shri Ganesha. As you proceed you see Kundalini. Beyond that you see the deity of Shri Vishnu and
Lakshmiji. It is true that one who attains Salokhya Samadhi, he sees all this. Two days back I told you that a man was walking
placing his legs on two ladders with great efforts. Its not ladder, its more like walls. His one leg is on one wall and other on the
second wall. And during this process, he can see what is in between. But he does not exist in between. Meaning you are not part
of the thing you see. A person can see this building from outside. But if you are inside the building then how can you see the
building? Then as you climb up with great efforts, you reach a stage , reach a state when you are utterly exhausted and collapse.
And after you collapse there, you feel as if you are very close to them. At this point you are in Samipya (Nearness, proximity)
Samadhi. Means you feel that Shri Krishna is standing next to you. Sometimes you feel that Radha is here. Sometimes you see
that Shri Sai Baba is sitting in person. But still you are not there where they are. In Samipya state also, you are not there where
they all are. So you think that they came to us and they (the Gods) did our work. Made dung cakes for us. Shri Vitthal made. It’s
true, not false. But you have not reached Lord Vitthala’s heart; you have not seen the beauty of it. So what’s the big deal about
making dung cakes? What is so special? But that time the need of the hour was to make the dung cakes and understand that he
made it. That time the condition was not such to give place in heart. You had the visions, agreed. Visions were necessary. If HE
would not have appeared that time in front of people, they would not have faith in God. Hence the visions were shown. Those
days are over and times have changed. And what should happen now? The Human should achieve Tadatmya (congruence,
oneness with God). If he is not able to achieve Tadatmya, then his complete faith in God is shaken. He should believe that there
is an entity called God. So there are visions. Agree. In Salokhya Samadhi and Samipya Samadhi, one feels a special type of
consciousness. But in both, he does not progress. He will see from the same place where he was. First he could not see, now he
can see. Earlier he could not feel, now he feels. But he cannot progress from within, cannot evolve. So now the question is how
the evolution will take place. This can be achieved with Tadatmya (Congruence, oneness with God). This is the third state. In this
you should achieve Tadatmya (the state of oneness). Now what is the meaning of Tadatmya? Tadatmya means all those
incarnations which manifest these powers should be construed as elements of God or I will call them aspects of God. So the one
you see in the form of Shri Vishnu, Shri Ganesha or Christ, they are all forms activating the power of God or giving outlet to that
Power. But if you are accommodated in that Power itself, you become one with the Power (Tadatmya). If you become the Power
then you achieve Tadatmya. All God Goddesses are the activating forces of that Nirvikar, Nirakar (Faultless, Formless) Power.
The all pervading Power is encompassed in all of these. Thus we can say that the Infinite has become Finite. Means limitless
has become limited. Such a person is called as avatar (the incarnation). But whatever boundless power they have, I would like to
immerse you in that. I would like to make you one with this power. To amalgamate you with this ocean of power is Sahaj Yoga.
There are several methods made by people for this. From time to time people found out these methods. Some were effective
some were not. The first method devised for this consisted of worshipping all deities by describing them and pleasing them. To
stay awake chanting mantras, to awaken them by mantras. To please them. Praise them. Deities love praises is what people
believe. They did what came to their mind, they praised HIM. That time, due to their ignorance or say due to their limited
knowledge or as they did not have any sense to know about worshipping HIM, God did not mind their unauthorized way of
remembering HIM. And after many incarnations on this earth, they gave realization to some people, but very few. And then these
people later on started giving realization to others. We can say that this all started with Parshurama. When Parshurama was
incarnated it was the beginning of individual spirituality. People started learning spirituality by going individually to the forest. But
Parshurama was incarnation. And with Parshurama Shri Adiguru Dattatreya had also many incarnations. But due to Shri
Dattatreya’s collaboration in Shri Parshurama’s incarnation, one in crores or lakhs used to get his realization. And after this, he
also used to sit in the forest. He was next to the incarnation. People used to get cured by going to him in case of need. They
thought he is a saint, we should pay our respects to him. One or two significant achievements of these individuals were that in
whichever stone they found vibrations, they gave divinity to that stone, built temples. As we say this is Lord Ganesha, this is
Ashtavinayaka, these are real things. But these were identified by the very few people who had achieved realization. They said
that they are here. They started worshipping them and later built temples there. Some big Gurus also existed, really Big. They
thought that we should give something to the common man. They spoke about things out there and we are here. Some people
became their disciples and they made their disciples. But in this process what was true was lost and unwanted things started.
The truth is that, by surrendering to HIM in total devotion one should remember HIM. One should ask HIM “Please give me your
blessings means your love and let me be one with you (Tadrup)”. This is what you should beseech of Him and not that give job to
my son. Thus human gradually became very materialistic. As he became materialistic he related God with two things. How and
where don’t know. I know one of these but don’t know about the other. Where and when he related. First he related God with sex.
But there is no relation between God and sex, not at all. Still they related. The reason was that some people decided that Shri
Ganesha is Kundalini. One saw only the trunk of Ganapati and said that it is the form of Kundalini. Because it is on sex that’s why
they related it to sex. Many people say that Kundalini is in the skandha (shoulder) but she is not there at all. See it with your own
eyes. I will show it to you here. It has no relation to Skandha (shoulder). Shri Ganesha is situated here. But because of the early
misunderstandings, they related God with sex. My God, such a big mistake. Should I call it mistake or a colossal mistake I don’t
know? They might have committed this mistake in their naivety. But now see the result of that. To assess the effect I am going
to write a big article. In short once you relate that with sex, then came the Tantriks, Mantriks(false gurus ). After that another type
of people….. Today I heard a new thing. Whenever a new daughter-in-law comes home she must first go to the religious head’s
(maharaj) place. What should we call these people? In the name of God, these adulterous affairs. To relate adultery with God,
only human being can think like this. Not even an animal can think this way. Don’t know if a Human being’s head is fixed upside
down. While God had fixed it the right way but see how you are using it in a wrong way. They have related adultery with God.
They even said that Ashwamedha YAgnya (Holy fire ceremony or hawan) is also an expression of sex. Shiva and Parvati too are
an expression of sex. It is something similar to what is said that a man who gets blind in the month of rainy season would see
everything green. It’s like that. It is like the mind that is all thoughts in your head revolve around the same thing. Fine. So now that
everything is done, Shiva Parvati also done. This way you have brought all spiritual things on the plain of sex. And still people talk
openly about it. Aren’t they ashamed of it? They print it in the news paper too. They know that Kundalini is on Muladhara Chakra.
She is sitting there. Now what should I say? You place your Mother on sex. Some sense you fools. Do you have any respect for
motherhood? This is one colossal stupidity. And I don’t know from where the other connotation came. And that is linking of God
with monetary matters. This is very strange of humans. Really strange. God has not created money. You created. Money did not
exist earlier in the world. How can money be connected to God? Really humans have a great brain, very special. They are hell
bent on doing business. Everybody desires mansions, automobiles. There are such religious beliefs in the world that whatever
you offer to your guru, the same you will get in return and what is that pleasure? If you offer him women, the guru marries French
or English women and you will get them in your next birth. Then you weigh these gurus in diamonds and pearls. Now you don’t
know if you can measure them even in brass. These types of things are going on openly everywhere and no one has any
objection to that. It should have some reason or rhyme. If I say something about those gurus, people say why you are criticizing
our gurus. These gurus do not deserve any respect. They are so uncouth that I cannot even desire to beat them with shoes. You
call such people your guru and if I say that these gurus should be thrown in the sea, you get upset with me. They destroyed your
Kundalinis and they have thrown you in hell for life. But they are still being praised. Keep praising them. These are money thieves,
womanizers and alcoholics. It seems that one guru (religious head) had come and a woman was massaging his feet while he
was drinking alcohol. She does not have any sense. She is in a big position and very educated. But she does not have sense that
he is drinking and she is massaging his feet. And if you surrender to him, are you not sure to get hell? Is this a brain or what?
How can they not think? How can they be so stupid. This is one side. Now it has started even in temples. Keep Lord Ganesha’s
idol in the temple and commit all sorts of filthy things before him. He is like an eternal child. Don’t you even dare to say any
obscene words in front of HIM. And when you do all base things before him, he gets furious. Then you say we will punish
ourselves. Keep on doing our sacrifices. However upset HE may be, we will continue doing filthiness. Then once HE (Shri
Ganesha) goes away from the temple then all types of malpractices start. And they call themselves Tantrik. Don’t have words for
them. But a human being is so stupid that he likes these things and he derives pleasure out of these dirty things. Regarding
money the same thing. If you go to the temple, give the temple priest a rupee and a quarter. There they have kept potbellied
people on hire to worship. Once these people come and take money, then religion is fulfilled. People boast that they have
contributed so many lakhs of rupees. This is done. Then havan and poojan (worship) etc. This has no meaning. Because you
have no right. Not only havan and poojan you have no right even to mention them. So why this havan, poojan. Once you do havan
and poojan then again there is corruption. Therefore in our country many revolutions took place. They call them religious but I
will say these are intellectual revolutions. They said that you need to leave everything and believe in Nirakara (Formless God). So
they established Arya religion etc. In spite of doing all this same stupidity repeats. Only change the name. By changing the coat
does anything change inside? Change is on the outside, inside it is the same. By merely talking about Nirakara (Formless
existence) you cannot imbibe the Nirakara doctrine. Here again money comes first then organizations. But what are you doing?
Has anyone got transformed? You indulge in smuggling like a proper Arya Samaji person; it is quite Ok to indulge in smuggling.
We don’t have any objection. The only thing is that you should not visit the temple. Then you are a true Arya Samaji. You are a
smuggler, right, then no issue. You cut the throat of your brother, never mind. We will support you. We will fight the case for you,
no problem. You beat your mother-in-law, that’s fine. You can do whatever you want. You do only one thing, don’t go to temple.
Agreed? Fantastic. When one gets license to do all these things then why shouldn’t you become an Arya Samaji? On one side you
become religious, you get a certificate. You belong to a club. Arya Samaj club. Fine. Then even if you do smuggling never mind.
Doing filthiness, never mind. If women do not have self respect and shame, never mind. Only you need to give donations and
money to gurus. In this was they have portrayed a very beautiful image of religion to the world. And to see this God must be
aghast and must be thinking why I have created these monkeys. In spite of my hard work, where have I brought these monkeys?
Why they don’t have any brains, why they are so naïve about religion. So, this is one type. After this a wave came, all
fundamentalists saying science science science. They are trying to bring even God in science. Why are you pulling the creator of
science in all this? Whether it is science or each particle of this world, everything is at His feet. Then people say show us God. To
show you God, what are your achievements? Who are you? You belong to science fraternity, right? Then for you atomic bombs,
hydrogen bombs etc. are ready. Stand trembling in front of them. Why you want to see God and why should God present himself
before you. If you have faith in God then surrender before HIM. If you are so proud of science then God will not appear before you
at all. He is not at your beck and call. Even if you believe or otherwise, whatever that is eternal or perpetual, is it going to end?
You will get destroyed, not God. You are not doing any favour to God by having faith in him. Then we are stupid fools. What if you
have faith, He exists in reality. Who made all these in the universe, the planets, the sun, the earth and you and me? And sir, who
are you to appreciate HIM? . This is nothing but man’s arrogance, really. Every person has ego larger than Himalaya. Now these
are excellent fruits grown in Kaliyuga. You only decide. Now Sahaj Yoga. In this situation had I put you in spirituality, then would
any one of you stayed back? Think about it. In that people hit you on the head by tongs, then they hang you upside down, then
they smoke you up from below. And if you survive this ordeal, this is the state? I do not wish this. You are my children however
spoilt or bad you are still mine. Your behavior is because of ignorance. There is no cure other than showering love. With this
thought, I came in this world and so I am showering love on you. And I have made you ready to accept this love. You should give
this love a special place within you and make yourself beautiful. And you should distribute this love to others as well. You should
splurge these pearls of love everywhere and everyone should benefit from this. You will not appreciate the value of the
unattainable things that you would get. Just ask the people who are struggling. They will tell you. They are still struggling,
breaking their limbs. They know they are sitting on the shore but you still go to them. Again going down. So just sit tight. I have
placed you at the summit. You have received all that needs to be in one single bundle. You just sit there. Sitting there you keep
on giving other people what is flowing inside you. We must understand that nobody keeps a lighted lamp at the base of the
temple. It is kept at the top of the temple as it can guide people from the top. If I have lighted your lamps then they are for
guidance, to overcome the darkness. To brighten the path of the people who are struggling. They are not to be wasted. Definitely
not to burn houses of others. But Sahaj Yoga does not need a big circus. Everyone says that Mataji, you have very little publicity.
Let it be. Slowly the publicity of these people will diminish. As it is coming right in the open. The reason is people are seeing
everything and realizing it. People will come gradually. But these people have failed; you need to work on them later. To tell you
frankly, I am just fed up. There is so much stupidity in the world that if I tell someone not to go to that person, he is ready to
assault me. So there is a big responsibility on you. The important thing is that each of you must openly tell people, without
hesitation. You should not be afraid to express. Use my name. You would meet these hypocrites in the temples. And wherever
you see these types of gurus you should depart only after hitting them with shoes. You should tell them then and there that you
hypocrites go away from here, and ask questions. Today there is a useless program in Bharatiya Vidyabhawan. 15-20 people
should go there. And ask what are you doing here? What will you gain by doing this? Will you benefit from this? So many of your
chakras have been affected, what you are telling us. You will send all these people to mental asylum. Unless everyone starts
questioning this way, this movement will not commence. In your home, to people in your neighborhood you must say clearly,
listen, we are your relatives and we will not let you get into filth. We will not let you be destroyed. Each individual must decide and
tell others because you have experience and you are knowledgeable. This is the way sparks are generated and brightness is
created. This is how tasks are accomplished. But you all say we have received it. How can we say? Sahaj Yoga does not work
this way. Only I shouting won’t work. All of you must speak. Wherever you see such people, tell them, you are thief and corrupt.
This is your responsibility. This is the responsibility of all Sahaj Yogis. If any of your relatives approaches such dirty and fraud
individuals then you should not eat food at their place. You should ostracize him. Your Nabhi will catch if you have food there. I
will not do anything but your Nabhi will catch. Go and have food there. “How can we say no Mataji, they are our relatives. Some
close, some related through cousin, mother-in-law etc.” When three of your close relatives come together, then you go there.
These are your true relatives who are sitting here. These are your brothers, these are your sisters. Other than these, who do not
follow Sahaj Yoga, are not yours. Keep this in mind. People who belong to the kingdom of God should not have food at such
fraudulent people’s place. We also have some self respect and should protect our dignity. You should not bow down to any Tom
Dick and Harry. Tell them fearlessly about Sahaj Yoga. They propagate their beliefs, these liars. Then why can’t you speak being
so many of you. In Sahaj Yoga human being becomes very soft. It should not be like that. When needed you should be able to
wield a sword or a bouquet of lotus with equal ease. This is the characteristics of Sahaj Yoga. Wherever needed you should be
able to wield the sword as you have done it earlier. In the past you have fought with swords and have also worshipped by
offering lotuses. Hence those who have come to Sahaj Yoga should not relinquish their bravery. What is wrong is wrong, hundred
times wrong. You should not do it and should not allow others to do it. Until and unless this is done Sahaj Yoga will not reach its
ultimate goal. There is so much truth in Sahaj Yoga. Despite Sahaj Yoga fetching quick results, it is blossoming very slowly.
Because you are not propagating it fervently. Each of you must think what one could do for Sahaj Yoga. How can we propagate
it. If you have ten neighbours, invite them for food , tea. Then have discourse on Sahaj Yoga. Get started. No issues. People
should know what Sahaj Yoga is. This is not a simple thing. Sahaj Yogi is a special type of citizen. He is a special type of
creature. Like Shri Ganesha, he is Almighty. No need to tell anything to Shri Ganesha. This is why we call HIM the boisterous
potbellied one. Need to tell HIM, stop, stop, where are you going? You are made like him. It is a pity that the sadhus wonder what
Mataji is doing. What has she started? I have invoked Ganesh Chaturthi for all. Be like Shri Ganesha. He is not afraid of anybody
in the world. He stands for truth. He defends the truth fearlessly. Draw out a list of people whom you know and heard about. Next
time I wish to see more people joining us. Now, next program is on Saturday at Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan. Bring people along.
Scout for a couple of days to find such people and on Saturday evening bring them all to Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan. Perhaps we
will not have any more programs and this may be the last one. We shall have a program at Matunga on Monday. It will be good if
you come there. All of you should come. But Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan program will be for Sahaj Yogis and in Matunga I will speak
on other things as these people have not yet received self realization. Now what should we do for Sahaj Yoga? By merely asking
God, HE will give you several ideas on what should be done. What should be done? If you wish to progress what needs to be
done? And see the fun. What else one would like to achieve in this world. Eat the same vegetables and chapatti daily and then die
leaving some inheritance for kids after you. Beyond this have you got anything in this stereotyped life? But due to Sahaj Yoga you
become such a person that even soil can become fragrant. Wherever you touch your feet, fragrance will flow. You have such
powerful magic in you. Make full use of it. Do not waste even a single moment. Earning, money will continue. What more can you
do about it? What significant achievement you have made by earning. In general, you should lead a satisfied life. Whatever we
got O Lord, is more than enough. With a satisfied mind, one should lead a content life. Satisfaction is the crown of Sahaj Yoga.
Living in content, we need to pay attention to lead a very pious life. First of all, lying, cheating, stealing, hurting others and
speaking rudely with others should be stopped. One should pay attention to oneself. If you have committed a mistake, you
should ask forgiveness from God. You should have an intrinsic beauty. You should not have a ghostlike appearance. Maintain
cleanliness. It should be pleasant and beautiful in your home everywhere. There must be beauty in your speech as well. While
behaving or doing any work you should be graceful. You should be honest and no need to take special efforts. No need to shout.
With a balanced outlook of life one should objectively witness drama around you. If you achieve this you have achieved Sahaj
Yoga. Your life will change totally. Your values your priorities will change entirely and you will have a different matrix. The
complete table will change. Once this happens all unnecessary things with no value will drop off. Now look at this small incident.
“Our glass vessel was with you. But you have not returned it.” Now consider this which is very common with ladies in
Maharashtra.” What to say about them?” then this goes to the temple.” Your vessel was with them but they have not yet
returned.” “We have returned it”. Then they tell this to a third person. Means instead of wasting your life in discussing such stupid
things, you should put an end to it. One should have a little generosity, a little big heartedness. Without these things there will be
no prestige for Sahaj Yoga. Its glory should be seen on your faces. You have seen even the fruits become glorified with
vibrations. Then how much glory should the human beings acquire. If such person gets delicious food or not, gets good clothes
or not, is still sitting in satisfaction, then it surely have an impact on others. These other people will say that we saw one person
and he is real saint! But when it comes to injustice, when someone stands against God with false allegations, then he draws his
sword and at that time you should not be afraid at all. You should not disturb your attention due to such useless things because
you have offered your attention at the lotus feet of God. And He has showered on us the nector which is flowing from His lotus
feet. We are flooded( floating) in it. So we will not waste our attention on such nasty things. So stand in glory and self respect.
We will again meet on Saturday and these people are thinking of making arrangements for pooja. If you have any questions then
please ask. And then let us meditate for some time. | null | null | null | Sahajyoga Sahajyoga Baddal Sarvanna Sangayche Mumbai 27-05-1976 [English translation from Marathi] One Sahaj yogi said
on Sahaj Yoga that “Mataji, you make first summit and then make the foundation. First you make our summit.” And this is really
true. That means for entrancement (Samadhi) whatever people have done till now, hard work etc.etc. yoga , hat yoga, raja yoga
whatever they have done , means among them some true and some false, all this together, whatever those people have done or
achieved, is like Dravidi Paranayam or even more cumbersome that that. To correct this it will need a thick compendium. For
example the book on Patanjali Yoga shastra (scripture) is itself so large. Of course it is one of them. There are many other old
scriptures(shastras) written to guide people how to achieve spirituality and how to grow spiritually and attain heights. There are
quite a few ancient sacred writings (puranas) that have been written. But among them some are true and some are false, some
are scams and some simply stupidity. The reason for all this is that the seekers were basically blind. But while seeking they
found the truth, they became enlightened. After enlightenment, they took a position that, we have achieved all this in blindness
so everyone should seek it the same way or they will get it the same way. It is right. From their perspective it is right. It is like this.
A person who always travels in bullock cart cannot imagine what it is to travel in aeroplane. However hard he may try, how can
he imagine? It is quite similar in Sahaj Yoga too. While seeking spirituality, people tortured their limbs, stood on their heads for
years, practised breathing and contemplated , for them it is very difficult to even imagine that in Sahaj Yoga how can Shri Mataji,
just on fingertips raises people to that higher levels of spirituality. If people feel dismayed, no need to feel bad about it. They
proclaimed that there are three types of Samadhi (state of oneness with Divine). Of these, the first one they say. All of them say,
not me, at first there is Salokhya (harmony- Union) Samadhi. In this state, people have visions. Now how can you see? You see.
Means you can actually see Shri Ganesha. As you proceed you see Kundalini. Beyond that you see the deity of Shri Vishnu and
Lakshmiji. It is true that one who attains Salokhya Samadhi, he sees all this. Two days back I told you that a man was walking
placing his legs on two ladders with great efforts. Its not ladder, its more like walls. His one leg is on one wall and other on the
second wall. And during this process, he can see what is in between. But he does not exist in between. Meaning you are not part
of the thing you see. A person can see this building from outside. But if you are inside the building then how can you see the
building? Then as you climb up with great efforts, you reach a stage , reach a state when you are utterly exhausted and collapse.
And after you collapse there, you feel as if you are very close to them. At this point you are in Samipya (Nearness, proximity)
Samadhi. Means you feel that Shri Krishna is standing next to you. Sometimes you feel that Radha is here. Sometimes you see
that Shri Sai Baba is sitting in person. But still you are not there where they are. In Samipya state also, you are not there where
they all are. So you think that they came to us and they (the Gods) did our work. Made dung cakes for us. Shri Vitthal made. It’s
true, not false. But you have not reached Lord Vitthala’s heart; you have not seen the beauty of it. So what’s the big deal about
making dung cakes? What is so special? But that time the need of the hour was to make the dung cakes and understand that he
made it. That time the condition was not such to give place in heart. You had the visions, agreed. Visions were necessary. If HE
would not have appeared that time in front of people, they would not have faith in God. Hence the visions were shown. Those
days are over and times have changed. And what should happen now? The Human should achieve Tadatmya (congruence,
oneness with God). If he is not able to achieve Tadatmya, then his complete faith in God is shaken. He should believe that there
is an entity called God. So there are visions. Agree. In Salokhya Samadhi and Samipya Samadhi, one feels a special type of
consciousness. But in both, he does not progress. He will see from the same place where he was. First he could not see, now he
can see. Earlier he could not feel, now he feels. But he cannot progress from within, cannot evolve. So now the question is how
the evolution will take place. This can be achieved with Tadatmya (Congruence, oneness with God). This is the third state. In this
you should achieve Tadatmya (the state of oneness). Now what is the meaning of Tadatmya? Tadatmya means all those
incarnations which manifest these powers should be construed as elements of God or I will call them aspects of God. So the one
you see in the form of Shri Vishnu, Shri Ganesha or Christ, they are all forms activating the power of God or giving outlet to that
Power. But if you are accommodated in that Power itself, you become one with the Power (Tadatmya). If you become the Power
then you achieve Tadatmya. All God Goddesses are the activating forces of that Nirvikar, Nirakar (Faultless, Formless) Power.
The all pervading Power is encompassed in all of these. Thus we can say that the Infinite has become Finite. Means limitless
has become limited. Such a person is called as avatar (the incarnation). But whatever boundless power they have, I would like to
immerse you in that. I would like to make you one with this power. To amalgamate you with this ocean of power is Sahaj Yoga.
There are several methods made by people for this. From time to time people found out these methods. Some were effective
some were not. The first method devised for this consisted of worshipping all deities by describing them and pleasing them. To
stay awake chanting mantras, to awaken them by mantras. To please them. Praise them. Deities love praises is what people
believe. They did what came to their mind, they praised HIM. That time, due to their ignorance or say due to their limited
knowledge or as they did not have any sense to know about worshipping HIM, God did not mind their unauthorized way of
remembering HIM. And after many incarnations on this earth, they gave realization to some people, but very few. And then these
people later on started giving realization to others. We can say that this all started with Parshurama. When Parshurama was
incarnated it was the beginning of individual spirituality. People started learning spirituality by going individually to the forest. But
Parshurama was incarnation. And with Parshurama Shri Adiguru Dattatreya had also many incarnations. But due to Shri
Dattatreya’s collaboration in Shri Parshurama’s incarnation, one in crores or lakhs used to get his realization. And after this, he
also used to sit in the forest. He was next to the incarnation. People used to get cured by going to him in case of need. They
thought he is a saint, we should pay our respects to him. One or two significant achievements of these individuals were that in
whichever stone they found vibrations, they gave divinity to that stone, built temples. As we say this is Lord Ganesha, this is
Ashtavinayaka, these are real things. But these were identified by the very few people who had achieved realization. They said
that they are here. They started worshipping them and later built temples there. Some big Gurus also existed, really Big. They
thought that we should give something to the common man. They spoke about things out there and we are here. Some people
became their disciples and they made their disciples. But in this process what was true was lost and unwanted things started.
The truth is that, by surrendering to HIM in total devotion one should remember HIM. One should ask HIM “Please give me your
blessings means your love and let me be one with you (Tadrup)”. This is what you should beseech of Him and not that give job to
my son. Thus human gradually became very materialistic. As he became materialistic he related God with two things. How and
where don’t know. I know one of these but don’t know about the other. Where and when he related. First he related God with sex.
But there is no relation between God and sex, not at all. Still they related. The reason was that some people decided that Shri
Ganesha is Kundalini. One saw only the trunk of Ganapati and said that it is the form of Kundalini. Because it is on sex that’s why
they related it to sex. Many people say that Kundalini is in the skandha (shoulder) but she is not there at all. See it with your own
eyes. I will show it to you here. It has no relation to Skandha (shoulder). Shri Ganesha is situated here. But because of the early
misunderstandings, they related God with sex. My God, such a big mistake. Should I call it mistake or a colossal mistake I don’t
know? They might have committed this mistake in their naivety. But now see the result of that. To assess the effect I am going
to write a big article. In short once you relate that with sex, then came the Tantriks, Mantriks(false gurus ). After that another type
of people….. Today I heard a new thing. Whenever a new daughter-in-law comes home she must first go to the religious head’s
(maharaj) place. What should we call these people? In the name of God, these adulterous affairs. To relate adultery with God,
only human being can think like this. Not even an animal can think this way. Don’t know if a Human being’s head is fixed upside
down. While God had fixed it the right way but see how you are using it in a wrong way. They have related adultery with God.
They even said that Ashwamedha YAgnya (Holy fire ceremony or hawan) is also an expression of sex. Shiva and Parvati too are
an expression of sex. It is something similar to what is said that a man who gets blind in the month of rainy season would see
everything green. It’s like that. It is like the mind that is all thoughts in your head revolve around the same thing. Fine. So now that
everything is done, Shiva Parvati also done. This way you have brought all spiritual things on the plain of sex. And still people talk
openly about it. Aren’t they ashamed of it? They print it in the news paper too. They know that Kundalini is on Muladhara Chakra.
She is sitting there. Now what should I say? You place your Mother on sex. Some sense you fools. Do you have any respect for
motherhood? This is one colossal stupidity. And I don’t know from where the other connotation came. And that is linking of God
with monetary matters. This is very strange of humans. Really strange. God has not created money. You created. Money did not
exist earlier in the world. How can money be connected to God? Really humans have a great brain, very special. They are hell
bent on doing business. Everybody desires mansions, automobiles. There are such religious beliefs in the world that whatever
you offer to your guru, the same you will get in return and what is that pleasure? If you offer him women, the guru marries French
or English women and you will get them in your next birth. Then you weigh these gurus in diamonds and pearls. Now you don’t
know if you can measure them even in brass. These types of things are going on openly everywhere and no one has any
objection to that. It should have some reason or rhyme. If I say something about those gurus, people say why you are criticizing
our gurus. These gurus do not deserve any respect. They are so uncouth that I cannot even desire to beat them with shoes. You
call such people your guru and if I say that these gurus should be thrown in the sea, you get upset with me. They destroyed your
Kundalinis and they have thrown you in hell for life. But they are still being praised. Keep praising them. These are money thieves,
womanizers and alcoholics. It seems that one guru (religious head) had come and a woman was massaging his feet while he
was drinking alcohol. She does not have any sense. She is in a big position and very educated. But she does not have sense that
he is drinking and she is massaging his feet. And if you surrender to him, are you not sure to get hell? Is this a brain or what?
How can they not think? How can they be so stupid. This is one side. Now it has started even in temples. Keep Lord Ganesha’s
idol in the temple and commit all sorts of filthy things before him. He is like an eternal child. Don’t you even dare to say any
obscene words in front of HIM. And when you do all base things before him, he gets furious. Then you say we will punish
ourselves. Keep on doing our sacrifices. However upset HE may be, we will continue doing filthiness. Then once HE (Shri
Ganesha) goes away from the temple then all types of malpractices start. And they call themselves Tantrik. Don’t have words for
them. But a human being is so stupid that he likes these things and he derives pleasure out of these dirty things. Regarding
money the same thing. If you go to the temple, give the temple priest a rupee and a quarter. There they have kept potbellied
people on hire to worship. Once these people come and take money, then religion is fulfilled. People boast that they have
contributed so many lakhs of rupees. This is done. Then havan and poojan (worship) etc. This has no meaning. Because you
have no right. Not only havan and poojan you have no right even to mention them. So why this havan, poojan. Once you do havan
and poojan then again there is corruption. Therefore in our country many revolutions took place. They call them religious but I
will say these are intellectual revolutions. They said that you need to leave everything and believe in Nirakara (Formless God). So
they established Arya religion etc. In spite of doing all this same stupidity repeats. Only change the name. By changing the coat
does anything change inside? Change is on the outside, inside it is the same. By merely talking about Nirakara (Formless
existence) you cannot imbibe the Nirakara doctrine. Here again money comes first then organizations. But what are you doing?
Has anyone got transformed? You indulge in smuggling like a proper Arya Samaji person; it is quite Ok to indulge in smuggling.
We don’t have any objection. The only thing is that you should not visit the temple. Then you are a true Arya Samaji. You are a
smuggler, right, then no issue. You cut the throat of your brother, never mind. We will support you. We will fight the case for you,
no problem. You beat your mother-in-law, that’s fine. You can do whatever you want. You do only one thing, don’t go to temple.
Agreed? Fantastic. When one gets license to do all these things then why shouldn’t you become an Arya Samaji? On one side you
become religious, you get a certificate. You belong to a club. Arya Samaj club. Fine. Then even if you do smuggling never mind.
Doing filthiness, never mind. If women do not have self respect and shame, never mind. Only you need to give donations and
money to gurus. In this was they have portrayed a very beautiful image of religion to the world. And to see this God must be
aghast and must be thinking why I have created these monkeys. In spite of my hard work, where have I brought these monkeys?
Why they don’t have any brains, why they are so naïve about religion. So, this is one type. After this a wave came, all
fundamentalists saying science science science. They are trying to bring even God in science. Why are you pulling the creator of
science in all this? Whether it is science or each particle of this world, everything is at His feet. Then people say show us God. To
show you God, what are your achievements? Who are you? You belong to science fraternity, right? Then for you atomic bombs,
hydrogen bombs etc. are ready. Stand trembling in front of them. Why you want to see God and why should God present himself
before you. If you have faith in God then surrender before HIM. If you are so proud of science then God will not appear before you
at all. He is not at your beck and call. Even if you believe or otherwise, whatever that is eternal or perpetual, is it going to end?
You will get destroyed, not God. You are not doing any favour to God by having faith in him. Then we are stupid fools. What if you
have faith, He exists in reality. Who made all these in the universe, the planets, the sun, the earth and you and me? And sir, who
are you to appreciate HIM? . This is nothing but man’s arrogance, really. Every person has ego larger than Himalaya. Now these
are excellent fruits grown in Kaliyuga. You only decide. Now Sahaj Yoga. In this situation had I put you in spirituality, then would
any one of you stayed back? Think about it. In that people hit you on the head by tongs, then they hang you upside down, then
they smoke you up from below. And if you survive this ordeal, this is the state? I do not wish this. You are my children however
spoilt or bad you are still mine. Your behavior is because of ignorance. There is no cure other than showering love. With this
thought, I came in this world and so I am showering love on you. And I have made you ready to accept this love. You should give
this love a special place within you and make yourself beautiful. And you should distribute this love to others as well. You should
splurge these pearls of love everywhere and everyone should benefit from this. You will not appreciate the value of the
unattainable things that you would get. Just ask the people who are struggling. They will tell you. They are still struggling,
breaking their limbs. They know they are sitting on the shore but you still go to them. Again going down. So just sit tight. I have
placed you at the summit. You have received all that needs to be in one single bundle. You just sit there. Sitting there you keep
on giving other people what is flowing inside you. We must understand that nobody keeps a lighted lamp at the base of the
temple. It is kept at the top of the temple as it can guide people from the top. If I have lighted your lamps then they are for
guidance, to overcome the darkness. To brighten the path of the people who are struggling. They are not to be wasted. Definitely
not to burn houses of others. But Sahaj Yoga does not need a big circus. Everyone says that Mataji, you have very little publicity.
Let it be. Slowly the publicity of these people will diminish. As it is coming right in the open. The reason is people are seeing
everything and realizing it. People will come gradually. But these people have failed; you need to work on them later. To tell you
frankly, I am just fed up. There is so much stupidity in the world that if I tell someone not to go to that person, he is ready to
assault me. So there is a big responsibility on you. The important thing is that each of you must openly tell people, without
hesitation. You should not be afraid to express. Use my name. You would meet these hypocrites in the temples. And wherever
you see these types of gurus you should depart only after hitting them with shoes. You should tell them then and there that you
hypocrites go away from here, and ask questions. Today there is a useless program in Bharatiya Vidyabhawan. 15-20 people
should go there. And ask what are you doing here? What will you gain by doing this? Will you benefit from this? So many of your
chakras have been affected, what you are telling us. You will send all these people to mental asylum. Unless everyone starts
questioning this way, this movement will not commence. In your home, to people in your neighborhood you must say clearly,
listen, we are your relatives and we will not let you get into filth. We will not let you be destroyed. Each individual must decide and
tell others because you have experience and you are knowledgeable. This is the way sparks are generated and brightness is
created. This is how tasks are accomplished. But you all say we have received it. How can we say? Sahaj Yoga does not work
this way. Only I shouting won’t work. All of you must speak. Wherever you see such people, tell them, you are thief and corrupt.
This is your responsibility. This is the responsibility of all Sahaj Yogis. If any of your relatives approaches such dirty and fraud
individuals then you should not eat food at their place. You should ostracize him. Your Nabhi will catch if you have food there. I
will not do anything but your Nabhi will catch. Go and have food there. “How can we say no Mataji, they are our relatives. Some
close, some related through cousin, mother-in-law etc.” When three of your close relatives come together, then you go there.
These are your true relatives who are sitting here. These are your brothers, these are your sisters. Other than these, who do not
follow Sahaj Yoga, are not yours. Keep this in mind. People who belong to the kingdom of God should not have food at such
fraudulent people’s place. We also have some self respect and should protect our dignity. You should not bow down to any Tom
Dick and Harry. Tell them fearlessly about Sahaj Yoga. They propagate their beliefs, these liars. Then why can’t you speak being
so many of you. In Sahaj Yoga human being becomes very soft. It should not be like that. When needed you should be able to
wield a sword or a bouquet of lotus with equal ease. This is the characteristics of Sahaj Yoga. Wherever needed you should be
able to wield the sword as you have done it earlier. In the past you have fought with swords and have also worshipped by
offering lotuses. Hence those who have come to Sahaj Yoga should not relinquish their bravery. What is wrong is wrong, hundred
times wrong. You should not do it and should not allow others to do it. Until and unless this is done Sahaj Yoga will not reach its
ultimate goal. There is so much truth in Sahaj Yoga. Despite Sahaj Yoga fetching quick results, it is blossoming very slowly.
Because you are not propagating it fervently. Each of you must think what one could do for Sahaj Yoga. How can we propagate
it. If you have ten neighbours, invite them for food , tea. Then have discourse on Sahaj Yoga. Get started. No issues. People
should know what Sahaj Yoga is. This is not a simple thing. Sahaj Yogi is a special type of citizen. He is a special type of
creature. Like Shri Ganesha, he is Almighty. No need to tell anything to Shri Ganesha. This is why we call HIM the boisterous
potbellied one. Need to tell HIM, stop, stop, where are you going? You are made like him. It is a pity that the sadhus wonder what
Mataji is doing. What has she started? I have invoked Ganesh Chaturthi for all. Be like Shri Ganesha. He is not afraid of anybody
in the world. He stands for truth. He defends the truth fearlessly. Draw out a list of people whom you know and heard about. Next
time I wish to see more people joining us. Now, next program is on Saturday at Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan. Bring people along.
Scout for a couple of days to find such people and on Saturday evening bring them all to Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan. Perhaps we
will not have any more programs and this may be the last one. We shall have a program at Matunga on Monday. It will be good if
you come there. All of you should come. But Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan program will be for Sahaj Yogis and in Matunga I will speak
on other things as these people have not yet received self realization. Now what should we do for Sahaj Yoga? By merely asking
God, HE will give you several ideas on what should be done. What should be done? If you wish to progress what needs to be
done? And see the fun. What else one would like to achieve in this world. Eat the same vegetables and chapatti daily and then die
leaving some inheritance for kids after you. Beyond this have you got anything in this stereotyped life? But due to Sahaj Yoga you
become such a person that even soil can become fragrant. Wherever you touch your feet, fragrance will flow. You have such
powerful magic in you. Make full use of it. Do not waste even a single moment. Earning, money will continue. What more can you
do about it? What significant achievement you have made by earning. In general, you should lead a satisfied life. Whatever we
got O Lord, is more than enough. With a satisfied mind, one should lead a content life. Satisfaction is the crown of Sahaj Yoga.
Living in content, we need to pay attention to lead a very pious life. First of all, lying, cheating, stealing, hurting others and
speaking rudely with others should be stopped. One should pay attention to oneself. If you have committed a mistake, you
should ask forgiveness from God. You should have an intrinsic beauty. You should not have a ghostlike appearance. Maintain
cleanliness. It should be pleasant and beautiful in your home everywhere. There must be beauty in your speech as well. While
behaving or doing any work you should be graceful. You should be honest and no need to take special efforts. No need to shout.
With a balanced outlook of life one should objectively witness drama around you. If you achieve this you have achieved Sahaj
Yoga. Your life will change totally. Your values your priorities will change entirely and you will have a different matrix. The
complete table will change. Once this happens all unnecessary things with no value will drop off. Now look at this small incident.
“Our glass vessel was with you. But you have not returned it.” Now consider this which is very common with ladies in
Maharashtra.” What to say about them?” then this goes to the temple.” Your vessel was with them but they have not yet
returned.” “We have returned it”. Then they tell this to a third person. Means instead of wasting your life in discussing such stupid
things, you should put an end to it. One should have a little generosity, a little big heartedness. Without these things there will be
no prestige for Sahaj Yoga. Its glory should be seen on your faces. You have seen even the fruits become glorified with
vibrations. Then how much glory should the human beings acquire. If such person gets delicious food or not, gets good clothes
or not, is still sitting in satisfaction, then it surely have an impact on others. These other people will say that we saw one person
and he is real saint! But when it comes to injustice, when someone stands against God with false allegations, then he draws his
sword and at that time you should not be afraid at all. You should not disturb your attention due to such useless things because
you have offered your attention at the lotus feet of God. And He has showered on us the nector which is flowing from His lotus
feet. We are flooded( floating) in it. So we will not waste our attention on such nasty things. So stand in glory and self respect.
We will again meet on Saturday and these people are thinking of making arrangements for pooja. If you have any questions then
please ask. And then let us meditate for some time. |
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